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1969-10-02 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
• '':'"t r ; • • Sho~~ing Su8pe·~t~ Fighting f-or Life Pist~I Pi~king Fn.gi*iv~ Nahhed ,, ..... ·~ ~ --~ By , Mesa Ofii~ers ort Jolt Brings Plea to Halt AEC Blast F rom l\l irt. Services ANCl-TOHAGE. Alaska -Despite a chon1s of protest the countd own con· linued for the U.S nuclear !est today in the rcrqole Aleutians. In \Vashington llus morning. Rep. ~._ ~e.r"~?.I}· .Wcild;.,=1n..r~1;~ ~ :;~~ · quakes in California Wc>dncsday night sho11ld rausc President l\"ixon lo postpon e tl1e C'lplo~ion, '\'.1klic !old !he I louse the quakes north nf S;>ri Francisco nianifcslcd "serious in· s1ab1!it~··• that might br 1riggercd inl('I furthrr ;icth 1!y by the underground blast Qn A1nci111ka. "\\'e bc!i<'' r 1111r :irr<i should not he r;ubjccted lo ri.~ks that .~fl f;:ir arc nnl fully u11dcrslond," \Valdic s<11d. The 1esl v.·il! he made 1111 "'inrlsv.•rpt An'l chi!ka Island, l ,~00 rnilcs soulhwcst of Anchorage . Scientists an d tcchnicia n!I readied mnniloring devices and television cameras to record the onc-meg:i ton blast, equa l lo the detonati on of one million tons ...,of TNT. scheduled for 3 p.m. PDT. .. • 24 Injured; l Santa Rosa Hardest Hit From \\'ire Services SANT A ROSA -The most powerful earthquakes in eight years rumbl ed along northern Ca lifornia 's fam ous San Andreas fault Wednesday nig ht . injuring 24 .persons and causi ng hundreds o[ ::lhouP""HiL,41olla".in ~El'·. """"" No fatalities were reported. Se nta Rosa, a cily of 50,000 about 70 rnl}es north of San Francisco, was the hr1rdesl hit rommunily, but the quakes, which sta rted at 9:56 p.m. shook San Francisco and extended 50 miles sou th lo San Jose Shattered glass covered 1he streels of Sarta Rosa. Police ro~d off a 20·block ., do~rit6v.•rr' section-'fot 'hours to pre\'ent • lootl ng. The wall of a saloon collapsed on ~ on 'unoccupied p<ir kcd c;ir. j &anks of fiourescenl light~ crashed on I the: noor of the post office. A house was mdiled a foot from its foundations and an I ovetpass sank six inches over U.S. 101, • tt>e'.main north-sou th highway. : '"San Francisco, Dorothy Kirsten and ·i LuCiano Pavaro.ttj stopped singing in the DAILY PILOT * * * 10' * * * THURSDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 2, 1969 \IOL, •1, NO. 1Jf.. • llCT!ONS, .. f'.llGll Batvaii Gang Busters Three Captured In Mesan's Death By ARTHUR R. VINSEL OI' In• D•llJ f'llo! Sl1U A special gangbusters squad created in the wake of six: bJoody terrorist murd ers in the Hawaiian Island s during one year was .credited ·tQ!:lay wfth capturing a trio su~cted 0£ killing a teenage<! Costa lrfesa ·BW'fer •. The.1;hree .beachboys were indicted on charg.~o( first. deg_ree murde~ 8f\d rob: •·btty-1a the s.-,mg..,..st Mardi Qli:WTI!fam Pond Jr., (9, of 269 Alberl Place, Costa l>'lesa. "' They were . arraigned in Honolulu Wedrresday and held without bail pend ing a preliminary hearing friday. at which time they are to enter pleas to the charges. ~ Mesa Police Nab Fugitive Ort Gun ·Theft · Authorities ldentified the men '"' Robert J. Ah Choy, 28, one or 39 peraons pi cked up in a massive narcotics roundup more than a week ago, plus Da~id K. Panoke, 27 and Peter M. Looo, 2tl, all ol. Oal\11. Two Harbor Area youtM, Steve C'bula, 19, son of a noted criminal attcn>ey and Teddy Rogers , 19, both present when p..,; ..,,. --... Ii "9t·lloldop, are expected to be key witnesses. Young Pond \.\'as asleep in a rustk rot,. Lage the youths shared at Sunset Beacll. on th e island of Oahu March 4 when three intruders-broke in, demand ing caah. and marijuana . Aut horities said at the time that Chula and Rogers hesita ted, at which time one of the three men placed a silencer-equip- ped pistol lo Pond 's forehead w lhe vic· tim st-arled to arise and fired. He slumped back in hi s hammock, mortal!y wounded. and the cash plus JI po1!nds of bulk marijuana -ownership o( which hes never been e:itablished - swiftly changed h.ands. middle of ''La Boheme" while lhe 1>pera hou~c shook. After about 20 seconds, .,• Although some scientists fcared..the big blast might trigger an -eetlhquakMntt-'' tid•I ~·ave , "\Ve arc very optimistic 0£ a '.·. :~~~111~~~1.\! ... ;iI!P.itl~~-~ ... :t"~~ --~ab:.r:.,~v-h~~:~~" ~ ~l>S' or the injured In Santa Rosa were e~~ slppi)ed ibrowstng ~h a f.tr~ted and relea.sed al hospitals for C~tMeSa ifrPlU!1~·5tore eatfy t.oday llsuku Murakami, as.slstant chief of ID- Vesllgatioli Stt'Vices for ·· the HonoltiliU Police ·Department, .described Ah Chdy Lono aOO Panak~ as ganglMd-types W~ nesda;y. :. '"These.three enttred the cotta(e 1ilHft Pond was staying . and demanded ~ and mar,tjuana," Chief Murakami 11\d• safP and successful experiment." Robert hrilller, operations manager for the AW~ ic , Energy Comm ission. told new5men gafht red in the information centers here \\'d:lnesday. Internati onal objections to the· tei;t r!)ached '&·-i;'lim'~ with· dem~imis r a loo~ ·the 0.S.-Canadla~n ·~ bOrtfei' ln- velv1ng more than 7,000 students in British Columbia alone. Six persons were arrested by police at the Ambassador Bfidge between \Vindsor and Detroit. 'rhe AEC said weather conditions ap. ~arcd favorable for the observer plane~ !l~ to fly over the de!IOIBte; 42-miJe-long Atcutian island 700 miles from the Soviet l!.iilon·s Kamchatka Peninsula. ;The nuclear device was buried 4,0QO. feeL below the tundra in a shaft drilled W1 Mild volcanic rock. '1'Wenty-eigil$"!mi~ ~way about 130 persons gathere'd in a qDncrete bunker to check lhe e!fects of 1J1c-explosion. ~.O[le television camera was zeroed in on atknown earlh fault that cuts through Uie Isl and. Anothe r was focused on a pen of s\ven ~ea ol.lers 4.500 feel from the blast she-to0r.econ:I the,efCect. on· the. anlma l6.-. OOPS; SKI FAIR SA LUTED TODAY Oops. v.·e ,l!OOfl"d, The DAILY PILOT'8 J:f,t'Ci~I sccilon .saluti ng Ski Fair at fi'11.sl11on Jslnnd a ppears inside fod 11y. not )'C'Slrrday as announced in Wednesday's tl\'wspaprr. Oirln 't your :iikis ever 11tnrt ~1ic1Jng down tht> hlll before you were re11 1!y rc.idy to go? "' • ,• POLICE PATROL SANTA ROSA QUAKE AREA Section of Wall Collapses After S.ri•• of Tremor1 ... '"' ·~11-· .. ,. .. ! rr.ilflr cuts and shock. Several fainted w~ r~131 ~aln old •hotgun, when lhe quakes ·hlt. But one man was ·~it! . deWnitM,blml" • · ~bacb hurl and another had a broken leg. t'iW.:'D • ..$11iPhens: 27, ·ot .;T¥l<iiloon. AJI power and communications were Ala., apparently triggered a silent if cut''off in Santa Rosa lo~ eight minutes, .. bur~lar. alarm. at Grant;i1 Surphi!I, 1750 ~ aJLEt 100· -R"IOS\.i·PO.'o!CrM~shoc)C .at 9:66. · m.Ypcn't'1tl\tcf. · IMUUlg·p(>tlce to sUTTOund • p.~. which registered 5.6 on the Richter the building. ' T 0 I Lo . W d d 1 so'.a\c., ' • • ' Slephena·was booked tnto C<>sta Mesa rlang e ·ver oun e ,· I l!eSld•.nts "" aimlessly about the da>k City Jail following hi• I ·07 pt . • stt~ts 1n their nightclothes. The only . I'. • • -• ,.m. _ca -~e. -JigtA to be seen blinked from a sheriff's facing a bur11ary charge, p1us felony ar· t he,l\Coptcr hovering above. rest warrants issued in at lea.st two other S A S o • d '. fl( minor aftershock was felt at 10: 13 states. U·sp,ect ·ttempts n· t"'I e · p:~. before a11other major temblor. investigators •aid today that· two '-' l •<i!J'!lering &.5 on the Richter "'ale. hil al ca.dboa•d boxes . found at the burglary ' ti;• p.m. Another less severe aftershock scene contained weapons worth $5,000., i t wt.s ,reoorded et 5:27 ·a.m. today. plus· six boxes o! ammunition and 1 few A. veteran airline pilot. a~d the. man he .hi~ ho~e In ~laj"are. l;(';~er .!.ound ?~·~ tiwas the worst-C1li~ornia quake since other. Item.a. ·found n1 hittstranged wife'~litcf 'l~t>oth ... the"n'oor ot a ·neir6y w111 wasfr Which he '~C«lte.red near Hollister, IOUlJl ~f San Off1ctr Wayne Harber said he arrived lister! in critical condilion today 1n owns. The pilot had tJed a ptastic laundry'!, • 1 • registered 5·8 on the Richter at Grant's Su0>lu1 . and found a hole 0 . . hi .. .._A.. ff d 1. •· -• h. n 1961. smaahed in 'wtndow apps~ntly with a range County ~fechcal Center. bag aroun:d s 1~, ~tu e tS ..... ~ ... ,t ~· . e famow: 1908 quake w h I c h hammCt' confitcated' at the. scene •• Rushed t.o the hospital early this mom-to\vels and was blue 1n the face .ind un· pstated Sen Francisco and northern ~Yldtnce. ing with bullet wounds in the head wa!I cohsclous, police said. UfornJa was believed to have had an He said he peered lnlkle, 11w a man Mario Glick , 49, of Sanla Ana, said by Investigators today P.id Malkin main·. epst!~ of hl[~~. a.ZS, Santa Rofa allo Pro,"!llng around the caih register and po_lice to~ the .. victim 9f pilot ~1atthcw . til~d -a-friendly,_relatlQnflhie wlth •hi;s __..__.(ircybl"Q)ce _,.,11t..tr·.U)e emergency trained his service revolver on the K.~'Miilktn.' · .~._ · " "'1¥":._,.,~'""'"'_l\;,, \ii1'~~i1d""lh~ ~~ie :.arid '-"thel't·'"ott!e 18~a'tory ~in'";t-shhi4RAlU Memoi1a1 'su~~. . ()ffh.'t~s said Glic~ was shot .several dau ghterR had frequent family reunions. H~ltal . It did spme damage to the room Juit . ai that moment, orncer Ron times with a .32-ca hber revol ver as he but DQ...PaUenta were evacuated. Palhier rapped at the &lass door In UM Jay nude on the bed in the f llirvk:w Those reunions had recently been mar· sOnoma County Com it H pltal frOf'lf 'ol ~ t:nlldlnr wlth hf!! aitiotgun and Avenue apartment of Mrs. Terri Malkin, red by· Mrs. Mal kin's relationship with re~ eight Mart :l pa~ta. both' patrolmen ordered Stephens halt •nlf 45. Glick, investigators 5aid, and Mrs, Th e were no rei>orts of fataliUes. raliie his hands. · Officer~ said Malkin , 11 pilot wltil 1'-1nlkin had been warned by the pilot an F es also· Mted 111 a supermarket l(e quickly compUed. Capllol Airlines of Delaware. entered hill . 1 1 1 d th 1 I' tr· and ·an adjacent restaurant. apparently Officers at the acene kept the bulJdfng wlfe'r,· apartment in the apporent severa c:i:cas ons 0 en e re a ions ip. rrorfi gas escaphig from broken mains. .'lUm>Unded and a German Shepherd knowledge . that Glick wos there. Mr11... Malkin !I recovery -and he .was Tho J.C. Penney store was flooded from pallet dOI belonglna to G!lrden Grove Malkin n id sht was taking a shower reported by hospiLal officials late this broken water mnlns. lawmen was brought 1n· to BHrdi the \\'hen she heafd gu ns hots from U1e rooming to be "rapidly Improving" -";t'his is lhe worst ellrthquake In my dark building Inch-by-loch for • possible bedroom and found the barlly wounded will automaticall y moan 'that he is cherg-c11:~r1ence, and from what they aay, the acrnmplice. Glick slumped on the berlmom floor. ed with assault wlth intent to commit worSt since ll!Oll," snld Police Chle( No one was found and police belltvtrthe Officers said Malkin, who now f akes m'Jrder, offlr.ers said. ~· Melvin F. Fl ohr. ''ll w.-is a real joll" guspctt was alofe In th• surplus store. • I • ~'whQ Pond ~slst~d, he was shot.••. . Pol\ ·(\C(t within; ·two "'hotfra at· 111 emergenc,. hospital from a sma11 caliber bullet in the brain, his dream of a permanent home in the 1alands blut~ 'into eternity. · He was buried locally. All three men were sub3equenlly ques- tioned as suspects in the murder. but authoriUcs were unable to get a1l.Y (See SLAVING, P111e 2) Oraage Weatller 1 That old north wind will cool otf the Orange Coalt. Friday, whHe clearing sl(les pre'1ail with a mer- CUI)' reading of 71. INSIDE TODAY 'Eleven of the 13 men left from a \Vorld War 1 outfit gath- er with a bottle of cognac the main.· attraction: it'll aa to the 1urvivor of the groytp. Page 10. C•Mtw,,,11 I <l•••lflltl •u CtlTllCt U Cr9U--' 11 Otatll Nell-t l".ifWlll 'ere ' l•l•tf•IMMlll ,..,, ''~"""" 11·" H~ttK9"" II "'"" la.lillll" ,, Mlltllt• • ""-'lilt• t I --------------------------------------------------~------~~~---- ., ; Z DAil V PtlOT S INixon Picks W einbe1·ge1· FTC Cliief WASRINGTO~ (AP) -President !\it· on ailoounctd today he ~·111 des lgT\ate ca.spar \V. Weinberger, Callfornia·s director. of financt, lo be chairman of the FederaJ Trade Commission . \Veinberger is a 52-) ear-old Republican. He will replace James ~t Kicholson . a Democrat llh'lse tenn expired. as a member of lhe FTC and &ucceed Democrat Paul Rand Dison as chainnan. Dixon ~·tll remain a commissioner. ~ixon said he trill nominate \\'e in· b<'rgt'r for a se1·en-r ear term. Al Sacramento. \lleinberger pledged an ag~ress 1\ r consumer protection cam- paign, <'Specially in behalf o! the poor. Dixon, ;i Tennl'ssean. 11 as appoint ed by the late President John f . Kenned:-on !>larch 21. 1961, and was reappointed by ,forml"r President Lyndcm B. Johnson in !9G~ D1i.:on's lro ublf's as chairman fu~t t ained >Kide allenBoo because o f crilicism from consumer crusader Ralph Nader and from a feud with Com- missioner Philip Elman. Reporting £ln the FTC last month. a special American Bar Association panel urged Ni:ii:on to select a new chairman from outside the ranks of commission members.· Under Dixon, the ABA group ..Ud. detdwood accumulated on the nc staff and. there hati been a failure to establi* go811. pricrilies and effective planning CDDtrols. Weinberger win leave his state job Dec. 31. In the $30.319·a·year post, he i1 in charge of all budgt't mating and fiscal planniag for the stale. His new port paya ff0,000 annually. He said Nixoo had asked him to . im· prove the protection of consumm from fraud and other abuses by merchants. Countian Given Five to Life In Coed's Death A Superior Court Judge Wednesday al· lo~·ed Geor,l!e Arnold \'ick to plead guilty t.o second degree murder in tM: s\ayin~ f'Jf a fonner Orange Co;ist Col!egc cO<'d and sentenccr! the Tus\ln man to fire years t.o life in s!a1 e pr ison. Judge Robert Gardner handed that Jail term lo \'ick. 29, after labl.'!ins him as "bordering on the realm Qf £<1ntasy.'' an argument in v.hich \"ick"s dcfen~e at· tcmev claimed that his client \\'as denied Y•hal • miRht have been his princ ipal means of defense when the body of Susan Adam s was cremated . Vick admitted lo Judge Gardner that he killed the girl last June. 25 in wh at the judge described as an ''emotional oot· burst." Evidence ind icates that Vick suffocated the girl by holding a plastic laundry bag OYff her~. \1ick 's lawyer toda y argued that furthtr examination of the body might ha,·~ enabled the defense to prO\'e that Vi ck v.·as nol actuaf!y responsible for the 2().. ~ear-0!d girl's death. HP told Judge Gardner !hat her de11 th cou ld hare stemm ed £rom natural causes and pointed out 1hal his client \Oo'as not ar· raigned on murder charges v.·1thin the 48 hours specified by la1,·. Judge Gardner quic kly threw out both ac.inimcnts. He agreed v.·ith the prosecution !ha t preservation or tissues from the body and pathological les1s carried out prior to cremation v.·ere ~ufficlent e1 idence that f'1·ery1hing po5sihle had been clone to pro- tect Vick's right s. Judge Gardner further noted !hat Vick had made SCl"eral confl"SSions to pol ice and investiga tors since his arre~t at the apartment building ''I am sal1sf1ed that ,.,1r. V1ck "s ri!lhts v.ere never pre judiced at any lime." he said. DAILY PILOl ~ .................. ... ,..,.......... ...,.,~ ·--CAUIOIMIA O"-AA~I: CO.Ul ,lll LISHIHll COM""'T Jlolirrt H. W•rd ,,Hj4'ef\1 -PvbH .... ! J•<k It Cu1l•f Vkl ''U°""I '"° ~, .. iilotNtrt T~'"''' IC11wil ··~ Tko11111 A. M,,,,~;,i• -·--COllr ...,,., ':Ill #nl ar. Sl'H" ,.._ .. lff<l'I 1'11 ........ -_.._ l •-8~: Hf ,_, ..,,.. ..... "'""''il'lllSI IMOI;° JOI Siii Mr'ld D.111. 'f' P'flQt • •tlll •l'l>Cft 11 c...-.,. ........ -. II """"''-.. ,,., .-(Wt to,._ .. f loo -•Ir N I-fW C.lr ,,,,...._ ""-' ........ u.-r ~ "'""""",... ~ -"-'·"' v.u.,.., .......... -.......... ..-.-.. o ...... c....i , .... 1 .... .... '-... 1111 .... -· -· •• 1711 ... , ...... •no.. __ , ·~ -111 ..., ''"" MINt. C1o1•1 -.-. ,...,.._ 17t41 MJ-4JJI Cl ........ """"'"""' MJ.1671 c.,.,.w... t•. °'-~ .......... ""9 C.-nf, ""' ..... ,..,... •Nyt,,111-.....,... ...."" . ........._....... ...,_ -119 r--..cN ""---....._. . ._.. ..... _ .. -..o-..._ ...... ,~ ..... eltl C-!r -· C.!W.nor """"''•'*' lot --tt• _..,.,., lot -u U.JI _._, ,.. .. ,..,., ., ........ U.M -ltlly. • Drug Law to Change? Treat Users Medically, Not as Criminals \\'ASHL\'CTON (UPI)-The Nixon .ad· ministration is preparing more nexible laws dealing \\'ith marijuana users - perhaps aimed al treating them as more a mmical than criminal problen1. "We \\·ant to provide penalties for marijuana use and posse:ssion more in tune with the dangers of the drug:• said an aide in the Drpartment of llealth, Education and \\'elfare (HE\\'l. lfe re\"ea\ed Dr. Roger 0. Egeberg. the i;n\"ernment's top health officer and an advocate at le:M str\ftgmt marijuana lall·s, has been meeting ll'ilh Justi~ Department official.~. including Atty. Gen . John N. f.litchell to hammer out a ne,,.,· approach. The Justice Department declined com· mcnt. Asked if a new position.on ma ri- juana laws \\'as expected soon, a deparl- rr.ent spokesman said he could not reply. . ., tlhtchell has testified before Congress he -~ believes '"in sent ences which ..• v.'ill gi\•e { ,";judges sufficient flexibility to tailor the scnt.ences to the requii'ements of the drug \"io!a1ot or the narcotics addict.'' ~cberg said recently. "\\"hat J reel is t>lifthe penalties for the use or the sale °"'of ma rijuana arc oot ot propcilion to the importanN! of mwuuan.a." The fede ral law for possession of marl· juana pro\"ides for 2 to 10 yea rs im· pri.sonment for a rirsl offense. 5 to 20 years for a secOnd olfrnse, and 19 to 40 years for further offensts, as \\"ell as fine s of up to 520,000. Stale ttt\\·s follow the same•tou gh pal· tern. much is not known . But Dr. Stanley F. Yalies, directo r of !he National Institute of lt1ental }!ealth, made these observations recently !or a Senate juvenile d e I I n q u e n c y sub- committee : -A recent sur vey or some 16 schools suggeru that as many as 50 percent of students in certain city and suburban areas ha\·e had some experience ·wn h marijuan11. -An estimated I to 12 million persons in the United States have used marijuan~ a~ Jta!lt once. -\Vorld \ride. marijuana is 1n Jn. toxicant second only to akoboJ in popularity and i! used by some 200 million to 250 million people. Mansfield Urges Nixon To Declare Cease-fire "'ASHINGTON (lSPI) -S ~ n a te Democratic Leader ro.like Mansfield urg· cd President Nixon tcxlay to seriously consider declaring an immedialc cease fire by i.;.s. forces in Vietnam. The ,.,1ontana senator aloo propo!ed that the t'nited ,.States step up troop v. ithdrawals froffi Vietnam t.o put pressurl' on Saigon to accept a coalition gorernment ti prepare ror new elections .. f.lansfie ld insisted that the United States is ~ mo vins fast COOLtgh to get ovt of Vietnam . Vietnain unless rired upon . l:!e made clear he was suggestina: a unilateral cease fire by the United Stal.es. This, he argued, 11o·ould put the onus m lfanoi to decide "ilether lo continue the fighting. Unde r the cease fire he ha<tin mind. he !>aid U.S. forces in Vietnam wouttt silence lheir guns and fi re only in response lG enemy .act ion. . .t'\\'e will, of course, fire in return,'' ~lansfield said. Nixo11 Stickirig To Hayns,vorth Motorists driving the Los Ant.elcs free}.l"ays \\"ill have a ne1\· face in their rear view mirrors startfng today as the California ,.l igh,1·ay Patrol cotnplete5 the takeover of patrolling the free \rays, relie\·ing the Los AI1 geles Police Department . • Becau se ()( the. inflex ibility of the penalties, some .;roung .. ~ople are denled medical treatment a'rM are instrad treated as hard narcotics u'trs and put behind bars. said the H£\V hea!lh aide, \1·00 asked not to be idenlilied. "\\le ought to consider setiou.~ly a ceas~ fire and It.and fast," be said in a \\'ashinglon intcn>iev.·. "In other words, fall baC'k into the Ga1•in encla \"e-lheory and do \\'ha t 'A'e can by actions as well as by v.·ords to try and bring this dreadful and tragic \\·ar to a rooctusion." This y,·as a reference1lo a proposal by rE1ired Lt. Gen. James f\I. Gavin that the l"nited Slates end offensive act.ions and concentrate on defending c e r I a in strategic areas in South Vietnam . · CeurtNon1i11ation \\'ASHJNGTON jlJ PI ) -Despite grow- ing opposiUon in his O\l'TI party, President l'\"lxon still stands by his nomination of Judge Clem ent F. Hayns11o orth Jr., to the Su preme Court . the \\"hite House sald to. d:iy. (Related Story, Page 4) Dumke Praises Teacl1i11g At Soutl1e1·11 Cal Collage One possibility be ing discussed by the tw o go1 ernment agencies is lesser penalties as "·ell as rehabilitation and treatmen t for SQJlle offenders, he said. 'fhis might •.rel! include prO\'iding n1isde- meanor clements in the law. "Or. Egebtrg is nol about !o back off from the position that the present laws are unrealistic and unreasonable," he ~a.irl. r-.1ansfie1d said the t:n ited Sta!('S should announce lo the v.·or!d and to Hanoi that American forces "ill no longer fU"e m Producer Levine Upstages Ca11ote Press SccrP ta ry Ronald Ziegler sald GOP Senate \\'hip Robert P. Griffin had !Did the Presiden l of dissension amen~ !'Orne of his colleagues, but Ziegler said Gr iffin did not ask ;\"ixoo to ""·ithdraw the <ippointment. A priva te college education that im- parts v.·isdom as \-\'ell as kno'A·ledge wa s praised by Glenn Dumke in a talk at Southem Cal1 forn1a College in Costa f\!e~a \\"edn csday. Dr. Dumke. ch:incellor of the l!k'.am- pus Califom1.a State College ~}"stem, i:poke a~ a C'Onvocation markmg th e C'O!· lege's 50\h ann1\"ersary year. He ~irl it 1 ... the. tradJt ion of ~1nall liberal arts colleges to C'Oncenlrale 'HI teaching of ll·isdom ralher l h a n kr.o~·Jedge. '·Too many instilulion ... of higher learn- ing-place too much emphasis on the Uiscipline and !he ."kill." sa id numkr. "\\'isdom is something yoo bare to p1C'k 11p on yo1.1r own time.'' He said he def ine~ \1·1sdom .,_.. •·the ability 10 judge souno11 y as it relates 10 life and conducl: !he abi lity lo u;e knov.•ledge proper ly. and there are m;iral judgmen ts inl"o!ved."' He said lhe. gre,1 t question~ f'lr mankind arc '"the queslions of bfe and being and relationshi p y,·nh the infinite." Southern Cahforn1a College, spon sored ~· the Assernblies of God. grew from a Bible college !ounded in J9ZO ln Pasadena to a liberal a.rts collese offering an ac- credited four .,-ear curriculum, 1nclurling preparation for the leaching crede11t1al. The colle.i;c mo1'ed to i!~ Cost a (\1esa si te <it \:e11 port Boulel"ard and f aJT Dr11·e 111 )lj.)l.J. 1\t the con\ ocauon, the £acuity of 33 Among high school and ct11lege youth, v.11h representatives from 15 olher col· \\'llO knO\V marijuana as "pot". "grass". RO:-.IE (API -Amt"rican film pro- lrges 1.1 ore academic gown~ and marched •·1.1·eed"". and o1her names. use or the dL•ccr Joseph E. Le,·ine lhre"'' v.hat he in procc~siona l to the gymnasium. The drug is increasing, experts say. How ralle<f a small birthday party for his ,,., ife ('JJ!iege·s 515 studenls v.·ere there to hear RosaliP \\"cdnesday night. Dt1mke's ta lk. About 2,000 guesls In \"arious stages 0£ lie challenged lhem as ~nefic!arie~ or Countt'an Reveals dress and undress ate the ir way th rough lhis pri,·ate college t'd ucation combini ng a 29-dish menu in a rented l7lh century J..nn,1 Jcdge an<I \1isdom to St"r1e the Roman palact, entertained by three public goc1d. lie fiaid there i~ nothin,i: Deatll t'n Notih bands and guarded by medic v a I prirate about prh'alc educalion and horsemen . ~1xon met today for tht third time Lhi3 \\"CCk ·with GOP congressional leaders to discuss the Haynsv.·orth case, among other matters. The meeting \1·as not an- nounced in ad \"ance and 1~·as over v.·ell aftrr Ziegler reJXlrlcd it. Ziegle r quoted Kix on as telling the lraders he still stood by his position in faror of Jiayns1,orth. agrred \'dth 011 \'er \\'endell H'11mes "this Former opera singer f\!aria Callas left Red 01m' a Sends country needs more educalion m the ob-A \\'estmlnster man became the in-early it! a huff btcause: she 1t1·as not 11ous."' formant \\'ednc.sday morning that led lo seated at the head table \l"ilh S<iphia To !he teacher5, uncelebrated !Jke the arrest of his mother in lhe. fata l Loren, Carlo Ponti, Elsa f\fartineUi and E R • un1\"ersity prole!sors knov•n for their ~hooting of his sltpf.aUler in the San ..aJJ\hor Harold Robbins. J)VO Y to USSla research, he said. "You h~\'t a \"ery 1m. Francisco bav area. The rt!l of the guests finish~ off tht p'>rtant pubhc -yourself. your piipi!s According lo police, Larry L. Alves, night viev.·ing the European continent.al LO~OON (UPI I -Commw-Ust China ;.rid ;.our l"On~crrnce Surely there JS no 1 ~191 Rirerton Circle, \\"est.minster, pOOn-premiere of '"The Lion in \llater.'' h.:is ~ent the head of its lrad~ mission higher calling than this .· rd Alameda city police at 12:52 a.m .. to back to :'llo~cow 1n 1he f1r!l concil iatory Durnke said that on the public cam· tell them that his mother, ~lrs. Eldeen 1?estu re in ye ars of Sino-S-Oviet conflict , puses the conscience of students and pro-r.loria Soares, 54 , had just called and told J\(ansfi e)d Lea\·es communist diplomatic sources said lo· fessors Is beginning to bother them and him that she had killed her husband, d.a\•. they have hit upon a totally improper Ernest Louie Soares. H ' J Af T lt \\as the first tangible reaction lo the sol ut ion_ "they want to use the. campus Alameda poLice £olJoy,·ed A!,·es' phone OSJ>l la ler ests re<:ent Sino-Soviet sumrn1t in Peking arena 10 settle the questions of We a la call vd th the arrest of r.1rs. Soares on bet11·een Premie r Chou En-Jai and Sovitt Latin America," murder rharges. She "''.as arraigned \\'ed· \\'ASl{l'.\"GTO~ IAP) -Stnate tit.a-Premier A le~ei N. Kosy gin. Red China The proper role of lhe campus. he said, nesd.ay and is currently in custody or the jority Leader r-.tike ~!a nsfield returned to hild ca ll td home ils trade mission from is 10 "rt"main obJecl i\·e and abol"e lhc Alameda County ShtrHf"s Department. ~·ork today after spend ing six d.ays in the r..ios;cow se\·eral years ago. battl e, study the issues and Jay the Alameda police said they found So.are~ hospital and said thal he. must undergo f\1m;CQw is still \\"aitins f;ir a si i:n that arguments pro and CQn before a free . on the floor of his living room . !iih<>t in the fu rther medical test.s. Communist Chi na is prcp:ired to enter society." left side '"'ith a .410 shotgun . P;illce He did not disclose the nature of the 1:ilk s \\".Ith lhe SoYlet !ead erstlip on possl· 11 .d quote-d ~!rs. Soares as saymg they had leslS nor did he say ll"hcther he 1t1•ould blc v,a ys to rase their serious di!- . e sai there is an ill v.·1nd for change JUst had a quarrel. ha\·e. to rt~nler the hospital. ft>renccs, the sources .sard. h101ring across campu5-es and ad l"istd the 1_;.::;=============================================i Suuthern C'al1fun11:i College sluden ts tn II ride what JS good in it but reject th11t is bad -'"the \"lOlent, de.structJ\C ni.tu!ism.'' Users, Laivme1i Alike Sciy ~'Riv Van Winkle 'Intercept' Not Working From Wire Sen-ices If market price in marijuana con· sumplion centers of California is any in· i'!ica tion the massi\'e fedua\ crackdvwn kno~·n ;is Operation intercept is in- tercep!Jng little. The intent of the get-tough program Is lo dri1·e the price of illicit weed so high no 0J1e can afford it. but users and la,.,·men alike are laughing at the idea. Prices 't\·ere already high in San Fran· ciseo. Berktley. and other Northern California cities -$10 tG $2a for a half· ounce lid -and the rate remain.! the 5amc.. San Francisco Police ~arC'Otic!l Bureau Lt. Norbert Currie 11nd Berkeley Police: \'lee Control lnspectOT Cliff Ojai.a said their agenls ha1·c found l'l(l change in the pe!I two v.-el"ks. Vinet.nt Chastttn. fi eld supervisor fJr the state bureau of narcotics en· forcement. ho'A'ever. said lhe:re has been 11 slight increase since the Sept. 21 open- in~ of Operation Intercept. Sources on the drug scene sa y there i!l plenty of mariJuana cached in the coun- try altf'.ady -in .. ·are.house quantities - and plenty is sUll being smuggled In from 1-tc:rdco. A bad summer drought crippled the il- lidt marijuana crop routh o( the border nnd users began buying pot that was .sel"eral months old. "It was good stuff, since il get.s bellti:r ·"'!th age," remarked one smoker . ~iexican author ities, hcm·ever. belie.\'c Ol)(ration lnte.rC'ept 1tself is b.ad s!t1ff - and ii wil l get \Vorse with age apparently -for many far remo\'td from the marl· JUl!lna Sl'erft! in both nallon.'!. ~leanll·hJle, ch1c leader!! launchtd In riue\'O Laredo, Tex., a boyco\\ on nJnes~ent!a l lrtl\'el by r.texicans lo the l "niled Stetc.s. ' The boycott. dubbed Operation Dignity, y,·as In reply lo Operation Intercept, the y,·1dc-nung U.S. scr~ against narcot ics from ~lr.xlco ~·hich has sharply reduced the dolla r tourist trade. From Pagel SLAYING ... e1·ide.nce leading to form.al indictments. "But information gathered rectntlv hv nur .!>pecial learn led to the arreSts.;' Chic£ ~urak.ami said \\'tdnesday. '"\\·e don't "'ant to be \'indic ti\"e ," ~!rs. Pond said v.·hen told of the. arre.sts. '"but \l'e don't v.·ant something lfo terrible to just go unpunished." Pond, Chula and Rogtrs had flown to the islands ontv a ~·ttk earlier and ~·ere. visi ting Y.'ith 'sevr.ral other youths al- tending junior college on the toogh island of 0 11hu. Chula. son or Cos1a 1-fl'.fia allorney George Chula , Wa.! facin g a federal mari· juana smugj!:ling charge in San Diego at 1hc lime. "'hile his fat her's firm is cur. rently repraenting the noted Dr. Timothy Leary. The rnrmer Harvard drug researcher laces drug charges along ~·ith his second v.·ife Rll.s<>mary and son John, stemn1lng frQm the.Ir arres~ last year in Laguna Beach. ln1·e!tig11tor! in Honolulu arc fl(ll saying "'hat they may ha\'C on ,.\h Choy, Panokr and Lona. bui ii apparenUy stems from the narcotics arrests made la$1 wetk . "Th is Wll! an i~laled case which "''ill tie In -to somt degree -y,•ith !ht> large 1 n11rcol1r., round up," Chief ~1 urakam1 t X· plained \\"ednrsclay. Tw i., or MJll Si1• S•t Que•n Si1e Set King Si11 Stt Handcrafted by cY(~ No• More Sleepins Comfort. Hu Bien Added. Benffth the &ft:kinl" of evwy Rip Van Winkle mattr.- b an .. cu.hion of. comfort lMCI• ]Mmible by DaPm.t'• amadn11MW Decroa Fibercoil . DuPont'1 new Pibercoil is actually lhcuanda ot JittM mkn:.:tipie C10tls that provide the mm t•ilient 11t1rface ever ob- tained ill the li1111tpinc indultry. 'This 11n Fibwoail ntu.. to peck down or lwnp up...and it'• DOD-IJJtqmic. •Hand.Stitched S..1 Fr. Sk!....U. -Uwt siff 13 more -.hhi Wp- !q Mf- • 8-\\·•1 Hand Tild Bos Spriq- the envy of the indllltry. • Full 20.ytu non·prontad ,.,.,.. .... • ATtdlabll ln tutt.d or quilt.Id model&. • ~ Jdedlum, or Firm. 119.50 • 2H.50 llf.50 H.J.GARRETf flll\NITURE P RO ~ESSIONAL INTERI OR DESIGNS • -. 2215 HAR!OR !LVD. COSTA MESA. CALIF. ·~··0275 I I l ...................................... 1111111111111111 ............................... 111!11!!1!11!!!1!111!'1911111111111111111 ........ Cll! ... lll"',,illl':C:J'l''""i'O'-;;:~;;;-..;~~::;;-~~-.,~~----__ ..... Duniington Beaeh Today's Fl•al .N.Y. Stoelu VOL. 62, NO. 236, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1969 TEN CENTS . Smog Officer Back~ Off on Edison Deal Rap By TO~t BARLEY 01 tM D•ltY ~llft ll•ff Orange County's Alr Pollution Control officer stepped from a highly charged county governmenl atmosphere Wed· nesday tn aUmil Lhat he made "possibly a had c-hoice or words" when he accused <-ounty supervisors of backing Edison (~ornpany expansion plans at a private meeting. Fresh from " te<'f'n!. confrontation wi!h County Adll}.inistrative Officer Jiobert E. .> Thomas, smog chief William Fitchen also assured newsmen that the phrase "voiced approval of the proposed expansion" - the words he used in a confidential report last Sept. 2 -did not really mean that. Fitchen states today that county supervisors and Edbon officials "were talking eronom.ics .•. dollars and cents" when that approval was reached behind closed doors at a Santa Ana inn -"if in- deed we CQUld really call it approval,'' Fitchen quic~ly qualified , He also e!li'lalned that County Counsel ' . " Adrian Kuyper was not present at the luncheon meeting as stated in the "not for release" report. And he revealed fC>r the first time the presence of another person around whom the present coo- troveny revolves -Fitchen bimself. The DAlL Y PILOT learned before Fitchen called the press conference that the air pollution control officer wa!!I "ca rpeted" by CAO Thomas at an angry meeting and ordered to withdraw many of the inferences and allegations con- talned in his hard hitting l>tatement. ... Fitchen made every effort to comply al the haslily rummoned press conference ~ith repeated assurances that he would "never do anything t.o upset my board" and the comment: "I sincerely and deep- ly regret th11t I have unwittingly been the cause or Uieir embarrassment." l'he apparently unhappy Fitch en became the center th.ii; week of a con- troversy that erupted' when supervisor J{obert Batt.in called the attCfltion of the c,oonly ~~ to the fact that the con· fidentlal Fite.hen nport was noc quite so confi dential any more. Obviously d t 1 co m (I le d county supervisors hurriedly denied one by one that they l'lad leaked the report to the press or public. And it ii known that CAO Thomas was immediately cbara:ed with the task of "interviewing" Flt.chen on the circumstances surrounding the release of the document and many of tho statements it eontaioed. Fitchen nOted Wednt?sday that .p.1blk: , opip.ion is "rapidly mounting against the Edison company's plana to triple the capacity Of its Huntington Bach plant. And be confinned that the $179 million escalation of the power plant would" aeod county air pollution stat.isUcs aoarin, over the top of stale imposed levels." The Edison plans will be debated Oct. 16 in the Huntington Beach City Council chambers at a hearing called by the state Environmental Quality Study Council. County supervisors have alao aet a public hearing on the Edison prop::isal (or Oct. Z2 in the supervlson' bear'inl n>OU\. ualie Roclis Santa Rosa 24 lnjur~d;.Damage in Hundreds of Tlwusands ' - • • -~ ~ . .;., , -,, I ' ' ~4i4j Ul"ITe~ POLICE PATROL SANTA ROSA QUAKE AREA Section of Wall Collepsea After Series of Tremors T 01J of Pier Plan P~t To Downtown Merchants lluntin~tnn Bench'!! Top of the Pi~r P!·in gc~s 11.s loughtest test ton lght when !hf' clo1v n!own redevelopment project is ou:l1ncd In bu.~111cssmcn ;ind property Ol\'Ol'fs 1n 1he affected Rrea . The open forum meeting. sponsored by lhc. Chamber of Commerce, gets under v>ay at 7:30 p.m. in lhe Edison Company auditorium. 5.38 Main St. Hcoresentatives of the Urban Land Institute Steering Committee (CSC) will present lhe proposal which call$ for ac- quisition by the city of all downtown pri> perty between 6Lh and Lake Street!!, one block inland to Walnut Avenue, plus five ocres of Huntington Beach Company pro- pPrty eost of Lake extending inland le> Atlanta Avenue. ThP !!lite would be conve rted to an l,lm- space parking area. A Jlvely gh•e-and ·t.ake iieiision is an· licipated. Many of the downtown property nwntr!'I have opt!nly 'xpres!'lt'd their or>- posilion to the project. Bob Terry, owner of Terry'J Buick at 61h an d Walnut, whose property and business wnuld b(' wlped out by the pro- po;:il, will act as chairman of the meeting. The meeting \\'ilS arranged by Paul F rizzell, chainnan of the Business and Commercial committee of the Chamber. Thi! Top of the Pier Plan goes before the City Council on Oct. %8, according to current plans. Councilmen will decide on the date at Monday 's regular council meeting. Berkeley Integration BERKELEY (UPI) -Berkeley wlll celebrate its second year of public school integration Oct. 16 with • jau le!Uval featuring Duke Ellingt.on. ... From Wire ~ervl~'!I ;,1\..t~TA ROSA -The most powerful earthquakes in eight years. rumbl ed along northern California's famous San Aifdrea5 fault Wednesday night, injuring 24 perso ns and causing h4ndreds or thousands of dollars in damage. No fatalities ~·ere reported. Santa Rosa, a city of 50 ,000 about 70 r 1ilcs north of San Francisco, was the htirdest hit commun ity , but the quakes, wh.icb started at 51 :56 p.m, shook San Beach Drives For Complet~ Billboard Ban Huntington Beach is taking first ste p!!! toward enforcement of an a 11 ·en· compassing sign ordin~e which wilT eventually rid the CMnmunity 0 r bill boards. The new law became effective in August but Building Director 0 . C. "Jack" Cleveland has adopted a "progressive enforcement plan'' which will gi ve businessmen an opportunity to corTeet violations over varying periods of time. _ A schedule of abatement for non-i:O!l· forming signs includes : -Signs, sign structures and advertising devices for ••hich a permit has not been issued must be removed within 30 days o{ receipt of notices mailed nul lhis wttk. -Temporary signs (banners, pe.n~a~lS. stringers, propellor.;, balloons and s1m1\ar devices) and temporary sign structures must be removed within 60 days. -Arro~'S, bu!lseyes, sp ot 11 g h t s , rotating beacons and similar novelty ~igns painted on building11. benches or st~uctures other than sign structures, f'eArch lights, advertising with a public ;iddress system. animals or human beings must conform to the law within 90 Clays. C!e\•eland caution!!! that this does not mean that a businessman is forever pro- hibited from using a loo..:dspeaker, searchlight or similar device. A pennil can be granted for special occasiool for a limited period, he explained. But the all-encompassing law is design. ed "to c.lean up sign clutter that has ac· cumulated over the years and prohibit It ln the future." The sign ordinance was adopted after many monlhs or coordination with the Chamber of Commerce, Southern California Electric Sign Aslocialion, California Roadside Caundl aM other businesa and civic organization!. (Sec BILUIOARDS, Pal' I) County Firm \ • Ill Club Flap Sergeant Major-Principal in Fullerton Company From \\'I~ Servlce1 111e sergeant major o[ the U.S. Army -novr' involved ih a probe of multlmUHon dollar service club graft -is a principal in an Orange County finn supplying clubs in Vietnam. No one wa!i a\·ailable for comment al f\1arcdem Ltd., 4301 W. CommonVt-ealth 1\ve' rullerton. however, "'hen the com- pan} u·11s contacted today. ~gt. f\iaj . Wlltlam 0 . \\'ooldrldge and fw r other Army sergeants cu rrently he.ing invcstlgttled by a Sena te sub- commitlcc in Washington are the com- pa ny·.~ directors. The inve!iligatlng body headed by Sen. ' Ahrahar.i Hibicoff loday heard testimony lhnl 1he Arm y's provost marshal general '1irn~t"'lf once in!erverieri 10 stop an earlier prnt>c of Sgt. Maj. Wooldridge. 1.t . \.nl. ,Jack Pruett, a military in- \"t',.stlgal nr. ~a \ri Maj. Gen. C1trl C. !fu~• tQ:uo rAd (Cpeated reque5t-$ for Wooldrldit tu either be investigated or asked to resign. Pruett testified that the provost marshal general• had seen Cilples of criminal record!! indicating t h a t Wooldridge had once been convicted of larceny and gone AWOL twice. Besides Sgt. f\1aj . Wooldridge , whose carfer has been checkered to say the leaJt. ba5ed on Washington testimony to- day, three other Orange County men are directors in the local firm . None ol them could be reac hed fe>r comment on the scandal probe tod11iy, btt.. one was quoted indirectly a.!I" denyin& any wrongdoing nn the part ol Lhe firm . The Army·1 former provost marshal wa!l specificaJ\y aet:used of orderinjl evidence squel ched against Sgt. Maj. Wooldridge on groundii he was "jus~· 11 tood 'olt cou ntry boy," ColnnfJI Pruel t told the Sena.., p;nt-.- ctimmlttce that General Turner. now retired, ordered him lo atop ah ln- v•sUgation o( Wooldridge and to have Wooldridge'• name "saniti.Jed" lrom all reports The r•ports concerned alleged gambl· lr.g "skims ," kickbacks, liquor thefts and other larceny from 110me M!rvicemen'1 service clubs on U.S. Anny bases. "You should have told lhe general that JeMe James wu just a good cle' country boy." Sen. Karl E. Mundt (R.S.D. ), a member of the permanent invutig•lion.s subcommiUee told Pruett after he testified about Turner's alleged action. Pruett aaid he worked direcily under Turner at the Pentagon when the latter was the Army's top policeman. Testimony hy Pruett and warrant Of· fleer Res M. Hardine lnch:llltd hazy rrferenct?!I: to a 3f:Cret convtnllon of iervice club serge11nts f'"°"1 throu1hout !Seo Clo:)l8, l'lllif II Francisco and extended 50 miles south to San Jose. Shattered glass covered the streets of Santa Rosa. Police roped off a 20-block rlownlow11 section for hours lo prevent looting. 'J'he wall of a saloon collapsed on an unoccupied parked car. Banks of flouresce nt lights crashed on the floor of the po.st of(ice. A house was moved a root from it.I; foundations and an overpass sank six inches over U.S. 101, tre main north-south highway. In San Francisco, Dorolhy Kirsten and -Luciano Pavarotti slopped singing In the middle of '"La Boheme" while the opera house shook. After about 20 seconds, "'hile the audience applauded, they started again. Mos• of the injured in Santa Rosa were treated and relea sed at hospitals for rr,inor cuts and shock. Several fainted when the quakes hit . But one man was badlv hurt and another had a broken leg. All power and communications were cut off in Santa Rosa for eight minutei ..... · .. :·. : CALIFORNIA \ ..... :·· .. : .......... N EV ..... .. : ·. ·. : . . .. . ·~ .. . •e Reno • · · · . .. .. ;·()c~-~~N· ... :.CITT .... . . . .. . . . . . . . : ' -. ... . ··: :",.: • e fRfSNO . : ; :·: ... .... ·: .. .. -... ..... ......... . . . . .. · . . . . ...... . .·. ... : ... . .. : ;.·· ... . .. " . . . . .. " ..... · ... · ... ... .. Ul"t ..... M-. SERIES OF QUAKES CENTERED NEAR SANTA ROSA Test Still On Solon Vrges Halt After Quakes From Wire Servlce1 ANCHORAGE, Alaska -Despite a chon1s of protest the countdown c-on- linued for the U.S nuclear test today in th e remote Aleutians. Ir. Washington thi~ morning, Rep. Jerome R. Waldie ID-Calif.), said earth· quake!!! in California Wednesday night s.hould cause President Nixon to postpone the ell:p!osion. W31die told the House the quakes north of Se.Tl Franc.isce> manifested "l!lerious In- stability" that mi&ht be triggered into further activity by the underground blast on Amchllka. "We believe our area should not be !ubjected to risks that ao far are not full y understood," Waldie said, The test will be made on windswept Amchllka Jaland, 1,400 mllea southW"est of Anchorage. Sdenllstl and technlcilns read.led monitoring devices and television camera• to record the one-megaton blast, equal to the detonation or one million tom of TNT, ICbeduled for 3 p.m. PDT. , Triangle Lover Wounded; Suspect Attempts Suicide A veteran airline pilot and the man ti. found In his estranged wife's bed are both listed in critical condition today ln Orange County Medk:al Center. , Ru4bed to the hoeptl.al early this mom· Ing with bullet wounds ln the head was Marlo Glick, JI, of Santa Ana, said by police lo be !he vlctlm ol pUol Matlbew K. MBlkin. Officers said Glick was shtX several times with a .32-ealiber rtvolW"r u be lay oo• on tht bed in the Fairview Ave.nut apartment ol Mn. Terri Malkin, 15. OfOctrs said Malkin, a pilot with C.pllol AIT'lines of Delaware, entered hla wife':!: apartment tn the appwent kncwledge that Glick wu there, Mrs. Malkin said she was taklnc a shower when the ~ant gunshoU: from t.he bedroom and found the badly woundtd Glick t.lumped on the bedroom floor. Ofncert said Malkin, who now m1kH his home In Delawari. was later found on thf! floor of • nearby eo1n WB!h which he. owns. The pilot bad tied a plastic laundry bag 11round hit head, 1tufttd ttt base with towtl~ and wat blut: itn lbe bet aM un-- C<>lldlclo<ls, poll<t ~ Investigators today said Malkin m11ln- t.,lned a friendly relaUonship with his wile and the couple and their three daughters had frequent family reunkms. Those reumons Md recent!J been mar. red by Mrs. Maltln'1 relationship with Glick, investigators said, .and Mn. Malkin had bee:n warned by the pilot on ae•eral occAstona to ud the relationship. Malkin11 ~ -and he WU reported "1 ~tol olfldala W. tht1 mo-lo be ' rapidly lmpr"'1D(I" - wUI ·tutam.Ucally mun ht he it ebarl· ed with aaault. with 1D&ellt to commJt murder, officers Aki. OOPS; SKI F Al~ SALUTED TODAY Oop1, we goofed. Thi DAILY PTLOT's spKJal section saluUng Ski Fair at F3llhion Island appears lntldt loday, nol. yesterday as announced In Wtdaaday'1 newspaper. Didn't your sk.la evtr start slldlng down t~ hill befor• yoy were na\Jy ready tr-.g0t .. ,.-----... ~------ after the most powerful shock at 1:59 p.m., which registered S.f cm the ~ta: acale. Residents ran aimlessly about the dart streets in their nightclothes. The only light to be seen blinked from a sberUfa helicopter bovering above. A minor aftershock was felt at 10; ts p.m., before &nolher major temblor. registering s.~ on the Richter scale, hll 1t 11 :20 p.m. Another less 1evere aftershock waE recorded at 5:l7 a.m. today. Plane Crashes m· Tonkin Gulf; 26 Aboard Die ATSUGI, Japan <UPI) -A U.S. Navy .supply plane crashed !.Oday in the Tonkin Gulf off Vietnam, killing a.II J8 penma: abJard, a Navy spokesman !!!&Id. The Navy .spoke:iman aald the CZA Greyhound supply plane cruhed into tM sea on a flight from Cubi Polot ln tho Philippines to an aircraft carrier on .ta- lion in the Tonkin Gulf. Radiomen on the carrlm:, which wu not identified, rtpcrled fl'Jr!y JOit contact with the Greyhound this morn.ing. Search planes from the carrier aoon found the WTeckage, the Navy said. The Navy said all 26 per!'IOM abo&rd the mpply craft were Americans. Iden- tities were withheld pending not.!ficatiot'.I of next of kin. The Navy dec lined to say whether any of the victims were ci v iliarls. Countian Reveals Death in North A Westminster man became the In- formant Wednesday morning that Jed to the arrest of his mother In the fatal shooting of his stepfather in the San FranciJCO bay area. According to police, Larry L. Alves, 14191 Riverton Circle, Wt$lmlnster, pbon.. ed Alameda city pOUce at U :5l a.m., ta tell them that his mother, Mn. Eldee:n Gloria Soares, 54, had ju!lt ca.lied .net tokl him that she had killed her husband. Emi"st Loui~ Soares. Alameda police fe>llowed Alves' phme ~all with lhe arrellt of Mrs. Soa.rt1 on murder charges. She was 1naigned Wed-- nesday and is currently in custody of the Alameda COunty Sherifra Department.. Alameda police said they found Soares on the floor of his living room, shot in the left side with a .410 shot,un . .Pob qooted Mrs. Soares u sayin1 they bad just had a quarrel. or .. ge Weatlaer That old nortli" wind •ill cool off the Orange Coast Friday, whll• clearing stJes pnvail with a rnm-- cvry reading ol 71. JNSmB TODAY ., Eleven ot 'ht JJ nwn ltf1 from a World Ww, I out/i& oaU.. er with a bottle of cognac tM main attroctioh.: it'll go lo ,the w roiuor of tJ1e 11f"OUp, P~t ·l(l, . . • •u " " • • ..... .... .. .. I 9 DAILY PILOT H Tl\Ursday, Octobu 2. 1%9 ·Drug Law to ~hange? Treat Users Medically, Not as Criminals '\'ASHINGTON {UP!l-The Nixon ad- rn 1n1s1ration is preparing more flexible };ows dealing \\'ith 1nanjuana users - perhaps aimed at trcutlng thern as n1ore 11 medical 1han criminal problem. "\\'e \l'a nl to pro111dc penalties for rr:lfiJuana use 11nd possessio11 more in lune "'ilh the dangers of the drug," said ;~n aidt in the Departmenl of lleallh, t:ducat1on and Welfare (l!E\\l). Ile revealed Dr. Roger O. Egeberg, the i;r,\'e rnment's lop health officer and an ad1'ocate oJ less stringent marijuana la1\·s. has been meeting \\'ilh Justice Departmen t officials, including Atty. Gen. John N. 1.iit.chell to hamn1er out a new approach. The Justice Department declined com- ment. Asked if a nelv position on mari· juana laws was expected soon. a depart- rr.ent spokesman said he cou ld nol reply. Mitch el! has testified before Congress he believes "in ~tences \\'hlch ... will give judge~ sufficienr flex1bil ity to tailor th e liientences to the requirements of the drug - violator or the narcotics addict.'' !!:geberg said recently, ''What l reel is ' that the penalties fo r the use or the snlc Pr marijuana are out of proportion lo the importance or 1narijuana." 1'he federal la"'' for possession of mari- ju;ina provides for 2 to 10 years im- prisonment for a first offense, 5 to 20 years for a second offense, and 10 lo 40 years for fur1her offenses, as well as fines of up to 120,000. Stale la .... ·s follow the san1e tough pat· trrn. Because of the inflexibility of the penallie~. some young people arc denied medica l treatment and are instead treated as hard na rcotics users and put behind bars, said the HEW health aide, v.·ho asked not to be identified. One possibility being discussed by the lwo gorern n1ent agencies is lesser penalties as 11·ell as rehabilitation and lreatmen! for some offenders, he said. 'Th is might \\•ell include providing rnisdc· meanor element s in the !av•. .. "Dr. Egeberg is not aboul ta back of[ from the position that the present laws ;:iri: unrealistic and unreasonablr," he tiaid. Among high sthool and college youth, '1110 k1101v rnarijuana as "pot''. "grass"', "weed"'. and other nan1es, use of the drug is increasing, experlS say. •low Jnl!rh is not kno1•;n. Bu t Dr. Stanley F. Voiles. director of the National Institute of ~-lcntal Heallh, n1ade these observations recently f1Jr a Sef!ii!e juvenile cl e I i n q u e n c y suh- ccmn1it tt'C: ~A recent sur\'cy of some 16 schools ~·1e11es ts that as many as 50 percrnt of 1ih1dents in certain city and suburban <ueas ha ve had some experience "·ith marijuana. -An estimated 8 to 12 milllon person11 iu the United States have used marijuan a at 1Past once, -\\'or!d \\'idc. marijuana is an in- toxicant second only to alcohol 111 popularity and is used by some 200 1nillion lo 250 million P£.,OP~ Countian Gets 5 to Life Beacl1 Man Fii1ed In Drug Import In Suffo~ation of Girl Charles N. Chiodo, 25, of 409 California fit., llunling!on Beach, has been fined ~300 on charges of cvn.spiring to s1nuggle 20,000 amphetarninc ' pills across the border at San Diego last February. 1 A Superior Court Judge '\'ednesday al- lowed George Arnold Vick to plead guilty to second degree murder in the slaying of a formir Orange Co11sl College coed and SC"ntrnced thC' Tustin man !o five years to life in slate prison. Judge Robert Gardner handed that jail 1f'rm to Vick, 29, <iller labeling him as '·bordffing on the realm of fanta sy," an argument in ·which Vitk's defense at- torney claimed that his client was denied \\"hat might have been his principal means of defense 1vhcn the body of Susan Adams was cremated. Vick admitted lo Judge Gardner iha t ti e. killed the girl last June 25 in 1vha t the 1udge described as an ''C'motional nul· b1irst. '' E1 idence indi cates that \'i('k suffocat rd the girl by holding a pla5t1c laundry bag over her head. Vick'.~ lawyer today argued that furthe r C">.:amination of the body might ha\'e enabled the defense lo prove thal Vkk v.·as not actually responsible !or 1be ~ )'car-old girl's death. He told J udge Gardner that her dea th f'rona J•nge l CLUBS ... the 1\·orld. 111is 11as about three years s go. Pnrett and Harding said they 11·cre told that \\'ooldridge -then the Army's No. I ranked en!i~ted man - attended the meeting nt Ft. B<'nning, Ga . !\1aj, Ge n. \Villiam 1\. Cunningham I ll also was reported to ha\·e been on hand, Pruett said. A subcommittee source ~aid !hi' purpose of the meel ing ..,,·as to draw up a plan lo di1·1dr huge profits lro:~1 sophisticated 1hr£!s frum service clubs aL Army posts throughout the \1·orld. H11L~.:ngton Y Offerin g Dance The Hunt111gton BPach '{~1CA will offer rnodem dan('e anrl ballet lessons for girls a~e 5· 12 br111nn1ng 0~1. •I. A shmnaSlit's progran1 for 11 oint"'n will alsa start the bame rlatr. Classes will be held .it ~l crcury Savings 11nrl Loan , 7812 Erlin,i?rr Avr. from JO ;r .m. to JO 4fi a 1n . each Saturday morn- ing. r or furthe r informa tion phone Richard Collato, llunti ngton Beach execJtivc director, al 894-45~8. . . . DAILY PILOT· r>ob.,1 t-1 . Wtrd I •C>•Gcr t ••G P~~h~tf JotW II. Cv•lr1 \',It P1r~•;<r1 a•!'-"~"•' r11~19u il k~·f 'ff. e .i.l ,1.,1~ ,.,~ Eo ,ior liuMin!l•n lr11~~ Olflt• 309 ~t~ Stro1t M1ilint Addr1n1 P.O. l oo 190, •264 1 Otlltf Olfltn ~("<'r.o·• f!!IC~ ~)I ! \'!•U Bot,,.. B~'rv11d r, ... ,1••·•. ll~ ,.,,,, 11,~ ~""' L1$•<>a Br.ot~. ~;l IV<f il """,,.,. l')l ll ¥ P<l QT, .. tft "'' t'• I < .-t ~<f .~, "'"""'Pr<· """"'·l'•O ~. • ••tro• ~""" <1n• '" '"'""'''' ro '•""I •o• MuA!~~•o• 11~1(1\, f ounl• ~ V1lltf, ("l•I MtM, l'hw- "'"' ll••<ft ol!'O l.09\1<'1 F"<", •'-'"''~ '""" ,.,,...., 1011.-. Or•o1~ c ... 11 J'u<oft- loo Co,,,,.1nv ~""''"9 p,IM• ••f 11 :1111 Wt•• l'lo"o• !!ll•fl . N•,.D<•I B••<~ ...... iJO "''" "' .. •""'· (otl• , ....... Te1111lteftt 1 71~1 ''l·4JlT ffolft Wtsf"'l~ir•r Coll S40-1l11 Cl•ulf1•4 Ad1t11hl119 .. 1.s•1a (..-\'rlt ll!, ll•t , Oro•t • (011! Pu~l't/\' .. (""'Pa•• Ne!~'"'' l ie • •~t. ""''''"''""'· oP l61•a• '1111'01 t< •O>t>!"f-~1' '""'" ""'"' ,,,,.c.-u<•fl "'"•th''"'<!••'''"'"'"""' t • <t~ ... o•• •~'" \'(•a r10•• •-\'•O• ft d OI !'Of"'~'' llO'<~ '"' c .. ·• ,,.,.,_ '• "•·-• ~· ,.(, ••• t . :;;1;;::. 'la;;,;::~,~:;: :i<'fl,_,~1 ·.~6/noo•k1 , 1 could ha\·e stemmed from natural cause! and pointed out that his client was not ar- raigned on murder charges within the 48 hours Specified by law . Judge Gardner quickly Utre1v out both a.rgumen!s. lie agr('ed \\'i!h the prosecution that --preser1·;:ition of tissues from the body and pathological tests carried out prior to cremu1ion were sufficlenl evidence thnt e ve iJthing possible had been done to pr~ tect Vick's rights. Judge Gardner further noted 1hat Vick had made several confessions to police and investigators since his arrest at the apar!Jl1ent building. ''I am satisfied that r.lr. Vick's ric;hts were nerer prejudiced at any Lime," he said. l'ro111 Page 1 BILLBOARDS • • Se veral public hearings 11·ere held by lh<' Planning Commission and the C!ly Council, and a code generally <1creplahlc 10 all parlies "as enacteU, Cl c1ela11d explains. As to billboards. the bui lding rlirrclo r i;ays they ;ire not al!owod in the ne\1' la1v. B11t a progre.<;sive enforcen1ent po!1rv will be adopted allowing for lrascs 0;1 tlic roarlsidc slgn s nn11· 111 rffr f'!. '·\Ve are ~oing to rnforcc !hi' L1w.'' s;111l ('lr1·cland "If \.\'C' c·an get covpt::r;111011 11 1· 1vll l ht' as pliable as possible but tile el'entual re5ult rnust be coinpliance." --~ ~~ "\ _._ ( ~-~--~l .,....._ ... ~ ., Chiodo, arrested last March in hi~ lio1ne, was also place« on probation for 1hrec years by U.S. District Judge Edward Schwartz in San Diego. lie had pleaded guilty to a one-count indictn1ent return~ by a federal grand jury in San Diego 13st hlarch 19. According to the charge, Chiodo, his 11 ife, Bertha, and two others, planned to trnrxirt the ta blets at the Tiiuana-Sa n Ysidro borde.r crossing belwecn Feb. [j and 23. The pills would have been v..·orth about $2,000 on the illicit market, according to U.S. Custom agents. On motion of the li.S. attorney's office. ch;irges against ;'llrs. Chiodo and anotht·r delenrlant \\'ere dismissed. The fourth rna n, Dai id Rirhard~:in Jr.. 11:is also fill· cd ~300 ond placeU on probJ!ion. Disrni ssal Fro111 Band On~•' 'Dixie' A ppcalcd NA~HVILLE, Tenn. ( l"PI I -The lii.~m1ssal from the L<'banon High School band of a Negro youth 11 ho ref used tn play "Dixie" has been appealed to the Sixt h U.S. Circuit Court of AppC'als. The Ainerican Cil'il Liberties C11ion ( AC'LL. J took the. action Tursday on llf'half nf Char les Ca!d11·!'ll. Thr 11rgani1a - tinn al~Q att<ickcd !he firin g of lhr youth"s 111nth l"r fro1n a job as a teachers' aide anrl lhc allegffi practice of voluntary r<'ligious exercises. • TOP FOUNTAIN VALLEY WRITERS TAKE A BOW E51ayi't' Gerb•r, Strau1s, Kob1i (from left) Essayists Cited 3 Valley Students Win Prizes Three Fountain V/\llt>y School District sludenls wrre honored with prizes Wednesday for lhe 1r 11·riling abilillf:.! 111 the Amer ican Constitution £5.say Contest. Se!cclcd s\l·ccpstake!\ \\'inner \\'as 13· yea r-old Shelley Strau!s, an eighth grade :student at Ne-.·land School. She recrived a $25 savings bond and a certificate or merit. The award ror best sevenlh gndc es:<ay w"nt lo Ed1vard Gerber, 12, of Tamura School, while the best eighl h grade ess ay il 'A'Brrl 'A·ent to Rohert Kobz1, 12. of Areva los Schoo l. Both ...,.e1 e prrsrntcd \\'Ith illuslratt'rl volun1es of /\merican Hl'r ila6e book serirs and cert1f1cates of 1nrrit. All ~t11drn1 ~ \\rot e or> lhc topic ''l'h!'. Con~IJ!uUon : Foundat11:i,,,. !or 1\1ner1ca s f t11.ure." Other &e \"en\ll arwt t ighth grade :i;tud!'.nts \\'ho placed in lhc contest and were a1rarde<t C't>rtifica l~ of 1ncr1t are. Richard Hodgins, A.re\'alos School: Karen l'"ischer and Anlolnelle Campbell, La mb School: Leslie Alden and Sally Livengood, Bushard School : Dale Laube. and Vicki Wilson. Foun- tain Valley School; Jeanne Ka!o an<I L.ane Poppe, Fulton School : Cork y Pianka nnd Bradley Bass. Gisler School : Stephani Grund! and Tonya lgno\l·ski, llarper School: i'-lark r-.lobley nrKI .Janr. Gibhons, ~lcDowell School: Debi Ron1ek, Newland ~hoo!: Cheri Parlin nnrl ~1 1kc Cona ll y, !\iel>las School; Tim Car·•<'r. Tt1 "1ur11 School : Gr11rl!,f' '.\lerhan .ind Randolph ~lc l\c1 r.ar\, \\"ordlow Scl1001. DAILY PILOT""°,_ ~t T•rFY t•wlli. LENGTHS OF PIPE AWAIT BURIAL IN ROAD PROJECT Slow Going at Golden West Street and Talb1rt Av1 nu1 Golcleii West St1·eet W 01·1{ Nears Fii1isl1 i11 Beach Construction on Golden \Ve~t Street in Jl untirigton B('a ch i.~ nearing completion, bL'' c11y offll'i;i b can't precii('1 11ie t~;1.1.· 1 ~1:-ir 1·nrs rinct' agn111 1\JIJ b~ <1blr 1•1 tr;1\tl ti:i the_ IOJthli:l). · I lilinh it ll'ill br rcad.v i11 al.lou t 11\0 111f•:1111~.-· .<:aid Dnn l\i~('r. a~~1~•anl de.~1;.11 Pnsin<'rr ~nu 1hc n1un o·.C'rSe!'ing tl:c 11ork. ··~·11 the hangup drrelops in 1rait1ng fnt pril al<-g:1s and 011 comp:1n1es t.i l1111Pr !heir undCri;!round plphr\cs ;.iL Go!c!en \Vest Street and Talbert A\'cnue," Burglars Take Civil ''' ar Guns 8u1'g!;1r~ rclJC\·rd ;i \~·e~!1n 1nstrr gun fancier of $1.2.00 in prr-C iv1I \\'ur \lt'ilpcns ~tor11d 111 his car \\.ednesday night , police sa i1! tod:iy. ll arolcl /\. i\a!hansnn . .'JI. of 133~1 Danbers \Vay, told 1nvestig~tors •he had placed !hf' 11eapons, u nflr <1niJ threP p!s1ol~. 1n his s1n11on 11.-1go11 r:irl1er1n the e\'f'ning. Th~y 11ere lo br taken 10 ,, gunsmith tvd«y. \\'hc:i hr st epped out at 10_.\:J pin '" r hcck on !he guns. ho11·evcr. he fnund ;~ doo r had been Jimmied and th<' 11 rap<:•n~ I stolrn. e~pla ined Ki5er. A ~747.926 contract for the v.·ork \\'as ~1gned ,1·ith Su!ly·'.\l1ller of Orange on Fe~ 17. The ori~inal co1n pletion dale ·was 1 .i~t .July or AuAu~1. but 4:> days lost h.'r:>u~c_ of 11 in!er rain<. plus a 40-da.v t·ra\'y rquipmcut opera tors strike killed lhl1. The. contrar1 calls !or work on a three· 111ile stretch or Golden \\'est from Pacific ('o:i<;t lligh11ay allnost to \\'arner Avenue. lL includes 11·idening Lhe street to IOI.I r 1:1 nf'~ and droppi ng lhe lrvcl of the <:older. \\'csl Street and Talbert Avenue 1nterscclion by !3 feet. 1\bout bro-thirds of the project is being r• ii d on :i 50·~ifl sharing has1s by state gas t;i1; funds and money fr orn the Orange ( 'nurty 1\rtrrinl l!igh11;1y Financing ; .irrl. 1 runlinglon Bc<ifh is paylng the ot hrr th1rrl . ,\ ~I rrtt'h of Golden \\'e~I from l;;Jt1 ards St rrct In Par1f1c Co.1~t Highv:ay i ~ l'U1TPnll,v h•'inii p;1\·C'rl. ;ull! .~t1ould be 1cop'.'nrd lur tratlle in tile near 1uturc, :;;i in I\ I' \'!' T!· -nuoor portion of 111r ll'ork -and th" ;ir(•..a r:iusin,r, thf' lon::;l"s1 rlr!;iy -i.~ at 'l;,lhcrl ;ind (~nltlr11 \\('..>!. 11 hrrr Ilic ~1\\ ·.., p11•po~r1l lt'n tral p<irk l\!ll be 11,r -,;, •! · \l'hr11 r l1~ pnvatf' r0n1pt1nies fix 1hc1r i-•pr!1:-•·~ u1 111,11 arra. · l'tllrludcd K 1.~cr. · ·:.1• c;1n \1Ul ,1 ~c1~.i;,;e hnl' 111 Jnd pa1e I I,,. 1-1.111 .. I ~C\)~~ J ~ (0~ ~ Nixo11 Picks W eii1llerge1~ YfC Cl1ief \\iASJ-f lNCTON IAP) -President Nix- on announced tOday lie 1rill designate Ca::p.'.lr \\'. \\'l'.'inbergcr, California '.! director of l1nance. to be l'hairn1an or lhe f rrle ral Trade Cummlssion. \Veinbcrger is a 52-ycar-old Hepublican. Ile will replace James r.1. Nicholson ,,, J)en1ocr<1t 11 hos:-tcrrn expired, as :i 111en1b<'r of th.! 1-~rc and succeed Dl·mocrat Paul Rand Dixon as chai.rn1an. Dixon \\'ill remain a commissioner. l"ixon said he \\'Ill noniinatc \Vein· berger for a seven-year terni. AL Sacran1cnto, \\'einberger pledged an ngg ressil'c CQnsurncr Protection Calll• paig11, cspeci;:illy u1 behalf of the poor. Dixon, ;i Tcnnesse;:in. 1vas appointed by the late President Juhn F. Kennedy on '.\larch 21. 1%1, and 11•as reilppointcd by Jortn:r Presidrill Lyndon B. Johnson 1n !!i!ii . Dixoil '! troubles as· chairman first i:ained \\'ide at(ention because o f er!ticism fro1n constfme11 crusader Ralph Nader and rro1n a feud \\'Jth Com· n1issioner Phi lip Elman. R~porting on the l''TC last rnonth, a special An1criran' Bar Associatio n panel urged Nixon to select a ll):V chairman from outside the ranks of commission nii"mbers. Under Dixon, the ASA group said, deadv.·ood accumulated on the FiC staff and there has been a fa ilure to establish goals. priorities and effccuve planning controls. \\'einbcrger will leave his state Job De<'. 3!. In the S30.3 !9·a-year post. he ls in .:harge of all budset ma king and fiscal plann ing for the st3'~. His new post pays S~0.000 annually. He said I\ixon had asked him to im- prove the protection of consumers fr om fraud and other abuses by merchants. Countian Held l n Long Beach S1nut Crackdoivn Long Beach police staged a crackdown on alleged smul peddling through bookstores in its downto11'n area \lied- nesclay. jailinc five pcc:;ons, including a t1hop owner frorn Brea. Robert Ha ugen. 39, was booked ln\n Long Brach Cily Jail on a cl1arge of possession and distributio n of obscene materials. Others booked includerl r.lartin Allen , 40 , Robert Burris, 31. Robert Brown, 4!. and Jessir Ches\ er, 48, all of v.·hom are free on !Jail 100;1v, \1'l1ile se1cral other persons arc sough\ for arresl. Capt. \\'in Ha ynes. chie f of Ille ,·ice detail. !>a-id the is.suancc ol v.·arran!s res11lterl fro1n a m:Jnlh~' long probe of ;i1·ai1ab 1l11y of obscene maler1al;; in the ~a\'v 1own. C011fisCated £\ idence. bc;;idl'S book~. ;1 nd 1nagaz1nes included eight millimetrr inn\·ie fJln1~. col11r pho!ngr;iphs '1nd other n!Jiects not spcc!lically idenll!tcd by Capt. Ha.)ncs. I 0 Handcrafted by I (!/{~ PRO FESS IONAL IN TERIOR DESIGNS • Tw in or Fu ll Si1e Set Queen Si1e Sot King Si111 Sot No"' }.!ore 81~pinr Co mfort Hu Been Added. Bene11lh the tickin1t of 1very Rip Van Winkle mattrftK '' a new cushion of comfort mad e }>Oefl:ible by DuPont"11 11 mtt in1t ne.v Dacron Fibrrcoil. DuPont's new Fihercoil i11 ach1111lv tbou~11nO~ of Jiu le micro9Copic 001111 that prO\ide the m011t revilient 1urf11ce f!\·er o~ 1.8.ined in the altotpin!! indtllltry. 'fhi8 new fibereoil refuM:fi to J'lllck do":n or Jump Ufl-and il'11 non·11\Jer11:e.nic. • Hand-Stitched Sar: Frtt Side1'1!1ls -thlt aive 12% more UMble 81~ 1ng l!Urlact. • 8·\V1y Hand Tied Boi: Sprin1- the mvy of the industry, • Full 20-)"llU non-prontld .,,..,.,. .... • Available in tufted or quilted modeil. • Soft, Medium, or Pinn. llt.50 2'9.50 359.50 Opon t"1ondey. Thu rsday. & Fridey Evening' 2115 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA . CAL IF. ~4 6.0275 I ,_ • " e " • ,. " 1· '.Y •Y In st I •h ,. a cl '" '" <. '" al IS n- m t "' gh ,.,. • '"' nf ll(; !n, 11, '" '" "' 1!s o! he ;;~, !t'r '" b;.· .... 2 .. 11113111112111111211111112112111111211.211212121112112 .. 11111:11112~221121111c~;,.z-..:~:-..~1_..,,~,!'IJl¥~Mlll"!.~-!s:!.!t~ .. !'9""!'.~.~.~ ...... !"'!'.~,~1,4';s;.~~•~•~•e~~=-~-~·~2~.:'!l'~·I!:!~==~'-.-::-::::::;::::::;::::--~~··-=-..;-::.-~.· -• ' " --·-.. --· - T H UR SCAY OCTOBER 2 l:OO IO The l ie Ntwi (C) (6<l) Jerr~ Dunphy. 0 m HunUty-8rinkltJ (C) (30) 0 stevt o\ll1n Sllow (C) <90) Phtl l1s Newman . .lohnny M1lh1s ind Jesse While aue~f. 0 PAUL NEWMAN, JOANNE * WOODWARG--"From The Terrace"-Pt !--Color •nd Clurlet Con~ry. Mr. Mil ~,,..,. ptlm1nn modu111s. m F1titi•111! (t) (301 l :lO O @ l~ m kit11li4t !Cl (60) "Poole's P111dlse." Set (d Brown'• lilt il jeop11di16d 1111htn 1n escaped pds:1r1u torus him to 1id In his !light from 1 conupl sh1rill'1 do- main. Sitt• fouest, Clu Gulattr. 8111 Smilh, Louise l 11h1m Cunt. 0 loxinr: (C) (90) Mic~ey D1~iu ind Tom H1rmon 1r1 11npid1 11 !he 01,mplc Auditorivm. O fl1Hlllll"'"""' !Cl tJOl "~m1nth1'1 c.wr ~lid." S1- m1ntlla Ills 1 1urprist house1uest. Julius ~Hlr, an• his t~ubl• 1ettin~ rid al him. She tsb lltr mrid, Esmerald1, 10 ma\• 1 C.s.11 J1l1d, £X11etii1ld1, 1110 1 witch, dt- t1dtt to do ii the tl!Y WIJ. 8ut 1ns1e1d ol 1 ul1d, alM toniurtt up PEANUTS STEVE ROPER WHATS THE BEEF, MISTER? All I DID WAS PASS )IOIJ { I CNIT ~AWA FAR.\L t'IE NEVER: E'v'EN MIN A FAR,\\ : ~DE5. (O(l)S' LESS ARE IA\P09.715LE TO ~At...1 t°'.\ 7U.E ~~ ... O:~(s:':o-: ! ..... .:,J ........ (":. t t.. ~'"'"' F.>:s: ~:: .vrr / Schulz By Saunders and 091!1qard" YO\J BETTER liOPE~ M AMBULANCE -i.. YOU 8'1 AT LfA!iT COMES 9Y!··BECAU5E l'M ASOVT TO GIVE YOO A 6000··· 0 S+l O'C1otl MDW1t: (C) "1'1111 tfle ltf"llte~ P1rt I (dr1m1) '60- P1ul Nt11m1n, .loanne Woodw11d. World Wdf II veter1n dttides lo 10 1g1inst family wisllts and 1ou iMo busme~s tor him~ll. H1 lmds m11- r••1e to 1 we•lthy 11111 1 social ••d. but 11111 in lol'e llil'Jth i.omeone tl~e O .Dftk Vin Oyt;t (30} C1e!ir himu ll. Al ltt Cllost\91 lll-"-- 1uesls is Esmer1ld1 ind J1y Rob- in!.On 1s Caeur. m OM! Frat (C) ('JO) m 111. l ie " .. "' (C) (30) fD MET f"t.,._. IC) (90) "R1m- brandL" l?i) M.tk1 1 lJtr.llH (C) (JO) m Ptrton Pl1u (C) (30) 9:00 QJ stir Trek (C) (60) til Wh1f 1 Nnir (30) "fh1 [mpero1 Pen1u1n." Murt Dtuslng return1 to the An!a1tt1~ lo C1lmpare types ol pu1gu1ns wilh the empero1 penauln, €D Tit mpn d1 Pardon (30) CD Newi (C) (60) Jae~ H1c~ey. 1:30 0 ANBC NtwService (C) (60) 0 The Ci11111 Ci1m1 (CJ (30) m Slr1np 1'111dise (CJ (60) fE Ottic1 .t the l'rnlMnt (30) t}) P11Ji11g tll1 Ciuibr (30) "SonR Reci!1I." lnshuc!or FredttiQ Noad' 1l!l1strales t~r>0us lo1ms of ~ocdl 1ca:rmpa11imen!. Bill Johnson 1nd1 Julie Dom1c u t le~lu1td sin11ina loghsh, Scolllsh, ind 111.<.h $011£S. @II Nol1dtrt 3t (C) (WI m "'"'.' <CJ 430> 7:00 i) CBS [v111in1 """ IC) W'ilter C.lonk11t. (lOll I fEI ElfZABETH TAYLOR * RICHARD BURTON fN "THE SANOPIPER" CBS THURSDAY MOV!E 1J ljfJ I]) CIS Tk~ M1wie: tC) ''TM Salldpipl(' (d11m1) '65- lh11btlh liylo;, Rkhud 8urtan, (•1 Mari• S..inl. Sii 1mid th• splell6or ar C1liforni1's Bil Sur, 1111 •lory !ells of the r;omptllin1 lo-I• bet'fteen 1 bohtm1111 1i1I 1r1lst 111d 1 mini!J.ti •ho i$ hndm1ster o4 • p1111te lthool 0 llt CiJ (;D T1111 Jones \CJ ·~ Q) Kira °""' (60) l!) Uito111tr• (30) 9:30 0 Ql ("61 m Or11nel (Cl IJO) "S.l.U.-The-Rmc." frid1y 111d Gi n-o., 1100 t11ck Oowrt 1 buri:l1r!y susped and lhffl UflWitl' $l'5.00D wol1tl ol loot hlddtn in 1 histl'Y unlikely """ 0 """ (CJ (30) Ted Meytri. O Whir• MJ Lkle? (CJ (30) m Tt Tiii lh1 Trudi (Cl (30) ft) B;11 Ille Clock (C) (30) fE Com111od1ty/Stock Report ED ~ho11! (JO) I m Kt Slid. She Said (C) (30) fE Min.it:ll 01Urt (30) llO:OOQ Q.:li·(iJ m Dta11 tillrtirt (Cl (60) Gues1s 1r1 Stbi1s1 i1n Cabot, ED Ttu t AdYtn1ul! (Cl (){ll Cl) Th~l Gir1 (C) (30) Bob Ntwhut. Cilttnna V1len!e, S!inley Myro n thndlern111 111d Th1 7:]01J Q!j (Bl f1mi!y AU air (CJ (30) Goidd •<r'-Corbett Mon1c1 al:io An e1-c.onv1t1 !t1:tnll11ele1s.ed l1om i:ueits_ pri'°n tu1n lo Urx:le 8111 lt11 help 0 m .... IC) (60) ln findi ng 1 iob. U11d1 Bill brin2s 0 mi fj) G) It Taliel 1 TMll (C) him home lo llay !or I lew di1y1. (bQJ"i':Who'll Bid Two Million Doi- but is dfs1urbf'd by the mponse ot IMs?~ .. Gl!Orlt." 1 lPY· puts out fren~I\ itnd lhe children. B1i1n1 the word lhat hi his plutonium to 1(11lh, 5'battra11 Ca!>ol, Aniss1/ wit, 1tt1actin1 interest or forti1n .lonts • .lohnn11 Whitakei i nd 1(1\hy, l&tnls i nd /llelandtr Munday. Mun- Garver ~lar. Guesrs include Di na\ daJ. who is 1f1er Gtorct's wues Andiews. Noel Dra)'lon, Ra ndy Whip, ror lhe SIA. it w11nsd by V1rin1. 1 pie, and 5tort Garrett. local i irl, tha t an at!tmp! is lo bt 0 ,,_l f6J m OaRitl l oo"t !CJ m1dt on h11 Me. Peler Selle11 {50) "'The ROild to t"rtttlom." lsu \ maker , 'l>tci•I cut.'d: 1ppe111nc1 e! Boone ii in1trumen\1! in l~f 11 !ht harbor master 1n lite epi'°61 e!.OllN! i nd e11entu1I lrMdot11 ot • t1h1ch was f1lmtd al Por1o Ercole, .slave 1nd Ills son. rloyd P1l1tn0r1, flaly. Gueds 1r1 [d'w1rd Binns 11 Jim DIVIS 1nd GllOfit Spell IUt.S\ Wiiiy Pon 1J, P1ol1 P•llfll'I 11 0 Stu11p tllt St:lf1 (C) (JO) Je.anMtlt., JaCQUtl Herl1n 11 C~u1ot 0 (!7)@ (D The iillMt and ·Mt1. lftd Jotrn Russell ., Do"r, Muir (Cl (30) '1hll't'1 1 ~al rn OIWll!' ~} ((l(l') Mt B1thtub."' Mrs. Mui(s tliildren m Pll'TJ M-(SO, find 1n in1urld 1.t1I Git !he beat~ &hortly beiore IA rninJ lh•I Cl11· fB bllltidt 1.-fllP (60) mort Is htlpin1 hunt 1 "ii lh~I fD S."'61 ft s-.. (t) (? ~I) h;u been d1m121n1 fi~trml!'ll'! el MH Alli lit t. Mtllfle (Cl (30) nets. ,.,_.. )M [:)Million S Movie : (Cl -Dcrno1nn'1 IO:lO ii> U• lin.t "' i. ObKwf_.. ( v1 llttr' (ccmtdy) '&J-Joli n W1yne,lll:llO IOCJOmllJmal Kiwi (t) LH Mirv1n, Ehtlbe1h .fJlen. 0 Afrell ttit~k m T1uth Of Con11qutl'lct1 (C) !30) 0 JCrL ii••• If t11a W .. (C) m l...id !or !tit Ottt11• (C) (GO) OJ Ollhr Lmib l!f} Ttcllnial Co!Mf (30) ID b0(11111entary (30) 0'Th1 Corl· 11 :JO e a (!) .. ~ Cirltlift (t} Jrckit wrv1tive J.lan. lhe Con~r.1tove Ve1non, iourn1l1!1 I. f. Stolle . C?· Chun;hm!n," H01! )ohn Roussttat I mtdi1ns Ron Carey i nd Marc,. former US Coni:ressman d1~tuS~e5 Wallace. sm1!r ;lohn Dtflf9f .l•n 1ht t hu1cl1"s position on !.Ot1al v1ohn.'d: .klhll Blur and clot (r11ner pioblem1 .. nh 1ueil Carroll L Charl es f1Rnm1n 111es! ·Schuster. e1ttulive of tfle Synod a! 0 lj;t@ er;) JH1111J C.rt111 (C} Soulhern G.!l1tor n11 Un•1td Pre~~I Jot N1m1th. Bob and Ray, Jo.n 1e111n Dl11rth 1n tilt US A. Bennen and i'Y! Lwkt lft Sthtd· iD Ch11Uo ti Roto (301 uled 1ue.'lts. 0 MM: "KIW lad tlM O.Wll~ a:«1EJ Q_9,(flh111 N~ H1~r (C) (drama) ·t 1-C.111r1t1 Bo,er. 01iv11 160) Carol Burnett _11 1~111 111e11I di Hiv~luid. for th is lhow st1 rnnt Jim Nabon1 111d rr1n• Sutton. with RonBle l l :tS 0 @(}} r;D *'° l 11Mp (C) J.lo St.hell and K1re11 MDIJ!lll'. 1 t•on p1cf1Jre tlirectOf Jolin Huslon 11 0 IK• l•llfl1 ilO) w:hed11led 1uest, Q Movk: "T.p IJi Tiii Atlit" O Recommended for laug hs (dr1m1) "61-Dtrn M1r1in. Gtrlf· din1 P'1(e, Gen• l1ei11ty. * THAT GI RL tonight! m Movit: ''Nttr1 cr-Ndl· Starring Marlo Thomas (westtrnl '56 -Stephen McN1ll~. 0 (If; (lJ ffi Th1t C:ul !Cl (30)1 PrJlale C..stlr. "My Part Belot11?1 lo D~ddy." Ann·1,1z:oo m Moril: "Ct111! •I Silent1• (dr•- tir~I d1rt1:11n1: 1:u•1nment h tliej ma) ·53 -Phyllis Calvtrt, J1c~ 1nnu1I va riety :.how m Brt.,.ster rn Ha .. kini. w~ith t>er lather 1l1o~s sings "Min· "'' 1he ~oochei •• Don Hollm1ei l :DO II Mftie: (C) "'lAtl 11 Illa ~ tells !ht ! it 'Mluld be 1 bi1 mis-un..-s" (1d'*lhl11) '~ -Y.vl ta ke tor t.er to mate hf! d1recti111 Hen~d. JIU 01kli•. debut '!" 1 _sholl 1~11 ht1 fllhtt is" DU.._. (C) ptr1D1m1ns ti\. I 1J C..llmlftr lllltti1 INi• (C} m Q111tn lor • DQ (CJ (30) OJ AcM nr.n.c ·:Crooktd Cir· EE S.&*11111 Thll1J• (60) I t it," ED Wnllingten WMk in 11..W ftl (JO) Behind-IM·heu!'lit'ltl 11111'/SO!I J:45 m~H·"iPt --=-"'Thi lost h- of C.pitol tlill ""'' by mnnpond-l111d ol Aioi•." "M'lfllliclftl Rou1h· Intl H•~ M1cNt1I. Pllu liYtor J 11tek1,'' •nd "'The Hoo6td llt'l'Of." F RI D AY ' t:JO 0 "f•i;rttM M1un•. (dr1m1) '!ti -Pa ul Oou1l11, Dtb11 P111t. m "'Clrl.-11" (1dventurt) '•!>- tllck Powell, W11ttt Sl1z1k. DAYTIME MOVIES "'"IJ--· '"'""'Yl '39-Bob Hope, Shi rlty llou. 1:00 B •S11 11 1 Alnd" (comedy) '34 lZ:DO 0 "hct s...• (r:omtdy) 'J~ - Th• Mtl'1 Brotlltrs. -W. C. r1tlds, Ch1r1es RYJlles. Z:lO 0 (C} "Tiliftr-NiM Sttrt• (myi· O "Hrr C1rdbou4 l1¥1r" (ro· !try) '60-tlenneth Mou, T1in1 £11- nunc:t) ''2-Norm1 She1 rt1, Ceor1e 1 J •:JO 1J "Criss-CJeu" (myih ry} ''I - S1ndu1. Burt lantt~tr, 'l'V11n111: De Carlo. Watch for the full 'veek's T.V. listings in Saturday's edition of tl1c DAILY PILOT. PERKINS JUDGE PARKER IS P~U L I BELIEVE HE:O OJ TI-IE A.ROYIJO, yrwevA.~D~ SMALL I .MISS JA'SPE!l. , GET ~!M ? = so TllEflE You AR~! LISTEN! "l'HE BP.Ni< SAYS YOU CLOSED OUR .JOINT ACCOUNT! TUMBLEWEEDS WOULP VOU TEll lilM TO 60 DOWN. ·lO THE JAIL TO '58: BRODY? HE'S &EfN VERY UPSET Al.J P tll~.PRIVEI DilNKS PAUL CAM. CJ.tM 1111\ POWM : WELL,EPfC-1 RECKON THI S IS GOODSYE! .•• l'M TUl\NIN1YOU I.COSE! YOU CAN SPUT T\HS MORTAL SCENE A FREE N;ENT< •. MAY WE MEET UiAfN FAREWELL. DI: PARTNER! CX: HAGGARD BAG O' CONCENTRATED SA&! l'M GON NA MISS 'llJU! ... YOU MAY BE A NO GOOD, ORN'RY, TOBACTO CHEW IN: STUBBORN, LAZY, CCMIARDlY, LJlUSY EJ(CUSE FOR A HORSE! ... BUT, DOWN IN THAT BIG CORRAL IN THE SKY! ... MUTI AND JEFF · ... DEE~ THERE'S SOME GOOD IN YOU! By John Miles BY. ~arold Le Doux r--~".,.,,r"-.-+~-v-\00 ·u~1 D!?I WAs1 OVEl\LOO(ED PAUL'S CERTA l)J I JN- 11~.IAE WHEN YOU CJ~VE Clltflip 1·115 NAME Mt. PR!VER TI-IE LIST~ WITH A.LL THE < ••I -' • I '//' ._._ OTHE RS: By Tom K. Ryan THERE MUST BE ! ""A" -.. .., ' T -.-,,,,·,n,, 'T+-1,,15 lS DOCTOR B OP ' CAN You COME OVER AND i=lX MY Ol="FICE , $1NK7THEPIPES B JT, DOC, IT 'S TWO l>J THE SOW+-\AT? 0 K ., D OC., LOOK ... GORDO '<ltJ ~A~TlES 'T\l/>J/( '/(Jl)ll<E .so New "£0 NOW! TAK~ A WOK. AT Tl·US1 • MISS P'EACH Fli::i'NCIN E 1 DD YDU "LOVE .. Mf:, OR DO 'IOU ME~l.-'I •LIKE' ME~ I f l r \ \ ••• 1,. • .. _,, -. LEAKING ALL OVER! ~'\\. "· \ MORNING! ,,, \ ~ ... ,, ....... > -" You CALL ME 1N T+1E MIDDLE OF' THE NIGHT WHEN YOU 'RE S ICK! .... (,,_ ' DROP TV'/O ASPIR.IN DOWN'T+-\E P IP E. AND Ii=' l"T S"TILL LEAKS CALL ME IN 'T-t4E 11 MOR.NIN' AN' I'LL COME OVER· '" ' i '· til .. __ , " -~ By Gus Arriala By Mell L ET'S 5 A8 I AM n LLlf'l.:; DEEPL'{ <N )..1K E .INITH YOU ... Thur!.4;1y, Oetobtr 2. 1 %9 DAILY PILOT l'f i BIT OF A GIGGLE -Tom J ones, left, and satirlst~: David Steinber"1 one of the \rriters and a host of_ · 11r..1usic Scene, ·9 laugh rt up 11•hen Steinberg guests... on the si nging star's series. "'J'his i,c; Toni Jones,'""" tonight at 9 p.n1. on Channel 7. ~ 'l'ES,EVISEON VIEWS No N e\v Series Stands Out By RfCK DU BROW l!OLL'\"\VOOD (UPI) -Co1nedian 11erb Shrin .... •. er used to tell ho1v they once hel d a beauty contcsl · in his home tO\\"O and nobody \\'On. By parallel asso- l'iation, \Ve come today to an assessmen' of the sea -1 : on's ne\v television seril's. , : lf you 11'erc a sked to na111c the bctt_er .program_s nr 1hc 11c1v season. yo u 11ould have to include CBS: •• ·rv·s 1ntervie11' 11·ith So1·1cl 11·ritl·r-dcfcctor Anatoly •: Kuznelsov. and N [~C-'l'\"s "t.lect the Press" talk : : 11·ilh St<i\ln 's da ughter. and AB C-·r\/'s "Folk Gospet • · t.l usic 1--'esti val" and l'BS-'rV 's \Voody 1\llen special. '" But-"no se ri es. really, has anything cxtr;.:iordinary t · a bout ll. \ SEVERAL, of course. ha\'e soinething to rec- 01n111end thetn. 1-'or exam ple, ,<\BC-TV's "Love, .i\fncrican Slyle.'' a 1veekly group o[ humorou.5 con\en1porary talcs or roma nce. is n1ost protnis1ng. NBC-T\l's "Then Can1e l3ron:-.011." \\"1th i'olichael J.,'1rks as a sort of 1notorcycle replaceinent for the old non1ad co\vboy hero -here today lo straighten 1h1ngs out. then gone tomorro\v -has a stron g star, fine photography and a goOd <.'O ntemporary t ouch. ABC -TV'S •·Room 222 ."' about a Negro history teacher and his a ssociates in an integrated h1gti school. is a nice n1ixture of contempor ary n1essage- 111e lndran1a and 1\'ry hun1or ! provided by 1\·lichacl t'onsL:i nt1ne as a 11orld-1vrary principal!. NBC· TV 'S Bill ('osby con1ctl y. n1ean 11'hlle. has a treniendously strong and appealing star. and 1 ltkc the 1vay plo·ts give \\'UV tn his sho1v to some· tt11n;.: like exlendcd tnono!og ucs concerning people, thc:-1vay th ings are a nd cool attitudes-via vignettes. One standard situation con1edv. CBS-TV's 1 'Th~ c:o\'cn1or and J .J .. " ofiers SOITIC Pleasant ba nter of an esc.:t pist kind by r>an Dailey (the ~overno rJ a nd ./t1 l1e Son1n1ers las his daughter\. ~·1iss Sommers i s surely video's fcrnale c;1tch of the season . Su rnueh for t!u>~e ne11 ,,ho\\.~ lhal ~ee111 to ha ve n1ore to offer than the others. There ar e. ho\\·ever, l\1(• nr11• hour-long !';rtap-opera type se rials that are very fancily donr fl mean fo r sheer plushness). One i" :"\MC-TV's "Bracken's \\i orld .'' aboul a 1nov1e "tud1 0. The other is ,1\Rl-TV 's "'TI1e Survivors .'' focusing on tho:'c para.o;1t1c bu rns kno11·n ;a s the bf'nutiful peopll'. (;1ven a ch:-i ncc in the right t1111e ~-1 ~~-~·-~~-sho~VS!,._ .. ~ .... ··~lrh '"\. • THE CHANNEL SWIM : Carl l~r1ncr . 1vho guid~ 1•tl the ol d Dick \··an Dyke series. 11"111 al so develop Lhc 11e111 one planned for CB.o;.;..TV the se.ason after next ..• "F'noLball :. Or 100 )'ears Otct and Still Ki cking" is the title of an hour CBS-TV documen- lflry narrated by Charles Kuralt Oct. 21 ... J ohnny l asb_ii._ cxpecled lo return to .-'\BC· TV soon as a n1id-.season rep!a ce1ne11L . . Nearly Everyone Listens to Landers " ,_.-'!""'"-~------------------------·------·---------· . ,,_,,,, -. •, r . If DAIL y PILOT H Yoar Money's Worth Complete-New York St -~k List How Paper Gold Works .. W a·~·~ 'T-•'I 0Dfl'\Plfo'1! .... 1'19' ,._ ... IKCIM-.... 1~ .. wll~ ...... , ........... c• c-. . ............................ llf'"-"' .. r.'.t!.i Olv•"'"" 16 r NASO Li1tinga fer Wednetday, OctelMr 1, 1Mt ::: ::::·:. "~·L-.·c •c~~ !~J'l;~/{0 ~ H'' ff! 2' -1 5~:~,,;t~ OVER THE COUNTER ly SYLVIA PORTER tn Waahincton th.is week , lh e lll n1Uora btlon1ina: to the lntenulUonal Monetary Fund : .•re form1Uy 1pprovlng the . 4sluance or • nt\¥ form of · "'orld money -forma lly call- . ed "Special Drawing Rights," lnfonn1\ly nicknamed "Pape r ·Gold." It is a milestone in ln- 1ematlon1I monetary history ' ~hlch marlr.s the twilight ol • gold I.!. a monetary metal. -Here are answers to questions )'ou might ask. ,. Q. WHAT "1LL the ne1\" money look like? \\lho'll print ii ? A. lt won·\ i.look'' and no one will print it The SDRs "'ill be onl y bookkeeping en- lr\C'.s recorded by the lnter11a- 1ional f\lone tary F'und as na- lions settle accounts \\"\th each other in the new money. In short. lhis will ~ money but nut ;n any ~Orm ~ou're e~·er known . And you. a s a.n in- dividual, 11i llJl.ever see. it..,. Q. ':l'oihncan tlus is nothing n1ore than a bookkeeping en. 1ry -money t•rcated by the · stroke of a pen? A. Oh, it's more th11n !hat. for the SDRs are. a cl ahn TOPICS PHARMACY t.r TIRRY GRANT , I .Ith An old ra~n iun1•d p1·r·1"r1 b - tf you 11·ant lo mt11Ty. 11~·1cr look undrr the brd. Spr11.k1ni::; or hrd~. Hwrr i.; A l)('tir·I 111 J"ll t, "' 1ho· south tl1At it a pt'n.on talk!< 1n his ~Jrep, you t nn r1ul bis ha nd 1n 11. J,.,111 ol 11·11 lff 11.nd hr II ill 1,·IJ ~OU 111, SC'C'l'f l• • \\.'a rt! a ir •·on1 i1i,:1<11i< 'rl1t·v l·11.11 bl' 11'i;n ,1111111·d f1·1.m 11:1 ... prr~on tro ;in.,1l1f'1 ~"1:11 r11. in1=. ru ~hH \ 111 . p\l'I nn Jl\rf·l'I 11hr1r rlir''" 1~ 11 11·111·1 may t'll\!~f' I IP o1l • In !hr 1'1• I 11'!1 ·'•I!/~. '' 1. r nli~I ~ h"1r t1uH'lrl tou ! n1n1 r ~IJf11H "11 11111 -t h:1.11 In lllr pl rt {'don:. 1•·11 1c11l 11l'I"• Fl"l' n1r·d~1'n '"I ll<"" 1111h olri-f11•1\1on"d r·vuri r~r. bl"iiit your \ll"e>~cnpt1 oa~ to It.AR K LIDO PHAltMACY JS1 Ho1,1tal It•• .. Na",.rt lt1<h •42-litO frM D1Hv1rt against th e world's relOUrcts and are blcked by lht credit and fallh of the llJ nations be.longlna to the IMF. 'I'o become •n IMF member, a nalion must put up a desl&nated quota 1(1 lta own currency and gold. It now will be able to draw on the new SDRs when it needs U1em lo Co\'er ils specified quota. accounts up to • percentage of its Q. V.'hy is this new money considered so Un port.ant? A. AS SDRI are lssutd over the years -and $9.S bllllon are to ht ls.sued in the first three years, $3.S billion in 1970 alone -they'll supplement gold and dollars and, to a lesser degrtt, British pounds aa money to be used in the a.ettlement of international trade accoonts. The danger bas beeo that as world trade etpands, th~re . would simpl.v n'* be enough money lo finance it and a .money d1· quidity) squeeze·would.lforct"a worldwide trade depression. The supply of gold hfts just not been increasing rapldl~ enou1h to meet the dema nds of trade. Now the SORs can erpand as trade expands. Q. Of the $3.5 blllion SDH~ Issued In 1970, bow many 11 111 the U.S. get? A. ABOUT $851 n1lllion. nlJl very much -but th e. goal i.~ to create the SDRs at 11 con- .ervalive psce so c()nfi<lcnce will grow In the new n1oney 'nd its safeguards. Q. How w!ll the SDRll work:' A. Say Country A has a quota of gold and run-enciP~ ~·hich entitles it lo draw tlfl t11 $10 million SORs vo'ithout quc~ tion for use when and a s 11 needs them. Say it d!e1des 1n· draw ~ million worth, THE IMF pie.ks out 1111• ------·IF IAP''\I LJ.l!UWSV --• WE'VJ! GOT THE .ANSW•RI TABWILLANSWEI YOUR TREPHONE •• , WAKE'. YOU UP ••• Dl!LJV!R YOUR M!SSAOES ••• TAJ(£ YOUll Of!D!R8,M AND FILL MANY OTH!ll NtEDS ••• FOR AS LOW AS M.50 PER MO. CALL US NOW FOR INFOAMATION AHO A BROCHURE. -im,:;:~ 543-2222 e OPPICn TO SEIYI! ALL OF OllAllOE co. THERE IS STILL TIME TO PARTICIPATE IN \ GeoTek•s OIL I PARTICIPATION PROGRAM .. • nt • ' ' 'C<i ll (4 15) 4ja.7 r~~::,. _ _:,_._:...._,_.._J.:...- ~~~-~1:_E~,.CO~~~~!\ ,._. mnd,.. PmtpwtwMI .... •n•tton on a..Tlk'aR-..F.i~-- t AOOllltsS. ~u• ,t tl 31 14'ill i•11o H\lo +\'I 1•ntP',uM M o *:~ :Kl'.•. Jl11,•, ''• 8:-.~~.~ .,..,t Ml'll•hff ,....,......., ......,_,, ......... , ... ....,. f A.M, ,,_ lllAI• 1 II 11 µ, 7''1t ll >-Vi •nk t l I• I ·• ttJ ... ot hl'r coontril"S which have ,.,1c. ...... , 111e_.. ,.,,11 •• ....,.,..., ............ • ~.,....... lr:O iM ft '"' ...,.-45 + 1, •ri.ou 1 JJ.1 1J J," 11•. • t '• • I d I Aun.Cl L40ti 'i 21-. 11,. _ ~ !''' c11; .25 H 1~ 5• 1• • Oov•r a M ~!l t' SUrp U~eS .!I l'I Y NEW VOA I( IAP! :~11 U!ll ll' !6' ' .i> C 11' II ti Til' 17'1 )!\.\ Aone Mli.I 1• .. ~~. P,• ',,",,• 7 1,, :s.: ~I .... f1 u~ u :1:~ + i: r.:.~ f-!o I Gerniany and Italy -teJ\s -Tn• 1011ow1nu ~la ;M 1 r1.1 q '1t ' ::,,.. s~ I!·· n .:; NA f 1 1 \t ..,.,..E '·'I ,", •' ~"· '>'·: 111 !•t~ ,,... u 11" 'I u • .. + '• llf• .. •n<1 i .a , . . . ""' Ill.el J "°lt• 0nr11t 5 I Ill lrHn Ml U't 11'0 11'(1! '' .t.11 M!llh -1 2,~) ~ 1".": 1',1,· f'•" t',1111","'1 .. ~ i'i ~lo n"•' »u:·,, _-!? 00',"0 ',', ~",'•"> then1 ll JS cred1t1ng each with 11..... ov••~ "' 1;,,.i.t "' 101,,, ',',~~.•, • ,',!"•'• ••'· >y,1 1 ' 11"' "*''" i..i ute11 .. -. • , ,.., . . .... N•llO""I "'Ir.Cl· !Adel '"' I -~·1 Jt•I Adrnl•tl ·:t~" " ,, ·-0 , .. , ,, S'' "''1110" ol <D J< a d k • • .,, • • ''' •• l•· •>'• ''' ,.. ,. ·., , ~ ,., "·-· ,·,,·,'·"•··" .~ ·~ S n 8 S 5 fl Ion ol ~ot"d Ill ,111' U A 7"• 7,·, l'O\lt P~ 1 10 I \; IC F1£ '• )$ f n1, • " . _ r - ti to 'd C ( A Otl~'ll In<, 1ro Cl1i1 VII lJ'•ll'• rwl~ In lt 20 P1~caCp /l, •11 Attn1LU J.ll :J (~ ?411 g·.~-(~ IYI* lt.10 1 t' ll'o ll'o -'•O.,nllrt<l l.lO 1ern proVJ e oun ry ,,., l (!Yl l ''•n••<· ~l•r• r-1• ,H, n 1 • .,.,o '" '" I'' P1ncoT •·I 10•1 iP"~'e ir. .. ~·~ 1• 111 11rln10 1 I '• ,,,, ,,,, ,.. . OuPl•n Cr. ~·ith IS mlll .10" of c" ertlble l!on• but "' ,,,.. ·1•••on I" j" ~YI! lnl lO'i I Pl.,.,. Ot' "'" ll'> 1r •rad "t ii.. t ~• lj '" .... + '" "''"'' I ' n 10 '16'• J''•,. ,, 11uPo••• .1i.. 0 V rt'llnl11l•t lnt1r.' In! Mr• '1 ·~ Yradll. 10,,_ 111'1 tY!~ ~ 10 10~ "!llltdn · • IJ ,, \'o ~i'\ _ 1,i ecllm1n .J.11 IJ 11 $)'~ JI'• ... , ovPon• •' \0 currencies Country A now has Ot1i.r prlc••I II ol ~lln!on 0 r' -· •m ''! " U\~ IYI • 11 1) A l~•1r1.. J ' \; 1 i. l ;, 1 \o •d Din .lO 1,0 II U'' s.o • 1 • Ovq Lt I.II . ••P•O)lmllllv J IOW Co l 1. 10,, ,'".',," '" ','., ~-l'•'"'li.' ! l l•\li ... I •• l1 • "" ..... 'IJ •1 ... Ir .II I/ 11•, -:, Oq •.10J,f?.IO $5 mill ion less SDHs and $5 1.m .. •1 .. n1c~ ,.,.,. ol.rn E I ij ~ ·· ·1~.. ""•• •,,, ~11>t<,, ,, 1.16 fO 7,,, ,.,., 11,... ~. lcOI l'tt .so ... ll11 1'2'• -''' Qq • 1101/·" ""wrlli•t,... co.. Id olllno ft 7 l '• llh MOr ll~ \ I • n~" ll 11,, 1l" .., t ,, tldHtm .tll J I It o.,ql/ o14> J million of usable currencies ~·v~ " ...,,. olo~ !Jr ,''" ~.' ~',,"•'t-d " 1,•" 11t'1 ,• o a. ~,',", 'l'' :1ir:1...,, .1·~20 1 11 1 1~ !P;o, ·~ n How .loll 11 ''"" 11•1o +1 1UG<1 ~, 7&" ~e.-i••~.e!/ °"" omtoi ' \i vn •'l ,,a• 1 "'i' 1 1 , .. "i;;Lc.:i J. 70 • 1 .. , il"' "" !I ln'"'<9n •• t•o I''• t•, + '• or,,,clr.ot .•If 6l 11 1 ... for lrade purposes .. Germany fNlt , <Qo> ..,,;:::rJ ~~ ~'[1 3t, .. 0•1 ~':,,E'" f:,~ .)(Ill ~:~=1 w~ j•• ~: ,.11t•L.,.. '"' ,", 1, ,, ~"," , _ .. ·~· :~). c1~t1J1 J ~)~~ ~~~~ ~~~: +!•· o.n1 Am .•o ~1E ·1~•_:_11" andltalyhaveS5m1Jllonmoree11111t• tnr ..... ,n.~om Int! I" j''o HW1t,l1 J" jl>Ptr1~1 •1 •0 All11l'w '1.11 , .. '•, •t •rld••ot3 , 1., 11,, 11,, _ ..-- ' SDR 15 'Ill I f ...,, !h' d1r. Prku om C11 1 '• 1 Hwck Ml 1 !11rl1 It 4 ·~ ... ,~ ... ll ldCh 130 ~ t~I I oO II p J.Of .II' .._ 1 n S, m On ess 0 Ila ..,., lnC"-'dl om Ttl l \•'''•Hvcl ,.,. "l' Ptrolll ''l'·'u" 'll G.'.\nl .tOll '' ll'' e .,_ tnf ft • • ' ' 'E••l•P<" 10 )i lt;'o JCl'1 .)(111 _1, I t•l•lt "'"-yp om Hlln I .. >1"9 G•• 11•1 J"• hlldl.of • ... .aMlll .IS ' '• '• ~ -() tnll~ .u.J.O 111Uj.' 15 •', l!l,> -·. <0•S<O , .. •O 10 •£'• II. •s. ' con\·ertible currences. m••l oo ... n or .:om'. o"'• A H'• !'~N~rtl 1' 210J.11 Mt , 'Ill \•"' •d~ot ·'' 11 ~ ll'• •0 +1111 '"11~Pt•.J6 i:io14' SI.-•·-·to11A" llP 11< 11 , 11'. ,,,,_, mlHlon. ;mp Cm ., 4 'lJl ll Cl ~-!i" -~· "'I Ir 1.• lj,' 1 " g~ ll"" -··· ::~ ~~ ui' l•1.. 11~· ~;.:, -:~ E•llVF l.IJI " j' 1)•• 1• '!" '• Q Does Country A have to~ ""' ll' .. '''" ~"'· .,.., r• u I""· G11 "' 1e "" ff "' .• .. 1,.. , , ,,. >'" ,,. :;-1.,,",•,•,/ u,c:,_!.-1, ,U n"•'• 2011 :io1-. -·, . ,. ... I Carr , I k,,,. M•n l'• ... ~fflld ~'. l'IM1'1'k11C \\~!!!f-~~ t'' 1'lo :m. ,, .. ,. ' ... v.-·~ n })' t . rery ~e 1S:glU~s cou,try A i,~·~l~, i,!~ i~J~ r·~:r. ~,'.•.:, ~.~ l,:~'f",•,i:...1, ~ ,:ll .~· OtMW ~ ~ =¥·•.1.• ,, ali~ i~ ill! fj~ ~ :!". 1« JID 1 ~ 1r,1:: ~1 ~t ~:;, 1~~~"'',~i'f n ru: n~ Ilf~ :t :: .,,_ lJli ., ~""" I Y1 Rt ~ 1"" AMS • 15 1 .. 111, 1111 + \.11 1~ f~1 1.to IU ~ + ~. Eolsona ros 1 S 76 1S'< l6 + ', uses less than 70 percent ol "ff"' VIII. Jj:-W 'lv. =~"L ~·~ ~·'~ =·· ''tl(i,u:i •"' 11 r 11~ Ame -'?g'"" 2: fl:~ M :t ~ 1::1~ •:: 1~ ·~· flt. . ~ + ':'-~?Jy~lc'1~ot. ,~J J;,~ ~:i: 3::.t ""1 '. the SOR.a a\Jocaled to it (ln ~1r f:.':f ,1: 1 ~ ~rds .g: ...... t "" r IJ~ Nri ..,; ,r,l J~ r,v. :j 111r.lf:: 1~ " ~• ,, = ,;; ~)~' ..... "''~~! 1: ~(,., ~l! !;;: 4:;'; thl1 illustration, it'a using 50 ~\~~1 1l•1i n r••' Mii "' l'I f'' ff i!ft ff"° Mir tttr : lt 1!"' 11.._ -"' ~~·e,;Yf.s6 H 1 ~ ,..:: !.~ .:..:·,,, E,~~~··, ~~" ~t ';:: ':'" 1;;; ~ '• percent)ltneednotrepay the:~t.t~H~U ~cl C~lm~v,:" ~11 ""g::,:f: :11#.1 ' 11";1! 'ttl t; flat'" obbl•'"" 1J1 u 1t +"' ·~· c;1 1111,,,1• 11,~+· dr'w'."G The •• ~, gold w1·11 •ll• ... I'"' .f' ..... I • n I l Alfi ':..do ii 104 ~ ~ ..... lf'lli -"' In• L20 JJS ~"' '1'4 Jll'O -.... llr• l I 10 IS 1SI~ i~ 'y..,, + ~. • I'~ •II 5 .. -' l M" ~ Am I Sl nillo 'Ill S3\lr. +Vt loCit .2}11 :W fJVo ;rv. H +II'> 1•1r «'I UI SIO.. 11' SI'• --11 '• become a ""nnanent addition,•,••,,·~"','!,. *" 4111o "• i• 1 1o1.1f11 • 1 '• .,,. ;a' 1· 1J .-~ 11:i;,-1"' ,.,5•'"1 J1 i 1f:J•• 1~ 2,~ ..... "' 1 "'a.'° 11 :11 :1t ll +1" ~ -O !'Iii IVlt Cl \'"° jlalbl F IV. .... Ill V. AC1 ·u 1 !IV. 2J>to J1 1, + ~ rtltft l.20 • ,'h ..... """°"Ir llO • Slllo SZ S2" -•, .., 1'~ "• Pt<or In ltl'O l J1tn Wll 11.i N lil•vm • VJ A Cl'lt l 1'"' ' n· F." + \o\ '""'•"' to )s: j,;: 1J:Z 1.~ +:.: E'moOltt 1.60 • 2~'4 '6'4 l&\.o + '• lo W.Orld ffiOnt'l.ary reserves A•m'.,.,Cieo 11\~ l tY Ir ' 2 -h C N 1 "llllYdl "2 Am.,,C H Jl 11" ~111'1 1 \\ ..... rr¥ftr 1_,! r J ~. 1•!\ 't:: ··· "'~fr! l.ioo 5ll JI J6 ail..,+ 1• ;ind In tJme the total amount A El Lill s•; 4'.'< ~1•M I\~ 'JU J1,,,ob1 1 ~ 111' Rk.9 • 1-'1 J ~ "'"'''~It ·.It j -"; .~. tt'"' -It 01 Ea11 i a• 10 J.1''< ll ... )4'~ + ·~ ,~'j;'., :m { ~i·~ ~; ~~ =:; of SDRs '>''ill be quite large. !;:: ~~~~ 6~:: 1::: 8:~~ ~~ sl1'r )11, Jl:i;~, \~ 10~ ,f;t :r c~!:. ~!"'!it ACrr"-'• f.'ll ., · ···· l""'n• inc 14 11•. 1r•1 11 .. "• ~aJo~n Dt • 1130 ,. 01 ., $' _ .1, Ciff•I '!'' ~ Ofl C:1nT 11 If'\ '1l1S• DI 1<I 11 ll!ltY \to 1 '" )llt') !"'m''"1~00 1).31J llt 7f" J'" Ir • • r1nlf.O.lt IO " ll'o ll'• ll'• ~'"o nolnl.l•n 10 !.<I n l l''> l llo " ·s co··,-nv •. ., .• ", ,, ... 8,, ,,, h,·,11• ":J;"'' 'I ,, ,,,, • ,,. ,,. 0 . • ,., •• ,., ,,1~v$11 o11. ,1 ... ,., ••'·-·· ........ ,.,, ,.,,,..,,11:..1ll"' 1 .. ''· '-'•'I t> S 1»SllQ" ,',", ,,','o' • · · · ., · I • AO••OO•O ><o If,, •~'• )O > , "' I> ,. I •,?~-•• .._m l<•i! M: C.1n SI llbbln M ll U •O oO"o "'' o> II )I I\\-, EH i\t "h ,Q •1' U '~'•&I ~» t>fl(fl.•J\ ,•• 10 Ji'• )}lo »-•• stren."lllens., th,ough, ll ,\l'Oul A"M' ·~· •• ,", • ' D•"~~ ~ L . •'• "'''"' •''t •'• llo\11{n ., u·~ ,.,,,1,,p., ·1;, 117 tt • ,11° ''' -1' 8••11;,,. 01 1 10 o.; ~ •! "II', .. '· Eot>rc •• , l ?Q 11 :i.o1, 11~ • .u•·· -1, • . ... ;1-, .• :;',81•"1 Cr 70·.11 Ii:••• T l•'•lj lllov UT !'• t • ' '1 • I ~ '8ovi~til ll I 11 Jf'• l''' lt'1 E~ll In( 1.)0 • , ••• ,, •• ll'··+~. i!.o.el f be asked 10 pro\'ide Cl.Jr-""' 1•1or 11 It'• 1.c 1~c I·' 1.,. 1(1111t1 >''I "~v• tov 1 "• l "• ... ~ E.ii.~'·•na 111 \"'' 1 ,. 1\;~.,. '• &~1."uG 1.11 • 711• ~,1 , ,,,, >-'• E>~v1r1 .:xi 11 "'' 1••• 1..., + ·, · f r'"'SDR,-•St C?, S•• 6 :fl~k, , 7 I ~•llwd ,,., «\) "'1" ~· 71 f'"' A~lrli \Jo ,,: i!it', 11 .. 2f.i._-·:·.,·.1ai::'lf.n c; 't-11 2~ ll lf",. '' E1•••1n! 1.10 JO Tl'• 31•• Jl'' l"" rellCy 1n return o s -•it G ,',. J'••• '• , • •il , ~,,•, 4f• lt;I ..., •,,",'•' , • '.. I "oni" ,.,·1 !It _,..... :k•.-• llv' i.or 1 t• + ¥o r1~r1 '' .ii •\ il'll n" jl'• " an so, over A per , eac •ndl• 'I j '~ 11~ ov11 N~ '" K1y1 11 u in 1 a..,''°" A"'H~11 ·1 11 , • ., 11,., +·v, ...... snot 15.e u lJl'o v. -'h Eu•oln~ .?oo , 11 ... •II'> n 'h-'" d loci h Am f 1 v l '" < ~'" • I"' /1 H 1 u > l 1314 wn •r! 2 l'Ai lfl'o'+il'I -~. Ellwl pfl . .0 '' ll 36 .. I '•, country"s holdings would be "•"",.'.~'... !"~'I~ 'i:l'~' ,•1• 1;1'1 ~t~' •ye 1 ~ 1,~. cl f~• v. In '• """" ,., ·2 ~ ~ _ .,_ run1W11 .d11 112 1'1• i t •• + ;1 r~·~·P .&Ob 1n 1111 •0•11 •no+ ~. d • '.'. "w > >•· -,.. •1-> _,_ ~·:r• ! >'" ' ''' ""' '' ; ., m -· ·/; \IO 1r• II.+" lwa-E~ I.JO l! "" lf:l ~ .. Evtrlh••• 115 ll l l 'o ll~• .. , reslo'e r -"""" "' ,,,., A o ol > lj >o ~ , 1 •~ f• .IO 1 1•h •o lf'o , <•'ollO 1,1! XI JJ•~ lJ\, ll·~ . . ''j' ''il '' ., .• ''' " I'·· U" ' ' '' '' '''"r:" ,, .. ' ·· ···'"••• · ... ,, '" ., '" '-,, ., .. M ll ·, l0') 20') -l'1 udt 11 . .0 1'.I •-'~ -'\ F•bert~ ,*I ll JJ>., ll JJ\, • '· Q D lhl , A•~~ h,l, 11 ~ l ib • lln•• Val ll tt etlf A ,,. >: AMll(llo 1"-1 '' lt'o 2•'> + V• va.,1 In ,61 II '!"• ll ll"" . F1ctt1r A !ii •! .. •l>'t 41 -1, • oes S open Ii nel\ era "'rai n ~· J~ 1' OO<b ' 1••, JO"• Kr111\r , •. , 1•1 •••It ol lt j'''' ,.,,., 1 1~10,;. ?'ll 10 , ,., 10 ,. '• vt!Fort 1,10 u l ·~ :k'• •11 ! '" Folrc~C so. 111 IJ''a n 1, ~l\·l +l'• I" WO<ld mo,ey•. ." MoP 11 .. 11·' Ow( 5!' • I l M( P ol l'O .-. !f l• '"'" ,. ... ,,, AmNi ·G•· 1 51 "'' lJ ll'• .... , a viovo w lO 'I H'1 3'•• ! .. , "FolrU> ltlllor " l!i .. IS ,, •• t" . ""0-" H •! 0 • Pu I 11'· 'I . L•ll<O In i6'• ,,,, s .. 4 .. •• "" l•l 1 ... ,p~~1 .l"t ,. 11" '!'• I~• ... au~~ Fh"'o 7• 1l 11\.io , •• ••lftnOnl 1 14 11 II'• II l . n a \\'H.I". or l •••• ·, ••• ,, i • 'Nu< II', ll'• Li n• WO I"''"'' ,,, .,,, , ,, A '!:" P•• Ul '., •• I''• -' • " ... Fol'"'"' pf 1 ' • T ' ' " Am II I 2 11'• ll'/I ,.. l!~rl 1~<1 I 40 :II ]41, ll'~ :i.o... F•lolltl ., .cl 11 10·. 10<~ A l ' ., A1v·o, I>' I'• I Nil• le'o I '• I fllO• lft l>i j ~v•11 UI ~ I> . ' > . '""'' eO I <O I >I' >> '"> c I > 0 \o » repre~ents a giant le:ip lo'>'-;1rdlAY!o 5,1 'Y'' 11'• lc•cuY 1•1 H• L111<111 •'• J:u. i,,,,, '' •·~ t•, "m~• tll IJ U'l 111~ 11" .. '• 8~•na• .7~ 141 l' l'" u. -'" F•m F111 '1 • JO 191-''• ,,,, -'• h Id , I Jw•mco '• ,., ~ll•Ol>' j'• ·~· l•~ Cetl "• j~ (I I V.'•I 1•'1 1'11"' i 'I! )ll 11•, n •o 11•0 .,. •. l!U"J~• 110 1'1 1 I•, l l~• I ~, +J'I FonotH I Inc 34 u , u •1 11•, + '• it lime w en wor trade '>''ll 1•b11111 1'. 1 ·1·• c. ~·· •• '• L•i'v• G 11'~ 2 ~ ffE '•I jl'~ ll\lo ...,.., ,,. 1il .s ~J•, .i•. •l -1, a1roUn• .U f ' •O'• :ov. ,,. +-1t Fa•Wn t Fin 11 11 ., 11 11•o + '· be · d b olf l Al J'•.J,'·~: ~~~~" 11:~,1li,, t:~r, ~~ 1~\'t 1f,. ..,u'°c;,g! ~lu nn Alfi Id f I• l''• .l:'• l l'• ... -C-F••-"Mf 10t1 1S •Po ..... 1, ~ '• not tyrannize Y 3 ~~·~ 1 , s•, 1 \El•< c.o l•'. 11 u•1• E 1: '"" ..,,., w E•:.·1c 151 >Ill-~"'s,1, r, '-!i g 1~·, 1~':! 1~;; ~ :-Cot>&t c~ ·" 1 l'r' tt•• ~ _ ,1 FAS 1n1 i·.'°1 ?I ,~ i··~ 111 • -'• l}111h:ir1r· mPtal but '>''ill in· 8;1m,•.;, \ ~· Emos 0,1 ll '1 Lo1>1a... 1 1\':i SP•c••v t' 1•,,m, "1:.A ~• ,.,, ,1 2, _1,.c1t 1'1,.1111 SI !'' 10•~ lo:i.;t •',!.""..," ·,•. ',", ~:~. ',~.1•0 ',',',•.•,:·. I'd "· <<gul•ted by ,·,, 1"'' • ,. ,., ••'i'lt" ~• 1 '' '"'* ,.~-·· 1111~·~ . .,. '° j '• ·~ '-' '°F'"•-,,·, , ,,._ '''• .,.,, __ ,0 • " < 11'· 11 • Eo•'"v C SJ JI _011 roo 1 I 5oa 11~0;, >•, .,., '111•• ·'"" < -" fl -'" -s ta Vt;" • ll•rwc~ 11•. l • E~·"' "• • • L~~ Et•~ 10'i 1'2 !O Sc• .. ,, ~ ~ ....... ' ,.. 5 + c PL 15 11 n ·~ \\ 1 ~ -. c ... ,, .. II, -B4•1n P ! !JE ~n•c 6 11',I) .\one~ f ll'>n !on i"!Pd 1' 11 "' ·,0 I01 Sf • fr• 1t': '>(".l m D . 1 11 ,;• -F ,,C ,f\l6 I 11 10'-. 201>-'< Le 1gcnt men. 11,.,m,, '' 1• Entwi<1 1•'• 11 Y.1d c;i::1 111~ li 1r1w f' '!'~ "'1 ~'Xv':;~· 1.;J , 1!t j," u~: 11;~ -1' c~S',~.5: . .o.0 ~I 1 ' ~t ~":.:..:..., Fl!'dP1ptd 1 11 lS'~ ,,,, ll •..•. 6f~ltll ln l 1j'1 I on Cor o J<, ' M•il< Cn 20 !\.'I YDoc • •;, ~'' "' 1 t ·~J ii 0 l P , l l 'o ?l•t .._ ,, 0" ,.,, l.70 7l'~ 11 ~ _" <,.!,',' /11 ·}} JlO )!'1 lit.. 11;} .• 6'•Chm ]\ 3 QUI! 011 11•, ll''• Ml lllfV "'~ ,., ..,., " 1 \~ ,, : .. 't" . ri 0 ~ -'• OPl c fn l .,O 1 1···· I ·~ ·~ . ... on ·"" s l S\o 2••· 2S -'• l•l!I h it \J IJ'' rl1 Tee ll'• 11 ~t llt•t Sj \.'I tloo Flt 0/1 Am one IO 11: l'~ li\~ _'lo 1nolllld \,lO I '" I'" 'lo _ '4 fl!'dOep!S!r I JI JI'~ lo\'• :16.\o + '• ••1•,,,,•no \DI~ 121'> l''''ft 3111 l v. Mtll'll ,., 1" ~ _.. ~ ,\ ... z:r;:~~,· • I-• 111~ \' ! h ., ( ..,est H"~ ... ,. + j• Ftf Mtp Irv 1' lD'io 9" 10 F' M k '''• •1~ (l<O I l'I ~•ftln M 1·~ 'II •~•tr V. llMK c,. • '"' "' ~ 'Mo 1.t t •bruft 1 . .0 '' Jl '\ 1 _ \ Ferro Cp .JD 1 l l"' 7l ll'' .. 1rms a e :;~ l 110 ~,.,~ ~:r:111<1T' ~ .... ~·r..s. 3' .... ' !:-'1::-'w I'll.Al ~I~~ ,£ v. ~ ~s"' ,}l :~~·~..c:, rl~ l~ 1 u ~t"C;+~ ~::r:~:,:: i'.~ '~ ~::~ ~~:·; ~~:':_-:: llklo• W 11~ I'~ ,.,..,1,,. l!..., 1 ""'if.' 0 1"I ....., t•H A• ! 'f ...,,, ,.. .• · 1 v. !I 'I""+ ll 1,e,l l 1 . .n 111 ~·, 1~ 2'1-'1 , .• Flllrel l ll Jl lll) l:l'I) 1-\e Buses Bids A pa ir nf 1\twporl Br:ieh f1rn1s <ire among l I s111l1n11t1ni; pr:ipo,;al.~ to !hr l\s<rn1hly l\11le~ C o m mitt ee in Sacr11mf'nt o for rrodur• 1011 of a steam engine :iystem for San Francisco Bn y area pub lic transportation . The proposals are for a complete exte rnal combustion unit l-0 power buses operated by the Alameda..Cootra Costa Transit District and the San F'rancl1'Co r.1unicipal Ra ilway. ·rhe two Harbor Area firm.\ Involved are ThermodynamiC5 Sy~tems, 3800 Campus Drive, and PaxYe lnc., 426 3l~l St., Newport Beach. An ;i 11no11nci;r11f'n! nu ~rlf'r tio11 l)f 1 rn<lnr~ 11 hlth will ,1111 pl\ !ht ~!(·1<111 r ng1n1·~ 1, 1·\· PfiCled l1v1n Sal·Z"a mt u10 ~Wn. :;hakcy's Begun Coostructloo l~ under way of ! new Sha.key ·~ Pi 2 z a restaurant at 19300 Beach Boulevard, Huntington Beach, wilh tht opening aet for Dec. J. I lfO Se" 3~ JI F"tdt-1 Ml lfll ltj "IC y ,. ,. "!'"' A ""~ Am~l . 1, .. 141 1 '4 -"' •rPTC~ l,IO :JO ... 7'~ ii" + ·~ Fin Fl<l,r1tn lJI 2•1-2l ''"• +1·. ,,''!,',~ r: l~'; l1l:,; ~::Ci ~n; ~i·~ ?:·~ :::.:?~~~ 1l,._ :i:~~ u':ny G: l'fo4 l \o\ ... nc:,,tttoel :to Ill 4n , '1 114 -\) &"Cin l.tlt 2 !!:0 ~ i .-F"Cl\•I l .< '" 4''• •H o l} -t l'o l l•tcnr 11'• I'~ F" I O•! "' ' >J. le H 1l 11\~ II" \' f~i' '.4 Aft~ 1 " 111 l ~ ,.._ ff""+ It l 'fiorC • .to JI '• ·~ _ ~ ForMlnf 1.to 101 !I'• Sil'~ ~ + '• B~·· r·• o·-. 1 •• ,,,Ni.,..p~ •·· 1•. Mic~ G•" 11~ 1\l l 1...:n1 r. 1r"' , -\ !~0(~i s~ ,~ : H;~ !f,Z ~ t ~ :'~""n AOe ~S 1~ ~•\ ~ ..... ~-·~ ~:l~)1~ J: ': ~~· ~ ~\) +1'• fl'·'" l l' • ll'• '" Wf 1• I • • • '11"''d Co 1~·o 10'\ TtnCM 0 J l'~ n {_ JO 3t Vo )Ol1o 2 llo + 1> &lo of .._1.U 10 21'1i 1ll'o 1J'\ -y, Fitcllb<I\ .Iii U tt•I '1'1 1o ,,, or .. , n ll 'o/flir•n~ 1l •i..·1•-i••• 7'•'"J ''"a 1n 11 21 · AP~<n!P·11 't >>··~·-• •t lleCkt .M )1)17\li2P,~'r-i.+1 Fi..,.r Fa.O!d ll20'o 20>.lo lll'i +" '",•· ,. '• '"· >O'•"•oN <•I ', 1,. ;.~. t;T -,,,,, 'I'' '' >> >> •llCoOol I < ... • ,.. A •r.1m ~!lo 0... -1 l tt rTr 1.10 'Ji t•"• :!" •i;:~ -l'' Fl11\or~cl ,. 2l l"• U U'o , . .,r ~· 1~ n • .1F.co<l f P • • , · ·•• r ·• 'l:I 1•,.1• a•l• IJ" '/" Que ~ > l lj l >I" •• ii < o >'• • •• ,~, • • •>• ''" 0" ' B•v •n 8• I'''• 13•. o:"""or·• 'l,1 11 1&' '~'• YI~. 1· , 111; •o•lco l '> 1 A•"' 5Y< .11 \ &"' T ..., °"" ' -'"" """ ng · • ""' -• l!vo .• ,~ 11>11',l"v",..'~' )ll,31 .~,"~•c~ 1,,6 v•on l'G 1,.,1 ,.,A•tr Do~l &O UV.~ '-+11 CPMl1!.t llS''J"JJ'\-l-'IFllnll<o•t l )1111 16'-.11 +'• !rn~~\ lt.ll l~~lo<"' 1 .,0·,~·o~;.~q 1> 1l L/niloe l'~l '•A tllPu~Svt l lS lm '-11 -..... .C:OC1 .... 102,''o I .... ,.,.._,~Filnlkl •of • 1ID SS SS 55 -'• ~ont• ~ ll'o 16\; l'olQ<11 7;•, 11'\ .,.0"..., p~ I' I• •n 0 0,,, ?t' 1 ll ~•l•n; OS ?O 1' 2 \lo 2 l Iii + \I 111nt11C' 1 7S 61 111~ 'I + .. Flo E Co••t IT 31\'o JI<'• Jro -" t i \"/ ~-?S'\I )6 "••kl CD t \\ 'A<>e,. o l'i 1•, J" !llum 2lll ?fl,(, A•.,..coS1 \ ~ 1' 2 '·~ 21 21~ + ..io ii.n MA,.511 1 ff-'lo SI' -''o Fl• Ci1s .50 lS lll;, 11•~ lr» •. "'"'" i. II "'"~In E l~'o 111/r '>l<>C" s 1' '• 11•1 t.Jn l cnn +•• u "'"'Ou• I.~ \I IJV. ~ .UV.-'.4 tt!COf,,. .• l!j l ll't JI·~ II".,~ Fl• Pow 1,1? ,, •1'~ ,,,,., .... .,_,., 1no"M JI il F•ilvtc. ""61-'1 .,,o!c~M I \\Un tt9 l i'l'l''oArmotCl<.IO 16 )11'1 V.ft-'lo l<!f,dy.l(ld llP..,ll>oilll;,-ll•~11~l1\.M "'''>Ill M'l\-•o ''"'•d If\ n. •••nK I 1 ~ '11'1 Mvt'I!• 1l n ... u f~" 1'' , .. , Armll.Yll L&O n o lH'o ~ +" tn ll lLI 1.3? '" l'4 ... I~ -'lo F1.-C1> 1.CJ1 ,, ll .. ll l"• -'• C1nnM ft I~ 1' "'" Com I ' '1 ('o Mo• (<v b i;1; Hi.lo UI k"c! 111 It~ Arm(k pO.H 111 51\'o -1 .,, H-lld 1.d 11 1' l''" '""+'lo Fii 51ul tO t 10•0 l <I\ 1•''1 -'• C&P ~O''' 11 ' ••• ,, Mu!. • ! 11'1 u r •>I '1• ,.,, '0 ... orp ·"" 1l !"' 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Foo hi ,60tl 11 16"' 1111 l&'o -'o -h•• .... ~ N1! tc:ll ljl I llltld• 1'lo "' < t -«I '"' .,, 2,14 .... hNt>r" '"c tf j1°' \lat n ~.,..-! .• ' jl'• ]l'o 11-. + '• N•t """' I\ lfl~w 1 l!n '/ 1 CMrft l" s•.~ •'I f. _ 1~ t fllPl I.JO flt ''" :ri•1 l l .+ ·~ Fr•nll tr n ? ,,._ 1'J'I.• ,.,, -, N1! !ltvr 10 1 W1o1' Nf; 11.. A 11 cor,o, l '' 1~· 1 ... _ ,~ ~ftltrNY J 5 11 ~ ... 11 , FrteoSVI 1 Ml m JJl, 11 1J1> t '• PROMOTED BY ors R11y T1rrant Beacl1 Ma11 Promoted To "llol 6"o 6'4 11h 111; 111'4 11 •wror• •s '' h M 1 • •• , ,, , + ! n (;£ 11 1• jj('j .Nit Tt 14 j""' Avitolt;lr ,O!ll '! 'l l,lo l o -11 "''' n · • ...,I '• Fru•h(p l 70 •O'o 1''• '°" •, I. Net(; n >i Nobb II lJ ~.,..,,!"Ina 1 O ij'"' l ) l V. i '• ~•,,.llr~ !li JJ ll•1 jl ~·o 31\o -''• F"""' I"" ~'• J.l'o ll +1 •, Att ~ 1 'JO 1Jl ff"' 2'"9 '"o ~lt'flNY l . 0 11 5''1 1"' SI -» h'n F 'It''• 11 WflGl•ft 1\14 I \lo o 10 15 "• fi'" v. .,.. ... ., . o l ' t2r~ 11'14 U•/, + ~~ !11t " 2''" :l!l\41 Wf 11"11 M I 'II ~:1~ ' ..l2 J i, l'o I,(, -~ 1 VI l . $ l4'14 :IJll 3"1'1. -U, GAi C• l JO "6 !1h J''" S1•1 .! • ., ilflt • ;io ll fll1lll G m 40 l7t ''' 1 ~) ~ + ~ "Olli.• i!lt Ji"!'t '' '''" -1 GA co 011 t :i. J• l• _ ,, A "'"' • • • ., ""'"" ,. .... ,lil ,..,,,.. M • I'll lM ... 111""' 1 l V• -·· C:~HMl!'e .t1 n II "6't. "'~ + ·~ Ci• Cor p '° ;:i. 16'!. 1S1.i 16'1• .... . i·~ NG ,,, , .. !Ill HA 10 1 ......... •g,.1·c!: II " "" u•,-.-"" fhlCE1tT 111 • 11'4 uv. 17'14 .. g •F P!l.to" 20 jl'·• ~·.·. 1l'o ... . ur 011 s• .. J~ J'" Mii ' •itl. 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M,~ ~ °"''" 11 11 11 11 pt 1 ure~. om a s • eegan "'' 01 1 jJ u 11•. 15•, n ·. -, , c·~ 5,, 1.)0 l i u •, •1,, •5''• • ,, , r~... .~ ... ,111,, F•Jn~ll~ G•Dl,I~ y •. fl . I OCI !lo 11'11 10 jl" 'l'I !'" _., Gr" SI• "' • 1 IJ'o IJ''o IJ1) 1" ce~ia no•• ~ •• ,,cam 51 <,,,,, Jr .• a Ne w Orli nanc1a oia •I 110 •1 ,., •i·. •'•" ,'c•~!n10G 10 :n 'I'• 1J• .. 11:.. ., "'\t~((ll C•lloutn• ONTC 11 11 1/)1 ol~P efl.'10 •XI SI' ll ' 'r' ~1 GTt l E• l ll l:W. J •o JI J:l ..... , .. (•• .01 Wt<1n1Gr. u111 1 11 •. ,i ""•bile relations consultanl told <>I/ "I .o.1k 1 ii 1 '• 1 .. 1 • + 1', t Tt1f1 Pll.JO , •1•. •1''1 '"' _1 , ,, llld A•~ lnc<I"" 1 l"t l .j l r'w <>I n II .10 U I '~ 14 ' -'' Gj 111=' Afl 7S 1171 11'.o 11 ... 11<o + lo •b••d~ l ,lJ l l• Fr"f'd"' In '· I ,..__ Federal Bar AllOCiati-..... 11.i;;" 1.tll •S )I ,. ... ~1·~ .... 'I G fl Diil » -d•itr1 1" 1 10 rur>d Am ·U'!·" Uft: "''' olo Pf ' I.SO Sl jOO, JOlo ->.\ lll10 IT'o 11'4 l!'t ~!1>111!~ J 10 1 ll Gtn S..; 10 I .,I n.-, h (I ed <>II fld ,ISQ '' "4''1 Uo.:. u•o t 1~ Cit nTlm,!' 110 JI> JCl '•l l' 311' .. t" .; .,.,.,, 107110l\Gl1•1ll• lJ l .U '-"'""gan1company U IW' ohln nu.is t 111, llv. ?~111-1•·,c;tn Ti•o .lb 111 11'• 11'' 11''1 '• •I<*• F<I lj '' 11.lj Grc.u • ii' In •""'ts lnclud d %'11q ~,M 111 JIB\ JI 1 -~· G Tl•~ Pl 5 110 n•~ 71''> n •, •m<I/ .~ ,.I At•t 1·n ·~ many prO%}' ,,.,. , e Bi ,.; N 0 ~\ 4 -'lo e;.,,.KC t.IG 3t :19" 11 ..... 1'll + 1~ ""' u, j·~ ·• C_., 1 . 11. I • lJ ~ ','I '" ..... Gtft1!1 r Ltd 11 1H• l t'i. 11•14 ~ '• •fl' o.,~,. l .1 1-·a J.1 the lit• Robert ll vouna:·, DIYO•· .... ,, '11'111 .. \ ••.. Cill>UlntiPh 1 l :i.o··· ,. .... lol\'1 -•• •l~ 101 lo. 11. ~ . t. Pl(l ,O\Oo • ~ \'J ''>-"-Gtl'oc .tob lll 171' 45'• 16>o ,t:l'• ~m 1G•tti I· ~: · 1:· dram1Uc capture of tbe New ~ ~ 1i'.:. ;n "'' ;' 1:1. \~ P. :li ~ 'i ;:._, ~" ""'' ,., ~ .. :;~ ;· '.11 .,. ww '1'1:i1 '1)! York Central from the :::l"""'.1~ 1 \~ l'.J. !'Jt ,. '" 1l1•1~ .J-'if~ ~~ ~:i: .; ""'~I< lfl t J Y VHtl 3'1 ft ri:! ,. -··~-! plf 10 J fi U U An<""'" c;_,~: Now1on 1s.16 1 ,tO Vandtrt.i.ll illWrHts lft'"llM. -·' · Ill. "W~ u.;-'• &'"1 p c' 111 'l 11'-\ 11 11 _., C.101, , t.01 •.t1.•'-"-.A\ 1/.:ltl ·" . . otnwO ) 11 '°"" + "• lb••I> r ,n 11 )l l '"' 31' 1 p..= .'l·~'~·U ~ .~ ,·~ 0ee11n w d prory hghts i re ::::i 1c »:Jn:~ n.1 .... ~t,:~ gm~,~t ... '"°to 11~ :~ «J,'6)~ 11..:-• fdl"~ '"1o u1c-oFd l ••i 11.01 lnBUTance: aaa lnst C'OO'I · ontMl111 1 S ll'•lf.i''''"•'•c1ml0f1at 1 .15 ,.;.,,1 '"; ,.., ••tcel• I ;rt 1.11 l DI Fa t.,4 11.j• nd · ffl I · °""'Ce ~ 10 ,,., · ~ ... "(,lo" Aki•" 11 t'• '" •,., · · Finance MUTUAL Briefs FUNDS A•lrO~ & l? 1,'l 11t Wm l U I!!, I p\ACtnC'y 9 lne C enry In on Ed1• I.to J U i"' t:• jl1--'o G"nAIO ef) I .c:.. 1(11. 60'-.. 1/, ""!!'u "°",.lh'r~ 7 . ;::n 1J.U 1 ::J public companle1 but lhat they ::;31:;.,• i J J :r• .~ :~ " Gl::IMl:~"M~~~ ''1 1::~ r:.1 ~::~: ': Rav Tarrant or Huntin-!u~ I '·I' r~ •nn"'l. 'j ·~ ahouldbeaubjectedto1en1lble : F:e,..~'1 r3J !f·1 ii::*·~··· rl(~ II? q' :IJ'o H'" j)', .. , lo""' led< f I I· I Mvt I, • f' , • > 'ID' >O ,, >O 1. •• , vt1r .II lbl 79<, ,,, ~~ • .+ ! 0 be ~ to (I Ct ! O(I • Mii 1<. I , mtrllntS on c ' ~· ~ -',' ~r.IJlvA ,10 11 ::lO''• '> ::lO'> _ ,0 Reach h&s en promotto.1 ~'-•" 1·1 111•1"' •. 1!. · "" "l?M ' 1~ ,. Jr' ~.., + ,,. ~ld1nc ~ oo ,, l6\ l • l6"' _ 1 , the pogilion of m1rke1..ln1 r;r1r ~;· ,~:ri 1 :ff l:.,s1 1f. 1 : S!.:....e1i·ff :n .. :~ ~\'t ll~ I~ G~:~;·' iG~ g ;g . ~:~ ~:~ ~ ~ dlr!elor for General TeJ--i.....a ""'~""s1 '::, •15 •1111 f,,... lt U: 1 EAU CLAIRE. Wis. (UPI) ..,,w 0" 1'; 1llf ff '" " tf" -'"&i:::l\";£ s'1 :~ ~~1t if;; ;f"' :!:. ~: '"f"''·'""' O',• ,,ft 11n ov11l r1c .. Pu...,•1 -N1tiontl Presto Industries, ::::i"!,i."'~»' 1~, 1~ g~ 1•,;: ±""';~ -H·f- Co. of the Southtast. ,·~~~n si ,!:y1: if~U ~·1~. 't'1 'i':ft Inc., ha~ obtained 1 '61.5 .,., c ... 1.11 "~ 1'" ""° ~ '"' How J°"" i• 30 1'"" ni ~ lt'4 _ ~~ ~llo<• 11.11 ,.1 t<t tior ,!l''·u ·11· l It 'ft•~Pl'•.H I u .. ro -1 _, io 11;1·.,s .. ,~······ The appoinlmenl was an· a ~o , '·" ,.~ rvnt 1 . 1 10 n mi 100 army con rac o pro-!'In' ~ ·1'U • *!'o l,lll ~~ t ~~ ~""'"a 3:-1• 11 11,, 1,,, 1011 _, G I ,,....,n 11· '~-" ,.......,.. I·" j·~ vi'· IOS-mlllim•ler 1rtlllery , 'I" Ii •N •~ + 'l u1111111 oo 15 1,..., 11 11 -" nounc ed by ~nera\ o i••ll •"C w11&v1il v•ll1.• H1 .10 ...,... tCeDlll ~, 0 41114n. .. ,•, .... ,,,~,,,•~, 1 ''" 11•t 11~ "II '"" un•u111 '!~'"' 'wnot" ahella. 11ie 1hellJ a.re to be M l »""' >t ill! •1 • < io1 11\o n•, 111, _ ·, California . ,",, >~: ,,.••1•,•,•,'01 ~', ',',·. "•';·.•, :;:MJ' 1C.. !fl ,,_.. = '• 1de.ia e11 is 1 '"' i r1.o 611.. + '• ~· J . ·-ti turned cut It a rate of one ""' ou ~Je "' 3 ; JP• f +.., 111 C•nl n1.u 31 11 31 11 Serving a' Central area -p;:~;:' ~1~1~1il·fi /:~ 'j 1!'.P million roundl a month. :: 0~:1 ';' ' ~ 1 ri~ ··· ::: 'f'ow::i·r 1: ~:! 1~..,, ~·~: :! inarkeling administrator in ~':':: ... " !:ff •::1 v'l:::• 10:1 1 ·g :;.~•Ji:.7. ~ 1't' 1~~ 1fi1o !~ lll ~ :g'.~ :~ ~~~ ~:~ ~~~ +;·~ Mo"ro•;a for nearl two l~'i' ~·y lo. ~."'~:." 'j· J ATLANTA. (UP I) :ftl .. rr~::Z· 11~1 • ~ ~:.:. '·~ i~f ~: t.~ ..!t ~:: "'" 11'· .. '• T I' tr ~. to c~l~~ Gti!j'l~" tt'n ii:==~~h 1 : ll,:J Gl asrork Products. Inc., !ays -='':·1 '1 l:i• r.,, ... ~ll'o + ~ :~;., c1~ ~ '::: ~i~ ~::I ;,: year ~, 1:1.rran ' ln<:>.1er ~'"' f ·" · c~u"" u l .l! It "Ill buy Utanium metal - 1 )0 4 .:i -v. 1nd11nlid .60 n '' 11'l ,.,, _ ,, ...1..n-!~rt.~ .4' i· ud6tr •u " -H .Jiiio Sl S• $1V. S.O -11 1o l""Ol•Pl I ~ 21 ll'i 1l'o l l'o f. •, the Du ........ N.C. General Ch•,,,c1 11.n1 . 1"' 1 .. , u . u .at formillM Co. Of Burbank, -"n 1.70 1' 11 1• 11 -·~ tnE!M•• .51~ 1 ,,, •'• 1., _ •• Cokon!•I: 11<:1 :w.un.~ ( f ·---"A Ol'ln!~I .n. 71 ,,... n ,, .. +'""''""".IO J 11•, 111, ;1•1 ... "• Telephone and Electronics Eauiv '·" l.'3 111 1s.u1 ·~ Cali .. or l ,....., .. ,.re1 of ow J..so. l! '}1 ,;.,. "° +2 '"ll't!•ll•"" 1 45 .,,, 00 .oi-, .... , Corp ~.,ii hit fint out. s~ 'J:~Sl''t:U c1 1!4 11'.~I : common atoc.k plm addlUonal =l~.n jj ~ l1'•t ~ ,:•,i: 1:.1.'::i rrl·l/ l l~ ~'~ r,v. ~,. -'lo '~-···..-v .... , t· t::i "'" · •· ·"attt con"••ent on Ill<"-F<ltk•• -~ ' "'~ 4 '• 1• -• 1nmonteP ,., 16 10•, "'• •a·._ or-s tal e pmmolion I In Ct ~,::~c"d s: 1s..a ~:,., ~'.1 11': f .,, .... "'"' PC lftll ~Ill 7lt lol''o ~~· 31'~ _.. ~ lnt11C..Co 'iii I 'l'• 11'• 1?', ,: C!"-~V!l.n "" ~~t5 H 'I •1 earnln1~. • .... 1. '•' .~·· •,:· ,',7:• -:'· I p!"I IJ SI 11•. ,, , ••• Jo'."'"" lhe Cal1'for"1'a eom pa"" C•p ~• • 11 1,0.n 0•1n 71 1' 1fo1 rom~Kn ·'° 6 1 ~ ' -\ •• "'"" i " .. 1, •! d ', "' ., o .• ,.,.,.... <U .!fl ldt • . .1 10.n 1ou1•Hlnd 1 '"''1'2"'1'2" ... '•nit ol Jt111 ,2a1o 1r , I" 19'" Jn·,.,• •.o i .11 l1m1 10.H '!"' CHICAGO (UPI) -Ab""'l •cw<ct i.Ju "' n JO', JI" -'"'• l"SI 11<1 it n,, ?I'• i1 • JV. ,todl ••l 1 i.\ I• 1~~ 11. 1 .I I urn. rcwn CO'"l l6 II !!'1 IJ'o 1a , Ill ld''> l.ct )ou;•, ti . iwH~ All •-•/ l.Jl ltm• Tr 1..,,1·11 La.bot tori I need ''"'ftl'" 1.IG o 11'' JI JI\~ '' '"' ~•'r «:ltl 1•4 Jn• ,. SI _ ,. In hi& 13 years Wllh Gener1l ::. l~ 1~211~.~: :~"'•n~ fff 1·~· it w0i m~tt n:··,:,r:e of .. _:;:,·~~r·7 . ~.~ 'J.·l= t\U! E\1'.:.·; .: .. :.: :.'fil ,i::l •. ~.i·: Hf ~~ ?:1; ri: t !\ Ttltphone, Tarr1nt hi s served ~ : n •i~I ""':~ .~! 1 ·n I . ..JI lubl "'-1--' by Lee um.. ' ... + "' '"' ,. 11: :1U ~ ::~ + ~ as a diatricl m 1 r k et in I 15• t': 9t' •011 ,,,,... 01 j·... . • ..... (! _._._... wmis:.~, ' ,'· 1n1M1....,. .;,,~ :UI 1~ 1J ll'.4 ~ ,0 di·-'-• , 111!. 5 11 1 ll 1111 Si f .oo J Trevino, former U.S. ....-.. ~'''' "',· .~ '"' • -· 1 ,•0 '"' Mn1 ::ic. :w. 11•1r u~ 16,. _ ._ manager, YJ.