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1969-10-01 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
-· ----------- .-............ au-se.s 0 .......... -:"-•"''~' the .Dri:v.ing . to . ... ------ Leave Ifs • WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER I, 1969 For .Orgy ID City Busi> VOL. •L NO. 2U.. saCTION5. '' ...... ,, , l(ids -·won't Learn · Sex-Parents Will ~ ·u.s. Gives . ~AA Copter ' €~ash Facts SpKlal to dtt. DAILY PILOT Improper recoodltioning of a vital rotor ciirnponent had a direct bearing on the J;df Angeles Airwayl'i helicopter crash which killed a Costa Mesa pilot, the LAA ~sldent's O\\·n grandson and 20 other persons 14 months <1go. ;n e announcem~ the Nation~! 'Ihilsportalion !safety B o a r d 1n Washington D.C. Tue5day put thi s blame nit the manufacturer in the Compton piayground tragedy . findings by the federal panel are what \Va~ expected by observers at a tw<Hlay hearing la~t Decembe r in Marina del Ji.ev, during \vhich te.'llimony indicated fatlU,.. to perform a \'it.al metal·l{)llghen· irg step. "It's pretty much \\'ha t \\'e had surmi~:. l':d too," ~aid th e wjdow of Capt. Kennel l\ M. \Vaggoncr. 31 31 Pierce Ave., Costa Mesa, "'ho wa~ the man al the controls .j\~en Flig ht 41 7 crashed. General A~~used ~ Nixon Ro·le Admitted Lt. Col. \Villlam George, an Army~·n 1estigator appearing before a Senate investigations subcommittee. ccuses now, retired Maj. Gen. \\iilliam Cunningham 111 of brushing ff disclosures of massive thefts and rakeoffs from service clubs o U.S. Army base~ in Germany. /S ee story, Page 4). • \' ., ~ \ ' ..•. · ' . •, Wnite ,House Concedes Part in Berer'Case .. .' -I •I WASKINGTON (AP\ -Tiie whit. Houae .Clm<iwledged bel>tedl~, r ihat Presidfnt Ni:,Son wu involV ·in ·irvents th~t prompted the dropping · · criminal CbarJu q'ainst 11ix Grttn Beret officers -accUHd of·,murderlOK.a V.tetnamese. _ ••· But prw secretary Ronald L. Ziegler fnslsttd that the Anny 111cted on it! own in deckllng·ao.drOp the charges.Monday. Ziegler had s~d on Tuesday that to th~ best of his knowledge the PresMient had not pirtlclpated Jn u»e decis ion. TtR!ay·he conceded that theft was !Orne in- * * * volftrnent. By ZlegJer'r ~o.count Rlcl!ard HeJp>a: director .ol tht Central lnt<Ulg.,.,. 1igen- cy. mAde a decision tha t, jp me· interest of natlohal 11eCUtity, 113 .enpklyts would· not be .pennHted io·~ify at the planned courll mllJ'.lial •'Ol''the M!ny Special Forces..m(!il. ··n(e Presklent approved lhe deciaion.·• said iie8:Jec. The: press secret.icy said Ole Army made Its move after being in- ·formed of ·the Nixon·approved CIA decision. 1{, Anny did nol seek Nixon'• okay for it.., iiction but did· inform the White Hoose that the charges would be·dropped, Ziegler said. Asked Whether anyone-at the Whitt! }louse reviewed in advance Secretary ol the Anny·"Stanley· R. Re!Klr's Monday an.o- nouncement, be said, "to my knowledg~ we did not." · He also said that no one at Uie WJUt~ House "e~erted persuasfon'' on the CIA or the Pentagon while the mattei-wa.s un- der consideration. . -K·rr·?""-· "r-1:·"'""~'~'"'B'. -~c"'--·"n~~~. ·-~ .. ,,, ... ~ ... -... ~ .. ~··c,-~ 1 •ng o .agent eac i uex L,ourse uet ·· Denied by Former Chief of Berets -But .For P«rents Only TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE (AP) -The former Green Ber.,et oommander in By RUl)J NIEDZIEUKI or <Xlndemned the course. · Of'" DM~ 1'1• ,,.,, As 1n pasl meetings, the sex: opponents Vittnam said today he. didn't know the Parenta Jn the Huritin. gton Beach Union ed th th · u ed v· ..i-·bJ t ""-lid were more organiz an e1r couni-a eg ~tnamese uvu e ·•1en '""'" ~ Hlgh School Dlltriet will soon have the er parts. often reading from prepardl: seven o~ his men were ac.~ of killing opportunity to enroll in a family life and statements. 1 • , , and derutd the.re b_ad been such a allying. se:it: educition course. H ••-• ..!.. · "Th t 1 " eo·1 R-~ B · · · -ere are. 80tne of· l.I~ COOllllenls .,.ioe ti s correct, · UL!'EI• • Tilclr children worft. trustees received from both ·Irides on· the ·-'fhe crash -second in a lhree·month penoo for tbc Los Angeies·and-Ora_nge ~ commuter line -occurred Aug. 11;· lllill, when a rotor blade spindle ap- Parentty snapped due to metal latigue. .._ · 1'•~Y In Marjna del Rey_ last year lndicAJ,ed the splnCUe .wtuch snapped, causiDg ·S2 de8.ths, ~-1 criHcal step \vben..recoodWpned;s;z_......_ µtlier by W Ward. -nus· ·?-. -..... llllttllll ckc'M~'!!J,Y~,!.t..a ·~-'"--"'Jilli ...... Ille '-• -··by""'n ... ..i...i sc=.....:.taut11•·c.. . . • klllin g. distnct trustees Tuesd!ly night. e . 1ng a Robe.rt Stutt: This COUr!e is ·moral. ay · confe rence ff he denied there nad been a . . . nd. - the SlkonQ DlvilliQ.-'UiilieCI AircrafL Co ' tkM: • . lr.?' .tep-:was shot:·~n&. ln which -t~ me\11 ~ • bombardld at tremen-~r. tpee4: ·by thousands of tiny steel lfjheres, wbk!h hardens f;be·. component llflor 1o its being ni<kel plated. :_.\ crack caused by stresses far below ttle design strength or the steel began to divelop and was. increa.i. by ,tllousands of lo•d ~before ·ll broke 'ofter 7,380 '"""' of ·•~tlli boord ....: 'Th• l'epO!I conunues;r "It tt _btlleved t,hlrt' this crack w111s l.rge -ah to .llii''ddeded during the ••• lnspeetlon tftit Wu CODducted at the c~.rori'ER. Pllt ti P.iior sAL~TEs ' SKI FAI-R TODAY The ski cro\vd 11' hea<nng for the Corona de.I Mar hills Friday and Saturday, N9pe, they don 't expect snow. They just · want to be at Fashion Island fqr th~ ~hoppjpg ccnter"s Second Annual Ski Fair. r.· The DAILY PILOT salutes the show "-·ith a 8peclal JS-page tablOid Sf!Ction in- 11irle today. It features article.~ /)bout. lhc ii.kL.sho\\•_ar:ea .. akLclubJ aod the success "tory of one of the world's best known. ski makers. Re!d it before you hE>ad for t~ hills either to ski or to see the Ski P'air. If ~ "No," he said when asked if ht ~ year-long f~ over the emotionally anti·religious, 111li-family, anti-mani. .,. known the per9-0n a newtman de9Crlbed du•rged topic. . •. it su~ unreatrai,,ed relationahi~ SF -Pr' obe.s Use for Se· ... F'il· -., .... "•ll•ged dead man." "l'lte··-to .. tabUah • night ·Cla6& maslurballOc llllil.lomicaUon six to elgljl ""' ·rt• Rheault. 43. also was asked If ·he ''.for pe~Ls who 8" not ~ulpped to ,ye~ before ma~age. : 1hought "lhe Vietnamese who waa lrilled teach se1 education 1t home was made Richard B. Wilson : I fee1 a real ,Tfom Wire Services SAN.-FRANC!Sro --tlly officials. afler dilige,Uy reviewlna: the facts, have ordered an Investigation into the: sup- porting role of a municipal bus in a sex: film. Municipal Railway 1utborltlt1 disclosed Tuesday Bus Z603 did~ indeed, play a pro- minent role...,in the· fllmjl'll of "Seat of Passion: P.n of Pleasutt." Ph1ice vice.squad members. who view. f'rl. fue film several times before lillzing it in a raid at a theater last week, 1&id a woung min and a young woman aplored all ramifka.Uons Of sex in botlJ, aeJt,ings. Officials said a man .narne.1 Terry Sullivan JeUed· the bus'i rom ~City ·*" .June. He paid ·$60 for four 'hOuts u~ of the vehicle and especially .r~uested a driver "who will be rtla1ed jn hit• un· der.<:ta nding of what we are doirlg." >' The job went le> George Martensen, ''Mun i Man of the Month " in July, lg&,1. Officials said the young couple, a camera crew and several exlras boarded the bull at the Presidio Theater. fl.-fartensen said he kept hl8 eyes up front. avoided the rear-view mirror •nd managed to stay a little relaxed. He said ht! '"noted-no 1rnproprieties." \Vhat the officials were try~ng to find out was why Martensen didn't ~now ~·hat was going cm in the bus he wa, drivlns . The three viewers -Jafnea L~naid. assistant ~ the ·general m&naaer:-J0hn D. Crowley, ·deput y,· ·general mana1er ; and ThOmu ·ClllTan, •• 11·1·t.a n t superintendent·.:._ said tlay weri utlsfied Martensen hadn't looked back .. -was &·elo6e··t>OMUoel -elJy.Of-~~~bJ .Qr •. ~Bl;uer:andw.~Jly>..a :f~F 1re~ib~ity _on. ?LU' .part ~. ~~cll Thieu" and "Do you think this might ta one margh1. It allo killed the posS1b1~1-children the responSlblhty they t:ake dn have resulted in the ca5e being brou9ht ty of a student sex education cour.se In them~Jves, I urge that a committee t.o against you?" the near future. , , lSee SEX COURSE, Pap 2) "There was no conclusive evidence that "It's quite appartnl that this b the Individual was ever killed and tllt!re is basically a s\apid· idea." eharpd Trattee certallily no lndicaUon anywhere 1hat die Joseph Rlbal, who. cast. the :<f\ssenling Mart~11;11en, a bus driver for 20 years, alleged victim w111s connected with Prest-vote. "We -already have· such a course has neve r taken Na eye• off the road Jong dent 1J'ieu ln ·any way," the colonel said.· ava ilable· at GoWen Wtet Collep •. 'ttaia. is enough to hav'e an accident and Curran Rhtault and sir of the seven other an·obvk:lus effort to kill ·ihi• course. declared · "He'a 1 pretty reliable' man." Green Beret.I involved in the case "The board is act.lo& in a faahim which • · l't!tumed to the United States from V.tet-Js romphtelJ trresponsibt~ In tennB ~ . . . ..... , .. ~.,:, · •.• il:'" :n!Ylt~~ ....... ~orn&. :base . ...,,~~,. ·tbe111e&b'm.o1·~parsrt1.~'..· .-. · . M '' ;.M-· '•. FJiT';·-" · '' P'l'tn<!llCO-Utidaj Ofter the Army drop. Yet . ......,. the eaUmaled 4SO who rS: ll'leJ.I' · . e8 ped murder diaiges agalnot them: gatherod ot· the lluntinllon 8eodt Higl\ ~y headed for their homes 1hortl1 School aucthoelum to· wttnel\t the debl\e, T T _ . An eJ after the plane set down and an Army the parent. :....._., the Jii'opoted ~ 0 LU8 , g eS .,.ti,anao said all. woofd pt · 3lklaJ clearJr -..bored am · out<lel'Pf<d . · Jeavesi ' "thole In fam of tt . NEW YORK CUP!) -:i.r .. u -,,,, colonel ••id he believed .. the It> 'l't\tMee JOltn . ~ who ·- Goldi' Meir concluded a three-day visit to cldent "would better be 'fcrgotttn •• '.llO qniet mirtnf·moct-OI 'Ile ....unc. maty,.. Jon'1 aa people remember tbat",we were -ett·the lltmtkin thlaty: New York today an.er a gala dinner am lit e~onerated ... He acted 11 spokesman lor "QWtl a btt Gf IUJIPort t. ~ lbow1l ml1Stum lreMUm from tht Middle East UK Olben during: 8! ltvert-~•semoe ·tir thll'pi'ocPam ·t:oldlN. bat ft WIM'l and under the boughs of a IUklah. wllh newsmen here after. a Otght. from enough.;~ . . Following a hmcheon with executives Vietnam a~rd a.chamred jetlinerM ••rV. ,had: "tt ~, '° ti.re "'1lb thla (lf !he three maw broadcast networks, brought 311 eersons here. eo1.ine,.. lameftted Alan . Kennedy; ·• ,.. . t .. Wlio wu·held ol a...--bt- Mrs. Meir new 1o· Lot Angelea on an El ~leek lli•rle;!•• -m11tlil tn de&iplllC JIM _.. Al Jet. . , -. · · . ·~· ·.~l'ft: ..... c...,·a.~ .. ~· Tbe .u_.,;.,..,.._"'°'_ -t ...... w .. • • ""6tfll:" '(tt)£i fy.'1,!~;.!_t i ,.,I . ~f .e ~I ; .(. . .Ji i. .. -~-·--11>lo< . ,UUUKT, ··~, ... 'I •.......... ":r . N!W"·-y~1.A,~U·\· . . Oh ... .M.!&C'IJ4Ji.~A ... :-.. •~1t ls mivect ':it the ,, point tn -1"t.tvtuea c:elebrat1n1 Mrs. a llr.oad "°"' In slow tradin1 t after. .....,..,_. qoceo - fl.feir's visit to this city with the world'• nood as dec:llnts paced by H'VCJ'al Wue ,rass )"(IOU level." latgest Jew~ Jiopulatton. It al!o w&.'I ch!pi. es1'nded their &ead OTer ac1v1nbu Belf:lre: m~lnc their de.<:l1;on tbll f}ve ~ ol the mOat expensive dinners clvca by nearly 300 iuuea. (Ste quot.ltionl, trusteel llltfttd. ttttntlvely to 11 '*"le by. the city to bonor a 1tai. 1U01t. Pagea :J0.11), Crom the audience wlto ellhfr 111pported ' ' Orange Thursday's foggy morning skies ,wul ove:•ay early to fafr weather and. IUIJlb:i~, kttpin( the temper· ature in the middle 70'1. INSmE TODAY. · lf yo"'re hoping to get a· .scholcirship for college, thtr~ ·4n tllree important-th ings 11ou m;v.st d(l. Joyce Lein dilCUl&f!I 'tMm in Cqre.erCorner,·~e JS. • f r ~ • \ .. , I . ........................................... ------------------------~~~~~~~~-----\ 2 DAil Y P!L01" _ s Chamber Grills· Aldrich on Action·s at Irvine By TllO~tAS FORTUNE 01 tt.. O•llY 1'1111 Slt ll Ap, SOS lealkr, black sLudtnts and fl4g loWeilngli were the thln~s ?ltwporf Harbor Chamber or Comml'rce mem~rs ask~ about v.•hen 1JC lr\•ine ChRnccllor .Dank!I G. Aldrich Jr. addre.ssed them at• a breakh1st mtt1.iti1 today. The tbnc of lhe question11 indi cated Aldr ich i.s a man In the public eyt , and he ·was called upon to defend and justify his . .actions. Of IPOSt interest to questioners ~·as his 1pproval o( SOS l!!ader htichael Krisman. , 27. as C~din1tor of Acadtmlt Advising. Dr. Aldrich &aid he knows there are peopje1 "APC a .few 1 am mif)dful," who oppole the kl-lsma li appointmtnl. fie said, "I am no more interested In set>!ng Otis institution come tumblin,r down around me or something happen to Utls coontry-&han you ar.." He said ~ belleres the :iame goes for most of the SOS l!ltudtnts on the Jrvi ae campus. Aldrich said Krisinan as a studt'nt ~·ould be identified as an ac1i1'isl. "thf're is no question about it .'' But he .said !hC Top Secret Mirage 2 Russia11 s Sl1ot T1·yit1g To Steal Jet it1 Leba11on B!lft.U1' (UPI ) -A i OVe mment lipokesma11 said today Lebanese police \\'ounded 111·0 Russians and a disgraced Ubanese Air Force pilot in a gunbattle that foiled their attempt to steal a F rom Puge 1 COPTER ... l11l overhaul of the spindle." "II is not known ""·hy the crack was not di!leCted." The spindle V.'hich failed had been in service only six week s after that final trip to the Sikorsky pl ant at Stratford. Con.'\., and the shot-peening ha d :;pecifically been requested hy the.airline . Tr.e NTSB further states that due to it" unique expertise in lhe field , the finn ehese not lo foll ow the instructlons of L . .\A and the manufac1urer·s 011·n stan- dJ rd procedure. "It must be concluded that llus omission had a direct bearing on the ac- cident," the NTSB report concludes. During the to.farina del Rt}' testiinony, a Sikorsky plant employe told the· panel thJt lhe critical part v•hith failed ap- peared lo ha\'C been shot.peened already. Consequ<>ntly it 1va~ sent on for nickrl- plaUng, filr weaker !han it !>hould h<t\'C beer:. ~!rs. \\'aggoner, whose 33-ycar-old hu s- ban~ died in th e cra1>h, told the DAILY JJILOT afler being notified of !he nt.ws Tuesclay that her attorney has had his 01\-n ln,·esligalor on the case. She !-aid he is an expert who fonner!y \<.Orkcd for the F'edcr<il Aviation Arlmini slralion and is ext re 1n ~I y J.;nowledgt'eble in the field . ""Sikor~ky lried lo get him first, in l:ict,'' lhc pilot"~ 11·idow adde-d. . Among the vit·tfms killed \•:hen L1\A Flight 417 los t one of it.s live blades and , felt lo earth like a crippled blrd was :: Christopher Belinn. 14, grandson of the -· .airline'!> pre~1dent, Clarence Belinn. ' •: Only· tl1ree 1nonths before the craft -. f!.Jwn by ('apt. \\.'aj;goncr plunged into , ~ Pop Leuders' Perk in Coinpton, another • ~·en! out of control over Par<1mounl and • tumbled do1\"n into a d;iiry }ard. The earher accident killed 23 per:;onc:, l:icluding the pilot, Capt. J11 ck Du]ie~. of 6442 Govin Circle, J-luntington .&l'lreh, in lhP Sl'~nd \\'orst commercial helicopter cr:i~h Jn U.S. history. Bo!h Sikor5ky S6l L heli cnpters ~'ere nn th,, Disne}land-to-LAls Angele~ lnterna- li onn1 Air[)(lrt run whe n they crashed, ap- poirrntly due to mechani c.al failure in each ti•~e '.'Jr determ1netlon ha~ been .announc,,d ~rt t>y !he :\"TSR lor 11har caused Capl. Oup1es' he.licopter -,1·hich \\as seen to alm0st st.op, then "·obble before falling - In 110 down. Hi jack Deba te Asked t;:'-:I TED NATION S it:Pll -The Nrtherlanrl" a~ked loda~· that 1he Genrral A~se1nllly 1trhatP air hij;ick1ng and ta ke sl.epr; t.o insure !';Jiety of plane passengt-ri; .11nd guaran1 ee punishment of aerial pirates , Frenc h-bu ilt f\.fira ge jct th•t hu out- ~elched Russia's best planes in Mideast air duels. The plane is the f\.1irage lll·E which pcrfom1ed ;o;o brilliantly in the 1967 i.lx· day \1·ar tha t not a single one. \\•as lost in dogfighls wi!h Soviet t-.1/G 21 s. It is con· sidered top secret although France has sold 1hen1 to 10 nations. tA French avi ation source in Pa ris said i;evera l Arab countrie11 would "gh'e a fortune'' for a Mirage 111-E. But he \\'ould not comment on whether Soviet engineers were trying IG obtain the plane to assess lhe high kill ralios IsreeUs have n1ain- lained over the supersonic MIG 21s.) The Russians accused of plotting U1e theft 1vcre identified as Alexander Khomlakov, first secretary of the Soviet Embasl'iy in Bei rut, and Vladimir \"asilvev . Both \1·ere 1rounded .and 1Yere held ·under close gllard at a mi lita ry hospital. The Ubanese pilot 11·as Hassa n Bada11·a 11110 \\•as cashiered from the Lebanese Air Force five years ago on a bad conduct cha rge. 1'he Hussi ans apparently planned to pay the pilot ~202,5QU. The gunbattle broke out Tuesd<1y .niilht 1vhen the po licemen and a soldier bursl into an ap<1r!mtnt near the Soviet Embassy. The two Russi 11ns \\"l're wound- ed along 11Hh lhe two Lebanese. There 1\·as no "'ord on their condition. A 1niliti1ry comn1unique said the n.uss!ans plotted \\'ilh Bedaw i to hijack the r.tirage but ga ve no indiclion ~·here they planned to fly the plane. It would be only a few minutf'S night lo pro-Soviet S)Tia and only slightly longer to Egypt. Sen ate Group Delays H earing Ou llaynsl~orth 'i\"ASHrNGTO~ IAP) -The Senate Judiciary Committee I.Oday postponrd un· Iii ne;\:l \\'Celt, .at the earliest, a vote on President Nixon"s nomination ()f J udge Clement F. Hayn:i,,orth lo lhe Supr eme Court. Sen . Birch Seyh rO-lnd.), charging that he \1as getting a ''runaround" in efforts to check on Hayns~·orth "s financial record!'. said the committee acted after I •·hea!C'd C\C'hange.'' Bayh ~aid the eomtnittM' put off a \"Oil' on the request of Sen. Strom Thurmond jR-S.CJ. one of Hiaynswort.h "s strongcttt backers Of\ lhe comm itttt. Thurmonr! lhus used up lhf' o~wel'k dr!ay !hat ordinarily can be granted under con1millet. rules only once . B<lyh anr! other membtrs of the commi!ttt. ho11·~\·er, said 1hat another del3 y 11·a5 still possible. In ~n im pro1npru nell"s corJerenc e outside the committee hearing room, Bayh said Lhat he and his slaff and the c.·ommittee ha\•e been getting the •·n1naround"' in effort.s lo obtain fu!l records of ll aynswort.h 's stock and re al estate transactions from 1957 to th e present. t.lungs Krisman 1v11s concerned about - student partlclpatlon in government , the qu&li~y of , teaching -are ltgjliinate tl'llngs for a student to be active about "~fike ls not one tu sin1ply ;un1p up :ind do~·n and make noise," he sald. "l a1n sathflcd he has prodllced a beller can1- pu~ for his in1·oh'ement." Aldrich s<i 1d a goal for Uie can11)t1s from lh e beginning hlis been fa culty responsivene!is to students, nol jusl un acadt'mic matters bllt as hun1lln being.~. lie said it was appropriate to .'.lppo111t "one of our o\\'n 1rho knew about !his cl- fort and has worked at ii " The. t·hancellor was asked Ir SDS •tud8ALS are w!llin& to ~USS and debate iss ues. "In so far as the llkcs of t\Ukc. Kr lsrnan ;i re co nce rned t11e ansv.•er is ·yes'.'' he sai d. "But there are always lhose 11•ho rlon 't know much about a11ytlung and like to make a Jot of nc.ise. '' He was asked if Krisma n has re- nounced his SOS (Students for a IJen1ocn1tic Society) n1embt.r ship. '·He is nnt a n1cmhrr or SOS . He hRs never paid 1lu es to the orsanization," said the chancellor. U•I l llt PhO!t APOLLO 12 ASTRONAUTS REHEARSE MOON WALK Al1n Bean (right) He lps Charl11 Con rad to His Feet Finesse , Distarice Added For Next U.S. Moon Walk (,\PE Kl!:NNEDV, Fla. (AP) -The Apollo 12 astronauts may stroll morr than half a mile from !heir moon landing craft next month . Also. thf'.1' pl an lo coll ect roc ks 11i1l1 l11r greater scientific tin('~C than Neil A Armstrong and Edwin t:. AW!rin ,Jr., \1·erc able to t>mploy on mankind's first lunar scavenger hunt. Apollo 12 Comn1andt r Charles Conrad r;:tll'S chances as ··50.51)"' lhat he will be ;;ible to !and close enough lo an unmanned Sur1·ryor spacecraft now on the moon's Ocean of Storms so th.at he and .astronaut Alan I~. Bean can bring pieces o! it back Lo earth. Al! this Wf.!i revealed in ;in impro1npt11 pre~s briefln Q:-JJy Navy C1ndr. Conrad Brass Burg lary BU.l Bung led A bungling Lflguna Beach burgl;ir - \\ h11 apparently harl enou;:h bra ss for a J";ri11ks Jnb -boitched his at1en1pt to f1l cl1 ~ teh~1 1!..1011 set during bus1nt>.i:'\ hour.~ T11t>~ay morning. Let> \\"oridall al Glenneyre Furn1turt, :110 Glenneyrl', reported that a bii;:. beant- ed man about 30 picked up the .~et and left the store. Pf)llce said \\'orsdall yelled and 1he thief set the tele1ision on the sidewalk and fled . ;ind Lt. Cmdr. Bean Tuesday following a rlre:is reh earsal of their moon walk . J\leanwhi!e, the thi rd Apollo 1 2 Astronaut -Navy Cmdr. Richard F. (;ordon Jr. -helped crews al the lannch ond y,·!th a countdown rehearsal test for lhe scheduled Nov. 14 liftoff. Gordon \\'ill remain in moon orbit in the Apollo 12 command ship "'hile Conrad Lind Bean spend some 31 hours on the ~urface, including seven hours Olltside the lunar module landing craft. r.-lission rules will let the h\'O cre11mcn \ranuer J,000 fert. or about f\1·0 thirds of a mile, to visit the Surveyor. Th~ir emergency o:-.-ygcn supply. need- ed if their main backpacks fail. has t•nough oxygen to keep them alive 15 to 20 ininutes. A color television camera that can beam Jive COl"erage of their lunar ac· tivities to earth has been built and '"if 1t ran be fl!ght qualified in ti1ne. \\'ill be :iboard," Conrad said. The moonmen plan 'o make tn·o ex- 1 urs!ons outside the \anrling cr;ift. each lasting ahout :P,i hour~ and separated by ;111 t'ight-hour rest f)('rl [)ll DAIL\ ~ILOI Playhouse Bor11 > • . •• N•WJ19ff..... "• ....... ..... i.,. ...... It .... tit. .... ., --CALltlOlfrU.t. O~MCi l (CIA~l l>WB~llHIWO (.0"""'"1-1'1' ~olit•t N. Wet.I r tu lleM ""' l'~bt!Mltt J1tl1 11. c~.t•v Vl~t ,.,,....,,, '"' Cie~''t' Ml~lttt Th-•• k11Yif £•1 .. Tho11110 A. M•?hi~• ""41-lrtt (f\ ... """" , (111lt IM .. : l ltO *HI SW lf'rNf ,._'1 """" 1'11 """' ............... Lt -..... ~, 1'1 ,_ti A- H...,!lnl!M ~ •• tlJI ....... Nei v Theater Opens in Laguna 8.\' TO~f TITUS 01 IM 0.llf ,tt.1 ... H The. journey took more than seven years, but the Laauna Community Players finally reached the tnd of their personal rainbow Tuesday niihl. As ;;a M!lrrhlia;ht swept prou dly across the Laguna sky, announcing the official birlh of the Laguna·f\.1oulton Plsyhou!ll, first ni3httr1 filed into the mammoth, 351).!elt audlt.oriwn of the lara;el!lt corn· munity theater in Orange Cbunty. Th!t production wh ich •~·ailed them , lhc \Veit Coal! premiere of Robert AnderJOn's "I Never San& for My Father," 14•a5 equal to the occasion -1 ttndcr, moving drama of 1 man's lnntr ~-lrug,le lo express a lo1'e he did not fkl for his 11ged father CSte rel'lew, Pare 27 ). thon life. approach. It 1vas an e'·eninc to remember for th!' thousands of citizens who eont rtbuted their· time. money and art!5tlc talent.~ towe rd a ~01netlmes elusive goal. r-.1o~t especially \\'Orthy of recognltlon \\'as t-.1r8. lewis ~loulton. the 9(1.year-old benefA C· lr<'S!l \Yho~e $100,000 donRtion all but in- !ured the reali11tlon of Laguna's fondest drtam. The $500.000 cost does nol include !ht' land, ~·hJch WBl!I dona ted by the Ci ty O( L:iau na Beach. Funds lor the new playhouse \\'ere raised almost entirely by Individual contribution.~. \\'Ith the city and 1he Irvine Foundation ;11so lending a financial ha nd. Tbe result is a lri,000-squart'·fnot. air conditioned playhou5e where cornforl and visib ility are paramount. No seat is n1ore than 40 feet from lilt stage, and ~eating 11 on 1r1dueted le vtls with .carh 5eat over a. foot hlahcr than the one In rront of it. 199 .SO I ~9.SO He also defend~d Krisman's trip to <"on,munist Cuba. Aldril'h said Kr isman told him he "'ent to Cuba because of his 1nt.erecit in Lailn Ameri~an hi1tory. which ht Mp.a "t& pursue ne1t year at Yale graduate school. He was acoompanied on the .trtp by Ulree La tin American history gftdpate students. The tllip is not illeaal. Aklrich main· taJ.Did. Jt Is unauthorized by the Stale Department but he said, 1 UCl,.A prQ- feuor went to court over It and got his P~port "back on the principle a cl ti.ten of this country la tree IQ travel t 'rom Po9e 1 SEX COURSE •• furLILl'r stutly the course be constituted <il lh1~ tinie. l\lrs. Bernard Gage : The course e1nphasizes imrnora!ity. Rrligion and ethics are treated in a derogatory man- ner. W. D. West: This course approves con· flict with every scgincnl of society, in- cluding the church. Sallie Cartwright. If 11•e attempl teaching sex education withoul moral values, we are COLl1ling disa1ter. Pauline Moen : I don 'l believe that the majority of f11n1ilics have faile d l ln teaching sex education ), and it is neithrr right nor just 1hat a'I i;hou!d be maligned because of the failllrc of a fe1v. Rev. Jan1es De Lange : \Ve clergymen arc very n1uch a'.l'are of lhe. need for rlJ~ponsible ramily life and sex education for children and adults. IL is our ~X· pt"rience !ha t this education is not taking place to an adequate degree in many hotncs. It A. Harrison : \\'hat are you arraid of"! Arc you afraid that your children will learn soinething you do n't know? I was raised in ignorance. f'.'ow we're. trying to keep our kiQs from lrarning it. Dr. Joseph ~laslrapaolo: 1'his lscic C'ducalionl rnateri:il can be cons!ructi,·e <ind inoffensive( \\'hy a,ren "t the materials in !his course~ Rev. flobcrt Larsen · I ain fa1orably i1npressed hy the rnorality anr! directness of this district. I ain not afraid of the progra1n. Marry Boggs . Some of this material is l;\) bad it \\'OUld make an Ar1ny sergeanl blush. Rev. Dana lla11•ks: I feel that Lhi~ pro- poi:i:d cour~c is a quality piece of 11·ork. Constance Bl.:incha rrl : ~ex ~houlrt ha,·e a mystique aOOut it and a sense of privaca). Stc1·c Hadland : \\"r> need th is coorse In br ing up the n1oral standard.$ of our country. Jan Jones: F'ear breeds ignorance and Jt;norancc breeds fear. H also IJree~s unwanted chlldren. J ucl ge Orclel's Groppi to Court r.tAOTSON, \\"is. IVPI ) -A J lJti~e t~ day ordered the rl.ev. James E. Groppi, leader of welfare dn1onstrators who took ol'er the \Visconsin Assembly chambe-r! this ~·ee k , lo return to l\.lil~·aukee and ap· pear befor~ him. Judge F. Rynn Dully issued a bench \\'arra nt in ?\-1i!waukee for Groppi to sp- pear "to determine the slatus of his pro- bation" on charges of resisting arrest during a civil rights de1nonstration two years ago .. "He has a six·montJi J.<11! lenn hanging over his head," Duffy said of Uie Roman Ga!holic pries!. Duffy said Groppi "\\"l!l c11l1er be pick- ed up or produced before me ·· J S0.00 l!0.00 l\ri5man did not rt~nter this country de1·ious\y bul Cante through customs i!\ New York and told them where. he had been. Aldrich :said. His passport was not revoked. Aldrich told about the camp~· SJ)tCial minority students ad mis1lons 'program anJ its effort IQ employ n1inority perlOns on the st.alf. He \\'as asked if minority students hio becum~ active le1ders of tlfsSent. · Aldrich said he haan't seen it tu.ppe:n yet but it is aomelhlna he'U ba\•e to watch out for. "Pt raons ln&ertsted in agitation might be inte reatid in ·.ex- p\oiUng 1ho.se who have a cause," he 1akf. Bllt he said as far as he 11 concerrttd the blacks and t\1exican·Amerfcans air goal oriented and seen1 lo want only \\'h•l !he 14·hite.s ha ve He was asked his 1 ersion of the flag Incident !ast spring. He snid the cainpus U.S. l'lag Initially was half-masted on his order when he 1vas told !\\'O students had hfen killed at Berkeley. Ile revealed fer the first tiroe that Student Body President Ronald Ridgl e had put it to him, "Would you for once chance llor do something s im~y be<:ause 1 a!!k you to?" ·· Later it ~·as lea rned thal only one person had been kil)ed and that he Wll!! not a student. Aldrich canceled the hzNJ- sleff order, and Ridgle called him in Was!Ungton. D. C., to a[)(llogize for giv ing him wrong information. So1ne stud ents then look it upon themselves to relo11•er the Flag and 11 11·ect up and down for a couple of daY._5. Aldrich, in another fii:-st time revelation about the incidt!nt last sprlne. said-he co'Jld ha ve h11d two campus policemen :;I.and guarcl at the flagpole but they both 11·ere former ~larlnes \\'ho had spent !heir Jh·cs defending lhe Flag. :- '"If I had put them there studeiit_, would have harassed them arid it seemed the wrong thing to do," the chancellor said. Instead he told them to "put the. Fl~g up 11·he11e1·er you ~e: it do\\·n but go about Y?tJr business." ~l ean11•hilc, he \\"Orked \~Ith the students "lo knock it off" and succeeded, "Son1e other of the Unirersity cam- puses flew the Flag half-masL for .:t nion~h as ~fit \1as a general tragedy,'' Aldnch s:a11t. "I said lo mysell 'This is hypocrilieal.' " Nixon Slashes By l-laJf Funds For J)focl el Ci ti es - - \\",\Sllli\GTON (AP) -The Nixon aff- 1nln1sl r<Jt 1on h:1s ;;l:isl1ed $215 n1illion fron1 !he tl1odcl Cities progrJni _ a. tl p~rcent rut in funds for rchabilit.atirig some of the nation·s 11·orst urban sl ums. T~ \Vh itc Hou;;e 1\•ill allow only $.10il mill ion inslead of the ~51J n11ll1un that had bten ticketrd in April to move-at le:isl 60 r-.1odel C1!1cs projects from the planning stage to progra1n gran ts dufing the current fi scal year ending next JlJne Ju. Although Congress set up Ilic program in 1966. this is Lhe first year for jm. pleinenling tJ1e plans to attack au -tl1e t'auses or poverty 11-·1Lh1n a slum area through one integrated prograin. The ~loclel C!lies cutback. springin;: from Prcsident"s ordrr of $3.S billion in go1·emment-~·1de budget rcduction5 to light inflat iorir•as disclosed by Nath11uirl ,/. Eli;eman , director of the Budge t Of/ice at th(' Dl·parlmcnt of Housing and Urban De1·elopn1ent. 1 here arP a Iota! of 150 cnm1nunities in 4j ttates, the Dtslrict of Columbi a fi nd Pl1e rto Rico participating in 11'\c progr~in. 199 .50 39 9.50 ! . • ' . Directed by playhouse artistic director John Feriacca, the show \\"I S an Jm- presstve opener for an imprtsslve tht1l1r, one which c1rr!e.s a half mllUon dollar price tag. For the Andl!rlOn dr11m1. the expansive, 106-toot-wldt st•ae was put to aood use. with the acuon 1l~tchlng from one end to J.h• other . Space staging, with sceilu chat1ged by a ,·a ~t battery "of llQhl~. was utlllz.td throughout 1h1! production, b1eked by ~nmc lustrous shdt. and motion picture effects on 11n enotmous, Clnema.scoPt·slz- ed r~.t1 scree.n to \,e;p convey the larger Among the proudest Lagunans :it Tuesday's openina: were Irma Nofz.i~cr. pl8yhQUllC general manager, and (;l'of· trey JUker. president or the playtw11~e bo.ird of directors . Sadly mlt8ing 1rerr Biii S&lyer, playhouse treasurer. end Frederic f\.lcCoMtll. pht.\'hou~c de~i"n consu llant. nrilht:r o( whon1 lil"ed lo see lh~lr dream m11teri11lizc. CONVENIENT TERMS J.C. fiiunp /..rieJ ' Jeweler~ 16ll NEWPORT BOUlEVARD ll YEA RS SAM<, lOCA TION .PHONE 5•8·3'40 I BANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE COSTA MESA • . . • • f I s I I I c I i ' • l i ' I l I • ., ....... Huntington Beaeh Todaf'• Final N.Y. Stocks • . , .... Y'Or. ~2. NO. 235, ;i SECTIONS, 76 PAGES CAlt'r P ILOT Pholo br T1rry Covlllo Cont1•ove1·sy Chu1111eled City officials arc invcst:igating charges by some re~idents that this open storin drain along Slater Avenue be t\veen (;olden \Ve st Street and Springdale Avenue in Huntington Beach is a hazard to health and safet.y. Homeowners would like storm drain placed underground, but c~ty officials say that would be too expensive. Supervisors Agree to Hold J:dison P1~oposal Hearing By T·O!'wf BARLEY Of tk D•ilr Piiot 11111 Fout reluctant Orange C o u n t y iupervisor~ agreed Tuesday lo back Supervisor Robert Battin's motion tllat they preside Oct. 22 over public hear ing lnto tile Southern California Edison Com· pany's plans for a $179 tnillion expansion of Jt:! Huntington Beach plant. It will put the J)O\\'er company's plan~ in .the spotlight for the seeond time. in six dJ11ys. For Ed ison officials and ant1-s~og qp'porient.s of the po.,vcr plant: rrvamp!ng are expected to clash Oct. 16 1n a heanng before Huntington Beach City Council. .:.l inanimous but gnidging hoard en- d6N:emcnt of Battin's motion followed the MlpetviSQl''s cha rges that "failure to ap- ~ove will lend credence !.o cha rge_;; that ~ have already approved the Ed1s_vn frojtcl" -a direct reference to a claun Beach T eac1te rs To Dernnnd P(ly Increase Revie1v Teachers rf.'present11tivcs V.'il\ insi~t _(In a. reyiew of the Huntington Beach Union Higb·&hool District's inco~ before a aalat;.boolt is accepted. 'Iblf; wis the wurd today from. C~rl Mauiem~ president of the District ~tori Associatioh (DEA), ~ n respCirbe to. a two .per cent zalary in- crellt offer for all high school teach~r.s. by \\1i\1iam Fitchen. co unty aif pollution controller, lhat four supervisors sup- ported the Edison plans five months ago at a private meeting. Fitchen made that charge in a con - fidential report that is no longer con- fidtntial. He further urged the supervisors concerned -Battin. Alton E. Allen , \Villi am Phlllips and · chainnan \\1illiam Hirstein -to "review tl1eir posi- tion behind closed door s" .•. and "take a JXISilion of opposing sucl1 expansion." F1lchen told the board in a report re ma rkable for the candor displayed by a r ounty crnploye that he v.•ould deny the Edison applicath)n and that he expected lhe county supervisors to adopt the same attitude. He claimed that the expanded plant, If approved, v.'ould throw 90 tons of pollutants into the county atmosphere f'very d<iy -!he equivalent. hr. states, of the emissions of 180,000 automobiles. Fitehen es1imated that the daily rhscllarge of oxid es of nitrogen into the rriun!y atmosphere is currenlly 147 Ion,<; nf v.·hich 100 ions come from mntnr \.Chiell's and 30 tons lr on1 the Edison plant. He dc~cribed the Edison powe r house as "the largest single stationary .Stnirce or pollution from oxides of nitrogen in the county." Supervisors declined public com ment on I he Fitchen report Tuesday but bolh Hirstein ll!Jd Phillips hurriedly denied that they had at any time endorsed the Edison project. Battin dtnied ;ny such inl.erpretation-of--the meeti111 on his part three days ago. · Battin repeated Tuesday his earlier argument that ;'the luncheon (with Edison officials) was nothing more than a (See EDlSON, Page I) EQITION ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER f, 1969 TEN CENTS Berets Now Deny l(illing Ex-commander Says He Didn't Know Agent TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE (AP) - The former Green Beret commaoder in Vietnam said today he didn't know the alleged Vietnamese double agent he and seven of his men were accused of killing and denied th~re ha.d been such a slaying. "That is correct," Col, Robert B. Rheault declared when .al!iked at a news roriference if he denied there had been a killing. . Ho1neowners Protest Beach Building Edict Protests are mounting .tAJday from owners of allegedly substandard homes ln lluntington Beach who have been hit by "fix-up or tear-down'' orders from city governmenl. The si"x-month-0Jd edict declares that ~uch structures must be brought up to ci- ty building standards or demolished. City building department officials predict even more protests will be heard in the days ahead. Hit by the first block -by-block systematic inspection of old hmms, are homeowners in the 7500 block ' ol Washington Avenue tn the old Win- ten1burg section of the .city, Homes there are from 35 lo 50 yean old and the city claims many cannot meet present-day standards Qf con- struction and safety. "Since the program ~pn moving 111 M8rch about 40 old bulldliigs, residential, rommel'!Tat or industrlal, have been tarn down." said Charle~ Gtrardin, city howi:- inc inspector. "About 3S more wer• brought up .to code." ' Gerardln said of the 3'I ~es on Washington A.venue, ab:U· i& wlll &ave to be demolished, while the~ 15 can be brought up to code speciflcttiorni. "Homeowners wtio feel )My an being treated unjustly may tell their story to the housing Board of Appeals, set up by the ordinance," Building Dlnctor Ollin C. ••Jack'' Cleveland said this morning. "We are rlQt czars." The appeals board conslsta of five citizen members appointed by the council and includes building conlr:actors, plum- bing contractors and realtors. Sfrving on the bo~ are Kenneth Brown. McDonnell-DouglM engineer: Charles Coldst.adt. reaJ Atate broker Md formei" air conditioning contractor: James DeGuelle, glass company owner; Charles Geers, plumbing contractor, and L. R. Peterson, building contractor. Gerardin said other areas throuPK>ut the city are being and will be Inspected In a thorough systematic approach to the old home problem . PILOT SALUTES SKI FAIR TODAY The ~ki crowd is heading for the. Corona de\ ?-.far hills Friday and Saturday. Nope, they don'f expect snow. They just want to be at Fashion lslanrl for the shopping center's Second Annual Ski Fair. 7he DAILY PILOT talvt.. the show with a 11~la1 lf.pqe tabloid aectlon in- side to<iay, It foaturtB arllcltl lll>out the ski show, area 1tl chdJt .and the SUC«SI story of one of the wortd'I· belt· known ski makers. Read it before you hel'ld for the hills either lo akl or lo ,.. the Ski Fair. "No," be said when asked If he had known the person a newsman described as the "alleged dead man ." Rheault, 43, also was asked lf he thought "the Vietnamese who was killed was a close political ally of President Thieu" and "Do you thi~lk this might have resulted in the case being brought a,gatnst you?" "There was no conclusive evidence that the lncUvidual was ever killed and there is certainly no indication anywhere that the alleged victim was connected with Prelli- dent Thieu in any way." the colonel said: Rheault and six or the seven other Green Berets involved in the case returned to the United States from Viet- nam to this California base near San Francisco the day after the Anny drop- ped murder charges against them . They headed for their homes shortly after the plane set down and an Anny iipokesman said all would get 30-day leaves. The rnlontl said he believed the In- cident "would bell.er be forgotten. • .so long as people remember that we were exonerated." He acted as spokesman for the others during 1 seven-minute sess.ioa with newsmen · h~re after a flight from Vietnam aboard a chartered jetliner that brought 219 persons here . DAIL. Y I'll.OT 11•11 ,.... SWEARINJ; IN OF NEW COUNCILMEN BRINGS SOMBER MOMENT TO VALLEY COUNCIL MEETING City Clerk Mary Cole Oot11 th1 Honors for Newcomers Sv1l1t1d, Shenkman, Scott (from lift) Valley Council Chooses Beach Trustees Okay SDS Ban Edward Just New Mayo r -Trmrtees of the Huntmgl<m Beach Un· Ion High School D1 stnct Tuesday passed a resolution agamst. the recognllion of By TERRY COVILLE 01 , ... Dolli')' P'llol 51•+t EdwRrd Jul!'t was se.lected rr.a yor or f'ountain Valley Tuesday night by unanimous vole of his fe!lo\v councilmen. J ohn Harper wa!i elected vice mayor in the 5nme manner, Both incumhent councilmen receive d their posts follov.·ing the installation o{ pew councitmen Geor~e Scott. Ron Shen kman and Bernie Svalstad, victors in Jas1 v.•eek·s recall election . Election rerult~ were first validated by a thrce·m<1n council of Just, Harper and defeated incumbent Joseph Coorreges. The two other defeated coohcilmen. Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger and Donald 1''regeau, failed to appear. Courrege$ re«elved loud applause -u he left·the stage (Tom aa.-ud!enC9 of nearly 31..•0 in the ,community center after Just urged the ovation for "Joe's long service in the city." , After J ust was named mayor he ouUin- ed a vigorous .one-month training pn> gram for the freshmen cou~llmen which incltl<Jes a study sess>on on various aspects of city government each Tuesday r.ight, interviews for a new city attorney thi~ Saturday, a tour ol all the city 's building developments the next Saturday and a lot of homework. "You.men deliberately rought the job.'' Just told them. "now you're on a merry. go ·round that doesn't stop. Congratulations for winning.'' Jui;t also declared tbat, beginning Tuesday night, a new policy would be adopted on the appointment of citizens to the p1annlng or parks and recreation CQmmisslons. "The council, not the ~ayor, will now --make all appointmen"'," he s:aid, ex- plaining a system wl:ttreby each coon- cllman would submit his suggestions and commissioilen1 would be taken from ap- plicants with the hli;rllest number of votes (See MAYOR, Page %) the Students for a Democratic Society (SOS) on any of ils five campuses. The resolution, eDdorsed by the state Boerd of Education, was forwarded to the Huntington Beach ln1stees by Dr. Max Rafferty, state superintendent of public instruction. It cal\s the organization an "enemy of the state" and declares it ··unfit to be recogn ized as a !Jf.udent organization by any California public school or public school district." Only trustee to vote against the resolu· tion was Dr. Joseph Ribal , Stock Markets NEW YORK (AP)-Stocks •li~ped on a broad frClDt ·in slow tradine Jhis after- nc;ion, as declines, paced by several blue chips, extended their lead over advances by nearly 300 issues. (See quotations, Pages 20-21). · The Dow Jones industrial average con- tinued I? drop. ••We want to be certain Uiat we .rec~1v.e a,, •U•e assessment of the di strict. ~ fiMncial condition before. we accept any 5at8ry increase," he said. He added that the board of tnisl~es la st spring cs!ahlishe d su~h a rev1~w Jlanel to WQrk oul a polent1al salary ln· Beach District Decides Orange create from unexpected revenue. . •iWe simply want to follow the pohcy set l1flwn by tbe board," said Manneman. ""' ·Sl.Q'L Scott Flanagan, -however. termid the n o l t o n an ''exercise in futQij,f." . · Hif'MJd 'fhe·money for a two per cent bik•lt already availlble, eliminating the neoCJo·con-. Ille ponel. ·'I'&e pmiel 1'~ ~of one member ~ by the board of truotees, ooe maft' from the DEA and a third man mutbatly agreed upon. . 'The idea of it~ formation 11.•as arrived at lagt spring during hitter wage nego1ia· tions which were climaxed by a teacher ~-ark slowdown and day-long slrikc, Aller it was lrarned Monday that the distrirt received $22S,000 in unexpected Income from ~ate aid plus the possibllily of even more funds made available 'throu~h an increa~ i~ the asse~sed vllluallon, membei's of IJ\e DEA decided lh11 Ult panel should be convened. They'll ask f04" the panel during a meeting scheduled between district ad· tninislralor1 ;nd DEA officials al 9 a.m. l'butsday, Sex Class for Parents-Not Kids By RUDI NIEDZlllLHl ot .... OMIJ """ ''"' Parenti in the Hwitington• Belcb Union High School District will aoon· have Ille opportunity to enroU in a family life and sex education coune. ·n1eir children won't. 1 hat was the decision reached by di,..trict trustees Tuesday night, ending a ye11r-.long fu ror Qvcr the emotionally chrtrged topi c. The motion to establish a night cla.'is "for parentr; who art not equipped to teach sex education at home" was made by Dt. Ralph Bauet and pas'Sed by a four lo one margin. It also kllled lhe possibili- ty of a student sex: education coorse in the ~ar futu re. "'It'll quite apparent that Utls Is ba::;ically ;i stupid idt!l'I," charged Tnislee J()sepb Rlbal, who cast the dissenting ' vote ... We alrtld;r haft tudl a COlD'H available at Golden We1t Collep. Thia ii an obViool effort to kill ttu. c.wne. "'111e board 11 ldlng in • b-which is completely lrrespamibte in tema of the desires of the parent.1..0 Yet among Ule estimated UO who gathered at the Huntinrton Be.ach High Schoo) auditorium to witne!IS the debate, the parents against the propostd course clearly outnumbered and ootclapped those in favor ot tt. Trustee JoM Bentley whft remained quiet during most of tht meeting. analyz.. ed the 1ltuation. thusly: "QuJte a bl;, at 5Upport has been shown for this program tonl#lt, but it wasn't enough." "I've had it up to here with thi!I course." lamented Alan Kennedy . • teacher W'bl> waa held of 1 rommitt.ee ln- 1trumenta1 ln designing 1he c:ourM outline ... I'Ve been called a Communist and 1 coriaelrator and that's enough. This c:oune ia ~ unlesa it ls revived at the srass roota:llevel" · Before making their decision the five t.ruatees llltened attentively to 18 people from th~ audience wbo el~ mpparted or condemned the course. A'a In pasl mtetlng.s, the sex opponents were more organized than their count- erpartll, often readina from prepared statements. lfer• are eome of the comments the trustees received from both sides oo the now-dead 1n: coune for .mdentll: flobert 5'uU : 'Mlis courae ii anti-moral, antl-reJigkJl}s, anU·famlly, anti-marriage • ~ · ~ :it tuQesta unrestrained relltionahips, ~b,ltion-!ornlcatlon'm to •l&ht f'tll'I--~ Richard B. Wiil!Oft: r feel 1 real resp:msiblllty on our part lo teach children the responelbility Ibey tal:e on themselves:. l urge that a committee to further .study the coune bt oorlltlt.uted at I.his time. Mrs. Bernard Gage: Tbe cour1e emphasii.es immorality. ReJJgloa and eth1ca are treated in a d1rog1lory man .. ner. W. 0. West : This coune approves con- flict with every segment of 110Clety, in- cluding the church. , • Sallie Cartwrtaht: tf •e attempt teachln& sex edutation wllhout moral values, we art courtlng dillltlr. Pauline Moen: I don't believe thlit lhe majority of familiea bave f1Ued (ln Leactl&na 1e1 education), and It it nellher Tight nor juat 11111 1'.I 11\ould be mallcned fl!ee IEX COUJl81!;, Pap 'll Weather Thundaf's foggy morning skies will give way early, to fair weather and sunshine, keeping the temper- ature ln the mkldle 70's. INSmE TODAY If -11ou're hopi1ig to aet a iicholar.!hip for coUtge, tMre are three bnportant thing.s yow Mt4t do. Joyce Lain d iSCllUtJ th.em. In Career Con1er, Ptlge 18. • I - 2 Dlll Y PJLOT " Chamber Grills Aldrich on Action·s at Irvine . , By THOM48 FORTUNE Of ... Ot11Y ,...., M ... All SDS luder, ol>ck _..,. noi k7werln11 were tht thln11 N~ Harbor Chamber of Commerce members asked about when UC Irvine Chan ce!IOT" Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. addret.&td them at a brukfast meeting today. The tone or the questions Indicated Aldrich is a man in the public "Y"· and he \\·as called upon lo defend and Justify hls actioris. Of moot interest lo quW ioners wa~ his aPJ:nVal ol SOS leader Michatl K."i1man, Nixon l11volved 111 Dropping Beret Charges , W,ASH1NGTON IAP \ -The \\1\ile Hoose. acknowledged belatedly today tha t President Nh;on was invoJ\·ed in events that prompted lht dropping or criminal char(tll against six Green Beret officers accu1td of murdering a Vietname.st. But press secretary Ron ald L. Ziegle r lnsisled that the Army acted on its O\\TI in dttiding to drop the charges ~1onday. Ziq ler had said on Tuesday tlu1t to lht bett of his knowledge the President had not participated in the deci!ion. Today ~e conceded that there was 80me in· volvement. By Ziegler's account Richard Helms, rlirector of the Central Intelligence At.-i· cy made a decision tliat, in t.he lnt.ere:iit of national security, its employes would · not ht permitted to testify al tht planned courts martill vf the Army Special Forces men. "The President approved the deciaion ," said Ziegler. The press secretary i;aid the Army made its move after bting in· formed of the Nixon-approved CIA deeiaion. Tht: Anny did not seek Nixon 's okay for i1.s action but <lid inform the White House tba t the charges wuuld bt dropped, Ziegler said. A1ktd whether anyone at the. White Houae re.viewed in advance Secretary af the Army Stanley R. Resor"s Monday an· nouncement. ht. said, "to my knowledge Wf':. did not. 1 I He also '8id ll)at no ooe at the ?.'hite }louse "exerted persuas1on '' on the CIA or tlle Pentagon V.'hile th e matt.er was un· der coosideralion. N. Viets Promise Word on 8 Men :• PARIS (UPI) -Ei ght Oklahom a -. women relaxed today with as11urances ::: of word from North Vietnam on ll1e fate · • of I.heir missing sen•ic~men relativ es ~ Other relatives of missing Americans \\'ho a!5o have asked for a meeting wilh •. Hanoi diploma1s, waiW to be called lo :· tilr Commun1~t nalion·~ suburban \"ill;i ... The Oklahoma group of se\'<'n '4"11"<'S •, and one mother of missing servicemen ;. met Tue!lday wlth thrtt members of the :-North Viffilame:-e delega!1on to 1he Paris ;: l:tlks. They came away vlilh promises •. they would re~h·e nev.·s by mail or the ~. f<11e of I.he men . . • ·-,. :: Good Grief! •. :~ Pumpkins Stolen .. . Good grief Charlie Bro...,'Jl! Someone ': ~tole hro Ereat pumpkins in Huntington ;. BP.achl , The t.hl!ft occurred in the mist or the ·: r vening v.·hl!n an unknov.·n pwnpkin lover ;' ~lirpcd into th e backyard pumpkin patch .: of Lf'c K:ine ri t 1R20l Pammy L11nr :: Police found !race~ l<'ading out or U1e :: pump kin patch. but found no traces of the ·; mis~ing pumpkins. :: And lht>y v.ere almo~t ripe. ~aid Kanr. ·'---------. ~·. .. -: :· .. •. ·: •• -. . .. :. •. DAILY PILOT Cit.ANGE COAST PVILISHIUG COM l'AU'r l!o\,~-1 H_ W•ed Ft!l•drnl ~'·d Pu~l•l'ltr J •• l P. Cu rl•r \'•lt Prll•~tn1 •od c.e~''' l.'Ultl~I T~e'"''' ICtt•·I [~ lot l~5"''' A, l.l~·r~·.,. .'•oht t•rt [~ •• >·~~ .. w. !~l·1 I.\,~···· ..... , HWNllfttt•~ IHch Olfic• JO' Stk Stre•t }J.a;~9 .4cltl .. u: P.O.•~· i•a, '''~' 01M1 011\cn Nr..-.&t< a1u~ i:11 \\,,1 9.,~~• 1...,1.,,ttd C:o•I • Meu lJG v:o• ll1w ~"ttl L tt~r• llt•t/\; Jll For~•I '"•rr,ut D .. n •. 't "ILOt .... r111 ··11(UI .. (O...,~·"'ld -,.,,,..,._,_ • e11bl•1/\U' a•"•'''~•'' ~,,.. •tw _, -••HI fflfiofl• 10< lho•''"'''~·• ltffl'I. f--1•"' V•li.~. ('"If N.eu. 1"1w- t&•I 111!11 •n" l ll '"11 •1•c~. I NM\' ,.,,,. •wo '"''°"'' r•n..,,1. 0•1nfe C••u• ruDh•~· """ "-"'"'~" "'"'"''' J"•no ••t •I 1111 Wtot lt•r11 t 10•. ~••I""·'' Inc~ •• ,.. ~» ~/flt ~1¥ J.ltfef, (ti!• N.tit, .... ,... ... ,,,,, 41:r.1JJ1 fr•111 w"'"''"'"' C:•ll 111.1n1 C:6-Af}M 1.'"'1W .. 441·1•71 (e...,•1'M· lfff. Ortl'ltt '''"' · ,.~...,..,.. (t,..el ,.,., ... -1 1 to i o •• •lln"''-ofllt.•<11 ••1tttoo• t• ..... ,~,.-~,, ,..,,,., ...... "" .... .-" ... __ , .. oi ,........._ .. , ...... -........ ltU"4 flttt tot"••• .... t i t.1, ..... ,,. 9tedl t NI <<•'•""'"·Ct!"~'"'' ~·t.1!•-tloeo~ t.t' t•ttle> l >U ~t,,.,,.,.; 11~ "'"'' ,_. •o ..-1111~1 ""'l•l••t llll!"'"-'· I I Ge '"'O 1r <. 37, a~ Caordin1tor or Academ ic Ad vi~ing. Dr. Aldrich uid he know s tiiere at~ people, "not a few I am mindful," who oppo$e the Krlaman appointment. He sakt, "I .am no more intert.!led in seeing lhis inst.itutioo come tumbling <lown a.round me or something happen to thl.!i country than yod are.'' Ht said he be!le\·es th<' same goes fo r most of the SOS studen ts on lhC' Irvi ne campus. Aldric:h said Kri sman as a 5ludenl would bt' identified as an activist, '"the re is no question about JI.·• But he said the •' General Accused thlng& Krlaman w1s concerned abou! - student particip1tkin ifl govemm•nt. the quallty of teachin g -are legillmale Ulln11 for a atudent tot.. lcilve about. "Mike is not one to simply jump up and dov.·n and make noise," he said. "I am satisfied he has produced a heller cain- pus for his inv'Dlvement .'' Aldricl1 said a goal for the l"<llnpus fro111 lhe beg inning ha~ bl-en farulty responsiveness to sludenls, not ju ~t on acad ernic n1a\le rs but as human !>t ings. He said il ...,•as appropria({o to ;ippoint •·one of our own v.·ho kMW aboul this ef· U~I T11t~1tt11 Lt. Col. \\li!Ham George. an Anny investig ator appearing before a Senate investigations subcommittee, accuses now retired Maj. Gen. \Villiam Cu nningham III of brushing off di sclosures of massive thefts and rakeoffs from service clubs on U.S. Army bases in Germany. I See story, Page 4). • Waywsrd Bus? SF Probes Vse for Sex Filni From \\'Ire Servtcet SAN FRANCISCO -City officials , after diligently reviewing the facts, ha\·c ordered an investigation into the sup- porting role of a municipal bus in a sex film. r.lunicipal Rail\\·~v authorities disclosei Tuesday Bus 2603 did. indeed. f lay a pro- minent role In the filming o "Seat of Passion : Park of Pleasure.'' Police vice squad mem bers, who vit...,·· ed !he film several times before seizing it in a raid at a theater last \reek, said a \1•oung man ;ind a youn~ wom;in t>Xplorrll all ran1ifications of l\C X in both !'C!tings. Officials, said a man name(! 'Terry Sullivan leased the bus from the rity in .!unt'. He p.1H1 $50 fnr lou r hn(1r~ Ill\~ or lhc. \"<'hie)!"' anrl <'~pec1ally req11<'~!erl a r1r1r<'r '"whn \1 lit bt• r(li'IX<'rl 1n his un- <lcrstand1ng of 1\hat v.e are doing ·· The job v.·enl to George Marte,nsl!n, "i\1uni l\1an of the l\1onth" in July, 196.1. Officials said the )•oung couple. a camer;i crew and several extras boarded the bus al the Presidio Theater. l\fartC'nsen said he kepi his eyes up front, a\·oided the r<'ar.view mirror anrf n1anagtd to stay a little relaxed . He said hC' "noted no improprieties.'' '\'hat the offici als were trying lo find nut \\"ltS why l\fartenscn didn 't know v.•hat 11as going on in lhe bus he \\'BS drh'ing . The. lhree viewers -James Leonard. :issislant to the gene ral manager ; John D. Crnwlcy. d£puty gener;i t managtr ; Hild Thnn1as Curran. as I' 1 s I ant l'U pcrintendt>nl. -said they were satisfied Fllartensf'n hadn't looked back. l\lar1ens<'n. a bus rlrivt>r for 20 year~, !1:t~ n<'Vl'r taken his eyes off the roarl long <'11rn1J!h tn ha\·e an accident 11nd Curran dt>rlared . ··He 's a pretty reliable man." ' From Pn9c 1 SEX COURSE 0Cca11~t> nf 1hoo !;i1liJTP nr a rr1\'. • • Cnn~tnric' Bl;inrl1arrl SPX :;hnulrl h:nr .1 n\) ~!lquc about II and .1 ~rn~c ol )II"•\;!!".~~. fort and has worked at it." The chancellor was aeied U SOS students are willing to discUll and debate issues. ''In llO far as lht> likes of Mika Krisman are concerned the e1nswer is 'yes'," he said. "But U1ere are always those v.·ho don "t know much about anything and like to make a lot of noise.'' He was asktd if Kr isman has re- nounced hi~ SOS !Students for a Oemorra!Jc Scx:iet~) membership. "He is riot a n1ember of SOS . He ha.~ never paid dues to the organizalt<>n," said the chancellor. He also defended Krisn1an's trip to communist Cub.a. Aldrich said Krl•J"!'an told hirn he went to Cuba bttau1e of his interest in Latin American history, which he hopes lo pursue next year at Yale i:raduatc school. He \Vas accomp1.111icd on the tr;p by-three Latin A1ner1can history graduate students. Tl1e Lrip ls not illegal, Aldrich main· tained. It is. unauthorized by the Slate Depart1ncnt but he said, a UCLA pro- fes!'or went to court ovtr it and got hi.'1 p3-.'lsport back on the principle a citi.ien of this country i.! free to travel. Finesse, Distance Added For Next U.S. Moon Walk CAPE KENNEDY, Fla . CAP) -The Apollo 12 astronauts may stroll more. than half a nulc from thei r moon land ing craft nexl monlh. Also, they plan lo co\!ect rocks. with far greater scientific fintsse than Neil A. Annstrong and Ed1\•in E. Aldrin Jr ... were able lo r1nploy on mankind"s first lunar scaVt>ngC'r hu n1. Apollo 12 Conunandtr Charles Con rad rrites chances as "50-50" that he '\"ill be :iblo:-lo land clos,e t nough to an unmanned Surveyor ~p<>cccra[t now on the moon's Ocean of Storms so that he and astronaut Alan L. Bean can bring pieces of it back lo l'arth. All th ls v.·as revealed in an improm ptu press briefing by Navy Cmdr. Conrad and L~. Cmdr. Bean Tuesday following a ciress rehearsal or their moon "'-"alk. r-.-leanwhile, the third ApoUo 1 2 Countiau Held On Cl1ild Beating Charge in Beacl1 A Garden Gro\'e man who police al· lege lashed his n111e-ytar-o\d son v.·ith a leath<'r belt Jn Hun tington Beach . ...,·as arr<'~1l'd Tuesday on charges of felony child healing. Police booked .Johnnie Kenneth ""oos· Iey •. 16,· into Huntington Beach City Jail Tursday nigh~ on the child beating cha rge. Ile was accused of ~evt>re!y beating 111.'I ~on at the family hoint>, 8821 Anchorage Vr11'l', Huntington Bearh. The alleged vir·t1n1 and another i;1;1n arc c11rrcn!ly in protrcti1·e custody at Ju1·c· 1111r I-Jilli in Orange . \\"oo~lcy n1acic nn commt>11I 11'h<'n he 11 as 11rrested Tut>sriay alternoon by r.ar- dr-11 r;ro1'e po lict> on a v.·arrant issu«I b.\" Hu11r1ngton Beach. He "'ill be arraigned in \\'e~t Ora11g~ Co11nty l>lunicipal Court, \\'est1ninstcr, lt>- d3y or Thursday. 'Life Begins' Pictiu·e Slated As tronaut -Navy Cmdr. Ri cha rd F". Gordon Jr. -helped crews at the launch pad "·ilh a countdov.-n rehearsal lest for the scheduled Nov. 14 liftoff. Gordon will remain in moon orbit in the Apollo 12 command ship while Conrad <Jnd Bean spend some 31 hours on the surface, including seven l1ours outside lhe luna r module landing craft. ~lission rules \vill let the lll'o creu•mtn \1•andcr 3,000 feet, or about two third& of a mile, lo \-islt the Surveyor. Their emergency oxyge n supply. need· cd if lhtir n1ain backpacks fa il, has enough oxygen to keep them alive 15 to 20 1ninutes. A color television camera that can beam live coverage of their lunar ac· lil'ilies to earth has been built and ''if lt can be fllght qualified in time, will be aboard," Conrad said. The moonmen plan lo make two ex· cursions outside the landing craft. Pach lasting about 3"'.i hours and separated by an e.ight-hour rest period. Fro11a Po9e 1 EDISON ... • social gathering ;i11d absolutely no Ucci.c;ions \\"l're niadc.'' But he found vigorous opposition to his suggeslion that lhc fitchen report be '"declassified" and "mace a\;ailab!e to the public.·· He urged !he bo<ird lo take !hr "not for release" labt>I off the report ;ind '"le~ people see exactly \\'hat Jl.lr. Fi lehen said and ho1v he said it." Supt>rvisor David Baker led the suc. <'cs.c;ful opposition to Baltin's 1notion with 1hc con11n<'nt 1h;:it "s11ch an action would cons1der;1hl,1" rc~!rlct tho~c rou111y ·of· hr1nl~ v.hl) "·1~hrd \()communicate with 11s 1n a like manner. ··1~·s often necessar"' thal '4'e allow· rn1plnyc~ lo make 1h1S kind of rl'port:• Haker ~:11d '".\nil I ean"t ~rt us get11n~ iln'.J more 1f the person con1p1t1ng the docu111t>nl JS no1 assu red of 1mmun1ty Ir,om future public scrut iny.'' 'Fitchrn's argu1nen1s tha! !he cxp;inded I·:rl1~nn plJnl "ou ld hike poltulion sl<1 l1 ~l1rs in the county have ~en nppoi.ed by CQ1npany spo ke),men. Fi!cht>n·s 6ta1islisc havt> bt>cn challeng· rle hY r. L. t.iartin, assistanl manager for the comp;iny·s southeast divisi on, wilh the comn1ent: "Our design spec1fica· t1ons arc. not far enough along to kno1v !he t~ pc o[ discharge lhat \rill be la lung place. '·How L if e Btgins." an hour -long "I rlon"l kno1v \rhere Fitrhen gol his fe;ilure orig1n.1lly prod ucpd for television, fi~ure~ unless 11e baser! them on other 11·iJI be sho"·n to \V!"'stminster School Ja c1l1lies pre~<'nlly in operal1on ," Jl.1?1rt in J)1strict parents Rt 7.30 p.m. Thursday al s.1id. U1r 17th Strret School. Hrport ~ fh;i\ EJ.!i~on \1·011ld (rip\<' lhP ,\ltl1ough !he film is not part of the silc of 1ls Huntington Bcarh operation district·s fan11l.v life program . ii has bt>en 11C'rc denict.I by l\lartin. Ht conflrmcrl m;ide.ava!l:ibl<' for parent re11e\r. thal the expansion. if appro1·ed, \1·1\l The 17th Str<'cl School 1.~ located at 7j7! begin in 19fll :ind 11il1 be completed 1n Krisman did not rl!·enter this country deviaua~ but came throuah Cllltoml in New "r'o )I and told thtm where he had been. A ctrich said. His passport \Yl.S not rel"oked. Aldrich told about the can1pus' special minonly studen ts adn11 s~ions prograin anJ ils e{fort lo "mploy minority persons on the £l1ff. He was aske<t if rninori!.y students had become activ<' leaders of dissent. Aldrich said he hasn't .5een it happen ''tl but it is something he·n heve to watch out for. "Persons interea\ed in a&itation 1night be interested in ex. ploiling those who hal't a cause," he uid. ! But he said a.'I far as he i5 conctmed the blacks and ~texican-Amerieans are goa l oriented and seem to want only what the whiles have. He was asked his version of the Flag Incident last spring. He said the ca111pus U.S. Flag initially 11·as half·n1asled on his ordtr when hfl was told l\1·0 students had been killed at Berkeley. He revealed for the first timti th.at Student Body President Ronald Ridgle had put it to him. "Would you for once chancellor do something ilm.ply because I ask you lo?" Later it was learned that anly one perso n had bct>n killed and that he w.a":-1 not a 5ludent. Aldrich canceled the ·hall· staff order, and Ridgle called hlm in Washington, 0 , C., to apologize for Civing him \\'Tong information. Some students then took it upon themselvt>s lo relower the f lag ~ it \vent up and do\\·n for a couple af dqs. Aldrich, in a:·nther first time revehition about lhe incident last spring, .'la.id he could hiive had two campus poUcemen stand guard at the flagpole but they_ both '1·ere former Fllarines who had spent Shdr Ih·es defending the flag. · "If I had put them there 1tude!'Jl'i: \1·ould have harassed them and it seemed the \\Tong thing lo <lo," the chancellor ~aid. Ins tead he told them to "put the Flag up \\'henever you see it do\\'Jl but go about your business." l\tean\\•hile, he worked 11·ith the students "lo knock it af(" and succeeded. "Some other of the University cam· puses flew the Fla.i;: half-mast for a 1nn11th as if it 11as a gen rral tragedy," r\lclrich saicl. "I said to niy self 'This is hypocritical.' '' Hitchl1iker, 15, Sadder, Wiser A l;}-year-011] Los Alam1tO!I boy bi at ~1,.11nr today S.1dder a11d w1seer and l)tlrs· 1ng c_uts and bruises inflicted by .i ...,,oman and lwo ml'n during a nightmare--31}. 1nir,u tc car ri de. - 'Thr hoy lfll<I Lri~ Al;unitos polic~ of· r1crrs Tt1csd<1y th;it th<' !no answered hi!! hitchhiking $1gna!s at l.os Alaffi.ito!I Boulevard and Cerritos as he wa.~ on his 11'ay home fro1n ~chnnl i\0011t JO n1inutes lalcr the boy sail:J he \\'as dumped on Jefferson Boulevard in B.icna Park aftt>r being punched. kicked and abused throughout v.·hat he descrjbed as a meandering journey through several communilles. Library to Show .Teen·ager Films Sev en short films made entirely by teenagers v.•111 be offered by the Hunting· ton Beach Publi c Lihrary at 7:30. p.m . Friday in the free fllm forum series. The showings ha\'e ~uch titles as "Boy,·1 of Cherries,'' "flash.'' and ''The Escape." The library announced that a cont.est \\·Jll be 1naugura1C<I later th1.c; monLh for 16mm and 8mm ldm s produced by lcxal rl"'-lrif'nl ~ Rr v. Ja1ne.c; Dr L11ngc \\'e olt>r~·rnt>n ;ire ve rv much aw:ire r.f the need fnr respons1hle family hfe and st>x educatio n for children and <tdUl!~. It i~ our ex- perience that lhis educa11rin i~ not lak ing place lo an adequate degree in many home~. :-01 <'11' Harllanrl · v.·e ntt<J 1hiF (;Ol ll"-.f' Jn brin~ up the moral standard11 ol 011r rounlry . .Ian .JClncs · Ftar breeds ignoran<:f' and i~nor;ine" hrN"d.o; fear. It also breeds \\p :;-fn11n~trr f\\"t' ;1bout fnr ~tilr~ I ''~~~~-''--"====-==================-==-=========-==-=~ " R /\ 1 !11rrison \\'h:it ;i.rr yriu afr111rl of' Are ~ou <tfraicl 1hat yo11r chil<lrPn v.·111 learn i;on1Plhing you don't kno\\".' T v.-;is r<Jised. in ignorance. No._.: ...,.t ·re trying 111 keep l)L)r kld~ from learning 1\. Dr .. Jo~eph l>f :i.~trapaolo : 'Thi~ f~tx educatJon) ma\t>nal can hr cnn~truc!i1c and i.10Hensh·P. \\hy aren l the material s in this r'l11rst>'" Rev . Rober\ Larsen· 1 am ra1·or ably lmpre.sser: h~· thr ninraht~· and rlire<"Tnt~s of this district. I am not afraid of the program. Han·y Bogg.~ Some of lhil' material is !Iv bad lt '.fould 1nake an Army sergeanl b\115h. Re v. Dana Hawk s : 1 feel that this riro- posed course is a quality piece of \1·ork. Service Station Squabble Slated The ba11 le nf lhe gri~~ions ,·~rsu~ the C:ily (If Hun11ngtun Beach \\'i\1 be rf'sun1ed at the Oct. 7 meeting of lhc planning commission . The new gas slatlon:r; springing up in l1untlngton Beach are ugl y, according to f\layor Jack Green. They are functionally designed and are nt'Ci'ssary lo keep plce ...,.ilh the growing automobile popu1 alion of the city, i;ay the oi l companies. 1"'he question will be furlht>r debat!d at the planning comml.!!~lon f.ess ion '~·hrn the city attorney·s orficc \viii prc5ent a ~ludy on the posslbilltits of requiring ap· proval ol 11taliori de!igns by the city's architectural revie...,. booird. In •ithtr rase, Stand1rd Oil Co. nf Calif. 1-1·HI aga in se-tk a use permit lo con- 11:tn1ct i station at Warner Avenue and Golden \\'est Strerl during Iha ! mteting. Pl<inning commi~!ionrrs declared a moratoriu m on lhe C-On~truction o! vrvic' s!;itif)n~ ahout a nionth ago pe n· ding receipt of lhe cl!y attorney 's rc1l<lrt. ' " unu nnted children. From Pa11e. 1 MAYOR • • • !ro1n lhC' councH. In the past !he mayor had made the appcinlmenls V.'i~ the approval of cil y council. .Ju~· al~o called for all citizen~ in- tertsted in serving the commu nity to ~ubmi t applications for three open parks and rt>creation CQmmisslon po.o;L~ to clty hall before fl·londay. No ind lcalicm '4't1., g1v<'r Tuesday on "''hlll might happen lo cur rent commissioners. T 11 r i;, d a y ' s t>nlhusiaslic cerf'nwnir~ cu!minaled a ~ix-month slniggle in The ct· ty In ou~t the Othl!r thrr>e councihnrn . LeadC'r of that recall bat!le. Eugrnr \'anDl"l~k . rr<'eived a ~landing ~o\·at1011 fr".lm the cro11d at the urgins o \V. G. Schultz . ··r hop<' this nrw counril is ~o efftc!ive n() onl' \1·a111 s to run agalnst i~ in Ap ril:' said Schultz. Tl1e recall '4'8..5 launched by VanDask nr'!r the controversilll Larwin Tract la zoning item "·hich '4'i11 11pp!!ar an the rounril ;igtnda ntxt Tursdayl 1-11htn it fir~t di splllyrd plans for small·lot (5,000 square feel ) homes. He first "'On a court battle, (l\'f:rtu'ming !he zonin~. !hen ~g11n a vigorous cam- p:iigr 1(1 reca ll lhe three cooncilmen whn :-.taunch ly 11upported the Larwln tract in and out or courl. I-le v.·on th at battle Ion, Tt.e mayor'11 ln\·o\\·emtt1t as a re:il r~tatc hrok<'r 1n 1~1e Lanvin land sale an d nne ol htr city transaction, gavt lht neCfS$11ry impt'lu11 10 make the rrc111I ~11C't"<'$sful. The other ll\'O muncilmrn i;~ood by lhe mayor and went 4ov.·n 10 def,.a t "'ith him. AU three new councilmen promised ii n!?1V '"c.rt1'' 111 r·ounta1n Vt1 llry city ._,v'. rrnn1c nt 199 .50 149.50 CONVENIENT HRMS BANKA MERICARD MASTER CHARGE J.C. J so.06 )50.00 1823 NEWPORT BOULEVARD COST AM~ 399.50 ' lJ YEARS SAME LOCATION PHONE SO .HO ! 1 I ( I 'I ' I I r I I " ( ------------------------------------------------ Pilot Pigskin PICKEROO Co-Sponsored by ~10 DAILY PILOT . W/ ,l,Te BE A PROPHET FOR PROFIT 10 In Cash For Eoch Week's First Place Winner Voit Footballs (or other Sports Equipment l each week Mesans Must Get Off Deck There is a rul{' in n1osl slates that cle1nand a boxrr hang 11p his .1il ores after absorbing a th ird k.1ocf:do1rn punch in the san1e round. Such a point might be J;ibcl· ed to Costa Mesa High School and its varsity foot ball tean1. The Mustan~~. ex tremely oplimistie before the l9G9 season began , ha11c been sl:ig- gered twice in non-league corn petition. First it \Vas Orange :ippl\'ing ii 6-0 sh~eker 1111d thr'l powerf11! )\;ewport I! a r IJ 11 r crirne op 11•i:l1 1'1h1lli·h ''I outlast il1esil. 9·7. Now. ~'o;ich iltax ~·Idler ;111\[ Wtdnt$1fay, lktobtr 1, ll'J69 ...... AJ ' , ..,,,. :Jll .. -<":'I ~' ' Be• pigskin prophe t. Play the DAILY PILO T Pic keroo gtime for we ekly prize~. Winner each week re ceive' j>IO Cclsh a nd a Voit Col~egi a!e foo!ball .!suggested retail price, $1 0.95) or pr11e pic ked )rom 11,t of oth•r Voit qua lity sporting qoo ds !no pri1• und er $10 r•· tail value !. his ch<irg1.:$ arc !acct! w1ll'1 '.,.. .J. ·w : .;. Lheir first Irvine test \V i!h ,,._ -• 1• ....... -• •..;,·~t.'*'tl .~ ..... _ _.._ f. .. cross-to1l'n rlval Es t an c i a ~ .. , ..... , Saturday night ;il Orange DEFE NSE IN ACTION -;\Jarina 1-Iigh's defen:;.e gets another · Coast College. ~eek_ thi.s \Vec kcnd as the Viking;; host Dos Pueblos Friday night on one play as Jim Link (56), steve }Iernandez (80) and Steve Ab- bott (61) show their wares. \Vhat's more, Lo:ira loo1n!I m their {1nal non-league tuneup. Here they contain South Torrance as the second Ir1·ine scuffle -'-------'-------------------------------==-------- Watch for this player's form each week (Tuesdays a nd Wednesdays) in the DAILY PILOT Sports Sec· tion. Circl fl the teams you think will win in the lis t of 20 games ti nd send in the player's fo rm or re ason- able facsimile. Then watch th e DAILY PILOT sports ,pages for ea ch week's list of 10 winners. llULES 1 sucn1 ' in ,~ r•H<Y ~1"1 I o< • re4>0fl•blt f,le>•md~ lo ·~t•' tn' ,onre,1 i. ~end In f'ILOT f'le;:OKI N PICl<:EROO CONTEST, SPOrl• Ot~o rlmen~. f'. o. eo~ 11~0. co11 .• Mv,,, ed. '71~16. 1. Onl~ one f f\l'Y ~·r PU\O~ •"UI w•ei« ·~, Entr;es mu,1 bt d•"•e•O<l l~Y moil or in prrsO<\J 10 OAIL Y PILOT olfict by$ p,m. T~u"d~y. S. W. J, VQ11 Ror,o.-Cacp •~fld OAILV f'ILOT emn1oye1 l r.d 111tir Im· me<1i~1e tarnllies no! •l•Qibl• lo """'· f. TIE BREAKER and CHOICE! 0 1' PRIZE ~!1nk1 m~st ti. f1lled 111 or enTry I• yQod, ••••••••••••••••••••• • • • E .\'TRY Bf,/l l\'K a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Circ.lc team' you 1hi111ii will wlt1 thl1 w•k'• 111mt1 f~omt teom It setond Ot1e 1f1tedl New Orleons vs Rams UCL /I. vs Northwe5tern Stanford vs Purdue Michi9on St. vs Notre Dame USC vs Ore9on State Missouri vs M!chl9an LA Harbor vs Oran9e Coast Golden West vs Santa Ana Chaffe y vs Soddleback Colle9e Mater Dei vs Lakewood Footh ill vs Mission Viejo Fountain Valley vs Ma9nolio Dos Pueblos vs Marina Anaheim vs Huntinc;iton Beoch Villa Park vs Lac;iuna Beach Santa Ana vs Newport Costa Mesa, vs Estancia Edison vs Corona del Mar San Clemente vs El Modena Western vs Westminster • TIC r ~ • I~ ;11 I' e NAME • • AOOR(<..S • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e ClTY'~-~---~-~----'l""--~-~ • • • • • • • • • • • • rHON( ~EX • • CHOICE OF PRIZ E /Ch1'1ii 0111, c.ir,11 swl"11111 1i11J • O Swl"' f l111 O Elercl\e kit 0 f ootball • S M ML L_ XL 0 T,1het 11111 0 l111ketbtill ••••••••••••••••••• •• New Era for Wes tern As Everett Takes Over lion, losing t-0 Lakewood a11d El Rancho. for Costa Mesa. But th at's too far ahead to think about at the n1oment. If there is a pil"Ol;1) g;i1ne (1f the season, Estanci:i \l'ili prob- ab ly provide it. A loss ll'nulrl n1ake it thr<'C 111 ,1 ru1v 11 hilr vic tory 01i:r lhc Eagle.' 1111gl1 t he the ingredient 10 :;hake !hf' ~1usta11gs ' out o! thrlr ol- tensi l'f· s!u111p t;i t'll~1blc lli<'lll to nia kr a ~erlous bid for the league. than1pionsl1ip. illillrr says his ('lub still isn't doing the job offensively. "\Ve only got a good effort out of two kids on the· of- fensive line against Nc;vport Harbor. ",Jin1 Mi lle r, our tacklr, and g11:iril Dave Erlv.·arrls did cx- cclle11t j:>bs but tl1al's as Jar as it goes. '·Uefr.nsively we v;-erc n;-;1! pleased 11·1th Dave Dies. our delf'nsi 1c l1alfback. He ~.111·d t0uc·hd o11·n ~ on at least lht'f·<· . ~criarate oci.;asions and catt~l'd a llunble. .\lt'~tl USC:> a 5-2 with a l'O\ !'I' dC'fensc and adjusts a s ne cessary . Costa i\1csa seems to Ile 111aturing aft.er suffering badly against Oran&• on n1ent.d rnislakcs . The f\.1u stangs were hel led for 85 yards on nine pen:.iltlr.~ against Orange but sctl li'd <lo;11n against NewporL ;111d 11·err penalized only t11·1l'l' I .i· 20 1 ;irds . Tfl ~!op E~lancia , ~f!ll1 r ~:1.1 .-; hi.~ 1 ltrb rnust c1111t.1111 hallb:1t'k Da\'{' J nhnso11 f1r\ 1111· E;iglcs' outside plays ;1l1n·g with stopping the fu!J IJ:1t k plunges 01 er guard. Vanguard s' Boss Hates Air Def en ~c Tr El :\1ofiC'n::i Jligh Schn•1l -i~ to rnu;:i! its 1008 fflnlhn ll record it \r0uld :ippr:-:r· 1l1t' Vang11ards 11·1il hflrt lo p11IJ :i s1ritch in rrcrn! tr~lilt~ Coa ch Bob LestC'(S n11lfl! 1~ favored 10 begin tho:,r npe1·;1• !inns Sa!urd;iy night 11hC'11 tii{' Vanguards play hosl to S:11 1 Clcnicnte in bolh school ~' opening Crestview Le a & u r· gan1e s. Last year's ~eam compiled .1 7-t-t record In finishing second lo Laguna Beach and ;ifl cr lv.o prelcague g;;imes this year 1h(' \1angua rds are 0-t-L El i\lo<lena follo\VS its lf·~t \1·itl1 San Clemente 1vith two rnore learns lhal have yet to score a point in t11·0 games - Tustin and Mission Viejo. Lester has eight seniors in lhe starling offensive eleven that n1ns off a slot I forn1 c.- lion . Tailback i\1;ix Lctles111;1 15-10. 160) ii; the leading n1n· When thr \\lr~trrn High School /no th;ill 1c.1n1 opens Sunset League aetion a l \Vestm i11 ~lrr Sall1rday night. thi Pioneers :.ee k 10 start a new era in league competitio n. Th!l Pioneers \\'Ill field an ncr. New head coach J i m Ever;tt has taken over 1he Pioneer vnrsity afler serving an apprenticeship under one of the most successful prep coaches in the Soulhland in re- cent years, Ernie Johnson of El Rancho. In tackl ing Ille rlefendi:ig lcag11c chiin1p1i'ins E v ere t t could r :tteod 1he Lion losing ~treak to thrrc and pl Ans a divfisified attack t o ac- complish..$\Jch a fc.te. H.is own <;luh has v.'on ovr.r Savanna, 19·13, and Jost 111 Millik11n, 32-7. "'es!m111~ter lu.~f ;i pair 11f ~ill 1> !fl :\!O'IT"C League Jocs in 11011-lcaguc ac- expertenced bac:kf1cld c:i m-Dt·nnis .Johnson, a !'! :J bination d ire r t e cl hy sprinter, stortt>d for r·:I quarterback Bob Mll!cr anti !\1odena at l11r. begin11111g (11 the season but hus been featuring the running of Alan hanipered v.·ith a sprained Cornett and Tim Arias. itnkle, Everett will n1a ke five I-le will, however. changes \\'hen his team goes ' Ledesma a g a i n s t spell Sa n d f D 1 W'I ·u Clemente if necessary. on e ense. a e 1 son wi Lester·s defensive crew take over at left linebacker: stunts a great deal and he C. W. Mcintosh will be at an worries mostl y about the op- end position l\.1ike ~1ueller will ponents' swing passes and be at righ t tackl e; Greg draw play. LaMendol a goes at rovr.r "I'm not too happy with my back; and Craig llagc.n v.·111 team's piss defense. J hate ll, start at a halOlack posl. as a matter of fact," quips "\Vestminster looks like a Lester. tougll physical team thls El Modena's quarterback i~ season," Everelt says in Santos Garcia, a 5-10 10$· ana lyling lhe situation. "\Ye pound senior \vho is a sprint <iren't fooled by th eir record of out type passer. lrn.1ng lwo non-league game5. !l's the tai lbacks, however, Thf'.V rl:i ~·cd two o( the lo)\ "'hn 110 .mn~t nf the ball C<.'lr· Lcan1s U1 the CJf,'' rying for £1 ~lodeo<J. Vike Foe Corona del Mar Captures Hidi11g 8 h S . h p l V. Hu e Back t traig t o o . i.,ctory g By STEVE ANDREWS Gl'ove beat Marina, 7-2 and tl1e encounter Y.'hen the Argos Tr reports of his team having Un~~~ o.C~~': ''d:i t'far Pacifica edged past Hun-belted home three points in a 235-pound fullback are cor· 11 · tington Beach, 6-5, the final eight minutes. rect, coach Raymond Schaack ro eel to its eighth straight Corona del Mar, Ju~t off a J{owie Johnson and.-Art l ~-p ebl ' k · L : \vi.JJ Tuesday, de f eating tournament v I c t o r y el Hecbon wece the only two o •.IV-:! u os 1S oepmg 1U~ Lakewood, 11·7, in a non· hefty star urx'!er wraps until league game at Lakcv•ood. Anaheim last week, had a big Vikes to dent the scoring list. game time Friday night with Costa Mesa \vas the only first half, ~aking a 5-2 lead into Pacirica a nd lluntington Marina. o1her area 11·inncr, T lie 11!r dressing room. The Sea neach battled to the wire, bilt When asked about the htL~kv r-.tu stangs gnt hy the Bolsa l'\ings had to '1<!ld oo In the se--coac h John lirt'cnfie!d's swirn- fullback, Schaack demanded Grande f\1atadnr>' .. 7.:i. r·in1d half amidst a Lancer inr•<> rail,,(! to gt•t the tying I k h h r11;'I,''" o now Vi' ere I e DAILY In other -;kirin i:-ties, La 1'•\-.i J1 11•I f:•ll h: unr point. PILOT h d h d r th b-~ t'"ll ,\•·•\''"1Jll 1 lril 11ir ~ .. -1 a ear 0 e 11!; f;crn;1 dronrrd E'!llncia, 12-6, ·1 ,, 1 .,',. i•"·I 1 1.i~! come off h I d bl h i1'" ," I~· it« n;+1·;1d·' I' I I nian, w o a so 011 !'S as a Hancl10 Al;•11111r.; du n1 p e d ,. 1· 1 , 1•1 1 ·1 \ ,illp \'-La Quinta I. b k d r 11 1· "1 11· ;, ·1 111•·n:1t1· l: ... ~ -in!' ac-er on r rnsc. l;-ountain \ .il h. , 1-4, Garden T· "t"I ., 11t 11 llcrr they drop-In place of the afnreincn· HLF·I ~l(k1"'1 lr,:1r ;11111 !'. •·t li·"11 u·d .:11(] h i•it Klu n\i,·l ·>'t. P"'i " 1 , rki:is 1on lo first-ye<ir 1 ioned u11nan1c-cl star that !'..' , 1 11 lnr third place . . ~'~\'l'C"d O!lt' 1'1f'i1 sc:out111::: reports indicate. is Lake,voo cl I·, :;ilH',IH's big l 0 urn e y r h b. ((J>;\;1 i\ll'' 1 :111•1 B11l~;11:1.111 • one o t e. iggcst 1nen on lho \J' .llh Thursday at 3, with t S h k rlc were \..t·1111cd (1:1r -;•ll o<l earn, • c aac named Brent ;11', ,1 ~ch1111 ls ll u n fin gt o n 'I Cl t fullb halftime. But tl1e !\1u~t <1n~-; 1• c urg o s1art at ack. Beilch . \\'i'.stminster, Edison M~I · hs 185 M s )Umped off to a four goa l ;1d-LV urg we1g , l l <ind )l\;1nn;1 along witll the e argers rom uv eta a Ea,,l t';. 11~olvetl. Action wil l be Th Ch r C-J ll"' op Vantage OUtSCOring \lJe (•--B b c -h r-fatadors, 5-1, In the third '"' .:>dl11a ar ara ~111nty) avu t11k111" 11 l;1r1· al Estaocia &lld I .. ~= . won t 1e1r first two games. l'r11t111ll ll 1gh, bolh against parochial schools. MD {) [ • Mike J\1'al. Hex! Ki n~·<Jn <•11(! PaterNosterwasthefirstvic· f l .I ())] K1rh PriiT l•·d tliC' .'!<'c.:i ;11- tim, 38-6, and Bishop Garcia l;11 'i, 1111 h 11111 g,,:11, ;.i n1"1'1' :ind Diegn fe ll last ,veek, 24-7. T.akc•"""<I ( 11•1 !'li1rnt1·r 1•1l1'l1rd 111 11 '.fl . ~,_n,• 1111::11 ~ r 11 "A 1 (ot!' "\Ve oper;ile out of :i. Lanccri;are 1:or1 l.·,l f1flh111 11.1' 1nultiple-T formation and (!F poll !'11<, 1• »t·k 11:•<1•• normally 've thr0w quite a bil. 1\f;itcr Ori t1rri pp1'd f1'"111 11 r \\'e ha1·e a bnlanccd :itUir.k tnp ten after l<i.~111g 111 1.".1 1d .i, and a quartrrback \Vho can 14·0. !hro'v pretty \1•eH. He didn't do too much throwing last 1~·eek . \Ve sta yed on the ground niosl of the time.'' the Charger c:hief says. Schaack Is ne1v lo Dos Pueblos this season and keeps his probable starting lineup a secret until game time. He "·as reluctant to give names of probable starters for the Marina ganie and more than i;ne dle!icreponcy is expected \l'hen the Chargrr.~ tnke the rield at \V!'slminster l 1ig l1 Fri· day. !·!is probable st ;1 rt in g for.1'ard \\'111! \\'Ill be one of the biggest coach J1n1 Coon's club ,,.ill face LJ!J season -if he slicks \\'ilh the i;cvi~n 1nen named early this week. Jt will <1verege 204 pounds per man. The Charger baek !le ld averages 174 per man. All linemen but st.a:rting left guard Steve Kittle are over the 200 pound :nark with the latter weighing in al 185. The Chargers arc n1cmberi; of the Sant.a Barbara County League. They play four prac- tice games and five in league competition. Yet coach .J<lhn Ford of L;ike1vood doe sn"l feel this is :1ny b:isis on which to niake a has1v juclg mcnt about the 011t- cnn1r nf I· nd<iy nigh I's g:11n1' b1 •\11\1'11 111' L;1ntt'I'~ :111d tl1l· J\ln11.11·rh~. ' \I I' h;1\ 1• 1oi ~(111 1 ll1t"IT' top· tin11 p l;11. lrJ t' rint' 1 11 11 1:~." 111· :-:11 -· '1. 11 ·r 11t·1 1111 :1 r in <· r1•L 11 l <1 t bdl'~ 111 ti11 ~ !,1d < l\r1hl ! l:111p1·1 I. r111d 11111! I, d 1 \l11rh r .l>\11!11 1, :1 I ••lll,ll r\11111< I '' 1"hv L,1f..1·\\ood c o ;1 t' h i n g !>L1rf s.i 11· 1\fiJt er J)c1':; game \1•ith Lnyola's C11b!'; and h;ire l\'<11<ehrd films or the. opening 6.-0 win ovE'r Santa Ana . f'ord is dcvefopinL": a b.:ickup riuorterb;ic:k l;(•h111rl \:irt('t' Ki111 }J[lnn:1f11rd l'.d Uil11 11 ~;.,11 <lid :1 gnpd 111h p:1 ,•1nr, .1g:t1 11· l f;ardi•11.1 1:1:.L 111'1'k ( l h 1' I.ancrrs 11 011, 3·\·1~1. cnm- plc t1ng ll or rn. 0111• ('h.11111,•' 11 ;;, 111;1d1 111 lh .. :--tarl1n:; l11w11p l ;i ~! 111•1 •k It l\'as ,1 1 1\1ghl.~ 111q•111•I 11,t llJll', hO\.\TVCI'. I" 1,11t•·1;i s \\';1rd S:11r•d• r'·, !' p, ·1 1111• ).!l!;-JI\ !1111 1T l' .J 'l1'I. 1 I 'I>''' .i 1" '.' .+ I I , •t:l1 ·~ (u,1\'ll !Lr f\ I fY i'i «:'1" I II hl•l11nd ll I, ~'1 Iii<' th1:·1) qu11r1 , .. -11111rk :11HI t ou ldn"l c.1 1rh i,;1 '": 1ir1 :'liar !-r ,1~1 111.l'll.1 11 r! lhe nl l1t'I' l·::1~ic' poinl 1'11t111t:11n Valli>y j1 ,1dttl 4-'.! ''' l1:drt11111· hu t 1,.1<, 1 111:~ ,'• 1111·d 2-J 111 thC' l h1rJ,~1 r1n 1 .1 :111<1 fr·ll rri Hantho 1'.l;1n1ltn~ Chi 1~ Snit. ;111d I\ 11 r ! \Vesterf,.11J ~cor!'d 111 0 1•01111~ for lhl• l3a1·n11~- ,\ ~n1111;.: :u1d 111 I ,1111111 ''(jll;ld c·1111id11't 0 .. 11 '.'.111\ !II(' ilg1:rrs~11f' l;:1l'd111 i irove Argonau ts and l(l~l the. 1;;ime in the fin<ll pcnod: The Vik- ings W!'rc dO\.\'n, 4-1, aft er the third quarl('r break, bu~ lost Vik e~ 'Vin; MD Ed2ed L \l,1111111 h1·h1 tHI !he strong rl:nn1ni.: ol U:1 '.1~ Lockman. 11•1 1pr•r! lJ111•.iu•1., J_J-'10 In :'! 11r1n·l••;1g1H· l'l'll~S t·o11ntry meet T til" .d;J\-IJI 1)1111 ll{')>' ln !u1c;ll1C'r du;il 11)!'l'1. !l·l::ihT \Vorry VP \tiJl;i P;irk fl igh School rl'Jol· 11:--11 vl!i1!'h JI;,-. l ~a:ic~ ,,, I~ ,1 lll<Hl 11.10 lr•'I~ hr',, 1· .. ili,.I!'! 111· \I) ;1 II' 111 1•,1·1 ;1 1·1 , I ·:·1n C1krs on l.<•41111,1 I~ ,, 11 J>'nd;iy l1l j.'l1' ... J 111 ~1ir,. r :1;.:1111;i ~;\11' 11~ pl:iy Sav;J1111;1 I'· I 1\1('('! :ind 1'111 s11re thr,. ·r·" 1-:"1n'~ lo l1 I' lh•• .111' JIHl1)~ :1 ).!illll ~\ II-, \\1· (L!ild11·1 •!tip Sa1n11na's 1ra11 plays 1q1 l!ir 1niddle and rm :;u rc i Ha! i Akins \l'tll use th~ sa me tactics . .. Laguna's having a rough ye<.'lr. bul they ah1•ays are tough a ::::1 1n"1 11 ~. \~1''l'c nr1·er 111·;1:1•11 1,1r1!l." I '·" ,nn ~alrl • \Illa: l':1r~ \pl 1\ 11.\o l1rsl two g:.inie~. v.·hipping Pacifica. 16-- 6. before dropping a 28-16 df'r·1sio11 to Sa1 .1110:1 "\\'e ha1 1:11'1 plll e'.l'l'y lhing 1ui:,e tl:1·1' ~rt,"' Ille ,..;parl:>n bo.,s ~:1_1 s "\\'r gave av.'ay tw o 11111{'lllllill'llS t!l Savanna on a 1,ilt'1Trpl'n11 and O!}. a play wh1'r(' (1nr of Ql'lr defensive llr 1 l" 1 :1 li"~r11Jrr.~~i•'r ;11. t,:('i.~ i!L i1:ik d and left his J.11ni? l:r·.1r'1 \\'ilfon, 26-;J l 111;i 1• 11 1<11' 11rc11 l.t,\:l'111;1n·.,. li1nt' 11 .1~ ;,1 1 l.-,1:1··~ .11·~ 111,1111 concern on n11\~i 111l'l 111g !J ~!I \l>f'r th\' for1I of :t'il:-1\(' l 1;1 ~ bt·t•n the in- JV Football tlunll11v1on ""'<h I e • 0-O !>J~J>Ort ttorlX>r ' 0 ll -7! Tou<l>d<wtn'' Ml)ad, • 1 h • t n It r , e 1anc~•rd. w~11 •. PAT• p_,~ln• l!!ltk), Trh>P (\lt kl . Choteo•rr CORi:>IALsi Down the hatch, witb • naati ca l-but· ai ce Cordial cod1tai/ lrOlll CHATEAUX.. The Yel- low Subman ne blends CHAT EAU X Apri cot l iqueur, Curacao aM Cref!lt de Banana w1ll'I other spints !Or an 111-dep!h l~ste e~peroence. IN C ~EDIBtE SMOOTH NESS! Tl'lars t~e hall· 1na r k ol all 2 8 supe rb CHAT LAUX Cofdials. choice ol connosseurs """""' ""'- Down with Yellow Submarines -4m.~ ' ,. l ' Black Leads Mike Owens lri••h 1)'.1 I" :q tailback after ::.1l\1ng oUL Jli<' firi;t w~k C'!lco11n1"r l\'Jth 1 \Vrs!n1in~lcr. 11(' ~t.:11rrd fn1 11· !011.t'hdowns. 11·.o on n1us ;ind two un p;1~Sl'.~, !11 ~ ·,1 y<1rd TU gall11p hroke thf' g:•1nr nprn c<irl;· \n !lie sec1111d li ulf 11 ith the SCOl'C' dr•adluckcd ;1L 14-lt P;1rk C:<lltf ,(' ;111d led a .~l".'l "ll l•r111 .. 1.,l1•rr1·~ 111 hi.~ passing. 1•f lhc trrp ~even ~pot s br lh1·.--'-----'=======.I Vikings. The other six plae1:s \\·ere gaU1ercd up by Vlkes l David H e nder s on , Bob Phillip..;, Cllris York. Terrv Kennedy, Ken Mortyn <intll Nick Jones. CdM to 1st Bruce Black wa!I named ·outstanding performer at last 'veekend's An ah e i m In· vilaUonal water polo tourna- ment \.•;hich he and his Corona del l\.far leammates safel y tucked away as they improved their seasonal record to 7--0. Black potted ::i pair of goal$ in the opening day triumph over stubborn Sunny lfi!I~ - a match the Sea Kings copped, 4-3. Also scoring for the vie· tors were Garth Bergeson ;inn Kurt Krumpholz. la the ser.-iflnals it was Black attd Scott Newcomb pacing the attack In the 14-5 shelling of La S e r n a , Newcomb hi t five scorec;_ \l'hile lilack had four. Rr.•!1 Brrnard contributed 111 .. while n1:1L('" Pete KCft 1111{'rlv :Jnd 1-lill ~i('11 jehn were adding s 1 11 k J f.' tallies. And In the championship ;o;l ruggle wilh Garden Grove il wa)l Bergeson wi!h ti pair of ~oaJ1 while ll e r .Jl 11 r d • Ne\vcnmh ;ind Olack lllll 111 a goa l apiec:c. His nthrr running ::-cnrr can1e on a l11rce-y<1 rd ad1•<1nre wil h the passes going fo r 0:11 and 21 yards. I-le is a junior up from the Bee squad. • ..---------( SEND FoR FREE I CORDIAL BOOKLET It ~---• I -~ ,.... _.., ....... Goo<l Night! '69 K11ights1 Looi{ Like '67 Champs TRAVEL TRAILERS MOTOR HOMES TRUCK CAMPERS CAMPING TRAILERS I ~~ ..... ,......, .. ,.lllol I -'? • ·-, .. _~°" f1tt ·I ·~ ~.-i::-.eo.. II ..::;>..,1 ",. .. ,.., ~'--"' -Cl • ..,. i-d.ed ... 'I ..-. bldiioro-111$1"" ,,,...... I ,.,..,..~ ............. 1111--aiu1t•11<1.Un..,.,.ll ... ~LMdard 1_.m. ··~ f<N'1 96 '-... 111191 lff.O.l!Alll. Thing.s ;:iren'l parlicularly bright on the Mission Viejo lli,qli School football scene. "'First. the Diablos h:ivc yc1 to score. Secondly, Mission Viejo's first Crestview League en- count.er Friday night is \.\"Ith circuit favorite l•'oothiH. The Knights are undefeated :iftrr runninJ:! roughs hod over 111·0 non-leAf<luC opponcnL'i - S;1 11l;1 An;i V~d!C'y and Lnwcll -.111d 1h1·y fr·:i tur11 a big. 1 11.~t. c.~flt:r1r11t:!'rl· t·h1h <;oach Eel Uiull :-.ay!I his tet1rn compares favorably lo his 1967 juggernaut that swept the Crrslvif'\V Lea~1ie. .e nd ad- va nced to the quarterfinals or th11 ClF 1ll:1\11H~ Leadu1g Lhc powerlul J'Ull· ning gu111e. or lhe Knights J!'el three cxcc!IC'nt backs. 'T'h ('y·rc sc.Q ior~ Bob Spr1chrr :ind Jolin Fletcher :rt the halfback positions and fullback Jim Votow . j BJin say~ his full house T WESTERN NATIONAL RECREATIONAL VEHICLE !iHOW Ct!ATU.S'.l Cn<ONb ••• .,., ...... ~ .... , fl•p! N ~'~'" '-'1 ~•t•n -. ("•t •ro !II'""" M'liJ I ·- formation 11i!h a .c;plit rnd af-1 ORANGE COUNTY fords him more ve rsatility in l FAIRGROUNDS ,II I lhr running gamr, OCTOBER 4, 5 ~'""-------- 11.'s 1.hc p:1 ~sing gamr th.11 I 1,p I l1as he t·n 1101Ty1ng h1111. 11 SAT. -10 A.M. to 10 P.~1. I 1'0mrth1 11g can hr \IQrr~·ing :i SUN. -12 Noon to a P.M. I ,8 ~·Ml .:;i l~Hli '7) ~ ... I ,; 1 I t t 29 bMT"~ bJ ''" {;I~ ... SPfWl'l Outllilll I 1·0,lf' 1 11 1nsc c.atn 1:1s ll'Oll · Adults -$1 .50 I c()IT\r~"' r.i.!ffhOl\1. Kr. ti ;ind 28-0. , . . , Children under 12 -FREE ------------'' ."We're a httle disappointed Sponeoft<f bf v.·1th our pass offense. Tl1e ball @RECREATIONAL has been gettln!( to the •t • receivers but they aren't VEHICLE hnldlng onto the h:ill," says • -INSTITUT E .Uain. • JL---------fl ---------- • ' • --------·------------J .• 20 OA!l Y PILOT H \'ltdnt viay OctobPr 1, 1!'/61J Financial Plau .'Seminar Slated planning for pro- ~s1onal men will be dLSCuss~ OVER THE COUNTER I How to use Mtinicipal Bond ''Paper Losses" for tax saving Have 1f'O held murucipal bonds form month; (,?f longer~ The quality and safety aspecb; of the bonclc; have not. chan~d. but more than fikely the mnrl:et pnce 1s lower now than when yoa bought I h(.'fTl Today's pnc::e. are simply in Jul(' with what's hecn happening 1n the ['("()nomy· Stroni:; inflationary pressures. T1J;hl monc) llrgh 1nl.crest tall!.<;. HoWP.\ll!r, you ca n conYcrt these Jowt-r pnccs, 1 r , '"p,1pcr losse.,~ into mcanmb<ful lDCOme tax savings and, at the same time. preserve l he quality Qf your municipal bond holdinl!l'. )"oo do this bv swapping one mtmicq:W bond for 8.DOfher and thereby rcg1stenng a capttal )oos. These caprt.af ~ c.an be mted to offset capital garns which voo h3Ve taken -ot plan to tak<' -this UlJC year <:n they C81J be used to ffitablL~h a cap1t.nJ J09; wh1ch , under certain r:Lrcumsl..a.nef:.-s, can be applied against ordLnary income. A df'ta1l£-d cx-pl:ma1 1on 1i;; giwen m ~special rPport 1~ucd.Jry ow Mun1apaJ Bond Department.. Entitled.. '"'Tax Swapp1ni::: Row Lo Exchange 'Paper l..c9e;' for Tax SaVUlgs." For yooT froe copy of this report., :-umply- eall, wntc or vr.\ll smy IA!sn Witter office. Or. if~ prefer. s1mpiy awnpl.ctc <md mail t he wopoo below_ DEAN WITTER IX: C:o. INCORPORATED R r r 11tou n n QJ cn S50 Nrivporl Cr111c, f)rn r r.·eu.po1 t Beach -Telepho11e 644 2'1:12 ' DOPI wtt I ER • CO. Dl'CORPORATED F""-~ ri-. Jin Swappi1c: T :n 5-imip. • ~-) nf,.....a'fn!!efll'i'r""' How tu~ !'aper ~· for .. q11i~~--------------------- ,,.,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ""'-~--~--~-~~-- ""'"'------------"'P---- l\1i nutcn1an Contract Set The North ;.. m c r 1 c an HOCk\vC'!l COfTI , AnahC'Jm, has r!'rr1\rd another Sil ~ m1J11on !Jrpart1ncnt of Defen se con tr.1 (\ for !he i\T1nu1!'man Ill n11 ~sil r ~uid.intl <1nd con(rol SILVER 'I,,.,\ hull !l\Ht llr l PJ'L t.l' .. 111- n+tl~ JI• 11• I• (!•II • "11 1~p ,.,_ r1 ,1!• f 1u11 l1111" 111.d, fl!lfl 11•1 - 111!111\< n/l,d l"/I~ "II I, II 11 •1\ 1n•·•h11d .. r , ,q •1 1 il1/111, n11 ;::1r ,ll )tPf1t 1 n f.1l l 11! 111 'd- 1r1 1 , .• 11.111 ll•d.• :i..:ru11 •L 1111111111n, 1\r1:ilunl1nu of ii"! I IP 1 oo ~ m, ~nu", Or! 1 •+ ~••ur.1v P~uloc 6 •n0 1111 E~ono~• Hunl•nq 1on B•U~ N•O 8••<~ •nd S~n 0 1090 ~••rw•v ~non ;o.011 l>V P•l..,l <no•• (' n {." "•••• l~oQ l\~~·n bll6DNll FEDERllb SllVIN6S ve~J Guaranteed Growth & Income Accounts: 5.25% annual rate compounded daily , accrued or paid quarterly for 3, 4 or 5 year periods. Withdrawals subiecl to limi tation>. Bonus 3 Year Ccrtificale Accounts: Earn 5% currenl annual rate, PLUS guar- anteed 1/-t of 1 o/o per annum bonus. 5.38 '}~. js actual annua l r a t e at end of 3 yea r pr.riod, with current 5°/o rate compounded daily. Which One Is Right Far You? ,----t----~~---- Lb~UNZ7~g<UJVr94 ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION 260 Oc.e<ln .A~enue • La11un.1 B~th, C.a l1li:i1r.1.t l "Tetepmine 494-7541 ) ~~~~~~~~~~-/ l!R.-,l'ICHU.: l11;.u~• N•11uet. 3 Monuui a~~ Pl.111 • 4»1840 • •96 l:f,I Z.an Cl9~ntr t.Cll N, U c. ..... na R~•f · A')1 ! l'J'.i Pas s book A ccounts: Earn prevailing .-innu;il ratc-So/n currcnl-\v1th interest T'·llll from d ate of deposi t to date of with- dr<l'' al. -f'unds-de po~i led l1ef ore the 1 Oll1 o f th e month ea rn from lhe Jsl if held to riuartcr's end. Investment Certificate Accounts: In SlOO multiples c<1rn S~'o c u rrent annual rat e fron1 d n !c of ll cpos1t to date of with- clra wal. funds deposited before the 10th of th e month earn from the 1st if h eld to riuorler's end . 'l'hese a ccounts and many other services nr e full y cxpl<::t incd 1n R new casy·to-reud \\/\ YS-T0-5/\ VE booklet. fill in the cou- pon below and send for your FREE copy today. •••••••••••••••••••• • Leguna Federal Savings I • :GO Ocean Avcn uC! I I Laguna Dcacb, CaJUornia 9Z652 I I Plcosc send me you r booklcl: WAYS TO SA VI::. I I ~""-I • I I STREET--I I ( ITY STATE IP I ~===========~1 •••••••••••••••••• .11 l rncnl O r ••n6 ~n Trlco Pa I rl<lllr froal<• Jv,on Fd Un I•< Un Do1'• U" lllv"1 Un McGll UI• R•!o US ll~no! u~ '""" US F"v•I ~~ 1",lt' UP P•nf' u1~n 5l a Uhl lrwl \/II lD vane• So Yl•"on J•, • 11111 waa 16 71 W1d""' P l?l JWRt•Cle 17'> 1J•, lfll••~h .. n , 11 w1•n Nr, I\, 16 Wa1h RE I > 8'> WAI Tr ?9 , ~1 Wrbb R~ 1> 191, W•l~l•n I~·,:\~ .. -z~::~~ i 1D'• ;01, W•!c>I P 3>, 4•, N>ln !-Ill 7~ 1 71 , W•!n Ml~ 4q • '.J, W•ln Pvb ~; ~ ~~ ' ::;::~~.gl'm 1•, a•, ,.,.,n,1w T 11 ;9 Nl•C Pl 1-01, ll'• N rOIW E 1• 11'> ""v•n<I C J6 >, l l'> 'l'tdnY E l'tl '!(l'· 1, 1l t ,.,, 10'. l1 11'. 11'• lO'o 11,, u •••• 7J 2• lS'. \~·. 7l 1 75 ,, ' 10 91, 10' / 10'. 10" &'• I ' 10 11 ll''> l• 31 <1 J'I•. 1•~ l '. 11•. 21 •. '" ... 11 ' 761' &'• 611 MUTUAL FUNDS WE'VE GOT THE ANSWER! TAB Will ANSWER YOUR TELEPHONE ••• WAKE YOU UP ••• DELIVER YOUR MESSAGES ..• TAKE YOUR ORDERS ••• AND FILL MANY OTHER NEEDS • , • FOR AS LOW AS $14.50 PER MO CALL US NOW FOR INFORMATION ANO A BROCHURE. .... _ TELEPHONE -.1,aJ> ANSWERING BUREAU 543-2222 9 OFFICES TO SERVE ALL OF ORANGE CO. • Nl N YORI( IAP l W~nU41Y. camo\e•t Ntw YOf"~ Sloe~ E~ctr•n1• Pl •<•• S11to H11 IM• I HI.it Lt w Cllol Cftt , -A- lflarl-.et Syuabols TM !'Cl owl~t It • ••• fft svmbo!' \II.rd !n tht llOC:~ m1rk11 ••-!.. ""POllll ~ .. l!ol!V pl(; 6•n1P•n• Mt ~:~tp1 r"' ~ u Betl>Oll l l\t 61•<1 CR .1) Buie In< IQ B•tr~ 1.111 Boin ln6 61u><nLD eo lll~lrl~D II BlyukC•• '>O 6N ,,nR> I 11111 Fa• l 6 11! F<I> "I I SN! F pl') ro Bt<km1n ~ Btc1 D <~ JO !l••I'' •1r II a11cn I'•! .~u fl~ld~!Nn 6(1 lltll Huw ~O !loll tn•t rcon ~~:ii~. C1o6(1 I UonOlr 1>! J B1n•JF1n I oO Atnll~ 0<1 10 e 1n•1F "" '>'! A1nllF 1>11 )0 11 • .,~ wn }II B•o'HIVr! R:~r~~ 1~,. 61rmec Co•o B~lh ~!I I 80 llHM Ind 110 Ski Anttt Mt Bl•<kDll l 70 lll1!r I°"" •I Biii' LIUQ I Slur llell 1 SO 8ob01' B•~I B°"lng I 70 8~•(1\ 71D Bon6 st .. 1 BO<O•n I 10 6a•11Wa1 I 71 Bo•m~n• la B..s Edlo 1 Q.I So'""' In< B••nifAlr >O B• ~-~' 1 •O• llf U M• 1 10 B•l>tMY P! 1 Rawv H&•• I l'lw'H~ pf &7 11~1~nuv 1 /1 llroW<1 Co l'lro"" (o 1>f Bwn Sn•rP I B,..nsr o• 1 \0 B•un,,.k 019 OUC•E• '110 Buda Co iO Budd (~ Dl ~ lludo ' al 60 flu do• 1 Bull' , I 1a llulr .V 6Q Bu ii;•mo l!UP otl 50 flu ' I 10 llur 10 llU• 61) 1!1n>.. 1 Ht 0Anl! v 1 1So o~n•C.• 1 11 D~rt +~d Xh DMI l"d of J D •vroe ~ 1 •• DA•!nj.j ud JO Oav!n"\ I Mt Dl'l oro 1 •I Y or]\: Stoc]\: List . ' '•lt4 NII tn•• I Hl1h Lt • CIMt C~t J?JO,JD 1• 10'< 10 • ~~ J!" TI ~l JO )9 , •I 5 I • I ! 14 , r; , ' ~1·. fol'. • 1, , u 717~1 1!• l I •J •1'• 11 l~'• 11 , 110 ~9 ~I•, 110 7• • 1'I ' S• 79' • ?l•o 16\ ]9'' l9 !01 1~·' ]I • •• 14 o 11 • 17lo ?J , •·1~.11 . 01 •I, ••'o ·~ I'• ~·, I 76', 7& 7•••"4l • ?B :l9 1 :ll > I I • H ll 7•'· 7•'• 10 11 ' 1.1 • 70 19 • la'• I I JO '• 10 , n ,,,, 11 • II 'I~'' 311' o I • 7l , lJ , // , ,., ll • I'• 1l l l1 ~ '0 'I 1J A/ 7S 71 • n n 10 ll 11 1~ , , ; j o •I •I ~1 ;~ :;;• ' J • ;I'• 1~. ~'• ~I , 10 Tl '• "'' • J ,. • J• • .,~ SI', JS •I •6 •6', • ll 17 • s 11 71'• ' 6(1 6'0'> I .11 .17\; •l 10 io I JJ .I 1 J n , 21 , ? 1''• n•, lo 11 , If ol 1, , •1 •I 1t'• 1t I 11.1'• 11.1 •'I JI I J~ ' 1• • ;. t •• •! • • •O •O 't !> l9 o 1 ' .. "8'o ''' lo :• , J,9 •I ·~ 1 I 11 11 ·' 11 't •• ~ ·1 1 )! 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"" ij~ ", " ' " "" Prt 07 "• Prices-Complete New York Declines Outrun Aclvances by 2-1 NEW )ORK (UPI) Declines bowled over advances by more than a 2 1 margin on Wall Street Wednesday stretching the stock market s losing streak to six sessions Trading was mod erate of The-UPI marketw1de indicator 1howed a loss 0 56 percent on l 534 issues crossing the tape Of these, 816 were in retreat and 395 gamed Dow Jones average of 30 blue chip mdustr1al s was off 6 13 at 806 96 near the close Turnover of 8 8 null1on shares 'vas line with that of the p revious session about 1n An alysts noted that the list continued to be pressured bv 1nnat1ont1ry concern and n1onetary un certamty 1n Europe Ne~ ton Z1nder of E F Hutton brokerage said the news background slmply 1 reduced the incentive to buy stocks Among the most active issues were Benguet Thiokol Chemical Texaco INA Corp , Aluminum Co of Ainerc1a American Telephone and Financial Federation Texaco closed off 1/4 at 36 7/8 and AT&T v. as off 118 at 50 1/4 Motors continued to attract selling The auto- mob1le industry recently said 1t expected sales and production to :. ack 1n the rema1nmg months of the ) ear General i\1otors Ford and Chrysler lost frac· t1onally at th ~ close Chen11cals and steels generally traded in frac: tions So did most 01\s although point sized declines cropped up JO a fe\v instances Ralls \Vere narrowly mixed Airlines aircraft, and conglomerates also traded m both directions, a.s did gold mtrung shares • H Stock Exchange Li st d • • ~l ' ,. • • ! " • • . ' n '"' " ' ~· 1H• "I I -T-:11 313 ~ •1•\?h 1 '11 .... Jl D 7~'\ . ' ' ' ; ... " .. 2'6 J1 ' " 1~ ? • 1 6 1] I • • • 10,. :;o.,, ' ,, 1n ?~'-! ' " " " 7~ 71 , ' . . " " ' ... ' ,,. 1•• • " .. '" '" ". .. '" ; .,. " ,. " (ft01)HO~~ .... • " "' "' ' 00 "' ' "' " • ' "' . ; ' , • • " " ' . .. " . .. .. ' " • ' • , . .. " '" •• " . ' . '" -WX YZ- "' • l " " " "' " '" •• "" • " " '"' ... " " '" • +~t 21 • + ' i • + • Jl.io -"' " .. • .. ' • • DAIL V PILOT 2 J ~I ~t Ho 1 O> H f~l8.,..C,0t•tna 707918te ' ,, .. •1 11 61\li 6J , " "' 211 •• . ' . • • • ' " lt• ·~ • ' g JO 1 JO JO . . , l ' • , •• ., T~1 Auoc:oNPe~ ~/,/ Final Stocks In All Home Editions Complete Closing Prices -American Stoel\. Exchange List " ' • • " ' 'I " ' • "' " '" " " " ' "' .. .. " ! " ' ' " ul ' • ' • " !' • • • "' ' ~ • ' ' • l . " ' . "' " . " . • •• • • n " " . •• " " " J't~ •• .,. " • 'I .. ~~ ~l i ~ ' " ' ' ' . ' " " ' ' " 6 l h ' " ' i• ~ Sl j • " ll • 'l " .! " ' . •' . , ... ,,. " .. '" .. .. · ". 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" " • " ... l J :' ' -· ... ... ·-· -------------·. -·-----------------------------------~-· -r--·-· -· ,• ' 22 DAILY PltOT Wtdntsd1y, OttOber l , 1%9 -1...__!I LOT ·ADVERTISE R Wedntsday, Octobtr l , 19&., ------ • 231 f . 17tll Sr., Co,to M••o Shoppl119 Cenhtf", Costa Mesa • 10142 l.otello •••· llf 1111;.llci--G•de•l-4 $hoppl11t Centar 6orda11 Graw. e 11tG4 Ma9woll• Sr. or To1Mrt-'¥111att C111._,, Pa1111tol• Vollty e hoch & ldl.,.r ll1d.-H111ft ... 01 h.ct Sttoppl11t C11111r, H11111huJfo• IMcll e 13122 llooltll1m Sr. crt Wn1111l111i..r-W••"-'•ok C•nter, Gar•11 G.ro_.. e &127 WostMh1.._ et Cioldo11 Wo1r, Wostrnl111tff e 9661 Cllopfll011 A••· est lreoltl1111rtl-Ota"99 Co1111ty r1 01a, Gard•11 Gra•• e 1460 W. fdJ119*1' and lrl•lo St.-ldh19ff Ca111ar, S.nta A11• e ?JOO H..-bor ll•d.-Hort>ar Sllopplftt Coater, Co•to Mtio e ll 1 ll leoc• 11•4 . ., Atloota -H1111tl1ttto1 l1tacll e 11f61 Voltoy Vlow GI Cllop~• A,o.-E11s1,ai.. 1'10111, 6arl•11 Grow• ""' ... 42' Whi,_, 12 IJposvro PRICES SLASHED ON PHOTO FINISHING- Jumbo Size Kodacolor Fiim Color Prints Developed & Printed MaiM ha111 19:. nmosuu $297 Ye11r lllHl1t<.oltr ....... ,. ROLL PTlce lncludfl 69c tor devel<lP-llock White Prh1h le Jni;: '" 19e • ·Print. No dlar1• ........ tor :negallvf.I not printed, rtn w ... '• "' 111 0.1, n..,., .. w ... 1.,.,.,..,. i.w """"· fOI LOW l'llCfS, OUTITANDING ~l~NTS A fAST·SllVICI lllMfi ALL YOUI PILlll TO TOUI THllm DIUG AND DISCOUNT STOU A ssoo,000°0 Rug Sale Reg. $1588 16-Foot Aluminum Extension · PRICED TO SAVE OUR CUSTOMERS $12~.ooo.oo. Runners Discount Priced ' . 87 s39a Value! Oriental D.esign lrvuels Wovt11 Cotton Scatter Rugs 69c ea. Melmac· Dinnerware lO .. dinner plat.el. aoup or Mlad bowl•, v.gotabl•2 88 bowls tn Whit~. TUrquoime ( , o r Avocad :Won't chip, break. f.adt~y ~urornia. for }.feJaJ,nin.e: , f,, • ' Deluxe Door Mirror Ladders • NO .... sap, Self 'i.eYeD ... • l·ham COMtructl• $1 '177 1 Do your ,paint/''& cleanup cbere.., your- r1elf and save. Sturdy :ipring lo&ded aafety ladder, your.11 at ov· er i4.00 Bl\Ving1 in zpecial offer. $ .. Year Guarantee $139 Val.! Abalone Light Bulbs Famous )(anel rnirror11 1n 3 1tyle.11 • Mediterran• ~an. J.{OOem. Tradition· • al. Pittsburgh glass 1or distortion-free head t i') toe image. Great buy! Shell Giftware Ne,., Bath le, Kitc-hm. wall plaques: aoap dish· es,. hot plate holders. coa.:iters In plastic with iruiet abalone. Co I or cholce! Made In Cali!. 99' 6i97' 6.0 or 100 Watt No more bulb 11witchlng when you buy quality light bulbs by nation&.lly known maker g'U&ranteed !or 6 years! Great for hard to reach places. PRIC£S GOOD Jal ta Vodka Half Gallon $629 . " " . " , . . . ' -· . : ' ;.-: '. . " •! I ' '" Imagine a. halt gallon of fine ~ ... itl vodka. for only $6.29 .... ~r a t Thrity can you get 11.n ouf.ata..,i• ing \•alue Jiek this! J1Jta ·V~& 1 is light 11.a .a ~·hisper, mell!JW" 11 , 11ummer, unequalled ill Yeri&lillty, I Subtle, l!!mooth, never ob'vioU•;.. ••. make your:ielt the crowd's mu1tp.t expert. Stock np youc liquor· etld· net and uve at lhia ThriftJ'. lQl,lt' di!ICOunt price! 1 n Novelty Stufl•d 1 Vinyl Animals cutest ever • 11uit11ble for autographs. Mou(<e, "Spol" the DO(. Ele- phant. Poodle, RaA'.oo -some with .fur tnm. 9t Aulhentic Oritnt• Ill &: P~rsia.n p&t• I ern rugs v.·oven In &lgium. Cot· ton on jute, bin~._ td endl!. 22 ~x-t0. $298 Style5 For Every Home! Reg. s10•• G.E. Dry and Stea.m Iron 1:5-vtnt lronj.tem· }Jf'rat11re guide !or $1.19 pr. ValuelTN•Alcl U11ecl Rubber -Gloves . 2 ~ .. s100 Audio Magnetic Recording ·Tape 4 $.1 FOR • Decorative 5·Piece Tank Cover &MatSet Scatter Rugs Your Choice 2~5 5 :?ix44" .solid color 8Mis. 11triped tllt piles & hl·lo cut & loop pil~ in fllush blend of :50 ~;, polyester, 25~;, nylon, 25 ".";. r11.ron. ;\lach!ne \\·a~. "'"" "'"· "'$298 23" (•onl~ur milt. ::-pr.. tank ro\·ri-. ' litl C'OV'r in rot ton &. rayon bl<"ru..L 1; n e ": r :< t ('Q\Or~. Machlno \\'11Sh1!1J]e. ------------,---39' ea. Self .. Adhesive · \ Carpet Tiles 29c · • Qwfck & Easy to htstall Yo1rselfl • Dkcou11t prlcM g·• llq\H1res ot mirAr\llous polyol!tin \\'ilh foanl cushion b1u:k11, 11rJf·stlck tare. Jn de corator co\or11. R.e11isl 11talng. [,nng \\'eariTip; rlljt!t \\ 1Ll1 fo~rn n1bbrr b11rk.1n::: nf'l'd no ,xtrll p11d. ln goldfbrov:n. blur/grft.!11, 11 vor1do Briu:il, Brai.~l / tangerine n1·et'd1 ~r c andy 11lrlpt.:1. 1111 fabrics: contour ·$799 fabririr. Contoured }111ndl e reduce1 fR· tl~t-Extr11. • hJ c0rd lift, VF62. 1"'.> · Buy% pr: and 81.\'0 $1.3~ Firi;t quality, he&.vy d'ftty. Non-slip 111rface. Lined for hot ·water UM~. $ 179. 20 .. Foot Extension Cords Indoor or ftftc. Outdoor 77- Pacific Electric cord -heavily ln~ulated. Red color. U.L. ~ppd. ~ljllifi")F h ... ~_.(_ renc Dry Cleaner 89'Pledge Furniture Polish 99c Moel Style Watch lar01ds Colorful Daisy I Welcome Mat l-Teavy v \nyl-in gay $194 dn.lsy design • , green or gold. J4:-;2Q". $1.39 Woolite Cold Water Wash I Your 99c Choice 16 oz. liquid or l~~ oz. po\vder. 29' 9 .. volt Transidor '.i j~ Battery -.'i 11 c w ........ , .. ldM•I ...... ,.. ... . ,,,,LA. e.-., ,..,, .Special Occ•al.,, Ice Cream HALF GALLON 59 e V111lll• • Clll•t•llf• . • Srr1w"-"Y AN 12 Oth<r flavon He 88' Set of 6 Plastic Hangers H,11.vy duty ,('T)'e• t at p lastic-notch• ~d for •lraps. $139furtleWax Car Care Kit s109 Canlairul Car W11.x and In• terjor Cleaner. Do it your11el! and .aave. Buller Thin Cameo Peanut Brittle MBc'll! \\'ilh rich car- mel syrur and ne,v· crop pe11.nut.s by 69C tho fott>OU• ~. Nut ltl)U!l!o, Kitch· tn·ftt !h ahtpment. ,1-'irst qualltr. Eplire- f ree lape. 250 /t, ·On 3" r «l. $139 Metal King Size Tray Tables At tracti\'t: new pattern11 in B4C <httcy Y<ll"v nr Blue! Firm 5/S·in. brasstone legs. Best Buys! Full led Size Electric Blankets New luxury bl•nd """ $1199 nylon bind· Ing. Nlte lit• control. 4. col· ()TA,. 72x8'". Guaranteed 2 years. Reconditioned Set of 8 Spark Plugs · Sel~lion to tit mort can:. Come In J'roups of 8. Take !.dvantage ot Thrlf· tY'• IOw price to· AV• in Sale! ' · BBC~~ •1.21 Valuel llox of 32 Christmas Cards :Forget l.f• Note auortmen l. 'C\ne, c:olorful '\~!Uh bud' palntt4 1aok!' 59c v ' ) Fountain Valley Tetlay's Final N.Y. Stocks • VOL 62, NO. 235, 4 S£CTIONS, 76 PAGES DAil'!' I'll.OT l'~G!O br l errv Co.-1111 C:o1itroversy C:l101111ele•I City offit:ia ls are invrstigating charges by some rr s-irle111~ !h<it th l<> open slorn1 d rain along Staler Aven ue hcl\vren r;o!de 11 \Vc!il Strrc'l and Springdale Avenue in 1-luntington Beach is a hazard to health and sa fety. Homeowners would like stonn drain placed underground, but cit.y officials say that \\•ould be too e.x:pensivc. to Holll St1perviso1!s Ag1·e e Ediso11 Proposal Heari11g Hy TO~I BARI.EV 01 .... 0 1111 Piiot S!1U f cx1r reluctant Orange C nun l y supervisors agreed 'l'uesday ln back Supervisor Robert. Batlin's motion that they _preside Oct. 22 over public hearing into tlle Sou!h<'m Californl;i EdiS011 Com- pany's plans for a S\7!1 million expansion of it.-; Huntington Beach plant Jl will put the pov.•ci'-con'lpa~y·s pla~s:.. fn the spotl ight for the second time. in six days. For EdLc;on officials and antl·srr:og opponents of the pov.•er plant revamp~~ ~re e1pecled to clash Ck!. 16 in a hearing f,:e_fore Huntington Beach ~ity Council. .. llnanimous hltl grudging board en- rinr!'ement of Battln's motion frillowed the s upcr\·iS""r"S charges thal ''failure l.O ap- prove will lend credence lo charge~ !hat yon have already apprn"e<I the f ... di~n project'' _ a direct reference lo a claim B eacli Teachers To De1nc1n<l Puy Increase Rcv ie1u Teachers representatives will insist.°" 11 rev iew of the Huntington Beach Union ~ligh School District's Income before a salary boost is acce~ That was the wurd ay froni, C~rl Manneman, presid of the D1slr!tt E ducators ~Association (DEA ), ! n response to a two per cent salary Hl- crease offer for all high schoo\ teacher_s. hy \\"illiam F1tchrn, co11n ty air pollution controller, that lour sup!!rv1sor~ ~u p .. ported the Edison nlans five mont hs ago .at a priv<1te meeting. Fitc¥n· madr. thal. c·hargr in a tnn. f1dc nJja! r!'pnrt 1ha1. is nD lnr1ger !.'Oa- ficlrn1ia1. Ile further urgl!d l he ~"\Jrer\'i...,rirs conc.-erned -B;i1!111, Al1ri11 E. Allen. \Villiam . Phillips and t:hlli nnan \Villi<1m Hirstein -to "review !hCi r pos1- 1ion hehind closecl.doors·•.,. ;111rl '"take a Position of opposing svch expansion.'' Filchen told the board in a report rerrf9rkablr: for !he candor 1!1i;pla~'ed b~· a rnunty emp\oye that he "'ould deny thr F.dis<Jn applil·ati"n <1nd 1hal he expe clC'<t the county ::;tiper\·isors l'I <1d1Jpt 1he san1e alliludr. He claimi'd th11t lhP expandrrl pl ilnt, if <1pprovfd, W•lt1ld throw 00 lllflS nf poll11tanls int n the rnuntv atmo..,phrrr C'\T'ry rlay -the f'qt11\·ale111. hr ~!al es. of 1hf' rmi~~1on~ of lR0.000 :ll!!Clll10bill'!t. F'itchen e.~11matcrl 1hal the 1lails rli'>rharf!" flf fl"\idrs of n11rogrn into lhr enunty nllnnsphcrr is c11 rren1ly 147 Ions of whiC"h IM Inns comr frr11n mo1nr \'C.h1clf'} an<l :in t on~ fron1 the l::d1~(ln plant. f-l e drsrrihNJ Ilic Ed1.~110 pov.·rr hnuse as "the l;irgcst single s!ntionary sn11rce (lf pnl!u1ion from oxides or nitrogen in the. county." Supervisors declined public comment 0n the Filchen report Tuesday but bQ1h Hirstein and Phillips hurriedly d"nirrl 1lia1. they had at any time endorsfld the Edison project. Battin denied any such interpretation of the meeting on his part three days ago. Battin repeated Tuesday his earl ier ;;irgument that "lhe luncheon (v.·ith Edison officials) was nothing mnte than a (See EDISON, Page %) ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFOBNIA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER ·1, 1969 TEN CENTS Berets Now Deny l(illing Ex-comn1ander Says He Didn't l(now Agent ·rnAVJS AI R FO RCE BASE IAP) - The former Green Beret commander in Vietnam said today he didn't know the <1!1eged Vietnamese ,double agent t\{' and seven of his men were accused of killing and denied there had been such a slaying. "Th~l is correct," Col. Robert B, H!"ie2ult declared when asked al a ne\\"S conference if he denied there had been a killing. Ho111eow11ers Protest Beach ' Building Edict Protests are mounlin; today from O\\'llCis of -allegedly substandard homes in Hunt in'gton Beacil who have ~n hll by "fix.u p or tear-do\1·n" orders from city gq1·rmment. The si x-month-0ld edict declares that ~11ch f.!ruclures must be brough t up to ri- ll building stanrtards or demolished. fily building department official~ prr>d1 c1 l'ren 1norP. protests \\'ill be heard in !he days ahead. llit by the fir st b 1 o ck· by -b Io c k !"ystematic inspectinn of old homes, are hnn1eov.·ners in the 7500 block of \Vashinglon Av.::nue in the old \\'in- ter~burg section of the city. !lnmP~ there are from Ja 10 50 \'ear~ 11lr1 ;ind lhe f'ity claims many ciinnot rncet pre.~nt-<l;iy standards of con- strurt ion and safely . .. Since !he program began moving in t-.tarch about 40 old buildings. residential. commercial or industrial, have been tom do"'"·" said Charles C'.erardin, <'ity hous- ing inspector. "Aboat 35 more ~ere brought up to code." Gerardin said of I.he 30 homes l"l!l \Vashin,e;ton Avenue, about 15 will have lo he demolished, \Yh ile the otht-r 15 can be bro11gh~ up lo code spttifications . '"Homeowners wOO feel they are being treated unjustly may tell their story tn the housing Board of Appeals, set up hy Pie ord inance." Building Director Ollin C. ",J;>ek" Cleveland said th is <noming. "\\'e ;irr not <.'zarl'." 'fhc appeals board consists of five r 1tnen members appointed by the council :ind includes building contractors, plum- bing contractors and realtors. Sfrving on the board are Kenneth Brov.·n, l\lcDonnell·Douglas engineer ; Charlrs Coldstadt, real estate broker· and fnnner <1i r conditioning contractor; ,James DeGurl!e, glass company owner; f'harles Geers, plumbing contractor. and L. R. Peler~fln, huilr1ing contractor. Grrardin said other areas throughout thr r1tv are being and \lo·ill be inspected in a !hofough systematic approach to the CJlr! home problem. PILOT SA L UTES SK.I FA IR TODA Y Thr ~ki cro1vd is head'lng for the Corona del l\l;ir hills F riday and Saturday. Nope, they don·t expect snow. Thry just wanl to be al F'ashion Island for the shopping center's Second Annual Ski Fai r. Tite DAILY PILOT salute1 the show wilh a special 16-page tabloid section in- ~ide ioday. lt features articlet about the. ~ki show, area ski clubs and the succes.." slory o( one of the world's best known ski makers. Read it before you head for lhe hills either to ski or to see the Ski Fair. •·No," he said v.·hen asked if he had known the person a newsman described as the "alleged dead n1an." Rheault,. 43, also was asked if he. thought '"the Vietnamese who was killed was a close polltical ally of President Thieu'' and "Do you ·think thi.~ might have r esulted in the case. being brought against you?" "There was no conclusive evidence that the individua l was ever killed and there is certainly no indication anywhere that the alleged victim was connected with Presi- den~ Th ieu in any way," the colonel said. Rheaull and six of the seven other Green Berets involved in the case returned to the United States from Viet- 11am to this Californ ia base near San F rancisco the day aft.e r the Army drop.. ped murder charges against them. TI1ey headrd for their homes shortly after the plane set do\vn and an Army spokesman said all v•ould get Jlkiay leaves. The colonrl said he believed the in- cident "would better be forgotten .•. so long as people remember th<1t we were exonerated." He acted as spokesman for the otl:iers during a seven-minute session \Yilh newsmen here after a fli ght from "Vietnam aboard a chartered jetliner that brought 219 persons here. DAILY l'ILOT St•ff ,.._ SWEARING IN OF NEW COUNCILMEN BRINGS SOMBER MOMENT TO VALLEY COUNCIL MEETING City Clerk Mary Cole Does the HonorJ for Newcomer1 Sval1lad, Shenkman, Scott (from left) Valley Council Chooses Edward Just New Mayor • Ry TERRY C0\'11.LE • 01 '"" D•llJ '°llO! S!ell Edy,·;:ird Just v.·a5 selCcted rr,a\'or of }<'ounlain Valley 'T'11esday night hy unanimous \'01r or hi.~ ft.'.llov.· counc1hnen. . John /larper was rlected vice mayor 1n !hr s:i mP. manner. Bo!h in cun1hrnt count!lml'n receivrrl their posts following the installation of nrw c0uncilmr n f;eorge Scctt. Ron .Shenkman and Bernie S\·alstad, victors in last Wet>k ·s recall election. .. Election results v.·ere fi rst v31idated by a thrre·man council of Just, Harper and defe ated incumbent Joseph Courreges. ThP. two other defea1ed councilmen. ~t ayor Ro!)(>rt Schwerdtfeger and Donald Fregeau, failed to appear. r.ourreges rea>ived loud applause as he left lhc slagc from an audience of nearly Jl'O in the community_ center alter Just urgerl ttie ovation for "J oe's long service in the city." After Just was nan1ed mayor he outlin- td P vigorous ~mon1.h training pr~ gram for the freshmen councilmen which includes a study session on various as~cls of ci ty government each Tuesday right. intervicv.·s for a new ci ty altorne.y lh1~ Saturday, a lour of all the city's building dP.vclopment~ the next SBturday anrl ;i lot of homework. "You men deliberately soughl t.he joh," Just told them, "now you're on a merry- ~ n -r 1;1 u n d t ha t d oes n 't s t op. Congratulations for winning." Ju.~t· also declared that, beginning Tuesday night,. fl new policy would be adopted on the appointment o( citizens In the planning or parks and recreation commissions. ''The council, not the mayor, will now make all appointments." he said, e:t· plaining a system wherr:by each coun- ci lman would submit his sugges1ions and commis!l ioners would ~ taken from ap- plicants with the highest number of votes (See MAYOR, Page!) Beach Trustees Okay SDS Ban Trustees of the Huntington Beach Un- ion High School District Tuesday pa!>!ed a resolution against the recognition ol the Students for a Democratic Socict.y (S OS) on any of it.s five campuses. The. resolution, endorsed by the State Board of Education, ~·as forwarded tea the Huntington Beach truste~ by Or. !\-Tax Rafferty. state superlrtfeidenL of. public instruction . lt calls the organization nn ··enemy of the state" and declares it "unfit to be recognized as a student organitation by any California public school or public school district.'' Only trustee to vote against the resolu- Lion was Dr. J oseph Ribal. Stock Marketti NEW YORK (AP)-Stocks ~ll~ped on a broad fr ont Jn slow trading this after· noon, as declines, paced by several blue chips, extended their lead over advances by nearly 300 issues, (Se!: quotations. Pages 20-21). '"The Dow Jones industrial average. con· Unued to drop. "We want to be certain that we receive •n objective assessment of the dis1rict's financial condition before we accept any ialJry increase," he said. fie added that the board of trust_ee~ lasl spring established su~h a revi~w panel to work out a potedtial salary 1n- Bench District Decides Orange cre.a&e from unexpected revenue. . "We simply want to foll.ow the pal1cy &el down by the board." M id Manneman. Asst. Supt. Scot t Flanagan, h~·eve~. le.rm~ the n 0 t i o n an "exercise in futility." He said the money for 1 tw? ~r cenl hike it already available, ellm1nat1ng the need \0 convene the panel. Tile panel would consist of one member 11p-pointed by the board of trustee."!, one man frmn the DEA and • third man m utually agreed upon. . ~ Kie.a of Its formatioo \Vas arrived a t last spring during biller wage negotia· tions ••hich were climaxed by a teacher ~'Ofk slowdown and day-long strike. After it was learned Monday that the cli!rtrict received $225,000 in uneJL:pected inc<1me from state aid plus the possibility of evr:n more funds made a1i1.ailable through an increase in the asse~sed ''aluation. members of the DEA decided that the panel should be convened. They·ll ask for 1he panel rluring ~ meeting scheduled lwtween rlisf ri('t ad• minislrfllors and DEA official~ ill (I a.m. Thursday. Sex Class for Parents,-N ot !(ids By RUDI NIEOZIEl..SKI 01 Ille 0•111 l'lltt Sitt! Parents in the 11untington Beach Union l ligh School District will soon have the ri!1portunity to enroll in a family life and sex education course.. ·i·heir children won't. 1 hat wa~ the decision reached hy .district trustees Tuesday night. ending a y~a r-long furor o\·cr the c1nOlionally ch:irged topic. The motiOl'l In eslahlish a nli;ht class "for parent~ who are not rquipped 1o teach seJL: education al home'' 1\'as ma1lr: by Dr. Ralph Bauer and p11s!!rd hy a four to one riia,rgin. It also k ill~ the pn'>~ibili tv or a student sex: educatinn ('(1t1r~c in thP nl'ilr fn1ure. "lfs qui te 11pparrnt th;1 l Uui-i1 h.:1 <;1r.1lly ::J slupi.1 idea," chr1rgr'I Trustrr. J o.5epb R1bal, \\'ho c.:1s1. the dissenting vote. "We already have 11uC'h a course. available at Golden West College. This is an obvious effort to kill this course. "The board is acUng in a fashion which i~ completely irresponsible ln terms of the desires of ~ parentll." • Yet among the estimated 450 who Rathered at the lluntington Beach High School auditorium to witness the debate, the. parenl-1 against the proposed ccurse clearl y oulnumbered aod outclapped those in favor of H.. Trustee John Bentley who remained quiet during most of the meeting, analyi· ed the situation thusly : "Quite a bl:. or :Jllpport hi!~ been sh<!_\\'n for lhJs progr am tonig.Jit, but it v.·asn't enQugh." "I've had II uri to here with lhi~ rour~e."' lamented Alan Kennerl y. a teacher who was head of a cQmmillet In- strument al ln designing t.he C1>urse oulllne. "I've been called • Communist and a conspirator and thal's enough. This course Is dead unless it is revi~·ed at the gr11!!1 roots level." Befo re making their decision the five trustees listened attentively to 18 people from the audience who either supported or condemned the course. As in pa!lt meetings, the &ex opponents. were more organii ed than their count- erpa rts, often reading from prepared slatements. Here are some of the comments the lrustees re.:elved from both sides on the now-dead k X course for students: Robert Stutt: This c~1r11e L1 anti-moral. 3nti-rellglou11, anti-fam ily, anti-marriage ... it suggests unrestrained relationshivs. m<1~l.urballon anrl fO'!'nicatloo ~ix to eight years before marriagl!. Richard B. Wilson: t feel a real responsibility on our part to teach children the responaibillly t.hey take on U1emse\ves. I urge that a committee to further study the course be constituted at Uli.~ lime. ~1rs. Bernard Gage : The course emphasizes immorality. Religion and et.hies are treated in • derogatory man- ner. W. D. West: This course a pproves con- fli ct with every segment of society, in- cluding thr: church. Sallie Cartwright: lf we attempt teaching sex education without moral values, we nre courting disaster. Pauline Moen : I 'don 't believe that the majorlty oJ families have failed (in tcactiing Sfx education). and It is neither right nor just lhal a'I 11hould be maligned ISet SEX COURSE, P•1e %) Weather Thurwlay'1 foggy morning skies wi ll give way early to fair weather ar'ld sun!hine, keeping the temper· ature In Lhe middle 70's. · INSIDE TODAY If you're ..,. hoping to ge t a l!Chol.arship for college, there art three important things yo u must do. Joyce Lain di.!cuue1 them in Career Corner, Page J I!, ...... " C•tllff"Jll• J , ..... c..--11 (1_11!.. ....,. C•mlc.1 U ,,..._.... 1J O.dll *'IHI " OIVW~" MC_. e•lterlll ..... I e111.ne1~-tt.11 Jl'ln-• tt-t l Mtoo t.. \«'Ike MC .. Mtttl.... 11 IMYIM • N-11 Mutu•I l'YfMlil 11 On:-CNitty If l'TA it S-'t ,,,,. Or. SMIMNllll " S!Odl ""9ttl.rl ... I I T..,""""" IJ Tiit...... ..,, --. """ l ..... A ill Wtt.._, 4 ....... W111tt. " Mllll)t~ I WwN MIW"I ~J Merri... ,,_,_..., Lk 1t1Mt MC·I I I -~ -· --· . . ----·-· ----------~~-----------..---------------- 2 DAI LY PILOT H Chamber Grills Aldrich on Action·s at Irvine By THO\IAS fORTUSE Cl tM 0411W PllM ll1tt An SOS leader, black studenl.!I and noig lov.erint:s v.·ert !hf' things NP'>l·port Harbor Ch'1mber of Comn1er ce members askE'<l abot1l \\'hen 1..'C lr\·ine Chancellor Daniel f'r. Aldrich Jr. addressed them cit a brl'..&kfasl meeting today. The lone or the quesLions ind1catr.d Aldrich is a man in the publi<' Pye, and he \las called upon to defend ~nd JU~li fy his actions. Of most intere:5:t to questioners v.·a~ hi:ii approval of SDS leader Michael K..-ihman, Nixo11 l11volved 111 Droppi11g Beret CharfJ'es -~ '\'.ASHING TO~ I AP) -Tht: \\lhi!e Jiouse acknov.1!tdgl'd belatedly toda y that rr,sident Nixon v.·as in voh·ed in e\'ents that prompted lhe dropping of crin1i n1l charges ;igai nst six Green &rel officers accused or murdering a Vietnamese. But press secrct::iry Ronald L. Ziegler Insisted tha t lhe Anny acted on its own in deciding to drop the charji:es Monday. Ziealer had said on Tuesday that to the bfst or his knowledge the President had not participated in the decision . Today he conceded that there y,·as some in· \'OlvemeOt. By Ziegler·s acco unt Richard 1-le)ms, director of the Central lntelllgence A1en- cy made a decision that , in the interest of national security, its employes would' not ~ penn!tted to testify at !,he planntd courts martial or 'lbt Army Special forces merr: ''The President ;,pproved U1e decision,'' said Zleglror. The press sec relary said the Anny marle its mo\'e after ht'ing in- form~ of the Nixon-a ppro\'ed CIA dN:ision. The. Army did nol seek Nixon"s okay for its action but cfid •nfonn the \\'h1!e Hou11e that the charges wnuld be dropped, · Ziegler said. Asked whether anyone at the \\'hlle House reviewed in ad vance Secreta ry of the Army Stanley R. Resor's ;'lfonday an- . nouncement, he said, "to my kno\vledge \l.'e did not." He also said that no one ;it the \\"hile ltouse "exerted persuasion"' on the CJ.\ or the Pentagon y,·hile the mall er '1 as un- der considerat.Jon. -N. Viets Proinisc W orcl on 3 l\'len ;: PARIS lUPJ ) -Eight Oklahoma ,: women relaxed tllday y,•l\h assu ranrc!': -l of y,·ord frorn North \'irtnam on the f;il c ;; of their llll~~ing S('r,·1ccn1en relative!':. ·'. Other rrlaTn·es of mis~ing Amrriran~ :. ,-;ho a\go ija\'e asked for a meeting "'i!h ·Hanni diplomat;,, "'ailPd to be rallcrl lo :"the Comn1un1:-t nation·~ !.uburban \Illa ' The Oklahn1na group nf se\1rn ''i1 es ·:;ind ooe mother of mii;i;Wg ~ervice1nc11 :; fll "l Tuesdav \\'ith thrr(' n'en1brri; of t!1e. : ?>;011h Vi etniitn!'se delrogat1 C)11 ln I.hi' Pari~ : tal ks. Thry ('ame aY.a y "'Lth prorni;,cs :: thrv wou ld receive news by mail of the ;j late of the men. Goocl Grief! ~Pun1pkins Stolen . -• r.ood gn"f Ch11rhr Bro10.11' Somronr ,;:;!fllP f\l'O ,;;rl'~t pumpkin~ in lfunt1ngt on .Btachl : The thefl occ11rrerf in thr nii!'I of the ~"\rning v.·hrn an unkno11·n pumnkin IO\'Pr ~l irped in!n l h~ h;ickvarrl pumpki n patch (Jf Lf'C l\i!llP ;it 1112i I ran1111y 1.anr · Police founci ira rr~ lra<hng nut nf thr ::tJu n1 pk in p;ildl. bul found 110 !raees Qf the ·"lnissing purnpk1n!'. And lhcy ·were almo~t. ripe, ~a id Kcrnr. DAllY PILOT r ob~·• ti w,,J r,.,..,,~, ••.d "cb"•~~· J ~,1 r C:•1•'•1 \ll1t ~, ... .,. .. 1 '"~ "~""''' "''"'~' 1~a"''' r.~1 •il £_~ "' J1'e-i1• A. M ~·nl•t• •0 01~''' £<1: O• ,1 1~~11 W, R ~1 ., "'""""" £a·•~r H1"tl"9t111 leo<h 011!(1 JG 9 St~ Sh~•I M•;!i"t Adclrtn: P.O. lco 1,11, t26~1 Otltlr Olllttt "''•....e·• ll•••~ };!•, .••.• @•'II"• 8"'.lltv.,. r 't 'I•\• '.l~ \' '" !hv i••r!I l lh .• 81.c~ . .ill ~~'''' "'t""• ~A-. CIAILY "!~t;T, "''~ "'~'"' 15 f c-&.~·d •"t ,,..,..,.,.,tH. " mut.11•~•0 a• t. •" "" ~~.,. 111v r.t ••1>••••e •n•l•C'" to• .. ,,,."~''"~ ·f!o•d•, F&ull••tn \'1 l•v. Co•!• #.',u•. ,., .... ie•t At••" •r·!J l•~u"• ,,.,~, olon• •1111'1 .... '"'°"'I •<:l·t~·· ''""'" (O•I• ru1111 .... ,,.. (o""'•~I" pr •~•·nt 11.fn!\ .,. ~t 7'11 "'''' !lolte. li~f , fi•'"r"t B••UI• .,.. JJO \'o •U llt'f' 51•HI, Cr!I• /,'tH. felt,lt111• 11141 ~1·4lJI 27, as Coordinator of At'ademic Ad \'ising. Dr. Aldrich said he knov.·s there are people, "not a few I am mindful ," wl!o oppos!: the Kr isman appointmtnl. HA said, "J·am no more interested in seeing th is insLituti on come tumbling doll'n around rne or something happen to lhts count ry thao ~'flll are." lie said he bche1·es U1e same goes for n1ost vf the SOS :;-tud rr.ts on the lr\lne c<iml)u~ Alilnrh :-aid Kr1 sn1an as 11 stucl<'nl ~·ould l>f': irlentified as an .itll\'JSI. ''thrre is no qut-st10,n about it.'' But he said thr General Ace1ised thu1 gs Kr i1man w1a concerned about - student participation in government, the quality of tl".11chin& -are Jegittmate thing~ for a student to be acll,.e about. "~fike is not one lo simply jwnp up and fioy,·n and make noiM ," he i;aid. "I a1n sat1sfiei l he has produced a be.lier ra1n- pu~ for 111s 1n1·ahc111ent." A!drK'h s;ud .a goal for the t:an1p1is fron1 Ilic beginning has bcf'n far·ull.v rrspnn~ireness lo students, not ju.<>t on acatlr1nic n1<11\crs bul as hum an 1x'u1r .. o. lie said il \\'as appropriate to appoint "unc of our own who knew about th is et- < UPI T1le~h1!1 Lt. C01. \\lil!ianl" George, an Anny .investigator appearing befoie a Se nate investigations subconlmittee, accuses no\v tetlred .Maj. "Ge;,. \Villia1n Cunn in~han1 Jll of brushing off d lsc!osures of inassive thefts and rakeoffs from service clubs on U.S. Army bases in Germany. 1See story, Page 4J. SF erobes Use for Sex Filni from \\'Ir' S'r1•lrt1 SAN FRANC ISCO -C11y officials, after diligently reviewing 1he farts, ha\C ord,red an in\'estigation into the sup· po rting role of a municipal bus 1n a sex film. ~!unicipal Railwa~· author11ies discloscJ Tuesday Bus 2603 did. indeed, play 11 pro· niinent ro\e 1n thr fihn ing of "Seat of Passion : Pork of Plea~ure " Police vice squatl members. \\'ho 'iell'· Pd the filn1 se\'cral time~ beforr ~111nJ! 11 1n a rHirl ;it 3 !11e.1trr la~! 1••rck . ~airl :i 11our1g 111:111 :111rl a .'•O\H1q 11 nn1an explorct! ;ill r<J1111/ie:1t1011~ of sl'~ ~ll bolh ~citing$. Officials sa id ;i 1n~n nan1ed TrrTv :-;11!Jivan lf'a~~rl !hi' h1Js Frnm t/1£' r11 .v Hl .11111f'. llr pa11l ~50 f,.r f1111r hriur~ 11~r ot Pit \'f'h1r Ir ;111rj r~pri·1;1 lly r1•q11r~1r1! .t 11ri .. rr "11hn '1 11 1 h1 · rrl;1.1:ed in his 11!1 11\ r~1 and1n8 of "hat 11'e are dning .. , Tile job "P.nt lo Gtorgr. 1\lartens<'n, ··~1uru J\1an of !he 1\lonth" in Jul v. 191i.1. Officials said 1he young couple, a Camr ra crew and SC'\'eral extr11s boarded the bu,;; at lhr Presidio Theater. t.larlcnsen said he kept his e~·cs un front. a,·oidcd the rear-\'iew mirror a•1rl managed to st ay a li!tle rela xed. l1e said he .. nn!ed no impropri£'1 ics." \\'h at the orfielaL~ '1 cr£' trying to find nt1l wa.~ \\1hy J\lartensen rlidn"I know v.h,iL 11 HS going on in the bus he "·as driving l'he lhree \'iell'er$ -Jarncs U>onarl/, .1o;;s1sta 111 t<J !hr .'{f'n eral rnanage.r: Joh11 ll Cri •wlcy, fll'pu ly general n1anag er , <llitl Tl1nn1a.~ (.'u~ran, ass i ~tan l s!Jp<'rin!('l)df'nt -said thC'y were satisfied 1\1ar1PnS<'n hadn "l loo kc<I back. ~1 HrtPn.~r11. :i hus (irirrr for 20 .rear~. h;t" 11•·1rr l ;i ~rri lus e.\es off the road Inn;:: r tJotie:h to ha\ r an accidf!nt and Cu rran declared: '"l!c's a pretty reliable man.'1 l'~on1 Pnye l SEX COURSE • • I• r:111"C nl thr f;11li1 rr r.r ;i fr 11· Rev. Ja tne~ De Lange \\"e cler,i;:,\·mcn ;ire \et} 1nuch a•,\ arc of the 11eed for re5pon51hle fan1ily J1fr and "e x rdocalion fnr ch1ldrrr1 and adults. It is Dur ex-· prrit;>nrr th1t! 1.h1 ~ rd110.:at1 nn 1~ not !akin.; plare to an adrquate dPg ree in n1any hnn1e/i. I\ ~ ll<1rro<-n11 · \\11at arr ~ ou alr<11rl (If~ Are you afraid that your chilrlrtn \1 111 ]('an1 ~0111e!h1nr.r ~ou don·l know'!, I was r11 i~ed in ignor ance. N<>w \1'e're tr:i•1ng lo ke<'p 011r kids from learning it. Ur. J osr-ph ~faslrapanlo . Thi ~ lst x education\ 1nalerial c.1n hr cnnslructi ve and i11nfienl'il'f'. \\'hy aren 't the n1aleria l~ in this co1tr!ie:' f1l'\'. Hnl~rl L;irl't'n' T 111n fa \·or;iblv lmpresst>1: hy the 1nnral i11· ;:inrl rllrectnP~·" of lhis district. I an1 not afraid of the. program . Hllrry Bogg.o;.· SoMr nf t hi~ material 1s ~" b;id 1l 1<.ould n1:tke an Ar1ny 5crgeant bh1sh . Be \·. flana ll a\1·ks : 1 !"4?1 that \his pro- posed course is a quatlty piece o/ 11 ork. Service .Station Squa.bbl e Su1tecl Th r h::il tlr nf !h(' ~.1 :;: st:1l1011s t'f'l"Sll "- lhe Ci lv l)f Jlon1l111i;itvn Rc:i1"11 \\'1ll hr resumed at the Oct. 7 n1eeting ol the plannlng comn1is.<>ion. Th e. ne<.1.' gas !illtion~ springi11g up in llun1inglt')n Beach are ugly, according lo r.fal'or ,Ja ck (;rren. T)1ey •re functionall y desi gTied nnrl arc n('1·rf~11r_\' to kePp ni..-·r \\ilh t h~ grow1ni;: automobile population of Ille ci ty, say the ol! con1pani<'s. Tht' question 9."ill he furlhe r dPbated al fhi: plann in~ rnm n1l~~1n11 ~e.~sinn whe n lhP city al!orney·~ nft1ce y,·ill prfsent a ~furly on lhr pnssibil:lif'~ of requir1n i;: ap- prO\'al of sta11on 1leb1gns by the ci!y"s architectural rPvicw board . In eit her c.11.o;.e, Sl anrlard Oil ro. of Calif. \VJ ll nga ln .!'<'Ck a llSf.' permit to ron- f'lruct a ~lat it'ln :I L \\"arner Avrnue and Go!clen \\'e't Str,t't rlurin,q lh;i t mtrl1rig. (t111~t ;in.-.. Bl 1nrh,1 rd ;i 1111 ~fifjlle about It pr11 ;11;,1~ _ ~,.~ ,1.\1011 11'! hO\'(' and .1 ~en··r 1\I :-.11·1r lladla1irl \\"r nr<>d tl\\s to1ir~r tn bring up the 1noral .\landards nf our rr1111!ry .fi.n .Jnnt'!-fi:ar hrf'€<lS ignor::i nrr ::iriit J1:11nr;inrr l'or~rn ., fear. I~ a!::.o hteclls 1, 111111 .111\ctl cluldren l'rom Page 1 1'1AYOR ••• frnn1 1flr council. In the p<isl !he mayor had made the t1pJl{'i11\n1c11t.i \\'ith the apprO\'al of city counc1L Jus• al_.n called fo r all c1tiLrns in- t cre~ted in serving the rommunit y lo sulHnit applications for three open parks ;inrJ rrr rralinn con1n1i~ion posts lo city hall before t.looday. No indication was ~n·C'r Tu('!'da~· on \1·hat miljht happen lo current ('n1nn1issioner~. Tur ·" rt 11 .v' s enlhu.~ia~lir ce rr1nl'ln1e-~ <11'n1 !n:1!£'rl ;i six-n1n11 th stn1ggl£' in 1.hc Cl· l,v 10 oust Jhc othe-r three <'OUncil111rn. Leadrr nf th11 ! rrc;ill ba11lr . Eugrnt- ''11nDa~J... rer('1\·ed a .~la)lding o\·a11on fr·1m the crowd at the 1,>f~ng of \V. G. S('hu ltz. • •·1 h0pe tl11s 11r1v cnuncil is Sfl ~ffec1h·r no nn•• 11;;i11ts to run again~~ it in Apnl,' said Schultz. The recall \l'a.s launch('(] by ,·anDask O\"".'r the controversial Larwin Traci j 9 zoning it em y,•hich "'ill appear on tht cnuncll RgrndR nexl Tuesday 1 <.1.'hen it first displayed plans for srnall-lot 15,000 s4uare ft-ct l ho1nt-~. He fir.~! 11"on a court ball le, o' ertumin.1: the zonini;:, lh<'n bc11:an a vi&orous ('am- paigr. tn recall lhe three counell men whn :-.taunrhly ~11 pporlf'd the Larwln tr.1<'t in and out ot courl. He \\'On that battle too "'"' W••'"''""'' C1t1 l•O· I J11 Ct..lftff Aof••nl1l11t •4l·i6 71 Co""rltM, ., .. , Oro"~~ co .. 1 r yh11111t.,. ,.,...,r, '* """' • • e • ;, 1 ''"''''"'"''· #11•0'•11 mi tt" tr '"""' ""'••11 ~'t'" ..-, , ,,. rt ... otll(" ,.,,~.,.,, '"'' ''' ,..,,,..,."on 8' (l0 ••>9M '"'"' ~.,,...,., '''" r•i··~· r• • •' '" • "" ,, .. ,. ••J C!t'• "'"•· (•'"••·•'., .. ,, •• t o .... ,., '''~ ,.. •• ,~·( . .,, ... • 1 •o '"''"''"" r. •t••• ~''''"'1~1. 11t-O "'' "• Pla nninR c.·0111mis5/oner.. dcct<i red a n1oratonum cin the. 1.on.ctruc1lo11 nf srr1·1rti f!a l ll'>n~ ahout A n1nnth &8n ).,..•1· 1Jt11g rei•rip1 rif lhP Ci l,\' ;1!lnn1r} '5 1rporl. Tl-.(' tnR~ or's lnr olvt1nenl as a real P!ilate broker 1n the. Larwtn land sale and one othtr city lransactio n, gove lhf' n1 "Ce~:i111• i1npetus to make I.he recall .. uecrss!UI. Th!! olher two councilmPn !i!OO.l by the mayor and \A'tnt do.,..·n to cl Pf,..at "'l!h him. All lhn•P nr1v ('oon rilrnfn prnnH~d ;i fl""' "r1 ;1·• 111 1··ount;11n \ 11lley cJty r-.n•.rn1111r111 fort and has worked at 1t." The chancellor was a1ked if SDS students are wil!inG to dlscuss and debate Js:sues ... In so far as the likes or Mike Krism an a.re concerned the answer is 'yes'," he said. "'But there are ahvays thos e 11·ho don't know much abou t an}•thing and llkro lo make a Jot of noise." lie .... as asked if Krisman has re· nounce d hi!' SJ)S !Stud£'nls Jor a Democ·ratic Soc1et_1·) n11·rnher.~lu p. "'l le 1s not a mcmb£'r <lf SOS. 11£' ha~ never pa id due-s to the organitalii:m,'' said the chanct llor. lie also dl'ftnded 1\ris1nan's !rip to communist Cuba. Aldrich said Kr igman told hhn he went to Cuba becau!e of his interest ir: Latin American }1istory, \vh ich he hopes to pursue next year at Yale J!ratluate school. ffe \vas accon1 pan1i>d on 1he tr.µ by three Latin An1cnc;in tustory gradu<ite students. The. Lrip is nol illega l. Aldrich 1nain· tained . It is unauthori1.cd by lhe Stnle Department but he said, a UCLA pro. fessor went to court over il and got his passport back on the principle a cilaen of this country is free to travel. Finesse, Distance Added For Next U.S. Moon Walk CAPE Kl::NNEDY, Fla. (AP) -1'ht Apollo 12 astronauts may st.roll more lhan half a mile fr om their moon land1ni.; craft nexl mont h. Also, they plan lo collect rocks wi th fa1· greater scientific fin esse lhtin Neil A. Armstrong and E'dwin E. i\ldrln .Jr., 11·ere ~ble to cn1ploy on mankintl"s first lunar sca1•cnger hunt. Apollo 12 Con1mandrr Charle$ Conrad rates ch;inces RS "50-50'' that he v.·ill be :i blc to la nd close enough tn ;in un111::inncd Sur1·ryor :;pacecraft no11' on \ht? n10011·s Orean of Storms' so that he and astrQflaU\ Alan L. Bcan·cal\.b!'ing pieces of it back to e:1rl h. All this \1·as revcnled in an improiTip\tJ press briefing h'y NaVy Ccz1dr. Conrad and Lt. Cmdr. Bean 'fuesd:iy fol10\1'ing a dress rehear~al of their 1noon v.·al k. f.Iean1rhiJC', the third Apollo 1 2 -' Countia11 llel{I Aslron;iut -Navy Cmdr. Richard F. Gordon J r. -helped crews at the la unch pad v.·ith a countdov.'T! rehearsal te sl for the scheduled Nov. 14 liftoff. Gordon 11•ill remain in moon orbit in the Apollo 12 com mand shi p \\'hile Conrarl anrl Bean spend some 31 hours on the surface, including seven hours outside lhe lunar module landing craft. t.1ission rules \l'ill Jet the two crey,·men 1rande r 3.000 feet, or about two thirds Qf a mile, to \•isil the Surveyor. Their em ergency oxygen supply. need- ed if their main backpa cks fail , has enough oxygen to keep them alive 15 lo 20 minutes. ti color ie\e\·ision camera that can beam live cove rage of their lunar :ic- ti vitics to earth has been built. ·and ''lf it can be fligh t qualified in lime, y,·ilJ be .. aboard," Conrad said. The moonmen plan lo make tv.10 ex- cursions outside the landing craft. each lasting abput 3 1 ~ hours and separated by an eight-hour res~ period. , '\-_ l'ro1n Pnye 1 On 01ilcl Beating_--E DISON ... Cl1a1·gc in Beacl1 :;L1.a~ gathering and absolute-ly no tl ee1s1ons \\·ere 1narle." i\ Gardl'n Grore man 11·ho police al- lege !ashed his nine-year-old ::on \l'lth a leather brll in Hu nt4ng!on Brach. ,..,a.~ arrested Tllesday on charges of felony C'hild beating. Po!1rr hoo~ed .Johnnie t\cnncrh \\'no~· lry. :::6, LJ1tn Hunt ington Beach City Jail Tuesda y 111gl1l on the child beatin i.; t hargc. He 11 as accused of sevcrel_v heating his son al the faniily home, 882 1 Anchorage Dri\'r. llunlinglon Beach. The allcgPd 1·ic llm and an nth Pr ~on art c·urrently in pnitecLi ve custody at Ju\'c· nllc: Hall in Orangr. \\'ooslry rnarle nn coinmt-nl \1·hcn he 1~·as arrested Tuesday afternoon h,v (;;ir- <IC'n (:ro\·e police on a warrant issued b.v Hunl ington Beach. !-!e 11·iH be nrra1gnerl 1n \\'est OrangA Coun!y r.111nicipa l Court, \\'estniinstcr, 10-- d;iy or Thursday. ,. 'Life Begins~ Pict.ure Slated ''Hov.· L i fe 8fgin::." nn hcur -Jong feature oruz inally pro<JucprJ for 1el~\'is1011. "111 be shnwn to \\'est1111n~tf'r Schoo l fJiSlri \l paren1~ at 7::10 pm. Thursday al U1r lith Street School. Although 1he fihn 1s 0111 parl of lh~ 1!istri1·t's ra1nily li fe prog rilnl. 1l has been n1ade '1l'a1table fnr parr>n! rr r1r11·, The 17th St rrrt SrhQQl i~ locat ed ,:IJ[ i5i l \\r.~r1n111~l r r \1r 199.50 1'9.50 ' CO>I VEN IENT TERMS l BANKAME RICARD MASTER CHARGE • But he found Vi.'{orous oppositlon lo his s1 1ggestion 1hal the Fi!chen report be '·declassifif'd" ::ind "111~r.c arailable to thr p11htic." He urged the bnard to take lh" "nol for release"' label off !he rrpnrt and '"IC't people scf' c-..::ielll' \1•ha1 .. l\1r. F1tchen said ;ind ho\'' he said it.·· S11per\'isor Da rid Baker Jed !hf' suc - cessfu l 01J1:x1~i1inn 10 l3i'.1!1in's 111011011 \\•i!h !he f'Ofl1111C'nt 1h;1l "':-iUth_;:n ;1ction \\fliild ronsidrrably rrslno.:t those county of· il(•tals 11 ho 11 1~hed lo communicate 11·1th us in a like rnanne:r. "[l's on<'n nccrs~arv th<st wr al101v r n1rto.rc~ 10 n1;ikc 1 111 ~ hind of ri:pnr1.·· Haker s<11</. ··And l {';11i'l :;ec us ge t111l~ an:1 more 1f !11C' rrrson con1pilin~ !he docurnent i.~ nn~ <issured of immunity fro1n future pubhc scru11ny."' Fltrlicn's argun1enl~ th;iL the expanded J·:di.'on pl;·u1t "l11J\d l11kr pollllti<Jn stati~t1cs 1n the eounty lia1 c been opposed b.v con1pany spokes1ne n. Fitchen·s .<>ta1is11sc hi!\'(' hci:.n cha1Jcng· de bv I'. J.. f\larlin, assistant manager for !he f''lmpany 's sou!heasl,,._ djfis1on, v.·i1h Lhe co mmrnt: •·our design s!kcifica- tions <ire nol f;1r eno11gh along to kno1v 1he type of di scharge !hat y,•ill be taking place. ••f don·t kno\11 ,1·here F1!chen got hJ.~ figurrs unless he based them nn othe r facilities presently 1n operation," r.1art1n :;aid . ll<'porl~ lha t Ellison v.1•uld lriple the ~1ze (If lts lluntington Be111:h npera!1nn 11·ere drnicd bv ~t<ir!ln. l!r cflnfirmrrt tha t the rtp.1nsinn. H .1pprn1·er1. ""111 heg111 in Jffj0 and 1•111 be f'\1n1 plc!crl 1n ~hnut fj\·r year~ 350.00 350 .00 161 1 NEWPORT BOULEVAR D COIT;, MESA • ,. KrisJnRn duJ M t re -enter this country deviously but came lhrouah customs 1n New York and told them where he hiid been, Altlrich !'i<li <i. His passport w11.