HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-04 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa------~-----· -·. ----.--.... ,, ...... ··-··~-......... ouse asses-stem - Football Scores ________________ _ Santa Ana Newport 13 34 Villa Park 34 6 A11al1ei1n Oile1·s 14 7 20 21 Laguna Dos Pueblos Marina 0 6 Mater Dei Lakewood 34 6 Magnolia Barons 6 15 .. ________________________ SEE DETAILS, SPORTS PAGES------------------------· .>· SATURDAY, VOt... M. .... »I, JI JI CTIONl ,·7' ,Aelll Right, Oil Tin1e Neivsboy 'Colle cts' Girl Fro1n Pool DAil Y Pl1.0 T Jr.tr" Phi,_ MA~ES .Tl MELY APP.EA!tANCE Carrier Boy ShlidOw•n Ora~Aoast \Veather The ·weathermen say "strong , RUSly \rinds near c:inyo~s·· and Coas~ residenls translate "is a San· ta .i\na wind coming?'' That's the picture ror the weekend. Slightly warmer ,days are also predicted. INSIDE TODAY e-Thert art f ive ki11d8 of sel1Wl in.compati~iity -all curable if the married couple want! to tootk nt curing them.- according to marriage doct'!"• Rebecca Listvood, !ifD, Family \Veeklu. , , r. e Louely Leslie Vngattl3 is ro ver girt fo r today's TV 1VE'E:K : the n1ona.::ine prirulttL'S 1•pcoming editions of her :new u1usi c(ll sho111, ... ·~· H Mt<ftet•t ' c ....... ~ •• '"" ·-· ' Cltnlf1t<I U·tt M«llftft " (tMIU H lftvltl " ,,. .. _,, H llttt l"ll•!t ••• D•tl~ N91 ittl " , ...... 11·1• l~ller!tl • ·-· .... "' .. ' 1t-U EnHr1t l"Mffll " •MN '" " , By ARTHUR R. VINSEL DI !~t 0..11, f'illtl Ut !I Sometimes. the newspaper boy seems to show up al just th' wrong time on his monthly collection rounds, Jik, just before payday when you're do'.'"n to pocket change for lunch monl'y. Ron ShadO\\'rn. 12. a DAILY PILOT carrier b-Oy. arrived just at the right time • 'Mlursdiiy 1 nig_hl , while n1aking routine tl<'livcries. He collected a little gi r\'!'; life-a pricele!'s thin g-a.'! she .~truggled and splaihed after tumbling into a ~w iniming JlOQI .at l he apart n1ents 1\·hcrc she lives. Kimberly Hale, daughter nr f\lr. and iltrs. Ron Hale. 2229 Canyon Orivr . ~omr ho1v managed 10 slip ou t nf her parent~· apart1nenl while her mo1ht'r \1 a.~ out 1nomentarily \Vith !he \vashing. Ron, son' or !\fr. and l\1rs. \Vaynt' 11 Hooks. or 951 D;irr ell St., Cosla l\les;i. d(J('sn'l consid er his act anythi ng really cxcilini;:. "l was on my route, n1y friend .ll'f£ !\I i 11 er w.as along . and \\'C \\'ere just walking into the apartments. 1 had my head turned," s.aid Ron. a DAILY PILOT carrier boy for IO months. "Jeff said somebody wa!I in the pool." ··she was bobbing up and down ." the Everett Rea Junior High School student continued. "so I took off my walch and jumped in after her." "She wa s only about 1 or 2 years old. She wasn't very big." Ron pulled the tot out of the fiv,·fOO!· 1teep water before she even had a chancr II} S\\'allo\\' any and her mother took th;irge of the near·dro1vning victi1n. "i\l y friend "''ent to tell the peopl' T deli v er to." Ron cont inued. "and he <"a1ne out and said thanks. I dried off and the lady that had 1he child said she sneaked out somehow." ~ll' never asked the family's name at the time and continued on his route, ar· riving home later in the evening, soaked to the skin from his re.IC~ W9fk. "I learned how la swim when I wai· lit- tle, about five," Ron explained, "and r kept going to lessons. I pas~ a 11 my test!." The you ng DAILY PILOT carrier who hopes some day to . be ,a ma;or league baM:b'all player learned that sport well too, making hi s Costa Mes11 Summer Recreation League all ·star team. Only h' missed one vi tal step in the swimming program, through no fault of his own. "Jn sixth grade we were supposed to learn moulh·t~mouth resuscitation." he said. "but we didn 'I have time." Lu ckily. Ron Shadowen arrived before ll WU needed. ··-- Regents Say Communist Can't __ Tea·ch at ~ UCLA Stra~glat Slaoote1•s Pop Atvay The carnival has come to to"'ll a nd Randy \Vclch 9. (from leftl David Mustang, 8, and Da vi d Shear- er, 8, arr. aiming to have a good tin1c .• Junior Cham- ber ol Comn1erce cornmuni1y festi val in Costa l\1csa Park will run froin IO a.m. to 10 p.111 . loda.v a nd Sunday .. Jaycee e vent has a bit of everything in the \Vay of fatnily entcrtainn1cnt. Nixon's ABM Plan Ol('d WASHINGTON (AP) -The Houso has J>lltlled a $21.35 billion military spending package, including President Nixon's Safeguard ABM system, after ooe o! th·e bitterest fights of the year. The bill -slightly more 'xpcnsive than when passed b'y the Senate -re- ceived 311 lo 44 approval in lhc ltouse Friday night afler a debate marked by shout.ing match~. charges of op t n vote n1aneuvering and claims by spending c1i ties they were muzzled. Tl gives Nixon the go-ahead to deploy his version of the antiballlstlc missile system, leav~ intact $481 rnilllon lor 23 more of the controversial CSA supe r· cargo planes and tontains $1 billion more for ships lhan tht administration asked. Efforts by critics of nu1 Jtary speoding to cut those and other projects totaling $2.2 billion were defeated durlng the y,·eek·long HouiM! CM!iderallon or the measur ~,. 'Th~ bill now goes to a Jfouse·Senate conference committee In ·which differ- ences between versions .passed by ea ch chaznber will be \Yorker. ouL Occasioual angry cxchang~11 between supporters and critics or military spend· ing \Vednesday and Thursday became the don1lnant feature of heated debate l'riday . Critics claimed they were being run over roughshod when debate on lhe Ad- vanced Strategic bomber was cut off by voice vat..e after only six minutes . They protested again when debate was lim.lted to 47 seconds per speaker on a proposal ta cut $136-mlllibn from lhree bonlher 'defense projects, "This is an outrage." said Rep. John B. Andenon, (R-111.) ''This is nothing buL a gag rule." Armed Services Committee Chairman L. Mendel Rivets '{()·S.C.-Jraccll6ei. cri· ... tics in general or distorting fact£ and accused Rep. Robert L. Leggett fD- CalU. ), or "heaping abuse" on lhe chair· man, other committee members and the· ·commltteo staff . Leggett had sai d military &pending hall rise n $10 billion a year since ruver~ become chairman compared to $1.4 btl· lion befo re and lhat the ct">mmittee staft tchot:o; Rivers' views at the: expense of di ssidenl.3 . • But Miss Davi s To Collect Pa v ~ D11rin g Appeal SAN 'FRANCISCO (AP) -Uni\•ersity of Ca lifornia regents have ruled that a Con1n1unist teacher, already fired. must not teach on th e Los Angeles campu3 \Yhi!e lihe app~ls her ease. However. Angela Da vis, 2a. :i Negro. will conlinuc to receive her salary in tho Interim . the governing board of the nine- campus un iversity ruled in a 14·6 sec rf't vote fridav. ~1 iss IJa1·is is schedu led 1n speak at tic fr\1 nc next Thu rsday . A n1innrit v of regenls said f\ll ss r)a\ 1~. who say" she is a Co1nn1un ist and 1-1·as ordered fired Sept. 19, should be allO\\'· ed lo teach \\'hile she foll ows appea ls pro- cedures approved by regents. ''I th ink it's a misluke," \;CJ.A Ch:in· cellor Charles E. Young said of · 1h<' board's vote. But "r'oung sn1ilingly told reporters: "I am goin i:: to have to play out the scenaria a bit." Report~ 1-1•ere confirmed by several sources Friday that Miss Da vis wi ll speak at 11 a.m. Thursday on the UCI campus. Unconfirmed reports were that the spon· so rs of her appearance Al Irvine n~ay include the New Uni versity Conference or radical profe~ors, the ph ilosophy de· parln1ent and Students fo r a Oemocrallc Society( SDSl. Som~ regen ts contacted aft er the meet· fng said they believed a compromi3e, could be \\'Orked oul whereby Miss Davi:or \\'Ould be permitted ta lecture. but.not. for credit courses. They l':aid they '"'ere trv1ng 10 prevent any trouble. Jlo'.'·c\·er. William Con1blentz, a regent (See DAVIS, Pa gt 3.1 'Groppi' P1·ot est T1u·ns Violent ~fADISON, \\1is. (UPI"! -. Large-scale violence erupted for the first time In five days of welfare protests at the sta.te capi· tot FridaY, .night when club-wielding law officers rou1ecl some 150 demonstrators fram the squ11rr. · At least 22 persons were arrested and an undetermined nu1nber -Including at )east two newsmen and a Catholic priest -were struck with clubs. There were !wo separate confrontati1Jns as some la('! law officers enforced an extcutlve order bann ing loitering on the capitol grounds. Al least nine persons were treated anc1 released at hospitals. Another was al.I· (Ste VIOLENCE. Page 3. l ' I ~ DAILY PIL.OT Opens Tuesday Investment Talks Li,sts 3 'Stars' The 1969 president of the Newport Harbor·Costa f\fesa Boud of Realtors, a computer ei:pert·tumed-realtor and the erecuti\'e vice president of the rultors' board ·will be the three "stars" of the opening 5tssion af the 1969 Real Est.ate lnve.!itment Series. The program presented an- nually by the DAILY PILOT and Orange Coast Evening College 1n cooperation with the board of realtors ~'i ll open ntxt Tuesday 2! Ne\\l>Qr1 Harbor J-ligh Schoot Sessions are scheduled for four CQnsecutu·e Tu e s d a y evr:nings and all .,·ill be held in the auditorium at Harbor High. Tickets for all lour of the se3siom are still available at PRESIDENT.LECTURER any DAILY PILOT oflice J, Peter B•rrett· (Costa Mua. Newport Beach, Hwrtingtoo Buch or Laguna Beach) and from the evening col}tce offi(:t! at both C.oldm ,. West Col~ge and Orange Cout College. No admission ls charg~. but all conferee! must have ticit:ts to attend the con· ferenCt". After opening remarks at 7:30 p.rn. Tuesday by Dr. Thomas Blakely. director of lhe Orange Coast Eveii.ing CoJ.lege Division. and Robert -N. Weed, DAILY PILOT publi&htr, the first session vt'ill feature: -''Orange Comity -A Way of Ufe for Bulnu1 nd Plusare," by J. Peter Bar- rett. Rea ltor Barrett, owner of the Pete Barrett Realty Co. of Newport Beach , is 1969 presi· dent of the realtors' board. He has been chairman of the boa rd"s publicit y, program and multiple !isling com- mittees in the past and i5 cu r- rently a member of its ethics, exchange, by.Ja>1·s, taxation and toning committees. He has been a member of the board 's board of directors for five years, has served as a director of the California Real Est.ate Association for four years and has worked in the reci1 est.ate field association field at the s t a t e level on se\'eral occasions. He was voted Re.altor of The Year in the Harbor Area in 1966. -"Wiiy lllvest In Real Property?", Glenn Mart in, e•- ~tive vice prt'!'ident of· the realtors' ro.trd . Martin has been 1ht f'X· ecullve officer of the board 11ince 1965 and has been li- censed to practice real estate in California since 1948. He taught real est ale HE DIGS COMPUTERS ~lesmanship, real e s I a t e practice and commercial and investment property courses at Santa Ana College prior to moving to the Harbor Area. He has been teaching a real estate principles class in the Orange Coast Evening College since 1966. -' •Com p uteriud Real D•n• SmitM fe5so r of marketing at Cal State f ul!erton and he cur· rently 1s a member teaching staff at UCJ. of the Estate l1tv!&lment Analysis,"------------ Dana SmHh. Pnor to entering the real estate fiel d In 1965 a~ an investor. Smith ~·ork('d with t.h e Data Processing Division of lBr-.f Cor p .. &pecial1zing in the sale and in· stallation of niedium and sm a!l computers for the linan· cia! indu!try. J1e v•a~ later exr.cutive &Sbist.ant to the president of Marina Feder.ill Savings and Loan Association and -alter becoming an inv estor in real property himself -joined ~·ith Gatev.·esl National , Inc., in July, 1968 to establi5h Properties \\'est. the real estate firm he still serves as pres.ident. During the 1968-69 academ ic year, be waa an assi11tant pro· Miami College Girls Go Blouseless Also MIAMI (AP) -Some profes~r of humanities. said Miami college girls have pro-he thoughl mini~kirt;; \\ere it vided ruson for rejoicing pleasant addition to t h e class roo1n. hut the scarves among braless advocales \\'!'re a Jitlle too niuch. Uw:y're going blouse\ess as "I'd be distracted b y we:ll. \\'Ondering wha!'~ ho 1 di n g The tofds on the Miami them on," he s01id . D1de Junior College -North The girls say thrir main C1mpus cl01im the new style v.·orry is making sure the guy helps them beat the Florida behind them in els.Si$ isn't ht 1 t. Going "blouseless" practicing his deftness at un- means •etrlng tlghl·fltting doing the well·tied knot. atarvea tied at the neck and 1jjiijiijiijiijiijiijiijiiiiiiil waist. with an expo!ed back, II and nothlnt underneath. The male students on cam· pu1 have: perked up. but some 1Chool administrators and I faculty member.11 reel such casualness shou ld be reserved for the und and surf. FANTASTIC CAMPER SALE! SEE PAGE l! ''I 1topped a cou ple ol the 1irl1 In lhe halls and sug·I ge1ted that the apparel is mort 11ultable for the bea ch,''I 1aJd M. J. Taylor, dean ol I studenl.J. Richard Janaro. associate,:•••••••••• Dally 1~10 Sundll'f 10·7 . . . . '-"-' -~ . ....., JI '' ' • ,-~ . ·-· Women's su .. llair Only Plush Bootees Cozy house &lippers~ \Villi dainty r i b b on bo"·· Suft heel~. soles. Refreshing colors. fl-10. Charge It: ' J66 011r Reg. 2.28 f' I • '. .. amir;,.,,r.:a;, ·, :-.,..~,_,-;&P-JF..: .2111 Women's A9ilon® Hosiery f Sraml;~~··.~:~1l::~~tr~1•h 2 ~ s I n)l,•n her.',. \\d h nudr hf'f'I. '!,. P··11 ll' 8-9 'T. A\f'r1!.gt' 9-101.:, R ' "'t Tall I0-11 1,. Col<Jr choitr. o. ..:.o•e"..g 'llll· TM 011r Reg. 68c CHARGE IT! AT K·lHART SAVE ON 30 GAL. GARBAGE CANS S1111day 011ly Reg. 3.97 244 ~O gal. galvanized can has tight fitting cover. Self Adhesive DECORATIVE COVERING Reg. 38c yd. . . Srurdoy 011ly Soli d color. nEi pped thrrninl h!ankrl (If .)~1', rayon l-1;i'. Poly(!~trr h<t~ •I"' n.vlo ll h1nrt- 1ng, 72";.;90 " ~11•·. ,)u~t • h;1r::r JI: MEN'S KNIT SHIRTS 1.37 or 3/4.00 Reg. 1.91 Our men's department presents an. outstanding collection of kni ts ghirts in easy-to-care for 1ooir~ cotton. Your choice ot box a nd r ib stitch knits. S\rif){'s and r in;::.: rail •'l"<'\I S. Trim fashion <'ol- lars, solid.~. s triprs a nd layprrd ](J()J.;S. !'5izrs S-:-t . L ·.XL. Reg. ;J.74 . ----· ,--, j E!l;;S'\rli-~: J --~ -, ·-~ t 3 PC. Bathroom Ensemble r Ja.;;llr ~rt jll l11(!f'•" J ~ <ii. ba~kr!. la1111d1'y h11n1p<>r 11 nrl l'lo"·l t:ir11~l1 r11ddy, '~Hnll<J1· lo 1lltts1rat1r11;1, ... ~ Su11. Only! ·~ Crr1~· ::.ocl\~ of 73', Hi·Bull\ Orlon® Ac.rylic And :.!:'!', :oilrPtrh rihbrd Spandr:.: 1np. Colors. JO.J:t. (lo DVPO~t ,.,, TM 5ss -~ fl l · ~ •, ' 54~:, Reg. 68c . -.~ J.OZ. SIZE DIAL DEODORANT S1111doy 011ly aa~ Reg. 91c JHsco1n1t Price 5·01.• Dial 1\nli -Perspir11nt deo- dorant krc1;.e; ,\'OU nir,:c to be ne11,r l'lll d;iy, S!1op K marl for br11nd niin1 r itr.m~. i ''~H!..:I Qu•~t11y -Nont told 19 ~tfltrJ ) • ., ~ ' • . • COST A MESA ONLY. ~ -·-. -.. " ......... ROLL-UP SLEEVE ~ SHIRTS GO CASUAL '. S1111day Only 2~·3 Our Re9. J.97 R ' i Popular fall shirts. Dacron1!} polyester/cotton, ~~ .A.vril® rayon/cotton and 100% cotton. White and lovely pastels. 32 -3a. Charge IL 1:, • • . I " "T IYI ";:,.00 Pon! Corp, ~~J •t l~, -l',.,,.C Coro. .. • fi!i'"?!:''::.~-.::-·~ '-··-::;;-~ . • .. S11ndoy Oulu Full~-11utomn1•1' i::J;i,<;;,; pr rk n111.kr~ up to 11 fill '~ r>f cof· fr<f'. Has l1ft·(l1.JI hr>1\l a nd i;p.--.cial fla1·.,r ~rlrl·tor 'Char.,;;!' H ·· l •m'if'<l Q~•o • •y - Non• •Old !O ~·· ,., ---.---. -- Re9. 1 J.91 SULPHATE OF AMMONIA Reg. 99c 73~ • • 20-!b. Bag -Covrrs 2,000 1riuere fM!t. J .. FOCAL BINOCULARS 1088 Reg. 16.811 ,.. 7xJS. c ... t.r l'•cu1 Great for vaet1tions, A sport even!~. Jncludts hAndsomr ra~E>. ~ '· i ,, ; r';" -•• --: ~ . .:.;_.,,,,..,,.y , VO I ... J, I r ' I 1 \ .. mo bet p;,, R car Tln de!. f pri• spl. poc ~ ~Ir ho1· lpE mo Ji H~ ""' exc ~1 i \\ J hr;: '" Sh• r dt< to ch; d• car the '"' I th< fl\" J.o llr ke1 te~ ( ~v: hi~ lea ~a• I ll '4 1 ' vio da· tof orl fro ; •n '"' . -·~~-====="°ri"1'• w -.,._ ... ------~"':!--·-~~----.. -----.. • . • Weekend YoDI" Hometown EDITION Dally Paper voe. 62 , NO. 238, 5 SECTIONS, 76 . PAGES .• SA TURDA'F-OCTOBElr 4, 1969 TEN CENTS , Strnigl1t Shoote1•s Pop Atvny The carnival has con1e to to\\'ll and Randv '\'elch 9, (froin left) David f\Iustang, 8. and, Da vi d Sil car- er. 8, are aiming to have a good tin1e. Junior Chan1- ber of Comn1erce community festival in Costa 1'.1esa Park \rill run fron1 JO a.111. lo 10 p.n1. tod<Jy and Sunday .. Jaycee et·ent has a bil of everythin.r.; in the \vay of family entertainn1enl. Right Oil Time Neivsboy 'Col lects' Girl Fro1n Pool \ . •. Ry ABTH Ull R. Vll'\SEL ~ 0! tn1 D•H• P'ila! Sll!t ' ctitncs. the new spaper boy scc1n, w up at JUSI the \.\1rong time on h1 ~ ly tol!cction rnunds, like ju ~t bJI6tt payday v.·hen you're down 10 i)ockct change for lunch money, Ron Shadov.·cn. 12, a DAlLY PILOT t arrier boy. arrived just at the right time Thursday night, \1·hile making routine deliveries. J{e collected a little girl"s life-a pricel('Ss thing-as she struggled and :>plashed after tumbling into a swimming pool at the apartments where she lives. Kimberly Hale. daughter <1f r..lr. and P..trs. Ron Hale, 2229 Canyon Drive, so1ne ho\v managed lo slip out of her parent~· apartment wtiile her mother was out n1omentarily with the washing. Ron, son of r..1r. and Mrs. \\layne lL llooks. of 951 Darrell SL, Costa Mesa .. rloesn"t consider his act anything really exclting. "I \Va~ on niYfoW. niy friend Jeff T\f i 11 e r 1,·as :llong. and we "·crl' j11<:t 11 ;.ii king in to the apartments. I h;irl n-1,,v head turned ."' said Ron. a O:\ILY i'lLOT • arricr boy for 10 n10nth ~. ·-.relf said ~01nebody wa$ in tl1t pool '' ''$ht. wa~ bohbi11g 11p ~nd drll1n." 1hr 1::\ert>tl Hc;1 Junior 1!1.o:h School student <'On!inucd. '":.o I took off my 11atch and 1umpcd 1n after her " .. Sbc 1'.'as only a1Jo11l l or 2 ~car~ old. !-)he wasn't l'Cry big" Ron pulled the tot out of the fi1·e-foot- dfep v.·ater before she even had a cha.nee to swallow any and ber moth('r took charge of the near-drowning victin1. "Mv friend \\"ent to tell the people I de\i0 v er to," Ron continued. "and he came OtJt and said thanks. I dried off and the lady that had the child said she sneaked out somehow." He never asked the family's name Ill the time and wntinued on his route. ar- riving home later in the evening, soaked 10 the skin from !us rescue v:ork. MAKES TIMELY APPEARANCE Carrier Boy Sliadow•n Navy Air Crash Kills Orange Man A data systems tPChnic:ian from Orange and rive other Californians v.·ere among 26 men kiUed in the C2A Greyhound Na1·y aircralt crash .in the Gulf or Tonkin Thunday. The list of vic tims rele:Jsed Friday by the U.S. Navy includes Keavin l..e<" ·Ter· rell. son of i\lrs. Bell y R. Terrell , f)f 200'.J Highl and St., Apt. 1 , Orange. Officer Clearetl In Shooting of Th cf t Suspect An An:ihcin1 police nfrlecr 1\·as ("\cared of any susp1t'.lon i11 ihe shooting or Allen Scull ll nll Fndav when Distric t A11ornc y Cecil Hicks ruled !hat the slaying '"'as an iicl of justifiable homiclde. Jlall . 19. 1'.'as gunned down by the of· ficcr $ept. 9 shortly after he and a female i.:on1panion stole a car fro1n an Anahein1 parking lot. The pair \\-'as pursue<I in a high spee<I chase that ended in c;arden Grove when the stolen auto smashed into a parked t·ar and the couple leaped out. Officer S. 0 . Waugh has te stified that he ordered the fleeing l·la!l to stop on at least three occasi::ins belore he opened fire. He then fired one shot, killing Hall instantly, It was lat er revealed that the victi1n 11·a~ deal and could nnl possibly have heard the ofrlcer's shouted commands. Unruh Ripb Rcuent~ l{caoau t" ' 0 1.0S AXGELES (A Pi -Je~~e ill t ·n. n1h. !0-lnglewood l. n1inori!y parly learl· rr of thr S!ale A.;:sf!rnbly. upbraided the l 'C regents and (;ov. Honald 1-\eag.'ln Fri- 1!ay night Jor the ll1~rn1ssal of Angela Uavis frutn lhc UCLA faculty, illiss Davis. 25, ;vas dismissed by the regents after she acknov:led~ed member· ship in the Co1nmunist party. Unruh said Reagan's response to the Davis situati on has been " much like thal of som e demonstrators on our campuses 1\'ho violate those laws they don't like. l\cither action is defensible. "It i~ the law of thi.~ land and of thi~ stale that no state employe shall be hired or fired on the sole basis of politi ca l as- sociallon . , . The governor and the Boa rd of Regents have flaunted lhe law in the Davis action . for their action 11·a~ hased )!ol ely on political a::sociation. no1 rrofe.<;· sional qualification or competence .•. '' Pay But No Class Miss Davis Can't Teach Say Regents SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Un iversity of California regents have ruled that a Communist teacher, already fired, n111st not tea ch on the Los Angel es campus \\•hi!e she appeals her case. HoY,rever. Angela Davis, 25. a Negro, 1\•il\ continue to rN'eive her salary in the interim, the go\'ernlng board of the nine- can1pus university ruled in a 14-6 setret \'Ole Fridri.y. r..Iiss Da\·is is scheduled 1n :;peak at UC Irvine next Thursday . A n1in<1rity of regents s<1id lltiss 0;1 vi~. ,1-ho says she i~ a Communist and v.•as ordered fired Sept. 19, should be allov.'· ed lo teach while she follows appea!s pr<r cedures approved by regents. .. I think irs a n1istake,'' UCLA Chan· cellor Charles E. Young said of the board's vote. But 1·oung smilingly told report ers: '·J ;un go ing lo have to play out th e Sl'enario a bit."' Reports 'Vere confirmed by several sou rces Friday that Miss Da vis "v:ill speak ;if 11. a.m. Thursday on the UGI campu~. t:nconf irn1ed reports "·ere that the spon. Nixon ABM Plan • Passes Ill House \\'ASHINGTON (AP\ -The House has passed a $21.35 billion military spending packag('. including President Nixon·s Sateguard ABJ\ot system, after one of the bitterest fights of the year, The bill -s\ighlly more C\pcnsire 1han \\'hen passed by the Senate -rc- <'eived 31 1 to 44 approval in the House ·f.·riday nighl after a debate n1arked by shouting n1atchcs, charges of open ·vot!' n1:ineuvering and clo1n1s by spending c·ritics they were 1nuzzled. It gives Nixon the go.ahead to deploy hi~ version o( the anliba\listic niissde ~yslem, lea ~-~ intact $481 million for ~3 niore of the controversial C5A super· l:argo planes and contains $1 billion more ror sliip! Chan ths administratloft asked. Efforts by critfc1 of military spending l-0 cut Uiose and other projects totaling $2.2 billion 'vere defeated during the Arin)' Whitervash Cliargecl in GI Club Ski1nn1ing \\'ASHINGTON (UPI) -Top-level Ar- my officers actively covered up v•rong- 4'\oing by Sgt. Maj. William Woolridge. al · leged lo have been a key 1nan in a \VOrldwide U. S. service club theft ring. ;iccording to Senate testimony. \VO Re is R. Ka l!h. an Army in\·cs!1ga- t,ir . used the lcrms "fix·' anrl "whltr- 11'ash ' 10 1lr.scr1bc what he !SaJr1 w"rr ·~I· tem pts to squel ch Army 1nvesl1ga11nn~ nf \Voolridge . in testimony Friday before 111e Sena te permanent in\·est1gat1ng !:>Ubl·or.1 · mi!!ce. Kash i.:i1rl \1;ij, LPri. (;irl C. Tu r11e1', fernier Anny provost n1arshal. nnt nnl,v hushed up !hrel' i n\·e ~l1gat1ons-(lf thr f1r:-.l ."ergrant ,\la1or o! the Army hut cvrn or· flercd a counter probe of an Air Force ripster. As the Senate inquiry into financial irregularities in serv1cen1en's clubs end· ed its first week, members had been told at least two generals had tried lo cover for Woolridge. Sen. Abraham A. Rihicoff, ([).Conn .), said he v.·ould ask a third general-re· tired Gen. Harold K. J ohnson, fernier Ann.v Chief of Staff -to testify ~1onday abo11t. \1·hat he knew of \\'0oolridge's acti· \1ities. ff1h1coff emphasized he dJd not su•pe('t .Johnson of V.'I"ongdo1ng . \veek·long House consideration of the measure The. bill no\v goes to a House·Senale t'.On!erence con1n1ittee in which t!Hfer- enl.'.CS bet1\•een 1'ersions passed by eacl1 than1ber v.•itl be \1•orked out. Otcasional angry exchanges bety,·een supporters and t'.ritics of tnilitary spend· 1n~ \\"et!nrsday and Thursday became 1he dominant reature of heated debate r riday .. t'ritit'.s l.'.lain1cd they were being run Ol'cr roughshod \\'he n debate on the Ad · ,·anccd Strat egic bomber was cut oH by 1·01cc voie af1cr only six minutes. They protested again when debate was lin1ited to 47 sec(lnds ~ speaker on a pl'epogal lo cut $138 mltUon from three botnber d<?fcnsc projects. "Thi~ ls an outrage." said Rep. John B. And~rson. \R·lll.) "This ii tiothing but a gag rule." Arn1ed Servicrs Committee Chsirman L. i\lendel Rivers (l).S.C . .), accused cri· tit·s in genera! of dis torting facts and accused Rep. Robert L. Leggett ID· Calif.). of ''heaping sbuse" on the chair· man, other committee members and the commi!ttt staff, Leggett had said mHit;iry spt>nding has risen $10 billion a ~·car !;)nee Rivers became chai rman cornpared to $1.4 bil- lion before and that tJ1e cn1n1nittee staff echoes Rivers' vie.,..·s -at the expense of dissidents. The final dispute ca1nc berore t 270-9,1 roll -ca ll vote su pporting Nixon 's Safe. guard system, Critics accused lhe RC'publica n lender·· !ihip of trying to m<1neuvcr the vote 11110 <111 over1vhelmi ni:: show or .sl1pport by 111- :-.1s!1ng the vote he on c\1n11nat1 011 or ;ill Snfrguard funrl~. nnl JllSI it~ drp!oyn1r11t 111011(',.)'. C rcnad c Cauada Lc::ul cr's Kiu LOS ANGELES IAP) -The. daughter 11f Canada's Democrat ic SQci<1list Party leader and a former college professor \1·erc freed on bond Friday in connectioo v.·ith fed eral charges they purchased 10 hand grenades for use by the Black Pan· ther~. The case against Shirley Jean Suther· land. 3;,, and Donald Freed, 27, both while, was expected to go to a federal grand jury in the. ne:i r future . The spe· cific charge. lodged by lhe. government agai nst the pair is ·unla\\•ful posse:>· ~ion of a destn.1ctive device .'' sors or her appearance at Irvine may include the !\"e1v· L'nil"ersi ty Conference of radical professor5, lhe philosophy de. partment and Students for a Dcn1ocratic Societ1·! ~OS ) . Sorrie regents contacted after the meet· 1ng said they believed a compromise could be l\.'Orked out whereby r..!iss Davis \\'OUld be permitted to lecture, but oot fo r credi t courses. They said they ware trying to prevent an.v trouh!e. i1owevcr. \V i!Han1 Cotnblenl:i:. a resenl iSec DA VIS, Page 3.) Los A la11iitos Police Nab 2 On Marijuana Lo~ Alamitos police Friday confiscated l\\'O kilos of marijuana hidden in the spare tire of ;in automobile. Arrtsted for possessio n of n1arijuana ;.ind booked into Orange County Jail v.·ere Douglas \'J. 1\Iorganville. 22. of La Jolla, and r..tonle C. Stratton, 23, of San Diego. Both \l'ere taken into tustody by olfi· cer Gary Biggerstaff at 2:1(1 p.m. after a search of" the vehi cle first led to confis· l:at\on of \1•hat \l':ts desi.:ribed to be n marijuana pipe and a p<1rtially sn1oked marijuana cigarette The hvo kilos of tlie narcotics, valued by po1ic~ at $~00. \1•ere discovered \1•hr n Biggerstalr ))ccan1c susp1ciou~ of an ex· pensive looking cl1dln :111ll lot:k attached to the spare lire and broke 1t open , olf1· ccr5 said . The vehicle cont.atnin~ U1e contraband was parked outside a restaurant at 1053! Los Alan1itos Blvd. \1'hen Biggerstaff in- ilia\Jy checked it out as a possible stolen .automobilt, according to poli~. Passenger Ships Set in lnvasio11 ATLANTIC CITY. N.J . (U PI) -'I\l·o T'll"aritime Union leaders say they can now di sc.lose that American cargo ships \\'era loaded "'ith mili tary supplies and pas· senger liners y,·ere readied for troops for possible use in the Bay of Pigs in\'asion alten1pt on Cuba in 1961 . Joseph Curran. president cif the N;i. liona l illarit!n1e Union, and Thomas W. c..le<1son. president of the International l,oqgsho rcmen·s Association. made the di sclosure Friday It a ne\1·s conference annou ncing a pos sible n1ariOme stri~e , Curr.in said union leadr.rs \ve rr called 1n \\'ashington <lnd given plans to must"r :>II passenger ~hip~ for !he Bay of Pig.~ 1n1·<1 ~1on \rithin 24 hours. '"The passenge r ship~ \\Cf(' (Q br. dr. pended on to ~l'<'llrr beatlihcad!i 111 CulJ<i if necessary," Curran said. Heel Chinese Heleasc British News111au Grey l,ONDON (AP) -British newsman Anthony Grey has been free] after beinF: he!d under house arrest In Peking for 26 mooths, British government sources said today. Grey, 31. had been held by the Com. n1un\st Chinese as a reprisal for lhe ar· ;e$t of 13 Chinese ncwspapennen in Hong f\ong . The last or thc:;e \1·as released in Hong Kong Friday. "'I learned ho\\' to S\\'im ,vhcn I v.•as Iii· i!r. about fi\·c:' Ron explained. "and ! J.:ept going 10 lesson~. I possed ;i 11 n1y lests." Only hr 1nissed on!" vi lal s1i'p in thr sy,•imming prograrn , through no fault 11f hi~ own. ';In sixth gr:idr we wcrt ~uppo~<'d !n learn mouth-to-mou1h re suscitation,·· he 11a.id, "but \\'C didn 't 'ha ve tin1c." Showdown on Haynsworth Brewing Orn~Aoast Luckily. Ron Shadowcn arrived before It was needed. 'Groppi' Protest Turns Violent MADISON, Wis. (UPJ) -Large-scal6 violence erupted ror the first time in five clayii of welfare protests 111 the slate caPi· tol Friday ni11ht ll'hen clul;y:iclding law. orticers routed so1ne 150 demonstrators lrom the square. At least 22 person!! were arrested and an undetennined number -incJudins: at least two newsmen and a Catholic priest -\\·ere stn1ck with clubs. There werf! '"'o separate confrontations a! some 150 law officers enforced an e1ecuUve order banning loitering on the capitol grounds. At least nine persons were trea ted and t ('leased al hospitals. Another was :1cl· I St.t. VIOLENCE, Pace 3.) ""ASHINGTO:--J (AP) -President Nix· on has committed himself to a showdo\\·n vote on hi! Supren1e Court nominee even !hough he so far lacks a possi bly essen- tial ingredient to victory -open support of hls own Sen.alt leaders. Both Republican Leader llugh Sco11 !nd GOP Whip Robert P. Griff.in refuse(. to lake skfes Friday as Ni1on bea.an to l"ihift ·the tun weight of ,.his i;restlge into blunting criticism of Juct&e Clement P. Haynsworth. ' ScoU sa:id he i;t ill would ' .... ~ in the Senate Judiciary Com1nitee to report the nomination to the floor but that he could not predict what the Senate -or even he -woukt do then. Scott even added a nott of fainl hos· liUIJ. He said he agreed with Democr&t- ic Leader Mike i\fansfield that Hayn~· worth may ha ve shown questionable judgment in ruling v.·hile a federal judge on two cases involving companie! he wa! financially involved with. "lt justifies some careful thought ," said Scolt. Scott a180-.left It up t!l another Repuhli· can member or the Judiciary Co1nmHtce to re lease a lett er from Nixon that cap. ped a day of stea<lily increased \\'hit~ House pressure and rnounting counter· demands froin Den1ocrats and Repub!i· <'ans that Nixon "'ithdraw lhe nomination. In a letter to Scott, Nixon said there was nothing in Haynsworth'! record to cast doubt on his inttgrity or to fault his po5ilion on civil rights or labor is· sues. "In order that there be no mJsunder· standing on the part of anyone," wrote Nhi:on. who is spending the weekend at Key Bisc11yne, Fla., "1 send this letter to conflm1 that I steadfastly support this nomination and eameslly hoPe .al'ld trust th11t lhe Senate .Judiciary Commitee will proct-ed with dispatch to approve the nomination.'' Copies of the letter were sent to Judi· ciary Chairman James 0 . Eastland, rl). /11iss.). and the commitee's senior COP member. Roman L. Hruska of Nebraska v.·ho esrlier mrt with newsmen to defend 1-laynsworth in a full dress news confer- ence. It wa~ ftruska who released fhe, Ntxon letter late in th!'! d11y. He accO!ll{J_31'.'i~ it "''ilh a !latement of hi! own bra.ncbiMi1· nn'.s reported plans to allO\'.' Hayns11·0r1h to \\'l thdraw his name as "false and com- pletely unfounded rumors,·· Brsides the Nixon letter and the East· land·Hruska news conference, statements supporting Haynsworth, who is now on the 4th U. S. Court of Appeals, came from Sens. Gofdon Allott of Colorado and John Tower of Texas. AlloU heads the Republica n Policy Com· mittee and Tower chairs the Senate Re· publican Campaign Committee. "The Whlte House says this is a do--Or- clic thing. we hal'e to have thi~." said onf! GdP senator \\.'ho has been in the thick of the debate. • The sarne senator likened the Presi- dent's determina'tion to the earlier fight this year over an antimissile derense sys· tem whic h the admini stration v.•on by a single vote in the Senate. In that battle. however, the administra- llon had the almost solid back:in1 of the RepubUcan lt.adershlp. Margaret Chase Smith or Maine report- edly has Informed the President by ld.ttr Uial; she will Vote a1aiM-Haynsworth. c..rp Aile• or v'""""' dtan,ol Sftlat• ..... . . . •- ' Republica ns. told a newsn1an Friday he thought the· President should probably v.·ithdraw the nomination if it looked like opponents· could muster 40 votes. . Nose counts or_ how the vote might go 1f held now varted. But both sides ap. peared to agree there was a minimum of 30 against Haynsworth and pos5ibly as many as 46. An aide to Sen. Patll Fannin. (R·Ariz. ), gave HaynsworUl opponents at least 40 vote.,, but said supporters have been tell- ing the White House over lhe past two days they would rather be beaten on lhe floor than see the name withdrawn. At a late. Friday afternoon news con- ference. Sen. Birch Bayh said he no long· er thinks it impossible to defeat the nom- ination . The Indiana Domocrat who has bern a leading Hayns.,..·orth critic, said a pre- liminary look at nnancial records the judgt, had flown to Washington et his re· quest Thursday· hAd convinced him to ac· Uvcly seek Haynsworth's rejtction by the Sena!e. Bayh prom is('d a full documentation or his eharges before !he Judiciary Commit· tee meets nex t \\1l'dneiday. Weather The 1vealhermen say •·strong. gusty v.·inds near canyons'' and Coast residents translate "is a San· ta Ana wind corning'!" That's the. picture for the weekend. Slightly warmer days are also predicted. INSIDE, TODA. Y e Tli erc are five kinds of se:r.uol iacompatibility -all t uroble if die morried couple wnnls lo work at curing thent- (l cco rding to niarriage doctor, F(eb ecca Li3wood. J.1D, Fanii/11 \Veckly. e Lorely Leslie Uogums i.~ rorer oirt for todoy'.s TV 1\!f;f,h.": //1e ·rnaga:ine preview,, 11prorni11q 1>d i!io11s of l1r.r 11e1u nttisicol sl~o1r .. , -· " "''''""" CllVt<h ., '"" l •llf•n Cl1n•"-4 ,. .. , Mtt!I~., " C1mlu " ...... 1 .. " Ctt•1WO•d " lll111 .... ,, •• Dlt!~ l'OO!>ttt " '""'" 11·14 ~-l!Otlll • ""'" M1""1!1 l•lt S~!ltl11ftl'ft1~t " u" ... , .. " • I • f D41LY PILOT S1tu rd1y, Octobtf' 4, 196~ Opens Tuesday Investment Talks Lists 3 'Stars' The 1969 prc~iclcnt or the J\"r"wport Harbor-Cor.ta f\fesa Board or Realtor.<, a computer f'.>;pert -1urncd-rr,;lt0r ;ind lhc r :\Cl'iJ!l\C l'JCr prc~1rlcnl of the rral lors' bn;1rd 11ill hr tl1e !11rf'e '"stars"' of lhf' oncning 1<<>~~ion of the 1969 Real ~state l n1 rstrnent Senr1'. Thl' prngr;in1 prcscn!<'rl tin· nually l)v the llAll.\' PILOT ;:inrl Or;1 n~c (."(1;i<t 1::\"rn111g ( nll rgc 1n cll0prr,J11011 '>'llh the hoard nf rraltors \\'ill oprn next Tue~day ;,t Nc1vport l farbnr !ligh School. S<>s~1nns ;ir" sd1Pd1iled fnr four consecut11"r Tuesday rvenings and all 11·ill be held in thr auditorium al l-Iarbor }!Jgh. Tickf'ts for ;ill lour nr the ~ess1ons are sllll available at PRESIDENT-LECTURER any DAILY PILOT office ~Cost.a f\1e;;a, Jl-;ev.·port Beach, Huntini;ton Beach or Laguna Beach! and from the evening c-ollcge nll1ces at bo!h 1;oldcn \\"est College and Orange (.'o;.i~l ('ol!cge . i\o adn1ission i.~ thLJrgcd, hut all 1·onfcro;-"" 1nu<,t h.1,·e t1ckr ts !O attend the con- ference. After op<'ning remarks at 7·30 p n1. Tu esday by Dr. Thomas Blakely, director of the Orange Coast Evening College Division. and Robert !'\. \\'ecd. DAILY PILOT publisher, the first session will feature: -'·Oran.er Count y -A Way or t ile fo r Busines~ and P\easurt," bv J. Peter Bar- rett. Realtor Barrett, owner or lhe Pete B:.rrett Really Co. of l\e\\·porl Beach, is 1969 presi- dent or the rl:'oltors' board. He has bel'n rhairman of \11e hoard"s p11blicl1y. program anrt 1nul tiple listing co1n- m1t1ces in the past and ls cur- rently a rnemhcr of its ethi cs, exchange, hy-la\\"S. taxation and zoning committees. !·le ha:i; been a member of the board"s board or directors for fi,·e vears. has served as a director.of lhc California Real Estate Association [or fou r vears and has \1·orked in 1he Y.ea l cst.1tc field association !1r.!d at the s ! at e le1•rl on several occasion~. He was \•oted Realtor of The Year in the Jfarbnr Arca in 1966. -"Why Invest in Real Property?". Glenn :r-.1artin, f':t· f'C'111tve \'Jce presiden t of the reallors:' board ~fa rtin has heen lhl'.. C'X· l'<'UlJVC OffJC('T of 1hl' boa rrl F111ce 1!165 and has: hrrn It· rrnr;crl to practice real rstate 111 rn~fomla since 1948. J. Pet1r Barritt • lie taught real f's ! a! r HE DIGS COMPUTERS ~alrsmanship, real r s t a t r pracllcc and commr rci:il and 1nvcstn1ent property courses at Santa Ana College pnor lo movini:: to the I !arbor Area. He has been 1eaching a rral f'Stale principlcs class 1n the Orange Coast Evening (o!lcgc since 1966. Dana Smith fcc,:;or of marke!Jng at Cal State Fullcrtr>n sinrl he cur- rently 1~ 11 member o[ the tcaclung ~taff at LTCL -• • Co m p ull'ri1ed Rea l J-~slall' lnve~tn1 cnl Analy~i5:' -- Dana ~rn 1th. Prior 10 c1(lering the real c~1;itc fle lrl 1n l96:'! ;i" <i n 1n1·r!<tor. Sn111 h "·orkrd \1'tth the Da ta P rorr~~ing D1v1 sion nf )R \1 ( fl r p , SflN'!;!IJll~~ 1'1 1111' <;1]11 ;ind Ill· ;,1all<1\11•n rol n1C'd1un1 <111d ,;mal l ron1p11t ,.r~ fnr tt)c fln~n· c1al 1nch1s1ry. J!r \1,1 ~ la\r; rx• 1·11ltrl' :is~1 ~1;i nt 10 1111' prr ~ir!rnt nt :"olann;i FcrlPr.d :-.a1111gs ;ind Loan 1\s~of'1.~11r•n :1nr! -;iftrr becoming '111 1111 l'~lo r in rcfll properly h1ms~1r -Jfltnrd \1·1th fja\c11.est l'Oation~l. lnr , in J uly, 1968 10 c~tabll!<h Pmptrt1es \\"e;,t. 1hc real f'Sla1c fum he s11ll scrvrs as president During 1hc 1968-li'.l ac<1dc1n1c ~·ear, he \\'as an assistant pro- ANIMALogic ~ l'M A L-E 6 M6'H_, 1bo-AND 1"\lAT'5 '50Mt. L-' " Mia11ii Colle g·e Girls Go B lo useless Also riuA~ll (A P) -So 1n r profc <.sor of human1tie5, fairl ?i1 1an11 college girls l1a1c pro-Jit thought m1niskirls v.·tr' a 1·idtd reason for rejoicing ple.asant addition to I he classroom. bu!. !he .scarves 111nong bralci;s ath·otates "·ere a Jill ie too much . 1ht'y 're i:;o1ng blousclcss as "r d be distracted b v v.·el!. \\'Ondtring what's h o Id in£ The rned:i; nn !he f\1ianii them on." he said. Dade Junior College -North The gi rls say their m&in Campus claim !he ne111 st_ylc v1orry is making .sure the guy helps !hem hf.at lhc Florida behind !hem in class isn't h ea I . Goint: '"h!ouseless" practic ing hi~ deftness at un- means 1\"raring 11gh1.f111ing doing the "·ell-tied knot. !'icar"es lied al the neck and ~iijiijiijiijiijiijiijiijiijiijji "'aist. w1!h an r~po~rt1 hack.II and noth ing undernea1h. The. male !.luUrnls on cn111·1 pu:oi have perked up, h111 son1r I l'iChool admin1slrijtori. a 11 rl fticull.V mt'mbt'rs lcrl surh ca!lualne5s ~hould hr rf'fl'r,·rd 1 for l he sand and surf 1 FANTASTIC CAMPER SALE! SEE PAGE 29 "I slopped a coup lr nf the' g1rl5 in lhe halls anrl ~u~­ gf'sted that the ;ippa r"I 1i:.i more. suitable for the heflch."' ~aid ~1. J . Taylor, dean of 5tUdl'nts . I Richard J anaro, associate,:••••••••••• i .. • ., Daily 10·10 Sunday 10·7 Women's Plush Bootees .'i1mday 011111 Cozy hnll~P sl1pprrs~ \Vllh dau11y r 1 h b on bol\'. Sofl hccl:1, :1o1 P s. T:cfreshin~ colors. 5-10. Charge lt: f66 Our Reg. 2.28 ' ' I ,, '' ~ Women's AfJilon~ Hosiery ,. S1111. Only 2 F s 11; Sr-amle~~ "Ag1lnn:!.I" strrtrh Q I; nylon hosr "'·i 1h nudr hPrl. ~ !'elite R-9 1,l . Avcra~f" 9-l Ot,.i, R Tall 10-ll'r:i. Color 1·hoici:. 11o.erin9 •t11. 1M Otar Reg. 68c " \, ; " " " I . ' ' . . ,, CHARGE IT! AT K-111ART SAVE ON 30 GAL. GARBAGE CANS Su1ulay Only Reg . 3.9i I 30 gal. galvanized can h as tight fittlng cover. Self Adhesive DECORATIVE COVERING Reg. 38c yd. • ' " ' MEN'S KNIT SHIRTS 1.37 or 3/4.00 Reg. 1.91 ()ur 1nrn's drpartment Jll""l'rn ts an outstandino:; t•ol!f'ction of kni1s shirt.~ in "a:;y-to-care for ]()()<,~ c·otton. Your choice of hox and rib stitch knit:<. Stripes and r in g rail crews. Trim fashion rol- lars, solids, stripes and layered looks. Sizes S-~1 · L-XL. ' ( I COSTA MESA ONLY ' ! ' , : [! 1' ~I ~: ROLL-UP SLEEVE ~ , SHIRTS GO CASUAL (~ !<i1111day Only 2 F$ 5 ~our R e g. 1.91 ~ Sohd color", nilJ)llf'd 1h£'1·1n111 0 ~ blankl't of 55r~ raynnl'15'~ < e,.o,Jye7,2~.~~·90~~:,,4: n.,~~o1o,.,",",.",,-R Popular fall :-.liirts. Dacron'!li pol yc!:iter1colton, " ... ~ ·· '"'" Avril~ rayon/cotton and JOOVO cot lon . \Vhitc and JL! Reg. 3.14 ·~~ lovely pastels. 32 4 38. Charge I L. ·~~~i'%.Z ~"''C'O''"Sr~ -'•");r;'""J!!t!#~~ (!.l.M. -Ou "Co ! (Ofl>. ~: ' " ""......._ •• 4 """ ~ I .~lM.-FMCCnrp. • · r.:...b.9JliJ!)(!\ __ o: .,--.-• -·""--~- . 'J ·~t j 1!~ ] ·~·1 ____ , :~ 3 PC. Bathroom Ensemble .'iun<lay Ouly l'lili l IC • l'l Ji1o•l1Jrl l"• · I.: q! b:i,~k,.1, launrlry hai11 p,.1· ;ir.rl 1'011 I h1·u•h ,-addv. 1 'i1m1l;i1' 1H 1llu .. 1ra1 111n 1.1 · . ~.-. \ .. --:. . - 5ss ~ :-:-,. ... --.-....... MEN'S CREW SOCKS ,. ' ~I ,. .. .. ~~ ~~ • S11r1. 011111! ~ 1J Crr11· ~ock~ of 7j', J!i-r:ulk " ,-1 Orlon® l'lrr.1·!i r l'lnrl '.!.l'. t ~1t-p1(•h rilJP<'d :)p.1n1ll'S C11lor.~. IO-!;, 1np 54~ Reg. 68c ") ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR S1uulny Onl!J Fully auto111111 1r :.:1.,,., r" 11 n111k~~ 11p I r• 11 1 up~ nf r,,f. fr-r Has ]ifl -r1111 l•f'I\• / al1d Flll'1'111I f!;11"r ~r l•1 1nr "Lhai :.::P ]I " 937 " ' ' ' ' ' . . •I I "' '"<:! Q,,~~ ,, ''o"• ••I~ !.:> o• '" ll<'!I· I 1.97 SULPHATE OF AMMONIA Reg. 99r -· ---- 1 GAL GARDENIA AND 1 CAL WAX LEAF LIOUSTRUM. .54c Reg. 88c ,. ' t·~ ; ' '. l ! " j ' .. 7-0Z. SIZE DIAL DEODORANT S1n1da11 Only 4-:r:.-: •. -::-''" FoCAi-·-q Reg. 91c Di•cou11t Price ;}-oz.• Dia l Antl-Pcrspirant d~o4 dorenr. krrps YClll nlrc to hr nl'/lr a l! driy. Shor K marl for brand 111\111,. ilr1ns. l 1rnhed Qu•~l•IY -NOf>f •old ill ~t1let1 BINOCULARS ~ 1088 ~ Reg. lfl.88 ~1c 7;1115. Center 'ocu1 Lirf'fll lnr \•F1c11 t1on~. A 1-)'0l'l ··~·rn1~. lncludrs hand~o,.:ir 1·1i ~" -:::-Jili'. "' iOVt olh< lisl.4! doir. In v.·id1 disc Tl """ wou F'° td de]~ 0 1100 H of I r~ I , i • ~ ' ·' . l am pit • wa or sa i he st. foc lei sci ad m< in cm "C -t Pr • ac· sai er< ,., ' • v~ Ml thr Fr to '" '" I IJc 00 fr• sir hir "" As ()r! ho '~ \llj ii R< nl Ur Ur wt P.fi HI ne hit --------. • • ...... Q .. ' .......... ,,,_.,.. ___ ..,. ,,. ........... ~.,--~-,,,,... -...----..-......------- -S.turd•1, Ott.obtr 4, l~ --------------·· . s O>ILY PILOT ~ Cities' Shop Talk Swap: What's It Worth? -. How much is it worth to a mwUcipa1 eovertu'nf!nt to ieDd dclegites to meet othtrs delegat.es fcyr swapping sl'tbfl talk,. listening to governmental experts and doing 11 bit of aociallling? In Orange COWJty, t~ opinions are \1'idely vary ing, a DAILY PILOT survey <lisclosed. The California League of Cities -a pGtent, slalt\\'Lde organization -just wound up its annual convention in San Francisco. One Orange County city view- ed it important enough to send 25 delegates at a cost of $270 each. Others sent only a handful and spcn~ $100 less per delegate. Huntington Beach. with a population of 115,000, sent the top number of coun- John Kahlio saved his long hair and Kalamazoo (Mich.) State Hos- pital saved face this week, Kahlio, a part-time food service worker, was told to get his lengthy hair cut or lose his job. Then the hospital said he could keep his long hair i! he wore a hairnet as re · d by state health laws for l g h;;1.ir in food services. Kahlio greed. • Students at 1'.1assac usetts Col- lege of Art in Boston painted the school without objection from th e administration. In fact, faculty members joined the 400 students in the project \vhich the school could not afford commercially. "Our budget is very limited for the -things that need to be done ," said President Jack Nolan. ''Instead o( a re'volt, we had_ positive student action" said an instructor. Nolan silid it' 1,1:as a practical training ex- ercise in what the students h a d learned. • •• • The pinoii !ea.sort hos nrrivt d itt New Me r,ico and three·yeor·nld Pnru. ela Det1ise Garcia of A/buqv r.rq1(e proudl.y shotns her horvesr of 111 1': tos· ty 111£ts. Pa1ne /a and her par~11 t s, ~Ir. nnd l\!rs. Er11est (;a rcia jo 111rd '1 1111· drr.ds of o01er pntnn picke rs i n the Jtrst cl<J!IS oj tlie liarves t. f"rona Pnge 1 VIOLENCE ... mlted v.•ith a head injury. j\lany ot ht:rs rtfustd treatmenl of injuries. Young ,people recruited fror.i tht Uni- versity of Wisconsin and student·hippic 1-fifflln SLrcet neigl1borhoods compr'ised the majority of the demonstrators. Until Friday night, the protest had appeared to be lo.!:ing steam with the movtmenl's le1der. the Rev .. Jamts Gropp!, in jail . The demonstrations are protesting wel- fart cutbacks in tti!': new sta(e budget. E:arUir P'rid1y, Federal Judge James Doyle promised A decision by Monday on an attempt by Groppi's -attorneys to free him from jail, v.·herc ht has been ~ince Wednesday. The Assembly citt:d him for contempt of that body in con· nection with Monday's takeover of the Assembly chambers by 1,000 demonatrat- ors \•:ilh resultant $26,000 damage. The citation, first ever issued by a house of the Wi&c0n1in Ltaialatutt. could keep Groppi in jail for six month! without a trlal. His attorneys chaJ1en1cd it on conS\ltutlon1J grounds. The injurtd Fr1d1y nigbt included the Ttev. DLsmas "Betker, program director (}f the Catholic Archdloctun Council on Urban Life in Milwaukee;_ OennJ1 COnnor. United Press Intern1tlon1.I pbotosrtpber. v.'ho suffered thrte broken ltelh. •nd ?-fiss Berniec Buresh .. Mllwauktt Stntlnel Reporter. jabbed several tlmtfl by a cJub. Connor said he identified himself as a newsman t-0 11 policeman, who thtn struck him in the face Wll.h a clwb. "The police were dl,scipllned in their '·iolencc,'' said the Rev. Becker. "We don "t want to fi&l'lt the. police. It's the people in ~uit~ wf'lo crucify the poor who are our enemies.'' cilmen and city staff member• -25. Santa Ana, populaUon 152,000, sent aeven. Anaheim, tht coooty's laraest city with 165,000 poptuailon, aen t 14. Along the Oranae.co.ast. t.aauna Beach wlth 14,000 populatlto aent nine rtprestn· tative1. Newport Btach. population S0,000, had 15 delea;atts. and Costa Mesa. 75,000, 5ent 14. Three is obviou1ly a wide difference of opinion among the varl°'!s communltlcs as to the value of sessions to councilmen ,' department heads and other employes. Huntington Beach's list of attendets in· eluded six ()f seven councilmen. 