-.iOfl markelln& c..canl I< 0 l•. llfll'llft vnd,1• v,,-• •• Wr -~ •-ln!Nlt-l 101 Cl! :llV, .)6 Jl'IO k . ~·-/" i;.p 1jf t"" J·j' ·ff champion. and muulactund ~J.,w;. ~ 1'! , '!II + i" ~·~n,.,Y ·1.,. I ,., H'4 IM'o f. '" m a n • g er, mar etlnfl roor ""I" • > c . 1 . by PldftrlOl'I Co. ol Wilton Ycio..t 1 · ·~ " )Ill!_.; 1~n1w '·'° l ""' v. ""' + '• d' d bu I I 0111 1~~'' Ji'· ' .,,.,YIM \At , 'J'io ~~ 4'l'i -'• ~·&l~'l ,1-•XI l• ~ , .,,., u~ + '• 1nator an s ne.!" SI et .,., ~'f 1• l' I " 1111• : Conn. D-~ 31 ,.,, 2,.., ''"" _ ,., man11er in Loni Beach. · • ~~"w~f:. t· t. :to.;: ~1 11t1111iv 1,,. , '"; 11 \'" \•:• ..•.. g\~'fJ~or,'i::i l, 1111r,1 ~.:•, l.,'.il.· -~-~ ",.,","•'r'•~1 .1 _,,31" t·'l'l ..... c.111 ,1 ,.,., 1•-i· •••I' " , ~ tt'I l6 ' I~ .I · &" lftd :io!I $ I~ l+'I 1n ) -!l''o Al "3'!. 41'• .n10 -1., §J•t ~'If ! ll. VIOi I ·1 1 · Jtf k tr! 1~4 ·~,I ..,, ' , G• Woo! lftl 161 1~• ll'o )!i,,, ... '• ltWI \ ~· ll. y~ (;.t 11· l' •r et tVcC(o I " lj IO 10', "·' -' (;!W"Un!I tt 11 'l''o 151' Ol"i -ft I T tti: l:. ,.,?' =ftt~1 fl . . ~vcc ~••.U 1~ ~I ~ ~ 0 =~~ i;·~~~ftl~11 :U 1 f].': ll.': il::= .'~ 11 C(Jn1c ax Po ... ' ,,, 4 ' ~,, T~cronc• ' I.ti s " l vlftl1wd ·~ ~ , lo ij., <-•t •nc111 ·" I ll •o )I'• Jll .. ~ ·~ r>a .... • • ·:• ·~1 T•<~~,, ~r1 flln 0 • •l"'"L JJl ,, 1 u:: · ... ,.:,.·r;,"n$n 1.:111 il n ,1,, ""-i. ri·~;•I 1•1.1i7ITH1'"c' 101 '" 0 ,l g1~',~ I 14 r; 5; (l''""""n• l •• ,,,, "'• 11'1 ... 0•••' ~~ 1 'l'' "''"'" G• Jl jll1!1 f>L li llO II JI )' ·•l •.~Ol't' .to l• ll l "o 31 , ,1 CJ SJ d [.t(Y! L• 11 IJ ll )' ''''" Miit t· 1 I~ I L pl • l10 ·1·· H '\ .,., l,olW"'"'M(ll I ... ii 11'• J1 • '• ass ale e;., • .,..,1.-.,.~ T"'"~~· 'J j· 1'Jlt19,,,,,1n1 lttk""'''~!o uuo .,~01 j 1 1, 3 1, 36 u G.,,11,101 90 1 1• 11 I•_, 8~1~" lO r :t '~ y,~~ "}• t • I ·1 "' ~ llOdt ,,,,, ... ,_.-. .... ,,.. lmt tP I tt j 1 •, 1,. If •· ' Gu r<MO~ Pl S ~ !f , 15 e!'<o ~"~ 11.~: 1::~G +~~ <;: 1tl111._1 -:: .. ftaW11 lrl llllllMlt. 1':A~~· ~ 1t n:: ~:: ifl' ~I~ Cj:~~ 'i:'~,,1t!: ~ 1;• "ft:~ ~!' .+ 11"' , S~I 11.112 1'.0I TwnC Inc •.• ! • It 0 • tt l>'L 1!ull1111$ Pl JO J 1• J• > Saddleback College 1~ of· s1ock l t .• 1s.u .. 11 MM1 10.u 11: 111 ~~~ "...!! MJ;' _.. 101 .., 1• 11~.:.: .>\ Clfll" ,.n·:;o t n 1 11·~ 1~ -:= :-. ·fcring a C'IH~~ in incom' tai: ~~~r n·fi lti~ ~\~ Fun;.~ IO. ~r· ·-it";:'"', -~ 1~"1: n~.r:. "'o: • ·~ II a"'_, ~vlf\llU! ·a " 1<1\o n •o 20·~ ... '• . • · t:mr• k I Ol I ll •ccm l lt 11' d••I.,. • "'"'lllfo r I~ · i "' .. ti :.: :: ·· ~n ~Lip~, J r~ :;,,, 1', 6~ -'t acrounllng this rail 1n 11 s even-l"'''v n" n. t"<"'" 11·01 o·)6 •todl ~~ e--&>t<ll•.,. re; I' YtM n~'IJJ, 'i?\1: 110,~. '•', __ '.•, ,","."!'!'n,,,·~ ~1s 70,, 1~.': ~' ~ -.;:' ,~ ·" ra n1~"• 1 ;1 •os ~<l•" '·°' 111 Ill',, or ·n111111r0ui... o11~, •tco ••• 1 ,1 Jt , c. •• ~ 1 ..,1., ., • ., .. 1,_J<-. m., prog m . ou!l'f t Jl 1'7!UFd c\" 1,911.11 .-l"11t 'I '"r!lJ"if'l-Dtclt rH et .. ,. rtco Mii .! •, ~ ll'•-"Gutt"" o•l l' J 11._. 11 . ll '•-I Thecla" lobetaughlf ......... Gott V!h ll,t)ltU V1ly• , .... Ff ; .,,.. rte<• '"' .,. ••Ill Ull, ~oll'I(" ... •,, ir -',GiulfWp!!.11 • II 'l" 6• _, • ,.,..., l >t• 16.!0 V•I L" tl,ltf? W-Ot<:l1<tot fll •• .,~, '" t ao t dlt Jtf. U -\t G~l!on lr>d IJI 1!~ 1 .. '!\.\ .. g p.m. tn JO p.rn. Mondlly and Wtfll lft u·i 11.•1 I~ 1.11 .11 wrnull::1. I:': ..... trf:.i " ..... J ..... "·~""" lJ: \ ~ ,1 .. :JI" ... '• Wednesdays, i• a b11lc :r.=-,. 1f·~ ~~s..:11 ;I :R~-~-~;. .. ,. = '5'"'.J' ~ n n +v.tl:i'l1i.!:.-1\0) , ~ :·· ~l':.:;.; college.cred1t lncnme tax I C· ~~""9!: 1: l~: .=, : :~~~'ii.~ -~ "~10 .l:: w.•1?f:r."!~ ' ffilt ~'"' .,,,. !'~ ~:;:::~ :;;' .. 11': i!;; 11': · coont1n11: clas3 taught by ac· ~~ ~ l,·.! !j· r:1~1'1'11~ j; ~·~ :~;:"'1 .r -:,.~,..... :,, ":-1t 1: ,~m ·• " " ~ -~ ~:;:•r:i; :,; ~ i;,! M'• IO.;:;; ~ Id J Alk' Fld T•lld 11..lll l .6S L Mtt1 '· 1 . • tulllllftl f ""lfl<!of. t " • ) , .. ,, 11•Nl•'l°o to II 11,, 1,, •ti. , ., counlanl vvn.I . inson. Fo"••<l•I ,.,.,., t llS! •• •!. I ...... s.i. In f\/lt, co~ :.. "' ~·· r· P l -.. t-lt•c .... r t i 1 I•' !j ' ., • • S Cl I Dv~"' '" 'H 1'11 Mw 'j ... 1....., ··-M "O DO!d •A D IS 7 '• -1 ~•"t• t"' I 11 •', ,6 •"• • o. an · emen t . r,..,utt '11 ~ .1,.t" 1 . ·'' <lf..-C.# -.. -ei. ,,. · , ..... • ~1 lefQlo '° .u . '' ~· t ">11-.,0 c. , J> 11·, 10 • ,.,. •• R · l ,. 'II be bel In,.,,.. lff I· ',\/'I' ll'llf I U ] ofl1lr!W'llol'I. ~·-•• llflltl. ~WllftOllf /1/il'O""' 'oo 10 ..., ' H' 11••11.Mrt ,to 1 ll Ii H _ '• e@IStllOn\lil W'H:n Vfn! .lli!Wh lo~JI 1•111 ~rtn • --Wiii'! wtr r ~ftl 1 lf>Dnf.i.I ·~ ~ .H-r••l l.10 !f ll'~ll<o /l'. • and tn p m Oct a 111<t t '••F ~· 'I· ! !! •1•d1"" •" 1 v•~ ... ,:!~'"'" 11"""co -"" 1 Jt' !!:' ' ~ ~ to ,..,, cr• '° • •·· 1 • • .; .. '• 111 · · · · Fil 1~ ni .M , n!ltlf J'" j· """-1 ltr . ' lllli Mlftl ..... c111tt :10 .. •1 l'O', , •1 1"1wll 1 I J/ 1 3J 11·~ J, ~ , Classes will begin Octobtr 13 ,.,, "tt 1.14 · u '' '° .71 •••••I~ v..., .,.. • • Ad . .,. 'I""' JOtt 1.-·"' 1 • •i'• -llt" "'•v•, A1h n " 11 , 11,, • l'ol .t.\Ylll t.1' l.JU/erlll J.OI J.2' .. .,. f lll_,., W-W -.wit.. • .... l.>t I lo, '116 .,,. -lo, t11t•llln1 II 11•, 1•'~ te•, _'I ' • I ' " I Thursday's Closing .... "~·-~~~~~~~~~~~~~. II•* ) M 1~ Ltw Clo>• Cn1 -HI- ' "' " '" • .. -L- ' " • • ' " ' " . " ' ' '" • ' ' ' " " .. • " .. 'i " ' " " ' ' . ' . .. " ' " ,' " "' , " ' .. • ' M '~ .. ' . " ' ' .. " . ' " " . ' ?l 1) l~ 18 D!i ~ ' ' • • " -M-• • ' .. . ~l"'l 6C )~ 71 " ' ?I• •l ... ' . 20 d • • 10 lJ l J) ... ... lll ,,,, JCS !l • 11t1 " . 1. !1" " ' . " ' " .. . 3' ., s o •o . ~ " . ' ~-13' ,. I ~' 1~ ~. fi ~~ I? II •l 35 . " ' " 00 • • ' " " " "' • l • "' ' " " ' .. .. " • D• l ' , ,,.. ' " ' . "• ' ' . ". .. .. " .. "" • ' ' " ' " ... " " • I • • " " " .. .. " • " " 'l " . • " ' ' ' " " " ' , ., • • • • "" " • r · " " ' .. ' "" .. "' '" ,,1,1, • ., ,. 16•o " '" " . '" , .. " ' " " ' " " ' • ' ,1 n .. '" 11;, ,. .. " " .. 'l . .. " " " • ' .! .. l I "• 11 ti., ,! .. 1! l1 ~ il • t.I I IP 1 JI I 11 • ' 'l • 1 6 1 lO >o • » • J100 ~0 •$1l J• If I ' • '\ ' " • '" STOCK LEAOEllS " " " • • • 10 sl J~ • " ' • "' • ' • Prices-Complete New York 111<11 ..... ~., ........ ,,, ................ ,,, ...... ,., ............ .,,"',.,,.,,,,,,~,I IMll I Miit Ltw c-... CM ~ .. t 'J ttt + ~ )61\o -I ;•I• -I~ =-I " 11~ +l ~ 4 \11 -1 Ut1 :tt• ..... + •. Stocks Make First '.Advance in W eel{ -Stocks :1hot fonvard late Thursday en route to their fi rst wmrung perform 1n more than a \\eek Trading \\as fairly ac NEW YO RK (UP!) ance tive Shortly before the close the UPI market'' de indicator sho~ ed a g&n of 39 percenl on 1 5i6 1.:i sues crossing the tape Ther~ \\ere 780 ad\ ances and 538 declines ndus TI1c Do'v Jones avera~e or JO blue chtp trials m oi,;ed up 3 56 to 810 4a near lhe close Volume of around 11000000 shares ran about- 2 000 000 shares ahead of Wednesday s pace A spokesman for the Shearson Hammill brok erage se1d the ' mild ' rally mdic-ated nothing de-- c1stve He noted that the list still had depressing news factor s to O\ ercome Monte Gordon of Bache & Co said the market ts not out of the \\oods yet He po int ed to 1nfl a tion and Vleioam as ma1or depressants to \Vall Street and added that ' any rally at tins tune \VOuld be stnct.ly technical " Some heavtly traded issues 1rfot.Qrs Texaco, Benguet, Penn Investing mcluded Genera! Cen tral and City Steels, chemicals and motors generally traded m fractions while most point sized swmgers 1n the 01},1; "ere on th e upsld' Ralls and aa.«:raft tnoved 1n both directions "hile airlines edged hi gher 111 a nun1ber of 1n stances Electrorucs shO\\ed maJkcd strength '~1tJ1 point sized gainers cropping up in several cases Pnces also movM higher on the Amencan Stock Exchanae in moderately active trading -- Thll!'1d11 Octobtr ? 196? Stock Exchange List .. ' ' " ' " 11~• " " • •• ' " I " .. ' . • •• ". " ' " " , • • " m. 11 ,. • ! tt'l• . ' u ••• . " •l ,,, '1 •9 • • ., ' ., "' ,) " " ' .. .. ' ' " . ~ • " • ' " ~ " "' .. j, • " " " ' • " " " • " ,, '" " " ... "" •• l .. .. '" " . .. . " H•o ... 1~ it . • " ' .. .. " " '" " " " " " " " ' " " •• ., .. ... '" •• jl ~' ... ... : -UV-"l ''• 11 . )l lt jj ' .. ,., 1 )II 311 • l9 ll'o 30•1 nt ' '• .o 1ltli 0 1~: ''° • .0 , 14 '1 ~I .. •1 • Jt lll ~ .... n ~: ~~ 1~ ~~, •;,, 11Jl • '" " " • " ' • " ' " .. " " " . " • ... • " • " " ' " " .,. '" • .. • " ,!, " .. " " " " , .. .. ~ -.. • • ' ' " • ' • n .. H -. DAILY PILOT 1Jt ..• ..., in"' 1 141111 L•._. c1 ... C•• . "' II lO Jl u JIO 1' ..... 12 7l I . ~. ' .. J l JI 1' 11 .. ' . " " ,: !J •Ii 6' " " • 1 •• •; ~J J/0 11 d Jt-lo " ' 1t:: 1t . ' " . ' ' " ~; •i •O• l o ilOG ~' 10 10 ~ ' ' . 80 10 'I ~ 11 , n l I -W X·Y·Z- I• 1' o I 0 o i l~ ,~ ~1 ' >OO ' ' i ' • • ' " " .. .. " " " ' ' " • • ' • •• 1• ~I ll t i' 11 • •f 11 .. ' ' " . " " . l ll .. • '" liO 16 uo '" 1• l ' " 11.J " " . ' 0 ~' • "' ". !~ JI " . ' ' ~,., l1 ,. ).o • l ~ '' ; t Al o ' " • ' '" . .. , .. 11'• ll , .. '" " " " .. " ., " .. " " " . '" • " " " . ' " '" " ' •• .. '" " )1 • +" 100o . -• •I ' )0 . + ll : " . •• " " . " . , • ••• w .. ll • - Co111plete Closing Prices -A111erira11 Sto.l'I{ Exchange List ,. " . " ' " H H ' t• IJ ' . "' ' " . " l I 12 • • 46 31 . ' '" . l < 5 I ~l , " " ' ' . . :n 1 , tl 1• • 15 1~ • • • 1, 11 " • • • • . " ll ~ " " • " ' •• ' m • • ' • " • • -HI- " • ' " ' ' ' ' ,' • "' '" • ' ' " . ... '" ., ' ' "" " ;n , " •• '" " • ,.,. ' . " " • ' " " J• 11 ' " . " . " ' " .. , .. " " • ' " ' , .. .. '" '" " • 'l " " ' " • ,., " • " • ''" ' " ~· 1• .. " • ' • ' /, ' ' ' ' ' • . ' • •7 ~ • ; ' ' . . " ' .. " ' '" ' •, " • " " ' • ' " ' .. ' • • ' • " ' " ' ' ' .. " • Ii ., '" .. ' • ' ' " ., I ' • • ' " • " ' • .. • • " ' " • " ' " • " ' ' • • -NO-• ' • " liSO • ™ .. ' • ' • • " ' . • • • . ' " ' ' ' " ' • • " ' ' • 7A 21 ' ' " .. . J 18 i l . " 'l ' " " ' j I; ""1 ~ " • • . " q !~~ " ' • " •• ,,, 16 ,. " • I ' • " ' "" "" ' .. " "I ' 1l " '" " .. "' • " " fl~ tt " • • . " ... l H 1~ " •• I n (, ·. 51 l I . " ... ~l 1! • l • ' • " ' ' ' " ~ ' ' 5r.: ~i ~ " .. ' . + 40 JI o ' " 1' ... ... l l\o ... 11 14 ,1 l' >llJ St " ' " ' .. -RS- • • • • " .. " .. ' • " ' " • • • " • • " ' .. l l 1' • ... ' ... • 11 4f : ~ Jr ~ •! l1o " . ll ' • ... . ' 10 10 . " • • l l 13 ' " " . ' l . ' 3 l~ .. " • • " .. , ' . , • .. " " '" '. " " • " . '" .. .. '" ' ' . " " , .. " • • " • • " " l ' " 1<10 , ~c • "' I .. ' • " l • '! • ' " ' "' • l • " ' ' 1 O 1 I • • ~ • l • ,,, 't' • '1 13 • • ,,, .. .. . 21 1l 11 16 " ' " • " " " " .. " . " H\~ " . ' "' • • • " '"' ll•• '" . • " ' '" • " " " • " ' • " 11 11 11 tYa ... I -IJ t o111112ll 1-1 10 ~. ·~· I 1 H 70 19V. J t' I ' ,1r;r:~· ) ~ tP• tt 11~ ll 't.I I 1 1~ 31 10 , 'I" l ' . ' ... ~ ; 1 11 • f t 1,, n lJI l ... ! l~ ' U l\o I o .. • J 1 lt • ~ " ! . ' ' " ! 'I "• ' ' •• )61 ' l • 10• l ,. 1 •• II 1' ' ... ,,, 1111 11 • JOL •h • ;). I -T·z;._ 0 '., ' 1t I • I~• I It 11 ;t,;,•: ·j ,"l '!. il1 : 11 1 In jt ~ " ' l • I!!\, I ~ t: r 11 Jn """" ISO '-' I U o " • ' ' ' " "' • " " " ' ' " " • • ' l ' " " ~ " ' ., " ' ' • ' ' • ' ,, ··-l, l:T• r'1 11•• 17'-......... ll • ll'• 31•1 + ll1 o ll + ,, 1~1. 111 +1 ' J ~ ,,. + l ,., r .- 1 l T(o U .. ~ /·., : · 1,. 1"-II U _.., ~ 10 • l S> + 11 • , , - 'XI I ' 'IQ + 1 1 11 l 1 l f 6 l•o + t I ' t 1 ~' 1 ~·· l~:-t 7 1 1 , I .. .. " .. • • " " ' , .. • '1 ' • , . ,, 1' 'l • " •• l •• + • ' + f'o ll" -.. " • ' .. • ' , .. • " • " ' • ' '" • ,,, .. . ' + • l > -• •l•-1 • : : ! ..... ' • " . "' " ~. _. " Uh -,, -" 1 " " " ' ' • " , • " . II > .J. l~ l• ' " • • • "' " " • " .. ' " I " ' " • , " . .. " • , " . l .. '" " , " " . • " ~· • ' ··--1"·~-------------~-~---~---~---· -------~------------------ PllOT Public TM fol1Dwln1 P<.tbllc !•<•u"' M•V ~ -J1•nd~ d\ltlno lfl• rl't'<'"' o• Ck•ol••" Ll'<lt,,•1 whl De •I"'•• on !ft• UC INlnf c•m""• ct olflor IO<:••-l!Oltfl In IN <•"" of _.,.. UC fdel'lllorl le<:· l\lf"" A.,..,,l\ll<WI Wlif ~ c;lli'9«1 6nlf ""''' norM. no. ..... ,, OC1. i-"L•hn •-<lc•n .,.., t~ M•ok on •m~rlcon: '""ltn ,.,,., 5t>enl~n Root•," Mlriom C!>•. •'50'111• .,.o!~sw. Envll•n. C1•lfor.,i1 Stt•• (1011...,, o! Fo•tNotlon. A"" K•I"' •na ftustv l.\cN•1!, 1ec11.,.,,.~.,!0tmtt •. ~Ir! ol 1 UC E"'•Micn ,.,;,, on tm•rlc•n1-llock~ fl'o"'"' f> e o , .,,_, Wl>lle In !Alf. •ml """"·" Ill '"' ""'1>, I 10 lO p.m , Ftt '-'·~ ··11:011!le• 1~ Ille Loi• <>I ,O,u!1r1••on ,.,_.ltlnl ... .'' Or, Jo..,Pn Blrdso11, P•o· !"·•"'· ontnropglo<>~. UCLA p.,1 ol • UC Eo!e!U•O<l >M~> on "l l'I< WI Y• Ot M1Mincl ... 101 PnVS•(ll Scluoc ... I !O It p.m. Ftt Sl. -y, (kl, ._,.Soc,O!O<ll<al f 'IC W1 In DivDtcr •J>d lt.....,•,,l•9r .'' II•> f_.~r. m&"l"v•. l•m •I> •J>d <"1111 c"'-'n~lol. P•rl ol a UC E>1•n>l<>t1 •...-In . !04 Pnv•lul Se<enc••· 1 to •·:io •. m. Fe. 1'- T-I Y. 0<1. f -··Dnlt • • n d ,., • ...,.,,,;• Dr JO"" i<••m•r, "'-•1'1i~I •lonlcll prolt~sor 111 ""chiatrv., U(I Pa•1 ar " UC Exlrnolon '"''" on '"P l•••vrtblr Sia!~>: Thtlr 8 iOlC9Y 'lt'l<l ron•r11I." 0r'ln9t CDOJnlV MM;C81 (on!rr 'IUdlto<lum. 101 S. M•ncn"""' l>.vr. Or~ngr, 9:30 lo 11:'.!4l e m. FM i,.50. "(llutai.on .~II•• C e u r•1 .'' A\>IK•"• Just.er S1•~••• Mo.IH;. Stat• 3UPI"""'" (OYrl, P&t! of o UC E•len•,On ~~It• on ··f hr 1111 M Rleh•• .. 1 , ~l'..i.1c11 Scienc~•-1 to 1e •.m. ret "l~ Doetnl lro"' In• ""°""•I." Or. Joan llYIGt. Part 01 a UC E~ .. ,.. ''°" 1.trie1 on "WDtMn-rne II '"'"''"' l.~lnorl!y " 101 PhY$IC•I $clence1, 1"30 t<> ta a.m. Fe< \.I. "M,mory St<>r&9• P•!><•!O: />. flo,. Pnrrt'l<llOliY." Dr, J•m•• L /}t\o"uQh. 11r1n 111 blo11>1ric11 •tlence< Ahli Pre· l~ISl>r 01 P•VthoOiol1111Y. UCI P&r! DI " If( E•ltn1ion '"'~' <>n '"Mrorinq I"~ $ooci•I ,..,.d, ol •n• MenlA'1Y A•!••l!fod ... ,F•ir•irw S+•tt HD•Pltll 'iX~~~~1rTo .~"'110 ~-~~o;:,.ai;i~. cas11 WH""••v. 0<1. 11-··s11t~ r . fll•~nc• in W,.,.lt An-.erK•... Or w.ror<t Hlll, .l1He11h ~ctv1•r, IG.I Pl\YSl(•I Science>. • P.m !lo ccMlnur tOCh WMneid1• lhf.,.,.gl\ ,_DY, 't!. "'Pll!htoc•n• Ha1vr1I Hi•lonl." Dr. J II. Mcd...,&111, St-nlor cvrato•. Ytrl•b<~•r PAlf(ln!oloO•, l..11• A11g•I•• c .... nrv M•olt"m 111 H8!u•~I H;,!O<• Pa•I 01 ~ UC E~l•"lloll .,.r;~ on ·•'ln• Nall,i1al Hl•l11•• ol Sou•nern C 1 1;f 11r "'1 · · lltlrnc• Lechlro HllL 7::l0 lo 10 c.rn Fett 1~.SG. "lll• H•ro And lht Her<>i< Dr•rl · Wiie ... Wn1r ... Wnv?" D•. Cn1flt• w 1•11hl, I SSDCll!t cro!tnor pl P•Vclli"t'~ •n<I t111 tl 111 l"YCl\OM>m•lic •ffYltr, UC LA. Fii"' llluUr•ITon. "Nin• Ll•ro ·· "''' !II • UC e~ien~IO<I <••I·~ "'' ''He,.,.., Vlt1i1m , Vlolenco • n d N>AlhY .• 161 BlololliC1I Scion< ... I lo 10;30 pm, FH S>.~. T•11•M11,, Ocl. t-"'lrfland 1nll P•cto Ftlc;i.rn, !f!?·lfh:' Pro!, ,,..,.,,~"' Hu"t. !tllllw 1nd tutor in """'''" +,;,1.,,..., 1nd 1>11lllic•. Si. Jlll>n'< Coll•o• Ovklrd Unly.,5Hy, 160 80011111•<11 3<or ncp3, J p.m. .. t n• "or"' A m rr l<1<1i •n ·Con-fron+1ri.,,.,, Ccnlllcl, Cnon9",H Miriom CJ>•, •H«lot~ prof"""'' 01 E n•ll'" o.r;ro<ni• St•I• Co•l~o• 11 Fullrrlon. '"" li:.ell!o l flO ltYSIV fllcNpil, lectu .. r1 - 1>"r!orm"''· P it! o! • L)( E•t.Mlon ...,.,~ on "A,...rlc1n1-Bl1c~. B'""'"· R.:I, '1'1llllW, Whit• i• lei•""" !.coo " Ill FIM Aris. 1 IO 10 11.m. Fe• i4 jQ_ "A SoYtll lftdilft Vl•w o! "'• Worl~ .• [lr All n BPll•. 11•olr<"\O< llf "" ot>rOP11ID01y. UC Rh••r•lll•. P1t! er • UC E•t..,OTC<I i.rrl•' 0<1 .. l n• WIYJ Qi 1.o.1nl<lnd ... 101 PhYit(ll Sclencn. 1 '" 10 11.m. FH SS. _,,, O<I, U-"Tnr•• (in'I Li•• Ao (MN>IY •• lv.c:· G Eom~~d ~·~IJ.tl. •llo•nr•. P••! O! • UC E. ""'ioi. '"'''" on .. D.-oro• """ A•••l>• •f1gt." 10• Pnvtltll Sclrnc••· ' ro 9 lCI a.m Fr• ~•. 1.,1.-.v, 0<1. H-"'Tti• C~n1tal Nr••OY• Sv"•"' ~"" .. 1 •• , ... ~tol• Sl1tu." Dr. William Fi>n!J.tin. le<lure• in P•VthoboC'<>$V, UCI . P•rl o! o IJC Eot'!flsion ,.,1., on "f'l,ISYIADI• :I.Ult<: l~•1' Blclool• •"d Ccn1to1 " OrAn<t• c ...... 1. MMl~,, c . n I . f •Ylll ... t1~m. 101 S. }>14fi<C!\1,,l•!r AYe., O••n••· f :JO Ill ll:lC 1.m "-••,,_!.Cl, "Eou1I Proi.ctoon ~• +~• l •·,." lll(hl td Lon~"""'· C~• rmim, D•l>••I "'""' ot J'ohr.tal 5, ..... , ... UCL A P~· I 11f • UC E•l•n!iO" """ on ··rnt B111 rr ltlo"•-" IG• Pn•~•C•I Suentt " 1 •c 10 ""'· F.._ S.4 ~. ""l'Dtlnt>v'• ''·"'"''' (f)mo!• nl "' O• '•"hnt B1r1. D•~•rtm•nt or Soc101cv, OCC Prof Writes Book On History Proresso1 i\orn1an \ Lu· mian of Orange Coast Gollegr l is lhe author of ~a new American hislort' te:tt \vritlen specirically for ihc junior col - lege student. 11lf' book. ''Li vin,I! Amrrica ," is bP111!! publi~hfd by Va11 0°Qqrand Hc1nholrl Co I or r\ev; Yor~. The ~4-ragP bolll-.. 1111h 22! 1Hustrat1ons, 15 llf'~1~ned for 1hr onP ~en1r~t~r rr1urse 11hif'l1 rnay be the ~tudrnt ·~ !asl ('\" po."u rc to the fonnal ~turlv ol 1\1ncrlcan history Jt folinw~I 1he D\·erafl trends in Us history. An added feat ure i~ al rrading tis! at the rnd of ench chapter gh·\ng historical tic- tion and biography 10 add color a'nd depth to h1stoncal periods. Chapter tit le~ inf' 1 u d r "Confcdcraton. Confusion and t;:onstitution·', .. Boo1n 10 Bust Md the Bounce Back,'' "From ldealisn1 to E.~C'apistn," <1 nd l "Tensions in Tin1es of Plen-ty.·• l.un1 ian has laugh\ at ocr I 3ince 19a9. lie earned h1~ B . .\ .11l the lini\'ersi!1• of i\r11 Hamp.shire and his .'lA :11 llul'ard. He spent. 1963-6~ 111 Ni geri<i as an educational s~ialist. Tustin Man Wins Grant A Tustin man employed by the Charle.; IA'. Bow c r s ~1emorial o\luseum S a n la ~na. I~ :irriorlg the iir~t group I itl technicians ro receive a Ont-year intern~hip at thr New \'ork Slate Hlstoritat Associ a-non. . Paul G. Chace. or 1281 La Colina Drive, Tu'l1n, will re«ive 1 one yl'ar leave of 1bsence by the Santa An.fC1t y Council. aUov.ing him to participate. The Na!ional l::ncloo,1·mf'nl ror JfumanJtle.5 grant \\'Ill Nf!lld Ohare to Cooperstown. N Y .. for the. progran1, C<lngre.,.l'man Jame$ B. Ull (R-Sutin) an- nounted. Lectures for October Listed by Extension UC (l,r~.•ltY• Wltll <>•,..l»h Or J..allh Lwbll .. ..i o .. 11\ilfr.(.ro P. etu. rar1 01 • UC £;,l~n•lon -·e• on ""llle ii """~"' Monorl!Y ·-IOI p n •• 1 ' • I :,c,,nct1, 7.10 lo 10 p.m. Ftt S.4. ••P11,,ic~I l•ll"•ll ... Menial Rtl•tdl· 1,..., ""° I~• "•'";'-•• H, l<>r•ll"" 0..•. dlrro;to• 111 hain,,.11 '" P11v•lu! !11P11py, Uni•~••!!• 11.l!OU•l-<1 P•ol""I Clllldron'• llo•clt11 111 LO\ An~I~. F•lrview Stal~ Ho:,cilal, 1'Mll Hllrbor Blvd.. Co•t• Mt ... 7.lll IC lg P.m. Fie~. M•••m Ca•. ,,,;oc,•t• ~re•~'""' c+ r .,yll>ll. l•l••<>rrt•• s ... ~ (DI ...... •I Fu111no11, •n<I Kl llfl •"" Ruot~ McN••l. !r(1u<..,t·Periormot"·· P•" ol o U( EA· ttn,•on ""'" "" """"""'·'"" -llloc>. ll•own, ""°' Vollow. WhlJr In T•lt •net ~-" 111 F;..., A•h, 1 IO 10 P 1n FH l ~.50. 11! llr•ln Jl t llol!Y, D• ll•rlla<"t I &·o··~ ••l•orOI PM••n•<OIO!I•••· UCI, ln0 d\;01 al <•P•rW.,0..1•1 ""Ytlll\09y, ve"''"' •amlnl•hUlM Ho""U•I P••• (I • UC E~lcnuon $0cril'> 0" 'P1~6,t.t••bl~ SJ~l~I Tn•l• ll!olDOv •'lll Con1ro•." Oten,.. Colinrv Me<llul Ctn!rr •v<lllo•lum, 1g1 S Menc11••i•• •••, Or•nv•, f .)O 11 ll.JO •. m. FH M.5CI. on "Motl•"ll IM.I S<l•tlll Nt-Ol t!>e ,.;..,.1.11, l!otf•d~ •· Ff"•lt'" ~l~le w,,.n•! 11Htllorlwm. ~YI H1rDOr l lVO, 1l0to!Oam l'••U. ''l r •r e •l•l a l 1nd A11u.ot<e lnvorltrb'l!e• cl SCytnun C1lllorn•1," D• A:ob<"rl Feldmelh •Ui•lln! ••<>- let-of zocl!lvr. UCLA. ,..,., 11! I UC [~ttnsloto •~•In on "TM ,..,V••I Hi•lorY of Sov!nern C 11 I I o r n I 1 ' · Sci~nce Le<;!u•• Hill. 1,30 lo IC p.m. for S•.10. 11•rl<l•m•ro, P1rt of a l'C 'E>tt11tlon ••'•"'" (on "Arrwrl<•n e11c~. llro .. 11. Roo. Y•!low. Whl•• 111 l 1ie •nil S.1t1 ... Ill Fl .. An•. , lo ,. pm. FH ~..$0. .. P•Vd!tdehc HNllMI i<'I l't>t P••u~l•11 Ju,,.11!.~ O<. Mtrlol>O 0..bkl~. '"~'•"' pr ol••~Or. anlhroook>111. Ctlll<>rnlt Slit• CollPO• •I FYll••l<>n. ,..,1 ol • UC E•t•n1IO'I 1orlr1 "" "lht W••I <>I M1nklnO " 101 Phv1k tl Scle11co" I !O 1t p.rri. Fee ts. Cent.,. 1ullil11<lum, 101 S M1n,no11~r •ve., Ora~P. 9·)11 !O II )fl 1 "' ~~~ •• "fn1 SVpr"''" (ou•l end IN C11me P1ot11tm." MldW1•I Wl!d, 1u l1tanl ··~ l•n11<. law. ~l•nl<>rll tmoYt,.llV. P1r l ot • UC E•tf"1llln •erl•• tn ~Ill! 811! er 1tluh11." JO.I Pl\y11c11 Sct1nc:t1, 1 •o 10 11.m. F .. l<l.lO. Cololo•n•o.'' Dr f'hohp " Muni, G•t"< ,,.. """'*'''U• cl R11oU•o 3anl• AM llotanoc Gar11rn 1r.d """'l•O• fml'rllV>. Cl1•emanl G••llul!ft ~fl\olll Pafl Ot • uc f •tMtM>n '"'''a~ ~r11e Nitv•~I Hi'l"'' er !>ou!~c•n C1lllorn(• ·· S<.l!"f""• LtU~<• Hall. I JO II> l& "m. Fe< -....~~ Wodnr•ll•Y· Oct. ,,_ w,tndr•W~I , lnol!fcronct . . U"""Ol;'t•..,..n'" "Aborl9ln1I 111\!0ry •n~ Lll• 01 Sou ll'"'" (•ll!1>•·n1n.'' Or Cl•ment W f.l••un•n, Pfol•"O' o! ~n1nro1><1l11<'1. l.JC\11. Porl cl 1 UC E•t.n,lon ·~•·•< "" "lll• Nl!u••I Hi>tor• l'lf ~!""" (Alllorn•~-" ~C<•nc• t•"Y't Hill. I .JO lo 10 p,rn. Ftt S•.50. WH11••••Y. 0 <1. 11-"VlllAon• ~no Vo1talhY-Mr11 Ag•1n>1 I~ S,•1em " Dr llOIH"n J. S•ollrt, P•ol•»or Ol "''chi1lrY. UCLA. Folm olluMtll•"" "l"" 1h.rd '"'" Pen of • VC iz~l•<1>lon """~' "" '"Her""'· Vlll•i"'' "!l!Mr Ond A11•t"y •• IOI !l/.o\owocll Sc •n<••· I to !O.lO o.m. f tt s~ so . Pr•-1>1•,.,ic lo!...,j1m o• In• 6en;. 5•~n• ol Ja<ddn."' Dt Dwe1n• L M~r· •Y. •r.•<•d•te pro!euor, anrr,,01111\oo•. f'•n"'ll• Co.ut (Oll•Oe P~•t M ~ UC E•trntllln 1erie• on ··r"' w • ., of '" 1n• 1t'l<l " lQ• Ph.,,1cal Scl•nc•~. I •o II ,. "'· Fee Sl. ··p•fil1 Cultu•e ot "•"'"'• •nll II• U;• 11! Gol" In IU!u~t." H•l•o G~•trlon, •rc.h..,lollh !. Pet1 ol a UC E~len;,.,., >"•fl on "Yn• Vl•v• a• Mon~.nll " !QI Pnv1lc•I !tclent~>. I le 10 p.m. F-tt I\. "Crimin•! D"" "'"'-"'"'·" D< l1•rt>e•1 Mcttol" Pro•,.."'lr er i.w ••;d n• .. ln>CP~•. UClA p.,, n! • UC E•- ""••Cn '°''"~on "lht Bill ol P•Q"t•" IO• Phy1ical S<J•nt•5. I IO 10 •. m. fee ~.so. ""Th• Po.I-Poll E".'' Dr J•«•me l1'1mrn•r. clln•<•I p 1 o' ••,a r, P>v<.hoa!ry, UCL/>. 5<MOI al ,..elllc•nt. P•rl 111 1 UC EAlen"on l•"t> 11n ' H•e ii ff'<!nt M"'D"'' ·• !01 Pn~sittl Sc+enceo. 7·30 to !O pm F •t ... WHn1,.11, Ocl. H-"AIKlrr"lv• •nd O••lry(I,.. Bell&•lor by lfldlylO"•I• •nd S..Ci1I Sv>!•mt." Dt. Rl~arll Gtt•ll, &l•l<!atol llfOlOUOI' llf lllYC~ll!rY In •es1Mnc•. UCLA. fijin muotr•llo11, "M•nt!><Jrlan CAhdld•I• ., P•f1 111 I UC C•len"on """' on "fitrcto, Voll11n,, \r•OI~(" Ind Ap11/W " 161 flln\oOi~ll ~Cltn<P•,. !II IO;JO p.m Fet IS,J.0. -.,, Oct. 11-"5"• MYIM.• In &lvorcr end l'lrmart1•~•,"' Dr. •It~· •nller P. Runtlm1n, a lr""Ctor. Com· pren.,-,:i•• Poycllotro.,•Pv ln•l1tule, ll•v•tly Hiii• Put ot • UC E~1•nslc11 Jprlf• "" "DIVO<<'' 1...t ll•m1rrl1qe,'• 10<! Pnv1lt.i Scltncn,. 1 lo f:30 p m. FH \.I. "• Womln'• Plac,. h ·· Or, J•'Tl0$ G. M•tcn. pro!H..,I. PJIC~Cll!1l• •!)<I secicl<19•, UCI. f'Ofl Q!' UC E•l•n"on .. ,11, "" .. tne Sl Pt•t •n! Mlnot1•Y" JOt P•••lc•I Sc·~ncu. I ,o lo 10 Pm. Fat $.I. "l••<lli"'ll "•••nh In sn•c • lle~••lllr." DI. Mollv Go••ltck. '""l ol ,.uJ~onc• .. tvltel. E A t • P ! Io n • I ChH•t n'I J'°"nOlhO"• LllO """'•11$. P•rt o! 1 UC E•itl'l•lon """' on "MO"tl ltoo tn• Spttlll r1.....i• ol +ne M ...... 11. R•!ara<'tl." ral••••W ~1•11 Ho..,1!11 1ual!co-h.•·n, 7l01 H••bor lll•d, C11•ll M .. 1. l,lO lo IO p,m f r• S.4. D• J"""" a S1mn"'"' ~"<>r .:1• <'"l'(•I pt')l•"n' nl p•vd,,•t•V u.:.: .. , f'•l•n lil<"''""o", "Bl~" IJi>"' P"'! ti " tJ( fdC">'~n ~~'''' t" "l~Nc•,, \1•11<'1n,. Vl<}l•nt• ""'I Ao\Mnv " 1'7 e QIMIOl l i«rnc"'· I 10 10 )0 om Fe• S} .'.O. ·rnu .. oey, Ocl JO-'"'d"~ ~'"' 11 '"'"'""'""t'~ w~"· 1•111..-. w~m<" W~(~l A •0 tro• ~18~• !• •.'>:• Ml"'"' Co, ••~t••'" 01 ... 1~1""' '°nV("~ C•hlc•nl~ ~l•I~ COll1•0• di F~ll••llllJ. ~"" l(e.in •nd Fl ush McN• 1. 1,.our•r~ n~rtnrm•ft P1•! al 1 UC E>l~lt!;jM ''"'!<• ~" "Am•.,~•n4 B!•cl , llrcwn l?•d. Y•tlllw, 1'1~11• •n l•I• """Son.,.·, 119 f'lne Ari" I 10 11> Pm """ ,~.~O ThuflOay, O<I. U-"Or,r"I M~•!• Oc clatl'llal. Tn• Orl•nt•I Amerlc•~." M•nll•t , 0<1. ,._ .. y...,, ~•ii• 0r l.ovr.'' O•. M1ron•I! (I """""· m•r-"~llP •"'3 flmtr• UIUf!W"IO)r. P1r1 er • UC E•tt.n1ion ,.,;., on "'Di•o•(• •n<I llr"'""'"""-'' !O• Ph~1lcal Sc>tnct>. 1 to 9 30 ~.m. FH S.4, "D•mo~\T•alioft cf H • b I 11 I 1 ! Io n l•<hn•GUe>.'' Carol B1rui,., cnl•·I. ~·na~u111tic~ servk••· F•lrvlew 5ia•r ft~•Pllll, Part OI • UC E•l1n••Dtt ''""' 't~w .... 11, Ckl. U-"P1>1Y""i1n" !ht WI<!""'"" Slrt•m/• M•rl1m Cow. •~!OCJ1I~ DrOleUOf, [1>1;111111,. Ylllo.rnt1 51•1• C·oll•a• al Fullerton. •na li:.•11~ 10(1 i'!ll•iY Mt,.e/t. I 0 C I II r • r I • T-••Y· O<I. lt-"Oroastk E~· ~erlonc"" Dr. GDt®n G. GIOblli, ... j,11nl ptolel>or. POtlll•trv·hllfnMI l>el'l1•ior, UCI Coll01l~ 111 "'Nllclnt. Par! 111 • UC E•""'"'" Sf<I<• °" "Pl1asura~lo Sl•ll!"t: lllO!r 11\olDOY l "d Ccn!r11(.'' Or-.it• (ou11ty Me<l!<•I Another NEW LUCKY DISCOUNT SUPERMARKET OPENS TODAY AT 10 AM .•• 12122 MAGNOLIA BLVD. at LAUREL CANYON ... NORTH HOLLYWOOD! • • . ~-~- BLADE CUT CHUCK 39c OAST.. LB. RIB STEAK -.. -····---· .......... B9:,. RUMP ROAST --·········· .. ···· 78r, CHUCK ROAST _ ... ~.~~,i'.~--· 48i .. PORTERHOUSE._11111 :::Yto .•.• ' I l.~ ROUND STEAK ....... 101111111 ...... 88~ •. Pr<ce11 or• Oi\toun!ed f•ce p! or. fo'1r-T1od•d and Gov•1nmenl Conl'roll•d hem" l~ 1.60 .k'-·i4111111rft -·11;;.;1'.': ~~\ · y:p;c;p· .. rnrtt·.~~~!. - BABY FOOD ~~:~~~~::_~~-'-~~ ........... __ 121 BABY FOOD :~:~r~U:.1.~.~'.~'.~·-····---· 8' SWIFT BABY MEATS ,.,,u ... _.2s· FOL GERS ~~~:.'c•11 ... _JJ' FOLGERS ~~~:.'<•• ....... _ 1 •1 M.J.B. COFFEE ;::.~: ... 2°' FolGrRs IJrSlANf <DHU 1" ~ l tOl .l•• ........ _ LIPTON TEA ~·;;.•,·.~-1 1~ BORDENS KAVA.~-;:.':'~~~'.'.~~--931 ~· ..... K8t&r!--. HALLEY'S BEEF STEW -.. '"r.6t)Nt:f (:""'"'--· HUNT'S PEACHES ~1:t<•---2b' SUPREMA CHERRIES ::;; ... _.29' OASIS FIGS ~=~~·~~~... ··-·-29 ' GRAPEFRUIT ~!10~.0<~'~-~~.'.~.~-'--· 31 • V-B APPLE SAUCE ""·'"--20' PINEAPPLE M1•VlilD&Ylll.ICIO 18' J 6\, Ol. , ••.• , •. ·····-··- FRUIT COCKTAIL ~·::~~ •• ___ 75• APPLE JUICE ~~~i~~t .......... __ ,38' fr-. •.... K8t&rl--. \!;7 BETTY CROCKER I NOODLES ROMANOFF .51/2-0UNCE BQ~ PINEAPPLE JUICE ::<:Luo .......... 29' GREEN GIANT CORN ~~~~~~:'.~~ .. 23 ' PORK & BEANS ~::~_·:!~~-~~-'-~'-~~-~-.. 29 ' CHILI BEANS:::~~::~~~ ............... _.17~ GREEN BEANS :i'~::~~~i.~'~~'.~_ .. _.2S• BIT'O HONEY PEAS "'""'·····-17' POTATOES ;:':.~~~.~---··-69• TOMATOES ~:i°~.~ .. -.. 23' VfG .. ALL.:=~~~~·-··-··---·-23• Our LOW EYCr)<layPricc~ HARVEST DAY BARTLffi PEARS 29.QUNCE CAN U.S.D .A. CENTER CUT GRADE A WHOU FRESH & LEAN FRESH BODY GROUND • FRYERS •• 2 '~ BEEF •••• 4 9L~ ROUND 79c RIB STEAK • • • LB. ROAST • SAUSAGE ...... •.~.~~~~ J::~ ~~1:*:~~ ..... 33• SIRLOIN STEAK ·-······-····-····99:, !:!!o~! B§D!.~.~.~ ...... : ........ s 1 ~~ LINK SAUSAGE ... :~.~.::.;:~·-~ ... 89' STEWING BEEf ....... n••••······ 79:. LEG 0' LAMB--..... ~~:ie~· ......... 89f,. LOIN CHOPS ......... ~l't.:'t1 ..... ~J ~1~ GROUND ROUND .................... 78~,.------------------I RIB LAMB CHOPS ...... ~~C:c~· .. •1 ~.· clioss'iiili iloAsf""' 79.~. BANQUET MEAT PIES'" ......... 19' LARRY'S SANDWICH :::i'.0 .', ...... 79 • BREAD ~:1~:.".'::.~·-~-~.~~: ................. _ ....... 61 ' ROSARIT A DINNERS ",,..,. .... 44 ' l"'lll(l•IHI & (lfflll fll(ll!tllUltOM"•allOll •ll l l) FRIED HALIBUT ;~~~\~~-~-~ ...... -...... 86' FISHSTICKS ~:~~~~1··~·-~~.'.~ .................. 6S ' EGGO WAFFLES ""·'"··················44 ' ~· .... K8t&/--. HARVEST DAY TOMA TO JUICE 46.0UNCE CAN lATIR TOTS.:~~~~,: .... ,. ...... -........ ".1' BEEF STROGANOFF !~::.1:~ ..... ~ .... 69 ( BAGGED STEAKS :~~~~~1,'..~;: ......... 89 1 ORANGE JUICE !~~~~!11 ............ ___ 7{)1 OR E E llllllUll""•!ll ANG JUIC ""·"' ............. ss · BREADED SHRIMP ~:~~·::!~ ......... 1 '' S C <UTl lJUll FISH Tl KS """'· .................... 39 ' ONION RINGS U •rt flf\~ '""' ·-.............. 38' ~ ... q K;.1B•fi~--. \!;7 TOILET HIFFON TISSU CORNED BEEF \1::~~••···--······ ........ 59' SPAM :~~\~~~.'-~~ .. ,,., ....................... _,53• STAR KIST TUNA ~~~::.(01 ............. 32' FRENCH DRESSING :::'.'. .. , .......... SJ • SANDWICH SPREAD~?;:.~~ ...... 45 t LAWRY'S DRESSING !~.':~~~-~ ..... 36' TOMATO SAUCE ~::~~~~~-~ ......... -16' CHILI SAUCE ~'l~~~~~~ ..... -....... -.23' GULDENS MUSTARDooz ............ 19' ... llJlllt~;·· AURORA TISSUE :J'.l:ri .......... 26' ORCHIDS' NAPKINS;:::: ....... ss· KLEENEX FACIAL :~:;~.101 ............. 21 ' KLEENEX NAPKINS ~!~~'.:., ........... 27' KOTEX ~!~·r~::.'.~ .................................. 77' .-. LYSOL ClEANER:::: ... , ..... 37' IVORY SOAP FLAKES ,,.,,.,., ... 79' CA SCAD~ ,.. ................................ 41' ,:•.1'.tlll .• tlOltlffMl~~j . CHEER DETERGENT'"'., ............ 1" SALVO PELLETS ::~1:.~101111 ....... -........ 741 STA-PUF RINSE ~:~~~11L ................ 79• GOODWINS AMMONIA ""·"' 4S' PERSONAL IVORY !~~· Iii ........... 28' SPIC N SPAN ~~1~1:01 ......... -........... 93' DUPONT SPONGES "'"'··· ..... JS' BRILLO PADS ::~; U l •..•••.••••••••••• 4S: .• ~WEETHEART SOAP t(':":i;:'." 47; M~KAG.~D '®Pl ,:· ~ CREME COOKIES ~~·!~'.'•• ... 35 ' NABISCO COOKIES ~~:~:.",°J,~~~.:. 47' STA-CRISP CRACKERS """'· 27 ' RAISIN BREAD ~::~~~!:,'.~ .............. 33 ' BIG 11G" TOTAL ~',·~~llOI ........... _ ... 53' FROSTED CHEX i~111.11°o~~~-~~~~ .... -... -35~ M.J.B. RICE MIX '"·'"·····"··-··· ... 3S ' ,1111.(111(-llf11\lO.lllW OI U Alf\1 ELBOW MACARONI ~~~~'.::~~~~---43' Our LOW El<l)<lay Price! HAMBURGER OR HOT DOG BUNS HARVEST OA'f 8 CT. PKG. C & H SUGAR ~~~·:.::~~~········~·,.M-· SS• OLIVE OIL i:::.1:!: .................. M .. -83• GOLD MEDAL FLOUR"'·"'··-58' PIZZA MIX~:!:~,~~.~.~~.-~ 68' GARLIC SALT!~~--.-·-·····" 39' LUCKY SLICID BACON 1-ll. PIG. ••• 1h• lew ittml li1ted 0111hi1 pc;llil'l'-O"llitut• ''"'., unoll •omp1ing ol !hi" thouK>nds of low, d1uollnl P'ic•t i n tlo•• for yoll ol l lltl.y. SPARKLING FRESH PRODUCE AT lOW DISCOUNT PRICES! CHIQUITA BRAND FINEST QUALITY Bananas fl~~ GOl Dti-1 ~IPt l \J f"JCH IS 12~. Compore ih1 q11ali1y, compore 1h1 prite of lfle1e cflo ice seletl 11zt1 of U.S. No. l Rllsset .•• POTATO"i5 '' I 0 ',lr~0 39c U.S.D.A •. FOOD STAMP ·coUPONS GLADLY EXCEPTED 0oo1 PUDDINGS ~ro'i.~.~~ ........ ..29' JELLO ::::'~:!.~~-~~~.~~ ..... -................. -.. 20 c ALPO BEEF CHUNKS :'!'.'.~~1.. •...... 29' RATH BLACKHAWK BACON 79< llKIO J.90llllO rl5 .................................... . OSCAR MA YER BACON 85 < .. "IUI SlKU l ·ll. ••G ........................ , ..... . !tt!~.~·112S,_9.,~.~-~-~·~···-··· .. ····~···· 79c Ou r LOW E><:ryday Price! LUCKY 5LICED LUNCH MEATS BOLOGNA. PICKlE & PIMENTO, OLIVE, MACARONI & CHEESE 6-0Z. PKG. ~ c AMERICAN CHEESE ~::.:!u 67c lll~YlllllAUY Wll'rt0 SUC.U ..... 1 J-01. ,.,. I l9.~i9!!2~~rS.~'~,~~lDOll ~:·:.~ 68' OSCAR MAYER WIENERS 69c Ill Ml&T ............. ·~·" ••••..• I ll. r lG. OSCAR MAYER FRANKS 79c ~·s~~ii' MAvEii.iiot'ii~;~ c 1 IUCID •ll /ll.IAT 01 All llU .. ,., .. !1.01. r•G. OSCAR MAYER SALAMI 8 7 c ! <DIJO VAlll ll ......................... ll·Ol. Pl~. SHRIMP COCKTAIL 35c ' UA 511DIJl ,., ... , ••••..•..•••••• •·DZ.l lltS BUDDIG'S MEATS :!~::~·'" 36c lflJI'<, <•1<1111. ,llll t.111,1 01 tUl•IT,1UCIO .••• BUDDIG 'S SMOKED BEEF 63c 'Allll\1 ''Cl •••••• , ••• ,'·• •. , •.•. i '> Ol . ,10. Our LOW [vcr)dayPricc'. LIBBY'S SOCKEYE .RED SALMON 16-0UNCE CAN ;;, ., '''· lDW DISCOUNT PRICES ON HOUSEWARES e BEAUTY AIDS MINNIN LIME ~ SOF' STROKE -:::r A iMvi'l tr .. tltlt tth • Jtll ....,. cltSI '''" ""' li•r. C .... lltfi ftf I s .. t~, 88 : 11·tllCI ti•. - COFFEE MUGS l~t•I l1r 11111•. 11ic1ic 11 kitc~11. W~ilt 111u. Erc1llt1t 13' l•r eel• 1r Ht •n•r· •t•S. LISTERINE • ORAL ANTISEPTIC Fr15~1Rs JDvr breath as it •ills rtrms 01 cowtatt. Dailf 1ar- 1Hac: ~tips t1 ,rt•t•t 111 anll Cllis. 3'l-OUNCl 1onL£ ""' INUUOU $) 5 3 20c Off LA Ill ALICA SELTZER Elfm•ttlt nal1aic alllallzlq ta•l1t ltrrtflll I 11 HaUck, "511 sl•••c•. httlt 11 Jl ta•lets. )85c RIGHT GUARD ANTl-PERSPIRANT JIOI llHMllll lt1• S!lllUI n 11 II! u l, 1t•Jt1 .... Merl. Ht •I· 79 -L J.-t ... ,.. •If· ( Prlt• 111ldfl lk llH .... ~ STO!tE HOURS . ....... , ... , ..... ,.,. Ill .... JlllL It .. It I "' ' 111 .. lllllllllllllllllllllllllll!ll!llll!lllll!l!lllllllllllllllllllll!! ................ !!~!!"!!!'!~~ ............ ~l!!'!!~~~~~~:""!~!!I!!!!!'·~~-~:-~'::::::'::-~~~~~~~~--------. - Fountain Valley EDITION Today's Final N.Y. Stocks VOL. 62, NO. 236, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1969 TEN CENTS Smog Officer Backs Off on Edison Deal Rap Ry T0'.\1 BARJ.EY 01 1~• 01111 PHat ~lltt Orange County's Air Polllition Control officer steppl."<i from a highly charged county government atn1os phere \Ved. nc.sday to admit that he made "possibly a bad choice of v.•ords" \\'hel"I he accused rounty supen;isors of hacking Edison Con1pany expansion plans at a private meeting. Fresh from a recent confronlatiQn \\•ith Counly Adrninistrative Officer Robert E. Thomas, smog chlef William Fitchen also assured newsmen thal the phrase "voiced approval of the proposed expansion'' - the words he used in a confidential report last Sept. l -did not really mean that. Fitehen ~ates today that county supervi911rs and Edison officials "were talking economic:! •. ,dollars and cents'' when that approval was reached behind closed doors at a Sant.a Ana inn -"if in- deed we could really call it approval," Fitchen quickly qualified. He also explained that County Counsel Adrian Kuyper was not pre-sent at. the luncheon meeting as stated in the "not for release" report. And he revealed for the first time the presence of anotht:.r person around whom the present con- troversy revolves -Fitchen himself. The DAILY PILOT learned before Filchen called the press conference that the air pollution eontrol offict:r was "carpeted" by CAO Thomas at an angry meeting and ordered to withdraw many of the inferences and allegations con· tained ill his hard hitting statement. Filchen made every effort to comply at the hastily summooed press conference "·ith repeated assurances th<it he v.·{)uld "ue\'er do anything to upset my board'' and the comment: "I sincerely and deep- ly regret that I have un\~littingly been the cause of their embarrassment." The apparently unhappy F i l ch e n !>ecame the center this week of a con- troversy that erupted .,.,·hen supervisor Robert Battin called the attention of the county board to the fact that the Con· lldentlal Flkhen report was not quite so confidential any more. Obviously di sc o m f i t e d counly supervisors hurriedly denied one by one that they had leaked lhe report to the press or public. And it is known that CAO Titomas was immediately charged with the task of "interviewing" Fitchen on the circwnslances surrounding the release of the document and many of the statements it contained. Fitchen noted Wednesday that public opinion is "rapidly mounting against the Edison company's plans to triple ~ capacity of its Hunt ington Beaclt plant. And he confinTil'd !hat the $179 million f'Sl'ala!ion of thl' po\ver plant would " senii county air pollutlon statistics soaring over the top of state imposed levels." The Edison plans will be debated Oct. 16 in the Huntington Beach City Council cha1!1bers al a hear~· calle<l hy the state Environmental Qua y I.Udy Council. County supervisors ave also set 1 public hearing on th e Edison proposal for Oct. 22 in the super\'isors' hearing room. ual{e Rocl{s Santa Rosa ' ) . 24 lnjured; Damage in · Hundreds of Tliousands POLICE PATROL SANTA ROSA OUAKE AREA Sectio n of Well Coll•p1e1 After Series of Tremors , .Top of P~~' R~-~J!.u.t .. ,,: . ~ To Doivntown Merchants lh1 nl1natnn Rr>:irl1'-. Tlip nf the f'irr p 11n eel< 11< l~)Ugh!t>!'-1 lf'S1 tooigbt. \\hen 1'1,. !lo'.\nln11n rrdrvt>lopmenl project is 011l l1ncd lri htt,inrs~rnrn ;ind properly 011 ""rs 111 !lie ;ifftrtrd nrca. ThC' open for11n1 rnerting, sponsorrd by !he ('ban1ber nf Commrrcc, gets undrr 1111\' at 7;:10 pm. in tht> Edison Company ;1uditorium. $.18 :\fain SI. Rrnrl'sPntativr~ of !hr l·rban Land l'l~l1!u l ~ Steering Cnmmll1ce (CSC) v.ill pre~cnt !he proposal which calls for ac- fllllsifinn hy the city nf all dov.·ntov.11 pro- pcrlv betv.·een 6lh an_d Lake Slrttls, one b!rick inl:ind to \Yaffiut Avenue, plus five 11cres of Huntington Beach Company pro- pr rly e11st ot Lake extending inland to Altarita 1\vcnue. Th,. si!e \l.'nuld be converted to an 1,800- Jpace parking area. A lively J:ive -and-take session is an- 111.Jpaled. fo.1any of the downtown property ov.1ners ha\'f'. openly expressed their op· position to the project. Bob Terry, owner of Terry's Buick at fi!h ;,nd Walnut, '!4'hose properly and business would be wiped out by the pro- por.11. will act as chairman of the nieeting, The n1eeting was arranged by Paul Frizzell, chairman of the Business and Commercial committee of the Chamber. Thr Top of the Pier Plan goes before tt>e City Council on Oct. 28, according lo current plans. Councilmen v.ill decide on the date .at Monday'& regular counc;I meeting. Berkeley Integration BERKELEY (UPI) -Berkeley ·will celebrate 11.s &econd year of public school integration Oct. I& with a jau fe stival featuring Duke Ellington. From Wire Strvlcts SANT A ROSA -The most powerful earthquakes in eight years rumbled e\ong northern California's famous San Andreas fa ult Wednesday night, injuring 24 per~ons and causing hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage. No fatalities were reported. Santa Rosa, a city of 50,000 about 70 miles north of San Francisco, was the hardest hit community, but the quakes, which started at 9:56 p.m. shook San Beach Drives For Complete Billboard Ban Jlunlington Be.ach ls taking first 51.eps toward enforcement of an ll 11 ·en· com passing sign ordinance "·hich will eventua!ly rid the community of billboards. The ne.w Jaw: became effective in A11gust but Building Di rector 0 . C. "Jack'' Cleveh1nd has adopted a "progress~·ve nforcement plan" which ~·111 ~ive bu · essmen an opportunity to rorrcct \1 ations over varying periods of time. A schedule of abatement for non.con- forming signs iocludes : .. --Signs, sign structures and advertistng devices for \\'hich a pennjt has not been 'fsrucd-mtt!f ~·T~·rihiw J& da)ll of r~eipt of notiCes mailed out this week . -Temporary signs (banners, J>Cfl-!1ants, ~!ri ngers, propellors, bal!~s and s1m1\ar devices) and temporary sign struclures must be removed wilhin 60 days. -Arrows. bullseyes, spot I i g h I s , ~otating beacons and similar novelty signs painted on buildings, benches or structures other than sign st.ructurt~, search lights, advertising with a public add ress system. animals or human beings must conform to the law wilhin 90 days. Cleveland cautions lhat this does not mean that a businessman is forever pro- hibited from using a loudspeaker, searchlight or similar device. A permit can be granted for special occasions for a limi ted period, he explatned. But the all-encompassing law is de~gn· ed "to clean up sign clutter that has ac- cumulated over the years and prohibit it in the fu ture." The sign ordinance was adopted after many months of coordination with the Chamber Of C01nmerce, So uth e rn California Electric Sign Association, California Roadside Council and other business and civic organlt.atkm. (See Bll.LBOARDS, Pap I ) County Firm • Ill Club Flap Sergeant Ma.jor Principal in Fullerton Company From \\'ire ~er\•lcf'' The ~ergeant major of the LI.~. Army -now in\'Oh'ed in a probe of mulUmillion dollar service club graft -Is a .principal in an Orange County firm supplying clubs in Vietnam. Ntt one "-as ova ilahlc for comment at r-.1are<lr1TI Lld., 430 1 W. Co mmonwealth t\\C., Fullcrl f!n, ho\vrver. when the com· p<1n} \\':IS conlacte<l today. Sgt f\.1aJ. \Villiam 0 . \\'oohiridge and f{,u r olhcr Army ~crgeanls currently being in1·c~tii;:atcd by a Senate sul>- commilll'l' in \\'ashington are lilt! com· p11 ny·.~ Q1rrt·tor~- The 1n\est1ga!1ng bQdy headed by Sen. Abrahiirn Ribic<1fl !od;iy heard tesUmony t h~I the Arm}'s prnvos~ marshal general hin1!'ell nnce in1ervened to slop an earlier probe of !'igt. ~1aj. \Voolrlridge. Lt. Col. Jack Prue tt. a milit ary in- l'r~llg;itnr. 5;i1d r-.1aj. C.l'n. Carl C. Tumer 1gnorr;d rcp<'atcd n.'q11csts for Wooldridge to either be Investigated or asked to resign. Pruett te!ltUled that thf'. provost marshal general had seen copies of criminal records indicating t h 1 t Wooklridge had once been convicted of larceny and gone AWOL tw ice. Beside! Sgt. Maj. Wooldridge, whose career ha~ been checkered to say the least. ba~d on Washingtnn testimony to- day. three other Orange county men an directors in the local firm. None of them could be reached for comment on the scandal probe today, but one was quoted ln<llre:ctl y as denying any wrongdoing on the part of the firm. The Anny·s former provost marshal was specificall y accused of ordering evidence squelched against ~gt . f\1aj. Wooldridge-. on ground.~ he was "just a good 'ole country boy." Colonel Pruett told the Senale s.ul>- committee-that General Turner, now retired, ordered him to stop an in-- vtsUgation of Wooldridge and to have Wooldridge's name "sanitized" from all reports The reports concerned alleged gambl· ir.g ·•skims," kickbackll. liquor thefts and other larceny from some ~rvicemen 's scrvi~ clubs on U.S. Army bases. "You should have tcld the general I.hat Je~e James was just ll good ole' country boy.'' St'n. Karl E. Mundt (R-S.D.), • men1ber of the permanent lnvestigaLhms !iubcommittee tokt Pruett after he testified about Turner's alle~ed action. Pruett sald he worked directly under Turner at the Pentagon llfhtn the latter was the Army's top policemlln. Testimony by Pruett and Warrant Of- ricl'r Rex ~1. •larding Included hazy rl'fe rences lo a iecrel convention of 1crvice club sergeanl.o; from throughO\Jt (Stt CLlras, Page 2:1 J ~ Francisco and l"Xlended 50 miles south to San Jose. Shattered glass covered the streets of Santa Rosa. Police roped off a 2Q.block downtow11 secUon for hours to prevent looting. The wall of a saloon collapsed on an unoccupied parked car. Bariks of flourescent lights crashed on the floor of the post off ice. A house w a.~ moved a loot from its foundations and an overpass sank six inches over U.S. IOI , the main north-south highway. In San Francisco, Dorothy Kirsten and Luciano Pavarolti stopped singing in the middle of "La Boheme" v.·hile the opera house shook. Af!er about 20 seconds, while the audience applauded, they started again. f\los• of the injured in Santa Rosa v.·ere treated and released at hospitals for rr.i nor cu !s and shock. Several fainted \\·hen lhe quakes hit. But one man was badly hurt and another had a hroken leg. AH power and communications were cut off in Santa Rosa for eight minutes .. •. -... ·-·. . . .. ... . CAL I FORNI A .· ... N ::.::. · ·" EV . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . :9 Reno • -. ; • : .. -. . . ..... . . . . . -. - :O~ARSON •• -.'.CITY .. -. . . . .. . .... : ... ... . . e FRESNO . . . ---. . :.:·.~:·-:;_: .... ·::... . . ... . -· .. . . :.-· ... . .. -.. . '.--.. -.· ... .. SERIES OF QUAKES CENTERED NEAR SANTA ROSA ....... , -;-._ .. , .. .,, Test Still On Solon Urges Ha.lt After Qua.kes From Wlre Sen •lce1 ANCHORAGE. Alaska -Otspile a chonis <1f protest the countdown con· tinued for lhe U.S nuclear test today in the remote Aleutians. In Washington this morning, Rep. Jerome R. \Valdie (D-Calif.), said earth· quakes in California Wednesday night should cause President Nixon to postpone the explosion . Waldie. told the House the quakes north of Sen Francisco manifested "serious in-- stability" that might be triggered into further act ivity by the underground bl ast on Amchitka . ""'c believe our area should not be subjecled to risks that so far are not fu lly unr1er stood," Waldie said. The test will be made on windsw.:!pt Amchitka Island, 1,400 miles southwest of Anchorage, Scientists and technicians readied monitoring devices a nd television cameras to record the one-megaton blast. equal to the detonation ol one million tons of TNT, scheduled for 3 p.m. PDT. Triangle Lover Wounded; Suspect Attempts S~icide A ~eteran airliM pilot and the man he. found in 'his estranged wife's bed are both listen in critical condition today in Oranse County Medical Center. Rushed to the hospital early this morn- ing with buJ!et wounds ln the head was Mario Gllck, 49, of Santa Ana, said by police to be the victim of pilot Matthew K. Mi.ikln. Offk.-ers said Glick was shot several times with a .32-caliber revolver as he lay r.1.1de on the bed in the Fairview Avenue apartment or Mrs. Terri Malkin, 4$. Offlctrs said Malkin, ll pilot with Capitol Airlines of ~)aware, entered his wlfe't ttpartment in the apparent kncwledge that Glick was there. Mrs. Malkin &aid she was Lakin& ll shower -whtn she heard gunshots from the bedl'Tl()l'n Jlnd found the. badly wounded G'ick slumped on the bedroom noor. Officers said Malkin, who now makes his home In Delaware-, was later found on the noor of a nearby coin wash which he ownJll. Thi!: pilot had tied 11 plastic laundry bag around his head, stuffed Its base with towtls 11nd w11s blue In the face and un- f'On5Clo113, police 11ald. · Investigators today said Malkin main· !<lined a friendly relationship with hill wife and the couple and th eir three daughter.~ had frequent famil}' reunions. Those reunions had recently been mar· red by Mrs. Malk.in's relationship with Glick. investigators said, and Mrs. Malkin hlld been warned by the pilot on several occasions to end the relationship. Malkin's recovery -and he was reported by hospital officials late this mon1ing tc be ··rapidly Improving" - will automatically mean that he i!'dlarg- ed with 11"8ull with Intent to commit. murder, officers said. OOPS; SKI FA.IR SA.LUTED TODA.¥ Oo~, we goofed. The DAtLY PILOT's special 6Cction saluUng Ski Folr al fashion Island appears Inside today, not yesterday as announced In Wednesday's nt>wspaper Didn't your skls ever ~tnrt 5lldlng down the hlll before you were re2lly ready to go? ·' -· after the most pow erful shock at 9:56 p.m., "''hich registered 5.6 on the Richter scale. Residents ran aimlessly about the dart streets in their nightclothes. The only light !o be seen blinked from a sheriff's hthcop\rr hovering above. A n11n or a[tershock wa:o; felt et JO·IJ- p.m.. before another major temblor, rcgistE>ring 5.5 on the Richter scale, hit lit 1 ! :20 p.m. Another less severe aftershock 1o1·a.s. recorded at 5:27 a .m . loday. Plane Crashes 111 Tonl{in Gulf~ ' 26-Al1oard Die ATSUG T, Japan IUPI) -A U.S. Na"y supply pl;i ne crashed toda}' in the Tonkin Gulf off Yirtna1n, killing all 26 persons a board , a Navy spokesman said . The Navy spokesman said th!!: C2A Greyhound supply plane crashed intc the :-;ea on a fl lghL from Cuhi Point in thr: Philippines to an aircraft carrier on sta- tion in the Tonkin Gulf. Radiomen on the carrier, which was not identified, rl'por1ed they lost contac! wi!h the Greyhound this morning. Search planes from the carrier soon found lhe Yi're<'kage, the Navy said. The Navy said all 26 persons aboard the supply_ Raft , w .. r,• .~~icans. J dmo titles were wtthhC'!d pending notification. of riext of kin. The Navy declined to say "'hl'lhPr any Qf the victims were c:i\·iJ1ans. Cotmtian Reveals Death in North A \Vestm inster man became the ln- forn1ant Werlnesday n1orning that led tQ the a rrcsL of bis mother in the! fatal shooting of his stepfather in the San frtlncisco hay orea. According lo police. Larry L. Alves, 14191 Riverton Ci rcle, Westminster, phon· M Alameda city police at-12 :52 a .m .• to tell them that his mother, r-.1rs. Eldeen Gloria Soares,~. had just ca1led and told him that she hal1 killed her husband, Ernest Louie Soares. Alameda police followed Alves' phone call with the arrest of Mrs. Soares on 1nurder charges. She \\"as arraigned \Ved· nesday and IS currently in custody of the Alameda Cou nty Sheriff's Depart.ment. .Alameda police !'aid they found Soares on the floor of hi s living room, shot in the. l~ft ~ide with a . 410 shotgun. Police quoted !\frs. Soares as sayiog they had just had a quarrel. Orange Coast Weather Thal old nor1h v.·ind will cool off the Orange Con~t Friday, while clearing skies prevail with a mer· cury reading of 72. L~S.IDE TODAY _ Eleutl' of the 13 men left from a iv orlcl \Var I ou,fit gatl~· er with a. bottle of cognae the main attrnc!ion: i!'IL go to the survhJo r of the growp. Pa ge JO. C1llfo..,,.• Clu.1,ll•f Com1n Cronworf ~·~ Noll<•• E•llorl•I P't•• t:ntttlll"m'"' "~~•<• Morooc~•• Aft~ LM!ltf't MIJlbllJ Met llftt1 I Mtwl.. , ,._,, ft )J Mu!Ytl I'-ll U N•tttMI Mewt .. I 11 .Cr1~" C-fT f ' s,1~!1 ,.,,,_. II • .,..,.. ll·lJ 11-71 Sit<\ Mll'llltt 1•1t 1 .. lt Ttll"lill~ 11 'II Tl'll!trt U-lf U Wn t!Mt" I I Wtrld 101twt W ' w-·· ..... , .. ,, ... ,...., ...... -~.,,. --·---~~~----·---------- ------. --~ -- -~-------~---.--- ,! f DAILY PILOT H Drug Law to Change? Treat Users Medically, Not as Criminals WASRINGTON fU Pl)-The Nb.on ad· ministration is preparing more nrxible lav;5 dealing with marijuana users - perhaps aimed al trc>aling tl1em as n1ore a medical than criminal problem. "We \1·ant lo provide penalties for mJ.rijuana use and possession more in lune wit.h the dangers of the drug," said 2n aide in the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (•IEW). · He re\'ea\ed Dr. Roger 0 . Egeberg .. the gc:.vemment's top heal th officer and an advocate of Jess stringent marijuana lawl'i, has been meellng with Justice Department officials, tncluding Atty. Gen. John N. fllitchell to hammer out a new approach. The Justice Department declined com- ment. Asked if a new position on mari· Juana laws y,•as expected soon, a depart- ~ent spokesman said he could not replJ. Mitchell has testified before Congress ht: believes "in senten~s which ••. will give judge~ sufficient flexibility to tailor the 'entences to the requiremeots of the dru& ''iolator or the narcotics addieL" Egebttg said recen!ly, "What T feel is- thal the penalties for the use Qr the sale of marijuana are out of proportio n to the i?nportancc of marijuana;" The federal llnv for possession or n1ari- juana provides frir 2 to HI )·ears itn- prisonment for a first offense, 5 to 20 yea rs for a second offense, and 10 to 40 years for further offenses, as well as Iin<'.s of up to $20,000. Stale laws fol!O\V !he. same tough p<it· tern. Because. of 1he innexibility of lhe pen<1Jt ie~. ~ome young pMple are denied medical treatment and are instead trea~d as hard narcotics users and put behind. bars. said the HEW health aide, who asked not to be identified. One possibility being discussed by !he two government agencies is lesser penalties as v.·ell as rehabilitation and treatment for some offenders, he ~.a"ld. This might \1•e\l include providing misde- meanor elements in the law. "Dr. Ege.berg is not aboul tG back off from the position that the present laws are unrealistic and unreasonable," he sald. Among high school and college youth, \\IJO know rnarijuana as "pot". "grass", •·weed"', and other names, use. of the drug is increasing, e.xpcrls say, llow mu ch is not known. But Dr. Stanley F. Yolll':S, director of Hie Nu1ional Insti tute of illenlal Health, n1:idc these observafjons recently for a ~cnate juvenile de I i n q u ency sub- Ct,!nn1it1 ee: -A recent survey of some 16 schools ~11 J.tries!s that as many as ~ percent o[ 1\1.JdenLs in certain city and suburban ar('as l1a1·e had some experience \l·lth marijuana. -An estimated 3 to 12 million persons in the United States ha \'C used n1arijuana at lea~\ once. -\V orld wide. marijuana is an in- toxican t second only to alcohol in popularity and is used by some 200 million to 250 million people. Countinn Gets 5'to Life . Bea:cl1 Man Fined In Drug ln1port 111 Suffocatio1i of Girl Cll.i rles N. Chiodo, 23, of 409 CalilorrUa. SL. l lw1 li ngton Beach, has been fined ~JOO on charges of conspiring to s1nuggle 20,000 a1npheL.amlne pn1~ across the border at San Diego last February. A Superior Court Judge \Vednesday al- lowed George Arnold Vick to plead guilty to second degree murder in the slay ing of 11 forme r Orange CoasL College coed and sentenced the · Tust.in man to five years to life in state prison. Judge Robert Gardner handed that jail term to Vick, 29, after labeling him as "bordering on the realm of fanlasy," an argument in "9.'hich Vick'.s defense at· tomey claimed that his client was denied ~·hat might have been his principal means of defense when the body of Susan Adams was cremated. Vick admitte.d to Judge Gardner that he killed the girl last June 25 in Whal the 1udge described as an "einotional out- burst." Evidence indica~ that Vick ~uffocated !he girl by holding a plastic laundry ba,; over her ht'ad . Vick's lav.'Yer today argued U1at furthtr examination of the body nlighl have enabled the defense to prove that Vick ~·as not actually responsible for the 20- )'ear-old girl's death. He told Judge Gardner that her death From Page 1 CLUBS •.. the ~·or!d. This l\'as about three years ego. Prueu and Harding said lhey \\"er e. ti;ild I.hat \\'ooldridge -then the Army '!'i No-J ranked t'n listed man -attended lhc meeting at Fl. Benning, Ga. r..Iaj_ Gen . Vi'illiam A. Cunningham 111 also wa!i reported to have betn on hand, Pruett i;a id. A 5Ubcommitlee :source ~aid th~ pt.1IJW:)le.of the meeting '«8!. to draw up a plan to div ide huge profi1s from :sophisticated thefts from service c\1Jbs al Army posts throughout the v.·orld. Htmtington Y Offering Dance The Huntington Beach ThfCA will offer mridf"rn dance a11 d ballet lesson::. fo r ,c irls age &-12 beginning Ocl 4. A sl imnastj('s program for women y,·ill also starl the 63me date. Classes will be held at ~lercu.ry Saving' and l./lan , i8l2 Edinger A\"e., from 10 a.m. to 10.~ a.m. each Saturday morn - ing. For furthPr information phone Richard Collato, .Huntington Beach e.xecut1 re direct.or, al 894-4:>48. • DAILY PILOT llob••I II, w •• J 1'rul~1 ~t RnO Pv~UIMlf J•clc It. Cv•!•v Viet l'tPiOtn! •"d C.e"'r•I Ml"'"-' Thom 11 Kt•~il l:.al!or Tho,..•• A. Mu·~~:n1 N l nJUJr9 l O•IO• ,,.,1-,e•t W. !,i., ,i.\j.(1(1111 (d•IO• H1111I .... • lto~h Oltlt• 109 Ith Stoe1t M1ifi11t Md1•n1 P.O. l ot 110, t1641 IM•w-1 •••th• '1" Wul l!•IM• l!oul-r4 c..-11 Muoi: llO Wttl 15.., .s11rr1 l-na k.UO: W F...-..1 llvtmlt ~· rlAlt'I' PllOI, wllll '""1<11 II um~I...., !"9 '""" ProM. 111 -11.,,f lll 111111,, un•o>! i vn-111~• I" -••t9 IMll!ioM lw li\O"ltlr-."" k~, F&1mr1lfl V1tley. C~ll M..,_., N•- Ff l!ff<ll .... Lii-tlM<"• 11°"" will! ,.,. ,.,._1 ..,11;o.,1. O•-'"''' Pobl""" ~"II c.e ...... nr prl!\llf\O Pll"lt 11• I f 1)11 Wf\I 1!1lt01 &I"". Ht*""" 1!•1111, .,._ J)f Y/Ul ,. •• .ShHI, co111 M•u . r,1.,,.. ... c714 J 44J.c111 fT0111 W•1t111I'"''' C1ll 640-1111 Clcn.Nflor4 A4•ertl1i119 441·1471 ,.,.....,1.~1. "•'· O·•~v• Coa1t ru11•""~ ,,,,.. ... ,,, ""' _, JIG t i i,_ M""•1'1t""'J• .,, ... ,,.1 "'"""f ,, '""''""' .... "'" ..... ., .. <'N• f>o tf .. od~!·~ Wlll'ICl~I U .. (1.1111"'1l"llol'(WI <' u:;,....p 9M c••ll i.-ct"' rt1~i ·~•'•"° ~1•\f •I Nt--' .. .._ .. .,.., t(•'• M<••• C •hl~'r l • ~cf,l(•••llc.~ L• , ... ,i,,. 1~00 -~'"'Y• """'""ti JO -"''~J ,..,1n1rr lllUllMtlOM. 11 flCI "'6~·"'~· • co1Jld ha;e sten1med fr<Jm nat1iral cauSt'S and ?Oif'!tW out. that his cUent was not ar- raigned on mui-der chatSCs wilhin ttle 48 hours specified by la w. Judge Gardner quickly threw out both arguments. l!e agreed '"ith 1he prosecution that preservation of tissu es from the bOOy and pa!hologic;il !('Si s c.1rr ied out prior to crematiQn y,•err. suffirient evidence that everything ]Xlssib!e had been done. to pro- tect Vic k's rights. Judge Ga rdner further noted that \'ick had made several confessions lo police and Investigators ~incc his arresl at the apartment huilOing. "I an1 satisfied that tllr . Vick's rights were nerer preJUdJced at any time,., he said. From Page 1 BILLBOARDS • • Several .Public hearings were held hy lhc Planning Commi ssion ::ind 11\e C1 1y Coun ci l, anr1 a cOOe gener ally ;irerptahlC tn all parties \1•as enacted, Cle\eland c:tplalns . As !() billboards. the b11ilding director ~ys they are not allo11cd ln tJ1e n('w law. But a pr ogressive enforcement polir_v wi ll be cidopted allo~-lng-fnr leases on Ilic road side sign.~ now 111 rff Pt l , '"\Ve are i;oing to r nfi>rrc !IH· l,111 .'' !-;11d Cl1>1·rland '"If \\r can get conpc r.11io11 11P 1~·1JI be as pJiahle as possible bul, the erentual rr~ult mu~t he com pli~nce." Chiodo, arrested last tl-iarch in his borne, v.·as also placed on probation for tliree years by U.S. District Judge Edward Schwartz In San Diego. lie had pleaded guilty to a one-count indictment returned by a federal grand jury in San Diego last March 19. According to lhe charge, Chiodo, hi~ 11-ife, Ber1.l1a. ancl t\.\'O others, planned to import the. tablets at the Tijuana.San Ysidro border cross ing bet\.\·ecn Feb. \J and 2.l The pills v.101ild J1a\'e been 1rorth about ~2.000 on the illicit market, according to U.S. Custom agents. On motion of !he U.S. attorncv's officP. charges against i\lrs. Chiodo a1id anotl1rr defendan t \l'<'re <li~misscd. The fourt h rnan. na1·id Richardson Jr., v.·;is also fin· ed $300 and placed on probation. Dis1ui ssal Fro1u Baud o,·er 'Dixie' Appca.lecl NASH\'ILLE, Tenn. (UPI\ -The rh~rni~sal from the. Lcban Qn High School band of a Negro youth v.•ho ref1Jsed to play '"Dixie'' has bttn•·appealf{J to the Sixth U.s·. Circuit Court of Appeals. 111:'.' American Ci vil Libert ies Un ion ( . .\CLL'\ took the aclion T11csday on lx'hillf of Charles Caldwell. The organiza- tion <ilsn <1ttackcd the firing of the youth's n1otll!'r !rorn a ob as a teachers' side Jnd the: alleg practice of \'oluntary religious rxe 1ses. ' . TOP FOUNTAIN VALLEY WRITERS TAKE A BOW E11eyist1 Gerber, Strauss, Kobzi (fro,,, left) Essayists Cited 3 Valley Students Win Prizes Thrtt Founl.aiJi VaJJey School District studt!nl! v..·ere honored vi'ith priz('~ '\"c<lnes<lay fnr their writing abilities 1n the American Constitution E~ay Conte~! Seleclerl sweep~takes v.·inner v.·as 1.1. yrar-old Shrllt'y Strsuss. an eighth grade sturlf"nt at Newlaw.t School. She ret"eivrd a $25 sarings bond and a certificate of n1crit. The a ..... ·ard for bei:t ~<'vent.h grar!c e:isay Wt'nt. to Edward Gerber. 12. of Tamura School. while lhe best eighth grade es.sa y a\l,·ard '"·ent lo Robert Kobz1 , l2, of Are\'a]o:; School. Both were presenled \l'i!h illustrale<l vohun~ of American Heritage bOOk ~ries antt cer!J lleates of merit. All ll'tUdf'n\~ "'rote on lh{' tnpic "The Constitut1on: founr1a1Jon for Amrrica '~ r, future ... Other M:>\·enth and eighth grade ~tudent.~ v.·ho placed in the contest and 1rere awarded certificates of merit are: Richard llodglns, Arevalos School ; Karrn Ftscher and Antoinette Campbell. Lamb School ; Leslle Alden and Sally Livengood, Busl\ard School: Dale Laube and Vicki Wilson. Foun· lain Valley School: Jeann~ Kato anrt J,.1ne Poppe, 1-'u!ton School; Corky Piankn and Bradle)' Bass, Gisler School: Stephani Gnrndi and Tonya Ignowski. Harper School: ~lark ~lobley and Jane. tlibbons. ~l eDoweU School; Debi Romek. Nrv•land f.chool: Oteri Partin 'and t\tike Conally, Niebl.:is School; Tim Carver, Tamura School : George ~1!!ehan and Hando!r!i Llfcl\rrnan, '\'ard!ow School. -----. ,,---..,.. -~·---. .. __, .... -·-. --, ·~-------·--·-. ' DAil Y ,tLOT ,holt bl' Terry C••llle LENGTHS OF PIPE AWAIT BURIAL IN ROAD PROJECT Slow Going et GoldlNl West Strut e,nd Talbert Avenue Golde11 West St1·eet W 01·1{ Nears Fii1isl1 ii1 Beacl1 Cons!ructlon on Golden '\Vest S!reel in Y.lun1iriglon Be;ich i!> nearing con1ple!i Gn, but. city offici als c;i n't predi ct the da y 1!1.--i! rars nnce ag<il n \1'il! be able lo tra\'e l on tlH• road1\·ay. ··r think it \\"ill he ready in about two months.'' ·s;:iid Dnn Kiser. assi stant <IP~l.?11 rng lneer and lhe 111a11 o\'erseeing U1c 1vork. "[;111 thr h:ing\JP devel ops In \-l"i>il.Jng for pnr;ile ga~ and oil cornp;:inies to ln\\'C'r 111eir undergrourid pipli.nes. at Golden \Vest Street and Talbert Avenue," Burglars Take Civil War Guns I3urglar~ rrlieved a \Ve!'!min~!('r gi1n f:incil?r of ~1,200 in pre-Civil War \l'l'ap<Jn~ ~tnrrd in hts car \\'ednesday night. pollce said today. Harold A. f-;athan~on, 51, Qf 1334! Danbers \Vay. tnld in\"esti gator~ he had pl;:ired thr 1re11pon.', a ri fle :ind thrre pistol s, in his stallon wagon earlier in the evrring. , The.y were. 1,,~i.. .. i . ..,J ..... ,1.._ ... """·-·11, 'today. -¥-~···~· \\'hen he ~!epprd out at 10.-4j p.m. tn check on the guns. ho-.'>ever, he found a door had been jimmied and the weapons stolen. explained Kiser. A t74i,926 contract for the work \1·as ~igned 11·ith Sully-~1iller of Orange on Feb. 17. The original completion date was last July or August. but 45 days losl bec2use of 1\·inter rains, plus a 40-day heavy equipment operators strike killed that . The cont ract rail s tor \\'ork on a thref'· mi le stretch of Golden West Jrom Pacific Coast lligh\.\·a y almost to Warner Avenue. It includes v.·idening tJ1e sireet to fou r lane ~ and dropping the level or the r.older. '\'est Street and Talbert Avenue intersection by 13 feel. About tll·o-tJ1irds of the project Is being paid on a 50-50 sharing b<1sis by stale gas ta.'\ funds and money from the Orange Courty Arterial Highway Financing F'und. Huntington Beach is paying thC other third. A :-tre!th "r Golden '"e~t fr om r:'.dward ~ Strr~t !(l r <1clfir Cna~t High11 ~;; is rurrrntl.v heini; paved . and shou ld b~ rr(lpen"d for traffic in the nea r future, .!iill(i K 1~rr _ Tl'': n1;iinr por!ion of 1he v.·or"k -::ind lhC' <1r1?a f'iJll~ing !J1e \ongr sL rl rlay-i.~ al l';-il\lr rt and l.olrl<>n \\.es!. \\hC're the ~~;~-rd.-=---~-;.'.------""'' ~ " "\\"hen the private c.:omranie; fix their p 1 p('l1n('~ in that :irr.:i." roncl uded Kis<'r, · ,,.e can pul a sewage line in and pa\'e thr rnad."' Nixo11 Picks W ei11lle1·ge1~ FTC Cl1ief WASHI NGTON (AP) -President Nix· on announced today he \\'111 de signat• Cll-'lpar \V. \\lf'in bergcr, California's director of finance. to be c:hairman of the F r.deral Trade Commission. \Veinberger is a 52-ye.ar-old Republican. lie ~:ill replace J an1 rs 111. Nieholson, .11. Democrat \\'hose terin cx1J1re<l, a~ ;i member of the FTC and :;-uccecrl Drn1oerat Paul Rand Dixon as ch airman. Dixon will remain a commissioner. Nixon said lie V>'ill nominate Wein· berger for a seven-year term. Al Sacramento, \Veinberger pledged an aggressive consun1er protet lion cam· paign, espe cially in behalf of the 1>00r. Dixon, a Tenne ssean , \l1as appolnled by the late Presi dent John F. Kennedy on '.'\1arch 21 , 1961. and w;i,~ reappointed hy fonmr Presid('nt Lyndon ,B. John~on in .!.967. Dixon's troubles as c:hainnan fir:;t gained wide attention because o t criticism from consumer crusader Ralph Nader and from a fclld ll'ith Conl· misslon;r Philip Elman. Reporting on th e r-TC last 1nonth, 11 special American Bar Assoc iation panel urged Nixon lo select a new chairman from outslde lhe tanks of commiss ion n1e1nber s. t:nder DL"on, ·lhe ABA gro up sairl, deadwood accumulated on the FTC sta ff and there has been a failure to esl..ablish goals, priorities and effective p!annini; controls. \\'einbergrr will leave his slate job De(•. Jl. In the S30,319·a-ye ar pos1, he is 10 charge of all hudget making and fiscal planning for the state. His new pos t pays 540.000 annu all y. He said Nixon had ;isked hi m lo Im· prove the ptotection of cons umers fro in fraud and other abuses by merchants. Countian JJeul l n Long Beach, Sniut Cr<1ckd,oivn Long Beach pol1ee staged a crackdo~·n on alleged s111ut peddling througl\ bookstores in i1 s doy,n\o\l'n area \lied· nesday, jailing five persons, iocluding a 1hop ov.•ner from Brea. Robert Jfaugen. J~. was booked intri Long Beach City .Ja.11 on a charge o( possession and d1slr1biJt1on of obscene mat.rrlals. Others booked lnrlurle<f ~l ar1111 Al!Pn, 40. Robert Burns. 31. n.nbert BrQW n, 41, ;inrl Jcs.~1e C'lieslcr. 411, :ill rrf \1'h1nn ;:irP. free on h;ul tort:1 v, 11l1ile ~"l"Cr.'11 othtr persons are sout::ht for arrt'~l Capt. \V in ll aynes. 1·l11cf n[ the \ "'~ cleta il. sa id the i.o::-11nn1·e of \\arranlo; rr~ultcd fr o1n a 111011 !-hs' ](lni:: probe ni , .;iva:i\abi~~J' • .P! ob~ccne rnnlcririls 1n IJje ,\1:1~y lm\/n. . . . .. Confiscatrd "' idPnre, hr~irle!': hoo~o: :ind mr11;f11lnf'~ 111<·l11olrd right millimetP1 niovie ftln1s. crilnr phrilngraphs <1rtrl nthrr obJects nnt ~pecifieally 1drnti[1ed h; ('apt. /l a.vnei:. D~0t~~o v ~ ~~~~O~ov~'&u0D0~~(\~a~~~~t~~~ ~~~o~~D~ o ~~ ~~G D o o~crb~o ~~ro~~. o ~ ~ v 0 Handcrafted by PROFESSIONAL INT ERIOR DESIGNS • Twin or Full Siz• Set Q ue•n Siz• Set King Siz• Set (!/{~ Now ?>fort-S!reping ·comfort HeB Bl':e n Added.)le11e11th the ticking cf e.ve.ry Rip Van Wink.le maltre.8e i8 a new ~hion of comfort macle pc:insible by Du Pont'11 amuioi; ne"' Dacron Fibercoil. DuPont'a new 1''ibercoil iii act.ually thousanru of Jittle micnacopic coila thal provid• t.be m06t rMilient aurface eve r of).. t .rined in tbedeepini; indlll!tr\•. Thia new 1''ibercoiJ refuMlll to pack rlo'IOl or lamp up.-1.11d it'11 non-allergeD.k. • HarMl-Stitched Sal!'. Fn.e Side,.al)s. -that Ii~ 12% tnore UMble ~leey in11: llW"f~ • 8-Wl,f Hand Tied Bot Sprinr- thl en~ of the lndmby. • Full 20-,..:r nm-pmn.t.ed .......... • Available in tuft.td or quilt«! modl!la. • Soft. Medilun, or F\nn. 119.50 26t.50 )St.SO 2115 HARBOR BLVD. CCSTA MESA. CALIF. 646 -0275 \ Laguna Bea~h EDITION Today's Flnal N.Y. Stocks * ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1969 TEN CENTS ua es ar ort • • '-"'a 1 orn1a Lagunan l 'ndicted Pair Charged With Liquor ·Thefts 'T'"o of four Orange Coast men accused Df thr theft of liquor from eight v.·holesale distributors \\'ere indicted today by the Oran(;e County Grand Jury. Nan1ed by the panel were Gene Lon· dondo, 43, of 1501 E. ComwaU Lane, Ne.,.•port Beach, and Charles Dryer, 31, o[ 1&45 Sunset Ridge Drive. Laguna Beach. Both men are charged ilh nine cooats Df grand theft o[ liquor. • •. Additional counts set out by lht Grand Jury against the two men are grand theft !lf liquor from the Saddleback Inn in Laguna Beach and attempted grand theft o! a bar from lh€ SUrf and Sand Hotel, 11Jso in Laguna. 4 i11 Bizarre Lagt111a Kidnap To Face Court A quartet of Georgians whtt rambled 1ul lo California aflt'r a stolen motoTCy· ~!e part and v.·ound up In a bizarre ;..iguna Beac:h abduc:tion c:aper are due in b:.urt for a hearing Friday. All four Wt're arraigned Tuesday Clfl bbbery charges, but could face ad· titional charge':r; when they are brought to :.aguna Beach Municipal C o u r t , 1u1horitiei:. said today. Tbe de fendant.~. r-.felv in D. J ackson, t•, :1arence 111. Smith, 25, Billy G. Pilgrim. \! ar.d Michael D. r-.1essenger, 22, were 1rre<ted Friday nighl. They allegedly abdurted Jame~ H. ~ackus. 24. and his roommate. Ri chard :. Kimball, 18, from their Laguna Beach 1partment -apparently by mistake. Two men stayed in the Laguna Beach ·esidence, \\'h1le Kimball and Backus .1;ere drive. , : · ~ • )8, ··~re ant, ot hem tipped off a ser\'ice slation at. t'ndant. lie in !urn nol1f1ed pohce and an all- 'ri1nt11 bulletin wa:r; hroadcas1 , leading .ag11ria Beach pnt1ce lo capture lhe car ind its occupants 1'.hortly thereafter. lnve!'lJgators s a id weapon.'!, plu.o; a 1u:m11ty of dru,i:: pills v;ere confiscated rn r"'! !hr \'fh1c.le and lhese may lead tG :iti ni:: of rtfld\t1nnal t'har~c~ Frid<iy. i\uth0r111cs hrhc\·e lhe fnur Cirorgians 111stakenl,v pickrd 1t1c two Laguna Beach nrn as lht> !'usprc11.'d mrilorcycle part hie\'{·::; <ind rhc wl1ole mailer was a 1.;zcrre error. Opera Singers Wait for Quake SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Opera stars )orolhq Kirsten and Luciano Pavarotti 1·ere singing in the third set or La loheme '>''hen a sharp temblor shook the lj.era House \\'cdnesday night. The t.w o stopped singing. The audience :;isgcd. About 20 persons headed for ex· L'I onto Van Ness Avenue. "Then,'' a rne111bcr of the audience eponed, •·aflcr a silence of about 20 rconds. prople slartl'd applauding and he singing resumed." R11ck in !!I06, the great earthquake that 1il \\'as vlewcd with far less savoir fai re •V a fam<llJ~ man asleep in his hotel and dsa &'1 opera star -Enrico Caruso. Rondondo and Dryer were two of four IT'en originally arrested three v•eeks ago at Reliciano's restauranl in Newport Beach. Booked with !hem were Edward 9.llitehead, 40, of 309 Narcissus Ave ., Corona del Mar and Alexander Torbett, ,5. of 117 Via Dijon, Newport Beach. Whitehead and TorbeU were not in· dit ted by the Grand J ury but the face ad- ditional charges in Municipal Court of cqgspiracy to CQllUU.it grand theft and at- tempted burglary. The four men were arrested ll the Westcllff area nightclub which bears the njlmc of the well-known blind soul singer· euitarist. All are currently tree on bail. R(lndondo and Dryer face civil action filed by !he entertainer earlit'r this year in\·o!\'ing operation of the club ·which bears his name. Feliciano clai~ the club o'>'·es him $00,000 for three· pe.rformanCes. lie also '"'ants $100,000 in-da'inages for alleged damage to his repuiation. · The Grand Jury identified the liquor distributors as the.Milford Company, the J);)n W. Snyder Company, Sterling Llquor Company. the David Kay Company, Bohemian Distributing Co m p a n y , Vlestern Distributing Company, Young 's M<?rket Company and ~lcKesson Liquor Company. Laguna Council Picks Planner in Split Vote By RJCRARD P. NALL Of rM 0.llY P!i.t Steff Laguna Beach councilmen huckUed in closed snsion Wednesday night and mierpd to split 3-2 O\'er appointment ot Carl E. Jobnlon Jr. to lhe planning com- million. Jf.lt"Nm. former prMident ol the Civic t.e.ap&, ~ Howard Holden who resigned to bandit growing business com- mitments. The new commis.siontt was opposed by cnuncilmen Olarlton Boyt! and Ri chard Goldberg. Goldbug cast his no vote emphaUcally. In bringing up J ohnson's Mme after the executive session, Mayor (ilenn Vedder said, "I feel the man can dlii..ln exct'llent job." He said Johnson had W\'.lrked on the Naval _, Suppl)· Plane Crashes; 26 Aboard Die ATSUGT, Japan IU PI) -A US. Na1'Y supply plane_ crashed today in the Tonkin Gulf off Vietnam, killing all 26 persons aboard. a Navy :<.p;lkesman :<.aid . The Navy :<.pokesman said the QA Greyhouf'\d supply plane crashed into I.he 6ta on a flight from Cubi Point in the Philippines to an air craft carrier on sta- tion in the Tonkin Gulf. Radiomen on the carrier, which was oot identUied, reported they Jost cont.act with the Greyhound this morning. Search planes from the carrier soon found lhe wreckage, the Navy said. The Navy sakf all 28 persom aboard the supply craft were Americans. Iden- tities were withheld pending notification of nut of kin. The Navy declined to say whether any of the victims wue civilians. The Greyhound was attached to tactical support squadron 50 stationed at Atsugi at the time of the mi.shap. Jazz al Berkeley BERKELEY (UPI) -Berkeley will celebrate IU aecond year of public school integration Oct. JS with a jau festival featuring Me Ellington. city's t.J million Main Beach acquisition, the hard-fought 11ign ordinance and the Cili:ietU Advisory Committee (to general plan formation). Questioned after Ole mt et I ng, Goklberr, a former cblmber of com- merce pres:ident f« three years, said: "I feel the planning curunission should represeat as wide a spedtum of ttie com· munity as possible. We are narrowing our horizons. "I would like to see more consideration given to the business community. There were other names suggested." rn explaining his no vote, Boyd said he was not voting against the person but felt that more time shrou!d have been taken in selection. Councilman Roy Holm said after the meeting that he was sorry on J ohnson's behalr that it was a split-vote situation. Rul he added. "It "'as apparent that we \o,'f!ren 1. -f!;urt15 ,O'-l';c-• ..,,..., .... ,.~ .:,.,.,._,;: ;~ someone mediocre." Johnson. 616 Mystic View, is a :o;enior rl'st-a rch associate wilh Ch evron Re!'t'arth Co., one of two research subsidiaries of Standard Oil California. He received a BS in chemistry from the LC, Berkeley in 1943 and his doctorate in chemistry at UCLA in 1950. He was an in.o;l ruclor in chemistry at the University of Illinois from 1950 to 1952 and joined Chevron Research in 1952. On the commission, he joins J oseph Tomehak, an anthropologist and college in.~tructor : Dr. Robert French, dentisl; Fred Briggs. architect; and Charles ~f. J ohnson, ar chitect. School Business Chief Retiring Edv.'in Hind, busine~ manager of th@ Laguna Beach Unified School d istrict for the past 20 years, will retire next spring and trustees already are discussing the problem of finding a reptacement. At a special meeting Saturday, the school board studied specificatkJn!l for the job of busineM manager and agreed it woold be advisable to try lo Jill the position before Hind leaves so the transi- tion will be ]1$S difficult. ''It is a very important position and a great effort must be made to find gomeone really proficient," said board president Larry Taylor. S1reeessor to Smith Judge Appointment Due A stK'cessor lo Judge. J . Parley Smith, :ha IS r etiring from lhe Laguna Beach- .an Clemente ~1 u nicipal Court because or oor health, may be naml!d by Governor leagt1n by !he end of this month, ac· orTfing to KNl H11lchin~n. appointment.'! rcr<'larv lo the g_ovt'rnor. Hul chinson ~aid '1alf o dozm attorne)'S 01ve Applied for 1hc jud1clal post and the rrhcat1ons now are going through tht \'iua l ~y!item or evah1<1lion befOf"e the ame8 arc .submitted to the governor. Appl ications ire made dJreclly t.o the 1ovemor's 'office and aspirants are r&- quirfd to fill out a lengthy questionnaire, whirh then is referred to both lhe Orange County aod Stale Bar Associations, ac· companied by lellers from supporters. 'MIW. recommendatk>n1 go back to the governor '• appointment Office which mans lurther in~igatiom. StrictJy 1peaklng. the Jovernor would have the privilege.of mating a direct ap- pointment to the bench, without merrlng to the bar &'80Ciations, bot a 5P0ke1iman (Of" the county 1~.~lat inn s a i d gubema:!«Jal J)Olicy has always ~ to consult the local group. The procedure o( evaluation usually takes up to a month or more, but sometimes ls l«'Omplishtd ln less time where tbe ~ lor an appointment I! bn· mediate. Hutchinlon emphasl:led' that U'IUt: is no gpeclne cut-Off date for '!P- plksitlon!l saying. "If someone really 0t1L~ndlng applied when we were com .. pleting our evaluation', we might go Ne~ aod start all over again. We are always looking for the most qualified people. whenever they 3pply," • UPI Tllel>MM POLICE PATROL SANTA ROSA QUAKE AREA SectK.n el Will Coll1p1•• After Serl•• of Tr•mor1 Test Still On Solon Urges Halt After Quakes Frotn Wire Services ANCHORAGE, Alaska -Despite a choruli of protest the countdown con- tinued for the U.S nuclear test today in 1 ~ remo1e Aleu1ianl. ' h'! \Vashington this morning, RC'p, .lt'rome R. \Valdie (D-Cahl.). said earth· qu.1kl's in Califomia \Vednesday night should cause President Nixon to postpone the explosion. \\'aldie. told the llou!'f' the qu ::i kes north of ~,.., ~'rancisco man1ft'sted "serious in· stability" 1ha1 might be triggered in!o lur1l;er .irt1vJ!y by the underground blast on Amch11ka. "\\'c believe our area should not be: ~ubjecl,..d to r isks 1hat so far are nol fully un'!e:-5tood,1' Waldie said. Tr.e test v.·il l be made on windswe pt Amchllka Island, 1,400 miles soulhwe.st of Anchorage. Scicnlists and technicians readied monitoring devices and television cameras to record the one-megaton blast, e.:;ual to the detonation of one million tons of TNT, srheduled for 3 p.m. POT. Although some scientists feared the big bl:ist might trigger an earthquake and lid::i! v.·ave, "We are very optimi~tic of a saf,. Olnd successful er periment." Robert J\1iller, operalions manager for the Atom- ic Energy Commission, told newsmen gathered in the information centers here \Vednesday. International objections lo the test - rear>.hed a climax with demonstration!! along the U.S.-Canadian border in· \'Olving more than 7,000 students in Uriti!'h C<1lumbla alone. Six pt'rsons were -··•f\.CQ.. by polic~. a~ µie Ambassador B r~dbe bcl\\·een \\'indsor ~and Detro If. The AEC ~aid weather conditions 21p. P"O~ed favorable for the observer planes !>!'I lo fly over the desolate, 42-mile-long A!eutiao island iOO miles from the Soviet Cnion's Kamchatka Peninsula . Th" nuc lear device v.·as buried 4.000 f!'f"I hrlnw lhr tundra in a shaft drilll'<I 1n solid vnlcanJc roc k. Twrnty-t'1gh l miles ;iw :;y about 130 person!'; g:ith!'red in a c~ncrctr bunker to check the effects of the explosion. 0f"e 1elevision ra111cra was zeroed in on ::i kn0w11 earth faull lhal curs through the islagO. Another was focused on a pen of seven Eea otters 4,500 feet from the blast 11itc to record the effect on the animals. OOPS; SKI FAIR SALUTED TODAY Oop!!, we goofed. The OArLY PJLOT's special section saluling Ski Fair .at Fashion Island appears inside today, not yrsterday as announced in \Vednesday's n"'wspape:r. Didn't yo ur skis ever st.art sliding down the hill before you were reelly ready to go? •' . .·.: .. .... ,''I•••• • .· ... N EV . ·· .... .. . ... . . . . . .. " . t ',' •. I 0 : • • ' •e Reno • • · • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :'0 ~i.isoN· :; . •. ·:. CIT.T • ,:,::'.• . . . . . . . . . . . .... , . .. ....... .. ·.:·~ .. . . . . . . . . ......... ........ : ·. ......... . . . . . . . . . . ...... .. · . . ..... . · . " : :.··:. .. . : .·: ... .. '"'' """.., SERIES OF QUAKES CENTERED NEAR SANTA ROSA ' ' 24 Injured; Santa Rosa Hardest· Hit From "'Ire.. :5eTYices SANT A ROSA -The most powerful earthquakes in eight years rumbled 01long northern Califomia's famous San Andreas fault Wednesday night, injuring 24 persons and causing hundred! of thousands of dollars in damqe. No fatalities were Jeported. Santa Rosa, a city of 50,000 abrut 10 miles north of San Francisco, was tht hardest hit community, but the quakes, • which started at 9:S6 p.rJ\. shoclk San Francisco and extended 50 mJleJ south to San Jose Shattered glass covered the slretls of Santa Rosa. Police roped off a 20-block dcwr.lO\\'tl section for hours to prevent looting. The wall of a saloon collapsed on <i.n unoccupied parked car. Banks of flou rescent lights crashed on the floor of the post office. A house was mnved a foot. from its foundations and an overpass sank six inches over U.S. 101. t/"e main north-south highway. In Sar Francisco, Dorothy Kirsten and Luciano Pavarotti stopped singing in the middle of "La Boheme" while the opera house shook.. After about JO aeoondl. \lt'hi\e the audience applauded, Ibey 1tarttd aisln. Mos'. of the injured in Santa Ro&a we:re treated and rele311f'Cl at hospitals for m inor cut.I and Moct. Several faimtd v.·ben the quakes hit. But one man waa badly hurt and another had a broken )eg. All power and communications were c u1 off in Santa Rosa for eigbt minutes at!er the most powertul 1hock st 9:58 p.m .. y,·hich registered 5.6 on the Richter 6cale_ Residents ran aimlessly about the dark streets in their nightclothes. The only light to be seen blinked from a sheriff s hi:l1cop!er hovering above. A minol" aftershock was felt at IO:IS p.m_, before another major temblor, r egistering 5.5 on the Richter 5C'ale, hit at 11 20 p.m. Another Jess severe aftershock 'o\'<l~ recorded at 5:27 a.m. today. !' _-y;, J~··~rc~ r~1;1,, .. -·~ .. ~,,!let tlre centered near Rollister, souilr ot Sith · F ranciso, registered S.8 on the Richter scale ir. 1961. Th0 famous 1906 quake whic h devastated San Francisco and northern C:1!1 fornia was believed to have had an inLensi~v of around 8.25, Santa Rosa also v.·as badly hit tben. A fire broke out in the emergency h:iboratory room at Santa Rosa ,.,.ietllQrial l!ospttal. ll did some damage lo I.he room but no patients were evacuated. Sonoma County Community Hospital reported t'ight heart attack patients. There were no reports or fatalities. Fires also started in a supermarkri and an adjacent restaurant, apparently from gas escaping from broken maim. The J . C. _Penney store. -vas flooded from broken water mains. "This Is the worst earthquake In my experience, and from what they say, the v:orst since 1906, '' said Police Chld ?.Ielvin f. Flohr. "It was a real jolt.'' NEW YOR K (AP) -A .!=liding stock m arket th is afternoon began testing the yearly low of the Dow Jone!! industrial average, as declines widened their lead over advances by 380 issues. iSee quot.a· lions, Pages IS-19). Ornnge Coast Weather Th8t old north wind win cool off 1 the Orange Coast Friday, while clearing skies prevail with a mtt· wry reading of 72. INSIDE TODAY. Eleven of tht 13 rMn ~ft from a \Vorld War I outfit gath- er with a bottle of cogMc lht: main attractio n: it'll go to Ille survivor of lht group. Pog~ 10. C•tlforlll1 • _ ... .." &::,•ll!tt •• ""''"" ....... " •• " litl!!I""' ,._ .. Cr.o-• " Or111" c-h' • DNlll Ifft!'" ' h l'f+I ,..,.. " ........ , ·-• ...... ti·• •lllWl•l,...,.111 "·11 .... -*" ~1111nc1 1 .. t. T•ll Y ..... " --" n .• .,.,.. .. n ·~ ,_" " ... ,,,.,. • Mii""• • .... -.. M•ll ... 1 • "'-'•,........ 1>14 ( ' . •' -=-,-.------------------------------.., -------- 2 OAll Y PllOT l Hopes Rising for Free University • Ill Laguna .. A proposed Free University !or Laguna B~eh -which got the City Co.Jocil ccild ~hou\der in J une -had muslered slightly more sympathy by Wednesday night's nieeling. CouncilmPn considered 11 Jetter with three persons signatures. It urged sup.- f)'trt or the activ!!ics "of the Free t;niversily being established by John Down, the ~fission Trail Child Behavior Discussio11 Set C.o\PISTRANO VALLE:Y -Dr. Sta?il~y 11. \\'alters. psychologist and Charles JOha nnsel}, director of spetial educat.ien, \l'Jll he gul'Sl speakers at lhe meet ing of llH' C,:pi~1 r.:ino Unifi ed School Dlslrit:~ !'TA Council \Vednesday, Oct 8. Learning disabilities and behaviOr!al p roblems in children of all ages \\'ill be lhe topic for discussion at the 7:30 p.tJl. meeting in Forster Junior Hi g-h ~uclitorium , 2f>601 Camino de) Av\on, San Juan Capistrano. Dr. \\I alters is a professor at Chapman (:9l legc and UC Irvine and has his own practice. ' ~ e Y Indians Form.Ing SADDLEBACK VALLEY -· Y Indian Guide groups are now forming in Hlf'Sad- clleb:ick Valley. · Resident s of El Toro and Lake Forest Inte rested in the program may attend a meetin,g tonight at Gates School at 7:30 p.rn. for info rmation. Mission Viejo re!'i<lent F. are invitee! to La Pai Intermediate School at 7:30 p.m. on f\fon· r.laY Oct. 6. Steve Crummett is thl' YMCA's new program director for this area. For lurther information contact the South Orange County YMCA at 494-9431, e Algebra Offered ~1ISS10N VIEJO -Students working ~hove grade level in mathematics may have a rhance to take algebra in tJ1e r!~h!h grade aL La Paz lnLennedlate School. 1- The hoard of trustees of the S8Jl Joa· ri ui n School District has approved the ad- t,.anced ma!h course ~·hlch mRy enable Ftudents to enter i:;eometry classes when they enter high school. Only recommended sturlenls Vi'ill be eligible for the course which \\'ill be treated as an e.lective. Blood 'Credits' To Benefit Donor, Coast Hospitnl • ,l.• ~ ·.-1 fl ·'''l . t • , e11¢Qcr donors \\•hO al!k for "double r rf'<lit" v;hen the Red Cross Bloodmobile '1~1t~ !.;::iguna fl{';ifh ~londay, Oct. 6. Mil he able to benefit t)1emselves and l hs ~01 1th Coii~t. Co1nn1uo1 Ly Hospital, a l1fici;1ta l spnkesnlan said this \\'eek. Th" hloorl flccount ()f the hospitfll aux- lhar;,· has be('n depicted do~·n to a low of 1:1re e pints, but it ca n be ;iugmented 1[ rlt11ors ask that the hospital accou nt as "r·JI 11 s their O\~t'I accounts. be credited 1111h their donat.lons. The dou ble credit 11.J I be given for donation of a single pint cl hlood if req ue~ted, 1he spokesman said. The Bloodmobile, which visits Laguna r very four months, ~-111 be at the Com· 111unity Presb~'lerian Churcti. 415 f orest ,\ve. from 2·30 to 7 p.m. h1onday. Those \v1shlng 10 make appointments may d1J set hy caJling 1he Red Cro~s Service Cenler, 4 94~7. but no appointment is required, . ·DAILY PILOT CllANG~ CO.UT ~Ull 151tlNQ COMHJfY Jloberf N. Wied f'r .. ldtnl e!'ld 1"1.1111111\U Joe• JI, Curl.., \~ct Prt•'°'"t 1nd Ot.Nr•I Ml•"' 1 ho1'!•• ktt•il E'~•!Ot 1ho•• .. 1 A. Murp\int Mt n1,•n• Edlfor ~it~••d '· Nol l l-'""'' l •f<J\ (•T1 fd•t<lr u,. ...... ~ 2J? h111t 14. .. ,, M1m-1 Mcl•llU r.o. ·-••&. t2UZ .,__ c:~i. ,,.,.., .. , no .,,. .. , ,.., ""°"' ., ........... t h : 1'11 ...... , ....... '°' ....... tlUl!fln91Clll a.ea.' -... ..... DAI\.,. l"ILOl wl!ll wfl~ It •-'* 1'11 .. _......... • ""bfllnM <Mo•!~ •><tlll """ ~111-m•111.,...,.1t-~ ...... CIC .,.... N,._, llM<ll, C.tl M-. H~~ l•dl -'-1•lrl V•I-...... Of-C..1t l"ut11"'"'9 ~...., .,1r111,,. plo .... t rt II )'Ill W•t le-.1 ..... , H...,.,.. llldl, ..... DI W... .. , l trttt. c.11 M-. · · T...,..... &7141 4t4·tt•6 Clrc.,_ ... MJ-4JJI C..'9111, tW, 0<-~I P.,lll'lthtlle :::_, ... -,..,_ ..... 1 •• 1_ 4flll~lel .... 1191' If ..,., .. 11 ..... ~!I lot .. I,, ..... -·-"""'" '"'" ..... _ ... -·--·~·· ..... -· AtQrl(ll ..... -·-...... __., ~ -C-lo MfM, C.llf9r.... IWMrl•I~ "' urrMt 11.0I ..-1My1 ...,. ,..11 ~ _...,, llllUWJ ~ ..... -_.tr. Wallace of the Unlvers.ity of California, ltvln .... The I.it.er stattd that ~pport fOf! the project was frcm Citlztns in Support Of Student~. Yacull.y and Edueatlon and ble South Coast Committee of Concerned Berkeley Parent~ and Friends. The letter cal!r.d for a council rr.solu- tion approving the concept and urging ciliien1 support. Counc:llmon Charlton Boyd oaid tho Fl'M Unlvtrl!ty would permit those without colleae dearees to attend school without admbaion fees or admittance litandards. Councilma_n J oseph O'Sullivan said -pt"rhaps the request should go t;i school authorities and said the council did not have enough to go on al th is point. Councilman Richard Goldberg liug· geattd l?Klrc professional opiniona miaht be obtained at UCL Councllman Roy Holm said it might not be a bad idea to support the concrpt and eomm(!'l'lted that such support could later be withdrawn if warranted. ~1ayor Gltnn Vedder, a former science t~acher, had look ed into ;icti vitles of thP. "illid-Peninsula Free University" at ~1enlo Park in the San Francisco area. Many of the~•. aaid Vedder, did not M:em academically relevant. He :said he would ht reluctant to su pport the t'nterpr\se without know ing "W'haL it in- volved. He said there seemed to be a tendency toward using free universiUes as the basis of licensing activities not normally accepted by a community. "Any Free linivt rsity member may of· ftr a coorst on any :subject he chooses," said Vedder. The. mayor said it might be well to find oul something abou t the signers of the ]{'lter. "Do these people JiveJn lhe city'~" he asked. It was signed Jan Peters Bab- cock. Joy Connors, and Charlotte Gorden. The city had on June 18 turned <low11 &uggestcd suppori of the F'ree L:nivers1t)·. ,-·Does Dress Code Make Of!.IL Y PILOT Ptoolo bt lllcllud Koe~ltf Educational Diffe1·ence? By FRED SCHOEMEHL Of ~ Dtl!Y l"Uol 51111 WILL JOflNNY'S long hair and ~andals without socks, or Mary's Lev1 bellbot· toms really have any effect on the kind of educa tio n they will ab~orb? Arc grooming .standards really a school fu r,rtion~ Do school ofricia\,<; have the right to say v:h;>t a student shall or shall not wear ta c:l::isses'.' Questions like these -and a variety or ans11•ers -c~n be heard these days ;iround tl1e Laguna Beach High School c:1 n1pu~. So your Teen Corner selected five !-lud~'nts and t1ro faculty members at r:1ndom in order to report their feelings ;tbout existing dress code rulings ij.l La~una High. Here are capsule reports on whn l they had to say: "'I TlflNK they should be abolished," said se nior Mickie Glotfelty. ';\Ve do need some rules for good taste, like no short. shorts, required footwear or some,.lype. ;ind no cutoffs or ratty old sweatshirts." But her male counterpart in the senior clas .. , Bruce Ralhbun said: "The dress codes here are a heck of a lot more liberal than v.•he re I we nt to school in 7'orrance. And even if they were abolish- ed. I'd dress the san1e way J always do." Laguna Teen Corner said, "T don"! l\'<inl kid s looking like s!ob~. The kids here look dece nt and I really \VOuldn"I Favor aboli shing the dr ess codes, b1.'('a11~e tbf'y are1f t th at slri('.t," /11ellisa Fryer. sophon1ore , gave this v!ew; ''\Ve could try Lo abolish them, because it makes me mad tha t boys have to \\·ear soets wi'lh sanda ls and the fac t lh.1t girls can't wear pants to school.'' NEWPORT FIREMEN DOUSE FLAMES IN MOBILE HOME PARKED BEHIND ARCHES RESTAURANT Elsinor• Coup!• Las• Vehicle and Contents .During Dinner Break, But the Safe Was Saved Two of oLir freshman gave their opi- nion~ on the i;:roo n1ing stand:irds. Debbie £::irl, \l'ho ls fron1 St. Catherine 's v.'as happy \vi!h the existing rules. "I don 't lhink that they're too stri cL St . Catheri ne'.~. v.·here I v.·en t last year. re· <:uired uniforms. Kids , mostly thos e from Thur~ton, where they. have open-dress, probably feel the dress codes here should br d0ne away v.·ith, but for me they ;ire OK ," she commented. Ri'chard Perry !\'0 SUJ#EY -1\·ould be eom~le \vithoul the Comment of the faculty. Dar- J rll !lfcKibban. Director of A~hlet!c! ~avors thP all-9r-aqt!ling urinciple, declar· 1ng, "EHher the codes are enforced 100 percent or lhey should be abol ished ." Linda Isaac, history instructor. i:ot fa1·orable toward lhe existing dre~c; regulations fit ating, ''\\'e have pretty cas11al (lre~s herr and th at 11s the \vay 1t ~i1oultl bf'. You ahl'ays need i:on1e genereil ~uidc lfn('s _ Our dress code pro,·ides l'.1r~r guidel ines.'' Blaze Destroys Mobile Home But $25,000 Survives Irvine Co. to Bity Bonds For Turtle Rock School Pe 1·hnps !he most n_"\·ealing .stalf'mr nt ah1u1! !he dress Cllde situ;it1on 11·1:1s n1ade by onr student 11·ho askr d to remain anonytnou s. Looking at me v.•ith his long hair fa lling on his coll ar <ind into his farr. he said, "The real problem is !hf> school,<; are governing, and tha t's not right \1·ben they are there to be educating." F"ire destroyed Tom Sheajian 's mobile home in a restaurant park ing Jot in Ne11•port Beach Wed nesday evening, bll~ 1t spared scm;ething much m9re im· por tant -~25.000 in cash: ,\ strel safe conla-in1ng the rnon l'y \Vilhstood the blaze i,1·hic!1 destroyed 1he Elsi nore man 's trailer and the rest of its contents. Sheahan and his 1\'ifr . Barbar.a, 011'nrr!' o[ ;in El.~1 nore rr~tauranL park erl the n10hi le hom e in a parkin g lot of The Arrhr.o; restaurant at 3334 W. Pacif ic Co,1st High1\·ay ancl took a <linn:o:r brrak. Shortly after 1hey entered for dinner a pa1 ron shouted that the traile.r 11'as ablaze. Firemen !'aid Sheahan tried sr•·eral !in1es to enter the burning mobile home, but flames drove him back. ~.neone t&llM'''firemen. When they ar· ri\'cd the mobile home was CQmpletely in· Ynlved in flames. D::imagc to the vehicle wag 5~t at $8.500, Its contents worth $1,500 v.·ere lost, to<>. but the safe was safe. f<"'irernen ~id the blaze appeared to ha\'e started In the floor near the trallcr's rear door. There were no injuries. The Jrl'ine Company has ::igreed to b11y ~20,000 in state school building bonds. ~o an elementary !ichool can be builL in Tur . Ile Rock for next fall. it was annn11 11crd at the San J oaquin Elementary D1:..lr1cl. board meeiing \Vedaesdri_v ntght. The bonds v.·1 1[ be purchased al 1 11 ~ 1·oter-approved rnax imum fntercst ra!r nf f1\'e percrn t, a rAte at which there hal'c been no oth er buyers. Earlier thls month. Mission Viejo Com- pany arrangecl for a hank lo b11y $! 9 m1ll1on \1orth of hands to build <in elementary schml and purchase \\\'O el·~ment11ry i;rhool sites within Lhe school district in Mtssion Viejo. , L· . " The Mission Viejo sch0111·ijr1t.;ordillera :::it.rrct sh<1uld get under way in aOOut 10 riay3 \\'ith coni::tructiQn on Lhc Irvine scho<1l at Amalfi and Turtle Roek drives h(lpelully to begin next month, School Superintendent Ralph Gates s;i id. Hnrr1ng delay~. both schools \\'ill he r eady for school children ne xl Srp· t:>mber In a lcl!er go th e su!)f'rint.endcnt, Irvine Con'pany President \\lilliam R. i-la5on Cou11cilmen Cl1ange Deecl \ 011 Festival G1·ou11d Uses Laguna Beach councilmen Wedne5day a pproved changes in the deed which in 1947 conveyed the gift of Irvine Company lands 1hat became the setting for the Festival of Arts, The object of the unanimous &ctlon is to T?:move from the deed language wh ich could allow the property to revert to the Irvine CoA'lpany in the event uses arc permitted that 11.re not spelled out in the deed. Viejo Hospital.~ Pact Awarded A $3 million cont.ratt for c<lnstruction nf P.fissicm Community Hospita l in Mi&sion Viejo has been aw&rded to Sunset Builders of Anaheim. hospital 5JX1kesm an Dr. Russe.II Hendrick:aon &ai4 today. Dr. Hendrickson, a member of the hotpltal's executive committee. sald con- trtrnetion will begin as soon as the conr tractor can get to it. When that mi'ght be was not im- mediately known, n.e hospital's public relations man said ground will be broken "In the immediate fu ture" ~·hHe ·a spokesman for the contractor said it mij!:hl be sometime next year. Frst pha~t construction 15 for 126 b«I:; cf the ultimate 250 bed fa cility on 1-4 acrr...s of the former Saddlebiick Collrge interim esmpu.'I site at the north end of Crown Valley Par~\\'ily. ;'Now that the ru-1kc is ov('r and Sad· dleback Collegf!I ha ~ l>ttn able lo 1nnve froni the 11.ite we can start at oner " a hoS11ltal :;pokesman sa id. ' City Al torney Jack Rimel dubbed it "a reverter clause." The matter would yet have to clear the Trvine Foundation board of directors at a Nnvrmber meeting. Rimel said the original grant deed ''i~ qu ite restrictive and ha~ .11 revf'rter clause \\'hich could allow title to go beck to t~e Irrine Company. "ThP pur~se "' simply lo remove I.he Ttvrrter <'lau~e :tnd :illnw the park In br u~cd for all public park purposes," J{nnrl said. Rimel ~aid in the 21 yraft: of 11se 1he F'c~tivel and its Pageant of the. ~h1sterl' har'. become identified pretty well world \Vide. The original deed specifies u se~ as •·production and holdini:; of public con- cert~. lheatriea\ perfor.mancts, festival~. exhibits and any and all forms of public eJ'lterleinment and recreation." William D. Martin, Festival board chairman, said under the old deed u~ of the grounds or Irvine 8011•] by hospitals, churches or other civic groups could re.suit In loss of lhe city~wned grant. Deed changes would allnw the Irvine B"w' Polley Committee. full responsihility 1 for the u~. It is made up of t11•0 F"e:;tival ho:i rd members. two c<n.inci lmen and a fifth person picked by the four. M<t!Jsfield Leaves WA~Jlt:\GTO'.'J (:\1l\ -Senate t\Ia- }ority Leader ~like ~1ans/1eld returned to 14'0rk today aftr r spend ing ~ix rl a~·s in !hP hosp.lit! and ~air/ thut he musl undergo funher medi cal tests. sa1rl . "Thosr v>h(l h;ive ~i:!ect t>d to live in .111 lrv1no development have done ,i,o ~argioly because of our ma::iter plan !or a IJt!IC'r life r 111·1ronn1en!. A major part of 1h;t pl;;n i~ an oppo rtunity for a qualily C'd11c;1tio11 '' The co1npany·~ bnarrf nf direc!nrs ap· Pl'"•·C'd pur cha~e of the 0011ds at li\'e Pf'T· {·r>11t at a tln1e \1 hen conipelit1ve issues art' payi ng higher interesl ra!e~. The bonds e>a rmarked for the school \\ill be purchased through !he stale t.re:1surer fron1 a $1 .3 billion backlog in un~alable bonds for lotal S{'h'Xll di stricts. San .Joaquin vo ters \\'lll b;illot Nov. 25 n11 raising the interest ceiling to !'even perce.n~JPf ,the un_~1~ h•r.:.'_ of4!: ,71JIJ lion in 'J>fe\'iousty.voted school bQnds. But ft v.·as necessary to sell the bond:; hri11ght hy lh<' Ir vine Company and tll1ssion Viejo's bank earlier than that 1f the schools were to be rr.ady on schedule next September. '"Mini La~11na Beach l!ii:;h School's uniqu e m1ni·courses \l'Cre resumed Monday with a unit on environment, featuring a slide Georgia ~chool Board Votes Lo Stop Classes DOUGLA.S , Ga (AP) -The C-Offee County tichoo l boa rd. one of six In Georgia suf'd hy fe{Jeral officials for reneging on 1ntegrali(ln agreeincnts, \'OIC'd \Vcdnesday night to suspend 1ichools immediately "for !he protection of li fe :ind property." Board n1ember Clarence llursey said !11e vote \l'a~ una nimous. llursey said the hoard took thf! action after meeting 'W'ith three 11·hite 1nen who 1vere "really con· crrner! nbout 1he ir ]if(' and property." Back prc~enla!ion by the Save the .Redwoods Foundation, followed on Tuesday Willi a pr('sentation by the Forestry Deparlinen t 011 conservation in Or;inge County. The Thur~day program \1'ill fea ture Rachel Carson's fihn documentary, "SilPnt Spring" ;ind olher items in the series 1vill be experi1nental student films a11d film~ produced hy the Sierra Cl ub. A 11·rap-up se!<sion friday, Oct. 10 \\'ill be devoted lo a qLiestion and ;inswer sym- po£iurn for students end faculty mem· bers , Puf'TY'~""°'4.lte r·':-on environment. aC· cording to Stuart Rabino1vitsh. is to show lhc effect.~ of technology on nar.ural resources and discu i-~ con~tructive steps that can be 1ak,c.n to eliminJ IP. riollution. The mini·courSes arr conducted durin~ sllJdy hall sessions on subjects requested by the ~tudcnts. No w More Sletll'int C0tnfol't Fb8 Been Added. &uu.th the tickmr (lf every Rip \'an Winkle mattre.. i11 • new cu11hlon of comfort m~d• pormible by DuPont'11 •mating new Dacron Fibercoil. DuPont'a new Fibercoil ia actoa\ly thouNnd11 ()( lit.ile microscopic ooib lhat provide 1 he tn 011t re&i.Jient aurf1ce e•er ob- t Wied in the alee ping industry. 'Thi11 new Fibercoil l'l"flJlle!o to p11tk doovn or lump UP,J.nd it'11 non·allugenic. • Hand·Stit.cbed S11g Free Side-..alls -that sin 12% more iaable ~Po Ii-' iqmrface. •&.Wey Hind Tied BM Sprinr- tbe envy of the induatry. • l'ull 20.,eu non-porated .......... • lmilable in tuftal at quilWm<><l<I& • Solt, Mlldium, or Finn. Twin or Full Si2e Set Q uern Site Sat King Si1e Set TO.SO 269.50 359.50 H.J.GARRETI fURNITURE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNS Open Mon J.e y, Th ursd•y. I Fr idey Eveninqs 1215 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA. CALI F. 6'46-0275 "' .._, . ' ' I t I ; t ' 1 • ' t ' • t ' • ' ' • ' 1 • J , • Freeway PHtrol . Motorists driving the Los Angeles free'A1a ys v.1111 have a new !ace in , their rear view m irrors starting today as the Ca lifo n ua High\vay _Patrol completes the takeover of patrolling th e freeways, reli eving, the Los Ang'eles Police Department. Nixon Names ~einberger As New Cliairma11 of FTC W.~SHl!\GTON (A P\ -President Nix- nn announced loday he \\'ill designate Caspar \\'. \Vet nherger. Califnrnia 's rl irector of finance, to be <:hairman of lhe J-'ederal 1'radc Commlss1on. \\'einbcrger is a 52-year-0ld Rep ublican. Ht> v.·ill replace Ja1nes ~I . N1cholso11, a Democrat v.·hose term expired. as a member of the FTC and succeed Democrat Paul Jland Dixon as charrman. Dixon will remain a c:ommissioner. Nixon said he \.\'ill non1inate \Vein· berger for a seven·year term. At Sacr<1mento. \\'einbcrger pledged an 11ggressive consumer protection cam- paign, especially in behalf of the poor. Dixon, a Tennessean. y,•as appointed by t.he late Preside nt John r. Kennedy on ~1arch 21, 1961 , and y,•as reappointed by President, i\I ilc hc ll Visit FBl's }iubVer · • \\'ASHING TON I L'P I I -Pres1rlenl Nixon and Atty. Gen. John N. !\filchcll (·ailed on FBI Director .J 1;:ctgar Hoover :1t his home Wednesday night in 111h.iil the \Vhite House called "a social affair " The White House rlen1ed 1ha l !hr Yi~1l had an yth ing to do wit h Honvr.r 's po.~sible rellremcnt. a ~uh1ect of frequent rumor. Hoo1•er 1s i:J, b1it thr. m~nrlatory retire· menl age of 70 has been "a1 v~d in his case. fonncr Prc:;idcnl Lyndon B. Johnson in !~.Jli'I , Dixon's troubles n~ cha11ma n first i:.1:•1rd \l!lle attention becau~c "f •T:hcism froin consun1er cn.isarler Ralph Nader and from a feud \\'l\h Com· missioner Phili p Elm<:1n. Rrporting 011 the FTC lasl month, a ~11cc1al An1erican Bar Association panel 11rged Nixon lo selecL a nrw cha1rn1an from nt1tside the ranks of con1n1ission member~. Under Dixon. the ABA group said. d(.>adwood accumulated on lhe FTC staf f ;ind there h;i~ hcen a failllre to e~tabl ish goal!', priorities and effectiv e pl:onn1ng conlrols. \\'rinb€rger "'i\1 leave h1!' stale job Dec. :J!. 111 the S:J0.319-a·ycar pos1, he fs in ,·harge or all budget making and fiscal planning for the stat:-. His ne11· post pay~ ~~0 .000 annually. lie satd Nixon ~q as~eq_ hi m. \o 1Ull· 'r)ritve the protection of cOnsUmers from Jriiurl and other abuses by merchants. "Ile sp<1kc of his lechng for the pr(J· 1cc:1on of the consurner and thal llH" accnC'V "'l\h its broa(t po1~·crs 11·as \\Cll si1uati>d to rlo so." s;11d \\'cinbergcr. \\'euil>er ger s;i1d !here "'.'.IS a need 10 i1n provc consumer prntect1on 111 pourr.r neighborhoods. "In disadvantaged areas of lari:;c r1t 1<'~ :i nd rural areas it has been quit{' c!e.1rly ~1iown there arc impnsilLons fln (110· :~umers," \\'einbcrger said. PILOT LOGBOOK Cl1ai·ity Begins at Home Wl1en Move Dar. Comes Bv .JOHN VAL TERZA '01 the D•ilY .. lkll St•ll IT ~'AS THAT day that comes too often, no matter how seldom ii occurs. 1\toving day. A day when your lifr. passes before your eyes in !he tangible rorm of furnl· l.u re, books. plates. silverware, paintings, pots and boxes full of just plain junk that. nevertheless, has some special meaning. "What do you wanl to do with this?" ''Give it to !he Salvation Ar my. Thcy·rl" cool. They help the down·and·oulers and !Jell the Sluff in the thrilt ahops. Yeah, give it to them ." "BUT YOUR FATHER gave us that lamp when \\'I "1erc married. We really ought to keep it." , "No room in that oew place, Only two bedroom!!, we'll have to get rid of it." So through the day. the scene was repeated scores o( time!! and the .heap of heirlooms piled up on the drive'A'ay. On the next day came the time for the phone call to that benevolent Christian organzialion. Trying ID avoid sounding p<ilronizing, \he ·wife says. ''\Ve have some stun for you. "\\'ell. we'\'e moved oul and can·t ~et back 1o wait. for 1hc lru,·k. Can'l you pick it up wit hout someone there? Will you please pick 1l up . , . il'J just there "'ailing for you. it 1" "Thanks for bending lhe rule~ ... she concluded weRri!y. It was done. -or so we had though!. II 'A'eek passed before Y.'e received a call from the irate former landlord. He's alway~ irate. \Ve think he was bo rn that way. ''\\'HAT'S ALL THAT junk d()ing in the driveway? There'.~ a whole p1lr. of C-lamor ensued. followed by ;:i r.all lo th" pic:kup organiiation . ''Wh y didn't you pick it up'.'" ;i~ks "'lfJe. Thei r terse reply. "It wasn't good eno1lgh. ma·am " L OAIL V PILOT .. 'J' Intercept Not Boosting Prices t';rom \\'Ir• Sen ·ier1 If market. priee in marijuana. con- sumplion centers of California is any in- <lication the massive federal crackdown known a~ Operation lntercepl 1s in· terccpting little. The intent of the get-tough program is to drive lhe price of ilhcit vt,eed so high no one can afford it, but users and lawm en alike are laughyig al the idea. Prices were already high in San F'ran- c·1sco. Berkeley, and other Northern California. clties -$10 to $2.5 for a half. ounce lid -and lhe rate remains Uie same. ' ' ' " ' ';.( HEW Seeki11g Flexible Law 011 Marijuana \V ASHJNGTO N !U Pl)-The NilC.Qll arl· n1inistration is preparing more flexible laws dealing with marijuana users - perhaps aimed at treating tt1e1p as more a n1edical than crimina l problem. "\Ve "'ant lo provide pena lties fo r fT'_3rijuana use and possession more in tune with the dangers or the drug." said 2r1 aidt in the Departn1cnt of 11ea lth, Education and Welfare (HE\Vl. He revealed Dr. Roge r 0 . Egebcrg. the gr.vern rnenrs top health officer and an advocate o[ less stringent n1a ri1 uana laws, ha s been meeting "'ith Justice Department officials, including Att y. Gen. John N. Mitchell lo hammer out a new a pproach. The Justice Department de clined com· ment. Asked if a new posilion on n1ar1· juana Jaws was expected soon, a depart- ncent spokesman sald he could not reply. r-.i itchell bas testified before Congres.c; he believes ''in senteoces y,·hich , .. \\•ill gi ve Judge!'; sufficient flexibility tc tailor the sentences to the requirements of the drug \·1ola!or or the narcotics addict " Eg(.>berg said recently, "\Vhal 1 fecl is that the penalties for the use or !hr !'ale o! man1uana are out of proportion tu the i!llportance of mari1uana ." The federal la11· for possession of 1nar1· juana provides fur 2 tu 10 years 1111- prlsonn1ent for a first offense, 5 10 20 _yea rs tor a second offcnsr, and 10 to ~O ~ears for further nlfen;.ei., as \\ell as fines of up to ~20,000 State laws follow the S;JlllC tough rat• tern . .... Becau se or 1he i11[)(.>xibihty of Hie penaltie~. some young people are llcn 1C'd 1nedical treatment and are instea rl treated a! hard narcotics usc rs and pll l behind bars, said the HE\V health aide, \\'ho asked not to be identified. One possibility being discussed by the two gnvernn1cnt age11c1es 1s ler;.~cr penalties as \\•ell as rehabilitation and treatment for some offenders. he said. This mighl well include providing 1n1sdc· n1canor elements in rhc law . "Dr EgehC'rg i~ not aboiil lo b;i~·k nH fron1 lhe position that the pre,ent ];J\\'<; ;ire unrealistic and unreasonable," he :>aid. Among high achoo!' and cu; ... ~~"··"'· 11110 know n1ar iiua na as "pot", "gr;i.,~". ""·eed", :ind orhc r namci;, ll~P. of Jhe rlrttg is 1ncr1;as1ng, cxpcrl.s say. IJ 0111 11111ch jc; no! knoy,·n. Bui. Dr. Stanlc~ r. 't'nllr5. c!1reclnr of lhe 1'."a11onal lns11fll\e of tllenlal Jl<>alth, rn:ide the~c oh~Cr\';it1ons rrcr ntl,y for a :-ienalc Ju11enile d e I i n q u e n c y sub· comn111ter -A recent su r1·rv of so111r Hi ~chooli; s11gf!.es1s that as niany as ,;n perrcnt nr ~rt.dt'nt~ 1n certain city :ind suhurhau areas h:ovc had so1ne e:-.pcnenrc \1 Ith maniu:ina -An r::-\lm:oted 11 to 12 mill1ori person~ i11 the linitcd State~ hav e used inariJuana ai. lea!:! once . -\\'arid \1'idc , n1ari1uana 1~ illl 111· tnx1can! second onlv 111 alrohnl 111 p1ip11larity :inrl i~ u~rrl hy some 200 million to 250 million people Four Days Left For Real Estate Series Tickets Only four more working d::iys remain for those 111ho plan lo pick up tickets for lhe Fifth Annual Real Estil\C. Jnveslmcnt Series. Tht' lectures. pr esented jo\ntl;' by the DAILY PILOT , Orange Coast Evening C1)J!ege and the NeY.'porl H11rbor · Cos ta Mesa Board of Realtors. open next Tues· day at Nc1"port llarbor High School. Tickets for the free ~CrtCS or four classes are available at the Costa r-..1esa, Newport Beach, Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach offices of the DAILY PILOT and 'at the evening colll'ge office both on the Gold en West end Orange Coast college campuses. The tickets are free and the serres is open to the public. Designed primarily for the layman wit h the modest investme nt lo manage or money available for real estate in· vestment, the series ofr<"rs professinnal advice on a wide range of ~opics. La~t year, total altend:'.lnce wa s pegged at 869 for lhc four sessions. Al least two lecl ures hy txpert~ 1n ,-arious fields or real t'Sl<t1c invP.~!n1ent ;ind property ma11age1ncnt "'Ill he presenter! t'ach nf the four Tuesday nights of the conference. All sessions are lichC(luled lo run rrom 7 30 Ul 9;30 p.m. S11bjccts for the fir st session include "Orange County -A V.'ay of Life for Busine1u1 and Pleasu re ." "\Vhy lnvest in Rt'al Property~." and "Com- pule riled Real Esta'" I n v e ~ t m e n l San Franci!l«l Polke Narrolics Bureau Lt. Norber1 Currie and Berkeley Police Vice C";-.~rol Inspector Cliff Ojala said their agents have found no change in the past two weeks. Vincent Chasten. fi eld su pervisor f:ir the :;tale bureau of narcotics en. Jorcemenl, however , s~id there has been a slight increase since the Sept. 21 open- ing of Operation Intercept. Sources on the drug scene ~ay there is plenty of marijuana cached Jn ll'le coun· try already -in warehouse quantities - and plenty is still being smuggled 111 from r-.l exico. A bad summer drought crippled the i!