-, not rc l'oked. J Aldrieh told about !ht' c<1n1pus' :;pec ii!l n11nor11:; ~tudf'nls adm1s.~1nns prngr111n an" its cf!ort to employ 1ninority person.., on the .st 1ff. lie was askt?d if in lnun ty :.LudC'n\~ h;id become actil'c leaders o! tlissenl. Aldrich said he hasn't seen it happ'n y1:t but it is son1ething he'll ha ve In watch out for ... Persons interested 111 agitation niight be interested in ex- ploiting U1ose who have a cause," he said. But he said as far as he is concerned the blacks anti r.1exican-A1nericans are goal oriented and seen1 to y,·ant only what the whites hal'e. He wa s asked his \'Crsion of the F lag Incident last spring . He said the campus U.S. fl'!ag initially '1·as half·masted on hi~ order when he \\'as told t\\'O students hRd been killed al Berktlf'y. lie re1'ealed for the first liml'! !hat Student B!Xly President Ronald Jlidgle had put it to him , ''\\'ould you for once chRncellor rlo so mething simply because I ask you to~·· Later il v.·as learned !hilt only onr person had bl'en killed and 1hat he wa , not a student. Aldrich canceled the half· staff ord er, and Ridgle call~cl him 111 \Va shington, D. C .• to apologize for giving him y,•rong informat ion. Some students then IOClk it upo11 themselves lo reJoy,·er the f lag and it \l'e nt up and down for a couple or days. Alrlrlch, in ano!her first lime re~·elatio11 ;ibout the inciden t lasl spring, said l1r. cou ld ha\·e had two c::impus policemen stand guard at the flagpole but they bo!h y,·ere forn1er !\1arines who had spent lhe1r U1•es dcf£'nding the Flag. - "If I had put Thein there studen t.o; \\'OUld have harassed them and it seen1ed the \\Tong thing lo do," the chancellor said. Instead he told them lo "put the Fla~ up y,•hene \'er you see it down but go abo ut you r business.'' }le-any,•hilc, he \\'orkcd ""''ith U1e sr\ldents "to knQ'Ck· il o£f:' and SU{'Ceeded. ~ ··some Q!her of the Uni versity cam· puses flew lhe fi"la~ half-n1a~i fnr ;:i n1nn!h ;is 1f 11 11;ls a. gC'ner;il !raiscd.v.'' ,\ldrieh s.1id. "[ said to n1 yself "flus is hypocritical.' " Hitel1l1ik er , 15 , Sadder, "'iser ,\ 1."•·.1(';1 r-o)d Lns ,,lrtn1110~ hoy is al hon1 e toda.v ~add<'r ;ind 11 1~e11r and nur.-.. 111g cuts and hrui:.cs 1nfl1ctcd bv a \\'On1an ;inrl t110 n1r11 during · a. 111gh!n1.irc :IO- n11riu1e c11r ride. The hoy told Lt')~ 1\l;11n1tos police of- ficrrs Tuesda y !ha t the. !rio an.<>v.erc<I ru .. hilchhiking s111.nals a l Lns Alan1ito.~ Boule1'ard :ind CC'rrltos as he ll'aS on hi~ \l'.'IY hon1r fr om ::cJ10<1I /\hnul JO rninulrs l;i!cr Ilic \>!11· .::11 rt lir 11·;:1~ dumpcrf c:in Jeffel'~on Bn1ilr\·;i rd 1n 811ena Park afler bc1n!:" punC'hed. hickcrf and abused throughou.fMibijl, he <iescribcd as a meandering journey through several communities. Library to Sho'v Teen-a ger l<'iln1s Se1•en short filrTI5 marle l'nlirely bv lct'nagcrs will be offered by the 1-tuntin,;· ton Beach Public Libra ry al 7:JO p.111. Friday in thr fr£'f' film fonnn .o;.erie~. The s'ho111ng~ ha\e surh 11!lcs ;is •'Aoll'l of Cherries," ''Flash," and "The l::~apt'." The hbrar v crnnuuncrd tha1 a ron1r~t 11 ill hr 1n;:i11~11r;H•·d l.;cter rhis rnnnth fnr Hi111111 ;ind 11111111 f1lrn.~ pr n(ltll'f'd hJ locii l rr~1rlr11'' 199.50 ., 399.50 ll YEA~S SAME LO CATION r HONE S.tS.)401 ' ' • •• ' .. ..., Laguna Bea~h Today's Final EDITION N.Y. Stoeks * * * VOL 62, No.1ft. 4 ScCTIONS, 7b PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAllFORNIA WEbNESDAY."OCTOBER I, 1969 ' TEN CENTS New Playhou·se Unveiled With Splendid Show By TOJ\.I TITUS 01 lh• 01!1~ Pilot S!tli The journey took more than seven vears, but the Laguna Co mn1unily Players finally reached lhe end Qf their per5Qnal rainbow Tuesday night. A!, a !iearchlf~hl S\vcpt proudly a.c.ross the Laguna sky, announcing the o!f1c1al birth of the Laguna-Moulton Pl<iytiouse, first nighters filed inlo the mammolh. 3aO-se11t auditoriu1n of the largest com· n1unity theater In Orani:;e County. The produc.lifltJ \\'hie.Ji ;iw;i ltrd th<>n1, lhc \Ve8t Cna:;t 11ren1ii'rc o\ Robert Ander~on's ''l Never S<1ng for l\1y Futher," was equal to tl1e ot·casion -;1 tender, n1ov ing drama of a n1;11f s inner r;trugglc to express a love lie did nut feel tur his ngcd father (See rcvje\v, Page 27). l)irected by playhouse artisltc dircc(or .John Ferzacca. the show \1'as an in1· p1 t'ssive opener for an impressive DIGGING NEW DIGS -fou1 of Saddlchack College's 27 ne\v in- structors tour library at new can1pus with Saddleback Presi dent l''red J.L Breiner (ri ghl ) during orientation toda_y. Te~chcrs are (!r~n1 left ) Art Croisette. business; Norman Cole , life science ; Jun Lindblad. physical science, and Betty Sherrer, physical education. Do1v1t tfae Mission Trail lleJperiS Sought At Capo Center SA~ .1r'AN f1\l1tfil'H1\:-.:0 , -'i hr (<1pi s1ran<1 i~np1111u1111 ,11 rcn!t•r. I~ lonk111g fnr pc0plc \\'ho ~an rnlun\cf'r t1n1e \0 help \\'il.h ihe cl'nlcr's prflgran1s. . Tul ors arr needed {or chil1lrrn in 1hr firsl llV"ough ::-L~1h ~r11~cs who ncc'.1 hc!ll _ ~U1 reading and voca 1'ulary bullrl1ng 1n -rfie morning c;>r afternoon on f..ionda ys, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. . Craft instructors are needed for i;ew1ng classes on Tuesdays from I to 5 p.m .. cooking classes Thursdays from J 1.0 ~ p.m. and music on Fridays from 1 lo 5 p.m. Male adults and teens are. needed t0 supeniise piayground_s. field .tr.ips, con· :-;truotion and me chan ical repairs on Mon· r!ayll, Tuesdays. Thursdays and Fridays from 3 to 5 e:m. Anyont> inflllitste<I msy con;act Mrs. Rita Nicblas at 493·1615. l e Floover Co11r•e Set LAKE FOREST -A cou rse in f\O\Vrr Arrangement will be offered at the Beach ""d Tennis Club for Lake Forest residenls. T'he nine session cou rse of two hour tlasses: will be conducted by !\fr~. Blanclle lrvine, a former aduli education teacher. Students mtm. bring their own 6uppll~. flowers, notebooks and scissors capable of cutting flower stems. Anyone intersted in the course may ca 11 the club at 837-6 161. Dale and limes will be determined later. e Sear• Slorc Slated LACUNA HlLLS -Sears. Roebuck and (OJTlpany will loc;ile a nl)w appliance anrl catalogue sales store here at 2~262 C:tllc <Jc La Luisa ih the Leisure World Shop- ping c;e nt.er. it wa s annotlnced. F:. W .. Wclrl nn, Srurs Los Angf'lrs dis- t1irt n1anagcr, :;:aid . the store will hnve :l.60!> llfJll are fc:ct of floor Rpace. T\rO. t hird~ of t.hc space \\'ill he for mrrchan· d i~ rlisplay. A tr.lcphonC sa les unit will be included , he said . College Opening_ 011 Oct. 13 Sure To Be Dusty One Opening <lay al 1hc nclY S.:iddlcb:H·k College' can1pu ~ will h<' a rlu~ly onr \Vilh .~ornc Qf the fa c1lilies incon1plttr despite the f;icl !hat rrgi s!r;ili nn 1s slated for Oct 8 <1nrl !I Firs! cla~S'-'' -011 !hr nnl q111lc·finJshc1! r;1n1rus -\I il l he heh Oct. I.~. T111 slr.es 11 <J \' r ht'Cll lnld I ht r I' ' 1hr 2U ra111p11s b11 1ld1ng~ \\'Iii he inco1n plcl e and the collrgr 11·111 he lacking p;n cd parking areas, 11·:.iJkways ;:ind l;in1: sc;iring Cn n1ple1ion nf :ill (he wrfrk should 1i!k • unti l ahou t Oct. 20, architect Rober! Ln1vrcy estima!cd. The opening was delayed two and a h:i!f v.•eeks because of plumbing and hc;ivy cquipn1ent operato r st.rikei;, The projects tha t won't be fin ished , Don !\1acG rr.gor, project m<1nager for th e rontractor W. J . Shirley Co .. said, will be physica l educati on, one science unit, and st:iff offices for lhr instructors. 'fhe physical education building wl\1 he opera1ionnl, however, with temporary pov.·er !inf'S strung so students can lake ho! sho,~·ers. Snddleback College officials expect a full -time studrnl. enro!lment of 1,400 to 1.600, up from 800 lRst year when there \\'as no sophomore class. PILOT SALUTES SKI FAIR TODAY The ~ki cro1vd fs heac!lng for lhe Corona drl !\1ar hill s Friday and Saturday. Nope, they don't expect snow. They just 11•ant to be at Fa shion Island for the shopping center's Second Annual Ski Fair. 1'he DAILY PILOT s11 lulcs the sh0\1' wit.h a ~pccial 16-pagc IHhlQid :-cctlon in· :>irle today, It rl'atures arlicles about I.he ski show, area ski clubs and the sur;ccs.c; slory of one of lh e world's best known s~i1 m11kers. R.end it. heforc yn u head for the hills either to ski or to see the Ski Fair. theater, one which ·~arries a t,aif million 1lo!!ar price tag. 1 For the Anderson dn•ma. the expansive, 1()6..foot-wide stage was put to good use, Viilh the action s1retching frorn one end to the othrr. Space staging , with scenes changed by a vast battery of lights, was utilized Lhroughout the procltiction. backed by ~omc-lustrou s slide and moHon picture efrects on an enonnous, Cinemascope·siz- i!ll rea1 screen Lo r,e;p convey the larger • than life approach. It was an evening to remember for the thousands of citizens who contributed thei r time, money and artistic talent!. to\'.'!!.rd a sometime!. elu11ive goal. M05l especially worthy of reeognition was Mrs. Lewis flfoulton, the ·OO-year-old benefac· lrl's<; whose $100.000 donation all but in· ~ured the realization of Laguna's fondest dream . The $500,000 cost does not include the land, which was donated by the city of Laguna Beach. Funds tor the new playhouse were raised almost entirely by individual contributions, ,,_.1th the city and the Irvine Foundation also lending a financial hand. The result is a 16,000.square-.foot. air condiliontd playhouse where comfort and visibility are paramount. No sea t is more than 40 feet from the stage, and seating ls on graduated levels Ydth each seat JJi. over a loot higher than the one id,rront of it. Among thr proudrst Lag unans at Tuesday's opening were Irma Nofziger, playhouse gi:neral manager, and Geof~ frey Riker. president of the playOOuse bo<1rd of directors. Sadly missing were Bi~I S~lyer, playhouse treasurer, and Fred~ric ?-.1cConneJI, playhouse design consultant, neither of whom lived to seo their dream materialize. Ex-Green Beret Leader ~~w Deni~~ A~ Slaying • .: ' Battii1 Says ' • lib Salt Creek Pipeliiie Due Tiy TO'.\t BARLEY 01 !~t tl•llt Pilot Sh!f Orange County Supervisor Robert Hat. tin brought the shnmering Salt Creek ·noad controversy back to the boil Tues-- day with the allegation th~t Ult: Laguna Niguel Cerporation plana to construct a huge pipeline. along the length or the .former public right of way. ' Battin successfully urgtd re 11 ow ~11pervisors d11ring t.he board meeting to pass a resolu!ion that no changes would be permitted in the cminty-Laguna Niguel ilgreement "without tile e:a:pre11s approval of Lhis board." He dirl not, during the meeting, clarify \Vha t thos e changes might be other than 10 disclose that they might be in con· nection with !he earthworks being in· sta lled along Salt Creek Road for water n1ooff -an improvement to the old cree k ~d that was endorsed by the com· pany and 1he county. But Ballin later told the DAILY PILOT that. he had been informed "hy a source J. can not possibly question" that LagUna J°'Jig11eJ had no\v decided to build a pipeline along !he pathway that was once lhc <iccess route to the Pacific Ocean frorn Paci fic Coa5t Highway. ''And there's only one pur~ behind this projec1," A3attin said. "That Is lo •nal\e It physically impossible rvr anyone 1 i use the former Salt Creek Road and h11~ effcctiv rly and permllnently bar rdcst rian !raffle from U1c road ." Laguna i\'ig11rl Corp o ration in- 11rrora1cd Sa lt Creek Road into develop- 'H'nt of lhe surrounding acreage follow· :ig r:o1J11ty abandonment of th c l11orougJ1fnre in Marr.Ii of 1968. Or<inBc COlunty's action was challenged •n S11per1or Court in a suil that accused .coL1nly su per visors of unlawf111Jv aban-rl~nli1g. U1e road . That suit is tec.nnically ~till al111e altOOugh much of its argument has heen gtruck down in several court hrarings. Battin said Tuesday thal it will be the rr::pons ibility of the county's nood conlml di strict to en!Sure that Lagi•-:a Niguel 's (Stt SALT CREEK, Page %f * * * Allen Refuses Battin Request An angry Supervisor Alton E'. Allen refused Tuesday to disband a committee charged by supervisors six weeks ago \Yith a study o[ the county':i beache:i and recrea.tional needs. Oissolution of the elghl·member group W:"JS urged by Supervisor Robert Battin \Yith the argument that the committee "is an unnecessary dupllc1Uon of beach ;ind ~horeline 5tudies that •rt already being carried out by tbt plarmi"' ·.ipa~ ment." 1-lis motlon failed for lack of a second. Allen moved fof creation of the com· mit.lrc last Aug. 19 and got bo&rd ap- proval of hie proposal that the group ~-;ludy beach and shoreline need!. and report back to the supervisors. Named to the committee were the county 's planning director, chief engineer of the Orange County Flood Control Distriri. su rveyor-road commissioner, director of real property .services, direc· tor of harbors, beaches and parks, county ro11t1.~c1. county administrative officer <1nd county fire w..irden . D _. ~,:i.-~ --• ·~. ·-. ~· ~, _,_, Seven Back l'OWllltlfl rltb~~JI ·· ·"· -"-· -c ,. r A·utop~y Planned After Case On-.Dead Youth ~~~~~~~~~(AP)_ An autopsy was l!Cheduled today in the drowning of a young man in the ocean off Laguna Beacti Tuesday. Lifeguards Tuesda'y morning recovered from the ocean floor the•body of Donald 0. Tefft. 18, of the Del Camino Hott!, room m. The body of the youth wu stffi clad in black shoes, black socks and bell-bot-tom t"""'"''-Wilnesscs said he entered the "'ater in his clothes, and began swimming toward an off-~hore reef. He bt1aa caJllng for htlp about 75 yards from Jhore and disappeared. A deputy coroner said toxicology tests will also be conducted to d11:tcrmine v.·hether the young man had ingested any substancrs into his system. Results of these generally take about SO days. !'he death ha5 not yet bttn clua~td an accidept.or otherwise by the coroner'& office. 1 Tefft ptporiedly hid been rece'Atly disc.hargr;4· from the Coast Guard and had a praviOUJ addttu of Denver, Colo, Ae1:1uainla~ . on tht beach after the death referred to him Is "Gypsy". Laguna Pioneer Urges Business Center Park "I-laving Ileen Laguna aeach develop for more than 60 years today 1 am witnessing 11n opportunity ttiat has never before presented it.sell. That of a park In the center of the busine3S district." The letter from pioneer LagtJnan Merle Woman ReP\ts Being Beaten \ On Dark St1·eet A 22-year-old Laguna Beach baby sit· ter told police she was thrown to the street and beaten Tuesday night a5 llhe walk~ home ln a poorly lighted area. Police said the assault occurred in the 200 block of Cajon street. :...t. John Zelko said the victim wa.s not injured. The young woman reported that a man in his twenUe1, about alx feet iall, threw her to the street, put a knee In her storriach and began beating her head against the pavement. She told officers 11he nailed away at the thug with her hande and pur&e until he ned. A 29-year--0ld Laguna Beach houlltWife had earlier reported that 1he waa ac-- costed on the beach below the 500 block of South Coast Highway Monday alter· noon. She told officers thal a young man grabbed her as she was leaving tlle beach. He fled when she screamed. Brasy Burglary Bid Bungled A bungling Laguna Beach burglar - who apparently had eROUgh brau for a Brinkl ]ob -botchrd hit attempt to filch a television set dttrlns . buainea hours Tuesday mom'l'ng. Lee Worsdall at Glenneyre FumJture, 370 Glenncyre, reported .that a Irle. beard· ed man about 30 picked up the set and 1en the store. Poke !.aid Worldall yelled and the thlef aet tht television on the sldewalk .. and fled . Ramsey is one ol two seirt OJuncilmen concerning use of the ~ Leguna Playhoust on Ocean Avenue, The matter is sched\lled for council consideration tonight. Council discust1ion earlier Indicated the land I~ destined to ' become a metered parking lot but with Lhe heritage pepper tree retained . "When we think of a resting plac11: for the eld erly, who are without a car when coming lo shop, what a relief il they only had a resting place before niakinl._thc trip up the hill back home," ~set wrote. adding: "Let's have a vacant space not taken for the parking of cars, this for the elder· Jy and many others." Calling also fOT pre5ervatlon of the old pepper tree, Ramsey states that lt was planted in 1880 by George Rogers. He asks that the playhouse land have tablel! for chess and checkers and a horse shoe pitching area. Another civic-minded Lagunan, Mr.ci. Betty Heckel also calls for creation of a park . "Our downtown area really needs some beautification," she wrote. Laguna Police Probing Theft Laguna Beach police are extending their Investigation of last week's $860 burglAry at the tortilla Flats rutaurant, I740 S. Coast Highway, to include the posalbility of forced entry. Going over lhe pmnlac8 with ofJictr1, a:eneral manager Robert Wood .• who was out of town when the Ion was discovered, noted that a heaY)' 1Crten, atonr with It.I brackets, was ml!R!llng from the wlndow ot the office from wblch the cl!h was taken. Thi' scntn apparenUy. was removed fTttrr. the preml11es. Police said cloeu tuminatlon of the of· fice revealed addJ'Uonal evtdence of fore· ed entry and Wood wu able lo eltablish the whereabouts of the re5taurant keya the night ()f the burglary. The former Green Beret commander In Vietnam said today he didn't know the alleged Vietnamese double agent he and seven of his men were accused of killing and deitied there had been such a slaying. "That is correct," Col. Robert B. nhelult declared v.·hen allked at a newa conference If he denied there had bei!h a killing. "No,'' he said when asked' if he had known. the person a newsman described as the "alleged dead man." Rheault, 43, alsD was asked jf he thought "the Vietnamese who was killed was a close political ally of Pre!ldent Thieu" and ''Do you think thi11 might have resulted in the case being brought agairist you?" ''There was no conclwive evidence that the individual was ever kil!ed and there is cert~inly no indication anywhere that the alleged victim wa.<connrcted with Presj. dent Thieu in .iiny way," the colonel said. Rhf'ault and six of the ~even _!lther Green Berets involved in the *8 returned to the Uniled States rrom Viet- nam to this California base near San Francisco the day after the Army droi;r ped murder charges· against them. They headed for µieir home!. shortly after the plane set dot,1-·n and an Anny spokesman said all \\'ould get 30-day le:ives. The <;oloni;I said he believed the in~ cident "would better be forgotten.' •• so long as p€ople remember that we were exonerated." I-le acted as spokesman for the ottiers during a seven-minute session with new.<:men here after a night from \1ietnam aboard a chartered jeUiner that brought 219 persons here. Stork Market's NEW YORK (AP)-Stock1 slipped on a broad front Jn slow trading this after· noon. as declines, paced by several blue chips, extended their lead over advance! by nearly 300 issues. (See quotations, Pages 20-21 ). The Dow Jones industrial average con· tinned to drop. Orange Coast Weather Thursday'!. foggy morning skies will give way early to fair weather and sunshine, keeping the temper· ature In the middle 70's. INSIDE TODA. Y If yo1t're '1opi1W' to g~t a se1!.Drarship Joi cbrlti'le. 'thefi are three important t/iings you must do. Joyce Lain discusse' them in Caree-r Corner, Page 16. ... 11 ... Ct11"'11!41 <•rttr t•-Cl11tlllllf , ...... Ct'fH-nl 0.•I~ N91!c .. ··-•"ttrl•l '"'" •ftttrtll11-t lllft•ftft 141 .. KOll<I """ L....itn MlllM• ,...,,..,. lk ... tt1 ~ ' " -" " " KC·4 • ""' ,.,, • • • l!C•t '• .• ,• .• .. ,• '• ·. '• •' •' .. .. ,• •' ·. ., ,• .. .. ,' · . .. ·' ·. .. •' .. .. ,• .. •! '• .:• ·: .. .. -· ·: :· .. , .• :: :; ,• ,• ,, .. .• ·: :: ·: • . • , ~ • • • • ., ------··------- 2 O,._ll Y PILOT L 'A Good Start' Youth Business " Group .Lauded By BARBARA KREIBICH ot "'" O•ll1 Pl!o! """ Laguna's established business com· munitv d1rln't tum ou t en masse r-.londay night · for lhe open house staged by n'.l·ners of the new youth-oriented shops. hut those who did attend appear lo ha ve bft'n im pressed. Spokc!'mt n for the a\':lnt gnrde ,.-:rour rlescr1bed lhe event as "a good ~tart' IO\\•ard achicvin~ the com mu n i I y hat monv they V.'Cfk. A couple of do~ or more represen- t;itivt>s of !he chamb(>r of rommerce, the ma!"ters, the jayctts, along v.·ith ln· di\•idual business J>efJplt>, loured lhl': 16 participating stores. ranging from Ttle Sound Spt'<'tn1m and {"i)'chedelic f\1yslic Arts \\'orld on the south to the Cottage Restaur?nl on the north, v.·here ov.'tler liarry r.loon put on a complimentary hufiel. ~1os1 of the \ is1tors con1mented f;1vorably on v.·ha1 they sa•1\ U1ough some foqnd th e incense in a couple of the establishment.! a lillle overpowering. The store O"A'ners reported ''interes1ing ronvrrsations" \l'ith the visitors, on sub· Jerls r;inging from religion lo bonsai. Ath·ndiln<"<' v.·;i,.; ruL hy Srl"cr;1l otl1rr (\'enl~ .~l·hcdulcd tur !he c·1 rnin6. 111- rludin~ ;i ~'.'hocl npc'n housr, ii prc\'iew at t he ne1\' Laguna r-.·Joulton Playhouse and a League or Califomia Cities meeting in Sa!'\ Francisco, attended by most top city o/f1c1als. Larg~t turnout 11·as reportt>d at t.tystic Art s \\'orld. "'hrre CQ-()\1·ner D a n ilea~ey said. ''H \Ills reall~· nice. 1 met z-(lme fine people and it "'as all \-ery posi1ive and very harmon\(lus. \Ye all talkOO and got to kTlQ\\! each other." • Heagney s~~\31nd chamber of con1- merct r ..;, ~() ·~4_-;'~j!:n~e l~ad a long talk, "n1ostf5. .. ;i'hnt"1t religion ' He 11f111ld be in fa vor of rC"pc:1!1ng the e1-enl, lle;.igney said. "!l's beautiful. I'm all for IL" he concluded. Lawrence. accompnnicrl hy .Jaycee~ president ~like ~·lays. "·n lked the lcngt l1 ('lf Coast Highway \JSitlng the youn g· n1inrled shops. '·Jt 11·ou!d have bl':en nice ii more peo- ple had co1ne," said the chan1ber prc~1- rlent. ;'Thr '."hnps 11·rrr all nrderly aJ"ld ipruced up and the sidP\1·alks wert. all fiV>·ept up. It v.·as a very fine gcxxh1 itl i::es!ure, handled in a \'Cry nire manner. \Vith 1he galleric~ arranging their even· ing 'art walks' it v.·ould be nice if ""e could combine tliings like this to give visitors an opporll.uli!y to see the arts and crafts or Laguna . "These are really nol any more than what v.·e used to rail Bohemian type shops 1:111d so long as they are run in an ()rderly mannl':r they can bt a good ;et. traction. All businesses In the communi· ty should ha\'e: eqnal treatll"M!nt, and this \1<1s a good slcp for\\ard." .-\llornry J an1es Lc<ldy, chairman or the master!>' Laguna Image Cornmittee v.·:is among the visi tors, lookin g into three or four shops includl ng ~fyslic Arts, Stonev.·are and Cobblery, v.·here M: ad· n1ired Roger Van De Vanttt'.s bonsai col- lection and Ball & Chain, wherl': hi': bought himself a pair or bell-bottom trousers. "They're not really \\•ild ," Leddy l'::i.:· plained. "Just ph1 in brtrw11'1, but they Ht V..'ell. I didn't int.end to buy anything re111!y ... no. I don't think l'll v.·ear them to court ... hut I n1ight v.·ear thfm lo a n1~ting of the ltnagc Com1nit tee." Jim Otto of Souod Speclrurn, head or U1c Laguna Business As5ociation , the 3·outh-orlented business group t ha t ~ponsored !hr open house. sa id he was so1nev.·hat disarix>inted at the 11 g ht L11rnou t bui 11nderstood many people had other obligritlons. '·But it did what 11·e 11•an!ed," he ~aid. "and e1·er)'one 111ho came seemed lo enjoy it." Bill Von Sultzer, 011·ner of Outer Ltd., described 1he open house as •·a partial success." He had a cou ple of dozen visitors, some interesting conversalions and thought it was "'A good start in 1\·hal \\'e were trying to accomplish." At the Cottage Resla:urant. ™'ner tlar· ry i\foon. ll'hO has worked 1rith the ,vouthlul business group since its. recf'nt founding, greeted visitors ove r ;i roun1l- lablc buffel. Bv the tirne Lhe opyi !rouse ended at 10 pm. and the ~hop oWners and their friends arrfl·ed. his Ktll'.S/ Ji.'I for tht: crcn1n~ n1ounted to more than I!)(). Moon dc~cribcd the event as d~ap pointing from the standpoint of com- munity participation, but added, '"Therr. was lots of chance to l11 lk and it did 1\•hal we v;anted to do -hridge Lhe com· n1unica!ton gap ;ind gh·e !he shop 01vners a .'-en~e of c11·ic pride and belonging !oi::eLhcr. For some n1ember~ or I h e •·r~tahli~lvnenl" tht tour was a look at a <l1Herent world. riefcrr1ng to one of Ilic far-out psy<:hcdelir shups on U1e vis11 11sT. nne v.·rJl -drrssed "'ornan v.·as overheard telling a friend , "You know this is thf': fin;! time my husband has ll':t me go tn there!" Other Areas Threatened Tourist The 4.3 m1!11on air \'1s1tor:r; and 8 5 million aut.o \·)sitors coming i n 1 o California in a single. year spend morl1 1llan $2 billion of "\\011dcrl11!. ne1Y money that goes into e\'ery single ]'XX'ket 1n lhc rommunit y.·• State Director of Tourisni J a n l' l t.fcCoy told a Laguna Beach Cham· her or Comn1erce breakfa.sl meetin~ 'Vedne:iday. ''You don·t have to build ~:hools for them, or find jobs for them, or pro\•ide v.•elfart for tht>m," "aid \l1Rs \1cCoy. "They spend !heir niooey -tJ1en ho~fully, I.hey 1;0 ho1ne:·· But tourism, nov.· Callforrua·~ thirrl largest 1ndus1n·. is facing ~Liff com- pet.lllon from (]\hf'r .1reas -llav.·aii, Flf)rida, !\1rx1eo, C';in;ida ;ind P\rn far· a""ay fort 1gn aiuntnes. ;ill SC'eking to lur,.. visitors lo !he ir ~h1rc~ La.st year. for f'X<1mplP . thr number of illJIO vL~1lor~. though hring1ng-1n more money. dirl no! incrc;i~c as m1 1rh as the l f'l1.trl~t offirl'" had expt'<"tcrl. "Thi~ may ha vt" been JllS1 a fir~! l11tlr v.·Rrnin£," lhe "l"lf'akcr !r1ld hl'r aurl1rn c!" of some 60 L.1'1'.una b11~inri;~ leade r~. "It 1~ no lon1;c r pos!ible lo MY of DAILY PllOl ll:elt•tf N. W•tl ,.ru i.t.11! 1r4 'Wlill'llt The"'"' K••~i1 ta,'9f T'li1•11 A. J.l1•1ht~1 Mf~•lnt IE~1'11< l!Och1rd '· N1H .. .. 111'1 , .... ~ c lly l!fl .... L. .... • a.--.orn. 212 f o•e•I A••· u.a1111 Aii•tll; P.O •••••• ,. •2612 o,....._ c ... ,. ,..,.,,.. lJI ....... ! • .., ''""' ,.._., ....... 1)11 w ........... ...... "1~ftTIM .... 6UC~: -~ ~ltMt Benefits i 'llrt~1."\ 'thry·d corne an) 11'aY.' " ,1,t11d ;\111-"i ~1cCoy, ''Cahfcrrnia 1our1sn1 has .1l11a.r~ relied lleav\ly on Uie 'stoporer <lollJr' spC>nt here by p~oplr en roulr !o 1!;111a11 <ir ~1nr oihrr <les\1n 11t1on. fl'nw 11c 1ici1·r .'I01nelh111g nl':w . 'Lhe flyo1·er dollar.' 1\s planes gf't bigger. the:y fly fartJicr, and many or U11":m are nying right O\rr Cahforriia. Vi'e havt. to lhin k aOOut making Calirom ia Ml attract.iv!': tt.~y v.·i!l insist on stoppiog here.·• Even ronvmtion visitors, who hold their m<'ttings in California, lend 1.Q go oo lo Hawaii, r-.lexico or Canada for lheir 1·acat.ions, Me said. ""'e must persuade them la stay and take their 1·acaLLons 11·Hh us ." C1lln g the. many benefil" of !ourism l.n ;i community, \f i~~ ~1 cCoy. v.·ho arri\'ed in lime to al!end Tu!'Mlay nighf"s Playhouse open ing. rt>ferred lo lhe "sheer dellght of coming into " com- munity that -.1•ork~ togethei to accomphsh ~ much as L8guna." "You built the beaul.Jf ul Playhou~e for yo1irSf'lves," ~he said, "but it in itulf can beCf!mt. a grt:il tourist attraction. I!\ rcrerse procedure, communit ies that ha\·e bulll ironven!ion cent.tn to attract tourists, find thl': re sident.s also are en· Joying their use throughout t.hl': ~·ear. "Many lh1ngs done in the name of Festival JollllS Out -0f Order; Board Irritated All three men's toilets in Ule old rr:;troo ms al Laguna's FtsUva\ of Arts \\'ere lnopera!lve for five out or si t v.•eeks lhi~ sl':ason, Ri chard Broob told fellow directors. "Son,ethlng must be done about It be· fore next se111on." said Brooks Mond11y night. "Mogens Abel (groundR m1nager l ha,; been getting some facta together so "''I': c.ln nl':gotiate with th!': city engineer, but I'd like to know "'·ho'r;: responsible her!': - !ht cit\• or the restiva\?" Boat=d chairman William hfartin s1id he undustood thl': city ha1 bl':en con· sider.in& replacina: all the underground pipe.~ 1l the ft!ltival rrouncts because ··rhey arl': in terrlbll': 1ha)')I': and nobody can figure out "'herP to look when r.omelhing ps wrong." "The q11estlon." added Pttartin, "Is who picks up tht tab.'' illayor Glenn Vt:dder. fiilting: as ei o(. flcio membf; of the board. q reed that t hi' 'rnuld ~ i probl•m nn v:hlch city an,. F'Pslivlll "·ould ha\·e to discuss once tile cost 11as estab!lshed. DollLY l'ILOT Ut !I Pl>O!• CLIMBING, JUMPING, CRAWLING AND SWINGING ON TOP OF THE WORLD Whet'• In • N•m• When a Ch ild '~ Imagination Ca n M11 ke Anything Out of log'? Festival Seek~ Custodian for Forum Theater Fe~tival of Arts directors ~1onday night Instructed bllSillCS5 n1anager noberl Lep- pert lo see k a trustv.·orthy candidate for lh>! po~l of parl-!iJnc custodian of the ne\v ]"(ln1n1 lhedltrr. Lt'ppcrt pointed out lhiil a rrliable person would be needed to un lock and !f'<'k the theater and turn lights on an off 11·hcn it is being used by non.festi\·al grcups. The first tenanl. he said. \1 ii! hr !he. Lyric Opera As.social ion. v.·hich has hook- ed t~c Forum five hours a day for s1.~ •.i.ceki; for its repertory training progran1. Th~ Opera group v.·as consldcnng asking technical expert Carl Calloway to llandle fil e rlgflring and fockin,!l duly bui (r[f I! 11 Juld be e.~crssn·t>ly costly to p1i) :i p~rson of his ca liber, assu ming he 119}.ld be will ing to tie up his late aflemndii ·anll e\"ening hou rs. Dlr~c;lors ai::rced th;il gr!"lt1ps us111l! 1l1r Vur11:n should be required to pa,y ,1 trusted festival en1ploye for custodial duties, but not. necessarily a lop llgb!in-:: esprr!. Leppert 1r11~ authorized to :,,.....i., .-1 ra ;,C1dat~. or cand1dtitcs for the p;irl-Un1'! job, and to pay up to S2 an hour. "Jusl remember he"l! be ·~1tting' ll S\l0.000 baby," ~aid director Dr ll:i ro ld Burt::in. P1~aised triut~f n1 ran niClht the t•omn1un1ty il be!· ter place for people "hl live there al! ~·ea1 " l;c1t 1n~ rl n1\1\ lo cJ.il lar \'a!ue.~. ~1 1ss ~l(Coy quoted stal1st1cs showu1g 1h11t JllSl 011e cou ple, spending one night 111 ci com· munity each night in the year, can add $12.000 to thc. tri\\·n'.s annual rr1·enuc. r.1ult1plying this lo 100 couples prr night' "'111 rereal an annuaJ re\·enue n1crease ol st.;: million, plus creating jobs for 127 people . "This." said I.he ~pcaker. · 1s more than a faclory.'' \"011ng that some res1d('fll s re~pond1n i:: In the recent attitude sur\"ty had P\· rr•~<;ed nppns111on to tourist ~. ~h•:'i ~I· roy ~:uU many p{'(\ple <In n(lt rra!11r th1: tourist trade bencf 1!.~ !he en t1r£' com- munity, nol just hotels, Te5laurant~ and i-hnps. •·sal' a tour!Jil ~pends a ~10 bill ,;t ,, ;:as :o:t01111111 •• the g.a.~ station 1nan uses tl1e 111011cy t.-. bu y groceric~ .. .t.hP ~.r0t·Pr r.~· ~ hi~ clerk .. the rlrrk·~ !1L\lr p1rl 1 ~ laking piano ltssons . so hf' usl'~ his ~,hflr·p \o p;iy the piano trachcr. Is th~ p1•111n teacher in the Lourisl business:' You bcl she l!'." \\'orke.rs in Califom\a nov.· h:i1·r \12 non·working da ys each year anfl 1htre will bl':. four more, three-day wrrke.nfl s 1\'ht>n the Monday holiday lav.· goes into tlfe-ct. Miss r.!cCoy said. The trerll1 101~a.rd the four-day wor k we.ck and earlier retirement ,\·ill mean '·n1nre pf'o- ple v.·ith more leisure Lime anii mrire m(lTle~· ... and the wise com1nunity \1ill pla 11 now for more tourists.'' Se11ate Group Delays Hearing On Haynslvorth WASHINGTON CAP) -Thi': Senate .Judiciary Committee! today postpone(! un· Iii next ""etk, al thP. earliest, ;i \"Ole (ln rrl':sident Nixon 's nomination <1l Jurlge Cltment f . H1ynsworth 10 th!' Supren1e Co11rt. St>n Birch Be yh iD·lnd.), ch::irging t h~t hc was gelling a "runaround'" in e.Horl~ 10 check on Havnsv;orth's lin;inci.al racords. said the coTnmitt.tc acted alter a "healed txchange.'' '"T lte Top of Wo rl cl Fo rl Needs Na 111c Student:,, parents and othrr 1nteres1cd logethrr Lagu11ans arc being a~ked to drc:im up a name for the ni>w log i;lru<·turt• at Tur uf 111r \\':i l"ld ~chnol. c'tll'l l'nl 1.1 l'r!r1Tf.'d 111 ,1:. ' t'1r lll111g." The 11 nq11r P•l'Cf <'l pl;i~· rq111pn1cn1. 11 hich r<in <1L<'01Hrr,oi.Jnl r 81! 11\ lOll clin1- bl 11i;. J111nping, j·ra11 ling and ~11·in¥111..: ~·oung11rr\ :it a tune. was at lJrst i';illcd a ''for! ·• Bui , sa~·s pri11rlpa! Al 1-ja vrn, " 1;i;: 11\..r !!iJs snggi'SIS Iha! JIS l!~e JS l1mitf•d lo J:.11nrs ol Ll>11 00~ s <'tnfl hulian~ To ;in 1n1- ;1g111al11e child. sa:.s f1a 1rn, th<' "11l1n~·· ran be 1t ship, ~lage conch. mo1n1ta1n, 1n1r, 1hland, trl'l' hou.•r. nirplanr. i<orr;1l. '-[late .~h i p, rnatc nr ;iny oi lflfl 1:ii1rr things Ile scekh a n;une I.hat 11·ould g11 e ./re.e rein lo Jhe J;inJas'1es oJ ils users. Tile ~t ruct111T, 1:i l11('.J JI 111111e 11\11·1 ~;1 ,1l1K1. 1·0~~ lhr '{·lio::il cl1~1 r1tt /('~:. th.ill ~.11111. lhe an1n11n1 ~pent for <·c1ncnl ;-ind o<!icr 1nJte1·1al to ho l<J 11s 42 huge poles The poles, ranging in length from 3:l to r.o feel. six to 14 inches in dlan1c!er, and .ill of good quality treated wo::xl, are \·a l11ed at S.J.000. Thry were donated by a \'orthrrn California firrn. The brother of Hay Lawson. transportation director in the school district. v.•orks as a Jogger for lhe firni. La\\'son's son Donald trucked the poles to Laguna Beach \\'here they v.·ert cut, trimmed and assembled into Uie "thing " hy a group of volunteers Jed by Arnold Laderman, president of the school's PTA. Devoting many Saturdays to the projecl \Yerc La\\'son. Bill Parrish, Toni Dugger, Lee Frcnrh. George Jteiler. Bob t.!iller .ind prin1:1pal ll ~vrn, along 11·ith olhrr pa rent s anrl school di str ict employcs. 1lw .slrurlure . .say.s ll~Yi'D. .:ascinates Ille young Top of the \\'orlders and e•:cn lil rrs a frw trenagrrs after school hours. "(ln weekentl \ 1"1·e ~Cen ;i few parents cJ11111J1ng around on 11 too." he atlds. Y ou11g Scouter in Viejo [(11ows Hoiv to Sctve Lives A!tJ1nui;h ~1!11 a tenderfoc! in ~co1Jt i n ;.:o. 1 i.· r ;i:··old Br:idle v Jon,..s of 1\!J<o;11Jn \'1r· jo l\a~ alrrarly lof!grd t11·0 ldc.~:i1111g If' <'Ue~ Br;,dlrl'. H'n of .\Ir. and '.'-!r• Donald Jonr:-.. 2fi7!2 ~lall;:i s On\t', ~aird h1<,, !fl- Police Probin~ '~,:12~,:·,~,~ .. ~~:.t,~·,:,~ arc 1n,·estigal1ng the ,1l leged br,11111~ of ;i wom an 11ho was acro.~tcd 1n ;in ;illi .1·11 n\· in Capi~trano Beath on lier 11·;i~· !'! 11011<: early thi s 111orning. Prt:?tlininary reports indic;i tr 1:1a1 !Ill' 11r.idcnt1f1ed wo1nan , drscnbed as ;i \lf'>,. 1L":>n-An1erican who spea ks no En~lt.,11. 11 ,.\ punched and sho1ed b~ a n1;1111n an 1nt1d£:nl on Las \'e~as Street. \ llC'~C'rlplion or the \.\('lnl;.;n·~ d\S,lllafll h.J s bl'P•i circulated to ;ill oflice<.. 111 11•r ro;i•t :irt'a Ch;irgr~ of a•,,1111! c:nrl h.11 l"tl' 11•1111! the ;i Jtarkcr lll\r.t1;.1tn1:i <..11d 199.50 149.50 .\e,1r-o!d s1.•ter rrom dro1rn>n;; Sept 6 and ·:i1·crJ his grandf:ither frotn burning July 21 Th1" l.<1 Pat l 11tcrmed1atc School srvrnth ~r;.iclt>r {l"cnt to his 5Jhler's aid ;if\c-r ~he fell rnn1 ;i djvin.c board, striking l'"r J1c.1d :ind losu1g ton·-r1uu$nc::.:-. II ·· 11u\(' 11\ !Ir bnl1(l1n of !hr; rr·1rhhnrlu1nfl pool :ind pulled Diana to I 1" <..urf;irr ,\I r.; .lnnr• ri1shrd the. girl !n ;i ph:-·"1r1<in ShP 11·:1~ trearrr! !nr a rllp· 1111·rd e;ir rlrun1 Rn.I i ~ rC'C'ovrri11g 1\1·01·11· '' 11111 d:•I br!nff' hi~ 12111 hirth- rl II, p11111·.I .I 1i,11111n1.: ~;p.11l 111f"-CfJllkC'd ··'1111 l n1111 IH • 7~ \<' •l'·old ;.:1 rn1rlintl1rr 111 l 1 1t1•·:11;1pnli~, J;1tJ1,1 na antl r•1lled h1111 on !Jlr ~round T!·r 1outl,'-, r,r;111df;oti~rt , nnll" lff'n\'rf- !'1;: .1H~; 'lo.Jn gr.iri ... l1,1~ atteJTIJl!ln~ lo 1. u11 n I rec ~tu1np "h~·n the accident oc- r urrrn l\,,11111 ~ 11110 h .1 ht•rn Ill ·C(l111111g rincr l.e 11 as II. 1~ a n1ci1nber of Bov Scout 1 •·iv 1fl fi!1~ II!~ n1Q1hr r cretl1t.~ the 1•11•1\f: !rdini 111= in rn1rri;rnc~· ~i l11.<it1nn~ ;1nrl l1!c !,<H 1n;:: 11 11h ht!lpini: de\ clop !he )0t1nt",le1 s ~elt reh'111t'l' 'l\c 11~ <p1l(r 111n1Hl I'll h1111 ~111d ~lrs. 1 :ir! ';\< lfl\' l\\1~h,1Jlri .·i11f! \\(' hiJIP nl'I "''''1 "r 11 11111 1n1Pl't ha1 r h.:ipprnc!J. 1f 11, -.riff'\-h;irln I h"P!l !h{'f" ) 50.00 l S0.00 Populatio11 · H~l{e Eyed By .scl1ools Problen1s of housing .a burgeonlnf sthool population "''ill be J..aken up tonight hy !ruslees of Ilic San .Joaquin Schoo! District. mi>cting al 7 o·clock in the Irvine School 111ulti·purpose room at 14736 S\V Sand Can)Oll A1·e., Easl Irvine. \Vilh the opcnuig of ~chool in Scp- lember. the d1:ilnc1 fou11tl itself with 1,000 n1ore pupils 1n Uu• !;1r1dcr~1irll'!l through f'1ghth grlld!' lf1·cJ lh<111 11 lle11 st hool t·los· ed in June. As new housing drl'c!opn1ent ' :.:•1 in. s:i1d as~istan! superin1enden t Rrx !'\etison. !he total studen! populallon 13 rapidly approaching the 7.000 mark. There now :ire eigh! eli>menl.ary s.cl1ools in the <listrict. 1~1th :"·o mor,. scheduled to open [ale in t'Oo,·embcr or early in De cember. Trustees tonight "'Ill receive a progrl':ss report on plans for a new kindergarten· ~txth grade school 1o be. huilt in ~!ission \'iejo in tin1e for the upcning of school n~:it year Funds for Lhc. srhoo! were ma.do> avallable 1vhen the i111ssion Viejo Com- pany purchased state bonds, givl~g the ;<;.late sufficienl money lo pJy for site ac· quisition and con~truclion of the school. Nerison said. .,,.. Plans now arc out IC1r bid and state ar- pruval is expecttd \l'ilhin a nionth , y,•ith construction scl1cduled to start im· n1cdlately. 1\1so on tonight's agenda is a progres~ repott on Lhe scheduled No\'. 21> bond ell'ction in lhe di!tricl. This does not_ in· ,·o!ve new bonds but is a request ·for authorization to increa~e the bond in· 1erest rate from 5 percent lo 7 percent in accordance with the current market. The rate "·ould apply to tht balance or a $5 million bond issue dating from last Septen1bt'r. of \\h1ch SL.595.000 already ha\·e been sold. .. 01ai1ncl Project Pact A \Varcled A Los Angele-s firm TuesdaY \\.'OO ~ ~~.sao contract for the construction or the Laguna Canyon Channel. County supervisors acce pted th!' bid of the \\'l!ton Construction Co .. Inc. It is ex· peeled that \\'Ork on tl1e loni.: a1\•aiterl flood control propect "'iH begin nexL month. The i20·fOOt reinfortrcl concrrle chan· nel \\'ill rxtend fr o1n Beach Strret 1n J-'oresl A\·enuc and 1s e;o;pcc!ed to be ·th(' ans11•cr to flood "a!('rs th al de\·ast~ted the [O\\'Cr Laguna Canyon Road last !"in· ter. Construcuon hlurpnnts indicate Lh;;t the channel 11·ill be reinforced througfiout its length 11·ith a chain link fence. Con· ~truction will cln~rlv follow 1hc line of the exist ing 11 atcrcou rsr f'rom Pngf' J SALT CREEi( •• plan for waler rl1•rr~1;i11 .11011,0: S:ilt Cre~k flo:id "arc lnnHer( to !hr (11"1,i.;111;11 prn- posnl -that a 15-fool earih"·ork lie built alons the. lenglh of !he creek bed." llr in.~isterl 1hal "L<lJ!Una i\"1g11rl'~ plan~ to substitute that prn1ert 11·ith a pipeline v.·otild never ha\"e been challl':nge<.I by th1.~ boarrl "and lhat's "'hY I raised the qlles· t1on" "The only t1n1c \l'C C\ rr l1car 11bn11t t)•r S.111 Cr«>ek Jload 1:<~ue 1s "hen tho:ir 11 hl'I arc trying ta preser\'c the rrod makt: thrir protests publir.'' he s11d. · J.;igun;i. t\1gu't JU0 l ~'X'~ q111c1l~· alo11i.: ndchti;: ;i t1111r bi ~ herr ;inri a l1t1lr bit 1hrre until 111ry '1·e: ach1e\•ed r1,1rlly 11 h;tt they ":111!" 399.SO .. Bayh said thl': committee put ofr a votl': on the request of Sen. Strom Thurmond 11\-S.C.). one of Jfaynr;:worth's strongest bac~trli on Ult committee • Thurmond thus used up the one·Wttk dl':llly !hat ord inarily can he grAn!ed under rommltll't rule3 only once. B~yh and other membl':rs of !he co1nmittrr. howe\'er, .said that another clelav v. a~ .still CONVEN IENT TERMS BANKAM ERICAP.O MASTER CHARGE J.C _J/,,,,,11/,,.;eJ 1 J~wetrJ 1l YEARS SAM& LOCAT ION possible. • "1l 1'1EWPORT BOULEVArD COSTA ME SA PHONE 548-340 1 • t ' I l"'l"----------------------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~------- • } Key Cze ch Diplo11iltt Defects SYDNEY IUPll The highest ranking Ciechoslovak c\iplomal to Austr;i!ia, v.·ho had het>n recalled lo Prague where El purge or 1ilx>ra l forces i~ tinder way, dcff!('h'<i today and w us 1otranlcd p<Jlitic:al asylum \l'it h his wife and three S'OllS. /\ i;:overnrnf'nl spokc:.man f.ald K a r e l Fr<inc , 46. Czechoslovak1;f s t' on s u 1 .i::f'ncral to Au~lra lJa :<Ince J965. applied for political ;i:;;vlum with his family 1)11 '.fut>~ay. He saut the appeal •\as granted today . l'r1n1c l\l1n1ster John Gorton ,,.-,tended t11s syn1pat hy to Franc "for his nol being able to rrt.urn t.n lus hon1cland Ot>ca11se of the Hussian OC· <·upa1 ion ;ind the suppression of those libera l techniques \\'ha:lt Czechoslovakia w as beginn ing to r v1ncc. I hope he \1 111 be happy in Australia." The Czec h Missi('n Nl id t'r;inc hi!d Ileen recalled lo Prague alo11g VJ ith srver<1 I n1en1bcrs of the consul<1Le i;!;iff ·who le.ft for Pri:lguc lo-- c.Ja.v. l'.:H11rLs to reach the Fr;n1c: frin1ily w c r c unsuccessful. Their home nrar Sydney l larbor appeared <tCS('rlcd and Australian offic·ials refusct.J to d1s<:lo~c their \\'hereabouts. Frilnc "'as a close friend of :\Je:-;andcr Dub c c k , the Czechoslo\"a k rrlorn11sl who \\'as pu.rgrrt lron1 the Com- n1unist P<1rty's Prcsulium in Pr;1 g11c <luring: the 11'eckcnd. The dirlon1at had made no ~ccret nf his th~pleasu re \\'!th \h e Soviet-loo \nvasirm al Czechoslovak ia Aug:. 21, 1968, ;inr! the crai.:kr!own on IJub- C'ek's ''cxpcr11ncnl in Jrecdon1"' t.hal followed. An olf i cia l of the Czechos lovak consul general's office ~aid Fr<1nc 11ad been J(i\'en orders to return home following the v.·eckcnd purgrA<; in his nation"s cap1t..al, lie refu sed further co1nment. UPI Ttlt~IWll• (;oiH!J Jlfod l\l rs .• J1,1cqucline Ona!i· sis. n1odi shly attired fro1n I.op to bolton1 in th e fashion of "today," paus es c11rbsjde d uring: ;:i l\•l <1nha'ltan ouling- Tuesday. Isl De111 i11 157 Year~ < Wins GOP Stro11gholcl BOSTO~ ,Lr1 1 Jtepuhll c an hold 't i\lassachu~U.s' Ii t h i::res~1on:it d is t r i c: t The 00 con- htrlhplace nf the term "gerry· manrlering" -~·as brokt'n Tuesday by a Democrat \\"hn \v;ints !!.peedy ~·1l hdr:i wal fl'f!nl Vie!nam 11ncl 11n end lfJ the. anliballistic missile (Allr--1> Concorde Goes Faster 'fhan Sound TO ULOLSE, Franl" ~r\1'1 -The Frl'nch-B r1 l1 ~h .~11personic tran~rort plane Concorrle !'lipped U1rough the :-uu nd bHrrir r today frir th1' ftr~t t1111 r ;ind thc plJnr ·' r nmmandr r s:url ii .. 11·(1,'"> rn11t·l1 caln1rr 1h;in cotJ l<l be 11n- ,1i;lnrd." Andre 1·11rr.11. ~·l11r r 1rst pilnt for the Stir! Ar1;i tirin l"P , lnfd nt'wsn1c n aller the fl iglil, "\\le :-t;:i yed at s1 1pc r~on 1c speed for nine minulrs at :1 ' ~pe«i of J\!acfi"'1 O~. \\'c car- ri ed out v;:irious operations ~·hirh permitted us In ap- preciate. the r xlranrdin;:iry slability nf U1r plane ." A ~1ach 1 Oi> speed is 714 miles an hour. prngra111 J\ftc hacl J . Harrington. ;:i :l2- yf'ar-.old state lcg1s.lalor, llpset Slate Sen. \\fil11am L. S<1l ton s!all 111 a special elt'cLion and he carnc the f i r 11 t Den1ocratic eongrr ssrnan in LhC' d1strict·s 157-year history. Unofficial returns fro1n the 1116 preci ncts of the <tistrict hel\\'een Unsron and the Ne1v J ·!anipshire border gave H<ir· rington 72,030 votes to fi5.45J fnr S<iltonstall, 42-year-.old i;on of lonnrr U.S. Sen. Leverett :)altonsta11. Some 60 perccnl of the <IJJ;lrict's rei;;lstPre<f vnh•rs 111rned out. an unusually high J1i:;urc. Harrini:tnn 11111 s 11 c c e c d Rrpubl11·an Hr p. \\"1lliam JI. Bales, 11>'110 {l1rrl in .lu11P The 11"\\. cntlgr~:-rnan i-.uprort~ thf' prngran1 011thncd hy Sen. Cha rlr~ (;\ll"ldr[J l ll·N:'l'.I, 1n \>.l\hdr<111· l'.S. fnrcrc; from \'iet.nam hv the end of Hli O. It 11·:i..c; 111 lhc distrit l's eon1 111111111.v .-,f Nf>r1h ,\ndn~·cr -- t1hn11t :10 n1ilc10 nor1h of Brist0n -th;i l the AB!\! cnntrnvrr.~y hcg11n in 1\.i arch \I he n ::ire a re:-.1dcn ls prntf'strd 1nst.all;11!0n nf a rad:ir fa cil1t.y for use \\'llh a n11ss1lc un1L 1n nearhy ncad1ng. I !;1rr in~ton cnnsidcr.<. (he Al3J\I program a v.·;islr. ol .money · and rfSourees and a lhre:it In peace. The \'irlory, \\'hich gJ\·es J)C'mocrnt.s an 8-4 bulge in the sl.11e·s congressional deJega- t1on, \\'as the fourth for a Dc>mricrat this year in five special congressiooal races. Wt<int\do1y, Octobtr 1, I'%'l ' OAILV PILOT !; u.s.CriticMao, Lin Show ·up for Top Man HONG KONG :urn reg;m<. The de(eose thief «Ud • Anniversa;y Comrnurust party lcad•·r J\lao Peking Radin said in a \\'ash1ngton a nd hloscow "are In Sweden Tse-tung celebrated the 2U1h b roadc1;1~t heard hi·re that colluding and at the sa1n1: Ann1vcr~ary flf lht' fu undini; of t.1 an and Lin appeared 111 "f'X· 11n1e ('Ontend1ng wit h cal'h his peoplP 's n•puhBi· in Pf'kinR t t'!lcnt health" at a huge an· other, carrying oul arms cx- STOCKHOLM (UPI) _ Olof today with his first public aJl-ni ver sary ral!y. Tiie Kri•mhn pnns1on and war preparations Palme, controversial Social pearanee in more !han four tc lP.gramm'd unusuall y warm and wildly allcn1pt1ng l11 Democratic ideologist and a tnnnths, spiking "'idespreacl · greetings to the crlehration. engineer a "'ar of aggression leading rrilic or U.S. foreign r11n1ors thnl !le "·as senuusly propo~ing "negotiations and ;1ga insl ou r countr)' and roticy, was named n e w ill. t·nn:.\11l[1lions., tn over<.'Ome flagranlly re s or t i n g lo Swedish premier today to r;uc-Alsn making !us fir:.-l pu b!1r Sino-Soviet disput es. nuclear blac,kmail against us.'' cecd Tage Erlander . . appearance sincP. lasl J\1;:iy I~ It w<is the first appearance Il e \\'arncd the Uniled Sl;;ilf'S The 42-year--Old education 1v;1s Defense Minister Lin ci1hrr lcarlcr l1ad 111ade 111 and Ru~~i;1 that China wa~ minis1er in Erlander's outgo-1 Pian, /\lao's designated heir· public since M~ty 19. IJ11rin~ •·in;·111c1h!e'' a nd a dd c d : ing govemmenl, was eloc!ed apparent. their absentC', !::;1st 1;:urnpean ··~11ol!!d you insist 011 imposing by acclamation by lhe 24th Lin delivered the kcynolc :-011rces S<Jld 1\l;:io. 75, had i;uf-a war on the Chinese peop le, Social Democratlc party !'prech at the celebrations in rrred a stroke and a Hong \\"e \\'ill keep you ccrmp any and Congress. Peking's Tien An Mf'n (gate nf Kong neW!i)HlJX'r SJ Jd Lin, 63, f1ghl lo the fini sh." Palme \Nill take over as hea\·C'nty peace) square. li e "':is d;, ing of canrcr. The radin corn1nent;:itor. in a RO\'ernmentchiefOct.14 when used the oci.:a.~irJn In ai:eusr. In his specl'li, L1n ;ippeared live broadct.sl. said ~fao mov- Erlandcr retires after an un-the United Sltilrs and Sov1ct r>Xtrt'mel y f"oncerncd <i bout cd ahout actively on the precedented 23 year.> 10 office. Hussia of atlt>mpt ing t o nue!ear thrrats from th<' reviewing stand and \\'/l\'Cd P;:ilme ·was Erlander·s choice "engineer a "'ar of <11!· United Stairs anrl the SQvii:t repeatedly to th" cht'f'nng ..... ,hot• . ., ch· " u· . N I th h ., 'Miit• for successor. gress1on against 1na anu Ill n1on. o mr nLlon was n11H e rong of n1rire I an 100.0!1\ SPIKES RUMORS 1 I r Ch · I h ASSAILS SOVIETS Palme belongs lo the left warn t 1em against ··nuc ear n ina s t11·0 recent nuc car pe rsons g;:ithered tn t e wing of the Social IJe.mocratic: ___ M_ao_on __ R_o_st_r_u_m ____ n_1,_r_k_m_,_;i_·· __ or __ 1h_• __ P_e_k1_o~g--"-'-''-· ----------'~q-"'_'_'_· __________ s_i_r_on_;~m_•_n_L_i_n_P_i•_• __ Party, but has ~n steering ~ cautiously t3 the center in re- cent months to placate his r ightwing critics. But he Is expected to con- tinue Erlander 's foreign policy of "active netrl.ra lity'' "'hich created problems in U.S.- Swedish rrla!ions o ve r S\\'Cdc n·s sharp criticism or !he Vietnam war. Palme \vas tile driving force behind thls criticisin. Palmc's acid criticism or U.S. policy in Vietnam and ac- t11·f' support for the anti-Viel· nam v.·ar moven1cnt made hhn suspect in the eyes of some \1•estcrn leaders. I-le came into real focus in the spr ing of 1968 when he marched v.·ith North Vie1nan1 's /\1 o sco w am- bassador 1n a demnnstr11:tion <1gainst the "'ar <ind made a !)peech condemning U.S. policy In Asia . }n recent mooths Sweden has incurred U.S. displeasure h_v gr;:inting asy\u1n lo score.!. of An1crican deserters and <lrafl dodgers. On tl1onday Sweden announced it \l.'Ould grant 111ore than $40 n1il!ion in aid and credits lo }Janoi. Ob~ervers also expected a c1111Uous sw1n,i:: to thP. left in rlomcstic policies u n d e r l"alme. Stokes Wins In Cleveland By 31,000 CLEVELAND, Ohio fAP) - Negro incumbent Carl B. Stokes defeated a self-styled li1w-and-0rder candidate by n1ore than J!,000 votes T11es- day in Clcvrland·s Democratic mayoral primary election. l3 11t S!okes \\'On ltis hid fnr non1ination to a second tY.·o- yr..ar tenn only aflcr overco1n - ing a lead of more than 20,000 \oleJ; v.'hich Robert J. Kelly, a n eltttoral ne"·comcr, bu ilt up in "·hnc sections crucial t.o th r. m;:iyor's Nov, 4 gcnf'ral election prospccts. The final unoff icial count ~al'e ~tokes !12.219 votes to f.0,899 fnr Krll~'. a 4S·year-o\d fonncr ci!y scr1·icc director. S1okcs bl.'t•arne lhr fi r.~t l\cgro r le<·tcd mayQr of 11 mit- JC\f A1nrr 1('an cily 1n 19fi7. H,. a l.'in is the lir~l Nc~ro maynr of a maior city lo face a re· clrr tl0n battle, "\\'r 're going llJ rC"ally hav,. \1 1 11·or k ilgainst Jlalph ,J Perk," Strikf'!i sa \rl nf lhc l\rp11hli can county auditor he 11 ill face in the general elcc- linn. Negroes compose ;ibout. onr· l.h1rd rif Cleveland ·~ pnpuallion of 11110,000. ~pace l\1 etlal OK WASHINGTON IUP!l Prcsidenl Nixon has ~igM"d a bill au!horitin him l(} award a Congressional Space Medal of honor to astronaub; for f'X- crptional performance of duty. 5% interest. It makes serious saven lighthear With 5 % goin g for.you . , you can e n JOY life n1 o rc. . You n1 ay eve n find yo ur- se lf practicing n e\v da nce step s, sin g in g in eleva tors or JUSt smiling a lo t niorc. f ro n1 the first day. You can :i?d to ~hi s account at a ny t1111 e \V1th deposits o f $100 or n1 o rc. Yo u n1 ay \Yit hdr:n v funds th:i t have been on uep osit fo r a full calenda r q~a rte r o r rnore and all A d epos it o f $500 or nlore opens your Prc rni urn ,._, Pass book Account at Security Pacific t. · ::;:~, .. r n te r.L·s ~ c:1 rncd any t ini e . · 4-7 , \VJt hrn the first ten · days of each calendar CJ u:irter. As a n alter- na ti ve, fu nds rn aybe Bank. A nd begins drawing that 5 % • Th;s ia the one for &uiou, s.1vcn;. The 5"(, Premium PJ s~book 1\~~~unt. You S:Cl 5';[, .1n nu~! inlcre>.I, 1 e>mpound~d and crcd;tcJ •lllJr!cdy from date o! .:lrpn•U-the hi,i::h~t fX'~11Ulc bank r.1te. \Vithd ra\vn at other times u pon ·w ritten 90-d ay -no tice to Security Pacific Bank. Con1e talk to us. Be- cause \vhen you're serious about saving you can afford to be lig hthea rted. .(jj SECURITY PACIFIC BANK • Turcat v.•as lhe Cflmman•ler nf the plane but pilot Jean Pinet was at the controls. Washington Papers Shut Stude.1its to Protest Alaska Nuclear Test \VASHI NGTO N IAP) -ThP: three daily ncwspapcr:ii r:.erv- ing the nation's capital v.·ere shut down by a prt'Ssmen 's ~trike early lod;iy ar1rr uninn members rrJCCtcd new con- \r:irt offers. Negot.l:ilions. w h i c h con· 1.1nued throi.1sh cxp1ration of the old conlracls al midnight T uesday, broke off early 1n the 1nnrning until 2::Kl p n1. today. Firi;t to be affrclcd by the v.alkout of mcmhl>rs of the lnle mat.innal \Vch Prel'smrn's Union Local f. "'as The \\'ashingrnn PnJ;I. a mnrnini.! newspaprr. The PoJ>! \\'<IS 20 Pf'rccnt t hrn11 ~h 1ls prr~~ run v.·hen lhe rrintr:1ct r>~p1rrrl Pir krtJ; alsri J;Urr•iundr>d Thr D;uly Nry,i; Rnd Thr f:\"llln~ Star. l:w>th arL l'rnu o u newspapers. 1 1 U">1el! ''"s '"'-'"1lio1>•1 The Ato1n1c Energy Com- 1ni ssion plans to trigger an un- derground nuclear explosion on the Al eutian Island of Amchitka at noon Thursday despite protests il might touch oH rn assive earthquakes and 11dal \\'aVf'S. President Nixon decided not lo postpone the tcs\J;, brlieved t.o inl'nlvc antiballistic misJ;ile \\'arht'ads. press ~rcretary Ronalrl Zir~lcr said Tuesday. Nixon rcce11'Cd assurances of safely from the AEC, he said. NotC"d ~cicnti.~ts disagreed on thr danger of thl! 1.2 megaton unrler ~r011nd blaJ;t, howf'\·er. Thou.<.an<ls of Canadinn cnl· !f'~P !->l11drnl c;, protestin~ the h 1 a s t , pl;innrd .1 Onc-l1011r <·n:i~t -to-roa;.t htockadf' of all ni;_11ur <"ro~~i n~~ 1ntn 1hr I 1111rrl Sta tes bci;1n111ng at noo n today. TI.ohert ~1 c Douga l 1 i)lOkeflman for the University nf Vi ctoria Alma J\1ater Socie- 1y (AJ\15> -org;ini,,ers or the pro!esl -estimated S0,000 studcnL'! would participate in the blockade. Norman \\!right. 47-year-old president or lhe University of Victorill i;!udcnt council. urged all Canadian students lo pro- test the blast. lie announred b l ocka d e plans in telegrams lo Cana· dian Prime 1>l inisler Pierre El11otl Trudeau, Nixon . United Na I ion!\: Secretary-General Thant and 70 unive.rsiU~ and regional colleges a c: r o s s C;inada. The lar11:est protest wa11 ~heduled for the Peace Areh al Blaine, \\'ash. ""·here 5,000 s111dcnts frnn1 the University or Ari11 sh Colun1 hia and Simon r,r;isrr l'ni vrr~ity \\!':re ex· peeled tQ converge. • "•~··••&e .. . . ( ' ~-... -----------------~'-:', ..,.., ,_.,.. __ ..,..,.. ______ .......,_~--------------~ • -• • ~ " bAIL V PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE The Parl{ing Headache One of Laguna's bigge.st and continuing headaches ls the short.age of parking. It is a problem for business. It is a problem !or local resldenU. It is a probl~Jll for visitors. It is also a problem for Laguna's Festival of Arts and Pageant of the Masters. The twin spectaculars draw thousan~s ~f persons to the community each summer. There ts sun_ply not enough parking space to ac_com?1odate all ~e1r ca:s. To help alleviate the situation the festival each iummer sets up a bus system. Co\.ortul trams bustle about carrying visitors to the festival grounds from bench st.ops located throughout the downtown area. The tram operation loses money white the tot.a} fes· ti val operation continues to make money for the city. Jt may be that. by pooling talent and resources,_ the f estival and city could resolve the mutual problem. Jt might well be to both the city's and .festival's ad- vantage to consider commitment of festival funds to parking :solutions. This of course \\IOUid involve consultation \Vitit the cily's general plan expert. Sol utions-such as a parking sl~ucture or slructur~3 -would hinge on such things as available land and avail· able funds. Jt \vould involve &th engineering feasibil· ily and plannlng. It might involve land condemnation using the city 's eminent domain po\ve rs. And a parking structure of significance \vouJ d doubt- less in vo lve long-term financing of some type. It woul d elso need to be reasonably close to the festival. But 11 study of the matter ti;: warranted. It would certainly be to the advantage of both entities to find a 5olution-even a partial solution-to the wor sening park- ing shortage. Hand .pf Friendsltlp Recent comments of Cha1nber of Co1nmerce direc· tors on the ;'new hippie image" in Laguna were in startllng contrast to the frenzied, a ~st panic-stricken -attacks on the hippie community voiced by some busi· ness people last year. In the more healed sessions on the subject. suggest- ed solutions to the "hippie problem'' included shaving the heads cri all Jong-haired males, mass arr ests, "run 'em out of town" and the like. Now there appears to be a tendency to recognize the. possibility that the so-called hippie, like the once· maligned surfer, may come in t\Vo varieties . Jn addition to the drus-addled. un,va:,hed . sidc1\'alk· ~itUng hangers-on, there. 1s a con1munity of young peo- ple, part of the nation\vidc ne1v· look ln youth, 1vhet n1ay \Vear th ei r hair Jong and engage in son1e pretty ad· vanced thinki ng, but \Vhose feet, nevertheless. n1<1in· lain at least occasional co ntact \vith the ground. r The festival and city doubtless will not care to take a firm stand on the possibilities until they have been evaluated. The youth-oriented business people !Jave extended the hand of friendship. It is encouraging to note that the established · business communi!y seems· to be get1ing the message that these youn g people arc here lo stay, that they could contribute conslructive!y to the atrno.~ phere and the economy of 11.he to\vn ·and ~hould be given the opportunity and encouragement to do so. L 'This is the captain. Our flight from Los Angeles to New-J'ork wa.• - one Jwur, forty minutes. With a-little luck we may land in about the same length of time.' Ghandi Lived The Message Of Jesus Ton1orrow CktcJber 2. vo'\11 mark the centenary of' Mahatma Gandhi's birth. He was bom at Porbandar, India. on October 2 1869 and Uved nearly 80 extraordinary y~rs ~nlll he was assassinated in New Delhi in 1948. There art. at this stage in manklnd's history, only national holiday!. If there .. hould be a "world holiday," it seems to me that Gandhi"s birthday ought to be the first. For. in the full century since he was bom, be became the only -pubUc man to practice Christianity in all Its aspects - and he \O.'as not a Cb.rllit.lan. HE SUCCEEDED In freeing one of the largest nations in the \O.'orld fro m one of 1he greatest poWers in the world - without any more !'ihow of violence than crossing his legs and refusing to move. He was an intellectual \l'ho wal ked easily among the masses; an aristocrat "'"he. lived among the poor; a man of Im· mense spiritual gifts who worked un- ceasingly for the physical needs of his people ; and an a!icelic v.·ho "''as not sour and smug and self-righteous, but who lov~ ed to c.rac:k jokes, play tricks, and make r;olemn people laugh. GA1''DH1 "'AS TH E first -and perhi1p5 the only -1,1·orid figure of ihe 20th Century. He atone an1on g statesmen realiz.ed early in his career that violence beget.:; only violence; th:it mode.rn tec hnology contains the seed of its ov.'n Dear Gloomy Gus: \Vhat an insult lCI the press is the offer of cigarette makers to qui1 advertising on TV and radio if they c:an advertise in print~ Are news· papers. going to be a party to this cancerous compromise? C.R.J. Thi• l•1lufl rollttlt reHu1• ~''"'' "'' n«•-•11• tr•••• el th• MWSl'eHf. t1"4f '°"' ,., PH•• N G~, o ... Dtll'r r utt. destruction unless carefully controlled by ethlcal and spiritual values; and th at love is the most potl'nl and enduring "force'' in lhr universe. 'Though be fought for India's polltlcal power aDd national .ind!peodence, ~ dJd not consider these thl.np endt ln themselves, but only 5\eJ>s forward on ·the road lo humaniULlon ~ n d in· tenaUonaliza1 ion. J~e recogniud the un!tarv nature of peoples everywhere , and r'atber than sec lndin divided by Partition, he recom mended giving conlrol of the country l.o his poli!ical enemies of the: Muslim League. HE WAS l'\10RE Interested in ''com~ munity" than in government. in the welfare of villages lhan the authority of capitals; and he urged his own political Heutenants lo forsake the trappings of power and go live wil.h the humble people itl Lhe little lo\vns \vhere the need for leadership \\'as grl'alesl. Disrnissed hy the British as "im· praclical," fearl'd by the capitali ~ts and :;corned by the 1'-larx15t irlrologues. Gandhi nevertheless n1adc an impression on our century that ¥:111 not be mar ched. In his t:loc'lrine of ''ahimsa" -non· hurting - he lived the message or Jesus. Minority Rule May End A t;niverslty of Callfom\a report predicts that the tw~thirds majority rul e governing local bond elections in California and some other i!ilates shortly "'ill be knocked down as unconS!lutlonaJ. Speed the day. Too many important civic needs have gone unrnet because !he citizen who opposes the bond issue has two votes and he who fav(lrS it only one. The result repeatedly has been a \"eto by the minority. In 1966-67, UC's lnstitu.te o f Governmenlal Studies found , only 40.4 per cent of school bond propositions scored the two-thirds majority demanded by the Califor nia constitution for local genual obligation bonds. But 80.8 per ---By Geor11e ---, Dear George: Do you have any advice for a girl whose boy friend Insists on parking at night on lhe be.-.ch. although he Is otherwise a pe rfect genlleman? JANE Dear Jane: Whe:n a car Is stu ck in sand lrac· tlon may be gained by pillng brush u.ndf'r the rear wheels and starting slowly in low gear. Under no circumstances race the engine as t.hi1 spln.s lhe wheels and the car will sink lower. Should lhis happen. find old boards for a jack base and jack the rear of the auto up and pile bnuih, etc., ln lhe depressions. (If you want your problems treated in abeoltrte secrecy and confidence" George won 't even optn your envelope. That's how con- 1elentlous he Is.) \ ' Guest Editorial cent received more than a simple m .. jorfty, some hearl-breakingly close to the rigid 66.66 per cent rule. Still the minor!· ly prevailed. 111E SA~1E APPUES to other calt>gories of local bond !issues. The UC institute found that nearly half the San Francisco-Los Ange les city proposals of 1950-61 failed to score a two-lhirds mll· jority, hut 85 per cent of them won bet· lrr than a si mple majortty. Again, mi· norlty victories. The institute r.:all IUI predlctlon or a cure for th.is no longer tolerable a.ltuation on the Surireme Court'• one.man-one-vote <:lcc:ision, \\'hich rellrfng Chief Justice Ear1 Wan-en says he believes is the court's most important in the 16 years of hi s service. ALREADY LOCAL judl!e!'i are laking up lhe guidelines laid down in lhat tlecision. In July the West Virginia Supreme Court struck clown that state's 97·year-old three-fifths majority re· riu irement. A similar ruling has come 011t of Idaho and . in California, from a Sutter County Superior Coutt. The Callfomia tw~thirds rule Is one of the obsolete reli~ that survive in 1'1e SLate"s 1879 constitution, now being revis- ('d . That secli on probably will be remov• ed. But the et1urts. following the one-man-- one·vote dirl!<.'livf'..., may btat t he reformers to it. \\'e hope fhey do. This barnacle--encn1s!E'd concept. already ha !'i done too much dama,1?e. San francltcn E11mlner Contrast i·tt Treat111etat Betweeta Keti11edy atuf Ross 'Apply Law Equally to All Ci~izens~ To the Editor: Ne15ligencc is derined in \\'ebster's Die· tionary as carelessness in manner or ap· pearance:;;,t·n J w, fai lure lo use a reMonable t of care '1·hen suc:h (allure re ts in Injury to another. Recently, Deborah U:!c Anderson. 17, was killed in a Lido car accident. Dickinson Ross Jr., 17, the driver of lh c car, was booked into Oranp;P Counly Juvenile Hall on the charge of manslaughter w i 1 h a veliic\e. It v.·as slightly discussed, receiving sma!I men· tion in the newspaper. BUT, TllE INCIDENT at the D y k e Bridge on the end of Chappaquiddick on July 18 wh tch also co!t a life -that or Mary Jo Kopechne -v.•as heard around the 'vorld! Accord!ne to his statement, Senator Kennedy was driving down Chap.. paquiddick's main road but accidentally turned sh&JlllY back to the right onto the dirt Dyke Road. He was charged, not. wilh manslau ghter, but wlth leaving the 1eene of an accident. 'To me both Incidents are si milar -ac· cldents. Every islander knows the Dyke Bridge is a danger to man just as Ross knows high speed is a danger. Both Ken· nedy and Ross were negligent! l And ac· cidents occur bee1.use of some type of negllgen c:e whether or not we like lcJ ad- mi t Jt. KENNEDY HAS served faithfully his 1tate and nation. Who was Dickinso n Ro::!'i -only a teen-ager with a name! 1 believe Deborah Lee Anderson v.·as plan· ning an evening of fun just as was Mary Jo Copechne. \\/hen \1'1 11 law enforcement apply \Vilh eq ual "''eight to all citizens! Yi'e heard 111uch about "let us attempt lo un- Ocrstanrl Ted Kennedy as a fellow being.'' \\''hat about the attempt lo understand us tcen·agers who are not all bad and ha,,.·e .an accident once in a while also? \Ve're "great'' citizens when we fight ,1·ars: bill let us have one accident or n1ake one mistake and we're ;'ir· responsible, unreliable, unrontrolled teen- agers." CONNIE HICKMAN Need Ruponslbllltles To the Editor : People are constantly et1mplalning and voicing opinions on why the teen·agers of today are ao Irresponsible and un-- controllable. So 1 would like to offer my o'Rn humble 17-year-old oplnJon of the up- l!tf' middle class tttn-agen of a local Ids!> ll<hool- If you uk a typical high school student what hiJ life conlalns. you get this answer: school, drugs, alcohol, football garii.ea and dances. Should you probe further and ask If he can offer any ~nal view& on the problems existing m lhe world today, you will receive one of thele two answers: (1) a blank stare, (2) an attempt at repeating without any com· prebenalon one or both of his parents• views. • TtnS TYPE OF answer led ml! to con- clude that the11e teen -agers have a life lia~ on their parents' philosophy, '"l wan t my children to have all the <lti· \'antages 1 never had with none of the hardships ." The basic: fault of /his reasoning Is the Quotes (i(lv. Ronald Reaga n, on con5erv•Uoo -"We mus t .s~k new way~ to prot«t \'o'hat CrOd has given us anrl al lhe same Lime mak~ certain 1hat every citizen has 1ir1 opportunity lo ('njoy and use our natura l heritage."' M.ailbox Letters fron1 teaders are welcome. Nor·mally writers s/1ould co11uey th ei r 1ncssages In 300 words or less. Tlie 1·10/tt to co11dense letters to fit space or e!iminate libel 'is reserved. Att let- lcrs r.ius t include signat11re and moil· i no address. but 11ames 111a11 be 1uit1L- l1c/rl. 011 r equest if sufficient r eason is apparent. child ts not given <iny responsibilities. The lypical student is given anything he cle~ires v.·lthin reason \l'ithoul any re.o;;ponsiblllties. Almost none of the teen· ;igcrs can see their lives as their parents look at them . To a lePn-af:irr . dri\'ing -a c·ar i~ ii right anti priv1lc1;P for U1eir age group, NOT a rcsponi'i1b1l1ty. 1'0 UNDERSTAND and appreciate lhe ripportlin ftir::; and ll(lvan!.:i ges they have. ;is ll'cn-agcrs Imlay, 1hry sho11ld be t;iven n1ore respons1bili!ic~. The p<1rrnls should .remove the "protecli vc. sliirkl'' around the .child. Teach h1n1 In r;.;1~l by huyin,g his ow n c.lothes. efC'. Encourage him to go out and find a joh. Of course . !hr one great fl;inger 1o thi~ approach Is that 1he IP{'n·ager \l"ill become disillusioned by your gf'ne ration·s world. But al least !ht' 1t>cn-agrr will pro- gre~i:; frnm lhr f11n·lovtng 1·egrtable lo a mattur. responsible person. FHITZ Ku~ZE .'irlf ·intlid111ent To the Edilnr · Your nl'.'w!'paprr Q\pi1r;d ll l',1r Adn1iral (ret. l '\"illi<1111 C'. Ch<1n1hli~~. a recent 1'peakl:'r ,jt thr ll.1rl;lllr Frl!'11rn Serie~. on the China r1urs11on · •·\Vh ;1 t ;1rr the solu· lions? \.Vp <'an ~nv to Cnp11n11nlst rhiri::1, 'Eitht>r you ~;nnck nff n11rlPar prcpar:i· !Jons or l\'('0 11 linnrk 111"01 orr fnr you' .... Jf they sn.r nri, wr·'d ll:11·c t0 g0 through v.·ilh it " Assuming the q11ol;ition to he correcl , can one in1agin" any great.er sell-i n· diclftlcnt of !he military lhan this? WITHOUT SO i\lUC ll as a quick chorus of Anchors A\.\·cigh, the Admiral Is bland- ly ad\'ising parrnts to con~ign their i;ons lo a thir1t n·ortd \1'ar on the proposition that il"s all right for the U.S. to ha ve nuclear \\'Capons but not China. How can 1he American public. al ready confused hy nne Asian \1·ar. bclievt I hat Amrr1ca 11·an1.~ !he sanH' frecdon1 s for other nations as she hcr!-e!f enjoy~·~ JOHN L. JE~SEN lmpnct Socked Thena To the Editor : We 1nay novcr be quilc 1he same afte.r :-ccing the lates t production at the South Coasl He1)('rlory Tht.ater, "\\'c Bombed in Nc11· 1-lavcn ," by Joseph Heller, author of '"Catch 22 ." The impacl :-oc:lled us right. betv.·een the eyes i1nd the only regret is that It is nol 11.::ippcning to larger audiences because lbe nicssagc is for us moms and dads cvery\O.'hcrr -ari$(', you are losing nolhin~ but your children. \\"e !hough\ the cai;l v.'as ~upcrb, seem· Ing ahnosl more real than \\"e in the au· rt1ent"1.'. The llarbcr Arca is fortunate to ha\·c such a produr-1\nn close at hand. BOB Rnd GRETCHEN UA YWARD l'oruogrnphPf f,n1vs To the Ertitor · I \1·a~ 11lea.!=rd 1n rr:irl lhflL ,11 crording lG :tis1 Shaidel l \DAILY PILOT, Sept. 27, •·sex Salesmen Find Big ltfarket"') l\.'e have an increasingly aroused citizenry as a result of the obscrnlty pedd lers. I believe that an arou sed citizenry is just \O.'hal we need. THAT SUCH n1aterial ls ''utterly \l"ithnut rcdcen1i ng social value" seems to nir 10 be ,1 conclusion in direct conflict \1·1th the :-;latisticnlly 'erifil'd findings that in Dt:nn1ark, afll'r i1!l'anli·obsc:enity· pnrnography laws \\ere abolishct:l , all t·atcgones of sex crin1es dropped nt:irkcdly. {;\\!E:-i J. STEPHENS Operation Intercept To lhe Edltor : The ~tesa Verde Republican Women·5 Clu b, federal ed or Costa f\.,esa, has v.•rit· ten a letter of supJ)Ort to Presid ent Nixon 1_·oncerning his steps to halt the flow or narcotics into the. l:niled States fro1n ~lexico, Our n1cmbership is greatly concerned ahoul the narcotics problem and the ris- ing crime rate v.·hich result.~. \\'e feel "Operation Intercept" shoul d continue until the flow of easily available drugs is stopped and until ..... e have the coopera· lion v.·e need from the Mexican authorities. i\IESA VERDE REPUBLICAN \VOf\IEN illrs. Jean SumraU, President Beach itlob Co11frol To the Editor llcadlines and editorial comment in the DAILY PILOT crintinue to preSt.nt access lo our beaches as a "thorny prob- lem" But then• really \• nn plan to abandon some 19 ~lrcet~nd heachheads already v.·ell estab!i5hed, or our beach parks, and there i~ no reniote simila rity with the sit11ation a. Salt Creek . One gets the imprl'.~sion that the sand Is being closed off somewhat in the man· nl'r of Omaha BC'ach with son1e. fnrmictahlc heach <!rfenses crectctl by ~clf1~h land 011•ner~. TllERE HAS al\.\·ays been private posting of properl y "''here owners everywhere hal'e i;ough t to provide for lhemselves and guests a measu re of thal "relaxat!on, peace and tranquility" wh ich Is accepted a<; a ~'o. 1 community goal. Or does this not apply to those whose prorerty titles include a part of the be:tch'"'.' ln the instance of our resort property { Pre8s Coniments • N-ot--Dumh fl.lore , Minn., Tlmea: "Rep. H. R. Gro!s of Iowa who ls a watchdog of the House. repor\11 that 12 enterprising young persons in ~tontgomery County, t.ld ., have figured out a way In beet the !']'Siem. Each of the dozen, six male and six female, draws $55 a week in unemployment compensation "''hieh they pool In a common fund. In a four-week month, their take is a cool S2,600. They rent a six-bedroom house complete with swimming pool and sauna, buy their food and ha\'e enough lefl for other lux- urfes. They pay no taxes: on their benefits and nn an individu al basis1 each probably qualiiles for food 11tamps and medlcald beneflt!'i as well. \Vhatever else m.a y be !'iaid (in) criticism of young people these days, no one can accuse them of being dumb.'1 !'iing\ed out !or attention. v.•e aclually rrmo11ed thhha!ns from Sleepy Jlo\low Beach which had been there for 10 years \Vhen we developed our Vacation Village. ~ut after six years \l'e fully unde rstand ll'hy the owners ~eded them for a measure of control. lf0 \''EVE!t. putting 11p .1 lr11' pos!s 111 the sand and some pahn fronrls to designat\' a temporary area or conlrol '~ nothing to get excited about . The beach i.\ :-till \\'ide open for son1c 400 /(·et on the rronl, bul a beach ntob ~cene was brought under control. And this wa<; i1n- portanl, lOfU:N HANELINE The itlo11e11 Spender To the Erhlor · Helen Jracy"s 1ett<'r. ··1nd1l'1duahty." f:O.·lailbox, Sept. 24) hit the. nail on th~ head, but i-he did not h1L it enough to drive jt to \.\'here it hurts. liow long has 1t been since sonic money .spender had baskets on every Laguna B each downtown pole, about 12·feel high, with gerani ums gro\l'ing, dropping petals and lea ves on sidewalks and gutrcrs? f\f en on high trucks wate red them . dripping on car5. Then they \\"ere ;ill taken down and thro,vn a\1·ay. 1"hen th<: bright mon<'y spender had trees 1n J X :i X 3 feet hea\1' boxPs all over to11·n. \\1hf'n I started salvaging ·.vhat I could from Penney ·s and the 5 and 10 cenl store , lh11 city or v.·hoevPr had 1t done ban1shfd C\'fry one off the streets. l\O'V THE SPENDER hao; morr. t1f !hem on 1he sidrv.·alk to thf hfe guard.5 and Barefoot Bar. 1-iow arc thev going IQ gflt a truck over curbs, \l'hich the y'\·• always riont'? Tn keep \1ilhin rh., la1v l;lv parking nexl to curbs, niy truck body h<is knocked several ;il'o·a,v from the curb:;, and \Vith 1.11,J-fcct-high trucks tryin g 1ri park anrl lraning into ctlrbs 11"1!1 bend them all over. J\1y !ruck darn near h1t tlii: onr by !11~ Chan1ber of \VllAT. \\'hy dnn 'L the spenders cu !. it out <ind hire one tnan to he called to clean up !hr terrible rncs !'I that dogs leave on the si de1l'alks. It's l'I fr ighl when sorneone ~li ps in it. which could break most any bane io a person's body, \\'HY !\fl!ST I help pay for something that will be removed in a year and replaced v.·ith some other co.stly joke "' \Vhy don"t the pt.>Qple v.·ho pay these bill!'! ·j::o up to !he ci1y dump ;ind see \.\'herP their money has gone'.' E\!ery pie<:e of equipment has been shot up 1,1•ith gun~. Evflry piece 111a~ dri\'Cn there. not 1nwrri in. Every piece could hal'c been sold nr traded in. Laguna Beach"s inn ocent peopl e had hcttflr wake up lo who the spender is. CHARLES A. PEDDICO RD --~-- \Vednesday, October 1, 1960 The editorial page 01 the Daily Pilot se eks to inform and stirn. ulate readers by presenting this newspaper's opinions and com- ~ntary on topics of interest and significance, bu p rotndi11 g a forum for the expre.ssion of our readers• opinions, and by presenti11g the diuer'se vir.w- points Of Informed ab.sertJt"r.1 and .i:pokt.~me11 011 topic.5 of the dny. Robert N. \Vced, Publisher I I ... ,_ ....•. _ ... .,.,.......,... DA fl V PIL OT 3 f --1 ---:=c:==·. Claims Bride Bethel 31'3 Meson . Jamie Michelsen Marries O.T. Ward In Anaheim Ceremony Bustling I l Riversfde is the new home of O\ven TimQthy \Vard a nd his bride, the _...... former Jamie Patricia "1 ichelsen, a Newport J-larbor National Chanly ,.. League debulanle. They \Vere mar ried in the Com1nunity Jlresbyterian Church, Laguna Beach . . . The Rev. Dr. Dallas Turner performed the d ou ble ring ceremony hn~1ng t.he d a ughter of Mrs. Robert Armstrong of E 1nerald Bay and R. Keith h11chelsen of San Francisco and the son of 1'.1rs. Betty \Yard of Car· tnel and Owen J ay \'v'ard of Los Angeles. . Given in marriage by h er stepfather, the bride \\'Ore an organza t:mp1re crealion a dorned with a pplique fl owers sprinkled on the round neck - line. Completing her ensemble, s he chose a fingertip vei l and carried a no segay of \\'hite potpourri and baby's breath. Miss T ina Buccola of Cameo Shores \\'as n1a1<! or honor. She \Vas dressed in the sa1ne style go\Vn in yell o\V organza and put a flo\vered head- band in her ha ir. White daisies and pon1pons comprised her bouquet. Brides1naids. dressed identically, \Vere the Mi s.~es 'l'arry and .i\nne i 'lichelsen. the bride's sisters, Patty 1\rn1strong, the bride's step-sister, and Beth \Vard, the bridegroom 's sister. !vliss Tessi Michelsen, t he bride's siste r \\'a s fiO\\'er .[!i rl. She \1•ore a floor-length gown for lhe occasion. Erik t<.·Iic helsen the br ide's brother, \1•as r ing bea rer. ' 1'ed KeJlogg \Vas best m an and ushers \\'ere \\/right l larbert, J erry lfenr ey, Tom Strotka1np and Ross i 1ic helsen, the brid e's brother. Mrs. Frank l nterlandi supplied organ 111usic. \vhile Bill Sand itc h was solois t in the church which was decorated with \\"hile !a ll flowers for the wedding. Following the cer emony, Mr_ and M rs. Armstrong hosted a receptiQn for 225 gu es ts in their ne\v home. Assisting \Vere l\1iss Pam 'Va rd, the bridegroom's sister, and l\1iss Ardell Annstrong, sister of the bride's s'lep- !atber. Special g ue sts included J'vlr . and l\1rs. \1e rdi l\1ichclsen and J'vl rs. Col- ton ?.1ather, her grandparents fron1 Santa Ana. Others \Vere J\llrs. E d\\•ard Colestock from Cambrid ge, Md. a nd l\1rs. An1old Arn1strong from Pacific Palisad es, s tepgrandmothers of the bride, l\1rs. R osalie I ... eabo of Laguna Beach and Mrs. Gladys \Vard of Los Angeles, the bridcgroo1n's grand- mothers. The--·new i1rs. 'Vard is a graduate of Newport !·!arbor lligh School. She attended Prescott College, Arizona and Cal \Vestem , San Diego and was presented to socie ty in 1966. She plans to continue her education at the Univers ily of California in Riverside. J·ler husba nd, a g r aduate of Laguna Beac h lligh School, is a n alum· nus of San J ose Sta·te College \\'here he affiliated with Sigma Chi fra ternity. fie was a grad uate s tt1dent at California State College at Fullerton and Chap man College and \\•ill work a s a probation officer in R iverside. T he newly\\1cds relumed from a honeymoon trip to San Diego. i • ' . .. \~-~: -·-:~ . .'\I. (. -' ll•lll KK~ ~M!t MRS. OWEN WARD , Riv ersid • Home \ ! I ltozne in Fullerton f0Uow1ng a honcyn10011 at Big Sur are O:ina Wl!l ia1n Jtodel and his br!de, the former Debra Ann Crummett, who ex changed vo11.·s and rings before the Rev. Ralph \Vilkerson in lhe Chris- tian Center Church, Anahcirn. Parents of the bridal couple ar<' ~·lr. and Mrs. Hurold E. Cnunmctt of Tustin ;1nd tl>lr. Jnd Mrs. Paul Rodet of Cosla i\1esa. (;iven in n1arriage by her f;ither. the bride wore an cn1- p1rc gown of alcnrun"'lacc over j){'iltl de soie. A lace petal htadpiece hf'ld her l'CLI. and fQrrn1ng her cascade were g!amelias Pastel pink gowns .and bou- quets of l;;vender carnations 1\'erc selected for ~!rs. l\jell T-aylor of Anahelr11 , the bride's sister and/ matron of hono r, and i\1iss Janire Grt'gory of Brea. r>.!iss Gail Grahn of San- ta Barbara and 1'.1rs. i\lichael Denny of Orange, briElesmaids. Janelle Bennett was the flow er girl. Attending as best man \1•as Dennis 1;regory of Tust in. 11,hile ushers 1rere Steve and Laird R..odet. the bridegroon1'~ brothers-; Steve Crummett, ihc bride·s brother, and Scott Bailev and Itichard Edwan!s of cOsta r-.1es<1 . Ring bearer was Bert Wi !~on. A reception. in the church hall 1vas attended by 200 guests.. Assisting v.·ere the i\1 isses Connie and Jinger Ren- nell o( La Habra, J udy Nri- L~~~-· -"9" ........... "" _ -••. ~ ·---. r Card Party Aids Coeds 1'hc gan1e room of the new Oak .,..,ood Apartments v.·ill be tht! setcintr' lur a hin6-ra..ising card party. sponsored by the Soroplimist Club of Newport H;irbor_ ' " North Dakota Home Susan Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota 1s the new home of Lt.. Da vid Lloyd Paulsen and his bride, the former Su- san Clark. They were married in Neighborhood Congrega- tional Church, Laguna Beach. The Rev. Ellsworth P. Rich- ardson performed the cer- emony linking the daughter of ?\-1r. and Mrs. J ohn B. Clark of Monarch Bay a nd ~Ir. and Mrs. Lloyd 11. Paulsen of Cas- lro Valley. The bride, given in marria~e by her father, wore a wh il e linen A-li ne go1Yn rashioned y,·ith a fitted bod ice, short sleeves and a detachable train. !{er shoulder length silk i!Jusion veil was crowned by organza pcta!s and seed pearls, and she carried an aqua and \\•hile nosegay. MrL Frank J . Kall, th e ma· Clark Married tron or honor, wore a turquoise A-line gown which v.·as adorn- ed with lace edging and car- ried roses , carn::itions and Stf phanotis. Bridesmaids, dressed iden- tically, were J\trs. R ob c rt Skamnes, Miss Da le Ness and i\1iss Kati Paulsen, the bride-- groom's sister. Frederick G. Paulsen \11as his brothe r's best n1an. Usht>rs v.·ere James N. Clark, the bride's brother, along with Lt. Gerald D. Goff, LL Duane S. l!un!rr and Steven D. Harper. F'ol!n wing the ceren1ony J\·J·. and J\1rs. Clark hosted a recep- tion for 175 guests in their horne . The nc1v bride i.~ a grad- uale of Tustin High Schoo! and Occidental College where she affiliated v.•irh Gamma Kappa Theta sorority. Her husband. an a!umnu.~ flf , lloover High. School in Glen- da le, v.·as graduated from 1l1e .. same college v.·here he affilia t- Peering Around ed 1\·ith Phi G:11n ma Delta fratcrn1ly_ He 11·as a graduate studrn1 at Cal iforn ia State College at Long Ueach. ..,. The ncv:lvv.·~ds tl"IOk a hon-• J ... eymoon tnP through northern MRS. PA UL'S"E'"N•r.,.noi. 1 Ci!lifornia, Lake T,1hor and !hr v.·cstcrn stales brfore going to North Dakota. LB Bride I REPORTS li\"DICATE both --iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioiiillloiili-iilimmliimiiiilif.\1 Joan ~t ac~ahon and Kathleen THE "IN" 1 U:!llins, two La gun;i B c a c h m A~ coeds parlic1pat1n_g in lhe ' LQQK Amorican r ;eJd S<crne Am er-a i e j I icans Abroad prngran1 , arc Women Frying Well, Medium Steaks or Rare The part y is pl anned for 9 p.m. Friday, Oc:t. 3, and pro- ceeds are earmarked for the scholarship fund 1~·hich is distributed to s e 1 e c t e d graduating cot'ds in the area high schools. The t~n1pting aro1n<1 or steaks on the barbecue "'ill v.·afr from San Jua n C a p is t r a n o \Vo n1 'a n 's Clubhouse v.•hcn the \\Ionian's Club of San J uan stages its 10th annual Steak fry Satur- day, Oct. II , from 6:30 to 8.30 p.rn. The gala affair, v.•hich kirks off the 1969-70 social year for lhe club\\'OtTien, raises fund:ii to be used in area community i;ervice projects as v.'ell as ~eneral philanth ropic work a1111 is expected to <i ltrac:t Sl'\"('r;tl hundi:cd people. Mrs. Maurice Isch, grneral chairman, 11•ill be assisted hy the !<.Imes. J ames Thoinsnn, ~lelba Jfanson , Ralph 1Je11·is, f'.::larion Hernandez. J o h ll Givrn a nd .I. I\. 1;:vi11ger. Fred /\'r11·hart Jr. and A.\\'. Speer \1·ill be !he rna.<;tcr chei .... Thr l\\'O h:ive been !ak- J~g on tb1s JOO for tl11• past ninl.! years. !lie group. ~1rs. Carl Romrr \'las general chairn1an of the first steak fry \\"hlch took plaC'e in State Forestry Park. After three years, the e\·ent ,\·as moved to the clubhouse v.·hcre _it has been taking place ever since. Tickets, lo go on sale soon, n1ay be purchased from any club member. Further in- lormation may be obtained by calling Mrs. Geoffrey Mansell, president, 4.93-1639. HB Auxiliary Tv.·ice a month the Ladies' Auxilinry to Huntington Beach Vetera11s of Foreign Wars, Post 7368 meets a t 8 p,n1. Tile Jir~t Friday of each 1non th thr.v g;1\her in Odd Fellows I /all for a business meeting ;ind the third Friday they ::;l)('inlit.e in va rious locations. Further information may be secured by call ing ~1rs. LeRoy Hermann at 536·3580. Reservations are be in g taken by ~1rs. Farrl \Valkcr al 646-7414 or ~l rs. Madeline Dav.·son at 54:>-6218. Admission is $1.50. ' Laguna Beach Women Called Singer Rose illaric \\lelrh and pianist I'X'xtcr Gray \l.·111 entertain the \\Ionian's Club of Lflgu na Beach mcn1bcrs al !heir first luncheon meeting of !he ncv.• yrar led by ~1rs. Jl11lh Hull ir1 the \\/ o 111 a n 's Clubhouse al 12 ·30 p 111. JZ-ri · da~·. Oct. .1. (lucsts arr wclco rnc lo the Cl'cnt and tickets a rc $1.50 prr person. Reservations may be obt;iined by calling Miss Alice Ledger, 49~-9346 or fllrs. Jan1rs Benet t. 49~-13!Hi . ----------I __ ... .-i DECORATOR FABRICS . Regua r 2.95 to b.95 1.49 to 2.95 learning a Jot about the ir I respective homes. , Miss Mac~1ahon is living ON OUR DISPLAY l)n,·1· .. 11 911d 1\l)1l"On Sh•·f'J'<.-[li·- "'1r;il1\·<' A1 1\1q111• Sa1i11~ 111 nil •11i;d1l i•·~ :inr! •nlnrs-t•prn \\'rn\'r·r .'<.., t 'l"·"'d \\·,,a, I' lluurlf'~ - J Jrav.~· 1~r·i;.:h1 C'11l lu11.~ & [>urul>lr L\nf'n-... -'.f\'""dY Cll!<•'nH·nls or Self Lint'd ' f"ahrit's -All nt low i;nl<' pricr~ fl,11'C O\!f fin" custom v.·ork1nan- sl1!p nt 101\· ~lllf' prices! ~:~hof~r.in an~o~~s~1:1~i~~ WIGS I Berghofer. c;ermany. and I went to a camp to learn the language with the rc.~t of the AFS Amee;""' Abrn"I who SAVE 20% 50% I I are lh·ing with German sprak-TO o. ~~~~. I 1'1iss Collins meanwhile is EU ROP EAN HANDMADE and MACHI NE -MADE enjoying "·hat is sprin~ vara-WIGS THA T WILL RETAIL AT AS MUCH AS I lion in Ne w Zealand. For the holiday she is visiting the $220.00! SOME REDUCED TO $29.95. NONE North tslanct She has been PRICED OVER $100. THESE ARE DISPLAY WIGS I studying math, G erman, FROM OUR SHOWCASES AND SH ELVES -IN A biology, art and English and WIDE SELECTION TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET! I during the physical education -" period has been playing rugby. :; Kathleen wm celorn home ;n JULIETTE HAND-FINISHED WIGS I ,,., the middle of Jan~arl"'n ti1ne T C OS • to nn;sh her senior year a1 A L E-OUT PRICES! 1. .~ Laguna Beach J-li gb School.. DR. ANO MRS. AOOL011 D•rli Slletd.. R•OJ• 101.00 54,00 i' Kroch opened their Pearl 57 OO Street home last week to hosl l lolld• & Solt & P•pp•t R1o;1 . 11 s.oo • a champagne reception for I UCI Friends.of ~]ellh..Jbr~ryh · '"'"'" l l'leth""' Rio;i. 11s .oo 62.00 I Guest.. enJOYC\1 c r1 c en- vlcooment ol the Kcochs' Save On WIG FALLS! · library and or iental gems of 1.,,. 149,. • 11..,. ,47,. • • ... 146,. 1 ,, ivories, Nctsuke and lnro. s5,,,5 ss4.,5 $4f.9S DANA POINT Yacht Club saluted lhe end of another I '"'"' w;lh a beach party foe m A~ ' WIG & BEAUTY members and their guests I recenily ;n Doheny Slate Pock. a te j SSALON Tops ~ 250 E. 17th ST. COST A ME SA Ltlluct?-B-TOPS con1•rnr at I DAIL y Till 5:30 I 7:30 p.ni. each Tuc~dt1,v for! THURS. & FRI. TILL 8 ;00 548-3446 prngram.• ;n Founto;n Valley .__._. ..... _ .... ,.... __ ._. _______ .._.,•,'L Elementary School. _ SPECIAL PURCHASE ~ ... \ SAVE 1/3 on ARCADE CARPET & DRAPERY OF CORONA DEL MAR 2846 E. COAST HIWAY 17141 675-1510 --------------- I I I J ' r . Clunaxing a mCtnlh of i'C· tivity for .J ob 's Daughters. Bethel 31 3 v.·as a silver tea and fashion show . MR S. RODET Fullerton Hom1" ' ; .. - The evl!nl v.·as presented in lhc ho1nt' of the hof.ot"ed queen, Patricia June: fashions were supplied by Jtcinerl's Q('partn1ent store, and prcr cceds aidl'd the grand gu;.ir- difln 's Project \\'heels which supplies wh e e I chairs ·and crutches to children at Shrine Hospital. Other activities in Sep- tember included attending a family Masonic picnlc, a kid- nap breakfast <ind attending a baseball game \\'ith their fathers. C<ilendared in October are :i courtesy orf icers' night and <t Dollar Dinner next Tuesday, and on Oct. 17 members, thC'ir f;imilies and mernbers of l:>e~lolay \\'ill go by bus to the Shrine Sho\\'. Ads Tu rn Sen se Into Dollar s llH~llt lE ltOIES rncycr of Tustin an<l J eannie. McG uire of Garden Grove. ~pcria l guests were the bride- groom·s grandmothers. ~lrs. Carletta Rodel and Mrs. Eliz- abeth Hoy, both of Costa Mesa. J'~ ~~ The bride is a graduate of Tustin High School and a San- L.1 Ana business college. Her hu sband, a Cos!a Mesa High School graduate, a ttends Cali- fornia State College at Fuller- ton. .... ___ .... GlltDLE~ Bit.._~ 27l 7 E. Coint Hwy . Coro110 d~I Mor-l'h. 67l-1 950 ft lcn1kAIM'flc.ord • Mmter Cltcirt• 11 Y-n 111 So-locotlo1t \ FABRIC C•FARANC Special Savings CHECK GINGHAMS IOO °lo Cotton 36" W•de -Reg 69c per 'i'l"I Guo,o'>tef!d Woshob:e COUN TRY CLOTH PRINTS 50°k Oocron Po!yeslt r, 50% Cotton 44/45" Wide -Reg. $ 1-98 per yard Guoronl eed Woshoble SINGER DUC K PRINTS 100% Cotto ri 44/45"' Wide -lieq , .$1,79 per yo•d Guoronteed Wosh oble SALE PRICE 44c SAlE PIKE ggc ... '"'' SALE PR ICE ... ggc 1u4 FAIRWAY & TRE MODE PRINTS SALE PRICE 65°/o Doc,on Polyeste r, 35°/o Cotton ggc 44/45" Wide -Reg. $1.49 per yo1d '"' Guo>on!eed Woshobl e '"' WIDE WALE CORDUROY 100% Cotton .44/.45'' Wide -Reg. $1.-49 r.ier yord Guoronteed Wcnhoble FLUFF CREPE PRIN TS 100°/o Oocran Polyesi er 44/45" Wide -Reg. $1.98 per t 11.:J G1.toron111ed Woshoble TH ICK & THIN CORDUROY I 00°/o Conon 44/45" W1dl!t -Reg , $1 911 p•r Guornnteed Woshoble SIN GER TWIST COORDINATE S 100°/0 RDyon 57/54" Wide -Reg . $2.98 per yard Dry Cleori DACRON POLYESTER KNITS SALE PRICE $144 ... ,,,, SALE PRICE $166 , .. '"'' SALE PRICE $2+.t ,. .. SAlE PRICE 100% Dacron Polyester $J33 57/5 4" Wide -Reg. $5.98 lo $7.98 per yord 10 Guaranteed Woshoble '"'$555 Assor1 ed Weaves 11,4 EASTH,.,APTON FLANNEL 1 00~~ Wool 54" Wode -R~g $4 50 per yo•d AUTUMN MIST 92°,{. Textured "-cetole, 8°/o Nylon foce 100% Acelole Trice! Bocli; .54" Wide -lreg. $3.98 per yard Ory C)eo n BRAVO SAl£ PllC! 190°/0 Acrylic Foce, 100% Acetate Tricot &ticl.;.$388 58/60" Wide -Reg. $4,98 per yard ,., Dry Cleal"! ,.,.i And SINGER has a cred it plan to fitym budget. lt'Mti •t11.fortomorro1116at SINCE R today!' SINGER SOUTH COAST PLAZA UPPER LEVEL PHONE 5411-2633 Bris tol at Sin Ol•go Fwy., Cost• M.sa • •A Trldtmlrk ClfTH[ SINGER COMPANY l ( • 4 •• -.. .' -'i -'.~ ..! -•• ••¥ .' •,•• 0 as so:. 3J DAILY PILOT PT Units Begin Annual Drive f 6r Members ii;door'• Nol• A Poi9• O••O'M '& Co•1• M•••· N .... ..,.. ll••<n. LotU"• , •• ,~ """' Min ion Y•••O Port~• •••<h .,. Wo1,.11ot10n• '"" •-•• <n tno QA!LY PILOT r•<n Ner• fnlorl'ltll0'1 ~If i.. •f<f'"•a bv '"" \O<IO" O• .. ,,.,...,I, o• b• '""'''~~ or aollvor(n~ .,;.,...,. .., ,,.,. c,.,.., ~1n.lh. :illl2 Crn !?lie Pio<•. N""PO" 8'""'"· b• I ~ '" 'rtG•• tor ...,ol"•llon W•tln•>tllV I H<irb or Council J\lrs . .John Clllrk Prt'sidcnl C0~1 JNC UP: Coun cil mecung Monda~1, Oe1. 6. 1n Tr\Vinkle "School. Hl'gistr<l1111n ;ind col- , ~ :il 9 :. rn. Busuie ss rne\•I· ing :.t 9 :m. John 1\lc(;o"''en '111 1ll gi1·c thf' 11'f'k:omin~ .:iddress . !'rogra1n thcnH' I\ Uappinrss ls a :O.l 1 d d I e Sthoul. l)r. \\ lll11.11n Cun- ,:alngham. supcrintendcint ot ~e Ne"'"JXlr\-f\.les:i L:nified *hool 01s1Iitt wilt n1oderatr ::&'panel 11-·ho 111•ill speak and ~ns111·er questions. Serving on ~ panel 111·i11 be Dr. Wll- ::-'f1am Schrecl., assist.ant su- ·.! prrintcn<lefll, instructional ~ .'lf'rviccs of Lhf' Pleasan1or1 ·-Joint .l'..:lf'incntary Distritt :iirid lun<1ilor Valle~ Jo11ll 1 k11on High Schoul Oistricl , !Jr. Nor111an fl. !.oats. :is!'>il- .rlale superintendent. inslrur- !ional operation of thf." Ncll'- por t-Mcsa Jistricl : Kai Por- ter, nrchiteci with offices located 1n Santa Cl<1 ra an1I -Dana Point, anti Robe rt Bro·wn, Te\\'i nklc teacher .. Pa nrl l'i'ill speak again :ii 7 :JO p.rn. in t-.:st:in c1a ll1gh School"s forun1. Public 1s 1n- ''1tcd . Adams PTA ~1rs. Paul Ohl5rn President COt.1"11\"G l"P · Or1entat1on m~et1ng al 8 pin \\'edne!'i- day, Oct 8. u1 the rnulll· purpose room. Hobert Mil- ler, pri ncipal will discuss the educational concept and instructional method being used in educating the stu- rlcnts. Board members will host •.. J\.1rs. Robert Par- ker. membership chairman announces that a circus lheme will be featured in the drive Oct 6 through 13. REPORTS : Room representa· 1ive meeting -look place lo· day. r-.trs. John Ca1np. chair· 1nan outlined the role and duties or the rnothcrs. Ba yvi ew PTA t.1r~. \\'illiam l'rii~t Prcsidcrit (:0h11N(; GP : Boa rd 1nt'e\1 ng at 9 .15 a.m. Tut•<.d;iy . Oct i , ln the multipurpose room .. paper drive Irani !I a m 10 noon Saturday, Oc! 11 . Voluntef''s <ire n <' l' rl <' rl further inform<it1on nbt:i1nf'd from htrs. Nonna11 !'inc;1d 111 ~46-6507 or \1r~. J·:d11a nl Sieh at 549-0449. nEPORTS: Annu;il J:!f'l ·:H ·· qualntcd tea fnr p::ir<'nt ~ :•nd te;ichers loOk plilcr Beor PFO \lr1. John llackr r rrrsidcnl REPORTS Jee rrc11111 social took place last night Of- tircrs In ~Cr\'e under !ht' leadership of f\1rs. John Hacker . president a r e Hichard llagmeycr and Hollt>r t Lindquist. v i c: e presu.l~nh•. Hector Na var- re\\e. parharnentari::in. and Ri cha rd tl1 ills, budgel ad· vi sory. i\lore are the Mmes. Fred Barthe and Pete Vena, secretarie!i; Richard Mills, 1 reasurer; Everett Beiger and James Sponagle, .wa ys and nieans . Edward Starnes, hospitality; Robert \Vriter, room mo ther s; \\'illiarn Lockha rt , lcgisla· IJon : Ronald Fross. publici- ty . i\1lles f\.toore. health and v•elfarr : llagmeyer. 1ne1nbership; \V i l I i .a m l'cich1rowsk1. historian : llobcrt L1ndq uls t. librar\', and Charles Casazza, boWI· 1ng. CdM High PTA ~lrs. Robert Kemblt President ("OilllNl; t..:P · P:ire.nts arc in \'L\C'd to altcnd the ldck-n\l boa rd n1ecLing !ron1 9 10 \ 1 :1 rn tomorro\.v. in t h r f,h·ulty lounge. Leon r-.1 eeks, pnnripal and r-.trs. Bel\y TO\.\·nsend, girls' vice pnn- 1·1pal will discuss pertinent :-;chool issues, problems and rxillcies. Coffee 111·ill be serl'· cd from 9 to 9:30 a m. Dovis PTA ~!rs. Granl Berlolr t President COr.llNG UP: Back-ti>school night at 7:30 p.m. Tuesda)'. Oct. 7. Brief bu sin e s~ tnce.ting conducted by ~1r~. t;rant Bertolet will preccdr t·lassroom v i s it a l ion s Refreshments will be. servrd in the multipurpose room h; Mrs. Gordon St. Clair. hospitality chairman and co1nmittee. Estancia PT A :\lrs. Ralph Boc gcl President C0~11NG UP. ~1rs. Del Lr,11"is. second vice president an nounccd the membership dri\"c started todav. Parents may send their due'./.o SI. 1>er me inber lo sch wilh their student or join a back· ro-school night \Vednesday. Ocl. 22 ... Board merlin;: \\'ednesday. Q{"\. 8. al 1 p 111 1n faculty lou nge. REPORTS : ~!rs. Al d t ~ Johnson. firs! 1·1ce pres1dt'1ll presrnted the program pla n.• fnr the ~ l'<ir 11\ the boaril 11LCl'l111f: Serving nn th•' f'Omrnittcr are F Io y r1 Harryn1an and the ~tme.~. .larnes \Vinge rt. He r her ! Foss. Clifford \\"alton, Halp li Roe~el. li e!)l1rts 1verr give n hy Mrs. \\1allcr S<1u11drr~. lre;isurcr and :0.1rs. \\'alto11. J \J v I' n I I c p r 0 t e CllUll ,;-hairman. American Fie li! Ser1•ice .~ 1 u d e n I s arr .~largrcthe Kl e1~t Ir o ni (;reenland and A d r i a n a Tagl1:1ri fro1n Braiil an- Kaiser'.s Round Table nuunccd f\.lrs. \\' S. O"llare, cha1nnan. Harbor Vw. PFO ~Ir!. Cbarlt! Sword l_"'resh.Jent C0:\11:'\G UP· i\1embersh1 p drh·e under the direction of ~1rs. Doul:las F'letcher, sc- cond vice president will hcg1n f\.1onday. Oct 6 . ·rhen1c is Send Your Class f'1r a Walk on th e r-.1oon. 13aC'k-to-school ni£hl 'l"hurstlay , Ocl. 16. Harp er PT A l'lrs. Bob Lindsay President REPORTS · Visual perception clinic 111·as sponsored and assisted by 1ne1nbC'rs before the starting of the school year. . .Board members hosted a salad luncheon for lcachers and staff. . .It:<' crcarn social 11·as discussed ut the bo;ird n1C'eting ... '.llen1hership drive, Don't I.le Surrey, star1cd ~·l onday and will tonlinue until f\.lon- day, Ocl. IJ. Kaiser PT A i\lr.~. Frank l\luttcr President CO:O.·llNG i..;:p P<1rcnt.~ arf' welcomed <1nd inv ited lo join the rncn1bers!11p d r 1·v f' st arting ~·londay. Oct. 6. ,\llrs. Roy l~inald 1 I ~ t:hu1 rma n. . . Baek ·to-schoo I night ""ilh classroom visita- tions from 7 lo 9 p.n1 \\'ednesday, Oct. 8. followed by rcfrcshrnenlo;. Busines, n11:et1ng frorn 8 lo 8;30 p.tn Jn the 1nultipurposc room . Lagun o High PT A ;\!rs. l't1a rk Smith Pre~ident C0~1 1NG UP · Second football fea st \.vill precede the fool · h:.ill game frorn 6 t.o 7.:10 fl.Jn. Friday, Ocl. :I. Ham- burgers with ;ill the trim· rn1n g~. baked beans. fn.ur ~alad. ice crca1n, coftce and 1n dk will be served bv p;irents of student s in thl_. fr('sh1n<111 el<;ss. TickC'I S \\'Ill hr on .sale in thC' l"<ifcter1a . ;id11!\s Sl.25 and SI , for 1·hildrcn iln(\ .-.1udenls w11h .-\Sli eards. l'rocf'eds will he 1 ,~(·d fQr ,rn111r .1ll-rngh1 par- " Lindberg h PTA .\lrs .. John llrfl~ PrrsidC'nl HLPOHTS l.rnd1n1; !tbrar~· for ~t udcnts ht:ts b t r n r ~ t :1 h J 1 s h c rl in the 1nu!t1purposr roorn. New and 11scd book>; n1ay be clonalr.d to tht' school. rC'port.~ ~1 rs 1;crald Full ~. cha1nnan. Mesa Verde PT A .\Ir~. i\"ant·y Beinh ort President C0,\1l~G UP : Board nieeling Ask1 ng parenls to join the round table of a ct1 \·1tJcs for the con11n.1: yea r 1s LhC' Kaiser PT.o\ whi<.:h \\'ill have i1~ 1ncmbf!rsh1fl drive ofhc1<1lly kicked ofi next Mooday. The kni ghtly duly is being performed h_v Pelcr Bro"·n. \vhile Skip Fran klin holds the foot.ball and Clci Rober1 s cheers on fl ~ucccs.~ful wceklon£ rlr1vc. at 9.30 a.m. Tuesday, Ocl. 7, in the home of Mrs. Gilbert Divelbiss . REPORTS : Ice cream social LoOk place and mote than 8tJO .attended. J\.1 usica l entertainment was provided by John Canady and Dave Gunter, students from Bslancia Hlgh School. h-lrs. (;eorge Smith and J\.1rs. \V illiam Pay n e were chairmen. Mont Vista PT A ;\lrs. J\lark J\lorris President CO~llNG UP: GenP..ra l meeting and back-to-school nighl al 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 14. in the multipurpose room. Rcfrestunents will be served. . ldentHication bracelets 111·ill be on sale un- !11 Friday. Oct. 3. f\1rs. David Goodsell is ehairman ... ,'\iJrs. Gill McAfee Is tak· 1ng subscriptions for the PTA mngazine. Newport Hts. PT A ~lrs. David Cha~·ls President COMING UP: Exe c uliv e board meeting .at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oc!t.. 7, Jn lhe. Newport Shores Clubhouse 1\1rs. Roderick Wheele r <tnd f\.1rs. f\laurice Rogers, i·ha1rmen . announce t h • 01}Cn1ng of the paperback bookstore, Tuesday, Ocl. 7, 111 the school cafetorium. i\lore than 400 titles will be olfercd to students, parents and teachers. The bookstore will be open from I I .JO a.m. lo I p.1n. e\·ery Tuesday and Thursllay. nt.:PORTS. Altending t h (' budget l'Olnrnlltcc n1eetu1).: were i\1ichae1 J-lil!, advtsor and the Mmes. Terr y i\1t'{;ardle. chairman: David Chavis, Larry Pease. J\I ax Harthcock. Ralph E. Stevens, Maurice Parole. Proposed budgcL \\'ill be presented at the Tuesday, Oct. l~. meeting for ap- proval. . .SJO student s in grades lh1rU through sixtl1 ll'ere instructed in hicycJr safety and shOl'i'n a filn1 by St.an Breslin. an officer wi1i1 the Newport Beach Pol11'1' Drpartmcnl. Po ula rino PTA :'olr5. !\"igel Bailry President C0.\11!\"G UP.Exe c u ti v P 1:¥Jard meeting 11,111 take plac<' at 7 JO p.m. Tuesda~'. ()Cl. 7, 1n the teacher~· loung<'. Rf>~PORTS : Chairrnen rat1l 1rd lo serve are lhe ~\1me:; Ronald Richardson , f'x hih1t s and posters; Robert Creenr. health and \.\'Clfare . Freil IVcslover, pu blici ty: Arthur Lundgren, founders day and honorary life ; Pau l Oum aln. safely and Ju venile pro- Lection; Don Dial and Diane Barrell. room represen - tative; f\lalcoln1 N i 1 c s , 1·haract er and spiritual . JlJchard Schmick and \Vil- h.'.lm Brannick, hnsp1 tali1 y : Hoss Young, nc"·~etrr . B 1111- ald N ichol~. libr:irv, and \Villiam Saunder~, · wnrk- shop. Gordon lmlf'r, pnnci· pal .111·ill S('r\.'t' as ad\ 1snr Sono ra PT A :'>!rs. Richard Rllr.1 Prcs1dcnl CO.\! L\'G L"P· Back-to·school n:ght al 7 JO p.m. Tuesday, Ot t. 14. 111 the 111ultip11rpose roon1. Parents are jnvited to visit rla~srooms _ .. First Class to the .l\loon 1vill high- ligh t the membership driv"! ta king place fr om Tuesday, Oct. 14 to 23, \V inning cl:iss will be a1varded a $;) pn7f' ... Sonora Gohlln Days 1s the theme of the carnival laking place from 11 a.m. In :1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 18. on Lhe school ~ounds. Allrac· lions will include haunlt'd house. costume parade. mo- l'ie. games. food, surrry ride and prizes ... lmmu· ni zation cli nic Thursday, Oct. 9. St . Joh n Aux. ~1r1. Oeuis. \\'al1 Prrsidcnt COr-.flNG UP: Trading stamf1 a11d food coupon collection 1tay Friday, Oct. 3. Mrs. l\la11 s Gruenbeck i.~ chair- rnan . , . Assisting in 1he height and \1•clght mca su rl·· 111ents of s1udrnts arf' i\lr~. Frank l\rt"1tlrr, 1\1rs. Ph illip Kratzer and t.lrs. Roy Mof'· rer , •• Paper and alum- inum can drive Saturday. Oct. 4, at 2188 Harbor Blvd. For pickup and further in - formation contact Mrs. Ger· Grandmothers At noon evtry serond Thur's· day !he f'jl'\.\'porl !!arbor r.randmolheri;' Club mcel.! in !he. CMl:i r..tesa Golf and { 'ou nt ry Cluh Carn iva l Fair's a Fomily -style Affair (",1ndy5triprd booth!>. p::it10 lights ilnd rn11~ic \~·ill .s('t Ille n1ood for th e i\c11·port l!e1ghts l'1._,\'s ~'anlll,1 !·'air next S<1 \urd[ly fro111 4 lo 8 p.nl . on the school grounds. An1ong fe;:itured attractions \Vill be the alrl \\'altun al S·l!i-5315 ... Geilcral ineeting Thursday, OC't. 9, Program will 1nclurlc Sister Luci le llern1ier \.\-"ho 11·1!1 explain the open eourl teaching and Mrs. LcHoy T;111bc. librarv cha1nna11 who 11·11! demonslracc the ne11·Jv p11rchasecl listening cenlcrS. )!rs. rau/ Dou1t will prc- 1·1e11' the selection of books for the fair that w11f take place Sunday. Oc!. 12. nEPOBTS: $300 \l :lS realized froni !he ice <:rea m ~ial th:1t l(lok p!atl' last \\'eek. \J r and ~1rs. l'ett·r Ay1le- lo1Lc donated th e ice crC'am. )lrs. \V.ayne 13oag was rh;iir- 1nan ... il1r s Jo~tph Sc hu- list reports 1h;11 ord1•rli for Christmas candy ;ire being ta ken. TcWink le PTA ,\lr5 . Robrrt Sorensen Presitl rnt C0 .\11.'IJG UP: Oo:irrl 111cn1bc.rs 11111 hosl the I larbvr Coun- l ll me cling at !I a.m. .\l(lnclay. t>cL 6, in Boswell lla!I. .. 13ack-to-schoo l night fll 7 pm. \Vednc~day. Oct 8, 111 Boswell Hall. Dr. \V1lliarn Cunninghan1. su perintendent uf the Nl'11,·port-~lesa U,1.ified School D!str1c1 \.\"ill spc°'ak at llu· sho rt business 1nPet1ni;:. Teachers and boa rd membcri-11•1tl br introdul•rd hcforC' thr parenl!\ 1 1~i! 1he t•lassroom'. Univers ity Pk. PT A .\Ir. and ,\lrs. Robert l\rrr !'resident.~ CO:O.·\l:"'G l ;P O, 10hrr i~ nicmbf'rsh1p drl\ (' 111'1nth. further 1nlormal1•111 cnn lrl!>\. .\Ir~ l•:ar!c l\ {' I so n . 1·h:urn1<in. ]{!~!'ORTS ;\·le1nbcrship rlrivr ~tarted tod ay. :\Jrs. ,!,iv Fnstrr is cha1nnan ... Boc1rd 111c-mbcrs hosted ;:i lc:.ichrrs luncheon. Lewis fa n no n. principa l introchiccd the new d1lnC·a ·d1p booth y.·herc principal. P.1ichael !J ill ha.111 .\Jrs. Terry Mccardle, ch airn1an fill his plate. Deb- bH.' J !arthcoc k has her eye on so n1e of the prize~ v:hich can be \V0!1 at the 12 game booths. 1f'achcr~ :ind .~ t u d e n t t cacl1er.~. Wils on PTA J\.lrs. William Out.law President C0~1lNG UP: F:xecu llTt board meellng al 7 p.m. :-.·tonday, Oct. 6, in thP: teachers lounge. . .School pictures will be taken Mon- day, Oct. 6. Ht-.:PORTS O!tll'Cr~ lo S!1r\e :ire the Rohe.rt K e r rs. presidcnl~: Lhc \V l l I i fl 1n Egans, first vice 1>resir!cn1.~: the Hoberl f;oldsteins, .~l' rond vice presidents . th e :'II or lo n .J a c obs o 11 s , 1rl'a!lurers. !hr Denn 1 'I \\lilli<in1ses, publicity: l h e :'llason S t o u l s , recording Sf'Crrlarics : i\lrs. Ecl\.\·ard I\ Peterson. corresponding ~e<."rrt ary. rind Mrs. Nelson . financial srcictary ,\1 rs. .J;1t·k Sindorf anrl B;ir t E I I e r h roe k , tr;1rhl'r rrprrscntath·tos and Slu.1rt Cunninghan1, principal. also will st~Tl"C on thr boaril. TROVE OF TREASURES -l\1rs. Arn K. Youngn1an and J\ilrs. \VilUam A. \\'hi l.c rlcft lo ri_ght) collect 1nore items for the T reasures and C;Jo rified Junk ~flle to takr pince nrxt S<1 !lu·day and Sundity 011 th e Laguna Beach Festival of _,\rts gro11nds. Victoria PTA 1\lrs. F'red \Vood"'·rirth Pres1dt'111 C0:\11 NG LI' \1 1·~ .la111<'s (:!en wilt hold a mef'tln ~ Fridav, Ocl :l for n1others i;ervin~ (lJl noon dul v ldcnli[ica1ion brat f'let ea111- paign wt.JI lake place lrom l\·1nnday , Oct. 6 through Fri- day, Oct. 17, Mr~ .loh n Opfcnnan is in chari;c ... Tea for 11101.hers nf k1n- rlergartf'n ~t udc11fs fron1 ll'I to 11 a m T11e~rl:i~, 0 11 7 :O.l r~ Teti Arg.)tl , ;\I r~ Bon I ;rocr and '.\!rs I\ c n t S[ll'ncer arc In chari;:r , Rack -lo·school nighl an<I ire f're am social ;il 7 30 p.nl. Tuei«!ay, 0<'L !i. Staff Fetes Director lln1l IJ I h111I, <ti rector of :<prt ial !ier\. l!"r~ lor 1 he ,'licwport :0.1csa SC'hool D1s1rict ;ind fonnrr princq)al nf ~1onte \'ista School. \l"i!S hono red al a dinner in the ~\}illa S11·ellr11 . The event 1\.·a~ arr;111gcd hy lhr ~!nntr V1.~tR !'!.1H \\'hn prescntrd ll uul with a gill .\l.m h~nnred \.\·3!'> il1rs. lloul, ant! 11·clcon1C'd r!urinjl !he g:ithcring 11·cre II Sc n t t Paulsen. new principal. and )lrs. Pau!~cn. CM Au xili ory The first Thursday of lht: 1llf'ln!h rnrn1hf'r~ nl I h e American Legion Auxiliary, I oqa r.IC's:i !,,'nil 455 ,::i tht'r In the American Legion ll a!l, :ii R pm. Hospitol Benefit Treasure . Sold T::rrorts of a corps of more than 100 \'Olunteers 1vho ha~·e hern mobi lized since August \\'Ill be harvested next Satur- day ancl Sund<iy when South Cn;i~I <;;01n1n11n1ly llosp1La! has 11.~ :;econd ;in1111al Treasu re and Glorified Junk Sale. Vnl11nrrrs h;:i1·t brf'n work- 1ni:: !(1r 111 0 111onths c(ll'lecl.1ng . prit·111~ <111d snrlini; nrw. used and antique run11n:igr 1n preparation f;ir the c1•cnt "'hich wlll take place from 10 :'I m. lo 5 p.n1 . Saturday and noon 111 5 p.m. Sunday. A special feature! of lhis .vear's sale. according to r.t rs .J T. \":i n Rl'ns.selaer, ~enrrat cha irman, will be a cra fl and ho11Uq11r ~ert1on, arranged by ,\!rs llubbarll F Kr.ivy. 11·h1ch will be rle\•oted In handmade articles including Christmas dteorat1ons. O!hrr sertion chairmf'n in- rlude ~1iss Fern Randolph. an- tiques, and tht 11mes . Fritz Austermuehle, tlectric ~p pliances: J oseph Kunny. bags, hats and women 's shoes; William If. Hubley. books. painlings and record!i: Mar- Jory Stetson and Jean llan- l"OCk, drapcrlts, linens anrl rugs; William L. Tracy, bakrd goods; Arn K. Youngman, new p;oorts 11nd kitchenware ; and Bert Henrickl\Oll, \V. T _ Ba!schwaroff and Lt ic~ster \Vagner, ntw and u 1 t: d dresse~. Olhers are the f\.I mt: L, Chester J. Thornr., toy!'. Thom.as I. Cu!komp. sport gnods : Su f' Hohn. men ·~ clolhe~ an(! ~hot~ .. 1Ln1 G. 1\llcn. furn1!urr , ,\I i t 11 e l.::iurh~. JCv•elry . Tu lly Brown and Move~ CO;\", silent 11uction, ;ind Vio lt:L Ad am,, 1·efre~hment~. 1 .. --.. --~--~-.;r ......... -...,...,., ... -... ------~----------..... ---------~ .... -~~,,.., .... ~------~~---------------·~ .-··---...... ·-·-- Saddleha~k Today's Final N.Y. Stoek8 VOL 62, NO. 235, ~ SECTIONS, 76 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEONES[)AY, OCTOBER l, 1969 '• TEN CENTS New Playhou·se Unveiled With Splendid Show By T0~1 TITUS 01 !~t O.H~ Pl191 Stitt t he joumey took more than seven year.s, but the Laguna Con1muni1y Players finally reached the end of lheir personal rainbow Tuesday night . A~ a M"archlight s"'ept proudly across the Laguna sky. announcing the official bl{:l:h of the Laguna.Moulton Ph1yhouS(', fiNit nighters filed into the mammoth, 35Q-scal audi torium of the largest com- munity theater in Orange County. The production which awaited them, the \Vrst Coast premiere of Robert Anderson's "/ Never Sa ng for t.1y Father," was equal lo the occa~ion -a lender, moving dra1na of a man's inner ~tniggle lo e11:press a love he did not feel lor his aged rather (See rev iew, Page 27 f. Directed by playho use ai'lislic director John Ferzacca, thl' show \Vas an im- p1essi\l'e opener for an impressi\·e DAIL Y PILOT Sitt! PMN DIGGING NEW DIGS -Four of Saddlebac k College 's 27 new in-~tru c lors tour library at ne\v campus with Saddleback Pres ident Fred 11. Bremer ('right) during orientatlon today. Teachers fire (from left ) Art Croi sette business ; Norman Cole, life science: .J in1 Lindblad, physical scie~ce, and Belty Sherrer, physical education. Down the Mission Trail Helpers So ug ht At Capo Ce nter SAN JUAN CAPI STRA NO . -'!_'he Capistrano community centrr k'! looking for people who can volunteer lime lo help wl1.h the center's programs. Tutors are needed for children in the firs1 through sixth grades who need help WJth r:eading and vocabulary building in lh• morning or afternoon on ?1-londays, 'Nellda_ys, and Thursdays. :era!\ instructorB are needed for se...,·ing classe8 oo Tuesdays from 1 to S p.m., ct19kiDI classe3 Thursdays from I to 5 P:tn: and music oo Fridays from 1 to 5 p:nt. ' MBlt adults· and teens are need ed to ~lie pli.ygrouOO,s. fi eld .trips, con- 8tiocUllii and mechanical repairs on Mon- diys, 'Tlteedays, Thur!ldays and Fridays fr6m S to i p.m. Anyone interested may contact ?-frs. ~ Nleblas at 493-161$. e i'letrer Course Set LAKE FOREST - A coun.e in flower 11rrantement will be.offered at the Beach and Tennis Club for Lake Forest re!ld•nb. Thetiilne M?ssktn cour5t of two hour cllhel will be eooducted by M~. JI~ Trvine. a former aduk education teacher. students must bring their own 1111ppllet, OO'ftrs, not.ebooll:s and acis.sors capable of cutting flower stems. Anyone Jntersted in the coorse may ca II tf\e club at 837-fit61. Dal e and times will be determined later. 4t Sears Slore Slat ed LAGUNA lllLLS -Sears, Roebuck 11nd Comp.any \viii locate a new app\lance and c11l~logue sales store here al 24262 Calle rft? f,a Lu is., in the ~!sure World Shop- pjnit Center, it was anllQUncl'fl. F:. W. Weirto n, Sears Los Angrlrs rl is- tr\c t manager, said the 5\ore will hl'lve :l,IOO Mtuare feet of rloor space. 'l'Wo- thirds nf lhe space will br for merchan- rlilPC display. A lelr.phooe sales un it will be lacludro, he said. College Opening On Oct. 13 Sure To Be Du sty One Opening day at the new Saddlebat k C,ollege campus will be a du sty one with some of !he facilities incomplete desplle the fact that rrgistration is ~laled fnr Oct. 8 and 9. First classes -on the not · riuite·finished can,pus -v.•i\! be held Ocl It Tru st£>('!; h a v e Ileen told th r e e nf the 20 campus buildings will be incon1- plete and the college Will be lacking p;iv. cd parking areas, walky.·ays and l~nd· =-ca ping. Completion of all the wark should lake until about Ocl. 20, architect Robert Lowrey estimated. The opening was delayed two and ;i half weelal because of plumbing and heavr equipment operator strikes. The projects that won·t be fini shed. Don MacGregor, project manager for the rontractor W. J . Shirley Co., said, will be ph ys ical education, one science unit, and staff offices for the instructors. The phy!llca l educati on building will be operational, however, with temporary power lines strung so students can take hot showers. Saddleback Collegi officials e;"1tpect a full-time. student ,,.rollment of 1.400 to J .600. up from 80d ,last year when there Was no sophomore class. PILOT SA LUTES S KI FA IR TODAY The.ski crowd I& hf:ad1ng for the Corona de! Mar hills Friday and Saturday. N1>pe, they don't expecl snow. 'J'hey just want to be at Fashion Island for the tthopping center's Second Annual Ski Fair. The 01'1LY PILOT salule!I the show with • !lpecial 16-page tabloid section in· !iide today. It features articles aboul the i1ki 1;how, area ski clubs and the s11cces.o:. ,;tnry of one of tht> world's best knoy,·n ~ki maker!'i. Read it before you head for the hills eit her lo ski or to see the Ski Fair. th eater, one \Vhich carries a half mlllion dollar price tag. For th e Anderson dr;•1na, the expansi've, 106-foot·wide stage \Vtls put to good use, wllh the acUon Sll'C'lching from one end to the other. Space staging, with scenes changed hy a vas t battery of lights, y,·as utili zed throughout !he production, backed by some h1!ilrol1s slide and motion picture f'ffecls on an enormous, Cinemascope-siz· cd reat screen to tieip convey the larger than ~::~ approach. ll was an even ing to remember for the thousands of citizens who contributed their time, money and artistic talents to\Y<!.rd a sometimes elusive goa.1. Most especially worthy of recognition was Mrs. Lewis ~loulton, the 90-yea r-old benefac· 11·"s~ y.·hose $100,000 donation all but in· su red the realization of Laguna's fondest dr eam. The $500,000 cost does nol include t.M land, which waa dooated by the. city ol L11guna Beach. F'ua4,! ror the new pla yhouse were raised almost enti rely by individual contributions, with the city and the Irvine Foundation also lending a financial hand. The result is a 16,000-square-foot, air condllioned Playhouse where ct1mfort and visibility are paramount. No seat is more lhan 40 feet from the stage, and sealing is on graduated levels with each-seat over a foot higher than tile one in front of it. Among I.he prrudest Lagunans at Tu~day's opening were ltma Nofziger. playhouse general man ager. and Geof- frey Rlker, president of the playhouse bo<\rd of directors. Sad ly missing were Bi~I Salyer, playhouse treasurer, and Frederic. McConnell, playhouse design consultant, neither of \\'hom lived to see their dream materialize. Ex-Green Beret Leader Now Denies Any Slaying ' . ' Battin Says Salt Creek Pipeli11eDue Ry T0:\1 BARLE\' 01 ,~. 0111, l'llet ll•lt Orange Coun ly Supervisor Robert Bat- 1in brought the si1nmerlng Salt Creek Road controver~y back lo the boil Tues- day \\'ith !hr allegation that the Laguna Niguel Corporation plans to construct a huge pipeline along the length of the lonner public right of way. Ballin successfully urged f e 11 o w ~11pervisors during the board mf"f'ting to riass a resolution tha t no changes would be perm itlrd in the county-Laguna Niguel agrceinrnl "without !he eKpress approval or this boiirrl." He did noL. during the me£ting, c!iirify \\'haL !hose r:hanges migh t be other tha n to clisclosP that they might be In con- nection with the earthworks being in- i;l alled along Salt Creek Road for water runoff -an improvement to the old c·reek bed that y.·as endorsed by tile com- pany and the county. But Battin late r told the DAILY PI LOT that he had been informed "by a source I c<1n not pofisib ly question'' that La guna Ni guel h:1c1 now decided to build a pipel ine along lhe pa1hway that wac; once !he access route lo 1he Pacific Ocean fr on1 Pacific Coast J!ighv;ay, .. And !here's only one purpru;¥ brhind !his prnjC'<'t." Battin :;;aid. "That is lo n1ake it rhy:;lcall~· iinpossi b!e for anyone T:l use the former Sa!t Creek Road and 1hus effectively and permancn1!y bar p<'rles!ri;in 1rorfic from the road ." L.:igun<1 Niguel Corporatio ~ corporalcrl Salt Creek Roart inio develnp- 1nrnt of the surrounding acreage follov.•- ing county abandonment of th e thomugtrlare in T\-1arch of 1968. Orange County's action was challenged in Superior Court i{l 11 suit that BCC'tlsed county supervisors of unlawfully aban- rloning the road. That suit is technicall v stil l alive although much of ita argumerit has bee n struck down in several court hearings. Battin said Tuesday that it will be the ri•sponsibility of the county's nooct contml district to ensu re that Laguna Niguel's (See SALT CREEK, Page%) fr fr fr Allen Refuses Batti11 Request An angry Supervisor Alton E. Allen refused Tuesday to disband a committee rharged by supervisors siit weeks ago 1vilh a study of the countJ's beaches and recrealional needs. Di$SOlUtion or the eigbl-member group w.:is urged by Supervisor Robert Battin 1vUh the argument that the committee "is an unnecessary duplication of beach and ~horellne studies that are already being carried out by lhe planning depart· menl." Hi s motion failed for lack or a second. Allen moved for creation of the com· m1Ure last Aug. 19 and got board ap- proval or his proposal that the group sludy beach and shoreline need~ and re1}Qr1 back lo the supervisors. Named to the ct1mmittee were the county's planning director, chief enginttr nf the Oranf;!e County Flood Cnnlrnl Dislrict, su rv eyor-road commis~ioner, d1rcclor nf real properly !ltrvices, dire"- lnr of harbors. beaches and parks, county rounsrl , cou nty Admlnistrative officer ,.nd counly fire warrlen. 11~~•~l'n9 ,_.fooen .--;·>~ '· .. :~:-, :;. ·· Sevtj~B~c;,Jj., Autopsy Planned After Case Dismissed On Dead Youth An autopsy was scheduled today in the drowning of• young man 1n Ute ocean off Laguna Beach Tue1day. Lifeguards Tuesday morning re·covered from the ocean noor the body nf Donald D. "Tefft. JS, of the Del Camino Hotel, room 32t The body of the youth was stl ll clad in black shoes, black socks and bell·bottom trousers. \Vilnesses said he enteted !ha water in his clothes, and began svt'imming toward an off.shore reef. lie began calling for hPlfi about 75 yards from shore and disappeared. A ~puly coroner sajd ~COIOJY tuts win also be conducttd t& determine whet.he r the young man had ingested any ~ubstances into his syste m. Results of these generally take about 30 days. The death has not yet. been classlfled an accident or otherWiN by the coroner'& offict. Tefft reportedly had been recently discharged from tbe Coast Guard and had a previous address of Denver, Colo. Aca uaintances on the beach after the death referred to him as '.'.Gypsy". Laguna Pioneer Urges Business Center Park '·Having seen La guna Beach develop for more lhan 60 years today I am ~'it~:ssing an opportuni!y that has never before-presented it self. That of a park in the center of the business district.·· The Jetter from pioneer Lagunan ~1erle Wom an Reports Being Beaten 011 Dark Street A 22-year-old Laguna Beach baby i;it· ter told police she <Wa8 lhrown to the street and beaten Tuesday night as she walked home in a poorly lighted area . Police said \he assault occurred in the 200 bloc k of Cajon Street. Ll. John Zelko said the victim ""'as not injured. The young wo man reported that a man In his twenties, about six feet tall, threw her to the .-;treet, put a knee in her stomach and began beating her head against the pavement. She told officers 1he nailed away at the thug with her hands and purse until he ned. A 29-year-old Laguna Beach housewi fe had ea rlier reported that she was •t· costed on the beach below the 500 block of South Coast Highway Monday alter· noon. She told offictrs that a young man grabbed her as she was ltavlng the beach. He fled when she acreamed. Brasy Burglary Bid Bu11gled A bunglln1 l.Aguna Btach burglar - who apparently had enough brass for a Brinks job -botched hla atte mpt to filch a television set during business hours Tuesday morning. Lt'e Worldall at Glenneyrt P'umiturt, 370 Glenneyre, repor\ed that a big, beard· Ni mRn about 30 picked up the set and left the store. Potice said WQ™'all yelled and the thi'!f set the lelevlston on the ftdewalk l'lnd fled . Ramsey ls orie or two sent councilmen concernin g use of the old Laguna Playhouse nn Ocean Avenue. The matter is scheduled for council consideration tonight. CouncU discussion earlier indica ted the land is destined to become a metered park ing lot but with IJ1e heritage pepper tree retained . .. When we think of a resting place foir the elderly, who are \\' t a car when coming to shop, what <:. r if they only had a resting place be •• lre making the trip up the hill back home ," Ramsey wrote. adding : ''Let's have a vacant space not. taken for the parking ol cars, this for the elder- ly and many others." Calling al&0 for preservation of the old pepper tree, Ramsey state!I that it wa~ planted in taao by George Rogers. He asks that the playhouse land have t.ableii for chess and checkers and a borsc shoe pitc hing area. Anuther civic-minded Lagunan. Mrs. Betty Heckel •lso calls for creation of a park. "Our downtown area really needs 110tne beaulificaUon,'' she wrote. Laguna Police Probing Theft Laguna Beac:h police are e.:rtmdlng thei r lnvest111tion Of last Week's $860 bur1huy at the Tortilla FlatJ restaurant, i740 S. Coast Highway, to include the pos~b\llty of forced entry. Gotng over the prembe1 w1tb offk:tr1, gene.ral man.&ger Robtrt Wood; wtie was out of town wbeft the Toa wu 4U1COVettd, ooted tha t 1 heavy tCreen, alone wlUt Us brackets, Wll 1nilling ltom the wlnclow of Uic office from which the cash was Ulten. Th~ i;cTttlf appartntly WU r1m)OVed frorr llie. premises. Police Pld cloeer namlnat.ton of the of· flct rett•led additional evidence of forc- ed errtt')' and Wood Was ab~ to ntabllsh the whereitbout8 of the retlamnt keya the ni&hl of lli4 burglary. TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE (AP) - The fonner Green Beret commander in ViPtnam said today he didn't koow the alleged Vietnamese doublp agent be aM. Rven of hig men w~re accused or killing and denied there had been such a slaying. ''That is correct,'' Col. Robert B. R~e1!ult dlderld when asked al a new5 cwlerence if he denled there had been a killing. "No,'' he said .,.,.hen asked il he had known the person a newsman described as the "alleged dead man." Rhedu!t. 43, also was asked if he thought '"the Vietnamese who \\'as killed was a close political ally of President Thieu" and ''Do you th ink this might have resulted in the case being brought against you~" "There was no conclustve evidenc.e that !he individual was ever killed and there is certainly no indication anywhere that the alleged victim was connected with Presi~ dent Thieu in any way," the ct1lonel said. Rheault and six of the seven other Green Berets involved in the case returned to the United Stales frorn Viet. 11am to this California base near San Francisco the day after the Army drop- ped murder charges against them. They headed for their homes shortly arte r the plane set do~·n and an Army spokesma n said all would get JO.day leaves. The rolonel sai d he believed the. in· cident "would better be forgotten .•. so long as people remember that we were exonerated." He acted as spokesman for the ot~ers during a seven-minute session with newsmen here after a night from Vietnam aboard a chartered jetliner that brought 219 persons here. Stock Market• NEW YORK (AP)-Stocks slipped on a broad front bl slow trading this after- noon, as declines, paced by 5everal blue chips, extended their lead over advances by nearly 300 issues. (See quotations, Pages W.ll). The Dow Jones indwtrial average con- tinued to drop. Orange Coast Weather Thursday's foggy morning skies will give way early to fair weather and sunshine, keeping the temper· ature in the middle 70's. INSIDE TODA. Y 1/ 11ou're hopi·ng to pe~ a 1cholar1hip for college, inne , are thr£e importa11t thingi vou must do. Joyce Laiii diAcuase1 them In Career Carner, Page· JW. -"'"'"" ,.,_ c...- (lf ... ~ (flfltel ·--.... ---IH!twllll P-1~1911al-I ·-.. _ ........ ··-.. "-·- " ' " .. ,. n " " MC·4 • .... .... • • • ... ' . . •' .... ..__._ -. ·-·-----·---.-.. --~""""--:----.,.... ...... ------------------.... ~----------- , z 0,6!LY PILOT L w-.. -1 •. l'l69 'A Good Start' Youth Business Group Lauded By BARBARA KREIBIClt 01 l~o 0•11• 1"1lel !UH l01i;una·~ esl..abllsl1ed busines~ c-0n1· muru1 y d1dn '! tum out en ma,se f\.londay night for the open house staged by ll"'llt'TS of the new ,\'outh-oriented sl\Qpi;, hut those ·,rho did attend appe.oi.r lo ha\-e be<"n 1111prrssf'<l. ~Jl.JkC!'men for lhc a \an! gatdl' group rJescribcd tlfto: f'\'l;"nt as •·a good sl<lrl " 10.,rard arhieving the co mm u n i I y harmWlY I.hey 'reek. A coople of dozen or more represtn- l:iti,•es of the chamber of commerce, the ma~ll'r~. the jaycees, along Yi°ith in- dividual business people. toured tile 16 participating stores. ranging from The Sound Spf'Clrun1 an<l psychedelic Mystic Arts \'\lorld on the sou01 lo the Cottage Re:;"tatirant on the norlh, v.·hare owner I-Jarry fl1oon put on a C'Qmplimentary bufir l. ~·10~1 1Jf l.h(' \·1s1lors cornmentcd f;i\'orably on \1·h11l 1hcy Sil\I". though some fot1J1d !hf' incensr in a eouple of the "st.1blishments 11 little overpo .... ·ering. The store owners reported "interesting rnn\·ersations" with the visitors. on sub· Jrcts ranging from religion kl bonsai. Attendance \\"as cut hy sc\'eral othe r t>i·ent.s ~chrdulcd fnr lhc evening. ln- f'luding a !'':'hool open house. a preview at lhe new Laguna ~loulton Playhouse and a Ll':i.gue of Califonti a Cities meeting in San F'ranc:isco , attended by mruit I.Op city ()fficia~. Largest turnout y,·as reported at Mystic Arts World, where c0-0\\11er D a n ileagney !'aid. "It \\'11.S really nice. 1 met ~ome hne people and it \1as all 1-ery prisitive and very harmonious. \\'e all talked and got to koov.• each other." • Heagney ~Id he amt chamber of com· "\ 1).-;metl"f! Pf'P!'-16tnt Harry \.;ii.,.... j:t.;Jrad~ll' long t.a lk. "mostly about religion ., He \\Ould be in favor 6f repealing the e1·en1, llcagney ~aid. "!rs beauliluL l"m all for 11.·· he concluded. Lav.•rencc. a{'C()mpanie<l by Jaycee.~ pr esident r.11ke r.111ys. 1\·alked I.he lengtl1 of Coast Highv.·ay v1s11ing the young- minded shops. , "It. y,·ould have bee.n nJte if more peo- ple had C'QmP.'' said the> rhamber presi- dent. "ThC' ~hf/ps \l"f?rP all ordrrly and !'pruced up and the stde1\•alk!i ·were all s1vept up. It 1\•as a \"ery fine goodwill 1:r~ture . handled in a \'l'fY nice manner. \\"itil tlle gallenes arranging their even- ing 'art \l"alks' it .,..·ould be llJ<'e 1f \l"e c:ould combine thin gs hke this to gi\'e visitors an opportunity to see tile arts and craft! of Laguna. ''These are rea.ll y nat any 1no.re. t.han v.•hat \\'C used lo call Bohemian type s.h crps and so long as I.hey are n.ln in .11n orderly manner t~y can be a good .at- traction. All businesses in the commun1· ty should have equal treatrnent, and this \l as a good s!cp fOl'\\'ard." . .\ll orney Jan1es Leddy. t:hairman or lhc ma~ters' L.1guna Image Committee "\'.':ts among the visitors. looking into three or four ~hops including Mystic Arts. Stone.,.,•are and Cobblery, whe re he •d- mired Roger Van De Vant.er 's bofls.aj col- lection and Ball & Chain, v.·here he bought himself a pair of bell-bottom trousers. "They're not really v.'i!d," Leddy ex- plained . "Just pl11in brown, but they fit \\·ell. I didn't intend to buy a nything really .•• no. 1 don't think 1"11 ~·ear them to court ... but I n1ight \\'Car then\ to a mcetlng of the ln1agc Co1nn1illec." Jim otto or Sound Spectru111 , l1cad of tJu:: Lag una Business Association. !he youth-0ricnlcd business group l hat !'ponsored the 0\l('fl OOust. said he w11s somewhat di~appointe<l at tht' I I g h t lumout but understood ina ny pe-op!e had other obligations. ''But it did v.·hat \1e \ranted ," he said. -··and c1•eryone 11ho came seen1ed lo enjoy it." Bill Von Sultzer. ov.•ner of Outer Ltd., dt'scribed the open house as "a partia l success.'' He h.:ad 'b couple of dozen visitors , some interesting conversations and thoofi(ht it \''i'lS "A good start in w·hat "'e \\"ere tryin;: to accomplish.·· Al rhr Cott..1ge Restaurant. 014'ner Har· ry fl loon, v. ho ha~ "'orkffi .,.,·1th thP _youthful bus1ne.!'s ~r,1up sine!!: it.s rcccnt founding . gree1rd \ 1silors Ol"er a round· talJll!' buffr!. By !he lime the open ho11~e •nq<\l,at,. :.;,.pi!:tt\t'.""' ·~r')!I)! ., their' fri ends arrive,f liiS guesl~bt for tT1e · i'!l'f'ni ng n1ount td to rnore th.1n 100. Jlloon dcscr1betl the el'ent as di.sap- poinring fron1 the 5t;indpoint of co111- munity partici pation, but added, "Thtre 111as lolS of chance toJa!k and iL did what ""e \1·anted 10 do -br idge !he ('0111· n1unica1ion gap nnd gire Uie sh<1p owners a !'IC'nse of c11 ic pride and belongutg l~eth,r. For ~me m ember~ nf ! h I'. •·establishment" the tour v;as a loo k at a 1li rrer tn t \\Or ld. Referring to one of 1he far-0111 ps~Thede !1c shar s on U1c \'i!'l1t h~t . (lllC \\·ell-Or t ssed \\Oman \\as overheard telling a fr iend . '•You knO'll' this is the: fir.'t time my husband has let me go 111 there ~'' Other .4reas Th1•eate11ed ·: ·- .- Tourist The 4 J m1U1on atr visitors a.nd S 5 rrullion auto v1~Jtors conung 1 n Io Ca!llontla in a sinsle yea r spend more than $2 billion or ··11onrlt>rful. ne\~' monr_y I hat goe.s into e\ cry si ngl e p.xket 1n the •· community."' ' . · •, •, .· .. .· State Director or Tourism J a n e t t.1c:Coy told .:i Latuna Beach Ch~m· ber of c.omme rce breakfast. meeting \llednesday. "You don "t have to build ~hools for them. or find job:; for them . nr provirl,. wi>lfare for thPm," !'laid ~ll!'ls r.1 cCoy. ··r hey !ipend their money-then hopefully. lht>y gl) home'"' But. tnuri~m. no\\' ra\tfornla'!'I lhirrl la rg,,st inrlu~try . 1s facing stiff con1 · petition from othC'r areas -Ha.,.,;u1. F'll'lT'irla. ~1exicn , C<inad11 anri p\·en f11r· a11·ay foreign counl rl('$. all ~ekini;: 10 ·• Jure visitors t.o lht-ir shores. :: LAst. year. for exampl~. the number or 11uto v l!;it.ors, though bringing tn more motlf'y, did not inctea~ a.~ much as th<' -. •' .. -. .. .• •' .. :· .. .• .. •, ,. .. .. .. ., •. • ,• ·! .• :; :~ ·. • . • ,• <· :~ ··' ~ .. .. .. !• ·: ~ . ' •• .. ;- •' ·: :· .. •' to11r1si office had r'ipeclcd. "This may ha ve been 1u sl a fir~l little \\'Arning." thr :opcaker tolrl hrr audience of some 60 La1;11na hu1'in~S5 leader5 . "Jt is no longer p:issible to say of DAllY PllOT fl•~•rt H. Wt•• f'tn>t!"I -""" "llMlll'llf Joe~ I . Cw1l.., Viet l"ru•11r"1 •~• G"111-,., Ml~tfl Tho,,,11 l<•••il (<1111• n o,..10 A. Mw••hl11• ~'"""ll't f.l•IO' ~:1h 1-' P, N•!I L-81K~ 'lty lt11W L ... H ..... Ofllle .211 f•••1t ....... Mtlfl111 U41111: P.O. I•• ••6. •2Ul --COl11 MHll• U1 Wnt ...... .... fl-'1 N ..... Ill! ... HI ......... ...... ~ ..... ~:-tlll ..... Benefits ti.tJI 1.~!1>". 'lheJ "1! come ;qn~wa.\·.' •· !w11r! ,\l 1~s ~l cC'oy ... California !l)un~rn ha~ ;:il\1,.~s relied he:i rily on tile "s!OJlQ\"er rlollar' spent here hy people en routr to !Ja14 a11 or ~on1r othrr rle~t1n;1t 1on :"01\' '1r ha\c ~ornethin~ ne1-1•, 'the fl)O\tr duliar' As planes gtl bigger. they fly farth er. and many of them are Oyin~ right O\·er CatJf:)mia. \\'e h.:i\·e 10 think about making Ca!Jlorrua l\O .atlrac:tive li:ey \\'ill insi~t on stopping here." E1·en ronvenl1on visitors. ~·ho hold U1e1r meeti ngs 1n Ca lifornia. tend to go on to Hawaii. ~lexlco or Canada for their \"acat1ons. !'lhe. said ... .,,..e must persu4dc t.hf'm J.) s!ay t1nd lake Lht-ir vacations 1-1·1th u~." C11111~ the many bC'.nefil~ of tOUTism !o 11 con1munl!y, /i.1 i ~~ i\lcCoy . \\'ho arrivM 111 lime h> ;;ttc11d Tuesday night's PlayhouSt: opening. rcfencd to the "sheer delight of coming into a com- munity that ..... orks together to accomplish so much as Laguna." .. You built the heautifuJ Playhouse for yourselves," she ~aid. "hut. it in it."lf can become a great tourist allrK1lon. In rc1·en.c procedure. communities lhat ha ve bullt convention ct11ters to attract tourisl~. flnd the residerils also are en- joying their ose throughout the year. ··1>.fany thin gs done in the name of Fest.ival Johns Out of Order; Board Irritated All three men 's 1oilets In I.he old rC'~rrooms al l..ag11n11's Fesliva\ of Arts \1 frc ioope ra!h•e fo r five oul of 5l:t ""'eeks thi~ ~titscrn, Richard Brooks told fel!O\v d1n>CI0(5 . "Something rnu~l be dont "houl ll M- fore ne:tt season," said Brooks J\fonda y nigh!. "/i.fogens Abtl (grounds m11nager l has been grtting snme fa c!s togeUier so.,.,., r:in negotiHte ..... ith the r ily enginet'r, but I'd like lo know .,.,,ho's re~ponsible here - thC' city or the Festiva l?'' BM.rd cl\airmln \Vl\liam ~1arlin f.lid he understood the. cl!y ha s btt n con. si:fering replaring all !he underground pipe' al the Festi val ground~ btcause '"they are tn terrible shape and nobody can figure out .,.,here lo look when $omeU1ing goes v.·rong."' .. Th!! qul"'!<lifln ... added r.tarUn. "i.s \\·hn pfck ~ tip !h,. 111b" ri.111ynr f:lPnn Vedrler. !'lllllng A~ t;ll" nf. rir\n n1ember or lhe bo11rrl, Agrttd thal thi!-v.·011ld ~ a problem on 11•htch city anrl ft'Sl1val 11 1J1ild h1n e to discuss once tl)e <'r1Sl 11·a ~ t~lahli~hed . OAIL Y PILOT Sti ll l'IWtt Populatio11 - Hil{e Eyed By Schools Problems of housing a burGeonln g school JXlpulation \\'ill he t.aken up ton ight by trustees or the San Joaquin .School District, meeting at 7 o'clock in Lht Jrvine School multl·J)Urpose room at Jf735 SW Sand Canyon Ave., East Irvine. CLIMBING, JUMPING, CRAWLING AND SWINGING ON TOP OF THE WORLD What's in a Nam• Wh en a Child's Imagination Can Mak• Anything Out of Log'? \\'ilh t.he openu1g of school in Sep- lrtnber, the district found itself 11·ith 1.000 111ore pupils io the kindergarten throug h eighth grade le1•el than .,.,.hen school clos· C'r! in June. As new housing development~ _!to in, said assis tant s1,1perintendenl Re:c !\er1son, the total student population is rapidly approaching the 7.000 mark. Festival Seeks Custodian for Forunt 'fheatcr Fe£1iva1 of Art s direclors r.1onda y nii;:ht instructed bt1sine~s manager Roberl Lep- pert to seek a trustworth y candidillt' for 1 11 ~ po.:;l of parl.·timc custodi aii of the new f l'nUn 1hea1cr. Lcpl){'rl pointed out !hat a reh11blt> person \~·ould be needed to unlock and l"C'I. the theater and turn lights on an off 11 hcn it i.'> bt'ing used by non.rc~li\'a l grru ps. Tre lirst te nant. he ~:i1rt, \\Ill hr lhc '"The Tl1ing~ To J> of World Fort Needs Ncune 'There no\V are eight elementary srhools in t.he district, with two mort: scheduled to open late in November l'l r early in December. Truslees tonight ""'ill receive a proares.~ reporl on plans for a new kindergarten- :s ixth grade scl1ool lo be built in Mission ~:i ejo in tin1e for the opening of school nc:.t year. Funds for lhe school wert' made available when the {'.fission Viejo Com· Stu11enl5, parents and ulJ1(·r intl'restcd toi;:ether. pany purchased state bonds, giving the Lagunans are being asked to dream up a The poles, ranging in length from Jfi to !'.'late sufficient money to pay for sll.e .ac- riJnie for tlie nti\' log structure at Top or 60 feet. six to 14 inches in diameter, .and quisi tion and construction of the school , . , ;111 of good qua!i1y treated ~·ood, are N~rison said. -. !he \\orld school , Cllrrcnlly referred to as i·alued at StOOO. They were donated by a Plans now are oul for bid arid st.at6j1p- ··11ir thing." .\orthern California finn. The brother or proval is expected 1-1•ilhin a month, jrjth 1 he 11nque p1crc of play eqll1pmenl , llHy Lawson, transpo rtation director in construction scheduled to start im· 11"hich can accon11nodale 80 to 100 clin1 -the school district, "'orks as a logger for mediately. h1ng, JUtn p1ng. crawling and swingin!: lhe firm. _ Also on ton ight"s agenda is a prof,l'U.<; .1oung.~l<'r5 at a t1mf, ~·as al first called J.av.•son's son Donald trucked the poles report on the scheduled Nov . 25 bond a "fon ., to Laguna Beach where they ~·ere cut, election in the district. Th.is dots not:in- Rut. s;11·~ prin cip;il 1\I Ha1·en. a ta;:: like trimmed and assembled into the "thing'' voh•e new bonds bul is a request for lh1~ ~1 1g1._;e'r~ lhal lls u:-e is l1n11!1_•d !u by a group of volunteers led by Arnold authoriz..ation lo increase the bond in: }!;in1es ul co111)1,'ly-; arid Jn1l1an!' To an 1111-l.adennan. president of the school's PTA. tereil rate from a percen t lo 7 percent in Lyr!c O""ra A~socia !1nn. \\h1ch h:i s bool.· d · h th t kt ~~ t'~ a~1na!l 1c l'hi lrl. !>a}s Jlal"cn. the ·-th1nt;' l}C1·oting many Sa turdays to the project .accor ance v.•it e curren m41 r e · .._,..,. cd 111e Forum fll"C hours a day for ~:x c.::in be a ship, stage coach, rnountain, \iere Laivson, Bill Parrish, Tom Dugger, ra.tc. v.'ould app!Y to the ~alance of a $5 ~1C'cks for ltli repertory !raini ng prograni. t<111·. 1sl;rn•!, trf',, hou.~e . airp lanr. ,•orr ;:i l, I.Pe French, George. Reiter, Bob ]\filler m1lhon bond 1ss~e d11t1n~ from last T~c_ Cpcra group 1,1·as co~,$.ld<'ri ng a~ri;; ~;ice ~l11 p,, 111a z~ or any of \Of! 'u.up,._,... and <Qrir.c.i?a~ H.av~n •. along, -J•I--,.i},~ 1.: Seplf?.,.ber, or wW~h ~ $1,fi9::i.OOO a.Jr~~~y 1..bnt4ke'i·,.:: .... ...,:,Jl~Jti\~,)i,J. :~ .. '...ndfft\.)iin1nb -. ...:~~ a name th~t 11·&i .. e--<• .~ ~p~rents and'sch:xif dfs lrict empro5~s. r ;.., lliJ•~ .,.,':.e/t~H.•. ~.~ ~ • ~ •" ~ .. the lighting and locking l'lutv bul fell il frrl' rein to the fan tasies of its user s. The stn1ct11rc, says Haren. fa scinates \I' lrt h . . . · , The str11ct11 rc. \·alued at more th<>n tile young Top of the \\'orlders and even JU e ::i:(cs~ii·ely i:ostl.y 10 PO.\ il ~j 000. cost 111e schnol dislrie1 le":-> ll1;in lu re s a few tccnai;:crs after st·hool hours. p'21'5oll of hts caliber. assurn1ng he \'.ni1ld s.:lllll, thr an1011 11! spent for 1·cn1ent ;ind ·On weekends /'l"e seen :1 few parents be 1-1·rlling to tie up his late afternoon and C1tlicr n1ateria! to hold its 42 huge pole.~ tlimbtn,!; around on it too.'' he adds. eveni ng hours. Oirflc!ors agreer:! tJ1t1t grn11p~ 1n.i ng IJ1r For1!:11 !'hould be required 111 p.1y a trui:!rd Fes1iYal en1plo~·r: for custfJfli,11 duties. but nnl nrr<'ssarily a top ligh!1n; f'Xpert. Leppert ..... a ~ <:<u!hC1ri1 ed lo si>rk a ra·1C1r!at~ or c.111d1 d:.t.;is ror !he-part-tune Joh. and lo p<1y up to S2 a.n hour •·Ju!t r<"membC'r he'll be ':1rtin;;;' ii 'I JO noo bah~,·· ~aid direct cir Dr ll11rol1l Eu ri'.>n . Praised 1 0 1u-:~111 t ;ltl 1n:i k(. !.h(' rornm1 1n1'y a be!· l'r place for people 11 h1 11\C there all ) Cii 1 " 1;c11i11;: clo1~·n !o rl\'llla r \'alues, \l 1~s i\li Cuy quu ted stat1:-t1cs sho\\ 1ng th:tt JUSt 01,e couple. SJX'-ndU1g one night in a com· mimi!y earh night in the year. can add $12.000 tn the 10 .... 