10 deparl.ment heads, live assil'ilant depart- No Ruling Yet mint head• and fout others from city commlaakln.s and boards, Laguna Beach .ent two councilmen and .even clepArttntnt beads. Ntwport Beach paid exptnae1 for four councilmen, seven deparlmtot bea~, tWG ll'iSist&nll!i, a00 ,.,,,o others. On the monty 1ide. of the ledgtr, Hun- tington Beacb hu In paat years allowed a flat amount for expenses to the con- ftreneta (th'-ytar $250) and except in rare instancts no account.in& was made as lo atnGunt Actue.lly spent on necessary conference func<ions. transportation, hotel rooms, meals, etc . This ytar. each person alteodin1 the event was given a check for $250 and a • Battle Over Gun Evidence Ends A bitter courtroom battle. built around t:1~ gun that Arthur Dewitte League allegedly ustd to kill a Santa An1 police officer ended Friday a.her two 111•eeks of testimony -all o.fftrcd at a hearing originally scheduled for only one day in the municipal cour.troom on Judge Paul Mast. But there wlll be no ruling on the mo- tion to suppress evidence -the 3&<:aliber revu!ver -until Tuesday. And Judge fl.1ast made it clear Friday tha t Lt.ague, 20, will face his preliminary hearing on n1urder charges in that same courtroom immediately following delivery of the rul- ing. Both sldes agree that the ruling may make all the differtnc~ to the. ease. Admission of the we.apon into the pro- secution 's e\•idence hamper could c:<in· ceivably send League to th t gas chamber for the murder last June 4 o[ Sante Ana police officer Nelson Sasscer, Judge Mast'~ rejection of the weapon for courtroom display \\'OIJ[d, if nothing ('J~e. bc a tremendous boost to the morale of a defenst Iha\ kno111·s It has a tourfl row lo hoe ln defending lhe accused Black Panther. For much ol the e.videnct marshalled by the prosecution against Learue 111·as collected. ironically enough, by the public d~ender's office -evidence that WAS produced to clear League 's friend. Daniel Michael Lynem , 21. of identical charge!!. Jt had to be pretty subsla.:ltitl evidence Pilot to clear Lynem. And the ntws that it was tv bt us!<! against Ltague had the public defender's office bowing out of the picture with the successful argument that defense of League woold amount to C.'On· flict of interest. At issue in the two weeks of testimony was tht seizure. by Santa AnA polke of th~ gun found undtt a bed in the home of 17-year-old Ricky Tice. It ha!! bttn ~argutd that officers broke into the Santa Ana home shortly after the: shooting and "slapped Tka around pretty hard': before they found what they believe to be the murder weapon . The involvement of Tice and his 15- year-old brother, Carl Stevie, has led to their being confined, in protecti ve custody, to lpitCially adapted Orange County Jail quarters. They will a1ay there -with the exception of heavily guarded weekend leaves -until the League Lrlal is over. No one can predict what the Tice brot:hers will offer in the way or testimony at League's preliminary heir· ing. Thty have thus far offered an assort· ment of accounts of the killing of June. 4 both In the courtroom and before tPle Orange County Grand Jury. But they are, the defense. arguts, vital witnesses to the shooting and the events that 11uccee.ded that shooting. They more than anyone, the. prosecution is con- vinced , can ahed a light on the real reason behind the killing and the alleged role of the Black Panther party in thll incident. --~ Logbook 'Stai·s Burned Briglite1·' F 01· Courts :With Bond BY TOM BARLEY 01 •~• 01111 ,!It! tun •·RE BROUGHT to the facelesa facade of public lltrvice a compassion, dtidicat ion, l'iincerl!y and unas sailable inl~'!ity that made the star! b~rn .~ llt· tle br i,1;hter for those of us v.·ho v.·ere pnv1legrd to meet llnd know tum. Sir Linton Andre"''!! wasn't talking about Joh n Bond when he offered that gracioos and mov ing tr ib11t~. _But the man he bo~ortd V.«'IS of the Bond mol~ and , re-re .. ding that tribul!': many years later, I v~ borro1,1•ed thet great edt· tor·s words for a topping of ~.v own solil OQll)' -. A Sir Linton wouldn"t mind. He rubbed shoulders with lhe greate~t and, even more important, he knew them ·when he sa1v them. And Bond . For my mone :.', \rou\d ha ve qual ifitd for inclusion on his short list of the elite . f or .John Bond was a public dtfender in fhe fullest sense of that ofttn misunderstood title. FOR JI '"EARS. in his quiet, unobtrusive, yet utterly dedicated way, he pursued his investleations for that of· lice in it manntr that made hlm , for 10 many of us, the complete public servant. Perhaps it didn 't su!t everyone, ~specially in recent months, but-well, tha\, as they 111y , is anothe:r story. .J•1111 hM In one way t'm glad that he's aone. and for this reason: I can now dump my objectivity out the window of the courthouse pre111 room and pay a Jong overdue trlbut!': ti) a man who, time after time. his won my barely conctaltd a<lmlrat.ion fllr h.i1 efforts on be.hair of many deftndAnts whose case hlstorlti might have been •lamped rathtr differently if John Bond hadn't been around. I \\'ATCHEO him ""alk away from the courthouse for the last time Thurs- day and I don 't want to dwell on it. Let me just quote one of his deva11t1ted colleagues: "That wonderful lllY hes left a hole ~ mile wide .behind him-'.' John didn 't dtserv1 the y1ars that the Antonia Thomas tr1al1 put on him . }le bellevtd and bclitve11 in her inncx:enct and he also bfl!eves that he made mistakes that htlpcd to put her v.'hert silt l.s toda)'-in state prison serving a five-years·IO·life term. . His friends and I don't bu)' th at. But that dot~n't stop ,John from waking in angui~h during those long night hours, fron:i re-living all t~at ht did .and all th9t ht !eels "he 11hould have. done, nor dl)ts 1t stop him writing, phoning, re- checking and pacing in a bid to find what he calls "the mi~sing piece in this damned jigsaw pu:ule .'' HE IS DEEPLY loved for that faith in a bewildered Filipino woman ~·ho insists today that sht did not murder her infant son. Ann herself has a burning faith in John Bond that helps. by Ill very in· ten1ity, to send him back homt with his doubt a recharaed ind his mls1ivin11 rtdoublcd. And all the asaurAnces of Oudlty Gray , htr attorney, and the many frienda who've sweated out her two trlabl with him aren't rtally enough for this unhappy man. Ht Is alw dttply loved by thoee Cf Santa Ana's black comrnW'lity who have etpened lhelr door s and their heartJ to him , particularly in these atrtfe- tom recent wtotk11. What their reaction to the new! of hla 1otn1 will be. 1 dread to imagine and I havt.11't the coura1e to walk dMV!l to o.Jq Street and ut. "JOHN BOND" is a pa.uword down thert. lt h1 yoor pertontl 1Ua.ranttt (I( admlsalon to the ghetto : It is your •blolule a$Surard: that you will •ct • meua1t that la not beina: filtered th.rou1h to the hllls of ju~tict In thtst dark daya. There art.rft just Ann Thomas and ptrsecultd Ncrrotfl tn the John Bond book, of courtc: thert are hu.ndrecb1 more. many of whom reallie today what they owt to ~ public dtfender'1 office but m111y, rn•nY tnort th1.n t1'at who have convMltntly forgotten. God bltts you, John Bond from 1111 of them. You made the •tar• burn a litllt britbter. ' aheet to bt returned "within 1 rtuonable length of time" accounting for 1\1 neceuary expenditurts. The. city a\10 ad· vanced $20 each registration fee for the 25 dcleg•ICS. Santa Ana allowed it s seven delegates a flat '149.31 e:1pen;5es. A breakdown showed $32.38 allowed for air fare ; me~. $45~ room, $42 ; rrgl,trotion, $20, and incidental experues. $10. Admittedly quite frugal in the.se days ol. high prices, Based on past experienct. Anaheim ci- ty officials e.9timated that txr>enses for lhtir 14 dcltgates would tc.tal "aboul $200 each." Of Costa Mesa's 14 off icial~. several returned early attending only the p1trts ()f the four~ay 1et1sion1 ol particular ln- tere11l to them. Estimated c:1penses are about $200 each. Laguna Beach Advanced the $32.28 air fare. and '20 registration for each of its nine representati vea. A city official esUmated txpenses for this year at "about $1~ tQ $1 75 each." Newport Seach asks that councilmen turn in expense voucher• and they are approved by the council u a whole later. Department heads turn in their expen1e accounts to the city manager who checks and approve! them. Estimated : $200 each . Fountain Valley. with a population of :10,000, sent eight delerates. The city WELCOME ABOARD -Joe Hamblett, Newport United Fund execu· tive director. \Velcon1es ~1rs. Richard Keith (left) and Mrs. D. L. l-lildenbrand of Family Service Association of Orange County to as- soci ation's nev,r offices in _Ne\'.rport ~larbor Chamber of Commerce building. NewJ)Qrt United Fund helps support assocation se"rvices . Families With Problems Can Turn to Counselots lJ11rbor Araa. familits wllh big pro· blcm' rw:iw have a place to Ill where they <'ln talk to someone -and may~ gtt some sensiblt professional advice, at Iii tle or no cost. The F'arnil)' Ser\i ct Assoc i a ti on , p;i rtlaHy supported by $4,MXI from the Newport Be.!lch Uniltd Fund, \\'ednesday open!(! a counseling office in the Newport }!arbor Chamber of Commerce bullding, ll&ll E. C(')ast Highway, Corona del Mar . Thf'-off ice. sponi;ored by LAs Mari nera~ Auxiliary, is open v.·ec:k days from 10 1,m. to 2 p.m. with Mr11. D. L. Hllden· bral'ld. a UC Berkeley graduate, in charge . "Short·lerrn, Intensive counseling for acu1e family and marital problems can be hand led by the new office ," explained Mrs. Richard Ke ith , Las Mariner8S prtl!i- Oen\. "Anyone \vanting to inqui re ·about rhe services c::in call 67~-6300 or our Tustin headquarters , 833·7377, for an ap· pointment.'' families who are ahlt to pay are re- ctuested to contributt toward t h e coun8elling expenses. Moratorium OK"d UC/ Senate Joins Anti-w<Lr Protest A declaration asking studentl'i not to at- tend clas!t;: on Oct. 15 in protest of the \'ie!nam war Oas been p as~ e d unanimously by the UC Irvine student sena te. A day of moratoriu m from business as usual his Oeen proclaimed for the elate in c:onjunctlon with similar peaceful protest nationwide. The ucr admini~tration h 11 s not yet taktn an official po1itlcm. But Chancellor Daniel Aldrich, says Vice Chancellor John Hoy, has met with student govern- ment le•dtrs And "i1 trying to develop a format for tbat day dolna aomethina: ap- propri•te and constructive. ·'At the. present lime he doesn 't fetl the student government want! him to d!scU5S From Page 1 DAVIS ... from San franci1co, told newsmen : "I think •c·re golnl to havt a confrontation. l hope lt't: not too sertoua." Gov. J\on1ld Reaaan, an ex-officio re· aent, said he had no comment on the Flegenta' action during a Utrtt-hour em- trgency a.esslon. The Jt1pubUcan 1overnor has said Miss Davia 1hoold bt fired becaust repnts' rules -adopted in the lHOs -fort>ld Communist party members from tuch- in« at the univeralty. Miss Davis matntalna the Nit ii un· constitutional . A few hours be.lore the me.tuna. Miss Davis said in San Dleao she will begin t61ching l\londay It UCLA. but "of c:ourae rm eoncerntd, 1 am worried about people g~ttln1 Injured or ktlltd" Jn ·any confron- tation. She told newsme:n then s:be would t~aol'I Communfrm and other phJI~ phle~. "t will invite my students to cha!· ltn&e roy _b_ellefs: .. classes nor is he inclined to dismi~! clas~s."' Hoy sa id. The \'ice chance!lor said ne .~ee::; it as a healthy sign !hat student go1•ernment 1.5 monitoring !he ~i tualion and not letli ng radic als run the. show. The studenl senat.e called a meeting for ~londay to plan the moratorium and resolved it shall coordinate with the Orange County Mobillza!ion Committee. The purpose of the moratorium, the student sc:nate re60lution said, ia to mua public pres.sure to end the war. At Cal State Fullerton, the student aenate has called for A student and faculty boycott of classes on Oct. 15. There the resolution V.'.!ls approved 1·1 to I. CSF Prtsident Or. William Lanesdorf ha! taken an opposing stand. Ht told the tiludent.s : "I think it'i obvious that all Americans would like to !Ct the war ended . But the group advocaUng complete withdrawal is oversimplifying the matter. I don't think the boycott ls the prOPer way to influence political action. It's an lltltmpt to use the collece 11 a preuure device." The national day o' mobilization for an end to the war origirially was plann~ by former Eupne McCarthy campalrn workers In the East. lsrael's Ehan Calls For llalt to Hijacking llNITEO NATIONS IAPI -111 .. 1 hu joined the United States and a II'Owing pmade of other nations demanding U.N. action to stop hijacking of planu. Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eba11, whOlt. govcrnmcnl has threatened to act if·two Israelis iboard a hlj11ickcd airliner are not releated by Syria , called F'rtday for internaUonal steps to end ·aif piracy. bud1eu f200 for councilmen (only ooe at- tended) and they turn in expe111t1 ac· cou nts. Department heads returned a.a JJOOn as their workshops were completed al'H'.I those whose functions would not. be aided by con!erenct proarams did not at- tend. Several city officlals admitted that the 1eaaue conferences arc not of value to every depattment head in a city. Notte· lion meetings are held on several fac~t• of city go vernment. Some close 11cruliny of the number ot reprtlf:ntatives and the amount allowed for expenses in future years w11 in· dlcated in conversations with city of. ticial.s. Czech Leader Blocks Dubcek Trial De111and PRAGUE (UPJ) -Communill leader Gustav Husak blocked consuvative de- mands that reformer Alexander Dubcek be put on trial by insisting the same treatment be given to the deposed reform leader's Stalinist predecessor, East Eur· ope.an sources iaid today. According 111 the sources. Husak told hardliners demanding a show trial for Dubeck that the 1968 party htad could not possibly be blamed for all the coun- try's political and econ11mic woes. Still, the price Dubcek paid was high . 1'he Partv Central Commltee last week: dropped him from its ruling Presidium and ordered him recalled from his post .as parliament president. Official rejection of liberals and their policies continued Friday in the Slovak republic whert 15 person11 were ou1ttd from party and government jobs. The l'iOurces said Husak argued wlth constrvatives that Stalinist Antonin No- votny, whom Dubcek replaced .as party first l'i'-Cret.ary in January 1968, was no less responsible than Dubcek tor current problems. The sources pointed out that a Preai- dium report to the Central Committee mteing last week included a Jong and harsh attack on the Novotny era -in addition to a detailed ittmization of Dub- cek 's weaknesses. They also said a num- ber of .the con5ervatives presaing tor Dvb- ctk's trial held posts in the Novotny re- gime. Husak spent nine years in prisons dur- ina the Stalinist l~ on political cha.riel. Secret Contacts With North Viets Made by Nixon? OET'JtOfT (AP ) -The Detroit frM Press said today the-Nixon administra· tion has made secret contacts with the new Nortll Vietnamese government in efforts to setk a negotiated settlement of the. Vietnamese v.·ar. Ont source -v.·ho wa! not identified - v.·es quoted as :i;aying the contact!! were directly related to the administration·~ request for a moratorium on criticism of Prl"5\den t Nixon'!! Vietnam policies. The newspaper, in a story from Wash· ington by J11mes McCartney. said th" st'crel conta cts ..,,·ere made to find out v.·hether the pre-sent oHicial! might be more favorahly inclintd ti) seek an end to th' v.·ar than lhe late North Vietnam•• Jea<ltr Ho Chi Minh Saying tht: site of the talk! wu not pubHcily known. tM Free Pr~ said apparently it was not Pari~. where fo,. mal peace talks are under way. 6 Hurt on l\Iission Egyptian troops crossed the Sue1 C1n11l Frida y night, destroyed thret Isr aeli armored troop carriers and two tank~ in a three-hour battle, a C't1lro military spokesman said today. The military spokesm11n ~aid si x Egypt· Jan 1oldlers v.·ere v.•oundtd in wh11t he said w1s a reconnai11!ance mission. DAILY f'ILOI ............... " ....... ..... '-'-..... ...... .. ~ c--CAUJOPJA OllAHGI COUI •ti•L_,,.. (.twllll.NY ~ ... _.. N. WH4 .. ,..,..,.. .... ,......., J••• •. e,,,.., ~1(1 ., __ , ............ ""'""' T~'"''' J...,il .... Tli11t111 A. Mfftllf~• WIMf"" lfl'-....... ..::.,. "'"! .. ..,... • .,. .. ...., "'-' 9"ctl: Jfll -1 ........... .....,. L•-llffc:h: tn, ,_,, •-Mllr! __ ._.., .... l'l'MJ \ I ---------------------... 4 DAILY PILOT Pulpit and ·Pew. Worship begins at First Blipd1t Church. 301 t-.lagnolla, Costa Mesa, Sunday, JI a.m. This wtek Or. r . G. Neumann "'ill preach "'The Tears of Jerns." Al !he evening ser\'ice, 7 ·p.m.. Associate Pastor flarold Anderson "'ill speak. Presenting a se.rmon en· titled "The Victorious Soul." !he Rev. Henry E. Jones will address the congregation of Central Bible Chur ch, 23rd Slreet and Orange Avenue, Costa r.tesa. }le \\'ill speak at Sunday 9 and JO ·JO a.m. com· munion services. ''EChO("s from Anaheim:· ll re\'iew of the highlights in !he Bi!lv Graham Crusade. is lhc pro&-ram for the evenin~ "'orship service slated at 7 o'clock. Pioneer Girls and Christian Ser"ice B r i g a d e me£'l Thursday, 7 p.m. Worldv.·ide communion Sun· day "'ill be observed at St. • Andrew·~ Pr ta byte rl • n Cbur£'b, 600 St. And~\~;'s Hoad, Newport Beach, this v.·cek. r om mun io n .and meditation will be conducted at a. 9:30 and 11 a.m. by Dr. Charles I-I. Dierenfield. llis topic is "Be Prepared." Dr. Philip G. r.turray will de li\'er a communion medita- tlon entllled ···is Communion , S\111 Valid?" <it 10 a.m. services for Corona del Alar Congregational, 611 Heliotrope A1'e. Child care and church !>Chool are available at both hours. ··r he Fello\.\o·ship of Ours·· \l'ill be the Rev . P tt u I 6iesen1eyer's sern1 on topic Sunday, 9 and 10:30 am. services for l\lesa Verde United l\1etbodii~ Cburcb, J701 Baker St., Costa Mesa. Churrh s£'hool and nursery care arc provided during both "·orship hours. C bur c b of lbe Naza· ~. 1sas 1.AnaheimSt., Costa r.1esa J)eg,ins a "Keys to Life" contest at Sunday School this week. The classes convene at 9:30 a.m. and will use the theme, "The Bible Is the Key to Christ-Study It." Pa:;tor Charles Snyder will be in the pulpit at the 10:45 a.m. service. He will speak on ,;The Difference .be 1 ween Chrislians 1 n d Non-Otris- tlans." The evenlnE service, r~gularly held al 7 p.m .. is canceled due to participation in lhe Billy Graham Crusade afternoon rally. Coast Jebovab's "'itnelKI are prepariDg for the Biblf: education program to be he ld i11 Irvine BoY(I Park, Laguna Beach on Oct. 10 to 12. Kln Suen, 1ninister for the 4guna Beach congregiifion a n d llarold Phelps, minister for the lluntington Beach Sou!h unit are among those getting ready for the 1,900 expected delegates. Randy Birks, diri!ctor of Transformation • House, a. personal renewal project deal- ing with drug 8cftlicts in Anaheim,_!i.11 speak Friday, 6'.SO a.m. at 1J)e (:brisllan Bu1iDtM1 Men't Committee weekly prayer breakfast The group meets regularly in the Oak Room at the Disneyland • (See PllU'JT, POl<~!il Takes Pulpit The Rev. Charles L. Rti se \\'ill d cl1\'cr his first sermon as the nC\V pastor for Con1n1unity Un i t e d ;\rcthodi sl Church, Sunday, 9 and 10 :30 a.n1. services. Jlc is a graduate of La Verne ·college a·nd iii· tended Bethany Biblical Seminary in Chicago. Pastor Rose previousl;y :;erved jn Vista. CaHf~ Service Set lnstal\ation service for Rabbi Bernard Jl. Kin):! of ll a r b o r Refonn ·ren1ple '\'ill be held f''riday, 8: 15 p.n1. at St. ,Jan1es F: pi !; co p a l Church. Rabbi King is a 1969 graduate of the Jeivish Institute of Re- ligion of Cincinnati. Rabbi Alfred Gotts· chalk, dea·n of Hebre\V Union College, Los An· geles, will officiate. !~ .~.od F~~~~~fii In Social Action? By LOUIS CASSELS l Y Ullrltol ,r_ 1-NllOMI One of America's most pro- minent liberal lheologians has conceded that there may be 'son1ething lo the conser\'alive complaint that son1e churches have become so preoccupied with social action they've all but forgot ten God. Dr. John C. Rennell. presi- dent of Union Theological Seminary in New York, is not recanting his Jong·timc com· mitmenl to the cause of social justice. Far from it. But in 1he current issue of the liberal journal Christianity and Crisis1 Dr. Bennetl says thin.gs tha.l 1nay fet.ch fervent amens from quarters \\'here. his name has not hitherto been greeted ~'ilh hosannas. Backin,g into his subject in approved ecclesi astical fashion. Bennett qu otes tY•O European t-.larxist scholars to sho"' that even !\larxists "have detected 11. mi5$ing dimension In the activistic secular theologies \\'hich art the current fashi on." Tfte missi ng dimensjon, he says, is "transcendence'' av.oareness of "a source of judgment upon history, a meaning for human life that i:'I not fully encompassed by politics and economics." The ,..larxisl inluition that something is missing from contempo rary liberal theology, Bennett notes. is strikingly similar to protests being made b.v eonservative Christians \1·ho deplore "·hat they regard as excessive preoccupation \l'tth ~ocial problems and political action. Bennett has no patience with conserva tives who · o_-p pose social action betause of a selfish indiffereoce lo the \l'elfare of othe~. or because they look upon the church as " place to seek private comfort IS« SOCIAL. Pqt S.) ORANGE COAST CH·URCH DIRECTORY LOOKING FOR MEANING & RELEVANCE? ,., FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH , ... 1. c.1 Fairview Rd . At Fair Or., Costa Mesa 9 A.M.-Church School 10 A.M.-WorsltlP;. · 1 Dr--S.111itl't'lty -hptll II~ stW, ..... : PrlYm Ollcl G"'MP Co111Mll"' ~ICl-;4611 111 ·~---... I HARBOR ·TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 12lD lak.r St, .t folr.Mw, COit• M..- Re•. Co111i1 Satlot., PGSfOf . • Sunday School 9:45 a.m. ,..toming '\'orshlp 11 :00 .J.m. Baplist Training Union 6 p.m. Evening Service .7 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer .............. 7:00..p;m;; FIR ST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHUR.CH 650 t-!AMILTON , COSTA. MESA REV. J. 0 . WA.t.t.•CE Sund1y Sc~ool •..••••• 9,~~ T•11inin9 Union • •·· •, ••• b:OO M · W • 11 00 E ••nin~ Wofl~i p ••.•••• 7,00 or11+n• onn•p • , •• , : W1d. E~1nin9 S1r~i c• ••• 7:00 Pho11e 642·'111 NMrwry Alw..,. A•1llob .. UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH 2252 S. I. PALISADES •CAD SANTA. ANA HEIGHTS 5U>IOAY $CHOOt. ........................... t :O Oll.M. MOllH!HG wtlll5HIP ............................. II .... M, li.Vlii Hl>ICO WOll5>11P .... ................ I P.M. MIOW££K. 1£11YIC£ WEDH£50AT 1,)0 P.M. Willi•m 5. Acton. P•i>Oc Church Phone !IJ..:1611 FIRST BAPTIST CHUR~H 1r Fo.11t1l11 Y11lltr IA.,,.,.1<•11 l lpl!SO 17415 Mo911oli•. F.Y. FIRST CHRISTIAN C.HURCH Victoria & Placentia .Ai.\'e . Costa l\.1esa Ja1t1M f, Pi.rc:r Mon"'"' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES lkANCHIS O• THI MOTHll CHUlCH THE •IRST CHURCH OF CHl:IST, SCllNTIST IN IOSTON, MAUACHUSITTS ,"Unreality" OCTOBERS Costa Mesa-First Church of Christ, Scientist 2810 M-"I Y.rM Dr., CMlll Meta s..,1dcry Sc:hool-':IS A.M. CkMr<h 5~1c:e -11 A.M. •.adlrtt ••0111, :Zl5D Mino Verde Dr. l-tuntington Beacli-First Church of Christ, Scientist 110 011,. S1111dor !ic:hool -•:JO I 11 :DD Ch11rch-11 A..M. S.rwice l1t1cli1111J ltoom -110 Otiv• Laguna Be•ch-First Cliurch of Christ, Scientist 6lS High Dr. Ck11r<h & S1111it.y Sc:h1o4 - •:JD I 11 :DO •...ii11t lM111, ~·· f1rnf Newport Beach-~Church of Chri1t, Scitnti1t J)Ol YI• Lide Ch11rth I. S111My S<hoe'I -';IS I 11 :DO l.adl1't .,,..; ll15 Yl1 Lid• NewP.Ort Beach-Second Church of Christ, .Scien!iit 3109 P•clftc 'flew Dr~· Coron• cl~ Mt11 Ck111r<h I Sw1day kk•ol -10 A.M. lteadl11t •oom -:Zl'l (. Cocrlf Hwy. 1\!I -a"re cO~i aJ\Y \iivited to al tend' ihe church .. scn ·ices and enjoy the privileges of the Readin g Rooms THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welcomes You. ST. JAMIS, J:ZD' Yl1 Lido, Newpert ltoch 7:30 "·'"·-Holr 111<.harii r ';OD a."'.-Monli1111Pr•'fl1'11t I lrd s .... Hoty l11ehorl1t :Z11cl & 4 .. 51111. •:DO a.111.-Ctt.rc:h ScJto1I 11 :00 1,m.-HDlr l11eNri•t 1it I Jrd 51111. M11r11lr1t p,..,_, :Z11d & 4111 $.11. Chlld c.,.. at ':OD •·•· The R .... JoQ P. Aaty II. Recor \l/ llM le,. Da.ld A. Cni"'I' Auodlrfe' l-tor ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS '"';n, Yl11w Drh-• at Mart1111'it1, Coro110 ~ '41r SM11dcry: l :DD, •:JD -Chllif Core ... ':JO Holr DaYI OI A11110M11Ced All "''" Wtl~·'"· 11.c:ror, T"-•••· Joh11 • ..,,11 Dom-Phone 644·D46J ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.~I. Sw11da11 7:JO & ':JO Ch11r<h Sc;hool-':JD Thursdoy1: 6:JD I 10 ...... :Holy D•Y• ... a111101111c1d Vicar, The ••w. Johll W. Do11•ld1011 -Phol'll S41·1l:Z6 FIRST ASSEMBLY of GOD CHURCH 146 E. 22nd-St., Costa Mew 548-3761 M. C. Cro"I~ 'oSlor Jot.. G•ll11lcll, Auoc:la ... fifty N ,c~t'l 1on, M1"il!1t of Youth ~~"".•¥ $tl\0$1 -t;lO ." M, l"•milt Wo,.~!p IO:H .r.Ar: f~AN'< CRU!>ADE Youth S•••''• -5:)0 P·'"· llt:.iv.t Ti--7:00 ,.;... Wl'd. P1owtr •11d l ible St..,dv -7:l0 "·'"· llevivll Tl--1 P.M. PHIOr ~,.. ...... Child C°'' Pro•ided AT ALL SP.VICES 0.Mtlas Hoclt• Ch .. 1ch Cho•r -Ske"I P~vl11n, Oireclc• Tourh /'lllnlll., ~::::::::::::::~~~:::::::~~~~:::::::~::::::::::::::~~~~~:::::::~~ Vi1i10,, Welcome -Nwl"$tlry Att•Mlo"I : NEWPORT HARBOR ' LUTHERAN CHURCH 2501 Cliff Dr. LI 8-4293 The l•v. J•IM1 G. 11oi11, Pa1tor The Rn. lto'"'kf Whl .... Awi•t•t P11111or f•m•IY Wortn1p ''00 1o 10:.IO • m Sur>oi•V St~ool •:JO k> !O.JG •.m. Wor1hjp Servlce H :OO ~o 11 :00 LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MASTER 2900 Pacifi c Vie\V Dr. Corona del ~tar DR . WILLIAM R. ELLER M11. Wol'• Ch0111berlol .. Pori1h Wl1'k11' Phone 644-2664 •:1 S A.M. fa111!1y Wo11til11 Nursery care available 1D:OD A.M. s~11d1J Ch•n:• at all services Sc"-91 I 11 :00 A.M. Fl'lrl•• Worstilp WELCOME N11nery Pro,lcftd I~""""'"""""-=~"""""=· =""""""~ ' CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH M;uou•i 5y~od 760 llct.ria Sr., Co1t1 Mnt1 Lolht11 Y. Torit0w, Pntor 541-540-4 t . .IO AM. ST. PAUL'S LUTl-!l!lAN • • '.\J1~~0uri s;Ood. -429 Cyprei s D.r. laguna Be1ch Ro•. W."r. Nll'clerftrocli \\'"rfhip Sci'yice~ -10:00 A.'.\!. ~\Inda." School tHd''B ihle~Cltul$ -'8 :<13~A .l\1-:· Phonn: ChUrf'h 494~7998 P1rrrona~e; 494-8110 A Cord;el W~lc:;ome from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH •••· D111• M11wll.a, M.J11iJ11r Mor11in9 Wa r1~•P l :lO & It ·DO S11"d •y School ••••••••• 'l:lO Youtfi Meet;n9 •••• ••• •• 6:00 ,r1yer Se,.it• •, •••••• , 6:30 E"t"i~'I s.,,.;,, ........ 7:00 JI~....., Awell1bll 1! f l! Sff•l<tl IE"'IY wo"h•P ............ 1:1t '"'· i;:; I,! S1111e Lk t111•d Pre-School -M ". John Gollni c~, Director llblt S<hOOI ........ ,. .. l:Jll •.m. ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH Phot1t: 64$.JJ:ZJ Mon1ln• Wt•llll' ........ ,.IQ:•..... 11''~======================~111 Youlh Gniups ••• , .. , .......... t t.m, V"p," .. ........... 1 p.m. ! Miuour; Sy nod I Nuri::ery Care Provided wonh1pin9 •' 1~. 1 \ ~ .J Jn 81lbo1 l1l1nd -·COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH Hu~li n9lon le1ch -Nortli 842-2428 541-4771 S41-6l41 UNIVERSITY PARK SCHOOL \,\\.' ~/,j '===========~===========) S1ndbur9 e! Me llhew1 in U11i•1t1il't' Pe r\ SABBATH SERVICES RELIGIOUS SCHOOL _; WORSHIP: ID:lD A.M. harbor reform temple b7.S-0,50 COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH b!b1 Htol ... ve, 142·4~bl Wort~ip I Church St~ool FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mein & Adems Streets Huntington Beach .t.l o1"i~9 Wcr •~•P ••.... , • 1 ,10 I I r 00 "M l ibl1 Schoo! • , ••• , •• '1 :4S ,..M Yo .. 1h G•oup• •••••• ,,oo PM E•1ni ~9 Wo,,h>., •• , . 7,00 PM l lbll S!~d1 Gt'OUPI -Wtd -I Im. t.iwnt'• (••e rrg•!Ot<I •' ••I •~'•• e> 0"•Ct .. U• ll-St 0•41 Ci"'vOt·""'·Slo.~-.IJ Church or +he 01ily Ward NEWPORT UNITY CHURCH ~oro~ D. fl;<••"9•• Ml"l1t•r ISth & lrv:n ~. N1wpod Bt•,h ISf n,c• Cltlr~n\ e~llO•nq) I 0.00 " M. D••o+io11tl S.rvit • 01"FICE l'..'11 W CG.o•I "1-:l~'"'•V• N !. l'flo~• 6*llll CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE ol H•~porl IH<~ M1mkf Cflurc~ "' UfOil'IOI (flv"fl ll.1h9IOVI '(! ... <t, I.•• ·~~•IOI SUNO.t.Y SEi;tY+CE' ..• 11 .t.P.1 Mtn,;ttr ••• .t.lt>crl Bu•l.e, R..~.t "• (;11.l',llH (.H.t.,.E t. V<>no~ CC>O \: Yl.'(fA.. l.toXI Unl .. r.••~ or. PLEASE DON'T COME TO CALVARY CHAPEL II ..,,. ••• l10J.•a9 101 '" 11,,bore!t pro9t•"'· or 1e<i•I p••1ti9 .. l vi ii ..,..,. •t• loolci,.. for '"·d•plh l illl1 ,1..,d ;11, Chri1li11" lel• low1hip, 111d in1,t1i6n9 1piril•d wo,..kip, vou'U love u1l T1 1cco..,. "'od1!1 o~r 1;powin9 <h utc h f1mily we now h1~•· fwo Svncltv ,.,orni119 11 rvit11, 9:10 1nd I! :00. Nuri1ry <llf, Corn•• of Gr•tn• villi I Sunflow1r. OF NIW,OlllT lfA.CH-llMl~lpl") Mfftl11t l!t•lorlf H11rpo1 ll1-11t•ry s,hool 112' I . 11tti St., Co•t• M111 Church School -9:30 A.l\L \Vorship -10:45 A.I\!. N1rt«y c-Pr1,ldffl Phone: 67l·398l Minister: Dr. D. \V, ~lcElroy CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 W. WILSON ST. COSTA MESA llTWllN HA•IOI _. fAllYllW SUNDAY MORNI NG BIBLE STUDY' .,1, .•..• : •••• t :•SA,M, SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP I COMMUNION •• 10:•5 AM. SUNDAY EVENINW WOltSHIP •. , ••••••••••••• , • 6;00 PM. II •••. H. Nierm1nn ,P11t or lll-12 11 I CENTIAL BIBLE CHURCH I ' ·: ) ' ./ ' ' £mpha~i1in.ic Tht Plan of God 1he Person of Ch1i~I I TM Pow'r of lht Holy Spi1i1 \ !unoi•Y <;d'()(;l <1 Jo'•! Mo1nirg \\,,, ~•r> <1 ~n't "JQ A\! lv~n•n~ ~.,, •e • 1"1 We<1n .. ~1v Bl~'• ~.....,, ~nd l'•l\'er 7 r.· 1 1'ur,uy dunn;; ><:!"cf~ A full YOl.lth P~m Crn. of Or•ngt .11nd 23rd. St. Cost.ii MM.ii r.u101 H. E.. Jon'->, HO. ll1br, U11i~ 'ct111rc:h et' RELIGIOUS SCIENCE ~10 IOlh $1., Hun!ington l .1,h Phone §36·1110 Adull I Youth S.rvic11, ! ! •·"'· 11+ Yt•• Cleu . W,d,, 7:15 "'"'' llllHl5T PA.Tl. MINllTllt COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL • 611 HELIOTROPE Wordli, -1 O:DO A.M. Ch11rch Scllool -10:DD lr.M. Dr l'nll\~ G. Murr•r. M lnh!tr """' Snor1rv ~1lt11I, DC. E. 67:1-4000 Seventh-Day Adventist Churches Ce1t11 Mn1 271 A•oc:odo Strfft J ol.n Skew .... ~ •. P•1IOr Phont : S'41 ·bS'lb S1~h 5<~ •• , •!lO AM M1rwl1ii Wont.I, , •• 11 :DO AM Preyer Mfttl11t ; Wed0 7:JO PM . • wonhip1 111 So11tt. Sltctrn hptBf C .. 11rck JJ71:Z C11w11 Yoney P••hw11r II .(, ~aw1on. P11 tor Phone : ~,J .)'l' s.1t11atti ~hool •••. t :JO AM M1r11I... ~o..Uip ..•• I 0:10 ~~ FIRST CHRISTIAN Ct¥CH '(. . tMf , .. ._. ·~· CT•Mrt I M ..... 111,,....,.AIN YALLIY _ \.INI FllD $fA\llCE . S11nd1r Sthoo1 ,,JO -WOJJHI, • 1t rJO Wo111>;p I Yout~ Gro upt -41JO '""· Hu•ltN pl'Wlclfd •I ell lt<'Vk"• II (""""""Ur Otcrttl -Ylo•Nll'1 Ate A-115 ~l(t"'" EYENGBJCAL .F(IEE CHURCH ':°9''H..._W 11.cti 1t1r """'*·•"· sl'·)f•S .. WIDNlSOA.Y EVENING l !I LE STUOV .•.. , .••••• , 7:10 '·"'· ,,0 A.M, _ ko>Nf' ~ _ .._11 ,....,. 1'1 11 ........ ., ..... L. M .... r, ,_e1Nlf ,... NUut•T CARI PROVIDID I ll:Ot A.M. -M..-~-. ""™'II>-' P.M. -Y"'91 0'"'1 J . 1'1 I flABBI BERNARD P, K IN G • lb meeting at SI. Jame~ Ep ix;opal Church fJ 3209 V ia L ido. Newporl Beach For lnlcrma11cn: Call 675-1130 HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W. Wilson, Costa Mesa V l H[l!!WECK, Path>r S48 . .f 104 CAl!l GENTRY M.,,,.+t r ol Mu1•1 ( SUN DAY SERVI CES ':4S A .M .-~u~do~ ~ellool Cla'-"1 fo r All .119111 10:50 A.M.- "Thrt:e E11tnti1l1 for l ui.ld ln9 1 Church" Sermon by P1stor 7 P.M.-"lf I Wert Yaung" Sermon by P11tcr COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL P rt·lt~OOI -K1,,.,1c91rl1n -£11monlery -Cl'"lll Cot * TEMPLE SHARON Thi 10"11rwall•t l"f""'t°'"' fer the ••riror H11rbor A.rte 617 WMf H•mllto•, Cost• Mn• All J ew ;,h f,,...11;,, ••e in•;t~d lo join Ut ;,, truly m e ~n<nglM1 SAllATH IYININ6 SEll:YICfS flUDAT It l :lS P.M. S,.lrlfMal Leoder -•ob•I Gcm111 Gooclm11 64b.5552 T1mplt Sharon Cl.air -Q,,09 Sh •b•! 541-1411 -.Attend .· . . ' . ' . 8:15 !nlo•mal Wo•1k1" 9 ·10 T11di!ionel Wo11hip l Swnd1y Sthocf c~1•• ,,...,,. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Churek Wo•1l>•P -'l •JO & 11 Cliw1c~ Schagl -9.30 548.172 7 MESA VERDE METHODIST CHURCH Me14 Y~·d 1 & l11~u St. 5•9·27 1' Wo,.h1p & Churc h Sehcol 9:00 & !O;JO ..... M. Hu~ti"~'°'" s,,,~ FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2711 17t~SI. 5J&.J511 S1r•ite1 -9:10 I 11 11.M. Nurte•y 11-rw 1 "<I 9rtde r rl O."r<h Stkool -'l:lO/,..,M. 'I I 10:)0 A.M. l1•in1 -[1•! Bluff UNIVERSITY METHODIST CHURCH I JJ.1 111 1&•11 CuJ .. .,1101.:l Al Univ9 r1 it~ Orjve Wo11n;p & Chu1t~ S~hcol 9·JO 11.M. l•qun 1 •~•<~ LAGUNA BEACH METHODIST CHURCH l I b,11 Wft1lt~ Ori•• in So. l19u~• Wonh•p ! I A M C~w·~~ Sc ho~I 'I .JO " M. 499.JO!t t.ie.,.,pod 81•ch CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA !•OO W. ti.Ibo• l!-.d. b7J.)105 Wori~i p & C~wrc~ School 9 & 10:30 A.M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ Church Presbyterian 20112 lllitt••1i• fNffr A4"'MI H111111....-'-c.li •••· 0111111111 l . ~~rh, P111t1r '"'" Worlltlp: t :JO A..fll . Chwrch Sc:h•ol: 10:45 A.M. Offlu : 2011_2 M1»9 .. li1 St. f'tieq: ''1·4•40 Church of the Covenant Z15D Fairwiew •eed. Ce1t1 Mn• llru<• A. K .. rrl11. P81lo• S1111cl•y Wonhip: ':30 & 11 -0-r'h Schffl: t :JO '110 .. : 545.4J04 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church . · · .. f'" St ............ N•w,1rt a-11 ' • ~9'!'1M.IS Hlllllr Dll•INPIRD, PASTOI '#aftlii1t&CMJUiehMI: I, ':JI & 11 A.M • T .M•·7147 .. : st. Maril Prelbyterian Church ·c...-..... ,..iu.w ... Drt ... c-., ..... • ..__.,.._Kir\.P•* *'"*'II' &Cwtcti Sc-..i:-10 A.M. .... 4·1141 ·~-~--~-='or-o""-~~~-~-eailiinunlty Pi'9sbyterian Church . . 4tl '9rat •--t.. JN S•.I, L...-BMc• DALLAS ""•NI•, PASTOI W111hl1t • t:lO & 11':00 ~. -Ct..r.• klteol • t :JI A.M. , • -M11·755.I Wt l•li t•• 111 Yow , , l -. -. ' •• · UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST ·~ CHU.CH t-0. M.yfloW D. G. H•,,t ''Ot Jl.M. -IE•t11Mil lf'ro1t1, 1 P,M, W .... e lble J11111r. ,......., A11ociON Ml11l1"9t I A.M.-"o.f'• R"""'y fer~, ..... to RememMr" • w ... Attend the church of your choi'e on Sunday ---· "•S7ll D I L.. -EsMn IJ • • , 12S9VictGrit St.,Co•t• M11c r-~: .,._. ay or N gnt P.M.-''TunM In •n4 TUrrtM °""'-l•t John 4-1.... ~52 Su~ • .,. •• ' '-~~~~~~~~--~--~~~~~~~..J''--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L .... ·-...~~~---~~~~~...:··:._~~~~~--·~~IL.~·;.:..o;,.;.:..~~~'~'·»::_:'1'!'~-~·~!~,.J'._~~~----~~-' ' I I , f r H " ,, " •• \\ F U· 0 fc lh p lh m Cl J t Tl a. B• ll ct al dt al St re "I n. of Sc 20 9 re r. ,. hi lh ca Jy M re ar ch Lt 111 o, fol w m of A• nc .. , hi: in ,. A' lir. " ,, Cl 9:. vio ., M WI M d• L. ,, ti< bo he ba ' "' 1 is I ::;e I " ...... 1 ' to I ll. I m I ··~c ' Sc I 1 P 1 1 U • re I "C , CE , fr I ra I 'y, M lh c< " ht ' er ' lh pc ' cl t "I ' h1 or • h• ra •• ... I h• , in ,.- ~' " I d I J[ m w 11 .. ; Li Uiii !SltA Q Fii¥04 t; I .. Poi pit and (ConLinat!.11 froJt raa9 4) 11otel. The program concludes ;at 7:5S a.m. Cost of the breakfast ii1·,L&O. A candlelight co1nmun1on service v..-ill be held Sunday e vening, 7 o'clock, to celebrate \\'orld·Wide Comrnun1on al the First Baptist Cbwrch of Hun· tlogl.on Beach, 6th and Orange. The public i~ in\'iled. The w or Id fellowship or- ferlug \Vi\l be the highl ight of the morning services \Vilh Pastor \1.'illis J . Loar bringing lht! fourcn of a series ol messngcs on the Portr;iits-of Christ lrotn the Gospel of John, ''Th c Sou\.\\'inni;r." There are ·two $erviccs: 9:::-0 a.m. at Peeli.'s Cha!)CI, 7&11 Eolsa A\'e .. \\'cstminster and 11 .a .:r.. at the downtov.•n chapel. Church school ls held at 9:30 a.m. also at the downt&\.\'n chapel. The senior high group meets al 6 p.m. at the church on Sunday e\·enings for stu~y~nd: fellov•ship. • _ -• Speak.Ing on the subject "i\1eotal Alchemy·• v.•ill be Lhe Rev. Henry Gerhard. minister of the Church of Religious Science of Laguria Beach, 20062 Laguna Canyon Road, at 9 and 11 a.in. Ne\v men1bers \V ill b e received and a coffee fellowship v.•ili follo1v ·eaC'h service. Junior church and the high school group'meel during the 9 o'clock serviCe. Baby care is offered durfng the ear- ly service only. Science or ~1ind Classes are being' of- fered to the public oP Tuesday and V.'ednesday nights at the church, and on Tuesdays at Leisure World. "Chrislian Lol"e and \Yorld 1-fungfr" is the title of Dr, Dallas R. Turner·s n1edilation for the obser\'ance of \Vorl d \\'ide Communion at the Com- munity Presbyterian Church CJf Laguna Beach 415 Forest Ave., Sunday, 9:30 and II a .m. Al the 11 o'clock service. new members v.·itl be publicly v.·elcomed. Dr. Turner marks his 20th anniversary as Pastor in Laguna Beash Uiis Vi·eek. Al St. J ohn the Divine Epls· ropal Cburt:h, 2043 Orange Ave., Costa 'Me-Sa, the•.tt!ebra· lion of commuryon ll'iil be.ob- served at bot h ihec 7:30 and 9;30 a,m. !iertiet>s Sunday.' Churc:h school "'·"i ll meet at 9 :30-J.,lD:;~_ursery careLis pro- \'ided. · Immediately after Uie !1:3G a m. service, delegates to the Ann ual Diocesan Convention l\'ill be elected. "Around the V.1orld in 6() Minutes" will be !he sermon delivered by the Rev. Nonnan L. Brown on Sunday, 10 a .m., ;it the Plymouth Congrega· tional Church of Newport lfar- bor. 3262 Broad Street, New· port Beach. Sunday school is held at the same time 11~th babysi tting ser\·ice provided . As part of \Vorld \\1ide Co m- Churches Cauglit in Crossfire rnonion S1:1nd.aY. fhe ch u r c h communion wi ll be open to all \1·ho \\'ish to partake. Te1nple SUco.t, Uie conserv- ative lerilple o! tlie ~!arbor .area, 617 W. Hamilton, Costa ti1esa. 11'ill celebrate '"Simchat Torah" tonight, 7 o'clock. v.·ith Rabbi Garson Goodman offici- ating. The rabbi's sermon at this children's service will be "l'Hayim-to Life." Temple Sharoa will hold its fir st family service for the new year next Friday, at 11 :15 p.m. This se rvice 1vi1J be in honor of "Shabbath Berelsh- ilh." The serrnon \rill be "Jn 1he Beginning." Co1n1nunlon 1vl!I be celebrat· rd al bolh the 9 and 11 a.m. V.'Orship services Sunday at Nev.port Harbor Lu t i e r a n Church, 2$01 Cliff Drive. Ne\1'- i)Or Beach. Pastor Blain has chosen "The Great Command- ment," based on Malhew 22 : 3+36, as his sermon title for both services. HunUngton·Y a 11 e y Baptisl Church, 9779 Slater .Ave., Foun- tain Valley will conduct Sun- day school classes :at 9:4S a.m. 11·ith meetings for all ages. The morning worship begins at 11 o"clock. ch I Id r e n's church for children through fJ've years meets at tlils hotfr too. Pastor J an1es tleringlon is currenlly present.Ing a series of messages on faith "from He- brews chapter IL-Included in this series n·i]] be Faith that : Sa \·es, SancWies, Separates, · Serves, Strengthens, Suffers, Slips, and Surpasses. The youth hour for junior and senior young people iS at .'i p.m. 11·ith the Sunday evening service al 6 o·clock. Worldv~ide Communion Sun- day will be observed at Chfi,st Church by tbt' Sta this 11·eek. The Rev. David DiProfio re· turns to the pulpit. The church, located al 1400 \V. Balboa Blvd.. Ne11·po rt Beach, holtls ea r ! y worship and church school at 9:30 a.m. \l'ith "1or n- ing worship at ! I o'clock. .Nursery care is provided, Lutheran Church of the l\fister. 2900 Pacific View Drive, C-Orona del Mar, offers worship at 9:15 and 11 a.m. Sundays. C-Ommunion wi!l be celebrated on thi~ World Com- ·munJon Suriday wi~h_Dr. Wil - lian1 R. Eller preaching "An Act of Communication·•. The con~egatjon in special meeting Tties<lay' 7:30 p.m., \\"ill Plan the fall stewards/1ip program. ' The young adults of the con· gregation are offering a narcotics seminar under the leadership of Officer Cib- barelli of the Nev.1>0rt Police Ot>partment, Thursday 7 · 30 p.m. This seminar 1>oiU be open lo the public. Observing Worldwide Com- munion Suncla\', the con· gregaLion of Hai-bor Christian Church. Oisclplew of Chris!, Y.'il l hear the s:ormon ··J)o(>s The Lord "s Su ppE'r Have Significance Today·~·· at 1 0 .~5 a.m. services. The church meets each Sunday al Harper J-]rmentarv School. ~25 E. 18th Sl. Costa ilfesa. Church School convenes at 9:3G a.m., Dr. D. V.'. l\1cElroy will deliver the con1muruon s e r v i i.: e sermon . •• ~-&r\.'ice al the. Fl1'l UJ~ Metbodilt Churcll, 2721 17_th._:Streel, Huntington B~arh v.·111 hold a rummage sale Wednesday, 9:30 a.m, to ~ pJTI. at the church. Arlle!es nlay be left at the. church of· fice or the l\1erry l\lethodisl room al .. the churi.:h. RtsurrectJoa L • t II e r • • Church, 9812 Hamilton. Hun· th:igton Beach will obscr;ve Worldwide Communion Sqn- dlly at morning w o r a b i p scheduled for 10:30 a.m. Pastor Arthur R. Tingley will bring the comrnunion med.Ha- lion. Su nday church school meets <i t 9 a.rn. and the adult discussion group continues the series on •·Adventures in Cl1ristian Li\01ng"' al the sa1ne tin1e. f.li -Youtll rneeLs a\ 7 p.1n. ror a p l a 11ning event . Refreshments and a social hour are included. Eightb grade youth meet al t p.m. ritondays. The subject or the !lei:.mon is "t;nreali!y" al all coast area CQrist{an Science churches this Sunday. Children·s church r O" r youngslf'rs through li\'e years ineefS during the regular worship hour of 11 a.ni , at lluntington-Valley 8 a pt i s t Church. 97i9 Slater A\e., Foun!ai.n Valley. RC'gulil r Sun- day school n1eet s at 9:45 a.n1. During the \\·orship holll'. Pastor ..iiames Heringto.n \Vii i present a message on failh. Youth lffiur is scheduled for Sundays. 5 p.m., followed by the 6 o·clock worship serviC'e. Nu rsery care is p rovided for all .services. The recenlly comp It ltd Christian education bu ilding for Community Presbylt?rian Church, 41S Forest Ave .• Laguna Beach, 11•i11 be nan1ed Turner Hall in honor of Or, Dallas R. Turner"s 20th an- ni ver~ary ·as pastor or the l·hurch. The dedication serll ice 11·il! be held between com- munion services at 9:30 and 11 a .m. this Sunday. The com- munion rites are being held as part of \Vorldw ide Com· n1union Sunday. Bloodmobile w i 11 visit F'el1 011•ship Ha ll l\f on d a y . Church n1ember5 should call 494-6557 to make a donption appointment and art 3S°ttd tu specify· that the donation he cn:idlted Lo the chur<"h ac- count . -. Co mmu nio n \l'ill be celebrated al, lhe l ! a .n1. service 0£ Fountain \'allt!'y Prt>~byterian Church, 9 4 2 O Talbert v.•ith !he Rev. Stanley P. Allen, speaking on "The Characteristics of a Consistent Christian Life," The usual evening service \\'ill not be he!d this \<\"eek dut: to attendance at the Sunday afternoon Billy G r a h a n1 meeting in Anaheim Stadium. Bah:i"i youth. .Janet Schreiber and r..1ary Ridlen. "'ill discuss '"Pattern of Baha"i Life " al the Baha'i Center. Costa Mrsa i\londay. :;it 8 p.m. 111ey \\·ill relate !he teathi ng~ of Baha"u"llah to the questions ol youth today. 11 ! t I ~v ~df; Priest llonored 'He Epitom~es SF's Sai1it' SAN FRANCISCO IUP l) - \\"hen morning comes lo San Francisco·! Te n de r Io i n District beaten men desert \heir door,1·ay bunks for another day of panhandling. t.1erchants clear a night's \\"Or th of liquor bottles from the entrances to their store~ and hose the results of cheap \\'ine from the side1\•alk. It isn 't a pretty sight-but nne that Father Alfred Boed- deker· has learned to accept over the past 19 year·s. Not that he's apathetic. On the contrary, as 1.000 of the city's Cit izens gave teslimony this \\"CCk. Father Boedcleker, a kind or bald Santa Claus. was ob- viously delighted lo receive the keys to a new van truck for hauling food stuffs to his St. Anthony·s dining r oon1. also called "the miracle of J ones Street." The cl1icken box luncheon 11'a$ In observance of the !I millionth free meal served to a derelict in Father Bied· deker's hall with no questions asked. "In a living way, ht has ep- tiomized the work of the good saint of oor clty, St. Francis," said the Rev. Hami.lton Boswell or Jones Methodist Church. ''In San Francisco, the man \\"ho lives closest lo St. Fran· · ci5 is Father Alfred," ~aid Archbishop Joseph McGucken of San Francisco. Father Boeddeker took the praise from the religious and non-religious quietly. He thanked the assembled \11e!l- \l'ishers -and urged then1 to continue donations of ti1ne, money and foods to the dining hall. SOCIAL ACTION . • • IContinutd from Page .f) and escape rrom the real pro- ble ms of a troubled \\·orld. But he . ..acknov.·led'fi'a1 : the possibility. of othel" m1;1ti1>cs, such as "uneasiness about '''hat they find lacking in ar- . li/•istii;._secular interpretations , o Qristiani\y." ··n1is uneasiness may be chiefly a sense of need for help in livlng when fa ced v.·lt h txternal aspects of their own li ves that cannot be changed,"' he suggest.s. "Many feel the need of 'the courage to be.' though t hey '"'·ould not often put it that way. "These Christians recall !ht priestly and pastoral roles of the. church that seen1 lo be neglected today. '"They mi ss the church"s mediation of divine grace to help them to Jive \\'ith guilt <1nd lone1ines5 and death. So much in their lives cannot be -~·~~ -·-------,,...r DAU,J PILOT 5 Your Boroscope Gemini: Visit Due SUNDAY OCTOBER 5 By SYDNEY 0"1ARR l\IENU TIP: Flambe dJ~hts and barberue 11bould h e featured wiU. mooa wtll· •si>«ttd In Leo. Utilb.e •howmansltlp. rttakt tonli:ht'• menu a Con\lersation piece. Spinach and baeou salad helps In this dlrecUon. handle alternative methods. ~1oderniie t q u i pm e ri t , rne!hods and vie\\'S. Promotion t:11.ild be in Offing. SAGIITARlt:S (t">;\1v. 22- ()e(.:. 21 J : .Cood lun.1:1.r aspect today coincides \Vilh tritvel, being in touch with those at a distance. Be aware of pubhci· ly, advertis ing and i1nage you can create. Tea1n up with Scorpio indi\lidual. break ethical 3tatKlard! for what ilppPart to be ~asy CJr qoick profit. PISCES (Feb. 19-J\.1a rch 20 J: De1nands of children t':ould add up to costly project. Keep promises, but also main· lain common sense. You c;,in ph~ase Y.i thout being foolish. Stre.5s balance a!ld modera- tion. IF TODAY IS YOU R. ARIES It.larch 21-AprJt 191: CA PRICORN (Dec . 22-J an. Greater freedom of expression 19 l . Some or your urges could BIRTHDAY you are due for son1e ehances v.·hich you let.I were niissed 1n the past. You are d1'nan1ic. attractive: you want i1ol only' lo be a part nf vour times, bul also ~o in- fluence lhern. indicated. Joy L h r 0 u g h lead to costly actions. Don't children can be obt.ained. Be toss aside security lu satisfy creati\'e. Accent generosity \\'him. Read bet11·een the lines. v.