· licit marijuana crop south of the border an d users began buyi ng pot that "'as .!.ever11l months olrf. "It "'as good slufr, sirn:e it gets better \11th age," ren1ark ed one smoker. r..1e):ic an autho rltlcs, however, believe Operal1cn Intercept itself is bad slulf - and 1l will get worse with age apparently -for niany far removed from the marl· JUana sc:C"ne 1n both nations. ~lecinwhile, civic leaders lalrnched in .r\u!'.'VO Laredo. Tex., a boycolt on n::i nessenlia l travel by r-.1exicans to the L'ntlcd States. The boycott, dubbed Operation Dign ity. \\'llS 1n rep ly to Operation lntercepl, the 11 1de·flung U.S. screen against narcotics fro m r-.1C"Xirn Y.'hich has sharply reduced the dollar tounst trade. tl1Panwhi!c, Dr. AUonso Quiror. Cuaron, Jearllng• Me1ican Cilll'linologiJt & n d narcotics authority. e:.aid 0 p e r a t i o n lntereept would ha ve no effe.c~ on major smugglers and would only produce "a y,•ave of anti·Americanism along the border." Operation Dignity wa~ put into effec t here. and al J ua rez. across lhe river from El Paso. TeX'., but efforts lo enroll other major border cities were running into re.sis tance. Community leaders in Tijuana, fo.lexicali and Nogales opposed it. Operation Intercept involving searches of 1111 persons and vehicles cr05Sing the border has discouraged tour ism and com· niercial traffi c from Browcsville, Tex., to San Ysidro, Calif. LIKE IT ••• CHARGE IT I • • • • • . . • • ....... Plant ahead for spring beauty ••• bulbs,, J?edding plants, pine! 'ii !\ /r·_\ ,~ ~ ' • -~ -)' --,. .:/ ,;il:!"""" Ranunculas bulbs ••• brilli1nt color for your flower garden 10 for 49• What a blooming surprise when spring comes! Yellow, red, orange, pink, rose and sunset ••• luxuria nt flowers. fulip buliJs ro piiilit now- for stately spring blooms S fo$.S9• Novelty tu lip varietias SJJch as Artbt, Gar· den Party ond Greenland for a bft of Dutch garden beauty! King Alfred Daffodil bulbs ••• yellow splendor 2Sc .. ,h Hove large, butter yellow daffodils for early spring color in your flower gorden for a small price! Plant anemone bulbs far pretty faced flowers! 10 lo• 49c Double anemones growing and blooming in a rio1ou1 mixture of color ••• and oil from littl• bul1>1 you've planted. Si1191 ..... ,.. .... 1u1lbs •••• 10,.,49C Plant jumbo hyacinth bulbs for fragrance! S lo• 89c City of Holland vadety,,, bloonu are a mass of fraQront, shir-like flowers that will delight you come spring. Japanese Black Pine for evergreen yard bealltyl 77C-111I. Ani•tic. hardy and adaptable for basic londscoping. A profllSl-1 look for the ham• gardener. J•P•tteM 11.c:• ''" , .•.• , s .... 3.29 Bedding planh ••• all types and varieties 44c Trey NEWPORT BEACH--FASHION ISLAND Ana!ysi!I" '·---------------------------------------------- .. --~----·~ -. -. -. -- '' l 4 DAil Y PILOT f I .. i1k jooAY'S -'NEWj The ne\v board chair1nan of lhe ~merican Film Institute is Roger L. Stevens, Jong associated with :heater and the opera on the East ,:oast. He succeeds actor Gregory Peck. The announcement said Sid· ney Poitier \\'as narocd ,-ice chair· 111an. • Royal Guardsma n Eddie Bren- n.tn ran his mine decteclor over l11e sides of Queenie. a pony. then c:ave. her an all clear. The n1ine de· cctor reported she had not S\\'a!- •o,,•ed a gold necklace of a visitor ~o the \Vindsor Safari Park Zoo In J::ngland. • f ::.!!::.___.'......./. ---· ;~: .. .-::~ "1:'.Jl.~tt=:::fl: j Tile no-bra 1nove1nc11t appnr· ~.j t rntly ·isn't cat chin p on 111 Gear-;; • {Jl1!. R!1111 ors that bra sales ore ;• !. uff arc '·absolutely witho11t Joun-1 ~ da.tion," sa1.d the ma11ar1er of t11e ~ . bras nn.d girdles department of a ti . ·major $lore in Allan.ta. "Every '~ 1' woman ·needs support," Naid a iJ ~-saleslady 1!1 <n1ot/1er .'ltore. '·\Ve '·' f: try to 1tnpress th is with t een. ,, ·agers, because if they don't have ,, 111t,fport 11ow, 1/1c1{re rio111._q 10 :I Oevelop some big problems in lcrtcr l ife .. , ~ 1.1z;:=::o:·=~" ·-··· _,,··~. .• • Gov. Lester Maddox finally has a cycle he can ride backward while he faces fonvard-a unicycle. The one·\vhecler was presented to •Lhe governor-along lvith a red, white and blue cake-on his 54th birth· clay. "I'll tell you," .said the de· lighted Maddox who .shines at rid· ing bicycles backwards, ''my ncxl term in office I'll ride this into the door." The one-wheel, no handle· hars unicycle is the sixth cycle l'vladdox has received :;ince takini office 'three years ago, but the oth· crs were ordinary two 'vheelers. • Three years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Pontes o[ Tiverton, R .L, hailed the arrival of their first son, Jeffrey. One year later, on the ~a.me date, Sept. 30, a second son. Michael, V.'as born. On this year's Sept. 30, Mrs. Pontes. 25, gave birth to a thlrd son. • ~--- 1\s (I r f'(}CC-sirin is rlrnirn lll the $k!f Ip/ n p!nnr, s111ru·r Ario G1{!hr1r r•i · 1rrtnins or Tu//.': /'1111'e1'$l1 !J foo1!1nll t •c/r/ 1''1 /'r1edforcl, /lfas.~. ,'Zonie 10.00() ~/:(dr nl~ from t~a.'l t cr1i col/c~H'S [loci .• crl to t!;c fesl 1i;ol • Marilyn Penelope Johnson, of Quincy, 111.1 defended her appear- ance in the nude in the yearbook of Rice University, Houston. "l did It. for Rice and the Rice commun- ity," she said. 1'-l iss .Johnson \Vas gradnated in .June. as the outstand· ing female student. Did Agent Cause Loss Of Patrols? SAIGON' (UPI) -The a!Jegtd double agent in the Green Suet tau provided Communist troops with information that led to the annihilation of two five.man s pecial forces patrols, U.S. military sources said t.oday. 'fhey said Thai Khac Chuyen ap- parently had access to lhe Green Berets• secret patrol plans and ti pped the Com· munist troops on where the recon· ntilssance inissions would be going. \Vithin 15 minutes of lheir insertion b.v 11eli(·optcr inl·O Communist territory, the patrols were wiped out. according lo these sources. About 20 South Vietnam~ );Qldiers died on similar missions during the san1c twcrweek period, they said. Chuyen later was arrested and in- lerrogated. He disappeared June 20 and the U.S. Army charged eight Green Berets with murder and conspiracy in the (·ase. Those charges \\'ere dropped Tues· day. Because of the U.S. losse.<; suffered in the Communist an1bushes of the patrols, a senior American officer was relieved of ~ post within the U.S. Command, the sources said. Col. Robert B. Rheault, commander of all Green Berets in Vietnam, was one of the eight who faced charges in the case. lie returned to the United States Wed· nesday denying that any double agent had been killed. "There was a penetration ageht,',. Rheault told nPwsmen before h i ! departure from Vietnam. When a~ked if Chuyen waa this agent, he sa.id, "I believe so." Sources cl~ to the investigation said Chuyerl°3 role as a double agent w~ con· firmed by lie detector and truth serum tests administered at Green Beret head· quarters at Nha Trang. Chuyen's l:xxl.y ha!'i never been found . ll was the Army's contention that he was drugged, shot at Nha Trang and dumped into lhe South China Sea in a weighted bag. UPI TtltPM!t FACES NEWSMEN Sgt. Alvin Smith 8th Beret Back, Denies He Ever Contacted CIA ~AN FRANCISCO (L'Pll -ThC' eight men involved u1 !he celebrated Green Beret murder case 1vcrc ba(·k in 1he United States today. They all agreed-there was no slaying al all. Sgl. JC Alvin L. Smilh Jr .. 11,hn reportedly touched off 1he Army's charges against t11e Berets, .irrived Wednesday at Travis Air For<.c Ba~. The seven Green Beret officers, headed by Col. Robert B. Rheault, arrived 17 hours earlier. Smith, dressed in fa!igucs, faced a bat· tery of newsmen and. like Hhcault lhc · dafbefcire, denied there was any killing of a Vietnamese double agent. New York Attorney Henry B . RothblaU. who represented three of 1he offi cers, said Tuesday !hat Sm ith had gone to the CIA and told them of tl1e alleged slaying of Vietnamese· nationa l Thai Khac Chuyen. Smith isaid he knew Chu yen but said the1e y,•as no s!ayini:;. "I nrver contacted the CIA," he 1olrl newsmen. Nixon Facing Pressure By GOP on Haynswort1i From Wire Servi«• Brooke became the first _Republican \VASHINGTON _President Nixon ha~ senator to publicly urge withdraY.·al nf jhe name and the first senator of either con1e under mounting pressure from his ov.·n parti· in the Senate, reportedly in· party to actually predict the nomination n11ght be defeated. eluding the COP's No. 2 leader, to pull Brooke declined to say how many com· back his nomination of Judge Clement f'. nii tted anti·l-!aynsworth ~·otes he came up 1-Iaynsworth to the Supreme Court. \1·11h in his own nose count. Congressional sources indicated that But he said hr had founrt a subst;in!.J;;il Senate Republic.an Whip Robert P. Grlf· nun1bcr of Reriubhcans \\'ill1ng tn hrcak fin suggested lo lhe President during hi!'i \1 irh tradition and go against lhcir Presi· Tuesday meeting with GOP congressional I d h \ H 'h, dent. •1;.c,• , ·~ , 'C ,__d':v.r~~s •• L ~. ay,nsvi9r. .a .. ~IIJ.t·. ~me "1 · "lr.'s niore t!ran-Sny '(i\~ nr· six-. 1r1f"f eli A spckcsrnan ror Griffin declined you that," he said. [lleanwhile the Senate J11d1c1 ary Com· l\'ednesday either to confr im or deny lhc h kcd n'port. The spokesman saJd Griffin con· mittee as as .. laynswQrth to :;u pp!y a sidererl any conversation he had with the record of his stock market dealing.~. and rtelaycd a vote on !.he nomination for one P reslOcnt as strictly confidential. ... \~e('k. Griffin spearheaded the succbss8f ul f1gl1L last year against Pr ts id en t J ohnson's attempt to appoint Abe Forta:; chief justice. There wa:; nG doubt other Senate Republicans were anxious to see the ap· pointmcnt of lla~TJsworth, now chir! j udge of the 4!h i.,·.s. Court of Appeal~. 11"ilhdrawn. 'fhe only t\egro scna1or, ~fas~athu~rtl~ Ticp11bl1can I-::d\vard \\'. Broo k".'. \red· nesday reJe;ised a lel(er he had 11·rittrn to N1 :i:on ur~in~ the f're$uient lo \r1thrlra1v the nomination or face an "t'm· barrass1 ngly'' close \ otc and possibly even defrat. ''I really think there Y.'Jll be a hea \·y vote against him," Brooke said in liln 1n· terview after the letter was releastd. "If it'!J presented to the Senate it will be 1nost embarrassing to R e p u b t i c a n senators and even isome Demoeratic oenators." HOY AL TRASll Pll~ES .. f'f PALA Ct.: LQ;{DO~ ( l 'PI I-A .~rrcading v.•1lrJcat ,,lr lkl' by i:iarbage collector.~ t od n v !hreatrned Buckingham P :1 I a c " 1 ht prime 1111n1s1er 's res1(lencc ;:i1,rl 1 1he houses of p;irh:-imcnt \1 11.h the ."'<Jrn<' pro· specl of filth, flies anri fire hazards lac· 1ng four million London re~idcnts . A \'lestminstcr borough co u n c 11 i;pokesman said unionized dustntf'n \vhn normally serve Buckingham Palace anil the. ParHanienl buildings y,·erc part of tJ1P. stnke. He said government officials \vould have to make private ar. rangements lo cart av1ay the royal and parli;unentary lrash to public dun1ps. Rain Dampens Eastern U.S. It's Freezing at Alamosa, Warm in Desert California ~ou •ll•"• C•hforn1• con!l"uf<I ,\illnV IO(lev, bvl • ,. . .., more clc.un1. ·-~ Wind ~nd ol·V~'lv coto>tr •tmoo'•'U'"' P••JaVtd In• btP•nn1no o! !~II .. L<,. Anv•I*> •~d '"''"'". wa1 "lO•llY """"v u1d wlr><IY 111 ~•v. T~t h••h "'"' I?, dciwn from W"'1nt>d•1'1 H. TonlgM'• I~ +•al. 'f"9 ~·· ~11u1!<111 c.,.,,,.,1 0 •1lrlt • "•• P•tll•tted <111tr HvM Imoto for !tit bllsln. l 05 ~NGEL.f S /"•f:-~n~v F•I· d ov. Gvst.. winds •I ti"'"' (<:>01•• dovt. Hlph l!)(!ey ~·· LO# !Of'1VM &(I, Hftl'I F•+<:l•V 71, POINT CONC(l"llOli TO l>.\f:X!(lll eoltOER-!oulll lo •OV•l'll!o•I Wll•<I• s "' 15 tnar1 "''' uia11 •'14 '"''' to .,.,,.,,,..,.,, 11 II) 71) ~"Oh ~Vil< C<>l~f (0.lltl Wt lttl IO(lt 'f l l>d 01,ly I Onl•M MOlllY -l! lo "O'lnWt•' 12 "' ,, t ""IA Frld•v. Clolldv l"d•>. 1>••11• ~l$UdY tonlo"I. Sunn1 f t10•Yc !.1ooMry <Ol)lf' ton1e111 (0.l$T.lol AND lllTERMl.'OIA Tf_ ,V4Llf.'V!>-1>4t1lv Oovd• •or l'"' Su"• "v "'ld•v. Gui•~ w•"ll• 11 '"''"' "''" IOI'•~! t"d on Frldoy. Coo+., dO•• ol'I<! o 111'1• ((l(lltf IO'lltlll. H1110• '?li•Y 14 •o #6 Lo"'" 11>n11111 10 10 "'· ~lion• frHlfV 1J lo IJ MOUNT~IN ... REAS-P8••·v •l~t,d~ IO!l•Y MMllY (iflr l~"illlll •"~ "" <toy. S•rO'IO gu)h wlnOl a! ''"'" o«d COOlt r !Nt£#10" AN O OESEltT P'EG.10 '/', ~"-O~•IY wl""I II 10 .'IO "''"' C:~lof <l•Y" Hlo"' •od•V 1(1 lO f!l ~~· ,,., vo!levf. !IO ro 100 l(lwt • v1ll•v· I.Ow~ ~ltM !~ ol(lo 0""' V•lltf. \Ii ·~ l/J \.'l'•f .. , ..... ,v •. •l '" " 1~ ..... v.ii.n. >II'"' ""d•V IS HI II u~r 1t•1en. U It 11 '°""' v111e,1. Coutal M •r"I"' (!Mt, oo,!lv •U""" •!!••·· "°"" W1"41 Wf\lt rlY 11 !O 11 k"llh, Hltll1 ID(l1Y M•t .. to 1' Co••1•1 1 .... o••••urf1 '""'"" troM fill to n. lnlo1'd ''"'~er•lu•u ••nvt<f trom 61 to ''· W.tl•• !fmner.,u•• 51 S11t1, ~Jaan. Tide• ~oco~d "•9" ~"'..,,.., 1e"" F '"' "''~ """ "'"' $1(t)l'ld ~1•11 Ste-IO# lHVRSOAY l I• ~ m , ; • llOO a m.10 I ~· I M, 'I I .• tl-Ol tfl.J/ 1 .. "·"'· •• n·oo 11,m, c 1 l u• It!-~41 m, ,,,,~_a,, •• ., M•ll Ito• 11 ,11 1.m. Slit 1,.46 •.m. • • U.S. Summary A "''' •••• "' •1ln cove•IM "'"'~ o• !M t •llt '1• flOrli&n• or tl>r cwni.v •o· div. l ll't.ndl'l9 '' fir "°''" 11 !he OMll Vt lltV t nd I ... Mlddlt ~".tn!lt tlOT•< Loc1uv ht•vv ,.1n1111 flou1•• ~·•• bf.., •t110rtltlf, Z111ttvlllf, Oho. me11· '"""' '·°" 1.,,., •• , A colo lrOl't Drovoh! t hlllv 1 ~1,,, •~ 1"1 n0)!'1nw..1 witn 'now •I n ~"'' 1!10\lnlOl'I t ltv•!ll)ll! ~!O<;k~'I'• Wtrnl"lj.• w ... I~ •"••' fDr IO•l>c>. Ml>'l!IM. norinarn IJ'•" ""~ 1<>11tne•s•t•n Nf'<ld•. A ""'"" trooi<•I l>tf'lll•I .,.. t tnlltl'ld ovt• CUI!• b•o~•h! ro1n ..... ,,, ... ,d to F1or1<11, W~•· l"tlM 9••C" ••ctivod .6S ol tn I"<" I" t "~"°"' "'l<>d, ~'"''" C1lif0<~·· '"""'"'"""' •v-~• •"d WO'"' IO'le'W"'0 l~t V)Ull IO"' tlMI 11""0 lllt tO.t!, ... lbUGV•rGut Anc.,o•tlt .1o111 .. 11 B•k~•1ll~ld 811m1~~ so11e llll•!O'I 11-tiwn!vllll cn1c"'" (lll(f'IMll 0.0.v•• 0.1 M11ln11 o.troll Folrbankt Frtl"O Htltnl HOf>Olvl\.I 1(1n111 (!!.,. l.tl v,,., tot Antt lu M l,tfl1 Mlnn11110lls Ntw O•l1on1 "'"' Yo•': llo•'" "'"" Otkl•nd 0~•1nom1 '''~ Om•'lt Polm !t>•l'IGI l'•I<> AQ~IO\ ""(>t"i < PT1fl O<l'gh "o••lo"" •01>1~ ( •'V P"ll ~h•" ··~ ~·"•'"'•~'" ~•II I,••• {"' ••.. Q··~· '"" "'"'''left ~I•'!>• "P'~ """ t~ ....... V.t il'\,ny fll'• Ml'" ~ow l"roc. ~· •1 ~l .. "' '~ 'll ~ " 7l JI, n " OI )! ,, ... ... ,, .'I~ 1J ,, JO ,6 01 n " .. . ~ " •? •! -! ,, !O ~I " ·~ ~~ ~~ " 7• ll II •• ,]J ,. 11 " '1 ., .11 'I \• !• II ·~ 4• 1~· ·"' .{; " ., ., " .. ,, ., " .. " ,, " " " " fl 'I 'I •I ,, " "' •I •~ •I ,, ·~ " 11) ,, 71 61 Tr Justice Depart1nent Lawyer Forced to Resign \V ASffiNGTON (AP -The forced resignation of a dissident Justice Depart· ment lawyer has added fuel to con· troversy swirling around the Nixor ad· ministration's civil rights policies. Gary J . Greenberg. 27. senior trial al· torney in the civil righLs division's tip· peals and re!!earch section, stepped down \Vednesday after leading 65 of 74 staff lawyers in a public protest against the government's school desegregation stand. Greenberg resigned at the request of A~L Alty. Gen . Jerris Leonard, his division chief, who claimed only Monday~ I here would be no retributions against at'"' 1orneys who dis.agreed with him . Even as Greenberg began vacating hls office, Sen. Stephen ~1. Young (o.-Ohio), suggested Leonard himself should istep down . 'fhe possibility also was raised that othrr unhappy department lawyers might (lUit in _protest over Greenberg's reiigna· uon, NEWPORT BEACH A 24 Fashion Island 1e.tneil1 ...,,,..._ CominCJ ••• October 3rd • ,.,<.~ ~ ,~ .• "'. -l I 'l • • .t'*· .t. • , -' t' ~,J ... "· ' Sew yourself into the best- dressed woman in town! Talon is presentin g Thimble Theatre for <!ill you gals who want to see the latest in fobrics, patterns, trimmings and how to ptJt them together. Come in and meet Miss Wend y Morck . She'll be here from 11 AM to 12 Noon and 7 PM to 8 PM on the 2nd floor with lots of sewing tricks tind techniques up her pr etty sleeve. See what's new for fall. Find out how to alter the pattern yoU pick. How to select the right threads and tippers and how to us e the new invis ible zip per. See color -.lides and get free booldets to help you at home. Come loaded with questions .• , like how to keep linings flat , how to set in slee ... es without bunching, how to make bound-buttonholes. If you sew at 1!111 or ever ihought about starting .•. 'ome in tomorrow and see how you can sew like a pro with a little help from 1 ~.1,...,.. encl Penneys. NOW EARN % INTEREST PAID QUARTERLY NO LONG-TERM REQUIREMENTS Starting October 1st you ca n earn the new. higher rate or 6% yearly on Morris Plan $5.000 Investment Certificates. Funds placed by October 15th will earn from the ls! of the month at the full 6% rate. Interest paid at the end of each calendar quarter: or credited to a Pessbook Account for additional income. Dolly lnlarool on 5.25% P111book Accounl1. Thrift Passbook Accounts of any amount earn from day of deposit to day of with~ drawal; interest credited and compounded quarterly. Since Its rounding in 1916, Morris Plan has promptly met every request for withdrawal. Assets exceed $ t 25 million. Morris Plan Se.,.11nty·!WO Ot11Ce$ throughout C:.Jtfornlt Newport Boach -3700 New port Boulevard -673 -3700 • ,. ,. "_,_ ' I I I • 111111111111111111111111!11111111111111111 ........................................... ..,.., .. ,.. .. ..., ••• a..,•z"".'.,...,.,..,. ... ~~·=~~-~~~~~-~~ ' ' I Thursday 's Closing l t l• "Isl•,.-----------------, 111,f I M t~ l l"' (I01t (l!t -HI- ,, " '" , • 1 l ll'• 11~ 6~ • • el9 ~·· 1!>00 '' 110 11 I 0 ol llll lOJ ,,. " ·~ " , , , '" '" '" " ,, ". "'' ,. '" ,,, " • '" ... • n> " . ,, " . , " " ' " " " '" Jn'''• ' . . . " a , u • 9 ' • Jl 0 11 J• I : ~I ':t' . , , Jo 69 h1 l 1 11 1 ~ -JK-ao ; 1 , 0 10 , • ) ' 1 I 1 JI o J 9 J• ll d ll o llo 10 9 I , l'JO l 9 ,, l& •I •I 60 l6 ])>o o 10 lDl 11 ' •O 1110 • • 11 )J JJ 16 •O 11 l'l•l@ • 11 H l<o I 1 1 1 119~ ~~. *~· l6 :i.o.. ).0 . ,. . ,, ' t l ll 1 1?0 I 71 l •lo I 60 ~ 1"°2~)73 7Jlo'1'l\o Jl 37'J< •l 61 ~, ~· r ' " " ,. 1l 110 • t l 6 •l • , . •15 '8 1 • 9 ,, :Ill ~ 70 I ~ •S ID J9 ,, " • •l ... 1 11 11 l ... •1 JlQ •9 • ,,,,,,, 1 16 '' " . o l! JI llO " •l . ' . I 19 I 191 7/ '~ ol I• ll I u '' II 6) lt ,' ·~ w " . 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Advance in Week NE\V YORK (UPI) -Stocks shot for\vard la te Thursday en r oute to their first wmning perform ance 1n more than a v. eek Trading \Vas fairly ac (Ive Shortly before the close the UPI marketv.1de indicator sho\\ed a grun of 39 percent on 1576 1s sues crossing the tape rhcre were 780 advances and 538 declines The DO\\ Jones ave1aee of 30 blue chip 1ndus t11al s moved up 3 56 to 810 45 near the close Volun1e of around 11 000000 shares ran aboul 2 000 000 shares ahead of \Vcdnesday s pace A spokesn1an for the She a rson Jla1nm1\I brok erage said the mild rally 1nd1cated nothing de c1s1ve He noted that the list still had depressing news factors to overcoroe Monte Gordon of Bache & Co said the market 1s not out of the woods yet He polnted to 1nfla t1on and Vietnam as major depressants to Wall Street and added th at ' any rally at th is time would be slnctJy technical • Some heavily traded Motors Texaco Benguct Investing issues Penn included General Central and City Steels chc1n1cals and tnotors ge nerall y lraded 111 f1 action s \\ h1le n1o st point sized S\\ 111gcrs in the oils \\ere on the upside Rruls and aircraft n1oved in \\ hile a1rl1ne s edged higher 1n a slances both d1rccho11~ nuinber of u1 .E lec tron1cs sho\\cd rnarke d strength \\llh po111t s1zed gruners cropping up 111 several cases Prices also 1noved higher on the An1er1can Stock Ex change 1n moderately activ e trading Stock '" " •• T1 II d 01 To co NI I T1 IY nd TomcaE-l Tona Coe '"""nCo •O Tt<nM1 nr T t~ "" ,, T1 .. ii.no Tt OllY Dll ~ ;:~:r;~ ",~ Tt nno;:o ll Ton...ec 11 S 10 i:=~~ n1 fl<e ·~@••T 1 .. r exsDtlloO T1• 5u 10 T1•1 nd b T e~••"' ~ Tt oO C.o 01 T~P'ld O~ T•o\JI 1 U .. , , '" • , ,,, •• , " lj ~ 111 ,, , ,, ~ t~ . ·~ P. ~ l• 3}1 lS ll .... lS 5: • ... , . 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" N '? ,i~ ,1~·-t • H Ol o tl ti • ,, , ----........ ~ ---·-·· -, .... y ,.v ---,.~,,., .... ~.--~ .----~---·----~--~---------------------·--- 20 DAILY PILOT L 1hor~d.ly Ot tobtr 2, 1qo9 So111e to Suffer Treated White Skin Keeps Negro Alive No Flit Epidemic By RALP H OIGllTON \\'asn't enough for the rest o[ turtleneck b lou s e s and to the donor lissue, not to the ceptable to the rec1p1ent. rc;iction 111 tile ret:ipi!'Ul, her body. swe aters and it's hardly recipient," he said. "Mrs, "It may be that we have \•1hich lea.,•es hun \'Ulncrabit A,~ .. , thw• l•..:l•I LOS ANlilLl::S -Pauline So 40 perct-nl of the graltcd 11oti e<!able at all." Prit't', for instance, received been approaching lhe problem tu tl1seascs, p<:rhaps the \ray Price awoke screaming , her i:;kin eame from a white 1nar. t-.1rs. l'ri'Ce said racial pre-no RNA injections prior to the of transplant s rroin tfle wrong is to neutralize the donor nightgo'il'n ablaze. \~'ho died shortly aftrr she judicc was not the cause of optration. Somehow, RN A direction. Instead of using tissue so the recipient will ac-Due This Winter ATLANTA ( l' Pt) An1cr1l'ans 111ay I.le prey to two \ypes of flu b1~gs 1h1s season . J.:O\ernrncnt f'XJlCt"t s ~<iy, l;..il thrr<' probably \1 ill b(' no 1na- jn1• rp1 t!e1n1c of an~· typt• ol in- llurnz;1. Tl1c Na!iuna\ Cu1n1nu1111·ahlP D1:.c<.1sc Ccn\CI' ~ N c n ;.: I 1orcl·a~t "~por;id1e .. l·ase~ of lhc A·2 l!ong Kung Ou an<l tht I) pc-8 \'ITUS Tht' NCDC rtconull('ndcd flu \ ;ic1·1nr shnts (i.r l'ldt'rly persons and thosl' in pour hr;illh . The rl'cun11nended 1Jose c·ontains units of Hong Kong strain ;1nl1l·1,:c11 and units nl typc.B anliJ:en fnr pro- tection against b<>th kinds of flu . Thr NCDC. app;irl'nt ly for the t1rsl ti111e. ackno\1•lcdged 1hc llmtled cflcet1veness of the Yaccinc, ;111d said il ··shnl1ld hr ronsidercd only fu r persons nf 1111.v age 11·Hh t't>rla111 l·hro111c 1l rl)ili t:i t1ng t""'Ondlti1111s . ][ S<lld lho1t "unlil f.:OHd pl'O· trc1100 is providctl ,·uns1stcn1l.v hy influenza \':Jrr1nc·(. 11 ls i111l . recoinrnt·ndcd for h~~ ;i 11 11 ~ adults and childr('ll .:. - In this connl'Ction. !he NCDC noted that pt'el11ninary d;ita compiled lro1n lrial s of the Hong Kung str;iin vaccine ind ica ted th:it the \"acc1nc 1ras •·considerably less cffcct1vt• lha n would ha1c b r £' n desi red.'' TI1r l!n11g Kuni:: fli1 1'1~t \\ 1n1er rea\•hcd t•p1dC('1n1c pro· porlinn.~ 111 41 s1:11rs, thr nistrict or ('olu1nb111 and Pu<'rlo Hirn. Tilr NCJX: said final figures h;id no1 h Cl'll tabula1cd hut 11 1·~11111:1ted !h<'l'I' \\'CTI' hellrrrn 4;,_000 ;ind fi0 .000 flu-rrla1 f'rl dt«llh~ 111 I\\(' \1 111ter of !9G8.fi9. r.IA .JOlt Slll FT Thr llong K1111g flu ~tr;un repn:-s('ntl'd .1 n1 :iJur an11gt•n1c shill \\lth111 the Asian 1111 lypl" · It eaugl1 t this l"fillnlr.1• ;1nil thf' rr~l ot ttu• world 111tl1ut1t ;111 rller1 11·e vae1·1n<· f'rorn \long Kun g, 11·hcrt• it 1\aS fir s\ d1sco1·1·rrd. 11 sprl·ad r<1p1dly lhroughou1 A s 1 ;1 . Jrtliner !r;11rlers hroughl 1l <1ulckly lo llu~ l'Ount ry <tnd 11 spread rapidly 111 lc;ip.fro~ tash1011 10 rno't <1f the 50 ~\•11es. Dr. Allt'n Rrod.,kv <if 1h1• '"lr::tl dlSl'fl~C branl·h ·Of N('IX: nn1ed 1h<il ~1.~ .~ t ;11 r ~, ~l 1~sis.~ipp1, Oklal1n111;1. 'J l'X~t': \\'1 ~ron.~in. t-;f'brac,k;i . .1 11 rt lla11n11 rr[}(}rled only rr·g111no1I or 1i;o lal£'d Hong Kon,i:. fill 1111!· She ran into the yard, a enlcred the hospital. She now makes the donor tissue ac-drugs to su ppress the 1n1mune cept 1l. ·• I I I h f h.t her worry. ··Jt v.·as the.------------------------------human torch. Neighbo rs still-ias arge pa t' es o "'" l c 1-lircaks l.ist 1vintcr. Jn addition. the State of Nevada reported no laboratory el'idcnce of 1his llu strain. l:a!il'd on pa~t h1~\ory of the llu b11g . ti \10ultl be these ~!<Ill's th;il are likely to rc1:e11't' Ol vi~!! frOtll llong h ong ,11flucnta this }ear, he ~aid. Th(' 1nostly tn1ted B.1ypc \'1rus struck 111 the n)idwestern Stales in the 1968-69 ('d the flanies wi th a blanket, skin on her torso, front 11nd lhscoloralion," she sa id , but half her skin 1\•as burned back. '"nobody wants to be two col· :iway !hal night of Ap rll 24, fl.lrs, Price, 46 , a tall. ors. '~4 • ft ff d h 1 slender domestic v.·nrker. says = . " gra o ere er on Y The ouly aft<'r etfect r-.lrs . tiope for lifr . :;he.. has lived happily, grateful lo be alive. She suys she has Prke feels is "[ just can't ~\rs. Price i~ a l'\egrQ_ \Vh<'n uv£'rcon1c re s£'ntn1c11L she felt st;i nd heat. I used to work in a .~he came out of surgery, · 1. ,. 1 ahnQ.'.il ha lf hrr skin was upon learning iv iite s ·in \iii.I laundry but I had to give tha\ replaced black . white .. 1 was seJf.ronscious al.Jou! tip because anything over 80 fJol·tors had co1'lTCd 40 per-it for a long time," she said In tlcgrecs n1akcs 1ne feel like I '<'ent or her body 11'llh the only an interview. '"l \\•as afraid of v.·ant to JU111p QUl of 111y skin. skin av ailable :il lhe tune, ii·hat my friends \l'ould think. · · k froin a whi te rnale corpse. Now J do baby s1tt1ng, or ta e Uut il turned out !hey didn 't f Id 1 f lk I ~1 rs. Jlrice 11·as the first care o e er y o s. '>I' 1ate11er pay any attention at all. Like hun1an to ret'eive grafts of me, th ey're JUSt happy I'm I C<10 get.'' season. 'fh1.~ 1neans that other skin treated \1·i!h ribonucleic alive ... · acid (llNAJ as a v.•ay of com-STILL S'.\10KES p<.ir1 s ol the nation are niorc ~1rs. Price sai•s the fire '"Artistry in 1'1oving" for the BEST MOVE of YOUR LIFE Call: 494-1025 ·b halting the process that makes UNDER SEDATION suscepl1 le to typc·B in l he sta rted after she v.·ent to sleep the body rejec t foreign !issue. ~1rs. Price spent f 1 11 e ljiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;~ \1·1ntcr of 1969-iO, Brodsky ad· Pl\OLONGED LIFE inonths in 1 he University Qf smoking a cigarette. "I su1111- dcd. Dr. \Yeldon .Jolley , Loma Sou thcrn C..:a lifo rnia-CotznLy sinoke," she says, "but you DON'T KNO \V L ind a L' n iv er sit v ~ledica! Center. lour of !hem can bet I don't smoke in bed ." rnicrobiologist who originated under sedation to ward olf After five years. 'Or. Jolley Al this point, however, the technique. s<1ys he siec:c pain. says he still cannot account 1nt:dical experts do not kno1v if has used it in seven hul'n "\Vhen tilt• b<.indagi·s fina lly for lhe success of treating lhl'rf' \1·ill be 111ore cases of the cases and it prolonged li fe in t'an1e off ;ind I !ound that burns with skin so;;kcd in a t_vpf'-B than ol' A·2. Prt'dicting all but t11·n. about half uf rne 1ras wh11c . s<ilu!ion of HNA, one of the 11hal the \'1rus will du "'ls still Surgeons under lhc Uin.>clion r11 ;1drn il I 11·;is 1vorl'ied sub~tan<'cs in the nucleus of :111 111cx<1ct scil'nce." he s;ild. of Dr. Louis L. S111ith of Loina sonie." shr r(·c:dled. '"But ee l ls whieh govern I he There is no clinical d1f-Linda used as n1l1ch as pQssi-;1rter they told 111c l had bei·n rn ;111ufacture nf new tissue. HI l!'rL·nce bct11•ecn the t11-·o !lu hie or what re1nai11cd nf Mrs. <lying and that lhe \Vhite skin set'1ns to inhibit tissue in- lypcs, Brodsky said, and onl.v l'rice·s ski n to repair burns \l'<JS all thal was avail;iblc, l !la1nation. 111 th(' rn edicat laboratory L"an th at showed. on her nl•ck and learned to hvc with it. I '"The strange lhing is tha1 tllt·y be told apart. arms and lei.is. But !here usually wear long sleeved !his soaking need be done only ' Typc-B fl u has u ndcr gone 1~::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;11iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;,-----' l1ule antigenic change. hel noted. :ind has been ;:iround for a lung ti rne .. For this reason 1nany adults have. acquired a degree of im1nunHy lo it. Children and young adult s. 1h1•reforl'. are prime targets Jur lype-B. The Asian nu did not appear in th is country until 19.'i7 and rlie Hong Kong variant did not ~ho1v up until 1968. Being the 1nnn..: recent .arrivals. these lwu entnun tcr Jc~s resistance ;1111ong the population. Type-B flu Ol't11rs in thrr(' IO·SIX-l'eJI' cye lt'S and the 1\~1;111 ·1 1u. including ll1c Hong 1\<Jng str<11n, e1 ery two tu lhrt.'C YL'<ll'~. ~ .. w Town Born S!~ll \"ALLEY iAP\ -Simi \" ;1 l le y !od;iy ts Southe rn (';ihlorni<i"s ncwe ~t in- t•orporatcd l:ity and Ventura C11unty's third larges!. ill JACK'S YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR LEVI'S® l£Vl'S!ll B!ut Je1ns LEVI'S! Corduroy1 LEVI'S'-! Sl1·Pr!1I Je•ns LEVl'S!lt Nu~o·1 LEVI'S! Fl1rel LEVl'S!t C1lu•I P1nls from $5.98 $5.98 $6.98 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 IL 1010 o ... itr 10-~ SAM CllMEN11 D"llY 10 10 9 ~UN. 10 lo 4 \\'llh rt·lurns coun1ed iro1n :11117 pre<·1ncls Tuf'sday night . thr 1vt4• was 6.451 to 3.685 in la1·nr nf 1111.:orporHt ing the 26- ~qu:irr-n11lr .1rc<1 norlfn\'e st of 1hl' San Frrnarulo V<.illt•y Of · l1c1als sali.J the nrw city's p<Jp1 1l.111on 1 ~ nro1rly .'i6.t~IO ~~----'=============== Matching Panti REG . $25 SALE $19.88 SPOR TCOAT SAL[ AT El TORO ONLY SPECIAL SPORTCOATS SALE Laguna Car Wash BRING THIS AD FOR A with ... •ny g•solin• fill.up (no minimum} • Laguna Car Wash 540 S. Coast Hwy. -494-1922 (acro11 from Laguna Hotel) O"EH DA ILY, SUN DAYS AHO HOLIDA YS .. " -..._ ... -,. ' ' " :• • ' ... ~ ... . '• \ "'" FINAL : STOCKS! . " • • The DAILY PILOT-The ''Today'' NOW INCLUDES .. .. ,, '!' _ .. ·• ·-\. <. ' .. ' • • . ' ·~ ·' '" Newspaper . -· ' ~ ' ~·· ,_ ' ' ' ·-' ' In Your Home-delivered Edition ' I I ! I 1, ,, ' • .. i I '· 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 .. llll .... 11 .. ll .............................................. 2 ... !llPIUZ'"".,.,..'"" .. u.,._.~~-~=~~~~~~--~~-I I Saddlebaek EDITION VO L 62 , NO. 236, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, .1969 ar ort Lagunan Indicted Pair Charged With Liqiior Thefts Tv.o of four Orange Coast men accused nf the theft of liquor from eight wholesale lii~tribulors 1~·ere indicted today by the Orange County Grand Jury. Nan1ed by the panel were Gene Lon- r\ontlo, 4:!, or '\50 1 E. Cornwall Lane. Newport Br.act1, and Charles Dryer, 31, of 16~5 SunsCr Ridge Drive, Laguna Beach . Both men arl' charged ith rtine counts or grand I.heft of liquor. ,l.dditional counts set out by the Gri.nd ,furv against the two men are grand theft n( liquor from the Saddleback Inn in Lag:una Beach and attempted grand theft or a bar from the Surf and Sand Hotel, also in Laguna. 4 in Bizarre Lag11na l(id11ap To Face Court A quartet of Georgians who rambled flllt to California after 11 stolen motorcy- cle r art and wound up in a blzarrt Laguna Beach abduction caper are due in t'Lurt for a hearing F riday. All four v.·ere arraigned Tuesday on robbery charges. but could faCi! ad- ditional charges when they are brought to Laguna Beach ~1unicipa l Cour t, 11ulhorilie!\ said today. The defendants. 1'.1elvin D. Jackson. :.':4, Clarence M. Smi1h, 2~. Billy G. Pilgrim. 31 and ritlchael D. Messenger, 22, were :ltre~ted Friday night .. They allegedly abducted James 11. n;:ickus. 24, and his roommate, Richard C. Kimball, 18, from their Laguna Beach apartment -apparently by mistake. Two men stayed in the Laguna Beach r~sidc!)ce, 11.·hile Kimball and Backus wd.N! (frlve111Q Co~ta Mes:( wher' one of H1ern lipped off a service station at- IC'nd;inl. HP i11 t11rn notified polire ;ind an al!- poin1s b11llrtin 1v;:is broadcast, leading Lar,u'la Be;i ch police to capture the car and it.c; QCCUpan!s shonly thereafter. Investigators said weapons. plu.~ " riu:1n1i!y of drug pills 1\·rre confiscated frf)f!"' lhe vehicle and these may lead to f1l1nc of addi!ional chaq~es Friday. Authorities belic\'e !he four Grorgians m1sl.akt!nly pi cked lhr two l . ..<1guna Bearh 11,Pn as the :i;uspt>c1ed motnrrycl e part thieves and the whole matter ...,·as a b!z?rre error. Opera Singers Wait for Qua.ke SAN FRANCISCO I AP) -Opera star.~ Dorothq Kirsten and Luciano Pavarotti "''ere singing in the third act of La Boheme when a sharp temblor shook the 01,era House Wednesday night. ·rhe two stopped singing. The .11.udientf! gasped. Abou~ 20 persons headed (or ex- its onto Van Ness Avenue. '"T11en," a member of the audience reponed, "after a silence of about 20 :i;eCQnds, people. slarted applauding and Uie singing resumed.'' B!lck in 1906, the greet earthquake that hit was viewed with far less savoir faire by a famous man asleep In his hotel and also a'l opera star -Enrico Ca ruso. Rondondo <ind Dryer were l\\'O of four fTlen originally arrested three weeks ago at Reliciano·s restaurant in Newport Beach. Booked with them were Edward \Vhitl'head, 40, of 309 Narcissus Ave., Corona del Mar and Alexander Torbell, 25. of 117 vta Dijon, Newport Beach. Wh itehead and Torbett were not in- dicted by the Grand Jury bul the lace ad- ditional charges in Municipal Court or conspiracy to oomntit grand theft and at- tempted burgl,iry. • The four men were arrested at the \Vest.cliff area nightclub 'A'hich bears the namr. of the well·known blind soul slngcr- guitarisl. All are currently lree on bail. Rondondo and Dryer face f:'ivil <i.:lion riled by !he entertainer earlier lh.is year involving operation of the c!ub 'A'hich bears his name. Feliciano claims the club 01ves him ~uo.000 for three performanet•s. lie also wants $100,000 in damages for alleged d:image to hi s reputation. The Grand Jury id entified the liquor distributors as the ~1ilford Company, the Don }V, Snyder Company, Sterling Liquor Con1pany, the David Kay Company, Bllhem1an Distributing Co m p a n y , \'/estern Distributing Company. Young's tll?rkel Company and r.1cKesson Liquor Company. Laguna Council Picks planner in Split Vote By RICHA}\0 P. NALL <» ""' Diiiy ,.!It! 5ttll Laguna Beach councilmen huddled in clO!ed session Wednesday night and emerged to split S-2 over appointmrnl of Carl E. Johnson Jr. to the planning com· mlssi8'~ Jehnton. formfr president of the Civic Leap, replaces Howard Holden who resJ&ned to handle gro'A·ing busiriess com- mitments. The new commissioner was oppo8e(l by councilmen Cha rlton Boyd and Richard Goldberg. Goldberg cast his no vote emphatically. Jn bringing up Johnson's name after !hr executive ses.i;1on, Mayor Glenn Ve<lder said. "I feel the man can do an excellent job." He said Johnson had 'A"Orked on the Nn,val Suppl\ Plane Croshes; 26 Aboard Die ATSUGt, J apan (UPI) -A U.S. f';avy supply plane crasht'd today in the Tonkin Gulf off Vietnam, killing all 26 persons a bot1rd, a Navy spokesman said. The Na1)' spokesman i-aid U1e C'2A Greyhound :i;upply plane crashed into the sea on .11. flight from Cubi Point in the Philippines to an aircraft carrier on sta· tion in the Tonkin Gulf_ RadiomP.n on the carrier, which was not identified. r eported they lost contact with the Greyhound this morning. Search plant's from the carrier soon found the wreckage, the Navy said. The Navy said all 2fi persoos aboard I.he 5Upply craft were Americans. Iden· lilies were withheld pending notification of next of kin. The Navy declined to say whether any or the victims were civilians. The Greyhound was attached to tactical support iiquadron 50 stationed at At.5ugi a t the time of tM mishap. Jazz al Berkeley BERKELEY fUPl) -Berkeley will celebrate its second year of public school Integration Oct. 16 v.·ij.h a jau festival featurln1 Duke Ellington. c1ly's ~J n1i\lion ~1ain Beach acquis1tian, the hard-fought sign ordinance and the CJlizen~ Advisory Committee (to general plan fonnation). Questioned aflar lhe me' t Ing, \.oldberg, a former chamber of r.om· merce president for three year~. said ; ••J feel the plaMing commission should represent as wide • spectrum of the com- munity as possible. \Ve are narrowing our horizons. •·1 v.·ould like to :st>e more consideration g1 1·en lo the business community. There "'ere o1hPr names suggested." In e:..plaining his no vote, Boyd said he 1>.·as not voting against the person but felt that more time shrould ha\'e been taken in selection . Councilrnan Roy Holm said after the meeting that he was sorry on J ohnson's heh31f that it was a split-vote situation. TJut he added, "ft was appare"! that we weren't going to gel unanimity except for sorneone mediocre." J ohnson, 616 ~tystic Vie'A', is a senior r C'SPflrt h :i~socia1r "·lth Chev r on Research C.:o.. one of \V.'O . rese;;irch :-uhsidi:iries of Standard Oil Ctilifornia. lie received a BS in chemistry from the UC. Berkelry in 1943 and his doct::rate in che1nlstry ;1~ UCLA in 1%0. lie .... ·as an instructor in chemistry :il the Unlversity of Illinois from 1950 Ill 1952 ;i nd Joined Chevron ReSt'arch in 19~2. On the cn1nmi ss1on, he joins .Joseph Tomehak, an anthropologist and college instructor : Dr. Robert French, dentist : Fred Briggs, architect; and Charles ~l. Johnson, architect. School Business Ch.i ef Retiring Edwin Hind , business manager oi lhe Laguna Beach Unified School district for lhe past 20 years, will retire next spring and trustees already are discussing the problem of finding a rl'placernent. At a special meeting Saturday, the M'hool board studied 1;pecifications for the job (If business manager and agreed it would be advisable to try to fill the position before Hind leaves 80 the transi- t.ion-will be less difficult "IL is a very important position anfl a great efrnrt must be made to find 60llleone really proficil'nt," said board president Larry Taylor. Sticcessor to Smith Judge Appointment Due A :r-ucce ~Sllr lo J11fl.1:e .I. Parley Smilh, who 1s ret!ring from the Laguna Bear.h- San Clemente f\.lunicipal Court because of poor heallh, may be named by Governor Reagan by the end of this month, •i:· cording to Ned Hut chinson, appointmenl.s l!C<"tetary lo the governor. llutch1n:r;<)n saifl h11!f a dozen attornf'yll hal'r aprtied /or the judicial prn;t. and U\f. applir ations now are going through the u,.ual system of evaluatioo berore the name,o; are s1fbmillcd to the governor. Applir.a!ions are made direi:Uy to the governor's office and aspirants are r~ quired lo fill out a lengthy que~ionnalre, whlch then is r'ferred lo both th'e Orange County and State Bar Associations, <ic- oompanied by letters from 1upport.ers . Their recommendations go. back lo t~ go\'emor's appolnlment office which makes further in\•estigatlons. Strictly speaking, the governor would ha1·e the privilege of making a direct ap-- polntment In 11~ bench, without referring to the baI association~. but a spokesman for the county aS50Clalion sai d gubernatorial policy has always been to con.rult the local group. The procedure of evaluaUon usu a Uy lakl's up to a mOoth « more, but !IOmetimes is accompllltted in le&! time where the need for an appointment is Im- mediate. llutchinSQTI 9mphaslzed U1;1t there is no specific cut'()ff dale for ap- plicatiuns ,_aying, "If someone really outru!nding applied \\'hen we were com. pie.ting our cvaJ11olion, we might go hai.:1' and slart all over again. Wt are a!way!l lnoktng for the mo.'\1 quaWled L people, \\'henever they apply." ,. . ' . '" ? -.J , Ul'l ltlt,~tlt POLICE PATROL SANTA ROSA QUAKE AREA Set:tion of Wall Collapset After Series of Tremors Test Still On Solon Urges Holt After Quakes F"rom Wir' Ser\'lccs ANCl!OHAGE, Alask:i -Despite ti choru s of protrst the countdo1vn con- "'"'«.11'(.r-.!Pe ,ij.S nuclear lest M>day in the remote Aleutians. In \\';ishing:lon this morning, Rep. Jerome R. \\'aldil' (D·Calil.), said earth· qu!1kes in C:i!iforn l;i \Vcdncsd;1y night should cause Pres1r!cnt Nix on to pastpune the explosion. \V.1 ldit:! told the House !ht' 1111;ike<. north of ~<''l Francisco 1nanifcsted '"!-l'rin11s in· st.1bill!y'' that n11ght hr trlggrred into furttirr :icti1·1t y by lhe undrrground blast 011 Am rhitka. "\\Ir believe nur area should not be. subjeclrd !n risks thal sn l;ir are not fully uu•le ~stnod." \Yald1c said. Tt)e test \\Jll be. 1nade on \Yind swept 1\mch1tka Island, 1,400 miles southwest of Anchorage. Scienl is ts and technicians ren dicd monitoring devices and television cameras to record lh e one-megaton blast, c~ual to the detonation of one million Ions of TNT, scheduled for 3 p.m. PDT. Al!l111ugh some scientists feared the big bl;i~t 1night trigger an earthquake and tu.ia! 11avr. "\l/e are very optimistic of a ~af" ;ind sucr.;cssful experiment." Rober~ Miller. operations manager for the Atom· ic. Energy Commission, lold newsmen gathered in the infonnation centers here Wednesday. lntcrnational objections to the lest r'!ai:hed a climax with demonstrations along the U.S.-Canadi:in border in· \'Olving more than 7,000 . students in British Co>umbiit a1orn!. Sf~ pet11v11S 'ttr~ :irrcsltd by police at the Ambassador Br:d&e between \Vincl~or and Detroit. 'l'he AEC said wea1h"r conditions ap- ()"a rcd favorable for the observer plane:. set to fly over th e desolate, 42-mi\e.Jong Aleutian island 100 miles from the Soviet Union's Kamchatka Peninsula. The nuclear device v.·as buried 4,000 f;•el belo1\' the tundra in A shaft drilled in iiOlld volcanic rock. Tv.·enty-eight miles ;11\'i!Y about !.10 persons gathered in a r'lncrc.tc hunker to check the effects of the explosion. Ore tele.1·ision camera was zeroed in on a known earth faull that cuts through the is!nnd. Another was focused oo a pen of seven ~ea ot!e.rs 4,500 feet from the blast sitC lo record the effect on the animals. OOPS; SK I FAIR SALUTED TODAY Oops, we goofed. The DAILY PILOT'A p;pecial section saluting Ski Fair at F'nshion Island appears inside today. not yesterday as announced in Wed nesday'• nt'wspaper. Didn't your skis ever 1tart sliding down the hill before you were re2lty ready to go? SERIES OF QUAKES CENTERED NEAR SANTA ROSA I Today's Final N.Y. Stocks TEN CENTS 24 111 jured; Saitta Rosa Hardest Hit f rom \\'Ire Services SANTA ROSA -'l'he most powl'rful l'arthquakes in eight years rumbled along northern California's famous· Saa Andreas fau ll Wednesday night, Injuring 24 persons and causing hundred.! of thousand~ of dollars in _damage. No fatalities \\'ere reported. Santa Rosa, a city Q( 50.000 about 70 m iles north of Sii D Francisco, was the h~rdest hit community, bot the qubke:i;, .,.. which started at 9.56 p.m. shook Saa Francisco and extended 50 miles south to Sar, Jose Shattered glass covered the streets of S<1nta Rosa. Police roped off a 20·block dowr:tow1r section for hours to prtvent looting. The wall of a saloon collapsed on an unoccupied parked car, B<inks of fl ourcscenl lights crashed on the floor of the post office. A house was moved a foot from its foundations and an overpass sank six inches over U.S. 101 , tre main north-south highway. In Sar Francisco, Dorot hy Kirsten and Lucia no Pavarotti stopped singing in the middle of ''La Boheme" \\'hile the opera house shook. Aftrr about 20 seconds, while the audience applauded, lhcy started again. Moa1• of the injured in Santa Rosa were lreated and relea~d at hospitals for rr,inor cuts and shock. Several fainled 11'hen the quakes hit But one man was barfly hurl and another had a broken leg. All power and communications wera £U1 off in Santa Rosa for eight minutes alter the most powertul shock at 9:56 p.rn .. which registered 5.6 on th e Richler scale Residen!s ran aimlessly about the dark l'itrects in their nightclo!hes. The only l1ghl to be seen blinked from a sheriff's ht!icoptcr hovering above. A minor aftershock was felt at 10: 13 p.m., .before _ ~notlte~ ..• !V}~~!lr u.~-i_:. _ n..,. ~') ... v .... .e "R.1chrer scare, hit at 11 :20 p.m. Another less severe aftershock wa~ rcc.orded at 5:27 a.m. today. It was the worst California quake since one centered near Hollister, south of San Franciso. registered 5.8 on the Richter sc<Jle ir. 1961- Th" famous 1006 quake whic h deviistated San Francisco and northern California was believed to have had an intensi ty of around 8.25, Santa Rosa also was badly hit thl'n . /\ fire broke out in the emergency laboratory room at Santa Rosa ~femorial Hospital It did some damage to the room but no patients ...,·ere evacuated. Sonomn County Community Hospital reported eighl heart aUack patients. There ~·ere no re~rts of fatalities. fires also starfed in a supermarket and an adjacent restaurant. apparenlly from gas escaping fr om broken mains. The J. C. Pl'nney store was flooded from broken wiiter mains. "This is the worst earthquake in my experience. and from what they say, the "'Orsi since 1906." said Police Chi't Melvin F. Flohr. "It was a real jolt." Stock Markets NEW YORK (AP) -A !Uding 1tock market this afternoon began testing the yearly low of the Dow Jones industrial average, as declines widened their lead over advances by 380 issues. (See quota- tions, Pages IS-19). Orange Coast Weather That old north wind will cool off the Orange Coast Friday, while clearing skies prevail with a mer· cury reading of 72. INSIDE TODAY Eleven of thl! 13 men left from a World War l out.fit gaih-~ er with a bQtt!e of cognac t~ 1'\Qin. o.ttracU011: it'll Qo to th« $U~ivor of the group. Po.gl! JO. Ctll+tmle I Cl11111!td ie.31 Comic• 11 c,.,u...... ,, DMI~ ,..,lie" ' ,.dll9fl1I ''" t l'•lf!"l1l11-I H·U rl!'r-• ••tt HOl'tltt" II """ l•ll .. l't li Mallt1•• 4 Mftll1111 ' ,,...,... -M-11 M11l .... I '"'* 11 N•lltnal N..-. t•I O••-c-" • ,,, .... ...,,.,. 11 '-b n.u Ii.ct M.l!ltefl 1•11 l•lt•l"" l, '"'''"'' "'" w,,,,,., c .... ~ .. """ .... w-·· """' 1•1• ' • 1 I!'!~-='!!~, ... - . - . ' -l -:..: ......... .,.--------· -· ---........,._..,.~ ........ ~--~------------------------------ ' 2 OAJL Y Pit.OT L . . ·~- Hopes Ri·sing for Free University • ID La gun a • l A proi-1 Free Univenily fer Laguna &ach -which gol the City Council cold .:-.houlde r in June -had mustered slightly more syn1pathy by \Vednesclay nighl's n1P-eling. Councilmen considered a letter \\1th three pcr.;Qns signatures. It urged sup· port of the activities "of. tAf J-'ree t:ni\·ersity beins established by Johli Down the Missio11 Trail Cl1ild Behavior Disc ussion Set CA.PlSTRANO VALLEY -Dr. Stanley l L \Va llers. psychologist and Cha rles J ohannstn, director of special education, will be gru•st speakf'rs ;it the meeting of lhc Capistrano Unified Sf'hool Dislricl PTA Council \Vednesday, Oct. 8. Learning disabilities and behaviorial problems in children of all <iges \till be the topic for discussion at ~he 7:30 p.m. 1neeling in Forster J unior H i g h ;;uditorium, 25601 'Camino de) Avion , San J u<1n Capistrano. Dr. \Vallers is a professor at Chapman College and' UC Irvine and has his own pracllct.. e Y l11dla11s f'or1ni11g SADDLEBACK VALLE Y -Y Indian f ,ujde groups are now forming in lhe Sad· d)eb:ick Valley. • RcsidenL~ of El Toro and Lake Forest lnterested in the program may attend a meeting tonight al Gates &hoot at 7:30 , p.m. for information. Mission Viejo rcsidenti:: are. invited to La Paz Jntermediate School al 7:30 p.m. on fl1on· day Oct. 6. Steve Crummelt is th e Yf.1CA 's new program director for this .a rea. For lll rlher information contact the South Orange County Yfl1CA at 494-9431. e A lgebra Offered !'.llSSION VIEJO -Students working ;ibo\'C grade level in mathematics may toave o rhance to takP algebra in the Pighth grade at La r az Intermediate f.c hool. The board of trustees of the San J oa- '1Uin School District has approv<?d tht'. ad· ,:anced math course which mav enable Fl.udents to enter geometry clasSes \\'hen they enler h i~h school. Onl y recom mended student s wi!\ he C'ligible for the course which \\'ill be treat.ed as an electi\•e. -· IJ,log4 ,:~r.':clits' To B ene fit Donor, · .. Coast Hospital Blcod donor:ci \\'hll ask for "double r rl"dit'' when the Red Cross Bloodmobile \ isi1~ Laguna Be:irh Monday, Oct. 6, will 1-ie able tn benefit t11emsc h'E'S and the :.nu1!1 CoasL C0n1munily Hospi tal, a l1o~r1ta ! ~pokesn1a n said this \\"eek. ThP blood accounl of the hospital aux· ll1ary h ;i~ brf'n der!etcd down to a low of lhrt'C pints, hut lt c;in be augmented if r!r):lors ai:;k lh;il lhe hospital account a~ 11·fll ;is !heir o\l·n accounts. bf' crl'.ditt d 11101 their donations. T11e dou ble credit \1 1!1 be glven for donatiryn of a single pi nt r f blood if rr.Qu('~led , !he spokcsinan sa\d. Tlir' Bloodm(lbi\e, v.·hich visits Laguna r ve11· fou r n1onth~. 11•ill be fll the Com· n1unity Prr::;hytrrian Churcb. 4 1~ F0rest Ave. ft'onl 2:30 to 7 p.rn. fllonda.v. Tho&e 11!5]1iJ1g to 1nake appoin1n1ents may do ~o hv c;ill lng the: ll<'d C'ross Service Ct!nter, 494~557, but no appointrnenl is requirl'.d . OAllY PllOI tlllA~Vl C.0Al1 f"\18l l~HIN!;, C.OMf'AA't ~•~•rt N. W11I Pto~IOl"I lr>d Pllb!lllltr J•t~ •. c,,.,,. Vkt Pruklt"t ""' Ge,.., .. ""-"r Th om•t .c .... a CdU111 T~o ... 11 A. Mu•p"f~• -"t11ln1 f d•!or r.,;~~••d '-Nt!I L••un1 !100<'1 '"" f d•!Or 1., ••• a...• omc.. 22 2 f,,.,, ....... M1ili~1 l.94••!11 r.o. ••• "" •2•12 OtW Otftul Cft•!1 Mao· JJO Wl'lt ... l"twft He•IP"'I 101,~· '111 VY-"! l olbOI ......... tl .... 111'1"11 a..ui: .... """" Wallace « the Un:iversity of California, I.rvtne.'' 'Ille letter stated Unit support for the pro}e.ct was from Citizens io Support of Students, Faculty and EdocaUon and tht'. South Coast Committee of Concerned Berkeley Parents and Friends. The letter called for a rounril resolu- tion approvi ng the concept and urgi ng citizens support. Councilman Charlton Boyd said the F'rff Unlvt raJty would permit ~ without. college degrees to att.f:nd school without .admbs:ion fees or .admittance standards. Councilman J oseph O'Sul livan ~aid perhaps the request. should go ta SC'hoo! au1 horities and said the council <lid not have enough to go on al U11s poin t. Councilman Richard Goldberg sug- gested more professional opinions might be. obtained at UCI. Councilman Roy Holm said 1l might not be a bad idea to support thf' conct'pt and c91nmf.'nlcd that such su pixirt could later be 1vithdr<1v.'n if \\·arranted . J\1ayor Glenn Vedder, a forn1er fieirnce tPacher, had lookrd in.to ;ictivili~ of the ··t1t ld-F'en1nsu!a Free Un iversity" at OAILY P ILOT P~o•o by 11 1<~&•d Ko•~lt• NEWPORT FIREMEN DOUSE FLAMES IN MOBILE HOME PARKED BEHIND ARCHE S RE STAURANT Elsi nore Couple Lose Vehicle and Contents. During Dinner Break, But the Sa fe Was Saved Blaze Destroys Mobile Home But $25,000 Survives Fire destroyed Tom Shcahan's mobil t'. hotne in a restaurant parking lot in f\e11Tl0rl Beach Wedne,<;day evenin~, hul JI spared ::oon1ethi ng much more im· por!ant -~ZJ,000 in cash. \ strcl ~af~ conlainlng Uie monPy \1·11hstood rhe bl aze vihich destroved lhe El~inorc 111an's trailer and the reSt of its contents. S!'E>Jh;.in and hi.'i 11·ifr . B:i rha ra. n\111err; or ;;n r:J.-;1nore rr~ta11r.~111. p;i rk<'rl thi: ninbl lc h01nc 1n a parking lot 01 Tile .-\rt l1Ps rrs!aur;int ;:iL 3.1}1 \\'. Pacific ,c;v~~ l"lii;:h1.1·:iv :inr!4foqk .a ~iru;i~r ,hr(!.;i~, .. ,. 5J1orlly <1 f1c r UiC~1 entered for dhin<'r ;i patron shouted that lhc tra tler \1·as ;.h!azr. Firemen ~aid Shr ;i)1an tried ~Cl"Cra l limes 10 l'.llt<'r t.h<' burnin g mobile home, but fl ames drovr him back. Someone called firemen. \\'h€11 they .ar- rl\·ed t.he mobile home was romple1 ely in· \·olved in flames. Dam;:ige 10 the Yr.hicle v;·a~ ~:>l :it ~a.soo. It~ coritent.s ,,·onh $1,500 were lost, 11'!(1. but the ~a rc "·as ~afe. Flrernr.n 5.'tid the blaze :ippeared t11 lia\c star1€d in the floor nea r the trailer's rear door. There were no injuries. Irvine Co. to Buy Bonds For Turtle Rock Scliool 111c Irvine Coinpany ha~ agTccd to huy $.820,000 in slate :;chool build1n i:: bonrls ~ an e!e1nentary school can b<' built 1rrl"fur- lle Rock For next fa ll, it \\'as anno11ncrd al the San Joa quin Element ary D1~tru.:i board rnceting Wednesday night. The bonds \\·11! be purC"ha~rd ;ii !hr l'Olrr·;lpprovccJ ffiilXililUOl intrrf''J, t .11f' Of !1 1r pcrl'rnt , a ra te ;it \1"l1ich lh:'.re ha1c been no 01l1cr buyers. Earlier th.i5 m0nth, ~fission VieJo Cn1n · par:iy ·!lrrangffi fl)r :. ~nk ·to buy $1.!I 1111ll in11 11·•n lli of bonds to build ;in rlt'111en(ary r;chool and purcha.:.e tv.·n r lrn1('nt.arv ::.chool sl1e5 \Vithin Lhc school di~tricl in· ilfission Viejo. Tl1e fltissinn Viejo ~ch00l on Co rd ille r<i .S1rret should get 11 ncler \\'<l:V in about 10 days 11·ith conslr11ction 011 the lr1·1ne school at An1alfi and Turtle Rock dril'es h0peful\Y to beg'in nE>xt month, School Superinl<'ndent Ra lph Gal.es said. B::rrif.lg df'l<ly~. btlth ~rhool<: 'il'ill hr t r:irl v {•Jr ~chonl chlldrE>n next Srp· t ~mbrr to ;i lrtter go I.he sti\)€rinlJ?nriE-nl, Jr-.. 1or c~1n'pel.llY fre!;1d ent \\.tl!iam R. ~lason lifild. ''Thr,~e alio ilJ\'e ~elected 1n 11\·e 1ri an lrv1ne 1j(";f'l0r•1nent h;11·e dl")ne ,;o largrly becau~r: or our mJslL'r plctn for a hctler life rn1·ironme nl. A major p;irt of lli:Jt pl;111 is an opportuni ty !or a qunl1ly rduc;ition." The. comrany's hoard of dtr<'clnrs ;ip. prn1rd 11ttrrt1;is-: nf lhc hnnd~ al fi"c per- C'PrJt at a 1Hnr \l'hen comreti111·e iss ues ,1r~ paying high<'r 1 nl~rest ralr.~. Thr honds earn1arkcrJ for !he :-ehool 1,1\l be purr:ha.,rrJ th roui;h the state tllf'tirurer from a ~I :'t hillfrin ba<'kl<"g in unsalahle bnnrls fQ.r loca l :-rhrio! district.~. San .Joaq111 n 1·,.,1er:. will hnllnt. Nov . 25 on r;i lsing !hr 1ntrrf''t rr>lli ng to se1·en jlf'fCPnl for 1hr. Un~rtJd balance or $4 mi)· Jirin in previou sly-voted school bond~. Bui iL \\'as neter;~ary to sell the bond,~ bot1gl1t hv t}1<' lr1·i11e Com rany ;ind ,\l1.~r;1r>11 V1<'j1fs bank e;i rlirr 1J1;in th::it if ll1e ~rhn<llS wrrr to hf rrildy on schcrlulr ne;;t fiepten1b('r. Coi111cil1n e11 Cl1a11g e Dee(l i 011 Festival G1·ou11d Uses LatilJna Beach councilmen Wednesday apnro\'ed changes ln the deed which in 1947 c-onveyed the gift of Irvine Company l;inds thal becan1e the setting for the FcsUva1 of Art s. The objt".ct of the unanim ous action is to remove from the deed la nguage which coul d allow the property to revert to the Irvine Company in the event uses are p<'rmitted that are not spelled out in the deed. Viejo Hospital Pact A \vardecl A ~ million con tract for ron~tnrction nf t>.1ission Community Hospita l In Mislllon Viejo has been awardetl to S11nst.t BulldtrS of Anaheim, hospital spokt'.sma n Dr. Russe ll Hendrickson said today. Dr. Hendrickson, a member or the hospital's execuli\'e commktee, said con- struction wil l begin as soon as the con· tractor can get to it. Ci ty All orney .Ja•k Rimel dubbed it. "a reverte r clause." The 1natter Y"ould yet have to cle;ir tl1e Jr,·ine t•oundalion board of dir ectors at a Nnvember meeting. Rin1el said the original granl rice d "is r1uite l'estrictive and has a rtverter t1au~e which could allow title to go bark lo tre Irvine C-Ompany. "The purpose is simply lo remove the rt.vertrr clau~t' and a11011; the perk fl') he 11 ~ed ((Ir al l public park purposrs,'' Rin1c l said. Rimel said in the 21 years of use lhe F'E>~ival and it~ P::ig<'nnt of thr 111nsl crs h 11~ become identifie d pretiy v.•ell \1·orld "'ide. The ori ginal d ee d sptc:irie.o; tJ ~e~ as "production and hnlding of public c(ln· certs. lheat.rical perfonnance.o;, fr~1 ival !', exhibl!s and any and ali forms of pub lic entertainment and recrtation." William D. Martin, Fesfil'al board l'hainnan, said under the old deed use of the grounds or Irvine Boll'I hy h<i~pita !::;, churchts' or other civic groups could re!'nlt in lor;s of the cfty-ownrd grant. Mmlo Park in the San F'ral'lclsco are21 . Many of the course!, said Vedder, did not seem academically relevant. He said he 1\IOUld be reluctant to supµort the enterprise wilhout knowing what it in· \'Dived. He said the re seemed to be a tendency tov.·ard u!nng free un i\ler5ities as lhf: basis of licensi ng activities not normal ly accepted by a con1muni ty. "Any Free University member .may of· lu a course on any subject he chooses," said Vedder. T·he n1 ayor said it might be \\'<'11 lo find out sonicthing about the signers of tlif' leller. ''Do these people Jive in the city"" he asked. ll was signet! Jan Peters Bab-- cock, J oy Connors, and Charlotte Gorden. The (.'ity had on June 18 lurned down ~u ggcsted support of the Free University. Doe s D1~ess Code Make Educatio11al Dif f ere nee'? By FRED SCHOE~I EllL Of lht Di iiy P iiio! Sli t! \'t'lLL JOHNNY'S long hair and sandal~ \l"ilhout socks, or Mary's Levi bellbol· toms really have any effect on Uie kind of edUc3lion they will absorb? Are grooming standa rds really a school ft!!"•l:lion? Do !:Choo! offici als have the rig hl to s«y '" h:-ot a student shall or shall nol wea r to t ln sscs'." Questions like these -and a variety or answe rs -ca n be l1eard these days aro11nd the Laguna Beach High School C<ln1pu,;. So your Teen Corner selected live ~tudc:nts and fv.·o faculty men1bers at random in ordl',f to report their feelings <tbout t xistirii dres.o; code ruling£ at La_gu na High. Here are capsule reports 011 v.·h:it they had lo say: "I Tl:ll'l\'K they ,;,hould be abolished,'' i;ni d ~enior Mic kie Glot fel ty. '"\Ve do need ~ome rules for good ta ste, like no short· shorts, requi red footwear of some type , ;:ind no cutoffs or ratty old sweatshirts." But her male coun terpart in the senior clas~. Bruce Ra lhhun said: "The dress <·odes here are a heck of a lot more l1be ral than where I went to school in 'torr;ince. And even ir they \\'ere abolisJ1. e:-1 . I'd dress the same \Vay I alwa ys do." Tll'o of our freshman gave their opi- nions on thr groo1ni ng standards. Debbie E:1 rl, \\'ho is fron1 SL Catherine 's was happy \\'ilh the existing rules. "1 don·t thin k that they're too strict. St. Cal'1C>rine's, "'llerc l \\'cnt last year, re· <1uired uniforms. Kid~. n1o~tly th{lSt fron1 Thur~lon, \\'here I.hey l1al'e open-dress, proba bly fee ! the dress codes he re should be done away 1vith, but for me they ar~ 01\," .:.he commented. Richard Perry •Mini Laguna Beach liig)1 School's uniq ue mini-cou rs<'s 1vcre resun1ed ?-londay with .a unit on enl'i ronment, featurin i a slide Georg ia ~c hoo l Board Votes lo Stop Cla sses DOt:G LAS, Ga . 1AP) -The Coffee C0tmfy school board, ·one of six in. Georgia sued by federal off icials for rr..n<'ging on Integration flgrec1ncn~. l'Olcd \\'ctlncsda .1• night 10 susrend srlinols iniincdia tcly "for the protcc:t1on of life and property." fhi.1rd n1rmber Clarence Hursey i;;iitf 1hr. \0!(' \\'a.<: unanin1011s. !Jur s.Py :o;ai<l lhe board took the. action after meeting with three 11•hi1c n1en 11ho \1'ere "re3 lly con· ccrned abou t lhei r !if<' and property." Lao uu a " T een Co rnet· sa id, "I do11't want kids !oo klng like slob~. 1'he kid s here look decent and I really 1vouldn't favor abolishing the dress codes, bt?cause th ey aren·t tha t strict." J\Je \Jisa Fryer. snpho111ore, gave this v:ew: "\\'c co uld try to'· :iboli sh then1 , beca use it nu1kes me mad tliat boys ha ve 10 i1·ear socks v!'ith sandals and !he racl th:it girls can't 1vcar pant s to school." !"10 SURVEY would be complelP \Vithout the comment of the fac ulty. Dar- rell flf cKibban, Director of Al11lelic~ favors the all -or-nothing principle, declar- ing, •·Either lhe codes are enforced 100 percent or they should be abolished." Linda Isaac, hislrJry instructo r. i.<1 f:ll·orable lo1\·ard the ex\s\J ng dres.<1 regulati<•ns ~tating, "l\'e hal'e pretty cas11al dress here :i nd th;i! us the way 1t ~iiruld be. You ah\'fl ys need ~on1e genrr<il i;!uldc lines. Ollr dress code provldcs 1:1rse guidelines . ., Perh;:ips the most re.\'ealing state111rnl zbr1111 the. dress code si!ua !inn \\'<ls rnade hy one liludent 11·ho asked to rcrn,:11n anonymous. Looking al 111c 11·lth !ii!'! long hai r falling on his coll ar and into his f.:ier., he ~aid. "The real problf'm is !hP. schools are governing, and !hat's not righ t \\'hen U1ey are lhcre to be educatlng." Back pre~enta tlon by U1e Save the Rcd1vood ~ Four>da1100. follo\\·ed on Tuesda y 111ith • prt'se11ta tion by the Forestry Department on conserva tio n in Orange County. The Thursday progran1 '.lilt feature r.;i:.-hrl Carson's fihn docume ntary, "Si!f'nt Spring" .ind ot her iten1s i11 lh11 :'i".'t ;es 1vi1! be experi mrnt.a! ~Hident flhn11 and films produced by the Sierra Club. A 11·ra!"llP ~.es~ion F'riday , Oct:. 10 will be dewted to a question and an~eir ~m· -po~ium for students and faculty mern · bers. Purpose of the uni t on environrnCnL. at· cording to Stuart. R.a bi nO\l'itsh. is to ~ho\11 lhc effects or t ~chnology on natu ral resources and discuss 1"onst ruc tive steps lha t can be taken lo rli'rt\inate pollution. The mi ni·courses arr rnnducted durini: <>!udy hall sessions on suhjec!s requested by th e st udent.s. .No"lll'" More Sleeping Comfo rt Has BCl!ln Added. &neath t.he ticking of every Rip Vim WUtkle maltreM iA a new cuehion of comfort 1111da p<*lble by OoPont'e am1ri11g ne• Dacron Fibercoil. DuPont'• new Fib!rcoil i1 actnally thouMnda n( little micr'OllCopic coib that provida the m01t ree.ilient 1url1ce !!Ver ob· tained in thlt aleeping indmtry. Thia n_.. Flben:oil ttfueM to pack d01Ja or lump up-and it'11 non-allergenic.. • Hand·Stitched Sag Free Sidewalls -th.at Jive.12% more lliilhle slot"p. ioc llUffate. • B·Way liand Tied.Bot. Sprin1- the envy of th e indWJtry. • Full :ZO.yeu DOO•pronild iuuantee. • Availlble in tufted or t:1Wlted modtla. • Solt, Medium, or Finn. \I/hen thal might be v,;as not im· mediattly known. The hospital'$ public relations ma n said ground wi ll~ broken "ln the immediate future" v.·hile a i:.pokesman fetr the contractor said it might be someti me next year. Deed changes would allow the Irvine B01\·l Policy Comm ittee full respon!'ibili1y for I.he u~. It Is made up of lwo Fes1iva1 bo11rU nieniber~. twn counC"i hn en and a fifl.h person picked by the fOtJ r. Tw in or Full Sii• Set O ueen Sit o Set 119.50 l".50 359.10 F'rst pha se construction i~ lor 126 bro~ <tf !he ultimate 250 bffi facility on 14 ;icres of the lrir111C'r Sa<ldlrhack Cnllcge 111t.erim campu:ii site at !ht oorUl tnd or Crown Valley P;irk11<1.Y ..... "Now that lhe !";1.rike Is 01·pr and ::;arl· dleb11ck College ha~ het'n able to move from !he !.itr wr ean ~tQ rt nt onct'." a hospital spoke.,mnn said. l\la n8ficld Lca,·cs \\'ASH JNCTON' IAP) -!-icn111c ~fll · Jrirlt}· Lt>i!drr Mi~I! ~1an~rield rt>Ui.rned to \\·(Irk fl')dB :V ;i ftE>r ~pendln~ six rl.<i\ ~ in thr hnspi1a l and ~;i id tha t he. n1u~t ·und crg11 furth<?r medlcal te~ts. PROF ESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNS Kin9 Site Set 1l1S HARBOR BLVO. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646.0275 ... I j I Ir I! I ,f. " ,. '· " y. '· ly s, " Cl I• ,. :~ ,. JO " ,,1 lo "' " is '' lit ls • nt -c y, ,. " A ,. ,,. ,,. ,. w ,1 lS '~ d i l -----,--------·------~--~~T'"''"~--.... ,,. ___ ._.~_ ~~.--~~ ----------· .. --------·-~~-------r -· • ··-,->'" f I ' • Newport Harbor 'J'oday's Flnal N.Y. Stocks VOL. 62, NO. 236, 4 SECTION S, 46 PAGE S ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 19~9 TEN CENTS Sleeples·s Nights Ahead for Sand Haul Area By JOllN \' ALTERZA Of !hi 01ily Pl1~! S!1!1 Beginning Nov. l \Vesl Newport's :-horefronl dwell'ers will be able to watch a parade each night of fifty.ton earth move rs rumbling by once a minu te. The parade will last until 5 a.m. There will he a two-hour breather before the parade starts agttin at 7. W'hen it's all over -in n1id-Dcccmber ' " I -The Army Corps of Engineers will have hauled 800,000 cubic yards of sand from the Sant:i Ana River bed onto the erosion-plagued beach studded with four new stone groins to keep the sand in place. Actually the sand haul operation will begin Oct. 6, but the midnight (a nrl beyond) caravan will start the first of next month.. ,,,~,)' J.,Al ~f '·~ -.,._ -· "'""'T"....-._ ') " j ·:-,, ! '~· ,· • : ; ~1 1. ~.· •• " DA ILY ,.1LOT Sll ll ,.~Cit ", .• VAU GHN COM PARE S PLASTI C GRASS WITH REAL THING Ove,. Breakfa st, Some Down to Earth Talk About Ground Covers Plastic Roots f 'ahP. Grass Keeps Fir1n Gree n Pni;~ don·1 l1k<' pl.1!'>1 1c gr;iss. Jn test alter t L.~I . tlH.'Y choose concrete every tirnr. Cities. how<'\'Cf, 11i<r pl,1s1i r grass. 1'hey. too. prrt<'r it O\'Cf concrete -and in gro11 ing number~. Among lhem arl' !he r;itiP.s of Nc.wp:irt 'Reach, Costa !'11 esa, Long Beach arid \gt'i thi~) L(l1vndale . 111is spread of pla ~tir grass is making f>x-foo!ba!lcr Don Vaughn a mighty happy 1nan. lie is a 37-ycar-old, 6'5" Joc<Jl bo y who Is making good as 1·ice president of a Nel\'port Beach firm th<it sells the stuff. He 1s also one of the ll arbor Area·s best lo1n~·n sailors anrl was p<irt of Pat Dou- ~an·s crew on Colun1bia ~ailing in the Amrrica's Cllfl con1pclition two years <1go. Vaughn 1nlrl ;ill about it. in a moving in· Orange Coast Wea ther ' Thal old north 'A'ind 'A·ill cool off 1hc Orange Coast Frida y, while cle11rlng skies prrvail with a mer· cury reading of 72. l~SIDE TODAY T:l.•'VCll n( U1r 13 )l!t>ll 11'.jf, fro1n n 11·nr1d \Vn r I n111fi~ f]f/tll· r r 1r1rh n hnt//r: n( connnc rl1e ir1fJ•11 nUtnr11n11 · 11'/l oo ro i11c . \•11T11·r·r of tlir !1ro11p. rage JO. (•'•"'"'• ' Mftv1u H·'1 (l :<>H•~f a 11 Mulul l '""d' " c""'t• " N"llO"OI ·~· ... (•o.,wo•~ " t')fD"•I Counh • fl•~!h ,..,., .. • ~•l••I Po•I., " (<h!orlol p,.,. • SPOth 11 !J (r.•~·!~'""'•"I )~ )I ~IO<.-M 1r-t11 11 11 F ··~~<• 11·19 r.i1•hio" " lloro•<OP• " Th•~•••~ "·" '"" t1nd1" " W1o!h"' • M1<1I>•• • worl<:I 1<11wo ... ,..,,, ..•.. • wom1"'' ,. .... 1J Ii lcr•.iew lhe othe r d<l.Y. ll was a movlni;: intf'f\ 1r11r becau~e 1l he gan in one of Va ughn'~ favorite 1vat rrfront ca fes. The ('rea1n tor the breakfasl coffee had a fly in it. Tlir rrporter fl ed to <inol her restaurant. Va ughn fol!0\1·ed . JN\'ESTEO $511,000 Finally settled hefore a pile of eggs, :i:ausages, French fries -and tea -at lhe Blue Dolph.in Re::;t;iurant, the tanned, trim young execulive explained that six: months ago he and ('A'O other men in- vested $50,000 for a Dura·1'urf franchise. The way things are going, he said, that in vestment has now about tripled . Here·s why. Since acquiring lhe franchise from Monsanto Chemical Co. of SL t..uis, Dura-Turf president Clyde Gilm a, secretary-treasurer Bill Ficke r (a NC'A'J>llrl arch.itect) and Vaughn have processed orders for the polye~hylene product frotn municipalities. public golf courses, hotels, hos pitals. colleges and are now dickering with major developers .. like the Irvine Company. "You probably think I'm bullying you on this," said, Vaughn, "but we sold 5,000 square feel of Dura-Turf to a dairy farmer in Heme1. It has cows on it. The farmer now wants another 5,000 feet." OOESN'T MIND The cows don 't mind it at all as they feed and go about their other activities, he ell:plained. "The farmer periodically hoses It off. removes patches of it and hangs it up to dry. Then it's just ike ne\V .'' The dog test, he sairl . turned out dif- ferently. IL was installed on <1n ex- perimental basis in kennels. The canines frolic ker! on it, bu!. otherwise kept it clean. hoping for concrete . Citie~ are using it mostly for pa rkwa ys and traffic dividers. wh ere rel!\ gra~s gelc: gassed by automotive fumes. Costa 1'1csa has orrl ercd a ha lf carload. 1'hat's ;ihout $17.000 l\'Orlh. II. \viii !)f' used large- ly in rDad dividers. Newport intends to rnll i! 011t anrl Rlue it dnwn the middlr or .Jamboree Road, from Coast Highway to Pn!isadc~ Rnad. Those t1o1·0 miles of Dura· (See GRASS, Page 2J Con tractors for the Corps will begin grading their haui road by the end of Lhis week, spokesmen said. After that road is built, the earth movers will start th eir course during the daylight hours for about three weeks. But, as the winter rainy season ap- proaches, the crews will doubie up on shills to try to beat the weather. "The Corps has promised to keep the machines at'I close to the ocean and as far from beachfront home::; as possible," said city Tidelands Coordinator George Dawes . The caravan will first begin filling sand onto the beach between the river mouth and the 56th Street groin, then pro- gressively move downcoast until all I.he groins are covered with sand. Some of the sand in the river, howeve r. won't be gOQd enough for Newport's et'laslline. ' "The Corps will have an inspector who will decide on the quality of the sand taken away. If there is any un acceptable material, it' will be hauled off to a dump," Dawes said. Beach closures also will go into effect during the hauling operation. The first section to close will be the river mouth to 56th street. Afte r that, closures will edgP do1vncoast along with 1hf' ha uling rnacliines. The ma chines will "'ork from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. each weekday through Nov. I. Then the double shift wi!l take over un- til the work is done. The only respite 1vill come on weekends al\d between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. followed by another two hours from S to '1. a.rn. ual{e Rocl{s Santa Rosa Q 24 lnjur_ed; I;>amage in .Hundreds of Thousands Yrotn \\'Ire Services SANTA ROSA _. The most powerful (\1rthqua kes in eight years rumbled nlong northern California's famous San Andreas fault Wednesday night, injuring 24 persons and causing hundreds of 1hou~and~ of dollars ln damage. No fatalities \\'ere reported. S:int~ Rosa, a city of 50 ,000 about 70 1·1 iles norlh of San Francisco, \\'as the 11;1rdrst hit conununity, but the quakes, which started at 9:56 p.m. shook San r,vo Su spects 111 Big Liquor Tl1ef t Indicted T110 of four Orange Coast men accu::;ed of the theft of liquor from eight wholesale distributors were indicted today by the Or:inge County Grand Jury. Named by the panel we re Gene Lon. fi Ondo, 43, or 1501 E. Comwall Lane. Ne~·port Beach. and Charles Dryer. 3!, of 164.l Sunset Ridge Driv e, Laguna Beach. Both men are charged ith nine counts of gr and theft of liquor. . P.dditional counts set ou t by the Grand . 1urv ag:linsl t ....... '#o·mtm art' grand theft (If liquor from the Saddlcbark Inn in Lap,una Beach and attempted grand theft o1 a bar from the Surf and Sand l1otel, ~iso in Laguna . Rondondo and Dryer were two of four n'en originally arrestt:,d three l\'ee l).s ago :it Reliciano·s restaurant in Newport B~aeh. Booked with them were Ed~\'ard \'.'hi\('l1e:1d. 40, of 309 Narcissus Ave ., (.'orona del Mar and Alexander Torbett, ::.i of lli Via Dijon, Newport Beach. \Vh1 iPhef!d and Torbett were not In· ~Jctcd by the Grand Jury bul the face ad- (!1linnal charges in J\.Tunicipal Court of l'•1n~p1rary 10 commit grand theft and at· t~·n1p!Cd burgla ry. The four n1en 1o1·ere arrested ;it the \\'cstcliff area night club "'hich bears the nanic of the \\'ell·kno\\·n blind soul singer- guitarist. All are c11 rr.cnlly free on bail. Rrndondo and Dryer face c;ivil action filed by the entertainer earlier this year involving operation of the club \\'hich bc:irs his name. Feliciano claims the club owes hlm (See JURY, Page %) Blaze Destroys Mobile Home But $25,000 Survives ~ Fire destroyed Tom Sheahan's mobile horne in a restaurant parking lot in Newport Beach Wednesday evening, but it sp.ared something much 1nore im· portant -$25,000 in cash. /\. steel sa re containing the money withstood the blaze which destroyed the Elsinore man's trailer and the rest of ils contents. Sheahan and his wife, Barbara, owners of .an Elsinore restaurant. parked the mobile home in a parking Jot of The Arches res laurant at 3334 W. Pacific Coast Highway and took a dinner break. Shortly after they entered for dinner • patron shouted that the trailer was ablaze. Firemen said Sheahan tried several times to enter the burning moblle home, but flaml's drove him back. Someone called fi remen. When Ibey ar· rived the mobi le home ~·as completely in· volved in flames. D:>mage to the vehicle "'as s!!I at Sfl,fi(l(l. Us contents wort h $1,500 were losl. too . but the safe was :;a fe. Firemen said the blaze <1ppeared ID have .~tarted in the floor near the tr::i.iler's rc:lr door. There wc:re nD Injuries. Francisco and ex.tended 50 miles south to Sari Jose. Sh8.ttered ·glass covered the streets of Santa Rosa. Police roped off a 20-block dcwr:towu section for hours to prevent looting. The wall of a saloon collapsed on <in unoccupied parked car. Banks of flourescent lights crashed on the floor of the JX>Sl office. A house was n1oved a foot from its foundations and an overpass sank she inches over U.S. 101 , U:e main north-south highwa y. In Sari rrancisco, Dcrot hy Kirsten and Luciano Pavarotti stopped singing tn the middle of "La Boheme" while the opera house shook.· After about 20 secon&. while the audience applauded, ~hey started again. Mos•. of the injured in Santa Rosa were treated and relea sed at hospitals for rr,inor cuts and shock. Several fainted when Hll' qu<i kcs hit. But one man was badl.v hurl and anot her had a broken leg. All power 'and co1nmunicalions \\'ere cut off in Santa Rosa for eight minutes alter lht> most powertul shock at 9:56 ..... ·, .: ·. : -· CALIFORNIA \ :. . . . . . .· ... N ··· . ··· EV .... :-: . . . . . . . . ... ;9 Reno • ·. · · -S~nla Ros~·• -::C:: SACRAMENTO -Rf ... ·. 0 ;·s e:~•s6~ .. · ........ -. -. . . . .---• ··.'.CITY .. ' . . . . . . . . ... : .. ... . . =-:::: .• · eQAKlAND = : ... ~-.:c -:. sAN FRANcii'c_O U=%:1 •sTocKTON . . . . . . . .. ·:. ·:·. . . . . . . . . ......... •;; .... ~_:_::~··::_~S O"nJose ·-· ... _.,.. . . -. . . .. -- S~H~· •·"-. ,. Monterey e FRESNO ... . . . " . . :.·· .. . . . . . . ... .. ·.·· .. -.· ~ ---... ·-· - .. SERIES OF QUAKES CENTERED NEAR SANT A ROSA Earthquakes Bring Plea To Delay Nuclear T est f'rom Wire. Serviceir ANCHORAGE , Alaska -Desp1 !<! it <'horus or protest the countcinwn con- tinued for the US nuclear !('st today in !he remotr Aleutians. Ir \Va~hinglon thl~ morning. Rep. .Jerome H. \Valdie (D-Calif.). said earth- quakes in California \V ednesday night should cause President Nixon to po5lpone the e~ploslon. \Vlldle told !he House the quakes north of Sa n Francisco manifested "serious in- stability'" that might be triggered into flirthe r ac1ivity by the underground bla~t Qn Amchitka. ''\Ve believe our area shoul d not be subjert~d to risks that so far are not fully unrlerstood," Waldie sairl. ) The test will be made on windsl\·ept Amchitka Island , J.400 miles sou!hl\·est of Anchorage. Scientists and technicians readied monitoring devices and television cameras to rerord the one-megaton blast, eq ual to the detonation of one mllllon tons of TNT. scheduled for 3 p.m. PDT. p.m .. which registered 5.6 c..n the Richter scale. Residents ran aimlessly about the dark st reets in their nightclothes. The only !Jght t.o be seen bl inked from a sheriffs h<:Jicopter hovering above. A mi no r aftershock was fel t at 10:13 p.m.. before another major temblor. registering 5.5 on the Richter scale, hit at 11 :20 p.m. Another less severe aftershock: ~·.i~ rt>cordcd at 5:27 a .m. today. It was !he 1vorst California quake si nce !See QUAKES, Page 2 Plane Crashe s In Tonl\.in Gulf; 26 Ab oard Die ,\TSUGT. Japan <UP[) -A US. Na\J' supply plane crash('(f tbclay in the Tonkin Gulf off Vie!nllm. kill ing '111 26 person.5 <i bna rd, a Navy ~pokesn1an said . The l\'avy spoltesman said the C2 A Greyhound supply plane crashed in!o the sea on a flight from Cub[ Point in thtt Philippines to an aircraft carrier on sta- lion in the Tonkin Gulf. Radiomen on the carrier •. which wa!I ..... ;~_...,,_. __ _.._..._ ''-·--....... ~-.. \viih the Greyhou~d this m;rning. Search planes from the carrier soon found the wreckage. the Navy said. The Navy said all 26 persons aboard the sup ply craft were Americans. Iden· tilies were v.·ithheld penrling notification of next of kin. The Navy df'Clined to say 1vhclher any of the victim5 were ch'1lians, The Grt>yhound was at!ached t.9 tactical i;upport squadron 50 stationed ;it Atsugi at the time of the mi shap. OO PS; SK I FA IR SA LUTE D TOD A Y Oop~. \IC goofed. The DAILY PIWT's special section s<i!LJting Ski Fair at Fa~hion Island appears inside today, not yt:stert.lay as announced in \Vednesday's n~wspapcr . Didn't your skis ever start slirling down the hill before you were re21ly ready to go? DAILY ,.It.OT l"Mhl llf lltltlll,. K ........ NEWPORT FIREMEN DOUSE FLAMES IN MOBILE HOME PARKED BEHIND ARCH ES RESTAURANT Elsi nore Couple Lose V•hlcle •n'd Contents Du r ing Dinner Bre.n k, But the Sei fe W~s s~ved ' '' ' ·~ • P!l!"'-~~~=-... ·-·~---- l. • 2 D.ll l Y Pn.OT N Battin Says Salt Creek Rr TO~I BARLEY 01 I~• Olil1 P'itol !.1111 .nr~nge {j:lunly Surervisor Rohl'rt Biit- ofin has brought the simmering Salt Creek Ro<>d tontrO\'Crsy back to the boil today 1r1th lhe allegation that the Laguna Kiguel Corporation plans lo construct a huge pipeline. along the length of the 1-:>rm"':· public right of v.·ay. -Battin successfully urged re 11 ow h!pervisors during the board meeting Tuesday to pass a resolution that no thanges would be permitted in the rounty-Lag\ina Niguel agr eem ent "11'ilhout the express approval of this board." He did not. during the mttting. clarify 11.·hat thnse changes might be other th<1n to disclose that they might bl' in con- nect irn 1\·ith the earthworks heing in- gta\lcd along Sall Creek Road for v;a ter runoff -an improvement to th e old rreE.'k bed lhal was endorsed by the com- pa!1v and the county. But Battin later told the DA ILY PILOT that he had been informed "bv a sourer ( r;in not poi;sibty question" 1i1at LC1guna r\1g11c>I had no1v drcidcd 10 build a pipeline along 1he pathway that 1va~ once the access route to the Pacifi c Ocean lrom Pacific Coast Highway. "And there's only one purpose behind lh1s project.'' Battin .said. "That is lo mJke it physically impossible for anyone lo use the former Salt Creek Road and lhu~ effectively and pe.rrnanenlly bar pedutrian traffic from the road." Laguna Niguel Co rporali o n In· rorporat.W Silt Creek Road into develop- • ment Ql I.he thoroughfare in ltfarch o( El68. Orange County's action was challenged In Superior Cou rt in a suit that accused county su~rvlsors n£ unlawfully aban- rloning the road. That suit is techn ically i:.t1J\ ?live although much of its arguznent has been struck dO\\'ll in several CQUl'l hearini;s. -' " Alle1t Ref uses Battin R equest An angry Supervisor Allon E. Alltn refused Tuesday lo disband a commilltt cllarged hy supervisors six "·eeks· ago with a study ol the county's beachea a nd rttTeaLional needs. Dissoh.itiOn of the r ight-member group ttas urged by Supervisor Robert Battin wrth the argument lhat the committee •·is an uMecessary duplication of brach and shoreline studies that are already being carried oul by the planning depart· ment." His molion failed for lack of a second . Allen mQved for creation of the con1· miuee lai;\ Aus. 19 and 8°" board ap- proval of his proposal !hat lhe group f.tudy beach and shoreline nteds and rrporl back to the .supervisors. Named to the committee \vere the rounty's planning director. chief engineer r>f lhe Orange C-Ounl v f lood Control District, sur~·eyor-road commissioner. director of real property services, direr· lnr of harbors. beachc~ and parks, county counsel. county administrative officer nnd county fire "·arden. F rom Page J JURY ... ~r1n.ni111 ff'lr three ptrfnrmancr". Il e a!~n 11 :.nl~ ~ 100,000 in damages for alleged dam;ige to hi s repu ta tion . 1he Grand Jury 1dcnuhed tile liquor r!1s!ribu!ors as !he fl1 ilford Company. the DJn \\'.Snyder Company. Sterling Liquor ('.{)mpan.v, the David Kay Com pany, Bohem1an Distributing Com pa n y , \':ester n Di~lributing Company. Young·s r-.l l!r ket. Company and f'itc.Kesson Llquor Company. . ~- DAILY PILOT 0110,.Gl (1)4)1 f'Ul l llMllll~ CCIMJ'AN'I ••b••I N. w ••• •rH klt"1 -1'•1111""' J1•\ k Cv1 1 • ., Y<tt ""''"'"' 1"'11 Gtnf• .. M -tott T~o"''' keeyif ··~ r~ ..... , A Mw•11hi•• "''""'t"' teltet J,,,,... F. C11lli~1 '""""" ltt<:~ C1!., l:ll!w K.w,.1 ... OfflMi 1211 w .. t l 1llte1 •••'"'''" Mani.,,..,, ... , P.O ...... ,,, t2W o,..._ C11T1 """'' iJI Wnl 11W ...... LI_, llMcl>: m ,_, A- -1l•'llOll IMO!: JOt ... , ..... ~. " -·-. ~ -----r' ·~ --., ~ - Ul'I T1i. ..... 10 POLICE PATROL SANTA ROSA QUAKE AREA Section cf W•ll Goll a p1es After Series cf Tremors ·----·---.... -... ....,._·------., ... 'V' r ' ..- Mesa Throws 011t Book High School Tries 'Flexible Scheduling' Pf,£1n By TIIOMAS FORTIINE '" .. O.ll'f l'latl t tltf This yur Cotta Mu a l~ich School went all the WIY- ll has an ~ campus, no dress code and 270 sludenl'i in a lecture hall. Last year the faculty began ttaring lea\'es from Uie old SC'heduling book that s.:.ys JO students In a class for 50 minutes. This fall they threw the whole book away . Jn its p!11.ce is flexible scheduling. It sometimes seems a mon ster to staff and studanb, and particularly to parents. because there are !16 million \•ariables i.n From Page 1 QUAKES ••. one centered near 110\listtr, south of San Franciso, registered S.8 on the Richter .scale ii! 1961. Th'! famous 1906 qua ke w h ich devastated San Francisco and northern Ct11ifomt1 was believed to have had an intensity of around 8.25, Santa Rosa also v•a~ badly hit then. A fire broke out in the emergency laboratorv room at Santa Rosa i\lemorial Hospital. 0ll dld some damage to the room bu~ no patients were evacuated. Sonoma County Community llospital reported eight heart attack patients. There "'ere no reports of fatali ties. Fires also started in a supcrmarkt't and an adjacent restaurant, apparently fron1 gas escaping from broken main~. The J. C". Penney store was flooded from broken water mains. ··This is the worst earthquake in my experience, and from what tbey say, the "·orst si nce 1906." ~aid Police Chief ?.lelvin f. Flohr. ··it .,.,.as a real jolt."' the 1<.,-bool"s schedule. The achedule is llO formidable that somf' teachers got mixed up and fa iled to show for lheir cla.s5es because they didn't know wbere lo report. Things are running smoother now. but meetings have been called two nights next week to explain things lo puzzled parents. /\long v.·ith the new schedules comt'S the open camplls with students coming and going al different times. All day long there are youngster! roaming aOOut the campus. not just on the passing bell. During the: :;:tudents' ever-changing sct,ool day I.hey must find their o"'n stud y 11mr and ti111e lo do laboratory assignments. ll 1s a grownup approach <il an age level at wh.ich studenLs elsewhere remain under regimentation. "Last year we had one prrtty suc· cessfu l year for stepping out into the unknov.·n," said Principal Frank Lope! • Jr. So this year his sllff de<:ided to go all the way -instead of the two hours of unscheduled time in each three-day pt'riod like lasl year there are blocks of lree time studded through each day'$ schedule. And the campus is opened ; the dress code aOO!ished. V.'orking out the school's 56 million- \':lri able schedule, said Lope::s, "would take l~'O 18~1 360's in tandem at a cost c;f $5 ,000 -$2.50 per student.·• Instead. he said. the schoors ::lr1- minis1 ra11 vc staff work<'d 1!1e rnl1rr nionth of August loading the sL·hed11le bi h.:ind With .~nn1e p:ud ~!lldtnt help an1ovn- ling io $!,700. Out tha t wasn't the 1·n1t or 11 Thr fir~t couple of wpcks of school 11·rrc fairlv ('hOl{lllC 111(h 1nult1pll' < h;ul~"S 1 n ~t11dCnts' .and H:;1chC'rs' ~l.:1Jf'dlllC'~ t11 ba!ance cla:;s Silt'.~ One reason it tuo~ qu1tr a while, Lop"~ rxpla1ned, 1s it took ~ full wct'k JUS1 11 1 ruu through lhc cy<'ll' for 1hc fi r!"\ 111nr rn tnr starr t:ould gL'I an 1d~·:.i ,,r r l:.iss lo.itl ·rhr st:hc<luling 1~ i!1:,,1gncd for I" d1 1 l<lually paced Je3rn1ng. It is g<'arrcl • Qil:Lk·IO-!earn s1udent:; arcn 'L held !Jill k by the rest uf lhC L·l:1::;~ anc! M> slo1,1·r students can take !he 11mc they need t'l 1u1derstand 11 1lhoul heing pushed ahead \>'i lh a Dor F' . To aecotnplish that the !raditional C'l:issroom setup had 10 be sundered. ![ students 1vcre gning tn prog ress la:;.tC'r and slower "'ilh the fasl<'r onrs hraneh1n~ into nc"· directions, Lhey toul(!n'l get the Sllmr instruction 111 the :.;ul!e o!d 1\'i1y. The teachers. alter a suecrs~fu l tra11~i tior.al year. went for th e changeover, but some parents still have their doubts. Irvine Co. to Buy Bo1ids For Turtle Rock School County Firm • Ill Club Flap The Irvine Company ha.s aareed to bu}' $820,000 in !tale tdlool building bonds so an elementary school can be built in Tur. t!e Rock for nert fall , it was announced al the San Joaquin Elementa ry Oislrict board meeting \Vednesday night. The bonds "'i ll be purchased at the \'oler·approved maximum interest rate of five percent. a rate at \\·htch lhzre haYc been no other buyers. Serge<uit Major Principal in Fullerton Company Mara Culp Heads County Fl y Team In Pacific Race Earlier this month. r-.1i~~1Dn Viejo Com· par:y arr,1nged for a bank to Ou.v Sl 1 n1illion 1~·or!h ot bonds In Ouild :i n elementary r>Chool and purchase lwn elementary schoi1! s1trs within the school di~tricl in l'l'lission \'ieJo . F rom '\'ire Servlct.~ The ~ergean! mAjor of rhr. U S. Anny -now involved Jn a probe of mul!11nilho11 rlcl!ar .serl'icc club graft -is il principal in an Orange County firm supplying clubs in Vietnan1 , Nu one 111as avaitabh• for comn1ent at !'llaredem Ltd., 430 1 \V . Comn1onwealth ,\1-e., Fullerton, ho11·e,•er, when the com· pan} "·ns contacted today. Sgl fl·iaj. \Villiam 0. \1/oo!dridgc and fvur other Army sergeant., currently being investigated by a Se:nate sub- committee in \\'ashington arc the com· pany·:;; director~. The investi~ating body headed by Sen. Abraham Rib1colf today heard h'!slimony I hat 1he Arrny·s provost marsh11I general himself once inter\'e ned lo ~top an earlier probe of Sgt. r.taj . \Vooldridge. J_,t. Col. Jack Prul'I!, a militarv 1n- \estigator, said t.laj. Gen. Carl C. Tlirner ignored repeated reqilests for Wooldridge lu either be investigated or asked to resign PrueU 1estified that the provost n1nrsh;il grneral had seen copies of erin1inal records indicating 1 ha t \Voolrlridge had once been convicted of larceny and gone A\VOL twice . Beside~ Sgt. fllaj. Wooldridge, "'hose c~reer has been checkered lo say the lc<ist. based on \Vashington t~imony to- day, thrtt other Orange County men are directors in the local fi rm. None or them could be reached for corr.menl on the scandal probe today, but one was quoted indirectly as dtnying any Y.'rongdoing on the part of th e firm . 'The Army's former -provost marshal 1vas specifically accused of ordering ('1·\dence squelched against Sgt , l'tlaj. '\'ooldridge on grounds he "'as ''Ju~t a i;ood 'ole country boy," Fro1n Page 1 PLASTIC C ~ASS. ' . Tli rf 1~·1JJ run about &30,000. Ne"'JXlrl already has a patch of 11 1n the Nrwport Boule1'ard d111der in front of C.1ty !\al!. r aughn, \\'ho "'aF> once assistant fool· ball coach for Santa Ana College. said there u.·ill be some of il around his alma malE.'r. too. "They're experimenting "1th 1.000 feel of 11 near the iampus " Countian Give n :Five to Life In Coed's Death A Superior Courl Judge Wedne~d ay .:i1- 1owed George Arnold \'ick to plead guilty to second degree murder in the slaying of a former Orange. Coast Coll ege coed and sentenced the Tustin man to five years to life in state prison. Judge Robert Gardner handed thal jail term to Vick, 29, afUr labeling him as "bordffing on the realm of fantasy," an argumt nt in wh ich Vick 's defense at· tomey claimed that his client was denied what might ha\·e been his princi pal means of defense "·hen the body of Susan Adams ""'as cremated. Vick admitted to Judge Gardner that he killed 1he girl last June 25 in wtiat the judae deieribed as an "emotional out· burst.'' Evidence indicates th at Vick suffocated the girl by holding a plastic laundry bag over her hE>ad. Vick's la\\')'er today argued Lhal further examination of lhe: body might have enabled the defense to prove that Vick w1s not actually responsible for the 2Q.. year-Old girl's death. He told J udge Gardner thal her death could have stemmed from natural cal15ts and pointed out that his client was not ar· r algMd on murder charges within the 48 hours 'pecllled by law. Judge Gardner quickly threw ou t bot.h argumenl.5. He agreed with the prosec::u1ton lhat prtservalion of tissuea fr om the body and pathological tests carried out prior to cremation wNe &ufficit nt evidence that everything possible had been done to pra- ted Vick·s right!. Judge Gardner further noted that Vick had made several confea~lon5 lo police and invtstlgalor~ ~ince his arrest at the apar1mtn\ buildlng. "I am salisf\M lhttl ~I r. Vick'!; rights "'"re ne\'Cf prejudiced st any time," he said. Long Bearh 1s consldering laying it aro11nd the Que-en flfary. "They asked me 1n Long Beach 'rhether this malerlal would cool off the atmosphere like real grass. I said no. It doesn 'l Uke the place of real graM. It's JUSl simulated, t hat's all. "It doesn't have the smell of grass and ?-llll can't snatch off a blade and stick it 1n ~·our mouth " ran H he niade to r;mell llk~ r~al gra~.· .. :-;o, ne1er.'' sa.id \'aughn. ''\\'t!' 1a\kcd to S! lAluis about that. But they said it 11 nu!d be 100 troublesome, Some prople 1• ould 1vi nt it to sm ell like Kentucky blue .'(ril ~S. fir Be rmuda grass. And sJn1e rn1ght 11ant it !ike pineapples or pine trees." The big ad vantage of plastic gras.o, ir; t.haL obviously, ma intenance is no great problem. he sa id. "Just a litt le vacuum- ing." Also. it's hardier. "LA county and LA city public golf courses plan to use the material al tees and on the greens. Not on lhe fairways. It's useful y,•here irons, not woods, are used. An iron, you know, can Uke a helluva divot and rt lakes 1 long time for real graM to grow." The lr\'ine Company, he SAid. is looking at Dura-Turf for possible installation in area~ where real grass just won't grow, such as on slopf'S. And oil compa nies that are now rt- quired by most government agencies to landscape lheir rigs ll'ill .soon be using plastic land.scapin&, he said. Vaughn doesn't upect the average homtoWner ever to be moch interested in that kind of land&eapinc. "Il's too ex· pensive in small amounl5. Runs $1 a squa re foot. CiUas buy in huae quantities, and it cost.s them 65 cent.s." Vaughn. whose family came to the Harbor Area in 1898 and Whose father, Tim, w1s a long-Ume Co6ta. Mesa con- stable, sees no great bi g pt&.!Uc •orld ahead, not too much of one, anyway. ''Oh. I can see how the: stuff might be used around retirement centers where people don 't want to mow a lawn. But I guesa: there are. really a Jot of people v.ilo do like to mow Jawn1. "I don 't know any, though." The breakfast consumed, lht intuvitw bf'gan drawing to a close. Does anybody object to pla.Uc rrass? he w1s asked as he strided out the Blue Dolphin door. "Landscape architect.'!:. \\~! Oa thty hate it! It 's not real, not e!Uletk, you know. "But 1'11 lell you, as long u there i~ 1ir anrl mnlsturr, t~re will bf' real gr.,s~ ·• Don Vaughn thtn headed on a sale$ !rip to the srnog·bound city . Colon el Pruett told ihe Senate ~u~ committee that General Tumer. now rrli red, ordt'rcd hin1 to stop an in- \'('~ligation of \\'ooldridge and to have \\'ooldridge's name "sanitized" from all rrports The reports concerned alleged gambl- irg •·sk.Jn1s ,'' kickbacks, liquor thefts and othe,. la rceny fr om some servicemen 's .service clubs on U.S. Army bases. ·•v ou should ha\'e to!d the general that .Je~se James \\'as JUSl a good ole' country boy:• St'n. Karl E. fliundt tR.S.D.). a me111ber of the permantnl investigations subcommittee told Pruett after he te~t1fied about Turner's alleged action. Prueu !aid he worked dirtctly under Turner at the Pentagon ll'hen the latter \l<IS !he Army's top policeman. Testimony by Pruett and Warrant Of· l1cer Rex flt. ~Jarding included hazy r<·fertnces to a secret convention or ser\·ice club Sf'rgranls from throughout (See CLUBS, Page Z J the \\'orld. This \l'as about three yea r~ ago. Pruett and Harding said they \\'ere told that Wooldridge ..:.. t~,,the Army's No. I rAnked enlisted man -attended the meeting at rt. Benning. Ga. 11aj. Gen . \\'illlam A. Cunningham III also wal'I ~~~~ted to have been on hand, Pruett A i;ubcommitlee source sai'd the purpose oJ the meeting was to draw up a plan . !O divide huge profits from soph1slicaled thefLs from service clubs at Army posts throughout the world. ~Iara Culp of Ne~·porl Beach, \\'inner of this year's PoYlder Puff Derby, will be aloft again Oct. 11 in the Pacific Air Race. The 27·year-old Latvian-born blonde will head a team of women pilots from Orange County. fl1rs. Culp ~·on the top prize in her first lime out in the Powder Puff Derby last July, nying solo from San Diego to \\'ashington. D, C. The Pacific Air Race will start at f,JJJespie Field, Santee. Calif ., and con- clude at Tucson, Ariz., via Havasu City. Other Orange C-Ounty en~rant.s include .Jana Koerselman. Tustin. and her co- pilot Shirlty Tanner or Ntwport; Mrs. Howard Rinehart, Fullerton, and her co- pilot.Bonnie Kiefer o( Santa. Ana. r-.frs. Clulp's co-pilot will be De bbie l lrnnan of Ne"•port. All thf' v.·omen except Miss Herman are members of the Orange C-Ounty chapter rif the Ninety-Nines, an in1ernat!onal <lrganizalion of women pilots. It is called the l\"inety-Nines because aviatrix Amelia Earharl started 1t 1n 1he 193o·s bv sen· fling out 500 1nvitat1on5 to JOln. ~inely· nine \\'01nen responded. The !11ission Viejo sch\101 on Cnrd11lera Slrtct should gel under 1v.'.ly 1n about II) days 1•<ilh const ruction on Ille lr111ne school ~t Amalfi and Turlle R9cl.;' drive!l hopefully to begin next month, School Superintendent Ralph Gates said. Barring delay!>. brilh school~ \1·ill hi? ready !or school children next Sep- tember. Irvi11e Compan y Aids U11itecl Fund TrYine Company Pre~idenl \V 1!1iam 'R . r,tason has contributed Cl ~J.300 com pany check to the NeY:port Beach linited Fund, it 1v:is announced tod:iy. At the same lime, Irvine ofllclals disc\Qioed.J.llat [or the lirsl ll1ne company · emplo}:f's 11·ilf participate Iii' !l1h (lnJtL'if ' fund. Their C'Ontributions \\'il l be ac· cepted eithe r through direct dona tions or through a payroll drduction pr0g-ram ~1icharl L. i'.lan:ih 1111 ... ~""l:-tanl dirf>r!nr nf public relation$, ha$ bl:'c>n named hv ~lason as cha1nnan or the employc',' dnvc. Thr r;, 1~·prirt 1·n11rd Fund pfl:i l ol l!lf;"- 70 JS ~21!5.258. ..____~iy Van Winkfe Handcrafte d by (!/{~ Now "-fore S!teping Comfort H111 Been Added. Beneath the tick1n1t of e\'ery Rip \"11n_ \Vinkle mntlreM i1 a new cu~hion of comfort made poMible b.v DuPont's amaiini: nP• Dacron f'i bercoil. DuPonr ·~ nt w Fiber1.:oil is 11ct ua11v 1hnul'llnrl~ ,,f litt.le micror.copic coils 1 h11t pro1 i<ifl the moat resilient ~urfa~c ever oh- tained in rhe sll'<'pinl! 1odu.,1.r,·. This .ne'llf Fibercoil refu.<of8 10 pAck down ior lump up ... and it'• non-nller~enir. • Jland·Stitchf'ri ::lag f'ree Sirlel\·alJs -th;it Jive 12% more uuhlc i;lecp- ing surface. • B-\Va y Hand Tied. Bo:z. Sprinr- t.be envy or the indttttry. • Full 2().yeu Dl'm·pror•ted ....... .... • Availabl1 in tufted or quilted models. •Soft. Mtdiwn, or Firm. Twin or Full Si:s.• S•t Qu•en Si:s.e S•t 119.50 J".50 35,.50 PROFESSIO NAL INTERIOR DE SIGNS Ktn9 Sii• Set 22 IS HA R 80R 8LVD. COSTA MESA. CALIF, 0-46 -0275 \ I • Costa Mesa ED I TION * * * VOL 62, NO. 236·, 4 SECTIONS, ·46 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2. 1909 • a e Ill Jar North 2 4 Hurt; Santa Rosa Hardes t Hit POLICE PAT ROL SANT A ROSA QUAKE ARE A Section of Wall Collap•es After Series of Tremors ... : " . ... -· CALIFORNIA \ : ..... ... ......... ~ .. '• . N EV ... . .. _Sa nta Rosa • SACRAMENTO _· ~-. 0 . . =-: . e\e_OAKLAND SAN F RANCISCO}·~ ·:.:---t •STOCKTON --~· .. . . . . ....... . . . . ;:_.,-_. ._S a~_.Jose $~1:;·~.::~ · -,. Monterey e FlfSNO .. · . . . . . . . . . . .... · .... ... . . . " .. ... · .. . .. · .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . · .... ... · u ... -..- SERIES OF QUA KES CENTERED NEAR SANTA ROSA Ea rthquakes Bring Plea .To Delay Nuclear Test From \\'ire Services ANCHORAGE, Alaska -Despite a chorus of protest the countdown con- linut"d for the U.S nuclear lest today in lht remote. Aleutians. Jn \Vashington this morning, Jirp. ,Jerome R. \\'nldit 10-Calif.), said earth· qu~ke~ in CalHorn1a \\'('dllC'sday night ~hould rausc l'res1dent Nixon to postpone the. c:tp1o::ion . '\'Jldic told th e House lhc quakrs norl h .; S;-ri Franr1!>Co manHr:i-lrd "'serious in· ttat>i11ty"' lhal mit:hl he triggt>red into f!U'lh<'r ~l:'l 11•ily hy 1he underground blast • Amchi1k<1 , i brliP1'e our arra ~hould not he t~d 10 ni:;k~ th<1! ~n far are not fully stood," \.\o'a!d1c said. lest will be made nn 'A'1nd~v.·f1Jt tka Island, 1,400 miles sout!1"'tst of Anchorage. Scientists and technicians readied monitoring devices and television cameras to record the one·meeaton blast, e-iu~ to the detonation ol one million tons of TNT, schedu led for 3 p,m, PDT. Arthough some scientists feared the big bla!it might trigger an earthquake and ~I v.·ave. ;'We are very optimistic or a saf .. and ruceessful experiment.'' Robert Miller. operations manager for the Atom· ic Energy Commi"1on. told newsmen g:ith(red in the information centers here y.·ednesday , lntcrnation11I objections to the test reached a cli max with den1onstratlon.'I along the U S.-Canad1an border in· \'Olving more than 7.r10 studrnl~ in Dritil'h Columbia 11lri ·r ' ! irrrin~ v.·rrc a rrested by po lir· .. dn r Br:d1;e between \I, , • 1 From \\'!re Sen·lcl'l! SANTA ROSA -The most po\\•crful earthquakes in eight years rumbled along northern California's fam ous San Andreas faull Wednesday ni ght. injurin g 2.f persons and causing hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage. No fatalities were reported. Santa Rosa, a cit y of 50,000 about 70 mile' north of San Francisco, was the h<trdest hit community, but the quakes, v.·hich started at 9:56 p.m. shook Sa n Franciscu and extended 50 miles south to San Jose_ Shattered glass covered the streets or ~:inta Rosa. Police roped off a 20-b!ock tk 1\'nto1orr1 sectichi for hours to pre\•en t looting. The wall of a saloon cnl!apsed on :.in unoccu pied parked car. Banks of flourescent lights crashed on lli e floo r of the post office. /\ house was 111oved a foot from its foundation~ and an overpass san k six inches over U.S. JOI , tl·e main north-south highway . In San Francisco, Dorothy Kirsten anri Luciano Pavarotti stopped singing in 'the rniddle of .. La Boheme" v.·hile the OPf'ra house :;.tiook. Afler about 211 seconds, 11 hile the audience applauded, they started again. t.1os•. of the injured in Santa Rosa v.·ere treated and released at hospitalg for minor cuts and shock. Several fai nted \1·hen the quakes hit. But cne man was badlr hurt and another had 1 broken leg. Al pov•er and communication s \\'ere cut off in Santa Rosa for eight minutes alter the most powerful shock at 9:56 p.m., whic h registered 5.6 on the Richter scale, Residents ran aimless ly about the dark ~!reels in thei r nightclothes. The only !1~ht !o hf' seen blinked from a sheriff"s he.licopt.tr hovering above. /\ n1inor aftershock wa's felt at 1n:i'.1 p m.. before another major temblor, r('gistering 5.5 on the Richter ~cale, hll at I 1:20 p.m. Another less severe aftcr!hock was recorded at 5:27 a.m. today. l! v.·as the worst California quak e since npe centered near Hollister, south of San franciso, registered 5.8 on the Richter scale ir 1961. Th" famous l90fi quake "' h i c: h clr\"aslated San Francisco and northern California v.·as believed to have had an 1nlens1ty of around 8.25, Santa Rosa also 11·as badly hit then . ,\ fire broke Qut in the emergenry !:1borat ory room al Santa Rosa ~lemorial !l nspital. It did some d:unage lo the room but no patients v.·erc. evacuated Sonnn1a County Community llo~pital reported eight heart attack patien!s. There v.·ere no reports of fatalities. Fires also started in a supermarket and an adjacent res!aurant. apparen11y from gas escaping from broken mains . The J . C. Penney store was fl ooded from broken water mains . Hay11sworth Sa id As king President Withdraw Name WASHINGTON <AP) -Congressional sources said this afternoon Judge Clemenl F. Haynsworth is asking President Nixon to withdraw his nomination to the Su· preme Court. The sources said the announcement v.·ould be made lonight by the Wh ite House. Opposition to Haynsworth's nomination has mounted steadily over the last sev- eral weeks. It centered ·on allegations of a fm!lble ronflict of inte.rest and on decis.iom by him in the U.S. Circuit Court in Richmond, Va., that have been charac· teriud u ant.ilabor and anlicivil rights. There was oo immediate confirm1tion or the withdrawal report at the White House. A.ides to Sen. Emt'.!I. P. Hollings, CD-S.C.), chief sponsor of Haynsworth, labeled the withdrav,.al reports as "ridic- ulous." At the White House, press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said : "The recent contacts lhe attorney gen- eral has had within the last few hours . , . with Judge Haynsworth indicate: that this report is absolutely untrue.•· Zitgler said Nixon, facing mounting Republica n opposition to the lfaynsv.·orlh nomination , srand~ by the statement he made in his television-radio news confer· ence Friday, Jn which Nixon said "I still have conridence' in the qualifications and in tegrity 0£ Hayns""·orlh. DAILY f'ILOT lltft P'flett DE TECTIV E ROBERT LENNERT ADMIRES FANCY WEAPON .45 Automatic Worth $900 Par t of In tended Bu rgla ry Loot Pistol Pi~ker Fugitive Find s La1v Attached An Alabama flJiitive who picked out SJ pistol1 -one with $400 """Ol'ih o( hand eng raving -slopped browsing tllrough a Cosla t.1esa surplu:s stort early today ~·hen he ran across a plain old shotgun. lte was loo king down the barrel. lrby D. Stephens. 27, of Tuscaloosa, Ala.. apparent ly triggered a silen t hurglar alarm at Grant's Surplus. 1750 Ne1Ypo rt Blvd., leading police to surround the building. Stephens was booked into Cost a t.1esa Ci!y .Jail following his 1:07 a.m. capturt', facing a burglary charge, plus felony ar· rest warrants issued in at le.a.st two ol(lt'r 9,..,.,,A.'-. •· 'I \• -.,.... •' \ Jn,·esligators said loday thal two r;irdboard boxes found a~ the burglary scene contained weapons worth ~.000. plus six boxes of ammunition and a few otht:r items. Officer Wa yne Harber said he arrived at Grant's Surplus and found a hole ~m;:ished in a winriow, :ippa rently with a nammer confiscated at the scene as evidence. lie said he peered inside, saw a man prowling around the cash register and tra.iMd i ii aervice ~volvir on Ull SUS~. Ji;st at that moment, Offictf R.rin Palmer rapped at the glass door in the fron t of the buildinf with hi! 15hotgun and both patrolmen ordered Stephens halt atld raise hi! handl!i, l le quickly romp lied. Off icers at the scene kept the building surrounded and a German Shepherd police dog bek>nging to Garden Grove !a"·men was brCM1ght in to search the clark building inch-by-inch for a possi ble accomplice. Ne, one wa! found and police believe the SIJS.PfC~ wu ~~ in fhe sy.r~l4S stor~, Detectives tOdlfy were rurtH!tig i.e"t~He checks tQ de termine what other Jaw en- fortement agencies want Stephena for prnsecution . The Alabama traveler told local authorities he i~ want.ed in two st.ates , but it ~·as oot clear what offense wag in- volved. Just about a year a~o. anolher burglary suspect was captured on the roof of the same surplus store and disarmed of a knife by or1e policeman "·hile others ke-pt the suspect CO\'tred. Y outl1 Playi11 g Witl1 Fi1·e 111 False Alarm 'Pranks' Costa Mesa schoolchildren art playing a kind of RU!sian Roulette on the average of five Urnes daily with the city'a super· automated fire alarm system. False alarms -the prank that can kill -reached an incredible high of 46 during the month ol September, with three log· ged on Wednesda y, the first day cf October, alone. Costa Mesa Fire Department Inspector Jim Richey announced the rate is 323 false alanns so far si~ the first of the year and firemen are asking help In fighting the problem. . . Every one of them ties up o_ne flre t ngine and four men ~~r approxt_mately 15 minutes and few c1Uzen.s real.iu the critical riature of a false alarm. They are called mischievous and malicious locally, but many of those 323 misdemeanor crime.a committed so far this year are the work of curious children who just don't know how the system works. No spoken words are rwuired. because the tnslant the receiver is tilted.-a tape iJ punched at headquarters, an alarm l50W'lda •nd the truck and crew rolls to the !ttne. Many · reasons exist for dispatch without a verbal report. Battalion ChJef Ron Coleman ootta that no red li&ht.a and siren art used on these 111>-voice. contacts, since virtually all are presumed to be. raise alarms . One box hu ~ Installed in fronl.t.f each city school. ....J_y "They are lnstituUonal buildings and we want lo giv e them maximum protec· tion," Chief CA\eman explained, add1n11: I hat conven ient location can cut to 1eronds from an emergency run. The catch is; once the alarm comes ln. the truck and crew are committed to that desUnatlon and legally couldn 'l stop at another fire, although It would be reported. Or .11 couple of firemen might be drop- ped off. "Tht majority are turned in by kids," ;.dded Inspector Richey, "one little girl was still on tiptoes talking to the dispatcher when we arrived." "But nine times out of ten," he added unhappily, "all you get is 1 giggle, a heehaw, or not even that." "We'd like lo get across to parents the responsibility of counseling their children about the problems involved ,'' he con- tinued, c!Unc dailger lo life and limb as well as t.axpayer expense. The m1sdemeanor false alarm offense becomes a felony If someone should be. killed or lnJured, perhaps a fireman or a molorl.st whoae car micht become In- volved in a ooWlion. "And If we get a falee alarm and .1.imultaneoualY a ~al ttructure fin, ,.e're ln trouble," he continued . 1 nspector Richey aaya if parenta or any other iJl1era1'd cltiiens In • pooltloo lo help alleviate the problem wish, they may call him al 134-506 for edd.ltJonal ln- form1tlon. Stffk /lferlceta NEW YORK (AP)-A late rally today pushed the stock market Into winning ter· ritory for the first tlm~ in a week, after it had fli rted much of I.ht session •Ith the yearly low for the Dow J ones Industrial average. (Set quot~tloM, Parts 13-19}. Today's Final N.Y. Stocks TEN CENTS eat Gru1g Buster Squacl Nets Beacl1 Boy s By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of I~• Olllr P'iN>I 51•11 A specia l gangbusters squad created in the wake of six hloocly terrorist murders in the Hawaiiqn Islands during one year \\'as credited today with capturing a trio .suspected or' killing a tee naged Costa Mesa surfer. The lhrtt beaehboys v.·ere indk:ted on charges of first degree murder and rob- bery in the slaying last ri.tarch of William Pond Jr., 19, cf 269 Albert Place, Costa Mesa. They were arraigned in Honolulu Wednesda y and held without bail pending a preliminary hearing Friday, at which time they are to enter pleas to the charges. Authorities identified the mCn a!i Robert J. Ah Choy, 28 , one of 39 persons picked up in a ma~sive narcotics roundup more than a week <igo, plus David K. Panoke, 27 and Peter t.1. Lono, 26, all of Oahu. Tu·o Harbor Arca youths, Sleve Chula, 19, son of a noted criminal attorney and 'Teddy Rogers , 19, bot h present when Pond was executed during a $700 holdup, are ex pected to be key witnesses. Young Pond v.·as asleep in a rustic cot· tage the you ths shared at Sunset Beach, on the island of Oahu Maret\ 4 when three intruders broke ln, demanding cash .and marijuana. Authortties said al tht time that Chula and Roger1 hesit.ted. at ·which time ona of the three men placed a silencer-equip- ped pistol to Pond'11 foreh ead as the vie· t.im started to arise and fired. He slumped back In his hammock, mortally woUilded, and the cash plus JI pounds of bulk marijuana -ownership of which has never been established - s11.·iftly changed hands. ftsuku Murakami, assistant chief of in· \'estigation services for the Honolulu Police Departmen!, described Ah Choy, ~ lpiQ ilOd Panoka as g~pu ·Wed·, nesday. "These three entered the cottage where Pond was staying and demanded money and marijuana." Chief f.l ur akaml said, •·when Pond resisted, he was shot." Pond died within lwo hourii at an emergency hospital from a small caliber bullet in the brain, his dream or a permanent home in lhe islands blasted into etemity. lfc. v.