11"s annual rP\'enuc. ~lultiply1ng thJ'i to 100 t(luplcs pr r n1;;h! 11111 re1 eaJ an annual re\·enue increase ol Sl.:t m1Uion. plus creating Jobs for 127 pc-oplf' '"Thi.f."' sa1rl the s(>C'a kcr, "1s more Ulan a factory." f\ot1ng !.ha! !'Onie r<'~lrlf!nf!' rel'Mfl'lll'~ 111 lhP re•'<'nt at 1ltu'1e s1ir1·ev had ,,,_ prt;>"-.,~l'd opfX'~tl r<in to tn11ri~ts. ~11.~ \l"l°•'I' ~~11! n1ati\" p('ripl,, l'ln 11,1! rf'Ji " 1)1·11 lnuri I trarlt' he nr f1ts 111" l'nt 1rr l1+1n- 111un1ly, not Jillit hotels. reslaurant..• and ~hrip~ ··~·•Y a to11ri~1 S[lfnd~ ii }:1 0 hill ;ii .1 J:..1~ !'la!1nn. .the gas st.al1on inan uses 1hr. n1nncy to buy grflC'er ies ... the ,11rl)rrr p:1~::. h1~ r lcrk .. U1r c:lerk ·!'I 1111le µir l 1~ 1akini; piano lessonF, so he usc-s his share 1n pay the piano !ea<'her. Is tllP pLinl) teachPr 111 lhe tour 1~t bus1 ne~s : )'ou b"\ she \!I ~" \\;orkers in Cahfrirnia oow have 122 non-working days each year <J \ld !here will be four more thr<'t'-day \l"Pekc.nd~ \\'ht'n Uu: Mond11y holiday la \\' gf"l('S intn effect. t-liss ~1cCoy said. ThP lrr ntl toward the foor-Oay \\"Ork \\·eek ;ind t'Arlier retirement ..,.·ill mean "1nore peo- ple 1-1·ith more le isure. time and ninr" n1nne r ... and the 1\j~e rornmwiit y 11 1\1 plan now for more touri~ts.'' Se11ate Group Delays Hearing Ou Hay ns\\'Orth \\"ASHI NGTON <Ar) -The Senalr. .Judic iary Commt!lce tM;;y Jl(lslponed un· 111 nr\"! \\'eek. R1. thr ('arlir~t. ii \'nlr rin Prt>sir!rnf i\"ixC111·~ nri1nin ·i!1n11 ol .lurlr,1' Clen1enl F. Haynsv.'orth In lhe Suprt1nc Court. Sen. Birch Ba~·h fO.Jnd \, rharging 111:>! he \\·a~ getting a "lill'\al"OU!'ld"' 1n tffor1~ In chrck on flarn~orth's linanr1;i l recortl". said lhr. cornmitlee ac1e!I after a "heated ex rhange." " Y ou11g Scouter in Viejo J(11ows How to Save Lives Although f \l!l a trnderfoot in scoull nt:. l: · r;,r.c;ld Hr:id!C'} Jones of ~lis.~1on \",l'· in liar, already logged t11 0 l1fe.sa\u1g rt<~.cu"• Br·adl"Y · s{ln of ~Ir. and J\lr~. Drinald JQ-ilt'~, 2ri!Z :-.la!1as Dri\•e, sa1·ed his JO- Police Probing \Von1an 's Beating Orarigc Coun1y ~hcri ff"~ rlcpu\1C'~ !('day arc in\"es11gating lhr alleged heali ng of a 11 f1man \1ho v.·as accosted in an allcy11 v~· 1n Capistrano Beach on her v.·ay to v.or k 1•.i rh· 1111~ 1nornu1i.:. Prell rnin;iry rePQrts indicali> tha ! 1hr. untden!illed \1·oman. descnbed as a :-.1e,. rcan·Atnrric;in \1 ho spea ks no English, 11 .1~ punrherl and ~hovrrl by a man 1n an 1nr1d1·11I on La)) \"f>F(ll.<; Street. <\ rlr;cnptinn of lhe wom;in·s as.<-a1 l;in l h·•< hrflo rlrC'uln lf'd to 1111 nfl icf'.s in the rn?~I r1rra l"harF!r< nf ;i ~~<1•1ll ;inrj h1!. 1"1'." n11111t thr <iltilck~r. uncsu~at0rs '.till 199.50 1'9 .so ~ear.old !'llste r from dro1vn1 n~ Sept. 6 and ~:ired his grandfat h~r fro1n burrunc Ju!y 21 Thr La Pa t !ntcrn1ediate School :-"1·enth gr;idrr 11·enl 10 hif sister's aid ,1fler ~he fell rom a diving board. striking hPt hC'ad and lnsing consciousness. Ir, rT1J1 c 10 !he bott on1 of the nr1 ~hborhond pool and pulled Diana to ll1r s11rface. Jllrs .. Jnnes rushed the gtrl to t1 ph,ys1ci:in. ~he> 11·a!' treated for a rup- 1111 er! c.~r dr11n1 anrl i.<. TC'Covcring . Rrarllry , lh" rlay hrfore his 12th birth· rJ·11·. r11lll'd a fl;in1 1n.; g;i ~oline-soaked d11rl lrn1n )If <. i~ ~car-nld gr<1nrl fiJ thrr 111 l 11d~a n<1poh.'. Indiana an d rollrd hi111 on thP ground. 'f!~c yout h '~ gra11rl!a1 her. 1101'1 recover- p1g aflrr ~I.in gr:if1 ~. 11;1 ~ al!emp!ing to h11rn ;i tree slunip when the accident OC· ('llrred. Br:idlc~·. 11 ~o ha~ bi:>r n 1n ~touting stnce hr 11as 8, 1s a n1e1nber or Bov S("()ut Troop 602 Hi s mother cr<'d0ils the :-r"111•nc: lr.11n1n.c; in ('n1tr~rnev ~i l uat inns and hie ~a1 in,c: 1qU1 helping develop the ~ounµ,IC'r'~ ~elf rrliAnC'C' "\V r:'re qu1rr prno1d ril him ,'' ~aid ~lr5. .k•t1"' '1\~ m \' h11<t·qnd ~;i1d. 1-1·r h;i\'r l)O 1'1eJ of 11 h 11 m1~l:t h:l\C happened '1f f • ;1die\" h.ic!n't hflf"l1 thPrC 350.00 350.00 Cl1annel Project Pact Awarded A Los Angeles firm Tuesday WOl1 :i $96,550 contract for the con11tructi<Jn of the Laguna Canyon Ch e.noe l. County supervisors accepted the bid of !he \\'ilton Construction Co .. Inc. It is ·ex· peeled thal \\'Ork on the ·Jong av.•.afted flood control prope<:t \\"Jll begin liext month. . The 72G-fool reinforced concrete c~n· ncl \\·ill extend from Beach Street to f'oresl A1·enue and is expected to be the ans11•er to flood "aters that dev astAted the lower Laguna Canron Road last Win· ter. Construction blueprints indicate that the channel 1vi\! be reinforced throughout its length wilh a chain link fence. Goo· struction \1"i ll clo~elv follow the lint: of Ille ellisting \1·atercour~l' Frorn Page 1 SALT CREEK •• plan /or 1,1·a 1r r rt1 rers1Jn alon i:: S:i lt Crf.el: Road ""are l1 n1i1cd to lhe ori~inal pro- posal -that a JS.foot earthwork be Will alon g t11e length of the creek bed."' He insistr.d that "Laguna Nigucl's plans to substitute thal proiect with a pipeline 1\·ould nc\'e r ha\'e ~en challenged by.1his board "and thafs v.·hy I raised the ques- ti on.•· "The only time 11·e e1·er hear about lh ~ Salt Crrek H()ar! t~.;uc 1s \\hen thos~ \\"ho ;ire 1ry1ng 11 prc.\et l'e the road nJakt thl'1r rr..,iest.~ public,"' he ~aid ... l.Jgun1 Nii;!liel jus t ~'>f'!'I f)Ui t!lv along , ::idrtirig " 111 11 1' h1\ htrr and t1 l1ttlr hit there Unt il 1nr;. 1 r ach1r 1 rd rxar1I:. \rhat .they I\ ;ir.T " 199 .50 399.SO Ba rh said the committee pul aff 11 ,.f/1e on thl' requt~t ()f !<ien. Strom Thurmno1! IR-S C. l. one of Haynsl'·ortlf s stron1r~t b11r kcrs on the con1m1ttee . Thurmond thus ustd up lh!! onc·ll"f'":, delay thnt orf!1nartly can bl' Jt:r;o11lrr1 11nder C{}m1n111ee r11lt~ only onrr. 8 q' h an'1 n!h(!r n1('n1 hl'ts nf 1he r0Tn1111ttrr . ho11'!!\'PT, !airl that anothrr d"!Av \1 .1s ~1111 41! CONYENIHIT TERMS J.C. ..J/,1111p/,1·i(JJ, J~ivefe,.J 23 YEAP.S SAME LOCA TION 8A NKA ME RICA[O PHO NE po~~1blt. . MA STER CH AR GE 18 13 NEWPORT BOULEVAR D CO'.>TA MESA 5'48.J •OI I VO ( A lov.· H" ask na. • h T Aid wa: "' j , Th \"i t •II :se• r-~,... ' an R~ " kil kn as ( 1 c n H u • • t: T b n G r. J: ' ' l f ' Newport Harbor EDITION Today's Final N.Y. Stoeks VOL. 62, NO . 235, 5 SECTION S, 8~ PAGES ORANGE· COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDA Y, OCTOBER I. 1969 TEN CENTS Chamber Grills Aldrich on Actions at Irvine By THO~I AS FORTUNE 01 ltlo .D••IV ,.li.r ~l•tf An SOS leader, black sludents and fl ag Jo\\·erings v.•ere th e things Newport Harbor Chamber of Comn1ercr members ;iskOO about when UC Irvine Chancellor Daniel G, Aldrich Jr. <iddrcssed lhem at a hrcakfast meeting toda y. The tono of the qu<'sl ions indica1ed Aldrich is a man in the public eye, and he v.·as called upon lq' defend and justify his actions. Agent or most Interest to questioners was hi~ approval of SOS leader t-.1ichael Krisman, 27. as Coordinator of Academic Advising. Dr. Aldrich,r-said he knows there are people, ••not ia few I am mindful," who oppose the Krisman appointment. •le said, "I am no more interested in stting this institution c()ine tumbling dov•n around me or something happen !() llus country than yoo are." He said he beltr.ves the same goes for most of the SOS studeats on the Irvine Not campus. Aldrich said Krisman as a student would be idenlified as an activist, "there is no question about it." But he said Ute things Krisman y,•as concerned about - student participation in government, the quality of teaching -are legitimate things for a student to be active about. "Mike is not one to simply jump up and do...,,n and make noise ," he said. "I am ~tisfied he has produced a better cam· pus for his in\'<llvement." Slain? Aldrich said a goal for the camp~ from the beginning has been faculty responsiveness to students, not just on acadf'rnie metters but as: human beings. He said it -.vas appropriate to appoint "one of our own who knew about this ef- fort and has worked at it." The chancellor was asked if SOS students are willing to discuss and debate issues. "lri so far as the likei of Mike Krisman are concerned the answer is 'yes'," he said. "But there are aly,·ays tho~e 11·ho don't know much about an~'thlng and like to make a lot of noise .·• He was asked if Krisman has re- nflunced hi!I SOS (Students for a Drn1ocratic Society) mem~r~hip. "He is nol a me.mber of SOS. Hf' has never paid dut-s t11 the organization ," said the chancel lor. lie also defended Krisman·s trip to co1nrnunist Cuba . Aldrich sald Krisman told him he v.·ent to Cuba because of his 1nlerest ir. Latin American history, which he hopes to pursue next year at Yale graduate school. lie was acc()mpanled on the tr:p by three Latin American history: graduate students:. The trip is not illegal, Aldrich ma.in- tained. lt is unauthorized by the Stale Dcpartmenl but he said. a UCLA pro- fessor went to court ove r it and got his; passport back on the principle a citizen of this country is free to travel. Krisman did not re~nter this country (See ALDRICH, Page ZJ Berets Deny l(illing Ever Happened TRAVIS AIR Fonc ~: BASE (AP) The formP.r Green Bcrrl cornn1ander in \:i rtnam said tod ay he didn 't know the alleged Vietnamese double ;1genl he and seven of his n1en 1vcre acc used of killing and de.t:i.i~~ t~cre had ~cen such_~~ying. •. .Jf-'~.~·rorl'l'i..'t, Cbl. KD~ ·~. Rfle-'.!ult declared 11'hrn asked at a ney,·s co11ference if he denied there had been a killing. "No," he said 1vhen asked if he had kno11·n the person a newsman described as the "alleged dead n1an." Rheau lt, 43, also v.·as asked if he Cot111ty, City· To Share Cost 0£ Jetty Work Or;i nge Goonly and the City of Newport Drach 1vill ~f'("nd ~42 .000 to keep Newport Harbor's 11·cst jelly fron1 crumbling into the SCA. Orange County SUflf'T\/i sors gave final <'Pprova l !Cl the project Tuesrlay. They agreed to share the cost 50.50 y,·ith the ci- ty. Nev.·pnri Public \\'orks 11irector Joseph T. !)e11in 11·a~ el;itOO by the county board's aclion. ''That's really good ne\\'S." he said HidJ.\'. "\\'e coul<ln'l ha\'e rjone the 11·ork o11:<·rwisc." 'fh(' project l(l\liil'CS rcp]a('rmenl or .'I 'iO-font-long ~!rel hul k.head a1 the end of the iellv. The h11lkhe<1d ha~ -:ilmn~t t J111rn11~11h, ri1.·l<'1! n11I. n c>1 hn ,;;ur! Piccr ~ of 1t slippl>d 101.i thr 11<11crs r1f the bay on- ly rP rcntlv. • "\\'c r111. 111 ,.-.mr rrn1en~ tri holrl lhr rr ~1 or 1hr hulkhf'i!<l !etnpor<irily t h11I 1( 11•011 kl h;irc bN'n only a n1;it(rr of 1)111" hcfore the 11·h•1le thuig g.;1vc 1ray," Oc1"l1n f;aJrl , 1Jr1 hn nutf'd an addM h a z ;:i r d prr:r;rn1rrl h_v the r11S11n!'.: I"\{'('] hulkhear1 I~ !hat it front~ aloric: a ~in;ill park ;ir£'a :ind a pn1 :i1c ho1nr. If 1l 11·cnt, he indicalcrl thr,v'(t pmbahly ~o l1i<t. ll r 11>r1nl'ft lhr !'!rrl hu lkhead ''the 1111chnr 'nf 1he rn!ire JCl!y. The rcplaeemrnl work will "* begin (''3 rlv nr-.:t. month, a:r; scxin as roo!ract..~ arc '1r1 Jl 1~ e-.:pPClcd I() !.akc ahoul two '11-·eck ~ to co1nrlete. Czech Partisan }"'ightcr lo Talk A World \\'ar TI partisan fighter in Czechoslovakia will speak about hi~ na· t.ion in a talk before the ~larioers Li()ns Club of Newport Beach at a Thursday luncheon mttling. ~lich;icl Van !lorn , ,., .. ho fought the Qnnmunists afl('r he fought the Nazis, is now a Cull'er Ci1 .v insurance f'lleculive. He just recently returned rrom a visit. to hl.:: homrland. The J~ions Club '"ill meet at tht Stuft Shirt restaura.nl. PILOT SALUTES SKI FAIR TODAY The ski cro11·d l~ healflng for I.he Corona -d~l titer hills: Friday and Saturday. Nope, thev don't elljl('CI snow. They just \vant to be .:it Fashion Island for lhe shoppinl: center's ~econd Annual Ski f'air. Thr DAll~V PILOT salutes the show "'·1th :t i:.f1l'Lilll lfi·p<igc tabloi d Yoclinn in· 11lde loday_ IL feat urrs ar1icle~ aboul the x~i shoy,·, nrPa ski rlubs and til e success 111.0ry of one of the \vorld ·s brsl known 111ii.i nl<1kers Head 11 hefnrP you head fnr tb,, h1lh; either to gkl or lo see !he Ski }'e'1r. thought •·the Vietnamese y,·ho was killed Franeisc ri the day after the Army dror- w·as a close political ally of Presidenl ped murder cha rges against them . Th ieu" and ''Do ~'OU think this might They headed for their homes shortly ha11P. resulted in the case peing brougl1l ;ifter th~ plane set down and an Army against you?" ~pokesman said all 1-1·ould get 30-day • :~Tber~wai; no COIJSl~ive evidence that lra1·es. •.~i<..._ .J'e~i1 .. ih_e¥J!1 1 . ~.e~o~) . · W.n< -~ -T,'·t~'n1 rerlainly n() indication any .... ·here that tf1e' cidenl •·1-1·ould better 'be lotgotten. _ .so alleged victim was connected y,•ilh Pres1-long a~ people remember that we were dent Thieu in any v.·ay.'' the colonel said. rxonerated." lie acted as spokesman for Rheault and six of the seven olher the otliers during a seven-minute session (',reen Berets involved in the case 11•it h nev.·~men here after a Oight from relurned to the United States from Viet-\:ielnam aboard a chartered jetliner that nam to this California base near San brought 219 persons here. Won't llelp Congestion ·1 rvine to Refurbish Bayside Boat· Slips By .JOHN VALTERZA der;:;t.dnding immediately," he said. Of flM Di iiy "li.t 51•11 llundreds of boat slip.~ from the Harbor Department docks wesl to the Balboa Island Bridge are undergoing $1 million refurbishing program by the Irvine Com· pany. h1any of the occupant! ol the slips hal't charged they y,•ill soon be evicted ttom their s!ips, and boats owned by Bahia Corinthiiln membf'rs will be brought in. GORDON KILMER . SON GORDON JR., 2, PEER INTO BARRED CAVE AT PIRATE COVE City Seal' Off Corona del Mar Caves After Complaints About Nocturnal Activities But de.spit~ all the 1\lCJrk aiong Bay~idr. Drive, the project, con1pany off icials said today, ·won'l help NC\\'}>Orfs boat COO· ges!ion problem a bil. In fact. it may add to it. Plagued by strikes and Ociod:i; -as 11·cre n1any h11ge projects along the Orange Coast lhis year--the drrdging for a portion <>f the ne1v niarina resu1ned 1n recent 11·eeks. SLJPS REPLACEO from the <lrf'd.l{crl-0ut JYirtinn or the rha rmC"! near Bahia Corlrnh i;in Vachl Cl11b. the 1vork 11'ill r<l.c;e y,·estrrly to I.hr i:-1.ind brid~f'. ·wilh t"·rrv:s ll'llrinEt nll t :ill 1he old ~ink ing ~lips and replacing thern ll'ith Tit\\/ nnfS. Bt'sldes ff'bllJlding thr dock::., crrw s y,·1ll relocate them fanhrr from the bul kheads anr1 build srr1<1ll piers with slips jutting oul from a main \\afky,•al'. The present decaying ci.xks all paralll'I the shore in a long. strai,i;h1 line. But in spite of all the work, nn ll('W slips y,~11 be adr1crl. ~irl lr1·ine Company r.1ar ina i\1anager E. A. "Sandy'' :)andling. Checks y,•ith the firm's huge v.'ai1in~ li~t ~hO\.\'Cd a desired dock space far boaL'i in the 35 to 4f)..foot cla:i;s, so the de sign fhr the new docks calls for larger slips, tt:ere by eliminating room for smaller b::ia1s, be said. "\.Ve're not completely sure al thi~ point, but it looks as if v.·e won 't have room for some of the smaller OOats tied up at the docks now," he said. Sandling stoully defended the Irvine Company's role in rebuilding the slips despite mounting <;riticism from tenants which he charges Is undue. "We have to clear up some misun- Sandling sald lhat theory is not true. ''I y,•j]] concede that Bahla Corinthlan 1nembers will be given first choice to a slip \\·hen a non member moves out, bul as a rule, as long as a person has a slip \\"Ith us and kee ps it. he can stay," he said. But ~omc of lhc small boa!l;, now OC· rupying sidr 11es at $2 a foot (full slips run ~2,2~) may hal'C to leal'c. "V.e won 't kOCJ\.\' how many ...,;11 have t.o ht' movM until \\'(' knOIV who occupies the present slips," he said. CdM Pirate Cove Caves Sealed Off With Iron Bars The iron bars are up -llkc a 1nouthful of braces -at the entrances to Coron;i de! Mar's Pirate CO\'e. caves. Next °"''ill come the gates. \\'hich pollce ll'ill open and close at their discretion. 0 \'1 1\'ERSIUP CHANGES There will be n() admissi()n chargr. Many of the t·essels in the m boat Cros~-hatcherl grillwork was welr1ed in · $paces flll'ncd by the Irvi ne Ca1npany In place by city crews this week, f'<J\ ering have had so many owner.<:hip changes, the westerly and soulherly mouths o{ the that i1 1vill take months to slraighten out ca1·es . Openings in the grill ll·ork ~·ere records. Sandling said. left for Installation of the gale.~. "As soon as 11e knQ\\' 14·ho 01vns Cl'l'T)' The gates will be slammed shut and ho<lt 1n !he marina, then 1-1·e will send out locked each night. lctlers telling o•·ner~ if they have to City cnunc.ilmen decided lo Sp<'Tld $J ,000 m(lvc nr c;in .~tay," he said. --.......... nn the project aft.er police and citizens J\~can11 h1le the problems with the boa~ coinplained about illegal nocturnal ac- d11ring the coo~truction is mounting. fh..UJ.e:s inside the caves. In addition, '"ll ~·ill be incoovenient for a 14·hile, but heaps"'Of br.oken bottles, partially filler! 11·hen it 1:; st raightened out. it will be a be.tor cans and assorted garbage from line marina," he said. night-time parties created a health The firm plans two new rest roont hazard for Tom Sawyers visiting the areas and rebuilding of an existing one caves in day:light hours. along with parking lots. Viewing t.he work in pr()gress this Thus fa.r, Saadling added , the prices for morning was Corona del Mar beach park· boat sli ps won't change. ing m.rpervisor Gordon Kilmer. The entire project is t~ fruit of a "We used to get numerous calls from policy 11et recently by the finn of not people because of trouble in Uie caves. renewing leases with private firms for But the way it is being fixed now." he boat <locks. said, "the calls should end. The caves One ol the nerl leases to erpire is that will be ava ilable in the daytime for kids of the Villa Marina Restaurant im-to climb through. And they'll be closed at (Set MARINAS, Pace Z) night.'' Manufacturer Cited Helicopter Crash Spodal to the DAILY PILOT Improper reconditioning of a vital rotor component had a direct bearing On lhe l .Q~ Angeles Airway~ helicopter crash v.·hich killed a Co.'\la P.fesa pilot, the LAA prestdenl ·s: own grand.son and 30 other persons I~ months ago. The announcement by the Nalional Transportation Safely Bo a rd in \\'ashington O.C. Tuesday put thi~ bl ame on the manufacturer In lhe· Compton pl;iyground lragedy. finding~ by the federal panel arl' ~·hat \\'8Y expected hy observers at a ty,•fHlay hearing last December in Marina de.I liev, during "·hich lc~limony indlca\c.-d failure lo prrfonn a vital metal-toughen· 1f'g ~lep, "It's prelly much what we harl surmis- ed tco, ·• said thf widow of Capt. Kenneth h1. Waggoner, 3131 Pier~ Ave., Cost.a Mesa, who was the man at the controls \\•!1rn Fllght 417 crashed. · The crash -second ln a thrtt-month period for the Los Angeles-and-Ora nge County commuter line -l'lCCUrred Aug. 14. 1968, when a rotnr blade spindle ap- pt.rf'ntly snapptd due 10 metal fatigue. Testimony in Marina del Rey last year indicalcd the spindle which snapped, c:ausing 22 deaths, missed a critical fj!r.p when reconditioned six weeks earlier by the Sikorsky Division, United Aircraf\ Ccirporation . That step was shot-peening, in which lhl'! metal part ill bombarded at tremen- tlnn~ speed by thousands or tiny steel sphcrf's, ~:hich harden:r the component Causes prior to Its being nickel plated. A crack caused by stresses far below the design strength or the steel began to rjevelop and was' increl!lsed by thousands of lolld cycles before it broke after 7,380 hou~ of use. lhe board said. The report continues: "ti 111 believed that thil'll crack was large enough lo be detected during the .•. inspection that was conducted at the lallf. over.haul of the splndlr.." "It is not known why the creek was not detected." The spi ndle which failed had been in 11ervlee only six weeks 1ifler that nnal trip to the Sikorsky plant at Stratford. ConM., .11nd the ~hot·~nlng had 11peclfic,.lly been requested by the airline. The NTSB further states that due. to it!! Finesse, Distance Added For Next U.S. Moon Walk CAPE KENNEDY, fla. (AP\ -The Apollo 12 astronauts may stroll more than half a mile rrom lhPir moon lanciing <·raft. next month~ Also, they plan to collect rocks with far greater scientific fine sse th.ln Neil II.. Arn1:>1 rong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., v.·ere ;i blr t'l rmplfly oo mankind's first lunar sra1·enger hunt. Apollo 12 Commander Charles Conrad ra!ci; rhanct's as "50·5!l" that he will be 11blc 10 land c!ose enough to an unmanned S11rvryor spncccraft now on the mooa·s Ocean of Storms so lhat he and astronaut II.Ian L. Bean can bring pieces o[ it back lo earth. All this was revealed in an impromptu Stock /tlorkets NEW YORK (AP) -MO!lt stocks trail- ed off in los"1g lonn again today as many inv estors, including large funds, sidelined 1heir funds to see. where the bottom lies. (See quotations, Pages 20-21 ). The Dow Jones industrial average dip- ped to late July levels, closing at 806.89 off 6.20, its greatest daily point loss in three weeks:. Revealed unique ~xpertise In the field, the firm r.h c.ose not to follow the instructions ol LAA and the manufacturer's own &tan- dard procedure . ••Jt must. be concl uded lbal this omls!rion had a dlrttl bearing on the ac· cident," the NTSB report concludes. During the Marina de! Rey testimony. a Si kllrsky plant em ploye told the panel th:i l the critical part Which failed ap- pe.1red to have been shot-peened already. Ccnsequently it was sent on for nlckel- pl;iting, far 14·eaker than it should have het'n. r.1Ni. Waggoner, whose 33-ytar-old hus- b;inr! died in the crash, told tile DAILY l'ILOT arter being notlned of the news Tuesday that her attorney has had his (S« COPTER , Pace %) press briefing by Navy Cmdr. Conrad and L •. Cmdr. Bea n Tuesday folloy,ing a <lress rehearsal of their moon walk. i\leanwhilc, th e th ird Apollo 11 A ~tronau l -Navy Cmdr. Richard F'. Gordon .Jr. -helped crews at !he launch pad \vith a countdown rehearsal test for I.he S<'hedulcd Nov. 14 !lftoH. GClrdo n "'ill remain in moon orbil in the Apollo 12 command ship "'·hile Conrad antl Br<in spcn<l s<Jme 31 hours on the 31Jrfacr, 1nclurl1ng seven hours outside the lunar module landing craft . ~fission rule~ will let the two crewmen wander 3,000 feel, or about two thirds of a mil e, to visit the Surveyor. Their emergency oxygen supply, need· e<l if their main backpacks fail, h~ cn()ugh oxygen to keep the m alive l~ to 20 minules. A color television camera that can beam live C()verage or thei r lunar ac- tl l'ilies to earth has been built and "if it can be flight qualifie<f in time, will be aboar<J," Conrad said. The moonmen ~n to make two eJ· cursions out.side the landing crart. each lasting about 3lf,: hour11 and separated by an eight-hour rest period. Orange Coast Weather Thursrlay·11 foggy morning skie11 will give way early to fair weather and sunshine. keeping the temper· ature in the middle 70's, INS"IDE TODAY If you're hoping In get a scholarship for college, there are three important thing! you m.U3t do. Jor;ce Lain discu,sr.s them iii Career Corner, Page 18. ... llllOI M C1!1ft~ll 1 C1rwr (I,,_ 11 Clen!IJ.. O·SI C•mlc• 1J c ... uWGrd n 0.•I~ Metl~•· II 01-~n H(,~ f.tl lt&rlal ""' ' a11tft11I•-tf.11 'i"ll'I(• )O.ll "9N~ Jt .. ...,~ .... .)I "'•llllo• • M.enla,. Llcen•I HC4 Mtfl In SINla IK4 -1-'' Ml'tln ,..,, Mulllfl ,.,._. ,. Or<n .. C-ry 11 ,,.. " Sl>lll'tl U•ll Dr. Slllncttf\11 11 ''"-Ir ,..,,...... •" Tt11¥hl" 1J '""'""' ,..,, ·-. Iii-Wlli.. ,, W•M NeWt. .. J 1111'1<'1'1 .. 'I,...., .... \ ---------,--.~~.._.,.---:--........... -----------------.....---~-------r- 2 DAILY PILOr ____ • ____ w_ .. _ .. _ .. _._,,_.,._ ..... __ 1_, i_ .. _._ P l ant Expan sion P1·esident ·County Hearing Figu1·ed it1 On Edison Set Be1·ets Case Dv T01\f JIARLEY 01' ,~. 0 •111 '•!Cit S!•tl J· uur rrl uctanl Orange C l'I u n I y ~IJl'ICrvi50rS agreed Tuesday 1_0 back :-;uper\•1r.or R{\bert Battin's m?tJon ll.1at 111ev preside Oct. 22 O\Cr pubhc hear111~ irJO the Southtm Cali.forn1 a F.,diYln Cor11- pany's pl<1ns for a $Ji!l ntillion expansion of lts Huntington Beach plant. It ~·ill put the po\lo·er compa'!Y·s _pla~!; In 1he ~potlighl for lhe._second t1me_ 1n s1:ic cla ys. For Edi5on 0Hlc1als and anfl-s~og npponenls of the power pla nt_ revamp~ng rlre e.:pecled to clash Oct. 1_6 1n a he aring befo re Huntington Beach City Council. l Tnanimous but grudging board en· d11r~emrnt of Battin's motion followed the ~Jper\'isor'li charge.s that "failure lo a~ prove v.•lll lend credtnce to charge;; that ~ ou h:ive already ;ipproved the Ed 1sfln Project''_ a direct refcrtnce_to a cla_i m lJv \\'illia!ll Fitchen, county ;11r po\lul1on i::Ontroller. !hat four su pervisors su~ JlOl'led the Edison plans five months ago &it a private meeting. . atl\lude. lie cla1n1ed that Uie c'pand<.'d plant, if apprO\'ed, \l'Ould thro1v 9<I tons of poll utants inlo t he cou nty atmospher~ every day -the equivalent. he stales. of the emissions of 180.000 automohlles. F1 tchen e~t i1n11tcd !hat the ditily disc-harge of oxides of nitrogen into U1e county atmosphere is curren11y 147 tons of v. hi ch 100 ton 5 come from motor \"f'.hicles and 30 tons from Ule Edison plant. He described the Edison pov.'er house as "the la rgest single stationary ~ource of JXlllution from oxides of WASHING TON iAP' -The 'Vhilc }louse acknowledged bela1tdly today tha t President NLxon 11as irn·olv<.'d in e1rnt~ that prompted th e dropping nf cr1m1nal charges against si x Green Beret officcrJ accused of murdering a Vit'tna rnesc. But prfSS :;ccrtlary rlon;ild L. Z1e-glcr Insisted th:it ihe Arm y ilCIC'f! on !Ls ow n in dcc.id1ng to drop the' charges f\londa y. Ziegler had said on Tuesday that to the best ~r his knO\\·ledge the President had not participated in !he decision. Tod ay he conced ed th:it lhl're \1·as some in-:utrogen in the county." Supei-l'isor~ declined r ubtic com1nenl on \ oll'ement. the Fitchen report Tue~day but bolh By Ziegle r"s aL·co1111! J11 c.:hard Helm!!. llir:;tein and Phillips hurritdly denied director of !he Central Intelligence Agen· !hat they had al any time endon;ed the t:y made a deci~ion that, in the interest F;dlson project. Battin denied any i;uch interprftntion of I.ht mteting on his part. of national ,.,ecuri ty, 1L~ cinp!oyes \\'Ould three. rlays ago. o .1.itY ,,LoT st•H ,~011 not be permitted lo l('1-l11y ;ii. the planned Bau in repeated Tuesday hi~ earlier AGAI NST BACKDROP OF CROWDED HA ~BOR, MARI NA R ECONSTRUCTI ON CONTI NUES ("ourts m<1rt1al of l/1 e Arn1y Special argument tha t "lhe luncheon lv.·Jth Afte r All th• Wo rk, the Numb•r of Slips Will R•main About the Same Forces nien . Edison officials) "''as nothing n1ore than a "The President appro\'ed the drcision,'' socia l gatheri ng and absolutely no i;aid Ziegler. The pres~ secretary said the f. . ' , ~\' • Fil.chen made that charge 111 a con· flrltnlia l report that is n& longtr con· f:drntial. He further u~ged th e ~upervisor~ concerned -Battin, Al~on E. Allen. \\:illlam Phillips a_nd ch~1rma~ \Vil!iam Hirstein _ to "review thei r posi· 110:i behind closed doors"·· -an<! "1 ~,ke a position of opposi ng such expansion. decisions \\·ere made." Army made it s 1no1·e after being in· But ho foond vigoro"5 opposition lo hi• F rom Page 1 B each Sex Course Set '"med ol the Ni"n·•pprnved CIA '1 suggestion that the Fitchen reJXlrl be dec ision. "decl assified " and "ml!ce available to MA RI N AS The Army iJid nnl srck Nixon ·s ok;iy ! Fit.r.hen told the board in a report r t mirkable for the cand or displayed by a e~unty employe tnat he v.•oul d deny the Edison application and Ulat he expected the county supervisors to adopt the same From Page l '.~A. "~~LU ft:i. Clt'f ~'. ,•' dev iously but came through customs in New Yor k and told them where he had been, Aldrich said. His pAssport .,,,.as ool re\'oked. , . 1 Aldrich told about the campus epecta minority students admission~ program ;:inJ its effort to employ minority persons on the st.arr. He was a!l ked If minority students had brcome acti\·e leaders ol dissent. Aldrich said he hasn't seen it happen ~·ct but it is something he'll have ~o \1·atch out for. "Persons interes1ed in agitation might be interest~. in ~x plo\ting those who have a cause, he si11d. But he. said as far as he ill concerned the blacks and r.te xican-Americans are J.;oal orient~ and seem lo v.1ant only \\"hal I.he \\'hites ha\·r. He \\"IS a~ked his \"etsion of the f lag Incident la."! spring. . . He .~aid the campus U.S .. Flag lnillatly • \\'as half-masted on his order v;hen he : · "'as told !lrn students J1,oid hren killer! :it .: SC'rkel"Y He rcl"ealcd for the fir~\ t1n1('; : lh:1T S1'L1dr>11t Bod.v Prr~id,..111 Hnnald Hidgle 'had pul it t'l h1n1 . •·\rn11lrl )"'111 fr,r ; ri11re chancPllor {In ."on1ethini; s1n1ply b!'<"aUse 1 ;'l."k you to'..'"' l~at(r 11 11;1.~ l"a r111•d th:it nnlv n11r ·• per!.(1n had ~r>n k1llC'rl ;ind th.1l bl' 11~<, nQI. a student. Aldrirh c:1ncr\cd 1he half· i:;taf[ order, and Ridgle called him in \\'a~hington. D. C . to apologtze for gil ing ' -, . ,' ·--. ,• . . ,• ,' -, .. -, • . • •, lun1 11-rong 1nfonnal ion. _ Some l.tudehts lhrn ff){lk !l upon lhernstl~·es"to Tf\011ier the F1ag and 1L ·went up and dov.·n for a couple of rlays . .\lrlrich. in anoU1er fir 5t time re\"elatifln :i bout rhe jpridcnl la~t ~pring. :<aid hP. <""oulrl ha\"e harl 1 .... ·n csmpu~ JYJliCPmen '-l anrl guard at the flagpole but 1hr.v bnth '"ere for1nrr r-.tarinrs ._.ho had :c-~nt their 111r:c-dPfenrl1ng the Flag. ··If [ hilrl put 1h1>1n ther r :c-turlenf~ ·woulrl ha\"e har::isscd the m and it ~Prmed the \ITOn& thing In do," lhe chancellor said. Instead he tnld !hem In "pu! !he Fla~ up 11•ht>never yn11 see it rlnwn bul. t;n about your bu~ines.o;." fl1ean\\'hile, he v;orked v.·ith !he :;tudcnts •·10 knock it off" and t>Urceerle<l "S-On1e other or the Un1\'tr~i1y cam• puSE':; fle1\' the Flag half-mast for .i. mC'>nlh a!> if 1t wa~ a gt neral lragedy." Alrlrlch ~airl "I 5Bid lo mys~lf 'This 1s hypocrl!lcal." " UAll Y PllOI n~ANGI C')t.Jl l'Vll ~MI NCO COlil,A.N'r loli••t N. W••• "''''dent '"' ""111111\ff J •• ~ I . Cw•l•y ""' ••n'-tftt •"" G<!,..,., 11.\f'lt ... 1 ~ ..... , .:,,¥ii fO•IO• "tht"''' A Mu•11~•~• ........ lftt E~I!~ , J"~""' F. C.lliu ,....._., kKll tll"I £111!1>r ....,.., .... om. 1111 w .. t l •lht ltult¥tl4 Mt1U111 ~~·111' P.O. I H 1111,9J66S, c.it• Mft•. uo w,., '" .,,.._. ._ • .,.,.. 8•1<~ nt r ••• ,, ...... ~~• ............... atll: lC'9 llh 1-1 lhe public." Ile urged the board to take • • • ror 1ts act1Qn bul did 1nfo nn !he \Vhite the "not for release " label off the report l House that the eharges \\·ould be dropped, and "let peop le see exactly what f\.1r. mediately '\'est of the Balboa Island B t F p ts o Ziegler said. Fltchen said and how he said it." bridge. -U or aren n y Asked \\·hether an~·one at the 'Vhite Supervisor David Baker Jed the sue· Alternatives are proposed for !ht. Villa Houi:e re\'le11ed in ;uflance Secretary or t'.'.'essful opposition to Baltln's motion with r.tarina , Sandling said. the Armv Stanlrv R. Hcsor·s ,\Jondi1y ~n· the comment that ··such an action would "Either we ~·ill expand it for its By RUDI 1'1EDZIELSKI t>rpart.s. often readmg from prepared nouncerrient. he "said, "lo my knowledge considerably restrict those c_ounty ?f· present L15e as a resteurant. or ~·e will 01 ti!• D•nr "._. st•tt v.·e did not.'' fici als \\'ho wished to commurucete \\'Ith change the area mto a standard marina · H · t 8 ht.: · 1.talemenis. fte also said th nt no one al the Whill'I us in a like manner. \\ith a dredged out area for boat slips."' Parents in the unt1ng on eac n1on llere are some of the comments the llolise "exerted persuasion " on the Cl A '"It·s often necessary that v.·e allow The lease 1•dth the restaurant O\lliers l llgh School District v.·il! ~oon hare the l ru~ters re.:t'ivrd From both sides on ll1e or the Pentagon v.'hlle the matter was un- employes to niakc this kind of repo~t." 1~·1!1 revert to the Irvin e Company in . /'8.S1f\llllit,y J o.,rrµ-ell in a famijll(IKg-and _ """" ...,..,.,. •-v ,.,..,. ••. -...1 .. ., d. .. <l_•-~.. '· 0-..;·ctiea..cPf'~"·· ---"!,. '-.. · -.• --~~ s~ ~··f.nl} i -CA11~1 __ .. ------::;. ... , -;:..,-;_·· .• ·-..~ ' .• ' ', ••• I \ -t.~ seX: ~~~htio~' &arie. ' , .. ,.,.t.w -f. FtobetfS~ft: Thi5 tourse ls anti-morn!, "\ ' J ... a"ny m<br e if Ifie person corn~111ng-t_ne -r.feanwhi!e the war\ ~n tht piers ~nd ·n . h!ldr won "t document is nol assured of unrnuruty 11:.iats along other portions of Bayside 1 ieir c en '. . anli·religiou~, anti.fam ily, .anti-marriage from future. public scrutiny." Drive v.·ill continue. _ 1 h~t was the decision . reache~ by ... it suggests unrestrained re !alionships, Fitchen's arguments that the expanded And so v.·ill the con~Lruction , sale and d1s!r1ct lruslees T1.1esday night. e n~1ng a mastur bation and fo rni cation slx to eight Edison plant v.·ould hike pollution delivery of new boats. year-long furor over the e111ot1onally yea rs before marriage. stati~tics in the county have been opposed '\'here will all these new craft go once ch;irged topic. Hichard B. \Vilson: .I fl'.cl a real by company spokesmen. U1ey are sold? The n101ion to establish a. ni ght class responi:lbili !y on our parl lo !each Fitc hen's stallstlsc. ha\·e been challeng-"l wish I knev;," Sandling said. ''for r aren1s v.ho are not equipped !-0 children the rcspon~ihi!ily they t3ke on de bv P. L. ~1arli n, assistent ma~a.ger Dana Harbor, where a wai ting list for i."Jt'h sex ('ducation at home" v.·as made. thrrnselves. I urge that a con11nit1el? to for the company's southe~sl d l\·~11!on, the already-full. first-phase m&rina is hy Dr. Ralph Ba11cr and passed by a fou r further study the course be constituted at ~'ilh the comment : ··our de~1gn speciflca-grov,.ing by the day. "'i ll only absorb the hi r,ne niar,;in. II al~o 1dlled the JXlss1bi1i-thi~ time. 1 100.~ are not_ rar en otigh al~ng to kn_oiv shock temporarily, he said. tv 11r a sturlent sex «lucation course in ~l r~. Bem<i rd r.~ge : Tht< courst the lype ol discharge that "''Ill ht taki ng The Irvine Com pany·s waiting list also tile nea r future r1nphas1irs 1 1n1111Jralll~. lle!1g1on and place . . grows d11.ily. ·· rrs qui le apparent U1at 1\us is ethics are treated in a derogatory ma n- ,"[ don"l know "·here Fltchen got his •·\\le ha1·e hundreds of persons on b;;11cal!y ;:i stupid idea," charged Thlstee ner. ft~.e~ unless he ~ased th~m .~ olh~r \\·ailing lists," Sandling said, "and many Jos-:-ph nibal. 11·ho cast lhe dis~enting \\' D \\"Psi This rour.se apprnies con· ra~iht1es presently in operation, Martin of them are influential people. but v.·e \Ole. ••\\"e alrrady ha\•e such a rf'!ur.<-e fl ict \\'l1h r1try .~gn1rnt nl ~oc1rty, 111· "Rid. ..... th 1 Ed " w Id tripl e lhe show no preferences at all. The ca rd ha~ ii\ :ulablc at \lolden \\'est College . Tills ts cl11dtng th" ehurrh. . epo'':"' a , ison ou . a nwnber.Thesmallest number getstlle dll fib1·louscffo rttokill thiscourse. Sallie Cart~right · I' 11 e attempt srze of irs Huntington_ Beach ope~allon s.Jip and that's all there is 10 ii." ··rhe bn;i rd is acting in a fashion "'·hi ch teaching sex education 11·i1hout moral \l·ere denied by _r.fart_1n. He conflnn7rt ,s;me would-be renters of slips still tn.· { \"al11rs. 11·e are co11rling dii.:isler. !hat fhe. expansion, If approvfd , Wiii , , .,: j~ C'fllTip\etcJ,y irresponsible in tenns o P::i uhnr r-.lnen : f rlon "l believe tha t the •-, · 1970 nd \\"ill •-completed in ho11ie1er. to ~xert some stronger 1n 1 :u~ desires of th\! parent..~.'' . 1 i...-g n 1~ a vo:: t flµ~ee to get flr~t trl!3tn)t'nl. h maiority of families ha\·e fa iled in about fi ve year~. /"\\"e ha1'e offers of extra nione.v of1rn Yrl among the estimated ·f 'iO v.· n traching $f!lC edlJcation l, and Jt is nE'i!hPr r;;aihered at the Huntington Beach High righ t nor JU."t that a'I should be maligned Gregory Services 1-lcld r .1 Jl1nl1r r1trs h:i1 r hrrn hPld for :I i'ir·.1por113e;ich 1n1u1 kill er! la:q Fnd.1y 111 a .<.Jle>ct:icular auto er;i sh 11 hich lrrt hi." ca:· 11 r.1pprd arnund a 1ree 111 Costa fllesa hlir a p1ecr or tinfQll. Gregory S. BrOl'.ll, 24. of 1515 E. Ocean Boulerard, 11il l lie in lloly S(pulcher Ceme!ery near Orange, follo\\•ing Rosary r.Jonday and Requeim r.tass Tuesday. He lea\'es his '"'ife Geraldine, a .!Ion C.rrgnry. a daughter. Christin a, his parPnW:, ~I r . and :">1rs ,lack Br0\\'11 . Costa f.le.<a, hrot her~ 'Yilli::im. f\e1vport Dr::ich : . lohn, Santa Ana : Lind ~<'y, fo~!a r-.tesa, ;ind his paternal and 111 a t er n a I gra nt\molher~. Thr f11n1ily ~~iie~!~ tho~~ "·is.hin,I( In rrmen1ber h1n1 n1a y m:i!o,~ Requtlm \la ~\ n{fC'f"inl!"s to St. Joachim's Catholic Church: <'flUpled 11·ith R request to shufn r: thio .School aud itorium to v.•itness the debate, because of the Failure of a fc\v. number!. But 11"e dvn ·t do busines~ th<1t tlic P"Cnts '"''."'' ·•-p•opo<. ed course I .... " L.llt: ' n.c\'. James De Lange: 'Ve c ergyme n 11 "Y·" r lr.1 rlv outnumbered and outclapped :ire very much .<1w11rc of the need for lli1se 0 tn fa\"o r of it. respon.oi h!t f.111111.v lif,. 11nd ."CX education Neg ro College Ranks 0 11 Rise Trus tre J ohn Bcn!lfy "'"h(! rema'in{'d for clllldren ;ind adults. lt 1s our cx- nuiet durin g most of lhe meeting, anal}'l· peti('ncc that this cduc;ition l~ not taking cd the situation thusly : rl::ice lo an adequ:itc degree in n1any "Quite a b10 o; ~uppor\ has been :;hov.·n ho1nc.~. for this progran1 tonigh!, bul 1t wa!'n·t H. A. Harrison \\11<1\ ;ire you -a frairl enough." of~ Are you flf raid that )'011r chil<lrf'n \1·111 \\",\SH INGTON IAP ) -The Census "!\·e h:id ll up lo here with Ul1~ !earn something you don 't kno>A•? I v.a.c; Bureau reported today that tnrollmenl of l"Ourse," lamented Alan l\enne!J~·. a rais ed in ignorance. Now 1~·c 're trying lo f\egroes in colleges lncrtased IS J"rcent teac-her v.·ho \11as head of a comm.Jt!ee in· keep our kids from learning it. fr om 1964 to 1968. sLrumental in designing the rourse Dr. J~eph r.'la.<:!rapaolo: This (sex The 434.000 Negroes in colleges in the {ill tline. '"J°\•e been celled a Communist f'd11c.:t!lf)n\ m ~teri~I can be constructil·e Fall nf 1968 represented 1ir percent of 11! and a l'Onspirator and tn.ars E"nOugh. Th.is and iolf'Jffco~1l'e. \\"hy aren"l the materials ilte !iluden ls in C'Ollegt. Tolal ctillege course is dead unles.s it is rel"i\"ed at the 1n this course? cnrolln1ent "·as 6.8 million students last grx~s roots \e \·el." ·Rev. Robert Larsen · I -a ni fa1·orablv fa ll. an incrl"ase of 46 pcrcenl o\·er the B(·!nre making tht'ir de<>ision the fl\"e imrre."seG by the moraLity a11rl dir~tnt'~~ n11n1ter ("nrnlled in 1964. t rlblCC~ \is!tned attentil"elv tn 18 peoplP. of this district. I am not a/raid of the 1 hr re .<:u lt of 3 Ceruus Bureau sun·ty from th e :iuditoce who eilher 6\Jpported progriin1 . in Octn~r 1968, pubi~hed today, sho>A·t d or eondemne<l the colirst'. l!<t rry Bni:l!~ Sfln1r rif lht~ in:itenal 1s thal ;i bolit 58.8 milllon ptr~ons 3 !o 34 As in p;ist meeting~. the se:r ripponentJ ~. bad Jl 11 011l<J 111ake an Army sergeant \Cats o!d 11·ere enrolled in !ichool or col· \1·tre more organized th 11.n th eir count-bJu~h. le~r in the f1 H nJ 1963. This was a.n in-I -------------- rrta:-<r nf 6,3 million students, or 12 {>'r-, cent 01·tr 1964. Playhouse Born Neiv Theate r Opens in, Laguna By TO~I TITt:S 01 111• o.u, ,.lltl Jl•H The journtv look more th11.n ~vtn ~·tars, but ·the L11gun 1t. Community Pla)'er~ finally reached !he tnd of their personal r;11nbo1v Tue."day night. As a 5.C'archlight swe pt proudly acroi;;~ ihc L1gu na ~ky, announcing I.he offici11 I bir1 h of the Laguna·~1oul!on Playhou~e., first nigh ters filtd in!o the mammoth. 350-se::it auditonurn of the largest coin· mun i!y thea ter in Or:inge County. 'Th~ produrtion v.·hich 11v.·11.ited U1em, the \\"e~t Coast pren1iere of Robert Anderoon's: "I Never Sang for f\-fy Father," \\'as equal to lhc. occasion -11 tender, moving drama of a man'& lnntr ..,,tnig&le to eJpress 1 lovt: he did not f1el for h!s 8gl'd f;il her IStt review, P11.i;e 27). Direcled by playhou~e arti~tic director J ut".n f erzaCea. lbr ~h01I' \\"a~ ,i n im· pres~ive opener for an impressh·e l hl'ater, one v.•hich carries a half mlll!on dollar price tag. For the And•r!IOn drama. the expansive. 106-fool-widt slage wa s put to iood ust. w\l h the action 5trttchU!i from one end to the olhtr. Space WJing. l'rith 1cents chanaed by a vast batt1f)' of llcht3. "''a1 utillz:td throughout the production, backed by 60me lu!lrous sli~ ind motion picture effects on an enormous, Clntmucope-siz· ed rea r screl'n to ?1tip convfy the lar1cr than life approach. lt wa:; 11n rvenl nR: ff! rt membfr f"r the thousands ol c-1tiun11 who contributtd 1hei r time. monty and artis!lc telenls tov.'?.rd 1 somrtlme~ elusl \"e go.I. r.f()~t t'.!pt{"la)ly \l.'Qrt.hy O( rtcognitlon WllS hlr'°', L"\\ i~ ~loul!on. the 90·.vear-old b(onl"fa~ trr ~<-11ho~e it00,000 t101111tion all but in· 3U red the rta\lzat ioa of Laguna 's fondest dream. TI·e S300.000 t'OSt does.._ not Include th'. land, wh ich was don1ted by tht11 city of L1guna l:trach. Funds ror the new playhouse wer1 raised almo~t cnli rt1y by 1ndh·idual contributionli. with the city and lhe Irvine f oundation a\50 lendin g a financial hiind . The rc~1tlt is a Jfi.OOO·squ 1re-foot. air condilioned pla yhouse v.·here comfort and 1 \ isibility 3re pflrainounL No seat i~ more tha n 40 feet from the stagr, 11nd "eating is on gra duated levels v.·ith each scat o·;cr a foot hightr than tht one in front of 1 t. Among the proudtst Lagunans al Tuesday's opening were lnna No(zl1er, pl:iyhou:5e gt:neral manag~r. ;ind Get>f· lrry Hiker. president nf lhe p!nyhou~e bn.1rd (Jf directors. l'adly ml~sing v.crt' Ri~I S31)'er, playhouse lrt'a~u rrr. and Frederic r.tcConnell. ph1yhouse design consulrant, neither of "'hom lived to se.e their dream mattriallt.e. Pornogra phy F air Set COPENHAGEN <UPI) -The ••or\d"s flrlit pornographic "st1 felr " v.•111 open Oct. 21 .,·Jth exhi bitions of movies. pie· turts. clothing, dr1wln1s 1od atulpture, the> evt':nl"s organ!ttr!l elld Tut!day. "At this tJhiblUon , open to adulU 01'lly, .,.,.., \\'ill give a thorough \•lew or what the \\"Orld"~ most advance 6e.x\11nd can pro· duct !cir lust and happi nes~." said AMers Dahlerup or the organizing commt!tte. Otnmark abollshcd it8 last crnsorshi p l.iw July .I. ·-· .... ·-· , ) • ' " ( , " 199.50 J O .ID CONV EN IENT TER MS SANKAM ERICAR D MASTER CHARGE J.C. 350.00 350.00 l oll NEWPOR T BOULEVARD COSIA MESA F r o1n Page 1 COPTE R ... O\ITI in1·est.lgatnr ()n the case, ~he f:iid he 1 ~ an exprrt 11ho formtrl.Y \\orkcd f11r !he Federal Av 1 ii t i o n A•1m~ni~lr<Jl1on and 1s ex Ire me\ y l.no11lrrlgeahle in the fiehl. .. S1 kor~ky !nrd l'l gr.t hin1 lir~t. in f,lc'.' lhe pilot s 111rJvw adcl<'cf. A1no11g the \ ICIUllS liillcd \l'hrn LAA l·J1c)1l 417 lo~t 011c nl its f1 1·e blades and frl • to canh like a crippled bird \\a.\ ( hris:oph.:r Belinn. l·l. gr;indson of 1he a1r1ir,c"i. president , Clarence Bel1n n, Only 1hrf'~ n1011th~ bl'forc lhc. craft r:.-,v.n by (·.1p1. \\"tl!!!:l()rl('f pl11ngeri into Pep Leuders· Pr1tk 111 Compton. ilnOth!'r \\"en! oul of cont rol o~er Par<1n1ount and tun1bled dQ\\"ll into a dairy yard. The earli er acridr11t ktll r<l 2.l fl(:'TSC!n~. l;icluaing thr> pilot, (apt. .Jack Dupies, of fi442 Govin Circle, Hun11np;ron Beach, 111 the .oec:ond 11'or~t co1n111e1 ciu! helicopter cr;1sh i11 U.S. hi~tory Both Slkor:;k_v S61L hf'!1 cnplrrr; wen• nn lh" Di ~ncyland-to-Ln." Angclt~ lnterna - tion:11 l'lirporl run 11'hf'n they t•r.1she d, ap- parently due to mcchan1c:il failure 1n each e;i~e. Ne dctenninatlon ha~ bC'f'n a1111ou nccd ~et hy the NTSB for 11hal c<i1ised Cap!. Duple.~· hel Jcopl{'r -11·h1c h v.·as ."een ln almcst stop, lheri "·obblc before fa lli ng - lo go do,,.,·11. Storru Hit s Florida ritt.<\:\11 ~t:r11 -A tropical rlepre~1.,n s1ru1k the. FJorirl.1 ranh anrll,. "ith hea 1)' r::i111s a11d 111nds up 10 50 n11lt." ~n hnur tn- fiAy. rlrnrp1nl' f11 " in•·lir• nr r.:.1n nn i'ens:iro\;< .:and .. 11l'f h11c: !ldr·. In m"rr- lhan 2'1 fN't abn·.r nnr111:i l 199.!0 199 .50 ll Y EA ~S SAME LOCA T lat I PHONE 548-3'1 0 I . ' I . ). - l(eyCzec h Di1Jlo1liat Defects SYDNEY (UPI) -The 111;:.;hl'sf. rankini;: Czechoslovak rlJrlnn1a t to Australta, who had !X'rn recalled lo Prugue where a r11rge of libC'r11[ forces ls 11ndrr \Vay, defcc!ed today and 11:1" /.,'Tan!ed political asylum 111lh his wife and three sons. ,.\ ,i:overnrncnt spokesma n ~n 11! K a r f'l Franc , 46, I 071'rhoslO\'akia'~ c on :1 u I i::"neral !o Australia since 10fi'i. appl1r1I for pol itical ;1<:.1·lun1 \\'Ith l1is fam ily on 'l"llP"•d3y. Hr s;ud the appea l \\;1" ~ranlC'd lntl<iy. l'rin1c t-.t1nister John Gorton P>;h·11drd ht<; sy1npa thy to Franc ··for his nol being able 1-:l re111rn Lo hi$ hon1cland l'M"<"a11se nf lhf' Jlussian oc- c•upa\1011 ;ind the suppression nl those l1brral techniques 11 h11·l1 Czecho~lovakia w a :'i llf't!l!lning to evi nce. I hope. he 11·1)1 be happy 10 Australia." Tl1c Clccl1 tll issio n s.1id Franr harl been recalled to !'1·::ig11r alflng \vi!h several n1rn1 t.)('r:<; ol 1he con~11late :-;1riH \\·ho lefl for Prague to- tl a.\'. l·:ffor ts lo rcact1 !he Franc f;in1ily \V r r e unsucrcssful. Their hcin1c nea r Sydney Jla rOOr appeared dcSE'rted and A11s1ralian ofririals refused lo d1 <;rlo$f' lhrir \\'hcrcahouts .. !-'rant' \1·as a rlosc friend or Alexander U u b c e k, the j ·1.('<·hos!o1ak rf'forn1ist who 11 .1~ puri::rd fro1n lllc Com· 1n11111:-t Party's Pres1d1un1 in f 'r;igue rlurini,: lhe weekend . • (-W•dn,wlay, Octt>btr l , ]%q DAIL V PILOT 5 _ ~ U.S. Critic Mao, Lin Show ·up for Anniversary Top Ma1i lnSivede1i llONC; KONG tUPI) regime. Thf'I de fense chief said Comrnurll sl party leiider t-.1ao Peking Radio said In a \Vashington and l\.toscow "are Tsc.-tung celebralet.l the 20th broadcast tie<1rd here that cullu<ling it!ld ;1l tl1c san1e anniversary of '!he found1ng of t-.lao and Lin appeared m "ex-i1111e contending \'.'1th each his people's r!"publlc in Pr\.;ing t:e lll'nt health" at a huge an-olhcr, carrying out arms ex- ...... ~ ....:"'J ~fl STOCKHOLM (UPl l _ Olof today \Yllh his first public ap· niversary ra\ly, The Kremlin pans1011 and war preparations 1 Palm e, controversial Social pearance in niorc than rour telegraninied unusually warm and v.•ild!y attempting to De mocratic ideologist and a mnn!hs, spikini; \\'ide~pread grPe!ing:; to the cf"lrbrati•)n, Pn~incer a war of aggressio., leading critic of U.S. foreign rumors lhti l he "''as senou~ly prnposing "nr1::otialion~ <In cl against our country an d 7r- policy. was named n e w ill. r-onsullalions" In ove rcom e rlagrantly r eso rt i n g to Swedish pr('rnier today to sue-Abo niak.1ng his fi r~l puh!1r Si no-Soviet disputes. nuclear blackmail agai nst us." cced Tagc Erlander. appear;ince since last tl1ay 1!) ll \.\'<JS lhe first appearance He v.·arned lhe UrUted States The 42~year~ld education \\'flS Defense tl1inistf'r Lin r ith('r leader had n1ade 1n and Russia that China "''as minister in E rlander's outgo-Piao, t11ao's de~ii;n,atecl heir· public since ~luy l!I. Du ring "1nv1nc1blc" anrl a d ded ; ing governn1ent, \vas elected ;ipparent.. their absenre, F:ast European "Should you insist on imposing by acclamation by the 24th Lin d(>llvf"rcd the ~ryno1c ..;ourccs said tllao, 7.'), had suf-a war on lhe Chinese pf'Ople, Social Democratic pa rt y ,, , .~jll'f'th at the celehralion:o; in lered a stroke and a !long v.·{' will keep you company and Congress. Peking's Tien An to.ten I gate ni Kong newspaper :o;a1d Lin, 63, f1ghl lo the fini sh." Palme ~·ill take over as hca\•cn ly JX'Brt.'l squ<1rc . lie v.·;:is dying of can('Cr.. The radio com1nentat°'", in a J!UVem1nent chief Oct. 14 \\'hen u~ed the oceasion tn ;ircuse 111 his speech. Lin appearer! ltve brnadcast. said r-.tao mov- Erlantler retires after an un· the United Stairs anrf Soviet extt'l'mC'l v conC't>rnrd abcJuL C'd ;ibout activ!"ly on the precedenled 23 y<'ars in office. Huss1a of attempting lo nue"lcar -threa!s from !he reviP\1 ing stand and ll-'a\"ed Palme was Erlandcr"s choice "engineer 11 \l"ar fl[ ai:.· United ~tales and the So\•lf"t rrllf"alcd!y lo th!'! cheerin~ for successor. AP' P'h~'" i;:ression" against China and lo Union. No nient.Jon was madr.; throng of more than 100 .000 AP',...... SPIKES RUMORS I I £Ch · I h d · th ASSAILS SOVIETS p;i.Jme tx-longs lo lhc left 11'arn t 1cm against "nuc ear ll u1a s l\\"O re.-it nuc ea r persons gal ere 1n e wing of the Social Democratic ___ M_•_•_on __ R_o_s_1_ru_m ____ b_1_,_''-"-'-"'_1·_·_o_r_1_1i_e_P_e_k_·'°_gc__1_e'_'_s. ___________ "~t"_'_"_· ___________ s_1r_o_n~g~m-•_n_L_t_n_P_I_•_•_ Party, but has been steering • cautious ly to the center in re- cent months to pl acate his rightwing crilics. But he is expL>clcd lo con- tin ue Erlander's foreign policy of "activ>! neutrality" which t'rcated problcn1s 1n U.S.· S\\·edish rcl;it1ons o v c r Swcdf"n's s.harp criticisn1 of the Vielnain v.·;i r, Pa lme was the driv ing force be.hind this criticisn1. 1-'ahnc's acid· criticism or lJ.S. policy in Vietnam and ac- 1.i\'e support for the anti-Viet· nam \\'ar mo\•cment made him su~pccl in 1he C\'CS of somc 11·cstcrn leaders. iie can1c into rral focus 1n the spring or 1968 \l'hrn he 1narchcll 11·it h North Vietnam's r-.t o sc ow run - b;issador in a cten1l'Jnstration against lhe \l.·ar ;.nd made a speech conden1ning U.S. policy 5% interest. It makes serious rs • ~ ' ' . I ·'- 'fhc rlip!o1n<1t had made no E.1'rCR l p(.)11~ <ti.!iP.1~4,re ":itb ... ,.. -.Ntel-100 -· _,ion .. Ol t 'zf'chnslovakia Aug. 21, 191">8, ;ind lhe crackdov.'n on Duh- 1·"~ 's • ' c x pc r 1 rn e n t in fl'f'Cdon1'' that fnllo\vcd .. ~ i1> Asia. •I ~ ,. •• '.,(./.(/.'.,. !.· An ri I f i c i a I of Ilic ('7ci:ho.~lovak consul general's otfjre i;ai d Franc had ~en gl\ en ordPrS to ref urn hon1e following the weekend purge:> Hl Ills n;i!ion's capital. lie refusf"d further comment UPI T•ltPM1• GDi11g Uort fl lrs. J acqueline Ona s: .~i s, 1nodishly a tLircd fro1n top lo bott on1 111 t he fa~lnon of "today," pau ses curbside durin>.: .a !llanhattan ou llng Tuesday. Iri rt"cent rhontlis ~"'eden· has incurred U.S. displeasure hv gran1 ing asy lum lo M:ores f!f A1neric;i n <lc:o;ertcr.~ and drafl dodgC"rs. On l'llonrlay Sll'cdcn announcc<I il \\'nuld ;.;r;:inl nlO'l"e than $40 n1illion in aid and credits lo Hanoi. OhSl'rvers alsfl expect.Pf! :t c:autious s1\·1n1; to U1e ]Pft in rlom!"i;tic pola·ics u n de r Palme. 1st De111 i11 157 Years Wi11s GOP Stro11gholcl Stokes \Vins Jn Cleveland By 31,000 BOSTON tUPI J The nepuh\[c;in hold on f'.la.~s.achusetls' 6 l h con- ,eressional cl isl r i c t bir1h pla ce of the term "'trry· rnt1nrlering" -was broken ·ruesday by a Democrat v.·ho \vants speedy \l:ithdrawal from \.'ietna m and 11 n f"tld to the antiballistic missile (ABtllJ Concorde Goes Faster l 'han Sound TOl'LOL'Sl':. ~·ranee jAP! -1'he I' re nc h-B rt ti 5 h ~11prrsr1111c tran~pi;irt p!anc l 'nn,nrdc :o;hppcd through the :-nund harrier tncl ay for l.hP f1r5t t tn1e Jnrl the plane 's t ominondcr ~;iid 11 "\vas 1nuch r<i ln1cr 1han cou ld he 1111- ;i g1nf"rl " Andre Turcal, 1·h1i>f !esl p1lnl ff"lr the Sud Avia tion Co., !l'Jld nell'S1nen Rf1er the flight , "\\'e s1ayccl at supersonic ."peed for nine niinutcs at a s,pced of r-.1ach t..05. \Ve car- r1C'd out various opcration!'i "·hich pcnnittcd us to ap-- ... rreciate I.tie exl raordinary stabil ity o{ Uie planr." A r-.t ach 1.05 speed is 714 miles an hoor. iurcal was the commander ,,f the plane but pilot Jean T'inct was at the controls. \Vashington Papers Sl1ul \VASHINGTON (AP) - The. threr dail y newspaper!l serv. 1ng the nation's capila\ y,•ere. ~h11!, down by a pressmen'!! :;trikr early today after union n1rmbcr.~ rejected new eon· 1r;1r·t offl'rs. Negotiation~. \!J hi eh con- tinued through expi ration of the old contract!! al midnight Tursday, broke off c;irly in the rnorn.ing until 2:30 p.m .. loday. F1ri;l to be a ffected by the 1~;ilko11t of members of the ln1 <'mRlionat Web Pressmen 's U11111n Loc;:il 6 \\'t1s The \\'a:;hingtnn Pn~I.. a mornini;:: '1''"'Sl><l !}Pr, The l'o.~t was 20 nrrrf"n! thrn1J1ih 1!s prci;~ run \1 hrn !hr ('nntract r.~plrrcl l'i('k<'1" ;i!sn surrn11ndrd Thr n ;uly /\r".~ and The I::vc11 i11g l'l;ir_ bo1h a ft er n oo n nr11 ~p;1pers. proi;:ra111. tlllcha cl J. \·larringtnn, a .12- year-o!d stale legislator, upset State Sen. \\'illiam ! ... _ Saltonstall in a special r!rcti0n and tx>can1e t.h" fi r :o; t Dcn1ncr;itic r-ongre~s.man in lhl' district's 157-vear hislorv. Unofficl;il retu'rns frf"lm lhe 186 pr!"cincl.~ of the rlfslrirt bE'tv.·ecn Boston and the New Hampshire horder gave Hnr· ring\.Cln 72.0.'lO votes to 65,45:1 for Saltonslall. 42·year~lrl i;f"ln (If fonner U.S. Sen. Lc\'erctt Saltonsta!l. Some 60 percent of the distr1ct"s registereri vo!rrs tirrnl'd out. an unusu;illy high figure. f-[arnngltln v.ill s u 'c e e d R1>p11bhcan Rep. \\'ilham IL 8alei;, v.·ho died in J nn('. Thr new congres.~mari supTJf!rL-, !hr progn1n1 outhned by Sen. Charles Goodell IR-N .Y.1, In v.1thdraw I f S. forcrs froin \'1clnan1 hy lhe end of 1970 IL "a.s 1n the district's f'0n1- rnuni1.v of Nflrl11 Andov€'r - t1ho11t 30 miles north of Bost11n -tha t the AB~! controversy began in to.larch wh!"n ar!'il rl"'i;i(l(•n1:-> prole~ted 1nst:iltal1n11 of a rad;ir facili1y for use \\'i!J1 a missile 11nit in nea rby lieading. Jl;irring!Ofl consider~ the ABr.t program a waste of rnoney and r~ccs and a threat lo reace. TI1e victory, v.·hich giv!"s l)rmncrats an 8-4 bulge in the state's congressiona l delega· lion, was the fourtli for a Democrat lhis vear in five special congressi0na1 racrs. CLEVELAND, 01110 !AP) - l\"rgro incumbent (;irl B !'tokes rft>f('a \ed a sr!f-.!ltyled J;1w-;ind-0rder cand1dalc by in ore lh<in 31,000 \'flies Tue.~· day in Clev!"land's L)cmocrat1c: 1n;iyori1I pri rnary Pl f.'{"lJnn. Hut Stokes \\'On his bid for no1nination to a second lwo-- YC"ar 1cnn onl,y Hf1rr overcom- ing a !cad of more than 20.000 votes which Robert J .. Ke!lv, .1n Ple<·tnral nrwcon1er, built 11p 1n \1h1rc ~e1·11Qns crucial to 1hc mayor's Nov. ~ general t'!f'C'!IOll prn!'p('<'\$. The final unnfl1cia1 cQnnt i;:a1·r St{lkC'" ~2.2 1 :1 \'Olrs !n 60.899 f11r l\f"!ly, a 4R-~e;:ir-0td former t'll.v ser\ ice ri1rN""111r. s1 okrs hf'farne lhr f ir~\ '.\r;:;rn f"l••f lt'll lll<l}flr nf a rn;i. Jhf 1\n1P r1can C'll:.' in 1%7. l!c ,1\,.n 1s the first i\c~ro may0r t•f e 1naj01' r1ty ltJ face a re- c),.r11 nn ha1!1r 0 '\\"c"r" going tn rc;il!v l,Jvr In work ;i~a1n.~t llalrh .I Prrk." ~tokf'~ s;.iirl nf lht: HrJ}11blican Cf)lln1y ~uchtf)T" h,, \1·ill face in the gcner;.l elcc- lin n Nt>gr~ C"ompn!<r ;iho11t nnr- t.hirrl f)f Cleveland's popualtkm •If 880 ,(IO(l. Space J\lcdal OK \l.'ASllINGTON <LP !) President Nixon h;is signed a bill authorizin him to award a Congressional SpacP Medal nf hnnor In astronauts for cx- rc pti onal performance of duty Studerits to Protest Alaska Nuclear Test •~ u1111• P'r•• 11111tr11•!10n11 Tiie Alemic Energy Com· mission plans to trigger an un· de.rground nuclear explosion on U1c Aleut.ian Island of Amchitka at noon Thursday despite protests it n1ight touch off massive earthquakes and tidal \\'a\·es. President Nixon deciOed not 10 postpone the tests. believed to involve anliba\listic missile warheads . press :;;ecretary Ronald Ziegler said Tuesday. t\ixon re<"ei vcd asstirances or safety from th e AEC. h~ said. Noted scientists di sagreed on the danger of lhl! l.f megRlon und!"r.~T<1und blast, hO\\'f'\'er. Tho11:-a11ds of C:inar!ian C'ol · lP~r s111denl~. prolest.lng the b I a s t , planned a onf-hour <·n:i.~1-lo--co:i~t. hlf)t'kadr of all n1;ijor <"'ro~sing~ inl11 the. 1 ·ni1cd S1<rt!"s beginning Al nuon today. a.. Robert M c Dougall 1;pokesman for the Unlvers!ty or Vi ctoria Al ma ~1 at.cr Socie- ty (AM S) -organizers of !he prolest -esllmatrd 50,000 ;o;\udcnls would partici pate in the bloc kade. Norman \Vrighl.. <17-yea r~Jrl president of the Unive rsi ly or Viclnria r;l11clenl council. urged all Canadian studcnts to pro· te:o;l lhe blasl. He announced b 1 o c k a d e plans in telegram!'i to Can11- rlian Prime r-.1ini:i:ter Pierre Elli.all. Trudeau, Nixon. Uni1eri N A l ion s SecrPtary-Gcn,ral Th<inl ;i.nd 70 11niv,rsities and rrg1ona1 colleges a c r o s 11 Canada The l:lrgr~t. pr1J1r~t w;i~ sehrr!ulcd for the P!":ice Arch at Blaine. \\'ash . .,.,here S.noo '!11rlf"nt.s frotn !he University nf l3nt1 sh Cnl11n1bia and S11non J•r,1~1>r Univer.~i1y \\'Cre CK peeled to converge. , 'Vith S ~ goin g for you, you can e ni oy life 1n ore. You niayeve n find vo ur- self practicing ne\v da1~c e ~teps,sing in g in elevators or JU St smiling a lot in orc. from the firot day.'l'ou can a?d to ~hi s :1ccount at any t11ne\v1th deposits of $JOO or n1orc. You 1nay\vithdr:nv fund s that ha\·e been 011 deposit fora full calend ar CJ uarter or 111ore ;ind all A deposit of $500 or niore opens yo ur Prc111iun1 l'assbook Account -·~ . • c:~;-1nte~es ~ rarnrd :i ny tinie a t Security Paci fie Bank. And begin s dra\ving thats~~ .. ·~t;i~;; \V1 th111 the first ten " · :: days of each calendar ,... ' q uJ rter. As an alter- n:Jtive, fu nds 111 ay be Thi1 is the one for u:rious ~.avers. Thi:: 5% Premium l'.assboolt Arcount. Yn11 Jo:t l si;.;, annua.1 irncr~t, 1<impounded a nd cre dited qu.artedy from d;i te of " deposit-the highest ~sible bank rate. .. \Vithdra\vn at other times upo_n \Vritten 90-day notice to Security Pacific Ba nk. Con1e talk to us. Be- cause ,vhen you're serious about saving you can afford to be lighthearted. ~ SECURITY PACIFIC BANK • .. ~ .. -~-.... ...,..-.... .,..---,----.... ---------------------------------.... -----~·---- ---- •• DAIL V PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE , __ • ., Newport Eleven months ago, the Ne'l•port Beach Cit y Coun· cil appointed 84 of the commurlity's Jeaders to the Ne\v .. port Tomorrow task force. At that time, Ne\vport Toi:norrow members re. ceived this ch.irge from the council: . To evaluate where Newport stand s today, to take a good ha rd look into the future and' its opt.ions and t.o recorrunend comprehensive city planning ~oals. Unde r general chairman John Macnab's a~le, lead- ership, that task is no\v completed. And the c1 ly s has j ust begun. Neviport Tomorn;iw '.s sre.::trum of recomm~da tions astonishingly \Veil organized and condensed into a 20-Page bookl et, next must be considered for imple· mentation by ordinance, by general plan and by city policy. Not all of taem, of course. ,viJ1 ntake it.. Some of the proposed goa1s may \Veil be b~yon~ practica_l achieve- ment. Some will take a long tune in incubation before their tlme arrives. Ne,vport Tomorrow's Macnab indicated a\varene.ss of as much when he said : Tomorrow Newport. Tomorrow's wid&ranging studies touched on vi rtua lly every aspect of the community's life: resi· dential, commercial, industrial, harbor, public facili- ties, townscape and transportation. If it can be said that these studies-involving 50,000 man hours of work -contained a common theme it would be a concern about environmerrtal pollution. "Noise, air , water and landscape pollution was taken into very strong account during all committee delibera· tions," said Macnab. As a consequence, various safeguards against such pollution are recommended throughout Newport Tomor· row's final report. These recommendations, and all the dlher goals proposed by N e~rt Tomorrow, r eflect well on the ded- 1cal:ion and public spirit of the men and women who painstakingly prepared them. "Th.is document." said Mayor Doreen Marshall of the Newport Tomorrow report, "will gather no dust at city hall." That is a pledge we confidently believe will be re· deemed. For many of the goals and hopi::s espoused in the report "tomorrow" is almost upon us. "\Ve will have criticisn1 on son1e of U1cse reco1n· tnendations. perhaps even an avalanche. And \Ve \VJU \velcome it." Ne1vport Ton1orrow has set t11c city to thinking about it.self. J!'" No FAA Stalling, Please And there \Vil! undoubtedly be a great deal of. think- ing about some of Nev.'port Tomorro1v's more contro- versial recommendations. Among them : -Construction of a bridge across the n1iddle of Upper~Newport Bay. -No encouragement io new industry beyond areas already zoned for research and manufacturing. -No extension of existi ng leasei of city-owned wa· terfront prope rty v.1ithout first giving "studied con·sid- eration" to the use of that property for broader public benefits. -A total ban against com1nercial jet flights out of Orange County Airport. Ghandi Lived , 1WJ('M,e.wge,".t-' , . t Of Jesus Dear ,Gloo111y . ' \i ' ' ' "-' .,. ' '( / "1' Gtisr!·,( ... :.' .!',.(. ·~. Ton1orrow, October 2. '\Vi\I mark the centenary of Mahatma Gandhi's birth. He was born at Porbandar. India, on October 2,' 1869, and lived nearly 80 extraordinary vea rs unti! he \\'as assassinated in New Delhi in 1948. 1Thero are. al this stage ln mankind's history. only national holiday:-. Jf there should be a "world liolfday," it seems to rnti that Gandhi's birthday oughl lo be the first. For. in the full century since he was born. ht became the only public man to practice Chrisl.ianity in all its aspects - and he v.·as not a Christi an. HE SUCCEEDED in freeing one of the largest nations in the world from one of lhe greatest powers in the world - v.·ithout any more show or violence than cros.~ing bis leg s and refusing to move . He was an inlc!lectual 1~·ho walk ed 'asily among the masses; an ari.~tocral. ,.,.ho lived among the poor: a man of Im· mense spiritual gifts who worked Un· ceasingly for the physical needs of his people; and an asce!ic who 1>.'as not sour and smug and seH·rigliteoas. but "'ho lov- ed to cr;ick jokes. pl ay tricks, and make solemn people laugh. GA!\'0111 WAS 'TH E firF.t. -and perhaps tile only -1>.'or\d figure nf l11r 201h Century. He alone a1nong sta1 e~1nl'n r'ahzed early in h1.~ career that vinlPnrl"' heg e1s nnly l'iolence; that modPrn technology contains the 5ecd of its own In answer lo S.R.E. (Gus, Sept. 2~). Orpendlng: upon \\'htch hospi- tal one 1vt>nt lo, Jt is pos~ible that lhe post:ige rlue on the letter was not paid for by the hospital. But Hoag tvlrmorlat takes care of this service and many others for it.3 pa· lienis. -KAT. Ttlll f•.,llrf r•l ll<I• 'fl<l<n' ~l•wa. ""I nec•n•,ily• !hO•• al !h• nu••P'"'· S•~d ~our P•! ~•eve 10 Gloom, Gu1. D1l'Y POor, destruct,ion unless carefully conlrol!C'.d by f'\hi c<il and s r1 ritu ::il values ; and that !ove i.~ thP: most polcn l and enduring "force" i.1 !.he universe. Though J1r rought forlili'lia.'s political power and national independence, he did J10t consider lh rsr things ends in themselves, hut 9nl y steps forward on the road to humarnzat1on and in· lernationaliz:lt1on, Ile recognized the un itary nature 'lf people." eurrywhere, and rather than ~ce. lndia divided by Partition. he recommended giving control ot the country to his political enen1ies of the tl!usli1n League. llE \VAS !\10R£ inlerested in "corn· niunity'' than 111 governinent. in the welfare of villages than the authority of capitals; and he urged hls own political lieutenants to forsake the trappings ,of po1\'C'!. and go H\e with the humble J>eQP\e in 1hf' lill lr to1rns v.·here the need for lrtitlrrshlfl w;is g rratr.~r. Disn11s~"d hy 1111' 8 nlish ar-"im - praeti t·;:d," ff't1rrrl by 1hf' t'apitali~t~ and ;;cnrnr.rl lJ,v lhr ~1.1 r;-;1~l 1r!rolog11rs, Gandhi ne1·c·1·tiic'l!·~s n1rHlr~ ;;1 11 1mprr~~1nn nn our ct;l11l 11 r:-rh111 11·111 1101 bl' 1na1ched. In his dnrt.r'iT'" of "ahim~a·· -nnn-hUrting ,__ 11e J11•ct.l l.l'le niessage of 1l r.~us. jlf inority Rule ~lay End A University of California report predicts that the two-thirds majority rule. govemlng local bond electlons in California and some other states shortly will be knocked down as unconstituti onal. Speed the day. Too niany important civic need.~ ~ave gone unmet because the citizen l\'ho opposes the bond issue h:is lwo voles and he 11·ho favors it onl.v onr. The result rrpeatedl.9 has been a veto "by lhe .minority. In 1966-fi7, UC 's lnstitu\c n f Government-al Studies fou nd, only 40.4 per cen~ of school bond proposll ions scored the !.\.\·a-third~ majority dcmaor!erl by th(' Cali fornia constitution for local general obligation bonds. But 80.8 per ~--By 6eor9e ---• Dear George : Do you have any advice for a girl whose boy friend insists on parking at night on the beach, al th ough he is otherv.·ise a perfect gentleman? JANE Dear Jane: When a car i~ i:l11tk in ~and tr;ir- tlon may be gained hy piling bru~h under the rear wheels and star1ini; slowly in Jo1v gear. Undtr nn circumstances race the l'ngine :rs UUs spins the wheels and fhc car will sinlc lower. Should this happen . fiDd old boards for a jack base and jac;:k the rear of the auto up and pile brush, etc., in the depressions. (lr you want your probll'm~ lreat.td ~Jri absolut.c secrecy anrl confJdence. Ge<lrge W(,)n 't evC'n n!)('u your envelope. That's how f'in· acientioos bt ts.) Gue,;l Editorial ......... cent rfccivr..rl mnre tha n a simple r.111· jorlt,y, some hcan·breakingly close lo the rigid 66.66 per cent rule. Still the minori· ly prcvailclL 1'11E SA~lE APPLI ES lo other c:ilegorics of loca l bond issues. The UC institute found lh:>t neatly half the San Frctlcisc<rLos Angeles city proposals ol .1950-61 failed In score a two-thirds ma· 1ority. but 85 per cent of them won bet· tC'r lhao a sim ple majority. Again, mi· norily victories. The institute rests it.a prediction of a cure-for this no longer tolerable sltJ,Jalion Oh the Supreme Court's one-man-one•vote decision. which retiring Chier J vsUce E:>rl \Varren says he belJe.ves is the court's most imJXlrtant in the 16 years of his :iervicc. ALREADY LOCAL judges are taking up lhe guidelines laid down in 1h11t <lecisio n. In J ul.v the West Virginia ~upreme Court slrul'k dO\.\'O Lhat s1a1e·s fl7-year-old three-hft11s Jnajority re· <iUircment. A similar rullng has come out of Idaho and, in California, from a Sutter Ci:iunty Superior Court, The Californi a two-thirds nile Is one of lhe obsolcle relics lhat ~urvivc in the Sta l.e's 1879 constitution. now bring rrvis· ed . Thal. sectlr1n probahly \\'ill be rC'lllOV• ed. But the cn11rls. follO\\'Jn~ the one.·man· onc-vofe dirr·c1i1·"· in;iy hr_;it th r reformers 1o 11. \Ve hope they do. Thi~ barnacle«ncru:;!rd <·ot1C"ept .1lrea(ly has done too 1nuch <1111rinJ.:P. Sao f'ranciseo Eiamlni:r The Federa1 Aviation Administration is no\Y study- _Jng a proposed' Orange County ordinance setting noi se limits for Jets usin~ county airports. The proposal includes specific decibel limits v.•hich \\'OUld be measured by noi se sensors on the ground . FA . .o\ officials will decide \Vhe ther the control fits in with a recent ruling by that sa1ne body that Orange· County does, in fact, have author ity to establish noise limits. The FAA study is expected 1o take 60 to 90 days to con1plete. If past experience is any criterion, that study could take much longer. It had better not-or the roa r from below will surely drown out the racket from above. (NI 'This is the captain. Our flight from Los Angeles to New York wllS' one lwur, forty minutes. With a·little fuck we may land in about the same length of time.'. Contrast ita Treatnaent Bet1vee11 Ketanedy otul Ross To the Editor : Negligence is defined.in Webster·s Dic- lionary as carelessness in manner or ap- pearance : in Jaw, fai lure to use a reasonable amount of care 1vhen such failure results in injury to another. Recently, Deborah Lee Anderson. 17, was killed in a Lido car accident. Dickinson Ross Jr., 17. the driv er of the car, was · booked into Orange County Juvenile Hali on the charge of manslaughter w i 1 h a vehicle. Tt was slightly discussed , receiving small men- tion.in the newsp.aper. BUT, THE INCIDENT at the Dy k t Bridge on f.he end of Chappaquiddick on .July 18 which also cost a life -that of Mary Jo Kopechne -was heard around the world! According to his statement, Senator Kennedy was driving down Chap- paquiddick"ii main road but accidentaJly turned sharply back to the right onto the dirt Dyke Road. 1He was charged, not v.•ith manslaughter. but with leaving the scene of an accident. To me both incidents are similar -ac- cidents. Every islander knows the Dyke Bridge is a danger to man just as Ro5s knows high speed is a danger. Both Ken· nedy and Ross were negligent!! And ac- cidents occur becall5e of some type of negligence whether or not we like to ad· mit it. KENNEDY· HAS served faithfully hie ~late and nation. Who was Dickinson Ross -only a teen-ager with a name ! I believe Deborah Lee Anderson was plan· nirig an evening of fun just as was Mary Jo Copechne. \Yhen will law enforcement apply wi th eq11al \\"eight to all citiz.ens! We heard much about "let us attempt lo un· derstand Ted Kennedy as a fellow being." \Vhat about the attempt to understand tU teen-age.rs who are not all bad and ha ve an accident once in a while also? \Ve're "greaf' cltliens when we fight v.·ars; but let us have one accident or make one mi.'it.alte and v.·e·re "ir· responsible, unreliable, uncontrolled teen· agers." CONNIE HICKMAN Need Rupondbllltlea To lhe Editor: People are constantly complaining and voicing opinions on why the teen.agers of I-Oday are so irresponsible and un- con trollable. So I wcruld like to offer my own humble 17-year-old opinion of the up- per middle class tee:n-q:ers of a local high school. If you as)c a typical high school stu~ent wllat his life contains, you get Ulis answer: school, drugs, alcohol , football games: and dance~. Should you probe further and ask if he can offer any personal views on the problems exi!'lting in the world today, you will receive one o! these two answers: (1) a blank 1tare, (I) an attempt at repeating wlthout l.f'IY com- prehension one or bath of his parents' views. TIUS TYPE OF answer led me to con· elude tha~ the5e teen-agers have a life based on their parents' philosophy, ''I \Yant my children to have all the ad· vanlag~ I never had with none of the hardships." The basic laull of this reasoning is the child is not giv'n any res:ponslbllllies. The typi cal 6ludent is given anything he Quotes Gt1v. Ronald Reagan , 011 conservation -"We must seek new wayr; to prot.ct what God has given us anrl at the same time make certain that rvery cltiaen tias an oppnrt.unity lo enjoy and use our naluraJ h~ritage." .. Mailbox \ -_,. Letter.! from reader.! are welcome. Normally writers should. convey 1heir messages in 300 words or less. The right to co1tdense letters to fit space or eliminate libel is reserved. All let. ters must include signature and nu1il- ing address. but :nam.es l'nay be with.- held on request if ittffic ient reason is appa rent. desire~ \\'ithi n reason without ;iny responsi bilities. Almost none of the leton· agers can see their lives as thei r pa.rents look at them. To a teen·ager, <lrivin g a car is a rigt1t and privilege for their age group, NOT a responsibility. TO UNDERSTAND and apprl'ciate the npportuni!ies and advantages 1hey have .as tee n·agers today, they should be given more responsibililies. The parerits should remove the "protective shield" aroun d Ole .child. Teach him to exist by buying his ov.•n clothes, etc. Encou rage him to go out and fi nd a job. Of course, the one great danger to this approach is that lhc teen-ager will become disillusioned by your generation 's world. But at least the teen-ager will pro- gress from the fun-loving \ipgctable to a_ mature, responsible person . FRITZ KUNZE To the Edit or: Your ney,·spcif'('r '1110led Rear Admiral (ret.) \\'illlam C. Chambliss, a te{:ent speaker at the 11arbnr Forum Series. on the China r~uesLion : "\\'hat are the sci!u- tions? \\'e can say lo C<i n1mu1)ist China, 'Either yo11 knock {lff nurlear prepara- tions-or we'll knock them off for you'. .• If they say no. "'e'd have to go through v.i th it." Assuming the Quo tat1011 io be correct, can one imagine any greater self·in· dictment of the military than this? WITHOUT SO MUCJI a5 a quick chorus of Anc}lors Aweigh, the Admiral is bland- ly advlliing parents to consign their sons to a third world war on the proposition that it's all right for the U.S. to have nuclear weapons bul not China. How can the American public. already confused by one Asian war, believe that Amer ica wants the same freedoms for other na tions as she herself enjoys? JOHN L . JENSEN l111pact Soc~d Them To the Edill>r : We ma.y never be quite the same aft.er seeing the latest production at the South Coast Repertory Theater, "We Bombed in New Haven,., by Joseph Tieller, author of "Catch 22 ." 111e impact socked us right between the ~yes and the only regret is that it is not happening to larger audiences beca use the message is for us moms and dad s everywhere -arise, you arc los ing nothing but your children. \Ve thought the cast was superb, seem- ing almost more real than we in the au- tlience. The Harbor Area is fortunate to have such a production close at hand. BOB and GRETCHEN HAYWARD Porno9raphf1 La"'• To the Editor: I was pleased to read U1a1. accordin g to Sgt. Shaidell (DA ILY PILOT. Sept. 27, "Sex S.1le1>men F'in rl Big Market") "'e have an increasingly aroused citizenry as a result of the obscenity peddlers. J hflieve tha t an .aroused citizenry is just what we need. bli nker v.·as on, so \\'e continued ou.r turn, i;topping hard \Vhcn the car in that rJght- hand lane continued straight ahead. THAT SUCJI material ls. ''ul!er\y without redeeming socia l value" seems lo It's a CC1nfusin& and dant;rrous situation me to be a conclusion in direct conflict . ..---v.1hich should be Corrected, perhaps with ·wit h the statistically \'erified findings traff ic: lights or better sign-posting. .. lhat in Denmark. after all anli·obscenity-11.JHS. FRAN COUNTE R pornogr:iphy laws \\'ere abolished. all categories of :;ex crimes dropped markedly. G\VEN J. STEPHENS Operation Intercept To the Editor: The Mesa Verde .Republica11 \\'oinen'~ Club. Federated of Cost.a Mesa, has wr\1- ten a letter or support to President Nixon concerning his steps to halt the flow of narcotics into the lini_ted States fro1n J'v!exico. Our membership Is greatly concerned about th e narcotics problem and the ris- ing crime rate which results. We fee l "OperaLion Intercept'' should continue until the flow of easily available drugs is slopped and until we have the coopera- tion we need from the Mexican author.I Jes. MESA VERDE REPUBLICAN WOMEN f.frs. Jean Sumrall, President Fashion l&lat1d Ba!'nrrl To the Editor: Dri ving into Fashion Island from Coast 1-lighway presents a hazard whi ch traffic Pngineers should eliminate. I ~ave had a near-mi ss myself and have observed ol liers, Ente.rin.': the lon,g road leading north to lhe shopping cent.er from Coast Highway. the driver ha.s the immedia te choice of deciding Which of the three lanes to use iri his approach . People in a hurry, or first·time visitors, tend to drive stralght north until they gel within reasonable range. then dC('ide which way to go - right. left or around and around. BUT IF' ONE happens lo bl;! in th e right lane, he can only tum right. A sign some clistance south warns or Uris; but many mot.or isL~ in that right lane decide at the last moment not to turn right, continue straight ahead. This is the haiard, and the cause of the near misses. Drivi ng west from the 1.-fedical-Denlal Building, we stopped, h11d on our left-tum blinker, saw that traffic was clear, started our left turn toward Coast Highway. BUT A CAR appeared in that right· hand lane: just to our left. Its right-turn Not Dumb ' ' . Press Commfillts · _ .. . :• -· .. ,. rttora, Minn .• Times : "Rep. H. R. Gross of Iowa who ii a watchdog of the House, reports that 12 tnlerprising young persons in Montgomery County, Md., nave figured out a way to beat the system. Each of the doien, six male and six female. draws »S • a wetk in unemployment compensation which they pool in 11 com mon fund. In a four-w~k month, their lake is a cool $2,600. They rent a ~i•-Oedroom house complete with swimming pool and liauna , buy their food and have enough left for other !ux· urles. They p&y no ta:<ts on their benefits alld on an jndlVidual b11sis, each proba bly qualifies for fOOd 11tamps and medica!d benefits a~ well. Whatever else mlly be said (in) criticism of young people these days, no one can accust them of being dumb." \ 1\1/tf)SC Pofi<'y:~ To the Ed1L9r : I an1 among the n1~n:---r11 rzens or th1' 11rea "'ho are co ncern ed ovrr 1hc fisca l problems confronti ng the $C'hool distrir!. Recent editorials in the DAILY PILOT ha ve taken the po.~i11on 1L :o;r ('111s ln ·n1e lhal this lack of rf'venue l.n the. local schools is a result. of policy emanating from the county <issessor's office. fnn- tr;irily, I wonder if it is nrlt !hr> resul t of policy of the Bo:ird of fiufl('rvl~ors . 1'HE PUBLIC FINDS the Back Bay trade confusing : hn1vevPr, 1t arrears th;it the tax· proble ms are actuall y a result n! an <:imtndment to the Back B;1_v agrer· ment rather than the assessor 's assessing policy. In your ed1l nrial :-)'01t ha1T no1 01.,11· lioned that the ai;.sessor is reritlirrrl hv I a w lo asse ss ;il( laxabh-· proper ly trl Orange County and until. the Back Bay swap is consummated he m115I as~c~s lhA owner of lhe propE>rty v.·hich 1n this case is the Irvine Company. THE lf\o'DIVIDUAI. !1on1 c JtV.ll<'r i~ responsible for the taxes on his prof)f'rlv until he srlls his· propPrl .v ;1nrl lhr> f'~Cr"1v is closed . \\'hen thC' county a;:scssor 11'a~ ordered hy the Bo;ird nf Su(")P r1·1spr1; 1•1 cancel lhe t.1xrs nn lhc !r1 lnl' lfl11d, :;11 pervisor Baker rightly called thjs a trix llolida.v for the compan y. I don't tl1ink a ny of us realized 1hal the $Chools would take the br11nl of 1h1s :irt. Tn narrO\.\'ing !he tax ha se a.~ wa~ rl rinc hv th.is act, lhe sup('rv1~ors did an illegal thing. I lw.lieve, anrl only a courl nf \a1v nnw· can rccllfy lhc :-.iiu<i11on. l\1EAN\\'HILE. as 11~11t1I , 11' ... lh<> In . noc('n1. who suffer. hlll let's r J-:iCi> lhP: responsibilily for lh1s 1.ax lo.'<s to 1l1e schools rigt1t where 1t l)f·long~ wmelhing your ctlilor lals ha ve nC'glr ctc.d doing. BEE LONGLEY s .. rfing C:ll11tion To the Editor: F'or a. few year~. surfing on the in~id r. of t.hc wesl jett y has bcr n slopped with ;i: citation fo r speeding. The only hazarrl 1\1 anyone in this case is the. large wa\"CS causing boats to go near the tn iddlr nr the channel. The boal s st ay Wfly clear of the wavex, so there is no cl1anc., ol a col· Jision. This cita tion should be stoi)pe.d for It has no true value. HAL LTNEBARCER CDM High Scbool Sludent ....... ~ \Vedncsday , October 1, 1969 The editoria l pnge 01 the Daily Pilo t seeks to inform and stim- ulate readers by presenting thi,'f new&paper's opinioni a11d com. mentnr11 on topics o/ interest a1J.d $1gnificance, by providing a forum for the txpression of our rea.ders' opin ioii.~. a·nd by pre.~e11ting the d11Jc r.~g i:ie1v- poi11ts of informed ol>ser vrr., a11d 1ipok:esrne11 on topics of the do.11. Robert N. \Veed. Publisher I I I vc Ii !'On J.o~ \Vhi pre pt>r T Tr<: \\'a on p!a. 1 1 1 a!l I :o;l)J ~It he 1h! pn lh• an lh• '' '" ]"' Jc th ll l pf fr " "' \'~ ,, " " p· rr h t; ' ' ,, cl q t ' " ' r ' ' j ' • r . ' Costa Mesa Today's Final ED I TION . VOL. 62 , NO. 235, 5 SECTIONS, 84 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNIA I WEDN ES DAY, OCTOBER 'f, 1969 TEN CENTS ' . Cause of Crash T hat J(illed Mesa Pilot Told Special to the DAILY PILOT hnpropPr ret'Ondit1oning of a vita! rotor romponcnl had a direct bearing on !he I .or Angl'lcs Airwa.vs helic0pler crash \Vhich killed A Costa Mrs<1 pilot, the LAA president \; own gr<1 ndson and 20 o1her l'lt'rsons 14 111onlhs ;ig(). The announcenH•nt by the Natlon<il Traosporl<tlion Safciy U o a rd 10 \V<1sh1ngton !J.C. Tuesday put thj.s bl.11ne on 11't: rn anufact11rcr in the Compton Jl]ayground tr;igcdy. Mesa High R eplaces R u le Book . J\y TllO:\IAS FORTUNE This ~·c»1r Cn:-.la illrlla Jligh School 11·pnt all I.lie way, ll h:1s an Clpen ea1np11:>. nn drr!>s c.:odr and 270 ~l 11r1cnl s in a lertur(' hall. .~1·~·r,,e Ii"·· ~1 -P)&i'• 1..,ry1g 'lra1•'r.., frn'nf lhe nld sehe'dii1ir1.c: l)olik ·!flat J:ay ..-~o :-111/li.:nl~ 111 a cl;iss for 50 rnir111tf'~. Thi.~ f:-ill lhcy 1111'e\ll lh1· wholr hnok awa,\', Tn 11 ~ 11l;H'l' I\ flrx1hlf' srhrd11!ing, It, stJn1rt in1e~ :-crrn.~ ;i rnon.,tf'r 1n st;iff ;ind ~t~nlents. ;ind p,irt1c11larly tn p:irent~. heca LI~P tht•rr n1·r a6 million variables in l hr sehnol's srl1t1cl11Jr Thi' :-chrrlule i~ :-n fnnnidahlr tlt<1 l ~O'T'C lr;11·hP 1·~ ,c:nt tlH\'f'rl Up <111d f;ulf'rl In !'l1n1v for 1hr1r cl;1,~r., bct:JU!'(' !hev d1dn"l !.,nn111 "·t11•rr In rrporl. ~·-. 1111ni;s ;ire running i;-ninnthcr nr'l11'. h11t mrPlinp~ hnve hC'fn r·:ill{'f! t11·n ni,c:lit~ nrx:. "C'Ck lo rxpla1n tl1ing::. to P\IZZlrd p<Jrr>n!s. Along' 11•ilh the nrw sched11lr:s comr:<i fhr oprn campus with ~t udents c01riing ~nrl going ;it cliffl'ren~ ti mri;. All day 11)(1~ l hf'r~ ;:ire yo11ngs!C'rS roaming about lhe ('a1Tlp11s, nn! ju.-.t on lhl' passin~ bell. Ouring U1r ~\tlflrnt ~· C'\'CT-changin~ ~{'l1nol rlav !hey n111st find 1heir fl\\'Tl s1udy 11nir anrl tinH'_ In dQ !;il>oralnry a.'i51tin1nrnl~. It i.-. ;i f.:ro\\·n11p approach at ;;n agr lrvc>I at 1\'hich ,.-.!t!dt'nts elsewhere r em::iin undrr rrgi1ncnla1ion. "Lii~t ycnr we ha(! nn r. pretty 1a1r. ( ""sf11l ~'f'<lr rr1r slcppinl: <111t inl n the 1•ril\no1\·n,'' s;i1d Princi pal Fran k L<ip<'.' Jr :-.o 1hi..-. )Par Ill<, .... tarf drcJrlrrl to g'l ;:ill 1hr wav -1nFt!!fd of the two hours nf 1111~{'hrd11ted t 111"r in rar.h thr re-dav pPriorl like lao;I yc;ir ll'lerc are hlocks ~r fr~ lime sll1ddccl !hrough each rlay :-. :;rJ1cdulr. A11rl lhr campus is open<'d: the f!rr ... s rodr ;i hn!ii:;hed . \\'11r\iing Olll the ~1·hoo\'!I fi6 T'11Hlnn· ''a riahlr ~chedlllt', sald Lope.~. "1\·ould t ~\if' 1wn lB;\1 .11;0·;;111 tandrn1 ;it a cost of t~.ooo -~2 50 iwr ~turfcnL ·• l n~trad, hr "J1d, lhc ~{'hrvil's i!d· rriini~!r;i 1 11·e !'l:1fr wor krl\ !hr r11t 1rr month or i\111'.!.llll Jn;i\ling !hi' f;rhedUIP hv h;inr1\I 1111 ~nn1r p;11d ~tu<lrnt help arnoun· l if\~ lri !.I if'lll Hu! \h:i! 11a ~n·1 1~r rnrl tif 1!. Thi• fir~! ,01iplr of 11 rcks 11f ~1·honl 11·t·rr fa1r lv ,hqn11r 11llh 111111\iplP rhangr>s In ~tii dr nts' ;in<! te:il'hrri: :schrdules to h:i l:iner rl:i~s ~izf's. (lnr rf',1son 11 t rin~; rp111e ;i 1.r]11le. 1Alprs Pf:pl:i1ncd. 1~ ii lri11k ;i 11111 v.•eek JUSl 1° riin through the r vele fflr the first t1n1f\ so lilr s\a!f rnuld gr\ an idra ~f class loads. T'he scheduling is designed ror In· rh viduallv paced learning. ll is gearN:I ~:i ou ick-to-ieam students aren·t held har k by the rest of the class, and SO sln\\•rr ~tudents can take the time they need tn ;111derst.and without being pushed ahr<1d \Vilh a Dor F. . . To accomplish that the tr:id11!nn;il ci;u:sroom setup had to he sundrrcrl. lf :-lirdents were going tn progress fas.Irr ,.nd slower with the faster ones ~ranch1n,g inlo new directions, they couldn t grt !he 5"1me in struction in the same old \\·ay .. The leac:hrrs. after a surcessfu l lran!'il· tinnal ye;ir. \\'Cnl fnr the c:~angrover , bu! Eoi ne. parents still have their d~ub~~. One chief worry. Lopes said. 1s 1h~t their ch ild isn't ~ettinl? ;is many h(M.1rs in cSee MESA HlGJI, Page%) PI LOT SALUTES SKI FA IR TODAY The ~ki crnwrl Is hl':i!Tlng for the Cornn;i r!C'I fl;!ar hills Friday and Salur~ay. Nope 1hcv don't. rxpec:L ~now. They JllSL "·ant' In br ti! Fashion Island for lh".- shnpping center's Second Annual Sk • Fair. TI1e OA J!.Y PIL.01' s-<1lntes !ht show "·1th a :;:peci;il 16-page tab!oiti section in· ~ide lorlav. 11 fc.:iture~ article!' about lhe .'ikl sho\\': area :;k1 cluhs l'lnd 1he s11cces.~ :r.\ory of nnt' of th(' "'nrld's brst known i.lli n1;ikrr~. Rearl il before you hrad fflr thr hills eilhrr ln i;i.;1 or to see the Ski F.:iir. Findings by the f<'deral panel are \vhat 'va~ expected by observ ers cit a two-d~y hearing last Dcce n1her in l\1an11~ del Hev, during \vhicl1 \\'s\ltnnny inrlicrtlr d lailure to perfor1n a v1tnl n1c\;il-loughc;-i· 1ri; step. "IL's pretty much 11 11:11 11 r h;1d ~urn1 J<. rd too," said U1e widow n( Co1p1. Kcnnrth il1. \Vaggnncr. J\31 Picr<·c A\'c .. Co,"1ri J\1rs11, \vho \\'.'IS !he 1nan al lhe controls \\~en f light 417 crashed. The crash -second in a thr('c-1nonth peri0d for the Los Angeles-and-Orange C'.t111nty i.:001n1u tcr line -occurred Aug. !~. 1'.lG!~. 1o1·hen <1 rotor blade spindle ap. p~.~l'nlly .stHl ppl'd due lo meta! fatigue. 1'l':;lt111ony in i11arina dcl Rey last ycur i'·,cl1r;1ted lilt• !-.pin<lle 11·hich sn:ipped, 1·.1115111g 22 df'.<1llis. inlssed a cntlcal s1cp 11 lv:n rl'to11cl1t1oned six weeks earlier by 1111:_• S!kor~l'i.y Oiv1s1on, Linitcd Aircrall Corprir:1t1011. Th;1t !'lep was shot·peening, in \\'hich the mclal parl is bombarded at tremen· DUMKE SPEAKS, sec PRES::?EN T 0 . COPE BU DGE LIS TENS 'Too Much f mpha$i$ on $,;;ill, Not Enough on Wi5dom' . D11111l\:c P1·ai scs Tcacl1i11g At So1rt]1c.1·11 1 Cal College A rrivat" cnll cE!r c..f11r 1\1':i lh1I t·•. parts \\'i!'rlOrn <!~ 111 II .1~ ~nn11 f.,.,.,r \\ pr;ilsrrl by Gll'nn l)11111k1' 111 ,, : '1 1 Southern ra!tluro1..i ( •l\(CI' t 1 ( lll e~a !·:"!day. nr. D11111kr'. ch;111r·rll,,r 1.f 1:1r· 1·1-1 '"' fl llfi ( ;illl (l!'!Hil .'il;ilr ( '111! ,,. :-pnk" ;it a r11n1·n(·nl111-i n1 •• 1l.11 1,.; ;,., Jei:::r·~ :.01h nnn1~·cr•:1r.1 \/ ,, I!(' <,,11!! !l , ... lhr t r,ul,'1''11 r; · \1hernl ~rt~ rollr l!··· ;n 1 r 1:; · • 1 1t'rtc·h111.i:; r.r 11 !·•ll!'n 1 •·h·, 1 1 :1 n k~(l11·Jrd~r . ··rnnman1 111<.1 1111'1, 1r1. 'l .-1. 1 in~ r l;irp Inn !ll llrh • ''11•:, I 'II I rli:-l'ip!1nf' ;111rl 1111• .i,.11.·· •.lld 1111lil '·\Vi i;dom i:-> ~11n1i 1111111( ~Llll 11~1·,1· 1•1 11 11p on vour 0111n t1n1r" He ~aid hr rl rl1nr'> 11 1 tlr1111 fl ' 1 1 :ih\1ity 10 JUdgr ~n11nd !1• .1~ 11 rf'I, 1r I" hfr and co111h1c1 ; J\·r ;i])illlv l11 u r· knowledge prope.rly. and thcrr :lrf' rn 1.-.I Jliclgmenls involved ." lie sald the great riue:;tion~ r . mankind are "the questions or 1111· :11rd being and re\ationi<hlp wi th the inf!n1IP ·· Southern C11llfornia College. spon~nr•·1I bv the Assemblies or God. ,;rcw frr,in n rlible college foun ded in l!nO in Pas:1rl1·ri;i !o a li beral arts college o!fcring :111 ;i1 eredited four.year curricuhun, 1n1 l11d1t1!.: preparation for the l£1aching crerl "1,\t;.1I The college moved to its Co.<;ta Mr'-;i ~Ii" at Ne"'T10rt Boo!cvard and Fair Orn l' 111 Hl;,11. Al !he convocation this 1nornu1i;, llrr ' r ·tit\ "! .1~ with rrpresen!ali\'e~ frnm I~ < !r·· "'!!' i:•s 11r1tf'. <H.'.ad~mic i;n11·ns and l11.1,•"l1 I Ill p r111C~1'i\11l,1l to the _g~n1· 1 , ,, n Tlw r,-,tlr;!c"; 515 sludrnts-v.·rrc 11 · · 1,, 1,. •r nu1,1 ke·~ l.11~. 11 1 •I'• 11;:•·il 11'1111 ;1~ b('nrl1ci.1ries of 1 j ,,te L•dl1 ;"' rd!11·;it1on cun1h1ning 11· :111d 111.;r11n In sCf \'e 1\i~ , ,, ,1, Iii· 11'1 1(1rrr ii; nolhin ,:: 1h, 'It 11n• .it•· r>!J111 ;1t1nn and , , I 111<11 1H11 •·r \\',·r1d•·ll II 1l1nr<; "this 1•111. 1111111· ('tlur·ut1nn in the olr 1 ,,. t ir "f'. 1111r• l"hr.1tf'rl like 1•1 ·t· <"'r" \.;11111111 1n1· 1hc1r I' !1 I-.11d "\'(It) h"f\'(' ii \'t'r\' 1111· 1 ·r· "1 p11\il11· .1rv1r ~1·lf. ,1·011r p11pil:t I 1 "'11 . 1111•• H'11• r· !i11r1·ly 1hrre 1 ~ no IJ'~\-fl r 111111~ th;1n !Ill.~ l' 1111111~1-~.1irl t h ~11 on !hr p11bl1r l'ilm· r•1"' tlw !'<1l1.o;c1rncc 'lf ~1ui;1tnl~ ;ind pr.r Ir •.rs 1s br~inning to bother them and 1 '11'\' have h•t upon a totally improprr ... liotinn -"they wanl lo use the campus .. rrn.1 lo S{'ltle !he questions of life a la l,;11 111 America." ·1 he proper role of the campus, tie r,iirl, 1~ 10 "ren1ain objective and above the l1:i!llf'. study lhe issues and iay 1he •" r 111ncnlS prQ and con before a free 1,·1r\y." I !r said there is an ill wind for chan~e h!nw1ng across campuses and advised the ~11,llhr'rn C::ilifornia College student s to 1 11~" \I bat 1<: ,c:ood 1n it hut reject Iha! is ha.I - ' lhc \'10Jcnt, deslructive nihdi sn1." Qaci::::e~ bf/ Nc1v11ort CofC Aldric,h By THO~! AS FORTL'NE 01 lflf Dtlly P11,t 5•1fl An SDS lea1lcr. bla1.~ Fl•u!l,nt<; ;in•t fl:ii: loweri ngs wr r~ Iha t l11111.1~ ,\.o•wpnrt Harbor Chan1hrr nf Cri1111nrr,-1, nirn1 hrr; a~ked ahou1 wht·n l..IJ lr vinr Chnn1·t•l!11 r ()aniel G. Aldrich Jr. ntldrc:>:il'LI l!IC!ll iH a brcakfasr rne1;!1ng tr1d;n The tone of the qur !inn~ i11rhl'r1tr'1 Aldrich i.<; a n1<1n 1n th1· p11hl1r ryr .. •nrl fi r was called upon !o de lcnrt and ju:-.1111 hi" action11. or mn<;! inlrrrs! ln ri11r ~l1011rr-. \\Jl. 111 ~ 11pproval of S!)S lrarlrr :'11+• j111r•I Kri~111 '"• 2i, as Cnonhnator or 1\C[lflr11llf' 1\tl\.~111:: Defends r•r Aldrich said he knows there are 11Poplr, "nrit .1 few I an1 mindful." who f•pj101~r lhc: Kr1~mnn appointment. He ~.111!,' r ;i1n no more 1ntercs!ed in seeing 1 :.1~ j11~11(t1111)11 ("11me lumhll11g d0wn n1\H111d n1c or ~.omething happen lo this l't111111ry ll1an ~'OU are." l Ir ~;11(! hC llf'lit'Vr.~ !he ~111ne g(}('~ rnr mio:l,I, ol 1hc SDS s!udcnt.s on !he lr\•1ne c.1n1ri11~ ,\ldr11 h ~ilirl Kri.~man as a ~ltident wo11lrt hr T•lt'n1ff1rd 8~ an ar liv1.i;t. .. lh{'re 1 nn 111u ... 11on ahoul 1l ·· Uut he s;ci1r1 Uie 1''1 11 ~~ l\r1,rn;in wns l'•1nr,,rnrd :iho11t - .'tl11 h 111 p.u·11c1pt1t1on 111 governn1rnt, the dour. speed by thousands of tiny stetl spheres, which hardens the compc1nent prto r to its being nickel plated. .". crack caused by stresses far below the design slrength of the steel began to develop and \\'as increased by thousands of lon.d cycles before il broke after 7,380 hours of use, the boord said. The report continues: "It is believed that this crack "'as large enough to be detected during the Agent ... lnsp@Ction that was condu ct@d at the last overhaul of the spind!t." "It is not known why the crack was not detected .'' The spindle whi ch failed had been in service only six weeks after that final trip lo the Sikorsky plant at Stratford, Con!'!.. and the shot-peening had speC'ifical\y been requeSted by the airline. Tt>e NTSB further states that due to its unique expertise in the field, the firm chose not to follow the in!tructions ol Not LAA and the mat1ufacturer's own stan· dard procedure. "ft must be a:included that this omission had a direct bearing on the ac· cident," the NTSB rep<1rt concludes. During the Marina de l Rey testimony, 1 Sikorsky plant employe told the panel that the critical part which failed ap. pea red to have been shot-peened already. Consequently it was sent on for nickel· (SM COPTER, Pqe II Slain? Berets De ny Killing Ever Happened TRAVlS AIR FORCE BASE IAP) -thou ght "the Vietnamese who was killed 1'hc former Green Beret commander in \1·as a close politica l ally of President \'ir1n111n said today he didn•t know the ·rh ie u" and "Do you think this might allt•ged Vietnamese double agent he and havr. resu lted in the case being brought ~eve11 of hls men v.·ere accused of killing against you?'' enrl denied there had been such a slaying. "'There 11.·as no a:inclusive evidence that "That is corrrct." Col. Robert B. lhC' ir.tii\'ldual was e\'er ldlled and there Is Jt,r·•ult declared when aske-d at a ne\\'S cC"r!ainty no indication anywhere that the ~~it~-·· 'f·1f1,hr. ~:~.;.·.~· 14& •• ~e~~;:~~~1:!~~:::~:d~· "No,'' he said 'tt'hen askerl if he had Rlir::iult and si:t of the seve n other known the person a newsman described Green Berets involved Jn the case as the "alleg{'d dead ma n." returned to the United States from Viel· Rheault, 43, also was asked U he narn to this California base near San Franci~C<> the day after the Army drop- ped murder charges against them. They headed for Ule ir homes shortly aUtr I.ht plane set down and an Army spo ke sman :said all would get 30-daf. leaves. The colonel said he believed the in. cident "would better be forgotten. •. so )!Jo!r ...... -"'· t<lll' '~All\ 1 -~'> exonetalM"'fte acled as 6p0kfimait for the ott}ers during a seven-minute se6sion 'vith ne\\'~men here after a Oight ·from Vietnam aboard a chartered jetline.r that broughl 219 persons here. V ick Give1i Look at Surveyor? Five t o L i fe For S lay i1i g A Sup<"rior Court Judge tod ay allowed George Arnold Vick lo plead guilty lo se· cond degTee murder in the l'>laring of a fonner Orange Coa st College coed alld sentencrd the Tu.~tin man to five years to llfP in sin.le priSQn. .!udge Rober! Gardner handed that jall lerm tn Vick, 29, after labeling him as "horde"ring on the realm of fantasy," an .11rgumcnt in which Vlck·s defense at· fflrney claimed tha t his client \\'as denied v.·hat might have bt'en hi.~ prinC'ipal means of defense whrn the body of Susan Adams was cremated. Vick admillcd to Judge Gardner that he killed the girl last J une 25 in v.·hat the judge described ll!'i an "emotional out· burst.·· . Eviden<"f indicates 1hat Vick suffocated the girl by h<llding a plastic laundry bag over her head. Vic k·s lawyer today argued that further examination of the boriy might have rna blrd the defense to prove 1hat Vick \.l'<t~ not actually responsible for thr: 21).. yt·a r-0ld girrs dea(h . fir told Judge Gardner lha l her death r nuld have stemmrd from natural causes anri po1ntf'd out 1hot hi~ client wa s not ar· raiWJed on mlirder charges within the 48 hou rs specifierl by law. .Judge Gardner quickly threw O'Jl both ari;ument..o;. lie agreed 11·ith U1e prosecution that prr.:servalion of tL~sues from the body and pathological tests carried ou l prior II) cremat.ion were sufficient evi dence that r1·1'ry1hing ro~sible had been done to pri> t.ect Vick's rights. Judge Gardner further noied that \'ick h;irl made several confessions to police ;inrl investigators !iince his arrest at the :ipartment building. "I am sat.isfied that 1\lr Vi<:k's rights wr:re never prejudiced at any time," he 11atd. Stock JHarkel• NEW YORK (AP) -Most !itOCka trail· ed ()ff in !ming fonn again today as many investors. including large funds. sidelintd their funds to ser: where the bottom lies. (See quotalions, Pages 20-21). Fii1e ss e, Longer Walks '\ Planned for Apollo 12 CAPi; KE NNEDY, Fla. (AP ) -The Apo1\o 12 a$tron aut..s may stroll more than half a mUe from their moon Jand ln( craft nt;\'t month. Also, they plan to coll ect rocks with far greater scientific finesse than Neil A. Armstrong l'lnd Edwin E. Aldrin Jr .. were able to employ on mankind ·s first lunar scavenger hunl. Apollo IZ Commander Charles Conrad rates chancr:s as "50-50" !ha t he will be able lo land close enough lo an unmanned Surveyor spacecraft now on the moon's Ocean ol Stormi so that he and .astronaut Alan L. Bean can bring pieces of it back to earth. All this was revealed in an im promptu press briefing by Na vy Cmdr. Conrad and L •. Cmdr. Bean Tuesday following a dress rehearsal or their moon walk. ~Ieanwhile, the third Apollo l 2 Astronaut -Navy Cmdr. Rl{'hard F. GQrdon Jr. -helped crews at the launch pad with a cou ntdown rehearsal test for the scheduled Nov. 14 li ftoff. Gon:ton will remain in moon orbit in the A pnllo 12 command ship while Conrad and Bean spend some Jl hours on the Better to Think In Empty Hou se? Unc-lutlered house, uncluttered mind. This was apparently the motivation for a COit.a Mua woman who has em· barked on a trial separation with her husband, police 6aid Tuesday. The young ma R told investigators he came home to find much of the house· hold furl)l shingii gone from the apartmlnt they shartd before some of the bliu wore o(f. He also found a note suggesting he could think things over better that way, The incident was Ulted as a civil mat4 ter, with no police juri8dictlon. surface. includinc se ven hours outside the lunar modu}e landing craflJ Mission rules will let th e two crewmen wander 3.000 fett, or about t\\'O thirds of a mil e, to villt the Surveyor. Tht\r emergency oxygen ruppty. need- ed lf their main backpacks f~I. has enough oxygen to keep them alive 15 to 20 minutes. A a:ilor tel evision camera that can beam live roverage of their IUJ1ar ac· tlvlties to earth hM been bui lt and "if it can be night qualified in time, will be aboard," Conrad said. The moonmen plan to make two e,;. cursions ouuide the landing craft. each lasting abcmt 31/z hours and separated by an eight-hour rest period. Keglers Bo,vJed Ove r By Police T\\·CI devoted bowlers who played %7 games, Ulen refu~d tn pay when their lane was shut do1o1·n after six hours for scheduled league competition were ar· rested Tuesday night ln Costa Mesa. The San Ga briel Valley businessm~ l'lre lree today on $315 bail each , charged with dtfrauding an Innkeeper arter the cast Involving $24.30 worth of bowling . Dcinald L. Hopper, 29, of Upland, and 1'.11chael L. Riesing, 28, of Covina, allegedly told Mesa Lanes manager Vin· cent West they wouldn't pay if they couldn't play. West placed both under {'!tizens' arrest and police dispatched to lhe recreation facllily al 1703 Superior Ave. booked both mer. on the misdemeanor charge. Oraage Coast Weathe r Krisman Hiring Thursday·• foggy morning skies will give way early to fair weather and suruihlne, keeping Ole temper· ature in the middle 70 's. INSWE TODAY (!Ua!ity of teaching -are legitimate U1lngs for a student to be act.Jve about. "~1 ike is not one to simply jump up and rlown and make noiu," he uld. ''I am satisfied he has produced a better cam· pus for his Involvement." Aldrich said a goa l for the campus frnn1 the beginning has been faculty responsiveness to l!tude nts, not just on academic matters but as human beings. He said it wa11 appropriate to appoint "one of our own who knew about this ef· tort and has worked at it." The chancellor was asked K SDS tludenL' are willing to dl1cu1S and debate ,\ ; . J Issues. ''In to far u the Uku of Mike Krisman are con«rned lhe answer ii •yes'," he said. "But there are ahirays those who don't Dow much about anything and fl lie to-make a kit o1 ·no11e. •1 He was asked If Krisman ha1 re- nounced his SOS (Students for a Democratic Society) membership. "He is not a member of SOS. He haa never paid dues to tbe or1aniuUon," ukl the chancellor. He also defended Kri.stnan's trtp to communist Cuba. Aldrich uid Krl!man told him he wenl tr Cuba bttautt: of hi1 (See ALDRICH, Pore l l If you'rt hoping lo "et a 1chotarship for college, thtre an Ulrtt important thing1 l/OU muat do. Joyce Lain discu.sse1 thtm in Carter Corner. Pogt 16. M ' " .,.,. • " " ... • ,.,, .... • • • """ Mtfl II t9"1H MC .. -11 ... , lt Mfv!M J6.11 Mvlv11 P'111!ft M Oc1n .. C.wn,., t• P'T., H SHrts 11·19 DI'. St.Ille,.... U SIM.II Mer1uh •11 T ... '4•19oi 11 ni.ettlP'I .. 1, WM""" t OltM Wllltt 11 "'"" ,....,, .. . ~ ........ . , ... ~. ' . .. -~..,., -----------,-, ;-r·:-~~...,..,..,..,,,.. ... .,....,_,,_--~ ... ---------------------------------..... ~-----· ---- i ' z Di&.Tl V PILOT c Wtdntl41y, Ott-t>tt 1. ]1tiq Plant Expanriota County Hearing On E,dison Set f\v TO~I BARLEY oi 11>1 D•ll~ ~llot '"ti Four relucl11nt Orange C nun t y ~upervisors agreed Tuesday to back Super\•isor Robert Battln's mo tion thal they preside OcL 22 over public hearlng into lhe Southern California Ediwn Con1- pany's plans for a $179 rnillion expa nsio n of it.s Munt inglon Beach pla nt. It v.·ill put the power company's plans In the spotl ight for the see<lnd time in six days. For Edison offici als and anti-smog opPonenlli of the power plant. re\'amp!ng are expected lo clash Oct. 16 In a hearing be-fore Huntington Beach Cily Council. Unanimous but grudging board ~ dormnent of Battin's motion fol lowed the g;:zpervlsor'1 chargc-5 that ''f&ilure to ap- -pro\•e vdll lend credence to ch.lrges that you have already approved !.he Edison project" -a direct ref!"rence to a clailn by \V illiaro Fitchen. <..-ounty :d.r pollution (·Ontroller, thal four supfrv isor~ sup- ported Lhe f;disoo plans five months ago &l a prh·ale n1eeting. Fltchen made that charge in a con- From Page l ALDRICH ... lnU!rest in Lalin American history, '\\'hich he hopes to pursue nex t year at Yale graduate school. He \\'ilS ecco.mpani.ed on the 1r;p by three Latin American history graduate students. . _ ~ trip is not Illegal , Aldnch main- tained . It is unaulhorized by the. State Department but he said , a UCLA pro. fessor y,·enl to court over it end got his passport back on the principle a citizen o( thl!l country i& free to travel. , ~1man did nol re-enter Uiis country· ""'"deviously but came throu gh cuslon1s in l\"ew York end told 1hem 1vhere he had betn, Aldrich said. •lis passport v.·as not r evoked . Aldrich told about the campus' special mino rity students admissions program :inJ its effort to employ minority persons on the st:iff . He v.·as asked H minorl1y studen!s had become 3('1i\"l' leaders of rii ssenl. ,\!drich said he ha::;n·t ~ren it happen yet but it I& something he'll ha1·<! 10 v.·atch out for. "Persons interested in egital\on might be intt'res ted in ex- ploiting tho~c 11·ho have a cause:' ht' ~aid. But he said as far as he is concerned the blacks and ~·lexican·Americans arc ~oat oriented and seem to want only what l1lf' v.·hites have. He \1'as asked his \'ersion of the Vlag lncident last fpring. He said the campus U.S. f lag initially v.as half·masted on his order v.·hpn he ~·as told t11·0 student~ had ~en killPrl at Berktlev. He revealed for the first timr. lhat StUdent Body President Ronald . • Ridgle had p11t it to him. "\\'ou+d you fnr ·'. Clnce chancellor do something simply bec11.use I ask you to'..'" -: L11ter 1t w;is lenrned that only one ' person had been killed and thal he ""'Hi .• not a student Aldrich canceled the hall· ·. .. .. . •. .• .. . .• .. . .• . .• ·: ·. . ' staff order. and Ridgle c111ll."d hin1 1n \l.'ashington, D. c .. lo apologlie !or giving him wrong inforn1ation. Some i;tudents then look il upon themselves lo relo.,,·er the Flag and 1~ v.·t nl up and down for a couple of day~. ,\ld rich, in another first Linie rev~l ation :ih<lut th" incide nt lal'>t spring, said he could ha' e had tv.o campus policemen i-13nd guarrl at the l!aipole bllt they hoth '''tre former r.tarine:-1\ho had ~pent the.ir l11't>$: d~fl"nrl i n,;: !he Fla~. · !f l had put then1 I.here: ~tud enL., \\·ould ha\'e harassed them and it set'med Ille \l'TOng th ing to do." the chancellor t.a 1d. ln5t ea'1 he !ol-1 thtm !'l "rut the Fl;ig 110 l\h"nP\'fr \'ll'I P'<' It {l,.,,,.n btJI h" ahnll! )'otl r bu siness." 1lteanwh1le, he worked 'd111 tnt' ~tuacnts .. to knock it o(!" and liUC'reeded . "Somt"; ul hC'r of the Lnhl'tl'>i ty ca111- pufe B flew !he f l;tg h11lf·rna~t for ;i month a~ if it wa! a general tra5edy,'' Al~rich ~aid. "I said to 1nyself 'Thls is hypocritic.a 1.' " UAll Y PllO! t;lll~NGt COA.•l l"Ut L l:W.111• COMPAH'o ....... .... w •• , .. m .. ef'I 1r• P..-11 .. IF J•t1· •. c •• 1,., y, ...... llft111 '""' (;f:M•9! MtNttr 11. ...... "···11 [G1lor T~'"''' A M~•pl.ir• ........ .,,~, IGllu C•tt9 Mn• Dflftu llO W11I ley Strt•I M1ili~1 A441111; P.O. 1 01 1160, •1626 OIMr °"''" ....... -1 •••t~ 1111 """' ...... tlwleYlf'll L•l""I l!lu tn 111 •ffltl ...... ...,. llun!l•1•1ft llK~: :1111 JI~.,,._, fid"n!ial report that is 11? lonscr co11· J1dl'ntia1. li e fu rtlllT 11rgcd t h r. supervisor~ eol1CtT nt:d -l3;1ltl11, Alt on E. All en,, Wiiliam Phill ips a1 1d l:haln nun \Yilli1m Hirstein -to "revle\v I.heir posi- tion behind closed doors " •.. oind "lake a position of opposing such expan~ion " F l!rhen told !he board 1n a r••port rr111ark1;blc for the r;1ndur displa}"d bs a county employe that he v.•outd deny the Edison application and 1.haL he expected lhe CO\Jnty su pervisors to •dopt the same attitude. tie claimed that the expanded plant , 1r approved. would throw 90 tons of polluta nts into the county almosph!"r<' f'Very day -the equiv alent. he stales, of the emissions of 180,000 automobiles. Fitchen estimated that U1e da ily tlisch arge of oxid"s of nitrogen into the county atmosphere is currently 147 tons flf '\ hirh JOO tons come from n1otor \ehicles and :io tons frorn the Edi.<,0n r lant. lie destribed the Edi son po,,...·cr l1ou~c as "the largest single stationctr.v !-.0·1rce of pol!ution from oxides or n11rugen in the county." Cupe 1fo1•J,ers Blast Off Supervisors declined publi c con1111C'nt on 1he Fitchen report 1'uesrl ay huL both llir~lein <ind Phillips hurr\<..'illy 1!cnicd Nearly 2,000 m embers of the Transport \Vorkers Union at Cape Kennedy walk off thei r jobs in pro- test of the loss of 52 jobs al the cape. T·he workers charge that NAS.~ is rea1!igning the work in que s· lion to one of its own contractors. ttiat th ey had <it anv lirne endorsed lhe Ed:son Pro1ect. Batiln den ied a11y such In terpretation of tJ1e n1ceting on his part three days ago. Ba ttin repealed Tuesday his earlitr argun1cnt tha t "the l1111che.on i 11 ith Edison officials) \1·as nothing more 1han a l'ioclal gatherin g and absolutely no decisions were made." ' Se x Education Okny for Parents -But N ot Kids But he found \'igorous opposition to his ~uggestion that the Fitchen rrporl he Parents in th e Huntington Beach lin ion "det•la~sified" and "1n;,ce n,·allablc lo lliih School District ~·Jl l soon hal'e the lhe publi c." He urged thP boa rd In ta~e O~]"IOrtunlty to enroll in a family \He and 1he..::Q~l for rel~"'" ljbe.'.,orr ~e'"' , '"" '"'!fi' """ co~.e._ • , .rt ... ~"UI. Alet·~e\> ~~'~J 1 _ 'ii:'.r': "1'"'I" ·VT~ : ·.: .• _ , } ... ·-' !• f itchen said and how he ~aid it." iTlelt nuarerrworn. · Superl'isor Doi id Baker lrd ttic sur-'J h~t \\'as !hf deci~ion . re<1 che~ by eessfu! opposiil"n to Bnuin's moti on with district trustees Tuesday n1 11:ht, ending a !he comment that •·such an actio11 1\'ouhl y:ar-long l'Uror 01·er the e1notionally con~iderably restrict those counly of· chnrgcd topic. fi c!il ls who 1rished to con;mllnicatc 11·llh 'rhe n1ollon to establish a night c·la~s u,5 in a liJ.;c n1annrr "!or parents \1ho arr not equipped to "ll·~ oflen 11ecrs~11r.v 1h:1t \Ir ullo1v tc;1ch sex rcl ucation at hon1e" \\'as made employes !o mak e 1hls .kind of repo~t." by Or. Ralph Bauer ~nd passed by a four Haker ~aid . "And I <'a n l ~ee u.~ gPtting 1.1 r:nr niargin. It also killed the por;si bi1i- ;rn:1 n1orc 1f 111" prr~o11 <'"lll~il1n;: !he Iv <·f a s!1Jrlcnt srx etluc3tion course 1n doru1nent ts nfll :1:-~11rrrl '.).f 1111n1un11y !hi' near future. fror~ futu~c pubhc srrutiny. . 11 , "11'.~ quite apparent that lhis is ~ttchen s argum!"n1.~ !ha! lhe e ~ri ndr t b;1,1c:l!lV a st11pid idea :' ch11 rged Truslre Edr~on planl \l'Ould luhr. polhit!nn '"~"Ph 'n1bal \1 ho ca5t the d1s:;en11 n" stall ~tics 1n the cou11t,v ha\C been op1>0scl.l ~~I~-"\\'e at~cady have such a cour~~ by rompRny-:;poke~n1rn. I bl G Id \V c II Th' Fitchen's statistisc he1·e been rha!len;:.-;:ii.ii a .eat 0 en _est 0 ege . JS is rlP hv P. L. ~fartin. a~~istant mari a.izr r ;i~uhv1011seff?rtto.~11l.th1s cou:se. h r I, . ,. ~,,,1 1,,,_1 01,.1,,0" 'The board 1s acting 1n a fa shion \\hi e or ne c_ompun.> ~ . ,, "· · "• · ! L I · 'bl · t r i·:ilh thr coninltn!: "Our dc.~ign sµeci!ica-1~ coinp e e Y 1rrespons1 .~ 10 enns o lions are nol far enough al ong to kno111 liH' desirrs of the parents. the type of di~charge 1hal \\'Jll be laking Yet among the t~tl ma led 4.'>0 v.h" place. .., ~atl1ered at tl~c llunting\011 Btach lligh "I don'1 ~;no11· \\'l1c rr f i!('hf11 ,;:ot hi~ ~Ll1onl audltor1u1n lo \\ltness the debate, fi gure.~ 11nlt\<~ lie h.'.l<>erl thrn1 on other the parents against the proposed• cour:;r fa('ili ties pre:;,cn!ly 1n operation," 7'1ur l1 n clear!~ outnumbered and oulclappe.d suid. tl'JIJse 1n ra \·or of it. From Poge I I\1ESA HIGll ClIAN GES • • • the rlassroo1n J S last year. "From what !hey have 10 gaugl" 1l by it looks Iha\ wa y but in realiry i! is not true," he said. Costa l\fesa follov.·ed the lead of Coron11 d<!l :-.tar and Nev;port Harbor highs in doing a\\·ay \\'ilh Lhe drtss code on such dS the length of a ~·s hair . 11 now is a parental responsibility. Fron• POfle 1 COPTER CRASH REPORT • • • plalinE, far 11·eaker than it should have the second v.·orst commercial helicopter beer:. crash in U.S. hi~tory . J'\!rs. Waggoner, whose 33-year-old hus· Both Sikorsky SSIL hel icopters v.·ere on banrl died in the crash, told the DAILY the Dis ney land-lo-Los Angeles Intemct- J'ILOT after being notified of the nev.·s tiona' A'irport run when they crashed. ap- T:.iesday !hat her attorney has had his parently due to mechanical failure in 01111 investigator on the case, each case. -.. f.b,e $<1\i1)l~ i~ fll:: ....... -i...._-w~-ltrroer\v . " t'i~·~e\errnU'!ation .ha ~ t>te.n. anno,ut1c~? . \\OJrk~d ' for" "iher.i.W~r.3.1 A' v l a f l o ri' \ '·''t't 1'1y'\~h!.~1.._1 .:ru 1v.'"'\ftiulf(..;4,._ ~i-r .\ 1 · . . Dupies' helicopt er -1\•hlch \\'AS seen lo Ac.ministration . and 1.s ex l r e me I Y alrnest slop, then v.·obble. be fore falling - kno\Yledgeable in the held. to go do11r•n. "Si korsky tried to ge,t hi m first , in f;<c~." the pilot's v.·idOw added. A1nong the victims killed v.·hen LAA f li ght 417 loil one of ils five bl ades and fell to earth like a crippled bird was Christopher Be linn , 14. grandson of the aJr lir.c's pre5idenl. Clarence Be!!nn. Only lhree. months before the craft fl own by Capt. \\'aggoner plunged into Pop Leuders' Park in Compton. another "en1 out of con trol over Paramount and tumbled dov.•n into a dairy yard. The earlier accident ki lled 23 person!, incluoing th" pilo t. Capt. Jack Dupies, or b~42 Govin Circle. tluntinaton Beach, in Gregory Bro,vu Ser vices 1-lcld Catholi c r1\ri; have bEe11 helrl for a. t\r\\·por t Be;,ich nian killed la!it Friday ln a specta cul ar auto crash \l'hich left his ''a~ wr apped ar'lund a tree in Costa il1c~a J1 kc a p1ccr ol tinfoil. Gregory S. Bro"''\ 24, or 1,;15 E. Ocean 1;ou !evard, V.'ill Ile 1n Holy Sepulcher Ct1netery near Orange. fo!1011ing Rosary illonday and Hcqucini illass Tue sday. He leaves his \1·ife Geraldine, a son Gre11ory, a daughter. Christina, his p;1ren ts, ~I r. and r.lrs . Jack Brown. Costa ~I C'Sa. hro!hcrs \\'illi am . l\"ev.'J)<lrt Beach: .John, Santa Ana: Lindsey, Costa ~ltsa. .111rf his paternal and m at e r n a I grandmothers. 'rhc fa mil y su grz<'s ls l ho~r ,1·1shini:: In rtni!.'1nher h1n1 nray nl:l kp Reciueim tlla~· nffering~ to Si Joachim 's Ca!hol;c Ch11rrh Judge Orders Groppi to Court J'\!AOISON, \\'is. /U PI ) -A judge to- day ordered tl1e Rev. James E. Groppi. leader of v.·elfare dmonstrators "'ho took O\'er th e Wir;consin Assemb ly cham bers this v.·eek. to return to ~lih\·au ket and .a p- pear be fore him . J udge F. Ryan Duffy issutd a ~nch \I. arrant in rili\11,aukee for Gropp! to ap- pear "!o determine the 5tatus of his pro· batlon'' on charg"s of r"sfst1n g arrest clur.ng a c1v1I rit;hls dcn1011stration (\l'O ~ears ago . "lie has a s1x-1non lh Ja i!Cft.rm hanging over his head," Duffy said of the Roman Catholic priest. Du ffy said Gr'lpp1 "1111! either ~ pitk- e{i op or produced befvre me." Coif E11uip1nc 11l Gouc, Takeu Fro1n ~hopp er A disabled El Toro resident lo!l golfing ~quipmPnt valu ed al $53.i TueEday ~·hen 'ion1ecine looted his car parked in a Costa ;\!:>sa !>hopping center. C. Ronal;f Bolandrr. _.O, nf 2SOO! fl P1•Fr.dtll Drive, said !ht theft f'ccurrf'd 1,1 !hr ~tiO block of f.<1st li!h Street 11·hi:e he 11 .1s insid,. SI."\ eral store~ The way hr expl;iin!I it, the 11tudt:nl's ~Chr>QI day 1~ broken d'l11·n into 20-minut e modul"s -som r sc heduled for cla ~s time. som,. unfl"h erlu!ed. Lunch is not sh0\1·n on ll'IP schedule and tha t take5 ur a cou pl" or lhree or the module~. School a!.<.o Jas!s 50 minutes !on,11:rr 1han la s!. :i;tar ll'ilh 3 ZO p rn ; rlismii;<;af in.~tead 'll 2 30. Th.it time is spreiid lhrough I.he da;. Otl1l'r unscl1edule<l \J1ne i~ accounted for by \1hat are called open laboratorie s. f or arl, tndu!lrial arl<, an<! i;1r1 ~· Jih.1·sic<il rducati0n a re la tively s:hort 1ln1e 1s .~pl'nt h_v lhr 1 •la::..~ (I ;> a 1111il '1 !1h tile 1n~1r11clor and lhr re.<.I or lhc time sl11denls are 011 Lllr.'ir own 1v ith a cerl11 in 11u111lM'.'r of <1'.'l~ignn1ents ta r:"l1n plr1e. Thr Jah is optn for 111" s\11drnl.~ l.o r o1nr in 11'hen it suits the1n and an instructo r i~ a]\Oo·ays present. Lopes said at the end or th e first !1~· 11eeks 1nst ructiondl unit teachers arc going Ill try a new slra.t~gy or blr1 do~ Rinti 309 students idenl1fled as being 1ri 11c11rirn1it' rl ifricult1·. Each teacher wlH ta:..e on several stUdents in a counseling capacity. lie ~aid last )'ear someUlin~ less th::i n 1·----- 10 percent or the students couldn't h;ndle 1\IC' rrr.c titnr dlld ha d to be aS!>1gJJffi lo '' slud.v areas 11·here they v.·ere having dif· ficul!1-. "Th ev .;11t in clas5 and had to pl u.c.. 'thetr c3rs to avoid Usknlng1" he said. Scheduled hours in class still lake up the bi&gest part of the time. How mut'!l actual scheduled clas~ lime can be ex- pressed:!! a percentage of Time sludenls in other schools s:prnd -90 perernt for ~.I.a f\lesa freshrnr_n. 83 perer nt fnr phoniorpi. 80 ~rcent for juni ors and 70 • urt1'or seruors. C']J~s site!' !'ho1,,. marked \'iHi.ation froin 270 student.s in one b1oloi)' lect.ure to lfl 10 social .science ltcturt s. l\1at.hema\ics is arTaJ1ied so there are 20 s!uden\.s in work sessioos and 105 in lee· lltrrs. "\\"e say !n !hr H'at'her~. 'You lell u~ ho1v Jlllll"h t1111r. yo11 ncerl l.i reach your objective nnd hQ1v la r@:e a group you can best t.each to.' "Lore!' said . "By v.1ritlng curricul um package s !for tndivldu1\ r;tudy) teache-rs are ~axi ng there are dP finlte things thry w::inl students to lea rn th:il ar c mea~urablc:· he &11.ld. ''And !he kid ~ then kno\1' whlJ l the polnl nf tile 1ns1ru ction is." As for the open can1pu.~. LoP's 11aid it wu fall impoe:sible \\'Ith the variablt>11 In l'Chtdulin11 and corning :ind going at odd Umes to Police thr c.1n1pus. Some ~cnior11. he said, i re tRking ooly a p11rl ial load Rnd working part of the day. About 50 11tudent5 an!: ta ki nt:; a \'ocatlon.11 cla!S across tht strttt at Orange Coast College. and another Mare in a parl·tlme coll<'ie honnr.s progr11m at Ora n1e Coa st. "There 1s .:i ~1111111 m1nnrity of nin th g_retder~ \\'ho \.\'ent to (i:O ba ck ant.I haunt TJa \'i$: Junior H!gh on· e in 1t while anrl rome nl the 5e1uor11 1\hO aren'l suppose<! t•1 :i rr Jl"tn~ 01·tr ro Oranije l 0.1: I (;illr~I','' L-Opt·s arl11111trrl. Lope s ~aid he firmly believes the onl y 11a.v to learn responsibility is to be put on ol\e·s O\l'n. He said he is concerned 1hal 100 rnanv ) J1111gs\ers are kept under ;i 1iaht reip:n w1til I.hey are sent a"·ay to collea~ v.·here they "just bier.,,. up.'' "i'lt the end of th at graduation platform the.re ls no magic fa iry thal taps kids on lhe thouldtr wltll a '\\"And and sayll 'You are no\\' a re~sible person.' '' Lopts remarked . co~!a lltesa High hs! ma<le th~ chan.;eoYer ~-i1h no addition al monry this year. after receiving from the school districl $46.000 to do some remod eling last year. Am ong the special faeilitiea are larger l~t1tre rooms anrl resource cent•rs - !'1u<ly areas stocked wJlti learning n1~1rri<il ~. "By lhc zn1drlle f-f lii~l yPar ~·011 co11ldn't gel .a lll!at 1n an.v or them:· Lopes said . "This yea r teaehtrs are just ~1arli11g 1.1 pour lhc wock on." Bec:iusr 1hr ~chool largely uses thl" in- s1 ru ction packets ln~te11d of lextbooks a lot of money is 111ved 1.hal goes into !he library anrl resource centers .. Lopes said 1hc p::i!'>C'tDack !nt'lustry h;is come 011t. \111.!1 "so111c great stuff" and hf' fiiJ1rr ~ one can buy ser en to nine paperb.lcks for the ccn.t (If one textbook . The school also is saving money by us· Ing ro called "para·proftsslons ls" - persons v.·ho doo 't nectsu.rily ha l'e a 1 :>11.C"hin ~ credential -at less tNln a leachtr's salary They run the resouro'e centers, take ca re of aud io visual equip- ment anrl work in 1ir\'1 P.E. SLarllng this ~·eek lhe achool pla ns tri Lake ad1·1nt.a1e of 1 Vflluntff'r p.1rt~n1 corp~ -parent~ \l'ho 1vlll come in 11M 11·ork nor lull day tt "''tek 1vithout p1r1,,·. Lopt:i::; s:iid 50 pa rents hA\'e ~ilf)td up. And that is a slg'n nr r;.on1e kind of t 11thus1J5n1 I I 1!9.50 149 .!0 CONVENIENT IERMS BANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE J.C. l 50.00 )50.00 1123 NEW PO RT BOULEVARD COSTA MESA P1·eside11t Figu1·ecl iI1 Be1·ets Case "' ASHINGTO."J r AP) -Tht' Vr'hi!e !louse .icknov.'ledi::C'd ~Jaledly today !ha t President Nixon v.'as 1111·0!1 ed in evenl.~ that prompted the dropping or t'rlln inal cl)Srgts ;igai(lst si x Green Beret olt1ctrs ateused of murd ering a \1iet 1111n1rse. But pre;is setrl'l<1ry llonal1t L. Z1cglrr Insisted that lhe Arm y aL·ted on its own 1n dtc:iding Lo drop the charges 1\londo}. Ziegler had said on Tuesday thal lo lh11: best of his knowledge !hf!' Presirlcnt h.ad not participated in the dec1s1on. Today he conceded that there wa s some Ill· 'olvern t'nl By Zieg ler's account Hithard HtlJn~. director of the Central ln lelligence Agen· cy made a decision that, in the in terest of nationa l stc:urity. its employes v.·ould not be permitted lo testify at tt1e planned courts niartJal of lhc Arrny Speci;il Forces 1nci1 1 "The Pre.sidl':nl appro1 cd the decision ," said Ziegler. The press secretary said th•. Army made 1t~ move af1er bt'ing in- fonned of !he !\ixon-apprO\'td Cl:\ ciecision. The Arn1y did not seek Nixon's nka _v for its action but did infor n1 the Vl'hitf' House that the charges v."Ould be dropped. Ziegler said. Asked \\'hethcr anvone al the l\rt11lr !louse reriewl'd in adrance Secrct.ary of the Army Stanley R. Jlesor's ~IJnda;y an- nouncement. he said, •·to my knowledg e v.·e did not." He also said Iha\ no ooe at the WhJLI'! }louse "exerted persuasion" on the CIA or the Pentagon v.·hile the matt er v.·as un- der consideration. s.ign h,r-1 f r~~~Y , For Medical Self -help Course A ne~' seren-1reek program In medical self-help teeltniques begins in Costa f.ft sa P.tonda y, October 6, bul reservation.~ mu~! be made by Frida y. dccord ing In Tom !\night. C.>sta ~lesa ·s assistanl d1re.-1or of C1\'il Defense. f'othlng is charged for lhe program, 1,hich v.ill run fro1n i .30 p.111. to 10 p.m. each il londay nighl 1hrough the third 1\·eek ot f'ovember. Knight said. Films \1·lll be included for instructional aids. including the disaslrou~ Alaska• earthquake of 1963, and more r01J tint crises such as blet'dlng. burns ~nd emergency childbirth. Interested Costa r.tesans may reac~ Knight at 834-5353 11r 834-5.129 ta r'giste1 for the sessions. Ci1•il Defense <1ulhonties i::enerall.Y recommend tha t one person in each fa mi· J.v undergo the trainin g. 11·hJch is held iM the Costa r.!esa Polic.:e Fa c i J i l ~ auditorium at 99 fair Drive. Pornogra phy Jcair Sci COPENHAGEN (liP\1 -The ~·orld'' first pornographic "sex fa ir'' 1vi!l ope~ Oct. 21 '\\'ith exhibitions of mo1·ies. pie lures, clothing. clrav.·ings and sculpture, the e\•enrs organizers said Tuesday. "At this exhibition. open lo adults only. "'e v.•i!I give a thorough vie\\' of v.hat t.h9 \1·orld's most advance sexland can pro- duce for lus t and ha ppiness," said AnderJ Dahl erup of the org;in11111g commit!""· Denmar~ abolished 115 last censorsh1 ' la\\' J uly 1 19'.50 l99.50 ll YEARS SAME LOCATION PHONE S-i 1 ·3~0 I l I l ~ .. ! 1 I ' I \Vt dnt\day, Octobfr 1, 1%q * D.All V PILOT !'; Key Czech Diplo1nat Defects U.S.CriticMao, Lin Show Up for Anniversary Top Mc11i SYDNEY t LPll -Th~ highest ranking Cz.echos!ovak rl iplomat to Au.~tralia , who had been recalled to Prag ue v•here " purge of liberal forces 1.~ under '"'·ay. defected ll.'d:iy and \\as granted political asvlum 11ith his wllr and lhret> so"ns. l.J:ONG KONG IL.Pl) rcgimf'. The defense chief said lri Swede1i Communist parly lc<Jder t11ao !'ek ing Radio said In a Wa~h1ngton and ~·losco1~· "are 'fsc-tung crlt'brnted the 20th bro;.idt·d ~I h~Jrd here tho l ctl!!uding Md <1 l the sa1ne anniversary of the founrl1ni; ot r-.1ao and t.iJ.1 appeared 111 "ex-lime contending \\ 1rh each his peop le's republic in Peking c{'llcnt healfh'' al a huge an-other, carrying out arn1s e.~- STOCK110Lil1 (UPI\ -Olof today with his fir st publi c ap-niversary rally. The Kremlin pansion and war preparations Palme , controversial :::ioc1al pea_rancc.,,.in more than four telegranimcd unus ually warm and l'd!dly attempting to Democratic iden!ogis t and a months, 'spiking widespread greetings to the celebralion, engineer a war of aggression leading critic of U.S. forC'ign ,n 11 •mors that he was seri ously prorosi ni;: "oegotialions and against our coun!ry and polie.v, 1\'as named n c w -consultat ions·· lo overcome flagrantly res or l in i:: to Swedish pre1n ier today lo sue-Al.~o making his f1rt.L pubhr Sir1<>-So1·ie~ disp11tcs. nuclear blackmail aga in st us.'' cccrl TJJ.l<:' Erlanr!er. appearance since la~t f\fay I~ IL 1v;is the first appt>arancc Ile warr1ed the United States The 42-year-old e<luca ti:in \\'as Defense f\1 ini:=.H•r Lin ei1 her l<'adcr had made in and Hussia that China was A govemrncnt i;pok esman minister in F.rtander's outgo· Piao, f\1ao·s dcsignaleJ helf-publ ic si nce !\lay 19. During· "in1·incible·• and added : ~a1d K a r r I r r an t' , 46, ing governrncnt. 1v11s clecteif apparent. thei r absenrc, Easl Europe<1n ''Should you insist on imposin.i; Czec hoslov ak ia's con s u 1 by acclamation by the 24th Lin delivered the keynote sou rces said l\1ao, 7fJ, had suf. a v•ar on the Chinese peopl(', general lo Au t.tral1a since Social Democ ratic P a rt y "'f!Cech al the cc\ebralLons in ft'red a stroke and a !long 1-1·e 1v i!I keep you company <ind 1965. applie d for political Congress. Peking's Tien An l\len (gate nf Kong nr1\'Spa per said Lin, 63, fight to the finish." ;i sylum \l'ith his fa inlly on Palrne 1-1·11! take 1J1cr as heavenly peace) square. I-le was d~·1ng of cancer. The radio commentator. in a Tuesday. lie :-.aid tile appeal ,c:overn ment chief Oct. 14 11 hC'n used the occasion to accuse In llis spt·cch , Lin appeared lil'e broadcast, said r..1ao rnov- 11·as granted today. Erl;inder retires afler an t~--. the United States and Sovie l extrerncly concerned about cd ;ibout actively on the \'r1nie l\tinister John Gorton f>r cc-edcnted 2:1 vcars in office. ~. llussia of at!.ctnpting to nuclea r thrca!s frorn the reviewing stand and \1·avrd ..... , l r \·trnded hr s synipalhy to Pc1lme 1-1-;1.~ Eriand er's rhou..:e ""' l'ho1• "engin<'Pr ;i 11·ur or ag-United S1 atrs-and U1e Soviet repeat edly to lhe cheerini,: Franc "for his nol be ing able for success.cot . SPIKES RUMORS gression'' aga1n~t Chin a anrl to lJnion. No mentinn was tnade throng of more than 100,000 A" Pnoi• 11 rt'l urn to his homeland Palme belong<; 1ri thr left 1varn 1hen1 againi;t "nuclear of China's two recent nuclear persons gathered in t he ASSAILS SOVIETS hrralJ,i,e or !he Russian OC• wing of the Social Democratic Mao on Ro1trum blackm<1il'' nr lhe Peking tests. square. Strongman Lin Piao t'upation an1l the su ppression Party, but has brrn steering -----------------------''--------------'-------------'-':._.::------'- nr those hhrral techniqurs cautiously to the cC'nler in re- \\ hich Czechoslovak ia was l'C'nt monih s to placate his hcg11llling lo evi nce. l ho p{' he righl\\'ing critics. 11111 be happy in Au slralia." But ht> is ex pected lo con- The Czech ~l ission said l1nue Erlander's forcii::n pohcv Fr;111c h;id b~cn recalled lo or "actil'e neu1r;ilily" 1-1·hirh Prae;uc alon;; with se1•cra l created prohl en1 s · 111 U.S.- rne1nbrr~ ol the tonsulat e .'i11•rdi sh rcli1!1ons ov er st.aff 1vho left !or Prague to-Sll'edc11·s sh;1r1) <:rl1ic1sn1 of d<1y Ille V1clnan1 wa r. Patn1e \\'ilS i::rrorts ro reach lhe Franc the dri 11ng loree behind this ram1 ly 1v e re unsucccsslul, cri tic ism. Thf.'Jr h;,n1e near Sydney Palmc's at·1d l"Tl\lCi)>nl or ll<1rbor appeared deserted and C.S. policy in Viclnam anrl ac- J\ustrahan ofltelals re!uscd to lJIT support for the anr i-Vict- disc losc their 11•hcreabout~. ntini ll'ar 1novl"ment made hin1 Franc was <1 close friend of susµ.ect i11 !he e\'es of some Alexander Du b c e k , the 111rstern leaders. He can1e in!o ("~eclioslov;ik rcforn1 isl 1vho -real locus i11 l11c spring of Jfl6a 11·as purged from the Coin· 11 hen he marched 1v1lh North muni~t P;irty's Prcsid1un1 in Vi clnilm"s f\l o ~ r o \I.' am- l'rague du ring the 11·cckrnd. ba ssador in <i drrnon.~trauon 1 he diplo1nat had made no against the 11 ar and n1adc a -.ecrel of his dis pleasure with '-pcech condcn1 ning L".S pohc}' 5% interest. It makes serious savers -• !he Sov~rl -lt'd 1nvas1on of -, in Asia . · · Cre\-hiis)..,.. -• ~.: •· 1.. ....... ~ '~.·. ,.~, • ·• -· • ~'. {i;ccnt, 1mQn\.hi f>)lled~n ;ind the lrarkdo11n on Dub-·\.-•• ~,..rfir' 1.it .·"T"tr.~ -... fl.'!~ 1rtf'11'.rl!d US. displeasure ' ,1~,~~~-· ... -· J -~ • • 'I 1, -. • -;• _,, . "'\. ~ ... .., . ~· I 1 c k '~ · · e;.; p c r 1 n1 r n t 1n uOlll!J 1 0( l1y granting ;i s~·liun to scores freedom·' that fol!o1\'ed , nf A1 ner1can dC'~c-rl rr~ and !llrs • .Jacqueline 011<1 :-.-I r An or f i t i <1 I of !he s is, niodi.~hly ci ltired r ril t dodg rrs. On f\·lond ay Czerh(),';'lol'ak co nsu l gr11eraJ":<i · S11•rrl c11 rinnnun rrrl i\ \\·ould fron1 top to botto 1n in offi ce .~airl Franc had bcr n ,t;rant n1ore than ~10 mi llion in gh en orders to return home the fashion of "today." aid and credits to l!ano1. Pa uses curbside <l ufin" Ob 1 fo!ln1v1ng the 1veekcnif purges '"' i-rr1 crs :i .<:o c.~per1crl " in hi.~ n;il1on's capital. lie ;i J\l anha llan oullnh l',1ur1ous-s1-1 1ng lo lllr lct t 111 refused further co1nmenL 1"ucsday. 1!ome~11c pohcirs u n ti c r Pa!n1C'. 1st De111 i11 157 Years Wi11s GOP Stro11gh0Jcl Stokc:s 'Vins In Cleveland By :31,000 DOSTOi\" (UPI) - ne p u bl i can hold ~1ass.-:ichuset1 s' ,t;Tes.sH>nal rl i .~ ! r i c l Thr. '" COO· b1rlhpl,1ee {lf the 1crm '"gerry· 111a ndcring'' -\i.'JS broken Tuc.~day by a Deinocrat 1~·ho 11·.in!s .~pced y 11'i thdr11w<1 I from V1 r!nan1 and en end lo !he anl1bal1Jst1c n11ss1le (AB~1) Concorde Goes F a:stcr 'f ha11 Sound T01..!LOt;s 1~. France </\Pl -Thr F re n r h-B r i t 1 ~ h ~11p<•rvin1c t r.in~porl pl anf' (.'.nnr?rrlr sJ1pprrt U1rough U1e :<nund barner tod:1y for lhe f 1r~L 11n1c :.inrl tJ1r planr·.:. (·on1 mat1dcr ~a id rt· 11as ni urh (_·nl1nrr !h<i n could he im· ag1nrrl ·• Andre Turf.ii . ch1rr pilot for U1e Sud /\\IJlion Co .• tnld ne1\sn1Pn alter the flight, ''\\'e stayed al l't1person1c ~reed for nine minulrs at a i;pccd of ~lach J.Oi \\'c car- ried ou! \'ario11s operations \·l'hich perniitted us to :ip.. precia1 r the cxtraorrlinary stability of the plcine ." A ~fach 1 O;> speed is 714 miles an hour. T11rcat \Vas the cornn1ander nf the. plane hut pilnt. Jean J>1nel \\'as al the controls. 'V ashington Papers Shut \V ASHJNGTON (A l') -The three daily ne\\'spaper~ srrv- ing lhe nation's capital 1-1·ere shut down by a pressmen'.!I ::.trike early loday after union members rejected new con- tract offers. Negol!al ions. \V hi ch con - l1nucd through exptration of the olrf conrracts at midnight Tuesday, brnke off c;i rly in the 1nnr11ing until 2::\0 p.m. 1oclay. Fir.~t to he affected by the tvalknut of mrmh<>rs of lhe lnternat1onal \Vcb Pressmen·~ Uninn Loca l 6 11'RS The \\'ash1ngton Post. a mnrninp; nev1spapc r. The Post was 20 Pf'rcenl th roui;ih 11.~ rrcs~ run 1• l1t1n !he cnn1ract expired. ric-krl ~ ;il ~o surroundrrl Tl1r D<1 ily Nc11 :=. and The E;1•en1ng ~t::ir. bti1h a rt rrnonn nf!l~.!-papcr.-. program . f\f 1chacl .1. l larr in&lon. a ~~ ~·ear-<ild :-;ta le legisl:itor. ur~cl State Sen . \\'il li am L. Sal tonstall in a Sµ<'C iat c!ccho11 ;inrl became the f i r s t f)c>mocra!lc cong ressman in the di strict's 157·}'f'ar historv, Unofficial returns fron1 ihc 186 precinrl.~ or !he dist ru.:I hctwern Boston ar.d the J\"rw Hampshire border gave Har- ringto n 72.030 votes to fi;1.4fi3 for Saltonsta ll. 42-vcar1llrl ~r>n or former U.S. sr.n. Lc1cretl Saltonsta ll Some 60 pcrcP11 t of !hr <l1stricl's re.t;"t~1 cred vnt rr~ turned out, an un usually high f1,i;urc. 1 l;i rnngton 11 ill !> u r c r r fl Re publican Rr r . \\"il l1;i 1n 11. Bales, 11·)10 rl1rrf in .!1111r. Tlir 11r11• <"ongrC'!'SJnan t.uppii rl!"i the program nu!lincd hy :o;rn. Charles Good<'ll tB·7\.Y.1, In \\ilhrlra1v L" s_ fnrr·r .. tr"nl Virtn;im hv· !hr rnd of l!lin It 11as iil the rt1stnLI ~ <oin· 11111011.v (If i\nrl h f\nrlo1rr - about 30 miles north of Rn~t•)IJ -!ha t !hr AB!\1 c!ln lro~·er~y began in f!tarch 11·hen area rrsidcnts protested i 11~1 :il1:11inn o[ a radar fac11i!y for u ~c 1v1!h ii missile un1 L In nr arbv Read ing. Jlarring1on consider·~ lhe AB\! program a "'astc of money and resources anrl a threat to pcacr. The 1·ictory. "·hich 1;11·e~ Democrats an 8-4 bu lge in the ~tale's congression<1! drcleg<1- lion. w;is the fourth for a I.>c mocrat this year in five speciaJ congressional racrs. .r LEVE LAN(), Ohio 1,\1') - Nr~ro 1nt1nnhc11l C;irl B .'i!'lllrs rlefrated a :;elf-.5tyled l:1w-and-ordrr <"il11d1date by inorc tha n ~l .000 votr . ..-Tues- <l:i.v Ill Clevrlanrf s nc1n1">Crat1c n1 :1.1·orn l prin1.1r:i· rlrct.1nn. Bid S1 okcs 11 •)ll 111~ hid for nn1nin;'Jli\m 1•1 <l "-CC!•nd t1-1•0- .1·en r 1cnn nnl:v 3flrr n1•C'rco1n- 111g a )rad of 111111 r th;in 20.000 i·nte~ 1-1 h1ch R{lhrrt J. Ke!Jv. an rlertora l nr11-co n1{'r, built up 111 11h1l t• l)('ct1nns crucial 1n 1)1r n1;1yor'5; Nlll'. 4 ge neral 1•Jrr•tJ011 rrn~i)(';l ~ The l!n;il 11nuf[1cial count J:,1\(' fh)kl'~ '1~.21 "l \'(ltr~ 111 f'O.R!l!l !or hrl l.r . <1 48-yr ar-old torn1rr ci !y srr1 11 c dirr.t\11r, ;;;1nkl'~ hrc;unr lhr f 1r~I \!',t;rn rlrrtr1 I m;ivnr nf ;i 1n a- Jnr An1cr1r;"ln t'Jl l' 111 l ~fi7. ll r ;i i .n is !hr fir•l ,'\f'i::rn 111a~·,,r nf .i mainr 1·1ty !<1 race <i r c- rl<'•·IJnn ba!!lc · \\'r re gn1n~ t11 rcJl\v ha1•r !r. 11·nrk ;i i::;i1n~1 ll.1lph ./ l'f'rk," ~!nkt>~ sai d nf !hr nrr11bl1r<i n C'l\1ntv au ditor J1r 1·:ill fate 111 thP &rncra\ elct- l)nn, l\c;rn1"" r.ornpo:-r ;i!Jn1il nne- thi rr! of \lc1·e]311d 's popua\lion nf 880,000. !Space l\l edal OK \\'ASHINGTOi'I <U PI I PrrsidC11t Nixon has signed a bill authorii.i n hi m to award :i Congressional Sp;:icc Ml'<lal of honnr to astronouts for ex- ce pti onal pcrforn1ancc of duty . Students to Protest A laskci Nuclear Test 1.-U"l!td "''"' IM11rn1llo1111 The. A\(Jmic Energy Con1- mi .ssion plans to trigger an 1111- derground nu clear explosion on U1e Aleutian Island of Amchi1ka at noon 1"hursrfa y despite protests it might touch 1Jff massi\'e earthquakes and tidal waves. Pre5idenl Nixon decided nol lo rostponc lhe t.e~ts . ~lieverl lo involve antiballi sllc missilr \i.·arheads. press secretary Ron;ild Ziegll.'r said Tuc~da y. r-;ixon received assurances of i;afe!y from the /\EC, he said . Noled scientists dis agrecrl on the danger of thl: 1.2 megaton underground blast. ho1vrver Thou.~and.• of C<1narli;i n rnl- lr~c lit udents, protesting !he h I a s t , planned a one-hou r rna.sl·to-co3St bl01.:k;1dr of :i ll nia ior rros!li ng~ into thr Un1l cd Slates beginning :rt noon today_ RGbcrl ~1 c 0ougall spokrsn1an for the University of Victoria Aloia ~later Socie. ty \Af\1S i -organizers of the pro1est. -estimated 50.000 studen1s "·011 ld participate in the b!oc karfr Norman \\'right. 47-year-old president of lhc Uni\'e rsity of Victoria student cnuncil. urged ,111 Canarlian students to pro- IC'~l the blast. lie announcer! h 1 o c k ;i d c plans 111 1.ele.i;:n11n" to Cana- dl;:i n Pritnc Minister Pierre l':lliolt Tri1tlea11. Nixon, United Na I 1 o n ~ Secrrt:iry-Gcncral 1·ti:i nt 11nd iO universillci; and regiona l colleges a er o s s Canada. The largr~I protest \.\'as .'rhrdulrd fl'Jr !he Prarc. Arr h nt f\l:ii ne. \V ash, 11•h<'rc 5,CMXI ~l•idrnt~ from thr Univcr~ily of Rnlt~h Colun1b1a ;ind Sin1nn fr;:~cr L:nh rr.~11v were cx- prr tc.rJ In con1·rrg'~ \Vith S'i~ goin g for you, you can enjoy life n1ore. You n1ay even find your- self practicing new dance ~reps, sin g in g in elevators or just s n1ilin g a lot 1norc. fro111 the fir st day. You can :i dd to this account :it any tin1 e ,vi th deposit s of $JOO or 111 on:. You 1n :1y \vithdr:nv fund s that have been on deposit for a full calend:ir quarter or 111on.: and all i\ deposit of $500 or n1or c opens your Prc111iu1n Passbook Acc ount · . inte rest t:a rnerl any time ·. ~· --~ "·ithin the fir st t en at Sec urity Pac ific Bank. And b egin s . t • . · ~,, cb ys of c:i ch calendar ·-qu:irtc r.1\s ;i n a lter- drawing thatS~~ native, fund s 111ay be \ ·rr.is is the one for serious ... vcrs. The 5C:Q P1c1nu11u Pi~sbooL.: Acr'lUf!t. 't'ou l)Cl 5~), 3nnlldl inte.rrst, ~ompoundr.d ;ind credited ciuartcdy from date o( dqx,.;1t-the highe~l po5$ible bJnL.: ra te. withdra,vn at other tin1es upon \vritten 90-day no ti ce to Security Pacific Bank. Come talk to us. Be- cause when you're serious about savin g you can affo rd to be lig hthearted. SECURITY PACIFIC BANK • L -. ' •• • DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Housing Cost Problem Among the multitude of bJessings proffered to those who live and work in California is the fact that real es. tate-usually one's own home-is a fine investment, one that almost always rises steadily in value, 'Lhrough the years. . . . But there is a negative side to that equation, ~ ~1dc that the Costa Mesa City Council a nd other n1uruc1pal bodies are having to face. \Vhen the price of land goes up, the price of houses goes up. 1vlany experts b~ieve lh~t this . spiral has r eached the point whe re SJngle·fam.ily reside nces arc going to be forced off the n1arket. The. cost _of buying a lot and e recting a home for one farntly will soon get beyond the means of all but a handful of families. Two alternatives •to this dilen1ma face the City Council : I. Whether the city should permit the owners of ra'v land to zone their property for apartments and olher bigh-Oensity types of development. 2. \.\'hether the ci'IY should allow a reduction in the minimum lol size requirement. thus permitting builders to erect more homes on t he property they buy. Curr ently the mini111um lot size for single.family d wellings is 6,000 squa re feet-usually a l ~t about 60 f eet wide by 100 feet deep. The Mesa counCII last \veek r ejected a move to reduce that minimum but indicated it v.·ould be open-minded about individual exceptions that might ~nefi t the city._ In one recent instance, the council perm1~ted a tract \Vlth 5i000 square foot lots be- cause the developer donated a park site nearby. utives-those in the top income brackets. If a builde r can devise a unique pl'lll that better util izes space-but does nothin g to depreciate the value of the neighborhood-he should be given a fair hearing. Some ingenious housing projects utilizing as litUe as 4,000 square fce1. per single-fan1ily unit have actually added to the esteem and beauty or a neighborhood. So far as apartm~nts go, the city woul d be wi se to hold the line. The mix of sing le-family and apartment zoning in Costa Mesa is in fair proportion at the present t ime and only unusuaUy pressing reasons should be con- side red if this ratio is to be altered. In short, the city councillnen are in a delicate posi- tion. They must adapt to new techniques and philoso- phies. but they m ust protect the investments of those who already li ve here. Up to no\v, their r ecord ls a good one, but the decisions are going to get tougher. No FAA Stalling, Please The Federal Avialio n.-Admini stration is no\v study· ing a proposed Orange County ordinance setting noise limits for JCts usinJ::" county a irports. The proposal includes specific decibel li1nits '~·hich \voul d be measured by noise sensors on the ground. FAi\ officials will dec1dc whether the control fits ln with a recent ruling by that same body that Orange County doe s, in fact, have authority to establish noi se limits. U;ifortunately, some'bending by city Governments appears inevitable. P eople must .ha v~ housing and mu- nicipal governments cannot a rb1trar1 !y say they \Vant only houses for professional people and business exec· The F . .\..o\ study is expected 'lo 1.ake 60 to 90 days to complete. If past experience is any criterion,. that study could take much longer. l't had better nol-or the roar from below \\'ill surely drown out the racket from above. 'This is the captain. Our flight from Los Angel.es to New York was one hour, fort;y minul£s. With a little luck we may land in about the same len&fh of time.' Ghandi Lived ,,.,~. T;~·.M•~{i~~~ Of Jesus .. ~ •. ,~,; .; " [ · S '3~i' A~ aJ.f ~,' l . ~ ... "• •"\14 .: .. ~,,... .. ,,.~ ,,., ........ ;,:t.,, · ...... a~· ... ~, ... l-"f .. ~"-· 1'omorrow, October ?. \\'ill mark the tentenary of Mahatma Gandhi'! birth. He was born at Porbandar. India, on October z. 1869, and lived nearly 80 extraordinary years unlll he was assassinated in New Delhi In 1948. There are, at this stage in manklnd's bistory , only national holidays. If there lhould be. a "world holiday," it seems to me that Gandhi"s birUiday ougbt to be the fir!!!. For. in lhe full century since he wa!I born, he became the only public man to practice Christianity in all it.s aspects - and he was not a Christian. fl E SUCCEEDED in freeing one of Inc largest nations in the v.·orld from one of the greatest powers in th e \.•1orlcl - without any more show of \•iolence than cr()S5ing his legs and refusing In movl.'. lie v.as an intellectual \Y ho walked ll'a~ily among the masses : an aristocrat ,\·hu li ved among lhe poor : a man of im- rnense spiritual gifts who worked un· ceasing\y for the phys ical needs or his people: and an ascet ic \\·ho wa.<i not sour ~nd smug and stlf-righleoU!J, but who lov- ll'd to c.rack jokes, play tricks, and make to!emr. people laugh. GA'\'D lll WAS TII E flrsl -;ind perhaps the <lnly -v.·r.irld figure of rhc. :?0th Cent ury. He alone among sta1esmcn rraliz.cd early in his ca reer that viole nct! hcgelS only violence.; that modern technology contains the seed of iU oY.'n Dear Gloomy ln an sY.'er to S.R.E. (Gus, Sept. 2:1): Depend log upon v.·hich hosp!· !al one \ven t to, it is possible that lhe post.age due on the letter was not paid for by lhe hospital. But Hoag J\\emorial tnkes care of this service and n1any others for its pa· tients. -K.A.T. '!'~lJ 1,tlUtl f~lltc!1 Tll~f'I" ttl1w1 ..... no<•UltH1 1~0>1 al l~t n•w1Np1r. S..,d yovr ptt P••~• It Gklon11• Gui, Dell~ ,1101. rlestruc1\on unl ess care fully controlled hy cih1cal and sp1r11ual val uei;: and that lov r. is 1he n1n~l polcnt and enduring "force" l.1 the universe. Though he rought for India's polilical po...,·er and na1 ional independence, be did not c:-orn;idcr thrsc things ends in thtomselveti, but only stepi; forv:ard on the road to hum anization a n d in· lernalionalizalion. lie recognized th e unitary nature of pooples everywhere, and rather than see India divided by J'artition, he recom mended gi\"ing control of !he couri1ry In hls po!Jtical enemies of the !1-lus!i1n League. BE WAS MORE interested in "com· munity'' than in government, in the \\"f lfarr nf villages than the authorily of ra111ta 1s; :ind he urged his own political 11eu!enanl.s 1n forsake the trapplngs Qf rov.·er ;ind go live \V ith the humble people in th<' 111\l r tow ns \\'here the need for lr::idr rship \\"as grealest. 015lr\i,~srd lly the Brilish as "11n- nrilctic11 I." fparrrl hy thr tt1p\tah~t s and scorned h\' thr \-l arx1i;t ideologues. Gandhi n"verthcl~ss 1n;irle an 11npress1on on our l'f'n1ury !fla t. v.·11! not be ina tched. In his r1nclnre of "ahimsa" -non-hurtmg -he ll\Cd the 1nessagc of Jesus. Minority Rule May End A t;nlversity of California report predicts Lhat the t.w o-thirds majOrily rule go\•eming local bond elections 1n Ca lifornia and some other r:;tates shortly \\·111 be knocked down as unconstilulional. Speed the day. 1'00 many important civic needs have gone unmet because th e citizen 'l'ho opposes the bon d j!'SlH'. has two voles and he vvho favors il only one. Tfle rPslllt rr.peatedly has been a vein by the minvrit y. In 1966.fi7, UC's 1nstilute of Gove rnment;il Studies fo\lnrl. only 4D.4 per cent of r.rhool bond proposi tions :.<cored the twQ-third s majority demanded by lhe California cun.<ililuti on for local general obligation bonds. But 80.6 per ..---By Ge orge ___ , Dear George: Do you have any advice for a girl wllose boy fr iend insist.son parking at night on the beach. all.hough he la otherwise a perfect genUem nn? JANE Dear Jane· When a car Is stuck in sand trac- tion may be gained by piling brush onder the rea r v.·hrels and starting slowly in low gear. Under no circumstances race !h{I engine as this spins I.he wheels on<l the cn r will &ink lower. Should !his happen. find old boards for a Jack base 11nd jack the rear •• o! the auto 11p and pUe brush, etc., in the depressions. (lf you want your problems trtated Jn absolute 1;ccrecy end conOdeooe. George won"I C\'en open your envelope. Thal"s how con- ld .. Uout ho 13.) \ Guest Editorial, . ' ' -_._:... :-. ~ / cent rece ived more than a simple ma· JOrity, some hearl-brcakingly close to the rigid 66.66 pe r cenl rule. Stlll the minori- ty prevailed, TllE 6Al\1E APPIJES to other categories of local bond issues. The UC insti tute found t.h.3t nearly half !he San Franci5co-Los Angeles city proposal!! of 1951)..61 felled to .score a two-thirds ma· jority. but 85 per cent of them won bet· lcr lhan a almple majority. Again, mi· noril y victories. The institute rests its pred iction of a cu re for this no longer tolerable situation on the Supreme Court's one-man-one-vote c1ecision. which rellring Chief Justice Earl Warren 15ays he believes is the court's most import.ant in the 16 years or his service. ALREADY LOCAL judges are laking up the guidelines laid dov.·n in lhat decision. ln .July the Wes t \1irginia Supreme Court struck do,,.,·n that state 's 97-year-old three-fift hs majority re- quirement.. A similar ru ling has come out of Idell<> and, in C;i lifornia, from a SuUer County Superior Court The Callfornl a two-thirds rule is one of lhe obsolete relics that survive In lh1t Slate '!! )879 r;on :;:tilution, now being revis· erf. That section probably ""'ill be rt.mO\"· erf. But the courr s. following the one-man· one-vot e rl irect1\·e, may beat l h e refornil"r~ 10 ti . \\'e ~ thf>y do. Th1i; bamarll"-f!n('rustcd concej'it8TfFady hns done too mu ch damage. 5RIJ Francl1co E~amln'r (C) ) Contrast iii T1•eat11ient Between Ken1iedy and Ross To the Edltnr: Negligence is def ined in \Vehstc r's Dic- tionary as carelessness in manner or ap-- pearance; in la1v, failure II) use a reasonable amount of care when such failure results in injury lo another. Recently, Deborah Lee Anderson, 17, 'vas killed in a Lido car accident. Dickinson Ross Jr., 17, rhe driver of the car, was booked into Orange County .Juvenile .Hali on the. cht1rge of n1ans!aughter w i l h a vehicle. ll was slight ly discussed, receiving small men- ti on in lhe newspaper. BUT, TllE INCIDENT at the D yke Bridge on the end of Chappaquiddick on J uly 18 which al6o cost a life -that of t-;!ary Jo Kopechne -was heard around the \V1Jrld! According to his statement, ~l.'nator Kennedy was driving down Chap-- paquiddick's main road but accidentally I urned sharply back to the: right onLO the rlirt Dyke Road. He was charged, not \1•i\h JTI1u1s laugflter, but with lenving the 6ccne of an accident. To me both incidents are similar -ac· cidents. Every islander knows lhe Dyke Bridge is a danger to man just a!! Ross .._-nows high speed is a danger. Both Ken· nedy and Ross were negligent!! And ac· cidents occur bec?.use of some type of negligence whether or no t we like to ad· mil it. KENNEDY HAS served faithfully his state and nation. \Vho was Dickinson JloRs -only a teen-ager with a name! I be lieve Deborah Lee Anderson wa& plan· ning an evening oi fun jui;t &Ii was ~!ary Jo Copechne. \Vhen will law enforcement apply v.·ilh eori 11al Weight to all citizens! We htard n1uc h about "let us atlempt lo un· 1Jerstand Ted Kennedy as a fellow being." \Vhat about the attempt lo understand lll l.een-agers who are not all bad and have an accident once in a while also? We're "great" ciLizens when we fight \'\'a rs; but let us ha ve one accident or make one mistake and we're •·ir· re!!ponsible, unreliable, unconlrolled teen· ogers.'' CONNIE HICKMAN Need Rupo1Ulbllltles To the Editor : People are consl.anll)' complaining and voicing opinions on why the teen-agers of today are so irresponslble and un- controllable. So I would like to offer my own humble 17-year-<ild opinion of the up- per midd le class teen-agers of a local blah l!Chool. 'if you ask a typical high school student what his life contains. you get lhi:oi answer : !!Chool, drugs, alcohol, footba11 games and dances. Should you probe further and ask if he can offer spy pusonal viewg on the problems existing in the world today, you \Viii receive one of the se two answers: (I ) t1 blank star{'. ( Z 1 an all.empt at repeating wi1hout any con1 · prchendon one or both of his parents' \'iews. TIUS TYPE OF ~awer led me to con- clude that these teen-agers ha\'e a life based on their parents' philosophy, ··1 \Yant my children to have alt lhc ;irl- vanlages I never had with none of the hardships." The basic fault of thii! rearoning 1s the Quotes ~v. Ronald Reagan, na conttl"\'ation -··\Ye must seek new way! to protect \\'hal God has gh·en us And nt the same t1n1e make certain that every cltiie.n ha.o; ;in opportun ity t1J cnJOY and u~c our nntural htrlWge," ( Mailhox Letters from readers aTe welcome. Normally writers should convey t1le1r nwssages in 300 W<lrds or less. The righ t to co11de11se lett ers to flt space or eliminate libel is t·eser ved. AIL let-- ters must include signature and mail· Inv address, bu.t ·names may be toith· held on request i! sufficient rea.son is apparent. child is not given any responsibH1ties . The lypical !!ludent is given anything he desires v.·ilh1n reason \v1thout any respon.otibilities. Al most none of the teen- ;igrrs C'an sec !heir lives as rheir parents l90k al them. To a t.een·age r, drh·ing a l·ar is a right nnd PTl \'ilr~r for their age group, NOT a rrsponsihi!lt y. TO UNDE RSTANO anrl ;ippreciate the oppor tunities and advantages they have as teen-agers today. lhr y should be gi\"en more respOni>ibili lic.~. 1'he parents shou ld rtmove thf' "prolect1\·c :-h1e\d·1 around the child . Teach hirn tn {'X ist by buying his own ctothrs. rtr. Encourage him lo go out and find a joh. Of course, lhe one _Rrea\. rlanger to this :ipproach i:; !11at the. teen-ager v.·i!l bc-cnmf' rlisill usioned by your ~eneration·:s \ror\d. B11L at least the t.ren-ager will pro. grrss from the fun-loving vegetable lo a 111atu.rc, responsible perso n. FRITZ Kt;t-;Z~ Set f. i 11dirl11te11 t Ta 1111' F.dJlnr· . Ynur orw sp!lf""'f rpin trrl Rear Admiral (rel ) \\'11\i ;iin C. Ch \1 1nh!i~s. a recent ~reakr r .11 thr llnrhor 1:or111n Sl'r]es, on Ilic Cl1i11a riueslion: "\\"hat are the solu· tin11s'.' \\'r can :-.nv In Gon1muni st Chinn, ·~:i t her you knock o!f n11 c:lear prep;ira· lions or \Vc'll knock thrrn uff for you' ..• I f they say no, 1\c'U have lo go 1hrough y,•i\h it." Assuming the quotation to be correcl, can <lne imagine .:iny grea1er self-in· rl ictmeot of !he military l.han lhi:1~ "' \\1TH OUT SO l\IUCll a.~ a quick chorul' (If Anchor.s Aweigh, the Admi ral Is bland- ly ad vising paren1.c. lo consign the lt sons lo a I.bird \vorld war on the proposition that. jl"s all right for the U.S. to have nuclear \\'Capons but nol China. How can the Ame rican public, alrtarly confu sed by one Asian war, believe that America 'vants the same freedoms for other nations as she hersel f enjo~·s? JOJ-lN L. JENSEN Jmpact Socl<ed Them To the Editor: \Ye may never be 11uite I.he same after sering the latest productio n at the Scuth Coast Repertory Theater, ''\Ve Bombed in New Haven," by .Joseph Heller, author nf "Catch 22." The impact r«ked us right between t~ eyes an•i the only regret is that il is not h:i ppening lo larger ;iudit'nres because th e. mcs:;age is for 11s moms and clads everywhere -;iri&. you are losing no!h1ng hul yo11r childrrn. \Ve thought lhe ca st 1vas i;uperb. seem· Ins almost more. real th11n we in the au· dience. ThP Harbor Ar ea is fortunate to l1nve sut h ;i prorluc!ion rlo.~e at hand. .aos and GRETCl1EN llAYWARO Porno9rnpl111 Lait•• To thr E1l11or I wa~ pleai;cJ lfl rl)acl tha l. accord ing to Sgt. Shalrle\l (DAILY PILOT, Sept. 27, •·sex Salesmen Find Big Market' we have an inc reasingly aroused cilize as a result of the obscer\ity pedd s. l believe that an aroused ~c · is just \vhat y,·e need. THAT SUCll material is ''ulterly ""ilhout redeeming social value.'' seems to 111e tu be a conclusion in direct conflict \1•1(h the stati stically verifi ed findings that 1n Denmark, after all anti-obscenity. pornography laws \\•ere abolished, au ('<tll'S!Jrll'.'i o{ sex crimes dropped n1ar kedly. G\VEN J. STEPHENS Operation l11tereept To lhe Ed1lor: The ~1esa Verde Republican \Vomen's Clu b, Federated of Cosla ~1esa, has writ· ten a Jetter of support to President Nlxon concerning his steps lO halt the flow or narcotics inlo the United Statc.s from r.1cx1co. ) Our membership is greatly concerned abn11 l the narcolics problem and the ris· 1ng crime ralc \\"hich r esult::, \Ve feel •·o peration Intercept'' should continue unt il the flow of easily a\•ailahle drugs is .stopped and until we have the coopera- tion v.·e need from the tl1exican authorities. f\lESA VERDE RE:PliBLICAN \VOr-.tEN fllrs. Jean Sumrall, President l 'nslilon Island Bn::ard To the Edi tor: Qr1v1ng in to Fashi o;i ls\and from Coast l lighw;:iy prese nts a haz.ard .,.,·hich traffic cngineers should el iminate. I have had f ncar·miss myself arKI ha\"c observed other.~. Ent Pnng thr.. long road leading north to !he shopping cent rr from Coast Highway. the dr iver has the immediate choice of deciding \\'hich of the thr~e. lanes to use in hi!': app roach. People in a hurry, or first-lime. visit ors. tend to drive straight north until they get \\'ithin reasonable r:111~c. U1en dec iOe 1vhich ,~·ay to go - right. left. or around aod around. BUT IF ONE happens lo be ln the righ t lane, he can only tum right.. A sign some distance soulh warns of thi s; but many mnlorisL<> in t.hal right lane. decide at the last rnlrnent not to tum right, continue fllralghl ahead. Th is Is the hazard. and the cause of the nrar n1isses. Driving west from the J\lcdiral-Dc.nlal Building, we stopped , had on ou r left-tum blinker, saw that traffic \1•as clear. star led our left turn toward Coast Highway. BlJT A CAR appeared In that ri£ht· l1and Jane just to our left. Its right-tum hlinkrr w1111 on, so we continued our turn, stopping hard when the car in that right· hand lane continued straight ahead. trs a confusing and dangerous 11ltuation which shoukl be correcttd, perhaps with 1raffic lights or betler sign-posting. MRS. FRAN COUNTER 'Hlgluve11 Robbertt' To the Editor: Re:~ "Straight flush Will Cost $45,'' Sept. 22. My ob11ervatlon is that this latest money·grabbing device put forth by the Costa Mesa City Council i! highway rot>. bery. People v.·ork hard and Lry to im~rove thfmse\ves and their homes, ye t they are helng discouraged because they have to pay 11 ridiculous price for a permit to put a toilet in!! Are people gnlng lo have to haVf pay loilel.<i in their bathrooms to i;:o mpensate: for this cost~ Slr, is the day coming whtn ...,.e will have to get a special permit to put in a light fixture:' SHARON MEMOL! Begin:11i n9' Sept. 29, tile Costa fllesa Sanitary District assesses a charge of $4 -'i for eacl~ new t<lilet under a ne1n ordi11(1ri.re establishi11g charges for co1111cct1011 and u.~c per1ni ts. f 101ds cal/ected. 1v11l be 11 ~cl) jor acq 111sit1011 , co1tstru.ctio n, r!'b111/•lr11g, 71Ht1llte11 a11rc nnd general aperatio 11 of sewage fa· cil ities witl1i11 the distrtc t. C/1.argc 3 10//l be coll ectr.c/. 11i 1Ji,. 1.oll r nj 1.~ ~\1.cnce of a buildinu pcr11n t 1.11volv1 nf1 the applicable fee. Oiiier examples nf 'ie10 fees: Ba!htubs, laundry t11b.~. :;li owers and. kitche11 .~111!u, S15 : bar sinks rr11d. 11JOsl1 bnsin.~. $7.50. T h ,, current $5 fee per building 1nspectio1~ o.nd S2 fee f or pern1it.s remain t/i e same. -Ediror Who•e Pelley? To lhe. Editor: l am among the many citizens of thJ:; area who are concerned over the fiscal problems confronting the school district. Recent editorials in the DAILY PJLOT ha ve taken the positio n it seems to mo/ lhat Utis lack of revenue to the JQci1 schools is a result of policy emanating from the county assessor's office. Con - trarily, I wonder if it is not the result of policy of lhc Board of Supervisors. THE PUBLIC FINDS the Eack Bay lradc confusing; however , it appear s !hat the tax problems arc actually a resu lt of .an amendment to the Back Bay agree- ment rather than the assessor's assessuig policy. In your l!d ilorials you have not mrn· honed that thr asscsi;or i~ requi red hy I aw to asse..~s al l ta xabl e property In Orange County and un1i l the Back Bay swap is consummated he must assess th r. -OY.11er or the-property which in this case is I.he Irvine Company. THE INOl\'IDUAL home owner 1 ~ responi;ible for the taxes 011 hi.~ properly until he sells his property and the escrow is closed. \Vhen the county assessCl'r was ordered by the B<lard of Supervisors In cancel the taxes on the Irvine land. Supervisor Baker rightly called this a tax holiday for lhe company. I don't think any of us rea lized lhal lhe l'\chools would take the brunt of thi:s act. In narrowing the tax base. as was done by this act , lhe supervisors did an illegal lhi ng. I believe, and only a courl of Jaw now can rertify the situation. ,_1EA/\OWJt1LE. All usual. ft'~ the In- nocent who suffer. but lrt"s place th~ rei;ponsibility fnr this tax loss to lhe 6Chools r;,ight where it belong!! • . . something your edilorlals have neglected doing. BEE LONGLEY ---WWW- \Vednesday, October 1, 1969 The editorial page 01 the Daily Pilot seeks to in/orm and seim.- ul.ate readers by presenting this newspaper'& opinio-n..r and com- mentary on topic1 <l/ interest a1td significance, by providing a forum for . the expression <lf our readers' opinfons. tt·rtd b11 presentin" the dive-rse view- points <lf informed obseruers on:d rpoke~me n on topics o/ the. dav. Robert N. Weed, Puhl!she r ' ---~--------------------------------------------- DAILY PILOT Husband ·Gone,-Now Home 'Wrong· Lot' Leaves Dana Point Widow in Legal Dilemma _By P Ar-.f El~A ]!ALI.A '.\" 01 lh• 0 •111 f'l~I ~l•IJ Alice Case is a \Jncly 11·u111:in 'But it was not alw3 ys so. Once she sh:ired h~r lJ\c w1lh a beautiful chi ld and a loving lnis!Jand. Now there's no ofle. And the house she built lo sunli1e her scarred memories is si tting on so111eonc tlse's Jol. She wouldn't 11a1·r considered building on her 40 x 135 It. lo( in Capis trano Beach if he r husl);111d had J11·c•d to enjoy his retirement. They \1•ere snug in their ·O\.\'n dupl ex in il1onl cbcllo ll'hen he died suddenly of a cancer they dKh,-t know he had. ··11 would have been 011r 46\h an· nivcrsary." said the 66·ye<ir·old 1~1dow, {lghting h<lrd to control her en1otions. j1er husband harJ 1vorked 47 vea rs il S a .pressman t';i r Hearst ne1\'Spai)ers before retiring in July of 1967. Three months laLer he was dead . 1'.'1~s. Case took it hard, thoug h it was not her fi rst traged y. There was another. a lo ng lime ago, sti ll ·vivid in her inen101)'. Her pretty, teena ge daughter, ly ing in a c:offin, accidentall) :;hot to death bv an "unloaded '' gun. ··There \\'ere 127 !loral pieces at her .funeral," sobbed the n1other. She left tbe room Ior a moment and returned with a dusty picture of a curly haired Jillie girl and another, of a pretty teenager dressed in a costume. "Th e September before she <lied she was in the Labor Day parade. Her dress was muslin. printed 1vi\ll the day's news right on the presses at Ilic llerald Examiner," remembered the n1other, proudly. Mrs. Case replaced the pictures v.•ith care and walked with difficul ty back in lo the tiny Jiving roo1n, deco rated with bright crocheted qu ilts and a collection or liummels, ''Even my health is fai ling rTie nnw," she said. "fo.1 y nerves are gone ." As though she had not had enough personal tragedy . last November r-.1rs. Case suffered third degree burns over wide areas of her body \\•hen she fainted and a scalding pot of coffee fe ll on top of lier. "I'm sll rprised I've got a n1ind left,'' she sighed. NEED ALL FACULTIES She'll need all of her faculties if she's goi ng to solve he r most recent problem, that of the home she built for a co m· fortab!e retirement. "When my husband died, I just wanted to get a11·ay," said the won1an. "l was spend ing all of my tirne at the cemetery." She used the house as an ex- -Unemployment Bid ·_Fails for Boy Actor ' <·use, somethi ng to think and plan and\ dream about again. She decided to build a house the size of a one bedroom apart. menl on her small piece ol property.-She figured if she paid for the hon\e, her only expenses 1Yould be food and util i tie~. so1nething her $1 l8 monthly social securi- ty check could ai!ord. Her hou~e is built now. But it's en1pty. And Mrs. Case still can't believe the ·bizarre chain of events that has vui her in a rented house in P ana Point, a house that is costi ne: her $140 a month .. ll began in J\1ay of 1968 when ~1rs. Case's house designfr rccom1nended a Nc11'porl Bc<lch contractor \.· Uuild her house. WRONG LOT "I told hint H 11·as the -.~·!"ong lo l even before I here 1vas sand on ii," recalled r-.1rs. Case. "He said he'd iiold up \.\'ork for a \.\'hile to check and \Vhen I c11lled hi in ag11i n he said I ditlu"< know \Vhat I was talking :it:ciut. I still felt it was the \Vrong one, but he said he knew his business so 1 didn't pursue it." Two -and a half months before con· slruction was stopped r..1rs. Case discuss- ed the situation with her fernier real -estate agent. who had on~ listed the pro- perty for sale. He agreed that it was· Lhe Mexicans Strike Back: Operation Di g nity Begins .. wrong lot and bolh he and Mr~. Cast in· formed county building authorities, But nothing appeared to be done al that tilne, "/'eople ha\'t' 3Sketl me ,. 'why don·1 rou jusl trade your lot for the one your hous~ J.~ on since they're right next to tach other ~· That y:uuld be fine except lhal the owner. r-.trs. Stella Randall of La llabra \vant s $5,000 and her attamey's fees in addi tion to my Jot for the tra(le. I guess it tak es all kinds to make a world," She. shrugged. CAN'T AFFORD IT \Vhy doesn't she just aec('pt fo.lrs. RJn- dall's offer and be done with it : "I can'l arf9rd it," said Mrs. Ca se. "I've got more ~han $,11,000 tied up ln the hoL1s~. my sav- ings are alrnost gone and I retuse to let anyone take advantage of me." And what does the Sfi-year-old widow do? She sits. she reads. she goes to the market or the post office, and she waits. A U:is Angeles telt"vision station has of· fererl legal advice and she heard a Capistrano boy was starting 11. fund lo help her. But \\·hat r-.1rs. Case v,·ants n1ost is si tl lng empty at 34580 Via Verde. "I want 10 live in my house .'' she said quie tly. "I don't kno1v how, but I shalL" DA ILY P ILOT lllff ,...._ ALICE CASE FIGHTS TEARS AS SHE TELLS HER STORY Per1onel T regedy and Now A House on the _Wrong Lot .. • l11co1tue1aience Necessary' Reagan Backs "Intercept' • . ''Operation Dignity," the Mex1r.a1\ By GEORGE SKELTON youth, the economic hardshi ps and lhe in· government ou r complete cooperalion,1' · Eight·year·old 1elevJsion actor Joey Then the cash began to roll Jn Joev busi nessman's an s 1v c r lQ the US, UPI S•<r•m•nta Ropertor convenience to trave lers would be. cun-he said. P1ttn1an of Fullerton today has failed to i\·as paid $$,580 Jn residuals through! May gove rn1nent's. Operati on lnte1cept dn1e SACH.AJ\1ENTO -Operation Inte rcept sidered inconsequential." ''The facts are ," Reagan said, "'that it • 1 1 . of 1969 £or replays of his cornmercia · . against 1nar11uana sn1ugghng, began to· .. 1 " 1 Reagan repeated his opposilion to win his appeal for unemp oymen in-But. he had no furth er employment 1n day in Mexico's border Cities. had the fu l suppqrt today o Gov. is almost as easy in many places. ror kid3 ,surance after he worked one day on an that period so he apphed for unemploy· ' Ronald Reagan, who beli eves the in-legalizing marijuana. to buy pills and pot as it. is for them to , .adhesive bandage com111erc1al. menl benef,its, noting he is a member of The cou~teroffenstve v.·as launched by eonvenience faced by irate motorists may "I think that our young people are buy soda pop. Thi s is no longer a prOblcm .', .,-;., ___ -,.'!.:. .... ~. ~_: ~·-~':::;:·~-,.t,~.~~™-~ajld..~~ i ,.J.r~n~~ l.P-.-. the r-.1 e;~~ C~n .. !=_d_:rat~:!..! N~~=~ ~ 1?; a _good idea. _. being deliberately indoctrinated by so1ne restricted to high school stlldents. A~· his Jobl ess ~nefits .. ru7,sday 1R a e.stri b!ish himseff in the enferta1nmerft ;;.~~~iu.riint fr0i~· ~drop !~tourist A ramiCa''flJ1ill.:":e:f'fd'eml(•-o_r a1.'·~· who for whatever reason are continu'ing diction and drug abuse has spread to the , "precedent-making <lec1s1011 by the State _field. . business because nf the b 0 r d er and drugs abuse in Cal1forn1a ,_ Reagan to tell them (marijuana ) is like t he >1·ing Jun ior high schools and even the clemen- Unemp!oytnent Insurance Appc<ils Board Joey's mother. Mrs. 11arold D. Pit· kd , v:arned the onl y \.\'il Y to cure this "ls to gun1," Reagan said. tary schools." Joey. Of 734 N. Euclid Ave._, sought lrnan. reported_ U1at his earnings from the crac O\\n. isolate th_ c ,_·irus" and "Ope,,ration The gove rnor a gr e c d there are "If you think I'm bei ng overly h t I th •9 ooo Traffic inlo Mexico Oas d\.\•indlcd d h h ... ·· · llnemployment pay after \\'Ork1ng only on e commercJal ave oppet e ." · Intercept is trying to o JUS l l at di vergent views 011 \.\' ew1er 1nar1iuana 1s dramatic," Reagan told nC\'lSmen. ''listen once _ on r-..larch G, 1968 _\\'hen heap-mark. A former dance~. she now 1s l~k-l:iccause of long \\•ail s to get back lo !he ''Perhaps.'' he told a ncv"s conference 1nedlcally harmful, but said he ls con-to these faels.'' He then ticked off peared on a tv coinmercial and 1vas paid ing hin1 around lo studios and pron1ohng U.S. side wh ile customs agel1\S search Tuesday, "soine of the inconvenience is vinced it is at least "psychologically ad· :;e\·eraL l t20. him as a tap•dancer. every car and pedestrian fQr contraband. necessary to impress on everyone con-dicl\Y. e." · · • ···---.... PILOT • LOGBOOK Tl1i s U11written Story Means Family Tragedy By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Ot Thi Dt il'I' f'llol 51-11 t:nwritten stones can carr'tfnuch im pact. This is one o( the m -without the facts -lhe narnes. ages and ad· dresses thal tranfonn 1vords into flesh and blood peo ple, li l;e the fa n11ly 11laL lives next door, I don't have those facts. Somewhere in the Harbor _Arc a, Liley do t'Xisl, in a ho1ne 1rh1ch has kno1l'n a Jot of strugg le for long T(LTinths past. Not many people knew of the struggle, courage a'nd frequent t1eartachc. A worna n v;ho did wanted the1n to know too. 11Jis storv -one of the Ull\\Tillen -is all l'>C ha1·e to tell, althoui-:h it. 11-'as no1 intended to be so. The wom.'.1!1 who first calle!1 asl;cd lo arrange an interview for a young {:Ouplc, provide<I !h<'y consent~'d ::ind could spa re the ti me. Both helcl separ11!e J(11Js. thf'n dirl a type of home manufacturing \\'nrk 10 111;11;{· pods rnel'I Only makinh ends 1neet for t)1en1 11 ;i,, really ou t nf the lluestion. . Their llt!!c bov had l'.ancc r -sull -after n1ore than one ordeaJ of brain surgery, intended to hall or a\ Jeast ~low the gnawing 1nalignancy . .. And no1v they 've discovered it's;,!! through his spine," said 1he 11·01nan calle r. "They have thei r pride," she ad{lcd, hinting tha t the hllsb<ind and 1,·ife, only in their· early twenties, mi ght not w;inl to share their troubles with a "'·orld overloaded with trouble$. \Ve finally arranged that in terv1e1v for i\londay at 4 p.1n .. <'Ind it \vas t~e kind of story you make no plans for h<in<i!i ng unt il you have the-details noted lying on your desk. 'one is never certain how to 1~'rile !his kin d ahead of lime. f \\'as reading the account of Rev. Billy C'.raham's Anahei m Sladiu1n serman, the parl <1bout how the Great Healer will make r1gh t all wrongs - v.·aiting for ~hat inter1•ie'11 -when the desk phone rang again. "We v.·on't be able to make it," saitl the woman, and then her volce broke. "We're at the hospital no11· ... " "The baby's dyi ng." It was 3 o'clock and r-.tonday v.·as suddenly a day on \\•hich one s~ory seemed somewhat old and qu aint, while anal.her would go unwritten. -.. ~ LIVE SN LUXURY ! Plan • beau1iful in lerior with designe r$ who offer fresh , vibran t ideas-ye:;, luxury begins at Alta's at prices you can afford! • l1be;al Terr;;~ Avail.Mi le Open Daily 9-5:30 p.m.; Monday and Fri. till 9 p.m. · He said SO percent of California 1 l\1orc than !,{)()()volunteers fo r Opera-cerned the iinportance of stopping lhis." He theorized young people use marl· crime, ·•jf not more," is commiUcd by lion Dignity sou ght to prevent 1\lexica ns It v;as the fi rst time Reagan ha~ juana as "a rebellious thing -the same addicts attempting to finance the.i r 1\'ho \\'Ork or shop in thf' United States spoken cul strongly in favor of the Nixon thing that made a kid once upon 11. time na rcotics habit. frpm crossing ll•c border. ""'" adn1inist rat ion·s nc \\' get -tough policy or go out behind a barn and sneak a cigarel· He said 80 pe rcent of narcotics 11.nd A reprcsentali\'C' of the group in C1tid~11\ searchink every vehicle leaving ~fexico le." . dange rous drugs smu ggled into this coun· .J tia.rez. across the hordcr fro1n E:l l~o. in ;in effort to rut off drug s1nuggl1ng. Tex .. said t11e volunteer.; i1ot1h! ti~e The searches ha1·e resulle<l in l'rustrating •Reagan al so sa\d "it is prelly foolish lo try ('Orne from ~1exico . smoke" cigarettes, which he does not do. N t' , h · ··" JOO loud speake rs and lcHflets urging citizens traffic tu~·ups. arco 1c.o; arre,,,s ave increa:.c\J. In "buy r.lexican" but 11could no t "Thert" is no qu estion lhal this project But the governor said he Opposes banning percenl atnong adults an9. 2,000 ptrcent . them beCause "l don't think anyone 0 oes on · ·1 · th st · ht physically try to block crossings on the hns caused n1ore inconvenience to e am g 1uveni es in e pa ei.g years, int ernational border. tou rists and \\IOrkrrs \\'ha cross the out aod ...,,reeks an ;wtomobile while the governor said. ·r..1exico President Guslavo Diaz Ordaz berder rcgu'larl y,'' Reagan said . •·s ome· under the !nfluence of a cigarette." "Lasl monlh in San Diego alone,'' hf': has called Intercept "a bureaucratic c1·-are obviously experiencing a measure of Reagan devoted mosl of hi s news con-added, ··six deathS' were attributed to ror that raised a \va!l of suspiciot ccOnomic hardshi p. fere!ce to praJsllt intercept. • · drug overdose. Los Angeles officially bet11·cen our peoples." ?.1cxico's <itt1· .. Out if lhis \\'ere an rpidemir disease "I fully support President Nixoo in thi~ records around 100 deaths a yeaz Irom ba ss ador in \Vashington has presented a that crippled a nd look the lives of our operalioh and pled ge to . the federal drug overdose •• :" \I' r i lt e 11 P r 0 t e st 0 f t h e d r 1 " e · J ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijl 'J'he J ustice Department has fou nd hvo mrthcx!s of easing traffic Jam s al lhe 31 border crossings, Atty. Gen. John r-.titchell told the International Associa· lion of Chiefs of Police in J\1iami Beach. But he did not disclose 11·h:i t they v•err. The twin goals of Intercept are to en- rourage t-.1exlco to \1'iflC out the source of n1<irij uana in !he ficl<!~ anrl to drive up the U.S. price beyond lhl' 111c<'lns of young people. If !he r n1ted Stn tes cou~d nol rf'port success on 1l1e intern<'lti(J na! front. there \\'ere indirntion:; LO<Jny that progress 11·as being made 1n lhc ee(J no111ic SC'etur. The head of the roli('e n:;ircotics dct.1i l in San DiPg·o, nl'i'lr the bus1e~L border 1.:ro.~~111g al T1J11.1 11:1, t-.1exicr). said 1l1e price ot n1ariiu;1na has <1!111nsl dQ\lbied in tilt' pnH 11111 1111i11ths ;Jnd thr q11:il1t.v h:is iir.1enor:11l'd A l;i)n ll'i•.• grnn_g for SllJ 111 J11 ly, and nuw 11 is $165 . \V ci nher «cr ,,.. l o ;\lake Joh l)e<'i.,ion ::ioo n SACRA\JE,\iTO 1l;Pl 1 Fin ance Director Caspar I.. \\'c1nher;;~r plans lo make public within Il ic nest IC'\V <lays his decision on \l'lte tller to lea\·{' tl1e neaga n a<lr11 inistr:H•o11 10 bcf•(u11c chairi11an of the 1-.,edcr:J I 'rl'ade Con unisslon In the Nix on adn1in islration. "I have nothing l can say." Weinberger told a reporter Tuesday on his return .frorn a one-month Europea:; vacalkin, "\Vhen I do I .,1,i ll call a nev.·s conference. I hope it will be this ~·eek.'' Shortly after \\.einbcrgcr left for Europe. Gov. Ronald Reagan said his chief tlscal <'ld\·iser v:ould have •·a decision lo niake" \Vhen he returned. SAYE $154.74 .0N NEW HARMON-KARDON 200 FM STEREO SYSTEM! INCLUDES GARRARD AUTO-CHANGER 12" CO.AXIAL LANCER SPEAKERS 12" ce·a~ial 50.14,000 C .P.S. •ptelt•rt i~ h..,,;. •wbbitd oil1cl w11l~w1 cab• i•tll! R EG. $5~,00 G>'<"•O' •u••m•li< 1ur"'•~I• 1>11 e Y • r $!Ii. '"'tlQnl~ flCO'I oltl!•' 1"11 l,_ll\, oll ... 1-r\I"" '""9 ''''"'" 10< \UIJ, lll/J. d "' 11 rpm •-•· "''"' "'' •ulomol« rocord ln11rM;~. 1u-!lc •M·>l·rt<O'd •~u-oll. two 1olno<1• IO< '"'""°'.,... ~u•om,llc ploy, •nd c••IMI< .,.,. .. <••Uld91 2 YU.I GUAIANTll PARTS & LAIOR :\.olld-.&11•• Tt<tl• ... '"™' .. u ..... ,...,, , .... REG. PRICE $3.54.U& ponH, '"'Po•I••• ""''"'1 , ........ """ dKO· SAVE $154 741 ••:or-<lfllQnt<I 1rtl"'9. A.d•1r><:..i m01•1 ••Id• · 1 • oil,...., "•id·lft..:1·1tl nllal« 4MOSFl!l) 1,_...,1, -•uurft l'\I;• 119n1l· ........ l>1 ro!IO - 1<>Plf1Dr 11:11t1llYl!'f for \ll !l<·ITH ...e'"'U"n .,, n .. CllUIM FM 11•1iotT•, .O.I .. l>M l uh> motlc ''""°',,_. l'M 1wltC.,!"11 •!Od ,1.,..,. lrodicu .... !Iv'!! "' lndlt:•1• ........ FM •K-•lon. Flyw-1 i.,..I"' ..... 1igMl·1'r-!t. fMf• ., .1 ... 1111 t....11'(1, 19981 PRICES START AS LOW AS <-.;()'.'-; ... (:'·.·1 .·:~3 ~- • s49so ._. FISHER 160-T and XP-S's. FM·Sttreo SHERWOOD·AR 200 Watt Stereo e OO<rl •d •vto,,.11lc tu...,.10~!1 •"'• ''"" ..... :ox-...... d••-.... lu1 . • f'l>ftl• ""·plU•~ "'"~ ... ·~"-oU .,.,~ .. t'1<1oour-. Rff/vto,. 1111.ot • ,..1 •• • •ISHll 161.T l -1•11 ltlf •!I >Oli<l->l••• ., w~ fM S1w• •tc•I-. T~M.o--M .. >t '""ll'lt >tl«lt vour ••-II• fM ••••1-< " ................ u ......... 11,,.H, ~ ---&! ... . REG. PRICE $369.Sot SAVE $169.82! Reg. Price $67$.SI Save $176.23! s2996a --. . . ;~· .':::.~~ ::::::;:. ·:;'. $ 49927 ' ... .. • -----.··--·--.-:-:-r;~~ ........ ~-------------~--~----.• . .. D.al.Y PILOT \Vtd11t1d•r, Ot lobfr 1, 1969 .,-~ .. ~ Art1t1f Slot Skimming .... : ' General, Colonel Linked to Racket (C•n"I ... •r ffle Dt lll P'IW Sfllll The vice president pai d off his bet in Maryland crabs -12 of them. Vice Pre1ident Spiro T. Agnew, a Baltimore Colt fan, had a bet with Rep. Clark Mai::Gregor { R·Minn.) on the outco me of th e i\1inf\esota Vikings-Colts ga me Sun· day. The Vikings \vo n 52-1 4. r..·tac· Gregor said his end of the v.·age r \1·as for a pou nd of Tl linnesota \\'il d rice and added Agne w v.·as taking !he loss ''kind of crabbily." • Comffian J immy Durant• is I.he recipient of 1he 1969 Hwnanit.a rian A\\'ard of the National Conference of Christians a nd Je,~·s. J•ck Benny \\·as master of cercrnonies and Danny Thomas presented th e a~·ard lo thei r fello1v entertainer at a testimonial banquet in Be\·er· ly 1-1111~. Both have been sl znilarly honored in pre\·ious year;;; . \\1ASHINGTON (U PI ) -A general , a colo~l and the Army's top-ranktd enlisted moin .._,ere lill ked in Senate testimony today lo an alleged slot machine "skimmin g" racket at service clubs on U.S. Army bases in Germany. The same general, f.1aj. Gen. William A. Cunning ha m III, now retlred, also was accused for the second time of squelching an investigation of strvice club ir· regularitles. A staff investigator of the Senate pe rmanent investigations subcommittee read testimony by St.aff Sgt . Ed Jones. the only memMr of an alleged ring of ei ght to a dozen sergeants who ha 5 been court rnartialed in connection with lhe case. Jones served a one year stntence afte r being accused of stealing from a service club slot machine at Augsburg, Ge rmany. in 1965. Jones' statement said the sergeants \\'ho ran the ser\-ice clu bs told him Cun· ningham. Col. ferris Hardin and Sgt. f\1aj. \\'illiam 0 . \Vooldridge .,.,·ere giv en a &lice or slot machine rakeoffs -.hich • Jooes s~d avcraaed $5,000 to S7,000 a 1o1·ce k-. Cu nninabam .,.,.as then ct1nunandlag general of the 24th Infantry Divisi on at Augsburg. Hardin v.·as his chief of staff aOO Wooldridce w111s tht dlvieion'g sergeant major. This was in JM6, a year before \\'ooldridgc was named the lirst sergeanl major of the Anny. Jones t~lifitd Tue9Clay at a closed session of the Senate group. The transcript of his test imony v.·as read in open session today. It showed lhal senators questioned Jones clo!rtly when he mcnUontd tht name of Cunningham, Hardi n and \Vooldridge. Jone s said he v.·as a ''low" man in Ult ring and did not per&onally set any n1oney g1ven to the general, the colontl or the sergeant major. But he said his colleagues mentioned it to him repeated· ly. "\Ve were told Utls went lo higher ups, and like l say, the n&me o( Gtn. Cun- ningham was mentioned and also Sgt . l\taj. \\'ooldridge." •• . lo. U.S. Should Consider "Sreeplejill" :-.rary ~ ,.'\ nn Quin·n of Los t~ · Gatos is a pro oL sl11111myn19 11p flag poles. ,\liss <., More Bo1nbing: Tmver Qrt111n . u;}io swilcli· ed fro1n legnt sec· .retary u;ork 21 ye11rs ago to cl1n1 b poles, 11010 paints po!es from coast to iii-.;., coast.. Sh e rece111· /y pan1ted a do!e11 .. · polts 111 Sa linn.~ in.· · out rlo y. /\liss Gatos hos pointed ~ polf'S and takt:n r:, pic111rf's fr6m the top of OllC fo r the DA ILY PILOT d11r· "'g o ri.~it to t.l1e · / Orattgc Coost. • Cub Scoutma1ter Norman Wei· len• v.•as married and 1.hen cele- brated the beginninr; of his honey- moon \\'ill1 hls cub pack. l-l e had promised the1n an annual outing for the v.·e~kend. so he-and his bride took the cubs fron1 l\1anchest- e r to London for sigh tseeing ... It '.~ been a fan tastic honeymoon," said his bride, Jvlay, V.'ist!ully , • ... -:r;rr-· ":'"C"• P.:.,;,..!.'l!f' .4 group of 200 foot do ctors ~ u·crc 1var11f'd Sunday to be on ' rhr1r toes Dbout 1u/i etlier their , pallr•!!s ha1:c oilie r i1lnesse.~. } Dr .• lir1n111el f'oremr111 oJ file /IT. J. 1.t u:i Cn /lrr1r oj f c1dlll lnc 1ITed rc1u r 111 .\'rvJ York told n1.t:mbers of !he Connecticut t Podiatry Associa!io11 that so1ne ... pati ents "needlessly ri!k rlleir L• /Ji•t s by hiding !li e fa ct thal h !11e1ir e epilepl1cs or diabetics. I .'fnJ;c sure yqu k t1011i their drug nur! rncr/1rnl l11st11r11 brfore r.reat· /Hg t/1c1n ,'' Dr. Fnr r 111a11 \aid. ..r-_ ........ ~ -·-~:. • Pau1 Gi,by of :iouthflcel . En~· land dropped into the local pu b for a pint of beer and e1n erged richer by ao; n1uc h as $4 .800. In change farmer Gisby 20, bad received a 1937 three-penny piece \\'ith King Edward Vlll '1 pic ture. The King reigned only 11 months in 1936 be- fore a bdicating to m a rry \YaJJis Simp5on of Baltimore. Coin experts said there were only twel ve coins of that type in existence. ,\.,;SHJ'.'\GTO!\ (AP ) -Republican s~n .. John G. Tower of Te~a s said today the l·nited States should consider renev.·- 1n;; the bom bing of North Vietnam unless !he Communist~ make sorw gesture !oward peace \\Jthin the next fe"' days. "ll becomes inc.reasingfy apparent that the 'intensification cf military pressure on our enem ies is the only thing that will tiring them tc terms," Tower told .11 news conference in a rebuttal lo proposals that the United States ""'ilhdraw its forces from South Vi<'liiam by a congressionally prescribed deadline. Tc\\·er ~aid he had not disC'Ussed his proposal v.·ith Presiden t J\'ixon. The Texas said the suggestion was entirl!!ly his oT.-n. "The point 1~ 111c are involved in a 1,1ar." To"·er said. "The question 1s a're . lllsslng In 1;11rope The daughter of lorn1cr hc:11'~ - 11'c1ght bo:x ilig c!lan1pion GC'i1(' Tunney. 11-l rs. Joan 'funncy \Vilkinson. has been n1is si ng in Europe for over a month. She v;as last seen in Bergen, Nor- \vay Aug. 28 and "'a~ to have n1cl her husband in Hamburg. you going to fight it or not fight it •.. " "I think the time is fa st appro1ching v.·hen, in the light ol North Vietnamese 111transigen~. we must consider the tx- ercl!;e of additional military options a'lai!ab!e to us such as the rtsumptlon of h1mblng in the North, intcrdicUmi of t~ir liner of communication and supply nn a saturation basis. and closing the port of Haiphong," To~·tr sa id. Kiesinger Makes Sttrprisc Bid l<'or More Votes 801'N (U PIJ-Chanccllor Kurt G~rg riiesinger today offered the small F'Tte Democra!lc Party a JO-year partntrship with his o"'n Christi.11n Democrats In an ;ittempt to head off Foreian Minister '\'i!ly Brandt's attempt to unseat him. Kicsinger told new1men his offer Ck· tend~ lo a coalition of both state and lrdera l gove rnment levels . The surprise offer came as report! in· d1catEd Brandt's Social Democratic Par- 1y and the Free Dtmocrats had all but wra pped up their efforts to cooperate Jn a coalition and thus enable Brandt to ~come the next chancello r. Bnth Brandt and Kiesinaer nffd the free Democrats' 30 volt.$ in the Bun- dcst:ig lo obt ain a majority. Vietnam Action Hits Low Level :.1\IGON (UPI) -The wil.hdr11wal of 4.!l!Xl more U.S. i\l11rines from Vietnam hcg.1 n !oday, n·ith ground fighting in Viet· n<1m reporled at its IO\~·rst level &inct a rhrre-da;.i Viel Co ng ceast-l ire in early Sept<'mber . "So far, !here is no indicat ion of any rncmy plan for a new up,o;urg e in th~ near 1u1ure," ~aid an official in Gen. Creighton 'v. Abrams' U.S. milltary command. i\1ililary spo kesmen said the level ol ground fighting had dropped to I.hf: same u:tP:n~ity as duri ng the cease-fire railed by the Communists dur!n1 the stan<klown for Ho Chi Minh, who died Sept. 2. Storm Keeps Florida Wet Few Slwtvers Mar Pleasant Weather for October 1 California 'm111Y ll<IM •nd wt•m _,M•f lun l c.,.11,,.,.., "''""'"""' !.oull'l1rn Ct ll!O" rl1 •MtY, Ci..1111 t rtt• l'll d 1omt rt•IY m&•ftlnt low ,!...,d1ftt'1 '"" foo r,,.,.m 1!, 1..,..rlt l t nd Ptlm :lflrlftl> "lt•e !llt ntlkm'o "°' 'l>tl" '' lllt m1•-curv ....,,l'd II:> 101 LOI A "9t lt s lft!Offtt!<nn1• •iri>o•I ""'' ,loMd tor "'4•1 1n1n '" """' 11111 .-.~IM w!wn '"'""0 ·~• rol~ t trtr.1 "'' t lr lit!~ 11om 1114' 0111 SOUTHERN CALl,OIHUA -MO!!IY •let • t<'ld l~ftftY (onll.,uen ""''"' 'Al ..... tdeY t nd t•,Jrodl Y !tu! »m• dfft!I f09 t l&nt t r><I o•I 11\t (Ot ll fl•tlll .... .. riv rr>Ol'<'ln1 """'''· LOI ANGELE!. ARE"-Mo1tl• II r Ill~ Tl'lu,,dey with 111 rv 1un1hlno .,..,. •n tvr ...,.. ""' ,,..., •M co.·• "111'1' tNIL .. ,..,. lf!Ol'"f,.. "OllTJ. 0w9,. ,,,..,. .... 61. Cenllnutd '"'"" ..,.1111 hinh WtdMtd.V ll'll•' fO, '°OINT COHCE,.TIOri TO MEll:IC"''I l!!OltCEll:-Lltl!I w1•lt b'• win<!• b•~•"' l~t .,..,,,.,, .. I '11 11 ~~•••in t!•trneo•o -1Plnlu.,, Ttlwtdr r . Contloe<•t•t tot 11'9hl !"'"°"911 """'""'"'1'9 ~,.!'1 w (•/I ~ti' SllMI' el'ltr-"' l'l•d .... d~Y f llf T/111•"''· Nol ...iotf !.Cl w•:'" .,.,,. CO.-,lf "L ,t,NO INflillMEOl,t,TE \l,t,LLl~fl• clH • 11it l'IO WIT/I -kit P\tl' dlYI I~ T/ly,.. *"· Qwnllfl'll lowl SI 10 ti. Conlin· uM "''"" .,.,., .. int ~'"' w~..,•v '""" • ,..., a.•1 "9 IOf ,..,,,.,... I"· ..... .,..,, o\l\OVHT,,1"4 Altf Al -Cltet t eo! ......,. l>llif Wl rM Mlflf!Y dl VI 11'!<0\lt h -· IHT•llOll' ANO Oli !E!tt •tGl0'45 • ruYl[W Of USA W11nt11 •uu rO"lCUT JO 1:11 r.Jlll. EST fO· I ..... , 1(111~· --=: c 0 ~~ .. '-L-<:~,, .••• t. 111r1•1•tM11 "roc•n(.I) HOT Coallnl Mo111v W""' w!lh ..,, .. m 111..,1 to. t!lrl!Ut h fCICllY l ft/11 ~••ltblt Wlf\dl t>ICOmlnt w1111r!v I •t U ~""" dulln1 ll'ltl tl!U"f!Ot\ tl"tut h Tt111,,dtv. Hl9h1 lodlY "'" ?0 Coft lt l fl'ftl!t rolu•ll •1n1«1 ''C"' •? to 11 l"lt f\11 1~'TIH•t1V't< t f ntrt ,,_ tJ .. n. w11 .. t...,.,.,,,..,,, .i. Sun, Moen. Thies we DNllO•V St(Ond hit /I !!·H I "" J 0 '"°"" IO·• t II p I">, 1 0 ~!ft! hit,, ,1r11 lo" ~•con« 1111" 1 ~ • m. • 1 SOK ....... i.., ,, .......... 11.ao •. m. I.I U.S. Sum1nnr11 Ti. Florldl P•nlltlllll .. 11111 ...:.,.,. ... ,,.. '""" •Ktnl t•ln1 .,. fa 11 lnc:/lt1. ....~ 11c1 ... 1 •""ll•r ,,..,~•I dlttrtt· """ ICIClt Y. Eht wi.111. 0t1 IY ICt t!t•H '110 ... lft t f\11 lt\londott"O""'tl mt rttof I Pl"''"' -'"" t lt!ure on lht llrJI r~.c ..... """"'u .. _ "'""""''" "''•"'' 8•k• .. t1~1~ l l!'"lrelo 10111 9•1101' CMctoo CTtw:l'lf'lt11 c1 ..... 1.,,. """••r 0.1111lt E11rtt1 'o•! Worl~ ~'""" Hllt"I "-'"'" H11111!efl II.•"••• (;11 l 11 VMlt lff ,,,...,,ft ~·1~,,.,, Mlil•'IU~•• Ml"~•.OI•\ ,,..,.. Orlff"' Nrw '1"'"11 o •• ,. ... Om•~· ,..,. JIOC!lt l "~111~111/llt """"I• Pl!!t"'-•t~ Porn1nc1 , ... ''"" ·-5t c•tlOllMt $t. loul1 $111"'' ~·" l 1t 1 C·•~ $1" OIMO SM Fr!W'>Cltce St ,,11 l1rMt1 l ttltlt """ '""' """· '' JI • jJ ,OJ • u " " •l •J ,t i " n .... M ~ II JI .. " 1t J? " " •S d II IJ " " 13 i i 11 7) ·" ., .. . " ., 1• .... 11 " u •1 " " ... ... " .. .. .. ., " )! •t 10! ,, n " •J 11 .IS " " " " U M " .. " .. " .. ,, ,, " .. ,, Ji " n • Ironing getting yo u do\vn? .Have better things to do? And what about your perm <1nc11t press clothes. They jl.<st don't stay pressed ,,·hen you dry them on th e clothes line. Right? Don't be depre'5ed. Get yourself a dryer. A nd malce it an tltdric dryer. An electric dryer is program· med ·t o dry permanent press c lothes with just the r ight a mount of heat for the r igh t amount of time. Clothes a rc gcntlv tumbled to fluff them out. So wri.nk.les never have a chance to get up tight. NEWPORT BEACH A 24 Fashion Island 1enileif 1 --cr-- • Before lo ng, you know, most clothing wil l be permanent press, including suits, shirts, &kirta :ind draperies. Even napkin:;. T hink of the time nnd money you can save! 111 . / ,1·· .. Why not resolve your pressincr • j,d'" "{',, ·~ ~ lti_i~ .. '\-: problems no\v? Find peace of -~ JiD .~: n1 ind witl1 a fl ameless, odor· ~~ lcss,c!ectricdryei.They outsell 1~~ ~as dryers 2 to 1 across the nation. T hey cost less too. See -:.o your appliance .,-c~ d ealer tc;>day . ., Southern California Edison Co111in9 ... October 3rd . . ... J l ' .. ., .. ' ' , ~ .e.._. '1' ... ~ .... -,) ,•· •• Sew yourself into the best- dressed woman in town! Talon is present ing Th imb le Theatre for all you ga ls .who want to see the latest in fabri cs, patterns, trimmings and how to put them together. Come in and meel Mi55 She'll be here from 00 to bo on the _ floor with lots ot sewing tricks and techniques up her pretty sleeve. See what's new tor fall. Find out how to alter the oattern you pick. How to select the right lhread s and zippers and how .o use the new invisible zipper. See color slides and get free book· lets to help you al home. Come loaded with questions ... like how to keep linings flat how to set i n slee ves without bunch· ing. how to make bound-buttonhol es. If you sew at all or ever thought about starting ... come in tomorrow and see how you can sew like a pro with a little help from Talon and Pennevs. . " . ' '" ·] ~ \. ··---.o. -ci...r rtltH • ...., W NIV I Ul!I Wl ftn _,,. ftilrWlll Tl'u•t4.rY. OW•n'11'11 lo"°t W.....,... ni.M "''' !oO °"''"' v,.1 ... ....,.,,.. *I i. 13 uoi>t• v1ll"'' 1$ '9 • io-v1ll"''· H'l '-1 W~,...-V ., .. "" \!-~·11,,,, 101 .. 111 lo-Wlll•~I Su" t i-1·n t .M, ltt1 I .• e..rn, M-••tn !Q U PIOI. lt•I 11 $J p.,., l/lt N"ivn•I Hurrlc1n1 (Ill'"' 1 .. ""''"'' l'lol1!'11 '""'' c••I! *•"•ll'llt from Tt M H llY N!rlhwt rd '"" Wiii• word 1lont !l'tl t vll CH11 to Mo<tt~ (l!Y. l •. 11>1 ctn1 t t ,.1., ,.,,,,. Mt• 1'11 1!0•.., '" I/It Gw•I " Mt•lco '" """" ... r<101 •o 1111 !o•c• l l'ld l'ltt~Y fl ll\I, Tl'lt 1!0rm /lt d 1lr-y bt..,,. _.u.,.. r1ln "" '"' 1•ta, wll/I """'' C91o. 1'11~ "°'""' I Ao1 WhM 111 t i• "°"''· ,..,., .... ll••''"'' Wt1/\l ... tf>n ~ d .el ~==========================================================================================~ IOI If " . ,., .. Key Czecli Diploniat Defects SYDNEY ~UP I\ -The highe~ ranking Czechoslovak diplon1at lo Aus tralia, who had been recalled to Prague Y.'he'e A purge of liberal forces i:<l under w<1y, defected today and \\'as granted polit ica l asylu1n '"iU1 hi s wife and thrc~ S<Jns. /\. governn1ent s[Xlkcsn1'1n said Kar e l F r anc, ·16, Czechoslovakia's cons u I general lo Ausl..raha since 1965, applied for political asylum "'ilh his family on Tuesday. He said the appeal was granted tcxl<iy. Prime fl1 inisler John Gorton extended his sympathy to franc "for his not being able to relijrn lo his homeland becaus e of the Russian OC· cupation and the suppression of those llberal techniques "·hich Czechoslo\'akia wa s beginning to evince. I hope he vdll be happy in Australia." The Czech fllission said Franc had been recal led lo Prague along 1Yith sel'eral members of the c:onsu!ate staff ~'ho left for Prague to- clay. E fforts to reach the f ranc family were unsuccC'ssfu!. Their hnmC near Sydney l-larbor appeared deserted and Australian officials refused to disclose their whereabouts. franc "''as a close friend or Alexander Du b c e k. the Czechoslova k reformist \\ho was purged from lhc Cont· munist Party"s Presidium 1n Prague during Uie "·eekl'nd. The diplon1at had made no :tecret of his displeasu re 1r1th the Soviet-Jed inv asion of Czechoslol'akia Aug. 21, 1968, and !.he crackdown on Dub- cek's ''exper.i.inen t in freedom'' that followed. An of f icia l of !hr. Czechoslovak consul genernl 's office ~aid Franc had been given orders to ret urn home follo\\·ing the v.·cekcnd purges in his nation·s .capital. lie refused further commenl. UPI Tel•P~O lt Goin!I Jllorl I\ 1 rs. .r acquellnc Ona :;- ~i.-.. n1odi shly a ttired fron1 top to bntto1n in I he fn s bion of "today," pauses curbside durin~ <1 i\lanha'llan ouUng- ·ruC',~dciy. W~dnt!day, Oc1ober l , 1 %~ DAIL V Pit OT !) V.S.CriiicMao, Lin Show .Up for Anniversary{ Top Man 111 .Sweden llONG KONG rUPl l -regime. The defense chief said Communist parly leildl'r ~llio Peking Radio snid Jn a \~·ashington and ~toscow ''are 'fsc·tung cc1£·hralcd the 2(1th hruadrasl hrard here thal colluding and at the same nnn1vc r:-:iry of lh1• founding uf ~1 <JO and Lin appeared Jn "e1t-11me cont.ending with e.ach 1 h1~ peoplc·s tl'flltbli~· 111 Pl•l<.1111;. ci·llt•nl he<ilth " at a huge ,·,n· othC'r, cafT)·1ng out ar;ns ex- STOCKllOL~1 (UPI) -Olof tod<1y \V1tl1 his l1r.~t puhlii.: arr niversnry rally. The Kremlin pansion and war preparations Palme, controveniial Socia l ptarancc in rnore lil;1n four teleRrarnmcd unusually v•orn1 and ~·ildly attempting lo Democratic ideologist and a nlonths, :'lp1k1ng \11despri:ad greetings to the celebration, engineer a war of aggression leading critic of U.S. foreign nunors thal he wa s st·nou-s:lv proposing "negotiations and ilgainst our cou ntry and policy, was named new ill. . to~ltations" to overcome fliigrantly r eso rtin g lo Swed ish pr emier today to sue-Alsn rnflking hb lirsl public Sino-Sol'iel dispu les. nucle;.1r blackmflil against us." cl'ed Tage Erlander. appearance since> lasl May I ~ It \\'as the first uppcarance lie war ned the Uni ted States The 42-year-0\d educati;>a \V:is Ucft>nsc ~1 1nister Lin either leader had 111ade 1n ;ind Hus~ia that China was minister in Erlander's outgo-Ph10, l\1ao·s desJgn<ite d he.1r· publlc since t-.1;1y l9. During ··1n\'incib!c'' and added : ing government, was elected apparent. their HbsenrC. t.:.'."lsl European "Should you insist on imposing by acclamation by the 24tb Lin tJel111ered 1hc keynote suurces :):tid il1ao, 75, had suf-a war on the Chinese people, Socia l Democratic part y speech <1l tl1e crll·br:it1ons Jn fered fl slrokr and a Hong we will keep you company and Congress. Pek1111;·~ T1rn An l\·h>n I gate of t\ong ni;\\'~papl'r s;1id Lin, 63, fight to the finish ." Palme will take ever as heavenly pcaeel square. li e \~as <lying oE c;.i netr, The radio commentator, in a gol'emment chief Oct. 14 when usrd the OCC'abio n lo ill'CUSC In his speech, Lin Appeared li1·e bro.adcast. said l\1ao mov- Erlander retires etft.er an un-the Un1!erl Stall·~ and Sovil't ex!ren1c!y concerned abot•l ed about actively on the precedented 23 years in office. Hu.~Slil nr ;1ltC'n1ptinA t o nuclea r threats from the rrview1ng stand and waved Palrnc was Erlander's choice "engineer a war of <Ill-Unitrd Stall's and lhe Sov1rt repratedly to th e cheerin~ ... P'hOI• Ch d u N d "" ,.,... for successor. 1;rc>ss1on'" aga1n:-I 111;1 an to "niQn, o mention was ma c throng of more than J00.000 SPIKES RUMORS 1 ! r "h' · l 1 d · h ASSAILS SOVIETS Palme belongs to u1c left 11·a rn I 1r111 fl.L\J ln~t "nuc ear fl C 1na s wo recenl nuc car persons gaU1ere 1n t e \Ying of the Socia l Democratic ___ M_••_•_n_R_•_•_t_r_u_m ____ ,,_,,_,_k_m_a_d_"_o_i __ '"-'--"-''_;_"~'-'-'-''-'-· ----------'~""-'-'-'-· __________ s_1_ro_o~g~m_•_n~L_;n_P_1_· •_• __ Party, but has been steering · cautiously to the center in re- renl inonUis lo placate his rightwing critics. But he is expected to con· tinue Erlandcr's for eign policy of "active neutrality" which creAtcd problems in U.S.- Swerlish relations o·v er Swcdcn·s sharp criticisn1 or the Vietnam v.·ar. Palme was the driv ing force bcllind this criticism. Palmc·s acid criticism or U.S. policy in Vietnam and ac· live support for the antl-Vi et- nain war movcincnl made him suspect in the eyes of some \l'Cstcrn leaders. Ile came into real focus in the spring of 1968 \\•lien he marched with North Victnam·s 1\t o sco w am- bassador in a demonstration ai;:;iinst the 1va r and made a :-peech condemning U.S. policy 1n Asia. In recent months Swe<len has incurred U.S. di spleasure. by granllng asylum to scores ,,,. ~f American deserter.c; and draft dodgers. On fltonday ~wedcn announced il v.·ould grant nlore th.in $40 mill ion in ;iid and credits to Ha noi. Obserl'ers also Expected a cautious swing to the lefl in domestic poli cies u n de r J'aln1c. .. • 5% interest. It makes serious saven lighthear '\Tith 5'1'.' going for you, you can enioy Jiff ni o rc. • iron1 the first d::iy. You can :i~ld to ~his :1ccount at any • 111i~ i& the one for r.etiou' ~avers. T he Sc>'o Premium f';i~.<Oool.: /\cc~unt. Yot1 gtl 5t;;, annual inlettM, ran1pounded and cr~ditcd <JUarlerly from date ol <lrposit-the highe:.t pa,..~ibl~ b.1nk rate. I st De111 i11 15 7 Years Wins GOP Stro11gl1olcl Stokes Wh1s In Cleveland By 31,000 You n1::i ycvc1) find your" se lf practicing n c~ dall cc ~teps, si nging in clev:Jtors o r Ju st sn1iling a lot ni o rr . t1 rn c \VIt h deposits o f $ JOO o r 111orc. You n1ay \Vithclra\V funds th:.1t have been on de posit for::i fu ll calendar quarter o r 111ore :i11 d all t\ deposit of $500 or in ore opens you r Pr cm iu1n Passbook Accou 11 t · , interest. c:irncd a ny tiine ~ ... ·;-\V1th111 thL: first ten \Vithd rawn at other times upon \Vritten 90-clay notice to Security Pac~fic Bank. BOSI'ON !UPI) Tho Re publ ican hold nn l\tassachusel!.c;' 6 l h l'on- gressional d ist r i C" t birthplace o[ the term "gfrry- mandering" -"'as broken Tuesday by a Democrat· v.·lio wants !ipeedy withdrawal fron1 Vietnam and an end In the antiballistic missile ( AB~1) Concorde ' Goes Faster Than Sound TOULOUS E, France I AP) -TheFrench -BrJti sh supersonic transport plane Concorde slipped throt1gh the sound barrier tcxlay for lhe hrst time and lhc plane·s c()mmandrr sairl it "was niuch calmt>r than could be 1n1· agincd.'' Andre Tl1rca t, chief test ptlot for I.lie Sud Aviation Cn., told newsn1cn after IJ1c [light, "We stayed 'al ~11pcrsonic .!peed for nine n1inu\es at a speed of i\lach 1.05. \Ve car- ried out various i;iperations which permitted us to ap- preciate the cKlraordinar:v stability of I.he plane." A Ma cti 1.0:> speed is 71 4 milts an hour. Turcat was U1e commander of the pla~ but pilot Jean Pinet wa.! al the controls. W ashingto11 Papers Sl1ut 'VASH INGTON (AP) -The three daily newspaf)('rs serv- ing the nation's capi tal wern shut down by a pressmen 's strike early today after union members rejected new con- tract offers. Negotiations, w hi c h con- tinued through expiration or the old contracts al midnight Tuesday, broke off early in the morning un til 2:30 p.m. today. First to be affected by the ~·alkout of members of the International Web Pressmen's Union Local 6 wa~ 1·hc Washington Posl, a morning Pl!\lo'spaper. The Post v.·as 20 percent through its pres.c; run •·hen the contract expired. Pickets also surrounded The Daily Ne"·s and Thi'. E1·1'n111c Star, both a f ternoo n M~·5papers. program 1\l1ehal'I J . Harring-ion. a ~2- ycar-old .c;t:.te lcgi.c;l;no r. up~et Sl.c1te Sen. \Vill1ttm 1,. ~a\tonstall 1n a s)'">('ci:.il e!e{'\1nn .:nut bf'cam c. thr f i r s l Dernncral1c t'0ngress rnan 111 the dis!nct·s 157-yl•:;r history. Unofficial returns from the !86 precincts or the d1stri1·t hct\~l'en Boston and the J\"e1v Harnpshire bord£>r gave Ha r- rington 72 ,030 votes In 6~.453 fnr Saltonstall. 4'.!.·\!e:.ir-nld son ur former U.S. sen. Leverett Sa!ton~tall Some 60 percrn! of the district's rc>;::isterrd Vol<'rs turned Out. an unusually h1gl1 figure. Harrington \1'ill -. 11 r c er d Rc>publir an Rl'p. \\'11Jiam I!. Dates, \rho died jn Jt1ne. The ne\\' e .. 11g1·e~s1nan :.upporls the prng ram outhr.cd by ::ie11. Charles r:O'idt·ll (H·N",Y I. to \\'J!hdr:I\\' l' S. fnrCC'S ff <)nl \'1r-L11;.i111 hy !he enrl of !9i0 It 11a~ 1n 111r 11!.~1 1·i(·1 's to1n - nHJ11J\y fll \prth AntJr,\'rr - al>ouL 30 n1dc>s nnrth nl H".~ln n -=--that the AB~! l"fln(rover5y b(•gan 1n !\1:ir<:h \1'ht'Tl are;i rr.c;idc111s prntrstcd 1nslalla !111n of a r<1d ;1r l<Jcili1y fnr 11.c;e with a m1ss1le tinll 1n ne11rby Reading. Harrington consider ~ lhc AB~! program a v.•;ist.c of 111oney and rcsourrcs and a lhrea t to pe;iC'C. The victory. 11h1ch gilcs Democrats <in 8-4 bu!ge in the state"s congrcss1nnal delega- tion. \l'il" thr fnurth for <i Democrat 1his year in fl\'C special congressional races. CLEVELAJ\"D, Ohio lAP) - Negro incun1hent Carl B. Stokes defeated a JI!:!~ .. : \Y. J;i11'·and-order candidate by JllPrC tha11 3!.000 votes Tues· day in Cleveland's Democratic 1nayor;;il prim;iry <'lection. B11t Stokes \von his hid for no1ni11a \Jon to a second tv.·o- year tenn 0111.v after overcorn- Jng a lead of m!Jrc than 211.000 vntrs whlch Jlobcrt J . Kelly, <in clertoral ne~·comer, bu ilt 11p in .,.,·hitc sections crucia l to 111c> rnayor·s Nov. 4 general e!f1'00n prospe<"L~. The final unofficial count ga l'e Slokes 92,21!1 votes tn li0.899 for Kelly~ a 48-year-old JQrrner city ser ... 1ce d1rect.nr. Stokes became the first i\t•gro elet·l<'d mayor of a ma· Jnr 1\mericJn city in 1967. lie also JS the fir;;t i'\eJ:ro n1ayor ;,f a nH1Jnr city lo fare a tC· clwlion b;;tt lc, .. \\"r 'rt' glfing tn r<'Jlly ha\'(' tn 11 "rk ;1ga1n.~1 Ralph J Perk," Slokcs ~aid of !he [!('puhlien n cnunty <1uditor he will lace in lhe general elcc- 111)11. \"cgrn<'l'; compo.~e about one- th1rd of C.1cvelan crs popualtion of 860.fJCKI. /j ~pa ce l\1c d;I OK \VASHI NGTON (UPI) President Nixon has signed a hill authorizin him lo award a r..ong ressional Space Medal of honor to a.c;tronauts for ex - ceptional performance. of duty. Stude1its to Protest Alaska Nuclear Test ., unn oa PrtU 111t1r11tl!o11ol The A1on1ic Energy Coin· n1ission plans to trigger an un- <lcrground nuclea r explosion (111 lhe A!('ut.ian Island of. Amchitka at noon Thursday despite protest~ il n1ight touch off massive earthquakes and tidal ~·a,·e.c;, President Nix on derided not to postpone the tf'~ts, believed to involve anlibalhstlc missile \\'arheads. prl':!'S secr('tary Ronald Zir~lcr said Tuesday. t-;iKon received assurances of safclv from tlle AEC. he said. Noted scientists disagreed on the danger of the 1.2 megaton under~round blast. hn\\'C\"Cr Thnusand• nf Canadian cril- le_gc ~t udenl s. prnlcsting the b I a s t, planned a nnc-h01.1r (·oa~t·to-cnasL hlock;irlc <if 1111 ma1nr rro.~~ini;:~ into lhc> l 'n1tC'fl Slates beginning al noon today . ) ' Hnhert f\fcDo ugall spokesman for the Uni versity of Victoria Alma Mater Socie- ly (AMS) -or~anizers of the protest -estimated 50.000 studcn ls y,·ould participate in the bl ockade. Norman \\'right. 47-year-ckl president of the Universily cf Victoria student council, urged all Canadian .students to pro- te.c;l the blas t. He announced b Io c k ad e plans in telegrams to Cana- rl ian Prime f\1in\sle r Pierre F:lliotl Trudeau, Nixon, United Na I Ion s Secret arv-Gcneral Than! and 70 unlverSltles and regionfll colleges a c r cs s Canada. The large~! prot.cst was scheduled for the Peace Arch al Blaine. Wash, v.·hr.re 5,000 slodcnt~ from the Unl\'ersit y of l3rit 1sh Cnlumbia anti Simon Frasrr Unive rsi ty were ex- pccl.Cd to converge . at Security Pacific Bank, And begi11s d>ro·.~;r5>~~al' Ji';~ ~· . ~.. d ays of each cale ndar · · uu11 r~l·r.~1.~lter-.J ~"'... ... "" :,. , ftat1vc;1u ·n s 111ay be w- Corne talk to us. Be- cause \vhen you're serious about saving you can afford to be lig hthearted. SECURITY PACIFIC BANK • . ' "" ' ·--• -..... -. -.. ..... . . ---. ---·-..:---:--r-~....,...,.~\i~-,.--:-..,.,,....-=i_...,------------------------...,,-.~....,---~--.::.-,,_--,.--~------· •• ~ DA,JL\' PH.OT EDITOlt~ PAGE • The Anart111ent Problem h . "' Fountain Valley has jo;ned the long list of Orange Coast cities caught in the \Var bet\\'een the building in· dustry and single fam_ily ho1neO\•;ners over the boom in apartment constn1ct1on. . . . The city's planning conun1_ss1~n n1oved qu~ck.Jy to avoid a major conflict by establishing a moratonum Un· t i! Nov. 1, during \vhich no new apartmeryt requ~sts will be accepted by planners. It \\las a step in the nght direction giving the. city a breather and tune to evalu- ate the ~eed for apartments in Fountain Valley and ho\V best to avoid devaluating single-fainily hon1es. Apartment con s trl:lct ~on _is a problen1 for _ah11ost every planning co1nmiss1on in . the cou~ty. Their need is made obvious by the scarcl'ty of wuts to rent and the high prices of those available. . . . But homeo\\•ners have ueen vocal In their dis!ike !or apartment units in their 11.clghborhoods. They look V.'ith tear on the transiC11t nature of apartment tenants, and complain of more children for the already cro\Yd· cd schools. The conflict is real. and riding: roughshod in one direction or the other is no solution. F·ountaJn \1a tley's planners hope to ke~p high ~en sit y !R-4' apartn1ents entirely a \vay from s1 ng!e-f<1n1lly neigh borhoods and put them almost exclusively in a proposrd comn1erc1al- apartment oriented rity center area .. .\. po~sible reduc- tion in total apartn1ent allotments for the cily may also ease the tension. The matter of lnore children crammed into the city's schools is a blurry issue. No one really knQ \~·s ho1v many children \vill pop up in an apartment area. But apar.tment projects in Fountain Valley ar e fpcusing more on one-and l\vo-bedroom units, rather thaJt...la,rger projects. This indica·tes fe.\11cr _la r ge families. . _ The import.ant aspect 110"' is for all elen1ents v>'1th1n Ghandi Lived ,The Message Of Jesus --·· --·~· [ Syc'fney J. Ha1Tis ' Tomorro\v, October 2. \1'ill mark the ceritenary of r-.1nhalma Gandhi"s birlh. He ·was bom at Po:-h::ind:::ir. India, on October 2. 1869, and lived nearly 8:1 extraordinary vcars untll he \vas assassinated in Nc1v br-lhi in 1948. There are, at thi s sta?,e in mankind·s history. only national holid::ys. 1£ there ~houlr! be a "world holid:-.y, .. 1l seems to m e th.1t Gandhi's bir'thdny ought lo be the first. , for. in the full century 11'.l~ce he w~!I born. he b:c:ime the ouly J:Ublic m"n to pr:icticc Ciir lstianHv In nil Its aspects - and he v.·as not a Christian. llE SUCCEEDED in freeing one of lhe l ;irge~t natioc.s in the 1vorld from one of the greatest pov.·ers in the world - v. ithout any more :;how· of violence than c~ossing his legs and refusing lo move . li e "'as an intellectual '"'ho walked ef!sily among the masses; an aristocrat ·whn livrd among the poor : a man of im- mense spiritual glfts v.•ho \'forked un· ce<1singly for the physic.ii n~ds of his. people: and an asce\lc who \ras not sour :ind smug anr1 self.ri ghteous, but "'ho lov- ed to crack jokes. play tntks. and make r.olemr. people laugh. r.i\!\'Dlll "'AS THE first -and perhaps the only -,~·orld figure of the 2\l!h Centu~-. He alone arru>n s st.at esn1('11 reilhz~d early ln his career that v1olcn<'C'. hc.C::~ts o-ily violence ; that mudt'l'n tt•rhnc.logy contairu the .seed of 1t.s o\1·n Dea1· Gloomy Gus: \\"h.:it an insult lo the press is the ol fer of ciga rct.te makers to quit ad ve rlis1ng on TV and radio if they can adverlise in print! Are news- papers going to be a party to this cancerous compromise? C.R.J. d('structlon Hn!ess cart>fully controlled by erhicai and spi rilu<1l values. and that love is the 1nost potent and enduring •·force" in HJ{' universe. Thqh· he fought for India's poU\ital po\vcr and national independenct'1 he"'rlid not co;isider these lhings · endl in themstlves, but only steps foraard·on the road lo hum.inization an d in· ternationalizalion. He recognized the unit<!.ry nature or peopl es ·everywnere, and r<ilher than :;ee India divided by Partition. hC' reoommcndacl giving control of the count:y to his political enemies of the J.1uslim League. tlE \\'AS ~IOBE interested In "com- munity" than in goverrunent. in the \~·elfare of villages than the authority of caritals; and he urged his own political lit•lll('tJ.'lll lS l.O forsake the trappings of priwr" ;111d gn lh·f' 1\•i!h the humble people in the IHlle lol'.ni' 1vhere the need fo r il''":(l~·r~t11p 11,·p; grc::itrsi ll1~1.-il' H'd b1· th<! llrili;;h :is "im· pt ~.f'1 1<::1L" fl.'"arcd by 1l1e capitnlirls ancl .-.curnl·rl hy th(• .\t.1rx1st 1r!cologuc~. Gandhi nl'1l·rll1r/f'~~ 1nnril' :in 1n1 pre~~1on on our t'(•nl ill'.Y !ll ~1t will 11r.1, t)r nici tche(I. Jn hi." d•1 rtri11e of "ahin1sa"' -non.hurting -he h1 lt.l Pie 1Hr:~!>aj_;c of Jesus. Minority Rule May End A t:niversity of Calirornia report predicts that the twi>-thirds majority rule governing local bond elections in California and some other states shortly will be knocked dov.'n as unconstihJtional, Speed lhc r1ay. Too many important civic needs ha"e gorie uon1eL b<>cause the citizen who opp:>scs the bond issue has two votes and he V.'ho favors it only one. The re.~ull repeate..dly has been <i \Clo by the minority. In 1966-67, t:c ·s l ns~i!u1e. of Government.al ~tudies found , only 40.4 per cent of school OOnd propo'siti rins scored the twCt-thirds majoril ,y dcm<irided by the California constitution for lnc<il general obligation OOnds. But 60.8 per ~--B11 George ---, Dear Goorge : Do you have any advice for a girl whose boy friend insis!.s on parking at night on the beach. although he ls otherwise a perfect gentleman? JANE Dear Jane: When a car Is 5tuck In sand lrac. lion may be gained by piling brush under the rear wheels anrt slart1ng slowly in low gear. Under no circumstances race the engine as this spins the v.·heels and the car will sink lower. Should this happen . fi~ old OOards for a jack base and jack th e rear of the auto up and pile brush, etc., in the depressio ns. (If you wt.11t your prob 'rms 1 tre_ted in alJso'ute sc~·re:.-y and confide.nee. Geori;e \.l'nn 't ('\P.n o;·"n your en1·elr-:'.'. That 's how con· 5cienUous he Js.) Guest Edilorial ;./ cent rc<'r i,•cd 1nnrc lhan :i. simple ma· 1orily, sorne heart·brcakingly close to the rii;i rt li6 66 per cent rule. Stlll the minorl· !y prc,·ailcd. TIJE SAi\1E APPLIES to other e:itcgories of local bond issues. The UC insti tute. found th.'.lt nearly h.alf the San Fr<:nci!i<'o·Los Angeles city proposals of lfl.'iO·!il f<:ulcd to score a twe>-thlrds ma· jont~'. hul 8j per cen t o! them won Mt· tcr thnn a simple majority. Again, mi- nority victories. The institute rests itJ predtctioo o( a cure ror this no lnnger tolerable situation on the Supreme Court's one·man·one-\'otc decision, "·h1ch retiring Ch.ief Justice Earl \.\'arren ~,ys he believes ill the court's n1ost importan t in the 16 years o{ his service. ALRE/\0'1' J~OCA L judges are taking up the glidclinrs laid down In th at clccl~ion. n July lhe \Vest Virginia Supreme Courl strurk UO\\'tl th11t state's !li-ycar..f!ld thrC'C·fifth s maiorily re· qulremcnl. A shni111r rul ing has come out nr Idaho and. in California, from a Sutler Cuunty Superior-Court. 'fhc C:i1Hnrnin h\'C>-lhir1ts n1lf' ls nnr of 111:.-obsolete rf'lic~ thnl 5urvive In !he Stntc"~ lB'i9 constilutlon, now hcing rcvis- C'c!. '1 h<1t ~eel ion probnhly w11l bc rc1nov- e.d . J:11l the court s. follo\\·i ng the onc·rnan- nnc·l"Otc t!irf'rl1rr. m,1y ix'at ! hr rr 11rn1rr~ to 11. \\·e hl)rc the y ctn. 'fh1.~ barnAclc-l'n(T!IS!('d eoncc pl already has done. WO fnuch cl1im11ge. Sa.11 Francisco Examln'r the city to d evise a firm, \veil-designed plan for apart· ment growth, iWbich everyone can understand and fol· low. Misinformation has in the past proved the biggest block to apartment development. A ftrm plan, well putr li ci~ed and agreed upon by most sectors of the city, can tiave a lot of time and heated tempers in the future. Kevin's Good Example At a time when most people ar e indifferent to the troubles of others, it is heartening to read of a boy who wasn't afraid W "becotne involved." Kevin Rohrig, a 15-year-old Huntington Beach High Sch~l sophmnor e, possibly saved the life of an oil field \vorker recently through his quick and ht>roic actions. Kevin, v.·ho had just co1np!eted a driver's training course al high school, "'as in the yard of his home \\'hen he heard the sound of an explosion. l ie sa\Y a severely burned man staggering tO\\•ard hint, calling for help. liis body \\'as partly charred and a part of his hand \\'as missing. Kevin reacted i1nmediately, telling J. \V. Stevens, the injured man, to stay where he \'-/as. lie ran to the stricken man's truck, drove it to hi1n and sped to the office of his farnijy doctor. Huntington Beach Fire Chief Ray Picard said Kevin's J?romp.t a~tion saved Stevens' ann. his eyesigh t and possibly his h!e. He presented the yow1gster a cita- tion for heroism. Kevin set a good example fo r some of his less con· cerned elders. s , 'This is the captain. Our flight from Los Angeles to New York wtii' one hour, forty minutes. With a·littk luck we may land in about the same length of time.' Contrast iti Treat1ne1it Betweeta Ketanedy and Ross 'Apply Law Equally to Alli Citizens'· To the Editor: Negligence is defined in Webster's Die· tionary as carelessness in manner or ap- pearance; in law, failure to use a reasonable amount of care when such failure resull~ in injury to another. RC<'enlly, Deborah ~e Anderson, 17, \\'as killed in a Lido car accident. Dickinson Ross Jr., 17, the driver of lhe car, ~as booked ioto Orange Coun ty Juvenile }!all on the charge of manslaughter w j th a vehicle, It was slightly discussed , receiving small men- ~ion in the ne .... ·s paper. BUT, THE INCIDENT at the Dyke Bridge on the end of Chappaquiddick on .July 18 Y:hich also cost a life -that of Mp;ry Jo Kopechne -was heard around the war Id \ AccQl"Wq: to his statemen~ Senator Kennedy was driving down Chap- paqukfdick's main road but accident.a lly turned.sharply back to the r:ight onto the dirt Dyke Road. He was charged, not "'ilh manslaughter, but with leavin g the 6Ccne or an accident. To me both incidents are similar -ac- cidenl~. Every islander knows the Dyke Bridge is a danger to man just as RoM knows hig h spetd ls a danger. Both Ken· nedy and Ross were negligef'jl ! ! And ac· cidenls occur because of some type ot negUgCIJce '¥1'he ther or not we like to ad· m.it it. KENNEDY HAS· served faithfully hi3 state and nation. Who was Dickinson Ross -only a teen-ager with a name ! I believe Deborah Lee Anderson was plan· nJnf! an evening of fun just as was Mary J o Copcchne. \\lhcn v.·HJ law enforcement apply \.\i lh ('qunl \1cight to all cillzens~ We heard 1nurh about "let us attempt to un- rlf'rStnnd Ted Kennedy as a fellow being ." \\'hat ;ibou t the attempt to understand WI !!~en-agers whn are not nil bad and have an accident once in a while also? \Ve're "great" citizens when \.\"e. fight t.1·ars; but let us have one accident or n1ake one mistake and we 're "ir· responsible, unreliable, uncontroUed teen- agers." CONNIE HICKMAN Need ResponalbUltles To the Editor: Poople are constantly complaining and voicing opinions on why the teen-agers of today are 80 irrespoMible and un· controllable. So I woukt like to offer my own bumble 17-year-old oplnioo of the up- per middle claM teen-agers of a local high school. If you ask a typical hlgb school student ''hat his life contains, you gel lhls answer: school, drugs, alcohol, football games and dances. Should you probe further and ask if he can offer any personal views on the problems existing in the world today, yoo will receive one of these two answers: (I) a blank stare, Cl) an attempt at repeating without.any com· prehen&.lon one or OOlh of his parent..~· Yiews. THJS TYPE OF answer led me to con- clude that these teen·a gers have a ·life based on thelr parents' philosophy, .. , want my children to have all the ad· vanlages I never had with none of the hardships.·· The t)asic raulr. of this reasoning Is the chl\d is not given any re!ponsibiUties, Quotes Gov. R2nel:I Rra~en , on conservati on -"Wl' mu st sl'~k ne\\' ways to protect "'hat God has g1\'cn us and at the same tunr make <.·er!aln that. every cJUzen ha~ en oprioriunity to (njoy and use our natural herltage.'' Mailbox ' ' .. -~· Letter$ from 'readers are welcome. Nonnally writers should convey thei r messages in 300 words or less. The rig ht to condense letters to fit space or eliminafe libel is reserved. All let- t.ers fnu.st include sirnzat11re and mnil· ing address, but '!"lames may be witli.. Jteld on request if sufficient 'Tea.son is apparent. The typical studenl is given anything he desires v.·ithin reason without any resporu;ibililies. Almost none of the teen- agers can see their lives as their parents look al them. To a leen·ager. dri\•ing a car ls a right and privi lege for their age group, NOT a responsibility, TO Ur..'DERSTA ND and appreciate the (ipport unilies-and ad vnntages I.hey have as teen·agers toda y. they shnu lrl be giren more responsibilities. The. parents should remove the "protect ive shie ld'' around the .chikl. Te<ich him 10 exist hy buying hil <Yl''n cloU1f's1 etr. Enc our age him to go out and find a job. Of course. the one great rlvnger to thi!t approach is that lhe tren-ager wlll become disil!usionerl by your ,.;cneration·s world. But at lea!'! the tren-ager V.'ill pro- gress fr om the fun·lo\'ing vC'ge!able to a mature, responsible person. fll!TZ KCNZE Por11ogrnphy J,ows To thf' Editor: l was pleased to read 1hat, accord ing I<> Sgt. Shaidell (DAILY PILOT, Sept. 27, "Sex Salesmen find Big Markel") Y.'C. have an inc reasingly aroused citizenry a!I a result of the obscenity peddlers. r believe that a n aroused citizenry is just v.·hat we need. Tlli\T SUC lt material is "ultC'rly without redeeming social value" seems to me lo be a conclusion in direct conflict t.1•i!h the st;itistically verified finding!I th at in Denmark, aflC'r all anli ·obscenil)'" pornography lav.·s t.1·ere abolished, all categories of :;ex crin1es dropped markedly. G'\'EN J _ STEPHENS Self•lt1dfctn1ent To the Editor: You r ne\\·spaper quoted Rear Admira l (rel.) \\'llliam C. Chambliss, a recen t speaker at the Harbor Forum Series, on the China question : .. \\Tha t arc the solu· lions? \\'e can say In Communist China, 'Either you knock off nuclear prepara- tions or we"ll knock them off for you '. .• ff they say no, ¥•e "d have to go through v.•ith it." Assuming the quotation to be correct, can one in1agine any greater sclf-in- diclm£61 of the military than this? '\'ITHOUT SO J\.-1UClt as a '1uick choru~ of Anchors A\\·eigh, the Adm iral IS bland - 1)'' advis ing parenls lo consign their sons to a third world WCI[ on lhe proposition th at ifs all right for 1.h(' U.S. to have nuclear v.•eapons but not China. How can the Ame rican public. alre11rly con fu5cd hy one Asian v.·ar. believe that 1\n1erica v.·ant.s the sa me freedoms for other nations as ~he herself enjoys? JOHN L. JENSEN lmpnct Socked Them To the E<!Jtor · \Ve m;iy never be quit e the :;ame alter i;ceing the 1.:itest production at the Sout h Coast J{epertory Theater, "\\'e Bombed in Ne\v Jlnven." by Josl'ph 1-Ieller, author of "Ce_ich 22." The in1pact socked us right between llle Pyes aod thC' only regret 1s that il is not h11ppeJi1ng lo l<irgcr audiences because the me."soge is for us morns and dads cveryv.·here -arise, }"OU are losing nothing but your children. \Ve thou ght lhe Cast waS shpe.rb, sttm· Ing almost more real th3n we in the au- dience . The HarOOr Area is fortunate to have such a production clo.~e at hand. BOB and GRETCHEJ!J HAYWARD Operation Jt;~ercept To the Editor : The J\.fei:;a Verde Repubfican 'i'.'omen·s Club, Federated of Cosla M.esa, has \\'fit- ten a lellcr of support to POO.Sldent Nixon concerning his ~tcps l.o halt the flO\V (l( narcotics into the United States froni 1\1exico. · Our mcmber~hip is greally concerned about thf' narcotics problem ..and 1he ri s- ing crhnr rate which resU1ts. \\"e feel "Operation Intercept" should con tinue 11n!il the flow of easily 1vai lable druga is ~topper! ~ind until we have the coopera- tion '-''" need from the 1\lex ican authoril ir". tl!ESA VERDE REPUBLICAN WOMEN /11rs. Jean Sumrall, President Something to Think About, No? T have a f"t-iend who. at one lime In his life, figured his beset.ting di!eminas coulrl best be solved by lying down on a couch and descrying the1n ta a member of the achoo! of Freud. There was only one thing wrong with the trealment. It created a problem that in the end ~ame more besetting than the ones he brought to lt. (Wasn't it Chesterton. as long ago as 1915. v.·ho s1id psychoanalysis was the disease .. it purported lo cure?) Anyhow, my fril'nd would be on the couch pouring the old heart out to a man behind him. lie couldn't see the doc, and the doc, of cou rse, never said anything. J.1y friend, being a bit paraMid. developed the no1ion. :ifter three or fo ur sessions, thal his frit'.ndly analyst wnuld 1islt'n to n1aybc o n c senteocc of h i s funereal prose, and then drop down Lo the sa loon on the street floo r or the buildi ng for a beer. lie would come back, my fr iend figurrll, exactly one minute before the lloly }lour was conc luded. FOR THREE YEARS this went oo. My frie-nd's complaint v.·as such that it never permitted hirn to lalk to the doc.tor about the IK'ers. Worsf', it never pcrm!Ued him tn lum his head back and look for the cloc."ll presence. ,;I was afraid it m'ight be lr1ic," he explained. Cryptically. Thiil"s the way I reel about the Presi· dent of !he U.S. 1 have this dlslurhlng 1tream which tells me that !here really isn"l anybody In the "'hile lloose -in \Yashington or in San Clemente -and th Rl lhe m11n V.'C all know anrl love is an actor hi red lo nppl'ar al puhlic functions. TI1e idea of rny country I.icing ru led by fl ma n y,·ho isn't lhere is pro!oundly d i~turbing . Sn <lilll1trhing In ract. that I \\"Ouldn•t like to find out lhat ifs true. Any more, lo fact, than J ·would care to ' \ Charle,; '11cC:abe \ • meet Ho,vard :Hughes in the flesh -il there is any. l\fY SKEPTICISi\1 about the existence of the President was not lessened whe n I visited San Diego recently. The President ·was report ed to have. visited lhe pre· season football game OC.tween the San Dit"go Chargers and th e Los Angeles Rams, whir,h attract.rd a crowd of 5.J,000. The J>resident sal throughout U1c eritire gan1c. Sitt ing just across the aisle lrom rhe President durin g the contest wa s Joe Setting. Joe "''as a nervous ChargC'r fan. Joe sa id: "He came lo lhe Rams game In Los Angeles last '1'eek and they \\'ere rlolng just fine until he arrived. Then they blew it. I hope the same thing does not happen this week." The President sal in the Rams seelion ln Uls Angeles, and 1hey los t. h e :;a. 111 the Chargers section in San Diego. and they b st, 24-14. \Vha t this me11ns in terms of machtpolltlk I do not know; but it's something to think about, no? SATURAlLV THERE was a lot or li!)Cculation aOOut whether Mr. Nixon was a Ram or a Charger fan, This question was field~ with rustomary adroltne.~s by a ''White House spokrsman. ''This feUow, I suspect, Is Mr. Ron Ziegler, though he Rppa rent!y did not \\'lsh to be identified with the following disc losure. .. J\.1r. Nixon is offirially a \Vashlni;:ton Redskins fan . but the Presldt'fll did at· lend the Rams game in Los Angele!'! la~~ week , and he.re he ls sining on the Chariers' side -so v.·ho knaws?'' v.no kn()',\'" indeed " That <!ream of mine just """°" 't go awa y. I keep thinking there is som e im· mense conspiracy to dep ri\·c. us of a pro· per Pres1 drnt. 1r·s NOT A question or whether the Emperor has hi s new clothe." ·on or not . lt"s a que stion or whether lht.re is any Emperor at all. I hopr that my rlream is misleading me. I do hopc there is somebody in the White House, signing bills, and asking for ;ipproprlat1ons, and greeting heads o! State, and all Lhat political stuff. It \\'ould help dispel this drearn ir I kne\v whether il1r. Nixon was rooting for either the Ran1s or the Chargers in the southland recently. IL wouldn't help at all if 1 !earned he \Vas roo\ing ror each in its own home town, and 1he Redskins whe n he wa s back in Washington. I nted answers, not more questions. ..... ~ Wednesday, Octob~r I, 1969 Tht editorial poge o/ tht Dailr Pilot seeks to infonn ond s!im- 1tlafe f"eadr.rs by pr1s1 nting thi• newspaper'$ opiniun.s and com. m•ntary mi topics of hi:ttreat on.d significance, b., providino a (oru.ni fo r tht e:rpreailon ct 0 1,r rtaders·· opinions, and br1 pt6sr.nting the dlTJftSt vl1w- pol11ts of informr.d obltf"Vtr• and spokesm111 on !opics of th• day. Robe rt N. Weed, Publisher • ' ., ------------------------------· --- Solons' Per Die n1 Hike Off SACRAMENTO !VPI) Legislators and hlgh.ranking •tale offieials today exchanged 1 "5 r aise in thei r daily ex· peiisc allowances for freedom from Internal Revenue Service scrutiny. ]he $25 per d1c1n for legislators and slate officials had been sc hed uled to in- t:reut: to $30 today. QUEENIE By ~hn 1.i1erla ric11 - DAILY Ptllll' 7 Reagan Raps Direct President Vote SACRAf\tENTO ~APJ Gov. Reagan, chief exec<J tl\'e of lhe state with tht' mo~l votes, doesn't Like direct elec- lion of the president -the plan pasSt'cl by the House of Repres4!ntatives and supported by President Nixon. ;'To go to the tliretl presidential election wouid be the great.est blow l.o ou r sovereign states that has bet>n made for a long time," said the. Republican govt'rnor. Reagan commented at hi~ news conference Tuesday a fe w hours aft er Nixon, also a Republ ican. endorsed the H o use-passed constitutional amendn1ent abolishing the present electoral coi!egc and substituting direct balloting. It would give the presidency to the candidate rettiving the largest popular:. vote. If no cand idate got 40 perctnt ol. the vote, Lhere would be a rWlOff. On Qthcr topics, t h e go vernor : -Declined to say much about whether 'he will run for a second term, even though his friends and adviHrs have said he will alter t.ht race. Asked if he had decided tD run, Reagan said •·r haven't and l 'm not prepared to make a ny statement." -Promised again l h a t Calliorala will not h ave another tax ~ase vl'hilt he rs governor. "I don't care "'hat has to happen," he sald, "We are not going to ask the people or this state for more money.'' -Said he doubted whether .he would call a 'specia1 leJ1alat.lve 1 e !I 11 I o n Lo reconsider his defeated tax refonn plan. -Expressed doubl about claims by Cesar Cha..,cz, the fann labor leader, that there are dangerously high level!I vf pesticide residue on grapes harvested in California. -Said he "would hate" to see the C&lifomia S tat e Employes Association remove its no-strike pledge, as will be proposed at its meeting next month. C al i f orni a , the m~t po pulous stale, has more voters lhan any oilier - 7.1 nill!ion in the la st ptcsidentwl election compared to N,.,.. York's 6.7 million. Californi a had 40 electoral votes a nd Nl>w York 4.1. ·, ·Bul the Board or Control ' rescinded the raise last week at the request of Sen. Robe rt Stevens (R·Los An geles), a member or the Jcgislaturc·s joint rules committee. "We Need More Money~ Trustees T ell Cutback Plan Reagan's opposi.tioo to the House-passed electoral refonn c o n s titutional amendment could spell trouble i n California for the plan. If it passes the Senate, ll would go to the st.ates for But Reagan said Ca11fornia should he sympathetic tD the probl ems of s1nall stat"' despite i!s s1z.e, He said th111 ··if \\'C join ln a plan in lessen- ing the effectiveness of small states," then it would set a. precedent lo allow other s la{es to gang up on Ca lifornia. i\I issil c f'irc<l ratificaLion by legislatures. VA N DE N B E fl G Al R Bolh houses of the Cali[ornia FORCE BASE IAP) -An Air Stevens said he ""as a<:ltng L __ _:_::.._ ___ ~~:.:__:::~:!:'.:::::~;::;=:~:__J on behalf of lawmakers \\'ho -i take it my predecessor had a beck of•a Legislature are controlled by f orce fl·l inutcman 1 1 in· the Republicans an d lercontinenla1 ballistic missile "didn 't want to take the in-green thumb.• LOS ANGELES (Al') -It \\'as emphasized lhat transfer students, students not Reagan has been successful in "'as tesl·launched al 4;59 a .m. Trustees oI the Ca lifornia neither Dumke nor ~agan in degree programs and those opposing parly discipline on today frorn Va ndenberg, a crease. Many members felt ii ,1·as not justified. After all, there was a pay incre;ise ~·oted this year." The legislature voled itselr a SJ,200 pay raise this session, hiking salaries from $16,000 IQ $19,200 effective in 1971, Pay iocreases also were granted the governor and other con· stitulional officers. Senate President Pro Ten1~ pore Howard \Va y (R·E>.:eter J, chairman of the join t ru les committee, notified members of the legislature of the board of control action in a letter Stale Colleges say they need a anticipate that the colleges under disciplinary probation. the GOP on major issues. base spokesman said. "'111 be held to the $2~.3 -Curricula Revision :--;:.====================~ Girl 's Funeral Loo111 s As Police Ch ecli Clues budget of $324.4 million lo million figure. This is $2J Elimination of 9,333 per~· OJX'rate the l9<:an11lus systcin 1nill1on lov.•er than the current matriculating in unspecified during 1970-71. budget and $59.1 million less courses in the professional At the same tune, thry than desired for 1970-71. categories such as architec· m<1de public Tuesday some The st.ate administration, lure, nursing and engineering. cutbacks they said would be however, requires all of its -Fees: Doubling the $10 ad- required in services if the agencies to specify cutbacks mission fee and raising the schools get only the r.;lnimun1 that would result if the ftts for part-time students Satu rday's aUa ck. The t ouple allocatiOfi of $2£5.3 mil lion minimum alloca'tion became from $54 to $108 per academic were bound and stabbed re· outlill(>d in C.ov. Heagan·s n1andatory. Dumke Ii s t e ct year -the same amount budget proposal. then1 as folloo·s: presently paid by full·lime pealedly by a hooded man who The various figures, whit.:h -Enrollment : Elimination students. surprised the'!l while they have been fon.,..arded to the or 33 ,2!3 from an expected -Libra r Y Books : were picnickin1g on the west Slale Finance Dcpart1nenl, total of 200,000. Unspecified fewer acquisitions shore of the lake. were discussed al a news con--Enrollment Adjustment : as a result of enrollment cuts. Sample our C~n!~~g Mwrp cheddar cheeee and llP'inkied with nutfi. A treat for family and goeet.s. SOUTH COAST PLAZA · after the $5 raise y.·as rescind- ed Jast week. NAPA (UPIJ-M£'mbcrs of a Seventh-Day Adventist rom· munity on the rim of Napa V<1llcy rnade so lemn prepara- tjons tocl ay for the burial of 22.ycar-0\d Cecilia Ann Shep- ard. In the valley below, delec· 1ives methodically followed new clues in the search for her slayer. Hartnell, who is under guard ference by Dr. Glenn s. c ut ling back by 18,190 -State-supported Summer l ower C•rou11I Mill l rl1tel or St111 DJ.f• ,,_ • .., Cosra M-140·4tt1 at Queen of the Valley Hos· Dumke. state co 11 e g es students in such special areas Sessions: An enrollment cut of pital, was Cecilia's former ~~".'.':~~-------_.'.~~~___'"."':'!"_~""'.~'.:__'._~'.:_ ________ _'.___':=====================--:- .. .. " " . :• " " ., . .. ' . . • The $5 ra i,se spelled the dif· rereoce between legislators having to itemize their ex- penses lo c l<1 im a federal in· come tax deduc tion and lhe (.'WTent automatic e1emption . classmate at Pacific Union I· chancellor. as new foreign &tudents, 5,690. College on the east r im of the Miss Shepard's boy friend, Bryan Hartnell. 20, remain.~ in serious cond ition <1 fle r last valley. Miss Shepard will be buried Thursday afternoon after a service in 1he college sanctuary. Look what you get when you open a savings account of $500 or more at Union Bank: .._ -...C--I!& .. "'§.- .~.-/.'~q)<': ~ .... ~. •, .. ~ /.• ~ . ,;. ·~ .... ~· :; <:>'C f·e; C,~]1 •• 1"'7 C,I l"G tn;p,re , :/Je Sri 1 /·a,,e boug/JI .lnd :;olri 1rr fi1lfJ1nl)::;, pcnc;e am:I sh1l/mgs But ;i//er all the:;t. ccnrunc.~.they .,,c cn1~e1/1n'J ro a Qe,1rn.il r 1,11en-y ~IJCh a~ ou·.;. ~ • C0•('!.19!' c.' ;• r: ""' 7 r..ai:;e ~1ar1,,,1 :1 , 1r;11' lbeGr'l",,n"··1•r"1.•:,,,.~':·.~ ·, r. For a timited time, Uni on Bank offers yo u 1· ,,.., :;.i:.cc.tdl g111 - a. collector's set of lhese ncv,1 Briti sh dccir.1al coin::-cncased in a presentalion fold er_w1th a dcocripflon of each coin. 1o gel yours. all you have to do is open a 1ogula r savings ~ccount or S.JOO or rnorc, or purcha::c a 5~o ::.av1ngs bond in a like amount. Either way, you get the very bes I in bank savingo along wilh a collector's ilcm you'll wan t to lrcaoure. There's no better lime than now lo s!art your savings prog1 an1 - tailored to meet your individual nccdo -at Union Bank. Highest bank ralcs. dail y in lcrcot compounded daily, an d a wide range ol piano to choose from. Do it today. tomorrow's bank loday Orange County Regional Head Office: Maifl al La Veta• 01angs North Orange County Office: Harbor a l OrangethorptJ • Fulferton .. $atJ/h Orenge County Office: Co11sf Highv1ay at Goldonr"od• Corona del 1..far • I •• ' j .. ., • ·-· ... ~ .... .• ·sears New 9 Regular 010.99 11 12 I lo "'''''''''''' ,, , ...... .... ,,,,.,,,, ...... ,, ,/ ' , -... , -, --------e ";,. / /, '\. ,,,,,,.,,,, , , , -------- THE CLOCK WITH A BRAU.~ Set dud farg«h! !!eon.,...net.i .. ..if-olann ha.s • mind or it..s own. Set it anee a11d re.Ju:! It~ reels ibelf n ery :!' hour~ Whrn d ial lig ht j9 on, yoa know alwm 9 Id. For ~ ..t wak.ends. U!tl lhf'l l!peciaJ ~l<tnn Mra t-off f•lm'&. Btieiua•1 eL W'\'ll'k. •eek. pd' M idi to re· ;u:tivit~ al•nn. Choose whikl, bei g<e ..-h l"UWft, 3 I AUT'OllA1IC ...UT .... ............ ...,. ........ .. .. .... -...... ...... ELECTRIC AU.RM GUARA.1'TEE -M .. _,. .. .....,....i I YHT fnm doto ..r !itle 9gllimt F•nhy ma tui•I• or work.1TU1mhip of J)llrtl ••• ie~ gn•nnteed 1 ye•r :ii.11:iii n 1t defeelt under nanul me or retum c:loc:k for Cree replacement.. 99 • ~---::"!" . '\!. • l_ '! l i •• J •; ,_~ -------------------------------------------------, ~ _.....,.., ... l-4100.. 51).jn1) " """'*GI .).ltll I~...,."' $--11121 ~., 1-tt,,, MA ,.,,.,,"" WJl I<" WI .. ,Ml. too,llOI C:Q.l.$f PUtlo ~ I I c.i.-tMr. l(Q.tl6ll c.•"'!001' cw J-1C1M, a"''" aT.-.:: .. XJ11t1.....,. 1.s11 1 _ .. -11 1.l.l11 , '°"Id<( j,.(1.1s11 ·-.... ,.,_.. '"" ~·~"" '"" , .. ,_ .,,.,,., I I , ....... ~~"'~II .. ,,""' ....... """" I I ~ ""'°'" ,,r .. u""""' OI •·1171 r•.l.oDINA '91-3211, JJl·''l'lt Sears .._ ... MOl«A flt l.111 11 l<'l•>IOHf "' '·1911 ,________________________ . ____________________ , "Soti1foctionGuaronteed orYowMon1ylo<k,. .____ SMp 6 Ni9hl• MonMy thrv119h ScrtwrOoy 9:30 A.M. I• 91>0 PM. • .c I • • ... I O..ll Y PILOT Wtd11t\d.iy, Ottobtr 1, 1%~ • \Ytd11r~d;iv Orrnbtr 1 19b"I fi PIL('H ADVE RTJSf:R :.::.=-=-==-:._c.:.=--~~-• Cri1u;y Doll , /\II Ideal Tort •t U:rwtn Price .. • ~fattet•a Swi All M•ttel Toy11r Lowesr Prici:-,. Lowest Toy Prices in Town! Ai · Star Hockey 11.94 Topper'• Bag• 'n Thing 9.94 ,<_ __ !4 B'tff'h ... , .. _,;n 11.9,4. 8.48 Kenner'• E .. y Bake Ove Action-filled Y el1tze Ideal'• Ker-Pl Ideal's Bang Bo Remco Fmotration B Etch·A-Skelc Aggra,•alion Came Lite·Brite Parker Brothen Monopoly ldeal'o Battling Top Kenner'• Spirograp Hoppity Hop 1.76 2.44 2.97 1.96 2.48 1.34 5.94 3.44 2.22 2.78 5.94 Aurora HO Ra ci.ng ~r t 2492 All Al:lf'OB TOTI It Lownt Pric". I.ow est Toy Prices in Town! Matchbox Motorway·---------16.61 Mauel'o Super Eye 7.91 Marx 6-Unit .027 Train Se,~-----15.92 Q Ideal'• Zeroid Robot.~----------Mattel's Tooto..-ee.~---------- H .. bro Amaza-A-Matic Car ______ _ Matchbox Ca•r&------------ 3.96 4 .94 4.97 44e Revell'• Apollo Spacecraft 8. 7 6 Topper• Johnny Toymaker·------10.91 Ideal'• Action Highway 4.91 Vi•ihle M 3.64 Mauel'• Bot Wheels Soper Charger ___ _ Talking G.I. Joe. AAtronau~------ 4.97 4.44 Mattel'• Hot Wheels Rally Ca• 1. 78 ' • Barbie Doll 494 Al! Mattel T~ •r ~n Pticti. Mattel'• Dancerina Doll Il94" 11 11 4'\~uc! l 'o;1 1• l.o .. ru Pri(e1. '.">r.ar1 Attache Casr. 199 Wa.J ku~·ulkie 1ipitl c.u, r~ngeupro'4m de. Johnny LightninrTracl.. !'ir113Sl >.It Topper To111t Ur.it" Prorr 1. 6 94 H"ardHillR11eeSet . 9?"~ . .\.urora Skittle Bow , A.II Manel_ T°"'K ~ l.awe51 Pnce1. ,. 1 I I , l I ' Tl ;, '" ' A ... 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Lowest 'foy Prices in Town~ Hao bro Rub-Ooo.... __________ _ Fi1her Price Chatter Telephoone.._ __ Fioher Price Muoic Bos: Mone Came•~-- ~~:£re&ti>w Oou~l'. ' · ' Playokool Parking Garag_.,_ _____ _ Hasbro Sno-Cone Machin"~------- Tiny Tonka Fnn Buggy ________ _ Roller Skatee____ _ _ ____ __ ~!inky Toy _____ _ Playskool Lincoln Log,~--- Fnntaatie Silly San . .._ ___ _ Tonk.a n-Bum------- Pl.ay Don..... _____ _ Hubro Mr. Potato He•~-------- I '' '' , .\ \p. \',1.~ 11 Remeo•1Dakb ~tcben All &.mmT09'• ._ ..... . I , ,,~ ,, Cbe......,S.t c.-.i•~~mr 429tirpH"iDmtL 34c 1.78 3.97 (.!,.~'··· 6.84 4.44 68c 1.77 66e 2.48 1.97 3.54 63c 84° 597 ,,,._ ________ ._.._. ............ ..-.._,1..-........................................ ....ii-. ........................................ ..-.J l ' hta1te1'1 Hot Wheel Can AUMMftlToT1• lo-rn Prices. - f,l<lon 1-:ltclra 1 Car All ta&n Trl't'• at lo-t Priers. 2896 ---------peMoN• !O 2·11~5. 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"'777~ 37ss Scars 20·inch Junior Bicycles c.:an be con verted to full si~ Spyder bike. Coar er brU:e. l'rain- ing wbecls included. Bl• fot &iris·, m .. -fotbofS. "47622-32 Con,·e rla 20-inrh Bikl' Revers ible 1.1.oJ.:. Coil ~rri ng S.1dcl lt>. (·n~1 r cr 2488 bral..e. Tr.1ininJ,C \\'hccl \ in · Lluded. Mt"1;,!l1 c rf!'d \l'lt h ·wh1reuim. I/ 1 7 ~no ' . !.L . ' . Junior ~pyde: llicycle ~ ! /'- BC":gi noC":rs' conver1 ible-w1 th spomter styl ing. 1-[ighr ise 2 4ss h • od I eba rs. ·rra1 n in).: wheels. e~nan a 5eat. l (1·in. #4 7866 . "e•ro 13-inch Sidewalk Bicycles 1994 ' New ra1.ing type with chrom(\d fen· deri.. Highrite kan- dlebu1. Bucker uac. Flamboranrm~ Hurry to Scan "r yours now! #87594 SANTA AHA Kl 7-3371 TOIWICI 542-1511 ..----------------- ~Sears • """'ltlllCU A.HD CO. SANTA F£ sr!INGS 9«-801 1 VAltrY PO 3-11461, 984 -2220 I SANTA MONICA !X .C.6711 V!IMOHT l'l 9-1911 ____________________ , Use Sears Revolving Charge Shop 6 Nights Monday through Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M • ) ' ,., .. --. -. • . . . . · . •. :: :. · . . . ' . . . . -. · . ... . . . -...U"" .~ .. -.. ·: ~-·~ -'~ :· ..,.,,. . .: :--· ~· .... • . .· .. -~ . . -• . . . . ' ' . -. --~ __ , ... .:_c -. ,. -. -· .. -, - . • ·-• . -. ----., -~. -r. --.. --... • . -. . ,. ... ' -,..._ : ' -~· l \ J 0 OAll Y PILOT . -~;;;;;,,;;;;;;~ •• For Tl1 e --~ -,_ --Rec o1·cl ·--.... ·~ .--~·-............ ~[!'~ ·-..... r• ,,. .. ,.., ' .. ••• ~· -.~ ---·-........ ,•.~. ltlee ti1ags WEDtjlS1'.U1Y C•"" "I ' P o1To·. ~qll*r.,.. r;. Xlll Ac•c•• S•rr'1, Co>t• Mf••· 7;(0 ... rn. "'~'0"UT•on·< To•>lm•ol•r>, v I I I . ~··•""•• 10•~ a •• ,.c1e O•lve, N•v """ et, Cfl, 6c ~ ... m. MP\O~:c St•••"n~ l OOQ• NO lilll, '·"'~rK Temple. 15rn 51, .. 1 orm ~· And••"• Ploce. 11/•w<>o•• l!•~(fl, I 00 ., .. , W•'''"""'"' E><nonn• (>ub, l-<A'P••1n• Inn, l<t<I l!enC11 l!l'Jd, Wr;lm'"""· ' to " "' HuMlng!"" 6ro<h l,.O\J'1i< lo~•·· t\• .~or> '"1>11. /OS l""' $1<c'1, '""'" I •>!;ton Beo,n, I JO p m t o·•• N ~,. Eogie A•ri•. 1)1 V' lt•n ~I , CO>'• M•50, 3 l)O P m ~,,..,,~ S'"o Founoa••pn, Hunt .. 1010" fl •>cn 1"" (•n!-., (,M!lel<f AvP•1'•< "'d II••·•• Sl<0e!. Hvnlrn9!Qo 6eo,n, ~M "m J. T (,o~nnl C~oolor nl ~one nl ll•IV •n "''''""'''· Odd Fell""'' H~ll. '<II N•woo'1 Blva_, Co•la Ille'•· ~GO pm O•-'"Q' Coun!v Sk• Cl11b, ti~' C"l uo, .;6 Vi• Oi><>•IO, 11/e'.'l .. Ctt 6e•ch. I .10 • m Co•'1 5.nQI•• .. YMCA. 1l00 v~'"""'" Q,,, •. r1•,·,port 6•~ch. /.:JO p,m, .,, '\•<~••" In(_, Hunllngl"" 6•&<h H"'" so,~01. Rcorn 131. !'>Ill M .. n 5•, f-'un l"•910n Se,,ch, I •·"' llil1't" l "' Tnrl l•n•>le<'s (1110, 0 •"'" (~"'"""· Fa,hoon l\l•nO, !-!•woe" ll•.;c~. I • m l'!•••"I •~' 001""''' Club o• (o·•a f,\•" (Ot dl Rre1 Ro~IOU'&n!, ~·~_\ HMbO• 61va, Cc"• M•s•. l l~ a.m. l'!oa•d M R••l!o", 'l•wootl H~•bn• Co~lo "'"'"• B•llKl• B•v (luo, 11)1 W. (01>1 H•8hwa~. N•Yloo•1 f e•<h, I •.m V.'• .:min<!.-J101er. Club, l<.•M9'< 1 obi• J:tr·1auran!, wesimin""· 1' n~on I ><'>'090 (lub of Nr ... oo" "lMbM, ~!ult Shirl, 11•1 VI. Coa • 1-'1gn1·1••· t:~Y11><>•1 e •ach, l? noon I.'"""'" l lr,n> C•vb, I •!•(·'" 111' We""'H Ofi•~. Ne .• oort 8••C<1, 11 ""' ~.1·an" Clul> ul ("lil /'"•• ri >"" Co'M l>•OI l!•1t""""'' )I•' , .. ,,Uc• ~,,n_. (o;,. 1:,t,., 11 •o P m '~'"IOOn ~· K'"""'" Clun. V•'. M•••O•, !O~;''ll•v«O• Drw", lle>'.OO• I Bt•<n, 11• 10 o m, Dunu Hurbo1· Attcho1•ugc Po11·er boat chugs lhrough quiet 1vater.s of Dan<i Point Harbor 11·hile c rc1v of small vessel at right 1nakes 1vay under auxiliary po1\'er to anchorage. LarJ.!cr boats a lready ride at anchor under impos· N•woOt!-l ru"'• l!~;oorv (hiU, I!••"· I ~ .. "nh Re1•a•Hdn•. 1a11 s,.,101 ~·. Co••• 1.1>,.o, I? novn .. S u riitcttiori W orkers I O•~"Qe Co••' (,v,1on C •11~. F•l•i••nc·. 161 1 \'IP>l<lltf Q,..,,, IJ•,.Po<I 5r.<~ll, L' lS o.m '"'"''"" 6 "'"'"'.;mtn'< Comm1H•• '"""""""" Br~cn !'•""''' !<~.' £n•nq•r A••, H B I 00 o '" IJ£11T ll ,,.flTI C I·:.~ I BHO\\';-.;" ' ~01'1 '"' • Ft )r11 ii1 irr Associ utio1 i · 1 ~ S;111·1011" St;n1r ~;11 u\,1l111r1 11,,r·\,,.r~ f1·il llH'I ,)1011ld h:n r r r('"l1C'd 1rn· 111rth i11C r!'l'(,'11>1111111 1rht'l1 lh('lr lc11c.r \\d,, s11:i1111l ltd. :111U 1.111• ll'ar-d1~lf'H'\ d1rrl 1u1·s Ill«: Fair Bo a rd (•lrar " . II 11\1•1 11!1• nr1T:.:o-;1nh ." hr 11<1 rnc{I. 1,r 11nuldn't 'iook ~o k1ndlv on th al ·1 he Orange Cuu111y Sa111l;i· tion Dbtric! is a joint bod~' "ll1l·h i:o1 crs :.•'\en :.cparatc '«111i tar ion d 1s1 nets all 01·er thr1 •Olll111'. The F:xC'euti1 e Board gu1'cr'n_.; counlyw1de sanitation) problt·1ns anU con1 rols !he two l l'~·:11n1r11t pl;1n1~ in Fo1111t ain ' \'allf·~ an1/ l lu11tinglo11 Bl'<1c!1 1 l-:;1l'h ~cp:.i 1·;i1t• distril't <1lsn h:1~ 1h 1111 n hoard of dircetor.~ Thr·1 ~rl tl1•· 1;-in u11s 1<i x 1·;1\r,, AC.cord ing to Sawyrr thl' -.;1n1lalio11 11()1'!..crs a rc 11011 a~k1ng !or a r{'prese11ta t11e brc<Ju5r. '"lhc t1n1r has cornel 11·hc n U1e y need e ~per 11 1'o•pr cscnt<111011 lo ! 111pr·o1· el Ualf ~Stayin g H er e 10 Marines End Careers EL TORO -Ten Ma rines end 21 years in lhe Corps, and decorations. woond up car~ts !Ma.ling moving lo Oakdale. Calif., Sgt. Louis F. Adam,s. of more thao two. centuries in while l\laj, Raymond F • l\1issio n Viejo, has more. Lhein ~e to their C9Untry, this SchrarlJ~l ends a 20-year 20 yea rs in the Corps and will --" · career, ·shift ·to the res"°vcs also. w~ at·El'Toro Marine Cor ps -C"••ner Sgl. Freddie (L Maj. Schramel spent duty 1n .. Air Station, with half choosing both Korea and Vietnam, and Dickson-of Lamarque, Tex., lo make the Southland a the Hazehvo0d1 Mo .. J\larinf "'ill transfer to the reiervt:i: permanent ho rne. has won nun1erous award! after 19 years of service.·· Gunnery Sgt. BenJan1in E .• -----------·---- Schaffer, of Santa Ana, has been a Marine fo r more than 30 years, se rving in \Vorld War II, Korea and Vietnam. Mgy. Sgt. El vie E. Baker also has 30 years of service and will retire to make Oceanside his home . C\\10 H.alph T, Stabile, of Tustin, ends his career wilh 27 yea rs to. his credit. Col. Robert J, Graham, of Tustin, v:ho also received the Legi on of il-lerlt ~londay <lur· ing. ceremonies, retires v:it/1 26 years of service includ ing \Vorl d \Var JI , Korea and Viet· nanl. Gunner~ Sgt. Albert J. Pule of Anaheim also has 26 years and participa tion in the three rnajor \l'ars on his service record. MON• THRU THURS. SPECIALf FREE WASH WITH ANY FILt. UP ALL CREDIT CARDS ACCE~TED in~ c:llffs ove rl ooking h·arbor, 11·hich, despite in con1· pletc !ilatus. is serving as temporary rclugc' for in· trcasing nuinbers of 1vcekend sailor~ n1aking the run do\vn Orange County coastline. Gunnery Sgt. Paul P. Hino- josa. of Br ownsville , Tex .. \vill 1.ran~fer over to tile Flcel 11'!arinc Corps Reservr. after 22 years of duty. CWO John E. Virden \~ill e COMMUNITY EVENTS Wine Tasting Festival Oclob.r 77 7 lo • C1>•'• Me•• C o unl•v Club. Sp1>n•c rod by Tho Coit• Mei• c;,;, Pl•vheu•• P•l•ont "'"0:1 ~!.on, c .11 Scc;•I Ch•""'4"' M ... Shelley To to ,.1501 In• "'...... -··-, , ~ ...... ~ -. Artist of the Month : J •rty Woyn o Oowni, of C eo!• M., •• ~Mr. Do"'"' fo vo•• lh• lru J;tjon•I rom•nl;c 1tyl• o f !ho I 9th •~ntury , Dur•n~ lh• "'1>nth of Oc!cbo' h,, po;n1;nq• ... ;11 b o en di1ploy in •h. 9 ~ll •·v •'•~ cl •ho Cotlo M•i• Olli••· ln.luded ._;!h other .,f M•_ O""""" poin!inq • .. ;rl be h11 lo,.,+ •••·•' "N<.:_ihh in !ho G~I· o'on1 of Sn .. n."' • .. Toll•c Ju<!• Gove• 1. In• "ewe:• cl~OI· hon cl our pf!lo• Snp '' • 11rodU'01' ol O«lnqo (ON': CclP~• end m•~•., her ~om• in Co"" Me;o H•t in t••· ,.,,, m'IU<!e S,C U,1;,A, Diving ~od l'l"rc• S~'"'9 W• ~now you'll !"'" •uo; "'"nc•v •na h~lo1u1 rcme •n •nG ' ><el•o" 4nd you'll ~~• ~·· n• ,,. ''"n' n·~ >mot• FOUR MAXIMUM "-~c~~s ~:1 - PLANS AT CALIFORNIA FEDERAL ail• CALIFORNIA FEDERAL SAVINO$ ............ -....... PE.\RSO,'\ r '"" •• Jn"· Pt•r<c" ~·ir •i o• •'' " "•'~'e" 1~,.nn. L .. Q .~• ~· > O·d•I •' o•>t~ , • .,, JO '""·'Nl ~v ·O"• r'la llS 1'1Jccls -ai;1rv. fring r bencf11~ and1 1~!11, 11orJ\~ng cPnd 111on.~: I • • ><••vev J Poo"Q" (o•on• cei l '"' ;'.;••rnf E_ Pe;• t• 1'10 "0 l ., • •nu• ~·"•·1>Cf\•IO"" '"" "''"' ...... ~~(" ·~··· , .... ~· i ,-'-d•'< 10 ,._,;, ll>I" (I •Of' '>">fl ~ r.••• Jt ,9n~-. C1>•ono ~·• I "' !. .,.,.,,. '""' (•Q, C ~'"'"'"• Ln •··~·"•· s .111 r<'o"~~" o .. .,,~, ... .. '!\BUC KLE & SO.'' '\e:;telil! 1\lorluar~· t:. 17th SL . Costa '.\lesa +; l!i·~883 • l\ALTZ ,\lOHTt_j.\ll JES Coron;. ri('l :\lar on ~·~l.iO Costa .\lcsa :\II i;.i424 I IO • BELL Bt:Q,\D\\AY '.\IORTUARY Broad11·ay. Costa 1\lcsa LI l.J4~:l • DILDAY BROTHERS Huntington VaUty i\lortuary 1:911 Beach Bhd . Hunti ngton Beach 14:!·ii11 • '.\lcCORi\UCK LA GUXA REACH i\IORTUARY 1795 Lagut1a Cat1yon Road taguna Beacll 494-941~ • PACIFIC VIE\V 1 n l{ot a ti o n '"l.•111.on.11 b,1 ,"' f or 1111111\hll 111t<'l1ng~ aunrd :.1 i::11 1ng nr:111g(' Coun11 4•1t 11r11• a be li er L·r111L·cpt ol wb;11 1\ riot~. 1< bc1ni:: r0!1>1dcr<'rl b 1 1!)(' 3:!nd IJ1~trll'l Agf!L'llllu!'!JI A~SiM..'lat 10ll Th<' 1dl':I is fnr !hr Cu111111 F air Bo<i nl tu lllL'L'I 111 1 ar1u11 (·111 l'OUnl·ll ch;.ini l)rr ,, 1h11-. 1113 1-ing 1! ra~1rr IOr t'i\1~r 11< lu Ml 1n on 1hr drlibcr;ilions. Alfred <: L 11 I J e :i n "-, 'ecrctary and i:: c 11 r r a I 1nan<1ger for lhr Costa ,\le~;,. headquartered agency. 1 " preparing a report on the eon ccpt for prescnt<Jlion to !he boarrl 11ex t month . Dirtclor Tom R'ogcr~. nf N!'111port Bcae h. suggested tile rotating rneellng idea. l\'e abo ol f(•r l.'l't1\1\I i11- •111".11u c <111rl a 11·11 iii <111r 0•1 n h1·,1 rl11·,, 11 li 11·h ,(1111•· 111 1hr 1111rkrr~ Jl•l!l lni-," ~ ;i 1 ti S:111 \"('I ll ~rpel' 1\11" ;i< gt'll"l'<ii 111,inag('r nl !he <l1--lnct 1<; 1hc I 11lld ·po1n1 bel1leen cn1ployr:;:, .111d d1rl'r tr•r"-. ~aid :l l'\1011 on; 1hr r·tq11r~1 1'111 probably hr 1al.cn ;~1 the Jflill! 1nec ling 0 !1 .ill d1:-,1 ric(s ()('.i 8 l)11·rrlQJ""-nf 111P ~3111l:1\ 11111 .i1~1 1·1(•ls a rc n1c1nbcr~ 01 1lH· •:ll'1ous city eouncils, ph1.'i one 111einhcr ol (he l)range County l\n:1rd ol' Superl'isors. Thr executil'e board (tllr 1·ha irinan from each separ arcl tl1 ~tricl plus 11 co u n 1 y ~11pervisor) ha~ already made a decision . said Hllrper. but hasn·1 said 11·l1a1 its rccon1 · 1ncndat1on 11i ll !Je to the dire(> t'o r.s. l\Jounting Up Posse See ks Ne 1v Bloocl You don I h<1vr lo be • hor;;c111a11 to join lhe ne1v!y ronncd Deputy ~I a r s ha I ' ~ Pos.~e. savs Oon Fl h c a . l\1arshal oi tl1c South Coas1 Valley Parkv:ay. i\IE:\IORJAL PARK Cemetery e ~lortuary Chapel :i;;oe Pacific View. Drivt Newport Beach, Ca11fornia 144--%7• 1 .Judicial District. f irs! aid instruction And1 I raining maneuvers 11· i 11 prepare th e volunteer ~ ro r du· 1y in rmergenCies. . , PEEK FAMO.Y COLONIAL FUNERAL HOi\-1E ':HI Bolsa A \'t . l\'estmiaster 19~·~5!5 • SHEFFER ~IORTU:\RY l..aguna Btac• 494-1.'i:iS Su CkmeDlt 4r'.--O lff • S.\llTltS' MORTUARY •• L"? J\lala St. llun tinr ton Beach 13USn Tll'cnly horsen1rn hi11·r 10111- rd lhe posse and n1orr <i rr needed. but therr also will br room for 'unn1ounted 1ncmbcri; lo he lp 11·ith radio. transporta. lion and other .services, Rhe;i said. ~1ember.~ nr 11\r po:\sr . 1Yhich will be 1nobil!zed 111 case or need for srari'.h ;i.nd rescue or during a disaster 1n rhe coastal area; are meeting ;it i :JO ~ Thur~d11y nights In f>~I Nigu~I Stables on Crown . To date application~ have been received from residents of Laguna Beach. Laguna i\iguel. Dana Point , S a n C lement~. San Juan Capistrano and Mission Viejo. Application~ fo r 1nem· l>Crship, which will be limited to 60. including mounted and unmou!lled, are available at the. ~larsha!'s orfict. 327 Third St.. Laguna Beach. Further in· !onnation n1ay be obtained by calling 494·8035 . Today's Sto cks Toda )· ' ' 1. The Guaranteed Growth Plan. Deposit S 1,000 or more for 3, 4 or 5 years. For eilCh yc,1 r all YOlH principal ilnd in te res t remain , we'll guar· antee ;i 5.25° .. il r'1r'1 uill r;:1 te. compounded da11y !1 adds up to 5.39 °~ a year. 2. The Guaranteed Income Plan. Open an account of $1 .000 or more for 36 lo 60 months . vvc·11 guarantee you <i 5 25 °0 annunl rate, compounded d<11ly, w 11h in teres t p <1 1d ou t to you each quarter. 111 cJse o1 hardship or en1crgency, you r.nn w11hdravJ cit riny t•me with fu ll in terest paid lo th e end or the previous qu<1 rl er. 3. The Bonus Plan. Earn a bonus of ~·4 "~ a year when you r account is he ld lo 3·year nia1urity. This is 1n add1t1on 10 the r egular s ~, c urrent annua l r ate. Regula r in te rest is compounded dally and may be credi1ed quarterly for extra earnings. Withdrawals befo1e maturily earn a t th e regular passbool\ r<1te. Any <1mount of $1,000 or more opens and ma intain~ your bonus account. All lunds hetd ro m atu rity e,1 rn ;in effective annual rate of 5 25"a . 4. The Basic Plan. The most flexi ble pl an. You can invest any amount of money and wl1hdrfl w it whenever you wish. If you leave .-1 11 your money and interest 1n your account for a yea r fl t ou r current 5~10 annual rate \'V ith interest compounded dw rly, you·111ece1ve an annual yield of 5.13o/o . You earn 1nle rest lrom the day you deposit your money 'Iii the day you wilhdraw ii. Plus ... !he money you deposit by the 10 th of a ny month e ;irns in terest from !he 1st, when it rerna1n s until quarter's end. C~!.~fQ.m!.~,.F.~~~.!i!!70W§@Y.!!!gs NATION'S LARGEST FEDERAL COSTA MESA OFFICE : 2700 Harbor Blvd. near Ada'1'1s • 546-2300 CLI FFORD M. WESDORF, VICE PRESIDENT & MANAGER ' . ' l ~--.................................................................. ._ ................... _., ......... ~~~~~~~~~--------·- CHECKING •UP• Who IGlls Whom In Love and W ru· •; By I;>. ljl. IOYD ' .aht·1'bo. -'big ._Ing ~,HOMICIDE £ Stan wttb,the loC.,.;on lift! g'1 aDd'y'1 tends 'lfadlUonal runlllUc ....,.,._ lo bO' utraordintrily aflectloo· :,A husband. hls wife. and her •le. , ~friend. U the husband com·· · AUTOMoan.&4 -Much. :nltts 'murder, it's likely he wHI <'rlUcbm ts leveled ol la\t at l.UI the boyfriend. 1f the the automobiits manufactured ~friend commits murder, he · in this country. Justified . ii. rna1t apl to kill the huaband. maybe. Even so, should be ·A.'nd if lhe v•ife commits noted these cars last. longer ttlurder, !he too probably will now than they used to. In 1925, : ·t:ill the husband. N o t h l n g the average cu stayed tll'I the ~solute about this. It'• just road 4.5 years, In 1950, it held ~ ·~ statistical trend. But piy up for 8.9 years. Today, it runs 'hwband in said indeltcate for about 13 years. : .circumstance outht to be CUSTOMER SERVICE : Q. - : ~are of the sad odds. "\llns there ever a real Lillie '35 Ford Restored •• ~. Octolltr 1. 1%C> ZodiacQub Sets Dinner The Zodiac Club, a ne:v.·ly organized aslrology club of Orange County , will st.age the fir!t in a wlt-s ()f monthly dinner meetings at 7 p.m. Oct. 15 at Berkshire's rtstaurant. 3450 Via Oporto, Newport Beach. Burton Morse will. speak on "Libra Let"~ G ro w Together." For reservations and arl· dillooal information, telephone r GRAFFITI Mrs. Georie Weaver,. {714! IO-/ 5-IB--3181. DAIL 'f ,ILOJ Visit "' the Colonel COLONEL SANOtRS' RECIPE _·ANOTHER COMMON EX-Bo Peep with a sheep'?'' A. - : -,R.ESSION that by now No, but there was a ~al ; .c'Jeserves an honorable retire-Iifary wh~ad a little lamb • ; ..ment is "Later, man." , • • •• Q. ''DID YOU EVER play . 1.ET1'ERS SIGNED by L~n· basketbatl as a boy?"".A ... ,.--qan B. Johnson on White Certail}.l_y iC,llid. In Montana. ·: ,House stationery are ~atd to Was c1f great assistance one K•tuek,. fried &kiekt•. · tel.ail for about $35 each • . • vear in Kelping Kalisi)el High Colorado Governor J ohn A . Love. takes the ·wheel cost ~795 ne\v in 1935 a nd was restored at a cost of · ~ HILL CITY KAS I' · 693 S. Co11t Highway · "'' • ·• m School soundly trounce Noxon of a 1935 Ford, a Colorado Courtesy Patrol car, dur-$3.400. The Cour tesy P a trol was the forerunner of 4-'29'29 E. C"o1st Highway Corona del Mar 673-3n2 '. told, lives a lady named Pen-High School. I played for Nox-. . C ·1 I t t D Th •J1e Colo rado Stale Patrol. L•gun1Beach49 91418 · n~ MQMY who O\\o'TIS a dog 00 ••• Q. "IS -n TRUE a __ in_,g:._c•_r_e_m_o_n_1_e_s _o_n_a_;pc.1_o_s_•ps:.__a __ e_n_v_e_r_. __ e_c_a_r __ , ___________________ __..:!=====================' called Nickel ••• JS IT NOT married CR'Jple can't get : FrITING that El Pueblo de divorctd in South America?'' Nuestra Senora La Rei na de A. That's true in Brazil, Chile. . L<>.s Angele' de Porclcuncula Atgentil'il Colombia :a n d i~ the . large:st city i n Pararu'y: ' San.Diegans, Navy Mix Well California?··· 'l1IE HAN,D-IN A NAME -That candy WRITING ANALYZERS claim ba r js. c:illed the Baby Ruth. " Boulder City Set to Join :.:; Wi'd-e -~#J~iti BOULDER CITY, Nev. (APl -CiVllization, Nevada style, is catching up v.·ith this town ol 6.000 near Hoover Dam. Slov.·ly. Jtems: -Aft.er being dry since its foonding in 1931 as a tent city for dam workers, reside~t.s have voted in liquor. It nowais 1~gal for bars to stay open all night, just like the rest of· the state. But so far, only tv.·o of 22 applicants have rtteived li- quor licenses. -Gambling, a major in· dustry elsewheTe in Nevada, still is outlawed • J • but has a toe fn the door. TCIWl1.'lfolk: have votb::l to allow charitable organil.lltiOf!S to hold raffles. So far, no one has received .l permit. -Bouldtrilet'i, continuiDg 1he dizzy pece of change, att even , joining the gtneral Nev1da. :. ,quest for tourists, plu1ging the f:"llVOrtlkn of the huge •am and . ;It recreational ' f~litles or- ; the bOdy of wa~ behind tt, ~ l.eie Mead. They're out to ~·chan1e the towlr'•·h?1'ge as a , bedroom community l o r · gO\•emment workers. J>:tspite the c ha n ges, : ·'BaUlder City dwellers aa,y they :~00n·t want lo be like Las ,·vePs. the gaming spa 13 ·miles away. not ihe Ba'be Rull'I. "Why?" SAN DIEGO', Calif, (AP) -Amphibious Base tra i ns · San Diego area last year inquires a client. "Did the late There is an ccasional bar frogmen. alone. great Mr. Ruth object to use brawl bct,veen a .sailor and a To the north lies Camp The total est i mated of hia name as a trademark?" drifter. Once in a while, a Pendleton, 20 square miles or economy is $3.5 billlon an· Not at all The candy bar had .. . . J\tarine training operations nually of wh~ch the Navy's nothing to do with the Babe. !tr M a~ne on a pass complains o[ ar:d. ~ome of th!! 5th t-.larinc sh.~re ls_ $1.4 bt!Hon. \\'8.S named afttr President paSS1ng remark or punches a p 1vts1on. . We like to,~all ourselv~ _a ,<'..rN1P .. , C:lev~·s da~gh~, h~ppie. f?r ~he _he!J ~r it .. _ .. ~ l-'F~~Jtt~ acti~e ~uty .... ~a~.Y .;;;.c .~~tyl, ilsa~~. ~atr~~~~ --..-Jf1 ~·· -~ ""··-·· · .. -..-:'dW. ~ ""'" _,... -..U' tary ~•>'Jll: .Jlfl, or wide .at the tum of the century ingly'tew and far between," a ~1'rego -J:>o;i!OO o!ficl!ts 3~ slumped, lhal's c.hc w.i y San as Baby Ru\h, police lieutenant says Of con· men---: ':he annual payroll is Diego goes too." LOVE AND WAR - A Tt x· flict betwttn the 9 5 g, 6 O O fM9 mlihon. as judge recently granted a civilians .end Ole -4 O O , O O O The area also absorbs $95.4 divorce to a husband whn uniformed t.1arines and Navy mHlioh in quarters allowances cmnplalned his wife went men, thei r dependents and and othei1 .allotments and $13 through his pockets eve ry retired military people. million in federal impact aid night. Said the judge, most Racial violence y,·hich has for education. firmly: "I don't k~w ho'."' lnvolvid military ~en in some Civilian civil s e r v i c e other courts m_ay view this parts of the United Sta les, is "·orkers, v.·ho number 2~,000. n:ia~ter of a ~ife re~atcdly practically nonclt.istcnl in this took home $205.5 inillion last n~1ng .a man s clolh1ng, but city where one person in three year. The city's second largest this coury. reg~rds sue~ pra~· is dependent on the military. employer is Ole Naval Air Sta· lice ~s inconsistent v.•1t~ t11e On a n S\'erage day, 90 big tion at North Jsland with 9,000 mama~e vows and bas1ca Y ships use San Diego's harbor, blue collar v.-orkers. wrong. Our Lov~ an~ War Home port to nearly one· 'The retirement checks of m_en f~l.s you r:ri1ght hke to fourth of the Navy 's entire ac· the 25,000 retired servicemen clip Uus item. mister, and put l ive fleet. in the San Diego area lotaled it in your pocket. . . $76.2 mi llion last year. L•~~u.1.GE MAN -ln . 'T11c ski es ar: fu\1 of 1ct On.construction prn1·ects, the "'.,.. . ~ . . fight.era from M1nmar Naval -~alafl:., the ~d for kill is Air Station, helicopters from "f"lavy spent $40 million In the arnoq. Ttrpe W8! wt)en ctr-Imperial Beach and an- tain flgflt\ng Mala~s .got 10 t isubmarine plants from early n:vved up on·~the indigenous warning squadrons stationed sauce, they steamed around at Nor1h· Island with long knives, sl3bblng • ev....V livi'"' thlng and yelling, Navy and civilian s~icntists •• ;:;r:oql ·:.\moq!" Whit:h • is · , worJt together on laser beamJ, oceanographic puu lea and ·where, says our Language other projects at the Naval Man, we get· the phrase "Lo Eltctronlcs Laboratory Center run amuck." 00 Point Lomn. The twp Lord Snowdon Photos Turned TOKYO IAP) -"That pic- lure is upside dO.,.,'ll," said Lord Snowdon, husband of Bri· tain's Prince~ ri1arga rct. His .Japanese guide asked, "Why do you say that'?'' And Snowdon replied, "It's my photograph." Then they found another of his pictu res at a photo exhibition \\'as upside down. Snowdon, a professional ~,made both from Y our q utstions and com.. Balboa Naval Hospital cares mtnts art welcomed and for men "'ounded in ·Vletnam will bt used whtrever pos-ns v.·e!I as retired veterans of sible 1ii "Cht cking Up." both world v.-ars. PU RC HAS El Address ma i I to L. !of. The Naval !raining Cent.e-r Bo¢. in car-e of the DAILY and ~1arinc Corps Rtt:ruit PILOT, Box 1875, Ntwpori Depot turn QUt new man- Beoch, Cal if., 92663. p<l\\'er, and Coronado Naval "There may be some ln· -- di\'iduals who th ink v.·e shoulrl have casinos. but I know of no one," isays Elton ri-f. Gan-elt, a real estate man and residtnt ~ince 193!. "The people want l o keep I.he tone of the lown preUy much as it is." The way It is, It's quiet. Even the tiniest of oLher Nevada towns are lit up 11l night by neon. Here they don't have the thinfs that go with neon. Downtown area al· lractions are drug stores, government buildings, a park. The other lheater has been li:J ••• closed . I "It's 1 very boring town," says Stacy Marshall, 15. "For teen agers, there's not much to do." But he r view is n o t unanimous. Says D e b o r a h . Traudahl, 16: "I rully like It. : You know practieal ly ' everyooe. And there are dances on wtt'kends." Dolores Gatlin, wife of an electrician, 1ay1 "I don't want my children in a town where thtte'• gambling. We 're close enougb '° we can go to Las vecu and gamble if we want to." Why dKI the town vote in Ti- qu« by a narrow margin last MIJ' 6? .. We did it to attract a first- clus restaurant," aays Mayor J •mes French. ~----------1 IAVIXGI' • R&l£SiMiiiS • f!h- ./ldu;~ /17o1teea6I PllEP.ufO ESPECIAllT FOR TOUlt SlGN ~ !)'J~U?/f &11ta'6(, ,.. ,._..., ... lM..,. fr• 9lit M ..... 11114" ~••r1us flld . .FALSETEETH KEYSTONE SAVINGS AMO lOAN ASSOCIATLON 6-111 W. C:.0-, ,..,.,..,, ............ ........... ,-.., ... •WSIMSIB.w.ti ... ........ -.......... 14K GOLD EARRINGS FOR PIERCED EARS ALL ARE GENUINE STONES oJadu •Gamela •Cull Pearls •Cameos STUDS OR DROP,S YOUR CH DICE -ONE LOW PRICE $688 CHAllOI rr Ar YOUll PENNIY'S flNE JIWflllY DEPAll1MIHT fULLllTON O•~"'ll• C"'r..- H•tt>ot •I 0••~'1ot~1 s.-de"""" }Ii,_ OI ,,, ... ~ ..... ., ..... --4 ,.,.. .. -..1-. NIW,OJT llACH HUNTINGTON II.I.CH f 111'io!I l•llllil -"l~tArtn11• 1t f'•(!Uc C,out """"· U<1<1t•ngtor• C••~'" [<ll~Q" •• Ja.1 Oittt '""" • SAVE 30.95 THROUGH SATURDAY! PENNCREST •42 DESIGN" ZIG ZAG HAS . THESE FASHION MINDED FEATURES. Choice of 42 sn1<h desigm, 3 pcll~ion · ~ S.W straight, zig .zag, decorative stJtd,es, make button. hoJes. TimHOYing.. built-in need re threader and auto- matic buift-in bobbin winder. Attractlv• P•nncr•st" sewlilg cablHh, cases and dfflis ... P-ICNOl9 ...xlem detl: of Danilb modem s1yling. Top -·to glw ~ inches of wm. svrface-$6'5 Mecliterr1nMn cabinet (01 shown) with 7 spMd knee control. Fold top opens to give 44" of work surface. Also a¥aUoble in colonial Ot modern 1tylo. $35 ,_bf. °""'' that fit oil PettncTmA sewing machines. Case of hardwood com"ed. with vinyl. $ 10 CANOGA PAR K DOWNEY USE PINNm TJMI PAYMINT PLAN FULLERTON LAKEWOOD HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH ' VENTURA l ----------------- .J z DAILY PILOT Week' Pla11ned Nev ada Co eds Vieiv Life As It ls RENO, Nev. tAPI Starting ne11t fllond11y it's "Se)i \\"eek" at the University or Nevada. It \.\'ill fe a I u re sponsors say. talks on such topics as lesbianism, com · niuna l living and rape. "The name i5 a little misl,ading." says Roberta 13arnes, dean of v1omen. ··Basically, it is a progran1 1hot deals y,·ith current issues and soc ial problerns." ··sex \\'etk.°' so named by the Ass ociated \Vo 111e 11 ~tudents. il~ sponsors, 1n i·ludcs film s on sex: cducallon ;ind a unirersi ly he a I I h department presentation on birth control. p I a n n e d narcnthood and premarital ~e x:. "These are timely and <.'On· temporary tQpics \.\'e are in· tcrl!sted ln, 1' sa11J Ton i l\aragos1an. \'ice president or the Associated \V om en Students. "I an1 not certain 11·e have all the facts about t/1en1." ~1 oney to finance "Se:r: \\'ee k'' l'a 1ne from ~tudents fee ~. The discussion of lesb1an1sm 1ril l ~J£!1 by fi ita Laporte, president ol the Daughters of Balitis. a S;in F'rancisco-ba8ed organi UJL ion v•hlch defends femAle hon1osexuality. A show y,·iH be staged in the carnpus g y m n a s i u m by 111e1nbers of 1'1cssiah's \Vorld ('rui;ade , a communa l li vi ng group that travels with band, choru s and speakers to spread its niessage. .. Assault s on \\'omen and Their Prevention" will be deall Yt'i\h by the Reno police de partment. The re wll l be a fashi on show, lille.d "Sexuality in fashion." "I just hope people are cu rious enough to come and ask qu es t i o n s " f\1iss Karagosion sald. ' 'Th t y should. Tht!SC. are problems in the y,·orld around us." The Independent American party, Nevada version of George C. Wallace's th ird par- ty. has passed a resolution censuring Gov. Paul Laxalt and the uni v e r sity ad· 1ninlst ration for allo~·ing "Sex \\'eek." Says Powerful Solo11 Nixon Can Get Draft Plan ' \VAS HI NGTON (AP) -The cha im1an of lhe pcrn·ertul House Ar med Se r\•ices €om· n1ittee savs he y,·ould nol otr ject to <1 draft lottery if Prcsi· denl l\'ixon can pro\·e it fai r. Although Rep. l.. fllendel Riv ers contend!i Nixon could accomplis h his draft ob· jectl\·es with an alternate pla n thol does not require cc:.n- ' gressiOna\ appro\'al. the South Ca rolina Democrat said in an inter\·iew: "If he can sho111 it i~ rquitable and 1rould give any ps;.·c lm!ogica l advantage to college studenls I 11·ou!dn'I ob· jrct to that." LEGAL NOTICE ' 1'f_-""'''f"'""dWTO£T,,~9' ~1'4Cflie&• e liA~fs ~ -~ ... ,~, .... - '-n-69 1n .', OOr"I ti MOY ConC••n: Svbl•cl lo •~•uon<t cl lkr loc •o;t •P-~IT•a for. ~otico 1\ ~•robY o lv•~ t~ot I~~ """"'•lo~,.., P'OPO"•• lo >ti! ~lcokohc ~·v••e9e> or t~e Pr•""I'"" a••rrl~a ·~ lollc..,•· 111 \"l•ol H•tl! S!r~I. (<>',I• ~'A 1>~·~u•11I !O •U<ll 1nl•n1lon mt U/I• I'!•• lonoo i! APP l>l!\V IQ 111• D•c1Mm•nt "' J.lt.ohollr ll•v•r•~• C~r•rol '~' l"uonr • "" lr•r~!or (I on 11<"'1~11< l>ev<r~ge ''<"''" '"' t~·>• .,,,. . .,;\~• 1\ follow,· Oil SALE llEEll ••10 WINE (!Ion• r10~ Pubh< f1•!ng l'l•<•I Ar;on• 0•~1.,n9 lo pre••-.• lh• l~•v•n'' er sur~ 11, .... , • .,.,.~!II•• v .. 11.-0 "'"'"'' •' t nY pf!ic' pt I~! D•oo•!m•~t o• •oro~ollr !••"'•9• (cn,•el, "' bV """II lo "'" D•<>•""'""' or _.,1,onol.< !ltY•••<1• Ce·•'<ol; 1111 O St•••!, S1r r1m•ntc. Co>Hr.•n•• •~u . .._., •• 1o bo •MO•""M:I ",,., n :;o 0•)$ er •~f a11e '"• "'"""''"<l ~'""'""' w•r• ''"' "'''""· .i1!inq 1•01Jnd• lo• dtnl1I •• erovidP-d bv l•w 'tr,. p•fml:•1 l rt now '"~n,.,a lor t~· ••'• ct 1lcoticllr b•v~'"ou, 'the lcrm n1 ~--l!!t~•IM "'"" b• ~b,.lnP-d !ro-M 1nv t rltOI ol !!'lo Oepl'lm•n!, (tirl\!lfl• (. Alltn P.ot>eM S. jl.llM E't1f~ ,,,., KH,h••N Fran~ A l(r"now J•&n E'_ t1e1,on l·«"'h N Nrl•on T"O""'• •. tlc•ll>v• •vbl•"'ltd 0••"8• Co•I! 0.,1, "•lo!. l'J(to1>er 1. u.-i 1111-19 LEGAL NOTICE (!llT!,ICI T! O• I USINE SS, Fl(fll lOUS "'AME 1 ~. untt•••iv~.a ao <••Ill• 1"~~ ••tl •o·~uc•ln~ I bu•11'•:• U SJ.II N•wOD•I f ••ttr Or .. ~ulrt lJS •1•"'""'1 ll•&th, C•lllt rn•• ''"""' lh• llct11'o • "'"' NI"'°' el l•ITE',HIATION•l l•IVESTO~S [0 ~nc •h.it <&lo """ 1, tc"'P~,.., ef "'' l<>ll~lnr PO•>•n•. ,·,tio~• n~m~ In lull 1ntt Pl&.:.~! r"'!d•nct •'" I! •?lloW•; l•m~; P. T~tk,., ?71 ll•ll SH•ct, l h•~llnotnn l!••Cti, C•l1! r fdal• L• l!or on. ·~ Elm~u•~t. '" •• '·'"'"·Coli! t'~·~ !•ri·..-~--,. ,.,. F f~OI• l • 1!1•on ;,,..., P T~t•- ~·•·• r• (•'"er~ & o·~n•• c .... ,. Qn S•ot ?•. 190•, ~·•o•• r-•. • 11"'• .. , • t1>llc In 1...i It• •.ld S'•"· ''""'"""II~ •oo•a•Pd f _ fddl• L• ll&r~n •"n J •m•• r r, c••r ~no ,, to m• ·~ ~· ·~• p•• o•· •' "" • nomr, ••f $u~1<dbod '" 11'• "'l'"'r " •· -•;! ~ .. n •c~nowr.a~·~ '""' "' ·-~ '"" ,~ ...... IO~n(IA I ~e •L ! l f 1'1!Y l '.'rC~ll O l ~ • • r,~"• C•"1o'"'" r • ~·~II 0!' <~ I ~ r· e•n• Caul'•v (•...,-• .. a" f•e '" •o·11 " 1•n r ~!o-h•d O••n~ C~•~! D• Pl """' r>• nt>-, 1 1. h, ;), "~' 11:;.iv LEGAL NOTICE T·~l)U NOTl[f TO C ll ~D!TOll'S <>lll Fl!IOll (OUllT OJ Tl11t ST AT( OF C•llll'Oll NIA FOtt Tl1 1 COU NT Y 0 ' Ott•NG E No. A·i lll' r 10 :0 ot l(Alt-4L CE11 coo· .. es. 0 &."•• •e li'll lCE •.S-•1r 11 r 11y \'dV(•/ "' ,~. ''""''"" of "'" ~tK>v• nom•d <l•c•a•n1 '"~' •11 ~''""~' ~.,,,,., cl•'"'' •q,lncl '"" ••IC ~·c•o•nt ••• '""UI '"° !o Iii• '"'"'· ,, 11~ "'" n•c"<'h•y '""'n""· on 111• ~!!"' •' !hf rl"f~ '" In• 11111•• t otlllltd (G•if!, !)• lo Q'""""' I"""'' wllll !kt ""''"""l'Y ' .,~." •o In• un~•··•lnn"<I ol +~ .. <>•Ile• r l QOll•LO !'. DOLA~l. ,t,!l<>•>'r'" ?I• 1 ,. t f!<>wland, Sull• C. Cov+n•. C•r.lo•nl1 •irn, wnic~ h "'' Dl•rr or bu•ln•1• !)I t~r undr.,1Gn!11 !n II! m•!I"'• pert~1~1.,., lo '~" "'\h+~ n• ••Id ll•r•dent. w11n1n !nvt "'""!ti' ellft •~t !l•it publlr•tion M IM1 ~°'''"· . O•t~d S•n••rr~•r 7•, 1'f' l':ENIJfT H COOMllS, ,.d.,.,1n,.1r1!01 o• ·~· ••t•tt 01 11,. •tK><t n~m.a a"'C'!Gen• bON.loLD ~. 001..AN 'U S . ••w .. fMI, S11!" I C1vh11, C•W"1nl1 'lnJ '""' j!IJ) "'·1111 All•.,.•Y "' """'ln1111111r •u~llgt.a O••r>(!• (0011 D••IY ,,lot, Octob~' i, •· is. 11. 1'6' 1811·&• LEG AL NOTICE I Allt W f NOTICl TO Cl eOlfOlll I U,.El !OI (OUIT 01' 'tlllf JTATI' 01' (,t,Llll'OI Nt ,1 J OI THI COUNTY OJ OllANGI' ....... ~ 1!~1'11 of ( ... ll;LOS (A t-ICHOLA DK t 111td. OfOTICE rs HEllFllY GIVEt-1 "' Ill c•Hlt'orl of lllt 1bcv• ,. • ...,.., dt("(l•n t!t&I 111 •tr•Dnt fl•yln9 ci.1m1 10•\not tti• ••Id $1:Nlent ••• •e<>11l•tcl ro •n• tll•m ~iifl> flM nttts11rv vou<tlf". In tt... olllcr el t111 clerk ol Ille t bo•t e..lollNI t ovrt, or lo ...-nurl -· "'"" I/It n<'t•u e•1 w ..... thln. •• 11'1• uncr. .. r,,.,.., •t ,.,.. .,..lr• 1f 111~ •l !Ofll•Y llul""I N. M•l<\tl, HI 'I'/ Lo Hl br• l!IV'd,. LI H•b•1. (11itotnl1 •0.31. wnlt n 1, N •"'' o• """""" ot 1n1 uncr.r1i.nit<1 Irr 111 m•ll"'I po1t•lnln11 to !k• 11T•li' of w1~ arcNI•~•. wltt.ln tou< m~nll\1 •fl~r IN llrtl ,.ullllt•hon o! !n>S .. 011ce. O•lect ~"''· lt, 1ff,. 1'GuH•lllfl'f C1"1.!lcol1 Aa'!'l1n11•••••I• ot "'' WI•! ol ll>e •l!<>V• r•..,..OCI ~t•OO•nl llUANNI N. MA.!Nll l it W. L• -· l tvf. L• N"r•, C•ll'"'"'ll INJl '""' rJIU lf ,•1!11 All..,fWY .. , jl""l~l1l•tlrt• P..til ll~M O••"ff C!"•' 0 •'1¥ "lie!. I J ·e1e..,,c.r )( t r.d Oc lo~~' 1, -· 1•, ... , 111•·~' A psyd1ological advantage is he likes. alt student.~ 11·ou!d gel, Hivers B'ut Secretary of Defense said. .because 11·hen , they J\lcll'in R. Laird a11d his .chief finished school lhey 1\'ould rnanpo1-1•er aide said the lot· kno1v about their chances of tery is !he fairest and simplest being drafted but 1.1·ould still of three possible v.·a)•S to limit be eligible for induction. the draft to \9-year-olds. Rivers' comment on Ille 'fhey said young me n could psychological effect appears to determine their draft risk be a reference lo reports tha l months in ad vance under the one aim of the Nixon's ad -S}'S\em of drawing the 365 ministration's dra(L rcvJsion da ys of the ye11 r out of ll hat dril'c and 50,000-inan draH cut to dctcnnine the follov.·ing is lo qu iet cainpus dissent. year's callup order. The chairman sai d he 11111 A man ...,.005e 191.h birthday take no other position on the falls on the first dale drawn lottery proposal until a special would kno1v he is Likely to be subcommittee con1p!clrs hear-drafted the fol!o1\•ing January, ings -and the subcon11n it 1rc they said. A man v.·hose birth· 11•as disllnctly cool to the idea dav falls on the last dates at an opening hearing Tues-drawn would likely escapC U1e ~~ ~ _. .. drafl entirely. , ~qi~! .-... ." ....... -.. !:r:~t htJP~t ... · ~ ~~·tu~J Edward Hebe rt (D-L1J .), s.11d S. Stratton !lJ·N. Y.). sai<'.I mtn lhe di Herence between lhe Jot· with birthdays on the midd le tery and the alternate draft dates drawn could onl y guc~s plan is "t...,·eedle dum and at 11·hether U1ey might be caJ1. ll\'CCdle dee'' and the lottery ed or might escape the draft. \\'ould still lea ve most young Hcberl indicated preferenl.'t men guessing on their pro· for !he plan Nixon said he spects for being drafted . would establish by execuli\'e Betnoval of t he · con· order if Congress does oot ap· gressional prohibHio11 ago1n~t prove !hr lottery this year. a lottery, Hebert ::>aid, .ilso National b;ise dates v.·ould 11·oul d give Nixon a "blank be established each month and check" to abandon the louery l~·)Car-olds 11·ho tu m 20 that plan and impose. an y system da y would be the fi rst called. Nixo11 S upport Helps Ii . Cliances for Refor1n \\'ASfllNGTON (AP) President i\1 i x on 's en· dorsement has gil'en a strong boost to chances of getting a constitutional amendn1ent pro- vid ing for direct election o[ presidents through Congress, to the plCJn ·,;; chief Senate sponsor ''Although Jll'C$Hlrnlla1 c11- dorsen1t'nt or !ht' d1rrc'l clcc- uon plan <'<'rta1nly dot s not '."Cture adopt 1011 hy t h r Senate."' Sen. Birch Ila} h 111. Ind.). i;.11d Tuesday, "1t 11 otdd bv my thought lllat lhl' Prr.,1dl•nl's :.lrunR f)O Sl\lilll 11·ould hi.il'C a t'0nsidcr;ihlr an1nu11t of influent<' 11 n srn:itors 11ho ha'r llf'll 1r\ madr up their n11nds 1111 t11r suhJe<:I.'' R:i} h 11·r11l on \0 =-a~· a!!r r Nixon s11·itcht'd hi:-. p:1~1\1011 Tue<dav· t11a1 '·[ U11nk 1-1'C· hai r ;in exttllcnl chance of gc !tin,c:: lhi .'> 1l11ng lhrovglf ' Congrr~s ar.d he e~presscd hope lor final a1:tion by the rod or the ye ar . ALSO SUPPORT Suppor t for the pro1x1sa\ also c:an1e fron1 Senate Hepubhca n Lead er I lugh Scotl 11'ho said the J udiciary Comm1tlte pro- bably v.·ill report out the direct cleclion plan. Scott said he has favored an altemate plan 11•hich wou ld re· lain the Electoral College, but ''I v.·i\I support wha le\•er lc~islation is reported to the full Senate from the Senate Judiciary Committee." Sen. Edward i\1. Kennedy. assis tant Democratic leader, said he hoped to see prompt action on elttlion reform but "it is impossible .::it ll1is tirile to predict 11·he.ther lhat plan 11·iil pa ss the Se n a I e this year Nixon. in endorsing the direct el rclion amendment . abandoned his earlier su pport cif alternative e I e c t o r a 1 reform proposals. Il e ca1ne out for the House proposa l under 11•hlch the candidate wllh lhe most popul:ir volrs 11'ou ld be elected. A runoff bet1.1'een U1e lwo leaders \11ould be required if T\I) cand idate polled at least 40 percent ol the \'O\e. Ba\'h said he hopes for at· 1io11 °hy !he. JuO iC'iary Corn' n1it!ee in the ~cetind or thi rd \reek of October fHld !'.-1id "it probahly 1.1·ill br on the floor !hi' lasl na rt nf Nnl'rn1hrr.'1 A Judiciary subcom 1ni1tce. a • ITIJJOrity of 1-1·hith Opposes direct elcc!lon. has passed the matter on lo I.he fu ll e-0m- mltlcr. Bayh e~ti1natcd the direct el ection proposal has al least nine of 17 votes in Judic.iary , and possibly more. SHORT or TOAL \\'hile he es!ln1atcs sup-- porlcrs in the full Senate may be about 12 sh o rt of U1e nct'cs~:iry 67. assuming all ::icn.:ilors \Ole. Bayh :iaid he rxpl'tls to p1c:k up addllional slqip.ort tollo111ng the defeat ol Jlt{'r1111l1rc propn.<;;:1ls. That h;1ppc11cd u1 the llou::ie 11herc \11 0 allcrnat11e plans 11 rre dC'fe.:itC'<l by narrO\\' m:ir.i;1ns hut the t1nal a111c11d· n1ent 11 on by an 01·er11 heln1 ing ZlJ!l-1(1 1'0!{'. BaJ h also ~aid he thin ks i\'l:.,on·s Mljlport of d1re<:l elc{'- !1f111 in <iy he "n1ore significant on the state lcgislati\'C lc\•cl" !h;in 10 1hc Scnalt'. .\ consti tution al amcndn1ent niu~t be approved by a two- thirds \'OU! in each house; of Congrl"•s and then he rat ified by three-fourths of the st.ate legisl:iturcs to become. rf· fective , Nixon previously had taken the position it might ht-im· possible lo 11•in stat.e approva l or a di rect elec tion propoiSal. Bayh said he hope s the. Sena te 11·ill rrinove a House rider lhat 11·ould require ratific;it icrn of the proposal by ,Jan. 20. 1971. for it lo take cf· feet tor the 1972 election. Bayh pointed out that m an y legislatures won't n1eet in 1970 and \\'Oll lrf be unable to act so quickly in 1971. R.JoyceGets Kiwanis Joh Tax 1:onsultanl Robert L .Joyce has been elE"cted lo a st.- t·ond terin as presidrnt or the Laguna Beach Kiv."anis Club. Named lo serve 11·lth hi1n 11·cre Arthu r R, Boag, firs1 1 ice president : J ames 0. (iray. !!.t:<:ond \'ice nrcsidrnt : r.uy \\'. l\·l;ile, secretary. Dr. Oonald C. Dunbar, treasurer : and dirrctors J amrs R . Trltlf)O, .ran1c~ E. 1\gnc11·, J)onuld L. llo11ard. ~lugh H Dunnion and Leroy tV. rart~. ! ' ' ., .-· \ HUNTERS ••• PENNEYS IS HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS SAVE THRU SATURDAY! ·----~ CANOGA PARK DOWNEY '"~ ... , .. ,_ SALE! ~ SALE! SALE! FOREMOST DELUXE PUMP SHOTGUN. Chambered for 214" and 3" sheRL Has ..,, rib llohliog plane and rubber aJshion recoil pad. 12 gauge fvll """ modified choke. 28 Hich barrel. Reg. 89.99 · NOW 79.99 Aloo ovo ilol!fo in 20,or 410 ,.., ... '~. FOREMOST BOLT ACTION RIFLE. Features hardwood stock with fluted comb and chocb!N pistol grip. Available in J0.30 or .222 caliber. REG.59.99 ........ NOW 54.99 . ' FOREMOST .22 RIFLE WITH SCOP£. Semi-automatic rifle hat tubul'"' _.i.,. t!tat ...... l9 long rifle roundL Selected hardwood ·-a CMd oold pai.I trigger. Price inchJd• a 4x5n.w KGP9- REG. 44.99 ........ NOW 39.99 SALE! JOllFlOST ttUWT.-r.um w.-...................... ...--'~ 1-4 ...., -_,,,,........ ....... ..... -.. ....... " UG. 10.ft, NOW 8.99 SALE! ..,....,.,_,.. COAT w ... ...,..... ......... ...t •• Mk•W ~ ,..L ~,.,_., __ .. .c......~ .......... .... , ..... -8.99 SALE! .... --.... .... .......................... •-"'.,_._.._,..._ .... .,. ... ...,.,.._ ....... .a.1i111..a.r..a.-s.M..l.XL ........... -8.99 AMMUNITION Paper coso flold load sliotgun sholl1. 12 91ugo, 3 cir~-1 n. #6 • #I ahol. 20 gouge, 2'/• clnmo lt n ; #6 ., #I 1hel. ONLY 1.99 .22 colil:sor long riffo umidge., ______ ,, _________ , _____ , __ ,,_ nc FULLERTON HUNTIN GTON BEACH LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA ----------------------------~-------------- Rolli11g A long Constructio n on a 65.foot ",~1 heel·t ree" 1s under wa y in front of a Dodgeville (S.C.) inn. The tree i ~ pre s. ently about .10 feet tall, ancl \vhen con1plcted \\'ill have a fountain <U!d six foot gas torch a·t its peak. P1·of it Meas111·es \VASHTNGTON <AP\ ....:. The l\ixon adn11ni~tration 1~ u.;;ini:: a husine~s µrofit and los<; s:al{'rncn! r;ilhcr 1h'1n social i:;nin<; -l<l 11\r:is11r1· prng1-r:;<:. bv s 11 n1 r 1·x: p<'ri1nen!al c.:on1111un11y ac11on r;.,n...: •• .1))11KL~fl1t!1f nJ r 111t: fc11er1u a n 1. i p o v e r 1 y p r ogram ;ic knowle<.lgr pa ring dnzens of hard-core poor fro1n t 11 ~· pa~Toll in ;it lr:1~t lwo projrcts -nnr iii a hig city ~hctto, the n:llrr 111 :i rur.11 }OU1hcrl! \0\1"0 -1~;1t vrrgc<.I on b:inkr11ptcy. R11t 1hrv argue lhc1r ain1 i.~ 1o pu t the f1rinc; on their feet !<O th:it 111!1111.itcly they can crnploy the jOb!r~s r11ther th11n le1L1ng thr f1nn~ hctornc ;'Jnothcr lorm o1 \1·elfi.1rc agcn· ,,. ··Thr rritcria for succcs~ 111 !his fir!d 1s the crc11fi1Jtl of a 'i,1hlr b11.~111csc; cntcrpncr 1herc ·s nol going !rf be ;') ne\'er-ending Lrand;!.ls1on •o( nnu,i::h," ~a.1·c; Ccoffrcy Faux. rh1rf of \he Office •l I J·: c n n t1 111 1 c. Oppor\un1 \.v's F:C()Jl0fl11C () (' v c I up Ill(' 11 l Hr~nch. . \"OT l~l'~F IC ll~:'\T ''\\'e know 1hey·re nol going to be "~ ctl 1l·1cn\ <1~ Gcncr:il :'11ntors, bul 111c <1ucst1011 !~ C<in lhry ~l \c;1.c:! ~u pport tliernsclves and m<r) be 111<1kc a pro1frt. • .ai<l 0111othcr official of OEU, thr f eder al ~ IJ 1 c r runc11t's ;inti1;o1·crty <l{!.f'll('~ The ofllC'i:•\. 11hri a~kcd n!lt to hr 1drn1d.od, !::i1d the Nl'lOll ,\•hn1n 1strl\llOn 1.c: 1nnrr 1ntrr- r~tC'd 111 the ah1l11v of nirsr proJl'l!S !(I ~11111)(•1'1 ihrtTl'C'l'.cs ,i11il Ir~<; 111lCIC'~trtl 111 ~r111ng !Lr h;ird rnrr po1•r rm ~unl" :-nrt r.I p;1~ roll '·Thrrr 11111 hr 'itrr'11nc; ;111d ]1rt11 I-; o1 jlt!)l 1·~1 I 1·0111 ;i ·I (n·rr ' hr c;;1H! · tliQina 15 i11.~1 lhr l1r•t " 1\lhina 1~ thr •\lb111,1 Corp. of Portland, Ore.. r o u n de d , operatrd and 1nanncd alrno!il t11t1rcly by black.~ in the c1t:i's g:1c•no. Located in <1 lorrnrr boll'l in;:: :i.llry. the n1elal. plastics •and f 1 b c r g l a s s '""QU(;irl<>-' ... -" --._.....,_, nr"- t:'e11lJl'!t1• a ;i11,m..tC'f m govfl"tt> 1nenl and private <Xlnlracts si nce its founding a year ago. f1 11l its president. ~1ayfic!d \\'c·bb. ~ays prt>"ssurc fro111 \\ asl1inglo11 has forced iL tn drnp sonie social gonls ;ind .:11n1 {or a quick profit '·\fr h<1ve felt the effect of the new administration 1n \VashinKt on," says \\.ebb. a l:nvycr and NAACP official ··111e program prople are not b~1ng listened 10. It's the financial peopl e no11·." he says of y,·h:it he calls new orders rrom Of.0 . SlL\llES f.RA:'\T (Jf.0 1s C'on~idering A)b1n~~t ;oipptication for a ne1v $i90.'000' grant. 