·ith tinie, eniotions. Be ready Message should be very t·lear for son1e signiricant changes. by tonight. TAURUS \April 20·1\lay 20!: AQUARIUS (Jan , '.!O·f'eb. To "''° our w110'1 •~c~..-1or .,..., '" Acee I on h I 18) Th h mi;M.Y •na 1ov•. ora~r svantv Cini.I,..., n 01ne. proper y. : ou:;: ts turn to too~it!, "sccroi H;"'' !Qr "''" 1n<1 steps 11·hich bring greater partnership, 111 a r r J a g e . 1•1om~n." st11<1 b"'~ddto 1fl<I » c•m• security. Be sure you get Coo...,,ratlre efforts. Separate ~· Orn••r "''"ol<H!v $~r•1•· "'-·0."+LV r -PILOl. !lo~ 32'0, Gr1t1d Ct,,.,....I II•· n1oney'.s \vorth. others \'.'ill publicity from notori ety. Don"t li<m, Now Yer~. N,Y. 1c<111. respect you for knowing "''hat fr======'================'i you \\'ant. ~and quality. GEl\UNI (1".1ay 21 -June 20):, TtJp ln connection \\'ith special \'isit is highligh«!d, lmprovei r elations v.·ith in-laws. Se<-1 persons. si!ualions in realislic l light. Avoid self-deception. 1 CA/'\CER !June 21-July 22"!: You get solid indications con· cerning financial prospects. Deal \\•ith intel!igt-iit indi vidual" v.'ho has ba(.:kground, ex· perience. \\'elcome chance for .spiritual uplift, too. Huntingtan B•aic;li ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH llNler Rec.riNlio• lul1dh11 tJ.fl l11111i119 St., Hu11tl11tto11 leec~ MORNING WORSHll' -11 :00 A.M. Re•. Gear1e W. Mllrtloll t•l·1l6ol or 524 ·2fl4 LEO (July 23·Aug. 221: Cy-1~~~~~~~~;;:~~n~~F~====== cle high . Important perso ns I 1 'qt'. ':: \ .. express confidence. Son1eooe \. ... who means much to you prepares a favorite dlsh. F • flean l pcuk. Dis p I• y app<ecialion, en-,-.',·.. ..,·m·At"'" on•" thusiasm. Give full play to ~ " MV~lt M creative urges. VIRGO (Aug. 23·Sept. 22), Tb< Southland's Most Beautiful Take initiative in club, group Afemoria/s activities. Do something fine for one temporarily confined MAUSOl lUM • COLUMIAllUM. • C£Ml1EIY to home, hospital. Let sh 1 _ _,, RLD charitable in~incts· come lo 'by",:h",,,' TREESO•o,.f,,.~h .. e •. w ..... 0 fure. You \1'i1i be rc1\'arded . •. • LIBRA (Sept. 2J.Oct, 22): l;~~~~~~~~~~~·~·~··~.,~·~·~-~·~·~·~·~•~P~d~O~•~•~•·~·~~~~ Friendships are a ccented. So is romance. Thi s is a d::iy -- '1'hen rea!lty may seem to take a holiday. Coincidences l pile up : niystery prevails. (;enerally fa1>1>rable for you . Keep the faith. SCORPIO (Oct, 23-Nov . 21 ):, ri1any are impressed. Display! versatility. Show that you can Catholics Order Hult To Cult I I BIBLE Tl/OUGHTS Chrl11'1 Yoke: J••u• 11id, "Mv YOKE i1 ••!Y •nd "'V I UROEN io !iqh t"' I M•tl. I I: JO). Som• •rt •urpri•td lo lo1•n th•t Ch,i1li•ni!y it1Yo\Ya1 , YOl(E •nd IUROEN Thev 11y ,.1 •• 1:o n is FREE j fph. 2:1). II j, l•ut lh•I one cat1 1101 EARN ••'••lion (II i1 loo Ytlu.blo): but i i ;, tho lru• l~•t you "'u •I -"worlc-out vou• own 1tfYt loo n with le•t i nd l1 amblit1q" lPhil.2:12 1. Ch•i•l h•1 WORK for u• lo dol. T1't '"yok<!" of Ctl!;11 rfrnind1 u• ol •" o••n pull;ng 1 plow. Th, O• cCn no! work .. ;thou! tho voke io i.~'""'" ~:.., to +h t plow. L;i.-,,,.;,,,J me_n :!:'O~lr1 lor_Q!"i•~ bv lekinq CHRl ~T'S YOKf upon j,im 1 t1d ha rn tuinq hi1 •ffort1 lo Ch,o,;;,.n lobo ,, ( 1 Po t. I :S. I 1. Gol I>: I 0, M1H.2S ;l r .<16 J. lh, yo~f' of Chri1I ii. indeed, EASY 111d hi1 burd an LIGHT •• COMPAlt l O WITH lhot of 51!111. On~ 'wlui 1ortv•1 ~i)iPI h11 1n t ncll 1•1. he••v burden, bot~ here and ~.,,,n,, ... Th, ""•v of '••111911110" ;, HARO"": "Th1 """CJ e• of oin ;, DEATH"' (Pi.11:15. NAPLES, Jt ;:ily 1 J;P\ \ _ Rom 1>,13 •. In od4d;on. th• C hri1t i1" h11 God, C~'''* i nd tho The Hoinan Catholic Church Hol'1 Sp1•it to h11,. b••r h•• bu•d•~• /R,,m.8:21>-2a .1 Cor.I0:1J, 2 Ki.b:I •. Heb.l :t<I / but S1t•n conlinu1llv ADOS toil ""'I /,u•· has ordered f'.ieopolitans to h o••on to ho, ,,1.,.•t1lt. The dop1 .ddict 1nG 1lcohol>c c111 lt1lily g1vf> up lhelr long-popular to Sat•n"• t ver·inc•t•1;n9 burdtn . ''Culto of the Dead," a prac~' H1•1 YOU ••~•" upo" you11e lf Ch,t.t"1 •••Y ..-okt or do vo~ 1uf- lit r of 11·orshipping thr re~' fe r "To>I .. Tearo, Sw 11I 1t1d l lood'" ••you lobo• for Solon ? Como n1ains or unknown persons en.' to Chr;11! Vi1it Churc h of Ch,;11. 287 W., W i11011 St., Co1t1 Mt11; tombed in churches. I j,, u• h1!p vou. ' ' I l i ~ a r b 'i I r a r y ,1F~:::O:::O:::O:=:=:=:::O:::O:::O:::O:::O:::O=::=:=:::O:::O:::O:::O:::O:::O~ superstitious and the refore in- admissible.'' a church tribunal, 1><1id this \\'eek. I Cardinal Corrado U ts I . Roman Catholic Archbishop of Naples, ordered that bodies of persons kept on display under! glass be entoinbed or buried. "Priests and all responsible: nersons must abstain from "any act that can favor undue n1aniiestations of cult," Ursi ~aid . I The most publicized case of 11·orship ot rhe dead invol1>ed a bride killed in ·a V.'orld \\"ar II • air raid right after her \\'ed- ding. : Neopol!tans n.\.'kcd to her tomb to pray and I r f 1 1l1ousands of dol!.:irs \1'orth {•f o£fe.rings. The 1noney \1"jJS stole n, ' ' . ' I See by Today's Want Ads e THAT e IT'S e DIME eA e LINE e DAY! -------------------- f; fJ .&.rL Y PILOT Comme nt Page • Molding a New State Constitution How to Pare Dow n 80,000 Words 8v JliDG~ BRUCE \\-. SlJ!'11NER c~·•lrm•"· C:M11hh•I,.~ ••,.l!•ft C1mm•u,.n In order to understand the problem the 1397 Constitution gives u~ we ha vt> to look 10 the origins or Californi a ·~ l'On· iit11t1llon al history. In !848 thr de facto governor decided tn call a constitutiona l convention, \\'hich \1~~ allendcd by ~5 c1ll:t.ens. \\"e got along "'l!h that constituhon lln· t1I \879. By then the population of the ~tale had grown ·some 17 times. Another constitutional convention wa~ called. It \l"I !! attended by 152 delegates. THERE \\'ERE 10 Democrat ~. 1 ! -R.e ptib!icans. the rest were non-partisans . They de elt v.·1t h problems of th e rlay 1n d~tail This document is substanlially the &ame that we had until 1966. f'rom .• )ff}~."Until then it v.·as amended ~ome 34.4 times. ll became the fourth longest constitution in the world. Not that lengtl1 by itself is a bad thing But, there are se,·tions that are see1n· ingly contradictory, and much of the materia l is archaic. ll is a difficult <Jocu· menl to wor k \\'ith. Some of us ln the Legislature during the late 1950·s and early t96Cl's thought 1h11t another approach should ~ taken . In 1962 the people were asked the ques· lion : Do you v.•ant the Legislature to sub- mit to you a new constitution? The propo· s!tion paMed by a 2·1 vote. The Legislature appointed the Con~titu· tion Revision Corrvnission. This inakc:; our group wholly distinctive . bting ap- pointed by the Legislature. l\7e ser ve al the pleasure of the Legi~lature but 11'e adopt our own rules. t'ie<:t our ov.11 of· fice rs and set our own procedures. \\'E ~1EET approximately 11~·0 da y~ a mont)1 \Ve work in committees. Th'n thC' comn1iltecs make recommendations 10 the entire cornmi ssion . The committees Lake tcsti1nony from th e public, solicit com1nenls from in- terested groups. and cons1d'r the Slaff v.·ork that has bee n submitted to then1. In 1966 we mnde our first r'con1- mendations lo the Legislature. These c:oncemed articles dealing with the Le gislature, executi.ve branch and the judici ary. 'fhe proposals 'vere passed b~ the Legislature. They were then i;uh- mitted to th e people in the form fir Proposition l·A. It passed by a 73.3 per- (·ent vote. Changes effected by Ll1r passage of thi!I proposition were qu ite broad . \Ve changed the order of succession. This ~came im· portant \Vhen Lieutenant Governor finch "·a.~ appointtil the U.S. S~retary of Health, E:ducation and Welfare. The change allowed the governor to apJXlint a new lieutenant governor. l N THE COURTS, v.·e devised a systen1 where lhc different counties could share a judge in their superior courts. We pro- \•ided that to be a superior court judge you h.ad to have at least 10 years ex- pe rience instead or five. Proposition l·A provided that the Legislature meet annually and 111 unlimite<I length of sessions. Armed with success, we went on to the next phast of constitutional revision, sub- n1itled to the Lcgi.~lature in 1968. ThAt proposa l v.•hich took the form of Propo- ~Hion I , failed . In spite or its failure Wt: v.•il l have anothtr chance to consider the· proposals that \Vere made at that time. \\tt' met \'lith the leaders in the Legislature and detcrrnincd that the 1'ofers didn 't understand the prOJXISal.~ and thal they should ha ve the OpJXlrtunily' to vote on se parate questions. So we divided it into four diHerent ballot propositions that were passed by the Legislature and will be on tht: primary ballot in 1970. ONE OF' THE FOUR proposiLions will be a re-write of the articles concerning loca 1 governmtnL The revised articles \\·il l really strengthen local gove rnments. Another proposition will deal with articles concerning public utilities and t orporations. We are recommending deletion of most of the material dealing 11'ilh corporations. because this can bl": 1leal l wilh Jn statutory !av.·. \Ve. have le(l 1he PUC sub.o;tant ially as it is no1v, bl.it ll'i!h a ~lear sta ternent of i!!I powers. \\'c dealt wi th another group of article~ 1hal had to do 1vit h prisons . \Ve feel that 1l ls within 1he power of the Legislaturf' to . handle this problem, and recomn1end deletion or those sections. ln the fall of 1970 we hope lo suQJnit to 1hc people· the ba lance of the work of the 1.;01nmissiof"I. \\le have bee:n working on th~ edui.:ation article, especially thal dealing v.·ith th e University or California. \\'e recom· mended that some ex-officio Jrttmbers ()f the board of reg,nts nn longer hold tho~e positions . We are. recommending that members u•ho are t>lected ofricial~. sui.:h as the governor, be retained on the board nf regents. This is contrary to what our t•ommiltet recommended. WE WILL HAVE other interesting and t·hallenging recommendations f.o m.11 ke 10 )OU, such as lowerjng the voting age to 19. We recognize that this is highly con- troversial and the opinion polls tell us that ·it is not necessarily going to be suc- cessful. \\'e think that the question should be asked , and the pwp!c can accept it if they v.·ant. J ust a comment on the role of the Legislature in the process nf con- stitutional revision . California ls recog· nized throughout this nation as hav· lng the fine st state Legislature. This re· quires a great deal of courage an d effort on the part of legislators. 1 think it i~ to !heir credit that they have tried to better the.mselves. I DON'T' SAY th at I agree 1\·ith tverything that ii has done, nor the many delays \Ve have setn. but it is going th rough growing pa ins that are necessary in the reorganization of a state Legislature. It is important that we keep in mind the role of th e state constitution. l L should do three thi ngs : lo"'Set forth the framework of stale government. ..,.Mandate the Legislature to do cer· lain things. ..,.Set forth certain limitations on the Legislature, such as ~late that no law should be passed to abridge the Ireedo1n of speech. TllERE JS AN inherent power in the state con stitution. Since states have all power that is. not given to the ft>dera\ governn;ent, v.•e don 't have to tell the i;tate govt>rnn1ent it t an 't do so1ncthing. V.'e don 't need a lr.ngthy docuirrcnl.. \Ve feel that if the state i~ to con ti11Lte to be a real parlner in the overall governmental structure we ha ve to have a modern, up to date s~·stc1n to handle the situation. \Ve need a (·onsti\ution that will meet the challenge of !he space age and it i~ vital enough so that Cahlornla 1vill con- tinue to be th e first st ate in this na tion, New Set of Stereotypes Don't Luni p Blacks us One, Say·s Alonzo Bell B~ REP. ALONZO BELL. Utn Di1!rl"' C1til1r~lt l n tht summer of !967 while American cities burned frorn the third succe ssivt wave of urban racial di sruplton, Pre si- dent Johnson established the National Ach·isory Commission on Civil Disorder!'.. The study said that to rcl'crse this polari zl-ttion gol'ernn1enl 11·ould ha\·e lo spend up to $4.'i billion a ~'t'i:\I" on educa- lic.n. wf'lfare, housing. 1ni.:on1c '-tlP- plementation. job creation and lrain1ng , .and modemi:i::ed police 1ra1111ng. 0~ THE POSITl\'E. ~idr. lhe l\er ner Comn1iss1on rl1d a liUJ>erh JOb o! ad- \"anring a v.'1dc range of ~olutl9n~ 10 the prrob\r1ns of t.mployment, educat ion, the v.e lfare syslcrn , housing . urban renc11tll , aid policr con trol. 1;·nro1·1unntrlv, !he Ke T' n fr Coin· m1~•1on·s 100 or n1ore rC'ton11ncnded pl'I•· .c.1il1n.o; 11oul<l call for aq expf'ndi ture 111 . l"l'lv hc1n11d thr. f111an <:'1a l po11•cr of 1hf' L 11 11 ~d S1a 1 r~ Th~ <'?n1n11,~1Q11rr .. n11gh! h;:ivc ~l'1'1t·d 11 5 boner hy suggesllng <i lu111 !r.d nun1brr pf prio··11y prog ran1s. By tailing (o df"I lhi '>. 1 brl1r~e ihry doo1ncd ;in,\' pr"l~Jb1l1t~ l hal the Kerner .Report might result ln 11 ne1\' leg 1~lnti1•e program 1n Congress. BY t ',\R thr n1ost d1t f1<:11 lt job 111 Jl;OVP..rn111ent today, at any lev el. is lhe determ1nat1on of priorities, especially at a ti'me \\'hen our nted for spending 1s aim~ as unlimited as our tc0nomic n sources are restricted. It is easy and polilically safe to propose an open~ndtd coHectlon of new programs. It is difficull and politically dangerous to assign preference to such programs. T arr"' going to offer a di ssl":nting opinion a.bout the report 's usefulness both as a lcgls-latil'C p_uideline and a5 a true baromclrr of the raci al probl em in our nation. I disagree \\'1th the basic Kerner po~i­ lion . J believe our 11 atlon 1s inovin~ noi lo"·;:ircl but away fro nl separatt and une- <1ual bia(k and v.·hitc societies The. recent ycar r ot unprecedented disorder in our r ities also ha ve been years of un- ---i-i(.11 Saturdoy, October 4. 1969 The Comment Page of the Daily P ilot seeks to infor1n and stilnulate reader~ by preaenting a variety of cOm· mentary on topics of in ter- est and significa nce fro1n informed observers a n d s pokesmen. Robef'f N. Weed, Publish•r ,, • p•·ccedcnled progre ss in the creation or a. single. society. REFLECTE D throughout the K~rntr Repor1 is a value judgment about black 1\r.1e1 icn. rt is a judg1nenl that i~ d1ngerou$ly \l'rong, if v.•e. are ever lo deal .~•1('ce-.,;l ully 111th thi s problem.,, 1 a.111 1cterring lo the assun1pllon that~here is ~n 1~ulc1!cd and easily iQentifiable n<i - 1 ;onal corn in unit y or black peoplt in the L' s. The. r·ctxll"t a~~umes lh<11 all blacks li ?.l't'' t'on1tnon attitude about themselvl'!I a11d so.c<i!led while An1cnca, that t hc~­ :oh;:ire or ought to ~hare tl1~ san1e sense of grievanC't'. ·a11d Lhat they supporl each otl11•r \'.l1hOl1L question and fl":'I in 1111 way:i: a11 rdentic 11l antagonism tO\l"ard · \\ lntc npp rtsso~~, " Tlll'\GS J liST do not \1·ork this 11'<l)I 11 11h !i111nan bl'1ng~. black Df v.'hitc . The f1µ1111ons o! Amfrl{·:ins 11·}10 h;:ippen to be blnrk 21c ;is \'ari ed as tht opinion s of 11 hit es. ,". 11a11 rH111 1dr ,urvev rccc nt l1· condurtrd ·111100,; hla('~S illuStra tcs ·th 1~ poinl T!art: ·«llC pCl'C'f'n\ bel ieve riot~ an' 1\1sLif1ed. 411 percent do not. Thrc{'- (•Liartcrs frcl lhat thr y \\OUld nol inake rnore progress by running Lheir O\Vn "l'hool~ and bus1ncsl)e~ and living in ~rparatc neighborhood~. Less than ZO nrrcrnt indicate that lhey ha1•e more IQ gr1in by reporting to violence. The differences extend even lo ques- tions of taste. Half like the new natural hair st)•le~: the others do not. Nint teen percent like to be called blacks ; U pe r· ctnt dislikt' it. \\'hat I ain saying is this: it has taken more than t1vo cen turie~ to outgrow a \"arie1y of ab~urd stereotypts about \'egrn<'s. \Ve must not adopt an equally ;ibs1:rd nf'll' set of stereotypes and lhis is 1· h;1! \Ve wo11!~ be doing .. if we char:ir- 1"l'il<'d blacks in 1hc U.S. a~ being tess st1b1cct to human diffc re ncf's than 1\•hitcs. Th<' needs for change and assistance are nol the same among all black people. Theiw· alt itude~ about appropriate and usrfu! gcvernn1cnt in volve ment are oot the same. Thf' sense of pessimi.~rn is not 'u11anlmous. nor i~· hostili ty IO'>''ard "'hite Ar.1eric11n~ a pc rvasivt senlimenl. THE ERROR of the. Kemer Report. i!! l)Vt.rsta ltmt'nl on the subject of civil right~. We suffer today from verb1l t i · c·csscs by both blacks and whites and f think v.'e have a rigll~ to eJpect ~0111cthlng bl'!ller from a prtsldent.lal <.'Om n11sslon. Comin g through loud and clear in tht Kr.rnt'r Report is lht' mtssag<' !hat the prlm ~ry c1use of civil disorders is Pol'Cr· 1y, accf'ntuated by tilt absence of <'<'Ononll<' opportunity in I\ h et t o neighborhoods. Jl('volu1ion of !his prob- lem, the r(11nm1ssion trlls us. l!i goi ng lo t a~('" h1gll level (If ~pt.ndin1 . Unfort11n!l!Ply. fhf' record of our prl":sent ~pendll'b 11nd 11·h11t ii ha~ 11 ccomplishr.d ) """~not discuss('d I 1h1nk il should hal'e b('en. or prolo und Jmportance Ill the Un llCd States today in the area of programming rnr the urban poor is the inescapable con· l"lu~ion 1hat the ::.yste1n isn·l 11'orking. ·rherr has bten a b u re a u c r at i c brr11kdo\\'n of classic proportions. Presidential counsellor Arthur F\ Burn s rri.:er.Uy noted that "the cotnbintd ex· pend it11re by city. county, state, and le rlera! agencies on PQVerty program s pretentl y e.1rceds $9.()0(} a yea r for every l:i111il_v efiglbl r. tor assistance in the U.S. to(!ay." The fact tl1a t this nioney i5 not l'!tt !ing its ta rget ls obvious. THE KERr\ER REPORT argues !hat lrgislati on al the lecleral level is the be,~t 1•·Jv lo 1mple1nrnt its reron1n1endation s. Thcr" is reason to question the view. Progr<iins like !11e 1var on povcrt v dr1111'n~tra te the: \1·eaknr.sses of our pre~c11t distribution .'iyste1n to the poor. p:n ljculaT"iy i\"cgro po}(lr , Povl"rly fund~. 11 hit!1 hu l"e ca~caded down through tl1 e lf'rlera! govcrnn1en1. the st<1!es. the ciltt'.~. and through speci;illy crealrd lociil a~rn· cir •, hi1l'r been dissipated by the tln1r thc-v rtal"hed intended benefici aries. The 1 ccen! Nixon message on national w ~lfart policy i~ rel'olulionaf'y in im· portance. He \vants to reorganize. He \~an~s program~ thal promised help for the poor to really deliver on lhose pro- 1nlse~. It appear~ as though in the fiel d of civil rights ht: will be lhal rarity among chief 1'..Xecutives: a President \l'ho promises lit- tle and delivers much in the way of real, if undramatic, bcn,fit.s for black people in America. PH[SJO ENT NIXON"S proirl:l ms are n1arked by ;:i before-t11e-fact concern for arlm ini str;i111·e capability and ~t ructur('. 1\·hic11 has rt>w precedents in recent grne•·at"ion~. Ri~hl now our governn1ent Jack s the 1n· C ra ~!ruGture to s11ccesslt1lly undertake an~·lhing remotely re~e1nbling lhe Kerner package of proposals . \\'}, ARE MOST likely to create lhat in· frastru clurc if v.·e abandon lht Federal n1odus operandi of superimposing endle ss ntw layers or \Vashington bureaucracy on :statet and cities. Rather, v.·e \1·ill be assigning new responsibilities 11nd new authority to sliitl's and cllies and testing a tr1ditlonal belief that the most erl\cient govtrnment is th t1t u·hich is closest to the people. For future governmt11tal unde rtakin&s of the kind reconunended by the Kerner Commission, detentra.lized and locally controlled progran1s could IJ::t vf' An im- portan t poll tic11I advantage for blacks. ConcerL tration" of black people in rnany of our cities \\'ill provide tc1'erage in givina: thtm ' l'Oice in pro grams lhnt mo:st directly afftct thl":r'rt •• JUDGE BRUCE W. SUM NER Ctlifornle vot1r1 decided in 1962 th•t the 1tatt'1 m•atlve I0,000.word State Constit ution was as unwieldy aa meny critics meintai*, First step in rt vi1 ion of th• documt nf we1 establiahmtnt of a blue-ribbon com• mission of leading citizens -a commi11ion that since 1964 has been chaired by Orange Coun ty Supe rior Court Judlile Bruce W. Sumntr. Judge Sumn•r, a law graduate of the Uni ve rsity of Minnesota, b91an practicing in Orange Cou nty shortly after hi1 disctlerge from the Marine Corps in 1953, He wa1 elected to the Legislature in 1956,. retiring volun· t arily at the end of 1962, He was appointtd to the Superior Court bench in l96 S, r•-electecl in 1966 for a 1ix-year te rm. The Sumn•r family livts In Laguna Baach. These comm•nt1 on the wo rk of the Constitution Rev isien Commis sion were taken from an addrt 11 delivered to the Cemmonw*lltf, Clu b in San F rancis co. HOLY MARRIAGE? • Uncle Sam Seen as the Seducer By 808 W. BRO"'N ~1110" T•l~itY 11,1111 c~~rch, L1~in,1on, 1C1. Ln{'le Sain tthe Uncle is honorary hris inl'lted Miss Christian Church lo live \l"ilh him. The proposal is not for n1ar- r1age. but JUSt to set up house keepi ng together. In its si1nplest terms it call s for Uncle S<1n1 lo support r-.Uss Church in a establish terms . As the Supr eme Court obs,rved . "!t i.s hardly lack of due pro- cess for the government !o regulate that 11•hich it subsidizes." -. \Vickard V. Filburn 317 U.S. 111 (1942,131 LET'S FACE L'P to it : r-.ll ss Church's 1·irtue is endangered by the seductive in- vitation lo scl up ho11sekecping with i1·ay she has not been accustomed tu, in govern1nent , The house is already cro"·d- rc~u rn for r-.J iss Chur~h's cooperation In ed: there is no \1·ay to preserve separate snh·ing Unclc ·s proble1rrs. identity in tl11s arrangen1en1. J\J i~s In thls age of situation ethics perhaps it Church y,.·111 bec ome simpl y another is noL sur prising that J\ti ss Church JS depcr"ldcnt. feeding at the tabl e or a rcacllng very much like 1reallhy paramour, . , If she eata. tram his table she is not · ... ...:oi.he· 11o·u11 g ladtt;.J ro 111 J.,'cnfr..· ~-'"}ikt_ly '.o qu~o"1is manners or moti1'1's - 1V710· Snid _shr'1-11 t10 1vl101 1t rnennc·· or re111sl his !'equests .. Her purity v.•iU ~ 'VJien r11v1~ed Lo ~utr .. Inst And ultimately, her 1ntegri t;.1 com- . ~we ii cocl:la1l11~1i>111~. ; 7. pro~11sed, she \$111"bl discarded.it' hec . S!1c k11r 1v 11;/ta& 1f~eaii t·-b•;I. 1!11:. powerfu l benefaOtor." ; _,, · u.1l"Pt. 'rhe maiden, ·ala!, i.~ more to be \\'HAT EVE R Uncie·s n1orals and censured than pitied. for ::;he is no'na h·e' 1nnocen~ entering into the relationship. Too nl ten has she been Ob~ervr.<l wooing, \\eep1ng. and 11·orking to win th e glance and gold of Uncle. r RO BABL\'" 11 c ne<'d not fe.ar a 1lramatic overthrO\V of the Consti1ut1on. Likely \\'C \l'ill not see legal rstablishment or reliE:ion or aJJy one church. No American n1en 1~'1JI dle a.s re!l gious 1n ar!yr~: no reli~1on '>''ill be outlawed by 111e slate, nor churl'h services be closed by the Anny. The 1hreat as \\'e approach the seventies is not that exciting or bold. Religion 11·ill not be ravished, JUSt rob- bed \Ve 11 ill not l'.le a:>ked lo "give up,'' but to "gll'e in." \Ve are not being fought: 11·c are being bought. Our lead· ers are not saying "get out," only "10 along ." There ts no p&in, fo r the anes- Lhctic that dulls our integrity, our 3enst of mission ;tind 111orality. is administered 1n the .name of tolerance and coopera- t19n. . Never!~s~, 1n the name. or coopera- tion v.•e 1re.'bt"iflg asked to givt up our 11af!lf . ou r freedom, our indivi duality. our prl_~t M ~gation. · The crost i."I being rep1aced by emn. the ~harp edge oi our pronou~merrts· dulled by com· promise 4nd ,contract, truth debattd itt the halls of the state rather than in th• hearts of men, THE BRIDE or CHRIST i~ not being asked to lea vt Hiln fo r another. Shfl is simply being Invited to join in a cooperati ve venture wilh Uncle Sam. This should not be attractive t!J lhe Bridt>. It sounds illicit -and il is. motives. he 1s no cheapskate. !_;nder the lllgher Ed\K·a!ion ~~aci!itlcs Aet :ilone ni1ll1ons or doll;irs have gone to churl"h· related colll'gl's fnr tnnstruct ion r.r hiiildings. t 1\ total of approx1n1ately ~ billion ha s been given and lent lo public and nonpublic schools since 19ti3 by 1he federal government. And 11·liy not" Ruildings don't get religion And c<.innot a chstinetion be inarlc bet'>'·een :,Cttarran <J.nd secular education ',' (J111· 1ll11 r1 111 .~a11. f'r a 11ci.rco------r r\('\'i arras of l'Oo pcrat ion nrr carnpus are being explQred. \Ve ca11 hen11~· expecl a gol'erntnent thal cares for lhc agcO. the unempl oyC'd. thr 1nental ly il l, tile nati ves ol Berlin and Vielnarn. 10 be 9bl11•1ous to the poor. And 1he l"hurrh ha s ;d\\·a,rs bern concerned aboul the wldo11'. the orpha11s, !Ile hungry, 1hirsty. and nakf'cl. Could not l n<:le Sttn1 and ~ti~s Chu rch ~n a hetter Jllb together !han separately in \\'arr!ng n11 ~oc 1a l Il ls ~ f'F.l\llAPS TllE T"'0 <."otilO cooperate ;ib(• 1n foreign niissions and the Peacr Corps_ The 11 orld relir r progr;:im~ of 1 :u·1ul1S rel1g1 nus groups might profitably hr 1ncshed 11·i[h lhe fort1gn·<11fl progra m 11f the federal government I ~ 1l no~ (hnfiti<in tu do good both for the glory of Gf"ld :ind for the. nation? Think of the desirable side efteets th(l1 niight accrue rro111 such an alliance. The sharp cdgr uf di!lpute and debate cOf"I· vulsing society might be honed to a Jess fractious conformily. Ji conviction can be replaced by cooperation, Lhe unity of the nation v.·ill be enhanced , Deoominalionel differences v.'ill disap- pear. Ecumenici\y will come to mean not only church unity but also chur ch-state union. Slate-s ponsored Sunday la\\'~ already have sho wn lhe way l'l fuller cooperation • ,, LllTLE SO,\tETHll'iG dOf'S stand , ;il present. in tht> v.·ay of fuller rela tionship. The Constilutlon call~ for neutrality betwctn church and ~tale. The ~late can· nrn c:-tabl1~h. support. cnco ur;igr, or t111a11cf! religion 111 gen era! or any denon1 ina tiun 111 parl1eular, The slate cannol govern , control, prohibit, or even define religion . Thest pruhibi11ons were based on good reasons -conflict of interests. purposes, .and authority. Even government acts I.hat offer aid rteognir;e these. The ffjgher Educalion Facilities Act, for examplt, prohibi ts teachi ng of religion in buildln1s constructed v.·ith government controls. Uni vt rslty of Ca!Hornia President Clark Kerr . in his book "The Uses of the IJn!versity, '' voices hls concern lh1t largt gol"ern ment grants for research to col- leges and universilfes might result in in· creased federal control or academic pro- grams. Slill. prt!lidenls of both seculsr and ~er.t11rilln colleges react l'ery much hkc lhe young lady from Kent. Really, is it credible that the state wl.ll subsictizr 1111y institution and ask oothing in return? All prnP(l."al~ for cooptration :ire prellic111cd on O'ncle Sam·s right to S he Leaves Her Mark By HERB CAE!'>J SA.'i FRANCISCO -\\'e may never l1e<ir the end or Zsa Zsa Gabor"s galonous balUe 1\ 1th the r-.1ark Hopk ins. Skirmis hing began when ircnd 1e Regah<1, the l1otel"s pub lici ty l:li;!y. spread the word that Zsa Zsa h.1d llung a hairbrush. or snmethi.ng, ·~1 a n1a1d, or somebody, and had lefl UH' hotel \vi thou t tipping a soLi lo a ~.-.ul , 1\'ext round •vent to the 1\lark ·~ n1L>na ~ing direc!or , San1 Standard -I like tl1c idr.a of a Standard run ning a cle luxe hotrl -v.·ho said abotil Miss (;abor: "\Ve donl \\'ant her b11ck" tor her front either, I rissu me). \Vell. it tias now been estah!ishtd that r-.tiss Gabor didn 't throw anyth ing at anybody, besides \l'hich the matter of gratuities was handled by one of her aides -but this is not the end of the al!air; Zsa Zsa is threatening to sue tlfr. StanClard and r-..tiss R~galia (Stan- dard Regalia~ lt"s too much) for "in excess of one million doll ars' " \Vort h or slander. As to v.·hc ther 1\tiss Gabo\ c-an once again enter the fl.-1ark. J\Iiss llegalia regales· ya as fo11ov.·s; "She is 11,elcnme at an1· lime. IF \\1E HAVE SPACE .'' undt'f.lined . I thll'!k they will hal'e space. TO\\"ARD a brighter America: Tht \ikiah Public Library has five copies of Phllip Roth's ''Portnoy's Com· plaint." with 12 people on the v.•aiti n(( list. As soon as these have satisfied lhe.ir curloslty, lhe five copies will be des troyed by b11rning as ordered by lhe Library's Trustees. Bully! S0~1EBOOY at Channel 44 has a \\'ild sense of humor. f or the ~talion's fHml'd plugs for "Philadelphia Wrest\· Ing" -sho.,,,·lng two gra pplt.rs locked 1n dubious battle -tt'le ha.ckground muslc is Tch kaillovsky's "Nutcracker 5uite." RUSS HODGES simply hatt to ~top cnrling those Roos/Atkins suil com· 1nerci.1ls wi th ''And at those prices, folks, they wor:i't last long:" PEOPLE are wondtrful : Woody • Allen: '·1'n1 11r1\lng a pornographic novel in Braille ." Dick Cavett : "Th at should fill a king-fell need" , .• !llassimi11a.no Bandini of the Jtahan Consul ate. is shortening his front ha n- dle to ,\f::ix1mil1an alter giving his full r.i1me In ;; lr:in!: distance operator v. ho inquired "Is lha.t nll one persoo "?"' ~llSSlNG prrmaoently from the tlfa.rket SL scene, and missed . "11ltt - brardcd. .'i1n11ing, ~C'rcntylsh BG t-.ta1·erick. ''l\in g of !ht Hippies" ~real n<ime. E:dw11.rd Bra y), who ts de ad of ~ heart attack, He had no family JUJil rriends by the hundreds. ' NO PR OFIT ln the old home town : Bams.hy Conrad 's "'f!'un While It Lasted" is a best-s~ller in Chlca10 but stlll submera:ed tlel't .. , On the otnt:r han_d_. Artist Bill Bates' astrol(>IY·HX position poster S<lld 10,000 copies ht re 1n. .a wee k, with 21J.IXXl goin g to Japan and Europe clamoring ..• LA RRY BROGAN arrived al a. South S.F. st:rvic~ station JU!t a.s two long-h11ired young beauties zoomed up in thei r sport..:;car. As hf' waLched en- trancl":d, one stf'pped oul. holding two hathing suits 1vhich she proceeded tG dunk in the bucket used for cleaning v»indshiel ds. "Doing your la undry?" kidded Larry. '·No," replied the young lady, most seriously . "You see, we 've been al that nude beach and ~'e have to wet our ba!hlng suits so our parents ll"On't th.ink som~thin&'s funny ." NEil. DA''IS' No Name Ba r in Sausa.l lto, blessedly fre-1! of television, hid a set on hand a fe.w days ago for tht. first time -but only be.cause. Steady Customer Dick Tuck wa1 on the John ny C1rson sho\\·, Fo\lowina T'uch's appearanre. the set, an old one . .,,,·as destroyed by ax. JTAJllRY BELAF'O~TE "S wlf<'. Julie, ha vina lt'ft to11·n, ht. summoned $tt vt !ltcQueen and Ma rkin Brando to 1na ke t>le S.1"~ rrunds ·"'1th him. Room servic6 at the ralrtnont was pl aced on 1n em,rrerity footing •.• A c f ' • ,. c p h I I· • s r T r " • 1. n ,, " ' .Y " ' ; ' h t I I I· • ' ' l l ' • I f I I ' t T " ,. 1. ,. . ,. .-----,,----.--....,.. . Ann Landers LitCk's No Lculy .. For Born Loser DEAR ANN LAN DERS: Do you believe a person Cl-D be a born loser? If so, l am the all-lin1e champ. Please tell me if you think it is luck, stupidity or the star r v:as born under. I have been buying sv•ecpstakes tickets since 1955 and f've never \Von a thi ng. I've entered hundreds of 'vord contests. written please rewrite my letter and 1nake H fit for the paper. Dear S.P.: Pay no attention to you r family 's a dvic e . Especlally you r mother's. Aflt'r all. she doesn't care \\'hat happens to you. She is only interetiled in protecting QUEENIE ly Phil lnterlandl 6 :Japanese Studying At Fairview Slil: Japanese 8pet·ial1sts in lreatmenl and care of the mf!1ltally retarded are about to embark on a n)onth-long training and study session al Fa1rv1ew State Hospita{, Coi;ta Mesa. '11H•y are a mong a group o! 50 such experts \\'ho will re- cch'e such indoctrination at Pac.ific. Sonoma and Porter· \'il le Slate Hospitals. a.~ well <Is hospitals in Oregon and \Yashington. dozens of lin1ericks. cllp· ped coupons, n a in e d horses. dogs an d bears. I'm asha1ncd to lcll you ho\V mucJi 1noney l 've apent on dictionaries, special \\ rltlng equip· .ment, drawing equip- ment. I've never \1'o n a nickel's 1vorth. the family na1ne. So lorli as ; U1ere is U1e slightest chance of l~!!'.~t:~~~~'-.'._:_~----'~":.:-~"''.:_ __ ~":J One er thrir 1.:o lleagues . l\fasaru Hoshika, chief of the Ki t a -K y u shu-Shi Public Training School is already at Pacific Stale H.ospital helping to organize the study. remaining married, DON'T T GIVE UP. I'm a high school grad1,1ale, not brilliant, but not stupid. either. J 'm certainly more literate than 80 percent of the .. morons I hear on the night talk shows. So ·what's wrong 1vith me? When the &rocery fllOIU~y has been spent on women and liquor, hang on and tighten your belt. Aft.er all, he .still haa an occasional kind word for you . He appreciates the fine job you do on his laundry. 1'Wba.t do we have !or a. little old lady who·s givill& up tennis 8hoea ?'. 1-loshika is here under the 3uspiccs of the East-\Vest Cultural Center of the I realize tl1is problem ls not serious compared with some, ~·ou receive , but \ 'm develop• ing an inferiority complex.. \\.'hat goes? -MRS. A L S 0 RAN DEAR 1\-1RS.: Some people· are indeed luckier than otbers, hut l\'inning co nte sts is more than luck. The people wbo win co11te1ts -particularly the juic.y one' are \'try nearly pro- fessionals. Tbey'\·e been at it for a long time and have learned the ropts. These &easoned contestants are well \"ersed in mtthods of pro· tee-ting their entries ag•inst being eliminated on a "tecbnlcallty." They kn ow how to make an entry ap- pealing. (Often they send in several.) Th01e hippy winners • re tm1ginetlve, creative, penilatent, thorough and lu cky . When the pcrwcr cocnpany shuts off the lights , find some cand les. Wben the heat is turned off, u~ blankets. Once you've decided you've had enough call your f a t h e r (collect. of course) and ask him to bring a coat and a pair of shoes for you to come h-Ome . . ' ' lotttr -exactly as you wrote ii. Thanks tor another point or view. Alumnus Rides lo Plan Caine CT. 4-5 • . T010 P.M. ,. " ,. " ,. , .. '· I 1' I I I· I I ' j .. Bring th' Ent re only We tC featurin RE -~ N TO 8 P. M. ,.....-mily ... it's the Show exclusively ATIONAL VEHICLES! ADULTS-• HI LOREN under 12-FREE • Sponsored By RECR A NAL VEHICLE INSTITUTE ~· ~· ·--·· ~-. -·"'-•- SalurcUy, Ottobtt ~. 1%9 DAILY l'llD;' 7 • ' \ ------------------------~- -------------------------------------------------·-----·-. --·--. --. -. -... --. - DAILY PILOT Builders Ask Tax Reform \\I ASl!INGTON -The Na · to CAC:luc.Je !ruin incon1e the A~ tor pre lerrelf tax !real-n,11 1011, 1100<1 1 Association of Home fi rst S75-0 of interest income on mrnt to in terest income fronl "The Congress .'I ho u J d Bui lders today proposed that deposits in Utrift institutions." s ing 1 e fa mi J y h o me determine," he said. "whether lax bencilts be prov1df'd to Savings banks and saving~ mortgages, Barba said ll their high percentage of in· consun1cr sa vings in thrift in-and loan associations. Barba 11·n11l d not on ly be consistent ,·cstment 1n equity r i s k slitutions. pointed out, are finding it in-\\-'ilh nationa l policy ol en-securities is sound in the Jong· Tht> 5 O , O O O. n1 P n1 1J e r creasin~Jy dirncull to attract ro•1 r~1ling home (iwnf'rlihi[I, it lf'rn1 r11bl1c inleret.I. organization also urged !hat <·onsumer savings because of would enable the industry lx'l· 0 '\\'e believe that reside11tial Congress give pref('rred tax competition from o l her !rr to ridt out periods or n1or1gages, now ahnos1 con1· !reHtment 10 1nteresl 1ncon1e sou rces offering higher rates. severe monteary restraint plelely neglected by pension fron1 single family horne ··rhe Internal R evenu e s11ch as now. funds, could and s h o u 1 d mortgages. Code," he said, "currently On the third point of con· t.eco1ne a much s;;ifrr in· It asked the Congress also provides a deduction for stock tinued tax cxemplion or in· vestn1ent reS'OUrce for pension condition continued ta x ex· rti vidcnds as encouragemool come earned by peru;Kln and funrl s anrl that conditioning eniption of income earned ~y for investment in stocks. We retirement fund s, Barba said tl;rlr continued ta.x exemption pension, reLirem ent, a n cl believe savers require similar pension funds are the. fastest on such inve~tment i s M ~hift Jn their Investment · i;i milar funds on 1nvesln1enl of __ ,_,_ca_t_m_e_n_t_.'_' ________ ~lr'::_:DW;:_:in:::gO..'.poo=J~o:l::..:sa:'~':"~g:s~i~n~t:h:•_:n~e~ce~s~s:a~ry'..:_IO'.'..'.a~c:h:ie~':'~t:h~e~n:e:e:d·:._~C~•:n~p:h:as~i:s·~"------- a percen\age of their assets in residentia l 1norlgages. Lou is It Barba. Chatham. ~-J., first vice president of NA!lll and it s lcgislativr chalrmon, su brnilled the pro. I posa ls in lcstunony prepared for the Senate Finance Com· mitt ee ll'hich is corisidering the I-louse-passed tax reforn1 bill. Barba, iii su bmitting the proposals, opposed prov isioni; in the House bill 1\·hich would re s tri c t depre ciat ion allowances on rental housing. The restrictions, he said. "would drastically curtai l thC' fl ow of inves tment capital (in- lo !he rental sector) al the very ti1ne 1vhen our ind ustr.\' ;:ilrcady fates critical credi t problen)s." LIVING ROOM OF BALBOA MODEL IN MISSION VIEJO'S CORONADO HOMES The hill ll'ould reta in zoo pcn.:ent accclcralcd deprecia- 11011 on l1P\V rental housing But II 11·ould aln1ost con1- pletcly nega te th i.~. Barba 1.rst1!1ed, by provisions 1vhich greatly increase "recapture" of cleprcciation, bv rcslric:tions on depreciation .,,;.hich may be laken by a second owner, and by inclusion of accelerated depreciation in the limited tax prefe re nces and the related allocation of deductions. New Coro1iado Tract 01Jens ·At Mission Viejo Homes Coronado l-lon1cs. )\.1lss1on Virjo's SC\'enth neighborhood ;ind the fifth series of hon1cs currently offrrcd 1n the nc\v !own. opens bo!ll a nC\\' ;irr.J nf lhe Jl.000-acrc dcvclopn1c11l .'inrl perhaps a ne11· ('Ql1 · ~1.ruct1on era <l~ •1·r.I!. ;Je· cording 1n con1 p~111y oflie1Jb. "TI1c arc;i 1ha1 Coronado }!0111cs is ope ning."' s;1id Philip .r. Reilly, president of l\11ss1on Viejo Co .... is doubly is s1gn1f1- 1·ant brcausc 11 is lhr sou thern 11p of l\11ss1on ViCJO and is at·· cf.::ssiblr fron1 thC' H;1nrho Vlf'· JO Ro<id offrainps ot Ilic ~<in l)icgo Frcrw:i y Vor 11nc 1h1ng, 1h1s means th;i t l\IL~s1on V1r- 1o's r n t 1 r r -.1.~-1ntlr-lont: western p1:nn1rttT is 110\\' under dc\'elopn1cn1. f ron1 !hr rit\v Burroughs plant jn Lhe northweslcrn c o r n c r of 1¥1Lss1on V1CJn 1n Cnronadn Homes on the southern \J p. "It also n1ean.~ th;it \l'C' r111w ~vc 1hrcc r nlrflnres from lhf' San Diego Frccw;iy · Li! Pii z lload \\'hich nricned in 1!l6;'i. ~1gnalling the storL of lh c a rea in 1vhich over l0.000 people nov.· live: Cro1l'11 Va\ l f' v P;1rkv.a y, \1·h1ch (lpcncd la;L !:i ll as ou r second devclop1n cnl phase :.,t:i rt cr!; <ind n n 1v ll ancho \'1t'IO !load . Thr fnur!h oflr;i1;1p al the gnlf coursr \\'ill op.en in la te l!l'iO ··11011·c\·rr, 1vc believe thn l CurOnado !l on1cs roul d prort• nl rnorc lasl1ni; s1gnifi C'ancr for another rca:.o n. thr y ;ire the first hon1cs in the \V.cs1 to rn1p!ny a <lra111a tic nr1v con- struction lrchruque 11·hich 11 c ht'!icve \\'ill usher in a nr1v 1·011~l ruel 1011 1·r;1 \\' e h;n f' 11pe11cd a plant in which p u n c b e d -t ;.;pcd-conlrolled rnath inc~ frarnc section~ o/ horn~ in ~CQ)l1ds, HThcsc sections arC' takC'n In thr conslruclion sttr. \\hrrc onr carpenter and ! 11 n laborers can crrcl the JranH'- lor a one-~tory home 111 Ir~~ th;in one hour. N;i tu r;;lly 011~ l\.e11 Bre111an AJJpoi11ted Heltzer Sales Director l\rn Bre1nnn ha~ hrcn ;1p- po1nted rl1rcc111r ot nli1rkc1!ng :ind ~airs fo r So 11 t h r r n Cuhforn1;1·!' nld r'-1 f'\'!'h1«11 rly r<'sid!'ll(J<ll bu1ldlll!t f I I' Ill . <:eort;!' .I ltrltzrr :1 n 11 Assoc1:11r~-11 11.1~ ;ionutUll't'd h~ "-f'll!Or p<1rtnr1 c ,eni ~r .I J lr ll1.!'1 r:rcr11;1n'• du1U'' 111ll 11lllL1rlr '<;;ilr~ 111 .1 n .1 ;:: 1· 111 f' n I .. d 1 cr11~1ng ;inti 1n1hlw T •'h1t1nn~. l.1nd ;icqu1>1T1c,11 111rr1'h.l1t· d1 ~111g ;ind coord111.1!1n11 ol Til" drrnr:i11n;; .ind l;i 1u!~r;1r11ni: ul Jnodcl ho nu·' fl rCllliUl l 'Vll••'~ Ill 1 hr ll rlt~r.r oq::;1n1 i.;111on f r P 111 1nanagemenl poi,1tions w11h rne 2.000-a('l'f' :-; n u 1 h 11·" • \ Fresno Redcl'r lopn1cnt Pro.1- ecl. iln $80 1ni!Jion progra1n cncompa ssini:: c.-.:trns1vc 111 HEL TZER CHIEF Ken Breman d11stri:i l dcvrloprncnt and ap------------ Prox1111;i!ely 3000 honlr.!', ;inrl !he Victor Lrurn ;i n d Associates dc«ii:necl ll:J-acr·t', ~10 millio n Fulton i\lall ptoJ· '" He forn1rrly h.111 hr!'n d1rr"- 1nr of n1<1rkct111g lor S D. llun~akc r 11nd Son. Int•, as~1'­ l0111t to !hr prt',1Cle11l of l\lo11:1rch !111·e~t1nt·nt ('p . and 1nt1rkc1Jni: ad1111111~l rator lnr Drane Bro~. ;111 'llb~idi;1nr~ 11f Orcidcnta! Pe1rnl!'111n C'orp , Prior to J0 1n1ng Ocr1drnl tJI . h,. \\JS a.~si st <1n1 rn<i na~r 1· of ?o.1csa Reall y Co. H 1 ~ tnlal ('~· pcrience encornp:1sscs lhe -.,3]1• and m<1rkcting nJ 5.llOO 11r11• homes in !'outhern Calil on11,1. 150.0UO acres or r<'i.:re•11lon ;:ind ~ubdiv1s1on land . ;ind rx· tensive general rc:il r~1 ;11 r developmcn1 Bternan. bnrn 1n l"hi( .u:o. _.;,.as r:11scd In t..n~ An Gclr-., :ind t ducated· ;it UCLA ;ind I~ . tlerkelcy. lie r<''l<lC~ 1n P.'111 1h Hollywood "'llh h 1~ 11 1tr. Roslyn. :i 11<l c h 1 I d r r n , t.fichcllc. four year$, ;ind Phillip 10 rnnnth~ · Cu rrrnt dcvf'lopmc nt~ .. r :(;eorgt' .I l/!'ltzer ;i n d /\s~lalc~ ar!1I up lo nearly 1'50 million in con~r ruction undrr 11 ;iy and inrlu dt ~1 r~a \\'ood:; in Co:-ta f\.1r~a . Macco Site Sale 1'ol<l Tlir lh r::-c·slory i\I a cc n P.t11hl1ng , lui.:;1tcd 'at 331 Uo1·er lJr. 111 l\·e11·1xirt Beach has be•'n )>Old tu Or<Jngc C.:ol111ty llc rrl;>per ]~N'.In LyQn, it ll'J ll announecd by C.: o I d w r 11 • Bonker and Co , llealtors \\'hich represented all parties . in the lran£at•tion. Detail£ ot , I hr purch;i£e lro1n Hobert AJlc born ;ind Frank E Trane. \1·crc not disclosed . l\1acco Realty C11 .. a sub~idiary o! Penn.~) h·t1n1;1 Central Ra il roarl, 1nakrs the building i t~ headquarters. The Hrrn rct cnlly lc<i~::'d t h c ,£round floor, expanding fr om lhc ~!'conrl and lhirrl floor~. [I) uccupy lhe entire 2 4 • O O O square fool builrl ing on a 15- year lease.. j J.fandhng lhc ~ale t ran~<1C· !1ri n F1Jr (:ol1h1r ll Bank!'r "ere Al lx'rt 0 Brown!'ll and Clark ,J Jl()(lth. of !ht: N!'11 1~1r1 lie~rh 1Jf1 1cr. ;incl 1. .. fr;i1i ! ,;111Th1cr. nl thr San!:i An~ of fH ·r. I rr rircscnts rt cost .~avi n,c:. btit n1o re 1n1 porlant. !he process produces a much heller pro· du el. a hot1sc that l" not only :-.lrong!'r. buL 11 h1ch ha~ everything 111 perfect align· l11Cl11 " A rnotlc~1 1~' priced JOO-horn(' nc1ghborl1nod. ( · n r· n n ad n l!orlirl' <1ecupic<:. a 'ilntl<'gi(' loc<1l1on. It 1 ~ adJar·r111 lo lhr 200-;icrr p!'r111;1ncn1 1·urnpus 11f Saddleh;1ck C'ollrgc 11hich 1s unrning tluo; 1:11 1. 11nd 1r ~hin five n11nutc<:. (ll the new Bur- roughs Corpor.1!!011 1 lnt«llcd 111 :i.11 ... s1011 Vitjol ;ind !he world s larg!'st elecln1n1cs p!:ini. 10 be nprnt"d hy J'\or1h A111cr11-;111 riockv.·r!rs A11!nnct1C'" lJ11•1:.1011 l'Hrly ncx1 1car. \\'1th1n si x rn 1nutr' o! !he I' a (' 1 r i r ' s he:ichc~ and 111ult 1-m1 ll1011 De n 1'01111 /larbor. l 'oron 01 d0 0 llon1 r ~ !<:. in thr Capi~!rn n(l lin1f1rd Sehonf D1!->lricl. 11·h1ch r'nJny~ an 11u1 ~t;111d1ni:: rrputa- 11un. ''These new l'n r nn~dn 111odcls <1 !'c thr rrs1il1 of !'X· 1r11 ~1ve rescareh c·onduclcd on O\lr n I h r r rn odr·s tly-prirrrt nr1gl1horhond . EI d o r a rl o llo1ncs.°' no1ed .loh n T ,\larlin. 'ice prc~uknl 111 n1nrkct111i:; \\'c .'(11d1cd .127 of !hr f-.:Jdor:ido Sale' llli1<ir Ill 1!168, 1·e1·1t•111ng cr1ch ~;il r 011 ;in 1111l1v1du:i\ 11~~1 ~ 1 o de t crrn1nc rhr hu~rr charactr nstics o! e;ich pl:•n an d ho11· ('<H:h pl an <·n1ild be 11nproved to rn;:ike 11 ;i hcttrr hn1nc tor !he 11·pr ol bul'r r 1t 1\'i!S ;1ttrac11ng \\r ! hr n rrde~ignctl lhe l1n1ue~ In 111- c orpora1e !hr 111.t11y n!'w iclra~ 11 r h;1d 'd1~l·111Trccl" l)ll 011r r-.:- plo ral!ons ;i1·(1lln1I thf' ro11 01r~·. Th,. rr~1111 . 11·r hrhr1r. 1<:. ln11r of tilt' 1110<! l11;1lil!' 111odt''T I~ pflt(•d 11111c!t'I' In b•· fnutHI ,11i.1 11 h•1rr Br1 fl11 r 11r did 111r•1q1nr;ilr !11(1'·!' d h('ll\ 1'!'1('~ ill 1 h~'<;f 110111('..;. 11 c: <ie<·11 Jrrl 10 11;1n1r ·- "'The bill." Barba le st1 £ed. ''"·0t1ld practically destroy the rrsalc niarkel for depreciable ri'a l estate. O\vners of 'locked in' rental housing could nol ;if. fnrd to sell thei r properly at nny point prior lo the end ol 1!s usefu l lift', which would be 40 years or more. "Thi.~ is bccausc under the hill any sti lt' prior thereto 11 011ld result 111 recaplurr as ordina ry incon1c of the entire ;in1oun l of excess aeccler;ited dcprcc1a t1on orer str;i1ghUinc Bilrba sui::gcsted th<1L 1n ad- dition lo retai ning current rcn· !;11 ta-.: provi sions th!' bill pre ... rnted Coni;:rcs.~ 11· 1 l h a 11niquc oppor1un11y to pro1·1de ..\rnericans v.·ith 1n1pro\'cd op·! portun1t 1c~ to aHa in na1 1onal l housing goals. .. Thr great problern facihg tile industry currently is al ~"~·ere lar k of 1nortgage f111als.'' he sairt. "There is1 P1 rry 1·ca:.011 to bcl1e1·e 1his 11111 c Q n 1 i nu e 1n the lo1·r ~rcahlc futurc. "\\'c pro pose th<il lh1 ~ Coin· 1n1til'C add lo the pr nrl 1ng' legislation a n an1 end111r111 whirh 11ould ;ilJ;iw a Laxpa)cr ' Hc tainctl ! B)' Dcsi"n l<'inn !:"· J)1l'rr:-1f1ed Design, lhe 1n· lenor !Ind l'Xtenor dcs1Rn firrn 1 111 range, 11:is r!'l a 1ned1 Rnben Clay P R. of Tus11n tol de1·elop l!~ first pubhr rrla-, 11ons pro~rarn. it 11a~ ;in-1 nr11lr\('!'d 1 111 ~ 11rek hv <ihnn l ~ro11 11. pre.,alent of 111C rle!iign 1 r 11'1)1 \'I ;i 1·. \1ho c$;\ahhsh!'rl lus !111n p11bli\' rrl,111011' co11nsrl I 111J.! l1nn rarly !lns 1110111h,I prr\·1011o;ly h;;d headed !hr tlrllfl/.!(' Counly 11f lll'I'" nf two ; l.os Angelc~·ha:.cd PR f1rin s 1hr ~··nc" oilll'r 11ic f;uno11 s .,••••lll•il••••I 161h c•t•nt11ry :-;pnn1sh r\'plort'r. Franc:Ls!·o V a s q ll r 1. dr ('oronadll 111 add111on, r;1rh or thr lour n1odels 1s n:uncrl ;if\cr ,1 fa111ou s t'Xpln1'!'r ·· Thr ~crir" 1nt'l udc' !hr l11n- l><'droom. ! 1 2-balh Balbo<J , 1hr rhree-0Cdrnon1 t 11· o . h i1 t h Corte.:: thl" lhn ·c-bi'flroo111 . 111·0-bath t:abnllo . ;:ind lhc lour·bcdroorn, ! w o · b a I h Portola. Hoth lhe Cor h't and !11r Portola ha1e i1Cliv1t1cs n:mms. I FANTASTIC CAMPER SALE! SEE PAGE 29 We are p'.eased to welcome Mrs. Chris Hopper to our fi rm as sales consultant. Properties listed and sold by Chris in 09 total well over the million mark. Join ~UCCESSfUlLY ~ CLOSID •N: ~· J07 H•lletr•r• 401 H•lietr•p• 4511 Do11:"51tr --:.I , .. Se11werd ltd. ~ '" G•ldtt11od "' Delol'e ... Poppy ,. .,, Mornint Cny11. -'" Co111e9 Hltlllnds "' Cor11e1le11 ti "' ,.,,,., I -"' Mor11l119 Cnyn . her rank of satisfied customers by calling. Universily Reo1lty , 3001 E. Co~st Hwy ., Co rona Del Mar, 673-6510 -., '--------------~-~' I I , ·.--........