·as buried locally. All three men were su bsequenlly ques- tioned as suspects in the murder, but authorilies v.·ere unable to get any evidence leadin g to format indictments. '"But information gathered recently by ()l!r speeia! team led lo the arrests," Chief Murakami said \l.'edne..<;day. "We don'! "'ant ti) be vindicti ve." !\1rs. Pond said when told Qf !he. arrests, "but we don 't want something so te rrible to JUSt go unpuni5hcd." Pond, Chula aTJd Rogers had nown lo (Stt SLI\ YING, Page %) OOPS; SK I FA.IR SA.LUTE D TOD AY Ooos. we p:oofed. The DAILY PILOT's spttial section saluting Ski Fatr at Fashion Island appear~ inside today, not yesterday as announced in Wed nesday s n~wspaper. Didn't your skis e\·er start sliding down the hill before you were really ready to go? Orange Weather That old north wind will cool orr the Orange Coast Friday, while clearing skies prevail with a mer· · cury reading of 72. • INSIDE TOD/\ Y Eleve n of the 13 nun ~ft from a \Vorld wa.; 1 outfit ga th- t T with a bortlt of cognac !he mnin at traction: it'll Qt> to the survivor of tli~ 11roup. Paf}t 10. Cltl .. Tftl' ' ..... .. . Clu•Ule<I H·lJ M\11111! , ..... , " c...,·u " !'111(eftll ·~ ... c ............ " Or1~tt c-1~ • D<'t 1h Mellett • IYMI ·-.. c,;t-e,.11 ,.,_, • ,.,.,,, tl•U l:llllfll !tllflltll U·tl ..... .. ~ .. , .. " Pr...111c1 1 .. 1' Ttl!-lslofl " Mi.t.C-.. Th111t" .... '"" l-n " "'''"'"" • Ml llM1 • Wt<lll -~ ""-" ... • "'''""''' Htwl 1a.1a • ........ _ ' l -.......... -. -- % OAJ\V PIL OT c Crime Unit Hopefuls ·Ju1np to 18 Th e number of appUcants for the i;oon· 1o-~-appointed CoS1a r.1esa Cr i m e Pre,•en11on Commilttt ha !'. ru;en lo 18, Ci- ty Clllirk C.K, "Charlie" J>ric.!it announced toriay. Appllca!Jons Rre .!itill being acctpted ro tht city rouncil will have a wide choice from v.•hich to select ~ven adult members or the panel. said r.1ayor Alvin 1... Pinkley. Applicants mufil be over 21._ ":'ith a flean police record and Live \\'Jth1n 1he f~ta 1\Jes11 city limit~ lo qualify fDr the board, \1hirh v.ill include a high school and a college student. ThMe. so far under consideration are Ron ald A. \'/heeler. 2525 Fairv:ay Drive; O.G. Coffman, 2973 Java Road : Camille Ferrara. 296 Walnut Place; Jeflri::y G. Kane. 2051 Calvert A'•e., and Mrs. John J. Nolan J r., 2010 Baltra Place. Others are th e RE'v. F .A. Jenewein, 24M Orange Ave.; Nadine Eremenko, 2i"13S Oxford Lane; Joan F innegan, 2517 \Vestminster Ave.; Lois .J. J-lilgren , 174 Co~1a 1'.1e~a St.; Henry S. Panian. 436 Swarthmore Lane and G en e v le v e ,\nders('ln, 2515 Duke Place. Addi!1onal candida tes are Roberl N. \Vilkinson. 496 E. 16th St.; Ruthe r-1. P urcell. 284!1 Velasco Lane; Jack Ltncol11, .1&i9 1'.fatu Circle; J::dy.•ard G. ~fackie, 3136 Gibraltar Ave.: Genevieve Jacobs, 441 Wal nul Place; [)Qnald Crumpacker. IM4 Pomona Ave., and · Carl R. Stevens Jr., 3025 Samoa Place. Mother Collapses On OCC Campus Distraught at not being allowed to check whether her daughter was in class or not. 11 Costa ~tesa v.·oman rollapEed in an emotimal breakdov.'n at Orange Coast Colle.ge Wednesday. Personnel at the OCC records office said the SJ.year-old \•roman wanted l'l personally go to the classroom where hPr l6-~·ear-01d daughter wa~ s1Jpposed la be, but permission was den ied. The 5taff told police she became hysterical and fell to the floor at v.·h1ch Lime they called for an ambulance. and the victim was taken to Costa 1'.1esa Memorial H06pita.1. From Page J SLAYING ... · the Islands only a week earlier 11nd v.•tre visiting with several other youth~ al· tending junior college on the tough island of Oahu. Chula, son of Costa Mesa attorney George Chula, was fa cing a federal mari- 1uana Emugg!ing r.harge in San Diego at lh..: time. wh ile his fathrr's firm is cur- rently representing the nQ!ed Dr. Timolll;o. iaq. . The fOtmer Harvarr! dnig researcher faces r\rug charge11 along wi!h his secon<J \1-ife Rosemary and S<ln John , strmming from their arreslli lasl year in Laguna Beach. Investigator~ in 11onolul11 are not ~aying what they may have on Ah Choy. Panoke and Lono, bul il apparently stem~ from the narcotics arrests made la.st "'eek. "ThL~ wa~ an isolated case. v.·hlch will l1e 1n -11'1 some degree -with the large narrolic.~ rounrlup," Chief ?-.1urakami ei· plained \l/ednesday. .\lcsa Thief Loots Car ; Tries for Roll Bar Th ieves looted a Costa t-fesa man's car n! sl.e.roo equipment, 13 tapes. lhr. floor mat!'. anrl I.)() 1n cash, the victim told police \Ve<!nesday. Patritk H. Cummings. of 2190 Colle~e Ave., said the vehicle v.·as parked oulSule his apar,menl v.•hilt I.he looting took place and v.·hoever did il even tried to Eteal 1hc car's roll bar. DAILY PllOT OU.NG• COA.~t PUllTIHIN• COMl'AN'Y ••lttrt N. Wtt4 •••Ito-"' ..... ~'""' J t d1 R. Curlty YICll h"ICltlll •"" QtMt-tl ~-r T\1111•1 IC11 .. i1 l:Oolor n ..... , ,A., t.4u•l'~t111 ""'"'"',,. El1•1• c ......... Offke lJO Wnt 111 $~ .. t Utl'li"1"44rat1: P.O. In 11•0,t2t.26 ---........... ....,., 2211 .......... _....,.. L•--.oc11: m ,.,. .. ""'- Ml.t'l""ll09 IMdl; -"" ...... ,...,.._ t71•) MJ ... JJI • Q • • .Wool .... Ml•l671 C#or'_.,.,, I ... , Or-C.. .......... ;:._.,,,. ... ·-·--._ .. ,,-. .... , --.. ~-~ ... "'"""' ___ ............ _ ... _ -.. ~ ...... -"-"' (lael --.... •' HfW"""' ._. -C-. .. -· Cl!-,_,.__ "" um.. It .• _,.,/ ..., -11 •• _..,., ....,. ..__ .... II.a _.,,., ~' ' DA ILY PILOT l leff l'Mi. VAUGHN COMPARES PLASTIC GRASS WITH REAL THING Over Br•akfa1t, Some Down to Earth Ta lk About Ground Covers lt1ansfield Urges Nixon To Declare Cease-fire \\'ASHl'.'GTO:'-l' ILPl l -Sen a 1 r. Democra11c Leader !1-tike t<·lansfield urg- ed President Nixon today 1'l ~riously ronsider rteclartng an immediate. cease lire by U.S. for ces in V1clnam. The r-.tontana senator a\,.o prflpo:;E'rl that tne Lnited States step up li oop withdrav,,als from "\'1elnam In put pressure .1n Saigon l'l arrrpt a rQal1tio11 EOl'ernment to prepare for new elecl1on.~- \lansf1eld 1n~i~lrrl that Ill<.' l'n1'rr! .Stales 1:-nQt mo1 ing fa~! rnough to grt out nf \'1r1na1n. "\Vr ough1 tn consir!rr ~eriou~lv a cea~r lire <1nd ~a nd f..Js1," he ia1rl 1:1 a 'ta5hingi'on"1'nirr, lr11'. ''In oiircr \rorrl.•, fall back in1o thr Gavin enclarr·lhcory ;;nd rlD 1\·hat \\'(' rao lly acl ian~ as v.ell :i.~ liy w0rrls 10 try and hring thi~ drcarlft •I and trJgic \1ar tn a cnnclusion ." This wa s a reference lo ;a propo~al by relir('d Lt. Gen. James rii. Ga\ in that lhr l 'ni!ed S1;,\es t>nd nlfPn sivc acti'lns anrl roncentra1e on dcfendinc re r t a 1 n ~lrategic aren$ in South Vietnam. \lansfleld said the CnitcO StJ!f'S ~ho11lrl ;;nn'1unce to the v.·orld and lfl llanr11 tha t 1\n1enran f0rre5 \\di no lnni;"r f11e 1n \'1r1nam unle~~ flrrd 11prin. He 1nad,. rlrar he was ."ouggesr lng ll unilateral cea~e lire by the United Stairs. Thi!'., he ar~urd, \1ou lrl put the onu!'. on Han oi to decide '''hether to continue the frphling. \.:oder \ht' rca$f fire he had in mind. ht. s;:iid U.S. forces in \'ietnam v.·ou\d sJ[('nce their guns and fire only in response to rnemy action. "\\'r \vi ii , of course. fire in rr1urn," ;.Jan:.fi e!d said. 1'\Jl 11 stang Boosters IPia1u1i11g Benefit Thr Costa r-.lrsa High School ~1ustang Rooster Club v.·1ll have a hene{it pancake breakfast Sunday. The pancakes will look like 1he ,·arsi!y f.>ot hall team had a S(rimmage on them. Thry \1 ill \l(' \\'affl es, so don't y,•orry ;ibout lhe appa rent cleat rnarks. '\\'1th all rhc 1r1mn11n~s ,'' ~ays f.:lrs. ,trari ~larLe;in, Booster Cluh spokesman. 1 Thr hreak!<UI 11'111 be in !he Co~ta ill~a J! ::h ~-h""•I r ;if,.1 er1;i fron1 8 a n1 . lo I 111n \lr'-:\lar !.ran added . Looi~ tfl10 Needs Shnce Bill ~l orrov.-. senior cla ~-; prcsirlrnt al E~tancia 1-ilgh ~xam1n£>s .~rhoril 'r;-E;i~ll', \1h1 r h , 111!11 !hr ;11rl or rrn~$!1')1~TI r 11lpri t ~. ~rl')I;' nc1v :iC'l of Jc aU1cr3 O\'crn1g!1L. l.'os l.1 i\lc~a ll1gh l\!ll ~tan,S be\\'aie! Plastie Grass Takes Root It May Not Be for Dogs, But Cows Like It By J~ll.OME F. COWNS Of 1M Oeltr "9t lteff Dogs don't like pla1Uc gra~11. In tt!lt attu teat, they ch006e concrete every time. C!tie~. however, like plastl{" gra~s. They, too, prefer it over concrete -and in growing numbers. Among them are the cities of Newpnrt Beach, Costa f.·lesa, Long Beach and I get this) Lawndale. Thi~ spread or plastic gr ass is makin; ell ·foot ba!Jer Don Vaughn a mi ghty happy man. He is a J7-year-0ld, G'S" local boy who is making good as vice president of o: Ne\\')Xlrt Beach firm that sells the stuff. He is al50 one of the Harbo r Area's best knoY.'11 sailors and v.·as part of Pat Dou- gan's crew on Columbia sailing in the America's cup compe.Lilion two year~ ego. Vaughn told all about it in a moving in- terview the olher day. It was a moving inten1iew be<:ause it began in one of Vau ghn's favorite waterfront cafes. The cream for the. breakfast coffee had a fly In it. The rr.porter fled to another restaurant. Vaughn fo!lrrwed. F'inally settled before a pile of egg!'., ~ausages, F'rench frie,, -and tea -at the Blue Dolphin Restaurant, the tanned, 1rirn youn,1: executi,·e explained that six n1onths ago he and h\'O other men in· vcstrd SS0,000 for a Dura-Turf lranchist . Tile \\'ay things are going, he said, that ln\'estrnent has noy,· abou t tripled. Here's \\·hy. Since acquiring the franchise from ~fonsanto Chemical Co. of St. Louis. Dura-Turf prPsidenl Clyde Gilma. secretary-treasurer Bill Ficker (a New port archltect) and Vaughn have processed orders for the polyethylene product from municipalities, public golf courses, hotels, hospitals, colleges and are now dickering with major developers. like the Irvine Company. "You probably think I'm bullying you !'In this," said Vaughn, ''but we sold 5,000 square feet of Dura-Turf to a dairy farmer in Hemet. Il has ~·~ on it. The farmer now wants another 5,000 feet." The coy,·s don't mind it at all as they feed and go about their othtr activities, Ii'? explained. "The farmer period ically ho!'.es it. off, remQ>fS patche~ of it and hang~ it up lo dry. Then it's just ike nt'\\' ... The dog test. he said. turned out dif- ferently. It v.•as installed Oil an ex- perimental basis in kennels. The canines frolicked on it, but otherwise kept jt clean, hoping for concrete. Cities are using it mostly for parkway~ 11nd traffic dividers, where rea l grass gel~ gassed by automotive fumes. Costa flfesa has ordered a hall carload. That's ;ibout $17,000 ~·orth. It ·will be used large· ly in road dh'lders. Newport intends to roll it out and glue it down the middle of .Jamboree Road , from Coa3t Highv.'ay to Palisades Road. Those two rnile.!i of Dura· Turf wlll run about $30,000. Ne,1·port already has a patch of It in lhe Ne.y,·port Boulevard divider in fronl of Citv Hall. 1 Vaughn. who v.·as once assistant foot - hall coach far Santa Ana C'.ollege, said !here. \vill be some of it around his alma nu1ter, too. ''They're experimenting v.·it h 1.~ jffi t1! it ne<>:-°';iamp.is..." Long aeac.h is considering laying it around the Queen r.tary. "They asked me In Long Beach v.·hether this material would cool off the a1mosphere like real grass. I said TIO. It rtoesn'\ take the place of real grass. I!'s Just simulated, thal's all. "IL doesn't have the :;mell or grass anrt you can't snatch off a blade and stick it 1n you r moulh." Can it be made lo sm('ll like real cr-s•'! "No, °"er.V Aki Vau1hn. "We talked to St. W s about th1t. But they &aid it would be. too troublesome. Some people would wanl it to smell like Kentucky blue gras~. or Bermuda grasi;, And some might ?.'ant it like pineapples or pine trees." The big advantage of plastic grass i~ that, obviously, maintenance is no great problem, he said, ''Just a little vac uum- ing.". Also, it's hardier. ''LA county and LA city public golf courses plan to use the material at lees and on the gruns. Not on the fairways. It's usefu l where irons, not woods. are used. An iron, you kno\\'. can takt a helluva divot and it lakes a long time for real grass to grOY.'." The Irvine Company. he said. 1s looking at Dura·Turf for possible installation in areas where real graEs just "-'OO 't grov.•, such as on slopes. And oil companies that are now re- qu ired by m06t government agencies lo landscape their rigs will soon be using plast ic landscaping, he said. Vaughn doe111't eipect. lhe average homeowner tver to be much interested in that kind of lan<bcaping. "lt'1 too e:z~ pensive. in small amounts. llt1ns $1 a 5quare loot . Cllies buy in h11ge quant1L1e!-t, .and it coi;ts lhe1n 65 cents," Vaugbn, v.•hose family c;ime ta the 11arbor Area In 1898 and whose fath~r, Tim, \~·as a ]Qng-lin1c Coi-,t;i r.tcsa cnn- ::.tahle, sees no great big pla stic· world ahe;:id , not loo niueh of one, anyway . "Oh. I can see how the stuff mi ght bf' used around relireinenl c~11ters when~ people don 't want lo 1no1v ;i la11·n. But I guess there are really a Ju l o/ people v. h•1 do like to mo1v l<nvns "r don't know any, Lhoiigh" The breakf<ist consumed, !ht> int ervfr1v began dra1~;ing lo ;i close. Does anybody obJec l to plast1r ).!ras"-.., he y,•as asked a ~ hi:' stridcd oul thr Blue Dolphin door. ''Lanrlscape arr:hitccts. \\'hoo.ee ' n1 they hate It! !l's not real, llQt esthcllc, you knO\Y . "But I'll tell you, as long as there i~ air and mQislure , there will be real gras.~." Don \'aughn then headed on a sales trip to the smog-boond city. Fzillerton Firm Linked To Service Club Scandal From Wire StrYice1 The sergeant major of tht. U.S. Army -now involved in a probe. of multimillion dollar .service club graft -is a principal in an Orange County firm supplying clubs in Vietnam. No om!: was available for Ct1iTiment at Maredem Ltd., 4301 W. Commonwealth A \'e., Fullerton, however, when the (Om- pany was Ct1ntacted today. Sgt. "taj. Wiiliam Q_ Wooldridge and rour other Army Eergeant.s currently being investigated by a Senate sub- committee in Washington are the cQm- pany's directors. The invesli$a ting body headed by Sen. Abrahem Ribi c.off today heard testimony that the Army's provost ma rshal genera l himself once intervened to stop an earlit"r probe of Sgt. Maj. Wooldridge. Lt. Col. J ack Pruett, a military in- vestigator, said hi aj. Gen. Carl C. '1\lrnE"r ignored repeated requests for Wooldridge tu either be investigated or asked to resign. Pruett testified that the provost marshal general had aeen copies of criminal records indicating t h 11 l \Vooldridge had once been convicted of larceny and gone A\VOL tv.•ice . Besides Sgt. 11-lai. \\'ootdridge, whose career has been checkered to say the least, based on Washington testimony lo· day, three other Orange County men are directors in the local firm. None of them cou ld be reached for corr:ment on the scandal probe today, but one y.·as quoted indireclly as de11ying any wrongdoing on th e part of the fir m. The Army's former provost marshal v.•as specific.ally accused of ordering evidence squelched against ~gt. r.la J. \rooldridge on gro11nd!'." lie \Iii.> •·just a guod 'ole country boy." Colonel Prue!! tnld the Sen ate sub- comrnitlet· ll1al c:eneral Turne r. no1\f retired, orderE'd hhn to stop ;in 111· ve!tigatior. or \Vooldridge and to havr. \\'oold ridge's name •·santtiz.ed " lrom all reports The reports concerned aJ!egrd gambl· !r.g ''skims," kickbacks, liquor 1hef!s and other la rceny from some ~rrv1ccmcn·1 service clubs on U.S. Army bases. 2 Costa Mesa Gh·ls, 13, l11jured Crossii1g St1·eet Two IJ-year-0ld Cost.a 1'.tesa girls on lheir way to a church .!iCrvice wtre in· jured Wednnday night wh,..... <Mruc:k ~ a ("ar as they ran across a street against !hf: "Don't \Valk" light. ~faureen R. Re phoon of 2100 ~f~nrov1 a Avr, and Lee A. Bridges, of 1041 \\'. \\'il~n St . suff ered multiple abrasions anrl contussions in the acc ident. ~!1 ~~ Rephoon w a~ in good conditJn 1'l- dav al Costa r.f esa r.1emorial Hospital and i\f lss Bridges had been dtschargrd ;if\t>r being held overnight for obser\'a- lion. Police salrl they harl ~toppcrl nn th11: centtr divider of Placentia A,·enue at VicV:lria Street about 6:30 ••. ~ tht,r started across v.·hen thry failed to scT any oncomln~ car~. r.1ary .Jenkin.~.!:'!. 0122:\! rar1 fir A'r . ,,·ho accompanied thcp1, trilcl f/lf1<·rr Lrn Damerow shr hr•1taT,,d ;i "C<:nnrl nr tv.n .:ind ~uddcnly heard the ~t rccth ()f brakes. f.1f)tnr1.q !\l i(·h.1f'I T llil~'"'· 20, of 21'1'.: Placentia A\'e .. said he rr1cd to stop, bu~ hi.~ car ~k 1ciilM broarlsirit>. c\1pp1ng U1e 111·0 ~·nun,c: 11ct1m!'. a~ 1t 11·rn1 Now More Sl~ping Comfort Hu Been Added. Beae11th the tickitit of every Rip V11 n Winkle mattt~ i! 11 riew cu~hi(ln of romfort m11rl ., pM~ible bv DuPont'~ 11m1r,ini:: Tit,. Dacron Fibncoil. DuPonl'a ne w F'ibercoi l is 11clu1\l.v thou&anrls f'f little mir:rO!<COpic coi l11 that prn\i<l11 1he ffil)(l;t resilient 11urfate e\·er ob· tlinM in the 11!er.ping inrlu~l.ry. T"h1ic ne• Fibercoil tf'flJ9l!fl to JWICk fln11111 or lt1mp t1p-111d its nao-aller11enic. •Hind-Stitched S111t Pne Ride.-11lls -t.h1t give IZ?O more t111able "lccp- ing 11urface . t 8-Way H•nd 11ed Bax Sprin&- tM IGVJ' o(, tt.e industry • • Full 20-JMt DOD-prorated ........... • Anil1bte in tun.d or quilt.d mod.1'. • Son. Medium, ar Firm. Twin or Full Sit• Stt OJJ•t n Sit• Set 1.,.50 ZH.50 lit.SO Kin9 Sitt Stt H.J.GARRETf fURNITURE PROFE SSIO NAL INTER IOR DESIGNS 1215 HARBOR BLVD , COSTA MESA, CALIF. bolb-0175 In ,. a " " ,., . ,. Jn " ., I " " • IC ir p , , ,, . e e ,_ ·e ,, " y ,, g ,_ a ,. " 1- n 11 I- d • ·n . n nl " . • Si1leli11es Cl101·11s Lit1e ·rhcsc p'rclty song gi rls all in a circle can he scrn shal\ing porn pons \\'hcrcver Los Amigos High School. t~ountain V:il!cy. plays a football game. Clock\vi'se from front are ('indy l laigh, Bonnie Cote, Sandi Ro berts .. Jan J\•la rkland, l\lar1 Vetrner and J eane Salter s . :McCarthy Clainis Nixon . Following LBJ's Policy \\'ASHJ NC;TQN (UPI) -S1'n. Eugrnf' .1. r-.:cCarlhy ch;1rgcd 1otlay Prf'.'ilrlrnl Ni,~1111 11:.ts f1Jlln11i11g thf' .~:11Til' path Ill V1ct11:11.1 ;is f Prc.'iu..lt.'nt Lyndvn ·n, .Jrthn.'O!l. flh:Ca1·1hv 11 ent nn rccol'd L.ivor. 111r ci con1rov{'r~1;il hill ;ii1ned ;1! f11r(·1ng li '· 11l1hdraw;1I bv the l'nd of 1a·,·o. T/H'. fl·l1nnc~11a 0 Dcrnocrat 1rho sough! the Dcmfx:r.<JtH: prr:-.Jden\1<.11 non1in;!\io1~ la!>! yr11r in a rt1111p;11gn h1rg•·ly b~1~1·d on oprost!l<!ll tn .Jnhns11n's V1rtnam policic.~. bro ke 11·hat hr h;i d dc·scrihC'd as H per..,nnal mnr:i1unun1 nn crilic1:.n1 ol Nix- nn 1l0lir~. -\lcCurlh~"' n101c came as frr~h al'rid ~en•ih' drhat<' on \'1elnarn ..,IYf'lll'rl 111 ;ind out ~idr nf l"nn~rr_..,,. ll 1v;;s tn~gt•rt·d 111 pa r·t h:· a Hepub tu:<J ri 1.:.dt lfll a ChoraJe at CWC Seeking Sing e r~ Thr Lo!dcn \Ve:-.( Cn llf'gr (°(l!nn1u1111v Chor·alc has opcnir1.i:s for 10 In 20 1nnrT ~ 'G;l pge rs lo'JOin a record turnoul oti.ne-a•·· ~ pl'r~ons 11h11 a1Lcnded 1'1rsl rrhcar~;ils l;isl 11crk. "\\;r p;1r\1t·ul<1rl.1· need 1r·111\r:-. h111 ;ill l fl1crs ;ire welcnn1c.'' saHl 1!1rel'1r1r \\";ir • rcn Prtcrkrn. "\\'i1h l'Ornn1 un1I\' 1nt.;r1· 1- Hl the l"horal<' grn111111! 1h1s .11•:1r :i1> nrl t'r lx•forr, I lh inl.. 11 e r<1 n \Judd In lill 111 /U s11i~crs " Thi• ••h,1r;1l1' 1'-!•p••0 1o .di pr1 "n' Ill t'lr nldrr and mec·t_.. .\lonr\;:nji fr n111 i p ni. lo !fl r rn . in the mu:-ic budd1n~ Prtf'r~on ur~cd a!I 1ho~r 1nh'rr-.1rrl l•l '1-;1t one ol lhl' rrhearsal~. ~Cl' \1 hat 1s h.ipprnin;,:, thrn r('gJ~t1'r. nu11','10riun1 on '1 11·li i-r1111·bnl to l:11c !\'1xo11 111111· 1\1 '-'V:11Th tor <r ~nlut1nn, '\er ... I. \\"ill1<1111 F11lbrig_fll llJ•o\rk '· :il ~-n !'rn~e olf h1:-~('1 1 ·.c:;tylrd silence 011 1·ri1icis1 11 to call for po.-111re s!cps to end ll•r-\</I)', :-.;1y111g \\ h:d II :ls ll{'l'th.!d II <JS a J110r;_lo1·1u111 nn k1ll111g. not U1ll..1n;;. He.publ icans s\n1ck back ltull harping u.1 \1 '1r pol1eirs and such prnpos:il s ;ic; :h;ll Ct1 s~n. Chatlcs Goodell i B-N.Y l. lo rl·r;u1rc d1sl'ngagcmrnt from \'1rt11arn b.v !)('{'. I, Pl70 -till' prupu~al rnclur~C!I h.v ~\t'C<"iril•y -hurt r:11hcr th;rn hrlped the t>"lflrl~ tC'I rnd lhc \1•ar. (i('IP !\":lllQIUll Cha1rrn,tr1 nos,:crs c B. -.:orton. :1-; did r>:ixon at il 11t\1" l"On· lrn•1;cr· Frida y. u1-.1c;1cd trnl av lh.tt ·In ~l 1 .1 1!l'l111 11e 111111·l.1hl<' 11ould be lo 1111 ill' ).:t.nt• t.lln:.e11uc11cc-. 1!1\11 c·nuld 1\1·~!11)1· Arnr ru · .• ·s lc:idcr~h1p ;1hrnad ;.i1u1 cn.:;_11c un ;·1('<'l'J1l;ib ll' disst'n s1011 ;1\ ho11lt' '' ~1 r:r.un's ~tv1r1nrn1 c:in1<' froin c~· r'!'n1!s of" speech lotJ<Jy 111 Ch1c;igo ai ;1 111 :-irhrl'ln fl•r Ilic J{l·p11bllc;in !'-;;it1ona l r• 1ti:-11ll'C Cnn11n11\ct. l·:xccrp\s \\'CfC lll<T01' :1 11ailnhle hy to.·1nrlnn'c; offitr 1n <ldl':rncc h\'t'<'t:;;c 01 the swirling ucw di.:ba1t on .\1:-;t-.r1 JlUl rcy . ""W,.. ·Such proposal.~ ~1s <;oodell'S. sa itl \101 IC'ln , <1rr ··1;1n1;11no1Hll 111 nn1ily1ni; 1!:11101 th<il thl'Y 1111ly h111e In 11C11\ X nu1n- h1·r nf n1n111hs ;ind \\'C 11·111 he j.!nne. The 1 ·h:1111~1·~ ltJr hnld1ng :-.1:n11us d1sc11ss1ons •:"111 111c Cu1111nu11 1~1 lr;idcr~ under ~uch l'nl'\!111011 '-' wou ld be 11u11t•x1str111.·· ~1r{':11 thy :-.nd he !1:ld not :-l'r11 any 1n- du:J!iu11 •1! chilni;c 111 poli cy s1nre N!x11n '\1r·r!·t>dt·d .!uh1l<iflll ;ind lhitl bt'C:IU~ he h;id l'rllrricd .J ohn.~•Jn'c; .1c11nns. hi<i al· 1 itk ••n Lhr current pol icy ::.hould not b~ l'•1r1~11\crcd parl1~an. T~" new \vn r debate "·as stunul:1tc•J bv F11lbright Tuesday. PILOT LOGBOOK .' Cl1a1·ity Begins at Ho1ne Wl1e11 Move Day Comes B.\· .IOllN Vr\l.TERZ,\ 01 11'1 Dl•I~ Pllo! S1111 IT \~'AS THAT d;iy Iha! conics loo often, no n1attrr how seldo m It occurs. J\lov1ng ct;iy. 1\ dfly "'hen your lire passes before your eyr s in the tangible form of furnl- l11re, books. pln tes. si lverware. paintings, pols and boxr.s full of just plain junk thal. nr\•er!hcless, has some SJ)(>C_ia l meaning. '"\\"hat do ~ou \Vant to do with this?" '·(in t' 1t io the Snh·ntui n Arn1.1·. Thc~·rr co111. Tlu'y hrlp 1hr 1IOll'n·<111d ·ou1t:r::. a11d sci l 1J1c ~ltJ!f in I.he lhnll shops Yr<ih. ~i\ t· Jl !o llll'ln ·· "li U1' YO U It FA TllEH ga11r us !hat l;iinp "'hr11 \\'C were n1arricd. \\'c rca!l.v ought to keep 11." ··No roorn in 1t1al ne1v place. Only 1110 bedrooms, 11·c·11 havr 10 gel rid of ii." So through the d;iy, !ht': si::enc 1V<1s repeated i;cores of tanrs and the he!ip of he1rlOtJ1ns piled up on the ctrl\'e11·ay. On the ncx l. d;iy ran1c the lime for the phone cal l lo that benevolent Chri.c;!ian organz11111on. Trying In avoifl ~f"J11n1ling pa1ronizing. !hr 11•1fr. say~, "\re havc son1e stuff f{!r \t)U ···\\"1•1l , 11(• 1r !110\l'tl out 111111 <';in·! ~1·t b11ck to w;i1\ for thr !ruck. Can't ~nu rick 1\ up "'1lhn111 son1runr. !hrre ~ \\'il l you plr::i.c;c p1c;k 11 llfl ... it's JUSI lhcrf' "a11111,i: for }UU. "Thanks for bending the r·u!C's," she concluded wearily. ll 11:1?1; (jonf'. -or so we h::icl thoug11t. ,\ 11·<'ek passed before \IC. rece1\('d a call froin lhe 1rale former landlord. 1 lc·s :-ilways irate We think he 1vas bom thri1 11·ay. "~\'JIAT'S ALL THAT Junk doing 1n Lhc rlrlvew;ry~ Therc·s-a whole pile of 11 '" ' Clan1nr en~urd , followed hv ii cnll lt'I lhr. pickup nrglln izal!on, "\Vhy dtdn'L you plck Jl u1):'" :i~k s \1·if1c. Thei r terse rrply. ''lt. 11·a~n·1 ~nod •'no11ch, m;i';inl" • 0.6.IL V PILOT 3 Mile Square School Site Periled State Eying Grbuncl for A irport, County for Park Area I • Adrnlnistrators of th e Fountain Valley Schoo l District are currently preparing to tackle one of the niajor stu 1nbHng bloc·ks to school expansion -that of deve ln!Jing a site in the Mlle Square (light pattern. A ne w schoo l is needed 111 the 11ort!icaslern ~eetor of lhc city, explaine(l Vistritt Business Ser\'ircs Adn1in1stra tor Jaek l\lahnkcn, bul up unlil nO\V ae- <1uis1tion has been prevented for ~afety reasons because of l\lar111e helicopter overf lights . Almos~ contiguous to thr proroscct school si te north of \\1arner Avenue and Brookhursl Street is a military helicopter 1ra1ning facil ity, used by the Santa Ana 1\larine Air St.ition. Nl'\v hon1es in that area \1'111 crralc ;i nec1! fo r a nc1v school. Bl'Corct111g lo i\.1ahnk('n. but even though 1t appears that ;111 a~rce1ncnt cun be 1vorkf'1'! out 11·tlh thl' l\1;rnnc Corps Lo avoid flights 01rr the area until they possibly ahanrlnn !he ;i1rport within three ye<irs, a ne1I-' pro- blcn1 has arisen . The Slate of Callforni;.i Aeronautics Di vision has cast its eye on the land :is a possible fixed wing airport, a"1 to tor11- no11nd the problem for the schoo l distr ict , the board of supervisors is considering !he area for an enlarge d park concep1. Fountain Valley's school administrators have already jumped into the loon,ing 1hrce·Y/ay struggle over the land with both feel. Four Da ys Left For lleal Estate Series Ticket~ Only tour morr 11·orking <iays rem;rio for lhQ~c who plan to pick up tickrts for Ille Fifth Annu;il lleal Estate ln vesl ment Senc:i. The lccturt'~. presented jQin1I;• hy thf' 11/\ILY PILOT, Orange Coasl Evening fulltgr an d the NcwPQrt Jl nrbor • Cos1;-i f'l1csa Boart1 of Realtors. opPn nrxt Tuc~ (Jay al Newport Harbor High Schon!. Tickets for the free st•rirs of friur c-la~st'~ arc available at the Cost ;i tllcsa. :\c11 porL Bc:ich, 1 luntington Beach :inrl L:>gtina Beach offices of the DAILY I'll.OT and at thr evcninJ: colll'l;C othec hoth on thr Golden \\"est rind Or<1 ngc (11;i"! cnl lcgc campusC"s, Thr 11c kets are free and tl ir . ..,cfll 5 l~ f•[lt'n Lo the pubhc. \lt'stg11C't! primarily for lhc layman v.ith thc modrsl fnvestn1en t to 1n:inage nr nioncy av;iilable fo r rr>J! rs1;1tC 1n· l'l'!>I mcnt, the series off Prs prnlcssionc1 I cidl'icc on a wide range of 10p1c~. LHsl year. Iola] altend:inrr ";is pegged <Jt 669 for the four session~. Al. lcasl two l('clu rl's by rx1ll'1'ls in 1•arious fi elds of rc:il C'sl:itc in1 c~I n1c•ul .. ;ind \)_r9~rly rnn11<igen1rnt 11·ill he presented each nf the .Jnur Tuesday rughls of the conference. . .\IJ sessions arc scheduled to run Jr01n 7.:lO 11• !l .30 p.rn. Subiect ~ for the lirsl srsc;ion 111rluOc "Ornngc County -A l\1;1y nf Li fe fflr Bus1ncf.s and r lcasurr." "\\;hy 111\'eSl Ill Rc;il rrnprrtv"." :ind ··crn11· putrr11.rd Bea l I::~\al(' In v r _c:; t nl c n t Analyi.1s." Bidders Ig noring School Ac res In Huntin~lon "Do 11c have any bats loday :" lt 1,a;. 8 fa111iht1r <jlle~llnn asked hy 1111nti11f.'lon Beach Union lllgh School D1 slncL Trustee \\IatL \Vcyukcr. Hu t lh£-rr 1vcre no bld~ Tuesday or 1 he !1wt 1ir:1e the trustees ollcred l8 acres of ~urrh1s land for ~<ilc ;idp1ccnt In its \'. rsl!;iinslcr campus. ~·nur acres near lhc Fountain Vallry ,. 1rnrni~. also s!at cd for disposal by th<' 1.stricl. received similar disinterest fro1n 1:1r Pl•blu.:. Thr \Vestmi n.~ler acreage is currrnlly usrd by the Westminster American L1\l\e L e:i@"UC v;hie h fought a ri lizcns com. 111ittec. recommendation for th" in· st;illation of an 18 hole pitch and put t pro- po!'al. Fountain Valley's lour acres re· niain idle. New Dress Code Faces Truste es A new. more libcralizect .11tudenl dress code, v.•ill come before tn1stees of the FC'ltlntain Valley School District tonight during th~ir fir st October meeting. The session will be held al 7:30 p.m. in th~ Curriculum Materials Ce nter, One Lighthouse Lane . .A,l~o scheduled for tru~\ce opprov P! arc p:i11ing places tor lhe. $8 million school bond eleclion scheduled Dec. 16. Va lley Civic League i\l cc tin g Ca nceled ThPte wlll not be ;i grncral meeting nf tl 1c Founl<lin Vatley Civic LcaR ue tonight. Tbe nexL regular meeting will be el 8 p.tn., Nov. 6, said ~1rs. Miidred Todt!, J.cngur presidrnt. 111<' l}o;irrl of directors 1<1il niect lunight as scheduled . They will ask the board or tfuslee s to actopt a resolution ask ing the City Counci l ln suppo rt acquisition or the school site. The city's planning 1icpart1ncnl hfls ;iJready shown it.se lf to be receptive to this idea since they saw the school as an excellen t buffer between commercial and or mulU-fam ily development ;i 1 on g Broo khurst Stree t and existing resldcnt1til 1r.iet.s. Step two will be lo urgr the Counly llC'lard of Supervisors 10 prr.pare a rcsolu· lion rlireclerl ~pecHic,i lly lo the Ca!ifon1ia State Aeronautics Division and the C;i lifornia Department. of Education's School Hot1se Planning Bureeu urging the proposed acquisition of the site. $15.000 lo the taxpayer, since the t .~ children living in thaL area would not re· quire bus lrcinsportalion to other schools • Pu rchase of an addi tiona l site in the ;:irea, a move which would be considered if the fi rst site is approved , would pro- vide an additional savings, district offi· c1als said. The third step v.•ill consist of a 1nassive letter \\Tiling carnpaign to t h e governmental bodies arreclini; the future of 1he prori<'rty and meetings with the :-.upcrinten dcnt an~I c1\.y, county, stale. •i nd federal off icials. The district estimates that within the next seven years there will be l.900 single family hornes and 3,200 multiple family units in the area which ""'ill produce bcl\\'ef.n 2.800 and 3,700 children. Shou ld the distril'l achieve its j.toal, ad- n1111istrators pred it:t <1n annual sal'ings of . • . '• LIKE IT ••• CHARGE ITI . . • " • . . . .. Ranunculas bulbs ••• brilli1nt color for your flower garden 10 for 49' What a blooming surprise when sprfng comest Yellow, red, orange, pink, rose and sunset ••• luxuriant flowers. r.ilip bulbs to plant now for stately spring blooms S for 59• Novelty tulip varieties .such os Artist, Gar- den Party end Greenland for a bit of Dutch garden beauty! Kin9 Alfred Daffodil bulbs,., yellow splendor 2Sc ""h Have large, butter yellow daffodils for early spring color in your flower garden for a small price! Yellow King Alfied Dottodll 10 98C bulbs, •moller 1!1• , . . . . . . . for Plant anemone bulbs for pretty faced flowers! 10 ,., 49c Double anemones growing and blooming in a riotous mixtur• of color.,. and all from little bulbs you've planted. Sin91• u1mon1 ~ulln .... 10,.,.49c. Plant jumbo hyacinth bulbs for fra9rance! S '"' 89c City of Ho lland variety,.. bloomo are a moss of fragrant, stCr-hke flowers that will delight you come spring. Jon 101, Mino of ttte th1 .. , S 79c l 'lnROC•iM:• l!yocl!tth b11IM • • for Japanese Black Pine for evergreen yard bHllfyl 77c-1,.1. An;s1;c, ha rdy and adaptable for basic:' landscaping. A profeuional ·look for the home gardener. ,._.. .... "" ...... s .... 3.29 led ding plants ••• all types aad varieties , 44c Troy NEWPORT BEACH--FASHION ISLAND .,,. .. .,,,.,,,.,.~. ~-~ ... ~ -~-. -..... -. ------------..... -------~~------------------------------------------------------~ , L 4 -DAJLY PILOT r.- ~N TODAY'~ NE~ rh f' lll'\\ lJoaicl ch.urtnan flf the \,!1rr1c:in Vi lrn !nc;l1 tute 1s Roger L-:--Sleveris, long :.t~sociatrd ,,·ith 1l'atcr ;in d the opera nn th e E ast \ 11a ~t. !!t s11cct'Cds a.cto r Gregory Peck. 1·11c announccn1e nt said Sid· ni:-y Poitier ''· :1.-; n1.11nrd 'ice chair· :J 1 Ill. 0 Roya l Gua rdsinan Eddie Bren- n r•n r.1n ht~ n11nr dc·ctrctur O\'(lf ,11t ~Jd\·• 01 Q11L·~·n ir. n pnn,\'. then ~·.1 \'C her an all clr.ir. 'rill' 1n1nc dc- !t·i.::nr reported i<lhC had. not S\\al· I .. vrd a f:iOld neck.lace <if a '1:0.1tor J , t he \\'i11d -:.or !":ilar1 I)Jrk Zoo 111 I ·1~l.1 nrl. • The ?111-tiru 11.,, 111 r •f G{';Jfir· e111/1r 1S11 L t a!,•, '"' 1111 1•1 <:co1 · 9111 •• n 11n1111~ 1/11·1 /1111 ~u/r'-; (Jrr. l!!( nr" "ofl·nl 1;1'/·1 1'1 "11111t 101111· f/ll[IOll_'' sn1d 1hC lllUnlJtJCT Qj l he &r11t r>~'! 111rd/e~ rJcoart111c11t <Jf g 11101or ;:,11,11· 111 ,\ 'r11,lf:. ·-r.!'crU. !(ol• '1)1 ·,.rri.• ·· 111or!" -,-i)'1d ~· ~rJ/f' ./11i/11 1•! '" 1,11.rr ,\!11rr , "\\'e t rii lo ·/7)1•1rr .i 111$ 111!11 t rc11- c{;°r1 ~. l1rc•1 f rl , •. , d 1•1 I 11u1 c Sti[>ltlJI L 1 I r•11(' 1:1 .• 11q ltt cl1:i·c/op : f' 11 .1· i'~r.b/rn1s nl latrr I fr • Cov. Lester Maddox finally has .1 t.:\c[e he can ride back,vard \\'h1l c t:c ·fJces fof\\ard-:.i unicyc le. 1'hc 1 •1e-11 h<'Cl<'r \1 .i~ presented t o t he ; {l\ crnor-<ilong \I 1th a red, 11·hite .i11rl bl!ll' c:ikc--on 111 .. 5-llh birth· r~j 11·. • I'll lell you ·• ... ;11d lhc de· l ·:.:tit<'d i\l.Jddo.X 11Jio ,.Junes :.it r1cl- 11i -:: bicycles b:1t k1va rds. "1n;v 11{'\l 1 ( rni in office 1 'U r ide this into Ilic r~ !("•~." The onc-1vhee\1 no ha ndle· hdr'> t1nicyclc I" the :-;rdh c ycle :'\l<idd{1X has rccl i\"(>d :-.1ncc tak1n ~ t1!f1cc· ':h rce yeurs ;,tgo. hut the 01h- r rs 11L1rc ord1n:-iry t11,o \\heeler:,. • ThfC'(' \C ,1rs ago, Mr. a nd Mrs. Denni!> Ponies o[ Tiverton. R 1., J1aJlrd \hi.' 01rrl val of t heir first ~on. Jeff re y. (1•it· .ve;ir later, on the ,,1 n1c cl .J!l', :-,i:pt. :lO, a second son. Michae l, \\'as born. On this year· ... <.;cpl. .10, J\lr~. J'lonlPs, 25, gave birth lo v third ~un. • -, • l'I I f ' 11·1·" l ti ! I I' ;.I. 'I 1 , ... i ·,, r;aun :r 1'1 . I ,. r 1• 11 f rl'. r i in I ... /,· ",. •. ,,/fl ~">)({' 111 r,r,ri I 1·,'r,c~1orl .. 0 f•~a r i:yl' Penelope J ohnson, ll f • '\11nt \. Jll, \lrf1'11dL'd he r appcJr· . nr r in the tHldl."' 1:1 tltc-\'c<irboo k 1 f lijt-\' i·nr' t'r t!··. !!011"!011, ''I rl1d 1t f.,r J\1C(' .inr\ 1hc J11ce co1nm11n- 1 :~1." : h(' ,url ~.11~-. .lnhnson \\ii'\ ::rJd n:iierl 111 ,lr\n" <l " the outstand- •'lC fcrn .. le 'Ludt•nt. Did Age11t Cause Loss Of Patrols? .. SAIGON (UPI) -'The alleged double :if::cnt in the Green Beret case providtd l 'om munist troops wilh. lnfonnation that IC'd to the annihilation of two five-man i-[X"l'ial fo rces patrols, U.S. military SOUrC'CS said today . Thry ~air! Thai Khac Chuyen ap- parently had access to lhe Green Berets' :-rcrct patrol plans and tipped the Com· munist troops on where Ute recon· na1ssancc missions would be going. \\'ithin 15 minutes of their insertion by ht11L"Opter into Communist territ.ory, the p<ttrols were wiped out. according to these sources. About 20 South Vietnamese :-.ultJ1crs died on similar missions during 1he same twrrweek period , they said. Chuyen later was arrested and in· lc>rrogated. Me disappeared June 20 and the U.S. Army charged eight Green Berets with murder and conspiracy in lhe ··nse. Those charges v.·ere dropped Tues· 1lay. Beca use of the U.S. losses suffered !n the Communist ambushes of the patrols, rj senior American officer ·was relie ved or his post v.•ithin the U.S. Command, the ::;ources said. Col. Robert B. Rheault, CQITlmander or :ill Green Berets in Vietnam, was one of !he eight ...,.ho faced charges in the case. He returned to the United Sta les Wed- nesday denying that any dooble agent had ~n killed. "There was a penetration agent," flhcault tol d nC\\•smen before hi '.'I departure from \'icLnam. '''hen asked if Chuyen was Lhls agent. he .said, "! believe -So." Sources close to the investigation said Chuyen's role as a double agent was con· fi nned by lie deteclOr and truth serum tests administered at Green Beret head· quarte r.s at Nha Trang. Chuyen·s body has never been found. It \Vas the Anny's contention that he wa.s .(!rugged, shot at Nha Trang and dumped into the South Chi na Se a in a weighted bag. Ul"I Tt lff...,_ FACES N!WSMEN Sgt, Al vin Smith 8th B eret Back, Denies He Ever Contacted CIA SAN FRA NCISCO (UPI I -·rhe eighl men involved in the celebrated Green Beret murder case 1vere back in the Uniled States today. They all agreed there ~·as no slaying at all. Sgt. IC Alvin L. Smith Jr .. .,.,,ho reportedly touched off the Army's charges against the Berets,, .irrived Wednesday at Travis Air f orce Base. The seven Green Beret officers. headed by Col. Robert B. Rheault, arriv ed 17 hours earlier. Smith, dressed in fatigues, fa-:cd a bat· tery of newsmen and, like Rheault the day berore, denied there was any killing of a Vietnamese dou ble agent. New York Attorney l!enry B • RolhblaU, Y:ho represented three of the officers, said Tuesday that Smi!h had gone to the CIA and told !hem of the alleged slaying of Vietnamese national Thai Khac Chuyen. Smith said he kne w Chuy en but .said there was no slaying_ "l never contacted the CIA," he told nev.·srnen. Nixon Facing Pressure By GOP on Haynsworth frvm Yiire Servi<'t:I \\"ASHJNGTON -President Nixon has come under mounting pressure from his PWn party In the Senate , reportedly in- cluding the GOP's No. 2 leader, lo pull hack his nomination of Judge Clement f . Jlal'nsv.·ort h to the Supreme Court. Congressional sources irxlicated that !-iC'nate Republican \Vhip Robert P. Grif- l1n suggested to the President during his Tuesday meeting \Vith COP congressional leaders that Haynsworth"s name come dO\Yn. A spokesman for Griffin declined \\"cdnesday c1thf'r to confrim or deny the report. The spokesman said Grifrin con- :-.u!ered anv conversation he had v.·ith lht Jlrl'Slden~ as stricl\y confidential. Griffin :;pearheaded the suecesssful fi,c;ht last year against P r esi d e n l ,lohnson·s attempt to appoint Abe Fortas chief JUS\IC!'. Thrr<' \\ltS no doubt other Se nate l \t'J!llbl1cans WC're anioous to see. lhe ap· fl(lln\rnrnt of Haynsworth. nnw chief .11 1d~C' <•f lhc 4th r S. Court of Appeals, '' 11hdr;;11·n. Thr only f\rgrn sr na!or, !llassachusC'll o: ]~C'puh\1ca n Eclv.ard \\'. Brnokr. \\'erl· nr >dny rC'leased a lrtlC'r he ha d \ITlttcn \() 1\1:-.on 1Jr~1ng lhe. I'rrs1dent 10 \l!thrlraw tile nnn1 ination nr lace an •·em- l 1>irra,..~1n~ly'' close l'olc and pn~s1bly e1rn fi('fcat. ··1 rl'<lllv thir1k 1herc 1r1ll be a h<'ary 'otr aj!a1.1sl hirn." Brooke said in an in- 1rrv1c1v .1/lcr lhe leUer was released. "If it's presentc>d lo !he Sena te it wiU be. nl"S l cmbarras.o;ing to Rep u b 11 c a n ~en111ors and even 1ome Democratic senators.·· Brooke became lhe first Republican seriator to publicly urge withdrawal of the name a nd the first senator of eilher party tB actually predict the nomination mi ght be defeated. Brooke declined to say how many com· mtlled anti-Hayns v..·orth votes he came op 11·1th in his o.,.,·n nose count. But he said he had found a substantial number of Republicans willing to bre ak 11·ith trad ili on and go against their Presi- dent. "lt's more th an any li\'e or six, l'!l lel\ )OU th at," he said. f.leanwtlilc the Senate Judiciary Com· m11tee has asked Haynswor th to supply a record of hi~ stock market dealings, and delayed a vote on the nomi nation for one \\"eC'k . ROYA L TR.4 5 11 PILES AT PALACE LON OO:-J I l;PJ )-A spreading wilrlra! ~IIi ke by ~arbage collectors to d a v lhreatened Buckingham P a 1 a c e, t!le prime mini ster's residence anri Lhe houses of parlia ment v.·jlh the same pro- spect of fi lth, fl ies and fire.. hazards fac- ing four million London residents. r\ \'iestminsle r borough co u n c 11 spokesman said unio nized dustn1cn "''ho normally serve Buckingham P:ilace and the Parllamf!nt buildings y,·erC' part of the ~trik e. lie said government officials •would ha1·c to make private ar· rangements to cart away the royal and parliamentary trash to public dumps. Rain Dampens Eastern U.S. /1,'s Freezing at Alamosa, Warm in Desert Cnlirnrnio '"'-'h••~ r «•~•r • ~,,,....,.~ •-~-• ,...,,,.,, °"' ~ "" ..,~·t <•ev<"•• "'"'" ~ "(I ""d • n•• ' r,.. Ir •• ,.,,..,A,~rr• r •''~'.l·~ •·• ••n•••••Q Q! •• I~'<. /•"O'lf'< ~~I!~' •l'V "A' ml ,,,. • ··~ M•<l "'~"' ~·I no~. In~ ~Q" ··•• r· nr·,,~ '""' •~•fl'•\d•''' I!. fOft•I>"'' '''" ,. ,. -.,. 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",~, 1; u. .. 1<11' Q~t ..,_ " O" I ,,.,~·• JI. l'O•N~ (()',/:0£P'IO'I TO /,\~:.•r 1.•r n 'li;t QEll:-!>~ufl\ la -O~!I\~•·" w ore\ I •1 I I k•~'} n~~' •t"' f oci wt' •o r<••r 'Ml 11 II! 10 ,...,.,\ ov~r ov•~· •Ni•i.I "'•'"" tDOo• •"' e•••O 100•1>~' t ... ,•ly w•U IC 'IO•tl\ .. t•I 12 "' '' l •r•1 r •>CI•~. \la-,.,¥ ""'~" "••'' r "''"' "'''11>,.t, $u,.n¥ Fr e•<. ~ ~"' I ~"''f'" 1a .. 1attt, COA,~T.i.L 1"10 1•11 [1>.V f D!J.fE \11.LL E"''>--I'•"'' clol.01 ~"·vl-1 \"" "' 1'r~•V f;\IJP" W1~CIJ •' I...,., ·~· > 10" o•·! 1"11 0" JO •;~•¥-Cnc>lor ~•~• •' ! 1 "'"' to.cl•• 1on1111\! •1·g•• ·~c , i ... ,., LO"'\ t<:>n•tl\I 1-il •o ~ "~-, ~"""'' ,, "'IJ.I "'')U~T"'lt~ Al>E•< no"tV t ,, '"""'· "'"'11~ c•••• 1 .11~1 •• ,, l • <'•1· ~!•o,,., <iu~" ... ·1~ •' r ~·• \"'"I•' t',/tfll.10 " A•I D nr~r a · ~·r c;u--· • l'IY><I ...,,,, .. ~'J• " ,, ~ .... ~· ( ·o·e• dev .. ~t·~ 1 '°""' 8tl 10 'l'I ~ • N " v•''...,.•· fO 10 !fl" 1-.. 0 • ••II~•' I "4''1. tr,i.,1,11 1 I" «I• o, •~· V~llt•, $1 ,1 "11 """" '""'" I ' '' I\ l"A'O ' •.• '•·• l+•flh• ~··"t• ' ,. 1$ ~?P'I' Oflif,l, 11 !~ f 1 l!:t1'1/ VO"" Coaslal M1r~I ... (./-'I. ~1111• 11/ll'IY 1n t• non~. W•>'(l1 .. e1tet1~ ll lo It ~"°''· .,.,,~, !OCW• "''' M to n. (~•1111 '"""""'"'~'fl •1nv-td '"'"" •O IQ n '"'•..C temoe•1!u••• rono..., ,,,....., Al ta 11. Wilt • ,,.,,,,..,1111•• .SI. ·"''''· :llnon. Tide s •• .,..., ~Qh ~..,.D• <I '~"' I ' ' h ~~ r , • ., "'"' \ .......... 1\1 ... '••(l!\d .., .. TMVl'UOAY ' ...... l' ... •i<•"' l7 .. l .. ,. "" j . ·-'-• 11 0C "·"'•Cl '"" ... f l (•II~, Joi•' \I l'M • "Nin lt1M1 ll'•P m. St!•l ••,.m. V.S. S••-r11 A vt ll .... flf •t lfl C-ld """'" Ill '"" r••~•n par!lonl " f1'lt <Oll"h ¥ lo-Mv. ·~-1 ... 1• !er --•II 11 ,.,. Ol'tlo V•ll•• t fld 11'>1 mldtlt "'"""'I<. 1tot'~ lOC111¥ lltlYV t f lhltll l \tut11 °'""' M~ ·-•tfd, z1.,.1wm1, OlllO. """'" '"@(! l.04 , ........ ,. A. tt>ld !rant b•Cl'ltQhl cllillv •t l•1 to !~t ""''h .. e•I .. 1n1 .,.ow •I 11•9htr "'tolt"•~!n •~vo+leo>•. 5toc•m...,•1 ""''"'"II' "'"" ,., •'I•<' '"' t<lo"'D. Monte.-., roottl'>!•11 v 1111 t r><! 1(!\llll•Allrtll N.-..11!• A hf W l•Ollit•I lltP""'' oro• <t"'''""' O<il• Cul>I t1<1!'119M •o•n ""'"'w•rd "' ''"'l<M W111 """' l••t~ ff'('.OiVf(I .t.S Ill '" lll(f\ Ill • -~Ol/f "•lo<I. Stlu!h•'" Cf llfr)fn'• tf.,.,.ln..i •v•nv •"II ........ loUO)Wl"'CI ,,,. 11•u•I 10" cl~\IG.I t lO"Q IP\9 co.it. Albu'e1Je,..u1 ""(-··· Allenl• lh t•••l•t lcf lll1m1rc~ 1!101,. flo•!o" l!lrown1vll l1 Cllltl l'O Cliw.ln,..M ~~· On MOOnet De!t11ll F1h1Htnltl "~"no ..,, .. , H""°lulu KI Ml l City l l l VHll lfl ...... ,.1 Mlernl "''•-oll'.\ "'•"" Or1Hn1 "'""" Ycrt "'"'"' P!ttle Ot klorod Oltl•-• Crlv °"''"' P t lm S••l"l l "110 Rotilu ,.~Mnl• ,.llh1>ur1~ P""!11nd 1>11id Cl•v l>fa lllufl "~ SIC!l'"'~"!a !•II l••• (•I• ~-~ 0'"'" 51~ f rl "(I){$ S•Utl• !• .,...~. T"'°•m,1 Wt>h.n$~" M19'1L ... I"~. •• 41 .11 .. ft H .ll . " 1' .14 11 " .QI 11 ,IJ .. . " ~ " ~ " . • ~ M " ., . ~ . " "' n .. ~· .. j l 11 H ·~ ~J ~, n .1l 11 .. .ll " " !< I I 'S JI :i 14 " ,, . .. It~ II ., " .. ~· II J• .<? ·~ !I f.' ·1 ... ·°" " ~· •• !I " v a ..., Tr •l 1• 1\ IS •• " ~! II "'! .II 101 " ii ti l • Justice Department Lawyer Forced to Resign WASfllNGTON (AP -The fo~ re.signatioo of a dissident Justic:t Depart- ment lawy tr haJ added fut l to 1.:on· t.roversy swirling around the Nixer ad· ministration's civil rights policies. Gary J. Greenberg, 27. senior trial at - torney in the civil right.s di vision 's ap- p.!&\s and research sect.ion, slepped down We'toesday after leading 6S of 74 staff lav.')'en in a public protest against the go\'tmmt:nt's school desegregation stand . Crtenberc rtsigned at the request of Asst Alty. Gen. Jerri! Leonard, his dh·laion chief, who claimed only 1'tonclay lhere would be no retributions against al- ter~ who disagreed with him . Even as Greenberg began vacating his office, St>n. Stephtn M. Young "<~hio), suggested 11..eonard himself should 11tep down. The piwibility also was raised that other unhappy department lawyers mi;ht quit in protest over Greenberg's resigna. lion. NEWPORT BEAC H .\. 24 Foshion lslond 1e.ti1eil1-cr>" ........ CominCJ ••• October 3rd • • • Sew yourself into the best- dressed woman in town! Talon is presenting Thi mb le Thea tre for all you gals who want to see t h• latest in fabrics, patterns, t rimmings and how to put th em together. Come in and mee t Miss Wendy Morck. She'll be here from 11 AM to 12 Noon and 7 PM to 8 PM on the 2nd flo or with lots of sewing tricks •nd techn i~ues up her p retty sleeve. See wha t's new for fall. Find out how to alter the pattern you pick. How to seiect the right threads and 2ippers and how t o use the new invisi ble 2ipper. See color slides and get f ree booklets to help yo u at home. Come loaded with quest ions like how to keep linings flat, how to se t in sleeves without buncli in9, how to make bo un d-buttonholes. If you se"" at a ll or ever thought about starting ••• come in tomorrow and see how yo u can sew like a pro wi t~ " little help fro m Talon and Penneys. NOW EARN % INTEREST PAID QUAR I EALY NO LONG-TERM REQUIREMENTS Starting October ht you can eam the new. higher rate ol 6% yearty on Morris Plan ijs Investment Certificates. Funds placed by October 15th · from the 1st of the month at the full 6% rate. Interest pa e end of each calendar quarter: or credited to a Passboo Account for additional income. Dally lntoresl on 5.25% Pa11book Accounl1. Thrill Passbook Accounts ol any amount eam from day of de~it to day of with· drawal; lntereot credited and compounded quarterly. Since Its founding In 1916, Morris Plan has promptly met every request for withdrawal. Assets exceed $1 25 million . Morris Plan Newport Beach -3700 Newport Boulevard -673-3700 , .. • .1 '' . ' ' . . \ ···---- 95 Gls Die - War Toll Lowest For Two Years SAIGON (AP) -The lowest weekly combat toll among Americans in two years was announced today by the U.S. Command, reflecting a three- week lull on the battlefield. An official summery said 95 Americans were killed in ac- tion during the seven-day per- iod ending at midnight last Sat- urday-a drop from !JS the previous week and the lowest weekly toll since the week en· ding Aug. 12, 1967, when 82 * * * U.S. Stands Americ ans ctied. While the American dcalh toll decreased, South Viet- namese troop casualties rose from '1!!'I to 308 last week. Since the week ending Ma y 10, South Vietnamese casualties have betn consistently higher than American combat deaths, which many officials say is a result of "Vietnamizing" the wa r, 'The number or Americans wounded last wetk also went up to 1,315 from 1,114 the previous week., and South Viet· namese wounded from 883 to 896. The number of enemy killed decilned lo 2,382 from a revised tot.a l of 2,696 the previous week. The U.S. Command 11aid QUE'ENIE ·---> -.·-- llAlnl. PAll!llll. WAumt. Wll.PEll'i; nll'i'ICI'( -· By Ph il lnterlandl uoh, come now-you can't think they're }.LL ·crooked ••• ., Coalition Pact OK'd By Brandt BONN <UPI) -Yon:ign minister Willy Brandt aind the Free Democrats signed an agreement today on policy issues and cabi n et assignments Uiat d o o m e d ":;ct£ Oiancellor Kurt Georg Kits-.. ;> ••• .t:&. inger's desperate bid to re-ff';·"4_¥:;t ,: main in power. ! '~f , Heinz Kuhn, a key member f ~f.>tt~· of Brandi's ~.ial Democrat }, ~.cit' party negotiallng t e a m. w· .~i>: predicted "the new govern-~-t_~ ._, ' metrt will be ready by Friday" b ·.- -a Social Democrat-Free ~~<?. _ · Democr at coaliti that will ~~:/,,..~ make B~andt chancel :~.i/,' Negot1ators met for a · I _ -.;~ round of discussions today on ' y By Saigon Government 38,823 Americans have been ----------------------- parlian1entary commit t c e chairmanships. Kuhn said it w a s "impossible for t he negotiations to fail." PARIS (UPI) -The United States today rejected latest Hanoi and Viet Cong calls on President Nlxon to drop the Saigon government. It warned the Communists that n o political settlement can be achieved without South Viet- nam's approval. U.S. Chief Negotiator Henry Cabot Lodge served notice Washin!!on "'ill remain in- fle1dble in its opposition to any setlltment that would be im· posed on the South Viet· n11.mese people other t h a n through controlled, free elec· tions. Lodge said the Communists hoped to take over from a military standpoint following lhe v•lthdrawal of U.S. troops and then take over from a political standpoint sh o u Id Washington oust the Saigon regime. ''Seltlom in historv has tht>re bctn in any dip.Jomatic meeting an attitude so fun· de.mentally extreme and so calculated lo make any pro- ,,~ .. ~~ '~ .. "~~;1,1 ... " J,nrl"e said. killed in action in Vietnam since Jan. I, 1961, with 556,629 enemy claimed killed in the same period. La.It week's low casualty count v.·as coupled with U.S. lnlelligence reports t h a t elements of four North Viel· namese divisions in the area a round Saigon had pulled back along the Cambodian border farther than at any time since early 1968. But a spokesman for the U.S. Command said he saw no immediate po\Jticial slgnifi· ranee in the latest de\•elop. ments. "They are posing a threat (() fhe outlyi ng areas,'' he said, ·but they are not posing as great a threat to Saigon," 840 ~1 ill ion Aid T o Viets OK'cl SAIGON (AP) -U.S. and South Vietnamese officials signed an agreement tcxlay giving the Saigon governmenl an additional $40 million in im· oort 11id. 19!~ Sl:IML:INE TE[EVISION 3 Dar• Only 9911 ~TW 49P The port.ct f•mDy slut portable TV! Big 19" sharp picture that stays sharp. That's 184 sq. Inches o! viewable screen! Out.rt.anding reception. even in fringe a reas. Sharp decorator styling_ too -strtk .. Ing off."•hite cabinet with contrasting black and chrome accents. Prisoners' Wiv es Sho,vn Films of 'U.S. Cri111e s' '!'he Free Democrats re- jected Klesinger's dramalir pr.oposa l for a 1 O· ye a r parlnrrship wilh his Christian Drmocrats. Free Democrat Chairman Y.'al\er Schee I refused even to listen to Paris l3l ks "at their request." details. j ~ ,'-\il-;; .•• The agenry said tne women 14 tf fr '} , : ,. TOKYO (L!PJ) -A Hanoi \l'Cre told that "the linited ~ ~ t~~ 1 /· group of Ok1ahoma wo""" ]\'la r k Up 5010 :. · ·,· <:';_• report \Vednesday said a who met with North \'iel-Slates has rommi\lE'd untold, /( , ~ " .. 101\·ering Crin1cs against the "'-t.>'f namesc diplomats in Paris FHANKFU RT (UPI) -The ~ · -,. -"~ \1ietnamese people and caused \\lest Gennan Centra1 Bank ft """"$?-• were sho v.•n "a number of moi;.rnings 10 many 1\mcrican today pushed the value of the .; films on U.S. crimes against families." mark up by about 6 percent ' · 1:~ _, the Vietr:amese people." The v.·omen s ough t !n· for the third ronsecutive day. ~~~tt The Vietnam r\e"'S Agency formation the their husbands The 5 percent r i~e appeared 1f.~~~' to be general throughou t the ~, U (VNA ) said the .,.,·omen were or sons in North \'ietnam E k •• d • "" uropean money mar e~ an ~ ~ also shO\\'n movies on "the prisoner-Of.war camps. The fi na ncial experts in London '/~·; humane policy or l he v·'.'IA report ga1•e no in· nrcdicted an official rcva\ua-l-' .· Democratic Rrpublic 0 f formation on the scr\'icrmcn. ti on along that level. · . ; (North) Victna1n Government!;:::======================;· toward captured C.S. air I LIGHT READING FOR llEAVYWEIGIITS pirates.'' T f1e ''l\'ei9f1I Watche rs VNA said the \~·omen "·ere ·. -, . Cookbook'' received Tuesday al the head· quarters of the North Viet· name11e delegati on to the ! I - The Booksta 11 s11 1. 11111 St., CoJt• M.,. 541-4611 lk~lnd Tll• 1'11tc,\• !iOUll) OPEN DAILY 10-10 SUNDAYS 10-7 ....... 4 ........... c_,..... .. -. ................... c......-.... _ THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY 1211 COMPACT, SLIMLINE PORTABLE TV .1 Vay• Only Model TU 69 P The perfect portable! Light enough-a breeze to rarry. Large f>n ough--a full 12" brillian t ~harp picture. You ~C't f:O much \\-i th this handsome nC\OJ port;'lb)"~ f;oor1 !oaks ..•. o.lim· line horizontal styling in off.1vhite and ebony \1ith accent!' of rhrnme. Great performance- "Split-S("('Ond Star t" ins tant picture, instant fiOund. ' ' ,,,.,,...---:-~~ ~ -~~~,'"• ~-~ ,.. ·-~- I:' I: I? I'" I : , y -fe_ " ' ·r·· 1. ., ' . 2200 HARBOR BLVD. l Conier of Wll•• Md Harbor COSTA MESA • ' ' ' ' .. BE ·SiJRE Over $,3 Billion sTRONG ' ., ~. Qvet,8Q,Ye~ SAEE '. · • " • DAIL V PJL01" $ t . >t".. :t: ·~ :,--,1 ·,·%[ ,~.·f~ ·j}. , .. , ..... :"""~ '1><·~~ ·~1$1 ~< !t'¥' {' _J '~ " t.. .. • ,,,, " r. '1 I ~:1 !. • l .,..,_,.,.,, ....... .,.. ~ ~ ~ -......----, ~ -. ---. --~ ------,-.- •• DARY PU..OT EDITORIAL P AGE Pills and Time "'as and not too long ago, ,,.hen tnarijuana amoking was ~omething Southern Californians heard of only rarely, and then they associated it \vitb entertain· ers and some minority groups. Little wonder older residents are appalled at the statistics showing an unbeliev~ble increase in pot smok- ing among youths of all racial backgrounds and eco- nomic levels. Drug abuse arrests amo~_g juveniles in California- for all drugs, including manJuana-have gone up 2,687 percent in the last 10 years. State Atty. Gen. Thomas C. L)'llCh reported to the U. S. Senate subco1nmittee investigating the traffic that arf-ests in the past four years \Yf fe twice the number in the previous six. These same older residents are the more puzzled by it all because their generation had a 1_>retty thorough schooling in the moral as \Veil as the physical and mental consequences of drug use and abuse. At the same time, those same citizens of rec titude are beginning to y.•onder. in the case of marijuana, \vhether some of their measures to stem the traffic have not been self-defeating. Their influence on law-making has produced man- datory felony convictions which could (as pointed out in the Sydney J . Harris column on th.is page Tuesday) destroy a young first offender's opportUJlily ever 'f.o vote, own a gun, run for public office, become a doctor, den- t lst. CPA, engineer, lawyer, architect, realtor, osteo- path. physical therapist, private detective, pha rmacist, liChool Jeacber. barber, funeral direc;tor, stockbroker or e ven a masseur. Compassioqate judges have sought to soften thiJi. extreme penalfy where mercy was indicated. In Cali·· : fomia, marijuana cases were made felonies ia 1961 . Last y ear the Legislature gave judges the discretiOn to reduce the conviction from felony to misdemeanor. The move was in the right direction, for circumstances alter --cases. Bolstering this \liew j s the fact that definite e vidence . . Marijuana on n1arijuana is lacking. Research on its effects has been spotty, inconclusive. But there i~ a~ least as much indication that marijuana is non-add1ct1ve and can be Jess harmful than legal liquor as there is to the co1.1- trary. This appears especially true \\'hen an effort 1s made to show that pot smokers generally go on to hard n arcotics such as heroin . There can, 0£ course ,. be no 1nore justification7 m orally, physically or mentally-for th~ use of man- juana as an emotional c rutch than t here IS for such use of liquor. And there certainly is no present justification for legalizing m arijuana in fac e or the lack of solid resi!arch information on its long-range effects. But questioning making pot s1noki1~g a C?reer-de~ ~royin g felony \vhile use and ~buse of _llquo'. 1s !~gal 1s clearly in order-at least until there 1s sohd evidence against marijuana. Operation Intercept, the crackdo,vn on drug smug- gling a long our 2.500 mile border ,~·Ith Mexico, is a imed at both tile traffic in marijuana a nd the indisputably life-damaging amphetamines-spcccl. bennies. reds and the like, both s timulants and depressants. or the tY.'0 illegal categories. pills, along \Vith hard narcotics, are the more importa nt. Orange County's Republican Congressman Jame.c;; B. Utt has introduced a bill in Congress '''hich '''ould prohibit the export of stimulant o r depressant drugs v,rhich could likely be r e-exported fron1 'the country of destination back to Yankee users. This commendable move is in l ine \vith Atty. Gen. Lync h's recommendatiOn that a federal bonding re· quir.ement be imposed to prevent diversion of the pills back into the U.S. after export to Mexico. This is the least the CongJ,:ess should do. But in ad- d ition, let the vaunted friendly relations between the U. S. and Mexican governments be brought into play to produce n1ore ant i-d rug t raffic action south of the border. And let more emphasis be o n pills and hard nar· colics, the real destroyers. AMttic.111 mrdAI$ .1.W&tdtd os i l'.Cel'\t;ves to S. Vie ts. (News lteM ) .... A buses in Revised Philadelphia Plu1i Racial Integration Co~flict Porriog rapliy U1id e r A tta ck A Hard Truth to V.'ASHINGTON -Nothing has il- Juslraled more aptly the basic conflict which rages throogh this country on the problem of racial integration than the SO· called revised Philadelphia Plan. That plan, contrary to the intent of Congress and the spirit of the Civil Rlg!'IU Act of 1964, is being imposed on f'.lderal contractors to make lhem hire fixed quotas of Negro y;ocker!l in Lhe e<>n- struction trades. The question resolves itself into whether or not integration is to be enforc- ed by federal fiat Ydthou t the unquest· ioned authority of law. Thi!> same ques- tion arises in school integration. Pupils are actually being bused from one school district to another creating racial bal· a.nee notwithstanding provisions of law to the conlrary. Tms IS complicated fllrther by th t that_ th'; _Su pr~ as not r u n•th~stl~ involv and the~ are connicting lov•er co rt decisions. But in spi~ of thi s the f ral ~n· forcers ~ p~-i 1s they v.·ho create law and preeedenl, and they lash oot with unremitting fury against any who oppose them as racists and bigots. It is quite: surprising that this would happen in the Nixon Administration 'ft"hich is .50 concerned vdth the rule of law and the judicious exercise of ex- ttuli\"e power. Such arbitrary actions \\'ere in the past more typical of "strong" Democratic P.residencies bent on O\'errldlng Congress or any other opposition lo their style. of reform. IT \\"AS SUPPOSED that this kind of i Ric hard Wilson • .. government had been so thoroughly discredited during the Ne\v Deal that it v•ould not be seen again. But there is no restraining the bureaucratic zeal of ad- ministrator!> with their on·n concepts of reform, and they are now doing exactly \\'hat the leading proponents of the Civil Rights Act, including then Sen. Hubert Humphrey, so fervently pledged Congress that they wouJd not do. One of the premises upon which the Civil Right$ Act of 1964 was adopted ·was that federal administralors would not. try to impose quotas for racial employment. This was deemed to be impractical as \rell as potentially creating discrimina· lion in reverse against Y.'hite v.·orkers. Sorne senators, thinking back to what has so often happened in the past, y,·ere fearful of what the administrator!> wou ld do. BUT, OH NO, SAID Scnat.or Humphrey. The senators were seeing things under the bed. They v.•ere aJarmists. Racial employment qoolas were e.~pcessly disallO\ved by the Jav,•, and, of course, tJ1e administrators would be bound by !av.', So now we have racial emplo)'ment q'uotas in the revised Philadelphia Pl an, ,1·hich will be extended, if the Labor Department can gel away y,•i th it, to 1he v.·hole country. The~~ quotas are callc1I goals in the most'" transparent sr.n1an- ticism since legs y,•ere called limbs. Complroller General Elmer Staats. a creature of Congress, has issued a long opinion threatening to disapprove any ex- penditures on contracts executed under the Philadelphia Plan. That does not deter Labor Secreta ry Shultz. He has got a go ahead from the Justice Department and is carrying high the banner of en· forced racial integration regardless or some very obvious barriers. THE LEADING BARRIER is the fact that the unions y,•on't pro~·ide en1p\oyers \\"Ith Negro construction v.·orkers. In a strange convolution of y,·hat is just, the CQnlractor!l \\'ill have to take the blame for that, as they ha\"e recently in the Pittsburgh demonstrations. So there is a deadlock between \\'hat Congress and the comptroller general think is just and what the Labor Depart- ment and the Justice Department think is r ight. The ob\·ious l\'ay this deadlock ought to be resoh·ed, 1n this case as v.ell as in school integration, is ti) go before Congress \ViU1 a proposed new law· \\'hich \1•ould give clear authority for what lt:e enforcers and ad ministrators Y..'ant to do, or are actually doing. TllE ENFORCERS t1re ;ipparently \"cry doubtful that Congress would ap- prove. "'"bat they are doing. 1Hld if that is lhe case, it is all the noore important that new tlire<'tions be gi,·en. The issue is v.·hether or not \his nation shall be hamn1ered into line under so1ne arbitrary fonnula of racial mixture in all its n1os\ in1portant pursuits. 'The !\uprC'n1c Court has not authnn1.ed lhat. Congress has not authorized "1t, l;n1il thry do. enforced integration, as distinc! fr o1n deS!'gregation . is the creation of federal enforcers and admin1strators. The Nation Goes to Pot To e\·eryhody's s u r fl r i 11 e. lhe. govemmenrs campaign to stamp out marijuana smuggling proved a tremen- dous success. By the !lpring of 1970, there ~asn'l a joint 10 be had from the Haight Ashbury to New York'!> Har\'ard Club. ~ might be expected, lhe natioo'!l 5 million frUSlrated pot smokers -most of them under 30 -tur ned to olher escapes from life's tribulations. Some turned to heroin. got hooked and took up mayhem, muggings and mopery to support their craving!>. The crime rate ~ed. SO~tE TURNED TO s~d. LSD and nther dangerous hallucinogens. The men- tal hospitals bulged. But most young people, with the ap. proval ol 1oeiety, turned to alcohol. The consumption of cheap \Vine on the cam· JlllSm increased ten-fold o\·emighl. HJtberto, the sludent body , of U1t1 typical college had consi.5ted of a few political agitators and a bunch of ~phoric pot 1mokers. Thanks lo the ----- Thursday, October 2, 1969 TM cdit.o'rlaJ page 01 tne Dally Pilot 1cek1 to fnfom& a11d 1tf'"" ulote rcadcn br prc.tcnUngi thia new1pcptT'1 opfniont and com- ~ntaru on topk1 of h1tertst and lignlficantt, br pttJWlina a forum for th« crpre11ion oJ our rcodcrl' opimom. and b11 pre1nUno the divcr11 vlrw- poinu of inf01'11Ud. ob1crvcr1 and ipolul?Mft on fqpk1 o/ the c1au. Robert N. Weed , Publisher A rt Hoppe n1arijuana crackdO\\'n, it y,•as transfer- red into a few political agitators and a bunch of belligerent drunks. The. results were disastrous. BEFORE, WHEN an agitator had leaped up to agitale loudly , most decent students would drag deep!y on their fun· ny. brown cigarettes and say, "Cool it. man, you're spoiling our vibes." But now they v.•aved their bottles over head and yelled such battle cries as. "f\1y name's O'HanrahaUy and I can lick any pig on the campus~" Oh, the glorious pitched battles! (\\"hat Old Blue "'iii '-''er forget the day Yale defeated the New Haven Riot Squad, 32 sn1ashed y,•indows to 14 broken heads?) By lall. ~!ay, the campuses lay in smoking ruins, men t a I hospital ad- ministrators had gone out of th eir mind s, and e\'en the sidev.·alk!l, much less the str~i.3 . were unsafe. The naUon bordered on anarchy. IT WAS TIIEaat concerned patriots look up the cry: "Save the coWltry - bring back pot!" "If marijuana kept the young from "·orrylng aboul lhelr troubles, think of it., effect on the general publl r,'' i;aid lhe President thoughth1Jly. "Why, it could save my Admini!ltratlon." Thu!> the President'!> Pot Program \\'<IS ls unched. Not only w;as marijuana legalized, but f{Toy,·ers received the subsidi" that had formerly gone ito tobacco farmers. Subsidized. mas!l·produccd 3nd un- laxed, the price tell 1.o JO «nls for a package o( 20 filler-tipped, mtntholate<l joints with a coupoi1 on the back. AS A RF.SCL T rif \'igorous :uh·crt1s1 ng (e.g., "Come lo Acapul\.'o Gold Country - ~fan, \\"hat a trip!"), the public soo n learned that pot \\'as not only an c.flt•c t1\"f! escape frorn reality. but ll produced no hangover or olher evidence of di1·ine wrath. By December. lhe v.·hole e<>untry 11·as stoned. The v.·heels of industry staggered lo a halt. The Army and Na''Y v.·andered off to play Beatie reeords. And Congress ""'as converted into a light show. But nobody cared -nobody but Fidel Castro. v.·ho had lo call off a planned takeover of the U.S. \\"hen an aide asked him 1vhat he "d do with it. "Maybe," said the worried President, harking back to the day!l before the mari· Juana crackdo\ITI, "v.·e should ha,·e left v.·ell enough alone." But then he Ill up an Acapulco Gold, smiled euphorically and danced <>ut the back door of the White House forever, hu1nming, "Blow Your Trouble!> Away." Dear Gloomy Gus: "'hat°!l a ll this yelling ahout. sc,; education r lasses? I'm sure that the kids \\"ill be 1nuch more fas· cin Rted .,.,·lth the attend11nt lnb courses and, ultimately, the field trips. -B. J.11. T~I• lo•lwro ,,,,..,, ••Ht.o' .. 11.,, Ml "'<•n••llr fN•• •I ti-. "-'•'"'· \t"4 r•w ..t _,,, .. '°'""''· • .,,.., o.ur '11••· I 11 Co ngress Editorial Research • Politit"Rlly speaking, pornography is a good deal like ~lotherhood in re\'erse. Nolxxly in politics, not even the :r-.talthusian alarmists, will argue that Motherhood should be limited, much Jess abolished. Similarly, nobody in public life will argue that there is any good in pornography. So at least 200 congressrnen have in- lroduled bills ain1ed al curbing hard.core pornography. particularly \\"hen children are the targets. A typical measure in- trod;,iced by Rep. Charles E. Iknnet ( D- "f'la .) -\Vith more than 65 cosponsors - \\'ould subject to five years in prison an<J, nr ;i $5,000 fine anyone "knowingly ex- posing minors lo harmful materials" such as printed matter, photographs, movies. sculpture and drawings through t he· malls or other 1neans o[ interstate distribution. l{ep. Bennelt defines a minor as anyone under 18 years of age. TllE U.S. SUPRE:'llE Court on April 22, 1968. upheld b.v a 6·3 vote the. con· \'iction or an l/l)Crator uf a lu ncheonette in Bclhn(Jrr, l,.t,, rnr selling "girli e" ningazincs to a l6-ye:.1r-0ld boy. 'The decision had a tendency to lin1it the pcrn1lssi\·eness of the 1-ligh Bench on obscenity i::ises 1n recent years. The C0111i harl hrlcl pre\•1uusly thal a publica· lion ls obscene only if it is "utterly \111hou! redeeming social importance." At least 14 statC's 11avc recently £'nacted TI<'\1' la11·~ putt inR l1n1its on the sale of pon1ograph1c n1atf'ri al. These n1easures t101v from the L.S. Supreme Court decision. The i'\cw Yrirk la1v prnhlbits tile sale rif 1n;i ter1al dl'p1c:1ing "sexual ex-·, c1 tc.men1, liexu:il co 11 du c t. anii sadomasochistic a buse. "to persons un- der 17 years of age." Postal inspeclnrs inter\"ie\\"C'd 1rt're n1ore than a little unhappy about lhe cmphasi'.\ of rending 1neasu r£'s on minors. ho\\·ever the age is defined. They ~aid lhat the bar on the. shipn1cnt or such materials to minors had a tendency It) gi1•e carte blanche to equally dubious material shipped to adults. They said Culvrr (;Hy, Cali!., pornographers and nthcr·s h<ive already begun to label mail: "Not to be opened by anyone und er 21." PUBLIC CO:\IPLAINTS to !he U.S. Post Office Department rose to 167,792 in nscal 1968 and reached an all-time high of 232,072 in fiscal 1969, ended last June 30. A recent Gallup poll shows that a:; out -0f every JOO adults interviey,·ed favored slricter s late and loca l la\l'S dealing with obscene literature sent through the mail~. Virtually nothing can he done., hov.'ever, about obscenity cloaked in the guise <>f education. A re\'iew copy which \\'as recrntly received here, advertised a! "America's first 'Sex Course:' in One Volume," strains and Indeed bursts the boonds or credibility, for all the academic hallmarks a ttributed lo the author and the Doctor of Philosophy \\'ho v.·rote the. introduction. Congress in 1967 eslablished a Con1- missiQTI on Obscenity 'tlnd Pornography. In a progrei;.s report or J uly 1969, the t·on11nis~ion rrported "no findings" a11d "no reeon1mendalions." It says Jl plans to ~nnounce recommrndations in the su1nmer of 1970. i\1eantimc. lhe Supreme Court ha.~ suggested that lhere may be "li'gilimalr. U!les of oll.-.cenity." Tht! sl3tus of obscenity and pomogr.aphy in !he law is SCI n1ixed up that dealers In off· rolor malerifll. prinlcd or othery,·ise, are ha\'ing a field day. Learn, "'1'011 l"<Jnnot help so1nebody ?.'ho does not 11·anl to help himself. 'This is a simple l ruth, but a hard one to learn and to obser\"e . Over the years. 1 have sometimes been asked by fr iend A to get together and see if \\'e could do something lo help friend B. FrienC B is falling apart, in \\'Ork, or 1narriage, or just generally. But if friend B is not ready lo be h~iped, I have learned, then \l'C 1nighl as 11·el1 s:.ive our breath to cool our porridge. It is a n absolu.te axiom that you c~nnot get ""ell until yo u know you are sick. TlllS TS TRUE in every area of human relati0ns. The alcoholic cannot respond to treatmtnl of any kind until he adn1its he is an alcoholic. The emotionally disturbed person cannot be helped by any . p~ychialric reg i me n 11ntil he acknO\\•ledges that he is deeply torn and troubled. And the plain, if distressing , rnct is thal many persons do not y,•ant lo help themselves. 'The self.destructive lirge lies tlceper than we know : the desire lo fail may becorne a passil)n : the retreat to ir· responsible infancy may turn into a \\"i1Y of life (and, ot course, eventually, a y,•ay ot death.) I Ai\I UN DERLINING these obvious truisn1s only because I see all around me persons y,•ho "':int to pu sh others - h.isbflods. y,·ives. relatives -1nlo "get· ting pyschiatric treatment.'' Observe Sydney J. H~ri.ii!!. ' • I . ' __ J But nobody ran be pushed into this any n1ore than one can push a drunk into Alcoholics Anonymous. The recognition of y,·eakncs~ is the first step on the road to strength; and this step must be taken \"oluntarily, Freud hin1sel( admitted that p;>iychoanalysis could •·cure·• only those \1•ho didn 't need it very mueh -by which he meant that those who freely seek help on th~ir own are already halfway home. TH E TR U LY DISTURBED personalities are those 11·ho most resist and resent any suggestion that they need assistance in coping y,·ith their precanou! lifc-situntion. They invariably blame "the others." A friend, of course. can hold out a light, can offer support and sympathy and a nux:licum of understanding. But he cannot n1ake ~omeone move tol\'ard that light until he is prompted by son1e compelling drive of his nwn . \Vords arc useless. logic is futile, C\"en love cannot touch the inner springs of motivation -for the neurotic is unable to gi\"C, rr respond to. Jove in the proper \l"a)'. lt is hard for friend s, or mates. lo aecept this, but who ever said that life \'.<ls easy? Mask s S tripp ed Awa y To the Editor: Last yea r, one of !he students from the all·\1'hilc high scho(lf J attend \\'anted to find out just cxartly 11hat the problems of the h!ack people \1·erc. so invited a group of black studen ts frorn another ~chool to n1et>t .,.,·ith a group of students fron1 my school. At first the a11n ospherc \\"a.~ tense, and llie btack people 11ere ~ecretly sneering ;:1l the 11·hitc people, the \Vhite people \\'ere scared of y,•hal 11·as going to happen. O:"IE \fHITE GIRL asked, '"\\IJiat can \\o"e do lo help?" And the answer \\·as, "Tell your white brothers and sisters that black isn"l bad. Black is a t'Olur:· A11il soon the ten5ions \\'ere lirtlng. the while shulenls. so1ne never ha\"ing seen a black per5on before, found new fr iends. Th!'y 'n~re no longer wearing a plastic 1nask, but stripping the masks fron1 their fa ces, found that people aren't skin, and black really isn ·1 bad. ARE THESE student s. these few who know tha t not all black people are bad, are they going to be f)UI doy,·n for their be.liefs because of "·hal you r parents taught you, and what their parents taught them? To hate your brother for the co lor <>f his skin? So our black and l\'hilc relali\ es ma<lc a giant mistake a long time ago. J( it iii now still af(ecting anything in the prtsent lime. causing an!' pain to anybody in the United States al Lhis time, it is up to us as fellow human beings, to take action in trying lo solve the problem. TO DO SO il y,·i!l require d1Hicull and heroic decisions on nlt' part o( the business men, educators, po I l t i c a I leaders, and the real17.al1on 1hflt people are people. no nintter "'hAt the cn lor of their 11kin in the minds of human beings e\'cr)"1 here. ' CHRIS COGE R.1> I.; J,oud 01u .. T~ !he Ed itor: Lcl's hoar I ~ roud ones for !\Ir, \\"illla1n ·' l•lltt1 !mm r·~~rt ~" w..ltomt . 'lormallv wriltf"I •~a.,ld •.a~•!• 11't •r ""5ltQ" ·~ lOO "era' er le"• Th• •iPh! 10 t~nd•n't I•""~ lo II! •~•<e ~· ollminol• 111)!'.I " •t•~rvta "ii lfl!t•' mull !~~IYdf •l!!n•tu,.. @"'d "'~llin' add•eH. bul nom•• w il+ b• Wl!hh•ld an '""'""'' It :.uUlt1tnl rtl )Cn 11 t PPlr!M. l'"i!chcn. our county s1nog chief. Here's one public official really acting in the in· te~~st ol guess v.·ho'.' -the public'. \\'e arc already beginning lo notice the incrca~lng nun1ber of eye-smarting ~nd throat-searing afternoons hereabouts. And that's with only 30 tons-a-day of ox- ides o( nitrogen blanke11 ng the area from lhc power pl ant in Huntington Beach. Think what "'ill happrn to our air when the power people triple the. size of their plant (as they plan to do) and lay dOl\'n a !JO tons-a-day pall. IT HAS CLEARLY not yet sunk in on. Big Oil and Big Poy,·cr that the ~e arc through breathing pelrolf:um fumes; the human lungs and bronch.ials were never meant to serve as sn1og fillers. Once they gel that smog factory run- ning, the on ly \1·ay the people. y,•i!I ever ht able to shut it down y,•ill be t.o blow it up. That's why y,•e must build a granite \vall of public support behind ~1r. Fitchen TIOIY -no more. air pollution in Orange County. AL STRAN GE ~--B11 George ---. Dear George : You've written ahout \\'ilchr raft and superstition. Could you &ive me lhe wording of any or the ancient gypsy CUTSCi? STU DENT Dear Student: No, but I can 5t':nd you ti'le name or an ancien~ gypsy -personally, hov.•e\•er, I prefer her daughter, \1·ho's about 28 anti a real lulu . ) • ' ' ' t ' f , r , ' ' , .. • , ' ' 1- • d " '" n 1. • .r • • le " •• E ' • CHECKING Nix on Up ~tEXICO CITY (UPI) - Sours • • Richard rot. Nixon, who got off :::itates for a decade in trolling ihe marijuana narcotic traffic. COO· and Odd Nam e Club: Fru1ny Awkward By L !'if. BOYD CONSIDER THIS -If you fancy unusual names, might try the Fresno, Calif., tele- phone book. It lists Omie Beans, H. Red Belt , Eli Bip- pus, Bevadean Breeding, Twy- la Buffo, Carroll Christmas, I. 8. Pius, Nudie Grimes, Gay Chase, and Andrea K j s s, among other s. Interesting names, those. Authority for the foregoing is Pat Jones. What, never heard of Pat Jones? She's a nomenphiliac who horses around in Grass Valley, Cal. It was none other than 1-lr:!. J ones who brought to lighl the existence in New York City of Fanny Awkward, \Vam- bly Bald, and B. Rhett Turnip-~eed III. DID 1 TELL YOU a num· ber of Tokyo doctors have · in- stalled pinball machines in their ante r ooms to keep the paUents happyr ••. "AJ\.IONG my followers," said J\.foham- med, "the best of men are they who are best to their ~·ives. The best of women they \\'ho are best to their hus· bands." .•. SUB-ZERO TEfll- PERATURES in Florida? In- c redible, but true. On Feb. 13. 1899, the lhermomeiers in Tai- "' lahassee registered 2 belO\\I. MODELS -Still a /act that numerous young ladies secret- ly wish to become professional models in the belief they can earn high pay. That is a fancy without much foundation, how- ever. Good secretaries earn more than good models. The going rate for experienced models in department stores now runs about $100 a \reek. Beginners are lucky if they get 175. CUSTO~!ER SERVICE: Q. "l\fy bo}iriend gave me an en· gagement ring this week. It is a zi rcon. J1e made no secret of that. He said he simply couldn't afford an expensive diamond, but he loved me and wanted to make our engage- ment official. Frankly, I'm hurt, but I just don 't know \\'hat to say to him." A. Honey, this is ()ne of those times you've got to remember the thing itself, like the worm in tequila, is just not as signif· icant as the spirit in \1'hich it ls given. Tell him you tlUnk he's a fine bright boy .••• Q. '\\11AT'S TlfE CANDY CAP- lTAL of the country?" A. You must mean Chicago. More can· dy comes out of Chicago than anyv"here else. FUNERALS-A cynical fel- low contends in print that fu- nerals are "barbaric." On the contrary, Funerals are civil- ized. And subtle, In the spirit of that movement to tell it like it is, Jet it be stated funerals present the best possi ble ex· cuse for inheritors to converge upon the sp.:1ils. When a man of means dies, he leaves be- hind a pimple of goods and a dimple of influence. The goods must be redistributed. The in- fluence re.assumed. It is on the peripheries of funera1s-at the rim of Lhe grief-where these matters are negotiated by the quick survivors lo move the world on, ALASKA -In the lower 48 states, exactly 87 out of every J ,000 women get married every year. In Alaska. exactly 204 out of every 1,000 women do likewise . This gives you a rough idea ()f just how much a single girl can improve he r matrimonial odds by going to the ~Far North. RAPID REPLY: Yes, t.lr. H .. turns out that language most like Lalin is not Roman- Jan, but ·Ro1nansch, Y our questio11s and cov1 - 'n ents are · We lco1tted and will be 11sed ivlierfver pos· sible i'n "Checkillg Up." Address mail to L. f.1. Boyd, in care of P. 0. Box 1875, Newport Be a c /1, 92660. CuJ1a Displ ays Spy Equip1uent MIAMI, Fla. IAP\ -Spy paraphernalia seized fr o m anti.Castro agents have gone on public disp lay in Havana, the Cuban radio reports. The exhibil includes "high- efficiency equipment used to send messages and receive in· structions from the CI A (U.S. Central Intelligence Agency),"' said the broadcast, monitored in t.fiami. , It said the display \vas part ()[ a V.'eek-long observance ()f the ninth anniversary of the establishment of the Com- mittee for Defense of the Revolution, a n at ion wi cl e network o f neighborhoOd \'igilantes. Tlie l cen1a11 Co1n etl1 No Mor e iii P asade11a lee Co. f roze 260 tons of "'ater daily. on the wrong foot in his rela- tions with neighboring Mexico, has soured the M exican govenunent further by chok- ing off border traffic to hunt for marijuana. Iii less than t..-.·o v.·eeks of "Operation Intercept," f.1cx- ican-American relations have dropped to their lowest point in years. Mexican officials are hurt and angry. 1'hey bitterly recall "the good old days, with Lyn- don B. Johnson and John F. Kennedy." Mexican officials point out that Mexico has tried to cooperate with the United "Our Ull'n effllrts, \l'hich have been sizeabl e in rnouey and 1nanpower. in deslroying tnarijuana fields. arc t:ikl'n for tt1e bent:fit of. lhe United States," said one official. "\Vilhout the rich An1erican ma rket as a lure for the growers, we would not ha1'e much of a problen1 of our own. The use of dr..igs is not that v.•idespread among r.1exlcan you ng people. FH IENOLY GESTUHE "\Ve do this as a fri!lliJ.l ly ges ture, and 1\'hat do \11e tfl in return : Operation Bad Neighbor, lhat's what.·• 2666 HARBOR BLVD. 546·7080 COSTA MESA WEEKDAYS 9 to 9 SATURDAY 9 to 5:30 SUNDAY 10 to 5:00 , •· ,. 2 INCH PAINT BRUSH 0 Njce f~otliered end• for 1t11oo•h oitoke" 0 Full boo':ed, roollv holch the point. PAIL SET LJ Good ut Pl ,!y p~;I, for p.o;,,1 o• .,lht t "'''- [ 1 One i1 1 quo rt •no' l h: oth<r ii 5 qls. t 1 Both for hall • but~. 1~~!'1 ~ deol. PASADEN A, Calif. (AP) - If you 're old enough, you 1nay r~member the friendly ice man who delive red blocks of it to your home and who -on \\'arm summer days -let barefooted children ha\'e the chips that snapped off. ·' . But the glorious ice business. and the drop pans and ice bo:-:es came to an end \\'ilh the invention of the elec-;ff Irie refrigerator. • The chips, a !real to youngsters of the Depression era. and even before, fell from a big axe the man \vielded to split off pieces of ice desired by the individual householders. His summons was a card in the 1vindov.•, \.\'hich designated how much ice the customer v.·anted. But that was long ago and, In Pasadena at least. the last ('()mpany delivering ice \\'ent out of that line of business Tuesday. In its heyday, the Pasadena Ice com panies-fought back \\'ith ads that said "Cold Alone is Not Enough" and booklets filled "Thr Rornance of lcP." But the ('fectric contraptions and later some \\•hich operate on natural gas -\\'On the battle. Ironically, ice is in greater demand now than ever. Trouble is, everybody makes his ()\vn in this era restaurants. bar~. m o t e t s, hotels and hornc s. So the Pasadena Tee Co .. a fixture since 1901. is no more. -·············· .......... ,,,,,,,, .......................... ~ • • ! YOUR PROBLEM: : • • : You want to s•ll some item : • that you no longer need but -« : someone e lse <•n use for : • • : NOT OVER $50 : : ??????: : : : YOUR ANSWER: : :: You call THE DAILY PILOT, ••k for : i Cl111lfled Advertising, and place a i • • : !»"' '· PILOT : . /' .. : _pENNY : • • a PINCHER t a CLASSIFIED AD t • • : ~: • AT OUR SPECIAL tow RATE • . .. l 3 LINES 2 TIMES 2 DOLLARS ~ ~ AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I .: : DIAL NOW DIRECT! It : : 642 -5678 : : (T•ll *'" Nerft C••"'Y 141·12:tOJ • -e ••• "" •• ti •...................................................... i DAP TUB AND TILE CAULKING COMPOUND lvif .,. ...... .,. P'~~NT ---· -·· fl A lHlle d•p woll do you. ;J Wii i not "'••h oul, t•otk, o• cr11mbl r. LJ Stick 1 lail .,.d pe•m&ntnl io •nv iudot e. SPRAY PAINT 0 Choi<• of •nemeli, lecqu1r1, pl11lit1. •nd p•im•ri. 0 N,w 1loc\, 111 9111renl1eo' f,.,h . 0 11'1 +he fri111dl'f •i1od ''" ~how'• lhet for embi9uity1) ENTRY LOCK ..• D ---' Grt•I for room ,ddition" ••p•cit lly ii you 1•mtmb•rtd lo pwt In • o'oo•. 0 II yo"' didn'I, wt gol tho1• loo. 0 W ith •II mPun!in9 h•ro'wtrt •nd jwo ~1y1. --------·-·---. . ' -. lhur\day, Octobtr 2. 196q OAJL Y PILO'r 7 Relations ·With Me x icans Mex1co agrees that 1narl. juana and narcotics traffic should be heller controlled bu t protests the ' ' 0 p e r a t i on Jnlercepl" methods. But the operation has deeper meanings to the ?.1exican government, v.·hich go beyond 1narijuana. 'J'he Mexican attitude is that the operation is a deliberate pressure play against tl1e Mexican governrnent, and in· dicates lhe N ix on ad· niinistration regards good relations with f.1exico as ex - pendable. Mexico is convinced despite denials by Secretary of State \Vi!liam P. Rogers to Mexican Foreign Secretary ,. ' . ' . ~· .. ... ~ ·. .. Antonio Carrillo Flores -tl1at the aim of the operation is not prln1arlly to catch sn1ugglers nt the border. "It is quire transparent." said one official, "that the real go<i l of this ill-conceived maneu11er 1s to hurt the economies of our border cities and disrupt our normal con1- merce and move1nenl on the border. f'OHCE ACTION "This is being done in the hopes that it \Viii force the f.1cxicar1 government to take stronger measures here in our O\l'n country." Arter sleady in1provemcnt through the Eisenhower and Kennedy years. "-t ex i c an ' ... ... American relations hit a peak of unprecedented C()rdial1::, under Johnson. t.tex ico w;;s oleased \\11th the s t r e s s :roonson put on remeciy1ng J\1e:<lcan complaint.o;, hi?> fre- ciuent meetings with A-1exiean presidents (seven in all). Ins vigorous backing for a joi11L program to improve life along the border. Under Eisenhov.·er, Kennedy and Johnson, a tradition had begun to grow . It called for a new U.S. president lo meet \1·ith his "J\.lexiran counterpart early, gi\'ing the neighbors precedence over other chiefs of state. Despite sonic , l1inls from Mexico, President Gusta110 Diaz Ordaz didn't n1eet Nixon until this rnonth olne n1 on t h s-into his ad- ministration, and afler Nixon u1et 1nauy uthe.r chief.'! vC slate. And that was only for a few !~ours. a n1os tly ceremonial encounter at a desolate da1nsi le on the Rio Grrindc. \Vhilc the suspic'ion gre1v in governinent circles that "the honeymoon has ended," Mex- ica n officials, in all but the n1ost priva te conversatiOns, denied they felt any change in relations wi!h the Unit~d States. BRICK WALL PANELS ... . . , . . . LJ l h,,,. ••• wh•I Gr•ndpo would h•v• lr•d od .II j,J. •rrowh••d• for . Q Gi•e• lh• loo~ cl brick withou ! lhe weight, •~P'"'' •nd wcr\, lJ Or <;hoo1 e from 1lon• lvP•. th •v'r• wa1hobl•, ju.! peel b•ckin9 •nd 1:ic\ o~ wol l. . -c.D . .. . D So, btin9 in oil ~our orrowhled1 •nd we'l1 t.lk. . . -. ,. . , • .. • • • 29 ., ; " ; .. '' ' .t.averll•ea """l•I• 9ood '""' O<lobt • I. 1'0 (•nG tur l!tl' ftevH l•y1 down '" lh• 1ob, •• mo11 01 tntm <•n 11ot1111Ji1cUn9 u11.1 8 SQ. FEET GLIDDEN SfaRED SATIN LATEX WALL PAINT T Ht ll I OO i~ 1ciubbeble i"le•io• latex ptint i" h11"dr•d1 of 9•••1 colo". lJ Dries lo• •t11ooth me tit f:":,h 'in minule1 . !J R .. lle•1 , bn11he1, cit•" up in w•ltr, lullv 9u•••ntoed, 6 49 9 INCH ROLLER AND TRAY SET GAL. l.J ,..) 1;,;, pri•• '!'"" c•" chudr it when lOni1he<I', 0 Flullv roller doe1 • 11n oo!h '"'"job. 0 Gan be u1ecl OVt f •nd """' :r vou lik •. I !o ''""" ihai >,.) PAINT THINNER !J Bring your own "'"l&I container •nd fill h•r up. l lf.ji~~~==~ 1.J If you don't hove on e, wo I .. 11 th ..... 0 T~, l'•i t t ii lwo v•••i o!d, bu! the th;nner ii frt1h. In Your Own Container GAL • SHELL DESIGN PARTY DISH P••tv di1h i1 ;d,tl lot dip tnd clii p1. • LJ Nol b.d lo< n"'h ot <;•ndi•• if you lorgpl lo m•kt fht d ip. 0 A!mo1I !.~II p<ict 10 do t li\\lo 7·9•~"'•• TURNER TORCH TANK !l•o;i ceptcily, 1tll1 fp, ovt t • but• me1! eth1r plac11. Sttnd•rd ihrt•d w<th b•ll ,,.1 .... 1 ••. [1 Fine for hobby work '"d lik• th•+. I l CARPn TILES 0 Choice of I 9•••* 1olet1, LJ Do 1olid, "''k' • <;h e<;~erbo erd, 0 1 <;rte!• • wild peile•n. 0 It's •••Y with two 1idtd IApe or u•e tilt cement if you llk t . BUS BOY GARBAGE DISPOSER D Ruc:;q•o'. ••r"i'• lri • o';1po•trt 1i11c o 195J, / !elo•• lhel, lhey 1e 11I \'oll • CjOll,l [J Con!i11uo11i feed, in,ul•ied of 1i11l. e11d dro;n 011lleh . 0 A good q~•'•"l •• en.I th• pr<ce •>11't too l>•rd lo i~k • either. 1995 NEST OF WICKER \ ,• BASKETS ~ i Set o f thr•t Vttful •llrocli•o b•1k1t1, [_; Thty •1 l•c~ inlo • llfll lor ''••v 1lor•9t. LJ Sm t d wick t r d•1i911 in 101! co!on. 3~199 r ~ .. , _ ... , ;:·~ i ··-·~-~t 7 YEAR GUARANTEED PLASTIC TRASH CAN n /4, qui•! htih C•n il l h• •••V b•ol kind. 0 Tht only thin9 qui1t11 then plellic would ~· thiHon. D And wht •••• h••td of• c~iffo,. 9t•b•9• cenf 3'' .· . --------~--------~ 8 DAIL V PILOT Thurld&y, Otlobtr 2,. 1%1) • ~ MR. MUM,----J Campus Ill Crisis Gd{ILL~ 11W ' y/'j l Co1n1nunist Teacher Case at Stalemate LOS ANGELES (UPl)-An- gela Davis, 25, assistant philos- ophy professor al UCLA, is a member of the Communist 1~arty and is a Negro. Her race and her political beliefs have created an aca- den1ic crisis which UCLA Chancel!or Charles E. Young calls "the most serious in the history of lhe University of California_'' The Board of Regents, gov- erning body of the nine-campus system, decided last month to put Mlss Davis on notice o( dismissal because she admit- ted rnernberstiip in the C9m- n1unlst Party, Miss Davis charged the ac· tion was becau~e she is black, not because of her politics. She vowed to appeal the firing. The controversy might have ~mouldered except for the ac- !lon last week by Donald Ka- appeal is pending. The fall quarter begins Monday, -UCLA 's black fa cu It y members said they would al· tend Miss Davis' first lecture en masse to show their solid· · arity. MJss Davis was not sched- uled to teach during the fall term when the regents fired her in accordance with a pol-.. icy against hiring Communists dating back to 1941. The action of Kalii;h In as· signing her to teach angered Regent Joho E. Canaday, who , said it was a defiance of re-· genlal <1..uttiority. Can<J!Jfly a11cl three other reil;eots called the 1 emergency meellng in accord· 1 ance with resulation1 permit· :Mostly Male Jury "Man Jailed lish, chairman or the UCLA ting any four regents to sched-, philosophy departrncnt. ~le as-ule one on 24 hours notice. ~igned Miss Davis to teach a "He I Ka lish) has got a group course during the fall terip, of faculty with him and they're beginning i\fonday, when the determined to bring on a con- schedu!ed teacher accepted a frontation with the Regents research grant. and they're going to get it." These developments occur-Canaday said. ''She's not go- red Wednesday: lng to teach." -The UCLA faculty voled Young, in refusing to suppOrt . 551 to 4 !o rescind lts 1950 vote the regents and overrule Ka-l to ban Communists fro1n em-lish, placed himself in the · A cqu.its N iide Dancers }JJ Hi.J•in!! p!oyment at the university, middle of the contruversy. L.J and by a 539 to 12 vole re-He told a newsman the af· SACRAJ\IENTO (U PIJ -A . predominantly male jury early • today acquitled t\'fO bot- • t~mlcss go-go d.:incers charged ·with indecent exposure after , • a five-week tria! in the : niunicipal cOtlrt of Judge Earl • \Varren Jr. : 'The jurors deliberated 11 hours before returning the in- ''I think this Is pretty solved to "condemn" the fair is like a "Greek Tragedy" Wl.fe Slayer• board of r egents for ordering with everyone playing a1 pre-, dramatjcally an answer to the dl!!A'l.issal. , determined . part leading .to-·· those Jieople \Vho think we --Chiincel!or Young told the ward an inevitable ou tcome. have been engaging in some LOS ANGELES (AP) -A faculty "I oppose and I will "in all likelihood there will sort of a lark, some sort of a father of six, who told police continue to oppOse the action be a lot of literal and figura· fun trial, perhaps conducting that ty,·o men beat ."his wife to taken by the Board of Re· tive bloodshed in the next few ourselves frivolously in what death and attacked him, paid gents." months and an overruling of \Ye have done. $1 ,000 to have her murdered, a .-An emergency meeting of !.he Regents by lhe court and "As you know nothing could County Grand Jury indictment the Regents was called fp r t.1iss Davis y,•ill wind up with be further from the truth. This says. Friday in San Francisco to a teaching position on this fac- Inside every can, YOU.'ll lln d three hones~· to-goodness lresh coqktails. l iquor and all. They don't taste homemade. They're mixed professionally. With !ht finest ingredients we can lay our hands on, Like· Smirnoff Vodka for the Vodka Martinlt , Gimlets and Screw- driver!!. And because !he can1 are aluminum, they chlll faster. All you do 11 lllp open and serve. •• ~1 d, w• .::r.; -.·,. . .. ,. ,·.---'-=' Whenever you're you are. ready, we are. Wherever More Important, Clubtails come in nine favorite flavors, from Extra-Dry Martini to fresh, frothy Daiquiri. We call them CJubteils. Because they're so much easier, qu icker a nd belier thln cocktalls. "I'll drink to !hat." • nocent verdict in the trial that ·shifted fiofn \\o'arren's \Vood- ha~ ,be, en, l think, fairly Sean J . r.1urphy, 41, an auto-consider preventing Miss Ds· ulty as Jong as she wants one," gr m v·1s from teaching while hor Young said 1 · l .Jilobile salesn1an from Sun-:,_:.::...::.:::;;_:;:::;::::;....::::::...::";::_...:::.:;r;._::::::::· ______ __:_ ___________ ,, __________ ~-----------~e 10_ men and .two wom~n land, was indicled _\Vednesday ... • paneled courtroom lo b.\'O •nightclubs and a mo v J e -Uicater to gather evidence. : \Varren moved the trial first ·to the Pink Pussy Kat Beer -Bar, \\'here one or the girls : perforrned the stark nnked <lance th<it goL both of them ; arrested. He then shifted it to another • bistro for a perfonnance by ·Carol Doda, Lhe creator of the topless craze which cventu<.1lly : led l.o bottomless dancing. · And, l<.1stly the roa1nlng , jurors visited a local movie ·theater lo \V atch the con· : tro\·ersial Swet11sl1 ~C'X 1novic, ·"I Am Curious {yllow)," · The defense sought Io ·prese nt to the venlrcn1cn VO'ha t '.it claimed \vere acts or filn1s reflecting conte1nporary com- ; munity standards for sex and nudity in public. • F'otlcrwing the verdict, 'Var- , ren, son of the recently retired U.S. Chief Justi ce, con- : gratulated the jury for il.\i • perserv.erance through the • lengthy trial and added : Police Seeking Bov's Parents • SA ~ BER~ARDI NO (UPI) · -Juvenile Hall authorities '. ·were attempting lo locale lhe. . boy toclay \Vho suffers fron1 a · possible speech in1pcdi1ncnl. The boy, about. 4. \\<AS • brought to police by a v.·01nan \1·ho fou nd him v.·anrl ering : nc:ir her hon1c. two days ~go. Aulhorl1ies said the boy li:is been t1nahlc t-0 respond to ques1ion.o; and mt1y h;n c a :::pcech llnpedirnrn(_ 1 ll· has long blonrl hair and blue Pycs. ' ' • ' • • of the Jury acquitted Shella along with Warren O. Saling, Bre~denso_n and Sus a n r: e l9, on charges of murder and Tl-1ar1e Haines, both 22, of in-conspiracy to convnit murder d~ent rxposurc and lewd and in the Aug. 25 slaying of dis~lute conduct cha rges. The r.turphy's \vife, Catherine. b11r s ownt'r, Leonard ~-Clan-The investigation of the cy._ ~9_, was al~o acquitted ·Of death o( the 4 i -ye a r. o Id sol1c1!1ng the girls to perform \voman came to a head v;hen a lewd act. . . an infonnant told Sheriff's Before !he_ JU_rors finally deputies that the husband con- returned their Innocent tracted for the murder and verdicts, they l1ad brought Saling carried it out, witnesses back to the courtroorn another told the grand jury set of verdicts splitting the f.frs. Murphy \\'as· found on a charges. , rcn1ote canyon road in the sa·n ~hey l_1ad found Uie girls Fernando Valley. Deputies guilty of indecent expos?re but said she v;·as struck on the in noc·ent of lewd and d1ssolut_e head wiih a tire iron, slabbed conduct. Warren told them Jf fou r times and her throat was t he dancers were guilty of the slashed. ' Iir~l t·harge they had lo be Deputies said Murphy told JiU11ly of Uie second. Or, he them he and his wife out for a · said , they should be acquitted drive that evening t~ look for on both. a camper, were hailed by two Alioto Gets Look 'List' S/\N FRANCISCO IAP) ~ The Jong-distance 11'11.'phone recnrds for !he authors of a Look magazine article whi ch attempt to link Ma yor J oseph L. Alloto \\'ith the f..1afia were turned over to A!ioto's at- tomevs on Wednesday_ The'y will remain serret, under federal court orders, but can becn1ne the ba~is for <1uestlons Al io(o's attorneys \l'ill a sk authors J{ichard Carlson and Lance Bris.'ion \\·hen depositions are t.'.lken la ter. The m:inru\·crs arc part of the prf'·trial proct<.!ures 1 ~\ a S12 5 1nil!ion libel su1L Alioto filed against Look. n1en who said they had run out of gas. Murphy said one of the men pulled a gun, then ordered hl1n to stop the car. /\t that point. Murphy had told in\'estigators, he and his wi!c were struck over the head . Heavies t Load F lown by Plane ED\.\'ARDS AFB, Cal if , l liP!) -The largf'sl airplane In the l\'l.lr!d, the Lockheed CSA Galaxy, took off \Yed- ncsclay \vilh the heaviest load ever e/irried hy an aircraft. An Air l;'orce spokesn1an said the load, consiting of \\"<J\C'r tanks and other ballast. \1 ~1 s 410,000 pounds. <ibout 21,000 pounds heavier 1h11n the huge plane is ever expected to lift, e\·c n under wartinie ..:On· d it10ns. CUSTOM-TAILORED Twist Fabrics from Our Fall Collection Regular '120 SAVE '211 $ Matching Va,~----'18 l1n'c it time you cxpcrieoa-d th• look and fit of • custom 1ui1? You can choose front dozens of rich fabrics, in eye-appealing panern.!I and 1hades.. Sim: subsulfltially now during our sale 11.ndwc thediffen-nce cusrom WlotiQ.1 make1 o o you.. U•• Sein TIN 1'°"9 wl&hln a 1&on 1l SNn, Roebuck and Co. R CTOlvin 1 Qi lfl't! ., . Is Your Quality Lawn rSears Building Headquarters A1k Ahoul Sr.at'!'! Convenient Credit Plf.ll5 ,. .. ' ' ~t •. ''fr \1.zy.;. ISA VE $40! I R egular '149.95 Roon1y Kingswood Building 10988 • 7x.5-fL .... 216 cu. fL storage •Sliding doors ••• l0<k with k.,,.. e l;alvan ized and oainted steel: vertical Tib panels ••• sturdy ••• rust resistant e Wl1ite with wood wain trim Offset Roof Building Regular S179.95 13988 • Double 11id ing doon • :11 0 c:u. ft. 1iae 8x6-f1. • C.ITUi.ed ind painted ,..,., • Wliite with J:fft" trim .. ~., I SAVE sis I Now! ~::;,Sears Regular ss9.95 ~ Lawn Building 163 cu. ft. 7488 •Inside E>liding <loors o n nylon rollen •Painted steel in h cn1med roll formed paneJt • Exterior grallc p ly~·ood noor on steel joists • J\lolde<l door handles, u ses pa<lloek --'~...,--~~. Barn-Styled Building Regular $239.95 20988 •New ,amhMI roof design • White wa lls, r&<f fl,co ... ated barn~ <loora • Hh9-ft. ••• 560 eu. rt.. ···--·" -~·~ "I''". ·••J' L ,.. • ..,..,_ ~ .. ~ ·---. • • • ~ .... • • • .l<o.. - • 53-i11. wide. 66-in.. hi&h. donhle sliding domw -----------------------------------------------, I -NmlA MIOO, $21-'1530 Jl •1>111 GI 3-l'll 1000 lllOI HI 5.(1121 "°""°""'CD 2·11 45, N4 '·~161, YU 6'67ll n:aWE 1·4261 iOIJlllCO.YTrv.u. J40-3Ul CNIOOA ,,... J4~1 GI.I"'>"'' CH J -1004. o "'4611 OtY...-.C " so10 AN 1-'211 I.I.NU NIA l'.I 1.Jm tou .....ee J4J. 1J!I I I cc-roNHI .. 1511, .. :J.1761 l•OUYWOQD HO f .JP•• (lltN(;( 637-1100 ~ &AHIA" !i'tN;S 9.u.8011 \'A!UY PO 3·9•61, ttl.2220 I mwu. l'M-0611 t.cU'lll'OOO OI .. ,,,, r~ 611.321 1. u1.•111 Sears llo.H'IA lrfrOl«.l a 4~7!1 "'-" f-lfl! ,________________________ _ ___________________ , -sotllfadionGuara:a.tMcl or Your Money lack-.-.--• $hop 6 Ni shh Monday thtovgb Sotwdoy 9WO A.M. to 9:30 r.M. ' • \ \ -. -. -------~--·-------------------------------- For Tl1e Reco1·cl Jtleeti11gs THUllSOAY !luMing!on l>•ttc~ u~'" (."oi,b, H,.~. lln9!1>n Se•<hll Counlrv Clul>, .000 Pelm Avr, t<un11ng1Qll lh~c•1, ~JO 1>.m. M~•on•c 1 na~•, 1oor 1 1~1 1 w ... 1m1n,1~, "'"'"'"'· W•}I"'""'"'• I JO "·"' ~~clllt (od1• A rc•1.~olnQ\I ~°'-'"'"' Bowf!' M" •um, ~o•dA !>.«~, / 10 o m ••orDOr fl••d lo•-i1n•1t1 r C.•u'l. Mu''' V0<dt C.uunl!y Lluli, '-"''" M•'~· 1 J-0 • m. llrw1>or! Hd•hor l'I~> \lu~. 1_0·• t OOQ•, J'~ Yid Opor1Q, N•.w110•! Be~tn, B o,m. An1rrit•n l •qOoro Pn\I U'i. Arn~'"~" l r91on Hall, ~·~ w. •Ith 51, c0,.1e Mt MI. Ip r>t. Amrric•n LrgTon F>oo.r Ill nl Hun•onn•<"' 6tacn, Amer.t•n L~'''"" ~•all, ,,.,c C•nlr<, Hunhn9/Qn B•ut~. 3 u n• t•un•1"1lJOn B1•ocr1 J•Ul•Qr Lllamb., n1 C<>rnmrn•, 5Krr~l<<n Beatti Inn, ""''' hngTon 6rac.~. e <> "' !·lunt1no!11n llP.l\~ Ile" it~' r•o • •n. V•"rdn" n• l">'Ortll WO" I. v r W, Holl, JI~ York1oNn "'"~., Hvr""''''"" Beach, 2.JO P,m_ l'O<JM•1n V&lle• K1wAn•' (l•m. FrM>• <:11'-'· 1111! B•~r" Bl>d., l+vnT•nQ!ll" Beach, 11 lS p m. FRIDAY Hvntln~Ton ll•ar~ flnt~•v f I., i, >~tro!on B•aOI I tin, ltOti '1n91i,n DA ILY PILOT 11111 P~•I• illuter Dei Girls l 11unllAy Octebtr 1, l9bq _c._-'----OA/l V PILOT 9 ''. No Trial for Crippled Man'. SANTA ANA -J immy Alan1 Henry has learned that he w1lll 11ot now be prosecu ted by lht· district attorney on c:hargc.s ur IC'lonious as.s<i ult. li e wishes that it we ren't so. For Henry. 22, of Cy press, i~ par<i lyzed bel ow the waist and hls doctors tell him that il is ii permanent disability. It was that diagnosi.~ that led District Attorney Cecil I-licks lo drop the charges th at were filed last June 2~. But Henry clai1ns tha t ht 1s th r vict1n1 of an a~saul t by a Los Angeles police officer, a savage attack lh;.it took pl<itT 0 11 the Ri verside Frecv.•ay last J\1ay 14. l!e told investigators at the thne that Sgt. Fra nk Leroy Spencer, off duty <il thf' lime. trailed hiin following a freeway fracas and deliberalr- ly gunned hiin down \\'hen hr lllenryl sti>pped fr111n hi~ vehic le to question th e off icer. Hicks rejected tha t ve rsion or the freeway shootin g aft er a long investigation into the in· cidenl. And he issued his com· plain t against Henry .lune 2:1 1t·ith the proviso thal it,; Sf'rvice \l'Ottld depend on the dimly lit free way , I-le hi111-as dcfendnnt No 1111.:n· th:.il a hullet fired Jntu Henry furL11er told officers thal h~ lion is made in the action of :,rvrred his spin.-il colum n. 4 removed !us gun front ils Sgt. Spencer 's alleged shooung \\:I '> pred1cled at lhe ume ~ ) I l r l . . uf !leury prior Lo Lhu\ lllJUry. ~,, .. .-;,,., ll>"l ,·1. wo"ld l•ke )u 10 s er or pro cctton against '., " .. • the belligerent llenry but that Orange Co unly 1\1 e d i l' a 1 r11ea11 their pa t le n l '1 Center surgeons have sl:Jlt'd perinanent paralysis. :~· he did not fi re the weapon. ;;.-~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~-~~---~~ J lenry claim s that Spencer II fir('d \h ree shots as he lay helpless on the freeway. lie l:.wscd in lu unconsciousness ;ind \vas only resc ued alter a r;J r had run over his legs. ( Henry is the plaintiff in a $1 1r11illon Superior Court sui t 1'>hich n;unt's Jlobcrt Ball:.1z;ir 01 Ana heJm -1!1e rnntorist ll'hose au to allegedly ran over Studio Donated l\IADHI [) (API --Antonio Rt1iz. world·lamed Spanish ball et da11l'er. a11nou1u.:ed he plans to donate tiis ::irtislit ~tudio. valued ;!l $\ 4 1nillion. 10 the Spanish st:ite. ll in· r!udes a small theater . a library, painungs and pe rso nal gifts (rom royalty and others. B•,><h, ll l~ o.rn, 1A~"""" t •o"' c•ub, ~11111 Sh,r i. ?1·11 Lc_a di11 0« spiriled s inging i n Mater Dei H igh School's foot ba ll rooti'11g s ecLi'on \I (~~>! H 19hwd•, N~Wlllltl ll ~d\h, ( 11.L1 p rn, lhis all a re these Mona rch son g gir ls. On ground from le ft are Debbie Boul· llt"nry 's future 1nedica l con· dilion. Mor V0>!4 MA'll";r L11<J,·.-, M~•o••< C J\1 J S d Le J' M K' . S di •~mp1~, 1•01 151~ ~·. i.~wpon ;; •r , .ay ane waze an s ie c mz1e. tan ng fro m left a re Betty S mith :-inencer told investiga tors that he needed 12 stitches to elose the head v.·oun d opened by Henr.)-' after Lhe.1v.·o tangled s~acn, J·Jo "m. ;1 nd 1 17. Spada. r.1enl> Womoul P~r+o"<<, O<•OQ• ------~-----------~-----------------------(~unty,•C<'lld M•~d Goll ~nd Coun••y (•~11. Ccotd Ur,~. ~ "m ~A1l.IROAY I '1dl!•B'l llVll"~\'"'"" \ ( .. ,.,,.,.,,,.,,, B•lt>O• B•v (Jut>, N·w~O'! ll~••'' 1.30 • m. Md< v1,1. IA,•.oo-• Lo•'>• I•' ' 1er•rnlr. l•l'i I"" i1 .' rj.,,,..,.I !led<h, I )0 ll "' or~"~" Co•I• ""'"I ,.,.,M Mo n~·. ri" 1s,s, Hu11hn91on ll~•<n M~·ll•<" 1 nn~I~. L .1~• ,•nd Pnlm. H'"'''""l~n ll~'''~' I ,o n.J'1 ,l•w~O•I Am~h" fl .r<lr .n'"''· Pe(•e~""" u,.,1,1•"" II•.! ll•»•·• Blva , N~Wl>Otl 111 ucl• B ,, •N Ch,.~t.~n !lu'.•n~ ·.rtorn·• '""'""''"'" B~•bo~ lloy t1u111 N"wt.orl ~"'"• I JO" •n Divo1·ces !NTERLOCUTO R'I' DECRE(S ,..•r roson, Alvera E t1w;T1ne .,., W1"'""' ~r&nt\\ (lnmcoll, l'/ilhrim M V\ Ptwlh~ J•••n .J•vn••, Jo1ald C· "' "'"""''""" l111ole\, /.rth•" t dWd<~ v\ t "'"I '""'~ ~war!l, J11dV A. v~ All~n S, R<11W.,, B••l••'r A "' R11be•! ~l•vn•n \'lr.'1!11, '>•"0•• J~·'""e v. ;on R"ll~r 1 ~~······ Bn!'Q" "'""'' '" L.i11n fdPI~ H•l!<r, Jo>rll' M•"e "' A•Wur '"" «•Qn l drlc.<1, Lv••ne H, VJ Ron~ld I ~"ll1n"'· H•elmo (_ .,, l.'ajph VI f\Vf!ln~l~n. J~>>f l vnn "' Jl•e•m& Jh•' Ol>'!'n, Che•vl l , v•, C.a•v \... Wodo • ..,,,o,~v J<·•" "' E,.,,,1 """"~" 1•ote•>-M~r1olld Lt•• v'. DQ~~I~ C.~'''Wnvoau9111, Fave s ,., Donal(! c. !.,.~o. Lgu Jr•~ v~ W•tll~rn J A"mu" Sdrldra L. v•. Wtl!Oa"' IA. ~ .. lo!, BMb•1'• """ V' Run•l<I J. O::•nr, S~nora L~~ "' R.tnor<T v, O::~OU>~V. Hel"'1 E. ,.,·11.,·~~n<1'c lloyd. Alrn& llOYd v' j '""'' M "•"!\, Ca•CI J "~ 1orm•w L. C•MI\, S~•rolvn I( v f>Jw l I ~0"· !lanrv LO''"""' lPWt, r1 '"''~ Lor~•v. Root•I O~n1c1 v, B•<O'"" ,., .. , O::vh• /.<i11v C ,., M•'-o o 1,, ...... Ho"'•'<i ~ ·v•, MM , M l<•mrnontrt·t, Loll(!• Co•OI \, /.' '•1~•1 '"' 1~"e', :;111~n I' "' r, lb#" '• !cm•"!."'''"" ''"~ '" l ·"' L.• ''" l~t •1 fl~d1no1on, LO» I."'·[""~' P J~rV•I, Pdtri<•d ~. v~ Curl•' I r olerr.on, Ron•ld H, v~ Ma•d•n AO• I $an1••la. P~I• ,., Al~~ Vl•roni, Jr , Kor.•c• c.. vs :;niel" fl Ntw lcn C.r~!O\en Ann V1 Ronal~ l11W"l1 Pfeuer;•, "'"'" Lor••Lne v•, t on~ llfl<•"" CIC>1>1>. (~rol Ann v~ fl~"" l'!m~~ P1ovo·.1, Je~n~T!(' LOU•" "' HM"/ j•.•" Mi11~t mo, llr llv Je~n • Ernt>I P•"I f'v••1~. v101~1 ~ cm, £mm•• II• rrv. M~'·"rjp f,\ v·. l"O"~'~ r O<•~~• r • '' r,n I ~riv V• f ~~"c' R l".l•<'!I. M, ~ """··~! _, W'"'~"' ll~••H'" U• V•fo, • ~, u,~..,, ,, Rur\ola Ju.,., L'""'· l•• '•' L v 1 .. rw· r _6Mf•<k, M.l"I>~ l V l·~o ,t,j f, t" D~,-, (>tMI~ f , ~.11.,1,1, O ~·-(li!it, """''lo~ VI (!1MO.• J> DEi\Tll NOTICES ll t::llN ll•tholo• A, !·le1>", t<"~ ~,of ~17 '.••·· ~"~" 0< .• (O"~ Mc'"· ~"'"'""" 11' c.•r~M., II'•. ~"d Mr •• (\tfA1d H•h~ ''"" l>•otl"'· J~l•<•V "'~'''"~I •1••"" "~'""'"· N·'· ~"·I M", !<.v oid F'r6n \o•I~ Mo " ~"'' ·~·" '"'"flfl•"'~' I' Mll'i !,',, f;krtll M~...!'l•nn, 'O•I• 'M'it., ~P~,.~_,,,: ~ ;r.;> '~'· •II•<' M'•· Al~~rl Ill'~~. ,,,,, J•PI''" ;" • "~' .... 111 be "P'rl Fr·~ .. v. II f'-IA, Br ' l\IOAdl~•V en~""'· "' t" Rev. f <I p "fi1C•·'I'"~· •nl<•lmn~•. H~flJO• ~' M•'Y1or••I J>,ir~ O•rrd~d hV II' ll<o1·~"av Mortuo•v. 110 Sro•~"'~' (O~l• M~'·' Al.STll OBPI<; '••.I I f. •~n'ri 1~1!11 """' l • ' """li"o•on Ile~'"· rl.11<' ~· dC 'T", ',onl ,lll, $v"''"" bv ,.., •• J\nn~ •n•J'I'"'' '""· ("'"' Lrcbb•""· •,anloe '•civ·'' "'"I h~ !leld ~AIV"hW, H ~I' ()<I l\r o~n"'"" r,,.,,,.1 ""'' Pov ""'""" lr.~n•on Qfh• ~Ill"~, ''""~""""'· ""' '· ~ ""' •A<rrt•O"•" I ,, • D•'"U•<l lw f\•·" ll•Q•~"'"' Mo•fv~•y. 1rn ll•~An"~' ARBUCKLE & SON \\'e~tr.lilf J\Jnrtu;;irv 427 I::. Ii\h SL, Costa' J\lc\a lil6·1l1Rll • 81\L·rz ,\IOHT Ul\RIES Corona de! 1\tur OR 3·9-150 Cos ta !'llesa !'111 6·21i4 • BELi. BHOt\0\VAY l\fORTUAllY 110 Broadway, Costa l\1csa LI 8·.14J~ • UI Ll)AY UROTHEHS Jluntington \lall<'y l\.lortuary 179 11 Beach Blvd, lluntinglon Beat·b 842·77';'1 • l\lcCORMI CK LAGUN A BEACH P..IORTUARY )795 Laguna Canyon Road Laguna Beach 494-9415 • PACIFIC VIEW J\1Ei\10RIAL PA RK Cemetery e 11-tortuary Chapel ::soo Pacific View Drive Newport Beech, California 614·2700 • PEF.K f'At\llLY COLONIAi. FUNERAL 110:\tE 7801 Bolia Ave. \\'estminslcr 893-3525 • SHEFFER MORTUARY l.aguna Beach 4M·l5:l5 San Clemente 492·0100 • S.\llTIIS' J\IORTUAHY 627 !\fain St. l{unUngton Reach 536-6539 ,, C'unnty Kills • SD Meet in I.:\ .101),A -)'ou ~night . J\lcnc*in' Surfi n g ~111· \',1 il tilt·111 lhe b1 f.:·l11llf' :'ur'f~r~. ~ionship Satu rday. '1 he \\'1ntlan~t·a Surf Club <il pl:irirl Lu ,J olla Shnrrs calls IL begins Friday, at 8 p.1n. 11ir111 rnl'nt;h unes (H;.iwaiian in Vacation Village As~embly J,'pr('t)iant s. 1\n1ph!Lheater. You n g con· Ir.slants will be instructed in 'I'll~\' ;i re hip ;;urfer~ undrr rules and procrdures of the lht' <ii;r vr l2. J\1any from (ht• contrst. llr;1nge C0unly .area v.•ill br 1:1kng p<irt in the Fifth Annu:il They are lo see a su rllng \\I 1 n ti a n s e a Surf Club filn1, receive surfing gifts and 11'-lve an opportunity to ta lk with champion surfers. UCI Liht:ary Staff Po1'l To BrunlQn LET'S BE FRIENDlY lt you have nc\v nci:;hbors or kno1v of anyone movin:;: to ou r area. please tell us so that \\·e may c:<tend a fritdly 1\•elcome and help th to become e.cqualnte\t in their 'nC\V ~u~oundin::;s. r So. Coast Visitor 494.0579 494-9368 ---+ Q,.,, !()Mill ion Pac~•l•• ol WIU.ARD'S TAaUTS """" -n •ol<L W111 .. d'1 h"1Po ncut,..i..., ••-aod. whoch I• ""~•:it l hi<thi~f ca"""' ol 1tom•ch d,.tr .. o, •n<i •• J ... 1~m:d IO pl1CI' I II ... ___ ..... Int ov•• the nriralffi o.ul•~ of lh~ "orn· ,,·.h, Th<> "°"'una h•I,. ,....t.c1 1 h•..r ""· 1,o_il'<I •(•aW•m •-Ml'! 1a th• p«>e· ,..,,)f d1f~. S,.ci•l 15-0.y N .. 11di frl•I Off«. At •~• •nd nf '1(1,...n d•Y-•. ,.,,1 ... Y<"' "" I hornu~hl y <nnvon(ffi •nd Mt 1th"'1. 1 !" !u~ ' purLl,.•• "''''" •tll I'>. '"lundoid lo rou. Hays Named l•'und Chief Co1npetition S a l u r d a y , begi nning at 7 a.m. at La Jolla 5hores near San Diego . will in· cluoe divisions for youngsters 12, 11 and JO and under. A pa ddleboard event is held a!so and a contestant is picked for good citizenship. COMPLETE PRINTING SERVICE OH..\\1(:1~ -Lillo Isle re si· d1•11I Bolla ft. J1~ys ,Jr,. an 1n~ ;-ur:.i11cc cxccut1vr, has bee11 ;1pprJ1 111f'r1 10 serve as genera l ~i1;1 i r!TI<HI nr !ht• t:h;lpm an College Annual Fund for J969· 70. fl :iy~. ;:i].:;0 a Chapman An a\l.'ards luncheon ll'ill br held at. Sea \Vorh! al I p.111 After t his the contestants 11·111 see the shows at the marine spectacular. • Business Forms • Invitations • Posters • House Or9.1ns • Letterheads • Tickets • Busin•ss C1rds • Menus tnJStl·e, is (1\1'ncr of the Hays l\gcn ry in S<inta Ana of Ne1v I·: n::; I and tl lutual Lile !r1.