11 alread~· har. 1nade ;tr:ints totaling S586 .545. \\1rhb sars "C\'Cl"}'lhing ll'ill go do11T1 th~ drain,.' 11·ilhout lhe <1d- d111onal fund s . \\'hen the corporation r;i n in- to a delay in tooling up for a ~I 2 million Department of Defense contract fo r steel a111 - nn1111t1on ho.~es, OF~O took a close look at the corporation and suggested several changes in n1anagement methods. \\'ebb ;:ays tl1e hasic d1f- frrence 1s that OEO 11 ants Albina to ~tart ~ho'.l·ing a pro- fit quickly. Ile says tl11• ong1nal 1de:1 ll'as to th111k ;U>out cash profits in tv.il 1•r thrC'C years w hi I t con rentra11ng no1-1.· on 11idesprcad rn1plri}mcnt of the hardrorc j(iblro;;s· of hrlping to start O!her hl;:.ck bU!"lllC~SE'S. ol ~1·11erall~· henefilt1ng ! h,. Alb111a d1 ~t11rt 11 llE'rC 1no~t ot !'ortland·s 18.000 bl;ick.s Ji•C' O~E ··r·Av W".• f('.s ~o lflisttrhe B ad Debts Neglec ted By U.S. By JIM ADAl\IS A3soclated Press Wri ter WASHJNGTON (AP) -The Justice Department, under Ure for collecting li!ss than half the government's b;id debts, agr eed today the i.:hnre ha1 sometimes been neglected in the past. But it said a n1ounling erlminal caseload ··requires us to be realistic concerniog the amount of resources and en1phasis 1vh ich can be allocated to collections \vork at present." AltOOugh Lhe Justice Depart- ment won SJa:l million in bad debts, fine s. penalties and forfeitures fr~1n court judg1ncnts in the past 1 fo11r yea r~. 1hc agency ha.~ col Jected q11ly $163.2 million. ar· t·orrling\ to a cangrcssion<il :.~udy reportefi b~· I h r Associated Press la sl 11·eek Thi~ is a collection rate of 42 percent. T~1e JI o u se govern111er1l o p c r aliOns subcon101itter. 11·hic h had the study pr(parcd, c;~llcd Justice officiaJs in to- 1lay to explain "''hy they couldn't do be tter. "'The dollar an1ounl of un- collected judg-rnents cotnllf'lS us not to permit the collection function lo be neglected as 1\ so1neluncs has b • c n.'' Assoc iate Deputy Ally. C:en. (;eorgc H. Rc1•erco1nb 1olrl !he subcmnmittee in p r t p a re rl testimony. "'· ··\re ~hall try II• l;:ike ;i bal:i11 ce1l ;ind ~;isonahle ap· pro<1ch," Ile said. '"g111ng the ncrrssc•ry c1nphas1~ lo the 11or~ of rollecti.')ns.'' A congressional inv~tigatnr ~,...;..i '"~·'f::""• <'ol~tl('1 ir.n.. ~a~ ''""" ""lr .. ec.• -.r J)tl '-"'"' v•ct the pa9t eight years -e,.:ccp1 ll'hen it jun1pcd to 73 percent in 1%.1. the ~·ear nftrr the s11h· C'o1nn1illcc"s lir~t 1nl'est 1g<1\1on llllO the SllbJCCl. ln1olved arc th{' full r<ini;r of court-won debt.~ to 1hr governn1ent -h<1ck taxes. <lefa11ltcd Frder;d Housin~ Adm1n1strat1on and S m a ! 1 Business Adminislrat iQn loans. dan1agc claims, f1ne.s ror 11ol<1t ion of federal l,11\.'s and all the re.st. Frderal agencies arc !IUP· po.sffi to collect !he rnonry \I on 1n court. Bul \1'hr11 lhry can·1. tticy ll1rn !he bad debt ~ 1<1ver to the ·Justice Dcpart- rncot just as ;i bu s1 nessrnan 1·•rns them Ol'Cr to his lawyer. And thi'it. said ltcvrrcon1b. is one of Justice's pro hlcmS. ··The agencies !end tn col- lct:! and cornJ1T"OrTii.<iC the rfl.sy c~1scs," he said, ··thus sk1m- rning ofr the easy collection.~ and leaving us >1•1th the rnorr d1lficull ca.~c:-1." Tougher. Re\·crcomb s11g· gesterl , is the problem of priorities. He said a criminal caseload increase or 2.ii!l ca~es in d1~tr 1ct courts Jn t.he past nine months to a t o t a I li.j l2 -lt1n11~ the tune Ju~ticr law,\·ers can :-rrnd on bill eol· !C'rt1ng E\·rn so. hr .~aid . each of the nation·~ 93 L'S. attorn{'ys ha vr ass1 gntd sorneone on their staffs, unrler a 1966 poJic~·. lo lake responsl b1l1ty for gelling thf' hArl debts 111 their area.~ t.:olle<:led . Ul't Ttlt~h9't f111h'"'" ~;i ul the /1h ol0R ra\Jhc r as he Look this picture ~t i\\\.4th and (i lisan !-lrcets in IJo1 :l:111(. 01r. \V ide 1l 1n ::;y scen1 confus1n~. I.he !it,ltn!i ;ire act.11ally rorrcc!l .v pl<i ccd. (;J1 san s1rcct is a brid ge approach and ch .:111,l!c.~ d 1rcct1ons at -lli>"-'P"'--_. .. \Vtdn1~~Y. Octobtr l , l!Jb!J DAILY PILOT SALE! FIBERGLASS BEL TED TIRE. ' 'EL TIGRE' WITH 2 PLY POLYESTER CORD AND 2 Pl Y FIBER GLASS BELT •• WHITEW·ALL TUBELESS NOW ·-_ .... J11. •••. • ... 700-1) ''·'" 1.1• Cil .I ( 29tl 1.90 25.44 WH ITf'HALL TUBELESS ,, .. 1, r11. \' f71-1 J •••• l 1.?J 3].9J ~J 95 , .... '" 2.11 2.36 '" WHITt:WALL TU BElESS ,.1u, IM. l•x e M elil tire NOW 29.44 plVI f•llf. l•J< BOl<i e W tir• ... '' ., .,_ -· llr• GJl.I' .. ..... ' ......... . . "'"""'• J71·14 39,9j G71-IJ ,,,,,, Jj,9J 1171.\j ...... 31.91 900.Jj ..•••• 39.95 2,t6 7.68 2.11 2.71 FOREMOST TIRE GUARANTE E r.u or1 nt•t ''''"'I l•t~d •tl !GUt. II YDur 1 .... W•t•I DUI <1111on1 1ht !or1t h•H D! tne 1u111nl~e ~riod, 1•tu•n il "'"''" }'lllf 1u•11n\t e cert>ht•I• 1nO Pen,.eyt •In repl1te VDU• I'' wo!h 1 nt w 1nt, ch••&•nr. you ~o~. les1 \hl '1 !ht turrt nl •ell1n1 price includin1 Federel Uci~• T••: 11 your ti•• •et tt DUI durln1 the •fcond ht !!. ynu ~,.Y 25~ 1111 lnt n the ruttt n\ 1t l1on1 P"C• '"cluO•nt Federal f..IC•$t Ti x. l u•rtnllt •1•i011t 11.lurt. II we •tPll t t the tire du1:n1 lht Trt1·rtol1cem~nt p~t1Dd. tnere i• no ch1r11e; ii we •tpltct '"" lort •lier Int ltee·repl1cement per:od, yDu P•Y 50'4 Dr ~5% It •• lh•n the currt n\ 1ell•nl Pr lte DI the lirt lncllidina f1der1I Ucltl Tl• C•mmtreotl Ule. Tni~ ~Uttan!~o ·~ \<Did """"'' PIS~th l"' '"'" •r• ul9d on l•uc.~•. u1ed lor busint 11, Dt o$rl1<en o~tr .10,QOO molt• on one year. M~tw you• 1u1ro nh1111111•1 •••luro •••ko: r"t·•~ '""'""''' P•"od ...... . .. •o ... on~"' ''" rtPll tt "1t oit PtPoOd ··-\·20mo,.tn~ !>0' 011' PP"od ........ ·~·-"·-.. • 21·10 "'01'11~• 15, •II ~rood ...•... -.. ---·-··~·· ....... ll-'0 "'Dl'llhl BATTERY CLOSEOUTI FOREMOST a. CUSTO M J 6 MONTH GUA lANTll Should nnl' foremo;! Cu~rom SoUrry fail fl'lol l"'rrrly dathoq,1r) w,r';,n 12 mon1l11 from lhe dote of p1irtho1e, rt!urn i! ID P11~nty1 and it will b1 ••- placed f'fe al tho•o•. Airer 12 mOl'l!h1, bYI prior !o 1h11 r•o•roT•o" dole Df the 011o rooi!1e, J. C. Pe"~~f CorTiOOl'ly ,..,II rroloce th e bot1t •y cho•i· ing only for rhr P'"Dd of own&rihip, bo••d on l~I n urent pi.er o1 !lie lim e of rel urn, p ro·rat1d 11vt r the 1T0Jed guoron!ee mon1h1. Pick from 13 sizes .. , just 1 low price! ·FOREMOST° CUSTOM 12 VOLT BATTERY ORIG. 15.95 TO 21.95 ;NOW 11.88 SIZE S 24<J2F-29NF ... mony mort l He r1'1 th• kin d of stortin g power you con d 1pe.nd on ••• e ll y•or 'round. Ocsign1d for cor1 with t!ondo rd 1l1cltico l occeJJOri11s. Pitk fro m up lo 1 J ~ii es •.• j1.1tt I )ow pric•. FREE BATTERY CHECK 'N CHARGE Puff or Diamond quilt seat covers ., ONLY 27.88 Puff -Beauty plus 1tyle ... o pla stic we ove desi gn that's puffed lo a smart ribbed e ffect. Water ond stain re pellent, too! Block, blue, beige, green or red . Fits most American cots. SET Diamond quilt -It's ;, 1he •hkk d urobl• vinyl material that's completely water a nd stain re pelle nt. 1r, in block, blut, beige, g reen ond red. Fits most America n cars. Ins' -···tion speclol 2.88 ----------------- BUENA PARK (0 "0 '"" 0 .' 08 ") Vall'?yV1tw CHULA VISTA DOWNEY NEWPORT BEACH CANOGA PARK FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAI R VE NTURA ' .. " ... .. ,. '' "•' l - ~ Jlf DAILY PILOT \Vrdntsday, Octobrr 1, 196<J ::;:'No t Foolproof' Radar Building· -: Ove rconfide nce? .By VERN HAUGHLA ND ·. ,,_,. ,i,,..,.,,.~ wn1u •\\IAS HI NCTO~ -Rr1tl<ir, 111;. g~dde dog th:it l.:ikes a pdol by tile h:uill ;ind Je:ids hin1 to !us llcs1ina!ion, has IM.~n overs.old as a sa fel y 1lC'\•1cr . say federal ufhc1:ils, \l'hO t•uni.itlf'r Hie 01•rrcon- l alcntc prohlC'rn fil111u~1 in- soluble , Like the g111dcdog. air lraf- ':i-,~ t.'U11trnll11rs ~ay . radar car1't prott•c l lrcnn everything. "··''It '~ ;-is indispensable as X- r a.11 I ~ tu 1ht• physician ." Olli' nfl 1r1a! s;11d, "but it's no! I vu I proof." F r <l cr :i! 1\via ti on hour~ n( the day, and below 10.000 frc.t , the i onC's will be l"C'~!dc:tetl to lns1run1ent con- lro!lcd lraffic rxc:cpt for visua l t r a f r i c given s p e c i a I l·lcarance. "The ai rlines say it 's not c•nough. and private pilol!j op- 1wse the restrictions. There 11 ill be a furor, but the regula- 11ons will o~ issued v.•it hin a rnonlh if they are cleared." FAA experts say the real proble111 is 1noney. If funds 11'erc J\'ailable. air travel s;ifct.v could be iinprovetl great ly. '"There is $600 111illion worth of improvement that needs lo b(' done right OO\.I'," an offi cial said. -~ i1thn1oislrauon c:i..pcrls uuthn- ··cd !ht' radar t'O\erage JlfO· 7blern -brought lo pu bhe at-POLICY !\1ATIER -------------------·-----·- • l t' e 11tlae 1· Ducl\s do1l't 111ind the hea vy persistent rain 111 ~t. Louis at ail as they lake a s troll through J;'orc::.L thei r \1 ay acro5s the ;-.,reel a~ the ducks stoµ truf1 1c in Forest F'ark. •.• 1c11tinn once again by the col- ':.· l1sion of :i Jt!l nirl iner anrl " :i light plane near Indiana polis .. Airport v.•ork needed run5 Jlarks. Neithe r do these youngsters as they n1akc 10 several billions -frmn $3.5 ---·--------~---------------------------------- bi llion Lo $7 billion. ;, Sept. 9. k1lllng all 83 aboard -"Hui for the past three .. in ncv.•sn1cn on a nona!· ycri rs, as a n1atler of policy. tributablc basis. th(' FAA has not a skctl for M acciro1 ii Fou1icl '.: llA\lE ILLUS IO.~ rnore instrument I andin g ··If vou arc a pilot flying systems or more lo\.\·ers. N,\PLES, Italy (UPI) -Did of a young tJaugl1\l'J' ,.. IF!~ Oiistrumenl flyi ng rulei.l. "These things are needetJ, .\larco Aroni invent tnacaroni ? One of his dauglilt'rs loo!\ a ~nu get the illusion t hat with but the J o h n son ad· Yes. says a group of food luinp of pasta to play \.,.ith, radar you are protected from rninistration deflned a policy. histori ans. strclehing ·it out in the sun on everybody. You feel that radar v.•hi ch has not yet been chang-i\roni ,.,.a s an !8th century a clothesline. There it dried. lorcd ii (Jr L"Otlc\ude. Flood s {(ill :!'11 PUT CASH IN YOUR POCKET Se!\ Ull\\'antcd lterris 11 ith a DAILY PILOT C.1assified Ad. Lib ya Beats Heat 111 Death Vall ey \VASH INGTON (UPI) Death Valley, Calif., geU pret- ty hot, but it is not a! sizzling as Azizia, Libya. Authority for this assertion is the Env1ronmental Science Se r v ice 11 Administration (ESSA) publication Climates <>f the World. On July 10, 1913, the temperature got up to 134. degrees in Death Valley. But on Sept. 13, 192!, Azizia zoomed to a new record -136 degrees. Other temperature extremes reported in climates of the world include: Tirat Tsvi. Israel, I 2 9 degr ee s ;C lon c urry. Queensland, Australia, 128 ; Seville, Spain, 122; and Rivadavia, Argentina, 120. On Oct. 20, 1956, a t Esperanza, Palmer Peninsula, Antarctica, the te mperature rose to a sweltering S3 degrees. That's ant.arctica for you - hot (or wanni3h) one place, paralyzingly cold anothtr. Th e I o w e s t lemperaturt ever recorded by man minus 127 degrees a t Soviet Vostok Antarctic lion 'on Aug. 24., 1960. w .. th• sla- By comparison, Greenland is \.\"arm. The coldest day thu:1 far reported irom Greenland 1vas Jan. 9, 19:'>4 , \.l'litn the lempe.ralure at Norlhice fell to 87 degrees below zero. Climates of the \Vorld also r e po r t s precipitation ex· tremes. The wettest place on earth appears to be fl1t. \\'a.ialeale, Kauai, flawaii, where annual rainfal l averages 460 inches. The driest place is Arica in Chile 's northern desert. Dur- ing most of the year no r ain at all falls at Arica. But Cli1nates of the World cre:dll! it with an annual fall of three hundredUa of an inch. DELANEY~S ~~~~ THE SEASO N IS ON !! LOCAL LOBSTERS ARE HERE is looking our fer you . ed by the Nixon <i d-inn keeper near Na ples. lie Aroni ret rieved it ant.I put 1t ·· "\\'e in P1\A have ercatc-d 1n1nistrat ion, hold ing tha t o.peciol ized ln two kiAds or back in1he pot.Tohis 111nazc-TUN IS IA Pl -The dl·ath 'I PHONE. ~OMPLETE DINNJR-$4.95 ... 1:1;1l illusion -no t deliberately :il'iation has grov.'!1 up and the pasta kno\.,.n local I:.' as ""priest menl. il fa iled lo niclt h:.tck 111· 1(11! in floods .'l"\\'rcp1ng cent ra l " ·, -by calling out traffic to lh<' 11"ay lo finance. needed 11e\V stranglers·• and '"dog cars."' tu a lun1p. and sou lhcrn 'f unisia has ri sen I' 642-5678 Mewffy tl1r•11t91 n irslliy -·~pilut 50 tirnes fo r e\"e ry tin1e in1prol'cments is by user The histon ans sn\d he in-li e added tonirtto s:iul"C to2~4;ind 40.000ore hornele~s. 630 E. Lido Park Dr., N.B. -675-0100 hr sees another airpla ne. ~c:'.h~a~,g~e:s:.'~' --------~'~'~"t~e~d~m~"~"~'~°"~i~w".'.'.'.<th~\l~>e~h~e~l~p-_.:'.M~a~m~m".'_".a_'m"'.".i'~''_c:·~uo~·t~°'~"~"~''._~"~ll~i ~~a~l:_s~"~'P~'~'~":'~'------'=":•:•:':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':'~~~=====================~ . :, '"This problem is v.·ell nigh I· i'n!'!oluble unt il we gel good col· it<;ion -<ivoidance equipment " The <11rt1ne: industry, \1'hich h;1s had an actire search under 11"ay for 14 years fo r a sui table e~1lhsion avoidanc;e • .. :.-~4~1--~;· ,;_;·; ... ?. ; . Je.VCiOped by 'M e o·itn h -e ·n ·Douglas. Co., which 111ay go Uilo airline use as early as nrxt yc<1r . . ~ •. ~·he syslt'lll involves an : :ajrborne computer. transmit- .. lini:; and rcceh•ing equipme nt and a timekeeping dcvit•e. · .i;;ignals scnl out by such an • ·('quipped airplane glve \\'arn- : : 1Ags tu all other nearby ;:i ircraft of its altitude, direc- lion <1 nd loc;i t1on. 90 CENTEHS The FAA currt'n\ly has 90 .iir route sw-11cillance radars -ARSRs -feeding in- fnrmallon to 28 traffic control 1 rnters. They have a rl e1cction range of about 200 n1iles and providt• radar co\·erage of <i ir !raff1c 01cr inosl ol 1hc con · tincntat l.inlted States:. In addition. the F.AA has n1ore than 120 a i r p o r I survei llance rad:1rs-ASRs - pro\"iding a r rival <i nd departu re scr1 tee for airtTafl Rt major ter1ninals. The FAA published In .o\uJlu s:I \96i. and reissue.~ lo pilots per1rxhcally, a c.:ircular advising thcrn or thr inherent c11pabil1 t ie~ :i nd Jnn1tnt1ons of rad:.ir ·"YStl·rns. The pub!ica- 11011 \\"arns: ·-1~ b ver y in1portant for the :i11a11011 r o 1n m u n 1 t y lo re<·ogni1.e lhr l<Jtl th:i! there ;i re lun1lat1ons 10 r adar lll'f\ ice .. 1 he ("1rc1tl:11' points nut th:.1 r:1rl1ri \\ r11 P•, \1 hlf·h norrnall~ tr·a\l'I 111 a 1·on\111uou~ straight lirl(', ~O!l\l'lllll>'~ ;lrl' I. lll•t\L b1 ritln:irmal at- n10,pht'r1<· phenon1cna. 11·h1rl1 1na~ cau~r 1n1111v ta\se blips lo ·•PJ)Car· n11 r:1rh1r. or decrease lhf' dclf'Clilltl r:111!-(1'. 2 Hcfl cc trd iir d1s1ortcd b~· drn~c obJl'rto,; sut·h as hca\·v 1 louds. pr('<:1 p1!allnn. groun;I ol>stac:les or 111oun1ain~. \1•hich may block out airerall al thr sarnc r:ingc :.inrl g r c at l y .l~'caken or t om fl I r I e l y clin1inatc from radar planes Oi l a 1:rcoter range. 3. Screened by 111:>un1ains or J11gh lerr<i in. BIG PHOULE:\I Basic;i ll.1•. the F1\A say~, the big problen1 then is 10 ,·.~rega le \ 1sual a n d in- • •· strument traffic. FAA officials say a ne w rule ~·ill be proposed soon lo set up 1n ushroorn • s ha p e d or '"ups1de-dov.•n 1verlrl ing cake" c ontrol zones over major airport areas. These circular 1cmes Will be largest -69 n1iles in diameter -tops ide. :· • .QJ1d will funnel down to the .•• airporl. During the busier .. "l'N. M't OWN '1/t;R.~1 E~EM'( ! ct ··' 0 D Read the personality descri ptions and se lec t the one th at sui ts you best to find the right savings plan for your type. The charts will show you how each one w orks. We've be en matching pe op le to savings plans for 33 years. The kind of peopl e who want the ir money to keep its buying power. Who want the value of their money to re ma in steady in an up -and-down market. Who would rather have their money' earn interest than to pay exo rbit~nt ca rrying or loading charg es. Who want th ei r money to multiply so they ca n pay cas h for things. Wh o wan t to be able to get their hands on their money when they need it. Saving people, like you-the kind who want to HOLD their money and HAVE it earn interes t. Come in a~d let one of our people experts get you started on your personalized-to-your-savings- personality progra m at Newport B al boa Savings. Are you one of the regular people? PLAN :;; 1 Regular Account This plan is for re gu !ar people w ith regula r salaries who h.we .decided to s ave regular amounts anywhere from $5 a wee ~ up, but who want their money workin(j for them. They also want it to be some place they can get their hands on 1t if they need 111n a hurry. If they can ledve it alorie for a year or more . 1l will give them the 61 9 Annl1al S.13 yield. REGULAR MONTH LY INVESTMENT '" sso ""' 6 Mo' I '.l JO.I 1)()6 IY• '-06 6 1ft . 733 ;:> y,, .,3;-' 26• :> 521} .1 y,, 9il , 941) :'1 892 " v.~ ' 111 ;1 6£,] !· 374 SY•'!>. I /Of :\ A 1 '.> 6.830 10 Yrs. 3 900 7 801 15,602 IS Y•s. 6 71 ~ 1J,4J2 26,864 20 Yrs. 10,329 20,662 4 \ ,3<t5 ~II ••oj9(l1..,. ft~·•• I. 7.:, & !> "' '"\ml!•~ "" """ ••• Mft~ .............. ...,, ..... 1 .,1, ol !>.OO'lio. """'-""°"'!!lolly 1•d "'4 •"•rffl'I,. T~1 <1mooi dioi...., n1• "'"' ,,.,., ffono 11.,. to H"1~ •fld ""-"""• 111~<1 ti.. 10'!11•-:I ... 11 .... bv1 •!II ""' •utt.W..1•ot11 oiler ~ fll•• . 0 Are yoJ one of the other-people people? PLAN "2 Life Income Plan This is for people who have a s um of mone y they would like to put as ide and receive the interest e very month but not touch the principal. Perhaps you in te nd to le ave your money to your heirs. In this plan the o riginal investme nt is retained fo r a !1fet1me and you have a regulrir income every month If your fi.:tu re plans are for your children·s future, then thi s savings program may s ui t you. LIFE INCOME PLAN lnoloal O!-poso! $12000 • ~ SQ<I 700011 1'000 '° 000 Amovnt ol C hecl., S '>O 00 Pf'r l..~onth f:O 00 Pl•r ""'nn1h 8300Per Monllo 104 00Per M...,nth JOB 00 Pe• Mont~ • Are you one of the retiring people ? PLAN i 3 Monthly Security Ac count This is for people who have a lurnp sum of money but who know that 1f they don't put 1t awa y somewhe re out of sight, they will spend 1t. Perhaps they are looking fo rward to re tirement and know it wo uld be better to have a certain amount coming 1n every month over ;:i a1ven penod. No t o nly wil l :hey get back a lot more thari they put 1n. but there w ill be ;i nestegg to rew ard themselves for not blowing 1t all at onc.c. INVE ST $10,0r 00 ANO: yo11 r"r.e"'e ·"'d yOt • ret.1.n e,1ch rnnn!h /, r :in cs!CJ!!? ot ' $ '..000 10~<'.l•<; s 867500 ~5000 l~ye,.•s S 712500 s ;500 10y(",}J'j; ~ 4 77500 $.,500 l"iyr-nr:s $100000 $HJOOO 10 ye.11,. .$ 87500 INVEST $25 ,000 00 ANO: yo~: rctll"'" and :1011 rt:1a1n ear h rnnn!h "' fnr .in e st.11c of• $\0000 1Qy,.;ir<; .$75.6000('} $1()(){)0 1!iyeCJ•S $?6,05(1()(} :$1 5000 10yc.J<S $17 .80000 $200 00 10ycars $10.IXIOOO 1 25000 10yca1s $ 2,200.00 • ro,.....•ts """"•' ,~ .. •!•• ... bl.ct "' "'• 1"'001'"'" ol $Kllon 1101 ..t tt.o tolotorf"• ',.,,..111 Code un<ltr .. ~;c~ o u ... ,, ·~~ loon •»OC•ll•on "'~' not w .... "' nsM t~ toQ~"• UP IO l•O '"""I~• ..Oltco <II ,~t.M IO ... 1~d10n P1ew11<1rt 11111 ... s'""" ~•· .... 1 ''"' ••t~d""'I •e11uo.i pro,.,ptl, '"'~out ~•111 or qu .. hO• 10 0\01 o•t"t Jl '"'"' Are you one of the patient people? PLAN :#-4 Guaranteed Annual Rate Account This p lan is for patient people who already have a s um of money to invest and are will ing to wait a while for a good return on their m o ney. The m1n1 mum deposit is $1 ,OC>O [more 1f you wish. of co urse). 1n e )(.change fo r which you receive a certifi cate which g uarantees an a nnual ra te of 5.25 % fo r 3, 4 or 5 years. Are you one of the patient o nes?Then the GU ARANTEED ANNUAL RATE ACCOUNT 1s fo r you. Initial Deposit $ 1.000 $ 5900 S I0.000 $15.000 YOU Will RECEIVE 11'1er 11fter 3 years <If )'tafs ~ )'l l t l $ 1.170 $ 1.233 $ 1.300 $ 5.652 $ 6.168 s 6,500 Sl 1.705 $12,336 $13.001 $17 558 $18,5()<1[ $19.502 Are you one of tha enterprising people? PLAN #5 .. 3--Year Bonu1 Account For people who want not only the current yield on the ir savings, but would li ke a s um over and above. In this plan you invest a minimum of $1000 which earns you the current yield PLUS an extra Y4 o/0 per year at the end of 3 years. If you would like to be ente rpns1ng and safe at the same time, !hen the 3-year bon us account is for you. "YOU Will RECEIVE lnnial aftal"" •ft•f .._. Dtpotlt 3 ,..... • ,. .. 5,..,,. $ 1,000 $ 1,169 $ 1,232 $ 1,298 $ 5,000 $ S,8C6 S 6,161 S 6."93 $10.000 $11 .693 $1 2.323 $12,987 $15.000 $17.!).10 $18,-485 $19,..SI ... ~-,, ' ' .! , -. -------------··-· . APPLIANCE COMPANY -F,.:::\-.. r~;--· .... . .. -,.~'i ... ,:-r ... •• ---__ ._..J......._ . ~: . ~ A11to111obile B.LINMING WARNING LIGHT ~p ti ,, .. I,?. t~- "-~3'·'. lliL•-.~ ii;~~r(.{t"l --lr ii . I NO PURC'!ASE NICUSARYl "I •·:".'>'.q,. ., !'"!• t;"'.i"I''-T;"""':'" . 1"£.>••l'l1,1-'"'t".t.'L,'!f'":'··ti~_},;,t,./~ l ~~-~~----, .• ~~ ---~---_.i!l!'it .r.'l~--··-···~"--· .. .:'lo ........ . • BRINGS YOU A. VALUE PACKED SPECIAL 23" COLOR Model Mf01-DWD 5348°0 • 74 sq. ln. picture • Durable~ll-9!>'~tyrenr t:,;t;-,;" ; ' j ~ti:>.\lS\'' ' f, .,.. ,,... •· r:hti'.np~e fl ilish. • Allracti vr. lugg<1 ge - lype hantl!e • \l!JF-UllF entenn ~s for All-ch1lilnc:I reception • Front con1rols .!ntl sound Adventurer I TV For Personal $6800 Viewing Pleasure! . :~~~~ ... ";"'1t .<~'t;'-f~?.'f'""t ..... :-.J;} -''~.!'"'~ ~ .,;,tr -• space! I - I' Ji I. I Mod1I TA 11 SE i\lod~l \\':\'! 220 JIGS TRULY PORTABLE COLOR '19800 . .- ' • ~, Model TB· l ~SE , '178 5198 14.7 C\l. rt. • !'>lndrl TBf -l~SL '278 ' · MODE:L Df.-."JIGU GENERAi, ELECTRIC UUILT·IN AUTOMATIC UISHWA8HEl!.I • 2-~el Thoro-Wub • Po.,.er-flo 1'1ech•nlmi • Built-in Sort Food Ui!J'O(lf:r 5148 J'lu~ Panrl General lilectri~ WASHIR' and DRYER '248FORTHE PAIR ONE OF A KIND NEW SUPER SPECIALS RCA SPAHISH STEREO CONSOLE ... G E WAl~UT STEREO CONSOLE ... $288 $178 GE srlRlO TAPE DECK MODULE . 1'170 G!-1 8 1b:-OElU 1:~ WASHER SAVE . $148 $50 Gl r>lt.UXE-HARVl:ST GOLD WASHER & $ 100 DRYER SAVE GE IUILT-IN COOK TOP & RANGE HOOO BELOW COST RCA l l " fl!, PkOVINC.:I AL TELEVISION $'l CQ CO~S.OLE s,o.v e •-~ "' l"'•f fllt".1 f'IC CARVING KNIFE . RCA IE~N PAC. PORTABLE RADIO . --$8 $4 -MISCE LLANEOUS RADIOS LOW, LOW PRICES TV & APPLIANCES RCA CONSOLE $178 COLOR TV ZENITH-CO-N-SOLE----$-248 COLOR TV W•'"UI CUl lnt! !N!w Po(!U'! Tve11 MAYT.t.G.P OllTA°iL-E(LECT RIC $88 DRYER IU •~ JO D•y'i SrlvERTONE Cus-tPM $38 HI-F l CONSOLE ----WESTINGHOUSE $68 FREEZER . ----- HAltY!ST QUEEN $-6-8 F~EEZER L.lllGi5 iiECTION-OF $28- R EF R IGE RATORS-f rom G.I. IR•pro.I Washer-Dryer COMBO $188 WASHERS $68 D~R-Y~E-R-.~~~~~$58 MISC. T.V. & PHONO STANDS & CARTS $1 00 Yo11r Cll•leo • Thursday l \\PfRIAI. DUPL1 X" IA ~~Rl l'.'i i'iO·OO kO' 111'.f, I ~l r ll ~-Rllk!Ct•A Tf>k I =o--.. 'ILIVEL :'\IJ 15'1\j ICF. MAKF.R OPTIONAL 5 388 Ad111lral. L\ll'LRl1\I DUP l i.X'" ~.! '>f RIL.., • • • OPEN THURSDAY . AND FRIDA y NITES . TILL 9 FOR THIS BIG EVENT SALE POSITIVELY ENOS SATURDAY 6 P.M., OCT . 4 · Ad111lral. * 20 F t. duplex with Automutic Ic e Maker, adjusting shelve~ Model IND 2095 $4_2~ . .. -~ * 22 Ft. Deluxe Mode I K NO 2286 REFRIGERATOR , * 18 Ft. w/lce Maker Model IND 1896 REFRIGERATOR SAVE $200 SA VE $100 • ,, .. ·' ...... i ·"""'~'\·· ... '·"r" ·-·: ,• fl I V ,. J . .. 4.. -•• ~ ,. -~·----·-. ' We do our own ~·~ . ~.eryi~.in~ pnd • lnstallin9 r . 22 Year Quality I • Service ., ,. ' '. " • l Store Hours : " THURS. and FRI. 9:00 a .m. • to 9 p,m. SAT. 9:00 a.m. to 6 p.m, • Phen• 548-7718 ., .. ... • ' 1• '\ ,, ' Model KND 2297 Ir" illllk"r t ip1 ional Reg . Price '498 $609.9S 1 ' .. l • • Iii flf'!l Y p·· 'i Wtdntsday, Octob~r l , 1%'} PILOT -AOVERTISElt J:J ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 Things to Remember to Get College Sc~1olarship By JOYCE L"-IN contribute to the actual cost of and grants {or "grants-in· your need ; Ole more help you fall as early as w1ntl'r or '"time you apply for colle&e ad· special competluon. new major-catalogues of .. ,,.,., •·"'~' ~ ..., 1_, 11,1r• •nd attaiding 001\ege. The dlf· aid ;'), Scholarships n1ay be need an(l lhe higher U1e eos! of spring of your junior year Jn n1ission; thl s does not hurt CQJlege!I and universities are financial aids ..• ''CUJT!'l'll """ nomt>!'• 11 "'""°"''"" 1w, 01 ~· "" fe ri;.nce -bu t no more -is received both on the basis of the cr1llegc. the 111ore likely it high school, Apply to every your chances either. ( the major s ource of F in an c i a I A id s f 0 r .,., urn+n9• .. • '"'11''"~· 1 """"'' tlie "mounl of financ1·a1 aid !or financ1·a1 11eed and academic beeornes th;i! a significunt '-" ·s1 1 dd'U' t t•-· tM11 w~nt to «1 to <ollt 11t 1• P'•"''" " pvssible source -winnlng a WHERE? A id printarily asst ance. n a 1 nn ° 11~1r Undergraduate Sltldents, 1969· '1.w~:. ':",,,•w:~'!1~1, :°"'::~r:rr.~~~~ \\'h\ch you quali ry. ability, while granl.'i are gil ~n portion of your award will be sinall award will not lesse n comes fro m four sources: (I) own resources. the! ynd "rletl 7tl .. by Dr. Bernard f.1ai...vell, -" <HE PACKA GI"•. 1 0 E , • oo 1l1e basis of financia l need Jn lhr fortn of "self-help" Job stud•n'• to r-e1·,,, u s rom · HIM '"~ • ~ ~,,. , . " )'our chances for a larger one. !he colleges, universilies or ~ ... ~ =-published by College Op- /\. _ Here arf tl1rf'C irn· lnt·reaslngly. aid ls coming in alone. and Juan. a!though a reducti on would olher post-seconda;y schools a number of federal and portunlties Unlim ited; Peoria, portant things lu kcc11 1n p;1(~ages ~a combination of TYPICAL A\V/\RDS . The Af'PLY EA RLY. and often. likely be rnade in the larger to which you apply (2) federal private. programs. HI.; and "Annua l Register of rpjnd : ;i gift, a loan an4_a }ob. In the ml:< of your f111ancial aid Many scholars hi 11 con1· award whe n granted. Apply programs (3) state programs SUGGESTED READING. (irant Support, 1969," publish· Make 11 a project to learn gi!t category are scholarships package va ries according to petilionli haYe deadlines which for financial aid at the same (4) priYate programs and Check your llbrary for two ed by Academic Media; Inc .. lbe financial aid ropes. How?l--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hy reading recent books on financial aid and asking ques· !ion.~. The financial aid picture has changed signiricantly in the last fe\I' years, since the Higher Education A.ct of 1965 and lhe a1ne11d111en1s lo that ;;icl pa sserl in 1968. Head this newspaper regula rly to J.:eep abreast · of proposed ehanges nov.· before th e Cong ress. Loo k e a rly , l ook c\!ervwhere. Hang in -don't take ''no'· ior an onsv.•cr. It 1vil1 he a rtruggle, and disheartening aL limes. huL no studen1 should eYer give up higher rducatlon ju.St because hls family can't afford the expense. "'' NEED. Financial aid is no longer considered an academic prize but is usually based on need. How is this 'need determined '? By con1 paring 'A'hal you and your family can Pulled Elboiv By Peter Steincrobn Vi'e mu.~tn't forget our greater strength in com- parison with our I i t t I e children. Especiall y during play tin1e. \\'ho hasn't seen a 6·foot, 200·pound father toss J·e·ijf 61S1 l l L. his tiny wn around as if he were a rag doll. The pull on the child's arm can be tremendous. Thls can pr0<!uel.' v.·hat fs commonlv call ed ' ~ '·,~~putted' elb6~\" · ' ~' ' ·: ·. " JT .IS A commQn chi!dhQod injury. ~Especially beiween I and 5. l In 111any cases iL can be prevented. Som('tJn1es, of course, il fs ine vitable. For ex· ainple, \1·hen trying to sa\·e a child from a car. 11·hile cross· ing the street Or. \\'hen you ;ire trying to help !he liule rttlow (or girtl climb stairs. The sudden pull can easily dislocate an elbow. Y.'llEN TI!AT happen ~ !he child v.·ill cry and try not lo use the affected arm. He can move his fingers, but he 11·ill ~ream if you try I o manipulate his ha nd o r forearm. Somclimes the p<i in \\'ill be in the ~houl drr or \o\Tist. But the doc~or \rill find t~ sensitil'c point. Aft er X rays to make surr lhpre i.~ no break. he t::a n redut•e the dislocation and in1- 111obilize ii for a da y or t1vo As soon as it is brought back into place again, the child stops cring. 1 K~O\\' a busy pediatric.i<1n who has seen about two S<:Qre $UCh c]bo\\' di~locatlons in children withl-n a yr.ar. Tn most cases, he said. 1he trou · ble \\'as caused by orerpla~1f11I fath ers "horsing around." Or, by im!)l!tient mothers :;ud• denly pulling on the arms of yeung sons or daughters 1,1•hen they v.•rre in a hurry 10 gel i;ome. place. rtfEDICALETTES (Replies to Rcadenu For Mrs. Y.: The screening eye test.s given -a o pupils in lichoo l Often pick up ab- normalities. Ho1,1•ever. it i.~ lrue that some ch ildren rc- q9Jre a more complete cx- amination by an c y e i;pecialist. Be suspicious tha1 J'OUr child J'lf!eds further eye cbeclrups if be has any or the following symptoms or signs: IJ he says things <ire blurred aod he can't see well. ~jf he ket ps saying his eyes are tired and scratchy. If they smart. lf he hu recurring sties. has red-rimmed eyes. Jf he has difficulty in reading. If he attms excessivel.Y nervous. Jf he blinks. scov.•ls. ~Quints .IJl<f rubs his eyes frequently, ·"·lf he shutl or covrrs one eye ~:read. :.: 'MAINLY. be.11r in mind Iha! :ablsser ere not • tr11gedy: ·lhty may uvt your chlld from ur.necnsarv ntardatJon in n,ental d~vflopmenL : PANASONIC, t1:[' Balteri es for Pliolo, Umera U~e. P•i •I I 29C "D" Cill for flasbli&M5 • . . 77c Ptk 11 I "C" Cell lor To,~. e1c ... , 77c • P1k 11 I 9-Volt liansistor for Port~blc Radios. '"•I I 49c .,, ...... __. ..... , £VER£ADf l Flashlight l .~3gf!f!\ ;.1 ll~~hliSM allnws you I~ place 11 Cl\ melal Jll'Jr~y ;ind 11·01~ 1111\)r bvth h~~ds free. "''· 1 59 ----J-1 I.II ' -·---·---... 0PllftAMM10PM-7DA'fSAWtlK \Mm - HUNTINGTON llACH -A4olM •114 lrookll1nf HUNTINClTON llACH -Sprl11tlo .. nd ldlilMJltl' ~IWl'O~T llACH -1020 '"'"'• 111 W•f'Cllff l'ler• ULlRALOCEMl Nail Colors Keep the blustl glowing right down to yo11r flngeriips. ,.o.stir, n-O·s~ake • fom1111a in lY.O new frosty shades ... 1.10 Wild Bird "C1r,11 Y1lltJ~ -• lttal!~y as!.<'lrtl'llllnt o! st.eds to feed you r feathery "lrierids", 51~ . ... 49c "Whink" WASH AWAY STAIN REMOVEll Safely removes tough ~l611is th~ gei;er.i l pi11pose deter· ge'lts i;an't Woch soch as grass, blood, e!c. 1.DD I tr. Sire 6SC "Whink" RUSI llliN IEMOYEl-Jusl 1 few drop~ re110ves stains in si nk, toilet bowl, 6 9 • even on rugs and fine fabrit;i; C , , • in just JS Sf!CQnds. 1.DD 4 .. z. Sile "P . " um1e scou1111C STICK -Work~ wtiere cleansers fail! Use on ovens, griils, 69 brick, swimming pools, C tile work and many other surfOKe3. 89t Size !!"'-"lllllfllllllllllltnlntlltlli!lllllll 12 01. hea1 ~ b;;se ~1as~e~ wit~ detora !1\'e !lllbO~std daisy de· sig~ to .1dd ~ "Ires~· ~es;." ID voot drint 11111111"*-lflll-IOMOIOOOll••t ... llillAllllZlDIO•li.••••-------• 1-------'_;l-_;;~_;;..;;;.. ____ iil•• • I 'I I .. _________________ __. ____ ------· , c.•l'r••· ••',-in •• ·• n~ ·i .. ~ ' ~~ ·J Eilimt ·~ ffW m~.· ' . - t~t~ '· •, ·-i fJt ·:· . -ttJlfMR90R C•NT£R w ... ,~ .... 0ct1 • ., 1, IW I , . IT'S OUR BIRTHDAY ; • • BUT YOU GET THE PRESENTS!! WIT1H FAN_TAST4C STORE-~ .IARGAfN~ ~N~ HUNDREDS OF $$$,IN PRIZ£!v THURS. FRI. SAT. 40 STO~EI TO SERVE YOU PM These Other ExcitincJ EwHts! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1969 Free Fire Prevention Show: ~ Free rides on Costa Mesa's first fire engine, all day, plus di.!plays by the Costa Mesa Fire Dept. at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 196t Harbour Volkswagen Association· Presetlt3: Open Volkswagen SLALOM. FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY OCTOBER 2•, 25. 26, 1969 Art Show presented by Oaiif orni.a Outdoor Artis t A38oclatloo. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1969 Our Greatest Sidewalk Sale Ever. SUNDAY, OCTOS&R 26, 196t "John Strong Circua" 1poll.90l'ed by Coiata M~a Optimist Club. 2300 Harbor at Wilson · 'Costa Mes_a FREE DRAWING EACH WEEK DURING OCTOBER! HUNDREDS OF S $ S IN PRIZES. COUPONS IN STORES. FREI DISCOUNT TICICm AYAILAal IN MOST STOID POI llCUATIONAL YIHICU SHOW AT OIANH COUNTY fAllGIOUHM OCTOIU 4-1. • I • ~~----------------------------------------------- Saddleha~k ~ . ,. Evtnina u well as day :asses wm commf'OCe at Sad- .i!ebadt College Oct. 13, and t:ie array of 71 course of- : crlngs will accommodate the .Jdult student from art to .hysical fitrteS!I. campus. The t \'t ning physical educa- tioo program, offered the first time as part of lbe enendt'd- day prograi'a; wlll include physical fitnesa and body building classes for men and worpen. Other couraes ol high in-· teresl are astronomy, speech and drama, Gennan. French, and Spanish, philooophy, and for the first time in the even- ing, Califomitl history. -- to Start Eve Ding ],Jonday throu•.h Thursday. ~ Intro 0<a1 tnm.. 7-lt, T; l>•ama O'• llG Meat-~ ..t &>ram• ~ le Quarters are of 11-week dl.ll'.:i-Ava"' cares~. 7.10, Th. · -lion. E~Q -t!oonomlct t Surv Of li'*'9 Proetems, .. It, MW, FoH~wing ls ~e. schedule of E9*1-ift9 -S. 22 E1111r om .... . 1 of I and Inv. J,,lf, TTh. evemng c asses one--< ay lil\9titll 1A com11 •1141 ut, 1-t, Mw1 t ~ ...aa "-bln••I~ • Elsfr$1> 18 Com•. •net Lii. 7-t. TTn1 w.,.. Y Cvua ,,..uvn .. : En11ll~ 11c 1tuc11111111 In Poetry, 1-10, Afttfl,_...., -AnlllrOP 2 Cullurol. M; Ensll~ 2?A 5tvcllo in SM .. espure f,.41, MW. Tr~i.s, 7·10, W; E1>11ll~ 239 AaT -Art 2 ln1TC!d11C1ion, 7-9, lTh1 ,!..Jolert of World Ltt lltvluM<• to Ari 5.A·8 Palntt119, 7-t:30. MW; Art 20 N'-n. 7·10, Wi Eni!lltll 3' Rucllng Ar>Prr<lallon. 7·11, M1 • .Art •OA·ll .Acce lt rallon, 7.9, TTh1 ~llsn ~ GMu~I Cratts, 7·9, MWJ .Ari •IA Comp and Lil. 7·9:30. MW; E~li~ tO Ceramlet, 7.f, TTh. Comll 1'ld Ut, 7·9?, TTh Mlrw..-y -.Aofrononw t e tn<!rtl, FA"Ch -French 4 lnltrmecllelt, 1· 1·10, TTn, t ;lO, TTh. llOLOGICAL SCIENCES -Blolcllly I e.trep~lf -Gl'Ollraplly 2 Cu1tur;11, PrlnCIPltt • lf'(, 6-10, TI IPolOllV I HI, RRH, f'rlndP14'9 • Lab. MO, Tiii; lllolovv 70 Gwman -Ctrmen 1·2 IEltm•ntary, tntroctl><'lloo • L~. •10, M; Blofo;,y 20 7.t,30, MW. lnircducllon • lbb, H O, W; .._"" Uuotlell -HHltll I Hufll'I Bu .. nen -Bu&or>•~• lA Prln Acct, 7· l <lvcotlon, 7· 19, Th. •.:O, MW; lki~;l'lf!o' 12A Bu>int$s Law, Ni1r.ry -History ~A Wt!>ttrn Ci¥, . .. 1176, 6-e, M'NI Hisl0tv l79 Hist U.t . t'"" MM. .... TTb1 HlUcr; 22 ~Ile Us .. f.lt. MW: ~!story S2 C•ll""n;a ttlstorf, •1t, TTh; Hlsl/Pom Hi ~ "'"''!" Herl,.•• and Govr, •:»t, TTh1 H:v 1Pflll Sci $08 Arr>H Htritaw •"'1 C.o••· H :30, TTl1 Mlt1Mrrltlln -l>••I" A E l.-m,.,.tar'f A'OPbf't , .,_, MW; Malh C 71 •ll<rnOm•trv, .. ,,, M\V1 Math 0 lnl~rm.olelo Alvft>ra, .. 10. TI'1; Molh lA Contee Ale~··· .... MW; MAl:t ~ ... .Anel C-.i and Cele, .. 10. MW; 1'.'llllll J Mf!t!loda and Cioncwt,, .... MW; Malt> 1J lnlro Comeuler Prov, 7·10, Tiit Metil 50 Beslt'. 7·1t, T: Meth fl:>A Be11ln Sllc!e Ault, 1-10, M; N,.111 IOA Tl'Cl>uic•I l\\,)IM, H, Tiii, M<lalc -Music l1A·D f'ieno Cl•~•. 7• lP, W; M\lal<: 21A·D Madrigal Slrlllf'ro, 7·10, T1 Mualc 2U.·O Col~ Orchesl1'•, •10, Mr Mualc 41 Hist ar.d APPrtC, 7• 10, Th. f'lti'9VllY -,hllot '\A lnt1oducl1~n, ••· TTh; Pllllot, lt World At:tleiona, • lb, TTh. Pllrekat ••utte11 -, E • Flr1t /.Id, 1-tt . T; " • .,,. &ov e 1cJe ,,,.. '"116 l'l-M"', •1, TT'tl: P E ~7 ~ Ilda eno Phvs Fll1>ns Mtn. 1 e, TT1>1 .. £ '2 Body Meet> for PG,,.., Pest Ind .. hYt flfhe$o VIO"'Mo •7, MW1 P E 42 Boclv f.l.ecn In• f'oow Pu t end l'lln Fii-\\>1> ••Pra, 1 i.; MW. f'llytlul le!.-<• -Ph.. SCI IA ln!roelucllon • l~, 7·10, M; Pio, o SC1 IA lntroclud:on • Loi>, 7·10, w. Pelle• kleftce -PolicP S<i :. AAlm•" Jusliu, H , Thi Police ~cl 7)A Cr;miMI Inv, •t. W, ... Nlicet Science -"""' ~I I 1111•6 Amer Govt, 1·10. "'VV.J Poi.1 ~i t Con·· PM Govt ..... MW. P'syc.....,., -P&vcti 1A C•r.t1al, •·•· TTll; P1vcn 49 Ai>c>llfd, ~o. 1 ; P•'«h AO Ai>c>lled, • 10, T. 5aclei.n -Socio! l ln:rcducloon. 1 '• MW. Sp.,11lll -St>a~lsll 1 E ... mMl•rv. ; .. t :JO, Tlh. s-11 -~Kii 7 Public !r• iik a1•d Oltc, 7·10, Wi Si>ffch 20 F~nu~r.-•·•~. 7·10, M All classes, day and evening, re tuition-free to tt11idenl! of .le district. Only rostJI are iurdlase! of hooks and thr :1ent body cards. Persons who :1ave 4-'0ffipleled high 3<.'hool or ~re o*er 18 years old are eligl- Jle to attend. All classes are ::oUege credit . s.Ud College Supt. fl'ed H. Bremt>r. '11le evening music program will inclU<lc classe! I n orehestra, C>!1ornl singing. and piano. Vocational courses are of- fered il\ the business science dlviaion. CouJ'S('s are also of- fered in the evenin& under the police science program. t.-8, TTh1 Bu1lneu 15 lnlro M~111, .. 10, •::J0.9:30, W1 Hlslo•v 17.A H•ot IJ' to lTll; BY•lneM 70 Oro A ....... 9.,,, •10. -------------------------------------- Evening 1111. classes are varit'd mcluiling crafts and ceramic courses. An outside k iln and a pyronu•ter are being installed at lhe nt>w R~atioo for evening, as weU as day classes, is October 8-9. Registration for day clas.ses is from 8 a.in. to 4 p.m. and for extended-day classes a p m. w JO p.m. Ex- tended-day classes are )le Id COMPL~E ~· .. .PRINTING. SERVICE • Business Formt • btterh .. ds • lnvit1tion1 e Tlclcett • Posters • Bu1hM1t Carda • House Or91n1 • Menus SERVING THE PUBLIC AND TRADE 642-4321 2211 Wnt B~lboa Boulevard, Newport ~~•ch ,Th, Bu~lnHJ 1? P"n Bull Mgmt, H , Tlh; Busln"'& 60.A B"i$ TvPH>9, 7· 9:30, Tiii: Bu~ln~ .:IA-'"' Nlechlnf'S, 79:)0, MW1 8u1ln<"Sf' 70A s.vln Sl'orlheno, 7·•:~~. Tiii: But~n~t 75 Gen Accl, 7.f:JO. Tih1 Bus;nu1 78 lncnrnt Ta.. A«I. 1·10, MW. CMml&lry -C~l~try IA Cen~ral • Lrc. •7·30, MW: C~slrv IA ~II • L~b, 7 »tt :lO, MW: (heml•lrY 3 r unoAmMlll Lo c . 7.10. l ; Cnt mlstrv l Fuooamtnt~I • l61>, 7-10, Tn. Ooaffint TKhMIOty -Draflir>V IO fLloOn..,~nt&I>, 8 10, "TTrq D•l'ill"!I AlA Ardhlr<iutal Or.tf1, •to. MW. Or•m• -O••rna '""' Pdn arlCI ~lw<'r et AtlrnQ, 7·f.l0, lTto: Orama 4 BIG DAYS • SPECl·A.LS • 4 BIG DAYS WED. -THURS. -FRI.-SAT. SPECIALS I MOD CASUALS VALUES TO U." DRESS SHOES MID-HEEL, PLAIN PUMP RISQUE -FAVORITE Values to $15 .90 • . . SEASON· END SPECIALS! CANVAS SHOES SLOP-ON & TIH All COLOU VALUES $4.'9 - NOW ••• $Jll In •• , BLACK PATENT BLACK LEATHER BLUE CALF •• NOW s711 SAV-ON SHOES 2300 HARBOR BLVD • HARIOR SHOPPING C.NTH COSTA 546 6775 COITA MUA • MESA ( NHt te !'"'!!J ~ ! •• -~arbor· Center> 10!h J111ni 11eP~d1'2y ~porstswea.r-> Ho-..,.r Center, 2300 North Harbor, Co1tc1 Mel0-'-545-6524 R•CJ· S19.99 SPEC"4L •1511 :lfJ., , ••• ,, , •••• EIE S·PC.SETS 44'5 4 tJ.•-t r•I•• ,\ . .1l11ul vinyl top tabk eir- 11·11ds to~ with 12" le-'4.1'. ..,.:; .. ~--. Fottf hi-bac\: chail'B. .. :~-~ ~;~ Ulllti.nel dleln, H . 6.U l 9 VOLT TRANSISTOR BATTERtES .. Reg. '29c -SPECIAL 6i'1 Reg .• 2 Fer 49c IAClll llSSllS s:si iOO two ply tWuee r •• hanct- -ahowca~ bol. Soft ab- IOl'beat. teroo1. White, wlon. ~ A st.S J(ISSS ... _ .. 1d~·~, .. J<!. ' -. l•·r•ll JH1f"k•9• Stock up ~won l..ous Wat. docf9 .-ft.tllMICh tiaue. ~.lQ rolls in polrn!.rle,le poc.bge, J &4$2 PllSTIC --2/• 4~~· StnrJy see-thru pla~tic,. ~ colorful lid. They 'taMc J\ettly. P~tect shof.s )rtt show t'Onlents a t a glaoce. ~ ('••l'lrt• •116 •~•"' ,,.PllSllC I } • SMALL GIEEN TURTLES R91. 99c SPECIAL 77c Or~n. bu 37 tTeLle kt-}"•. l~ chord b1,ltons. On/off i wiU:l1, Mahog.ny 6ni~lt polysUefte, 3 11m,it· bool:~. ·- FiJly lined pef.lrlr tr,1111 e tilJ•· lio Ml _,.,.tecf r>< il\l' ~ rhl ool- or~. \'liauer incl111lr<l.81" loo1. C••lec •I '..-• '•Pr• SEAMLESS ••RYlOIS ··3 i 51 .... ·l•c,,-. Fir~t c111al1ty <lc·111i -lo~ or btel.and-tve wesh .!>hM"l J. Clioi<:c of many £a~l1ion· able ~ha<les. Sizes 811to 11. . ' •••·n r Stor:ige '{>a CG for mond · lng, patterus. Tuy h()lds 18 spool', scisWT3, more. H~~s·. Clnr or ~~n. MEllMll D JocluJ e1 8 each: dinner phlll'S, C"tl~, saucers, bread/bultcrs, desleits. Creamer, covered 511gar, plalt~r. vegetable bowl. HARIOR CENTll STOIE ONLY 1302 HARBOR 80~J.EV~RD, COSJ'A MESA NOW OPIN SUNDAYS 11 ·S MON •• THUR. -FRt • .t-.30 -9:IO SAT. TILL 6 P.M. • •1 •0 h • ., ... i .... !'~~J·;~rr .~• .~,~~· ........ " ..,. '· •• •I( I ~' ' ~-,~·~· . ·. • · .. -. .... J ' .. .. ' .• l ,• ...... ' . . -. . . . . ' · .. 1 ... ~ I I i I . I r- 1 --. I 2 . t.tt • a a; t 1 Uk .4 , .25 A IV .. 4 t !E&SQL Si a 5 !Sll 2 I JJP! .;as a • i S _t cs au ' hd ea 3 2 tJ $ ~ ·v.-.a~•~.-ter-ilt.,-..--.. • ,t I • • ~·. .,. -tri. 10t1i: ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION BOYS: DRESS SLACKS Val, 6.00 s311 CREW NECK SWEATERS Val. 3.99 $199 Sit" 16-U Only GIRLS: T-SHIRTS v.1. 2.99 s1 99 GIRLS: DENIM CAPRIS Reg. 3.50 TIGHTS Rev. 2.69 s15921 3.00 2 PIECE. BUBBLE SET Val. 6.00 TODDLER'S CAR COATS Val. •.99 INFANTS CORDUROY CRAWLERS Rag. 2.SO COU"PON THtS COUPON INTITLH YOU TO 10% OFF ON ANY MERCHANDISE THAT IS NOT SALE PRICED IN OUR STORE , FROM OCTOBER ht te OCTOIElt ·4th HAllOI CENTER 2JOO HAllOI· • COSTA MESA \'.,......IMlw, _,.. ll'* .... -\Vllcd- f(f, 21 • ., l-.... di. \'JALL·WA .. NUI -Wllll•fl' Wall, :IO, ~ l e11eny An" Wuntt, 2', l•lh tr H1mtintleo 19Hll. AU9UIT • HOUSE·NYLAND T.,ra~ l .. tieUM. u, .-K•tfllten J-NvlefMI, lt, bOfll el HWlllll9"" l ... dl. Hl!ANANDlJ·W/AN&ON -Ju I'. Hernanetz. >1. ..... l:!alna EIMI ~wen~. 27, hlll If Hlllltlntlen 8N<h. • l l!!ST· TALllOTT -Charles C. ltlf, 47. crl Huntt119hln llNd11 t n9 Gtnr.,.e W.,O T•llOlf. 44. et .. nit Ane. ,Otl'ITl-OILDINe -Cllerlta C>ttl\ - ,olnll. 21. end Mel'll• DlllllM, 19, t>oll\ or Wttlmlneltlf'. THOANllU•G-<ONK -(Munet El!Win Thern~.... 3$, • ., (Of'OM HI Mar. a nd Mllr.. lll•lltlllft "°'111. 33. •' '·0unf9l11 Veli.v. I UAKl'.STIAZAKEA -Jell" WllllU'f\ l urllt, f'/, •rW 1511..eelll lt1rektr, 3f, bolll f/f Ceslt M-. HARBOR CENTER 2300 HARBOR ILYD. COSTA MESA .. -................. ... ... .,. . .,.,..... ~. -rerMtt*9 . ......... ~ ..... ., Hwrtlt!t• ~ . CA•..,.aNIETT -1(/llllem a. Can . & .f 0..-. •nd knife lar!Wlf, 4', tit Wttfft'\IMNt. • CIWSLEY·KAtJl"MANN °11 •It e r t Werner ()wsi.y, 2', et Sent• Ana. t .W Merv ~111'1 IC•ufm•nn, K. el Coal• r.itt1. VAN OYNll-CARLMlN -atewerl a. Veil Dy,., ll. •n4t'J.,.n'" J. Cul~. 3'. Mt!! ef Himll,..fert lte<h. HAU.EVANS -e.wt .'/N, ll4l~1. ~ ejMI Slllf'ltv Evt ne, :M, llGlll ef Hii"n. lln;IMI lffdl. I EAl.,L-VOLZEll -•Olltrl DoWlll!9 ... ... 37, •net Anltf ROM Vtlu r, ~. ai.at1 ef W•hnlntltr. ttOOKElll<All'fEll, -ltov LOI\ HOO'.•{• 2'-tf ~Int, •lid C.N>I Jc•n Cilrlt •• M. .t Hunlfneton lleec:h. ANNIVERSARY SALE OCT. 2·3·4 SAVE -SAVE -SAVE VELVET CORDUROY Ribleu -45" wide. New F•ll colofl. Re9. 2.-45 . MATTE' JERSEY PRINTS New euy atitch fin:sh, 5"4" wide. Up- to-the-minute f•shion. R•9. 2 .~~ WOOL CLOSE OUT S-< to U " wicle . Rev. 2.~8-J .98. POPLIN-DRIP DRY 100 /. C~ttGn ~ 14" wicl •. H•nd 1crH ntd prinh. ki.t .. t ,9J. Sl.49y,.· KETTLE CLOTH l WEA&S CLOTH 50 "!. Polyester • 60 i'. Cotton. Plein1 •nd prints. Reg. 1.98. SI .49,,. WINDJAMMER "45" wide. Good color 1el~ctio,,. Re9. 1.98. 51.49, ... ------------------- POLYESTER DOE SUEDE I 00 ~~ Polyeater. 45" wid•. No iron, of coune! BHut lful lustre finish. Y tJu must H• these! Re9. 4,46. S3.98yL COTT8N PRINTS Oiscontinu•cf p•tt•rnt. lroken linet, .ct. v.1u •••• 1.91 yd. HARaOR CINTER ------- OCT. 2·3-4 r=:::=J ~ ... _,;...,. .... ..-............. ,_ ..... ,~ .. ~ ...... ,.. ....... ,.,_,. --._...,.....,_ •• ~ ..... ~..._.~'·"·' ...................... ._. ...... _ _. _ _.. ..... -..... -.-.-._ .... --... _,,,,.J __ _ • •:c··-....... ,........... . . . . • ........ ~ ... ~ ....................... .,._ ....... -............................. .. ..................................... ..-.• .__.}! . ~ . ,, \' '/OUR OtPARTM£NT STORE OF EtECTRONICS 2 STATlON SOLID STATE ·INTE RCmA • P11.li fl.. firm 0:1~ .• tion-Siinr!e p, ,g In Cv11<1c .• l1r-r. Gord • l11te r Un.t Tc;r;e Ca~;.11g 995 • !JeJ'il11t:ily Sty!?d • 01wralfs t 1 l 9 ':~·1 . fl i: ~"I I ,,. LAFAYETTE EXPLOR-AIR MARK V ) . --. _.. ~ ~ ~ • t----~;.--.. ' --. -" -.. - . . t !'I T[,?rlATIONAI. SHORTWAVl +AM BRO,QCl\ST P.ECEIVCR 5 h 11d;; l roadtnt + 4 E~c1t111s ln1erna11011~1 5495 Shortwa, • H , 2H~W)( 8t~ds . ., ........... aailtl t11S1 !ti Mltll · .. ttlWS tMTO_!!I tltt wtl\I! , .... lit\. .... Harbor Center 2300 HARIOI IL YE'. COSTA MqA - 540-4740 COMPACT' • The DAILY PILOT tellt \'U fftere -In i.tr .,ece -every lf.•v el>eul yeur c:emmunlfy t!len e11y et~er newf/H per el•nt t"-..... , .~ .. ~ f"M C 11 • ,.~ ...,.11•1,.,..ettthr '' "" I -- Direct fro.m Ar1tw..erp 1/2 "CARAT ONE CARAT $300 $.700 · SALE of Diamonds at new low Prices 0 G . . J Hw .tdv•nlilllfe• M t 11utmr;>ut. of Ntirse • ln1t Cl~ llii adv1r11aet if the peoon~ Ntitfaction of havir'I am' i11e1:.,1duAI rinc -!IC1ur '111111 11l1 c11o111 of df1mcmd and MOUntif1e. Our ~ll~ction of unitt ~"*'"'"' it'° cor,.prthfl11iv1 rhlt you c•" etkict t~ flu you 1nnt • tht 4u11li191 you want. And htn, of Cfiirff, yot1 ctn su •1<«1111 wh•I 11ou '"' ll111tinf with our Kit 11tif1t p~<'i•ion if it Ir~•. • Just Say "Charge it"!· BE Ol'W MON,. THUA~. & FAI. Nf~HTS ·r 1L t PM MEMBER • I ' 1 .. ffMIOll SH ...... & C~ coiTA:MESA ••• ~t411 ••••• ~r. ~~=a============================= .-. • Area Lt. 'l)omat W. Gamble, USN, son or J\.lr. an<l Mrs. Norman A. Gamble or 1026 Sandcastle Drive, Newport Beach, ha9 completed flight training al\CI was designated a Naval Aviator <tl U.S. Naval Air Station Chase f i e l d , Beeville, Tex. Tht' pilot is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and Oregon State Uni versity. Cpl. Tb om a 1 J. Rose, l l$MC1 son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Rose of 25181 Atmagosa St., L:iguna Beach, is serving with the First Marine Aircraft Wing in the 1 Corps arc:.i of Vietnam. Lt. S. Hugh Burgtss n. son of Dr. and Mrs. Stanley 11. Burgess of 21851 Newland St., Huntington Be3ch, has been .iwarde<l the silver wing~ of an Air Force Pilot , upon gradua- tion from Lar('uo AFB, Tex. J!e w;.is commbsioned in 1968 ~t the U.S. Air f' or t e Ac<Klemy. Four Orange County <1irmen are among the many who have joined the nrnssive ... effort to J1elp cornmu'nilit•s rel' o v er from tl1e devastatior1 of hur· n cane Camille. They are Airman J.C. Terrl E. Anderson, son of Mrs. Donzella J. Keyes of 1006 Ocean, Seal Be.ich ; Airmaa J'atrlcia E. Roberts, daughter AVL JMEST C9JlST ~PBP TRAVEL TRAILERS MOTOR HOMES TRUCK CAMPERS CAMPING TRAILERS ... ' WEST~RN NATIONAL REtREATIONAL VEHICLE SHOW ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS OCTOBER 4,5 SAT. -10 A.M. to 10 P.M. SUN. -12 Noon to 8 P.M. Adults-$1 .50 Children under 12 -FREE . . SP-Orisored by RECREATIONAL VEHICLE l ~!STITUTE •GET FREE DISCOUNT TICKETS FROM ANY STORE IN. THE HARBOR SHOPPTNG CENTER. ALSO 100 FREE PASSES TO PERSONS ATTENDING OUR t BIRTHDAY •t:ELEBRA TION FRJpAY Ir SA 'rURDA Y ' • , . .... .. . ,,~ - ---------~~~--.,...,....,.-,,,.._.. ' ,. '· ,. I(!\.' I • - Men ID Service Around World of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Roberts . lr. of 2700 PetersoD Way, Costa M~sa; A1rmu Dtaala T. Dilloa, son of Mr. and Mn. Terrance J . Dillon or 15382 Cambay L a n e , Huntington Beach and Alrman J.C. Dagll W. McCulloch, s9n of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McCulloch of 450 Catalina Drive, Newport Beach, Airman Andt'r!'on is a graduate of Wilson High School, Long Beach; Ai1man Roberts ·graduated from Hun- tington Beach High School; Airman Dillon, Marina High Sc hool, and Airman McCulloch, Newport JI arbor High SchUol. Mra. Elaine Hurtado ol 213 Welksley St,, Coda Mesa . Lt. W i 11 l a ms ' wife, Elizabeth, liv. at 545 ~ Bernardino St., N e w p o rt Beach. Thule AB, Greenland. The unit was cited for meritorious achievements ln support of r e s c u e and clean-up opera- tions following an aircraft ac- cident near Thult'. The group lurnishes all sup- ply, service and maintenance support for U1e Third Marine Division units operating in the northern sect.or of the First Corps area. T h t s h i p rt c~ Jl t I J partidpated iD e,erationi at the Atlantic Ffttt Wupoos Rallie near Puerto RiCi>. Seaman Appren. Robert B. Craig, USN, son of Mrs. Alnnan 1. C. R l c h a rd CWO RusseU R. Alltn Jr., Robert N. 'Do)' I e of 2501 whose parents live at 252 Radarman 3.C. Mark W. Gudowsld, son of Mr. an<I Mrs. Wake Forest Rood, Costa FMttr, us N, of 968 Orange A\•e., C06ta Mesa, is Max Gudowski of 309 Yale Cir-Mesa, has been assigned to Mission Dr., Costa Mesa, is serving aboard the USS cle, Seal Beach, 8 clinical the Force Logistic Support serving aboard the guided Providence olf S o u th e 1· n Group Vl.etnam m1·SSl·le cruise· r USS A!b:..n". California technician in the 1st Fighter1 ___ • _____ · ________________ , ------·--·----- Wing, Selfridge AFB, Mich., is ~,,..,.,,,, ....... .., ...... + ............ part of Ille group which has been r e c o g n i z e d !or p. werilorious service I.luring the w d ft. past )1e.r. • U lll'J T\~O Orange County men are . Capt. Steptiea c. Carl&Oll tu so r Skoo j h . serv10g aboard the aircraft ' I t carrier USS Ke a rs a r g e, son of Mr. and Mrs. Duane ptncej deployed in the We s t er o Carlson of 8201 Dttrfield Dr., e ~ Pacific with U1e U.S. Seventh Huntington ~ach, is a h Fleet. member of a wt.it that has t t They are Seamu Ala B. earned the U.S. Air Force oae er • Gordon, son of Mr. a.nd Mrs. ·Outstanding Unit Award. d Donald M. Gordon of 600 E. The captain is an aircraft h J5th St., Newport Beach and maintenance officer in the •t Lt. James L. Williams, son ot 46l3rd Air Base Group at lVt LAY-A-WAY Now For Xmas $1 HOLDS ALL ITEMS Till DECEMIU 23rd Matchbox 33c Cars Coirsttuc:tiee Tep 77' Auorted Hullfey Req. SI .29 NOW Sporta 011tfit All Pro Req. St .19 .. wtin~ Set Indoor Re 9. $2.91 ~I Tobie ond Choir s~t. Rf <?· i 16.U ''""' ~t Pro r,.c1 R~9. $10.97 Moht' P'ok• tJOW 718 NOW .,., 7 Auorl~d 1'l•llel Rt,. IS.l 2 NOW Theo~ rt.AY-DOtt C Modefl.. 66 c... ....... ~. S1 .0I. NOW FOOTIAlL 144 Offii•f aiu •n" wt. Re9. Sf.'8 NOW llotor Croft Toy 33c All New Reg. hhc NOW Dt-ot Rec• Set • 2" Sp .. dlin• Reg. $5.00 NOW J .... , ..... lftl• 688 I 7" X 30" Reg. $I 0,00 NOW Metet Te,_ 1" l t.1ddy L Re9. •>-19 NOW ... HAllOR CtNTll Jlot HAlllOl COSTA MESA rH: 545-7032 tlOURS: ~ •• T11n., w ... , T,..,..., S.t., lt · • ~·'~ " -, s-. " .• t I I I ~ Windsor;,~ HARBOR CENTER 2300 HARBOR BLVD . COSTA MESA You'll "do your 1hi11g1~ t,, 1tyle this foll if you pu l the pieces together with Compua Cosuol (o.Ordin- otea. Choose t h .1 1 so·~ wcol-20% nylon combina- l·on wilh a foscino1in9 g ingersnap p • o 1 d wit!\ 1pinoch ond gold 1tripc1 on a mist bockgro und. '"'~9 ., .. ,... C••w nhk •w-lor. &. • r it 1-oo ... G rg<r .$ t<.p t. c1~t' I Ct.•I+ ,, V-nc 1 ~ Vo•t with u lf llt 11~" f'li I ! If fl'\ ~1 P •11.00 ~' I ' h1 ~ ~Wlh '" . . ·~ '17.oe- $ho ...... ,. .. "'"' f fn • '• d •" "'V'• v t1ft Mfft-t f)C'1 ~t.~ '15.00 / CHAIGI Ill u .. Y-IANKAMDICAH er MA..,nl CHI.IOI M u .. Ye~r WINOSOI CH,OOl -Ne 1,. .. , .. , Ne Canyln1 Cho ..... Op.n Mon., Thurs •. •nd Fri. until 9 p.m. - .. 1~ C. to 'f. ~I ai \\' }<' c te bt SC SI ll R! T Bl ti c \\ D 81 T .}i hc fr ri N 8! 111 It 8i A sr N. !It tr c .I D fl, ~I L le Ir <: j < J' F f Ii 11 Jl " r· f; tl N p ao S• ~ p II 6 J; A p f; N A ..... ,.._... .... -. .. , .... ..,, ... ........ _..,... --..... -. ---....---,....,.---..,......----------~ , Area Serwi~e News Sgt. D-1el I. ...... former4 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harris of ly of 113 Alplon, Saa •t Driflweed Drive, Hun- Clement.e, baa been assipt.d tinctoo Buch. wu awarded ~o. Chins Chuan Kans AB, the Brooze Star Medal with fanvan. ._. .. V" device aad the Air Medal The sergeant, 1011 of Mr. and while seninc in Vietnam. Mrs. J ol'ln Tooer, ii an aircraft Joadmaster aervq 'Ibe Mldler, a member of with. a unit of the Paclftc 1'11' Corapany D (RaJlcer) -lilst 1''orccs. ~ Iolantry, was cited f & r He is a gracluate ol Sa heroism d u r I n 1 recon- cl . · n naissance when heavy enemy emente Hip School and at-fire directed inst h' iended Orange Coest Colle1e was aga is before l!Iltering the service. ' scoot team. A craduate of Hwtti.ngton Beech High School, 1957, be attended Golden West College before enterlai fie Army. Airmaa Bluty C. Sllerr•, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bluoty W. Sherron of 215 lod1anapoljs St., Huntington Beach, has bttn Jissigned to Sheppard AFB, Tex., for trainifii as an aircraft maintenance man. He t., a graduate ol Hun- t.i~rton Beach High Scb<>C?L Airman J.c. Jeffery S. Clarie, son or Mr. and Mrs. Warren Belton ef 2885 Zell Drive, Laguna Beach, was among the men frbm Air Training .command, Biloii, l-liss., who joined the effort to help communities r e c o v e r from the devastation or Hur- ricane Camille. The airman, a gnduate of N t·11 port Harbor' Hi8ti School, llt)Ststed Civil Defense teams ~nd city crews in the distribu- tion or food, clearine of debris an::l directing traffic. Fireman Appren. Perry R. A. A. Adam, USN, son or Mr. and Mrs. Jo~ph Adam or 2175 Maple Ave., Cost.a Mesa is ~n ing aboard the USS Trux· Ion orf the coast of Southern California. Airman Appreu. Clui~ E. Oliver, USN, IOn ol Mr. and Mn. Raymond Olittr of 5310 Neptune Ave., Newport Beach, has bttn assiped to a 'ledlnical scboot at the Naval Air Technical Training Center, Memphis, Tenn. Upon completion of lhe school, he will rtturn lo civilian lift and train one wmend a month with a reserve squadron. Ainnan Kart L Clemnts, son of. Mr. and Mrs . Meo D. Clements of 13151 Siskiyou St., Wcstmlnst.er, has been assign- ed to Sheppard AFB, Tu. for training in tbt transportation f~kf. The airman is a gradua&ie of Westmiflster ..Qigb S c h o o I , 1989. Airman James C. F..Wtr UJ, son ol Mr. and Mu. James C. Elder of 6141 Navajo Road, Westminster, baa been assign- ed to a unit of the Milit.ary Airlift COlmtland, Travis AFB, Calif. 'Mle a innan Ls a supply In- ventory specialist. A graduate of Weatminater Higtl Schoot, he received bis AA degree In 1965 from Or&D£• C •a 1 t C&llege and B6 ftcr'ee from Cal State Flllltr1en, l•. Thrff OraJlie County meo have entered the rreshman class of the U.S. Afr Force Academy, Colorado. They are Gary M. Pakele, IOll of Mr. and Mrs. l'h1lif Pakele ol J516l Vlctaria Lane, Huot1ngton Beach: MaUkw M. Mllmyle, eon of Mrs. Anne Mibaylo ol Ml Cbtyenne St., Cone Mesa and aol9ert W. B~, son of Col. (USAF. m .) and Mn. Jack D. Blanchard or mt Atta Visl41 Drive, Newport Btach. Quiet Pakele is a araduate ol"'Marlna Hilb School and let· tered ht fooUMll an4 tennis while Cadet MlNylo is a graduat.e ~ Bob J o n e s Ac~tmy, Greenville, S.C. and attended Oraftlt! Cost CGU~; Cadet Blanchard is a 1998 craduat.e of Wasson ffiih School, Colwaeo S p r I n 1 1, when he lettettd in foetball and wrestling. Two Cost.a Mtsa mtn are ISUYinl with t.bt Firrt Marine Division, Vietn3m. They are Pfc. Dwipt D. Belty, een ol Mr. and Mrs. A. 8 . Betty of 713 W. Wil!on, and HospiCabnan Stephen E . Bergeron USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene 0. Beracron of %885 Europa Drivt . Lt. Jebn C. Maltiaa, 25, son ol Cot. aod Mrs. John Mattina et rm Antigua Way, Newport Beach, has ~ aqned to th.e 173rd Assault Helicopter Company near Lai Kilt, V~t· nasn. The lieulenaRt ~ 1 supply officer and pil~t, Sl:lff Sgt. Rebert V. DorSt'y .Jr., son flf Mr. a o d M~. Douglas Fairbanks, 5772 Gar- tlen Grove Blvd., We6lmin- "'1'r, has r~Usted in the U S Alr Force after beiq se- lected for carttr status. .:=.==================================-• The sergeant, an account- lrg and finance ~upcrvisor at C;im Ranh Ha y AB. Vietnam. i« ;i mrrnbcr or a un1L vii lht P:1cific Air Fo1'<.'t'l>. S:>aman Apprrn John \V. Flttcbcr Jr., of 2442 \'a.,!'ar~ f'l:iN', Cll6t:t :\k~n .• , SN\ inµ ahr..:ird till' l SS K11ty ll :m i..1 all.'ll·k airer dfl c:irrtPr. j 1'ht' ship has just completed An tight month d('pl'l) mrnt rn "•rtn:im waters. I It was U1' fir~t ~hip to r" , r't'I\ e the Pr~ideollal Unit C1- 1alll'n for perfonnaou during t;.'14' Vietn:im ronn1ct. Three Huntington Bearh Naval reservists have com- pleted their annual two wttk.~ achve duty stint at N::ival Air Station Roosevelt Ro ad 11 , Puerto Rico. 1 Returning home Ill.is week ar,, L1. Comm. A. F. ScMll«I, 6172 Sonoma Drivt>; U . JG John G. Lt11·is. 11!) 8lh St., and AME J Mike B. Bioncb, 1116 Pine St. All lhrtt are assigned to Al· ALL SKIRT 10th Anniversary Special 3 BIG DAYS 11iURS. -FRI •• SAT. NEW FALL and SWEATERS 15% Off\ THI 11DID TC>eA Y ts VILOUl NEW VELOUR CAPRIS RecJ. $9.00 Now $S.tt Sl'ICIAL 4ilOUP CANIS AND DUSS8 DltASTICALl Y HDUCED Plus M•ny More 8irthd1y Surpri~o Just For You ON IACK MALI. IYLYIA'S PU:SONAL CHAR~I , • ·.'".\ ........ -.... T.V. a.cl APPLIANCE CENTER IHI HAllOI. COSTA MrsA· NOWt REMOTE CONTROL > • AT NO EXTRA COST! .I caalcarcl Dell.IB e R•mc•• Conlrol e :zr \I 295 •q. ;,,. pic+,.re -H;gh fidelity Rere E .. r~e Color Pitture Tube. e 25,000 \lolh l'iat .. ,. Power • Fram• Gr~ N•utr.Je VHF Tuner. • Tr•ntitlor i1acl UHf r ..... er. • 5el·n-Fo19el VHF Fine T unin9, • '4" Front FKl"f Hi~h Fidelity. • H•ncfu•ftecf Cuale "' Hardweocl C~inet. • M .. imum C.bi~• Oimen•;Oft1: )] ,,, .. wiole, 1' 'Ii" hi9"· IC/ S, t•" clup. YOUR CHOta at $498°0 or BUY THE PAIR at AMt. Sawilgs e 5.>l;J St~•• AM r M s •• , •• e SpuJ~,, 1wo 10 VJ o tf•q l wo ~· Q ,.1 Moclll e1><3• 1""• j ~; lw~•f•tt. e i•c• J .clt for llet orclon9 41~1~!§!~~~~~i •"cl l'l•yb•t.I . e lle~orcl Stora9e S~<•. e h t.rn af •P• cr J •ol1 w '3 w•v 1ele<.tot 1w1td1. Packard Ream e All Hercl"'oo.1 Accousliul Sp Seund Chembela. e Duel Af>C With Z•n•r Centro!. e All H•,..,wool C•bin•t wit+. f-rnr•h•.I a..d. M•r Proof Cao••ro. 4 · CHARGE PLANS 'o• vou• CONVl!Nl(Nt l SHOP MOW AT . ., " tnck Squadron 7LJ ba~d at m Naval Air Slahon, Lo s \ BE Alamitos. I ... • · Ffc Jerry n. Ui1rri11 on of•-----------------------.. -------------------------------~ . . ' • ... - _.-;;;;::;_.;...;,--=-------. • ~·t .t--...\~ ·.'•'c.Ct ~~'Y: .•. ~~~-,. ~.,.~, I • •1 "' -_.tr,. ---. , ·~ . ~ He·11 put you in the pictu.re. Frank Cormier. White House correspondent for The Associated Press, "saves a place" for you at every presidentiaJ press cooference. He is there to ask questions and get the answers you want, right f~om wh~re it's happe~ing. And he is only one of hundreds of skiUed newsmen-and wome11-who put you into this pidur.e and info the picture, too. at city council meetings, school hoard sessions and wherever else news is happening of in 1 ere st to Orange Coast residents. You can rely on the DAILY PILOT to represent you . You' re "everywhere" .. ' every day through the eyes Jnd · e~rs of dedicated journalists who cover the world for DAILY PILOT readers. ,. . . ' .. -f ! ' • . . ' I • t ..... • I ••t .. ,...,...••)• ·~· ' .... ~ ~. t • • • • • ........ . .... / •• •' ·~ ... . . : . OCTOBER 2-3-4 COAT or TOPPER ANY REGULAR 20% PRICED COAT or . . O OFF TOPPER In STOCK ...... : .. . LADIES 8UJIJSES ':r•SBIRTS IJ.M ..•••••..•••.• $2.59 " $2.59 $3.59 $3.59 01 ,:,. $4. 99 .... SJ.JI •••••........• .... $4.M •............• I ... $4.lt ••••.•.....••• 01~2· Cl 1 01 POI SKIRTS $4.H $6.99 $6.99 ::.'it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3. 99 .... $4.99 St.ff ········································ :::. ........................................ $5.99 L.i\DIES ~WEATEHS ::'it ................... · ..................... $4.99 =~ ··················· ····················· $4.99 ::l. . ............... ' ....................... $5. 99 £,tPlllS ~ ......... ······························· $4.99 :~ ........................................ $5.99 :.9\. ............. ' .......................... $5. 99 PANTIES 69c 79c 2 POI '1". . P'4NTl'·80SE : ~:l:· .......................... ~~it $1.25 WHIU 9UANTITY LASTS WI WILCOMl-IAMIAMlllCAff MA1111 CHA ... HAllOI CINlll 2JM MAllOI an. ' . ·. CE~TIN•· OUl 10TH ANNIVERSARY · · The great "Tum-On" mach II moch II '' o lfo .. of mind. N<M "St, not tin , net trodftlon. Not •· '*4.u .. moch II lir9CllU tht crse borritr witf\ the I.ind ef st1 ~uml•n-1 1tylin9 thcit eppecala ,. tY9ryone from prep Khool te pott·forlY. Net 1iu , '*ciuM rnoch II ~ ....... the t•M bo,,,., with 111 elim, trim, ~ptred loolr. And ttrtoinly not tro4'ilion, Mceute rnach II ' .. ~1eeli1 ,.... llyl. borrier-e!KI ftft • new ho.lit~ ell ill ewn, C' c:..e· ... fid ... "·" • ~ U. HAlllOR aLVD. e COsTA MESA . . . 'llrli1 ..,,, •••• 11•1~1111n·1 . . ... • ..,,.-" .-itd • ...c••' • ltittef•Ht • Mite · • &MR .. I • ....,1 ... ~1u1 • ... , lrffl C••l~e of u~N~ler•. nu, pufed nerywbere mpdl Cown a loor, l10rders a poo1, er climbs a ~f .. ~ needs almost no cart! ).fade of lOOI tO')die AW·l** with 1elf adhtsiv• heavy duty folm hdJJwl t~ adheres· to Ill)' nrf ac•. C!t1n1 euily w16a Y~, b05e or broom. J\esidl aoll and ltt~l..ef)Our Jmaginatio11 nari 1''1fd by Jnlainl and rnatchi911quaret. HAlllOR CENTER JTOIE ONLY U02 HARBoA IOULIVA1JtD; tosf A MESA NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 11-5 MON.·THUR.·,RI. 9:30 -,. ; . ~'T• TILL 6 p.m. -~ . . -· .1 r I J t I I I 1t' 'ii W ... 11.ty, Od.._ 1,... NMllll CINTH -Mountin ·· trnst·' . ':['a~Rebate Pre-school W. wksfiop ~~t ··: .. ·;~,:p .,.~···--,' ;··~ ·. Cr ;Qis· ·Faces u.s ' A ' -. w~k=~ ·~~'c!~~! :·~~arU::~s. ~n for 211 t• b~~:~ .. ~~~j~:1;5i6r ' • ~ · . ' ' • ~ · .. o 1~~~·-COCJ lo class along With her Chlldren accompany · their child' and ff for'twb. America Is beinC covtttd •itb srowillg heape ol used packaci~ materiala t b • t won't burn. J>~. crush, de&rade. dbalvt, or otberste ~ar. ' · · Even the ".oo return'' boUle!I are adding le the problem. A recent atudy fouM that toaCh ol these cost 30 cents to collect and dispose of -seven limes what il cost to make one. "'Tbe rapkl increase in •coovenleoce containers' a nd packaeinl materials ls becom· ~ critical from an en- vironmental pollution a n d waste disposal standpoint.'' according t& Dr. George 1''. Stewart. head of the Universi- ty of California·• food pro- teclion and tolicology center at UC-Davis. ''ln another six vears we wiil be fucerl aruuiallv ¥1'1lh r~dding ourselves of u · billion units of elass, ~astic and metal beYerqe ceotalntrs." 0n1 y about •• )lft'Cent ot an thii a n be wv~Jw re- use, he adds. and ju.st to make dear what kllld ol a litter pre- ulem we ban, Stewart note!! !hat all pacta1in& wastes ac- count for only 13 percent of Fi.re Safety Week Coming Oct. ~11 is oatlooal Fire Pr~\·eutien Week, a8d to ~mphaaize ltJt importance both Fountain \'allev fire .station~ will throw their doors open tG the public. Saturd<ly. Oct. 11. Merabers of tht Orq• Coast J wtior \Vome-n's Club will serve reCresbmeots al both station.I, at 1 I 7 I 7 ftewbope St. and I 7 7 3 7 B=.an1 St. The public is in· vtted i. toar the fire facili~s. Pro1tilfy A~1 The Sensational _. et. · iJ' .. child iJ beinl offered al molherjl to the claas. Teclmj... Registnilion c o n t I n u p , lbe lotat ~ waste-s p~' 1 • ~ Orance Coast CoUe1e lb.is fall ques ol discipline, a~ng t hrough Wednesday fr•m fl I ill the United States. ·~ ..... ·';. Oct. ts ls tilt ~ for durlnc the mornlnc. children's growth and w at 1:39 p.m. at OCC. ' · The worbhop meets Mon· can be expected ol clilldren of The problem will M discus.V Senior C'k.izens to file claim! various aees are di!cussed.1 FAIR · Fut. f•ir. feetuel. Tho .. """ word1 "'"' o,. fecl•rt , •P•••tion en tho DAILY PI LOT ecliteri•I P•t• •vory '•y. ed at the Ont ~lional coe-ff(' a-ret• 00 ~ l9'U9 days and Tuesdays from t Tue class is limitl!d to two ference on pec:kal*DC wastet. · ~ a .m. until ooon for 2~2 to ~ children per lamily, and Sept. 22-M lo SanFranci.sco. ~rty tam. M•rtin Huff, year-okl clu1dreo, Wednesdays mothers may ooJy briiig their 1be meeting ii sponsored by aecilliye · ellicer ~-t h e from t a.m. until noeo for S to own children. The noon meal the U.S. "9blic He a l t h Franchi~ Tax Board, said t<>->year okb, aDd Fridays Trom for' the child, p~ at. Service'• bureau of solicl ~ · t a.m. until noon for %\a to ~,~~~=~~~~~~~~=::=========~ w~ tn a n a g e m e n t • year olds. The clas~ will California's pa c k a & i n g in-~ sLatt Pf'O(l:llD relw>ds 1 meet lD the Redwood Collage dustry adv5ory committee portion of .. ~. lue3 on the OCC campus. and the "pacbalna proiram" paid by penons 6$ )'tan of Three additional sections at UC-Davia. aae « oldef who bav~lilow lo· 'will be held ill Sif,!ler Park in Among the apeakets will be comes The money received We s t m i o • t e r .: MODdny. Con & re s s men Paul N. • · '---Wedoesdav and Fridav from t McCloskey, Jr .. or California, uoder this proeram never uim --• • - and Henry s. ~ of to be repaid and no Uens are Wison.5in; Leo Weaver of the filed on the claimant's pre>- Alllerican P11blic W or ks pert.v, he said. A s a o c l aUon, Washington , To be eligible fo r Senior D.C.; and Hugb Marius of c·t· p t T New York City's sanila~ion 1 •zen,, r o P e r Y ax department. Others reprcsen~ Assistallce, claimants must be tiug government, Industry, over ~ years of ae• •• of and coocemcd citizenrv are Jaauary 1, 1969, must own and coming from all parts of the occupy ttiieir own home, must Uniled States. Stewart, c on t e r e n c • have pOI the property tales cha4.rman, says the pacb gin& OQ the home, and must have wastes problem is a parado• total bOUJehold income of leSI ot American lldentruc and in- dustrial lnceoutly. "We haft ·c:tev~oped prc.. ducts that wp our f.00 aod f oe<l products better and loncer, and materials that uve ue money ln mluced 4amaCe loues and he&dlinc ~peme. aut in the 1.nt nm we must ask euraelvet, 'Can we .U.nl thiJT' " Oft a per capita basis. be pointe.I out, pacbgi ng w ai.les llCX*Md to nearly JO poun~ per ~-By lf'/6, just to rum- dlt the espected ioc1·ea~e in waste materials the natien will require anothtr 9,500 nf'w 1an.. truW. al a cost or f 19' mlllkm. "Really .. uks S I t \'a rt "haw mudt arn~ .. can th~ nation afford?" than $3,350. ~ in- dividuals can obtain claim forms from any office of the Franchise Tax Board or by writing to Senior Citium Property Tax Assist.nee, P.O. Box i• Sacramt"to, Ca · "°1ia, l5Wl. Hufl ..W ~ l.ltied lefti citizem an entttJed te both lhe tlt payment undtr the Homeowners Property Tu Relief Law and the Senie Cili2lens P r o p e r t y Tu Aslia&anct OD the tM paid in exctss of the f70. To retti Senior CitilenJ Property Tax Assistance. a clabn mw;l be filed each year with lhe :Franchise Tu. Board, 11 n id. SPECIAL GROUP DISCOUllT ON Encyclepe4i·a lrit111tica Ilareor Shopping f en- ler, bas made ipecial ar- ran~mentl wit h E n· cyclopedia Britannica, whereby our customers can get a tremendous di s- count on tM Britannica. Jn addition. t hey will re- cei\·e added bonuies free of cha rce. All that ls needed to recei\'e thi~ d iscounl. 15 to come to a rn of the stores in the llarbor C'rnlcr and frll lll a c:ird \\ ht("h e11l 1tles .\ ou to lhlS d i"iCOllnl. 0( COlll'!\e no purchil"e i'> neces!;ary. J ust a!)k any store man- ager fo r a Britannira Disco11nl Cett"d. rCELEBRA TING OUR lOTH ANNIVERSARY ~======~ MIKE JORDAN DUO T his i" just another wav i n \\ hich the Har - The lean, rugged Levi's look in • dress-up homespun fabric - a great selection of the latest colors.. Never rwed Ironing, never 1011 their creua -they're Sta-Prest I Nobody makes Sta-Prest but Levi 's. Entertainint Ni~ly . ( bor Shopping C e n t e r $8.00 ev~ywhere. Mo.day rlwu Saturday 8:30 PM. -l :30 A.M. brings you the best pos· 1ible merchandise at the lowest k»ossible cosL 2300 HARBOR BLVD. ... COST A MESA ti.0101 CIENTU 2JN HAllOI ILVD .. COSTA MISA HOUH1 ( ' u I' .a 6 I OU I ' r ' D., - <\ • -"' • • l , .. . . Agrle81tare i\avlaer lr1!ir'1e Man on UC Group William J . WilJi:ims, vice unhersity-wide council. In hls president of The In:ine Com-position with The Irvine Co., pany's agricultw·at division, he is res ponsible for the pro-iuls accepted the.invitation of Unkersity o( California prtsi-ductiYe operation of O\·er dent, Charle! J . Hit.ch, Lo 2.5,000 acres of cropland on lhe sef'\e as a member of the Irvine Ranch, y i°e Id t n g Agricultural Ad\isory Council substantial b a r v e s t s of of tile University for a t.enn oranges, lemons, avocados, extending through the 1971-72 grapefruit, a spa r a g us, 11cademic }'ear. s trawberr i e s, barley, Uons, as ..,,u ._, its lni- plemffitations-of soil con- servation programs a n d agricultural interests in Ul9 Imperial Vailey. Presently a member of the Agricultural Committee of the Los Ang~d Chamber of Com. merce and an alternate dittc· tor of the Sunkist Growfrt Association, M also serves as a director of the Agricultural C-OUncil of California, the Council of California Growers, N!Lt'll•~• ...... 41#• ..,.,, ,·r .. tit:.•<> , ... .,,,_..,, f i ~IMA-altr1• we.tn1ec1a,,·C>ct ••• ; 1;i9jf II \. \ t ' llarbor Republicalls To Hear Dr. Peterson J.~mbers of Harbor United Republicans of Cnlilornla Unit No. 519 \\ill hear a talk by Dr. Robert D. P e t e r s o n , superintendent of schools of Or3llge County, at t h e i r regular monthly meeting in the ~WJ>Ort Riviera Lounge, 350 Rh iera Orh e, Costa Mesa. The mef'ti11g, open to the public, "ill be hrld at 8 p.m. Oct. 9. receivtd his doctorate at the University of Colorado. A B-17 squadron rommaoder in World War 11, he "'as shot cfo" n over Austria and spent 18 months as a prisoner of "war. He Is a Lt. Colonel in tht U.S. Air Force Reserve. For additional Information please contact Mn;. LiOian M. Olson, unit chainnan, 6(~. LOCAL The 24-man council wa s blac~eyed beans, cauliflower, established in 1953 to advise celery, chili pepp e rs, 1:1e officers of the univer~ty garbanzos, llma beans, siring G'1 matters relating t o beans, sugar beets, tomaLoes, a g r 1 c u I tural instruction, carrots, s\\·ed curn and cab- the San Joaquin Fruit & Dr. Peterson a t t e n de d No •ther ft ow'P'P" tefl1 yo11 Investment Co., the Orange JOINS UC ADVISE RS Louisiana State University, mo••. •ve•v Jav. about wt>ot'• r{'scar~h and e x t c n s i OA'l • bage. County Frnit ExC'hange, the Whlttier Coll...,e, Cla remont t o:ng G" 111 '"• 6"'1'' 0'""9• -e CoHi .+tu the DAILY PILOT. r.trmbers lrom all ov er In addjtion, W i I I i ams California r e pre s e n t com-O\ erseas l h e agrkultural modity inter£-St, conservation, oinsion·s vast cattle Optra- Jn. ine Valencia G r ow ' r s Irvin•'• Willi•m& Graduate SC'hool, USC, and As~iatioo, and ~e F~~g l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "D" Ranch. con~wner i n 1 e r e s t bnd ,.,..liiiiii • .-iio-iiiii-•._.iiiiii.._..i~ii-iii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiliiillll.-.....,.._.,11 agriculture labor problems. One of the council's most re- cent contributions to th~ 1 uni\ erl.ity"s department ol · agrkullural seiences was ill> 1 st.111ly of the future needs or 1 •gricultural research and ex· 1 tension in the San Jo::quin 1 Valley. I Complete Printing Service Top Qualit~ -Fast Service PILOT PRINTING An agriculturist for over 25 years, Williams was a lltccly choice for appointment to his 642-4321 2211 West lblboa Blvd •. lh L---0 -___. UOO HAIBOI ILYD., COSTA MESA IN THI HAHOI CENtH ION TH( MALL) 540-1500 Newport Beach Safe Starts ' Thurs., Oct. 2 ANNIVERSARY ALE - SAVINGS ~:50 ON •MEN'S SUITS •SPORT COATS •DRESS SLACKS LONG SLEEVED DRESS SHIRTS SWEAT SHIRTS Long & St.rt SIMVff MOCK TURRE SHIRTS ccotton> Rt-;. $7 s21s ~190 IANl<AMERJCAID -MASTER CHARGE HARBOR CENTER ONLY SINGER "DOUBLE YOUR SAVINGS" Our SALE! lofh Anniversary SALE•A• THON HAAao':1~~NTEA'S SALE gOUBLE "ALUes Gs\ I DOUBLE sA"\N .-·-SlllER -from reau~r ~~·when new llOUID on Golden Touch & Sew• eewlna machine in a wide 'choice of hendsome con'soles and desks. 'El UP... Floor Models ll'fil@wrn °rnlKfil and Demonstrators ®rum tr~roornu uvE •1 s Choo1• Iron. a wide uriety of d .. k model• alld conaoles. AIMa a cholce Hlection of other Toudt. s .. • SMChlnH 11\CLMflng portables ........ ,..etiotta""' reeul• price ...... new. Th•J'•• 1enecl H floor modeh and detMfta~8"cf ... ,. "'°wing • .,,. out ........ ~. to rou. CLEARANCE-Trade-In Sewing Machines STRAIGHT trom $888 ZIG-ZA8 $2888 STITCH MODELS MODELS tram Witlt _._, .-4 ..... ...-... pa the SINGER' Sew & S.. ......... Mo.1y Laclr ff Mt aalided tlfth ,.,.. ...... er fuJI eredit towenl the pwc ..... .t a NW SINGER• ......... ~ ............. ..,., Come t6 your,.,.....~ Center u .. _. ... ,._~ ..... -.,_, .. .,...... and comll yourMtf • ..... buyl T• ,,_,.. ......_ te '91· Upright & Canister Combo Vacuums 7911 T=;!~~ Many OtMr Stylet SINGER HARBOR CENTER 2300 HARBOR \~ tOSTA MESA ~ONlY • I ~. .. • ..... .. ... . . . . . . . AL~!!!!!NI CELEBUTING ·HA BOR CENTERS 10th irth ay! SAVE NOW ON MEN'S UNDERWEAR Your Choice 100% Cotton knit bri•fs. Siu131 .. 42. TM lhirt1 Si~H lfte4'. THIS SE4SONS FASHI~ STYLED SUITS Reduced to Clew Comfortable, 1tay nHt fabric, light weight. Lont wearing. Ne char .. for normel alterations. COLOR COORDINATED SPORT COATS You Sove ~1· at Hanthome 1trllng, dbt'-'ctlv• tallorf"I. Y • a r a round welght1. MEN'S DRESS & CASUAL SLACKS .............. Pre.te COl'ttllMftt.e en4 lwy IM4el1 lnCoterateC........_ MEN'S POPULAR PLAID JACKm Ne.,._ ....... "-'® FuU Zipper Opeftln9. ll ... lav .... teYeuat 0..LY $.,.. ONLY $2" Jewelry Riot Recillced to 2 for ~1 Your choice of Pins -Ear;u.g, -Necklac:.t -Bracelets -Rings. Add ,.,.rkle to any feah· Ion. All it.ms formerly pric9d hlg1Mr. Our Ion 11 your Hving. WOMEN'S FASHION TAILORED llOUSES ._._.. Te Cfeu ONLY C....t.,.._W., He Iron alen41. $199 OrNt wl?tl P•nta er Slclrtt. WOMIN"S ANILI PANTS ....... Te CJ..,. ........ & ltra .... Styl• Llitett Prtnh & hlhl Celer1. CRISP NnY PIACTICAL UNIFORMS Tall.,.. lfyhtl, _Vet Pemlnlne. 1•% ~"3 O..W. Kftlt Per the ._._ ef Care. • WOMIN"S Ill.A TS & SAMOA LS 1>ne11 a ea.vet atyt ... ComhrtaMe & ltMrt Leekl"f. Flnal lllftctton Te ONLY $r4 ONLV sa11 ONLY 99¢ CHILDllN"S SHOES IOR IOYS & GIRLS ...,,.., Scheel Trpe 1.,.... ONLY U. te o.tw ,....._ New Huee. $)99 tt..tuc..t te C'-' at f;AIRIC FOOTWEAR FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY REDUCED TO CLEAR Yow Choice Cit T•rry L"*' Deck Shoes for boy'• & men & fun aJlp .,_flats for h facllet, Get twe, fhe HVlntt •r•W.. BOYS' ROUGH & TIDY FIRE HOSE JEANS licJ SavinCJS 3 for sir In fashion coordinating colors. 50"/. PolyHhr, 50 ~-Cotton. Penn-Pre1t with soil HINH. Look frNh end wrinkle free. Slims, Regulers encl Husky'•· PENNEY'S OWN CAROL EVA.NS GIRLS' DRESSES In ea1y te care for fM>rlcs with stylings she'll love to wHr. Slie1: 3 -6K end 7 -14. DELUXE TAPERED BOYS' SLACKS Reduced s411 to c ..... Fortrel '3•Polyester I Cotton twill. Fastback 1tyl- Int with INlt. Color rich solid tonH. Orna Thos• Wlltdews With Eleca-t Sher C11rtaiu A11t. lty,.., Celer1 & Stse1. T• K .. ltle Vl.w ... utlfvl. FASHION MANOI llDSPR!ADS CeM,tlf'Mftt Y•w kdreem In 8rlpt Celen M4 Prints. Twin eMI f ull Sl1•. YARDAGE SAVINGS Sheen. At • ••t l•VTnt• te Yeu.44~ Oww 1,INll Yd1. te Chooee. f' t ,,...,, S~ Clett. te Drnty • 2300 ............. ~ ........ . Hatla ... Slloppl .. Center • \' ·-''-'"-'-''-'~'·_o,_t_ob_r_r _l_, _,_,._, ________ o_A_l_L_Y_P!f T i T, ~ -·-----·---·------------·-------~,.,..-'::-T"~~~-...~~-,,..,.~~ ·-••"'-'--" Be~omes Red-eyed Hu1nan i ~ f r I I ti i • • I ' I ' • I • ' I [ I ! f ) I • ROCKET 'S BIG NIGHT -Cnrona del Mar's fiod LavC'r (fJr ri,t::h1) accrpls ;:i trophy ~yn1bollc or his t\vO tennis grand slan1s <1t a lest· itnonia\ dinner Tuesday night . Aidi ng in the presentation are (from left) J ack Kra1ncr, Larry Johnson and George llol stein. .,. ~ .i. .. · •• __ , Net Stars Pay Ho11iage ·To Laver's Grand Slam By GLENN WlllTF. 0! tr.. DlllY P'llo! St1tl Tennis immo1·1al Rod J.:iver beca me an emotional, red-eyed hu rnan being Tuesday night aflcr ~nn1e or his ~porl's greatest ['l('rsonaliti~'i pa id him honlage al Newport Beach TennL'! Cl ub as part of a special lcstlmonlal dinner. The affair honored Rod ney "The . nocket" for his second grand slam - \ri11ning \Vi1nbledon, the U.S .. French· ilnrl Aus tralian opens in the same )'('<It'. 1\s fonnrr pla~'ing .1rreat Jack Kramer told Ule group, "I don't think any other ph1yer vdll be ahle to do it .. lhe~'ll nel'er ha\'e to ni.:tke an- nthrr trophy like this." as hP passed on 1hc large si!l'er award lo La\'er a<: Uic symbol or his !962 and 1969 grand sliin1s. One by nne snn1r of lrnn1s great p"rsonali!ic.s paraded In the head of the group to lcll ;i reco!lce tion nr two of their [1nals' confront;i linn.~ 1vith Hod 1h1ring !he various sla in 1ou rna1nents. Present were six nf the ei ght r1nali.c;ts be met in lho:;e t11·0 fan- 11sticatJ.v succes.~rul ~·ears. Ro .v E1nerson of Ne1\•porl UC'ach 1.1·as the big loser -he fell three tirnes in 1962. And as he si inply but ably sttmme<I 11p Laver, "the 1nain trouble with playinp: Rolf i~ that he never knnv.'s \\'hen he's beaten. He gets confused orcasionally, onl.1• hccau:;c he has so mariy shn1s he is n'l sure ¥:hich lo use .. .'' Lave r and the tieir·apparenl lf.l) ·the Rocket's throne 1vhencver the· ,day comes for a new world chan1pi111p to emerge. Tony. also an A u.~t ralian, bowed to L11ver in the U.S. O('>f'n title shOw at rain-soaked Foresl Hills early· last month. He won the rirst set, 9-7. Rod Captured the next three. 6-1, 6·2, 6·2. "It wasn't thal I played badly, he 'jhsl hit \~inning shots all over the place. I wai; too.~e and had nothiii,g to lose . And there he v.·as, ~oing for his second slam and v.·riiting for a baby to be born at home." Kramer hit ii on the button \\'hen he rnentioned that 11·hen La ver gels in a jarn, he simply raises his game. ''lie losrs ncCa.~ionally, but nevt1r al the right time." In cacll of 1his \'car's lour slain .to11rneys , La ver was· ;it one point fore· ! h1 fi1e sets bef ore fina lly subduing a for . In the french classle he drop- ped the fir st tWQ set s lo Austral ian Dick Crealcy before getting into ~ear . He did likev.·isc against India's Premjit l.all at \Vimbledon. In the Australian Oren hr edi:;c<l n oche in the serriis, 7-S, 22-20, 9·11 , 1-6, 6-.l And at f orest •nils he had to overcome what many obserrcr~ ~air! 1\·as' Dennis Rnlston's ~sl ·played mat- ch. 6-4, 4-6, 4-6. 6·2, 6·J. l\rarner !'aid J,;i \·er is lo lennis v.·hat Rocky t-.larciano \\·as to bo xi ng; v.·hat J i111 Thorpe y,·as to !he 1!112 Olympic (ian1es. ap<l v.·hat Glenn Da,·j,~ w;is to lJ.S. tl1ilitary Academy football during thr v.·ar years. ' .So .ys l 'f u11npion Braves' Boyer • -Spaniard AndrC':. G11nC'no -La ver'!'! vic;:tiln in the 1969 Australian Open finale -sa id. •·1 can ;:t]ways lell my grandchildren I met Rod La\'er. lie 1mde nn rnist;ikes and beat inc \·ery {'asy ffi .. 1. fi·4. i-51. I watched hitn ph1y Tony llnche in the se1nis. 1'hey wen t fi vr hours and r 1vas ho ping they wnuld both tall down. 13ut as· it turnrd oul , I i,:oL exhau~lr.d wat.chinR thc111." Davis "'as one of 1hose v.•ho came to honor La1·cr's performance. Haskel· ball virtuoso George Yardley l lf was present, too. ' 'Never Though·t We 'Were Out of It' Au.c;sic. Ken llosell'<1 il howed 10 L(l l'er in the French f1nal .c-. 6·4 , 6·:1, 6· 4. Ile co11ld nnly say, "I 11·ri.~ for1 unale: tn n1 ake it In the finals. But un· forl.unatC'l y RfXI was the re, ton" They all stood to gil·e Lal'er l11c ova- l inn hC' had earned with S\Yeat. guts, a bit nr lurk a! a needed mornent and the greatest skill ever displayed in hill ch0scn !>pnrt .. ATLAl'iTA. (.,;i 1AP1 -Tt1P ,o\tl:int ,1 Bra1·e~ poppr rt the cork,c; nn rha1np~gn" that had hr1·n H·1ng frir t11n dal'' 'l11r:.1l:•y night. afler hrati11R (.:111r1nn;.1\! :l·2 10 1r1n lhc N<1l1vnal Lct1i;1 1r ~c~t L)1 v1.c;1on pcn- nanL· ":il.'.ln. Jt '" 111<1 i.;0<111 ·· ~;1111 :if'r rel1•·f pitrhcr Ccril t;p~ha11 . "Ila\'{' :t l'1µ,1r \\" JUSt had a baby -it's l·alh:d a prnn:1111 .. LJpsha11o" s enthusiasm 1.~ 1in111••11 hat premalure, s1nrc thr \Jr;i vr!> rnu<.t fir •! hrat the l'\e1Y 'i'ork tl1 ct!': bclnrc they t;"Jt1 cla im 1hc le;i~uc prnnant. "Drln ·t "·nrrv ahm11 a lh1ng. h.1111 . ~id Hien C:i ri \', 11 h1•:.r , 11•nt11 11111111t: si1rrif1cr fly 1!rrl1·r hon1r 1hr •1ru1ni ni.: run Clrte 13~yrr c:dlrd lhf' Br;n r~ Pl•' "irrea!r.~t hl1ncl1 or prns /11 11!"1 tune did 11 e thin!-. 11·e W('rc rvcr out 11 [ 11 .. Sports 111 il-fJn;.i~rr L11ri.i;in ll:irn~. a~krd if tll,,rr 11 rrc ;.i ny \\·;1y \·etcran I l 11~·l \\ ilhrln1 ru11h! he rn;ulr <·l 1g1blc lnr 1hr pl:1)n11 •. :-.:1111 hr i..11e1\ ,,f nonr b111 •·1r ~1<'\.<l t:w I 111d f'!11>llbh 1o io;i11 h1 1TI 1•1 inr for 'a ('011· plt of 11;1~~ J'l1 t;1kf' hun " 1!:1rn s prccl1 1.:1rd the plil)ull !;!'Tl!'' \1£H1ld bC' <i good one ··1'n1 rnrouraged !Jy the \\'ay ni y trarn has bcrn tutting." Harris ~:1111. "Thry 1~!1·1s1 ni:iy find u ~ a ltlllc rlanH1 tn11ghcr h!tl1 11,g " 1 he ~l c1 " 11 hr pprd th" Hr::i1 r,c; c1r:hl 1 11nr~ Ill 12 ncgul ar ~r:i:-!1n i.::i111r' b111 l !;1rr1.~ rtJ1nlcd oul 01<Jt most ol lhc ,i::;1n11'.' 11rrc ~·lose. 11.1rri;:; .~;i1d he liftrd s1:1rl1ng pltrlirr Phil Nirkr0 in thr !icvrnl h 111n1ng bcr;iu,c;e h~ 11·anted to stay away fr o111 a double Rltn1 s' Pottios Injured; T1·ojaris Lose Chci1idler lll~ A.~{;FI,l•;s Thr \ 11~ 1\11,1:rlr<; R.1m,<; rnav hr w11ho11t 1hr ~rr1·1rr<; "! lineb;u:k.,f ;\l 1ron 1i,,11 1ns v.hrn 1hrv f;irr !he \·i::111 ni.: i\••w f1rl1':1t'l<; S;1111t<;. a r!11h l';pokrsn1:in ~,ll!I T111 '1la1 Polios J~ ,c;1rlcl1nr1I hy :i p:11 nf11I spra1nrd hig t0€ .ind ina.v hi' rr pl:H·rd b\' 1 r!rr.111 Tloug \\'norll1ef 11 hr11 I ih' 1111d rfr;1tr•I R<itns go <1fl rr 1h1·1r 1l 11nl '.\·.11 1nn.1I t··nnl b~ll League 1 l('lnr:-i S1u1(1,11• Hunning bil rk I.ts .!r>~rrh~n11. 11·11 11 bru isNt rihs, nnd rrnlrr l\rn l1n;in , 111!li ,11n r lho11· in1ury. arr r\p{'t'1rrl tn hr. read~ for the ga1nc, Ilic ~rnkcl>n1nn ~;•111 • LOS Ai\f.ELI-::-; 1'n1 1!lu·r n (;al p:i:-' recei1·er Bob Chandlr r "'111 111 1 s s Saturday·s gamr ~ain::;t fl rci;:un State because of a h:ick 1n1ury, a Troian .c-pnkel>tn;.in s;11d Tuesda.v. Senior Gary Orcutt "·ill filart in place Ostee11 Gt111s For 20'k Wi11 LOS ANGl•:L~;s (AP) -Hoh Stinson,~ rookie ca lcher, was one nf !he kids 1.AIS Angeles Dodger n1an:il!rr \Vali er fl l.•1nn .c-airl he ~·anted to takr. a ijOOd look al in lhc closing games or lhe se11son. And Tuesday night. in the opcnrr of a 1hrtC·J!llmr. series wil h llo11stnn, Stin:son gave his man:i_C'rr p!rnty 1o lol'lk A! Starting his first ga111c ('1·rr in 1hr j11A lraguC's, S!in.~nn mana~rd In riflr twn 1hrnll's in!o rc111crf1C'lrl, nnr nf "hich lrrl to a run In lhr A.c;!rm' fi.J vietory o·.·rr lhr r>odi.:('r,c;. Still, Alston "'a.~n ·t a bit d1sn1a.1·rrl "The kid cau)!hl a p:OOl'I itan1e," h(' .c-;ucl ;1Ftt>r11o·nrd.•"I reallv like him b.1ck lhr rr lie-dldn 't ca trt\ a ·bad i::amc :it all An1l bis arm, v.·by, thPrc·s no quc~t111n he b;is a n1ajnr league artn " S!in~on. 11hn 11!:J,\'f'rl thr .•r:i~nn :i ! S1'•1k<111c nf the f';u'1f1c ('1111.~1 Lr;1µ1111, d1r! n1;i11;:tgl' 111 pn[l a .~111g le 1n1o P"lllrrfirld in ll1e sevrn'h innin~ !l'l !'rnrc 111!1 1l11!'.c;cll ror his lirsl run hailed In. nl the ~1 <1r Jl!nior (!;i nk~r. ll1r ~pohr~1n::in '-,llrl, The inJurv 11 a~ !lc~rrihrrl a~".~ l11re or. tl1e third lun1b.1r 1crtchr;i .. • frilr · IJETHOIT 11rnny J\1cl.:-i 111. lhr l)ctroil Tigrrs' p1\ch111g ;irr. 1 ~n·1 gn1ng lo) J.!{'l 1h;it \<1!J.icd·ab11111 $lOOJl()fl next yc;ir h11t he m;iy cnrnc close A team spokcsinan <1nn111111l'rd T11t·scJ;1y !hat McLain. 24·!1. :-,1gncd a l~iO contract ln~1 "·eek. \\'hill' t•·rn1,c; or the (·n11tr:ic1 11·rrc not <l nnnuncr<i. 1he .c-pcr11la1inn \\·a~ that he ·~ "·ill he getting $90.000. ur lron1 S6!).00U this year- • Sl-:ATiLF~ -The I"* An gles La ker~ roasted lo a 117·100\'ictnry1·11rsrlay ni~hl n1"rr thr San FrRnci,c;co \\'arriors in a Na· t1nnal Bas kctb;i lt Assorl;ition prcsea1:.orf g:1mc>. , ~crry \Ves1 ·,.. 21 poin\<; paced the 11•in- ncrs. who evened their exhibition record at 2·2. f.liin Baylor adderl 19 anr1 \Vilt Chamberlain chipped in v•ith 16 points and JS rebound s. ·'. RALTIMOR~-: -Baltlmorc',c; Am rrican League East Di vision champions 11o•ill i;:o tn their fi n~! hon1e d;ite or the season \Ved nesday night still hnpi ng to dra\Y a tnt;il •f onr million fan:.. .Just 4,8i7 shnw('fl up In watc h !hr Orioles lo.<;e !n Detroit Tue~d;iy night. hringinii; Raltimore'li ;:ittendancc for 72 1!atrs tn ~96.589. In any el'enl. B~!limnrr 11o·1ll havr. 1lr:n1•n the fr111es t f11n.~ of any pennant 1\·1nncr .c-ince \Vorld \Var II. The prc\'ious 101.,. wa.~ l ,llJJ,000 clr<l"'" b:, the 1955 Brooklyn c;Qodgcrs. • ROSTON -Nr1\• 'nrk ,Jrl q11.1rtr rharl; .lnl' ,\';1n1ath, \1hn 11·:i ~ fnrrrri In i:r11 111~ \l]'lr<' n! a ht1r r.1lh'1l l!a('hf'lnrs !11 ;11 Nr11• Ynrk In nrrlrr !o !>lay ln prn fnnlhAll. forn1a!ly npl'nf'd Bachelors Ill in Boston Turs,Jay night . pl:.iv. Halrh r.:i rT drew a \\'<ilk. rut11n~ ru n 1u·rs ,1t l1r~t and !'C<'fl nd al the ~t;n I r·f Atl:1nL• s 11 inning r;,il!:. • pla.v a n1ajflr parL 111 lh<> BrCJvr~· rJr11 r 1rir thfl rl1 1·1~1•in crown . 11·;is h11bbl1ng hkr. l h" rh;i1npa,~n1· And there 11•as Roche -a lef1y like 1\nrl LavC'r rrspo11de<t hy ,c;hn\1•i11,c: he Is :-!ill a hn1nan being as "'ell as an 11n111ortal athle te. \1f'kro. \\ho had fr.r !'lra1gh1 1111~ ;it lhr· 111111·, s:1ul Harns tnld l11n1 hC' h.•1f'rl tr1 1 1kc 111111 011! but hC1t1g one run beh 111d h:id no choict· "\\'c had 10 gr\ ;i cn11plC' of run~ :ind the rn:iiT1 thin g \l as to get :;nrnc n1nncrs," J'\1Pkro s;iid . "n h h:ippy 11:1\« nh h.ipr,v 11:11'." l1r ~houtcrl. Sprak1n;: of l111nscH, he n·r111·cd , "The bis bny <.a11 rlo 11. the big hoy <.;in du 11" l';it rhcr Bnh J)11hrr, a rand1rla1(' f,..r rnn~1c nF lhe yrar honors 11·hn i::nl h1m."<'1f 11 1oh 1.1 1th 1hr B ril\ cs hrcau ~r he 11·.1s on"- oF thr frw who could catt h Niekkro 's dan· l'1ni.: kn11rklf'b<11!, ~;lirl ha 11p1ly College Football Exploits l·~n,c; pourrd 0111 on lhr t1•l1I at lhc la:.1 Ca1c1nna\1 nul, $!Tn hh111 g any Bra\'c 111 :-1ghl. f fJn fctll fltl\!C'rf'd ciQWn all ovC'r tl1•· p;irk. Firccrcf'kers :i11d rtnn1 :in r;indlr~ 1rcn! off in the lrlt l1rld :;lands and. for a "'hi lc, no f<ins lrft thr park "l~n'l 1t i;rrnt -20 yrar~ rild ;i111! hrrc 1 11·alk 111l n nnr " Higli Geared Offenses Car ty, wtio b;iUled bai:k from :i ~·r;ir lo ng illness and e:irly-!'cason inJtffiC'S tn l!'··-f ,. ' ' ,;o ~· ; .,,, "'' "\i'~ i ~ ;; "; ,, '• .;J ~·~ . . . ' ' Orl.1111!0 l rl)('dil . whn "';l~ a n1"1nlwr of lh<' ~!.!,{)Ill~ c~rdinals II hen !hrV WOil lhr l;i ~I l\\'O l\'a!1onal Lea)::Ul' rc·nti.'.ln1S and tllr \\'r{rld Series in Hlli7. was saying only Ofll' thi ng . .. ~ . ' • . . ' ' ... .. . ..: ·~. .... '* • ' • !" CHICAGO (AP) -The days nr ~11t111~ nn a 111·0 or threr touchdown l('ar! ;ire gone 1n co llege footbn ll says \l'oocly /'-J ~ ' • <- ·' ·.: ' ~<!.. Ul'I T11f,~tlt • • BRAVES AT EAS E2 1'1vn of the big gun s for !he 1\t.lanta Braves. Orlando (;cpcda (left) and Rico ('ar1 y, engage in son1c horseplay durin g a pepper ga1ne . The Braves, loose and relaxed , I.hen went out and ed g'ecl Cincinnati, 3-2. In clinch League \Ves t Division litle <is Carty \rin ning run. the N<i liQflal drove in the Me_san Builds Space-age Car .. Titaniu1n Cltc1ssis Racer . Runs at Laguna Seca The rir.c-t racing car "'ith a chassi.o; made entirely of light-weight titanium. lhc same metal u~ed £or space ships. ha s il<'rn hullt "~ccr,.tly " hy tl1e A11toc11,c;t (Al of f'o~ta ~-lcsa. the cC1mpaoy ~airl loda y. Tlir rar. fa ~h 1nnrrl from 1h~ !>pacr-<itzr n1r!~1 \ 1n !•1kr nf[ Wi'igll t 11 ilh<111t ~;irrilll' lni:: ~1 rrn~th . 1\•1!' 1n:1ki:o Hs r1 rh11t Ocl , 12 in 1\1 nntrrry, C:ilif., ::il lhr La 11:una S('('.1 Canarlian·Am~rlcan Chall('nge Cup. Aulocast said . IJesiiincr·builrler Pt•ler Bryant ,c;aid thr car, called the Autocast Ti-22. is "el leiJ.<-l 1:.0 poun<ts" lighter 1,1•1!h the body an1r othrr partg 1nade of litaniun1. F,rnrst Ka ntzlrr, Autocilsl prcs1(]P11I. ~:i1rl "11 11·011111 br lnll\' fnr us 1n rl.:i11n \l'C co11l<I p:n ntil anr! h(':i\ 1hr 1rrmendo11sly .~11f'rc5sful Bruce tl1cLa rcn team in one r;ir:P. "\Ve v.·ant to provr our ideas thill year, hopefully to be ready with a 19i0 car that has no equa l. .. The c01npany say:s lltanium has been used in race car construction before, but nc1·er In build an entire ch11ssis. Br~·ant said !he rarer i!'I powerf'(l by an ;iJuminu m Chevrolet Zl.rl en~dne whi ch is "fO!llP"tilivf'" "'ilh nthf'r Can-Am cars I' 11·hich put out more than llOO horsepower. lla\'e,c; of Ohio Sta1e 1\·ho commands the nalinn·:; No. I !ea n1. I ln.ves. 1vhnsc Bucke.vrs rnl lcrl over 1·r~as Chri stian fi2-0 in !heir nrcnrr la sl ~:t1urday. to!rl Chicaigo footba ll writer.~ ·rursc[a,v th;:it "Durilfg a _g<1111e you don't knn11·1iow big is big.enough." ll nyes referred lo Purdue's opcnf'r ;1ga1nst the same TCU !C'an1 a v.•e('k bf'fort' \\'hen the B6ilermaker.~ rambled In a big lead and had to hold off TCU [or a 42-J.'i viclorv. High gea"rcd offense~ in thr collri:,. ,l!'arnf' had rl evelopcd fr om the beRinn ini::: of pl:lloon foo1ball to rxtension of th(' ga111cs by stopping the clock after c1·ery l1rst do11·n. It all niakes for morr rxc1!c1neni. b10:- ge~t t•ro1\·ds but al,c;o nprn.~ !he door for lnps1rlcd 1•ict ones by tran1s loaded with tilll'n!. "l'la\.l)(ln ffl(;\ba ll 0ffrnsr.~ :irr reachin,c:: 1l1c r11:ixi11i~1n1 potl'n!lnl ," :-..11d Hayr.~. "Thr 4111art erhark 1.~ in the gaine totally a1irt not just a drop bark pa ~,c;er . "There ;ire i:amifii;qt1onl> 10 1hc ne w or- fr nsrs <1nd l\lC' big scoring is nnt nf!cessanly a drop in defensive foot.bait," <idclt>d I layes_ .lnhn Cna1ta of \Visconsln Silirl : "Thr kids toady a!I run, catch and 1hro1Y the ball so well that 1t i.~ rlifficult for the defenses t11 keep up . If ~·ou have a 1~·ra !th of material. you can put good players nn defense. Bur ii you're :c;hort of manpower. thC bet\C'r players go on of· fense becau se you must score to win." IGrl\.pptricl\. Kill s At1eel s '-- KANSAS CITY I API -The California Angels were la rgely o~·erpo1.,.ered by A former t~ammate. Ed Kirkpntrick. who led the Kansas City Royals to an 8·5 vic· tory \l'ilh four hits, including a pair of homers. The 25-year-old (lutrielrler broughl h(l1ne six of lhc runii Tuesday , clouting A t~\·~nin hollJ.er off California Jo:c;er Tom ~urP,hy i,n Che (i~tb. inn ing and a three· rup 00.r oCf·rd~r Wa11y Wolf in the t1eVemPI: • ' l\ir~trick is. batting .2:Ki for the ' .. s.ea.!IOn bu t ill hilting .343 for ~eptemher. fie started off Tuesday's slugging spree ;y knocking in a run with a triple in the Orst inning. The Royals clinch<'d a fourt.h·place ~~ wi1h Chicago Tuesday in the America n t.e 11gue Western Division pla yoHs. The Angels maintain th ird place in the lea~tu:, 2.'i games behind fir~t place Mlnnr.sola. The Angels face the Royal11 here again lnn1ght in the teams' next-to-last game of the se11son. ..................... ______________________ ..., ____ .,.._.. __ .... ~-------~~~~~~~------ ! II om y PI LOT For 1'1eruport Tiff Saint Boss Pleads Touching Story By GL~"S wmTE: 01 ,,_ 01111 P'1Wt Sltll Tom Baldwin pleads a touc~ng casr. His Sant.a Ana High football Learn wlll 80 against Ne'A·port Harbor in Friday night's Sunsel Leaeue opener al t~ lat- ttr'' fitld with an 0-:Z record . And those two losees are the cause for Baldwin's concern. "We usually don't lose that many games in a season," he points out. ··we definitely aren't ready for league play - especially again5t a team as strong as Newport. "I think they are the second best team in the league," 1ays tht Saints ' tutor. "Newport has seven kids back from last year's good (6·3) squad. Their ex· ecution is good and their guards are e,. celltn1. They trap and pull v.·eH, which is the key to their offense. "Physically thfy aren 't as strong as the Compton team that beat us 129-15 ). Btil they are 2--0 and yoll can't undersell momentum. "When kids win those f!rst two they feel like •lnntrs and expect to win. Thal hasn't harpened to us and that's whal worries me most. ''But if v•e play as well as we did in ()ur opening loss t6-0) to i'o1ater Dei, we might have a chance against Newport. "They ha\·e a ~ood quarterback f B!l l Shedd) and they can throw. But I expect they'll try to rwi with the ball to control the game. Baldwin observes tha t thus far defense has betn t\ewport's forte and he calls lhe Sailors, "the be ~l Ne"'port team we'll have met In my fi"e years at Sanla Ana ." . Bob McGuckin, 11 superb running quarterback, may have to rely on his passing talents Friday si'!ce the Saint running game seems to have sp ullered thus far. Santa Ana has great backfield speed but hns yet to unleash it against op- Edison Hopes To Get Right Co1111ectio11 ~mmunlcations ls a ~ubject C('larh Bill Vail of Edison tfigh Srhool h;is not been on !he best of terms wi th lately. The Charge rs dr npprd their first fool· ball game last week to Huntington Beach and one of the chief faclors in the rlefent was lack of communicatior.s Vall hnd "·ith his assistants in the. stvnds when a breakdown in the pho ne system occurred . ''\Ve could have done a lot better JOb against Huntington but without com· muni catlons we simply cou ldn 't tell \\'hat the defense was do!111." aays Vail. Those cond itions don't appear to be in the picture S:iturday night at Newport Harbor High School "·hen the Cbargf'rs face thei r first-ever fr,•ine League op- ponent, Corona de.I Mar . And, if Vail ls aerious "'hen he says Corona del fl1ar 's ~uperior size is nne o[ lh!! key factors his club must contend with, Ed ison may give. the Sea Kings all !hey "'an t ... anrl more . Accord ing to the tentat ive offensl\·e lineups, the. S('a Kings "'!I! enjoy only a t'.1re.e·pound ad van tage. per man. Hov.·ever, the experience factor is another problem. Coron;i de! f\·lar !masts 33 S!'niors and 16 juniors on Its squad whil e Edlson rnu!t counter v.·ith five seniors -only onr of \.'thorn starts in the offe.nsh·e lineu p. One change in the lineu p is po~sib\e with back Ken Funke on tile wa lking y,·oundeci list. if the li5·pound fullb1ck i~ unable lo play Saturday S11n1 Fui;a, a 190·pound 5·8 blockbuster will fill In. Chaffey Eyes More P1111ch For Off e11se position. Jackie While, state runnerup \n tlie JOO and 220, heads the parade with a 9.5 clocking for !he century. Yet he isn 't listed as a starter Frid ay a11 Baldwin seeks the winning combo for !us Saints. There is one encouraging aspt.!ct o( th& Saints' season as far as Baldwin ls con- cerned. His forces held Compton 10 one touchdown the last half and !he Sanla Ana mentor rates that fot as one of the CIF's top outfits ... better than 1963 CU" co-champion St. Paul. . Anahei111 Not No. I, Cries Foxv Coach • By ROGER CARLSON 01 tho 01llr l'lkl! 1110 They call bim a lot of things. The Anaheim Fox ... t.fa~lcian ... Dutch· maate r ... Eternal Pe6simist. He'a the master of the con game. He always has the players and he knows how .. to use them to perfection. Then he deslroys the opposition by trl!- ing them how good they are, how bad his team is, and afterwards -how lucky his clu J was to win. Anaheim High School's Clare Van !Ioorebeke never changes -and neither do his teams. This year is no exception. The Colony has rolled to easy 27·14 and 28.fi 1vins over Chaffey and Redlands. Anaheim is con- sidered the <>dds·on favorite to co p lhe Sunset League title. _ And , the club is presently ranked No. I Jn the CIF AAAA football pol!. Asked to comment on the lofty rating hi~ club posses ses, Van Hoorebeke replied, "Well, it's just s J ii h t 1 y ri<liculou.~. "lf we 're No. I in the CIF then there are a .Jot of people in big trouble, becau~e \l'e. still ~a\"e a Jong, long way to go if \\"e re going lo be a good football team. "They h:ive to pick on somcbndy , . , hut I suppose that·s v.·hat reputatioii does to you." Vanlloorebekc says he ·s "'orried aboul lh" Cf>nSlSlency of his offense. \I/hen reminded of his team·s im· pressive 23-6 rout of highlv rrgarded J1edlands, Van coun ters, "\\'e got ti1·o Jon~ run s a11d a couple of long passe.<> ;:iga1nst Redl ands. After that there wasn't much olf"ense ." Leading force in Anahe.im·s ruggl?d at· tack is all.everything Gecr~e Fraser, a :sprint Ollt quarterback "'ho dotibles up at lliilbaek "·hen necessary. _The all·senior backfield is rounded out \l'Jth tailback Tlm Thorn, fullback 110 Rod riguez and \1·ingback Cary Toter. The Colonists have all !he ingredients of a big ll'inner, bul Van 11oorcbe ke .shrugs it off. . He says his club ls in to ugh with Hun- !1ngton Beach Friday night and is wor- ried about the Ollers' quarterback Garth \Ville. "!l's hl~ runn ing lh3t "·e're mostly con- ctrned "'ith. He hasn't really passed that n1uch yet, but he shoi,i.•ed us a Jot with his running abi lil)'. '' RUSTLERS UPSET FA.LCON POLOISTS Don Lippoldt hlt the nets in the firsl of t11·0 over11me pe nods 1'uesday, and ga 1·e. the Golden ~'est Rusllers a mild, 5-4 tipset of hlghtly .touted Cerritos in a 1vater polo match in the falcons po<ll. Cerritos led 4·3 with one minute re· n1alning before Kris Swenson dented the twine with the equallzer. Lippoldt was the Rustlers high scorer with '"''0 points. The fre11hman fro1n 111arina was followed by Swenson, Lance Norris and Al Rojas with one apiece. Coach Tom Hermsted alao lauded the pl;ay of goalie Dave Griffith.!!. Griffiths, who held the FalconJ back Jn the scoreless final l'ilarua, played the entire i;ix quarters for the 4·1 Rustlers. BARON MAKES SAVE-Founta in \tallcy d c fcn~i \'C ".Ian G_lcnn Golo (22) \VJll go into Jrvinc League ac- tion this \\'eek <JgL1 1n~t !l'lagnoUa . }Je re he is seen - clcfcnd inl! ai:;ain~t pass receiver Dennis l~crbeck (lf (;.:::irdcn Grovc. Magnolia Ready to Explode· Fountain \'alley High School football boosters "'il l get an exrellent idf'a of JUSt ho.,.,. f:tr the Barons are capable or goi ng in lhe Irvine League championship race Friday night ""hen ~1agnolia pu t~ up the opposition at La Palma Stacli um. The Senti nels have never Jost to an Orange Cuast <Hea football 1e;1m and I f . ' resu !s rom r-.1agno!1a s two preleague game s indicat e another strong outfit from the Anaheim·based school. f\iagnolia has a new co:ich -f\l arty Hic ks, forn1l'rly of Anahr1n1 High Schvol - anr! a fai rly untcstt•d squad 1\·Jth only fiv e returning \"Brsity lettermen . However, sco res of the firs t two games say the Sentinels are about ready to ex- plode . Hicks' oulf lt Jost lo a stron g Troy club, 13·7. then came back "'ilh a 20·point sec- ond hal f effo rt IQ tu rn away El Dorado, 26·7. '"\\"e still ha \ e a long v.·ay to go .•• "·e're making so many mis!akPs. I think we had the opportunilirs to beat Troy but poor execut ion lolled us. Arnong other !11lngs, a 3 O. y a rd lvti chdown was nul11fled in the Troy en- co:.inte r. . Pac ing \. the Sentinels' attack i s quarterback Ken Pan1que, a versatile 5·9, 170·pound senJor who runs and passes ef- fectively. He. accoun_ted for li5 yards r tinning and passing against Troy and ad ded another 185 to the total in !he El Dorado victory. Complen1enll ng Panique are .se..-eral out.:;tanding receivers, lncludlng split end Dave Bohanan and tighl end Tim Krause. \Vhen Paniquc strays from those two he can throw lo Mnrv Owens, a speedy 5-8 J60·pound wingback. \"Hicks says his biggest problem \\J ith Fountain Valley is the Barons' balanced offense. ~ -· . . ' .. ' l .1 Chaffey Colle1e football coach Willie Richardson is still tn•lng to iron 1he bumps oul of his oHensivP. unit anrl he's Roln1 to have to accompllsh that goal if the Panther& are lo gel by Saddleback College Saturday night. Injuries to Starters • Offense hasn't ~n the P"antl;e.rs' long 1ult 10 far ln 1989. In two games, Chaffey has only pqt up 21 p()ints on the SC()reboatd, but It has been enough lo win both or non--lea1ue aames, with a heavy reliance on defense. Tbe Panthers topp!!d College of the Dttert In their o,,.ner, 1'·7, 1nd then ed1ed Glenddale, l...J. However. they're probably golrig to hive to do a lot more :<coring against Saddleback. a team that habitually rin1s up touchdowns, "I ttw>u1ht Groasmont wA.s a pretty gooJ tum a week ago. But then Sad· dleback r1n all over them. "They have a real good quarterback in Rod Graves and their ends (R.!ck Day ind Marc Hardy) showed they can catch the f1K1tball ," Richardson !ll)'S. "Wha t I'm hop ing for lhls v.·eek is to 11et our offense roll!ni::. So fnr our c!c:ense ha.1 betn carrying the l0arl nnrl I rlon 't V.'lnl our defrnse to play a~ long as It h,is been forctd to do." C:halfey'1 btgge11t probl rm in con· trolling the b:-111 hR!! been the lac k of an dfectJvt ruMhll attack. Plaguing Santa Ana By 110\\'ARO L. HANDY 01 lfte 01111 Piiot Sllll Injuries could play a big role in the fJurth m&eting between SRnta Ana College and Golden West Salurday night at Santa Ana &wl. The Dons have three players sidelined for the Rustler gan1e and coach Dick Gerrie is wondering where it will ell stop \\'hen the: tough South C-Oast Conference schedu le gets under wny. Larry Horton, top running bar k in the Santa Ana early season plans, ha~ bcrn sidelined for this wrrk11i lilt along with starling guard P.11ke Chadwick and l1nrbackf'r Rod P..lumma. These there st11rters are 1111 lettrrn1en and were coun1ed on by Gorrie to play lrading roles with the Don i;quan lhli seai;on. Chad"·ick is oul for the ~arson 11nd P.lun1ma is not expe:cted back until the Ortinge Co:isl gnn1e nr later. Turning to the: tw o games !he Dons hnve played this i;ca~on, Corrie 511ys: • "Thf.rl! is no doubL in 1ny mind "·e could have won U1r rn both. We lost by one touchdown each time and we made a Jot of mis takes thal cost us dearly:• The Dons lost to Pierce, 14·6, and to Rl ¥,erside , 2()..JJ. Deckert i.1 lhe spark o! the Santa Ana offense wi lh Horton side li ned . lie runt> the option play real \l'C'll , accnrd ing to Corrie , and wlU !cam wlth Dave T<1thnan in the running game. The Don coach has watrhed Golden \\'est play and says of Ray Shackleford's Jlustle r crew. "They were a good bell cl ub before anrl !he. ad dit ion of Tony lfonwell makei them a defrnlte cham rionship contender. "\Ve knew thc.y v.·ere tough delensil'e!v \1 ith all of tho:;e plnyers returnin11:. \Vi th !he arJ01tl11n of P.on11·el l the)' ha1e grca~ balance o\·er :ill. - "Golrlen \\'est will ,-.be onr 11f lht> tn11~hcst 1c:ims "'" \1 ill p!ny all season," the Don mentor add.1 . ·, . ' Former Oranqc Co:ist College and l,ng:una Beach Jl 1g h School star Eti1a 11 Oh, e r Is nO\V pl.t1.y1ng for \\'cbcr Stale College 111 Utah and is expcclcrl to sec duty tt11s ~a t u rd:iv night ::is a def<:n SL\"C back and a punt r eturner against the Un1 vers1ly uf i\lontana.' • Seahawks 011t to E11d Road Jii1x By JOEL SCHW AllZ Of "'• D•lt'I' ll'lllff Iliff To get lo C:.ange Coll.'lt Colle1e, Harbor Colleae fwtball coach Floyd "Scrappy" Rhea has 10 lake his team north ()f highw1y IOI and that bugs him . "Our kids Sttm l-0 panic e\'try time we ao to the other side or IOI. We 've ne1•er played "'·ell on the road ." says Rhea, who will take Callfornle 's li!th·ranlced team to Orange Coast r~riday night for a battle with the 10th-rated Pirate~. The Seahawks are coming off a pair of lmpressiv~ victories, 2'-12 over l.ong Beach and 34·13 over San Diego MP.s.a, and Rhea admits he ha11 a pretty aolid club . "\\.'e're much stronger than laat year and the big difference is Jn our line. \\'e ha ve a lot of lettermen who were &tart· ers on the line for us last year who aren't even playing this season. "Our blocking hu been much better this year and we 've got good movement up front," he says. In t"'O previous games, Oran1e Coast has held a big "'eight advantage, but that won •t be the case againmt Harboi'. Defensively, the Seaha"·ks' front wall ls a heffy 222 pounds and the offensive line isn't much smaller at 212 pounds. Behilld lhat big olfensive line are the Ingredients to give Orange Coast's o'ftn &lrong defensive unit plenty ()f problemS'.. The Seahay,·ks are loaded with speed at the running back and slotback posts aod quarterback Jlm Sander holds all of his school 's passing rerords. As a frestunan last season, Sander had an off night v.·hen the P irates y;hip~ llarbor, 24·10. but he did manage to loft one bomb of 64 vards for a touchdown. The rf<'ipienl Or that toss v.·as fireplug slo tb ack Rodney Hunt.er. who only stands 5·-1. but welghts a so lid 170 and has speed to burn. Joining them in lhe Harbor ba ckfield are a pair of first class runners-George Lunlp kin and Pete Sa;uone. LumpkJn gained 69 ya rds la st year against the Pirates. He's another speedster and Rhea calla him a sl asher, who runs with intelligence. Sa\uone l\'as inJt1red n1ost of last season, but this ~·ear has been a perfect com· plement to Lumpk in. Rhe a·s main concern against Orange Coast is the faking ability of quarterback lll ike TamJ yasu. "Last ye&r "·e y,·er• dislracted by fakes on play action pAS51111 and v.e·ve got to stop it this \\'eek. If we don't he'll ptck us apart ," Rhea says. Baseball Sta11di11gs .-.Mlll!t°'N LIAOUI •••• ••lllln W•• L"! ll'l'f. •I B••••rnorr D•lrO" IOI SJ .I l l "O 71 .~Jt II 7< .140 '5 I~ ,l'I 7t *' .... " " " 71 '~ Boo ion \\01h,noton ti"''' ¥0'" C l~••l•nd 11 01 -~· .i•1 Wt ol DIYilk>~ M,nnc.•Oll 0i~11...:r C•'"••nlo (••(0~0 K ••·•~• C:•lt ~~·"'• ,. t i .i«r II 11 .S•l 71 I • ..... 6/ OJ II OJ l l '' Tu"dey'1 llHVll' 11.'••~:n;•o" 7, llo.,on I New Yor. t. t lt•eler>el l O•l•Ol l '· ll.lll1mcrP l K•"'"' (>'V I, C•lofor"11 I M '""~'O'~ •. C~-cego l u ... 100 I, l r•1•10 • T&Ooy'I Gomu ·'" ·"' ·"' O•~l•nd (Firlit" o /J 01 ~t•tTle (l r untf l-1t), ""l"' C:•hlo•n;• (Allt• ~I •t Kt nu1 Clly ceurltr I 101, r.t M l~1<~qo H~Orltn ll·li! 11 M•n.,tto•1 flo~~ll <O 111 O•"O•• !Loh,,, l' 101 I I Bftll lmo,. CP••mw I~ II, .,,q/ ! eo""" jN•QY l~ i~ ., w.,h•~v•on (C•leman II 111, "V"' (l"''rl~r>C! IEll•wOrlh •·t ) 01 I'll"' Yor~ !Pl!l r· •on l/.111, IHQM T~~•1d1 y'1 Oom.t O•kl•"" •• s .. 111e. '"11"' COl•lornll UK .. "'"' (l'Y, nlgl>I (~•·•go •! M•nR~IO't ( lt~elend .i No·,.. Vo••, nt;~I D•ly O•m•• ,,~.,1u1..- N ... T!ONAL llAGUI Eur Dl•l•IO• l'wo• l•ol P'cT. 01 tJow v~,~ c n1c1qo P1H•~ur~~ S• Loul\ Pnllodo'~h·• Monlre1I. ~· ~· ,l lO fl ., .~·· M 1' .!oll ·~ 71 .~ll •l " .:!ti J1 !Of ,,}l Wtll Dl•l1ion l'.ttanl~ tJ ti ~•n Frant•l<V 'J 10 C:lr><innOl l II 11 I n\ °'"11*1'1 ll 11 Hau> Ion II ?f Si ft 01190 10 110 TUHdl Y'I lllHVlll l'~ll1d.ionl1 4. SI. lOull l A!11nt1 J, Clncfnna!+ I ,!ou•lori 6, Lo~ "'".'9111< l $•" FranCltto ~. S•" 011911 1 Only gfmn H~..,ultd. Ttd11'1 01"'"' ·"' ., .!•T .!II "' .Jll ' " " » " ,.. ' ,., New Vor~ {l(ooomo" 11-t ) 11 Chic190 lJfO'lkl"' !l.\J nr MallJm•n l/.IJl P~tl~d!IDft·~ ll':rvm•" 11 1!1 "' sr. Leul• C:•r~ Ion 17 1! "' t lt•t ll r>d o.o). nlon• H'''"'"" f6illlnoh•rn •·I •• Olork~• ,._iu •I '·"' AnoolO\ !O•!Hn tt-Hl. nloM M"'1Tr MI l ll:•nka 6·11 IT Pllllbu•th !W1lkw •·~ 1. n!oM ~.::..~ca~~:~ :~~~~'0 l·IU •I San ''""'llCO Onl y o•m•• "'""""I""· T~W .... l r'I ••-,,.gntrtal •• PIU1~uroh, "It'll flow Yot~ 11 c n1c100 F'h!l"dt!plo" •' .~! Lnul1, "lqhl C"1dnnati ~T "t1•nt1. nlQM Hou\..., 11 L.,. ""••lit•, nlont Si n Ollf<I 11 $•n Ftt"tl1to • ANTEATERS FACE ALUiWNI POLOISTS four (?rmer /\ll·Amerlc.ans "'111 corn• petc against the.I r alma mater tonight as The UC Irvine water pol? team playa host to an all ·slar alumni squad in the Anlca tt r pool. Game lime is at S. Bill Leach, Bob Nealy, Pat Glasgo\f and Bill Bray! v.·ill lead the aJumnl ag11Jnst coarh Ed Newland's club. Following tonlght'J contest, t fl e Anlcnters will compete In a two--day 1 ~u;n11ment at foothill Collegt , facing the t niverslfy of I.he Pacific al 1 on f'rlday. ()\her teems Include the DeAnu Aquatic club, San Jose State, California and Stan- ford. ·' Pilot Pigskin P/(KEROO Co-Sponsored by DAILY PILOT BE A PROPHET FOR PROFIT s10 In Cash For Each Week's First Place Winner 10 Voit Footballs I or other Sports Equipment I each week Be• pigskin prophet, Play the DAILY PILOT Pickeroo game fo r weekly prizes. Wi nner e<'lch week receives SJ O cash i11 nd "Voit Collegiate footb•ll l1.u9gested retail pric e, f;i lO,qS / or prize pic ked l rom li1t of other Voit quality sporting goods !no priie under SIO re· ta il value). Watch for this pla yer's form each week !Tuesd<!l ys .11nd Wednesdays) in Jhe DAILY PILOT Sports Sec- tion. C ircl e th-e teams you think will win in the list of 20 games e nd send in the pl ayer's form or reason- able f<ll csimil e. Then watch the DA ILY PILOT sports pages for each week 's list of 10 winners . RULES 1 S<Jt>m•1 !h" """~ bl1n~ or ~ '"~""""t>lo tic'"'""" 10 •n•~r m• tonic•! 2. ~r"<f IO" f'I L01 P1Ci51(1N f'IC kEll:OO C.ONT(~I, Spcrh Dop.orlm•n!. P. 0 llOX l)li(I. Co•·~ M~.~-c~ 9'1~16 l. Only on' o;-.1trv "" n•"o" ~~rn "''"'· •• En•fl~• mu•t b• O•I·•"'"" ID Y n1&ll or t~ 1>1"•:.onf IQ OAILY PILOr Cillt8 by !> p.m 1hu"d•Y· }. W. J Voll Puto~r Co•o ~nd DAil'( PILOf rmplo~•I t t.d thror ,,.._ ml!do••~ •~mill.,•,""' ~h~•l>lf !O f <ll•r ' TIE Bll EA~Ell ~nd CHOICE OF Pll!LE bl&f'\-1 "'U!I bt l•lltd In or efllry ii •01d. ••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • f'..\TRY 81,-1 .1\'K Cirdt,> t11om• yow thi111l will wi11 thi• •Mk'• 9amti lhom• tram Is wc.011d o•t llstecll New Orleans vs Roms UC LA vs Northwestern Stanford vs Purdue Michigan St. vs Notre Dame USC vs Oregon State Mi ssouri vs Michigon LA Harbor vs Orange Coost Golden West vs Santa Ana Chaffey vs Saddleback College Mater Dei vs Lakewood Foothill vs Mission Viejo Fountain Valley vs Mognalia Dos Pueblos vs Marina Anoheim vs Huntington Beach Villa Pork vs la<Juna Beach Santa Ana vs Newport Costa Mesa vs Estancia Edison vs Corona del Mar San Clemente vs El Modena Weste rn vs Westminster • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • TIC II' ""'' 0 I.If ooJr·• o~ '''In• I '"'"'l)<• 01 f'""" ""''" • • ·~ ~·· • 9•r,. '•~ ""''' • MAl.A f • • .A.0 011.[~r. • • Cl~T~Y~~~~~~~~~~~~Z"IP.~~~~~ • r HONE !\EX • • CHOICl OF P'RIZf IChtc.k ont, t ire.It 1wi111 fl11 1ir.l • 0 Swhw Fhn 0 lren:IH Kit 0 Fo•tlMll • SM Ml l XL O Tr.IMT lotl 0 .... ..wl • • • • • • • • • • • if •••••••••••••••••• •• Ne'v Era fo1· Western As Everett Takes Over Whl'1l the \Yf'stcrn High School f•lOtb;ill ll'am opens Sunset Lc;1gue acl1on at Westm insl c.r Salorday night, the Pioneers scc.k lo start a new era in league competition. New head toach J I m Everelt has taken over the Pioneer varsity aflcr servini.i an apprenticeship under one of ~ most successrul prep coadl~ in U1e Southland 1n re· cr.nt years, Ernie Johnson o( El Rancho. , .In tackling I.he defending lt':aguc ch:imp1onl' £ v ere t t criuld eJCtcnd the Lion losing streak to three and plans a diversified attack to lie· compUsh such a fcte. H1s own club h:i~ won ovr.r ~1vann11, J~IJ, and lost to ti.1illikan. 32-'7. \\'cstm1n~1cr lost a pa ir of till:; to ~loore League foe s 1n non·lcaguc ac· lion, losing to Lakewood and El Rancho. The Pioneers \\'ill fi cill ar1 experienced backfield c;im- bination dirr c tr rl by quarterback Bob Miller and featuring the running of Alan Cornett and Tim Arias. Everett will niakc live changes when his team goe~ on defense. D:ile \Vilson \\'ill lake over at left lint>backer: C. W. ~·fc lnlosh ¥.-ill be at an end position Mike ri.1ucller will be 81 right tackle; Greg LaMendola goes al rover back; and Craig Hagen will i;tart at a tlalfback pool. •·Westm inster looks like a tough Jilysical team this season," Everett says in rtnalyzin~ the siluation. "We aren't foolCJI by thei r record of losing t\\'O nm·league games. The.v plaverl !wo of the top tea1n!i 1n the Clf." Mesans Must Get Off Deck There is a ru lr Jn most mates that dc1nand a boxer hang up his ,::loves after absorbing a third knockdown punch in the same round. Such a point might be labf-1. ed to Costa Mesa lligh School and its varsity football tcarn , The f\fustan~s. e.>:Lren1elv oplirnistic be fo re the !969 scnsvn be;!;in, h,1vc been stag· gcred t11:fce in non-league com petilion. F'ir~t it \Vas Orange. t1ppl.\·1n~ a 6--0 shocker and 1heo powerful Ne\.\'porl II ;1 r b o r came up \\'i!h {'flOugh !u outlast ri.tcsa, 9-7. Now, coach Ma x ~t iller ;ind his charges are faced "·1th their firsl Irvin!' test wilh cross·!own rival I:; s t an c i a Saturday night ;i t Orange Coast College. \Vha!'s morf', Lo:i ra looms ;is the second lrl"i ne ~ufl le for Costa 1\1e:;a . Bu! th .1t's to:> far ahead to U11nk ,1))ou1 at the 1noment. lf there is a p1\ ol<"1l gan1e of the :;e<1son. Estancia wil l prob· ab!y provide it. A loss \V0t1 ld n1ake ii lhree in ;1 r0'\1' "'hile victory over the Eagles 1nigh t be the ingredient !o shake 1he i'.\usl:ings' ou t of their of. fcnsil"e slun1p to rnablc tl11•rn lo make a serious bid for lhe ll·ag-ue ch:unpionship. 1\lil!L•r s<i_vs his club slill isn't doing the job of fensively. "\\'c only got a good effor t out or t11·0 kids on the of. fc11.~11c line againsl l\'cw1xut H:irOOr. --••Jin1 i\lrller. our tatl;Jc., (111\] g11:1rU Da1·e Edward~ did ex- t:Cllt"nt robs but thars a:. l;ir ai !\ JlOC'!i. ''Lkfensively we wer(' renl ple;1scd 1vith Dave Dies, our deft•nsive halfback, lie savf"d touchdo\\•ns on at least lhrf•(I :-cparate occasions and caused <i lu111blc. .\lcsa use.~ a S..2 \\'i01 a ro1 rr rf('fl'n~e <1nd adjusts :.1 s !l!"l"l'"":1r:y t:o:-1 <1 :\lcsa Sf'em~ t!"I h1' 1natur1ni; ;i fler suffering b:1dl.v ;ig;1in~t Orange on n)cnl:d rnist;:ikcs . 'fhc JV!ust.angs were bell!'d lor 85 yards on nine penalties against Orange but stuled down against Newport :ind v.·crc penalized only twice 1 .. r 10 y:irds . 1·0 stop Estancia, ~!~lli·r :-:1.\ s his ~·lub niusl co111 'tn h;ilfh:1ck D<ivr .J::i!liison on 1111'.' Eagles' out side plays ;il1111i.: wiih stopping the ful!liJl I. plunge!> 01·cr g11ard. V anguard l-i' Boss Hate s Air Defe11 sc If El tl1 odcna l ligh Schfl(ll ic; to equal 1ls 1968 foot b<ill recorcl 11 1\<lUld ;1ppear th" Vanguarrls 11·111 ha1·r. 1o pull ;l S\\"ilch 111 rrcrnl n"'sult.., Coach Bob Lestrr's 011tr11 '' favored to l:.eg1n !hn~r npi•r.l· l1nnc; S:iturday night 11•hcn !he \"angu;_irds play host to Sa11 Clen1cntc in both schonh· opening Crestview Le a g u r. games. Last year's team C'(lmpilcd ;1 7·1-1 record in finishing second to Lnguna Beach and nrte r two preleague games this year the Vanguards are O·l·l. El tl lodena follo\\'S its to . ..,t 111 th ~an Clemente \\"ith 1w11 1norc Learn s lhnt have )'Cl (11 score a point in l ""O gain cs ~ Tustin and J\1ission Viejo. Lester has eight seniors in !he starting offensive eleven that runs off a !'ilOt I form;i. lion. T:iilback ~la,,; Ledesma t5-IO, IGOJ is the leading run· 11er. Di•1111is .lohn~on, a 9 3 ~prin ter, ~larted for El i\lotlcna al 1trc· beginning of lhc season but has been han1pered vdth a sprained .1nkle . lie \\'ill, hOWCl'r.r, Ledesma a g a i n s t Clemente if ne cessary. spell Sa n Lcster"s defensive c r c \V stunts a grtat deal and he \\."orrie~ mostly about the op- ponents' swing passes and draw play. ''I'm not too happy with my team's pass defeue. I hate it, as a matter o( fact,•• quips Lester. El Moclena's quarta-ba.ck is Santos Garcia, a S.10 lfi.'i· pound senior who is a sprint out lype passer. 11·_, the tailback!'!, howevf'r, \\•ho di) mn.11l of tht ball (:lf· rying for El l\1odena. •' I .. .,_ ............. ...... ,,, ... _.._... . ~ I DEFENSE IN ACTION -~la ri na Jlig h's defen se gets another check tl1 is \\ cckl'nd as the Vik ings hosl l)os Pueblos Friday ni~ht in their fina! non-league tuneup. I !ere tl1(•y contain Sou!h Torr.1ncc on one play as Ji1n Link (56), Steve llernandez (80) and Steve Ab- bott (61) show their wares. Vike Foe Corona del Mar Captures ·:~di=~ack 8th Straight Polo Victory g By STEVE ANDREWS (;rove beat Marina, 7-2 and th e encounter v•hen the Argos If reports of his l!'am having Uni:~!: oc~~1;~ 5'd~! Mar Pacifica edged past 1-lun· belted home three points in a 2.15-pound fullback are 1..'Qr· 11 _.., · tington Beach, 6-5. the final eight minutes. rect, coach Raymond Schaack re = to its eighth straight Corona de! Mar. just off a Jlowic Johnson and Art f Do P ebl · k · win Tuesday' d e f e a t i n g tournament v I c t o r y at flerbo n were the ooly two o s u os is eeping his Lakewood, 11·7, in a non· herty star under wrap.11 until league game al Lakewood. Anaheim last week, had a big Yikes to dent the scoring list. gan1e time f'riday 11 ight with Costa ~1esa \\';"Is the 0111 v fi rst half, ~king a 5·2 lead into Piieifica a n d Huntington Marina. \other area winner . Th ·c 11:e dressing room. _The Sea Ben ch b:ill!ed lo th e \\'ire. but When asked about the husky 'Mu.slangs 1.:01 b.\ 1l1e Bol!ia h111gs ha d to h~ld on in these. enrich John Greenfickl"s S\\'im· fullbnck, ScJ1aack demanded Grande ~1 alat.lo;i·:-. 7-3. l'•1nd l1alf anndst a Lancer 1n1·r~ f:1tli"'d lo Rel the tying t k h th DAILY 1·!1;•T "/' . o now v.· ere e In other !>k1rrn ishes, La ~·o'il .n1rl h·lt h.\ •inc 1>01nt. r rwr had heard of the big ~t·ill :'.•'lll'tllllh \ctl !he ~ ... , ff Serna droppPc! l·:.~tanr.1a , 12-6, 1. • 1 1. l "' 1 :d•·1· I ;1!1 Jli~t conte o h I d bl \l1ir:·, •'1·•11111i:: 11.1r01c" \1 , 1 man, w o a so ou es as a flancho Al<.1 1 11110~ dum p ed 111 · I· 11111~;;1,11 \ :dlcy-L;i Quinta linebacker on defense. F · \' 11 G fil·c i:<1:1I< Tc:11nn1alt' Bn 1rT d 'ount a1n :1 l'J , i -4, arden J:lacl; :i<li!rd ronr nn <l nn·t '10 111'11,11;1•11! 11lterc they rop· In plact! of the aforemen· I -I · · t f' st •ar Rcrn:1rd and Kurt Kluniii!>ol1. !)'"( " r 1 I cc1s1on o 1r -y tioned unnamt"d star that 1· 1 I ti · d I e SClll"('ll llnr t•:i ('h •,; •··till 1•r ur p ac . scouting reports indicate is L I ] 1:-1 •• 11c1:i·s big t o urn ey h a {e • O{ l'o~l.'1 :\Jr e.:1 t>nd fl11l~:1 (;1·;111-onc of t e biggest rnen on U1e '' (} b hi Th11rsdny '' J. \\'ith h l . rl1· were f.11n11 f·d 0·1~. II ,,t team, Sc aatk n:-rmNI Brent , 1 •( li\w>I~ JI u n tin' ton half!in1f'. But tl •P J\1 u.~1 :11vc, J\1t:C lurg to st<irl ;it lullbaek. 1:1·;u.:l1. 11v~11n1nster, Edison 'leCI · h M s Jum .......a off !o a four goal iic!-h "' urg \\.'eJg s J{\5. l l t 1""' :111d 1\l11r.11;i ;ilong with t e ic . argcrs ron1 Coleta a Ea,I\' 1111 1•11 \·d. Aclinn "'ill be TI (.h f ll" op \•antage outscor i ng the r.·latadors. 5-1, in the third ISanta Barbara C:oont,y) have t;1l.iih' 111.,, ... al Estancia and h · f" slan1a. \'.'Ort t eir irst twn g<lmes, Fnri!l1ilt 11 ·.11 MD 0 • f\-1\kr a(':1L Ho<I Kln.1un :11vl J)ater Noster was the first vie· C. 4.J 1\irk l'ru.1• ltJ 11\i.: ~11 ·"·<1 ,11 boll• ,g,.nst ""°"h"I ,;chool,. 1) 1 1,. I} tim, 38-6. and Bishop Garcia t.11·h 1111h tll"o gu;+I~ ;ipi~ 1·c ,1nd Diego fell last week. 24-7. I 111 l !'lt1n1lt't"' JU IC'hcd 111 11 .tn Lakewood l!i:-11 S c h,, o I •\tl•· "We operate out of a Lancers arc ,-,,11h •11 firth 111 11,, . mulliple--T formation an d CIF poll 1'1h 1• 1'i'k ,. 11.1., normally we throw quite a bi!. 1'<1iller Dri 1irnpp1 ·d f1·n1'\ II·•' \Ve have a balance<l n1tack top trn afte r lu:.111g \11 L'l~ril;1, and a quarterback "'ho. t'an J.1 .0. throw pretly\vetl. Herl1dn'tdo Yet roach John Ford of loo murh throwing la st v.·ef'k . Lake1i·ooc1 doesn"l feel th is is \Ve st<iycd on the g-round most anv basis on \\'hieh lo make <1 of the t ime," the Chargrr ha.qy jud r;mrnl <1hnu1 !.he n11!- cJ1icf says. co111" 11f l•'1 1cl1v nighl '~ 1•··1111' Schaack is nC\v tq Tlns h• ti· 1"' 11 tu~ L:int('ro; .ind 1111' Pueblos this season and kt'e~ J\1•,11· -1-1 1., his probable starling lineup a · \\1• !1 11 " rn ~l•1p 1IH 1r "11· secret until g;irnc time. He ti rin p!,11. li•r n11r 1J1p1;: ·• lw wasreluctanttog1venamcsof ~~·~" · \'.il1 i IJ 1 11 .. ~ ,1 tine probable starters for the riu 11·1,·rb;n:I. 111 1111.., kul 11:11l1f Marina game and mr,re than 11.111111·n .1n111h:i1 k1<l 1\1.ui.+ nne dicscrepancy is expcc1ed J)11n11 1 ;, 1 .. ugh n111111•1 ' \\.·hen U1P Chari;:"rs t.1ke the Tlic L:1k\•11·ood {'. o a c ii i o ~ field at \Vesuninstcr ll)gh Fri-stalf :;aw to.later De i"s game day. w11 h Lnyol11 's Cub~ and have ll1s probable ~I a r l i ng 1v:it chcd film~ of the opening rorwiJrd "'·all wil! hr one of the l>-0 win over Santa Ana . biggest coach Jim Coon's c!ub f'ord is dcvelopin~ ,, bnckup \viii face all season -if he qua rtrrh;i ck bl'l~11HI 1.1;1!\('1' sticks with tJ1e seven 1nen Kiln llnn n'1fnrd l·.il B1 lh11;.:to11 nan1P.<I early this week. It will 1hrl ;1 i.''u1d 1•il1 p;1-.~111i.; :1;::·r1n t average 2().1 pountls pe.r m.1n. t :;1r•d1•11.1 l.1~1 111•1.i.. ( 1 he The Charger back field J.a nccr., 11(•11, :11 \,! 1. ro111- avcrag<'s 174 per man. plrl111g II of 111 All tinemPn but start "~ng left l)rH· r"]1 ant:1• 11"\ oi.:rl,. 111 1111• guard Steve Kittle arc over st;11'1111;.: l11w1111 L"l 11 c1•h It the 200 pound mark 'viU1 the 11;:1~ ;1 11ui;ill} 1111p1111,1111 \1llr, latter Wl'.'ighing in at 185. ho\\C\CI". The Chargers are mcmhcrs i\like Uwf'n.~ !ooh c,.,,.,. :11 of the Santa Barbara County tailback aflcr :.1U1ng uut lhc. League. They play four prac· first week f'ncounter \\'Ith lice games and five in lt"ague \\lr:;tmin.~tcr. Il e scored four competition. lot1clirlrJ1\'0s, Lwo on rtllt~ :111d Black Lead s CdM to l st two Qll pas~cs. llis 71 yard TD gall'lp hrnke thr ~an1r OJH'n early in the se<·onil half "·ith thi: ~corf' rli·~1dlnc-l.~·d ;11 14 ·14. Iii:> l1llu:r 111111111~g :c't)rc c:1n1(' rin a lhrce-yartl advanre w11h 111r p;1<:s~s going for ~1:1 and 2! ya rds. lie is a junior up from the Bee squad. I l 1"• 1a·s \\';ird ~:i'l!l!kt ~ 1.illi• ·I 111" go;d )< b111 II r.;1~11 L •'ll'•111.l1 1•1 ... :11 1• 1\11• F·g\r, C10.1!·11 U.11ry l'ry's l"ll'll f••l t h{'hl!Hl. ~· I. ;11 1hf' third qu nr1"• 111 •• rk :>ni l 1·ouldn "t c;itr Ir l .1 S1•1·11;.1 1''1.11 h 1,1;111ze ll;i h·d the rili>rf' 1·;;1··:, ... poinl !'011111:1111 Vallcv 11·;11lcd 4 2 ;ll h:df!1111t' bu! I. ·o.;. o'l!t •·n1~ 11. :!-I 111 the third •111111;1 :irul !1·11 !!) ltanchn .\l,111111•1" l '.hn~ Snit and Ku r l \\l(''>lt'rf•·liJ ~cored !11·n pn111t ~ fOr !ht· H.1rons. 1\ ~nung ;i nd 1:1 I \1 11111,1 ~q11<1ri c1111ltl11 I f"t•pc \'.tlh ll~e <iggrc~!Shc t:.•rUe11 (,rov e Ar~n auts and lo;;l the gnme in the f1nnl period. The Vik· ings \\'t"rc dO\\'n, 4·1, aftt'r the third quarter break, bul lost 'Vorry VP Vill.1 r ark lli~h Stlionl rnot- h:1!1 ('0,1t'h Jl,r 1•11;1" '' \, ;i p1;111 \\ 1 .. 1 1,,,.1, h• \<1 ;i 11", I• I'' I I n11 L<"::,1111.1 I n1i,:h ' . ••,.1;.1' •I!\• ! . I ' I 1\1'1' I I l\l.1~ . I Ill z..(ff(' t •l'l!Ollll ~.Ill' H~ iil;iy Sa1·an11.1 I. ,[ 1Vt'1·I. :11 nl !"111 st11·r 1hr : rt• gu111g lo ll"J 111, 1·11• 111·q ·~ 1':::1u1~l u~ \\t• Ll•11hl11 I ~~"11 Sav;1n11a·~ t1.11, 111.i}'S up the niiddlc and l"m sure tllalJ Ak ins will use the same l;ictics . "Laguna's havlnl:" a r-ough year. bul they al ways are tough ng;i1n·.1 11~. \\"r"\"e never br.1tr11 !h··111 ' I 1" nn sauL \ 11!'1 J',irl. "11IH 1!~ l1r.,1 !wo ga1nes , whipping Pacifica, 16· Ii. heforc rlropping-a 28·16 tlrl·ii.1on l u ~ •• 1 aun.1 . \\'t· h,1 \l"ll.I 1i.1I t .i ·1~lh1ng 'l .. nn .. bt'h1nd lhc ~\rong lng<·t hrr ;.L:,' J!:t• Sparlan r1111111n1: 111 ll,1vc Lni,:kn1a n, ho~'> s;1~~ l 1q,1H·d IJ'llllH'.\, l ~i-:iO Ill ii "\\'(' gtl\'r. 111\'<lY l 1vo non·lf';ig111· tross rounlry meet trnirtidowns to Savanna on a "! llf'...,tl:l,1' 111 Dn1rn<·~ 111ti·r, l'pl •on :ind on a play 111 anollrcr dual n1et'l. 1\l;iL1-r \\'hen• onf' or our defensive 11ct lflq :i hr.1 r!brf'akl'r ,(\ 11.,l'k' i::"nlJll d anrf left his L11ng Bral'h \Vilson . 26·31 n1n11 wirle open Lol·k1n<.111's lin1c. w:.is ;111 1 ~a.1t~:i11\ 111a1n concern on nt1t st:111tl1ng 9:49 over the Fortl ollrn~11·1· Ii:•' li<'cn the in- Park {'n11rse nnd led a swt't'll ('on.~r~tt·n•·v 11J hi.~ passing. of lile top seven ~pols h:v thr,""'----· ===--====;/ Viking~. The 0U1er six pl;iccs 1rere gathered up by Vikes l David H ender·s on , Bob Phillips, Chris York, Tt"rr1· Kennedy, Ken Mortyn an<l l Nick Jones. Bruce Black was named outstanding perronner at .last weekend's An a h c Im in· vil11tional water polo twrna· ment which he and hi!! Corona dcl Mar teammates safely tucked away as they improved lhPir seasona l record to 7.0. Black poUed a pair of goals In the opening day triumph over stubborn Sunny Hills -a match the Sea Kin gs copped, 4-3, Also BCOring for the vic- tors were Garth Bergeson and Kurt Knrmpholz. Good Nigl1t! '69 K11ights Look Lik t '67 Champs TRAVEL TRAILERS MOTOR HOMES TRUCK CAMPERS CAMPING TRAILERS In the scmiflnals il was Black and Scott NewCQmb pacing the attack In the 14-5 shelling oC La Sern a . Newcomb hit five SC'Qf~ \1·hile ·a1ack had four. Brrtl Ul'r11.i nl contributed 111·11 whllc m:11 rs Pete Kemmt'rl\' and Hill Strn- jehn were addi11g s i n ~ l c Lallies. 1·11111gs aren't partieulA1·1y bright on the Mission Viejo High School football scene. Firsl. the Dinblos ha\·(' yt't lo SCll!'l'. Secontl!y. f..lission Vicjo's rirst Crestview League rn- counter Friday ni ght is with circuit favorite Foothill. The Kni ghts are undefea ted ~fter n1nnin g roughshod over \\\11) nnn·lc11gue opponenl, - ::i;111ta An~1 V;11lcy and Lo"'t'll -11nd !hry lraturc 'a big. f<1st, experienced c!u h. ning g<.1111e of !hi! Knights arel three excellenl back.,. Thcy're se nior:i1 Bob, Spcic·hrr und Jnhn f'l ctcl1er til the hal!back positions and f111Jhack Jin1 Voto1v. I Bain .~;:iys his full hou se T forrnation with a .!=pll l tnd af· fords him more versatility in the running i;::a1nc. ll"s lhc pussing game lhal WESTERN NATIONAL RECREATIONAL VEHICLE SHOW ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS OCTOBER 4,5 has OCen \.\"Orryi ng hirn, if SAT. -10 A.M. lo 10 P.M. son1elhin~ can be. \\"Orrying a SUN. -12 Noon to 8 P.M. t•oach \\'hose team has won ~ Adults -$1 .50 6 <ind ~8-0. Children under 12-FREE "We're a little disappointed &porl90!ed by has been gelling to the -. a rect>ivers but they ;i ren•t VEHICLE JV Football f>lu~u~v'"" 8Nch • • • 0-o N--1 >lerbot ' 0 U 1.-16 Toucl'l<:low"" M<>11d, I• II •• n I• r, &l•ncllll•d. W~lle. PAl: PH~l~• fklcll), TrlD<I O<lciJ ). Chateam: CORDIALS Down 11le hatch. •1th 1 n 1a 11c a1 -b UI • ai ce Cord11! cocktail lro~ CHAT[AU:( The Yel· low S11bmanne blends CHATEAUX Ap11t0l loQlltUl.~acod C1emt de Banana Wllh othet 5'>1f!IS tor 1n in-depttr. \a~le eJpelref\Ce. IN CRED IBLE SMOOT HNESS! T~rs the h~ll· 1111rk ol 111 28 s uperb CHATCAUX Cordials, choice .h..---~~l ot con~0ts.seu1s the wo11d ower. Down with Yellow Submarines -Wiv. ' r l And in the championshi p stn 1gJ1:1e with G:irdl'n Gr::.~c it was Bergeson with .:i pair nf Roats while IJ e r n ;i r cl , f\'r"•cnm h nn rl Blat·k put in n g1ial ap iece. Coach Ed l1:1Jn s:iy:; his tram rnmpares favorably to his 1967 juggernaut that swept the Cre!l"lview Le-agul! and ad· v;inced lo the (Jt1artcrfinals of th(' rr1-· pl:i voffc Lc.it!Jll& Ure powerful run· with QI.Jr pa ss off~n~. The ball @RECREATIONAL ttolding onto the ball," say:i1 INSTITUTE n,;,,. 111-_______ _,, ________ _ 20 DAILY PI LOT F inancial Plau s ~la t ed Jc:: !.... :sw y ;;; p t y;;;, 4.1M Wf!J ii i W M p I I Financia l plannuig 1or prr,... fess1onal men v.ill be discuss ed at a seminar conducted by Capital Concepts Corp , Oct 7 In Newport Beach Hobtrt F torev Vite Pres1· 1lenl uf Capllal Con1.:cpts will spt>a k on "i\.1oney Manage n1cn1 Fer Uie Professional OVER THE COUNTER ~tan ;it 8 p n1 at the lom!:::•ai-= ~-'"};J'.:... Nt:"porter Inn How to use Municipal Bond "Paper Losses" for tax saving Jiave you held municipal bonds for six months or longer9 The quality and safety aspects of the bonds have not changed, bu l more than likely !he ma rket pnce is lower now than when )OU bought them Today's pnces are s1mpl) 1n line '11J th what .;; been harr>en1n g in the f'COnom:, Strong 1nflal1onary pressure:s T1i;ht monc} Ii1gh Int.crest rate:; However, }Ou can ronvcrt these lower pn ces, I e , .. paper losses," into mcarungful income tax savings and, at the sam(' time, preserve the qualJI}' of }Ou r municipal bond holdmg::, 't'Ou do this b\ sw.ipp 1n;::~ mun1c1plll bond for another and !het't'hv rcgls'r1nng a caplln] ]ofis These capital !o~:sl.>s <Aln be used t.o ofl.set ' capital gains v;hic:h vou have takL'TI -or plan to take-this I.tu ycac Or tlu·y can be used to establish a car1tal loss which, under certa1n orcumst.anccs, can be appl.ictl agrun:-.l ord1narv income A det.ruled explanat ion is given Ln a ~cial report is.s ued by our Municipal Bond Department Entitled, "Tax SY.apping liow t.o J-:xchanJ:e 'Paper Losses for Tax Savings " For your free copy of this report srm pl) call, wnte or ,,sit any Dean Witter. office Or, 1f J't)U prefer, simply complct.c and mail the coupon bek>w DEAN WIT'I'ER IX: Co. J NCDRPORA.Ti:D Brenta11 R 0'7dCI! 'rrc Prcs1dr11 I f..,O i\ e'L port C'l"IH r r Orn r P l !Irr r Jl((HI! 111/ I !11 ,, l\cltpo1 t Bea r/1 -1t lcp!1u11 c. 644 22:.12 DEAN WITTER & CO INCORPORATED !'le.a!* i.e"'-J me... ____ ...-.p,-l 1<•~l of VQ\I T I-me papt'r .. fill Swappu:ag How t.o Eu-hange l'::iper ~ for f;n SaYlllp.. A•/.:&--------------- ,~ll.J'------------------- ~lal'---------------••P------ tHiW VOllK (Al>) -T~· lollQ,.fno 11 d •"" ••~e<:I quol• I on, •YPPllM l>V '"t Nol Qndl A "«I ~Ir!'!<> of !~curl!'' Oeoi.,, li t , a•~ ~ol d~IUol 1,.,,,., '""' ""' A•e r•o ,.,.nla•lv• int•• lo•l• • P' ~•>I •• o! 'PlllO~lmMol, ~ ""' at wh1th r~.,. •<'!:"' lhe COuld 1dve i,..,.., our :r.•,.d <~ ~eal '" ;~~dlPr l lJ<d l .,,1;i;~;, ,hon~• "roueh ,,,, t~· <I•• p, Lt~• lu 1 O! 1 "Udr ~·~11 "'~'~VI> 'l'•t~dONn 0' '0" "'" "" ........ f'fl A.Al Corn AFAPr ~ A.ITS Int t\\IM (p "'"'" fl Aom• Ill! "'f Ho•o "' li>du• ~I l)rn F • lf/<'r I> "'·~ '"' "' <O lnd 'I.• II ll~v 01 Q P~n hljQ A~ o """" (q ~)f~ocC.•o ~ f l l •I> ""' (~~' h 1 f e1r n o Gr•• 1 ""' He<! """ IM!d ' N4 I Ji "" M•ol ~n> P•u• t\ St Goll ASI G 11 "~' 1 e v !\"'"' c .. !\nh"'" II 'In• ( !\ <~ \ r/ '" 11 ' A ~e~ I\ A•dt" 1 I •rl. Mol" ~' o"' K ~'" d" 'l • 21 ' . ~1 1\ I 10 o 11 o 11 > 17•, 10 101, l• , Jl 'J ,. ' " 11 • 11 ll • ! l 1)'< 11 I l~', 111 •lo • , 5 i i , ' . • • 11 17 ' ' ' . ' 6~ 6• ~·' 9 • •I < •>'• )]7 ,.1, 19 11 H • "'• :l6 ~I ll )6 ' ' . '" 1, )1 l~ fl 6' ,, • • • ,, . ~ J, I.I Ir l I~ J• .;/ 11 • I l'• •• l 1 lb 11 ?J •• NASO L11t1n9s for Tuesday, S•pl•m b.r 30, 1969 • R1prf•l<ll•llY1 lnl1r-01111r 41...i•I-II ,_...l,,..ltl'f ' "'M """' JllAIO, Prlc• M "°' ~Ivel• r•t•ll •• ,,.......,,. l!Wtll...., « c•ml!d1slltft, 1 $Ml~!r C a•Wtk ll•>m P Bau••l'I B•v•~" B••~hm 8~11• 1>1• Seim Ir'(! ll<'"tOI 8•tk H~ 8••1 l •b Fh!i""' w ~ rd 5on B"l<~t !HA<0 Ill llueu• El AQlt 0• 800111~ c Ilg, (4p Br~w• G 81>•1n ,., !1•u\h Be fl )(~ ... Burnu~ S 9<i« p~ F :.1 w s. a•!>CO ~non M ("n M 8 C•n•"d ~-~ Sow ~a<> lnlA C4ofc~ Corl• B c .. ,1. <.<> :::col< llG ~~,,, .. C•n VPS h~•I 0 C~m l •• (Nmlo:T Cnr~ Ind G~"> U I _,, Elrt.1 ~"·! ~ .nro 1 llf • l•dol ~I:~ B; ::1~r~ M! -1~v10~ ::•int """' ::1.,,1on O l~N Ca .;Wi~.~ ~ ·~ o" S t '''"<"' ''-Ml Cl' ~o;~ A<' 'or., !• I .orn G~• :o,., fl'I orn 111<n or;o A "o Cm mo Ind ~ re flol A JIO So Av• '<o fl•~D II ~ rd Al ,.~~' 10 , 1 I • • • • ' . ?> lO , ·ma l'lh • 1 nia l,, , 'OI' PO<~ . ' .,, "'~ 1>,1 p " "' ' ' "1(~~\,'ed" Min11ten1a n Co ntr act Set I lie i\nrth Hutk11rll Cotp Anoh e1n1 has_ t('(('!\C1f';inother S71 ') n1dl1on Df'p;:irt1nt'n t. of Oefl:nse con !ra1.:t lor !Ile i\f111ute1n<in Ill 111 1 ~1h gu1d~ncc <111d lOnt1 ul SILVER ~"11 Ii 111 ni 1rk"i 1u~L h"l!tll· 111n If< p r ] '(I II'" un 11) 1.,. d11t f•1nd ,tn,,n 11J,., fllld l'' 1 1111 111 11(l 1l 11111s un Ju11 11~ll II 'thud ' r ''1Jlll~l l111 l: ' II ~P'll ! 11 Iii 11 ! ll!l1J ltl t.'11 1 1 ~ \r' ll<'nt h d_r r1 aln •l 1n1lul h;n d 11 11l11tJ t111n (,f rl1 1ll~1 bll6DNll fEDERllb SllVIN6S !!Jj Guaranteed Growth & Income Accounts: 5.25% annual rate compounded dail y, accrued or paid quarterly for 3, 4 or 5 year periods. Withdrawals subject to hmitatiuns. Bonus 3 Year Certificate Acco unts: Earn So/o current annual rate, PLUS guar- anteed 1/-1 of 1 o/o per annum bonus. 5.~8°/o 1s actual annua l rate ;it en d of 3 year period, witb current 5% rate compounded daily. Which One Is Right fur You? _fl091U1a 7~g~ AND LOAN .-.ssOCIATION 260 Oc.c.in Avenue · Lagun~ Beach Te lrphone 494 7541 OR~rlCH fS Calilor111d L1i:un1 Nlillet J Mil~~·~• ~'( Pl•l3 • 4'"19 1840 • 496 IW:l Son C.:lemen1t (;Q l ri LJ C••n•no Re41 • 492 119~ Passbook Accou nts: Earn prevailin g annu al rutc-5°/o currenl-'\v1th interest pa id from date of <lepos1l lo dale of with- drawal. Funds deposi ted before the loth of the month earn from th e 1st if held to quarter's end. Inves tment Certifica te Accounts : In $100 mulliplcs ea rn 5°/o current annual rate from da le of d eposit lo dale of with- dra wal. runds deposit ed before !be 10th of the month earn from the 1st if held to c1ua rl cr's end.· 'I hese accounts and many other services are fully expla ined in a new easy-to-read WAYS-TO-SA VE booklet. Fill in !be cou- pon below and se nd for your FREE copy today. •••••••••••••••••••• I Laguna Federal Savings I I 260 Ocean Avenue I I Laguna Beach, California 92652 I I Plcnsc se nd me your booklei·WAYS 'I 0 SAVE. I I NAME I I 1 1 I :,rnrnT I I I CIF STATE ZIP ·1 ~==========~ •••••••••••••••••••• WE'VE GOT THE ANSWBR! TAB WILL ANSWER YOUR TELEPHONE ... WAKE YOU UP ... DELIVER YOUR MESSAGES ... TAKE YOUR ORDl!RS ... AND Fill. MANY OTHER NEEDS • ., FOR AS LOW AS $14.50 PER MO CALL US NOW FOR INFORMATJON ANO A BROCHURE I TUEPHONE -b ANSWERING BUREAU 543-2222 9 OFFICES TO SERVE ALL OF ORANGE CO. Co111plete-Ne\v ·Yori\. Stoel\. Li st 'l•w York $"li...'i"th1~fl Pr itt~ N•I !Mt l Hl•ll Low CleH Clll -A- Market Symbols Stlt'I Hot 4114t J H1111! ltw Clot.' Cllf -B- ;! • 'I •• 1U I -O <9 , I• .. )I -1 " • )14o l1'• -l I• ' -• 11'· • • 1•>~~· ~I -1 1 ~ -1•. S5 I ' \, ll\• -• •1 ,, 36\1 '. " " " . 1·~· .. l~. -" . I ' '" •7 I 'I I u "" '" " " " ·~. -16 .. Ii'•+ ••• 1~'• -'• '" :1'' -~: 1l ' + 1. 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Prices-Complete New t1i.. tMt•f1•••••llla•smm,. • .,,.,..,.,., •• _,., ..... .,,.,._.,1<c>••"'·J'W""--'·<~ t-I~ Lt• C!Mil(llt Market Notes Fifth Successive Setbacl{ NEW YORK !UPI) -The slock market sul fere<l its fifUl succe!iSJ\ e setback today m moder ate turnover The UPI marketWlde 1nd1cator was off 0 29 per cent on l 55-4 issues crossing the tape Of these 750 declined and 510 ad\ anced The Dow Jones average of 30 blue chip lndus tnals was off 5 21 at 812 83 near the close ~ver of around 9 Tn.!l11on shares v.as about a million shares off Monday s pace Softness cont1nued. to point up \Vall Street s concem with inflaUon tight money and Vietnam W R Grace y, as hea v1ly traded with a block of 140 500 shares changing hands al 27 3/4 off 5/8 Also acU ve \\tie Great Northern Railway Na Lomas Alhed Stores Uruon Carbide and \Vh1tc Coruolidated Oils and electron1cs were among the V.'ldest mo' ers and u1 both directions IBM closed off 1 at 345 1/4 and Xerox ''as dov. n 3/4 at the close to 99 3/4 Motors encountered some selling as the auto- mobile industry expected sales and output 1n the balance of the yea r to lag behind the year ago per1 od s General Motors closed off 11/4 at 73 3/8 Ford \\as do\v n 5/8 to 4311/8 and Chrysler was oU J/4 at JI 3/4 Airhnes also \\ere "'eak in a number or 1nstanc· es American Airhnes executive George A Spater said alrune traffic growth is expected to rema.tn soft and rnto 1970 Steels chemicals and rails lacked Conglomerates and aircrafts geni!rally fractions d1rect1on traded in Pnces declined on the Amencan S t o ck Ex change in moderate tracting Stocli .Stpte111btr Exchange List .. 5• .. ... Ho/I LIW(O .. t n• •? ,,. " . . ' ' " • • • • l• •• ' "" -UV- '"' " " M " " . ... .. • • " ' Ot..fl Y PILOf ''"" "'" 1~a. M ,,. Lh (IOH tn• " . -. .. ~. " .. '" ' . ,, " '" •• " ~~ S1 1711f! SI ll 7" • '" . " " 11 10 • 1)00 61 I SO 5o 91 }.I • 1 • 6 • " lJ )J • 1)• 71 ' " u " SS • 1 ' . I ~. 11 oovi 100 , 10 1n IS l •S " ' . ' ' u i., i • " "' 'I 3211 " " .. •• ' " ' " • J.' ~ " • ' ' " " " • • So& )6 .. 11 • )\, lll l11' JI 1 o 10 116 1 6)60 Olll•l • 4 4 I • • 16 l'l l J lU JI ~ :Id> )/ l 5151 JI 74 '" • • • ' ' . " • 5\~ S\> 5 o -~ ns !I»' " .. .,.. U .I • •O • l- l l o l0~10 IO •l o •lo'•-Sl ll lt .38 61 .... ,, ol!\ UJt •ll no 396 •l .l.l'-• ~ n l ... i '• T~t "-not-~ P • ' ... Complete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List ,~ n~ '" " . 2 ?9"' JJ • I . ' ,, s • ' .. '' ,, . ' l 'I " ' 'l " I I 61 ' " 51 J • " ' .SI l4 ~ ' . I ·~ ' ' ' . " I ~ ' !O o "t ~ • • • l~ I • ' . 60 11 • " " •• • • JO 1' l " ' .. ~ lJ\ . ' lOI I o JI l , " . • • ' . 'i ll . ' 10• ' • n. .. 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" ' 10 1 0 • " ' Ii I ~ " ' ' • + ' ' .. " " ., 9>.li •, 6•1~f6-l " .. , 'l " • "' ' • ' ' ' ' " • ' ' '' l " " " ' " • .. .. " • " ' ' '" .. '" I ' . .. ,, I ' " .. , .. .. '" • " '" " ' • ' ' ' . ' " '" ~ " • • " ' . •• "' ' • • " " . SI n ' " 111: • ' .. ' " 0 IJ 1 " . 19 11' ' • ' ' " ' l/ 7' • • ., '11 ~ • •• " .. ' ' ... " . " • • • '" " .. " • '" ,1 ' • ,. . i' • " ' ' • l ' '" " • " • " ' • ' .. " '" • • '" . " • li • ' " ,, • ' ' .. • 11 •I U .. .i.J . ' . llONOi ) 10 ,,.,,,, 11 So&>.:. l' • ! l~I l,2" I}~ !