_ .... Impatience is a virtue. In 111osl cnsr.s. the oppos i!r. is true. Blll ! !11rbo r \1ie \v }-!ill s is a ~pecia l case. Aftrr ;11 1. ho\·V often do ~·ou sr.c pPnpl r. rushi ng tn l1uy SG0.000 hon1r.s -\)r forr. sun-up! (\V hrn rl11r sill ('.'> off1 c r. docsn·1 r.,·cn oprn ·iii 10!] Tho I'" rxoc Jly whal h:i s h"rrenrd r\'r ry !in1r \\C0\'C npr.ncd r? TIC\V unit hcrr . In f.1rt , ,,·hrn our las t grou p oprnr d. 35 prnplc purchased homf's on th e firs ! daJ·. .\"O\\", 1hr. :~i!u;11ion c.:ills fnr P.\'Pn more 1111palir;ncc. De c.u usr. oul nf lhf'sr. fils t- di ,.,1 pp r;iring hnn1rs, tinl~-2:1 .irP ]Pft. ~fhi1 1 rnr:.in ~ onlv 23 of 1h r. n·1nst in1p a tir nl peo- plr. nrnu nd ;1rr. ~oi11g In grl 1h r.m. \Vh;il mo krs I [arbo r View Jl ill s so popll · lrt r? 1·hr. Cn rnna clel f\..f;cir address. Thr. h;irbnr viP.\V -onr. of ihP. nio5t magnifi- ccn l in a II the •vorlcl -\Vi tl1 so ils flu I le ring Choose from 1 and 2 story, 3 lo 5 bedroom plans, from $41,950 lo $67,350 But choose now. HARBOR VIEW HILLS I hy day, li gh ls nickering by nigh I. Havin g l lCf, Fos hi on Js la nd, clu s ter s of l ine sho ps, and the gourn1P.l r.ui sin c of Nc\ov- port Beach ju st arou nd th e corn er. \J osi impor tant of all -lhe mere fact I ha t I !arbor Vi ew H ills is a Lu sk co mm unity, soys much lo man y people . P eople whn arr. ri\va rc of th e proud family t raditi on of qu;i !ity ;ind ,·alu r., crafled inlo every Lusk Home . Pcnplr. who know that lhe Lu sks reril ly c;irr. <J boul the co ntinuing ~il 1 1 s f<i c !ion of thPir home-bu yers . ·r·hos r-i who stoo d in liri.e at our opening::; k ti P.\V !hf: chnrrt c1 r.r of Hnrbor Vie\v !Tills. No•v yo11 , loo, kno\v. We urge you, th ere· forr., to be as impati r.nt as possible. Conic r:lHim one of th e last 23 homes i n our fos lcs l·se lli ng group. SAN o1rco n;.wv. ,. l I dins ••m 1110~ r st<: ci OC! Rea \ ar: juri !'iUll a gr1 hies plic: his poir est~ ~cl. lo I n101 Nor t ;1g1 ntht ligh lo E 'f to c al 1 he Jo1v \•:it! ('Ve u nr: ti\"£ • E !air ti~ . k: ~in k in pro JTIO iifh <'OJ: h or far ~oy 1 he ED r111a cl 1r1 ,. rs, .f ,01: JlfL ·~ ·- " •' ' • • • • • • ' . ' " 1 • • . ' ,, • ~ -------·---·-~~~-·~~--~---.--·-·-·-·~--~~--.--·--·----.. -.. -···----------------.. ·····--..... ·-....--·~·-··---..-·------·-·-·--·-----·--------- DAIL If l'ILOf 9 R~lit Estate "Revamping Said Key to Urban Problems Questions •nd Comment By Rultor Randall McC•rdle have been hearing the expr••sion "truth-in-len- d ing." Cen you tell mt, i1 thi1 ju1t an expression, or ls it 1om• kind of new r111ulaton? A. S., Co1ta Mesa. "Truth-in-lending" are requirements by the federal govern1n cnt that 1vent into effect the middle of this year. They re quire full disclosure of the cost of financing n1os t thin :,.;s. 1ncl ut:ing real estate. For Realtors and real estate broJr ers. it is <1 mixed blessing. 'fhe sale of a hou se or apartmenl building of itself cl oe.r; not involve fin ancing, but as a practical matter, tbe Real tor often hrips the buyer find financing and this, in 1 \ arying d<.grees cnn bring him under truth-in-lending jurisd iction. l f the house is boq.gbt subject t o arranging :-;uitable financin ~. it 1nay be' so stated in the sale ag:reen1enl. and often is. I say lhe truth-in-lendillg requirements are a 1nixed blessing. Jn spile of the paper wort, some com· p~icatio.ns. and lhe naturaj, i:~ctance o( ~yone to tailor his actions to yet anothtr;'te_gulati on, it does at last point o.ut on e fact strongfy,. ~.e' fmanclng cost of real £:state 1s among the 10,vest you'll find. LOS ANGELES -Only :t revamping of our approach to urban living can hope to soh·e the urhan prob It ms suf· locating us. This was lhe view of Lloyd D. Hanforrl , Jr. of San Fran· Sales Agent Jobn A. Stonis has ~n appointed exclusive Sales a n d marketing: a~ent for the Monte Viejo project in 1'.1ission Viejo. It has been cu sto1nary, in selling a car, television ,!';Ct, refrigerator, or s01ne oth~r major addition to living, 10 fi nancP it at sn much ·pOr' month. 11h. percerit per 1nonth sounds rnuch better lhan 18 percent per year.----------- No\v all offers of fi nancing mu~ state lhe annual percen· \age rate. And th ;it rate \\'ill include finance charges and (ither ,costs that before may have been gone over once lightly. Buying a car \Vilh a 6 percent and-on note comes to an a nnual percentage rate of 12 percent. '/'he ~uston1 in home financing, by contrast, bas been fo quote lhe annual percentage rate. When a mortgage a t 8 percent is offered a buyer. it ca n cause a tremor if' he is used to the idea that mortgages .ought to have Jo\ver interest rates. But when he compares that rate 'l'ith the now revea led rates paid for other commodites, £:\'en 36 percent for a personal loan at 3 percent on the unpaid balance, tbe eight percent takes on true perspec- tJ,-e. • Even paying the "points" no\v not uncommon in ob- faining a n1ortr;:agr loan does not significantly increase tti e annual rate. Two "points" is t1vo percent. On a '15,000 loan. tha t's $300. a onc·lin1e charge, and in- I reascs the true interest rate onl y a tiny fraction over ihe Joan's 25-year life. ~ Of course that's the \vl1olc object of the truth·in-len- tl ing: reg1lations, to disclose full costs. • The r c.velation of the true cost of financing other kinds of property than real estate is especially ap- i>ropriatc at thi s titne when higher interest rates on mortgages rate headlines. Are they really so drastic, 11.fler all ? Capistrano T1·oy Homes Now Open Troy "Homes-by-the-Sta" at San Juan Capistrano are now available for immediate oc- cupancy, according lo William V. f\1ee ke r, vice president for marketing of the t.tcCarthy Company, developers. Homes are nov,r "mo ve-in- ready" in all Iloor plans and range from two lo five bedroom. two and three bath, in modern or traditional styles, he said. Prices range lrom $26,950 to $36,900. \VherP else can you get a s much satisfaction at a romparatively lo\·; financin g cost and for so long? A h ome is still a n1an'~ cast!c. even \Vhcn the halls and the ~aming yards cost hi111 a little 1nore. The gleam of cil· JOyment in the eye of the di~s and players comes from t he heart. ~--°'" · " '"" ~·.11 'f- l:DlTOR'S l\10TE: Randon i 1'fcL1<iril/r .:.,~ an tftve!itn!!ttl 1111alyst. prrsident oJ rlie Refl l Estnrers . a rolle9c lrcturer. a cl1 recfor of rhr Califol'nia A s.~oc1a t101l fl f Rl'al f s1ote Tench· f'rs , nutlior o/ "Real Estntr tn Cnl1fo·r 1u<1 .'' St nd !JO/Jr qur~ _i1011s and co111111e111s to Rcr11dalt R. 1\lcl'a1·dle ctn lhe DAILY PILOT, P.O. Box 1560. Cosia Mesa, 92626. Feature.<; include I i v I n g rooms with conversation pit and fireplace, fonnal dining roorn~. family entertainment cc nl crs and li ilc h ens ts'pecially designed for work Uow t onvenienc e. • ~ ~ r b ~·'"••Homes;by-triseit 11'\ay be rtachci! by the'San'li Ana-San Diego fr~'ay to the !:ian Juan Capistrano turnoff "·esl lo the intersection of !)cl Obispo Street and Del Avion Boulevard. " .. ' • • • ' • • , • ' . ' " • • •• I ., " Don't Just Stand There INVEST! Tu111 Cayllrt.,,.I lrttt tltllDrl IJy fnr11l119 "'''' 11bour tflt f111c ina t· 1119 fltlll tf rt11I e1rar. 111-,""""'· ••yt4 t• the ••••a•• real P"'P•r· fy 111."tar, here'1 rhe fifth a11nu ol ,.,1_. af llff.IUrft pr-11ttd by the DA ILY l'ILOT, o • .,,,. Ca•H r ... 11. 1119 Cell .. e a11tl Newpart Harbar• Cella Mt1a lotrll of ll:taltan. It'• fltt ••• pr ... 11tt4. Dll ftur Ctll• 11"C1o1tivt Tut1day1 ar 7:30 II·"'·• Ntwpa1t Htrbtr Hi91! S,htal A1o1lli· ttri•"'• 15th ••II lrolne. Newjl••t •-11. • • Real Estate Investment Series • Oct. 1 -Glenn Merlin, Dr. Tom Blakely, Robert N. Weed. Welcome: J. Peter Barrett, ''Orange County -A W•y of Life for Business arid PJee1ure?"; Glenn Mertin, ''Why lnve1t in Real Property?"' and Dana Smith, "Computeriz•d Reil E1tete Investment Ana·· lysis". Oct. l• -Con Werd, "Managint "(our Investment"; a nd Cep Bleckburn, "Syndication -More Important Than Ever?" Oct. 21 -Chari•• H. Callison (Society of Exchange Counselors ), ''Yiel d Leverap Through Wise Financing"; and Bruce Howey, "Invest~ ment Advanta9•• of The Real Estel• Exchange." Oc:f. 21 -Jack Lincoln, ''How to T•k• Title Advantageously -A C••• Study''; and R•nd•ll R. McCerdl•, "Tailoring Your Real E•tet• Investment." Ticket lnforn1ation No •dmi11ion, ltut tickets •• required. They cen be picked up in ad· v•nc• •t the Or•nt• (Hit Con.,. campus, or •t the Daily Pilot offices In Coste Mes•, N•wport Beech, Huntington Beech and L11una EM1c:h . C•1pon5or9CI by DAILY PILOT ORANGE COAST COLLEGE · NEWPliRT HARBoR · COSTA MESA BOARD OF REALTORS e1sco. national president (lr the lnstitut t of Rea l Es t a t t• ht anageinenl, as he atldrcs i>rd a management l'onft>renec al lhe Billmore 1-Jotel where the California Rea l E s 1 a ! c Association Is ho lding its an· nual convention. ·(;r "'Tr11tl1 ''f)11r cll!es adhere t " arrhaic zoning and plan n111g 11ul 1uns with equ!llly outdated bu1ld1ng eodes ." he 1tcelar1'd . ··c onct>pls of low density are "'asting our most valuablt' :li>.'it'l. thl' land. The prevailing 11Jea in 1nany urban areas lhCll ·/:( •111ly tl il'ough lo\v density or h.1w·r1~e use can we a('l11e\'c ;1 prope r level of ar·.~thet1i:s 1.;. plltcntly ri dic ulous.·· llanrord said hi g hr r tlzns1Ues. larger pro)eets or l11gh r1sr builcll ns;:o;; are all n1ore efOcienl to bu1lcl, more ·t. Law' Helpful Real Esta Le Experts Loud llf easure LOS ,\NCELES -Reveal- ing the full cosl of !'redit under ne\v feder;1J tru th-i n.len- ding laws has bren more hl'lp than hindrance in real estate transactions, atTOrding to a panel of experts n1ecting al the Biltmore llotel Octollt•r I. T h ey were addressing ;111 afternoon c:onferent·e on "Truth in Lending in Three Easy Steps" as part of the California Real Estate As- sociation's annual convent ion September 27-0ct.2. "F'or the first lime," f\lelv1n ~1ould. Realtor of Long Beach, !':<plained, "v•e now have or- f1eial proof that the cost of 01\•nini:: the produc1 we sci! is available at th e lowest l1nan- cing cost of any product financed." }le c ite d the JS percent annual pl'rcenlage rate of lntercsl ch:irgcrl on time purchases of 1clev1s1on sets. oil and gasolinr, and other c.onsumer goorl~. ln comparison, he pointed lo current rates of seven and one half pc.rreni to nine percent 011 home mortgages as "slil l a bargain, even !hough they are t 1gher now than the public ha s been used to pa _v1ng in the past." Other panelists w c r e Norn1an D .• Kull, aa llorney 11•it h t:a!ifomia F'cd1:r;1 J Sav- 111g.~ :111d Loan Ai>S0t:1;1!1011: Frank O 'Br~•an, pr~salr11L of S11u!l1ern Califom1<1 ~1 ortgagc and Loan t:.1rporat1on, Sa n Bernardino: and Don Tarbell , llcaltor of l-lun\1ngton Beach. Jarnes A. Edmonds. J r., 0£ Long Beach. ch<11nnan of the CHI::!\ He.i i Estiltc Finanec Division, r>resitled . Kull observed lhat the i111· pact on lenders of the nc1v rcgula11ons. whirh 11·cnL into l'ftl'ct Julv I. has been !cs.~ thHn anti~·ip:Hed . II the l;nY werr tne\'itablc, "!here is no n1ore proµitinus t11ne than r101v for it to C\ltne into effect."' he (·0111 mented. As reasons . he cit ed· I. T h I:" short suppl y nf rnonr v <ind i nterest r ates cu1 Joa ns' being at new high le vels, causing less resistance frorn borrowers. (Loan "points '' at'd fee s being 1r11nslated intn an additional Iraclion of a percentage as an ar:nu ;1I percen tage rate cbul d ulherwi se cause hesitation.) 2. Conditioning of the bor· rower "by the bnmbardmcnt of 18 percent annual pcrtt'll- tage rate di5Closures of ercd1l eard companies, 011 com- panies. and de pa r t m en l slores." J. nie vtllume or loans being low, "personnel o{ m a n y lenders now have time to revamp the operations and procedures to accommodate Regul ation Z reQu ireinents \~·ithout unduly disturbing the daily ....-ork flow." Kttl l al.it1 r r v i ewe d necessary lol'n1s U1 <1t rnust be fillrd OUl if a real l'S!a1e hrok rr comrs under th e dt1fini- \1on of ··~-rcd itor ." O'Bryan con1mentrd \J1;1t 1110~\ real estate brokers 1!0 1101 con1e un1lrr that df'linitio n. 'l'hrv only lwl·o111e l1ablr to n1a ke futl disclnsure of credit lrrin" when th1·y I'~ t en rl ered1t. act as loan hroke r, ad· vert ise crcciil. or are ar- lnveslment Opportunity efficirnl to operate and more e!fic1ent to li ve and work" in. "\\'Ith good design ," he: 1;nn1 . rnented, "thr integrity of a plrasanl urban env1ro1unent e1H~ be 1na1nta1ned." lie advoca ted th<il bu ilding codes U1at force "antiquated constru1.:tfon method s" be ('l uninaletl and that wnlng codes be ''made f Jex l b I e enough to pem111 the 1yins of development that will survh·e in 1980 and 1990.'' ''It is th us essential,'' he said, •·that revised planning for maximum land use be roupled with bu ilding codr revisioos if y,·e hope t<I regenerate our urban ren- ters." He told his Realtor audience lhal the problerns of our urban centers "are not d ivorc~d from real c~tate managen1ent as aoyone v.·ho man11ged prop- erl y 111 \Valts or Flllmore will attest. •. no earthly good eau he accomptistied by pon- tifi cating from ivory towers about how the 1nilitants are doing il all wrong.'' ''Solutions can only co1ne by serious study of 11·h;it lhe prob- lems are and y,·hy they are,'' he said. "Only when we can answe[ what, and why , ran 'ol'e l1ope In find solu tions ... 1ve rnust find our way inlel the ghettos to rstablish di;ilog \11th lhe peop!e." 111• :1!<kCfl !hosf.' Spt'('L;Jli7 ing in t't'al estate n1anagernen1 ot 1ncrca~e Uieir skills. ··Ne1y urban problems art being born more qui ckly lhan old tln('s arr being solved." he said. "The scop<> of ex - perience. exposure, knowledge and lcarning required In so!ve lhi;> rroblems is beyond lhr. g1«1sp of a1naluers or semi· pros. Dtaling with propertY .ult! the urb<ln en vironment is a professio11al's Job." ·r11e burden trn-p~rty t.,}I'. ~t ructur~ i~ rapidly becomin,( for the real t'state owner is a primary cause in forcing rents to levels that are not economic for occu pa nts. he said, H• deplored the grn'ernment in Washingt.on t'OTnmitting itself to eurblng inflalion partly by manipulatioo 11f the money n1urket5, th us curtailing con· struction. llanford's talk was followed h.v a panel discuss ion of meaM of opcr;111 ng a managtmcnt ctcpartment in a real estate f1rni. Jos:oph Youscm or Venier. 1'ha1rm<1n of t h e I 'REA Property l\lanagtment Comm iller, preside-cl. \\'alter J. Con11. Reallnr nr l .os Angeles , discuss ed "N t\V llu:>iness and Retai ning Old." stressing '·forget about length of con1ract. Treat every owner as if you "'ere on a month-to- 1non th contr!lcl. ·• Don Royale ol Los Angele:oi stressed the value of an i1r- cen~i11e system to slimulall! employcs, e v en to givin,( them a share in the rnanage- 1nenl company. Don Lawrenl'e or F.ncino talk:!d about wa)·s ol selecting enlployes. ONE MAN'S l'ROlllMS- ANOTHEll:'S Ol'l'OITUNIT'f' SI SLAVIN RIAL TOI EXC H.A NC.Ol·COU NSILCll: by •l'PDlllt"'ent ' . 642.6222 fof the first time, the devet099"S of Rancho C1llfornia, offer small estate properties. The development is Me1tdowview, one o { the choi ce sections of Rancho California. Most of all. the chance to own this improved property at Rancho Cali fornia -in the stra- tegic Golden Corri dor betwee n Los Angeles a nd San Diego-offe rs you a unique invest- ment. Developers Kaiser/ Ae tna arc spend- ing million'i of dollars lo create a balanced countrysidO? of solrd arowth poten tial ... where eac ~1 o wner can see his pr operty values go up through orderly growth .. .'1n a setting of unparalleled beaui v. '-;:';!.A~ i I W1fil.1:m rri V Tour •P•rllllng V•il Lall• •bo•rd ou r unu1u1I p•ddltwhetl cr uise bo•t. MeadoWYlew is Yz to 1¥4: a c re estates with improvements in-underground. Special Privileges Ownership in Meadowview carrie:; unique discount pfiYileges in mos t Plaza Shops ..• and when ren ting a horse or boat. i Soon there will be membe rship in lhe I Yacht Cl ub at Vail lake(Ranc h0Ca l1forn1a s 850 acre waler recreation !and)-for prop- erty owners only. Meadowview o wners wilt share in l!-le ownership of 380 acres of commonl y held land f0< greenbelts and re cre ati on. See lor Yourself Come see Meadowview as our guests •. This ad't'ertisement is appearing o nly in · neighborin g communities.. Next wee k a ll 1 Los Angeles wi ll be invl!ed. ' We'd like you 10 see Meadowview nrst. The cho ice s ites wil l be avail able 1J you arn..,e this week or next. We look forward to seeing you-soon. And, you'll enlertain friends at Meadow- view's own ex clu sive club ho~ meaclowlliew RHNCDO CBUfOllNIB A9ncho ~ .. 11 lliaiser/Mttna project For ""'3rmalon, plw cal (conect1 (714) IN em I Be our gu•1I •t a sunny ••stern picnic. 1/2 fl 111, ACRES flllll $5,liQ (Cu•'"-•) ---I"' ~11., to p ll " .... ~ •>r"'<>C ·~ 11~-1 - l.folj)O"''-...... • ' l -------------- -~----------------·---·----------------------------------- -----T -! --•. -• -• - ---- -" ... - --• 10 nAlL v Pt Lor . Meetings Along the Orange Co~st ~rea cw" Coutolry (kiO, !WI E. C<><i'I ~•eno C!u\/, ~•n!• .oln• P~t>ll' LI• Call!Or"ll SO(~I• ol f'~ytn1o!rlc frch· b~ RUl1~tilrol, W1>lm1n11t<. 11 Fo.int1ln Vol!ty E ~cllinoe c! ... o. ll'•on- Hl,nw1" CO'<),,. <lfll M••· l ,Je u,m, br1,., l onl• ""'' I •-"'• n•c••n•• Fouv•f" Cnoottr. F t lrv11., noon, col'' R••!ai,lrt n!, 1•151 8o1cn B•v<I., ''"'·Sf_ JoicMm Holl, 1t« Orono• Meetings Coi11 Mtot -t<ewrorl t<otbQr 1,_.on• H••<>O' Are1 YoJn• Rei>ut>1<c1n•. ti•.,· ~••t• Ho•Q11I ~11<1l1oti11m, 1 )0 p,,-,_ Co•I• M111 Oc>hmf•I Club, co,!t Meu Hunllno1on erocl'I, 1?:1$ 0,m, Ave , Co•la 1111..,, 1 ~.m H~~~~~~~~r1!~";~':'~':r':,11~~N~,;: MON04'1" Club, Meo• \fe,do (wr>lry (IYI>, (O• por'"' Inn, Nowpod 8e1ch, I ~.m. S<1<1tn (Oft" Jl<!l•e 7Q-)(l (lul>, Ylll•O• Gall lml (ounlry Clul>, Oil! Gt>U We.,mmlltr l';owenl• (lul>, Hi'Pe~n> O•an90 (crunlv S~• Club, E•~· Cl<>b, POrl 8e1Cll, l :Ot 1.m. 10,,10, Citizen• Club cl 1-<unt1n9ton ~,':1 ~~~~·h 1'4;0:~~"""" Club. 1a1 fl iilD<><I s~1 (lub, Ne..,l><lrto• Inn. New· Inn, l'/9 M•nn1, 6•1!>0• '''•nd, COU•H Drive, C<».I• M•••· 12 "°""· Inn, 1-1(1~1 eeoch &Iva., Wl>l1"ln•1tr, )~Sb Yl1 Ol>OrTO. N1w1>0rl 8~f/'· ,~MT Ol>Hffli.1 c.11.111 Clf C111ll1 Me,., Seicn. P••• 1,,0 Reu eitlon e 1ao , Ra..cn l'<O<ll•. 1600 Pid !•< c06,1 00,1 Beach, I P-"" I JO P "'· Cl»'• Mt •• Ro11rv Club, (0111 Mo<>t 17• IS 1>.m. I:)) P.m, V~Jl .. I Re<;taut~ H1rtc>r HUnl iflllO~ Belcll, IG:OO 1,m. "'~w••· !.<:al 8i•cn, ) "·"'· 0 .. 0 ,,, .... , , __ , ..... -o ,,,, ... , WEDHE$0AY-Golf •n<I C<>unt'v Ctub, C1>111 ~·· Ml•<'.mic !iea!orlno;i LOCI~• •Xie, M.olOn-\lll~Oflutroolc Ta..>1m1••en , V!tl1 ,.... ~·.•.a Qi.ti ,,.,..., 7: ... m . ''" v -'-""'" .. , ""' --11 •~• F••mt To••hn•~e·~ (1111>, 1;.t1• 11 n<><m 1 T > ' ·•·' ..... eil!arL N · Ht rbo• N-Po!'1 .,,....,, ~lo>• flloton• C!ul>. t albot ie~v 1.!ori1 (IUD, \/•"• Mor!.,. Tt<•>Pll , n i M~!n ~rt•tl .. l<ul\llng!OM \lord< LOUnl•t (luC, (o•I• Mt'J 1 · C emple, 1 tM Stt•I I...:! .$1. An· t nt . !~ lltY•l<lt O"""' H.,..Mf' senior clt110n$ Clubi>w•e, Ult> ~Ir••' t(WS ll•YllO< Qrlye, t1ewPO•• eeocn. B••<h, & 00 P.m. • "'· We1lm•n>1er fi )ICll•naf Clue, tM ' <lreNI Pl1ce, NewPOrl lh1cll, 1 p ,on. Bt•<h, •::JO p.m. , • w.'""-..C:.~• ,•, .. ~,·,,", .,1--~'.!ue.;.,',7~1. •!Irv.,,_ Av....,t, NtWPO•I l\eoc••• / ;;;m Penn> Inn, )oll).j) llOt(~ lll•d. W<•'· (l•il Air P11t<M Squadron 73. 'J01J I _,.( SI Sin I YMCA 2300 U -U ""1..., "'' ,.,...., _.. lO,OO t .m. H··nun~ion lltocn 1:1~, Lodge, E••• L 0.0 .M. MOO H •11~1. •lS E. l llh fo>!~ MeU·OronUP Cco11 L ion• Clvc. m•n•!er, l2. noon, Ar1c,1 St .• Co!l.li M<llS., 7 1>.m. OI 1111• ' ~',,,.''," l :C< 111.m. ' 'I . , ,. " • Sheet. coit8 Mo>o. 1•1s P.m. Od«'• Cotiee snoo, 111 t.. 111n ~·, '' ,. , ' Orlve, NtWl>0'1 B&ech. 1:30 11.m. ' · '''" , .. ~-... H ,00, NewPor! Center "'""'"' u , •"'' • c1~1>. BO• OC••n "'v• .. 11un10nlll0<" ~" '"" o~ eech lion• Cl"l>·Nort», ftuM ln11100 Be.di M&!lonl~ LO(HI•, M•· R~(>Ve''I Inf H 1·ngt 8 ACb ltl91\ ~cli.flff ~ b .,...,...,., • • ~:::~'~"e'i' :..:.~~. E. Co•\I Hlgnw•» v.~::!~~ /~:O:.i·:::;~ W•r 1 •nd Ne"' 5";'~~.~%e~~~0,"~~·,~:1~,.·~~.r~;; 1,~;.~~~1;;:••~·.:,h•.m.E•Ch~nge Club, ~~~~".::~·:.~t::;~n~.!',,.Ctub, Hunt.nQ• ::~ic•~•!I~', 'i':!JOL:~~:t,'ve .. ·HynJifl{I. Sct'Mlol. It..;,.. ~I-~, ,;l ~iln Sf .. " (i~ l~t~'-*''• Nw<1><1rf "''"""'" H•rl>Or Jl••• 'f'1 Men'• f !ub. M••• 8Arrl C•< 120 , Amorlcen Le-Sl•111ln11 in Ame"'8· Co>I• M••~ ~f;~,(~!,on17 0~~~th Inn, HimtonQ!OI\ NewPort HerlXI,. 8•r (;tf)UO, Vll ll M•· Ntw<>Od Bt•<~ Ame.I<•" Leglbn, Poit (.;:~1"?~1,01" J::~· ~h::~,. '0, {om-k-1111 C1llb ol CMll MIM• Nortn, YMCA. lJQO Unjyero<1' Ot>••· ,..,..... 01on Koll, ~~ W. !~!n ''" Co•I• Cne~ter. College P&•~ S\/\QOI, 1)11l .,,,., 10..~ B••~lde Driye, New1><1'' 1'1, 11$ ISll'I Sl., N1wPOrt ; ... 1;11. 1 m¢rce, co~!• MLM rQ;oll •llO (<>un lry c~r~1 ~ftl Ru1;wr;1nl, 1MS H9rDCr POrt 8•1cn, 1 "·"' Me,., /)ti p ...,_ Noire D•m•, (o•l• Mt•6· 7't \ ~ m We""''"''"' Ooli,,,,~1 Clun. IC in~·· T•· Beech, U:l5 p.m. 1>.m. CllJb. I.JO p,m. SIJI., Cb!.la M~, 12 ;1' p,m i:~olorer Scout>. 8a11•oc• E'•e<t•on><>11 -:C:::::C..C...::C....:...----------------------------------------------------'C::.'-------------=:::..:.:::_::::::.._ ________ _:::.::c_::::::._:::::::._:::;:_:::.._ __ E•Dlorer Poll 196, l~I lj•rt>o' 611/d,. (OJl1 Mo•1, l•H "'"· DeMOlev, O••n~e Coo>! <::noot•'• Mo ><>nlc Ten•Ple, H•n 51reo1 •nd SI Andrew• P11tt. N•wPo" B••~n. 1.-:.0 1>.m. Co~!" M•u Ho•monv LOO<l• •W. 0011 Fol low> ljo'!, 1•1• Ntwoort 81•0 , Co•I• Mo•;>, I p,11>, O.Moloy, Huoit1n11lon Beac~ Char>•••, M•,oniC TO fl\PI., XI• Le~e Avo., Hvn, 1ln9ton lleecn, 7 lO o.m FouM•m \f1lley JvnJo, Ch•ml>I!• 01 (omme""' l>Ollrd rnoeT;ng, Sr<urily Fl"I NijHonol Don•, M•gnolio SI•~• """ Tolb•'' A11•nuo. Foun!tln \lol 1ev, ) lO '""' TU ESOIY w .. imon>tfr (homl>Or cl (ommt"•· King'• Tobie Ro>l•Vronl, Wes!min· ~t,,, n """"· Co~•• ·M••• E.cnon9• Cl~ll. Co"ll Re"' R._.t,,u•on1. 16•1 1-HrDor Blvd ,, Co•t• M OH, 1' <IO<>n. (cr<>na 11.i N.~r K\•>•"» Clun. \fo11o .Swe~en, l~l• E Co•" H19nwov, Co. '""• ool /II~" 11 IQ """' Co•i. Me•~ r.:•w•~•I C1u11. rt;.}!• !.\0>0 Ga>I ~nd Coun••• Club, (o;t• Me:o. 11 15 p,rn '~··•PD'I HOrl>Or Oo•inu>! ((ub, Vii<• M~clno, 10~5 B•vo;ae. 0••'-'• Noll• no•t B••<~. \1 ,1.) p.m, Mun!\"~lon Beach K1 wanT1 Clue, t-<u~• tn910n Se.oclitl (O<Jnl" Club, )\JOO PolM A•a., Hun!lnoton llea(:H, n ·11 •• Hunlln91on Beae11 llo!1ry C•vb·Noflh, Fc..r Wind• ~e"euron!. 11'21 80"• f"-•c• Ro.ioo. "'""Tlngron llc1cn, 11:15 c.'.'::.:~ <!el Mar Exrl\1n" Clvb. Jo,.1'; (O,OOt del M•r, 11 r>OOn. Ro.,avran!, 7111 E. Co1st Hl9nway , Hun!ln111on 808Ch No'rn l ion• (JuO, M•a<klwlor~ Country Club. 16792 G•i• "•"'· Hunl1ngton BH<n, 12 noon .. f1unting1on eeocn 8arrac~s •l'll!O, Vet· '"'"' o! world war I, V.F.W .. Hall. J19 Ycr~lown, Kun,,ng1on Beach, J I p,'1\, ' 1<101arv Club al ~lo,voori-B•ll>O•, '"'"'" Deatlt Notit·e s -----------BEEGLE Clvdo F. Beegle, A s••~, ol '''' Ile"' 08mf' Read. (o>I• 11 .• ,, }urvioNI ~" ""''• 8erb•••: •v.o ~""'· Ro~ri . o• 1ht u.~, Navv: Q3n, 01 11e ... oort B•a<n. •atntt Mr. loui1 Boe91•1 W~li!l~r; mom•~, //,,.. Evt1•n £1•1r;. o• Cnito. v1,.1a11on ,.,11 t>l-9'" 1c.c~v. r.,,a.,, ., ""°"· nui.1 So•u«j"'' I P,V., 11•11 ''llo•dw•• Chap•I, \IQ 6,ooowa" Co•1' M'!<\i. G••vc••O• >'r••C•• So•urO•V , 1 PM, P1elfo'c Vie"' Memo,iol p.,~, O're<;:le<I bY fl.ii 8roa~w~V MorJu•rY, PAULSVN "'"~o SlolY.on P ovl>on. O••• ot O•O'f\, I O"cb!'r l. R•,ld•"' ol ArtM!la, lo~~ llMe ,umtn•· ro•lotnl of 8•1t.<io I• l~Nl. 5u,vi•o<I tv f\u<t•nd, Jo~n . "'• te« .,,.,y F St011.0n: lwo n<t <"'· Maryb<ln HU"~V """ D<i•••• Gvnn•,. ••II. Memw••I ''""<•>. Mona••· 11 />,M., U!lt' M•K i11ley A•C•d'• Cf\o,,.l FomilV •u9~''' lllO•f "'l•flln~ to m•~• ,,.,.mriria1 tcnttoeul•or~. 1>>•~>e ~"""' >,u r. lo .... At<O<li• M•lflO><IJ>1 HO•P .. 101 ll v>IOong Fuf\d, FORGUES Harv•• '" Fo•·~·,.j 1:.t•7 M•••IOWH l •n•, ft1mllngton Bt•th" Sut . .,ve~ bY wife. Tn.,r•••: four 'on1. \Vi!li•m R , Pout ,.,. G-9• M •nO D""'"' H, Forgue,; Two aaug~!,,s, l ,naa J. •na ~uson T. Fcrqv••i ""''""' Mr. and M'1. P hilip Forgu.,,; tou• b<Ofl>on. l ucion, R•Cul 1 l•on~> """ f •fr,atl<! i=org~ ... Ro>•'•· Su<>d•V. ~PIA, Pr•i< Cr>lonl•I fun.,.~• "O"'" R~u,•m I/la", MoM~•. IQ """' s r, 8on•ventu '~ Catn. rt« (hu•<I>, GUINN William E Gc«nn, HSU "''""" F. Yucl11>~. ~"'"'""""' bv wl,.., Gl~ll•" 1NO d1u~~I~•>, Iona G. Gu inn. llu•n• Park, ond s .. 1::1,. J Rot r..<<1'-<n, ••I· t•r, G<it• GU••n: tour ~"""'"''Or•n •od 1,.0 <r.••• or~od<hllor.o SNV,<<1 , iue•~~~ 1 P1,• "••• co1on._1 r"r•••• \\'AG~ER IJ•(h~>• ~ Woon•~ •OI IV "!> ~t ·•o J~<·n•~ 'f "'"''~ ~· """~''' c;,~,n 0•'• o• <l•••n, Oc lot" l ·~rv•·1•d I>~'""''• (~•h•nn• 11··0 '.to• 1><.l>'<I P Wn•""" •O~ Ro<n•rO E Wl'lft(~. l YO<JO<ld, o•Y•'"'"' c11n1. ,.,. I.\, lY!•I>~. f"mrL l~o" l .. f•mo,it, t o~t• "'""' t.o'"'""" :>co1•, Ororui•, bro1ne,, Anlnl'.n> J. Woo""· I.<.> An .,.,.,, ona 11 '>"l"~'n•la'"" ""'"'~· > PM ~u"~"v ll«i~••rn """"· N.o0 ~•v. 9 Al:" tam •' ovr L•O • ol M• C.orm•I (•lnol.c cn<.-ch. ll•·-.00,1 B••c~. l~l'frT""'· COIVO'• C•'Jl•l•rv F•m;1, '"ll{l"h 1n.;,. "'""lno lo m•<• ..,..moto•I <on>«Cull""" pie•" ccnl'I t.u!r M•rno"al M., .. ,, O"•C•!'"d t.; IUlll Morlv•v, JI•! SYo•r•O'. Ca,!• •.\··~· HL'\IBLE Olle L ll ~l'!1L•• 10(< ./. l\1n ~I , 1,,,. I '~'' El•~cn C»T• <' a•1tn Oc• l ~.ir11iv•O L1 .•.!'• V•~•:• ,u DL~ N•••'>><lfl ft•M• O~w~MC• f,\, /, ot •O"• B ••~< >•r•o •no , t"o r.tolh·"· !;. FIY•~tl• l •'~"noa \f ~ ,..,~,. '•"'" 1:0., <• •~n !' ,.~ ~''"d'"''d"" ~"""'P "''n•<• 8""' ''"'" "'" <!" .\.~p~r .cf. C<>.t• I""'"' O"•tJu· ARBL'CKLE & so;.; \\'estcliH !\fortuar\' t~7 E. lith St.. Cos ta· ,,1r'a 6Ui-4U8 • BALTZ !\TORTUARI ES <:orona dtl J\lar OR 3·St:i0 t:osla fllcsa !\IJ 6-21:?4 • BELL BROADWAY fl lORTUARY 11 0 Broadway, Cosla !\lesa LI 1-3-133 • DILDA Y BROTHERS Huntington ValJey l\1ortuary li911 Beach Blvd. llunlington Beach 842· 7771 • l\lcCOR!\IJCK LAG UN A BEACH !\10RTUARV li9:i Laguna Canyon Ro<id Laguna Beath 4!4-!415 • PACIFIC VIE\V J\IEMORIAL. PARK Cemetery e l\l ortuary Chapel S50I Paclflc View Orivt Newport Btacll, California '44·!7M • PEEK FA~DLV COLONIAL FUNERA L HO!\tE ":Pl Bolta Avr. Westmt.1tr:r 193-3525 • SHEFFER MORTUARY Lap na lkacb 494-li.ji Su CJemente 4!1!-(11111 • SMITHS' MOR TU ARV 1t7 &laia St. Haact.,U. Bttcll - I I Do ~11 11hi1e 1.ble!s loo' iil1~e to )'1 "i J h~1e are many dr!le1enct\ -'I" oilte1eoce~ ~~1~h our ptia•mac1~.1s ~1\UW about. And when \he d1fler· ,er.ce is 111 qual1 1y, ~oo mov be con· t1~ent lhal ou1 phai'macists d<s· ' pense only top quality rned1to lion. fr _ .... ,_.) ..... ..:; - -~ . / Co I gate 1 DO ~··------ ""' for Breath Control T•e Meuthw1sk fir Lefers ,\~~ 98ct,,._, j ' SiJ e SHAMPOO •Y TONI 11·~ ldmli~ ·llampco in \~J~ 1 o~· e cl Clrd', tot•1•11 ~; t rm11n, I 09 14 01. Si11 69~. ' ! I l 59~ .. ! :n ~ "Sun -1· n" .. y lOHI llte Su~ l11hlener ltr Y1ur llair . , ;1,1(·. 111!1! l~P. 1,,1rm1n 1 ttl ',11ur h.i1r ~1y~1 • , • 49 oupu 1ond111on , loo. J,75 4.1 11. Silt • . , .. ·--·~ -·-1 -.... Waste Basket Ova! shaped in many co\Ortul gee designs. !2 11t. sites ma~es them just. 11gM for any 1oom in t~e ~ouse. MEN'S & BOYS' Shel I Jackets 'fl~t"' 1~pelleot smoo1b !O(l•;. 11ylon .i~ 1sso11ed solid tOIOrs. Ziwer Iron!, IVl'O button storn1 coll¥, hWI ~las~ poc~ets, adjr.itft!t tu f1s, waist ba•d wit h sn•1ted erastic sides. 101 s· l 98 S·M·L • u. M[N'S 2 98 SM·LXL • u . \ -r •• ·-•..-rl • •~ •' • ... -·· AT R 1~be!l.'~d roTIQn 1n !•Jlo!lul plaid ae.'>11.~ ~'.':;~l'-11 lh 1 ~n1rn1: !'••rdlr. ~ O!led ,lpp l1q11 •'1 1 ~rlra.:r~r~no11~01 ,n _' ,1111~ ! ng t .,l,H, •ilh "b1 1lt·i n" shai~ener •.• n, i {II b•I d1il~r~m. !1ril l·~n1, non 10~ 1c 1 olor.s :er all your toloring '~needs. ~ 39c File Boxes "Tipon" Scr1trll l lJlit l1r 11!111 dis~er ••• easy to ase -C will! patented Tipon Flow brv.slt 77 list and 53le. "Scotch-gard " FAl llC PI OT(CTOI Pre·1cn!s greasy and Wdtef)' ~11 , •'•I II'{[~ t ll appar el i nd h(ime 1 98 l~rn•~h1~gs. 2-91 21 •t. Si1t • ......... ,__ . , __ .__, ............ • SKINCARE ~· ' AIDS : Bacli11e ;;k1111:1·ca 111 ., ...... wilh Inside Cli,.,. thre~. J1/' ring<: w11h Goubl~ ~U•l Irr. Cl 3 t•old> loose p.1~e1s 1ig~t11. Sheet Protectors l ·HOll Paper Punch ... "ClearasiF; CllAM MIDI(). TION Helps ci4ar up pi111ples aod :;1:11e • , • rncose from "Skin looe" Furinvta 01 69 new "White V~nis~in~" formuld. _ C Jler. 75c .15 ·,r. Sire e1. "Bactine" Ml DICATlD Ski11 Cream t1easeless-11elps cle9111p ~~1n t.!em1shes ..• geolle to 11\e ~~1n but antiseptic. 1.00 .t l l. Sill "Acnomel" lcne take for the lreat111ent ol acne ••. greaseles_s, flesh4inted ••• LDn· 1 39 ceals as it heals. 1.511 11. Size • "Stri-Dex" Medicated PADS lor acne, pimple~ blac~J.eads,1 . 29 oily S~10 ••• supe1 tle<ioses, t.elp~ unloc~ COi es, help~ prevent ·:~1n 1nlc£!ion. . 1.41 75'1 • "Fresh-Start" ., •o••·s ~ed1(:a\cd cleaasing i;el 1hal isl 49 J!(ed~ttess cleans ~rid clears oily ~'"1 ... ~elps dr·1 out blemish~. . 1.i9 4 I?. Sill JI "Thera-Blem" ., •••ZEMA .09 Engineer's Scale . White, hi·im~t plastic "1tft scale pro· partions from 10 to 6(1. Clear, age ~harp traduations and figures .are recessed-can't rub on. J ring side allows YIJU to ~eep !his punch >n your lnosele.it note· age bl}()~. Non clog ~--,,;---\ operdt•on • Report Covers "COlOI AY" Pencils I I ( ,;,;,:;"' 39c I 1------·-·· • ~ "Noxzema" SKIN CREAM M1•i£1t1•-lir11M1l1ss .•• cle1•s '' •irt. cl111s a, . llry 1ki1. ··~\~;2' sac ~ Siu~.y ~ Soff cosMEnc 'Puffs 2lllfi,1r ............. ~ Alka.:$eltzer TABUTS h1 UPSET St1m1c- ~---TOll«lS "Days-Ease" Bowl Cleaner 1nd Deodorizer la;•,·, '-1\ i"navS·im1. ~;,.. -.. ;'9 ~/ ~111111110llllllHlll lOllllllllllll011tll!llH!IO!lllllllllll'CI•~ ! fJ Ut ility light . ! ~ : "'" '"' i ., iGbil i r.+ , !lldllr.r h11ln,, MfL•I -retlertor. :,~~P open bulo g 9u~id. hi•~~ ola~t1( rdll· = ii ale w·t~ ~ush lhrou~n ;, ~w1d(h, alta~h•d ~') 11 . I ;:";:, 2. 49 J. ;iuo11111111m1onmu11111011111111111101n111111111ct11r ~llllllDllltlllfllllDllllllltllllDlllHIUllllQIUIJlllmlCl11 ~ UQUIO "Plumr" ~ Drai 11 Pip 1 Clta111r ii hr 1(1tc~en -8~thr11m - Q G111re .. Wi\!•'l fa:.t -11.h~·e ~ ~lhei~ 1011. l1 ~ JJQn ~•Id . ~ w.on'I liarm po1tr.l~1n, P'PP', I 11x1~~e:r~r ho6u' ~hgoM ~mb·~~. g llt at. ~ ;QQCMlllllllllllDNflftllltMC)lttWIMllllOtlftHO .. ,.. ... ... .... , •• , ............. -..... , -..------...... + -·' • ·,-. ~ ' ' . C. .;. . ' ' ·~~'· ,.,--1-," ... 0me 1\~ t'' h ' 1l'1arc in · -----...-. Salurday, Octobtr <1, 1%9 in ... to DAILY PILOT J J Rams· ' , 55,000 Expected for Sunday Contest LOS ANGELES (A P) -The New Orleans Saints rnarch into J\1emorial C.:1iseun1 Sunday the IQSer by close rnargins in two previous National Foot· ball League games. The Los Angeles H.an1s are unbeaten, which prompted their long·ball pass receiver, Jack Snow, lo obse rve: "Eve rv football teain wants to knock on the ieader, an:.unbeaten team. Tha t'~ the one they pOint for and in this league . '' Snow didn't have to finish the sentence. The 8ainls will be pointing for the Rams in Utis interdivi sion contest which is ex- pected to attract 55,000 or inorc for the 1 p.m. kickoff. The Rams defeated the Colts in B::i l!in1ore. 27·20. and lead the Coastal Division following a 17-7 victory ever Atlanta last Sunday. Coac!1 Tom Jo'ears' Salnts drop~d ·a 26· 20 decision to tile \\'ashlngton Redskins, and last v.·eek Jed the po\verfu\ Dallas C0wboys, 17·14. until midway in the riaal period al New Orleans. Dallas wo n, 21·17. Thl~ is only the second league game between the Saints and Rams. l.ps Angeles v.·on the initl'aI encourite~. 27-l.3, in Ne\v Orleans in the Saints very first NFL experience. The Rams recall it '~·ell. how ever, bt:ca11~e John Gillia m electrified the huge Sugar Bowl crowd with a 94-yard open· ing kickoff run. (:illiarn is no longer with New Orle3ns but Fea rs has other dangerous runners. Included are ex.Chicago Bear Andy l.iving~tor., who set a team ru$h.ing rl".cord of 142 y<irds in the Redskin game. Also ready· for action \Viii be Tony Bakefr, Seaver Faces Niekro Braves, NY Open Playoff ATLAT'!TA (AP) -\Vith momen tun1 going· for bolh teams, the New York Mets and Atlanla Braves Y.'ili start th eir ace pitcher.:;: toda y in the opening game of their best-of.five series for the Na tional League championship and a spot in the 1969 \Vorld Series. Nr""' York's Tom Seaver. biggest win- ner in the majors lhls year with a 25-7 record, \\•ill oppose knuck leballer Phil Niek ru, 23-13, of the Braves. Seaver \\'hipped Atlanta three times during the regula r season as the !\lets logr,eri <'ll 8-4 1nark agairi sl the Braves. Nickro lost three to the 'Mets. Atlanta streaked to JO straight victories :,11d 17 triurnphs in 20 gan1cs in a Scp- !t'n1br r surge !hat clo sed th e door on \he bli~!cnng five .teo11n race tor the \Vest D1vi~ion chan1pionship. Series Nc•.<1 York was in third place 91 ~ game~ behind the Chicago Cubs in mid-August but \l'On 22 of 28 games to move ahead to .stay in the East Di vision on Sept. 10 and then \Von going a way by eight games. TI1c first two games of the series are· in Atlanta starting at l p.m. PDT. The ~cries mo ves to Ne\V York for games on ~Ten da~', Tuesday and Wednesday, if r.ccessary. The starting time for the New York games is I p.m. The v.•inner \viii take on the 11·innl!r of thl' An1crican League p!ayoH between B.:illimorf'.' and ~iinnesota in the \Vorld Scril' ;. Hnr, need. 18-10, 11•ill pitch for the llrave!' Sunday against .Jerry Koo£n1an. 17 ·9. Scheduled f(,r .J\·londay's game art! A:l:in1a·s Pat Jarvis. 13·11, and Nc1v i ·crk's Gary Gentry, 13-12 . a sec•Jr.d-year n1an rro rn Iowa Statt.., plus ex-Ct•!t Tony Lorick. Ernie \Vhcclwright , a.1 <"'(·~·alcon . and Joe Don Looney, a \1-id::I~• traveled young n1an . Cu1d11'g the !alent on fie ld is Blll J\1hn"f n1 flU <'u1erba(·k , a fello\v well rc1nt·~11 ocrcd here ois a star al UCLA. -··Kilrnt'r," said coach George Allen of the Han1:;, "is the kind of quarterback l~·ho c;_in give us trouble. He has a quick relcaJe ll'h lch c:in nulliry a good rush." 'Kilrn cr mav ha\'e to have an extra quick rele ase ·if he 1s to escape the fa te of ,\tJant;1·s Bob Berry. Tl1c Ran1s dumped him 10 time s for 74 yards Jn losses al· rtcrnpting lo pass. Kiltn cr has h;1d only two passes in· lcrcepted bu! lton1an Gabriel of the H;1111r l1as gone two gaines withoul a the> ft. GLENN WHITE Sports Editor Beavers Off er SC Stiff Test, Artificial Tm·f IT'S ROMAN BY AIR -Roman Gabriel fades to unload a pass during actjon against the Atlanta F<ilco~i Gabriel f!Od hi s·,Ram maies:~ave moved into fi rst place in the Coastal Divi sion of the Na- tional F'ootball League with a 2--0 record. 'fh ey host l\1e\1• Orleans Sunday at the Coliseum. Twi11s, Birds ':;." Ope11 Playoff Eor Pe11nant The long winning streaks for both teams came lo an end Thursday, the final da:: of rrgu !ar season play. Chicago cli!)-- pPrl the r.-1cts 5-3 ending a nine-ga1ne ~Iring and Cincinnati stopped Atlanta 8·3, CO RVALLIS. Ore. (AP\ -T\l,'0 years ;igo. Southei"n CalHOmla brought the na· 1101i's top-ranked routball team and O,J. ~nn pson to Corl'<t!l1 s -nnd lost 3-0 to Orl'gGn S{nt e. TV Menu~F'1111 or Ba seba11~ Football Tiffs Tf vou have two television sets around lhe house. chances are.you can shift from baseball to foo tball and back again without missing too much of the action. This is the first of three big weekendi: reaturing the new divisional baseball playoffs and then the World Series. All this ..,.ill be intermingled v.·ilh the regular v•eekend football fare gi\'ing sports fans of tl1e arm chair variety an opportunity to tune in continuously botl1 days to these two s1>0rts. Fnr those Y•ith a penchant for variet~ .. unliin.ited hydroplane racing tops the ABC \Vide \Vor ld of ~ports show at 5 (Ch.1nnel 71. 1t:s the Gold Cup po1ver boat race fro rn Mission Bny in San Diego. Lorne Greenr of Bonanza fame, wil l narrate '"T he \Vorld of Horses," \4'hich v.·ill include a good segment on the role of horses in :;port.s. A!l-time money "M'inning l\elso, exci ting moments from ~he Grand National Steeplechase at A 1 n tr ee. England and the role or the anit1'111 in the Ol vmplc:s \1-'ill be seen. • .if guesl appearances by . gports perso naHtles on va riety shows 1.~ your chnice. the list of prominenl stars is long and lustrous. . F\ovd P .1 tterson. Joe Garag 1ola. Leroy "Sache!'' Pai,i;ie. Broadwey Joe N~math at1d Cassius Cl;ly /Muhammad Ah) .a.re only a [f\V of the sports personaht1r5 ~laied for the J ohnny . Carson. Joey Bishop and other shows this .,·eekend . .f -;_.;,. IJ'I Ttlff.,_. AND IT'S ROMAN BY LAND -Ram's quarterback Rom a n Gabriel is doubly dangerous becau·se he is a d angerous l'Unner as well a s a ffirJe passer. . : J!?ye1· .Ge~s Manager . Post ST. µ>urS;(AP) ~Ken Boyer, retiring as a ;; player arter J$ major league seasons. was na1ned manager Friday of the Arka nsa11 Traveler11, the St. LouiB Cardinals farm club in the Texils l..cague. The announcement was made by the Cnrrlinal s. Boj'cr. a lhird,baseman, spent 11 years with thr Carrlinals hcfore mov ing to the New York Meis, the Chicago \Yhite So x and the Los Aogejes Dodgers, where ht ended his playing career this season. .. 1 ... _ &l;!Rrping a Ul·game-streak. " 7 ~ ·~·In KeW.~York's last trip to AtlanT~ in August, the J\.{ets \1·,on, ~re,e iJ\.~.four­~ ·--rgame~cries in which Tomn11e Ag~ comM(! Atlanta pltching1 for efght Ji lts in 16 trips. BALTIMORE ( AP'i -Outfielder Frank Robinson said Friday the Baltimore Orioles "shouldn't ha ve to prove again" !hat they 're the best tcan1 in 1hr. Amerirari League . "'\Ve 've already proved !bat over Jfi2 gan1es." Robinson said (In the eve or the leaguc "s inaugural playoff to decide the \Vorld Series participant. "Now. v;e ha\•e to do it again in a five.game series." "We're im pressed by Baltimore'~ 109 wins," sa id manager Billy Marlin of the Minnesota Twins, the Or ioles' playoff op- ponents. "But that's history.'' Cleon Jones. v•ho hit .340 for the year, h:1r! CJ .:144 average against the Braves. The visit ca1ne before Ri co Carty, \l'ho rri issed all of J 968 becau se o f tuber('u]c~is, \\'Cnl on a !';rptember hitting r:i mpage for A!lnnta, batting .381. Carty h:;rl onl y one h1l i11 10 at bats against tl1e J\.·Jrl~. r.1nn;_igl'r Gil lfod~es says the tl-lrts nill~l piflth around !lank Aaron brc:iu~e "he's the one who n1akes it go'' for Atlan· "' "You ca n't let that ni an heal yotl. no n1atter \l"ho is balling bt-h1 nd hini. You h:iv1 to pitch around Henry in lhe clu1 ch .111d t2ke your chances.·• Today the Trojans rrlurn v.·iU1out ~irnpson but they don 't ha~e tn "face a ~uddy Park'cr Stadiu1n flcld. The turf'1 <,U'lificia!. The slipper_r. slopp,v field o( two year.• :igo brought howls of protest frQm use bciostcrs, inclllding athl~tic director Jes.s 1111!. L'SC, fHth·r:ln~ed. Is fa vo red o\"er a ~oung Oregon Sl:i1 c tca n1 whi ch \vas 1rou!1ccd 37 O Jn 1!'> sea~on opener \\'ith iJIHJ!her Pacific -8 oppuncn1. UCLA. But since then. Oregon State ha .. ~11rprisrd Juwa and Arizona St.ate and the flcavcri; say they are i1nprcssed but not lrightened t.iy L'SC, victors over Nebraska nnd Northwestern. "'\\'e don't sc:ire easily," coach Dee Andros said. But . he <Hided . "Personally, l bclir1 e U!'C has the strongest team since l've been at Oregon State." Martin, 1nanager Earl \\1eaver of the Oriolt:s, and Harmon Killebrew, ~od CarE>w :ind J i1n Perrv of the Twins· participated 111 a ricws conference between work outs by the 1eams in J\femorlal Stadlun,. Ra11ios S till 2-1 Cli oice Perry, 20~. will start for .1\·linntsol a :1gainst ;\like Cuf'llri r, 23·11. in the opener 1cda v, JO a.m. PlJT. and Martin pro- n1 iser1 to ·'run aga1nsL them quite a bit." ·'Sornc.ti1nrs in a c:n1cinl grin1c, team~ change 11nd. bl'con1c rnore conservati1•e," Mart in said. "but we "re going to p!ay our game and run. That could lead to errors or n1en tul n1i.~l<lkes."' Weaver seemed more concemed about the Twins' hilling and power. rather than their base running. "J\.finriestJta is an expl osive tc;fm, ·· he said. "II you get three. four or fi ve tuns rihead, you lr.v tn get 1nore before Killebre\v hit~ the ball oul." Bal1imore held ·an 8·1 edge over the T1vlns In rrgular season pl ay, but r.1arti n contends the T11•ins could have just as \\'ell 1von !he series, 9-3. "B;iltirnore's gree t defen11lvc play made the difference." he said.. "Bul we could ha1•e won about every game except the t1-vo one-hitlers they pitched against us." Cuellar hurled one of the one-hitters and the other \\-'as by Dave McNally, 20·7, who will start the second ga,me Sunday against Dave Boswell , 20-12. -• O ver Japan's N u11iata 1 ,0~ A~(;CLES (/\Pl \\'orld l1 ghtwrlgh! c:1ampion flfando RHmos and his challenger front Tok.yo. Yoshinko Nunull:i, \I ent into vi rtua l sr.clus1on Fri· clay ;1s tile 20-~f'a r-old titlehol der rr. n1aihcd a 2·1 fa vori te to retain lhc crown lo111gl1t. R:i·110~. from ncnrb y Long Rr::irh , l1as hrl'll lr.ss !al ka livc 1han u.~u.il for lhc first rlr lc11sP of the J::S-pound div ision title. 0111 Iii~ youngish manager, J ackie i\1rCoy. put it this 11·ay· •·1 sa'I-' Numata 1rork out Sunday. l~c is ver_ ... foist and he n)OVes good. He shou ld go out in about eight." ·n1e 15·round ~crap at lhc Sports Arena will not. be. televised in this coun try but \l'ill be screened in ~1cxico. It is schedu!-' ed to start at about 9:30. N111nata, 24, has wo n 37 bouts. lost six, wilh h10 dra\1·s nnd has knocked out 11 npp<•Pt:nls, !le has also been stopped Inn!!' tl.nr.s, "T~1ry were rlt'an knoc kout s, no cu ts nr i+n:·t1•1ng li ke th at," Nun1af;i s!11d retently through an interpreter. Thf' knockouts on the liulc Japanese's 1 ccorU gi ves credence to the Ramos backers' iircd ietions QI a knoc kout by \h~ir chainpion. J{amos has a 27--3-0 record, has ne ver been stopped -and l1a!, knocked out 19 opponents. R;in1os won the litl c fron1 Teo Cnn: o[ Iii'! Dominican Republi c last Feb. 18 by <in l l!li round knockout. If thrre is any deep concern about l\l;indu"s chance~. it n1ighl be thal h~ serrn s lo cut e:isily :ind has had trouble \,·1111 sorn c11·hal fragile hands . Bad Breaks Slow Toomey Bv GLENN WHITE Of I"' D•llY l"ilfl JI.ti !..OS ANGELES -Bill Tomney gets his last chance at the elusive wo rld decathlon rf'<'ord toc!Jy and he .must record 3,965 points to erase the current standard of 8.319, which is held by West German Kurt Bendlln. Toomey has an ou~side shot at the mark after recording what he terms a <lisappointing tot.al of 4.355 Friday in the first da y of the meet, \Vhich is being Stag- ed at UCLA. The Laguna Beacl1 Olympic champion said he v.•as hoping for Ii m.Jnimum of 4.400 and fi gured he 1nlght go as hig h as ~.500. In the Olym pics he posted 4.497 in lhe first day -which boasts his strongest eve'll!. But regardless or what happens today, this Is his last meet, he told the DAILY PILOT. What Toomey called bad breaks· took a heavy toll of wha t he had anticipated scoring. The fi rst so-called bad break w:u in the fflitla l evenl His time for the 100 meters was split between 10.4 and J0.5 so he 1vas credilt d v.·it h thc slower of the two. whlj.!h turns out to be a differential of 27 points. Two erents later Toomey again found fate against him. lie bart-ly touched the high jump cross b ar itt 6·4 1 ~ on his 5e· corn! attempt , causin~ to slip off. Then in hJs third lrial he. lost llalaJJce at takeoff and crashed into th'e !far. Thus he had to se tllc tor 6-2~4 -;;i dif· ferencc of 44 points. In the Ieng jump he got off a fine f'ffort of 25·6. progressing from efforts of 2.f-8 !nd 24-9. llov.·ever. he nc·;er did get ta the l:lkeoff board. And on the longest hop officials said he actua lly started his Jump a foo t behind the board . A n1easurement from his poinl of jum p \l.'as 26.{i, which wou ld have been worth 1,035 points, Instead he. go~ 974 for ti~ z:>. 6 . So, in :ill, those bad breaks Toomey refC'rs to were ll'Orlh 132 poin~. Asked Whal event:.; are pi1-·otal today he sa)'S. ''all of 1hem." On today's agenda arc lhr jave lin, discus, pole vaut, 110. n1ctcr high hurdles and .the l ,M>O meters. Too1ney's m:trks Friday an d their points ; 100, 10.5 (932 ); long jump, 25-4 (974\: shot, ~&.1 1 -; (731:): high jump, 6-1 ;J i !769 i : 400 meters, 47.0 (918 ), -... -~-·-------... ·-.•• ·--------------.. -----·--·--~·---~----- J DAILY 'lLOT S.1turd1.1, Octabrr 4, 1 .. 9 OCC Holds on-Barely-for 21-20 Upset Win By .IOEL SC ll\\'ARZ ill lfto Pa "' P.l.1 $loll 'Ilic olitn.-1\r hnr a1 Oran~e Coas1 Co!- IC'l:C' l1hr~~ lu ~JI\ 1t~r!1 lh1· ··r11 <1g111nrcnL ~('1 rn."' tiut 11 11·~1 t)1:i1 TlH'kn:1ml' F r id av n1~h t 10 !hr P 1ratl'.~· dcfens11·e lull'. wh1l·h hirnrd 111 lhl' rt>ni arkablP performa nce ihat r11 11.Jl•·tl Or;uii.;1" l'ua '! to ou tl•ist Har- bor Coll egl'. 21 -:'." Thr l'iratt• d1•h'll51• k111hed l1kt• ;1 n1;u1 tr1 Ill~ lo kt'('P the y,;i1·cs /rorn cr;1 sh1nl( on the be ach. T1n1e after tin\e. 1·1siung Harbor b<1n~ed a11 ay at the Orange (oost 1111111 and t1n'le after lime, the Bucs turn- f'cl 11 a11 ay Tht' P1r;11es blunted dr 11 e.~ t•11 1hr1 r six· inch line . tht' ~-the 7, tllf 9 and the 21. The game wtnl d-Ow n lo tht final SK· oncls ·when the Pirate dtfen.~e took O\·rr, protecting a 21-14 lead f'irsl il halted Harbor at the Bul· s~ven 'on a fourth-do\\'n 1nl crtcp110 11 by St't· bcr:. Three play~ later th~ Pirat es !ried 10 ciuick kick out vf da ng er. but Georgl' B arnell';; boot v.·ent off the sidl" or his foot a nd the Seahawks had the ball at the fXX 15 . The Bucs heJd Harbor to one \•ard in three plays. but on fourth do~n thev .,.ere penali7.ed for pass interference and Lhe visit~ had a first down al the two with 70 seconds left in the game. The Pirates held at the one for U1ree STOPPING A THREAT --()r~1 n g r ('oa st ("n llegc'<: 1 1···np~ d<·ft'n~r tnrces l!arhor ('nll r '.;c' fullh;-.c\.; l'r ((· '">nl 11nnr tn f111nh'e lnP h,111 .i t 1/10 1 1,, 1·n \\~ ,1 ( iiirgr fl}l1tba li ,, "''1 'I: .1::• 1•111 !11"' \1! .11 \\hill\'~ ... ' • ':.· i "' ( 1. I h1 J.. \ ,Ul I I!' ·' tl1 t• lll'I 1 ~ .. 1 , ,..ll•tlr 111111i:l11 ;11 R 1n ~.1n1.i An.+ }~!!" \'t·: ~p1111i·1·111~ 11i.:.i11i.l (lr:in,i.:r f 'o;i,·t !11 1\ rprnr1 1h1' Hu;11rr r lr1en lnu11tl i•·rlf 1·1~t 11r1•k ;1~a11;•1 \1 1 :->~in <\n10111n 11·1111 r d11r1111.1\ 11! 1i11 .1·l•'1 h,+<'i.. Toni· ll11nr. ~11 '·Thr1 11 ,ll Ix· •Ill" of the loui,:hl·~l \t•a111~ I'" 1•.:l.I f;u'e ;ill ~r:1~on ., r:ornc say~. "Ti',.11 111·rr a gmd ba ll l"luh belorr, but 8'·n11C'll nl<1ke-. ;i big d1tlcn.>ncr and they d<'f·r11 rl\' '>ho uld b~ in contention for a lta1I11r l0hfl1npion ~h1p this st>ason ·· Coach Jlay Shackleford of Golden \\"~t, Area Sports Calendar M•"41•• l'.•tr' oO" 1\0"• G••rO• '' ~"•"••• ., • ., • .., I ' C.e-001 ~•I M •• •DC•'•~·) 11 1 <•o·• COU'l"V -°'U"'"•C 'a~· B·•rl'I •' ta ..... 