~ur;1nrr• Co1npany. j ;o:Jl for th(• annual fund rln 1c 1s $450,000, 11le amount 11cl'ded In ba lance the college's ~.i 2 mil!inn currrnt operating h1algr·I Contestants hstrd rron1 thl~ area are Troy Wesl. Lagunfl Niguel; Mac ~lcDonald. San Clemente ; Phil Johnson, South Lag un a; Kevin O'Sullivan, L:iguna Beach: Jeff Jones. Laguna Beach; ·oavid Browne. Laguna Beach; Donald \Vert.. San Clemente : Peter Duvall, ~an Clemente. SERVING THE PUBLIC AND TRADE 642-4321 . ,• . ,, ' 2211 Weir B.1lbo1 Boulev1rd, Newport 81.1c~ ; ' '1 Yot1rmoney gets a rise out of us. We always react the same way. Whether the economy goes up, down or side- ways, we keep on paying you th e highest interest a savings & loan can pay. (Sh ort of breaking the law.) And no piatter when you put your money in or take it out, we pay compounded daily interest for 100% of the time we hold it. Want to earn more than the pass book allows? Ask about qur 3, 4 or 5 year special accounts. They pay you a higher rate that's compounded daily and guaranteed for the full term. Short term or long term, bring us your money. lt's sure to grow on you. HUNTIN I rul'.,l'TlNGTON PARK !~I .tin O fl ict') 2t60 Zoe A~ 51-3-1541 BEtt/MA YWOOD ti2SO A1l1nlic ATm« 581~~1 STUDIO CITY 12457 Vtntura Bl•d. 766-4l5S SOUTf-1 GATI '1240T\vttdy Blvd. 564-4551 WILSH IRE/ HIGHLAND 4925 WilVlire Blvd. ql&-J741 COSTA MESA JJlO BriJtol St-rttt (Krms from South CoastPlau) 5 40..7501 " Rubbecma.d SlDIMC ~ rcUtt W ~ ... e11 -pbiM Jtl>Qr~. l~'ill· 'W&-hi. f2.'M _,.SI ... , )9'" (Ii-ts---U .'M 190W $2,MI ' 2r' "-'•--a.i. ~.91 .. ~ I SUM-olf~--' ...... • ¥ 0.--~ $l .W _,.ti.• )~ ·---~.:rg .,. $.l.1111 l•" "'"--bl. 1'•.69 MIW u ,q .... ---a..i. ...__. -J.Lll !!. Ekco's 64 page book 5:12... '·-· .• ·~·--.• -· ·~ ...... -.. ·-. ~ "' ' ... , .. ' .... ' ..... , .... ". ,_,, '" ,,., .... ,,, !I • "' I "''"''"' "'" ''"-' '""' T•• • " • '" ., ..... ,,.,~, ..... ' 11~ '"" • • ,. • ,., "'' "<'-"" lm,r, '""''"" , """''" "~'""' r .. """" n ........ ,.. •'• I''"'''•"''"' "'"""'"I••-""""''"''"" . .,., ...... ii.. :;:::c::·,:.:;;: "_,_, .......... _ b _,,,, ··"•· ........... str&IE.-r l• ma: ~ ... ••d ••II lliU., IOVfl"il tirl1. JS,."d"'"11 •7• •>M Ii\'>" ~iP .. J. J-4.!lt .... µ.., THE FINEST IN STAINLESS COOKWARE CRITERIA bv EKCO. All NEW SHAPES FOR f ASTER. MORE EVE N COOKING I GUARANT EED f Ofl 15 YEARS! Som• food• "ou cook need tht 1low, •v•n ht•t of c•1t iton. Other foods cook better in heavy •luminum. Tha t's t he idea beh ind Ekco '1 new Criten1, The best m•t•I l or ioac h kind o f cooking ha s b etn 11aled bttw•e n l8Vet1 of ealy·clellning, t riple lan>inated at•inl•'• 1ttt!. Now th• good cooking pens are th• good looking p11n1 , too! l ow profilt d esig n !or nu .. i111um burner cover11t;1 •. increated c ooldno;i effoc1enr.v. Handles a nd cover knobs a1e oven s11 !11t, 7·PIECE M ULTI .PURPOSE SE T A cook·servt 1et including 1 a nd J q t, cove red ,11ucepan1, 6-q t . cove rsd 11uc 1pot. 10'/. .. op•n skillet, Sauce po t c over fot1 0.,/11 13995 open skillet .. '' ..•. '' .. ' •..•. ''' r!AAf O PEN STOCK FR OM t 6.95 TO t19.95 ~UllllM;t,1,111.;11,1JU,11.w,1.,1.1,1,1,11;,1;tll!<l!~~l'd.LJ,Jf1,~ :f< GUARANTEED FOR 15 FULL YlAAS J: ':t It lh1s p/Oduct !11ls due lo dtff'l:I' 1n wor~1t11n1h1p ind m1ltJJ1!' 1"<th•~~ ~U!J, [ke11 will repl.e1 or pr.,.1d1eQu1,,l1nt1ubtl<lute •l no th II ft. m1ii111•1'1'1'1'1'1m 'ffl'l!ffl11·mmm.mrr1'111'1'1 IF ~UQ., 1 on Ekco Criteria Cookware I ~·-..... -.. -· •• _,..,,,,,.._"'"'''"'"-'''"'" 1-.. 1 • ,., ..... , ..... ~,.- \ ..... ., .. ,, -....... c ............ """""'"" ,, ~'"". R•e~ fl2.llS. l'fow a~I, 19H -·--.. , ... -.. .. ~ ..... -... ... ,. . ... • -... ' • -. JG DAILY •ILOT LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL tr,. ••m• !OFFICIAL ~f.l.l) Me'V I(. Honr. D~I!• l"olat, l , t To, 1111·'' NOTICE t101t•~ Pubhc C•hlorn" "ront<oal Otf;ct In l'lrono• Counh '·'• Com,.,\·~,•~ E•••'" Nov. ''· 1')1 1 n11rsd1y, Oetobtr l , 1 'Hilt LEGAL NOTICE C•alllllCAT• 01' •Ui!llllllS l'"l(TITIOUS l<IAM• .. ~1'1 Ct:l!"TU•1Cl.lf 01" 11/~llOI S!, PlCTITIO l!~ l't.l.Mf ,.,,, 11nd>r1•qn~d do•< <:t '111v ~· ;, ren· d11~lm• • DY'ln•,, II ??tit (J\l ""•I lld ' ll1 lbo1, C1lilorno1, vnder 111• H~!ol1w' "wnl.~n"<I Or•n•• ~·ottmbtt 11, ''· l••t I) .... ""•T, !<tm !\Im• cf ULOf 'j COMP.lNV •~d Octo~~' 2, 1+111 •••d t(rm 1, co..,,oo"d ~• 11i• !ollow- t•t! ~t !n9 .,.,,.,..., wno•• "'"'"on ltJll on9 <>I•<• -----------------101 t•'.ld•nt • • 1• tollow~ ll•'""d F l •oo.r .J> 710' (n,nnfl lld ' 111 .. 1>01 LEGAL NOT ICE Dot"<! S•o1 "I l, .. I" t lltl l •rnoro ~. l•o.,, J • Ct:ltT"IC.l.Tf OF COtl"OllATIOIO ·~ 5'0T• ot C1ll•o•noo Or1noo Co~nl, Tll.l.IUACl'!ON OP •USINfS5 UNDl!lt Q., ~~ol ?I. l'"· h•fo,. mo, o "-•tt'Y F IC TITIOU, M.l.Mt: Public '" ond lor '''d ~Pot• '"''on•llv 1 •ff \lNOERSIGN!!'D (011"0 'Afl0>! 100•1r•d '"'""d F f•oo•• .Jr. >nown !n <IO•• i..rM>v <erl•!• lh•! ii ., ron<ILJtl,n• , ...,e •o br t~• oor•on wno .. n""'e « "'"'ln•'< lotot"<I ot H•• I! N•w""l"'I l!llvd , "'b'";b•d lo "'' \o;l!\.n 1""'''"'""' •n<I <"O'i!• M•~•· C1l••o•n·• onO~r l~e l.ol1t;ov• •~~"""''~""" ~· "'"""''' t~• '~"'' '"m n•m• Of JA..,IE~ t 10 o n~ In .. •••<I (Q~Fl(l •l $Ell\ "'"' •I CO...,OO'.ed ol ·~· •ollOW•n• co• 1;1 ~y !( HEllRY oor.tooft, Wl!<K• orlnC•Cll Pll C• ol •Jntorv Pvbl•(•(tl""""' ln.o;on,..• I; •• lollOw• "''"'lo•I OtllCf In CllllFOllfllA MOlOlt .\."0"T ~. ll<f. Oron•t CounlV •\M-151~ !lewoort l wlev•M. c,..,,. Mv Co..,,...,:,.,on E:r••"" M .. o. Ct litornl• t•o~ 1" 1•n I 'ITNESS IO n•nd '"'' 1Dtl\ ••• ot ~'Jbl ' ~ .... Or.no• •••lf~'T'b•r, 1'6', O•o!omb•r 15 ond ICO'tPOllATION s e o.tl I'" r •• ,, O• '• ~.101. Oclol>ff • 1~, 111'·" C•l•forn•• Mo!••>1ort1. "''" .J J1mo; P ro•idtnl Inc. ~~-,-L=EG-=-cALc-cN~O=Tl~C~Ec--~I STAT[ OF CAL IFO•t11.I. I COUtlTY OF 0110.NGE ) " On ""' lll'rll d•• cf S•O!•mt..r, 0. 0, 1t~, bt-!oro m• M•r• I{ 1-ienry 1 1Jo!1ry ~vllllr In Jnd for ••id County 1nd S!•T•· •~l<!int tli<r•in, dvtv ~Qmm1u,one<I 1nd •worn, o•r•on1lly 11oe1rt<1 11 111" J J llMES known fl) m1 lo b• !h1 P•e•ld•nt ir.I tllt coroor1!0on 1111! ·~..cute<! "-• Wotllln lnstru..-.•nt on bth11l •' fhl c- -••llon lh•"t" nom...i. 1nd •c~nowl~dg· •d ,. rn• lhll 'UC~ tOrOO••""" •~«utH •n• '''""· In Wtlne!1 wn~reof, I h11t ..,.,..,.,to •"4 my h•nd 1nd 1Hi••d MY of· '•«I I •••I ,~ •••• •nd •••• '" 1n; ~•r!lf!c1t1 ll"I •bovo W•ott<.n IOFFICIAl SEllLl M1rv I( MP11r¥ tlol1rv Pvbllt·C•l•tor~•• P rlncl~•I Olflco In 0•1no• CovnlV Mv Cornm1,.ion E~P"" Ncvembtr 71, nn l"u!)ll•'1.o'. Orin~• C<Nt•I D.,I• ~•lo!, l •o•ember II. 11. ,S •nl Oc:lol>« ' l•H lilS·'' ~ ... LEGAL NOTICE SU"llUOI (OUIT O" THI i'ATI Of" (AL"'01NIA POlt THI COUNTY 0" Olll:ANCiil H<o. A•U•l "IOl!CI 011 "IAltllolO 01'" l'f TITIO N fOI lllOIATI O" WILL AflO 1'011 LfTTlltl TE$TAMINTAllY LEGAL NOTICE T·U ltt NOT!CI TO CllEDITOl1 1Ul"Ell!Oll COUltT OF THI Sf.I.TE 0, (.1.1.1,0llNl.1. ,Olt TH! COUNTY OF 011.1.NGI No A·,3531 E\tUo ot M.l.RC.l.R E T I.I IHAF(~, Deco1•""· NOTICE 1$ 1-lEREllY GIYEN I~ !ho He Wa11ts Ho11orable Discharge llA RTfORD .A.II Conn 72·year~old P h 1 l i p (UPI I Hoorwilz wants honorable discharge U.S. Army, " from '" the MoorwJtz wi ll appear 1n U .S . District Court Thursday 10 ask that Army Secretary StanJry Resor be l'Ompelled to 1.:orrl'tl his m1titarv rceords ~'so a<; l o reflect an h ono r ablf' discharge," lloorw1 lz ~aid he was gi ven an .. ot her than honorable discharge," on !\lay 30, 191 7, apparently because he ~Llg gested 11 \l'as possible to transport artillery by air. lloor1vilz said he bought a magazine which menllorird zeppelins and dirig ibles HJ 1917 and he brought thcu1 11p 111 t:onversation with a :sC'rgean l :suggcshng they could br used for transporting "eapons. A ea pt ain O\'erheard the conversation . l loorw1tz said. and called him 1n and sai d· •·1 hear you say they can flv arti llerv in 1he air. Are you LEGAL NOTICE SUPERIOlt COU llT OF THI;" tT.l.f[ 0 1<" CALIFOllNl.I. l>t A>tn '0 11 TH[ COUNTY OF Oii.i.NG( No A·ill'lO NOTICE OJ" ADMINISTRATRI)(' S.o.l(t OF "ltl L PRO"l'llTY .o.t PR!YllT ( SAL( I (Pto• (SSll;, 1111 M •l'N O! lhf >•E-RNOON In •n• l)Ol0''1i!J HEllNOCm O•r·~~•<I ••~ VOLO•~ E .t.i• cl • • • ' I Hl P NOOtl NOTI~[ I ~ f!fQr ev (,IYf" '"'1 Belly .Jo R•;no10~. ~' •d"""''h•f,,, 0J In• •>l•I< W•Th lh• IO dl ~nn•••!I 'II Go•dw1n H'<ndo" ••• (, H"i'<!Oh "'" Co•d•• ''"'"no~, o•c••••d, "'"' ,.11 •• Qrl••" ••t•. '" th• "'""''t ~~Q !>•· • ~·n d••, ~"'''' th• '""'' """ ro<1<1 !EU"' "'"'""ti"' 'f\•nt1no•d, ""~ '"~"'' 1~ CO)Ol«m•hO" Oy In• ~U~"""' (:,JV•I, '" No••mb-. iO I•\• '' "" ~n+1r-~I 1, ~'~•nc• It ~~l ~ ,'\, Qr '~"''·'"' "''" lh• Pim• ••il>w•d ~· l~w •' "• H•rW~d, S«1•" ft. A"' n nn "'' '•'d onmm,.1r~'•l• ,.r ,.,.,,. C•oiot o,, •• ~"''" •~• ,,,,.,.,,,, r,._," Coll!n•~·• •II "''''• '•I" '"'"'"'' ,, 1 ••1o!t ~I t~· o•r•,<•d •od oH "" "'""' 1<11~, '"'"''" ond • l•I• '"•' 1h• • '·''" ol GolMW•O ""'"~""· ··~ Ci H••n<lnn, ,. •• (;Qld,. H••odon. d•C•~\•d ~·I\ •co0.,r~d 1 ~¥ 0P"'M•On o• l•w or olh"•~• r o!h"' 1"'"· or '" •dd,l·on ir 11,>• " ''<'II d•''" ·~,•I Th• l1m• ot ~., do.11n "~nd j to e ll 1h~I ~·rt.rn r••I "'~""'" •,•lu>I• '" th• (l!v ol N•woorr ~·~(11, (O\in•1t n! Oro~q• ~M'• o• (~l1!ornl~. •nd <l",(r,llrd "' toHo"' A 1••,.~ol~ •·l~I• "°''"\! ~, "'I t •rl~"' L•• • Qo••d O·c•nm•r 11 1~;1 ~' •nn brtw••n ln• '"' ,,. Cnmo, "' ,, W•'' Y•<4'"'" <n""' hnn ;• I•· "' •nd Ch•''"' W V/nol• • '"""''" 'l'in ., \.•' r•, "<Q•~•c ·~ l "11•rv 1\ 191• "' 6 00• l~>I• P•~• • n• 011 .. ,.1 '" c •h!~•n•.>, ""'"n "" Bottle ,Jf Cog·1icic'! l·,f·'FINCl!Aill. Ill (LJ P!l - Rlf'\•l'n 0f tile la~t JJ 1ncn1b,·rs ol lt1 c La~t i11ttn-s Clu b ;:111 1ogcthcr !or dllllll'J \\l('dncsd<11• n1gh1. It wns !hr cl11h·~ 3!ilh ilnnua1 n1c(•l 1ng As usual. a bnlllC nl FrPnl'h cog nac held tht :11trnt ion of the old rnen. l•;<Jth ;i..,keU h1n1sclf. ''\VIII it be 111e9" The '>Ill'\ 1v<Jr \\•ill drink th(' togll<1(' ;ii llw rlub ~ 1:1~1 '>lip p1·1 Thr \,,11.1 ~1u11·" f'h1h 1'!H\ ~1~1s of l\'11rld IV:ir· I \rtrr:1n~. ,di A1nP1'll<l n l.1•g1011 mPffl· brt~ In 1~1.H, >1IH'll 1l11•rr 1.(·r•· :1n 0ng1nal 146 1n('111!)Pr"S 1111· h1111l e or 1•rtn1.h u>g11,H 11 11-. Pl C'>('lltrd lo !tJ(' l'IUh, II 1th ltll' underst<111d1ng ll not !Jc d111 n\.. 1111!11 !hf' ('lub\ i11\'n1ht'l'$h1p 'hils dwindled lu one The club·~ n1cn1h('r!ih1p !1;1~ d11 tndlcd lo l.l ;.ind 11 (lj \ht'"'' 111('11 J.;nl togetlH·r l\1r1Unt.~t1 .. 1· 111g!1 t 1n 111•' Elr1ngh<ln1 Lt·~1011 Club: Uccupying 11.s Ut.u<il · 111:1('€' t1I p1·on1 111c11er 1111 lliP -.pe.i\..~r·· .. 1:1bll: 11 (1~ !!H • l\<Jli ll' 1JI cugn;1l. wl1ilh Ii.id h r1•11 r·1·1n1111•tl lroin 1t ~ pl<.i(.'~ 111 :-.ilt•hrt•ll1ng 1Tl ,1 li.111\.. v111i11 :'i111l 1!'d:1\. lill' <> 111' \"I\" I II~ 1111 ·n1ht'r 11 il l d11w :il1111r 11 .. II 111 I ( ;1ri 111(' IT<ll 111'' 'ii 11 i rn1 ·111b1·r-. lor 11 1111111 t,1)1~ 11,11t1 'oun(ll'd ,u1d p1 u•·l~1n1. ·'I l•1·1 h:11r g11nr 111 1hr1 r r l1'1·1111I I'\ 11:1rd . Till'll tllr l ,1~1 111,111 \\ill j!ll)I 1111' 1'111 k IPl1 lilt ho1Jl)t1 u! cugn.11' ,ond d1111k 111 tl1e11 lll!'il10t I J-'.ll'l)lli1C-1llii\k' h 1• T,'i gulng 1n b1• lhl• one In drink 1!." ::;a1tl l.contirrl Str1~. 711. 1 lub !'>l'l f ('\,IJ',\I. '"[ii l('l ;11)11 k1101~ ho1v 11 1 11~1c~ '' ,'\'o one k11011 i. t•x,it tly h1111' ult.! lhr bo1llt' 1~ !J11l · 1nn1 1~ hc[1cvc it:; vinl<igr d;itcs b:it'k 75 year:; A typrwnncn n(i1e 011 ll1r grPrlJ gl:ii.s buttlt 1c:1(b 'Till~ bo111r or cog11ac b bell\~ p1 c~(·!lll'd l11 llH: Lu~l 1\l;\11\ ( lub In 111l' J l'.!I O( 1!134 b.I' l)r 1 (' !lol111;1n. I lg• stul nf 1,ll!r·I\ 1 .. 11111 In br h 1uk1•n un1 1I jJ, lll!'il)iH'l"'>hip !Joi~ dlliflclli·rl 111 nllt' F11r. _\'(:Jt s .1gn 1h1s iloll lP 11,1•; l1111nd Ill ;in 11pri,t:,lll l'fl:\illllrl 111 tilt' h.1 ~Ll111rl11 !)t) ~I stll. ll"lllt'li f'\ltlcntlv hi1d bre1 1 pl.'1l"Cd !ht'rC 3 n(lt]l\)l'I' Hf ~1r11r~ ;i:::n hv thr fnn nt•r 01111· r r nf Ilic homr. ~l1 Jn 11 o I~< ldhuke " l·rltJh,1k1' \l'a' ~ lor1111'r ,;i 10on kttrpPr. llc:itli h:1 .;. 1·;,JI. r d l>r llril1n.in 'fhc butllr t" . t~• tl:i.,Lcd bul 1sJabeJrod i;:r~nde I In surw·11rurc. B;ir11rrt'& T'i!;; 1 o g 11 .i ( Br1n1s-Hu'hrol1\'11 l111porllng i.'o , Ch1<'<1go. soit' .1i.:r1ns 1n 11\1• L1n1lrd ~ta 1 r-. \l ;1tlc 111 Ft<Jllt'r l·1'.1t1k B.1:.~1·11 71! ~1 1t•t11·Pd pol1ct1n-in \\"llO st•rvrd ;1~ i111 111!..nl.1\111.in \lllh 111(' LJI•' 1 il'll lJOt1!-'.h1::, i\l:il'Ar!hur 111 ]-'r .i l\t'l', 11:1~ lll.'it."lllrd ,1" 1"1i1h l)f!',.ldt•n l ftl~St'll ~llt'l"l'Pf]~ I li1•ut!111 t' ll1r111v111, ~J , .1 1t'lll't'd ln1 mr1. I II I'll I II.it! (I d11ll.11 f1o1 ' f'\l'ry hnl!\t' 11! <Hg11<1r I ltJrl 111 !'r;11u·P hr ~:i1d For the Mo1•rio9e Licenses Ml\RlllllG!I l.l(ENSE$ ISS IJE() IN Oll•NGE COUNTY S•Pt I Bl>UB)ll<:Fll·SllllNGt1AlJ R, !<:••'" I', •J. n• 19'~ Pornono ~· "''d 1 ,,,, J ~. QI ~Ill C"em•n ~• FP<1 ~°'~ 01 Cr''" I./•·~ SCHAFER GONZl<I t z, l(•nn•t'1 v " oP 960? W">hlhOI"'' C:.••<1•n r;,.,,, "'d Y•roni<• ~, l), 01 O•ll 5~,,.,~, Wr'.tm1011-. M/ollQV,l(NIC.H<, J' hn •• ·n~ "'~''o"' l ' 11. W"• ot )1\ E 1~1" ~· (o,I~ IV~>·' MO~OUS.!>V•EllOl lll\ 01'J•••n1 t. •! '"0 "''"II• t .. ~O"' ~t 7•11 1 Ori "''•<If., O•n• Pn,"1 SF lfRLANt:.FG~O hr~ J ~, no ''I "' (,.,, Ho~n -,,,, •"o J,«h l )\ QI S~('< ll 11t•' llYr bo'" ~· f« ~~r.> • l\c•<h l'•'l fOM PYI. tS I ynn !\ ?j ol En• ' I HWttlr •n~ lll•" •'"~ l nde M' /,/, ~I !OM !.\In .!,t Hu~t.n9hO ll•Mh I t.NGWA V LAll(;f, C,"<~>!I A 11. n/ 1•11(1 O••nQt Ao• roo •~ "''••• •••1 l,.,.,,yn l . !! r! ~~I Ft•ni.>I, '"' ·~ d•' '~~· ~!/ol)lt E<> POOllM"'J J•"'"I S n• I ~/\ P~mo,,. l ""' .o.n~n,. <!' ~"n L••n• ... II ,,, "·•' (""'"~" l•n· H1<nt<o¢•~n "••<'! f\ll<'r F.<>~>:1 ~<~. n r1-~~ T 1<, '' IH[) I Bo• ~1'1 'i'"'"""''" tll>oh •'>d ',1~,, ~ r• o• l~JQ s,.,. IV"" ~··" c"·'• Stnl 10 "O"<'h RT 1·,,;I\' l "''" f ••~ ., n! )tS13 V•A (~11!orhl ~. C"n"''""n &Nod~ 4/ltJ ja<:>•r A., l)o <.I .. .,, ( "''"~~ O• v• """''"'!"'" n• .. " OR•l'ER LOti<.0.110 1N1lh•r., I ., nl 1'111 ~ """1,,, ~,, .. ,, 11•~/h ''"" "~'"''~ A 19 n• '1ol H"'I .o..,~, '", 1.~,ncn "" ,., bUl11'N ~.O.Olll Il l(/ I>''~'~ I<, 7> ,,, "}!/ N 01•• '""I> '"<l "" "'A ti n< ?J? w. 1J•,uu1••· ~01•1 ~· ~" I <en ""'' l\•fl•VC H f!CV I ""'"'d 0 '' "' (•lo•a~o ••O<l t~'' f ·~ n• <'"'"" ~o•ll ''Op~!'//•.~ "•w-. toE~N••H'>l'1 l'nv~ l'l .,,_ rf f"" ("«' "oo• 10 I • .,,,~,. p ~, •"rt ll•"Y .JO JI of l l>l \.0"0"~"' " "" (• ... ,,., .. !" NSE Fl..O."f"G 1N "''""' I . I/ 'I '~~G '// Ot••~ f•~n• ""WI""'""''" .,,n '""' ~· 1' 01 ·~~· o~r1~· •••. ' i"~~~ O" I"" f"IWflPfHrQ.,T"1L~r· tho,fl I '" "' '11 J"''"' ,,,. 6"" "'"an11• •• r! Ii.< C.or!o•ld, no!h. o! lh '·~I<~ ll'"" .1••~iro I IJ""' St~~''' l II o• '' r1 low-t·ojt Fi1:st Natio1zttl 'L il! JV I~ Q,;f_._~ ! I/ you've never done it be fore, stop hy the First National and arrange your financing before select ing a new car. It's cheaper, easier, and gi ves you all the advantages of being a cash cust ome r. ll's the way smart people .:i1 e buying cars this year. • Record ' • 1 'J ., ll'7'd l'.!"V• ~~d l•••« ~, ~<rn""o o ...... bOl h OI ""•<~ '"· "' 15n t-<~~1•n~lon §lllE P 'll.O.~TH< 1':0b••t A, 70 ~· "1/V6 5)VW<l!ld "' O•-·I~• ~nn !':•'"" ~ . n. o! 519 f 10< ~. Nr """''f llr•<I> ~Al ~lON 11~10, (Vrl•• fl I~ oj '" 0•'111i Av~, (~•tn• M•I MM ~n~ l .nd•1 L. JJ ol PIJ91 ..._,orlt~o w • .,. I u'll" l Y0N$ M IE"A"~· ! O'!Md E , '/,'. M ''•QI MJddl•too n l ,,, p """ 1NP•~ j !I ol /91~ /;, 111'1 St, boih <(II ~.Pt,~1[~·11'.lllllll Glen I'. ~~ ~"d l>dlo A, I <><HI• «I !S6 C~n•O'\ l\u•1 o.,.., l~''""• ~~~,~ AHUMllO~ ~ P.o.C..EOl. Al!" I ~nd Noco•r ¥ . in h<!'h """"' l)lvO Co•lo lv''"ln M<l\EJoNOMET [, c.~r~ .J ?•, ol /OH I• ""'"~ """" Hurt ' I'~« •"6 (;\>•• G n o• •''>I Hor>'•r s•. Nl"IOl.~ON 61~(1-( J~"'" /\. ~" d I''" ~OVrtl91'0 •~<1 ~l"O"'"'~, 71 oJ 1a, Moote v ,11a ~<>I~ ~I Coit~ '"' t< r !JDR ICl(OOtJ "0Bf R< ~ON ""'"~ , 19 ""a Oro1 • C II t>o!>i nl l!Jli ""''-IC f.lr(lr H,,011,,QIO" B•~~/I or LUGO';,M[V(lll, ()?''•'10 l , 11 r! A~•I Yi"" r.0 • ~np ti '"''"~'''" l\t~f~ ONI E"'•~•lf1 ~, •!, ol •OJ [, r """"' d· '"~" \1 1 \>\'/\?0-Dlll'.~"'' SToV•~ W ;'I rl U1' >.\de '•II ~''"' • t.~1 ~•·1 Ph<•' " 2~ e• 11'11\ Wr<t Av<.'~"• 5rc1 I' l•()L(QMI\ ll"ONN G•~'I"'" W, ): of 1,M\ ""'•~·~~ Tu<''~''" C~·,h~• ' "' P.~~ H 1• •or.~ D• ¥•, "'""""" "••"' •; ·111 l'·YA~"-· G•tn'•' I ' n• o < ! t"o•l' +1i,,n,.,."" L•~· ,,. f\•"c~ "'~ l~r~ .II,, );'>. ¢--~ • ~ '·:r• D·'~• "" "' SC•11J C~ llQJCRl'I J , ,,.,. , f\ I' rt 11,11 ~<>•q•o SI to• Al~m"~'· •"rl "lh'•'• l 7! Q• li 1! -1•o •~ ~t>•, G O/Oon (;,lt<V• BAJ;O~'EoT1 fl,'! P_ 5'e•• J . !O <I 1 I ~ ~o· f"•'(• ""d J"n"~ ~, lo '>! ' j r~ !~A. ~~·~ n• N•I'"~'' ""'C~ l,!P;DE"•(OYfll f (>hit'• '' 1' N ••1 v .. ,~~"1 l ·~",fl•<•"'"" I re~ o; 1• r• 1•1;1 · """"a lr'•rtP•'~· '"" .Ju•IPI ( m •'•l l<'"''j ""'''i"'~" "" ~ ,: '"' • • ('Ir P,,,"' r ~1 · ~'""'"'' ""I 1r,·1 '• w d "I c~''t•'• 5P("1llf ~("!l•f •' 0(.o~•,, A !O '°"~ rlo•~tf» fl >~ ~· l'"•ll L~· '-"'M"' ' " ~-'"'"' 11 .. 11., •';11 P\Jll •"I'' i;>,1 ~" "1' r" 11r01 "''~~1 11• r• •r•h '"' "~ <oP•, "1dH•'o•"""1.,,, > I"'" <·111¥.JOH'l>O'I l ror••''" , 11 ~1 ' '' ! • ' I ' ~ ·~ nP r •~,,t ••••, Vt•• Lo'•;, 11 • >'4 f!Uf\l_L~O~J ~· "' P •I -, ~( I ~ A • (f"'"" 1 i ~"'hi·~ ~ 1< M '7' .,. '~' ·' "••'''"'"' 1(.l•H'"f"Cr:-(\IHj Fll E~·, r ••, "' 'l r'"W~V O• v~ '/. ,_ .... o•tl J" A;nr o; ~I M'I ~·"A D '1, , ... ,,,,, r-·~" 011.0.r.0•1 QllMF~. """Md C '' ol JO<? o,.rn• O"•• Don> P~" I •o~ Cvnll"• R 10 o• Jll , P~l.1•d•. ~'" ("'"'~'" Gll>V"l M€~~f.P J>,,~.,~ W -;7 '"~ >(,11h•""' < 11 both ~I '1~01 ~""" O~r\' F• l«n e URN.S BAl€¥hN. I~·,.,>~ .o., I• ~• I ll••~'""'" •~<I" r. (., ,, n• 1~~•1 •ion,nq~'"" h~th d W•"~ •-.t•' G1e~ON ALE )(ANOER. (,~,~II , 11 ~I "S' S!A•hh1 Fo .. nl"'" """"" ~ .. ~ t 1• oe (,, 10 ol ~O\~ Su"'"'~· l-~•f!OO<!, (Al<! P UC•i< MrAll IS'ER. to;l•f V . "' •nd f'""'"' l. 16, ~otn <;.t !!ill f,r•d•"W"" Wr ,1"''"~'t' J QGI CHAY~'" B1"'" t. ;1 c1 NvnM~ ~9, h•l''"f1~'~ S"'~'" '"'" hn<!r.• v 1a c• l~"I T••I (''C •. Fouof~,, Y•ll•v Divorces DIVORCES FILED ll"dow.i1, Oolo••s F. "' C.o•v J•"'" Woo<l•nn. lllch••<I H •• Brtn ll!<.~ l 'lvdb••Q. 01,.,,. L•~ •• P•lrt D•vld Prit'""""' P"'r.c•• lo v• Oon11d Z.>n9t, "-'"'" v' 1hom•' l<lu~. L!nd• Ann"' J'1m•J J Wd{! .. y, P~ul W11118m V> Mo•Y l')"l•o l(n,,, (vr•ud. llnt>-<1 l\~t<lri O\ l•m• O.,o,~1 ""'"'"'''' s~"'"" "' J<>hn '·'"Q•~• l •hm,in, (,,11 .. r.no Cetol•• vo <>ov Lr• M•nlrr, """"'~ r "' J~mo; P D<><.<, .J•(ouel1n• Loi·~• M'""' R•V 1..10n9 Ft•n<•• vs Thorri.\ Jo~n Alon'O, M''"""' p Y". Mrrt•<I•• O•"·~P. H~•o1d W V\ "lor• Ell•,wor!h, ("fol J'~n vJ G1•Y P•'/ Oi.T•ndo•f, l '<><l" M•"• v> R<Jbrrt flmer l •W•t, Puth•nn Y\ fl •[•n W Gr.nn. llonold L. "~ Y•ro~,c• Mvl"o" c•~"dl• v~ Cd•ifo• V"n Ahlrli•ld, M•tY 0 v• Ml{ho•I lo Hcn'~n. N~o•nl M"rv v• JQnh Dev•d ' <;"~' C••o• A vs rnom~• W Mv•~h~. M~rlorlr L v• ~l<h~td T ll•"W" C.••ol v• l~"· W~ll•C• f.'"""•'"• (;rl1n~• B••b•rA "' Cv?•no Orn"" l'nc• M .,y Ev•l•n v' O.r>dr~w [ C l~•• .!>.>ndr .. tJ "' l'~ul r. 1'~11· Ann,. l v~ B••n••d Ii Ownnv, l•w" S•mv•I ,, Cl••• "'~"'~"' l'J •ll, l'M"<•• lo~" V• 9•nd•ll "I 0•11,,<•. F.llP•'l J "' C•~·rl t; C.!dd•o\, W•n<M l v• fl•QY <) M,•QtlV!, C0'1otlr .o. .. , l vlo E fl•""'· e .. b~•d L. vi Wdli•m !"', ""v'""'· SM••oo lo, "' J•<'• R Ovllo~. El•'"" L. v• r.1.,~k L~wr11\f9 ~dnth•I. M•«•ll" J. V~ (",••tl<"I -Sh•c• l•lo•o. llv~v<tu, G "' Jotn M, r "'" At!hot• II v~ 5v•"n S Mvr"'1•. flo1·• Y "' llO•d I\ >:"hn•• M••'lv•'I" M v• W1l~•1' "l M•n~ Ann v• """• ~Nl•r" ~~~;1! .. ~;::;:1·~~".•i: e~:n~~; 1;;;_ w 11·ft" PO'l1h8"on, M~rt"• J•~• •\ [~.( No•m~" W•n• CM.,•!••• t~'" • " I '"' l•C.•"' ll~!»r!• r v• P•1n. O ?fo'."."001 ~1-j;,,•~,",,•1 •j:,11~: 11'v".1 ",,.~i".,;...~ r "" ''" l\"•"n•~ "'"" t"''' 1r"•••I L '"''"I'"" L<•h ft v• (''""" ~ ~ • • • • • ' , ' • ' • ' ' • ' ;I ' . ---~------------------------------------------------------------------·-----··· ---. ----.. -. -.... ·-----~r Got Cannon~ No~v Wl1at Dive rs Salvage 800-pound A rtifact i l I f . ' I I ' t ,. • ~ , AVILA BEACH (UPI) - Three part-time s a I v a g e divers today face the problen1 of just v.•hat lo do with a cen- tury-old 800-pound brass can- non, retrieved rro n1 l he y,•rcckagc of a paddle-.,."heel !>teamer that sank nearly 115 years ago. The divers sa id research In- dicated the 274 -foot ship \1'a."I on a run fro1n San Francisco lo Panama with $IJ3,000 1n gold and ""about 1.200 persons. sur vived, they :s<iid, and her captain retrieved n1u ch or the gold himself in the following years. H. \V. Anderson, 39, of Lom- poc, and Dick Smith, 40, and Harvey Cle1nens, 49, both fron1 Santa Maria, recovered the ornate cannon from the si te off Point Arguello where !he side-wheeler ' · Ya n k e e Blade" \\'Cnl do\vn in bad weather on Oct. I. 185-1. Using inrlalable bags, the men floated the cannon, which "'as used for decoratlon only on the vessel, to the surface from an 80-foot depth. '!'hey placed 1t aboard their boat and brought it into Port San Lui~ here, some 50 miles from the site . ••~ ~ o'"' p~#_ .,.,t. ,_A/}' .;;t0 (Y'(/1:/l( ap_,, 9 :JO FASHION pow-wow ... heap big 'Valu e! .. THE SQUAW LOOK IN SPLIT COWHIDE LEATHER SEPARATES • 5 99 each THE VEST ... FRINGE llNIFITS Slip into the split cowhide leather Ii! tic vest \l'i l h tic r ron I, Rippy r u II r ringc bol torn. BrO\\lJl, tan, antl other Fall tones. Sizes S-\i -L. ' THE MINI ... TAKIS A WRAP Show off in the ~plit CO\vhide leather mini \vrap ~kirl \\'ith se ll tic, adjusl~ easily to fit one and all. Brown. Lan, and other f;i]J tones. • Open 11 to 5 Sunday '" • 1 I ' • " ' • t.b .,,' ' ,.;.... COSTA MESA, 1601 Newport Blvd., at 16th GARDEN GROVE -12372 Garden Grove Blvd, ' TI1e three men, who ,,·ork for General Dynamics al Vandrnberg Air Force Base and di ve on 11·eekcnds, would not give the location of the si te or s11y ll'tlal cl~e w:is there_ 'They !:iaid they discovered it ln 1966 and have 'b cc n researching the Y a n k e e Blade's µn:.t and diving there ever since. The Ya r1krc Blade was built in Nel'/ York, they sa1U, ;,ind the cannou apparently !lad been in the world's lair the re 111 about !853, before being in· stalled aboard . 'The l'annon is being slored at Anderson's hon1e 11hilc 1hey decide 11·hal to do 11•ilh it. 'J'hey indicated it might be donated to a n1useu1n or historical society. J-[w;ha1ul ,; J oi n '''i,·cs Politics T11g of lt' 111· ll\ANCIJESTEn , Conn. I AP) -Tll'o wo1ncn running for lowu treasurer llna!Jy l1<1ve V1si ls to th e 7.1)(1 Lircn't usu:dl y qulle JS 1n vo!v('d :1 , the ir husbands in l h e 1 r , Kathy 1J la11kcn s rcL·c11t \ 1.-.1l lo a traveling an11nul political corners. The rncn .'5ho\v in Dover, Del. 'f t1c si.x-ycar-old ;ind her n1olh- switched their par I y af-er ob\·iously didn't C'Xpcc t SULll a torcclul encounter fili at1ons to ?host of tl1c1r \\'1lh !his fricncll.v r.:r1IL \l'ives. --------'----- Paul Tut·kcr, husband of DcnH>cral Huth 'fucker, \1·ent rrom R1.>pubhcan to Dcn1ocrat and Ray1nond Quish . husband or Republican In c lJ m be n l Hosal ind Qu1sh, changed fron1 Dcn1ocrat 10 a Jlcpublic;1n . Gict1it A fri ct11t S1iuils Ectt U11 Nurtli, Mil111ii le·L, ~ .... ~~ ..... -.......... tt11•• il'llA.\11 IAP l -A !u,11 ;11·/\ • in north !\\!;11111 is 1nfl·~ll'1! 11 11.i fist-sized snails !hat 011'L' 1'.LI ing about ei·cryllung 111 '1..:lil -even the p;i inl on llo11 ~r~ "Thry·rc g1;111\. A 11' 11· .I II sn::iils.'' su1d Arl C;11\tl'l ·•H'.1 :uln1i111slralor f1;r 1111· l1'l•11'1d.1 Agri culture Dt•p;irlrlll'lll !!{' csl1m;1trtJ therr 11 rn• 111) lu 20.000 o[ t!iC1n 111 ;1 1 :1.~1111.11 , .. bloc k area C:ilverL s :1i11 lilt• ,n;u:s lhn ve Oil fohagl' :111d c.1h 1111n :ind present ii 1hr(';1\ \11 So11\l1 Florida's ('a~h tTOIJ." 11 11111 arcn 'L tOnta111ccl. Thi' 1111!" t.1 !IOI\ JS ll!ll(!\11' l!l !ht> ( 1lJ1\.d Statl'S, he addec!. Calvert and a do:t.1·n a~rh u! rurr r~pcrt~-JJH:lud111:.: •t.,I•• i\gr1c11ll11rc Con11111~::.111111·r Ooy!e Connrr-11sllc1t !h1• .ir1 >,1 -~~~~~~~~~'---~~ Here is how: Savings account dividend for 1 year on $500.00 ='2§~ Free safe deposit box for as long as you maintain $500.00 savings account '6!! (mppraxlm•lt ye•rly co.t lo r•nl bo• ti b1nk) PLUS: Free service charge on $750.00 of Travelers Checks "7!! OR Service charge free on purchase of up to 10 tfckets to the Forum, Dodger Stadium or other sporting and theater events through TRS (TICKETRDN) Tot1t benefits on your $500.00 11vlngs eccount =*3•!! Stop by ind -us to open your account. Wt Mft to u.t qou. 4001t. 111 tl1l' .\11.11111 ~hurl'" ~1'1'tio11 .11\<I L,,llL•tl•·tl IHl1Hlf'L'll~ l>f \ht• J.,r;.;t'. hnJ11111H1 culi1r1•1I snail~- , I ~d \f SOllJI' ~li1•lb: !Jigger 111.>11 1111• 11,,l.'' :;;i11I C;dvcrl. ' l11.,1tl l·. lh..' snails wrrc ;_d111osl :1 fnot l iin~ " Call t·1·1 ;..:1itl the ~11ciils were i11trodt1('!'d lu 01c nci~hborllood 1hrt'1: years ago hy a young \11J,1' 1T!t1r11111g tron1 a !rip tu l!.111ai1 ··]II' lJrv11gh! three 111 llH 111 <i~ ;i present tu his grand· 1111o1\11·r .•. n1111' the re nn• 1l1uus;1nds nut i1rre ·· Thr> sn;uls. ca pable of pro- ihH·111;; l;:Af u!l:.p1 1n.:; c.ith ye:i r.' 'llou1p 1111 1hr lu$h fol1ilgc and 4',ll p.11111 11,1111 !he houses !O t:c·t l <ilc1ur11. ~ ~~!¥ TWELVE OFFICES TO SERVE YOU -~ ~ DDWN!Y-IAIUWDOD UST IDS ANGELES INLAND CEllTER SOUTH COAST PIAlA 10000 1111.--'401 Whtnier BIW. Sin Bmiardino, C1~I. Cos-u Mne. Calif. DDWN!Y·FIRESTONE TOPAllGA PIAZA MONTEREY PARK WHlnlER DOWNS 12nE.F-IW. C-Pm.Cota. 201 N. G1rfir.ld Ava. 11215 E. Wnllinguo Blvd. lA CRESCflTA ARCADIA MOUNT VERN ON Bill GARDENS 2521 ,_ ""-41 E. U.. Olk Ave. 400 N. V1nnon1 Avr. ~ 740 E. Florence AYI. MAIN omcr:: '5401 WHITIIER IOULEVARO . lOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA T ~ursd1r. Octobtr '· )969 OAI L V PILOT T7 Nc 'v Church BIBLE THOUG HTS I ~j!~~,cr~~~ ~:~~/ Niguel has been purchased for/ !he. proposed Crown Val ley Covenant Chu rcb. lo be built al !he corner o( Crown Valley Parkway and La Pl<1la Drb·r. 600 IS NOT CIAD; h• i111't •"•" SICK . A m•d•rll •lhe;11 m1v 1•1, "God i1 d11d"; b u l 10011, Go• <-•11 •1 ¥ th1f th i• 1th1h t "i1 d11d", i nd ii will b1 TR.Uf. M,,. ~ .• com• i nd men m•v 90, bul God 9••• .-Jo fo•e•••· It 11 • well ~no.,.11 •Ci111t;foc fi tf t/.11 .,,,11,r 1nd •"•'91 CAN NOf ti OESlRO"f(O. Their conti1111;1y b•op1 •~1 , God .. ho will ,1,.,_. ••ill, Thi ind 1lf•11cl1bilitv of ~od pro<-l t if'u 111 ElERN IT'I' in both difecl!ont, pri•• tO NOW end for •••• eflerw•rd. Thi P11lmiol h11 ,,;J, ''Thi h11•1n1 d.cl1r1 th e 9lory of Gcid;. i nd the fi rrn1mtnl l~Olo'•lh hi1 h1•diwork" !~1 .lt~l l. Th• lllLf, 11111 111 ebout God. See the m1j11lic 9•1ndeur. ih1 p•o•iden<• 1111· infin;te n1lure of God d1pic!1d in P•1im1 104. R11d of /Ml~, GOODNESS of God lo rn111 in tht l w1nfy .thi1d ra 1!m. ~·· In ordtr ti.•~ m111 mi9hl fully 111>d1ro t1nd Ged, J11u1 c1m• -t• 11rtli i nd li•tcl e lift of l••t i ncl ••••••• lo mi n. (J,..1,1.1'4 , Jn.1'4 :7·1 I, Htb.l:l·•l. H• w11 "Goel in£1rn11e • Iii\ lh• fl.oh). He d>ed for..,.,.·,,;,., e nd 11conclocl beck lo He1•1n (Ach I :•,· 11, 7:55 ). He 01nl to 1•rlh lh• H1ly Sp i"I lo <j1uicl1 mon I ~; ,;,ht1ou1111u i nd fo c-omlo rl "'"" I J~.1 4:2•. 111:7·10!. T_k',11\; !ll LE ;, lh• wor~ of th• Holy Spirit oncl fell a m1" how lo pleo..11._ Goel , h01 c•••+•r I I P,1.1:10, 1 l im.J:IS .17 l. Ha•• YOU 1tud;..., the l ible 7 H•"• YOU ''"''"'' th t H<>lv s ,;,;1 ;n10 •our li le 7 T~,, Bible 11v1. "Repent i nd ht b1pti11cl ••••Y one of yov in /~ "•m• of J~u11 C)l,;,j for tho rtmiu ion of ,;no, •nd YI 1h1ll , .. ~•i•o l~t 'J;fl of th• Holy Spitit" (Ach 2:l l l, C omt , 1hulv the Iii.le ~;fh u1; let U• pl1111 Go lo91iher! Ch11r£lo of Chri1t, 1Jl W,.Wil1on St., Cod• M11 1, C t. '11127. 1-tobcrL A. llonelle, director of dcveloµntent for l h c California Conference of the E\'angelical Co\'enant Church of An1erita, 11·ill serve; as pastor of the congregalion lo be organizer! in the area. Forn1erl.\• paslor of the Roll ing Hill,~ Covena nt Church in l'alos Verdes. llonctte has purchased a hon1c al 2958.Z Ana r-.laria Lanr, Laguna Niguel. 1'he E1•angehcal Co\'enant Church 11·as organized a~ a tleno1ninalion in 188$ and has i!s headquarters in Chicago .. !''======================='- Ill. Persons interested ln ob· ta1ning additional information about plans for the church 1nay reach Honette al 49fl-047S. For Daily Pilot Want ~ds . Telephone 642-5678 . _:- • See it here! Tr crc"::i 1.hr ou l·lc1ntLo;; Color'!'\; "alue in t:n!'"ta '\1~. '.\1·11 purl /Jcat h . ~.vlvania motkl C F'026P. IL 1· ;111 ll1r lu11~ ... i1 .ror r~1 urr.s and then _!4)/li ('. • La rgest colo r .sc reen available (29.3 sq. in. \'iewing area ), • Colo r Bright s.1·" picture lube for lhe .sharpest color available. , In~t.a n l Color ·i·M giv~s you sou nd in slan lly and a pic:lu re in loss than five seconds. • AFC-(aulom alic fine tun ingconlrol )--cnsu res a perfect Jlicture every time yo u turn on your set or change stations. -- The be •utiful ly styled Mediterranean cabinet is anil•ble in light or dark Pecan fi nish veneers and selected wood solids. ,.,.L-T radcm11 rl. or Syl nini11. El~l.rie Produet;, I ni:. SIM ULATED TV R ECEP TIO~ Our low, low price ~ 56995 DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS THAN SYLVANIA! TV REQ P'TIO N SIMIJlAT[O THINK OF All THE f90 1vrt~ in b•g 1er••n color TV ond ste reo. T,.,i, c!o1s ic styll!d Sylvonio Ent.ertoinmenl (ent •r hos lh end From ln1tcnl Colo r' .. for a pic!ure in le~s tl'!on 5 $t1Cond1 lo AFC tho! ensure1 perfed tuning at the pu1h of o button. Tun ing from your eoiy choir with totol remote conlro/ includ ed. 9iggnt screen !295 tq. in.I color TV. Finest tlereo enioymenr wirh 120 wath pea k mus ic power. Gan ord cvstom pr6fe1,. ionol automatic record ployer. Modtl CF582CR. 1Nt101rn & Dl"NDAllUn StNCI ••• 7 '"' ••I•• 1nf0<mot1... Call 646-1614 411 E. 17th St., COSTA "'ESA DAILY 9'·9, IATVIDAT t ·I ., ... .. ... .. .. ... "' .. ' , ... . . . . ' DAILY PILOT • Thuriday, Octobfr 2, 1%9 Poetic Lice1ise &;metbing new from "do1vn under:" ltcensc plates 1vith measurements for girls 11•ho've got it and would like to flaunt it. For those 'vho don 't-there are s lil! the. conventional plates 111ith initials 111h ich Penny Thornton of Sydney holds in her left hand. Nixo11 Seel\:s Time, SuJlJlOI't 011 War Ry PlllL NF.\\'~lll\I IJPi f o,.,g" ,...,., •>n~I•" A'' President Nixon appear~ !o~~c ii he 11'1.~ twn <1ptions !Jr ending thr \\"ar in "\lirtn;:un. Ile can a('c·cp t t h r }1amlliating <lcrnand.~ of th~ cOffirnunists for rarly ;in.i cofnplcte w i t h rl r ;i w a 1 of A0leric'1 n lroops. Or. gi11r11 Ll!1'1c and the !>upport of thr American people. he can end the \\'ar. possi6ly belorr the end ol 19iO. Sine he docs not <ll't:Cpl the former. it therefore 1nust be the laU er. The Prcsid{'n\ 1htrs h;is dra\vn the hal\\c l1n f'S het.ween h i n1 ~ c I f ;J11d d emn n ~tr at 111 g :1111 1w:ir studen ts and his f'Ongrr~~HH\HI rrit1cs 1-1•hn den1a nd lh;1t ~aigon hr pul on no\1 ('C l\i;1l l l.$. trnnps will he• \l'ilhrl r.111·n 11n ;i slrirt l11n1' L1hll' and tha\ !he CS. \.\'ill :1dhrr(• tn JI. CALl.S J)l·:FE,\TIST My :1cl 1on nllw r 111:111 In<: nwn hr b r a n d c d as "dcfcat 1,_1" Thr p i I [al \ !<. 1n lhe Prcsidenl·s p;i!h arc many. Ann nuncl'd tr o op withdr:iwals \1·1l1(•h ar(' hi bring 1hc Arncri<.:<.111 101al 1n Vietnan1 down 10 .\!ltO(~I b~· Dec. 15. ha ve s:it1sfird ntilher his crilics nor the North V1l't- namese. Sorne,~·here the Prcsiden l mu!t: find, or try to find, the magic fi~1re which will slill I.he critics and redu ce American casualties to an at·- cep4.a:ble le vel. At thf' ,<;;in1c Ume he n1ust convince the North Victnamc:c:c that thr lfnited States will rem;iin in South Vietnam un!il i l s mir\imum goal i s ae· complished. The President described lh1s minim al goal a.~ free rlefefmination by the South v;etname::;e of their 011·n .!Ufui'e through elccllons. The difficulty here is tl1;it lhe South Vietnan1ese ncv~r ......... 1·(';!1\y ha\'~ h;ir! a l'hanrr lo voice their own desires. Doth fi1rlcs claun to control the sympathies of the ViC'l- 11:11ncsc people. A certain a1nnunl of prosperity brought tn ll'ie cities by U.S. in- 1·0Jvc111cnt prob.:ib!y \V o u 1 d NEWS ANALYSIS s11·111g lhc vote to the U.S. 11nd government side. In the coun- !rysidc. it sl'ems pr obable the p(·oplr 1\ould vote for peace on ;111y side. .\.'lElllCA~ \\'AH The 1\ar 111 \11cl11a1n ~can1c aq Amcr1ran 11·ar first in !%4 l\'hrn l' S. warpl:incs began bn111h1ng 1111• nortl1. an cl •'St'<•l<i tPd in l\1fi;1 11·11 h !he fir~1 l11;:i. \\:11t• uf A111erican troops. II bt1r·;11nr a tr11lv i\n1l'ric:in 11 <II' 111 l;ilr l~J!ifi ll'llen the A1llf'r!ri'\11~ tno k ovC'r the chief n o](• of stri ke force 1n the :'>\;;1rth ·<111d·tltsl roy operations. .\l:o>(>l1°S eflnrt nQw is two- fo ld. to <it:hicve progress in l'aris :11ul i;:1ve the \.\<'ar back lo tht" Vil'lnanicsc. ,\lt1;1w obsta cles stand in lhe 11 ;1y, ho1h iaJ'aris ancl Saigon . 111 l'aris. the North Viet- na1ncsc arl' counting o n An1crica n in1palicnce. In Saigon lhe United S111tcs faces thr-obvio us conviction of President Ni;uyen Van Thieu lil<ll the Uni ted St ates is a prisoner of circumstances and 111 11st contlnuc to give it sup- port. Thii>u sccrns obviously to be co1111t1ng 011 a brP.akdown ol the Paris talks. South Vict- na1n·s ncxl presidential el<'<.'- 1ions are scheduled for 1!174, and Thieu intend s lo be the next president. The first <p1estion to be sct- llC'd , it SCl'l11S, is who is negotiating for "''hat in Paris. Group Lecl By Glover New president and chairman of lhe board of U!e Blue Lagoon Community Associ• tion is Fred E. Glover. Mars In Our Time? Next Mariner to Film Landing Sites PASADENA , Cali(. <AP) - The next spacecraft U.S. scientists send to Mars may play a major role in deciding whether men will visit that ba rren, cratered planet. Major mission of Mariners 8 and 9, scheduled to be launch- ed a week apart in May 1971 i!! 10 map 70 percent of the Mar. tian surface and find site s sultab!e for unmanned Ian· dings in 1973. ' The 2,200-pound vchi61es \\'ill be prograrnmed to orbit as close as 1,000 mile s for up to a year wilh television cameras capable of showing objects the size of a football field. The cameras and electronic se nsors arc expected lo return enough information to help planners decide whether man· ncd exploration is feasible. The success of f\.1ariners 6 and 7 last August prompted proposals for manned landings in the next decade -and corr troversy over whether sucn a projt't't would be worth its 1nultibillion-dollar cost. Dan Schneiderman, Mariner 1971 project manager at the Nationa l Aeronautics a n d Space Administration's Jet Propulsion Labo ratory, says Mariners 8 and 9 should enlarge man's knowledge of the still myste~ious planet at least 250 limes. In an interview giving the first detailed pla~s of the new project, Schneiderman said: "Unmanned landings on Mars are scheduled in the Vik- ing program in 1973 and from both these programs Mariner and Viking -should corne the information needed for a manned landing." Schneidern1an gave this run- down on plans for the $100 niilHon-plus 1971 project: Both spacecraft will fly closer to Mars than the 1969 Mariners, \Yhich came within 2,000 miles. One will have an ~Mullen & Bluett orbit ranging trom 1,000 to 10,500 miles. The other will circle from 1,500 to 27,000 miles. They will have the same television systems as the 1969 Mariners but the closer range \\'ill enable t h e m to photograph features 300 feet across. compared with 900 feel for this year's pictures. Designed to stay in orbit cit least three months a n d perhaps a year, the 1971 ~tariners \Yill send back thousands of pictures. The 1969 Mariners televised 200. One of the 1971 vehitles will map 70 percent of the surface, coin pared with · 20 percent covered by the 1969 vehicles. The other will provide the first close-up record of unex- plained seasona l ch an g e s . Among these is progressive darkening which begins near the polar caps in spring and moves toward the equatl'.K'. Early astronon1ers lhougl1t this 1neant the polar caps \vere composed of froz en water that melted and ir- rigated va~t fie lds of vegeta- tion. The 1969 Mariners found the caps were n1ade of frozen carbon dioxide, toxic to plant life. They did nol, however, ::;ugge st an a It er n ate ex- planation for the color change. "One difference," sa id Schneiderman, "is thal th e I 1971 missions will be more l adaptive. If we see a volcano erupting, we \.\'ill be able lo change the orbit of either spacecraft and continue slu- dying that area." Dog Sniff~ Pot CA!\lP PENDLETON, Calif. ( AP J -The !\1 arine.~ have trained a German shepherd in niarijuana detection as "al crime preventi ve 1neasure," a base spokesman says. ; ; ' ,.,.. ':j( .. JOIN HAIR & CO. , Come As You Are- Break the chains of rollers, cli ps, and dryers. Try cur scft sc isso r cut . , .You may never have to set yHr hair a9aln. Now ... Penelope {Formerly of Gene Shacove} & Robert Pignotti HAIR & CO. (at REVA'S) 317 M.arlnt Ave .• llalbo.a lsl1nd-Phone 675-1230 for App't. OPO&n 1 Oay1 & 1Eve1. Women• Group• -Ploloe Ci ll For Fe•• H•I• Coro • Le<IU•!•. Wanted Operator w ith Following "'"r--" ·~ • i. S't: ~R~LI . t " EAGLE GGG l An Important Message For All Men Planning To Buy A New Suit This Fall! For A Limit.ed Time Only! A Spectacular Get-Acquainted Offer From Grodins With The Purchase Of Any Of These Famous Suits Only Grodins, the West's largest independent group of fashion stores, could make a remarkable Gift OHer like this one. Select any ~un from our 1egular •tock at regulaf·prices of $100 or more·and rece;ve • S25 Gift Certificate wUh our compliments. And remember, these are new Fall suits and iewesl Fall models. Shaped silhouettes, single breasteds, double breasteds, vested models .•• and all with famous !abets like GGG, Eagle. Petrocelli; Timely Clothes. Dominic O'Bruzzi and Cricketeer. You may 1JSe your $25 Gift Certificate just lfl<:e cash to purchase additional merchandise in any depart- ment in any Grodins :store. USE IT lo buy shirts, l'leck- wear, hose or shoes lo complement your new suit USE IT for a new Fan jacket, sweater or slacks ... or USE IT to make Points at home! Give it to your wife.and let her select exactly wh at she wants in our Women's Shop. Is th ere a catch? Certainty! We want you to dis- cover what a fine quality suit can do for your appear- a nce. We want you to discover our great seleclions of famous labels. In short. we want you to discover GRODINS, California's exciting new fashion stores, where n·s hard to choose, not herd to find! OPEN A NEW GRODI NS CHARGE, TODAY! BankAmeri card or Master Charge O.K., too. ~ ·;z,,,"':"'' ·~l·'{; 'f "' ,.•! .· '1!1·'1'·< <.<··" .,. ff~ ~.; ;... { .. ,.,.,. ·. ' I ~ ' ~ ' ' - i ". y;1 :. i. ~,~,1 / . . ' .. z·-..- :r., . ' . " • , • DOMINIC D'BRUZZI ~ ._' -<· ~ 1f ~t.. • f'· I ' .. ' ~ I .. .,.._. ' TIMELY CLOTHES CRICKETEER I ~1 . , i ! • 1 -' l ll l I Taking office wilh Glover Sept. 2U \\'ere Mrs. Vance Stickell, vice prcsidrnt and chairman of social aclivltics; E1!w:ird Darin. sccrrtary anti chnirman ol lhc leg<il ac- tlvilies : Jnmf!s Talston Smith, !rcasurcr; E. J . Martin. t·halrman or ~Pcuri!y and Tom H:irn1on. rhainnan flf n1les <ind rt·gul;:i11ons. ~OIJTH COAST PLAZA Costa Mesa ANAHEIM Broadway • Anah ei m Cenle r LAKEWOOD Lakewood Con I er 1: ! 7 r ! ' ~ l --.. -----------------·--- - • -----~-~~------·-·-··-·-------~ .... ---.. -..-. -.. --~---- -, ' Tll~11d1y, Oc!otHlr L IMJ Wheels Turn Toward Gala The glan1our of an cvcnini:;: on th e IO\Vll, the glitter of beautiful go\vn~ and the gleain of brand nc1v e:u non1obiles \vill transfo r1n the Anahei1n Con- vcirtion Center into a spectacular sight next Wednesday evening. 'l'hc glistening occ:usion 1vill be 'the sixth annual Pren1icre Night of the lntcrnation.il 1\uton1obilc Sho1v of Orange County, a benefit extraordinaire sponsored by the uine Orange County Assistance League chapters. Professional fa.~h ion n1odels from Bullock 's, Santa Ana \vii i vie for pren1ierc-goers' eyes \\'i lh the 1970 auloinobiles, making their fi rst appea r- Jnce before hitt ing sho,v roon1 floors throughOut the county. T~e fashion models v.·ill display ensembles for the 21 st Century. al l rippropr1ately bea utiful enough to \Ve a r \\·hen rnotoring in one of the new 1970 a utorn obil es. Follo1\'ing the splendorous night, the s ho\v o f autos from a round the \rorld 1ril l continue weeknig hts fro1n 5 to 11 p.m . and Saturday and Sunday from noon to 11 throu,g h Oct. 12. Acco rd in~ to ri•Jrs. l<'rcd erick Prescott, fashion coordinator for the lrague chapters, designers' la bels on parade \vill include £steeve s, Beene Tr':lvilla. \\iraggc, \Verle, Dlack1\·elt, Sa1nuel Roberts, Kiki Hart a~d Vic: t or1a Royal. .Aft ~r the prornenade of d esigner fashions 1o the music of Lynn \Vi!lis, !he hi ghltght of th e evening \\'ill con1e \Vhen a brand new automobile, do- nated by the leagues and the Niotor Car Dealers Association of Orange County is a\vard ed Al so. ~ive n \\'ill be a .~il \·rr pu nch bo\vl, siJver tea service, t\\'O port· able te!ev1s1011 sets, l\\'O $100 1ncrc ha ndise orders and a se'l of matched lug· gage. dell (cent er) and J\1r:-. f'rzink llopkins. 11H•1n hcrs of th e ho.~tini~ Nc,vport J~cach /\s~is'Lancc Lcagu<'. 'file )..;~1k1 bene fit is sponso red by the county's 11111c league chaptcr:i. Ne\vporl Reach AssistRncc J.eague is serving as host chapter for the e vening \l'ith !\!rs. 1'!icko!as l''ra nk .Jr. as general chairn1a 11 . Assistini;: \1.'ith plans arc the .l\1rncs. Waller Lier Robe rt Leitner .John Davis, PresC'ott, \Vll bur Reynolds. Brode Busche .. la1Ties \V inton. RoY J.lal l. I·:d\vard Boyd, P aul Rogers, !·!u gh \Vr ig h't, Claude 'Patterson and James Sink . Preview Se rie s ' Audience Gains / New Perception 'l'hc 11111.~1t ·;.i ! sclccl1011s c:hoscn J'or ea ch of the ~1x Philh;-irrnun1 c Suc 1c1y concert:-. during the 1969·70 .~cuso 11 1v1ll be 1norc than profusions of sou nds and notes for n1;111y of the conccrl·gocr,-;. ·rhc co1nposers of the \\Orks 1vill con1e a live and the h is toric~ c1f Ille ~y1nphon 1cs and suites 1\·ill be· ('01nc vii id r1·J!1ti cs for tho.o.:c attending the six P re· concrrt JJrC\J('l\S sponsorccl by lhe society im 1n edi· <ilcly before each cora:c1 t. J .cad111~ orr the sra .~on \1'111 be an invitaLlonal pr(•1·ic11· ·r ut·:-d;iy. ()cl. 14, at 7 p.n1. in the F'inc Arts ·rhr ~t1·r. LI 'I. 1u st IJcl ore the opening: concert by the ;.;1)r. S,\n1phony (lrchestra of llambur,i::, under the halon of JI.i n .... \\'~11.:it , n ei-c:r1b1n .i:: 1hc Ii,\ 111phony'1. progran1 \\'ill be l)r, .Jan l.,oppcr. c:in1nc11t author1\y ln the niusic \l'Or!d. .\rr<J n.r:cd by J\lrs. l~tl11ard \\I. Schurn;:lchc r, thairn1;1n . 1hro11 gh tile courtesy of Unio n Ba nks of ()rc1nge l'olJ nty and lhc Nc1vport E dwards Ci ne ma 1·hcater. Ilic ~c ries \Viii be free to all purchasers of sea.-.011 concert tic kcl.~. l::nsuing prc\•1c\1·s . all lo 'lake pl ace in the Ne1v· r orl !healer, hcgi n111n g at 10 :4:} a .m., \l'ill be Nov. 19, Dec. 10, l·'ch. 4. !\larch 4 and 1\pril 8. Students 1\·tll be Hd1nit tcd free by sho,~·ing their s tudent body card::; ut the dOOJ: and individual tick· t'ls are $1 . Anyone 1\·1sh111g to ptirchase ticke·ls 1nay call Mrs. Kenneth Sn1ith. 646-7364. Preview co1nn1ittce n1c1n bcrs ass istin,i:: t he chairman li re th e l\ln1cs. Ciilbcrt 1-t. Thompson, s peakers: F rank A. Cooney, public rea!tions; Smith, ti ckets: E. l\1organ Qu inn . programs; Jfer1nan John- son. hostcsse.~: Jlichard Brockmeyer . treasurer, and J . Donald Ferguson, advisor. TICKETS TO APPRECIATION -Receiving their free student ticket.<> 1o the first Preconcerl Previe\v sponsored by the Orange Coun ty PhiJha rmonic &r ciety are (left) A1iss \Vc ndy Lee and (center) l\1iss Catie Conn. ls~uing the tickets is .l\1rs. Edwa rd \V. Schurnacher, chairman, who has a rranged the six· 11revic\v series \Vhich begins Tuesday, Ocl. 14. at 7 p.111. prior to the NJ)R Sy1n phony Orchestra of llnn1- b11rg concert. , ti -~----- Oktoberfest Imported For German Musicians 'fo continue the lriurnphant 1n ood of Orange ("ounly Phi!ha rrnonic Society's opening of 1ls 16th concert season, an c1ktoberfest. on a s1n all scale, \Viii be staged after\va rd ·to compliment the Gcrrnan g uests who \viii play the first progran1 of the series. lfelping t11e guests to !eel a little m ore at home on their second tour of Arnerica is the society'• boa rd of directors \l'hich is in charge of arrange- m ents.iofor the '\v ine, beer and cheese tasting festival. Setting for 1.he pa rty is the Dover Shores home ol Dr. and 1\1 rs. Da niel G. Aldric h Jr. The concert \Vil! begin p rornptly at 8:30 p.m . Tuc~day, Oct. l.J, in UCl Cra1\·ford llall. On the pod iun1 11·UI be one of Europe's m ost e1n 1ncnt conductors, Jlans \Vallat. general n1u sic di- r ector of the Bremen Phil harmonic State Orchestra. lie 11·ill conduct the 110 1nusicians comprisi ng the J\IJ fl. Sy1nphony Orchestra of llan1burg 11·hic h is cu11 s1dcrcd one of the 'vorld 's truly great orchestras. Concert tickets, at $4 and season t ickets fo r rt series of :.even, al S2 l a re on sale at the Phil· ha rn1on1c offi ce, 201 \V. Coast J-li ghway, :\ewport Beach, fi46-G41 l. Student ti ckets are $1.75. Assisling \vith arrange1nents for the reception ,1·il l be society president and ~Irs. John A. Vibert; i\·lrs. /\. Bayard Dod Jr., vice president and chair· 111an of 1\•ornen's activities; l\1rs. Raym ond Dosta, chai rman of \\'Omen's committees: Mrs. John F'. Porte r . a director, and ~frs. Ralph 1\1. Tandowsky, vice president of public relalions. l nvitatiOfls have been sent to the Gennan Con· sul Gen. a nd l\.1rs. Constantin Von Dziembowski, J\laestro \VaU a t and leading members of the orches- tra. Also invited are f\1r. and ?\I r~. Torrence Dodd!ii f he is a past president and currently serves as c:hairrnan of the advisory board). and 1nembers and !hei r spouses or escorts of the board of director.~. ~id vi sory board. board of directors or the women 's co rn mittees and chairmen of women's committees. Baldy' s Transplant May Answer, 'What Price Yanity?' DEAR ANN l~ANDEHS: I'm a male. 22 . considrrf'd ~ood looking: and am well b11ilt. 1'hr prohlrn1 · J'rn hri::inning lo Jo~" 111.v h:!lt' and I h:1tc the lhougbl of being b;iid 1'1'(' tnr1t r•£1l'.\lh1nv fro1n onion juice lo sheep thing Nutluoi:; hl'lps. \\'hal cto ~·011 l.,or,\v about hair transplants~ Do lh<',\''\\•ork:' IJocs a lellow h;1vc to find ht.<; n1rn donor or dues the doctor do th a!? Please J:I\£' n1r son1c inrorina1ion. I'm !t'ihamcd to 1:1Jk lo anybod), -YUL II. l)Ei\R )'Lil .: lh1ir transplants hnve ,r.:11l'n surc·cssrul. A lcllo\.\' doc" nnt hu,·e In find a donor, hr·s hl5 O\\'N donor. The hpir i~ lrnn~plantcd from the back nf his l'll'rk to lhc h11 ld nrrn,<;. Thi~ pror rrl11rr I~ not lnl'x rwn~i\·r nnd ii ~ lnne. consum ing. Bu{ for lhosC' lo u·hom ANN LANDERS [t] .. hair is Important, ll c1n bt a 1odsend . DEAH ANN LA NDERS : The old clichc, ''i-;l'erybody talks about the \l'ea11K"r but Mbody docs anything abou t it," i! no longer true. A privileged ~ci.imcnt or 5ocie1.v, the scie111is1s, AR,.~ doi11J.! something t1bnu1 Jl and tlH'Y ~bo11hl be 'lll'd fnr billions. l)uring thr p.1st 20 )'f'tlr:t the 1\·c;1thr r plllterns or the cartli h:l\e bcrn rlrastically altcrl.'l'I hy rxccssi\'C numh<'r~ 11[ n1anmadc dislurb;inccs Su! h '-'" rockets, 1nissilc.;, hombs <t n1t 11!hc·r C1:1111n· rd fool objects which have been lrl loose in space on a perpetual basis. i\l :i11'~ linkcrini;: with the f'1c 1nent.~ of n.1111rc h:is prod11CC'fl ln1rn r:in""· [ I 0 o r! \ , 1nrnodO('s, bllzzarrb aotl c1·c11 t'•Jrlh· 1111 :ikr.~ 1'hr 111•r <; :inf! prr1fl('r!,V 11[ 1111lllnn.~ rif in· nor "nr. <lrfr11.~clrs1 prnplr ;1rr h1·111,q J('op;irdizc(I liy tiles~ uJ1n1 s, !"nn1cuJ1c shnuld coll a ha lt lo this dangeroo.~ pro- J'ro;111 111 11·1·;1\ht'r corruption before 1·11il11:i1 u1n 1<; rr;i<;rrl frr)n1 the f:icc nf the r1r1!.,. Plt·a'iC' Jll'Ull 1111., anrl ~·:ikc up /\.ntnr ;1' -\\'1\HHt::;.J. 01110 llE \I! \\'AHR 1-: ~·: ,\l('tcorolo.c:lc<i l sri1·n tist~ 11·11 us U1e. a1nount of l'ncrgy relo·oscd in tht atn1osphert by monmadc d ~1 ice~ is lnfinitl'<;\mol romporcd to the c11·rgy produced hy nnturc. llis torians hnvr recordrd v Io I c 11 l 11 ,•;tlher -hll11.l'lrcl1i, tor11adoe11 . earth- 111111kr~. lloodii and hurrlcaneii 8Ji fa r bat•k 11s the first \1'rlltcn \\'Ord. fltan sufftrcd lr•un drstruction of the clements Ion~ h1•1 orc "lhc nuuy !iCif'nlists hcgnn lo send clanin1•1l lnfll thir1.c:" Into spnr.r.." What "'e l':ln 111111 SllOUl,0 d11 ~rimethlnl{ shout i11 th e idiots 11ho are poll uting the "'atrr and fouling the ai r. \YAKE UP, ~1 ERICA!t DEAR /\,\'N LANDERS: This is my SC· c.1nll marriage and I lhank God every niGht fo r this wonderful ma n who rescued nu.: rron1 a Jiving hell and made me whole :ig!iin. Not only hns George been like an angel lo me but he has been wonderful to my lwo sm111J children. Although I am ln fairly good health I ;un haunted by the fear that If I should d1r., my first husband will take the children. He refuses to allow George to :idnpt the m legally -not because he !01•cs thrrn, but be cause he wants to be obstrcJK"rou,~. He started lo bent the 1·iuldrcn before thry wrre o!d enough tn \l•al k. This W:l~ 011(' or thl'! principal rr.1sons I divorced hlnL • ls therr a 1\·ay out that I do not Set~ Please help me . -UPTIGHT DEAR UP: TM lawytr wbo obtalnfd your divorce 11 your bt1l bel. See him 1t onC'e. Ptrbap11 ht can 1Jve you the pe:1c:t of miad you stek. How far should a teenage c:ouplt 10? Can necking be safe? When does it bct<>mc too hot to handle? Send for Ana I.anders' booklet, "Necking and Petunr -What Art the Limits?" Mall your re- quest lo Ann Landers in care of thi ~ ne11•s paper enclosing $0 cents in coin and a long, stamped, s~lf-acldre:ssed envelopt. Ann L:lnder~ will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them lo her la rare of th e D'\ILY PILOT. cnclo3\ng 1 seU ·addressed, stamped envelope. Plann ing Committee Chairman .ri·rrs. \Vil !iam Saylor of Sotl'th Laguna, an active member on lhe board of di· r ectors of Orange County Mental J.lealth Association is preparing to leave for Burlin game \vhere she \Viii be pl anning committee chairman at the California Associatio n for ~1ental Health 's annuaJ mee ting Oct. 17-18. She has served as chairman of the county group's advisory board since its inception in 1005. Noon Rite s Mesa Church Selected For Exchange of Vows El Cajon will be hoine for EllioH Lee SteY>'art and his trip lo Sa Lake Tah . ilh Ann The n 1·ly\•:etls exchanged \•oedding pledges and rings before !he alt<ir or S L. E~orted to the altar by her father, lhe bride y,·ore a sil k organza and venise lace goy,·n. designed v.·ith a fitted cinpirc bodice and standup collar. The fu ll sleeves were banded al the v.Tist y,•Jth vcnisc lace :ind a chapel train flowed from Lhe n1id-back. \Vhite daisies fo rm· ed her bouquet. Two Dates Circled On Alumnae Calendar Three e\'ents y,·111 highligh l the October social calenda r for members of Kappa Kappa Gamma's Southern 0 r a n g c County Alumnae Chapter. Beach. Speaker for the 11.30 a.m. event v.·ill be !'ofrs. James C. Prior, provence director of alumnae. First 1vill be a r~ounders c::..i=:-=..• ·~·n.•1 ...,:-.i:~- Day luncheon in the Disney· land .Hotel next Satu rday with Mrs. Robert S. Denebeim of San Francisco, provence direc- tor of chapters, as guest speaker. Peering Around Present \•;ill be active and .. " _...._. alumnae members in the Southern Area Council, includ - ing r.1rs . \Vilbur S. Fleming of Laguna J-!Hls. who y,•ill receive her SO-year membership pin . Others from the Orange Coast attending \1•ill be the r-.t rnes . KenneLh C. Slough of Corona del l\1ar. Robert Ste· phan of Newport Beach, Nor- man K. Dalby of Laguna Beach and !'otiss Belly Al- bright of Newport. The same day alumnae v.·ill host a 7 p.m. cocktail buffet to honor their husbands in the home of r-.tr. and Mrs. John P. Christopher of L a g u n a Beach. Concluding the schedule Vt'il! be a luncheon meeting Thurs- !\t!SS CONN IE Laing has returned from music festivals in Lucerne, Switzerland and Salzburg. Austria. She an d her mother. r.l rs. \Villiam M. Laing of Corona del f\'lar loured England. Gcnnany, France and Holland <luring the summer. f.1iss Laing v.·as graduated from UC I last J une, received her BA in music and was a member of the senior won1en·s honor society. She has entered Occidental College 1vhere she \I'll! sludy for her masters dey,ree In music. d;iy, Oct. 9, in the home of 'e.""..:··"!r.". 1-~ .. !llrs. Othom Behr of Laguna The Tee Tattler JEai!<>r" Noir: "colutnn ot women'i /~P•n~01b1f (./'p :"~~T ~Pf~•:.:,:.~n ,;.;:~ t<>r 1ne w•ek, Plt au mill 1ntm lo P.O. Bo• lSioO. lneY muol b• 1ocelvtd by Mondlv.I IE L NIOUIEL IEVIEN HOLIES, '' H"ND!C.6.~ -.6.1 k~~n,1 ~ '~T~~~· ~1~··t.:~~~-, 1J~ FligM. tnt Mm••· Fr1rok L"niv11rl l!olilnd Sig al<><"• Morini Turnt r, ~; C Fh9hl. the Mme>. Ed M1c1Ctn1lo, :uV.: Ki n Slssell, 36; T!rn M..:kov, JIV.; O Fl;gM, 1M Mmos. WJlll1m Lvnn. JI; Wallace TrrMell, :.I ; He11on Goll, Jl\1. JtANCHO S.6.N JOAQUI N ALL lllONS -Fl19n1 ,., 1n, Mmn. J•m•• c 1111n6n, 71; Lund>tO•d Jones. !•; C. F. B•rmo1omow, 8ll; JOl1n G•brl•I. 81 : FligM e. Mrs. HIHV Cot-1.m. )Olli: Fllt M c . Mr>. C••I Seloro•n, II; Fll911• o . Mrs. Herllort M&rlln. ftl . LOW NET -11\e Mr•,.S. J1m•s Kttl .. , H. I!. Ha.910M, Tllom•• BouH. /6: Pllllllp Jo11n,1on, 11. MESA YIEllDIE MEETING 0.6.'I' -60 nt!, Ille Mm•i . f'trt~ S!epl\en>. l(•llh N•1I. Jo.tin ¢;11:'.',· ~:\;k~peJil:18::11B::::.c:.d•J;~ Mt01nleis; 61 not, In• Mme>. M1r!in Paintings Displayed Oil paintings by Corona del t>.far artist r.trs. l-'rank ~ker will be on display during the n1onth of October in !'otarincrs Library, Newport Beach. Mrs. Becker, Junior Ebell Club of Newport Beach artist· of-the-month, is a gradua te of UCLA. She did graduate work al San Fernando Valley State College and taught second and third grades in Burbank. Painting primarily in oils. 1'1rs. Becker's love of children is evident in her v.·ork. She feels that her paintings are most influenced by the im- pressionistic pain!ings of the late 1800s and early 1000s. 1'he artist also i.~ the mo ther or l>1'0 children. Kelly, 2, and lleidi, 2 months. Alums Called I Newport Harbor High School alwnni of 1955 are invited to attend a meeting Monday ,' Oct. 6, at 8 p.n1. in Tony's Pizza House, Costa r-.·lesa. I Preliminary plans for the · reunion next summer will be 1 made, and committees form-•I ed. feathery crepe for date nights 1399 Fluttery r ing1 of fun on our acet1te/r1yon shift with full lining Party perfect in bl1ck or purple. speci al sizes 141/, to 241;,, 38 to 52. • South Coo1t Ploto. Costo Meso. BrlUDI ot Son Di~o Freeway Shep Ewory Night 10 ':30 p.111.; Saturday 10 ta 6 p.111.: 540-7717 Save up to 20°/c l owrt v TLO·R. Heml"ond M.J, H1m..,ond Cho•d S· I. Gulbr•n1tn H. Gui. ~ot •n•t n Prem:e r. Wurl.+. 1ec 4040. All of the •~ orq1n1 ~•~• been ·~b u ,11 ond ctrry 1 now otqen 10 FREE LESSONS • Joachim's Church. Cost a l\1esa , du r i n g noon rites s:>lemniz.ed by the Rev. Thomas J. r-.'C'1·in . Parents of the bridal couple ;ire r.lr. and illrs. Joseph i\\. OunJea of Costa r.1esa and r.trs. La Nel!e Ste11 art of San Diego. Attending her sister as 1naid of honor v.•as l>liss Cheryl Dunlca of Costa l\lesa. <1nd bridesmaids \\'ere ~frs. James Cecil of Ft1 !lerton and ~l iss Patricia \\'hile of Costa r .. 1esa. Tht'y \\'Ore 1natching n1:ii zr. gowns and carried yello1v daisies. W•lh•m•. Relpl\ TIPPln1, II I ( n "lurl1ugll. lllcn Hook••· \'/ll!r1m M~nlev. Roll t.lu•llu . Goraon C•M<ln. Ed l~onbeu ~ l .. Vl~E COAST PIANOS-------GRANDS---.1 Save up to 40°/o o' ••w co" Speaker Ha ils From Fullerton Patience \\'righl Chaptt>r, Daughters of the Ameri can Rcvolut100, Y.'ill mee t in Hote l Laguna at 12;15 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 7, for luncheon and a talk by Mrs. .James E. Grubb, .slate \'ice chairman o f n1en1bcrship. The speaker, a member nr the f.fojave Chapter of DAR. l-'ullerton. wilt be rntroduct'd by Mrs. \Villiam P. Kennedy. DAR members y, ho are new to the area or are visitors to Laguna Beach are invited to .;ittcnd. Rescr\·ations mav be obtained by calli ng ·r.·lrs. Edgar Axtell. ~9.\·5205. Ton1 Devin v;a s best rnan ;ind ushers were Robert Dre\\', Torn Klipp and JanH'S Hooker. The nt'11'lyv.•eds receil"ed 160 .':Uesls in the home of the hride's parents following the rccrptzon . where the gurst hook was circulated by ~!is.~ Camille Craychee of Newporl Beach. Assisting 11·1th serving 1vere r.1rs. Ho11'ard Lamb and r-.trs. Fred Leap. The new Mrs. Stewart is ti gradliate of r.1ater De1 High School and Orange Coast College and presenl!y attends San Otego Slate College. Her husband, a graduate of r-.11. J\ligucl High School. at -' lcnded Crossmon! College anrl San Dif'gG State College. He recently re turned fro1n a taur or duly 11•iLh 1hc Army in \"1ct- nan1. If your shape won't fit the flattering fall fashions, let us fa sh ion you a flattering shape to fit ... fast! Vlo1hour fu ss or bo1 her o• 100 much odo We con l~ope o new f•9u1e tho1 'll look good on YOIJ! Ille do ii quite quic kly 1n our own unique v1oy- And you'll look ond feel belier with eoch passing doy Yo"r sha pe wolf be love her, tri mrne1 ond slim. And the one who will admire you moil will be him! • He'll be proud of 1he shape rhot your new shape ,, .n. "Couse ii your dress S•le wos fo urieen it now w •l1 be ttMI In o111he foll foihoors. you'll 1eolly look srnc rt. But you'll ge t the re much iooner. The sooner you 110·1. ~ cOll one of rhese num bers .ond do it !odoyl You'U be omozed ct how l o~t 1ho1 old fol mel1s ow.:iy' Come toke !his od~ice ond follow our leod - Remember Shope Shoppes· policy - CALL TODAY-If LINIS ARI IUIJ, PLIAll CALI BACK IOllTllllOI 349-C788 tt7l ..... M HllA•I 842-0877 17JS W. "'~Aw. " MISSION tllUS 361-1714 l0U2 ~ CAU TODAY JOI HIFOUIAftON MRS. ELLIOTT STEWART Form er Judith Dunlea FALL FASHIOR FIGURE SALE II? OFF llGULAI ""'Of ANY •HSON· -ALlllD SHAll'ING PIOG•AM (lJMITID 10 "'''JS CAllJI!) To1il! 1H1mbc1 or lre<1t men1s necessary 10 correct your 1nd1~1dua1 l•gu•c 1aut1s il•e dcterrTI1ncd by COMPUTER CARD ,at the time ol your FREE SH APE ANALYSIS. vq,crt ii personal "SHAPING PROGRAM "" 1~ r1e~1gned CJClus•vely tor you . There's no myste1y. you II know the c~dC1 tOs! Ci! YOUf new Shil pe' . -IYIRJDAJ II LADllS DAY 9 AM-9 PM, Till S PM SAT. SANTA MOlftcA WEST LA. 393-0064 477-1122 711 WI~ 31 1?-..i .... ANAHllM COSTA MISA 63s-02n 642-7032 NET PLUS PUTTS -(los• •, !'•e ftm••· Paul Riie. lOl: G. M. Hol"''"·I 106; C:.•et9 Li!~•· l(l't; Jo .. r>h S•nm· houPh, llO; s11..-m~n Sml!h. 11 1; Cl~" II. mo Mm•' H 6 IC Woll,., Hen"' John,on. l~/1 N•...,tll F.•il, J. R Fte•b~·rn, RIChorl1 P••ter. M••• M1rce111 l<:ellor, 111 1 (l~S! C. 111e1 Mmt" Cl~renco 6. Grogg, 1!16 : Si m Ke~••• F. (. Mt v0<. 109 : Rob<r! Bullor. )I,: Jolln J1cob>, 1l~ Save up to 20°/o All £xP £t:rLr REau1 tr~ 10.Y[A• WARRANTY! Bush -Gerti (Wtil nul\ Wds ;".1 299 NOW $1099 MEET ING DAY, LOW •ALL 01' lHlllEESOMIE -Tiie Mme> Jetkn•on. J!oger T"'"''• Merer. ~l; 1ne Mmos H"rold J Swon•on. Pot Olivo<. M;,. 01nn1 L•P<'. u ; Ill• Mm.,. L'lur, J 1cll Rn~v. M ;n Mo•t t ll• l<•lt..,, 61: tne Mmes. T. P Al~ln•on, II•• H1!111er1. ""°''" Gronl. 61: ~ml!~, 11.obtrl Noc~ol•or" Jonn Pov11. H THE BE ST H a llet -Da~i s !M<1h .) W<1s Sl 299 NOW $1099 H<1rdm11n (W11lnut Was ~139 9 NOW $1199 Wur!it1er l Ebonyl New , SPEC IAL S1899 TERMS UP TO 5 YEARS Wallichs Music City SHOP TODAY. BRING LIVING COSTS BACK TO EARTH. And Singer has a credit plan to fit your budget.· For address of the store l"tamt )'OU, Sff white pages under SINGER COMPANY •A lrd~ol fl1[ StNGll't C<)Plr>.o.•N COSTA ME SA ia,,1101 & Sunflow1r • s~0-2bl1 Sou!h Ce•1! Pl111 COSTA MESA 2100 Herber !lvd . 1(1 ~-11 ~5 H ••bor C1"!1• HUNTINGTON BE AC H [<11"0•• •' l t •.;.h aq 7.1041 H u"''"9ton It&~~ C ~n !~r REG.'89" ONLY S69 88 ~.\\I '~II - REG.'88 ONLY S7988 &m1:1 PORTABLE1V by SINGER. Dual fold- away UHF and VHF built-in antennas. 12" picture. measured diagonally . Earphone 1ack lor listening privacy. Simulated walnut grained cabinet. SINGER llimfi -J--fr1I SINGI " ,..,/1 SA NTA ANA Oo wn'o'"'' 1(1]]?4 ~· 105 W, 4 1~ $1. GAR DEN GROV E i;-q) I c~~pme n ~l0-~0 1 0 01•n'l• Coun!y Plo11 I -. -~---·--····-------------~~------------~------------ Horoscope Senator Goldwater Don't Get • _r_,_'"-•_•Ycc·_.:"::.:"::.:':c"'c_'_.:1.:_-::.:'"'c.:.:• _______ _:_•::•:::ll:.:_Y PnOT J 5 Middle Argyle Look The argyle look returns to fa3hlon with a splash of color. - These classic plaids appeal! Keynotes Convention l\eynoter of tho Southern Division, Cali- fornia Federation o!. l lepublican \.Vomen's convention v.·ill be Sen. Barry !\1. Goldwater. Virgo: FRIDAY OCTOBER 3 so good fnr ei;sent1<1l \asks TAURUS tAprtl 20-1\lay 20): A1·oid tu1necess;1ry journeys. You could recc11·e message \1-ritten in angl•r fru1n relative. L;ivc things t1n1c to Jell, All facts are not i11. Be versatile ~ and show off your sinilc. GEMINI !f.lay 2t-J11ne 101: Caught in casual cardigans, worn wttri= lo co1r11nil yourself' to long· necessary, Req uests by Avoi(I being dogmatic. But in· plc;ited skirts or tallo~ r<inge financi al prograrn. Ask chlldren 1nay be out of line. sist on common sense. pants. in tunics and vest!. { questions. Go bey on d the,-----~----------"-===--=.:="-----'---------"--- superfit iHI By SYDNEY 0~1ARR CAr\CER IJunr 2l ·Jltly 22): The one-day c:onclave '''ill take place \Vednesday, Oct. 15. in Anaheiln Convention Center. ARlES (~tarch 21-April 19): ti-tigh be wise to leave details to others. You have tendency today to look so far ahead that you neglect basics. Excellent social time indicated. But not Al'oid ~ensclcss disputes with 111<1tc, partner_ Not so good fo r Jrgal n1aneuvcrs. Key is to be independent \Vilhout appearing :oirrogant. l\1akc peace at Gold\\all'r's talk \vi ii foll o\v a luncheon. Prote-ct aSSP!S. Avoid tendency to act on impulse. Not sn1art Scheduled for the 1norn1ng se ssion are the election of officers. resolutions and reports fro1n the eight-member county presidents. Star Takes Time Out home. LLO (July 23-Aug. 22 ): You tnay not find it ~asy to be discrer,L Secrets e x h i bi t tr ndc11ev lo rcvt<il t11('tnsclves. \\'hnt \1 :is IHddcn ls .~ho1vn <ind Luncheon reservat ions are being ~aken by f\>lrs . Harold !!are of Los Angeles, and luncheon tiakets .:1re necessary to be admit- ted to hear the speaker, announced Mrs. t larry Umhey. president. For Area Appearance e vi·n pul on di'>play l\lulntain d1g111t;, -and confidcnec. \'JHGO 1Aug_ '.!3-St:'pL 221 : Music to Fi 11 -. Sonic us:ooci<Jtcs. lricuds :.cc1 n tu ht1ve serious disagreen1cnts. Television pcr~onu!lly Tuin !1nn·1 get caught Jn rniddlc. Do Lester, who porlrays Ell llt1 ~our ht!.~\ lo maintain peace. television ·s "Grcl'n Atrrc,," B1· L11r, hut. lirm. And refuse l<1 1:1h r• bl;11111' lnr :inolher's wi ll be guest ~·pr;il,t•r l11r 1111' lh'linn Newport B1:;1cl1 Ch 1 1 :-. t 1 a 11 Park Sunday \Vomen's Cl ub Tucsday, O\•t. Lll~llA tScp1 :!:J-01:L 22): 1. l'coplt: in nu111Pnly 111<1y be in The noon lunchron will lake n1ood lo argill'. Duu ·i com- p!ace in the NL'\l'porler !nn . IJoun ll i·rror. Kcl'p cool. You -~=l~i~~~~~~:>n\~lt/;o:~ s~;.~1~ l~~·e~~ ~1/;~1.~/~h~1'~l o~·~llpl~~~~ ~e:~ Santa Ana's Prentice Park will become an ou t door !heater for a c en t en n I a I classical pop:; eonccrl ncxl Sunday at 4 p.ni. The Syn1pho11y Orrhrs!ra of FINE WINES versus LIQUOR and MALT BEVERAGES. •• 8rook,,de w .nr •v in Poi!1'1, h••• no qu•«oT w, •<Im•! lo cn101•n9 •lt. It'• enTy lhet "'~ hdppen lo p<efer e ur ow" ~rod ~t! ond t~e pl~•" ure• •1 olfe<>. A <jO<l d me"I ;, •nh"nt!!d .. h~n ••r~td ,,.,1h • iin• ""'""· lhe load• lo•'• belier end whil e •• 1he win• "'d' d'9'"1 Of! .,h 'le •dd1n9 lo lhe 'l'!di'; ~lt ••ur e. !1n•1 !~nd lo dull one 1 !d•le b u~'' cl~hber one'! q1•r1'• a nd r~in ·~, •uct r u ol l~e nitcl ~ pl ann•d ,i;,.,,.,,, A d'v din ner ''""' ~., ;,, fewer t •lo r ~· the i beer or ~"'d L. quon '" " •~He r o~ tho "'''" \jne, onC ... ~" w&nh lo <••I • Our l•ne "'•ne1 , .,.,I .bl, en!y •I B roo ~•,d • Cell ora ••• pri crd 10 rr o1onoblv ~ou to" ''~•ce ly •Hord lo d t n~ "'~!e r. so b• our 9utlh ~1 !I ~ t~1"n9 •OON\. Cock 1.,I ~o"" ~•• lrom 10 A.M f,ll 1 P,M, c1~.1,. Orange Counl)', under the ;u1otht•r. Applies l•l personal shops ' dCRT1bcd b,Y i\lrs baton of Daniel Lewis, will and prorcss1unD I <'!rt•<1 ~, fo'lorence Sinulcs. perform as a salute to the SCO RPIO (Oct. 2:1-r\ov. 21): 0 I b. 1 f S Enlerta1nmen l will be pro-10 ti irt iday o anta Ana. \\'hat voas a far.av.·ay desire \'ided by Ronnie Br own , Solosil for the free concert con)es close. A confrontation is vocalist currently appearing · v.•ill be Stephen Kemalyan, on television. likely today. Key is to be baritone, who will s i ng original and to adhere to prin-Lester, a native of J ackson, · I Do • b k d familiar show tunes including <''. ctp es. n t ac own; ··Som.e Enchanted Evening" l\1iss., grew up in lhe fanning obstacles are he a 1th y and "Catari! Catari ~.. community of Laurel, and was challenges. graduated from the University Also on the orchestra·s pro-SAGl'ITARIUS !Nov: 22· gran1 \\'ill be •·An Outdoor of Mississlppi with a degree in Dec. 21 ): Money question com. LAB TO STAGE chemistry, r · Overture" by Aaron Copland: es to ore. Strive to settle 1t in ""The Missions of Califoniia " Tom Leiter Aft er teaching genera I amiable 1nanner. Be recep-- hv !'llrredith \rillson ; Suite science and biology for nine tlve. if you cooperate with f1:nn1 lhc opcr<.r "CarnH:n"; months in Purcell, Okla., he male, partner, then a major ··variations on An1erica"' by Exh 1' b 1' t ,·on felt restless over an alm<>st obstacle is hurdled. You will Ch11rles ]\'es and "Acadrniic'' lifelong desire to act. gain. f~stival Overture" by Brahn1s. Deciding that he should go CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. Tile pl1bl"1c is i11 vi1cd and under Way to Hollywood and try lo break 19); One close to you n1ny ap- lilUSt' a!lcnd1ng should bring into the theatrical world, he pear to be ac!1inf! for ~·hairs or cushions to si t nn. accepted a position in the sho\vdown, Be fl t\1l;k No1 , A cc nlcnnial buffet :.upper T1nprr;;slon istic 01b hy \lrs. chemical department of a film wise to insist (Jll 1iaving 1 ~11JI be served in the Sad· Charles Stilgenbauer \l'ill be laboratory and studied acting "everything your 11 :iy. t:1no- dleback Inn following the con· displayed during the month or with Miss Lurene Tuttle. tional storm ivilJ p;1ss. Act ac- tert. Reservations should be Lester was spotted while ap-cordingly. October in Lhe Corona dcl M1ir · · 1·1tl th t n1ade by calling ~t rs .• I. T. pearing in a 1 e ea er pro-AQUARIL"S Lian. 2G-Feb Thurston, 633.2693. Library undt r the spoosorslii[J duclion and was given a 18): Stick to ha ~ic course of The Symphony Orchcbll';i 11f lhc N.-ll'port Beach C1 ly screen test with Eddie Albtrt, a c t i 0 11 _ c 1 (' .i r a wa y ii'ill open its niuth 5rn:>(ill 11 iih 1\r1 "< Committee. 5\ar of "Green Acres." and assignments wlJ11·l1 had been two concer1 s 01.'.l. I I ;ind J'l. \lr5. Stilgenbt111er h :i ~ ..,,·as hired for hls first pro-neglected. Bi' ,11, :rrr of ap· fo llowing i1 » new policy of :-.t11rlic1I under Zoe 8111111\. fesslonal acting job. patent minor d··1;11 lo; Yo11 presenting the pi·u~ram~ in \V<idc Zlnl. James Clutt er and Luncheon reservations, et could make ;1 111 •••\'(TV ol pciirs. Vernon Co:<, and has h;~{! $.1, may be n1adc by calling ''aluc, · The fi ve cunLTr! Plllrs ii·ill ~ho1vinss in Hoag !1.len1orr;1l l\1rs. Harold F ischer, 962-112!1, PlSCES , 1 t'i) 1~1 .:'I! a r ch be given SalurU;.iy nighl s at Hospital, PresbyU'rian, <ind and nursery care may bear-20): c J l' ;1 r rr111111oncil ai r. 11.30 p.m. ancl rrpr.:ited Sun· "tutu:il Savi11gs and Loa n ranged by calling Mrs. John .Frank di , l 11, , 1 on with r!nys at 3 p.m. i1 ith I he Sunday 1--"-'-"'-'-'_a_u_o_n,_eo_,,., __ •_d_e_1_;_1,_"_· __ c_a1_nc,_54_9-_263_1_. _______ cm:::.:•m:::.:be_:__r-----0~1 _:__1 •c_i>c_l"~"~"~'_:__'c'~'~i:-. con('erts less rorrn<d in 11rl'sen- l<1 tion Cor~d11rltd by Lel\iS, Ilic rc- u1a1n1ng performances are scheduled for Nov, 22 :ind 23, Jan. 31 and Feb_ I, Feb. 28 and March I ;ind April 11 and 12. Ali conct'r!<> ll'ill be given in Chapman College auditor ium, Orange, and scasnn tickeU are available fvr ~1:i. SlO and $~ for student" Anyone 111 ~h 1ng lickct in· for1nation 1nay tontac! the Symphony Association oflil't, i77 S. Main St., Suite l2t Orange, telephone 547·6llro or 547-611i$. Choral Group r:ve ry ~·l ond;iy ;i1 7 JO p.m, members of. the Pro.s pcctil'c Aliso Val ley Chapter of Sv.·eet Adc!inrs «oni·t•nc 111 ilfission \'1rJO ll q:;h SLhoO I. ---- ' ' Beauty Salons • BROAD WAVES .. _ \ and CUSTOM COLOR with ' RO~~ 3 DAY SPECIAL! $480 Angelically smooth movement, styled to your.personality. Colored to your perso nality, too -for Fancl·tone's unique dispenser lets us custom-blend your co lor wilh the a ssurance of duplicating that e xact m ixture every lime you need color relreshmentl Fanci-tone, the tint that covers gray, the tint that doesn't waah out of your hair, •• , Re g. 5 .99 Squaw Boot "'earing lnrlian lr in ~1· a t l'nll~r. 111 ~nrt bei~r hrushed leather "'it.h se\1-1.ir . }'ci:1r11 l'•u!rl~d In o\c. S~"t nnw <'l\ I.h r l:Ur;ct ran1Jll.b f ~\:'' Only Af F .. ,hion 1,lond Store -11 Fa,flion ''''"d-N1wport Bei en .t.rt•ti•, C•lif. UIU l"leM" ,... ........ ..," c ... ,... P'h-.... ,.,, c .. to M..., Collf. 17' • ' 11'11 ltrttt "'''"Ir C•~lff ,. ...... .µa .... , CREAM HAIR · TINT, SHAh4~00 AND SET Coit• Met•. Cellf. ,, .. ".,..., •tv•, l(.f,\lrl ""' PM,.. 1'6-ttH $6.45 Anytime -iltost Cases c .. to M-. C•llf. ,.. w. lf!h ...... Pltc ... 11• • U!~ I'-• «l·llU f••11toi11 Volley. Cellf. ~•llt• A.11•, Collf. ''"'-'" ' I""'''' Pol"' C ... !tt fo11nt•i11 Y•ll•y, Ceflf • lOll Id! .... , •I •wt114 In• Mt"'•ll• vm ... c .. ,,.. ~,.,.,.., l'~Oftl JIJ.16'1 V•lt•' c ... ... PM ~ 111·"'14 f\Jror Bird Cage Jewelry Box A loYely accent for a ny boudoir. The musical swing- ing bird guards your jewe!ry from his cage. A pullout drawer Jn the bas e of the cage provides space for jewelry. 599 eweisfields JEWELERS ,._ / I j ' ,. \ . 0 ; -··1 ~-·) I \ • \ 1 •\ / ' I .... ---------------------------------------·· .. ,!LOT November Rites Engagement '\'cddlfl.b ptedi;rs "·1JI be rx- <'hanged No\•. 22 in SL J an1es E piscopal Church hy D;ina Eleanor Lena~an ol Co rona del htar and Edward E\·eretl Vaill of Los AngelC's. Their engagement h;is hN'n ilnnounetXI by Army C'ol. i rel l D. \V. Lenahan of Atl;inta and F rCC'port . 8;ih a111a~. Miss l~nah;1 n, al ~o lhl' daug hter of !he l1.1ll' r-.lrs. Le nahan, curren1 l11 is ;1 teacher a! (;i~lcr !jrhoo!, I lun- lington He;1eh . !jhr \\ ;1 s graduated froin F!orlda S1a1e University '>'·hC're sl1e aff1lia tl'd \~·ith Pi Beta Phi sorori l}'. and Large Break Jnto 1;05or for Foll. See Ttmrsdar Octobtor 1. l lJf.9 Revealed c~mtd her master! degrtt in f'ducatron al Califomia State t:ollf'gc at Long .Bt'ach. Her llancr, a graduate of Colga1e University, attended lhe Uni\·ersitv of Oslo and rrceived his jo degree from 1he Cnivrrsity of Chicago Law School. I-le affiliated \\'ith Phi Ka ppa Tau fraternity and is a 1ne1nber of the Arnerlcan Bar t Association. The bcned ict-elcct. son of !ll r. and ~1rs. Edward \V. Vaill of Chatham, N.J., also served in the Judge Ad\'OCate Generars Corps \\"Ith the Na1·.~------- Sizes the wonder- ful new d eep tone i;apris and coor.iin· atttd print lon9 tops. Wow! I ';} /, Capris from SS.OD ea . Bio us~ ~~/jrl ; '""'l ,,~ 38 . 46 (I ~' \) 646-923s hom $6.00 ea. l!!r ~ ,,... t ~~~1s H ALF-S IZE SHOP \ 1805 Newport Blvd., Co~t" Mesa ""•·1~.:w "'' 1 t:loc~ nor1h olfOl8ffhdSITttt"!' OD •.. ' 1-lo11r1: ';JO to ~-, 11 oy to : . A• .. 11' 0fl~ari." M •ll. Full~rlO<I • ' DANA LENAHAN Future Bride Mermaids Beckoned ~!rs. Torn Johnstoo will be insta lled as pr esident during th£' initi;d meeting this ye ar fur i\lern1a1ds, \Vo men 's Di1 ision, Laguna Be a c h Cha1nbt'r of Cotnmerce in the Victor Hugo Inn 11t noon next lolonday. At th<' sam<' meeting \\'here r.lrs. Johnston lakes her president ial bo11·s. her hus· hand , a former chamber of curnn1ercc pr c s 1 d en l . is srheduled to speak about Laguna Beach en1·ironmcnt. During the gat he r in g 1'1ennaids ·who "'ill attend a i>t ale conv ention of chamber or com merce women's divisions tcnnorro11· through Sunday in Lan cas!cr will gi ve a report. Thry are the ,\1mes. !vlcCfellan Cole. Hobe rt J oyce, Jl.lary Sheldon and Betty i\tcyers. ncscr ration~ for the Jun· ch£'on n1 ay be obtained by cal11 ni; the chamber office, <19~·1018. Beach Babes F.:1-ery \\"<'dne~da\· at 7 p.m men1bers or TOPS B e a c h Babes <.'On \·enc 1n Huntington Beach High Sc hool f o r programs. YOU'LL FEEL LIGHT HEADED IN OUR PERMA STYLE FE ATHER-WEIGHT WIGS BY JEROME ALEXANDER l lANC-Tl t:D f.·lODA CRYL I C STR ET CH W I GS. DRI P ORY W AS HADLES T HAT AR E t:ASY CAR!:, t:ASY W E AR . 40.00. FOR CX PERT A C\ll CC: ON "TH C COLOR ANO STY L I: JUST RI GHT FOR YOU COl.ll C 1-ICCT DONNA 0°BA SCO , S PCC IAL R EPRES CNTAT I VC FROM JCRO M C A LCX AMO t R , OCTOBER 3 -4 IN OUR WIG BOUTIQUE , ROB NSON 1 S F,.-,. ... · •r r I ' -J ·~ '· ••• ,.J ' .,. er , -• r-"'. :-1, '."",~ 11/ '\!0 • 044-2800 ... 1 .___...,! [,, - 10th Year Begin s Designer Feels Partygoers Look South Perfect Taste South ot u.. Bonier •·iU W•rr"' B" k" •nd hi• theme the first dinner dance orche-stra will round out the 'Is Boring' of the After..fi ve Supper Club even ing. of the Tuesdav Club of The supper club mff'-" four Guild Marks Birthday 'J'he t'Joral Arts Guild ·wile begin illl 10th anniversary season f\londay , Ocl 13, "'ith a reception and tea in the Santa Ana home of ?ltrs. A. J . Ruhlig. Founding members or the guild, whlch attracts membe rs from Orange, Los Angeles, San Diego and Riverside coun- ties "'iii be honored during the 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. tea. Also honored v;ill be first year arrangers, the t-.1mes. George Ichien, t-.1 a rt in Behrens of Irvine. Olieta Clark, Fred Kern, J\1erle Gi sh, Edna Schoof and Tat Shinno. \\'hen something new ln ~ewpOrt llarbor Sund;;i~·. Oct. limes a }'ear on Sunday evf:n-'f he gw ld Sporu1<>r1 tw~hour 12 ings under the chalrmambip lecture demonstraUons the u--fashion comes out. don't The selling for the firsta of Mrs. Ruth Kennedy. debate for a ccuple of year:s •. -,11 •• '"· !, .. ,-•• "··st coun-Rese.n•ations are being .IC• cond Monday of each month in '-""' 1.1"' • '"" UHi K d before adoptinn it. ti• Club, be<rinning at 5:30 p.m. cepled by Mr!!. eMt y, 873-the Santa Ana Woman '11 ·"9 r.• 3380 •f R •·rt Uhl>"k t 73 You'll end up looking like v.1\h a cocktail hour. A buffet , "rs. o'-"' . • Clubhouse. most women1 outdated all (he dinru:r "'Ill bt-ser\'ed at 6:30 5479. and ~frs. Robert Speed. Highlights cif the 1969-70 an· time. says desiiner Ciodagh ·~n'.'.'d..:d'.'.'''.'.'":'."'.'!"'L.'.'.'°'....'.'.'h~•_:m:::u:::':::;'_':::'_c':..·75:..-0:.:3.:.74:... -------niversary season include J\lrs. O'Kennedy . - Vernon Allree of Stockton, Miss Kenned}', a Dublin Nov. 10 and an all-day holiday designer with international l\'Orkshop Dec. 8 conducted by success although she's still in J\1rs. , Philip Brueckner or her ?Q's, adv ises women not to Glendora . "apply too• much oC Granny 's Infor:mation about the up. &ood lastt-. cOming season and Oct. 13 "Pefeet good taste is bor· rec eption may be obta ined ing. A little v~lgarity in ram. from the treasurer, J\trs. ion, as in humor, adds the Benry Spiess, 52!M-4&1 , or J\trs. spl~. always thinking fashion •• •• E! a. NEEDLEPOINT DESIGN B. N. Boynton, ~1117. from tht skin OQt." -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--== NATURAL DRIED MATERIALS SPEAKING OF COLOR Cyclamen Plants Comin9 Into Bloom Plant in a sam1•h.de loc1tion with plenty of leaf motel. 98 ¢ l a ro11 Pl..,nt' ca FROM OUR FL OW ER SH OP FOR YOUR FAL L AR RANGEMENTS • CAT TAILS• EUCALYPTUS ·• OKRA •DOCK •FERN •YARROW • BARLEY I MANY MORE , PRICE D FRO M 19~ Ea . WAIT NO LONG ER !! • TULIPS • DAFFODILS • HYACINTHS • RANUNCULUS • SPIDER LILIES • FREESIAS • CROCUS FOR HOT WINTER COLOR !! Plant ICELAND POPPIES for Quick Color in the Bulb Garden ·z~ onBalidili Scaper Wtediliur EXTRA NICE PLANTS I CDmplete dicholldra fert ilil!f with Eride. Ded!u;s 30 llfeds ~a gr= Kil~ insects too! [:Oii> i(af 1\i'~IJ<>W$10.,5 3 TRAYS 1.19 Reg. 79c GAIN A YEAR! PLANT CITRUS TREES THIS FALL. Brend New Crop of Exc ellent Trees. Will Grow to Full Size. NAVAL ORANGE VALENCIA ORANGE EUREKA LEMON BEARSS LIME KARA MANDARIN s7ss EACH -·~·- SWEET PEA PLANTS DWARF BIJOU ANO TALL GROWING SPENCER WILL STf,ITID l'UNT5. HADY TO ILOOM THIS W11n11 AND snt!NCO. ~ACKAGE O~ 8 .... 89' REDWOOD ROUNDS .... u~ for rustic neturel pathways in the shede 91rden or ftrMry. Eesy to buikJ . 5*. FllSlllJ Cit 4" 1lrick l Oc ,. ....... ·~· HOURS: MON. thru. THURS. t to 6; FRI. tin t p.m.; SUN. I 0 e .m. to 5 p.m. SATURDAY t e.m. to 5:10 p.m. S't.CIAL ,~ICES '9-00D TH~OUGH SUNDAY, OCTO&ER STH -. .1 2648 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA CALL 546-5525 ---------------------------------------------------------- : -· ~· . ' l ... ' dcTOIElt 2 I :• G TM Iii 111 ... (C) (60) Jerry 01111phr. 11 ID Nmtllf·lriM!lr (CJ tJO> 8 .... Alln 1111• (C) (90) Pllyl· lis ""'""n, .lolrnny M1lhis ind Jfl!IM Whit• cuell:. '1 PAUL NEWMAN, JOANNE * WOOOWARD-'1From The Terr1c:e"-Pt 1--Color B Sil D'Clld: MIN: (C) ..,., .. jjjf 1.,..... Ptr1 I (dl"iJM) '6G- 1'1tll Hncnan. .lolnn• Woodwtrd. Werltl War II wltr1n decilfu lo 10 111lnsr l1mily wishes and ps inlo ~uslnts' fw ~imMil. Me finds ll'lat· ri1&• to 1 wealthy rirt • tot!•I' 1id, bl.It f1l~ in lo~• will'! 10meon1 the. D Didi Y1111 0yt1 (30) CD ""'' "'"' <t> (JOJ ID Stw Trek (C) (60) ti WUf'1 hi (30) ..,.ht £mpw1n l'•auin.'' Muri Detrtinc rttums to tlle Antartlit to c.ornp111 types al NfttUins with U11 itmperor p~ruin. @II n..,. .. , ... (30) (D ... (C) (60) Jae-HiC\ty. 1:30 l!l llNIC .... mu (C) (6{)) 01'1111i1 .. C1M1 (C) (30) m Stinp 1'1rHiM (C) (60) fl: tnK. ., .. PmiOtlrl (30) g P1erief ., Cllitlr (30) "Sana RICitll." lllll:tuctor f1edtrit~ No1d ilkliltrltn ••rious fOfll'll ol Votil iccompanim~t Bill »hnson and Juli• Domtc 1r1 le1tu1ed 1in1i ~1 (n(lith. Soonish, ind lri5h .sonas. IE "*lire 34 (C) (SO) mNt• (C) (30) 1:00 8 CIS [_..J: ...... (C) (JO) Willer Crookitt. 1J WW. MJ Lille! IC) (30) tD Te T .. Miii Trwtll (C) (30) 1B ....... tied <t> (30) • C..MHr/stld ••rt fll .U..! (30) m Tn111 Adwlltl:irt (CJ (30) aJ n.t liirl (C) (3Q,\ tnd tlurlt1 Cordry, Mr. M•x titm- ... lmtnPI mol«ttu. II) ftlllluel (C) (30) '''° D (I) ril IJ ...... (CJ (IOI "Poole'• Tm11111." Sst. Ed lro•11'1 lil1 It jlo,11dltM wbtn an tlUpelll pri10Mr toru1 him to •id In his lllrht from • c.rriipl 3htfift'1 If• m1in. s1..,., ronut, Clu Gui•&•, BiH Smitll, Loulse Ui1tt1m Guest. B lniq (C) 190) Mlckf!f °"'j" i nd Tom Human lf• rlnaslde 1t tl'lti Olrmpic: Auditorium. D till (1] ID -ICJ 130I •'$.m1ittlil'1 Cuur S1!1d." Sa- n11nt111 h11 1 turprlst houseaue"- Julius Camr, i nd llts truubll 1eninr rid of him •. Slit 1su lier mild, Ewmllf1, to m1k1 1 C .. r u~d. bn111ldl, 1L» 1 wilefl. .._ t:iffs to dD ii lht llSf • .,.. lut in5t••d ol 1 11ltd, 1111 etfti\Jrn u, C.wr himself. Alict Gllostley 1uasts •• Eamer11d1 1H ,., Koll- inso11 n C1M1t. m 1.w ,,.. tC> 1,n, m TM 11r: v1111r CC> (ltlJ m 110 ~ (C) t'o> "'lltm· br1ndt." I!) Millic1 1 f.stf .. 11 (C) (30) ,:00 D ELIZABETH TAYLOR * RICHARD IURTON JN "THE SANDPIPER" CBS THURSDAY MOVIE B 9 ()) CIS llMnlay NMit: (C) '1llt SIM:Jip«" (d11ma) ·~ Ehzll1e1h T1~lo1, llichtrd Burton, Eva Mui• Saint. Sd 1mid th1 lPltndor of C1lilor11i1'$ 811 Sur, tll• 1tor,-ttlls ot th1 tompemnr k>v1 bth•ltn • bohtmilll cirl 1rtist •nd 1 miniJl:tf' wlwt is hHdmasttf' of 1 priv111 ~ Q (@(])U)T .. knes IC) (6Cl) fl ..... °""' (60) ti) bittPr• (30) 9:301!1 ID l•l ID Dr11ntl IC) (30) ' "S.LU.-fhe R1111." f111Hy and Gt n· n11n track down 1 buriluly suspect and th.,. uncover $25,000 •orth 11 loo! hkld1n in i hirht1 unliktly s~t. G ... (C) (30) ltd M1111s.. G)Htlllf. .. llill (t) (30) fB Nmial o..rt (30) D RtcO«lmended for lauc;hs-* THAT GIRL tonicht! l > ~, I ;" i. 1 l :Dll IJ Nl'lit: IC) "1..ut tf tie I• u11,,_,.. (ldvtl'lturc) '!;() -P1ul Htnrtid, .lkk 01th1. DO" ... (C) II C..:.lllltr lllltti• l•lf lC> ID ActiM n.h "C1oHtd Crr· cit." 1:• a "f'•iirt111 ..,.. <~''"''i ~i -Piol Drru1!11, Dtbr1 1'111t. m ~ .. r (•dvtr!turt) ''S- Dick ~1!1, W1ll11 Sltt1k. DAYTIME MOVIES lt:IO 0 "'ftrtll• IMrMc.• (00111MrJ 'J9-llob Hope, 5hittty rtoa. 1:118"111of1 llilll" (co111tdy) ·341?:•8"'-' S.111• (comidy) '-" - Tiit Min llrotlltrs. -w. c. ritldl. Ch1rl11 Jlu11l1L ''" llJ (C) -·-(..,.. D "lhr c.r...4 t...,.. (TO· flfJ) ·~ .... ..,, Mn. l•illa Ell. m111Crt) '42-frlot11111 Sllt•rl(, Geor1t 4:JO 1J "tri...cr.." lrnrstvYJ '41 - S1nlf1r&. l~rt Lfinutttr, YW~111 Dt C11le. Watch for the f nil week's T.V. listings iri ~Saturday's edition ,of the DAILY PILOT. J " ., I' j ' STEVE ROPER . WHATS 'THE ~EF., MISTER!' All J OIO WAS PASS~! PERKINS I CAf.JT l'.l~AW A FARAt. t'\lf Nfl!ER EVEN NIN A FARA\! eE:Stt?E:;, COW5' LESS AitE lMP0%1BLE TO DRAW ... ! 'M lHE a..IL '( PE~50N I ;..NCJ !Ji10'S FAll..1~6 Ft~Si·SRA. !:AU" ( PRt'\C.~il,l.'5 o:r,~.: By Saunders and Overgard 'YO\J BETTE~ HOPE."'\ OKAY.I WELL SCRUB ~ AMIULANCE. J... lfjE LESSO~/ .. euT, IF )IOU SY AT t.fAST LOMES 8't'! .. BfCAU$E fM A8alT 70 61VE ~AVOOO- By John Miles By Harold Le Doux WOUt P V0U TELL +HM TO 60 I !EUEVE \.!ES It.I THE VfJ,lEVAli?P! S~All 1 DOWN lO Tl-IE JAIL TO SEE !RODY,? I'll TE LL i..!E'~ BEEN VER:V UPSET Al.JP i..!IM GET HIM? ME:.Pli?'IVEI TI-l lNKS PAUL '. !MMEPl ... TflY .. TUMBLEWEEDS MUTT AND JEFF +J EL L O, 15 Tr\IS JEFF,Tt\E. P LUMBER? GORDO MISS PEACH Fl<:N'ICINE, DD 'IOU "LDVE.ME OR • 00 'IOU MEl2EL'I "l.Jl(E • 11\E-; -· . -. CAM CALM llM POWW ! .. By Ferd Johnson ~ ON 1 H" ,,_..,.,,.,,.,.,..,...,L"": C'ONTl?ARY · 1@st\!'-"'-- FAREWELL, 0L: PARTN~f\! Cl: HAGGARP 6AGO'CONCENTRATED SAGI l'MG<»INA MISS 'IOU! ... YOU MAY BE A NO . GOOD, ORN'RY, TOBACCO CHEWJN; STUBBORN, LAZY, CT»IAADlY, l.CIJSY EXCUSE FOR A HOl\SE! .. _BUT, DOWN !+415 IS DOCTOR 'BOP! CAN YOU COME OVER AND F IX MY OFFICE , SINK? Tl-IE PIPES LEAKING ALL OVER! ~\\ -. • D£EP,THERE'S SOME GOOD ~k""-'-IN YOU! BUT, DCC, 1Trs1wo If.I Tl-IE MORNING ' SO WHAT . You CALL ME IN T+1E MIDDLE O'F THE NIGHT Wl-IEN YOU'RE ....,1,,t.· SICK! By Tom K. Ryan Tl1ERE MUST BE! By Al Smith O .K .,DOC.,LOQK ... DROP TVv'O ASPIRJN DOWN THE PIPE , AND IF" IT STILL LEAKS CALL ME IN \~E .--'.:-,-,1 MOR.NIN' AN1 I 'LL. COME OVER- -... .. ' By Mell LET'S 5A'I r AM F-"ALLtN.;. DEEPL't ""L1KE WITH YOU . BIT OF A GIGGLE -Tom Jones, left. and satirist David Steinberg, one of the \l'riters and a host ot· ''!Vlusic Scene.," laugh rt up ,,·hen Steinberg guests · on the singing s tar'$ serie:>. "'!'hi;; i.~ 1'on1 .Jones.'' tonight at 9 p.rn . on Channel 7. TEJ,EVISION VIEWS No Ne,v Series Stands Out By RICK OU BROW • llOLL\.\VOOD (UPI) -Co1nedian Herb Shrin-: er used to tell ho1v th ey once held a beauty contest in his home to11·n and nobody 11·011. By parallel asso- ciation, 1ve conic today to an aSsessn1ent of the sea- son's ne1v television series. If you \Vere asked to naine the bett.er prograins or the ·ne\~' season, you 11·ould have to include CBS-, 'l'V's inlervie\v \11ith So,·ict 1vriter-dc.fcclor Anatoly Kuznetsov, and NBC-T\''s ":\Jc.ct the F'rc ss" talk:. 1rith Stalin's d aughter. and i\l::C-1'V's "l:'olk Gospel J\'lusl c f''estival" and L'BS-TV'~ \\'oody Allen spec:ial., · But no series. reall y ha s <111yth1nb ('.X!raordinary about iL SEVERAL, o( course, have son1cthing to rec- 0111n1end U1en1. flor example. AB C-TV 's ··Love. .i\rnerican Style.'' a v;eekly group of hum~r.ous . contcniporary talcs of_ roniance. i~ niost proniis1ng •. ' - NBC-TV's ''Then Can1e Bronson.'' \1•1th tllichae1 Parks as a sort of n1otorcvcle replacement fGr the . old nomad CO\\'boy hero --here loday lo straighten things ou·t, th.en :;:one tomorro11• -has a strong star, !in e photography and a good contcn1porary touch. ABC -TV'S '·Roon1 222," about a Negro history !cacher and his associates in an integraled high school is a nice niixture of conteniporary message-Jnelod~aina and \Vry humor (provided by J\Jichae1 Co nstantine as a ·1vorld-111cary princi pal ). NBC-TV'S Bill Cosby coincdy·. n1ean1vhilc. has a lremendously strong and appealing star. and I like t he \l'ay plots give 1\'ay in hi s sho1v to some- thing like extended rnonologuc.~ concerning people, the \Vay Lhing s are and cool attitudes-via vignettes: One s tandard sllqalion corncdy. CBS-TV's "Thi! Governor and J .. J .. " offer.~ sonic pl easant banter ot- an es·capi sl kin d by Dan Dailey (the governor) and - Julic Son1rners (a s hi s daughter). i\1iss So1nmers is :;urely video 's female catch of the season. So 1nuch for those ne1v sho11 s that !>eeni to have more to offer than the others. There are. ho11·ever. !11·0 nc1v hour-long soap-opera lype serials that are very fancily donr I I nie;in for sheer plushness). One is NRC'-TV 's "l3racken'<; \Vorld." about a rnovie studi o. The other is ABC·TV 's "The Survivor s." focusing on th o:.c parasitic bums kr1 011'n as "the beautiful people. (;i1·cn a «hancc in the right tin1e ~lot.<;, both sho11 s could eatc:h on THE CHANNEL SWIM: t'Jrl llr1nt:r. 111ho ,guid- ed the old Dick \fan D.vk e scrlc,~. \1·11J also de\'elor Lhc 11e1v one p!anncd for r'.BS-TV the seaso n after next ... "F'ootba\J : Or 100 Yea rs Old and Still Kicking" is I.he \J tle of an hour CBS-TV docu1nen. li'lry narraled b.v ('harles Kuralt Oct. 21 .•. Johnny Cash !;; expected lo return to ABC-TV soon as a mid-season replaceinent. Neat·ly Everyone Listens to Landers J 8 D•ll Y Pl LOT s Tt1und~y. Dttobtr 1, 1%9 Y our Money's Worth How Paper Gol,d Works I By SYLVIA p0RTER . Jn Waihingtoo this week, Ille 111 nations btlonging to the lnttmationaJ Mooetary Fund ar!' formally approving the issuance ol a new rorm or world money -fonnally tail- ed "Special Drawing _Rights,'' informally nicknamed ''Paper Gold." It is a milestone in in- temaliooal monetary history which marks the twilight of gold as a _monetary zn:tal. Here are answers to questions )'OU might ask. Q. WHAT \\'ILL the new n1oney look like~ \Vho'll pnnt H~ A. It won't ''look'' and ~ one will print it. The SDRs "·ill be. only l>ookket'plng en- l rieli recorded by the lntrrn;i- 1ional f\fonetarv Fund :is na- llons settle acc(iunts with each other in the new money, !n short, tl1 is ll'ill be money bul not in <111y lunn you \·e. erer kno\\'n. And you. as an in- dividual , "'ill ne\'f'r :O:f'e 11. <J. You mean !his is nothing ·more thti.n a bookkeeping en- try -money <:rei1ted by U1e .zlroke of a pen? A. Oh, irs more than tl)at. for the SDRs are a c!:liin TOPICS PHARMACY against the world '!! resources and are backed by the credit and failh or lhe 112 nations belonging to the IMF. Jo become an IMF member, a nation must put up a designated quota in its own currency and gold. It now wi!I he able to draw on the new SDRs when it ~eds thern tn COl'Cf its speclEied quota . accoun1s up to a per~ntage of its Q. \Vhy is this new money con.sidered so important? A. AS SDRI are issued over ihe years -and $9.5 billion are to be issued in the first three years, $3.5 billion in 1970 alone -they'll supplement gold and doll!tr.'5 and, to a lesser degree, British pounds as mOOf'y to be used in the ~ttlement of International trade accounts. The danger has been that as world ttade expands, there \YOUld siinply nQl be enough monC'y tu fin ance it and a money Oi- quidity) squttze would force a worldwide trade depression. The :o;upply 0£ gold has just not been increasing rapidly enough to meet the demands o( trade. Now the SDRs can t"Xpand as trade expands. Q. Of the $3.!'.i billion SOH<; Issued in Hno, how many 11'ill the U.S. get? A. ABOUT $351 million . nut very much -but the goal is lo create the SOR<; at a con~ servative pace so contidcnce will grow in the new money and its safeguards. I •; TElltltY GRANT, •.l"h I . I Q. How will the SDRs work? A. Say Country A has a quota of gold and currencies "'hich entit.le.'5 it to draw up lo $10 millioo SOR~ without qucs· lion for use v.·hen and as '11 needs them. Say it decides to draw $S million worth. An 9td fa~hionf'd pro1·rr 1 - if 1·ou "ant 10 rnart), 11r1rr locik undci 111r hrd. Spt11.kin!', ur l1rd-. 111. !'r 1 ~ a h"lirl 111 1~1·1 , uf lip· :.ou1h th<tt if a p•'r).on 1alk:< 111 hi:o; :.;lrt<1 >. ~<Ju <:·a n J\ut his hand 1n a_ bo11 I of \1·a1,.1· ·end hr \\ill 1, 11 .lull lu~ ':.rt1·rt<" \\"an ~ ~1 r • •lnla•.-11.u<. Tliry fan br 1r1111 ,!llll l•ll J\•JT1~ •i:1•· prr~on i." nno\ln·1· S1 1illl'il- i11~ 01· ··j1111, 1pt:; r01 ,.,. 11n :irra 1111('1"r 1h,.rr r<;, 1•~1·r rnay f<lU~f> 11''''1' 1,1 'ill • 11J • THE IMF pic;ks out 1wo ~ WAKE YOU UP,,, DWYER YOUR MESSAGES ••• TAKE YOUR ~OHlll-'"'RS AND FILL lllAllY antER NEEDS ••• FORM LOW AS $14.50 .... MO . t ln tlir la'I 1•'11 _1.:11•, "\. I 1'11l<~1s hair l11u nrl ••Iii mor" 11 bro11I ~1·t l\1111..; 1h:.11 1n lh" • [t!'rl.:rd!r'~ \'i'I l'"llllll If'' CALL US NOW FOR fNFORMATION AND A MOCHUAE, . I t rw fllt>11«rn :·rr1 •I:" (1Jd.fa~t11011rd <'Q\ll'l1 ·~y, ~·0111 p1·r~Cl'IJ'l 1on~ lo 1111 h hring "lh::: 543-2222 l'AllK LIDO l'HA•MACY lSI Ho1plt•l Ro1d Newport l11ch 6otl·ISIO I OPFICES TO SEllVE AU. OF OllANGE CO. f rM Deliv1ry THERE IS STILL TIME TO PARTICIPATE IN GeoTek's PARTICIPATION PROGRAM . CHARTER STREET CORPORATION 315 Monlgomel)' St.. San Frmd!co, Calif. 941 04 Plona send me l'llJlpoclul 11111 _. lnfom•lion on GeoTok'• Resources Fund ,.._..lillll l'IOlrll•• "'" Firms Make Buses Bids Shakey's Begun Construction is under way of 11 new Shakey's Pi it a restaurant at 19300 Beach .Boolevard, Huntington Beach, with the opening !let for Oct". 1. oc' 101 I I I I I 1 ' I I I I I OVER THE COUNTER PROMOTED BY GTS Ra y Tarrant Beach Man Promoted 1'o Director Inco1ne Tax Class Slated MUTUAL FUNDS Complete-New York Stock Li st hkt:W 1.3' lt~r011T .,5 Fmance Briefs .... ... .. (Wl.1 Nltll L .. c._ c111. ,.... "''' lMt.J "1111 L•w C-C~I. ,, U>io ·-• \l~-'" 1:V-io ..... ,,. -'• 11--1•-'• ~~<-f ~ lt'ii • " ll ' -'" 6'• -, .• 11•. -;. .... ,_!,, 25\-. -! \. 1~'·• ::+:. \~ 2S"• + '• 11:~ :· ,'t lo•,:.+ '.0. 26',) • 21"• + '• lJ\~ -., " ''"" .. "• ,. 36 + '• ~·· + ,, 2l -'II 18\li -1 Jl'M -,. n -'• 36 a,;.+ "" ~~.:... •i. lJI'> -~. n•4 -" J:l"• "'\& -'• ,.,, -.. ll\1 + ... " 101"1 + '• :ID .... 11\'o -+ 11''> • -., .. -.. lJ\o -'o 11'/4 -~ 16'·'> ' 1'1\9 -•1 11 -''< 'l -" 2 \\ -'• ],!"" -~-10 • -21~-... 16'1• ••••• ' 3'/~. JJlf.o -... .I0'4 -·~ 6'io -1•..,. 6l -.... . .. 19'io + '"' 10·~ "l'I + ''-H + ~. 16'/.I -.. •11-':i-l'lo 38"' + .J. H>; -l•o .lS~-'" 61 -1"' 1•"• ··-·· J.<'11 • .. ''"'' +1 1)~) -'4 21~-'loo ll -'I• 1Hlo •• l:vo + •• ll'I< -~. 43'.'• + .,. 16''• •• •l''t .• 16 \/o -''"' 11'• + '• J1', -·~ " . 'l:l '<a -'• l'"• + '• 3'h -v. . ~ .. , , J~ir kS1 to 18 " • In F •Ff •Oo n HI ~ 1 111;1 ~: H,:'..~,~g ""pll Ill n MlMr 111> Mn9 '.lC'>\I I N <k 1 :JO• nl P111 SU pt:,,~' • n 5•1 l •O nl T&f ~s "'t TplE':4 nTTplH4 !:a.i:I~~. n r&T 0 1<• nl l PL5§0 .~' ~I I ... tO l~IU! p 11 p!e P•Ce r • 1><• p!S MBonclJO :~1: Pt: ~ low• !l•r ~E LP 1)0 • GE JI ow•Pll I 61.l nwaPS~ I ll n O HO•P J.l lE "11 ~S I f (()Ip 11 ~-1>!• }(I J•<~>nA I l• J~t~A pl 40 !P6nF 1 •~Q .J pn n •'IQ e P OT .fG " aon•A W Jrwr Co I SO n '>'•I •O mW1 p 2 JmW Ptl 60 Jill flM•n 1 o J'''"'J"n •~• JO"n• 5•c f'l J<Jl'm5vc pl 2 J""togtn 80 J on•L•U ll Jone•&l p S Jn grn•n lO Jo en• 61.l JvMlg•D ~d I• A Kll •A p 4 1? ~••C•m ao l'..11( Pl2lo0 o;an CPL 1 9? MC Pl ,,u to O:.C Soulnd 2 lo:(~ pl I >::1n GEl3' ~ anP"L 1 11 ~· '"" K •u B <I 24 W:•wBe bD lo:y~!loOO ~••brr XI l<:c c I <I I o;r ovv •0 I(• IV lO !<•Ml• m~O K•nnm• iO I' "'1<0 I 1 0 f!~C~ D•I Q M UI t I •& 1<-mc 10 K•v'c"""' i.:ooeCol•t I< Cd t>I A7 lO l<'mb(k 1 ?0 Mn90S •O ~ nn•~NS 1 Knntv "''~ ,.; nn•v 1> \ 1~ "'r"Cti Co I< L ,I A l 3fq """" N 1iti Ko•ll lno ' v.,.,n 011 /j v.,.,.,. \ 60 ~"""'"' "" co p "" • loo 10 •o•SS•O ~DO• IJQ •l>E •c OI\ ~ G•\ Jn ""' n Sf., I ~nrBv !10 l•v llr/.G • cl>!SI 60 •• $..., ~ ••S9i>t7S • D 08 ~ '"10 ., 1 io "" .c~•lor Ill .... ..,,,8 ·~ • Pr•rn 1n oh VI <I "~ n t n ·~"""'" -~ Fd r n •lncS• t•r F 11• lhOCd 7iO ~ '>OF o • lj l !>II ,0.tN l.. 1 ~· ..,c_., 0 Lb Ln JO<> Lbln cf75 .on Mvl ~1 L..,a /.; n n nNI l !l n N•l n I no v 1 naJd\ ? 1 I "'""I Cn a nn l •1 l n I> ~f ~ n 1>1 R "'~~·i i _,_,,,T~• l ~ <I '""" , I nn•~ Cem nn•~C'• 1 l~nq Lt ~ I l c 3 H n , Cn n • l ond ·~ nu >1.E ~ n t • ~ • """"' ~ 90 " ' . Ll~":wsr Mao • n\ Sil 1 vn (n " ~>Vn9 ja l)OV~ Pll~~ /\ac-n"" 1CI> 1~ Oon d a •o ~•Co JO ~ ~ llH OtV I>! ' )~ cFd l.l•o ~~ " C.o ••a \ID~ )0 l ~~v l •D o rd I t> An1><>w..-n l~•n .. en ; 50 •><'CO 1D ~Ann 1 ~0 . " tO 0 J..7 • .., I f Md 1 n on ~ 'l• •n~~n ( n •O " • ' . , " ~'""' • JO ·~ •t F ! " OS I ~~ •~JW.\0 .. ' CA nc tCn <1 C( o V O• mo coon• !I (<> I 1tgo[';.D I :g I \c(.'l I llCI~ I cC. Q0.0. •O /Atlt•t 1 SO Mcl••n ~· l~tlD~h 60 IJ.c • JD MoCu~• $()1' /IO A!l CO D /l~"d p Al !ID ~,,.dv1•C. 1 JO ~; u~s':? "~ :MJ 1-..no•~ (1> '°t•nSl•O I • ~ l llO• l••d lll 130 A ~~~!)IT 40 • •• Men l '"~ 0'" SOI> '-•Ed Plll'O ~ (;I( n• 20 J. cnGA•IJ ! I ell Tube l ~ <; odo JOO Cnn n •O I d(n1'•1 14 ;, dCnT•I O• /,._ d~olJ I 8~ M <1111 ~ I 40 Jodw•!O l M tL8b 1 XI M I II •d t.(J 1.1i..n En• D M nnMM 60 '" nnPL! 110 M u nCo 1 ll Wednesday's Oosing ..... ""''·~~~~~~~~~~~~~. t11ob..I Ml•h Lt w Clow Cht -HI- • 7•~ ~, 11~!i.lo_i!~ Jr , .u , 1• • Ii " . 39 JI 0 l l r, • . " 1••· lo! . ' . .. 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" 111 ;o ' ... )I u. J l 6 •O l •l • 107 •!I• , " ' ln o ' " Ill :»11 l 71 • •Q ll ~ • to , . " . l 71 ' 'S 11•1 JI JI , ' " 1 • 7) • ll ~l ' n • 1 ll ~ " 10t .JO 1 l)J • :n •l • . " . " ~~ ~: . ·~ 1• ) > ... ' " l • • • ••• . " ' JI ' 56t ~~ ~ " ' 1} e• , ~· l • ~. l'n! ll " ,, 71 n I ~ J )§ 41 I ' .. l l Ulo 11 •J 1 1~ 11'' 21 ., • -5-,. " ' "' " .. ~J '" • " ' " • "' " "' ~ " M • ~ • .. 1 " .. • " " " '" • .. " 'I • . " " ' .. ,. '" .. "" ,. ' H I 1 •• ,,, ,,. "' ,,, " " " ' •• '! ' l" ~ 'I • ' . ••• 7J1o •• 11 • " ' " " i~" " " . ". , .. ,,~, • ... l•l'o " .. \1~? " . Prices-Complete New Yorli '''-M''°l' .................. ,.,!!!! ............... ,., .. !Sll"' .... '-'"''' Ult LI Mllll LIW (IUt (flt Ul 11oH'oft \-t11 '''-d • •'10 -t I !1 11 .. l . lli \-. •l • • "'• ... I It t I -o 31 JI 3'\• 31 -•a ,. 'I • 111. 1u1 -~I ' ' 1r .. ,,.., :J.' .u "" li•1 ',•1 •t •, .. ,. w.1 -• n 1:.,. w.o ~r· :;'~· lS 7 ·~ ff\-1130'. '91 1'lo -JI 5l•, Sl Slv; 7 34p_ :U• 31'1o + Si'' 2•• ?,,.._ o 2 10 . '~· l(ll -11 ? n. 2J. 1111.-t \i l• Sol Sl11. Sll -1 lS lS~ :U • 11 o - 10 ,,. 111 ,•r·-· e 11 n , .... 77 '> !6'.. ,,.~ -~ 1Sl 51 •J.,j + ' ...... - ti IQ 0 lG 10 1 ~50 !0 17171 71 + "a .. \<o ., • .j. ... 1 •!j•"•-'• I o • 31 11 ,. .. " _, 'S lt! lOJ loJ(lj -' SJ J\.).110 3$+ • 'l" ''" 41'o -11J13'. 11 . 1'1 ll•' j6 .. 3' ) !t 11 0 tt • li t -I 1 1•~· . 1i .-. 10 JJ21J :.a,,,,,. 11'>-J ift ~r· ~J11 - ' 1$ l S U 10S 32 0 31-< 3J '>-o I~~'-"~! ~I -\\ •I ~,: n· l'"i " 1Cot 3' ,. _1 , \ _.,,,,•I~.+~ 2a ... 1,{o l>-• :i.s 1••• nv. 2l•-• 1s11,1e!'' 9't 71>2 •11• •I llh 11 ' ? + \ I U lJll 2l ~I '> !l o '1 '> 1)1 )!'1'-., •l ••• ,_, lo 2• 2F 11 1 -:n 11 11'• '• _, :l'!i • 20•o 0 1 -f 5 .II o 511 SI 1 -•1 ' 'i i l\o ~ I J •o Jt Jt 11 "5 '> """ "5 2li 1'\. 12 u .. ~~ tt.,; ~f,? ~ 4 ,,. .. 1. .. ' '!" -\~ ,, .... .1 ... -I 1!00 Slt S6 M l+'> 51 12 ,,,. 11 ' -• l} u • 12 . lJ _, • 11 10 G o lOt> ,, ti. 'll':I t: +•I 2.11.IB +; 111 J• ll o ~l •-'• J 1& • 10 , IO o 1~J 31 0 Ji o 3i •-ll 4l 1 l\"o •_I I Jlo l •-...l.I " 'U ?f"o 71"o 7t 1 +1 1 11 33 a llW l li.. I U H t 17 ,. .. ,. "· '"''••'•''•-", 12 3l >0'.4 31 +I Declit1es Outru11 Advru1ces by 2-1 NEW YORK ( lJPI) -Declines bo\vltd eive r advances by more than a 2 1 margin on \Vall Street \Vtdnesday stretching the stock market s losing streak lo six sessions Trading \Vas moderate The UPI msrkel\\1de 1nd1calor shO\\ed a lo~s of 0 56 percent on 1 534 issues crossing the tape Of Utese 816 \\ere 111 retreat and 395 gained Do'v Jones average of 30 blue chip industrials \\as off 6 13 at 806 96 near U1e c\o~e Turnove r of 8 8 million shares "as lin e \\1th that of the previous session about '" Analysts noted that the hst continued to be pressured by inflationary concern and mone1ary uncertainty 1n Europe Newton Z1nder o! E F Hutton broke.rage said the news background sunply • reduced the 1ncent1ve to buy stocks • Among the most active issues v. ere Benguel Th1okol Chenucal Te:ir:aco I NA Corp Alun11num Co of Amerc1a Amencan Telephone .a nd Financial Federation Texaco closed off 1/4 al 36 7 ;a and AT&T was off 118al50114 Motors continued to attract selhng The auto- mobile industry recently s&Jd 1t expected sales and production to slack in the remaining months or the year General 1fotors, F ord and Chrysler lost frac t1onally at the close Chemicals and sletls generallv traded 111 frac t1ons So did most oils although point sized dec!Jnes cropped up ma few instances Rails v.ere narro\\ly nuxed A1rl111es aircraft and conglomerates .also traded 1n both d1rect1ons as dtd gold nurung shares • Octob!f Stock Exchange List s..,ti., oco o s.,~p o• 110 '"n'"'"' 00 ~\Jn O b Svn 0 .-II J! S..nM•m 10 ~""'' na tG Sv/\l t •J\f ~""'~Mn n S..oYau1 10 S...,•011 (0 SupmkGn <ii s ....... ,. 011 JO \u vy!'a I~ lWl /\k .0.. wl! Co JlO Sw /\G n• •O ~-~ onCo 60 ~•b ti<> 1>!? •O SYI on Donn I I I II a oo fA tO t-Jo l o e Ind T~mpoE 1) Toftdv Co a t opoonCo o l ~o~M•! 1J T ... on a '• Nlynf ~:.:r~~ .. " ~ lf~~•<O 1a r"""' o J.IO ~:~tc,n ,,1 61l•O T••Ga•T • lt•f." D l .)II Te•G~ l~ T• • ~a h .-•••• ~" 10 T~•O Ci• 0} Te•Pld •~ t ••\J II I I r,~ on •o T•~tnP7CI Tex n pll io Thl•11.o Oii Thomll•t I Cl ThO'I" nd •O Th vOr 60 lm•" 10~ T m••Mlr •o T m~ 1111 1 10 T 1~ll v !6 ToadSho 1 10 To •<IEd 1 60 oolAD '"b I sn• Co t& T 8 •\Jti 1 6 T nv• 10" l ti ,._ DI? 8"~ F t• T o~m .lnb T t ti!COti 10 T on•c nv T •n•llron r ,~ .. t• fl T o•lesDI J T Con! l s~ Tr Con pt) l4 l r lltit nd ID l ll nc Tl! ~It .10 lll I D < •0 TSC Ind 1e TS( "~ ~I 1~ lytin GE " Tw•n(nl jOp \JAL lnr 1 U•RCO I ur, co 1~ \JMC n!I I \J•o o 10 Un (•mo U •C•~ft I U "lt~ (• I ,11.. Nt< 111&1 I lf<lll Le"' Clon Cll~ OU\\I JO:"olES A\'ERAGl=:S OJ 711-'• ' " ' ,. ,. ll " . ;: ~ ... ... : 1lt 10 ,, ' 'I " • • ii . " . '" '" " .. . " '" .. ' ,! ' '" " '" ' . ,! • ~' ~t . ! tt : " . " ' !j \, So ' , -T- : jj,, ~ 10 l• Jl 1070 ,o . " !I JI " ' ' .. ,:. H j1 J JO It 1~ ' • ~ 1~ "' 11 , 'u. !6 1 019 JO lO ;;~1 ~~· J ,1 -')J • 1~ J • \ • 1• 11 7t' I ' I• • • ' ' . ' ' ~ 1! " I I JS . "' ,.~ 11 ' 7 I I •I •< ' " " ' 11 J S(I •• t d I l~ l • ~ J I 11 • ?I •1 0 • n 11 11 ' . . ' !! 60 " " ll ,. . " , ' ' " " . ll• ?~ .. . u• l• ~JI •S p " ' " " . • • " ' .. 1< 1~ • • • • . '" " • " • ,,. .. " " " " . ... "' ' • -UV- " " " ' ., " • • • " " ,. " • , • .. . " '"" c ~ • IOl J9 ,. /_I IOt 11 ) I\ lj .,,,a n SI!" "' en•• I H •h LD• c OU Cn• T 0 61 . " H ~. ... ... ' " " ,., " " ' .. .. ," ' " 19 I o ' '. 11 JI Jl }) ... ..a;. ,,·1 f. " ' l• l••· -5i !i . " ~ ~: " ' 11 ,, ~i . ~: 11 , n "'" •I •.I 11 ~ 7 I Jf • so ,, . i •l~ 2UO) ~ • 17 ll lS o 71 19 )I • 11 1 ' " • .. ' IDl\o .. " ' ' -· -WXYZ- o W•blf I> •SO ~ '•~:t :.•n ~°" o WO Mu ~ 'wo wo •n Co •Wt dfo I lO 110 I . ,. ' " ' " ' . ' " • " " " ' " ,. ' " • ' .. • .. " • O.ill Y PI LOT ,,.. Jn Int •' Nlt ft Ltw Clllt c~. " . " II 0• ' . " 1• ' ' ,. ' " ' '" ' • .. 0 '~ • n WI If .. u 11 7; . " . " .. ' I I "' ' . I !Ot 11 ~I ' 12J.O "" ' " I l• o " " " ... 1to ~. , .. tO ! 1 " 0 .. ' " " '" " • • ., " • '" ' , • ' .. • .. ,. ., " • " .. -· " '" l ' I ' " " " ' ' ' " • ··-" " " " ' " " .. • .. .. " " " ' ' ' ... ,. . .. • > , ,. .... , " ' " .. ". JI '" ,. .. .. • •• ' ' ··-• " , ' " • •• ' " Final Stocks In All Home Editions Co1nplete Closing Prices -A111erica11 Stocli Exchange L1~t ' " Jl JO • ' ' ' " ' " 7l ••• ~ '~ . " ' JO .34>1 i 1:" • • ' 11),o 10 1] t! *: ' . • l l > 1~ ~: lf;· '" ' . , .. .. " ' ,,,, " " • ; " . " ... ... 1\ • " " " JI!)', j O 1• ~ ') ii 'l; ~ • l• 11 'j '•'• I 10 o IC o I 1 • 7 • l • • • lo ~1 111 1 11 .. 1: U I.· " 'I 'I • j • I • 1 7••1l• 11 ,, ll • 1' ' • '' n ~ " "' .. 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I to 10 ~ m. f•• "" "Tr-O•<r<>! !ro"' '"' l>"<lr<.•~> 0 • Joan l •vlor f'•rl ol ~ U( (,lrn ;ion '""<I on ··wom•n-I!'• l I "'''"'" Minarih . lOI p~~··c•I St1.r1<r.. I JO to 10 P.n1. F•e ~~. ··1vu•mor. 5•0•1g• P•oc•«~· A 1Joy1 P~1•nol<>11•" Or J•m"' l Mcc,,,,.,M, 001n cl blo~~•Cal >t••ntl·• nnd u,.,. ''""°' ol P>•C~ODlolo~·· Ul,_I ··~·· ut ~ UC E~l•n~ion '.t•••I on "MeMOntl '"" ~o-.;l~I "'•~rh "' "'" ,...,.,.1~11, Retn.olf'd" Fd.rv!•w ~'"'' >!0,001.i •orOotorllrP>. 7101 O<~<bP• l\rvn , Co I~ M~11, 7.lO to 10 om, F•t 1i. Wrdn"G~v. 0<1. e-"!\> '" I < <>•ri•nc1 on Wn11 r """l'"''" O• H"'Qorl '1 .ol, P•9•nb 1er•,.rr 10• ""'';cnl S<.)ont••. • 1>m lln ron•.,ouo ••<II Wl\dn••<J•• !!UDUYPl No• 16! "Pl•l"ot•nr N•lur~\ Hi>lo•v," D• J II Mc:<lcn•OI. ""'O' Cv••lo•, v•r••br.\" pal.,otUoO>ltv, l o• Anq•!fo'. Coun1> l \'"""m nt NM'""° '1"10•• PMt nf " ltC [~lfn•ion '°"rl" ..., "11lr NJ lv••I t1i••ory ot Soo•hrrn C o 11 r o r n • ri • ~·••nr• l rc:!urr t1•11, 1 JO ID !O om f•• ll.lD. "lh• Hero one mt H•root 0•"" wni. ... Wh•t .. Wh1'"" Or. (nMI•• W 1'1•111. •llOC:i•lt orole'"°' r>t P>•<'"M" ond clli•t ol o•v<llowm•l.c: ~"•It." IJ(LA f olrn lllu>l1A!•On, •Non• Lov•·'" P~•' nt f lJC [<len1•on ""'~' n~ "><r<Ott. v1me•1, v"'"'"'" • n ~ "'"'"""' 161 6 1oloulcel Sc:ocnt•" I IP 10.JO P.m. Fer SI~- "ThurMl•v. Oct. '-'"l••lnnn 1...:t <>•ntn r •1«•m. ltl' ltli:· P•ol M•<''""' !!v•\!, l•llow ~"" tuto• '" u•Q<IMu "'''°'' ond ""''"" St. Jnlln'• Coll"<t•· O;tord Vn•vtr!l!y, lte 6 1010111tdl St•ence1, J o m. '"l h• lfotlh Am r ti"dl•n · '""" frtml~11cn, Centi.ct, C~on~:· Mlrl1m ~~:,·1n1~.]~°";~~~. P(g1f..'~~r .,0' rti:'..q,1/~~: •nd Kelln Ind llu•IV Mc:Nr•I. l•<'v'"' o•••orr•'"'' PM• o! • •1('. r,,.,.,,.,,N• .,..;,. or """"''''·""" 61"'' flrown ll!'d . .,.,,.,;v,, w~n, '" l~I• •nd 5<>P9.'' P l Fin• Ari•. I lo top"'· I·!'" ~4 }Cl. ".t, Sovtn !ndl•n \/l•w o• •hr Wod~.· Dr ... llP l\r•I•, P"''"'''" QI •n mro~ID<IV. UC Jllv•.,lO• f'MI n1 1 UC ~•l@"•lon •,or l•' on "T.r" W••> r,o Man~·na." IOI P1w11c11 ~''""'"'· 7 to JD om. Ftr S). M•ncl•Y. OCI. 1l-"1n··· c .... , l Iv• ~• cnr•PI• 11 r ... o." c; £Om•1rd ~•fbo l, ~uorn•• PM! ~ • U( I , t•n• .• nn '~''"' "" "D,.o•<• """ P•m" "'qr .. 10• P"""'"I :,.,,.,,., •. ' 10 9 J~ .. "' f•• \4 T\lut11r. OU. l•-· In• C•nl!.11 li•r"°"' ~VJ.'"'" i<nG Pl•~·~·~l>lo S!alf""" Dr W•lll•m F11"bfo•n. IU>ur•• In 01vtl>oG>0I09>. UC! PMl nt 1 UC l'•l•n,oon ''""I on ''Pl~a•ut Al>lr !>IMr> l 1>•l• 610k>CI< •n<I Conlrol •• Or~na• (OIJnl• M"'1l~•• ( • n I• r •uauo,.um, 101 $ """"'"'"~' A••. O••n9•. 9·J(I lo 11 .)(1 1 rn c.,. I• SC. "l:aue! P•o,.fhon •' >n• Lo..-:· ll •cn•ra Lon9dk•r. c~~.•m•n. Deo.•f! m en> ,,, Polih(dl S.C"'P(•, UCLA PMI "' • UC (wt~n~ton I""'' .,,, .. ,~. Udl nf l'!in~t·'" !nl P~'"'"' Sc••n~~•. I •c 10 t> m. F~t I<.~ ·p"''~"~" 1•01n••·• (cmn•• "' • fl• "•Yl•nt Strt, DtPa"m~m ol 1t0t101c~• OCC Prof \Vrites Book On History Professo1 Norn1a n C'. Lu·I ' m1an of Orange (1);1sl Collt·g1'i i~ the ,1u1hnr nl a 111·'1 AmC'rica~,h~lor~' l1•\I ll'l'llh'lll specifically for !hr iuruor col · legc s111dc11I. ' 'The h i,111k . ' ' L i 1 i n i; Arnrn<'a.'' Jo; br111i:; rubl1~hC'<!1 b.v \"an Nu~r ra11d H.:1nhuld Co I or New Yurh Thr :i44 p;igr t)I~,,~ 1,111l 221 i11u~1r;11 1on ,. ir, 1l1·~1 gnrd f,,, I he ont· s1·111l'stf'r i 1J11r~r "l1u·li m<1y be !hr ~1u(ll'!\I s l;1~t 1 ·~ IJ<lSurt> to !hr !unn;d ~ltu!v 01 An1t•ncan l11~1or1 11 foli<i 11 ,, the . 01·cr:1IJ lrci1Ui\ 111 U ~ jl history. All <1dded f1•:1!un· i.' n ' rr:idin~ lisl :1t the 1•nd of t•;11·h : chapter givin~ hi~ior1r·~1 I fir ] fion and bio.r;:r;;phy 10 ;1tltl I color <1nd dcpLh lu h1.~!Un<'.al l peruxls, Chaplcr 11tlrc; in r I 11 d {' "ConfC'dcr:iton. C(nlf u::.1t•ll and Conslitulion .. , "L::oo1n lo Bui:t ;;od !hr Bounce Hack." "l·'rn111 ldea li.~m In Esc:ir1srn:· ;ind, "Tensions 111 Tunrs nf l'IC'll 1 ty." l.u mi an h:1.~ l;,i11.i.:ht ;it f1('(' since 1959. lie e.<1rncd lu:<> B1\ l\l thr Universnv of Nc11· Hampshire and ti1s 1\11\ :11 Harvard. lie spent l!l6.1·64 111 l\'igeria ;is ;i,n rducut1 onol specialist. Tustit1 Man Wins Grant A Tustin man cmployl'd by the Charles \Y. H o 1\' c r s Memorial f\1usl'um . Sa n I :i Ana, is among the first group ! ol technicians to rcrri1 r :1, nne·year internship at the Nl'\\"I Vnrk State 1!1stor1L"al 1\s~oc1a llon. Paul G. Ch:ll'r . of 1231 1.11 Colina Drf1•e. Tustin, 11•111 reee h•e 11 one yc:1r leave of sbsence by the Santa Ana l,;11~· Counci l, allowing h1 n1 lo ped.iclpate, 'l'he Nal.ional EndO"'!lll'nt for llum:inilies gr;1n1 "'Ill SC'nrl (;hare In Coopcr~town, N.V., for the progra1n , Con1lff'lisn11111 . Ja mf'.~ B. l.:tt fH ·Sut1n) an- 11ounced. 1%' Lectures for October Listed by Extension (•nl"' ou.,•lo•"'"'· 101 S M•nc~r>l•r Ave , Or•n~•. t ·JO •~ 11 ·m •.,. Fee " .. '"JM• ~u~r•m• Ca••! ·~a m• (f«J•t P roblem," MlcM•tl W•IO. l >llJ!anl oro- !•uor. I•"'· 5>tnto•a Unl..-t(•l!v P&•t al • IJC [,ton•lon ,.,1..,, en '"Thr 61U ol ll lt1hll ... IO• Phl"lcal )clenct•. I to 10 o.m. Fff M.SO. "A Woman'• Ploce h ..• " D•. J•m•• G. N,•rch, protne.cr. P»<:...,lo~• •n<I ~~do•QllY, UCI Dorl af • UC E~!•o,lcn ,.,,., on ""lht JI Pr"'"' Mlnon•v " 101 Pl\Y•lc•I .Scltnct1. 1 JO to 10 µ m. t'•• u, tohlorno•.·• 0• PMll~ A M~n/, a''"' !or emf' lu• d l!•nt~~ ~""t• ~~• 6o>dn<e C>!r<J•n •no or~1r .. or rm•rl!v>. (I"'"""'"' C.•~!lvolr S!MU<"I l'~'I ~I • U( C~lfM\IOfl •••le· 0" .,,., N•!v••I 1+1~!l'f't 01 5oum••n ( "I , t n ' n I• ·' S<:l1•n<• lee!~• p H411. I JO lu 10 A I". roe 1~ 10 W•Onrld••· 0(!, ?t -"'""''''~""! • l1>dlllprro<o , , V"""~l•<t~" ·• !;;• _),)"''" 0 ~ .... , .... ~ ... ~.·.~·"•'• d"1lc:~I '"'''""' n! """""I''> I).• . Fdm '""'"""c•i. "t<I•"• \.h> "''' '' '' uc (•·"n~'nn •,Q•••> "" l<•(t<•, VII••'"•·•'"'"'"""'"' /\n.1riv·' Ill IJ •Q•r.O,t61 ~~,e~C•>• I ly 10 10 p n1 11• "" Another NEW LUCKY DISCOUNT SUPERMARKET OPENS TODAY AT 10 AM .•• 12122 MAGNOLIA BLVD. at LAUREL CANYON ..• NORTH HOLLYWOOD! ~- " , ' I BLADE CUT \.. CHUCK 39c ROAST.. LB . RIB STEAK .... ··--······ ........ 89~ •. RUMP ROAST --· ............... 78t. CHUCK ROAST --.. -~1c"u'r~ ...... 48r •. PORTERHOUSE _,.n'::~~v10 .... ' l ~.~ ROUND STEAK ...... 10"111\1 .... 88f. P1icl!1 or• Dar:ou<'lled l~tf'PI .,., f oir.Troded .,.,,1 GoveH>ment Cot1l,olled lten\\. 10 ! 60 t.AllltED FOODS BABY FOOD ~~:~~z~~:~~~-·.0~ ......... _.12· BABY FOOD :.1;~~~~1~.1~.·~;.~~ ............ _ 8' SWIFT BABY MEATS '"" ..... _25' FOLGERS ~~:;:.1(u1 ........ J 3' FOLGERS ~~1~:.1( ......... -l '1 M.J.B. COFFEE :::' ... 2" FOLGERS INllll!l CO!IU 1" IO Ol.lA• ....... .. LIPTON TEA ~N~:~J~..1. .. _. l 1' BOA DENS KAVA ~~J}~-,".'.~~'.'..~~ .. : ....... 93' ~····~&r!-~ \!;l NAllE'Y''S BEEF STEW 1.• OUNCE CAN HUNT'S PEACHES ~~·~tc•• .. -..... _.26' SUPREMA CHERRIES ;;;, ,.._.,29' OASIS FIGS ~=~~~~)J. _ ...... _ 29' GRAPEFRUIT ?!'a~~t.'!.1'.[~'.~.~1. ___ .J 1 • V-B APPLE SAUCE ... ,"" ...•. -20 ' PINEAPPLE ~:\~vJ;.'c~.·.1 •1.'.1.<'..~ .. -··-·-l 8' FRUIT COCKTAIL :1:!~.1(••·-·---· 25' APPLE JUICE ;;~l'.~~ ........... -.. -.... 38 \ rr. •• ·~&r!--. 'V;;!' BETTY CROCKER I NOODLES ROMANOFF .5 1/i.OUNCE BOX PINEAPPLE JUICE ::~'·'"··· ... 29 ' GREEN GIANT CORN ~~~~'~!:1·~ .. 23\ PORK & BEANS ~:~~.·:~~~.~~-~.'.~'..1 __ .29 • CHILI BEANS ~::~~,1:;~'. .............. -•• 17' GREEN BEANS ~'~~::~~·:i'.~~,~~'.~ .. -.... 2S ' BIT'O HONEY PEAS .,,u .......... 17' POTATOES ~:~~'.~i~~~-'-~.' .. 1 .'.;. 1 .'. ........ _ •• 69 ' TOMATOES ;::;~~~:~: ... ~ ............... _. 23 ' VEG-ALL ~~~·:.~!~'.:.~.~'.'.~ ...................... 23 ' Our LOW E\W)dayPricc! HARVEST DAY BARTLETT PEARS 29 OUNCE CAN U.S.D.A. GRADE A WHOLE BODY FRESH FRYERS •• 2t~ SAUSAGE ..... ~.~.~~~)::~ ~~:.L.'.~~ ..... Jlt SIRLOIN STEAK .................. 99f,, LEG 0' LAMB ... -.... ~~;:c~· .......... 89~ •. LOIN CHOPS IM~lllOIN ., .. ........ 11.1.11.e..CllOICl ...... ll. RIB LAMB CHOPS ...... ~·~:rc11 ... • 1 ~.~ BANCIUET MEAT PIES "'·'"······ 19• LARRY'S SANDWICH ~::~.·,0.~ ••••. 79' BREAD !:1::.M,1::~·.~.~.~~· .......................... 61 ' ROSARITA DINNERS """' ..... .44' l~UtcUI 11\f & (NIU( fllCMl\•D&1.(0"'11•&110• t lllll FRIED HALIBUT :~~·~'.~~~,: .............. 86' FISHSTICKS :~~·,,~s:4'.'~.·~ .................. 