} 1'9 ~ 1'1 ~· 1 11 ' t " _, ' . ' ' ' ' r-·. ··-------·--·--·----------~----......-------------------~--------------------· 1 ' ZZ DAILY PILOT W•dnosday, O<tbb" I, 1%9 1f PILOT-ADVERTISER Wtdnt sday, Octobtr l , 1 C)f/I I e JJl l . 17111 St., Coll• M•H Skppl11t C.11t.r, Ceil• MeMll • 10141 Katt li. • .,.. •I l Ycl14--C'itwM9'...i Sllo"'Hif C1n11r G..rff11 G.r11" e 17904 M .... n. St ... Telltnt-Yltl ... Ce.,., P1a1t1l1 Y1Hey • '-ell & Ul•r l lYlil..-H•11t"'tt .. .._. S..Hi*t C111t.r, H••lia9t•• leoKll e I Jiil ••••••nt It . ., Wnt..Wu.._W,st;r•eli: Ce11ter, G--. Gr•"' • •••1 Cllopman ........ Of l rooi.A11r.l-Oro•9' c • .,.ty ,, .... e ilJJ Wnr..H"'., .. ;.,I•• w ... , W•1l111I•'* Gorde• GIOYI e 14•0 W. Edh11Jer 011d lrbro S1.-Edl11ter C."'''· S.ete AM e 21110 Hwbor ll•lil.-Het\or SkppJ.t C.11ter, Coltl t.kwi e JI I )1 IHcll llwd. 9t Art111tti T Ha11ti.tt111 lecKll e I I t61 V•ll•y vi.w ••Ck,,.... A.,e.-l•1t .. te Pl•••· Gori" Grne 126 Film Cartridge llKko•d 42' w111,.. 1 Z bpoivr• PRICES SLASHED ON PHOTO FINiSHING" Jumbo Size Color Prints Yovr Koclat.1l1r 19:. KOdacolor Fll111 Developed & Printed 12 IXPOSUU $297 ROLL Prk1 lnr.huJI: 69c tor f ewelop. Black Whitt Prh1b ........ lc Jna: A. 19'.1 &. t>rl11.t. No c.b1r11 tor "e1r1.th·e1 nol printed. ""'" s..in, , ... af 1k o.ir Tllrtfty'1 H-lnry.., Law Mu. fOI LOW PllCES, OUTSTAlrilDING PllNTS & FAST SllYICI lllNCi ALL YOUl.flLM 1'0 TOUl THllFTY DJtUG AND DISCOUNT STOii $500,000°0 Rug Sale Reg. $ J 588 16-Foot Aluminum Extension · PR I CED TO SAVE OUR CUSTOMERS $125', 000. 00, - $398 Value! Oriental Design Brv1sers Woven Cotton Scatter Rugs 69c ea. Melmac· Dinnerware 10" dinner plates, llOUP or . M\<d bow\•. vog•tab\<2 88 bowl.I in White, Turqu9!1ie . flr Avocado. w on't chip, for C break, fade. By C&ll!oml.a J>relamlne. • 39c Cups, Soup/C.,.al lowls, 4 S8 29c Sciucen:, Soled Plates................ l•r C • R•t· $1 .09 14·inch Platten _______________ ... llc $89S Val~~"~~ Deluxe Door Mirror Ladders ' • No•Sllp, Self LeHlllt • l·lffnl Cwliwtto. Do your paint &. cleanup chores your- :ielf and SA\'e. Sturdy :1pring loa~d 11a!cty 111.i;lder, yours at 0 1·- er :54.00 f!a.Yinga in 15pecial cf!er. 5·Year Guarantee $139 Val.! Abalone light Bulbs Famou~ Marlie! mirrors ln J ~t:o;Jes -Mediterran- ean. J.iodem. TradiUon- • al. Pitll'!burgh g11111~ for distor tion-free head t n toe Image. Gu at buy! Shell Giftware New Bath & K itchen ·wall plaque~. aonp dl.!lh- t.!I, hot plate holder.!!, coa11ter11 in pla!tlc with inMt abalone. C o l o r choice ! J.tade Jn Cali!. 99c 6:97( 60 or 100 Watt No more bulb J \.\'ilchlnr when you buy quality light bulb11 by nationally kno\.\·n maker guaranteed' for ~ yun~! Great tor hard to reach places. PRICES GOOD Jalta Vodka Half Gallon $629 Imagine & halt' gallon of !inc qual-. itl vodka for only $6.29' ••• OZJIJ at Thrlty can you get llll out.tand· ing value liek this! Jalta Vodka Is light as a '9i•hi:~per, mellow Al aummer, unequall ed :n versaWity. Sublle, t;moolh, never obvious ••. make yourself the crowtl'g martini expert. Slock up your: liquor cabi· net and 3ave a~ this Thrifl7 k>11· dil'ICount price~ 1 " Novelty Stuffed 1 Vinyl Animals cute!lt ever -11uitable for auto~aphs. Mo11~c. "Spot" the Dog. E le- phant. Poodle, Racuo -some \\i.th ,lur tnn1. 99' Aulhcnllc Orirnt• n\ k !'rr.1ian pal- 1rrn nlJ;"ll v;o\'rn In Belgium. Col· I nn on j Utf'. frlTif'.• (d end~. 22!ix4U. $298 ' Styl~'For Every Home! Reg. $Jo•• G.E. Dry and Stea.m Iron 15·\·ent lronf.lem· peralu re guide !or $1.19 pr. V•luelTrv·Alol Uneol Rubber Gloves 2 pr.$100 Audio Magnetic R~cording Tape 4 $1 FOR . Scatter Rugs Your Choic;t 2~5 5 27:<:4 I" .l'nlid l('OlN' 11hll(;S, ~lriper'I • ut Jlilr:oi & hi-lo cut & loop pill'!'I in f')ll't<h. blrnd or 50~o polye.!ltcr, 2.'l' a 11ylon, :?:i~r r ayon. ;l.larhin a \1·11.~h. :3'' cont.n1 r nn1t. ,,,,. .• ""1• ""$298 o.·pc. lank r 1•\rr. lid <"o\·rr In rotlvn A: r.iyon b!cnrl. •i ne,,·r s l colvi!'. :\!:'tci'llnt \1·a:tha ble. 391 ea. Self-Adhesive · Carpet Tiles 29c • Quick I Eo'y to ln,tall Yows•lfl • Discount pricM !l" squnreii or miraruluus polyole!irt \1·lth foR m f nshion be.ckio, 11elf·!lllr k t11pe. Jn decorator colors. Rcsi11t !lains. s2495 Values! J_..oni;: \\'r 11 rini;: 1i.1i::s \\ 1\h ''--"'"' ruhbl•r hark1n1t 11r. .. ll no rxtr~ p11<I. In j:'(Jlcl/brov.n, b:uc/gtren. •\'0!"1tdo llra:.11. Tlr:i..;r,\1 / 1ani;erlne. l\\l!ttls or candy 1lr!pcs. all fabriCli; contou r ·s7" fabrics. Con toured h ;i.ndle reducea !11- f 1J:ur. E:<:lra -hi cord lirt. VF62'. $179. 20-Foot Extension Cords Indoor or~ Ovtdoor 7'7- P acific E~lrrl rir ron'! -heavily lnl'ula.ted. R ed crilor.JJ.L. !lPPd. "'~!':>French v .. -'. Dry ~Cleaner ~.~"°" uc . .-......:::-: ·~~ For clothing, r1ig1t, ~ 11pholstery. Safr, 1t"11't<y t o use. 891Pleclge Furniture Polish "L""°"" or lttfu(cr ye . "'-- 991 Moel Style Watch Bamls \\"1111 Gn·Go band~ I I 111 Hflr~11rk, Llr.ard C i:::r~in or g roovy "\Yr.~l ~k" pat· • nL IA'n.thtr batk· ed. Sa\'e l/Jl ;t~"~ -~~~ Colorful Daisy Welcome Mat Jlea\'y ,.~nyt Jn gay $194 dn l11y dcingn •. green or gold. 14x2'0". 291 9·Volt dli~Tran1istor ,_ 'i~ Battery ,.,i 11c F resh, lone life. Buy % pr. llftd Sal·e •t.311 F l r11t quality, heavy d"llty. Nnn-11ijp 11urf11ce. U ne<I for hot v.·ater 11!.f. sac Set of 6 Plastic Mangen Heavy duty.cry~· tal plitatlc notch· ed t o r 1lrllplll. $6.99 Electric $1391'urtleWax Car Care Kit $J09 Cm1Wnt C•r 'Vax and In· lertor Cleaner. Do It your1elt and ,II.Ve. Butter Thin Cameo Peanut Brittle Ma<'le v.ilh rich car- n1e.l l!iynip ind new e r o p pe.t1nuta by I I C the famous L.,._ Nut Hou ll6. Kltcft· t-n·n-e.~h shipment. • .F1r11t quality, i;plicc· free tape. 2.50 f l. on 3'' reel. $139 Metal King Size Tray Tables Atlrai;li\'e llC\1' p a ttern ~ 1n ~heery Yello\~' er Blue! Firnl ~/S·in. bra~:;tonc legs. Best Duyii! F .. 11 Beel Size Electric Blankets New· Ju;wry bl'"d ~ilh $1199 nylon bmd. Ing. Nile )lte con~L 4 col· Or.I!, 'f2x84". Guaranteed 2 l"enr1. Reconditioned Set of 8 Spark Plugs Selection t1> f I l mO!lt cars. come in groups ot ti. Take !\dV&ntage of Thrlf· ty'• )o\V price t o aa.ve in Sale? ar· f1.25 Value! Box of 32 Christmas Cards Forsr~ Me Not-3 1111wrtment. 'Cute., colorful v.·lth h11nd p11inted look ! 59c j " -·-----····-------~---------· .. -• W~ntsday, Octobtr l 1%q "'ILOT-40V£RTISER fj ---- e 2Jl I . I I'll SI ., Co1to M•.-Shoppl119 C•nw, Colt9 Mnto e I 0142 Kat•lla A'fl, ot (11c:ll.l-Go•de11la"d Slloppl"' C..11t1r e 1T•o• Met•oRo Sr. ot Tolbtrt-VUl1qe Cenfft, •ou11tol11 Y1lloy Gorden Gro•• , e '''1 Choprrio11 A••· 11 lro11lr.h11~t-Ora11C)lt Co••ty Pim•, G•d111 Grove • B ~~~., I ldl•l)ff ll•d.-~1111rl119h1u1 l1ixh ~U10,pl119 Ctnt•r, H ~1ui.1q1011 h-oc:lll e 1460 W. ldhUjiet 011• lrl110 S1 .-Edln991 C1nt1r, 501110 Ano e 2l00 Harbor llv4.-Horbor Shoppln9 C11111r, Co.io M1~0 e 211 ll l1o~h llvd. at Atlanta -H11111J119to11 l1ac:h All Stores Celebrate the Opening of Our Newest Most Modern Store in Watts with These Sensational Discounts! Choice of 9 Varities! Oven-Fresh Jumbo Cookies Full Pound 27' Animal, Lemon. oat· 1neal. Sugar cookies, Old Fashion'd Coco- n ut! Chocolate, Van- illa. Duplex Snnd· 'l'iches! \'i:st11. Pak , ~·j~ Bars! Oven-fresh :>hipn1enl just un- )J;u;kt:d: Reg 99c: Women's lounging Slippers Comfortable and cozy ~lippers ot ~tte~t ,1nyl-everythlng from ta!· lored b0\\'8 to bu1·kl~!ll and 01·tr- Jars! \'fear them indoors or out ! Ne1v colorll in S-L. 1''old for ·tra'·'J. 73' Reg. $398 Women's Wide Leg '·-~ Pants $)19 Jo'all .fabrics in llOild color double knit ny. Jun !11 Jat,11t color~ Acryllll plaid!, 50'i'a Jo'ortrl'l polyester, & 50',0 cot ton t1villa, all ,1·ilh permanent ~•Lil<h•d """· 8-16. Sale of Reversible $391 Value Infants Women's Acrylic 'Pullover $109 Value! Goody Boys' Nylon Quilted Jackets Car Coats Tops Dbcou1t Pric:r $499 :! j,<;krts int· nylo n ou~er :;hell rever~'~ t n 11ullted 11yl1Jn. C\rnfurt;ihle r;1g-lan Oi1co111r r rh1:'> $298 $J98 l)~~!i;j~' .<:ltt·\·•·s, nylon 1100(! I"' _,. 1 ! h 1lr:l\\'slr1ng-. l\'rit~·r r1:"p1•]\rnt, m;1 · • !tne ,\·a.~h:ibll". 2-V ....... ,. lone r-.olor., 11> 3·6X .. .C•1zy quilted cotton coat:i. \\·arn1 ace- lHle fi ll _ • cute ap- plique, hood wit h .15.-dra\\·~t.ring. Pink or yel!o\\' In 12-1& and 24: .month 1 ite !'l . .&;.-..,j,...,:;;;.& '\'a.shable, fast color. Full !ashionM, fine g-.iuge Acrylic., hand !oomed In. late11t Fall tuhion Made~. Styl- ed with turlle or n1ock turtle ll'ck.'I, ·long .'lite\''d. A t -. price to make :,iiiu .buy l\\·o! 69~ 1 O·Pound Bag Charcoal Ea1y Li9htl119! Long l11n1i11g! $1381 Sportsman's Calendar Watch $398 Thermos Lunch Kits -Workman's Plasti Vil'Lllally unbreak- a ble, hold!ll man· site lunch. F''ermit• . cas.rilnt btl. Sa\"tf 289 Metal Porta-File t ion, c:omplele lndeic.. · Look "' k•Y protoe· $133 Hohls t o 800 docu- n1ents. Quallly built! $6.95 Value! New Boutique Twist Board Ot·l0n,., 11.·ryJ1c Jll1• $222 · 1\'rr I• t·l~ kH lrn·'l(•fi! Jn nr1\" <'olnr!C' Tu·; t y11u r ,\·ay l11 health, "'"C, lu11~ Men'sCoHon Cord Shirts Now Colon• $298 Dist:C»Ullt Prfc• Popular narro\v rib cotton corduroy. Styled with Jong 11leeve11, spread collu, 2 roc:kct1<, trimmed <:: u f f 5, ,Ju11rant,ed W&!llhable! Red, . tilue, taupl', ouv,, S·XL. New for Fall! Long Sleeved Men's Ties 99c: • Nylon Tops ~";m•n$198 Fa.bulou~. fake It !a..ncy $169 bib11. coll11r!, 11Ced .twi~l- .. arrln~ to match! "Gold," •:pearl'' It Aurora. Bore.a ll• mulU-llrand rope.a. tool .. , .......... _. ,-;,i, 6 11 Maior MaHMason Ma11 "' Space :r-$119 }·igu1;11 bendJ!I l o any po~i~lon. \\'Ith h'lmf't · &: faee ehleld. Jet pr<>- 1101!11\on nn b11rk, Wham·O Air Blaster Jets a bliut or air 30 feet! Action·tar- xet 111 built Jnto $ yracka1e. Sare; aur· prilring fun. llHR's Pewerltle X·1 lech•011•••• laff•ry Ride'emCar i n-imp"t pl"· $2995 111: h!id~._ wid e '"rarlni_:" tire~. ~urpnrl!<! fo Jt,O lb~ G"'ll 1.-. 2 1npr. Runs to 7 hr!. ,,n I rh-.ri;,. 3t" lonl(. · Hair Rollers 66( Con111Jt.L' \1·ith pins. \J1e for dry ur wet hair. '\'!111 mlnl·teeth • curl hair a s tightl.v llJI you p lea~! Gentle to scalp. ,ally to remu\·t. Fleeced Robes $498 'Warm, Y•t Lighf'flljjlrlt 'Vomen'.s -cozy TObCll o( 80% ace.lat!! k 20~;, nylon In grtiiper & button~front -~t.vl'll 'v1th emhrold1red lace k a pplir1 ue Rose. blue or grl't!n.. 10-13. ;®· .~ ( .. ·•. ZMkolN ... _IOcCI,.. · Cliosterlleld Lootfehw lox of 50 Cigars $199 ,.,ud tuttnr t One ot Amer· lea's f&lrteat 11elllng llrt.tul~ For real 11mok· Ing pl,asur,. Wtdntsda)', O<tobtr l , 19&~ DAIL 'f P1LOr z:t e 11122 l rool..h11ru St. ot Wittltnl11Stef-W11tllf'ooh C.11t1r, GwcM11 610 .. • 6127 W11r,,.liu.ter ot Golde11 Wnt, W'""'liutor e 11961 Volley View or C1Mtpmo11 A•o.-f.1ut911to l'low, Gorl1n G-ro'• $1.89 Value! Clearance Pric:e ' Maior label Record Albums $2.69 If Perfed! Folding Syrin8 With FREE Snap 8' Canyin• ·ca1• 2 qi. ~i~e 1 on1p!ete \1'itlt attach- 111enL~. SH.i:;-ht irregu!ariU~s In no \Vnv affec t !fervice. For .home or travf'l. ·NO\\" al a. fracliOJl o ( ll~ ' Liberty * Dot * MGM * All the Top Artists! * Llmihd 9•antities! Ou r lo1~·est price ev'r on top qual- itr . 11111.jQr label LP. re1.:.,rd in gr,al Cle!lr&nce Sa!'! Your favorite r'· cordlng arUst!I in popular number~. .Reg. •1.89 VOS Shampoo L i s-o .... • a.,ulor • Dry • Oily Shalle r pr o o t p la stic bolt!,, Choice or tormu-1~!1 includin.gne1v- oily for frequent shampooerll. regular pr.ic~e ''.""' _____ ... __ _ Reg. 31 c ·ea. Metrecal Liquid • Choc:olor• • Doubl• fvci9• 1 I C: • Chocolat• Manhmalow • Danish Coffee • Dvtc:h Chocolate IA. ,,,.,.z. -:· $1 95 Gillette ! 1 --Super Adjvsroble 11 Razor ,;]1 Cho ic e nf ' h;1ntl la leng:th~ $121 I Cur a. m ore \· J 1c om f ortable '· .11.i nd grip ......... ._. ·spray Deodorant i 1/1 o t can . S~>p P"'· 34c: <:ha~e1 Low .,..__ low prh:,. .- FOR HEADACHE ~ PAIN IELIEFI $1.49 Bufferin ~~'Th~ 17 OL MOUTH WASH $1.49 Colgate 100 _ . 5 OZ. TUIE ll•t~l•r .., s,..,.,1.t 1 TOOTH 62 84c Ma~leans ~~~~-. . c 1om1 OF 36--1•/4 Grah1 Tabl•h 39c Bayer's ~~~~:i~EN's Dl.Uli llEPT. SPECIAL! 59c Vicks Vaporub POl STOMACH ACID RD.llFI $1.85 ·Di-Gel ' oz. tom! WITH SPIA TEI 1omE OF \00 $1.50 Chloraseptic _ 15 TAILETS 54cNoDoz WHITE'S l'/z OL 81 c: A&D Ointment BOX OF 12 Regul1r or Super Betty Woods 70LtOmE $1.25 Vitalis SANITARY NAPKINS •.f DAI L V PILOT YitdfltJd1y, Ottobtt l , 1%9 .RENDEZVOUS POINT -\Vilh the glamor yacht ~e::i Dlan1011d and v,ihite m antled Ship Rock m ark· jng the finish lin e, Columbia yachts from all over Colu1Jibict Yachts Sail To Ccttali1ia for Race Columbia sailing y ii c h 1 s rAnging in size fron1 22 /eel to 50 fee t con1·erged on the Gold Cup ·.Winner 1'o Bo,v Out !lll SSJON BAY, Calif. (APl -"It's time I got oul now," _Bill Sterett said 1\lond::iv ;:iftt r 11'inning the 6lst annu:i! Gold Cup Gnl!Jniled Hydroplane llat'e and the national driving Lille , ''YOll can't do 11ny beltrr lhB11 a nutlonnl title and tJ1e (:old Cup. For the first lime in m~· lHr. I'm gonna use my he<id 1nore than mv foot," he said. · The Owensboro. I\ y . , h11ildi11g contr3clrir 11011 the ~ ~J.1.500 first prize S1111clay, dril'ing His f.,.liss Budweiser tl1rough th e six l<tps uf Ll1e 21i · mile ~1isslon B:iy course. Slerrl t fini~hrcl second in the <-ruclal fourth beat but pulled in l,400 points for the n<1lion a l t itle. Dean Chr nov.'elh, of Xenia, Ohio, 11 <i s second . lL \\'as lhe first lime Sterett, 41, h11d captured the cup or U1c t-ro11·n in four vears <if driving unlimited.~. ·ne told newsn1cn it \\'as his final con1 · pe tition. A four·time "'innC'r, Bill ~lunct'~" slipped lo third in the nationa l point !otal after en· C'Ollntcring 111e<:hanical p1·0· blerns. Catalina Isthmus last Satu r· day to join in U1e combination race-cruise staged annually by !he Columbi a Yaeht Corp. of Costa ~1esa. Boats wh ich raced to the island port star ted at various Southland ports. The re v.·ere !76 boats participating \1•lth 13:> competing in the unus ual reve rse hancHcap starts. Overall "'inner of the com· petition Y•as Dr. Douglas Wake of Detroit sailing Dick Valdez' Colunibia-50 Escude~o from Long Beach. Sec.:ond overall 1vas a Co!unibi a-22 sailed by G. B. Tay!or and .I. \\'. Horner, Los Angeles, and third "'as a Columbia·36 sailed by Bob Helger, Long Beach First boat lo finish from Newport \Vas a Columbia-36 co-s kippered by Dr. C. Jordon and G. G. Jordon. Here are the winners in the \'arlous categories: COLUMBIA-22 G B. Tavlor & J . \V. Horner, Los Angeles. COLU~l BIA-24 F r ed Pu .... ·ell, Long Beach . COLUMBIA•C~IALLENGER -tl-1 artin Vol!n. Los Angeles. COLUt-.1 BIA·26 flobcrt Rigby, Los Angeles. COLUMBI A·28 C. A. Oerivas. Los Angeles. C-OLUMBJA DEFENDER - Lyle Crandall, Los Angeles. COLU~t B IA 34 -Stan Or- gJ!a. Los Angeles. COLUMBIA-36 B ob Helger. Long Beach. COLUf\-1BIA-40 Bob LaRLie, Redon<lo. COLU MBIA ·50 fl r . Dot1glas \1iake, Long Bearh. J)ld and Ne1v Cha111p • -, Toni Kcllo~g o! Balboa J:acht Club (right) receives ; the l::xcal1bu r 1'iaU011<1J Championship P crpe-t ual ~ 'I'rophy fro1n J_.e1v Ross. Newport J--la rbor Yacht ; ('ll1b flast yea r's chan1pion) foll ow ing lhe c hampion- ! .. ~hip regatta off Ne\vport Beach. It \vas the fourth :. title regalia fo r the 26-foot. sloops buil t by Islander ~·'Yachts of Costa l\'tesa. , I See by Today's Want Ads • <:1!\'h R i;t;1r hy !l~ !';Ril! ~ ... ~!Ill', ~ ~t'!B of MLi l:i; Rnd !railer. CQtnpltll' ... n1u,;l ~rll i1n111rrlhllt'IY. . .that uilboat can't be dr&!ttd. e Tinkll" 1ht' kty1 pn 11 l"!l!'.h- 1Pr. lt>ad girl \\'&n!ed for lrR1lini:c fiiv.n...·1al romp11ny ... good "urking rondi. t ion~. e T!11 rlirt!1 hirthday, (')&MOi1• .1'l ford roupt, rrbuilt n1,,u.1r, sp•l"t p.artl for S9<XI, -~-....... ----.. ·-------.. ·- --- Southern Call fornia start artiving at haze shrouded Catalina Island. t q OVERALL WINNER -The Colun1bla·50 Escudero, under charter to Douglas Kirk of Delroil \\'as de- cl ared the overall winner of the Cohunbia l:'achts Rendezvous at 1he Catalina lsthn1Lis Saturday. LIY C Sets October ! Regatta for Jfl ee ke1id Lido lslc Yacht Club's racr. cornrnlt\ce chairn1an, E ti Haye~. <inlicipates a large turnou t for LIY C's October Small Hoat !legalla t h i s weekend . na clng par11cipants 11·1!1 find Lido Ifs, Kite~. Flying .Jr.~ .. Sabots, Flippers and any Cilhcr c.:lass \1•ith five or more ('ll· tries. "'ill be started off the LIY C dock at noon on S:i lur· dlly, 1.1 races) and I p.rn . Su11- d<1)' \2 races ), lnuncl11ng fucill!ie~ at the Genoa Boat Garden loc:ited on VJn Lido S1H1tl , Lido ls!e. Sk.1pperl;, crews, .antl LIY C 1nembers arl' inrite<l to the tr<1ditiona! i;lan1 chowder sup· p<'r ;it the Lido Clubhouse on S11nd;i_v, 5<!0 p.n1 .. fol!ol'.·ing prott>st.s. Comrn odn re Ro\' \\'oolscy prr:;rnt s !he lropl1ic·s al 6 p.m. 95 Yachts Getti11g Set For Race to E11 se11ada NinJy.fire sail and pow<'r yachts are set to shol'e orr Saturdav r n Solllhwe.~trrn Yacht Clt1li's 6th :111nunl San Di~o to Ensen ;ida race The fleet lists 118 !"<ailb(ints <1nd se1·rn po11er bn<1ts 11 h1(·h \1'i ll ('On1petr in a predict ed log •onlrs-1. Th., 1·ace will br prt'1·rded by n !Flin no.boot t Ol'kt:i1I hr11n· dinner and dariring pnrtv ;)! :i\\'Yt Fr1dn_1' 111'1:111 Th rn' wil l also be p0""1·ra cf' :o.oci nl e1·enls at. f:nspnada Fly to the moon and back through the ·•oices of the Apollonauts A opoctacular Sylvania high fidelity record on the moon flllht ot Apollo II •.. plu• a beau .. tilully illuatrated four color booklet. Your narrator and oftlcial 1'hoet'' for the recorded joamey U: the-National Broadcaatins Com· pany'a fame:cf ''11Paoeouter'' Roy Neal. Compare at .5.98. Juat s2.oo ~DAVIS · BROWN 411 E. 17th St., Daily 9-9, Sot. 9-6 Costa Mesa 646-1684 100 Boats In Argosy Co111pete Sornc 100 boats are expected on the st;irting line Saturday fur the NC\\'PQrl Ocean Sailing As~ociation's 12th an n u a I Alamitos Ba y Argosy, ac· cording lo Clary Staal, race com111ittee thAirman. The Argo~y has beco1nr one of the n1o.st pOpular saiUng events on the fall calendar and will draw en1ries frorn Long Beach ,:ind Alarnito~ Bay in addit ion to n1ost of the yseht clubs In the NeW})Ort HBrbor area. The fleet will race from a starting line off Bal boa Pier to Alamitos Bay on Sa turday and v.·lll rendezvous at Long Beach Yacht Club Saturday night for dinner and nn evening of dan· ring. On Sunday the fleet will rsce fro1n Alan1it os Bay to a finish line off t.hc Nc1vport Pier. Clark Sweet. founder and general chairrnan of the event, said more than 300 reserva· lions have been received fnr the dinner and fcstlvi!ics at LBYC. 1·1ie fleet is br~cn tlown in- • College Sailors II 01ne 11:-ick to the dull routine of classes is 1the l l.S. Intercollegiate sailing team \Vhich \\'On three out of four major t rophies and 16 out of 20 sailing events in England and tile continent of Europe lasl su1nn1er. Back ro\v~fron1 lelt: Rob Doy!e, li ar- vard; 'J'in1 Hogan (Ne1vport Beach) USC; Leslie .l'\-'lessenger (Ne\vport Beach) 'lca1n nia nager. UC Santa J3arbara: \apt. lJave ('olt. Yale; Ji ans l\1eycr, JVIic higan. Fro11t fron1 Jcf!: Richard Doyle, Notre Daine; Chris Seaver (Ne\\'- port Beach) Yale; Ed Butler and To1n McLaughli n, San Diego State. to M-idget Ocean Hacing, •A ~<!,cHie Handicar. a~l!?trrfuu.:...... H · zz F • t t E t 0 tb ls mg and Ocew' Ru; n g ' { irs . 0 n er U oarc Cafamarans. 1'he MOHF will receive tffe firs t start at 12 noon with the other classes to follow at five-minute lntrrl'als. Trophies \l'ill be av.·arded in each class for each of the two race s an d participalion plaq ues 1vill be issued to each yach t which participates. LAl\E HAVASU CITY. Ariz. ing Oay while on a pr<ictit!' Hill will tK' dri1·ing one of !ht' -Bill Hill, Jr., 40, Culln1an, run. his bo.1t ove rturned and faste~l boats Jn the Oulboard Ala ., v.•ho \\'as seriously ill· Hill receircd two smashed \Vorld Cl1a1npionships, a 21· jured la st year prepping for kl1ee caps. Ile h;is been in foo t Ron Jones tunnel hull the Outboard \Vorld Chan1· braces since the accident but n1adc for him by the Costa plonships, is th e first driver tn expects to discard them J\lesa, California, builder. It file entry in the 1969 SS0,1100 :::everal V;"e('ks before the 11·ill sport three of l\lercu ry's r;u·c Nove1nber 29-30 on the H111·asu race. · biggest engines and ll•il! ha1·f! Colorado Hivc r. A former champion v.·ith a top ~pred of more than 100 Roht>rt P. !\1cCulloch, Jr., hoth the Anierlcan Power miles an hollr. r;1cc di rector, said 1h;:it noore Uol!t Association and the Na-··.Just look for ~·o. 8,'' 5aid than 17U invitations have been diltn.il Outboard Association. llill. sent to drivers in the United .iiOiiOiiOiiOiiOiiOiiOiiOiiOiiOiiOiiOiiOiiOiiOiiOiiOiiO;;;oiiOiiOiiOiiO ... States. Canada and Europe. I' A r h He "ct;ct thhe 1oeict 50w1~' be ,.A. ·.• DELTA SUPER QUALITY at er-son b 8 n q u el ,',im~~: . .,~or.t e Jrst 1 w1versl IM r·1res Cost Less sponsored by the Sioux and ""·"""' Tribes Plan Y Banquet Crow tribes of the Fount;iin All boats "'ill go :i1 nn(' titne Valley Yl\·1CA lndi;in Guides in one field. There 11·Jil be no Complete L;n • of • F;berql~u Belied T•·~• Availehl~. will be held 11l 7:30 p.111 ., Oct. classes for singl<', t11·111 and Price' Stent at $21.9S plui F.l .T. 17, at the Sheraton·Bcach Inn. unlin1itcd engines this year . I F.berql ~ .. w;de 0 •• 1, -Sup•• Premium - lluntington Beal'h . 0 ]{]1 1 isanot1tboardcha1npion l Redial-S;:cr!1 -Send Buqqy- Ad1ni~sion is $:i for a fnther from the deep South ;ind is ! & ells;,., Truck Tire1 BERG'S DELTA TIRES 141E.17th St .• Costa Mesa. 645-2010 and son, plus $1 for c<Jch ad· considered one of the finest , ditional son . Tickrts ;1re pilots in the Unil rd States. Hi: available from !\I an n y led the Outboard \Vorld Chnm- Paslizzo (p h one 962·1766), p1onships the fi r~! d:1 y in 1966 , Richard (Javenpor1 1 plione and !ast ~·ear 11':1s pustcd as1 96 2·3209) or any member of one of the favoriles lri 11111 !ht' B~nk Amerjc&rd IOppatit• 1101!1 l i9 layl M•ll•• Cf11 r9• l OOl WEST 17111. SANTA ANA -541·6904 -~lh~':2'P~O~n~'~o~r;~n~g'_"lr~;be~'~·-----'~a~c~e~. _'f~lo~"~''".''~''.''~·_'"~"'..,'.'J'~lt~o~ok~s~g~h~"~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "" . ,.. ... ' ',~ , . ., I•< _, .. , .. ' ' "°'"' •• ... . .... '""'" ... ,.,.. ..... .,. •I ,., • .... . .. "'' .. .,_,' t ' '" ~., . .,, -.... " ,.,.,, .. . .--.· .... . . ,., .. ""'" ... .. . -,·· .. . _ ... , ... . ~·"'" ·~· )""' ~, ....... MORE CERTAIN THAN STOCKS, MORE INTEREST THAN BANKS. You can be certain that your savings account will be ''up·· al The Big M -MUTUAL SAVINGS. In laet. we guarantee it! And a regular Passbook Sevings Account al The Big M pays 25°'4 more than a regular co,,._ me rcial bank savings account. Bonus Accounts provide an even greater relurn. For additional security, your funds are insured lo $1 5,000 by an agency ol the federal government. PASS BOOK ACCOUNTS Esm 5.13% Whl!!n our 5% current annu11l rate is comPounded daily for a year. Interest paid day in 10 day Ollt Adc'litions or withdrawals in an y amount at any time . BONUS ACCOUNTS·Same base rate as Passbook Accounl s. p lus bonus of 25"/.. yearly when held tor 35 months (.75% total). $1.000 minimum. Yearly yield 5.38% when interest is retained and compounded daily. GUARANTEED RATE ACCOUNTS Eam 5.25°k pe r a nnum guaranleed for a fixed term ol 3, .C or 5 years. M1nim urn required $1,900. Prior 10 maturity. wit hdrawals may be made in event or hardship, I ... ; ' ~ ~ . ' waaT A .. CADIA 660 W1t1 0111rt1 Ao1~ T~lel'lft0,,.116.01~~ MUTUAL SAVINGS and loan associaliDll CORONA DEL MAR lS~I £11i Coui "l,Q~"'A' l • c~c • e f'l·~•to COVINA .t~ ~orllt Ctl•ul ~ ~· • ltlfOflO"' :)J9·~•~t OL.•NDAL.• JJe No,,n B••n~ Bo~i..116 Ttl1~rtone 24~..( 1'1 .......... 0.NA (~1•0 O!!<ce) J:~ £••1 Co1or100 t ou11v11.r Ttitp~crtt 119·2,i.I' I [b~fNtY Lpo· I • f\l~NINC f o U1J rv m """' 221 tC) (Jo) ''funny Boy." Pete'' class is dis- 1upt1d by student Huvey B1.1tche1, wl'lo masks hrs lettin&l tboot be· ina: !11 tnd 11n•ttr•diw1 by r.lown· ing. Elliott Street 1un1s. m David f~Jt (C) (90) m Tht Iii ValltJ (C) (60) 6:~ 0 Tht Bit l'ltws !CJ (60) J11r, fD lool a..t i C) (30) [d•in (Of· lets 1tto11nt of !ht "S111e" ct M1nh11t1n by an •~pffily tr1lntd corps of black m1lit1nh_ • Ounph~. • 0 m Hunllty-lrinkltJ (C) ()0) €Il Son1iMs (30) • 0 Steve Alli n Show (C) (')0) fal· Iv Co(, W•lsoo Pic~eu and lhlkr!I !:00 fJ ®J (j} Med kal Cen ttr (C) (60) Q Le .. is gue~t. ; Tht brui~s on 1 ~uni boy's body convince Dr. Joe Gannon lh.t his 0 Sil O'Clock Mofle: (C) "V(htn patient is lh• victim of chlld but· Worlds Collide .. (sci·l•J 'Sl -lflC~· inii: insle~d of th• 1111 r1por11d to ~rd Derr, Ba1bar1_ Rush. ] him by 1ht h1her. Robtrt Unllna. a Dkk Van °"'' (30) I Dyan C;rnnon ruest. W ,.,._" Pltte (Cl {30) 1 (D Sbr Tm. (C) (00) , (f1J CII Mi•• Do111ln tC) (901 PEANUTS STEVE ROPER M11<£'5 TRIUMPH 15 ...... SHORT·l!VED.f. .. THE aTHER DRIVER HITS THE PEDAL ANO TERRll=IC TORQUE SENDS HIS CAR IN A PANTHER LEAP TO TAKE 7HE LEAD AGAIN .I ',,., WITH THE f!~SSE OF A N INl>Y W!NAIER HE SWERVES INTO MIKE'S LANE,/···· • By Charles M. Scihulz I F1NA~L'I' LE..\RNED 4..r.ER: 1',11 51JPP05E-D TO EAT LUNCH , AND NOW T\.IEI{ EXPECT ME TO KNOW WHERE M'I' DESK 15 ! -(( ~-;-] '1; ) ) 1'J-J~ -.•')·-Yi!i2:'~'- By Saunders and Overgard ··A>IO A MOMENT YOU•lf1;t.(I J INGLE· LA TER,A::i 80171 BRAINED PUNI< .' YOU cu-r ME OUT.'··f ::.;;, .... n DARE VA "TO PULL OFF ;:-At.I' GE T OUTA THAT HOPPED· P HEAP! fI) Wtii rs flftl'? (30) "Wildl~e nl !he Antarctic " I~ (,0 CBS News (t) (JO} tII Tiempo de Ptrdon (30) 0 KRA FT MUSIC HALL * The Friars Club Roasts Milton Berle 0 ID (6J m lr1ft Muiit Htll (C) I ~~··ii 160) '1he Friars Club :Roa5ts' Mil- CD Nttrn (C) (60) Jatk H1tkl"f. &:JO D llNBC N_.,.,,, lt) (bm 0 Th• liamt li1m1 (C) (30) Jim MacKrell host1_ m S1tan1e P1Bd1se (CJ (30) fD Office of tl'le P1taiden1 (30) r'il @ Hunt~-Brinkley (C) (30) €D Elliot Horton lnlenilws (30) Metropolitan Oper1 Bisso Jtrome Hines lal~s with riorton about 1h~ many interpretations of Mo ussorg sky·s hmou~ Russia n opeta "Bori\ Gudinov." ~ CIJ The Mtnsters (C) (30.) €I) Notitiero 34 (C) (60l g;, News (C) (.10) ton Berle." Alan llin1 is the roas!· masler •s Uncle Millie takes 1 "bbln( 1rom e~ptrt •its, includint Jack Benny. Henoy Youngman. Jan Munay, Bfshop Fulton J. Sheen. Don Ory~alt, lrvinr Benson. Red Bllttons 1nd Sttvt llfll"ftnce. D Wmt1in1 (C) (60) Dick line and Mikt teBell ul! ttie tciion. Tonight's ct rd is R(ltky Johnson and wt1rld champ DOil r unk. 0 (ffi (3) (D ABC WtdnrsdtJ Mw1t: (C) "Wtlk, Don't Run" (com· • tdy) '66-Car) Grant Saman1ha t gg1r. Hilariou~ comp1icat1ons en· sue where •t all happen s JI the Tokyo Olympics. EE Horst OP'f1 (&0) fII Nton i" PmP«fhot (C) (60) €Il Sylwi• J £nriq11t (60) 1:00 0 CBS Cwenin( "!tl'r1 (CJ (30) 1 ·~· ' (C) ilOI Jd M Waller Cron~11e. • !WI e e,,r~ (}What's Mr Line~ (Cl /JO) Wally H1 S..id, Sht s.;d (C) (30) Bruner ho5h 10:00 0 ~ fi) H1w1ii fi-lt-0 (C) (60) m To Te ll the Trulh (C) (30) Garry A ri re scene dep rchng 11le Japane~ 4 -Moore hosis \ an o1 Nin[itsu 'ts 1catured ·~ Mc- @ Bnl the Clocl (CJ (lO) J k Garrett pursues • Ninjitsu t~i>er1 Narz hos!• ac wh() escapes 11()111 a mtntal 1n511-,, tution 1n Hawaii to lu llill his assign. ra~modity/Stock ll'!)ort (30) rnen1 of 28 ye1r1 ago--:Ml)()!age "" ['lj (6) Amet"ica! (C) (3')) EID .I.hon! (30) 1)9 fs) Tru!h DI ConHq11eO(tl (C) (JO) mWandtrluJ1 (C) (3( t ffi Tlu t Girl (CJ (30) ~T he Glen Ca mpbell ;* Goodti me Hour with guests George Burns and Sarah Vaughn EJ ''rs"' Glen C1mpbell (C) (li01 Geor~e Bu1n~ and \arah Vau&hn cues\ Pea1I ~arbOf minute\ beiore 1ht Japane.s.e aenal at1ac~ Mar k Len- ard gui'~1 1 [J 123' lj.l a;'l Then Camt Bron1on (C) (60) "A fa mine Where Abund· anct Grows." Bronson finds h1m~ll the m1n·in·lhe-m1dd!• btl•een a lovely widow and her liWe·slruck., !etnafe dauKtiler. Charlotte Ste111a1'1. Carol Rouen, Paul Gleason ~ncf Jerry Randall 1uest. 0 m,...,,. iC) (60) Q D'.'11.! (C) (bO) R~,~d I o~x gue1!1. m Ptrry Mason \60) ff) SpeculatHin (60) "Gilled Ch1I· dren Revis•!ed:· l\e1th Qitrw•c~ I'!· •nlervie-,,,J three ~·ll~d'' rh1ldrtn lrom the l os Angelei Mr1mJn Sr.l10el 0 ~ :6-J m The V'irgmian (CJ ro Mn o\lla 6' 11 Mutrie !C) (30) (90t~altway l!ack f1om Helt," 0 stump tile St., (C) (JO) 10:30 aJ Un (;rito t11 le OblClllid1d 130) D @ en CD TM rtrin1 Hun (C) 11 :00 u 0 m IE m N"" (C) ~!~) .. "Speak !he ~peeth, I f>r~y O Alfred Hikl\cock 0 Million $ Mo~it: (Cl "f l:Guld Cio On Sineine (~r1ma) 'G3 - l11dy Garland. Dirk Borarde, Jic_; Kulgman. 0 Tht Mcwit G11111 (C) m ouw u111ib 1'3 (6) ::if, ({j 1'f'W1 (CJ m Trulh 01 Con$11illef1Ct' (C) (30) 11 :1~ D [j~ (j) CD N .... (C) (fl Judd !Of th• Otten" (C ) (60) fI)Joyte Chen Coo-l (30) "Man 11 :30 0 ~lB)Merv ''Hlin (C) d~rin P~nc~~es." 0 tl_l l•l m Johnny C1110n {Cl m Chucho el l!olo 10) ~P~C•al er~hth ~nlllVffS~f)' ~ho ... w11h highlights al p11t pro11ram~ 1:00 0 hcl Benny {JO 1'~·~1 In guests. 0 Courtship of EDDIE·s * FATHER-niodelhood & motherhood don't mix 0 rj 7, fJl ffi The CGilrtship 111 Edd1e'l f1tM1 CC) i3CrJ "And fdair M a~e~ Three" Tha rornnCJo of Torn Qirbetl and Lyn n Bu1ton loundeis on a 111al run wi1 h [ddie. Diana MiJldal.lr guest1- W Qute" foJ a D1J IC) (301 ffi S12thrtM Tht1tr1 lW\ ffi llu Alley (JO) ltn'ir l~•op~o~ 1 ~! B11d f1eeman E!!~SI'.. ([) l mp~do1 Mu;1~IH 1 3~) i :30 0 '):t 18 Tht Bevtrll H<llhi!lie1 CC) (301 The Clamp11-s arrive 111 tf\t mo1m\ain 1own o! ;1lver Dollor Crlv, wt1ere G1ann1 st~r\~ • fei;d w•th [lverna Bradsliaw Meanwh1I• bacif home in Bt~trly Hill!. Dr;.; dale dresses ~' d hipp,e lo ol1ta1e lethro's C1Jlleg1 pro!e!ltrs who ha~~ threalened to prole>I t" bant O Rams Hithliihb (Ct {30) Taped highlights of :\unday i eam1 bt- lween lht Ram1 1nd lhft Atlanta la Icons. THURSDAY ind ipecla! "!iv@" gur1!1 re•lurt d Mt Bob Hopi, Oe1n M1rt1n. Debbi• Reynolds, George Gobel. Carl Reiner. lohn By ner. George Lindsey, Tin y 11rn ~nd Don R.c~les. O Mcwlt: (CJ "B!tr• of Noon" (ad· 1·enl ure) ·~7-Willia m Holden, Ann t Baxter 0 Movie: (C) "Rtl!J 'Round lht r11g, I~" (comHty) '59-P~ul Newman. Jo.inna Woodward liJ Movit: ••try TIMIKti" (my~l~r,) '59-lohn s..i~on, Lind~ C11s1dl I J:•S 0 (i7l (3) G) Joty l il.llop (C) r.omedienne Betty Walktr, 3;n~e1 Marlene VerPlanck ~nd sin;er Neil Diamond ire scheduled i:uesti 12;00 m Mo1i1: "S!1ttlf'J'1 Hurr1t1nt" (d!amal ·49 -RichJrd W1d"1ork, Veronoca La~e. 1:00 EJ Mo,it : "Keeptr cf th e fl•m1• (dr•m1) '43-SJH:ncer Tracy, Kath· Min~ HeJiliurn. QN"'' (CJ O Com munity l 11ll1hn Boull (Cl CE) Atti<ln Thtalrt: "P11Ya\t H!ll," 1:15 O News (C) 1:10 mAJ1.Hip t Siio.: "Oestrt War," ·'T~e Wl!ch es' M1n01"" 1nrl "Mr, [mmenuel.~ 0 (C) "CafttW(.ht" (•dvtn1ure) 'E4 -Jean ·Pl ul Btlmondo. C!1udi1 (',ardin1lt. ID (C) "I Dfe"n ti lunni•ft !dr1. ma) '!ii-Ray Middltlon. Lynn Birt. 1 12:00 0 "tit• Wltll Henry" (comedy) , '4 1-Ja~kie Cooper. [ddie Br~t~e~. 9:00 O (CJ "The Tith! Df N1w Orl11ns'' Z:JO 0 "$pfini ln 1'1rt lane" (muU - (comtdy) ·~M ~•io Lanza. Kall!· ~I) '47 -Mkh1el Wildin1. Anna DAYTIME MOVIES ryn Gr1yson. ~eaili. ':JOO "TIM: live• or 1 l1na:11 l1nctr" Cadventt11el '35--(iary C~per, Si! Guy Standinf. t •:lD II (C) "You C1R'I RuR A••r rro1111 It" (romance) '5&--Jack Lemmon, June Atl~son. Watch for the full l\'eek 's 1'.V. listit1 gs in Saturday's edition of the DAILY PILO'f, PERKINS JUDGE PARKER TUMBLEWEEDS I GUESS TH IS IS THE END, Ol'. PAL ... WELL NEVER GET OUTA TH IS DESERT ALIVE ... OUR BON ES IS GONNA DECORATE THE DUST BEFORE LONG ... I FEEL A -'-'"3-'-', FINAL FATALISTIC DITIY C™IN 'ON ... Mun AND JEFF -- lT MIGHT !.E HELPFUL IF vou'p ASK MATE~E-TO 60 SEE srovv: O, I WN<NA DIE W111-I MY BW15 ON ! IN 111E TIME-fl)NIBDOC WESTERN WAY! :~:~ ~~~ ~ ~V1~7?. .f.l J PER 1\IE CLASSICAL COWBO'( CLICHE ! I JUST HAFTA DIE WITll MY BOOTS ON! T'BE $',!(JD WHEN 111EY OPEN Tilt BOX.! 'CAUSE I: NEVER WOULD[:() c n l'ER MY MOURNERS T'VI EW ; " Tl-<E IREMt.NDYOUS HOLES IN Mi 50C~! .r .r ·fl, 7.lr• ,. I OH, W'E'VE YE:S.1 +1AO LOTS Di= I· " EXPERIENCES' " ' GORDO MISS PEACH YOU ARE MEl>EL~ AN O&SERYER OF' L.IFE, \NHll.E I AM A REAL -PA~TtC.IPANT. 'fHAT <S W>W I AM INTERESTINC. ANO YOU ARE DULL • " l: ., • NOW ! v-JJ.IA1'1D 'OJ SAY? By John Miles By Tom K. Ryon IMGONNA MISS HAVI N' ME AROU ND . . -. . . " ' ' "' By Al Smith By Gus Arriola By Mell ,,...-. -..• --· ~-·~-.:..r ~ ' ' I PROBLEM PUPIL -Lloyd l·laynes (left), starring a.s history teacher .f'cte Dixon , takes into his class l~lliot t St reet , \vl10 h<is a reputation a s a disruptive s!uclenl. ln "Punny Boy." on ·"J°!oom ~22," tonighL at 8:30 p.n1. on Channel 7. TEl~EVISION VI El\'S 1Lcslic Uggan1 s · • 1Beats Bonanza By RICK DU BROW l!OLL)'\VOOU 1UPlJ -Note!i to 11·atc:h televis- ion by : '!'he headllner!i : S1tnon and {;a r!unkel, \vho 11·r0Le and sang: ··rv1rs. Robinso n" ·for th_e. film "·r~e, Graduate " have an hour inusical .special on C BS- TV Nov. Jo ... F red Astaire debut s as a rccur rln~ 1·egular on ABC-'fV's "It Takes a Thief" Oct. 16 .. as the fa ther of series sta r Tl.Obert \Vagncr. \vho portrays a pa roled n1a ster t'.'.fOOk IV Orking [Or the i:;over)ln1enl. · LESLIE UGGAMS' series prc1 niere un (:BS·1'V, !a kin" ove r for 1he canceled Srnother.s Brothers, . . beal NBC-TV's "Bonanza" 111 tho spot ratings "Bonanza" star Lorne Greene head lines a l\vo-hour NBC-TV teleplay. "Destiny of a Spy,'' Oct. "1.7, play- ing a reti red Soviet secret agent \v ho accepts a~ a s- sig11111ent Ln London and fall!:.> in:o romance wilh a J~riti :;h double agent. "Norn1an H.ock\\"l'l\'s 1\111crica," 011 hour .:.pcci 81 in 11·h\t'.'.h fan1ous illu strallons by 1hc artist 11!11 be enucted in co 1ncd v and so11 g bv .Jonathan \V inte rs, lJick S111ot hers and tl lic l1e\e LeC. 1s set for I'\Uc-·rv Nov_ 12-. . !::leanor /)cirkcr is qul1f1ng the san1e net1vork's ne1v "Bracken's \V orlcl " series, about a movie slud10, becuuse :.he tcel s her role has been slighted. TENNESSEE 1;:rnic F ord is llost or the annual t ·ountry !Vlu sic f\ssoci<i tion ;J11·ards 011 NBC-TV'S; "Kraft tl1usic Hall " Oct. 15. Jl the \.rand Ole Opry llOll Se in Nashville. . \\'<Jl ter Brennan visits Dean l\larti11's sho1v Oc l. ~:l . Juh11 11.v Carson present.~ hlglight s of !11 s seven yr~1 rs ;1 s ho~l of NlJC-1'V's 1'Tonij.(ht" sho11', a long 11 ith s11rpr1 se guests, in au annivors;:lry progra1n this evening. ('o n11n g-atlract1ons T he Oscar-11·111111ng !1ln1 ''Torn Joilcs·· i .~ NJ3C.'fV's Saturday night n1ovle . Oc t.. 25 ... ABC-'rV is reported buying a group o(; n1otion pictures that includ es "True Grit." "Rose- 111ary 's Baby" and "The Od d Cou ple" . , . CBS-TV'S: se ries for youngslers, ';Capt. Kangaroo,'' s tarts it.,~ 15th broadcaslyear Friday. :;· " A DEDICATORY r (int crt ll)3rking: the openin{: of the .Ju llliard :;chool <-1t Ne1v ''ark's Lincoln CenteC:. for th e Pcrfor111ing .'\rts 1vill be a 90-minute CBS-T'\fo.: sp('cia! 0 1'.'.t 26. \l'ilh Van Cliburn a nd Leopol&': StokO\V Sk1 a1nong the artis'ls , .. ABC-'fV's chll-;' dren·s serrcs, ''Disco 1·cry_" beg ins its e ig hth sea-: .~on Sunday 11·ith a progran1 <1boul Mexico's c ultural' he r ita~c. . • The ::;porting scene · l~a.~ehall ':; d11·i;:in nal pla.Y.'.'~ off-: !Je ~in 1r1tb a 1.Joub!chcf1der on NB('-'rV Sa tur-.. d ay : i\1i lnne~ot<-1 al B<lllin1orc 110 a .rn . PDT) an~ i\'e1v 'Vork ·~ i\l e\s <.tl .i\llantri ! 1 p.111. P D1'l ... oJl· Sunday. there's an NBC-TV foo tball-baseba ll dou bl~ headei--'fhe Ne\v )·ork .Jets at Boston, follo1ved b( the il·lets at Atlanta ... son1e o( the arnazin g fl'lcts.; :ire on r:d Sullivan·s ('BS·TV hour Su nday. , De111iis tlie ltle11ftce I • • -' • l ,~~~w~~:}: ~· >J:(L-~_. Nearly Ever y o11c Listens to Lande1·s .. ' • • " · . 8 DAILY PJl OT LEGAL NOTlCE LEGAL NOTICE •lit HSI \11,l!ltlOI COUltl 01" 'fl<• Sl•TE 0, Cl~l,OltN!4 "Oil THI COUNTY O' OllNGI \'Jrdnrida.y, OCtObf'! 1, 1%1 LEGAL NOTICE ----------~ ~------.,..,r----....,..,...,.--..,... .... .,....,...,...,-----------------------------------· - LEGAL NOTICE • LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Ct11TIPKATW OP autlNtl .. PICTITJOVI ".lMa LEGAL NOTICE ... -MOTi(• TO CIU!O!TOIS ,U,.fltlOI COUltT 0, 'fl<• I Tl'f• 0, Cl ll .. OINIA ,Olt lNI COUNlT 0, 011.ANOI ........ ,., .. CATMEl lNt: A U C'OA • -·~~ .. ..,.., "<'":-.. SCR Extends Campaign South Co a 1 t Repertory'• W i 11 i t ms • contemporar;-\\'ay to the F'orum " lt will be current ru bsc ription drive ha! c 1 a ss i c, ''i he 1: I ;i ~ s !ollo1ved Jn Decen1be r hy the hf:en extcmded 0~ wttk, ac-MenaHerie.'' Yihich 1\·111 oµrn 11ruadway comedy hll '4Joe cording to David f:mmes. SCR in the ispring. 1-;gg." Addilional plays being executive djrector, due to an pr~~fo ~e:ne ~i~~:' m~~~~~~ ~~1~~e:~, ':~ ~~~u~~~ !"; extension in the run <lf SCR's citing," Emmes n<lted . "\\'e Anthology." .. Hosencruntz and current production ol Joseph have added many new a nd C1.1ildenstern Are Dead, You r Hts black comedy. "Wt talented people to the con1-Own Thing" and "You Can'l B bed in New Haven." pany and we believe we huve Take It \\'it h You ." son subscribers may sti ll an exiiting list of entertaining fnforn1<1t1011 r (:' l: a rd i n g reti!lve two bo nus plays if and sli rnulating plays." subscriptions <i nd 11ckels to they purchase season tickets 1'he company v.i ll open j\:; the current ptodu<·tion can be prior lo the Oct. II clOOng or subscription season on Oct. 24 obtained by 1:alling the theatrr the Heller pla y. wilh \he musical comedy "A boit office <il 640.1363 daily SCR 's subscription pl.an in-t'unny Thing llappencd on lhe from nocin to 6 p.n1 . eludes the six regular plays!---'----"--"'------------ planned for I.he 1969--70 season. In additioo, subscribers will rectivt two bonus plays -the current &how and Tennessee Open End Still Open ~cveral openings rrmain for f;l!l 11'orkshops and srminars 11011· undl•r 11 ~y :\l the 011cn End Theater, 28Jj Villa \\'uy, Newport Beach. In addition to actor training courses including film and television a c I i n g , im- provisation and basic ac!ing, courses incl11dc fil1n n1:1ki ng.I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= s!ill photography and sensiLJvi-li ty training. Limited pl nec.~ rc11i:i1n in l two special .~c1ninars. Drama Games for Children and "The' Comic Strip in American Pop Cul!ure" -a se n1inar cx- ainining the influence of com ic books and ne wspaper strips on the cultural and a r ti s t i c makeup ·of tht county. Information on cla~ ts available by calling t be theater at &75-1 120. "' "'~... • < • ... Lu1!111 ~ ·~ ..•.. :· "Goodbyt, Columbus" ~1.-Ul "AlfieH Wltll MICMA•I-CAIN• Conlin-$lmd•y l :JD p.m , Jld< '--""" Calberine Dtueloe are ..,. "The April Fool&" I!! .,_...~~-A-~-- • --111~ NOW THRU TUESDAY -Plus 2nd F .. turo Ai. .. ld..m Cl-WMt, W""'9lint.r -ltJ:.44tJ -i~l'f:it;ftm ''IT WILL KNOCK YOU OiJT OF YOUR SEAT .. The World'1 Gre•teU •omaRce "ROMEO AND JULIET" ~d Jock ~· '""" U....twl "THE APRIL FOOLS" •..:--··· hf .... , .. Movies Every Tueldi1y Night SPfCIAL NOTIQ TO oua rATIOllS THI! P ICTUl'IE$ IN THIS •ox MAY •• C:ONS•O-i[F\E O BY SOME TO !IE UNIUITA!IL.t: l"OR CHl l.. OREN AN O YOUN G Pl:OPL l[-AND RIQUll'lll PA. Fl ENT AL 019CAETION. "TH( WILO IUHCH"' Ill C:ONTl'IAl'IV TO A DVll'ITJllNO alYONO OUl'I C:OM. T ROL ANO APPt:AllllNQ EL.I EWHIRIE1. VOU NO P•O-PLI UN OIER 11 (NOT 11) WIL.L N OT •I: ADMITTED TD PAClf'IC T HEAT RES T O SEt:: TH I! "l'I" PIC. T Ul'le.8 L.ISTl!D IN THIS 9011. UNL.1:81 ACCOMPAl'I· IEO BY PARENT 0 1'1 AOUL.T GUAR DIA N. --~j A 'lorfY lleR.., Fel'l' Ste,.., "THE GAY DECIEVERS" .... "RUN ANGEL RUN" lift - -... 11 •In ........ II, .. _,,.,_ •<cornp.nlW •r '"""" H ffen 9Nl"lli.•. leJ' ActlH ... Or•11• S,._.e Mc.9-J.c:ciMll .. llsMt "BULL IT" ,,_ W9n'99 l""1' ,.,.. h..,,..,. "BONNIE AND CL YOE" llKOITI ............. AO~lf\ ...................................... - A S•d, G.., S1,,., lie.~ le1lo• lei H•rrlte11 "STAIRCASE " ,...., c.,tts .._..,,. '"'- ''THE BOSTON STRANGLER" "" --., U Wiit ... Wmll!M ..,.!tn •<<om111fti..I ~ .,.,.,.. 1r Mwn •~•,.l•ft. ____ .. Ge An .... Wt., Wlltl ''HELL'S ANGELS '69" "GOD FORGIVES -1 DON'T" "-"'-"" •••1tt "STAIRCASE . A CAUSTIC, OF NE£D-THE NEED TO HElP, THE NEED TO BE NEEDED." "STAIRCASE IS THE STOltY CORROSIVE AND QUITE ABSORBING FILM ••• STUNNING PERFORMANCES BY RICHARD BURTON AND REX HARRISON , • , UNFORGETIABLE!" San Fr anci sco Examiner Richard Burton ,. • Rex Harrison: "Definitefy Worth Seeing" II . .Funny, Painful, Fascinating" San Fr•nci1co · Chronicle '" the Stanley Donen Proi:luction ''ST AIR CASE,, .. THI P'llMI O• MISS T""Y C11rti1 •Geo. Kt.,n td., * Exclusive West CDit1t Pr•miere Run * JND HIT AT CINIMA I JND HIT AT HWT. l • M19. 5,..;1~ e Robt. Sl•P~'"' Jl.aN llODll" .. TH£ IOSTON STIANGLll" : * NOW AT BOTH THEATRES * ' • •• _____________________ _,_,___,~-·---~----.......... -----·. ----.. . OArL Y PILOT 27 'Father9 Brilliant Opener for Laguna'. FICO Sl&ll'IOD& ,.,.,.., SOUTH COAST CE~l~ll ox PLAZA THEATRE CORl'ORAllOH Sin 01e10 Freew<1y it 8ri1tol • 546·2711 of human sens1\l vily. conibal \1·1U1 his conscience - Dl'hl'u tely directed by John should hl' !tave J1u1ne to 111a!\e \\'ilh a production of pro-r,er1at:c11, who ha! g:1·cn Iii:. u11n l1ri: or :.l~y to i.:uit rur ·,,.,,·onal br1·r11·anc• to ni<1tch Lag di f una au ences some o his witlowt'tl and senile fat her, the splendor o! the moment . their finest mon1ents, 1he play th• n e w Laguna-Moulton :o;kirls the ya .,..·ning abyss uf a vicorou~ly independen t Playhouse w11s or f J c i a 11 y maudlin sentimenralily in the pn lri;irch whu resists not only "born" Tu~ay njghl, setting first act and solidlfit>s into a his son's aid, but his love as a standard of excrllcnce whil'h searing ernotional catharliiS Jn 11·1'11. future offerings wilt be hard the second. Perforn1anrt's are 'n1ii\ rentr:.il c h a r a c I c r By TO~I TI"MJ8 01 lh• Oiil' ,lie! SHff pressed to malch. unlfor111ly excellent and the t(•tnarkably rer ninisc ent c•f ''I Never Sang for r.!y technlcal a ch le v e n1 en ts Torn in '·The Glass Father," Robtrt Ander!lon 's surpass anything offeret! on -.. 1 NEYl!ll s.1i NG ~Oi"MY;:;f;t11 .-;- haunling n1en1ory play, traces any local stage in recent ,. ar•m• 1 .. 1100 .. 1 .1inatir>0n, ai. the agony of the intangible, years. ~~1~ •• b,~<~:nn.:C."";;::~.;erM~~~!~1~ Ure honest emotion t.lr~ired but The crux of this unusually ~·:~:~""01~;,, '~1;~ c:~:~~; .. ·~~ \ot.::: unfelt. It ls a drama con· honest theatrical exercise is norn ~n •• , ... """ Bru(• e"""'· ~·•· ,_ " f th · f · ••nt•<l' 1.,c•d••• tnr111Jg h Sl!1Jta1,.1 • slructed on ~·e ragile threads e 1nnter torture o a man In ""111 oci . 11 " 1no L.oun~·Moul!o" •·--------'--------~-------Pl•vn"""· 60t Lu1u~• Canvon Rooa, .. .. Crossword Puzzle Lt~""" B•atn. TNE C.liST <"•tl>e (".~rr\i.on R " ~'•••n><'" l o•n C.d"I""" llob<'I 111tnU • ACl':OSS 4~ Yuooslavia's nt igllbor l Bakery 45 Proleision prod utl 4b Br 6 Sllad t .s uycesslul 'J of blu e 49 Anon " lO Ann or 50 C1u i~e ship "' Breton 51 Conlenled ~ l4 "What· .sound --1": 5Z Hou~rllotd 2 words furnisiling ..... 15 Went by Hem .: tr1ln 55 Bttw ern --~ l !. .... corner ourselvrs: ~ ... 17Dlx1nd 2words ,.. Garry 58 Spr)' 1 'I T U .. " "'# 18 Item of 60 Shows ... hl~ple the erlett 7 Countin g of 1dornmtnl: of time voles cast , 2 words Ill Blt of e Fe minine 20 Golf cours e baseb1!l name fi~ture strategy 9 F~"'" 21 Riv er lo tlH! !.Z Unll In a cl e Ca splan Co lumbus' 10 Pl e of 23 No't'a fl ee t rnt r- Sco\11. 63 Went hastily lilnmenl cape &4 Legal min: 11 Catk in 24 QI men Abbr. l Z Certa in l2b Brighter &5 Enr1gy legum es: 2.8 Far the sou1t e · Archaic mom rnt: 13 Witc h of··- 2 words 00,'NN 19 Dandru lf 30 H111in9 Jost sourer nove lty l Cause 22 Mlle an imal 31 Enticed to mo~e 2) lndlari 32 Sac rtd light ly ... 2& R trnov e w1lt ln9 2 SutttJl tnt 3lt;rr 36 .Qu adruped pla•11 . 27 Uti li l'£ 137 Pair 3 Ou!dalrd ' sys tem duel 1)8 ",Do It-·" . equine Z.8 Sc.heme 39 11 in ."'~ Saliimander . 19 Tri ck • tro.uble: 5 Started j Q Desplcall!e 2 ward> · up again 32 Wo1d of '12 Advince 6 Chu1cl1 appro~a l ob llqutly eah1r~ 33 Weaken c • ~ 1 I G l U 10/l/t)<;I Morwartl C.••r ,..,. '"1a.,lfl er~''" M<Ccnnoll ~lie~ J4,.,.,.~ "'olfell M••v.n ~CCI' ....... Ala" Harl Al•v~•"" P•ll ...... Eu ljo!r g•• 0• MIYll<!tf~ , ... . . R;c~rt H•~''""' Ny"" Jo.>.nn• 811<~ Mor~ . . . . . . ... • . J.,..n W""'""" Po•Ter., ........... Cht.t<' .S<nlc k•r W•ller R•d ~l..,~lrl ,\1ena gcrie," is port ra~·ed with 1houghtfulr1css and !nsi]:lhl by It r·. Stevenson, II' h 0 s c. strength on stage lies nol so much in what he says, hut 11·hat he on1its ar:cl lra\'fS for 34 Assignect 3 charac ter 3; Va.>e·sl1aped container 37As!an langu age 40 Unlike 41 Look 42 VIPs 43 Anger 4$ Vt~itl e 4~ Crea.st 47 A Beatie .118 Enra!I '19 Full of Vi\afi ly 51 f ootbal l play 53 Ca n. province: Abbr. 54 E~pos or -Gard in als 56 Baske tball l~agt<t: • Atmr. 57 Baseba ll dec isi lln 59 "Scram!'' Orange Coast ~muni ty theater ilCtors 11Lll hardly kno"' \\ hich way to turn nei.:l Sunday. • Three local playhouses -in llunlington Beach, Laguna Beach and San Clemente - v.·ill be auditioning for their Cal State Saturday ,.,...;;..c.,.,,.:..,,,., -.F-,., 10 11 12 Thr comb l11alion of !he octet S\\·cetwatcr and b~Jes singer Taj ~1ahal, appearing together 011 st;1ge at Cat S I a I e l'ullcrlon. Saturday, should n1ai..e 1he fir st rock toncert of " " " OUTSTANOING Robert Wentt the audJl'nee lo fill in . Ste\·enson skillfully sus1 a in~ the difficult aura of frustr<Jll~d :inxie!y, vacillating betwct·11 wh<1t he fears ~re selfish 1tesires and v.·hal he bellc1·es lo be his /ili<1l duties. The performance of the e1·e11ing -and quite probably !he sen.son -is de!t~ere<J 1,_v Hui.it-rt \\'t·nlt <is 1111! fil-rccl_v unbent.ling father. wl1'J dehghr~ in re<:onstructlng hts irn- ptlverishc.'l l l::~yhood to <1nyone who 11•111 li.~tcn. C\'cn as ii gllisc for 1nuu rniI1g hi s jusl-dl'parlP1! 11·1fe. The lcat1, rawbunetl \\'entz eonreys his eharacter·s atl va nted llge superll!y, scor· in~ 011 the slightest n1:;111. ncrisrn ~. in <in outs tu1H.H11g in· terpretation. [[.'.l1-r1ct Hra?1er :'llc:Conorl! don1111ates 1111.' l 1rst act us the crratir b u t l"Ulnpassi11n01tf! rnolhCr 11·ho radi;Hrs ,1 tl•JI· derness:ind11 ;1 \ u r :JI nC' s ~ seldon1 seen on sta~C'. If she is not razor sh:irµ on alt o<·- i:asions. s h r nevertht'li;ss rnaintau1s a n astonishing credibility. The rt>Jttlrd daughter wht.1 spout s blller invective against l1!!r lather in psych iat ric teri ns is played solidly by Jac- quie :'lloffetl. Stand ing her ground r n1olionally against her brother's indeci sion. Miss J\l offett conveys a brief but bilin8 piece or thratrical workn1onship. I Abo 11ell h:l!l(llerl are the n1:.i11y c:inlL"U roles whlc!l d,11 the prut.lUl't1on. ~·lost cficc111·c are Al:u1 llt1rl ;,is \he uu 11r1·1:1kf'r and Ed Nofziger :i.~ tlJL• pa~tor, both ho n cs I portra\':ils free Ir o 111 in ;1ppro1;r1u1e e111tX'll1shn1cn!. I On the g1.::.ir11ic. L:.igu11a 1 st:.igr, fri1g1111.111tary st·t ~ and ;1n tnclll's-. array <Jf llgh!l r1g iJllS\ a lhird ol th<' Lheate.r·~ pul t•nha1. <H'l'(ifllJnJ! \fJ <lir<"c· !t,r FcrLalTlll ~·u111IJ111e 1111h 1 swine n1;1g111ficr.nt r a 111 t' r a 11t1rk to crr:11c u tN:hni ca l , n1.1sttqi1ece. KeunC'th ShcartT an<t Druce ll r1·:1nt h ;i v c p<1u1staki11gly st11Chctl logctl!t'r, ~t1!1s 1111d slides 11h1ch 1l- lustr;1lc thr nurrat11c on an cnorrnuus rear :;crcc11 pro· Jcctiun. I IL is, in surn, :is in1presshe ACR ES OF FREE PARK fNG Box Offic e Opens 6:45 -Show St.arts et 7:00 p.111. Also "'(l0008YE. COLUMSus· 15 '• ISOUNO TO BE A GAEAT ~~5.';,ESS1° ,. .. ,. ......... . ~'911m, · .;; ........ , ·~··'" ...... , ... ~ "YOU ARE GOING TO ENJOY 'ALFIE' VERY MUCH." ~"'~~ ... oui..1 PICIUll(S ' ·" ~1·, -UFC M,;ie•rm'" l ttlllllt!ilOA• ;i prod lJction as any coni ·jl ~======================, rnunity theat er has ever of. fett'd locally allil a IJlilUIJifj. I w· f "' ' , ,,,,, .. 0 ~.,,. •~·""~,,~'N"FX\.\" "HEIJC_RA.,,\·'t ........ . l't'nt n10111enl in the'now -beE(un' .., history of the L:i gtuia.~luultun I Pia;, house. PerfortnH n('f'S will _ .. ::.--,.'. T Fl r1 lilE LOVES OF LWlO. RA tie gil'&:n ·ruesd<i_vs through -· -, S I d ·1 Q " 2'10S lao Caa11 Hh3hw•., Prodlll"td '" •u ot.,tio" "''tn a ur ays Un!I c\. JI!. C d 1 " • ''' '''' un,,11u •Poc1u•nlld..J,(CHNICOLO..,. arana f ,.,ar-pn. -~ "@ ll>,__ _ _.!;..;,::;::;.___. Aotlitioning John lfartronl , To Siug al LJ(I ' The Big One-Big Cast-For Adults (;1\IJ'l'J()N ! next productions, two com- edies and a 1nystery. The llun\i ngton Be <i c h Playhou se will be ceisting ·'Jn\•itation to a il1urder": lh!! Laguna i-'larhoue i.~ reading for "Cac1us Flo\1'er."' and the San Cle rnente Comn11111111• The ater "'ill be ha1·111g tryouts Jor "Lu v.'' Phil DeBarros 1s s1.'.lglrtg the ''l\lurdcr" c1ra1n;i !Qr !luu- \ltngton Beath. Audit~ns <ire 'Thursday at 7;20 p.111 and Sunday al l;31) p,111 :it the playh"ousf'. 2110 r.1a1n St. with rolf's open for eight nicn :ind three 11•0111en or l"!ll"iou ~ :1 gc~. At the new Laguna·i\lo ult 11n Playhouse. 606 La guna Ca11yu11 Road. r.1athella llandall will d1recl "CJCJ\US F!o11·er"' and 1vill hold tryouts Sunday frotn I to ::i and 7 to 9 p.n1. Thert.• are 11 ro les. four len1alc and l·-olk s :nner Jnl.n l larHurrl .1 seven malr, also of 1·ary1ng " eom pnscr or !hl' IHI ltlnt• ••ges. "t.;l'IHlc 011 J\111 r.lind." 11111 r.lurray Schisgar.~ •·Lu\ · · appt>:ir in concert f'r1tJ:iy 11i,111 I has parts fur two men .'.Ind one won1an lll the Ca hr i 11 u at !JC lrvint'. Playl_iouse. 202 A\' l' 11 id a Hartford ~1111 :'IJlp.l·ar ;11 II ,3~J Cuhnllo, San c Jc 111 I' 11 1 l' . P. tn. in thr u r. t ' L r s 1 I y ,. Bit·hard Andrrsen i'i 1hrcet111~. (r3ii·!ord 11:.i!l. .'.Ind reildi11izs are sche1J~ktJ lor·J-• Sunday af 2 p 1n. and r-.-londay l <ii II p.!11. "Luv"' 11ill Of)f'n on Nov. 13 a t ~an Clcn1~n!e : Hunt ington! Ueill"h's ··1nvitatio11 to a .r.,urdrr'' 1l~tll s Nov. 21 , wh 1ll' 1 ~·~•"' .. ,,,. .. 1, a:i1u .. ,~, •11.1•" i••·•io1 '"Cactus Fl011"cr" or~ns al lhel ••M•u•••"0 .•• ,,..,,,.,., •• , ............ . L<iguna l'li.!)'house Uec. 2. l•t TIME TOGETHER ·~~Tf::1tco' ~tar Hobi n A~ll\\'ilh. a 19·\"ear·old Rn\t~h actor. will pla.v 0 llnn~ u1 t\1e ne\\' NB C ~pecial. "!!ans llrinkl'r ;ind tile Si 1 v c r , Skates.'' lo be seen iu l~\\9-70 1 IEI BlRllSll llt!l.lll llUflll .A THIS THEATRE IS OFF LIMITS!, IJIJring the engaiemen t of "CAN l\IIRDNYMUS MERKIN EVER f FORGET MERCY HUMPPE AND FIND TRUE HAPPINESS 'Y we flj~St adv1s,e Odl pat rons that tbe picture Pl aybo~ Magazine de.oled 10 page5 lo is ElEFINITELY N.(!' FOR EVERYONE! ~ ~ • * fl" _. 'Thlrt·trt -....., 11tx,,ad~11 rttM~, ' ') G " "'"'°' '*" , ~ ' "IT MAKES 'BLBW-llP' IDOK UKE ' ' ~ SHIRLE'I TEltl/IU IN 'UTTIE MISS_~.!,~!.~:~~. 111\tQty !Wey llan Cclris . MitLll en • · Clrl lierlll)lllll Mm l'l!f frgel M~ ll!w Iii flflf trti ~ 1 • "'''"II lku:e flllJ1l · Slttirj Kaye lllf Gell'gi !essel. '"Ill h .... ·r. .~~ ...... l'dr•l ..... ,l••C.S.o!•"*-·i bcml•W.. 1 ....... \JC. 1he ~·c<1 1' .:it lhe t:ainpus :1lso 1·-"==---~=~--------------, one of the rnost un1qul! l .... ,.,.. ., ,, " t.~· '" I :o:• ~~ 't )I " l9 " l .... , ' ... ill<1h<H is orn1ed \Yith the l'Ofl\'il'!Jon I h .at trad1tio11a t1 t;OUntr~ blues has a significant I pince in today's au1 on1ated , urhanii.cd socic!y. \ Sweetwater is co1npriseU of 1 eight clr1sstcal, rock. jazz and\ folk 1nusicians \\'ho h:n c n1.,.ld· f'd their varied backgrou.nds1 inl o uniqut> pop e:\prrssion The gfoup·s in~trun1cn1•1\ion ' includes R cel lo, flute, bn.•s 1 guitar, bongo~. congRs and t.lrurns -all· electrically <.tn1pl iflt'd. I Advance SJ.50 litkf'1s for !he 8 p.m. concert. lo be staged in the collt>f!e's gymnasium, are now on sale. " Don't Just Stand There • • • INVEST! T111r11 daydrt•m• htl• datlo11 by 11101111119 mo•e aba11t lh• foschtot· i"' fteld of r"I ntote l11Ynrme11t. lle'ftd le ftie •Ytrote rffl prep••• ty l11¥nler, ltere'• th• fifth •111111el terln af IMtu1•• pr-111td b'f the DAl\.Y "ILOT, Orantt Cecnt '''"" lllf C•ll"I• 011d Newport Harbor• CeU• M"o le•rd el •Hlttn. lt'1 fret ••• prtwllttd •II ftvr co•• uc•ll•• TwneleYl ol 7:30 p.m., Newp•rl H•rllor High lahttl A11dl· tethrM, 15111 e11d In-Ille, Htwpa·t hoc ti. Real Estate Investment Series Oct. 7 -Glenn M-rtin. Or. Tom Bl1kely, Robert N, Weed, Welcome; J. Peter Berrett, "Orang• County -A W•y of Life for Bu•in••• and Ple11ur1?"; Gl•nn Martin, "Why Invest in Re•I Property?'' 1 •nd Dena Smith, "Computerized Riel Estate lnv1stm1nt An•· ly1is". Oct. 14 -Don W•rd, "M•n•ging Your lnvastment"; and Cap Blackburn, "Syndlc•tion -Mori Important Than Ever?" Oct. 21 -Ch1rle1 H. C•llison (Society of Exchange Coun•elors), "Yiald L1v1rag1 Through WI•• Financing"; and Bruce Howey, "lnv11t· ment Acitvant1g11 of Tht R11I E1tate E xchange.'' Oct. 21 -Jack Llneofn, ''How to T1k1 Title Advantagtou•ly -A Ca•• Study''; and Randall R. McCardle, "Tailoring Your Real Estate lnv11tment." Tick et l11for11u1tio11 No •drnl•slon, but ticket• 1r1 required. They c•n be picked up in •d· vence at the Or1nge Coast College campu1, or at the D•llv Pilot offices in Cost• Mt••, Nawport Beach, Huntington Baach •nd L•gun• Baich. Co-•pon1ortd by 'DAILY PILOT ORANGE COAST COLLEGE NEWPORT HARBOR • COSTA MESA BOARD OF REALTORS ~do ,.,.,.o~• dl"'" ,,. ·~· ,, .... , ...• .. • ,,.,.loo• •·rln •·'· o• l ij•",•j Eve. Show Starl' 7 r .m. Cont inuous Show Sunday From 2 p.m . Fret Parking JOHN WAYNE Will No Doubt Win Hi' Fi r it Oscar in Thi, P icture -Helen Weit ~·::'JOHN ,,.,., WAYNE· H~t~1'u1s· Th• ttr•"•••t trio e'f'•t to tNatk a killer • U i "'ot1h<>I .. hen••"~ .... a d1rd•1 •"h"l,fo . "'•••••o~;•' th""V lo, bov,.., """'"' o...l" Q•'I 1•ll •••bol..nd !~• ... ., "'"o<!odn I 10" .. t.ol l~o; ~.,. "' .,h., '"•• ... ,. "' l~~Q ... '"'"' t.<rd """ Q"'· *JACK LEMON KIM ·DARBY Thi1 Is Joh n Wayne at His Best (G) *WALTER MATTHAU IN THE ''ODD COUPLE'' AtlMIS510N ADULT Sl.75 -CHILDR EN .7S "SlllRtlSl ' .......... ,..... .. -!.!I PlU5-llAVl'. RIVllW~! "ACADIMY AWARD MAT(R lA\."-HIT SONG COMl"OSlD JY ROD M1 '<UIN r"l'ln'I IMONO ', Nr~:o•T rr:m~ ... . ~ . . . . ... .. .. .... . ........... . • CO•>t ""' &! •"I.(.••''"" •••U. • 1o1weoor ~1 •l• , '"·OJOD _. l .X:CLU51Vl' AREA RUN • • THE ~~ ()l/)T ~~-.,.!. 1.E. ~tc~s PLUS THIS SHOCl((R t ~ '~ /," I I .. • • all!ll(JH llL\11). •T •lLIS • • ••' o;.o••• """~ • ••Mo••~""""'· •41·1;1111)11 • HUNJIN OIGN B~•l.H l•t EXCLUSIVE WEEK Eve. 51\ow 5torl• 1 p .111. Co"tinwau~ Show 5at. ond 5u". from 2 p.m. BARGAIN MATINEE WEDN ES DA Y, 1 p.m. FREE PARK ING ~1· ~ -·-'.~ .. Crul(y Ch11tY .: .!J•nlflJ.n& 1 OUT Uf lil (> 1 TWO I FAMILY ' SHOWS j. (WINNER"BEST ALM " CANNES FILM FESTIVAL) "00 ! FOR THE FURY, , FORCE AND FUN OF u..: ·•» "ANGRY, TOUGH ANO FULl Of STINGr ...,.1 Mii P.CTURE YOU MUST SEE THIS YEAR fS If .. : .......,,,.....,,,.,,,,.,. ... "" ' 1 • ·- 21J_ DAil Y PI LOT Volpe \VASHINGTON j l\PI \Y h1le sorn r Ciib1nr L hN"ret<1rirs are po I 1 s h 1 n g public nn;1g4:'<; ii s ;id. n\inistratiori slrong 111 r 11, 'I)"ansportotion Secrctnry Jol1r1 A, Volpe ls gaining rcsprcl in tl]e \Vhite llouse antl on uapitol Hill as an effective in· si9e oper<1Lor. ''Name n1e a C a b ! n c t ---------------------.......,...,. .................. ~--..... -..... --.-------------------------~- Proving Most Effective Nixon Cabinet Choice 111cr11bt·r 1\lto has gotlen nlore proi,.:r<oin!i t11111ro1ctl Uy the \\"Jlllt' \1 011:.(' <ual I!\ l'J" SUIHI! pl':"tly tout;ll uppQ.,111ri11. too ,·• :-:ivs 011r kno11·Jrdgr;1lllc .id-111;111.~tr:ihun official . Tlus olfK·ial. who ;id1111Ls Lo lx11ng \\1th the opposi!ion n1osl of tile lime, s:lid he was in· C'l111ed at first to write off the 61-yea r -o ld for1ncr ··Jh"s a puhl1l'li111," saul the ufl1l·1al. ··But he 's <1lso \'C'ry rJfrcl1 vr . Jl1· g('\~ 111 thnse 111l·el111g'I' -/'1e seen h1n1 - and he 1>0unds on the !able and . ~a.vs '\Ve JUSL ha1e to have this.' Then there are <1 lot of n1cn1os back 11nd forth sa.vini.: hf' can't, hut sci fttr rnost u! \h(•n1 have t>c::n wrong." Volpe :dso has 11·on grudging i\·Tassarhu<;Ct!S govrrnor as a (I 1n 1 ra ti on an1011g t.l1c aides In Coni:;rrss whu n1u~t d<'al 11 ith the Tra11sp:.1rl311un Dt:parlinent nn ;i d ~uly basis. ··vur one lluni; tht•y 1•t• co1ne up with a ra1J1·o:i.d ~:ifc-t .v aL·t. 'Ne ne vl·r thought they ·d he able to," :s;iid ;i Scr1<.1tur :stt1f !er. He apf1Care1l thrn lo have lost on proposals for an airports and airways conslruclion bill. a mass transit program ond the Supersonic Tran sport plane . The n1ost rt>Cl'nl a n d ackno1Yll•dged :strrmg man uf dran1atic 1r1u1nph for ~Volpe -1he od rninistration. 1yho c;unpai11:ncd openly la;,t But ~1ilchel!"s reput:.i\1011 Is year to be p1tked a!> President based on influe11c~ wi th Nixon Ni,.on 's running 1n<1!e -was in broad policy areas and na· prei;idential approv11I I as l tional political strategy. rather week of the s u p e r s on i c U1a11 specific prograrns. lransport to the IUnl' of SUJlll' On paper al least, Volpe <l\l· SGOO n1illio11. pears Lu be doing considerably Despite !11s s u e cc s s es , heller than the one othrr Volpe·s rcpul:1tion J~n ·L likl•ly Cabinet secretary \v h ose lo rival that of say AUy. Gen. cJrparln1enl has generated a f ineh of l·lealU1. Education and Welfare. J''<l ' polctc·c•··n 111ustl .v !)1·mocratic eon1n1iH cc 2 A oe11cies .____: __:__· __ ------ ~ For V o I pc , his budding rCJ)utalion as an rffc1:l11'e ope rator is son1cthi11g or ;1 curncback rron1 the early nionths of the ad1ni1u;,!ra\!on. Arter some s t rong np- position, all of these progran1s h:1vr. twcn approved by the \\'hite House ond -with the cxc~ptlon or rnass transit -in pretty n111eh the sa1ne forn1 Volpe wanted. John r.1 j t ch el l, I h c lot of <iction Robert II. • --=-==·;~;;;:===--=-;;::;.-::=,.=;;-;;-;:::;;:_::;;;:::;:;;;;;:: --------• ;;:: ' •·':../ ...... "'-1, ,.,,_.,,.-~~~-··--• · r~inch has \\'On such battles a1 the fight for adminlslration tJ.ackinK or an expanded food sta1np program and broad welfare refor ms. But ht '~ been depicted as a bis loser in sc!1ool desegregation and in hii celebrated failure to win pf9sidenlial approval of Dr. J ohn II. Knowles a1 the ni.· lion'!> chief health officer. Co11tradict 011 Safetv • '\\'ASl-llNGTON IAP) -The Federal Aviation AdJninislr;ition ha s told Tril11s \\iorld Airlines lo rev1 sc i1 s operating instt1JClions for a crucial safety rncasurc on the DO('ing i07. one ot thc na 11nn·s inost ll'idcly used co1nr11crcial jct airplanes. '.rhe re vision followed a disagreen1en1 bchl"cen VAA nffici&ls an d the National Transporlalion S;ifC'ly Board o\"er the NTSB's report 011 lhc crash l<i.~l July ol a 707 1n 11·hich fi1 c crew. n1cn1lx:rs died. The two fcdcr11I agcnciC'~ stilt are ill odds o v c r n1echanical revisions of the i07"s hydraulic pres:-11re v.·;.irn· ing ~ys1cn1. i ·hich 11• a s dc1er111ined bv the NTSB to be a factcir in thi! crash July 26 of "T\\"A 707 during a sirnulated engine t:a;~ire exercise .. The dilfcrcnces bet\\"eCn !hr FAA and the NTSB arc set out 111 a series of letters ix'!1\·ccn lhc a;::C'ncics d:1liQg fri_vn Jo1e1 July lo c<Jrly lh1s n1ontti. . J rnoc~ocnts QrFF~ ~ Thr . sa fe ly board. 111 Jt~ rl'port On thc accident. pointed ' "" nut th;1t T\VA npfrating pro. r cedurc~ for cnpi ni; 11·i1h lriss of hydraulic power during i'ln rngfne f!lilurc d i f f e r c d ~ubstanti;illy ll"ith ! h {I ·~ r rccoinrnendcd by the JCt"s 1nanufacturcc The f AA had approl"rd for p1lol use both a T \\ A opcr;i ting m;inual to11ta1111ng onr prrn:edure and a Boring n1;1nual co11ta1111n_g the other. the safely bo;1rd said . Th<' fhghl agency. howe\·rr. i:'-i\llf'd a bulletin July 29 to all airlines 11·arnin1: of procedures to be u~rd for lo~s nf hydr;iu tlc lluid and rrqu1ri11~ ~J">Cc:1;1 I 111· ~11rc1 ion~ nf ;ill 107~ rn dct rrl and correct fh11d le11ks. T11u d:1y s l;i!er 1he s;if1·1~ hnard wrote 10 F 1\ A ,\chn111is1r;1tor John II. Shaffer r·ccon11nendin1:; ;in iinmcdialc rcv1l'w ol i[J7 en1ergcncy pro· 1·edurcs. ll al so called fnr 1nodifica1ion ol \lie v.·rtrr1111;! ligh t S)stern. Sh;iffrr rrplied a ll'crk li!lrr 1hr FAA wa.s '"at a lo~s 10 11ndcriota116 11hat t•on~t1·utti1-r purpose 1~ scrl"cd b.v ~uur rrron1n1endini:; 10 u.~ <111 rH•l1•1n 11·hu:h l"our staff 1~ ;111"arc 11c ha1·r t1.lre;1dy !;i\..t•n ·· Eut Safety Bortrd th;11rinan .John !l Hrrcl 11 rot r bark 1\11g 26 111c i\TSB 11 ;1~ rcu1errn<·d ''~lh a n1:11trr n"1 f'OI r1 rd h1 ThP FA,\~ U11\lrt111 -tlir !l1f fcrrntT~ 1n 1hP t110 F i\,\.,1p pro1 rd 111anual< I L'LfJSE S\"STE'lS need s;iltl thr T\\',\ 1•1wr.1 . li on~ nianual called IClr turn· 1ng off all hydr;illlic ~) str 1n.~ i11 the el"enl or fluid loss whi le 1he Bnclng 1nan1111l rt'cn1n. n1endcd lurnin~ off punips nn · l.v on the ~;ffccted ~) slr111 ~ "1/ad the proccdurr 111 the l:.OC ing manual bcrn follo\\"crl Qy the crew of the T\\' A plilnc •. the accidcn1 rnigh! hal'c b~cn al"ertcd.'' lll'Cd sa ul. ; HeplyinJ: lo Heed Sept. !l. deputy FAA Ad1ninistrator Oal"id D. Thornas ackno11·lcdg· <'d the dillcrencPs 1n lhf' nlanuals and saitl T\Y A is (Cl"ising 1\s proc<'durcs. Bui he disagreed \\"it h 1he NTSB"s proposal that the War n i ng sys tcrns be mPChanieally ;:il!rrcd tn pro· \.:ide a consl;inl an1bcr light v.1iether s11·itche~ ;.irr 1urnrd on or off in 1he ('l"Cl11 Of lOIY hl'rlraulie prP!'SllfP. ·The a1nbcr l1~hl 11011· used in 107s !o 1Yrirn of low h\·dr;.iulic pi'essure when ::.wi!rhl'~ arr nn is replaced hy a red li J:h\ whrn Ule pressure loss bccornei; critical. "'\l.'e believe the . . rrd warning lighl is the n1orr rQ°eaningful indic;itor ;:inrl 1!1' !>(>er.allon ii; 1ndepc'nd<'n! nr ifly s"'·itch position.·· Tl1u111a::. wrote. }>ostal '.\lccl Opens in Japan TOKYO (APl -Thr l!ilh Universal Postal I n 1 o n Congress openi'i :i 1.·,.{Jay mf'eting Wednesday 111 Tokyo "'"ilh 500 forrlgn dcltgatrs ;ind nhsf'rver~ lron1 .aboul l•Hl coonlrle6. I AS C 0 T FLOOR MAT 199 Protects and beautifies /io"' c11t '6 int.erioi-: Easy to !1 tall and keep clean. 26·0600 ' !"":'"--• .-·,.··~ ~ -. --. • . -_,. SLlP·ON NYLON FOA SEAT COVERS 3!! Stain re!.islant. tightly "'"0\'l'n nylon. 41·l050 AUTO ~ VACUUM CLEANER 711 t'IUE!;S d1rL1.:tly 1:11.ll r i;:.·· rr•te li!:'h lrr. ron1 r,.1' l1.:ht11c·1i;ht, •·11 11a 101 ..: i!JJ con.I reac.he" :i rou nd en11re c;:ir·F eXU'rior. Z7 .J:!UO YOUR CHOICE ~3C EAC:ll ANTl·FREEZE TESTER BATTERY HYDROMETER IGNITION CABLE J88 SET SEALED BEAMS 88( tACH For dual headli~1\s i;ystern6. Easy to install .•. insures safer night drivini::-. 46·1001 BRAKE FLUID 33C • F 1·r ~. f, 11 ·' •• ,.,r .•• !J;-•llfl> _\11u r lir,1 ~•, :i •c 111 fl' t"!LLl \.i11rin~\ll" ~dvPrl ·ctl ~ 1~).. lc.1k· [lf l)Uf h.i\11'1 ii· <1 .j.10110 ~11 •. ·,o LIM IT 1'2 TO A CUSTOMIR OIL MISER 47' f'r:i11cr 11lra!ed 0 11 trracnirnt chal k{'r p.\ r ng1nr~ running ~n100\l1Jy .~n d qu1rt!y. 4:1 ·1227 REVERSE WHEEL Jf 88 LUBRICAfiON AND OIL CHANGE J97 l•nl 10\1 •I <J l1.t1I • 1r L·11 l.11 '"'ICl1\ ,,11. .,fl + •'' • •''•I>! • >1• 11•1! d 1111"1' ,111.,n. t\J J. 11t11n, 1·1111111 :\1111 11\ 11;\t,~11 .... l'I { I \I.I--I... l!y •'l'J1"lnlmrn1 Oul.' WHEEL BALANC-£. 2$3 4 .$ FOR F-0~ .~ ' .. .. ~MOSTY·~ Ford5 · Chevrolvts F~,.1~ri•• . V11l1 ~"'' Plvmout hs . Mercurv1 Oldsrnobrle~ • Oodgei Bu•clo.~ · PonttilCS 7.99 8.99 9.99 ,..~,.:;~, ~\1 }':(~~A?'~··· .(Hj,.•,: .. ' ... ' • ··':·>j<"· .·.·· .~ ~ ,\.. . ; >'1.4'« : ·.·· .. ·,ie ~ ·-~ ..... · -, . .. ,; .. :,.if. ,~ ,, :;.~f~.~ :• . . ' WRY WAIT? ·CHARGE'1'!~ BLACKWALL RE~ULAR OUR ~BE.LESS -• -1 PR/CE'· • "'1.R,.l,E·~ S IZ E ' EAC,:K TJnE £/>CH 1lrt 6.50:13 :.~ j '""Z.1.95 14.88 7.00·13 "23.95 \ 6_88 6.95· 14 2 4.95 17_88 7 .35-14 25.9~ 18.88 2.07 7.35·15 25.95 19_88 2.08 7.75-14 27_95 20.88 2_20 7.75·15 27.95 2.21 8 .25·14 29.95 22.8 8 2.3& 8 .25·15 (B .15) 2!?.95 2.38 8.55·14 31 .95 24.88 2.5 7 8 .55·15 (8.45) 31.95 2.57 *9.00-15 38.95 28.88 2.83 'Al!p rlcls pl~s Federal ExciS9 Tax .:n,-, , ~:-·!:?-·:--· ~·~~ ~.1t.lf"~~i~r. Wti1tewa11s $3.00 more ear.:h. 'fr WJ\i1ewalls-on ly. ,.. /,~~ 77 Pr.ir.1>~ ,,;,1!> i:enera! Excise Ti!K and White-Wills. J.00 more eacrr.,....~---.-.....,......· K M.&11 ,151( Tiii GUARl\NT •: ••.•• ··~· ........ -11 .~ ••..• ;, ... ~··•d ~ ••. ,. ..... ,,i,1. 1.., ""' .... , ... ~••·ro '"" '"'" 9G do" "''" rorl~o ... '' ... 11 b• ••<>I<><•~ •• '·" <~••o• • '••" I<••••.! ••• '•·'•" ""' """" "'-'• lo rood h.o oo•d, ''"'I b. ,... r lo .. ~ o, o "''"'"".! ...,., •' '""'"' , .. ,,do• ,.11,.~ ""°" ol ·~• "'•· u• • ••• ~I -~ ,.·-•~•. <0'<c•d c9 to l••od ,..., • .,.,"I• "'''~ 'P"'''o<' .,.,,b., •' ~•·"• q~o·c•• .. ~ s.&0.1 s llatkwoU, :t11bel•11 WHY WAit? • Plui \ 76 Fodun; E \tio~ CHARGE ITI -'~U!:fflil"' Uot p.., (o•••"'""' (•o<l•I :~!i(li; .. ~';"'" PlUS INSTAll.ATION MOST ~ODE LS COMETS. FALCONS 60-64 DARTS &3-ff \11 •111n,1I ,·11u11u•i..11' «•r.1,,,en1en1 l)pc-.\1ufflt1 fcJIU'~' 1\"u"le "'all ,hell 11nJ ~kd1 1•ni.;1dl 1 "d~eJ 'Cll"" f Y,o .. ~o-,~ ~ "'" /<'o••• ~· l •t•• 1 •• 1o!d b• II•;., q••1-1tM •t•iN" .,11 ·~ ~··• L• ,;,.,.,, '" ~•··-•••~ 0 o•d '""'••;..! lo• 11.o j,f• el "'"· ~· 9"""' >••od. I' ''• t •• t .... cl•• to .;.,,,,. .., '"""'"DI ond ,...,..., •• •' o. t•• '"' " II b• 'tOio"d, ''"'I"·• .,.1, I~ I~• •-O•nl al ,..,j,..,, . ".. .... . All .&DJUITMIM ll Alf lAUD OM (Ul•I NT IVl•TD AT llUING 'Utl. .&I Tl<! TIMI Cl .. DHlllMIMT-MOT ll~I Plltl Ol HO·T•-Di ,lltl. (,~···"··· ................. d •. l!J-:l:E·~ · R~!1t t•1J. ........ ~ ... 1owu111'f"'"··....,,.. · • 1'!•·.t ~ .t:><l ·~·P"'<"l p,.~ .. dtllfUI' , \\" 11 'T • lr.1pu1 M\tn 1111h~11\" ~· A~r-1 • INp"<t :•r>~I ,.,..,1 «:t•,,_;·,.i..1n-\\ E IJIJ • h~• 1>r.1 ~t Jh<l'! ••turn ,~;!\.ll"~ • A.111Uo.1 br..i~~· .,n •II Toll.I'.! •·hft~, 11.lrul bf.t... M al d ••••l'I<• • r .... i ,,...d aitt 20,000.MILE I 40,000·_MlLE '~ GU ARANTEE GUARt.NTEi· 1 sss• , . 24ss• «, 8-TRACK~ERE . , ..• JAPE • PLA'~~-:. l"e.,, nuniu l\l rf' t1~·111i>!l1 prrr1111.., .•\!'ti p!!' 1n ~l.<J0 .111vn 111 an.\ \l•h:rl~ .~\·en v.hnn 11p.'lt:e 11-11111 pr1•n11on 1 Fn11\ ~uh•n1 ril H \\"ith el i..~tt'Ofllr c:hlH\nf'l ('h11n11iir .A,ll 1r11 nt1i'tnr <;0lui ""lf4 !f' un11 h .1~ t> 1,.utl·-nt';,,119if':" ""'"''rt'' chs n1~I MOD fl II ••• ,, f.o \.' THESE SPECIALS GOOD AT THESE. LO"c;ATIONS· ONLY! .. • WESTMINSTER BUENA PARK BUENA PAR K COSTA MESA'-' ,.SANTA ANA 15140 l eaclrl Blvd. of McNrddm 892,2081 S;:85 Lincoln Ave. 01 Voll('y Vi c•" 826-5800 SJ OT lctcli Blvd. of luifwii:I·: • ... 523-1040 ::200 ttorbor llvd. at Wlkon 541.2011 • • 1400 fdilUJIH' crt lrl1tof 146.JIJJ ! I 1 n P1Lor -Aov[Rr1s£R H Wtdnt$day, Octobtr 1, 1%9 ------------~ ' . I _..,...,. . . ' ~~! q ~ _ ... ' ., ,J ~ )":'J ""'·!~ .. .-. ..... ~·---....... 4"' ..... . . .,. ~ ..... -~,, • , Women 's Ski lls Praised ------·---·-. --··-····-· .. -··--· . 6men ,,,. ,, 'Souperlotive' Fore • Buffet Hailed ·I· As the Winner lt's home fron1 the ga n1e with a couple of cars full of fr iends. Everybody's happy, no mailer who v.•on. Every- body's hu ngry. too. It's been a long. cold af!ernoon since lunch. Have an easy-going supper ·wa iting-one you ca n have hot and ready by the time lhc guesls ha\'e divested then1· selves of coats, caps, boots and millens. Arrange the buf· fet beforeliand. And have the card tables all set up so there's lilll(\ left for you to rlo but to fli ck a finger to turn on the stove. A big, filling sou p ta s\\·s ~onclerfully good .~f!C[ such · _.chjlli"g excitem•t. It's . easy to'make.. a "souperlative" one_ in • ftl ir.ites with convenient• condensed soups arid a few artf!M addit ions. Pigs -in-bla nkets -l\ttlc sat1 - sages with wrappers of biscuit doush -n1ake a cosy accon1- pan1menl. Salad can be raw reli shes, wa iting in the rcrri J.::- erator. And dessert-a br vcr - age confection of iced l.rish coffee with a scoop of lee crea1n . There are dozens of delic ious \l'hole-me;i \ soups you can niake 11·ith condensed !iOllps as starters. One that's sure to plea.~c the fans is a hol co1n- bination of cream of aspara- g11s soup, Scotch broth, onion and spinach, with a bobbing ga rni sh of diced red apple. Another. equa lly su re to rate ravrs. sta rt s with condensed <'hili beef soup and' tomato soup. Ground beef. onion. pars· le.v and chee~e are. added Lo n1ake it a 1neal-in-a-bo11·l. VICTORY 80\\'L SUPPER sour • 11 1 cup chopped on.ion . . l tables1>q0n.c bu l {er or margarine · I can (t0 ~~ ounces) con. 1!rnsed cream of aspara- gt1s soup I can ( lO:t.1 ou nces) con- densed Scotch bro th 11 ~ soup cans 11·ater '• cup cooked chopped spin· ach Diced red apple Cook onlo n in butte r unt il trnder. Blend in soups, water and spinach. Heat ; ;oitir now and then . Garnish with apple. 1'11akcs 4 lo S servings. For I to 10 servings, double lhe recipe. "'INNI NG TEA~1 TUREEN' 1? pound ground beef 2 tablespoons chopped on- ion I tablespoon shortening I ca n 11 1 ounces) con- densed Chili bee.f sou p l can ( 1 0~~ ounces) con- densed tomato soup JI ~ ~oup cans water 2 tablespoon chopped pat!- ley .. Dash ga rlic po\vd'r Shredded Qlild 'process .cheese ' • Brown beef and cook onion in shortening until tender; pour · off' faJ. Blend in wupr11, add v.•ater, parsley and garlic powder. He<it: stir now and then. Simmer a few minute! to blend fl avors. Garnish · with chee~r. Makes 4 to 5 servin~. For 8 t.o 10 servings, double th e rrtlpe. • • Male Cooks Best Only a Myth I ·' • l I J I I I ~ ' ~ .. FORUM INSTRUCTOR Chef Thomas J. Holton By BEA ANDERSON • Womtn'1 £dilt• \rh1lc soric!y'.i; double sta nc1Jrd ~ ,-.,\111 dic la tr th e No. 2 ~pol !'or 11onH'n 111 t he v.;orkinf)_ \1 orld. 1n1- l;1d_v has hecn clc\·atcd lo equal or better in one licld lJy cin au th ority. l lold on to your n1 ix1 ng spoons, latl1c:-, lor the rntini: can1e fron1 the opposllc :-icx'. The field is cooking . "'hich shoots do" n 1hc t heory that n1cn arc belier chefs. In f..i cl. the pi r- turc of rncn 11·ielding long-handled forks and pa1nr- ing marinade on the piecr de resista nce as it turns slo11·ly on the barbecue spit has been greatly re.~pon si blc for c reating 1his n1rth . C."hef Thon1as J. llolton. presulcnt of Chefs <le ('11i· sine /\.~soeiation of Cali fornia Clll<l national Vl<"C presi dent of the t\meritan Culinary J-·ederation. says \l'On1en a re every bit as in1aginativc and ex- perin1ental as 111en. '';\Jen ha\C a tcnden<'y lo st.;iy \1ilh 11·ha! th r v l\n n\v is safe (successful <l1shcs\." he ch:i rgcd. The ir c~o pr .)babl,,· dcn1 ~1nrls !his :-.o ·they \1 i!J llC\'Cr be r 1nbarr:1sscd over a flop. "[ find f have a tendentv to :-tav 11·itli sa fe re· C'i pc s. 111yself." heMdn1itted. <ind ad\'iSed those doini::: tlus to "!al\c 1nve1ilory of yourself and get out of the doldrums by trying son1cthi11g d ifferent." 1 lo!ton feel s 'lhe only reason 1von1en have 11 flt rnade as great strid es as n1en in the con1mercial field !s beca use in the larger operations there is a great deal of heavy 11·ork . "It 's simply that rn cn arc stronger and can lift th e large, heavy equipment easier." One of 'I.he best opportunities for the fa irer sex is in 1he dietician fi eld , added l~otton. \\'ho clain1s th at in this counlry dieticians are n1osUy \vornen . 1\nolhe1 area in \\•hich \\·omen are playing ;i 1najor role is in the pre-packa~ed convenience foods industry. He said one compa ny employs a won1an as il s head chef ;i nd one as a butcht·r. Jl ol lon al so cl ain1s th at \VO men a re 1nore adept in ""riling cook books. :\ad, th ey exccll on the hon1efro11t . \Von1en try ha rder than n1c11 in ad vanci n~ their knov.•Jed gc, he asserted. "Tiley go lo cooking schools, read cooking co!tnnns and so on .•.• alway.'\ try· ing l.o irnprovc." lie chuckled \1hcn he related his 011·n problc in of goi ng fron1 a tornn1crcial to a ho1nc kitchen. "\\lh cn I cook at ho1ne I create havoc and a big n1e s"." he st1ic:. ex plaining that many times he does- n'i. kno\v \\here equipn1en1 is 1;to rcd. "In a con1n1ercial kitchen there ls n1ore equip- 111cnl to u~t'. Onct' \'(Ill gel used tn the ut ensils. it 1s cllfflcnlt to 11·ork '11·it hout the1n." c.xplaining-hi s plight rit hornr-. "Often I ha\'C lo a sk 1ny tvife's ·ad- \ ire. anrl she bad .~ n1e otrt ." lln!ton. \1·ho i<: ('nnd11cling a nine-\vcck S4'~sion <'nli tlcd . r:our111<'t looking: Forun1. in Scar.~. South ('na!-t l'laza, C'111 phas1 1rs the "marriage" of p re-packager! r o11\'rn1C'11cc foods \\'ilh 1n1nginat1vc cnll n11cctnc11 1 nf .~ca so111ng'. ,,,.1J1 1 ~11011·, n1;i1111factllrf'r~ of con vcnicnr e frin ds don't in1rnrl lo take cooking out nf lhe kitch- en ." he sai d ·"rhcy Just n1akc cooking easier by .~avin,i::-rnan.v hours." The culinary C'.xpcrt feels he has a moral obl\_s;;i- l1nn !o dn \1·hat he can in teaching othe rs to make food 1nnre edibl e for the general public.'llis cookin g- school is one endeavor. Anather is a cookbook 'vhich he tvrotc for the school system in New York l 'i1 y, It ~til l i,~ in use. I-Iott.on. 'vho holds a business adininistrative c'fegrce frorn Bently School of Finance and Account· in)'.!' in Boston and also a culinary art.~ teaching cre- <lent ial. is a boa rd member of the American Ac<1- dP1nv of Chefs and a member of the Les Amis de Escofficr Society and Cookery and Food Associa- tion o{ London. I ·~ \ Fisherman 's Tip If there's a fi shern1an in the house. pass alon2 this ha nd y hint. F or a good inexpensive do-il·your· self fi sh scaler, nail three soft drink bottle caps to a short v.:ooden handle. Fish scales v..•ill disappear almost effortlessly. I Corn ·ucopia of Tasty Goodness Appeals to Apple Fanciers By llOROTi!Y WENCK Or9'1te c_,, ....,,. "•hl10r Fall ls app le seasotl. Wh ile mOOern rstorage methods fhake some of your favorite apples avalllb1e nearly \he year- around, most vlf'itties are <1t t!1eir freshly-picked best now dutjog the harvest season. Apples don 't 1ppear to be cspccia!ly nutritious -when you look them up on the food value chart you find only ve ry n1inute amounts ol nutrients such as iron and vitamins, plus 70 calorics ! for a medium raw applcJ, Yet there are lho~e \1·ho claim that there's truth in the old adage , "an apple a day keeps the doctor ::n1'oy." J\1aybe ap· pie! have some specia l heallh-givi~g qualities that researche rs ha ve nol yct. discovefcid. Or mnyPc it's just that catinR a fres h, crisp. juicy, tart apple is !'lo en- joy11ble lhat you ·reel be1ler fur hal'ing 1Jnne it . .., MANY VAIUIITIEs !\lost tnarketa bave. al lcaat fou r or fil·e ·Home News. and Views ' '· # varitllcs of apple~. Some are "a\I. IKJrpose" and a~ good for el1her eating or coo king. Others are ltH versatile. The Delicious apple, ror example, we enjoy eating ra1\', but ifs v' r y u~tisfactory for cooking. The fl avor is just too delicate. Rome Beautic:r; and Pip- pins arc good cooking apples but are not con:-idcred lo be good eating apples. The ··aJl-purposc " apples inc I u d c f\lclntosh, Winesap arid Jonathan. The Delicious apple is the number one best. $('lier niiltionv.·idc, accounting for nearly 25 percent of the comme rcial ap- ple produclion . In ~ond place is the J\·lclntosh 11·ith ;:ibou t tJ percent of the -4Jr'ld ucl ion. \\.'hen yo11 buy cooking apples. you neerl to consider texture as well as fl avor. For .-!' "'°-".!'' ---~ .. ~. ~ baking you wiii probably want a firmer fleshed variety of apple that will hold it s shape, rather than fall apart, such as Rome Beauty or Wi nesap. fc>r appl esauce or apple pie y011 ma y prefer an apple that "cooks up" ~uch as the "-iclntosh, Jonathan , or Gra venstein. The Gravenstein is a wonderfully tart. fla1·orful California cooking apple. But unfortunately il is not a good keeper, and lhe season, in mid -sun1mer , is only too short. GRADl i\'G Apple.\ are ui;ually graded-ehhtr with U.S. grades or Stale grad,ll. The U.S. grades are U.S. Extra Fancy, U.S. Fan- cy. U.S. No. I, and combination11 of the5e gr1d,1, U.S. No. 2 l1 1 leaii de1lr1ble grade. You may find the grade stamped on the shippin g box or on the retail package, If you bay apples in plastic bags. Sornc appl es, particularly Deliciou~. are size graded also. Usually the smaller &Ile apples are less expensive arid therefore better buys. 11ie smaller apple is often a good choice for a school child 's lunch. G~ applel!l, of cou rse. shou ld be firm .and crisp, have a good color and be free from defects. Thl'y will rnaintain good <1uali ly ror several \vceks if they are stored iu your refrigerator. Wh€n you use raw apples in reci pes, you can prevent the browning of !he cul slices by dipping them in lemon or orange juice. "'e find unpcll(led raw apple arid:; on in- teresti ng bil or color, navor and teJClllre to m11ny dishes such <•S fre sh or ca nned frui t salad. cabbage i;a lad, carrot salad, tuna salad , chicken or turkey salad . Die· ed or grater! cheese goes well with raw apple shce~. too , for a "different " kind of salad. QUEST IONS WE ARE ABKEO Q. Do you con~lder apple Julee a good sub11IUute for orange juice as a breakfast drink? A. Appl e juice, aocordinA to the f()l'M'J 1•alue charts, has little rood value othe r than sugar, "'hic h provi del'! calories. Orange juice is hi gh in many nutrients, particularly vitnn1in C. The cost (If the two typrs of ju ice i~ s11nilar. but orang e juice obviously gives you more food value for you r n1oncy. Ap- ple jui~ is a nice navor change ror breakfast, but it e11nnot be. cun;oildered a good substitute for orange juice. If you serve ii. remember lo include a good source or vitami n Cal some other nical. Q, Can you recommend • mtthod for removlnic pl a ~ttr. goop from m y c1Uldren'1 clot.bes'! I've &ricd de\tr1ent, bleach1 \'inegar. ammonl• •ltd baklq soda, and none of lhe1e work. /\., 'fhe MaLtcl Co. recommends that you use alcohnl to treat plllStic goop stains. Sa turate thf! stain with alcohol, t.hen rub the material together and the pla!Alc goop will lOOM!n. Q. Will you plea1e help as teUJe n &tgument. J\.fy frieod claims tbat dried prunts are made from plums. I said tat dried prune! are made from prutts . Which of us Is right? A. I'm going to hedge a bit and 11,J that you're both right -sort of. Pruntl!l ar.! actually a va riety of plum that I! particularly suitable for drying purpoMlll. Not all plums ~ome prunes, but all prunes are plums, if you follow me. The prune·plums when fresh ripe CH be separated from the pit likt a frft:stone peach. They are blue·black, oval and firm-rleshed. The Itali an prunes are molt commonly sold fresh.. l , ;ff!_OAILV PIL OT .1;:;cldy Ot tob,, 1. lflb'J ' 'Cat-astrophic' Absence Leaves Employer Scratching Head lJl::.\11 A':-.\ LA.'\Obl\S {J1d111arily l don t l,.1rr 11 hal Jtl1t•r 1ulk' t~o. !Ju\ 111 \\11:. parurul:tr L;jS('. l lll'l'd .11111r Op111tv11. bccau:.t· Jl Ul\u\\le~ \11v ;1111.l ;1 half din, p;1 ~. I run :i _,111all bL1~111l'S., a11d r1n µtuy fh l' 1~oplr ~h.irl!.1 hc!orc lunch on /'11011· 1!a~, 1\1 1~~ '.\, onr of 111y longtune ('l nplo)\'~. ll.'l.'l'll'Cd H phone call Jro111 litr 11c~gl1l1L I' J he:..1 J her sl:nck. "No: \::>' Tr ll l'llt' 1l ·~1 l01 ln.H'' I r11.ill'd lO her ~l1ll' th1u k111g '-iu netl1111g terrible h;i<l hap· JK'11(·d 13~ 1!1,11 t1111r ,\[1~~ X h:1d sta g. i:r rrd lu lhl' 11':JIC'I' 11 ~1h·r .11111 appra r111I 111 bl-!;1111C111g I gut uu! thr a111u1u111a ho:- !lc :tn!t rr1·11l'c! h<•r ANN LANDERS IOt l!aH an li our and tlit'll IL'll ''{Or 111c uny '' au cu1u1iu nal ups't can b' loually dls11b!- in.i;. Con~ld'r the coit-astropblc nb5enc' sirJ... ka1r and pay her for lhc 11'ttk. Tl1c ··tr .1gr<l~ ·' Ii": ( ;11 liai! lll't'il run 1,·, rr and killed ll~ a 11 11l'k. :\!J:>!'. X :.ubhciJ Thr 11cx l 111orn!ng ~lie phoncd to ~;1 :, 'hr 1\<1 .~ loo 11~· '<> _i:~1nr 10 ~111r k Tia' lollu 111 111:: d<ty -s..J:;k ~lu!'y. ·''ly qll•"' !1011 l.s 1lu.~ dingbat c11t1tlcd !u :1 lu ll 11 rr i.:·.~ p:1~clirek ~ Sht• gl'1s 11111 11 L•11k , 'll'k lea1·c but I tlon·t cuu~utrr 11!1<; ... ,u·k lL·.11C''" Dn 1u1i"' 1.01\'l.Y E~IPL(J YE H IH~\H A:-i ~ LANDElt.'i l'nday n1ghL 1 h:ill ;1 ~J u111l>c r p;irt y -c1st11 girls, :ill 16 .111jl 17 1 t·;1rs old. Al:lo11t JO :W p ni 111 e 11·!1u11 ~dropped in. Thry hacl heard about thr µ..i rl~· and decided to ~"Y hello. They 11cr1· 11 1·11 behaved, sober and there was 110 roughnousing. nEAR LO\IL Y: Sick is slrk -emu- liuuaJ or ph)Sfcul. Ur 1nore 10 lhc polnl. ·Balloons Paint o Pretty Colorful 'r:illl oon~. p1c·111c lu11rhc!> ~nd hundreds of n1 cn1 ber~ 'flf !he 11on1e11 ' i:tunn1atccs of the O ra nge ('ount.1 -Ph1\har1non1i: ~ocirt1 rct·cn tly filled the lr\·u1 c Bo11I .11l1r 11 ·th e 11n111c 11 11 C.rc cnll c(I togelher for the f1r<i ! : JOinl n1cc:1ng ,.f 1111' cn111n1ittccs. The vol untee rs Couple Repeat ·wedding Vows Gla d1nli (·h1 1 \:Jr • J r11,., 111~ -and li11en(]{'r ;1".1,...r• l •,on ~··d "4.he alt<ir oi I ' ! 11 s~ l'rr sb.1·te11:111 1' !i r 1 of \\'eslinins1e1 h•r I'• 1•.i·u1.·11~ bf Kris1lnr Ad ;•rr Ju~l.io1n :i: d Liiirry Ste1·cn lftrbt·r! The bndr. d .. vgtt\t>r 111 \lr 'llnd .\1 rs. .J~unr<; .lr1rd.111 •ii llunt1ngton Brarh. 11<1' gr.1 .. 1 ~1 n1a rri;1gc lJ~ l't:r L!!hc! :-he \\'lire a silk o rgrinz~ 01 er 1:11 . frtn gotrn tnn1mrp w11h l:irr dRl~ics llllC'f\\"O\'nll with ~H!lll f"ibbon. It 11 a~ dt~1gnr d ll'i!h :;i11 crnptl'e 11 .11 ,1. lugl• nr('k ·"ilnd long ful l ~lr•·1 t·~ :ind ]ealurcd ;i dr1;11 l!.,bil' I r;un 1runmcd 111!"1 1 ' ,,f I.ore .J J01•:ers a nd : ... L.1 11o:io11 l!cr tieadpiecc 11·;_1 , a 1 hislrr 11f '41aisles hold1 n~ an el1Jo11· -lenglh illu.~1011 1ril. :111d ~hr .I~rricd :i casr:-idt' of 1~h1 l l' ~ ·da1s1cs and stc rl 111g ro~c~ :· h1 i~s J3111·b11ra .J o!111,011. the 'bri de's cou~in fro1 n c;rren 'Mounlliilin Fitlls, Colo , srrvrd •!I maid of honor :i n d bridesmaids 11·ere !he bri de "-; <tister. Miss Kini Jordoin . llun· 1ington Beach."\;ind f\l 1ss Deb· -bic Kimball (Jf cu~:(l ~\C~ll • , • , . ·'· .. 'l \ l -' ~j " ~ They wore orchid cnge-~t~ le ttrg".nza go11·ns 1vith floll'ing 1>a ck panels and doi1o;v tr11n -around their l11gh nrr~~ ;ipd khnrl ~Jeeves 1\ ehil fo11 rns<> field their short 1·l ils :ind tl1c1· ~rarricd ~'hite d111sy 11n~t'g .jys with purple strcn1TI1·r~ Mills Kathlttn Fchnf'r wit~ f!OM'Cr .11\rl a nd .J.11111r .Jnrd:in. the hrirlr 's brottir r 1•.;1~ 1n ch11rgc ol 1hc v.•ctldin.i: r 111~~ Tht hr1 dcgroo1n, "'" rir .\Ir and hlr~. llon1cr fl l I!\·: bc1 t ()f c:erdrn Grovt . :i-l:rd hi' hrnlhrr !Ji rk H-:rbcrt to ~rr1 r "" b<'~1 n1ar1, And 'r:it111;: .:;uest!i were Terry Connrll), ). • MRS. HERBERT F,..11 Rifel Jun l!r rbrrl_ a•1othcr bro1hcr and R11·k Kimball. !us nephrw. l''ol!o·.1·1ng thr ctrr n1nny tlic ncv.·ly11 {'d;, i;1·eetrd 2:10 ~l1C~ts during ;i rccrptlon 111 the chureh Af1cr a 11erld1ng lnp lo ~11 11 Francisco thf'\' \.1'111 rnakt their hon1c on llir t..<.;J campu~ 1\hC'rC' thr br1dr~1onrTI 1\1 11 ht :111rnd1ni,: ~1·11.,.,1 'l'hc n<'w ,\\1 ~ Hrrhcrl 1~ ii l'1 ;1 Uu;llC 11f \1;1ri n;1 !1 1;!h !-,1•lHJOll itt11 ) t 111l1!"d \\ r '-( Coll rf:" llr r 1111,~h:inrl 11a~ f!nidu;i\rd fn •111 (,;1rrlcn r:r\11 r 11 1-':h .'-rhool :in!/ l'~ri1 c~1 .Junior Cull rgr Picture I 11olrd d,i tr~ anti 1 pt'<1 ~cr:-l or !he pi l'to11t·t.>rl !'I 1·· 1H'11 " 11crc ~Pi'l"l "l'cl nf the sca :-011 "5 concert rl.i\r, .ilHl 11 ('t e ~1 r eted IJ.v Philllar1no11 1c ~or1 r ty prcs1drn1 ,loh11 .\. \ ibe rt bc.i nre d 1111n;.: al frc~t 11 1n the L,·. ;..:u n ~ !JcJch :.un ~h!nc Wed din gs, Troth s Pilot's Deadlines ·ro ;i101d d 1 ~J ppo1 11 tnie11t p1u,pecl11 " hr1dr ~ :irr rc1n1ndcd lo IJJ1·t.: th <·1r 11tdr!111 ;.: ,.,\.oi u ., 111 \h Ul:1l h ,111d 11h1 tt· gl n~.~y pli o\11- gra phs to lliC' 1).\11.'1' Pl I.OT .'iucirty 11ep.:i r1- 111 r11\ prior Lo or 111t h111 unt· 11et·k <1/tc r t)1e 11 cdd111g. For cngagt'111cnl <1n nou11c c1ncn!s it 1~ :-;uggestrd 1hat the .~1 ory. nl so ael'o1np;.iu1rd h)' <1 black and 1,/11\c g!oss.v p ic lurc. he ~ub1n i ttcd early. If !he betrothal ;i nnouncc· n1cnt and 1ve<td ing da le arc );l.'I: 11·ccks or le~<; Jpe.rt. only the 11"edd ing photo 11·i11 hr ac- cc.>p ted . To help rill rcqu1ren1c11\s 011 b(i ll1 \\Cd- r\111 g and cngagen1c11! .<;l ori<'.~. forn1<; 11rc n1-.1il - ;iblr 111 all of th e tJ :\lL~' PILO'I' off1r c-. J.'11rther c1ucs llon~ 11 ill be a ns11 c•rcd h1 Soc1:ol ,\Totes staff n1c1nbcrs at 642-4:121 or 494-94titi. Sharon Thorn Will Morry In November St·lcl"llng No1· 2!1 for 1he.ir 11 e:ddini; 111 Corun<i drl fl1ar l' o 1n 111 u n i I y C hu r c h , Congrcga11on.1I oirc Sharon Thorn and Bill Hranhan1. Paren!.~ o! the bel rulhrd <l l"C ~l r. a11d 1\!r~. I! Cl1ffurd Thurn of B<c1lbo:t lslnnr! and l\lr and ~trs J nn1C'~ C. Br11nha1n fir S11n1.1 Anr1 fl·liss Th orn is a ~r.1dua11• of t'orona rltil M1~h Si.:hoo J nnd at 1rndr 1! Ari zona S1:1tr l."r11,·c r~1· II' Ht'r fi1111ce 1.~ au :1 l111nnu-; rir thr ~~n1r h11i:h "'1 hu1JI :11- 1cnd•'<I S;i n Fr·:1111 1'•"<1 S1:i lr l 'nllr;::r. :in1I rur.1·utl1 t~ 111 rollrd :rl ()ran~r l"n.1 ~1 1 ·,J l!Pg" lloll1 plii111 on t r1u1~frrr111g 111 ('nl 1~01y, Sn11 Ll11 \ \lh1 ~po nrst '.,.,.. SHARON THORN Bride-elect This evening n1y p01rcnts ga vr int 11. blistering lecture on "party cr11.shtrs." They said I should not ha1·e let the boys u1 the house. I say party crashers are people who show up uninvited and v.'rt'c.k a place. Please set my parents straight. -GRACIOUS HOSTESS lea1r at I p rn. Al 12 l:i the b;i by·).lt\t'r had nol yet 11 rrlved , ~the couple tuoJ.: ulf leavin g their JO-mon th-old 1,;hild 111 lht tugh chair. 1"hc~· 1,11 the door aiar 11 ith a not r telling the sitter ll'here they could be reitchcd. It\ ha rd 10 bclir1•t tberr. iilte f*lplt In this ~urld ~hn 11ould IClil\'e o. baby alooe and not eheck bark. But after "''rlline thh colurn 11 for aln10~1 1$ years. I "ould br l!r.\t an}lhlng . OF.AR GRACE : Sorr)'. but pwrly l"r11shers .t1re peopl' who show up unin· 1 fted . \\'hether lhey M'recll lbe joint or not dorsn 't alter lbelr 1talu5. The 11·lnd n1ust ha1e bl:>wn 1ht dour shut because when the s1ller arri ved s!ie couldn 't gel in. She assu1ned the parents l!a1l t11ken Ille baby aloni,::. 11·11at ;i11 <.1its yo u on the othrr sidt or the niarrlagc veil? Ho1v can you be sure yuur 1na rrl11ge will work ? Read Ann Landers· bookh~l , "i\1<:rrriage -What tn l~xpel"I. '' Send your request to Ann Lande rs 1n cure ol th is nrwspaper t'nelos· ing 50 Cl"nt~ 111 coin and a long, stamped, ;,clf·at.!dres_<;:ed envelope . Dl:'.AR A,~:-J l..ANOERS : Please prinl lhls. fl laybr 1t will knoc k som' s'nse into the heads of foolish kids v.·ho think fun is 1nore i1nportant than a child. One ll'e'k Jaler the p<.1rents returned and fou11rl thr baby JUS\ as they had le fl her -sl t11ng 1n the high l'hair -U!l· conic1ous. The child no1v is in the ho~pita! hoverin11 between life and deat h. A young eouplr was packed lo go on a 11 e£'k · s trip. The baby·sitter was su ppos'd to arrive at noon. Th' plane 11·as due to Pleasr print this, Ann. tifaybe son1eone. !'!Ome"'hcrc \\'ill le11rn fro1n 1L. -TROY , OHIO. Ann La nrlers 11111 be glad to help you 11 ilh your problt>n1s. Send then1 to ~tr in l·are of tlle DAILY PILOT enclosing 11. self .add ressed, slampcd envelope . DEAR TROY: Tbank yo u for ~·ritln&. Horoscope Cancer: A Big THURSDAY OCTOBER 2 By SY DNEY Q,\IARR Lunar posiUon good for lisb.lng , planting. Trend today is luward con· ser\·atlsm. BEST HU Y S: Hl storleal books. househ'Old furnlturr, rare be\"l'rages, gourmet foOOs and uten~ls. ARIES 1tilar(·h 2l·Apn119 !: Basic needs coine to forl'. Deley in obtaining ess,nti al~ is mistake. Take-for11·ard "Stcp 'tov.·CiliQ gre:ater security. Parch up Ta1111ly di!ferenc!'.ls. Be recepti1·e. !\now~your home is your palace. TAURUS (i\priJ 20-May 20): You arc abl e lo act on ideas . '\' o u are eonfidenl. Contacts rccC'ntJ.v n1adc pay dividends. GE~UNJ (lt!ay 21.June 20 ): Better comn1unications means 1norc ca!'h l(id fl\" Find out 11h<1l \"Qll don L ~nn11 rne;in• i1nc,t1g;ll" (;11 c lull pl:iy 10 1011r f'tir 111-..1t1 fJon"t h e ;,1t1,!1rd 11 1\h ·~l'ru11dhand 111· forn1;111u11 (·\\l'Elt (J1 1n~,21 .. lul y 2~· r:-,·lc· high, l ak~ lllllta ll\1'. !'itrrss o r1 g1 11 al11~·. 1n· depcndrncr. Vou cfln w111 pCO· pie to your t•icwpoint. Key 1s 11 dll ng nc.'s to .&:et ~0 1ng Delay, toduy wuu!d be a flllStakr LEO 1.Jull 23-Aug. 22 1 Sn11u· :i1,parcnc Iv 1n~ ,;teriou.~ t u1n1..·1dcni..cs o cc u r . Et Pre season Porty Delay Mistake a11<1l)L1tal Luqk b'c v o n d ~urfac:e indic aif'o,r.s. ·r i n d reasons \I' h y . Investigate. \'IRGU (Aug . 23-Scpt. 22): Aceenl on friends, ho pes, \1Jshes. Key is 10 know \1·ha! it is you really desire. Donl ac- <:cpl f11nt11.sy as sub stitute tor deception . LIBRA !Sept. 2:1.oct. •2!): Stress on vour a1nh111011s. You are not likely to be .satisfied 11·i!h status quo. At c e p t· C"hallenge, responsibility 1n personal a~ 11"'11 a professi onal areas. Odds are in your fa1·or. SCORPIO (0clc2J·Nov. 21): Ciood lunar a£pect today coin· c1dcs with tra v'I. publishing, !he spreading of your 1iews.· SAGITTARIUS f:-iov. 22: ·Dec. 21 ). You ri1ay be called upon lo 1n<.1kt n1 o n e y dei:isions. Get expert legal ad· vice -and follow it. Your own creativity is a great all y. But eombine it with rules, regula- t1uns. C.\PRICOR:'\ 1 Drr. 22·Jan . 19 • i\"ot 1·.i~r Ill gu 1L ;ilunr. C11o pcratiun 1s ~<'}. J1,1n lorl'rs 11 ,!h one 11 hn knrr11 s the ropr~. .\t~UAR!t;S 1.!;111 20-Fcb in. 'J'ho~r :11·uu11d ~uu ;irr 1\1ore l'i1 Cc 1·1ul 111.111 in l"f'CCll \ p:1.~! You ;i1·c ic11couragcd. PISCES ~Feb . 1!1 .. \larch 20 1· ~ceded changes occu r. You may hnd your~clf resisling_ Bu1 key 1~ to k11u11 11 hc11 to lt•t l!O UI pasl Thrrr ;i rr n1inor nh~taclt ~ Th(' r ;11 n ,., , •nn•· il }QU C.\h1ll11 drte111u11 Jl1on. Hilarity Sets Mood ·1enn1-.. or '\111n1111ng \1 1!1 hr !hr rho1te 11 hrn mrmbers or the ll;irbor i\rr;i Con11nun1ly ('P11t·cr1 A~:o:oc111t 1 on galhcr 1n .\~·11 pol'\ Shorrs ·Clubhouse next F(1day evrnin~. l\1i1011111g tl1l' ·"11n1 anfl 1rn· 11 1 ~ party a po!lucli d1 nnrr 11·111 ht· iH•~tr(.! hv t h r bn<ird of 1:11'Clturs. <tnd old·t une 1TIO\ 1e ~ 11111 be ::,ho11n al ter the d111n{'r hour !11ghl1 ghl111g the e1r 1111111, 11 111 h£' the prl·~entallon ot the new ~ltih ' nf officers for !he <i5'-(M..·i<1tio11 The outgo1ni.: president . Lar· r~ B.1!'<111 uf Costa ,\lcsa. 11•1JI 1ur11 rh(• ga\'CI over !o the 1111 1•nn1ing president. Dr. Daniel \l'utl f of Newpo!'t Beach. Al~o int rodu C'ed v.·lli br 1he ot her nc1v offircri;. i\lr~. Kurt !\11pfr rm iln or Nc11port Beach. :.r cret;ir\", and Ra1·n1ond Ter~ 01 Hunt1i1glon Bc11.Ch, publi city l ha1rn1en. l11c concrr1 season 11 il l OJl"" Friday, Oct 21, 111th the An1er1can ConlCr! Uallrt Corn pany 111 :\"c111)()rl Harbor ll 1gh School aud1tor1u111. Subsrqucnl convert s 11111 rn· f"lud e Ozan :'l!ar:.!1. pianist, OCC auditori u1n. Feb. 8. Nr11 York Brn~s Qu111 trnl. i\l!HS, r.1a rth 20, and Sta nley Plu1n· mer . 1'1ohn1 st, l\"HHS, Apnl JO Election Told Lai;u 11a Beaeh l-h a p l t r . Order of the 1-:asl crn St.'lr. will r lr1·t OC\11 ofllr ers during a tn ce!i ng in l.agun,1 fleai:li ~lason1c Ha ll at 8 p.1n Fnd:t), Ol't :!. ~Ir. anrl :\Ir~. Arthu r Str :icl 11·111 preside u1·r r the ga1herini: ii~ 11"ell as :ll !he regul ar tn{'Ct lng Fndtt~, Oct 17. Oth er e1·ents 11pco1n1ng tn· l"lude a mc etinE! for Star Cluh for a rrporl by tht nonunat1ng f"ornmntet' at 7:30 p 111. \\"ednesday. Oct. 6 1n L:ig un<i F{'deral Sa1ings ;1nr1 Loan bui!dini; ' ' /---------------------~' ~~ ,, ' . ~' .. , Its ,-f1111e To Care '[~ '·' ! l;.il'e yo l1 ai11 ays 11·a nt ecJ to 11 ark 111 a n office 111th people 1vho are being useful to thcic co1nn1un- 1ly'.' l!crc's your t ha11ce. 1'he \;o lunlcer llureau and Costa i\!e sa Uni ted Fund need people 11·ho 1v1I ! 1·0Ju11tcer several hour.~ a day, 11·eek or n1011th to type, rile , post or 1nan the telephones. 1-'urth er inforn1a tion 111ay be received by calling the bureau at 642-0963. WORK FOR THE BLIND For .1 ou 11 ho have been 1\"orki11g 11•ith the !Jl1nd and for you 1vho have 11"antcd to but fel t you lacked c;.;pcricncc -good ne11·s. 1\n orientation "·ill take place 'l'ucsday. OcL 7. al 10 :15 a .in. in the Services /for the Blind (:enter. ~a nla 1\na. '\"he training 1vill ' ~pc:::il1 c.i'llly perla111 to 11orkcrs in the nursery school tor Lhe blind. STOP AND SAVE Sn1·r lho .. c bot!lcs and old JC 11·elry. 'rhese u ~ed nhj('t·:., :irr ;i ri s ;111rl crafts n1atcr1:ils for the Li 1uled ,<·err1Jr11I l'cil..,y palicnts. r\rliclc:; 1nay be broug ht 10 lhc hurcnu at ~25 i\c11·port -Bl 1·d 1\'c1rport Hrach or to the l'('r.t<'r al 3020 \V , ll;irbor llll'd .. San1a .-\n;i. ('lothin~ is needed al the \ilia. the Or,HH!C Coun iv L"c11tcr of Behabil1!at1on f(l1· .\lcoholir \\<.>- n1en. 'oressel', shoes. handbag·s, h:;i ts and ~lOl'CS n1a,y be brou.:hl to tile bureau . ·-- •• ' -. ' • ' ' M tll« ~~II• MRS. ROBERT CHRISTOPHER MEADOR Costa Me5a Bride Double Ring Nuptials Performed 1n Chapel \1!it11111. lhe C.rand Ca nyon .ind then tr11rt:lin .1; to i\lanhat- ren. l\;1n . to eslahlish !hrir first ho1nc are nell'ly11.·ed ~lr and i\lrs. Robert Christopher .\!cador. The touplf' 11 crc in:irrird h1' the Rei·. \\lillla111 Po11cll 1n Peck fa111ily \\"rdrl 1n1: Chapt'I. Pare nt~ of the for mer Ellen (;a~ E::isman arc fllr. and ~ll·s. \\'ill111m G. E.1s1na11 or Costa .\l t'Si! lint! the bri<l c11rooni'~ par{'nts arc Hobcrl L. i\1eador r1f Fullerto n and fl lrs. Joy~c i\lcador ol Sa nti! .<\nit . The bride 11 :i.~ g1\en u11n;i r. ria~e by her fat hr r during thf' <loublr nng ru1µ!i;il~ r·or 1hr r.1·rn1ng ceremony she selectcrl ;i pale peach go wn n f m1ram1sl 01·cr peau de sop• The c1nµ1rr wa1sthnc 11 a~ e:1· c1rcl {'d 11·1th jewel ed rosrtte~. nnd l11cf and nbhon tr11nn1ed ihr floor lrngth veiling which >1<1s topped 11·11h pa~l'!I sh aded l!il ~ org;inzt1 flowt:'rs. She tarrie d 11 lu'r rose~. 11 hc~ 1Jf \hr 1·al lc y and ~1 ep h1 no11 ' ,\\rs Richard L. Dall ey of 1·osta :'llesa. the bride's sister . 11a.i:: 1n;itron of honor in a full ~k1ncd e1Tipire dress . She held :i bouquet of wh eat. aulu1n11 tca\·rs and \\'hite and coral flo11crs. Drl·~st·d ident1eallv 11· a ·' \lrs ~l ar k ~I. Fitt o(l\'cwporl Beach. b ride ~n1ald. Oenn1s L. Jones of Berke\,v 11 as brst rnon and Gary ril_. ,Jones of Costa ~lesa \ras the groo n1s111:t11. Sealing guest;, 1«en· Fil! and Roger t-:::. Crusha of Costa l\lcsa 1Yhllr- ·\l len and Bretl Bailey of Cosl <1 ~!es<1. nephew s or lht. bridr. 11rre ring bearer~. The alt ar y, as decoratC"d 111th bouquet.~ of chr}'Safl· \h{'1n11111~. s1ork and baby'!'\ hren!h. ScR chff Coun trv Cluh 111 Hu 111111g:on Beach 11.as lhr re{:ept 1on selling for I 7 S gue~!s Congr;it ulal1n ~ the coupl r 11·r rr lilt. b r i d t' gt o om '~ grantlpa1·en!s fron1 Amttrillo. fl lr anr! t\ll"s. F. \V. fl.lcador and Cha rlie I. Biddlt.spurger The i\1e:idors arc gradu1te~ nf Corona def tilar Hii;:h School and Orange Coast Collra;e. GOP Women to Hear National President Uunng a sa lute to the latr Pres1dcnl Eisenho11·c.r . t\lrs .. J. · f,loyd O'Donnell, president of thr National Federation of fl ept1 bl1ean \\'01ne11. 11· 1 I I speak. The snlutf' wil l be prcsc11 l('d hy tile lr1·1ne Co as L ll cpu hl1 ttu1 \\'oman's Club at \!:JO a.n1. Tuescla~·-Oct 14, in !he ~rwporter Inn. i\lr!:. O'Donnell, a Ca!1 fot- ni11n rrom Long Bea rh. 1s Lhc Fonnrr president of the state fcderatlon. a forrner officer of the Hepub!lcan State C.:e ntrel Cornmittec. is hste<.J 1n ""\\"tio ·~ \\"ho in A111cri can \\"omen '" <incl 11s a pilot w11s a1\lardefl the Arnclia Earhart lroph.1· All HcpubJicnn womin in Oranac C.:ounty arc 1n1·11'!U. Maso Lea gue I .a Lct·hc Lcc1 ~ur 111e1•f, \h(' ·'('1· .• 11d T1lf'Sday al ( :Jt) I\ Ill , 1\l r~. IL \\'. ,\!11otr, ti!.'i 1.~:.~. 11·111 :i11~11 rr flu r s l lo n .s l"<'iJfdini lOl"llLIOI\, <1 nd rcscr\·:1t1on.<: ::irt Min-:: t:iken by f\lrs. Ra vmond far· 'l rar at 8J3·104!l. J ( ·-,, SPEAKER Mr1. O'Donn1ll • i ., • • • ' • • DAILY PILOT ;JJ _._ _,.L ._,J_ Meson Claims Bride ,--·~~---· !Jamie Michelsen Marries O.T. Ward ~ Rivers.ide is the ney,1 hon1e of O\ven 1'in10Lhy \Vcircl n11d his bridl'. ·the ~ In Anaheim Honie in Vul!erlon following a honeymoon al Big Sur art: Ceremony r Bethel 31~ Bustling ClunaJ(l!lg H rnonth of Ac- tivity-" fur Job's Daughter.~. Bethel 313 was a silver tJMJ and fa shion show. former J a n11e Patricia Michelsen, a Ne\~·porl Jl ar1Jo1· Nution<il Chnri!y ,... l...eague debulante. They y,·ere 1narried in the Co 1r1n1unlly J1rcsbylcr1a11 Dana Wi!liarn Roch:l and his bride, lhe for1ner Debra Ann Crummett. .,.., ho exchanged 1·o·ws and rings before the: Rev. H11lph \Vilkerso n in the Chris· t1.1n Center Churth, Anahcirn. I Church, Laguna Beach. . . The Ji ev. Dr. Dallas Turner pcrforn1ed the double ring ccrcn1ony lln~1ng t.he daughter of l\1rs. Robert Arn1 s trong of 1.:1nl'rrild l~ay and J't. Kerth J\lltchelsen or Sa n J•'rancisco and the so n of t-.'lrs. J3etlv \Varel of l'a r· n1eJ and 01vcn Jay \Va rd of Lo s t\ngelt1s. · . Given .in n1 a rriagc by her stepfather. the br1cle \1ore ~111 organza ~mp1rc creation ad orned 111ith applique flO\\'ers ~prinklcd on the round neck- line. C'on1pleting her cnse1nble, s he chose a tlng('rtip VC'il and carried a nosegay of \l•hite potpou rri and baby's breath. Mi ss Tina Buccola of ('an1eo Shores was n1a id of honor. She \\•as dress~d in the sa1nc s tyle gown in ye!lo\v organza and put a f101\·ered head- band 111 her hair. \Vhite daisies and poznpons comprised hci· bouqueL . Brides1naids, dressed identically. \l'ere the 1\tllsscs 1'n ff)' and An nt' ~t1chelsen. the bride's sisters, l'atty .!\rn1strong, the bri<le's stcp-s;ster. and Beth Wa rd, the bridegroom's sister. Miss Tessi Michelsen. the bride's s1s ter 11·as rJ011·cr gi rl. She 11 ore a fl.oor-length go\vn for the occasion. Erik Nlic:hel sen, th e bride·s broU1cr. 11·as ring bearer. 'fed Kellogg \'.'as be st 1nan a 11d ushers 11•erc \Vri g!Jt llarbert, .!erry Jl enre.y. 'l'on1 Strotkan1p and Ross J'vlichclsen, the brifl c's IJrother. l\•lrs. !<""'rank lnterlandi supplied organ rnusic. 111hile !~ill Sanditch was soloist in the church \Vhic:h \vas decorated \l'i lh 1\'hile fall flol\ ers for the \\'edding. Fo!lo\ving the cerern ony, l\1r. and l\lrs. Ar1nstrong hn:;!cd a reception for 225 guests in their ne\11 home. Assisting 1\'ere l\•li ss l)a n1 \Yard, the bridegroo1n·s sister, and Miss Ardell i\rrnstrong. sister of the bride's s·tc p- father. Suecial guests included Nlr. and l\1 rs. Verdi tlilichrlscn and f\lrs. ('ot- lon tvlather. her grandparents from Sa nla Ana. Others ..., Ct'C i\'lr:;. l'.:d1\·nrd Colestock from Ca1nbridge. J\1d. and rvlr s .. <\rno!d .<\rn1!)trong tron1 i:•ac:iJiC "" Palisades. "1:epgrandmothers of thethride, l\·l rs. Ros<dic Lcnbo of Lag1~nL Beach• and fl1rs. Gladys \Va rd of Los .AingeleEi, the bridct:roon1's gran0- 1no'lhcrs. 1·he ne\v i\1Irs. \Vard is a graduate of Nc\1·port !·!a rbor ll igh Schon!. She attended Prescott College, Arizona <llld C:1I \Veslcrn. S;in Diego ;i nd was presented to society in 1966. She p lans to conti nue her education at Lh c University of California in Rivers ide. Her husband, a g ra duate of Laguna Beach l li.i;h School. is an alun1- nus of San Jose State College \l'here he alfiliatcd \\ ith Sigmn Chi fraternity. I-le was a graduate student a t California St<l tc College al r..,utlerton and Chaprflan Cb!lege a nd \\•ill \\'Ork as a proba tion officer in R i\·er ~ide . 1'he nC\\·Jy\veds rclurned from a honeyinoon trip to San Diego. ~ ... . . ~7'-l~''":". • • • North Dakota Hoine Susan r..t lnot. Air Force Base in North Dako1a 1~ thl' new hon1c of Lt. David J.lovd Paulsrri ;ind his bride. 1he· torn1cr Su· san Clark. Thr1· 11 err n1arril·d 1n Seighborhi.oti Cvngrt'g;i- tional Church. Laguna Beach. - The Rei·. f:ll:;worlh P. Rich- ardson performed the cer· l'mony lln king thr daughter of Mr. and ~1rs. John B. Clark of r..tonaruh Ba y and Mr. and ~1rs. Lloyd II. Paulsen of Ca.~ tro Va lley. The bride, ~il'Cn in marria_gf' bv her father. wore :.i white tiiie:n A·line gown fa shioned \\'ith a filtcd hmlicr, ~horl sleeves and a detachable train. Her shoulder length silk illusion vei l \\'as crowned hy organza petals anrl seed pearl.s, and she carried an aqua and \\'hite nosegay .i\Srs. Frank J. l\all, the ma- •. ~. . Peering Around Clark Married tron uf honor, worr a 1urriuoi se A·llnc gowr1 11t11eli \\ilS :idor11· cd with l<iC<' rdgu1g rtorl r·:1r- r1c<.1 ro~I'.'-, (·.1n1;111011.' :uHJ stephan11li~ Dnt!t•sn1;11d., drr.-.:.f·•I 1.ll'll• l1rally. v.rrl' :\f rs. !i ob c r \ Skarnnes. 1\liss Oalc Nr~s .:inti l\liss Kali Paulsen , the tJndc- grnorn·s si~ter. Frt•1 h'riek (;. P.iu lscn 11·;is hi.~ brother':; ~€:-st nuin. Cshcrs 1rerc Ja1ncs N l'!ark . !he brute's brother, along 11·11h L!. c;erald IJ. Cuff. LI. l)u:ine S. lt11nt:·r <ind Strvm 0. IL1rpr'r. Following thr cerernony ~i ... ant.I \!rs. Clark ho ~letl a rec1·p- !1(111 for Ji5 gu ests in their hornc. 1·11r nc11· \Jridc i~ a gr;.id- uatt:' of Tu:.\1n High Srhf'KJJ .ind Oee1dental Collrge 11 hf're sh(' •• ;iff11lated \\'ith (;an1n1.1 K;1 ppa Thl'l:1 so ror11.1·. ][('r hu~b:i ruJ. :111 <illlnlllllS (lf !1 11orcr High Sch11ol in (ilrn· doilr. wa.~ gradu :1t1·d fron1 1hc ~.irnc' rollr.c:r 11·hcrr. he :ifl 1!1n!- t'.\I 11 uh !'hi (;.:imina l)l·lt;i fratrrnn1• lie 11 :1~ ii ~1·;11h1:itc !ilUrlc11t · .11 ('.1!1forn·a Sl.111.' C\illegc ;11 I.11nt: Bt·.H'h Tht' nr11 l\'11 rd:;-tn11).: ,, ti(ln· <'~'n1oon tnP thr()uf(h 111ir1lif·rn Cal1f1)rnta. L;ike T:.ihnc arid thr y,·r.~!rrn :.!a tr~ before bOlng tv Nrirth Dakn!n. MRS. PAULSEN LB Bride REPORTS IND ICATE hoth'p---------------------. Joan ~tacMahon and l\athlCl'n I Tl'E "IN" Collins, tY.·o L.iguna B e a ch I m ~~ , American Field S<c.ice Amer-I a ie j coeds partil'1patin~ in thl' ' LQQK \cans Abroad progran1 , arr learning a lot about their l ti••••••••••••••••••••m•~I respecth·e: homes. Miss Mac~fahon is living with r..1r. and ~1rs. Heinz r.uthoH in o Qrtmund - Berghofe:r, Germany, and went to a camp to learn the language with !h~ rr.~t of the: AFS Americans Abroad "'ho are living with Ge:rman speak- ing families. ~fiss Collins meanwhile is enjoying what is spring vaca- tion in New zealand. For the holiday she is visiting the North Island. She has Ix-en dudying math, Germ a n , biology, art and English and during the physical education ··period has been play ing rugby. ~ Kathleen will return ~~ in " the middle: of January 1n time • to fini lih her senior yea r .Ill Laguna Beach High School. OR. AND ~IRS. ADOLPll Kroch opened thei r Pearl Street home last "-'ttk to host a champagne rece:ption for UCJ Friends of the Library. Guests enjoyed the rich en- vironment of lhe: KrO<.'hs' library and orlcnLal gems of ivories. Netsuke and lnro, I t>A~A POINT Yacht Club ~aluted lhf' l'nd of another season with a beach party for I members And their guests I recently in Doh eny Slate Park. TOPS {; WiGSAY SAVE 20% TO 50%! EUROPEAN HANDMADE and MACHINE -MADE WIGS THAT WILL RETAI L AT AS MUCH AS ~220.00! SOME REDUCED TO $29.95. NONE PRICED OVER $100. THESE ARE DISPLAY WIGS FROM OUR SHOWCASES AND SHEL YES -IN A WIDE SELE CTI ON TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET! JULIETIE HAND-FINISHED WIGS AT CLOSE-OUT PRICES! Dvrk Sh1:1de1 R~?· I 0~ 00 54.00 •1011d• l Svlt & '•PP•• R~q. I I S.00 57.00 ,.,.,,.d ' ''•th111111 R~q. I 2S.00 62.00 Save On WIG FALLS! .... '49" SS9.'S • • ••. '47" • ..... '46" $54,75 S4,,7S m /}/). , WIG & BEAUTY :I allie 6 ~SALON 1 2SO E. 17th ST. ~COSTA MESA I Lettuc~B-TOPS convrn(' at DAILY Till 5:30 I -- P11renls or the bridal coupl' <i re ~Ir. and J\trs. Harold £. Crun1mcll of Tustin and i\>lr. and Jl,·lrs. Paul J{odet of Costa l\1es:i. t;11·en 111 1narr1age 'oy her fa th er, the bride wore an en1· pire gown of alencon lace over pe.-iu de soic . A la ce peta l headpiece held her veil, and fonning her cascade were glameli as. Pastel pink gowM and bou- ciurts or !:.vender carnations 11 ere selected for i\lrs. Kjell T:iylor of Anahein1, the bride's sistrr and n1atron of honor, :ind Miss Janice Gregory of Brea, Miss Gail Grahn of San· ta Barbara and r..1rs_ .i\lichael Denny of OranJ:e:, brirle:srnaids. J:inellc Bennett was the flower g,rl. Altending as best man was Dennis t:rcgory of Tustin. ll'hile ushers 111ere Steve an!l Laird fiodr.t, the bridegrooin·~ ' MRS. RODET Fullerton Home ·- ' , ·r1ie event v. as presenled..1n the home of the honor~d quet'n, Patricia JunC'; fa shions ' ll'Cre supplied by Refnetfs dl'partment :-tore , and pro· C('cds ;1idcd the gr;ind gucir- di an's l'rojett \Vheels \l'hk·h su prilics \\' h e e I chairs and crull:hes to chiltlren at Shrine Hospital. Other activities in Sep· ternher included attending a fan1 ily Masonic picnic, a kid· nap brt'akfast and allending a baseball gaine with their fathers. Calendared in October are a courtesy officers' night and a Dollar Dinner next Tuesday. and on Oct 17 members. the ir families and 1nembers of De1\lol;1y v.·ill go by bus lo Oil' Shl'ine Show Ads .Turn Sense Into Dollars LINGl'Rll ~o•irs I ' brothers : Steve Crummell. meyer of Tust in and Jeannie tl1e: bride:·s brother, and Scoll i\lcC'rl1ire of Garden Cro\'e.' Hailey and Richard £dy,·ants Special guests were the brifle·. of Cost a r-.tcs.:i, .Ring bearer groom's grandmothers, :'ll rs . 11·as Bert \\ilson. \ I. 11 1 1 Carletta Rode! and r\·lrs. Eli1 -1 •• i recep ion, in ic c u1rc 1 abeth Roy, l>oth of Costa i\1csa . hall v•as attended by 200 The bride is a graduate ()f gut'sts. Assisting 1~·ere the Tustin High Schoo l ;:ind a San· J\lisses Connie and J~·n er Ben· ta \n·· b ,. ess 11 tier 1 ., u. in co ege. nett of La Habra, udy Ne1-husba nd. a Costa i\fesa lligh ... lot~ I(~'~ P~o!o MRS. OWEN WARD .. Card Party Aids Coeds 1 Rivers ide Home • • • The g;une roon1 .of !he nei . . Women Frying Well, Medium Steaks or Rare O<\kwoo~ Apartn1cn1s 11'ill b<' the selling for a fund ·ra1s1ng l·a rd par1y, sponsored by the Soroplin1isl Cluh or Ne\1']101'\ ll :irbor. The par1y 1.~ pla1,nE'd ror 8 p 111 . Friday, Ol'L 3, and pro- ceeds arc earmarked for the scholarshi p fund 11•hich 1~ distributed to s e 1 e c l c d ~radualin~ coeds in Ille area high school.~. The :<oll'<l~S II :0 fl te111f1 llllb rlrll1l\:l nl nn tl ic b.:irbc1·u,.. 11·11l frnn1 S:111 .J 11 t1 n l ' a pi s l r <t n n \V o 111 a 11 's ( 'ltiJJll\IH'I' lllitlll lht• \\0()[1\;111 '-; Club 'lf S:111 .l11.1n .. 1.1gcs lt ~ llllh {l t11111:d Si. :1k Fr\' Satur 1!a1, Ck:1 !1 , lrllri\ 6 :ru to II JO p 111. Thr ~:il:i <dhur. 1vl11eh kick:; off 1hc J!l69 -IO soci;il yca1· for 1\ie e lub1~·1uncn. r;11~t·s funds lo be used 111 are;.. t·u1nnH1nity .,,er1·ice proiect<; a-; 11rll ;1<; i;:cnrrat philanthropic \\'(Irk :inlf 1.,, cxpeclcd lo aurnl'I sc\cr.il J11111drttl p<'npl<'. J\1r~. ;\l;1 11rlc1• 1,-.ch, gfllt'1'<1l 1·hnirn11111. will l;c as.,,i:-leil h,1' 1he J\1rnc•s .. Ja111t•s Tllu1n.~1111. fllt,l!J;i Jl;111:;011. 1{;1Jpll l)ill'I~, l·~l;;ru111 Ht·nu111dc1.. John G 1\e11 arid ,J. I\. ~'.v 11igrr Frt.>d r\p~rh:irl Jr. <111d 1\. \\' Srrcr 11111 he the 111:t<>trr 1·lu·r~. 'The t11·0 !1 in •' hc•·n lcih ll)g 011 tl1is Jub for tile pa~\ 11111t• venrs. ThC f1r~t S1,,nk Frv 1rn1\.; SPECIAL PURCHASE tl 1r group. tllr~. C:ar1 Ron1cr wa s genC'ra l chairm~n of the fir:-;:! s\C'ak Irv 11·hich took pl:1cc 111 Sl<il<' Ff)reslry Park. Aller ll11·1·e .1 enr:;;, tl1r f'\enl 11 ;1.,, 1110\•ed to Lh" 1·luhhousr 11 l1f'rC' 11 has bt'l'll laking pl :1 ct' er.~r stncr . Tit:'kcts, to go on salt• soon. 1na~· be purchased fron1 ;1ny club n1cn1bcr. Furi her in· lorination n1ay br ob1a1nrd b.v 1·:illing f..1rs. Geoffrey r..1anscJI, µre sident, 493·16:!9 HB Aux ili ary T1r1 cc :i mnnlh llie L:1d1c~· Aux1l1~ry to 1!11nt1ngton Bcacl'1 \'(·!(·ran~ uf Vureign \\';_1rs. l'o~t <31i3 1neels at 8 p.n1. The lll'!>l Vnflriy of c;ich n1onth lht1· i:.a thrr 1n Odd Fcllo\\:o;: 11 .'lil fnr a business rnect 1ng ;111d ilH' third Fridiiy 1hrv Sfll'Lfl l1ic 111 v:i rious lrX·:itionS. Funher infnrn,at1on 111av be !if'r11 rrrl hy r:dl1ng J\·lrs . L~R ny Henn:inn a1 5.16-3.)AO li<'serv<1t1ons arr b c in g takt'n by r-.lrs. Farel \\'a!ker at fi~6-i4l4 nr 1\·lr<;, ~1adel1ne Oa11·son at 545·6218 Admission is SJ .50. Laguna Beach Women Called S1n~rr Hose 1\·l;irie \l/clc·h and piani~t Ocxter (~r:i.v 11•tlJ l'nlcrt<i 1n !hi! \\'01nan 's Club ol l.;1guna Br.ach rnen,bers :11 their fir~t luncheon n1eel1ng or the new year led bl' fl1rs. Huth I lull 111 the \\' o ma n '.~ Clubhou.sc JI 12 JO p.m. Fri- da.v. Ott. J (;uests are 11'clcome IO the ti cnl and ticket.~ nrc Sl.50 per person. Hcserva!lons 1na.\' be obtainrd by ('ailing il'liss Alie!." l.rdger, 49-1·9:14fi or ,\!rs .J ,1n1,.~ R1'nr11 49~·-l.1lili - --. , DECORATOR FABRICS I I I I I 11 11 _ _, Reguar 2.?S to b.9S 1.49 to 2.95 11;1' 1••11 llnd ,\11T1'nr1 !-.;ht•f'rs-Dr- ''"1'1ll1>f' 1\llllq'l•' .~ali ns ill 1111 qual111 •. , ::1nd ,,,.i,.1.,~-11pe11 \VC'a1·r & Clo1~r'1 \\'r·111·" Bnurli>s -/l~·avy ll'•·ii:ht c·n 11 n11~ & Durahlf' Lin{'ns -'/\1f'<'dy Cn.,<'lllf'n ls or Self l.in"d i Fallru .. ~ -All al Jo\v sn1<' pri<'rs-, Jrn1" 11\1r fin<' cus tom v,orknion· ship nt lio\1' s;ilr prices! ' FROM SAVE 1/3 on HOLLYTEX CARPET MILLS LEADI NG LADY, oo• inch thick. I 00 ·;. acril1n ihag, best color -now in 1tock. ONE WEF.K ONLY • Vol•ncff • aoucl• • sh .. r1 • C1Mmont1 • S1tln1 e Sw111 <~ • • L1mbrequln1 • Au1tr\1n1 · ~ e Act1¥lo Polo1 R ~9ulorly S 11 . 9S Cell for FRF.E DECORATOR SERVICE 675-1510 ' '1.J?_J.1;J:.--" J ' • ~ • .. " ""' .1.'.'· ~ t ..., __ _ ARCADE CARPET & DRAPERY OF CORONA DEL MAR ,, 1! • 11 I ' School graduate. allt'nds t'ali- fornia Stale College al Fuller- ton . fA.BRICS- CLEARANCE Special Savings CHECK GINGHAMS 100°/o Cottor. 36" Wode -Req 6Q r~• Guo• ~r.•e .. d Wn~h'lb ., COUNTRY CLOTH PRINTS 50°/o Dotron Polyester . .'iOo/o Conan 44/45" W<rie -Reg. S 1,98 per yo•d Guo,onleed Woihoble SINGER DUCK PRINTS 1009/o Co"oo 44/45" Wide -R~ S 1 '29 P"' y'l• J Guo•nnteed Wolhoble SAl E PRICE '" 44c ro r4 '" '"' '" 1"' SALE PRICE 99c SALE PRICE ggc SALE PRICE ggc FAIRWAY & TRE MODE PRINTS 6.'i% Doc1on Polye1te•, 350:.~ Cotton 44/45" W·de -lleg_ S I 49 per •1011! Guoronleed Wolhoble WIDE WALE CORDUROY I OO'Yo Canon 44/45" w ,d .. -~'"') ~ l 49 per v~.,1 Guo•onieed Wush obl .. FLUFF CREPE PRINTS SALE PRICE lOO'Yo 00(!00 PolyeSl!!r 44/45" W ode -Reg. ~ ! 98 pp Guo•0'11eed Wo~hoble $144 ... ,..,, THICK & THIN CORDUROY SALE PRICE 100°0 Corio'\ 44/45 .. W•rle -p,..'1 S I 98 r•• Gt1t1rt\n!e£<I Wn1hri hl,.. $166 ... , .. , SINGER TWIST COaRDINA TES SALE PRICE 100% Rayon 52/54" Wode -Req S2 98 pe r y.,•d Dry Cleon $2~ DACRON POLYESTER KNIT'.. SALE PRICE 100°/a Dacron Polye1rer $J33 52/54" Wide -Reg . S5 98 lo S7 98 pr:f yord TO Gvorantr:r:d Wa$1ioblr: ~$555 Aslor1r:d Weave~ ,_,4 EASThh.APTON FLANNEL 100"/o Wool 54" W>dr: -ll110 . ~4 50 per yard AUTUMN MIST 92% Te .. tvr ed .Acetate, 8°4 Nylon Fu~c: 100% Atelole Trkol Batlt 54'* Wide -Reg. SJ.98 per yord Ory Cleon BRA VO SALE PRICl 100°/o Acrylic foce, 100~/o Acerote T••tot Bock $388 58/60" Wid e -l!eg $4 98 per yard ,., ~c• ~ .,. And SINGER has a c.r edi t plan to fitYMr budaet. Wliati atwfor ton111mw 11 at SINCE R todavl' SINGE.R SOUTH IOAST PLAZA UPPER LEVEL PHONE -2633 Bristol et Sen Diego Fwy .• Co1ta Mes• •A Tfli:tem1rk of THC SING[R COMPA'HY .. 7;30 Pm, r;tch Turs :a\' for THUR,J. & FRI. Till 8:00 548-3446 progran1:o;: in rountain Valley L Elementary Schoo l. 1 ... ._. __ _._,..._._,... ____ ._. _ _.._._,..._.I J 2846 E. COAST HIWAY ----------17141 675-1510 ...... ___ _ •• ' I •• • ... . . ---------~~. ~,..,...,..,..-:-:"'.""~-.,....~~.,..,.,... ......... .,..._ ______ ~--.. - :Jt DAIL V PJl OT s Wtdr!!\day Octobfr i , 1%1 LSchool Units Offer Varied Programs, Series ~ !£:ColD• > """'• A ., .... Ct•Olf'CI IO " ......... ••• V•ll•" 9""1'•"<11Qll B••~', ~ y,...,. i <.ol &~ •<Id Wn!n"n•· .. ..-~<Mal o,,,.,u P•"''" 1<a:.""' c• _..110 '1<Yl> """ •~<>0•• 1<1 1<1• 0 ... ll Y ~IL01 ·~<n "'••• ln!(>'•f'•l>O<I '~"" J>& '""""•a t, ""· c ,1.,...,1 l v•otun k ll M•n<I'""' Oo •~• Hun1,.1<1!0!> B•~· , , bot I p "'· f<•O•• 10< pu~l·<•hon ~·~ n~•· l . _, .Cook PTA \\"illia1n Gamho;1 Presidenl .U0\11:\G LP l:'.xr ru l i\ c board n1cet1ng \\di takr f,la(·c lon1or ro\1: .'.II 7 30 µ m. 1th!.' 1c;1chcrs' r ooni. Plan-. ~ -v1il l be lnrinul;tled fur 111•· . f o rlhto1n1ng rnen1\)('r:.h1p dn\'e and 1hcrn1· REPOHTS Fun [ )..iy l•M•k ~lace last Saturda} 011 tru· '£hool grou11ds. llascb;1ll amcs and races provide.I : tl'rlainmrnl for the wholr :,1 J amily and refreshn1en1~ · ,,. '"'ere sold . *'· I :·fy High PT A >. , J\lrs. \\'illi::11n Brock1nan : Pres1de.n! 00:-011:\G L'I' Ftr,,1 in a ~1·nr~ :w:ir programs 11 ith the tht•n1r Portrai1s in Ac!inn wi ll hr Jlrrsc11 trrl follJ11 1ng the f1 r=-t • 1Jn1 t me<'t1ng of the 5r'hool -:.>car Tuesday. Oct 7, a t 7 30 -• p.m. in the school c·aft>trr1;1. • . 1'ortrai1s of the An1Crit·an• \Voman 11·111 be the theme nf 1hc • evenin{;·s p ro gr a rn presented in the forrn ol :1 panrl discussion. l'ant·l 11 di t·onsist of fl\r 11·01nt'n and a n1oderator and offer a dire! 1 «nd informal ch.~cusl'!un nf current prob!rr11s \\'01nr11 on the panel 11·ill 1nc.:h1dr a :-.t cxic <in l\merican, :\r,grn. c:ii'hohc, Je11· <ind l'rot ~~ tant . Tltf'r arc reprt'S<'1\· 1at11 e~ o! the Conirnun1tl" Relations ConfercQCc • of Soulorern t;a!ifornia. l n <"h<l'l_-gc of the. pr'Jgr;1m i~ l\1rs. Richanl Benedict, iir11· Erant t·hairman. llcfre,h· n1cots 1r11!. be served. Fulton PTO .\!rs. Robert \\'f'l1·h Pre:o.1dent L:0~1\r\G L"P: PTO men1bc'rs will attJ.>nd a series on cfr\1~ ;idrl1 cl1on c11l1lil·d l'<1rl'n i" ,-\wakr r a c h \\"N!n:.'sdav from Oct I 10 29 at i '.IQ pm. in Cll"lt' i en1er. Foun- tain \"alley l'r6gr;11n I\ nprn to lhe pub!1 t' ... l·::1.rL ut11 t• board rneet111~ 11111 r.1kc plare lo1norro11 :l\ I :10 p 111_ in th!' mu lumed1;1 r11orn V1s1on ~er{'('n111g d:1IP' hJ 1!• bcrn eh;ing('d 111 (J,·I I'.:!. J.1 and I ~ for gradt'~ (•111·. tl1tl'r . f r1r ;ind se1·rn H.1,·k-tn- sc hool n1gh1 111.I 1 ;1~f· pl;i tr ThursJ.:11, Ucr 2:; .• t ; J(/ pm. in thr r11ult 11111·rl1:1 ruu rn · • P'T'Q-~f)\lt\'0fl'd !>l"Ollt troops will beg in 1!1r 1c:1r, :ic11vJ11es this rnon:t1 l11r:1nr Girl Scou t tronp' :!I.JI: <J'1d Ji~8 11 111 1nec1 111n1•:n1111 Mr~. lvan Lbald1n1 1, lr;1df'r ot troop 206 and \11 , 111.-i•p 11 S1n1ont', ro-learlt·r \! r ~. ,Jl)hn llinton I' l•'d!h r .. r 1r()(lfl li~S ;10!1 :\I r< :-..11·· I lf'nrich~cn. • 11 · I r .; 11 •' r Rro" n11> troop 1; \'l 11 111 nlf'4'1 Thur~day, Oct. !1 , l1ndrr :11• ,. -, • •, dlr('("\lOO O( :\lrS. llal S('\' ChC'nOWl'lh. ~lure uiernber:-. and an assistant leader arc necdt'd in ttus troop Anyone inlerf'sted Hl participating •lla) t"J nta<·t ~1r s. ChC'n Owt'th at 8~7-2378. New llru1,1n1c troop !750 LS being ~1rganized 11 1t h r.1rs. Ha nk L<inge, leader nnd ?lfrs. Jer- ry Ca r\·er. co-leader. Those interested tnay rontact YJrs. Lange at 842-6116. Rl-:l'Oli TS PTO has donated funds for 11vo 111us1 (' 1·ampcrsh1p~ at Arrow Brar nt'Xl sun1n1rr . First unit n1ePl!ng of the school year l•lOk place la ~\ Thursday. _.\ttcndaner pt•nnant 1-1·as <1 1-1 ;1rt1ed to ,\lis'i ~lary C h a rn b e r s' kindergarten rl;iss. Therne ior 1he year 11 111 be 13 e l t e r Con1- 111 uni ration , . Officer~ ~rrring th ts ~ <'.1r .'.Ire the :\1rnes. Robert l\leli:h . presi- de nt , Herbert Vnrnogid;i . .Jan1ey J a co b s c n an!! \\"1ll1;11n Bnbcrl s. v 1 e e prpsidcnts. !1unald \l"ill1a111s .1111! Creg Burke , \l'C rrlarics. and Floyd \\'arr. 1rrrtsurer. Others st'rving 1111 1he r·~ecuih·e board arr th1' .\ln1f's. !'cir Ca1hcnnan. 4·01nn1unity r c s o u r t: e s ; Jacobsen, h ca I th and ll'rlfrire and John Lin n. co- c hai r n1 an ; Carver. tu ... iorian: Clvdr Eaton , Sin1one and 't.: b.a Id 1 n i, ho~pitalily : .J ohn :\IJonrlo. l1brcrry awes: Hob c rt l\'etincr. music boo~tl•r: Rov C.:unninghan1, newsctlc an~l ·• l·lli l Bomsev. eo-chainnan : l;rrald HJ x. µarl1amen- 1:1rian . Don Lucas, public1- 1 v n nd Lio) d Long. <·rr chai rrllaJl Jolin Sulli\"n11, pa~cnl e<iu'ea11on: Lan~e. roorn n\uthe rs: Lbald1111. ~outh aetiv1ilf'S, and Oa\ld \"a~riuez . \"O]untt'er 11 orkrr,.. H1chard Hanna is a11d itor . Meadow Vw . PTA .\!rs. Carl ll ai-ri s President C0:\11 \"G L"P · Back-tu-school r 1gh\ (tnd tllr lirst u111t n11 ·· 1•\1ng or the fall season 11"111 1ak<' place Tursrlay. Oct. i. ..t! ; .'lO p Ill. Ul l h t• 1 .1ft•!onun1. Speaker of ttir ("I t'lllfll: \I ill bl' [l <I \' I d JI;,~ 1\arcl v:ho 11111 d tscu ~'> Ii u v :>C01Jt1ng. Clas5 roon1 1 J.~!!:il1on ll'lll lollo11 !hr prv- gr.un. Hl-:l'OHTS 80\1 !1ng nuw is 111 pr11gn·~.., •'<ll'h '1'hur:;l!<ty ;1t 1if•iill 111 ll u11 t1nglun Lanr,_ \ !I I o I\ I' 11· I ~ 11 I 11 g I I! p;n 11t·:p:1ll' 111,:iy r 11 ti I a r I .\1r". C<1rl Thornll• .'.JI 84i- 1Hl\2 <\II proceeds 11111 b1' d1•1111cd l!l PT,\ ph1lan- 1l1rop1e." .. Ext•cu111•c boa rd 11H't'!ln~ lonk p!ac·r 1;1<l 1:1~ht 111 !h•• l10111r nf :i.t r" II 11 l .!~trr l'l:in~ 11 r r !' !un11u/;i!rd fur lhe tn1'111· ll< r~l11p dn\ c· ;ind 1}11s:.;ihl>' ·.1 ,11.., <inti 1nc;111s flrl•JC<I •1l•t ii'~i'il .. I·: 1; <' c U I J 1 (• l1n.ird l•f"'C'Jlt rd a \l':t fnr 1•1n1h1·r~ nl k1n1t rri;.1rrner-. t ot'Jrgc II 1!harn ~. pr1nc1 p;i l. " . ~ ~Fa s hion Platter Served and kindcrg;irtrn tC<JL"hrrs 11crr available to answer qucslions concernin g lhe )'Car's program. Newla nd PTA \lrs. Geo rge l.ross Prrsidcnt C"0.\1 l'.'IG I.JP Spaghe!li di n- ne r to lau nch the IYfA mcn1- bt:rsh1p drive 1-1·111 take plare Thur:.day, Oct. !l. from S to /·;l(I p.1n. HI sclwiol. Diner~ v:ill cnJOY :di th!'Y c:in cat of ~paghcttJ. salad and garlic lircad ror 50 cents pe r adult. 2."1 t't'nls pt·r child. Ticket~ t an be purchased in advance ;JI the school ice crcan1 ('Ounter during lunch houri:;, ll purchased ;1\ Lhe Joor , :tdul t t1ckc1 s will cost 7!i tl'n1s, ehildren·s ticket s 50 ce111s. ... Oak Vie w PTA .l\lrs. Hnnk Standridtie President C0~·11:-..;t i;p :)1,1·ap and Shop Fair will take place on the school grounds Saturday, UCL 2S, fron1 10 a.nl to 4 p.m. PTA 1-1·i1J accept eonlribu tions of ' · w h 1 1 e elephants"' and also will rent space to any individual or organ!zation intf'restcd in ·srHing 11r sw ap pi n i:: 1)1rrthandisc. l''urthcr in- forniation znay be nb1ainf'rl bv t"all ing !llrs. Edwartl .\luroski at 842-8i911. Perry PTO .:\I ~. Georgf' King °'president C0.\1 ING L"I· l'"irst unit n1f'eting of lht school .1 car 11·ill l<tke place in con- Junttion 1vi1h pack-tO~~clloo\ ni;~lll and opt'J~ house 101nur• ni11· ,1t 7 p.n1 . 1~cw fa cult1· rnc1nbCrs, oHiccrs a n d c·t1ainnrn 1rill be introduced. \!rs. Genrge King 1,1•ill con- duct a short bu s 1 n c s s rneeling and honorary lire 1ncn1bcrships "'ill be a11·aril- rd. Fo1Jo1,1·ing the meeting, parf'n!s will v 1s 1t t:lassroon1.~. tnec1 t h (' 1cachcri:; and 1·1cw their <·h1ldre11'5 'A'Ork. Li g h l rl"frl'5h1nents will be ~old fol101-1 1ng !he mrel ing i\lr).. l>an Ectdo11· will serve as 1·1l<11rm<in. Hf·:l'OR TS Offier·rs SPr1111~ 1111.'> ye:ir ;ire lhr :\1rn f's. l\tnJ!. prrsitft•nl : .\lary .Ju .lt'llr~. 11ce 11 r t>si de111 : 'lor.~h;1ll l"°;1rl1·011 . ~ecre t<1 r1 l.rsl it• Bru1Y11. lrt·n ~u r't'r, a1ui l·'loyd \\'h11n t 1·. parl1a1ne11- 1,1r1an Also .,1·r 1 111~ on 1l1r 1'\<'t"U\11 t' ho<1rd arl' tl\1· .\l llH'~ Fri-(•1n<1n Ta;. lor ,. (• rrci.p1111d1n.i: ~eeretar~ IKinald Ansbro, heallh and 11rlfarr. Clia rlrs IL .lollnson. h1stor1a11 : Eddow, ;ind l)on 1\da111s. hospita!1t\·. 1·:d11 n1 Bo~~-1nt•1nbcrsh1P: I> I. l "1nph1·11011r'. nf'1,1~rttr 'I 1 Irr J: r 1 n I.; c r, teach ers' .1 1d J•1lrr<··l .\I ;l u r r r, 11'1• phnnr .l.1ck B o 1 h :i, 1\pis!. \\"1Jliarn II r Is! ah , 11.J\' ;ind 111ran~. l\€'n t1 :jh111!.olo.tl . _111u:h r""rrl;n;1 I <l • ' C::lot.h1ni.: shop!\ in Jl unl1ngton l~e(lch '~11! :-11 ppl_v appn1'r! li•t' 1he 1.-a .~hion lJ1· to be µrcsenled by t-:d1,r.;on lli1;th Sc hool l'"l !-i.\ frntn 2 10 l o .J p n1. Saturrln.1 Oct. JI. in l hf' school cafeteria. I ncluded 1n !he line up of ~!uilent inodels 1 ~ \f 1 ~~ .Judy J_,inrl~ry :1nrl prrr;iri11 ;:: h:iC'kJ:?rn11n rl n111 ,\<' 'i,1 ;i record player 1:- --t.ic ril \ l.t'nt. ,<\!lsor1;i tcd <..,t11rlr·n1 l:inrl y pr~.f.1d~;11 ·r1e ·ke1 .. <11"(' ~I. t1on. and i\l1ss Lt n d a Bo11dc:.u11. le o:1 chcr rfprr;-,Cll· ta ti1·e. !loom nJOthers are the ~1 n1cs. i\1 i t• h a e J Bushnell, Roger Richards, l'. J. R.oels and Silvio 'fhomas. Tract represen· 1at1ves are the Mn1es. D. E. ~U('. Thornas Telchn1ann, Hoberl !)rake. G l lb c rt Arm enta, Sherman Johnson, Stephen I\ e I s o , Gary Frazier, Patrick Ackins, Lell"is Cerda and Wes Smith. Robinwood PFO i\1 rs. Lt~ i\toc i. President CO.\Jl:\G UP : Paper dr111e 11·itJ take place al school fri- <lay. Oct. 24. Prizes will be ;.nvardcd to classes with the greatest participation. HEPORTS: C om m i l t e c ("hairmen servi ng this year <"Ire the f'l1mes. Donald P.mero. room mo! he r s ; Chester \\'crcnko, library; l\;;irl Schopp, hospitality: .Jack Harris and Robert Davis, me1nbcrship : Robe rt Sheriner, pub lic relations, dlld Philip i\teiners , secretarial pool. Represen· •· ting the school at district meetings is J\trs. James Dix- on. Fred Trucm<!TL serves as inslitutional representat ive \1·orking \\'ith scout troops sponsored by the PFO. Anyone "'·ishing lo sCr\•e as ,1 committee ehairman or 1ncrnber may contact l\lrs. Lee !11oc k a1 SDJ-6442. Sch roede r PTA i\1rs. Charlu ·.Spade President CO~llNG l:P : Bake sale \\"ill take place l\·londay, Oct. 13, 10 the 1.nul!ipurpose rorn1 , lol!o1-1·ing lhf"" tu111 n~tlt(fng. funda,raiscd will be dC'l"01f'd to PTA philan1hrop1es in the Sl"hool. i\·lrs. Robert Norton wLlJ serve as ch<11tman or 1he s;1!e, t-.lr~. O I 1 v er Cushing. CO--{'ha1rman. ' . ,_, ~ ·v,_, .\ ' ·• " . ~ .. •• _.,,, ' \ REPORTS: Bowling league officers serving this vear are the f.lmes Amo.~ Hale, president: \Vaynr i\1anier, 1 ite president. anr! Lovce reldhac ker. sec ret a,: y. 1reasurf'r Tf'n teami:; are participating in !he leagur Clowning Around for Carnivol Copers Se a l Beach PTA ,\1rs. Sa ul ~11 11,lcin Presidrnl i 0:\1 11\'.G L"!' Car n 1 v a I ("ap·er.~ \1ill r;1kr pla(!' Saturd:i~. Oc:I 11. fron1 noon 10 6 p r1t 011 rhe ~chool J-!round~ , Soft ball =-t'1111nar \1 111 br presented Tuc'd<i~. Oc.·t. :!I . at 6 311 Jl n1 (Ill :\1t·<;augh !tt'ld Cnrnpeting \1·111 bo:-I hf' :-..qua res. !he parrn1~ · lc:uu. 1·~ Eggheads. 1hc 1raC'hrr~· train. J!ot dogs an(! ~oft drinks 11•LIJ ht• !.old. ~rhool ha nd and 1!rill tcn111 \\'ill perform undrr the d1rcr!io11 ul Ch;i rlei:; \\!aekrnn;111 R EP<JRTS {;cl 1n the Sp:icf' Hl!CC Today -Join PTA I' I he :>log11n of the m l'lll· hrr!lh1 p 1lrl\ e in pr<>g1~,.., l'n zc~ of SlO <lnd S.'i \1 111 bf' 111-1ardf'd In {lass rnorns 11 1! 1 l11ghesi pr.rcrnlagri:; 11 1 111en1brr~ 1n rach of thrcf' FV Pro iect .'\dd1t1ona! gdn1e booths are bC'in,i::: planned 11ith rr- pca ts o f .J \\•hitc e lephant hooth a nd food booths at the annual carnt\'al to hC' prcscntC'd hy Se;d Beach f-'T.\ fron1 noon 'Lo fi p.n1. Saturd ay, Oct. 11, <it the !'-( hoO! d1r1~1un~ J)1\ 1s1ons <He kindergarten l hrou~h i:;rcond b'T"ade. 1hird Hirou gh lllth ;:ind ~1xth thro11i;h f'1;.:d1lh grade rc·r1 d1 l';ll('~ tnr IW percent n1r1nher "h1p .1 l~o \.\"111 br prc.<:f'nted l"ha1 rman of rhr dr11c 1~ ,.\!r". ll;irvry \\"ebh ln 1·ho1·gc of po~1er$ ilnd ;_11·t 11 ork 15 il1r~. Paul Dugmore. Other <'Ornmil\er mcrnhrr~ :irr the ~!rnr~ T f' d Cu,h1nan. Da' 1d Rr nl le1·, .lohn Hankin. :\Tann Hos~1. !);1n C':1 n1pbcl1. c:1rn rea~lrv ill1d [)onnld Sh'grn. · Wardl ow PTO :'>!rs . C.ror.i:l' :O.lerhoin rres1dc:it LU.\lJ\(; L·r · E xc ru 1 iv e board 111ec\1ng 11·1 !1 take place !\londay. Oc! Ii. ar i :m p.m. 1n school.. !\!r~ \\'1lhan1 llavll'ood. l1brar1· 1 h:11rn1.1n, 11.11! 11 01·k 111 1i1 •· c 111-ra·uh:rn n1;1l1·r1;ds t·en1•·r to hrlp prrparP for 1hc Zoctc: School CIO\\ ning a round 1s cha1rn1an. R1 ch- "r<l \ eo and help1n;.! h1111 suppl_,. cnoui::h balloons <:rl' .ft1l1c !lazclhur ~t <i nd ~ic\'C'll Bcrro. di~cnrd hoo f. fa ir lo br pre~cn!rd /or 1hr publu· \l'•·dnrsda~· a111t Th11r~da~. <h·I R ;ind !1 \lr'-111lnald l·.11·1>lt11 ;ind \1 1·~ l\tl\ R1·01111. Tr;"l 1l'r..,· aid.' 1 u-1 i1;111 rnrt•. 111!1 brg111 ll"!)rk 1n !ht cc·1;11t'f 'I .. , I J, ,. .. ._ T11rsda~·. Ort i . al 9 1.m. Four 1nrn11Jrrs 11 ill ac- c·on1pan\' thrrn each su b~t· qu •·nt Tuc~d;i1· ilnd work fro m 9 a.111 lo noon prepar• 1ng teachers aid~ for use 111 thf' ela~~roo111 .. ~~ Parents • ~ 0 Aid Schools Fount .. 111 \ alll'~ p;irrnt 101 r1ntecrs 11111 pro11dr a.~s1~ta111 f' t1l arra ~th(IOI ~ ag11111 1h1.~ ~('<I I" A a rrernl f.1ek·<>lf !(•;1 111 lh£' eurr1culurn m a t e r i a I .~ center. sch()(iJ chairmen of l!brary and l:tborat ory aides 1nf'L lo plan their year".~ 11·or k. These two co1n1nitlees corn- prised of parent volunteer~ areo based in the center. Laboratorv aides. under !hr llirection Or Mrs. Pa u I Hopkin.~. distric1 lab techni- cian. v.·ork in teams two morn- ings "'eekly to produce i1ern!l such as fraction kits. phonies 11·hecl~. musical g o u rd s . n1u lt iplication k.ils and 01hf'r ;11ds to learning. Lfl.<it ye Ar 4100 hours 1-1·crc devoted to this work, and more tha n 3000 instructional aids \Ye re ereated for 1he use or children in the district. District c h 11 i r 111 a 11 11[ laboratory aides 1his l'Ca r i.~ ~lrs . II a r r y i\lcn<irlsohn. School rhairmen arr the l\hncs. Carlson N i pp e 1 , ·.t.revalos; James !\1orhain, Bushard : Ronald \\'ill. l'oun- l<1:in Va lle.v; Gregory R1i rke, Fulton; r: r v ; n Annstrong. Clisler. H:ilph l\cmpPr, Harper: Arthur Sn1ith. Larnh . i\1e ndclsohn. :\1 c Do 11· e 1 I : Eugene Tansil I. Nie b la s; Chester l\·lc1\1illan. Nrwl11nd : C h ri s top h e r f.l;irtine1 .• Tamura. and Donald Ewolcl1. "'ardlo1-1·. Library ;i1drs. under the i::uidance of 1\lrs. l\rnr [);ii~'. distri ct librarian. check hf"JOf.~ 1n and 0111. process nf'w hnok.~ .:inrl ~hefl·r then1 TI1 i5 co111- 1n1ttec devoted more than 3000 hou rs to !h1 ~ work last \·c;ir ~I r~ John Sehe1np sefvcs .:i' d1 str1ct rha1rnlan of library a1dr~. an1I ass.st1ni; ..i rr 11ir \lmrs \\":il"n~' t_; a 11 n r1 n , .\rrl":ilo~· Tl1t11n<1~ ~1:1~lo11, Hush;ird : Robert Ar 1· 11 i' r , 1:ou111a111 \"allry, J11hn \lnndo, Fulton . ~orn1an A d ;1 i r , f;1slcr . Roger !\laekc·nstadt, Harper ; Schf'mp, La n1 h; Ouane K;1sulka. !\l rl)n11el!: l\'illia111 .Jackson , N i eh 1 a s : Robert (ircelcy. Tan1ur:i, and \l"illlam llay\1·ood. \Vardlo11 A represcntati'r fron1 Newla 11d School also 11·ill 1010 the con1- mitlcr. ,\ 1hi rd grn11 p tern1f'd 1hr heal!h and 11r lfarc con11n 1t1cc \1·orki:; \1'it h ~Ir.~. J a ni cs Zahlen. Fountain Va J I c \" coordina!or of health ser1•1cf'S. This grou p 1.~ {' u r r r n ! I y ;iss1shng i 11 ad1nin1~lering iiC'uring trst~ to first and fou rth gradr ~tudrnls. This program has been cxpand('1! to include ,·ision serern111i;: for J1rs l. third. fifth anrl sc1enlh ~r ;idcs Addition;il p lc1n.;; for lhr ;l·;1r inclurlc a.~s 1s!iPG 111 imn1u11iz;ition clinics and safeo- 1y <1etiv1tie~. prt·par:1tion 11[ bulletin boards. typing or statisticnl r r po r 1 s and performant•e of ot her clerical d1it ies Srr\'1ng as co-ch a!Ttnen of tht' heallh and w('lfare ron1- n111trf' arc i\lrs \\"?.l trr T;1tc :ind :\!rs Ray111nnd 11cliFhl School <'ha1 rmen ar{' !he ;>.ttnrs Bcn C a ~arln ~. Are\alos . Delight. Foun1ain \'alley: Jamey Ja r ohs r n. Fulton: i\dan1 Ki~s. (.;1s lrr . Salvatore Rizzo. Mil r pc r , ;\li('hael Sla1cn, l_,.11nb , 1\1;1r1on l>avton, ,\1 cl)011·<'JI , .l;irne~ ('o(hra n, Nc11·l11nd : H1("hard 1·erry. N ie b 1 a s : l\l'ilh ~~d11 ard~. Tr.mura. and R11l">l'rt .Ju~\1cc. \\"ar dlo"'· A repre~r n !<1!1\"f' frorn Bushard School soon 1-1·itl be appointed. ,. SCHUSS ON DOWN-:\ con1hined bake and n1mma~e sale will he one of the 1na.1or 11 ays <ind n1cnns prOJC'C:ts sponsored h'' the ~l unlington Beach .Junior \\.on1an·s r·111b Enrou!r 111 the sale, 1rith lier contribulion, is J\'l rs. Erwin Zuehl.~, rrcord1n g !-l'tretnry. Thrift ll.1 rga1n..tiu111rr~ arr 11:\ 11rd In atten!I the rumr11:1 ~r and bakr ~:tic laking pl;1cr Oe· t11·ern 8 a rn . :ind 5 p 111 Satur- 1!a~. Ck! 4, 11ndrr thf' ~pnn~nr 'hlfl of rile llunlin.i:ton Beach ,Junior lrorn an·.~ Cli1b Tilt' p:irf.1ng ln1 of 1hr ~n11thrrn California ~~di~nn Cu 11111 1·on\31n .1\1·1dc 1;irtc1.v of ohJrcts -c1 cry!h1n;:: frn111 h11ilhtha 1r~ lo floor 11·a:-.rrs \\1 lh pl'r11ap• ~k 1~ nr 11 Seekers surfbo;i rd for the 5J}l'lfl.!>·1n111d· ed. Sr r11ng ;i;, t'h:t1rni;111 of the r11'1111r 1\·ars ttnd n1ea11s proj- C\:\ 1!< ~rrs. Ted rtcddick , and :1~!'>1i;ting in the i;:i lc arc 1he ~lme!i Georgr l\l'mp. F:a rl Keil. Karl ll11nunrr. \\"ilh~n1 R1s=-. Ole A h11;1:i~. I ,:111 rencr H1);/11 and R0n ,1lr! 7'0\'ko1 \\"hitc ba tg;110 11 II 11 I I 11 t: 1hrou~h 1hc :i~'-nrt111f'nl ,if rlolhlllF: of :itl ~l7:f'~. l)(IC>k• h1rn1turr. nr rlrclrir.11 ."p· Enticed phanccs. shopJ)('rs are invited lo pause for refreshment.s al the bake sale table. All clu• members flrc baking i f;i1·orilr rtripc 11·hich will M dona!ed Assisting ~·1 th \ht bake salt 11 ill hr lhe 'Imes. Ro) .1,,hn~o11, \\'('n(ln\I Emde, Lal' r1· .i.·hn~on and F:rwin 7.uchl ~ . ,\ny :"l rf'a rt~irlrnts who wist ti dn11.:i1" to !ht" nrmmag:1 <:-ilr ~rP 1n1·1lerl lo ca\1 Mrs lte<Jd1e;k, 647~1009 ------- \ \ DAILY PIL OT :J· : Russian Princess Prefers Life of American Ticktocker Project .. ' • [ ,. .Y•.;· -~,: .. ,If~~._ .. t , .- RUSSIAN EXILE Maria M•tlo\la \. 8 \' JO Ol ~"iO'J Ot t ... Doo!r ~llOI S1t !I ~1ana ~1Ptln1·a has kno"·n both the c.:av iHr ;ind black bread existence 111 li.ussia, having been born 11 pr1nc:ess <ind li ved the life of a con1- 1no11er, but 1s 1nost ha ppy Y•1 lh her prescnl status, that or an American citizen. The all raclJ 1•r. youth f u I v•hitc haired lorn1er Hussian a r is t o l' r at slated her pr('fcrence bc(urr. <1n iludience of mc1nbers or the Col. \V1lHan1 Cabell Ch a 11 t c r , llaughlers of the A1ncr1can J\C\'OIU\1011. Speaking tn the "beautiful c.:apita!isls,'' as she called Lhc wornen, she related her ex- 1ieriences in Russ1;i as a teenager duri ng the 1930s. The pe riod she 1!cscribcd 11as not hrr first in ll uss ia, as :.he !cit at !he age of 2 'o\ 1th her mother to esc;<pe the rtuss1an H.cvolution. She and hrr n1othcr returned to H.ussia I SE A-KI NDL Y BOAT Mr1. Sharon Sites Adams Alone From Japan Sailor Relives Cruise Ta les or her 11i11gle-handcd t ruise Fron1 yokol1an1a \\"Ill be recounted by /\1rs. Sharon Siles Adams. who rccrn1ly 1nade the trip 111 Sea Sharp II . <luring !he monthly luncheon 1n Ralhoa Yacht Club Thuri-.- day, OC't. !1 /\1eet1ng lor the 11 ·30 a.m. social hour folloll'cd hy a noon lunch \1·ill be Ille cun1b1ned n1r11'~ 11nd 11v111e11":. grcJ1..1p;.. "'e!com1ng mrmbrr.~ arvl i;uests 1r1ll be Coinmodore 3ncl Gibson-Beza ire Nuptial ~I r!\. Da1id Sm iley. Vice Co1n- rnodorc and 1\lrs I) (Jn Franklin and Hea 1· Con1 - n1odorc and ~l rs. Ed Steen Jr, Arranging the progran1 arc .\Ir~. Aln1on Lo c k a b c 1• • 11t>rnan·s chairman, and Ed Let hen. J\1rs. Ada 1ns 11111 discus~ Dc1rrn11na11011 -Sran1ansh1p -Nnrigation. blenrlcd 1~1!h a St>a-k1ndly boat and c;flrl , 11·h1ch she terms kc~l> to hrr surccss. Rite s Pledges Al ho1nc in Llarrlcn r;r:i1r hrul:il bouquet 11as a t:l11stcr are Donalcl .11clv1n Gib~on and of wh11 r roses. his bride. the former Loy ,\nn ,\f 1s.~ ~fary Francis L11dlan1 served as 1n:iirl or honor :tnd Bezaire ol 711on terey Park. hnde:s1na ids 1vere ;\li~s i\lary The cuuplc exchanged ll'l'd-Beza1re, !he bride 's s1strr and ding vows and rings in St. the ~1mes. W, Edward Gibstn1 Stephen's Church, J\tontrrl'y and George i\la1sano. Thty Park. and honeymooned in Sa n were gowned identica lly 1n Diego. yel101v dolled S\\'iss. The bride, da ughter nf Paul Flowrr glr! was Barbara J. Bezaire or ~1on!ercy Park 11eauchamp, cou sin of the :ind Mrs. Louise Bezaire of bride. and ring bearer 11'al'i Alhambra. selected a dimity Thomas Beza1re. brother of over taffeta go\.\·n, appliqucd the bride. ll'ith lace daisies. Her illusion Attend ing his hrothcr al' veil \.\'BS caught lo a crovon of hesl 1nan 11•as Gibson and ~, crystals and pearls, and her sea ting guests '1'cre \\'ill1 <1r11 • _, ~~~~~~~~- ~~ H~~.d~e!a I . Mr, P. G. l!lw1r i, p rolt11io~el dt 1i9~tr, will bt '" Ntwpo•t l••cli 2 4ap MIJ, Oct. 2 •ll4 l , 11 !lie Tr1•t!od9, Mot~I. t>201 w.,, c,,..,, Hi9hw•~· Fo1 •11po:~1,.,1nl, pit••• ,.11 ~;"' •' t>~l-11~1. Oon·1 ..,,,. ,.,,, DPllO•lvf\•ty! Gel ..,,.,.,,.d for i;.i SUITS -SPORTS COATS -SHIRTS -DRESSES EVENING OUTFITS -TOPCOATS, Etc. St ltcl hOfl' O....,t 1.000 u,.,~ltl on d11pl1y •:10 ~·1pl171d • lollfd 5 .. ,11111, M1ndo11•-G1ovu -l l -\I-I~~ SS Ntw Mon19om••Y St., s.~ F••"t;•tD, Co, '""'""'''"'"'"' ~..,. r.,,. e1.,,,~. \\hen ~he was l'I and left 1\'hen :she 11·as 1 $. 1";1ken out "·1th her at gre:it risk \\hen sl1e left the f1n;i l time ll'Crt' !he notes for her hook, .. Bla ("k Bread a n d Caviar," 1•t·ry sirn ply con· cealed in a small \1'it kcr :sull- case be\\\'Cen layers o f lingerie. \Yhat 11•as Russia like "'hen she rl'tu rncd as a girl of I~? "The Sah·t1tlon Arn1y basket~ we reteived 1••hc11 1ve "·ere 1n A1nerit:a during the 1930s 1rerc •f\ing·s leasts' eon1pared 10 1he food 11·e 11·ere able lo ob- 1a1n in Russia,'' she co1n- n1entcd. 'l"he potatoes 'o\'l're rotten and the nood les ll'Cre blue- black. i\llss iltcllo1·a and h c r n101her 1noved into an ap.1rl- n1cnl in Russia 11•ith her cousin and they found th:tt thry \\'Ou!d be sharin& the apartn1cn1 with five to seve n other fami lies, making a total of -llJ people at one tin1e using 11ic ~ante k.Jtehen and bathroom. '"You fe lt \hat e1·en th(' walls had ears," she d1~c lo~ed. "You coultln't e\'en trust your own fa ni 1 1 y n1e1nbers. Chi ldren would report whal was said at ho111e to lhe1r te;ichers at school and 1he secret police would show up. 1t ~·as ,1 11cious circle -JUSt li ke being 1n prison.'! \.\-"hat are i;ome of the dif- ferences in 11ussia then and now? llliss i\lellova dre1\' sever<Jl co1nparisons, b:i.\ird on hrr own experience and re<:ent reports fron1 friends. "There are no longer five to ~eve11 himihr:s sharing an ap;irlrnenl. Now there afl' on- ly two lo lour familiel'i together. The prices on clothes still are fabulou s." She com pared prices of in- terest to 'o\"On1en · in Russia, one egg is 30 ccn!s; one pound of chiekcn, Sl 2:i : one pound of 1nargari ne , Sl.3~: one pound of beer fal , 90 cen1s lno me<1 t is a1·t1i!ablc 1; a \1 oman's knil .\iUil. $:JOO . .\nd 11·ages · Russian n1en Newlywed D. S. Cooks Select Home in Oregon 1!0111e u1 Cor1·aths. Ore., 11·here thev are doing graduate \1·ork al Oregon State L'111ver- sity are Da vid Scott Cook and his bride. the forme r :'11errily Lynn lllcC01g 11·ho '1'ere mar- ried in St. Jarnes Ep1sc:ipal Church. 'fhe Rev. John P. Ashey II read the double ring rites for t.he daughter of ~Ir. and J\lr~. Dale E. ~l cCoig of Balboa and the son or Dr. <ind Mrs. \\lallacc II. Cook of Alamo. Gil·en 111 inarriage by her fat her. the bride 1\·ore an organz;t cage over peau de soic, featuring vcnisc lace trim :tnd a ch;i[>C'I trilin. A floral heatlp1ece held hrr veil. and fo rn)ing her bouquet 11·ere 11·hite roses, da1~ies a n d stephanotis. Yello1v clotted s11 1ss gn11•ns 11·ere selected for the maid of honor. J\liss L!'ah Rogers. 11nd bridesrnaids. tile ;\l1sses ~tary Cath rin(' ~lcCarthy. Joa11ne Cunn1ngha1n and .Jane Fahrr. Vt·llull' anti \\)llte daisies 11ere rarried b\ the honor a1 - lrnclant. a~d lorming the otht'r Lil~r:tde~ 11err yellow rla1s1cs . / a m cs Cook 11·as h1~ h r o t h c r's best nia1i. .ind n:ihers wrrc Greg Uryan, Brlicc :\lcC01~. !he bridr·~ hrJther, Ste1 rn Cook, llir bru1rgroom 's brolhrr. and Hobert (ook, •1nother brothrr 11·as the iun1or usher and tirculated the gl1cst book. A cha111p<Jf:ne recepuon for 200 g u es 1e s follo11·ed in the hnine o1 the br1dc':s parents. Spc<:1a l guests attending werr !l.ir~. \\'alter Cook of \\'i1h1uL C re r k. 1hc bridegroon1 s i::randrnolher and i\fr. and i\lr~ Jfnracc 11111 of Arcath<l. U1r bride·~ grandparents. The bridr. a 196j Chilclren·s llo1nc Soc.·ict.1• dcbu!Clnlr. i~ a [!ra1h1tt1c of .\"r11•por t I !arbor ll 1gh School, attendl'<I !hr l"1111·cr~11y ol the Amrric;i~ 111 ~lexico City and rece11·ed her Made i\unan and lhe bridr'~ hrn1hers, Dnug!:i~ and Jo~cph Be1airc. TI1e nrwl)weds received their guesls 1n the Belll' and Beau, ;\lonlerey Park. 11 hrrr !he goest book 11·as ci rculated by ;\liss i\laria Drey. The bride 1s a graduate of San Gabriel J\1ission High School. lier husbrind. son of ~Ir . and i\lrs. \\lill ia m II f;ibson of N~·port Beach. "'ac; graduated fron1 N e w po r r Harbor High School a n rl Orange Coast Collrge. He 110111 is a senior at CalHnrnia St;i te College at Long Beach. BS in education from OSU \\'here she pledged Kappa Alpha Theta. Her husband, a .':raduate of snn Hamon High School. Ala1no, earned his BS 1n h1storv at OSU where he \\'as captain vi' !he S\\'lln learn. Volunteers Solicited An onr1:tat1 on n1ee1ing 11·111 br eonrhieted for the \\'omen's Auxiliary of Services for the Blind, Inc .. Stlnta Ana. Tue s- day. Ocl. 7, by Dr. Y.'i\helm l)e Nijs. \\"omen in!erc:'lrd in "·ork ing 11 ith !he blind Clnd visually handicapped of the Orange County area a rc invited to thc 10· 15 a.m. merting at 2015 l\ Broad11ay. Santa Ana o\ n11rsery :.chool f n r prt•:,chool children 111\1 hr flr>rned soon at !he Santa An<t office and \1 omen vo luntrers 11 ill be needed to stall the ncv. tdc1l1!y . Anyone plC1nn1ng 10 attend 1hc orlen1at1on n1f'et1ng should 1·;111 r.