11--i}I. T~••••• W1••• .,.10 J~( •' OC C (•' Doi• f'o.,..on• •I U(I 10011'1 •' l )Ol (0"• bl ~•· •I W1"0" """""'" V•ll•~ •• LI OU•"t• 1.'•••"I " llW 'll P•r• 1111 U l !$1 ,,,.!•• f'o " (O•f'ro ti<• II.i t •' °""'"" l'oot~·!I I I L•uun• 10011'1 "' , II) T""'"'"' Vo'•ltr DC•o -... Yn'• ~ v~n~· A• P•I '(A ll l'I C,1111 {""'ll•Y H""""" 1• A"'""'"'· l o"'I •I r."N •• M911 MIO~Olol •! E ll>~c .. 1 (o<Cnl a11 Ml••• ;OWM•I~ viill•Y, L•~un• ,, '"°""II~'~(''"'··~··•! V·•I• "~·~. 5• II('•• •• [dl\e~. M ... en v l1·0 •I Q•1..C1 l•ll ••l'• _. rh1 1ou,!1 11leased 11 1th tllt' ~how ing or hi~ i uh during prat'lJl C' ~cs~1ons rh1 s 11Pcl.. il,11',!l 1 dr11\· Thr Lha n~r 111 th r H11•al1·r pr11~prc~us 111th thr acld 111cn 04' Ilunwrll, ~·h:1r "lrlord i.~ ;i b11 <:ult1 ng the h..;1 of 111· fonn ;i r\' c:1<;('S to ;:i b:irr. m1nunt1n1 thl<; 11r"k · .J1n1 Valburn;.i , npen1ng 11"tP k "1:ir•111g f[t1ar!rrbark. 1s thr lnnr d(lub1hil p:1 rt 1C1[Hlll1 ('l~Pr1 1c B11rkl;1nd at 1:1dbar l.., Don 1 ~1'1!"11 ni t1 t:hl rnd ;ind \1 11-.C' Hier nn tl1r d••ft•:1~11C' hnt', arr all expected to pla~ . 1:;~1 n~t the Dons. The first 111·0 1niss<'d I,:;! 1•.,•ek "s tilt an<l Hice 11·as hurl early 111 111'· ~lHHe. liorn~ has thrre pla~e rs on thr injurrd 11~1 and none ol the three is expected to :<C" artion 1onight. Rod Mumma. 1' l1nrb:il'krr, L.1rry \iorlon . a starting la1lback and r.tikc Chad""·ick , a starting 1;u2rd . are all sidelined. Hick Deckert an d Oa\·e 'fadman \1·ill ra<'P ihe Don running att ack. Deckert npt'ns cit quarterback and runs lh6 op11on pl;i\ 11·1\h finesse. !'l1:i>;"i.;h·lord \1 ill 1><'~111 to 11·orr~· 1hr ! 1 ~1 tune h i~ \ea1n fail ~ tu stnrt' ln 1hr t •r~1 ha ll th!.~ ~cs.son . Thr Hu~tlrr~ h;11 e Pllf ·~<'Ol"'<i 1wo upponrnt ~. 3fl·7, 111 tl1e /1 r~I h:il:. Set ond half ~!;1!i~la'S arr anothrr Hory. llppllncnts lead the Hustler~. 4.'i-'.!i 111 1he t·r~1 !wo gaines. Ho!(er Parkn1an. ou1 stan d111g rece1\"er on lhc (;olden \\"est el even , LS now six1 h \n 1t:c all·lime total offensive chart. To d111c he ha~ caught sel'en passes in two ,,;.'.Imes for 150 yards and t1,1·0 touchdowns . Bon\1·rH. a running lh rea\ as well a~ a lop pas~er, i.~ ;ilready on the G\VC ~1:1!istical charts in 17th place after only nnc i;;arr.i::. lie amassed a lo\al of 153 \.~r1ls J;i~1 1.1·ce li. . . -: . .r 40 lDE.i1 WEI T ,.,.1 • ... ·"' ...... c~.,-c:·~ • ,,_ ~.·vu "' ~> (;~·· ·~ " ' ... "'iC•'"'' " '" r~~""' I.' o ' " ''! c. " Ml•~u I .. , ,, ' I'••• •.-..... ,, ' M " '""' " , .. • u·t r ·~·· " ,~ ~( 0 " ' "' J••t Jo•~f~"'" ' ,,~ ..... " " "". .,, ~1• ' MlO"t ~cn1,• '" "' lo• y e~~,,t I " D•\< 0.<~"' ,., 1:.1 "" :.ov~•· " ~ .. ,.., ..... ,, "' "' "!o • 'N·l'ol • • ~··~· .,.,.,,,,.,, . , . ,., .. ~~·' Po••"''" " "•""I ., ..... '" plays, bt:t on f!)U r\h do11·n quJrterb."lck J,111 S:indel" 1nt~1r1J 01cr the i;unl l111t• ln in·.1; 11 21 -~! H:irl1ur !r1ell In w1ri u Y.'ith ~a nd"r flt· l:Jllf.tl lll{ lo 1101 ' •·l<I uf a lake kicl..u .i: Jcnn;i uon but H1 Llo. \';;1113 durnpcd h1111 for B 1;;.) ard lo"!! t1nd ()rano;e Cua~~ r • .11 Oll l UH· i•liw h The 1-'1r;1 Ccs Sl"!lf"t'd wl1;1l pro1"1•d to be the "·1nnin~ seven poinls lat~ 111 tile third JX'riod 11·1th <• quick '1'7-yard nuu·rl1. Hay 1<1cardo, "·ho had his Sl'{'onrl st r a i g h \. lOO-yard·plus performance, scooted the fina l s1lC on a p11chou1 and Bob Ryder contributed zhr 1h1rd of his valuable placements. Each team scored Mee in the firs t p:?riod. liarbcr got the ri~t TD aflrr 1't'CO\'er1ng a fun1bled pun! al the Bue 7 Sander sneaked o\·er (or lhC' score. but \)range Coast bounced back on a fi6 ·yard rlr1ve ;\.fike Ta1niyasu 11·en l the las t 3~ o:. 11 ket.>pcr. 'n1e Bucs we nt ahead in the seconrl riu~r"ter on T<!miyasu "s 1:-i-yard tou chdo11n pass to Coe 1\leyer, but Harbor bri ef!~· 11ed the score in 1he third period on !l· yard pass froin Sander lo Bill Jae)~-. Orange Coast'! front fi\·l"Of""\vtiite, Alex \\'assiliew, George Follett, John Noutary and Kurt Cleniens. along v"ith linebacker~ Finch Sterhng and George Berg, restricted Harbor"s fast and hard- runni ng backfield to 76 yards in 50 rushes. And de tensive backs Jessi Hernandez. Bob \\1Jcker!han1, Bo!:i Curry and Rick S!:!1bert covered 1.he Seaha"·k receivers well. only a Ho" ing nine of 12 passes to r ;:il"h target. The 1'ictory 11 as the Pirates' third r !:·a i~h l of the sC'ason and in lhe proces.~ t:i:y handed lhe slnte"s llfth-ranked tea1n ii! lirs1 losil. Sct rt ltr Ou•l11r1 '°'"'""' I e 0 ··~• Co•>1 1 I l'Attl"'G ll•rMr ,. "" .,,. !1r~1• n ., I o .,,., C1111 l 1m1v11v 1 4 V• t<I I I .Ct I.um""·~ ~•lt;0n1 1 .. .., .. Tot•l1 •1(1<do l 1mir•lV Mt~•' Ou"nl• ,.,. .. •UlMllte -·-.. " " " • OrU•te C••ol " " • , ., "' " r. " " " " >D " .. • • • ' • • "' " GI.Ml ITAfUllCS r-,,., <MWn! ru"11M F"" t!O\OlnJ PIHl~t '"'' oewn• 1on1IH0: Teti • Utll ciown1 Yu d1 ruohlnt Yordl 'IUiMI ¥•'111 Ir.I !/11 ••'11• ll•f'ed •unit/ Avt•••• ,.,,,.,,.... ,..,111191/Yt n!ll ~Al hUO fvmltlH ,Fvmb\IOI 1e11 """' " "' " " '" '., ' " " ••• ,, '. " " " " ,. " .. '" • " ., • " ~ ''" ' ,,n ., Newport Clubs Saints, B.v GLE~N \\'HITE 01 tl\ol Dtllr "1111 511ff It usrd to be that football games \\"ere just a \1 ay of killing lime before lhe. big parties goi under 11·ay in the many year!' 11·hen ~ewport Harbor High was a jol,e in gridiron proficiency. Bu t all 1ha1 v.·as supposed to ch angr 1\·hen \\"ade \\'ats l.'an1c out to Orange County from Ohio a fe'.I' ye<irs back. And apparently it has. Santa Ana High will be the fir st to veri· fv that after \\'atts' Sailors cremated the the once-proud Saints, 34·13. Friday in the open ing of Sunset League action on the v.·inners' turf. .-.;i;11 port was clear!~· the master - .i:ome1:111,-: \'1at has never happened before in th s ~; ·i·r~r serie5. T;1c :,;-k rs put 1ogether 349 yards. rac· <'I to a '.!i·i lead lat e in !he secon d quar- t~r a11d scored thr1r most lopsided \1·in el"r r aga 1n~t a Sant:i Ann team. It is nlso the l1r'lt t1n':o a Tar elel"en ha~ scorr:I n1ore than ZLI points against a S:i int l"a rsitl" Bill Shedd ·c!iree:cd th e slaughter and f~<!nklr the score ~hould have been v•orsc. San ta · Ana scored on an ~yard run and a r.1-,\;t rd p;i-, l);her tl1Jn !~:it. th r Saints could do rn!'.1:ng rxtrp! µlie no and they e\"en ga 1·r 1:1;11 up af1cr bring l';1ught three times in t!l" second quartf'r Sh t•dd /ut right ill 1.i p.1~~cs fnr 208 yarrl.~ ;ind threi: 111 his aer1,1ls ll'erc dropped. lie pla.\·ed defensr. too. and lntrrrep tr.d a !OS.Ii. Hrn:ky Di:l:on was the Leading rush(r for the Sai lors 11•ith 60 vards in 10 carrieg Dcfens11rl\· It was Grant Grlker. StC"\r Landr iga n. Uan Herring and Bill Hender· ,..,~hot turning 111 par e~cellence sho1r~ :'-ie"·port struck firs\. "·hen St£'1 c Fish ~k1ned ('nd for eight yards "'!th 6 2) left in Jill' O")X'n1ng quarter after a ~.>-yard Si1Pdd to Darci Blood pass had mo\"ed the Sailors deep 1nlo Saint ter ritory. ll ir;rt r ~i lC to r nd " ~etond prrio(l tllrr::1t by I.hr Sr aha \1·ks. l\lo\'111i:; !!\ ,;.:1'i1b t he bill l are Bob \\lickershani \23) and 1:1 nt h Sterling \60 ). The first of Al Whitc"s four conver sion! n1adc 11 7·0. Santa Ana tied it with 1 42 rl'ma1ning GOING FOR SIX ;__ (Ju;1 ril'rhrick .\l ik 1~ '1',11111\·a su 1n_i:ht 1 011tlr gs lhrC(' 11 .'lrhor ('oH <'!.:c 1lrfrn'l"r~. 111 - r"'l11ct 111g .'-1;1! l't·!ln\',;111.v 1'.!.'11 :ind .J,1l'k P;1ln1"r 114 1 111 1hC' f i r~! quarlrr ;1 ' brc.ik~ lo111"L' 1111 11 :!i ,1·nrrl tnuehdq11 n run lo tic the g;in1c. i -7. Oran gr Coa st's drfcn ~r hrld off l larbor l hrou~hou t the game 10 JlO'l fl :..'l ·~O \ 1clnry J·"n dny n 1~h !, 34-13 In the frame on >1 ontl' f"loyd·s 85-yard <lash. But after that :'\r11·por1 e>:ploded. zoom· in; 10 a 2i·7 kad. Shedd sneaked for a .\"ard 11·i h 11..-0 ~~~onds gone in !he second pt>rio::I 10 n•t.ke it 14·7. Shedd hi t Jerry Smilh for six lo make it 21·7 and !hen Al \'.'a llnce s::ampered 17 yards for ~ t~tll.v to un the count lo 27·7 with 3:17 left in the half. Santa Ana trimmed it !o 27·13 t'il-'O mln· utes later. J\ewport got ils final points with 7:4-' remaining in the game as Shedd found Blood on a 24·yard loss and run. And the Sailors were on the Santa Ana 23 when the game tnded. t l•!I OPW!\\ ru•kl"• F l"f aowr1 ""'' n• l'l"I ae~·"' Prr 111;~, 'To!tl lltt• d~W"' Ytrd> •u•~l~o llATllf !C S "' • """'' """'"0 v.~, le•t NII v••Oo ~1ln0<j P u~t1 •A~~·1;'! <llSI&"~' ••,t lllH 'Y1,a1 ,.rn•' teo f umblet/~~"'bltt 10" ,, ... .. !•'11 "' • ' " "' ,, __ " "' I :o ! Qutrloro ' " " ' • Nt w•a•I H1•obr ' • •Ul1<1N.S ,,,.....,..,, "' .. c,. ... " " Vlolllco ' " F ''~ ' ,, !"'''~ ' ' !~-aa ' ' "'"". ' " r111"tn1'd ' " Ow•' ' " lo••" " "' l t nl1 ••• !";·· ·-· ' " 0 '1•' ' • I lo·~ • ,., ' ., .. ' . , .. , ' . \" ' .. ' r·o ,' " "' 1'•$!1NG Ntwoe•• .. .. ... ~r•cn " ' • 1••11 ••• P '"Nn " ' ' c .. ,,1 " ' • 1 e•1 , " ' • • .. • ' ' ' " • ' ' " • ' ' ,, " , " .. :rs " • " Gauchos Test U11defeated " ' > ' • "' " " "' • ,, 1 I~ U " ' 8 -,, ' -u ... .. " ., '" '. .. ., " ,, " " 11 ' '" " " ,. .. . '" "' ~ 'l<J Ri val T 011i ght SaddlC'ba('k College ri sks its No. 5 ra nk· Ing ;imon.11: the state's small 1un1or ~I · leg es tonight 11 hen the r.auch'ls retum In ;\1i~~ion Viejo High School to ta k' on 11ndrfeated Cha ffey Coll ege 1n a non· league fnotba11 ga me. l\1cJ,,off for Saddleback ·~ l~~t tuneufl before !he start of Desert Conference, \111! be at 8. Saddleback 11 11! be out 1o ma intai n lhf: n1omcntum ll bu ilt up last Sa tt1rday v.'1th ;i stunn ing 24·6 1·ictory orer Grossmon t, buL iL wl)n'1 be an ea~y t a.~k agai11~t ;i Cha!fey team thal'5 long on size and t.let ensr. The Panthrr~ 11h1ppcd College of !hr l)('serl and c;!endalr by 1;).7 and 6·:\ 1'o•Jn!s and defense carried them to bolh \ ictori f's. ·o~fensire hack Art Prrez a n d lincl.iackers Ed Carroll and Ron Bubli ti ha1·e !:>ten the kr.y men for coach \Villi• Rirhilrdson in stopping !he opposition. OHensively. its another stor y. Cha ffe.v hasn 't Deen able lo generate any kind of runni ng attack. Tn each game the Panthers have been restricted to le s."i than iO yards running . Quarterback Joe Bro51don. howrver, has ha d better succe <:S through the air. All thrl'C of Chaffey"s touchdowns !his ~eason ha\'e come on pass~~. l\\'O or lhem ln reser\·e end Ste\'e Chr islian. t.:p front. the Panthers ha\"e so me big li ncn1en and wi!l rnjoy a sizeab!t weight ad1 ant age both "·avs ag ainst Saddleback . Saddlcback coach Grorgr lla rtman wil l go with the same combination that throt- llrd Grossmont last week . Howe\~r. the Gauchos are expected lf'I have quarterback Rod Gra\'es throw a lot more He only took to tht air ~C\'en limeii last wttk. He bar capable receivers in !\tare lfardy, Ri.ck Day and Gary Ros.man . Toby \\'"h\pple \\·ill s!arl at tailback .lga in and is expected lo d.l the bulk of 1he runn ing. Las\ week in hi~ first !tart he gobbled up ne11rly 150 ya rds . "' "' '" "' '·' !'0 ~ "' '" "' :~D •,' ,, CMA ~~I Y G~•v ··~ o.,nlo "" J:r,> r.,,.~ o~·· l!••'oy .... Almo"d ''" 11., ....... , •. , Frtd l.ucr·~••oc!: '" ••090011 3,,.,. Wllll•mo , .• Rv, ... , 0•·· I<•" ' ' • c " • < • • ' ' 'tr IAOtM.111.CI( .. •b•'v "' c~~t• ••• .. r ·~ U•t il 101 . 11 .11 l-'~?1•V ·~ Jt tl I/Ira•" no ~·· L.moo-ldc "' "' '" 1;0 ·~ <:.r~, .. "' II &<•~ "'"'~" '" To~h~ Vl~IPOll "' C.»r llOl\Ml 1\ "' • ; ' I I ' I / t ' r r ' c c ' c ' r ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '· ' ' ' • " ' ' 0 • • ' • • " '·' ' " • ] ] t• ' n E ' l i • 3 n l II ~ Ir v r. ir ., " n j -. --~· ............ ---------- By 808 ROTll By ROGER CARLSON 01 "'• D•ll, ,.,.,, U•lf Of '"" D11tr ,.11111 'ti ff After giving Villa Park ;11\ the footb;1ll lt could handle in the first half, Laguna Beach High School \\'as ovcrwhcln1t'd in the final two quarters as lhe defending Crestvie\\' League champs dropped their circuit opener, 34·6, in a game played on the Arlists' home field Friday ni ght. Trailing 7-6 at the intermission La- guna was bE>trayed by its own inability to hold on to the ball , as the Spartans cashed in on a pair of Art ist fun1bles lo brea k the game open. The biggrr Spartans cvcntuatl\' ~·ore down the Artists and D<l\"C l\1edigov1t:h and Bob Rogers had good nights on lhe ground for Villa Park as coach lkl' lsa- acson 's offl'nsive li ne opened up gape- in~ holes. ·Quarterbacks Joh n Tul ly .:ind Pat r-.lc· Nally added to !he attack, keeping the Art ists defense honest with 172 yards in th e air. 'fhe key to the Spartan \\'in came after it appearctl thal the Art ists' had saved thei r skins y,•ith a goal·lin e-stand that had stop[)t'd Villa Pnrk 's opening dri ve of U1c third quarter on the one- \'ard line . • On \11c1r first play fro1n scrimmage the Art ists fun1 blcd and ltq_gers fell on it ror Villa Park at the five. The next p!ay ri.lcdigo\·ich y,·ent in for the score 10 niake it 13-6 \l'ith 5:01 rema ining in the third period. After the ensuing kickoff Laguna ran just one play from scrimmage before 1l fumbled the ball to Villa Park. This time Ross Ansari fell on the ball at tJ1e losers' 29. Two plays later Gordon Dunca n y,·ent O\"er from the three and ~-lcr-."ally 1nade 11 21 -6 y,·ith 2:52 left before the final period as he faked a kick and scamper· e<l around his ri ght end !or the 1110- poinl conversion. Laguria then rno\·t-d 30 yards in fi 1·e plays to lhc Spartan 17. but the dri1 e ended along with the third quarter .,., hen Brian Ottmrr had a p3ss picked off at the h\'O as the gun sounded . Villa Park !hen mo\·cd 98 y3rd s !11 make it 28·6. The key plays in the drive y,·cre a 34-} ard pass frorn Tully to Paul }l3rt and a 43-yard scoring run by l'.1edigov ich. After that score Olt mer v.·as forced !o lhrov.· in an atte mpt to get his tea1n hack in the con ics!. Instead of finding payd1 rt Ottm('r found hirnsrlf dumped by the :\partan defense \1hich v.•as ke.1•1nJ! for the pass. Oltrner 11 as lut bch1nri lh(' line on fi\'(' occassion.~. losing a total or 4~ ~·ards as !he tune ran ou t on the under· dog Art i.qs. Laguna ·s onl_\' brr11ht Spell c;in1 r in the first rwo quarl('rS ;is l hf'1r dt'frnse did a good JOb of slopping thr Spartans inside their 20 and 01!1ner hit a touch· down loss lo l\l1ke Abbey, but lhl' poi nt after try left !he Arr L~ts behind, i-6, a 1narg1n they ne1'er cl osed. . ·,;.r (i._M[ ST .. TISTIC5 r ·•" 11<1wn! .,,,111 .. ., r"'' '''"''"' ""l''"q l'•"I OO"'n• «enollt~l To!ol l•"I OOWn• 'r••d• ru•~ln9 "~•d• """'"" ¥ ""'~ lo•I ru1 ••t<h ~•·n•d f'vnh A•.,•9~ ""'""'' P~nallle• Y••d• "'"•"I'd f ,,,.,~IU1 F umbl~I lo•• v. '" .... ~ Le;iuno Beotll • • llU~Hl'IG .... Ii. Pull "' ,,.,.,.,. " ,.,..,,Qll••l" " Tully ' ,.,,,....,.,.,.,,, ' o""("" W•·9~' ' 1 Ol•I• " Ll g.,no 1101 ~ P~I"'"' • oue•me< " "-O!xy ' ~ "•" ' s'""'"' ' ToMI\ " ~ .. S~ING VIII• ~ ... .. ~ M•~~ll'f • ' TuHy • ' Wri9•1 ' • To•~I! " ' L•~u~• le•<~ CH1t •MU " • Vlllo I>~ '·' " '" '" " "' ' . 11 11~ " " • " '" , • " • "' " " " " "' ... • ' ' " .. •• .. '" ' " . " " , .. !• 0-• " ••• " . ' ' " ' " • .. • • ' " ,. .. • " .. ' • " • " • , .. .. .. " ~· " "' " ;;1 " ... ' ' " .<II , .. ... , Ru stl ers Split R_u111tlng Tests Golden \\'csl College's cross cpun try t eam made its delayed d€'but of lhP sea· son and split a pair of Southern Califor- nia Conference rnatche~ at hon)e "''il!l Easl Los Angcle.<1 and Cypress colleges. Orange Coasl College, n1eanwhile, tra- \•e!ed to CerriloS and dropped its secood :-tra ight Sou!h Coa st Conference test lhis lime to lhc Falcons. 15-44. t.nlden West ripped Cypress. 15-49, but "''as defeated by East Los Angeles. 22- 36, in the other end or the dooble dual met>l. East LA also trampled Cypress. J5-5C. Freshman Terry McKeown was the too ftnisher for the Rustlers, taking t.hird with a 20 :43 clocking. East Los Angeles' Art Martinez "'as the individual winner in 20 : 17. Doug Sch;rt'nk chased McKto¥J home and was fourth in 20 :49. -If- Other finishers ror the Rustlers voere \'ic ~farlinrz in ~eventh f21 :45). Chris Gaffney in 101h f22 :J5 ) and Craig Smith in 12th !22:39l. Cerritos swept the rirst five places against Orange Coast with ~x.Clf t~·o­ mile champion Ruben Chapplns 'A'}nn1ng the ract> ln 20:5.l TGp finisher for the Bucs \\·as Dan Mooney in s1xlh wilh a 22 .06 effort. GRIM SITUATION -Villa Park guard Bob Grimm (04} tries to get through a s traight arrn being a pplied by Laguna Beach·s scran1bling £1uart erback Brian Olt1ncr. Ottmer managed to complete eight of 18 passes a gains t the Spartans in a losing cause as the Artists in Laguna Beach, 34--6, Friday night. Villa Pa rk dumped 1'1at er Dei Rips ' Hi gh1 y-tout ecl La11 ce rs, 34-6 Gy 110\\"ARO I.. llA~DY 01 lhf Dall• P•llll Ste ll ll .... ·as blastoff lin1e in Long Bc:ich Fri- day. And co.icll Bob \\'oo:ls' previousl.v ~putering :vfater Dt1l High School football !earn did just tha t as Lt bombed Onl'e mighty Lakewood from the 1011 ten in CIF A1\AA ratings w1 Lh a display of Df- fensi \'c might, 34-6. The. Monarchs put together a devastat- ing running game lo topp le the Lancers fr orn fift h pl;ice ~nd perha ps regain a spot in the rarefied atmos phere them- selves . A bi~ four th qu.irlf'r founrl !hf' ~lnn­ .irchs ~onng 21 poinls. But !he deci sion "'·:is nlrcad.\· cinched long before tha t time and coach John Ford's rluh sput· 1ered like the olt1 .\lndc!·'J' 1ngtcarl of 1he fa1·ored Monrl' Lra_gue learn il \\·;is tab- bed to be pre1·iou~h·. The ~lunarch:-. put !o~ftl1cr an out- ~!and i ng one-1v.·o punch w11h Bttb Hau- pert direc11ng: tile attnck frotn !he quar· 1crback position and !\lark J)11nn e.'(ccut· 1ng the slratrgy 11·1th prf'rl!'1011 The t.,,.o combi ned morf' 1hr1n once on ;:in option play around right l'ncl tha t g;i 1ned ronsiderahlr yard:l!;C. Dun n carried 20 t11nes for a fi 4 <i\·cr- :ige and Hau pert on 1!1 occa,.1ons for a 4.3 average. Each scored a pair of touch- <lown s with Hau pert scoring fir st on a five ~·ard run early in lhe second quar- ter . Ali er the L:incers put togr!hcr a SJ Yard aerl:i l bom b fro n1 Kim Hannaford io Rick Gillies for a touc hd O'A'n 'A"it h one minute remaining. the ,\fonarchs movl'd to the Lakewood 19 'A'ith ten seconds to go in the half. Bill Appleton faked a field ~oal at !he 25 • .stood up and hur~ a sideline p.i.ss lo Dunn \\'ho rambled into the end zone 1\•'1.h three seconds remaining lo put r-.tater Oei ahead to stay. D.1nn scored on a 50--yard n1n for the final touclKlo\vn after 11aupert went in from four yards out and Tom CrT.ecka took a nine yard pass from Haupert fnr the Qther score. Jack Gen!ile kicked four of five extra points. G-.M E ST-.T!STtCS Fir!! ~OW"' •u,Mnq F.n! <low"' p~"l"9 Firt! dow .. t D~•ltltJ Total !lrsl downs Y•nh n1'hln9 "' " • ' " "' "w ' ' • PAINTED INTO A CORNER -La guna Beach qua rterback Brian Ottmer tries to dance away from Villa Park tackler Bob Jones. Villa Pa rk . one of the favorit ies fo r lhe Crest.view League crown, tipped the :\rlists 34-6. in the loop opener for bolh teams. Laguna Beach, \\"hich is no\v 0-3 on the season. faces rug ged Foothill, a 5~ ,\·in- ner over i\lission Viejo, next '"'eek. Football Standings CRflTVlfW LE.QUE w ' f'oo"'ln . . .• l D Qra'IQ& . . •• • •• 1 O "UI• P8rt . ... . . . ..•....•.• I t 51~ (l~Mel'lt• •..........•..• 0 0 ET MOd•nl . • . ..... , 0 0 l.•;una Ba•(~ , • •. . .. O I Ml., Ion \ll•ia , . , . .. . • O I 1.,.11n ................. , .• , 0 I ,rld1y'1 Sc•r• Foolhol! ~!. Ml"I"" Vlt lo 0 VdP1 Per• l •, l .. VllM &tKh 4 O•l"IJ• 16. l~•tln & Tonltht'1 c;a..,. S"n Cl•m1nte 11 El Mad•~• IR\llNf Ll!-.OUI! w Fowi~!n , v .. 11ev L°"'" .. .. . . . .. . . . .. ' C<1''10 Mhe ... f~~~;: ~:+ ,M.~r -:: ·: • t::~r~n(•• ....•.• .... .,,...,,,. - ~""'" An• V•ll•• , ' • • • • • • Frld•v'• Scern r ou"'";" V•llfv 15 M•onotl• 6 ' 0 • • • • 0 ' ' l aa•e 00. !>et>!a An• Voll•y • To"lg1>!'1 O•me• F<'•"''" "' Ca"• Mn• •I OCC Ed'"'" "' Coro~• "" M•• at Ne"PO'I 1 UIOSET l£ .. GU£ ,.,. ,........ ....,!>Ill" """""'"' \'.~"m ·n•I •• ''"""" w~'"'" "u"''"!J•on 9e•t» ~·M• -no • ' ' • • • • • ' • • " • • ' ' N•·"""'' 1-'••t>e• 1• S•"'' ~"' ll ,...,.". m I•. "U"l•nQ•o" 9••'" I Tonl~111·1 G•m• 0 11 .. NGl ll!-GUE w ' '~ It.lam""' ' 0 V•lpn~T· ' • ert• • " Co'""" • • l(•t•fl• • " S~110•• • " s •f1dl•b••~ • ' "' Aon.go• • ' Fr!d1•'1 $<Of" , .. ,,,.,,.,11.,, ,. .•. ,,...,,~0\ • V•lenci• " S•Olll•l><'I'~ Q T•nl'lhl'• a .... ,. 5,,..,,,. ., " l")O"d• ., V"•"(ll ··~ ~ l(.a!etla " " Palmn ,11 •• W ... Y l.l!AGUI! w ' kenr>fdv •.............. ' • ~•van"" . ······· ' • unnv l"llh ..... ' • Trav ' • ·~~ Pork • ' Full••!an ..... ....... • ' ,. M•l)te ..... ... .. • ' Lowell ............... • ' '""ar'• l<•rn T•OV •s. 11~<>1 Prrk u Sunny Milli n. Fu'le•ll>'! l(~nl'te<IV II , l o .. •'' 1J " S•••nnt "· " Heb•• " "''"' '""•v'• o ...... ,. H•bro ., Ken<>e<lv " w ... 1.rn ~•vont>o •• l "'''"II , . ,, Habr• Fullerton " ow~ "··~ Sunny Hill> .. Trov " Fulllr!on p' ,.. " . " . ,. . • • • • . ,. . " . " .. , , .. " . ~ . • • • • • • • 0 . " • •• " .. " " " ' • • • • • • ' " " " " .. " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " " .. " " " " " " " " " ., " " " " " " F':ir three and one half quarter!! Ana - heirn High Sc h()IJ I, its \'arsity football team and J!s legion of fol!oy,·ers sat anrl s<iuirmed under a delermined attack from underdog Hunting-ton Beach. Finally. and you n1ight say inevitab- ly, the No. I ranked team in the CIF receive<! the break ii "'·as looking for. A 20.yard Oiler punt v.·as turned into a 34-yard march for the winning touch· down 'A'ith J·\9 to go as Huntington Beach fell, 14-7. Fnday night in the Sunset League opener. Beiore a packed house. the Oilers had taken it to the Colonisls in unbel ievable fashion for 44 minules. Quarterback Garth '\list, halfback Roc~y Cerda, an unrelenting defen!ll\ e uni t led by Dan r-.loals and Paul Moro ar'id a punt return ~peci:ilist, Craig Zal- tGsky, had checked the Anaheim machin~ wilh gutty performances. But as a bitterly disappointed coach Ken Moats said afterwards, "It's one )'car do'A'll the drain." Th e gritty Oilers had slung Anahei m in the second quarter when Zaltosky field · ed a punt on the £lead run and returnee il 35 yards to the Anaheim three. Cerda barged over on the· flrst play and Frank Hanss booted Lhe extra poin t for a 7-0 lead 'A'ith 3: 10 to go in the half. It \\'as remarkable considering Ana· heim wa s using third down puntin,g strategy from deep in its O\l'n lcrritort. Anaheim's fjrst touchdown was also cashed in on a break \\"hen the C·olonisls' George Fraser intercepted a Wisc aerial and raced 15 yards to the Oiler 20. Six plays later on a fourth and goal sil.Uation at the 14, Fraser found Steve Shultz on the goal line for si x points. A tw crpoint cooversion l.ry failed . now. ever, _and Huntington was still leading, 7.fi, with 6:38 remaining in the third QUli r· ter. l\.1oat s' {'!e\'en had made a serious bid in the second period \\'h('n Wise raced to the Anaheim !8 only to havl' a clipping penalty kill the effort. · And. in the 1hird quarte r the Oilers mov ed to lhe Anaheim 4Z before fa lling short on a fourth and two situation. Anaheim, incidentally, had made one first dov.·n in the second half before tak-i~g over ?n the Huntington 34 for ill f1n:il winning dri\'e. Ta'ilback Tim Thorn, who ran for 130 net yards in 2~ carries. did most of the \\"Ork in the march and then Fraser car- ried O\"er from five yards out on a fourth and three situation. ... CiAMI! ST .. TIST!CS F"'' !!Qwn1 ru•lll<>o "I"' dawn, 1>1n i"ll F "-' (IQ..,n\ l>C''l•ltiPS To r .. , '''" do .. n1 Y1'd• "'1"'"9 y"'"' ""'""9 Yord• IO>I Net •••di k81"'"<! "' • • ' • "' • " .. """" """'""' di$ll'I<• P•nollle•1Yord• <>en•ll1r.j ~ l1 0 l'umbles1F umb~• '"" Hun!lnoton 8tltll ._l'llMe>m WI>• l• ' ••• N••• M••o C•tck•ll l ol!g'"' folol• ~,.,., l~N" """"9u•: ,, ,~, M~'!'f' .,. f t l •U • • R US~IHG ' • Hv..ion9!0• le•ch "' " " • ' ' .. ._n1htim • " ' ' ' ~ISltHG H"~!ln,lon I••<~ .. ~ • ' Anl n•i"' ' ~'" ,,. .. " " ., ' ' ' "' " '" " • • • ' ... ' l!C l POLO ISTS IN SE1UJ FJNALS • • 0 I " " ,, ,, • " 1 l17S "' . -' I -II " "' ,. " ' " • " • " • " • " " " " " ' " • " ' ... • " " '" • .?)'! " .1~~ LOS ALTOS -l'C lr\'ine v.·a1cr p<ilo forces are in the seinif inals of the Northern Ca liforn ia open tournament f oothill College tod<1y. Howevrr. coach f:d N r w 1 and' 3 Anteaters arc in a rugged test as they face National AA U outdoor champion DcAnza. The latter s'A-·ampcd Sl3nford. 10·4 in Friday competition. A week ago Stanford outgunned UCI, 9-7. Newland's outfil tramped University er Pacific in Friday's second round after drawing a bye in the fir st round. The Anteaters never trailed, splashing to a 4-1 halftime bulge. Mike l\.1artin and Steve Farmer shared scoring laurels v.·ith l\\'O apiece. Con- necting for single goals were Jim ~fcDonald. Dale Hahn, ,Jim Bradburn. Rich Eason, Jack Dickmann and Steve Hallback. YAnl\ Pttl!rtll "••ds io.1 r.i.t ••rdJ 91011\f'd Punb/"~'"~ Ois•a,.ct P ..... l!l~IY•<dJ "'"IOIUf:d Fuml)lff/Fumb~• loot "' " m ~ <I l 01)5 ., ' sc ..... , °"''"'..., Mat~• o-; • " • " • .. .. " '" 6 ll . '" '" -J4 Lions Open Defense of Sunset Title· '~-• • IO.U1MINO M1I..-0.1 '" " Du"~ ~ "' "" • " HtUDe'I " .. Jact.on ' • Gneck• ' ' Ntn!'y ' , F llfO•i~h ' • l •el<le<I ' ' Toit!s ,. ltt""°"" '" ""~ " " H• .. ~lo..r ' • ,,...,...1 .... ' " ............. ' ' 1r~i:rt11 ' ' •1 ""'"" ' • ,,. • ., .... 1 ' ' '"'"" .. ._~llN~ , .. Mttt r Del .. ~ •• H1u~rl • • • o~• ' • • .-.~ol•IO• ' ' • Tn!•I> • ' • L•~....,,... t-l•n~8•o•~ ' ! g l ;IJl119N111 ' Toi." ' • • • " ' ' " ' • • • • ,. ' " • • • ' • " " .. • " "' 11 .. ·-• ••• .. " " _,. " ,. .. " .. " " " ,. ,, ". " " "' ., .. '"" ,611 .~11 .~ ••• The big battle for serond place in lhc Sunset League continues tonight with V.'estrninslrr High hosting the Western J)1oncers. Kickoff is at 8 o'cloc k. Most experts have already conceded the tit le lo Anaheim . But. Sanla Ana and Newport Harbor are in the· battle \1'ith tonight's foes for the runnerup spot. Coarh Bill Boswell's Lions arc dl'fen- ding champions of the circuit but are in a rebuild ing year. Western has "·on only one game during the .<1er1('~ !hat be.l(an in 1962 with the Li:>nli holding six decisions, including a 32-7 vcrd11.:t lasl seasan. on the Pioneer varsity lasl year w i L h quaretrback Bob Pitiller directing the attack. Alan Cornett at fullback is co-captain SERll!1 SCORES 1•61-Wh tml"'I'' N, WHTt•n 0 19'l--WH1mh11"'' 7, Wfli.rn IJ 1~.._WHfmlMl•r U. Wfll"'n 1 19'S--Wl\tml•\<t...-:II. w ... tern H 1766-'Ne>tmln•ler 16. w ... rrrn H lttl-Whtmlft'I••• lo, Weotf'" l tfft-w ... rm,,..1,, 11, wutt•n 1 WhlMln~ler !e•01 ,,.,It~. 6·1. of the squad on offrn se and paces the running attack. Terl Wilton, a 136-pound scalback allj:l his brother ti-1ike al Jell encl, are both retumee11 from last season. 1'he Pioneer~ operate out of the slot·T formation and have ~plit their early season practice encounters. They won Qver Savanna, 19-13, and lost to Millikan, 32-7. Both ch.lbs have been working heavily on defeMe In drills this past week. "l fet l we just didn't make the tackles lll key limeJ 11nd our offen!le is sti ll sputtering," Boswell says. After dropping a pair or tills lo Moore J.,caguc foes Lakewood and El Rancho • !he Lions will pin their victory hopes on the throwing arm of Ed Bane plus lhc n1nning of John Baize and Mon ty Dclwo- ing, "Bane doesn't have hi.<1 liming down lo well yet, but he 'll grt better,'' Boswell predicts. "Rig.ht now Downing Is our top rusher and is averaging helter than three yards per try." Jim Everett, new head coach at West.em, is going with a veteran backfield combination and a n In- experienced line. All rou r starters wer. "We have lo improve our defense over the MiUikan conl~t or Westminster wi11 run us oul of the stadium," Everett remarks. Wl!5TMIHSTl!ll U S Kur: Otdrk~ I: l"l Den Wl«1orM T ISO J!m McN~UQ~IOft c; 1/V 0!11 Pl~\l~CCl\11 C 110 W•ll JU0¥ c; 107 ,O.l•n o..~ T no Ed Mcl•UQ~lln E t60 Ed 88n• 8 Iii JO"n tl•h• 8 iis M""'V Oownr..v 11 1" Wt!! M.oootll,l I WliSTIRN Mlk' Wiiton Jae S1anton Ran Sv••ll H11 Smith HDWttlf Sa""adl R•lllll DfPl'lllllM Rick l!ncM 1111~ Mlll•r ._,.~ Cornet! Tim -.,i.,., lid Wlllon "' '" •m •m '" ,, . '" '~ ·~ '" '" I I -~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' J ,f DAILY PILOT Foothill T1·amples MV, 55-0 E\ DA\'f. CEARLEY "or •~• O••I• ,1i.1 Si.tt In i1s f1rsl two ga mes of the sea~on ~11ss1on Vtf'JO lr:irnt'd a furnta1nf'nlal rL1lc flf football -you v,on"t notch any v1rt nr· le~ v,•hen vou don "t score Friday ·night thr \ 1sJ1ing Foolh111 Knights gave th e Diablos fundamenl<il lesson nurnber t11 0-you \1on ·1 \\1n n1any g11 n1es v.·hen you glvr up !"15 points. Foot hill ba cks Bob SpC'ichtr and .l1n1 \-nt a11' s!as~''·'~ throt1gh thr \l1ss1on \"ieJi> line Jn Ille !irst half ;i~ thr J\nigl1ts bru· tallzed Lhc Oi.'.lblos, 55·0. 111 the Cres t\'1cw Lt'agu<' opener lor bo1l1 squads Dia blo eoac:h Hay J)odgc ~aid aftr.r il1e contest, ··ro say r1n unhappy 1\·11h the 1eam 11"oulr! be puling it n1ildl.1· You can "t kee p gi1"1ng a 1ean1 the ball like v.-e 1!id and expect to stop them fro1n scoring." ~ Dodgr 11·;is also critical of F'oothlll 's last 1ouchdown in the first half v.'hen the 1\nighls he11t the clock to _ score _a last- .... i::econd touchdown in padding their lead to 49-0. The Kn 1gh1s opened their scori ng li<hd 11·a1-c whh Jlt~l 01·rr sh: minutes left in !he first period when Spe1('her capped a 27·rard scoring n1arrh by plunging or('r frorn the one. Aflcr that. it wa s all uphill for \\1 ::..•1(\n Virjo. T11·0 niinutcs later quar1erbac;k Boh BlacJ.;lidg<' lofted a 2B·yard iouc hdown pass to \lot;nv, then hil on another sco_r- iog strike, this one a 19-yarder to Craig Grimm. on the la st play of the quarter , Foothill slrUC'k fa st Jn the second frainc. scoring thrr.e times 111 the space of just over a minu1e Votaw hit off tackle and cu1 left for the go!ll ;;ne in a 40-yard da~h. th en .John Fletcher intercepted a pair of Roh Dullch pa sses and re!urncrl th e1n both for TD"s, nnr a :l~·rarder. \be olhrr fror.1 .')7 i ard.<.-out. Thr Diab los ad{lcd 111<:1111 io inj11ry b_1· rnarching SI yards 111 10 pla.rs, sror1 ng vn a 111·0-yard Sll"eep by ~peichcr JUSt as the gu11 soun ded 10 end the half. r oo1h11l coach Ed B:iln then appar~·1ll· ly 1ook rner ey 1ipon his vic tims il'i his third-stringrrs played out lhe second half. ~till the Knights added another tou ch· rlov•n n1ich1•a.v through the third :-aanla \1·11f'n Gary Jack~on took a punt on h1 ~ Cl\1 n 4~ and raced 5;. yard s to the gQ;1I line .Jackson later returne d anot her pun\ ~'1 \"<irds in1('1 the end znnr, but that onr 11·a., (·;illerl back The 01;ih lo~ nn11 h;n·e lo~I their !it 1 !i)l"P(' l'O!lll"~!~ .. 1ll9111ng a iOt~I •tJ C:H pn1n1 ~ --- c;.liM~ !T~TllTICS f rll <IO"N rW'"'q ~"•I no"M r o·-,·-. '"°"!' <!0"11! "'"!" ,. Te••I ! .,, do~n• ,. '"•'<I' .,_..n,-,g ~· Vord' '"'""~ " v~rd• •o<r •I ti~• ·~'d' 9•"·•d 0 r>v~" ••"•?' e·,·•~(' 1 ''" P•n•l'JO>•Yf r<!' O'""' ltd ; ;\ Fcff'"tlr. •~ml>·•• !o•• ; ! f••H ' "•·"'"•o ~:.: ·"'' ' ,, - I • , .• r ,. ' ,,., •,,. ' ,~ .. ". ,,, __ , " • 0 ' I ' r., r ' - ' . . ' I'-.,. ~1 · (., ... -... ,..,.,I '•"I 0.,1 ,, T9••ll •• ' ' ,_ " M"l'0" V"iO ' , . ' ,, ;;1 " " " lt " " yl I VO " f ' . ' I !'• . ' -" " ' ' ,, 'i ,. ' ,, .. ' " -. . , ,., ... ,, ' "' "' Ford's Streal\. 'Is Threatened RIVEHSJDE -Ford ~·lot :ir Co.'" ~uprcmacy ln :-tock C'ftr racing at Riverside lntcr11atlonal Racr11ay n1:.y h<' a thing of the pa~t by Sunr!a~' aflrrnoon. ' ,.\I leas!. 1t ll"ill hr d \11<1 rk Donohue ilnd r:.onnie Buckn u1n li;nr their 11 a~. Donohur ~·nd H11{·kn11n1. !ll'n nf r":1 r! r::i~·inif!' l lne~t ilr11rrs and l":1111111ntr" this }C'ar 011 Hoger PrnskC'·.~ Suno1 P ("amaro te11m, llavr :i ~1x-r<1 L'e w.nnlng 6lreak g::llng 111 Ilic Trans·Amcric;in Sedan Series and lhey \1·ill be trying to ha lt a 12-year 11 inning strea k hy Fortl Not hrng other than a Forr! prod11e1 11:1~ · ('1·er won a m:iior ln!e niodcl stock car race at fl 11·e1-s1dc !>Ince Lhe course w11s built in lfl57 Al!hou gh Forrl"s ~1u.~tang~ hare been fGllowing Che1·rolct 's Camaros around ln the Trans-An1 srrirs latch·. they ;;ire still favored lo 11·in Sunrlay's :-.·fissi,in 8~11 2."iO, lhe J2!h and final r.:1ec of the 1%9 !.cries, and kt>ep their l(~ng1 hy recorrl intact. Donohue and Burl;n111n ha1 e hcrn s11r·- 1·r-~~ful primaril~' on ~l1111·er road co11r~c.• th;111 Hiverside v.·hrre .\lust11ng·.~ erlg e 111 horsf'po1ver gives lhf'm ti silght an- \•a111age. There are al~o tou r lac1 ory- prepared Mu .slangs v. !I ll equally cQrn- pe1cnt drivers compared lo the T110 Penlike Camaros. Saeman-to-Lacy Pass Does It Marina Stops Dos Puehlo·s, 6-0 By JOHN C . .\SS bon1b to Joe York 1n the middle of the Of tt>e O•llY Pll•1 Sti tt fou rth quarler. Ric k Saentan, Dave Lacy and Sle1·e \Vilh a thlrd down and long yardage !'11inaboin co11Ltined lo puL un ;;in aerial situation, J-lamn1er hit York, v.·ho went l'iH:us t11at led the Vikings ol fllarina streaking dov,·n the east sidelines for a to a 6.(1 football de<:ision over Dos Pueb-54·yard gain before he was forced out los 1H1 the \\'estminster turf Friday night. of bounds by a mass of Viking defender s. Sacman connected ~·ith Lacy Jron1 the Thal threat was short!ived, however, ).lanna 42-yard line wil.h two minutes as Minahan picked of( a I-lammer pass lefl Jn lhe first half for !he only score of attempt hvo plays later. From that point, t.ht gan1c. J\1ike Lacy·s PAT kick v.·cnl J\larina r1ever relinquished the ba ll. 11 idc to th e right. Hamn1er started the game by going to Do~ Pueblos Oflened !lie clash b_v shun-1he <1ir but tv,•o incomplete al!empts and ;i 1:J.yard loss on a broken play pushed ning 1he ground g;in1c 111a1 had carried the inl'aders into a ground gan1c. th e Chargers to victory -O\"er Bishop Gar· Throughout ihe first half neither learn c1:i Diego last 11"cek. choosing to try an \l";ts able to nlake much headway as both aerial garne. Jn despe ration, the Diablos defen sive units tt11varted any thrusts of clther £ore('. \rere forced to end the contest ln the air. Joe Ventimiglia gave Vikings roo ters In both situations the Vikings were up a jolt once in the first quarter as he took lo the task, although Karl Hammer did off on a 20-yard scanlper. But. until slve effort of note a.s the clash bccan1e • puntint: contes1 Early in that se~ond ~riod i\l1nahan ga1 e the \'Jk1ngs a t.:lue o! 11'11at 11 as to come as he combined with Saeman on a 28-yard p<1.ss completion. Af1er the two forces exchanged punts two or th ree n1ore t1n\c s, Saen1<1n found himself v.·iLh a first down on the i\Iarina 42 . He icily stepped back and launche<! an aerial effort to Lacy, 11·ho gathered in lhe pigskin on the Charger 47 and sped i1nn1olested to the end zone. On many occ<is1ons. Dos Pueblo~ shol\'- cd the poll'er to drive relenl lcs;;Jv down tl 1c field in ;;hort bursts, using tf1c btill- likc rushes of 221'1·P<ll1nd Jeff Higbl'e ;ind BrenL ~l cCl ury. Slill. th2 Viking dcfcn· si\·e 11nll was al llia ys able to con1e up 1\'i!h !he big de fcns11 ·c play ll'hcn 1t 11·as necessary. 0 .liMI tT.liJIST•Cf F"'' oow~' rv>n1~~ F">I <IOl'<r'I Ft>l1ro F"~1 oo"'M O•~•l11" TOl•I 1itJ1 (1(>1«n& • Ve;o1 •u1n<r; 10,, Varo\ P•nln9 •I Voro• '~" _;1 ""' v••d• ""~td " f'•m lj .0.Vf'~~· d1•l•O~f & JI 6 .-.~•Ill•• Y•Cd• o•~~llJod j )<1 Fvml>l•"F""'blol IO" l I ,,,,,::,,.,, ... q~·· l •lt~~~ "''' ...,,,, .. s.-.,,., 0'""'' Loe• ,,,,. ' ~UtHIHG OH ,Vfblo• !ta .,., I• ti " , " . ' •l 1~ ' ' ' ' )j IC ~AtSIHG 001 '""alo1 .. ., ·~· " " " 0 ·" " " " M ' ' ' ' x '" .. ... • JO I J 11· " ... "' " " ,, " " " " '' ,. " '" '" put a n1omenl of fear Into the hearL'> of r.1arina's first ch ance with !he ball in the scort by Ou•''''' Vi king fans a.s he connected on a long second period, there '""·as no other offen· ~1:•,.:.,"eD10• 00 o 0o ;;---? M••1n• ~-~-------------=-----"-'--""-'_c:_:_::___:::::___:_:_::::::_:_:::::_ __ _::_:'.::'.'._ _____ __''__'.___'._~~::'_~-~''~':m~•:• ______ '~'--'-_'_-'~'~'_:'.·•1i ST IFF DEFENSE -Coron<i clcl ~Iar 1-ligh School's Sea Kings \l"il l cn- ICl"1 J1 n r·;n1~on 1 011 i ~h t p t \"f'11 r orl !!arbor and one of the keys ro pos- .. ,,,•r '-11\'C""S..~ I' lhl' luui..:11 dc!cn::-e the Sea Kings possess. !·!ere Jeff Nail0 l1iti11g SeriC's ' J ('u1n rn1ng5 130\. Doug Jl1 ll1 ard f.501, Bill ,\lnrl1n 18'.31 and :\lee J"{J1n- $Cy (76 ) close in on !'\e\1-port 11arbnr r1 1n11C"r .\I \\"<i llacc (:!i J, Offrn~ive lnil Mustangs 2-z1oint Pick Ediso11, CdlVI Sr1uare Off 111 Loo11 Tiff ~~u:-;t Produ('c 1;.,,n ! "'''"111r ll1c.h ~ 'ir1 .. !'~ v .r1 I."! " •'Ti'" '-'' . nr1,110 1· cr.11 1, "! C'il'.> "tr·~ -• J ,,-11· 1• If'' ;'\I' Tr·r'nn < 11;11"1 1'nn1r I ..-,.,LI.< 11 1-" ';'I<' lon1~1;ill • r.1 "II <II Li ~ .. l1"l" II I.;(!•·-.1 l,1tl\•l!I• i i Lirll. I .I \I '""·":-.. dPl1·11~r Ji,. .. b· "'\ 1 r·•· , o )' •I ill ii • l 'IH 1Ji"01"ll{'C ~<ll ll('~ -~11 •I'"~ 1i-1 ;:<i pn1nt.~ "n ''•l!.hl 1uuchdo1111~ :J •'d t!l~•t. 1•1 i::u \:" Jl!~T 11 hat 1i: rrriuircd lo help ~i i I ('!1·1!'1'11\t· l'''I riff tl1r di1111• t",1.1th Totn f:;i rls' for('es l1,11r !0~1 1n t" .1 r;iuiill !1•n1n s -l\rh r2fi...O J and San 1 ir'111l·ntr!12-01 ;ind ;irr flirther h11rc!cncd 11 ,T), 1l1c lo~~ of their ~n . I q11arlerba(k lr1r th(' ~f'll~nn S1µnn l cal'1•1· l\eilh (;1bsnn suflrrcrl 11 ~rp:i r;itf'd ~l101i!i!er and !11~ :ilt('l'n.1:•·. !Lr·\\ ! ;1•11\lt'~. ;i l;1fl 11 h11 do~·~ ln'l• I •"11'1"\th111;.: P\\t'pl ~\1·ecp 11p ;it1rr11 ard 1" 1 ll ~t;orl. I <':!111 ·~ 1n111•rs lr111n ~p lit end '1!HI l "•·11"1"111 "1 11 h"rf' hr \\"as ;i rcrch rr ;11 ·! '", ,l• ,.1,d l'+ll'l'"r llr's lll~o !hr lr.1 111 i )i.1111"r ,on·l 11:·1~ 1\1r llJO y:ird d.'"t~h 111 '.'1 ll 1 11~ 1:1•\.: 1'11-l ;111 i"J"I' 1•11" ;o:;;n Cltllll'nlc hR~ won Clrll~· one~ 111 !he p.1~! 1·1 g:in1l's tiat1ng llack to the n11rldlc 01 the 1%7 c11mpa ign ;ind arc on :i lo11r gamr streak 1rill1ot1! St'Oring eou11!i 11g lhe final I\\ n RIHlll'!> uf 1 :l(i/I. nc~pite !he 1;1r k of def Pnsi1·c pr0\1'•~~s th;it the \";inguurds have <hsplay~<I 1n !os· in;:: to Kf'nnC'l h , 28-lli, and 1;1ing Santa Ana \'alley, 23-28. coach Bob Le-stcr"s outfit is <J ~olid JO-point fal"or ite . Lr;ul1ng ball e:irrlcr fo1· El Modcn:'I i5 1ailb<il k :'lh1-.: Lcdcsn1a . a 160-pountl Jilni •r If he· f.1J1rr.~. hr\ got Denni~ J·)h nsnn. 11·1in ~a111c<J 120 V<1rd s in liir Kcn11<'d~ a!l;ur. to rrplaee t1u11. S.\111 CLEM~NT( ho L"''' ,., .~,, .. o II\ 1 m l,)u"ll ·-~ ~-.,. r ~• 110 Nl~~ 1·1 ,,, .... t•> rom ,.,.,,c ••i ...... -•. ~·· h> f> 10 G•<!~•· ~IJ 0•>, Co,-,1 Bl ••rk 8•o,.., IU &oo Mt ... ,., •• , EL M00("1.li r r.•0•1 •· t • .. •Ou ' '•t•• !>" " <. 11·•·1 1,\0•1 y ( ·-· ~.,, ' ,, .... , ~-- ~ >.r"~QO )QI'~'"" ' O(Y.lt (•a~-. •o ~ !>•"0' \;•·· .• II l>ob >«!lm•o • ,, .• , l ""'"'"" • A!'°" C.cw1<1 .. ,., '" "' •• ' ' "' "" "' ''" '" Over Esta.1icia To1iiglit r os111 )lesa High Schoors varsity f!Yl!- r..~11 S{jl'!!d IS ;I !\.\"{l·po1 11t pii:k 01·rr r~stanc1a ·.~ Eagle-; 10111ghl ;11 Ur<i nl!e Cn<1st College and if t'1c n1argin of 1·1c- t:iry is ;iny n1ore than !hat fJ r f'llhe r learn -consider it an upsc \. The two 1ock horns Ht 8 o"tlotk Jn the Jrl'ine League opener for OOth. The short history of lhis in1cr-c1ty riv;ilr~' demands that it be a n<i il-biter. Bstancia won the inaugural in 1966, 14- ll 11 ended in 11 0--0 tie in 1967 anrl la.•l ~ rn r Costa l\lcsa turned it around \.\•hh a 21 -20 \"rrcllct. One 1\'in, one Ins~ anc! onr tit 11nd ~4 11 ~1111.s scored is the net result !Ur both 1t·:1ms, l\'hni's ninn~ t11r lJ1)brlit1 <1hlr <·ln,rr:"~S of thf' 11ro s:-hools 111 lhc pn .. l ;•1 .,1c·1r~ 111 re111ai11 intact. 1-:~t;:inc1a ha ~ a new ('Oa1·h in l'hil r.n11111 . forinrrl_1· nf G!rnd;:i lc Collr~e. ;111d 1hr Ea;ilr ment or has app:iren(ly 111· .~i 1Jllc~ defcnshc pride in !us org<inJl<I· lion. The Eag:cs are unscored on aflcr a \l'Jn and a tje against Tustin anrl P11cifica. .\lesa's new coach, ~tax i\1iller, has 1n- ~1ul!rrl a n1ultiple offense and ii. appear~ ready to jell. A stiff ~lustang defense has al lo wed only 11'.i:> touchdowns in t11·0 losses. r:~L<incia ~·orki; out of a pro-I lorm;'l tlnn 11·11h quartrrh<ick Curl Thon1as gil'Lng lhc E.iglrs an t-ffecth•e pa-'Si11g ga1nc. The 168·[)0Und junior IHIS rn1nrle1rrl nine or 16 p;isses for 105 ,l'<lrds and double s up ;it dcfcnsi\"e rover h11.ck ll1g tlireals rushinll'. for F.:stanc1a ~rt' tailback Dave Johnson 11nd fullba ck lJnna l\ov11cic. Johns;'ln hA~ carried 24 lin1"i: fnr :i 4 S al'cr11R"e while Ko1 acic has picked up 8J yards in 23 carries for a 3.6 average. :'lte~:i. meanwtule, rel1Ps on a crunch111.'( ground game ou~ or ils multiple series anrJ H Ille ~ll1~tan i;::s ha1'e hrcn able to ~ub::lue the bug~ 1n !he olfe11~r. 1l could 1~1t~n real lroub le for tile Estancia 11erc ns"- Le<1din~ th\' ~1 rs<in.~ i.~ ful lback .Jerry Ilrnlly, il 2(JV-po!intl senior blockbuster. Q1iarterback Kun \\"olfe. \.\·ho took over lbe sp-.it aftrr thr Orange lo.~s 18-0). v.·a ~ 1n1pressi\·e in his debut ag111nst Ne\.\')Xlfl Jlarbor. The 160-pollnd junior threw only six li1ncs. but comrlctcd three and had a ~1J1"e TIJ ::ieri ;ol f.11 1 \1·11c:i 1l1s recei;·cr slowccl 11p and 1nissrd !11~ b:ilL COIT.Ii "IE)A. l.'1'0~•0" "·'" ~ .. ··~ \'1 l-~'U•"""I ~· "' I~~ Q,c< 1'• , >1''"' •'l 11 "" ,.,, .. ,h 11\ j,.., ~Id'• "~ ' ·.,. . " ... ,,0 ,. ~' ,\'~' l•i r.-.r o· ' 1;, /~" JI • , ''U J~"Y ?•"" r IT .li'>Ct.li r c··~'IO"V • ,,, I '"'"' ' "~ (• ~ ,~, v .~·· 1,; l-r~., '''• ••l•/~"·e~ '' l '-'\•,, r·· · · n: r l ·· r • ~" Mn'• ••1 (,,, '~'''" 1'1 r • '"'' -• 1 ~ '·"·• • '"· '' ""V I ~ b Oo~• ""'~t·t 1•0 Football Res11lts ~t;irinR ~-no~ Puehlo~ 0 ~111 l<'r nri 31. L11krwf!Od 6 \l"Jrrr11 .11, LB \\'il~.in 14 C'ntnpton 22. Manut1! Art~ 6 Bi:-hnri A1nat ~9. Dominguez !2 ~!. P1111I 19, LB Pn!y ~ ~n11!h Pa~ade11a 21. ~l orn1 11g~1dC' O l·:I H:111chn 26. \\"hitlif'l" \4 ~lfll!k;in !I. ~;lon1c!xo!lo (l fl la~ iair 7. Bols;i (;ran1le fl lng le11 ood 19, Rcdondn 7 ll 11"n1·cr 1~. B11rhank 16 Redlands 21 , Pacific 14 ------ !':t11.~on ll1gh S('hool'.~ Chargrr~ grt ;t\<'l r l1r~1 l11.s1r nf Jr\'a1r Lcagur fO(liiJRll <·0111prt1l1un to111gli1 ;11 B \1 lien th,.._1· 1nrrl Co1'0n11 drl \l.1r <ii t\r11pol"l llarbnr !hgh. r:r1 1.-011·!' fnr ccs i"ilmt ll)l 11·11 h :i 1 ! pranlil'f.' rrt:orrt r:~1or ln thrir l r1·1 n~ npcner but arc a sc1·e11-prii nt underdog 10 Corona de! i\-lar·s s~asoned club_ Cnach IJave Holland of host Coron a llcl Mar says his tea1n 's offensil'e ga me 1s read.v to ignite v.·ith southpaw Keith Sa1nuels at the quarterback spot and (;leno ~!iller at the tailback position gi v· ing the Sea King~ ver~11titity in the ba rkficld to go along with 1hcir fine llnr. Edison. n1can1\·hilc, mu~t rr.ly on, the pa~sing of quarterback Jerr~' 1-JinO)OSa t111d tht' running of lailback Jlm ~1oxlcy ;inrt f11ilback S:i111 Fu,i:a . F11j.!a, a 1~0-pound S-6 iunior. is <:cl to -•rrll Ken Funke 111 the si:irling l111 c11p ,1 l!rr 1hl' l:i!t l'r W<iS b;inged 11p in the Jlunl1ng1un Ueach loss (29-7 ) last ll'CCk T:-ir Sl';i Kings tiold a corr.mandlng edge <iver ":(hson in th e age deparlment with 33 seniors and !6 juniors on the squad v,·hile l!:dlson coonters with fi ve seniors - of 1\·hicb only one starts. One of lhe things coach Bill v~ ha~ had his leant working 011 in preparalJon for Coron;i del ~far has been !he of· fensil'e pass blocking gan1e. The only othrr change for Corona df'I r.t<lr 1n lhe or rcn s1;·r ricpar1n1en1 is Al \.\"i n~hArk 11 hrrr ,.\I S:iia ls :S('t to altrrn AtC' 1111h :-.1e1'r ,\iorr1 ~. (01l0'1A Oil M.O.il 1•1 O~•• K•n" 1 )Cl l<.•01 Sc~,,,,, !•I J•'I T~r.1·.or ltli °""~" "''""°"' 1~• I.Xiv; '"l+.··•o If! J .,, "IGr'h !<$ 1-'' GO"•'I I \\ ~·I!" ~.m,,•I\ ,,~ ~.,. 1'~··01 IJO (•'•n" MU••• l}I ~'"vi MOt«• lD•l0'1 l JO~~ r """ T 0..1~ .. O•IO~ r. Ml~f Dolr ~ C lt~n~V !~nn~IO• r. '"'" •-G< ><un T C•••a MO't@nio" r: ''·""'<! r•·" a J•"1 i-.,no10,. Ill. ~·"' r •1a• R J••~ ~In"'' t lt11y t:.n~~ "' .. , •• . " '" •• "' "' '" ,,, '" Hartsfield Sparks FV _ Upset, 15-6 Ch ST[\'F, A:\ORF.l\S O! lht Dill, ~lltT St1U ' Fountain Valley foo!~all coach Bru ct Pickford knew th11l If his charges 1vcre 10 beaL tile ~1 agno1Ht Sentinels Friday night they would h .. l'e to conl rol Lhr ball and lhe game. The surprising Barons did just that. l'On1bining a control game \1·1th a superb defense-In their ll-6 upset over the Sen- l1 orl~ fo'r ida .1· night in !hr !n·inr l.ea ~ue C)!lC nt•r for bot h cluhs .1! La Pal111a S!11- <liun1 . \\'htn Rick lil'nsfle !tl Llastcd Ul'lT fru1n th(' one-vard li ne 11·it h 4 .~6 J,.fl 111 !he. Lrsl qui rlcr. il tnarkrd the first tin1 r i''oun1ain \·allev had l'\'l'r sl'nrcd on til e An:ihei1n ~choOI. Tile Bar ons made it louf; ca5y in !hf· f1rsl half. yu:lding only 12 off<'nsh r pla_vs. Overall the losers ran 35 plays from scrirnm11gc to Fountain Valley's 71 Br1ice Pickford 's offense \.\'as rnerrl.Y rltn. run and run some rnorc. Dan Sha1v, Brady ~1oore and J[arlsfield were the top gain"rs for lhe Barons. who !otaled 212 ~·ards . Shaw danced for 7.'l ~·rird~ in 17 cf'rries. Har1s!lelo !!aincd 54 _l"ards In L'J ;l:[cn1ps and ,VJoor r gathered ~5 yil rd.~ in l~ ch:inces_ ,o\n example of tll(· ball cnn1rol offcn~e c1n11c after thr onening kickoff The Ba r~ 1111 ~ ~tarted a dri\·e on 11lc1r ~li·.\";1rtl slript ::ind inarched 6·1 _vards in 17 piays . The dr11 ·c_ consumen JI minu tf'.~. Harlsfie!d alsn scored the second Bar- nn tou chdown. "v.·hich can1e in thr s~cond quarter. five plays afler To111 f;-lalone re- co1·ered a fuinble on the i\lagnolia 18. Carr Valbucna. ~·ountain Valley'"' first· s:~ing quar1erback. rnade the tv.·o--poi nt ("Onl'crsion and left with a slight muscle pull, in his shoulder. 1-!owel"cr, the injury i-" not considered ~r·r1ous The defense was out standing. holdi11t: !!i~ Scntintl~ altac\\ to onl\' one first dowl\ 1a 1h~ !irst h~df The fri:i11 t line of Len Hr.:ri'·1nde?, Sir1 r Rrt upp. Bil l Krl stinrt ~11cl Robert :\';ir::rro he!d .\lagnoli a to 2:l y;1rds un the ground 101· Ille erening. Bill Brae~ hrnk(' thr Scnlinel"s back.' hf'f orc :\·la'{no!la could gl'l untracked. 01• 1·1r losers' tl1irrl pi:iy from scriinmagc, 1l1t• [!;i ron l!ncbai;ker picked off an er· rnni l\rn :·rninquc pa<.~ ~l lhe Baron 48-- yard l1n{' And 11·11\i Iha! 1111; tr"l"r1tJ Jor th r evening 11 a'> c~l:1hl1shed_ C'oruna ctel -~1ar i~ nexl on the Fountain \'.tlley schedulr The Sr.1 Kings travel lil Huntinml)n Beach ~tad1u1n 10 batle the B~runs l.'rifln.\-;it 8 The B.:1rons v.·ill b'I looking tor 11·1n nuinbcr 1hrec on the se.:1· :;on, their second Jn lrrigue con1pctition . ~ .. ,1 aaw"" ''"~·n~ ~ . .,1 (!~,.~· ""''"9 F <JI QOl'>rl '"<>•II••> 101~1 l,rll 00,,..M Y•'O' '"'~'"G "~·o• •••••"9 YA,C' lo" » t•~• v~•d• 9•iof'<! ,, P"M' A ~t'••t 0 1'1•"-'' "'•"~l!ln Y•n.H ~•n•ltHd f-umbleJ1 Fu<roblu 1011 r" ""' V•ll, r '9''Q I•• fouAll •" V111•1 -~· "'••, . • " " ,, " ' J i• r. .,. " !