6S' EGGO WAFFLES uo<.m ................ ..44' ~ ••. ~&,,/---. HARVEST DAY TOMATO JUICE TATER TOTS ~:~~~~•G. .. ............ 4 7r BEEF STROGANOFF :~~::.'~~ •... -.... 69' BAGGED STEAKS ~:~,~~',~.~~: ......... 89• ORANGE JUICE ~uo'i~'::N ................. -26' ORANGE JUICE ~;~~~~::.'D ............. SS ' BREADED S HRIMP ~~";;.'::~" ........ l '' FISHSTICKS ~i;;i;:~~". . .. , ........ 39' ONION RINGS !1;1";:~1.~ ................... 38' ~· •· ~&,<;!---. ~ TOILET HIFFON TISSU 1 · .500 COUNT ROLlS CORNED BEEF \1::i1<•• ....... -............ 59' SPAM :~~(l~~~~~~~ ............................. _.sa· STAR KIST TUNA !~.u;;,, ............ -.32' FRENCH DRESSING :::'.'.on ........... 53' SANDWICH SPREAD~!';;.~::~ ...... 45' LAWRY'S DRESSING!~.~:~~.~ ..... 36< TOMATO SAUCE ~:~~1~~~.~ ............ 16\ CHILI SAUCE ~~'.~~~~.~~~ .................. 231 GULDENS MUSTARD .,.., ......... 19' llOUSEllOlD ITEMS .. . AURORA TISSUE ~~1{t.•ow.~ ...... 26' ORCHIDS' NAPKINS ::;~: ....... 5S' KLEENEX FACIAL ~~,'~: .• ol ...... -•. -•. 21 c KLEENEX NAPKINS ~~~~:., ........... 27• KOTEX ;!~-,~=~-~ .................................. 77' <>"" LYSOL CLEANER:::: ......... 37' IVORY SOAP FLAKES ""·"'····· 79' CASCADl , ... .,., ........................... 41 ' FRESH & LEAN CENTER CUT T'?Fil 1 GROUND 4a BEEF.... 7L~ ROUND Jae RIB STEAK • •• LB. ROAST • !:!!o~c~ B§D!.~.~.~ ............... s 1 ~~ LINK SAUSAGE .... ~.~1~~:.~::.1.~ ... 89• STEWING BEEF .................... 79:, GROUND ROUND ................ 78~,,_ ______________ .,..., __ llilfl cioss'iiia ·iioAsf°"'' 79~. .~.':f illdlfOl.D Jt!M$Y.ifi CHEER DETERGENT .. ,, ............... I " SALVO PELLETS ::~:.~1:11 ................. 74' STA-PUF RINSE ~~~~ I H .................. 79' GOODWIN$ AMMONIA '"'·"' 45 ' PERSONAL IVORY !',:'."' ........... 28' sl'f(N SPAN ~~,:~.1:0 ....................... 93• DUPONT SPONGES "' ,. •........... 35' BRILLO PADS ::~~.101 ................. ~ ••. 4S' SWEETHEART SOAP ~~~~·:~~.1.1 ..... 47" PACKASED IOODS~ "° ;;. . ·-~ """ ......... ~ tr" CREME COOKIES ~~·~1.•,1,, ... JS< NABISCO COOKIES ~=:~11 :~.0:11.~~~. 47 ' STA -CRISP CRACKERS ""'" 27 ' RAISIN BREAD ~:~~'.~~:.':: ............... 33' BIG "G" TOTAL ~'11~:.11 0• ........... ,SJ• FROSTED CHEX ~!111.r::/~.:'..·.~ .......... JS • M.J .B .. RICE MIX .,, ..................... 35' LUCKY SLICED BACON 1·ll. ,KG. ..• ,.,., f., .. ileom litled 0" 1hi1 poge c.0111tilute i.,11 0 \t'IO!I iompling of Thi' th11umnd1 ol lo,., <l•w:ounf p rite1 ;,. 1tore for you or luc~r- SPAR"l(UNGFRESH PRODUCE AT LOW DISCOUNT PRICES! CHIQUITA BRAND FINEST QUALITY Bananas 'I~~ C.OlOf.., ltlf( 8Uf'ICl-IE~ 12~. Comporr 1h 1 quolity, compare 1h1t price ol these choice 1elecl $i1 es of U.5. No. I RY1set ... POTATOES I 0 'c:~~oo 39c U.S.D.A. FOOD STAMP COUPONS GLADLY EXCEPTED RATH BLACKHAWK BACON 79< IUClb 1.POliNlll ,., .................................... . OSCAR MAYER BACON 85< 11,llL~I Sl.ICll l .11, Pl,, .. ,,, ......... ..,,,, ... ,, ... ,. . JJtJ~.~~,,~~9.,~.~.~.~-~ .................... 79c Our LOW Evcr)'dly Price~ LUCKY SLICED LUNCH MEATS 80lOGNA, PICKLE & PIMENTO, OLIVE, MACARONI & CHEESE 6-0Z, PKG ~ ~o~!u~!l~AM,~~lK~~~ -~~~V:.s r•&. 61C1 ~R~1~!~\~,£~~!~~001• ~~i~ 68 c; OSCAR MAYER WIENERS 69c HlMl•T ,.,,, •. , ................. ,.1 II.Pl,, OSCAR MAYER FRANKS 79c .Ill 1111 • . • • . • • • • . • ............... 1.11. ,."' OSCAR MAYER BOLOGNA 73c SllCID .IU Mt.IT 01 A\l lflf ••• , •. 11 OI, PIG. OSCAR MAYER SALAMI 87c 1 <OTTO VA.,ilf ......................... IJ.Ql. Pl&. SHRIMP COCKTAIL 35c lflfi.llDIN ..................... l OI Gl&U BUDDIG'S MEATS :~J~~~~u, 36c MAM, {Ml{llJI, r.1lll AM! 01 lUllll, St/CID .• ,, BUDDIG'S SMOKED BEEF 6Jc 11M11tr1cl .... , .... ,, ..... , ... 5·,01 .r•G. Our LOW Everyday Price! LIBBY'S SOCK!YE , .. H <~•(~, .. flllO NIW 0•11••1• ,0,0,. ~··IN ( ., oo•mw11r•m•llfm• ELBOW MACARONI '."' m . ;·· 43 ;.~..L:Ji~ll,111'.UU..-. ..,.,.c:.... RED SALMON Our LOW Eve r)day Price. ~~\\i:lt$!"W••-1~1,li ... 9,,:.....-_"··"' 16.0 UN CE CAN HAMBURGER OR """ PUDDINGS ~:w~::'~.'.~ .......... 29 ' HOT DOG BUNS JELLO :~:·;::.'.~.'."." ......................... 20· ALPO BEEF CHUNKS :::;~~~ ........ 29' HARVE!it DAY 8 Cl. PKG. '~" LOW DISCO~NT PRICES ON HOUSEWARES & BEAUTY AIDS ~"l\?t~tTJJl:tllll.E! o.,r CANDY BARS :~L1:~1 .... -... 33• CHINESE NOODLES ~:::~---31' c & ff SUGAR ~~~::~~-~ ...... ~ .. -· .. ss· OLIVE Oil~::;.'!!: .......................... 83' GOLD MEDAL FLOUR "'·""····· 58' PIZZA MIX~:~:.::.1,:~.~~.1.~~.~~~-~~.1 ..... 68 ( GARLIC SALT !~::~'.~;L .................... 39' SCHICK INJECTOR RAZOR BLADES PKG. Dfll PRISTEEN PIMININI DIODORANT $133 11,1(11"' '" ·~· ... .!E. ~ ............... $111 110. • J.S u1e1 co . ,,1t1cl1 Ill _I, IUf;. - COFFEE MUGS 1~eal ltr ••Ii•. •knic t r •Hche1. Wlli11 1l11s. (1c1111-t 13 fir ctl~ 1r lltl •••tr-C ,,.,, ~ ~ LISTERINE ORAL ANTISEPTIC Freshe11s your breatb as it kills 11rms o" co nta ct. Daily 1ar· 1linr helps to pre'e"t llu ilnd c.1lds. 32·0UNCE IOTTL[ r •ICE INClUOiS 20c 0 'f lAlfl RIGHT GUARD ANTl·PERSPIRANT fl t~• lnftlul Ir•• W l1t1t th l N I 1•!1 1 · " 1t.,1 •M1 "911. UI •11 79 0111. ~net 1wn1l 1~11. C .... ~ tnu "''''" lh OH 11~11. , • ..!' STORE HOURS ..... In fll, 11 IOI 11 11 I• .. T, .... 1¥11. U Ht 19 1 .. ·-· """1!'991---------------------------------------------......... . Th1Jrsdar, Octobfr 1, l %' DAILY PILOT ! ( Protection From Underworld Costly to Pros J~A RTFORD, Conn. (AP) -Leaders of four professional sports have emphasi'l.t'd that their security forces are al work eround the clock guarding against in· vasion of their houses by underworld clen1ents, either directly ur ltU'ough a betting scandal. •·\Ve have no indication that kind of elc· n1cnl has 1noved in ," said Pete Jlozelle, cOmmissioner of pro football . •·But you ha\'e to be alert to it. With the volume of belting on sports, we've all been Sports Clipped Short fre• tlte Wlrn el A1 /UPI A &I-year.old Fullerton golfer shot a hole in one, but collapsed and died of an apparent heart attack before he \Vas able to finish his round. Companions said \V allace ,J. Cronin gol his ace on the 145-yard. par 3 second hole \\'ednesday while playing al the nearby· Alta Vista Country Club. The elated sportsman fell to the ground just after he had teed off al the 15th hole. • BOSTON (AP) -Eddie Kaske became the '}rw-Bostort Red Sox n1anagcr today, rcplilcin~ Dick Y.'illiarns, who was fired las t week. Kasko, 38, had a JO-year big league playing career. mos!ly as a utility in· fielder. He wound i.;p with the Red Sox in 1966. ... SEATTLE -Dick Vertlieb, general manager or the Seattle Supersonics of the National Basketball Association, an- nounced Wednesdiiy he was resigning, e(- fective immediately, for p erso n a I r easons. "f love Seattle. the Sonic.~ anrl the joh and t wouldn't be leaving if it v.·eren·t thal wme personal reasons are 1nore im- portant than the position," Vrrttleb said. lie said he hoped to stay in Seattle in another line of work but had no irrunedi- ata plan~. • LOS ANGELES (AP) -Former Alabama football star fl1illard "Dixie'' llowell was repor1ed in "goOO" condition \Vednesday al Hollywood Presbyterian J lo.<;pilal following surgery for a ma!\g· nant tumor. llO\Yell, 56, part o! the fa ined pa.<;StnJ:; combination of Hoy,·ell-to-Don Hutson v.•hich toppled Stanford in the 19:16 Ho!'e Bov.·J game, 29-13, \\'as operated on Tues- day. • SAN FRANCISCO -'J'he dirferini;:: r;kills of tV.'O fo rwards th at would have been a big factor in a San Francisco \Varrior drive to a National Jaskclball Association title now appear Jost to tt1e ll1arriQi"s. First .. the \\'arriors lost hii:h-scorin,i: Rir k Barry. at least for a v.·hile, in a court test. Now Rudy LaR11ssn, the rug- ged star defensi~·e forv•ard, has retired. • \\'INSTON-!SA LEil!, N.C. T he Carolina Cougars y,·on their fi rst game in the American Basketball Association. beating the Los Angeles Stars in an ex- h ibilion. J2G-IJJ, \Vrdncsday night. • BERKELEY -Art hur A.~hc and two of h i! U.S. l)avis Cup teammates moved in- to the qua rter-finals of the Pacific Coasl l nternational Tennis Championshi1>5 Wed- nesday. Ashe, the lop :i;ec<l, dispatched Richard R ussell of J amaica 6-J. 6-1, in a match that took only half an hour. Jn the f1Uartcr finals. Ashe will meet J aime }'~illol of Chile who beat Terry Addison of Australia 10-8, 2-6, 6-3. Stan Smith beag Ony Parun of New 7..ealand 6-4, 6-3 and Cliff Richey OU.sled Gerald Battrlck, of England 6-3, 6-1. • t..AS VEGAS -La.s Vegas bookmakerg made Atlanta an 11-10 favorile Wed· nesday over New York in the National 1.eague baseball playoff series startin g Saturday. Baltimore is a 3-2 favoril.r. lo defeal i1innesota in the American League bc.sl of li\•e aeries. • LOS ANGELES -Coach Tommy Prothro announced Wednesday he would i;tart the same UCLA football units againsl Northwestern at .Evanston Satur- day that went against Wisconsin, in· eluding the two players who had been doubtful. Fullback Mickey Cureton and safety Ron Carver, who had minor knee and hip Injuries, rerpeclively, will be among the ~tarters, Prothro said. BALTIMORE COACH PREDICTS SWEEP BALTIMORE (AP) -Coacti Billy llunter, the eternal optimist of the BaJtlmore Orioles, i.s ready with his first f)Of!l.season prediction of 1969. "If v.·c don 't beat the Twins lhree in"' "°""· y,·e'll take them in four games," Hunter said as the Orioles awaited Sal. lrl'day's opening game of the American Lugue"s best-of-S playoffs. fortunate the.re've been no major M:an· dals recently." Rozelle estimated that the cost of pro football's .security system ran some.,.,·here between $200.000 and $300,000 a year. He also pointed out that direct invasion of the sport was being closely watched by both his .security and consultants in \\'ashington, D.C., who checked on the backgrounds of potential owners and of· fi cials while <:{)nslanlly remaining in touch wllh players. The problem of .surveillance and the manner In whlch pro football, pro basket· ball, major league baseball and golf pro. tect them.selves from the threat of scan- dal were prime topic_, of discussion Wednesday. That the threat i..s omnipresent was agreed to by Roze lle, commissioner Walter Kennedy of the National Basket- ball Association. general manager Larry f\fcPhail of the Ne w York Yankees, and Joe Dey, commissioner for golf's touring pros. "l don 't think any of u.s can pay enough au.ent.ion to security," said Kennedy. "Pro football has taken the leadership and we have followed. Hopefully we are moving Mead of potential problem! .so they don't become actual problems." Kennedy pointed out that the NBA now employs an outside agency to handle its :;ecurity, but y,·as moving toward an in- ternal .system which \\'O!Jld duplicate those used by pro football and baseball. Pro football has two f;illtime employes in the con11nissiooer's office, baseball has one-and each has a network of represen- taLivCli in cities v.·here they have learns. Dey said that while golf has •·no ei:· tensi\'e apparatu.s ••. if there is anything suspicious we do invelltigate It.. The possibilities for chicanery are va!t in golf so we are watching constantly." While the pos.sibility of scandal re- nlalns, flozelle, Kennedy and McPhail all agreed that the possibility of a labor union moving in to organize the pla)'er~ had faded -although not completely disappeared. Wilkinson Would Play Joe 2 Ways Nt:\V YORK (AP) -If Bud \Vilkinson had his way. J oe NamaLh would , be playing defensive halfback -as well a.s quarterback -for the New Yori J ets. "You'll call me old·fashioned. but rm stric..11y a one platoon football man," the former University of Oklahoma coach, no1v a special as.sii>lant to President NilC- on. told a gathering of football buffs here \\lcdnesday. '"If you're primarily concerned \Vilh spectator a ppcel, then two-platoon foot- ball is certainly the ans\1·er. If you·re concerned with the fundamental qualities of the· man -his condition. attitude and • • . . l .. -~ .. ; • t \. . \ ' .. development of his skills -you have to favor the platoon. "All the accent in today's football i.s on 1hrowing, catching and kicking. That"s the fun part of the game. Boys practice it 52 week.s in the year. There'! no pleasure in blocking and tackling, so defense is neglected. "That is the reason for fhe runaway scores -50.0 and 00-0. I predict they will continue.'' Wilkinson, who had a phenomenal 137- 27·4 r ecord in his 17 year.s as Oklahoma coach, was honored by the National Foot- ball F oundation here Wednesday as the ,. • J~-·- ... ¥ ., •. . .. ' . . ., ·~ ~ - •• ; __ ' Setting llis SigJ1ts on Bird.<' 1969 Hall of Fame coach electet, ..Th' most vulnerable man on the football field Iii the quarterback in a set posiOon to throw,'' Wilkinson replied. ''I think he should move, Jl's a myth of the pro game that the !Crambling quarterback is more likely to be. injured. "Take Fran Tarkenton of the GianU. He is a scrambling quarterback. He's the only quarterback I know who hasn't been hurt. "If \l'e had one platoo n football, Namath would have to play defensive halfback. That, I think, would make him .a better player -and a better man." -'. t . . '. . . ... , • "~ -.,''t.:.:. • ' "' • \. • • t._;;. ' • •• + r· ' . .. \\'ilkinson-said he thought the pros played good football but were too stereotyped. "For the variables, you have to watch college football,'' he added. "The colleges are constantly coming up with .something new. You never can gue.ss v.·hat they are going to do. Wiikinson said he appreciated the Hall of Fame honor but ahso had another reac- tion. "I'm not that old," he commented. ''I feel a Jillie embalmed.·· ··-. ..,. .. ... ' . , • ·1 ,(, ~ .. • • ' ~ '. . . }" . '· ' l • \ ,. I i • ~· . , ' , j " , Iii .. I • . • ,. •• of .. \ • ,.)~ • J Llnless J~cggic J::ickson anrl \Vi11i c T'l'!cCo\'ery go \Vild at plate tonight. l\l1n11csotn "s lla rmon Ki!Jcbre\'v has the major le-2g11e ho1ne run title \\"r::lppcd up \Vlth 49 going into 1oni,cht':; fin<1! regular sea son gan1cs. K ll lebre11·, als.o has 14-0 rbi 's, tops in lhe majors, and will lead the T11·ins against the Baltin1ore Orioles in the American League playoffs \l'hich begin Saturday. A11gels Slow Kirli.patrick, B11t Lo se, 6-0 KA NSAS CITY (Al') -l::d Kirkpatrick had his extra-base extravaganza ended by Ca\Homia's pitching and the v.·eathcr \Vednesday night, but they didn't keep him down completely. The former Ang el player slapped a l\VO- n1n single in the third inning to stake Bill Buller to all the lead he needed a.s the rookie left-hander pitched the Kansas Ci1 y Royal.s lo a 6-0 victory over the Angels. The game was called after five innings because of rain. Other big .stick for the Royals was Jcr· ry Adair, who greeted relief pitcher Steve Kealey with ll bases·loaded double after starter Ll oyd Allen walked three men in the fifth. Adair then scored the fourth run of the inning of Fred Rico"s double. K11ee Prohle111s Worse11 Retirement Next Year Logical Thing-N a1nath, NEW YORK (AP) -Quarterback Joe Narnath of the-New York Jets says "there's no doubt in my mind right now that !his is probably my last year" a.s a pro football "playe r. Namath said Wednesday that reports or his retirement al the: end of thi s .season ar~ ''not official at this point. !l's just a logica l thing." The nambouyant Sullf'r Bow l .start with lhe .sleel arm and procelain knees said '"I can't practice and ifs getting to the point where J can't perform the way f should." Namath's knee injurie! have always raised the: question of how Jong he'll stay in football. The question came up again Tuesday night in Boston where Namath told Pat Collins of WBZ-TV ''1 can pracllc111ly guarantee that'' when asked if this season would be his last. Tl v.·as reported In Bo.ston that Namath and his doctors have decided on an operation on the. left knee al the end of the season and that he prcbably will be fini.shed with football after that. Asked about lhis, Namath said: "That's up to Dr. Nicholas," referring to Dr. James Nicll<'las, the team's orthopedic specialist, v.·ho performed !he previous operation! after Nam a l h bec;:ime a pro. "Dr. Nicholas said he can fix them both."' Namath added . The Jets, 1-2 for the seas()n, aren't tak. ing any chances. They've add e d quarterback Harry Theofiledes. former back up man for Sonny Jurgensen in \\'ashington, to their taxi squad. UCI Defeats Alu11111i 14-3 UC Irvine'!! water polo learn broke away in !he fir.st period of play ancl wa!l never headed as it downed <'In Alumni lt!am Wednesday in the university 's pool, 1~·8, before 500 fans. Jim r.1cDonald sparked lhe Anteakr!l In the opening period with a pair of goals and before the Alumni team could get un· tracked it was down 8-2 at the hair. McDonald wound up sharing gcoring honors with two teammates and on9 alumni playe r as each man pumped in three goal.s. Getting the hat Irick in addition lo ~fcDonald v.·ere Steve Farmer and Bob f\fcClellan along with Bill Leach, a former twe>-time All·American for UCI. Rounding out scoring for the varsity with one goal each were Dale Hahn, Jim Bradburn. Rich Eason, r.tlke Martin and Steve B11llback. Bob Ne·aJy, the first UCI water pc:1lo player to win All ·American bonor.s. and Bruce Reynolds each added a pair of goals while Bob Ernst had one. '11'm not discounting it," said Kennedy, ''becau.se it's there as a potential. But as long as the players can achieve their ultimate goals through their own associa· tion.s, then I think the possibility woukl be minimal.'' McPhail agreed, but emphasized tha t th is area should not be ignored. ··1 have to agree thal effective player as.sociation.s are part of the answer,'' he said. ··But I think you have to remember that organized labor is slill on lhe .sidelines." GLENN WHITE Sports Editor 17TH 1-YEAR PACT, FOR LA 'S ALSTON ' LOS ANC.ELES {AP ) -Los Angele!I Dodgers Manager Walter Alston signed his 17th one-year contract Wednesday for a reported $70,000 in 1970, an eslimated $10.000 increase over his 1969 salary . The National League club, which wilt fini.sh fourth in the .six-team West Di vi.sion after coming in seventh in tho JO-tea m league. a year ago, a lso said it has asked a ll of Al ston's coaches to relurn. They are Danny Ozark. Jim Gilliam, Red AdaITL~. Roy l{arl..!ifie ld and Carroll Beringer. There are reports Beringer is considering joining Lefty Phi 11ip 1 • coaching squad on.the California Angels. Singer Tries To Duplicate Osteen 's 20th LOS ANGELES (AP) -Claude Os(een l!ldmitled he \!."as a little keyed up as he v.·ent out after his 20th ''ictory of the season. "! figured I r.ould gel a Hiiie extra on the ball since I v.·a.s keyed tip and all,'' the Los Angeles left.hander admitted with a smile. "But ii just v.·asn't there. So I had to finesse my way through." Claude's finesse is just fine. Al feas( it v.·a.s good enough lo beat Houstoo 5-2 \Yednesday night and make Osteen the Dodgers' first 20-game winner since. San· dy Koufax in 1966. Bill Singer. 19-12, gets his last shot at ·winning hi.s 20th tonight in the season finale. He"ll oppose llouston's Jim Ray, 8· 2. "I was probably thro"'ing h;:irdcr than I have all season bul the ball just \.\'asn't gelling there ;is fa~t ," explained 0.steen, y,·ho"s nO\V hurled a career-high 321 in- ning.~. "Thars more than I"ve ever pitched and it's really told on me the la.st few starts. I haven't had much of anything the last lhrce times out." Jinl Lefehvre propelled Osleen into the 20-win circle for the first time in h.i!I career by driving home four of Los Angeles' five runs. HOUSTON LOi ANQILIS Mor~n, 1b J .AIOu. rl T .0..~11, cf ll&dff, lb Wf!son. lb M&t1lnf1, c 81ef•ry, If 1 .. ,, ••. ·~ Dl••ktr, J Tot1l1 •II • ~ rlll •OO OWlll1.s.• J I I (I Jl1en,ore. ?O 1 o 1 o w.0~~1 •• ct j 1 2 I (t8Wl11rd, •I i 0 I 1 lllfll~•t, lb 4 0 1 0 Sudek,,, Jo 4 (I 0 O P1rtltr, lb l 0 I 0 Jll1ht1f , If J o I o J tlnM>n. c c.0,1 ... n, p lot111 •• , ~ rM ' 0 0 II 4 I I I j 1 J • 3 ' (I • l (I l I J 0 0 • 0 (I 0 • l ' 2 • 1 0 0 (I l 0 0 0 ... 5 •• J!lnson 1w1rdld tlrll on t•lcntr'• in!orlt •tn( .. HC~llDll 010 001 000 -J Los Angol•• 000 JOI lOit -l E -JO•~u•. M•Hlflt r. J. Alotl. DP -H""'1"" 1. lll• An<ttl•• 7 LOl!t -Hll<n llln 5, Los A119tln ). 711. -w, 01..-11. Jll -w111on, l tl10v••· S - $tllll0!\. ti' H • l it la lei 0;9,~~r ll.111-Ul I I ,\ • I 1 C.0 .. ~1n IW,1"0-ljl ' I ? 1 0 ., HllP -bV C.. 011t1n (J. Aillu). Time -2:0J. Butler, 9-JO, who was named as the lcfl- handed pitcher on lhc major league all· rookie Learn this v.·cek. checked the. Angels on lhrce hits to notch his fourth .shutout. Kirkpatrick had seven consecntive hit! until he lined out in the first inning against Allen. "lf I can play I will. If I can't I won't,'' Namath said Wednesday after his return lo New York. Namath has had three operations on his knees since he signed a '400,000 contract five seasons ago to play with the Jet5. Ex-Giant Thompson Dies Cl<lll'OltNIA •b•~•bl ,1.111mtr, 11> 1 II O O Pere1.u 1110 11 J.l•tum, •I 1 a 1 o Cow•"•d 70110 liic~•.l! 11100 5""11C.,, lb 1 0 11 II ll..,.,,Jb ?O DO RodlJ"rt• c 1 0 1 0 L.~l•n, p 2 0 1 0 IC.e41ley, p 0 0 0 f l(ANSAS Cll'I' ·~ ' I> rlll ~lor!l>oy, d 1 O O & Scl>••I, Jo 0 1 0 0 Alc••nl. 71> l 1 O O IClr .. !Wlltitk, ti ) 1 l 7 """"·" Jl lJ 11 Olh•f'• lb l o l o ll•cc.rt l Oll [ .llodriov.1, t J O 1 •' 11~11"'· " 2 1 0 l lll•li " 0 J 0 101111. lt ' ~ • C•l·!Ornl.t 000 Oii -o K•••••" Cny OOl O• -• oP -"""''~' c11y 1 l Oll -Cdl!IO<n•• 4. l(t~l (lly • 1~ -L ... ne"· llcl•lr. •i<o II' H II lit 11 JO L "II~ ll.0·11 l 6 I l l(••l•v a t o o l'l~!ler !W,t 101 ' ,l ~ 0 J • r ... .., -i JI.""'""""<' -1.10.. "If my legs were to get better I'd want to play." he said. "But right now, they're bad. It's ridiculous. Football is an en· joyahle thing to me but not under these conditions. Some games my knees don 'l hurt as much as in others. It depends ()n how Jong I'm on my feel. But they 're alway1 a prob~m ." Namath sa.id his knees Rlar1ed bother· Ing him towards· the end of training camp. He said the left knee began hurting a"tte r the Minnesota preseaM>n i;:ame and that the right one was hurt In the American Football League opener against Buffalo Sept. 14. FRESNO (AP) -Hank Thompson, whose baseball career and life rode a roller roaster, is dead Jll 43. The fine fielding third baseman and left-handed batter who achieved stardom with the New York Giants in the 1950!, !Uffered a heart seizure at his home ~fonday night and, without regaining cort· sciousness, died Tuesday night in a Fre.c;no h0&pltal. Since 1968 tie had devoted his time lo helping underprivi leged boy11 and had worked as a playground director for the Fresno Recrealfon Oep11rtment. J1n1t one month ago he played in 1 Giants' old· timer"s day aame. Thompson began his baseball career wit h the Kansils City Monarchs of the American Negro League, was purchased by New York in 1949 and played for its Ne1v J ersey farm club htfore movln& to the. majors. In 1951, when the Giants r.ined the "f<liracle of Coogan's Bluff,• coming from 13 gan1e! behind Uie Brooklyn Dodgers In August to win the Nat ional League pennant, Thompson was Instru- mental In the drive, hilting eight homers. In the. World Series against the New York Yankees he !el a record by walking seven times. And against the Cleveland Indiana in the 1964 aeries, he: lied a rec- ord by geting a hit ln each game, hilting .367. . For a while he drove a New York t.ax1- cab. But aHer a divorce he v.·ound up in Texa! where he was convicted of armed robbery and sentenced in 1963 to one. to JO years in pri!On . He wa! paroled artlf four years. In Chicago. Cubli ~tanager Leo Duro- cher. y,•ho manAged lhe ~1 iracle Giants, said: ''tfe was ~Ql.Tle kind of player for me. I remember once sending him down to our Minneapolis farm club and he was fur!OU!I . But he went, hit the hell out ol the blll and. when we called him back, he ntver played better." .--------------------------------------------··· -·-····--. • r ' . 22 DA ILY !tllOT lhursday, Ottober l , }qb') Do11 Def e11 se hnp1·esses Sl1a ckl ef or{l By 1f0 \\'ARO L. HANDY 01 lllt D••lr .. llH Stoll '·Santa Ana hitd the bcsl dclc11sue lram \\'t' ha\e laced 111 thrte ,\'ears when they beat u~ last se ason and I f')if>e(:I them to be JUS\ as tough this \reek " Ray Shackleford, coach of the l°rtJ]de n \\'rst Rustlers v.·ho .specia lize in dc/ensc thrmselves. n1ade this s1aten1ent t'On· 'eerning Saturday night"s battle 111th 1hc Don~ at Santa Ana 801vl. "f feel like 1re'll have to imprOl'I' as ·much as v.·t did last v.·eek lf we are going to v.·in. I kno11· 11·c c11n ·1 give up any Jong touchdown passes arid tlo it ., He was referring to !hrr<' aerial bombs ~11. San Antonio hurled for scores and another that 11·as l'01npleted as the first half end ed. The four long pa s~ con1- eletions accounted for 209 of the 2~7 )ards gained against the Rustler defensr. On the ground, Golden \Vest i:ave up Ol'llV 13 yards net. The Rustlers ·wil l welcome back thrre players who missed the t.1t. San Antonio gan1r. Charlie Buckland heads the list and ''fill mo,·e into the tailback spot to altrr- nate 1rith Mike \\'illick. Buckland's ankle has improved to allow him to practiee this '\'ee k and the (;olden \\"est coach Iaels he needs work under game condi- :til>ns. - !-".Bob Cornuke will .1ISO see action al _;(ilback. givi~g Shackleford three men ':11t ~Qt. key running spol. . ·-Don Hellon. a light end from r-.later De1 ~Ggh, bas mi ssed the fi_rsl two ga1ne:r. ~th an ankle injury bul is ready to play ~w and v.·ill spell last 1veek's player of .tile ~·eek. !\like Corrigan. · ; ~im Valbuena, starting quar1erback 1:1efore Bon"'eli returned, could see .JG:nit~ action. Vatbuena missed las.t """'k with a badly sprained ankle and 15 ."'1;£111 hobbling. ~ -Shackleford report.~ that Steve Griffith ''.( oul for the year '"'Ith lorn ligaments in ·.his left knee . It isn't a new injury and :;tOf knte has been operated on before. ,-·The Rustlers set several school records ,.iQ the f\1l. San_ Antonio ga~e. Bob Bess ~lftcJi:ed si x S1ra1ghl conversions and had ~ :fJ-yard field goal, both rec?rds". The 4a i.µOinlc; :;cored was second high 1n school :)1lstory. .. llosweII ·Call s • !first Loop Foe :u nd er rate d .. ... DAILY P ILOT Sll lt Pht lt Cl111rgi11g Cli111·g e 1· Goes A fte r Ta1•get l-luntinglon Beach J-ligh School's Oilers open the Sunset League season F'ri day night a s host s to Anahein1 Hig h (No. 1 in the CIFJ \Vhile Edi- son travels lo Ne1vport ~I arbor to open Irvine League ca1npa\gn against Corona de\ 1-.·lar. Here Oiler punt return specialist Craig Zaltosky ( 10 ) sidesteps the Chargers' Gary Balch in recent 29-7 J·Iuntington \vin. Saddlebacli Sny Mn rinn Conches To Revive Two Pl atoons George l!<irlman ha~ revived plan~ of lwo platooning his SLJddleba cl; College football learn .,,,.hen !he Desert Con- ference season ope ns nexl \\'eek, but !h()se plans \\"Ill get a big test Salurdiiy nighl \1·hen the Gauchos take on un- . defeated Chaffey College. Follo~·ing a rash o[ early sea~on in· juries that side tracked his plans. Hartman is s;;itisFl e<l with the progress of l11s freshmen players and hl' \r<i.~ s.parrd ;iny additional injuries in !asl Saturday's game ~·ith Gross mont. He only plans to i1sr lullb:ick - linebacker Rocky F!rtcher bolh wa} ~ ;igainst Chaffey and l-'letcher may only ha1·e to go one \l.'ay the follo\\"ing v.·eek. Must Stop Ground Game r-.tarina High School football learn is concentrating on stopping a rugged ground attack this week . The Vikings play host to Dos Purblos or Golet a Friday night at Westminster in the rinal tuneup for Sunset Legue achon_ And all Dos Pueblos has done lo date is romp over two parochial school foes \l.'Jth a rugged running attack and a fonvard \vall tbat aYerages over 200 pounds per rnan . ln the absence of head coach Jim Coon, assistant ~1i ke Henigan says: "They are big and they like to run the ball. If we are ga1ng to be al tllein. \\"e hare ·10 stop their running ga n1e . "They have a a big fullback who stands 6-4 and we ighs 225 pounds. He is a good nne and a boy who pl ays a lol of football, BVC S H EAD FI ELD I N POLO TOURNEY He also plays at linebacker on defense.'' Told lhal Dos Pueblos coach Ray Schaack didn't have the big fullback 111 his proba ble starting lineup. Henigan rernarked: "I guarantee he 11·ill be in there before the game is loo far along. He is a good one and they can't keep him out. I am sure they don't have any better runners The Vlkings played aga inst a similar si tuation in their ope11er. La Puente had a tca1n based on a strong running attack. l\.larlna rose to the occasion and lo a 15- !5 deadlock before last week's loss 10 South Torrance in a delayed-11ction rn· counler thal startffi 7~ minutes latr because no officials had been assigned . Turning to !he fl·larina tean1 that droµ- pe<l a decision to South Torrance last Fri- day under trying ci rcu111stanees, Henigan ~ays ""\\"c don't h3\'C any ~erious injuric:; other than Bob Lancaster, but he .,,,·as out last 1~·eek . Everybody will be ready to play Friday night with exception of &ib . \\le will make one change in our starting lineup. Tim Jennings will gel the call at right guard." One thing is certain this Friday. ;\lar1na officials hal"e promised !hat a roinplete sct of authorized officials \\'Ill be on hand to work the 1ame. Harbo1· Film Wo1·1·ies OC C Coach By JOEL SCllW'ARZ o r ,~, Dtll~ ,1111 11111 Sitt ing hack and 1vatching Harbor College's loolball tea1n on film hasn't been lhe rnost enjoyable lbing Dick 'fucker and his Orange Coast Colleg~ sla!I hal'e done thi s season. ll 's bf.en more like watt hing tw o horror i1101·ies. 11·ith HarlXJr runninR arnuck and destroyi ng Long l:leach and San Diego Fllesa co!lege.s '"They are !!O tuush 11'.s lrig[1ten111s ." Tucker says. "They ha\"e to be one of the li ve best \e<1n1s in the slate, mavbe the best. Cer- tainly, il"s the hes\ li arbor t.ea1n 1'1·a l''·er seen." '\'hat gi,·rs Tucker !he rnost jillers is thr size and speed of the Scaha\\-ks' offensive and defensiYe line~. L'p fron t Har bo r is even bigger than Orange Coast's linrmen, \Vho can't cx- ;ic!ly be c.:tassiried as midgets. Along with 1h;it size \1·hich averages out to 222 pounds a rnan on defense and 212 pounds offensively, the Scahawk Jinen1en ha ve A:ood speed, Tucker and his staff single out rlefensi\"e tackle Clark Davis as a man \rho figures lo gil'e the Pirates troublr. !le"s 6-J. tips the scales at 252 and is remarkably <1ul ck for a big n1an. '·Behind ll1ose 1inen1cn they h~vr. twn great backs," Tuckrr sa_rs of halfback 1;eorge Lu1npkin and fullback l3ele Sal uoni. Lumpkin is lhe breakway threat ~·ith 9 7 speed and !hr films Tucker has bern watching indicates he's also got fine balance and power. Tucker 's team fig ure s lo be in good shape for 1t1e J•'fiday nigh t game. v.·hh the exception of starting fu llback Coe fl1eyer and second string tack!e Harvey Suprenant. r.1eyer, who is one or the most pleasant surprises thi s season, bruised his shoulder and had to haYe se\·eral slitchei :ifler bring injured 1n a motorcycle ac· cldent. He's still a que~t1onab!e starter and it he i:;n·l re<1dy !re!>hn1an Bob Durante \1•il: take over the stttr\1ng JOb. Suprenant \\'as discol'ered to have sur- fcred a hairline fractu re or the tibia in his leg and 11 ill be out ol action for t1fo or t!Jrec 1-1'eeks. The only other riues!ion 1n;1rk for Tul.'ker 1:. a n1ore plcasariL one . rlecidin~ ;11nong Hay Hunt. Stc1·r Purdue and Paul \l"arrcn for his st:irung offensivr tackle~. :\II of them ha1'e been periorn1ing \\'ell in practice. ; :Wes\111111ster High School foothnll team ~U open deft'nse or it s. Sunscl League :cllampionship Saturday night . • ·Thi'.' Lions, however. arc no1 picked for ".il )"epeat title finish and one or 1he tea1n_s ~king a change at the top nf the circuit :-ro>> ht' oo haOO Sa.tutda.1; ci~l1l lo 9ro' e llo~·ard Hoyt, a 210-pounder \\'ho 1n1:.s- rrl the first two v.·cek.~ of practice, is rnunding into shape and llartrnan 1~ hopeful he 'll be ready to lake orer the fullback JOb 1Yhen the Gauchos traYcl lo College of the Desert Oct. J l. Injuries still figure lo be one of thr kc~·s lo Saddleb8ck's success the rest of the season. Hartman's squ ad" now nL n1bers 37 and several aren 't in the be~t of health. A strong field. headed by stale c!uun· µ1 011 Orange Coast College plus ahvays tough Fuller1on and Cerritos, \\'il l com- pete !11 tile Southern California ln \'1\a- tiona l '"'ater polo tournament conducted Dy Go)De<n Wt;)\ Cll4\2-§~ Friday and Saturday. meet our better half i" · · \Yeslern H1 ~h. under a ne\,. head coach. ~~.fill face Bill Bo.~well"s club in th e lcaguC" .. tipener. . _ "I \\"as \'ery s1trpr1scd In SN' the DAl- 1 ,V PJL(Tf pit~ Ut for S('COnd behind • ... '../\iia he1n1 . Therr is no question abo11• 'l<'naheim being the t\o. 1 selection. But .N'ewport Harbor and ~anla An;1 art· ·sleeping gian1 c; and \\le stern cou\l! ~ct 111 !Qr r;econd .'' the Li nn mentor s;iyr;. "\\"estern has a good football tca1 n and ·111e ~ore of their game .,,,•1th t11il!1k;in 11oe5n·t indicate the toughness of 11. They :i,,.,.e a phenomenal pas~ing tea1n and -:;;N!m to h1l rrgular!y on ke~· third dn11 n ~11uation.~." ~l 1 1!ikan 11on .. 12.; · Boswrll's 011n club h;i~ laced 111 11 luu~il1 :O.!oore League opponents and l·i~t holh -decisions. Askrd if he felt !his schcdul1nJ.: ·;io be a good idea, he replies: "They get us ready for the: League.'' In the 23-7 Joss to El Rancho last wc:ek. :Boswt!.11 feel s hi .:> club didn't make t;ickles ;i\ key time! and that the Lion offense i!'! ...,Iii\ ~pu\lerini;:. · "\\"e haven•t jelled on offense yet," he ,:,a vs, "Our quarterback { l::ddie l3<1nc 1 'f!Oesn't ha\·e his lirning down in kry pn.~~ ~itualions but he "ll get better. Right now -he has con1plrted 18 of 44 for 72 yards ·· The Lion coach has made one s"·itch in his offensive platoon for the leai:uc .i):pcner. ~tonty Downing \\"ill get thr nod ·at tailback oYcr Doug 1'.i i!ne lhis 1vtck. ; Both arc on a par and Bos1,·ell plan s lo ·Ptllcll per i~ically lhrough the leagi1e ~eason. Downing is ;i1·eraging bt'tter than lhree yards J)(r t·~1ri .1· 1n the 111·0 prc - league outings. Paul Cox, ,,·\10 plavrd nnly dclrn"r 1:1-;t 11·rl'k , still hr1s pli11i[111I\' l1nlisrd rib' wh ilr secondary rnalc f;;,iry ll up..ir h;i.~ ~ bruised leg_ Cp fn;nt tackle Car~ L1111r h<t" :i l1ad1 ~ bruised leg and guard Bob Lre!l h:i s been d1i1r11 11ith tl1e flu :ill 11·rch. 1larln11111. llu11·cvc r. cxpccl.s all 10 be ready ~;iturd:iy .. If 11r arr gong LO hr1•p 1\1nn1ng, 11c·rr ~01ng 111 haYe lo l'llt do11·n on our 1111~1akrs like \l.'e did last 11·eck and Qur r"r~rr1c~ !nus\ con!1nur 10 1mpro1r. · hr ll.trl1nan says Chaft ey 1s a bi!{gcr tea1n 11l1_1·~1call v than (;rn1'smont and "!hcy like 10 run rie:ht at you " "[ hope "·c'rr qt11ck rnough tu .~ln p 1hrn1. \\'C''ll give up so1ne yarrla8r. but our succes~ will depend on jf 11·r can come up 11·ith the big play on defense." Cubs Face Argos T11·0 ClF football po1\·ers collide tonight at S in an abbreviated prep schedule. f'lflh-ranked Loyola High tAAAA ) in- ''adcs Garden Gro1·e Hig h to battle the Argonauts. \l'ho arc fifth -rated in the AAA. Botl1 teams are 2-0 and Loyola features the crushing single ,,·Ing lorr11a - lio11. Scr1;UI' n1 eel ~ Cathedral ll lgh at Anahei111·.~ La Puhna Stadiun1 in another feature til t at 8. How Tl1 ey Sta11d A,Ml lllCAN ltAGUI l l M DIYll- ••• L•1I •·tr-• '°' " Dlt .. 11 " " _ ... " " W11hln~10<'! .. " ... Yo•~ " " c 11 ... 1end ,, " WM! D1.,1ie1> M~~• • " 0 ~ " 1 • C1tit9<.,le " " C:hlCt OI .. " l(f~MI C•ll' " " $ .. Hie .. .. ......... , ...... u, w 1,hl11t-s. '"""' l ~''· " ,Ill ·'" .. .lll " .5Jl ,, .. , ~·' . ... •. , _\ .. .. , • '" " .•11 " "' " '" " Ntw Y-... Clw1iend .1 1•111,,..rt J. Dll,.11 I !10 ln~·n~'-' 1(1n111 Cltl' •· (111'9tnlll 0 U '""'ro1. •••~• CnlCtOO ,, Ml,,,.~Mi!t l S..1111 c. Olllllnd J T-~·1 •1m.1 111 ..... t ....... 1 ... 11 O.l11nd cito11ttct •1l 11 s .. 111• !l ••••r •I!, "'"" C•llfttnll (MftU11mltl'I 1 .. 11) o r IC<1n111 C:1•1 11.,.,ht• 11.11 1. n:~1 Chl<•QO CJOl'ln1on 1·11 •• MIMf>OI• IM1<I•' I ~I ,,,-t.trvt!i"" IMtOOWtJl ll·H ) II"'' .. Ynrl 1Pflr<• .._ 11-11!. """' tl.,lr Q•l'>'U 1t •u•t1ul•d " No\TIOIO,\l LE.\GUI ~rw 'YO<~ (~•(•$• "•!11bu•$~ lt! Laul• 1"~11~0110~,. Mo...ire~I ~!1~nl• s~n ~'""'•'<O '"'""'"•" LO> ••>O•le> Hov>'on ~ • ., O·eoo li!l~I D•W!lll" Won l nl 1~0 11 fl IQ II II " " ~ 1 •• \1 li>I Wu ! D1w1111n ,, 61 ·~ I I 11 71 I• II ,. 10 )1 110 "''· "' .A'i ·'· .,. '" .,, "' ,\\f ,,, '" '" " ' Wf<lln•ol t y'I ll1ou11t ,.~.., Ynr• ' (ft•(OQO I !1 l ,,,,.,,.,,1 r.on~u•vn l . Monlrtol • S• Lou•• •. ""•18d"l>l'I•• I ~h" 0111"110 o, Stn French<O • le• ,.ngtl•• ), Hou1lt!n ; Only 01rn,) t<htd11lt<1 t H ll''f Ot mt1 i ll ttul•r '''"" En~•l " " " " •• ' ' • " ., ,,,.,,,,,~•I tlV•Qtr>rr ~-t•, •I Pln1b11rg~ iM&O•• l )l •r M•tont 11), f!IOM "''"' Yt r\ (C."""~ n in •t ''"<•to ~"11'1111 :io-111 P~ll•<lolpto l• IJ•<'"'" to Ill II l!. LOw•t !Got.-I.., 1t I)\, "It~• C111<1nn1u /h\•le~e,. II)! •I ~11•~11 111:1.,, \I IOI, "ltht "<>v•'O" I~... I it .. L.•·• 1'r9•I•• 1j•ng~~ II 1)1 n ~o t ~ ... fl••"" '~"e" ~~l •' S•• ~ .. ~, .. -~ ll•oeo • •·0·1 ' :. Friday's action \\'ill be ~11l1L between !he pools :ii Golden \\-"est nnd Cerr itos, with Sa1unlny n1atl'hl's ;ill carried 1n lhe ll u~tlrr pool. ()r:ini:c Coa!-.l ~nd Cl'rn10~ ~ecdt•d one. t11u. 11111 ha,·e byes on Frida.\·. First round n1atches ha1e Pierce ,.s. Cold rn \Vest ,1 t 2 p ni. and Chatfey \"~. H10 Hondo ;it ~ p ni. 111 the Ru sller poo l. fll Ct•rrilo~ 1t 11 ill he Fullerl1111 \ s. Citrus ;1! :l p,m. and Santa Ana ,.s. fllL San :\n\01110 at .1 J! n1. Ba ro11 s Fi11d Easv Sti111ult1 s • For Ge tti11 g U fl For t'oach Bruce Pickfont ;1r Fountain Valley it's a re!ati\"ely easy l<isk lo get his Barons up 10 th r propf'r mental peak 111 conncclion v.·ith their lr1·ine L<iaguc football opener at La Palma Stadium Fri- da."' night. The r-.1ngno!ia liigh Se111l11els ft1r111sh the opposition and for Fountain Valley f;iilhf1it -!hat"s tnough lo n1akt:' the blood boil. Or perhaps ii makes lht blood l"hlll, on second though!. 1-lagnolia has been none too t:'Js.v nn Fountain Valley in !he past. 11"h1pping lhe BArons b.Y scores ol 35·0 and 25-0. f\Iagnolia poses the ann1111I 11roblr 1n of presenting a tough , grind 'en1 Olli offrn.s- ive club. Pickford Sll\"S his learn n111st con \;110 quarterback Ken Paniquc 1f the Barons arc to shake the f\;1agn olla shackles. "He's a fine back. Their offrnst sre seems lo revolve around him. Anrl he t"iln hurl } ou pa~~lng on rotl ou ts nr drop ping bac k and he grts rxcrllenl pro- lertion tro1n hi s linemen. "i\lafll:l\Olia COITI(>S right al \"\)U <llld lhe pres~urt is on ou r 1nlrrior 1lete115i1·e J1ne1nrn.'' s:11v:;: Pickford. Tackles Biil >\rislin.11 ;ind Bill Bra('k, along wit h guards Bob Nri1·Arro and StP.\'e H&upp. 1vi!l be on the spol :igain~t the i\f11gnol ia ass:11il!. fl11 upp rrplac('s Bob Jlofr n1an, \\"ho ~praincd an ankle in the G3rdcn Grol'e cl11~h last l\'ttk. Pic kford is also hopclul hi~ runnin~ baek.! t'<U1 take $01111' of the pre~.~ure off quarterba('k (i11r y Valbucna. \1'hO sceme.d !o r;-irry 1he. t'rl lire olfcnsll'C load last 11('r~ SAVE$1.20 NOW$11.79 OCT: NOV. ONLY r ! ' l :----r---) • The exclusive Built -in -Pourer avoids spilling. • It 's two inches shorter, so it's easier lo hand le, easier lo store. • The price ma kes it even better. Additional Holiday Savine•. Stock up now fo r the upcoming holiday• and !ave an additional $1.18 12er hn ll ffallon . Caae of 6 f..arly Time• half galloru. bch hall aallon $10.6 1. - .. ~ i ·----------------------------------------------------------------··-... --·~--·~-··-........... -. ' ' fans Being Cheated Grid Teams Ill-prepared For Off-beat Scheduling Son1eday lhe people who run footb1:11I on all levels, ra 11g1ng tron1 high school to the N;itional IT~ootball League. are ,(oing to rcalizl' U1ey'rc in danger of killing l he t oose that laid U1e golden egg. \\'ith few ex ceptions, most f;1ns cqualt: Friday night v.·ith high school football, Saturday v.•1th 1un1or college and college games and Sunday v1ilh the pros. Last year. pro football, anxious lo add more money to its coffers from its lucrative television contract, started i;cheduling a few t.1onday night games. It _ \\"35 a disturbing Lrend. .Junior colleges actually starlet:! the drift av.«1y from \\'eekcnd football several ***••••i•t•a••• JOEL SCHWARZ ***"'*"*********** years earlier by playing an octasional game on a 'fhursday night. Over exposure is one of the things kill· tng profes~iona l baseball and no"". it'~ lhreatening amateur and professiona l foo tball . Scheduling games fou r days a week is simply a matter of overkill and fans are being cheated-they are not seeing teams al their best. Last 11·eek Orange Coast and Cypress colleges v.·cre forrerl to play two g~mcs "·ithin a period or five da ys and neither had enough tune to prepare for the Thursday night meeting. The 4.000 or so fans on hand at \Vesl<'rn 1-ligh saw a game in 1,1•hich ne ither side played up to its ability. In short, they 11·ere cheated, and saw a pair <>f tired learns sti \1 gelling over the bumps and bruises fron1 the prc\'ious Saturday night. Orange Coast coach Dick Tucker and Golden \Vest 's Jlay Shackleford, 1,1•ho's also played Cypress tv;ice on Thursda ys , Costa ~lesa Next .. are strongly oppo~cd lo Thursday i;amc.!I, '·f don't like them ," says Tucker, ''lhey are not colleg iate. "\Ve offered to change our ga1ne with Cypress to Saturday afler11oon. but they refused bct'ause !hey di dn't lhink they \l'Ould make any n1oncy. ··\\'e were coming o!f an in1portant gan1e and I knev; it \\'SS impossible !o get our team ready mentally and physically by Thursday night. "\Ve just didn't have enough time !o prepare ror the game but. or course, they had the same problem.'' he said . Shackleford doesn't have any Thursday games this season but he 's even more outspoken on the su b1ect. "You only have t"·o or three days tn prepare for a Thursday ga1ne instead or Lhe normal five and you end up playing a game you're not totally prepared fo r, ''Friday, Saturday and Sunday are 1vasted and l\londay usually is a talking day. I norn1ally have a lot of thing s to ex- plain on a Monday so you don't get great an1ounts of physical work done. Thal leaves Tuesday for contact and \Ved - ncsday you have lo ease up because 1l's the day before a gainc," he say s. "Thursday gamc-s disrupt a team's routine and I'm glad both times we played Cypress on a Thursday they had a "'eak tea1n . \\'e wou ldn't have been ready for a strong one," added Shackleford. G1111ch1u \~ant OCC Sa ddleb a t:k Co ll ege foothall coach George Jl artman is 1ryl ng lo line up either Orange Coast or Santa Ana next year tor a prr-season ~cri mmaite. But the Gaucho coach may have a hard lime getting on the r irate schedule br.cause Oranite Coast has be.en scrim- maging J\lira Costa for years aod wants to continue tbe sr.ries. The Bucs' other scrum in recent years has btt1f 1'1tb Vlhitt.icr College, coach CJick Tucker's alm a makr. aod Tu t·kcr "'ant.s to maintai n that series, too. Santa i\na, hO\\'CVer, has an opening fin Hs sc rum ~cbr.dule after r alomar walkrd oil the field against lhe Dons last ltl(lntb. Def e1ise Still Leads Way For Vnscored-on Eagles Th£' season iii ~till young and an Irvine League gan1e has yet to be player! but there i;ee1ns to he a :;trange turnabout \1'ith Estancia l·llgh School"s varsity foot· ball progran1. After two games !hr Eagles arr.. un- rl rfeated and unscored on -a slati st1c lhal staggers even the \1·1lde.~t. 1111· aginat.ion in view of pasl Estancia fool · ball performances. In four previous years !hr. ~:agles harl managed to shut out t\l"O teams -both tn 0-0 affairs. 7''011· roach Phil Brt>wn·" d'"-(e.nsi\'e· CJnented 011tf1l has I.urned back lwo op- ponents \\ 1thnut a scorl:'. . . Las~ 1reel.;"s opponent f Pac1 f1ca) \\'a:i> :i hll' lo i1dvancc 11"1 the Eaglrs' JO-yard hnc in the first half and then \\"as forcl"d tn operate in Jls Oll"n territory for the bal ance of the second half. On the hne are ends Ca! :-ihnre~ and Lee. F'nerlcr&lorf flanking !ac klr~ Craig and ~1ar k De nnis 1,1 nh Rob Conkli n m<1n- nini;: the middle guard position. Backi ng up 1hal qu1 nLr.t arc linebackers Rod Felts and Greg 13en tnn. Tile ro1•erback-lhe player who ~ear.~ lo the oppositiori"s power -1s altrrnalr1t between quarterbacks Curl Thoinas a11d Pau l Joycr. • The three deep ba cks are B()h Ka iser, Craig Nomura and l\·l1ke Shaughnessy. Offensively, Brown has had his 1orccs 1.vork ing a great deal on their passing at- tack in preparalion for Cosla i\fesa. '"Th is is really a crucial lest for u~ After the tie 11·1th Paci fica '.l'e mus! g<'t our momentun1 ba ck," sa.1·s flrown . 8ro11·n's forn1ul a for beat1n~ Costa J\le."-a 1s s1mp!r · '"\\'c'1•r: ~ol 10 nuthtl thrn1, \\'e've i;nt lo kr<'p fJUr pn1.~r and keep it up for 48 1ninutcs,'' ~ys Bro1,1 n. •• • • NEW QUARTERBACK Keilh Samuels Sea Kings Pep Offense With Optio11 Play By ROGER CARLSON 01 1~1 01111 l"llol Slit! Corona <l!:'I 'f.1ar High School's foo\ba!I team may take on a nl'w image Sf!turday night against Edison High in the opening Irvine League battle for both forces al Newport Harbor High . The nr1v t11·ist is the pa ss-run option Corona de! J\lar is capabll' of utilizing, along 11 ith its standard belly sc.ries of- fensi1·e attack. Thal ne1v addition conies aOOut after coach Dave Holland moved Glenn ~lillcr fron1 quarterback to tailback. ::iouthpa1v Keith Sa1nucls goes lo (]uarterback, giving the Sea Kings a pas~ ing a\lack capable of going left or righl. The addition ol J\Ii!ler at ta ilback also figures to impro1·c the running gan1c. J\tiller is Corona's best runner , And 111th hJs passing threat to keep Lh t; defenses honest, he could put added llfe into Holland"s offense, a phasr of the .Sea Kings' gan1e thal tl1c Crl~I coach has not bct"'n particularly pleased 1,1'i\h 1n splitting a pair of praclice games. Corona del l\1ar's defensive crew h11s been dan1agcd after tackle John Kelly suffered torn ligaments in his kner l!c·s oul £or the seasou. As for tht; pro blen1s l::diso11 ll1tih's Chargers present lo Corona d<'l l\1ar, llolland $ays it's a mailer Qf contain1ni:: the Ch;i rgcrs' rushing offense and nut gct11np, burned on the pa.;s1ng. Holland says 1t"s nOI so 1nuch lht; aett1al passing that \l ornrs hun as is 11·hal E:d1~on can do u[f the pas.~ plays. '"They can hurt you 11·1th screen posses an<! dra11· pla ys oU of the passing attack. j Edison coach Bill Vail ) like s to u i;c a lot !Jr that \\'estn11nster ii!uff to keep the ru sh off his passer," suins up Holland . llollanrl wa ~ e~Lremcly happ y \1•ith tight rnrl and defensive tackle JeH (;oe!it?.' recent play In U1e Dolsa Grande 1·ictory. "He's really been c·hell'ing peo- ple up," says the CdM mentor. Ticket Pi·ice Up ~unset League football fan~ <ire la ced \\Ith a slight change in ;idn11ssion pric:es Lo ,·arMly gaines this year 11·1th adult.5, sturlents and children "·1thout adult sulX'r\ 1s1nn raring ;:i $1.50 \:ih. Price for child 11 ith adult 15 $L Brov.n, ho1,1·evrr, 1,1·as totally unhappy v.·1th !he Pacifica lilt. Eslanc1a pushrrl the ~1 ariners all over the field but cruc1:il ('rrors kept the E:aglrs fr om scoring - lca1·ing the battle a tic. Estan cia faces cro.~s-(01,1n riva l Cost a r.I C'sa Sa turday night al Or<1nge C(la~l College in its opening Irvine Leag ue !e;>i nf the year and Brown 1~·111 ;:igain call on the defen~ivr. corps to !r::irl the 1~·ay. T,vo Mo1·e l(ey 111 ju1·ies Th e alignment l!i called a 5·2 ll'!th a rover by Brown. Calendar ,,1~ • ., foo1b111 -M•ter 0.1 •• LPtewood •' V•t•ron:i. 51101u,.,. LOl'O l!u,~. f oollllll 11 Ml•~oon \llelo. f oun111n V1ll•v •• M•onoll• 1t LI "''"'"· Or>s l'v,blO> •I M1,.n1 1! WHUn!n•lff. An1~olm 11 Hun• Tln~!On !lt•i~. '1111• ,,.,~ •! L•ou~•. 5~~u •no >! ""'""'Po'' 1-llrbor, LA H1rbor 11 Or•n11 (.,.•I (•II 11 I p.m !. (•"'• ,.,.,,,,,., -5Pnl1 ... ,. •• , N•woor•. M•''' ~I at WIJtOl"1, WHter,. 11 W•>tm>n•I••· .o. .... ~e•m •! >lvn-1\nQlOn (Ill ft l :llJ. Or1n<10 Coen II Cer<I~. !Mid· dlebl<-u Vlcro• VIII••· Cvo•ir>• I nd ELA( II Gotaen Wtst 1111 11 l::Mt). w .1 .. l'olo -Edl•on, HuntlM•on. M1 •1n1 1nd w .. 1mln11or 11 E11tncl1 !Our..n-, S•ntl•"" 11 fou,.. !~'"1~~!1•1: •• N~~~·~ ·.:,.:~~~~ ~~ul~iiL Hucr;: No•!""•n Ctll!Or11l1 1011rn1v, !oe11 lnvl!l t>OMI ti Goldt n Will Ill. Roel\: Laguna G1·id Tea1n Laguna Beach lligh SchcMJl's footba ll squad has been rocked again -!his time with the disclosure that star halfback t.like Abbey is a doubtful starter for Fri- day nighr.!I Crestview League opener y,·it h Villa Park. · Abbey reinjured his knee in Lhc recent Brea loss and has not suited up for prac· tice this week. Adding lo those \l"otS is the loss o[ ~tar!ling fullback Scott Allen , 1rll(I sus· tained a sel"erely pulled muscle in a PE class. The Artists were down lo 21 players in practice Tuesday . The only bright note on the Laguna scene. is the de rensive vista. "\1/e stopped Brea four ti mes inside our 20 in lhe second half last wttk and our kids seemed ~o come Alive and really started to hit,'' says Akins . Tl 11111 lake. a supreme rffort lo knock on Villa Park Friday ac cording In Akins. ·'They're huge. compared to us and they ha ve t11·0 good quarterbacks. '"Villa Park JU St seems lo ha ve r \·erything it needs and ii runs a good d1 1"e play and power sweeps," ~ays Akins. "\\'e\·e got to pursue and J:ang tackle Villa Park's runners even more than v.•c sho 11•ed in the second hair against Brea if ~·e're to contain them ," he surmises. Laguna took it on the chin 39·6 lo Katella and 24·7 to Brea after posting a remarkable 10-1 tec<lrcl las~ yea r enroule to "'inning the Crest\'ie \v League cham· pionsh ip. Steve Patmt'r returns lo !ht; Artist s' backfield afler a stellar performance in the second half against Brea. Palmer, \'.'ithout recenl practice and the recipien~ <>f a recen~ tonsillectomy, ll'as a standout in the Brea defeat. MD Seeks Scoring. Punch A lack of scoring is worry ing coach Bob Wood! <lf Mater Dei and thlngs could go from bad to "'nrsc Friday night when the, t.1unarchs journey lo Long Beach Ve1er8Jl 's Stadium lo tangle with lhe CIF's fifth·rankcd Lakc.,.,·ood High foot· ball t.ean1. "We have been unable to score touchdowns. We are ;:1 great lean1 from C111r own 40-yard line l.o the olher team's 30. Then ~·e make too many mistakes and r"n't get the ball across the goa l line," \\ood~ says. lories t1ver Westminster and Gardena and currenlly is ranked fifLh in the CIF with Loyola sbcth. The l\later Dei coach praises Loyola and says he would muc h prefer lo face loug h opponents in practice games lhan lo play palsies <ind win them all. "\Ve 1,1•ould rather play the good one~. It has helped us U1e last l~·o years and I am sure it v.·HJ this lime. "The current Lakewood lra1n i~ a ly"pieal John ford club. It is quick and they ha\'e a good p;isser. The.v also play good defen sive hall and we \\"ill have our hands full lry in'g to score again this 111·eek ." • fie Is a gocxl one and against Garden<l la.st week gained more than 150 yards. lie also threw a coople of touchdown passes against \Vestminsler and will be tough to stop on that bootleg option pi!lY according lo Woods. \\'hile he is high in his praise of the Lakewood quarterback, he also ftt1s lht Lancer running gamt; 11·ill gil"e his learn the acid lest. "That kid ll\.1ike) Owens is a real good one. fie scored fou r times agalMt Gardena and had a run of more than 70 yards." Ne,vport Boss Still Frets Over Off e11se Newport H::irbor has come 11p l"'l\h filoe dangerous running backs and a hett r r than al'eragc passt>r in quarterb<1ck 011! Sh<.."<ld . The offcnsil"c line is 1n{Jrc th;:i11 adequate, loo. Yet the Tars ;ir(' ha ving trouble (:!l"'tt111i:: on the .seorf'OO<ird and ll1<1\"s one 11f eoarh \Valle \\'alts' pri me concerns a ~ hr rc<1diC$ the Sa ilurs for !he opcn111g i1f Sunsel League foot ball host1lit1t's Frida y night. Nl'w1>0rt. unbcatt•n aHrr t11n ::.t:.1·1 ~. lhrows its hat 111 !he title race by ho.~ling 11·inlrss. but usually tough Santa Ana, In !wn ga1ncs the Bh1eJ;1ekels hal"r nutscored C:oro11;1 1lel ~·l ar, 14·6, and Costa ~tesa. 9-7. Four lin1t's lhry got 11\- side the ~lesa 211 the llrst ha lf, yel 11 cre unable In pick up a louthdo1,1·n. And it"s that ~c11eral laek of a go:i! line offense that disturbs \Vall!' "\\'e certainly ha1•e no!h ing I•\ hr n\"erconlitlenl about."' he told lhe OA!LY Pll.OT. "\\'e strLJggled through both nf lhnsc gan1es. '' Con1 paring Ii i.~ i,:-roup 11•1th Sa11t ;1 Ati:1, \\':itts believes the lines art~ on a par a11d his 1nain conCt'rn ;1bout lht' S<1ints.' backs is containing their rx(:epl1 011a! .';pred. "\Ve could hold rhrn1 nine of JO pl<iys and then they \l'Otdd break on us_·· I le beliel"cs Santa Ana 11•1[\ he Ills strongest opponen1 l11u~ l<1r ;ind feels \haL Nt'll'port is on a par with ~1a1er Dci -a learn that dcfca!cd the Saints, 6-0, two weeks ago. \l'itl1 Anahehn 011 Tap No More Experiffients For Huntington Beach 1·1or !hr f1rsl two ll'ecks of thf' :-1eason H11nlinf:lon Beach football coach Ken ~lll<1ts t1;1s bPc11 ti·) ins to dc1·elop depth on h1~ !C;i r11 to prepare for the ngors of thr Sun~t·t League ~casu11. ,\loJ!:,-ha s f1nishr1I th(' experin1ent and s:1ys lu··s nu1\' g1)11lg to plr1y his bc~l ptayt'rs as ni uc!J as po::.~1blc -and he 'll probably ha ve to. For 1!s Sun set opener. llunllnglon f;c:il'h h;1s drall'11 its luu\hest opponent uf tht' )C'<.tr -J\nahe1111. i\o. l in lhc CIF. Both lf':uus go 11110 lhe eonlest 1,1·1th ~-0 T'\'tord s. but An;1hc1m ha~ the more 1111· prt"~~n·c mark i.:011~1dcru1i; the t·;Jhbcr or f!IJl11J:1('nt5. 'l'hc Coluny has 11·luppr rl Chaffey, 27·\4, :11111 Hctt!ands, 2R·6 while the Oilers l1111pr·d pa~! La J!:ilJra. 13-7. and ralllcd to S1nasll i::;hson, 29·7 ""\\'c're pl;i y1ng the I'\" ! te<.11n in the ~tal c an<I ! hop(' 'Cl:trl•) V:1n lloorebek~ 1~ as nice to us ;is he llas 'bC'Cn to lif'd lands and Cliaffev ··ir anyone is go11ig 1o n1akc a go(~! hhu11iing 111 the Su11hf'L Ltng uc ; they "rr gn1ni.; to h;11•c 10 heal Anaheim £ir~l ,"' 1\1 .. :it<; ~;1y~. ""Thf'y arc ii lot c1ui1·kcr 1han 1hcy h!l\"f: hcrn in tllr pa st. bu1 ;it lea sl the-y arcri't a.~ big a~ tl1ey hr11 c t.icen. '"Q\l<trlerback (.;co1·gc Fraser probably is the bf'st ru nn111g h:ick in Or ange Coun- !_y and his pussing has 1n1proved a great llca l this sea~o11 " :\loats JS lrou h!ctl by An;.ihein1 's slun· ling df'frnsf' '"L<1 lla brn ;incl ~:c11son both stunted on u~ and ou r young l1nen1en have h;:id a lot of prohtc1ns adjusting lo those moves." !\\oats says his on ly t1vo expt'ricr!<'cd 1111rn1c11, sr111ors J ack Crosby and l:eorge (lli11t, !he right gu<1rd ;ind ri·ntrr, ha1 e bc·cn hts inust cf!el·t1ve lllockcr ~ ... Thr Oiler running gan1c, l\"luclt ~11u l- 1crecl ag<unst La tJabra and had soine trouble g1·l!1ng untr:1ckcd ;:1~;11n~t l-:dison , lnoks better t[) 1he. Huntington Beach co;1ch. !le."~ n101ctl Hoc ky Cerda, a 5·6, 14!'i· !){)tinder into lhe starting running back ~pot atlrr lie c;n11c off the bench lo gob· ble up 97 yards ag;iinst Edison .. \Ve e;1n"l :1fford to keep Cerda out."of the .Slilrting line-up. He's l"<'ry quick and t1r hi1s thf' hole when it.~ there, something our othl'r runners havcn"t been doing." Tirt$fOnt DEWIE CHAMPION OUR BEST-SEU/NG REPLACEMENT TIRE -- ,,_ "'°"" selt oul of YOVI" s i1e. a ··r1inch1tc;k" wiH bti issued, 11ssunog ~tu delivery 111 t:t-.. ALL SIZES ON SALE "" r.i.Na I~ '-~~ hl r .. , 211111 rir• 111: rn z.i n ';:"~ 6 ~·1,1 $26.25 SID.DO $29.75 $12.00 t 1.~I / 00 I ) 27.75 13.00 31.50 15.00 '" 6 9S·1' '_27.75 13.00 '--· 3175 15.00 ' " 7 1~-1 • 28.75 13.00 33.00 15.00 ' " 7'.15.!!> "' 11~ ,. 30.50 15.00 34.75 17.00 1,95 7.7~-1 ~ '·" ~ 1!>·, ~ 33.50 16.00 3815 18.00 1.18 11!>-1!> ' " l ~S.1 ' 36.75 11.00 41.75 19.00 2.•e 8 B!> 14 41.00 19.00 46 .7 5 20.00 "' I B!.-l S '·"' 9 15-15 --48 .25 21.00 "' 1.oo.1s --50.50 23.00 2.71 advertised prlc.. All pr>ea• Pl US ta~• '""d 2 1,,... o• JUla" C8f. IOOT~ Famous Brand Shock Absorbers @'. Brake Adjustment S::: lluv 3at.ourrw"rla,-pri....-__ ~t=, ----w~·11 adjual •our hr11 '1.f'll W·'TTH>:<cn >iJRONLY ~~~~ =•Yl"'l -' oOd llud.< eat .. ~~@ aa<= with this coupon F'.2 with this couQQQ~ ~ I Coupon HpirH Nor.1.1969 l~~QQ_QQ_Q_Q_I c .. ,.,. utim Ntw. /, /969 J FIRESTONE STORES COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH 475 E. 171h ST. e 646-1444 OPEN MON.-FRI. I to 9; SAT. 'TIL S HUNTINGTON BEACH 16171 BEACH BLVD. 847·608 I OPEN MON.-FRI. 8 to I ; SAT. 'TIL S The f\-1onarchs ,;cnred 1 6-0 victory over Sant;i Ana in the ir opener and lost to LoyoJa 'l'I Cub.'i last 11·cl'k by a 14·0 mar11:in . Lake11·0Q(I ha s rollcfl l.o imprcsSil'e vie· The l\toni'lrch coach prai~ed !hr v.·nr~ of Lancer riuar!crback ti.in1 1 liu1n11ford. The ~later Dci coach plans to make one change in hiA offensive lineup, Ronnie ~l11niz 1\•ill start al ri ght end for lhis 11eck ·1 game. :•llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllClllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll .. -.. '11'~Ji DAlLY PILOT Thur~o1y, Dttobtr 1, 19blJ Marina· Workhorse Orange Comity Club Loses :Leads Grid Stats STRESS STILL HEAD ON TIGHT SHOTS The best advice I Cln &ive for playing shots from close or tight lies is to keep your head absol utely still throughout your $Win1. Focus your complete at. 1ention on the back of the ball and never let it waver. Southern California Open HUNTINGTON t.•ACK U .. I t Cordi Win 1111.iilt!I ''" ., .. .,, "' 1, Ill S.S O M"ilON YllJO ( .. 11 'f.larina High Sc ho o I 's workhorse Joe Ventimiglia ltads rushing statistics f ll r !' Orange Coast art>a prep~ \\"i\h J98 yards gained in two games. ' lfunbngton Beach 's ground game comes into focus \\'ilh Rocky Ctrda and Garth \Vise L lo~a ""' ( '"'"'" rAc(o•O Zo1to1~v _ .. ZI Il l 6,J U ll ?O l ,fO l l t~JS O 3 l I O ' 0 • 01 ' 0 0 00 I C:llro Maio" HOlmt' E . Gr•r --Mor ti~ Wlllt.rni.on 1"1n11111 ltll "'' ... , .. 11 91S.t0 ., 11 '·' 0 11 "1 1 0 n I.I l 1 0 I .'.I J.O 0 ' ? 1.0 0 1 0 •.• 0 Maintaining a steady h ead gives your swing an anchor. It's the best insurance" that your , clubfaco will meet tho ball The S o u I h e r n Califomla PGA Open will be moved from Los Coyotes Country Club for the first lime in five yea rs due lo a lack of dates available ror lhe success of the event. Pete Pino, n1anager of the host course for lhe past four years. rnade the an- nouncement after learning he \VOUld have lo split the tourna- ment around lhe Jan I holiday. H1nu PWli!t 0 0 10 1 0 I 1.0 I •• '"" pl' ,., "'' G'O v I? o I 11 .SOI ¥111~ .... -10 ? ? Sl ,]99 • $qua rely despite the bad lie. , . .hold ing the third and fourth posi!ions in the top JO rushers. '· f\later Oei's quarterback. "B. ob Haupert is second in rushing with 143 yards and fourth in passinF; v.i th 103. Wt,. •bbrv "''''" F 1tnl•< Sml"' P•«\ Ollp>•r Hrln< •• K IOI .... •<I 11 I ' ... lll U.GUl'(A •IACN ! .. fl flWftlM le• "'' ,., II• 2} lit J.1 11 •1S•.10 I 4 • 0 D I I 1.0 0 ' 0 00 0 NIWl'OllT N••ao11 U-11 llMU\1""9 O<•on l'lilll•t • s~1~a ~r'lll!n "' ...... 1'1~~ H~ctl"'f H_t,,he1 w~u. ICll ~Tl 1~1 !flt ?1 '' ••• !Sto l.00 1•s•1 •• •?91.to 1? lt l s 0 10 M 1 I t I 1 1.0 l 9 0 0 0 • 000.0 • ', It is an1iazing how frequently a golfer will make exceptionally good contact on shots that ap- pear to be ditficulL The chief reason fo r the s uccess of these shots is because the close lie forces players 1o pay strict at- tention to the ball. ''The tournament isn"t dead jusl bec<1usc Los Coyotes gave it up.'' Pete soys. •·1 have con· tacted fl oward Smith of Dia- mond Bar. president of the Sou\J1ern Cahfornla PGA and he is sec~i ng a OC\V home al another facility ." ' . Leading scorer is Ven· lim i e:l i a w ith three rtuchdowns. lt111M•t f. Ve"•lmi9llo (Mlrl"•1 ,, r<1up1rl (M1t" 01>l 3. C.,,, !H.,.,ll"ll'°"f 4. WI_. IMt!nllMlO"i S. Mol<I'°" {Eal .. nl ' "bbfv fl•~<m•l ~ Ounn I/Mt;, Dfo1\ I. Jol>nl(ln tE•lo<>e•1l ~ Oo<M !tHwl>fl•Tl 10 Cl!t11 !M,.1io<l Vl•lo\ , ... 1., , ... ~¥• ••• • '" " " '" " " '" " " "' " " '" .. ., "' " " "' •• " '~ " " .. .. " " " I I K l <I y ... O•!m1r '0:tJ1n1 ,, -n -1.0 o 0 0 0.0 ) ...... ,.,""' J• 10 1 101 .2/1 MAl lNA 4 .. 1·1) •on.111111 v~n!imi9h1 tell "'' ••• 111 46 !till ll IS.3<77 0 I l 0.7 0 J .,, ·1.0 0 O'Hlfe Loe• ~·~ ..... ·~ \Ill" AblXltl i•rm•n D 0 0.1 J 0 0 o.o l ....... '' IC t>I ¥f!I t<I JO 1l 1 \oM .'ll MATEll DI! 11·1) ll11llll1t1 ""'~· Brown '" Pewtt•n Glb'°n C.-f1 M<N•m•r• "'"'"' •l l'<iJIJft•d 11 11 1 1'S .111 100 0 .000 C'.LIMINTIE ( .. I) llllillln1 lcb ny1 1¥1 lh •461.1 0 1' J1 2.0 D l 1J <&.J 0 1 I I 11.0 0 7S t D.JD 1 2 7.0 0 l'•nln1 11 K"4Y.,J'<I Hl0l1 .2J1 W•!iTMINSTEll ( .. 2) ~Wl~int • • * * * .• •. 1!1n1 1wn1mln11rn <l 11 .•It ·HO I<'-nYI n1 m Jl !il•.10 ?6 1lO •oO 11 71 7.lO Pown1n1 9.,;,. f(b ft~9 I YI 111 ~;:::=====================~ lfi ll l.S 6 Jerry Sharman, son of the Los Angeles Stars coach, has been named head golf pro- fe ss ional at Ontario Na tional golf club and is believed to be one or the younge st head pros in the country at 24. '· $.!l~m1n (Morl""l lO 1l .•JJ l~j ]. $1'>~d !N,WPOrtl ~I 11 .~11 10 I Hlu~rl CM•IH 0..0lt ' .311 l(IJ H•u~orl ovnn .. , Mvn;1 J•<'"'" MHn1 ll ff J .10 10 ,, '·' a Stor• i11 spit1 of lr•ps.. bunkers, rouah and downhin lie•-with 15 Jl o.• D 11'1• t\!}P Arnold . Polmer otters "°" in his booklft. .. Troub!• Despite his .. youlh. Jerry has been around the links sport since he was eight-years-old. lie. has been an assist ant pro for several years at Corona National ;:ind Ontario before gaining the top spot . . -r. o nme• (l•~un1l ;I 10 171 1n1 • ' !.c:oriN: Vr•ll,.,..11111 f1<11r ln11 II. ' & 'Mori.~ ff:dloonl. WI"' O .. u"""•'•~l U , :••<"'-T"-"n l£1!1M l1I l l'CI AUIY • ; • fLl!l"""'l 17 ~ICh 1 ' '·' 0 1 ' 1.l t 81n1 Mcltut~lin •1ar1<101 11 o o.e ' Shots. A copy is rcurs for 20c. a\on1 •ith a stamped, ~•II· ,.11,1111 1 0 o.o 1 addreSS-' e,_. s1nt to Amo«f Palm«, WI ~re ot this "'"'s-''"'"' COltON.l 11£1. MAI 11·11 lluthlltl •I IC t4 ,., f CI lt 0 0 IOJ ,JIJ '' H .-! Yot •d poper. olJ ll ' 11~ ,6\t '------------------------.l! ,..!,ft\ ,~,,..,.~ l:lllltr -~· Morr I~ -·· """" ~ ... 1. 11•'11~ M11lr. Will "•ul ild•l$o~ ltlt••~ Mo•lf'I' '1<i,rilt "''"' "111vm<lftd ·~· •1(1.-.. 'Ml .. IO!I """ ';:; " ~· • li-•·d kl\i!l•M ... ,.,.., ... "' .... ,,. ,0,114• 11 •• • 1 0 ?O •l .?00 5 ~S.O• 10 ~ "s ' s 1 0.1 • 010.02 J'IK"4 .... •d I• ' 1 '1 .JU 11011.m COSTA MISl 1 .. 21 1tv1hln1 '•11111'11 tc• .,, 1"9 ,._ i1 11 s 1 n 1117111 ' •l • s • 1• •O 1 .I 0 .I 11 30 0 I 0 0 D D 0 0 0 0 I •I IC J'i '" Kl I 1 1 II .?M ' 3 l ll .SOii IDllON t•l·ll ltw.til"' I<'-~'' l •I t'-71 11• • • l• 11 41 J I 1 S t 1 I 0 ' I I t t 1 l l 0 0 1 ., .1 0 0 ,, " 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 ' ''"' ... , • .le ....... •" '' 7 I to .2'1 I S7•1'KIA O +ll lt v,PI!~' f<l:t ~~· •••• ,, 1•\l)ljJ ~ 11 l l JI 0 11JSJJ1J I " J.l e • • 0 0 0 1 e oo & & 0 0' l • ,., .. !>" .. ··~(•••lftl(• l'i"Om•l 10 • g ,, ,\.II? ~tr • I 0 1J .HI .,1-~ I 0 0 0 ,Of)Q FOUNT.Iii!" v •L~''I" 11 ·11 •• . ,(• v.~''' "t vooot.t.- • • ..,..111~, l'lniM le•"'' '"" rl• II ~ 1-' • 'J4 21 1 ll l l 1 I o 11 ZI 1.t 0 1 10 ].J 0 1 I l I 0 l ' 1 l ft , 6 ? 0 0 J t l .O 0 I ·• -'.O o ''"'.i .... "'' I• I l •• ,JJJ IDIO ,otO ;niahlo s' ]Key Fault: ~Offense ;'. )'our cl ub li.:1s Jo~t its fir~t l'o\'O games and ha s yet to •)core a point. :: You are about lo face ii 'Jt am ronsidered to be best in ~:our league in the opener a.nd Jiu has hit your S<Juad. Crestview Loop Crushes Laguna's Plea to Switch 1 he Laguna Beach High School bid for en- try into the Orange League never gol off the ground last week with the move nixed by Crestview League schools, fi\'e to three. The Artists needed a majority to get the 01otion put up before the CIF Saturday. It was Laguna's hopes that the Arti:1ts could move to the AA Orange circuit for the 1970·71 .!'chool yt!!ar -thus leaving th!! Orang!! and AAA Crestview loops seven team affairs. Hov.·ever, it seems that the progrl!!SS on D11na Hills Hi&h School is shaky and Creslview schools were fearful that the J9il· ROGER CARLSON ~~ srason ~·ould see Unil·ersity High being ad- ded to th!! Orange loop -leaving the Creslview high and dry v:ith ,;even teams. Sf, La.guna is denied again. Principal Bob Ree ves of Laguna :o;ay~ he'll make another pllch ror the Orange League in the spring. * • * A 1m1U clt:ric1I t:rror five moalb!I •10 ht 1M-olfln of JIDU T. M~ tile Arq C11mml1sloaer for lbt: ClF, aoowballt:d l.ato nrar-illsa!ller Friday nlgllt wbt:n tltarin• High ~(·hoo1 found ltll!!U hottill1 Soulh Torrance 1t "'t:slmlastl!!r witbout game Officials. Tbt thrt:t offltlal1 were eomma.adterl'il frt1m the crowd. includln& DAILY PlLOT "rlltt How1rd Uaady. The game was delayed 75 mioutes. It wa1 • st:rles t1f eolnclden cts that turned lht: incident into 1be flr1t of ltt kind in the 15 11t:a•flDS ~1cDonou11:h b•s btea •sslpl.ng of· flrlal~ to Orangt: Cou11 ty h!&b 1chool athletic C\'tlltS. Tbt Marina-South Torrance tussle was tr· Tuneoaaly con1ldtted to be •t Solltb Torr1nce . If 1uch wttt: Ute cut McDoncugh would b.a\'e nc r~pcnslblllly for a11lgn.l111 offl clt.15. "'hen lhe ma ster officials' assignment list ~rrl\'t:d at Marini, \'lking official• failed to dvublecheck it. And. where most 1chools use rhteks to pay officials, !\.larlna u1u a \'O&lehe r 1y1tem. Willi cherk1 of C91UK, tbe D•mn would ha•e to be band y to m•ke them oat before tile game, In slt:ad blank vcnu·hrr slips were to be 111ed -thus one more re•soo not t11 check tbe list of ofricials. r'ilcDonouitb 's area or responsi bility in· \'olres 894 football games !or lhe 'it cam· paign and it add& up to 2,614 l11dl\•ldt1al assignmt:nls. • • • Apparently oUicial! aren't th!! only ont' gi;ilty of snafus. Mike Sgobba '"as c.rroncously si ngled ou t ris !he leader of a parti cularlv bad set of referees in the recent Nev.'J)Orl. I l<irbor·Corona dtl Mar football game. This writer made lhe mistake of taking tht: ~amt!! program's list of officials al fa ce value -lhlls lhe naming or Sgobba, who was out ot town. • * • After vlt:wlng lht: rt:c:eat Loyola-J\.11ler Del game ll'1 hard lo imagint: how lhe aingle win& could be 10 complett:ly disdained by coarhes. Other than Loyola It 's bard to find anoU1er 1c:hool in SouUttm California that u1r1 the brut.al single wing offense. Tbe'Cubs use It io perfection. Wltb •runner Tcportedly with a best of 10.1 In the 100 yard d11sb, Loyol• 1t:emt:d unstopable. Thr Cub1 had 4J running play1 and were rt:ciplenll of • loss only once against a learn noled for brilliant defense . • • + Estancia':o; recent 0-0 tie wlth PacHic mark_. the third time !hat the Eagles have deen ill· \Ol\'ed in a 0.() g1me in the pa3t four years. Eads Shifts Personnel 33-1 Victory For Laguna Foothill Gets Nod For Title \Y1th two \\·eeks of pre- lcague football action under it s bell, lhe Creslview League on a whole appears dov.·n. Three teams have yet to score and lhe 1968 champion 1s winless. Foothill High Sch o o I , however. is very much alive and kickin~. The Knig hts are ninih·rank- <'d 1n Orange Coun1y, followi ng two sm ashing wins, and ap. pear lo be the Learn to beat for the Crestview crown. DAfLY PILOT prl'diclion.~ say Villa Park"s big. aR· grcssi1·c 011 tf1l 11·ill g iv c Foothill it~ biggest run for thr. payoff with Orange nnd F:! !lioden a rounding nut rhe tip- per division of the circui! llere"s 11 brief n1ndown on f'ach tea1n in order of 1iredicted finish · Foothill -Knig'1 ts .<:erm lo have it all including a tough defense lo go along with cn1.<:hing ball-control offensive gt1 me . Villa Pa rk -Spartans ~1\·rn if good chance lo laXe 11 :.II. Line bolstered by hvo 240- p(lund plus tacklrs. Orange -Pan1hers show ed capabilities with 6-0 \11n over Co~ta ~-tesa El ~lodtna -Vanguards must ~hore up defense lo be a con\l'ndcr. Ontario Nn!ional, in ::id· dition to Ilic championship course, also has an Hl·holc, par-3 night l ighted t'ourse. f\lore lh<1n 150 Orange Coun- ty golfers will be t.aking to the tees and ~reens Sunday morn· ing in the El Conquistador golf tournament at Brea Gol f Course. Slaged as a tribute to PGA pro£essional Bob Crow, a likeable loca l te aching pro 11tto has pledged his car~er to developing golfe rs and helping to popularize !he game, action \1ill get under \vay at 7 a.m. * * * Ben King. unc of !h(' IQJl leac hing prns 1n lhl' 1.·ount ry, has been 1111med hrad tlO!f pro- fc~sion<1I al Pomona Natior>tl Golf Club l!c su1.·ceeds Toni r.JeHu~h and \\Ill 1vork v.·iih t11·0 olher collr~es in the Na· t1onal (iolf Courses fhaln <i t Corona and Ontario, as 11cll as Pomon a. 1lles11 \lcrde First 1\r£'k,..n1t of action Iii !he ~1 e~ll Vrrdc n1cn's rl uh rhamp1on~01p~ will get under "·av S;;11irday. Partici pant~ \V1ll pla y :it; holes this \l'erkrnd l\l!h the low eight rloisher.~ in t'ach fligh1 paruc1 pa!1ng in the rinal 36 hnlrs on Ocl 11 ·12. Low r1E?ht srnrcs for thr flrsL 36 holes 11'ill compc(e in the chan1p1onsh1p f11ghl and 1vil1 play scrat~h gn!f all the \.1-'ay. All others will use han· d1c<1ps in their final tabula- tions. In a rnen'.s partner be-st ba)) tnurna1nrnt lasl weekend . r>likr Tonti and J o 11 n Palafot1\a s teamed togeth<'r for a fil. ~('('OOd p\are \l'Cnt to ~{on Tuckrr ;.1nr\ Dr. Andy Dugger lllth a 62. lr1.·ittc Coast Tusti n -Tillrr~ ;irr b1!!. h11t li;i \'en't sho1\n their olfcn~r \J r~ llf'nry .Johnsnn, r>lrs. )Cl. nrip;rr Turner rind ~1r'!, Frf'd II La~rna Bt:acb -Small in l\1r.1·rr tr.1mcd together 10 nu1nbr rs. size .ind ~pe e fl. C'llrd a 65 111 lhe ladies dav \O\\' Artist~ n1usl make f:llb~lanU[I! bi<ll of thret'Jl{lmc tourna"ml'nt 1n1pro1rn1rn! tu gel into the .11 lrvinr Coa~! fir st division. In .1 n1rn" brtrl'r b,,11 <if ~li~sion \"iejo _ Diab!os pa nnrr ~ 1ouro:i1nen1 , F:dd1e cnuhl surprise if they can find l\iddle and Joe Deutsch card- thcir n ff r n s e .. Drfen~ivrly , er\ a Ii~ to tie "·ith Ray I-lanes ,\lif:sion Vieio appear.~ .~o lid . :i11ct Fred P<Jltc rson for t0p , " You only real bright spol so :1ar ha s been de(ense and th!! 1/lu ha s kep~ your t\fO star ·line backer! al home Tuesday. ~ With that in mind, what do To Beef Up SC Attack In an effort io ~hake San over at quarttrbeck after al San Clemt'nlt. -Same boat honors. I Laguna Beach trounced at f.1ission Viejn and Lai:una In a 1n1:<cd e\·ent. besl ball I second-year s c h 0 0 J Los Be;irh. Have to get offense of four :.01ne tourney nn Sun- Amigos, 33-l, in a non·league clicking. rtay, lhe 1\in ners "'ere r-.lr. Hnd '''ou do in preparation for Fri· .. 1.... th .fj11y night's c restvit!!w League Clemente High School's foot-ope,,..'6 e season I h · d' F lh"U ball team out of , ... o/fe•·'ve flanierback. 'C as with 1nva 1ng oo l ""' "'» "li"h School? d Id h T E d Geddes is • 9.8 .100-yard ,1" 0 rums, coac om as dash man and is also th e ., "Pray.'' says coach Ray h h·lt d th I ,. to as s l ' rff: P ayers n Tritons' p1,1nter. ,,Dodge of Mission Viejo High. ~ Dodge says mistakes and the slarting offen.~lve unit in F.I Modena his not shmv n J>enallies have hurt his team ·s preparation for the Tritons' "'·ell defensively in iU two pre-- :~rrorts in the fir.it two losses. ope ning Crestvie1v Uague bit· l<'ague games and Eadii: is ~ •·\Ve're still working on our tle at El Modena High Satur· hopeful his offl!!nse ca n ~undamentals .•. we've jus t day night. generate some ronslstency. ):ot to get the offeru;e click-San Clemen~ has not sct>red Defensivt!!ly, he"s satisfied to ,Jng,'' says Dodge. 1' ctrtain e1tent, de:1pi te losing rl As for Foothill, the Oiablo In losing t:ffort.s against Nef{ twice . ~s i;ays his tl!!am has to stOp and Palm Spring~ high schools Palm Springs lied AAA.A i"1he Knights• inside and outside ::1nd Eads is Lrying 10 beef up power Notre Dame of the Del ~lly series. ttie right side of his lint>. .Rey League befo re edging San ·• "Their quarterback ~Bob Clemente, 12--0. ::-Slackridge) dots a good job Tom M<'}'er take:s o11er ~I '"It'! hard on lt:am morale .. faking. By lhe time they go in--Tight tackle and fl.1ike Coil 1vhcn you lose two in a ;,;ide four or fh1t times they'll comes in nut t 0 hi1n at guard ro\1· .... but "' did play two ..cross you up and go outside v.·h~le Bob J\fcN amara has _good teams," say1 Eads. --~ v.·ater polo game at Los f\lrs. R:i lph Bu!cher and r>1r Amigos \V ednesday. and f\1rs. fred f\.1eyers with a • The Art isls i"mpcd of/ to. J V Footli a ll "· T\1·0 b1i: tournaments arc IJ.O . flrit quarter lead and coming up 1hrs month all El 1t1n.:~o " . " t-~\ wvc:.,~~~:;"' • • • .... bolstered it with a 12 goal out· lr\;ine CoasL The club cham- bursl in the third stanza. Holl1l'CI. So...•ft Torr1nc1 • ' • ·-' Coach George Carey tried 10 pionship vdll be held Oct. 12 keep lhe score do"·n and e,·en through 19. 11 is a 72 hole , .... ,.~. • • • ~· MIUIQn Vlr io • • • . " 51n Clltn<11~l1 • • • ~· event by f Ii g h I No played his goalies in the field. parUculars arc available at bul his Artists still belted --the mom•nl. !i1nt1 An1 \<1lltJ ~ e O 0-O a"·ay at the Los Amigos net-co;.1~ Mu• 1 a • 0-1J The seniors tournament for mlnd~r. P~~ili':.~~~o ~~;;1~).Mic~1or 111n1. Nlnt men entered the Artisl 1.11~,!~~~~~-~•'•lu~b'm~e;m·b·e·rs;"•'il•I ;"";;'"~ge~d scoring column \1'ith ,John Enfield leading the \\'ay v.·ith nrne goals. Follo\\·\n g \\·ere, John Slowsky, five, Don \Vare and Jim Orlo'o\'ski v.·ith four, Scoll Sumner. three, and Bill Bro\\11, Rick Gulledge and Tracy Stice "'ilh one each . i:for the TD." says Dodge . ~ _ Key to stopping that stries been moved up to the starting ::ues in his lint:backtn: -Bob ele\·en at slotback. \.Radiavllfe aod Nick Basich, The Tritons· Cro&!l buck and "tv.·o seruora who"rt on the dive series havr: bttn in· ~oubtful list aft.tr a bout •il.h errcctlve so far. And to com· "tile flu . AUTO-MAN ~ "Wt"re in the proceu "°~·of pound San Clemente's troubles I-finding someone t.o fill the 1s the los., or s t a r t l n g ~aps if they c•n'l play," 511ys Quarterback Keith Glb500, '"the Dlablo \\'ho's out ror the ye.Ar afl er ! While the oflensive game suffering a separated right *1as been suffering. Mission .shoulder. .~iejo's defensive game has c:;;;;:V;:e;:r;:sa;:t;:ll;:•;:Ri;:.c;:k;:G;:•o.d;:d.::"=ta=k="~! ,,,oved Wrp. desplle two ':losses. • 1'bo Dl•~IOI v.·ere hurt: ~· by v~ Christian'• uctle""1P plays Jut \lo"etk lind DoclQe pys his tum h35 l>een wo~king extensively on \hat phaM ol I.ht defense: thb week. BOAT BUFFS Al•• lock1IN't' ;, .... eftl'I' f.IJ.ti1111• M1t:119 •4 itor wor~lft• lft l ft'I' ... ,...ptp1r I" 0.1~91 Co\lflty. t-1;, 1rcl~1l .. 1 c1v•••I• of be•lln' •~• y1chll"9 ~•w1 i1 • .iloily f1•fw•• •' 11-te DI.Ill' ''lor. TRANSMISSION .'l. t N (",IN l s 'p f C I A L I .... T ... COM~L£T[ MINOR S[llVICE CN"P ft11W. M/119t ._. .. 111: llflktt:-. 0 11n "'"'P lo oc,_, "-l:" 111~11, "'"" ... """'· ..... ""' ..... "' ~ 10.-Mlll OUAIWITU •.. $24.95 TRANSMISSION LEAKING! IMt•" ,.._ -I (I-'., •••) • 13J5 wltlt ... lllHWl'J liwatllllf: ••••. <f ,.... ........ ......... Oct. 29. Feature competition will be for !he Rawson Foote lrophy for lhOsc Jn the 55 and older bracket. The Stanley trophy v.•i ll be presen ted to the \V1n11er in 1he :;o.55 bracket wi!h additionnl awards for golfers 66 an d older competing in the event. Seuc liff Don ~1uldoon ll'OUnd up v.·ith a 64 lo win the Scacl11! low ne t bal! s we eps t ak es last \veekcnd. Don (.~odda rd an d John Shepard tied for second \\-"ilh 70s and a four Y.'ay tic r:o:- isted ror lhird place bt>t\\'Cen Gene fl'leacher, R. Vincent , J. Bauer and John Jay with 71s. ~leadu1vlt11·t~ Qualifying has ended for the men·s club chan1p1onsh1p at ttleadowlark wit h l1r~l round matches coming up t h 1 s \veekend. Bill Hu nler i s chairman of the evenl. Betty Briley of ll u11ti ngton Beach scored an c;iglc on 1hc par-5 18th hole recently, Tl1c !8!0 is 405 ya rds long. directly into lhc prevailing \\'ind al f\lcadowlark. illissio1&. \'iejo Lack of in1C'rcst has c;iused rv!ission Viejo offi t ials lo eantcl thf> proposcc.J bC'sl ball ot f ou rs ome scratch iournamenl. "\Ve had <.i touplc or \l/alkf'r Cup p I ayers scileduled to tompct c but in· sufficient entries fo r ce d cancclation of the r 1·1>nl." a t'lub spokesman told !he DAI· LY PILOT today. .J. 0. Sexlon sco red his first holE'·in·one 1n 4~ yea rs of playing gol f when he used a 3· \rood an the 194 ya rd 15th hole. The men·s club cham- pi onships v .. il[ be staged in November. A 1nernbcr-guest ~ho!gun tourn an1ent is :-.c·hedll lcd Ort. 19 \11i1h more th<in 200 players expected_ ."it11i. Jonq11ir1 Qu:i rter-!1nal5 ot thr men·s cl u h t11gh-low Calcutta com. jX'lltion Y.'ill be coining up 1his \rCekenrl \1•ith eiglil lcamf> still 111 contt'n11nn. r~ight o1her two· man S<Ju:ul~ will ronip~'lr· 111 the eon:-o)n tion b r a c k e. L 11u:ir1er-f 1nals . Teams scheduled tn con1p.:-1,.. in the champ1on~h1p fhght th1o;; 1rl't·krn d I n t' I u de !iulJ ~1an.~f1cld arid Frank S1n1\h, Bill Hitler .an<l Al l!o1ig, .J1n1 Young and J im DuPuir. Paul Bunge and Barnt·y Egbert, ~larv J ohnson and Bnh (huh- buc k. Co1·et Allen ;ind Bill Hackley, Bob Lope·l ,1nd Boh Clemon:.. and Ed Hewi tt and Jack Cramond. In the ladies lr:t~t putt..~ lllurna1nen!, hlary Imler won flight A with 29. Ot he r \.\-·in· ners: B-rililli(' J ohnson, 32: C-Jeanne C zach, 34 ; D-Eugcn1a Reeves. J 3. Virgi nia Ide \\'On the low net IOUmament With a 78 (otlowed by Zola Bartholomew, 79 and Edna Martin, 81. Co•la 1lleaa Two 1 adj es lournamtnL..: 11·ere held during !he past \1 eek al Costa r.1esa Country Club. tl1ary Evelyn Imler \\'On the A flight most, pars event \viU1 12 and Dori.~ Ball was se· cond \Vl!h JI. Jn B flight, Fran Lrw1 s was the winner with 10 lnlto11cd by Trudy Orlon and Shtrlcy Hawkes .,.,·ith 8. (:cc flight found J e an Creighton and Ruby J-lultberg 111 a first place tle with 1 l 1ollowcd by Jeri Mervish, Ba rbara Shepardson, Elsie Stipes and J\.tax.ine Assmus with 9. In a tin·v.·histle tournament, A fl ight win ners included: illerrilce 011ngan, 97·20-77 (:Fl poinlsl. Martha Ciampa, 91• 14-77 (32 points), and Nadine l'lla£c, 86-8-78 \31 points). In Bee flight , Betty Sleva, !02·26-75 134 poinls) "'as the 1\'lnnc r folto11·ed by Sallv Thon1pson, 10!·26-75 °1 33), and n uby Hultberg, I I I • 3 6 -8 7 (301. Cec flight was won by Lois Sehrnok. 123-36-87 (25) wit h N el l i e Pcle rson. 122-32-90 ! 20 ! in !>econd place . Greert Ricer BoQ fll cGce 11•on low net honors 1v1lh a 129 and Ted Co llins was low gross v.·inne r 1vlth a !47 Jn the Southern l'allforn1a Lefl H a n de d Golfers Association tourna· n1enl at (.;rcen River last \l'Cck cnd. First and seco nd place in low net competition : Chan1• pion s h i p FHghL-Joe Car· raway. 1311. Archie lvy, 134. ~ ... l·onrl f11ght-Clen \V()f)d, 130; ('v \\'llha1ns. 1311. Th ird !light-Jean Vance, Cl2: Bruce ti!oyrr. 133. Low i::rof:,., \11nne rs included: {'h.'.11l1P!Ol1shi p flig ht-Collins. 147: Vic ll addad. !49. Second tl i~ht -Norm Hopkins. l~l. Th1r1! lhght-To11y C1rco. 169. Tht' 111cn·s cluh chan1· p1nn.~h1p gets under 11·ay next \1'rek al Grl'cn ftiver. El .\ i1111el 'First place 1n a hesl ball fnt1 r'ion1e lou rnament at El 1\'1gut·l CC in La guna Niguel, \I as 11·on by a team compo:;ed nf ~1 11n1ln Au~ness. Dorothy Lang, ~dt!h Carpen ler and 11-an llPndricks v>ith a net sr•)re of 62. The ~ccond place team, one ~trokc back. included ?i-larion fllenne. l~a bellc. Elliot!. Helen \\"ilia rd and Ginny Peden._ IN PERSON AT THE SKI FAIR '~ . AT FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENTER OCT. 3&4 Meet them all -Talk ski and skiing • HOWARD HEAD Famous ski personality and lnventOt' of the metal 1ki. • PEPI GRAMSHAMMER One of the top pTofession•I racert. in the world -ski sc;hool and rac• t•m p d iractor. • DICK PETERSON Head's wester urvlce reprnent1tive w ill ex- amine your aklis free of char99. WHAT'S IN..,... OUTDOORS? by Jock A.11H.ony \Vlth tnl" opening ot the 1969 duck hunting season only a couple v.·eeks a"·ay , hunlers are "'arned by the Department of F'ish and f;ame n'll to file multiple applications for hunting on state water Jow l areas. Last year 1norc than :140 hunters were cited ror violations. In cine l"ase. last ye11r, a hunter subn11tted Z~ applications for one area on the same day_ This year lhe applications will be chrckcd closely ai; lhl·.\1 1·ome in. Duck hunters can pick lJP app!ical1ons now at ony r>porling ;(oods ::.lore Outlook for the ~cas.in opener is excellent in :ill areas or CaUfornia. 1'1ore 011 1h1s next \1·eek, ANAHElttl LAKE OPENING PRODUCES Ana~cim Lake reporl~ that the grand opening on Tuesday "'as &ood. with !l1any anglers picking up lirnits of trout to four pounds. Joe A-litcheJI of Maywood reoorded the first five-fish li1nit of lrou t to come out of the l ake. Hf' \\'<1s using saln1on f'ggs and fist.ing frorr shore. Hie largest fish weighed 1'14 pounds. Boat anglers on the average \\'Cre able to outfish the shorf' Rnglers ant1 the t>r.st aclion was near the ll um e. Best bait included ~simon eggs, T~"'J' floating cheest> b<11L. and some flashy hard11·arc. KALD~\!'\. Bili BEAR TO rnonut:E This 1>'riter spent the pal>! 11·t>ckend 11·11h Dr. ,Jerrv \\'inkler of Ne\\"port t~r<ich and ':'01n Forbes. n1;1n ;1gcr of Grant;s Surp lus 01 Costa ~1esa, fishing ;1nd l1u11ting 111 11tr S:111 Elern;1n:li110 ~1011ntains. f'ishin r v.as only faJr as the !no rn :-i n;1ged to boat a fl'\\' 11ic:r !1ass usinJ S1ni!hw1c:k surfact• µlugs 1n the l<1le evt•n1ng 11ncJr1' ide:il lop 1vater cr.nditions. \\'c also snw some nlee stringers of r~unbnll' lrou t to fo11r !)OU nds being cheeked in <it l!olloway·s LJoding nn Bi:; Beer Lake . In I.he ear!y 111orning hours 1.J1e party hunted th e 1nountains in hack <>f F'awnsk1n . t.11t failed to find even a rrrsh deer track . f!lere v.·ere plenty of hunters in the arc<i, bu l none repvrted see111g ~ny bucks nr evt'n hearing ;:10.v shot.~_ The outlook for duck hunting at tht' two l<1rgr lake~ is f;iir tn ~ood. Bal1win has a good early season population of pidgeon and ~prig, but !hey \\'Ill di!)appear the opening morning's )11100\ln~. 11nd will ha ve to be bui lt up again b.v new flights as the due~~ 1no1•e down frorn the north. F"or lhe fi rst 1i1 ne lll over 20 years the old boat landing known •s Lucky Real Landing v.·ill be 1n operation on Baldv.·1n Lake. pro· viding duck hunters "itli ;1 £lee\ of over 25 specially designed duck iunting boats. , In the ye.irs past. 8;,ld"'1n produced sonu· exrrl\ent :-.hootin-'. Rcserv<itior:s !or the bonts can bt> obtained by call ing i71 4f 8f'6· i~30. Lise or n1otors on the lake 1s d1~couraged a<; 1he noise \\'Ill 1care !he Oucks ;incl g('esc. 01·er a• Bip. [·:rar, l!olloway·$ Landing v.·111 ha\t sn1nc ho.11~ ~n hand tor duck ho•nl <•rs. but rese rvations v. ill be nec:c~~111·y for· lhe fi rs! coi·plr \\°l'cks. For resrr\:alinns phon(' 17141 866-2231 , . >,LBACORE l\10\'I'.: l\OHTJI The cr.d or lhP l91i9 <Jlbacort ::ea~on i!i here ;t{'{"Ord1n11. lo all ;he repnrt::; alon g the south coa sl 1\0 longer are an.v of 0111' lor;i\ tioats cha3i ng the lo11g!1ns The local fi<;hi ng along the l'oastl1ne hns been li teady and 1an· ~ing opera1or~ lrom N1•111>0rl, Bnlboa. Huntington Beach and !'ian .Jerncnte reporl g,iod (":Itches of bass, bonita. barral'tid<1 ;111rl ;nme yell 1110 tail and wh1lr·~ea-basl'. l)OVf. SEAS0,'1 E\IOS 0:\ SLO\\>' 1':0TE Tucsd~v 1narkcd 1he end ol iht fir::.\ h<1lf o1 the do\t se;i~c111 . ind hunll 'll! in 1nosl arras 11 a."' r;ited as being 1·rry slnw l·'.1 r n 1Vit h the \\';irm ,,•ca1hrr \1e h:-.cl at thr i·lo~ing, the bird!. 11·1.'.l'P seat- \ered and rard lo furl Th e bt·~t shoot1n~ \1 a.~ f(lund 10 thr lmperi<1I V<illr~·-v.herr ~ f>w hunt.r rs 1,1•crr abic 1•1 lo('ale \hi' birds romin~ 11110 wat<'r. i:.nd .hese huntrt.'> 11,cre Able Lo b:ig hm1\.~ and near l1nlllS of b ird~ tn he Brawley arc;i 'fhe second hair or d(l1 r .se:i:-.on v.·111 b<"i;.111 No'' 2~ and n111 hrough Dec. !~. Pro,pr·rts ;ire 1101 100 pro1n1stng al 1ll1!i llllH'. bu1 1his \\"riter 1·:dl r·hec\, ou1 the condillons JUSt prior lo Lhr opcn1n~ ~nd give an up·lo-date report \•i\JL LAKE FISlll/'\C l~I P ll.f..lYES l.ca11 ing 1he1r u<;u«I ~alt \\'<lier i:.ng!ing haunts, Ct>orgr and Ingrid L;ibaugh of J\'.r11•por1 Bearh f1~h!'d Vail Lake nrnr l"cmerula arid rrporl 1ha! a nuinber nf tllr frc~l11vatrr :;pct:ic-~ f • f . I l'l'cre :111· v .1 c111r ·r~ ar.gl1ng cw))1" h"l)Jn )ie\\'fJO rf 1!:>hl'd inf' rdJO .... ~nel'i.: .~rm if the lake. in the 10 lo Q\J-h.Kll. dep1h.~ 1..,1 \h deep running plu~s anrl ~cored on 2 nl1mber r t bass In 1hrrr. pounds, The bes1 bronzC'bael.. 11te is generally 1n !he earlv n1orn1ng or l<i1e a/lernoon hou r5. and hat late af1ernoons ar• protlur111g thl' most hsh. Howe1·rr. lhr t.obaughs fi shed for 1110 hours (luring m1d-da·f and round the ba~~ lo be very cooperative.. The l.rih<1ughs abo rf'pvo"\1•11 th;u ollil'r angltr:-11crc checl..1 ng In good slru1gers or L·ra1,pir to l ', p<.1und~ and plenly of pan-~1led o\ucl!'.iL C.itfish ac1.on \1 as ~1011· The gates open a1 6 JO ;i tn 111 \ Jil 1.<1kr ;111d arl~;.nt•r rr St'rvatio'lr tor 1·:er\..r11d~ ;J1l' re ('Orn nu•nded P lrnt~· of bo:i ts :1nd 111otor~ arf' al'a11able during lhr 1\eek l-'or rcser1al 1on~ r ail 1i14l ~71i·267L UCIEIY I CYCLES 531 CENTER ST. I • ~ ~ w. 19th • Cen~ $t. No Mo re Threat Bv Brow11 s •' A brown lrout Invasion ;ind threatened t;1keover of the nati\•e 1vaters of California 's uniql1e golden trout in !ht 1'unncl 111eado"'s area of thl!' upper South Fork of the Kern 1i1 vcr, in the High Sierra in Tul are Coun ty. has been sten1 · 1ned by lhe Deparl!nent or F'1sh and Came. The invading brown trout apparently had l'ither v.·orked their way upstream frorrr Ken- nedy r.1eadows, where they had been stocked many years ago. or \\"ere i llega l ly transported and r e I e a s e d upstrearn by uninformed '"do gooders " ,Us ing a portable electrit• shocking dc\•ice to stun the fish, a 4·n1an team lasl week lempor:irlly removed SO O ~oldens lrom the South F'ork ju~t belov; Tunnrt !\lcadows. kept tl1en1 ;11lve in fis h-plan· !11\g c:an!i, 1rea1ed 1he problcn1 section 11·1th a £ast-disslpa - trng l" he 111 i c a 1 lo kill tile bro ll'll l1·oul. tht n restocked the co!o1·ful go ldens. A •·011111 of the lish k1llPd revealed t h a I , prior lo 1he 1.rcatn1ent. brown trout had outnurnbered Californa's state h!"h by 14 !o I in Ran1shaw 1\leado11•s. The l'Ounl wJ s :.!48 bro11·ns to only 18 ~111;111 goldrns. Th r browns. tangi ng from finger· lings up to 24 inthe5 in leng1h , h;i<t <ill bul crov.·ded thr ROldcns out of that section or the strea111 . Fro1n the falls al the head of Ran1shaw upstream to the Falls at the lon·er eud of Tun· nel ~1eadows, tht goldens still ou tnun1bert'd the bro11,·ns 10 to "f~'M.ISSIOM f£L.L. f.S"O . '~ 1HC L...Sf OF 1'2. £'1/£'"..i1"S" o..t 'f"~ ,qcq ,.. .... "'s-..... ~e.c.>.M s-co .... ..i ~.,-... ••• TOl:tP wc..i,. "'LL ou'f'" "fo WN 1"..c ,.....,.,...,._...-.. c-tG •i.-lll.'to" CH,,.Mf\oo.1Stl1 f" 9 -( -<"°'.v-.1M<T Gu~M£../,Jo..i£(;,!<'c&.i AlolO ToLL~ fo S'foP "f .. f A:>tolQAU£· 1-£ .... P c .... ,....,..Jlo -r-c"'""'··· .IUQ..W. w.ro1 C"""""tloi" Ao.IP M&lrf....NCO,-J...,VCl.1N~ _I f1«.(8••DS. ~£Sc llf" -"ND 0,-i.lC.li?S "U- VO•MU-"'C~ "f ..ic11'5",ooo-1\..us 1'11:17.f' N\ONC.,. A;f IHC" ~.>Ji;-ft~« 1Jt~1,...,l. 01>1::.C<J.J11>.'1 •• 0C.1: ~..:~ <-OM~~r-11"...t iv...:c:· 'fHC Sc.CA :r;!CC.!ON .... L S FbJ'"fS C.1>.R e...c.cs. PC:....::'f.CC .t.o.lP c .. e. 1?1.c.n !""~r P L..,Cf" 0"' "'"1.1-') ... f .Cl1:3·+ \ 1 --.,... rl 1 A.,:;.,.-..., L oi--1.000,000 1o-1 coMl"".o~ ""~ accr-1 l>.PD£D ,..0 ,.....+£ R1VC1:2~•P1C ,.., .... c~ ',._,("LU DIN& SoN\C 18 000 P£1lM~Ni;:o(fS'C.t,f:s.. A r.Ao...ic;-'f"HC« At:.( .2.+0o "'T'"14£: ... n-i;i ,.-'ll'P'C 'S(AQ Mc1 1·li11 Fisl1i11g Oi1tlool{ Excelle11t Spc<;tacular rnarlin fishing h11s taken ove r Lne Southland 11(.:ea n angling sce ne and more of tht san1e is expcl'ted this weekend . reports Helen ~mith nf Balbo<i Anghng Club, In the past two weeks. 111Urr tllan 100 spikebills have bee11 weighed in at the club, The marlin have school ed up between the 14--mile bank and lhe easl end of Catahn;1 Is· land, and boats report seeing as many as eight feeders in a group thrashing up lhe water. Phil Greyshock"s s e a s on re('ord 195-pound m a r l 1 n, wh ic·h he caught last v.·ee~. 1hd not stay on the record books long. As predic ted. last weekend nob1n 1-lob~nn or NcwpOrt Reach, fishing aboard the boat Brothers Four , landed a 20 l '_,. pounder, using li l'e 1nackerct as the enticer to take over the tup spot for the season Ted Naftzger of Bcverl~ !!ills and Ne1vport Beach 1.~ surely going to set son1e sor1 R1asons for Flying Whv clo P•Dpl1 11.,.1 Th• m•i<I •••ID" " th.I lh•y •"iov ;,_ If, lu•I • heel of • lot ol '""· Thi1 io "1om•· •hi<19 I •• .,·t r••·Uy ft1c:riO. on poplr. Yo., ho•o lo clo i! ID ~now wh•I I me•n. And "'o•• P•Dpl t ••• clo;<l'I ;1 ••• ••v v•••· nf tat kle record for him!lrlf. Thi~ 11•eek he landed his fourH1 and largest broadb1ll of the season. Naftzger was fishing off 'Sa l\ Nicolas Island aboard · 1h4> • Jlustlrr and landed a 421· pound billfish on 30-pountl tackle, using mullet for bajt tllrs. Smith believe~ thar tlut marlin action v.•ill remain 1ood for at least the next coWple weeks, provi ding the water conditions do not chan1e' t0o1 drasticall y. ( :osta l\'Jcsans Catch l\'larlin An U -pound marlin wa~ th• prize tatch of the Joe Sum• rners of Costa Mesa on ii rt• r·t·nt fishing trip to Ranchr1 Huena Vista. south of La Pai , B.C. J\texico. The c011 ple al~1t (·;iught four roosterfish arid three dolpluns. ··' ... "' .. HARBOR AVI ATION ,.,,; w 1"U h.t,. you lo .... yOUf VA b, .... f;11 lo 9 t l you• roli1191. W , w t lcom1 yo11 I• 1£'t ... ,!.!"" l.11t club t i lt• in O r•n91 C•unly. A p•i•ol1 oll1l cow"• i1 '"'" J 595.00. '"l •inq ;., '"' c11um" ond 911 vo"r li11t fliqhf far only $~. H A~BOR AVIATIO N. L Bu1 , said the DF"G. bcforP ----- lhe t'hen1ica! trealmenl 1he 01 '"'"'' lh•ro ••• olhor '""'""' lo• lly onq !cc. M ony p•;••t• pilot. fly f<>r f•milv t•tto•l>on. It\ o q•oo t woy lo •••t h tho! l ovoo !e ••Co!;on 1pot. A"d it"• mo•• re 1!1ul thon loft9 di1!onc1 mDlor;"'l- ,t,,, • lomil\t hobbv, it con'! bo boot, Flyon9 • mcd•rn p lon1 11 t••v ond 1njny•bl1. W ov1, 1,. . 11u1ntly l o ~• D••• on the11 1,..,;ly ou+i n91 , And lhov'r• 11 qaod •• ony mon ot !ho tO<I · t1ol•. Th•v 1njcy flyi"'I •• "'"'I. •• t)-1;, hu•b1 .. d1 clo. 5 1 ~1 Wor ••• A•• .. Mu"fi~·· ton •••<~. 14~-1100 . o ,. •• " From Su"'"" '• Su•••• J o;!v. hrowns were 11,rll on the ir \\'a\' lo taking ovr1· Iha! section a·~ llf'll 1fhe OF(; no1cd that ·runnel :0.ll';idow s 11·ould ha ve been LhP. nex1 step t1p~trcarn for the in- rading bro\1•ns. II also pointed nut 1hat f<irned Golden Trout Creek, another ancestral home of the goldcns bu! a tributary to the m:iin Kern Ril'tr, flov.·5 v.·11hin 200 y<trd5 of lhf' Kern Soutl1 Fork sct·uo n lron1 1\·!uch the bro11·ns 11•ere remo\·ed . Lake 1'ahoc Saln1011 Hit (lnf' uf thr J.,;rgr;,l J.:okanee '-<ll111on run.~ ever at La~c Trihoe 1s r.\'.j}e('ted to occur in T,1ylor Creek this fall. the ('n l1 for11 1a Departmcnl of Fish an d f:ilme reports. Tiie run should begin shor1ly .~incc s!re;im flo ws were 1n- t•rcnscd a.1 the Fallen Leaf L:ikc Dani . The tar~e. (c.dd\.ili 11!\h are expec{Pd jo continue pouring 1111.0 T;iylor Creek tr(l1n L;i!..e Tahor th rough .\01 t'!llbCr • ! Spawning run~ in p<1 st years 11,11 e been 11s large as J0.000 tn;h. and 1· on s 1derah1 1!' nurnbrr~ ('Jn ;il~o bf' ~ecn ,p .. 11nin!! between Sugar Pine Pn1n! and Sunnv:-.11le ' The kok;ince. fLshrry w1th1n thr pa~\ ~r1·pra1 )etlrs hac bern ;,cn~at1ona ! ;i\ Lakr Tahor " s,11d Phil Bal.er. DFG f1shrrv b1olog1 -,1 TENNIS ATHlmt GOODS PHONE 646-1919 ' Southla11d Tro11t Pla11ti11 gs LOS ANGELES -l:hg Horh Crerk, Crystal L<ik t>. J<1ck~on Lake, San {;abnel ll1~·cr Et1 s1 :-.nd \\"esl Forks, Upper B1i: Tujunga Creek. RIV l·;HSIDE -Fu I n1 n r· Lake. llcn1et Lake SAN BERNARDI NO -San- l:t .<\na Ri \·rr. Snu1h Fork S:i11- l;i Ana Ri1·er VENTURA - Ttose Valle y Sespe Creek , t\orth l'nrk. Hrycs !'rP.ck Lnkes. lippe r Venttira il ll'Cr I Watch Next Week Expense , 1-b C~;!f.lc CA .. ..,A~~ ~,~JS~~~ \~~~ FAIRGROUND'S I OCT. 4-5 1 / I : , - SUNDAV-1 , N ·,,QN I ,' I I ' I TO 10 P.M. TO 8 P. M. ' ' . I Bring th~ Ent/re family ... it's t~e only West Coas ,!Show exclusively featuring\ RE1C~ .ATIONAL VEHICLES! ADULTS-~1.,~;cHILDREN under 12-FREE I I I . . • Sponsored By RECR Af ~1NAL VEHICLE INSTITUTE .... , ... p·.: ·- f ~ - .... ~..,.__------~~-------~~--· .. ·--··--···· __ ,... '' . ' . .J8 DAI LY PILOT fhursd"Y Oct:ibtr ?, 1%'l ;::====-=-------,\That Golden I Brass ··-Tll ~YlllJJIEE ·.........., ·-.. .,,....,. ... __...*'.-· ....... -::::~·~-:-:::===:KZ?s;rs==~~ -.• •. NOW THRU T UE SDA Y -Pl us '2 nd Feature aANGR'f, TotOI AN> FLU OF STINGr:--. ·-~· ... ~ i, SEE THIS YEAlllS IL"" \. ............. ._ -• • IU!:1!,C >1 llLVO. AT llLLt5 • • Oi\j .. TI N GTON •o.:4CM • ••7 -D&O• --·· •amrt-• "R-a....; .. " .alWll"f_~!! $MA m.•· D""•"•" "IT WILL KNOCK YOU OUT ; ElF YOUR SEAT •.. " ;"STAIRCASE IS THE STORY OF NEED -THE NEED TO HELP , THE NEED TO BE NEEDED." "STAIRCASE A CAUSTIC , CORROSIVE AND QUITE . ABSORBING FILM •.• STUNNING PERFORMANCES BY RICHARD BURTON AND REX HARRISON UNFORGETIABLE!" S,:in Francisco E:.:aminer . Richard Burton ' ' ) , ' Rex Harrison "Definitel y " F ... unny, Worth Painful. Seeing " 1 Fascinating " San Fr ancisco cnronicl• in the Stanley Donen Prod uction "STAIRCASE,, * Elltlusive West Coast Pr•miere Run * lND HIT AT CINEM A lND HIT AT HWT. l ' "'•9· 5..,;1h e Robt. 51tJ1hen1 l <>nv Curlit e 6to. Kt nn•.tv "THE l'l lMf Of MISS I "THI IOSTON STI AN6Lll" JUN 111:0011" * NOW AT BOTH THEATRES * Alpert, Moss Turn .$200 Into E mpire By CVNTtnA LO\\'RY HOLLYWOOD (AP) -II is really no lr1ck at all to turn brass into gold. No tnck, that Is H vour name is Herb Alpert a~ ·ha ve a partner nan1ed Jerry J\1oss. Alpert and Moss teamed up :;even yrars ago when they started fooling around 1n the Alpert 1:arage with a tape re<:order aDd Herb's trumpet playing. Seven year~ later. !heir original $200 lnvestmcnl has ('~ploded into A a11d 11-1 Hccords, a !1lm a nd r«:ordlng studio 11110 \\'hich they have poured more than $7-million in 11nprove1ncnls and which doe~ <lll annual gross business of twtwcen $25 and $30 million dollars selling 15 lo 20-million records each year. Alp<'rl himself has become a rnp-nighl recording ~tar. a TV .~tar whose annua l special draws top ratings. II<' has shot up to th<il extraordinary posi- tion in life wher' he ran detide whether he want.s lo be a rno vir. .star. Al the moment, hr doesn't. The Alpert story, h[)wever. is an indication bow far and how fast a young man with a horn can travel -if the sound is right. In his comiortable art.filled offices in the A and M Studio ..:.... buiU in t919 as th' home of Charlie Chaplin and more recently the !iludio where "Pt'rr'(' ~t~on ~ l:l.DL'i.~ ·~~ L1!1,..,-:. -r.rpc>·•-.. a3 'UllUUfrJ> .abou~ his next televlsion P'l US-lAVI llVllWS! "ACADIMT AWAlD tiATlllAL.-KR ION6 COMPOllD It IOD lklUIN ·Ti11.· •l'ri111c ,.,. •l/i ...... :f"·,ur ·J:r,,,Ji1t• ·:~· llCl USIVI AllA lUN ht EXC LUSIVE WEE K Pwm11t1~" A MEW if .... f~~im~ Ill.Ill A f'MAllJ.MT i'OlllE 00- , l Rd HIT-11t AllA l UN --·· t•ZI' _ _, "&Jl/jaalin" 4 ~ .... .-lllC9 .4 . - NOW THRU TUESDAY ,. r:.•4y . ~ !iUia 0t .. ~"' :WWW JIHI TOP' COMIDT ,...,,., meaun· --·lmT ll1Jlll -@I .... .,,. .......... !>pecial and lhe attracti ve filn1 otfers he receives TV SPECIAL "We've been working on the television 11pecial for about lhree months," he said. "ll is very important lo us and ft is very important that we do ii right . "But. to tell you the trulh, 1 ·ve lost an interest 1n perfonnlllg -p rod u c i n g records is my love.'' Alpert. who will be. 35 next. tl1arch, has been playing the trumpet since he was nine. And \lo'hile he still loves the in- !'ilrumenl, he ill fascinated by an electronic console through which he <'an mix musical soundll to produce almost any effect he <'hooses. ··r can play everybody's in- struments on the board," he said, "Guitar. drums, my ow n lrum~t. Jt i~ very exciting. I ::-v~ mtght 1ay that I'm not attracted by money any more -performing stiU does something about the ego, or course, and I've been playing the trumpet for 100 many years lo let 1hal slip by. "Bul now I am mosl ln- !ercs!ed in making l hf' records. 1 spend an awful lol ol lime listening -lo reeords, to r adiG -lo .!iee what· . ., NOT being done." Alpert's own le,1 p fron1 aln1osl rags to r iches wa, done \'ia the Tijuana Brass. his six sidemen, who combined withAlpert'll di 1 tin c t iv e trumpet playing -short gtaC'· calo bursts -to impar1 11 Larin-American lcr l !o hio; musir. Aftrr buying -for cash - 1ht old Chaplin :;1ud10, in lh f' hrart of Hollywood a frw doort (ram Sunset Boulevard. AJpert. and M05."I have sunk. more than $1 million in CGm · puten and other equipment iO that lhl'y know, almost lo 11 penny and lo a sale, how A and M Records artists - about .W of them -are faring with the public. AnotMr $3 to $4 million has been spent remodeling the old studios iatG the mo.st modern rel'ording i;\udlos wilh ltn. peccable a t o u ! l i c s and sophisticated equipment. Now 11Ley are thinking about ex- panding into leaturt film pro- duclion. ~lOST IMPORTANT "The television i;pecial is one of the most important lhings ive do.'' Alpert said. ''\Ve know that after each one -there have been two in the past lwo years -all of our itlbums hav~ picked up In sales.'' 'file shows ha ve been ~L 111' lop Qf the ratings lists, and i\loSs has been able to negotiate from strength in pieking a sponsor and a time period for the next one. That is Oct. 29, on NBC. A1per1 , a tall, handsome man \lo'ith a quil'I, almost dif~ fident manner, seems quite: t·ontent to let Moss, whose of- fice adjourns his, handle the ;:inxiety of finances and plan- ning, while he concentrates on the musical aspects. ··rm not, frankly, very goo4'1 al the other thing," he said wilh a smile, "budgeting and money." When the special is finished, he and the rest ol the Tijuana Brass will take off f()f' a whirlwind six-week tour , playing the blgges 1 auditoriums in the nation for one-night stands -~fadison Square Garden in New York : coliseum$ in Oakland, Charlot- te, Fort Worth a-mong ot.Mr i;;pots -and \Pen oo._lo Europ.: for more of the same. \Vhen Alpm isn't fooling around with his mixing con- sole or his trumpet, he 's s tudyi ng language. fluent in :;panish, he now is tackling Portuguesl' anti French at the ~a1nc time. .. , like lo understand what people are saying when l\'e 're traveling," he explained. Tryou ts Se t For Comedy AudJLions for the nul pro- lluct1on of the Long Beach ! 'ommunity Playhouse, Peter Shaffer's "Black Comedy,'' will be held Monday, ()('l. &. Resident director Bcrtrarn Tamwell will stage t h P Briti.!ih-flavored play, v.·hich involves a group of people caught in a blacked-out apart- ment A c ast of five men and Lhree women i~ required. Tryouts -1'e scheduled for 7:30 p.m. at the playhou~t. 5021 E. Anaheim .St.. Long Beach, The play v.111 optn Nol'. 15 for i il weekends, !;LL DRIN K TO THAT -Barbara Van lloJt pours a d rink for Sally the two female a dversaries-square off in ~~ scene fro1n "Goodbye cl osing thi s \veekend at Lhe Costa i\'lesa C1v1c Playhouse. Theater Notes Bro\vn as Charlie." Coast Stages Lighting Up; Long Beach Comed y_ Op ens By 'f0~1 TITUS 01 1he DtilY PllM Sitt! --'\ show, whicn rca'fures Don ··m!dttnr!um, 520 W. Walnul SI. Tuche, fieath Park, Pa t T1 cket.s are free. but must be With the new L a g u n a -Brown and Hal Landon .Jr. on reser ved by calling s.43-7647. f\.toulton Playhouse" off and the stage nf !he Third Strp . * running th.is week, the Theater. 1827 Ne\vport Bl vd, The Huntington Be a ch £potlight swings across the Cos1 a Mesa. Reservations are P!ayt1ouse heads in to the eounty line to Lhe Long Beac:h being taken at 646·1363. fourth phase of a fiv~wetkend Community Playhouse where * . r un "'ilh lls English farce a Huntington Beach husband A.lso ringing d~wn its cur1a1n "Pools Paradise'' fnday and and wife team head the cast of !his week end 1s the Costa the latest produc·tion, opening ~lest Civic: Playhouse. which :;;;turday. Howard Solomon Is thi s y,·eekeod. 0 f {er.., !he Jasl two d1reel1ng. with Paul Su!Lil'an, .Joe and Betty Carr portray performances of ''Goodbye Hila Kisner, Valerec llow and lhe perplexed parents in the Charlie'• this w~e~en.d, Lilly Ann Payn!' heading !he generation gap comedy "What Pali Tambell1n1 direets the east. Did We Do \Vrong?" Both arc comedy, which stars Joe Del The show is being staged at rami!iar figures in !ht plush Rosso and :aarbara Van Holt , lhc Barn, 2110 !ltain SL , !-lun- 1.ong Beach Uicater, while \Vil/I Sally Brown, Ray Scot!, lington Beach. Reservation,, <.:arr ha.'i been seen al the Helene Ash. ~1c k Gunst and may be. acquired by calling Hu ntingron Beach PtayhouSP f''lul Gracey 1n support1n~ 536·8861. in "The Ra inmaker" and "Tht: roles. Th~ play is stage? at.I he * Br.•l t-.lan." Commun ity Center aud1tor1un1 Completing a busy weekend Berl ram Tanswell t!lft'<.'1.'i of the Orange Co 11 11 t '! of local theater activity is th• the show, which also featurP.~ Fairgrour.ds, with t I c k I! I s San Clemente Community !Jon Allen, George Marshall, being reserved at 834-530.l 1'hcater produ c t ion o! 1\laianne ~felt.on, Randy ~1or-* "Lullaby," "1'hich heads Into r1son, Frank Watkin.<; and A thLrd production heading its second °"'eekend tonight C1yde Wilson. Tanswell, now toward closing night Is "~iary and runs through Saturday. resident dirccior at Lflng Stuar1." U1e historical dn11na Tony Brandt is directing th• Beach, staged ''J:>hJladelphia. mounted by !he Santa Ana oflbeal eomedy. Here I Come" at the old Community Players. A n n Clark Farrell, Dale Craven Laguna Playhouse earlier this Filian, t-.1argaret Boyer, f{on and Gavle t-.!ayfield are the year. F1l1an and 'V11liam Carden principa-ts in the show, at the P£'rformance~ of "What Did play the principal roles. Cabrillo Playhouse, 2 0 J \Ve Dn \Vrong?" are scheduled Performances v.·ill be gi vt>n Avenida Cab r i l 1 o, San for Fridays and Saturdays Friday ;:ind Saturday evenings Clen1ente_ Reservations a.r1 lhrough Nov. B aL I h I' in the Santa Ana J-ligh Schoo! being taken at 492·0465. Cal S tate Fullerto1t playhouse, 5021 !'.:. Anaheim ,-.'-------=------"--------- Ave .. Long Beach. Reser\'a• t1ons may be &CCured by call- ing (213) 438-0536. Crossword Puzzle Plays irt R ep ertory * Th " L a gu na-r.loulton Plavhou~ winds up Its flr!'it \~·eek of ;:ictivily ton 1 g h I through Sa t urd a y y,•ith performances of J{ oh e r I Anderson's drama. "T Never Sang-for f.ly f ather," d!rcctrd by John Ferzacca. ft('J)('r\Or.Y :.nund" 1 h ,. kcvnote for lhl' 1969·i0 theater ~eason announced by Cal Sta\r Fullerton. In a depar1ure r r om previous years, ~1x mainstage production$ each \Viii run Thursday throu~h Su n d a y night~. !hen join \\.'ilh I Wo other ~how.~ to play on a rot:i t1on basis for lhrrc add1t1onal weeks. Abo for the first time. CSCf theater audiences can attend a performance any night of the v.•eek chosen from a total or nine shQwings of each r lay. Another i n no va ti o n an· nounced bv Dr. Jame~ D. Young, <1f<1ma 1lepartn1cnl l'hairman, is the 7:30 p.m. t•urt.ain time for all Monday~. Tuesday!! and \\1cdnesdays. Starting ooe hoor cartler than 11~ual. t hc~e l)<'rlormancl's are airnrd at l heate.rgocrs y,•ho find \h('1r \\'CC'kends co111- mHted and :it teachers and sludents who dcsirt lo aLtcnd live theater more frequt'olly a!I'. part of t.helr clas~y,•nrk. After these 7:30 show.~. 1hl" a11t11ence \\'ill he inv1!td to Jilin lhe ccist and director for an 1n- rormal discussion of the pro· duction where questiOn5, com· menL~ and ideas can be. c1- <:h3nged. The six rrperlory pro· 1luC't1ons are ··nashomon.'" '·!\lajor Barbara,'' ' ·Th c Threepenny Opera," •·s101v l)allCe on the Killing Cround,'' "i\larat/Sade'' and "Carmtn," \1·1th th' !pring Dance Theat'r sele ction, "The Rooms," roun · ding out tpe season. !leading the cast are Robert F. Stevl'nson, Bob \\1t>nt1., Har· nel Bra1ier ~1cConnc ll and .lat qlllr .\1oHrlt. Thr pl;iv runs ·rursda)S Lhrough Saturdays 11nl1 / Ol1 !K a1 1he lll'll' theater, 606 Laguna Canyon tWad. \\' 1 t h reservations available al 494-2550. * Closing out an ei."tended fivr - v.·ce.kend enRagement at South Coast Repert!lr)' is the antiwar ~a t1 re "\\le Bombed in New flil\'en." Fina l performance! will be given tonight through Saturday, r.1art in &mou direct! the The Colorful Sound of Orange County Music I RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM FRO M FASHIO N ISLAND. NEWPORT BEACH A(.ll OSS ~IJ Ltrtain ornamrnts 1 ~~119~r ~2 Artt11.1r ---.; ~ 5 Fo1e1 g11 US tm n1:<. r m~tler acr 1JC1 An emotio11 54 Ita lian 1 1~ Moo fl naml.' of 9oddtss Romt 115 T r.lveltd way 55 KOs lb ----of 5'l Eu10Pta ns ~ ros es· I 7. word\ 17 Tutor ]q P lr~\rd ,'0 S1ro ~r\1 1z11n a lierc.r '""11ncr IJJ Fa ll!> heht nrl 1 25 Window 111ef!lb er 26 Btlonginri 1 by nature I JO Anne of -~·· J 4 Loop with .;,; Eitel b4 Pcpu!at icrm or 1ran~- 111K i~1 1o n: 2 ll'Ord•. lili Bone: Prt11x: 1:!1 Buzt inq; :<.ounrl l.& us c.1!y t'l US m1ss1I ~ 10 United by !>lilchino 71 Prec.ip11,11 ;on lo1m DOW'1 10 A«1,,rrJ .ilbOut pnie 11 '1•vin9 lh~ re1111i•~d ~~ills l l Bir d 13 Watrr movrmt nl <fl i~Yolunl~·y t · quiveri ng .(4 Sp rinkle ' arou nd , •7Coss1ck ; c.hlels · r:'l ~:~~;:· 18 Rai sed 11pright 1 Cail 22 The greRlesl l Gr1m1nic possible ~9 One tll1\ does: 5uHir .l!it 51 Class intd 5J H1bilultt; Vw. Slang 38 Commit a l tau.-pa:i. I 39 Furthest I da.n •?Capuchin monkry 43 Annie oakl•r 45 Fac.i~ e:i:prrssion ~· E111ployce 111or11le builder .tf 8 Year of ·-- '" ---: 1'71: r 2 wotds ' t, • • • 111 " • t ' " .. .. • letter 2• F1cial 3 Cunent e11Jl'rsslon ni onth: 26 Oul of Abbr. pli!!CC 4 Fighls 27 Fmtnlne 11g1iml nlmt: S Do h•11f j 7.8 Qu1dn1ped _. 111onotonous 2'J S. Amerlu11 wotlc ungulat~ 'Lrgeml•ry J l Call on bird 32 E•puoge 7 81 seb~ll JJ Eye sl•tish c irritations 8 f'ortlcos )£ Tiiie ' Flgtitln; <40 Br11lns: fcwce s lnforMa.I ' ' I • " " 55 lllrastr1 of llMlgth 56 H11:vy dNnker: "'"' . !7 Aboul:6 2 words 51 Pvt lrt th• hold ,0Rim1f Gr"t Bri ta!• 1 '1 Juln Vtl'M ·chlr1eter '-ZSlaught•td 6S Mu.tirr " " u ....... ~ ...... ~ .................................................................................................. ~ ................ ~ ... ~~~~--~~~~·----..... ·-----··~-----~···~·· .. . On Broadway Revivals Growing In Popular Appeal By JACK GA.VER NE\V YORK (UPI) -There is an increasing interesl ln re\'iVing American p I a y s. especially comedies, of the 192Ds, 1930s and 1940s. The latest 1nanifestation is the announcement of the 1969- 70 schedule of the Repertory Theater of Lincoln Center. 1'he rirsl production, to open Nov. 6. will be William Saroyan's "The 'fime of Your Li fe," 19J9. The last of the four al· tractions to be presented '''ill be the George S. Kaufman· J\1arc Connelly '·Beggar on J-lorscback." 1924 . lt \viii open next May 14. Previously, T. Ed \Va r d Jl amblelon announced that his Phoenix Th eater group will revive fllary Coyle Chasc·s •·J-larvcy," 1944, early next year Y:ilh llctcn l!a.ves and J an1es Stewart in the tor roles. Sornc or U1is inlcresl in the old comedies \Yas aroused dur- ing the pasl spring :ind early summer by a Broad\1·ay revival or ''The Frnnt Page" of 1928 by Ben Hctht and Charles ~1acArthur. It 11·as popular but va r ious circumsta nces 1nade a lunited engagement necessary. ' Phoenix Repcrlory Company did with such success two years ago in New York and on tour. And before '"The Shov.r-Off.'' the APA-Phoenix peop le had dc1nonstratcd that another of ' ! •, . , .. ~' !ht• old comedies could still '~ pull in the customers by a fine prc~cntalion of the George S. Kaufinan·Moss llart '· Y o u C;1n·1 Take It \Vith You ," 1936, Actually, that one probably gave the origina l impetus to the current revivnl fe ver. JL might be noted in passing thal the repertory eo1npany at the prestigious Tyrone Guthrie 'f healer in f\ILnneapolis had success \vith a revival of a 1922 Kaufman -Connelly con1edy, "l\1erton of th e l\1 ovics'' in 1968. Don't be surprised if some 'Socl.: lli111 , Dad' other Kau fin an-Connell y and \Viii Captain Don Tuchc"brcak t r<id itinn {<1nd ln!