·lrs l!clf'n Church 111 the :-;er1 ices for th e Blind office . 54 l-3354 New Chapter Moving Ahead In Harmony ~11ss1on Viejo Ch11pter , S11ert 1\dclines i,~ planning ;in open house offering or barbershop hnrn1011y in ~lis~ion Viejo I r1gh School fro111 8 Lo 10 p.rn. ;\londay, OC't. 6. nnunri·up Night is thc theme of the evenins. and ~pt'cial r11trrt a1nn1cnt \\JIJ hr prn1"1dcd hv the Orange Appeals. a n11nr1cl trnrn '.'iO!"!h Orangr Co11nty Chaptrr. 1\ll 1101ncr1 1n 11\e ,1re;i 1n- 1rre5;rd 1n lrar111ng mnrr .<bout v.nm{'n·~ ht1rbcr i.hop hrirmony ;:ire 1n1 l!crl 1n at1end the O!)('n house. The ability to read musir· is not a necc~sary rcqu1rrrnrnt for n1rn1hrr~hip . Currl'n!ly 1hr chap\('r ha5 1nrmbers !nun !;addlcback Valley. LagunC1 Uc arh and San Clemcn1 r. F u r t h e r 1n- fnrn1at1on ;:ibout the group rnay he obtainrd by call1n;,: ;\Ir~. Keith L Ol~en, 830·1630 or ,\1rs. l\cnt 0. Shatto..ck. 8.17· 7529. Emblem Club t_;athcring for bu s i n es s !'cssions and programs are members or Newport Harbor 1.::111blC'm Club evC'ry second Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Elks Lodge. Newport Beach. VIRGINIA'S ~I SNIP 'N' ST ITCH SHOPPE lll-4 Ea st Coast Hwy , • Coron• cl•l M•r Ph one 073 -8050 So pl~1•1d lo m•tl 1<1 m111v ftitt "••wto,.,1•1'' lo 011· bt1d1 •t••1 w ho lD"'• btck '" <~•tk ow• 110••, 1•1ulh ol 111! wr1~'1 columfl. The lo•· m or (;IV dwt!I • ., 10 1ur pri1td to find 111c~ 1 1~.,l11 lic tel•cl•"" of lib,;,, ,.,;1tbl1 fo, our r:l ,viri;fitd "''~ of Iii• •nd 1por hwe11. A com• pl11t color ••n91 of wool doubl• • .,;,,, coot• d;,.1!td pl1id1 tnd •olid color woolt n•. 11.1; • ., 1 11~1 t nd bi9 ttl•ctio• of oil ~ •11d wool At11~;.,, 111d brocede1 fpr •••11i11t ..,,.,.Oh v•• ..... 1,. ~••• t lino 1•l1clioft of lril'tl, i11cludi119 co+ton, 1ew•l•d •"d fu•. VIRGINIA e<im on the average Sl35 to Sl.>O per month, Ru ssi a n 11·01nen. $80 to $HJO. .. And taxes: a 10 JX'rcent in- ro1ne tax; a •·volunLarv " bond to be purchased; hiddCn taxes !hat are disb'llised in cloth111g and food prices. The 1•ery rich. in rn1Sl>1a. she stated. are Communist !'arty members. "But it is not easy to join the Con1n1unist Party. You have to :;e inl'Herl. You rnust accornptlsh son1ething of outstan rl ing iniportance to be 111l'ited." Very few are invited. she said. Of a population of nlore than 240 n1illion people , only !3 n1illiu11 11re members The Con1 rnu11ists are 1·rr11 forlun11 le indeed, for their JOt 1nrludes a stearn heated Emblem Club The Elk~ Lodge is the ~ri ling for 1nee11ngs of the £n1blem Cl11b 201 of Laguna Beach. i\le111bcrs gather th(' first :ind third Tuesd;_iys at 3 p.1n. Library Hour Costa l\lesa Library 1~ thr ;:;cene or a library !\\Ory hour c1cry Thursday at 10:30 a.n1. apartment, country house, chauffeu r-dri\•en car and the privi lege of buying goods <:he <Jply. '"There is a myth that Com- munist.:s are on the left and Fascists and Nazis are on the nght. This is a highly inflated rn}th. l have Ji1·ed in both Russia and Nazi Germany and !he re is li ttle difference in !he persecution. The re is one big difference, h ow e v c r . In Cennany .vou get soap to wash \1•ith on yuur way to the ga.s chamber. It 11 as cleaner than In Hussia. llut you end up just as dead. "Young p e.o p 1 e today arc be1n~ sold the san1e n1yth. ·· 111e former princess warned. ··socialism is soclal\s1n -a rneans of liqu idating the in- di1·idual "s right:;.'' J\liss J\lcllol'a 11arned the \1·ome.n . "'freedotn lo~t 1s nel"er regained from v.·ithin.'' Th.c statemrnt was the qootc of a rela til'e 11·ho helped her esc:1 pe fron1 nussia . "Y ou tell the An1erica ns lhat.'1 11·as her a d mo 11 i t i on From her c~capen1a ker, 11ho himse lf ne1 er left the Soviet lnion ''Look at Cuba . CzC('hoslo v:ikia anti Hungary ,·· conc luded J\liss M e l I o v a _ '"Reme1nbcr -freedom lost is never regained from withi n."' ' ''· ' '·· \ ' Bargain Days Comirlg Oct. ~ an<l 11 will he :>ale da ys at the Nation al Charity League 'flcktockers' th r i I t shop in Costa t.le~a !rum 9 a.m. to I p.m. TI1e shop 1\•il/ be transform- ~ into a Country Store next Saturday, 11·it h 111nlh grade Ticktockers clad In jeans a11d >A'estern shirts staffing the sa les force, and on OcL 11 the eighth grade girl!> ""Lil hold a Tots to Teens sale . <1 Sale 1terns have been col- lected by the Ticktockers and 1\·ill be displayed 1n "the patio Proceed~ lron1 the sales and regular thrift sl1op profit.!! !Up.- port the John Tracy Cllnu: Nu r s er y Sch oo l ind f)en1onslrat1011 Home. a free service through ·which deaf preschool children are tau&hl to speak. i\lrs. Edward Lei:sy Coriell heads National C h a r it y League's l\e11·port Chapter and ei ghth anU ninth grade T1cktockers are under the guidance of ~lrs. Robe rt E . ·Rakel and Mrs. Guy A. Smith. and front yard of the thrift ------------ shop, 120 E. 19th Street, 11·1llle National Charity L e a g u e niembers staff !he U1rift shop. The t11·0 sales rollow a similar event sponsored by the 12th grade members last month. Can you eat all day and still lose ~ weight? · ' VFW Au xili o ry Coastline Aux1hary to WEIGHT@. WATCHERS, • Veterans of r ore1,;n \\'ars.' Post 3.).36 gatl1 ers th e fi rsl and third Fridays at 8 p.m. Costa J\!rsa·s Amerir11 n Legion Hall is U1e meeting scene. Som! lt lking, some li1!tning ind a program that works. 1111 5 flUl lltOCHUltl-CAll llS·SSOS SALE lronwear insured pantyhose Save on Iro n wear Pdnty /-lose. In Cantrecc9 Agi lon®, Caress·~. o r thC I-tip-Shaper (or figure control. And Insurance. too. Should a pair run 1vithin 30 day~, one rcpl,l(.ement pa ir 1v1 1J hr given ior each pJ1r originally purchased. 41 B Care'i.5.!!I no ~dg ny lon; beige. !oast, I.Ju~, .1uburn, chocolJte, black, v.'hite, gray, navy, off · \o, hite. nude, •no~s green <cg. ~.99 2.39 J pr. for 7.10, 6 pr. for 14.00 488 C.intrecc ~ II controll<'d stretch nylon; beige, \Oil~t. chocol.llc. ldupr. nav\'. bide.~. gr.iy, off \\'hllC' •cs.J.;o 2.79 J pr. for 8 . ./.5. 6 Pf. for 16.00 i98 .A.~1lon..!i-1¥-•o-1' JV s!retc.h 11ylt>11. beige, 10.ist Lhocol.itC' <Cg. J.30 2.79 I pr. lo r 8.2.J , 6 pr. for 16.0t ;53 l·l1p-~haper, pan/y l"to~e ¥.'Ith lycrd spdrxiC.11 11rm control p.-int~'. l"x-1gC'. lod~I <cg. 1.99 J. 99 J pr. for 11 .70, 6 pr. for 22.75 \ l'dnty ho!>e Sile~: ~lite, 4'9" IO 5'0'", ~n1.ill, 5'0" to 5'2 .. ; medium, 5'2" to 5'4'", long. 5'4" 10 5'6"; extra long. 5'6" ro 5'8", \ ~l,H<>ly, 5.8 .. and o~·~r -m.iy co hos1C'rv 7 " '' ' \ ~--· .~·) . ---, ·-..-------\ -- .... -- • I ) f • ; .. , I I ' . f: r : ~· . .. ' ~,. ' •• ·• ' ... -. ' ~. , . ,, ."1;,,. may co south coast pla1a, san diego fwy at bristol, costa mesa ; 546.q32 f shop mondey !h<u sa!ufd ay I 0 1.m. lo 9:30 p.m. ·-·-· -- ·~ --. '• , .. • ·- MAVCO I I I I J f ;t DAILY PILOT $atmon • B-aits •• ~ Buffet ~ Jresh Salmon l\lousse Is a d1jh cooks like to serve for a t·ompany lunch or add to a 1u;per buflet. So here is an t>Xcclle nl l recipe ior just such a dish. iliis recipe produces al mousse of good fla \ or, but 1s i.1mp!e to prepare. 'Ille f!'esh Jen1on juice and p-aled lemon rind included in the reeipc f'nhance I he delicate flavor of Lhe fish, but It's a good idea to serve lemon wedgu with the mousse for lhose ealf.rs ""ho \\'ant to add ~xlra piquancy. Now about the salmon that needs to be cooked before you Jl'lake the mousse. To do so, bring 1 1~ cups of 'l"ater and 1 teaspoon of salt to a boil in a skillet large enough lo hold the fish steaks in a 1o1ngle laye r. Add lhe salmon and simmer for about 10 minutes or until the fish looks opaque through \1·hen flake<! with a fork. Drain the salmon and cool, then remo1·c skin and bones fi nd fla ke. fRE.SIJ · SA.L.\10:\' ~IOUSSE t cn\'elopc u n r I a v Qr c dr gelatin 1 i c8p cold v.·ater 2 'large eggs t tablespoon .~ug<1r I ·~ teaspoon sail !1 "! teaspoons dry n1u.ctard 1.container 18 ounces) corn·! mercial sour 1.:rea 111 1 r teaspoon freshly gr3\ed ,lemon rind :1 tablespoon.~ ! r rs h 1 y squeezed lemon JUJCC 2 tablespoons m i n c c d scallion q;rcrn onion ), white part only 1 cup finely diced celery 2 fresh sahnon ~teaks \e;ich 1, pound ) cookrd, i.k111 removed and co a r s r l )'• ·flaked j Salad green~. lcrnl)n 11·cdgc~ oi nd radish tos:cs I o r iatnish ln a cup, ~prink lc gelatin n1·cr colo v>atcr and al\Q1v lo J<t.and 5 minutes to soften. IR a small bov.·l beat eggs unCil they begin t.o thicken and are lcn1on color_ In .a medium saucepan t.hOroughly stir 1ogeUier the ~ugar, salt and muslard; stir ( ln l."ggs, softened gelatin nnd t-Our crea.rn. I Cook over lnw heat. slirring (·onstantly, 1111111 gelatu1 1s dilt60l\'ed and mixture is qui te ..,.Um -<1bou t 5 minutes; do r.~t hoil. OH heal !>tir in Jcrnon rind, lemon ju ice , :5(·alli on. celery ancl salmon. Turn inti) a I· <1t1art mo!d: chill until firm. Al serving time, unmold, garnish "ith salad grrens, lemon 11·cd gcs <1.nd radish roses. ?-.lakes 6 serving~ . Zanzibar loans Idea A ~auce for C'h1ek{'n lh;it 11 ;is lnspir<'d by Afnran r t11.•111r. ·CHTCKEJ\ ZAi'ZIB.\ll 't eggs 2 tablespoons rn1l\.. J large whole C' h i r lo. r n breasts (honed, '.'.kinncd -. and halved) "1'ine dry bread crumb11 1 tablespoon margarine 1'4 cup chopped onion 1 tablespoon flour ,J7, leaspoon salt ~ teaspoon white pepper 1-1. cup crcarny peanut butter 1 cup chicken broth Peanut oil. cocklai\ peanuts -jchopped ) and pa rsley . . ~ spngs. Beat egg~ and 1n i 1 k together. Roll chicken in bread crumbs. dip into egg mixture, then coat again "'ith crumbs ; set aside. 19 a saucepan me 111 ne : add onion and gently until tender - minules; rtmove from 1li, in flour. salt and ~P· Gradually add peanut r. stirring until smoolh; ally stir in chicken keeping smooth. •Cook 0\1er moderalely lo1Y t., a:tirring constantly, unlil re comes to a boil ; keep Wldlo !.,mg chicken. rry chlCken in peanut (371 degreesJ until well ned -abOut 4 rninutcs. Drain fln paper towels. ~rve)ot wilh sauce. Garnish 1\!itb Chopped peanuts and ~·Ma kes 4 to 6 servings. TURN ON TV WEEK ~••P• y1>11 lw!'led 11> wh 1t'1 h1pp•ni~q hehll'ld tk1 l~i · -f~••v Sefu•d•v in t~• DAILY 'ILOT. -·-. -. --··--------~---~.':::-."'·."'·"'·'''·'"'·'."'. "!·.-.:·.""·""'"·"'··""·""'!"'l"',.,.~~""."~-""'--""'"""----------------------------. . ,-.~ ... -·.· .. ,·,- MARKET 608 EAST BALBOA BLVD. i . • . .. ' WE DELll'ER STORE HOURS 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.' PHONE: 673-8310 PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT. 2, 3, 4 .. ST,\.UPS SHOP-COMPARE AND SAVE AT WE 6l'l'E BLlJE CHIP ••• BAL BO.A MA ,RKE.l . . NALLEY'S CHILI HOT OR MILD · 15 Oz. Tin MJB I COFFEE Sl'ltlMG-FlllD 6 APPLESAUCE JOl TIN IORDO 4 GRAPEFRUIT JOJ TIN SECT IONS lllL MONT! 4 FRUIT COCKTAIL JOJ TIN F 0 k F 0 R F 0 ~ SCOTT-VIVA ., . - TOWELS ·GIANT RO~LS Cl:l.ICKE1N OF THE >SEA CHUNK LIGHT CAMPBELLS TOMATO SOUP $ CHECK THESE DOLLAR DAY SPEC IALS s1 i sPAG1:i'Er11 6 ~ $1 FROZEN SPECIALS 1S OZ TIN BIRDS EYE --------- $1 S•'IPP'f 10 F $1 SAUCE & VEGETABLE DOG FOOD 0 1!. OZ. TIN ' ----COMBINATIONS $1 A LL l'LAVO~\ l 02 l'KG5.10 F $1 JELLO GELATINS ..; MIX or MATCH 10 Ox. Pkg1. R GIANT FRESH EASTERN GRAIN FED PORK HEAD LETTUCE CENTER CUT 98~ PORK CHOPS LEAN END CUT PORK ROAST FARMER STYLE 79~ RIBS • -- . LARGE FRESH CUCUMBERS NEW CROP -WASHINGTON 79 c DELIC)OUS lb APPLES · . ~$ R OUR. OWN 69~ Pure PORK SAUSAGE ON THE PENINSULA-608 E. BALBOA BLVD.-PHONE 673-8310 HOURS: 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. - ' .) \ ___ ,_'L_or_-A_O\l[RT!S!'..~ !> DAI L V F'ILCIT .1(i Our pledge is to Continuously offer our customers the best in quality, the best selection and the best values. Save more with our everyday low price, plu1 full 7-day advertised values. . ' FARMER JOHN OR KRUSE SMOKED .~.S.,D.A. GRADE "A" FRESH FRYING fi~i\~ I KE HAMS SHANK PORTION ,:.49c LB. WHOLE OR BUT PORTION . WHOLE '·'BODY • -~ CUTUP FRYERS ;~~~ED • c LB. - U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR STATER BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF 39~. ROUND STEAK BONE IN U.S.D.A . CHOICE OR STATER BROS. BONELESS ••• LB . 87' O~(ARM.li YlR l .Ol.PKG,,.,47< 69' BOLOGNA ALL MEAT 12-0Z. • ' OKAIMAYflAU MIAT • LB 69'"' WIENERS ..... : ... O~CAI MAYER ~llClD a.oz 69' SUMMER SAUSAGE PKG : ;, RUMP ROAST ROY Al BRO USDA CHOICE IR1SKET CO NED BEEF ..... l.79' .. LBs3~ LB.49.' '"FISHER'S CHICKEN FRIED HEAT AND EAT BEEF STEAKS........ . .. LB79' USDA CHOICE' OR ST ATER BROS. CERTIFIED SEEF USDA CHOICE ORS TATER BROS. CERTIFIED 8"~F 98 STEAKS ~~~~~:TIP .. '' ... LB. c MORRELL'S YORKSHI RE 1.Le. REG. OR 2.Le. THICK 69 SLICED BACON ... ""'LB. c a!. -iilciTliA'sO L 3 ~2Kg;:5 1 ,~MrW~l~O~~ 3-POUNDCAN ... Sl.75 5 9 CA N 1.96 COFFEE 1-LB. . ' 1-LB .CAN •• ·"' ~\ I STATER 6R OS........ . CAN . . . cor=FEE ~ ' $-, DRIVE DEAL PACKAGE 7 3 fOLGE" 68 '?'-DE TE RG E NT ............ G~~~: c: ,i,:~CAN . "" c... ' ;:.~*'-t·\; t\ 11t:•tl*****·* MARG~.R I NE ~,, , ~, 1 ·~ ~~· l!Jj\if:':ll}_' ...... -~ A''T COFFE~ 'I 19 1111....... ~ MJB INST" · t ........ . E SAVE gc : ~~~~~~~~E.R ~ _,_ ..• :· .• '•1 7;~~ .... ---. ~ ON 24-0UNCE .; POTATOES ' .. '5' *CRISCO OIL * POTATOES ',, /,. -47' : ~ YU BAN COFFEE , 7r * •· o" '"1 •1GuL ••PuRc""~l .;<..· INSTANT MA XW ELL HOU SE :. Pl l(I WITH IH!~COUPONRO~ ~ SANK A FREEZE DR IED GoodOnly 111 ST ATE RB . * r-,,AXIMFREEZEilRI ED * C.ood W .. ~k olOCl.1 ·8 . * : l l .... llONI COU~ONPl•CU\TOMI' * INSTANTSANKA ************·~***** sMAll fANCY RED DEl \CIOU S , LBS. GllAPiS EXlRA FANCY pQUN~"" "'"'" <ARG• "'L£11 p£AR5 ..... 8AR1 tio C.RlENHEAD!. IE ""'' 'te CABBAG• ....... GR'!NOill: CRISP c.REEN lOuHGcuMB£RS ············. c 1 SWEll NS u.s NO ... N OMIO . '' &RO ... oo ;HOMPSON SEEDlESS .- 2 LB,295: l'OUN O ............. 15< 3 f OR .. .... 15< 3 LB'· .. ~ LISI~ll_INE TOOTHBRU511 l5 USTERlNE MIATS oqio ~ & GRAVY "'HOU\l 11•,.0Ul'ICl ' 1111 53' * ~011( )Tl•(...... IA "-,. .... ~ ,... .• t ~ ·1 7,~ ?o°"4 at Lof.<J(ll.. 'P'lla4-! coiiii'c'AKES ;~t1!; RUPERT SHRIMP . '·" 1 '"'"'"'"" CKS 59' FISH STI "0 ' ORANGE BLEND 5 '01$1 01 • .. ~,\an• o • ct<H\£ S 49' ENCHILADA r ;o• 4 '"$' f'ii,~i TOTS ··· ,KG\. c MEXICAN DINNERS .... 39, U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR ST ATER BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF ROLLED ROAST~~~0t:ii. FRESH-LEAN-GROUND HOURl Y GROUND B'EF . . . .LB53' VEGETABLE " o' 2 29' (QC( 0 COCKTAIL lHl w•l( ........ fOR SPAGHETII :. ' ~-·•: ;,.:. • ••. -• · l l' SPAGHETTI 1· ·, .:", •' 1' • _ ,, ~ •• sfi BEEF RAVIOLI , , ~ •" ·· : r · 31'. CHEESE RAVI OLI " " J~' CHEF BOY-AR-OEE LASAGNA '3' WAX BEANS :'., ~', .: , . "' : , 24' KIDNEY BEANS n • ._., "•" ' ,, ., 24" PICKLED BEETS t.· .'~~: .. ' ,, . 26'- ALEX CH Ill ... , " ·.n 79' BEEF TAMf.LES , , c .. .. ',;-,· .. 59' SWISS CHEESE .• :·: ... :, · o.-35' MJB 68 PARMESAN CHEESE ;',::,'. ", · 87'_ C EASY OFF CLEANER ·~;;:.~:-•·" . ,,_. 59~ COFFEE FAMILY TREE ;•·,;:~:,''' ' ' u· 69' ,_" c•N '"". c •" " " r..a R PET ,SHAMPOO ;. ':.~·, ". ···., o .. 1.&1 * DOGTFOOD S TALL$' . -~~~s WILSHIRE CUCU MBE R CHIPS ... 48-0Z.69c JA R MARY KITCHEN ROAST BEEF HASH ........... isc ~~-4 9 c ANTHONY WIDE & EXTRA WIDE NOODLES 2 8-0Z 33c: PKGS .. • INSTANT YUBAN 5 1 °6 DEAL PACKAGE 6 5 C IVORY ,_LIQUID ............ -.. :~',~~ : ' .,.,~/ . "· STA-CRISP CRACKERS ·;~:o~~' ..... 29' :::~":~ " APPLE JELLY ""''' ....... 2,, 53' BURCi~R ~ PRESERVES .'!:~;;,,, ..... , .. '" ,,. 55' BITS SNIDER'S CATSUP CHUNK TUNA i'.'..'.\'-.:·,:,- KRAFT CHEESE WHIZ * MOUTH WASH · ~i ss( Z'~O~~~·········· lA 59< EFFEROENT UBLETS P""CK.A.GI 49' or 10 oii~iov ·~1ZZA ,,,.,,49 c aiEF TAcos ""3297, ~~r~,~~-~~-~E~E-, .... 31 c "'()11101'1 ~Wilt< ""(,t,l TTI GREEN BEANS 1. ~\" •,1," SPAGHE ,. ....... ··:; 69' GREEN BE ANS :. ' ' I ' .. ,~·" CONGESPIRI N . ..-, 69' \ ·. ~1·.' .. ;:~\r:i_~ll VASELINE HAIR TONIC . , 83' \ \ i"~~ MENNEN BABY MAGIC LOT ION , 9~ " ' 1.... MENNEN BATH • --sr POWO ER ' sr ' ' l - (;IA ... ~Jl 1•< (;IANI ettH• 11< IVOf'I' lAll~ C.IAMT . I I< C.l ... Nl IOlO I le IVOft' 0W(i.IANT •... 1•, Gt•MT C.AIN -·· 11< QAMftoHIJ\ -·-·······"' ., &1, G1•••1T O•~ 11< (;IANTOXYOOI.-•l• JOYU0U1D ll.01 \•, "'"'"''IOI . . .... &h c.o ~c •o1 1~.01 .. t~< ntlllL LK)UID DETllltGENT GIANT ........... l 9t ...... o VlS 47 ' lllJP!RTSHRI -'0' CUTWAX BEANs , .... _, .. (HOPPED (HI ,,. 45' iiuriaT OYSTERS '"'69' ITALIAN BEANS ' '" ('GO WAHLlS -,.. .. ....... SPAGHETII ~ :, ~-, • .. llV(l\ID( . SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE 7.-FULL DAYS, THURS. thru WED., OCT. 2nd-8th ANAHEIM J AJO W l IN<:OLN i.\.1 lilJt :'56A W[~i l)RQAO\V/\V COSTA MESA '11C Nt WPOAI '30lJI 1 ··.\r fl 1(./\Nt-<;T 1'11il ::,1fl ;L1 : J '-,B AK~~: srRE[ r SANT A ANA ?630 E DING[ RAV[ NUE 'fi01 V'/f ST I 71 H ~ l Fil [ ! WE~ T MINSTER • . . , I I GA ROEN GROVE 888 c~•J\P r,,/IN AVL "' 1-il ~TJ NC:.':Ot' f,EACtt r ;:,r.2 lDl~.JG LR /\Vt R577 Wf s I MINS rE fl RI vn WHITTIER -1•2 12 M IME:> AVE. " I • •.· I . '' . ' . j '. I • • • . - :tfi OAll V PH OT ;? PILQT .ADVE RTJS~" ---~- Fresh and Delicious Valencia Crop a Winner This Year Sunny Cahforn1a 1~ a boun· tiful provider-the~ da~ ~ JP'OW~ m11li0f'l~ of l'1 trus truil on ll!I trtts for ~our rn· )Oyment. The \laleoc1a orangr l'ru11 1 ~ a ~·inner 1h1s ~ f'at dvuhlc lasl yl!'ar s l'tl"I\). ~1) 1111t 1, practically sl'edlrs.~. r1rh 1n fla\'ot and color. and a1 ;ulablc 1n most sizes In the n1arkc1s ur11ll \u1en1- htr, they are sho.,.,.1ng a ~11io:ht- 1 .~· green tinge on U1rir pee l <tl the stem end. bul !hat s ~\lothrr Nature s "regrern111g 11ay of telling }OU thry·re r~· tra sweet FL1rthern1ore tl1r1 .1 r r !''µ<'Cialll' t'lUllOIJ\ll'(d ;, I n!led Stales l'X'µartn1cnt ol \gncultu rr·~ P!cnurul Fool lor Septen1 bcr Fresh and del1t·1ous \'•len· 1 ias a)Y:ays lool.. for 11·ard tu eoi ng back to school a~ :i lunch box fa vorite For qu11·I.. ;i nd rasy peeling. do look f(lf lhc nc"·· fa st oran)lr 1)rflrr 1n t\1r produr e ~Ct.:t1on of ~our n1<l rke t 1 \\"cstcrn lenion~ are «(•!1· 11nu1 ng to be 1n adequate :-u p· ply to grel'L our "·arn1 days with refreshment and cnhancr our fish. nle.ats, \Cgetablcs ;ind desserts ll'i!f1 subtle fla,·oring . You 1.ril l find lhr111 f11'r11 . la rt•Sl\'Cel. JUI{'~. \\ 1l1 1 bngl11 1 r ]Jo11' ski n.~. 1n .1 good r:ingr n/ Siies and µr1 t·rd to 111t'C'l r1 ery honu,:.inal.cr·.~ ln1Ct1:1·t Summer ...grapc;n 111 t1·on1 Southern California 1s always ;i great choice for a breakfast food, "·ith bright peel :i n d JUICY ··n1eat ... ,\nd 11h.1 . llt)I feature grapefruit in lunth an1l 11inner menus as a lr!'~h grr:t1 1la1on nJ: 1n :.:tlad-, 111:1111 111Sh<'S and de~~cr\," Let fre!>h IL·n1n11• a n d ,. r a n g e s rcst'11e 1 <'j.:li!hle n r a n gr s res( lH' \ rgr;:il>lc )our special aurn11011 111 \r gelablrs! \\"h.~ ., The~ :ir1• packed ""llh 1 itan1i11s A and C and needed m1 o1cral.-: Try these new orangr i.'l· ~n1red creations. Your lt*'111J~ I "1\J love thc1n . '-OLDE\" .\"t.:GC.F:T CREA!\IED 0\"10\"S I I orange. p.·clc<t Z 1·ans 1\1\ 011n1·r 1 ~111<.ill · 11 hal t or11ons. u11 tir<J1nrd I 2 1ahlrsponn ... llr,or 2 1ablr ~µuull' 111rlird h iii! r, r1r 1n:irgar111r I 1 lc:tspoon -alt I' 1 ("UP~ rntll- 2 teaspoon-l.ncl\ ,!,lolCtl oran ge pee! r t eil~f}Mn \\"nrt ·r~1('f<,h1n· ~ath r '• tra~f>OO!I dr1 11111<.i arrl P;1pnl-:i C 11 t nrang1' 11110 hlll'·,l/.r 1 piece.• dra1n \hfltnughl1 S1n1 , me r 0111011• 1111111 h»,111•<1 ' 1ira111 I l h ~n1a ll ,,111( •'p.in -11r 1111111 inlo in!'ll rcl hutlrr 1\1 l11n11 ;i .<rn Oflt h p;1 ... 1r a/Id , ,, I 1 (;radu.illv add null-. ~!1rr1n~1 until mixture 1s ~1nno1 l1 Hrrn~ lO 8 boil Ol'C r rn rd1111n hral ~u r t"onstantly and boil lur ~ m1oults Stir in i;ra1ril pr r 1 '\\"orrC'~lt•1-b1rr ;ind 11111' I :!rd l"'n11r ho! '3lHT 01 t'r dr .. 1nrd nn1on~. i;cntl1 -11r ir1 Hl"<tll,t:r 1'\N.('J' Spr1nl-lr 11·11 h paµrir .. 1 ,r·r1 " ..it nn1:r Seri P;; fi ,,.ESTER~ HHt.:SSf.l~'i SPROl .TS ~ p;;ck;ii.:r~ 11o nuncr • lr,..,.11 Rru·-1·1~ •prc•ut• 1; .... 1111,~ ~;il1•·d 11 .• 1, r ', 1.1bl:-;.poon~ bu th 1 '" 11 'J:;!rll1f' 1 1:iblesponn !1•1111 ~ lra~pQ(l'l ~,111 'up 111111- 1 reg ynl\.. 1' 1ea~poo11 frc~h l1 c1 .11r,1 nrange )X't'I • 1 , up frc~h\;.· ~rp 1rr1.r·d • 1 ;ini:c Jllll r Z i;,\.Jlespoon'i lre~hl1 -1:·11't'/ ·rd lr n1on JU ll'r t nran~cs. JX't'lrd. 'Ill l!lln b1te·sn.e piece~. t1 r:un<'d j Cook B ru~~el ~ 'iprnt1l •. 11n 1 o ~:ercd , in botl ln J: ~a ll•·d water until JUSI tender. b111 1ir1! ;.ot1 : drain In ~n1:ill o;au1:r1);1n. ini·l! 1 l<1bl c'J)t>0n hutlrr ~11 r 1n tlnt1r ;ind sa lt to lnrn1 ~, "n1on11l pl.$te Gradually a(!1 I rn rl \.. :ii. t t r r ing constant!~· unt il ~mDoth. ContinUf' stirring (lnrl allo11 mitlure to grntly boil on(' Barbecue Tip . (.\ Qiicken·.s on the barbcetit" 1neinu '? Eight to IO·wrck·old brcJlers or fryer~ ll'eighing two lo U1ree pounds arc bcs1 for" barbecuing. Select we ll rnc:itcd. lop qu~Uty birds or uniform size. PUT CASH IN YOUR POCKET • Sell un,\'anl rd 11<1~~ , "ilh 11. DAILY PJL(JT Cla!.~iricrl Ad ~HONI 642-5678 111111ur.· Hen1u1r fro1n lu·a l and bll·nd 111 t•gg ~ulk and rt'- ina1n1ng bultrr .ll"ST ll lf.tlT o It.-\~ C E S"'EF'.T l'OTATOt-:S I ran 12 lb. 8 Oll!lt"C) S"'l't•I potatoes or ~ cuns. tlra lnl'd 2 lt.·a~poons frr ... lrlv 1~r~\Pd i!l"ange 1>eel C"r;inbrrry :..1111 1• ', t·up honey 2 tablespoons huller 11r n1argar1 ne 1}1n,uocs wuh halt or 1he oraugc can wheel.~. Hepcat l<iycrs, using re· 1n:11n1ng swcC'I pot a toe ... I:: r a ted !Jet'! and orang!.' l<irl11hecls llca1 ~auce tr. b111hni:: pu1nt and s1 n1mcr lor 5 rn1nu!t'' pour ol'er casserole . [kit "'1tl1 butler <ind l"Ol'{"f with lid H;.i l-e at 400 tlegree f !or "';u JJllfJU!CS. &.•r\ CS 8 '; cup fresh I~ :.11u1'e1.ed orange JUH·•· 2 urang1·:-. Jll'l'll'd ..,J11·r1J into he;i vv ~k1lltt i\ttJ ~ugar 81'!1 unini;e 1u1ce: h:L bu bble 2 to: 111LllU\t'~ 1\l!d c<1r1'ul ' turn frequent!! lu 11.J a1.r \\'ell, O\"Cr rnediu u '1l <1l Top with oran~c slit.:ll ;u1d ~pnnklf' 011 nut n1e~. S11r 1n gra1ed 11range pr1·l ;i 11cl 1·1trus JUL('l'S. JS;iuce niav b•· k1·p1 warrn over hot Wllll'r 1 Sl1< ,. 'll t'('I I' o I ,t t "(' ~ li'ngthwi!>i' 111 ;1 2 quart t".!Th• ht•t•ls ·~ t1•a:>1io1Ju11 nut1nr::; "r ""'' r \\ .1sh l ;.11 rut:, 111111 .:.1·1 ub 11 •th Tu ~('rvi· t"On1b1nt rool.rrl Hru ~~~1~ ~prou!s a nd c1r;i111•'1l ora11i.:1• piece!> Adil liol '<IU• l' :tnd iu~s lightly. !\lakl's 4 ::.(·!\- J (1rar1:c:i , f>CC')!"d , sl11·1•d tn\n , ;1r1 11 heels ·~ 1·up frc!>hl,r ~(j li\"t"/l'd ur.111gt• JUH:t' 1·0\1·rcd t·:i~<.rrolr :11"ranf1· ti:1it of th(" pu!;il ue" 1n :in C'\l"ll l.1~ !'f .Spl'lnkle \\1th 1 ll'<l"POOll gr<itcd or ange pef'I. ·r op Con1bu1e orange j lJ i c r 1-r;1nbr rry ~;1ucc and hnne1 Plat.:c 1n c!cctnC blender /or zo ~t·i.:onds or be<il "'ilh rotary beater until sn1001h. C.-\RROTS A Li\ OHA; ... Cf ll to Ill carrots J t<i bl('spoons b11t:1'r ur rnarg<i ri11c 1 !!ft bru:-h . l "Ut 111 J1.1lf lo·11glh\1•1sr took In '111all .1111u11nt o! b1;rl1ni: salted 11111er until lender but ~1111 cri;.p Turn 0t·cas1onally until <'<H ruts and nrar1ges are glaze 1 thoruugh!y . Serve at onl"C Serves 6. • ('an 18 Ollnl"e ) jl·ll icd 1, tup brown su1;:ar ~1 canwh ilt•, rnell hu\li:r In -----------------~~~~~~~~~~~~ CUBE STEAK ~;:.-:.:.;;: ........ ... .. ............. ·'" 1 '• TENDERLOIN STEAK ""·~<-................... 2" GROUND ROUND ""'"~''· ................ " 86< SLICED BACON ........ ., 110 86 ,. 1" ~o<o<I •.... , . , •~9ulor ( •. , •••. 1~.1 LINK SAUSAGE ~:.'.;::: .o. "• 2 /69' FISH STICKS ...... w •. ,"-................................ :" 39' SWISS STEAK ~··:':"~:·.·: ................................. 88< STEW MEAT :::~,:~~:: ................................ "8 8 < RUMP ROAST i.":::~~ ................................. " 8 8 < TOP SIRLOIN ~'::~'::'' . . ... ... . ..... ,, 1 •• PORK CHOPS ''"'""·'''··· ...................... " 89< FILLET PERCH ··-"''""~'" 69' H.o!o~Olo• ••...•.•....•.•.........•• , .•..• \~ PORTERHOUSE ~.~::::;-;;:. ......................... ,. 1° PORK CHOPS , __ , ........................... "98< FILLET SOLE ''"''•·»• .................................... " 1" SIRLOIN TIP ~:::·."::'. ................................ ,. 1" SPARERIBS c~·•o">•·········"""""""'"""'"""""""" 79< OYSTERS ............................................. we .... 89< eHOICE -FULL CUT S1 ;2to4112lbs. GRADE'A' • RIB OR LOIN END CHOICE-WELL TRIMMED Round Steak Roasting Hen~ T·Bone Steak c 33· LB . PO UND WIENERS ,_"'"""'"-' 68' ooAl!'"f·••••·••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••'llt. ~ COCKTAILS :'.'.;.~: ................ ~ ..... ~ ........... o. 491 B"OLOGNA ~.:::.::::~ ...... : ........... : .. ·····"" 77! SMOKED LINKS o. ... ., ...................... ,,o,881 SLICED CHEESE :.;::,;:::'.~ ......................... ,,o .. 72! BISCUITS ..... ~, ...... , 2 /23i Joel t.<n•"'"ll .•••.••..•.•.••.•...•. , , .••••••. 8 <ll COCKTAtLS ~:;."..... ...... . . . . .•o, 37! SALAMI i':~: ~'.":·.~:·:.' ........................ ··········"°'· B9t CHEESE ~~:+:.!:~!.~~~.... ......... . ................ lb. 89t CEREAL 12 01 1tfDL1CED 37 5,1c1 P.L ~ ........... ALBERTSON'S DETERGENT GL Grapefruit JUICE ••c: '"' SHOP and COMPARE NATIONAL BRAND ITEMS at FULL DISCOUNT-7 DAYS A WEEK Save at Alb ertson·s COLD POWER ·~·········· ..... . AJAX ClEANSER o." .......... . FOLGERS COFFEE '"· ........ . HILLS COFFEE ,. •.......•....... HILLS COFFEE '" ............. . KR A FT """-'-"·-l ·•"'• !01 ·······-··········· QlfifR PRI([ 1 J8 27' 1 ,, 69' 1 .. 29' Ou• PRICE ··1 ,, 2St 1 .. 681 1 " 27< Save at Alb ertson ·s ALBERTSON'S ;;;:'.".":'. ..... . BLEACH , ....... , (,,,110~ "'~ •••••••••••• ' •• KRAFT ...... ""'''~""'ollo ... ,1601 ••• ,., ••••. MACARONI •..••• ,, .. ,, "'~"""'•!Dc • lo!.Of •• LYNDEN , ....... . ,_d'<• ]90: •.••••..••• JE LLO l ~lilo'lor•V. 1 0 1 ........ .. 01Hflt PRICE. 49 < 4 1 ' 29< 27 ( 59< 27< OU• PRI CE 46! 38! 27< 2S ! SS! 24! TAMPONS ,d',, 149 I EXCEDRIN ., 111> 'I lCl ..,; PERTUSSIN BLADES (.'.~';;', 59~ 1 ... 1 0 " [' tDGE "DOUBLE DEAL" Produce Specials N0.1 RUSSET POTATOES 10 lb.bag Save at Alb e rt son 's PIZZA ROLLS ...... o ...... . MARGARINE '··"·"-.•~,.. SPAGHETTI '"' ..... ,,. ........... ,,, ' .. -....... ' RAVIOLA , ........ , •. a..l ood c~ ......... '.' .. BABY FOOD '""~·•·•·""' ..... BABY FOOD o....,•-······· O !H(R PR ICE 69< 3 l ( 59< 39< 1 "W 15 ( ou• PR ICE ( bS 281 5St 371 101 14< Save at Alb ert sori"s FOIL WRAP ''"'"'"'"'"'""··· TOWELS , .••. ,. ................. . BOUlllON ...• ,, ...•. , .. PLATES "'"' •. , , ......... . RAISINS -~ ., •"d ...... .,,, ........... . PRUNE JUICE , , .. ,.,,., ... . ICE CREAM ~~=.~;;;,~::'. 59! i DINNERS F· o •o •• ·• .44 < POPSICLE ;~~:';·;;: •... 4/1. ! PEAS /COR N ,;o: '. .. 14 ' MEAT PIE Sc':.;.:·:.~:;;, -~· 24 ! I ORANGE JUICE ;~ ::::24 < QIHE:R Pill([ 79< 36< 23< 4 1 ' 27 < 51 < OLIP PRICE 77! 33 t 1 9 < 38 < 24 < 48< SAVEsl 20 EARLY TIMES BOURBON ".!;~~~~· In-Store Bakery $ 11 ?.!Gil CONCORD WINE •<>•-··" 1'''" , ... ~ .. w...... c. ... CHOCOLATE BROWNIES 20 fo r Huntington Beach -15511 So. Edwards Laguna Beach -700 So . Coast Hwy . Fountain VaRey -16042 Magnolia Huntington Beach -8911 Adams Corona del Mar -3049 Coast Hwy. -------·--·--·-·-··· ---.. 1.~0_•_1L_or-_•o_vr_•n_s._• -~L'--_wc.c"'='ill"Y· Ottobtr 1. 1%1 _DAILY PILOT ~ l!.S.D.A. ••c/ioice .,., Tende1· Agetl Stee1· BEEF STEAKS ROASTS IONELESS 9 5 ¢ ROUND ROAST ..... n. ART LINKunER'S HOUSE PARTY GAMI ENDS OCT. 4 Check Your Game Tickets to See if You Are a Winner TYSON'S PRIDE GRADE "A" CORNISH GA HE 20-0Z. MIN. WGT. E s c EA. BONELESS 85' CHUCK ROAST ....... 1ti BONE-IN 8 ¢ RUMP ROAST ....... Sn. •' Produce Dept;. Specials _,. : 1:1rozE,~ r1100 ~Pt~c1 . .iL.~ : • · •d IP t ' • • ~;;;;· H•LtlU•. . .. •·;:~.79': dt!l",ftiey111ai 'L.CI e1·111g RED DELICIOUS, JONATHON, GOLDEN DELICIOU S, PIPPINS Your Ch.oice APPLES LI. IAG c ~-;~:~;,:.:~:·:: : :i i:~: :~: l ICE CREA Godo"' 1.01. 49c :· FISH ,UFfS .• • • • · · · · • · · •' · .1'119. 1 Godo"' 1·•1• 49' : FISH Cl1Sl'S . ·" ·· · '" ·" ... 1'119. 1 c •. ".1:0" 1-lb. 59c: COD FILL(TS ,., ...... , · · · · · 'rkq, 1 c ~,-~1:0~ 1-lb. 59' : f'(RCH FILLfTS ...... , ...... l'k~. r Freih Northe1" Whal• 01 Htll PeT 98t SILYEl SALMON •............ lb. 5 1;~ • .:1 iar S 1 29 t SALMON STlAKS ••...••••..... lit. I F,.,), Fill•h of ~I 99c : DOVll SOLl .......... , ...... lb. : l •rq • Jumbo pl'r '191 1 c;.R[[N SHRIM,, ....••. ,, ..... lb.• HALF GAL. CTN. ALL DELICIOUS FLAVORS c c LB. 12-0Z. MIN. BA SKET : Red Egg Tomatoes 19' : FR01EN BEfF TACOS O ~ ROSARITA DINNERS 01 RANGE JUICE ' NEVI _SIZE '' . .l for69C • SIMPL E SIMON FROZ EN-PEACH, CHERRY, LEM 01' CRUST. BOYS ENBERRY APPLE PIE ........ ~~~~;E .. 29' • 45:. • TANGY JUICY : BARTLEn PEARS .... 15~ 1 • G IANT SIZE DETERGENT ALL GRIND S COFFEE PACIFIC-STA-CRISP CORONET-ASSORTED PRIN TS-FACI AL DRI 69c HILLS BROS CRACKERS Tl.SSUE 1 T 1~ 65C 1s6~ 23C 100-CT. 19( INCL. I Oe OFF I 0-0Z. NO DEP OSIT BOTTLE S COCA-COLA ALL FLA VORS-PIXIE 6-0Z. CAT FOOD 12 ~ 51°0 6 PACK 79' Del Mo11te Dollar Sale / LARGE 21/i TIN-SLICED OR HALVES-CLING PEACHE5 ... 4FOR 303 TINS -FRENCH OR CUT GREEN BEANS .......... 5 FOR ' . HORMEL-15-0Z. TIN PKG . CHILI w/BEANS KING SIZE-DETERGENT-Incl. I Sc O ff 3 FOR $100 LIQUID DOVE 65' IJelic1ite.~.~e11 Dept. !'J/1eci11ls 1•• ROB ERTSON'S IMPOR TED ... ' ' : MARMALADE ! . ' , 3 11 .01.s100 : f J•n I ' ' '•••"••••••••••••••••••••••~ 1 ·LI. PKG. OSCAlt YAYEll: BRAUNSCHWIEGER ..... . c ..... 39c . ... Pk9. • .. . COii N ::·::,. ~~,~:~ .. .-. 5 '°' SANDWICH SPREAD . . . . . •,1; 39c :. · 'JANE ANDERSON-PKG. OF 12 14-0Z. BOITLES -TOMATO CA TSUP ..... -.5 FOR CORN TORTILLAS .... ' .. '. .. ' ' . . . . . ' . . . . . . . PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. THRU SUN., OCT. 2, 3, 4, S : 2701 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA e 13922 BROOKHURST, GARDEN GROVE e 1308 W. EDINGER, SANTA ANA :: 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH e 23811 EL TPRO, EL TORO .. ~ • :JI OAJ L V PILOT Fish Dish A Soaring Success Shri1np .soared lo the 1noon along "·ilh the I h r e e astronauts of Apollo I I rreeze-dehydrated Sh r i in p Cock tail 1•1as one of the 52 ready-to-eat or_ rel!)•dralable space foods 1,\'h1ch p1i.ssC{J the test. 'fo pass the test, shrimp nol only had to confonn to the .specifications for a .. Jight· ,1·eight. compac1. nutntional!y sound food ," but It had to be :i lood 11·hich the astronauts !ik- <Xl On earth or in space, shri1111) passes the test. be 1 n g An1erica's fa \'<1rite shellfish. For those ear:hlings 11ho arc happy to h:ive th('ir shri1np here on earth. here's a rccipe for Shrin1p de Jonghe. SllRL\1P DE JOSGHI': J pounds fresh or frozen shrimp 1 large clo\'e g::ir!ic I cup sofl butter 1 ,teaspoon dried tarragon 1.1 leaspoon dried marjorarn J cup.~ fine dry bread <.Tu1nbS .Juice of I len1on Chopped parsley Clean shrin1p1 i( necessary. Cook in boiling salted water 2 to 5 niinutes, beginning ti1nini;: after \l"ater resu1nes S-boil. Drain and set aside. l\lash the garlic un til It i~ almost a paste. Atld buttq, tarragon and m a r j or a 111 ; cream together until 11·cll blended. Add bread · cni~bs and 1einon juice: blend 1rell. ln 2 buttered baking dish •or 6 to 8 1ndi\·idual ran1ekins1 place a1tefnate layers of shrimp and bread crun1b n1ixture, sprinkl ·, 1ng chopped parsley orer the top of each l;;yer. Bake in 375 degree O\'Cn 20 n1inutes or until h ea l ed rhrough . Serve im111ediately . l\fakes 6 to 8 servings. Jam Center Surprising !';ice to srrvc 11'hen ifs vour !urn to hare !hat comrnht ec nieeting. JA.\I TVRSOVERS 1,. pound 11 stick ) butter , at roo111 te1nperature I 1>ackagc 14 ounces) or ': of an 8-ounce pac\.:agr cream cheese, al roo1n ten1pe rature 1 cup unsifted flour 1; cup (about ) thi ck jarn '\"ith a spoon, in a medium rn ix ing bo" l. beal together th<' butter and cream cheese unlll alrnost blended . Gradually 1\·ork in flour us· ing hands if necessary. Shape 111!0 a rectangle: co1·er tightly \1·ith plastic \\'rap and chill thr)roughly-. On a well ltoured pa!)lr~· t·lu111 11 ilh J 1Ycll fluur c<l ~tockincl·l'01·ered ro!l\ng pin. roll ou t dough alxiul 1 •• inth th1rk l Mng a pas1r~· 11hctl . t'ut 1n· IQ 3·inrh square~. Place · I teaspoon j:i111 near <;cntrr 01 rar.:l1 squ<irl''. fold 011•r 111 Lrian~!c sha1lr Seal rdgC's by pn·.~su1~ 11 uh flal side of pa~try 11hccl Plare ;iboul I inr.:h ;ipart on ungrcascd cookie ;;heel. Bake 111 a preheated ~2:i· degree ol'C!l until golden bro11·n -10 to 12 n11nuLcs. ~lakes about 20 tumorer5 If stored for a day or ~o hcforc !'oer1·ing, freshen by reheating in oven. Minted Pears Flavor Lamb A meat accon1pani1nent that adds surprise. • ~l lNTED PEARS I can t 1 pound. 13 ounces) Bartle\\ pear hal l"CS 1.z cup sugar '·~ cup cider vinegar I teaspoon minl and pep- penninl extract l,t teaspoon green rood col- or:lng Drain pears in a st rainer set over a medium saucepan. To the pear S)'rup in th e saucepan add sugar and \•inegar; bring to a rolling boil: remove from heat. Stir in extract and coloring: tum pears into a container and poor syrup mixture aver them : cool. • Cover and chi ll for several boors or overnight. Drain and 1erve as an accompaniment tn tuall lamb. The amoun t or faQ(I colnrin.~ gi\'en \.\·HI make the Pfllr~ a bright, slrong grttn: for a paler color use less tood col· orb'£. ----------~,__.,..,...,....,..,.........,..,_.,..._,,_,..... ___________ • "!"'. ------------' . . .. . . .. . . . . Alpha Beta's Man in Bl ue • . . ' .. ------- Says: in · this ad, including 54 DOUBLE DISCOUNTS, JOHN GOOOWIN. JR. STORE MANAGER UPL.ANO TOT Al DISCOU NTS lVERY DAY sowr Al,llA ar1~ STORE.$ OISCOUNI CHARC( rRIC( lOTAl DISCOU NTS IV[RY DAY SOME ALPHA B(lA ·srOR!$ P"COUNr CHARG( PR ICE I I I I C.!A1:T ~.in: PAC!'..AO~ I DASH 1 ~e out;cr: PACK.I.GI: VIM DETERGENT TABLET~ I I I I I I I I I I DETERGENT 81c 771 I ------------------,--.-----: • ...;..u;:.... I'.>,) o ur;cr: PACKAC:: .I i8f/ DISHWASHER ALL 691 ,,,, DETERGENT 75c ... !Nccuors 69c 51: 1 lOc Off ,,, -rl 1-------------------1 I ' I I GJA!JT t !Z[; PACl:J.G!: 1 IVORY 1 I FLAKES 83c 821 J --------------------------! I .,... 1-------------------· I c ;>.);r :;17r FACi.'.AC!": I I co;:TllCLLEO LOW ::.vr:-.: ~ GIANT size P>.CKAG!: I FLUFFY ALL , • SJc 821 1 IVORY 1 DETERGENT I SNOW 83c 821 I I I ---J,------------------------I I • l:A~i' GALLC"1 WISK LIQUID DETERGENT 1--------,.....--------~1 ~ JJ l.UIO StZI:_PA.CkJ.C!: ~1 1 SALVO DETERGENT $2,7 1 I TABLETS 211 l ··--------------------1 ------; ______ ...., _____________ .,., I . I·@ ~Poi •, PA'-!: 0! P~~:~r~~ 26' I ~ox O" 'lIA. Asso?.Tr.o COLORS 2 28, I ~TOILET TISSUE 29c I CHIFFON FACIAL TISSUE Sc I ~ fi€1r{t1~sUE 29< 26' I .~;.cz i "R!'.. J.t<:D!CATED CLEARASIL Ointment PACK or !00 DlSP!:NS!:R Rf:f!Ll.S .~ Oll~GE LILY PAPER CUPS 89c 721 35c 291 111 881 461 1" 751 1··isci:·;;i:n • g.cz A£:!!0:;01. c11t1 ~ARRID EXTRA DRY INCL -''' OFr '-e::V Anll·Persplrant 114 $) 3! ~ 7 X~" • V.'!Df: llYLOll 81ND!t:G ~TSHERMAOLORS IS~LJDS. 4:j's3;t I~ .... -~ .. ·~c::~, BLAllKETS 4" $3'' .:Vit,.a.lis_,1,1_u,, r.:ED4.\VOV[~ ~ --J'l!Cl!Af:'.) ;;uc ::uT •• GUilet EIOTitr: ~51 LASTING0BEAUTY 2" $)79 ,_·--··{; 1 c:n:.::: f'LASTJC !IOTTU:: • --VITALIS HAIR TONIC 121 99' I I J ·------------------· 1 '~ OUllCI: '50Tl"U: I TOP JOB J 1 LIQUID 1 , __ :LEANE~ __ _7_3: 66~---! I I I I I HI OtmC!: llOiTt.i'.. IVORY LIQUID DETERGENT 33c 321 I .. I I J. I '·-----·----------·I· I I I I I I ':: 0 '.'NCC T"JE!: DESITIN OINTMENT 1" aa 1 1-------------------1 -: ou•:cE BOTlL!: BEii-GAY LOTION BEN-GAY OINTMENT 98c 1a1 ·------------------- r.:;;.~o;i '¥'15iNt ' '"":: '0 "" EYE DROPS 151 $)23 1------------------- :.-')UI, :.t: BOTl L!: LAVORIS MOUTH WASH ~ ...... ~[ s;riq:" ..;HA!IG!:: i l Ci COSTA MESA-241 E. 17t\ l1. HUNTINc;,TON llACH-tO.fS Att.lftl HUNTINGTON llACH-11611 N. M•I• St. FOUNTAIN YALLI Y'--tt JO w- SOUTH LAG-UNA-JOl21 S. Co11tt Hlwoy LAcjUNA HILLS-2J541 Collo do I• l •lto IJIYIN E-11040 Cwl'l'e•, U"ittnilty ro•ll ' Total 1avints is computed on singl& unit purchases. The figure wo11ld be much hii:her ii meal & produce sa'lfngs l'l'tre lncludtd ·'· f '~'- NEW!DRY 0 · By Royo1 Terry of Colifomio • 100% COTION 3 PIECE • MONOGRAMMED ~ '.\l ~ .. .c VELOUR TOWEL SETS ALL 3 FOR ONL~ $2··~· FLOW ERS WHITE wi1h GOLD MONOGRAMS •BATH TOWEL .4'2."X'22" •HANDTOWEL 14"X'2-4 " •WASH CLOTH 1'2."Xl'2'' at DISCOUNT PRICES , ;.~:, •.f "'a"",,.-"MY FANCY " ·~· . '.-· MATCHING TOILET SOAP 66C .\:,~-~ 4 PETITE BARS • GIFT BOXED ';_·~.~ .. 1 ' $.:t ... · .. ~ MONOGRAMMED • MONOGRAM REMAINS llEGUlAll •STRAWFLOWER BOUQUETS ..,. THROUGH l \FE O F BAR '99o ~17.fuP1~----.-,;;;;;;;;.-,.;;.;,;; ________ --I • DECORATIVE STARFLOWERS YOUR CHOICE 68' BUNCH Jll•o Ol~•r loll ''•"'' Jl•oilobl• OAK LEAVES, EUCAl Yf'fUS, SEA OATS. CAnAILS. ARTICHOKE Purr l<HS lhe lllllstrated 22 Volume COLUMBIA ENCYCLOPEDIA Volume One 69F VOLUMES 2: thru 2Z ~l .!9 u. \'OlUME 5 NOW ON SALE! TOTAL OlSCOUNrS EVERY OAY ~··· OU!!C[ JAR SO'-'( All'llA R£14 S10~(~ OISCOUtH CHANG( PRICE PLANTERS 59' DRY RDASTEO PEANUTS i9c 1.,-0v11cr: JAR 6~; ,,. LAl"RA :r:unDi'.!I . ll·OZ. CAii w VIRGINIA PEA!j\ITS i9c -ALPHA BETA QUALITY BA.1£RY TOTAL DISCOUNTS ~ERY DA'( ,~:~p~~L~f;~ll • ! INCfl '' ~PUMPKIN PIE ' 69; I\ ' "' ~\PH~ BflR • l·L!!. LOJ.r ~ @-:.rVALUJ:;,. lt(l:{ ~ DUTCH 33e ~r :, CRUNCH BREAO " ~'-'" llLPHA BEJA • PACK or 12 ,, ~~~ VALUl: 491 I ,!1 SWEDISH SWEET BUNS w * ' © ' " ALPKRBElR •PACl':Clf~·tn:o.oR '1" ~ E~Gr1SHUMUrfl~Sv"L'.:i. 29 j ~~ ~®~>:<~®:>:~-,@ E-~~ ·TOTAL DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY t::j;i;\ JO-L~ BAG l !S$JH '-e::V GAINES MEAL . " !i.UI. BAG 79c 7 . @ ~R~~Y8T~AIH DOG FOUD 5.351411 ~5·0Z CANS •J VA!\li.TU::S 12· f ~ FRtSKIES CAT FOOD lie • @ fi118SK1E$50oGvf01ciD1cs 1ac 14' !!OX Qf" l:S • ASST"D COLORS 1 h KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUE-21c •• \'.ITCH[!! Ci!ARM . PACKAG~ or 60 1111 PAPEi HIPKINS 12c ll t:Ji;i;\ PAC:~AC". or ~o . !!OUTIQUL 22-~KLEEHEX NAPKINS 29c @K~\{x' RlcULAR 159111' ~M,00,DEos's'~ • RCC. OR SUP[Rl9c 62' ~ '" vi:c ro!IMS WH10ITRCA~hV~M 29o 28' 111< a-?:r!;::;Ht:lli •!II CLA ~51 ,IJ\S STRAINED BIBY rooo Better Produce at DISCOUNT PRICES LARGE Sllf • FRESH G.AEEN CUCUMBERS 5~. SU N llRllD • g OUNC[ PACKAGE LARGE APRICOTS sa~ "WISE BUYS In ECONOMY SIZE" • 2018. BAG RUSSET POTATOE S • IO·LB . BAG DELICIOUS APPLES YOUR CnOIC( 97' •8-LB. BAG JUICE ORANGES GOLDEN RIPE BEST FOR BAKING OR MASHING RUSSET POTATOES 10 ~:~ 49' .. NEW CROP £ :cf!i WALNUTS .,_. ' '1 r-,,. '-£X1RA LARGE . :~~1 48~ ~'Yo#· . ' TH[SE PRODUCE PRICES EITECTTVE TMURSOAY through WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER '.2 lhruugh ! TOTAl DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY HfSR[W NATIONAL • l~ Oi.JNC!: $1 I! MIDGET SALAMI 1.25 ~~btr:{w~R~fK-'L . ;: o:;:;:: 11s '119 RlPHR BETA·• OZ P~i'; • ~~: VALl'I:: 621 IMPORTED SLICED HAM 1 ~!I CARTO~l 38' ~AZOLI MARGARINE J!c ' •LB. TUR • 35<: VALUE 291 ALPHA BETA SOFT MIRGIRIHE ~GOLD[!~ CROV I:: • i-. GAUO:l 851 '-e::VORANGE JUICE BLEND l!c FR~NCH3sALAO'IiffEsSillG-c •9c 43 ¢ tHi ~rfAPE JELLY 55c 45' TOTAL DISC OUNTS EVERY DAY ~0"1[ STOftCS CH&~C( 59e !lEU CHIESE 19' W '-'l SIOlllS CHUCt •k • • >:ING SI ZE PKI. • .. BOLD " ' DETERGElt sli~s $1B CliAJ:C(. ...... ~l.J& 1ATlSf"ACTION GUAUNT!ED Ot 'l'OUt MON(r lffUNO[O • .\Alt$ TA.IC COll!CTlD ON All TAlCAalf lllMI ... . - ( I ( ( ( -··· ---------------------~--~.....-~~.....--......-~~~~ .........-------- . . , . ..:;:;;...---;;;.m;o;;;o..-,__.__ ...... -=--------------·-.... -... _____ ... ________________________________ w:"':'::'':"'-':'"'':·':°'':':.:"°'::':'~l=,-=1-::'=6:.:' ______ ·_o.All y PILOT 39 _ Inches Away !; ' save you s 16.72 *'' ; ,; - READY TO EAT • BONELESS DUBUQUE'S GENUINE EASTERN QUALITY IOWA MAID SLICED BACON ARMOUR PARTY HAM ALPHA BETA DUTCHEll.'S Pll.IDE U!IF ~ BONELESS 7-BONE ROAST s9i. BONELESS FAMILY STEAK 9a:. BEEF SHORT RIBS 43;. CHUCK STEAK BLADE cur 59f, ROUND STEAK FULL cur 89f· Your ALPHA BETA Neighbo!hood Butcher (the Man in the Red Apron) Proudly btteni SUTCHEn's P.nI~E MEATS MEATS YOU'LL BE PROUD TO· SERVE • fl lSCOUNT PR ICED • OUAlliY ·& SAT1srACTION GUARANT EED • U.S. GOVERNMENT INSP'EtTED Blli NEW! ALPHA BETA'S OWN FRESH FROZEN DDTCHEll.'S Pll.IDE YC)QNG · Self Bcmsting TURKEY WITH· CORN OIL 'FOR GUARANTEED TEMJERNESS & FLAVOR _ .. ,, u · -C~ER CUT ... ~;,~,;<;, ' -'HALllUT ~·u.s.•. , ~-' STE K BARBECUE FAVORITE •109 WHOLE BOOY fRH LL ll!CBlll !MDI KAPIAIN KRUSTY 11£CIPE FRESH IJREAO£D • PIECES THIS WEEK: SHRIMP ''CH1CK1K. llKE ll FRYERS 1" LB. '139 U.ST" PKG. LL PRICES Efrt:CTM THURSDAY througfl WEDNESO"Y, OCTOBER 2..S ' IL•IAl DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY Fi!O'lt» • .ll OUNCE ClflCP:£N OR tUR~tT' SWANSON DINNEllS BE<:? Dii$:JI SOl,IE -'I.NU 9£1.l STOll[S DISCOUNT t iWli.>E fRIC[ M"aRf01N°'S°H'H;iflrp\cJk?c 291: 26¢ f~)11~Rrf1~i 1~~Ku.o:. 39c 35; f~OZEI{ • i.07.. •Alt VARIL:'!~~ 401 VAN d• KAMP ENGH ILAOAS 4Jc TOTAL DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY STORE HOURS MOM. thru FRI. 10AM·9 PM SAT. and SUN . 10 AM to 7 PM ~M[ All'M.I. 9tTA SlOllfS P l~OU~' CHA~~[ fR ICl TOTAL DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY CIA.NT SIZI: PACKAG!: DREFT DETERGENT SOM( All'HA B£fA STOR[S 0!$COUtH C~AAGC tll!CC 83c 824 -~-----------------------:~OUNCE:-• GIANT !;17.!: J>AC~CE: BIZ PRE·SOAK DETERGENT 79• 681 ·------------------------· U.i<GC Si2I: LAVA BAR SOAP 18• 171 -------------------------· F~G'J!..li;l Si~C • A£0BTi'.O COLOFtS QUICK MEAL FAVORITES i HEY'RE GREAT • KIDS LOVE 'EM HOT DOGS ON A STICK 79~ PRE·SEASONEO • OVEN READY FRESH MEAT LOAF TOTAL DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY SOM[ IJ.PH.I. 1£1A 5TOltCI Di$COU~f Cl!ARIO[ PRICE KING SIZE PACKAGE COLD POWER DETERGENT · INCLUDES 25< OFF p1 S\! I 0~1t~bA 0H1As0H·i~~W1N~KAc;: 2Sc 22 r. iITPH~118ET"AE0°1fNti ~~t~o~ ~L·;~ 68' CAMAY BAR SOAP -------------------------- l: ou1;Ci:' !,\.'\ • APRJCO:' ~SMUCKERS ~PRESERVES :'TllA\l'l!fJIRY 41c 321 ~Sc 37e ,;~ 3k l filBT'S • 24-0UNCE' CAM @Clllckea Stew I Dumpllngs 63c 571 69c 56' 60' @si;f;ii1'l·: ~" · ""s5c •~out-ice CAN ¥4 VEGETABLE IUIC£ COCKTAIL 45c 42-vr11M0Nr MAto • 12-0z. sonu: c;.:::::....:.::=::---__c:;:..:::W-1 . ~ sc,anruepr. Maple 39c 341 i~·LS. llA<'J • OljARC~t. ~ 1UNWOID lllllQUlTS * 2~-0UNCC BOTTLC' 71" .,. 2£1.U!. BAG I Si l.U '---'·----------' ' Wl lttlflYt llGt!f fO I U USt MlfS TO CO,lilMllCIA'l D~Alfts 12• 11 1 PA::l:: Of'' PERSONAL SIZE IVORY BAR SOAP 11tGtlU.R Stzt ZEST DEODORANT BEAUTY BAR GIANT srz;: COMET CLEAllSER ' 17• 14' 25° 251 ·---------------------·---- 28 OUNCC llOTTL'.': MR. CLEAN LIQUID CLEAllER 73' 661 --------------------------. 16 OUJiCL. 512!: SPIC I SPAN CLEANER » 31' --------------------------33 OUNCE: eorru: 89' 79' DOWIY FABRIC sonEllER ---------..a----------------OUAllT some 'JOY LIQUID DETERGEllT 85' 831 RATH iSIZC • p;i'jK. W H!TJ: OR BE!O! SAFEG1JARD BAR SOAP 22• 201 -------------------------.. GIA/l T PACt.:ACC CHEER DETERGEllT 83• 82' ------------------------- ~.'i O'.JNCC PACKAGI: CASCADE for AUTOMATIC DISHWASHERS 75• 694 . .,,., ·~ ~.' S ONE ONLY GIANT SIZE PACKAGE TIDE 67 DETERGENT · c OUlf l'~IC£ WITHOUT COUl'Oll 'izo SO"'E STO~ES C~AllQ( lk ON[ COUPON PEii fAM llT-AOULT'I OM\.Y COUPOll COOD OlrtllP OCT. I CHEERIOS OW l'IUCf. WJTllOUt C()l.l'(M Qo toMt STOIE .. CIWIGI Uc ONl CCM'Oll PQ FAM!1.Y-MILTI .OM.V Redeem your food stamps in ,arry los Angeles County Alpha Beta ' ' SAVE WITH ALPHA BETA'S 12,!7l TOTAL msi:ouNTS Save even more with Double Discourjls They mean e~tra savirigs for you. Made possible by special purchas es with the cost reductions passed on to you. look for them throu1hout the store. i\ '{,_.J 9036 SIZES JOY,.20Y, Ly 11f ""i"" 11f,.,.-r ... NoU1ing like soft. side drap- ing to make a half-s ir.er look int l1es thinner! Rest is plain and si1nple . , ... fine for pc:.irls, spal'kling pin . Printed Pattern 9036: NE\V Ha!f Sizes 101.:.::. i21 ~. 14 \~. 16'.~. 181.i, 20' ;. Si7.e 1~·.~ (bust 371 takes 2·-·ii _yards 39-inch. SIXTY -FIVE CENTS i n coins ,(or each pattern-edd 15 cents for each pattern for first-class mailing and specia l handling; other.,1·ise third-tla~s 1klivcry wilt lake lhree'\veelo.1; or more. Send to f.larian Marlin, the DAILY PILOT. 442 Pattern Dept., 232 Y.'cst 18th St .. New ~Ork,' N.Y •• 10011. Print NJ\J\1E , AD· DRESS \rith ZIP. SIZE antl STYLE NU1\!.Q:,ER: NEW FALL-WINTER PAT. TERN CATALOG -over 100 sly!es. free pattern coupon . 50 cen ts. INSTANT SE\VING BOOK SC\\' today, ·wear tomorrow. $L INSTANT FASHION BOOK lo v.·ear ans\vers. accessary, figure tips! Only $1. Quilt Books flurry, send no1Y ror all 3 rcrnarkable quilt books! Quilt Book No. I has 16 ~howpiece quilt pellen1s. ·only 50 cents. ?i1useuin Quilt Book No. 2 h~ 12 famous quilts. Easy! 50 cents. Quilts for Today's Living, Book No. 3 -15 vivid qu,ilts. 50 cents. Fifty cents in coins fot each ·i&k, (or 3 .books fqr .$1.001. Send lo Alice Brooks. tlie DAI· LY PILOT, 105 Needlec raf t Dept.. Box 163, Old Chelsea Station, New York, N. Y. 100 ll. Print NBme. Address, 1Jp, Book Numl;ttr. BIG .ino Ne.edlecr1ft C1taJog -40 pages, over 200 designs, 3 free patterns!· Knit crochet Instants; ;([-g·y I e sweater; hats,· dresses. S\\'i1n sut~ QWU. embf oider, Weave, ~take toys, gifts, gby arghans. -$ertd so cents. M INSTANT Gifts. t.fakc I~ day ,.. -a:ive toroorroW, SU cents. ~ -''JI· Jiffy Hugi"• to· knil . • crochet, "''eave,. sew, 'hobk. 50 . cents. • , (.. Book o( 12 Prize Afghans~ M cents. Bergaln! Quilt Book I hasll beautiful patterns. $1.l cents. J\tuseum Qullt Book Z -p9I· terns ror 12 superb quilts. 5{t '' cents. -' Boo k 3. "Quilt!I for TQday'1 U,•lng.'' 15 paUcrns. SO ccnU .• • • • .. -·· ' • .. ~ . , . .. --,: .-· -----~-----r.·~~~~~~.,.._,'l""!"f"' _______ _ 4 . .. , , ~ ; ' • T •, , ~ 0c .l • I : , , I • , ·-·~-• 40 DAILY PIL OT \\l,11nt sdiy, Ottobe r 1. 1%'i • • • . , • . . . . '" ~· .... . .,.. ;· @.~ j. • ~ DELMONTE CATSUP $ for 1 \~f ;.,i r • '" .. ~ "" . • COUNTRY PRIDE LARGE GRADE AA EGGS • DOZ . 47' MAYFRESH LARGE GRADE AA DOZ. MEDIUM GRADE AA DOZ. 4 )c EXTRA LARGE GRADE AA DOZ. S le . .• ' . / ~r . ~ ~ ____ I ··=-.;.,,.· _ ..... __ ,..... BONELESS BEEF STEAKS CHUCK 5TEAK (l''>R CUt FAMILY 5TEAK5 BONELE55 5Wl55 5TEAK MAYFAIR'S BLUE I B" RIBBON STEER 'r BEEF OR U.S.D.A. lb CHOICE SEAFOOD SPEC IALS ROCKFI SH-FRESH FILLET ..... ····-·"·89' FRESH FILLET PER CH ""o" _ .10.89' BREAKFAST SPECIALS RA TH BLACK HAWK SLICED BACON . ---······· 1a. 79< OSCAR MAHR SllCEO BACON --· •......•................ 1• 89' PORK LINK SAUSAGE OSCAR MAYER ...•............• u.89' RIAL McCOY PRODUCT$ , I DELMONTE . VEGETABLES . CUT GREEN BEANS "0 ;.,o J C) CREAM CORN OR WHOIE "RNEI NO.JOJCAri GREEN PEAS NO"' CAN STEWED TOMATOES ~:; MIX OR MATCH 'EM $· for • ' ! ' ' ' . ;. I 1 ' . DELMONTE FRUIT._CO(KTAIL. ~~; ~,. $ .. MANDARIN ORANGES ... 1or • 11-0Z. CAN ................................................. . . . , TOMATO SAUCE 1Q~s1 · t [t /\ION!lll OZ. CA N ..................... .... . . ........... .. ! ""' Dni'lll Sp~~ Y,~~H~11~~bP~,.5 ~ $1 r~r!~E ~~I . 59 c ~1~~;~~A~~{25 c ROCK CORNISH GAME HENS U.S.D.A. GRADE A 18-0Z. MINIMUM WT. BONELESS BEEF ROAST lb ... ·.-' CALIFORNIA GROWN ·' °' FRYER . ' ' . .. PARTS •" •I -·' 1J ., .~ ,. . • < . ' 1~; .... .. CHUCr. RO/t.~T CEN TER CUT B RE AST .·~1•<"';1··f1nir 1s 69c WH OLE LEGS 59! BATHROOM OR FACIAL TISSUE (HlfFON 1-ROll PACI;. OR 200-Cf. f AClllL Df Al PA'~ DINTYMOORE BEEF STEW 2~·0L CAI~ , ............... .. M.J.B. COFFEE 7 l!l.CAN $1.19 J lS.CAN S l.9l -·--···· ,., -1-mIDJfair Frozen. Food---·~-..... • " ·-~ ~ ORANGE JUICE LIBBY S I ONUSPACK 6-0Z.+ '.2 -0Z. FRff 8-0Z.CAN · GREEN GIANT VEGETABLES '"'~:;;~u" 3' $1 • , j NIBLi TSCOR N-PEAS. MIXED YfGETAILES 10-0Z. PKG, 0 I;~ tclTCHEN &. FRlNCH SLICEl:I GREIN llANS 9.oz. PKG ...... R .. M•H•--.. R • · ~: '' . SARA LEE DANISH COFFEE CAKE ~8;;~(;r~?:\!·'. ..... -. 79' ---mIDJfair D tfko.ks~cn.-----.. OSCAR MAYER BOLOGNA />11/.\EA.iOR ... llblil 1:-0l.P"G ...... ARDEN CHEESE FOOD "',;..,:," AMEl!lt.A~i. PINltN;O, !;ii.,)', B 01. Plo;G. .... •. --...... _ .. ,.. -· BlST CHICAGO KOSHER MlATS n o1 ... 99' ALL ME AT FRANKS osc •rnAY" .. -.• ia.79' OSCAR MAYER COHO SALAMI 11oz ... 89'. LASCCO SHR IMP COCKTAIL •oz.·---··· 49' !:iHOULOf~ Cl OD ROAST·ROllED .... 'A:OTL I Rl ( ...... .98! BEEF LIV ER "59c "Ll(f0CIN!f,Cl!T .... BEEF HEARTS 1a59C \VHOll OR SllCtD ...... BEEF TONGUE u 59c ! ~f 5tt REDUCED PRIC E::. BONELESS SlEW MEAT "ggc I ~IRA 1£JIN BEEF SH ANKS 1a59C 1 f NH~{UI .............. SHORT RIBS ·• 79c l '>' "'' (I ADVERTISED PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 FULL DAYS THURSDAY. OCT. 2nd THRU WED .. OCT. 8th 175 EAST 17th STREIT, COSTA MES4 2030 WEST ht STREET, SANTA ANA 9892 WESTM INSTER AYE., CiARDEN GROVE • • ,.,.. -· . " • For value-sharp shoppers, El Rancho proclaims this week Watching your food budget? _ -~· Still insist .~ - on Super Quality? Looking for . . ' ,.out· t·hoitt' of fa.Vorite \"cgPtablr.-. (rP!ll thr fal>uln11s va lley! ••• S\\'ePl l1'ndt'r l 'C'a~. (;(l]dcn Nibl<>t~ torn, J\:itc:hrn Sliced Green Beau::;, ur colurful !\lexic:orn .•. all al one lo"· price to uffer you more value! C&H Sugar ....... ~.~~· .. ~~~ ....... 49c TV Dinners ....................... 49c S11·an!ion·s ••• tl1 e origin:t\! •.. \·ou r choice of Beef, Chicken or Turkey •.. the popular favorite!! Facial Tissue ................... 4 ~ $1 Ch iff,1 1l ••• :!00 t'L pa1.kagr5 ... ,.,llifl!es season is jusl ahead .,. so ::tock up al th1~ prll(': Toilet Tissue ................... 4 i $1 l 'h il'l"1)1\ ... ~ rvll pat ks .•. c-ol ors 01 · \1·hil c ... hcc p :-c1·<.,ral pair:< or spnre!i on h.111d : Betty Crocker Cake Mixes. · . ........ . ........ . l 'ou r thu1 l·r ur ,1 our family":; f;\\Ot itf'c: 111 rrgttlar :J3r 1·arietie! ~I t's bakin g tin1e.: Betty Crocker Casseroles . . .. ... . .. . . .. .... ............. . ........ 39c A nlC'.d 111 1n1 n11tL ~, •. and n n1an.1· l,inds fron1 1vh ith to choose: J:rg·. ,J'.)c antJ -1,·,l .. Complete Pancake Mix ........ 59• Scooter Pies ....................... 39• 1:a\·orf'd by the ~n1a lf fr.1: •.. ! ! nunte p;:ick:i.g~'. Aunt Jemima Waffles ........... 39• i-·rnzcn ..• pop in t/lc loaster ... h11!Lern1ilk, !) o:i:. Stouffer Meat Pies ............... 49' Berr or Cllitkl'n ... ·10 ouncrs nf :-ll ccr deli ght : Folger' s Coffee . . .. .. . . . . .. ... 69~ ·r\1·0 pound ca n ••• 1 .:~1. 'Three ponnd <:an .•. 1.!:Hl Johnson's Glory Liquid . .. .. $1.39 Big "27 oz. :-i~.e.,. nr the "2 1 oz. :-pr:\\· <.111 ••• l .ti9 Johnson's Bravo ................. 89~ Sa\·e 20c on the big :!7 ou11ce 1;a11. Delicatessen Specials Oscar Mayer Wieners ......... 69~ All meat: ... CC'lcbralc O.~c a r·~ f:tll·f""' '. Oscar Mayer Bologna .. . .. . . . 49~ 'All l1cc•r or al1111r:tt , .. :-.lict'd ... 8 or.. ph g·. Vermont Maid Syrup . . .. 69• .\laple·Y goodnt•!i;; 111 the ::t oun r•' hnttlr'. Ovaltine . . . . .. . . . . .. . ................. 59• l 11~t;i nt pleasui·r '. ... big 1'2. ounrc size: Sara Lee Coffee Cakes .......... 79• Peca n, Cin11an1 on, Apple, C,tramcl, ChC'rry ! Orange Juice ...... rRozEN ...... 4 ~~~· $1 ·rrces1~·eet, fron1 Indian Rivl•J' ruunlr~ ! 12 oz. ·IJc Purina Dog Food ................. 4 '" $1 Bt'cf. Li\·pr 01· Chic::kcn.,. 1 1 oz . l;i,11 c.1ns. Dow Handi·Wrap ............... / ... 49• Gig ::!00 fl. roll la:<.{~ ~o long ... ~:._-0 1n11tlt '. Lysol Disinfectant ................... 49• Regular or pinc-scC'nled ... .J ount·c siz!'. Liquor Specials Kamchatka Vodka H!Lrc1L ... $8.88. S:i,-c ·I le ... and rou·11 b1' !crving qutt lit,11 : El Rancho Gin .... H!LfGAL ...... 58.88 Sa\·c 6tc ... :in d pou r 111artini~ th at plr11 sc : American Slices ..................... 59• Harvey's Scotch ... H1Lrc1L ... $11.99 Lleal'fie:lr\ ••• each indivirluall:v ,,.l'apped ! 12 oz. S:i.vc $1.00 .,. and enjoy sippin' good quality! Nalley' s Salads .. .. .. 3 '" s1 Early Times ........ ~!Lf-GAL ........ $11.79 \"our choice of appeal ing-varie ti06! rCJ:". 30c Save $1 .20 on a bourbon y~·re proud to pour! • 1:alk abot1t trndcr~C'Sl' '. ... nnrt rp;<tTit1· '. •.• and value'. ... El Ran cho dof's n1ore than talk about it Et P.ancho offers it! L'.S.Ll.1\. Chu1lC e1•r f ... lrnilt'r .,. "it.h hcarty beef goodness assured! .. • Chuck Roast ..................... 4 9~ lllade t 11l •.. here's rc;i\ C't\>1 11 1111y i11 " rn,1~t l!ial uffcrs r-atisfai..Lion at. a Uudget prit·e : Chuck Steak ..... ~~~.r.E.~ ~~.r ...... 5 9~ Compare ... and see lhl' r11ffc re11ce! El r..anrho's center cut chuck steaks offer n1ore good eating! Round Bone Roast ....... 65~ ::::cr1·c a pol roasl ••. h1 1\ and hr:irt1· ... ;ind Lr ~lad so11 rhnsf' il at El J~nnrho'. Boneless Rolled Roast 98~ ·rrimn1rd to offrr yn11 n1 (1rr ,a]ur ... IC''-S 11·astc, .• a11r! :-rlrclcd to afford real satisfaction'. Ground Chuck . .. .. 79 fb Ground Round .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... 89~ I'rccisiun ground ... .iuir,1 and f\;1\u1 ·ru1: ~o lean, .. and ah1·ar!i fri>!ih at El Rancho '. Fresh Swordfish Steak . ... . ........... 98~ J;:thr ll .•. h1 ot) 1l ... «I!\ 11 :t.)' ,1 "u i 111il1 tl ... r11j11y 1l: C1·1l1rr rul for n1orc \·aluc l (~--~--··. ""-' . .\..1.. • .....-· Sup er Fres h Jlrodu cc bpecials! , Potatoas. .. 5'·!11 •. I T.S. No. 1 ... \\'hil <' J:o~<' ... so pcrfC'ct an atcompaniment for yuur pnl ro:i)lL .•. and sn \1'elcon1c a.l any n1cal ! Spanish Onions .... .. 3 1b; 19c Fresh Carrots .................... 2 "' 1,-. In onr pound pl io bag to preserve fresl1neM ! Oprn rlnify fl to J , •. S111irfn!J 1n lfl 7 ' II Pri,.c.~ in rffrrl T!n1r. lhrouf!h S un ., Or i. :J.. :1 .. L .~. 1Vo solr.~ In dt uff'/'F. Ask the manager about our convenient Charge Account Sprvlce HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warn er Ave. & Algonquin St. NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd.• 2555 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) Also conveniently located stores in Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena ' - ' \ " • l .. • --,-----·-._,.,,...,,'"T":"TT""'T"' ............... ,._ ..... ________________ ~----.. • . 12 DAILY PILOT • Milk Nags Downed 1n a Jiffy ·. Breakfas\ In II Jiffy i;()OlCS Hl 1he fJrm of foan1y milk no~.~ which can bf prepared and raten in minutes. Morntni; for most people 1~ a .• hurr}'. scurry llrne of the d;1.v when there just isn't enou~h 11me before the bus or !hr time clock sho~·s \OU arc lalf' But , latr: pe0ple n e c d h1('a~1,1~1 JU::.l a~ rnul·h ill not r11Qr1•1 !han thco,-.c l1'W 11 hu IO\t lu gel up t'!lrly and Rrr ah\·a~s re;r dy !u go. Honie et:unorn1~ls lron1 lhr I 1airy Count:1l ot Cal1fori11a ol- frr some s u p e r -11 u 1 c k hrcaklast h1n1s -son1 r th<11 .1 ou La11 keep on hand for scl'eral days_ These drinks or nui;:.~ are "' frothy combination crf rn1lk . fruns and.or egg, a~d pro1·1dc rn;1ny n c <·es s a r y v1lan11nS and n1inere1I~ as welt RS protein to star! off your da;v 1·1gJ11 RAi\,\NA f\'OG ·~banana , mashed I egg I cup nlil~ 'tOPVALU I DISCOUNT SUPERMARKET I ( 19th & Harbor, Costa Mesa -FREE CHECK CASHING SERVICE- PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT. 2nd-8th WE FEATURE U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR TOP VALUE CERTIFIED BEEF GUARANTEED FOR FL AV 0 R AN TENDERNESS OF YOUR MONEY BACK. u ~o • r1>vo,.c; ~~E~~K ROAST 43~· 89~ RIB STEAK DELI CIOUS BAR-8-CUED !,:~R~~~ STEAK S}23 ~N~~c~D STEAK 7 9 :b RIB ROAST 7-pr ~p~~L~~D BEEF 49 ~ Shoulder ~oast 33:b BONELESS . . .. ........ . STANDING -LARG E END I tablespoon suge1r Dash salt Dash cinna1no11 Combine banana, egA . milk. sugar and sail until well blended. Serl'e 1n a tall glass with a dash oJf cinnamon on top. Complele bree1kfast with your choice of fruit or but · tered toast. r1NK BU'ITER~ll LK S1\IOOT lll E 2 t:ups cold bt1llcnnillk 2 eups L·h11Jed r o rn a t o - \'egetable Jui ce J reasJ:aon \Vort·ester~h1rr :.au<:e '~ teaspoon salt Dash of hot pepper saut·f' 1\1ix all ingredients togctht~r and scr~e cold. Keep th(' cxlr;1 refrigerated tor a s<Jt1sl y111g snatk -or to have l'ead.v fol' lomorrow's breakfast . 1\lakcs 4 scr1·1ni.:s. FR UIT·o\IILK 1\'0GS 1.'Ull C.'\Jld milk • • :1 cup tr11it and syrup \1·itl\ a~ c r u s h r d pineapple. Sll'eetened fresh. lrozen or canned peaches, strawbcr- r·1es. ell' ~ -·?M+:. ton1bine rn1lk and fru1l 1n ;i blender or m1x1n.I{ bo.,.,·L Beat unttl smooth and fr othy. Scrve /- immedia tel.1' 1\·Jakes on c I OUI CK B REAKFAST CAN S E NOU R IS HING generous serving. I~~~~~~ Prize Fruit Overlooked ! By Wives CMARL6JTE: Ai\1ALlt:, i . '"'""-"" SL. Thomas, U.S. \'1rgin lslands j !UPJJ -i\l ango~. papayas,, guava!'> il'nd o1ht>f fresh ! tropica l fruit highly pn~ed ;is! ~pec1alty food~ 1n thP tnn·, t1nental Lniled States often arc bypassed here by youngcr i prople in favor of c<inned lru1t 1 and juices. 1 "It's ea;;y to bu}' 11 n1porledJI canned pear. pcacl1 and apple Juice 1n local markets." saicl ' Julia \\'all::ice, d1reelor of ' !Hlll'lt1011 scr1,1ces for the \I I, U1_•1)t1rl111C"n1 of llcal\h, .\·!rs. \Vallace added ''.\'lllny of our ~·oung peoplP have nr 1er seen a gu<1v<1. And many . v o u n g r r \.\'Omen cook 1\111cne;u1 t n1a1nland 1 food " l The 1ntcrv1ew 11·i1h her was '• ,, E! CHICKEN • '" '" ,,. 33 ~ LEG O' LAMB ",~g,;, 89;, SMALL LOIN ~·;·; .'"~:~." , I " BACON """" I lo P~q CHUCK ROAST ~::"· GROUND CHUCK 59' 49 ;, 69 ;, 79 ;, 79 ;, ! durlns a vis1l to thr U.S.1 Virgin lsl;;nds as a gllC~L o/ Lhr i~land government PERFECTLY SUITED TO EASY, CALIFORNIA ENTER TA INING , ,. RIB LAMB CHOPS ;~,~:. '1 :: GROUND ROUND STEWING BEEF '"'"" 88;, SIRLOIN STEAK 99;, SAUSAGE ~:.:.~.~Rl ~~.";o, .. ~. 33' ROMP ROAST PORTERHOUSE ;;.~::.m .... '1 :; ROUND STEAK ''""" 89;. FRESH PRODUCE AT LOWEST PRICES IN COSTA MESA . BANANAS 3 Lb .. 2 5' .ry/,. PRUNE PLuMBs 10 ~ 1 • v SW EET ITALIAN .~ .6 ~~,!~!~E~lbb., 39¢ ORANGES 10~ JU ICY , SW EET VALENCIA ;~~APPLES 1 o:b . ' ,.J' NEW CROP JONATHAN CABBAGE 5:b FRES H SOL ID HE AD MELONS 1~ SWEET HONEYDEW .. Banana SQUASH 4:b THICK ME AT EO .. GREEN ONIONS RED RADISHES, FRESH, LARGE BUNCHES U.S.D.A. FOOD STAMP COUPONS Gladly Accepted s~ **** lron1calty. ~ome <1f I hr .,tropical fruit thc.1 t .i11 p1C·t. 11 ild ha~ nutrihonal adva111 .. g. cs nol found 1n eanocd. 1n1- ported ten1perate zone fruit. I Papaya is rich in V11ri1ninsl A and C. a natu ral n1cat lf'ndcnzer and drlicious plain or a~ a cooking 1ngrcd11:11t. ''Tht· acerola. vr \\'est ln- rh,"Jn t·herr\, is thr r 1cht1s1 J..nown sour'ce ol \11\an1in C'. ·· s::i id ~lrs \\"ril\arr "J11~1 1 lhrec llic rrie.~ pro1 ide an Cll- 11rr rl;i;, 's supp!,\'·· Sl1f' <i<ldrd lhat a l·e1ola~1 Arow plentuull~ Ill 11t'arhy l'uf'rto H1l'O and to a lr~~er c~lent Ill thP V1rg1n Islands. Su 111'11\)' 11111! !rrr•• li;Hr hrr11 <'111 d1111·n 111 elr;1n11g land lnr 11<'11· h111ld1ng• 1h.1t !hr k,11'.!;l1 r 1·ollrc1-. ~rt'd ~ <Ind i.:ro11 ~ "t'Pd!1ng~ to g11 e <11ra1 Yuung~lf'fs are C'ncouragrd to p!anl n1ango. ~U):!.1r <ipplt' 111Hard ;ipplr and acerol;i trrrs_ i':P11· hn1nr O\\llCr~ arc rilferrd ~eeds and or ~cetll1ng ~ ltTP. Virgin Islander.-; in gPncral eat tnore conunental 1ood lhan1 1n thf' past The adJecth·e used in !rs con1<>x! relers lo 1hc ' <·ontinental United State~. nol , Eorope. ;:il1hn11gh s r v e I' a r Jo:uro1>P:1n n<1 11on~ -Dcnn1ark. llolland. Frfince and En.S::la1ui' -Jell their t·ulinary 1narks nn l lhc island~ during colon1L1ng years Typical \\'est Indian ;u1d Virgin ll>land.~ dishe~ arc Kallalon, a sort of soup-ste11· 1 cont;iining pt)rk, fresh lish, ! greens, 1:rab or l'onch. okra ., onion~. h('rb~. spiel'.'.s and vinegar ; daube n1eat. a spicy l aron1atic pol roe1:.t made with ' n1ca1 or poultry. general!~· served vtith baked and fried plantains. or cooking bananas: 1 and bfnye, \l'hich are fried cakes made "'ilh yeast dough 1 containing s"·eel bananas and 1 spices. I PAPAYA SHAKJ-: Papaya milk shake calls for : full ripe papaya juice, but can-, ned nectar 1nakes a sal israc- tory substitute. The reci~ is' from the cxten~ion scr1•ice ol I the College or the Virgin Islands I Comb1nt 2 t:ups of juice or l nectar 11'1th '• cup of hme or calamondi11 juice, I cup of iced 11·;itcr and J tablc:.poons ol sugar Slir until s 11 g a r dissolves. Add 10 11: cups or chilled 1n1lk Sh11kc w 1 t h - COS MOPOLITAN YET CASUAL ' FONDUE FOR FUN. A. RED, \'{HITE AND BLU E EARTHENWARE POT, with alc:ohol burner, stand "od match- ing tray . I l .00 Set of 6 Matching Fork~ 4.00 B. ST AINLESS STEEL FONDUE POT, imporied from Swit1arla11d , wit h alc:ohol burnl!r, ll"nd, t ot•wood tra y •nd 6 fork\ ]0.00 ST AND ONLY _ .. 15.00 C •. ENAMELWA RE POT in red or yellow . w1th b urner a nd stand. i nd 6 gaily c:o!ored fotkt. 30.00 D. BELG IAN LINEN CLOTH •n • t;,,.,ly foridu 11 pattern. 70 '" round 20.00 I other sizes. loo! I DISCOUNT SPECIAL of the WEEK FONDUE COOK-IN 75c lively recipe boo k of Fondue Cookery, reg. 1.00 crushed ice and strain into tall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::~-~ Jl]ll~~C'S ~l <ik('~ ~1 1 Ill 5 t'ISht---__ -----__ ounce scr1 1ng~ RICHARD'S LIDO CENTER . 34JJ V;, Udo, New pod Be•ch, 673-6360 I RAMILlltG ltOVND WITH SA LLIE TH~: TOGE'l'l l ~~f:NL!'iS SCENE /\llf'Hflnn 1111 c-vn1pa11ir~. or~an1zat1ons, largt fam1!1t.~. • ;ind latlv's aid i;oc1ct1rs. Jr vou wan-I lo pla11 a galhtrini:: ~I !hp d:-111 . a 11i1·r !rrsh l\'Jdt 1111·:.kr non-~r111·11y IYfl" or rhir1:.: 11 h~· no1 A brl'akfa~I l!>(!t•lh<'r 111 our ••of- /re shup :-)tl'\'P, our Coff11'9 .l:fiop n1an;1(!l'I'. !i11,I S }OU C!l tl h;11·p ol all 10 .•OUl'S('lf II~ pal'l y a~ 7 in !he 11101·nin1: . A l1tllr 011 ih<' r.x~·1t111g ~\elf' 10 liave brrakfast lo 11''1 1·andtcllgh! and flo11·e1·~ 111 1he niorn1ngs grow llimmf"'r. Slwrr fcs\11 Hy, I'd say _ •. Call S1e1·r . hr'll 11·1·an_r:;,. i t for you for ;iny nun1bcr fir f!C(lfllP ft·o111 6 '" \jll. :\nrl rrr11rn1brr r11'11 lloou::h thP. 1narkr1 <.lor,11 '1 oprn untrl !I !hr c'Offf'P ~hon 1~ 011r11 "'' S: 1t1 thr 1norni11;: lor t('l.r brce1kfasl 1:ro111L Tl!E PU\IPl\17\'.<:. \\'r!'HOUT Tlll:: ~ 110.~·r B ti;. !al , <1nd •·oz). " pui11pk1n ha~ ;i ,t:low th!i l 11'iu·1ns (h<' hC'a1·1. :'ilakr~ )Oii think of s,·;1rl'i·ro11 ~ and hap- Jl,I' l\'1z1:inl of 01.1.t-.,. thinr.. Our r>"11rl" l1li" -.., n" t .. pu1npk111s on 1hr shor1 ~ulr !'f i;:1~anttr :.n '"'·1e ;::a1hc1-erl u1• ::t ('!'OP •• (J/ liount~~ bcautfi>:s i11 1l1r 60 lo 100 p o u n d br~ckr1 /01· yOu pun1pk1n t<1l'l'l'~. G i v., vourSf'll a. lesson 111 pltn1pllin '11·ateh 111~ , • .'Sornr ~rP bum· py, so111r at•r n1ol!lcd 11 il.h i;rrrn. Thry ~hlllt" 1.i· i::o th., rtuH f1ni~h 1-ot111nr ·rr.cl"p bl~ daddy pun1pk1n~ :.re rnllrh ;,, fi1'1nanrl 11ntl liUl'd tn tiri<I. \\'r'd b,. h11ppy tr> 11u1 y~r· n .. mf' on r>nr ~Q y.-.u·u b-- ~urr. f,JI.;~: ,\ '11 :'\l .)1 Li P Rt:NCH (II /"L;PP\' D01 : . .;;. lJ1d ~011 i..no,1· ~nu •·ou'J, ::ro11• )Olli' Ol'!l i::nurrt~. :->imp ly buy a packa;r nl ,goutd !>f'rll.~ 11nrl \\i!ICh ·r 1n gn'l'tY. In II ff'l\i llf'rk.~. 1h"y'll t'ORl- 1ilr ll'ly •'fll'l'I' ;111 arboi· ~· rr11f•f' 11•11 h bra1111lul zrrl'!'rt . Thrn :: n1n111h~ 1 11 1 "-•!' C'l'f'l'Vlh1ni:: dr1r~ lip f • ~101h;1n:'. k!111·1ni:: !hr h::t i*." rlr1•01·ato1· fal! L'UlliUS IOfl (If .::rrf'l11", .'1'11011.:, hu1nps 11.11!1 h111111s, ~n·1 ric~. 1 ... 1~1~ 1111d 1u1 ·11~ "" al! lo1r In ha\141 ;1round !he ho:iu~r i·o1nr fa,tl . .<.:)1~u ·1 l'•lUlr. IJU,Y Jhrm In OUI' prnclu1·r dl')JJ 1·1 nirnt 11)'lnt= ,11tl1 11tr lndoiln <·01-n in itlll f<in•'.i 111ntrr rl1 r"~ nf hl<1r k1'. gol(ls, N"d~ "-l'lcl orani;r. T \1.J.; .\BOL'T CO rt!\ r.x111'1 '"rr 1111dr1rs11ma_),. tllr 1nlrlh;;cnl·r n! a hor!lt. IJ11r of 011r r11rr peofilt! 1·11.-ion1r r.<;, tnlr! n1r this sloty 11l11lr "" 11 r1r .11 n1ell1ni:: th'l 1 ;1n1;1loun R;,1·i-011 1hr fal'r11 111 ll111u11" ;1~ a 1;111 11 "a.<; hl'; 11111~· i.1 fr,.rl 1-hri~r~. !Jut1full ~ ~1 rr\' 111 i;:h1 J>r 11011\rl r)liJ •'di'' nl c.:orn 1·1 lh"OI' <1 11111• r l ,1 11 .,rl~ "/Ir•' <1 11\11"1' <>II il1r 'n111 \\n11 ld b .. ::•1111· r \!·rnl ll1r h I at k l,f n1"1~. Tlun:.. ;1 h1111! 11 !Ir hJld tnr aool!Wt' ;ihnul 11 l1111r purr~ 1!('1:: nanl"f'I f'111~. f ,\! f'\I <1'1\ 111f' ltl tlP do;::- l'•lllld 11,.r1, ! hlQ1h,-lo 1101 1~ 11 1111 h1~ lll ~"T''I llhO O\I T'lr<{ ;1 l:l'("''l'~-'-l'lt·r Q11r !'i<JIUf'• •l••.I """l" l..1<1 Thrr11 11 IJO!" hollli' ;,1 rr1 11 and 1t lih¥1· 1r l't'rl ;ind bl'okr . ~·ro1n lhl'•I Oil f"fl\l 11oulrl !l('\ f'I' COn'l"' nul nf ho -; •lo;:: hou-;" t1•1 :");1111rcl;n •. no1 l'l"l'I tn r111. ;111.i fri!t. l11rrl 10 lor \.> ~r;,ar<1 '" l:Xf1 1,\'.'\ PE ICltf·;t;:. 1\:\J) ~ll;\1 P t:AJ~:' 'l'hr pra1·hr 1' a1'f' .11a1cl lo ll<'I <l•S{-0\·errd by lhr lnd11'n~. im ;ii llllP llll1P !h"Y 111U'l1 ha\" g11)1t·n 111lcl. Tll"Y h1001n " hraur1ful rr(J 1·0101· 111 the 11111, and i n~itle lhry he1vr rl'!!I ~plo1 t·l1r.~ all lhr •1·ay i11rt•ll;::h. If .-011 rr ~ P""'l~l fHll'•lwl'. th " l11<1!au fl"~l·h 11 you1· n1bl)lP into f'n•la{'}, II loo'I! t:;!\ r 11 n1l'krl f11r " ....... 1•!,r•I l!P11'·~ II >\ 1111 l1t1J.., flf'Ht. 1100111 2 111rhl',.; loni:. ~1<1 llr:<I 1n11iqur )011 brcatf~ !w ~ ~o 1111111. Thi' SUl'Jll'l~t' "'· ,<irlf', ~ t\1 11.~i Sll'f'l'I, ~·0\1\11 think ,1\'.lu'rr r1tt1ni; L'ilnl'ii:rf pr11rs th<it ha\"r IJN>n t-ooktil 111 It h"~l'Y !i) n1p, ~;,f it thou::h thr y arr a.~ ;;rern 111 r."urrl:< ;ind h11 1"ft ~" 11. 1tJ«J., do11·1 '"' 1tf1·1Hrl ~11rl 1)11:>1 !hrrn 11~ T hiul 1•1 1·nn1 hW''I 111~.•f'!f. •fl I !1'11 P j11~I llfli!h• f'o! <>II<' fJ1'h1 lhU~, 1:11 h.1nl "· lhr r , I'! p I" ~!Ull' \\'l1P1·1' +r\ ]1181 ~ d;1y·~ T1nir" 111 11 br11uftf11I nt'!l!'lf' by Krlly T11nn".Y till• rrf "L11·111µ lhr Good, Ca~:.l l.1 fr 111 r.r 11'fl')l'I nc11r11.··11•11 11err •'Cf,.n·r1! lo 11~ thot ·"'~"'"' {;fOCf'I'}'. \\'r •ur~ (r,, ~°'·1.,t1lr 'I 1!h '" rr;. tnrly, ... PHO~E 673-6360 FOR HOME DELIVERY .. --···. , .. -.. . . . . · ) . : ... .' '· .. , • PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT. 2, J, 4 O rgan Serenade For Your Pleasure " LIDO MARKET CENTER by Bernic:e Fay NEWPORT BLVO. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIOO ISLE PRODUCE CALIFORNIA DELICIOUS FINE FOR LUN CH ES, CRISP, NEW CROP APPLES -6 LBS. $1 > • RIPE , FLAVORFUL SWEET CASABA MELONS LB. 6P " • FULL OF JUICE, SWEET CALIFORNIA VALENCIA ORltNGES 8 LBS. $1 . , DA rt. V PILOT_ J:.1 KEAT OUR BEEF IS THE FINEST BLA CK ANGUS & HEREFORD SPECIALLY FED. RICHARD'S IS THE BEST OF THE U. S.D.A. CHOICE, PROPERLY AGED. PREPARED FOR EASY CARVING PRIME RIB ROAST For · .,; I din nor ,BON ELESS, THE KING OF ALL ROASTS SPENCER ROAST THE EYE OF THE RIB • Easy allclng for roast beef Sendwlc:h•• SPENCER STEAKS Vo<y tender and flovorful ENG LI SH STY LE, LEAN SHORT RIBS V•rNlil• and iconomlcol LEAN YOUNG AND TENDER PORK EASTERN SPARERIBS Leon GROUND BEEF MEAT LOAF . 98~a. 1.79 LB. 1.79LB. Ric:hard '1' own deli9htfu!ly seasoned meat loaf, ret1dy to pop in the oven in its. own pan. Broadbill Swordfish ' Cataline. Fre'h caught. Firm end mild fla vored. 1.39 • Stuffed Chicken Breast 98c, .. The )'l'hole chicken breast 1tuffed with our delicious p_ar1 fey dres'sin g . .. -·GRBEERY·. -·THE ALL f't!R POSEPOTAT(), U.S. No. I • • . .. • SELECTED RUSSET • POTATOES 10 ~:G 49P .. ?:;? ~Aµ;~ AUTUMN'S IN THE AIR, AND THAT MEANS FOOTBALL GAMES. DELICATEllEH OSCAR MAYER ALL MEAT OR ALL BEEF WIENERS LB. 73P OSCAR MAYER ALL MEAT OR AL L BEEF BOLOGNA si;~·~. 69P REESE CHAMPAGNE CURED Sauerkraut 20 o.. 39P LAURELEAF MARINADE Lemon Pepper 2V· 0 " 39P KRAFT INDIVIDUALLY WRAP PED SLICES 12 -o<. American Singles 69P PRBIBH PBBDI RICHA RD'S Ice Cream 1;, Gal. 69~ ll OZ. EGGO WAFFLES 39e 8 COUNT VAN DE KAMPS BEEF Enchiladas 71;, oz.3 f•r "1 VAN DE KAMPS CHEESE Enchiladas 711, oz.3 for "1 VAN DE KAMPS CHICKEN Enchiladas '"' oz.3 ,,.11 CAL FAME Orange Juice 6 0 L S FOR $1 BIRDSEYE PEAS and ONIONS ,, oL 4 '" '1 BIRDSEYE 8-o<. PEAS, POT A TOES :::m ..... 4 ,,. '1 DIRDSEYE CREAMED SPINACH toz. 4 ,,. '1 GOURMET COOK? Vitit our new, n•w gourmet cornet in our Home 11nd G ift Shop. We've a11embled culinary eids from aroun d the world! 49~ ARE YOU JOINING THE ALUMNI FOR A SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT THE GAME 1 HERE'S A SUPPER TO FEED THE CROWD AFTER THE GAME! IT CAN ALL BE FIXED AHEAD -SO YOU CAN BEGIN ALMOST AS SOON AS YOU WALK IN THE DOOR! COCKTAILS RAW VE GET ABLE PLATIER with NICOISE DIPPIN G SAUCE DEVILED BEEF IN CRU STY FRENCH ROLLS RICE SALAD GREEN BEANS VINAIGREITE FUDGE LOAF topped with MOCHA lCE CREAM and RUM FLAVOR WHIPPED CREAM Chop very fine : 2 cloves garlic, 12 ancho"y fillets, 18 capers, 25 black olives, mix thoroughly with 2 C. mayonnaise. Slice left over roast beef. Make devil sauce: Sautt I med. onio n chopped in : T. butter. Add l/2 C. beef broth and 1;, C. red wine, I hp. dry mustard, 2 T. Escoffie r Sa uce Diable or Worcestershire, salt and p e p p e r and 11/i hp. cornstarch. C o o k until hot through. To the sauce add the sliced roa st beef. Heat through and spoon into crusty french rolls. Comb;ne 4 C. cooked rice with 1;, C. olive oil, 2 T., wine vinegor, solt and fresh 9round pepper. Toss well an d 9arni$h with 1/3 C. finely chopped pimien to and I T. chopped basil. C:1ill • EIHDY PLBIEB IHBP NEWI EDY'S BAYO MINTS Choeolately mints 8-01. boll', R•gul•r 1.45 1.05 BOX LUSH GREEN PLANTS GRAPE IVY • In 4" Pot1 1.49 Folger's Coffee 1 LB. 69¢ FOLGER'S COFFEE.. 2 LI. 1.37 FOLGER'S COFFEE J LI. 1.98 ARDEN AA BUTTER 1 LI. 83c C&H SUGAR S LB. BAG 49¢ NESTLES QUIK ""'"" •~ .. ,, .. LIPTON INSTANT TEA FRENCH 'S Scalloped Potatoes FRENCH'S Potatoes Au Gratin PILLSBURY 2 LI. Z OL 15/1 oz. 11/J oz. FLOUR S LB. BAG 49~ HUNT'S YELLOW CLING SLICED PEACHES # 21/1 4 '" '1 HUNT'S YELLOW CLING PEACH HAL YES # 2'11 4 ,,,'1 HUNT'S TOMATO PASTE i OL 8 ,,,'1 HUNT'S PORK AND BEANS #ZY. 5 for 11 BIG ROLL Soot Towels 3 FOR Sf LADY SCOTT FACIAL TISSUE ZOO Cr. 4 fo1 '1 LADY SCOTT BATHROOM TISSUE J PK. 4 ... '1 BAKERY _, . RICH WITH NUTS /,NO RAISINS MOLASSES BREAD Slc ' PLEASANT WITH SALADS SEEDED ROLLS 6.., 31c FRUIT FILLED VARIETY BUNS RICHARD'S OWN V!LVELTY FUDGE LOAF 6,., 41c 79c J ~ -, 4l 11cnw•'oft1Et1 s wu11z•unN sun etc scsun s lliJsZNTIJll:u•oJJ un a 6 v: ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR F~OWER SHOP CLEANERS LIDO YACHT SHOP '£;.j,.,.,,J!.s-MARKET HOME & GIFT SHOP OPEN DAILY 9.7, SUN. 9-6 OPEN DAILY 9-6 DAIL Y 9 -5:30, SA T. Q.S O'"'"'I r 1 ' 1 Y ('" 'Y a ·~C ·b, SAT. 8:30-5 OPEN DAILY 9-6, SUN. 10-l • ' • .. ~ ... -· -.. -· ~--~·--..--~- 4.f DAILY PILOT Wt~11tSd&1, Ottobtr 1, 1?6'! \Vc~nc;d<J:t, Otlobtr 1, 1 ?69 L 8 PILOT -ADVE RTISER Finnish Food Like Hawa iian Actor Deplores 'Typical' Tourist's Dy JOJINA BLINN charter," he said. project, a theatrical workshop Add crushed ice , mnc t'IHll v1negJr , garlic, ginger root lor NEW YORK _ ''Luaus are ''\\'e don 't c o o k m u c h program for ~isadvantaged very well. Ser\'C a!l an hors t.h y 1nuSlard J and sugar. Put bo d b I ti tak lo ch lldren in Nank\Jll . Thev had f' h -t t t into serving bowl _ 0 tsh sl•'ecs mostly for tour ists and h1iven't a ar u , ra ier. ea ng . < oeuvre, e r-on c 1 r r r th-tight ood cold like already put on a revue for the ,.,..,1 t t t 1 f arc picked up with tooth picks, the vaguest resemblance to a some ing , scoo1"' .... -ou om(l n lil vcs as real luau," Richard Boone a shrin1p sa!ad. I can cook up children, "'ho range in age a first course. Scr\ies i . dip ped in the soy sauce and f f h d d I ke fro1n 7 lo 21. ea ten. Serve~ <I. said. The craggy-raced actor is l c ow er an ma one SASlll1\IJ ~ had moved \i·ith his family to hel l of a sashl rni from yellow f or the ''ma l i h i n i '' ~, pound frr.sh fl::>h lilrl Afterthoug!1ts: ·r11c f i s h the Islands in 1965, lail or any othe r good f1sl1 (ne11·comer) to H<1wai1<111 fare, /a lbacore, ~'clloiv 1111 . ~",. n1ust be very fresh and well ''To ha ve a real !µau, .i·on fro1n the reef. The re's a lriC'k the lollowing are recipes fOr bass, red sn aprcr. hallbut or t'h1!led. Sliced cucuinber, \vh1te must make a hole !in the 10 it : You rip off the skin with sashimi and lorn i lomi sahnon, sword fish) radish or watercress inay be ground for Uie iniu. or un-one fa~l n1otion. Eat it right plus Dic k's Village stew. sriw !I head (•f t c 1 I u r r . u.~rd \l'ilh the tellut c. Sauce derground o\'en. lo roaS\ the ;iway iF )•ou're hung ry'. Or HICl!Alll) BOONE'S cleaned" t·;111 be ::is pl;ii n as soy rn1xcd pig. We can 't do it because our marinate 11 in soy sa11tc L0,\11 L0:\11 SAL!\ ION '~ cup so.Y 1'-q_~·c 11•1lh rnu~tard; -0r n ran be house is built on black \a\'a flal'Ored 11'ilh ginger. Thr ~1 prn1nd smoked satn10n J tablespoon lra\cd fre~h 1norc h1ghl.v sc;isoned 1vith the rock." Hawaiians eat the head first:" 4 s1naJI gre<"n onio!ls 111·h1te ginger root available 111 ;uJd1lion of hot red pepper_ A note of homesickness was he said. part only) Oriental food {hOpSJ \'ILL.AGE S1'E\Y in his voice a he stood across HAW AIIAN CUISINE ~ sn1a ll ripe tomatoes or 2 lablcspoons peanut (u r !hi' hotel room from lus "The cuisine of llawa1i is 1i teaspoon salt I teaspoon dry mustard olhcr vegetable) 011 visitor. lie had just retumed mixed and stem!\ from many 1 J cup crushed ice 2 tablespoons \'ineg;1r 2 pounds ]('an ground sirloin from a fou r-month stay in nationalities. Sash1m1, o f Soak salmon in cold \\'all'r Few drops pressed garJH·. Sn1all t:lo \'c garlic, prC'ssed f'inland y,•here he had starred course. cnmes lrom l he aboul I hour. Drain, dry "'ell, optional 2 .sinall shallots, minced as the blond·ha ired spy in the Japanese. Then there's the remo1·c any skin or bones: Pinch .sugar S,1lt, fre~hly ground pepper forthcoming film , ·'The \1'ondc rfu\ Portuguese Sausage shred into small bits. Remo\'C an.v dark port1n·11~ to 1as1e Kremlin Letter." 1similar la the hot Jta !1an ~ .. 11nce oninn, put into a bo1\'1. froni !he fish. Cut ti:;.ll ~1n;11l !Jay leaf "Fin nish food is close to the variety' and scramhled eggs, P(>('I, ~ccd and 111 a s h diagonally 11110 \'Cry thin '_. teaspoon orc!iano Hawaiian. at least in tl1e1r fantastic Indonesian curries lomalocs. add to onion, alon):l piec es 2 inches long by J,i inch '1 teaspoon ba sil concept or fish." said Dick, andall those condiments."llr. 11•1\h sa lmon and s;llt. Blend 11·idc . Arrange on bed of 1_. trnspoon n1arJorani, op- Luau 4 ripo tomatoes, peeled and quartered 1' ~ llozen peeled pearl onions Paclage frozen pea pods 4 l'ans wa ter rhestnLtls, ehopped into th in slices I I ca t mcfll in pe;inut nil wnli g;i rl1c and shallots unti l meat starts to hrown. Add salt and pepper l11 ta~t('; then add he rbs. Place 1nixlurc in de ep saucepan (or Dutch O\'('n l Add .tomatoes .~nd onions, pour 111 wine and broth_ There must be enough liquid 10 co\'cr mc<il and vegetables. !)imrner about 25 minutes ror un !JI onions arc t('ndcr.) 1\dil pc::i pods and \1'a\cr chestnuts, cook unt il pods are ba rely cooked. Correct season- ings. Serve al once over l'OOk- cd wild rice. Serves 6-8. \1·ho Is a ~e 1·en th-gencrat ion n1enti oned particularly in1chi. until mixture is \'ery srnooth sl1redd ed l c t t u cc ; ch ill uonal nephe w of Daniel Boone. "The a Korean relish for fish or with potato niashcr (or \vith very 11·Mt. 2 cups dry red \l'ine (good 'MEN ARE BlioTTER COOK S' Finns eat a !ol of ra'4·, smoked rice. prepared by fennenting n1ortar rind pestle.) l\·l ix \\'ell the soy ~attcr, quality Bu rg u ndy~ cc! 196?, NPw•d•v. 1~~. Richard Boone Altcrthought: If desired u~r_ l;irgcr pieces (Jf 1nc:iL such ;1s \·e;1J or Jami). allowing long er time to tenderize n1cat. ·~··l~~nq-~i mo ~~-~~. m~ i ·r-~~~i~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~ii;~~~i~i~~~i~i~~~~iiiii~~~~i~~~~i~~ green sa lads." Jn addition lo large s'lone Jars wit h hol red the sn1a ll aal!Jl' herring, peppers. Boone li ked the Fi n n J s h '"There are many good version of !IOI!'. halibut and restaurants in lf o n o I u I u , codfish and Lheir reindeer particula rly 11--!ichcl's for con· steak. tincntal cuisine, and Prince "\Ve 11 Jso d i ~ c o Yer e d Kuh10, spec ia lizin g in true cloudberries, which are yi.llow Hawaiian classics, such as raspberries. \'fry S'4'Cet like roast suckling pig and raw ripe strawberries." he said. lon1i lomi salmon with chop- "\Vhcn they're served "'ilh pcd onion, red pe ppers ;ind s~·eetened v.tiipped crean1~ lom atocs. and served" wllh it'll kill you!" &owte also had poi.., been attracted lo the Finnish His best culinary efforts people, he said. "Thei r women take place at ilihe in Kona afe the most beautiful in beach house. "We ha Ve a Europe. They're la heal!hy smoke box "'here "'e prepare breed from a ll their skiing. smoked turkeys and hams and Part of thei r striking beauly the succulent .. op it}_i 1.11m·a11 lies in"their high cheekOOne~oyslers). We go sqJ!dding by I hat comes from l heir setting the nets the night ~1ongolian strain." before. Then we ga ther the PICK YOUR CLJ~1ATE food from the smoke. OO x a nd Boone turned to his be loved bring on the kegs of bC?er. l lawaii. "The most marvelous While lhe musicians play. \\·c thin g about Hawaii is you can eat, drink and f;ill asleep." Hr pick your O"'n cli mate. You smiled and ran hi.~ hand can go into the n1ounta1ns anrf through his hair which he had !he re's snow, or go a shorl dar kened back to its original nistancc and be in a com-hur. p!etcly tropica l area. \\'hen I "I used lo commute to i;:el home, I'll head for Kona Ha'4'aii," he safd. "During the and stay out on the boat for a nine ~·ears I "'orkcd 1n \1·eek." !e!evisfon I saw so ht tle of our Boone has be-come so much son Peter. !'-;01>1 I see much ~ part of the islands that one more of him and it's a tends lo think of him as a tremendous exper ience Lo see nalh·e, or at least a lnn,101 me 1\•hat he·s doing in school." rrsident. He is active in Sixteen·year-0ld Peter goes to yachting and fishing circles -clay school al Penahou. an he's a champion bill fisherman F<;pisco pal educational school -and he numbers among his in Honolulu. "He "'en! along friends legislators, deck hands on the trip, but didn't lose any anrl some of the rough.and-:-:chool. \Ve even had a Spanish tumble beach l,v pe s that Ire· lutor for him Jn Rome .. , quenl a saloo n, in which he 1s Boone's besl pre-Hawaiian a partner on the Kona coa.~1. C'OOk ing effort is a village stew near where he has tus gel-1laling back lo the days he away retreat. studied .lcti ng in New York "~1y wife Claire is t10t-100 and Jived in Gr e enw ich kN>n a saiklr. so I'll go olf by V11!agc. "1'~1e never made 11 myself on the boat . I started qui te the san1e at any liml'. crewing for other people when H's a wild affair served O\'er 1 \\'as 7 years old and broke wild rice:' he said. my back '4'ilh v.·ork. My "~len are betler cooks than boyhood drea1n ·was to 01\·n a 11·omen ," he a s sert c d . hoat , so I ended up with a 4J-"Prnbab!y because we ' r c Foot pacemaker. I ha\·c a more agi.iressive."' Getl1n,c: no bright young J a pa n e s e -argument, he "·enl on !o sar f\'orn·egian fellow t:> man the !hat once he's hoine he "·as boat, but I often put it up for anxious to resume hi s fa\ oritc 'Goodies On the Go' Packed for Christmas f':\'cry )'Cil r, v.bro lhe bQli- day season approal·bes, 1 gct 1warnpcd l''itb letters a~kio.i:: me to plta5e rush cookie and fllhtr recipr;a lhat y,•ill !'it.a nd be:ing mailed to fa r place~. It breaks me up to disap· point anyone bul requests come in too late fnr nic to take care of hC'rl'. It just sn·1 humarily J>OSS1ble to gire personal replies '4·ith the mail runni ng into the thou sands. Thi s year 1 have gathered up recipes I know have stood the lest.. all from readers 11·ho mail packages regularly. So you may ha\'e "Goodies On I.he Go" for 2:> cents and a Joog, self-addressed, stamped envelope. Add ress to Nan \\liley in care of the DA ILY PILOT. That jusl about covers printing and !lecretarial costs. Even If you don't have Mlme- one overseas. the c o o k i c s and Juch are fine for kids away 'It !'ichool or clse"'here any time of year. Rlgllt now J can lell you that drop cooties, bar cookies and fruit cookies travel best. Roll - ed cookies, especially if thin and crisp, are apt to "'ind up in crumbs by the time thf'y get there. Goodies made '4'1lh honfy, brown suga r or peanut butter atay moist longest. So do banana and other nut breads. especially If they 1tre baked In disposable pan.~, srn1 just that way. E'o'cn tu!Je.p,;111 cakes have been known to go thouMnd~ of miles withoot disaster if "'edg- ~ into a bg;r with a tight fll , - packed carcrnlly. Fr 11i1 rocktad coo kies. g u m d r n p cake, dale bars and al most any kinG of oatmeal cookie cit> JUsl fine , So. your 0'4-11 goody recipr or mi11c, htre are llOme thlDgs lo keep in mind. Do paclri l'arelully! There should ~ 110 rattle-around space:. U It sturdy cartons such as used for shipping cao11ed goods. Line witb foil . As soon as cooklC'S and such are coole d. "Tap separately in LET'S ASK THE COOK by Nin Wiley c!lnging plastic wrap or foil. Use crumpled l i s s u t.. newspaper or ;insalled pop· c o rn a!I cushioning between layers so there won't be a bil of boon« to the once. Fill in any comers v.•ith pres'4'eelen· ed, p11ckaged soft drink mixes or e\•en packaged soups. Pad well on top. Wrap any box in se\'eral thic knesses of sturdy brown paper. Tie \\•ell '4'ilh strong 1 .... ·inc. Address clcar!y \\l1h black mark ing pt'ncil o r permanent ink mil rker. See. thn1 tape or evt>n clear nai l polish O\'er lhr t1ddrc~s i5 a good precaution. WITH THIS COUPON TR IP LE m;;•:::-=o~-=-,, BLUE CHIP STAMPS URCHASE E~ttud1ng fluid Milk. 1obucco. L•quor $ ON[ COUPON PfR ADUt 1 Volid Thurs. lh ru Sun. OcL°'2·5, 1969 PRICIS lfflHIYI THURS ... ..,. su~. OCT. 2. '· 1969 .. . . CHICKEN WHOLE LEGS & THIGtlS .FRYER P "RTS LAMB ROAST ~-.:-r£t-. 5 Jic ~' u 5' -"'""~'"'no lb; •O••«• '"" I o BA• 'S' -SKlllfT S!Z( _,, ~,C SLICED BACON ';,;1 O'J lb. SHOULDER49c CUT lb. liiF"sllo1T R1Bs 391'b Fl!Ol(N US 0 A, INSP~(lfO BLADE LAMB CHOPS 791'b . 3 ... s1 pig, 981!1. \Uri! QUA\1 1Y POP• US 0 ~ CHOI(( lfff 10 4SI O• Slf41( BONELESS CHUCK '891'b. 3 .... s1 plig•. LINK SAUSAGE 11!f SH If.IN GROUND BEEF (I N l!~(l,l l flQl(N, HON!TSUCKlf . SllC I 0 TURKEY & &RA VY 53,b_ GOlDEN CllEME PAPER FRESH ll:!S T IMl'w'ATION ICE MILK SCOTT TOWELS ENCHILADA ENTREES ',.~' '39' 85' PEANUT BUTTER BARTLETT PEARS Al l flAVOllS i'RIED HALIBUT P01AIO!S COLORS 011 DECORA TED ~MQOT H OR CHUNK'( HA(\1£5 IN SYRUP "''' 33' "'· 29' ORE-IDA TATER TOTS lie 39' 3 NO ,.,$1 AS~OITE OC ~!AM JAi\ (Af'I.$ (;All ON ~Ol\ 3 ,,.,, $1 p, •• SIMPLE SIMON PIES 9 INCH JOHNSTON'S PIE SHELLS DELICATESSEN FARMER JOHN -SLICED STRAIGHT BOURBON LUNCH MEATS . "' ........ ,.o 3 ,o -'1 • Cotto ~ .. 10 ... . • Hom l oo! • Heod (~ •• ,. ~~C·~ R19. $298 TAMALES ;.':. $J.59 fJnff I .. tONll ._ '" 10' t----------1 CORN TORTILLAS GlAClflt llGHT ~1 17 JOHN~TON 'S AQUA NET HAIR SPRAY ,.,,, •f >\.,,. "' l>l'OOl:ll '" ! llGHT C.UAID ... ,, ............. .'.":. f,u u 11 1 .. 1"'~""'I"" I OI,.,., fOAMY SHAVl CllAM ........... . •O•U\I •O•! "'''" > }1 •<>•U \~ 11•01 • " .... 57' ,...,.,1.1 ... GllllTil IAIOI .................. . ""H l\<l"<T •I \IOl,,,O o• .l-00 •O lllLLIANTINl ......................... . 10100'< '"I CORN HUSKER'S ................ ~~·:. $)'1 11· 89' CQFflf -.All Cll:INOS MJB I-lb Con 69~ ?lb(on ....... .\l _J7 J i b.Ca,, ,.,Sl99 l~~IANl, 1001 ... 11 19 KAL CAN DOG FOOD CHICKEN PARI5. l 5 oz con d for S 1 00 GEBHARDT CHILI CON CARNf. PLAIN no JOO con 59c GEBHARDT CHILI CON CARN E WITH BEANS no 300 co n d Ir KINGSFORD BRIQU[1T£S. 10 lb pk~ 99c Sl [ER OBOUllLONCUBE S,ASSf'D .. pkg of15 . ""' ..... J9c IVORY LIQU ID, INCL. '.?Oc OFF. J2·0l bortlf' 63c HONEYDEW MELONSI 01b . F'iisit cARRoTs ... :;~. 1 o.~. l:oi'i CUCUMBERS 1 Oe~. COMET CLEANSE R. INCL. 2~ OFF. 1 ti oz t !n 2 for 3 le DOWNYFASRICSOfTENER,IN(I. l S~Off 64n1 bo11!e$1 4J TOP JOB LIQUID Cl[AN[R ?O 01 brittle 7.-lr. MA.ZOLA MARGARINE, 1 lb pk ') J9r $ANKA lN STANT.8 Ol 1or ... ~I '.9 fOLG ER'S COfF [l . 3 lb con . 'b 1 ?? PlAIN or CHOCOlA Tf OVAL TINE 001 39 c 1? 01 69 c Jor Jor 2300 Harbor Blvd. nt \l'llson St •• llarltor Costa l"lesn • " " ' ' ' ----------------------------------------------- Wf!!Mwtay, Oct~ 1. 196~ Market Basket helps you fight inflation everyweek with •• •·1' '·''· COPYRIGHT 1969 MARKET BAS KET OC!.Oll<R I l'riw eHec1•vt Wednesdoy, Ottob'r ! tlml Tutsdc.r;t Oc1ober 7, 1969 don't be fooled by fancy .names on beef! for down to e arth dependable quol1!y, nothing 1oke ~ ,f;e plo~e of I"• plain old officia l U.S_D.A. Choice Shield. l his ;, the official U.S. Dept. of Agriculture 1hield put on beef ONLY when it po11e1 o gove,nment expert'1 in1peclion of tex· '"!''· color, maturi ty, marblin g, bone 1truc1ure end other quality feature•. All Market 801ket lenderoy Brand Beel meeh U.S.D.A. Choice q1Jality 1tondord1 and weor1 the U.S.0 .A. Choice tkield to prove itl And it'1 Oi icovnt Pricecfl US O.,l (haic! l tndemy 8rnnd !'erl Cube Steaks ..... $1 19 SmollSirtlP<lf' Fresh Spareribs .. 69< U ~0.A. CN!ic:t le<1d!rOV erond B.!•f ecn~'~'\ Spencet.Steaks GOOD TO THE LAST DROP MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE I LB. ( C'N ._. SP CIAL Green Go0nt Vocuvfh P~r ~ Niblets Corn ... 'i,": 23< Gr"" Gi(IN S"""" P!~I. 17 ,, • ~' 1,,,,.c~'~. I/ 0: IC1!f~~n ~litrd {,•t en e111'!, lo (I,. Vegetables .... 4''"'$1 l "hOOOO Coffee ........ ,,; 73< O••r Oar\ Oek nL< Yuban Coffee .. · ' 77' :>LB , i i IJ ft!'flf 0fotd Maxim Coffee .. ·,. ~102 !v~lh'"• Graham Crackers" 39c ,e.:;,r,c Trro•, Crackers .....• ,.: 39< C~·-•~nof1~tS!o (~u~11:; _., Tuna • e •• e ••• e ~t,~' 33' 7 0l (lillNK\'/Hlli lfc P.llsbv•v I •tro l1~h1 11nel s~ ofl tnt•·I Pancake Mix •.. ~,.; 41 c f!il1ct~I Applesauce ... 't[;' 16< Gl\y 90~ fltwto Ho•v• 1 Peaches . ,,,, 27' • • (n~ \'.'h.1tlt Snrav Cleaner . .'l.''65< SO-~~-R11 1tf ~1 .JJ ( lt<lntr -,.,..,;. Spio, •r W. d SO• 32< 1n ex ...•••. ~·· 70-07 ~!/Ill ·~· ~.tro 101 Bcr>~1 ?o" Windex Cleaner ,::· 53 c I ;,O Bowl Cleaner .. ~ .. :· 45 c 0 'nler •~n! Lysol Liquid ..• .'.~·48 < (~¥•' 0r1n ,r MS•1e Sue Bee Honey ·~-~·39< (•!'tl·~vo<(r~~i "v Jif Peanut Butief 69< REGULAR OR QUitK QUAkER Count on Market 4 i Basket to be your perennial inf lat ion fighter! We've been bo!!ling high pric•1 for o lo"I tim• with th• mo1t powerful onti-inflotio• weopon of !hem oil.,. Oeep·Cut Ditco11nt Price1. , Compare! The1e Market Bos ket pric" ore 01 low or lowc-r than most other food choin1, d i1count 1!ore1 , co11venience 011d in· dependent 1lore1 ony doy of the week. Prove! Nobody, but NOBODY, offers you , beller volue1, w•ek oher week, thal'I your Market 801ker 11ore1. You can't do 01 well onywhara el1el 5r.,.-l1i>o N Mor!)Of1r.• (h,'100 II-cl.~( o!l iol·r'• Spun Honey ..• 'i,2' 39< Diet Imperial ... ~:: 41 < Facial Tisstif) .. ·;:,;' 24< '. '"lwrr• Plo;n or S·,._,., (•or.a·~·• ~I'" 1 ng Prune Juice .••. ;.'' 48< Ovaltine ...... "'' 59< Black Peppt;;~· .. ·,:; 29< 6 Ol ll• ~v~r(~··· Mor o•~n •nl~r.e ll it~·"Pn••' Miracle White •. ::. 73< Kraft Dinner ..• ;.;' 19< Pet Food ....•. ,'1~·25< SPICE TONE S O~ KITCHEN PRINT ZEE TOWELS ROLL O F 170 DEEPJVcUT SP{CIAL ~----~ 29' l011'"'9~U!y .t.QI 011 Makeup Finish :z;;$1 88 Gi!b~y;;··Gin.. ,$9 9s Shav~lo!1on-'·01 811 Aqua-Velva .... ~:.. 69< 'y'""o"'d'"k''a""-"'"""" . $8 88 e • • • I • I r••O l11tuon!-Bn• of 18 Lozenges ..... e ~~~58' SCM~i~h[)0:" ••••••• 0• $499 HOr1"1f\~•q" [) • MI,_,.. p,1,1~ (~ (l • f1t1~ •~'he-~r,~, -" OJ Hillcrest Pickles·,,. 39< ''"'"1~1'-'''~ t •·t •I Gelatin Salads .'!-~' 29< •••• < . "89' Jack Cheese •.• ',;; 48< PROCTER & GAM•LE lilrS MOUTHW.4.SH . ; SCOPE , " Cold Tobleh 12\ l ~rd of l(t11!11C~"I' Super Anahist .. !.~; 56< Blended Whiskey$3 99 l,,N. "''*'!>Al Sl'AAV, l X~.•1c SUNRISE FRESH PRODUCE 1 '! ~h. Good !a!'"~ '"1··~c~ c>·~o• !+ 1e 1 Swanson Dinners"49< Green Beans ... ;0; 24< Meat Pies •.•• ·"'.~: sac $ere ler J,c1tn APfl~@ or ( llrtr) Oen,,~ Coffee Cake ... :.~~' 82< lG~O Frozen Waffles :1;:·44• ·CABANA BANANAS Broccoli ...... , ·"· 19< Crr~. Tori Pippen Apples 4 ~49c l! ~ No I ~U~!tl CALIFORNIA'S FlNEST TOKAY GRAPES LB12' LB.12' Potatoes •.• 20 ~:. 99< • Yams •• e. e ••••• lb 19c H~Swttl Jv>e.o Orange-llend. :;.~·· 79< •COSTA ··~ • • NEWPORT BEACH-"""1 "' 011 "··· 11 ·"· • HUNTINGTON BEACH -'w" ... ".,"'-'" ~ MESA -!!r!, Me.-..e, 11so 1"1ne Ave ., 1wn1c.lltt ,,_, _ e FOUNTAIN VALLEY-::'~~=~·" e SANTA ANA-·;~.;.'.~"'' ·' / ' .,.....,....,..~--.,...._ .. -----~-...---~---·--------------· ~~-~...--~~--~--------- . ' ~ ' L 41 DAILY PILOT U.S.D.A . CHOICE T -BONE STEAKS $ FRESH 33 lb• GROUND BEEF .. LE•N .. 49~B --SIRLOIN TIP . ft ifllESI/' COURTEOUS BUTCHERS ~ HELPFUL BUTCHERS PORK SPARE RIBS SMALL SIZE TENDER IZED BEEF CUBE STEAKS $119 .. .. . LB. BOTTOM ROUND BEEF ROAST . EYE OF ROUND $139 ROAST . . . . . . . . .... . LB. ' 6'J¢ll IAR M WISTIRN STYLI KNACKWYRST :!, ------- 69'"· IAR M WESTERN STTLI Slic:ed Cotto Salami ------- 59' TRl·I SLICED BACON ' "· PKG. 69'"· OSCAR MAYER SALE ALL MEAT-All IEEF 011: GRILL SIZI WIENERS . . --------.... ·9s~ -. BEEF ROAST U.SB.DO.NAE. LCEHSOSICE LB 59' ... BSOINRELELSSOTOIPN ('TEAK U.S.D.A. s1 s9 . "' w •• ,-o.-C-H .. -,.---- # s109 . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . LB. STEAK . U.S.D.A. CHOICE BONELESS , TOP ROUND 11 01. . ..:... . ~-Ho:;.e_ . . LB. slRi.oiN TIP ROAST . . . . . 98:B. ~-~-o~ .... ~~-o-~s-'~-.K-.. s-Sl:-~.-:·--69' .. . NORTHER_N_F-ILL-ET_____ ~ YARIETY PA~K 98' .. . FOL GER'S COFFEE 79 METRECAL LIQUID DIET FOOD 8 Oz. Cans CHOICE OF: Swiss Chocolcite, Dcinish Coffee, E<J9 No9 or Strciwberry HOLLY GRANULATED SUGAR 5 LB. BAG ... DEL MONTE YELLOW CLING PEACHES HALVES OR SLICE S LARGE #21/J CANS c ---lllC.,III•l:••l~illilll ----. ~ Ancient Age • aOYllLOP VODKA 6 YEAR OLD KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON 1'.i. GAL. REG. $12.98 flJL l QUA RT HALIBUT 59 4 OZ. CH .. PED l!Ef, 49 LB. TUR r EY. HjM ( "---'-'---'------"" Cq.ft!"'ED I EEF EA, FRISKIES BUFFET I:) fi 61 /2 Oz. Flat Cant 6 F $1 ' · CAT FOODS ·Ro ;-·-· _ -.· CHOICE OF 12 ~ VARIETIES KERN 'S _!Ii PUREX BLEACH GRAP~ JELLY 3 9c --.,-- 20 OZ. JAR 8 OZ . CUPS Yami Yogurt REGULAR SIZE AJAX For Autom,1t ic Dishwasher s Regulcir S9c FULL GALLON JUG DOLE'S FRUIT YUBAN COCKTAIL COFFEE #303 CANS PHASE Ill 6 9c ~~~1.~0AF 1 L~. CAN 2 LB. CAN .......... $1.38 BA TH SIZE BARS GREEN BEANS :c ut or Sliced) JACK ANU THE BEANSTALK ±::303 Cans KOTEX TAMPONS SPRINGFIELD ELBO MACARONI 2 LB. CELLO BAG GIANT IOX ·Of 40 TAMPONS WOODBURY LOTION WOODBURY LOTION WITH LA NOLIN Rr1Jukw 99c FOR DRY SKIN Rrq. $1 .0t Royal Crest MOUTHWASH YOUR CHOICE Of; ANTISEPTIC ANTl.fACTERIA, OR AS TRI NGENT FORMULA Plasti( Bottle 16·ounce for for 79c 59c --=VAULABL6 COUPON ~~~ BISQUICK L....go 40·••· lo• 29' · R ... 4fc WrTH THIS COUPON AND SS MIMIMUM PURCHASI Llrnll ' bl>IC P•r COUllOn -On• '"'''-"'' ( ..... !omor, AltPllOllC ··~··•tft '"" FfK~ Flu'<! 061f:, l>rOCluc:t> '"" Clt er•tt•• ••eluded /ram mlnlrnum Ill I . puttlM•• bY !•"'· void e!l•r ~u""•V. OCtobOr -~-lk GOOD ON LY AT BARGAIN BASKET - Total 141, WithaM' CoM'"1 Breakfast Cereal a....... 25' WITH THIS COUPON NO MINIMUM PURCHASE llQUIRID Lllnll 1 bO• ''' <911--OM cwpon -CU'S· •orn~r. VDIO •llU s11no1y, O<IDMf ,, lHT. _:~ GOOD ONLY AT BARGAIN BASKET FRESH PRODUCE ' EXTRA FANCY DELICIOUS Apples ·lbs. LONG GREEN 3~·19~ CUCUMBERS ' . JOHNATHAN -10 ·,:·; s1· -APPLES CR ISP, J UIC Y CRISP, GREEN ROMAINE 1 o~ LETTUCE ,-Ao FAMOUS ROD'S DRESSING 39~ • SOUR CREAM • BLEU CHEESE • 1000 ISLAND ROQUEFORT 59c MINUTE MAID ' Oz. C•n• ORANG!: 4 F $1 JUICE 0 (12 Oz. Ca ns 49<) R BANQUET -Big 8 Inch Size CREAM PIES Al!NT JEMIMA 3~$1 WAFFLES 9 Oz. Pkg . of 6 Waffles KER N'S 10 Oz. Pkgs. SLICED STRAWBERRIES 4~$1 PRICES EFFECTIVE : Thun., Fri., Sat. & Sunday Odober 2, 3, 4, 5 Price s subject to stock on hand. WE GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMPS COUA MHA PLACENTIA WE GIVI BLUE CHIP STAMPS 191h and Placenlia 710 W. Chapman • I I I I • j I Petr ified Doughnuts? Traditional Bagel Baker Offer NE\'t1 YORK (UPI !-.Ii Jot of people v.·ho don't know a bagel from lox buy the chewy, rine-s haped rolls on 1mpu!tic, then 'vrltc the baker for serv- ing sug1estions, says a be1gcl baker. lie said he mentions a l1\lle rn~.za topptng. n1aybe Or j r1ns1n bagels with peanu1 but· 1'cr, marshmallow fluff and I lots of napkins. Ra1s1n bagels'~I Peanut b ut ter and1j n1arshmal10\v fluff'~ \\'hat's happenin9 with this tradi tional Jc-...·ish roll and longtime butt of to111edian ·s jokes i~ enough lo n1akc old- rashiunet.l bagel eaters rc1·olt. But r.turray Lender, soiles manager for the \\'est Ha1•cn. Conn.. baker}i his lather 1ounded in 1927', is out lo catch the rthnic food 11•avc sv:ccping th e L:nitcd Slt1lcs '··r1zza is in every fre ezer 1!asc," he ·said . ··En1::l1sh 11111f r!ns once "·ere ois spa rsel y di stributed as the b:Jgcl is lu-J day. I call it a Jew ish E:nslil>h riiurnn.·• Puerto Ricans call it ;i bagelilo. Le nder said the~· hkc the rasin variety, which LS s.l1gh tly s1rcetened ll'ith hone y So1ne even order \l Y•lthoul \nowing ~·hat to C>;pect. l!e s a i d he r c c en t I y Ol'Crheard one Puerto Rican order the traditional bagt l.1 erea111 :heesc "and fo x coin· bination in a s~n .1 u a n restauranl. t he n ask 1hc 'i\·aitres.~. "which i., 1 hr bagelito and 11· h it h 1~ thC' lox ·~" Lox is bright or;i11,11;c, sa\\y. Smoked saln1on. \Vith crean1 t·h ecse and bagels, it Is Ill" traditional Sunday bre<ikfa~l in 11111.ny Jewish households . , Vaudel'ille comedians n1adc jokes about ··pctr if1 e d1 rloughnuts·• and "Brookl}'ll ja1r~rl!':aliers :· but anyone' 1rho c1·er bit into a rr;i.dll lon.a l bagrl. with its 1·c,.~· hard cnl~I l1 11CI sohd cl\<'11.\• 111\rr!or ~11011 .s l1uw appropr1:Jl<' the nick11an1es arr. Un!il the fro~"~ lood ;,g <' distribullon 11·as lin1ilcd large· Jv to cities 11·1th or near bagel tiak<'ries. In this 11'nl c r·~ chi ldnood. a day.old bai;:cl tnade a th ro1fing W<'a pon lo br rrckoned wllh. The dough is boill'd ror II n11nutc or t 11u, then baked ~ow&days, it's also pre~liccd before being frozen. Lcnrlrr .~aid his family 's bakery also h11s modified the or1g111al recipt, \.\'hich used only flour Mushrooms :Form Base CURRIED l\IUSllROO~t SOUP I ta blespoon bu\ler 1 1 cu p diced onion 1 ·1 teaspoon sugar • 1 teaspoon curry po11der I bay leaf I can 11011 ouncrsJ c·on· rlensed cream of mu3ll· room soup sult, yca~t 11.ntl water lngn'- dlcnt~ ha1 c been added lo pro- du ce so!ler rolls with longer shclf·lire fro1 n tradl\1011 EJstern l'.:uru-- pean Jrw1sh buk rr1t•s. the ftrsL lo populan1.r baHrl~. niade other produt\.~ as 11·c!I Bur bagels alwo.iy~ 1•cre tl1c Jou rth or tlftl1 1110~1 110µ1iln1 11en1 , Len der said , aU<l1nu thut lh"1 \' 11as only onr flavvr -pla 111 ll'h1te An autoniated bakery can p rod u t c ~ to 6<1·thousand dot.en bagels a week. corn - parC'd 11·!1h the 100 dozen fl day that a baker could 111/\ke by li1111d in the dtl) s before 111111·hinery \\'a s a1·ailablc. ,\losl bagel baker1 ~s sl!ll are Thev ve 11•1dl'ncd the r11arkcl so 1riuch they're now sol d 1hrou ghou1 the_ United States. The firn1 also 111.ikes 11 1arietie~, ar.ull1cr deparlurC' , --....__. ·--iiii-fllll' Porterhouse Steaks '1 2.~ I '.i:liJ ~ '~. ~~:i~~o~~: ~:::~:~;.',11';!~ . •! ! J ~ L a.6.:J Chuck Stea~s ;:a~:'~.':~ 55 · TU~IOT ALASKA KING ' ,') FILLETS CRAB MIA! TOP SIRLOIN ;;.~--~•r~~<.'.Y, . 49:. ~7~:• ... 1 '! .]9( STEA s (o,.•01oon~11\ ~r.,!..1 • ·• ·r•,. •·;::>7r K USDA ""~"'' ' $)49 ~' ·~ 10·.~ CHO\C[ ,.,.Ou3 LI Cul•OM Tl'"' . ..• Go110" h1h P~fl,' . ' Top Oog Coin Dog• •1 ••" 1•1 .... P BUY 'EM BY THE BAGFUL ANO SAVE • RUSSET Tomatoes ~;~~0 11 Green Beans ,, Artichokes ;:'.;;~" Cauliflower :;;:.~ .. • Onions ~'.~:~:; 3 ~~c. Niblets Golden Corn ,,~:~.: .. 22' Kai-Kan Rounds ~:~;·:," 2:49 ( Catering Ice Cream · '"z::··:' .. 75' Chewy Tips backyard operations. s a 1 d Lender In 1963, 11\s bccame the iirst lo ln1tall mac~11es. 111 the Europc<111 tradition . the firm is a flunily operation. 1'WO -of Ltnder's I h re e brothers a 1e part or iL and so. in a +.1'ay . are his three small c.hlldren. He said they all C'Ut their letlh on bagtls, hterallr. 11.·il11 the approval of the lanll· ly pediatrlclan. .. He says a frozen bagrl makes a sood teething nng. The t'old is soo thing. and .a11y crunibs the baby breaks off and 1n1·a!lows are full of lU· tr\tion." Wtdntsd.aJ, Cctobtr 1, l'iL6'iL DAILY PILOT 4T '-'--------'--"'--- Course Cools Early A cool n1ain cour~c to 111al\e ahead. PO ACllEO SALl\10N STEAKS 11,; cups "'l ier I ~ma.II onion , pr:lc·I :'lr.<1 ~hce1t I te_asµoo n salt 4 peppercorns J bay leu! A few parsley sprigs and celery tops 4 salmon steaks (abou1 2 pounds) Into a l2-inch skillet turn all I b. the ingredients except the s:ihnon. Uring to a boil : sim· mer fo~ 10 niinutcs. Place thp steak1 ln the &killel. CO\'tr a*I ~i1111ner 1111111 orari11c throogh -about JO minutes. \Vlth wulc :<:palul11s remove salmon and place in a sin&)t! l<11·er 1n a shallow dish '° tori milky loo~in& sides arc dowti; chill. · Before serving. carefutl.v pull off skin from .around steaks. I I • • Boneless Chuck ;;~~: 89' Shoulder Clod ":~~·~·~:,. 98 • Beef Short Ribs :;:.~ 45' Boneless Round Roast 98' 1v·c·1 •tlOl 79:, ;~Of '"'"'·WT. l(aVOlflJI 35' MQ \I O•t. l'l•! '" lur' 1 M•~; Hom• •'""•• f\I l·~k !>ou109• "" • •o·~ o• 1 ·• • • Gf 01tor Mo yer 5loted 1locon ··" "' '" Weier Th>rt Bocon ~··" ~"'' •10: "' ,, 11 •9 . 3 51 •" 79c "' ~BLACK HAWK SLICED BACON § ·2 .. ~!;:::·1~i 1 s~ · -. DELICATESSEN WEEK.END SPECIA LS! ENRICHED BREAD LARGE 1 y, lB. IOAF lo rTar.l l..H£.J Fresh Yogurts ' '" """ ''' , •. ., r 1or,S \to .. 111. W'fl•I 0~ l&NOWIC~ 3:s1 ... ' , .. ,~ ., . .,,.~ .. ' " lb. 5 ;;; ggc CINAMMON ROLLS ., ..... '·'· RAISIR BRAN LOAF -'· Fresh Salads .,, •• 1:.10 ~· "'~ ,~., "',; c• r.1<~•• •01•'0 Beef Tamales . "" . ~ ,, . . ........ ,, .. Mayonnaise BEST Fooos Canned Chicken W/'lOll 3 '"' $1 cu•~ 5 :,~;. s1 °'· 8 lt. 58' 3 '"'.~'· 89' 3:$1 M.J.B. Rice Mixes ·::,~'.'.~::~' "IU1CY• " , ~0t·~ EKCO COOKWARE VALUABLE COUPON •• • =1:@/ fU1I1J iow~-~ -I: I I ' .ot.IC:t'~St Of I • • k • : E co 3 qt. Sau'lpan 1: : flf l]. v.,/l/f S / j 9.5 s5•• I: e Voris l ow Pirc• So 99 n .. 1 • •, Wirl! C e>upo11 '"" u •u•<••U I••·' I I · · ·· · I ~H1111fv101N/SJ~ii~·~=;,: "!"" ' .. :h I '' l.tiilO"" s~~A. 1rt J cup water I cup milk ~, teaspoon sa 11 Pepper to t.1st~ l tablespoon minced par~· Soff, A55orJ ed Decorator Colors I') p.OLL L P•Cl COFFEE CAKES I ... , . .,.'· ., '. 79 '""'C O .. u!llo.ro c •~o~o,.(·•.,,Oo"<~I) •I• el I .,, .•• , • .,0.t10.1,1,10~" ' 1ey I In .a !'~·quart saucepan 1 n1·er tow heat rnelt the butter ; ;idd onion , sugar. cu rry pow-1 Ocr and bay leaf; cook. stir- ring often, until onion is tender. Add undiluted mushrooin -soup; graduiilly stir in wa ler ~nd milk. Hea{, stirring often. 'to 5ervin g temperature. , Remove bay leaf. Add salt. I pepper and parsley. /.takes 4 ~crvings. New Soup I I Features I Cucumbers CUCU~IBER VIClfYSOISSE '" . • , .. t-" • ~ • r r ............ • to t ..... ~'t -+ /V/O/N/S/ COFFEE '''"''""' O""'''~-J.Jb, Ca". 2 LI. '101 3 LI. '113 C&N t.lN 1 '' ,.,_,,'t:"" ' . ELBERTA PEACHES KING'S IANCT Hol••11H S/,,tiJ ' . leef or Chicken Pies Coronel 0Rion Rings Oran91 Julius Bars ........ II"/""'· .~, "' tJi!JilJ{§J LIQUORI f!ATURfl 6-PACK foll Special! 55' 45' 49' Ladies' Sweaters IEECH·NUT 1 BABYFOOD STRAINED , . • ii . ' . , :· " .. ' •. '. ' ., " " .•. '· . ! ' • " ' .. • ·: ' , • " • . ,: . t . :: .. .. .. ~· ., !· • (· ! . 1 ~ . ..---·-----~------·--~-~---_____........-~ -~~-~------~-~~----~-------~--~--------· -------- Tomato :ll Sauce 10~1 -.. ~--·· .._, F ... ..... I! NEW-At Yoiir Safeway! Young Hens 81...,, f.n!u1'" Ptll(:!ll ~ '.r• i:ill Bltod 01 ,~,~ r:11n o 1. 111\a A/Id ~.r .. , I\ It>!<~ ~uced °"'' '"'o ~II PorT\ Q! Tt. t1111'I• ~Thi Bird t 111:l1, Thti ~ CCW!l!:r"~l Wot~ II-• Ricll, Kttor11 )\llCU w e11~i'!l 6'0"1 Tl'•u !!lo s~'" lo 9,11• Woll\ IAOll!h,..•1tll"f Gooc!o~~l. c Young Tom Turkeys 47 ' ~$:Jtdl :l!Wti;~ ,...,.. • .., ;(fl, Sliced Peaches c~:::.19c 11 .. 1 • Cla , Swift Or Dubuque Brands Boneless And Fully Cooked! 5-lb. Can 8 Pound Can "' '698 ~j ~ <· ,-Albacore Tuna .. f ~· I Wltole Or Hall 59 ';: ' Fl.ish rro1enWot\df'rlulln lb. C ;_ ~l Broil Or Salllt. Pea~ 01 /ldvtir. ~-1 ~.u..~ --·· .. ~ .. ~·. ; •• Boneless Roast ;: ''''td l:1 Ju~-tr, 891 USO~ t-. a .. r ~ "' ' Freeze Dried Sanka i,:!'::,.,::$1" Fluffo Shortening .:~ .. 3 ;~; 77' Chicken Chow Mein i~':;:: 66' Bl·scu"its ,..,,~bul'j '~'·1tlll'1trd11u,,.1, i.c~· ,~,. 25' ~el O• aut1~1m1ll Or Buttir h11i~· t i 11 Gleem Toothpaste lnclud•1 1 Jc Off Llll.•I Scope Mouthwash Ctld St111m C1mh1c •-n. 65' ~: GrNI T1 &1rgl1 I '11' "'' Pacquln's lotion 1~..,,o;'1 11~;:" 76' ~~·, Right Guard .,. .•. ,,,,,,,., ... 1121•1·· H< Oii IA<I .. , i .o Secret Deodorant 1~!11~ ~1~; 68' "t.~., Head & Shoulders ~~;.~-;;.; 971 ':I.',' DAIRY & DElltll TESSEN ~.r~~:~~"E•.,~ 49' Laceme Salads :~:: :.;. 391 Lucerne Yogarl ,:,:\';, 5 '~::.'.11" ll1rg1rln1 ;.:,I : .. ~: •I lutt1r J:;i.;,;:;; :: Ill Leo's Ham lldditiont1l Met1t htt1nt19er's Features! .... 59' , .•. -·- PILOT-AOVERTISE~ 9 e Pear Halves v::r.,:• 3'.';:; •1 . •Green Beans =:i:r:.-..~::·2t-· t9 Vegetables :~~!~~3 ~':69- • CannedS1tinach s~·1 . · Zucchini $quC1Sh '::; 29-; •Lima Beans 1~:: 3 ':;:;•t , @9 D·11 H I s .,, .... ''""" ,1. ... 4-1 a v e .. -.~ Cr1~p P•c<ln I" .,, - •Kosher Dills :::;;·;;';;~ ·;;;·4t: ~oslier' Spears ·.~~ ·~:~37• •Sweet Relish ,,,;:::'::;,".'\.~'36• FROZEN FOOD BUYS! ! Cotillion Ice Cream f Bel-air Vegetables i u1 .. 1oct .. 111, "•N 69c ~ :,~::;~:.!:' 2 .,. 49c ii. c.'""'S..""1~ I•,.,,,.,. ~'"'" jl '""Pm l/IO c .... 11 er'"""-h1 1 1.tol!.ilo.A>>1t1•d ll,.1". Co/!n • Fno~ll:u:Gi""~'""'IJtlbJ ~ ' I i Cream Pies I German Cake i•·~·" ,_, .. 1 .. r~, '''" 2~j Chocoloto ""'"' 99' ·~'"'"' t'•«'•I•, r"""""-o1r•' NJ60 frcooo ""Oil ll<~;.,.,~ lltll 1lt'""" 0< ""polHn G<ml.to •..:ii.e. u-,_,,, l>wl' ._...,.._....," ~~..r,)'•UI-WM.& .-•·--- r ·-... ), . -lb". c -lb. c plio plio ug bag Fancy Bananas ........ 2 ... 29c r..,.Md ~ ."'"" l)rfn"' (;oolf Mum Plants neautH~ ~~nrtment Of LMty e~!<>rl I"~ &·!ocll f'o! Wrtllfo~ Wllpptrl! ·~SJ" Bartlett Pears IU>. No. I , .. , ""- Prunes=2 .::69' l.Jtr• l....:'-'"'"--="--' Celery~ .. ~ • 19' t.it., Ji.lo ''* Slllb. c.r.ts ,..::~.., 2 :a 29' Let111ce :=. 2"':-2" ,_ :.t:-..:. a. 19' Cwsztla1n~=.-1• • --.-----------------... -------~-----,....,......,..,..,..,...,...,..,..,_..,.._,,_,..~_,-. .,....., --.---·,.._...,-....,..._.~--~-·-·--r ~·..--....-• , ........... -... --...-..•·..,·\.....-.. •· .. ' ' ~ ' ' ,. ' .... ,. .· . ' ... 15 PI LO T -ADVEkTISE R --'-'-''-"'-"-'c.'·_o_"c.''-'-' ...:'·...:'_°":c''------DAILY PILOT 49 CADILL AC NINl~Tl~EN SEVENTY NOW ON DISPLAY· SERVICED & 'READY 1'0 GO • ... - , A JJ1ag11iJ..i'-~ ~''' • 1969 CADILLAC Cf'lllJf' De Ville. Grecian "'hile with t>l11i:k !np 11nd hlack lr;ith<'r intrrinr. Full f'O\\'Pr, fa C'tn1·y nir. pn1,·r r dnor lorks, sign11 l ,.:Pek· 1n;:: radio, rlrclric i;rat rrlra~,.., r1 r. 4187328) 1966 CADILLAC {'0n1·rrt1blC'. Ai1tiri11r 5:0lcf 1\i!h n1atch1n; top ;i ncl full JrathPr int<>n o1·. fllll pO\\'Pr, fac tory riir. A!\l.f:'ll radio, ti!t-lrlrscopic a leering \\ hrrl, rrsr:72i:ll 1969 IMPERIAL 1.rr.aru11 • n11pr f ull 1"1v.rr, f;ir tor.v .:i 11•, _..i,.,. ... l:ip ... • 1111-.• 1·nnlruL ,...,.rry ,....,_,~ihle •ll•1h•!L l'a dd,..d lup. tXSP7771 1968 CADILLAC :0-:Pd/ln O<>V11l".', Full fl'>ll<>T. f11ctory 11 1r, !-l rn•n ,\'.\l·F'.\I radin. lllt.tr]r~copic 1•·hrr!. !'fl11·,..r floor h1,·k,.:, 1·rid~c ,..on1 rol. all options Biu·oq•1(' t<nlrl 11·i rh h<'1 t:r top and clolh a nd l••athrr 1nt"n'1r. (VGY1091 1967 CADILLAC :-0:,.dnn Dr• \'1\I.-,\~prn ,•.hl!,. '''ilh h111,. n;i •!· 1lr>1! t ur ;incl rn:q .·hln.: r·ln th 11nfl 1,.arh .. r 1n• lrr ior. F11ll r11011·,.r. f;ir tnry 11 ir. A:'ll-F'.\1. !ill- 1,..\C"~rol'1 r v. h"PL pn11·rr vent 11 indo11·;0.. e tr. (TYlf027 1 1966 CADILLAC Sl'dan De Villr. r<list blue t1i 1h matchin;: r lo th anrl lr.1lh"r int,.rior. f ull JYl"·er, f-ir· lory 11ir, tlll·t"lr~copic !>leering v.·h<>el. A:'ll · r7'1 rarl1v. 11011Pr duor lock~. !E:YS9.'.}81 SALE • <:ildilla~ proudly introduces el eYeu 111 agnifi ce n! c hoices of 111oto ri1~g pleaw;e for the s pirited ~~ ent.i es. Each hrilliaul new 1970 Cad illac he rald ~ the beginning of a 111otoriug life-sty le auticipatcd for a g rea t new · e ra. The dran, conlen1porar y is tyling c learly looks lo th e l'ut,urc and di.tin· g uis hcs Cadill ac fro111 a ll other fin e can;. Alid there arc new h1x1n·ies, ucw features, ne w inno- Ya lions iu all Cadillacs for 1970, T est drive the n ew Cadillac NO\V!! ssao o 1968 CADILLAC l '••lll •" d<> \'111". l\'01·n1011•\y lol11' 11 1th blark La11d1111 and hl11,. lr11thrr lnn1. F l1!1 po1•·~r, fa,·rnr~· 1111· n111di1 I• •1111 11;:, I il!·l"l" '"h'"l. .\'1-F)J 1·;icl10. "r'. l.1•1"111 nr1<> 01•nr r. I \•! ;z) 17) SAU $2 80 0 SAU $4700 PRICE PRICE SALE $3 60 0 , PRICl SALE $2800 PRICl ' • Since the showing of our Gorgeous new 1970 Cadill ac we h.sve t11ken in many , many trades. Most every one of the trade-ins is in absolutely mint condition. Do yourself a favor and see this outsta nding selection of previously owned, never abused .Coupe OeYilles, Sedan OeV illes, Broughams, El Dorados, Rivieras and Continentals. Test drive one today. 1964 FLEETWOOD r1ill po11r1-, fiH'1ory ni r 1•onrl itio11in;:. Ila" 11 11 nf C<1 dill11r_·',<; pnp11 l;ir options. Beautlrul bcigoe au!omobilr, (fJQBiil{i! 1964 CADILLAC f 11ll 11011r1· ra• t .. r_1· ;i1r. ~· rl;in hr1::, "1th n111lc·h111~· r·l.,!h :tn•I l"flli>• 1· tr1 lr11nr ••-;:11:.I ~rr).;111;; r;i('l1,., r1111"· ,.,.1111.,t •I• 1\\'T1 ;~1<\'.lJ 1967 CADILLAC r"on1·Pr t1h!r>. C:rP('lan 11!Hlr 1• 1!h bl;:ick top ;i nd hl:ir·k (1111 lrR thrr in lrrinr. Full pov.·rr 111r·l11rlin'.;. IKl"'"I' "trrnn~. lira I!"' -"'indo1\s- fi 11,1 y ~r11r. ,\:'l !-F~l 1ad1 n. 1F7 l680721 • ll11rrlt"I' ''""I'" r·;i,.·:11lr •:11 ··11 "111t 111111'·1\- 111.: r·l,.lll ;\lld \<'ath••r 111lr·rir11', F11ll f>l'>\\l"l'• fn,·!••l'Y ;i j1·. A,\f.F.\I n1di.,, lil t.IC"]<'!\C'n['l!r !\ll'f'rln;:: l•'ll<'CI. (J:(;tj Gl:iJ 1967 CADILLAC CouJ"' Dr \'illr. Al tr·i~n turrp1niF" "ilh 111a t•·liin:.: clo!h; :lnrl lr11 11irr illtrrlor Frill J\fl11rr. f111•tnry RH', 1\\!.f"'I r;id1u. 1111.1,.J ... ~"OJ'h' ~\rrrin;:; "hrcl !'r!·,:\Yll t Your Fadory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Senlng the Orange Coast Harbor Area - SAU $4 500 SAL( $1600 PRICE $ SALE 1400 PRICE PRICE SALE 52200 PRICE SALE $36 00 PRICE 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa :i4C)-9 J CtU NABERS CADILLAC • SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN 8:30 AJ\1 to 9:00 P~I i\Ion , lhru Fri. • 9:00 A1\I lo 6:00 Pi\I Sa t. and Sun. LEASE DIRECT lmmediat• d•liv•ry e E xc~ll•nt S•l•ction Over four acres of ultra modern total Cadillac facilities desi9ned to better sell and service new and used Cadillac automobiles . All CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. ALL SAL E PRIC ES EFFECTIVE TH ROUGH TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 19•9 A l ' ' ' j ·I ! i r. , ~ ~ t .. •I ~ " . " --... ~--·-..---.------.... ---.. -... --........ ..,,.. ...................................... --------------------------~--:---.,. ~-----• . . Wtdt1t1da1. Octobtr 1, l9bq '1l0T·AOY£~TISU J6 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUlll POlt S,lLE HOUS!I FOR SALi HOUllS FOlt SALi HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 1000 01n1r1I 1000 General 1000 CCKta Me1a 1100 Corona del Mar 1250 Costa Mes• llOOGeneral 1000 Genera l 1000 Gentrtl 1 ;;;;;.~-==============;'.;;;;;;;.;;;;;====~ 1000 Gtntral Unbelievable! Ocean View $23,950 Transportation NEWPORT BEACH SPECIAL flVE ClG EEDP.OO~IS nr •1 & -;i dPn. F-'>crlle11t condil1on "11 11 hl1g1· 111 i11;.; r<I0111. l(ll'gl' 1,i1111ly 1·•11H1\, ~-,. ha1hs •" ~::oo sq fl of Ji1 ·111L; a1·<;>,1. 11ca1·y i,l1<ikc roo! & nlL'('ly l1nd~c11pct1, E ,\ c "l I f n l rti:.id~n11al area. Pl'icrd for lnunerli;dO ~;ile Ill S37.!C.O. 54:-,._84~.1 Sou111 Coast R~al 1'.:~ta ll' Cameo Shores Reduced $5000 Ot·t>a11 \'h,'"' ,r:,_ pnvat,,. IJ<'ac.h. ~p:od;!lnc: Prl'•I -~7?,500 ' Spacious 4 Bedroom · PANORAMIC VIEW OF BIG 5 MESA VERDE HARBOR VllW HILLS Problems? NEWPORT HARBOR J IH'dlUOlll, t~t h~llU!, f11'•' 11·11 ~.-~•Hl I\ l"<'l'Y J111"1:r !111> 111:! <> I \' · < f • :i I I(• \\ I: 11 1\ '•' j '< I d('~1cn<'d foi· u1 1:-I•· 111:1. r::cautil\ll s hake roof. ;-;1ngle story 3 J3cclruun1, ·1 b<i th \\ aterfronL t1on1e on Buy.side Orh c. Front:; 011 e xcellent .~11·l!11n1!11g ti'cri ch. J'\cy.·1.v redecorated. Spacious pa\10 11 ith rnon1 J'or pool. fJr1ce<I SlB0.000. 2001 Day:i1dc 1J r11·c. \ rl~J1\ly rtl:PUBL fr '.:~I'll' l10J111r _ 1': .1.,.;,1·~ .''••u11ic. ~.,, •. I 11111! 1n .. 1-vJ1' fll't'Jllal'<' In h11:: .. 111 in~ J'•H<ln, lll'l1·k J1n•pln 1. I Pl f;11111!y 1'!~111\. l·:Jr,·11·1<' f11J111hJ11~ vlrw llo111r '"1 ]•,bhl l'i•' Ill f<1'lnn11;1l•lP IL11tl'11·\'lr11" 11 1lb :: l:f'dl~l"l1~·. ::1 ; !1"li1S i '"r1111ll !111111111; 1 nn,11 •fl"H'll•l1.; tf11l!lly 1'(}<111\ )U\111 1•"1~ l11•l1Ji::: l"()o/111 T11 1·· h11~ 1., Ill' Iii•' ho!11·,1 h.Jrl11' un 1!1t' 11aHk1•1 J1·, ~ •1>:·•·1· ~ IJ.'!1 1·1Jlllll, ~ h·1 il1 hon:•· 111111 la n.:r ''"l""''rl 111111!1 Rll<i 1·r111· y h l"!! .~u11il 1 <'Ii. JI 11~1' 11 ]11 11\I! ;\1'•'n ol llifO -.1 II, ;,11d :1 lw:1u11r111 a ~,w1 1- ,,i,1,. j,,;,n ;i1 ;, , '• _,.,,,. 1 l io,. i.ln ) • 11 "-; one-0[-.l ·l(lnd 1 Bl~:k~ hJ ·'••1••jtlH .: 1 Hlod1s 1011 lwlJi.1>.Y 4 Blrwks tu r'n·•'" "Y ,\lll·;u·111r '! l1d1•n1, 2 lia lh . 11 1111 brkk f11't'pl11l'r, a p!ln· r llrJ 111·111::: l'rnrn .t· lhk·k ~lmg t"'<l"J1e19, a JOI ~l;I' 11atlo fu1' rnlr1·1 al11111-: .. \•"l't'~~ for !"h'Jis f1·on1 l.11tc Corona f;rarh \'i•''" fl\llll llll~l;1 lr11 - 1101111' • d 0 II' II, f:Pl1\00t•Je~ klt{'l1<'11, . l.g, ~~ll1n1l.v f{nOn1 Pl'nlrPt"d pi.1!10, • :-'potltu By Ap pe intm ent Only J.,,-:.;1: pu,1l 1~1.::.uu , :111rl a l,·11' :.,:1:on1 s1r r~ 1., .J.·, 111. Ill Sl'ho(JI or Col· l<'ll " l".11.A, an!'! N(• tlow11 v;\ 1 r1n1~ ll\'11lh1lil1> .. S'l6,UOO lx:J'1t (JI" •'i<1\lfH' ' '! Bil !-;; Bft l1u11~ri; ul\ 1 lol. J::.il11y nr Tt1~1l11 ,\ 1· c, ~'.!!l.:l.'.O. ~' IS-1 \GO • SG~.:.oo. Income Uni t s eitl Grundy, 67)-3110 1,,.1:1 . 111 l(ll•'h,•11 l1wl1 1d111·~ d.~1111,1.-l wr. ~liop 1111,, prin·. SZ4,995 ~i.\ '.! B<•d11XJl1\ IUlll S .• Octlll'l ~i·:" <,ii !11gli11n.' .. Bui1t-!n1; <"(>If. S.· llq1~ .. ~11 .i.!.H)Q. Linda Isle Development Co. 1080 Bayside Or., Newport Beach S43,S95 New port ,, ;\11-:~,\ j),•J)i;i~:-.,-,-,-,-,,-.,-.. -.. ~, 1:,\, II('\\' <TJJI S. drps. l.1·:.; Jor. ln11! treC'~. S31,9JO. :,.;[j..9·;;>~1 Ol" :~l.->-09~8 6/J.8550 General 1000 General 1000 1 I Newport at $20,425 HORSE RANCH Victoria 646·111 I ~-'---'J lit::UR(JQ,\1. Large t:Ol'ilCl' _ !~I~ 1 lo1•ll1 il')•llr 1-d1.111l;!r r:OQ_\1 lall1 ;Lllri plri~1rr •'11" I 51111·1111r Pill CG\1,"'fl' lnl . O[o"ll('l .... .I lidllH ' L\\'L ll!·11I • • • • l'Ulld11i,,11 Ill .1r: I Hi/! ,'\r•~ lt111·r )•Il l 1>!11 11.1·~ 1lr~il'rd II t.11'fl"I" J11·•11: 1·1.mn1 11.n1t hriJl 11 -.:11r 111:i•lri· ~11ilr 11 llh ll Victoria '"'·&811 Costa Mesa Dirty 1 Bedrm, 2 Bath 100 % Financing Anytlmt 'i9ck i!fv1ew Home lot. J c11r gnrlllf. BY O\\'Nf:ft. •.'J1;)..0001 Open Thurs./Fri. l·J 1001 White Sa ils Way Meta Verdt 1110 Htrbor View Hills ATTil.i\CTIVb: J BR 2 ba 1 Bft .. vir1v, pool, P..t'renUy l"O\!l':llED /',\T IO, '""11w11! [)ICM"k w~ll. f, ull !IT I'• and 11 ~II lnnd.•cn11rd, An "\l'('/. l~r.l buy -/\L'T 1"0\1': ! {anytimt) ll1 l-)lln•·r '~ l'il'll' nr llir •\!'·"1============ ,..,11~ Tlwn ~ .. r llli~ •1 hllnn 'i ~·~ lmll1 f111ull;.-1·1~•111 hr>~11r 111 \i,•ri11 llf1rl . .:1111 (,p. n1('11tr. ~[lrl'i11I lin111\1·i11ii:, • • • • NEWPORT HEIGHTS I luw alJulll 1 IRl'l(t' IH'd1 'uu111•. 1 tu1rl1•. ,..!r>c-lJl\-in~, rlo11hlr u111·nur, l;i1·l!r ri.il -tlP·~lll' lnl. flll'L"!>d ulr hrnlillJ:, r>' ~ ln!rr. r~r <>11 1111 ;i~.~11111Rhle loon. paint 11, f!~ 11, lul'r II, I 1,-,.,,, s~:;.~ .. :;Ju11.11,pr hli"'l ~1,·1 1·1, '['!11, 11«11)(• I~ 111 r\••<'[ )"111 1·•J1l'lil10n 11 illi ii <111111111 l'Jll, iluLlhl" g:11'"1).!•', 1'0\'('l'Pil rin ll n, l\:11~h10-1d fl•101·~. 1011, i .. w •l.1" 11 i,, .•11i•,111'. !!1.11-r), " '""' ' '' ' 1 Colesworthy & Co. ~ Brrlror.1111~. 2'i 811111.!, fani· lly Rnon1, f,.'lllRi • $41.DCO. Ntwport Hel9ht1 :i Dl'd100111~. ~C>p111·11t~ dining. 2 t !ll' ga1~i;;t • \\'ork!hop $3!},!lC<l, We1tcllff -Pool Pace1111ltr. 41 )ti, aprnkh'8, d ~COI'. In &i. out. $~!).~,r,Q nr Adami!. &·hool. SJ~.n:io. DON V. flft.ANKLIN By owner, prlnclple1 only. RIAL TOR ri40-.41111 • BT.l·2"12~ o '-''='""'--~-~ 1 -~~-----1 S'l'OHY lnn~r c!l'chi. ~ DR . Harbor V.iew Hills 2 bd!"lll !'\l~IUll\ hllill ho1nr 011 onr ,.f tll" 1111· ··~t ~lr!'rf~ i11 lhr (Jiff. i 1 :11~1·1dr I~-:! 11,1ro· t'tll'nr1· IOI 11•1 •111:1 ~t' '.Jiiii. • * • • h:.11 •11 ;11'<'1•. ll1t11,. Joi, 1;12. iii7 11 k t~ l'n11l • t ~11'11r ]l\•lng; 1·n'I. n('~t 111·e11, s,10.:ioo. 10'," rlown. 2 BA, fr11n l'n\, \\'11.[\{'d. pool Expu~il I' I l\'W nr :;r•f!J1" ~17-1" prof lndscp ~·or11C'r lnl. !'x"l!, nr :.~~-o<'. pool~. Lovf!l) Pi1t1n , c-xl. li;::llts. l!li~ 4 !1r., fu111. & tlin. rn1f. \\'fl1 l ;l'i ' _\j .. , ·'l"'•l·d ~ 1;1: "! '"!Ill. rl1d0~Pi/ i.ill:tl. li.1 1.!111, , I 110111·~ f..· 1 lw 1 1 .. ,1il ~ .t : 1,11•1•1 111· ,1 ORANGE COUNTY 'S I I Ii 11.I 1•1 lond l111i1 ,l pl:1•· VACANT ~~?·?.SO College P ark l ~l.';) 11r1• 1.1.'111:11 lOL\1. 01. I Rt>th'tlo111 ~ .. ~ !~d lil.~ ::\'p· 'I I . ' ' \' I I · I ' l\orn111 [Jr. :0 16-~2!1 1 li.11'_ Lil;c ~1('11· ("[l lS, .I:: rlrl!l- "' .~G.-,.~:o(;o'. ;\lakP 1ol!<'1: N.~wpo._ rt_~~~~~---1200. Delancy Real Estatt. }';\('IHll::~ Coll ! lG-11 0 5 BEDRM~+POOL- 3 BATH S26,950! C::' l.1 n1rly liu1n" r 1t~;.1 1•·1"' I .11-, L•!at" ~ .,l.llltl~_ J: I,, 11 'lu,,1 pllto lii1:: 11.•11«•·•.i\• l>rrilkf.)'\ li.11 .-L:•.:; •Il l IHI· pl ;1•'<'. ;\".;1]1111::: , n 11; .. 11 ;1h!" :11 1111' p1 ·u·r •HI l•J<l<>.I • 111,u - J..1~J. :iK•l ~.'ii 1 . ' TARBE:LL 29S5 H arbor IOQO I FOREST E. OLSON fO• R A~:CH HOUSE -i: 2 COTT AGc ; ;.:,,,.lurlrrl l'il TH'il l1vn1• ),,•(l1'<JPll'·-, f;il1l1 i,1 I "'II''• f•tl'111;JI d111111:c. '.! ·--·;•:•- l'itr cnlla~·~ "itl1 l111\l1'. Itl~:il f 11r ln i') ,. \• '., 1I1• •', Hi l!l'.; llH" .11 l-:\1'<', h·•n11' ror 11 ••' 11 """•'11\t. 1J u;:" 1•ri"t l•y !hr •'>ll - l3'1!• '· ~ (,n• l\ll l'Hl!r<, (J\('I' -', «11·r-l'l'il'P''." pl1 1._. '.ll•wh lll•1rr ' .\79,· ~1of1 c~11 • Ii 1:,.o;:n:J. BEAT l~f'.t.t T Qi-1 2 ON 1-INCOMt YP-lf l"rl ll \' ; .. !on Int•·' T11 \1 n ~": ln1111<'• 1111 on" hi: 101 T"r' 1 \Ill'! I;"'"" hfd!"•Jt\ffi~ !'~1·11 ,\ii 11\r- r•l"ll~ .. y ;:,110 ,,t,111,.111,.n •·• 1(11' 1nur 11'11;'\lll Ju,t Hkr i1 1• OI' II hn111l"' 1lu" rlor• :-:·I. Jrl('t ;i , ~ 11 1· ~n~lnrl l."1 , .. 111· dullR1. _:11':•;:•' Hl l ,.,,).,\ l»I, l<P,.I LARGEST I I l l<"I' <"•H\,_li'Lll 'l 11 I', :>,<'!\• ur \•11111· ,,. 1111~11 1t· ~ 2619 HARBOR BLVO. • , ft ' [l<Jt'l ll ,11·h•w Iii ~1l1•1••I 1 \';":I I"-> l·.1 Ill\ J l1Alh I Jl l~<1 ·11·1 546-1640 ) :: ~ DI: l .i.;ftli, 0<1.-. l1hwl1 ~ GOATS OllE:N EVIS TILL 1:30 '' • • '"" " & VACANT $23, 950· ' ' 1'1·.i •. • W W AL~ACE Sl~.I 1.,.,. n1°111111 TDT ,\I , .. 11 l \11•>11,, ii•! \J,,, ·:i,,,i1.-REAL ·ORS l I.JI" 11 Ii •1 11 ,,( •oi1 ,. · · 1 I '-·,•·1·llri11 · · · \' .\ l••·t" --546.4141-\,'\)(J;\'J ; (p1:ii 1IW• I, ;1<- (0pen Evening•! I ,_u,.11 .. 1 ":11,'I.". '\:1·,\I 1· ""lli"t-( ',!11 •·•11•1,1 1.>11 ·h ii""'' i I :I{, : 1,,111 1 ... ni1.1 1,..,,.1 .1 .di -::;::;;:::::::o;:: 111;.:, ,\1.,11 d1.i"'"· F1:1·::-:11 • • (', t.111, ·1,111 :1r 11 ii. ,i. ,,,, ,,1,1, .• 1 11a1111. 'I. h;1111~. i·:Lr;crruc S BEDROOM h11il1-1n.:, 1"l'nr•1'rl 11rd 011t ""''"'""'"""' ''" .,.,,, "" ...• , . . n 1•( 101111 ,,,11wr "IU l1rl p 11·1\J1 Lachenmyer Realtor J'\t;i: '.\\'.'1,1101·1 Bl\d C;\I CALL 646·3928 '.; ,\·Hil<" i1t1l\t1' WE SELL A HOME EVERY JI MINUTES illl'i f.ql\il,I i•Hlloi II 11 Ii idl lhl' h111l1-1 11~ nwln•liw: "r+l r r '" ,j l<'tl• " '.\,., ·d· "•11\(' '1'1 ,1 •. Wa1ker & Lee I\. I'~ I ('I If( [ l 1· ORANGE COUNTY'S LARCiEST 2'!29 HA~90R BL VD. 546-8640 Op•n E vening!> 'til 8 :30 1~,1 0 1, 11rr~ , A 3-Bedtoom ~me ...,,.Ul: f)'.'\l.Y '$10,995 BUILT ON YOUR LAND" !· I'..\ l"L.:I tJ:\\; fl I ri~1. ,,, 11 Ii l>.-;:;'11 l\l\ll .I J\.\!I·: !'(1-::0:l·,~."l(I.\ 3017 John~on Ave., CM $29.750 :;1 ·1~ ,, \IJ. ii 11 !)IJl"ll 1·:1"~. e [1<,,111>:., (;:11·a~" I""."'. rt~• .JI ' "• \J,lf ,, iJl"illl' 11101h<'l'.~ fll!<ll'lf't"S • /\:'\\0:'\1 . <p1al1I\.'". Ill ,,..,. S~'.! .. ~JO. -~-----.,~.,~ F C l.1<1 I 111 \" h7:J.J710 e BY O\\";\EI"\ e ::...:..'.__:_· ''. '·---•I ,11 1>1" 111 ··'''I' /\"I·:\\' l'<ll [11'1. J11g, Nr:1v •l 1:q1P•. F'Rl·~~n p;1h11 'l h1\l l1•. l;:l.J~CTrt J C 11111!1-111~. 11·11.·Pd .1•11·d. Gut ol I"" 11 n \\ 11<'1" I' 11! hl'lp 1111 !1 ·' ' •111 ( 1\111 ll: WE SE LL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES !Walker & Lee :xi 1:; I (i IG-7'i l l \Vr~tcliH Dr. Op,.n l·:vrs, DOVER SHORES \& 'l'J II : JI I :J\L I.:STJ\TJ..:H!'; 0Pff• u-.TIL " PM 546·2313 • 646·7171 For "Rent Costa Mesa Houses Unfurnished /\ t'01nfor1a\Jlc hmn~" 11101 '" l' 1' \I EST 1" F /'ll~ THE 111 l.'<ltlrl. C•J1np. rr r!ei'O!", 1n' OCl·'.:\N.:: R'.'·-3':: Ba., flf!n_. !.· r1111 ~ OP.. 2 Ba. 1 lt!wrt·-~ fplt·~. !1111. r111. Ru!ld ri 1-~. pla~lr r wa lls ::.ox l:!S ' anoll1rr h0•:1r f(!L' i1f,.0111e on (",..-111,1· Jot ''"Ol! o,101 i1 •. I::'' lol , :-01\ll' \1cw: nr. :.:,11 r,..-•rl Jl gl~t ~. 110"' tu hr:i.-11 ,t fh0[15. B kr . C'i:\-~!11!1 ~L"l1ouls ,r.:_ ~liopp111~. ~~ 1.:!011: :::•••1l l<·n11 "'.. Pn110:•11;,1~ only. -Ei:.Ec,1\1' nCEANVJBV' u" n"r/hn:k\'.'1· 1; hi-3'.?'27 ,; li<'d1 r10n1s. ~ b•1 ll1~. l·:x .. r!. lv11t .i1,-~, n<·a1· "'110\•l and l\,'1lk ILi ~hrip~, 8111!1·111~. •"•I"· --OCE-ANF RONT hon1\'. 3 E:r.., 2 BA, fan1 r~. Q" Pl!'I' • fi·\.1·139.2 LGE. hilllop lnL Pf'l·ni. vi&\\' o' oer.~11 .I;_ h11l~ f'r11 ;iry • !~rall<or G~~--2010 PPL~ ;:i nd d1';tpr.~-l-'._t111il.1 Til ls:; B!l . ~ barh 1r11 1l hr10n1 - rou111 . (111·1:PI' 11·11nls "'•111-p,(' 1't'd1Pl~~. 111 pri111c-h\'il\"h pP1·111;111P1H lr'nanls. \\' 1 JI ;.rr". U1111cr lc11v1ng ,:late - [<-;L,P \I 11 11 <lptinn ,\J;,k~' olfrr. Asl\, $,''7,j(J{). WE SELL A HOME Graham Rlty. 646-2414 Lido Isle 1J51 EVERY JI MINUTES ,\·,.,1r :'\r1q )(lr1 f'.1.,1 Off1 l'" :.:.=.:._;_;:;.:: _____ _;_;_ ]'.\rp11s1tcly rlr:·n1·;itl'd J hrr]. & LIDO CHARMER I 1·110111110111("11 11h rurn1a1 (n11. Walker Lee l"C111·i\11ocsi;: :: Bn. ~ B.1 . ,. '/I00\(1!1:: """ll. y 0 .. pall\! .~ :11,,~t «Ill'_ hQnll' :; Rrltn1. 111g lllUl\1; J,11•gr ~\illk\'11 Ill'-v • 1•v• " I .:1:: roo111 , hu~" n1n.•tr1· in11\~_ '.'<'.lo Jl :u\J•h' Blvd al Atl,t1n~ P.rlr·,1i ~ r:;,1.,~ 110!,1• .r 1:>.000: PRIVATE MASTER BEDROOM p'll• 1<11"•'•' 11!\11 ' 1"1' .i l<d •J ,,(I ! 111tl1 ' •·I• '~1111! !1 .ij.• ,.II I <ill 'II ' . :.!, \ I.· \ I:. I ' I 1.1 I 1:1•; I 1 11 'I ,11\ Ii '<' !I • , II 111· ~l"l•\I , 1·11:1 .J'J.\('I .. _ ... _________ e ,\II l:1lh .111d p!.i,!r, NEW LISTING • P11ll n11111 lo1.rl1 I I '1 • !'itll"'"il• l•1•1•l\"••l'I'< -'""I_\' <'11!"11('1" I nr. ,\;r11 fl<i t"I \\'{',! /1u11 H' ~ 11.!.1· , qu1µrw d 1 CALL 537·0J80 I ~;;1r! T1'y s;JOO ctn. Blir f.11111lv r111 r·rp ln 111!h'. l-.lr•·tro1110: 01•·11. L:1n1~llall.\ 11-ir·!G:, !iill-O:c1~c'1c·~~c--~-~ LIDO REALTY INC •. llrn.U1Lf\l l l;1nd•c11pl11.i;: '"1:11 rio • 1' ~ 1'\I 14-B){, .i h;ilh nr hta"h \'ie \l"()('ll!rr Jn11 .1 1 .\~kin;; S~~J ,.JOO. ------------1 t·lul•hou~"-1"11111~ ('J't, PQ'11 n"-7 1. I I ,--r.iOfl iohn macnab I ~l ~.;.~~:L ~~ ~~g~,~~~~1~· :;·~~~~~;~1111011. 6 -11-i::. '.l 1. ~ .... •1 .l: ~s-1 .• 1~~ ,<"I (';II• I oLp I• I "II J •ll~ IH <:.J! J.,,J,1• ( l'C- \1111i11111 p ,.,I. j,~ "i ·:.~ 'lit ,•1l1<t (J1';111::,. (n•llil,\l ;llld II ~~'J.~Llil: ,,1,. l••i•ll n1".' 1,r; 1.111"1 .ippl'•\rrl ;i,.·1·• .• --11 •111 d l.l'IPll ~·:~ '!'111 1.111 STANCO (714) 642·1235 _ 11 ~ ;,, pl1hl1 a' (.1<·•0:·~ 1Hunlin!:jfon __ each ~11 u,.~,;~:'.r~1·:;1~~~~('.;:1r 110 i~;;~;·~·:'1:,1 .. '.'r'1,::.id1~~:r~;;.'1\:.'11:,11:,:1:111: i Ne:r~:~~:~~:re ::,.~;20 I ~urr~~1~1~ i~~,~T~~Pf1~. '' llW'r ;1tL'.;•"i • -11.•ll>!I t Builders Inc. 1,,,,i1 1, ;:.,1.,1 .. ,11111 p .• n11,,' I (lf'I \; 7 ])n , \' 1'11' l'I ,, II 11 I~ \;'.("II (~ta rt·~~•o !h•1' r' 1, .i1l•JI \,I'•'' ~ BJ1r:_\I hnllH', hardl•"Cl'I(• s:,~ .... ii 1.i.~' 1 as 1\\u1kl -If ~·ou need a 1;1·cal f:11ntly r-u~lll!H d1·ares 1111-uughout \ .j I I 11,1111, :i .. ~lwd, 4 I;f:, !10111". c<PC th!~ 0!1P~ l.gt'. ]ii' l:\l"~f' <r[l~lalf' l11n1ily roon'J_ l'lr·r1 11•' 1.11111 111~ "nd i11~n·1 CAMEO ~ S46 ~gao 11~),,, 11 , ~11 1 1111-1,.' .\1 • JUST LISTED . ..:1z1. 1,I,·•.,• '."','_l'111·1,1u·1 HIGHLANDS LLEGEREALTV I 1;.1,,,,,,.,l l'·111r 1 11 i111r, llo••r--. n"'r ··111 ~ ,(. t11·p· I II l I I I' r I IJ()(J ~d~m~1t~•rbot,c.M, ---I I, l l > I ~ ~ "111 H111"1 ' • · ~-11 -l 1i.nr rilll'l'•'rl 111 -;-1 ,.., I ' '. '11111<' '' i"" " <"' 111 ~4fi ~~eo r.11. pl11~ !gr. parly nn.; ! C.ivrrC'd p;i110. rirofcss1onll· Br. :; Ba .. );Itch. blt-1ns. 1' ~ ]v lAodsc11 ped laq::e lot al nlks, 10 be~rh. Fer sln1rlr. ~11d of the (·ttl«lt'·.0 ac ~tl'l!f't. .\l!i . .iOO EQlll!y S~9.j00, i\lay Sp,. lhis on~ for surr. Pricod Tl11 1: .. 11111111 11+nrl i 11 gl . .,11~ ""ll('r •. ~ B!~ ·~ r.~. 1 ;1\ J•• ~,hr.o>( ~!:l.'i-10 \'r·1. 1u• 11,-,1,n lt11•rclntn ,jth~~ll!) ,11,,•1 ,,,,t1 t r•1 r1 i1;: 'li•11I" 1\11 . l-;•111 in,.111 r; .. n111 '"1 SPECTACULAR 111• ....... t·l·l.1.!·r; r:r·.\LTY LLrOt:REALTV I In·•• \~~u1111• -,, Fll .\l po«I i•r ,q fll. ',"i·:iiklu i~"I OCE N ~.11:-(1.~\I 1500 Adams~IKJ•b~1.CM. con~ider lreclr . n;i:l1t al 13~.roo. l•u 11 •n ~u111111T ', ,;('ll i., i1•'1<' ~ 1 :,+' ,,, A V IEW -"FOREVER-VIEW-,,--'"-"-"-"-•-•_,,_ _______ _ e O\\"NER 6·1i;..;s.1'Je MUTUAL REALTY r\l F1•1, , or Poolside Pleasure . 0 k f-II .\ n1 t.!)(o ''"''' 1 .. \rt. 518,SOO PACESITTER I S20 95 ----··11• 11• ., l·1,1n \l •J11lil ""11 \.y University Par ti !•• 1 ,. ~ •1; r~11r · ~11'.••'ll' oi•I 111 , ~ 1,, 11111~ !. lf:t:J-;<r ·: 1 .. ·llo"''•ll uind•'l I Yo11 h ''" 1.,11\ 111 1111 ~ nr11 MOST IMPRESS IVE --- &4'2·1418 11nytime 1237 -2 BEDROOMS WE: SELL A HOME ,,..,, ,,, -ii1 1J, ,, i'l\I l•i"li I l h11lli • ~11llv 11lrrl •'11111 ,,n~1 "111 !r'"ll" l'.I 11,111 \•',II r."·•"l1fu! P.~!"l'Hll' 1111h rir•·· HEY, SLOW POKEI !iV!RY 31 MINUTES f :1111111 1,1,,,,1 1,..,;1,,.1.,11111. 111i-.111,i fn>111~ 1 .... 111 l .t1~11 1 1nfl,.1r1 -.11\'\I •" \111!1111-... "1·1111\r ~tnnr '1rit•k ·: lird. Don't bt so1·i·y you 111i~11crl Walker & Lee .Coldwell, Banker & Co. ~11 ,·pl"'' 1;1,.11 .. 11 holil••'ll l,1n11~11q.111~ 11 lll1J .. 1•n( 1ill. l1.~tl1< ,1111 11n 1111r\1;a1 1110111.<, ~ tiR 1h~. 1;11 111 -111 this onf t .. 1 t;H., a l .1u~l ~ q,,.,i ilJILlll~ )'""ii, c,,11 1,~dllt1l•il 1'"'' .:11r,1•1ll.1 (111 I r:~'-" ,1, \l 11 11 (.. rl 1~·:1111 ltilrl•1'!1, 1!•>011 \ foJ!" s::1 .'.NO.U1111C'1'1l"ill~.h1.ll'lY. •5.10 i\c\1 porl ('.enter Dr. :1111 1~ 11 1,!J1•d , ,i1.111r•~ 111 111" 111lr l 1·11 , :.11, 11, hVi·L•r1·1 iv •.• 1 or 1ra1l<'r e Red Hill' Realty Elnc1ri1:' built-in 1'<tn_:.;r. ovtn. 1J1spo~ill )",\ hr«I, dn11b!t g11rngr 11•ith :-l1rl1n;:: ;::la~5 rlno1•;e: !" rear ~·ard. Covered rnc!o:<CTI patio. lcricrlf k Ja nd~cef)f!d. :'il60ll I01al tlo\\·n. ;.:1\I JJ 1111•11 1:11 I ,,, ,\<1 .. 111-1 i\'C'11·port Dea t h. C'ril!L TARBELL 19S5 Harbor :~a1'P1· ;dJ-1•1<-1•11·11· k111·iw11 -84t·6691 TAJIBELL t,;1111· /';irk CrntPr, Irvine ·"·'"'\~jl 833°0700 644°2430 ---$38,500 ~::1 .~111 1:--·1·11 11~1111~.1 1 2 SIORY REPUBLIC 1.\T'Pr.oxr:\!AT ELY 1~ ;i,-r,. C11 l1 Anytin1p g;:3.()..'120 ~!'.~(:Jll ·-;~: ~F.11 •• n r, ti 1.I '• )''! I·-~ E ,\11"'11d11 1-'rQ,r, ~ r.r:. 1, ·,c_c-========== --· ·--·- 1 1-.ork fur.',,;: fl11l,1 :i1.:i , [1("1 f,.,. 1,.,lh"' !1111'1.1 t'llll ~1 11 •·0,iO .. -1 WE'RE SWAMPED B IG 5 B ORM ! 1 1 11<1 1 11~-llill Top Vlr 11 111'>111•' Irvin• Ttrrece 1245 CHARMING DE COR ;\In•(' 1•111'111~ tl'!lll ]l•<IJJPl'iir•' .Tr ··~Id·· ~1"11 "d' -i""'" In ii (.,, 11 l LI ~(' f:irnil ,i·. n111·11 \\'/ 11t 1u!\11 il pt' lln11 ' , 1 1i.1 ~ 11 "f\ d• , .. 1.11 \Ir• ll'"'d 11-1111!.'.-"' 1r111 .\ 1"1· '"1111 i''' '1'' ,'.! '"1 1 1:. '1- 1 ·' !~I:, ·: 1 ·1111 ' 1 ninr,· 1•11 •1 1172:\-~'l\G lmmed. Occupancy -REAL ESTATE- . 1 Iii 1 f,,,1,1 1;i_,, . .,,1, 1, .,JI, l'l+n •<' ,,..1 ,~ l •I ,1 lh·•<I 1\ •Ii lq •11:.,., \dil1. DAVIDSON REALTY -------;\l-i1·~·in n1~l rr] Rrl . 21, 11~ SALESMEN I I I! 'I 11. I I 1111d ol111 IRVINE AVE 1·,,,, ,.,, ... ,1.-.•. ·,·.11 ME S A VERDE • -'I B kl 11, 1 '·" ,10 1.,,.•11· '" '11, ,,,,,. •P111IP•> ~1'1"•1 •·'·' 1 ·• ''I" ' . ' Fan1 .. ..: un. 1'111.~. I' ~I u1~· 1·!·•11 \Jl ,,,.,,,, l•<1il 1 • SlS,950 111 -VA -FHA I lHc [l_Uf'S 1,ACCO BUl T r111r ,.f (·1-1·~ 'l··A• fil1''1 '~'I L.I], d hHt11('< h r:r lirr"111u~. ! l1~1h• FI 10 n 1 1,1 1 c ll\11r n••I\ h1·1, 1, r11 .. :•l11•·• tr ,, ... '.!:.> ... :.it> r .. 111111 11 .. ,,. ,,1 n11 111r:11 hn ' 11 \' 11h !·<''!'1 • ('f'l\ln':~. \[ 11 11 I r II 1 ,. rl '::'l"t\•nld~ f.-11nrl•·1 ;•1n1nrl 1111\11 rr~ ."n1• 11 111,. ~·,. '11' 'l" 1., 111r r\t«<'rl f'n r·,.O b«lr,., 111l11r ·•nl y $J l.(l()(), c~11 1;-1:;.n:111:: I 0 L01S510 N ! ' Inc:. T:cal!or~ ::i! Harhor (rnlrr 2299 Hart>or Bh d .• c.:.1. 1•1· •I ·Ttl~ 1• ,, •11 '' r11;1·· \\, "" :~r''''' d:" il l'f•,1 1n rl,.,· 81 kit_ Arro<~ :'l!CTt.;,\L RF.ALTY nl"('<l l '2 1, '" . .i , , ,i,1 ~· l•i ,~1 ,1 1 BURR WHITE I "1 •I• •;;i> C"'1•1tt 1 lniilt h"11w, l.11 ""'' 'n MISSION VI EJO·POOL "'"" "':.l' lwd1,"•1n.•. '.:! 11,!(h.•. f1·"1'1 P"'"· r.11\ !or p!'.}111. rull 11rn' (">C'opl" PIP11ly of ,1, ,1 ., .. 1.,1 T ARBELL 1955 H11rbor '1'1~i·.i 1'"1111·'al•I I l' l\ln\I· V S l:11111l.v1·,1n:11 ll:int1~11111r11!·r ~;,1•r,o lloor li111P, PXt •'llPOI \'Om- 1,,, 11 , I 1:1 .\l.'f"i 1!' 111111H pri1''"'1 1;\1.,ii.v "'ti'H¢ 1~,.,~~1·,1~11 F;~~',~,;1~~\Ri:!~,,1. pl.11·1• i;~r :···111· 1· r. ,11 ;1·1 R. c. GREER, Reilty rnl!1iontc-hrrlulc C,11!Cl11Jck ('I'""' 1 I. 1 ' " I ~·Jttl ,\{'"JJ •1'1 lil1•d, :"-lt F ull Price S2 4.750 In ihi~ hrai11 "" 'l~df li1111 1l'. ti.i11v h,.1v: .i lll-li~>11 G'i~·O;;oo for ;ipp1"Jin111i<'nl 8 12·1 ~1~. AU I · ·' 1; ..... i •• • , ,. , 1·1 · , ,. , ~1~ ·•11 ,~···,····11 1""'11",1 "i1''1·1· ""11' r.a.•"'ELL 21ss H,, ••• , .::;:,=:·)=·'='='='=L='''°"====°"'='I ,·"",,·,,.,., ,,,111,. ,,,,, , .... -.. _ ----·"' .... '111 1 W1l ts.McCard lt,R ltr1, "'•~·'1• -"''ii-. Lull l ~ """'CJ .. ~ " '''' ~ ' vu"' P.W.C,,,(·~~-ti~I (-CO~ntry-lilo:-e p-;=-l v a~ On Busin;!ss·zoned lot ! 1 1 ••''.' i)vi1, 1•kr 1 ... ,f -HARIOFl LIGHTS-Corona d1I Mar 1250 1 c'-''~"-"'~'-·-------I t ., ii . ' ["','. ,',,,~·~,11·,,,_ I,,", ',,,',.i'~.',",,,,",'.',"~ \ \, "' •\ 'i.n1H 11 1 ~ 'i 11 ·~:''. \'~•;'1 01 ~;~~::1,,, (' \l, I • h. II \',r ,\· of <Jer11n .t· 1,, :O-i<'O~ ----YVU Ju5t c1111 1 !111d !he&e _ •------. ~ • )' d 11111u 1· ""' ~, 11 q1111 k' t 837-0845 8'.;7.J776 !ci r."11.rh. Lov{'lv 1,.1•1.,. 11111. BAY VIEW a ri)'mort ~ Herc's an ocl!1n ! ~1 r. k (" 1 ·•1i.~11v1 •. 11•'• ·'· l~"·"'t i .. , Mdy be G I or FHA j Sll,YOU $2J 950 "ailed .'(llnlcn. s1 0.-. .,GO_ 6 :Y4o/• LOAN \·irw hon1~ l lilk 10 l>t>arh. i.: ,:\·rr \l ·,ii;.;,11'11,, •· (•··l!+l.,lill' hd 1r, 1.CH l\Jl.\J{'J'j{J·:.\L'I"\' ' ijl '' [Q \'., l 11,1fl,\"l:fe 1ntl11~baV\'1'"' 1.h<?dro<nn~.dr n .:'\r1\"Crpt1, .'1,l•Hll•t1•1111. 11 l11n11 1"-Jnl· 1,1,,_,11 1 I·\"' ;.i~ ... 1 .. 1 . LIVlN' IS EASY! I MESAVERDEI W lk '11t'1t · .6755200 l1n111rc 4BR.!11 m.r;11 .,21 ~ rlr"~.firt'pli.:,livrm,rl1n rm . 4 BED RM.. K.id1,.n ,1 1.-,1~1 -:-.1>.u "'11~ l•"riJ•V•ilt~, .1 ,·11. :i \1""111hr J.,11p~1 r•1·•tT•I hn111r a er Y• · I J C " Pete B arrell Realty Pier & Sli + Vr w ~"Pill Il l" !1all1'. f11.,,pl11rr in 1111 ~ ~l'":i .) 1,.'d1,.,•J1n,_ '..'. JJ.111Vi ~1.11'10, NA 011,.11 .-:1111 ~~E~u1, n11, 'AR GAR· ;1~l~1~.~:~1e9r. "Art: J:l6·~! $22,500 i,i·.'.:,11~1 ~ e 1 t1 111111.: plll!1' i l11r1 111l i...11.h .-"r.11· .. 1r hi\111, lJ11 trt 1 •1-Co ta Mina llOO Cheshire Re•I Eitate ''"'~=~===--1 l·_\1.1 ,qi-, , 1111 !~ , 1, ___ . . __ --1·•1 1"11' ~ I.I· l1•1•11r 1''111 rn , 1111r<1 1111111 .111 ~i·rl11111t• rlp111111I .'llro•r l 1;11111.11 I.ii).;<" -· s ----REPOSSESSION ~ii·1t1Tl l\1 :;,'~1111';:';;·11~ ,, 1 :11''!111 ·:.''.'.:,.~ t "BL°vCFEF~~ VI;~ ,000 '1"1 ~:111··1111 '~1'.~11'1·'.~,.;~r'i'.::lR'i'\111111·~ T_ 1 .AR 1 ~Et'~ 19SS .Har bo~ I +'A1R1~~L·~_1'29s~ 1~1~~~or I LARGE LOT I LI :~s~~0~oM I• l 1. .II 11;.: 'Mr) \\Ill• "'l"<'I IHI• _ FOR SIOO MO f•ill 1111~ • <1.1n1 P\l1a tlr· If'-•:.!1' .i11.1 111'.••· .,,,111·Jn BAYFRON C II 111·,,, 1•.i11n ' 1 1~111mJ.;.."t•1,1~w1 b:lni.:.~i11'il 111""11.! T APT A RE :\ill~ f':l.~l ~1'1" 11f1nl!', l'f1 1l1· 1 6., ' 1. Red Carpel Re."lly • plPIE'ly rui·ni~l,Pd for ~l:i.'.JjQ 1 ~~11111.. n contr11ct on t 11 ~ 846-0604 T b II l1"d1 w11 11 ~. :.'. li;il f\, E\lpil;.l l~· , ,-., , , -· . \'1~(11 Dr! L1du. Pir1· & ~lip r.-.: \L\\"/lOJ~T Bl·:.\CH IJPl!,!!hlfull,r (]l';in t.· brig ht, Su. of ][\\')'. J Bf!-. duplex, _ _ _ ar • 'i•l11 . lt '''l'I, lll1i"<s f'"'""!-.ll. 1 II l .. •l .l,11>. I\!. h/.o·f111(11) ll1;11lnhl" ~"II ,,,. I'•''·' •'II· I hdr111 h·1111~ 1,,,,,,1,i '~''' A I I" " • --' ' \\'11:klnll; di~li1 n~~ f(I ~,·hooll. PP Y rl!n,.., Cl't'ul! "'-.JoOUI' j \,\·./\SL II [ rll Ul'1"10." -'!ll~-)1 ~ .),, r1 ·1 '>'!! (1(\(\ 'dfl 1110 I :-1)!(-~-!. \ 111;-;-11~ .-.. -,-,,IHI 11011. l'l'I!"<' $1~.:.1N1 S1 nflkr. llorsr, 01\. v.r11. rn11111'tlla f(' J10~·'"SS!On !O(H l "'PC'll~f' ls under $100 2400 Sq Ft/18x30' Oen NP.11' paint. 11""' <'i<rp<'ls. En· l'!O~rd p11tiu. Brst ;iro'.'.1 . HA,,DAL REAL TY 142·4401 I !.l•lr·i ; .. , .:1 ~ull Jllll(' TARBELL 2955 Har ber dr.nr 1' 11· ... r:-.,.11H l n11d George William,on JEAN SMITH, HiRITAGE · nio. Cull lorlle!Rll~. SlS.U."1 51;0 1 .. 1 it )lf'I 11\01lHl I '1 s ;J 'il)IJ 1 1;~2 1 ll'l't Ln. 11!3 J:E.\LT01: Realtor 0""11 Hal Plnehln & Assoc. l.lu '11"~1'.i~_1r.-~111: ~()( h: 11' '](I 'f ,,. '''"''' 1;1h-r;_-s ,-. ,.. ,. -~ ., I ) '" ('l"P.~_ ;,.Jl).lJ:il i\ny!illH' ll"'Y, ASSU!'llE 41:',( GI loan, l BR. Z BA. Nr1\·port \VMI . Ownrr sell. S~.000. 96'.!-83!2 1~:-==:"'======""~"'===o..=-=-=-·=====...l==:==°"'co===::==== ..'.~=-~==_c.~===°""'--=·~'0"=·""==='-'~'-'c-,·'~'·~··~·1~·;·~1 :._0C'==='~·~0~··~:~~';··===~ ~!)O(I F.. COll~t n 6i";)<-IJ!)2 Gen1r1I IOOOGenera l lOOOGener1I 1000Gen1rel lOOOGtneral lOOOG1ner 1000 General 1000General 1000 Gtntral 1000 s s s s ... ... ... ... ... s s s s $ s s s s $ $ s s $ s s s s s s s s s s s s EXPANSION OPPORTUNITY • • • SALESMEN ARISE ! Join the "ACTION TEAM" at Walker & Lee, Inc. l!nd "Mahogany Fever" forever and MAKE MONEY! Look at ONE OFFICE avera9e incomes. Salesman # Salesman SalelllllCln Salesman Salesman Salesman Salesman Salesman Sain man Salesman 1 tr 2 # 3 # 4 5 £ 6 ~ 7 a ±± ' fr lO # Office Avero9.e: Sl ,582.75/mo. 2,340.88/mo. 1,475.35/mo. 2,327.68/mo. 1,277.00/mo. 1,440.1 O/mo. 2,860.10 /mo. 1,770.00 /mo. 1,890 .00 /mo . 1,604.00 /mo . ,, Check our SC HOOL for concentrated Stiles tralnln9 and Financin9 . Check our INSTANT PAY PLAN. Check our GUARANTEED SALE PRO~RAM for more saleable llstin9s and sales. V WE SOLD 293 HOMES IN ONE WEEKI licensed or not, if you wont to se ll . OPEN THE DOOR AT WALKER & LEE . INC. "THE" DOOR TO YOUR-· UNLIMITED FUTURE! Office Averac;te Per Salesman : Sl,856.79/mo. $22,281.48 per year WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 Appl. 545-7131 MINUTES! CALL: Patricia Cranford, District SCcrctary, for s s $ s s s s s s s s s s s s ... s s $ s ------------------.... -----------~...,..-:-..... --.... -.... .,...,---,...,...-... ----,--~,-· ., ....... -~ .. ·· -·---~·~· ·-... . . . -.. ..,., .. J2' PUT-AIHEITISER W-, -I, 1%• W•dnr'td1y, o,tobw 1, 1969 01.JLV PILOT SI 14GUSiS FOR SAl.E HOUSES FOR SALE RElltALS RENTALS RENTALS 1.:===;.o..:;.:c:...:::.;::.::.._:.:;::;:::::::..:...:.:.:: __ -=~~::...-Hou'*t Unfurnished Hou"• Urrfurnl1Md Apt1. Furni1hed RE NTALS RENTALS -;-R-ENTALS ·REAL ESTATE ti ,.,... •• &wit l-4CIOHuntington ~ 1400 Apts. furnish•d Apt1. Unfwrnl.Md Apt1. Unfurnished General -------Huntington !Stach 4400 Costa M... 5100 Corona idel Mir 5150 ltent•h Wanted 5990 Gener1I ~ COt'OIMI del Mar 3250 Cott• Meu 4100 FAST MOVE IN RENTAL FINDERS INW'9l5M •.• filSAldl'9 I , ............. f'OR Leue, Cameo Shores 6 QUIET. 2 BR... ad.ulU. m ~ or )ea, 2 Br, convt. childrTn or pets. CIOAe to den, 2 Ba. spec;. JJvinc nn. n1arlrel'J. 540-3991 Eves. dinin&' nn, gartieuer pd. !·DR., g~. C arp e 11, QUIET & BEAUTIFUL HARBOR GREENS RESP. m.idJc '"d '"""" 2 BR, po!JI, util pd, Adults ~--needs 2 Br houlM' or apl un.. only. 'No pe'ls. 17'676 Cam· !um. Prefer N.B. or C.M . New hemes, reedy to move in. 2 to 5 bed· reoms. 2 to J baths. 1.r'J. mile from beach. First payment up to GO days after move in. VA/FHA Torms. From $23,9'10 Arr.---..n Sll'ftCI $375 mo. 673-S778 drapes. Adul!Jt, oo (lf'l 11. I BR, stv '=ref, gar. Sl65 mo 174 Moote-Vista, C.t.1'. eron, S47-212°), BACHELOR uhfurn r r om aN'K. II 11 ,.. ,. small dog. :;c,,-;,-;;,--;:--:-:-:7"---,,-I SllO. Also i va !l 1 • 2 & 3 Prnn. S"fl--3/l.'13 morn. only Nf:AR beilt:h, n~w l y ''"'~ JI ~• llld .1 .....,ni. eati\J 1"""'s, ..: 1 ON TEN ACRES -RE TA SERVICE-u~ni.ted, Bachelor apL eare center, adj lo 1hopp111~. N L l BR, s tv &. n.•I, ~ar. $295 mo The Beach 4:HW.1"'C.... ...... ....,11 ... n • $.. . .. OCl:-:ANFRONT Sunset Beach, '.I BR, 3 BA, J fireplaces, den, bit-ins, cpt:s, drps, I yr lease nillumuiu. No single or Jll'\S. $3'/'l 1110. CZ1l1 ~1 7•1:; 615-1225 Newport Be1ch Riddle & Ross Realtol'!I 3535 E . O:iast Hwy, Cd~f WINTER VACATION 4200 !!;5 ""7pe0 r rno. UlLI pd, No pe t:o;. Lf'~p210~R,. /Fuprnn··· .. • .. ~",.~1m1 ~'P.EE TO LA."\IDLQRDS .,,,.,......., ?700 Peterson Way • "" • Blue fff-1tron MS-Olli .. Pools. Tennis • Contnt'l Bk!st. 2 BH, 7 BA, pri J)l!Ho. Jltd Costa Mf"Su ~0370 9IXI Sea Lane, CdM &l-t-:.!6ll NEEl.J 2 Bdrn1. ap\ HI "',,,~,11•11,"96",:!~ boo!. k UJI. $1.l-!:1 l l\facArtbur nr, Coo.st Hwy) Harper Sch. area by Sept. 1. l• Broalihvnt 1 mile South of A.Nmsl LEASE 4 BR. 2 Ba. f'lel't. ~ B~',2 ba.. ' ......... :s:1~ . .. ~,, Fairway V"la Apts n,.w"'"1'· ",_11" 96:2 -1353 k11. patio. Adu!t!l $300. No ; Bh., 1 bD., ... •· .. • ... • S25U flt:'I~. l blk/bch. 673--020J ~ Bl( l ba, •··· •• ... ••• Sl;i<' H BRAND NEW! 4 BR \\·a111rrl by rrspnnsiblr G1rden Grove 46!0 llH~u~n~t~ ..... ~~·~ll~oo~do~lllOO RENTAL~ I· _ Houses Furnish.cl 2 BR unJurn hUllS\'. cµrs, !lr11s. l•l<Jllll"f' ai nl\'1!•1• Suwyer Hun11:, 2lil9 On u1gr Ave-, CM ~-------~-1 1 BR , 1 b11 ........... S1311 •I BR. homf" w/pool -PROPERTIES WEST panoram11• vu~1,, Pr l v · 67S-4130 67S-1641 l RH . 3 ba. duri)P\'. C'pld , fa1111ly. Clu.~•·-111, SlOO 100. (!rpd, bl111s Priv p<lllo, 1'0\ ~!. ... ~~:; _______ _ gar. i().) Ort'hid . S~~ .• l'•·1 ; e LANDLORDS e '.'l;rar 01'al\1!r. Cu A1rporl ,t· Slr\L:LJ:: ,~oung AUull.~ Lul\-LTCI. Adi.:l!s only. 2012!.' 111)' ~anlt•n apti; with l'1n111· Santa Anu Avt". j .J0-:2f!l!i BEYERL Y HILLS Newport Beech 2200 ~ dloP not sk"p up tmm l!lis bt>h(•llCS. Agcrit b'73-2222 2 BR. dbl g8.T&ge, lg yard, OK for boat, !railer. etc. S250 mo. 6U-20'25 I & :l Bit-Bacl1clor A11ts. Kil-1'V-Pool-Majd Ser. $35. per wk. k llP-THE l.fESA 415 N. Nwpl Blvd. 64&-9681 try C'lub atn1ospht'I',, ;onrl c:ornplell' pr1v11r~·. slJUTl!l----------- :>Juu!h, y!'arly, ! FREE: J t~:NT,\I . SERVICE M ,75-&0SO 0 I Jl1'tlkrr :~2 drpnt ~ ~!ory. J BR., :;pt, \\'ATERffiONT 3 Bdrm 2 Ba BAY Ct.UB Al'TS 13\~l ORLEANS APTS. balh, fam rm, din rm. all de<.W"a~ prof~ 1n greens A bluts. Nursl.'TY· perfect Ja ndraping, fronr & rev-. Ass•ITW' ~ e:usting Gl klan. ONLY 1!3.950. 'J'RADEWU'iTIS REALTY ""--""' Owne:rTr~ Drnptl-.i.te! l BR%. ba. halnr . Walt to Ma:m:.. Ill It St. BomwntDrts. P)mnts under lf,;5/rna. The Real Est•ie M.rt 1701 Beach Blvd.., Jt.B. 147-1531 HOISES OK Big okl tot + 2 small hottSC!I n~ a p:xl income. Owucr canin -yo• set ~. u~ oppcrttmity_ Ru: L. I'" '91 s., Rttr~ 847·25'25 HAVE opening.! f<r 4 Real Elita!~ Salrs1nm m our new oilier. Call b appointmeDt, R. D. si.1 .. , lloohon 5l61Ml ::tOO BY Owner. ~&i;; b'anaf~ llea.L Biscpd: xJnt mrrl 4 Bdrm, l~ ba. l"iT &Chis &: shop eentc, ~ &: Hunt. Harixoat'. Lip l~ i-.tiG. 846-:6M * RF.DUO:D PRJCE * 4 J3R. 2 BA, 'l car ga.r.. .f·rpic A bl1ln~.~:l4.~A o/. Joa.n, $U3. payt5 rnolF.J.T.f.·Priu only 8,17.so73 FOR Salr by OWDtT, 5 BP., 2 ~n 2 lrplc:s dsh,1·shr disp \\'ashr/dryr fncd yrd. 33U F inley or call 833-1134 .EXECUTIVl:. non1c J Br, l BA, crpts. dl'ps. e!ec bllns Fenccd. SJ:'iO. 5-16-6740 Chapman avC'., (.; n r d t' 1\ GrovP {71 •11 630-:JO:llJ , ._ ••r· I "··me. Rooms for Rent 5995 BAYF'ltONT 6: dock 3 &, l Ba den. Leaae/option $500. mo, 675-<llll. Also unfurn. OCEAN rRONT fun housc. 