<I •• I ' ot~r • \i"nv•o~ ... ,. ,,. ' '~ I I "··~·" i '~~rr H"""°'O 'o' ,., I ~,··. P•r ~u• " " "'"OrotOl•~ " ,, ' ' ,OUM"~ V'•llfv 1i ,, ,, " ~1' " ,. " " ,, ' ' " m " " ' " • JT ~ • .1D , .. " " ~· .. ... . ' . ' ' . , . " ' ' • " ' " " . ' " " '" r." " " •• •• ••• Yo •I' I! ll: Ste'\'art Tops Racing Field \\"1\TKINS GLEN, N.Y. (AP) -Jac)dr Stewa rt of Scotland, hi~ firsl world dr1v· ing title already stackcd "un<lcr his kilt, !·cads a crack entry list for Sunday's U,S. Cr1111d Prix . richest road r-'.cing event in hi~tnr.I'. Stev.·art. who.~e six Formula I vic torie, !hi~ .l'e:ir ;ilrcady assure him the titlr. ar<I ~n111r 20 ot ht•r dr11"~1"-~ will shoot for f.:tofi.OOU 111 prize money, wi!h $50,000 goinJ< to lhr "·inner. II j,, the serond higge~t pur~I" C\'er po~ted for a L·.s . Auto Race. 1he ln· d i;i11~pol1~ ;.oo being lhe largest . And ~·!ario Andrctti. 11·ho won the 1969 Indy r.vent and v.·i !h it the U.S. dr iving title. 1., among those who will help cut the melon . In addition to Stewart, three fonner .,.,·orld li!lcholders and the two me:n wh() have made a sham bles of North Americe·s lop ro11d racing .srrie-', lhe Canadian-American Ch11\1enge Cup. als~ arc in the tieln. The 108 !ap . 2~·1nilc cl11~~ic ll'ill be run orcr 1he tightly·woun11 \\'atkin11 Glen Cr1!11rl !'ri-.; crrruit Iha! r;oin1ble~ 2.3 mile!! through 1hc hills 11nd \"Ales nnr!h of herr. ~torr th;;in 100 ,000 l\'illf'hcd lasl year·_, race ;111~ If the wrathrr is good that crowd figure could br ~11rpassed. Stewart. who ho~s \J equ;il th~ la1e .limmv Chtrk'~ rec:orrl of seven f.r11nd Prix Victories 1n o~ season. will bt at 111c 1\·iice! of a Rriti~h :>iatr11 -Ford, P-'l"t of a three car team en\t.red by· r-.la tra lntcrnalional. ... -. -~--~~.---.-.--.. .Awards Nigl1t Set At W est1ninste1· group voted in !'.ecn·t b:illot ,.... .- I • 'Bag' Mixed One In Anaheini Show 1 By TO.\T Tl1'CS f)Ok1 ng fun ;il Anahcun's scx1 -------~ -------------- OAIL Y PILOT "81 ofl >'•l\OorO>, <x<<ll"'11 Olft S~lll•lft, l .A, Tl- Wl ~t COAST Pli!MIEIE .• "WE BOMHD IN NEW HAVEN" OUR SATURDAY -KID SHOW- Box Office Opens 1'2:00 Showlime 12:30 Off1('t'rs for tht' eo1ning ~"ason c111<l award winner.; frotn 1t1e p11s1 Yt'<lr werP ~·hosen at the fl•cen1 annuid nleet1ng of the \\'eslm1nstcr fur ri't1p1enls nf lhe 1%9 Ab· hry A'.\';irrls. 111 bl' prr ~l'nt ed o+ rho o oliw l"lltt ~1.,, "Tli.11 's ~l y B<ig," ll1e 11.;l'o sutl ri~al revue ;11 1\11al1l'lln -s (Jfr Hr uaclway \\'e!'l. rn ay or 11),11· not be _>Ollr ha g, but a ~how !l1al st:irl~ 45 llllll\l\CS illltr the :,.ehf'duled curudn tunt• is h'-lrt!l.v ;1nyone -s bag t:d u\':1t ion prograrn. "ell ai.:led l'::=================:::=:=:=:==::=o:::=; b1 Llinarit· l\'cndt!: a rout i11t·j JOHN WAYNE In "MCLINTOCK" ALL SEATS 50c 1 Com1nunit.11 'TheD\('r_ 1'11(' new nr!irers were an· nounccd 11nn1ed1alcly. 'l'ht• awarrl winners \Von't b r rl've11led until the player~· t1n- nual dinner OcL 24 al 1he Jl;f penny l nn . ~~ ~jm! ___ . -.1 Elected president for lhe 1969-70 scasnn was J anie~ Allen. \\'ho ha~ served thr \Vcstmlnstcr group ror the past two y1•ars as t reas urer_ Allen replacrs I ;ent• Tard). who 1.\'aS n;unrd product1011 * HEY KIDS!* - l lt l'al Show. Scu~rdoy, 1 :00 Ca110011•-C•m•di•1i-1'1!a1u! Fraa Grob laq1 and Mort ! "•tad "G. b~t "Oh lay!" THE SKUll Jack Lemmon and Catherine DeneuYe are E:'1:· "'fhe April Fool s" ~ 1 ...... .-\I'~""'""~ -··~··"­·' '•'~" ,_.,. .• r ........ ~. • and at 1:00 011ly nu1nagrr for th e t:orning season Ot her flCll' \\'t•st1ni1ister nf. flct•1 ·.; an· Nancy Sn 11th . 1 \l'C president : i\111rguerilt· tl-1_1 rrs, bus1nt·~s rn<inagC't'~ Sa I ! v Crowley, secretary : Br l L .v Gordon, publicity chairn1an : Lois \Vorthington. public rcl;1- tions; Burt \Va rner, second vice president, and Coreen 'l'avlor .. treasu rer Members of thr th ciltrr Plavers GrOll(l ~wap i'lcel 1 n T 11 e \\'c~lmlnstr r Corn- a! lh1· Ot'l. 2~ bunquL'l. T11•t1 :ictor~ Ill' fll'l t'CSS1~S \l('t'C n11111111 a!1•d 111 1·:1el1 r:1\t'gorv "' l'arl 1~r by 1!1P r. en 1· I' :i 1 1ne1nbcr::;hip. Non 1ir1el':i ln- l'lutle flfTERTAINMINT .... ' ·' ·,11 __ _ IJi·st a<:tri r ./:11111•<: E Sn11th lvr· ··:-.·ight of J:.111uarv 16!h" and Al lln ll ri 1·1 !o'r "Li~ht Up tl1r Sky·• Bes! attn:ss -/)011~ :\llr11 for "Night of Janu;1ry 161h'' ;ind Carol Faulsti ck [or "L1g!1t Up the Sky " Be:S1 supporr1ng at·!11•· .lnhn tllor~111 lor .. t:ndr·r tile Y'u1n l-'u111 'l'1't1· ', H:dpli :\11· l)t'll lur "IJne•' !or lht· A,k. 1ng ·• ~·like l 'l111 t!'r f(H' "0111·~· l11r li:l· 1\~k111~:· :ind Ari 1d :'l!alna.1 for "1'\1~11! o! .J;11Hl;l(V j 1:1111 " Bc.~1 .~uµpon 111g :l1·ln·~s - Jennifer tll urray for "!.1glH t tp the Sk~" ;Jnd Creta S1n1th for ''Night of Janun r~· \6t h." Best bit pt'rforn1;1nce -BPl- l.v Gordon lor "Night of January Jtlth'' and .J oe Ue l llossO for '"L1ghl Up Ille Sky." No1ninatcd fur th!' yrar·s bc>st r.tfi'eclor aw;ird 1\·erc Jo:Jn llagerty for' "Undrr the• Ytun Yun1 Trrc," Sally Crin~l<·v lor ··Night of .Janu;1rv l61h ." T(J111 Tilu s for ''l.igli( L;p lhr Sk \" ;ind John ;\lor<in fvr "011t1~ 1111· thr Asking'' Also ;11 tht· g1·llL'l'J i 1111't•litJg . !hr \\"('~t 1n1r1ott'r g f' 0 II p pre :,.rn 1e.d 11'\ ;1011u:il 'Pooh' Batk, Sta rls SCR J{1111 Sunday "\l"1nn11· the \'ooh," SHu\h f'11:1,I Ht·p1'1l1ir) 's 111 11 ~ t popul11r l'lllld1'C'll s 1t:i::1lr!' l)fl)-- duc1 inn, 1111 1 b(· r1•1·i1 riJ In 1111• gr1iup'<;-<'0$1;1 r.k·~-;i !lieJ!t•1'. SunU:t) r11r tlir !1r~t uf ;~ sr-1·1rs 1if ~11nd;1y :1 r 1 e r n t\ \! 11 pcrl'unn:111ees, [.)1r <'cl rd hy Jutnes IJ1'l'rir~L who ~ta gf'd lhl' h1g\ily :;ucce~sful \'er~ion in tl1arch. 1968. Ilic show will be presentf'd11Wite eJt h :tl l and 2.30 p.n1, .\01· IG, Sunday, through Consequently, the f o 1J r - t'l1ara ctc r production ll'h1ch opene<t Thu rsda y niglil in the lux urious theater lounge of the (:ran<I llote! had a bi~. S\\·iog- lnj!, strike again$l !l \() brg111 ll'l1h. Tl11' Pnsuing enl rr1 ai11 rnen\. ho11·1•vl'r. al1110sl l'O tnpensatC'd ti1r tile. ini ti~l lard1ncss-bul fl\\! qu1tr. "l'h;1!'~ :'11 .v Uag" 1s ;1 n1iX \'d baJ; wl11rh sc attrrs 11 ~ s:itu'l!'HI ~hot 111 ~,) 111a11y d1r L'!'t lons \hill d1rf'<'\ hit~ \!11 thf' funny\Jun L' ;1r<· 1!•11 ;111tl i:ir b1•111·1:c11 . ·r11c ~ho11· 1 ~ ~ort or :i cru~s polll'll:l\1 011 uf . ··Laugh·lti." 1 aUd('\ tilt• a1u! tl1c sut:Ccsslul !orrn<il. <Jf !\r11· Y o r k • s Prcrn1sC' and Srin F'rancisco·s Comrniltet•. Y1Ju sort of pick what y(l\j like and dJ;;\'ard the res!. The proble1n Th11r~tlay night was thnl there w:ls about 111·1t:e as 1nuch to d1!'c11r<l as thrrc 11·<1-; lo rrl<Hn, And following thr prug1·;1111 is n:i help :it all , s111cr 11w acts are1 11011'hcre in rhronologieal , order , . , 1•11 "Oh. Cakull<l" type 1ila)~ ti~· !l11:~r. two \r1lh LJ:ilt• 1 l'l11ll1p~. und a bcau\1fl1ll} l'hor·cugr<l['!\t•t.l balled und er <1 l•lh~lt·r seope perfonn~d b~ l 'l(;~~1i1~!:~1d 1;~~~e~·e~~I~!· arc ! Ph illips and Jerry Gr<1ssr 111 al bank holdu p skit, tile biggest l'linkcl' or the. night: the ~ame pair tn :i hos pitll ] i:i.:enr pal· ll'rneO ;il ter Laugh-ln 's robol 111t''<tll'r and rq11;dly unfunny, and a trad ing ~111n1p t1n1poo11 1111· \\hfe h the entire co1npany ~h;i1·t•,; lhl' bl:Hl'I~. 11·,., :.di too (•\u~r to lh1· · Ho1\a11 ;\ntl ,\lrtr t1n 1h111g l•l ~111a ek ol orig1nal11y 11111 Btu'hnnk, rrall /\ n a h e i 111 \ , ' llo11·1·1·er, 1l 1~ entl'r'lai111ni.; 11r1crthelcss :ind 11krly .,...111 fil l, tlie O!f Bn1.1d \\'a.v \\'est 111a11~ 1 lunes during its 1ntlcf1nil(' runl of Tuesday throl1 gh Satu rda:i pro(l11ct1on. FANTASTIC CAMPER SALE! SEEPAGE29 1ntir1ity T h c a I t' r . c1 1rrrntl~· conducting a drive to r;iise funds for It s nt'>v playhouse, 11·ill have son1e sp<iC!'s al Sun- day·~ :;wap meet al Ilic J-Jarbor Drive-In Theater. sl'ho tarshlµ <nl'cird lo Bvh 'l'e ssier , lorrnerly a \Ye.~l1n1nstrr High Sc ho o I dr<1rn<1 studcnl 1\·ho i~ now ~ru­ dying tt1e<1ler arts at t ioldrn \Vest Colleg1'. I ll';id1n;! Jiu· r;1.~t i.~ Bil l il.l illcr. r·i>prri1111g Ins tlllt' roll:' :1o.; 1r 111n1t". with Rob C1h.>s <1s l'1f:IC't 111HI .Jelf p,,rk a ~ ( 'hn,,,tupht•r Hobin . OLl u~rs 1n 1hC' cnn1pnny :ire ~l arn ii> <Jbl·rbt'.'l'k ;is Rabbit. .lohn H:iy1nnnd ;is 011·1. Ji111 \V:iring ;-i~ l·:eyorc a nd Sa nd y tllarinn nnd E:lai11e Bankston. also of 1he orig111:1I cast, as Kanga and Buhy Hoo. The pc rlorn11ng fuL1rso1ne is l l't1n1µosed or two g11.1 ~and tv.·o gals-allrilt ti\'c, 11 illy and possessed v.·itl1 a fin<' sense o! 1 lin1ing. The 11·eakn('sS of the 1j•••••••••••• show \ies in the , uncven11,-=-=-====~---'=--=~ tllt:'mbcrs and (riends or thf' Westminster group planning \I) l'!oriate 1lr111s Jor the ('vent n1ay cont act Lois \\1orthington at 96 2-ll44. smf:iPl'iii#,h!n Tlla World'' GraotaU llamoll&I' "ROMEO AND JULIET" J aek Lammo11 l'tlar Lowfortl "THE APRIL FOOLS " RKomma11tlt d for Ad•lls Japanese Movies Every Tuesday Night SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUR· PATRONS THE PICTURES IN TH15 eox M ... Y BE CON!,10. ERED BY SOME TO BE U N SUITASLE FOR CHll- 0"'.EN ,o.NO vout.i G F>li OPlE~it."0 "'ECUl 'IE P,o.. REN T AL DISC RETION. "THI GAY DECEl'lfllS" !Ii i "RUN ANGEL RUN" !RJ "ST1'.IRCA5E" IR I "THE W1LD IUNCH" 111 1 CONTR ,.,RV TO ... ov£1'1TISINC 8 £VONO OU R CON . TROL "'ND "'PPEA Rl"IG ELSEWHERE. YOUNG P EO . P LE UN DER \8 i NOT 161 WILL NOT &E "'OMITTED TO P,.,CIF IC T l-<E:,.,TR ES TO SE E THE "R" PIC . T UR ES LISTED IN T H IS 80)1 U NLESS "'CCOMP,.,N- IED BY PAA ENT OA ADULT C.U,.,RO!,.,N. .,. ~.i A Very F11111y fGlry S'ory "THE GAY DECIEVERS" 1'1111 "RUN ANGEL RUN" Nt OftO ""aoo' 11 will •• 1dmU•td uniou •«omoon .. o Oy P•rt "I or •dwll 9t,1l rd••n, ............. .._.. ........... . Top Actio11 111d o,omo McQuoe" Jocquelifte "BULL IT" llo<ommt nOH tot Atulh ...................................... A. Sod, Go., S1ory Rich1rd luno11 lte1 Ha,.11011 - "STAIRCASE " TOll'f Curlh Henry Fo1do "THE BOSTON STRANGLER" No ono urdtf II w!!I •o l dmll!od Uft'"' -M ... _ •<c•m ~nlHI ly po ron! or •OuU vu11dlon. ·············~············· WUtlam Holden Er1101t lo•qnlno "THE WILD BUNCH" 1'1 u1 J1>h11 Wayno Dowlol Ja"•'•" "THE GREEN BERETS" No 0110 undor It will l>o 1tmll!od Uftlto •tcom,111lod by o•rtnt or •dull ,u••d••"· .............. ._. .......•..... Gt All "'' Woy Wi!ll "HE~~·s ANGELS '69" "GOD FORGIVES -1 DON'T" 11..:•mml ... M l•r ,lldUHI DOCTOJt Zlll\f,\GO I~ '"""llll'I "C ll!l"(i(lll.OI' .1,::r 10 OAYS rxi·/1<f!w' R,.~,.~nJ Sro r F.n11011,m r 1'// GALA PREMIERE TUESDAY. OCT. 14rr.. 2001 BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! W INNERS ACADEMY AWARDS I -NOW - EXCLUSIVE SHOWING el e ..,O'!l1tlflct11I n•• t•rlh14 l llm y•u will tlell,hl 011~ 1011• rtmt1"bt• '' a thrlllrft9 '••ptr· le11ce ! • IALIOA ''"''' "''" ..... 673-4048 "WET AND WILD" O,IN 21111 FIATUltl-IN COLO• 6:41 Jwltt V•rn1'1 "TllllATI f'ltlllY WAVf LllCt: A IOUL •lllOTHE"~ -PLlo fBOY "HONEST ,SlfitCElllE. l"f:.-C0"1"M"" -00N "'1JWP•V, t~ f*IS ~THI TllllP ALM Of' THE VlAlll" -.'•II .... af ~~OTOQlllA~ "4AT LEAVll YOU SU.CK.JAWED" -svor111 w,..c;ozr'" ·1 TCCHNICOl.Ot ' • TtCHNISCOf'C • 7ff I . l•lkt ST AR " l•ll•.,. ,..nllltvla Open Nightly 6:45 e Continuou• Show Sund•y -Open 1 :45 Adn1L~s1nn 1~ 75 tl•nls lnr ch1ldrr11 ~ind SI for ad111\s lnforrn;11ion ;inti rrsrrvations 11101~ he ohl ,tinr d hy cn lling tlie SC H box lrl ficc at 6~6-1363 _ 110 1.1.Y11'onu 1L·r11 (;L'orgc P1'\'JJ<.1rd 11·11 be 1v11u•d hy nc111•111!1l'r f(1C'l1ard Pendry. C1111«11in:.i Halli and H .<i r \';1llnnf' in · C;uuion Io r l'ordob;1," "Goodbye, Columbus" ~L \/~ "Alf ie '' W>lh lllCHAEl (AINE r '"' !•'~' >u· n~v l 1Q ""' 'Drck 'Van "Dyke Sally Ann 'H owes Al SO IFIT3ruum Tit,! "'4r IC .,.,,.,., Su1..inn" ~lr•hPtfc f•t. Show Start' el 7 l'.M. C1n1. Sot_ &-Sun. From l l'.M. n1aierial, variously ;lulhorcd. 11 hich rnflkes ovrrall assess.II nient of the show exceedingly d1rficu I\, Skits. blackout s. ~ungs and produt:t1on 11urnbt•rs arf' i11- lern1inglcd to con1·ry a llal'or ul trrsh11t·S~ :intl .~po11 1anr1l.I'. ;in d SOlll{' llf the111 lif'I' lj\I!\( gGotl But 11ot :ii\ tllr 111.itl'l'l;:' 1 ~ new , and this 11r1:t·r 1111111!' h1 1n s elf bea1 1ng 1hr pC'rforinc1·s lo llH· pu11cl1 l111 r· IHl lll()l't• 111;111 O!ll' 1>~'(':1 ~1011 .'\1nung tlu' ~11011 ~ hq::li\igh t., :;r·e a p1u~11:al 11·r·_~H)11 ol "~I J n;1 11 ·' wl11 l'h r;i\li: up1111 11ic (•011sid1•r;1l1lt• l;ile nls ,if bl()ndc fJ:i!\1 lJOp(·: a hl\ar1L 1t1.'i skit ,~' JOHN GIEN WAYN< • CAMPBELL llCHMICOlO~ Cl@) At SO 1.en•mea 3r,1 MatdalU lwt. Show Stor11 7 ",,.,. Co11t!11u•ut Su11day hom 2 '·"'· Aolwlh S1.75 : Chllolrtn 7St (;1\tJ'l1l()N ! THIS THUTRE IS OFF LIMITS! ., During .the en21aement of "CAii HEIRONYllUS llERKIN EVER f FORGET llERCY HUllPPE AllD FIND TRUE HAPPINESS?;· we must adv ise our patrons that the picture Playboy Maga~ne dewited 10 Jllges to is , I '•· ;! •V '"'''" .,,. .. °"O"'f \;; ):O! ...... <. "'' -~·· ~'" "'"'" ~· ........ -.. 1st TIME TOGETHER ,,.,. • .... r , r~. r·• • '•, IEI MIR!ISBI l\CMllU IU!llM ~lt--''""''1.J~r.t" PrOOu<I""' t PLUS-ltA'fl ltlVIEW!I! "A.CA.DIMf'AWA.ltD MA.TEltlAl"-HIT SONG COMl'OS£0 IY 11:00 Mcl<U£N l11d HIT-111 AltlA ltUN Tllf DIA•f OI' '' llllOCEIT YOlll' IOT "Benjamin" NOW THRU TUESDAY i~e~~ J11d TOP' COMlDY "'IO'IL SOUTH COAST FCOSTA .., .... Cl~Oll ox i-LAZA THEAT"IE ClltlPOR•HON Sin 01110 Freew~y .ti Bristol • 546·2711 ACRES· OF FREE PARKING Box Office Opens 6:45 -Show Sfarll al 7:00 p.m. A!so "C00081'£. COLUMBUS" IS SOUND TO I E A 0 1'1£AT SUCCESs 1· ·~ ...... ,.., ~&;111111!, r•.,,•:eur. •. · ... ;-;.; -~.~ ' •• ,1 •• '"""''· • ~ "YOU ARE GOING TO ENJOY 'ALFIE' VERY MUCH."1 ' "" -LIFE M.tt.tli,,.. (WINNER "BEST FILM . C~NNES FILM FESTIVAL) "GO ! FOFI THE FURY, 'J..~CE_..ANC. FUN OF .. ANGRY, TOUGH ANO fUU OF STING!" ... , '"A PICTURE YOU MUST I SEE THIS YEAR IS If_: -... -....-.... ·"'I MAlCu M i· 00\\l i I I llRt,l!M ~~]>O\N ~llJWllJ WllllW11Ji DAWI ~llJJ RmR I Siil!'1i UA\1[J J-;~-~11;1\ , 11, -,\( A~.i' ::~\I; l.\,IJ-if,1 \ Ml11 t1~, .. 1.tJ.1 !JillfY.jlj U)I r~ ~ :. '..' '. .:. ..... -: .:::;;':;_:-,~~·A ;-;_'JJ.~i.\ f'i!.1Lki ~\-Premiere Area Run Second Top Pix THE DIAIT Of Al UlflOCl#T YOllK IOT ''Be. -• " '1/Jl!I!!!' D•~•"•~ "IT WILL KNOCK YOU OUT OF YOUR SEAT ... " "STAIRCASE IS THE STORY OF NEED-THE NEED TO HELP, THE NEED TO BE NEEDED." "STAIRCASE A CAUSTIC , CORROSIVE AND QUITE ABSORBING FILM ... STUNNING PERFORMANCES BY RICHARD BURTON AND REX HARRISON UNFORGETTABLE!" San Fr-'nCl1co Exam in1r Richard Burton Rex Harrison "Definitely Worth Seeing" " .. .Funny, Painful, · Fascinatl San Francisco Chronicle in the Stonloy Donen Production "STAIRCASE .. * Exclusive Weit Coast Premi1re Run * 2MD HIT AT CINEMA I ?ND HIT AT HW'f. Jt M•9. 5,,,:1h e lob!. Stt~k1~1 l<>nv Cud i1 . Goo. 1(•~"1,fy "THI 'ltlMI OF MISS JIAN tltODlf" "T HE IOSTON STltAMllLllt'" * tlOW AT BOTH THEATRES * ' JI UltY Pll OT NEW NEW YORK IAPI t ~~~ !Or IM .. ton t!illl Ln Ne,. Y"or• ~ "'~ 1 ••• 11<1• I Hi.~ -A- ~, " 1 AO«"• "' 64 • "'oo L•b o • ACF ..a 1 40 JI:. • A~IT't< -~ ~­"' ,,_ 31 o Acmt M~ 1 • '°'a.mE • .. .. A,a M .st "'"". . " ,. ... • .. ..,dn • " • " ~ '" • " " " ~ .. .. " .. lJ A•nAL I l •D Jl A•nol l o l s '"'" • Ca )4 A P oc1 1Cn JAPdo•• 1 A R•dn ~so AJ nd" • •A • Ga Ho Ab• oC" l' ro "'o~• a to J "'•olu OG >llA INIMloO )0 A eYL"n 2 0 .. A1oludPl • " " ... l~ A e<t~;> 2i l! A ~ic:n JO ll A aMn •Ob • A 1dM ;s .A~Pa os ,., ... .., .... Y.AedSP• ' ... '" '" .. .. '" J)~• .. " " • ' • " • "'" , ., " 'I ' • '" • ". •• " • • • • " .. • • " • • " , " , " :i . A t<l~<JU 60 71 it. Cl\~"' s A P111PC ]{lg oOl o A co~ SO l)~ Ami Su9 oD 5' AMBAC ~ 9o Arnt.E 10 1• llm E 0760 j6AmrU0G ]6 A"1Pl-i p ~'IO j AAF i~ 1J Am An &0 A ll.O•P /)p 9 Amil• No ll Anll•d •l Amlld > •l Am (~n 1\ ~C•nc:m )II &. ~I\~ n ~ ..... ,..., 11 AC Suq S8 ~A(•P l~l AmC•1n n, Amo ~ o ... D • T• o A Dua v 11 AOu• o lli AmE PW SI lS Am En~1 1 7l Am [op r.d •"'[xn<laA6 9 AGon "' '>O ]Q ,t..Gnn ~ll(I l /l.mHo • IQ " . • ' ' .. • • ' .. .. ' • " • . " 1 1~ 9 J.j • ,, " " •• • " • " ' . ,, . '" " •• ' .. , " , " • • t1 " '" ,~.~ • " • • " " , .. " ,,. .. ' • , " .. • ! • ' •• " " ' .. " ' ~ " " • " .. ' • " " • .. ~ • • .. .: • • • • • ' " ' ~ ' • • '" " " • • ,. • l " ' • • " •, " .. " " " '" .. ,, " • • , " .. ,f· >O • " " .. " • ,. ' " " ' ' , .. \. ,, " , , " • " • ' • • ' • :SO• 7• • • ' .. . " • " " ), , , ' ~ , ~ '" " .. . ~9 .S• ., 19 •,\ ~ J • 16 • 1a • o '" " ... 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" ' , . • " • ' .. ' " • 5auiraay OctoDtr "I 1 ')61) YORK STOCK ··~ !Ht I Ht• L- ' " " " , .. ... 00 ... ., " '"' "' ... .a ,, • .. .. ,, "' .. " ,, " • »OO , ::. ,, .. .. , " .. '" ... • ,.. ,. '" , " • • '" ,. •• .. .. "(96 '" " .. '" '" " ,. • • " "' .. , ,, , " " '~ ,. 7~ ,., " • .. ' " " " , '" . ,, • ' •• "' 1?10 ,,. • ,, .. , ' .. 7160 ~. ll " " ... " "' .. , .. , " " .. "' 3197 .. • " "' .. '" " '"' ~· ... ' " • " •• • ~ .. • .. "' " '"' ~ill "' .,, , " "" • 11 ... " " . " " " .. Jt I " ,, ,1]. '" " . ' .. . ' .. " . •• ". .. .. ,. ' .. , '" "' " • ,,._ ,,,, .. ., • , .. •• .. • ' " " '" • • .. • • " , ,, • • • ,. " " • l • " ' • " " •• • '" ' " " , • '" • ' , " "" • .. .. " ' • .. '" , .. '" • ... .. , " "' ,. •• .. o •i " '" ,,. ,, " ; " , , , .. •• " 'l'• tt . " " " " • . ' "' ,. '" • • ... " ,. 00 " .. " " ., ,. • ,,. • " .. " •• • .. " " •• .. • " ,. " • EXCHANGE WEEK'S AND YEAR'S HIGH, LOW CLOSE • " " ' • -1•1 •l ., " , .. p,. I l Stock Market Summary WHAT THI #o.dVl ll(fl OK n~• t ncr.1ng,.d "To t .. .,u NfW Vfl v N•w v•• v WHI< -; Nu-.i T -~ h.w• NV ~<><~• I N Y 8orn10 no Amt-con ~ ... ~, •• Am• ~In Bono• l1 " • .I.I """" .. 111 °"'" u 1 ~· 51oc:ks Wl!EIC N $f0(KJ .t.NO 10 .. os FO ow "II O ••• ne •"Vt o Dow Jone• c <>< 1111 ••• •ti<'• !or he -•k JfO(ll AVEllAGfS IA<!uul r :1071".o}~if•aoeo t'J}; 11~ ti <! 'll•S 916" 96 01 -l •I 11 Ja Ol• 16 00' 61 SI'• 1164" 11 ~ 11181 ?1)69 -'"° I ONO AVl!ll.t.GES •OBanO• 1 t I 9 06 106 O~ 1111., II 11 JStO Jl i'O \l '"" ll:llu 1011 IOIJ ro )I 7011 Olio u u 1111 11 11 n oJ 110 -0111 IM t 1111 11 1$ 1'0 If 1 -0•l <cRa u 1>1138 •~40511' 51~ l ?r !11K .... , ., ••• S1t11 (llllh I H19'1 l-L11I Cn1 M I~ LI W ll>Cll J H 9~ LIW 113 1J • ?l 21/Dol 2J )0 Jll"' l/"'1 :ie 2"1 n 1 n 8 •• 3 l ~-... J2 l o S o 60 +~, u~\2 1l 1 .1,J , l/ J 4 ?I > lt 11 • •• 1 ,, 11 ' 6 ' ' . ' 78 3)]1 :n lO , 19 911 1• 1l 6 I • J9 111 )t J4 • -G- Jll ~J • • ... 118 l l '39 , •• . " . " " . l 21 _. 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Ask • ~-~~---------~-----------------------------·----' ------~~-.... -,,_----- ---.-----........ ----. ---.. - DAtl Y PJlOf S~turday, October 4, 1%q '• ' I 11 Pace South of Bord.er Not So Slow for Tourist I -- .,.. l • . ~· ! , ~~· . . ' .. ,.,_ ·. '< ' ' i 1 I r.' .J " • ~t 1 . •, ., I • ' - I ·, ~: ... · ..... t:' w' . .. ~. _.... .... ., . ' • GOATS GREET TOURISTS, SHOW STARK CONTRAST JUST SOUTH OF MEXICO·CALIFORNIA BORDER , • .... . ~ -...... - . -_~}' VILLA PLAYAS FUN WITH MEXICAN CHILD AS BULL ,• •• ·. .. -~- STROLLING, SHOPPING FO R $100 IN DUT Y-FREE GOODS , '.r' -... ..... ~ -· ' )' · . ' " ' I • Tijutinp: Not Beautiful, t f ' > ' " • , Buf·Crowds l(eep Co1ninj If a hundred persoll.'l·were i.!ikcd lo list the ten'.t'n.o6,t beautiful Cities 1n the world it v.·ould be 8 pretty goOd bet that Tijuana would not be oa any of their U~ts. • l But even though the bcitler comn1unUiy 1nay not win the Goo1:l-~lousekeeping Seal of Approval-it's'iine of the -most visited cllies in the \v ori\i. 'The Ogures are'\astonishing. More than rT tniiuon ~p~ Crossed tile border at Tijuanil,Jasl year ·-and that's . ' ~ust in one dircctlo~. Ot tbat n!nryber 15.3 Jnillion were. Mt xi1:i.n Ralion8J:I . and 12 million were U.S. cit izens. According to the Slate Department it"s the busiest border station in the \.\'Orld. "Operation Jnt ercept," v.·hich has cut tou rist traffic considerably so far, cou!cl change the picture on this year's statis- tics, hov.•ever. \Vest1ninster husband-ancJ-v.·ife teach- ers, Phil and Diane Ba rra, tried Mexico for a \Veekend just in time to miss "ln- tcrcepl's'' traffic and time problems. The Barras -· Phil 'te4ches ph ys ical education at Stacey Intermediate School: Diane is a traveling si xth grade Spanish teacher -chalked up a men\orable week· end in the border town. It began on a light-hearted note -and a lucrative one at that. On their first visit to a racelratk, 1he Barras put a two-dollar bet on "\Vhitcy·s Chance" ·at Agua C<!liente race track. They won . From there they drove to Tijuana's ne1vei;t -and most"atlractive tourist at- traction, Villa P\ayas . There, four miles SClllVard fro1n 1nid- town Tijuana, i i1 e Bflrras observed a course in bullfighting at the world 's only 1natador 's college. Visi tors ·can wa1ch the lessons front afar, if they \\"ish . They don 't have to pnrtici:-iatc. A n <I the teaching couple decided to rc1nain observers, !l<•l students. "No, thank s, \ve'Jl just \Vatch,"' they told a guid e. Next came a shopping tour of Tijuana"s hundreds of curio shops and a visit to the city's most ·active glassworks, the firm of lnco. They watched as the craftsmen dipped into their f~Jl.1~S. ~~ Cll.\.~.g}Qbs of orange-a~wing glaSF Frofn .that ball, ).t hey fa.,.~.~ ;~.pi.Sft'are..)... • Next SJop \Vas Juncli -Cacsii'it , li<':id· r1uartcrt· for n1any of the torrros \\"ho 11'ould Work in the bullring the next day. Caesar salad -the house specialty - \1•;is part of lunch . To ca p the young couple's Saturday, !he Barr.as 11·c11l to the Fronton to 1ie1v that spectacular Basque sport of pelota -jai alai. v.·hi ch some observers have ter1ned handball in ove rdrive. You can bet at the front on just as at the track. The Barras, howeve r, held onto the ir \\'innings of the 1norning and just 1~·at· ched. Photos (//ld Stor y by Pat O'Donnell • r "Y-0u don't nee d lo bet. \\'ateh111g is et· citing enough," she :-;aid. .. Sunday began late for the Barras. ll \Vas lun(!J1 .. at La Sierra, the tradl- tioo:ll galhering place for bullfight atl· cionados throughout l>ul lfight Sundays in the border tov.-n . . ' La. Sierr,a, steps away fro1n t~ do\vnt~n ~!Iring, is,. in a slngle v.·on;J, •·swindng.'1~ ·~· : Vi'hile the tv.·o resident 1nariachi banct; played, th~1Jilrr~ joined the prr-corri~ revelry, ati ]\lneh. and took sonic time for one of the grc:ite:.1 pastirpcs·of all Ofl ~und<Jys -\1•atcl1ing the aficion.'.ldos. Corrie!~ li1nc s!.'.lrted al 4 in the af- ternoon. And like ninny Anicricans attending t11c ancient spectacle for the first time, the Barras decided it \\'Ould be the last 4 p.n'I. L hey \l'Otild ever spend in a bullring grandstand. !l's fine to sec ontr, 1 guess," Diane SJ it!. "But I i.lan·t tl111.k \\'c·d cnrc lo sec th~ spectae!e ag<1jn .'' Tijl1ana may not ha l'c been the best \1·hil"h t-.l cxico U;is tu ofrc1 a young couple like the Barr<1s . But they sal'orcd sornc of the utfl· qucncss \\'h1cll <i ltrocts 12 tnilli~n An1e ricans a ye;ir into tbl' teeming, IC· li ve ont! llnustial border tO\\·n. • N#'+ ~'0 (I /./~'" ' ... .,,. . ' " 4 '~7?' --.r; FINE POTTERY EVERYWHEJJ: ~ • • ' ,, " j -t 'WE WONI ' VICTORY ADDS TO EXCITEMENT OF SPORT OF KINGS HUGE, COLORFUL PAPER FLOWERS FILL SHOP ALONG DOWNTOWN STREET ) ' • ' ' -----.----·-------~. --------------------------- ' All NEW 1970 TOR INO BROUGHAM "The Quiet One" ··--~·--~f • . .. $A VE YOU MONEY! YEAR-END CLEARANCE on all NEW 69' S Mustangs • Torinos T·Birds ·Galaxies· LTD's They MUST le Sold. - We're Ready To Deal! So Come In Today! IMMEDI ATE DEi.IVER Y ON ALL 1970 FORDS! HUGE SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED FORD CORTINAS CHOOSE FROM OVER 75 ALL BODY STYLES & COLORS PRI CED s17n.9 AS LOW AS 7 +TH Se•. NI. 11At1JP61t•I Executive Car and Demonstrator for Sale. Tre- mendous Savings on ''T" Birds. Mustangs, Torinos, Galaxies, Falcons, Cortinas ••• Hurry! OVER 40 TO CHOOSE HU GE DISCOUNTS ' . Excellent Bank Financing. We Wil l Help Arrange Te-rms To Satisfy You. .· •.· .· -.· ·-.. . . ·. :·· -• ' ------------- OAIL V PI LOT PEANUTS ~·:.:T1.'.1.::--= I LiE -A~.:::...~ A-'-,,,-.fr A."10 ™~ .;.3-J.: 11-)IT LIITi.£ ~:;_;. 11.A.!CD GI~ ... I C\:'\ I FAA W.\,i --:-J F~.:::r ... c:.~ ~:.,,:: 9\Jf I; ~ OON'T tv,:,~,: . .,:?. r;s.:.c rLL GJ .:i<Az'1" .. By Charles M. Schulz ".V.."'::~..i t'M l..~tT '-.:- .._::57i.~\ /: .. -;;,.;! STEVE ROl'ER By Saunders and Over9ard !lrllo a;:a1n, boys ;111'1 g1:'\<. itnd 11l'lro111C' h• ;11l<):h1·r ~.1111 dA~ 1nt1ri11 ng in L 11rir' J..-:1 Corn. r. \\'ell. r nvil' Lt·11" 1n1''';1~· l:'J:>I \\l'C1 ~ f'r'11)\ t'rc!\1~111 rr--1111• \\ [' l\.u1 11111\1• .1 rllll!lb<'r 11! ptlt'lll• ,111d r1dd ll • h• lh W~t' lft11!\. Hll\\'E\ Ell, t•nl\ 0111' 1><'1'•1•1 1 rr,dll· rt',u.l 1hr 1n•t r1n !lull:-fl·r· thl~ ;,l'l'k.·-:11'1 ll>l•ll'•I \b• !ht'l)lt' 11;1~ 1 !~'11 lt'it'\ 1•1'111 ~!hJI«• 1\!l'' 111 11 1hk'' d1d11 L 1 n11nt •. 'o .\l:ir1 c :.1s1af~on '' fl1 ir ctr:111111;,; \'tl.11np1011 1111~ II t't'h -. I / ' ' .\l'XI 111·(·k 11t' II rna\..r 11 ~asv for 1·ou. 1'he the1nr 11 1ll b'r ihc ctiSroit·r\' of :\n1cnr.1. -~· ~ince n£':"1 SLI;1d;i1· 11 11 1 he ------·----.\._ / ,/' · ,/_ -· Golun1bu ~ O:H l.<'l's-see 11 h1l __ fl ~ ----~ «an ron1r u1i 11·Hh thr n10::.l ,---------------------------------------,! nn ginal dr:i11111g !"If th 1~ i:11un- try·s f1 r51 c.~plorrr. PRIZE lt'IJ\'1\'ER * · ---HO'.\ORABLE menuon 11111 nrrs in this wrrk'!' art 1·untf'::.l 11.ere Anna Si.1rnr'. 12 . (·,1·t 1 :'\lesa , Trrihn Krll; 111. l ·1·-!n ~lcsa. :ind :'ll;;ur\•1·r1 '11r·rnc; 10, Co::t a )1 l·~.i :\l.l rl f;ll ~1 <)f<:Ol1 , ~J'!ti~ l~llf li llg\()11 :\\ L', l!u1111n c:1u11 J:e,ll'h ~1 \" :'\IE:\TB\LI. ~ly 1nratbi!ll \ra:' :.11t1ng 011 1n~ rt t-n B~s1de-1ny r1~h \::1· t hil cl under I ~ can ente r l·1H.:lc Len·!.-_\rt ('011 \c:.t. l!cre's all rou rl 11 l j , ill'Cll\" p1 cl \l!'C 11!1 p !l't't' O! plcll!1, 1l h1le p;.ipe r ~-lt1Che:; \l'ide and 4 111ch(:"1 dC'ep . l ·-,:r blatl-. i11k and niakL' IJllC'~ bldc·k . 1~1 !Jo not c·op~ or !race p1l·\u:·l' 11 inu·t be \·0ur n11·n 11ork . i:l1 J'ut ~riur Jl<1n1C'. <i~C' ;:ind Rd dres._ 11•1 h d L'I\ flf drn•.11 11;::.' >1 311 :t 10 l·11l'lr Len ·~ .-\rt ('on !('~\. Box 15ti0. D.\!L \' J1JLOT, t.._"o~ta \lC'S<i. \\'in ner 11 Ill rccc11·c l\.L'lll1cdy half dollar. \\'hen a ll of a ~uo!lr 11 It fell to the noor . A meatb;ill' .'iol anv rnQrr · -Trril~r 1'\ih ·1 l 0~1:1 \lc·J TH I:: RA T I\ THI-: II \T I IOOf..l'd 1·; !!l•' 1:.il And [ ~:111 ;, r ,,· \nd 11 h:11,"ll'J ~11.,. I•· Hr 11a< bl:h \.. ;i:~d 111111~ 1 !r 11·a.: qunc a ~1ght l'11t 1hr n 1 <.:11d "l-:C'f'"" \\,~.! ::l ;1•ilL!lJl\g !1\.1~1' \!\ l!f', -1t,ff5 n1v h.ir.J Hr h;<-;i 11 :1.egl~· tail \•1C 1, :'1 1 hL ·1 in r n<1· 1 1111(. ::i ; d(•~ ~· :I" 1•11 l,\' \ :?'.! J f,tll)ll 1 !1 '' I !' "I,\< ''\('. l'lll h<ipp~ (Ii\ " I' •'•I I .'' \\"hC'n hC' snugglL·~ 1:p 1 .. !~" -Sjt/I :-.1 o1r11. 7 Corfln;i rlC'! .\Lir LAZY DA ISY !)<1 1 ~1 . Da1:'1 , \·ou 'are 1 er~ l .lz~, \·ou .~1 1 111 the :'\In a:1 dJ~ \11d pa~:' thr t:inr a11a1·, \\"hen the rain fall s 1n torrr n\-. Pn 1 t•'! YPU take ;i ~ho\1rr : that·,, _1u.-t 11 !-.e · 1• \\hen 11 1-A 111nd1 dc1 1 \II 1·ou do 1s s11·a\· and :'11 .J\: 1-:111·1\·hrn it 15-n1 .glrl · 1·ou cJo,:,e 11p till it's dayli;:!ht , a "'"""'~' hal• ""''•• •••• ,. Y-ua J")l'or-. 1e •h ! C't onu ,,,,. , l•>'• ""~" "'' "'' .;...,... '"'" •• ,.,. •TO·•· '"~ _ ... <D"'"' M•·• v•u' ""'"' ... ,,.,.., lo U11<1t L .... llo• l\t.O. (1•'1 ....... (1 h!O'"'' Cross,\'·ord P11zzle c·t ' • : ;> .. ' ~ B ., l j ' :1 '!" l : c -. • ·.., & : • +-- -· . : f --,-,\ .:, .o• > -'• I -. . -~· ' ' . ~,. " ! ,.._ - . ' ~-~· ·~ P .-~.e '; .r . --"' • ---;-;'-1 0 ' -• ~ ·.-~~·-, .. l ~~'''"·' ' c I E < ' ~ > 11~ ' '• ' ' ~ . . ' -~-'~_:. ~Q] ..;----------:------ ---~ ./ " ' -----Ca1·of~ Co1 ·11er-----.I RIDDLES AND JOKES * '' PRI ZE V/!NNER l)c>ar Carol : \\'!lat !-. IJlitl'k ::i.ntl 11 h1 te 11 1!!1 red bl'h1nd·' ·yseJ J i d l'!P Yl!M >jun)js Aq eg 'ti :J aMsuv !)car ("arol: \\ lial h.1-. o ne loot 011 lhe lop. one foot 011 th<' bo11 orn a nd 011•· lo\l t in ·t/l(' n1id d1c ·: ')j:>!fSPJPA 'tf '.J9MSU\f -V•"•"~ l<lllO••ll, 11. CO•tt MO.I Dc>ar Carol . \\.hat :~I lle \lcx1can 11t'athcr re· pf>r1 ~ 'illE'lUl'f fo4 pue Ae pof !1!Y) : Ja MSU\t' ->•I .. COii'"'' I, (O\ta Mt>• 111.ir \'arnl \\j\<Jl did the (hl'IT\" t l'l'(' .~ay lo Ille f11'111r1 ~ ·oiw uo 6U!)j:>~d do•s :JilM SU\f -M•<Y Cv,,•I••"· 1"vMln9!0ll •••<~ H nd your q•elllo111 to c /o O"'"'i' Coo• Dolly P'll ot, l o• 1 S60. Co110 M~a . Collf. ~.,,_. voe' I ~ , •' r• "• .\._.c J fl •• f•<H•r,,..,,~ ., O:• '1 i>·'>C'""(" 'V" •; ._., "!''''"'· :, !OOn' • !~r '''" "~"' ••· \\'ho nan1rd 1hr m(;on '-. -.:ra nf Tranquilit~ '_• t1·vno111l·r~ nn d ph ilosophers nf anc 1c111 t1n1rs. The craters or Ille ~outhern hen11spherc ar(' named for n\1\ablc pcr 5011,. l11 111g. in R1fLl<1 li:. da~ cl hl' n1:ir1,\ 1•f ib(· 11 cs l c r n t1 :"n1sphrrr 11 1' re g i 1· r n ~uo:h1ng n.11n 1·,. ~l.l'h a<: Tran· '!t!ih!y <ind :-;erenll_1 111 the 11r.,t1'n1 hr1n1.-phl'rr, th r THE "IOUTIA W/-{0 1RIG6ERED µ/KE '5 7f41PFR O/J 1kf P,Ao<'l(WAY HAS JUST TOUCJ.IED O~;: ST!ll ANOTHER MOT At?Gl.JMENT.' PERKINS THI S JS THE SECOND Tl ~1E Ir.I ,_, WEE K THAT 'YOU'VE 0ROKE>J A DATE WITH ME lO w~K ON YOUR S!LL Y OlD CAR , ROD.' JUDGE PARKER W\Ll YOU !E ALL 1:161-<T It.I TH~E ALOl>IE WITH M1M, MR. M"TEl:E ·:' YE5, OFFICER ~,. Sll:OL?Y !(NOW~ I 'M H!S l=R'IENP. PO~T YOU, Sl?O~? WEL.L. CJ.LL lF ¥OU ).lfED "NVTH lt.iG : !'ll SE POW>J THE END OF THE MOON MULLINS TUMBLEWEEDS WHAT .. WHERE DID .... WH EN ... ? MUTT AND JEFF lOiRI ~! WEt.t. . L&T HEP HOCLER /\NC> )'ELL. .. !'~t "TAKE CARE OF TWAT PR'OB t.EM --TH.A115 WHAT A MAN HAS A FIST FOR ~ WHO AR~ID~~ ) HOW~ OKA)-. SPEh!D THE EVEt-JlloJG WI T~ Hl!Q .' l'M TH ROUGH Pl AY!~G SECOND FIDDLE TC A PILE OF JUNK.' By John Miles ·~- By Harold Le Doux By Ferd Johnson By Tom K·. Ryan WOULD YOU REPEAT THE QUESTION, PLEASE? By Al Smith .. . - <iur ('arl .. ·» .1 ·1 ( ts Io r ' -·.ired up .i: :~ · ! "\111-11 .:1111"11 ;11Jtl 11<1 dtn:ur 1• nnnrrcd :ih<1ut :u bncbl Jll\! ' , •!c111_) p.1:c~· i:-~ lh ol li.tb•101 11.ui :l f!<>lld 1 .. , k :Ji tlu· h11.,.:-1 •• nd~LaµL' UI. I I (::1ldt•11 jdt"I I! !hrough h1!: !'1' i<'I -.i,:11, 111 !1109 11 111<'·11.11!1 ""''"\It'~ , n f1 n bt·ca1!1•' !'h1p111.1r ,1n<1 ,<.1'1t:r~d ,.1,., · 'l q:c''-!l'd n;1n1 •·' '. L·. -"t1:H..inct1n;:: l:tr :1<: rnnn1 nl'rs or lu111> .J!tnu~\ ·10 ) t'.ir-. 111<in:1 h;1 11· 11 1.,11 !11•r; naines. l)u" 1~ \l<1rr \1,h1lln-i. the Sea ,.1 i IHt1ds. A11 .. 111·r 1s Qceanus !'rfl«f'lllirll m -tll1' t)cf'an nf :-Lor ins Thi~ 1_.;; 11 iit·rr ous next 11111;11· oi.:1.1nau:s pl;u1 to land. l\ul r•f • «ur~1 · 1111•1r li11•d1::g !ilOJiJJ,· II 111 lilli be '>\l<Jnlped Ill .i -1<1r;i11 "~·r.111 \\ r know th .i t Ith' ILJna:· ., . .,., >1r l' dP<:rn p11op·, ;11111 lh:.' -:., t111 "'1i h,-1· II•' I\• ,•1 ht I OI ,1r1 13LASTOFF/ A ?C~;:t:::--r MOON LAND!t-.;G .' • ,. '• : . •· . ! --· -I ,, . ' . ' 3; ' . '. . ,, : .'. :'-1. . _ ~8 p,r ·r< compoi ' ; ,· .. -•. ~q fOlt S.' cl ~J1 ~ 1 c: u .. r '" .,,,ssor ;. =-.:....-z L-ari9uj9 t of '"'• ~ (('n''t ·y; s •fh\ '--. := • • : ::: ' .. 7 e E • t 1:1)r 4 ''"'' ';~"' s (''· q; • t " ~ .. ': I' r 1 •; ,. ' . " ' ' ~ ... ... • '°~<4 l f ,,,. ~·~ ht~,. lq .._Ii(• i rit-J ;~_, .• J • 1 1' • ol I • :; 'ii :1 " 1tn .. vt I ..... ·-· ' • ' I • , . . ~ • " "' -~.-I " ' " " ... ,.. ·r ~ ,, 11 ,,1 "' •. .~ •, • ~··" ,. ~. ;, ;~ _1,: . ' " JO " ,, ~· ,, -... .. ~". . - ' .. ~.- ~ " ·°"· .. ., ,, .•• •• " .:_._.: -'" -:-" " " -~· ~ ' . .-· l ' " :· .. ' . . ,• " ·~ 61 .. . : ' -·· . " 1: ~.:_ .. ·: " ... ... - , ,, . -- t.' ~ • r· ~T '' -·. -', ' ' . ' • 1 .\ IJ • >f '·, ~:-~I • ~) 1 • 'I C . -' ' ' ., ., ., ' " n ll .; )] " " " " " !1•:1:ur ·~1r d ;I\ T' :+~rl'I.' on n '\'l"lil for nan1 If-\h(' crflti'r" 111n1111..i1;-.111d ' '!I' ,111· l '.+ I 1H"t 111 ~ •t.it r, 11:+tl'h1'' I"''~ • l.1'111\," ll!-,•1 l'l •':111' 011 lh•· .1·,:r l;•11d~l'..ilJ" \II tl1r L'<ll ' :1• r·nn nrn crs 111•1(11!11l th r '.' 111•1\• ~,·as lit\'\ :d~o 1i1'1'd t,1 )!ill' Latin 11.1111t:;; tu thing, of ";1·11;if;i:-1n1por!ancC', T hi' l..1t1 n 11ord fnr !'l':t 1s 1~1ar.' ;~111! !hC' 1111rd <or 5ra,; 1.: n1ar1a The orig1n<1I nan1c for 111,• l11-1nri<' ~l'fl (If Trnnr;1 11i11~· 11<1:. ,\!arr Trnnqu1l\11 at 1s. 11,,, r.r1ghbor, tlu:-Sra of Serenit1·. iorip!n;?lll· 11·as namN r.1a~e :-1orC'n1t<1ll' T1•r1 11 crr na111(•rl 1•1 tht· 1r.!' !ti.ii l11 J ,1hanne~ 1:1 l'C'1flli ap l:;_i l1 <111 a~tr11non1C'r .11 lhr ! 1111,."011~ nf Rol11gna '\011 ;1 da1• \l r kno11 lhnl 1l1r ll)•l<ltl h:i-' Ill! 11.111 ·~ "'-'.l~ 3!'111 .._P I nl:JI 1• "11U!'r 11 i:1· \1\1' I .n;•r gl·.Jgr;1ph1 l1ai; noi bt't'n upd;11cd 11 1ih 1norc i;11HablL· 11nrn r~ j~;i l tlro 1fr1'11 a rn •• p of lh(' 11)0<111. r~l1n1:1h.'d !\:' latitudes <ind lo11g1luck ~ ,111d ::t!lcn1pted ti• lllC'flSUrC' Lile lunar n1ou11- ta1ns. Astrono1ncr;. 111 .Sµain. l)anzig and Bolug11a madl' morr dt'tailrd moon n1aps and ~u'1gc~tf'r\ n11rnr" for thr nus1and1ni: I u n :1 r frnture s. 1l1('c1nlf published ;i hands11n1t> 111'0 \Olu1nr lunar a1 !as and hls 11:l1!it'.< fnr 1hr 1110\•n·s fenture~ 11rrc ba~rd (111 a ~.:~:e1n . :'\lost l1 kel.1 ihis i:i 11 hr astronon1ers pr1·fcrred h1.s lunllr geograph ~ U1ct1o!i'.s systrn1 d1vldl'd our ~tdl' ol thr n11>0n 11110 four sec !1t•n:'. Ir 1111,!; 11 northrorn and ~ou1hen1 hemisphere. an east· r rn anrl l\C!'!rrn hen11sphf'rr. I/I' nil rt1Ni !hf' craf('f~ of 1hr- nn r·1hrrn hcn11~rhere fnr :i~- , .. ' . I ·•• ,B~,\"~ ,' .,j I < ~-( ~· 1 ~ lht•rt really a ~lune'.' l\larne~ J Thr pc'tlplc 11h•1 1·01nc frn111 lrt•L1nd arr f<1111nu~ ror their p!:1~ ful spOQfing The Blarney ~tone IS unc uf t!ieir n10~\ faroritr t;ill'5 -:ind p.irt~ r>! thc $\O!'\I <1rc ecna1nh• true Yrs. thefe r eally is a Blarney S1nne and it has a l'CI')' Joni;. a~lonisbing litst ory T0 l'i:<>ll 11. ~ .iu m us! go l<1 l~l'l<i nd 1v Cork. a µor l ('ltr :-i!ong the i'outh1fr!'t shore. 'I hrrr \'Olli !incl friends tt1 !;ikl' 1ou ;iiOn g p1rtureS(jllt' ~1rcrt~ lo ~lurd1 uld Bl arney C:i-.:11·. Tne) 1•111 t;:ikt' )011 to lhl' kcC'p . lhl' l'~1 ~11e's 1nni·r 101\er Till' fnn10LJs Hlarney S1onr i~ a block of l1me~;one doll'n ins1tir the 1vall ~ of the keep. Someone 11i11 hn!d onlo \'Our f('r\ 11·hilr )OU lean down: grasp lhc rail;; and plant a kiss on the famous S\0(11' 11 \\'as plarrrl 1hrre 11·ar hack in 1446. History rrport~ that the famou ~ tastlc 11,1 s nn<'r a!lackt<I . The owner ,;n<I h 1~ incn \\'Crc outn11n1b<-rrd ;ind f1ght1ng 11 ;1~ u~rl c~~-It 11.:i~ then thot thr !(1rd n[ Hlarney CAstl<' used hi' g1it of pt'rSt1 11s1on. Hr ~wer!·tal k ed 1hr enii111~· !oO ;o;uttessful\y tha t lhry \le.Ill away pe aceabl)' . Le11cnd claims that if you kiss !hr fan1ou~ Blarney Stone yot1, 100. \\·ill IX' giYen that old :-1~rl't ·l a l k i n g gift of !>f'r~u<1~1fln I ' GORDO MISS l'EACH f':~ANC INE 'I LO\'E "'!.JU. ! L0\1E 't'OU /\~ THAN Ll~E ... I LOV'E YOU CO.~IPLE. TE L 't'. I LO\ E ':-:x..J P~OF'O.JNOL '{. '''') \ ... ,, ... ' ... . ' "' -. . •' r , r, (j . ··~ --' ·.,, -· .. / \ . ' •r J ' A L '5°M1 "1'~ By Gus Arriola ....... ~~-.......-~--..,.,.-.....-~"""f!T~~~ ~ L OV'E 'iO(J WITH ALL .\\'I' ~EA~T AND SOUL. I LOVE. 'IOU AN D SH.i\LL LOVE 'YC U AL\\'-'~S ! ;; By Mell I µ.\TE. \\\.IE.N ':.:"U .:.~INKLE. Uf' 'IOL.Jrl. E."ES 'T~AT \'IA't' .. , ' I ' ·------.... __ .,. __ _ ••• ~ ... - •I ~ -"t '• l-H~OU.:.::~SE=S::..:.F~O~R~S=A~L~E:___:.:H~O~U~S~E~S~F~O~R~S=A~L~E:__.l ~H~O~U~S~E~S~F~O=R.:..:SA::.:.L =E~=H~O~U~S~ES::...:.F~O~R~S=A~L=E:...._:_HOUSESFOR5ALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE i HOUSES FOR SALE i Gener•I IOOOGeneral 1000 , General 1000 Costa Mesa I JOOG.n•ral 1000 Gener•I 1000 Gener•I 1000 PANORAMIC VIEW OF NEWPORT HARBOR Beautiful shake roo f. single story 3 Bcdroorn, 4 bath \Valcrfront ho111c on Bayside Drive. Fronts on exccllenl s\1·in1ming b·each. Ne\1'\y redecorated. Spacious patio 1vith roon1 for pool. !_)riced $180.000. 2001 Bays ide Drive. Here's Your Doll House $18,95b ---~-. . . . . ~ arr~~ 4 Bedroom Fixer Upper 6% FINANCING .l ut.t listed. Corner lol in be st N e 11 p o rt ll e1ght s area. Q\11ncr \vii i finance. :J Beclroon1 hou se con tiguous to !ot also available. PENINSULA TRIPLEX BAYSHORES 2641 WAVERLY OR. OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1·5 f'Hl\',\T~: l:IEACll AB.EA I :\h11 11.,,r 'rnul'I<! lionic. J 11·1i111 ";•, ll;i\11.~ jrnas1cr' bd· n11 <'\tr<t I~!' I•' ),CP. d r 1111 1 11.;r_ 111 nn. lirr-pl,.l'C , hl•·111; . r·i..:r::-... 117.500 By Appointment Only 11 '-"•>~lo .\l••:.a, 1111~ i~ the cu tr~I ho11"r a.round, it, ha~ Bill Grundy, 675-3110 .• 11 11'"' \:<l1')1<"tl11·.; tl11ouzhou1. ll ~in n10,r-1n i:ond1· In Co,1a :'lf,.,;i, t l11~ hHlll<' ll""rl~ ~·111r TLC JI ,. lo- 1att>d 111 Cul!•'-'.'' J'ark, H \f'11 rlllf' flrr,1 on"' f'Hl·rl"· ... ,,, 'rll1• u1•11er 1• 1111.\l"ll", ,;,u ... 1n .:1 ...... 11111" th<',-, ••. , I-IL\ loan"'' ~l!~.\llJ 1111• ,;,. lh·· ""11r1· 1111! '"11<1(.l<I' ii lr 1~1· <>1111.,u Bi1111-111 l;il•'hrn. d"11hl,. :_;;ir,1::•. f.,r.•rrl ill! lp•11T •••I• l'!'d !"'tho. l,11 :.;1• l•.l<'li .1.11 d "Ith ~HJ•• ~ ;11·.I 1.,1 l1!i.tl 01 1r.11l1 r J:.u ..;;1111 1irir,.rl' ( ·1ose lo ~chool, «h11rchc1'. ocean & boy. 2 11cdro(Jfl1S each. lle(r1gcr<1tor, stoves. sOn1e f11r11is h1n)!s incl ud ed. Presentl y rented on an· n11al b;1~i :o;. i:ould suhst:i ntially 1ncrcn=-c Hl- co111e on s11n1 1ncr '11i11tr.r rental. .-\ s k 1 n g I :r,.1,I Tr1·•11 ~ NEWPORT BEACH OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1-51 1 111.n p.llf\l <'rl 1n~1tlr /111CI uUI. •••l1l l•il1.1hl" ll\+ll:.' n1 .. n1 Linda Isle Development Co. "+!11 hn•·k 111r1•l.i1·r Till "''nrr ha~ ~·'ll" a"JY and 1080 B•yside Dr., Newport s~acn IJr-tt 11 \ilt'ilnt ~" •f-1' II lud1,1. ~G:.!.500 . 1407 NOTTINGHAM \\'r:..:rcr.1 rr· . l "huu (' :ir('a, l)l•fll ~l'h•_,.,:, .~ ~h•JJlflUIC, 1111111,1°· iHIU!I .._.,., ur11rd hr1m,. I!:" 111 1111 .).· rl ir1 an>it •'l"•'I '" hlr.111 -~. -~ lltlrn1 il<1l h. ··111 .\, <h~tflC'.~. hf'll\"\ •h,1k(' !""! \:'hi'.'\(; .Slf,jt"1 l"'!Ge!!!!ne!'!••!!!I ~~~1ooo!'!G!!!•!'!n•!'!"!'!' '!!'!!'!~!'!rn!'!oo~1 3 Bedroo~ Bath $22,500 Beachcomber5 Delight 'l:.!"·Ot' d"" n 1• all 11 tal;r, '" .. 1, n ll1i-rv·a1 nr11 2 bC"droo!ll. :.! h;Jth h,•,trh ,,,11 a:.:;r Thr-..,,111rr 'ii .I > ,f'lJ ;ind "ill 1·11rr~· 1hr f1nani·1n !; l11n1-1•H !1 ha" t"'! 1 .. 1•·· t~· p.:111n-., nnr· ,.ff lhr 1i1ll·h.-n. Jhr· nU1··1· n[f lh,. hrd· 1 uo111 In a 11•1 nfir ;1rr;1, ll "uti'l Ja sl. DUPLEX \\'al k lo beach & channel. 4 Bedrooms.:! balhs vp~1a1r s. 3 Hedroon1 ~. 2 ba ths dO\\'ll. 11ent both for incon1 <' or live in one -you can"t go 11 ro n.i:: either '' ay at $56.000 . Good lern1s. Coldwell, Bonker OFFERS : WATERFRONT DRIVE Corona del J\·lar·s n1ost unique loca tio n & hoine. Lrg. split-level \1·, heavy bean1 cell· ings -paneled den \V· ba r -bonus -apt. in rear \v1sep. cnlrrtncc. S107 ,5(1U. !\!rs. llarvcy DOVER SHORES Nev.' li:iting-. 4 BR's., Jgc . ra in~I~· rn1. S\1·11n pool. Outstandin~ vie\V of hills & back bav. O\vner lea,·in,£! nrca Si2.50U Cathryn ·rcnnillc 128 Harbor Island Rd .-$62,500 Open Sun. 1-5. 2 and converlrble den ; 2 fireplaces. 21.f.: ba ths. hi bean1s. Excell ent loca tion. Ad d 2nd story for \\"ater ,·1e\\'. Lovelv patio & gci rden. ?-.tar y "Lou J\larion HARBOR VIEW + BEACHES China Coves hOm e. Close lo l.\\O be;Jci\es \1'ith excellent 'ic\v of e\·cry hnat enler 111~ ha rbor, ocean and Catalina. l;ood !in,1•1r- ing . ~62.500. \\'alter 1-l asse HARBOR VIEW HILLS J.,usk La .Jolla modrl ; 3 Br.'."! R;1 . -f;lJn. rin. \V/fireplacc. 3 Ca r gar. 180 De;; l)aci· fie Ocean vic1\'. S37 .930. 1\I Fink SHORECLIFFS NEW LISTING Desirable loc. T rarl111 011<1!. shal\e roof. cir- c ular dr Jvev.·il~'. 2 13B . de!l 11· frplc. & 11ct bar. pccs:cd Ilrs. Li;c. rear pa lio. J f>hn Clarke hu1l1. .. $55,500 Kathryn Rau\!o,tOn THE BLUFFS Preferred n10del . Lovelv vie,~· of hack ba)'. llome 111 Pxcclle n! corid1 t1on. Three bed· roon1s 11·1th large d1n1ng area. lmmPciia !c occupnnry. S31.!l00 r-.trs. n a ul ston HARBOR VIEW HILLS-LUSIC OPEN SUN. 1 ·5 Sell ('r 111ovlng nut of stale. mus1 i::o f;i st ; this 4 BD. 2112 BH .. f;:1n1 . rn1 . pro fc~ .... l<111 rl· scaped hoinc is priced Lo sell. Only $49.~50. 91 5 .S and castle, Cd;\\. Joe Clarkson EASTBLUFF 1-0F-A·KIND 4 BDR~-t. ('uston1 dec0r. \l"/forn1. clln. r tn ., view of P.tr('k R;iy &· 1)01·pr Shnr('s. ~p<i rk· ling pool \\' tropical landscaping. ~49 .. jOO :\t rs. llarvcy VACANT 3 & DEN-S41,500 ;\lost a!lrac!i1·e -on qu1e1 slrcrt O\er· Jn0king beaut1f111 greenbelt T\IO·~tor~·. !nt:-. of closets. :l b;ilhs Large p.i11n. ill ary Lou :\larion COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 550 NEWPORT CENTER OR ., NEWPORT BEACH 333-0700 644·2430 ~~ ·' I TI11<; ,.,tf'l•l!OnHl1y •·lran .1 lx-droom hoinr I~ 11n1·,.d fc,r 1n11Hf lliill•· ,.01 lr thr l•-rn1 ... a rr Ill" lJ,.:<11. no n1onry d••ll!\ ,,, \('1.~ flt" r-.1.:..110 C\!J\\ll IO 11ny hr><!). !hr O\\llr'I" I._ i<l)\l•,ll<; lllld .l•)U 1•ll f· II f ry ~<o<IJ ,('If I•' at l•'.t'1 \\ ,. ... \Ill t 1)11 f" Newport Heights View! 1 1111~ h<•tn<' t" n:n11n1s1·r-nt nf 11 1111 h l1 111·.,1nt'l111 r;i!>1n, 1"1tl1 1,,·n11 11fu l r11.;1i. "'Jod r11 1l1·,in11l""lll Th,. 1na:-~1 1•,. ,••)\fl\ lv•;11·rh ru1•k f1 1·r-plo11,. iirl(!~ lo !II,. !o11tl ,.flr1·t 11[ ;1 11111" t11·r r ,.t rr;it, r1 rn a l1il•"l1l1•nT fr.itu1'1ni.: 11 lh11il1 11 1 h.•r·h·q l••r ~<>1 1r r-111··~1111·111. in oddl1ion 1'1 Lease Option Ocean View $27 5 Mo. r.,.;111 l1f1i1 ~ t-..·rl1'<JUl!1 1111111,. \\Ill ]o•;i_,r '')11 1'111 r"r •)Ill,\' ~:;:, J•C'I" 111(1. 11 h;;~ ll ::1f';i l ,,,·1·;,n II"'' Thr (l\\11<'1' hil!. 1•11rchft."'rl :ino111('r ll•lll1<' ;'lr ld '111 11ls il!"l10111 <>ll !h1.s nn,.• (".1 1! 11(•\I' Unbelievable! Ocean View -$23,950 Thi~ ha s 1n 1),. 1h,. l1nl l<'~t l11!1llf' n 11 !hr :1111rkr 1 11·~ ii ~l1<1r 1• ·: hrdr ... 1111, l ha1h l11•11l,. "1111 1;11":" r •• 1r·1rd 1•~l1n and rr;11· .1a1·d ~11ndo'rk 11 11~"' ii hi 111:,: ;ir,•:1 or ltiOO ~(I . ff n11d n 1,,·a1111f11 I ll ''llillfl lil r l1 111n al ;)~,',.Y ou 11nr1·1 hr l11 "'"" 1t 1111!11 ~"11 .,..,. it' 2629 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 546-8640 .~--=-~-=====~===~-=-===~ 1General IOOOGeneral 1000 Gener•! 1000 General 1000 ;i;iliiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiil \ EXECUTIVE HOME OPEN SUNDAY 2001 Commodore F 111P:-.t ~RR .. forn1al d ining roo1n . Rriycre/11. !Jc;i tcd &: filtered r•Q()L .. ·\~Sl!!llablc 51 ~',., !nan DAVIDSON REALTY '546-5460 Eves: 545-4941 General 1000 General ==---.c= I 1000 $135 Per Month P.l.T.I. 4 Bedroom, 11;, Bath Beauty FOREST E. 0 LS 0 N I 11· f:r 11:1,1 ~ NE'tvPORT GE ACH DELUXl DUPL[X Jlnda .J:i/e PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES E xquisi tel y <1e cor:11ed 5 l~rdroon1 5 Ba th new hon1c 1vilh up.~ta1rs ,·1r.11· of f 'orr1n;i del J\lnr hills. C';:intJl evcrc<l p;i1io cl ccl\ h:1s ou t· ~1rle f1rcplri rc, g~1 s bar·h·qne, !)riced \\ i1h c.lock at SJ l.l.000. 16 Linda ls.le Drive Just. co1nple!rrt ·1 Llcdroor:1 4 Ba th hon1c 11·ith patio decl\. s1 l1 in g roon1 and firer lace 111 n1a s· !er bedroorn "11itc. 1:a1111lv roo1n has ~unken conversntion pil .and fireplace, Decor<ited and landscaped for 5162.000. 57 Linda Isle Dri ve Spacinu s 4 Bedrooin. :l l)<i th beautifully dee· orated nc1v ho1ne :tdjaccnl to cl ubhouse ;ind beach. P ier & Slip in st alled Pr 1 re. d :lt 62 l ind;i Isle Drive Rch;-t]c "atcrfront L111d;1 !:..le lot Sl55.000 . 1111h pl:in~ s~.·1 ooo l inrla Is le Development Co . " 1th -.•.. .\~~l"\l.\BLI·. II FI! \ lc,;n1 fun u•T1·11i<I 111- 1 tV' ,,,.. ).Ill!"" rl I' ,11 .. rlout-1,. ::;ir(I'..!< 1111rl .\no [ • .:.n \\"<ti:; I" )al"j.;f' II• ,, -hfl;ip1n::- cf'nlC1" Ownf'r 11.111,lrrf "•I a nrl "Ill h"''P 1t11 l1 Th"1l••11·n I fl·1~1lJrl'\I' ~·LI LL 1·1-:rc'!. IU~t ~.'I ,,. ." 1080 Bayside Or., N .B. Bill Grundy 675-321 0 ,\rrri•~ 1hr ~ti'rr1 0111!!" "-l 11d 1 :::::::::"~::'.::'.~~:"'."'.::::'.:::'.:'.~::'.=:'.~ prl d•I•''\ rllr" \ lrnn1 !11" rr.11nrl111:: ~IJI r T11 n lilr:;c h"d1·mn1~. la r'.'r k1r rhrn 11 111111.-1111" h11ii t-111'\ •n r ;u::-h 1n111 :=1ulfl rrf.~ ;in'I vrrand· "'~ (:rr;11 !nr<i r1 1111 6 1::: rrnt~. ;111rl Th •l Hrur.h l'n11r1·'. 0 11ly ~.~~.:in11 r a11 :\"'111 ' '"1.1-cz:i:;. WE SELL A HOME i EVERY 31 MINUTES 'Walker & Lee ~1 1": \\"r~t ·l1ff Dr ~ 1~·7il 1 .,Y'f!·l?U SPANISH, ./ .'i Rnr::-.r::: l)n ft.JR\\ i\\' ./ ,-',.111 )• I l'I ./ l ~r,.,11t 1!ul /h •= {",otf"'t<; ./: ~-,~··r: ,,., . 11 • 11 ,,- .,/ ll11cr i:L ~u~r:> RQn'<I ,\:\r• " I\ 1r1.::Y.\l:LJ Tlt.\T I r.01::: Fflr.1-,\"l:R' I s13,soo r··or:L.<;T L OLSON !11 . n ... ll1n,·~ ~1 1[·1r~cr (rntrr ~~ n ll1t110r Biid. C ,J. 1969 VOLUME S120.9 MILLION General 1000 General Open: Sat. & Sun. 11~1 1\U{it,"!ol"J"A P.M . \\"~)>-,1nc: d1q01n.-r f,, •hrip- r111::. ~ ·hnrils f. roll<';::r ·I Ll1 •. ·;..c; in f1·,.P1<11 y .~ l\r rl · IOI.in I "• h.1111 . loi :;:r p,1t1n ..nrt r .. ~1-!n.111,111111111 )·•nl. 1:• .. 000 ~·11 ,1 I.·\',\ f1n;i11c111:; a1 .. 1lablC' VACANT! 1000 RANCHO -SAN LUIS REY 1:? .\i:rcs. JI of \1hich a re 1\votrHlo ;ro1·c. sonic c1lrut.. !J 1l ltop r;:inc h house 11·1\h gor· gcou.~ 1 ie1r. llor se corral. barn & s t u rt i o. ('lose to San Lui,~ Re_v (:olf S.: Country Cl 11b. l1riccd <11 $!12.500 for quic:I\ 'i<llc ' Don ·1 Sily 11·e <l ldn 't tell you about th is one . COMMERCIAL SLEEPER ~ Sn1~1l l ho1t :-cs on 1"-2 lot in stra tegic nrca. near L1clo Isle ;ipproach. Suitable for :-111<ill bu sine ss & lh·in ~ 1101r . Jlolct !or ~pprec:i ation; ~J0.000 puts yo u in business. DOWNTOWN MOTEL SITE 2:!5 1:ror1t feet on JI arbor Blvd. ;it :\e\1·pnrt. !~Ivel . \\'O\r: Talk a bout niaJor thorofa res ' ifi.000 Sri. !I. no\1' priced at JUSt O\'Cr S4.50 a foot. Jnc:on1e enoug h to c:arrv ir 1·ou don't 11·i~h to dc 1·eJop 1n1n1ediately. ·.-\:ik (or Jin1 nr f:ich. PIER & SLIP PLUS VIEW Spacious ~ bedronn1 hon1c 11·ith fireplace. for(·ed nir hra!. n1anv other a 1n c n 1 l 1 c s J-:xcep1 iona 1 bu v al ~6:J .~OO. \\'ilh 0\1·ner fin · ancing . Open Su n. 1·5. 20 Balboa Cove:;;, i\.B. ~:··- " I· r ALETA KNAPP SALESMAN OF THE MONTH ~''!1:1 ,,.,..,, B1111i,,:1. ;-.;,." rrirt r; ... ~ ... h no;,.1.mn '!l!:O: f.i'l~.r C<>il~l !li:.;l111;iy . Co1rH111 f!,•J ~lilr. 675-60fiO ----------- VIEW LOT CORONA HIGHLANDS !~I. \ I~-\\" .\.~!\!:">:1; r·r:1-; :'1\JPL!-. ,,;,,.f,l"n T~:H \I:-: "C" THOMAS Reoltor .''.1 \ \\" (\.:L'I I 111 .v \<'\I p·•rl nr;u•ft ~;1·" _-,,., . .<;.1'.j TAKE bvER 5 1/4 ~~ Annual Rate VA Loan ,ii ~tr,1; jlf'I l1H1nlh lot11)' Th1f ~h:ok(• rwf IJC"au1y is )0 nHIHJT"~ Jn ill" E3[1\CH 11·1th j \ h11 ,.h hrrfroun1~ .ind ~ I 11'11 i." in u... Pl'LL ~J ,,'.'\ 1 R,\ Tl I.' !;111 :::,.1 t h1~ . . t RE.\.\J~_.11 e1·:11.1:-.:1; F:\ \J. I JI.\' r.00~1 :ind all ('lrctrw I ~le•l;1!hon h:11,·hrn 1<1lh d1~h- 11";i,.,hrr B1•.t1111111t J.1 nd!