> c:o1n 1nandcr's nose) by str1k· Kaufman-Hart success of th e ing J'vlajor Jl c.:ith Park. as his son (Squire l''rlclC'll) begs hiin to do? Th.'.lt's the past find their 'yay hack lo Uie crucial question in South Coast Repcrtory·s ··\Ve J{o1 nbed in NC\\' l~a ve n," :;tage in the near future. \v"hich gives its final pcrfor111anccs tonight 1.11 rou g h Saturd.:ly {sec Theciter Dut back to Lincoln Center. Noles, Page 20). After "Thr. Time of You r ----'--~---------------------------- Life" spans its alloted seven \\'eeks, the com pany \1·ill present Tennessee \V i\liams' '"'Cnmi no Real" on .Jan. 8. '!"his originally v.•as d(;ne on Ilroad11·ay in 1953. A •.vry. col- orful com111ent on modern tiines, it v.·as liked by some, loathed by others and did not prosper at the box office. The.y Get Letters ... So 'Laugh-In' B egets Spin off S1to1 v llOLLY\VOOD fUP ll Thlll'sday, Octobt r 2, 1%~ DAILY PILOT f7 ' Can't Make Movies Old TV Stars Coming Back Hy VERNON SCOTT JIOLLYWOOD (UPI) -The television birds who flew Ule coop for rnov ies arc flapping back lo their srnall tube nets, moiling di.spiritedly en route. CBS·TV has announced that t..lary Tylt.•r f..1oore, Andy Grir- fith and Dick Van Dyke 1vi!l all be bal.'k on the air with ne1v shows 11·ithin the nex t two years. Vince F.tl\1·ards 1 s relu rrung, too. viewing habit. J im Garner is another escapee. but he also got out l'arly in the gouig. Because television is the best breeding ground for young actors, the smart ones pl;1y guest shots to al'oid unen1ployment, alll the wh ile seeking roles Hl movies. Once thry :ire established as feature £iln1 pl'rfor1ners they are safe fron1 stardom in a television series. Not that telev ision is all that unremunerative. Out there is son1cthi ng built into th!' ci;:o of an actor that 1nakes ilin1 feel better know· ing his audicnre has taken the pains of getting out of tile house and plunking doll·n his n1oncy to sec hiin perforn1. The trouble \l'ith Van Dyke and the others is Lhe pubtlc took no pains. ._, Can !)on Kn otts, Pat ty1.=======================!~. Duke, D ic k Cha1nberlaln, ll iehard C re n n a, Troy Donal1ur, Barbara Parkins, Inger Stevens and ~ hundred others be far behind? The abyss between television stardom and niovie stardon1 is as great as-th <1 l between the Albert Einsteins and the Jukt's. The diff<•rt'nces are U1ese: monry, in1age, sel f-esteem. social standing, International recognition, tin1e, frecdon1, in· dl'pcndencc. material and , like it or not, talent. The American public simply 1•·ill not pay n1oney to sec so111cone or so1nelhing it has 11·atrhcd for yea rs :it no t:l-.a rge. Tile case against th e telt'vision seril's s tar at- tempting lo be.come a motion pi cture star is almost airtight. Jt 1\·on"l work when the video actor becornes too closl'ly associ<ltt'd with a single role O\"t'f a long period of tbne. ,.l!y t it Jl<>n<IArai. e•c~llent . -O•n Sull,.•n, L.A. ti ..... 'ltf.ST COAST ""'!Mll~'E "WE BOMBED IN NEW HAVEN" 111 I~• Au1nor o! "'CATC!-l Jl" TO MAKE RESERVATIONS FOR OPENING NIGHT OCT. 3RO OF THE HIT SATIRICAL REVUE ~;.:,~:~: •••• '111&'\ .. G MV .:·.·~ GRAND HOTEL a"~/ .. fl 7 fREEDMAN WAY • AN.I.HEIM CALL NOW FOR SHOWTIMES 17141172-7777 •' This has resulted in a dif4 fcrenl managcn1cnt deciding lo pick up the pit·ces of that revi val and reopen it Oct. 18 \\"ith a number of mcrnbers of Inst spring ' s cast-notably Hobert Ryan, Bert Convey and Harold Kennedy, The Center's third pro- duction, clue f.l arch 12, is a new play by Srun Shepard, '"Operation SidC'Winder."' a satire on the c urrent An1crican secnc. Controversy 01·rr cert;ii n asrccts of the play resul ted in cancella tion of i!s production at the Yale Drama School during the past Ahnost everyon e f a 11 c i <' s himself a humol'ist, :is the produce rs of th'h "Ho\1 :\n :i11\I r.1artin Laugh-In·· Ii ti\ c disC'ovcred. TV "s top·r:lt t•d r·1)1ncdy :.how \1ho sl~1nrls at ;1 1na.:rophonc 11 tth his h:ind 1·uppl'd 10 his 1•;1r. ;uldinJ! confu~ion to r\'cr- J 't'r~cnt hr1!1;1rn. '"\\lcll 1hc 1vorst lctler or the \Yec k 11·i!t wln an e1•t'n bigger ;111•:1rd," r.ary cxp!ai ricd. •·Jle nr she \rill i:cL an all·expcnse t110-11"cck l'acat ion in be:iut1ful <l u11·ntown Uurliank . f\1ia Farro1v and Steve ~lcQuern arc t1vo exceptions, f\1ia \\'asn'l identified with '"Peyton Place" lon g enough .. , to destroy her larger goa ls. !.=======================•··· /\ new member of the t:i~l 11·ill be !he aforement ioned f\liss Hayes, who, of course, is the ll'idow of play11-right f\lacArthur. They 11'cre 111ar- ried shortly after the original produ c ti on orwncd as a Broadway hit in lhc fall of 1928. In fact, !lliss !!:J}'t's ts quite in 1•olved in this rrne11·ed in- tcresl in the old plays. She \\'as in the e~tunabl{' rc1·iral of George Ke!Jcy"s ''The Sho\1·- 0ff," 1924, 11hich the APA- season. l:oco iu Fihn llOLLY\\'OOD (UP \) -Otto P rl'minger signed Broadv.·ay 11c:tor J a1nes Coco to join Liia Minnclli and i\cn Howa rd in "Tell l\Tc Thal you Lo1·e r.lc, Junie f\f oon." Tliat's llis Bag Jerry Grasse, the patienl, and Dale Phillips, lhe automated ho.~pi la l visitor. arc part of the nc\v sa· tirical revue "1'hat's f\1y Ilag," opening tonight in Off BroadY.1ay \Vest at the Grand liotel in Anahein1, Show 1.imcs arc 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays through Sundays \v ilh 1 l p.m . late s hO\\'S Friday and Saturday. -NOW- EXCLUSIVE SHOWING O, 0 111"'11lflC•llt lttW 111tflMJ film yot will dell9ht ol\d lo11t '""''"'""' es a th,IUhua ••per· le11eol '"Tfil!ATS rvrRY WAVl LUCI!: A SOUL 8AOTHE!I:~ -PLAYBOY "HONEST, SINClAE, PERCEPTIVE" -DON MUFIRAY, LJ 111.lfS '"THE TRIP flLlll OF THE YEAR"" -Jllof MPBY "PHOTOG!l:APKY TMAT LEAVES YOU SL.I.CIC-JAWED"' -:uRi LR lofAGA/i'"ll E:rhe sti anta c PLasuc Machine BALBOA 673-4048 0,EN 6:45 '" r. lelltol hlM.I '-"l"tula Thry receive ·10.000 lellr:rs v.·ec.kly -a figure that has noL been subjected to audit by Pric:e-\V.:itcrhou ~c con- taining gags, !>kl'lclirs ;ind ont~ liners by peopl e who bre:ik up their frlends ""ith lrg slappers. "YIJli"d hi' ~l!ITip~l·tl how n1any of the l•·llers arc lu11· ny," Owens s~11d. '"\\'c \\"Ill ha\C a pan<.'! judg-- in~ the tellers :ind g1v1ng ou t 1lu1nb pri1.rs. E:tch 11·cek the p;1ncl 111ll ll'<ll111·e one of the 1ne111lJcr-.; of lhl' C<lSl frolll ·thc bi g shnw. "The sho\1' I\ ill ha1·e vthrr 11riies, bu1 huw <.1 rf! you going ~11 top tho.~c \"aC<llu1ns in Burbank:' ~lcQul'en bailed out of "\\'anted. Dead or Alil•e"' before he became a weekly •• "Goodbye, Columbus'' FLUS "Alfie" W1th MICl"IA EL (,1,IN( BecaUSC'" it scrn1s ;1 \l"aslc \ri discard this bulk of 11:ttur;il 11·1t. ;ind rath rr 1ho:i11 r11 111 ".Laugh-In"' \Vilh it. II llC\V h~lf.hour d;iytinu· ~ho\\' ''LPI· trrs to L:1ugh-!n'' 11·i1J be in· !>ll\uted Sept. 29. ··Ont 111·1·1-11 1\111 be !):in rlow11n, Uu:k \\;1rtin lht· nr:-.t, 1\rtc J11hn,1111, (;o!d1c lla11n, Hl.!nry ( :11J,011 ;111tl :ill the r r•,t '' Proof that he belongs to the zany "L:1ugh·ln" crew is his as~e.ss;1ncnt o[ him~cl f: •·1 am 0111: of th 0se r~irc, 111segrevlousl 1:1li.:11t s who cverv decade or so, ~hint• lhrnugh the banality o£1 Jlollyv.ood, breaking the spintlc,,~'~·~··~··-~~·~· ~'~='='='-'-'"..,,'·=·~·-,:'I I 0[ uf!1rn1a!lon, bu l n o I ----- nettssarlly l'l\llt'el y." co~n, COAST mGHWn' ~STll ST. Tll" pl 11.1•.;, l1111"l' 11i11J1011<; \\'Orth. 011"ens 1n;1y \1•1n a t/1ree· ••• 1·.rrk v:icat1on in Burbank. ~ jiJt l!o~t and ni:i~tcr or c:cremonies o[ this panrl-til lk- gnn1e-;:iud1entc part 1c1p:1t 1011 sho11' is Gary 011·ens, the !on~ :;uffering announcer on NBC- Marx Bros. Filn1 Set 111 Ne"'JlOI'l I A ne1v approat•h lo polilJr<;.l f\1arx Bro thers' st} le, v.·iJl be one or the subjects of an 11r·I c:on1ing film in !he c:on lin11i ng rn1nl'dy filrn srnrs ~thrduled FridJy and S~ilurd:iy a 1 Ne11'ptlrt Br:1ch"s <lpt'n J::nd Thl'<1lcr. 28l j Vi Ha \\"<1~. 1!01v to prevent a rr1(il11l1t•n i ~ 1l1e issue and lhc 1\l,11·x Brother;.' ;in.')11cr I"' di't't'fl· 11\cly simplr -dr rl:'lrf' 11 1r un a fl\"(ll kln~dorn. Jn lilt ft•;+!U re-lrn~th c111nrdv 'D11•'f. Su11p,"' lhl' hn1thr r". <l o 111·-\ th;1t ;1nd ri'd tll'C' w;Jr t" 11li:1t '>Orne 1n1~ht con~1rkr its b;J~1c 1ogn:d1e11L -111s1u11!;.. Al"u on !hr prn~r;1m arr thrrc chap1ers nf "ll:.idar r,1,,11 frnrn the f\'loon," a ~er1~1 11•l11ch film prOE;r;11n rl1n•ct11r r.1d1on tl·l0!inc dcsrnbc;; ns ··1ypical of tht' farr 1h;i t t"nl cr- t111ncd in illion;; n [ po:-l-11,1r 1·hiltlr<'n" ;i t mat1nt'CS acrn,,1 !he nati nn du nng lhe early fJ f. tics. '"The seri:ll is p:ir1icu!arly f1r~l pn1.<· r11r 1h;· lit'~\ ll'!· !•'! of 11H· \\('('\,: II Ill be iltl ;.ill· 1·:-.ptn1'l'·P:J ttl 11t'l'k 111 bC;1Ullf\JI do11nlov.11 Bur tJanli . "\\"c"rc srriuus ;1bout lh :1l,'' Owens ~aid . "Thrrr"s r.\"l'n 1;llk of son1cbo<lv builc!inf: a l1nte! tht'rr, ;il 11·hich ou r big \1 innr r 11·01ihl st.1y." \\'ha t :.ibo11! sc«nnrl pri11·" ALSO If ITl fU£i5!1. IH/S wtusr BE se'aru.M. '·'. i Sieatine· • ., Pleshette · . \ ... l ,~, Un11ed Art1st1 ;41l.1 ... ro.D~;;. ... l!Jc~ Eve. !'how Stofll ot 7 l'.M. Cont, Sot. & Sun. From 2 1'.M. JOHN GLEN WAYNE • CAMPBELL l!C~lllCOLCfl G!!) AL50 ···-=====::'J Eve. S~11w Sttrh 7 p.m. C on1inuoui Sunday from 2 p.m. Adulu Sl.75: Children 75c note1vorthy tono1vinl! 1hc A pol-ir=~;=;~;;;;;;=====~~~=====;===:;~I lo shot,"' f.1oline said. '"Th c 1ech nic;il gadgetry sho\1·11,I w· f J'; ft I • .. mt~VAN"'~'","'RE"DGu 1.RA··.,l''E' ......... . thou gh ronsirlerrd exotic 111! .., the fortirs. is so crude that 1hr serial beromcs not on 1 Y• ~ • TNf6Tll=I <nIDTf\\Ttl(l()FIOlN\01" historically interesting hut e\· _::--~ ~~-~ tremely funny too." he added. I 2905 [int Cocnt Hlthw.., ''<Hluctd 1~ •nocl1tl011 wllh CotOftO dtl Mor-1111. 671·6260 t1tt1 .. ru r rK1 ... ~~l'IHICOLOftl ~---""----"" Specitl Col11r Short "WET AND WILD" Jul" Ver11e'1 "SOUTHERN STAR" The Big One-Big Cast-For Adults t ;1\IJ'l'I f) N ! THIS TH.EATRE IS OFF LIMITS! During lhe engagemenl of "CAii NEIRONYMUS MERION EYER FORGET MERCY HUMPPE AND FIND TRUE HAPPINESS ?;' we musl advise our palrons lhal lhe pic lure Playboy Magazine devoted 10 pages lo is DEFINITELY NOT FOii EVEllYONE!. * * * I ( '~"' .,. .... -• 1q/lcll, .. -· J .. .,,,,,.,..., "IT MAKES 'IWW-U/I' uor UKE $HIJUY TEMl'l.E IM'UTTll MISl_~_!I!!:!..: 1n11111y Hewtey • r.lli! . Millll en • "f,ai ln0!1)11llS Mm Ml lrgit Mlt'f ibw Iii flll !Jw ~T' CJJ\Ol1'11tlll f'AUloUMt. DJll)]IY.iGDMI R·ffUJtJl#ll 1!1-lectncd!I" ~ Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve are <ID "The April Fools" !!! l ............. ,, ...... r_.,_ ........ ..._ ~, ................. .r ,., .... ~..,_. Tonight .i I BEST PICTURE OFTHEYW! WINNERS ACADEMY AWARDS! DOCTOR ZHMGO 2001 Continuous Show Sunday -Open l :4S , .. (Ir<, ena r~ritti . s~ Kayi • l'illl'11 1es.111. ··111 ~-.. ,: J..,...,..,~ .. ,..,~,,....Jllll"lllll r•._..i....-~ F·-·-· NATIONAL ox SOUTH COAST .. ctN!RAL ~LAZA THEATRE CDRPORAllON San Die10 freeway at Bristol • 546-2711 ACRES OF FREE PARKING Box Offic e Opens 6 :45 -Show Starts at 7!00 p.m. Also ""COOOBYE. COLUMl!IUS" IS BOUND TO BE A GREAT succcssr -..."""''"' .. &:111211!, "YOU ARE GOING TO ENJOY 'ALFIE' VERY MUCH."' -LIFC M'ifuintv r T[.CIOllCOl.Ofl'lll • m;rn1·i:t1!m Tht Worhl'• Greolftt Rometiee "ROMEO AND JULIET" Pl11i Joe": Le mmo n l"eter Lawford "THE APRIL FOOLS" lie-commended for Adulh Japane5e Movies Every Tuesday Night 1""""'Ni SPECIAL NOT ICE TO OUR PATRONS T HE PIC TU RE.So Ir.I THIS BOX MAY BE CONSIO. E R E.l.l O V SO ME TO BE UN SUI TABLE FOR Ci--4 1L- OREN ... NO VOUN O PE OPL E~ANO REQUIRE PA· R E ,,,T A L DISCRE TION. "THE GAY DECEIVERS" !R I "RUN ANG-El llUN'" !RI '"STAIRCASE"' IRJ ""THE WILD BUNCH" !RJ C.ONTRAR't' TO ADVERTISING BEYOND o urt c.o r.i. T ROL AN O APPEAFH NO E LS~WHER E. YOUNG PEO- PLE UNDER 18 (NOT 161 W ILL NOT BE A D MITTE D TO PACIFIC THEATR ES TO SEE Tf-IE '"R" PIC. TURES Ll&T£0 IN THIS B OX U NL..£SS ACCOM"AN- IED ev PARENT OR .AOUL T aUAR OIAN. • . . . . A Very fUll/l'Y folry Sttry "THE GAY DEClEVERS" • l'lu1 "RUN ANGEL RUN'' N• o.,. 1tn<lt•• 11 will II• ldmlllecl 11n1tn •ccomp~nlttl lly ptrtnl or •<lult tu•rdl•"· Toi' ActlOfll •114 Dromo Stne McQuttll Jocquellll• ll1Ht "BULL IT" Plv1 Worro11 lootty f o1• D1111ewoyo "BONNIE AND CL YOE " lltcomm•r>dtd lor A<lultl ...................................... A 5t4, Goy Sttry Richard l11rtot1 Rt• Ho11l1t11 - "STAIRCASE" Tt11J C11rtl1 Htt1ry follde "THE BOSTON STRANGLER" .__, Nt -u""'' 11 wt!I tot ""'1""' w1111n -.. ·•••••• •c•om~ftltf IY ..-rt11t tr tclull rut111lltl. Go A•I "''Woy •1111111 "HHL'S ANGELS '69" "GOD PORGIVU -I DON 'T" tKtm~•fll fer Atu"• ---•• -·--------------~·--..... --·-·-----·----------------~ -+ • ---·--··-·-·-- DAILY PILOT lhurW!ay, October 7. 1%9 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 0H;;OU=Sc::Ec:.S.o.F..:O.:;R;.;S;:_A:;:Lc::Ec_ 1 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE I RENTAL> Newport Shores 1220 I ~H:.:u:;n::H::ntt::.:-'on~B::•°'•°'c:::h:=.1400-.:H:;u::n::t::ln=g::ton..:.;:.Be:o..:o::c:::h:.::;1_400_ -Hou 1•11 Furn i sh•d Cost• Mes• 1100General 1000 G•neral 1000 G•n.ral B•lbo• lsl1nd 2355 1000 General 1000 -------•REDUCED SS.OOOe PANORAMIC VIEW OF UPPER BAY EXCLUSIVE LISTEN TO THE SURF! NEWPORT BEACH SPECIAL If you need a great family hon1e, see U1is one! Lge. liv. rm. plu~ lge. party rm.: 4 Br. 3 Ba., kitch. hit -ins. l ~!! Blks . to beach. Fee simple. FAST MOVE IN \\'INTER or y rly. 4 BR. 3 ba. fireplace, patio, nr, So. ba~" No students, 673-8071, 673-JJ3l. NEWPORT HARBOR Beautiful en1ry, 1•.~perisiv,• ("aJ'i)t:t~. e!i:giull drape11 rull] •·-~qui;;l1l' 1lc-co1-ati11g gn.'f'l~ you as you wulk in. THHf:E: YES, you can relax in your unt·losrtl p1·1vute ATR!Ui\·J and l'll'Ur the pounding wav- ".'I f1\11n 1his 11u;Jity. rtlston1. i1A•d hon1r. "Nothing but the bes1" was Ute OW0('1's phil- oshophy for INSULATION, AUTO:\tATIC SPRINKLERS, f.LECTJlONIC G A R AG E DOOR, lighting f1x1ures, rarpel!ng, drapes and PA- TIOS. YOU CAN ASSUi\I ~: 1hr-saine LO\V INTEREST F'.ll.1\. llhln of $28.400 an<l pay JUSl $2-H TOTAL per n1onlh. Beautiful shake roor. si ngle story 3 Bedroom, 4 bnth \Vaterfront ho n1e on Bayside l)rive. J-~ronts on excell ent S\\'imn1ing beach. Ne\vly redecorated. Spacious pa tio wi th roo1n for pool. Priced $180,000. 200 1 Bayside Drive. LAf!GE B!:::/JltOOi\IS. 1\\10 PUl.L:\1AN TILED BAT/IS. Br11~ht 1·hr1·1y ki1c hrn 11·11h buiJ1 .1ns 11'k·ll1d1ni: o.J1sl111';1sh- l'r and Sf>l"1·1rr aN'a with p:l!HI)'. ~·11 1nily T'Ovlll 11i1h sliding J::l;i~s iloors 10 lal'g<' pauo surroun<:led i111th lush d1ehontlra lawns, ROCK \VA. TEH.t'ALL anJ ccm<'nt block 1vall. Double ca1·.igf'. <'iec- lnl'. dvor oprner and rcm- cret\' dnve. A llARGAll'I /.T ONLY $32,!t:JO, Atn·a.<·tiv" '.? bdrm. 2 bath, $16,500 Equity $49,500, May 1vitl1 hri~k !!replace, a pan-l'Onsider trade. ellt'<.I living room & lhirk e OV.'NER 646--784.9• shag c:arpe\5, a Juvrly patio ===========! New hom es, ready to move in . 2 to 5 bed·- rooms, 2 to 3 baths. lfJ mile from beach. First payment up to 60 days after move in. VA/FHA T1rms. From $23,990 \\linter. 4 BR. 2 hath:; Island Jtealty 498 P11.rk Ave. 673-1200 The Beach Hun•;ng••• BHch 2400 By Appointment Only Bill Grundy, 67S.3210 for rnte11aining. Acces~ fm· boat or ramper·. $24,995 Ion Brookhur 1t 1 mile South of Adams) NE\V J BR honu:, Huntini;ton *ENCHANTING VIEW 962. 1353 Shores, bltn.~. r-rp1:1. 1lrps . Dover Shores 1227 • Lind• Isle Development Co. 1080 Bayside Dr., Newport Beach Newport •• Victoria Unobstructed Bay & t.1tn VU dshwhr. Children &. pe ls • nio:st 1111s. Different "Old OK. $2'15 mo. 84.2-3652 \\'oi~d" rontcmporary, ~:it· Huntington Be•ch 1400 L19un• Beach 1705 I========== 1000 Gener a l 1000 l'l'Ull\"C luxury home. 500011---'-'"""-::.:..:.:.:..:.:..:.:: c:.:oc::.::...:::::::;;.: __ .::::::. LiilAuna Be1ch 2705 SQ. fl. 4 BH .• 4~!i BA + BEVERLY HILLS HANDYMAN'S WANT LOTSA LANO? A homr on largr lo!, !)lg ga!l'd a{Tf".~S f,ir BOAT. TllA ILEH, F.:\- TRA VEHICLE, F:TC. Or 11u1 111 Z P(){JL"; H you \\'\Sh! Thr largr :!- i.:101-y hornr hns 4 BIJ- Ri\15, sprink ]C't'S, l: ~hukr roof. Bii; l'"I'" c-re<l patio, idea.I for lh" \\"P{'k-<'nrl BBQ. J>ri t4'd for quick salr a1 nnl.v ~31,i:iO! J~nou1;1! );;11()?? • COATS & WALLACE REALTORS 5464141-- (0pon E_;.,.1 TODAY'S SPECIAL VALUE. Lo\'ely lgr. 4 hdnn home r.1t!Sa 01'1 i\lar. 1 barh, staU i;holl"er. nice k11. b!J. ins -d1~hwashrr. Spacious hv nn. frplr, 1v/1'' cp1s /d qJ:<. f'"n1·c yd . 11at[o, Shakr roul. Asking $:.?9,500. \WJ• 1093 Rakl'r, C.M. S BEDRM + POOL J BATH $26,950! Bii:: J11mily homr. F iesta pool. Jr. Estall' groun<ls. R 1 t" h 11·oorl 11anrlini:;. handsornr hreaklasl ha1·. t;lr~an1 Ill'<'· placf'. No1h111(: 1~n1piirablr at thr r111cf' on IOday's n1ar· ket. 5-ffi.1710 TARBELL 2955 Harbor 4 BEDRM- $22,500 ExC'C'llf'nt &l'C'"ll. 2 bath:<. Elr- gant fu'f'pla cc ac:ccntua\ps lhf" Jivini; room. Rich wood panelini; _ n1a11y extra. tic· Ju.~~ traturcs. 846-0604 Tarbell 4 BEDROOM -$20,950 "T.L.C." All ll JU'ed:< l" a littl!' paint & yard 11·ork and tender lov- ing i:;an· & ~illl Sil\•(.' sss·s~ 2 separatp hath~. ~'hL'erful kilchl'tl. 5 M}1Tl0 TARBELL 29S5 H arbor Back Bay Expanded WE SELL A HOME 646-1111 EVERY JI MINUTES W a I k e r & Lee ~!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!"!!An""'y""•;m,..• WONDERFUL WESTCLIFF Thi., ht•i1u11h1! 4 brdroom ru"- 1<i.11-huilt ho111r. In !tw> baek h11y /r:J.IU1'('~ an l'Xpa.nded 20 1:! \\"cstclilf Dr_, &16-7711 Oprn Eve~. 1na~1 "r twdl'oorn ~ull.~ with NEAR HARBOR HI pnru11> h:1!h and glass door.; Cuslon1 built 3 BP. + !IC'n -!- 011i·11i11i,: tu M'thaled rear gar-ni<111y i'.>:tras_ f:.\"crpl.io11ally d1·n yard. Furthcr expanded Evr-r~ngs Call 6-16-4~7!! laridse. /ront & r(•ar. L; w1lh an 1St)latrd richly· pan-0ioii .. ioiii. ............ .,l 11v rn1, ,1-/1v cp1sl dl'ps. ]~~ rlrd d<'li wilh it"s own tnas. BIG 5 ba. stall i;howc-r. Slrp-savcr ~1v._. brick fireplacr and k1l v.•11J1t.in oven t range, bca.111 e('ili11g. T!1P. lrickling hdwd firs. too. Only S3-1.900. rock 11·a1rrlall and ponrl is MESA VERO[ EZ tern1s. offsC't by e:<Lravagant land---scapin~. full price i~ $36,500 A dandi· REPUBLIC '.!·S!Of)' ~P~.W.~C~~•lilltl~~-111 with 1'~11A or VA tem1s avail. honie. ·11" yrars )•oung. fo;. ab],. or as::;un1~ thr !i~. •,q 1· I t --: m;1l 111arbli: 1N'p acr ui 1uge ~, rxisting loan. Cul-de-sac, ter. 1· B · k r f rilced lo!, 1v1n,i::: roo1n, ric i~r11 ace 1003 Bakl'r C.i\1 5-16-5440 Clean And Vacant $18,750 ·FHA-YA -• This hornr i!I in1ma(·ulatr, ju~l painlrrl inside and uut. All fl{'\\' C'"<H'JX•tinl:" throu:::h- out. !! 1•vt•11 ha~ firrplac" for thosr• ra111y 11'1nlcr 111ghts. &•e it, lt"s sharp~ ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 546-8640 Open Evenings t ill 1 :30 SHORECLIFFS N!vf' n\Oney and 1n fan11ly roo1n. t.le1·1 r1c -• · built . 1n k11rhcn inc:lud1ngl:::===:::::=::::::::::=== dlsh11 ash"r. Shop this pru:c : UTTERLY FABULOUS $43,995 Newport •• Victoria .646-8111 {•nytim•) LlL'l:Ury a! ils height~ Really -Fl's as plush as Caesar's Palace 11·i!l1 its Roman tub, Hon1an pool. lush papers, furn ishings an(! U e co r. $58,~ intact as model - $.il.000 unfurn1shcd. 4 BR, + "· S.f6·5880 (near CHltmil thtfttrtl OLLEGE REALTY •1500Adlmli 11 Hatbfr,CM. 1 ~=~~-:==~-~~·-s BEDROOM and fan11!y f(J()1n \Vi lh all th(' h11i1f.1ns i11clll11ing 11·atcr ~f!4·ne1·. Nl'Cd.~ s<i'mr TLC. l;\1\lEDfATE POS..C::ES~JON. 3077 Johnson Ave., CM1 $29, 750 i)Ji\c by and 1hrn rall "' -PERRON Calif. Ranch Home 3 BR 2 bath + fan1ily room . All t'lct"lrlc kitchrn. In A·l neighborhood, S3~.5<Xl (achenmyer Realtor lS6(] Ne1vport Blv<l., Q t CALL 646-3928 616-2290 IRVINE AVE. 011!y :l blocks to lhe Bay Qualily 4 lx:d l"oom J ha1h ho1ne 11·ith Countl'Y .Style l\itll<.!11. J\lov1ng up? 1"his ntay bl.' just for you ~.200 • Vi'ry ea.~y 1erm.~. 546-2313 -o·THEREAL ~Ef3TATERS ASSUME SV:.!% LOAN BayC'rest"s !1nrst 4 BR. for- ntal dining roo1n + pool, DAVIDSON R•alty }16-.WiD Evr-s. 5.i:J.-49-11 $20,tSO· MOST IMPRE~SIVE Bt'aulifti.I. f'.xtcrior t\·ith dec- orati\•r stone 11·ork. :l bed. roo111~. 2 b1•ths, Built ~ 1n d1"t'a111 klt('llf'n Itoom for boat or trailer.' 842-6691 TARBELL HARBOR LIGHTS Vir.\V or ot:ca11 & bay. Stens to beach. l.ovcty ho111e 11·ith "'ailed gardrn. S\08,i'iOO. ti'~~;, LOAN Walker Rlty. 675-5200 33.16 Via Litlo, NB Open Sun. Costa Mesa 11 00 4 B-1 3i dhl gar 20'" dn S2·1,500 \\'/SlOOO SI'(', 1f J yr lse Sl7:i. Ideal hu~. front & bo1nc-. Xln1 luc. J\lkt. Centrr. Also ha1·e J B-lBA S:tl r-.1. 2 l.rnts LYTI.l:: RLALn' 583 \V. 19th C:\t 5'18-9.\93 'l BR + 3 BR houses mi 1 lot. Bring your paint bnish. \\'ell locat<'d home 11·1th '.? h«.lrooms i nd rlen 11ilh lireplacP. Largr Jiling: room, ... . .... ,..--.... , .. Custon1 built home, Jar.:c rr.. Bd111• nr Tustln A ve, 642-1771 Anytime <.'loscd coi.Jrlyard for maxi· S'.!9.9:;(). '.">1~1 460 ~====::::=~==~1 1nu111 nr1vaey. i\fany rxtras I ~,c8oE=ooRcOO=,c1-La-----• ___ ,, • . . rge corner in th 1~ be-autiiul .1 &Jr home. Jot. ;: t"Ar g11ragr. CAMEO HIGHLANDS 1'·17.:llll. BY O\VNER.•~1"'1:">-tiOOI We II s-Mc Ca rd If, R ltr s. I _..::..:....::c.::c:::::::..:::::..::::.:..._ rnalds qtrs. Ideal for enter-is the next step up frum 1his taintng. E_asy main. Jmmed t'legant llvo story, 3 BR, 21 ~ oceup. SI 18,000. As-" um e ba1h fan1 rn1 din rn1 all ~J, •,t. loan, Box: 1632 NB. deco~ale<l proiesslonall.Y in ;,.Jil.7149 greens & hlut's. Nursery. perfect landscaping, front & Univer sity Park 1237 rear. Assumr 1h r r-x1s1ing ----'------GI loan. ONLY s:-13,9j(l. SALE! TRADE\VINOS REALTY 4 BR. twnhsc. Pli('('d to SC'll 8•17·R5l1 at ju.st :S.~1.950, lrs vatant'l-----'--C.:.'---- & cl<'all. t.love right in~ REAL ESTATE Special! 4 lnt'Orne unUs l20 4 BR, 3\~ blks lo beh, ocean· yds. to beach. Patios, decks view, con1p. rerk'c, -'!Vail lo \\'/ocean vic•v. Nt!s. paint, family or profl'ssionals 'ti) etc. Should ~ros/; $9.000 yr. July .I, 1970. f2:l!"i n10. 27l Pr. S69.900. Con~er 1radl.'s.1,c0•0'J0c. cn.~'o.',~=-='~=~c=c i\llSSJON ftEALTY 49-1-0T.':1 OCEAN FRONT :; an. :! BA, ISO DEGREE VIE:IV LOT or whi!!! '''ater & coastJ11e, small bul level. S7.9j() 1l'ith $1,000 down, ba1 at $8;1 n10. All due J yrs. ·1!ll·U:17 01· fircplact. dining roon1, 101·,.__ ly gard('ll, gar. Avail. no11• t1nt1l Ju11e or July. ~Jon inn. inc. gardcni·r &. 11atl'r. 4!l4-$5Jl al! ti pm • Red H ill Realty SALESMEN Univ. Park Center, lllline RENT AL5 Call Anytinie 833-0820 71flITUAL HEALTY 11ecds 2 E:\IERALD Bay ni o d r r n hornc romp, furn. in pVl . arc-a, view, rerrc-ation & beaeh a rea, 4 BR. J BA, family rm. A1"<Jil until June 30, '70. SfiOO mo. 494-89-12 or 871-llHO ----~------fuU 1in1c pcoplr. Plenty 01 Hou1e1 Furnished Corona del Mar 1250 floor lln1e, excellent con1-Renlels to Shir11 mission 5ehl'duli'. Call Oiur k for a ppointment 8•12·1~18 All inqui1ies \\'ill be held cOrui. 2005 ·;:.:........:;=.: dcnlia!. LANDLORDS \\'anted: \\"(' h1've niany qualified r rn- trrs. 67:).-7223 JUddlc & H.o.~s Rt'alt111~ :?.535 E:. Coa~1 Hwy, Cd)t. Slit.RE 5 BR house, 3 ba, 3 car gar i1•/ma t ur e, c1nployed m a I e • C:\1. £46--1058, 549-2623 ask !\:tr. Baker. Summer Rentala 2910 2 BR Balboa apt adj beach,s/pier .$7:>.$1.j() "'·kly. 53&-391 1. 615-5.!10 RENTALS Houses Unfur nish•d General 3000 YOU!'>G Lady <lcsires near 1 --------~--I 673-8550 1-0· THE REAL. \'.'\., ESTATERS '-l ,, ' ' ' ·: Owne r Transf•rred a ppearing college girl to Despcr-o:1.tf'! 3 BR 2 ba homf'. share lnvc!y 2 Br apt. nr \Valk ID i\larina !Ii & SI. OCC. Bkr 645-01.11 Bonavcntures. Pyn1111s under 'wcACNecT-,-,-,,cplco-yc<d--n-,,-0--., S15:i/mo. sl1are J Br. ho1ne, Balboa The Real Estate Mart Js., with san1e. 673-6994 RENTAL FINDERS llffXl'IJM'l ••• GUAlAlfTID USDOOW ··IUSINISS A1T.-110CMMA.n SPYKI BAY VIEW 63/4•/. LOAN 174'.?0 Beach Blvd., Jl.B, t'\'rs. 847-SSll 1====:::======= 1 ~'~"~"~· ·~·~·~c~'!"!'!"!·~··~.,...~!'!"~1 E11joy lire in this bay Vil'll'I----:.'.::..:::.:.____ ·"n • •• r uen l101TIP. 4 BR. !am. l"llt., 21~ TOGETHERNESS: 1N:.:.:c•""-"P.:.••c;l...:;B..:•.:.":::h.:_...:;2..:2.::..:00 2 BR un lurn house. rpts. ~~~ED1n. rrn. 3 CAR GAR· Grt>at Janiily i'()()in ii•/frplc WE'RE SWAMPED drps. Inquire in olf ice: ' •· . added ro 4 Bn s~aha \'<'n. Sa11"}'rr Honie, ~19 Orangl' Ch •• h''. R •• I Est I J\1of'(' clients than properties! A C'f a • Best pdC'f' [n (.'OUnfy fOr this n\"f".. ' 67S.2SD3 much quallly • 12J.9()'1_ \\"{' need listings -to rent & to st•U. Please call lL~ for 11 LIVE IN COM Rex L. Hodges, Rltr, qui ck, \'ourie~y appraisal. FOR $100 MO. 8~7-2:i:S \Vr 11"01·k rvcry <lay_ ,\;;sume 6'fi> eOT)!ract on lhll\ $2S 950 BURR WHITE So. of II\\)'.~ BP.. duplex. LOW INTEREST Apply rrnt{IJ. cro>(.ht & your S\61 total p!'r month? Largr ~l Ne\i·po rt Bl\"d,, N.B. •utal rxpcnsr is un<irr $100 ~ BR, large yard, 1\lany c.\-67:-HGJO n10. Call for drrai.l.s. 1r;:is_ H•I Pinchin & Assoc. HAFFOAL REAL TY BALBOA Penn: "l storv REALTOR $185. 3 Br lo"·nhsc, \\"/\\/, pa.lio. Children Bkr. 5.14--0980 r.10, 0.1\, $2.:.0. :; Br hse 1v/run111u" nn. Pool, J~/O, l\'/\V. Children & pet 0 .K. Bkr. :i:l4·6!}i!O Costa Mesi 3100 3900 E. Coast ll\\0}'.. 675-4392 842•4405 Bayfront 5 BR, pier & shP. ~800 mo. yrly. 67:..-722:) BEAUTIFUL 2 BR duplex, Open Thurs./ Fri. 1-5 AlfRAC.'TJVI:: :t BR, 2 BA, Riddle-& Ross, Realtor.'! nc11•ly clel'Qratl'd. er p t~, 1001 White Sails Way xlnt arra, hllill 11 p P. 3'."il.J E. Coast 111~')'. Cdi\I drps, bltns. Ch a rming Harbor View H ills Coinpletc nc1v crrt t.· <!rps !;Crecncd p!ltio, pvt. yard & 4 BR., 1•1r•1·, rool. Rtrcntly paint in/out $2!!.DOO, ;,~~ lst. \\'ATERFRONT 3 Blirm :! Ba pvL garg. ~ to apprec. 1 d<'mr. in & out. SJ9,:JW g•, 2nd 11.ssum. 7ll: ~lf,...,l:ii,) Den 2 rrplcs dsl111~hr rli~r r hild only, oo pets ple11ae. DON V. FRANKLIN l••••-•-uiOiiiOii .... iij~I \\"ashr/<lryr Incd yrr!. 3:!13 Jn1n1e!I. occupancy, go 11ee REALTOR HAVE openings fur 4 Real Finley or call 833-'\lJ.I it. 210'~ Cecil Plat'f' (1n e 67:\·Z!T.! e E.~Tatc ~tc-smc-n in our nrw Bi\ YFRDNT & dock 3 Br, 3 1 _'-'-"'-'c·_!_f6_>_m_<>_._&_f6-_7_~3_> __ 1 pc-ggt'CI Iloor:-;, ;\••rds "'01n<' wotk bu! luok al !hi~ Pl'ICC'! s;:..-,,$1X1 DECORATOR FRESH office. CaU fnr apnou11n1r.nt. Ba den. l~asr/option $500. L.i\HGE FENCF.D YARD first t1n1e of!crf"d in l )T~. Comfy 2 Br. \\'/extt·a lgr. Jiv. R. D. Slates, Realtors 1110. 67:1-'13Jl. i\lso u11furn. Co\'crcd patio, :i BR. 2 b11.th11, -oni;;. 0"11cr. J BR. 2 Ba .,!,,..,..,..,....,...,,..,..,..!!!!!! nn., hdwd. nrs., ii·alk 10 536-8801 3 [Ill. 2 BA upper duplex. Ilrrplacc, built-in~. and J8JO r\ell"por1 Blvd .• C.i\1. :.1~-7729 anylllll"-Mesa Verde 1110 Id!._ Fam. ,.oom. Roon1 for $17,900 FANTAST IC RE P UB L l C rve.rything. R-2 Lot. Yearly S22.i. Atluits only! 1nueh tnore! Fan1ilir~ only. pool or add. '"Spark.Jin;;." LIVIN' IS EASY! HO:\JE in absolulc f111Mccl & S3·l.;l;O *REDUCED P/llCF. * '===*="='=·'=°"==*=== $22J month. i\grnl:. !:"16-4141 •1300() -: _ 1._ 1 d ? sparkling c'.'Ondilio11. ~ large DeL•n<y Reel E state 4 BR .. 2 BA. 2 rilr gar. frp!c E.ASTSIDE. •BR, b•'"· & . ' -. paciau.~ U\"[l"QOm~. f'll, -bdrm~. 3 ba!hs. ronnal <lin· & bl•· 121~-:n ~l/r" I Ibo "' -nUl:I Al t"ink sl'pnraTt> ha1hs. firepla~. 2828 E Coast Jlw 673·3TIO .. ns. ',l.AJ.,,,.,,. oan, Ba a 2300 goodrondflion.Nowvaeant, mg roon1, senara1c family · Y. 11 ~~ "~yl• ••o pf T f p diriing rooni. (.'i1eerlul kHrh. re ·'~· ,,n · " · · · · · · r1 n imme-tliate o c c up an c y . c-n. fii1C'st built.in applianc-room & huge n1as t'r I NVEST NEAR THE only 847-807~ LEASE, t~URNISHED. S200/mo. Call :;4 ;:i_8 4 2 4 • , 7,0 bed1'00n1. i\111111nu1n upkc"p OCEAN. 3 BR. ;p~ Ba., dcn.1~-'"'C..:C....:::CC:.. _____ Peninsula, 4:,• bay !rontag• c R 1 E YOU Jusl can·1 !ind lllcsc I="'=''=''=''=''=''=''=''=''='=' 11nvmn1·f>? lh·1i'"i: fill OCl'all , irw homr J IJlk to ho'a<'h. '..' l>rtt!'{Vl1n~. ih•n. Nr\1· 1-rp1•. 1t11is, fireplc. ilv r111, <l1n rm, C1il O\\"Ot!f 31(1. •·,\1"\ .. ; :i.:&i:.:..s ur sn.:::.19 c~ .. 11 .... 1 ~ '.' fpf i•., ,1.,.. '"'· 8,,,1, FOR Sal .. hy owner,:, BR, 2 South oasl ea .slate TARBELL 2955 H bo ~:·rd brautilul!y !arl(:[:>rapc-d. -" " " 1 CJ i\I 11•/lloat. 2-Slory, '."1 BR, 4 ~~=~"CO"~-cc-,..--~I Coldwell, Banker & (o. ar r Popular niodrl 1qlh :t car another home !or incon1e on ~ ory 'co 1 1Rr. 1-i r: lot, BA plu!' s\\•iminer·~ drt'ss-J BDRi\I 2 Bath -1-pool 550 Ne\\!l)Orl Center Dr. BA YFRONT APT. _!!o.il .ir:r·. r~ .... t for l\1r ll101lf'Y '!:!'.· laL Saznr \"I('\\". Nr. \JP:~ pa~10. co~~ lfl .ach. 1ng r1r1 11•/shu11·er. Fron! a.II Large patio. Gar11i;r ln bal'k Ne\vport Beach. Calif. V1 <ta Drl Lirlo. Pirr &· slip "1 Sli.9:.0. Call 5-l~S~1·1 !;:'11.10 g, i;hops. Bk r · ~~rry~~1n~"!' $i,~'J~o r:i~l~~ i:la.,s. Dish\\·asher, 1hsrioSfll, ~~a~~·S2~n~·1~~~!~:4nt or LEASE \\"ITII OPTlO:-.: :MOO flden r\o. :.:z. 1-"u!l price Sl'l,9:ll SliO total p<•r month. Bk!". %~·17 1 ?ilf>.-'1103 1000 FOREST E. OLSON lnc. 1lc11lto1'1 BEAT INFLAT ION 2 ON I-INCOME! Y.-stf'rdiiy i~ 1,10 lalt·~ T\i_·u 11< \\" ho1rnr~ on llll,. big' lo!. T\1·0 1•xtra lart?"I" bedroorn~ "B•'h. All thr privacy 11nd ronven1rnr r for your 1rn11nl. Ju~t Ji kr his o"n homr . llo\\' d()C'!'; ~4 .400 a yra r sound. Let your dollars 11·ork for you. (Inly ~~7.- 000 fnr hc1th !: llurry tall 5<1G-OJO::. THE BLUFFS M ACCO BUILT Onr or Costa tl lr!:a·s fi n,_..sl Sl...:ludffi hnnll's. '.l l11ri;e IJ('l"OOll'I~. :.! bnths, F I o o J" lo cl'iling 11s1·d brick f lrc-p\llCI'. 1 [ u f: r 22:ic2G f11.mily roonl of natural blrrh \\"i1h l)('t1n1 ceil lrui-s. to.I a n Ir u red i:rounds k undergruund utilities. Sm"ll t h,. M'll or go to thr d~rrt . Priced b(>lo1v 1·alur only $.14,000. a.ti 645-0.103. FORE ST E. OLSON l nc. Rea llon at llarbor C!'ntcr 2299 Jlubor 8 1\'d., C.l\t. '6' SALES VOLUME $120.9 MILLION Desperation Sale O" nrr 111u~t sell: ~ r;('(J. 1•uon1s, ~·: hath,:., 1•x1r11 l;1r~c Ji1•111_1:: rmn1 "l!h ""11 (ll gl:1~:< .• A11ra rti1c ... tr•n" 11r•'- 1ila•·1• .• (:llr:ii:" r .. 111·1'1"1<.'!l lo ·~(h.~~ pl!l.Yl"Q'Ull .• 11.i'(IUr· ···ct s:t,r:«1 10 s~1.:~10 • H1"c do1,•n 1111d a., . .;u1ne :i·~~:., Joan. LINDA ISLE A fan1a~t1c bayfront huy. l..<H"gl' :: l)('d 1'00111 3 h~ I h lM1111r 11 l1h St'J)11rate dinin~ mw11 .;.:; fl. u! bayrr\Jll\ will1 p!('r S: slip. Ne11•. 11t 1he un- ~·pj•atahlr priee ol SJOj,fW. john macnab (714 1 642-123S 901 ·IJ.J\•rr Dri\"C'". Suitr 120 NP11"Jl<_Jn &ach BUILDERS REPO ()wllrl"·, lo~s oo lhi~ 4 BR '.! ~to1y ho1nr ~·our· i:ain. Re- drt\>l'lll C<l by builJcrs. all nr1v hnllsf' foatures. ~1500 do1\·n & assunt1• Joan, $1.19/ n10 pay3 all, Vacant. See t1.nytin1<.'. HERITAGE Open Eves, 511).1151 11.nyllm1> ''FOREVER VIEW"- or PoolsM:te Pleasuf e You h1t \'l' both in 11U5 nrw ('\l!i1om home by Jvan Wrll~ 1n Dovl'T Shotts. '4 bdrrnll, l'~ baths, lam. rm. "'/wet bar. Roy J. \\18.J"d Co. lt~O G11Ja.xy Dr. 616·1fV:> MISSION VIEJO.POOL V.A •• F .H .A. TERMS 8(-ou• Hul S p a n i i; h de<·or. Fe-need pool !or safety_ Kin s hP<lrooms, l bllthi;. l11n1lly rno1n, hea\'Y ~hake rour. T11rh1•ll 137.Q84S IJJ.3776 83J.o 00 644 2430 '·"I 11 1 Soun1 COa!'l Re-al Es!11.1c ,,...~,, 2 rrfri<>, $1'""ra1r lrcci:c-r, -~---------! 7 -a1·01 .. 1ur. SI' ar ease 'op.1~:..:.:c::...::,::.:,c.::....=::.....:.._ BEAUTJflJLLY I)f> 4 ~ •-· 0 non. Pl"ir,. S2-~.?ir•l .-\TTH,\CTlYt: :t Bit :! ba ELEGANT OCEA.'I VIE\V ror. Dbl Ol"en, t'lectric s!ovr, 2 BR. gar. patio. rrpts, drps. George W illiamson i'ar1•sr11rr. \.g yd. ,.prnklrs. ho n1e, J BR, 2 BA, tam rn1 . ~R~. t~·~';n~wu;;· Assunlf' s e par a I c b r Q 1 I er & ~!t11·c-, J"rfri c. Tropic11l !if"I· For Lease E I TO nr A1lan11; School. S::2,950. ()11·nrr • 6-ll-1?;92 .i ~ ' '· ,y 0 "' 11 e r rolls!if'nf'. l.:iundry r n1 11ng. adults only. l blk C t bl " R .\' R .--. 1 1 ·•·• $'2i»:~·.o. 91>2-."">?9\. A I t"c t;ara"(' Of'(' " shops Slt.0 5-11--4780 u~ton1 ~~1r11. ran1 1n1? 6il-IJ.'IO El"es, 6;3-l:'M nY ow11r1-, pn neipe~ ony. LGE. hill1op \ot. Prrm. vie-\\' uoma i ,., n r. ~·.,,c.~·--·~-~~--I C.d1f. ran"h tini11r on gnH 1....................... :Hr;..-lf!S l 0~ ocr;.in & hill~. Prii·acy. CO.\"DO. 2 BR i. den 11 11 •'1 Yf'arly-or 11·1nter. 673-20.1'J. 4 Rrdroorn -t p.-iol, ~ff' s 11 f'Olll'r Loir.i.)y. lnrlmlr~ Full Price S24,7SO 1 STGnY inner t·1rclr. 4 Bil. flraltor 673-2010 har. 1'" baiti, '• in!lr. 10 $1j:i \\'1n!rr leasr . Peninsula V<'1•tle loca!it;>n S27j pr. nio )H11ll-1r1 ,.,1un.1. ~111c-,1pp[1. Sh;u·p ~BR. 2 Bath 2 BA, frini \"Ill, 11 .. 111,.11. pori1 l o==========·L~"'~"~'~·h:_._:0C2~·~-~,~~i.""~of_____ Pn1 nt. Spacious 2 Rr. Call or r!I. Call i\Jrs. Rothman ~~:1~~: sri;:~nd p1an1\ gar-e1~1· Bu;,~~~~~·ZO~~i~n1~~:1~ ~~~1o~ro!r.~~~scr1~1\~~~rr J~~\ 1 cLc;"dL.col_D_I 0'olc•_(_H_A_R_M_E_R_lC!3:.:.51 :li~~~r~T~r~;~·.~: ~;~.;1~101:~~· ;~-~-'~; 1~.ht6«1 B~:~~!~~' G~~;:. -~·-:~-.'-u:-,:-'-,-,hcol-1<-.-,-, -B-R-<f_o_f,-.· I ,/ J o11n111c11l~1r 2 ll(ll"!n Con-""'' 1111·0 rl t C f 91"'"" ,. ll<'l'll. 011·nrr ~.1.v~ i;;r ll 1p11 rk'. h'.01·1111( J)r. ~dl't-!l:r.M ,\-"~'~·-0·=· ======== '1 r a· ~·""· I::-~i!lr. \\"lllk 10 slior1s. S!Ii ilom1111u1n, ro11111ll'l~•l.v furn· b GI • .:.:.:c.:.;::.;_:.;__:_ ______ I \I 1•1 •II< ''"'''' " B<f<m & May e or FHA ' ' · ·• • . .~18 1\>th Pl.. s"r aft 3 P:\I ishl'd S17:l, lnunNliiiti· po~·. l~OCKl--IAll1' REALT\~ f:11n1ly 1·111. F1·nl. 111 m~tr. Fount•in V•lley 1410 Lido 111• 2351 :;cssion. Colleg• Park 1115 Blli·m. i Pntir.11;nnl:v s:i~.IYJ0.1--------'----J BR hon1r. Bl!-111 rani:i•. f>ifi-2301 l '.vi•s: :M-:!9.~1 LIDO REALTY INC, WHY PAY RENT? NE\VLY Furnished 4 BR. 4 carpr!s, th·~s. L•;1~e $17~ WE 'RE SWAMPED i\toi"t' chents Than propc-r1ir.s: Wr need list tngs -Iv 1~nl & tu sc-ll. Pie~'' call us for a quick, rourtrsy 11ppraisaJ. \Vt' 11·ork evt'ry <lily. BURI!. WHITE REALTOR 2901 NC"lvpon Blvd., N.B. 67~46.10 "THE BLUFFS" OCEAN VIEW - $27,000 ~a.5oo -FHA-- f inanci111; availalill:'. King siz. rtl !)C(h'O(Jm.'>. 2 ba1hs. f<im· 1ly roon1. Oi"('alll kiH:hcn - hnilt • in appUa!l<'f'~. Firr. p!acr-. Ii i.ch block 1vall. sprinklrr~. illlr:!O TARBELL 2955 Harbor Cameo Shores·Vlew Ne11·\y dl'cora1c-d 4 lxhm. ~par.i1r n1aid'!!: quar!rrs. l baths. Dining room. Cusitom huil!. V1c1v sidr te-rracc. $78,;,(XI. O\\·ner will financt. P•t• Ba rrett Realty 611.~1200 THE "INN" PLACE lllnrs.~ !ot•cc!I: !inll' • .sub1ni1 19 Unit Dana Poln1 i\lot,.I & any rrasnrinhle offrr __ Prl'.~-art. f'Qniplex, M~rbor & 1~w tigc ai"t'a 1't:<wporl, K\ng S•l· n111rina h;•tps rnnk" a good et! beclroon1!!, :J bu ths. Ex· in1cs1. 11.1 sa.lr pr. Qf $1j{),OOQ. qnisile split leYCI. 51().17'.?0 Q,\"ner 11·ill ran1• loan. TARBELL 2955 Harbor R.d Carpet Realty OCEAN VIEW 102.i W. BallX>a. NB 6"j5.00X) "BLUFFS" -$27,000 ACRE Prestige are11 near Fashion JN ;\"E\rPORT BEACH ls.land • Nc11·port, Kl~ s_iz~ 4 txlrm hun1e + f-a111Uy room bedrooms, 2 baths. Exqu151le & of!i("f". llorst's OK. Vlrw. split ~ levrl. Illness lo~s JEAN SMITH, s..-i.1 ... Try t~.!DJ. 54!"1--1120 Realtor TARBELL 2955 Herbor. 6J6.3T.JJ BACK BAY • South C.1a.s1 Rr.aJ Esta1t Mother·ln-Law? Vic \Vochlf'r Yr. old Spani!>h st~Jr. As-Ba, a\·ail Now. \\"1nl i'r or rnri. Rrf~. 536-'14~ S!IP can rela.'f in ~r 011·n pri-3377 Via Lido 67'.1-7300 sumr-63; ';, Fii A loan. 3 BR.. lnn~er. f2131 78S-9l69 or '2-.,s01'i.-,c,,c,c,,-c,c,-0<-,-,,...Y-,-,~-=c: \ vllte sui\(' ll"ith priva!r-hath. patio. BBQ, bltns. Arfj, to -"c','-' _,_,,_.....,,~,'-~~~-rwwly rl'llccoraled Jl40 mo. You'U ~till ha1·c nlrnty ol Huntington B•ech 1400 golf cour.'if'. T>OOI. S~.!l:iO * furn 4 Bit, :t BA. Con· fi-12-0.~10 roon1 for the 1·rsl of t!lr lan1-CORBIN-MARTIN lrmp, nc\vly drc. S4CKl. Avail ily 1,·i th :t hP<lroon1s, 2 h.-i1hs REALTORS 67;1·1662 no1v. Yearly, 17141 624-7109 I I New Listinn ::lO?.fi E. c0,,1 "'''··· C•i'f Mesa V•rd• 3110 & r nonnou.~ am• .1· roon1 • ----- filus double 011r11•'· You 1\lll Big :J"-,'i> GI loa.n ran bC'" PLANNING to mOl"C'~ "fou"ll \\'ILL ,. 1 k ~ · Lea~ beauulul ~ •rpi"t'cial,, lhis honie nl·.sHc-d 3 rn Ol"er ·no increase in We1tmm1t•r 1!112 f1111i 11n sn1az111." numhcr of ' · 1 ,, Lo t 4 "·I \ ----~ hrdronn1 i;1ngl,. ~tory, All m quiet 1111<1 elegnnt Coll,.gc in C'l"t'S ' i·r Y '"' lm ' n. ·-hnn1e~ 111 tod11y"s Classified I"-I "-·--• I 3 BO".\! I B I" REPO Lo elcclrir kitchr11, f c n c e d Park • \Vrll 11·onh $32,SJ(I. nun~· poo ,,..,me pn,_-._.._. a n.i • a n · 1"' Ad~. Che-ck them no11•. l34.9JO. Owner tr.-111sfcm"CI <town. lo1v paymts. BuiH-in yard, beautiful .carpet~ k 546-2313 to Salt Lakr. An.'f.iouS for range, ovf'.n. F'.P. $21.500. TllE SUN NEVER SETS on g ardcncr. Ownrr/brnkPr. o~lfrr! S•S·SBBO 1 __ B:.:.:,Y_O::_::\\~'N;'E:R;&l=>.=309~. ';;::::D:A:l:L:Y::P:ILO::::T:\:V:AJ:N~T=A:D:S:! ::':':"-:':":'::'w:;'~· ~~;=""'=='='=:_ys. D THE REAL ''"\.. ESTATERS t'.l'E'ci~'R~~°L'f!.. £$71S TAR GA'ZEK"'l'~ 1500 AdaN 1t H::irtlor.C1.t AlllS Dr CU Y I. POLLAN N .. •~port B•ach 12001,..,..,..,...,..,.!!!!!!.,.•I 1t J;.. v "-"' • ........,. ,.._.,_, J;.. """ ,., ..... l ........... ., ........... ,.......... Sl1T.lJI1"t BEACH 2100 SQ. FT. _ ui." Accordittg lo lh• StarJ. oci-. 11~!Jl» 2J(J() :;fl. fl. l)f t'US1'01l\ horn!'. 3 BR. + fa mily; s1eps to oc<:an. $43.'J:iO (\61-Cl PROPERTIES WEST 675-4130 675-1642 TO\VNllOUSE :l BR. 3 BA, o/lookinz pool. You pain1 ,t Sll\"C! Try $2j{I() dn, Bkr !W;-07:'!2. 4 BR. l bath nr bell.Ch. clubhoUSP , 1enni11 crt, Pool. l.t'fl~/nption. 6 4 2-1591 , 6#-28,'8 Splil·levrl 4 BR, hon1e. l n1-. 10-21-31 To dl!"t'elop l"l'll!ssog1i foi-Sundoy, 2-32~ prrs.si\"r sla te s.trps & porch, ;:-: 51·61-fleOd words COITl!sponding to ni.mbm; -11-16 ;:. e_x11ens1~·e carpetiug & rus-~TAUltl.IS ofyo..or Zcdioc-bi rth sign. Toni drape~. Rom;i n. design. "'"'· 10 1,., JI How. j\) r..,,1_ t>d pool wilh Jacuui. Owrl{'r ·,.,Ar• :;r H~""""Y .:121.~"'r 61v.,,,, ''.' l".~ ·,,.,"SI"" • '"-~~ • .1!.1J-1.S.l'7 3°""'' JJ To 6JG-:>:>tf ..,..., "'' '"~ ,.,.3 ¢-'6.~ 4 Po!•..V ~ M,~ 6.f1 Allttl•m movl'd. Submit oUcr. 5 i<:""" J5 0.. 65 F~rti""' "'°'"'""'O. U.G.1 e6P~ ' 71\t J7 tT 67P~ ~~" IJMP' I ~~ J.BV,,,....f 6'A ---•-'<M"'--lo J9Vov 69P..,!,rablti lOl"'•ll""" •Otte1.. 70!.h<>rt l tPloy 41cq. 711'1..,...... 12 Alo<t .ui.,. 11e.q,,.., JUST LISTED IJ Tl\Qt .:!T1>rolb 7l llt>do< " ...,., « A~ '< A S ·'"--,___ ,.._ 15Writ<HJ 45 J-oc><n 75 _.....,j ·uper "'"" ~ '""ne_ ...... rpe1s., 16C~ ..S!il.....i.t 76 1~,..,..,_,. r-11.~tom drapes throughouL 110...•1 •1 ~ 7!T.,.. largl! srpara1e r11.n1ily room. llltn ,,.,..,,, 110...~ ~ hdnn~ l '• ba.lh..c., nk~ car· 1.~ sc.rku~ suett:<.~rul profe~ -----------pt·I~. lovely glasSC'"d 1n Jllllio SlO!Ul.l ~a.l cs1a1e salcsmco. on a fi2xl32' lo!. 1 ~ hlotk r,,·ccprio1111l -hl>n1•fi111 Pica.st' 19w.• 49DM't 79To Covf'.n.•d patio, prorrssioMl· :xt5r>o<tt 50P..,oocr IOl""" ly l11r11lst•epc-d large Int al 71 t-.-~1-~• Y"'"' clc-n1. i-choo( S'l4.TJU f'llll f0i· 11.pr1nint111r-n(~8C24 Fuller R•alty ~u1h C.»L~t, R,.a.Jtnr!I. 546-0814 Ar~PRO:'\l :\1ATELY 12 arn> 3 Bit :l BA, f111111ly rn1. Prof f\1·QC11dQ l:"ro1·r : :t RR. 1 ~\ deror. l '·• yr old-xlnt cofld . HL\lh&-Hill Top Y1r111 ltf'J)JP, $:12.~. 12.~2 r leel Ln. HB. Barn II I ,Qft1d10 I\ p I . 011'nr-r 6Ui·4.1~ll 71117:.'!I "1'1f. Newport H•lght s 1210 A FRIENOLY HOME In top Ne"''Jl011 Ills. ar"a, 3 BR., fa mlJy rm. lllf'Kt liv. rm, ~tol"I(' frpl. On R·l lol. Asking S~.OOll 0\Vl\"f.R IBROKt:n M6-2414 21 °"' 5~ f--1!2 ,..,.,..... ... c-nd or rhe cul-<le-$ac streer. 2J r.. 53 c..:-.<111-ll f,,.- ~ !his o~ for iure. Prittd 1' F.,. !."' r • .-'' Oftor ~Ht.-.d> !>.\C.-..... 15-r, ... rlgh1 al SJ2.000. 26~ ~...,,.. 116°'7¥ MUTUAL REAL TY 711~ 51.w 11 5l•a~ ?t Put !>@ t. M t,,..., 142-1411 anytim• 711>-•1·~ s•~• ricooorlJ JO A t.OY__, 90W..,. ASSUi\IE: 411'f, GI loan, :t 1015 TIR, 1 BA, N~llT"'rl \\"e~r. 1--~Good @ AdTtT!IC ()Nmtnl Owner M>ll $29.000. 962--8392 ----=================~=~~~~----' ' ------------~~~--.,.---~------·---·-------· -· .. ·.----. --·---... Tllursdd}', October 2. l%'J RENTALS ~ENTALS RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS DAILY PILOT 29 REAL EST ATE 8 USJN ESS oncl HouMt Unfurnlahed Apt1. Furr'!l&hed -~•-~urnlahM Apta. Unfurnlm.d Aph. Unfurnl1Mct * * I * * * * General FINANCIAL Newport_ Beach 3200 Gener1I 4000 Newport a..cn ~ General ,.. SOOO N•wport le•ch 5200 Offic• lt9ftt•I 6070 Bua. Opportunities 6300 B/B TO\\INHOUSE AdulU; only, 3 BR. 2~~ Ba. Beaut. derorated, sm n1onth Bay & Beach R•a lty , Inc. 901 Dover DI'., NB Suire 126 6·1.>20CKJ Eves. 5-18-6966 e LEASES e :; & ·1 BR. deluxe BluUs Con. do homes. Ra1es Jron1 $325. S 12'!1 mo, Bay v1('1v & i::rccn- beh Joe. Also; SCW'ru.l choice furn. hoines 1111a!I. Jor win- ter. BROKER 64·i.1133 NJ::\\IPORT l/EIGllT~ 10 Harbor Hi, Oidcr b1it 1·harn1in~ 3 BR, 2 & home. Formal din r n1, s1·para1c fain rn1. over 2,0CKJ fl. S17j n10, lt:'a!;e, 64:Z...;?9.IO. :;-BR. ~!l!i ba., den, f;un, toi·n1a1 di n. l'J!l s, d rps. gardcnt'r, 2300 sq Jr, $3:;0. ti-16-4,114 NEIV To\l.·nhousc, 2700 sq. fl. 3 BR. Jain rm, 7J2 An1icos \\"ay 67>.50.'.:3 Newport Shoret 3 220 PR! .area, Jwatt:'d pools. trn. 111s cuur ls, eni;I children's playgrnds, only :l bi);.~ to beach. 3 bdr. 2 ba, pa!io, gar ·I-caqXtrl, l·lrvcl, lsc ~250. 0 1l'nPr 494-21 (;(j NE'\VPORT Shores, 1 story 4 b<'droom 2 ba1h ·f-den. carpe!s, drapes & a 11 buil!ins. $395 pr. mo. Th<' Real Estalers 646-7171 Corona del Mar 3250 FABULOU S VI EW Entire harhor & jrtty en· ll'an«', 3 BR, 3 BA, inimed. oe<:up. Unfurn, )T S. leaS<' S~i.J mo. 2T!7 Ocean Blvd. 67.)..4{)81 or !">1!J.lll·ll. f OR Lease, Camro Shores 6 mos or less, 2 Er, convl. rl<'n, 2 Ba, spac. livins r m, dining f\11, gardener pd. S375 mo. 67H778 LEASE 4 BR, 2 Ba, clcel. kit. patio. Adul1s $300. No prts. l blk/bch. 673--0W;j ·l BR. hon1e Y.'/pool - panoramic vit:'w, pr i 11. beaches. Agent 673-2222 2 BR, dbl garage, lg yanl, 01.-for boat, trailer, etc. ~z;;o nio. 67J.2Q25 Hun tington Beach 3400 S2JJ J\10. nr. h'l'eway, ,t, ma· jor shopp1ni:: center. 3 BR, 2 balh, hrrplc". funuly r111. cpl~. Urps, bl!-1ns. 1.arge fenr·cd yard. co1·l"rrd patto, Year lcaS<". 1st ,t· last rno"s -.~ $100 ~Urily dl'po;;ll. Avail Oct 15. 847-0lJ.1 aftrr 3 Pill 'veekrlays & all day Sat and Sunday TO\\INllOUSE, 2 BR, 1':-ha. cpts. drps, stovr, rcfrig, 11'a sh e r I d r y e r . patio, carport. Pool priv. \\"a.lk to school~ & ~hr)pping. fin· 1n11cul11tc! $170 n11 lease. 6'16-:16-M afler 6 PJ\1. ~ BR, 2 b:l , rlrn, frp!, 11·/w rrpts, scret'f1<'d ptJrch, pool. t·<'fs, no pets. $250 nio. Ill· rludl's 11o rrr, ISi'. ~~76;Jl 3 Bdrn1, 2 ba rh, den, \\'/w eal'p("t. d ra[)('S, !('!lS" S2j{) mo. ~lij.../)7 1•1 or !193-~;'\96 ., BR Condo. Crp!s, drp~. hltns, $17.J. 9962 Con1inl'nlal Dr .. HB 2131431-7114 Santa Ana Heights J630 .3 BR. 3 bath on '! arre. lar!.!C J'>(IOI ~ 20x.\O" I H.l'e roonl, 1l<"n. lar~c k>lrhi'11, all h1.11lt.1ns. PlcnTY of roon1 for hnrSf'~. etc, $~2.l. n1 o n t h. li1?-6G06 La gu111 Niguel 3707 I.G I·: Drlu.xr. ()(:ran v1r11·, 2 Rl-t, rlrn. 2 3,,, $.100 1110. or l~r. 499-1:\.14. ;y\7-7i61 RENTALS Apts. Furni1h9d Gen•ral 4000 $1'211. 1 Br apt. RIO, rcfrig. \V/\V. Child 0 .K. Broke!' :,:.i~GSO The GOR<iEOllS Nt>w DELUXE ht:ach apt1 2 Br, EASTBLUFF VAL D'JSERE adults. Winter $175. lll 4Sth VEN DOME New 2 bdnn. % ba. Cpls., St. 673-U61 drps., bltns. O...~rlooking Singl-1 br-2 br. F urn-uni. Sauna, Act'y Am, Billiards ~10DERN 1 BR, pn patio IMMACULATE APJ'SI ha.ck hly. Xlnt loc, nr. shop, The ra py & -t.J' PoOI, BBQs carport. Adul1s, no pcl8. ADULT ,r. FAMILY cntr .• churches, schools, €'IC. 2000 Parsons Rd_ &U.s670 26211 Avon. $105. Sn-6066 SECTIONS AVAILABLE 816 Amigos Way, $235 Per """'°°'"'""'=--,--,-.,-ICI t aL.---1 p le !>lo. Yrly. $1:.0. 2 Br apt, lo..-.·er. Pool, NF:W 2 Br furn upprr apt. '• OM O .. ""t't' ng, •r new furniture, Aval.I now. bl k to ocean. $175 mo lo mo, * Spac:low 3 Br's, 2 & ) , '7S..&OH 0 Bkr. 534-6980 Fam only. Agt 67>1972 * 2 Bedrooms =~"'-~~=~~ . * Swim ~ PuVireen -I'!' i L& $100. 2 Br. apl, W/W, pool, OCEAN rnONT 2 li: 3 lx:I. * Frpl Jndivllndry fac11 tJtil prl. Child 0 .K. Bkr rms, WINTER RENTAL. 1145 An•helm Aw. f.lAGNlFICENT Vie-w lrorn 534--ii980 673-8(68 COSfA l\-IESA 642·2824 every roon1, 2 Brdms; --'-'-'---------11 BR, Adul ts, no pet.a. yearly elegant carpel, d r ap e 11: Costa Maia SIOO mo + U!ilHie s, + SS0 $135. 2 Br \\·/pool & clubhse. adult~. Avail OcL IJ $250. ____ ;__ ___ 4_1~00:.;. cleaning depo~t 673-76C.13 Children &. pets O.K. Bkr Call 548-2394 after 6 Pr.1 $30.00 Wk. Up "'"°Ill 2 BR, , BA. CID. P""'· • S I. N•wport H9t1, 4210 $60. 1 BR gara"'e apt. RIO. frplc, dishwhr. Nr \Ve.stchff tu( 10 &: l Bi· Apts. .. e Kitchen & ·rv ill('\, * Clean 1 or 2 BR * pa.rtially turn. Br o ke r Plz. lli65 I rv I n e. $200. • Phone Seivice & Pool Adults, rio pels. 2421 E. 16th 5..'\.4-6980 Adults! For Appl 642-0219 e Ma id service avail, S1. $135 tno. up, 6~1801 $125. 1 Br apt, RIO. \\'f\V. GOLD r.1EDALUON. 2 BR, • [luy, week & r.footh Garage. Baby &. pet O.K. 2 BR. CI D, bltns. adults no 2376 Ne1l'port Blvd. 54!!-9755 , ;";ro=k~'~"~'-'H::_~"":::~~==·l~""-"-·-'-"-~'-'"---· _,._ .. _3_7_118_·_ B.tck Bay 42401: ~ $12:i 2 Br Rpl. R/0. \YJ\\1, ---------- RE11.1.LY Quirt. 2 BR . 1¥.? pool. Avail now. Broker N•wport Hgt&. SHARP 2 BR TIG-1 i\faple by Wilson. /.I Odern lurnilure. Pool. No pels, $155 month. 1\lgr. Lo'lglin • &16-6974 NICE Furn 1 BR, ltv rm, kit, ba. Single man only. Ref. $12() incl util. 310 J\leadow l..ark Ln (oU 2386 Sanlll. Ana Al'e• Open aft I Sat & Sun F URN & unfurn ha.c h & t Br apls. Frorn $110 to S\30. Avail 10/1. Older persons prt•rernd, &e r.Jgr, 213,;J BA . Adults. Unf $l:K;, Frn 53H '9SO '. 5210 $190. 2310 Santa A n a . s125 z Br Tri-plex. RIO, 1 BR. stove. re~g. garage. 645-2933 ..... fri , L-Child 0 K C ean. Adults on.y, .~ g, \\alln.:r, . . 548 57'J8 Bkr 534-6980 . ' Coron• d•I M•r 4250,l':'==========~:I-========= ii~~;;:--;;;:;;;;:~;-;;~J;c;;os;t;;•;;;M;'"';•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;5;;100;; East Bluff 5242 \YANTED mature, q u i e t employed \l.'Oman lo rienr cou""UCTION • NEW DELUXE • small coi.y turn apt. Refs IUlll ~ Br. 21,a ba apt for lease 673-5784 Incl. l.iPl!-C. ntastr. liuite, din LGE pri bach, lit ot llwy. Crpts, drps, re(rig no kit. Uti l pd. 673-690-4 . JUST COMPLETING cEc.lodc'-"Acp_l_6c._Cc.c'c!.~-~-I COROLIDO Apts, 2 Br furn. 1 Bft apt. <.'Qinpletely furn, $210. 1nonth. Ad :.i It s. patio & garag. Avail Oct. 11 67:l-l37S Harbor Hel9ht1 Four :? & 3 BR UNITS all with fireplaces, dis hwashers & 2 baths. rm. & dbl. garagr, auto. door opener avail. Poot & rec. area. Nr. Catholic Church & school &: Corona del Mar High. e ONLY $2~.e 865 Amlgo11 \\'ay, N.B. $1Jj mo. Util not incl. 64&-8774 Balboa 4300 Rental !\tanager • · f.frs. Christien.sen BEAUTIFULLY FURN 3117·A Cinnamon Ave. CLEAN Bachelor Apts. Costo .. _,. TOWNHOUSES new 3 & 4 BR. Encl garages. 7'52 Amigos \Vay. 67~5033 ----2 BR. Pool. Adults. no pet~. All ·1 · I ••5 -ult inc ~ up pL~--r"'L1034 =~~;~=-'"". ;,,:.~_"_"_'_''_'_s_t.=A=p~'="=".1 BAL:A E. Bal boa Bl~~~5 1'"iitie._8oii-6mn~F"liC~o~ron~•i;;id~·~I ~Mo~·i.~5~2~5~0 C.11ATEAU I.A POINTE DELUXE 2 or 3 BR apt. I Lovely 2 Br furn apt, pool f.lust be Sttn to appreciate. carport, adults no pets. $150 675-3.i70 alter 6 pm. BACHELOR unfurn f t o m ~+="~'="~· ='"~'~"°----m=o="'-·---I c=========c[ $LIO. AlsO avail 1 • 2 & 3 2 BR, 2 BA furn. New paint. lido l1le 4351 Bdnn, lleatl'd pool.s, chlld .-~!;._ Nr shpng center. N o care center, adj to sboppin&. chilrlrt'n or pe!s. 646-62:?2 BAYfRONT 11pa ciou1. No pet.s. ON TEN ACP.ES e Nassau Pahns e l & 2 BR. Pool 177 E. Z2nr'I St. 6-12-3&15 EACHl $;JCI incl util. Nr. Harbor ~p. cntr. :.J2-SS81, 838-lZ73 eves. QUIET. 2 BR .• a dults, no ehiltlr<'n or pe1 s. Close to n1a rkets.. 5-11)..3997 Eves. 1-BR., garage, Ca r p e I ~, clrancs. Adults. no pets. 174 i\!ontc Vista, C.:\f. delu:<e I BR apt furn. $250 2700 Peterson \Vay pt'r mo yrly l~e. 67>.5827 Costa l\1esa 546·0370 1 & 2 BR. Furn & Untum Fireplaces .' pr iv. pa!io1 I Pools. Tennis . Contnt'l Bklst. 9!:.J Sea Lane, CdM 644-2611 (!\facArt.hur nr. O>ast H1vy) Huntington &ooch 4400 fairway Villa Ap!S QUIET & BEAUTIFUL BRAND NEWI Z RR, pool, util J'l!'I , Adults Near Orange Co Airport & 3 BR 3 ba duplex Cptd only, No pets. 17676 Cam· UCL Ad1.:Hs only. 20122 drpd · bltns ·Priv paiio co~' eron, 847-212j. Santa Ana Av11. 54(1.2796 gal'.' 705 Orehid. $32~ P<'l: NE AR bea c h , newly illu11th, yeuly, derorated. B1u:helor apt. $1 2:0. (}('r mo. Util pd. J3&-2579 ORLEANS APTS. :.r ' ... - ----- Office for Rent 2912 'V. Cat Hwy, NB &5-0ll10 Comm•rcial 6015 5000 Sq. Fl Sale ar Lease FAMOUS BRAND NAME CANOY ROlTT'E.S Ntlw 11va1IRblc In CO!!ta Me1.1. & many other lowns in lhli;. ar!'a . AU loca11on1 are rom. r11Prf'ia l t>r {iu ·tory. Very h1~h Parnings, rio seUing in. \'ol.ved, To qualify you musr !)(> n>l111blc & have I hr 11 day spare. tune (days or ('V{'S I. Wheddy• Want? Wh•ddya Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Special Rat• Excellent exposure on 2 main s1reetJ. Tocl udes a 5cr:\:J1r ce1nen1 block bldg., offi<·es, & plrnty ol p;i.rklng, f ine opportunity to buy \\'!th a low clown payment. Owner ll'ill carry the loon. \\'alk<'i· & Lee fllr. Le \•ine ~Jio::l lo SJ.150 REQUIRED ln(lll\rc a hout 11111· "In'<' bonu~ route plan". i'llakc your ru. ture i;ceun: w11h us. a Dunn & B1-,..ds1reet ra1 cd National C>J. r or n101.,.. 1nforma11 on !>t•nd n;une. adrlr<'ss & phone no. 10: P.OUTF. DEPT, P. 0. Box~ Pomona . Ca llr 91769 S Lines -5 tim es -5 buclcs RULES -40 MUS T l"IClUOE Income lnveslmt'nt Dept, 543..-!t-l:il l-W""t ""' ll••e 10 1r .. 1e. :t-Wh•• you 1111nl r~ ,,. .. , :t-Y01.Jll. Pfl<M'lol •rtOlot •O<l'•e.&. ~ n~ of •d•ulls1na. S-N0Tl-11NG FOii. S.lLI! -1"R.OOE5 OWLY! LIVE UPSTAIRS WORK DOWNSTAIRS \\'c ha\'e a subo:;rantial, well eonstriicted store bids. for s&.le 1n Balboa 11,•llh ii. lgr. apt. abo\'t'. Could be ust'd for a variety of purposes. 0..vN>r miJ;;"ht ronsidcr lrase. PHONE 642-5671 To Place Your Tr1dtr'1 P1radi .. Ad LITE MANU FACTURING Roadster, Dodg~ eng: 1ork. n ite trans, chr m (rnt end, rRdius rods. drag \\'ire \fhls, '69 lie. T rd V\V Bus or ~. Greg 64:,.1441. Jnrtu.~t. inrome on P!at"t'nt1a v11lue $150.000. Tradl' 1/3 for clear Ca.Iii. bl15. prop. balance T.D. or ? O.\•ncr ~18-15-12 G Units, Partos. Ch\'llE'r's .1 Br. 2 ha!h + 4-2 BR .. 1-1 BR. Cosla l\lcsa. Trade lor land. Fo11ln, Rltr. &t2·5000 1701-A \Vr stclill Dr, N.B. Fabul nus mounla in mansion 0 11 lake. Incl $20 M top qw1.lity furn. $100 l\f t•!e11r. \\'ant similar home N.B. or Laguna. Bkr. &JG.OTJ2 TRADE 240() sq fl busi~ss rental: of lice or retail silo[) for 2nd TD 's. 211.213 6:/nd St, Npt Bch, o"m r. 12131 2~4-3101 , l'Ve (213) 2~6-0700 5 ROOm log cabin in Trabu. co Canyon. Pd SSOOO eq ty, TRADE for diesel fishing boat. 494-6.370 29' Century !""'in.sere"' cruis. , .. in bea~ rond. &. ruily eqp'd. i-~Of7tcal estate or sailboat, Value S9500. Art Sha1v 827.(Q)S. 1-IAVE : Commercial Jot, clear $15,0C(). Lake Arro11·. head $IO.COO clr.ar. \VANT: Airplane or \~hal you htll'l'. Broker. (l J !iS!J..&SOI. Strategic airport entra nce prop. \racant. zone C·:l. 50.620 sq r1 . Price S\51,000 cleRr, A sle<'per, For r<mrh, bRyf rant or ? Ov"nr 673·66~5 Near ne1v beaullful !!Allan Coniello Aceord1an. i''ull 120 bass. Oi·1g cost ov<'r $-l;iO. For 2nd car or ? ? No junk. llt•lcn, 612-82•19. 180' l('vcl ocean vie\\' lot in San Clcrn l'n!e. $16,oo:J fre..• & C'"lcar. i''or i111 proved; San D!c·go prrfe rred. Qy,·rw'r. 519:1006 '67 Foi\I Cu.~t. 4 d1·, R .t II, a uto, ne1v t1rl'!ii, VALUED at $lj0(). TRAD!::: lor t"'JUily in rt•a! t•slull' or ? Call 673-91~ a.ll t'l" 6 Pi\f. $36 ~1 Shr rin11n Oaks 3 BH, 2 BA, Ip, st11dl(J, trees. $9 t-.1 cqly. Fur old1•r huuse ? Big y111•1, rQ~ist or inland. Own. l'I' 1:/131 71\1-53(),j 1-f;ive $52,JOQ & Sl 75,000 equ. i1 1es. Oients IJC'ed ai.Jdt'd ta.x shelter. \\'ant pro p. to $300:0.t & SSOO:O.I, Slavin, Rt:'altor 6-l2-6m BURR WHITE REALTOR 2901 Ne1l'por1 Blvd., N.E. 675--1630 lnv•stors Attention I 50' frontage on Ocean A\·e. 1n I lunt1ngton Beach. \1•it h 1·on1n1ct-riaJ building in rear, wlr!1 $150 monthly income. Full price. S35,000. P ACIF'lC SHORES REALTY :J!i-Slr.H. Eves. 842·8778 Industrial Rental 6090 ·=:.._...:.c.... RENT !11·1, 112:i sq ft. nio. 1355 J.ogun. Ci\t. 675-5116 $115 'LOCK! SQ. FT .. nr. Harbor & Baker. C.i\I. A\'ail. al OflCl'. SU LLIVAN 5'10-4·129 Lot1 6100 Attention Builders Bayview Blurts. 3 DH, 3 tm spli t le1•cl 1v/lhe quiet elr· gance of a rountry ho1ne. $13,000 eq. FOR TD, inco1nt', or ? ? ? 64-14265 CORONA DEL J\lAH, . T11,·o ;. acres n1a1urr avocado, R-2 !el'el lots 60' x 11!1.' - n('{'d.<1 as!'llr 1<1tr 11·ith n1anasc. rnent 11nrl I or <'nginee1i ng hackgiuund. fl lanufacrurcr 111 proi:ran1 foi· national dis. tribut ion _ s2:io. J){'r ll'k. to start pl us equal share or profits to al·l1vc party 1\'ilh Sl2,500. ca,-h. Should easily ne t selcc1 d pa11y $25,000 first y1·. f'or pe rsonal in1rr. ViC'11·, call 71~-87J.2952 (!J. 6 P:\11 . READ THIS ~1nt Jor retired people ff )'OU 1vanl 11. per!. or full time opporluniry to mak~ n1onl'y in a bu1<ine!s of your 011'11 . Fnr rxan1p1e $2000 \n. vcsl1ncn1 can net $jQ \lo'kly by spending 4 hrs making deli1·eries. Call l'lfr. Thomiu 17141 5'.ll .6588 ENCO Full brook. $-KL\!. Equir y o '' 11 o B" $? 000 , .. ne 11·1 1 o ! <'r -un li. Humble Oil & Refining Co. -6. . t or bou~. unltJ;, · horne soulh of Pacific Coasl h;ts well loca ted seiviee 51a-Bt:'rt ;\.loll. Ridd le Rlty Jl ighway. . $58.500 Tl!E 646-SSl l, &JJ.Q.137 evr.o;. 1iou available 111 Cos111 i\leRa. REAL ESl'ATERS -6~&.iITI No invc.-11ncn t reo:1uirt"CI in Baylron t lion1c "'1p1cr & 01' 67'.h'i::.SO. Ures, ba!h'!ril'6, al'ccssones. flo..11. \\'anl sn1n!ler home g;isoline or n1otnr oil. Hum· or inCQ!ll(' proprr1y. HORSE RANCH ble payi; all utililics. Equip. 8alhoa Bay t>rnpcrt lr;; ,.. . 1 1. hi niPnt ""111'" '''''•bl, 'o •7 '"' ... par1ous or, gO<)d tl'rn e .~ 2.300 \\'.Balboa, NB 67 ... ~~u I ""n1i f,·,,,, ,.,, .. ,,., .... ,,. f o, i"· holne with II con~1lls at on y .,.. u nu " \VJL!. l::XCHANL:J•: 196.~ C;i . S37,500 with ternls. fonnation, e<1ll Bill Wood n1aro 3~7 PS, R&ll, a ulonia-PACIFIC SMORES REALTY days 836-&i61. Eves & 1\·eek- tic, Raly Spor1. t"OH Rral 817-S586. E.:vc.o;. 962·9TII ervls S.l;).9526. Estate or TD.o;. Jean Sn1lth I•!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I •'-'-i.ii'"'""""""""""""'I Realtor. 616-J2:i5 AUTOMOTIVE 2 Bit }-URN. $150. Aclulrs, no pets, Nr. n1arkets. S4S.-O'J:iO "J. BR, 1 BA, pri patio. I-ltd pool, washer hook up. S1Sj nionth 962-899·1. _ _ '754DSO 0 -···p 1 1L& :: BR avail, Adult.sonly. 3 Acres ol land 1n Nn. Cal if. Citrus Grov•s 6175 PAR:T OR FULL TIME l BR, vi<'w ol bay, no 1968 47' t11•in rJ irsel f!lx:r-Good hun!ing/[1shing nrc;i. -----------~1v1ce our ac~'Oun ts 1n your 17.U Tustin, Costa flles;i l'hlldret1 , ick>al for newly gl&s..~ hou~eboat. Qrar, lur 1 Acr<' near Orovil!r Dain. BUILD al'<':'J. Cash invl·stment $29'j() 1-lgr. J\!rs. Carson, 6"12-46U \1'{'ds. 25.10 Sl'i1V11'1Y A ve., inron1e or ar rt'age. Tl"adc !or hca<:h real esta1 e. p1utrclrd. R<'f<'rrnces e.'<-STU DI O ap1, crpts, utll pd. Quiet person only. Nr Irvine & 171h SIUO. 6-12--05.18 O __ ,_•_n~g~•-C.:.:.ou.;.n~t~y'--~4~600= ':=:::---------IJC=d~'~'·~'~'f'~';;'~''-:;;;;"~"i::;-;~~ I • 67*J.3ll4 * Owner 213; 287-Wll. YOUR OWN ch1u1i;~"1. Nnt a rou(e or · 1: .. * * * * E \·cnrting, Part lime earnings SINGLE Young .11rlults, lulC· NO\\' Ava il l & 2 BR apts 3 d BR, b~ _ba du~lcx. Cpls, ~!!!!~!!'!!!!'!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IJl!!~!!J!!~!!!!!!!!~ PRIVATE LAK Sl"G Pl'C 11 k. Nr1 s<1.lesrncn ury garden ap1s, 11.·/fulJ D_eluxe range & o ven: .so':~r 11~~~iJaa~~·6f~~· :; A natt1ral. ~ririni::-frrl streRm pl<'a.s<'~ CaU l'Ollect {7141 rl'crcallon larilihcs k c:om· d1~h11shr, CJD. etc. Pool &:l~==-=:.:...=:=c..:::.:..==-1 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE runs yt'ar round 1\•ailln.::; to 539'5600. ClCt :.9. 4200 New port B•~ch plcte pn\"acy, Sou th Bay gar, uUI pd. Adult Jiving. COROLIDO Apt, 2 Br un-General Gen•ral ~ daJnrxrl to provide a I '"'"'"""'"'"'"'"'"'""'"I Club Apt.s. 277 S o. Z-11 'Vilso n Ave. (beh1."<'en !urn. $180 &. up. Adults large fishing alld boalini! Coin Laundry Washers Nc11'Jl0rt Beach 67'3378 R t I W t-' •990 I p t 6000 GRANO OPENING Brookhurs!, Anaheim (T11) Harbor & Fairvir iv). J\1gr.I::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::= en as an ftl .J ncom• ropmr Y pond a l the rear of this 10 20 pink la1r K model wash· 772--4500 Ant 5 Day• "'" "·'"! , ••• , ------~-----A. orangl' "r"OVP . Th(. IN-ers. Xl nl 1ncch11 n1e·• <<md. IMMED IATE •· · .....,...,..,, • ~--\VANT lo rent Jnrcte J BP. 6 UNITS • HEART 0 w 0 •&--0745 Bolboo I lo-' 53'5 ~eo VESl'OR \VITI! VISION 11•ill 2" ycllo11• e;irly K m<>del OCCUPANCY 46!0 ..... s nu J apt, 2,0CKJ·2,500 sq It. NB· " Luxury ga rdrn apartments _G_•_,d_•_n_G_r_o_vc•----FUGraci~us Adult Living ON Grand Cana.I. Drluxe 2 Cr.l.or Laguna area, on OF WESTCLIFF ~~:~Ji~alr.e~ 1:1t~e !li~n~:~i~~: ~;:1~~~~·A7U 1 ~~.of~clalr:f?~ offcrin.I! eompl<'te privacy, SJr-;GLE "Young Ad ul1s Lux· RN & unfurn 2 BR. Drps, BR 1 bRTh, \\'alerlmn! "'it h yearly leaSI'. Adult arca-No Best rcn!ill area tor LO\V, Ftrr UR E hrrc. JfKXI young, on loca lion. bcau1iful landscaping & un· ury garden apts 11·1th roun--w/w crprs: ,frplc: Pool. boat dock. $265 yr!y l<'n!'l'. pets. •·r.11lll'r": 494-1819 to1v vacnncy and high n'· productive NAVEL trees, Coin.O-r.la!ic Eiiu ipnienl, Inc. p;1ra\ll'!cd recreational lacil. try club fl lrnosphere anrl S Udl'nts OK. No children'. No children or pct~. To ~<' J BR apt by n:l1rt'd ll'Oman llirn. Onse to rnnjor shnJ'> romplete rrragl1nc lRR IGA. :.'3.1 1'1 \V, Val•·nl"til fJr . Jt1rs 1n a country cluh at. cornpl(·l<' priva<:y. SOUTii MESA EAST APTS. r il.11 o"•ner 673..{)207 1"/wcll n111nnerl:'rl apt rais-pini,: anrl NE \V P O HT TION 5vsrem and cusT'O:'I Flil lerton, Cllll/. 525-7833 niospherl:', No1v leaslng Jn BAY CLUB APTS 13100 1,15 E. 18lh, C.i\1. ed dog ·. i·cls. r.llght be u1• SCHOOLS, QUALITY i11vt•s t-hoine fuily 1\JT{ CONDITION. I ----~--'----I · I TRAVEL AGI::NC\' for !Lnlr , !\'c11·p.:;1"l Br ach. Chapn1an ave., Ga r den 642·3~7·1 or 548-574;j Ht.!ntington Be ach 5400 lct'l"S!l'd buyillg l' 0 n d o. n1t•nt 1n a11 aJ'('a "'ill! u11 1n1-ED plus fanii!y orchani anrl in Ne\\'port Bench, ..,,·ell Fu rnished or unfurnis~cd Grove (71 4) 636-3030 LARGJ-: l BR. Sh a r P ! 540-9~>4 1 • ired future. $\:!0,000 \V l I h p;an"\rn nreu. Jn lfxo path o/ ;'llodl'IS Opl'n 9 am to 9 pm D C So * BEACH BLUFF * tcrn1s a1•a i!.<J blc~ J C J cs!ablishcd, r :< c e 11 en I SING LJ;; "Youn:: Adults Lux· rapes, arpets, near . JtESP. n1idrlle 11grrl ·11·on1an WE SELL A HOME progrr:~ tl<'ar '"-"v r. 0 · rrpul.1!ion. Holds all np· OAKWOOD ury garden apts ~:It h coun-Coasl Plaza, OCC. ii:w mo. New 2 & 3 BR, 2 BA. F'orc· nrcds 2 Br house or Apl. un· EVERY 31 MINUTES legc site just ~ rntnutes pointrnen!~. Ownr rs moving. try clu b Rl mosphere and Ag!. 835-4·122 Eves aJt 5 or cd air, dshw!.l"u'S, pailo, lurn. Prefer N.B. or C.:0.1. lrom the (l(·ean and rnoun. s2s.OCKJ. 7141673-1718 ei't'S. GARDEN complete privacy . .SOUTH wkrnds 545--0718 pool. \•ie\.\'. t & 2 ~IOI)'. llJ~a. II a I'{' small <log. Wa Iker & Lee t.a in rt:'SOl~S. $74,500 and own. BAY CLUB APTS 13100 1 Bit apt, vacant-! blk oil \\'alk to 5 Poi nl Shops. P<'rni. 673-31183 mom. only er y,•ill cai1y LO\V INTER.-APARTMENTS Cha pman Ave., G 11 r4.e n 1-larbor. N<'w cpts, drp.i ~'c.Jlc.3'1~·~"-~=-~~-20-!3 \Vestcliff Dr. E'ST lst T.D. "i th 10~(. 1low n, 1700 16th Strrct Gmvc (714• 636-:lfCO pain!. Adul!s. Sl'.?:i. water LARGE' J BR, 2 Ba, RENTAL SERVICE &46-nl l Oprn Evrs. WE SELL A HOME 7!4: 642~~1 70 r 1 ,,,. Al FREE TO L..\NDLORDS EVERY 31 MINUTES c=~~~'-"--',C.,-~-l o~:LUXE lg, J Br, .suntleck. pd. 2Z79 /.liner, apt B 1rep ace. ,• n10. so new Bl "-1 1 o I BR S 30 • l}(' rx·aron 6·17i~ 1 * w lk & L SINGLE \'oung Atlults Lull-L.'.11', oci:!an \•le1v, carport, 6-12-7508. l · Nrar ocran. pn 8 u!.ir'le!.s Re ntal 6060 a er ee ui·y ,::ardon apls \vith coun. $Jt)j lea."f'. U!ll pd. 4~14i3 DELUX:E 1 S · deck, gar. 202G I 4 th . 4 BR wan!cd hy rcspo11sihlc 1r.v club a ln1os.ph<'re a nd -======'=====I " • ap · p a i:·i 0 u 5 ' 5.16---1319, 673-1784 fan11ly. Close-in, $200 n10. -qnil'I. $110 1.~t & last or 6 l:.-208:i rvrnplrt" pnvauy. SOUTH La9una B••ch 4705 trade renl for Cadillac. NE\V LUXURY I l"4 2 BR l~i\\' CLUB ,\P'TS, Irvine at 6-16-4760, :>-iS-2039 P;\TIOS & BALCQ;-.;lES 16th, l'\c11-porl Bear h. BEAUT 2 Br, 2 Ba , l><"('anfrt. ~==-c___:._;;::::._____ AOUL T L;VING BUILDING SIOrl', 01!1rr, ('It·. a1~..()G'lfl I o c 2013 \\'.!stchlf Dr. fi!G-1711 Open E\'<'S . Investment Oppor. 6310 HAVE tr;:rill'r park t'('ar\y lo b11ilrl. 160 spa('l'S 1fo11'ntowr1 Ind io, acro~s l111m Sear;;- Rci.:lonal Shopptn!:; Ct>nttr & h 1"'h se h o11 I , r 1"'ht d1n1·ntm1·n! U you want 203 Sf'('111.l<1hlc nn <1 ny an1ount ol rash UJI lo $100.000, Call t71•1l &t5-0::.:JO $3f.IJ. gn .1700 or 87().Q,1:>3 2 llDRr.1 illesa No, Apt. SU RFSIDE Ci·lALF.T fl'P~. &. \.\'kl.'nds. 8u1Jt.\ns, Gar, Prv. P,,','~'0 s~l Ad""I•. c.~.,_,,~ l i-2 BR-Bachelor Ap!s. h I w "" .,_,,., ''"" e LANDLORDS e Fll EE llEi\'TAL Sl::HVJCE Brokrr S.34·b~2 NI::\\' Jnrlu slrial 11hli::s h•r lrast'. 2~i00 sq. fl ft, It. 1639 illonm\'la. Ci\1. 673-001 7. Acreage 6200 2.lo)·r!, li7J..19~1!1 --~=c """ ovER rn ACRES 6 Units • 539,500 REN TAL"" '! rno. or )T J.,;11-TV-Pool.J\la1rl Ser. $:\.). a U• 612-:1916 or ~~10-3739. 2 BR. cpts, rlrp~. hl1·ins, p<'t \1 k. s, up. THE r.tE:"A .-ipts. nfurnlshed '"°==~-~~~-~~ garagr. Cl0~r II) hl'111·h, <11:1 N. l"ivpt Blvrl. 61&-961\\ 1-----------LARGE t·lean 2 Bdrm 2 Ba h G I 5000 B!t-in.~ 11.111• ""''· '''P' . ....., p!rr. ~hops, etc. 405 81 St. :;,\IL J11n \lolrl. dl x rm~. _•_n_,_,_• _______ pc1s. Avail Oct 4. 2S8J ·:\!~;1 ,c'c''°'-"· c!l6 0 "1c·4c1c·1c2 ___ ~~ (•n11plcs. 511 0 lo ~120 mn. e RENT e doza. Apl A AVAI L Oct l jlh. Nc1v I. 2 & Cnn r brkls1 , n1a1d srrv. '-'Ci.;o;""'.-"-=o,..--.,,-;:--,.---, J BR t C I d l Rooms Furniture 1i.AHGE 1 BR. S h ii. r p ! 1'p ~. rp .~. rps; _,_7:_~_18_4=1 ·~-=--cc--ccc:: $25 & UP Drapes, Carp<>ls, nea r So. ~~:;79at $1'.?:i per n10. I s. 2 BH, IU1'n & u11fu rn Coast Pl&za, OCC. $130 mo.1-----------;ipt~. Pool. No r:h1ldren nr :'lfonth-To-~tonth Rcn!a!s Agt. c11.il 546-5079 2 BDRM, 2 BA. pvt patio, pct~. 2·1051,~ 16th, N.B. \\'IDE SELECTION 2 BR unfurn, new Gold fif ed., healed pool, washer hook r~IG-16&1 llFRC furn iture Ren!Rl.s bllins. No children, 2682 1 ~""'=·='"c'-c..:899c:..;<~----~ BR ., B' 517 \\'. l9lh. CM 54!1-3431 Dl::l.UXE rurn 3 , ~ ·" SRnta Ana Ave ., Apt 1 CM 2 BR, enclosed pa Ii o , unit. Oceanfro nt Newport $165. Deluxe 3 Br, blUns. $175. .washing facil. Aclulls only. Rcoo_mc.c•cc.f o.c..'cRc..o•cnct __ 5c99c. :..:S Offic• R•nfil 6070 . Near h11~c l11kr. no do1vn. $25 I BR kllo.:hrne1tr. slcr•pini:: rn1s . Hr'1!rrl f'O')L ll!'11d service. $30 J!€r wk &. up 4."j(l V 1rtor!~ f'n! room. b11 &·_ en1r. SGO per mo. 21L E!dl'n, apt 6 C.!'.I. l'ltw. $1:1 \\I K & up W/ kitchen. $JO. ""k S!lldio Afll. 2376 Ne"·port Bl~·d. 54S-!l7:i5. '"· $70. -----------1110. ~9-1-\0l3, AgL LAGUNA BEACH Air Cond itioned R. E. W anted NOTICE 6240 r:,.r~l!rnt rcn!al 1l'rOt,I. To1r~ fol" sn1a1l u1 1·r ~hJL. $j90 n1nnn1 1nco111r. TH I:: 111:.,\l. Si\T,\TE I~~ lil'JO .~r11·ron 1311'cl 6!1i-7171 ilJL!ST Have $~~.000 o.:<lsh. i:;U t l'c.l t;r .~•'runi~. h:ind~onic ri-1 urn. 67.}-{)~1 Mo ney to Loan '>320 2nd TD Loan Beach. 673--8l}l7 AM only, E.S1dc_ Locahon, S rn a 11 1 BR ''"'"'". ·lo•• 10 •"·p. i1J5. M7-6692 I child l\'t'lrome. Bkr 1>15--011 1 '" ..._ " rn1 DON'T gi1·e 1t away, !;<'I l BDR.i\f for Ba<'lw orettt , ping. Jdeal for older person. 2 BR., cpts, dl'p3. stove, No quwk <'ll 5h for it 11·ith a prl. entr &. hath, excel. loca· $11:;. 1 Br, xlnt loca!lon. i115. S.19-1839 ~ !M!t.S. $12.J. O:her renlals l BR w/bath. priva.te trance. No cooking ! furnished. 67:;..-0771 ON FOREST AVENUE Desk sp.1r·e e1v11ilnhle In nrwe~I office buildini:: 11! priinr loct11iu11 ln rlml'lltown Li1i;:una Ucach. Air rond 1· tlon<'d, earpercrf. ~autlful entrances; }"ronlagc on Forest Ave., rear leads to l\funcipa] parking Jots. $;JO pcr month for sPace. Dc~k and chairs aveila hle for S5. Business hours a nswering M'rvicc availablr for SIO. All utilities pa id VCC<'PI telephone. JC you h1111e a 3 or 4 bedroom hon1e lor sale or for rent. . eall us today. \Ve represent tile f'mployees of a large firm moving to !he Harbor Art'n a nrl they musl have housing! All cash if desired. Call r arro1v 516-8640 P rompt. conlifirnll~I sr1vlre 642-2171 545-0611 S.-rvin~ I lat•hor area 20 yrs. Sattler Mortg•g• Co. MORE CASH 4000 G.neral ~u~·~·~ly~Pi~·~1"~';;""~';"~' ~A~d~·==l~"~";"~'~1;;.~1~02J~•~'~"~'~'~P~'~'=o=:'.~A~du~l~l•~o;"'~Y~· ~B~ro~k~'~';"~>-O~l~J~l lis~'~"'c·}JiBii',c~+~•~"~'~"'Eh"'~·JP~oo~f. also. 962-3886 4000G.n•,.al 4000 blln!L, w/1v, drps. Family & LRG Be11.ch Apls. Vrn.rly G•neral am! pet O.K. Bkr 53~ rate, pool. Adults. 219 15th ROO~I 1n beaut ho n1 e . Arlull~. Incl \l.'8sh, b~ak & rlln $100. Lll dy pref. 642.-3Hi7 tl.JRN room, priv entr, wJ Bath, In ~aul Cdr.I home $115 Mo. Incl util, 675--2955 DAILY PILOT FOR YOUR 336 E. Ji th Sll-eer So Iv~ a Simplt' SCTambll!!d Word Pu.ul.e /or a Chuckll!! A Reorro"v-~.n cl th• V' 1our .-:mmbi.d word1 be-1 low to fotm four simpl1 word~·I ,. ...... o .... • 0 • . • • 0 • 0 ' . I PIGMUN I> _ 1 I I I I I . . • • ' fcE,TUA I ~i ._[ ...__I ...__I l._J._. ~ _i . . • I I MAC HP. I Ever hear about tht nuclea1 scieritist who swollowed som• uranium? W•ll, he g ot - rl R-0_,.-Y-T""U.,.C----., ache, ,,._, i.;,;..;l,_..;;lj~,.~,~,-1 .9 "-"" tho <IMl.lo ...,...i by liJling In th. mlu,g wont . you dewlop from ll9P No. 3 be low. I I I' I e .PR~~~sr:u:0~~~SUTTERS lN -11 11 Ii I' 11 r1 ! UNSCRAM&.E .A80VE UTTERS 10 GfT ANSWEt 1111111 .. ,_ ....... ....__ SCRAMLm ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 790') BEAUT. large, private 2 BR St., Apt. 7, HB. unit, yard, drpg, crpts, 1 Bdrm. apt.. Utililif't paKt, stove, gar. $150. 673-4006 S80 per mo. 470 Ocean AVl!., 1 BR single upper apt. stDve & ttfrig. No pell;. 5">-0876 l l.B. l BR, rpls, drp11, stove. ClOlle lo school & frwy. No pets. NE\V 1·2 BR apts, S135-f150. ='=''°==· =>;='"="""===== Adults only, no pets. 3i8 A voc111io. 548-7620 Tu1tln 5640 2 Br, blti11:11, crpts Ir. drps. Upstairs Apt. No pets. 568 \V. Wll&on. ~60 . AVAILABLE now, 2 BDRt.I, crpts, drps, bltins. carport. Adults. No ~lll. 548-6769 2 BR, blllm, $135 per mo. Crpt11, drps, patio. No pets. Adults only. ~!1-2900 2 BR, l ~~ bath, cpU. drpl, THE ASPENS l~ \Vllllam SI. Tti!tln's prnstlif! addrr..s! Adult living, no pets Sbaat c8.rpe!11 Total air condltionl~ Unfum ilhf!d Gymna11lum1 A Saunas Apartment. from $1~ For lnformaticin 8:)5,..6681 stove. No peta. $li0 mo. ,L ·;.; .... ;,:;;:.;n.;.•_;l;.;•;:K:.::;h __ .;.57:..0;.;;S 962-3886 1~ I====~~~,--,.-WAh'E \lJt by !hr blue: EASTSIDE 1'e 1 BR. d('Jl9, Pacilic. J.2 BR. 1 Ba., I· crpt., blllns, pr. Adults, no BR I Ba.. apls. 4~2001 pets. $135 mo. 646-1762 B~ker . -~--------New po rt leach 5200 DON'T J UST \VISll for 110methin&: to fuml&h your l BR, 2 ba, cpts. drps. bit· home. , . find ~at buy1 In ins. $22S yrly, lae. 3101 W, today'• Oaullled Ads. RalboA Blvd. 6'7'3-1715 NO m•lter what It lw. yot1 YEAR Round upstairs, 3 Br, can seJt It wllh a DAll.Y 2 811., gar, 1; blk from 5Urf. PILOT \VANT AO!! 642.5678 1211; 371h St. <2131 332·2142 \VhitP. Eleph11.nts? Motols. Trlr. Cris. 5997 TRAILER SPACES $jQ PER ~10NTII * &f&.9681 • \VEJ-:t:LY rates Sea 1.ark l\lo!el, 2301 Newport Blvd., Costa ~lesa 222 f'ORE:Sf AVENUE LAGUNA BEACll 49+9466 1'.IODERN A I r contllrioncd suilc, 17th SIN!et. Costa 1'.leM. Over 700 square feel, $2,10 per month. Perking - coffee room j anit o r .ser.'ice Rll ulilllles In· cludt:'d. Phone J\lr. Rife &IZ-9660 s r.tALL Off ice unit • Rlmost 1-----------· I 300 sq. ft. Carpets -ulilltles Mite. Rentals 5999 INDUSTil.IAL Unit for rent or atonagP.. Sfill w. 16!h St, Newport Beach. 64&-1724 ST'ORAGE garages avail, full y encl'd. S20 per mo. 2135 Eldeo, Apt 6 r.tgT. paid. Short lern1 lease OK. Great local ion ad J a c e n t Ruben'~. Orange Cou nty a i rport nrea. Phone weekdays 9-5, 5-10-2380 OFFICES Rettptlon-Ansv.•erlni Secrelarh1I 3345 Nl'"'-llOrl Blvd., N.B. Garage for storage. 7133 Elden (Eull $20 Avail now 64Z-443" mo. 675-lliOl lnconM Property 6000 l -O~F=F1~c=E ~S~PA~c=E~ 1860 8 Nl'WJ>Ort Blvd. 360 sq_ fl, fumbihl'rl 3• llOUSES nn 1 lot '39,(XXJ I ~='~'-'"-'-"'~"'-'·=·~·16-_"2_. --'= approved for Veteran l~n. COSTA f.lesa oHlres. AJC, Wiii conir;irle r lrarie. 536-3743 crpts, drps, P11rktn.g:. Very nirl! 0Ulce1. 15!15 Baker, IT'S WON'DEJ\YUI. I h ~ m11ny buy11 in applla~s you l\nrl In the OU!!ltied Ads. Chcc:k them now! S40.4&!MI DELUX E office In CoslR ?.1esa. 1500 IJQ ft .Air concl, crpll.i, drps. 548--6761 . Etj)UITY :'<lidweat~m Jnveslmenl Corp now purchasing ho mes in Orange County, Seeking VA & FHA t:QUitie1, caIJ any. Ii m r. 6J5.8539 WANTED: Commerc. bldg. on Coast Hwy. Corollll del f\1Rr Bl"<'B. Broker &14-4323. BUSINESS ond FINANCIAL Bui, Opportunltl~.' _ 6300 Ladies Appar•I Shop Like lo own yo ur O\\'n busl· nc11~? Here's a reRI oppor- tunity to own your own shop with a small Investment for fl xluN:!L in the Fountain Val· lt'y arr•. All men::hn ndise Is on coruiignmcnt . No i/lo vestment In n1c rchandlsc, p11.y 11.rl<'r It is sold, We tr11in you Ir supervise. you at no l'.'xpense. f'or complt:!e infor. n111tlon, write or phonr F', L. Tierney, 2130 North Holly. 11•ood Wl\y, Burhanl., Calif. Phone 12131 11-13-4340. .. 1.JQ. LIC'S. Orange, San Diego S1 2,50D on Mle; JI0.000 oll sale. Ca!! \VI N> TON rollecl 12131 272-42.fi9 .,, Mortg•g•s, T .D.'1 6345 CONSTRUCTION JI.Io n e y availalile for ir..con1c pro. du::lng property. Fol'1!ign & domesti c. Motels, Nursing Homes, Sboppini:: Cenh:rs. Offi c e Buil d i n g~. Apru1meltls, etc. \Vrile or call Title Real1y t.· Insurance Company, 21.J Clork B u l l dlni;:, Binn· lngham. Alabama 3520C Phone 1205) 251-5286. $75.000 15T TO on 11.000 St\· fl. brick commerc. bldg. In Orange County, on ionr tt>ITI] leaM'd land. Payable S750 mo. Incl. 10~(, all due 5 yl'!I. R~ntal inr-. $2400 mo.; 20% discount. Broktr 493-1106 JST TD on White Water view lot Jn 1..Agun:1 Beach. '6.000 at $60 mo. incl. 93 , all due 3 )·ean;. 12i;• Discount ~ BROKER 494·LU1 DA ILY PILOT Dl l\I E ·A · LINE'S. You ran use them for just pcnnK>s a day. Dial &12-5678 PLAN_N_l_N_G_lo_mo_,-,-,-Yco-u~·u find 11.n 11mai.im: num~r cf hf1mrit In today's Clu."lfled Ari.~. Chcl'k tht>m now. ....... ---------------------·--------·-------------------....---~------·------~-------------------- BF.AUTlF1J~ long haired cuhco fenlAle cat about 6 mos. old v.-earing pink & v.•hite f..'Ollar, vie. Harbor Vit'W Uills. &44--1317 or 64 4--021 l HRIEFCASE Containing im- portant pal)('rs .. Name is on the ease. C11!l a nd iden!iJy_ !las been slightly dama,!fed by trartic. 64&-406.1 Se ller. Costa & idcntlfy. Thursday, Octobfr 2, 19b'f When You Want it done right ••• Call one of the e x perts lis ted below!! FOUi\'D. Irish ?-1rsa. Call 548-4()86 SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY ABANDONED \Vhite ki11cn. 1 grer.n eye, l blue eye. Nd. hon1e or Pound. &12-4424 Asphalt, Olis 6520 Floor!! 6665 Janitorial ---= 6790 GOLD S1r1pcd male kitten. 11·e;.iring fl<'n collar. Vie. ol :300 E. \\lilson 51B-5678 l's:-.t1\LL black cal, 1·lc !I-fain & 8d1nger, S.A. r('l'.J Ilea 1·nll11r. 12131 4:il-2143 GIRLS bicycle. vie. Grahan1 & Edingrr. JIB. 8·17-11 94 Cl\nl'ET VINY L TJLF; Free est. Lie. contr. 5,l0-72G2, !'ilf)'--•1'17H SEALING & P ATCHING Residential • Indus -Con1c:'I Comp! reas serv. Currcnlly c ngai;cd by City ol C.!\f. for I:========== s treet restora tion. NATO CORP. Gen'J Contrar.101·.~ 63S-5Sl~ Babys itting 6550 Ga rdening ANTHONY'S 644-4860 6680 \\'OULD like playmate !or Thn llcst, cos?s no more! GREY rabbiL 546-5146 or ~ 5-19-3&88 my pre-sch! chili!. 11 r l::Xperient:ed l\taintcnance N c 1v port IP a I i s ad c Budget Landscaping" \I/OMENS glasses, Vil'. K-5·\0-<1700 r.raduate llor1icul!urfsf l\!art s tore, C.M, 64'..!-6101 ~===,_--,,,-----LICENSED Day car{". l'U::Ai'l·UP SPEClALIST! 2 BASENJ I dogs nr. 19lh & \\'ei:kdays, Infant thru 5 yrs. Mowing, cdi::;ing, ()(Id jobs. Pon1ona. Cl\l 6·16-2160 • . . . .• So Coast P laza arc a . Reasonable. 5ls-t:i9:'!5 549-4038 =======::-L __ ._., _______ 64_0_1 \\'ILL babys1L 1ny Cdilil Gardening 6680 LOST bro1vn &-"-'hitc female home, any shift !days, ni1es -----"------- Pekingese, "Missy Sue". or by 111e 11•cek) Reasonable. COMPLETE F"ri night h<_>!wn 6 ,I', 8 prn. I cA=oy~a=g'oe_c_'hc;_ld_,_1'_7>----'6'i6C'c5__ Y AHU r-.1/\ INT. Vic Croltdon & Baker, C.i\1. MOTHER of one chi!fl \l'ill Sprinkler installed & rrpair- P.E\VARD! 546-3949 care /or child o{ \Yor ki11g ed. NP1v lawns, t:lcanups. F d d !'llon!hly Si'rvic<'. L \DIES v.·aHet Vic CentCI' niothcr. cncc ya r • 91i8-J9"18 St, Cl\1 or 3rd Ave .. Laguna 548-[>21·1 Beach, Fri 8/1. Valuable BABYSITTING. iVIy J-lon1c. NE\\I 1L a 1~ n s re-sccdi~g, pap e r s. R e·warcl. 49'J.-2369 During lh<' dav. }[ourly or Comp r!e lawn cru-c, r lc.in aft. 6. \\'cck!y. 642-12'i·I up. by JOb or month-, .Frcc I estimates. Ca ll S1f>-{)9;,2 ~1ALE . Siamese St'alpV!nt \VILL Babysi! swing shlll, my L' -G - r<i!. Da rk brwn. \\'eering home, l tB :irra. 1 c hild 3-5 A .~ ardening ,V. La_wn b!k collar. Vic Avocado, years. 817_1,1&1 ~k-un!enanrc. Conu~crc1al, < =~====~~---1ndustr1al & rt's1drn!1al. C.:'11. Call 545-2329 BABYSl!f!NG. i\ly hon1t', * 6~6-:l629 * 6 YR old n1alc c:ollic:, J\lsea de! i\lar. Any ;1;:;c over:;.\~cd. Vic Vic!oria & 11·elcomcd. 546·3003 * Expe rt J a panese f-"r('C("lo1n homes. ".lllaJ-or" I c~=~c-~-----FINEST \\'ORK 646-0:l/M 2 CH ILD. 1-1 n1 os. 11• u n I 64 2-JD7j -playn1a1e, 14-3() n1os. (;Ovd E:-.ri't! Janancsc Garil~·ncr. loving cru'C. Ci\!. 6·12-88~,2 Con1ple1c yard scl'vicc, G OL D EN / di amo nd l\'Tf!h1•11 tch. \'il'. r..eubcn's, Sat 11He. Plc11sc c: a I I 644-2!'!47 LOST Calico cat !) yrs old. Has no front cla1vs. Cost.a !'11esa area. $JO r c:11·ard. &l&-3265 LOST: Bfa ck cat. 1 11•hitc ·whisker. Vic:. 4lst & Balboa, NB. Reward. 675--5504 PET Racoon. red c:ol!ar & bell. Vic: Aliso Cnyn. ?-liss- ing 2 1vks. 499-3106 fn'r csli1na!('. 5~0-1332 Ctl!LD care in loving hon1r, 1 ·---------- J"C"liable 1voman 1vi!h college 'l'ltl:..Jo: Sc-1·v1cc:, gener<1-l yard !raining. 5._11)....Jl3"12 cleanup, Rototill & sprinkler scrv. i:.46--:.S~S \VILL b11bysit for sn1all rhild I ----------- for working Jn o th c r . Cllt ,r.,_ Erlge La\\'ll &l:>-J~OS !'llaintenance, Licenser:! 5-18-s1WS/5-19-19~H art 4 BABYSTITJN G. n1y !'l'lcsa dcl !'l·lar aroa. ;,,1;,.615::. lion1c, J!!'ll'S Gardening & la>vn n1aintcnancc. Res. & Com- n1ron•1al . * ~i4fl..4/l:J7 Gen eral Services 6682 ES'TATE !'ltaint '!'rec Serv Rcn1oval & tr1mm1ngs, [rcr e stimate, ..:an 5'1\-0088. I Landscaping 6810 * J,ic'd .JapancSe-lant!scapr j ronlraC!flr: lal\'ns. sprink- !P~. patios. ('IC. S:ifl.3037 Landscaping 6810 I/ILLS & SLOPES our :;peel.ally. N!'xt years rain \\"Ill bo \l'Wrsc'. Gel Pt'O· \('<:lion now! Call 4!1;,..()811 Masonr~ric_~ 6830 RICHARD ALLEN Custom & Spanish Masonry A Speci a lty I Block, Brick, Concrete Free Est. 633-2343 Paperhanging Painting 6850 NEED PAINTING? Cill! us'. Ilrli:iblc Service w/ Quality <Hits besl, a t the n1ost reason<ib~c prir{'s. Fe''{' estin1a1cs. 54S-6002 l:.X'fEHIOH pain!Jng, guar. 11·ork~ 3 BR stucco ~2i5. $40 D<'l1vn. $20 nio. Costa i\lesa rinly. Nol a "n1oonlightcr". :-~10-~~~·l 0UBURBllN Pa1nllnr: Dec I::xp1Tt Gunrantcrrl \\lark F1·c·c l'sl. l\u joh 100 1:1rgf! ur loo ~n1aJ1. 4'.>-1-::l!Ml P Al l\"TING Int & Ext Lowest l'Ontrac1r<l pri1."E'S, Full y Ins. Satisfaction guai. Free est. Jini \Vceks 6i3-llt'6 1\1\n Doxi Jost 9/21 cr/iltagnolia f .V. Call 842-694.2 v11:: Slal- 'R~v.'ard \VILL B;1bysit your hoinc by the 1\'cck. You furnish transpor1a1ion. Gl2-1407. Lil'<'nsed child care for l or 2, agl" 1-5, N. Ct11. 5 days, !"'.>-1&-iSCf.l LARGE Gray tiJ::('r-stripcd 1----------- cat Vic E. Broadv.·a.y. very Brick, Masonry, etc. timid. Call Dave 5-\6-9006 6560 DUJLD, Re111odcl, repair. Brick, block, concrete, carpentry, no job too small. Lie. Contr. %2---{;915 GARAGJ-.: Doors Scrvicr_•r! & RC'pill!'C'1!. Gcncr<il I l0n;,c ~luint. $10. n1l11, 6i$-:i311 L Haul ing 6730 YARD1Gar. cleanu p , Hcniovc trers, JV)\ dirt, tr~u·l"r backl101~. i;r •t d •' !)(j2-::i< \~1 INT & t_;x t., av(•r;ige ~ hr hsr. l<tbni· only :Sl:l7.50 · r.12-{l.\:i;i ;iftC'r :-111.n1. ! l'i\INTJNG & 1iafl("rl1a11ginJ. ! ~1~onab!c. '.!.) yrs ex p. I ~;1·rn1a11 ~kill~. 6 i2-l~22 l'AINTINC. Papcnni; 1G yr:-;, 111 llarhor arc;i. Llc. & ! hl1nr1P(I. n!'rs. furn. 612-23.)!i, I e !-'OH. Bt'!il'r l-'a1nl1n!-!, 111· tenor & cxtrrior, acuustic reiling~, 6·16-4077 & 5-11-3502 \ C ,\.:. S Pa1ntt'r~. Jnt-Exl ANNOUNCEMENTS and NOTICES Personals U05 !!! Attention Bea !!! You arc invi ted 10 a "fam- ily" party co1nmen1oraf1ng 1hc date of YQUr birth. r or Timl', Dal('. Business Service 6562 TI'PlNG 1131\l Sc I c c l r i c, F ast. rcas, accu r at e . !'llanuscrip1s. lhcs\s, f•'rn1 papers. Gi:....001 7 a ft 6 pn1 CLEAN UP & htc moving Tt·ec & shrllb rcn10\'al. n eason:iblc. 549-IJ:i:t 1 loH~t & apts. l\'o job too sn111ll, lil.'i-:<0:JJ alt 5. Plaste ring. Repair 6880 CLEAN-Up and ligh t n1ov-e l'i\TCll PLASTERING. lllg. C:ill Dave; ,\ll 1YJl !S. F ree estimate. * S9J~!29.:i * Ca 11 ~·I0-682;i Clea n Up And Ha ul ========= $10 a l11ad. 1:1r;-2;,1.~ ~mbi ng 6890 Lol·at ion Builders 6570 Housecleaning ContaC'\ one of !he four ,J's. I ::.:.CC--'-------673 S J 'L\_;~'1!31NG REr1\l!t N\i Jflh too ~1n;ill REFRIGERATJQN 1\'0rk by ;1 mfiS!l'r mrc h anic Domrstic & eomrnCrcial pracHcc, l 1mill'd lo Ncwpor1, Cosla r-1('.o;.1 & Laguna arcn. Pl1onc 494-29ni before JO Ai\! or af!('r 6 P1\I. In rmergcncics call 67?.-0100 PAL'.11 & Car(.] P.~·;1di11g. Advice & help 0 11 1nany 1natt('rs. t'ully l1c'fl. lJpen dail y 10am-1 0 p m . 213/(i97-0272, 21(1 \\I. \\'hlt- t1rr B!vd, La Habra. Nc:-.t 1•l l..."lllabra ll'alk in t11c:at rf'. LICENSED Spiritual Rcadini:s. advii:e ou all matter,;. 312 N. }'] C.lmlno Rral Sa r Q ('mrn1c ·l~2.9l:iii: 496-!}:i07 10 Ai\l -10 P '.lf Attractive Expert YOUNG \\'Oi\lAN dan1:rr ,.,·jlJ rearh )OU ~.1 1 la.lest slt'pS. Call Ardell 21-1 : 5fll-453R J-10 T'i\l YOUNG, vcrsatilC', a ltraclivc pcr~onal secretary tJes1res Cmp l oy m en t. Ad e pt \\)C'hf'nts. Ex. drivr r. Pref. 9.2 r r-1. start s.1 hr. ~19 * Room Addit ions \VOU LD You belit:ve l v.•11! * Apartn1ents & Unils {'){'[1!1 your home for D!Lie * Custom llo1nes * l\Hchcns Chip Stanips? 8~7-73:-..0 * 2 Story Spr.cialists FRE:f.:' 1 -~."""',=v=!N=oo~=,1=,5~1=,cm·=-=n=-=,- Iayou!l dcsign .:'0 yrs. c:<p. t 'r<•c ,.,,\, 15 years P.'\p Pacific Coast Builders ,Johnny Dunn G~2-~3G-1 1~3.:i E. Coast Jh\'y, Corona del i\lar 673--71~1 BllY ,r,,. ucarh Clef1n1ng Se1v . Carfl''li;, \Vindows, floors, H. I:: i\1 0 DEL-Additions-Cab-clc. R1•<: & Con1n11"I 646-1 -!01 1nct~·Blo(·k !L"nces-Co11crete 1<.-ork. 642-!18:)2 Housecl:?a ni nq· 6735 • i.:12-::1~s • Remodel, Repa ir, 6940 nu;~~-----~~~!cl, Repair I Erick , bloc.:k, co.n cr e t e , l crpn~fY· no job too sn1al! I Lie. C6ntr . !!62-694:} Cltl-'TITY, f'ainl1ng, n1inor I plun1h1 ni:: rrpa1r_o;, lnOll t!c borne ri;p;iirs, J ·I 6-6 213, (j 16-1'12-l '===== Carpertteri ng 6590 I\ O U;; I'.: C' I. I; A N r i.: r; S· s · 6960 -~---~-----C1•1\l'ral i\la1n1t•1i;111r·._., C:dl o.:•cw-'CC'°o9,_ _____ 0'-::; CARPENTRY ;i11y111111', guorl rt•f!';, ro::1s! 6 lfi-1~11~·1 ----.~~~-~ f,\lll'l·.J ,\ 1\111\•I<•"~. 1ir::, etc. !:r;-. r•r Cnn1\"I. A ini l\••rk l{,..il<>'. !{rl.• .·11~·4 1 11. • Dr•·:-~n111kln~ • Al!ror11t1ons ~pn1 ·1.~I nn hrrn~. I * (-,·l!;.IJ.\1\i * Alterations -642·584> i\1·:11. :1c·r·111';1\I', :.!O }Cars-cxn. I ----------- !'l!TNOI'. I!l::PAlltS. No J ob TO<' Small. Cabinel in grir- ages & o t h e r c:ahlncls. 5 i:i-s175, lf nn a ns\\'cr k•a 1·c tr.~;: at • GJG-237'.:. I!. 0 . 1\ndcrson QU;\LITY t,('palrs -Al!l'ra- Ironi ng 675!:i TILE, Ceramic ------''------6974 ' tion~ -Nc1v cons!. by Jiour IHO:.:ING HI 111y h11ml'- or Cnnt r;ic(. fi'l&-31·12 Sp,.!•oly, quality s e 1• v 1 c e , REPAJH. l'a rli!' -'"-,-,,-,-.,-,,-!! f,t.!~<";~~li-1 nc:niodrl, rtc, Nllr or (]ily, lrn111ng. AllPrR!lon<: l'.cas! Call l\F:N :1 1(}--lfi79 P!CK-Ll' .~. 11F:L!VEll * V(·rnr. Tlir T1lr i\11111 * I t"u't. l<Qt'k. 111,!all & rf'Pilll"'- 1\n JlliJ tr.o srnnlL l'la,1•·1· p.11 1·11. Lral\111i:; Ii h Q 11· er 1,·pr11t-. ~\7-1~:Jl/S IG-020G REP AIRS, ALTJ~H.1\TJONS e ;..J:,.l<O_•_ice-=-T S -6980 CABl;'\ETS. Any size joh \\"ILL do ll'Oning for 20c a ree erv ic~ 2.1 yrs. l'll[l('r. &18·67lJ piece. f'ast. :).!l)'...5l(H or GCNE'S T P. EE SERV: 646-9;-i:~ tr''\"'" / ~hrublx!l'Y ttinoverl. Cement, Concrete 6600 ____ l_R_O_N_I N~G---1nn11ncd, hauled a way \~~~·~r1 -\~rsashare~a r i ~ ~ ~;~:~!T~ec~~~~us\~~1~ ·"='="="'=M="="====='=''='c'.~=" "u";~='.~=~11=~=~=c=-,=,-=n-u=o=1x-.,---,-"-"I P asadena, 5 days. Call Call 5-lS-132 1 J anitorial 6790 J,rrak foundations. }'rrr <'SI, 6·12-~J:'(lj7 . * CONCRET', ,-; • .-SP,\RKLE J••lloc,-·J & 11,, .• _ Any Tree Scr\'H.:.c. ~3920 , M \IE ~1·1T;il hundred doJ. ' "u' s • '"' '"' " !)PIH:: Jars: :O.lcinhri~hip in Balboa patios. etc. Rcasonablr , Call !lo1v clr.anin{;' Scrv. \\'in· ~========== Ba.v Club, \\!rite P.O. Box °""='="=· ='=~2=-·=~5='=''===== dnws. rrsld., conic!. (i>nsf, 14$1) Nev.'PQ1'1 npnch, 9'2663. -Cleanup. f ree est. ~~o:;....21;'.'Jl. C1rpet Cl••nlng 6625 ALCOHOLICS AnonymoUA -~-----~---DliTCH i\laint Scrv. l'rpt Phone 542·7'117 o1• write to SMILEY'S clng, fir w;ixing, \Vindo1v P .O. Box 1223 Cosla fifes.a. 11·ushln~. Hnrry \'All Bc~'ncn Business Services "1-1511' u"" '"' "" '" ,, Upholstery 6990 CZYl{QSJ<l'S CusL Uphol. ~llr'(lpcan Crnltsn1anshl!l \[I()~;, lin! 642-1'15·1 1s::1 Nc11·port Bl .. C ilf. Announcements 6410 Taxes, C.P.A-. bnokkCf'ping, rnu rual fund!!, ins11J'a 1\er. Rral 1:-:s1ate e1 c. fRf.1'.: If you've found what _y ou're looking for in toda y's PILO T C lassified Adi. I ' I Grand Opening Academy of Phys;o Therapy sauna & masAAgc. Ii frmll.le tech. JO a m·12 mld1111-:h t 7 dft.)l!J, 2."Q 11111.Ji,1 • ."IJllf! C, Laguna Beaeh, 494·lJl:l l!l'I Notices 6450 r WILL not be ~i;j)(lnsil1lc for any debts olhrr lhan my own. J ame!! MichePI ~-ox QLIOlC'S. 6·16-9666, 6~2-~2'2 1 * DIAi\10 NDS nre n1casu1W by quality, so arc \\'c: DIAMOND CARP ET CLEANERS 645-1317 anylin1e CARPET & F urn. cleaning: I for l day scrviCC' & quality work, call Sterllng tor , hrichtnes~! 642~52Q I ======-' Electrlc•I 6640 I E LECTRICIAN J\"o job !06 I small. For prompt scr\"icc call 545-461 4 MEET 1 A FRIEND DON'T give It away. g~t '11~o=o~s~E~w=;=r;=,=,,-=,-,w-&~n=1~rt. quick CJl.311 Jar 11!th a No job loo !'mall or 1<:io Daily P ilot ~"lnt Atl. I ,_ ' =070'• IT'S WONDERFU L th e many buy& in 11 pp1!1111{'('~ )'OU f ind in t~ ClaS&Jflcd Ad!!. Check them now! argc . r Jff ei; :<:, "'",.... '""' E L ECTRJClAN ; licen~f'd, bonded, small jobs, muint & repeirs. 548--5203 ------ People who use PI LO T C lassified Ads to sell item' they no longer need a round t heir homes a re nic e people , . , t hey ml!l y even be -your neighbors. Juit pic.k up t he phone and give t he m a ce ll. This is just a noth"r of t he great thi ng• a bout DAI LY PILO T Classified Ads ••• they're to easy to use . .-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~•,JOBS&EMPLOYMENT JOB S&EM PLOYMENT I'm The Kind Of Woman Who Ciets What She Wants . " •"' '. ••• Because I'm The Kind Of Woman Who's Smart Enough To Use DAILY PILOT Classified Advertising Believe me, there's nothing dro und our home onymore that isn't being used -because the mi nute I discov er so mething is no longer need ed, I sell it1 while it still has maximu m valu e, through an inexpensive DAILY PILOT Classified Ad. That way, instead of a clutter of things we don't use, I have the extra cash that lets me have th e newer things .•• the "extra" th in gs my whole family enjoys. Here's what I mean. The cash I got for the good clothes and toys the ch ildren had outgrown bought me the decorator lamp I'd been wanting. The musical instrument no on e play ed paid for a big part of qur portable stereo unit. The power tools redecorated our daughter's room. And, just for the fun of it, the good chair that just didn't match anything anymore took my husband 4'nd me out for a fabulous dinn er at the fanciest restaurent in town. Go through your home. Mah a Hst of all the wor thwhHe th ings you fi nd that aren't being used. (You'll be surprised at the number you turn up the first time.) Then, dial 642-5678 any t;me between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and give your rist to a friendly, experie nced Ad Write r. That's all there is to it. It 's inexpensive too! It can cost you as little " PENNIES A DAY! Well, now that you know my secret -·isn't it time you ..,.. got started toward better, easier, happi•r living with DAILY PILOT Clau;fied Ads7 Start be;ng the k;nd cf woman who gets what she wants today! Call Now 642-5678 Job Wanted, Men 7000 Job W1nted Men & Women 7030 PRODUCTION <-"Onlrul wo1·1-. --------~- J t?: sir c d by c~JJCr11·nt(•J COLLEGE STUDENTS young inan. Nea1 a/l-AVAILABLE penrance, x.lnt rf'fs. ~~16-7JG3 for otl l rypes of 1\ork. EXPERIENCED Pl.3in <."Dllk, Stew;u\l & hutl<'r-Loco.l reff'rt~nccs 49-1-2376 J'.>arl llrnC. Call: Southerl'.'I California College Slud~·ut i:111p;oymf'n t Se-1vlcf', !\I 5-1 173 Job Wanted, 7020 COUPLE For hou~work. No Women -----------1 \1'a!ls. $10 11 day. 835-5575 !11 /\'rURE 11·on1an 1v 11 n 1 s Ask f~r Dorothy, genet•al olfl('e work. E:<-CHI NESE live-in. Domestic. per1<>nced. !'11oving to Lake Perrnancn!. Experienced . Forest. ~::3-1277 Far East Agl•nry G4Z--S703 f;llp<'l' RN dcStJ"C'S 1,ork in Dr's olfi<'l'. l~xlnt. Refs. 8-16-'lS:ll Fie Bkpr-sec. T hru P&L I 15 l~12~;r- 1 Read The I DAILY PILOT c L A 5 5 I F I E D IS I~ S'I' 1111\' S! Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 abilitie s arJLimite o agerJCiY Quality Posi!ions fur Qualilieri Appllr:111t.~ 483 r:. 171h St.. Sulit.' :124 Cos1a !'ITcsa 6•!2-1470 ACCOUNTING Cll'.rk o r a.~sist. bookkri•pf·r. Sornr c!'t'rl i' f"'l'fl. Clrrir'<I{ i;kills, type & "JO ki;>y a(Jdcr. r-;eat, personalJlc, l1":1in lu l<Jke charge o! olfice routine for a co1nm'l f1nancv co. Pcrn1 posi!lon. xlr1t future. 40 hrs. $·100-:S3VJ nio, to s t a. r t depending on exp. &14~1684 ALTERATION ASSISTANT cxpcl'icnet'd in women 's a llr rations dert. a musi. Apply 10 10 4 p m , AP!lOPOS. 29 Fas h l o n l!il;ind, N.B. Asse1nblrrs HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH COMMERCIAL ELECTRONICS OIVISION has lrr1mcdiale oprri1ngs for: EXPERIENCED HYBRID & INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ASSEMBLERS ."i." mo111hs or morr 1Jf re.cenr f'.'\pcricrl{!c is required in thr ' folJ,,.1·in;:: areas: thick-film soldering, 1vu·c bondin~ and chip niounting. Oprning~ nrc on l st and :<nrl sJuft~. rlrasr apply in rrt·son lq: HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH 500 Superior Avenu• New port Beach, Calif. I::qu;ll opportunity cniployei· -)! .~-J.' Au1nn1nl1vc LOT il·Jan. !'ltatun-prc[e!T{>d. !llodPrn nc1v car dcaler~Jup. 1\pply i'ri person. Poole Uuirk, 23-1 E. 17th St. Costa :llcsa llABYS!TTEJl, 1· e J 1 ah I r school girl, somt' rvrs, ov.'TI (ransp. 7:lc l1r. Ba.lboa Bay Club. ~8-247~! IJABYSJTTEF:., niy hont(I_, boys t) 1no. & 4 yrs, O\\'n transr. Mesa \"crt.!<:, refs_ 5-13-il::iiS BARYSITIER. 111e hswk, wa11lcri i\lnn-Thuri:. Live in or 011!. \\-:,trr·fl'on! home, Sl.~.l hr, 5:1~-Hi~l ~92-6hrn R~Tr1.:1:-L11·r in. rn1 &· l"Jdl d -~in<oU sal;u)'. l!B ;ol'l'il. ~1:~f;-l.\Q:l !WiY.~!--Tl"l'C '"11-, -,,,-c,,-,-,-/-wk frw 2 cl11ldn•11. ~Jy iinmr. Tunll' Rork-Jrv111r :0:33-29.1:.! B1\LlY.'ilITEP. -Ii v c: -in !{0<1111 ,!\, hn:1nl in 11'a!crfm11! art 1 sina!l chili!. ti7~-49:~ BABYSITTER. 1-:': rlhrslwk. ,\ly l1nn1r 11\"•'frrrcd. Bnlbcm area. 67J..27·1l 131\BYSJTTER. Bear SI • Sch.,.-..1 ;u·cf!. Call nfter fi p111 ,.J,\-1"~l20. =~~~-1 EAJ~YSJTTE.:R, lite 11.~kpg. 2 rl11ldr'f'n 5 ,r., 4. 5 r!ay \\'k, Q1l'n trllnsp, 96S----162fl. Banking l"c1vpor!. Nation•il Bank Escrow 01/iccr ~ Call J\lr. Carlcr 9-::.. 612-::1111 BARi\-!AID: fl or pt 1im.\ nlr,h!s. l.OCld !>alary. Anply rlayi:: 436 E . 1<1h, C.:'1-1. 5'18-99-'19 BAR !11AIDS. l\"v l_'nSll11JlC'S, The 01hcr Placr.. 64:.0 \V, Cn._1~! lliwny. AJ>Pl.v A~I. BEllUTJ CIANS, !1'111alc, 10 11-ork evenings ,r.,_ Sunday:<; in Costa f\!{'s11'5 b 11 s I c ~ t . popular priced salon. Or· portunity for 1on earnings v.•/pairl vacat.ion. App 1 y r.tgr. Crowning Glory Bcnu- ty Salon, 257 E. 171h St., c.r.t. B I K I N I B11rmaid/danct.r. Full or p:u-t-limt'. Costa l\lcsa (j.\fi-7301 BOAT MANUF. e CARPE!\'TERS • CABINET AS~J-::'lrnt :.ns 1 e PAINTER.S . e BONDER~ e TOUCJ l.t;P O'DAY YACHTS ?;(f.IO Pullfn,011, C'u~t11 i>leAA . -. -·------~---------------~-----------~-~---·-·--·-··---..... ---· .. ---· - ~=====\'i·· For Your Convenience -All Positions Offered ARE LISTED ALPHABETICALLY IN NEW! NOW' • HELP WANTED <Men CLASSIFICATION ~7100 and Women) r.-fore Htlp Wo11ted 01i Previous Page ' JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Jobt-Men, Wom. 7100 JOBS & El•"LOYMENT JOIS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JO.i!!_~_EMP~O_!MENT JOBS & IMPLOYM!NT JOIS a EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMINT Jobs-Mon. Wom. 7100Jobo-Mon. Wom. 7100 Jobi-Mon, Wom. 7100 Jobo Men. Wom. 7100 Jobo-Mon, Wom. 7100 Jobo Men, Wom. 7100 Jobi-Mon, w.;;,,~lho -MANAGEk I PARTS Sol.. Salft T"""klano PROPERTY COUNTERMAN Do You Take HAVE P'\Jot Make mo.,.,, JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Cook• Jobs-M•n, Wom. 7100 BOAT CARPENTERS Expe rienced. L.arre cu•lOm conslruction. Top wag•s. \VILLARD BOAT Work!! 1295 &ker St. C?..t BOOKKEEPER Lady with general of.tic~ and ryp11tg experience for srnal!, growing co , Call tor appt. or intr1vlc\V ~le t-.tAR INCORPORATED Commando ?ltotors Div, !J(l5 16lh St.. N.B. 6~5.1221 BKKPR F /C $650 Stable cstab Irvine Co. Love. Jy offices, top beneiits. CaU Dl&II<'. 5.\6·5110 JASON BEST Employment Agency '.21?0 So. J\1ain, Santa Ana Rookket'PC'r Accnts Rec. billini:; girl for gailboat mfg. r-.tust be good typist. Apply W. D. Schock Co. 3502 S. Greenville, Santa A"' BOAT CARPENTERS Experienced. L&rae custam const.n1ction. Top \l"age1. \VILLARD BOAT \Vories .1295 Baker St., CM BOOKKEEPING/ GENERAL OFFICE FOR NEWPORT BEACH ADVERTISING AGENCY Post double • n t r y , payeble I receiv•ble, h illing. type SO. Xlnt. oppty. Call Barbara. 641·3910 BOYS 10 · 14 Carrier Routei; Open '" Lazuna Beach, So. Lazuna DAILY Pll.OT 642-1321 BOX BOYS r.1us! be avall. wk. d1y mornin1!, ovrr 16 good ap- peeraFlce requirt'd. Apply in Jl('fSOFl, Richard's L i do fllarkel , 3433 Via Lido. N.IJ. ~R : F'iMnce C'O, Xlnt oppty for right person '"/ e~p. :'11ed ben, pd \!lo!' $.\00. Cll11 Blllir Bttk, S-llJ.60:..'i COASTAL AGENCY A n1ember of Sne111n; & Snelling Jnr. 279() l·larbor 81. Cns1& rtl•111 Cashier Rece1vabl•• Start $403 KnoY•ledge bkkpg &. AIR lndepend•nt Ptr1onntl Agency 1TI7 Oranie Ave .. Suite C c.r-.1_ &12-0026. 54>-097' Qt,\LLENGER YACHTS art: now hiring eap'd . carrcn 1~rs. alass men .uid forrmen. CaJI £2131 321-83.."3 collect. CHAF.:\1J NG woman tor par1 time ll'ork in !a~c1Flaling f11rnit1irf" rentals. H.f .R.C. MS-3'1~1 Oenca.l PAYROLL At least 2 yn ,xper_ in proc- en ing payroll from calru- l11 linj'! rime card!<, payroll adju~fmcnlfi. and 15suini PflY"'!I rhcr~~. ACT'Ountina me.chine, 10.k•.v add~r. typ. ina; r!'qulrerl. t>!ust h, ;ibl~ to take full l'('~ponsiblhty. N~&t 11.ppe:aranre, 11 nd pt"r· 5<lnable. Call ,c:;t,lela Hickm11n. 0.ys 612-2400. Eves. 541-2&18 In chara:e ot malnt!nanc' (SALESMEN too. Be • "Tri-Chem" I.no etc. and hJ\ly familiar with IMPORTS •b'ut:tor. 90-9990 General FRY COOKS Top w&g~•. permanent, hon· f'SI . and iood workina: con· dit!oni; in area's lea.d.ln2 ttslaurant. Apply 9 a.m to .;; pm for interview at J.C. PENNEY COMPANY Fashion Island -Newport Beach aPIJtm•nt hotws & shop-ruu tim•. Good co. benttii.. WANTED) I F.SoJC:1:::,--.:...:.=--- He1 Full & Pert Time Position& Open l'or pln1 centers. ?11ust haw PlffMZlt ,."O~ CX1ndition. with a 1ra.ln or alt! C&n'I NATUl't.E x..d¥. drua:•tort prt:vlou1 experi•nce In that Apply in person.. 19156 Har-u.y that I blame you, I toJ. exp, fU1J. Um•. can tor ap. field. Oran.re County res\-bor, C.osta Mesa . lowed a few m~U only to polntrnent 4$.D()t dent. Submit resume with PBX AnsW!!rlng Rrvlce, ex-be disappolnttd. 1be job · BUSBOYS experience and Wary e11-per preferred Full 11 &eldom Uved up to t be &Al.ES -Earn Money with peeled Write Box M -128, -. • me clalnlll ln the ad. m lnvntmtnl. Sar ab MANNING'S Du Pu t position. Vaned houri . C:OV.ntry need.1 full ' COOK • COFFEE SHOP • Y o. 5J&.8881 DO YOURSELF puHtmo Mtp, No"'"""'" • WAITRESSES • MANAGtR. Ex .. rl•"""' U> p L AST I C S A FAVOR! wo Into. F<•• U>t"'1ew <oll '400l El Toro M. gt!t & booHqo• ;i,,,,., tor \VOM0 N TRAINE'S """'100 X...lliure World L&iuna Hillt MR. MIITY'S, full time. "' "' ·age OV· AND ~=~~~-~--- 837·1014 With some experience and willins: to Call 673-4651 er 25: InJtttion mold!nf, on EXPLORE SALES, fulJ-time. HosiefY • Cooks Wanted •f/F. learn. Top working conditions & environ.. MACli!Ntsr . i-" 2° •i· swing shltt .. Must be depend. huldbqe. Mature woman. " wan"" " able and apply In person; THIS ONE! Lffd'1 Shoe Stott, So. Cout • NR''•"L,•Emfok•c"'ooc· m1. ent. Cdompet1itivde. wagbes prl1u1 s .me1aldins & ~xp. pre:terred. Call tor appt 1 10 4 p.m. 8j() w. 18lh SL, 11 .,,,, .. ··-··'d Ilk• 10 ma..... Plua. Contaet Mr. Phelpo o. 1ps. an outs an 1ng e ne s inc u · g 54S--421l 3 to s PM and 7 to c r-.r ... v .... uw 11" • EVZNING COOK hospitalization and profit sharing. 9 PM . 1-~· PR~·~O~D=U~C=TI~O~N-S230. J>f'r week tmmtdlattly. SEAMSTiiiSSiS -Matutt Ph. 546-1223 &: ask for Nash Machlnist:i \V!lh an opporrunJ.ty for women. GJl'd only. l\ill or COOK·Exp'd for widow In Apply in person 10 A1'1 to 9 PM, e Punch P r••• & WORKER much more ln the future, cpen=c.'""=wo.·..;-;.;....;=·--I v.·ould like to talk tG )'OU. -~xchange for pleuant livin1 ~l d e Multislide Oprt. He.nd &: Ma,,hioe It """-,.,,aJili"atlo•· mat<h I.' & all -' N ••. on ay thru Saturday .... ""'v"' .,y .. • .. qullr s · sm s .... ary. 0 To $432 pt"r ~k. Apply Production \\'ork our requirementa, thl1 could houM:work. 673-1819 Tony ln1chl. Pleasant conditions be the catter you've bf.en COOK ~ HOUSEKEEPER. PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND WILCO TOOL&: DIE looking tor, Call for peraonel or h0usem<1.n, <Xlnt) for 2 Equal Opportunity Employer 3190 Pullman Lane Apply in ~rson Interview bet 10 RM .It 3 PM adul!s. NB. \Vrite Daily J d Coita Mesa. 540.~2 THE HARTL EV CO. (TI4l 534-1701. Al stu ent positions are filled. Pilot Box P 904. MAIDS 1987 Pl•centia Ave. CREDENTIAL teacher, hav-~~~!!!'~!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'~~1F1JLL..Time, rt:sort hold, Cost• Mesa ing t>Xp in exceptional Jo!K-Men. Wom. 7100 J •-••--~Lqt>na~~~e.~a~<h~.~·~'4-~1"~•-J-,;;;;;~;;-;;';;-;:';;';;;;;- educ.1tion v.ill give home 0~n. Wom. 7100 Manicurist PROGRAMMER• tutoring in reading ii: math General hlANICURJsr for_ busy &bop ANALYST is the word tor this national Phone 642-6320. E.lect.ronic e S OC 892-0159 comp1ny'1 new program fM ELECTRONIC T K BOYS Oranre Coast J r. College Southern C&lUomiat Wt DELICATESSEN r.tAN. Full e BUSBOYS to.fECHANJC tor Setv Sta. District, seeking •xrer. pro-need time. steady ,.·orlc:. See Ter. TECHNICIAN e RECEIVING CLERK Tuneup & lite mechantca.I grammer for IBM-360 teJe. -DIS'l'RmUTORS O'. '1'35 E. 11th, C.M. 11ervlces. Gd pay, hrs and procesiing gystem. ?It u 1 t -MANAGERS LI 8-1394 Exp in intesra.ted circutry &: Exeellent benefits Apply in V.'Orklng cond'1, Corona d~l have six months of eXpt'I'--SALP::SMEN DEL IVERY MAN dig\1111 systt'm. Tr 0 u b I e perl!On, P•rt0nnet Dept. Mar Sh!ll Serv. 'JSOI E . l•nce IBM digital equip. -SALESWOMEN Strong. must be m4'1::han!cal-shooting &. re~ts. Xlnt oppor-Coa5t Hwy. at Goldenrod . model 40 disk system. ALC -ItEPRESENTATIVE:S ly mlndod & able to deliver !unity for advancement w/ J. W. ROBINSON _67>-0533 ___ • ______ 1 RPG used. Salery range -TRAINEES & 1ns1a.ll major .11.pplial'IC!1. gl"O\ving Electronic Mia. Co., Fashion T~and, N.B. r.tEO-IANIC. exp'd in brake Si.!7-S1074. Placement com-Thia ill • real rround fltx>r 6 Day \Vr-ck, Apply 1n per. Newport &ach att:ii. 540-1304 -------'-'-':C...-& allcnmenL saJanr in· mensura.le v.ith exper. opportunity wUh a IOlid aule.. Sol" * Fantastic! • • SECRETARY To The Chief Englnffr ihorthand a.nd dlct.aphone expenenee ~Ired. Will train for va.rltyplni' aod prep&ra.Uon of U.S. Na.vy provisioning and certiflca· tlo'1 data lheeta for U.S. i ov. ernm"1t. CLA·YAL CO. 17th & Plecentla Co1ta Me11 SQ.2201 An oqual opportunity •mployer son Dunlap Appliance Co. General cenUve, free hosp. &. life Apply: maUc electronic .quipmtnt 1815 N•wpo11. Bl.\.lf., Cost.a }:STABL?SHED I~ . Immediate part time Mlp i~. pa.id vac. See Bob ORANGE COAST COLLEGE t1nn that otters I 'Se<""ro~W'yo::-------- ?11es11 . !»8·1188. •. d ·-" N 8 __ "''anted in l.aiU1111. &ach, &sham. 482 Ocean Ave, 2701 Falrvlew Road HIGH -}l.1AJOR • ....,a I av-.i.i, · ........ ce. C I --O p r -•t r .no Dental Ca.teer cppt 675-(383 ap Suauu, ana oi.nt, San Laguna Sch. ~ta "e.sa. <...aLU. I CALIFORNIA BANK Chairslde d('ntal usistanl. Clemente &n'!as. Car nee. MOTEL J\fAID ITI4) 834-5708 mntediate Rtb &tcrttary for dlatrict El\:p"d only. 548-5580 Experienced in single needle Cail ri.tr. De Lllutour. SUN· COLONIAL r-.ton:L PUBLIC SPEAKERS EarnfnCJS truat oftlee manager. MW1t ="==7-=-:-~~=· I and overlock. Good piece DAY t-.1AIL INC. sn-1443 1967 No-rt Blvd., CM If ""'U can recruit &. tnt.in, " 546•3050 take dictation a.nd e ... i, ... DENTA L As.~lsta.nt, chair.std~, •Ork ,. •t d k bot 9 & 12 M h ' -,-""'v ''I":! · Pr ce1. ea Y wor · Ftt·. am , , • on t tu Jj_ ii ~'OU have ever had a I;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;; J <Ptu 1 to m e r co n t a c t • cKperienct:rl. Phone a.ny'-EDDY MOSS 1""2 Locu t " ~ ' newport , course in public speaking, rmanent C a r e er ~ ume. 968-57~2 St., Westminster: 534-1738 l c=E~N~E~RAL,,.,-o~U~i-,.-.~P~art--ti-m-,·.1 _} thel''l!I may be a plal'.'t for yau Sales portunlty for qua 11 t I e d DENTAL ASSISTANT FACl'OJlY Trainee arid ship-typing &: know!~"' of personnw 1vith our Nat'! Co. Mook EXCELLENT penon. Salary Is com-Ch~i~ide. Huntington in_~ cl<'rk, day,;. Shift rota· shorthand. 20 Hours week. •. agenr-J 1>fo00. 436 w. 6th SI., Tus-OPPORTUNITY m•nmrate wtlh ebllity and HiirbOr. Ph: 846--0617 tion v.·ol'lr." fl:RRO· CORP. Pf!nnanent position. Some "1 tin. 5+1·230'2 t>fajor naUona.1 life Insurance expert.nee. Contact 111n. OfST R!CT Cir cu I at ion Fiberglass Division, 1S811 office exp required. Contact Prof••iional Service QUIET. Middle aged coupl• co. w"ith muru&l fund brok-Ruth Harter. t>l<1.nagrr tral"'e· a befin-F1hl-:rilas..'i Rd., Hunt . Bch . fll iss GIM11tone 6 4 -4 -1 2 3 0 for the employer desire i crworaJ c I ea n t n g 1!'r/dcaler 11 expanding 111 Security Paclflc: Nat'). Bank ning 111 lh1!' newi;paper F.qua.I oppot1unity employer nd th I" t v.·oman 9-12, 2 das. a wk. Ntll'JlOM ort!r-e. Complete 3'° Newport Center Dr. bu!>1nf'ss. Opportunity for a FRY COOK. pa.rl time. G _, · a • •PP icen o OR ~ p<rsonallztd tra.lni ..... , tnvoJv. Sul~ lM Newpot1 Beach f.l1tll'. JlANCHO SAN JOA· ener... IJl Dover Or., N.8. v.11 transp. 3-.wlS ·~ "'ell grooml'd high school QUIN Goll Course. 1M21 College student p/twori< that 642--70 549--1743 RECE PT'IONIST Ing born estak c-reation &: SECTY: Type, ihtd, open gradua!c 11·ho h11s cornple11!'d can be ta!lo~ to yoUr class. ..,. S"CR'TARY co nservation. Subs14nt!al in-new accta for S .It L. Iota of his mih""'"" obll,.!lon ind Cuh.,.r Rd., nr. U.C.T. Ask "' "' vestment 11;·11 be d by btl ho '"""'.;>' for \1/nyne, PH: ~112 es-. $2.65 per hr ruar to Nursl~ \Ve are looking for a mature, ·1 ma e pu c contact, aut loc. ii> looking !or a caree.r in a alart. Car n1!'c. PH: 54~ RN or LVN ivnrm, ambitious Y 0 u n 1 Co. In qualified appl!CMt \Vanta eompetent person r;ta.blc, srowing organiza-* FRY COOK * F ULI..ER BRUSH co. California lie., 12 to jt. 11'0man with a neat an.. betwttn 14 &: 45 with colleie whG can VJOrk on own. Start tio11. n<'~ular raisr~ and e.x. A t TllE -,'ING BUT •· ba.ckirround. Write Dally ~~'° r.n Billi• B k PP Y · ru • Genera10fficeto$400.00 ~ar11ncc 11.ndex ec u 1 iv e ., · ......., e c C't'!lenl lringes including I.he LER 3101 Ne "-port Blvd., Good oUice back...,.,.,""d, i~ APPLY IN PERSON 11.bilitiei> 1,·ho is v.1lling 00 1,.,P.,ll.,ot""'Bo"'x""'M,...51"'9"' . .,,..,,..,,..,I .......,, · ""rsonal 11~ ol a comp•ny NB ,..v.... " co·~AL AGENCY ,.. · · ti.ach area. call Loraine. learn a highly specia.liztd n.:>• c11r. Cont11.ct G c o r i e • FRY COOK • 1'11erchant& Ptnionnel 2043 Hunti.na:ton Be.ch prot•ss.1on. \Ve are a )'Ollnl.': Saies 2T9J Harbor 81, Costa f\1e.sa if11rrling. rin::ulation depart· \\'estcllff Drh·e. N.B. Ms.zno Convalescent tfospit11J ag~5111,,e fllsf m 0 vi n g $100 A DAY FOSSIBLE men1 . DAILY PILOT. 330 ('·"'-' 1!1192 °'"la"·are St .. H.B. firm . .......,.nint a new office Expandl11£ nat'I comp&l'ly Secreterlal Trainee Full time. 19.lO YI"I . Typing required, At Orange County Airport. Phone for appoint. ment: \\"!'st Bay Street, Costa ,.... ,.., v,..~ * EXPIRIENCED F RONT office man arer ••• OPERATORS.·. on O<:tober 21llh in Cost.a seeking Wes rep to tall f\IP~I. want!<! lor Lagun Sch Experienced In wlngle needle r-.r e 11 a.. PI ea 1 e 1 end compulerlied bu 1\ne11 DRAFTSMAN motel Prev exp a "d 5 and overlocka. Good p!ece ha.ndwrill•n resume to Box sy~tems to locaJ bll.!lineS11e1 . . .\PPLY day ~·k Incl w.k1'q d. work prli'.'t11, 5leady work. Pfi89 Dally Piiot Compl•te tn.lnln1 provtdt'd. 494-8521 -en 1 · EDDY MOSS 1400 Locus! -----64~3 anytime. 546-2901 H U 6 H E S Nl!WPOltT ll!ACH COMMERCIAL l!LBCTRONICS DIVISION ..... PRODUCTION & TEST ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS For compoftlftfa IHt and pro. ductlon SUJ>P"rt. A miDtntum of one Y"'tt ot recent tndus- tria.I t'~ence ii ,,.quired. A ~ltdge ct riolld st&t.e circUitry 11 detlralM. Open!na;1 a,. on 111 and 2nd "''tt" Plea.e apply 1n penon to: HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH 500 Superier Avenue Newport Beach, C,allf. Equal <lflport\lrdty employer • M A r TIRE chanter. part time. No exper. necesaary. Apply Youna: I: Lane TI.re Co., 482 Ocean, Lapna. Sch. T"""' ITT JABSCO TIME KE!Pl!R. COST ACCOUNTANT TRAINEE Good opportunity fer man with 10rne accounting or related cl1rtcal exp.n. enct to come \ntc contad with all de~e.nts or the compe.ny, Prwfer high school and some account.. ini' tralnlnf. Pleue apply ln peflOn to the Ptreonnel Dept. EQUAL OPFORTUNITY E?-.fPLOYl2 1 .. S Dile W•y Costa Mei•, C•llf. (714) S4M251 DETAIL TH£ ff IGGER "'JilSTvi:iSTS"<;;;--;:;;:l~st~w~"~""'~"".!::'".!!."~'"m~s.I Recpt /Trllff $325 HAJRSTYLISTS for 11d· ., No experience oeceSM.ry Sa1r5 Joining beauty Won &. men1 Otflee Teniporary W!U Train. • OPF'ORTUNTTY ur-.'LTh1mo # 16 Fashion Island New·port S.ach hii i r.sl,y llne 1alon . WHEN & lndepmnden,t rnterv1ew1ng Mon & Tues. WORK Peraonnel Agenc y S•cr•t•rles to $60o ESCROW A "'"n"'' &nd a ...,,, """ ·------'----with lkilll are needed in. the OFf'ICER "'"' .,.., Call Lo"""" • U you hs"e had l\i,g;h school or roU<"Ji::e drafting, plus 6 mos. on the Job experience, Colhru; Radio ls offertn1 you the oprnrtunity to rnntinue )'Ou r tra1nlnt: &· grawth ~x p11n~1on in the la!t movln11: ele..:1 1u111cs \ndust0'. This is 11; \onp: 1rrm job assirnm•nt 11·irh UPl\'11.rd Pl"OiJTSS!on, drpcll<lent on your ability, Srl'lrl resume or apply to: COLLINS RADIO CO. 10 am. Days 675-6.5M: eves 1TI6 0?'3nge Avr .. Suite C 67>-5767 WHERE YOU WANT CM ou.-. "'°'" Foreign Cer Mechanic• HA r Rs Ty Good co. bl!neflts, incl pa.Id L 1 ST• youna RECEPTIONIST &: lypl1t, vacation, lfTilUP in.'!, uni. talent•d. eaRer 10 lea.m to On temporary assii;'nmenls partwtlme. Hours 10 am w 3 fonnl'I furnished free. Good 11111umc •xlsting clientel• in pm, !i days wk. in CdM. Call romfi1. schedule. Aak for ~~:~. N~~~~-~hi.i~~~;· • SECRETARIES 673-315111f!er 911m J~ Mnore Ph. 540-1764. evi"s 64z.22~1 R,~taur11nt rtJLI-Tim~ maids, resort HOUS ECLEANING, rellable • TYPISTS Ancient Mariner hotel, La"·11na Beach. kt ti u t .,-& ho"'tl. Newport Beac.h now ta ng app ca ons or 494-1196 673-5086 full & pe.rt time, day & GIRL FRIDAY • BKKPRS "'" '""'" Hou"'k".,,._tl,. io " ooc ' e KITCHEN HELP IB:O.I Ex•cu11ve typlhg expet-2 M'hool beys, 0 w n ienre. light hkkpg. tlnance transportation. ca.JI 5"4l-8rn • PBX QPERS . e DISHWASHER or hank eaflf'rience good. dayi or 962-l022 Eve. e BUSBOYS MISS EXEC AGENCY Apply In person 410 \V. Co11st HJa;by,·ay H OUSEKEEPER. Live-In, • GEN'l OFFICE 2607 W. Coa.~t Hwy. Nt'v .. port Be&ch fi~&.3939 Gennan household Sl50 mo. Newport Beach OU l.5tand ina opporrunJty for Merchant. J'>el"30nnel Agen. •xp'd . 1&les escrow officer cy, 200 Wt11clW Dr .• N.B. to work In our new M\11\0n ~2TIO TREE T~IMMIR $576. to $701. per rnooth -CITY OF- NEWPORT BEACH Vl•jo, S&v!ngs &: Loan olllce.SECJU:T '""""""AR=Y~.~y~,~.-. ~f!t"'°t -wl=th f\ha! be c1~ble of h.&ndilng Rood 1hot11land I:: typing saVs escrows !or convention. 1kUla, t-2 ..,..... e,.... n1 c. lo -' t XI t ki' d J •.. ~,.. Requirt:s OOI! . ._,. of -"' 011ns. n wor na con . wcrk In u.Je1 dept: 547~7767 J~-&. opportunity for 1rowth. trimm!nr experience ln.. C.Onta ct SECRETARY., Exp'd, cludlna; tree surrtry and 00\VNEY SAVINGS &: shorthand &latlsllca.J typing cUm btnr. Apply bef<n I LOAN ASSOCIATION req . Call 137·2020, eat 2137 p.m .. October !tth to the 837-4911 tor appointment. Personnel OUl!'t, l3CO PART TIME Make •l!:lra mo"'y for Christ. mis &howln1 pr•s!Ja;e gifta. Choo.e OV."Tl hou~, day or eve_ Will train. Vivian \\'ood. ard C.0Smet1cs, 311 Town and SECRETARY, full t l me _ N...,port Blvd., Ne'WJ)Ort fut (Tilwlng Consln.lclion Beach, C&Wornla. (n41 GIRL \\'anted for pa.rt-tlrne ~~1. ~~s.fg~· all day Sa.I .t 19700 JamborM Rd. ..,.'Ork. Good typist nq'd. I ~=====~~-~-I Newport Beach ~n . ofc., r; w It c. h b 0 1 rd HOUSEKEEPER. Live In. Holiday & Vac:;etlon Plan * DISHWASHERS ~eo='"':::'::.e"'.:...· "=•:..:"'.:.:'::..· --""" Co. Exp. ntl'.'ts&ary. 536-2579 ::C..,,...,,0-::c:".~·=----'.'C"---' SEC .. Ira., aaenl& ore, 5 hn, TYPI S T. p t.11 m•, :s 5 day1. 'I'yptn1, pt:("!l(lnable. day1/IU1 3-!I PM. Call T.V. 962-1400 or .531-3942 betwn §..11 A..'1: only, SERVICE Slatkin attendant, , ...... __ «,_-------! exp. nee. See Mike, 4678 UNDERWRlTEft.: c; en ' I Campu' Dr, N.8. kno""ledte of im: arey relief. m11.!I . 8:ao-3:JO, Could MotherleM home, Beach An equal apportllnity become full time. Apply: area, 2 teena1.n. Prtf. APPLY NOW * BUSBOYS TV SALESMAN emplo~r HARRY &: DAVID 21-4 under 4~ PH: 53l·l450 OLT 1.8 years or older. Exeell•nt ti.netlls, full time. GULTON INDUSTRIES DRAFTSMAN R\veraide Av., N.B. HOU S EKEEPER For v Part time App. in pert0n, ptr90nnel 154-1 \Vhittit'r Ave. AuOOmoth•e I truck body OT I •iiiliiii& ................... I buslne1s couple. full cb&rge, full tune dept. SERVICE STATION netdl experienced man. Pennanent. Good Mlftdnc cond.JUoJw. Daya. uruon ou, 393 lllb St.. C.0.ta MelL operatlori. .ome b k k p 1 . Great potential Jor vtnatU. penen. Start $500. Call BWM8"k.~ COASTAL AGENCY 7190 Harbor Bl, Calta Mna Co~ta l'llt'S<\, CalU. comparable t'xrfrit'n~ MC· * * 5 day&. SISO mo. to •tart. J W ROBINSON "'"' ''"°"""''> •mptoy" '"""'· Bill to m•"riala, c;.0,.ai 67~1 INSTANT PERSONNEL APPLY IN PERSON ° • CLERICAL -FINANCE bluq,rint, etc. Salary cam-J .C. Penney Co. HOUSI:KEEPER Or htl~r Fashion Jiland, N.B. srnVlCi: Station, eX)'d, tun 1,.ead girl cast\it'r. J\1inimum mensura!e with ability. Or. F11shion t&land tor Widower. Call momln11:1. REUBEN .. E. LEE SALES EXECUTIVES M/f· tlme . permanent. A1aty " 1 year finance co. t"XJ>f'r. a.nv:e Coonty location, Ne wport Belch * 847_24:19 * NEWPORT BEACH 5 neeMd lmmtd. Advmilo comm. 990 E. Cout Hwy, Xln! s!ar1lnJ: salary, rood Explor•r Motor Homes ---~~-----1 38'8 Campus Dr, Suite 106 151 E. Coast Hwy. Ina or Mies e11p. helpful. Newport Besch. VANDA Beauty OlunMJoo Cosmeuc1 now lrrtt!rvwwtnc tor pvt time earnlnp. no exper. ntc. 147-MM alt 4 pm ~ •t 17141 !l4&-3300 HA&of"ULL AND HOUSEKEEPER. live In for ~41 Newport Beach Promoted or out wtthln 801 ~0:,:.,"'"'"'°"'""~~--working co....... call "r. """"=,,.,.""