4 BR. :S2:(1 Winter. Boys ok. l:i73-SO!l8 $116. l Br 1011. nh~f'. BIO, W/\V, pal1r1. Chlhln·n V 1..:. Bkr. ~>'.:4~i!J:o!O S'l50. 3 Br hse w/11.unpus rut. Pool. ll/(I. \Vf \\'. ('hildn.:11 ,'(· ,-,,.-t 0 .1\, Bkr. 53 1-6~~0 Huntington Beich 3400 SAIL lru1 Motel, dlx rins, cuuplcs. SllO 10 S120 1110. DELUXE lg, 1 Br, sunde.•k, 3 UR 2 ba den rrpl w/w Cont brktst, 1n.tud seiv. crpt;, scre:.ned Porch: pool, 6Tr1S41. uar, OCl!all view, carport, $I65 lcase. Util pd. 499-1473 J BR av:i1J. AdullS ouh. 17~1 Tuslin, Costa i\lrs:i ~!er. Mrs, Carson, 6·1:!·4641 f\.'fs, no JX'Ls. sz.;o rN>. m..1'M=o=n°E°".RN=...,1°""B~Rc,-,-,-,-pa.-l•-o, f'ludes ~·atC'r, lse. 541).7652 r-arpot1. Adul t!, no pet:;. L~un• Beach 4705 1---------------~-------1 ~·~ 05 .,..,.. '"""" NO\\' Avail 1 & 2 Bit · 1•1 - .. Bit, 2 ba duple>.. Cpts, l!rps. hl!-ins, pa110, g::tnH.:». So. ol llv.'Y. Lease. b13-ti~ 2 Bl{. bllins. gar.i.g,., uhl 111cl. S'lOO i\.lnnth. • * 67;..6737 *. 3 B<lrm 2 bath den \\'/~: .... ~v Avon. SI <><.>-"Vl.IUU. B~:AUT 2 Br 2 Ba OC"'B.11frt. " :.. ca,....,..I.' dra"""l',' le.a~ $250 D~l.U},,'T. Furn 3 Bl') 2 BA $300 i;tJJ.1-ioo o~ S71).0.lil Dehillr r;u.1~(· .~ o v l' 11 · CUR0Ll00 .,..... ·-·· •-. · d1s/1\1shr, C/U, rte. l'nol & rurn $1110 Apt. 2 S.. Up. Er u11- 1\dults PRJ rno.111, l1n !.· rr1rr .\60 Pf'!' n1u. 213~ EIUru, apt 6 C.r.1. 1\l:;r si:. \\"!..: &. Ufl I\ I kllt•ho~n. S.'IO. •1k ~1uct10 a111. 2376 Nr1q;or\ l3lv1I . .tl!S-91.~·, . I Hit w/balh, pr1valt! r ll· tranN'. Nu 11iok1n;! S7!1, lurn1shc<I. 61~Hli71 3 BR. i BA UPllf'r dupl('...:. Yearly $225. Adults only'. . ..,,..., . Corona del Mar 2250 mo, 846--0114 or S'Jl-5396 unU. Oct-anfront Nt'"-1>0l'I rvrs. &-v•kc nd>'. til3-;,78 --~-~------1 s.::ir, tJhl pd. Adult liv1n~. ..,, 3 BR Cnndo. Crpts, drps. Beach. 673-804.T AM only. RENTALS 241 \'.'i!son Ave. llic!11'•"1.'n I :=::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1 1{00:\I 11(• t"•aut ho 1n • • 13E:AUTJFUL 2 BR duplrx, blln.s, $175. 9962 ContinE'ntal I BDRM for Bachelorrrtc. Aptl. Unfurnished Harbor & Fairview!. r.t;:r. B.ilboa lsl•nd 5355 !\dull ~. ln<"I ,1;1.~h. t11v;_1k f.t. nC'wly de..:.:01-:.1.ted, cr p I .~. Dr , Hl3 213/431-7114 pri. entr & bath, excel. loca· Apl :-,. Days 642-f>401, rvc.•s ilin SlOO. t-idy IJl'f'L ti·l:t-:1167 d1-ns, bltns. Ch a r m 1 11 '' l ion &73-1023 alt('t 8 PM Gen•r•I 5000 :~1&-074.i 0" ,._ ,., C·· 1 "·1 ~ ·• -- Costa Mesa 3\00 " '1-----------1,,,==--o""""""''""',...'"''"'" .• " . .r ( "":' . ..,.. UX·· -}"[ 1nN Hoo1n I!! l)l•,1\Jt Cr11\l ' ··"rC'l'ned ...... lio. ""'l. yard. & 0 Bl( I b II ' I I I II PRIVACY pli;s! Charn1ini:: .,._ ,.... ,.. S•nta Ana H•ights 3630 OCEAN F'R NT 2 & 3 l:Jl.J. 1 Bft :ipl, \'acant·I blk ,,([' a 1• "'a l'r r1.1n ..,.1 l homl' for sni::I ~·r"(()n. $125. Bit furn doll h011se.-Oet'.'~n PV1-garg, $1'1' 10 appn•i·. 1 -----------I rms, WINTER RENTAL, v EN DOME llarlior. New t•pt1>1 (lrp. IH)al dock. s26;, yr!y l•'l•~" Rl'fs, t~l sninkrrs. 673-4169 s1(!e o! blvd. Open beam child only, no f.l<'IS plra~l'. • 673-SC& pa1111. Adulls, $12:1. \\'tllt'r i'i•1 l'llilc!rt'n 0r fl('!~. To ;,c·r I -·' .... .,,.,..,., go '" · 3 BR, 3 bath on 1·~ aCrt'.I=::::::::::::=:::=:::=:: II • .~7 f"URN n.J01n, 11n11 1•11lr, 1"/ i.:e1lini:s. shag cr11t~ !hn10L11. nunL"IJ . oc ... u,~ ..... • s,l 1xi. '.!279 Min•·r. •Pl B I-=''=''='="=''='"='='="="=~='="=== 210'' c ·1 "I , ,,, kirge pool f20x40 '1 Rec 1•~1ACULATE APTS•. "·'''''· 111 hr··1•1 111.\I ho111.-Bltins-breald11st bar, private IL ~ eci ' act' "'" t;.ll-il08. '"' " -···1 1165 ,,.n r•r """" l'OOITI. den. large kitchen, all Newport Hgts. 4210 ,'DULT • F"AMILY H ,. I B h 5400 ,,_., 1\ln 1nr l 11!1l_ 67~1-~~:; P'•l•'o, Colo•• TV. yrly Ir"~ ,.,."'°""--:-"7·-:-"7."-"·c-:-:;:c-c:,,.~C-::'.:" I ., un >ng on ••< " " 1 bu1lt-111S. Plenty of room lor ~ECTIONS AVAILABLI:: LARGE clean 2 Bllnn :! Ba $19.'l. Cal l alt 6 Pi\1, 673-551 3 5' Bedroon1, 2 b!lths 111 ·~x-hor~rs ett· $415 111 0 n th, *Clean l or 2 BR* Close lo shopp"•ng, Park Blt-Ins \\'/w crpl, rl rii~. 110 Balboa 2300 Cf'llenl nor1h C.?o.1. loc<itlun • 6 •. 1,.;r,,~ ' Adults, l'IO pelil, 2471 E. Hiltl · ~-· * Spac•'o••• 3 s,·,, 2 Ba !)('ls. Avail Ocl 4, 288-""1 tlh•n-Built-ins. D i !l h w 11 sh r r , -----------1 SL. S135 mo. up. 646-1801 • .... .' '" I * 2 Bedroom! UOza, Apt A f'nc:•IOSt'd patio '"' ('as£>. RE'NTALS -:~=--:~-:--:--LEASE, FURNISHED. Pt>n1n~ula, 45' bay frontage ,,.,floaL 2.Story. 5 BR. 4 BA plus swimmer's dress- ing r111 'l!l'/showt'r. Front all Kid!': O.K. A I f . heel Coron• d•I Mir 4250 * Swim Pool. P ut/gt'('en LARGE 2 Bit \\'/~aru,.:c Tiff: H.J::AI~ J·:STATl::H.S P s. umts * f'r1JI, lndiv/lndry fac'Ls SlM. Canl~rlC'r. wa1er pd, c.-c ....... .. ti·l'11"•t REAU.\" Quiet 2 BR 11' 1845 Anaheim Av•. 2176 PlacPnlut i\\'e tAI """"~"\L) ,,.. Gener•I 4000 • • '~ LI.RGE Ft:NCED YAl:J) Covrml patio. :: BR. 2 ha11ls, 1:,l;t~S-Dishv.·ai;l1('f. d1spor;.ol, f1rr(M.acr, • 1Juilt·111~ n U 2 rcfrig, S<'p;i.n11c fn•l'zcr, much. n\Un'~ fa1i'iil1f'~ only. Dbl ovl'n, ell.'ctric slove, $225 mon1h. Agenl : :,IG-4141 ~Pp arat e br o i l er & ro1j::.:::;c-r1e. Wun<~t)' rm EA~IOI::. 3 S'll 2 Oaths ~ Auloniauc garagt' o(>('nc.r. ~good contlW1on. Nb .. val'ant, Yearly or winlC'r. 673-2009. immedia le or cu pan l' y . n15 \\"inter lcaSf'. P eninsula UXll111n. lall 5 4 5 -8 414 I; .;:,..., . 2 8 Cal l~ Snufh Coast !'t('a1 Estn1<> 01nt. ..,....ClOlls r. '" , v.·ri!f' 1\-lrs. Beanlslc!'; 113/ ;t BD!ll\'\ l l3;1th ·r [lOll l. 24J.a.11t>, lliOO Par.1•ay, IWoln-~ ~t.r~l' patlo. Ga~i;r LJL ba1'k ilale OU 9121);. or lot. l~ir1vrrte.r1 . r.cnl or · lra.c;c. $2:ic> n10. ~10-10·1·1 BA. Adults. Unf $155, Frn COSTA 1'11'.:SA 642-2824 636-4 120 Tl1e GORGEOUS New VAL D'ISERE Singl,1 br-2 br. Furn4lllf. Sauna, Act'y Am, Billiards TheraRf & 45' pool. BBQs 2000 1;al"SIOM Rd. 642-8670 SI90. 2310 Sanla A n a . 64>.2!133 \YANTED mature, q u 1 r f employed woman to rrn1 small cozy furn apt. Reli; 573-5784 WHY Rent when you can buy LGE pri bac:h, "'· of ll>1.'Y. '.',()' trailer with 1 BR & BA Crpts. d rp.<:, rf'frig no k1L. Jor $2,500 terms. J -5 Ulil pd. 6~·1 . &)-shor~. Trailer Par k 0 • COROLIDO Apts, 2 Br l,urn. Ov.•ne r (213) 790--1705. S210. month. Ad u J 11 . $120. l Br a pL R/0. retng.1~673-~l;_,'7,;8====== \\'/\V. Child 0 .K. Brokerl· • RENT • 3 Rooms Furniture $25 & UP $273_ 3 Ar 4 ~tlP~I hsr. Pool, bl!ns, wf11•, drp.~. Fan111.v & i;ml prt 0.K. Bkr 534-6980 $95 2 BR, gAI', nr 1nkts. 1 child OK. 168.'i Tu!ltin Ave. No pets, ~12TI all 4 ptn. Monlh-To-f.fonth RC'ntal! \\'IDE SELECTION llf'RC Furniture Rental! BJ:::AU'r. lrir1-:c, pnvalc 2 BR ~111 \V, 19th. C~'. 5-IS.3181 unit. yard. <irps. 1·rpls, =-:~~~~ -----slovr , gar. Sl~.{). t;i3-4(Kl6 $\G:... Deluxe 3 Br, hit.ins. E·Side Locauon. s ma 11 I BR s1n,gl,.. uf!Pf'r apl, el11ltl wrlcomt>. flkr 64:Hllll i;lovr &. n •frii.;. No pets. :~1: .. 08iti Mot•ls~ Trlr. Crts.. 5997 ·rlt.'lll.EH ~P.,\C'FS S50 PER i\ION"rl l • IH6-968l • * BEACH BLUFF * Nr1v 2 & l BH. 2 BA, For\·· Pd au·, d:,h\\·shrs. pat10. pool, V1C\V. J &· l S!Ory. \Valk 10 5 Po1nl Shops. 847.3157 WEEKLY ra!es Sea Lark LA RGE 3 BR, 2 Ba , lololel, 2301 Newport Blvd .. 11r,.r!<1C't'. Sl9l mo. Also new j:C:o:':":::':'':"':::====== 1 BR S\30. Nea r {l(i'an. rin ilf'r l... gar. 202B .I 4th , 536--1319. 673-178-t NEW LUX'URY l & 2 BR PATrQS k BAttom:ES ADULT L;\'ING SURFSIDE CH1\LET 11~'62 Atlanta, :lJ&-2800 'l BR. cpts. drps. bl!-1ns, g;irage. Close to heal·h. pier, shops. etc. 405 8th SL $150. 962-4152 Misc. Rent1la 5999 INDUSTRIAL Unit lot rent or !torage. S60 W. 16th St. Nt>wport Beach, ~17'4 Garaj.?c for storage, 213~ l::ldrn 1 l::ast t $20 mo. Avail no1v 6'12-«34 Income Property 6000 6 UNITS • HEAal 2350 story C.kn MB:F. iArnf' k11. S..y lsl1ndt huge patn, close tu beaf'h, - s l' hoo l !l, s h o p p l n g \\'INTER or yrly, 4 BR. J ha, t'Yft"Ylh1 1"i!:~ $29.950. 961-1377 l1replacf', patio. nr. So. bay. :!,Bil, 2 BA, crpt ~ 8: •h'P"· ~3'1---091!0 Bilbo• 4300 Bltin k11chcn, nr college. $!.'~). 2 Br apt, lower. Pool. CLEAN Bachelor Ap1 s. s1 ::.1. 2 Br v.·/pool &· ('lubhst'.1 ---=~'---'---~=~= Chlldl"('n &: pc-ls O.K. Bkr NE\V 1-2 BR 11p!s. $1:6-$150. tei.->-ll\1 1 Adull!I only, 110 pets. 378 lllo Avocado. ~R-iti20 ~r.o 1 Bll gari:gr apt. ·l"-'---'---=---,-.,.-~ flllrli;il\\' r11rn. Br o ker 2 Br, bllins, crpts & Urpi;. AVAIL (kt 15th. New 1, 2 & 3 BR ap!s. Crpts, drps; start 11.t $125 (>('r mo. :1:1f;....2:1i~ Of WESTCUfF Bcsr rC'nlat arra for LOW, 10111 val';JJJC'Y 111id high re- 1111·0. {.10.-r ,,, m1-1jor !hcJri. 1,111~ ,1• .i \ !•: \\' P 0 RT SC.'1 1 001.~ lJU.\LIIT lrlvest-1 inent 1n an a11-., \\i th unlim- ited futurr-. $110, with temu avr1ilablr! $215. (213) :O.:.lli-;,,i.-,'.) Afl t>r ~. n<>w f11miture. Avail now. All ulil incl is.·, 111• 3 BR hon\f'. lill·1n ran~r. P,kr. 534-6980 '.il:I 1::. Oal hoa Uh ' -.~:l-(1'1~l Ups1a\r!I ApL No pcls. :Jl.i8 Nn sh.Jdents. 6 73-8071, BEAUTTFULL Y Decor. 4 673-:)331. BR. townb:ln3". Asst1mf' --:::::=:::=::::::::::::== carpet.~. drps. Lease Sl7J 1 1o1c01o_~2--o8-,_-,-pcl."""llc,1~w".-::pooc:c1-,I BAI.BOA 67.\-~}I~• m o. Rrls. ~l.16-4400 u11I pd, Child 0 .K.. Bkr 0~1-: l ,,r ,, 1~1~ ap\ ;: BR, p<11nt rd. new ("rplr,. :-'34-6980 J\\usl hf' :>•·rn tu :opp1·1•ci.1l~ Quiet rul~f'-&aC. Large lot. -----------1 Gi;,....3:..711 a!1rr I\ pin I ,.-1-,.. l'lf/. IV/It'. W. WH:wi. ~"l'l:...rrl'liO. .~ · • .>. ur ;,pl • ".! BDlti'l1. 2 BA. pvt pa110, hcatcl! pool, \\'a~!irr hook up. 9132-~1.M ~'-:.:'~ fllA. By o w n e r • S26,J~. 96l-5l9'1.. Lido Isle 235\ (;;11,11.:1' Bah\ .~· 1• I 0.1,.. '.! RP.. rrp1 s, no r...,,~ l\t"<•!..1·1· ,,\-(i l~ll Child OK, u11pcr f.loor, -----=~~,,~-! s 130. • 839-7021 1 Bn, Ienced .)d. chili.Jren ok. SlOO mo. Jst & IECSt reqd. %2-1%1 . CONDO. 2 BR + ricn 11 '11f'l ba.r. 1•; bath, ~~ mile 10 besch. 90-!tiSl 5 BR, % stm"y, by ovme:r Low ifltert.'SI. $32,000. $35m dou·n. 962-l.1 40 N E\fL Y Furni.<:hed 4 BR, 4 Ba. av;ul No1\·, Wintrr or lon~er. (Zl3l 71'9-936.<J or (2131 "7'2..f.691 • Fur11 4 Bk. J HA. Con- 1emp, llf'\l.'IY drc. s.100. Avail '"""'· Yearly, 17141 6:!4-7109 :SliO. '.">48-696j EA!l.l'Sll.J£ J Br hotnl'. llhl gar. AH u11l1t1cs prt. $\f.>6. F'enCf'd yr!. nn doi:::s. M&-J607 :! BH, 1!111"):, f('Tl('('<l yarf\, rlf"wly rl'{!t'l'Oratrd S\40 n10. 6-12 ...ff.i30 s1:.::, " l:r ;1pl rt/O, I\\, =-,-,i"'"7.,,---:''----;i-°'"'°':;-Cost• Mes• •100 L 4400 j 1...,.11 A1·u1l 11<1''· r.n1k(·r ,\VAILABLE 1..ow, 2 BDRM, :C:;;:'-;;::';~;:;;--;-;-:-j~H~u~n~t~;n~l!:'~o~n~B~•~·~c~n:_:::::: d 111· rt ~.·:I ..i{l~(J rrpt!I, rps. l ins. cnrpo . $30 00 Wk Up I ~~---c-ccc l Adult!'!. No pc1 s. ~~~769 ' • s· '"' ., I" T,.,_,,1,., 1\/0. e S1udio It l Br Apt« 1ng e •<'Jrh:. \\;o~h1•r ('hild ti 1..: 2 Bit. b1t 111s, 51:1'.1 (X'r 1no. e K11 che11 & TV ind 1;1,r -,J<1.1;~1 I <"rrt~. (!r11s, p;1hn. No pr1s. e Phone Service & Poul -------~ A1lull!I nnly. ~>18-2':JOO \l J., I Rr. ,.int lo(·;1!11Jn Z BR. 1'pl~. drps, stove, N" pct.~. S\2::1. Othl'r rt'Olal~ alMJ. 9ti'l-3&SG LRG Beach Aptl'i. Yrarly r-.i.te, pool Arlull~. 219 1;,1h St., Apt. 7. l lB. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee Huntington Harbour Balboa lsl1nd 1405 2355 4 BR, :l BA, slrps '" l.1<ih, 2 f~lr'i: S37:•. PH1 Ml-lJIH or &11-2&38 aft 6 pm. • Day, week & ltlonlh 1 · · -srnvi•. No pM.I, 5140 mo. • ~laid serviOQ avail. Young ·'•l11I!~ onh nrokrr til:>-!Jlll 'l HJ{, J 1,s bath. cpts. dr~ :!3ifi Newport Bl\'d. ;.i.~.90.,;. Costa Mesa 5100 91i'.!-31!!1fi I Bdrm. apt.. U11!1t1rs pair!. $80 per mo. 470 Ocran A~·r., ll.B. 20-1:1 Wf"Stclirt Dr. f\&-771 I O,X.n Eftl' :: HOUSES on l lot $39,oo:l approved for Veteran k».n. Will con11\dt>r trade. 5J6..!7'l BUILDERS CLOSE OUT! From $39,9'l) • From. 10'if. rln Immed. ocr1rpancy _ E xcitinj.? Prime 3 & ·I Bedroom llo1nC.!i Builders At:l'n!. 54-Q'i8 Fountain V1ll91 1410 , If.HY PAY. RENT?. Yr. old Span~ J:l)'lr. A.'f· sumc 63.0 t;.;. F1 IA Jean. J BP.., • patio, BBQ, bhn.~. Adj. to · goU eourte. pool_ $2'.!l60~j, CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS i T.>-1 _2 J(D6 E. Coa..q lWJ., Cd M I Vi!.ca11l 4 bdr, 2 ti., 1% yrs old, cor Lot, nr Harbor & WJ,.,'TER: Bayfron!!O -4 BR. 1 Ba.1. 3 Br. 2 Ba. Island ll!ty. 119& Park A v e, 6'7.-ll!O. --Wi',-1,-,-.c4c8~R~_o2cl>a~l.-,-- Jsland Realty 4M P11.rk Ave. 6'7l-1200 4 BR 2 BA CLEANI All Ext:r;1-.: fl.50 ~f>..l:l7:. Newport Beach 3200 B/B TOWl\llOUS\:: Huntington B••ch 2400 A dult~ only, :i Bil. '.!\~ 811. ·:. ; 3 Ill. home, Hu:rrti~ Beeu~. Y-"': ~-"'lq. Shores. bltns. crpL<;, drps, Bay & Beach ds hwhr. Children & pets Re.illy, Inc. =O=•=·=· l02=250"=m=~=·=·l=2-=36!=S2==~ I 901 O<-ovcr IJ1 .. J"B suill'.' U6 645-2000 F:\·""· 5-Vt-6~166 Sant• An1 Heights 2630 l Bolrm fum1shed hous ... all Ut!.htl{'S paid $145 Call 5-l&-0347 e LEASES • SHARP 2 BR !'.!St r.taple hy \\111so11 Ad Its Modem !urnilore. Pool. u roNSTRUCTION Newport B••ch 5200 I"-~----~~ 2 BR. cpl~, rlrpll, stow. Close No pets, $1 55 monih. ~!gr. Longtin. 61fo·6~7~ EASTBLUFF Luxury 51 11gle. 1 & 2 JU'T COMPLETING '''"' ' b<lm•. ' h.o. Cpb.. \JCI:.: ~'urn l BR. ll\' rill, k l1. b edroorn aparln1en l!>, I J rl!·p~.. bl!ns, Overlooking ha. ~111~le man only. P.rf. I f 1,,11.f. bay, Xl11t lur., nr, shup. ,110 inrl util. '.110 l\1ra'1o"' fu rnished anc un ur. Harbor Heights Four I "th I t N'IT' ··1111 ., chu1x:hr~. schools, <>H·. i~u·k l..n (o!I 2386 Santa Ana n1shec , \\'l co1np e c 2 & ~ BP. U s • I I r· J i.lG 1\n1igo.~ Way, ~135 P<..:1' to sc~l & frwy, No pc!~. S12fl. 962-:IAAG 3 on. :l BA . crpls, drps &· lilt1ns. $\6j 1no. • 962-4221 • Westminster 5612 Avl'• Open~ l &11 & Sun privacy and landscap· •l l 1"1\ 1 u·rp ;ires. ,\lo_ Yr!c•. t -.. • • __..,.,.,,.,,.<1,,;rs &. 2 lial\1s. J Jo'LJH,-. & unfum barh &. I Br cd roun ry Crt 1 rud _" j Ri,nfll )!;lna:::rr _ ~ ~ """"& o LARGE 2 BR. Crpts. !!rps. ant.~. rrom $110 f(l il:10. mosphcrc inc ll 1ng 1'.Jr~. C.11r1s!ien!<l'll ) ; hl!ns. Pt-c:1.-r cvup,. .. : .. _::.._:_: A\·atl 1011. O\drr persnn~ $750,000 \VO r t h of I Jl lJ-A Cinna mon Ave. •.-•wr , ... ._ ok. $130. 100!!0 1'.1cFaddcn prr-lrn-<'d. 5l'f' l\lgr, 213.1 recreali0nal fae illlH'<; Co~ta Mesi'! 11:1'J-2'267 or 839-231~ _::Ecldc'c"cA""p1=6.'-oC~.M-. ~~~-I designed and operal· Phone ~1034 \11\GNJVICENT View ln1n1 I=========== liEAUTlFUU.Y r·urt:-. ed just for 5 i n g I e 1 .., .... ,,..-...,..,,...,.,,.,,.,,,,.1 .. very roon1, 2 BnJn1s: Tustin S640 2 Bit. PooL AdultJ.. nu pct!!. I FROM $JlS elrgant carpel, d r a Pr s : -----------Sl~. 2'!76 Maple SL Apt J:: peop C 1 adul!s. Avail ()('!, ]~1 SlaO. THE ASPENS Businna Rentel 6060 \\.'A NTED: Apprmi: 18,000 eq It or l<irj?rr fairly new bldg. ::io. Calif turnifur. chain wan1s locat ion in Calta ~1t'r.<1-Ncwport Beach area. \\/ill consider taking OWT existing lurn1ture store.. All olfcr1< v.·lll bf' held in strict Ph1tiiP \1/. Marty \\'ealherby'! f'umiture P.O. Box 42·17 Sllnla Rnrtiara:. Calif. 93l!J3 NE\V InrlustTial Rldg11 for lease 2:,00 ·"'1 fl. 9<-It. 1639 ~fonrov1a. Ci\1. fi7l-9017. Edingrr, $23.900or •ill trad" l-----------for San Di<-(o home J 1n1 O:u. R!tr. ~1'1-42'34 i &-·1 BP. r1<'l11\r lllufr.~ lnn- 1t.1 }J.l!TI•'" /!<1 !"~ fr11n1 SJZ"1- S 1·i0 mri. Bay vl»w ,t :!l'f'•~n ll't·h It!'·. Al"'J ~···r:1J ,·tlfl1•..- furn , hn111r~ :1\-.111. /or "'1n- 1rr. 642-9..'>:lO ANAHEIM l,n\Ply iv11nhilui<r, 1.ar<.;r • Cati 541\..239'1after6 pr-,1 1-i6:12 \\"i1\1am !;L BR a11!~ hn1l1·1t1s Al~ ~tu·1~~~~~~_,=,---c-TUs1111's pl'{'shgr addn'~ t,IATl'.:AU LA PCJlr>-'T~. :'17 ~ Brnnkhni·..,! I r!l" 11111~· 1 1 ~ h11th•· No <"hll· 2 131{. 2 BA, CID. Piill". Adull tiving, 00 pc-t!I l..ro\Cly 2 Br [urn apl. pv;l il hlk ~-nf !.inc~li •I 11,, 1 ,,, jn'I~ lrpl1·, 1l1sh\\·hr. Nr \V('s t\·hl l ~hag caf'J)f'I.~ 6070 Office R•ntal Westminstw 16\2 J BDR:-01. 1 Balh R.E PO. J:iw down, low peymts. Built-in r ange, oven. f.P. S21 .7""i00. BY 0\VNF:R 642-lO'J2 Laguna B•Kh 1705 1SO DF~G REE VIE\V LOT ol whi1t 11'11lrr /,, N'lJS!lnr. i:mnll b111 lc-w!I. S7.9:.0 v.·Hh $1 ,000 do,.,•n. bal at SS5 mo. All due 3 yn. 491.Jl 37 or 4'.li -1021 i<t:NTALS Houses Furnished Rent1ls to SheN 2005 SHARE 5 BK tio.R, S ba, J car gar w /m alur e, f'mploycd m 11 l c. CM. 64&-105.\, 549-1&13 a~k ~1r. Baker. YOUNG LAcb' delirc~ nt'a! RPJK'lll111g col~ girl In ~hare lovl.'ly 2 Ot• apt. nr OCC. Bkr 64:Mllll \VA NT emr>IQYf!d man lo shatt 3 Br. hnmc. Ilalbon l!i:., \\'ith llUDI'. 673-6994 f'Vf'.S. WOMAN lo sha.re :l Dr Call after 4 pra. apt. • r:rt~T * Nowport Beach 2200 WE 'RE SWAMPED t>fore clients U.. p~rt1es! v..·~ need Hstinp • 10 rcnt & to srU. Plea• c:sll u~ for 11 quick. oourtny appt"11iS<1 l \l.'e v.·ork f'\'Cl'Y rl11.v BURR WHITE REALTOR 2!!01 Ne11.·port Bhd., N.C. fi7:>Cll oALBOA Pl'tm: 2 1<lory S.yfront 5 BR. pier !.: slip. $800 mo, yrly. i 'l>tll.'i Riridle & Roa. Rea.l!onr; li\l F:. Olut Hwy, CdM GRf.AT VI F::W °" m1un bay nr brRr ti. -~ Rr. 2 B;.1 w/i;:11r. \\1inT,.r $300 nm fl:l9 \\'. &y. m.Q45,6.~. LaQuna Be•ch 2705 4 BR. 31'7 blks to bt-h, oce:in- \ lew. romp. N'def', avail to family o r prof,.~«l•..,,al<; 'ti! .lulv 1, 1970. $22:.. n10, m Cajon. 49'H>858 OCEA..'11 FRONT l BR, 2 BA, f1noplaf't', d1n1nt"; mnn1 , lnw- ly g~rrirn, ~a1·. Av;id. now un!il Jufl" nr July ;'.JOO m(), 1111·. ga1·d1>nr<r I.: walPt. 494-3531 aft 6 pm Summ•r Rentala 29\0 /\~:\\ 1'01: r Hf'.IGHT:-.. \\":ilk In f!arhnr 11 1. t)ldf'r 1\111 r·hAtm1ng :1 811. 'Z P .. a homr> f ormal din nn. srpar:i If' f.1.nl rm. 0<11•r 2.l'Ol II . $'ZW ,.,.1·1)(>r1, adult~ no pelo::. :SI5U 111 11 771-4:11'(1 NEAR SHOPP I NG !'Ir. lli6 5 Irvlni· $ 2 no· Total 111r conrti11on1ni; LAGUNA BEACH I U\11. 1941 Pomona. HARBOR Adults! Fnr Appl G-1-i.--02:)'1 ''~J·•rni'h"d EN GROVE '"'"" '" Air Condit ioned 2 BDR:'ol Mesa No. Apl. G ARD TOWNHOUSE l]OLr> i\1t::DALLION. 2 BH. c:v1nnas1ums &. Saunas ON r-oru:5T AVENUE 1'111111 ins. Gar, Prv, Pann ~ 811. CI D. hltn~. ar111l1s nu Arar1n1cnt!I from :Sl:tl [)(>~I.: spllrf' ava.il!bl• l" by mn. or ] yr lease 13100 Chapman Ai r I !!l1 HARBOR BLVD. l"'ts. Lst-S l~:i. ~).\R-J71li( l"o'" 1nforn1a11on 83."'"6&i7 ur ,\"~' offl•'" huilding at c"'~"-c'c""::__' c"'_cC>41>-__ 3c7C-~c. -~-1 1 4 blks W. Mnt11 Arnt (''11.;;'.), ~~~!~E~Al ; t Bl ff 5"42 Laguna Beach S70!. pn1n<> l•"1t;·u!1f"' in •lawntown 1 BR 11 pL romplrtely fu rn, lTI·1l 6.16 .. 1().10 __ '..::_· 1 ·---as u "' 1 .a~1u1.1 Bf'u·li, Air condi- l Bl?. ~I . tJ,1 . 11•·11. lonn;d d 1 n. •·rot". i::nnlrrH'r, l'JllO ir:q 11 , &t&-1•114 plll iu & garg. fl\·;111 St-pl lt l.1\l(\..if; 1 Bn . :.; h ·• r r' -.-N-E_W __ O_E_L_U_X_E-.= \\ ,\t-;~: 11ro hv !hr bli1" !iPllC•I. 1·~1fl)l'll'd. bcauUiul I.ult. <;1:;:, rno. Util oot 11111 NEWPORT BEA CH n1.ir"'~. <'11rp••t<.. rn·:11· :-.<1 , Hr.~·, lJ;i ~ipL lor lea~" t•:1p 1r11· :1.z HJ:, I B;,. I •'nl!'·•ll•'f'" Frunlai.?(! en 'II. •77• C'Oi•lll l'l:,l,7.11, tk.C. :\1 :~1 lllU J",ll. I ll>, -. ,,,<,-..... ·-·1 .. ~.~ ... ,~, ;\VI'., rear le ad! IQ !lfT1~.1 ~·0~~==''""'--,~---_.-fi"Vlllf' .111d 1 lnr l ~p;n· 111n~tr. i<Ui!f', 1!111 " " ·' """-~"" r v•• ., ~c·"'. >714'I G''.>·""·'\ Ai,:1 1'1111 :C.H;-,-~)/!~ I 1 l'rvki•r· M11nr1pn1 pork.inj.? lots. $50 +~JU 2 UR, 2 B A furn. Nf'W pa in! "~ ,,... _, . Id 'I 1 r n1 .~-111,. ;:;1n1ge. au n.1 =c'•'-o•' ~===~~----iwr nlonth fnr 111,11,..e. DM<k Nr i;hpng ~nlpr, N o :! Bit U1uurn, new· t,o 1' •'• ' d11or upcncr :iva d. P ool & REAL ESTATE I I 15 °"'=""'--,..--,=.c---S h B Cl b hll1n!I. No rh1ld1'f'n. 26R~ · '1111l rh;1 1r,~ 11va ilnbe OI' •· i\"!·.'\V Tu11•nllnu~1·, 171kl sq. 11. <'h1lrlrcn or pets. 646-6122 out ay u rrc. an•a. Nr . Catholic Gen•r•I Bnsiriess liour.o; an.JWering ~ B R. ran1 rn1, 742 Am1i;;os • Nassau Palms • A rt t S.Jnla .A1:a Avr., An1 I Cl\! lh11rf'l1 !.· ~,.hr.11 & Corona .. ~-----srrvic-e a v11llatll~ IOI' SlO. \\'ay rr7>50l1 J & 2 BR. Pool 1 ~==='P=·==m=a=n='==~='='='=:'=========: tll'l J\lar 1!1.,:h. Rent1ls Wanted 5990 All uti!i!u•s ]>aid ~I 2 BR Balboa apt adJ ~=====-====I 77 E ~· "'2-'"!~1 · -e ONLY S2 ... i5.e -----beaches/pier .JT.,.$:WO ,\·kly. -1 . .uiwr SI. .,.. .w:i · 200 N I B h '200 Pt:ftS0N A13L!•: ~rn!lrm11n trlrphonr. Newport Shores 3220 1~~~~~~]~::;~UiN=•w~po;;••;;B;o~o~c~n=;;;·~:;;;:-:;;;;;;;;r:;;~•;•;;<;;;;;;;;•;;;~!ru .~i:-, A mlf!"~ \Vuy, N.B. '' ·· DAILY Pl',..,.. 53&-3911, 67~5&10 I l BR. util, no garg. $100. ---··ulturrd \\'hlh' n111lc robr.r. LIV ' BUSLEST mark.-1ptacr in F. m PI o Y,. d . non-'1lloker, TO\\ NJ rousi::s new l & ·I Occup. \Vri!er sccks re.fined 222 r ORESf AVENUE to~·n. Tile DAILY P lt.m ~~~~·r 2Sho~:· 2 1~'0Zn~ lady. n-.fw. ~1848 Grand Openint -lmm.diat• Occup.11ncy BR . Encl gar;iges. 7a2 secluded I Br oct'&n apt. LAG UNA REAOi An111!TI1' \Vay. £7!)....1130 or \\linter rate!'., rea.scnable. 49+!J.1f.C ~S::'.~n1~1~~~:;,: ;:~~'. ~7r-!). ~~ ~~~ ~.1':tr.u~~~: OAKWOOD lie='="='="'=;='======== \Viii sharr. Prefer Laguna . OFt'ICES now!~! Rea.I F..slatf'l'lll ~71 71 R18-177l eves. 5250 845-9555 Burhank roll. Rcceptioll-Answerlrw ~==========~======--====°"============Ill IC __ o_•_o_n_•_d_e_l_Ma __ , ____ \YANT '" r .. 111 largc l BR Scc1·rtanal G•n•ral l000Gener1I 3000 Gen•r•f 3000 The best of two words · · · 1 1~1t. v1,.,v nf l)ay. no apt, 2,000.2.~iOO SI\ It. NB· .t.IJ Ncw~:t1~\vd .. N.B. Your home and your country club •·h1lrl1rn, idc;il for ne11'1y CM-0r La~una arf'a. on S@\\.il~ -1'£tfis· Sol,,. a Simple Scnunbled Word Puzzle for• Clnod<lc ' e~ f1,u I I I I I I lmnl I I r e _____ ......_ ... SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSlfl~ATION 9000 d "''d~. ;::-,~n ,<:i•;1vi,,1v A v •·· 1 )'t'arly lea~. Adult arra-No J.-or Ua11y Pi!nr \Vnnt Ad:s Fo< your home, 1elect from 1ingle, on• en ~, d OJ.\!, f'\."r'.<: 6il-2R2l pct!':. ''l\li\lrr'': ~9-1-11119 1 Via l &f2-561 two bedrocm apertm•nf1. Furnish• or un· furnished , each ;, profe11ionelly decorated and include1 c arpetin9, dreperie1, e ll-electric Westinghouse a,ppliance1, 1 tor_ a g • space epler.ty end pri ... ate be1cony peho. Just 1tep1 from your door is· • whole world of eJrclu1i¥e ccuntry c lub recr•efion: • Profe11ionel 1iz.• lennis Courts • Resi dent T•nni1 ~rofe11ional end Shop • Olympic 1i1• Swimming Pool " Whirlpool Baths • Paddl• Tennis, Volleyball, Bask•thall Courts ' And e 20,000 squere foo t clubhou\1 offer~ th••• fHture1: • S•perate M•n'• and Women'• Health Clubs with Saunas • Indoor Golf Dri ... ing Ra nge, BiUie rds Room • Theatre TV Lounge, Art Studio, P•rty Rooms Mod•ls Op•n CJ A .M. to 9 P.M. Daily OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS 1700 . 16th Str1el, Newport Phon•: 6'4 i -8 I 70 Bea c:h l \ l , ... ___ _ General Office Rental ' . VJ~dnr~dJJ, Oc'lOb~r l. 1969 BUSINESS and ANNOUNCEMENTS FINANCIAL ind NOTICES 6070 Bus-. Opportunities 6300 Found (fre• Ads} 6400 MODERN Air condilione(I CANDY ~UPPLY BEAUTIFUL long ha1rt·d suite, 17th SU't'e1. Costa ROUTE calico le1nttle cal about G !>1esa. Ovl'!r 700 square !eel, AFFJLlA1"E n1os. old W('aflng pink & $2-10 per nionth. Parking • 1No Sr-J11ng l11v0Jv1'dl while 1'ollar, vie.. Jltlrl>or cotlee roon1 j 11 n i I o r Ext'l'llcn! h11.:un1e 101· rc-w View Hills. ti41-Jl17 or Sl:'f\'l~ t:ll utili1ie5 in-hour~w1•Pkl,v wn1•k (Days(lr 1'44--0211 e luded. l'hone r-.r r. Rifr <'l't·1ung~). lt('l1Hng & ('QJ-1 6=n7i•=F"C7A7'7E~"~.-1 ---r~ ., .._..,n a1nu1~ 1m. {H'.~!)6()0 le t'llllJ.:: l!H)!ll'Y fr<i~n ("l)lll partant pap('rs. f>;am1• IS 011 * * * * When You Want it done right ••• PILOT-ADVEl!TISE~ J8 115 & EMPt:OYM NT Job W•nfed, Men 7000· PRODUCTION control Jr!r d ~ s i r f' d by experiefAd Young 1nan. N e a f ap-- pearwice. xlnt refs. 5'16-1563 EXPERIENCED Plain cook, Sle>1-'arrl & butler. Local rcfrrences 494~2376 ------ Off.ICE SPACE OfJ<!ralcd d1spe1i-;eri< in Cosl& the t'ase. C:>ll ;i n() 1dcn!ify. 1'~1•sa & ~uITl)undinJ! area. Has bf'l'n sl1g,hlly clan1;1i;;et1 Call one of the experts listed below!! Job Wanted, Women 7020 . JSGO .U ~"\'('wj'l01i Bll·(L \\ 1· c~t. !\l\l11". lllandlcs by traffic. 61HOll3 36() sq , f1 . fw7llSh('rl nanH" bran(! canrly &1--------------- \111h util prt . ~i16-'.191il snacks) $1575. ca~h re· ABANDONED while kitien, I CO--,"f-A-,-,,-~------o-l_li_e<_··i:-.-,-,~C·,I q ul!'<'rl. Jo'or l)l"rlIDnul in· ,l\reen ""Y""· I blue eye, Nd. 1<'1'\'I('\\' in C~!tl Jl;Jesa atTa, hOliH' OJ' [>OlH!d. 6~'.!-4•1:2•1 <'rpts, rl111.• Pa1·king_ Ve1)' IJ. " k ~"1111 11an1>', ;.tl<lrt•ss & phone S,1-'LL bl,11·k ,.,,,, .• , .• ,,,11, !111.'(" r-i !t'<'S, !¥1!'1 oa Cl', "' " v ~ ·.i&-4.~90 1H1111bPr \() 1\11,1111-Stalc Irie .. & Ed1ng-('r, ~.,\. red flea Whaddye Wint? Wh1ddy1 Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Special Rate SERVICE OIRECTORY Asph1lt, Oils 6520 DP.LUXf-: nfl1..:1• i11 C1Jsta ille.~a, i;i00 sn rt. /\1r r·ond, <·rpt s, drps. ~tlls-67t\1. !)()J7 1:, linpcn:d Hiry .. t·ollar. !21 31 ~:11 ·:.!l·l:I Do11'n('.\, Calif. ~'Xl2-12 C'.!l :1 • CIRLS hirv('l<', 1•1c. Grahtun 5 Lines - 5 times -S bucks RULES -A,0 MUST INCLUDE ~EALING & PATCHING Rcslrlential • Indus . ,Conic'! Comp] n:as sc1-v. CurrenUy engaged by Cily of C.i\I. for streel restoration. St;J----0!'7L &· E<lini;c1·, l!H 1-W11ot ~~" "•v' 11 lr1a.. ~Wh1! vou wont In l r&O.. l-YOVll: Pl'lnne 11'1<11"' 1ddrti1. ._5 11'"" (II odver1i••n1. ~·!7-119-l ~NOTH ING FOR SALE -TRADES ONLY! LITE MANUFACTURING PHONE 642-5~71 Commercial 6085 CHEY rabbit. 546--Jl46 or :119-:IBSS To Plac• Your Trader's Paradis. Ad -·LIVE UPSTAIRS WORK DOWNSTAIRS \re· h:.i\ r a still61 11 111 iul, 11 t•ll construcl('d ~Hirr IJldg_ l1Jr ~alc-in 'Balh<•:• \\'llh a l~r apl. 11I011V<'. Co1il<l Ii" u~ri.I 10 1' a \'i1 1·ir1y of p11rposr~. 011·n1·1· 111 1i::llt 1·011.~idPr li·asc BURR WHITE Rl-:ALT0 11 ·" . ,-. . \V0i\1J::NS i;l<1S.'il'S, vie. h'-llC'<'rls as.."'1( 1,1lc 111th n1anage. J\I· ·t .1 CJl.f fi4?..filOt nirn! an1.t I or enginrrring ,u :.. orr, '1 • • haf'kg1·011ni!. J\1anufacturcr 2 GASE.\1.11 dogs nr. 191h •"- 1n pro~ran1 fvr 11;11Jonn l dis-Pomc.na. Ci\1 6·16--:!lGO , , , ... Lr1bu11011. $2:il). per 11·k. to ~l 11t·t plu~. ,-.qua l sharl.' 11r Lost 6401 pl'o'tfil <. rn activr party \Vilh ~_:c:. _________ ;:..:;:..: S12.:..00. ~·a5h. Should "<1sily SI~i\1 ~.S~ Srol p111nt. ma!c n1•1 !!wle\'icct puny s~5.000 k1t1t'n , " 01(111._ 1·1c of 1800 lil'St yr For persona] intrr-block <-:ala.xy Ur., Dov1•r :!!lOI /\'f'1\·[J(ort Rlvd., !\'..H. v1,-.w, ~-all 71~·871-29.12 (9. Shof<'s, No l1k•n(ificalln I iiiiiiiiiii•'-'';.···'"'•'"-lliiiiiiiii-6 P~!L !;,g~. An~l\'PfS 111 "Grog." 1, 1-----------1 &12-2:~~!1 or ;i 4 9 . 2 19 5 Investors Attention! READ THIS Rew•nl. Roadster, Dodge cng; 101·k· fl1!e trans, f'hrm !rnt ('nd, radius 1U()s, drag 1vire whls, 'b"9 lie. T rd V\V Bus or ? . Grrg 6~5-14·11 , !ndus t, incorn,, on Plael'lllH• va[u(' SJj{),000. 'l'r<1U<' 1 r:; for elear Cali/. ljus, JH'OJl. b;1!a11<''<' T.D, or· ~ Ownrr 5'18· lJ42 TfL\DE: F;ist. JI' OJyinp--Rn fiberglass i;loop Inboard. £xlren1Ply roon1y, irleal fa111i!y bo111 for sn1allcr I.Joa! 50' f1 unlagr on Ot<'<in /\vr, LOST brown ,~. whl1r ll'Olale ol' ll'hlltevcr. 842-2408 in /luntlng1011 GParh. 11'ith '.~ln1 fur rr l1rrd prople Pi:·kingrsr ... ~11ssv Sup''. S.1(.'l"lfi<-..'t:!! L35 ac prime «on1n1rre1al !Juild1ni; 111 rl'al', J<'n 111g1t1 bPlll'n 6 'r., 8 11n1. C-'1 land ll'ith ·1 bldgs, ~. 11-11~1 Sl:.0 n1onlhly 111(;on11'. If yoLr 11·an1 '1 part or lull Vu: Crofl!lon .~· B.1!1<'1', C.!'IT. 'I s ,. • TR !"' 000 "a1n • 1, "·''. . o<J, Full price, $::;1,000. tin1e opportunlly 1o make RE\Vi\f{J)~ ~r16--3!H!l l'q ty for TD's or ~?? PACIFIC SHORES REA LT\' mopey in a bu.~incss of Your L \OTES ,i·alk•I v ·, C, t Bkr 5·17"G469 ,",:lG-8894, l::vi'i' . .S~:f.S7'.!li 0'1'll. For {'.'Ht111ple S200o in. · · u.: tn er I ~cc."""°'""'"'""===~ vestn1ent ·an nrt SJO ii•kly St, CM or 3rd Ave .. L.1gun3 • C!JEST TYPE FRE:r:z. FOJ{ rc111-1,:: acre 101, !\!-\ by ,:pcndi 1~g ·1 hrs '111aking Beach, f'i·I ~/1. V;1lu~~l.e !·:n FOR GOOD BADY tone. Con,plclclv fenced \1'/ drliVl'l'lf'S. P fl Pc r 11. Rl'1vard. 1[19-~Jti9 B £~D. 2 Jge g;i1cs, ~·111a!l ollicc, _;_,1_1._,_··--------·e TAULE & CHA IRS FOR $17:1 1110. ;}\S---6:ID-l C11ll ''lr Tlion1as LOST Irish Sr11r•1-, 1n:dr. J Srl:'..'REO, ~8-3365 FOi~ Ht'nl '~ aerr Jul. ~1-ll---~"~14 1 :!:n -6.'.1SS mo, i11 \'l!'ll1ily Vil'hJ1'1a & N.P.. beach, C l, Coast fi1vy. i (Jnr. · cornplrtr ly fr tH'<'d ENCO Nrwp orl Su n El'(' Sepl , '27 . rln111 , Laguna. 13 u, :2 ll'/'l (j,:c g<tll'S, sni<tll o[-l'tf'V.'ard. 6Hi-7:l2l!. ~hops, Take TD '.~. land, fi!·c .. Sl7Z> 1no. :ll.~-630.1 6 YR old n1alr (,'()Ille, l.1oat, ?? l or $6~!1-f rq, Ila. 1-:::::'::=::::':=======J Huinbl~ Oil &· J{cfining Co. ovcr!>;izcr!. Vil' Vic!Clria & J.rl \Van-en Bkr. 499--2001 I R I 6090, has 11'\·ll localeri seL'Vicc st:i-Frt'edon1 homrs, "MaJor ·· Ii Uni!~. Pal ios. 011'ner's 3 lndustria en __ t•____ l<_on n. vailalilc in Costn i\frsa, ,.12_1"1.-1 u flr_ 2 balh + ·1-2 RR., J.l Near nf'w brautiful ltallan Contelk• Accordian, F"u!J 120 bass. Orig cost over $450. -For 2nd car 01· ; ? No junk. NATO CORP. Gen'I Con11·actor.1 6:)8.5818 Babysitting 6550 l!rlcn, Gl2-824:J. \VOULD like pl:iynlate for IXfl" Jcvul ocean virw lot 111 my pn·-schl clnltl. n r San Ckn1en1c. Sl6,000 fre" N ewport/Pal1saclC' & o.:!ear, For improved; San ~10-4700 Diego pre ferred, LICI::NSEU Day ..: a L' e. 01vner, 549--1Cll6 11·eclidays, infant tlu'll 5 yrs. 9 Units S12,;,{)(), S4:!.000 So Coasl Plaza ar e a. C'quity, inds 3 BR bsr 5.) 5-19-A038 :t :l(IO R-1 IQt. Long Beach, \\/I LL b;ibys1 ! n1y Cdi\l For hriieh home, ranl'h or'1' hon1e, any shirt fdays, n11es Agt 5.1G-HIS.1 :.!1:1:. 597-8111 or by !he 1~ekl RC'asonablc. !'itrall'g1c airport t'ntr11nrc Any age child. 67'1-GtJ6:, r1·op. Vacant, zonf' C~2. BABYSJTI[NG r-.1y hoine, 50,6~0 sq II. Priri> Sl52,000 fncd yard & t'On1pnnio11s. ci{'llt'. A slcC'pcr_ f.~or rant·h, J lot lunches, hr or wk. bl<,vfront or ? Ol\lnr 673--66J:) ti-tS-JS74 Trade 3 houses on lot in' .O!OCTIC.ClCE_R_o7J-o-,-.,-,-.,-il-il-,,~,11l Gardl'rL Grovr. Income SJ(l0. carr !or child ol 1vorku1i; for :l brlrin. 2 bath in llunr. Jnolhrr. f-'cncrll y a rd. 1ngtQn BPaah, units, or ?? ? 5'\S-5214 Owner 842·2219 BABYSJ'lvf!Nt; days, n1y '67 Ford Cust, 4 di', R & 1 l, honir, no niin, age. NPai· auto, nc1v tires, VALUED Pa ularino & ~,a 1 1· y i e 1v . at ll:-io:I, TRADE lor equity neasonable ~1-IQ-9200, in real estate or ~ Call -----------673-!l\IG e.ltPr 6 PJlll. BABYSl'ITING. fliy hon1e, i\.1sea del Illar. Any a~ $36 i\1 !;hc1·man Oaks 3 BR, \Velcomrd. 5-W-3003 2 BA, Ip, sluclio, lJ"(-cs, S9 lll Builders 6570 Builden 6570 • Add A Room • Apartment & Units • Custom Homes • Kitchen Experts • Two Story SpeclaHsts FREE LAYOUT & DESIGN 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE CALL NOW OP'IN WllKDA n 675-7191 SAT. & SUN, AJ'1TS, AVAIL. IN OUR OfflCI OR YOUR HOMI • CORONA DEL MAR 2435 E. COAST HIGHWAY • J\1ATURE 11.·oman wants general ott1ce work, ~ perienced. !\!oving to I..aM Forest. 533-1277 Ex~r RN de~in-s 11'0rk in Dr's office. E.xlnL ReJs. 846-4821 \\'ILL care for elderly person in my home. Nune. Good ref. 642-4113 F /c Bkpr -sec. Thru P&L 15 yrs. exp. 536-Tl48 BOOh."KEEPING. accounting lni.lned glrl wants worll in Jf.B. only. Call 536-3010 Job Wanted Men & Women 7030 COLLEGE STUDENTS AVAILABLE lor all types of work. Part time. Call: Southern California Coll-s1• Student Employment Service Kl 5--1178 • CHINESE live-in. Domestic, Penna11en1. Experien~. Far East Agency 642-8703 Jobs-Men. Wom. 7100 ACCOUNT[NG Clerk o r assist. bookk~per. Somf' credit rxp_ C1erica1 s\dlls, type & 10 key adder. Neat, personable, train to take ehar_ge of office rout)ne4for a c61iim'I finance co. Penn position. xlnt future, 40 hrs, $400-$500 mo. to s 1 a r t ~.lCil ~q . 11.. ·! offices. :; pha~<' po11 cr, ~~JO n10.- L'O~\<i '.llr~ No invesl111cnt rcquln•(J Hl l~----------lirc~. ball<'t'll'S, acc·cs.~,1r1cs, LO~l Cul1(•0 1;a1 ~) y rs old. BR. Cnsta Mrsa. Tratlc fnr II I 1 I C 1 lantl, Fortin, Rltr. &12-:-il)OO gasnllne or n101or 9il. !furn-·as no rn11 f' a\v.~. o~ a rqly, f'ur older house? 131,. \VILL baJtysil Cor sn1all child " J '-g , 1 h Gardening y<i n:!. t·oa~t or inland, Oivn. or 11•or .. 1n n o e r . 6680 flepending'On exp. 644-4684 ALTERATION ASSISfANT Landscaping 6810 experienced In women • s :;,-000 .~q . 11. 11aJ·l'hlll.ll>C nr !lllillUfac!uJ'ln)'.! UJ'f'<I, S2:./:> mo-Costa 1111·)>;!. ble pays all uHlitic.~. })JUIP· M C·.~ a!'ra. S:X! rr·ward. MDl·A W i'stt·lil! Dr. NH. 1ncn t 1t'rital availab!,-. to li,:''c'"'c3C2Cli~C' -------Fabulous 1nuu111uin ni::ins1011 qualified ind1vi<lual. For in· FOUND. lri~li Si•llrr. Cos1 a on lake. lnf l. SZo I'll 1r,1.1 lorni.ation. ('alt Bill \\'ood 1>1rsa. Call & idrnlify, quality rurn, $1~ M r•le3r. day.~ 836-6661. Eves & week-:,J~0.'\6 \Van1 similar l10111e N.B. or <'nds 5-f.,9526. _1Lc0cc5"c._==.-Bcl>•-·--k-----Laguna, Bkr. 646-07~::' 1:;,0tXJ ~ri-f1 _ Nrw l,u1lll 1ng, " L (':JI , 1 wlule I • 'I J TR . .\DE 2.filO sq ft tJus11w;<;s {'U~lnn1 11 l1crs. I r v ine AUTOMOTIVE ll'h1skC"r, \i u·. ·1 ~! s, Bu boa, I I I I .7~ 1..--.nral: off1el' 01· 1'f'l:1il ~hop Jndus'!J·ia ~tir~. ready or PART TIME .. NB. R l'war1.. 6 ;r~~}()4 fOL' 2nd TD'~-:.!l 1·2Cl 6:.'n<l occupAJl<'Y FULL TIME STRIPED S1a111esP C'al. 6 f;t, Np1 B"'h. '1'''!l"r. f ~J:H " -&-1-,,.·1{'[' Ollr U('<'OUlltS lll._\•lllf ITI_ns old ... ,v.1r Vi('\oria & 1.14.:1101, ('V(" 111:;1 ~16-0700 r . Rnho•rl ,.altr1·ss l~llr. . \\ J 61 1480 ar~'a. Ca ~h inv.,~uncnt S2:f..0 1 son. --· Co~1a J\lf'sa i;.1i-1~R;, prol(•c1rrl, R<'(o•1·rno ·r~ r .\. P ET Racoon, r ed <·o!!ar & J Room Joi; (':>Inn In TrabU· l~ENT \J.1. \12:'! 91 H. Sllii i·hanged. No1 a 11111lr' 1JJ' bell. Vic Aliso Cnyn, flliss-i·o (;1nyon. Pd S1\000 P<Jly. !llO. l~J.I l.llgan, C.\I. \'('!Kluig. Parl 111nr l'arnings ing 2 \\'kl'. ~99-310G TP.ADF; f<1r d1est•] /1sh1ng l~=~~cGcT:c~-'•_1_16~~~-,I $17.l per ;v11. No :-;ah.>sm••11 ~!In Doxi lost !l zt vie ShJt-1111111 , ,1)~1-6'.:70 \.000 SQ. FT .. nr. Jl'-'rhur & plea.SC'' t all o-ullr•·t (714) I '!· ,,_11 , I" v Rrwat•d "?" -,.,,,n ,,, r r 1• a "" , · '.!fl' Crntury t"'lllSrr<·w cru1~. f;a\\rr, C.!11 Avail. <J! nncr·. '-"•"""'-"''" >'\'I .. :• C.·11 o,1·.1.~.01·• " " " ,. r•~ in l){'(IUl1lul (·ond. t..· fllll,v SU LLl\11\N .>10---4tl9 --_ _ _ 'd •· I S:i,000 [~' VOU At·r Nfl\\" LARGE Gray licrr-str<pi'll "1lP . r Or' I""' 1"~1;1tc nJ' Lots 6100 Ownrr .~a.v.~ rrrlu<'e prl!'r cat Vt('}''.. Bmad\\·ay. V"l"Y .sailOO<it. Value SfY.1(10. A1·1 -o:::_ ______ _;___; 1 · J c JI o -_,c ™""' ~haw 827-0963. -ln1n1 s1:.,ooo lo only $JO,OOU l ~''"~'~1 ~.~,~=':":0:'"~'=~·~::"'= i ift::~=i;;;;;;;;;:;:;J--;;;;: Attention Builders and 1ust :55.00(1 rlown. for I HAVE· <'on11TI•·1·•·1.1J lr.1, CORONA Dt:L il\AR, · Two this fine ;\lr·>:H·~u1 foocl hand-Personals· ·MOS el<'ar ~l:i,!)00, Lake Arro\\'- rt-2 11'\"~'I ln1•· (i(I' \' 11~' · l)Ul r••st;1 urant, nn h us y l------·-----head $1 0,00') clca1·. \VANT: (l11e 11·1Jt1 <>lil<'r '! Brl rm. t 1 t il l 1" \ I • h < h ar iur l'(I. .ood lca..~C'. !!! Attentio n Bea !!! 1 u·p auc or 11· a you ai r . 1\0111/' ~.i1ur1 of P:u•ifl(' Coas1 fully •'quipprd nnd \t'rll • . " B1~1ker. Ill 689-S.~01. llfghwa,,v, -s;,S,;.flll Till~ i•sl :iblo.~hf'rL Br 11 canitalisl l oll are 1nvl\rd l<l 11 f;ini. Rr:,\L E'STATEHS. G·lli-7171 ,.,. '''"-,,.,-,.rt o[ ,·· ,.,,. i~ /'111"1y (·11:n11'1llfll'l•1i!1[; HAVJ:: '_:,_hr, COllV t!rh, f,I', " " '~·-' .. -1· !'3 ha , 1750 ;;ri fl ; al~o 8 01' ij7;\S.:1;,/), l"<"ll[J,•<·.·. (',•<Ji V", l "I '"1"1JO' 11\{' dill(' of}() uJf1h , 'I>)" , u ,, ,.., '-' ·u· Ctl<'llll1on~a. $:,~Ill, Trd: ll .,.,J 1·.s<•.11"."·" 6·\6-7171 Tinl''. , . ,-,_, . lJunir or unJls, NB, ('~1. HORSE RANCH -Cain L aundry Washers U1~~'llli••n ~1 3 ZS4-'IW3. Bux 96 S<in r.a. ~p;u:'1ou~ lnl, good liv<',d1lr 2:0 pink 1.11,. l..: inodC'l 1vash· Co111.1et nnr (lf rhr thn'r .I'~. l ~h~i·ic•·ol,"Cc'=·---------~~ hornt> wuh H t·orralls at only er$. Xlnt n1el'h:.n1ral 1·01xl. ••••••••• \\'hat do you bave to trade? s::7.:iOQ 11·1ih tr rn1s :.!O yP li<1w 1·;1dy I{ ·n1ocl{'! List it J1rre -in Orange 1~,\CIFT · .')llORES P.E'.ALTY washt•J'-~. 7 turquo1~f' J<11e r,· Coun ty's largest read trad· l•'•"•'~"~',;·.-... ,,..~:.1··"···-,.•,1,,·2,,-~1,,1,.11 1 rn0rlel s All 1%6', S...r 1hr.m ing past -ar1 make a deal ·on lr:lf'3fior?.-. 1' 1t ; * Acr age 6200 C.Oin-O .. \Jat1r .J-:qu ipn1('nt, l ll('_ Pl"(:']_')) 781-:i3(}:l li15--1808 COMPLETE Havr ~>2,;'i()Q & $1 75.000cqu. \VlLL Babysit your hon1r. hy YARU i\fAI NT, 1111·s. Client.:; rlt'Cd added ilu: '\'eek. You furnish Sprinkler· installed t.. repair. la,\: shelter. \Vant prop_ to lransp!)r\ation. 612-1407. I'd, New lawns, cleanups. l 300i\1 & SROOJ\I. Slavin, Licensed chi.ld car, for l or Monthly Ser.rk:e. Realtor 6·12-6222 2, age l ·:i. N, 0.1. 5 days.1 ____ _::"68=.·109'28=·=---- Bilyvic'v BlufJs _ J Bfl. J ba 546-7800 NEW Lawns re-seeding. :;pJil lcvrl 1\·/thc quirt elr-Con1plete lawn care, clean ganl'I.' vt a roun1ry honlf'. Brick, Masonry, •fc. u.p by job or month. Free $1 ~,(Weq. FOi-! TD, 1nt'onic, 6560 estimates. Call 84&--0932 •lr ? ? ~ 6!-\ .. \26~ AL"S GMdening & ' -, ... BUILD, Rl'n1odcl, repair. i..a ~" 5 a~'N'S 1niillH'C' .~n·o1·ar10 Brick, block, concrete, l\1aint<'nanee. CommerciaJ, Fall l)l'OOk. S·IOi'if. EQuil; cnrpcnn·y, no job too small. indus!rial & residential. ~~ti.OCU. i;·or houSC", u1111s, ? Lit. Contr. 962--6945 l-~~0*_64_\;-7J629~-*--- H,.,t1 i\tou, H1t1dll' Rlty * E xpert Japaneie 6·!G-~.~ll. S.~2-Q.l:i7 <'\/!'~. Bus.int•• Service ~562 FINEST WORK G46-!YJ84 ~;::i'1'_1'tl~;in~1:11~1a17('1~1·~~111~: SMILEY'S E:1:p'd Japanese Gardefl<'r. Cnn1p!e!c yard l!ervlC'e. 0 1' !lll'OITl(' J)l'OJ~·rt y. Bus· 1"ness Serv1·ces frre estim:itc. 510-1332 P.alboa Bay Pmpo'!'Tll'_( '.!:;((! \V. Balboa, NB 67:!-.7·!20 THI::!!: Ser.ice, general yard \VILL E:XC.1-!Ai~G E: J!.IG..~ ca. Ta:-:l's , ho<1k kccp1ni,;. tnulual cleanup. Ro!otill & sprinkler n1aro :;77 P S, ll&H. ;iuioina-lt1n1!s, 1nsurnncc, Rt·;il E s-serv. 64&--5848 11r', Raly Sport, ~'OR Real ta!r . r1t'. l-'rPf' q 11 o I" ll. Cut&. Edge Lnwn F:~t:itc or TDs. Jean Sn1ith 6,16-96fii Anyhnll' &1'2-??ll J\lainlenance, Licensed f:eallor. frl&-32">5 TYPING !Bill Se I e <' Ir 1 c. 5--JS-4S08/549---l!rn alt 4 :: At'l"-'S of land in No. Calif, Fast, rras, a e cu r a t e. JU.I'S Gardening & lawn (;orid hunting/fishing art•::i, lllan11scnp1s, \hesis. tcrn1 n1au1tenance. Re~. & Com- ! Aerr near Oruvillc Darn. 1 cr_0cP'_<>_._6_7_'"'1l_l_<_•_1_1_6~r"_'_ men~ial. * 540-4827 Tl'ade for \){'ach 1"C"al rstate. 1 -----------Generaf Services 6570 6682 011'n"r 21 3: 'l87·0091. 196S 47' h\'1n <l1rsrl /1!.wr- glass houselxiat. a~'a/', for 1nco1ne or ;icrcagc. Builders R EM 0 DEL--Adc!itions-Cab- incts-Block f,.,nces-Concrcte 11·ork. &12-9fl52 CARAGE Doon ScrviC('C) k. Rrpaired. General House 1'1111int. $10. niin. 67;...5384. HILLS & SLOPES our alterations depL a miJ!I. ~l>Ccialty. Next yeaN; '?uin Ap.. 11) to .-4 !"m , 1vill be \VOr~ .. Get pn> APROPOSK-29 F a l! h I o n lection now! CID 495-0811 Island, N. . • • Masonry, Brick 6830 RICHARD AUEN l--~A~S~S"IS~T~A~N'"T.-~I DIRECTOR 11 to 7 Shilt, Custom & Spanish NURSES AIDES-LVN Masonry A SJMcialtyl Expcrieni:ed orily. Large l'!X· Block, Brick, Concrete tended i:an>. ho~p1tal has Free Est. 633-2343 openings on 11.ll shifts, ROY ALE' Paperhanging ~6-6450 cP_•~;n~H~n~g~ __ _;6'1:::5~0 J 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ NEED PAINTING? Call us! Reliable Service w/ Quality at its best, a l the mo~'t reascnahle prices. }'rl'e estimates. :,.\8-6002 i'.:XTERIOR pain~ing, guar. work. 3 BR ~tucco $275. $40 Down, $20 mo. Cotlta Mesa only. Not a "moonlighter". :H0-392·1 SUBURBAN Pa\n!in~/Dec -E:1:pert Guaranteed Work Fft'e est. No job 100 large or too small. 494-3190 P AI~TING Int &: Ext Lowest contracted prices. Fully ins. Satisfaction gtUU. Free esl J in1 Weeks 673-ll86 INT &. Ex.L_ ..a.vt;piie 3 br • llsE'. · 1aoor 'onl1 $127.50 SAYH CASH! Read The • 673-3114 * * Hauling 6730 642-0--1:1.':i after S p.m, * C1rpentering 6590 YARD/Ga1·. c l e anup , PAINTING & paperhangin;. 1 --:-~-------:i:~i,.p, \\', Va lr11r1n Dr. Tl\Ff, CQU;>lTrtY lN D\1\-F ul k rl{•ll, (';1l!f, '.'125--78:\.l Mt'.SND BAIL I\ \Try "\· 'l'J-~AV l;.L AC;t::NCY for sa l•'. '11Jnh'. Ian,! •l<'l"'l0~>!111'nl 10 Nt'11 [Y11'! Br.aC'h, 111'11 l-'n 't' Bro (il11re . I.. ANNOUNCEMENTS I ANNOUNCEMENTS and NOTICES and NOTICES Personals 6405 1 Personals 6405 CARPENTRY I\I!NOR REPAffiS. No J ob Toe Small. Cabinet in gar- ages & other cabinet5. 5-15-817~. U no answer leave msg at 646--2372, JI. O. Anderson Rf'move trf'rs, 1vy, dii1, Reasonable. '.!5 YM; exp. tra{'[nr b;.~·khor-, 1;r ad e Gennan skills. 642-1321 9137-874;, PAINTING, Papcr1ng 16 yrs. CLEA1"l' UP & lite n1ov1ng i11 Harbor ert'a. Lie. & lx>nded. Re~. furn. 642-2356. DAILY PILOT 1•slahl 1~hrd, .--. x c c I ~ 1• 11 r Co a 1 s P, 1' o k r I', '.101 :-!. I I I 1T11ul;1tion, lJ d~ ;11! ;1p-llarhor. S<inT;i Ana !'J.:1-()~.1[) 1 .--------;----: ~ J~ll!l l1n!'t1I~. J\\!ll'l'S J!l!!\111£. x~ f JOl\'N, $!S P )·. I{ il!(J , ~<'~ OOCI. 714/67'.j-171~ .--.1•r _o;_ Si!'l:I. }'ULL PH.IC!'"'., b1 1~,, 10 ·----- arp·« in S:O. C.[llif. I, Investment Oppor. 6310 ~h1·11/{']t , ~:Il \\' ::rd S1.,1-------'-'---- _L A \~l :ll !11:)-:'ilO~ :'\!'ar h 11~r laki:-. 1111 rlp1\11, j\~;, 111•1 1''.11. 17·1~, At:! J ~~~-'~-~~- R. E. Want@d 6240 NOTICE l l AVI·~ l1't1drr p>U'k n::idy I<. h111ht. J!jl) ~p:11·r~ do11 111011 n !rl<lilo, ;\('l'<J\S lrt•lll S1·~11'' rl.,';.;1<1111,1 !>h1111pi11g t:rnh'<' 1<.· !11c h s1•h oo l . r 1g li r 11011'!\('11111! JI yuu 11a n1 :!il'. ~fl"·nrl;,hk "11 any a1TI01.1nt n1 <-.1,,11 up 1u $·100.000, CdJ Lloyrl. fij:;.,19~,.q -~-~ JI you 11avp a 3 or -1 l)r(j rooin ~IU,\"1' I !a1·r s.·-.o.ooo cash, gill hon1r h1l' ~ale •)r fo1· n'nl. er1i::e :-,t•riin!~. handsome r·all u~ 1r~·1;1~'. \\'r t••prl'~rn l l"C't11rn. !i7.'..-l:i29l lhf' eJnploy•'eS (I[ a la1·~f' - NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A J1rrn rn nving to thr 1-l:i rbnr Maney to Loan .S320 Al"f'fl and !licy must l\;1\'!' DAILY PILOT housing~ All cash ii desired. 2D d TD L C.tl >'.rrow >16->6-10 oa n MORE CASH Prompt <::onliden!ial ~rvirc 642-2171 545-0611 FOR YOUR Serving Harbor al"C'a 20 yrs. Sattler Mortgage Co. E(j)UITY '16 E. l71h S1o<_e1_1 WANT AD 642-5678 LOSE WEIGHT 1<a11110 11·nn1rn 11lh) :1rr 10 flflllli<I ~ 11r 1nore (lVCt'l\'1"1gh1 lo til.kf' \1'1.l't Ill ~roup 11·1•1ghl ln.ss rrograr11 of ~pc,-.1aJ 1z,.,(J rerlu1•111g. All l1lQlllt'l{'S l'Ofl· f idc-nt 1al, ASk fur 1-lrs. Thnm. as 537.;,.112. REFRIGERATION \'Ol'k hY a n1<1slrr n1,.c han1;· Dom«s11r ,t <'nm n1C'rc-Jal prac1icr. I i 111 1 t r rl 10 NrWJ11lrl, Co~ta l'llc~a & J.;ig 11n.1 11r<'11. Ph"'ne 4~!--297~ before 10 Al\1 or after G rr-.1. l n en1PrgC"ncies call 6734"!100 PALJ\1 & C;ird Reading. Advil'E' & l1C'!p on rnany maft l'rs. r·ul!y lic'd, Open rlai l y 10am -10p1n. 213/6!)7·~272, 210 \V. \\'hi!· lier Blvd. LR Ha bra. Next LICENSED ~piiih1aJ Headings, IHh•icl' un nll n1attr r~. 312 N, El Camino Roal, S;ir Clrmenle ·l'.1Z-9l31i, 4X-!~:i07 10 A~J • 10 Pi\·l Attractive Exp~rt YOUN(; \\'Oi\lAN da11('r r 11 tll 1('.1Ch you :1!1 h1l('Sl s1 crs. Call An!rll :.11 :1: :fJl -1.1.1.q J.JO P:'ll YOUNC , versatile, attracl1vr pcrsnnal !iCCrctary tlPSIN'S f' m p Io y ni c n t. Ad f' p l w/clirnts. E:1:. dr1v1•r. Pret. ~"2 P:'li. S!art S3 hr. !'•1\1--6:i39 \VANT to shal'f' r id " Ne1vport-J\-icsa Pas..1ctrna. !i 642·9887 arr a days. •o Call SAVI:: Sevf'ral hundrcrl rlo[. Jar~! Memlw-rship fn Balboa Bay au1;i. \Vrite P.O. Box 1486 Ncv.<pOrt Bractl, 9'l66:l. ALmHOLJCS Anonymous Pho~ 542-7217 0.1· write to P .o. Box 1223 Cost11. T-.fesa.. QUALITY Hepn1rs -Allcr.~ lion~ -New ro11st. by ltOllr 0r Contract. S.16--:'M~2 REPAIR. Partitions Sinall P"<;n1r>tl<'I , rl<'. Nile nr rlay, flea~~ Cn\1 KEN ;',.JQ-46j9 REPAIR:". ALTERATIONS CABl:-.'F.T~. Any size JOb Zi ~TS. expel". 5 18-6713 Cement, Cancr9te 6600 e coNCRETF: \\'Ol"k ll 11 lypes. Pool decks & custom. Call :~18-1J2~ * CONCllET!<: F l o o r s , patios. Ptr. Ren~nablf', Call 0 (1n, 6'12--8514 CarJM:t ClunTng 6625 * DIAMONDS are 1neasured by quality, so arc ~·e! Tree & shrub removal. Rca!'-Onahlr. :1·19-13:.9 CLEAN-Up and libhl mov- ing. Call Dave: * 893-429:i * Clean Up And Haul $\D a load. 64ft.25'.'8 Housecleaning 673S \VOULD You believe 1 11.·ill clean your home for Blue Chip Stamps? 897-7.150 e \V!N DO\YS DIRTY? Fl"{'C est, 15 years ©:p. Johnny Dunn 642-2364 BAY & Beach Cleaning Serv. Carpc-ts. 1vindo11'l!, floors, ('le, Re.~ & Commc'I 616-1401 Hou1ecleenin9 6735 HOUSEtLEANING&. Gen!"ral Maintennn!'E'. Call anytime, good rels, reas! &16-61184 CARPETS. \Vindo111s, flf'll, ele. Res or Comc'I. Xlnl \\"Ork Rca.s! Reis. 548-4111. e FOR Better Painting, ln-terinr & f'Xlt'rior, a coustic crilings., 646--41ITT & 541-350'2 C & S Painters. l nt-Ext. llou~e &: apls. No job too srna!l . 6i:>-?955 aft 5. Plastering. Rep.air 6880 e PATCH PLASTERING. All typ!s. Free estimate. Call 540-6825 ~mblng 6890 PLU!>1BING REPAIR No job too small • 6-t2.Jl28 • ~~_model, R•pair. 6940 BUILD, RemOdel , Repair Brick, block, concrete, crpntry, no job too small Lie. Conlr. 962-6945 CRPTRY, Painting, minor plumbing repairl!, mobile home repairs. 5 4 6 -6 2 1 5 , 64&--1824 6960 ~l 1d11'C'iot1•rn lnvrs1n1,..n! Co rri • -·-- now purcha ~ing hon1r~~ in Mortgages, T.D.'1 6345D•••····· to LaHahra 11·alk in thratrc. Announcements 6410 DIAMOND CARPET Cl.EANERS 645--1317 11.nyt!me CARPET & Furn. cleaning; for 1 day scrviel' & ouallty \\"Ork, c;all S!crhng-for bnghtnrss! 642-8520 Ironing 675~ • Dressmaking • Alleratlons 6r;inf!r Coun_ty .. s rl'_k1ng VA CONSTltUCTlON ?It o n e YI ·" FHA cqu1tJf'S Call any. '] bl f i !ime. 6.15-85.19 ' ~~~;n~ ;ro;ty_ne;:,:\g~n;; \V ANTED: Commel'C, bhh;. dome"tic. !\torels, Nursi11g on Coast l{\11)', Corona dcl llomes, Shopping Centers, J\iar area. Bro\\er 644-4323. O t I i c e B u i I d i n g ! , BUSINESS and Apa.rllnen!~. c1c. Write or FINANCIAL call Title Ikalry & l nsurance Company, 21j Bus. Opportunities 6300 Clark Bu 11 rl i n i;:. B!nn- ingham, Alnba:na 35203 Ledin Apparel Shop Phone t20.'J) 251-528G. Like !o own, )'01.lr own hu~1-$75,000 JST "fD on 11 ,000 sq. ness · Here n a real oppar· 11. briek cotnmcrc. hlrlg. in tu.nity to own your own shop Orange County, on Joni:: "':'llh a s~1all in;cs1m~nt tor lrrm l1·nsrd lan<f. rayahl1• fixtures 1n the f ountain \al. $750 nin. incl.10~:,, all dul" ;, !ey arr·a. ~IJ mf'n;handi~e yri;, f{••ntnl inc. S2·UX'.l n10.; 15 on cons ignment. Nn Jn. 20'~ di.scount. Brokrr vt?s lmenl . 1~ n1c rf"l1a1)il1<J', , 1!l:l·l706 pay aflrr 11 IS solrl, \l'r lra1111J-----------you & i;upervi~ you 31 110 J!i·r TD tln \\1h1lc \.Valer view t:<JX'llS('. For complt t1• 1n111r. lot Hl Ulguna Beach. S6,(l00 n1a 1ion, wrlle or phone f L, at $60 n10. fnrl. 9':', all clue :I 'J'ierTl{'y, 2130 North Hwlly-ye1u~. 12'(. Discounl ~'ood \Vay, Burbanl:, Cahf. BHOl<F.R 4114-11.17' P hone 1213 1 ~4.l-4:140. Money Wanted 6350 •LIQ. LIC'S. Ort1 nge, ~nnl---''--------11 Diego 112.500 on 511!1"; \\'()ULD L rk« pl:i} 1iia!e ln1 $10.000 oU salt!. C.e.JJ \\11NS.-1n y Pf'l'~chl ~hilrf, n r TON C'Ollect GllJ) :m--049 1\c~rt!Pahsadf!l!. ~9-4700 Small classified ads doa big selling job. 'Try .one Pho .. 642•5678 Grano Opening Electrical Special on hems. IRONING In my home. * 646-64-16 * Speedy, quality s I' r., l c e . I -=-.:,::.:::.::.:=.;;,~= 642-8898 Altereti6na -642·5845 6640 I RONI NG Nl'!at. accUl'll.te, 20 year~ exp, 6974 Janita rial 6790 6665 Cemetery Lots 6411 CARPET VINYL TILE Gravt A-Joi 96, P11.t ViPIV Free cs!, Lie. contr. 540-7262, l\1em Park. $275 Incl $25 -"='""='=7='====== SPARKLE Janitorial &. Win- dow cleaning Scrv. Win- do111R, resid .. comcl, const. Cleanup. Free est. 968--2691. DUTCH l\taint Scrv, crpt dng, fir waxing, window ••ashing, HllITy van Beyncn !">37-tSOS' if no an.~ call 8.lt :t * Verne, Thf' Tilt r-.tan * Cust. work. fnstall & repaint No job too smaJL Plaster patch. Leaking 11 h o wt r N!palr. 847·1957/846--0206 Tr. Service 6980 ,-.ndow-n1en1 cart drp. - Gardening 6680 GENE'S TREE SERV: tre4!! I shrubbery N!moved, trimmed, hauled ii w a y !>i9--1359 5-lS-0788 aftE"r 4 p.m. 2 LOTS in Harbor Hr st CALL ~H6-ll19 Leg1I Notices 6450 r \\'!Lr. no! be n~rion~ihle for any debts other than 111y 011'n. J 11n1e11 J\11chael fox 0/\11,Y PILOT DI J\-1 E ·A - J.IN!-;S, Y()u •'fill u~r llH'lll fnr ju~t f)('nnirs • day. Dial PILOT Cla~if1ed tid . """'· ----''---- ANTHONY'S I ~J~1~n~;t~•-"-· •_1 ____ 6_7_90_ BEWARE!! Rubber l:l'eei 644·4860 ESTATE MAint Tf't'e Ser.r break foundations. FT'tt ('.st. Rt!mova.I A: trimmings. free Any Tree Service. 530-.1920 The 0...st, costs Tl(I niore! Do Expcrirnced Maintenance 'stimatt. Call 54J---OOAA. --'"'"--------- Rudget L11ndscaping Upholstery 6990 L1nd1e1p;n9 6810 Cri'.ldll:;i!(I Horticult1Jrist "r"1~,C7"A7N~-U~P~S~P7E~"C0!7A_L_IST_!_ 1 .-Lic'd .Japam:SI' landscaP' (ZyKOSKI'S Cust. UpML European Craftsman~hlp l\lo•1'ing, l'fl~lng, odd jobs. ln\Vll~. sprink-100% !In! 641-l4:>4 H('rt~nn3b\c. 51!1-6!'lJJ rte. &10.:!007 1R..11 Nl'!wport Bl., C.r-.f. c L A s s I F I E D " . ' . .· .... ·-----~-... -~---------... -.-----------.... -........ --~-..-_,....-............ --··---....,... -·-• , .. ·--,..---,.-,-..... <-"r"'~ • ..._......,.... "" •• --·-., • NOWf! For Your Convenience -All Positions Offered ARE LISTED ALPHABETICALLY IN CLASSIFICATION #7100 HELP WANTED <Men and Women) NEW! .,. lttore Help \Vanted 01i Previous Page J(lbs-Men, Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Machinists PARTS JOBS .a. EMPLOYMENT Jo~n. Wom. 7100 BOAT CARPENTERS DISHWASHER Eitperienced. Large custom EXPERIENCED cpnstruction. Top wages. General • Punch Pre11 & e Multislid• op... COUNTERMAN See Betry Bruee at miJJ l xec SALES Sarah Coventry has openings for n or pt time Xn1as saJe.-1, P l e aaant. dlgnlfil•d work w/rro in- vest., collecti on1 or rle!Jve1·ics. Choose your own hrs. !II1n. age 21. For iiitv. call: 5'ln-.Obl 4 & 962-5693 Asse1nblers HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH COMMERCIAL ELECTRONICS .DIVISION has immediate openings for: EXPERIENCED HYBRID & INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ASSEMBLERS Sb: months or mol'e of ro ~ent t'Xpericncf' is r«[uit'C"d iii the foiloy.'ing areos: thlck·JLlm soldering, 1vire bonding-and chip mounting. Openings are on lst ·and 2nd shitls. Pleas!'.' apply in person. to: H U C H E S tV.'ILLARD BOAT Work1 Apply In Person 1295 Baker St., CM SURF & SIRLOIN "'BOOKKEEPING f 5930 Pac, C.t Hwy GENERAL OFFICE 1--N_._w.c.po:...':...' .;_B•cca:...chc__ FOR NEWPORT BEACH ADVERTISING AGENCY Draftsman Jr to $515 Fee paid, outstanding cbiier oppty, 2 yrs coll, 1JO e'c\:p nee. Also fee job. Call Arn1an, S46-5410 JASON BEST Employment Agency 2120 So. Main, Santa Ana Post double • n t r y , p ayable J rece ivable~ billing, type SQ. Xlnt. oppty. Call Barbara. DRAPERY Operators - 642-3910 F.:Xpd. 1'op pay. vacalions. .:..:.:..:.::c:_ ______ I Classic Draperies, 3 8 S 3 BOYS 10 • 14 Birch St. NB. 546-1431 Carrier Routes Open tor DRAPER'{ workroom taking Laguna Beach, So, Laguna applications tor experjcl'ICed DAil.Y P ILOT & trainces. Beach Drapery, 642-4321 900 W. 17th, CM. J, C. PENNEY COMPANY Fashion Island -Ne\vport Beach Has Full lo Part Ti me Positions Open For COOK • BUSBOYS • WAITRESSES • To $432 per week. Apply IMPORTS Tony Dochi. Fqll time, Good co, bene!ll ~. \VH..ro TOOL 8.: DYE Pleasant working condition. :u90 Pullman Lllne Apply In person. 1966 1-lar· Costa Mesa.. 540-5432 bor, Co,<;tB. Met.a. Ag:!ncy !or Cnrecr Girls 410 \V Coast J-h1'Y., NJ3. By appoint. 646-3939 PDX Answer ing S('rvice, ex-}~U~Time, resor1 hotel, ..... r. preferred, Full tinte SALESLADY, exper. for fu1! La 0 -h <"'11 .-Do You Take ti k · rt guna ""'ac . ""' 96 rosi11on, Varied h ou r 1 . nie y,·or Ill .liJXJ swelU' .~IAIDS !\1anicurist 5.11H!8Sl (SALESMEN ~hop. The Sport Nook, 488 MANICURIST for busy shop 1.::::.P=L:_A_S_T_l _C_S_ WANTED) !'.:, 17th St,, CM. 892-0159 I I M Id SALES· 'lot W ~~~...,;=.:;;:_ ___ I• !'lfa!erla.1 land er • o · wltl1 a grain of i;alt 7 Can't ' • " ure om • n • \Vith some experience and willing to Marketing Programs ing-trainee • S11·ing shifL say 1hat 1 blan1f! you, I fol-part !Im<" eve. llickory learn . Top \Vo rking conditions & environ-Trainee $750. f.t Usr be dependable. Oppor. lowed a lc\v n1yscJJ only lo Farms 10b'2 Irvine Ave., ment. Competitive ,vages plus meals & Employer pays fee. For 11. tunity for advancement. AP-be dlsa.P.poinle<l. The job 1 _N_'._B_._w_~_tc_li_lf_P_I~_· '---I tips,. an~ o~tstanding h.enefits including young nian \vith a d{'gree & ply 1 to 4 p.m, 5eldon1 lived lip to I he SALESMAN • for jewelry h t I t d { t h . a Real .EstatE:" license, t iJ Orange Coast Pl•stics claims in the ad . i;tnre. Need --' ....... ,, •• ,. osp1 a iza ion an pro 1 s ar1ng. "-" ,.,_ ........ -... ..-initiate & expedite various 8 ...... West 1811\ DO YOURSELF Fringe benefits. Apply in A promotional programs. No Cost.a Mesa pc1mn, pply in person 10 A~1 to 9 PM, work e!<perience is ~quired. p LA 5 TICS A FAVOR! KIRK JEWELERS "f\.fonday thru Sat urday Also .. ~{'~ jobs. \VOJ\.fEN TRAINEES, age OV-AND Z3 00 Harbor Blvd. Newport er 25: In.Jt>ction n1oldin,o:", on EXPLORE Co.sta Mt'sa, Calil. PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND Personnel Agency swing shift. r.1ust he de-pend-THIS ONE'. SALES:\1AN For ad Ja.lea for CHALL.ENGER YACHTS are no1v hiritig ex: p ' d. carpt'nlers, g!ass mc.n anrl forerllcn, Call (213) 3Zl-Sl23 833 Dover Drlve ab!~ atl(J apply in prrson; yachting public-aticn * DRIVERS * Equal Opportunity Employe r 642-:t/ijO 5-19-2743 l to 4 p.n1, 830 \V. lSth St., tr you '1·ould like to make Background in b oa ting .1\11 student positions are filled. f{IEOIAN IC !or &rv Sia. C.t-1. S250. JWr \V('c>k immerliate!y, helpful. Call 5-18-1761 !or No Experience Tuneup & l.ile meehanicall-'-~P~R~o=D~U~c=T~IO=N~-\Vith an opportunity lor app't. st'rvices. Gd pay, hrs and -FOREMAN-n111ch mott in the future, Necessary! k" d' c t v.·ould like to talk to you. 'SALESl\-L\N • YACHTS collE"cL Jobl-Men. Wom. 7100 Jobs--Men, Wom. 7100 ivor ing con s. orona del Progressive, •xpandlng com. rt your qualiticatrons n1atch SAIL · COMM. -"'-'--------11\fust have clean California r.1ar Shell Serv. 2801 E. pany seeks working lol"tlman. · No lie. req .• High earni ...... CHILD care, l'larbor View driving record, Apply~ FULL-Time maids, resort I-IOUSEKEEPER, Live In. Coast J-lwy, at Goldenrod. Experienced Web Off~t our requirements, this rould potential-good line. 64a:.il3J I d · hbo h YELLOW CAB hot I La B i\tothertess home, 0 -a-h 675--0'33 t d " be the C!U'\'t'r you've been area. nee a ne1g r w o • e, guna each. U<' ~ ;i • iel , 25 to 35, happ11y mar-looking for. Call tor person;tl ofc. or 642-1479 ~e~ \VOuld provide "emerp;ency" 186 E. 16th St. llM-1196 area, 2 teenagel"l!. Pref. MECHANIC, exp'd in brake ried, Call !'11rs, Dwyer for interview bet 10 R!'ll & 3 P!'II 5.'l.lcs care for children age 12 & Costa Me!=a GAROE.NER T-a,·""'• ''° •"P under 4i Pl!: 531-1450 & allgnment. Salary in-,•~pptc:.:·~"'=2·_118~1~3 _____ 1 ITI41 .5.14·1701 llAVE F 13 whose mother work:. Jn · • "'" " r ! h & r1 1-· un'. !'I-fake money NEWPORT BE.''-1 :H Pll.Mdena. 644-2300 alt 7;30 Domestic nee. Xlnt opportunity. Call 1-IOUSEl\EE:PER. Live in, Cf'n ive,. ree osp5. 1" Professional Salei; too. Be a "Tri-Chem" in- "' ~i •vE h h day or ni!e <714) 49~-5'127 !'llothcr \VQrking. ! childfl'n, ins. paid vac. ce Bob E I · t slructor. !162-9990 p.nl " ''"'" our ome your ome. Bash11.ni, 4s2 Ocean Ave, mp oymen 500-SUperio~ A\i••'tue .!:'.'.'.'...--------! 11~ou!.d like older wo_mii n a&s '" S Cirls -Ladies $ ~;;~i[~!ro~:;~h5. spei!Jt· i.nguna Bch. A ssistance· • The swc~l S1H11xls of ._ Sales Newport Beach. C .a lif, CLEANING lady w a n t ed ive-in com pani on Parents Jns1itute need~ 2 1 --0C~~-~=---COASTAL AGENCY s . l\IATURE Lady, drugstore 1,~ <lay/wk. $2 hr. Al...50 OC· housckpr. Own room & 1V, \Vomen to explain bc~rits 1·1 0 u s EKE E p F.: R For Medical Recpt A member of uccess exp, full time. Call for ap- Elfl!al opP}rtlll:'il y , r asional ·overnight ..babysit-salacy,.$100· 1'0. + room &. lill local ·resik nts in Orange business couple, full chaJ'ie, • Beautifµl -N<WP<rrt Beach Snrll ing & Snelling, Inc. .. ;ointment 499-2204 employer _ M &· 1-· ""'fer. El Toro, &.10-5591 boartt, Reis 1f possitlle. \.!all Co, T r a i9; s fl o ~ 11. t i on 5 da,v~. $150 mo. to :";tart. one-girl olfire, ~ Z79Q Harbor S I, CM 540..6055 ' ' SALES )!; wi /"""'""'""'""'""'""'""""'""'~ _:::.:..:::....:.:::c::....:.c:...:=.:_ __ I 548-6954 alter 4 pn1 !or ap-furnished, no exp. ne<'. $75. 67>6191 ABJL!TlES The rustle of curNncy, the 00 in~es~r;inl~";~ r a~ Automotive CLERICAL, part tim e: 1-'"°~~in~tm~'~"~'------\\'cekl y. 9 Ai\-1 IQ 3 P!'l-1, 5 MOUSfo;Kl:~EPER Or helper L'NIJMITED AGENCY PROGRAMMER• cl ink o{ silver, a sports Coventry ne!Xl.s full & LOT r.tan. ll1ature Pl ·iferred. Jeyentory & C o s t Ac· Ele<:tro-l\t :Ta'h days a \\~eek. 546-575<1 for wido\\·l'r .• Call mor nings. 488 1£. )7th St., Sui le Zl·1 ANALYST car's roar, the whi~pered part-tin1e help, No delivery; !'l·lodem n~11 card~ -10-h,·p. oounting' Clf'rk. Lovely of. 'La b A~st $730,,.810 GIRL Wa'nled for part-time j '* 817-2429 * Co~la M~a 6+2-1470 1<1.pprovaJ of :.orneone YDU \\·e train. For interview call "•• ~ FARREL PRODUCTS /' ""'"'"~.,'-~=.-~~-Orange Coast Jr. College OVE', TheSI> arid many n1ore Apply in person . PoplC" ~· '-. Loe mfg:r co1111n'I equip pays 'filOl'k. Good typist rl'l:(cl .. 1-lOUSEKEEPER, ·rive in !or !'lot ED I CAL Office ' he Ip, District seeking ex""r pro-SOUNDS OF SUCCESS ·u S.l5--6l00 Buick, 2:).1 E. 17th : st. Costa ~t. 3~20 Enierprtse St. fl'c. Exp'd E-1\f Test & l\Iod-Gen. ofc .. s w It c h ho a rrl elderly coup!e. r.f a t u re female.. Front oUi~ in-granlm~r for JB~t~io· tele-f'Cho through YOUR ifre st!Al\tSfRESSES -Ma~ J\lei;a C.M. ~l:r3667 iUca:rion. Some travel. rc!icr. mail.. 8:30-3:30. Could Y.'Oman preferred. 642-6661 surance lonns. Experien.ced processing system. Must when you expand your di-\\·omen, exp'rl only. F ull or • E M Te ch $600 bccome full lim('. Ap~ply; I 0 --·1 I ht · ·· 4 BABYSIT, my· C<• ;!a l\1rsa ,.....,,,,.., " HOUSEl{EEPER, Part time on y, UVV<. PP.Y or rig have 1ix month.~ of exper-nlensions, .. daily. p:>.11 11me. 94-4418. c• -~ B 'd " f I 1-•1 •y~ HARRY & DAVl D 214 cl" •573 10 A'i homc, 8:30 to 5 J 'tit dally. PAYROLL uu .. p 0 e cc ,.,...,, "."-O\vn trnns. Vic of &Hh pr-rson. J,,.... • " irncc IBJ\f digital equip. Sccttt>lry Pref. marurc y.•om tn. Rcrer. At leest 2 yrs e..xper. in proc· ~~~ ~a~elsl1oc.!1s~ ('{~~~~ J ;;in~;~,.~~;i;iiid~oiiAii'ii··~Niiiii.Bm.iiiiiiiiiiiii"] St., N. H. 645-008'.l Ml\L WORKERS n1odel 40 disk system. ALC Jt you \\'ould like lo hear -J\!A.lOR _ Call 7 to 9 PM, l}.f i-4628. essi1': ~yroll lron1 calcU· fcc.._Fce i'ob~ also. , * * J.IOUSEKEEPEn. lh·r in. \Vood fumilure n1anufactur-RPG u~d. Salary range more., .on t>ilhcr a full or CALlfo~ORNlA BANK BABl'SITTER. r-.1cI jab1 e Jat~ng tnne card::;, ~ayi;iU J. R, fierce, Assoc Agency Gcueritl l"'vl r ni .~. TV. \\'oman lni::. Openings /or \Vood \1·ork. $727-S1074. J'.acemcnt com-part time basi~, phone seeks Secretary for distrkt school girl, som~ eves, ov.•n adJustments, and 1ssuini; 1885 Nt>ll'fl0t1 (.'M 6'12-6TlO J-. C. Pel1l¥'y C'.<l, nlonc .. $100 nio. &12--2232 in g 1naelnne o[)Cra1ors • mensurate \\'llh expcr. tr11st ofllce manager. r.tust lransp. 7Sc hr. 1 ;atboa Bay payroll cheek!i. Acrounting ' .. 1 E;11p'd & tralnet:'s. Steady • Apply.: 548·5251 take rlk:lntion and enjoy Club. 548-2479 machine, JO-key add<'r, typ-Eleclronic ~=~poio~ ~~~ HOUSEKEF:PER 2 school full time employment. ORANGE COA~ COLLEGE cu s l o me r con I ac t . ing reqllircd. f.lust tie. able ELECTRONIC agers, private apr, Ci\1. J-larlxlr t.1fg, Co. 2701 Fa11v1ew ~ld Permanent ca re e r op. BABYSITTER. : my homr, to take full responsibilitY. 675--0310, 5-18-7197) 400 29th St. Cos1a !'11esa, CahI. !ISAM,J\'i.l tn l9NPC.M. por!unlty !or qua 11 t I e d boys 6 mo. & I 4 Y"• 01111 llA.S FULL AND · . (71 41 g3•5-,og • · ·• • Near appearance, and per-TECHNICIAN l!OUSEl\EEPER, live -in. Nc1vport Bcach ... person. Salnry 1s com· transp, i°l'Jesa Jlerde, refs. sonah!e. :~; I PART O'f~\E1~ PFOOSRJTIONS Priv:-tin & bath. 2 children. J\otOTEL l'>fAID PUBLIC SPEAKERS Newport Beach mensur:ilc with Ability &.nd. ~15--0;'178 Ftn. Voll. 8°2-7254 f Sal . C ta t ~-., ., COLONIAL TltOTEL I you can recrui1 & train. or es exper1en{'P.. on e .... <>. BABYSITTER lite hs1vk Call ShiC'la }!ic-kn1an. Days Exp in inlcgratcd C'll'<'Uh'Y & · h ·t I I d F • f Ruth 1-lartcr. \\•anted r.ton-Tl 1urs. Live i~ £.\2-2400. Eves. ;,."\7·2608 digi1.al systenl, Troub]e • STOCKM A N l~~t:ra:::w~~l:~cyolGir.~n~~ 1~ Ne\vport Blvd., CM -~\)~.: ~a~~Jhl~~e~~ing~ * antast1c. Sec urity Pacific Nal'I, Bank I \v In 1 l I shooling & tests. Xlnt oppor. " OPERATORS • N C D or ou . a 1 ron to1ne. insurance office (not life). • • • • • • there may be a place tor ,You 550 e\1'J)OM enter r. ,12• 1 592 1169l /°"l ,.~~" tunity for advance1nen1 w/ E · d · ·-1 ·'le Is the word tor this natio--' h • J 11·. · = """'"' CULTON INDUSTRIES • J A N IT·Q RIA•' Near Orange County Air-xper1e~ .in ~i .. o;e nc...u v.'ith our Nat'! Co.,.r.fook , ..... Sui1e350 NewpOTt Beac ::-1 gl'OWtn"' Electronic r.U". Co.. L _... I k ~-~ ,,...., company·~ new prog•"n fo-BABYSITIEK-/ ·Live in, rrn & 16-t4 Whittier Ave. .. " port. 540-5-154 anu over oc s. vvuu P ~~ Mood, 436 \V, 6th Sl, Tus· .. .... • S t · t $600 _ _. . ,,.... ·" .~i~-· HB Costa 1\-tesa, Callr. Newport Beaeh area. 540-1304 MAINTENANC~ \\'ork price~. 1;!cady work. tin 544•23112 Southern Calilomla! We acre a rie1 O boa1u -i-s u.a """'-'.r. JANITOB., man. J\lu.~t be ,.,ODY 'lOSS 14"'" • __ ,,~,~~·=~~-~--~--need A beginnei-and a r;harp Att. ' ·ea "'"7\0l EqW>I opportunity e.mplo.ver " ..,..... LUCu.o•i~QU ET "' I · -'-""---' 1 • J.K)"'' -o-~-~ ESTABLtSifl;.A)' J11surance • exp'd. Good steady position St. \VP.st.mins ter; 534-8738. I. , ••lL< dle aged co_uple -DISTRffilITORS with,.,....... are~"'"' In the BABYSITIEq, 2 days/wk CLERICAL. FINANCE Leads avail, N.B. otfice. II you hiivl' rl"(.'Cnt w"rk v.•ilh trlnge hrn('flls. Pl-f: ' dc>sJN gent<raJ cl e 11. n Ing -MANAGERS t'>cach area, Call Loraine, tor 2 childtt l"n. f'l1y home. • -art "•-1 -,,h.•"'. •1uu· ·mum Career oppt. 675-6383 e>.-pcrif'nce in the a.re as ot 67.1-1 331 aft. 8: 30 Atlt. OU1ce Temporary \1101nan 9-12, 2 (las. I\ wk. SALE"'! EN ~!crchants Persunnel Agen- uo.: "' ~ '" " ~tock !· janitoriitl m:i Jn. Q t QR 3-~1, -._ "" 1 < '"'3 \Ve•lclilf ~ NB Turtle Rock, rnrine. 833-~.}2 1 year fi?ance co. ('Xper. Experienced 10 single needle tcrianC'C, -uxl 11 desire 10 LA DIES 19 to 7(1 enrn $25 to 1171 ransp. ~v · -SALES\VOMEN Js.27';0 ., ,.,, .. , ' · BABYSJTIEl t . \iv e. in. ;..1111. s1art1ni:: salary, good and ove1·lock. Good piece grow with a raridly ex-$100 wcrkly Catt an i WORK WHEN & RECEPTION IST -REPRE:SENTATfVES Rooin g, bot ,rd in \Vaterlront 1vork1ng cond. Cu ll r.tr. 1\'ork prices, gteady work. pru-,.-ling, national ori!an, Lingerie. Eriual opp o r t . SECRETARY -TH.Al NEES SECRET A RY , Exp'd, apt. l gmaJ I child. 673-49511 BlW>f'he for app'I. ~16-11,10 EDDY r.toSS 14042 Locus! lzation otrcring <'XCf"llrnt eniployer. \\'c train a46-3508 WHERE YOU WANJ \Ve are looking for a rna!UJ'(', This is a real ground fl oor Shorlhand s!atistical typing »<ABYSITflJ ,R, 1•3 days/wk. Fortune Fina ncial Co. St., \Vestminster; 534-8738 benc!ir~ an<I top man-LAYOUT, PASTEUP ''"'arm , ambitious young opportunity v.•ithasolidauto. req. Cal.I 837-2Q21l, •xt 267 ~ Col',cgc-Crn1cr . 1 v.'On1an with a neat ap-n1atic electronic equipment for appointment. My home I 1rrlerred, Balboa FACTORY Trainee and ship-agemcn · & T\'PESETIJNr. (COLD)' On ten1por~"'' a ssignmen~ firm lhat offe-Z7JO !!arbor Blvd., i ,....~ pen.ranee t1.nd exec u Ii v e " "' SECURITY guard, me.le, area. 673-1_1_4'_____ Cos!a i\h.'sa. :_~;" c!~::k. d;~~R~ 1~~1;~ APPLY IN PERSON Part time: !\ton., Tues., Fri, abilities who is willing to HIGH $2.2'.l hr. perinanent work, BABYSlTI!' ER WiUl~ every CLEANING 1 ... ~ .... "u;,,, .... , ~1on. _Sat, 10 arn 10 9 pm 8:3(1 to 5:30 .. Accuracy ~ • S ECRETARIES learn a highly specialized lmmedi'ate one location, must be neat, Mo•• 8 J 0 1 12.30 .._ __.,.., ,j"iberg\ass, Oivlsj9~. l~U , .. , , , , SPf'ed essei'llial. Jm1ncd1atc 1 . IV CdM " 7 .: , 1 •64~ ~ · · • rehahle f'lr l day a wk. Fibr.rglass Rd .. Hunt. &h. '•'OJX>nfnt.,.-A°61"11 ' m' J'.11"1'!16n ..1 ·1>' , .llt° ,r,f§l?~· -., c e.r;, a Y0 1ung sober S. have uni form. Ap- . x tr. ~~· Pcdec Mond ay . o.~ J C p C • TYP IST S """~'" '"'' "'• • ,., • 'EarningS ' ply .. , ''"'"" """"" TU " ABYSI.,..., 'ER. Bear S t transnnrtation 6·12-2374 alt 4 • • enney .0, • \\l"d. tbl';'4FNri., ;hel PBel~'.1,Y· firn1. opening R_ l1cW office Occan Ave. H u n ti n g to " '•· • ,.~ FIREMAN saver, .1 ;1 c\\por. • .. '"" 546 3050 School :r rea. Call art.::r 6 r-.,,1_ '!-,.·•. , no October ~vth in Costn • Beach, beh.vcen the hours of COi\lBINATTON. Sharp Bar 24 F h' I I d · v. " "' • BKKPRS Pl 1 pm. 548-°'7520. M ·a & G G D a s ion s an -.::..:::._cc.:c::.:_:__ __ ~-• 1\1e.11 a . ea 1> e ii en ( s a.n1. _ 4 p.n1. B. ABYSrl cTE=R-, ~1,.-,,-h•.~kp-,-.~2 • 31 s · 0 '0 ancers. $684 to $831 per Mont h Newpo1-t Beech, Ca lif. *MAINTENANCE hand\\TiHen resu1ne lo Box Sal1·s ., Top wages. PfioTlf': tor in-'\ P6!'9 Daily Pilot E XCELLENT $EC., Ins., agl"nts olc, 5 h~. l'hilUren 5 &. 4, 5 day wk. terview. Sassy La.ssy, 2901 c ·.1y of . • E -· 0 MAN • PBX OPERS. -------OPPORTUNITY 5 days. Typ.ing, personable. 0 961\-16-c 'I ~ nil (ll!•u ppor!unjty RECEPTIONIST ,. v 96"1400 531 ~· 1111 tra nsp. ~u. Harbor, ·' ' Newport Beach , "" Emplo~er tlf11joT' nationaJ life fn11urance ' ' ,,,.. ol' -....,... B:\Jlhl,(°rD; fl Ol" pt time, Cooks * * CONT,\CT • GEN'L OFFICE PBX l'.."O. Y.'i[h niutual lund bmk-SEllVICE s111tion .attendant, 111.;l1 ls. Gnod salaryh At.ply City l)ffcr> li~e \\fr, JN PERSON ~r 11 .'It b9 attractive, \\'ell er/dcalel' Js expanding it.<1 <'XP· nee, &e !\like, 4678 1i<1ys: 436 f,, 17( , .:-.1. FRY COOKS hl';i.lt11, dP ntal and mater-Gc11rral r;roroied, iv 11 h tricn<lly N<'\\'f"'O!'! otrire. C.on1p!ete I _:C~a~m~'-"'-· _n_,~· _N~.B~·----1 _5'_1\-_99_4 _9_______ nily insurance ('nvf'rage • STOCK BOYS REUBEN E. LEE 1lmllr, 1., hand!,. busy and personalized fy;uning, invoJv. BAR N tAIOS. No ros111n1r~. T 1 ho f!'lr l'mr>J,oyf'<'~ anrl de· •.BUSBOYS 1:,1 E . C-•<.l If••"" Holiday & •"te-,-i•-g .fro••t '-.-k ro~ ing: boll\ p;,ta1e creation & SERVICE STATION needs ex perlcnred man . Permanent. (.oorl Y.'Qrking ronditions. Days, Union Oil, '393 17th SL, Costa 1'1csa.. op 1vn i::es, lX'nnanen , n· · .. !OOf'' · -" J Vac a tion P lan " '· ~ " "' ~ ' · s "·· · · The C 1thrr Placf'. 61.")(') \\'. pPn ua.nis, ,q tu111on e RECEIVING CLERK Nciv,.,...,rt. ncn.r!J ,,.,1n 1,,..atcd 1,, c-n Cle-('(/nser.•nt1on, 11 • ..stantial in-t-"~. a nd i;ood \\'Orkin~ con· ....... boo · b « · "'-" ""' l U "-I b coa~t Hhv:iy. Apply A:'ll. a,,,_, · k N'lm ursemcnt. n•--t-, Typ•.n" •k•.ll•. .,. vcslmen \11 ,,.,. n1nr e y 13EAV flCIAN5. remaJc, to "'ork: el'<'n1n~ & Sundays 1n Cost<! r.lesa's busies\, popo.i lar priced salon. Op- portr anity .!or top earnings w/rl .1id vacation. A pp I y i\fgr ·. CroY.'fling Glory 81'.';aU- ty Salon, 267 E. 17th St,. CJ'1 c'-~-~-~=-B""f I\ I N I Biit"Tl"\ald/dancer. F11 II or part-time. Co~!a ~~ :'Sa 616-7301 B()AT MANUF. ti • CARPENTERS • , CABINET A5.SE~IBLERS f) PAINTERS f ) BONDERS /e TOUOl-UP , O 'DAY YACHTS :um Pullman, C.osla Jll1csa BOAT CARPENTERS Experienced. Large custom construction, Top 11·ages. WILLARD BOAT Works 129:> Baker St., C?i1 BOOKKEEPER Lady with general otfice and typing experience for small, growing co. Call fur appt.. or tntf"IView r.tc r.IAR INCQRPORATED (bmma.ndo !'11otors Div. 9CG 16th St.. N.B. 6~$-12'21 BKKPR F /C $650 Sl:\blr estah Irvine Co. Lov('· Jv of:tiet'.~. 1op benefits. call Diane, a4&5410 JASON BES.T Employment AgC"nC'y 2120 So. ~loin, San1a AAA RookkcePfJ' Accn111 R~c-hilllnr, gi11 rl'\r 1"/llthoot n1f::-. !'lfost lw i::wt typi~!. 1\pply \V. 0 . Stliock Co. Jj(}l.S. Grecnv1!le, Sanla .,. d1tions in area's lcarling I "· I k I --' APPLY NO\\! '"' '" ., ' ,.._ I I r· I I t i. .... ·ra S1" cave ar1<.1 Excellent benefll~ Apply ln nuircd. Pleasn call 492-ll53 '-''· 11 qll(J 1 1<'< app ican rcslaurnnt. Apply 9 an1 to J trt MANAGEMENT VOLT ·· ' h 21 & 4~ 'th II pa vacation. pC'rSOll. Personocl Di:•pt, for l\PJXl•1itme11 L et,v<'en ' ;, Wl CQ rge pm for intct>icw at l'!ackground. \~'n[e Daily Req,,iccmenc. ""'"d' 21 J. W. ROBINSON TRAINEE Recpt/Typist -P!!!!il"n>"Bn"',...".,',,1',,· """"""ISERVfCE Stati,,, "P'd, foU MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP 24o:lt El Toro Rd. Leisure World Laguna Hills . 837-1014 Cooks \Vanted -1'1/F". Non smokers e RELIEF COOK e EVENING COOK Ph. 546-1223 & ask lor Nash ~ore~(:o~:~~ ~~dpe~~~~;L Fashion !.'!land, N.B. INSTANT PERS ONNEL $375 &.i~ tinie, permanent, gajary & 5'7", 140 pounds mini. Gene,ral Ell.cf'llent training program Typing, pref good skills, E xecutive Sale1 comm. 990 E. Coast Hwy, mum hright and \l'Cight; lmn1edlat~ part time help , •• for a excellent po.~ition. NEWPORT BEACH Beaut Costa Mesa o!Jices, Starting salary plus comm, 1 -'N~e~·~·portc;:,~Bca=~<~.h~. -~~-1 20/30 unc(HTr-ctc<l vision; \\'anted in Laguna Beach, Ou r un1qu<? Management ABILIT[ES F ir.;t ye a r ('arnings of SERVICE Sia. At t n d n ' t • hig-h school diploma: U.S. Capistrano, Dana Point, San Training Prvgram follows • 3848 Campu~ Dr. Suite I06 UNLIMITED AGENCY $12,000 plus possible z· year Exp. nee. ~e r.tlke alt citizen. Clemente arcas. Car llf'C, W<'ll plannc(l, r.omplchcnsive 546-4741 4.'iS E , 17th St., Suite 224 traJning program by ('('n-AIRPORT TEXACO. 4678 Call r-.1r. De Lautour, SUN-schct;!'.lle. , ,provid<'s you th<! 1 _E_•_"'"_'_•_"°_'_'_"<_.i_ty_•_m-pl-oy_•_'.ii°"u;;c'~";;M;:a;•~;;----"-~_14_7_0 tu ry old -na1"1 ro, Busi nrss Campus Dr. Newport Beach \Vritcn icst 8'.30) 11 .m., DAY J\1AIL INC. STI -1143, best oppol'tunity to develop Restaurant or sales Background helpful. Serviet> Station Attendant " Nit., Nov, 8, 196!1, Costa bet. 9 am & 12. Mon thnJ <1Uickly in!o a responsible Olli~ Ancient Mariner No trdvel. Mgmt opportun-4.12 AM. 6 nites a wk. t.lt>sa High School, 2650 .Fri. executive in Consumer Fin-ities. Equal opport, emplr, Apply Z160 }!arbor, CM COOK-Exp'd for widow in Fairview, Costa Mesa, G!'ncral arll'C, , .Interviewing is a EARN MORE "°"'Full ta&kin~_!PPtilicatiodns fo&r Ronald A. Smith SEWERS, exper ienced. Ap- exchange for pleasant living caJif. No application ncc-major pa.rt or this non-sell. p ..... • me, ay 1i27 7900 quarters & small salary. No ess.uy prior to "'rilten College student p/t work that i.ng, salaried posl1ion. ' C\'('S shl/ts. 1,~--;_c.~·='----ply 525 Forest Ave., Laitma housework. 673-1879 test. For fu r!lw:!r informa-can be iailofcd to your clas~ e KITCHEN HELP Sales Beach. 497-1131 COOK _ HOUSEKEEPER. tion conlacl the Person. es, $2.65 per hr guar. to Llbcral employee benefits WITH US'. e DISHWASHER PART TIME SE\VING machine operatoni. or houseman. (Xlnt) for 2 net Of:lice, 3300 Newport start. Car nee. Pl-!: 54&-6339 and regular salary increas. • BUSBOYS Make extra money for Christ. Exp'd, top pay. ideal cond. adults. NB. \Vritc Daily Blvd., Nl'wport Beach, ~-F~U!L=~E~R..,;:B~R~U~S~H:.,..:C~0~--1 es ba.~cd on your· progres&. Apply in person mas ~bowing prestige gilts. 1589 r.·Tonrovla.. C.M. Pilot Box p 904. Calif., (n4) 67~1.1. Gen eral Offic• to $400.00 High school gradua,tc. e Typi"sts 2607 W, Coast Hwy, C.'hoose own hour!!, day or SHA!'11POO Girl. For ap-"--' u· ba •-N B h e.ve. Will tr-<1in, Vivian Wood- C Ou N s E L OR Necded.b=-c==--~-,,-'::~ho lCP. c_;f'vund, in e Secretari"es l---~'woort....c....;._c'~'~'---1 ant Coomctics, 38 Town and pointm~nt AL F'RE DO ' s Gloria Mll.l'shall Newport FRY COOK, par! time • .,.,,.c Rrea, c ..... Loraine, PACIFIC FINANCE 326-A Marine Ave, Bal Isl. "'""-· H". ~• PM • ...., Mal•. RANCHO SAN JOA· M•reha"1• p,,.,,.,,d, 204' • Acctq Clerks * DISHWASHERS l--'=="""'-''-' 8 '-',..-" 544 '-'-"---67...,,0 2:>-4(1. \Viii train. Trim QUIN Golf Course. 18021 Welllclif! Dri~, N.B, 645-1770 lTlB C:1:~!lvd. • PBX Opers * BUSBOYS Sales,.._ V 0 N'' SILK-Finisher. Exp. pret., figure and enjoy!I wcrking Culver_ Rd., nr, U.C.1. Ask General 6"' but .will train. Cl ow n Y.iUt people .. 642-3630 for \Vayne, PJI: ~ FRONT oft!~ man a ge r :-iOO N. r.laln St. e Bkkpn Cleaners Npt Sch. 6#-2512 DELICATESSEN MAN. Full * FRY COOK * wanted Ior Laguna Sch. Santa Ana e K h 0 18 yean or older. REPRESE NTATIVE AM fimr. steady work. ~--Ter-Apply THE FLYING Bl.11'· motel. Prev. exp. req'd. ;, eypunc . prs Pll't't time NEEDED NOW STENO, JR. •..ill .;>\...., 310 N Bl d day 'vk incl. wkend1 . e G I Of FuUti1ne ~ ry 4g;, E 17th CM LER 1 e11•port Y ·· 494-8521 Equal opportunity emploYel\ enera C Work nea.r hOmc. S. \V, Santa . Lr s-UM' . N.B, 1 ~--------MANAGER / APPLY JN PERSON To satisfy demands o! Ana co. pa.ya fee. Ute: S/H, DELIVERY MAN • fRY COOK • H~e~~~~;,:._i !T1~;!unt~ PROPERTY Work when and ~toy";:' ~~o p ~. typifl&, front otc: !IP- . L.-__ ...... _ _, _, ..... ,. w'h•r• you w ant I REUBEN E LEE r-• Strong, mun ~ nin..,=uc .. ,.. assume existing ellenlele in In chnrgl! of maintenanc!! • Fee jobA al!O. Jy minded le able-to deliver (I est Newport Bch. 11a!on, e tc, and f~y familiar with I . 151 E, Co.it Hwy. You work own hours ln J . R. Pk!rce ANOC Alf!!Ot!"I & inStalJ major appliances. * EXPERIENCED Mrs. Gill dayir. 548-6375; apartment houses .i shop.. Oterlm Newport S..ch )'Ottr 01vn territory. lft\15 Newport, CM 6C-6120 6 Oil.y \Veck, Apply in per. eves 642-2241 ping centers. Must have son Dunlap Appliance OJ. APPLY prevloo.11 ~perienee ln that f S j CALL NOW STOCKROOJ\f M 8 n • Ex:-1815 Ne1 ... port Blvd., C:Osta J.IOUSECLEANING, reliable licld, Orangt County resi-Persoqne erv ce Restaurant 5-1().70-n 51&-;).141 Jl('r!('nced In sail ing prefrr- r.1 54S.7788 l honcsr. Ne\\"J'Orl Bcach dent. Suhmit resumt! with Rc~taurant; Part time help reel. Apply in person W. 0 . Do.='~~:~,~· :::;:_:co:;.·----· ITH E RIGGER 673-501\6 expc1·ience and salary t>X· 445 E . 17th St, Y..-Un!cd, mature pe r 1 on . Sales Schock, Co .• 'tlOl S. Gt;een- Chairsidr dcntl\l assistant Hl)Usekeeper-llvc in or out, pcx:ted. Wrile Box J\1 428, Cost• Mesa, Celif. S2.00 hr/ 545-'.986.1 TV SALESMAN ville, Santa Ana. E>p'd only. 5'18-5S80 _ 2 school boys, o wn Daily PiloL 642-7523 Restaurant Male/female SURVEY boys 16-18, .$l1S hr #16 f h. I 1--• tr t 1· C-'I •03-8"1 Excellent benefits, full llme. , IUl 1on $ ""'"' anspor a 11.1n. ru <n U' MANAGER, E · ~ I" YOUNG mothe• -•ludo"! to + -mm, + ho-'-. ·~ D~NTAL. Assistant, chalrside, Nrwport Beach daY! or 002-1022 Eve. · xperieno.;<n> ' '" " App, In ~n. personnel ""hoo'"I , wk•-'•·'~B.,= experienced, JllJOne any. i;rilt & houliqne items, tor Interviewing Mon, thru Fri. 11•ork btwn 11 am·2 pm. dept. ..... "" ,., ... _.. timl' $8.-.'1782 . . H OUSl:'.:KF.EPER, Live.~1n, MR. t..TITIY'S, full time. 8 AM ro S P ;>.t t.1on-f'rl, 1;tartlng pay Sl.65 J W ROBINSON minded boys only. Should · . , . . foreign Ca r Mecha nics Crrn1an housl'hold $150 mo. Call 673-46~1. Equal opportunilY en1ployt'T hr + meals. Apply n n y • • have transp. 67S..7113 aft 6 DENTAL As~1s1nnt Cl~en sicle Cood to. benefits, incl patd Qill :1ft 7 pm, ell da.y Sal & n1ornlni;r hrfr 10 am . .T11i:k In Fa.,.hion Island, N.B. for interview. P!lQnr anyh111(', %3-717R2 vacation. $ll'OUfl in.,, uni. ~un . $2-;"f\~t !\11\ClllNIST wan1l"l"I 2" S2' QRTI·IODONJST Rei.."'t'I>-lhc R<ix, 3R5 E. 17th SL, CM. _ _;_..;_;..;__;_c__...:.....:..;;;__ I ;==~7.~=====-1 DISHWASHERS fo1.,n~ fu1·ni~hed frN. Good exr. prcfC"rrecl . C111\ for 11pr! 11 on is t/Assh1tant. Good E1111&l Opportunity Emplyr DIAL direct 642-567!!, Chargt' IHore Help Wanted S\VISS CHALET comn1. achedu.le. Ask for THE SUN NF;VER ~ETS on 5'1ll-42U 3 to 5 PJll1 and 1 to Rkills, full 01· part lime. your ntl, lhen 11lt b8rk and on Next Page 414 N, ~Blvd, NB Joe ~foof'I! Ph. 54G-1764. DAJLV PILOT WANT ADS! ·...;9'-'-P~M~·-------Mesa Verde uea. M&-4070 DAILY P ILOT WANT ADS! Hslt>n to the Jthone ril'IR1 ' . ' ,. ... """" ... '":' ____ ..,_..,_"!'l .................... ,.. ......... "'1.~ .. -----... -.,. ... -..., ... --... ----------------~---··--,----· ------• ' ~ -... --....• ".,, • ·- ' . - • S4 DAltY P!lOT '4f Wod"""'1, Odol>e< 1._1'69 Wednt'1day, Octobt!r 1, 1%9 JOiS & EMPLOYMENT MERC HANDISE FOR MERCHANDISE l"OR MI ROIANOISE ,Olt SA Li AND T RADE M ERCH A NDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE MERCMANDlSE F OR SALE A NO TRADE PETS •nd L IVESTOCK T RA NSPOR TAT ION SALE AND TRA DE SALE A N O TRADE Jci b1 Men, Wom. 7100 1 .=:.:.::.::..;.;c'-"--'---~--'---------uoo 8220 h\i1c•ll•neous Dogs 1825 Boat M1int•n•nce I033 ~----.:= AKC Rct:istl!l't'<I Gern1an Sllt'phen:I pupil !or &ale. 1 male &· l female $6:).00 Afld $40.00 839-t.644 A ... S. ilH ·-· ""''!11CH80ARD. • hrs wttkerd5. P I! r 1 o n a I in- terview only. Ltt Whit!! Chrysler -Plyi:nouth, 16661 Beach Blvd., llunt ~I. TELEPHONF: SOLICITORS. l!mak. \\'ori< in So. Coast area from n>~1rlence for t'sl. !IUVke Co. full er pt-lim~. $2 per hr. Call ~7-8393 or """"'· Technic~ HUGHES N EWPORT BEACH COMME RCIAL E LECT R ONICS D IVISION ""'" I PRODUCTION & TEST ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS For romponents 11!:.1 and rro- durtkln support. A min1 n1un1 ol one )'t'ar of rvcent uldus- trial e:1tpenP.f'ICf' is ~u1rffi. A kno\v!Mge o! solid stalf' di-ctrrtr.Y ii; clesirablf'. Oprn1ng~ ,;if' n11 shifts. P lea;1C apply u1 per..on ta: HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH SOO S uperior Avenue Newport.Beach, Cal if'.· Equal opportunity f'n1 ployer •. :\1 & r Ten1porary Jobs W es tern G irl Inc . NO\V in Ne.,..·port Bcarh! Reg. ister today ftr interrsting, 1en1 ~1'Y0';iss1~nments. ,n. 1erv1 urs: ~ll A:.I, 1-J P'.\f. 4667 r>!cArthur Alvd, Stilt(' ~1·!. NB 540-0325 TIRE chan.cer, JM.rt timr. ~o t-:o:p('r. nrcl's.safY. Apply Yaw1i; & Ulnf' Tirr Co., 482 ~an. L..o.~na 13<"~ Tralncc lTT JABSCO TIME KEEPER · COST ACCOUNTANT TRAINEE F'-u=-m=llu=r-"•----•-0-_o-_oF_u r_n_i_tu_r_• _______ 1 ~ MAS'.>N 6 HAMLIN, parlor TAPE RECORDER $10 WROUGHT 1roa h a n 1t11 1 1110 T•po Rocordora SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN Show Room. Floor Samplas • Facto ry Closeouts 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE $389. e 5 pc. a uthentic Spanish Bdrm. 1et, • 96 in. quilted sofa with 56 in. matchi ng love seat, or chai r e 5 p c. Spani1h Dinette, oaik table top e 3 heav y Mediterranea n matching table1, top durable eno ugh for F lamenco D a ncing. Vlill s ell piecas individua lly. Shop Fir~f ! Then See Our Unbelie vll!tb !e Buyi! 1001 other items w ith t e rrif ic savings ! Bank Terms Store Charge /\laster Charge BankAmericard All .l\cceplcd organ. In beautiful con· stereo head phones, $10 lamp 2 tt in lellKlh with dltk>n. Im 2 10" Speukeni, S7 .:ill ed.. grt'en ~Jass in centf!I'. Brand N E WP 0 R T 0 R G A N S Call John aitrr 6 PJ\1 new. llt.-'ver been u.wd, direct 645-1530 645-0397 frorn Mexico. Completely cou.n:roR'S SHOP =========~J wired &_ with thick wrought ~ lhop with lot! of C•meras & Equip. 1300 ~r!l\ilsTu = S.:~ new 1tock! Come .t. llrow5e! 1-• PENTAX T·'· 11 B HELEN MANNING Antiques m -, ""~1'"7. 7·------=-2428 Nwpt Bid CM G-12-9251 lens, s&:i. 50mm fE.S!-IAR S.<\..U:! Child Guidance Thri!t ~=="'=~----~~1 Jen.~. PENTAX mount, S20. Shori J~i70 N('\l'JX)rt Blvd. ARMOJR.ES * ART :J0n11n \\"()LLENSAI\ <'lilarg. L''l 'O<:l 2nrl & lrd Men''. OJllENTAL * Si1Yt'r/gla.!5s '''"' R;\P11.!\R Jen~. l2fl. 16 x • . s .. l:\Ulls S! 2.J. ~li-Oes 25c. nllSC· BACK DOOR L\1PORTS 20 Y ,\,\\1\TAit l31n0<'ui1!.11i, J ~ pr11·•'. dre~ses 7 )(_' 1896 l!arhor , C:\1 642-7576 $:!5, Call .!•)hn Bf1f'r 6 P:'lf, bJoU~(·s !Uc. Coats & 111;~~: S.15-0397 '!• Bouh<1U('S, boys, 1P1·ns, 1·h1lclrf'ns, apphances-;111 1 :. SEWING MACHINE Sporf;ng Goods 8500 ---CLOSE-OUT 1969 SINGER RUSSELL SUJl<'B<J "nl• r " t'1xn11~s. racks, countf'rs, C ONSOLE JO' ,.,. ~..., m11n11rquin~. shel\'1"8. Zig: 7.ai:;: cab. model, Slightly Call John a ltl'r 6 I',\! >lo<k-O'D1ty Dre!\5 Shop usf'd, S1y!ish v.·al. cab. Doc>s &t-.·-0397 ·a~ lllain st. Pvrry1h1ng without attach. SL'.RFUOARDS 9.2.. llobie lluntingtOn Bea('h Built 1n controls to O\'f'rl'<l~I. II'··' 12' ~.. T tl :::=========:: k b I ho! b I• ......,.,y, ~u1gg an em, ma e u -es, sew on u s, both l or $58. 673--0632 M' W -• hem dresses, 1nake l;1ni·:v ISC'. an1.v ~~~~~~~~~~ st1retl('S t'lc 5 )'r, parts ·-$ E $ and sennce iuarantf'f'. $5.91 Misce~l•neous 8600 w BUY Se wing M.tchine1 8120 1610 PART GemUUl She pherd pup. pies, 7 wks old. nwnly black 4 ~utitul. SIS male, $10 female. 494-3447 * M J NIATURE S('.HNAUZERS. champion Klock, AKC reg., eves. 4!!>-4579 CH. SIRED BORWI (Russian wolfhound. J P ups. & !em. COLL.I E. Show qua!. ti73-4l5'-1, 2771 51h, CdM SffiERIAN HUSKY P UPPY ~ 5-1:.-6671 BLACK Lab, fen1 . 3 mos. has sho1s. 385 or $115 iv/papers. &1·1-4887 SCllNAUZEHS. i\!1 n. pu1>s. Show or pels, S('rVICt'. 833--0.'!61. AKC Stud Ut\CHSl-IUNDS, show quality RN I, blark & tan. Champion Sired, 2 f.1alrs. 644--02'27 dwn. & 9 pymL'i. ol $5.91 n10. ------' No inf('rcst chge., or: * AUCTION * $ FURNITURE $ BOSTON TeITicr Pups. 8 C OMPLE TE PRICE APPLIANCES \rreks. AKC, black & whlte. $59. JO FR I DAY • OCT. Jrd Color lV•-Pi1no.-Steroo1 ~6--0925. f-'ur m oblig., fm-hon1(' 7:30 P .M. 1 Piece or Ho-f 11ll GERMAN Shc>phen:I p.1ps dru1", cal.I Credit l\fgr, till Rr posf.('<:'il'<l & Bnnki'Up! CASH IN JO MINUTES $10. Furniture 8000 9 P .• \l. J f toll call Coll('(:'!. f"urt11(Urr. B«ll'OO!TI 1't:IS, 01. • 541--453 I • &l&-4621 213: 531-9694 '"111.~. C.1iau-s. Bunk beds, WE PAY CASH Pure bred Shepherd Pups 196!1 SINGER w/lieaut "'al j\lilllii·s.srs, Chl'sls, Coffee Con1e sec l\tan1a & Papa Schools-Instruction 7600 OV E R -STOC K ED console & zig-lag. l\1akes lo hlrts, Ll1n1ps, llon1c bars, 6 \Vks old. !>45-lSZ1 hu1ton holes. o\·ercasis. 5 D1n(·t1r.~. TV's. S.1t'1l'os, Dis-•--w=E~=p=A=Y-=CA~SH--r-. I========:::::::::: KEYPUNCH TRAINING MUST SELL! Year guar. }"u!l price $38.21 play t:ascs. Rl'lrlgcrator:;, or $5.26 mo. 526-6616 F'~C'zers, \\'asher.-, Dryers, Horsff 8830 -----------! Stoves & !'.IUQ-1 r.·IOP.E! ~ W a nted 5 women TO START CLASS 7'\IO~IJA Y, OCT, 6th. Pilot J\r_vpu nrh prop11m of!C'r1 ng th" f1 nr~t rqu1r>- mrnl & f;1 ril1IJ"~ avail11lil1•'. :JQ'l'Tl thr Jr>arll·•'' :-\('II' bed~: n:1ni:: S99.50, QUC'('rl.~ ~.50, f"ull $cl9,50, T1\·j ns $l.<J.50, fully r:uarn. Musical Inst. 812s WINDY'S AUCTION King "iZ ~pl"('ilrl<; SlJ 95, fl . BUNDY flute & casr r:>.· CO:'llF. BROWS!:; AROUND ''" ~9.!IJ , ,\'1·w 9 pc. corner «f'llr111 cofldil1on $ 7 5 . 'J0751·,. Nf'WJlrlrl Bh:tl. 11rrang_ 1'hr.i.'t' of r·lrs !1'~. ~2-i2G8 BC'h1rn1 Tony's Bldi; ,\[a!'I~ • NOT Checks For GOOD, USED Fur11i!u1<e. Stereo, TV or 1-lousC'hnld Jt,.m~ nC ;iny kind. • 5-47-5722 • ~-·~n. no11· Sl:l9.50 lleatlhrrl~: 1-----------·ICosta i\Jrsa * 6l6·8ti86 UPRIGHT freezer. Ve i; l\irH!S, s1;1. Qut'erlS S l~.::.n. OPEN DA ILY !) II\ ~ HllCf'I', canning e qi pt . Fuil SIO.:.O, Twin.'>. S>l .9.1. P iAnos & Orga ns v 1130 \\'ILSON, Sam Snead ehnm· fH W 223 1' ~ YR. old 8d.y Filly $200 or best oner. !168-5003 BEAUTIF UL. Black 1\larC'. l!illFdl. 10 )TS old. \\'ell lra1ned. $27:). 5.1&-6!l3!1. S:\L\I,L. Shetland, c h I t d broke, daple grc")' $75. 5-l.l-5828 Acad e m y of C om p\.lter Tec hnology Call ~17-!.J ITI 9am1o8pm Trundle sels (duo nscr) 11.f · h u cl ==-------=~ inner .sprini; niau. reg. Sltx;, WOW' full 40 inch pia no pions ip go ubs; 9 Ullns Nl:;ED br1ck3 one to 1000, co ' I. f r nl "699 & ~ i\·O'lds, tl('W bag, m;.,... re;isonab!y priced, 644-4687 L·,ve stock 1840 n_ow S79.50. Rol!-a-\l•a,y.tit-ds n oe o o y ... ·'t' ,,., xlot -·" ,100 _ ---~-..,..-=~--I· 11· I 1nl'I. s pr111i:; n.1aLt, reg. This i7 o0ua-5r:-r1al buy f<\f 1''.'"' ' . '-u""· . ------.~------- ,)()!."\ Tiil~ rlCL" S.l9 ;,(), now !39.50. Canopy Oi.'!OhC']' <>Ct .YOllJ'<; llnl\' ·1l] {IVtcra sofa hf'll. blur< & Lumber 8750 IT'S FUN TO rsoARD \\'ITll ..\ F'liTURE! . ., . . ' ;:0!1!, nc1'' 11/lhvl. $65 . , becls rrc:. Sl\9.JO, no1v $89.~. Jinlshes. Buy as cheaply ;,is .,.,.30~,., 1 x S's ............ 5c , fool l ?ur ho_rse at TALL~ J-10 ·'"·C''edtJr;i11on 11,1 barr1<'1'~ I ~~ ~ F" "'ts Bo t II • -Full ... t.. ~k.rp . sofa rr~. a 1-<:·n ta . D<"l I k !l!k: '"'"" . " .!. a s .,;g p('r I.RT us help :.-ou qualtl) ,2:;9 .~. now SJ&J.:-..0.,Chiii<I· GOULD MUSIC US ED rrr1·1gf'ra1or. Srna!l. R rt hoc 5 •·••·•••·•·• ::9c n10. ;\ll'la! shaded rorral.s I;>.'NKEF:PJ'.:P.::i I'.\'~llTlJTE n1a~ lay-a11 ,,,v~ 1101, SIESTA .., 11111s g~I ~E1. ~I of b\11 ', 1~. •I ~n~r'',5 .••• , ....... t·,.; •JO .. ~-1.l P"'r mo, Automatic "-a-l~TERN,\TIQN,\J. !'\LEEP ~!!OP. !9'.!i Harbor 2015 N. Main, ~.\ J.17·()6.111 beds, coi\iple~c $3p. 2 b;iby ·• • c·' OS·T"A"""ME .. S .. A • ,.l(•r, leetl &. cle;ined dally. :\lo[<'l/l!o1el f:\pt :\!<>m t &:hl e e YA H crb r ,,.. ~L~" t' 1 h ·' " Blvd .• C:\I 6·1:>-,760 daily 10· MA A 1 s. goo< corru1l!on .... "" ,, · ~ acres 1g t~ arena, A DIVISION OF' !I Sat·Sun 10-6 .');}. Can he SCf'n at 2321 San-BU I LOE RS SU PPL y tl'a1ning ring. Rlvt'r trail ac- A:\'Tl fO.\'Y ~CHOO!.~ P IA NOS & O RGAN S ta Alla Ave .. C.M. 1100 Superior, C!\I * :-ri;;.2s26 I'"~~-Expert En~!i:;h & 1117 ~. 13ROOKllUP.~ 20 PC . "MADRID'' .;;,..(' lhe con1p!r lc Jin" at: I \VANTED L..·nlir!. ,.., Girls \l'f's1t'.'rn 1nsrruction. "f;i_lly ~\:-.O,\!!~:J.\I. CAl.lf"OR:'\I,\ COAST MUSIC FREE TO YOU It ,. 11-2 •. I 3 Room Group qu<1Ji1y used o ·lnth1n.t~ r1nl ----------o a_i·1n~. .w "r1~·1-0pc, Clas~('.~ forn1 "'.t'.'11' iv{'('k 1'.''-"<l'POnT & 11 •""or· F Fountain Val!ry. :i-l:l.-9;)51 PllO:'liE FOP. APPT FP.O~I i\10D£L. 110\JES i ~-. H.r.o t consignmrn1. ·ul's. h:1ls, \'!:"!·fl " I I" " f fl r ,\.~k !or Ori!.\' 7i6 .i<;OO fn('.ludc~· QuiJrrfl <:ofa and l COSTA l\IE~'.\ * 612-'.!S:'il h.i~·~. 1·;-.,;u;il~. :.hn··~. <I <'· · · ~f>fll 1 n1 1 f'hur _;? f'rirl l.iblcs & cof-0[X'n 10-6 }11 10·9 ~un 1:'.!·5 01Jt :l-l~!i:!l , Tu,·s ituu ~·aL I.,\ d•l r 1' 11 '11! 111<1.r 11 11.,.. A'rl'l::NTJO:"J LOVING !'Al!-!.J :::o IV J:21J ' hnll'('d l•'lllf'I' 1'111\, !11\d• 1' ! ENT.5~ YOlrfll SPE:J~CJI lcc ta!Jlf' -2 lan1ps -dress-Hi\f\11\IOND · Stein\.\·ay • Ya-1 ~,...,,,.,,,.-7::.,,.---~~ I \• .. r 0111,..r , hi!drl'n pn•Jf't· \VOP.KSHOP. Agc:oi 7 1., Ii f'f -mirror -headooam -nlaha • ne1v & used pianos 12 B,\S.' ! l~1wr a r(·ord11•·1 ,I. i·• d b-:;i-f;l 1i2 a[1o·r 1, L('arn to speak well, t'lllllll l· quilted box spring & n1al l· of all makes. Best buys in "tl.q ' s:ll: h:"nin"1·1 · 1ro11.·r l 1·\I :nt : :lll'. proj('ct Alter i;choo! & rr~<: -5 IX'. c11nini;; roon1; ::;a, Cslif. right h<'re. $2<1, Cunt!)f'r fl<)l)l lalilr S'.\(1 . '.\ -~------ tah!P ,t· 1 hi-llo.('k c·ha1r~ SCl-ifl1IDT ?>l USIC CO., Ctl.lll""r Rnn1rr ~.!d'·l'<Hlu .1 .1ulhrrlr.~s k111r ns. ~ '1h.1 :'dtu nlays. Private or <:hiss ,~ " I '" "-r t I COlltPAHE /\T $7.\9.9.1 1907 N. llhiin. cabovtt sr.:~i. ~11>2-l ~I n" tx·aut1 u s<'rn1· nn~ r'l1"~. 49.l·~J $399 Santa Ana ---------II• 1· 11 1•anc,1 -hrni~, hrlo.11. VOC,\L Trch. &,. song 111. :llODJ:::lt." \\alnut lhlt .I. ti nd ' 11'ncler !uiJnJ.; !'.II" t•'rprr.ta11on. &>i.;-inncrs thru ;.,-,, d,11111-Pn11~ on!I $16 Ill". \\'!:: llAV!:: PIANOS! <'hairs .SOO, 2 l..1rw ":11. "1"11 :";::-27!Ki 111/2 111h·anl'('ri_ 49-1-9340 11.fl 6 WELK'S WAREHOUSE You may purchase or rrnl thles $·10. 1 ~r111ni:: f11;u·h. ------_ .fl.lid credit alJ monies paid 1f'nsion adi m·rd"d 520. ! \'Jo::'.<\ \'! r:ur: T1:::"1 ki!- M ERCHANOISE FOR 6tlO 1011·0.rcl purchase. Chord nrr:an SW. iiT:-2·,1 11. !•~1~ <ti llle1r i.:ut .. ~1 sla~ .. - I\'_ ·1th !"t.. Santa Ana HOUSE OF HARMO NY I~~-~~--'--~~~ ,,,.,.d tov•· 1111d a 1io1n1· SALE A N D T RADE D(1C'n Dally 9.9 48 F~llion lslan<I Grand Open ing SALE ! dG-4178 1 :\~k 1.-,r Lind:i! ~11, 9--6 Sun 11-6 ... Be b ., Peinrf\ tank~. h,.;h. ar,.·~~ •1 :7 F 't 1000 i~<'ll'flOrt 11.c * &lcl-OC:. I ------.,,--~7-c urn• u re FUft;.IJTUIU:: 1-Clumed from 0 'TIS TROPICAL F'ISJJ :: Fnxy hll!f' li tl l<"llS.''.! 1!111" di.splay sludio~. nlodrl hom· N \\'-rent a Bald\\'ln rua»o !JO.>;tO Edlfl!;"Pr 1 ~1 !lla,e:nnlial ESPANO'L IN QUALITY !ur ~our f'hi\!1 for S?.00 Fnrn Valli::>· • 8.12 .. WJO t!l;:C'rs shr hair, I Ion~ h;ur Model Home F u rniture "~-rfecora1ors cancclla11on. k p f 1 fik nri lop :<!npi.'d tHl Spanish,!',. f.lccl11erran£':1n l'fC. I\' e" " ro ('~siona 111· KIRBY \'al'uun1 rleatJ!'r \\·1th 1J{'l'f'K'al h rulf'! :'\"l'f'rl Saving~ To 850:-C, Vny easy structt0n :available -rrslills 11 1 & 1 1 , .. 1 11 r f11V1nr1np;. 3 complete roo1ns RD FURNITURE i,'l ia ranlet>d. a Ul' 1 · 1m 1~ i~r, '' t rnnt homr.~ .&:. lm·r . ~~lfl-'l·!<~ 9/~,(J TRA NS PORTATION Boats & Ya chts 9000 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS F,~t>lrt -f;111rlf' -CralVI - Lawyer -\\ ATEH every l),\" T.,..-o gol<lf1~h in hr;i1rd dis- r'uss1on: "OK .. wise i:uy, lf lht'rr ls llfJ God 11•f11J 1•hanges lilt" \\'ATER f'vcry DAY ? " 'G7 GL/\~1-',\R C 1 tat io n , Jnboard-outLoard. 120 ~terc. Cruiser \\ilh pc'>l·er jet " po\1•er trlm. ru n rover. Re;i<ly to t'nfoy. A 11 maln1eaall{'t! records. 1 ov·ncr. Kl 6-14·11 17t,, OUTBOARD e a"tt l a crwser. slttpg 2. dasaaf • ' lo the water line, w/~. both liCl!nsed. NO MQ'lal. S24.5. 494-M after 6 Piii 18' 1•ibergl1 boot & on lllott mooring llO hp Volvo, *:r:n drive, 1/1 rai;lio. bai t ta*, etc. )Ont co1ld. Gd. W i.rt. On :shore n100ring Ba1'roa fsl, No. Bay TI4-675-2i99 IS' Owens w/85 hp eng., lge \\Ill trlr, f'quip. Good cone!. 54&-26::1 BEAOI A UJO SLIJLY Wholtwleo r nc.s to All Compteie Mat-hine Shop Speed Equipment !lS Vk:!Dria,, CM ~ 183il Beach 81.:l, HB 841-0991. * Open 1 Da,y.s * CORVAIR e-rtc i 11• ..t ~pm1.S. :>15-ttll06 T.-..,T- J4'ti" GL.ASPAR. 7'.i HP [LIKE. N8\V? '66 Anstocnt l:VJnrudl! motoc Good roo-Lo-Liner. l i'. C e m pl rlit1on $62:i. 673-5158 \l•/awnings, frame jacks. 1967 16' Glasn-on. 50 h.p. 1\lercu1·y. Xlnt con(!. $1495. Call 673-2259 1~1· Horizon Ski boat 80 HP Mere. New trailt>l', $1250. 642-'.!~17 aft 4 P!\-1 mlITOI's, Re9d7 ta IO -but -dao't find. rk ... See ("\/es at: 3005 J obnsoo Ave., c.r.1. S4l-iOIS 1s· FYREBALL 'fill MM-con- 1ained, ~ I , tnlmac! - s.42-5&17 2389 A \\'e~tmi.nster Marine Eq uip_. __ 903 __ s ! =Pl=CM=. =======! Tcucb '500 '66 r.t ercury 1100 :->S outboard (110 hpJ 111th Thunderbol1 l-----------i~n1tion. I.on~ shalt Rcblt NF: \V TN'l"!Jt1"ATIONAL mio. 673-7IJl:i~ lOOll, Loadltar, 1""' WB, Boat Sli p Mooring 9036 Kf::ED; 11' boat s hp NB are11 \\'nte Dally Pilo!, Box fl! 510 Boat-Yacht Ch11rt1 r1 9039 SA IL CAL 24 S1> per day. CaJ 36, $60 P•'r day. Slet!ps 6. 714-846-2957. ~I a."'1e, V-3, 4 Jp!, 18. GV\V. Only JG98. Jt won't last kml~ f.ll'e at· KUSTOM MOT ORS "" Baker St., 01 5'Q-5!l TllU.CICS AU. kinds, new & ..._ ttnlts to thOOllt' fnlm. Be-at ii1•als on NE\IJ lNTERNA TY.ONAL trut.il.s. Call & s,;n·e S'SSSS.S . l :USTOM MOTORS 845-Baker St., O t ~ I -VANS & BUSES -----------111 to t--hoose Crom. [lfost Mot1ile H o m es 9200 .gurti·antf'ed. Prit-es s lart ·at ~-~~--~-~- G RE E N L EAF P A RK · 111 cle<1r. clcav, .(.~Sta J\·lcsa. XC'11• 9l space adult park. rtlodels & Sales oUi<'i: located at Park. Open 9 A,\I to 6 1"~1.\; ... ACCENT il!OB!Ll~ IJ0:11F: :..A LES J'i:l() \\'hi\!1t'r Avr $59'1. L7B136. Fards, a.nys, [)o(tl,:r.s. V\V's. See~ them all 'at: KUSTOM MOTORS 815 Baker !'it., Ctif 540-5915 '6i Cbrvair rnti+;:5fde pick uf}-4 ~l. ~Iona ·eni;:. S1:'(}. &f8-Z126 Co<l a !\Ir~ ;)4: 6·12-l::;!(l Ca m p.e0.n,co. ____ _c.;;;;'°I BAY HARBOR 4 Door. 6 pa!!..-,~ Ditl!"'l'll1 PO. Mobile Home Sale s v.·/ririll' ne1" c a b o .. e r. Ca~;i Lon1 a Roil . A\\'ay , S2,7iil. ~168-396.J. 4::9-1'945 Shera 1011 r-.ra nor . l/omc!!c • I c,o"c. cV\=v' ~co..,.,.,--,-,c. -"""""'c_cc...,,~ hH · Pl'l'~li\:r . Sahara condi tion. Cmnplete'ly ,\Ll, SJZES f'QU lppe d. Reas. 57>-fM5 SO\V ON DISPLA \" l 12."1 Bakrr SL, Costa l\lesa 1 ~ hJo.-k f::a~I 01 Harbor Bl\·d. Costa :'lll'sa 171-11 a.10--9-170 il!OBJLE 1 Lnnie for ;au nr •. ran11ly "rel 1011 . J_,.11Hl~1·apc<I. Ci:tll afl 6. ~J:\&--l~f:! Motorcycles 9300 '(i7 r..or1 on i:iQ •·<-. e'trnol\·11 fur~s. t ii•I pn1n1. lol rof rh1,1111,... S9.JO or toe.st olfcr. ;,1:...02.1:) SUP"al MANX Custom fi i1sh. lncvl~ Cor· 1;111· "n:;ji ~ hy Bill Tbomas. 1 lnd)··s. Su j1f'riast. S16l0 J AN IES LT D 1: ... ~1 Ne11·p.1-1 Bhd. st! SUPl-:R ~ ·~!'C't't bug i y . l~kycan1, [\!l!l ~cled, al\ ehrnn1c, ,\l1 1v1nc-n1ust sell. 9G2-Kl9'2. --.E~L"L-cl~,L~L~,\]~::r--1 1 mported /J.._uto='c......-'.:..c:1 s·r ----·- Call John ::1rr 6 P.\I I ALFA I ?OMEO r.1-..0:;97 ~----------,·til AL~-A Re1 1'11"0. rNucied 'tib ~.',\.\!All..\ 100, n1any e,. rrom SIOOO 10 S"/JO. PinDis. Ira~. $Z.'il. :'\ C.vcle lra1lrr Jt&H. ftctl. &!'.!-6606 $100. Xl111 r'flnd. ;..JS-7.138 ------.'.<'IV 1$~ B:'lf\V rr':!Od C/fll'"Jr1 L1n11.\ ror man v.·ith ""m" accounting or relaled dertcal expf'rf· f'nte tn come into contact \\'llh al! rlrpartn1rnts of Hlf' CT\1np.w:,o. Pre/er hii;h S<"hooJ ;incl !<Omi> ;\('('(IUl11· in;; rrainin;; o! deCQra)ors styled Spanish 1844 N•wport B lvd., C M \VARD'S BALD\VTN STUDIO :~9g~~tr;~111''";t. 1 ;iy nf! bnt nf LOV,\IJLL k;lt<"n.~. i furniture. Consisting ol t ~ l'V~tY night 't1! 9 1319 N!!l\'(Xlrt C.~1 6·12-S·l~1 .J ' or ta .,.. _niTr p)·mnts. wC'eki; old. nrl'rl -=,OOd homr, lamous rustom quality 1\fa. \\"C'cl .. :-;at. ,t· Sun 'ti] 6 1-:!tLl:: OR~AN Cl.i\~!->Ll Crt•t!i! rlrpt 5.:.1-i'l.-i'!'! 111n l•~·J::l'·•.V ~r1·1pr·. fL'lll<1lr, rlrld 11\ I n~ room group. The · . ' ~~ · CROSS tr.p Hr I r ig. , .\r!ln11 lbl\, ~irtpf', 2 e;i lir<J flni.;.n;J l:.I PttsidC'nte sPHr-1 -----------\Jouih.1~· nitc:< 7:.~. ,;.,;o r•m au1umat 1e •h.'[ro,1 E\·r sr~; ;111-10:16 lfl/l »•LI' 111.i~tcr king SIZ!< t.p(I. O ffice Equipment 801l 1 G OU L D M USIC CO. Th<! Hou~,. in Ba•·k ·l l:i E . l0o•n1 suite and thC' tiult1,..n11c· ~.o;-. :-<. ~lain. s.,\. ~117-1')<;1 17th fi-12-5741 \'tJ:Y •·ute I.it riurn1"~· 21 1-·T. Co1Tec11 <..:rafl Ca.bin 600 rr * R.&l I Cn11ser 18:) !IP c·nu.o;e Al 20 I oO'C==·~"='"-2'_2'_•~""'., RPr-.1. Tip lop rorwl. F'ully "fili H O~D.\ ~~ cc . C·llO. Lo "'1\llpJl('rl. In \\<lier 00,1,.. 111Llcage. $12.>. AUSTIN tlEALEY AUSTIN A 1M ERICA ~..Jt'.'s, Scn ·i·! {', Parts JmmE'fha1~ i! k'livl!ry All l\toc1 els Pl('i!M' :ipply 1n prrsnn ·-l!J .~ ]'('~~~ .J?c.P..1:. EQU,\L OPPORn<NITY ~ .. \IPLDYEP. I " ' IOU 0 '""'"· "·'"' supplies. I \\'es1m1nster Ave, Westm1nl. \\'1\1 int·I n11~J ,., ,;:~~-] 1::1 ~' 1:...r;s10 --·--AfFECrlO:-\ \Tl. l l\11\lf::OGR.\PJ[ r.cl•·, ,_,,,, -· n ·rr,1•1.,•r l.. '>l1rt·n rOo:~ •• Jl~n l.:i l\•r..11·1.uught iron dlt1f·1_1,.. · · • ' ' oll.N CCI\'~ E:ltttn c Or " · · " '"/ u1!erJp·11·rr Coq Sj!XJ[ . · · ~, "',1 ri CARP/-.T 111s!alll'1· l1.1., on•' lot·•(ul iful lo11-.; ha11'erl k.1llcn~ ~e:.~ Lurutcd Sl~ · ~1~l __ ~-·-' ... _.:..._ _ · ~.a~C' . .,::i!2>nrt. m:i"1"-"'i"l/•! 1.,.,•1, .avocado nylnn r .1rpC"t, 1,, ::-rw~! h<Hll""· Pl\ (':ill r1 · n u oow ..... ~c. )JW •1r or«t "· r!11uhlo• J\11• -h:tth••,J. \I it! ;.r,I ~-«:-1-.r,~ ior; !rr' P•'l'f('('f cond~ ~·!>\-00:;.o} illl 01. p;,ir!, s.:: f y a r cl . I '.1,\!lf)l;,\,"lY :-O;lint'! jl:.i.r.o J il)-7:?!:1 l\lust ~ll. Call alter 8 p.m. 8~2-::.;cii: 61&-l:i.~7 68 KA.WAS;\Kl $:.JO Or Be,_, l~rl hr1 r·1Jr~1 fntct•ttptor Off<'r. ~21 \\'. CC'll U"r art 6. !JI), n1:i11y r xtl'al'-, must 2950 Harbor. C:\I !)-6 J1rlu 31111µ 0 1485 Dale Way Costa Mesa , Cal if. (7 14 I l4S-82l I j ~ANI SH 1 Y/'E\1 J{ITER. Arffl 1n;ich. r-,1JcuJator. \'('ry N'a~on<ible. J =--.1111 l"orid. l\lakf' nffC'r ~:r{J:; --~1 ._,..1!1"1lll! !'>~;1·1~1 ~I' r ~I~ ::.!.1:L1;1·:H n1.1:: f:0-1h •.11 1 ·11111·11~1 :i.1u,,1~.;,; •. -.p .• 1 ,u,.! l•·:-ithr1· t lit.. 1' f' II(•\ ('f( • r,._7,;'I HI .1 J'!,\;-,(J, sn1<1.ll ljn1 .... 1 rd[ c!.rll<; lln 'd !111 0.u,:11 11. SJO N! .. ~.IJ l"urlo· Pt ,.,\I 1111,1r ~r-1 1' S:J:Jl. Call alt 5 P~I '69 J\a1\o.sakt f"-1. r-.pans1011 :.:Q>-:i9lll rhanill. \\'ehro lir;ii!, r·11s1 · 1 ,.; 1:-. i:.\flt'r~s. hrlf\I\' n1k1! r·arh rf1rt nr sirrrl ~il.J)SIO ;'.\00 "''·Coast J1~y., N.B.. M E D I E RRANEAN ,, !ih0\1'11 '" model hon1es. '\Int. Cotlll. ~!l:!-2423 ~1· 01('~('1 ).\('!('h, :\llXIOUS~ I G t:'~f).J f';., 1!1r Yach t S.1lf'~ 6i3-1;,10 A l . I ,\u1horlu>d -=='=•I -1 uto e rv1ces =======:- TREE TRIMME R $5 76. to $701. per month J Rms uC furn, \din rm . !iv cm. & bcdrn1 1 priced •'lSe· where al t.~~~, is yours trxl.'.ly "' only =· E;,sy CrPdu -so22 1 Garage Sale 11 :0:.; ~l. JJ'Q11111i:: 00,1rd S2 \ l 1'11t:l1\ & hf>tJch, J1i::ht oak, r, li.-:!IAA I ~~-1i1-1n. ln.'C' to quaJ. hon1c. 2 'hll i"P" S:J.Oll :.1~-'."!l;I,{]--· .'it.:J(!']~I ;-\ ]· .t~'\•11 ) dn·~<; hf'Hlll 111'"11 lu1,•ioPI' h1t1•11 .... ~ r( ;1 \,.--,,-l'l«rk C'Hll'-ld(' l:ibl"IC''-. & rrr\lll(l nl~. Snlcl h"> 11\Hlh"T ;\I.Ill'<. : ... hl-1"16 Hll.' So;Jbo•ts 9010 I & p,_,,_, ___ 9400 DA TSUI\ I ~'.\JP!::. fbri;:l hu!I. rlacrn TIRE SALE I ·---! i<-11 !~, xlnt ra('ing rnnd. &'1:' \\ill'" 11 •ll •: J'-,,h~J,,~ ';"'l+'l '64 PICK UP I 'frrm~. \\ ,H!n''>S u111f,,1 Ol:'< I ](,.\~! S a n ta Ana Furniture :0:11\rr1•.'.l1" $10 ,.,,._ ~.1~:.:.71 :11 Bab1a Curi11th1an Yacht Y""r & 1;:i1r. ,\"low ilS Club, S9:ll. 1nrl trlr '" covf'r S29. 95 1 r.l~<t)n Xlnt cond. 11, ... pu~l1~· :'l-1 ,,,,nda~1 !11ru 1;-l'Rf".C!Ol-·.S PUPPI"~· :, Ilk~ s· . ..n f,; 1•il~~ ~!.~.!! ~l rt!lf'n~ll'!:_C'_I_ Tf'rrt••r rin')Jlf', t'r«r tn ----C ITY OF - NEWPORT BEACH .\..!ti ...... • Ith !->l , S..•nta Ana j.jj.()j89 • ~;d .t· :-;11n !I i\-\!-1-;:-f;-p ,\1 2',20 C:nltrt::f' nr11,.._ C\I 1h1111·1 .h1n1'o; ~!11111 121 J1 E A RL W ILLIAMS "' I Hl::t.J. 111·:1.~IFT o;;1w>rl, ln1111:; humf' 1.r,.~711 Television 8 i0.S $' -----------! . -· IH-ii:_,_,_1 __ _ f'UltNITURE: & cabmets hkt' !f;r 111 nr! 11,irhor Shr.ripg Cirl USED TV's ( .111 Jnhn afh'r 6 ;-,1 1 1~.1111 , ,..;rr., I 1 :, .;-;.I '.!.-"::!I, ""' Ill~+ TEX ACO !;:f'qu11''~ Vilt' ,Vt'Ar of lrr>e 111n1n11n~ cxp('riencc 1n- 1·lu..llng (L't'f' SUl'g{'T}' <i.rni rlirr:bing. Apply before ~ p m, Ur!obl!r 91h to 1ht' Prrsonfl('I Olflc,.., 33()1 ynu hal'e ~~ '''" " '' I ....t' .~I , .: · ;' ~ '1 1'.. t,-. ----~1'"1'-~·.,r~.1.:11 .. 11 , •. , ... -·------- A1 nrnr<1·s """'' & m°'t YURNITUHt: Odd'-f,; r 11rfs :'.03~ 1'"illn1nn· 1 ·1 \\l'~!JngliolJ>.r T\ -1:~-,\)ll:-lTJ-: !':n1'11h,i• ,<1ul F1,.,,,.fli \l9-I 111 .• ~·;:-,T,\H ll<t '.:.1..'j.::'-rl,.,i>f :) . ~to1orola TV ····· ... Sl . <ll.<.•1•·ll.I l'IT1"' \pp1 Jl-•·•I al C1·1 \\I rol{!r€'f! f (' n1 a]';. '-:ill~ ~ tr.11lr1· n1·r.t1rrl, unu -u;,I unfinishl'fl fnm ituf'I' :.lore. Cur Redhill & Santa \\'ay J\p1 1•U :1 16-fk:~H ;i/1 2 31} CARPE:I', ~1'' Pat·karrl Brll TV .... S.Jn • · II II •II r t le '"' ' 1•1••-1 "'II 1111111,..1, >fi•!v!' .. _ , , 1 ... ~'·'· • i.1 "1 111uc 1 ss. nliniahH"" f'(IO!l k· .A Kr Ana f\11·. Tustin. l m' So. :o.hai;:, hi-lo NE\V " yd "' Hamilton, 14 7.Pn,lh Pn11;ihlr .... ~.1 G1~ ·,·~1 .1~--11),1 hrff\rr 3 :'JJ P:<.I 11" 7.enllh Pon;ihlr , ••. ~ :')1 ·r· •• n•t:1 ~1f'rl'd. 612-fl'•J3 lf)/3 o! Ne"·port F\I)'. Ot><n "" '"· (!ays per yr. :~t·1-:A70. <.:.!II. Saturday only. 21" RC1\ Col11r TV •..• S J~~ l Bai·ht.'r Sh••p <hair~. nntke f'HLE k11trns. ~. P"fs1 ,1n. '1 '"'vport Blvd . '.\r\11J01rt fk'l{"h, Caldornta. (i14• ' -.. . . -7!l~<i F'ire~lo1w Dh•l 1 •">HC'r. :\lu.~I S" l 880 ::;1an1e:o.t'. 536-4::;62 aftrr -1 67::.f>ll.11 I GAP.Al;~, :-..ile. 1' n -:si:tt. !:ihdc \A I Bl OO II fJ.,ii·t1rr 11:; :i:!:J-!710 l\lonro"1a, C.~l. 1 F ! am r P,\l Ill ·: 1-----------. proJectfir $3~-&rce11 Sl2. -"P"P_l•_n_c_•_•______ • • '' ~"<><»'·'~".'.' -~----~-liimT!oi!,;TC<,;;;dJ;::-;;;;x, I . !lid}.~ i'\flll' 111 ,<.;!fl<.'k. ltJI !'-1 '\I-\\'J-!ITE \\air p00dl•', i::-nod TI'P!;\l; 1n hon1r, ,;lC'ady Leica i;t~le_ 3.:1111in ca111era 1 \.1~0 ;\'<'11 . ~ll1Jf)f Aranrl~ of 1!l70 Cnlor Caq icl l:1yPr has 111 l o 1,.,111 rlnldl"f'n 9t:i:!·lS61 10 .1 1\or k. J111C'r.·11·"·~ ticini;; hrlll 1 4 lcn~ Sl"1. furn1lurc. New. f'\""" /\'f'w~ TV \\!lh thC' n;i·olulion11f1'. n~·lon"'.'S L!l!.l yd. Shai:;s ('16':.'-lWil lO/:l on Thurs, Oc.t 2nd at J!Vl: I housew11 r't'~. cul i;lass. tool!'. Thr r1r.~t "ill' and nnly nf'ii· sh;if1l hrl"hl pu·lu !'e fru1n Sl.;,oo 11p -111~· lRbot, , c.-o:--c---,--,..---.,-JU>~·nold~ SI. !'.anta Ana. n11sc .. "..'ll·ll E. 1:,111, C\1 1ti:-.ll'-~:ashrr 111111 ~"Ip cyclf' tw-' Sr ~ '"u ·. llEr\ ~per yanl. Xi1~-G910 fRl!:E in gocl(I hon1P, young r>l us! hav~ c\\"ll 1ram.p. l>-16--0!J,;, ___ permiltini: th,. U!>l' 0 f tu · · r 1 111 a at. ' · -Cal1C'(l Cen1alr k 1' 1" n DERSON'S. ~1~77 .• lfarbor 01.Y)fPIC 1V Cnni;ole strren-LOVES <'hildrt'n 510--!l'ZOO 1 0 '~ T y p [ ~ T, ri t . t 1 me. ;, \\11JTL ,t gold l3'lrn1 :-.1•t, 1 Pnzymc-s .,..111ch remove bak· Costa l\I~. <1-l~·OlJ.) A:'ll fl\!. Lo,\·n •y Organ "'lt-=c.~~.c.~----- days/v.·k. 2.:1 P~I. Cal! I rlrsk to niu!('h, <IC'1.'\>nt!nl' "" or hard dncd on loocl C l)ench. Both :-.lnl sac' AP PJ~ALING ynung l1 r,e r cat bt>l wn 9-11 A.\t 0 n I y, IC1ld1ni; ~<:l\'('11 60 x ;,1. part1cl~s. a rrvolutiona.ry Lease olor TV or Black 961-859-· ' · nreds good hon1c ~trnved 5-l(h~144 I !ruit<1ood f'rench Pro11nc1a! f!'a11Jrr. Purchn~ ~· t,,, !" \\'hlle. _Optio~ to bu~'. . " awnv, 6·12-3.1i4 ' io1:; 1 II I f 11 ·1• ~crv1ce, i'\o dc>PQ~ll ROP~.R i.:as rans:!' \11u1 eye---· -VA~DA Be 1, C .,1 . n'alcll.111: 1·rid lablrs. :'ltany t f'C{1W u yearssupp yof A-Al·livc TVRcnta.I Co. It•\·,•! O\'f'll, ~tora,,.,.. ron,.1--E:\IALE Pure \1hi le long ' au ~ ounS< ni s hOIJSl'ho.d 1\rn1s 2."!'C, 11p '. r n0·m<!'~ ~ )'OUT Kil· ,. d Cos~tics oow inter. 1<'\l 1nt: 6-l2-fijj"7 l'.hcninairl lfpa\('r "'l\\.: ' tl) 5-22-Jl:>J p:i11n1rnt \\'1\1((' I.· chroinc. h 11 1 r c I;. u 1 n ea p 1 i: . for part Ume earnings. no '---:1J" ?,rnilh PortllhlC' s:;o $75. 96S-79J:i. S.12-Sl.\1 JO/:? ·.~r. nee. 847-:»:W art 4 s~l~~~s~~I . t~.~(~;~ r, 'c7~i l~~~~.{,~~~~s 71" RCA Color 1V $13J ,\ lR t'Orlfl1l10rll'J", J](k'(] f\TU, B 0 u G A N v I l. L E A ancl ladder bai·k rhair~ f.· 1sn Hnrt:ior. C ;\I 213; m-4110 Colrtspot, 2 ,-n; old $100. philor1 r lldmn plants, ym.1 WAITP.ESSl:::S 171 • 2~ or /l('desllll tahl" "IW ' l••al. ~l.~-ro:.:, CULOR 21" ZENITH 1·011-~37-:o~!i!I . (!ii;, :Yl.~j(}_":\ l 0/2 °",,,',~i'.i'c"'A· ,'!,.NA,,~IOTF·J:~L ~:'1-1 B,.. ul r"Ond . .'i.lf'f-447:: L,\]-{1;t:: sr!r(·t1on ut l'<'C'Ond1. '"I". xlnt condilion Sl·l.i. Rf<Ll.\'BDArtD. i-:,,.,.\lrn1 l ADOllABf.E allcctionatc " '1~ ::;iNGLF: i\lapl,.. bt>rl !.· 111111• 11on~d appli11nC't:S, rrpo,.,, ap. &M-4:17!1 after 6 pnl ~,1nc111 1r.n $~3. J ~!·:tr nlrf. kittf'n11 i<hoi·t hll irr.d, ~ay fee Shon. 2101 Coa:>1 ll\ly, ph;inpe~ frc>ni inl)(lr l h••nH'.fl !-'=-=~=~-'~~~~I li~6-."i-1;.i11 tahtiies. ~ 11 k.~. 51S--Ol l9 1012 Cdl\f In prrson bf!tv.een 10--!rt'AA $:1:1: f'.nd IJthle .'.l,H\. 1 ZJ:::~l'fll TV portahle, 14", 11 'A\I \\11l1f' \'i\n1ly 1h'~k .si:, · ;il :::uarai\1•'<.'11 1rwlu<i1n~ 11la nrl. Xlnt cond. L'OLDSPOT au•n v.•1n•low air Ll'm,F: \\'HITE KI11"ENS · · 546-3341 \\c Sen ·;-,. -I\,. I ill,• <-<: ;\l1'. Thomas 17111 :i21-f>".'iS 1-unrl. 11.COJ BTU. 11~1 6 n1·t'd I0\'1111.'. hnmes, malr !..· \\'AITRESSES D UNLAP inr.~ Sl2.'i. 7,.u;.-0.159 "'"~ fC'ma!<:. S.t:l-lZn 10/2 FOOD ~ COCKTAU.. r.l~~ING! Furn~ 5 nn·s. A PPL IANCE HI-Fi & Ste reo 8210 XBO II l .i..... C II Ask for r.lr. John!On 1hnini::: rm srt, cha.1~ l0ia..~; l8lS 1\"1?\\'fl0r1 Bh·rl . C.lof. Qu111ity king bed-qu1hc<i ~11.' sma m~ e '"'I>· ;i ! I' l~.;ir11ler sloop r l; 1nb. ~II\ f'UlpC'1 . IJf';i,1\ ga\IC'y, l11L.:•· 11u111p r·ull Po1·r r..-;ind • •l~i11un~. SIPPps •1. $·1lf,O, 71 <1.S.~~1311 Lxt 271 11k days 1;· O'DA\' Days.uler ~mo S1T:J(l • Used S1350 14 ' O'Day 1.:o:;erl .... s:i00 FUn 7.on" Bl)ll.t Co. Balboa 2:-:· Rhodr~ Alhntrtl88. Very grl . C'Oll(I. 3 jibs & f']rr•1 niotor. Days: 6 ~5-02 2 2 l':\'r~: 312-13!"13 Sf-_: .. \ $ C' 0 U I 'S desperalely rlC"e'd a 1"o1AIN Mil for 22 FOOT ALB A TROSS , &12-5 769 LI OO 14, lully equipped incl racing g'C'ar &. hwy trailer. L1kr 11(!\I'. 644-1370 PLNGUlN Mi lboal 11 \S' \\)~ii &. trailer. Top coo- rli1ion S~r.i. 837-8598 KITE No. 676. Aqua Blue. :-Jnt cond. * 673-3818 * Ill 77"7910 WMher/dryer. l\tuch mon:. 1 .... 7780 e 1 Complete-unused $105 worth afll'r 4 p.m. 54;,...<t91 7 11)/2 .,.. __ F' \'OU or a t1v(l11e vou kncnv ' 1 •• WAITRESSES :;.10-00~ ---ar~ lonking ior a -~ huy $250. Al! 5 & "'kncls 841-ro.16 7 \\'K. old m11!r. !!r<'Y_ short-Pow er CruiMn 9020 SWiss ~'ALET 1:\1f'ORTEO ltah811 ni:irhle \Vlpd!JR.LPO()t, \\'A~'.i t:R. :I· 011 a !'t<'reo. I h:.ic ~r,·r ral UPRIGHT HCA f"rcc~rr ffi. hit 1rt'd ki1•'ns 962·34,Jl 1012 1-c._-"-------- ._., 1l111tn, labl<. 82" Ion,. Like. f'. ' II flilr ar ll "" !t<,l)l'le d ~~ c II r CRliJZON 16' Cabin cniiser 414 N. Newport Blvd., NB roft fl('r '1lsr't 11,..:-i·s ,\I so 1!16~ C001porll'nl k Llcl11:>.1! Bl' room M-1 , .-. a or P ETS a nd LIVESTOCK ""' $600 &16.(li'7 mn<olr morlf'IS lhA1 I !ln1 11-1.ppl 1',6.l!U·I \Vood/fhg\i;, motor I. trlr. •• WAITRESS, COTTAGE . ' .... Whirlpool ~a· drye r . ==~~,--.,-~~.,-l et 8820 tl.JO. ~ OOFI EE SHOP~ w. 19th Qua.h1y kin,; 1J«l-ri111hcd. 8!14-63.-:S riu11l;1tJng lo ra 1~t· 11""d"dlcooo Br iton,. ,t: 7£ni111 -'-'---------[=========== Co Pl.,__,,""-·" 11~, \1nr1h i iihh. No t"f'a<:0n11h1<' oll•·r 11<'Hrln' "•itC'' '" prrfC'rt p~'.'"',". l'N St. Cost M m "~----..."""'""' I'.. \r.\:-.HFI? !..· r!ryrr, a1'fl<'ll<ln, " '-'"' " Cnn1eo kitten $25. Srwed--Skl Boats 9030 A Ha S:CJIJ. ,\ft 5 &:. .,..·knd~ 11 1~-f~-~~6 11·1!1 hr n'fu<;Crl. Tf'm1s tf1n ,,l1ul1t1nn :\~~ Parh. f,42-JZl'! ;, monlhs old Cameo Pel">'lall r - WAITERS. Wal 1 r e 1 1 '1 • ,.., £"'''"C ,_ r nlf. Sl2.l. Rcln~·fn h( fr<-e $llS. Gr N i-,ui~e<t. 5.1:~7~-:!J_. __ CA0F:Tf-(i1rl f·~ut clothes malf'. 1111 shoti;. lo v es t121 E. Oout Hwy. c d M. "~ Vive ~R. f·rce:rer sc.;,. !i ll)-lrY.1:1 .-.... ..... H~ hy ller1111,r. f'91r ------.\lA!L\:'\TZ ::i l'C' C' c 1 v t• I', 8.'ir-S.t Pu1) trn1 ~lJ, etc. rh\1cl rcn $.1J. 540-9200 -··boy. Pref. _,,.d. Apply'. ~~·, ''°"''· ,-,-. '"' KE~.\!OB.I·: 111110 1r.'l;;twr, """"' _,, rm ..,...,,,.., lln1nk 302 B .<:prakr r 64-1--0.',17 1.i rr Tilni-lr l. ,1111 l'Onrf . .s;:-,, "\' ~1 r n1 s , •!ual 1019 -n-· -,='.'!l.,,--.-1-. --D ogs ..1825 OL.D Spanl~h dinini;:: mom la!Jll! sri. 7 f'ha1rs s 2:1 •J match~. ~~{)!19 ~.i&-.~612. ~17-.li:l li 11;1.nt'\hl\' Siort nr hi ~l oU C'r. ST. VJ,. , • , "" r1~cra 1orl-~-------- r.F:FH!Gf::f:Ai OR S.}ll. • • 1.1.:.f1~1.~ i.,..tu1<' I l'.\I Sl ,: A f"l~f'•<h 1"''".~~ritl $•lO . 2 YEAR '11rf \\'ir!'h1ir Trr· >,0 1,., r 11 ' -_ --nr. .. -1hl 1 nu"r 1 "1' r •r \rC 101 ,...._.A-,..--. 1 no 11115\l f'r c;i Bl'f;JJ·~I mn"krrnlaN' 1n -----------n •' ' · · 642-2877 1o~1t ' 1'hl! ni\11.Y' PILClT F;rewood For S•t• • fi!'.j.2:\ll Aft :\ * G.E. Aulo \lnsher, excl (..'.lass1!1t·•I :o;.•cl1011. S a\ r :tll\.~i 1 .. n11;h.~h Bulldoi: p11ppies, {")I'd. $3~. mnn('y. lime f1 rlfm"t. Look 3 Pr. lerl1e~ ~1. 8 p..,F-'-,..,..r i;kl AKC. Prl ;uld ~hnw quaJity, ;,.t~R6j1, M7.fll \5 ll(l""" 1111111" $20 r 11C't1 r,1r;.;,;:n f",111 ;,~f\.:•'1!1: FHE:E Boat rl!p&ir est. T r3.iler your boat to the ne"·est fas1csl hoat service in the 11rea. ~t 1111 maJre your !Jo;i,t likl! new fno job Ion small\, \\'e til~o u11 fl1'crg1ass supphl!s. Open dysf11·k, \\'INn AN' SEA 1737 Superior Casie ~ff'~a . fi-12-ifilli 11.1r, :O-llfll'rl•ll' .\vr r .. 1,, ,,, ..... ;i ,, ~, \.\\ Part.-. I ~rd •'I' ·11'.<', '1 tr .• rt~:\.\C'I. frnnt f'ncl , lirl'~, 11 h('('li:;. 5-16-~Sl9 MOTOR HOMES HEADQUARTERS FOR lllOTORHOMES DODGE "EXPLORER" lfl!·CMtlillM •Ila .. C-'I• U..kt1, "' ... .,.all-. •1tc1or11, .1 .... •!Pt. ~ Ton. good runiUnj, · t'Oftl!\.. 11nn, rrd (':1:1. orig 1111., dJr. "1U t<1.~r 1r1\1lr rrr .!TTl;ilJ d•·1\n, t111<'. rn1 PM\. J''ull pi-" f' $'>.'19, LBVF.7...:i',\ 1, r all ,f,1111cs 19!-!1773 or 545 •1)634. O RANGE CDUN1' Y'S NO. I DATSUN DEALll'R DOT DATSUl'1 l .~835 Bench Blvd. Huntington h eh 842-7781 or 5'10--M42 'li7 DATSUN 1600 5'] ~ au10, R&ll. 22,000 mi. J;tlDD. * 548-5798 .. =======•== ENGLISH FORCl ORANGE COUNTY'~• V OLUME ENGLISH F ORD DEAL ER SALES· SERVICE ·~ I>IODEL..S Immediate deli\'ery LARGE SELECTION Thoodoro ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Co~ta 1\lesa 642-0010 FERRARI FER1!ARI Newport Imports Ud. (lr. ange Count)''• rmJ, auct.. l?C'd dealer. SALE.'l-SEP.VTCF'..-PARn 3100 \V. Coa.o;t 11wy. I\'e\\'J)()rt Beach 642-9405 ~1164 Aolhon~M Femi.ri Dealer , fPITllri 19&.l, 250 GT, 7.000 nil on rebuilt l:fl", nur nf!VI' ln trnor, 11:'10d general co"' rfillon l\W, \1111 S45--2llil , - ' .... -----------------~-----------~-------------------------.. --·-- • 1AAlllbRflllllN • filANlliOltTlTION TllANll'OllTATION • TllANll'OllTATION DAILY PILOf (ij fRANll'ORTATIDN "ANll'O~TATION T.llNl,OITATION I - ~Nll'OITlTION ' • ' l ' .. i ' •· MERCEDES liNZ intC'r1or, n c 1v clutch, good runn111g f'ngi nt" body in :.;lnl sha1w .. ~L400 or hr~! oHrr. ;,:{li-711!1 1967 .\1 ~:nc1:..0£s Br11i '.!JO·S. 4 Door. :llllu.. F.\l/,\,\]. X 1 11 t. <·rir1d. S•l200, Day.-; 6.\:) .... :;910, ~,\'PS f:i1:!-!;1:J8 l!'l60 r.lcrccdes 100. Clean, ~elt _tire~. $1~ fi rm . ti4:i4WS' f!\'('S. MG MG Nlrs. S<'rvlt'l'.'. Pa1·11 ln11ned1atc Dt'.'!1VC'I)', ,\Jl i'llodcls J1rtuporr 11111µorts 3100 \\', Coast l.lwy, N.B. St!-9~05 J I~ 106-l /\11t ~111nLed '.\fr; D1,~Jer '~2 i\IG-TD fl('l·fcr·t t'ond . Sl('IQO {l!' bc.'s! offf r. l\Just r;ell lh1~ \\f'l'k. ~>i:h'lll71 . MGB '67 ;l!G&-GT A;\-l-t"~\, 11md iii.Ir <thl'PI, n"W t if~s. :Z~.000 ni1. S2;1(.1(1, 612-141~1. PORSCHE 9600 Imported Auto1 9600 Imported Auto1 9600 .O.utos Wanhtd 9700 Used Cara 9900 Used Cars 9900 U1ed C•rs 9900 ___ , ___ ...,,;,.;. New Cars flOO ru11s s~~. 6i3--:.'363 '&8 POASHE cor'IVtrt. 1upet eng. ™· cond. Pvt ply. '9()0. ;,.j/t-113S f'\'l'S ron..">Cl!E l'.:166 ~. SP $3100. Nl'dd Sioo h'<tllS ll'Ql'k. 67:-r.-16$ '&i ror·:sc1 11·; 1600 r _ N,.,111 f)a\nt. :'\Int rontl. Sn'.lO oi• Oflf'r, ~)f.8-71 1•1 '60 POnSCl!E. 1\rw paorit.. rcblt cni;, xlnt i·und. S\900 or off!'r. 96&-714·1 TRIUMPH VOLKSWACIEH VW BUGS ~·no1'1 $399 0000 ll~ICTION 0 1~·~fCI F.xt. 66 or fol 19;0 lfARBOll BLVD. COST.•\ 111 ESA '68 vw '65 SPITFIRE ·Ai, """"''~'· • """ "''· lottd~d! l!onf'y cream ex!_, E;;g 11·h11", !1 al1an i'ffi int., pJ11sh black Jn1. Tiike 1niall •1 1>[ld, <!lr. locally 0...,•ned. c.lo11 n or !tad~'-J.;1w, low Ell<.'#llent ('(Jnd Plue book pymll!S. VII!-890LB, C.!1.1.l s1:n:.. Full PriCc s1 o:JO. -...·ill Ken 494-9773 or 5~5-003( flnt:. prvt prty, NR1..8MLB . '11:1 VW, a door, f 1Pffd, Ckll Phil, 494-Sm or &e.0634. radio, htater, bt1ut1fUI nd ----=-=--1 and •harp. J\UM 140. $1003. 'BG TRIUMPH TR 4 Carl'a Motor Co. Inc., llM.l * good oondlUon • H bo C "":"~"~'~·~,1~''----''~·1~,_,~220,li'7"'"v.:w'~· ".i\1 .• 64~-0413. -'67 V.\\', r.cd, Rill, 11·/w on- TOYOTA ly 3U.l!OU !Jlilcs, n1ust srll, bl-st offer. l!!l2-ls:J3 '66 V\V, 1t1nrf, R&H, i1!creo, ·1r=IQIY""""'""IQ""~l~T=!~A)'"''1 ~1j1~;u:~11.·~~1:.~~~: chainA . Belt D•alt Ara At '62 V\V Canip('r $1 100 or DEAN LEWIS make ol!oe. G"" o<Ul<l, ""' pii.lnt job. 673-0289 'J7 V\V C(lnvt, Jo 1nlg, g:d. 1966 tf:irhor, C.:'lf. 616-9303 conrl. be:.t olfer. Eves BILL IHAXEY 1 ~',_.,':ro="...,'' ,...-~--s-1 V\V Bug. 1ll<111y ex!ras. "'!T"')""Q'"'Jr""YJ()l:=:,,,.,.:[Jj"'A-=_"'1'1 :::,:; tt•do '" vw ""'· 18881 BEACH BLVD. '66 V\V Bug, :dnl cont111ion. Hunt. Beach 8474555 n111st sell. 67~!'.IJ7 alle;r :: n1i N, of Coast llwf . On Bch ,167:30...,.,...,,,.,,...,,,,..=~~- :;::::::::========:-ji\lU!tr Sell '66 V\V C111nprr fully equlfl!, low nil. A-1! Bcs1 off 642-1636 ,.,,·rs VOLKSWAGEN ---VOLKSWAGEN WI PA.Y TOii Ba,,k Repo15e51Jon DOLLAR 19fi7 a u11:k Skylsl'k, air t -0nr!. '83 \l\V C1\)lPEP., Crui~ 4 .1, for g(}'}l1, ,.; .. nn w;cd cars, r~. ph, pw, nl'"' 11"'"· Call Yr.l :\ftt!!lplGJt r.:.ri1<l. P•·rt~i..t all m;ikti:;. ~e Oeot'!J• P.ay 61~·Jl1J '''' 2~1 01' 1l7. ('Qn1L S1.ll00 01· !i1•\l oll"I' Tiirrtlore Robin~ Ford I BUICK No. 2!.i 11 a 3 Sll-1..,S:!, afitr fj P\I ::!~O llad)or Blvd. l'"tryth!ng ~ SAv~:; nc\\' \l'.\1 t;;m]J('r, 111~t C.!\t. 612.fl!llfl BARCA!.\" CHEVROLET 'M CHf:VrtOLET Capi'lt<'. One O\\'nl·r car "'1th only 2.J.~JO !'IHI<>!!, hll~ all fNW.r + air tnnd1!ionl11g /\bllOlutl'ly the cll'ancst one in tu11·11. Jim Slernons :>!er c ,. de s COUGAR 196~ Cougar. t 100 & llkl' 0v"r p.i1in1•·nts. Xln r oond1l1on l :«ll 646--'832 DODGE MU~TANG '69 ."llustang :al, 3-~f)(>ecl, Xlnt. rond. $ll!ill. :Ml)..-0.1')1 OLDSMOlllU returned lrorn Europe. :;.coo Will 8UJ 6+2-22.,i alter fi Pf\! , t.11 T•nt , PoP top, AM/F~1 Yl\lf equity. A 8 ~ u n'l 1! Ben&, 120 w. \Vu ·oer, S..nla '67 DODO• DART An.11, ~4MU4 Whitt 11.!llh vinyl top, l lr con. l~ OLDS Super 18, 4 Dr ruu pwr, elec WT\dwt, !l ir· ('(lni:t E\-'try1h1ng work~: 53G-956::. radio. $3100. &4M)JJ 'four VolkS\vAg@n o~Po~l'hl' ,,Ymta. 1~ Buick Skyl11rk. '66 V\V Con~'. &ige \v/).llk. &. pay top dollars, Paid Cor Sf'('. 1"$ l\JIOX ~l.. C:'I! '57 <:hev . ~ta. Wgn. d111.,nlng, aulQ. U 'il!I", rw111 . Br• J\!r, .J Dr, Vt'r)' goocl cund. c•1 l'>ll't'rlng, 1"ad10 a11d he"1"t'. Rf'built 2~3 r 11g1n<', nc w l ir<".~. :\l11"t sl'll. SJ7!r1. :;5,((l(l nng-Jlllf'I'. & top. R&H, Pnr.~\'hf' or not. ["·_!! Ra lph li·lt>-Jli!:! r11n~. l!nniao.:. S 1 3 ;1 0 . 6i3-09W c.ti"::~B-.,"k"k~H-,-,-,,-,,-.-,-.,-.,-L\-J. fi73-.SIG7 i\J,\CULAT~:. loaded. n•'W trans., po111'r stecruig, 1n;d n1 1h:s. ('all 60i-ll[.,6 .. f1011·r r t'Jrakr-. au1o lrans. 0!'1g!n;U 011ntr. '6j OLD~ Delta Cou pe, lntd· f'd, :-.:Int ('nnd, l ownc-r. s1SOO. 67:-...1~~11 't~~ \'\V Sunroor, 81oiupunk1 $117.1, 4l'M·40:>.1 A:'ll f:'ll, C•I(\\ n1a1s, n1int ~uto Le•sing 98l0 ·5;; BUICI.; Riviera, all C'X· fl1Us! H)~ ro appreela!~. Jtea. I ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: t0natizy priced al S.)00. '6A CiJr L,\SS S11prrm .... ~"II ""I· ps ,t ph, ;11r, 1"1nyl top. ~2f.-OO Ill' h<'SI .. R.17-:lll91 1·nnd: .. \lust ~ell, i\lake 0Uc1·~ 11•a s ind ~!rrco. Pvt. p1y, 4!J l,f>'!9:; LEASE . RENT s200J. 6i3~2;i6 'Ii~ V\V Bus, !ow 1n1, l'lp ORDER YOUR c·11n<l. r/h, pvt. pty. S2:i!l.i . 1970 TODAY ~MT-3216 FOR EARLIEST VOLVO ------ VOLVO DELIVERY ,\!! ropular n1akcs. Ford 11u1hodz~1 li:-asin~ sySIC'n1. Get Our Con1pctit1 vc Rates Theodor• ROBINS FORD Best Deall Are At 2iJi;U Harbor Rlvd. DEAN LEWIS 1~c"~'" ~""~' =~""="" 19ee Jlarbor C.M. 845-9303 J,J6 LEASE V" '60 Volw, runll gttAI. $215. ·g,~ C..rl illac Cou[l(' ,1{' Ville, Xlnt n1th1qf!. Aller 5, fnll.v f'q1J lp1'l('r\_ S1~9 n10 , 64U197 '6'.I LTD "Jl". a11', PS, re. radio. SH'rJ mo. CADILLAC '61 N>rlan oe Ville, vpry c·Je.:in, Jor 511.Jc nr will !radr fo1· '64 V\V or n"11·rr, m!'.ch ~ood . Da ys 67.'.--~'J.JG. &[l 6 f':\I f'all lii;:---6127 CAD '6!'! ~d fll' Ville. ill)', ex- 1nts. Ong: owner. P<'rlrrt 7l<\-l!'l i-~7fM '6!1 CAO Fl.EET\\'OOD Bl-tOUG llAM · 9.)(X) nlllf's .J'.H-6882 CA MARO Cal! Sll-7181 '66 IMPALA 1 D<Y,t', ha1\ll,,p, \l.S, iilll. dlr , P\('f'll<'n1 running conct. Olvn\'•I l•1call_v, ~lus t l!acr1. (it•el T"k" lorcign CAr or S107~ LU 11·i_.io;~~2. Call Phil, ~~1 -:Jii~ ,,r Sl:'i-IY..".I. so:-: in ;-;, J::;ist A~ui. niu~t ~r.11: 'ti:! Cllcv • 4 on 1he f!()\JJ', lllil~l', ,'\<'\\' .j(Y.) J'('t)]t ~nglne. Nc11• r;!ar!ln~ motor S.-fly whee l, hul'kl't 11eut1, 11hit\" \vlhlack 1111 . ltf'11I ~harp! $395. Call alt 6 Pi\t, 673-;hl!J '68 VOLVO. pl'i1<'C1 l:Oll· <lillon. BE:l.O\V BOOK SJ 3:tO. •19,l-7·180. ·55 Chel'ellc Malihu S.'l, 327, 4 i;pd, Hurst linkage, new '6'.'i El Carn111", $700. ·r,s Carnaro :r.n .. R .S. P IS llt'f'R &. brakr~. llf'W muf- OUTH COAST P-.1!. Auto. 28·1 l\nox ::.it Ci\! flrrR & rrhl1 111ot0r. :\Int CAR LEASING 64~?'.l:tl e1·('~. \ril l 1radr. c0nd. 1\li1~i ~.'1IT1li\'c Sll7i 300 \V. (51 l[wy, NB 64~2181 "!' ht~t o!!er. 8-3 day1 A_n_t_iq"'u_••c.,_c_1._u_1_cs __ 9_6_15 --------COUGAR ""-""1 U -• C 9900 '65 Ct\evy Jmpal1 2 Dr. Good • 192?. i'>lo<lcl ''T" t'OHflC, s-lrl ,67 -• , V 8 11~ not running Sl'lOO Cou,c:11r, !111', Pwr 5&8, ro....... Auto, .. , •""· e 1923 l\lodcl "T'' lnick TRANSPORTATION CARS Auto, Dlx pkg, 1 011•l'lf!r, 675--6?i78 clam shrll rri b, 1'unn1n~. NEWPORJER~MOJORJ ~harp~ SJ805 Call 968-16S8 'j7 c;_Qevy t-;omad S~'.'IO. 6~2-306~ %2-377tl New paint & llJ'llioil. • -. 'j7 il111l'ga n ....;. ~. ,._,. 20.::G llARBOR BLVD. ·-' CHEVROLET Nice cond. :.1'.l-1000 rt>!ll'nt ('{)/\(!. $\GOO. fll'1n . COST/\ l\IF..'1\ ----------'61 lmp11la 4 dr". a1r---<'nnrl . F:42<U'Hi art 5, , all day 548-5294 or 548-8511 'rf> 1 mnaloi 2-<"!r. V-8, fl\ ct auto. trans. /\ 1 1 r a c t 1 v ~ \1·l;endi;. F1N'ANC!NG AVA ILABLE ;in', P/!". P/B. radio. new price, 675-4~1Q. ..-tii'<"~-0111' t)\l'l\('I'. Slli'Je. CLASSIC ·:~1 Fort1 eo\1j')('.1·hh 68 SPORTS ~l'<lan, 13,7(Xl l-i~l..(ihi2, ll~r,_147~ '62 4 Dr. Che1 y lnin;i la. P /;<;, motnr, ~p<'lrt parts. S!JOO. n1i., ;oi1r, pwr .. \"in~·\ !Ot·· Top -----.----p ----P/b. l~ad1.,\ 11r1·s. :\lnt 6\.1-l~S ~-'.1 19-2081 CIT~. crtndilion. 4~·l-3~~z. Cl!l::VY . '.-i7 .U., ti cyl, i •~+-""-·_16_50_54_8-_2'"0•·'----. (----:;--, !-----~~----~!)''k, IW\V \i l"f'~ i;;. pi!illl., ..-.. ,. F' \ l~l{I Oll wk ·uupc :[}l'cia · ~J:lf', \T o!\ Jc!fcrsUn, JJ.B.1-"-----~-~-- XloL <ood"i°'' BUICK "2-IO:il CHRYSLER ~ll>Hi162 I ~~=~=~~~~~ FORD :'l!li\'f~(; 9v1 of ~tat('. :61.i Buick 1·on1·1·1·t. \\'1Jdca\. Air, fllll ji1>r.1 11lt 5t•'Cr. WhNil, 1nag 111ic~ls. l..J kc llt"N, S1900, ALSO ·ro Funt $50. 6ll-J:!73. FORD '57 l\alX'h 11,,gon, f.1n11ly :'nd rar. l'Un" l;l'C'al. 2501 Vil.la Dr. N.B. ;,.i~-SD'JI "''''S 1~11il FORD rALCON -1-0uor •l at:"n. Ong. n11·n,.,r. U11 ly 50.lllXI mlll'~. J\lr, Xlnt conri. ~~.iO. &12--XiR'i '(,,) CUTLAS.<;, ~--~;-;, red. f11ll pri11·t>r. P.>.«r>l cunrl. S13oo. 614-0li7 '6:'i CCTLA!'=S, Jo-.~:1. f'l'rl . full po11C'r, r ~c·f'! «ond. Sl~tl<' li-H-ll177 PLYMOUTH '65 PLYMOUTH ~l•'lillr. :! rlr. JJT, buckc1 f!l'at1, foct 111r, p-...·r -tHr1ni::;-, dlr, !!:1-. hA 'I f'Xrt'!pt!on;il -----~~----"ll rr :\h1ot ~rl! OC!ore th~ '66 !'ORD XL. Un.t-;. 01\1\(.'r 1 ~! \\'11l lln·· pl>'I pl'IY. LB· 28,000 1111. l.<radrrf' .-:1111 !\f'l tOt Cltl! J\('n, t94-97i:i undrr y,·a1T11 n1y S 1 6 2 ._.. ,..1• Jl ).Dfi.';:. R47-710:; 1=~0.C=~~~-~-Tn,\~SPORTATl ON car . UO r OHD Falcon 1 door radio P\C<'llent C"Jndition. • 5 !J I and he11!f'r, good lran1porta-Pl_1111,.,11th. 2 door. hardtop. I lion car. 1332 PcaaAu, Santa s~~:-i. 642-91.13 Ana Heights, 549--0'14~ '61 FORD Cvn\•ertiblr. Runs 1ood. S29~. .. 846-30~ 1 -+ MERCURY PONTIAC ·r~i P()l"'rl1\C Le:\l:in1, 2 ri r • r<idin, hc;ilrr, p11·r l!trg .• f;1,·1 11ir, l'1nyl tnp, 28.0001 n11l"~. ~tJ;1)1j, %.'l-~!S7 'hll Par·klanr> trtn1·rr11blr, '!ill PONTIAC LC':\la r11, air.\ f\r11· top & tiff!~. J4.000 IC'· P"T· c+11l o. THk" olrlrl"'car a~1 t11;1I 11111<'~. Prk P.d lo 11r.U! d11. Tai;<' u\Tr payments .\IG--::~2~: fjlj..:.,).J .I. c1c111ngs SI 17 n11:1_ 646-61 ?.~ Rt wt.r~n.cl11. "·~5'1 "PO~N"1"1-;"c->-1;,-,-,o-,-,-,-,-.-on. i ===========I parhal Pn;:;1J1" 1·cb1nll. nt>11·: MUSTANG 11rc~. F:1:r1•ll"nl condition. Pow,,r. ;,15-fi')(ij -I 67 ~lustan;-: .''f>-~~---,.,.-- 'j{j POl\SCI u:; , c O~t Pe . l!!M V\V Btt!', xl nt cond. $2650 ·:;g V\V <..'ue1on1 cam~r 'bu~ A:>!/t-:'11 rad1Cl. f\!ust sell~ 4~1-L":'ll Autos Wanted 91'00 '6S C.\,,l,\110 ~27 1: ,-;, P IS. '69 RIUIERA R ll. ""10· '" '"''''"··CM ' '67 CHRYSLER· f.X('(!fl. clean. fil1rk i-11111. r:irt10, !1(';iler. bu1·k 1;"\~. "h1!i:-11011l~ DLR. Lie. 'ffiH fi90. st l!l'5. Phone 6t.!-M23 !X.O PONTIAC Bonnevlll" i f<ood lire~ • .52JIJ 0r be11t uf . l~r. 4·1~2 Snnhtirg \Vey.1 Ln1rcn:ity Poir k. 8.13· A.\f/F:\I. thro11 1~ 11 hC'el<o; r1r makr 0ffrr. , \VE PAY . Cn ll 6~;i.1sn3 tuned C'~hoiu:.1. pl'll·rd to 1 ---~~~:C::'.:;:~---\---:-,c;•C· cvcw;;-;8c,,c,:--- sel\. [l'r~ .. nrr-l:i'i!'l '60 VW, $350 CASH • '"I Cl'r~ -.. E:\TRAS: DA ILY P!LOT D 1:\IE·11 -I ·1·• · ~ ' ·'ii'-V\v:-'Sieii""i'O-;o;~iiC"1l"°'-,,~E~'c';~=C,"·l~'=·l-6":'.06~7~~~ for Jll~t pe>1n11r~ a clay. Dial cun<l11ion . '&6 V\V S«lan. !)llJU'OOr, A:'ll- LIN ES. You "'*n use thr>n1 I '!j,I; VIV. Sl:.00. In c~l·t!len1 p 1 6-· 1 '116 F:\L New pnint. !\lust 1eJI. &12-~i6<8 1 : i.>-. ';,; l>.~~l oHrr. ~S--8168, for us<'d cars & trucks just call us for lree es1im11!e. Imported Autol 9600 Imported Auto• 9600 JOOS VIV Niuareback, l~~~~~~~--jliiijiijjiijljiiijliiijiijjiijljiiijliiijiijjiiiijj·1 Below Book. GROTH CHEVROIIT 1300 11 * ;>16-'..l:lll * ·'i.<;""v"\"Vc0c,,-,.o1.c1c~-. 1g-,.-,,c1cblck-, ,,',. R/11. Jl rir.!'chc r1111~. Xln1 ('(in<i. ~i ::;io. ;.1S-2711l Ask !or ~lcs 1'.!11.nagcr 182ll Beaf'h Blvd. lluntington Beach ""-·-you can /, hold in your hand! msT~ H.T. COUPE 1966 PONTIAC It. H.. 4-H•"td. R .. ~I sh~ro. W IG 718 '1695. l • M~~· O .H.C. f~1-· It .. H. ;...,10,..~!0c, buc~1! •~&ti , b~I~.., "'hol•>&lo. '995. !~::9 ~::~ t.~~h~~~d~o:R, $179 5 soft lop. II:., H., 4·•11••'· N;c• RRY 401 !~~a. ?.~~.~UN PICK up"'-~~$-cl:-3:-9.,,-.,S" Chock tl!i1 l'ri t •. VWV 56 1 Dean Lewis Kl S.3l11 l'JfiJ \l\V 1:00 S .5quare back. !111:)1), 197-l~l'i. l\iJ\ tor DO:-< '6.li VI\', 1·~-1d10.hea1nr. Liaa. $1600. Call \l'/C,\· WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR • j 16--:i278 .. 'liO V\\' ~rrl11 n, 200<1 . ro:onrL S:'>jl'). !)40-2·161 ~xt 28 d.11ys, fj.17-43ill. I'\'!'~ CONNELL CHEVROLET :2828 Harbor Blvd. Cosl11. 111c~a S.16-12'00 '66 \IV, 2S,OOO n11 Xlni ronrl. $119J Call 12131 ::0~2-23&1 'l:iti Bt.;S, rrhlt r n.:. radio. ne w tlrr.R. x!nl con<l . il'lu.~I ~rll . ijj;,..2,1:17 or ;,:11~1~;-;,, L\TPORTh \\'A..'1.'TED Orange r.ounties TOP S BUYf.R BU..L r.-iA..XEY TOY OT A 188Sl BMch Blvd. H. Beach. Ph. 147...g535 U1ed C1rs 9900Used Cars A Theodore Robin' exclusive! look for our diegnostic center se1I ind ttke the gu111· work out of buying a used car. These cars h1" puoed 130 vh1I 11111 for perform1nu , nll1b illty, ind 11f1ry. lOOK FOJI THf. DIAG.NOSllC CENTER SEAL ON THE WINOIHllLD 100 ~& PARTS AND LABOR WARRANTY 4,000 MILES OR 90 DAYS Co''" a lt fflKllal'll~ol p•rfl l11Cl•dl1tt 911<11 ... , drlt• lirte', rirar ir11d, P1.US brali .. , """•'Y a11d e•l!ault 1ys· h'm. All rirpair worll do11t lit 0111 •w11 st...,ltt dtpart• "'~'- '61 IUICIC LE SAIJIE 2 o,, H. T. F.-.CTORY AIR, •u!o .. P. S .. ,~dio, ~••!••. ( R'Ml60l '64 CHRYSLER N,wcort 4 o,. Sid. VI. FACTOti;Y AIR, .-."10., P. S .• I'. I . IOFF86l) '66 i-oNtlAC LI MANI 2 o~. H.T. l 26 VI. pow1r 1!11r111,. •ulo., R&H, buckrt 1t •h, wid1 ov•I tire•. fRM V2?6l '66 COl:YAll: IOI 1 01. H.T~>.pp•. 11.000 milt1, 1 tpt1i , RI H. ,.~rr•~• co~dlt!o ... ! T,1'7 13 l •16 GMC TAN ) 1p11d fr,.,.,.,;,.;,"• .. ~~··· (1107 11) '14 PORO WA.ON 9 P~u. Cnlry. 1ed ~n. V8, ,..$., •oi •c. R&H, 1~99~9• ••ck ,.,~. !C?RN5•41 51395 s795 S1695 5995 51295 s795 " 615·2"1 "" Woll '"""'· ' ;G~ f1relllrrl t.lkr' h<'W. w ' 111ilrs. :iu!nni. \()') :\ferrlroal \\',.y No. '1~. C:\I J-19G!t c111::V'y l111p;i1a, hilly !1111.dt'rl. ID1v 1nlleage. $2700. Call ;>~ 1-.1290 " 2-DOOR HARDTOP v.s. automatic, /n ctory nlr, powe r ~t~erinit. JY.11\'t>r bra- '6.'i ;\RIITT°ANG Con v ert , 1·ocoa, new tr>in11., 't:ood cflfl· d11 1n11, onr Cll'rlel', $1095. tii3-60itl if1"r 6. ;-1.1rd top, fl""C'I' ~lt<'l"ing, r•1l\l'J' \\llltiUW!;, !ill 11·hrf'I,, f<i rlnry ri11·, \111yl tor. pow- r1• ~11·1 ·1·111;.:, l1r:1J..<'~, Low -Jr)W n11lcs. Sl:!fi·, dlr. Phonr s 1~.1;1::1 . ·:17 Z dr. Br'lalr li;,nll"f1· V8 1'11h ~tanda rd tr;1n~. 11\J .--.n.:-. ,t· xlnT <'Onrl '.lfY'-f\1(i2 Clll:':VY II. '62 \\-.,~ll-'.• pass, air. Sl'Jj • kr,;, radirt & ll"il!Cr. lrnn1a.- ct1l atc. (UOF.11~! ·r .. ~ Pontin.~· C"n t;il1 na, fa ct :11r, lo;irlrcl. 21.1})() mile&. 'flii i>lu~t11ng V-8, autfJm. cine * 1173-H.iJI) • "w11~r. L<;o\\' n1ilf's, Pl'. pl;;. I ~========== -~~--~-' fi '.l Buick 1:11·11•1·a. full p11·r, <1 1r. ".ln1· r·nnd. i\l u~1 srll lh1 s 11krnr1. :\l;i~" rtHer. E1'('fi & wl;n nd~. 67.)..::721 01;i;;.J986 •;,7 :l•rlr. ChC'V. ~w_..I r"h11llt 1~1 .-nr;1nf', f\IH-IJil I, .li!l,",..~J.1!\6 ('tJ!ltl, s;~oo. 6~2--17:07 $2295 T-BlRD ti)\ V--8 hri!1•. I ;,n flMr. l'l,Ol)I) ATLAS nll. /\~J-F\l ·~tcrr>o. )IL1S! J'.'llij T·RIRD, 1 0w11er. Tm· ~r\1. 87~-7·n::r;, 1na". C'nnd . ]Q,1' mi·1. Gl't-1 OIRY~Lr::r. -PLYl\tOUTll PL/\1\'Kl:'\l; 1n 111n1·"~ y,,u ·11 11n\'.; 1970 T·B1rrl. Ynr quif k COSTA :-.I E.~.\ 516·1~34 t1on1rs in today"s Class!!1ed $;n:..n. D~.1s 6,IG-7721, E ve 'tl:? Bl'!Cl\ c,c,,-,,-,-,-,.,c.~l{c/7.11. a1110. :-..ln1. 1\tw !Jrr ~. $::~:.. l fl\\1)1·1'-'1~1\-l'.12:\ D.fill.Y l"IL07' \\1/\NT ADS! :."!'!29 11.\HBOR BLVO. llrul an :101:111 11~ 1111!1111'"'1' of ,:.;,If'. s~ Ol'('r lrtl'.' hl ue hOnkl Open D11tl~· •111 JO p,m. tv-J~. f'h""k thPm nnw. 673·~11i.'i 9800 N•w Ctr• 9800 N@w c.-,.-- -9IOO~=N=.~w=c=.=,~.~='-~9=8=0=0~N=ew=c=.=,.=====,=aoo=i 1970 BU~':{S" MERE ~~t~OW ·· .. ~· Best Selection Ever SEE THEM TODAY! WOULDN'T YOU REALLY RATHl!R HAVE A BUICK? JAGUARS JAGUARS JAGUARS ONE OF. THE LARGEST SELECYIONS IN ORANGE COUNTY! POOLE'.5 BETTER USED CAR VALUES ' '66 BUICK '65 CORVAIR '68 DODGE '68 IMPALA '66 T·BIRD '66 MERCURY Spe(i,,I dlr cpe., • ut o. Monl&. !m"'"cul•le co n· Coronel ~00 4.d,. f~tL 1 Or. H.T. F-ec ""• &uto F&c lo•y ••• tond . Full Colony p,,~ -..•qo"' • ''"""· powe " J!r., 1,o ... d,f,on. TXJ 376 .,, cond .. o u•~ t••n1 .. tren1, powe< 1!eer;n g. pow •r. SL'/49 1 p1111n9tr. full pow-e t, m;le•. I owner. SR"' 185 P.S .. R&H . VG89?? WJ M 189 S2395 .C•~lo<y •ir cond, SQS- S1595 $895 S2395 S2495 II l S2395 --'66 CAPRICE '65 OLDS WAGON '6S CHRYSLER '67 BUICK '66 RIVIERA 2 Dr hardtop, ,;, cond. '67 MERCURY f -BS, A~+o. h en1_, New Yor ~•r Couoe. ,ull Wildctl Cu1fom Cp1. Coup•. F1cl. 1ir cond., 1ulo ''""'· ,., ti•••. pow-M onte•~v 2 door h1rJ. rower, fac I. •••• '"' Feet. 1ir eond .. •ulo. •ulo !•~no., pwr 1!1er & rad io, ~ .. ,.,. 58M3 7l ,, site" PBH 717. lop. A~t o. !reno. po-..1r o,..ner, lo ,..,i ,,, POE ltO '''"'· ,,S. ltUV054 ,., brt~11 . FI0~64 $1795 $1495 1t11r, R&H. UON-704. $1795 S2595 . $2695 $1795 ' . '68 PONTIAC '67 DLDSMOB!t:E '65 \12 TON '67 ELECTRA '65 MONZA '67 OLDSMOBILI Bonnovillt. o4 doo, "••d· Della 88 , 4.Alr ,, ~dlo p ., Ch~vv pic••wp. ld1•I fol • d oor h•rdto11. Full !op, F_..C TOR.Y AIR Hardtop. Ayto. lren1., Su p••'l'f Cytl4u ~.ri!tjl ~ulo, !tan1., f•cl. ,;,, comp••-V8, eulo. l<•n•. pow1 r, f•< I. ~". Sold CONO,, P.S .. P.B. WXG i'l'>'l'•cwl •+• condllion, coup•, Auto 1<1n1., fief, P.S., TPD7ll P9 9060. & ll,v:c 1<:I by UI. . " !TXJl76l 1lr, pow1r 1lr. UJ lflJ S1995 S1395 $2795 $2995 S995 $2295 , Open Mon. thr'u Fri. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. -Sat. 8 a.m. to ,6 p.m. -Sun. 10 a,m. to 6 p.m. AUTHDRIZED·BUICK ·OPEL· JAGUAR SALES & S.ERVICE ' Oranc;ae County Toyota· Volvo Headquarters 0''" '"'· TO • ,M • 646-9303 1966 HARBOR BLVD. ,.,:;:~ COSTA MESA ~~ ... _ t! I ' -· ·-··-... ~ ... ---·-• ' • ' . '',.) I ,: r • • .... r Get with the way it's going to be. Pontia c 70's. 1t70 PONTIAC CATALINA HAlllOTOP COUPE , . BRAND · NEW <1970 CATALINA HARDTOP COUP E 'fully ~uip p e d incl!Wing turb.oJiydramatic · transmi,.ion, G78.x l 5 fiberglass wMte side. wall tires 1 power stee ring, power brakes, 400 cu. in . engine1 vinyl trim, decor group, push button radio, custom se al bel ls , tin ted windshield. I 252370C I 02690) ' 1'7G PONTIAC CA.TA.LINA 4°00 0 11. HARDTOP BRAND NEW 1970 CATALINA 4 DOOR HARDTOP Decor group, turbo hydramatic t ransmission, power steering, powe r brakes, push b utton radio, fi be r· glass t ires, tinted windshield. I 252690C I 01 950) sa-397 Theov did it fl~ain. Made the 1970 Catalina the biggest bargain of the year. Pontiat's ki nd of luxury. The stability that only comes with a Wide· Tracker. All this at a price that wil l make your budget sigh with relief • . . • AND HERE AR E BUT A FEW OF THE GREAT TRA DES WE'VE TAKEN IN ON NEW PON TI ACS •.. . -'68 ELDORADO $6277 '65 OLDS '18 $1777 '66 DODGE CHARGER $2077 F~1 1 pow•r, f•tlory ,;, c ondollonin9. 'ow1r •••h, J>O"'I' ... ,ndow• 1.,1.,,y •. , Fully 1<1u;p~d i nd in l11"1 1nclou• condi. looth t r inl11;01, Ii It .1, 1,, co pt •le~rin9 cond itionin9 . toll lr lt 1eop•t .+e11 rin7 +o?n. ,.utomol•t !•on1,..iu •o n, r1dio, h11I· wheel. .A.M -FM r1dio, G .. ld with block . t•. PO'"''' 1leerin9 1nd po'""' b11~11 . You po dded roof i nd M1tchin9 lt1!h1• inlt•· wheel, 1ulo..,1l•C. r1d10 end hoolt r, 1le, "''H I !fl l i nd drn•e thi1 ...... !TZJl ltl Oo r. (WTH114 1 18.605 oeiutl f"'ilf1. 70 61 0 1elu1I ..,;lt 1. Only IS,6 15 1eluol ..,;111 . '68 DODG E WAGON $287,Z.,. '66 BUICK SKYLARI< $2;277 '63 DODGE DART Co1ontl SOO. SiMul1!ed wood p1 nol in9. Corou1el red with wh;1, Yinyl roof, PO"'· I" ;,....,,eulol1 cond ilion. ,A. loYt ly 1rtl•e lu9909• ••<~.l ull P"""''· loclo•y t i• eon· .. 1+teri,.9, ,, ...... , b•• ke•. I oc!o•y I ir wh;1, ,..ilh rtd ;,.,.,;.,,, AuloM1lic Iron,. condtlionin9, ~u t o"\1!it i'""""'">on, ••· d'!i~'i,. 111110 t1pe "~"\..,, .r1dio, ht 1I• "':"-liP'\rlU!.!-~-..,;.t.,.1. }lJ-..,.t.•' -·"ti ';e:f11'1I ll'lisiion, r.-dio ... .lfk.'1t1r, 'Whit• 1icl1 ,..,tt . ' "'· etc. !WXF'llOI 1'1.106 t etu11 ,..a.,. mi Ito. 1;•e•. I RECS44 l 36,690 1ctu.r ,..;le1 . • '67 CADILLAC $4177 '66 PONTIAC GTO $2177 '67 BONNEVILLE Couo ~ o.v.11 •. Full power, lee !or v . " Bl ~c k .. H~ bl•ck buc~et 1e•l1. ,..M .fM • Door lierd lop Br.,u 9h1,... Full ,,., .... ,,, """il •l•o~:~'l 1;11 . l•l •1c .,pic •'e•• '"1 /AJ,o , 4 >p•ed lri·f'O"'l f, po1o.~f 1 !•f 1:~g . faelorv air cond1ti cnir:i. e•JIO'l'e"c !•!•'· -he ~I, ,t.M .f '-' ·~d;.,, bl u• ... :.~ .. ~ ... r oddod '°' ! T\.'JVb66 I )~ ) ls ~c !uel c o~,ol~. (Ud e J"I •POrl -h,el. 1b1 cluf•lv ,.,;,.;.,,.,A lo•elv •~orv ••lt <ior ,..;1h block ..,;lei .,,,,gftO•'•· 45 ,)44 1cluft l .,.,,1.,. p•dd.d roof. ( UOC84l ) BRAND NE W 1969 SP ECIALS! SERVICE DEPARTMENT OPEN MOND AY THRU FR IDAY 7:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. • SALES DEPARTMENT OP EN 8:00 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. EVERY DAY BRAN D NEW 1969 CATALINA 2 SEAT WAGON D1•or 9roup, !urb" hyd••metic, pu•h b.,1!on ·~· dio. ''"'"'' "''""" drlu,• belh. power 1h1.,1in9, J)QWO• tf i•t hr t ke1 , t•"ltd 91111, powtf windo"'" power leil 'l•'• ..,;,,d.,,.., .A.!R CON01TIONING, f •o"t lloor mn h , w~ite w1ll1. C2S2 l 69C !1lll•I l i1t p•ict $5015 80 $4 197 BRAN D NEW 1 '16'1 EXECUTIV E' 2 SE AT WAGON Tu•bo r.vd rtm1l1c, pu1h bullon 11d:o, dtlu•• t e1l bell., pow~r li111in9. pow1r d i1c b1 1~11o t;"tt d 91111, power leil 9111 ,..;"dow, .A.IR CON. D!llONING, while tide wi ll tir11. 12S1690CI· 0 1950) li1• pritt $5151.11 ROY CARV ER PO N TIAC 2925 HARBOR BLVD I COSTA MESA •• • ~ •• f' • "' Kl-64444 ·~. 'l;,.._ ... {l l~ .. to "' .. , ... ..., . .__ . • .... ""'~' .... " . ·-~~-· ' ~ ,. ,., T -. ,... ·-·'._..,.,..'TI'"• ,. ., $977 $1977 -> • ALL CAR PRI CES INDICATED IN THIS AD ARE, OF COURSE, PLUS LICEN SE & TAX. • "''" c• ,. ' '"" • ''I ~ ·-----·······---·---~_.....,.....-- , -~ ... --.: dresl shkt . '( ' . .. .t!,. •;t' ~ ·-~,I.,,.._ ... -,, e: ALL OUR 3.98 SHIRTS, NOW 3 FOR$10 ·-Handsome long and short sleeved never iron Penn Prest~ d ress shirts in lorl$J point button down collars, wide spread. collars and Kingdor collars. In whites and fashion-right brights, (oo ! Stock up now on several styles! ALL OUR s5 SHIRTS, NOW 3 FOR $)2 ....-.. ~- .. / "' ' 1 • 1 I l --J • . . .. • ' ' I • • • • •. ' I • 2 J --------------------------------------- .. --WE THINK FASHION IS .. FOR t:flTLE GIRLS, TOO A. RIB KNIT l:QP ANP PFijNT PANT SET in cotton , ~ssorted colors ... girl's sizes, 7-1-f. .,s5 ~little sister, sizes 3-6X ...... : ........................ '4 B. JUMPSUIT SET ... colorful print cotton duck topped by itz o~c blouse, gir1's siZes 7-14. sg C. 3 PIECE SET ... blouse. cotton cord vest and pant, assorted colors, 3-6X. . f7 D. PANTSHIFTS ... never iron Pem Pre&r cme.. in assorted prints. Girfs sizes 7-16. -C· Littre sister version 3-6X ....... ··-········ .......... ··-• THANK HEAVEN FOR i.JTTLEGIRLS AND PENNEYS PLAY SETS, TOO! S4a • - • • > AVAIL.ABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE ' .,,. ••• DIAL COMFORT WITH OUR GREAT ELEC I FIC BLANKET VALUE ... GUARANTEED ! Diel llM night W8'mth •you like, no matt•.tlat the WMther. MaNel-- oue bl9nd d 4.S% pof) 11•11135% rayonal% ~ 1Nl·1 eo ~ '°' c.lfonU ... IOft and long ........... Cott .. m.c ... -- 1111..-.. wiCh • choioe °' lulh 9Dll:n. ......... µ-• ., .,.,,_.Buy one for fNery bed in Che houte. EXQUISITE -wa .. W>OJ!l CJR llQ ES ROSE" TOWEL ... -CDW l I I i .. ,, ..... a.th tow.I'--.... _ .... • .. ~--.. --- Hendtowe1• • 7 7 5 -P R r•. ? 2 0 -AWCM11Jei u , tr1 s -.,, .... ..._.._,.._, In Jette-. ..... *""'• ---IRIUM M ..... "*9, .,. .. ,... ...,..,..., ... TWIN SIZE-SINGLE CONTROL '10 FtJLLSIZE-SINGLE CONTROL $11 FULL SIZE-DUAL CONTROL ·'13 • > ._.tr ... ~at11••• STEP SOF11.V ONSHAGPLE SCA'TlmRUGS 24.X41" 3.33 Rayon lheg pile rugs with no-1llp, no-akid lteclllfng. VllHant "'9ldl)ot'*'9/lf"'\ OOkt Of'OJMge. ideei In~-..... ~· ....... 5-~i AVAM.ASLE AT YOVR L.OCAL PEl'INEY_S'"'(ORE I -- .. I ~ ' ' • ... ~ .. 1 • . . c •. I. ., .. 'I • NEW ml .. '6Ao . Futt R '"'-~$HOW 15.aa Twlft Zf.,~7 NOW 14.44 Qu~~--$,24HOW11.11 King R91: $21 .NOW 23>44 .. -~--~ .. . . . ·. • FASCINATION Fun Reg. $23 NOW 19.44 OUMn R419. $28 NOW 23.44 King Reg. $33 NOW 27.*8 I ' . I ~ • • .. .. .... . , DD8J OUR EXCLUSIVE TODDLETIME8 THERMAL ... -• ,. , c . KNIT Sl.EEPi:Rs WITH PEDIBUMPE~ ~ FliET AReoN SALE NOW, MOM! , t .,6 "' • 1 • SIZES 1-4 3 ss SIZES 3-8 3 $7 GRIPPER BOXER REG. 2.49 NOW FOR REG. 2.79 NOW FOR In p~tela and brights - our cotton/polyester thermal knit r abrlc sleepers keep baby cooler In summer, warmer In Winter. They're Penney first quality all the way, so they wash and spin dry In a trice. Pedibumpe,.. feet are another Penney exclusive: made of aoft, fle>dble plu tio with non-skJd eoles to help keep baby from sllpplng and slldlng. MORE GREAT TODDLETIME VALUES! COZV ACRILAN• OVERSLEEPl!RSI 11aM H\-4 5.98 .._ 1-t 6.98 KMP beby Wiim and 11'\UQ ....... '°"°' Zip-front Acrilain-~ OVMl11pere with knit colW Sid~. pl-'k: f ........... cl!lld .,...... In maize, blue or pink. AVAILABLE AT.YOUR LOGAL PENNEY .STO~E I r ,, l • • • • . I I I .. I ...:...J .:.1 - I, I . I ' ' ... 4 ~·· ·: .. ''::•, . ··~ ... MEN'S TEXTURED MOCK TURTLES 3.88 ln&ef•slifl9 IC~SAM. stitch ~ tnib lo ha!MfMtne 9elki8 Qf sifi,_ 9t.we S4l-ICL AfJUIYfMt MEN'S PENN PREST• BARRACUDA JACKET BUY! 6.98 f>Se·• Oai;rO~ polyffle rt Jb ~,9 colton popl in. Ast0tled fashion color11, men·s sizes S-M-l -XL Boy's Penn Pr"~ Barracuda jacteet 4.98 65% coUon/35~~ Vinylon• virMt "9f1ne4 ltned, 8-18. UKf IT .•. CHAIGI ITI tE'LL GO FAR IN JEANS AND llOCK TURTLE KNT SHIRTS! MOCK TURTLE 188 J~NS 2.88 eo,·1 50% a. ·c · JOlyestet/eo~~~mbetl..._ Id ahorttleevecl lhir1t .,. W •••Wfi. ~wearing and..,........ ln.alGllM SOldll. ... ..._Tlmlt..,.withourPenn,.,..~-I •IM%•1khWs•m ._..., • ••• -that need no tNMle 'dlen tumble 4ftle4t. JA-.S ., f~'e4·· ~.,C·t61lln AVAM...ABL-E AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE ... '. ' ·- • SALE! PANTS FOR MISSES AND JUNIORS thru Saturday A.~ ACRYLIC .atDED TO ACETA1'E io CX>tot1W piaidr;. Junk>rs 3-13 .and miss.&&-19. ..... .... 1..99 8.-0Rt...ON-ACRVUC lllLANO STlTCff .•• tllld.Ghre.navy, brown, ftght bfue;Av. 8-18, T. 12-1& MG.• llOW all C.PENI PWEST• MRETCH DENIM ... Newr lft¥I . cdlkdti nyfon In navy, aqua, faded blue or oliv•, Av. 1-18. T• • · Rm. • .,. 3.19 o. PINN Pmt• DOta&.& a.T ... NIMr hlon ::.r-•r Jn Muk.navy,brftm.lgt1lblu9.«411we.Av.•11. T., AA ... .._a~ , MOCK TURTLE RIB KNITS ADD SPICE! s4 Beautiful all new poly· ~ster irregular rib kn!t loo+\ ... short sleevedm a prel\y choice ot colors for co- ordina1ing Si2~ S-M·l· XL. FRENCHMAN'S UNDERSHIRT FOR STYLE! DOUBLE KNIT POLW:STER STRIPED TOP .., s5 Stoi.n from the F,..nc;. In 1ocr.~ nyton . ...,_..loos tOlid colors with butt~ ~ down th e fcof\f. S-M·L AVA~ AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE 5 ...... I I ' . . ' "' . • 6 ... • I ... , - P'=NNCAEST 1in APPLIANCE SALE THROUGH SATURDAY ONLY ... DELUXE STEAM /DAY IRON Teflon"" coatP.d solcnlate. waler le11· el indicator, 40 vents white, harvc-:;t. PENNCREST ,, 4 SLICE TOASTER Chroma plater! sleP.1. Single lever. color control on flont Lab tested. TEFLON 'fl 11 FAYING PAN Alumlrwm. 12 • s1ra. fired·ln n·l scour, no !>ti c~ 1ef1on1D coate j 1ns1de. 4·12 CUP PERCOLATOR rlavor control selector, stainl ess r,t eel, 'breW·V10'// Qi\llQ~. R•o I l 99 NOW 11.99 Reg 15 99 NOW 13.99 Rog. 16.99 NOW 14.99 R&O 1999NOW 17.99 ~· A VAILABLE A T Y O UR LOCAL PENNE Y STOR E \ SALE ON OUR OWN LAUNDRY TWINS! SAVE 21 .95! PEN NCR EST® 16 LB., 4 SPEED WASHER Reg. 209.95 NOW $188 Make washing a breeze with all these great feature&: 4 wash/spin speed settings, 5 waeh f ;., ... ..,;;."pc,_:.:u-e __ ?tin~ •• 3 l'ellel .wat~ -.1l· tings, soak cycle setting. bleach fountain. White coppertone. avocado, harvest gold. SAVE 11.95! PENNCAEST<ro 4 TEMPERATURE DAYER I Re~. 169.95 NOW $1 5 8 Look at all the great features this twin has: 4 temperature settings, interior light. toe tap opener. adjustable signal sentry, porcelain enamel finish top and drum. White, copper· tone, avocado and harvest gold. Penncrest • 4 temp. electric dryerl Reg. 139.95 NOW $128 LIKE IT ••• CHA~GE IT! -