<;ca r· 111:.: on con.-..:~:r:_ 1.crr "111• ;11! 1,1 .. ck 1<.1tl. :--,:,.ilr .Jr. Col· lr:r-;i11d tlir 111;1 t"r ~h'">jl· !'111.::: ''"t11"'!' 1\n•I. 11 .. /ool1n:: . . o -.: 1...,. ~~.-•. ri:iu· 11·"' I ,,I n+1I fli,11" WE SELL A HOME I EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee : ~~.~n IJ.11h>r E.l \d. :.it Arl11n1' [ I. •1'1 "l"l 11r~n 1il! !I P.\f ELEGANCE f'f'w"JI f'.11111 X: ~plrnd 1r1 Vil'\\' •("! lhr pa1rr rr1 lor rl"ganJ 111·1111:; 111 1111« l1rand nrw' 11 .tn \\'rlt,,, hOill,. 111 Dro1·ri "h .. ,,..~ I hd1111< .. ~ h.1tl1S ! l''""l''r J!10111 1 ,.,..r C't:"· . • I h'I' tlH" n ll\ 111:,: fn'Jlll "11h · I .:h lor.1111r1 I '""1 ln•-::. RI• h· l,< p;111"llr.! i,,+•lllv 1'0"111 II olh <" ••!!fl f11••p: ... •' ,\ II<"! 11,,,. 1..11--;" 1·!.111rt k11• h"ll, ,,.,,,., 11r 1,,,,,,1;1,,,i l!•lCJk. L'h'.:;t l\f'1<I• d pt>oJ) ('.,)/ f••l,I\ '" .~l'r l lllS f'UI· ~! 111<1111;.: 1"1''11 h•l!ll f'. Roy J . Ward Co. 'llH,1'•'11'~1 ()fl II'" I I 11/1 ~·~.11"·Y u r11 .. ~I ' ' I NEWPORT BEACH SPECIAL General 1000 General 1000 .\rrr1r111·r-~ t1dr111, '1 ba th .;_;:_c_c:_ _____ .:_.:~ 1111h hn<"k f1 rr-pl;irr. a i);i n. r-ll"rl l1v1n:::: t•10111 f.· tb1 ,.k •1::1.: 1·1:1q}("f', ii /01rl.1• f1<lt1Q lur r-nl1 •1"!;J1n111:: \• ('''S lor llO.•I •I!' I 11!lfH"I" $24,995 THE REAL ESTATERS THE REAL ESTATERS COSTA MESA 2790 HARBOR BLVD. 546-2313 MESA VERDE-NEW REPUBLIC 4 hrdr1JOn1 . 1 ha!hs, CV."lr'lt11 drapes .\: rar· re l ~. farnouc; (fArrlrn J..:i1rhr-n. :1 ("ill" O:ilr· ll g"I': ll'ilh ra<s -1hrouch hnitl d rior f('lr f11n. <:orn"r lot 11·1t h rll~Y A rrr<~ l n 1'•'111' y;irrl. .\l11rh n1orr to ~Ct iinrl 11pprrc·iiilr . F1ill price $43.750. 4 IEDROOMS-$21,SOO FHA or VA • Dandy hrarh JU"PA horn". Carr"'trd & draror1. Con<"rr1P flll l 10 11 nd lar~,. ~iird. Prrf.--.1·1 fam• ily ho1nr only 6 )f'il!.S olrl. ROOM FOR MOTHER { ln·la'#) ~h,.. r11n rr111\" 1n t>"r o" n rn· 1·<1t" Mlll" "1111 rril·Ar,. lt:tth .) ()lhrr l•,.rlrnofl'h, 'l hat h~ A· 1111 r-11f)rlTin11~ lnn11ly rr,r1m You'll AJ•"r,.,.i111" rhls h<'>JT1P nr.;t lr1l 1n fjlll"t RJ1d ,.1 ,.1!-1111 rol- l"'..." r;1rk \\"rll 1'<'1 th !l32}151l. NEWPORT BEACH 1700 NEWPORT BLVD. 646-7171 WESTCLIFl'-POOL HOME On 11 br;111tif11 I rp11r t ~Id" s!rf'trl, srotl"~~ 111 n1 rry d Ptail. f"111111ty rnn111 "·Hh parqurt floor. Dnul1lr ~i11"11C,:<" 1.1 i1h rlro ·!ric don!', lnur 1·rtr d ri1·r anrl ,\nthony r ool 1111h slide and ho;:ird -S•l9.j()(}.-Try 10"? do1.1r1. ASSUME S•/4°/o V.A. LOAN :;n riu=tlr fyi11:::: tnl,.rf'slin!; home. lmmrdi· a Ir 1•0.c..c.r-~~1on. f"ull payment~ rhc11pcr than r .. nr s1:;i;.oo l""r month pool .c.11." ~·nrrt. f1rrJ1lacr. ~~2.930. WALK TO WESTCLIFF SHO~~ING ,\ttr.:1r111r 3 hC'd.1oom on lnr:::r Sf>' lol "ith illlr,v rnlritnr r . '.\,.\\. lilf' k1tchf'11. n••\\· JO ,,r. r•inl. Blnrk ''all f"nr". forcf'd n1r h,.nt. Thr hr-~I 11·r I C ~N'!l HI t.h" lll'f'A--.~2f>.fl,}0-- 111th A 61.r;, 11 ssumabl~ ln."ln-Don·l mi:1.a 1 1\1~: "LOOK FOR TH IS SIGN" FOR REAL ACTION IN REAL ESTATE WE NEED LISTINGS e FREE APPRAISAL e SAL ES STAFF OF 30 e TOP FLIGHT ADVERTISING WE GET RESULTS ··Don't Sellle lor Leis'' ,hone Anyone et Our O'flc" for Information •n th• Altew• CORONA DEL MAR 332 MARGUERITE 673-8550 Sl,000 PRICE REDUCTION CAMEO SHORES Rra11T1f11l VJF:\V l·!Oi\IE .1 Bl: .. •·rinv. d!'n plus form11l dining room. All l hi~ 1d11~ ;.:ur. i;:rons l11r;.:r J>oot in 11. prolr!'l<"rl ro11 rty11rd. ()\\ nrr 1<'8n l~ A CT!Ol\'. !\'011· nnly S71.:i0fl. 6 UNITS NEAR OCEAN SIX 2·1wdroom unit:> south of hll;h"a~c; '2 hlofl\:o. to ocran. In a lln11niran S"llin::. Utch 11.f'I "ilh :O."•'h1dr-rl pa l10. Bii -in k1T· C'hrns. C11rp.c t<'rl and rh·11 pt•d E.\1·r llrn1 ~uni· 1ncr rt"nlal ar,.a SI 1·1,00. STORY IOOK HOM! ON YOUR OWN LAND Charming 'l s tory farm hnu/o<r, \1 ii h ,.1·c1 ~·· thins.:, inrluflin'=' IJl'Q'C'Pd ha rd1")0d floor!> tn modern b11i1t -1n kttrhrn Pri,·;iry 1,n rrr land. Soulh nf th<' Ml·"'"Y· J hPdrnorn, J, bRlh, + Jai·ge fatnily rnon1. '17,.")00. INVESTMENT MONEY MAKERS 6 UNITS GOLD MINE 5.6 X Gross ~:.::J,500 full p1'l<"r--10'. rk11111 -ri11n,.r 11 il l hC'lp l1nan1'r -Ens1 s1dr Jnt.at1on - 1 -2 f:I\. .l-1·.,. lirn~.~ itH·nm" ~7.fl~n. .S!·hf'riulf'cl to111t r•·111rn ;19.9' ,, T11x ~hrltr-r. Apprcc1at1on, inflation 11rul<'L'lif111. 2 COSTA MEST FOUR,LEXES OHL Y 2 YEARS OLD t>-7 Rr:s-& 2--.1 BP. 11.!I 11i)h :? b.:ilh£, <11l !hf' c11 ... 1on1 f••allU'C'~ ,.f a nl<'" hr1n1t". Lo· c111f'd un C11r;1""1t)' Dn~r. Coe;!;, 1\lr.<.il f:.'I:· rrll,.nr for Ill«• 1n (lr lax ro•l11rn p1·or}('rl>- Pricrd SJ :\9,000. call nv1\· for \ lr111u:::. ZONED FOR MANUFACTURING 2:,00 Sq. Ft. Industrial Planl (<_ llnmr-S6f.100 Jnrt11~1r1R I Lot (., ()fl irt s:::l.~l{)O '2 nr: ll1:,n1,. on 1\[.\ Lo t :S2:l .~.l0 f,f,,3()0 Lr\'l'I '.'11 ·1 \..o1 01\'Mf'I' 11 llJ firll!ll('f' _, ~2{1,;){)0 I • ! i ' ' ' ! . • ------------. ··-·-· . -.. -----. ---···---· -·---··--·--·--·· ' 5atu"l!ay, Octc btf 4, l~fll HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR S•LE HOUSES FOllt SALE HOUSES FOR S4LE HOUHS FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi! HOUSIS FOii SALi HOUSES FOR SALi! 1000 Gefter•I 1000Gen•ral 1000 Genar•I 1D000Mtral 1000 General 1000 Gentiral 1000 Costa Mtsa 1100 OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS BE INDEPENDENT • Take over operating HOBBY SHOP a11d CREATIVE ARTS store in dO\l"n-lo\1'n Costa !-.lt.:sa. Near Costa fo.'lesa Park <tnd p!a.\·~ruund • a bOod children 's at- traction. Cnll for further c\eta1ls. INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL Locall'd 'in t he center of the COSTA MESA BUSINESS DISTRICT. 2.000 sq u<1re foot building presently 11 sccl a s a pluryibi ng shop, rasi ly adapted to l1n1nv 1ndustr1a l or coi n- merclal uses. 'l'hrce prn ate off tees . storage room plus larbC shop area \1·1\h over head doors. Property roni pletcl y blark-topred and <"ha1n link fen ced. ASSUMABLE FINANC· ING -AN IDEAL BUY AT ... S33,250. CHEAPIE-CLOSE IN ONLY S18,9SO. Don·l let tile pr1c·e fool you . This t\1·0 bedroorn -clegnntly carpeted over 11ooct floors h'1.~ been rcn1odeled recenll v and offer:i .a BEAUTIFUL BUil T-IN KI TCH~N WITH ASH CABINETS, breakfast bar. d1n- elte a rea and scpar~tc. ser\·i1.:c porch. Live in con1forl and shop only 111 o hlOl'kS a\1·<'ly at 1~. 17 th Street Shoppin~ renter. R·2 LOT -ADD ANOTHER UN IT LATER. · EASTSIDE COSTA MESA l!al f bl ock fro111 ST. JOACH IM CATHOLIC CHURCH an r:t PAROHICAL SCHOOL. 'f1\;o bedroon1 s. dining roo111. clcl11xt• ki tc hen and large 18 '.x18' f11n1 1l y r'\10111. F'aJn 1l y roo!11 could be u:.ed as a th ird bcd roo n1 . 'J\10 p;.1'1os (one covered) -l lf x 30' HEATED and FILTER· ED POOL . D011ble i;:ar.:1 ge :1nd bont or irailer storage off alley. Fenced ~nd heau ti fl1lly l~_nct­ ~caped ~·ard .~. AN EXCELLENT BUY. t-irsl Coinc. r:·1 r ~t Ser\ eel. MOVIE SET Jma.g1ne you·re ;.i.n a_ctor \l _ith all the 1.:ha~m of a Southern mansion: \\:ilk ll[l the brick pron1enadc ll1ru double floor "-11110 a llv!ni:: room of lo\cl in C'ss: .Look past sparkling chandeliers nt the art galler.v and balco~y. Step in to the lu'\ury of iJ J.'i;.;13 forrnal dtn· in,C! rooin: enterta in your friends in your sep- ciratc fan1ilv roon1 . 'Your HU SBAND HAS HIS OWN DEN! OUT DOORS-ALMOST 1/J ACRE of flt ll and actil'ity. F igure 8 SWIM· MING POOL d i1·ided for cb'ildren and a dults PLUS separate ther11peu1ic pool. pic:nic g<i s BT3Q an d BOAT GATE FOR EASY BEACH DRIVE. See lhi.'> BIG FAMILY VALUE ~4 hectroo1n~ rlen • 3 level s 2112 balhsl before it is ··G one \\'ilh the \\,.ind." S52 ,500: FINER HOMES DOVER SHORES Beautiful marine & mountain vie1v ho1ne in better than ne1v condition. 4 large bedroom:;, large living rootn with fireplace. dining roon1. Over 3200 sq. ft. Beaulifully planted palio. .. .. .. . ..... -.. "$89,500. CAMEO SHORES One of the inost beautiful ho1nes in lovel y Cameo Shores. J::xlensive use of rich panel~ ing. beam ceilings & used brick in this truly cus ton1 4 bedroon1 home with huge family roon1 th<'lt could <1ccon1odate billiard table. J\1agnlficcnt vic\v of ocean & jetty. $1:10,000. Open Sat. & Sun. 46 15 Perhan1 . OOVER SHORES l·'o r those \1''10 den1and the unusual. 3 Bed- rooms, 21/:t baths. profcssionn!ly decorated llnn1e .. \11 angula r conslruc:tion to take ad- vantage of n~agnificcnl hay ll;: ocean v1 e1''· Fan11!\· roon1 111th \1 el bar at:co1nodates bil · liard i.a blc. Step-do\11 11 Jiving r oon1, for1nal dining roon1 . :I Ca r garage. _. S87.500. Open Sat. & Sun. 1014 Santiago Dr. LINOA ISLE .\ fan tastic bnyfront buy. Large 3 bedroon1. 3 bath hon1c 11·i1 h scp11 rate dining room. 55 r:·t. of bayfront \Vl\h r ier & slip. Ne11· at the unrepeatable pric e of _, .$105,000. Open Sat., Sun. 106 Linda Isle Dr. BAYCREST Ttnpress1v c 4 bC'Clroon1 , 2!ti~ bath hoine on large, corner lot. I luge pool \1·ith expensive deck area. P rofe1'sionaltv lAndscn ped \11ith con1ple_lc sprinkler sys lei11. Ready for your 11nmed1nte occup<111cy. . . . . . S72.500. Sat. & Sun. 1756 Skylark. RESIDENCE WITH VIEW APARTMENT Spacinus :1 bcdl·ooti1-2 be:1i11110n1c.C1en & fot:· mal din ing rooni. l:le<11n cc1l1 ngs, 2 fireplaces plL1s l-bedroon1 apartment \\·ith panoramic VIC\I' of harbor . . .S49,500. \\1111 DOVER SHORES VIEW LOT build to--;LI1toiliJrge, corner v1 c'v lot. ... !35.000. ROOM FOR THE IN-LAWS IJa.rrell Reaft'I predenl.,, OPEN HOUSES SLICK AS A WHISTLE -MESA VERDE. 3 lxlrms + den + family TOOm -just mov e r ight in . Custom built with custom details. Plenty ot room for kids & pooJ. Walking dis- tance to golf course. 2928 Java Rd. Sat/Sun 1-S FOR THE YOUNG EXECUTIVE -WEST- CLIFF -Beautifully decorated 4 bdrm fam- ily room ho1ne in move-in condi tion. Kitchen has loads of cupboards & counters + break- fa.~t area. Ne1v paint & carpels. 1514 Warwick Sunday 1-S BARGAIN OF THE WEEK -BAYCREST Drive in the circular drivt:way to see !h is charn1ing family oriented hon1e. 4 bdrms t- all the extr1s including a large pool. $69 ,000. 1607 Santiago Sat/Sun 1-S Office Open Saturdays & Sundays PETE BARRETT REAL TY 160S Westcliff Or., N.B. 642-5200 General 1000General 1000 140 Harbor Island ~d. (off Bayside DrJ Be<iuli ful executive ho1ne on 6/7ths acre . Sparkling pool. of an 675-3331 4 Bedroo1ns - ,3 Baths OPEN SUNDAY 1-S Wm. Winton, Realtor 229 Marine, Balboa Island Open 'til 9 Every Night Tl'iplrx ~b9.500 fuU pncc l.JJL :inx120·. 11\11!.~ llavr r\'rry- '!illng, f1rrrlacr. \\°aSl1er, dry. rr. 1•angr. o\·cn, carpf't~. OP'EN SATIJRDAY 1·5 Pool Fun $37,500 TS11 Sylvia • New ~r $12,500 1319 Bonnie Coone lltk TEE MESA VERDE 0 H Couotzy Q,b & Goll Co""'! pen ouse Center atrlwn with tiahpond & trop1c11.1 plants. Spanish FRl /SAT/~UN tile. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, Drop by 30S3 l\lad1son Av,. formal dining room, fam ily 0 1. Sl>e a hkr brand ne.,.,· rootn. Dual fui?place. :i !Jdrrn honic ove r 2<XKI .!IC] 5~0.172() It in.:!ucUng lamlly room, D"PI". • S:JS,SOO TARBELL 2955 Harbor kitchen eating area, l.»:32' ) ......................... _.) custo111 pool. new t.hag car· 441 Fernleaf pet!!; throughout. Vaeant .t e · IRYINE AYE. ready to n1ove 11110. Suhrn1r SUNDAY l-5 Custoo1 built home, l&rgc en-your term~. Owner SIB-8'..?66 Block ro ~an $47,900 closed courtyard for ma....:i-1"'.:~~~~~~~~~~\ 3320 Se.vltlw mun1 privacy. J\lany ('Xtras[. e In thi, beautifu l 3 Bdr home. OPEN SAT. & SUN. FlfA Va!u,. S36,900 2919 Paper Le ne • ilfodcrn Sp;uush 18016 Menn HAL PINCHIN & ASSOCIATES 675-4J9? Anytime EASY LIVING J.Jt\t; NL\V 1'~ year 'lid rondonllnium. ~au­ t1ful t"\\'0-s!ory u1 Adull section v.·ith pool anrt <"iuhhouse i 11 c I u rt e d. Please call lor Rn ar-- [W)lnt111cn1, and you wi ll })I? plcasanUy sluTJrL~r·rl. Only $>!! ,950. ~COATS ~WAL~AC! REALTORS ~546-4141~ (Open Evenings) $750 DOWN Sl S.450 buys this "Go\1. Rr.° po ... I::nJoy 1he 3 bdnn 2 balh home ln Costa i\1rsa. Large yard fully f'nclosed. Near l9!h Streel. Payn1ent.s S160 includes rvrryrhing, 1.Sl7.!00 Isl TD. 30 ~·r Jonni. Newport at Victoria 646-8111 (anytime) '47,500. 1010 OAK ST. Well1-McCardle, Rltrs. SPOTLESS! 181() Nrv.'port Blvd .. C.l\f. Reduced to $23,9501 ~HS-7729 any!1n1e ~ BR .J. f;un. rn1., 2 hath """"'""""""""""!!!J!""""I hon1f', Cov. r;it10, swideck. -,,.EASY LIVING" fnut tl'eei;, T;1kc nvi'r 5~1 % $17,500 JQan' 3 !"JN11>0n1, 2 bat.h. l'.:lectrH:· BALBOA BAY PROP. buill·ln k1tchrn Carpels &. 673·7 120 A~\'TJ~lt:: drt1pe~. Pool & Ji:'!c1i:'!alion.iiii---------q Ts:-~:ELL 29SS Harbor _ LARGE LOT S.'l1all east si<le home. com· WE 'RE SWAMPED ple1rly furnished for SIS.~. l'llore 1·1Lents !hall properties' Drlii.:hUully clean & br1gh1. \l"r llN.'CI hst1ngs ... 10 J'f'nt & \\'alk1n,b dis!ance to 5eho0ls to Sl'll, Please call us for a Jmmedialr possc~10n, riu1ck, courtt<sy appraisal. HERITAGE \\'c 1vork rvcry day. BURR WHITE l~EALTOll 2901 :"'.'cwport Blvd., N.B. !ii;r1!l30 SPECTACULAR VIEW -$28,500 01)('n rvro;. :Yl~ll51 Anyt ime BEST CASH OFFER t·ple11: in Costa ~1<'.~a . ln\"oni,. $:)23 monthly. ISL TD $3.),600 a[ s:ira OJ(l lnr[ !axrs. P~· t1.1rn1ng: to Po111ona in 2 \\·k~. n1u~1 .'!otJ. 799 Shalirnar. Sw~pin g \'irw r ve1'.V\1·!1f'rf' 517·77~~ ~!)II kiuk. Ul·('(ITl & c·1ry t' • , .. 1~11.cj1~.--,ci~--,1{--3~lo-/ I. . .1 1 '" 1 ~"·"' . ,, .~ l"'rprr. !, 11111!~ .... 1;1 11.~. I 1ml y r<10n1. .1 Bl' 1 1 1 ---• ' .. I " ·1 · k' ci ~ • l\JU~C'. ar;::r:. en,_.,,, ll'l'jl lll'~'. 1.UJ l-in II icn. d II ,,-000 -a.l d , !!).. var , a ry 111 rc"f1r. , •1, . 1'~0·111 ' m111g rooni. ,,. 211 Ogle Owner/Agent. 17_ . :>1&-8&12 TARBELL 2955 Harbor E.l..I:::GAr\l' ·I Bn. 3 BA, hkr.. MISSION VIEJO-POOL 11{'1\'. 2•1' LP.:. l'\'cry1hing nu. V.A. • F.H.A. TERMS blti11s, Jux cpl;:. nr occ &· 8('auurul S p a n is h drl'Or. ~hpp,i::, ovrr J71Xr. UJ,950 }'rnccd pool for safety, Kini:: 5·10-83'ifi bedrooms, 2 ba th~. lamtly l:;c=_,.----,----·I h "-k 1 l BP. home ..,.. den on corner roon1. l'avy 5,,.. e 100 . 1 , "·· k 11 5, H T· bl'.'ll o. o:.c ·s nn a cy. , 1£ 837~o845 837-3776 .FHA loan. Onl_Y $26.o:;o. 2288 l'<feyer. ~~S-62.:i2 Realtor 4 BEDROOMS· $23,950 2 BEDHOO,\!. Large co rner Very ~p11c1uu.~ & ]n\'rly home Jot. 3 car i;aragC'. con1plctcly 1ns~atcrl. On a BY 0\VNER.*5'1~>-6001 quiet streel. f"""u·eplace for . all to ;rdnii1-c. Gourmet! CHOICE hornr. f·ho1cc r.1esa pr1r!P kitl"licn. Eflic1cru·y Verde loc~lion. ~ BR, 2 ba, butlt·ln fra tt1l'C'S. Uclig htlul fan1 rin .. '¥19-lO~lb cnvr1·rd paUii. drurics. furniltll"I!', garagrs.) """""""""""""'""""'""""""' BBQ, N°'C' 1111.~. 842-6691 TARBELL Mesa Verde 1110 BAYCREST 'S~LESMEN SALESWOMEN NEEDED ('11storn :.? BR & gue1;1 hou~,., 1n rllo1cr Easrsi,lr lo,. ~' nr. hn111(' ron1plf'trly rr-<lf'c'i1r;il- ,. I Cur-1 fv•1·~r "''"•i~ '•1 hr I n•·i•r•I 1:\!.\ll·J)l ·\"Ji J'f\S, :'1' •. ··,~ [{ );\ NEWPORT BEACH Entertaining ''Mecca'• liug(· f;u111ly room 1vr1 har, bui lr-1n rC'f1·1gl"'ra16'r. 4 bC'd- roo1n.~. :; bu1hs. Y1r rplaC'r . rr0rgrn11s gro11nr!i:, 5~1)..172{1 TARBELL 2955 Harbor --LOW COSTl-- ~1(~trrn h\ 111,i:: in 'l·~ly. C'onrln. '1. BR . 112 Im. Pool. 1''o Oil\· rlnvr niau!tenan.•r, lm111ec1. pos.~. ·I Bd1111, lan11ly ~111, fo1111al dining. ht'1:'1ik· fnst 1unn1. 011 nf't' niaving. l\lak(• o!rr r FANTASTIC R E I' t: 11 l, I C llOi\lE \n absolu1c pC'rfect & sparklin.t: c:ondili1Jt1 . .i l<i~ hdrn1s, 3 ba1hs. fonnal <lin· ini:; room, scplll"alr family roon1 & hni.:c 111 .._ s t e r bt'r!roo111. i\1 1n1 n1um 11pkrcp yard l:waut1fully landSl"'.1ptd. 646-0555 Open Houses THIS WEEKEND ll~p thl1 ho ndf dh•ector1 with yo1.1 1hl1 w"~e"d o• yow 90 ho111• hunll"IJ· All tits tocotlont ll$1ed below 111r1 described In 9reotcr d11oll b' od•l'rtbln9 11~­ wl!ere In 1odoy'1 DAIL' PILOT WANT AOS. Potron1 1howln9 ope1 1'011~1 for •ol• or to rent •re urqff lo I.lit 111ch l"for1TK1tlon In rhlt column each ~rldiiy. 17102 1:ri111l Lnnc. l l1111t1nglnn Beach 8-H).20~3 !Snt & Sun l':!-7) ~210 Prn ate Ro;ut. '.\c\1 port Gea ch fi7:J·41 10· lii.i-lfi~~ lf'i<1t& Su n 1-5 ) ll Br . & F•mi ly Rm . or Den ) l~r. 1 I.I\ bnr !!'-l and llrt , .\f'\1 port 11car_h :1i:!1Ji"0!1r11 Gl l-.:l;l() 1~1111 1 -.il ll Bedroom) t <l \I 66\ \ 1.,,t.1 r~r•n 11 .-1 1TJ1c C!ult.<) 675-:i~~?.ll 1 .~a1 [ •. )) ~c•1 port l~c.<1ch 1.'i\!11 1·51 216 \'1<1 (;c11n ;1 1 l.Jdn l ~lc1 613-i~tlO 504 \\ bi!\', 11<111111,1 075·6000 ' *:?58 \'1rt'lllli1 I 'lfll"C, l QS1i1 646-3i:i0 487 F.. 19t h !-ii . \o~l ;;i ,\le&a ISnt 1·5 ) .\lesa l Sun 1-.5 ) 64fi-ilil !Seil & Sun 1-5) ttt06 Linda Isl e [lr1vc, Ne11·porl Beac h 642-32;15 !Sat &. Sun) 2591 Bnysllorc LJrt\'C IB.::iyshores) i\B 548-8482 jS11n 1·5 ) 3256 !\cbr.:iska L<inc (~lc~a \'erdc J C'J\l !145-96lti Sal & Su n & Daily) 401 :\liso. (i\.C\\'porl Jlc1;;ht:-1 1\113 675-3000 1 Sat & Sun 1-5) ,. 1501 Bayaderc r 1t·1•1nc TerracC' f <:ct~! : 675-3000 tSal & Sun 1·51 , *524 De r\nz<1 1C'otn11n llighlandsl C'd~l ~ 675-3000 (Sun 1-5 1 577 Park r·!~f'C . rn ~tn ,\l c~.1 646-IO;O: 646-0555 1Snn l-5) IJ Bedroom & F•mily or De11 ) 2107 Ann iversary Lane I Back Bay) NB 833-3430: 646·8698 !Daily) ' 2928 J ava Road ( ~lesa Verde) CJ\I 642·5200 !Sat & Sun 1-51 1014 Santiago Dri,•e ! Dover Shores) NB 642--8235 (.lat & Sun) 1010 Oak St , Costa J\lesa 673-7420 11 47 GJeneasle, Costa r>.Tesa (Sat & Sun) 540-1720 ISun 1-51 3021 Country Club Dr. (J\Iesn \·erde ) CJ\1 5.W-1720 /Sun 1-5:Yll 1082 Et ('an11110 t ~lcsa <lei l\larl ('J\1 540-1720 fSun 1-51 418 St . Andre1vs Road fN <!1rport Ji eighl~) NB. 646-2414 fS un 1-51 430 C8brillo ~ EB!!tlsidC') (':\,,! 54-0-1151 IS"I & Sun 1-51 17164 Courtney Lane (Jfuntington ~!ar- bour) flB, BJ;-4422 (Sun 1-5 1 " • 3l6 RL!bl' Street. !Jalhoa l:.!<1nd 675-3331 (Sun 1-:i) 2303 Redland s (off 23rd St.) !\I~ 646-3928 : 644-1655 l~\·c... 1Sat & Su11) 11.12 Go ldenrod. Cnrona dcl Tll a r r,75-41 30 · ti75-!li4:.! (S un t-5) l lfl l ~ \l;in11 Sl.. lJn1vcrslty Park fii"5·4l:l0 : fi75-164'.! !Silt 1-5 ) ~!JJ.1 Chr>~ln111 ( \!e~a \'crdr) f\l :)49-JOn6 rSat-Sun Pi\11 (4 Bedroom) **-128 6~nd St., ti\""e''JlOrt Shore~1 i\B &1;}..lOi'O t Sat & Sun P\·I t * 1756 Skvlark I Ccti'crest I NB b-t2-82:15 -1 Silt & Sun I *140 1-!nrbor l"-l<l!ld (Off Ca \sidC't NB fJ/S-~3.11 . I Sun 1-5! 1001 \\'h1t e S;:11I '"> \\'J1' ( orona de! ii tar r113-'.:'.'.!2~ · 1Sat & !)un l-5l 14 Bedroom & Fdmily or Den) *l1107 Snn\1::q::n 1 B<1ycre t 1 ;'\II r.~~-:1200 1:-:flt t.:. :)t111 J-:i1 J j l~ \\.<1r111ck 1\\cs\cl 1lf t i°'li fi-l2 -520i) I Sun 1-!il * HH{i l'cscn(tor J)r. 1 J)Q\ er S h o re~ 1 f\'f~ ti42·5200 rSi 1n J-51 14:111 (;.'.ll:l xy !Jrnr !Dri,·cr !)ll0rrc;1 :-.JH ti46·1550 l l)a1 J.1) 4ti15 Pcrhnn1 !C"11nco Shores) ('rl:\l 6-12-82:15 (Snt & Sun) :1 128 Y11k on 1 l'osta l\lc:;a 642-7777 !11 a .tn .-6p.m .} 913 Sandcastle. ('orona del i\lar 833-0700 or 644-24:10 <Sun 1·5) 1~41 \Vinct\va rd Ln 1BaycrC'.~I ) NB G4li-3255 (S al & Sun 1-5) 2341 Jr,·inc tBack Bay) NB !i41)-1720 !Daitv 1 -~) 1!11:12 ('o\chcster Dr .. llunt 111g1011 t.feach 8·t !-669 I 1Su n 1-5) J'.l'.10 frvinc (Ra .l'c rcsl) r\~ fii :l-1)670 : 54R-54!KI I Sal & Sun) 11'.!4 S:-i11 t 1ago Drive ilJ01·cr Shores\ NB H7.l-:i9'.l0 r~un l-5} l Olfi ('oncord St., (i\.01·111 c·.:--.1,1 r·~1 :i \ll-41 41 1S11n 12::l0-5:'.l0) l!lf17 S~nliag:o Dri,·c fDO\'C l' Shore~) NIJ !i-10-2991 !Sal 12-6) !':01 Liard Place ( f\'or th C.i\t.) ('\I '.;40-11.'il ISun 12:30-5:30) ***ll!l l\1ilford l~d (Cameo Shores\ Cdl\J. 675-6996 (Oµen Sat &. Sun 12-5) (5 Bedroom) ** 14 Lin<la Isle Drive, Ne\\·porl Beach fi42·8235 (Sat & Sun i (5 Bedroom & F•m ;ly or Den) *·1083 ~1 adison Ave., Cosla l\lesa :'146-8226 I Fri., SDI & Sun ) 15::111 l.alaxy l)ri\'e <Do1·c r Shores) !\"13 fl 42-82'.l5 ! Sat & Sun) 2320 L1 ,!Zhtho11.~c (ll<irbor \'1cvv llills) Cd ~l fi ift-.1000 -/Sun 1·5 ) *-1 1 l::J .Jefferson. (0r)~tA ~Jcsa 548-3265· 64&-0&Sri 1Sa t. & Sun l-5) •• ••• WotMfr•11t Peel •"' W•terfrerit , COM~ANY REALTORS 673-4400 FOREST E. 'OLSON Inc. r:caltor• G.I. FINANCED !AKE OVER 6 ~' 4 t>rdroon1 :! 1n11h 1;1 honir. Only r<'1v yrar~ old. Takr "' o>r hl>:h loan rof s~::,1 ro· J,111, llll('rr~r <1f f,',. ;._,, rp1.iJl(}llP.!0 '" Jr"~' P;1yn1rnls .. r S.'lfl ,,,,_ ... 11 · O<-lu~r fr<1 ll11r•, 1nrl11d~~ hltlJ!-111~. "<10111• r.1 rj\1 •t "• faniily '"~;11. ~11in::;Jr roof. rnnrTC'lf' 1h'!\<' lmm11c11hllc nr1ch- h<>rh""U \l11:h n11•rr. l'n•···11 In •rll 11n1•·'' ()uh· ~_.7-,'1 llur1 v' lq,,I i.: .. ,;11: ~2000 UNDER APPRAISAL Don I illll 1)' J':u~h '' Qual- 11 .1" kr1i1 : h1•d.-no 111~ .' ll,11hi. r.11111\~ rn1111 N~11r nr11 I lu;:r lul :O:C'll f'r l111s C'.l)>lf rr1 1n1 ~rr~1 1111n1r<l- i<itl.\: FIL\ 11ppra1sal ot morr 11111!s: Don"\ hf> la ir. S.!.1,!F10~ llC'rrs !h" rlinch- rr·~ Bi,i:: R..J Jor' nooin for rnnr,. units~ Dolf! bC' late. call ~0303. THE BLU eFS MACCO BU ILT Jli~h ,<iho\·r lhe hlur Pa· 11[1\', Q U 8 1 I I y ~1~('"0 110111c. 3 lrirt.r bl'd1Tlt'lnl~. :! barbs. Sp11cl(]U!li family kitth\"n. Built ins -~ nu•r,. cah111r!~ of nah1r;il hin:ll rh.1n ~·011 drr,1n1rr1 rn~•l­ l•h" flu~ 'l'2 x 26 l:;nul,v room 11 ith bi1•ch w!ills and bramtd C'"lhng. tlu1:;c sloor lirt:placr. Gu11.n1n- IC'eri ocran trrC'r7,('. Co!<t11 t-le11tt ·~ finr~! v11 l11". ~ &. !Kltisty. Only $34 .000, Call &15-0JOl. 5 BEDROOM WHAT! $2 3.000 Unbf'lin·11hlr• 2 ."!Ory VIC· to nan. lo1ass11·e hom'! 2 ki tch,ns .. o"·n('r hlll'i eip:ht in fa mily and f'mplorer µiys hr'!li got 1.., 11·;;1.,~ltr. lkttcr hu11")''. Call 51;,.m03 r o r.CST r.. OLSON Inc. R'& h ors I'll 1-t&rbor c,ntl!'r 2299 ll-'rbor Blvd., C.~f. '69 SALES '40LUME $120.t MILLION SHAR-P 528,SOO -FHA Fin:.inc1ni,: ava1l11 bl1• h'. in ;: st7.rrl b!'d1nom.' ·~ ha!hs. fan11J.v 1"00111, Drr·.trn k11chen • h1u:j.1n appliances. Jt1gh hl.1c·k t\3.ll, r rr111klr:-.;. ~12/JOO :11r. li:lO TARBELL 2955 Harbor Gra ham Rtty. 646·2414 !\P<1.1• J\'r11 p<irt Pus1 Office lOOOGeneral 1000 Friends Will Wonder J/01v you found so much hon1 e in \Vestcliff for s uch a bargain price. Contempora ry designed in exquisite taste \\'ith 3 queen sized bcdroon1s, fa1ni!v room and formal dining roon1 . A delightful home for a grow- ing fan1ily and gracious entertaining. Va- cant and ready for your inspection. $49,500 Eastside -$22,500 1-lere is a starter house that 1von't quit. Per· fee t for a first ho1nc or a retired couple. 3 Bt•drootns, ~ car garage. sep<i rate servi ce po rch. and \1·arn1 \\ ood burn in~ fireplace. Fll.o\ a ssumable loan \11th payn1cnls a lot less than rent. FOR A WISE BUY COLESWORTHY & CO. 642-7777 Frt• lict"I• tr•l11i119 of lwfftbleau 5choot '"'''"'ed 111 A llteal l state CorH11 F1ce Sol .. maMhlp Clo11n Call fQr inter•i•w Jean Smith, Realtor 11Hi-;::2;,;, Popular rnorlf'I ,,·irh 3 car 3 BR, Pool-dbl fenced gal"agr. Br.'!ot for 1he mon<'y Upprr Ra~· al"('«. Pan 'lrl & at S-li .9::.0. Call :-,,i.>-MU bC'an1 C'f'Ji ::?S & 11alls_ 2 full South Coast Rral t.:stale b11. Bhn.•. slo1·r. huf frt, 11°h·1=~.--~--=~--1 ~hr_ Lr::;-. pin,. !1'f'r!'. \"a. Q'OZY .~. Clr;in ~ BR hOllll'; cant. <·lr;in. 1.'9.~.10. Gk1 -~·1 lla ,r,, par11.1lly rrri1d. \\'ti 6Hi-:;;·,o. a:-..•lgn to P.r.1l1or 111 ~11 ,.,.i.s: hu1 not ;it tl11~ prll'r', 523.900 BAYFRONT APT. :J.IG-i~!JS l'1·111t'11•d.ls on I~· plr;1~r. Visla J)rl L1(10. Pier ,t slir:c,==~---,--""'°' RVRlla blC'. ~Pl! or !l'ast'IOp-I ~TOf:'I llllll"'l' (1rclr . ·I BR. tion. Pr1\"r S:?~.:,flil. ~ ft'°I . f,1n1 rn1, 11·a!lrd, pool George Williamson ~1~c prof !ndscp C'flrner lot. r.~;,\LTOr:. P<i\10, f'XI lighls. 1973 F:vcs. 6I3·l~i64 !\orn111 Dr. ;~16--9'.?'J.1 3 BR, '2 Ba. fr\111 rm .. roverrd YOU .rust 1·a n·t. f111cl these patio, C"rpl~. d1•ps. By a nyn1orc! Her(' s an ocean 011.11,,r_ :,,1&-i2G:'I vir\Y hon1e 1 blk to beach. I-'-,,.-.~'-'-~~-~=~ 2 bC'droon1s. Jen. Nrw ('rpls, QUIET cul-<lf'·Sar, 3 BR. drps, lircplc, l1v rrn. din rm. 2 BA cu.~tnn1 c.rp~s _ & drps. Call 011·ncr I <il!l, "Ari". BY 0\\'N ER .. 14:>--!"1616 5,"',6.1:.V,S nr sn-1:119 1115 ---------JCollege Park $18,500 3 bii; bedrooms, 2 bathl, All T•B,\RG 1\l ~• -t cl"ctric built-Jn kuchen De-Oul of 101\n ov.'n<:r \\'ants to lu:i:hVul patio. A garden· par. se!J his lovely '.\ Br. fa mily a di5e van:l. rn1 home. 1~; ba. Jrpl, fl'llC.· 146-0664 TARBELL rd rr;ir yr! 11"ith rat1'l. A~k· J BR :.: BA. !amily rm. Prof drr'flr. ]1 ~ yr old·xlnt cond. l.~2.;.oo. 12lli2 Fleet Ln. HB, 01vner 6!6 -132;.! inc: only $2li:"1') Call n a1·1d (3rlsnn: Dllrn, Pl;tl7 J .. \•\. 1211 1 21f>....6706; Eves, t~l~l 700--2 1Sll -------. • .. r,.-•,SF!:; I WANTED! ~ '• · · THIS. ,1 [;ft & d~n hnn1r lor ll \\r\1 .:. BR. 2 h;i._ Lnll.rl'-nr extra~. flllilllfirrl ,innn~ rarnih· ~11.!ll\n. SJ&, n111 P l_ Tus1•n BILL Clf.'ilfl \ bl'• lrl70 '"oN RCAL TY .,,,_,.,., JAY w . YEAT S co_ $21.7;,/J :i7 1 Ne\\tporl Rl vd . NB 3 R(ln11, 'Z halh. 1250[] d0\111, ~ - bfllilrlN" 7r;,. 541)..\SOO --- 1200 Solu t c Sim.pU' Scrambltd Word Puzzlt for a.Chuckle O Reonenoe the 6 1erombled words belaw to mok• 6 llimo!e words. Print l!!t!eni of eoc.h In il1 lirie of squareL ITOVRAC I I I I' I I IBATRIB I I' I I I' I KYTTON I I I I I ·I ISUBELA I I' I I I IMOYENA - I I I I I' _ A woman ran over d pe· de ~lrion with her oulomobile. 1 She slopped her cor, stuck her, heed OIJI lhe window, shouted bock lo the crvmpled form ly· ing in lhe rood: "Is there ony!hing I con do?" He rais ed his heOd from the pavement end ye lled bock: ~I D_U_L_P_E_D---~ "Yeah, -·'· --." 10-£" O Camol111 1li1 (huckl• q~1ed l I' I 110 I I by l1U,ng in 1h1t missing wor~1 . . _ . _ you dev•loo lrom irep No. 3 below. .,, ... ,,,._N-~-.- 11 !' I' I' I' I' I' I' I' r' I I I I· 'I I I I I . J I SCRAM-LETS ANSWER IN DIME-A·L~NE 1124 SANTIAGO-OR. OPEN SUN. 1 ·S Not For Mr. Blanding Bu1 (or you! \V'll p!11.11 ned home \\'/a Jorcvc~ v1r1v. 4 BR. 31;i ba. ·I-ideal cnl,r· t.ainm('nl C'cntrr, BOYD REALTY 3629 E. Cnn.<t l!i1:v .• Cd~t 67S-5930 BEACH HIDEAWAY Srrrs to hc~t ~11ch from th1~ J BR. 2 ba. bon1r. Co mp . f'nN'd yR rrl, nice. pa.tio. Ideal for frirll)ly or retitt. mrnt. Asking only $29.250 {17&-(1 PROPERTIES WEST 67H1 30 675-1642 -t-\\'ATERfRONT DUPLEX IV 1d('J('k, 2 BR k I BR, flt.II klr, 114'W 9' mtt~IJIM Cf>I!)}' hrkls! & coc.k laiJ har. N,11 hurnt orang~ shag cpl~. drps &. pal111. A ~tral 111 S62.~. 7 1'"n 10011. By Own-,r. 673-67112 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES F OR SA LE HOUSES F O R SA LE HOUSES F O R SA L E HOUSES FOR S ALE 1250 Huntington Beach 1400 Huntington Beach 1400 N•wport Beach Corona del Mar 1705 1700 Bayshores --·----1225 1------A FRIENDLY HOME 111 ll•Jl i\~111»1rt Jl1 , .u r~ .. BR., h11111h n :i . 1.•r"" 111 1·111., s1r111t-l•rr r1la1·r• i 111 J• ' !Cit Askin:.: 32~.l:t•P FIXER UPPER OPEN HOUSE .'-•'~llA' I 1 l'\I REDUCED 54000 l111111a.11l111.-:: HI<.:; l:IA, "11! il1'1 r111 :->l•'P~ lo .l'athC ;1n • !""·'\.;1· '!"·r.11~. l\n11 ~ai ,9:,n '1 liis \\OU't !:"1' 'l.J91 B,1_1 ------- KIDS WANTED l'n 11 \J 1111~ lgt•. 1 H1 , l<1r11il1• 1·n1 fnnn;1! rl111 1 n1 Hn111•!1111~w ho11 11: \'11t'1<11t •IU l<"k IN"~•·ss1on. Out ol 11111 n n"1i<>I" s;1~~. ··.-..11·· ~li.J.Ji.\() Above Festival FAST MOVE IM \\ llh ~II 1~"1'1111 I II"" l ISd NC\V homes, ready tu lllOVC in . 2 to 5 bed· /Ill'' ''. h.1!1 1'. nl\lllJ>lt' ~ltO' I pn.111 Y1111 '"'Jlild11 I ht'~Ul '" r von1s, 2 to 3 baths. :! n1i!e frorn beach. f'ir:.l l<'pl.u<' !IU' hU!I"' i. 1,,1 fu1 pa yn1enl up to 60 days after 1no ve in. ~ti~_.ie~1 1111111'1 "111 ,.,111 \ 1 .. 1 ! \UUlS -d .,.,, ''' l"•,11 Ii .t, I I t 'llut'(' l)r ;;-4S-~l!\2 1· 1,111111• rw.11.1, '1 • .,,1 1111 •1•!'· -~-~-c-~-00-c-c-c-oc-~oc--=cocc= OPEN SA T /SUN. 1-5 2700 W AV E CRE5T VA/FHA Terms. From $23,990 t'L> 111111 t J •lu11 11 ,11• '1,1k" 111" Onl) ~ •·; l'li1 • OCEAN. FRONT J II".: HI\, ~· li,llh 111 111 lw.1111 I'<] l"l' Jin:·, 111 J '11 11" I .. ·' Ii .11·,., 1h111o1· I• 11 r1•• 1 .• ,._ ,\!ah•· ul/1•r. ,\,1,111;.: -~ ,,.JliJ. II I .ti .11 -:--r 1:, o!tl! •·1!' r1:i11J,l.1 ::1~•1 "I :'\,I\ [~11'1 ! loo!l•t If llt1l.H' HI I I'.': ' I\ \ ·'"I' d111 1 •1, ( h . ., 1 ll .i\0 1 h·1· ,,., ·n'!1· I ""I• ~·~1(\(1 1111 ,\ 'Ill ·•" ,, .111-1 ~11. .('0 1111,, 1:~·,-11.;c;: lu I "1 •• 1 t ' !"lid1lt1lll"' I• .1"1' ':' 111 ii l.i':i~f'/r•pl 1<•11 h I~ -I ,1 'I I td 1 -::\.:~ I' \I :1~ I.I J l( l Th B h Jl•l'.lJJC'r'ly 111 t1'itdr 11 1111 t'lJU,d e eac ;1111011111 uf "'!11111 . Zui~'d I{·!, 111!11 '1011 11:-1 .. 11· .. '"' 1•-..1·1 .. n 1.U.'\LiHY (on Brookhur st 1 mile South of Adamll nKu11 ,1, h:i iu Tit" ... uld 1,,. l"l .STU:'ll llU,\lJ: 962 " 1353 l•:«·ll "'a 1«111;1!, 1~11 ~IV\l:-11 J .'11';1!1" I 111 11\"W ~ .. .-11u1 I ~!'!!!!!!!!!''\!!~!!!l"!'!!!!'!!!'!!l!~!lll!!!J!!J!!!"!!!"!'!!'!!!!"!~! <lJll)l'.llSl'</ ;, t S! 1.!~~I Thi-; 1:.1)• 11·~1. D1111•r Shu11· I-~ -----wvn"t J.is!. ,Ju.,I ~,,1; 11 .~ li:t. i.,.ih. 1111n-.; 1'"·1111 IHun tin!)ton Beach 1400 /Huntington >"'i"!l 1>·:illfr 1111· i. ... ·~;1111_ l·,1·111.11 °1 111111 :1• .. J1L1 ,\, !.t1111 • Harbour l40 5 Bill H aven, Realtor 11 1 ''"" 1111;...1· p.d,., 11111 $72,000 4 Bedroom 673-3211 er 541 ·6613 '·1· li•1H 1•1111 "''"1<' " '•'1 2828 E. COAST H WY. "Vacant'' Open House Sun ].5 I 2111 I c·011,,1 11 11,, CLl~I -1.1"'' ••n I 11..;1· !,.,. !nl·I Corona clel Mar ~1111 P•'r 111on!h 111!1ul1·~ :ill 17164 Courtney Lane -Ul' .. \.x \'II·.'\\. tlt>\tl. .'):.~. d~I. ~ulin11t '1'<'1'1"' 1>1 673 3770 I • I I f ' . . ••l "'''Ill;: u:111:t!'\0111·1;111 •"••lllH'I 11lud1•1 hOlll" , '"I "I'\'• I r .11 1o· t di 'r•'d 1:.,11, 1---11 Ill , ·' ·•~ t i ""n u~,11111p11n11 EASTBLUFF BEAUTY I ·'.''lllllr II' l<lllt ljU.1 .1111:.: I r.11111.,, '"'-'''\ .~1uth.· 1.,11 ., ",U.'••••t <t II" e '''"I . l11L 1,11!• 11111 Jl<JI ltll'll':t~r .: 1~'11 ull~ · . t I l·1•aht1111:.: l hu;.:1• ll<"il••Ull' u(•·,111" \'u .. ilU \lu,1 v•ll 11.11 I~ 1., h l''OT ":10' 1;1 ;u I l.11·,u I 11"" I g : . l.111 11 ·' ! lu\•tl'l•lll< h i!h~ ( 'h.11_111111., · 111 . 2 Ba, 11 /11 1·rp1-.. 11 111. ·. ,,, 1 '.1.ii·1111 t :n il'~ h•111u~ 1111 .\1111•H1.1111 1""'1 _,tJ111 .,.11' l.o1,.11,,11 1;,,.,11 In-_FOUR .STAR . Realty 4··1!' 11.1 !'1>i11pl pi'l\:tv_i . -• 111:11111 ·11aT1<1' .\!1 111111t 1·1111.! I l 11.> ·"" (.1-.111.i. ~.1111.1 .\11,1 1\11\1,.u-.-.~11liu11! +,ENCHANTING V!EW f "'~ 1 "'1111 \\l f h 1 ~dl ll:irlPlln:,: 835 4422 I 1 11 ,i, riii. 1, .. 1 1, .. 11 1 :\!Ill\ \'1 MEDALLION D U PLEX ,\111..i,.,i1.,.fl ,·.iipi•iui~ l··'''"J. ___ -___ 1•111 1 prwi' ~11 . ~w1 1''"'1 ,,n-1i111"1·1 i11 "(I!• J· 1 p!t·, i·.11 P. ilr.q11·~. 1..0111! 11,,11 ,·1il·•l1··-.11 11 ill "·11 Fll.\ VACANT PL\('!·: .ni-:·"·1:r'.· . l!1~«l<P I so·al'lll:,:, l ~1·;1•I.\' 11•1· 11111111•d I\'\ 1~11 fl] ( !tl 1 \ 11 I\ l.1,·1· l'.011·!1' ··nlll"•lllll•1':11_1. ,., . ;ill• I 1 1 hd1111 ·: 1·;11• :.:.11·;,••f' n 1n 1 ·.' '.". ·. <·•'111 11" lll\lll'_Y il•IHH' ~1('!) •)f"l'llfl c<ll\'.' ()1u•n S,11 .. (,'.'UI\ WE SEL L A HOME I 1"111. 1111111 1 ,.,,,·,·1~ • 1··.,,.PI (If "li•I<' .11.11••1• .~· i·n:1-.lill<', I " i.c I l >1.-h•d E E II 1 I I s-'<I 11 I 1:1:. 1 ,, I'. 1 DON V . FRA NKLIN V RY JI Ml N UT ES I an•.i thilv s.,.,,;,,.11 ~ ~u!Jniil s11 1:i q1! ··11• •. ~1 .. 11 111111 111.i··I ql1 ' !dr•;,I "'' .-11lr·1 w lk & L ,.,, !"1'111~ 11 111 l"Ull,11if'1' Sl !)IHl Ll•l\111 . h,d ;ii s~:. Ill•• I '"I·•·~ 1 .. 1,, Ill.ill! 111111!<'• REAL TOR a er cc I 1 .... ,, ... r ll';t<<' "f'll•ill ~11 '~'.~" ~ "''· "'up 'l<,,,1~11' ·''"11"1' O hi'.:-.".'~1 • 1H arbour Rlty. 846-1 311 1~~-l'l7 lu~l I I " 't' BAY V IEW ~k•! ~;'1111"•·r N t'AL> D over Shores 1227 •• ' i .... JI . :,., i .. _ ·'. ~1 "1 1.~, 01"'" 1·'.i ··-EASY LIVING-\" l""I \'1 ,i,:·1·• 6 l/4°10 LOAN Houses Furnis hed J. I •I I ~"II -~---------OOOOOC ] " I I !I t \ ( hi:, 1: \. \1 ::;·;t•x1 l>lli-Hi:,2 " Iii: I '_ I' . ' 1 1,.1 111,1, lol J:1 \ •II N ewport H e ig h ts ;;, .. I I r.r:. 11;11,,. I: ·.d. ~~ '"' ll<'r, .~ \ .\I. " Newport Shores "Ii 1210 I·' ., 1220 4 BOR , 3 EATt~ J·:\q111s1te \'. iilt·r!r!lni '" '" dll••ll. 11 "•1" rl1.,1,, I'' .\' l"ll'.! \ 11 'll·n L'" 1 .. 'r1d ( \1,..11 ' 11 r.ILL l'l ·H·i.; '" " t 'I ' JAY W. YEA TS CO. 11 ) •111 11••h l ,, ·.11·,, I I LI ,,' I 1 1:<111 11 ~,.,, tlih nrw' J ~" 111 1'111 pl 1.; I '< p.11 II 1 "I I h1 .; I ~;1 , l,11 .,, hi I 111· !;II,~ I" 1,.-" 11 I ,.,. L,•1 1·0• ~11: ,~ll I 11•1 "\ \,. "" .'.I •.' <"!!ll~ .. 1, ' ' . •1 I\\ '-l I' '·" ,.;·o j ~ay.::re ~t B,-\YC:<:EST 'J" ,1 ' ' I 1?:2 3 " 11' I" i'." I:,, ,Ii .. • •• I 1, ! .,. ,\ Pl HI ' ';11 -';1 l,1 I• ,i,,,., I /\\ lh ' ' I> I t: l I . \"·"'I I '! ! I• ·•'.· ' ' ... \I> ... 1:1 L '1 1:11 d II I• ,. I Irvine lir1:i1·· 1:i:. J11• 1•11 !1·! , 1.1• 1-1 · ;t1111,1,.1.11u···, ,,111 , t1111,,~1 Rentals to Share 2005 ·-, !l{'\\ l''h !Hiii' ' · '· 1238 1 ·.iiin1 '" •·1 u' i;.·, 1"'11 Open H o use Sat & Sun f .. 1 11,u·~H1 ·,.11fn liwlud111'.: T urtle Rock Hitls 11'1 11111· 11'1· ;; {',\I: i .. \J: 10171 P1-.r:1:1:HlNl-. CJl{CI.!·; "'::~· 111 '"'1 -~hp, l::rnoy 1111' 11100\\' A··· .,1 111 •h11"" lo\ t , •' 1,:1 1 1.11 . l'll"l"·l1;1 ~hlesh ire R ea l E s ta te l..11 ..;1• lo'1i.,•i! '"111t·r i..r .:1 ~~-:b~~1;11 R1fynn1.~l~{~~l l 111_:.: l111,'.~.,·~1.~ . 1;111 • i , ol 1• ,.,, 1111,j1 l:•,1111, Ind 675.2503 1:1:. 1', lo,,1 11, H1-.H:l1l11l •,11 l11•d~:1· (1.,/i111c; l1.1\•l1n•; ,.•p, \',. 11 ,1) l" I' I 111 ,1•1.n ~-_ --------fl< Is lhl'Jll:-;iloUI ~lud1·[.J1li<' 1':1•1, \\ 1'1lf· I\"\ 1'·:11 .: J),111.1 ;,111 .\:-.I , \\ ()!\ J JI ' ! ;-., \' 1.:.; r \I~_\:: Tl I!· 1111·11"!1111;.:~ .. :.11 t~· pun ·l•a•· ~un tain Vull~y 1410 1 •111,1 ''.,I "· I'. I 11('1· \:'\j "IU: ,:1_ 1;,!. ,i, "·I 1 .. 1. 11111111··1. (/.'•'\lfl. I -----VACAN T ~ B1· 11 .,.,_Tt•a cht•1· pr• I ~i-~, H·11 Realty ~ lpl< <1111 1111 Bo ti I ~ 880 I ' 546 ~ I To1n 1111·1.1• 1' ~<'II '.'\ul11>il.' '· 1;:. c ... 11 _~1.;u·y 1;;_:-,,,; IU_ I l.J I I ' t ;1<101ilw1 hn11u• [n1 1110 ·01111' .. u•1 <h t \ "· '•r •' •·Ill\'•, ,.,,1nr fnea1t1ntm~ Pa rP 11 ,1111~ llus 11111 _,, l••.,1up ::1 .'lo1h :-1 Nh l'••ls<1I. ( .. 11 \11.1tl'>u' ,\,:.:.r~~11 1:! It•!, "•11111' ''"" .\1 I LLEGE REALTY ~ ___ lll';u·li .\. ~liup~. H k r t~""ll.da tHarborCM hilrtH ! h:,rh ·' .11·,,,· "Id ~l.\l I•: I'" .,h,11·p I 1~1: .1p1 ,.11 -------------t;o::-~~\10 """ m~I ' 111111' .l.1y lln1111' l~1 11lr 1111 !lif' lll'.it h f'r!'l<'f 111.,.1. ~'I <l Re d B.>ck Ba __ Y~ _____ 1_2_4_0 .-1, .. ·1n1· 1..1 11:,:, .• t n11•11. 1.u 1 \i;:! .. ·~1 11,., i;;-..1;sfN -N\'T FAH'I I 111.11 1!111u1:..: owH11 l.11':_:<' We Hate To Leave li\C'l.\"JJLJI 111 111., •:l)'\11<\. 1 JUST LISTED 11111•·~ 1011111 .~ 11 .-rpl.11• Costa Mesa 2100 "'Ii 1 1 ... ,, I ' ~ \ ·' 1: l 1111'1' 'il''(L..11' ~i. I ,llftl) -1111 '" ,lo,111> 11 .. 111•' \",1rp"I', \.';, ... ,n ·'••Iii' l•'(ll•-\1 111 ------------- i.'"ll1' 111 111, i:,,,i, '1 /~hlll .\loi 111' 1"11' l i'·l<t.n •lioi]H'' tluoill'~i i•tlll,1 l1 ... l1• 1'11· ill\,111<111:_: 11i.,1 ·,1·,.\~T-,••I" 11••11 l,r•nl. 1 .. ,." r·\\I)"\ 1 :1·~\l .l''i" i,;, ·1 I '"l).Olil lP f;i111d.1 1'1!11~• l'l['all I l:H. "-' i :.1. l'/h1 wli fl'1ilo-t\'. I..~ 1-,, " I \)1 I I ' • ,, ., D U PLEX \' ,,, "ii '"'1"'· 111·"1"''"'"11,d. ~ • .11' 11"1 ~""·'"'' 1 .. ,. 111 ><I.• ,I < '1,1', l' · I, .. 11 111 ••.Ill, j;i11•I 111111\11' :1:<1t1ot ll•"lll'ld1• h· ldllll•, 1p1d l.11:.:1• l•,I ,11 ~·!~-, 1u·1· 11111 1:~·,...1 .,0 ·:. (j In 1 .. ,1 ,i,1111 1:1· .qn 1·-..·il I""'" 11 1'• •l:lnl lil,••lll·1i<"•,L<" 11 .. ,.1 ] !•'<•Il l "" 1 lllj1.n 1n 11 1,,.1,.I- -'-,, Open House * " ' I ( " I ,j, I ' 1 'I ' ;:... L:. I\ '-• ' ' I' 1 v ,.,.'.'} S*-1103 lol111• •!1.1 ''P''' \i • • 1. ~··1• 111, ••11•' l"r s11n•. 11r•('f _ 10,1, \lliJ:ll.I 11•1'1!. ~1\, fl\\"\l·.I: 1,;, 1,.1.. .11 :11 '.~!.f)(){l W H Y PAY RENT? I J:l.,\l"ll ~llll. •1! 1!1\1, ,·,. 1 1,.11.~hl,. :• 1~1 11 .. 111·· 111, • 1· MUTUAL REAL TY 842-1418 anytime Yr .. 1o1 :-:11.1111~h '1_1 I•• .\' I ,,,,,,,.1,1,·, Fil.\ luau :nJ: .... d" ,\,.•Iulo ! ,·:; 1•.I •. ..;II I!• I. '\ "1 11\ 11 .. 11., r•.111". HBlJ. l1ltu• \111_ 111 S 10.111111. 11 11 111·111:1,1 1 BEVERLY HIL LS l •.i·· '" i,-;:-.. , .. ,.ti.11 11 -··1 I••...,,, ' '' llH• I• \I 'I"]' lip !l nlll li!I' " b ilr 1·011'"-"'. 11••"1. :';L'!i.!1"1<1 2200 I 1Newport Beach 1 ..... ,, 11,d l•'>, f.11 11 11\ 1--------, 1,,.,1, \~•.il!IJ ~.:.;I :u 1t U("f:,\'\!·i:O'-I l',K1I • ••I,'-""' 11,., ,•,,11 , HI:,~·. 1 1,, ,. ·~ f.1nwo :-,1,,,1,, \ 1~11,\ 1i.n 1, .. 111 l •HI 1111, dn1 11n, ,,11 CORBIN-MARTIN 1: 1·:1\l.TfJl:S 1;7_·-11'":1 WE'RE SWAMPED ( ol~I ·=-__ -=-=:...-f _ 11.o _ \l1llnrd !td _1;~ 1~!{•'.o1: 11< '"' ·' li •,I po 11f1·~~1n11.,!1.I' 111 -··-----J.I '·' H• ,\ I' ill ' :\11f'<'•"~.1 ----------co ,.On• dnl rti~r 1250 l'd~I JJl-.l.\''.'\I·: ·: 1:d1•11. Sant• A n• ·:c·:1i I·: (\1."1 1111_1 ~ !\1°11 ·,. 1 IH•!ih 111:,11 p1·np<"111r ,• \\,. 11 .. •·11 1 .. 1111~--1,, 11'<11 ,\ " " I · l'"l·i•· t 1 .. oi.!.,11.ip111~ I o•ll ' ,\· I h.1111. !a111ill' 1 .... 1.. 1:~ I ---------1620 l•I •<'II . I'll".• I ' <.oi l II> 111 , ,I V/HERE ELSE CAr~ YOU CUY ••·,11 \,,~11111• 11!1· ,.,,.1,11:.;I 1.11.,., .. 1 •••l !lf'f .\::77 ·~1 r:Jl-litl-, c;l lr1,i11 1)'-L' ~::.•1:111 \"I "\\" l1u1 t1,. ··-·~ 1; .. 1rt.111.1t! Tl:.\U~.\\L'\ll:' l'.l· •. \l.TY -----Ill l1' I'd I,, I< 'lll.\'-1 I Hill'lj•-,1 •IJ'l"',ll~,il \\ •' ""11'1; l'I l'I \ ti.I\ I ~ J : I •I' "11 .\•l,111,.: ~ill .i~l 1'h1111 1• ,,11.s.11l :::;:.::'.'''~'.'11:;1 ,11 1iJ;,,1 ·~· ',1,';.1,1 1 l '"·•:.'. •.• ,11.. 1111·11 .... 1 \1.1"' I h-.11111\·' \1!11 II• ,_,lll•1l"h" t 1 l·.11 \ l!1,1ll \I••. lf\Ul!ll' $\'>! uwl-111\ 7l1 "'' \I"'""" • BURR \VHITE OPEt~ SAT. 1-5 (;~l \'ista Bo•1i :a F:.O YD REAL TY ., t ( II . 675-59l0 ' { 1.·.1 Op<:n S.:i t ,'Sun 1-5 1:.'D l While S a ils Vo/ay Harl.icr Vie1v Hills 1:.: I". ' DON V . FRANKLIN REALTOR • REAL ESTATE SALESMEN h;·:.:~w;~ !nr >i1•1'' 1'-\·1-.:-;·rn1: ":--!"" 1 .• 1 1:• 1: \ ,,, :-> ,,1 h·11 ~·'.!•I h•• \~ .. ~~I 0 1'11! 1::-il·;" \11 "ll \I. 1:1 ;,\l"fY 11·•·d• 'l 1·111 1, 1w l"'''l•I• l'l.·ul1 oil 1300 11,,,,1· ''""', •·\11\IL111 ''"11 ---- Balboa Peninsula I 111""'"' •( 1, .. .i111 •. ! 11 1\'1111o1, 111 1· . .,r11d S: \l<·~ad·I•"• ()I~ II ii••ll~<' :;.·, ]'\\ C\!'t,1 rl.11· "I' h,1 ;1 p11• ~I' 1 1:1: .1 ...... SI ~I I I I: l ,\I. I! U: \""l••·l 1;11.1. hi' \i, :<1 '" h, I• (1, I ~'.1·, 111" \117' '• " :..; ,1 I I 1,.'1, 111~1 I 1 \,. ·•,,1 • 11.1 ' " , I : l\d1 !'1'111n>11l:. l1.,11w ~1: rn1 1 1,,,. .q111.,1i.111,,.1 11 1: 111~ \;I North Tustin 164 5 \I \"I El~!· l:ri\ I · l;,i, 11 11111lr .• d>'1 .11· 1,.1 .. 1 1·1.111,, •11'111111•\ n1ll "" lifld Lllrll• I ---I lk11 .:_ lqd ... .:~1111 II .11-1,I ,1,.,,1,-,,1. I "El CID " 1•:i~lil'ld1\r l111·d ,\r/I 'I ' I ,!,11-.h,,Jl J~ITI .dlJ \\ . · • • I -·'""I I ---------Thi~ i~ '"'' ,11 ... 111!. .. ·r .. r 01 ~1n1,., .. ,. ,.:di ~.~1.1 1:1 B .• 1 ... , 1,. •-•ti'" Owner Tr.:insferred -o'°'--·-----------.l tl'.:•· l'.1111111 111:!11 1•11 l(r••I H,\, ~HUi\'I' ,1 ri•-,,·k \ 111-:-,1 -t J k~I" 1,111' ; !.!: ~ h,, 11•111•" I I -------------a1 1" ''' 111-111.' l.11KIM.1 f1<'•' 1110 h'i.,..•11~1 At-n 11n!uiu ",: 1 ' '' ,. I•' '-I ... .,~ I 11-.•r• 1 .. 1 l"'11•· '" "'. +•I ,I 11111~ I '1'<• ;h .I. I:• 1/1111 r,~'. :!011'1 Lido Is le 13511 \\,,Ji., t . 'L11 1n.1 11 1 ,\ '' Hill J:1d::f' ,u,·1 .. 1111d<'1t '.' . B.l d<'n l.1'"'"/nr•""'' )~10 OPEN SUN. 1-5 1;,,•1a 1•1·1tu 1·-. 1'~1111·1,•1111 1<·1 , . .,,,,,i , 1 111, •·h ·1111 •t" ---- A GENOA 'l u Ill" ~i.U h<11l1 'l'·""'h linlll" h"'i' 1:1: ~ g .\ lllJI'"' d11pl•' 216 VI 1The Real E state Mart , 11111111,_ 4 htllh froinlil ~··11Jy \:::t• 1\rl11Jl,•11111: 1-'" ly: '•r.i 1"011 11 11''"1"1 11\.'0 ll•-;i,h Hli-.!, Ill:. o1 1 11111l~''"1111pl11· .1 h11~"~1111 ____ * f~j .~fl.'!~ • __ ------- Univl!lrsity P.irk 12J7 U ni11P.r si ty P a rk I _ C:ANC(lt • • ' ;wN0f 11 .'~ i :~·.r :1 •:') ~ 1A /' :1. •• 4"5910 l i(I .~. JVl'f ;J \, !' :;. 1· -. ~ is ?•, • ' !.~'8 '~ ;~ ~· v11c;o ~--' J ·r. I ' /..t.!i'' ' 'II ;1 )? o• 1'•1 <'1>' ,. • " . . • ·-· . ' " , .. ... '· ,_ • 1-· . ' •' .. .... " ' '•'' ... "• <' ,,,.,.,.11 ,.,.,, \ l '....e 1237 "" L1doi' lillf'~I <li"<"I I J.,, "1' 847-8531 - --- .,1 , i. .• ra''"" ~1 11.-1 1,,. ~·'''II , ------<It'( h 1• 11 11 .1 "'"~! 'f"" 1,., 1• I ~-·--·-- ''' 1,,. "!'l111.,1,.trr1 .. 111•1 l'"·•:1:.·.l1 •111n 11r 11•11 t ·,,111pJ,,1r·I ~· :11r Corona del Mar 2250 ollll'•'<l l•I ~,.-.. !11~1' .,d•li <I f,1111 111 1,•11\l •oll•l ll11111"d lho '"I II' f,,pl'I i " 'I ., ~I 111,1 ,.11,1. LIDO REALTY 'NC .. * (,;,1;1~1· ,\ \\0111.~il••I' ;o P'llljol<T" l1 ,•1·!1Ui<' '1111111~ '!'ol -"'"1 <it I"· !.1111. .. 11, p ,, I I " 1 '1 !1111~ li•1ltl" ,1/lllr 111 f\['.(/ J\r•,11 to , loo<•'. WANT A TRIPLE? DOWNTOWN V alentine Realty Co. "h 1,; , .. ~1_1: I ;1 1: Ch .• 11111.111 \1•' !."I 1 [,I,, lo w;o1tn11. ",olk 1·1 AREA j 11.i u•:i• i ',1l1f .. 1111.1 -----~h· i" ~!<'fl<'" 11'11111~ •"I ·' $24 750 ,;JI • .. ~j,7'ii .... , -~;}.]l '!i B.il bo a 2300 h,11· l·:.! 1~11 111111~ f'lll 'I ~"I'',., I ll . ',., 1· '•' I I ]i i 1, 1 rill ~lf -, fYlt• ~-'"'~'' •II -·~, •S17"• II 1111.-1· !•·i•'" 1'1·11111-.11 ,, R. C. GREER Realty \ $25 ,950 Laguna Beach 1705 l'1t1111.~p.1 •1,.,"~1:1 c . .JI .,1 l\lllr \)1, l:•-.qd,Jr•,,, ~!; "·" ,.,,, ""1" ''""'·" LOI" INTEREST SOMETHING 11 ~ _:.1: •. ,:)1,, jhllll l'~Jlli1\t '•'II B a lboa Island 1355 1 ~1(;1 1.11d p•I' l'l••l1•l1· 1 .. 1 1.:~ ELSE d11l1• (".ol !ll _'l •h ·: 1 ~1:, l.11:.:" l<ilrl. \l.i n.1 ,,, -·--·-------' ----------1 TIJIT" \\')l ·\·1· Tll!>: IJl.J) l ido Isle 2351 316 RUBY ST. 'H'AFFDAL REALTY lfl)\""1 I' 2 'T<ll:Y 1-:1.~:-l-------- l1tll l\" ''"'''' IJp, I• 842-4405 \'\Tl11,· \l'ITI! IL,\J' ~1 :11·1.y F1w111•.J11•1I l~I: •1 ~1111•l i \,•, f~l~·\1~11 I '-J'~1:11JI: ,I f\1!-1 J:, ;11 o1 1I \ .. 1• \\,111, f'., ~ 1~·,•.!I" 11 1111 '-ll' 1·i:J .. "T1t:J• \I::\ \\\l l "~T \l. !l\I F ·1 111111""'1 .•••1. ' I .I' HI ·nu "Id ,,..,, ''"Iii I »1•• '. 'h Ii • ,..,. t •! William P.e;il E s t,11.? \\liriton 67S-3J31 H unl in9ton Beac:ii 1400 ·'"'I ,, ,, l• I• u•• •.•1·· " \\ :ti• lo• "11 I· 11 \ 1 ... "' I • , • ""11 1. • • .1,lo ... 1:11! Ill •Ii ,\· 1,.,·,11•'d"''" 1"1 ·' I~.' .... I. .,, 11, •I ' ' • I .1 11 I l :1 " .. ,---117~000 ___ 1 ~ r.<11 .11~ 2 h11h· ~I). 1r1 I I• Ii' 1• I I ot •I, 11p lu1 II ' 1 ~"llC<', u\0 ·11, "I• •"11• d Ill A I 1·.,1<'r<'1I paf111 1 />.1,·1 ()I :..::11.1;.:t •~ n1;1dr 111!" 11 dr11 Tak1·s S!;OO down. 11.1_\'IH<'lll~ h·~~ 111,111 /'('Ill. I", •II I "I I • I \ lh ·~111~ S,\,\DJ'lPJ-:lt f ·1~-'"f ,1" •'' J . " '• I f' '' ,, ~ ' .... ¥ ~· . ...., .. ~ ... ' ~.~ ""' >< r •o,,..<I• ·~ ,. 90"6!-b'-. 10/J C" ~:un•I r1sc:1s Fff. ",.,. u>~.10(~ & 11 19.39 . S060-18 ~ • I ilu11<', 1., lit• LEASE W /UPTION Lli \11! l•1H~ ;.i\1<'1 11111'~. ti<' 11 I ... .,,11 .~ "11 •• ,1,. r:1'd111 "d i.. ~:!1,9'fl l\.\TEl.!. \ li~'..\l.TY ~ 1;.f;l,11 f!,\ VI-'. 11pi'llll1J::.~ lur ! l:<'a l l·:st:.1,. S.dPs11u·n 111 u111· >II'\\ <1f1 u·r·. (':ill r.ir ar11101n111ir111 . R. D. S lates, Realto r s 536-8801 * HEDUC:ED PRI< ·1·; • I BR, 2 BA. 2 l'<ll" .(!HI" fl pit• I & hll UlS. S2t 1:,:i ;,•I . ; 10;111, I Sll1. pay1s n10. J'.l.T.I. l'l"ln 011ly S·l7-8ll7J ~ BR. 3 b.Hlh. "l-,1or y All !'\· !ras. ~'' 1 '· L;J. s::3.!ICJO s:-tll'Kl ctn . 1· •1-ry !1111 "r tradl'. S-17-:,;:)!l <.(l~l)IJ. ~Br: h:ll". 11 1 tJ<tT!I, l1<':1ch !~;:z-·1~·,1 .1 I :1 :. 2 ~1,,,.~. li.1 1111<'1·,·~1 ~:;:z.ooo. fllii-;: I Ii\ d('/1 •I I\ <'1 '1. 1111lc 10 ()\\'!l!'I" l ~\\\ s:·.:i1~11101111 . 1\SSl.'.\H•: T.-C:! ln:111. ~ BR . ~ B1\. '\r11por1 \\r•t (111 nrr ~"II. ~1'!1 oon !lti1J.::9"! IT'S Br;id1 hou~,. t1 nl(' 1~1!.!· Cl'.~I srlr<'hon r vrr' ·""" 1hr f),\IJ,Y PTl.OT \\"ANT 1\D:.;' :.;u1:.\l lT Yl)Uf! Tl-:l!~l:O:. IT'S HEALLY SO~l E1"1 !ING l·:l.."1} MISSION REALTY 9s:; Sn. Cot1"! Iii\'}'., Lar.una Phone (7 14) 494-073 1 EME R AL D BAY HOME fly ol''ll<'r. Con1pll'tr firivary. 1'11\/:tl<' l>t'iH"h, p;irks. !t·'tl n1 ; l"Ul!l"I. Sl\lllllllini;: pooJ, Sll'lk· lilt: 0<'/''lll Vll'\I'! J,argl' ~II.I' l1v1·111 11 frpl,., J:irp:r f;1nlll) •~>'l!ll 11 111~1d1• BBQ. 3 klll.E: ~l/.f' 1Klr111S, 'l'., t1;1 ltt~. l:!l'g<' <i"<'k. $~.Ollll. Call l11r a11pl 1•11 .1il l I \\"h11r t•lrph:1111.,'. IJ11ll<'·<1-l1n<' \\'hit<' <'lrph;in1.~' D1nlf'·/ll· 11111' DAILY P llm \\'.\l\'T 1\0S· TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD " • ~~ll•·rl~y Ottobrr 4 l9b'l --~.-OAILY PILOT .Z:J HOUSES FOR SALE-HO-USES-FORS A L E HOUSES FOR SAL~. General lOOOGeneral --1000Ge neral 1000; PAUL WHITE CARNAHAN 1!,.a,, e. IT'S THE SOLD THAT • ... . -. -' • COUNTS! WE SELL 100 HOMES PER MONTH Let yours be next -list now and ad-start packing -our extensive ve rtising and multiple listing serv- ice will do the work for you. Over BS O sales people who meet buyers in all a reas, have waiting buyers now! •••••m ••••ma•••••••••••••••• TAKE ovi:::t SJ~0 o FHA LOAN '\o I C'I ,,,I;· I' l'l 11\i<'!' • / t.,;' J ';1 1111 1·11 1~ ~1 '.' I I ll11Ji\l1 1 !!1 11 ' ;ill ~· llli' .: !:I: h•lll\o II\ !,!u(lr! 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" .1 b '·" "' ill" " BR.AND N.C\Y II .• • nh• ~ , 4 BDRtAS. F.R. ' ; "!hi' IHI': j 1lli h '1111 #·· IH' larr·'I 1••ar111 •'' C'r.111- pl• 11' I.I! 111 !;11< h•'ll. I 1 \'.: '!1 h1 Ill'.: 10.!!ll. Ill "pl.-.. ,\,•1·. •1<111 1,, "''l1 t·;1 rrw1 ~ ~ <!r;o J!<''< uu·lnd"r1. Rr:i r \~Id f, IH'•'<l -l;o11cl°'1·11p1111! fro111 ~ .. rd "1111 •pr111k-; I•.~ l111111rr1 pn.~.•r-~s;nn, :; ~;:h.I \"A or ~·llA !<'1 ·111~. ~ ~1-.11l11hl1• $~1 , 1;,,, , • ' ·I Opein House( Sunday 12:30-5:30 11 ~~---------------------------. 9 71 P A ULARINO -"''" lhl' n11l~l ;11Hl1 11~ (-; l11•tf1·,,.,n1. ·: h•1ll1 \1,,1,11· 111.1 I h.1 ~ 01 <'I" /_Ill(\ ~·I I 1 ,,f 111 - i11 c 111·1·11. lrn1n11t·til<l\t" ""n1t1t l•1rr ll1ch q11al ily \\ /1\ ('(lf['PIS i11 111<"1 1 IJ<•lll' Lare<· kill'h1•11 II ith h111ll·ll\ •lV•'ll ;n11I r;in ~··· l'Pol sltf' yllnl, pn1r •. ,,1.,n~ll.1 lnnfl•<:llpr·d. -~i'1"111kll'I''. I !nl,~· S:l7,()(}tl 1!1,,·11 1l .1U·~1 :~(/, J nsJ1<'~l a t ~")11! !1'1- ~\u·c. .J 16-:>•l•IO 211 8 WINDWARD LANE l lrnJ' h.1 ,1 f11·r l'h111t·h nn!l 1n,,11<'•·l lhi'< ! ,a1·:111l ."> Hd1·111 , ;: h:i1h •'~<'1·ul1l'I' ni~n· ~ton. (,lltal11y 11all t1J 111111 1·a rp"I.~ !l\!'11 · : pld hflfll" nvr•r :/9!"1(l ~(]. f1 Hug<' kit-• •'h"11. ~rpnrat" rnrmfl l ctinin::: rrn. ~Pp­ ar11 t" fan1il\' 1'fH1111 1'1~~112 ln1. Prnfr~~ s1011al !anrb-l'i!JHll:!. (lpen 12:30 tn :);:Ml. ~16 -3440 PAUL · WHITE · • • CARNAHAN • R••all!J c;.,, • 10'1 3 BAKER STREET, COSTA MESA 546-5440 ··- • -------------------------------------------------------·---· 24 OAIL V Pll OT SJturday, 0(\0brr 4, 1%11 R NTAL S -l r<cNIA L~-----!RENTALS l .l ENTAL~ 'Houses Unfurnished I Hous•• Unturn~ _ Apts. Furn1she~ Apts. Furnished RENTALS Apt~. Unfurni1h.d R!NTALS Aof~. Unfurnished REAL ESTATI Gener i i Gin•r•I 3000 Midway City 3616 1 Costa Mesa 41001 Garden Grove 5100 Coron• del Mir 5250 Rooms tor Rent 599~ RI NTAL FINDER S tNEX~EN~Vl · GU.\RANTUD RBIOINll.l.l l~ldi~ A ~I. · · ROC.fll.MA Tl SERVICI ~ /.1 • 11 1°1 •' ::11;.: 11 .1111 1 ,.,,, 1 tiH ,,,1. 1 ~•IH!1,, ,..;f\'r:!J·: You111; .\tl11 l t~ 1.u, 1 i•I \1111 010 u111•0~1 1 •1 1r11l11u,pit1tl 'i\l)n 111,., 11ryi.:,u1Jc11 .1pl s"11lo 1111u1 NEVER - '"'I'..: ••<1 1•·1 'i"!-1~• * 1J.'1-l]'17 * Ii \' ''l\lh ;1l111Usplu·1• .11d ~- --··-----!