°'=~---I elderly couple. M ature SERVJCi: Sta. Attn d n' 1. WAITRESS Bla.sche tor app'L M&-1140 DRAPERY Opera.tot• PART TIME POSITIONS woman preternd. &12-666l Equal opportunlt)' employer I----------days. Unllmlted potential. E:irp, nee. See Mllte at Fortune Plnencl•I Co. Expd. Top J>9Y, vacatl0nt:. OPEN FOR I ;;n;';i;;;';;;~;i;'"'~~:-:1·~--------Restaurant Draw avail. s UN DAY AIRPORT TEXACO. 4678 EXP!RIENCl!D ColJeie ~nter Cl&~ic DrapaieJ, l I 5 J HOUSEKEEPER. Part time Ottiol Restaurant: Part time help MAIL, INC. Mr. Larrabee. C.amp.11 Dr-Newport Beach 27;;o Harbor Blvd.. Birch St. NB. :;t5-1431 • STOCKMAN Own tra.NJ. Vic of 641h wanled, met\lt'e Person . "<:;:'1l~J,.:6':.:1 .. -l:;:!l:;6c...,..____ Apply In Perton Co!!IA Mesa DR£AM Job -Keep your St .. N. B. 660089 EARN MORE s2.oo hr/ ~>9863 SALES Sarah &Vtntry hu SEWERS. ~ltneed. Ap-SUltF & SllltLOIN CLERICAL position, part Important job Ill will! A e JANITORIAL " ·-ou_S_EKJ: __ EP_E_R-. -,-,,.--,n-.1 i..::R;:.c.N,;,:.: . ..;.c;_,A"'s'-s~IS~T~A~N-T~ opening1 for ft or pt tim• :.:. ~~ ..... , J.,q\U'la 5930 Pac. Cit. Hwy. time, hrs n~xible. l!Uurance mother k earn a wkly Pvl rm & 'JV. WOft']an WITH us• DIRECTOR Xmas a&lu. p I e a . an I, ,;~;.;;,"'-'...:::;;;,..____ Newport ••ch Agency, Corona del Mar. Pa yche ck. 5 4 4 _ 3 8 5 4 MAINTENANCE alone. $100 mo. 642-2232 • 11 10 7 Shilt. dlsnUled work •lrro in. SEWING machine open.ton. WAITRi&iiS (#). ,. or Ask for Ann . 6T.:i-5444 50--6981. HOUSEKEEPr:R 2 school v••t., colltctlo111 or Exp'd, top f*.Y, Ideal cond. Ct.ERK TYPISI': Good, 1c--~*~=D~R~IVE="R~S~*--Ir you h11vt recent "''ork 11ger11, private apt, CM. NURSES AIDES. LVN dell..,.rlei. °'°'°" )'OUr own ,l;"'~M;-::;::::.;::.C:;:·;::M::.· -~ ~Al~ rim~~~ cun1.le. Cl'lnvein. loc, pd vae, experit'nce in the areas of 67S.0010, 543-719'1 • Typiltl Experienced only. Larre ~· ~: ~t': :~ntv. SJLK-rtnlahtr. Exp. pnf., fee Shop, 2101 Cout Hwy, C~1~1 i~~~·~!450· NoN~~ry·n,ce ~~:~c~ :;~i:u~al~ HOUSEKEEPER. live -tn, e Secretaries ~~~111 ~an~.n i:ri~t~ hU 1S_A_LESLAO ___ Y_,--.,. .. -,-.-,....;.,..full_ ~~ N~h. ~~~ ~~~n penon betwem lG- COASTAL AGENCY -··-rrow with a rapidly ex· Pr1v. rm 1 beth. 2 childrl!n. e Acctg C'9f'ks ROYALE' llmt W'Ork in sportswear AM 1---=w"A~iTRiiti===---I A mem~ of Mull haw ci.an Cal1knla pandina:, na.tiona.1 orran-Ftn. Vall. 842·'12S4 O 546-0450 ahop. The 8Jlort Nook. '88 STOCKROOM r.1 an . Ex· FOOD i: COCKTAIL ~l'l('Jling & Srtilin& Inc. drlvll'IJ record. Apply lu.tlon 0U1rinc excellent ---------1 • PBX pen I:. lllh St., CM. ptt'lcnctd ln uillnr pffier-AU tor Mr. Johzm:>Q 2790 llarbor Bl., Costa M•aa YILLOW CAB CO. benttill and top man. In~ ~ncy ,01r1 ~ e lkkpn See Bert)' Bruee at SALES: Matun Woman, red. Apply 1n pcrt0n W. O. {1) 776-1910 CLEANING lady. Uficlent. us E. 16tll St. aa:~menL :~u!:ew ottf~ ~notlP~) .• Keypunch Opn m l pm time eve. Hickory Schock. Co. 3S02 s. Green-** WAITR.ESS, OOT?'AGE reliable for 1 day a wk. a.ta Ma& APPLY JN PERSON N 0rant4 County Air ·.... Farm.1 1062 Irvine Ave., vWe, Santa Ana COrrEE SHOP 552 W. lJtll J>rrfer Monday. Own Domesllc r.ton .• s.1. 10 am to 9 pm ~~ 54~e · • General Ofc ,.,.., XllC 1..;N_;·:c8·c..wc."='cl:.1.c"c.Plua=:;:,.--rSURVEY bofs 18-U. $1.'B hr Sl ea.ta Meta transportation 64)-2374 aft 4 MAKP.: oUT ho!Tlf' your home. Agency for Ca~r Girls SALESMAN • for jntlry + comm, + bonls. Arter ,;::;.,;;~~,:,::::c.-----1 001'\IBINATION. Sharp Bar Would lilfe. t1ldtr woman .. I c Penney Co LI.DfES 19 to 7'0 earn m to Work when •nd 410 w Cout JfW)' •• N.B. ltore, N'" real rc>stttlT· llChool • ~-Burintss WAITER5. w a I Ir• I. M:. ti.1Aids & Go Go Dancera. Uve--ln c 0 m P • n Ion • • • • $100 w•klY Catt an I where you want I By appoint. 64s.39.l9 fMrct! btndJta. App:y 1n minded boys only. Should 2121 E. Cout Hwy.Cd T<ip wagri; .. Phone tor tn-houlll':kpr. Own room A: TV, Llrlfflrle. F,qual opport. pel'!On, have IJ'anlp. 575-llU aft• Bu~boy. Pftf. ~·d. Al'ol,y: 1,.rview. Sft.~5Y LlsKY. 2901 1al11ry SIOO fl\(). +"l'OOm &: 24 Fa1hlori Island employer. we train~ (Rlerlm KIRK JIWILERS tor lnttrvtn. H ho c M board. Rell If Pl)5&i~. Call NewpOrt Beach, Calif. TIME FOR 2300 Harbor Blvd. SWITCHBOARD, 6 hr 1 C.0:~1e~~ . . ~ ~lt'r 4 pm for a~ An r-··• '"--.. Rt * MAINTENANCE p ( $ • Cotta Me•. CeJU. WM:kt:ndl. per• on • I tn- SANTA'S COMING ~ro_,".,m,,,'"==....,.-.--~;;;;,~o;;·-·'1 MAN erSORlle 8MC8 QUICK CASH SAU:SMAN ·YACHTS ''""w ooly. r;,,-Whit• :\fAke ~tra lhopplna: moriey 11.clronlc Tech * SAU.· COMM. Ou'Yller • Plymouth. 16661 ni'lW 8001,'lrta: IOf'lt!OUf C'Otr-Tra inee~ hr. * 445 E . 17th St. THROUGH A No Ile. rt11-• fl'tgh earnlnp • Beach Blvd., Hunt Bch. melic J;:Utt &: proku.loMl Solid slllte t~. lla:lrt OONTACf .., Cotta Me1a, Calif. polent\al-fOOd Unt. 66-UD TELEPilONE SOLICITORS, mak~-up ~rets _ )"OllT own e:cptr'lt~ 8U6l!:ST marketplace in IN PERSON 642-1523 DAIL y PILOT olc. Of Hi-l47! e~. female. Y,"ork In So. Coe.st hours : \\'i!J train. Vlviane Independent town. Tbe DAILY PILOT SALESMAN? Eie'rv Sta. f'ull area from residence for est. \\'oorlard Cotomtt\n. P'eraonnel Agency Oaaallj~ · r.eeOon. Save REUBEN E. LEE lnttt"Vtewlni Mon. fhru frl, WANT AD llmt!, •wine 1h1tt. Mu.It ht •rvlce Co. f\1U OT Pl·tlme. TIIE BEAt..rrrrut. IDEA lnT Oril.nre Ave., Su11A! C mom:y, time 4 •ftort.. Looll 151 E. C.0.st Hwy. I AM to !I PM neat In appeen~. &et 12 Pfl" !Ir. CaU~~1~ or 83t;.5411 CM'., f.i42.()(1]6, S....~~ now!!! N"WJWIT1· &ach l:qul'll oppcl1uFllty employtt Jim. n!O N"'1)0rt, C.M. ~5515. WANT to rwnt oUlce space In employrn.ent apnc::y. PurpoM: •tartil'll •rvlce. S4f>..T796 W0l\1AN, Are 35'.s.5 JftQSt ltke le 11;"0rk ..-tth drlldrn. Call ~1444 JfOf'' Help Wartted 011 Nazt Paoc 'r" ... , .... ,, ........ -~~-... --~-~"------------"'l""""-..-----------------,---._.............--~ ................... --.. --"':'" ------....-----------.--------~ --.--------~-- I :J2 OAIL'f PILOT Tl111rs!iay, (ktohtr ~. 1%C! MERCHAND !SE FDR'-~M-E~R~C~H~ANDIS EFORM ERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE SA L E ANO TRADE SALE ANO TRADE 8000Furniture 8000 Garag• Sale 8022 SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN Show Room · Floor Samples -Factory Closeouts 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE $389. GAlt.'\Gf< ~.1lr. L1p1dary f'qUlp, u1111~hl pr:ino, ·rv !or fltll'tl(. ~·..,r !up .. a1Twr. 11·on1rn's t'h1!h11n.: siza. JO & 12, J11<1lly 01l1cr 1ll'1n~. 11921 AJranHr-dllO Lane, 11.B. llliSBANJJ !<<l~s. c!ran 11 or rnovc> t1u!-AJI 1ny lavori1r r·1·11ryth1ngs. Sr1:.rr lur111tllre trom l11tni:: .t din1n;; roorns In•>. ~·10-920:! or 5'1&-23:hl, ~~.:i< U1'0kC' ('.\l :-:,\']' 0:-JLY' Toys, c!·1ll11np:, e 5 pc. authe ntic S p a n ish Bdr m . 1et, • 96 lx.,k:<, vase~. pols & p;,n~. in. qui lted IOfa With 56 in. m a tch ing love f1 flQ, ~l.ll'dC'n liJU!S, Ill.lily sea l, o r c h air e S pc. S p anish D inette , o a k 1111 <1· 1ll'1ns.c. JlZZ Ceiruna La, table top 8 3 heavy M e diter rane a n matching C,\J :i10-n.r.~ tables, top duri!ble enou g h for Flamenco r·1:1. .~. s.-,1. <ii ! 11a.1· _ 110 lh. D a n c ing. Will sell p ieces individu a lly. lJll l' hcll :-,('!, goll «lubs, 3 fll\'('f' It·" cr\';1111 J1H1·lo r sr>t & Shop Fir~I! Then See Our Unbel1e\ldble B uy~! <•Tl io:'l' 1trin~. 6.'i::'I Lcnrio;.. 1001 other i te m s w ith t e rrif ic savings ! ))1·_, llLin1. lich. g,17-79::3 Eank Tern1 s !;!ore Char;:;e !\laster Charge 1 ",--,,7.N7."l~"l~Q7.U~J,~'S~.--',1~,=,=,,=,-,-. BankAmer1card All . .\cccptcd l11rn11111T, J01s of l\llSC. S11t- S1111, !J ,\)J.:) p;..1. 6-l:J Plum- lll<'r, C .. \L 6-12-3392 APPROVED FURNITURE 21S9 HARBOR, COSTA MESA Appliances 8100 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE ANO TRADE GOULD MUSIC ••YAMAHA PIANOS & ORGANS S.:·e lhc c.:on1pll'te 1111,.. at: COAST MUSIC NE\\"POf:T & JtAP.BO!l COSTA l'llESA * 6-l:!-'.!S51 0[l('n 1().6 Fn 10.9 ,._un J'l-3 STOf:.Y & (lurk' COllsOlc p•ano Xlnt t.'Ufl!L $.".:-,0. lij.J-GJ:;S J-'r.JVATI-: PARTY \\'ANTS TO RUY Pl/\NO VOit CASH. 5·12·60·1J MERCtiANOISE FOR SALE ANO TRADE FREE TO YOU 5-!llolhcrless kittens. ,J wk~. old. B eautiful aemi-Jong hatr, \1caned -hoo~brkn, nd. !ender loving c;ire. 833-27'J;) 10/2 Phones Are Open 8:00 11.m •• 5:30 p.m. 9 to Noon S•furd•y -Closed Su nd•y DIAL DIRECT ••. 642-5678 WESTMINSTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAL FREE 540-1 ZZd Huntington Beach: 540-1220 Televiiion 8205 liS~l) rP lri~f'r.:Hor. :1111all, runs gootl $1~>. N't or bunk BEAUTIF UL i\ITT;,fNS, 2 The 1970's •· ... 1v ''' ,1,..,.,._ 16 , ,,,-brrl:-;. ~-oni plrtc $::.O. :! baliy 1 "" ""~"-. l111crs, nrei ~oo homP.s '"JOl" Hrarul.s of 1970 C'loi· enb.~,, gwd t'UtuJition .~7 .j(I .I',: , D.G:ILY PILOT r•••rv•a th• right to cl111ify, edit, cen1or or r•fu1• eny •dv•r· t111ment, and to chen11• it1 r1te1 •nd r111ul1tlon1 without prior notict. Mall Addrt11: loll: 1115, Ntwport l••ch, CelJforni• v 111th l oving c a r('. TV "'l!h rhe rf'volutionarv S.J. Can he .seen al 13:!1 San. 6·12-::783 10/ 1 11<'11', .sharJL hriglol, l'''"l"r-,: t:i Anil Avf'., l", \1. · " ~ '' AFFt:CTIOI"ATL n1alc J .! 't··•l"~ .'J Jllt' ' •l at1u11 ~allll' 1•11 11l'J :-- Daily q.9 e Sunday 10-S e 548-9660 CLASSIFIED COUNTERS •re loc•tecl 11 follow1: tubc. ::C:cc 1hc1n all at: HF:i\"-\l'A/:-iTElJ L;iJ1c-" & Girls O''l\SON ~ :'icalpo1nt Siamrs<' ca 1 s . c.. . ·:-;, 1877 Harbor <tu<Jllly u.~~·d •·lc1Th1ng-on !ir~! 0111' :ind only d1:>h11 <1 ~hcr 111111 :;oap e_vei(· hc;,,cc-.cwii<nV."''°""TC'""==""'==='-"""'"''I rrrn1 1t11n·~ 11ir usf' of Cu~lil flles;i, ~>IS·Ol :i:J rtinsignnlC'lll. F tirs, h;its, Und.--.r 1 yr_ ;\lu.st go as pair. ,"11~·2.'i~'J 11)' ~ Lc·asc Color TV or Bl;u;k bitg-S, (·risuals, ."IJQ.I'~, r t<'. & \Vhitc. Option !o buy. Call -;,14.9~:1 1, Tues thru Sat, O'.\LY !. k11!C'11;; lefl, 1lil black D•ily Pilot Cl•ssilied Furniture 8000 ------Schools-Instruc tion 7600 OVER -S TOCKED ('11i y 111C's "'lllt h rrn101·e bak- f'lt r1r hard rlnrd on food par11elf's. a re1•o!u11onar y f1':1iurr-. ru rC'hfl~r now .~ r»('e 11 r !1111 ~'r~1rs :;uppJy of r-111.' Ill{'"· !';Pe yr_111r 1-:1i· cllr 11111111 tl 1lc;1lc r 11011 !! 1, "-"" I" >· "0 n1a ltt. & blk lemalo "l >>hile rec ~t.:rVJ('c_ No dc po~Jt -"c·-~~c"o'c·c"'~" ---~~~ A A . _-bo<il>,. 1" S-1an1csc_ J.IJ..2216 · c11vc TV r-:('nla! Co. 1'! BA.<;5 llor1('r accordion & · fl f 522-JJ:J3 (·,t~t' $::.0: l\('n1nor1' 11 onrr I -~---------c1~_1_1, CLASSIFIED INDEX KEYPUNCH TRAINING Wanted 5 wome n TO !':T.1'r..'r CL.\::;-; '.\10;\D,\,:. OCT. hlh. Pilot 1..-e, riuncl1 pror.,r11111 o/f~1·1 n~ l11.-!111r •1 ,.,1111; .. 111('11\ ,\ .. filc1J111c~ ;n·,uio1 0h•: J oin 1J1r Jc;irlrr' Academy of Computer T e chnology Call ~r;.!l 1il n am !I').~ r•nl .IQJ'.\ Tit~: r-ll·.1.l l \\IT!! 1\ rL-r l·r:L~ A:c,,•r!ur;.tll'ln 110 li"n·i. 1"! l."1 u:;; hrlr )"" '1'1:i t11.' 1:-1:\Kf-:FP ~'.l :::> 1,'\'."TITL-1 t:: J.\"T~'.r;.'-.:.\TJ(l;\' \L ;\lotcl 1!111PI ,\r l ,\J:-:•111 .<:..._ IU ,\ DIV!l;IQN OF ANTHONY &."1!0(1[.S 1Tl7 S. f-:f-:001\Jll'l:'"-r .\N.-\llf-:!.\I , C.\LIF(lf::'\I \ C.1a~~<'<; 1111111 r\'C>I;. i1 ('ek PHO.'l'f, FOR AP!~ r .\~k f,1r Er11Y ;;r,.:.~ri.~ .\TTENTIO~ 1.0VJl';r; P \f;. J::NT :-i ~ YOL'f!l ~PE ECll 11-or:.r;.-;11or Ai:r~ 7 1,1 1<. Lr;i1 n To ~rr~k ""ll. rlHl!lt I <!If'. f'l'O,let !. 1\llPI' ~i·lio"I ,t ;';.11urtl;i>,-. P1 1\'J !e or cJ.1 ~., r.1tr~ .. 11J 1 -Sl'.~l SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS liTipu;::n -,\eul<' -Cha rnr - Outf'ry -.\ TO'.\ll(' ~;1-r r !1".1t ;ilY,!I! !11.-11q- r l<'lll" •el<'nl1 <! 11liri .. 11 .,11,,.,_ cit sro111" t11·a111u •11:' \I r.J, !1" ::01 ,\T0:'111C a rll« MUST SELL! \'lll :,n, .~ !ll :,o I I E;.'\"DE: RS0;-1'~ ,\PPLl.\7\'CT'"> :-.""I' iwfl• l\111::.-. Q11<'• 11..~ ~''I 'fl, l•'1ill 1'11 U1~ ~.~lJ .. lfl, /11111' ~1 1~1 11 ii:77 !l;11·t1'lr, C.).I. K.11;:: •r '!llT;ict~ St:•,~t.\ fl ,"111\-fll .l:l "'· ~'.l '.J:, .\··w '.l pv r'll'll<')"l-------'------;.,,·,inr.. 1.11,,11.,, .,r i·1 i~ J""~. L.\l:GE ~('}('1•t1on of rreoncl1. \_'':11. 11•0\I $1-1:1511. 11.--..,,thn l• i"'ilf'(l iij!p!1Ul1CCli, r<'pos, ii[I. f'I in:.;~. \ 1-.. Q1,,1•11~ $ l ~· ~.I\ pl lfl i11:rs lron1 rnodcJ honic:. \·-1(.l Sl O ~•rl. Tlll !l~ 51 !l.i. -;111 :.;11;ir;u1l ccd. T,u11 II<' ~r1 ,., I rill(> 11.r-11 111 \\p !:'.1 '1·vwr -11·,. 1-'inante 111:wr 'Pri r1~ 111;111 ,, -:, \Irr; DUNLAP 11·111• ~71.i1• r:1,11.;, .. 1:1Y i.~.i~ APPLIANCE \\ 11)11. ~11 1 111'.; 111:111 11''.' \.~',{I, llf•\\ ~:l!l.:11', (' 11111 p,1 l1~rl,1·1e.; .\ll!l ",11, i''•\\ ~,:,-.. ,, F nll 'I, ,lt•>'l1 •. '•LI 1•'0: --- 1SLJ :-.e11 f)l1 11 l :Jvrl. C .. \I. • 548-7780 • 11"' Zen1l h Portable $.~O 11" RCA Color TV ~l3:J ~13: !)23-'1710 523; Bumpc>r f!OOI lahlc SJO; LOVNJ(; T1grl" cat needs Cau1p('r 11on1cr Eldorado warn1 ho111t>. ;ill shots. HOUSES FOR SALE eabovcr Sti50. %'.?-1861 al1rrcd. 3 'I :>-0 7 8 0 or Gl:Nl:ltAL COLOR 21" ZENITH ~···Ir .. ~!111 rQnd1l1 on IH1-J.")79 after 6 pm ----ZENIT!r TV porlabJ(', 14"", 111ClutJ1ng sla11d_ Xlnl cond. ill!'. Thon1;is (71~1 .i:ll -6~ Hi-Fi & Stereo 8210 eoniponl'nl ro11·n 1\lu~t :1 A'.\1. ~p1.11p. l,rav1ng- S('ll. 31i:l-8$72, 1· ~lrl'l'O head phones, 1 lLJ" Sprakr·i ~. ~7 ,tf) CaU John :tft<'r 6 P .\I li 1~)-1)~~7 510 SIO ca. Camera• & Equip. 8300 l '.!rln11 11 PE:"Ti\X T:1 ko111~r lr-11.~. ~~.'1. "1!111!111 Tl·:!:::-·AI: lrn~. PF;'\T1\X 11inunl. $~'0, '.IOu1n1 \\'OLLJ~;\I;.\!\ 0111 :1 1·~- 111:;; R:.\PT1\/~ ]Pl1~. S:l'fl Hi .\ '..'rl Y .\,\f,\T,\f: F~1n<w11l~r~. ~::i. C.1!! J nhrl ;iftr r 6 P.\f. 61;1.0:;!Jj COSTA Ml:jA i\JODERN \l'(lf!lti! tbl--c-&6 5 19-20.-:1 lOl ·I "IE5A DEL MAit t"h:11rs $70, 2 Lane 11·a L "nd NEED people to cnll lticir i:Ct1 ~:11,c'.,1J1:K lbles-l lO, 1 se"ing n1a<'h. own, free 10 <tUal, home, 2 NiWl"(UIT •E~cw 1i·n;1Dn adi needed s:m. 1 heaL1t. 1nsep. b~1hcr kitcns. :!~:00,.11~0~~~GHr1 (jjJ.2.">19. 1110\h('r l\lan."I:. ;i.19---1846 10/2 N£Wl"OllT lNOlll:S t•YCJIESJ ·~ PricP C1othin~ ~.al!'! 4 LllONTI-1 old black male kl1-l•YSHOlll:j Slarls t"nd11~·. Ocl, J 111'11, \'Cl';..' aff1"('fionat c, !o DOVEll.<SHOltES EJ:::f\ll A'." TI!Blf'T SllOP gw l ho1ne only. i\ll 6·203:! ~;;!;;1 F:IGHL.-NOS ~~6 Jlrh SL. JIB I 10/1 u11 1vE1ts1Tv .. .-111i: 0 I I lo 2 . . IRVINE [X'!l (;\I y . COLLIE: & S11ephcrd 1111:-.cd, 14CK ·~y (JL YLll PIC TV ConsQ\e ~t!!l'f''l· A'.\! f)!_ L-0·.111;y Or;;an 1v/ hl'll{'h. Bo1h Xlnt, ~ac~ CARPET 1nstall<'r h11~ une roll, a\'oear1n nylo n (':irpe!. <10u1,:e JUie ba{'kcr!, \\'111 sell ;ill or rar1. :o;.:;1ya11I . ~rlO-O:!~J COLDSPOT auto 1111\dow <11r cond, 1 l .000 BTU, llS•'d 6 !110$. ~J:!:,. ;,.\6-().1 :19 f'Vf'~ Q11al1!y king hf'rl-qud1ed Co1npl~tr-un11scrl Sl O.J. worlh S'.?j(]. ,\fl :'! &· 11-knds ll~2-ti.J3G J:Jth C<'nhiry En1:l1s ll 11 ~1 "1' ('(J.or~. [;u1r1<:c<ipc.~. 111a1·1n('~ Qr1~1n;iJ ~ -'~j '" s:~l. ,-)\"l-,j-!6J L'.PRlt.:llT f:C,\ Vrerrrr 57:,_ B!:'droon1 sci. S.",0. C:ill l·.ir "liflt_ Y;6-El l<I Hus.•1'11 ;,urfl))rlJ'tl, i ' :: ' guorl rond11 1nn so:, * Ol!J $UJ-."1·l·'':! -+ 11'.\TF:r. COLOR Pi\101.'\(-;~ ,,,,. Si•I" S-J 11'1 ~11). 1\'01"1'('1!<1 \r·o,~ !!GZ-~1 ·,2 Bfl,\.'i[J rn•w :'ra.i~ pain1 ~Jll'il)•'r, 5 ,;.ii r,1r. L;K"<I :: 11111· ~." '['-:!1~·~. S.JO ,~47-:l:'.lJ7 3 vr old fen1aJe plavful 1:.t.sr11.uF~ · • ' -" ' UtVtNE TE ll llACI!' gentle & alfeeuonalr .>18-61·1'.l co11011.._ OEL M.t.ll lfl /4 IAl.IOA PENINSULA ------------JIE.t.CON IAY f!LL n rr:r l_.T l5LANOS • • L!OO ISl.f IALIOA ISUNO 10''! NUllT INGrON IE4CH =~~,c,c"~-------·IHUNTINGTON HIRIOUJI pJ,,\ 'l t LJL grey & \1h1tc kit· FOU llTA IN V.t.L\.EY IC!\$. \\"ill d('llV<'!" to \'O\Jl" SE .. \. SE4CH l10111r . S·l6-0'ifi.': • \0/-1 ~~~~EEYN 11~!~'!.. ~ 1-:rrrFNS box 11·a1ned ., I.ONG •E.t.Cll , •• • ' ~ LAKEWOOD Cildf'O. I l1Jk. j IJ]k 111·1Jt_ 011 .. ll GE C-OUNrT S::.~-8969 JQ/.\ OUT Oil' COUNTY ---~--------,OUY 01' STATI: :'i l'll!XED Co<_·ker puppies, 7 ST.t.llTON 11k, "'' n1ediurn "IZOd In WE STMINSrflt . " ' . . "llDW.-Y CITY good hl.)111{'~. 6·16-4012 10 '4 !.t.NT.t. ANA , S4NT"-AN.t. NGTS. GERl\lAN ::-hcphrrd, yr. 011.t.NGE olfl fr11v1lr, :::-d. 1v f \Ii rusTIN h 11 "I' 2"77 JOI NORTH TUS T11t (' I I l"e!l. ·~.I-ti ·1 .t.N4H EIM :\0 l'O<l!ll. ~{'fl'{'[ rPfn;?C'ra-~~~~:~ol.oA~;NYON !or, _;? f'Q!<; t.· 111at!1'CS~<'~. 1..-GUH .t. H•lLS Fi r" 4'.l0-11 <'l 1 10 ° L.t.GUN .t. 1Eac11 ---"-' ~ l .t.GUN.o, NIGUFI. CRI::/\~1 ('\))(Jfl'rl ! r 111 a Ir MllSJON VIEJO . , S"-N CllMEHTE 1n1 n1atu1T p-oorllr. /\Kc SIH JUAN C.t.P'l!"•.t.110 rc;::-1;,lcrerL 612-0!!93 101:; C.t.l"ISTll.t.NO IE.t.Cl4 ------------10.-,H .t. PO lllT FREE k1llr11~. ~. Pel'~lflll. ~··· C'llLSl,1,0 -.;· -~~ ·J"62 J , OC E.-MSIOE . 111111cse. ,),)Q-' 0 a 1Cr ., S.t.N Oll!'GO P\!_ 10 1:' Jtl\IEll Sl0£ COUlfTY \\'ll!Tl' ,, I ~11r. I HOUS l!'S ro If MOVfO • . ;) e ,,.~, -£:°"' COHOOM1 N1UM 111lh r hdrfrrn. :~~-1=-61 10:; OUPL(X~S 11'0• S,t,l ( %2-\.%\ 1 0/.~ .t.,.AllTNENTS FOlt SAl l FREI:: to .c:O()fj hoinc, ~'oung RENTALS C:aliro f('11111 le k i ! t" 11 _ Houses furnished 1.ov~:s c.h1lrl 1'<'.'n S I0-~200 l n 12 ~:~~:t; TO Stl.t.• I l,1.-.JD Ec llo nc k Z.cn11h \PF'Fi\LJ\'l; voun" ti<>cr 1'111 COSTA MES" -' ' ' -"' ,._ Ml!SA OEl MAii hC'ann;: -;i1rlcs 1n prrfl"CI nrr<ls :;.:oorl l1on1c, strayerl MIS.t. Vlll:DE Sporting Goods BSOO o·<i11rl1t1u11. ~;I() r;i<'h. 642-:>228 _:r '1ay. 612-'.;j04 .\Of~ ~~~:;lf1T '":i ~c'4 l.1\!JJ E~ d1a n1onr! ring. 21 ~ Ft~i\IALE Purr 11h1tc Ion"' llEWl"Oltr HGTS. P,lfLE, r are on('. [1nr conr!. r·ar;i l D1vorc:r : ~acr l flt'C_ I h;; 1 r" rl ;:: u l n e a p 1 g ~ ~!~i.~o~Tf:HOllll S!l\"~I!(' 111utl ~m. :!:! hi-J l.~--._:6 1 11J1!'1' f; r n1 =-12-~1 ·11 10/2 COVER 51'01115 f'OIYCr .':[I l'O nrls of a •nn1n 1-.... (STCl lJ'F ' • . ' ' l'l!ILl \J \\;J~h('I', n111tch111~ UNl\l l!llSITY l",l,)11( .11!0 tn1 11r 1~ •• cos rc!o.ui1 ng "n ~ rh-..'f'I' l ike 11"11. ni;iplr PETS and LIVESTOCK 111v111E dvr~. fi lG-1 \SO -• -: a•CK IAY ', -._-. • . , -~-1 _h~r _n11<1• 1111·11 .,\6'9.!'1 <'vr~ Cats 8B20 E•.11 1 1.uir11 J,t _::;l:..LL ::il •f.1'1.-,\)Af:P 1'111\'L-"'II F:f'to1•c 1··1111~ lll VIME rE R•A CI!' 10' •-' r, ·>-• • " ' ' COllON4 OE\. Mi it s~.' ~I -, ll;ini~li 101·.-~f'fl l S10. SIA\l~-~J~ K1 11"Tl~. 6 11 1\~, l"-l l o.- L\11! Jrit1n ,11 1 ~r 6 r'.\! 1 11r. _,_1r,1 j .iJtPr ,\·.~n 1";11\irr 11~· nar rr,. R llle· a.t.r 1SL.t.HOS ~1.>-0~!17 -----,.,,,, ·'· s.-al-1n1 .,.,".fl llOO ISLE F' d F S ! " "-· .._ ,-~ "' ~-""'-B.t.LBO.t. 1s1.•1o10 !'U f\!-"F'.0.\1\D~ !l .,.. l!nl,1~ irewoo or ~I j 1".-\Jj~ HUMTll.IGTON I E.-t H II " ["' n.. ,\>1-~~:•7 --!l'OUNl.t.IM V.t.lll Y on'•,1'. -"'"I'.',';; T;irn!e111, -----f'J-R >;J/\:-.1 C111J['fl \.;1!t<'n ~~.! \E_.l I Ell CH 1-Yirh fur ~lll 60~-Dli \'! I-; Pl I ~·:I•' · / S 1 ;'1~1~11 ;,.h.J I ;1 111,1nlli« nlrl C.tinco Pr i •i:in LOMG BEACH . -1'·111 1~ '\.n r:i t h i:;.1rh),20 n1<1 lt . ;ill ~hf>l ~. I 0 v c ~ ~::~~~~~UHT Y M ;:·1;~C~;ON ;·00 IM"' w.n1•d &010 ' 1 "'"''"' ' '•'°-"" Fl~YX~E:~"'"" $WE Buy$ Do~~--B82S t.•Gu H.t. •E•c H I _ LJI GU"I A l<OGU [l FRIDAY , OCT 'rd ,11,-c " , 1 1. M1s$101.1 v1EJ0 •.:I ,-,P);I~ "TC'( '"t'lll!l ll ~AH ClE ME .. f l 7:JO P .M . $ FURNITURE $ ~lirpl1crrl pups tnr .... ~\!', l s•l< JUAN CAPJST•i'NO 11"1"'~~,,~~r,[ t. Ba 111'r11pl APPLIAN C ES n1a l•' .~ 1 frn1alr S!i~1.00 ;ind ~~~111:~1N"'; t £•CN Ftll'lll!lJ\•1'. Rrclr\Y)nl ~('1!<, flt. :t,10 (IQ !C'.i-:1'.14·1 ~IVE J!SIOE COUHT'I' \1•11.;, l "h,.U':-. Rnnh IY'd•. Color l 'l1-P1e.,01-Sle••o1 --.;,1,c,.r10N ltfNT-Al S 'I 'I ( I •1·11t11 or Ho~•11 Full P.\RT Gr rn1:i11 ."'h<'phrrrl pup. :o NOOMIN IUM , ••!Tl "~"""· L 1r~!f. 'l'll[<'r CA.SH IN lO MINUlfS pl('!<, 7 \\k ~ n!<!, n1a111ly l)l:i 1·k JUl"l.IEXES FUll H. ,. IHO 111S 1111 11 IS "" 1111 nu 1111 17ll "" 1121 "" Ill~ 1117 "" "" no U IJ nu Ill~ "" "" ••• • 13$J ·~ ,., 1419 1 .,. l•!S H>! '~ l!H '~ ... ... Ull uu U lt ltll ltll Ull Ull 11•S UJO 1'11 U l l lllt 1171 Ill! "" \tOO l!JI lt71 "" '* 1101 llQt 1\01 111f 11 11 "" ll!O 1111 ,,. lll1 ,,. "" )J•l H tl II!• "" ll!O )111 IJIS HOO )110 "" lilt "" 111• '711 "" •tol "" .,. I Office Equipment 8011 T ) I'! II !:I Jr I ', ,\rid . 1 11~,·11 SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN \.1 hl r~. La111r~. llnn1r hn1», ,\s ."ho1rn 111 11iod r! h,1111r~ D1nr 11r~. TV '~. $T"P'O~. Di:« • 541-4531 • ,f;; lll'iiiJ!Hul _ ~IJ 111aJc, SIO RENTALS :; P.m1t n! fun1, rd1n in1. 11v :.r,-~,J_"'-'--------pl <1y r·aH'~. Rt'fr1f:f'r;11ot~. WE PAY CASH ff'nl·~1~-19•1·~1·17 Houses Unfurnished I 1;ilrul.11<1r , \'• r' l'l'i''r;11,1hli• :'\tr.1 ( •• 11.1 :-.'1:-.!L": I Gara~_a!e 8022 nnc1«1,1·; C.i1 +'1'" ~.dr · 1111" ' r n1, ,\: b<-1lt·1111 fll-KT1! t'bl' -1;m;j_\ ~:i .\ophonr ,\ l'tt~<'. Vrrc 1r1·~. \\';i~hrr~. fll'\Tr.o;, * i\l TN I AT U r: E '1!'11111.t.L lOM 11 lien~ iii 1•'.J:, 1 ~ 1 0111 ~ ''lfi;,v rxcrlJC'nl eondi 1 ion. .'.'1n1-,,~ .~· i\1 l;Cl I :'llOR F,· ! :'i CHNAUZr:HS. t·hamp1nn ~~st: o~~s~ ... 11 ~::: "ooly ""'" .~.,, 'c,,di \!"• "'"':'"" "" 11"" WINDY'S AUCTION WE_P_A_Y-CAS-H'. "N""" '"": '"''· "'""" "" ""' "" Trrm~. • -1rr ... 131n :ol LEOE 1>.t.J1:1( 11u 5 I A F r::t;;-.·cJ\~1:-,(~~r.;;:. ----,==~==~ NEWl"OllT IE.t.CH l llt an a na urniture Cl ! Sl""D l'ORZOI HEWl"OllT HGTS. J)lf ',J\~11 1 '''''''''''" SO ~, C(lllE "1'0 1\"<J" '1'011"1) • 0 C . '"" ~ ·L'l.i \V. 41il ST . ~HJl:-1 ,\na ' u · · -• • o , ~ •, 11 , •' N T h k NEWl"OllY SN0111s n1• rn•t-O_'t'S:: '.>ff;:,•,, ,'.J('\11><'1'1 Blvd ec 5 l!~u~~lilll \l'Olfho11nd,f Pups. 84Y SHO~fS l11J '""'""'=·~-"-''c'-""c'c''c'_:•:_ __ I 11111111111 r . ·111 11•!'1•''· <hill.~ S· ----For GOOD, USED ~· frn1. cu1,1.1~:. S11n11• quaL OOYl lt ~HOltll) l Jll I ,.,rJ1111ct Tony':; Blcti;; fll<J-!'I~ c ~ SPA'.\llSJI ,\111.q.,t· :.-n·•·11, <'111 ~. ;i p p l1 n11.·r;<;,IP " &0 8130 C \J , 6 !i0".-1 1 ->--1~71 1 ::,!h Cd:\I H1!ST t.1 ir inc .. 11,,,,,,.11-11,.., ,..,., s,·,,,, '·' 1., -, tanos; r-gans u.~!:1 . r~:o * !i!b·~US furni1urr. :=::rcrco, TV (Ir · ' '· • · · UNtVEllUTY l"Alllf ~1n rl1n111g ~I . 1 .\fold. Ii L 1•11 .. 1 " " 01'["• D \II\' ' --c ' . I I ,-lllV IN E :n:u I ' -~--_:''c"~·-'.c,',---c'c'~"c' ~-I !louscllnltl [l('nls ,.,[ '"Y kin<!. .1 u e 11upp1r-s o goer 1on1e. '''' ••" ''" l;idrl<'r h;i ,k 1·hiiifo;; -<· ·'1S ~tur;::_.-..,n. ~"\! (h•·h111d1[.\'.\DJOND·!'iTeinway-Yil-· · ' " \ If G dO " SALE' e54757'2• P<'k<'-a -p oo hrrr1l E•ST llUFF no f"'drstal tahlr 11flO'' li d[ \ l1 +t1'(1"1•111 v l'a uJ,.11110 & 111:1h.1 . 11r1v g, used piaflOs ran pening • ____ --·-·-'--c fil3-46-li 101.1 111v1NI Tl!'llR..t.Cf JHS Br>11u1 rnnrl. '1?.(l-'l ·li:: l,qrl111~1i1n.• <l! ;i\I make:-;. Bes! buys in Pcmi:o 1;ir1ks ·fish. 11cc~ss UPF.JGJIT !H•eicr. veg ' co1to~• OIL MA• n s1 r-INCL.f; ;\l<1plr "lx·-.,cl~.<---llt:.\J, f\('d~ i11!1l 1·n1·""I' 1.1 So f'.;1lif ri..:;hlh('rr. 'TIS TROPICAL t"IS!I ju1err . ca111unc f'q1p l , E11!0Cli~hrBt1lldoghop11~piesl"t ::~·~ti_.t.No s :;: 11\;tl-hl1 • P1•11 h.10,<'•I ~I L:Hllno ~~ SC\L\llDT LllUSJC CO., !)()SO Edini;rr (~r! ~fognohai 6·12-822.~ ,\' . rl ~no ~ 11 qua l y. L100 n1.1 ~al !rt"~~ s::.-,, ~.n<l !~hie l\111, J!)()7 t-.' '!\l F nTTl Valley e 8~:!-1:,~o C;.ilt :,:;(l."'96:: '"LIOA rst•1'1o int \\h11r l il!IJ!j d1':<.h !'..:.~. fql' 'lrlfl ~dCt d :;;1-.0, L 11 111i;: I . ;iin. NEJ::D l)ri(•i,'s one f(l 1000, NEWPOll:T Wl$T JH S !'.!6-33 11 rm '•1111. l.:r m ;i h•I)-~ rl ,11 111 ;::;1111a Ana Klr:BY V~CUl1Tll c:!c<inl'r \ll1h l'C'A SOl1<1hl;v pricer!. 644-IGS7 SCllNAliZERS, !\!111. 111-:c 1""TtNf'TO N ''"CN lfOll \11hl·-•w1· .-11;111"S. ;1n(t n11~!-\\ 1-: lli\VE Pl i\:-.IOS: ;1l11u ·l1 & polishlT. :Xlnl t·ond --··-pup~. ~how or-pels, S!url H U,~!',',',.~o~,,".•~1t,1ou 11 ,",',', :\lOVJi\'G: t'un1 lrn,n ,1 er-·.~. • I d p I ,,., "3"! ~ • •-:'.ii "'ll,1 ~! 111 ~ ~~7 .\n1 1;.:o~ y1111 rn~y puri·h;."r or rrnl "'-gt1Aran c-c • :iy of hul nf Lumbo' 8750 .o;rrvu;(', :s •• ....., b • >E.t.L 1tACN ''" d1nin~ r111 ~<'I , e lHltrl>. ~··!.". \\" 'I S"'067 k I OoO I ''·'· • .:; .i11d r1.,--.dil all n101ucs. paid "· 1 or la •' ovrr pyn111ls. 1------------1:E.-\l;Lt.:-o;. rrn1ale~ • .-\r.;c ,G0'.~,0 ,',,,,' ',,'!! '''ashrr/d11<'r. ~lur:h 1n(1l'f': ----c ·11 1 "'( ~.,!I ~ " "" ~ IO-()J.;' l;Ar:.\i ~l·.-... ~·I" F n-~.i l ~11"7j; )Ul\)J l~l 11urr h<1 F('.. l"C{ l ( e pl ·'· >--!~,~. 1 \ li s . -· ..... '''' :x: a fO<JI t'I';;, 11 \\ k". Tri·color. 011•.NG IE COUNTV ''°' ,J• i,i.'i Pl'lJl'CIPl' S~\ :-:(·1~···11 S\'! HOUSE OF HARMONY CROSS top l:cf rl"··· ll,.,1· 11x:ks ............ me * i3!J.6fl\!l * iANTA ANA l•11 D,\Vi:.NPOl-:.T_ uv.1 k•·~ in t o R1ut h111g"~ •••••••••••• ''!'·· , • 111r sTM1NSTe11t n " • IA'IC!l ~!}I(> ;'.~1111111 L"·lfll('l'a 1S F;i.,hion L•land a11lon1;iric d<>fl'O"<L E :"l r . ~6:), '· J''' D,\(JISllUNOS sl1<11\' qu:ilily MIOW.t.Y CITY 1411 bro. i\l11!i·h1ng_ r l1'oll'. I.\, J,I k·n~ s.::>. Fllrni1nrc. :"1·11 1x 1rt J.:ra<'h + fi l l·0:\91 The !louse in Back 143 E . ',", 1xS Ply\rood ·····• $2.4'.l fled. l):ark k i:in. Chi!lll[lion ~~~i:A~N4 Nf lOHTS ~ cond JS:!~ TUS!lii,, l;.\T hou.~cwa1·r:o, l'\11gla.~s.1!>01 ~, l\'O\\'-l'('nl a Ba lti11u1 p•tlnu 17th. &11-:i7-11 COSTA MESA ~ired. 2 i\Ja!c.~. 6·1l--0217 1.AOUNA llE.t.CM 3,., :·;.is-::;i;in. ~.',~"~.,-,:,\.S !-U E l!ilh. C>l. fnr ~our ..-hilrl C0r $2.00 .'1~ r:Ut'tLfl nla:;. l'li;11h <'.11. BUILDERS SUPPL y PART t1nit' 110111(' needer! l"l' ';!',~t.~~ ~\~~:' ;;: DINfNG nn. ~r !-1'in·11\a1· ., ,.,_.,__,,~. , •· p J I I O 1000 Sufl('l'ior. CLll * j 4S-'1826 " I -~~~ " c c "· -ro r~!<1ona 1n. Alld eatht'r. nly 11111• hQ>,; ,,f :;1 Brrnarrl in Cd/I/ a rr a. S•N Cl£Ml "IT• 111t marblr tab!r. <!~" ,Ji.1111 'lr [ lii\HAGI•; ;•,ii<'-Chn~1 111,1 ~ ~ITU<.:llon Available -result~ shell.~ flrrd lhrou"h ii.. ~90---~~ C.t.1>11111.t.HO ins /I D h ! I " o 0 "' · FREE TO YOU 61 .1.,.1,,,~ r 4r11T11 .. 1<0 ••ACH uie w 11x r ;11r<' .i • b tk('~. Pl1.-irt ~<'11 111;::: 111.,.'h. )::tl.i r;:inrccrl , 6·16--21R.S BO 'TO" 1. o.t.NA l"OINr ,, .. 644-11'~6 ;iH ·1 30 pn1 . surllioord . --i ur1.11 b<'d. 111,_,, 11'.o\P.D'S BAL0\\11:-J sTur110 Sur:PLU-~ · "rl'l"I' Pt1ps. 8 co1100M1N1u111 "'' f;\JPOR'T'ED ll11han 11u1rl1lc f11rn. ,,itulr .(. ,·h1lrl r<'n ~ 1~1 ~1 ;'l:c1\·port, C.1\1. frl2-818 l ' ' .'i F;n:toly dre~s R 0 U GAN VIL L f; A ;inrl \l'<'rk~. i\hC, black k \ih1tc. l Ul"La ll;l5 UMfUtN. 1"s d . . I hi "1 , I L k I ii & I I '" fl I lril!rh·~ k r r r111H1nt11. Sr'>lrl 10 philorlrnrlrOn plan!,, \'"' ;.if;...{1!12~). lfl)llg a r . ,--. ons:: I... ,, fo 11·~ . f 1• '"~· .... ,11 . l l, '' ~-r: r-:1..: or~r;.\N (..'L .. ,~~E.>; ;he puhlit .':-4 i\lonrl<i_v lhru . "" -~~---------RENTALS tOSTA MESA MIS,t, VtllOI! l<IWPOJt!:--.llACH NEWPOllr NllGHrl NfW,.OlitT 'Hl'lltlEI wrsTCll~P UNIVEllSITY PAlllC l•CI( l~Y IE.t.ST 11.UFF COROl<.t. OE\. MAit S.t.LIO.t. •.t.T ISi.ANOS !,-100 ISli li-Al lOJI ISL.ANO MUllTINGTOH IEAC14 FOUNT.t.111 V41.LE Y Sf"-l •£ACM \.OH<a IEAt N 0114NGE COUNTY G.t.llOl!H GJl:OV I WI STMINSrl!ll MIDW•Y ClfY .-MrA AllA SAHTA .-NA Hf:IGNTS TUSTIN COASTJll. l.AGUll.-, IEACW \..t.(;Uf"" NIC.U f\. MISS ION VIEJO S.t.N CLE Ml!l<TE O.t.N.t. l"OINT TltlrllX, etc. CONOOMlll lU M RENTALS Apts. Unfurnished ·~ Ull "" "" "" •• •••• "" •1ts Utl "" •111 "" ... IJU GENEll..t.l IMO COST.t. Ml!S4 Sito MES.-VlROIE Slle NfWPOltT IE•CH '16' NEWPORT N(IGMTI 5110 NfWl"Ollr SHOll£5 $Jlf WESrCLIFF SlJI Ull!VEll~IT'I' PAll l( !?II 11.t.CI( 11.t.Y S!!O l .t.ST ILUFF !)0 COJl:O H.t. OIL MAit '119 I Al.10,t, SJOO l.t.T ISl"-NO I !l!f l !DO ISLE SlJ! MUNT l>!GTON 1£ .. {H 500 FOUNT.t.llf V.t.LllEY 5•11 Bl<.L.IO.t. ISi.ANO SlU SE.t.l lfACH S•~ LOI<~ 11!.t.CH 5'!111 OR .. NGE COU MTY \110 G.t.R Ol!'N Gll!OVI !l lO WESTMlllST £JI 5611 MIOW.t.Y CIT Y U16 SU.-T.t. ,t,N" Jilt 5"NT.t. .-,NA H[1(;14TS !Ut TUST IN ,. .. co,.sr.-1. 1101 1..-GU HA tEJICN S115 LAGU MA lllGUf;I,. S>OJ MISSION VI EJO !IOI U#O CillMltMtlt '1"Pf S.t.>I JU.t.N C4PISTllANO sns O.t.N,t, POINT S7te REAL ESTATE, General TR IPLEX, 1lc. COHOOMIH IUM 11.El<T"-l.S WANTFO JtOOMS FOii Ill.NT ll OOM I 10 .t.llD MOT£\.S, TllA ILlll COUllTS GU l!'ST HOMfl MISC. llEllT.-,LS lllCOM[ l"llOPfllTY ll U5'NES$ l"llOl"IEllYY Tll• lt.[11 l".-,ll!ICS !!USINE S$ 11£NT.t.L OFF ICE ll EllT.t.l lllOUSTJfl•L l"llO'lllTY COMM !lt(l"l lll OUSTll l_.l llENTA I. LOTS RAll CNES CIT~US GllOV ES .t.CllE.-,GI Ll<,IC( ElSIHOlll!' llESOll T Pl!.Ol"El!TY Oll •NGE CO. Plt01"£11 TY OUT 0, ST.t.TE PllOP. MOUNT•lll I. Ol!Sl!•Y SUIOIVISIOll UNO ll!E .t.L l!ST.t.r ll! SEllVl(I 11.E EX (N.t.MG IE II. I!. W.t.HT f O BUSINESS and FINANCfAL llUSll'lf!S W.t.NYED IHV(STMENT Op•orlu~lllt• I US IH!SS OPl"O.TUNOT!ES IHllESTMENT WJI Hfl:O MONEY TO t.0•1'1 PE llSON.t.\. l.OA)'IS JEWEi.RT LDAN5 COLl.-,TE ll.t.I. LO .. NS llE.t.L ESY.t.rl 1.0.t.N' MOflr014ES. T•ul-I Oe"41t MON•Y WAllTl!O ANNOUNCEMENTS •nd NOTICES llOUltO fFr" .-,f l) 1.osr l"EJf SONA LI .t.NllOUMCEMl!NT5 t lll:Tl4S FUHElt4lS P.t.10 011ru ... 11y =·~~=1~~~ DlltlCTOltj C.t.llD OJ' TN.t.NKI IN MEMOlllAM CIMlilt lt T LOTS Cl!'MfrlltT Cll Yl"TS CltEMA.TOlllfS MEMOll!.t.\. l"Alllt;I .t.UCTIONS .t.V14T ION llllV!CI TllAVfL •11t Tlt.-,NSl"OllT .. TIO-. .t.UTO Tlt.t.N Sl"OltT.t.YIO,. lEG.-1. NOTICIS GEllM.t.N &. TUTOlllN$ ... Slll ... SIU !I" Sltl , ... ·-'* '"' .. , '"' "" ... ••• ••• "" ... 11'J "" t!OI "" •101 t101 1)11 ~!11 tl!J •no "" l lOS 'll8 •M •l\S Olli '"' .,. •!lS .,. •'•I ., .. SERVICE DIRECTORY •CCOUHTIHG Oft "-HSWElllHG Stll\t1C• UOU AP~l ll<Htf ll!liPAl lt~. Plrb ,,,9 .... ,.11"-lllNO "11 _.~1"14.t.l T. 0111 ISll .t.JICHITECTUltAL JI.VICI '"' ,t,UfO ltEP••ll• 6.1)1 .t.UTO. Soll .. 11 .. T .... •Tc. 6.1•0 11.t.IYSlrTIHCI l!H 10.t.Y MAIHTl!'H•.NC• 6.IJI llllCK. M"-SOHll:T, •IC. •'" eUS1NESS SlllVICIS •U 1 I Ull.Dl'llS 6.111 (ATEll!N. 1111 (AllNlfM.llttH• IS" CAlll"ENTlltlNG 6.lft Cl'MlNT. C1"t'rl9 ... J~W. $600. 6.\6---0i.~~. ~6. :is ,tns n11 11r. ~·11_,1_1 __ \lfollrluy nih·!i -;,;_;o . s :Ill Pill !'a!. 1~20 illonrn\'J;i, C :'I L rlri:;, ;,\~-li.".O,l 1011 GEn:'IJ,\,'li !'hrpl1c rd purs Quality k1ni; h1>rl--rt1ulte<L IRO" S"!. 11'1>11111'.:i ho"rd .<r,,'.! GOULD MUSIC CO. GELL l!l::L:-t'ET--:: ,\!10 f!,·\BL£ a1fr-r ·t1onatc hH~:~:.'l Apt1. Furnis;hed GENEltAI. I• CHILD C.t.111, \.IC.,.,.. ••11 CONTllACTO•S C~Jl:PET CLIAMINe C.t.ll!P(T L•Yl"W I ll!ll"Alll Uh OIU.1"1!'1111:5 Hl~ DEMO\. IT ION 011.t.FTIN G sa1tv1c1 ELECTll!ICAI. IEOUll"MENT ll!aMT•t.I FENCING 1"1.00111 FURNACE ltfPJllltS. I!!~ llU1tN1ruRE ltl!lrOIUNG I REFIN.,MIMG IUI IS"-ADENIHG lolO GENtllAI. SEllVICEI IUI G•.-01MS. OISCll<• llU GL"-5S 41M GltllM rHUMI 11• GVN SMOI" 171' Hl.t.l.TH Cl.UIS 171t MA Ul.lllG 111' HOUSECt.•Alf!f<CJ l lli INTElllOll: OECOJl:AflHe 11!1 INCOME Y.t.X 1111 IRON, Or~1..,...t1I, t ic. •1~ lllOH lllG •JS~ lllSO..UTIMI 1~"1 lf<SUll.t.l'<C( 1n1 IN VEST IGAT INS, DtlK!lf• •7tn JAN ITOll IAL •7" JEWELRY llEl"Allt, lie. -UNOjC-,t,PlNG 1'11 LOCKSMITH Intl o.1.-sONllY, llllCK lllf MOVING I STOllAGI 1..-. P.-,tNTING, Pllff~efltlftf l•U P.t.OlfTING. 511111 •UJ l"ATIOS 116! PHOTOGllAl"l4Y 1171 l"\.ASTEll lHG, Pflt ll. ·-Ir 4tlll" l"LU M .... G 1191 PET GllOOMlllG Itel POOl SERV ICE •11' POWEii s w•''"'"· .,11 PUM I' SEAVICIE IHI ROOFING-If~ llAOIO, ll1,11n , lilt. •tlf ll:EMOOEl.IMG I ltfP.-,111 lfq lttEMOOEllNG, l(IYCHIMS Ill! Sc1uo" S~lr'Pnt llSS SEW lllG 11 .. JEWING M.-CHINI •EP,t,!llS '": SEPTIC Tl<1'1KS. S•llil.._ life. IW.~ r411.0lllllG 117' T£11M!TI CONTllOI. 047' TI LE, Ctrl"'lt 1n• TILi!. Lin•l ... rn • Mtr~lt •t•s TllEI!' S!Jl:VIC I" 1Jfe Tl!'LIE VISION. 111»1,.._ lie. l!ll Vl'140L$rElt'I' lf9t WEl.OlllG '"'I JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOI W4NT ED, Mon 7111 Joe W4Nr[O, WIHI\... 111•' JOI W'l'IT£D, I MFM I WOM•Jf 1"t SC HOOLS f. 1115TllVCT!ON 1' .. ~01 1"11[1".-,lt.t.TIOll Uot l TNi.ATlt1CAL ll'tli MERCHANDISE FOR SALE ANO TRADE !l'UltNITUlll O~F IC E FUllMITU•• OFFICI!' fQUll"Ml!Nr STORE EOUIPME ll r CA!l'E, ltfST4Ult~.HJ •All l!'OUll"MENT HOUSlHOLD GOCIOI G.-llAGE S.t.Lf FUll>llTUllE AUCTION APl"LIAN Cl!I •1'1r lQU£1 Sf:WlllG MA ClllNE l MUSIC 4l lllSTll!UM l!NT 1"14N05 I OllG.t.llS 11,1,010 Tl"l EV 15!0N '41·FI I STEllEO T.-PE AfCOll D!EltS C-AM EllAS I fQl.lll"MI NT MOllT SJJP,llf l SPOll!flllG GOOOS l lHOCVLAll5, SCOl"ll "llSCIELL.t.N EOUI MISC. W.t.llTI O M.t.CMINllt'f, (Ir,. 1.UMl f ll! STO llAGI -.,. "" "': ... "" .,. m• .,, ... 111' ... "" ... mo •• ... ·~ --ISH '"' -"" ·~ 1711 '"' ... I Utl DI NIJ MATElll.t.\.S 5WAl"I "" PETS end LfVESTOCK ,.ETS, Gl NE Jl:AL C4TI DOGS HOllSEj 1.IVEJTO(:I( ••• -uu ~ -CALfFORNIA LIVING ll UllSlllU!"S SWIMMING l'OOLI ""'10, 4WNINGI V_.C.ATIONI TRANSPORTATION IOATS f. TACMTI s•!t.IOArS l"OWl!'ll Cll UISl!ll, 51"EIEO-SK• 10 .t.TS SO.t.T YllitlllEltS IOI T MA!HTlNANCI 10.t.T UUNCHINI M_.JlllHE IOUIP. IOAT SLll", MOOll!1Me •O-T SlllVICfl IOAT ltENT.-,lS •O.t.T CNAllT£1t ,ISHINO IOAT$ eO.t.Y MOVING 10.t.Y sroRAG~ IOATS W.t.HTl:O AlllClt.t.'Y Fl.YlllCI LESSONS MOllll!' NOM!5 MOTOll HOMIS tlCYCllS "" •• "11 "" "" -"" ~· ~ •rn "" .... "" ttl• ... "" •• -.... •w .... ... flSI ••• "" "" "" ··--·-~" El.ICTlllC CARS MINI llKl!S MOTOllC YC LES M0TOll!~C:nOT"'l!5 AUTO Stll:V!Cl!S I l".t.ll:TI 4UTO TOOi.i I aOUll', lltAILEJI, Tll.t.VEL Tll.t.11.111.s. vtmtr Tll!U(Kl JI .I"$ CAM~lll!I C.t.M~tll! lllNTAlS OUN• IUGOli.S IMPOltftO ~UTOI S,.OltT CAii! .t.MTIOU•S, CLAISICI llAC• CAllS, llGO' AUTO aVl:HY5 •UTOS WANTaD NEW CAltS .tJJJO llASIMe USl!D CAllS ... ·~ ·~ ••It tlU ··~· -'"' "' •!U '"' -till ''" ... "" ·~ ·-•111 ·-C-0mple!P-unu~cd SIOJ. \11w !h \\';i 111·r-~~ 11 111furr11~ 1H\,J::l1 !01'1 ;>..'_ ~/11111 ~ .. ,\ ~·lif'l.l~l $~J h il!r11~ ~hor! l •~ll e•I. ;-:ray $2."J(l. Alt 5 1._ wknrls ~1~.r,1.':I; S111·r 1"11:11'<' \111. <'!<' ;o1i<-::,;1 (U,'\,'\--J·:j;:';:fi w 0 1. !! '<l 11 Call John a Iler 6 ,\l luhl>I\'~, ~ "k~ .. 1 !~·0179 10 1 Pur~hrrd Shephcrrl Pu p~ CLAS..<;IC UJl-'1" ~<'Ill, (}fl · :',11t ,\ i'"1~n '•-1\'if ,,;-"'fi P \1-r ,,r•1 H"" ~f1Hl"1, nHtpl<' P11 1!I bl~HJ3!1i L/11'Ll'.: ll!IJTE: KITTE;\'S Cnnic .~('<' i'f:inui F.· F"'iipa "------I I I I • 6 11·ks old. ~.1:;.1''' HAVE YOU LOOKED FOR while hy llenlll$1C. p,,u· ;!~.:f!C,.,ll<'l':P r1r11·,· 1·1,r 'l l"o S,11·' SillO or hf'~t nf· • -,_. nr t•c o\·1ta: lillllf'S, 1na.--."" t:"\Ql'1:'1TI-: Silnpl111·c .111d 1 1 ''' l227 10 , OS ON BU -l:>ar flool~. 67.~1:119 111i•l11!l'l l(;,rh0tr :-·11 .. r•r-.:-r :r1 _1_,_"'_r_:ri,.,.t ~-iii1,r : '1 1S-{l(f,S ilitiinnill'I rons,:-,\prr.ii~rd ;if 1·n1llr. · -. '-B T LL OLD Sf)a n1sh d1n1n;; 1~n11 l·l 1::-.tT~ IU·: 'l.\l!f10,,1,'\Y t Pir.,...1 f)l lltll), ''"7:, \\ill ~t,11 f"r lillu.'h h'·~. )llXE~sn111.JJ m~I., (log. Call puppir~. :.111.16'!7 ;ilt 3 r:-1 Lahl~ ~2:1. 7 chair:; s1:1 1.: nr:·J ~ .~ f'Jil:,~ -:m;~ F1ll '.11;'1:."I :--.:l1H 1•1 ... J i~IA~" f•flcr. ~.::_:.j.~I Aflr r . r .111. ;..1!l-1l11 7 10/2 rnarc h\. ~,.10-,~ _;~1y Art 1 t ,,1r, . .-;,.~:::_. ;n _____ .,~n /l~ 2 p,,11" ,,,-,-,.-"o<Jc,.-,1-,-,",,-,-,·l"~-.-m-,·,-·r-7 \\'I\, olrl 111are, i.-:r"Y ;,)lort·H __ ,_,_,_•_• _______ 8_8_30 CAR PETS, 1lr"'flt''· 111r111t11 rr CA/l /'F,I , ..,11.1~. t11 l11 J\·J-.\\lf'!,\'\/1 ,,111•dl fin" 11rr!I nff"r '.\!11.•t t "-·1 R~o h;i1n-d k11,..n.• %2-~1 51 10 2 BEAVTIFl:L RIAr-k i-l•1rr frnm lf!VPly &,ycrr:~t hfJmr--~! ~'1 ti!.~'"' 11;+1111 11••11. l 'p11..;-l1 rf.. h<'n('h, ll:l1ln<1k. r.tflnrn11~. C \I. 1Yl 11 n1f' f'Rt-:Ek 11!en~tog()l""lr!l)Ql11<' .•mall, 10 ~r~ nl<i, \\'rll ~;i..:,.42~ ,~,i>l .~.'1 1 1\r•lll~ rnib. 111• '"'" \;l)O :,i~ .. •.1.i'1 l<'ln<l\I ;11~.;1:-..' 1(\' tr.1111!"<! .t/j~ ,\'.'.li-fi:l.~r, o:='ifj§~~~§§~§~~ ---------------------------'--------' '---'-'----'--~E=---~ THE HIDDEN DOLLARS IN YOUR HOME LATELY? • ) I I 'I I, ,, ----~------------------------------------------..........-----------.. ------· • [gANSe?RTATION 'ET5 •"4 Lll/UTOCIC T~ANS,O~TATION T"11rJd.111, Octobtf 2, l~blJ DAI L V PIL Of !'J3 TRANSPORTATION'-~T~R~A~N~S~P~O~R~T~A~T~IOAN=°""" TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION Avt• Services Imported Autoa 9600 ~mperted Aufoa a P1rt• 9400 Her .. • 1110 8o1t M1inten1nc.e toia ·='-----------'-' 9900 t600 lmportH •utos 9600 UNd C•rs 11 ~ YR. old 8'.Y t>·1ny S4'00 or bt'st offfr. lTn OUTBOARD c. bl" ....::::...:..==-----'-'"'" MERCEDES BENZ TRIUMPH VOLVO 968·:JOOJ Sr-1ALL Sh~tland. c h i l d broke, daple gTf'y f7j. 54:>-58~'8 Livestock 1840 , _____ _ IT'S FUN TO BOARD Your hOrsr a t TALLY HO f'ARi\I S. Box ;;1:.ills. ~.);, prr n10. l\·11.'lal shatltd l'Ol'rals ~·15 per inu. ,\11to111<1t1f' 1111· rrr, feed & 1:lra nrd daily. 112 a !;fl'JO; li:..'.h!cd arena, training ring. !liver lra1J ac. ress. l::..:prrl English ,t \Yegtern 1ns 1ruc1ion. Tally Ho fo'arms. 17'.;'62 Nrwhopc, F'ounta in Vallr.v. :Jl5-!'l:1S7 cruiser, i>let p5 '!. a:las~ up Tl RE SALE to the v.·atcr line, \1'/trailcr. bu!h licensed. NO /\IOTOR. S2J:i. 494-2189 a fler 6 Pr.I JS' Q\\'ens \\'/85 l1p e ng., lge "'hl 1rlr, equip. Gootl i:ond . 5-18-:!G:l 1 l\lffl. ~kiu1~ ;1:;9:, Marine Equip, 9035 '---- 'ijti ~IPl'l'u1·~· 1 IOU SS oull_ioanl 11 10 l1p1 11 11 h Thund!•fl ~1!I ig1111 ion l.nn;.: S l\i1ft. RL•bll $80!!. Ul':+7Uli:1• \\lhjte 11 alls. Polygla!\ Good year & Galrs. A:; low as $29. 9S EARL WILLIAMS TEXACO 169."i Supenor A1T . ro~t11 !'11,.._"" b·16-.1JO: Trailer, Travel 9425 ==:....c.='---I~' J\JT Lon1p;i,n1vn tr:o\i'I ! t a 1 I r 1•. S1·1f .. ·,,11!a111rd. ~hv11 r·1', :ill u\il :)l1'•'j)S ti, TOI• s!1np•' .;.1,,...33:.n :1f1 :,. Boat Slip Mooring 9036 .18' F IREBALL '68 ~t·lf·~·ru1· r.;F;i:.;l)-·ll' h",JI ~lip 11,'P, <11'(-'ll . \Vntc D;uly P 1!11!. f--\!.1.\ i\l !°)10 1.1111,.d. :-lps Ii, 11111na1'~ .'l~.Jl'-0. l;lt-5ti·l7 m:i A \\'eslnunster Pl Ci>!. Or an!)~' County!. lJrql'\f Srl .. ct.011 N l'W 8. U\t•d Mer~i:de~ Benz Jim Slemons Imps W ar oer & M ain St. Sant.:i An a 546-41 14 1967 '.11 t-:HCl:]J~.S Benr :!j(J.:; ·I JJ.111r ;1uto , !·':111 1\~d .'\I n I , 11\,J. Sl'!l)i) 1.),(1~ 6 l'l~::~llU, 1•:1 •'~ \)~'.!· 1.1fl.~ -\:1111 s:it; ... '66 Triumph TR4A 'fol) Volvo, runs gre&.t. $~'7J Der p t>boJly b:.O('k w/match-Xlnt 1nl!ea.r. After j , in:; l~;ithrr 1n1'!r F'Ully 6-12--6197 eq uip. 1ncld_ rad1a. & 11·ire l -,6cG~VcQ~L-V~Q-, -P<-,.,-,-,-, -c.-,.I 1v he c I s. In1mpccallle in dition. BELO\V BOOl\ - f'Ve1y res[ll"tL $1350. 494-7480. J1rllljJOrl 31111µ0 rl ~· Antiques, Cl•ssic~~ e 192'.! t>lodcl "'T'' l'OllflC, not running S 1:100 e 1923 i\loelrl "T" 1ruck ::ioo 1v. Coast Hwy .. N.B. (jl2fl!O.l :J~l)-l/6~ <:'lam shell cah. runnin,t:. .\!1\honzrd O'llG Dral('r $900. 6~2<ID69 962-3770 '6(} .\IE!~L'ElJl:.:0: :L '{h .;:onr1. 111~1dc & oul. '11Jl-;1S~J., ]~:!-'.11£J{Cl·.Dl~S Hl'!I~ l'~J ___ T_O_Y_O_T_A ___ I * * ·:i1 !>!organ -L 4. ex- ct'llenl c.ond. S\600. f!rn1 S~~-3TI6 alt ::.. all day 1vkends. Enormous Eldorado Sale Cadillacs Most 1967 ELDORADO F'1amcnro r:rd \\'i lh white vin.)'I tor a nd red lc 11,thrr interior , a ir condi- t iunin:;, s tereo Ai\l·FM rad!o. pov.·rr sPal~. tilt a nd \l'lrscOf.11', s \('rrinc '"11,..rl, p()1l'r r door locks, l\tany oth('r C.\lras. Lll'. No. VTJ\1 681. $4595 1968 ELDORADO Desired Car 1968 ELDORADO f'..ose .... ·ood Firt'1ni~t. black vinyl trir & bl&.ck lratl1<'r 1nlt"r101', 111r C'ondi· l ionin~. Alll-Fllf radio, 6·\V!IY sral, Lill <i nd lelescope s r ecr in ~ 1••hl't'I. P"T. rlonr locks, (-'IC. L ie. No. VlZ:l-17 $5295 1968 ELDORADO SL Roai1~1rr. '.\lnl r•n11<I. TOYOTA f\~1/f,\l $'.Lll)IJ. 6·!6-6t2~. TRANSPORTATION I-~---- I Boat-Yacht Trailers Utility 9450 1%0 l\!{'1'\·cdc~ t:io, c1c.o11. 1 SPECTACULAR Y EA~ ENO SALE ALL MODELS Y OU!~ BEST DEAL'> ,\RE ST ILL AT CLASSIC '39 Ford coupe, rblt motor. ~pare part~. $900. 1 6~4-1~128 & 549-2081 ('\'E'S, 1940 Buick Coupe Special Xlnt condilion. :Sa n O\lalro rrd, black vinyl top, hla r k interi11r. air conditionint . :.tcrco Al\t- f ill radio, 6·1,•ay ;;c11t, l il t & !Cl<'· ~cope st et rin~ 1~·heel. po1vF-r door l0ck"-:>1any other extras. Lie:. No. Silver !'int" Grrcn. 1~hlte \'ul.\I 1nr grl'en interior. a ir condilion1ng, s tcrro A1\t.ft>I radio. f:i."·ay s('a t. ult <1rul tclt>scope :;tcei·!nf: \l'herl, fl-Ol•·rr d<1nr ~~~~tis O'l lany olhrr r x tras. Lie. :"o. Boats & Yachts 9000 Charters 9039 ' ' I 11•'1'1 t 1rc~. s•::..o f 1r 111 !---------.:..::.:..: TR.<\ILl~R ft·an1c 1·1'...,6'. J•:lr,, hl~-l-ri2 1'1 1,'l<. VVEIJ.1 - '67 G_LASSPAR C I tat j o 11. SAIL CAL 2·1 S2:i per day. bra kc5. dolly Jat·k, ;>.Int lnboar4:Dutlxiard. I~ rt.Jere. Cal 3li , ~Iii) per day , Sleep:; cond. ~1 2.1. ~a-~:1:.'9. Cruiser "'ith pr.wer jet & 6. 714-8·l6--29:i7. po.,.,·er trin1. 1''ull cover. Ready 10 enjoy, A 11 main1e;iqnce records. 1 Moaile Homes 9200 01•·flf!r. KJ 6-44'44 GREENLEAF PARK ~~ f'T. Ciir rt('lt Cr;dl Cabin in r-li·t1r. ,.lr ;in, C•l(Jl l\1~1,, Trucks 9500 * VANS * CrulS(-'Z' !8J llP 1·1·u1-c ;.1 .'..'0 :'ll··~;t , :-.-1"~' !j~ ~pai·r a•hil t .-)(1 I" Ch•J\J~r f1'Ul1\ RP:.!. Tip IOp \'Olld , Fullv l)lt!'I\ .\l11oli·I~ .~-Salr~ Qli11r· .. 1'1h·•'S ~hll'I .. t $~~s c11u1pperl. In '1;1 1rr 11011:, lur;it('<l a! P<ir"-. {)p!'li 9 1\.\l 1 " :'v111r 111111 \1 -8 & at110 '.11G ~les, Scrvu~e. P«rls 11111ni'U1alr Och1'e1). ,\[! \lodf'IS J1rtuport 31111port 'i i\!1Jst sell. Call Aller 8 p.m, !u li I'"\) I • :•, Cluh \\'a.t::1J•lS • &1G---1987 .\Cl'l·'..'\T ,\lOHl!.l~ KUSTOM MOTORS 26' CAB.JN C1·ubrr, l\<n ·y llO:'llE SAL!··s S·\.."i Bak1:r ~I ' l'il! ~,~0-;-,91:, :\loo \\'. Coast llwy • N,B. hull, inbrd r n•·. ,I \I s'i 1~:,o \\'liltlH'I' 1\'~-1\ulh I.IL d:r_ opr n 'Iii 9 611-!llO.j J.11)-1764 ' , 1.,.0 -· Aut!1orilcd :'llG [)p;.i lrr OVl.'r hauled. B<lll 1" r\ I-;. ('n~l•t .\Ii•.;-,, "il·I. t)-1~· ... 1 't;:: CORV.<\lfl r a fll p s I (j {' 1"_.:c.::.:c:,,:.c:..:.:.:.::::c:::.:_ :;tove, OVl'll,, hl'aJ, s ink. ]\·1: --BAY HARBOR l '/U, s~2:1. ·:)2 i\IG-TO p<>rfcr1 t;onrl . "l>e•I •I~ ~ ·J 'I I II nr~ -~~' SlOtJO O!' bf'S! Ol!rr. i\lusL Sl'li ~ ~ · --~p., -· ' 1.1s ~c . Mobile Home Sales '"""·.),,,,._~ h'.I 01['', ,.,, ,.,,,, 1 -111is 11·('{'i.:. :1-1.>-:)>:<1 · -·' "· C~1 ~a Lon1:1 l{vU . :\11av -'ti~ Cur\;111' r<1nn1-~1d11 p wl1 j6· DOLf>Hll\', \'Ct)' rooo1y Sllr.l'aton .\la nor . llon1C'!lc . 111>-'1 ~11•·+·1!._ ,\lVl11.;.i 1'llg. boat, 3j ph E vinn.Jtl<' crii::., I Kit -P rr.-,ligr. . S~1ara '.'il:~J. :1 1~-27~1i $995. J\.I;q-ina Dune~ !illp A·l. .<\LL SfZES =========== see office. /\'0\V ON 0·1SPLl\Y Campers 9520 160 h? font lnlerc.•p!or 1·12:i Bal\er S!., Cos!a t>lrsa "'-'------C..:C:: 1' bloc:k East of Harbor Blvd 4 Door. 6 pa ss Jntl'!'n'I PU. 110, n111.11y extras, must .~ · · C"-•• '''" 1n41 '4'9170 "''"''r 111·1v ,, , b ""' •. Sl'll! $2·1:10. Call a!t ::. P 11! u~ 11 ·'" ' J .,.. u ' • 536-5910 BU\' iny ho111e $41fi;, total. S".!,7~. 008-;1%J. <l:l~l-S!'H'., MGB '67 MGB -GT Coup, P.uby h'd 11· black [r ather jntrr. A nf'W 1-;cr 1radr 111 , Only 20.000 111i\Ps, ,\,\!. ~·.\!, "'oorl ll'hrcl. ov1•1·dr11·r, 11 ln• 11•ln•rls & nc1v .Rad1::il tires~ ri.tu~L tit> ~('('fl & dnVPI\ lo 96&-616:? DEAN LEWIS 1-•• -"-' w-.-"'"--,-100 1.%6 Harbor, C.~l. 61&.9303 ~VE f'Ay -_- '68 Toyota Corona lla1·d1u11, ;iuto, arcf1,· whll". .\la)'lJr 11·p 'rc crazy hlJt S\:99 Uuys tl th1!< 11r('k a l~ KUIT0"'4 MOTORI B.1kcr SL. C!I! j41)-~lj CASH ror '!!~ eanr A trucld just call qs fOI' frH e1t1male. GROTH CHEVROIET O pen '111 9 P"I BILL MAXEY .,. '°' s,,.. "'"'"' 1!211 8e1rh Blvd. Huntington Besch l[l©IMOO~ ~WE~PA~v"'~(.-cH- 18881 BEACH BLVD-:-IU Hunt. Beach 847·8SSS FOR YOUR CAR 3 ml N, or Cor,,I ll11y.'" Bch 'ti.~ TOYOTA Sport Coupe CONNELL SliOO or 111ake o rf r r . s:;.~-()j!)!) a 11 1 pin or wi.:rurts CHEVROLET VOLKSWAGEN ~828 Harbor Blvd. Costa r>lesa 5~&-1 200 1968 ELDORADO Sable blac k. blaC'k vin)'l top, black leather in lerior, a ir co11dlt!onln,1t, slereo Ar>l·Fi\I radio, 6·w11.y seat, tilt 41: lelP.sropic steering-11·htrl, po1\'cr door Jo1:ks. Lh'. No. \VBJ6•Hl. 1969 ILDORADO Sable black, black vinyl lu11. blBck leather interior, air t ondltlonini;;-, s tereo Ar>·l-Fi\I radio, 6 ·\\'llY scat. t ill 4 telescnpe 1leerinfl wheel. IJ-0"'"-r door loi;ks. r.1any 0 thr r r xtr as. U c. No. YN\V438 1969 ELDORADO r:ampur i::rten t old \'inyl t op green Jeathet• lnlet•Jot'. air tiJnditlonini:-. stereo A:\1-f:\I radio, 6-\vay scat, tilt and trlC'scopic s l et.r in;:; whcrl. po.,..•cr lloor lfJt ks. f\lany other extras. Serial No. 1!915 11-19 l t6t ILDORADO Chal ice gold fire, black vlny l top, black vinyl top, blacl{ Jr.athf'r intrr · ior, air eondi lloning, stl.'rco A!ll -Fi\'I r&.dio, 6-.,.,;ay ~r.at, Hl1 I-tcll'i;co~ s tceri11i:; 11·11rr l, ri011·r r door lock~. illany o ltu•r •'X lra.s. Lir , .'\o. X\VYJ49 Ma11y Other Clean Late Model Cadillacs & Other Makt:i; to Choese From ALLEN---. 0 Ids mo bi le-Cad i I lac, Inc .A.ufhorited Da•ler I N B 0 A JiO/OutboarJ fishing or l\ki hoal. 5 18·66~0 S•ilbo•t.a i B' i\'lui;t s11c1·ifi1:e. ~ BR 101>:~1:1, \1'11 h addf'd on rooni. Co111p. ~c l ·IJJl in .'> :->l~l' ·parl\. \Yokcnds or ;iflcr 6 11kt!11.ys 1'92-19-11 9010 'liti V\\I Ciuupe.r, f'Xtcllr nt C'Ond1lion. Cnn1pletcJy f'l]lllpprd. P.('as. lii:->-li~).",:i ~une Buggies 9525 be br.!1c;·rrl . 1 1 Ll lPORTu \\"A.'"TED '68 vw Orange Counties 1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY A>• ''"."'°""' ' ,,, '"' ·~!""~l~1cru 1~ ~~.~.u~.~ .. ~~~~'~ ~-r.: J1rtuµ o rt 31111µorts * * SABOT;) * * SUPEP. F/l; RA C I NG \\"j:):,\ll. REG. $3..iO. 0;-\LY S2·1~. INTRO OFt'ER-SlJPPLY Li\ITD. T RAN8 P,\I'. +.i l:.-OZ-2'.l SNJPI::, fbrgl hull, dacrn sail~. ~lnl 1';1ci!ii::" cond. Ser at Bahia Connlh1an Yach! Club, $950. incl Trlr ,t covrr. 01v11'r James t>laul. 421:\J :\32-8JJ j , (o'l-'CS ~'.113t :N2-79G1 . 2:· ST,\P. no. ::i:.:87, ~ sel<; nr sail~ J.· 1railrr Dn1!1er1, 111u:;t Sl'll u111111•dn1lrl.v ~ ! ·199--4061 llf'fO rf' :; :'.(! P:ll wcrkrlays. ~4 ' islander ~lwp ~-(,; 1nh. aux. Pu!pc1. lirad i:,:alh'y, bilge pun1p. full \'Ol'f',JS nnd cushions. Slrl'p~ '1. $1100. TI4-S33-1Jll F:-.:1 221 wk d11ys f\ITF:, NO. 71~._ 11 11 h tratler. S l:IJ. 6 Hi--I\:'. I SELL SlJ!'ER. s1rcr.t buggy . Yotn-!\lohtl(' H11n1e 1~kyra111, furl inJcctrd, a ll FOR CASH ("l n-01111'. :'l lovin;:·mu~t ~t·IL :"o 1-:~r1'11'4' To :-'rll('I' %1-8~92. Call 536.8869 Broker Bl~AVT n<·1v rl1~s1g n slrl'•'I .\lOBJLt: I lo1ne for :;aJr , :! buggy. ·t;.i ('!wv1;1 r Er1i:. B P.. f<J111 1iy s <' c I Ion. ;\Jany 1'\lra" 11wl ~JJ;i!'<' cng, l.;lnd.s(»1prd. Ct1.ll a ft Ii, big 1 1 1'1'~. s1;-ioo. >1!16-'.l.'>OO '.'1:lfr !Sli:: I C:""==:OOO:~C==:OO= Motorcycles Imported Autos 9300 9600 1~167 110 .\'D,\ ltiU SCRA.\fBL EP. Elf'r. star1 r r, 800 orli;, mi. $·100- 1!167 ~\,\TC!ll.E:->S iiOOCC Li:'!80 St·r<"11ntil!T. Yor 1!1c puns! 16:10 1 '".i~ r1:1L-\l/Jlf T.I(.\(}(' j l() CC \·rry 1•:r;in_ 50:..0. JAMES LTO 1 ·i~ r f\r•11 JJ01·L Bl\'rl 'ii7--:'\ul"1 on jj)~-,.-,.-, -,-,-.,-,-d-,~,, f<'r"-"· 1 ·u~1 paint, lol nl r hronir S'.J.>O or brsl ol!rr ·,1:)-1)~1': BLLL 111·-.L:lll:.T ~.:;_, Call Jwh11 al l1'1 Ii r 'i ! ALFA ROMEO 'lll ALFA n a1neo, redu1:ed f!'Onl SlOOO lo ~7;J(). Ptrell1s, Jl&I!. Rl.'rl . ll42..(j6{)6 AUSTIN HIALIY AUSTIN AMERICA :->air~. !'rrvirt', Ppr-I~ J 111rnN:ha te-Orl1\'Cry All 1'1orlels J1rtuµort 31111 Oil ·~ ·:1\10 \\'.Coa st Hwy., '.'i.B, bel11·f'r11 4 & fi P>l 1--==~~~--' J7' O'DAY l)ay.~a1 lr r 1;1-,_o;;~·• Dc1no 1!7,)(}. L'~cd 5r~;,f) --.<r;-l!i!J-n-.. -,,-11-, -- 111:!·!! IQ:, :l·lG-l i61 .\1J lh••l :1rd ~IC Df·alcr 14' O'Day l <('d .••. s:)()u •\00 <'I' * 1·~·6U f un Zone Boat Co. Ball.Joa \ • ~\\~-~SZ\i • I DATSUN z:r Rhodes Albii rross. Vr ry ---wl!O:\D.\ Tit,\ IL '.~)-64 PIC up gd. run<!. :; jibs & clrrt •11i.'1 • j 7 K :aoo \V, Coa ~t /!ll"y ,. N.fl. 6t2-!nu:; :..10-ti61 Autl1orilr'il :.1r. Dralt'r '67 !llCB-GT A:ll·F;\-1, 1100<1 sir 11hrrl, nrw l1rrs. 2~.000 ili1. -~2:{\0. IJ.1'.!-7·11:•. PORSCHE '59 P ORSC!I F: cou [lf', A:'ll/F'.I!, f·hnlll\I' \\h\'el~. 11111c1[ r\ha11~1 . pl'IC{'d to Sl'il. ~:IT~. ·1~~>-l~"i'J i'ORSCHE '67 Porsche 912 Coupe r.1ra1nil\g der p 111'01.'ado C'\· !rr1or \l'/IJJa,•li 1nlt·r. /\:-0!/ .f lit . ch1·0111f' 11·hrl'l~. bun1p. r r horns, rt1• lnunar u.Jall' thr1.1 out, J1rtuµort 3h11µor1 s :;100 IV. Coast 11\I)' .• N.A. 61:!-9-10:1 j .J()..l i61 lo1adc1d~1 110,11ey e1'f'n111 cxt _,01.::1._s.~'cc''=-·~-=~P"h,""'847-855;J -.494-1084 547-3103 pus 1 bac: in t. Take sn1all 1- duwn cir tr;.irlf', L.riw , loll' WE PAY TOP i '!!!!!!!'!!!~"'!~~~~~T-~~~!"!~~~""~~~~~~~~~!!~~~~1 r.1111111~. VHFS90LB. cau DOLLAR J I - h:cn 4fl1-9t7:: r.1· ~-J.1-N34. for good. clcii n u~rrl r.1rs. CAMARO CORVAIR 'ti;:. \"\\", ~ <!001', ~ :;peed . all inal\i>s. Sec Gcor;;r Ray ---------' l'<1rl10, hr.;itrr. b('<HJli Cul red Tllrodo1·c P.0h111" Ford '68 Can1aro :117. r: s. P/~I ti'! CO RV ,\IR VA:--< ;ind ~h.oi·p, P.U.\1 J~o: $109.J. ~'()(i0 llarbor Blld. R.11 . Auto. 284 \\110\ :'it. C:lt $62,J or BEST offf'r C:irl s i\lo!or Co. Inc., 19-11 C :II. lit'-0010 6·1:'l·1991 rvts. \\'111 t1·adr. :~JS-0 141 Stc•·c I liu·l;.ur. C.:'ll .. li·ll-G-ll3. 1 B ==="'======= 'GS VIV CAMPEn. Ccoog .,., Wil uy CHl!VROLET CORVETIE l-".\1 illulTiplex r:.d10. PC"rfPc1 • {·r:ind . s2800 or h<':;t oUcr. \our Volkswagen or Po_r!ithe 1-----------.61 C:or•'cf1 ,. 327 _ :;:i(I hr •'On· Iii 1-1 ;,~~'. <iflr i· Ii f'~l (..; pay t or dol lars, Paid lor '&G CHEVROLET (';,p11r,._ \<'fl. ~ lup~. 4 sptl. l!ur:.t, ,66c,cvcw~~C-m-.,-.~8c,c,,c,.:..,,-11-,1-,-. -1 or not. CaJ~n~~fuh One ownt.>r cnr w ith only ,.·1111 cotul. l '.1100. 1141_fl8:l1 intrr. & !up. Tt&ll. Porsehr -----------I ~ 1.000 miles, has all power + Io========== l"l lllS. Ininiae. S J 3 j 0 , PV. l'ly 11anl~ CLE::.\'.\, 111-a n• eonch liuning-. Ahsolutrly COUGAR ti-:;-:-M67 "~ p <'ns11T 1r;.i11s1~11'\al10111 1he l'le11.11e~t one in tow n. MUSTANG '67 Mu~tang F estb•ck !!1;::h pcrlorn1a11l't'. 4 spd, tn 1,;ht .>Pl111111 11 11h hlack 1i·1n1_ S!l1\n fl~ ~{'(' ii & )'OU l\IU buy 11'! 0~11 'til ~. KUSTOM MOTORS 'fi."1 t>!UST1\NG C on v" r (. •·01·0;1, new lr;in~ .. good l'Ofl· dit1on. on!' n11·11er, $JU9j '°"°"'~~c-c--~----1 !"JI'. Pnnt·1plr.~ <J ro I y, .11111 Slc111uus i\l t• r ,. (' r! rs '6~ V\V ~llld•'k, lo 1111 ~. :-,Int 6-12--06j1 llC'llZ, l'JO \V. \Varner, Sanla 1%8 Coug<"l r. ~::00 & !ake O\'l'r lii::.6QTo ;i!lf'T' b <'<Ind. S2Joo, '(i'.l V\\'. 7 pa ss,1-----------Ana, :i4Cl-4lll IJl11c &: 11!1! bu~. Jo nilg.l-----------1----------- SJOOJ. a111-~~i:,1 . Aut• Le1fin1 fl!O _'S~ Chev. 't•. Win. '68 V\V Sunroof, Blaupunkl -, .. / ""'' -B•1A1r,4 0r,Very Kl!OtfC1'.lnd , Ai\!IF.\l, C<Xo. niiil~. niint LEASE_ N.ENT Rt!huilt 18J englnc, new lirf'~. I 'I II nrw tr1111 ~ .. po1.-cr ~leering, cont~. u.~r sr , ,\Jakr olter! ORDER YOUR po1w•r brakr.s. a11lo 1r11.n s. -'\!ll-61i9l lt70 TOOAV i\!11~! si'!' liJ a11pr"f'cia1r . Rca- 'fl> \'\\", :.11111·r, n.i:-11, :;1(•rro. FOR EARLIEST ~nn11 bly 111·u'erl n1 ~.-):111 l"i1rll1.~. ~k1 1,1l'k, ~·ha1ns. DELIVERY Ca ll ll~i-il.~7 i\!u.,L ::-«JI. .t !\i-.1::1~. .\11 pupula1 111;1\.;c.< Forrl '6,"i Chevellr 1\h1 l1b11 SS, ~'27, '6~ V\V Ca111pcr Sl!OO or au1hoiile\[ Jcas111r. s.1~1r111. sptl, IJur:;t llnk;ii::r. 11c11 n1ak<' orrrr. t:n•a\ co11d, ndi; Ge! Our Co1nf)l11ill\·e Carr ! lll'Pli" A: bl'<1kc~. nc "' nH1f- 11;1111t .101!. li7:'.-028t1 Theodore Uer~ t. re blt n1nll)r. Xlnt payn1cnl:<. :\lnc i:onU1!1on. '67 i\lVSTA,\C: Call 641i-~i8:ll rOl1\'C'rl1hlr 11·/au·. P/S. JJL'W widr 11r('s, n1ag 11 h@tl.fs. \\'111 consider lra.r!f'. 1179:i. 61~79. DODGE '67 DODGE DART OLDSMOBILE \\lhile with vinyl lop. au· con. 111 11011111~. awlo, 1ra11.,·_, j)l>1i·· 1 l!J'.,!J OLDS Supe r 88. 4 Dr. 1·1 ,l{'C'1·1ng, 1~1l110 and hr<tlPr. I· ull !H' r. C'lcc l\'ndws. a1r- i\l!IH sr>ll. $JT:1:i. :::i.U()Q !II •b· •·0 11rl L\ery1hJng 11·ork.~! in;i J nl dcs. Ca!J l).'.l7 .. u ;J6 ;,~i;-~i:,1.1:: Oni::inal ownrr. 's';-Cu7L7ucs'"7uc,,c11-,ccc'o_"_"'_' "loa~d. '69 Porsche 911S ·,,7 \'\V 1·nn•1, lu 11 1lg. ~d. ROBINS FORD ;:ond. f'ilusl 11a cr1f11 ·r $\~(;:;_ O" I '"' >If 1· or hr'l offer. 8-J da)'> Au1holi1.rrl :'llG J){'a Jrr FORD I"'(/. .\ltil 1·nncl, l owner. S\600 . 67:,.._Jj()-1 Ta' •• '°S9S,00 ,. "'. _.,__:; ' er ·.vr ~ ~06U Harbor F\!\·d. '''·'"J>I ~ __ . ~ ~IOVTNG nut of sla\r . "66 • ,. h __. . {j,.,_o::;'''',' k;:-~";;;;;i;;;o;;~ 1;c~-;·~-~,,~,,:·~-~~~~!~"~~0;;1~'}~~;-;:~;;::-~~~'.'i " gorgcuus l'Rr. 1nb C11 111 "·'" ", _ _,,. -· Ut1u·k t·nnvr1·1. \\'1ldl'<1I Aw. 1 ~ T olll, i;:1~11I n1n111ni: rQndi-~pec1aJ 1ang•'rlrlr-w / /\111 'Gli \'\~' R 11~, :..lnl ro11<li1 1on, 'liG lin pa\a l-flr. V-ll, iill·t full pwr , till slCC'r "'hcrl liw1. 1ed r)l;I, 1wJg 1111 . (llr. blnck 1n!cr .. i\J n10~1 ritw: 111\rs! ~rll . fit -... 1~:1i 11flt'r Y"' LEASE ,,,..., ll•r . P/0R. P/B. r:trlln. n"w 111.ig 11·hL'1•ls. Like 11;\\'• n101Qr. Da~·s: 6 4 j -0 2 2 :! n iek 6j3~02.1 E i,:e s: S~t-1::9s 'Ii.• :w:, l !ON~Sl'-rn-.. -.,-,,-1'1", GOOD transpo.rtat1011. ·:l"l (/Iris ll,lt, lttll power S'i.i :JG:.!~8 1 lfi. '68 Ct;TL/\~S Supren1r. :JO cni;. ps & ph, ar r. vinyl lop, S2600 or tor~1 s.r1-;;s91 11 111 l11kl' T1ailr 111· ~111al l only ~!."ill n11 1r~_ .....-,,,. & d1'1\·c , ·,·::11 111 "~ iw 011 !1"1' Sl';,,(l I SlflOO \L:'U ··1 }' • -ii l'l!l hi'!' fli\! 1111_, flJll 10 l>o'llP\<', (1\ f\ul1\I,,. Cu1qw dr \".l le, 8374177. 81&--747') 11 ,.,,-'., ~ ;:.'. "1tl Sj(}. SEA Sc o 1J I ' .s dl.'s pcra 1ely Barnrtl !'h11t·l1 $ '.l 110 . nri>d 11. ?>IAIN ~ii lot· '.l~ :iHJ 1:1111 a flct' ;, nn1 1-'00T ALBA TRO SS , 642--j i6!1 'I -, ,,, '.\I .-1 ' -, ,-=--,, ' ' !/I \ \\' V<·lu~<' 1 pa~.-11\1~. r II I ,, ,, Ir -... 1 ... ·' ' I -,' .,r _.,,, I•' 1i1'h'<' ~''l'I l.K\'1:z:11l , 1·all I II y C'f[Ul[l/)<'( r 1110 Cl 1EV'i'-.. i7-,-,,,-,-"~ ,,,, .~-~----B,,~r (!!H !' :1!ll\',l 1 111 11~11 .1,1111, .. ~~1 1.~177:rii·~i!:i1 ~::1 ~,:l1 '"''1111 ~J1:111y :-.l11!s. !i~ LTD 1p•, ~11 . J•,.;, PB, l"Ul:lJ Cn11y ,'-,qu1rr, LI DO l I [''II' -1"1 1>->I '''''' · I ''•'l"J '1 · "~ s11ck. n1""' 11rr, .\ [l~nlt , ,, ·, ,.,., ,.. fi !~r.1111:1 1·1 • .r ('\1 'I~ · --~·1 • ·' ,., .. .,,,, 1·~irl111, SllY.l 11 1,1 un;; u111wr. ,\,,IX~J 1111. air racing gea1· ,~· 1111y 11·a1lrr --( -. ---1 -ORANGE-COUNTY'S ---,.. ·r 11 . ~.J;,o, lij-11 Jrffrr.~1111, 11 IJ_ .. PB/P. tij CLlTLA,')S. ~"-.~,,-.,-,-.,-,·I lull P'lll'('r <'\"rf'J coll(f $1.100 6 1~·01 77 ' Likr new. 61 1_1 ~711 I '!Ob 11 J:-..D,\ ·:•,, ('11!J. \.o NO. I ,\l l'~'I' S< II ,,1; \'\\" Can1pr1· i,• -. ( ,1;11111,,, SPl~J. 812_,1!J34 1·011u. ·"'· 11!'w 111·J·-, 1111 1,'agr. ~l-'• f•tl l,1• 1·q11q.1, l11w 111 1, A-I! SOUTH COAST ·1r,ry tlC'an. XlnT t·uud. ~!G~JO PENGUIN ~;iiltXJal 11 '~'1 ~l~·~•I.~ DATSUN DEALER 1 :1,...,1 1 ,ff 1~-1~-Ho:;,; r"'''" CAR LEAS I NO '6S CA~IAHU 327 II :--._ 11 "'· 1 GL!-{!:i\Jl. I PLYMOUTH WI •• ,, • ,,,,1,, •. ·rop -11-DOT DATSUN .. 100 \\. Coa~l llw;; .. N.B. -----r ii' c I[ "B ,., •1·>• Riii Auto 281 l~n.,\ ...,, C\I '66 F I "' ' ... v ·;,'1 \'\\ ('11-r• .. 11 r ,1 n11•''r h11< .;~1 •! 11 Y." -•--,,, ' ·• · ., · a con Fufura -----------1 r1 ition S42i S:\7-!tl'."\~ A uto So•v·,,,,, ti!1-:nr,:1 '.i ll)-1764 s.t •• Z!ln l evr~_ \\'1!11 1;-i<lr--.. l'-~::., Cr,1,h l;hd, J i\illh'll'l~··d "\1(; P<'.•l<'r 1\\l/!'\! /',1d1u. \]u~t ~!·II ' 1-1illy (Jclory <'f]Ulppcd, lJ!r. '65 PLYMOUTH Kf'rJ-: i\·c" 67\j. ' & Parts 9400 ll 11r1111•:;_t0Jn f;r\o'h \ • -1:11.-Bi?71 ·:17 l dr. Dt<l11 1r h11ril!•'l1 \'!I I )ti:r, Aqua B!or. Xlnt conrl. '1'!;7~! or ,1(1.1'1.I ! 6 1 Porsc.he S90 Coupe , ---~~=~----I U ·c•c•_d_C_•_•c• _____ c9c9c0~0 111th Mlanlla rd lraii-, :ill 1'1,,,11,. iil!hl!..'~ ,'-,1!1'il11r, 1 •Ir. f!T, bu(·kct 't,c; V\\' nu.~ -1 • ~--I * 6j:::-:::s 1~ * Beach Auto Supply -, _-, . • , --- 1 A c ·hr·1·1·~· \Jl:.11-1n fJ111~!i 11 6S 'POPTS . ·d 1 , ~oo rn·111> ,t, ~1111 •.'On1 .. klS-1,jl(>i -0 ~1',ols, «('I ~ir·, P"r :;tcennr:-, \\"hnlr,.,.Jr P1 ·ir·r" h1 i\ll b• LJ1~T.'iL;~1·• l+111{J ~"lt111, 11111 •t1i\l 1·a-lil\~ 1111<'1',, i\l\~,_._ f,\1'RAS' !' •. ti( an. ,,1 fi:l \\. !I f' r\LI 'J7 Ha11ch \\a:.:on, dli· Ila~ 11;111 f'\•C'Pllonal POST-\'1 1\P.. H!IO!J t .:' ;:_: a111 0, f.,tll _.,lllM) !1\1 $1100. 11•1''1)' 11,,10'1-,, II\ •'l•'I " d-· 1;1c·-.-.\'.l\-ti~li7 11\1., air, pwr .. Vin}! to, .. Top CHEVY II , ·_· ag-on . fa intly lnJ rar. 1"1111" 'l'!'ilL \I II I r " ,11,,,, \I o,,, ... ~ ...:11 .. p ·· ~ , , I •10 •·a1·r .. lt-t "" u• ,,1·~ 11>o ,,,0 , '.I 1 Ex·n11~ri11.-.1 /ll.L, '-01 ' ' ' • '' 1'" • · 1s ·-q, * · ' l""d110·0", 4". i -~·.i~·.•, ""~Ii. 1 1'. ·• ·' :?~171 Vi•I> D•, ".B. ,·,r"•09·1 " "' ., I ~· * ,) ,-.II, l.i •I '•;; V\\' -"•·dan Sunt,J()f_ ,\.\!··~=""==="='=-=-=====--! ··-•,M:~.'>,,"'1·, J "' • " ..--lfl!l1 \\'1 U l•nt• (IJYI Jll'IY, LB. OR PART. li-!fi-fi~llll r\'"~ ;>J..-'''< .fJlllflllH'lll I· -.._,n "'' !'\TS " 11!'• \'ll'l'Jl'l <i. C;\1 ~,JS-f:j:;O ~-·-· l·\1 l'\rw paint. l!1J~T 1ll'll-------,~PLbll l, L\1!1 Ken, 4:>-l-!177~ P-tAT i\o:'.!G:1--\ 1~::ti1 Hca1.h Blvd. HB S4i-0991 ENGLISH FORD 1,.,·~1 nffrr. ~i !S-SlfiS. BUICK :.7 2--tlr. Cliel'. j.'.nod •53·{~n00d,,. '66 FORD XL. On;.:. owner. nr ~.1·,.1.111.:1 trailf'r, liJJI 1are • Oncn 7 Day~ -..--1,..-,s-,-'W-,-,,-"'-. i·r" -,-,,-,,-= rehuiH :l!\3 rrv.;inc, 28.000 ~-11 . L-Oadf'1!! Slill Tn,\NSPOi\l·',c1,onc,-,,c,-(c.-_-1-, ··~ "ilO '"' "" "" '69 RIVIERA Slfi-0714, '"3-1,396 d • " " '"......, Gfo~NU !N t: :-.1At.: \''Ht:ELS ORANG I COUNTY'S Below Book. un rr ii arranly .o l 6 :; .) · r.~cr llcnt 1.'0IKl1 llon. 'J !J LIOO 14. H111' trailer . s;tils, 14:1,7 S90 fH'i' sci plus lug.;;, VOLUMI ENGLISH * :J-1ti-991J t '6j Chevy ln1pala 2 Dr. Good 847-2l9:i Pl)•mou!11, :) door. hardtop. ' I II SlOO/ rr t'Oflll. AiJ!O, V-S, Sl100. 6(1 ··a· RD ,, I ,, d . ~.,,. "'2 ,,,., "' u rqu1p. . o rr. I.· c<1ps. FORD D&'LIR '66 VIV Sru·f, b<1gc w/l>lk '"'' llardton. nn"rr .~l1•c1i11:::, a l;On ~ oor radio ~" '" D"-1 -v "" ·--" I '''99~Q ~ :noo IV, Cua ~I ll"Y·· N.B. ,. ..~ ,. fi7 ">--6lll d 1 ood 1====:00======-I l~ COil( · p-ou-~Jfl, Natienal Speed Center I iALll. lltlVICi 6~1_9 HJ:• j l()..JiG4 R/1!. Porsche rinis, XJn1 POWrr 11indo11·i. 111t 11 hel.'1 ,1 -'--'-'~~-~~-.,----an 1cater. g transporla· PONTIAC IAIOTI ]\IO 1-1, llii-hor. Costa l\-le111 ·~ ,,JQDELS l-+11111, 61 ., 511 _11c"ol N.\IVi,EDR<Talf'*i· cond. SJ3j(I, j48-271 G factory a rr. vinyl top, pow-'l 7 Chllll)' Non1ad t1on car, 1;»2 Pega~u. Sanla Nr1\' cornplelr S2li!I * 6 1:,.(~lfl t!6-(;/()0 Op<'n ·111 :1 I) nn S<l l. -V\V l rr ~ll'erlng brakes Low New pa int A uphol. Ana Hrights, $49-0449 Immc:lllale delivery 'fiAI !\('ran. good rond. · • · Nice corn!. 5-1D-1000 .,, FORD • , I '(i!I PONTIAC U !\I COLUMBIA 11 LAJ:c;~: Sl'.:LECfJO;-.; Xlnl cone.I. All Xll'as nu pnt. $jJO 510-2164 e:o:l :!8 days, Jo1v miles. S4383 dlr. PhollC! Lunvert10 e. Runs · ' ' a ns, a ll', • M;).08 l() • MOTOR HOMES 9215 TLoodo•e s:i7-~~JI, f1Vl'I. 812-6031. '6:Z t Or. Che\')' l111pala, P/1, 1ood. f:Hlj, P111', auto. Take older C'ara~ 11 !op. illus ! ~rll. 6·16·1134 _ _ 'Ill 8 1 k R" . Pih. nlldllll tit'ei. Xlql T 816-JOJI t 1ltt, ·rake over p11 yments MARINER 19' ROBINS FORD '68 Por sche Tari;a . Jo mlg, 'flt! VW, 28,000 1111 u c iviera, full pwr, cond 1ftj() ~A :lffii-4 1117 mo. 6~·01.U j mo~ old • ti!j.l)SlO j/~iQ llarlxir Blvrl. _i.;lnl cont!. 11.1111 i\lacave Xlnl tvnd. SLl!l:i air, ):Jnl cond. Mu~l 8"11 thi" · ' -' Power Cruisers CRUIZON' 16' Cabin cruiser \\'OO<l/fha:l!I. motor & trlr. SJ;,O. ~>-088 Speed-Ski aoers F REE Boflt repair est. Trailer your l)();it 10 1hc nev;esl, fastest Uoat i;ervit-e in the araa. Let 111 n11k11 your boat like new (no job loo small I. \\"~ also sell riberglass supplies~ 0P<'n 1 d)'l/\\'k. V.'IND AN' SEA 1137 Superior Costa f<ofcl\a. &12-7fill7 loet Meinten1nce 9033 JI' F ibrra:ls ::ioot t..· on shore moor ing: 110 hp Volvo .. S!"rn drivf', .s/1 rer!lo. bail ta.nks, f'le. Xlnl rond. C.d,. ski boat. o" .shore 1nont1n~ &lboa Isl, Nri. Bay jJ.\-67:>-2.i99 14'&" LiLASl'AR. 7 ;-, II P E vinrude motor. Good con- dltlon $625. 6j.1-:-.J:JA 19'7 16' Glaslmn, SO h_p_ P.lerc-ury. Xint cond. $149.i C11ll 67l-22.\Ct lY Horizon Sk• hoat. Mf'r e. New frailf''". "'42-~7 ~fl 4 PM 31'1 llP S12:i0. ,, _________ _ FDR MDTORNOMES OIC DISPLAY TME •ll M[lf DODGE "EXPLORER" Stt!o< .. titloi .. •It-tlr "t .. "· Utt ........ Mft •I• t~n•. altdltR, , ......... t, •1.l 11,ll. ll '00T, 11 '001. )S 1'001. 1 'l•ll f lllAN(;. INll A• Al'l'lOYla Cll l Dl t. lf;111 Rf ACH RIVO HUNTIN GTON BlACH ' I() '( .. "J<l r ini.-. S:-isotJ. 67~"'9,t-;:, Call 12131 :i9l-2'.l&1 wkrnd. i\1akc offer. Eves & 196~ IMPALA. Xln! transp. MERCURY '61 PON'rlAC Station \Vagon, 642·0010 ,;."""";;,c,:..::c~·=·~--l 'iiiliiUi'.""'-i>it-;;;;fi:r;;;TiO,l-'~'~ke~oo~'~·~'~r~~3l~>~I-car. $f2.J. Call a lt. 6 pm wk. partial en~ine re built, nc..,-'511 PORSllE convl'f1, supc!t '1111 BUS, reblt ang, roiclio, -! M&-Olll!l Hl'll1. t :1u1ell•nt conditron. Gd ml p new tlre~ x lnt corul r>lusl l•nk lltepassesslon { tt)'ll ' '86 ParklRM convcrtib!f'. Power. 546-691)1 FERRARI c ng. ·co · vi pty. SllOO. ·' · -' 1-1 s 111··k Sk)'l,-o''', -1, co••d,, ''7 Chovy B•lalr, 1 tlr, clean. N • · 3' -,-,_,---,o----~-", o 1~9~ cvrs ~rlL 67;r2877 or J37--4Si i ""' ~ -" " .. e1v top ,.,. tires. ~.OOJ ac• 1--o--PoN-C •0~ '~ 1 Call "-II alter • I ·1 p · d "'-"' 1 TIA Bonneville. '&I PORSCllE 1,_ C, "• ''"l ~V\V Bti:-lj xtnt t'OnJ.!::!6.:.0 ps, P l. pw, llf'W l ln'~. ..._.. · " ru&. mies. rice !o sell: FERRARI "'JU •~ • fi l2-3 lll f':'I !, 2·H rir 2:\7, 6·1{)-..Vl l:i 5-l&-3322: 67:>-s:H•l, cvcntngs (m l 1 "'!'~, $2YI or bes\ of· paint. Xlnt cond. $1900 ot· or miik!' GI er. l:':"::'.'..'..'...::::':..'..:.C'C' . .'.'.:'.':-_,jo=='"'~;,:;_==== & iveckends. f1·i·_ •11::2 Sanburg \\lay. Nel\'J)Orl Import! Ltd. Or· offer. 91>8-711·1 Ca \l 645-1803 BUICK No. 2~.1. 11 a• CHRYSLER •"'.CC'------lJnll'!'J'~ily Park. 833.22;)4 ange Count;y'1 only 1 ulhor· \ •60 VW SlSO <'"Clylhing: '68 1'1ERCURY J\1onl 1';.; o ·Gs:Fu-cbird t.llU' new. Loll' iJerl dealer. '60 PORSCHE. Nciv p;i inl. ' BARGAIN: \1·agon. 16,j()() n11 , 'l \,{X.() 1n1 SALES·SEF!VlCE·PAP..TS r r blt ('n&. xlnt l;ond . IJ!(l() i iJ""V\ic*s~"'~''o:.(<0,1"-j;,--;:*;<:;'ijO;;t\ _ _'6~'1~2-~22.>"!:"2'.."•~"'-"~'~Pc\~t--'67 CHRYSLER i1·ru1·anty. Full p11·1., sicl'ro. in!les. autom. <l<X.l l\1errimac 3100 \V. Coast l-h\-y. or offl'r. 96S--71~,1 ·i;s VI\'. Sl::.00. 111 CXl"t'Ucnl :-.ln1 ('{ind. $2400, 614-02ti1, \Vay No. :)8, C M Ne.,.,'port Beach I'===========· 1 cund1!1on. F'HEt; ri1uity. A~~ u 01 l.l a vail Oct. 13111. '67 LE l\IANS Conv. \Vht. lo G4:?·94~ s.tO-l76f ROVER ' Pl\: 67:,.3186 pymL<i. l!IG!I Buick Sk~·Jark. 2-DOOR HARDTOP ini. Nice . .Ek-'l otter. Eves, Aulhonzed Ferrari Dealer J'M'" V\\' "'OOO I Good Se!', :?i8 l\:nox !:;I., CM V-8, 1uton1allc, factory air. ~~,,E.~NI>. 8'6,7.1 C0011or'.',Y 1,",',','. ~A8-60JG. Ferrari lllOO, 250 GT, 7,000 """ • .,.., "11 c&. i c'"c'":..:"o'c'-~-----pol\'et 1!'.!tring, po11:ir br a-,. " ~ • I b Ill ·s;, ROV ER 200J. Extre111ely condition. Take o v ~ r 3 k R 10l ktl, radio & ht..iler. lmnl&· ~i-18-34Sl or 6~!122 1963 BONNEVILLE. good m on re u •na. near naw clean .. 20.000 n1i. PrrfCl'I for p<1 ynlt•n ls .. Call 8·12-7;;1i9 '6, Buie 1v1er;i, 111r, m-t ond, Call ;i,ft f pm or .,.,·eek. tnl.~r!or, good genera l m n-young family. l\lakc olfe1·. :'11 1\CULATC:. loaded. culatG. <Unt~ 7t11. nd Sll--039• di!ion S3500. Call :il5--Z'l6:l Pn Ply '>IG-3;'>28 '6!'! V\\I Bug. !\!a ny ex ti-as. s111:;_ ·19·\.400l $2295 MUSTANG c a, ·"· . ' " . $~or trade for V\V Bus.I--~--------'68 Pontiac Catalina, fact FIAT '68 Fiat J2·1. ~p\ rfl". r&h, a ir, n1a; whr('l~- l~~-S-.:28 {'\ ('~. JAGUAR '64 J AGl)AR :ts 11u!nn1al1c Sedan. i\lAl<E <)F FER. '."t46--9941 KARMANN GHIA TRIUMPH ~8~553 '62 BUICK .compacl, fl!ll, '66 !\l uslang V-3, autoli1. one 811', loadl'd. 21.COO miles. aulo, xlnL N!':w tln-s. $39a. J ATLAS Lo " Pv t * ,,-,.,•~ * ------------, 'liG V\V, one n11·nr.r. A!\·1/t"i\I. 0.,.,.,}('J". 194--49l"i o"·ne r. w ni .. cs, • p y. ..--.... 11·s11', top condition. 1/73--3~061~==========, &12-47:)7 I ~====«=;=:;=== '65 SPITFIRE 11f!e r 1:30 pn1 . CADILLAC Cl fRYSLER. -l'LY.\10UTH ;i; 1969 f\IUSTA/\GS. flJJly RAMILfR ------·---I 7929 HARBOR BLVD. Loaded ... S2j00 each Egg "-h1lr. Italian red In!., VOLVO COSTA MESA 54&.1:!3~ ;.3 1.:JZIQ I I l d T CAD 'S8CdV, blur , air, ru.Jl OP'n Daily '11110 p,m. 1 --~-,c:__,:.::..:... __ ~ '4 .spd, d r, oca ly 0>1·ne · ----------o •t I 1 =========== '" CONVERT, 4 •pd . !\lust ,. ii d Bl •--k li"'T"., Ail1fr i•, 1nn1 1tc .1; "" i:.Xt't' {'11\ i·on • ur '"JU VOLVO p 67' I ""~ 88.crilict1 (;o!W' tu servir.-e. $127;,. Full Price SIO;)()., will 144j(). I' ply. .l-,,,.,.,, CONTINENTAL · ~·9--17 , ·"G8LB C""'' "-J d v·11 /\!'lk1ni:: sm. ,,,.. 1 4 day~. r1nc prvt prtv_ NR;.,,, . f\U ,;c( c l c. 81f, tX• ('all Phil. 4~·9773 01· ·::;1:..~14. CL EA RANCE NOWI tras, Oria: owner, ·~ equip. C!ron, lo '68 V.S hdt]1, 4 ·on lloor. 19.000 '66 TR!Ui\1Ph Tn 4 142 . 144 -145 -164 Perfect 7\4 ... l~l--87!M 1nl. 11~. D<i)'S :11~1171. 011. A;\1 -rill·!ilCl'W. i\l~s1 * gnorl condition* T l IF: LO\VEST' PRICES '64 COUPE:' 1lc Ville, air, evt~ ~lMl. sell. 67~116 .. SELL t('a.c;on11hle or trade for P.U. '&I R11mbl~r 2.Qoor sed1ut. 612-8018 or 5'18-0203 allrr '.'i p111. T-BIRD n casonablf' )-18-412.\ YOUH. Rf.ST DF:ALS A:J-F~l. Olhf'r r xTras. Pv. BUSIEST n1arkf:'l11l8c{' in 'b!l !\1u!1ih1111; l :il. z..·59 KAR:'ITANN G h \as . DAILY Pl LOT D I J'.1 E · A -AJtF: ST[l.L .\T Pty., $l09:-i. 6i:-...-:l6:t:. town. Tiie DAILY PILOT Z·specd. Xlnl. roi~ Good tr•n~portatltrn ct1n: or Ll:'lif.S. You r-1111 u~ 1h,.1n DEAN LEWIS 'ii§ CAO TLr::f.i'WOOo Cliu1slllffi a11l'!lon. ~ • v e ll150. ~ii l!lG7 T·BI Tl,D, 1 O .... 'Tl<'r. Tm· 01111'. ('Oll!l.. law m i's . Gf'l- l i11g 1970 T·Bird. For '1Ui1;k 1111~. S20t'J av.r low blue hook $2450. D11y.s 646-ml, Eve. 1573.516,) bu$!!0' n111.tcrial. 117.5 & sz::;o. l'lr ju~t J>C'Mllil.:'!'1 II. day. Dial I BROUGHA~I I n1onry, time .-. effort. Look THE QUICKER YOU CALL, P~.::""c'~"~":...c">-~2'~1~1C. -'------"~2_.;-.i;_-_'"------~ 1~166 Hl'.'r~r. (' 1\f 646-9~3 9:i00 miles 4~M-ti8112"° -~w-·1_'_' --------TI·IE QUICKER YOU 5ELt~ .. - I STARTER SET LIMITED OFFER Honeywell Pentax Photo Sy~fem. Penfax Camera plus 135 mm Super Ta kumar F/3.5 Telephoto Lens. ~::~~~r~llR ......... $289 BAKER'S WESTCLIFF CAMERAS 548-4935 PAPER PARTY GOODS CENTERPIECES f.AVORS GREETING CARDS COME EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTION PAPER UNLIMITED Westcliff Plaza-548-7921 (East of Market Basket) MA,ltKET BASKET SPECIALS - -·--WITH COUPON-- -, :110E 49 ····-·········-scr: ._ ___________ U.S.D.A. CHOICE-SHOULDER 39• CLOD ROAST .. . . .. .. .. .. n. BARTLITT PEARS 41 "'· 99¢ AQUA-NET 59¢ HAIR SPRAY 13 ... c ••... MARKET BASKET WESTCLIFF PLAZA -----.,.----~--------......------------ Dawn to yaWJI fashions from CULOTTES-GOWNS-ROBES SLIPPERS & CURLER CAPS l(Uf.f PTY DUMVl'Y CH•LO ACNS SM041 SUNSWEET PRUNE JUICE UNSWEETENED -Made from healthy Californi a prunes wit h tangy flavor. QUART SIZE OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 10 P.M. ·rnEE Hickorr Fanni of OhJa MUSTARD With 1 lb. of World Famous Em.mcx From flfcbtJ ...,,.,_of Ohio •wr.crs Ltl?M 1:HffSE SlOD1.S ft(Clec1'7 tel!!f · WESTCLIFF PLAZA NIWl'OIT llACH 48 TOWN I COUNTRY OIANfi'I •one-stop' shopping at its finest! OPEN JHURSDA Y & MONDAY EVENINGS ..,,,,t;;;i AUTUMN BEAUTY ~Soft, graceful wave' compli- \ ment Fa ll's new femin ine look ' in fashion. C all today for "" appointment. 32 GAL:. HEAVY DUTY TRASH CAN e 7 YEAR GUARANTEE e LOC)(.ING LID e OLIVE GREEN $6.19 VALUE $4 1 99 RION HARDWARE 642-1133 DRAPERY SPECIAL I DAY DRAPERY SERVICE 95~ PER PANEL CLEAN ANO FAN FOLD JUST INSTALLED ••• Brand New MaytOI) Washe-n Plu5 4 Giant Washen for .... ,, e Blankets, etc. Montgomery Cleaners & Laundry OPEN DAILY 8 A.M.-9 P.M .. SAT.8 A .M.-6 P.M. .il~ • Complete Shoe, Lu99a9e and Hand Ba9 Repair COBBLERS BENCH 5 CONVlNllHT SHO,.S e CORONA DEL MAR -340' l . Co~Hf Hi9hway e NEWPORT IEACH -l4ll Ylo Lida e 74 FASHIO N ISLAND -N-port leoclt e WESTCLlfF PLAZA -1108 lrrl,.. A••· -Newport IHC!it · e Roblino11·s FCQihlo11 hla11d Optometrist Dr. Lou Roy Elder • CONT ACT LENSES • REFRACTING • EYE WEAR STYLING • PRESCRIBI~ WESTCLIFF PLAZA 1124 IRVINE NEWPORT BEACH 6<42-0720 MEN'S FORMAL WEAR SPECIALISTS darrell's dedrick TUX SHOP SALES -DELUXE RENTALS FASHION SQUARE Santa Ana 547-6341 la Habra ~91 -0735 W ESTCLIFF PLAZA 1130 Irvine Newport Boa ch 646-8891 ~~-~~--------~~------~.7.--------·----- Ski Fair suppl~ to the Dally Piiot, Thursday, Ocfllb., 2, 1t6t . l IOAttO -~unV•ll!'f WYOMINC. te ________ __..._ ____ Ir. .... ,.. SKI FAIR Fashion Island . Friday & Saturday October 3-4 Make the snow scene right here in Newport Beach:. Join with fellow Orange County ski clubs and see great ski persooaliJies-visit exdtirig exhibits -Wk to famous ski resort a.pd airline . -.ert.1, ,and try on the lateSt ski equipment and accetsorltt. Y~u'U have a "ski-ball":afl two. days, October 3-4 • .. AQ ·stores open ·Friday night. UT Atl COlORAOO " ~ r ... , NEW MEXICO • ,l -I 1 j 5KI FAIR Wedne.sdiY, Oct.obtr 1. 1%9 THEIR DISPLAY WON aN LAST YEAR"S SKI FAIR Phil Oren, Tina Tar...,._ of Comet Sid Cl_. "WLl!N s~°l'fing !J~ _A leaf Pfeajure ,, LITIJ-E LADIES LOVE LOAFERS S11ep 011r fiNe ulet"fiou of .. l ' ER-SHOES' for u101v a11fl foul 1veatlter TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS No.• JO' FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT IEACH • 644-24'4 1052 IRVINE • WESTCLIFF PlAZA NEWPORT HACH e 541-1614 ---------. ---- Skiers Swoop on Fashion Isle Sid clubs from throughout the Orange Coast area and other parts of S o u t h e r n California will participate in the Ski Fair which lakes ove~ the mall al Fashion Island Salurd<ty and Sunday. Sid manufacturers, airlines, travel bureaus and ski resorts also will participate in the show which wiJI offer visitors -ski buffs or not - a colorful cross·seclion oC what skiing is all about. The show, presented by the Fashion 1s 1 an d Merchants Association in association wit h Neal's Sporting Goods store in Fashion Island, is testimony to the fact Lhat skiing is probably the fastest growiJli par1 icipa- tion sport in the u.ited Slates today. In addition to offering show \·isitors a look al whnt's new 111 the world or skiing, the Skl Fair also offers valuable prizes to the general public and to the various clubs participating in the show. Clubs will win prizes for producing the best displays ::nu for putting together the most interesting booths for Ski Fair visitors lo see. A three-day trip for two Lo Taos, N. M., via Aero Charter with lodging, meals, lifls and lessons included is Lhc Lop prize for Ski Fair \'isilors. A surprise prize also wi ll be given away by the Garcia Ski Co. Ski clubs will be eligible for the following prizes: -One pair of Hart JJ\'~lin skis donated by Fashion l~lam1 .l\lerchants Association. -One pair of Voil ~kis donated by Neal's Sporting Goods. -One free trip to LaL:e Tahoe via Holiday Airlines for each ifu'ticipating c I u b , courtesy RadJo KOCM and the Fashion Island merchanl5. -Three-<lay trip for lwo to Taos, N. M. (same pack.age as offered to general public). -Twenty-fi\'e ski passes for June Mountain. Judges who will decide which clubs win the awards will l n c I u de Jack Barnett, Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce manager: Harry Babbit, Newport Beach Tennis Club general manager: Dick Marowitz, Fashion I s I a n d Merchants Association presi- dent; and a Gold Medal Olym- pic Games winner still to be named. Exhibitors whose products will be on display in the show Include Head Ski Co .. W. J. Voit Rubber Corp., White Stag Ski Wear, Kneissel Ski Co., Garcia Ski Co., Hart Ski Co., J ack King "Rollahome" Ren- tals, East SierTa Development, Eiger Imports and Far West Ski Association. (Sff SKIERS, Page 3l 23 HOUR TIRE EVENT SAT~~::::NLY SPECIAL PURCHASEI 40,000 Mtl.E WEAi GUARANTEE 4 BELT PLIES OF TYREX SENATOR WIDE RADIALS We mode a apeciol purchase of slightly blemished radial tires. These tires were clo»ifitd blemished be- cause of slioht appearance blem· ishes in the 1idewoll. In no way ho( the wear or safety been affected. WHY PAY $50 TO $10 A TIRE? 29.95 "'1$, Joveli", A.HJ.., let..I, Co111oro, C~•velle, °'"1 II, Ce1ut, c..,..,, Dort. ""'U . ._ tf 1.'l It l.'1, ''' .. • llGI "4 lrodt ·i11 lire, 1 .. llOAOWAn TWlE HATIOHW1Df Tiii ~· fAlCON TllU AU GUAV.HTflD POI THI ~TIU Liff OP l HE O•ICINAl TlEAO DE!.IGl'I. • ,....., ...,. MmmN ......... • ~ Mo11Mlo<111rl119 DJf•(h. r<>• Tlit HUMIEI or MONTHS SP'KJPl!D • Agalnal Tread Weorovt '" e<conloll<• ............... , O\lt "'"'" ov•ranltt, rtploc""'"' ,,,. prl<• 'Will bt p10tol•d o• ....... tf"Md ..... -e11tl .,,._ • _. NIMg ~ice .. 1;.. ef .... en!. In lht t Vtftl .t ~· ......, -•· n.,.. 11 .. l'if9 prlft .,.;" M ~ ........ leu ut p~runt ........... > 1 I etltt .,.ilf M ..... • _, '4puls tlll ..... .....,... Nim ... . w--o.1 AAe -• :M& w--<w Ill. ••-Y. ... MlllM ,,~ l1-l6...... 20'ji ~--..... )O')(. ......_.._Ft.< >A"I >WA--Y. _...__. .,_..,. ~ ''~•--• ' • ••v...,. _. .. >• ·-.. -_..,. •• • _. • '" •"' # • ..... ..,..., • • • • ~•.,. • • • ' cl A A L. P< p; N Cl B M A C• A• tit A• Cc Sl N• s~ bi N 81 ar fr t1> Ju at 0: 1: ln sh al wi in - I ' • J t I , _J Skiers Swoop to Fair (Coatiaued From Pait I ) Participating airlines ln· elude Aero Charter, Cal Aero Airlines, Holiday Airlines and Air France. Newport Center Travel and Lido Travel are U1e two participating travel agencies Area clubs y,1Jich will take part. ln the fair1Dclude Laguna Niguel Ski Club, Mogul Ski Club, Helter Skelter Skl Club, B;.ilboa Ski Club, Corona del M UI' High School Ski Club, A u lo netics Snowbounders, Comet Ski Club (Philco-Ford's Aeronutronic D i v . ) , Hun- tington Beach Ski C l u b , Auschllch Ski Club, Orange County Ski Club, Sunland Skiers, Tuskl Ski Club and Newport Harbor High School Ski Club. Resorts represented Jn the big s h o w will include Taos, NM.: Park City We s t : Brainhead. Utah; Mt. Baldy_ and Cbina Peak. · The fair will be open Friday from 6:30 Lo 8 p.m. and from l to 4 p.m. on Saturday. Friday's schedule callJ for Judging of booths and dl1plays at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Pepi Gramahamer talk on aiding at 1:30 p.m. and a show prevfew· lng ski lashlona at I p.m. Howard Head wlll open the show on Saturday with a talk :ii I p.m. Fashion Island merchant1 will fisplay their merchandiH in a 2 p.m. fashion show. Tht Snoball queen and her court will bt presented at 2:30 p.m. Art Furrer of the Ausllch Ski Club will be presented al 3 p.m. and gifts and prizes for gen er al p u blic aud participants will ~ distributed at 4 p.m. Count y Ski Club Active A<:llvilies of the Orange County Ski Club are designed for single adults 21 to 35, who are interested In s p o r t s (predominantly skiing ) and social activities. 111 the past two years the dub has also become in- krested in SCUBA <li\•ing. Many members h a \• t become Certified Divers and ha ve taken trips to Catalina and Mexico. There are ae· tivitlee throughout the year, lncludinf harbor breakfast cru.iaea on the recreational yacht Ualboa, 1kl trips tG Mammoth and Park City Utah, local dive trips and brldgt partlea on Tuesday nJibtl at variou1 hous11 on lblboa Island. Meetln&s art held every Wedneeday night at l :JO at the Newport Harbor Elk'• Club, Newport Btach. DOME5TIC " IMPOl11D FINE WINES •ncl COGNAC SKIER1 S WELCOME Vlait Our Wine Taatlng Bar VIKINGS FOUR SKIER'S WARMER • UPPER P•IMllll ........... MIAI . , ....... ....... • 1 WMt• '-•• • fill lllyt wltli ti.t W ... 1 ell ftle •• ,... U PASHION ISi.AHi ~ ...... , o,_ H tt t1• Mt Mell.. =~~':.tt IHI llUYllY ,....,,, WWW Bal Club Oldest On Coast A mon g othe r clubs participating In the Fashion liland Ski Fair Friday and Saturday will be the Balboa Ski Club, one of the most ac- tive -and.oldest -ski groups in the Harbor area. Current officers are Bill Schuler, president ; S h l r 11 e Blalack, first vice preslden• Len Arm~lrong, second vice president ; Doris H t n r y , Treasurer; Lisa Renn I c k , recording secretary ; Frieda D i c k m a n , corresponding secretary, and Doris Schuler, membership chairman. The dub mee ts first and third Tuesdays of each month between October and May. Applicants must be at least 11 years old, attend two out of three consecutive meeting!!, attend a board meeting to pick up a membership application, partlctpatt' in a scheduled club ski trip, be sponsored by three active club member• (one a director) and pay all dues a net membershl p fee. Th• club's mailing address fl PO Box 155. Balboa Island, Ca. 92982. •• • SKI FAIR sking is fun! but more fun when you warm up • ID a LUXURY ROBE from fashions for . . . LA FEM~E Coty arid comfy and beautifully styled by top famous-neme manuf adur~s to wear for leisure u well u for hostessing or TV'ing. Choose • luxury quilted ro be, whisper-soft fl eece, or snuggle up in a ' wraparound. Full or dreu lenghts In • f anf a1y of color. ~ee our wide selection • •• t h•y're warm friends for •ny 9irl1 1nywhe re. fashions for .•• Fashion lalencl-NIWPORt HACH Stonewoocl Ctnftr-DOWN!Y. ~-------- ... I . I I I l 1 ! . • I I l I ! f . I I I -- SKI PAIR NOW IN ••• FASHION:JISLAND Cl9WN" CUA•Ell8 If LAU PJ.D.RY 68 FASHION ISLAND • NEAR REAR ENTRANCE OF ROBINSON'S NEWPORT CENTER e 644-2512 f'entau·iug • • • e MORNING DROP -OFF CURB SERVICE lln by 10.,, Out by 4) e COMPLET E LAUNDRY SERVICI! I Dress Shirts a Speciality) • DRAPERY SERVICE FOR HOME OR OFF-ICE ('Ne take down and reh an9 l e QUALITY ALTERATION SER\'ICE l Min or Repair i Free) e 'NE DO OUR OWN DRY CLEANING AND LAUNDRY • HOURS : Ba .m. lo b p.m. • 6 DAYS A WEEK TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 1056 BAYSIDE DRIVE l 68 FASHION ISLAND Newport Btoch • 673 ·5385 Newport Ctt1ttr • 644-2512 The Colorful Sound of Orange County Music I RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .. FROM FASHION ISLAND. NEWPORT BEACH --- ------------ Helter Skelter Club Making a Comeback The Helter Skelter Ski Club virtually 1naclive in recent times, Is "coming out of semi· retirement" at the Fashion lsland Skl Fair. A limJted number o f memberships will be open in the club and p:itential ap- plicants are Jnvitcd to attend the 'club's first meeting or the season ot 8 p.m. on Wed· nesday, Oct. 8, at the Rayell Co. beer distributorship, J547L Del Amo, Tustin. The club was organized In 1945. Jt is Incorporated and owns a two-story lodge on leased land in the Snow VC:11lcy ski area of the San Bernardino Mountains. The lodge wa~ built solely by sk i rlub members In the late '40's. The cabln sleeps 30 in two upstmr dorms and has complt!le cook- Jng and eating faci lities. ll •~ available to club members &t all times at the rate of $1 p11r night a person. Membership Is open to residents of Orange County only. While the dub is basically a family ski club, singles over 21 are desired to give the club a more \'araed makeup. The club f u n c l i o n s throughout the year wJlh meetings from 0 c t o b e r through May, with dances and parties for special occasions climaxed by a luau In Sep· tember. Work parties duriog the spring and summer are held at the lodge to take care of the maintenance and Im· provements desired. ...... Group Aids · Begi nners The Snowbounders. a club form ed primarily for North Ameri can Rockwell (Aulonetics) ernpl:>yes and their friends, Is noted In the Orange County area for lls In· srruction program for begin- ning skiers. The club meets the rirsl and third Thursdays of each month at the Autonetics Ill-creation Center Jn Anaheim. ll Js open lo members 21 years old and older. Trips planned for the up- coming season include jau nts lo Mamm oth and nearby areas every other week and fou r and fi\'e-day trip~ to "' '-"· Sott pleated fro nt. short 1letvtt, In 1 fabric rich and elegant looly Ing yet light and comfortablt . CllooH from red or gold. "'" 8·111. 15.99 w·---. :- Aspen , Sun V~llcy and Lake MA y ER N IT y SH 0 PS Tahoe.. . . NEWPORT BEACH Club s mailing au~ress Is # 28 Fcnhio• c .... , P.~. Box 6333, Anaheim. Club COST A MESA officials also can be conlacted HAAIOlt SHOl'l'ING CENTU at the Snowbounders' booth al GARDEN GROV6 the Ski Fair Friday and Salur· OrotuJe l'tcno day. l rookh11rst a. Ch•r"':" • SPECIAL 54 FASHION ISLAND ••• NEWPORT CENTER•,• Oppe1ita Broedw1y -~----~---------~----~~~~~----~-------------------------------..-------------------------- ~ # , .. \ ,, ,'4\ \.L 4. _, ! ... ,,. ,j;/\·, ·._ J, ~ r I ... '· • J W~nttd~, Oclobrf J. 1%9 Skf FAIR BJS (FANTASTIC VALUES, EVEN FOR PENNEYS!) Ladies' ski pants • • • , •• 'ure to make you a real 'ma sh on the slopes fhi, yearl They're • marvelous blend of v.-ool a nd nylon, a nd come in na vy, bl<'lck, brown. Sii es r regular 8-I 8, end long I 0-16.' 19.98 Boy's and girls ski pants • • • Thafs perfect for the ski se.uon ahead, For that ri9ht lit and the newest 'tyles. Rayon and nylo n, zipper poc. kets. Side tabs, Srzes 8-16 in black and navy. 10.98 Men's ski pants ••• • . . hansome wool and nylon blend th<'l t1a perfod fo r the 1kl 1eason ahead. In blac k and na vy. Men's liiea )0.)8, regular and long. 21.98 ladies' belted parka • • • , •• of oxford nylon with 'ontr11tin9 quilted linin g fill. ed with light, fluffy 4'.4 01. Oa,ron® polye,ter. H ide· a y.1ay hood .•• 2 1ipper podeh, Yellow, navy or dark 9reen, For fun.filled outdoor days. 17.99 Men's raclnCJ stripe parlca • • • , , • of waterproof nylon with quilted lining filled with ~.4 ox. Dacron~ polyester, Hideaway hood, In smuh· Inca red or navy. Men'• alxe1 S-M-l -XL. Fine quality at 1n usy.fo-teke price, 19.99 Lund Imperial Ski Set ••• with 1tep 111 bl11di1191. 'et fttatures multi laminated core tip and hHI p rotector1, P'IDltic pah1~ top, 59 99 Polytex bas., Tapered aluml11um poles, .J 5 buckle plastic Kastinger ski boots •.• f11lly lined a11d podded t+1ro119ho~t. LMrii•r 50 )00 uppe" and molded parollel Hies, M•11'1 1het, Youf h's ski boot ••• lot• 11yll119. Waterproof olt rubb.r, ii-J·I. 7~98 Men•s and women's nylon shell iackets e • • WllMI olNI wirt••••aof wltll ce11e"'t4 .. -4. 9 98 Ledl"'· wtilte, -.wy, i.dM. retlow, ere11te • ...... , .. ,.. , ..... rellew, ~ ... rod, ero119e, ) S·M·L·Jrl. s • • I I t l I ! l r I I I I l ~ ... --'!l"~--1111111~--... ----........... ..._ ........... ._ ............... --------------,,_,, ..... ______ ~--------- ' SKI FAIR OGUL SKI CLUB SOUTHEAN CALll'ORNIA e THE BEST IN SKI INSTRUCTION FOR BOYS AND GIRLS 9-17. e INSTRUCTION FO·R LACERS TO RACERS. e TWENTY SKI TRIPS -I-DAY, WEEK - ENDS, HOLIDAYS • RACE TEAM WITH EXPERT COACHES. e APPRENTICE INSTRUCTORS COURSE. e MOGUL MIDGETS -SATURDAY INSTRUCTIONAL TRIPS FOR 7 & 8 YEAR OLDS. 0 MOGUL iM'S -WEDNESDAY INSTRUCTION'AL TRIPS FOR MOM AND DAD. e SKI MAMMOTH, SQUAW VALLEY, STEAMBOAT SPRINGS. HOLIDAY HILL, SNOW VALLEY. Pl • .,e u nd 101 brochur•. ... 141 NAME ..••. , ••.•••••.••.••.•.••••••••••• , , •. , •• , CorollO 4el Mer. Collfor•I• UUI }.OD RESS •••.•.••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••.•....• CITY ..••••••••.••.....•...••.• STATE., •••.•.... (714) 67J-Hl1 PHON E ........................ ZIP ........... .. FR0\1 9 A.M. TO 9 P.\f. •• You're !Mll.lon risht In thi s LAnz all wool nannel A·Une ak.lmmer. Soutache cummber bu nd, 1 fasMon plus. Whlte/b~ac k nnvy/whltt, red/black .•. sizes 5·1, ... S40. 1 g fASH K)N ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH ' A WORLD OF FURS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD New pets on the suburban sc ene ... spo rts car coa h in fascinating furs! Rug - ged • no u g h to ha ndle every bu s y day c hore. C asua lly •tyled as your favorite swe•tor ... io top everyt hing from ski pants to a smart little, d ining -out sheat h. Drop into our ,tore soon . •nd drive one home! M.JACQUES FINE FURS 14 FASHION ISLAND e NEWPORT BEACH e 644 -4661 HEADED FOR THE SLOPES? Al.rn Pnine IL nds hol h \\.111111 11 ,111d It \Ill> llJ •• l .th:o hnll, t1.1·1 :., 1. c.k 111:.irlco(llw 11111 .. ,( o l \\()011·11 ,\ ~'I'll' l•\ir ('\I r.1 i11:-.;1ln1tnn ng::i in!->t old man \\111ler , II 8 •. L nlod·~ .Nylon C. P. O ~111rt doubles as a jacket amt comec; in a varlet:/ of col or:-.. nonn MEAGER'S ' ' ~SHION ISLAND/NEWPORT CENTER 6"4"4-0264 .,,, ~-~~-------------------~---------------~--------~ ~ l ( f I t ( t ,. s ................................ ~ ... ~ .............. _. .......... _.._.....-.w--.-_..---------~---------~~-~·~-- I f ( ' l Inventor 'Heads' Sport Ski Designer to Talk at Fashion Islan d One or the best "heads" in skiing tu<.lay is Howard Head. woo<ls then being uscll to make skis. It was a long time betwee:1 theory and reality, howerer, o~ Ileacl doggedly t r 1 c d various Ingredients £or his mclal, plastic and v. o o d "sandwiches." lie s tak ed hi-; ex· (See HOWARD, Page 2) It may be a bad pun, but it's an indisputable fact and the inventor of the first workable •·metal" ski will make a personal appea rance Saturday at the Fashion Island Ski Fair lo prove it. Head, the inventor of Head skis and founder of the Head Skl Co., which manufacturers th<'m, is scheduled to speak on "Evolution of Ski Design and Transformation of Skiing from an Art to a Science.'' TI1c Ic-e- lure is sd1cdulcd for l p.m. Saturday. Philco-Ford Club W elcomes Sl(i Fans The Lalk Is expected to be one of the lughlighls of a two- dav sh:iw ror ski bu£fs to be staged on the mall at Fashion Island in .Newport Beach's Newport Center. He ad , who s e bla c k laminated skis with the white signature on their tips are status symbols among the more than 3 m 1111 o n Amecicans who lake to the ~lopes every fall and winter, has rome a long way since his days as an aircraft design engineer and o n e t 1 m e Hollywood script writer. l l only took him a few trips to the slopes, himseU, to decide that materials he had been using in aircraft design would be better suited to skiing than the laminated 'fhe Comd Ski C I u h , organized primarily f o r A e r o n u t r onic-Philc-o-Ford employes, Is open to lhe :1ml welcomes a limited number of non-employc memberships. The club providrs the op- portunity for friends to gd together and "go and sec and do". The 1969-70 winter season will get under way with a booth at the Sk! Fair. The club has an active group of participating members and a winter schedule o( events that offers skiing, trips, and a chance to share good times with a good group. L a s t winter included a Thanksgiving trip to Park City and a week's trip to Aspen. This year the Thanksgiving trip is planned for Alta and a IF SKlfNG IS NOT YOUR BAG ••• STAY· AT· HOME WITH YOUR PET! Buy Your DOCJ From An Experienced Breedef' ••• \\cck's trip 11f1 cr the fi rst of the year to a major ski area somewhere in lhc Western United States. Car and I.ms trips to 7\t:im- moth and June Mountain are scheduled every t h r e e weekends. The club Is small, with boU1 single and married members. Sum mer activities i n c I u d e volleyball at Big Corona Dcach every Wcdnestlay, bus trip to the bullfights. safTTITk trip to Catalina, rubber raft trip on lbe Colorado River, Las Vegas trip, and bike rallies. Evening ski meetings are held twice monthly o n Tuesday. Contact President Don Irvine at 833-161 1, cxl 2l51 or V.P., Don Hilgendorf, ext. 2155 for time and place or meeting. With 20 years ewperience. You a re invited to vis it our "Love Room' e nd get e c• ~ua inled with the dog of your choice. Large selection of mod breeds, 'EVERY CHILD NEEDS A PET' f lnflt Sefectloe P11re lfffd PERSIANS & SIAMESE ~ WONDEBFVL WOllL8 OF PET Complete Selection of ACCESSORIES and SUPPLIES 51 FASHION ISi.AND e NEWPOIT CENllR e OPPosnl llOADWAY OPEN 1 DAYS • '44·ott0 -------- '. • • ' ~ • (f Wtdntsday, Oclobtr 1, 1%<> SKI FAIR Newport Fashion Island ·'. Priced for SaYinpJ Fashien Dresses entire stock reg. 12. 99 $10 Verl'f 1 & 2 piecers, many fine Orlon• acrylic knits. Pr ints and ' solids. Misses', juniors', petites', youthful half sizes. Great buys! Standout Val11el Sale-Priced Now! blouses and shirts en tire stock reg. 3.~ 3.19 Dressy & casual styles, wanted safari looks, fluid rr ench cuff rayon crepes, acetate and nylon ribbings, more. Sizes 32 to 38. Fashion-Nev. Proportioned Pants regularly 8.99 Handbags ENTIRE STOCK 25% OFF OUR TICKET PRICES example: reg. 4.9!3 Wonderful wools in mos t·wantcd styles including wide leg hip· sters. Short, average and tall lengths in sizes 6 to 18. Horry. sale 3. 74 Choose gen uine leather or plastic wi th the Jook of smooth or patent leatner. Bif and little shapes io black and spertiling colors. Hurr· Values on the Casual Scene Girls' Slacks and Slack Sets 20% off 0\1( ticket entire stock pr ices example• rei. 4.tl •••••• , • , sale 3 .99 lighthearted 'in' styles for brl&ht youn1 fashion·platcs. Bell bottoms sashes inch..Std In the lf'O'IP.Cotton corduroys, easy. care ble~ds and supple acrylics. Htw colors. In sizes 3 to 14. Its easy to be f ashionable ... just charge it I .... 1 ~ I t- • i I ,. I SKI FAIR Wt dnt 5day, Octobtr 1. 1'.b9 Howard Head to Talk Skis f (Continued From Page 9) t perimen!ation wilh $6,000 won ~ in a poker game and . after a year ar Lcsling and building, blew his entire year's pro- duction of• six pairs of skis on tl1e slopes in one aflernoon. All six se ts or skis broke like matchsticks when put lo tile test of a real run dO\\n the bill. Forty tries later. 111 1%0, ~ i"~ ~' Jiead had worked out a ~ 'l~ . .:<d...- formula for laminating metal ~ ~· ' · and wood into a pair .or ski s he ~ · .. ~. thought wns,good enough lo l.f .:; ,~G ~car his name nnd go on the mtlrkcl. With six cmploycs. his com-";: p:iny could turn out 300 pairs • I k. . ... o s is rn a year. -,. Contrast that '' it h today's · '-~~ OUtpul Of the fa('lOry in I i• ' Timonium , ~Id., which runs -c_~ , ,. ~ around the clock 52 ''eeks a ""!'-.. r ycar to ~roduce more than .--4. \ 100,000 pairs. . .. "f ~~ '""' Head skis today are being Y~ "'' used by C\'cryonc from I he . . 1101 ice (11 ho prohahly rrnls tlw1111 to rhe Olympic champs "ho wonlcln't think or going olf the ~kl Jlllllfl on lnp of an~ 1h111g but a sleek p:iir of l k :.id lCJmpctition skis. ·1 he comp<'lition mndd is the lalel:L addition t.o the linr ~ Jl':; orH' of the things Jlc;.id • ,1 d :111ns has ('hanged the sport ' from an art to a science and, HE'S A GOOD 'HEAD' IN SKIING no doubt, \\Ill be part or thc l••pic or Jus talk Saturday at Ski Builder Howard Head the Ski Fair. 1he l,oo);,, . . . by Arlan Flaum WHAT ELSE MATTERS • • • eai 27 FASHION ISLAND 644-2121 NOT JUST SOME OF THE WORLDS GREAT NAMES BUT ALL! • Many Ski Shops Can Get Many Nam.es, But O .. ~y A Few Can Get AH ••• (I Expert Salesmen To Help You .. •BOOTS NORDICA • LANGE MOLITOR .. ROSIMOUNi LnRAPPIUR •LOWA RIEKER •ARER SKI BOOTS A& T • ALPINI • IASS •ILLY • COITINA • HAUTIAD KEMP • NOIDICA • IA 1IS NODB.U • NOYll.LA O .. LUND • MAIATON ISIUPAPU • MUCKLU•S SKI ·SPECIALIST GUILD · PRO · SHOP A PRO SHOP f 'OR 42 YEARS o SKllS HEAD· HART KNIESSi. • VOLKL A&T • KASTLE FISCHER· K2 ROSSIGNOL GERDAU •SKI TOGS IOGNER • HEAD SPORTSWEAR WHIT£ STAG • DON LOPER T£MPCO • ALP SPORT· GERRT AITIC ALASKA· BECONTA CORTINA • SLALOM • ASPEN MEGGI • SPORTIFF • DUFOLD IUCCANEER EDELWEISS GAYLORD HORR -GLOIE • STIEL OllRMYER. ROFF£· VAL HUGHfS IRAUM • ANIT • MORLAND MONTANT •MORIARTY •BINDINGS HIVADA ·AU· HOH Mtua· 0-U MAJIC TYloUA • SOLOMON TtnAN • ICllL •RAND PllX ---------:..-----------~~-------------·--- Wtdntsday, Ottobtt 1, 1969 SKI FAIR For those in the snow • • • MEWPORT CENTER • 11 FASHIOH ISLAHD • • • • ,. ... "" .. ·' ....... -... ~.,, ............... "" ••••• , ..... • ... tt\.• ' ... '" • .,. -------- ' .... Start the -se~son in Buffums' Sportsman's Shop ·- We have everything ycu need for a great sel\son. You can choose skis, boots and apparel f1om the world 's most famous names in ski equipment: Skis from Head, Fischer, Rossign:il, Kneissl nnd. Voit Boots fro,n Lange, Humanic and Nordica Slope foshions from Ljungberg or Norway, \\h1lc St:ig, Bogner, Roffe Demetre, Tempco and Spoil Obermeye r. And, for bcgi1111e1s, we have a complete Rental Sllop lo outfit you. Just head for our Newpoit, La Hllbra, Siln Diego, Long Be;ich or Pomonn stores Meet Artllur fpner, world's leading trick skier, at Buffums' SportsmaA's Shop on Saturday, October 4 at 2:00 p.m. Sportsman's Shop 1111., Thurs •• fd. JO;~ Ull 9:30 • O~r clly1 10:~ tf H 5:30 ! ' r ' ,. ' s"1t POSITIVCLY Tl~[ ULTli '.ATC ••• OL'l1f 1[\'.' DCSIG''JER SPOfl TSWCAR S~IOP FOr. TODNi''S HARD-TO-PLEASC WOMAN ••• A COLLCCTIO:J SO l ~,:PRE'.JSIVE. SO EXQU ISITE, CREATCD BY THE ~.'OST OISTINGUISl ICD m:SIGNERS OF CONTEMPO FASI !ION. SHOWN HC RC. BU T A TASTE OF WHAT'S TO COME ... LEFT, SLO.l\T'S LONG GnEY FLANNCL WRAP SKI RT WI TH WIDE \l,'AIST AND LEATHER Tl11'vi, 8-14, w .00: Ai~D CHUCK HOVN\RD'S FULL-SLEEVED SHIRT, STAND -UP NECKLINE , WHITE, 8-14, ~non, RI GHT, ANNE KLElf 1·5 DOUGLE KNIT, V-NECK JUt\~PSUIT, BLACK, 6-12, 120.00. DESIGN En SPORTSWEAR. ROB INSON'S NEWPORT • FASHION ISLAN D • 644-2800 t .! .. f l Powder an<l Pines This is what il's all aboul -n lone skier on a !->lope covered with powder snow ag:n1st <i b:ickground of piney woods and snow-clad hi lls . Skb, ski rloth- es and arrangements for 'lra\'C:in·~ to the bt'sl !:Jnjlcs all will be featured Friday and SJlurd:iy ~t Fashion Island Ski Fair. LINDA LANE AFFA IRE MONDA Y THRU SATURDA Y JAN & PAUL 37 FASHION ISlAND NEWPORT CENTEI lletW"" Buffume & Broa4w• Ampfe Parklne ,.....,, .... ". •144-2030. ANDY HAS ANSWERS TI.er•'• t nly t nt piece ye11 un fin4' m1ra 1111wtrt then y111r t hllcfren h1vt 11uMtlan1. Ched1 the Atk An<ly fH iurt every ht- ur4'1 y In the DAILY "LOT, YH'll Ii•• it -a114' 1t wlll y111r ~urielfty.flllt4 ytt1119tteu. ... ----~ -'C _w_tdntMa __ ,_. _0c_t*" __ 1_. _1%_, ___ S_K_f _F_A..;.;.l _R _____ JI ·--~ : ,.: .. ,, ... , ....... f ..9"" .. +< i j <r NEWPORT BEACH Fashion lslend Jpn"""' '· ~ t ~ ' ' ~· " ~ ~~~t~;· .. ·~ ·-~ ., . ,t ..... ~ ~ -.,. ' v ·--.i( ~. QJ r:atforms Jl e [11 ... w '" l11jll ' 11 ~Jh f ssi 11on shocmg. tcJrn<'d 1q) w ith the great suede comebJck Pump 1s black napped Corfam· on sl1 iny plJtform and heel. Strap has black suede upper and smooth platform. strap. bell-bottom heel. Each 10.99 t,,, •ti H 10n•tt r ''~'"' ' COSTA MESA South Coast Pf e11 ---::..- , t 1 ; • < I t '+ ~-~ I l t t H HUNTINGTON BEACH Hunt;n9ton S.ach Center l ', • I ·- ' I I ' r t , - • -~-·r--. 12 SKI FAIR Wednesday, Octobtr 1, 1969 -------=- DAILY PILOT , .. ,, P~o;o Infection Evidence Found 1n Arthritis LOS ANGELES -Evidence The disease remained latent that rheumatoid arthritis may fo females for up lo a year be the result or a small in· and could be congenitally fective particle has been sug· transmitted through several ges ted ln resc.'.lrch nt the gcncrotions. Th e fact that UCLA Medical School. arthritis signs were transmit· Drs. Staflord L. Warren and kd through to fourth and fifLh genrr:itiou:-: ir~dicalcs t h e Leonard Marmor and Dorothy M L·ebc and Hovlat L b tcncy and pc1~haps cnhance-H~Uin~ r~porlcd re~ult~ of i~~'~'. or ?11 ;.it·t1ve Hgcnt, JJt'. thclT'" eXJ?Cl'imcnts in a n:cc1 1\ \\ •111 C'n s;.ird. isst'A.l • ·~..;··r • _ j --':""1.§.)j~ ~th tissues ·~u, ... 'ti '"' •· .. fr6tn ' lfo1:11rai 1fti"ihan knee} ~y injected 2,300 mice j<_Hllls did 110t dcvcl~l a:iy with tissues from diseased s1i:ns 01 ll:l' cl1 .. case and g:·ew joints of 16 arthntis patients. nurnwlly · This induced a disease in The rc::iearc·l.crs emphaslzl'd newborn mice ve ry similar to that 11; p.1111cubr vii uc; had human arthritis. The pa\\'s and yet hcr11 1so!:.tcd in the study. t~1l of the newborn were con· They !>;iitl much mo re ~1stcntly swollen and scarlet in research must be done to color and in£1ammation spread establish \\ hcthcr a i.mall In· to other skeletal areas. The lcd1vc part1c!l' may indeed I>~ arthritic symptoms 1 a s t e d 111\•olvcd. Si11 tJ Along Witli Tl1e11a 1·2.)t:int:i~t High School song gids po se '' itl1 pom pons brforc sp ringin~ into nclion when Eagle footballers t ·l c 0 11 Costa 1\lcsa S:iturday at OCC. Songstrc:>scs (l~fl lo rig hl) are Cyndi Stamper, Kri sl.n Ste". ... n . Amy Austin, P amla Szabo, Melissa S,ync11 .1\111l .lo::inne Fill'l. several days to a week, then Tl1c~c preliminary Sltl(J;{•s usually sub!;idcd. The swelling <h> sn~gc~l tl1-.t su1n~ kind of and redne-;c; tended to return t1 :111'>1n1ssible a s e n t i:S :1l uges ot one. two or six pl·riotlrcally acth atcd m:iy bd 111onths, and ul'lonnitici; ofl\'11 <tll i111port 111t f 1rhr 1 0 d1•vclopcd. • , 11,rit Z ALES The next best thing to owning IJOUr own diamond mine ' ' \ ...... -~ .. ·' . 1) .. ··• $150 . \ I' \' '· .( . I 03 West 4th St. Sent• Ane .,,.... .. "" t ' f ' •• "' ... , •• ' •••••• t4 ......... It-. .. ... .......................................... , .. ,,,..,,., .. . • • # ••••••••••• 'THE ASPEN' AFTER SKI BOOT by FLORSHEIM Bookbinder Windsor calf •• , Pla in toe '*'"P and buckle , , , Genuine sh ear· linlJ lined • • • Side 2ipper boot • , , Rubber soles , • 1 $50.00 WETHERBY ~ KAYSER FASHION ISLAND • NEWPORT CENTER e 644-2441 U1t Your Wetherbv, Kay1tr Clla19e, lenkAmerjea rd er Muter Cller9a . . . ,. .. ,.,. ....... -~·. - Wtdnesday, October 1. 1 %9 LIFT Tl.CKETS s19.9°0 NHd a lift7 T 10s hes 5even -ind that's not ell. It hu Ernie Blake • 30 Runt for Be9inners to Experts • A 3300 ft. vertical drop • The bed pow.der skiin9 ln the country • A 7 mile run • New Mexico Sun • No Lift Lines • European Ski Instructors teaching the fated technique • Ni9ht Life • European Cuisine • Tutoring an'd B1bysitting for Children • Heated Pool and Sauna And for every lift tidet you buy, we'll throw in ro und trip air transportatio n di rect from Orange County Airport to Taos, 3 days, 2 nights, all meals , and free ski instruction. PRICES BASED ON CURRENT RATES, 2 PERSONS PER ROOM -------------- SEE US AT THE FAIR OR CALL 545·.4153 u ·) ' '·' 14 . I ~ I l ' ~~ I I I \ I SKI FAIR WedMsday, Octobtf' 1, 1%t Top Switnmers Honored Drnrn Middleton, 10, and Llsanne Nielsen, 12, bold perpetual trophy bearing their names as "awirnmers of the year'' tor Orange Coast YMCA Swim Team, whic h completed Its first competitive season this boots! boots! boots! find them at ... DAILY PILOT tteff l'Mle Research by Scripps' Shows Secrets of the Sea , SAN DIEGO -T o t a I amount of water flowing throu&h the Drake Passage, between the Antarctic con· tl.nent and South America, is estimated at 270 million tons per second. A substantial amou nt or helium ls injected into the deep ocean from the earth's JDlllrilr. -. The apparent "collision" of oce.n and land of( the shore of Peru and Chile has helped form the great Peru-Chile Trench. These are but three or 8 number of scientific nndings reported as the University of California's Scripps Institution of Oceanography's research ves se l, the Tho ma s Washington. d o c k e d at Scripps' Nimlta Marine FaciU· ty In San Diego to conclude a 37,aa&-mile expedition to the e&IW'n Paclflc Ocean. participated in th~ expt't.lilion. In tht Drake Passage work, fi v e c ur t'e nt -met er measurements were madt from depths as great as 21\ miles below the surface. Niguel Ski ~CI_ub Mostly For Marrieds Mostly £or marric<ls is lht way the Laguna Niguel Sid Club was organized. It is open to members 21 and over an d Is limited to residents of the Laguna Niguel area. Big event or the year for ~ club is a Cashion show and dance at El Niguel CoWlll')' Club. Thls year's event will be held on Nov. 8. summer. Trophy was donated in memory of the late Brian Llgt:hart, a Harbor Area youth who died a t sea while servlnf aboard a U.S. Navy aircra ft car- rier. 1bt expedtUon wu an tlght- month, btolotical, 1eophyslcal, and physical 1elentlllo ex- ploration ol th• deep ocean oft the welt coast of Sout h America and on the con· tlntntal 1helf. Nearly 100 acientists and technlctan1 f rom the United States, Chile, Peru. France and the United Kingdom The club also sponsors monthly trip11 to Mammol h Mountain. Larry Lizotte ( 49:>- 5ll6) ls current president. Lin- da Fortune ( 495-5961 ) also can be contacted for io tormation. The club will be represented at the Fash.ion Island Ski Fair Friday and Saturday. NIWPOH llACH ANAHllM WHlnllR llYllSIDI Next time you ski -take a chalet with you! Ne11,t time you go •kiing rtnl I Wlnntb1go from Aoll·A·Homt and t njoy tht com· fort i nd co nven1enc1 of 1 tuxurtou1 motorhomt that tlttpt ti>< or more. Guarin· tud reaervations at any tkJ r11ort tool l htr1'1 1 complttt kltohtn with atovt, ovt n and refrigeretor, 1 bathroom with hot wattr 1howtr1 t nd plenty or room for all your 1kl equipment. Htvt 1 cup or cofftt Vrith wt whtn 1ouvllll llM lkl fair. ROLL·A·HOME RENTALS INC. ·• co.ta M1u-I~m 11 ~rvica <lriltlVIUH '41.oDl) • Nf#PO!t ltacll-Pm Wt Unloll (Su111'f«/Pllctt1U1 lfMOll) • t.ua-w ftJil TlllUI (Rid Hlf/SllU Ana Ft'f/1 •Nl55) c.JJ e9·U14 tor fOUI llltlllt dMJtt ~ I Tus ki es Includ e Hundreds Formed in December of 196$ as a family skJ club in Tustin. Tuski Ski club's mcmbcrsrup r .~ I · l averages between ooe and two . . "'~~ :", '•~·,,·'>'\ hundred •.. "\ •..... r , , _.. • ., .... ~4*~ .. r I -'-·~-..,-J • •• nus Jt"4.l•t --~~~~""' '-.+.., ~ '.· ~· ond Tuesday o{ each month, : '.{.: ..... November through May, at · the Alladena Savings and Loan's Corrununily Room al 7:30 p.m. Annual potluck will be held Oct. 18. Tuskl Ski Club directors for the year are Caroline Harris, Dolores M i l c h k r o I , Joe Messina, June Kirkwood. Stu· dent officers include Francine Harris, president; Ch r i 1 Kirkwood , vice president; Sue Gumm, secretary; Bill Button, IOCial d i r e c t o r ; Steve Tin1olhy, "Tuski Yodler" and publkity ; Dave Krol, racing committee. . -< j 'I ,, The club has weeklv ski trips to the local mountains, primarily Snow V a 11 e y . Several longer trips a r e acheduled ror this winter. DAILY l'ILOT Sfeff ""'-.. Volleyball in ~illaouette For further Information, call J une Kirkwood, 544·7'19, or visit the Tuski booth at the Sid Fair. Late afternoon sun served as back.light for this sil- houette photo of volleybaJI players Carolyn and Nan- cy Cole, who found game a pleasing summer past- time on sands of Newport Be~ch. Sunland Skiers offers its memb ers the most compre hensive and inexpensive ski program in Southern Califo rnia. Fe.iCuring a va<ied .ipproach: • Senior Program • Ju nior Program • Ladies' Midweek Progra m Including: • Ind ividual or Family MPmbcr)hips • Seasonal Equipme nt Renta l • local Day Trips • Out·of·Area Trips • Competent, Responc.ible Supervi~ion • Profe ssion al Instruction ... """' SS ·~O • r.o. BOX G017 ANAlt[IM CALlrORNIA 92806 (714) 776-0(,57 --------------------· ---------- Wedntsday, Octobtr 1. 1969 SKI FAIR JS Towns Topic Urban Conference to Examine Westlake T Using a rapidly developing ment Forum-7 -is one 1,f l2,000-acre pl a n n e d com-several seminars held each munity as a model, a con-year by Urban America on ference at UCLA, Oct. 9 and business involvement in urban 10, will examine the develop-problems. IJrb:in America is a ment of new towns as a Washmgton-based nonprofit strategy for meeting the needs organization concerned with of a population that is both ex-the quality of urban lirE'. panding and becoming rapidly On the F'orum 's agenda will u;qan~d. . . ) 1beu,~ . d~cu~~ ~c. 1~!8~n -·~•·...-: -~ ..•. ;., e .CIFe ,• .. v -~nfty · lfltJ!Oifi>CM Jn llie ' sponsored by Urban America California legislnture l ha t Inc. and UCLA's School of would authorize creation of a Architecture and Planning and state-wide mechanism t o Graduate School of Business shape urban growth in rapidly Administration, will explore expanding areas und to en- the roles o( big business and cournge growth in others. The state and federal government b i 11 , i n t r o d u c c d b y Jn new-community develop· Assemblyman Pelc \Vilron of ment. S<.1n Diego would gi\"e local The seminar will study the rcdevclopmcnl agencies e:.:- economics of the corporate panded powers anct brrotlcr partnerstlip that is developing jurisdictlon in order lo ptan Westlake Village, a planned for urban growlh. It grew out community near Los Angeles of a task force appointed by with a projected population of Covm1or Ronald Reagan to more than 75,000. It will al so develop proposals for dealing Include an on-sit.e exploration with a projected doubling of of the new community and Its Calirornia's population by the planning concepts. year 2,000. The conrerence -Develop-Thi~ end other relE>vant LIMITED FEATURE FORM FITTING Suede Leather BOOTS CaH/ornia legislative proposa 1 will be discussed by Charles LeMcnagcr, director oC the Californin Department o r Housing and Communlly Af. fairs which wou ld be gi\cn corporate power to act as a local redevelopment agency under Wilson's bill. . J13; ~jhPi:., •• F~ ~"" ., • • "-~ ~ .... ~. ~" < n·.,~ 6~Qrirflt if~\ r ~ ' '; ~ ~ secretary or the Department of Housing and U r b a 11 Development, will d i s c u s s federal legislation and ob- jectives of controlled urba11 growth : Rob<>rt M c C a b e • general mar.ager or the New York Slate Urban Devtlop- mcnl Corporation will discuss the unique authority that his state agency exercises and how it might relate to the pro- cess of urbanization i n California. Dean W 111 I a m Wheaton oC the Unh't'rsily ol Ca Ii r or n i a School or Environmenlnl Dt!sign will discuss legislation to en· courage new town develop- ment under cons ideration 99 BLACK BR.OWN, 19 8'1;~~~NAVY. I ONE. NAVY, ll.4CK BR.OWN, WHITE, ANKLE HIGH ~nd k st ynu f urgc t \\'c :\re Never Out Of SANDALS . fASHION ISLAND N!WPORT BEACH IAHICAMllll ICAaO-MAUla CHAfftJ-DINl lll-<AltTI I LANCHa-AMllllCAN I lll'alUS ................. -...... _...-.. .., ... ____ ~--·----_.__-. __ -.---.-.........,.._ -....... _....,.,.._,.,....._ -·· -~ -··----..--· - SKI FAIR Wednesday, Octobtt 1, 1%9 PRE-XMAS ~~~a: SALE DANCE RINA Sht tM..:l•ncM ll•Oward1 er torwua1 "rltcllyt l'lr911tlltt buu111u11vi Her llud 1urn1 -1top1 aot1 l•cu ..,.u -turn• .,•In as •~• 1pln1! Just llkt • rut bAlttrlnat Weight; >O Iba. BANG BOX •et· Ul.00 $13.9 A1t uplo\l~t n•w 1•m• where two t• ltur ptayt ,. ll•nt Int p\ftflc na 111 lnlt the l>tx. Tnt olllt<t 11 It av.14 llrt>lkl"' IN W lltOnt t1n4Mmt•lh, 11... $3 Sl.00 -• ' . , .. , /\ 't ~, j -._, ) DEELIE • BOBBERS M 1111v&w•t new cn•llvt pu1 11mt t dvltt, tttna11n •• .,. chlldrtn can't rttlJll Antmblln1 111 klntt ot l•nlltti< 1trvc:turt1 w11n 11ottt<1 plut1c plteH. SALi! PRICI 88c J PHANTOM HUEY ' A tv~r tbt 1cal1 TRAH51'ARENT !Md.I f of lht U H·ll helicopter lw•turH "Ht rhru" tuftr ••In revtlli"t alt lllt l•bv- lou• Interior deUll .• , M•idtd In clear six colort •nd chrome. Olol•y 1t•n4 cont•ln1 t ltclrlc moltr end Ntlory bo• tor t ltctn c Optrahon ot m•ln anti t•ll rotora. $8.88 PLASTICAST Cisting and embedding Pt rn1int n1ly pro erve ob1t<I~ ot b<JUh' by t mbtd· dint them 1n c ie,.r pt•ltt<. bloc~~ ••• crt111tt O&cor- $9.99 BATTLING TOP S An 1ct10ft packf'd 9.a•nt w.ht'f h 10 to tour p14yer\ 1pm their high \Pero tops into tt t ctnler al tnt ~r1n1 ·1nd lrl lhC' n tu tti• 1n out. SPcC IAL KENNER EASY -CURL HAIRSETTING KIT $2.2 All you do h H t hJlr on plu toc rotttrs 111~1 tuvt eet n w.trmt<i 111 Phl\flC rolltt warmt"r W11f 1us1 1~ m111vlt\, como our SIG WH EEL Re9. S6.99 $5.76 Worltl ' I 1r ,t '' d ontf U11 "'t' w1,tvt Cl IP~~d cycl•. 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FOUR SPEED MONAURAL RECORD PLAYER Slmplt te •fNr.tlt -9rt -1 ftr tht Vo11n1 1wl111er1. Sluk up n.t meno111r•I rt<9rd1, sw11th en. Acllont 4-1,.td fuml•lllt IM•Y• Ul/J, 311/l, 4S •n• 71 · rpm recortts. l uilf.ln 4S-rpm aO pltr, .~ $18.94 COX MUSTANG P-SI alt •cceu anee. fuel & ll•tteri.1. llet. $11.00 CAROM GAM i 8 0 ARO $9.76 Tht t v1r popular 11mtt An idH I 9111 for •I! •1t1. flnl1htd In n1tural wood willl reif and bl•ck designs. Compltlt wltll equlpmtnt. •at· Sl 1.00 MONOGRAM B-52 L•r9u1 1/12 H•lt PIHllC mOGtl With new ltl aound optralin1 bomb aoon, mo•~blt fl•P" hat· '""· reu 9 un 1urrtt. Comptctt c1>c~p.1, 4 r .. r bo u1y1 REMCO TRUE SMOKE TRUCK A\ Stfn •n f V1 W1tf\ rtll \m:tkl l(UCM. PLAY -OOH $9.99 $7.67 Four Ull p~c~ tor rnJny l\Our\ t f pl .. y lv11. Re-q. 47 Sl.00 SHOW 'N TELL F1mou1 Orneral Elt<l•1t l "lrd 10 vour l•vorolt stor1tt ,, rou v1f w tht m.19 t .. ctt"c11. SALE PRIC! 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YC::Cl~ Figure 11 8 11 COMPETITION ROAORAC ING SET .. 1 .. YC:!C). Monza WITH DOUBLE BAN KED CURVE train set t=!=:=~~I 24.96 Lht ll.00 I • p,, "'Y''· thu111b 1(;t1on ,. 1na t"roltl~is: • J•auor XI\ l i nd (""•tit< f n ll>O<' ' • Cobblt'\!Of"t rh.c.a,,,,. • £ t 1.11p nwr I unut-r 4\.110'1, n ,.,, ol n c.nc action deuan-ect OI\ HI• wild 'id• •nc.lud•nl T<tDft Sp11•I ••. Cobbltttont Ch•COOf ••. Li nt Cht n11n end two ltnkt d Curv"I WESTCHESTER LOS ANGELES CANOGA PARK OPEN 7 DA VS A WEEK 50 FASHION ISLAND I Oµpo \ite The Bro•dw•y ___ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .. . -.. ,..