•11111JIP1t' p1 11,1l'' SOl '!ll fJ.. Sant.:. An1 Heights 3630 I '~11 .'HI : SIOO Kl tn. po1 1•1. HA\' !LL.B Al 'r" 1 :11)1 BEFORE :.-.11 Adul!• 0111\, IHI J•f'\' ('I • J ; Bl:, • 1 .. i1h ,.11 ,j,11. -Jtiu l, ~J,1 :-,1 ,j)...il J~ 1'11"1h•ll :OI •' 1' i f •"" ON 1'1:.N AClll::S \\'(JHKll\'Ll l"ouplr. 1 lc11.11 !. q\l!el, w . a;it r a i sed jvbcd-t1·a11wd1 dui; "1shr:. J cir :! br un!u1 n h-.r or apt In N1•\q)()r\ Br.1c il l1'1rl !\ov. 11 311~~1:.:tl. 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L11I S';l~I 1!71·1100 01• .Sil).O~J.; " 11 1"111'"1111g, dr<1prs, pri Riddle & Ross r{eal101'<; : * * * * ~I 1 ,,.,. , 1 11 ,., .. , • ,, •. ,.,,,, 1 .,~, 111 111,. :i.:w E Coast H11'V, Cd\f. I.; ,~ .. 11 11•11· 1.n1 !•ti' 11"' p:i 11 -• rno ,,!us, ' ·' " ' ... J B c 3705 I ------• ; llH '.! B.\ l1ph. plus BRANO NEW_!__ 1--~rr.• ( .ol! \\ .dl1! r ,\ J., ,. 1 ~!il_una e1cn ~ ____ tilJ-14.ll F \BULC1US ! Ill! 011 orP.il1 • 1 Bg.J AA-patios \\"IDO\I' & loy pood e ll('C'd l 'I' II · --· _ i'ipli , lllil g·u g llll'I !')!JJ :: Bit .1 h,1 rluplrx Cri!d , br, 1•, h11, d1sh1>.hr f..· • ______ ;-,(.) l.;1:.-u u.i ('u'l"tll 1111 ''I e I !1)(.1 H.\·d~.u\, '111i;:lr Jtf;d, hHns P111' 1i.1!10, ~01 d I f "B . , 1 1 · 1 .. , 1. 1 .. -Newport Beacn 42001 n10 Jill r11rr JJ1 4'11·'.!71.-, C 1sposa 1111 urn. "· 01 1 '·-' ~·I • 1 ·1 ... •'· oii !.d1•11 1, i..1111 ,.,,,,, ,,.,01,'------------orsican Apt. Home~ 1:.11 70.·, 01·ch1d $J::~ l'r r C.dlll a1r11 To s:;o o i. 1d111 Pl ' l1pl< lidl,111<' lu11 1w 11nfu111, RENTALS "l''tl fllll 'I' ll'I .\lunl/1 ~1·ail~ ,,,,,1, ... ~1-~21··.'' Wh1ddy1 Wint? Whaddy• Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS S.,-cial Rite h )'I! ,\t•111~,IT t:<.1111 A u I 'h . ' -'' / ' "'-u-...---" 1 ll•i. 1 1'• '' ·' "'1 l11d11 I "l"'1.11 1Jl11 •w"111 GRANO OPENING pis. n urn1s ed i:·"11 ·" \1,,111 ,\ H11,1,.1 hl-(i!'l 111 11 1111.:" 1 11111"·'1 ~"1 1 .. 1 IMMEDIATE G1tneril l.1k"1,.11 '"11111,. l. ul !'.>ulh w ,75.,0§0 0 \11Jt--;;plby rt11rcd 11011111111 S Lines -5 times -5 bucks ll ULES -40 Ml'~! IN[\ UDE 1-W~U VOU 11•1• •0 !tl<>t :0.-W~ll ¥OU '"IM I" lrui., I,••, I 1:, .! \'.1 1 ,,l 1:111 l.1 1"' ~:J ,n ~II·· ~1 ,iox1 "' OCCUPANCY 5000 c ,,,,,1 1•1,,,,, "h••fll·•ii · (.'.!·ni.i IA&mM•••WMfllUl .. lll. 11/11"11 n1u111lC'1..-d 11p1 1a1 ~ J--YOUll 01\01" 1r.01or .aart" .... ~ 11~ .. o! •d•~'"l •nt J--NOl+tl>,G J Oll ~•LE -'RIDES O:ll •• 1 • d 1.1 c 1111,1•11 ,\ p··I~ 1~·..,1 1•11•• ::;•,: l•I \1 • -., Call 540.1973 rd tll!f!, rrls :\light bf> In· I ' l.U\111"\ l'J11h•11 ,111.111 111,·n!• Ll LK I B\\'Fll(),\I' ,\[>1 .: b J I PHONE 642-5671 1,, J.11 , 1-h'•"'! l .. l'"u1.1 1,1) 1:~--~1 ,, -l \l'GF" ill\ '' b J l1·1t-1<'il ll}llli: l O nl n .. 1111 1;1.: '"llllJl<'lo• 1u 11 _,,.,,,. Hdr111~ • l{.1 l 11! Ill'! I l'.I: \\/11, 1l1p .. , ;.:.11 ,J;;:i -· . ''.; ~ -al i~. -,10 ,-,11 I To Place Your Trader's Paradise Ad I , I !,\ n '>Ill\\ I I !, ! : I " f. • I '-----------~-'1 I I I II I l Jilk '" IH·, .. ·h, hl!-111 ~101 (' & .,... " · I 3707 l•1•:1u1d ul l1rul•·1p111..: ,\ 1111 1'1''"'1'"1·•1<'! !"ii '"I 111 .. Lil 1••1. .1rhill•, 110 1i~b ------------L•gu'1a N1gue I 1 \II j 1l 1~h11.1,ht•1 , t:f•l ..,/ihps :-:u -o li1111~ Pal l()~ 0 11 11r 1 s ~ p.,1 1111 ll·.1 11•11,.,,1 .. ,11 ,J 1•1( 11, p1 11.11,· ~"" ' ' 1110111~ rn ~!~ >-~1·:u lS'<I :\I" 11 1 ,, , 1 a f(~~sr .,1111ddl.--agrrl 1101111u1 ,,, ._. ,,11, • 1_._, Il l<., 1 1 J.( ,I. I k'IU\I'. '" ,, 111 1 ••'II . '.! 1111•, 1u a ''"1111111 , Julo ,1 ! I "I'·" l!llh d llll' ll,'1"'11' \ \" l><'I" ~'.! iO/iufl ~I l} li7-.-~,;[l') nf'l'oiS -Br hou°'" 01 apl U!l· .-.l3R C t i\J T d I •:.•I , f',i : 1 ..• ol •1•11 , 1, .. 1 !\I\ ,i,,11 .: 1;\ ~:1 ~1 ,11,, .,1 "'"'J'li• '" .'\ .. 11 11·1..,111-.; in' 111•1·111.111•"11 hu1n•· f-t1< 1,!1 . l'JJl :ll-,-,,-.,-.-, -,-,,--,,-,.-1 1-Bl{~ll'--;-,-.,f-h:1}. -1~1 fu~11 P1 rfc1 N B or f' \I Jau!l 1'~~1 '1\1:. "1~'~11 1:11";-,1~~ 1,/iJ llliid1 1 rl (1 1, )..+' \'~1-1 :1 1 .!7-;l!~l .\0 •11 p,11I 1:(,1<11 il.t.I"' ol "IJIJ t * • liilrJ1,.n, l(lo'.d [U1 111"11:1' :11·1•,i II :I I" ~111.111 dub 1-,"I ·' \l'"•i•l•ll I)< , 8 , t'I I' 1· f 11 I 1:111!1 1n.., !'.;1 !'11 l'.1110 ~,, ~,, _, .I h'"i1 ____ --~ I 1111n-l1··d "! un(111 •11-'1•• I ~ •I 1111, .: "' n ·' n:: 1 ' · 1 · 11 r11 ~ .: 1,,Q ..:,•uv"''I .II, 1 1· P1•1 :11 1i'i~-:1s~J 111oru onlv -----·--~---D•n• Point _____ 3740 \l,~lo·I<; "\11'1\ 'I :1111 !H 'I Pill l I!••"' s . f I I' I 1·' J II " t I l,I lt1•• ''1 1' ll';i ... c ... u:i.1, ''"S 1:7:i-:.!8.!'\ ~ --TR1\DE 110ll :-.q r1 bu~ll\<'~~ I Costa Mesa 3 100 OAKWOOD 1••11<••1.111•01 ~"(~'1n11.: '''"' !o\l-.:••.ll, "1 >IO-.fi /J RENTAL SERVICE rtnta! ofl1r r OI' 1·rt~11t ~11op ,,r i.,,1 .,,., ,,f 1.111(1 .., 111v,1 ----Co1:01.1Dt1-;1pl. .!. Ui u11 Fl~EJ·; TO L.o\NDl.ORD~ for '.?11d TD's. 211 ~!.! G:!nd Sll! 111o:> '.? 1~11· 01•'.1n \l<'ll GARDEN ,J.\!:i,1: <l•·,111 !. BU1·111 :l B,1 /t n Sl"'I & "d Ii Bl " "I "Ill - l _!l!::.:,11 p .. 11 .. •ll•l'dlfl'· ,,1t1.,~l11 1·lu11ld1n:,: 11 "' II!•· "u ~ 11 11r.-.r111011,,i.._. * .... 1,.'\ptB~h.01111c•1 (.!J'I ,111~:Z('•1 1,u·1 l .. u1t11•u •'l o;i ll 1 Hll11 1~ \\/11 •1'pl, d111s, nu Iii.:-::;.~ 'll "IOI 2I ' "GU.CQ ·l(•\.• '11' I . , ..... t .... APARTMENTS I ( ........ 11 : 11) • • \ I " I .,, CD\I ,, d I I' I ,,,. • .• ('\'(' t .. , -~ • _.,, ·,.;''I'< 1 · 11• ·, t 1.11 vi.I . -81'1" \Jcu , .• u 10 ar •\l 11 "l--------~=~-1 "' 11 1>1·'" '" l h:h t':il! \It ('i•·•·ll' t!ut ,1, i\u1 \ :: 1:r:. :! ha 1fuJ!I"'· I ... 1._.,~ ttl'• HC'ha blr adult I '', ... :··1 ,;· ·7,rl Jj'!(I lt.d1 ~11 •···t I ';11-.ww,11 hlii-! •. ,'\ ----(' I I hi I 7' "9 ' 1· ~;, 11 ,1 1, .. : .1.,, on ominium ___ _:__;.;. •11 •.L~ .tJ '.h,11•1• •:,.,.ii i t \H(:I. 1.,:. S h arp' [,,, .!l<1'i \l .11r 1rronrDr. ---------~(o Ca·11un l'tl ~.;fl()I\ rit11• C d · 3950 · , 1-I''. 1rp• !·Ill~ 11 <,.S1 J l til~--0.><", 01 1'.?-0::i4 :1 Roo111log ,·11 lun 1nl 1nbu- \rr11·· 1 "·111"''~!;, t" 1''" !Jll'. ~\11 ,,1· i ··t11 ,1,1, ,J,1,1 1. '"u11.: ,\·l•t!t<. I n\·, U1"I"" t · .. ri~·1"-. 111·.o r .'>l'I ----------'1 Hr.11 '1111."d h,v 1 ""fl'l11"1blc Tl~i\DE fo1· 1l1r,,rl f1..,111;1t: I ( d \11' 1 ... 1• .. !d• I I VEN DOME r·(·iJ~l l'\,11:1. ()((', .s1:;0 lllU a .1• 5300 f;iu1il,1 Closr ·ll!, szoo lllU ho111 I'll·"~-, 1 .. 1i,I • : 1 ~: .. i.11 "1 \1 11 1 I "'' :··•••·11 ,q,1 .. "111 ,,,111 1. ooa I ti-1-.-2081 ""' _ .. >-'1!'<1 I I I \;:: ( .111 l lli-.>OO!l ii• ,11 _, r1 p\. "" I ii .• , 11 11, ' 11 , a1111o~r· 1•'11' .oi1,I ------------I 1 UI' , l: 1 Y ·I • 2~ CC'nl u1 v111 1 11st·1 1•1"i 1 u1~. l lil, ~I,\ 1·11" !."I •11•'• d~J'' I ll L!!' 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() :-;i •• ic .• ,.,1_(·f~·ii.;. l\i lors!01iigl',Jl1111t1ngtonrqpd r or ir ,11 Pst,1tc UI' l"' inn ,1\-:,:i. ltt11 .'\•'"l'"'t l:1.t1 l1. <:;LC'!IOX'S 1\\·\ll.,\/'JJ : ,..; .. 111.1 \i.i ,,1.,, :\ril 1 C\I h«~/l~,~l~~O, l:rar h;il'C';i ~2-lS.i8 ,;11lhoiit \'nlue S!l:1l'O 1\11 ---i:111 lil::.-0 .• :11 1Close to sliopp;ng, Park ~17' 5355 -.-LANDLO·R-DS-e 1 '=.'='·'="~'='=''·='"="=s;_ ___ _ 11 \"I: U1 11•111:: l.i I' 1:' Balboa Island .,1. l'••oi .\ rn:,\C TIVI· 1 HI'. ., Ii; I* -"Jl.H'111us 1 Bi s, 'l Ba ~·1-! I _________ _:.:.:~ f'REL RENTAL SERVICE 11.\\"I ; Co111n1c1 l1<1! lvl. I .. 1 .,_ I I , , • 1 * ~ lk-rltoo111~ ·""1 .: ;i gut~! 1"<' Pool, dra1· SI:..000. Lnkr ,\1 ro11. 1l••~1· I·• ..,hr.p.: 'L ~~· l~uilr 111'-!;('111··":1 0 1 .. 1; .. 111,11., ._111111 l'nril. r ur ~ircn 1,1111'. "'" 1IJ'P" t.1n11h .t 0:-S <.rand Canal Dclu:-." 2 Brolicr 5.~4698~ hr ad SI O,C'CO ilr .. i· \l ,\,\J': -"-.'.l·-·-~·'_11·1"_______ ....... Ii .'' .11 l,1 .1 . .'' '.l, I ·' lj * t'l'pl. /11d1l'l\11d1y l .~c ls '!Iii I'''' (J 1, J:lir :.:;1-{i!lSO Bit l li:..lh, ll<Jll'I frorll '1 1th "'==========~ ,. .1 AL:. Apts Furnilhed ~!"~ ~! f hun• .d 1-,;td • for \ 1845 Anaheim Ave. -----bu.,i •llRh. ~lG;1 ~l'ly lc-a,,c Rooms for Rent 5995 11 , , , ,,. . .\'. \Jl..\J;l.L 11•111, 2 BDR,!, , I ,111., 1 , l "'''' co.:TA:\JE>;,\ Gl..'-:."-<:"1!.11'1 •lll•".t.lt111~.1 .11'"''l'1 '"'''ll 'l l'l'JI"" l)SC(' ,\1rplanr or 11ha! you hii1 C. Brokr1·. ! 11 {i.~9-8i'01 --1 1·-•.ill O\lll•'r ti7~--0207 \ r:R. ki!Chl'n('ttr~. i;;lcr p111;:-.':io·atri;1,· a11r>01I r 11l1ant c .Qoo B l :,\\'T I~ l l.J I 1!1111 , \1i11l r-.'\•ipl·1~ ",1/l .tiJlill . ----- 1 , , ..;11,1111,,11 1 ! t,IJll .1 pl n• ,11 e RENT e i\:J:\\i-H-;--!11-t.;-,-,.--1----i; 1111:1 llr1trd pool \J,11rl prop \'111 arit . ~unr-C·2 II I II 12-f :1 : l:llll•s.'>\:11.,1.111., ' •' .:.in< '"!'1 1 1<r~:Oprr11hS.uµ1J()-i0.ti20 ~q fl P111"SJ..,1.!l)l!IJ S I l\,•,1.; <hllll.1 .'-l· l·•'.l" lul "ill.i i! l••,1! S t.~) \ll;> ViclOll" !h'"I ,, <!{'t'prr Fo1·1~1ili'll, "1ng e ~!111 ""' 101•1 l!ill l!ilor10 3 Rooms Furniture ('•!''"· dl'I"· p.il1n \n p•·I-> 117'.-()",lh ------l1;'l}'ftHlll VI'. 011n1 tl7:6G3:l 1 \\,i-1 ,t !-1 :~7 $25 & UP ,\o\i1 l1.., "·1[~ :.iS-:!'\u{J -----Ll ;J; H!~•n1 bl'au11f 11llv 111111.•----------- Gener,:il I .\ ! 1:1:-i ;,., ,,...,1.,1 ,\pl• \!.,111'1 1.1 \l•111Th J:• 111.d« l\l('J-; 1 BJt .1pl ~l\i~Tii;:;1;;: Huntin$Jfon Beach 5400 nr11ly 1rdei . pit .--1111a11cc.,\\a111cd 10 i \1h;'l l1J::I', rriu11v 1,. r 111, ,\ 11p 1111-' .\lt . ..;,\1 l lFl:l' t·111n1Hl!t· 1:1'11!.d~ 1 111!'1 ,1S-R l!i;, !ii .HM>'.! I ·.i~::~l {',\I 11-"k.<'. ·:o Crd1 f 1ur "qu11y Young ).1! 'I'\. !'•vJl-'l.Jld -"''! r :.1' \l l!JJ. :--~.LLl.'r !I)'.\'. I .\11• j\u 111'1~ '1:!:. 1110, ul1 I pll IM!h, 1 qu1r1 adull Ill l.iq;;r lakt•fir111 1 lut, Llr.u· ll •:'I :-_11111 1:1\d hl6-'~,,,1 1:,1111· l'nh ('\I i-.1 1~1 1 ----1 EXCLUSIVE t O:l!Pl FTFIY I-,.1 111n :-1i.t :1Jlf r1rnpl'1\u :-. · -· lJ~:J.t.::\I:: ~ iH: ,1ui11 ... , 1 pl~ O • · --· 111 111. 1('1 i;i._,:;,.,!l '\II. 11111 \l.,!• 1 tl h, 1 111~ ~1 ;. · uc~11 .... 1n iluok\, 1111·1' ilr;•" l"-~·l ·'" (.1111,1 ;i ;:;r-.. ~ N-THE-BEACH rov111 1111h h,11h. 1111 "nh . -----'-''------ . Adults , .. i.pl• \1\u 1., ~1_\l 111u a11 " ... 1~1 1 .111d1 .-1 1 ,"·'1 .. ·(1 1 1111.u lll c.dltt lH-tH'~• , 2&3Bedroom Apts. p1111~-1;;. ilu-t'1<, \Jll11'1 1;mn1pwl, .. Bt !l>,1 11111. 1·,11: 1.,1,i.1, 111,,..i ..,.11 I l .. •r !.l i Oll, 1 -----------Lu,uiy liiln" Ju plr a ,,c lh~ S!l \-.,190 indoor BBQ, Cd\I l.11c· 111 i,~,_J!-l l 1-------~1.:l:iH.,!J~l,,1 Jr11" Ult n' l '11!1 1nci~I d hu i';,11113 1111~ Xoii I BDl:'l r Bl I 01 prr r fo1 lr•,1s111;; S:!'!OOO s:·11 11:1 "tint· n •!1::.: dL•1l' 1 i~· ~1 1 1 1\d1il1-. '"' ]'t'I' 1 11 ,1 " or aclC'OtC'llc.{'fl!~.\l'nnt "rS un11 ~111n1v, I /t '\.,\:'\ ~ Ht l,'\ r 1•1 11111 j ulll 1•1 :.i't-:!1.27. '1!·~-1 :•10 111 '11 ii ' r '1 , I P11 r n!r ,t. bath, '":>.('f'l loca 01 ~ B Ct>, 61:-r ill.\(~ 1 11 1 P1 1 p .. 11 .. ~111.:1· .• o11111 1:1··"•1 ,·1 .. 1•11 ---.-____ The Huntington 110116iJ.1n23al!c11 r:i.1 , no 1•"1' 11~::)! 1 -~I {I '.! !~1· 1iupl!' l ',,Ju• hl111-t•oilll: '" pi•lo; SL:O r.00:\I 1111h P11 <ntranrc. un1tnu'd1cal b]dg:·(lcar An. Sl'lO I 1'~1 - -- 1 2 B1· r11pl:>\ 1 pt,, d 1·ns, I TRADt: Pl'Obl<'ll1 f)l'c .: I ·"..::1 ... ho1(·~r ::u ··-'' __ j ll /(t \\111 .\1'.111 /)HI\ :~1~-1 1 1 s Pacific ~ r1nplO)rli g~1~1!r~11an on!~" 1111,11 :;iu~s inc ~6.000 V~d. :-..1·11 ,, .. ,,1111f1:I h1•lr .. 1 ""·'1 A1tu!1" l.1i1· ·,;1...f,'l:\ll I -.---,-. , -;---;-----61t) ... j8S S\!,000. TradC' up, 1111 ~'Ofl j,,1 1,,rri•i \1o1u.111 SlHJ u1111· . :'\'.!.\\ l.i\Ul) • LI. • 1~·1 •R00:\1S FOP. RE:"J' * Far~I \\alkC'r H!1 1. li\67111 pd i.; .. 1.11.'.•' ;,1s.-1u:1:-; :'\u l;C;;o;;•;;l;;';;;M;;;e;s;;•;,;;;;;;;;;;;;5;1;0;0; il 1,h11 11~•w1 . r i 1' I'~" i ". :11 fl,r11n :\I('. ll E ,\\.\L~: STUDENT:> 1,,,1< I Adull .... 1 ~· p•'i' . .Jh·"'·kl -,\8--!llij l :'.1r 11f1cr • 1 .~:, a• p11111" (lf I \'\ _. 1: ' : f:J: COHSTRUCTION 1 --1 ~\l 1 :..;u.\!~i 1 . (.'.']land 11 1!h 4 l1ldg~. " Klt111-. \•11111 .. 11111\ !t>~ -----\JO " 1 I ' ,,., • -• *BEACH BLUFF* 11 " ~u(io_ ~ri ___ ... , ~1J(l,00Q r•ti 1) !or TD .vi ·1,: ~·u1~l Cu~1 . •I dr r. S. H ii lll", nP11· 11,r '. VALUED .i\ ~1 ·11~J TH \Ot: l•Jr rq11 1l.1 111 1r.1I t''l"I" or ~ Call (,"''\I S,; .1ft,.1 · h l'\f '11·1,l•S,"1:!.)flt'1 8. SI7:..000C'c:u. 111,.., L'h(nt ~ 11f'rd added 1,. ' ... 11l·ll >'1 ~00\I .~ II ar11 ~'L'\ \I l!ra lhn 6l2·1il11 prn11 10 Sla\'1n l!.1v;1r11 Rluff~ _ 3 Brt l ba ,,pl~\ li'\r l 11 1hr rru'r 1 r !C' r1n1<' •if ., •011u11 1y llotnr SI ~ 0011 •''I FOH TO 111~un1r, rir '~" 611 ·L'ti'1 1 <1~!\'S llii.llllll .1VO(';Jd0 F ,dl h1 or1k S10:\I Lri u1T\ ~lG.OC<l r·oi· l~Ju•,.. 111111'. l3r• 1 \lot!, !!Hid c ftlt~ hl6l'Sll .~~:1.on1 r \rs J;a~Jront ho111•· 11 1riw1· r. llu<J!. \\a111 ~n1allcr hon1 C' 01 111co1n" prop!'•1 ly 13;ilhoa Bay Proprrll('~ 2:00 \I' Balboa. NB 6l~l l:X 1111110 3!7 P'.". H.tJI, au1on1a· 11,, R11lv ~po11 FOR f:r;il f-.~1 "1r 11r TIJ, Jr.in ."1n1tli HC'ul!v1· 1ia; .. '.!{1 c,11od t1un11ng t1,h1n•: .1,r,1 1 ,\1•1r 111';,tj Oi'UI 1Uc ]J.~ 11 ·11 11111' JUI hC'.il'h 1'f'.d r~talC U111lt l' :1~ :~j.f".l;ll '''" Sl :.0.COIJ I n 1dc 1 ,; fOI ("{IJ,t.;;! 1i!'i',I hOlll<' 01 dlJ• pi t', o'll',1r A;d~1u,. TD, 01 • 011111'1· ;..1s-1.112 b' J 1·1•p.(;J.'i, V·6, soft.lop, ••Vl'lfil llr ~' 1 1 111~. r>0"1 l1'.1l:ll011, R11! 1,lllbiir, hub5 SL-WI! ,,11 !radr $1100 ('qty for <'ilinfM'r 01 ~1 \\'ai: 6:2.11126 '" ,1( l r Countty Es1ate ,1 Br. :! B.1. 18.\ :6 pool, IMlrscs or 1111r ,, !C'\I r1ny. \la.nl bcalh prop "I ()11110•1 '."i ;J.7b.:6 B/n LtL\Ull 1,111!_!.lt' 1 S: '.!. bcdi 00111 ;i p;irtrncnt~ fur111~l1 cd <1nd unlur · nishcd 111\h ( 0111plc te pr11 aev :ind land1;eap. cd rountrv (Jub a!· n10.;,pht 1'C !llt'IUd!n;! S750 ooo II u r I h of l ('(tf'a t 1ona ! ral lhl tf', ll('<:IJ!ll!'rl iH1d 11 p('t :11 · !".I 11 1--t l llt .•.i 11 !! I t' pf'{lpil'. ·"'''' I ! '· • '\ I I " lll" I:':; ' 111" \I /1 1'•11 i''pq1I I ,\. 1:•,. 11~1111 ,;;--;-•! I ! HI:. 11 Hi\, l•:" µ.111(• ISL· \\h & up 11/ li i{l·hrn. :\1,i in :-,1, .... 1n1 ,1 An<1 Tl : t:.1h1illo Si i'> ..;,\f'A"L'_ ,,,,'J .r. :BH.~I·:·\ r ur<'-''"fY>l l Rllrl .1S-ll~-I tl ki i1 ;b111~1 ~ 1:1: 1111 111' <l pl · !; 1!1p• <ti o1H ,i~1i11 ~1n ,, 1,.,10 -I TI C 5997 i * 4t * * * ! p>.1' 1oi · \pr '" I'"'' .,,,,, i''•"' 111 11 1 /.. ,1ui). M ote s . r r. rts. ~!"!!!'J!!!!~~~'!!l!!!l!!!l!!!ll!~~~!'!!~~!!!!~~!!l!!!l!i!i JUST COMPLETING 11111 '\I I«• • ' ,.. ' ' ·I • I< 1 • I 1\ I ' '•l '11 Beach Bay & Realty , Inc :' 1•111. lt ' '\1: :-u, .. I I "'' ,. ,'\ 1':11 f'I 11: (' I ~ 1111 1••1 i iJ I l 10 Hli' Ill U ~l!l .., \\,il f 11 1 I 11111•1 t•ul l L f; _, 1;, 11"""' I"'" llhd ""' 11 I • "'I'll II 'i II q\• I fJ It \~, I . ;i:r: ,,, 'r •I d . ' ' )• 'I'. -... ~I 1;i• -111 I '11•"('1' I• .,j , , r:r: !} I .'.~ ... I• pl., ' 7, I ' ·•''I (, ;1,.'t: I C~rona del Mar 3250 : FABULOUS VIEW I ' ,. "•'' I 11 ,I " l i \ I .• \ " I .'~ I • 1•• I ~ I"" I' r ' \ I~ • 1 < ' ' : ) ,I: !.11., · ;,., \i• .t pt 'ln111·l•1''''' ;•q .:210 .. r 1·1 ·•r1 ,,, ANAHEIM '1 T ~ , 1:• ' 1 '•' k. .·.' \)/ I. '711 ' i,.~, GARDEN GROVE I '" !'1.q11.1H \1• ' I 11J1, \, ~ 1' I 1 \ 1 I 1 •,I !• o ,b :1 l•l NEWPORT BEACH I " ot•I I ', t I• nl~' J I South Bay C'ub Apartments I •" I ,QI:+.! ,I •l ' \, VAL D 'IS ERE 1 I I I ' : I ~ !I 11 111 ' "Ill I \• I I \ II, ) ;iJ I I I• IH<lllll\ \I I'"'' 1:11 • 'I.'' "' \1111 I I,,. (" l•til• lo I \o n1l 1. ,\I 1\1 )IHI\ t.J , 11111 \ 1111 I\ , 11. I "' "' "• I'!• I I'• Co~ta Me~a I' I ' 4100 $3 0.00 \'Vl1. Up 0 ~"'Ii•• A I f,, l1•f e h11i 1111 ,, I 1· 11 I e l'h·tll<' '•'tl u• ,\ 1•,,,) .,,.. I', .. I , ••• l.i\·11 .... '"I I' I .''II : lo'111, '\ 1: •.\ .. lhh \ -,,.,-1·:11 1 111 \lo ' ,iJ !11.1 t \• 'I J~•r! I'•·" II 1.: ,-\l>li \ \1 onh H urbor H e ights Four :: .1 : Ill : l '.:! r.":> .1 all 11 llh l11•'r1Lu r -"'l '\('' .\ 2 L .. 1 ~ \11• f 11r1~111'•1 I! JI 17-A Cinnamon Av e. \', 1'"1""n r.-u7iin 11.o11, 1,, ·f !'01111 ~ilup-Tl: \11.t.I~ ~P,\!J :..; REALESTATE REAL ESlArE I 1 ~1: •.i11•I•' 1'1 1• .. 4,,,, •..'.•' ,17 1'1.17 ~-___ _ .~.>1.1 l '~.r: ~IU.'\'Tl l G&neral General I \du)I• '" "''I ~ •. ~ :-;11,:. l ,,\l :L ~. 1.;r: ' B (I' • ttlU-%81 * " 1;-1:: ... id"" 111• 1',l.1····. Sl'•• n1•1 ~.I"' 111'\1 I \I 1 1 l :LY-7dt,.~ ""-,,--1.-,,-11;10ffic1 Ren.ti! 6070 Commerci1I ! !.1 ~1.-;-;-1!•;( (Ip dip• 1 r.J. Sl~) .'\r.u •H <.•I• P!l \! 11'1 "O l '\c""''"rl Bh I ·,;_ ____ = •l•••I "•''''I' ll•h ·'' _, · ,. .. '\IODER;>;\1r 1nod111onr d 1:111..'1 1•1' 1i.1t•• • ~· ·-• Cu t11'lr · I t A ·' 6085 I ii l.l 'I 1,. "'1 .11: .odilil .. l\11\!•I \]j,• 111 t:, Cos ta Mesa l •II• --•P•h•on•e-.5.46--10•3•4-. .... 1 ,:~.;1;~ ·~;1;..1 ~l'l, fil~-llS-1 I .. ~ '" ,,u1 r1•, 1Trh ..;1r"r1 Co,ta l · .nv es ors ttent1on. , l~l : \' ----· · ·, --( ,--• \ll',11 (hrr 100 ~quaH' ft·"t. ::.0 lron1a!.:r on CX·<'an 1\1·r '.t.\\ I 1:1·11.., l\.r \\ ,LL:\\ R' 1.1.. -LP. M isc. Rent1ls 5999 S2\!I pt'r 1,1f>nt1J. r.1rk1ni:; -1 1n 1!11nl1ni,::lnn At'ilrh. 1>.llh .... , (,; .. 11 .. 1 l.\l:CI 1 -1 ~1 ·•Pl ',,,.,\) !,1111 ~· 11.o~ Sl lll-~1 ,n 1 1~1-0.~710 'II 1''1·'')~\ ric1 \.\ r i:O\ r ~ .1 : bd· 1:11• 1',l '\J~.I : i:t.:-:T \J. 1r.111" ;:.11 Adult' ''Ill'. 11" I \llJ"~.B\J(O'\I LS 1 <'flfl!'C' ll>Cllll J il.IJ Jt o r t(!tll!nl'11'1a./bll1ld1og1nrrar, prl' Ir.I)\. !1 ·1 St 'i h ·'.!1'.!i 1\IJlLI L,V[.\;(. t,\!lAG~; s2·• prr nlo. \lso ,~i·in e :il l u1 ilitirs 111· 11 11'1 ~l -J(J lll.,rll hly 1ncomr ~l J~~:-ID!·. C!l·\1.ET lnrgr 1oori1 , hol h t or i ha!t•,! l'hunc i.\11 P.i!C ~1111 fllllt' S~1.000. Newport Beach 5200 s:r,2 ,\ll,inlii , -,:1i-'.!SOO '10''11 1:" ·~i~!ISG Gl?-%t;o P .-\CJFIC O.:J!OrtES !~LALTY 11 n 111 1 --~E-A_S_T_B_L_U_F_F ___ ~ !:J: 'pl -. d i 11'· hli:°ill;, Income Prop1rtv 6000 ~\l ,\L!-=-(Jff1<·~ 111111 • ;1l 111nst .:.&.1!~9 1· r :i"~. ~11 STlK Sll(I ,\l,,i a1.1 1! 1 . ',! ,\ .~ g 11 ,1..;1' t Iv~•' In b•.ir•h, I :\ · ' Ii I , " 1 r 1 100 sq 11 (.1r pr l'--1111 1!1C'~ Hd1 111 !!('.1h'<I ruol-'ln lrl , ''11 • 1 1 1'· • 1•1 ,1 '· I'" 1, ·lv1p•. i•1t 1((1 bth :-;1 1 0 , HARBOR GREENS R,\f'l 11"1 .fJ I\ lll1f111 n '""" 1rnlci. adi 1u ~11,,ppin:; 1 •l11•• l1l '•N 01ril..io11,1:1c ~1 ~1 ~,~_11 ,2 32 UNIT APT ri"I :'hn1 1 1r rn1 c.isr ·' ·'" 1~,1 .., h,, I., I•'\ '\In• Im " ~hvp L'nr!"r l'uns trur !ion j J'• }nail 1;1 r111 l•u;,111n1111 11 Ja c c111 T H1\I t !C·TFllHJric-.--;- 1n,' 17 l'O!: !-1 hl d;:: ~:?ti i.o() Ci\:\0 ;.l P.F:/\LTY 6;-.. ;:jS1 --~:l~l !'l'll'l '•111 \\ 1 , •111 . , hur1·j,. .. "'h•k•l•, ''I• ,\\',\[I. (J( 1 1·,111 ,\r i1 1, 2 !. , '.!1 ~rar< ,\nnu.i l uirornr l'.uhC'n's , Ora11~f' Coun1v 1 !~1 : •w••I r~• oh1l•·11••1 "' I , II S' 1, .' 1:1~ a111,, C1111~ •hn-. ".r" II I I I II :i 1rnorl arra Phone <"'"1 1 \Jr,,, -.itit1'in ''· 111..:•" ·1~ -"" r 1 s.:.,.:IC!'' 11 1 ,,.,, .. r u .v' ,. •· Industrial Rental 6090 J•'• \i..'olO" .1;J~1h J'l11 t• -------\[, 'II.I ,1,11 ,!t $!1.> j>"!' 1110 l'f"O'l'd \l l'f"k(ia}S~J.:,\l'\-2~M 1·•••il• 1'1·' '1'1'' -~--=----' &7S.&050 , .... :!i~f1 INDUSTRIAL BLDG. -OFFICE SPACE • 1::.-.0 •q ri. SltiJ.111011lh ---~ -Fairway Villa Apts 1 1:1~r( no 1•r! ~II ~ l11ld1i'l1 <•k I 1 'bilO 'Ii 11 llllrl<'r ('Oll~tl'UI' ('o,t.i \Ir''' Newport Hgts. 4210 • IUIGIMIJIAIEMUHtl ,lllt \llWI "11' ''' .~ l;i·I l"'ld 1 11011 \n11u,1l1n1·u111~si:.1Qf1 1~6(ll3X'rwll(Jl1 Bht! e .~lf'O ~I! 11 ~ "ff11 r< .. --,-----1"•' ,1 ()1 ill··· (" \ l,J• 1 ,( '" :-1 11.1 'l 1r 11.11n• t .oxi!I !111an0 111;: !,. ::1;n ~ri !I f\ll lll'hr ri ( pl1 .. ,:;r IVll\CI', ~ ,)Q , 11l11 •l l1 "1 1"r .HI:• 'I ,· I ll l"ll l 'I ''\ I \1 1th l1t1!p<l bll)'l.ll.'0l , Cri,ta'lr "1 '\ I I I I \ • I• "'I• .'I ll~ \ '•' ( I ! I\ 11< I I .! Ll ll :\1 n,\ 11\1 p.11 1(' 1,1\ '"" 11'1 I _ _.::c::_:_:,_c:..:...::~---\ li ili• I'" 1''1'• ·" Ii h Ill \'! \\ II •-r !\ rl 1 •lill l'11l•o• J J I I I 'l OFF1CE BLDG "l'lll'~S 1• I;)() IO l'i,f\11'l 'fl/• llfl\\ \I 1 \t 1 ~ I ) ·' 1 ' r ·' -"'" ",ii•· p<>I , 11 .1 • irt l<JOI\ 11 •• ,,,,, ,' ,, .., •111•1 i1p ' " i l•i.:•": •11 1»1 d i.•J>t' i.p 'l•~-~·1•1 1 T·1r Jci111.1,nX'r1,po11 .. ,, s.,1· .. 111 1,;I I lr.1,111:;:.1111dr1 t•11s t111111')11 --------------.idul; \1 1,I •!11 I • '-'•I _. ------~1·,(l,Ol'll . 1·,•, i1,,11 n 0 1 11r11 -. 1, '\r1,flor1 1~11 1!,:"\13 (\i~1a \Ir ..... B k B 42401 1 1:1: rni·l .. ,('oJ n :i 1 1 n , ac ay ORLEANS APTS II ~,:,•11 ,,11 1.1 '\I "11J 1.111> 1-·111 1,1-1r,01 • 1 · I ,._. Ill• 11. .\dull• 1.,111 1 __ . ----(' r.111,..r1 i\a 111 ~..,~ 1 ,, . 1:1• 1 ... ,.1 ••u111,, "1 ...... 11 ' . ~1 , ... ~,.12 . 1·11 .. r.\ \Jl'•il ·ifl u"'· ~!<' 1c,. .. 1~ ,1 ... .i I{• •I ' '" ~ 12 11' . I '' '' I I 'I f' r:,,i ... 1 '"'' ,, 1 .. u1 •r I 1· , ,-.,·.· -.. I I , • Ill• •I II _ 1 J1I< •I ;l• ';H n:on;:: ' ' -~~---=="---I \ \1 ! ·,· \J\ 11 I I r:' '" •• ,,11,. I':• \,d .!.l;l\,pl••li l•"'""'(l•r tl l•lol ";I"'' ' -B , -\•• 1 1i.\o111· 1.1.11 .. 1; .. 11 I r '\ Ir" "lt••"' 1111 a~•i . lndustrialRent1I 6090 "11 . .'\ 1 ,1, , I '' '' 111•• .~ l""' '1 1~·!1, ,,1, \J•., _ _ h i 1 ~· :.; I''") ------------·I Ii , • ' lit ' \l.'11 ·~ ... ·.~~" '' •1 ·" I' I \ l 1. i t,1 ,' 1 •• \ \ Ill \d I• '" I ' -111• ' I I: '· I " \ " j,I ~.•1 ' I -------~--- Corona del Mar 4 '2SO \l_I \j II I I 11 II ' I'!' ' I'\ i /(1 fl o! I', BEACH UNITS [lf [.\'\[, .,ff~j;;--l:;;::-{;;' 1 pl • .i, 111111 '\1 11 1•t•1111 We!lmin5ter 5612 S ALE OR TRADE '\I.-. .1. 1 ~lfl "1 ft \tr (unt.1 , '\• 1\\ ll• llo \' ',i j .• 11•1.:• , I, I ,•, !'I 1 ti d1•l<11-.l.1 < /I\, '11 f'.,.,j ,1 II Oll d 1•1 \•hill l•I II\.'. 1 !'I, 1,,.,. I• I I I I ~.!il ------------.' ldJ.l\'l'll l IJ11plr\•. ''1'"'· dlf'I" ·--1~~fi•GI \I I I ' I 'll' "]'\l l (ll'-~1 :1 l l.1 .ltl i • , 11 • 111 Jlfl• ,, • -·' ,. 1:.·d11 •11 ll~ 'n1 1fi, 1----r..1, .• , 10-.-R-en-1-- 1 p11 ... , "I I)', I · ~!nt ,1:.:•' 1 , v1 ... ' (,i ll .!> \!!•l)\Ll 1U,'\ .!. Ill: :.:ill:.'.. quil'I ai r,\ Aduli,l.: .• L>rt111 .~;1i;~~ l '.H<.11 115 :~l~I\' c,i \(li·~,.\P.61'1 (\liJO : hl: < 11 lill11', ... 11111, n" s•1-1-.::.'lli !!•''' L•• 51 ,, d.~-.:O!•' Commerci1I 6085 :-.1-.1v lr1du-1 1·1,1t r.l dl:<; r ,, ll'a~I' ~'i(J() •11 !. 'It fl 11;::• 'lonr n11a. ( \1 li7~·'l()l l .. -=----·l OO'I ~Q ~-r. nr ir:.1 h•o1 ,i HA),l'l' (' \I \1 .111. ,it "11' r ~l'l.Ll\"\'\' dll-1 1.'~ lots 610C • :\I.tut "111, ,. "' 1,1 \\ \:\Tl:.U 111.11u1 r 'l ll I "' t ~!;1 ~.1111 ~11 1, • ..:•. 1.:) 1.i • u .. 1. 1,,,1, 1. 111,11111 ··111pl••)•11 \111111nn 11. OK rr,r t~,,: 11,111<'!, c tr :::1, ~ .. 11 1~1.1 !:hi! ,1\~;-,, ~otall 1·01~· lu111 ,ip1 :1: II •1•<111 \1 1 .i,..111••1•n I 11 <1 lior .\ I· .i 111 w11 " llt.:1, ,\pr · 11,,,1 .., 1.1~-.. 1u1. 1'•t'' dS-tlil • : 1.H ~ li,, 1·111 ~. 1h·p~. hl1 111• ~:J:, ) i II 1~r ~jffj \\ B.dhu.1 Bl \'tl tiil-lil , : Ill:, 1 '~ B \ t1nf ~1p1 ,\11 u\tl Jl<l itl sir.:, 1110 \'('\\]\ •:r1·01 ~~ 1-1.~~: f ','• TJ> \~~l1111.1hlr L.tll ~I r 1,1111trr 01· ,\], ~·cn:u,,on r;n: 1~1:,\1. [ST,\TLRS :.i&.2311 5000 Sq. Ft 2111 to 4 ACRES R•nclio Capistrano I ,,-,·:..·,,1!<1 "',.: .. l in•• iil.-~oJ:!• ---SHARP-28R ___ ". I f1lRQLui>W~:-~· Hi tt 11; $ll(l 111onth A ol ul 1 .. (i;;;.-,":":IS I RIJl:\I 1,., Ill' II /fY~o] - •1nor.11:t.,· 1n1• p r 1 1 . Gra c10~ Adult Living 1-·l H:oi ,( t1!1{,u 11 ! 111: l)1p~. 11 '" 'rpl•. lrp!t P.101 '-'ll<!<'tll' (11, ;.;o 1'1111dl'o'F1 MESA EAST APTS. . ~r.1 !'111'~ A.;tnl !~\-J:!~ _ 1 :·:G~ ,\f._.p\,• hy \I !1 <11n ~lrv!"l ll l111 111l111 r Pn .. I No P• I' ~l;-,:, 11101111• 111~1· 1_.,.11c1111 _ b l\i 6~1 1 ··-----· 11·, I·: 1~111 (' 11 ) r: \It f~(•und 1111,1.111.., :: Bi '.! B.•, !! 11, '~ hlk fm1n ;;;urf 121'_ :i1hSI •:!!:;1 ,\.~2-2 1 1~ I' IJL l.l :'\J:-:! Ill{ 2 U:i " l'<llil• ( l l'l l;lln<, .1n11lt~. ! 1•n fl"' I."•' ."1.~·, ·, !:\.. :~t1S H vnt1 ngton Beach 34DO •AV/\fJ. (J•I 1• I llJ:-;11 ~ Balboa 430011 1 1' 'lfl t'1 -,~s ·,-r ~---"-------~ 1 '"';'lU! f\Jt'll ~1:.'• ('.,n pl•· 11,, ~ '··' -'' ' __ 'l· .. \HI ., ": I\!(, 2 B\ 110 t '!.f': \\ l'.11 lu•l•11 ,\ph l:'\I \\ .: 1:1: ! H \, 'h 1;.: •I pt ':,l 1.! ..:1. ' l1lk ,.,., .111 I .LI"! ~'.,): .. ,]() '" 11,1·11 .. 1 .~Ill.• •hildl'l'll ,,, I"'' '"·•'''''I Jl l I I I I I ~ .\JI u1il 1111·1 ~-' u1• l'f1' • i ... 11, '~1 11 ! 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'.i-11'~·! ,,1• •1 I 1"11 ,\ S1111 ----·------'-' fP11• ,.ii I .11 l '"I '" t J1,1l l" , J \I' J ' I l'I',, ,.,," 11 .1•1 1,1 ,\ 1,1,1 1111,, ·ii'' 1""1 "1'1 '"1 1 6iilboil Island 4355 : I'• 'I''' 1:1 1" t.1•111, "''· 1-.·11. ~ .. 1 .• ;:r ,• 1\\,1 11 lff/1 \flo!J I f'('l ~!\!)< --I J•il l:,:, j)ol f\H, .',I~ 1•1 io l ('1• H \l1tl1<"111, " ~·1 ~' '' uttl\ <1('1"'~11 pt'1'h·11.d ~ .. \I '1 '.!1 :-. t i H'\, ': 1:1 2 1:,, h.nh·111I. l•1<•i• lu•!i"I 1111 11111 11 , ,~, ,;, ,j•), ,.,,,,.1 11,1 I ~:jn 'ii'" I ll I I I I i · ' -' ••ll pi h ( I tllo'f, 111'~'1 \\'111lr1 11•111-1 JH'1" ~\\• ..,r,• oo\\111'l' <ti :~~ -------------=--·:: l'\l 11•" k,1,11, .~ ,!II •J.n -,.,. ,_. J'""I N I Sh '220 • · \ Ml..\l r1r l 1 1.1 1 t I','\ _:·~1 _'".':". ·"' ,\ l+.111 :-1 C'\I 1 ewpor ores -!'Old Hiid "'ll lld I\ -----~---------= ' ,~---~ llJ( l '1~1I ,\rl1 il 1• 11" lll1 ~ . l.1\ll 1;1·:-l ~H ,..;11;;11 p l:; l~I:.:: 1., hlln', 10101.11 rO\li\!HJL'il .. .!. I'.!~.\' •• · i.,_ 11 ·,,;. _2,:l<ti \1111,1,, ~1 ,,,, 1~ I Huntington Beach 4400 1,,,.,0,,., I' ' ( ':iq~ (< 11f',1 1' :->f! !'ht~. dip~ ,1.,11• 1~f1i" '"I o,u I -c· !1'0 ,, ... _,,_., -------QUIET&BEAUTIFUL ('o,1s1!'11~.1 '" "lllll 1t .1 s h•' r I rl r 1 •' r JJaliu. I ('!IATI A!' I \ 1'0 1:\'.TF , "'P. J J I J \" J A.i:::1 s·;;,_.11:!2 !:\'•'S 111 ;, ur tarl)(Jr1 . Pool p1 11 ll :d k In • · · ·1 · "'" 1w u i r r · uu !s ·'hool· & ]1•1· .. 1.1· ~ Bl' IUl'O ;IJ\1, f100_ I onl,•, ;-.;., '"'· 11616 (Jill· 11kr nds ~l:H ;111 ..... ~ """J1p1•1i.; l•n· 1 -'------•.HI"" 1 •uluhs no 11<1' $ J.1 1 l'JUl1 xl-'11"·, 1, :l .t· ,; Bit ;inl~ 11"1'' !I','" 1t1.1rulatr' ~110 nfl !r.1..,f'. 111,1 1.,11 Pvtll•"l:l __ c·--'-·-·-------1 '' " • b;l•i-.h ll :ift"r ti J'\1. _ I\ E /\ R h c .11 h , n 1• •1 I) 1•> Sli(l 1111> •'Ir~ 11"1 \Ta r :;i:ii-:2h.;-(1•'n, .. , ·~ fr1•l, 11 I\ • rp1~. f)'Xll, rl'l" \~lfl 11011 1nrl11 lo ' 1•11 t<'r ''" 1.1 .t· ]11•1 ' ~)1'11 1 <1011,:i:! ·. 1:1: \' ,,. I h1 > l.11 11 r ill, 'l /,,1 hnn10 1)1 H •kht1 ~· S; L°O•'' I :!!\01 { .. 1•1~11 .•llfl !.11 \'l1!'11~r 1110 1;1i• 112-":.'•, : !.:· l .1 ll 'IP' , "!!• ·~,1,,:\ IL "l'f~·1n111,• "' •it•!"'" I 11 1/ .. J ,\ :· n1 : : ll 1'"hi1 11 :\•·\1 fl·•H~t d"•Ol a!rd BaC'hrl11r .q•I. •\r1~. fl!\~ 1:1 f'an1100 Or '1 lip1 . ..: • ('111~, ;.; o I s 1:·. i>"i 1i1•1 L 111 1.,1 c :i.1 ;!l6-fll:11 • h1ldrr 11 "r pr~ _6"_H>'l2_2_ '\~.r ... 1·,79 1 Bl: a ri1. $1~, l'"''--;;-w-,\]~1 • 1--" u Pa!rn" e 1 .~ ! Brt Pool '2 U!~, ad11 1 1~ •l1lld1• n ,,, r~1 ~ t Ir"" 11 11 ,,•'l• .10 :'1'17 J;\''' I 11111 1." h• I••+ I" ~ •l 1~ r 11\•"•i t..~ 1 ·~ I•! l1j 1 11 1 ! 1;.1:. '2 BA. 1i11 1~it 1" 11111 f""I. \\,IS]H'r boo!., !I{' $IS:1 111"!11)1 !lti2-fl!\111 ~lf't'l'l!I:.: 11•1 ~ i(i 111 '' I 1111'\n1 1·d a1hol1, I• 11 I v 1"1 _;:;:.~ =------·~1 ;11 1·PH ~'!'.I'. •111' ol 1" 1., Orange County 4600;-,ir ,J 111' I. 1\d 11l r~ 11" 1• 1, -~----•1!::7 ... j \i .I I ' .. 1111:.: •"H j1. ht\· , .. 1 \ ,ll J•'l .11<1• , [111 -1 " I' h,1111 till• 1!1 11, l 'IH.11(•') 11 11111•• /, "ll!•l ''"' '\, !•I \l i/l "' 1·1· h· pt 11.11 .1 ...... 1~1 '~"} ,,,_. :'"' --- 1l111n1i.: ,11 •'.1, 11<11 ~ha;, 1·101,, 11<·11 I' J>.111111•!1 12.tO ~q ft \11' 1111.: !H•·~ JJ',1SI' 6t!-\..l'l'"I . : ll1 '!-Ra-;ruplrx. CrplS, tlq1~. bl t11s -rrl!> -$22:i n10 ll'H•I' lq~..(l601 E ast Bluff 5242 e NEW DELUXE e • f\1 1111 I 11!! 2'. h:i a1•1 ' for ll'H•r ~f'IH! 111~str. ~111tr. d111 • ~ rlh! i;:.1rrn:" ;iuto 1 11~,r ,,111•11~1 .1 1.11!. Pnnl .t ti , .. 1,• 1 .'\1 l'nthol11· t , '",II ·' "( huol 1,. C111~•n<1 •kl \l..i• H1i:h 0 (1:\l.Y '\'; , e \' \.11.'.o>' \\,1\, ,t; ~ fil: Cr,nd•• ! r j•t• dr1~<;. /.jrn• ~ITi 'fJli2 ( Hn!u1.--ntal 111 , llB 21~/l~!·il !l I HI: ,,, "lfl lJ!I• I• IJ 1111111 1, •. 1 ('li1 h \1o1~ :i, "" I \'l'-flll I~· 1 1~1'. t11 1•-ll~\\:-_l hfLS~-::. 11r1" ~ S. J J l"l\l'T r,11o i~'' 1· ,.1,1111,1, ,\n 111~1·11 1,ll•1 ••p1 h!11n• c,11 .l•h 1l1·.11u r J: l 11l'I :::;1ragC'~ T..! \ ~., ir· 1 ~\ •:, 1,.,, .. 1.; 171.2 I _·_''-'_''c'-"-"-'-"_._,_1_··-·-~---'--- ' Tustin 5640 \!0:\1-.:' ,\lAf{ER. 1nco1nr Sale or Lease Sill n1n, 2 hornrs--J apts. E'-<'cllent expo5ure on z n1ain E115t 1;i1le. s;1J,OCO or trade s1rl"cl« Includes 11. 5')~j()' for hn:nr. Bk r Io'\ n r r. r rmr nl blork bid~, offwcs . Till·: ,\''PE'l..; 1 ·~;:,2 \r 1111~01 :-;1 Tll~l!n • prr<lli;-r adllr"sS .\dull l11·1ng, nn pC'l'< :-.hH:,: t Hl p!'I ' THI.ii .111' '"lld'!i••IHll;:!' t ·nrurn1shr•I \ ,~ !'1 1111 '1\J!ll~ $. Nilll\:'I~ \p.11 hlJ"llh 110111 S\.tO i·,,1 1nfn1n1at11111 s~ •. 1.r~7 61ti--~•·11'.1. -=----== F. plrnty or parliioi; F1nr , l ilOUSES on I 101 l :;9,00J (JJll101 iunlty to buy 1111h a I ;ippro,l'd lor Vrtrr;in loan lo11 do11·11 payn1rn(, 011'nC'r ~011<;irlrr !r,1flr -~16--::11:', 11 111 1·an) 1111, 101111 6060 \\ a lkl'r I.· 1..rf' ,\11 Lr1 11M' lnco111e ln•r -1 111rn1 1Xp1. .,, ~91-.1 is no11' ollrr1ni::-lahuk1u~. 011k ~tuddl'd, rarn:h ~1zr ::prr:irl< Thr only onr~ ol thr11 kind 111 lhr 8 001n1n.i;: Solltll Cu«.~I \••',.) !!1i:11 ~l~l\I' lhr 1nini: Iii'!' ,,, II ,ill' I ti,,11" ~nil 1r .. hr·rl J::il ll' ~11,11 ,1 111r r 11\r n .• 1111,d Cit _FICF.d""k & rh"_i1s furn MODER_N __ _ REAL ESTATE c i>o 1 51' 11"r 1110' L. y r. MERCIAL STORE General r:ltr ·.i.-:..116.~ COM ~ b!'.1UI~ ,,f lh1, furn1<1 ''J•.•!1 1-h 1;1,11!' •111 1•11111 lrol lo\ I~ .1ut1ful l 1• 11 I.ind ,'\ .. 11 .. 11.i/ ~ ... ,.,! .\ll 11!1],1p. ,11 ,11! Bu•hl •n-:: •. \20 'f1 II. \11'.l Rentals Wanted 5990 11-'l'!l.IJl'\f; ~uitablr 1"1 11,htrrl .t· hr .1trr1 Jhi::ll r•·il· ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. 11 ~ Ii\,. I s turr. o 1:·c. r t1·. •n1:s. i.::o,1<1 n oois ·• r."q ANXIOUS SELLER Ol oiC'r lri·rilrx . NC\\'POl'I F ull f'll'IN' S:)9. ·-oo. ~Id gros! Siroo ,, 11 11 good manflZ<'· 111rn1 Q11ncr \\ill 111.k~ low. IQ"' <1011·0. r or n10rc-,nfor. n1a1 1on plcaS(' call K, \\'. :-'inall Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc, 1~1.~ \\' 0 1:ipn111n i\1(' 01 .1111:{'. Calif .·111 ~h~l l·1r~·11 kn1ts ;,,;1;;;~;1 \\',\;\TEil I hd1 111 ~pt !nr l'l-:T!Ht;I) l.i\PY ;.. n tll 1!11..111;.: •11 "l..111'! f>I Jlf'h \f'r>d~ !uh rwrfr1 :.:rounrl 1lfl'u loronJ rJr l .'.J.1 r 1t11 r:.11 1-1" 1"'~'" ~1 r. 111n 1.1\r rl In l;i~I .lpl ~ ~1 ~ ~\, I\' 0rHos~. ~96--2.lOO Ot' 4!'111-' 1•11 I 118 6621) 1'()()111 ~. Lo i liO :>. J:1U B lop 1'1U Cl.ll rl!!J\f ~~ ('~ 6070 riarkini;,: ln r.11 «. I H} 000 Dr I,()\\' DOii N . l·.Z ·1 l'l~.\J..; O;cf~f~;':•::.;Rc;•cnctc•cl ___ _c...c.1 <>··•nrr111a v l:an" h,11 Loe . Fo1· 11·11r 1u1Jt11rv 111111:::. 1 .. 2381 l\'r11 rOr1 Blvd Cull LAGUNA BEACH CNAB A ir Conditioned JOHN MA REALTY CO . ON FOP..ESf AVENUE' 61::!-Sllj or 5.is.s.m l)C't;;k ~p;ire ava1l.t.hle 10•1~:0:'.:'.;::'... ___ '.'.'._ __ ..:.:;.:::= nr11r~t oHice bu1ld1n:; 111 LIVE UPSTAIRS !Jl t'lllrOI Ol Jll~1 plal!l 111\11'~! ll1C'll1 at il b.ll'J:llllt Ill I• r Call or 111 1tc lor • 11111plr!" rl<'ta1l!> 11tlrl frrr t•nlor hro JlA:'\CllO Cr\Pl~'TR,\~O prin1c lor11Uon in downto~·n WORK DOWNSTAIRS l.aF:u na r:.each Air condt· \\·e hi!.\!' a sub~tan11al, 11('11 rionC'd, c;1rpc1erl beau\1fn\ coostru1•ll'rl ~tor-c IJ!d~ !or 1:.10 Can1p11~ llr l'nlranrr~ Fronlu~.: on ~alr 1n B111lio11. 111lh a li;r. ~~11 po1 1 P,l'ar·h. 11:1iGO Fr>t''~! ,\1r. rl'<11' lrad! To np1 abo1r Could br u•rtJ 546·7483 .'ol11nr•1Jl~) p11k1n~ lot:' $j/1 foll 11 \;i t1r lv of fl!llJl<l~r~ ___ _ 111•r 111on!ll fClr ~riarr f1t'<li O\\or r 1111.i:::l1I ro11,1rh'1 ;".i~r l"J."!tl:"l.t i IS t..•Hl ,,\1: !111•1 rh.~11·~ ;'.l\'1111.i bll· lor ... :. BURR WHITE l..akC'f1•u11I 101 ,i:, •1,0 l~1••1!1f'~~ hriut~ ;1 '1 ... \\Cl lll:! ,1c,\:..O.::: 1.:_f:1\LT\' 11;:.-~;q1 ~r11 1<"t' ~1 111l,1bl r for SIO 1:~:.\l.TOI~ --------- \11 111.l1t1C's na1d x T :9('l :'\rllf'IOl't Jlhtl · ,'\ 15 ·C1't•us G•o•es ,. r trp f,j~l6".0 ' ' • rrlr1•<1 11\f' 6175 l !\ll.Y PILOT .'.:.' l'Olt f:Sf AVt::'\UC: l ~\liliNA 81:/\01 431·9·\tii 1For:. Hrnt 1i 11cTf' lo!~ j OH.\:'\f;T·, l~Mli' 1 :1,r~1rlr tonr Co111plrlrh r"n' r.t J? '"'"<;· n -'"'ll"' nhl Pre· 11 11 lie l{alc~. •~/I.II 01!1cc I s 1•·· 1110 ·,4~-6::01 J',\lri 1 ntrr"~! i ' lo;in \ii,Sjl'\ l'rr 11r r,. fill 1~0~ RI Ac , .. rl " Sh L . T NH m< Ex 1''A c.: SH Bf R. ;\l 1c 00 o, • '" ,... m• It; ... oc BL I l'\o • " '" »1 , . be da ... !I loo "' "' ,. C< .. 00 "' «· ho " 1 .. ., " \\ ., "' ,, !e: " "" " D< II ' " m ., " "' •• Hu h• "' N· '" .. •' hi m ,, k ,, " n• rr ~ ;, " ,, ~ s: 0 ,, " ' ... A p s • ' • ' ! p :.; -c ,. • • • " 0 C< RI n • " e i Tf ;, • " ' " -~-~---~----------· --... --·---·-·-·-· -·-· --· . ··~···-·~ ··~ --···· -- RIAL ESTATE 0.Mrtl BUSINESS •nd "NANCIAL S.iturd.iy, OcWbtr 4, 1~6~ DAIL V P'ILOT 15 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMmf J OIS & lMPLOYMENl I JOBS & OMPLOYMEifi Acr..,. 6'200 lnv••tment Oppor. 6310 S3 DOWN. SI PD\ MO., iT9i HA'vE tnll,.r pari\ rr<11 <1y ,,, f ULL PIUC~ bl.iy~ 10 buUd. lil Sf*t'f's do"nto\\n a C"re1 1n So. C•lll L.. lqdio. across rron1 ~ur' ShfWf•lt, 3%i \V. Jn:! St.. Riclon&l ::Ohoppilij:: Centt>r 1,; L.A. f2IJ1 623-il0! l1 l i:::h '~·h ool. riih t TAKE ovr.P. 10 ACr.l::s dqwnto11.n' Ir you wa r'lf 20':~ r>i'ear hu1e !Ue, no <1011 n. $2,j IJJ)rndable on any amount or mo. 8S4-4T4.1, Agt. ca,,h up lo l.f00,000, <.:a,µ IJoyd , 67l-49.i8 Exch•nge•, R. E. 6130 Money to Loen "320 \~'ANT Jp!ex or 4-pl,.". ln C.1\1., lo1v ren1al~ \\'Ill t.x. l lO l\I equity Univ. Pa.rk ] BR. leased ll! $290. 2nd TD Loan P1'0mpt. eon1ic;entiiJ stn>ice 642-2171 ~5-0611 SERVICE DIRECTORY When You Wont it don e right ... Coll one of the ex perts listed below!! SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY e Rtd Hill Re11.lt~ Univ. Park CenlrL' 811--0820 Anyhn1e St'rving Harbor area 20 yrs. Sattler Mortgage Co. A•phelt, 0111 6.520 Go1rdenin9 6680 Jo1nitorio1I 6790 ::.16 !::. 171h Street R. E. Wented 6140 Mortgo1ges, T.0 .'1 6345 1-------- SEALING I.· PATDllNG Rc~idrn11a.J • Indus · Comc'l Co1npJ rf'a.s serv. Cun·ently f'n,ll'agrd by City of C.i\I. fur i;trrct reslorafiQ;s1. MORE CASH FQR YOUR I EQUITY CO~ST!tUCTION fl! one y ava ila bl!! for ir~1ne pro. du ~111;; property. }'oreiizn l: do111estic. "lult'l~. N11rsini;: :\ATO l.'ORP Cr.11'1 Contr11clor.1 b:lll-:..818 Home~. Shoppini;: Centl'l'5, Bo1bysittin9 6550 Ufl 1i·e Uu1ld1 n gs . ----------- Apartlil<'uls. <'I<'. \\'rite or \\'OliLD lil\r pl<1~111<1 1e for ('<1 11 T1Cle Realty & Ill) prr ·:.chJ rhlld, 11 1· ANTHONY'S 644-4860 ESTATE' :\la111t '!"rte Serv Rcnloval & trimming~. fret r sli1na1e • ...:all :;11-0088. Ma&9nry, Brick 6830 '.llid11·estern lnl'C'5lf1lC'nl Cvrp no1v purch1'~111i:: hon1eo: 111 On.nt:e Cuun1 1 Scrk 1n~ \'A I· f'HA rqu1\,es. CaJ All)· Clmr. 635.&i39 lusu~nee Con1pany1 21 j :X "11· port I P a I 1 s • d c G d · "80 Cl11rk Bu i ld t n g . Birm· f>-10-fiOO 1-'-'-'-"-'-""9 _______ _ RICHARD ALLEN ingham. Ala bama 35203 LJCEN:it:tJ ll1<y , 11 1-r , N'F.\\• L ,1 \\ u ~ 1'1'-,Cl'dllll;- P hone 120:;1 :l:il-3286. c I I weekdays. infa nt 1lu11 ~1 yr} 0111pcte ;111n •·arr , ('le,.11 $i.i.OOO !ST TO on 11.000 sq, ~" Coa:.t Pl11.za arc a . ur1 by Job or 111 .. 111h ~ r('r fl hr1rk ro111mtrc. bldg_ 111 ... ~s-10~~ r~llul!l!I',.., c .. 11 ~!f;_(l!J.::! Custom & Spa n ish Masonry A Specialty ! Block, Brick, Concrete Free Est. 633-2343 Onu1ge County. on long -~ -------------- Job Wanted, Men 7000 Jebs-Men, Wom. 7100 t:XPERIENCED Plain rook. IOAT CARPENTERS Ste"·ard " butlf'r. LocaJ Expenent't.'d, L..1'1e l'.'ustom rele,.nCf'll 4!'.M--2316 mmirrucllon. Tup 11·agt~ Job Wo1nte d , Women 7020 \\'JLLARO BO.-\T \\'ork1 129.l Bak('r St., Cfll BOAT CARPENTERS \\'A.l\'Tl::D L'lper RN de:sil"l's CALI. ~~:r-1-1 11ork Jn Dr's olftce . Ex!n1 , rter.•. 8-16-'1821 BOYS 10 • 14 F/c Bltr1·-'-tr Th'"ll P&:L-Carrier P.oults Open J:t YI~-"Xl'· for 536/i.1>1~ Laa:una Beach. So. Laauna '-=::=::=::=::=::=::=;:::;:::I DAILY P ILOT 1. 642..(t!l Job Wanted Men & Womt:'I ACCOUNTING -CLERK- \lu I hit ' r 111·1·11untu1~ t .. 11 k:;:: •111111. prl'lrrably 111 ;,, , '1111!~ Pil,1a.bl" ,1·11h ,.,.,,., lo.111"1 h·d;.:r nf IA.\f h ~ .1 I' u n · h. I::)>l'rl1Pn1 It 1t1~1· l,M"llC'!1ti; e BUSBOYS e DISH\\',\SllE.f.:<:; 808'5 SIG BOY !,1 I r: I 1111 _ .. I. 1 ---lu~l.t_:\1_,_,._· __ _ (,\Sl llER, r·en111lr, 11 a 1 I l llll~, 9 11111 10 1 jlUI, i\lon-t'n. Ai;e 18--10. Lall Phil. 612-11:::; 20-7.l Acres l'll-1, '20 ;u-rr moh1le c a n1 /l site, 11 ill Jt-a~e. T:.rs1rlc.n1·,.~. F1'<111k l\larsh11.!1 Rlty 67MGOO day or night. BUSINESS end FINANCIAL \\ILL h .. ti~~1! 111y Ld'.'11 AL'S Ga.rdr111 m.: & Lr11111 lrrni leased land. Payabl,. l10111e. any s!uf\ iday~. 11111·s1 '.'lln111tc11a nt:c. l"ro11111'1't:1a!, Paperhanging Cadillal:: Control1 3ij0 ino. incl. JO'~. all duf' J 01· l1} 1ht """k.! Rell~onablf'. 1nr!ustria! &· rr 'iulv1111al. Po1inting 6850 Dll'l~1.-,n ,.,t f:\'.Cl'JI• C·•·", .vr~. Hcntal inc. S1.WO mo · " ",. ~-d k ·· ,\111· 11gr (·h1lrl 67.>-&iG:, • tiu;..::!i1~1 • 1866 Whittier Ave. ·", 1scoun1. Bro er · -----_ __ :-il'J.H.:1:BA:'\' i~~1111111t: lJe,· CH!LD Care, rehab!.-11du l1 10 1•ai·r r')l' S } r old f.toy, 2~6:~0. ;:, dB)3. 0 11n l.f'a.ns. 6~2-4307 11·k..nds l: l'Vr."l. CHALLENGER YA C li T S I -1~~·1706 \\'ILLBab~'Si t~1,1n1:~111l1,~1~·1 J::xp'd ,ia11anr.~t' G;1n:r11,•r. Exrci·i Guai·:ii•t<"rrl \\'nrk Co~ta Meto1 arl" nnll' h1rin,t l'Xp 'rl . Bus. Opportunit ies 6300 J<."J' Tr lrl ir .I lion1 r , l!B arra. 1 ch1lct .,.,, Con1ple.1c }aN\ ~rr1 1•'"· l·r"'' 1 .~1 ;..\, 101; 1,.0 !:u·b" 646-2491 1·;t rprntr1°. ;:111~'-n1t11 11 nd ---'-'--------, '.1(' 1 Jt 1~1n 1 ;ig 1~: Bt at.~l I ~·ra1·s. 8~!-1161 11·re csli111ate. ;1.10-1 :;;;l .,1, h"' .stnall. ·1~1 ::1~'0 .\n rriual opopr1.u111t}' lurr111 rn. l'alJ 121::J :::i1-s;;~3 FAMOUS I \ 11 0 ·• u ac · -~0 E h" ------~---------rnlplo1rl' l'Ollrel .~l.i.((10 81 S60n10.1nrl,9'.< all i\l TH P. 11·11nt.~ a .Y~1 t.t1ng ~rr:I·'.t: Sr1·1·1<·r . :::1'1w1·nl .1<1t·tl l~r .1 ~:>.I ,.11•1.1.:•· .: 111 _____ --·~-----------BRA:N~ ,NA:_M_~ du" :: ~r;;.1 s. 12', D1•.l'<Jt1n1 , · n1y hon:I". '\!ante \ 1Sti:1 I 1·l(·a11111•. 1:111 ••\lll !:. ~pr111klrr h'•', t,1txi1-0111y Sl[i . .J() A&temblers, Bondel's I Clr11r·al • CA:'\D\ ~·O~ r1···" , r.nOI\ER '191-1137 ~chool arr.11 . 616-0l:tl. •r11·. 1;.1G-:1~·IS 1 ;.!-O l.1.1 aflt'1 :) p 111 Electronic Tecknicio1nt PAYROLL CLERK i\'.011· a1 ;11la blt 111 co,1 a \l,.~a ·---------I --~ -· · I ' · ' ---' ---k mJ nv othl'l' 101111~ iii 1111•1 ANNOUNCEMENTS B1\BY:;t1;1i\'.G 1ny _ioinr .... 1 Cut f.· l·:d:::r 1 .. 111 11 P.\1:'\TL\'C 1n1 B· E.~11.oiirs1 r-.Tod•·1·n, !'0•1,'!'r11i al 0H11·e '''I 1 d NOTICES I daily. ~.\·r~ ,~· X;il.; ok. \la1nlc11u111•r Lh:<'n'-1'ol (<ll'l lal'll'd pt'l<'l'S. Fulli 111• ~;.'l.pl'l'll'lll'rd S.dar1· onrn 1111·,1 r~ t·a11r11rla1r~ \\1th : art.i , OCd 11111• air ('t)Jll· an L ' c c JI ~~ ~9 10 . . ' .\IJI'[.\" I\ Pl:Ji.so:-.: . -d J I mer~i al or !dllor~ \'i•r} _ "~--..:1·~ .,!_ ..:....:._· ·-__ ··~·'=-!iOS/.il~)-\~YH afl _1_ ~;il1~fac11on gun1. Frl'e c.;;(. • Ap!ltu " •Jr 1~ul'•'.~ h1g-h ral'n1n1:s. n'I ~0111 11:: in· Found !Free Adsl 6400 S,\BYSITTli'\(;. :\\) ho1nr. Jl'.'lr.<;; G<1rdr11in1., G.· l:nl'n ,)1111 \lcl'l\s 6'i::-lhi6 !:~di',\ i\!iri"OrlrC'ti·oni,s • :\la1ut'l' prt"SQna !11y 11 \ < '11 p ::1·1() Pulln1a11 ."1 e A desu r 10 prepat'•' pa)· volved. To quality ~ou 1nu:.1 FOUND. ln .<h • ,\!.~r.;1 drl ;u· · 11)11 ai;'C 111111nt('nan1·r. R··~. & Loni· \l',\!.l.J'i\Pl:.Rl."ti .I< 11,\]:\. ( .,~111 \lr~a. :i lij.1~1 · roll J'f'conl.~ /or rlata be rehablc & ha\'r l hr • Srllrr. Co.~la \\·t k'On1rd. :.~n-JOO:: n1r1·t•1al. • :,.i().4S.;i TIN(.j, JO YR:' 111 a1'1'<1 . --P•~ d;;iy ~pare lime ldays OL' :\le~~ Call k identify. '.! ClllLD. 1.1 n1os. "a n 1 r..r11~onalllr ralC'~. til:'-0-127 CIH>.~.SE ll \'l'·1n. Do11H·.~11c. i·rss1 ng and as.s1s1 in ai:· fi·es). .'>18-4056 Good *Expert Japanese _ __ __ P1•rn1Rn,,1u i,;xpcrirnced. l'Ountini:. Sl100 to s::·::-,o r.J::QUlRED UOLIJ Striped in<"!le kitten. JNay1nate, l5·30 n1os. FL'\'J::ST \\'OP.K 61&-C::S·I PA!i'\TING & ~?perh:.ng1n,:. F;it· East Agency 642-8703 e :\tu~! be )l,S. ;1•1d l . "-• f "-11 JI \' 1 lo\'1 ng cart. C~I. 642-SS-j2 Hr asonabll'. J.> \r<> c.\p.1 7~---"----"'--""-'-'=-1 nqu1re 11 1JUutour · rre uunu~ 1\r;11•1n~ ea ro ar. it·. o Genero1I Services 6682 1.,.,.,,,,. •.k•ll,·. "l2-.l't•)?_ 1\utr11111111 \r I .. ,1 k f "-c 11.1 "'S .,., \\'ILL ba bysit in n1y hon1r on • " -' 11 -LO ro~ pan , ' :i " ~·ou1• U· .. ,ru ~.. 1 !'>On .... -,,,,1 T '\l<1n. i\lalurC' preferred. tun> srcure 11·1th us, ;1 JJun n Orange & flO\l'tr, C.i\I. Pre· G/\P.1\f;f; Doors ~rr~·u·rd & P.\J:-;"TI:'\·,;, P;1 pcri11i:; lfi )!'~ 1\10(1r111 flCI\' rar dealt'.'l"-hip, ' E , , ' l LITTLF. bl ond puppy, 1n31,.. schooltr~. &t.>-19?.G. R ·--·1 ,~ l JI I I • TRANSCRIBING TYPIST · l'll<1S!ff'rl ra1r., , ;<hn'.1l> \"ii· .\lain & Hartlorrl, 11.B. ep;111=. -...enera HouSi' 111 ;>r -or :if('a. .II". '" Ap11ly 1n p<'J,;('ln. Pool!! Co. For mot.,. 1nlo1·n1f1t1011 ;13tJ.:;:;!l\i \r ILL baby~it lor ~n1al1 1·h1ld ~1,,1111 . SlO. n11n. 67.l-~,::.~t. t>.-,n<lf'd f~··f~ l11rn. fi l1-'.::.·i6 1:u1"k. 23'1 E. Ji1h St. Costa e F1nr oppor1un1ry ror gal d dd ' I I kl I ~ -·-,1 11 h'' l1krs 10 ty pe and type 1tn n11.n1r.a l'r·~· p 1nne ---. or 11or·ni:: 1110 ner . e FOR ne1ir1· J-r11111i11b, 1n·. r\;1 no. 10: ROt.:Tt: OF.PT, r . 0., BL:\Ch Pl'l\in cnesl'.', 11 earing 6~:...lliOS Ho1ulin9 6730 trnnr .'; ••'1.lfTli•i'. :'lro11~111• l;::,\l :YST'rr~:r·',-~~~--1 ,\;\'[) typ('. Box j~ Pnmona Ca/if. 91i69 fl~<'I r"ll:1r . 1·1c. of 19ui St., h rci!lnw:~ 616_10,1 & 5~l .J:ifi:! f•,r ~ 1nu. e :'.t u~t ha\·" •lnl ly pin;- Jobs-Men, W om. 7100 Job~n. Wom. 7100 coo1.;:.t,..'XP·o . O.r "r ll1~hL.!1. Apply:: Od1e',i, 1400 r'ar1 l1f· Cout H11·y. N B. C U S 1\I ;; TICIA.'li f~aJ,.._lady. f'ur rl11.11 ,;tor" . .t.:xpen~nc. r<I. Call 53&-2701 COUNTER G t R L , e:-.- pt rlt 111.:eJ. Apply 1n p('r.,.,n, IX... Nel•lJOrl Bh'll-C~! DELICATESSEj'I; i\!,\\'.. Vull 1ln1e. 11teady 1,·ork. See Ter· ry. 49j l:, 17!h, r ~I. LI S.\~91 NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A . DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 DISTRICT Ci rt' u I 11 l e n f1.l1na1tr tr11M•. " bafi1l- n1ng Lil Hit M"WSJ&lltt bustneu. OppartunJry for a 11eJI groomW l111h achoo! graduatr who ha~ {'Ompleted hi~ m1H1ary obltgatlon and 1~ klolung for a carttr in a .,1ahtr. grou1n; orran1z.t.· tion Re1uh1r rail"!! and 4!:.!· celltnt frin;:ts includin::: fhf prrsonal usr of a <.'Omp111ny t'81'. Contact G 4! o r re llard1n::. C'11'('ul1!1on drparl· 1nf nl, D.\ILY /'!LOT. :':30 \\rs\ Bay ~trt'.'C't. Coil\11 ;\)('~ ... !)!~.\PLHY Ope!'alor~ I \Pd Tup pi!.~'. \'aca,1on! l'la,~11· Uro1prr1t~. ::aJ:: L111·h SI . :\B. ;:..11>-1~3\ IJJ:t:A.\1 Joh · Krrp )Otff 11np.-11·1an1 JOb ~s 111 1,. ,{ rnolhrr .~ t'.11 n a 11hb pa y rh r ('l\ ... ~~-;;s:.1 ~1 lLl--69S7. * DRIVERS* No Experience Neceuory! :\!11<1 ha\'e eltan Call!om.Ja dri1·ini;: record. Apply YELLOW CAB CO. IS6 E. 16th St. tosra i\le£a DRIVER & £e11'l helpt"r. Ov!'r ~1 . 1\110"~ Orang11 Coun!y, own tr11n• .. i48-M!ll · Do1nf'.'illC .\li\h:E OUl' lio•11c }OUI' ho1nf. \\'ould Jikr oldl'r •1on1an a• li\'f'--in (:(11npa noon '= housekpr_ O"'·n room l· 1V. Salaiy SlOO n10. :. room l • hoard. Refs 1! pos~1bll'. Call ~i4S-69~ a[ler 4 pn1 !or a!>' po1ntment DOi'llESTlC Part 11me. 4 hrs a day ::i day.~ A Y•etk. Ch\n tran~. Shorl'<:l ilf. C d i\I. li7:'i-3S02 f STABL ISHED Jnsuranre • Lead~ avail, N.B. ollice. ~·.~1.,.er onpt. 67.'Hi38l 1 -------·~---(\f Rl6-~~~1 BABY SIITl;\C, lllY onlC', Y.\f:.D C ar, 1· ! r ~ n 11 p , -----h,1 hy !. '.:'.\ rnn, bnl', 111.1 ~l\ill ~ 10 fl'~nsrrihr ;t 1·11. CA.,r>Yf:l.PPL'I' oii.i•·cc· /\!Psadr!~!;_irarra. Br1no1•e t1'('r~. 1~.'-d11·L C .~· :-i 1',11111er~ lill·l:.\I, ho111" 11c. i\l,1l!11ol1a, !.. 1·i,·1y of ~uhject ~ln.1n1d 1c. I 1• f:tr1pred k111r n. :~i.·i·6\;(i 11 ~ 1 ;.., 1 l 1111•1, ~l 11 F fl . /\lore 1-ftlp \Vanted r.Ol:TE Tur~. Harbor & }laniilton tr;ic!or bac!ihO!'. ;,1·a d c nu~<' " ilf1 ~. 'o Ju l u1. · .J 1 ~. ' rin u·11 ri -.1, 1anni: (''1Uip111cn1 . ""•••••••• 0 11 f\~tit Po')t: ,\Ff!Ll..\TI:: ·,is-!'~~~ L0\11;\G rare for our infa nt '.XiZ-S11·, ,,rrn ll ~-7.l.29."1.i flll ~. 1-'1" 1<11 ti. ::i;11 ;di 1l;iy ··~ '==~=======-:.:0=====-ooo:=:== "P to .'.l. \\'k-da, .. hr. Harbor :Jl1~-:.;;;.1 BLUEPRINT CLERK . C\"o Srl11 ni;: l11\'ol1t"d 1 YJ.iIO\I' Parakeet ;;;LE:" in CLEAN UP A· l11c 1110•·1ni:: Pl • R · 6880 · ExC'ellcnl 111~<1111,. fnr fr\\'\ 'ic. E. Jijth. bet. Santa Ana & Bak"r. C)f. :l'l;l--1368. Ti ce & slirub re1no~·al . aslering, epo1ir B.\llY . ..::fTT!-:R: J\crd 1•11·111?, IP.·\P;r T!~!Ei hou~ 11·l'l'kly 11·ork (0itY~ or f,, Ol';in·•r &lli-OO-IJ \\'ILL Bab} sit your hon1c hy RcasonR\Jlr. ~19.1 ;::;~ e p AT c 11 PLASTEP..l:'\G. lady 10 •·arr for t1r11 l,or11 .~· e \\'ill tr1tin li.Jr-i ·t r;i1I 10 op. t\'l'n1ngs). Rrlil lnl: & 1·ol· · .., · the 11rek. You lunush ll AUl.ING, Clcanup, lots rll' All tyflf'<. t-r,.r ,,,~\lllH tC !i~li llrl' \fnn Thl'\I :-;,,.i, !.Hr r ra1r bl11t pnnt n1 11r h1nr. lec1i1\.:: n1011ry lro111 r·o111 Gf{I:.:Y rabbi t. S46-5l46 or tran~portation. 6~':!-1407 llandyninn anylinir ~Olj ,.a JJ Call :1~()...(;it':ri 1~;~pi;:, uiin 1ra11~11 ncrdrd. e ;\rrct ~ h"-~ 11 di!~, pirlt i. opera ltd dispen~r!'~ 1n Co~!a ~9-~~~ ------------S1.11J prr 1110. La guna B"arh ll hh in l h,. _.\ \1 • •6ot!-.1.l9~• • . 1!i-I c· " ' . \Jesa Fe .s111TOund1ni; a rra. \\'O~I E:'\'S gla~.~r~. \'Jr K· Brick, Mo11onry, etc. CLl·.:\:\-lip ,lnd !i;:hl JH•J~ P lumb ing 6890 _·....:...:'.'_·_ \I r r sl rou !t . 1 1!ani.llr~ ~l!l1'! ~tol'"· C.~I. 61~·6H1\ 6560 13,\J!Y S!TTEr. nrrdrll-Tur~ 'l'J.:C!l :>.!C.:OUlr.. 1:\t', r..1mr br:ind r·11n1ly .t· int.. Call 0 .1\'" J•J.t''.'111 ~1.\;I; J:~.l'.\ll: ,{· Th11r~ S:JO ;o n1 _ \'.! ·:o ;>.,:,, J:~Of\ l'i'a\1·1~\' Di 'nacl\~I SJ'11.i. Ca.;h rr· Lost '401 BUILD, Ren1odrl. rr.p.:11r. '* l!9:~.l~'9·· + i'n JO\J 1{l(I ~111.111 !i"11,r 111k !\.16-1 ~2fl U.il'>; Lu<!il .\J r'~ qull't:d F<·r P"1 •ontJ 10· Brfc k. hlock. l'flllCl'1'1C. Cle an Up And Haul • ti1:' ::J'.!S • fl;,1 L<1u .• \ oppo1111n111 rmpl•J\rl' 1en·1e1v in Cos la .\l('sa aica. I. \CIES 'I 111"1. V1c C~ntcr carpentry, no JOb too sn1a!l ~10 I · 1 610-:l" •!I, ---• --------------------- !'.lend narr.r. adtlre:;' & phone ~I. C'.\t or :':rd A\'e .• l.al1Jna Lie. Con1r. 962-6!M:1 a oa" J.. I Re_mc del, Repair , 6940 l>~Fl>~-~~-~:~~,'_R . .t ~11~1 1'~.110,~,~;-~~~R,1l .. ~~11~1;1r~.1 ~1~~m~1~1 h I" \J ,111 <••I< l•>t· &·;11 !1, ~ ri .~/1. \"11lu11ble H I 673S nu m er ., · 1 •· ., out•< ei11n1ng B''IJ.D. "·"'''~-i. l',•p•I~ 11;•11~1• \1r~a \'"idr, rrrs. \ '"dr f1n;11ltl" , . ., 1':<-pri ~:'17 E. l111pl'1·wl I I"~ .. p apers. r:.r1\·ard. 499-~369 Business Service 6562 .... '· '"" · ' D<nvnf y, Calif. 902-12 121:;1 ;itt. fi. e \l'J>.D()I\,'\ u1r.TY? Br1rl\. blork. c on c r ete , ·,r...o·,~s .Xlnt sl;1111n~ ~aJ,111. gOOfl 861-0fii'i LOST lil'()ii n E. "'hi!c frni alE" SMILEY'S Frrc I'S!. \j yea rs f'\)! e1·pn11-:-·. no fob too sma!I f.l,\f:l\'~ln·~:H.. llou~rk,.rprr 11orl\1nz r uml . l'al_l .\11 Sue'•. .Johnny Dunn f.42·2361 Lie, Contr. %~·6!11."1 . 111 r 111 or out. ~ ~rhr.1JI l>'ll ~-Bla."t'hr 101· ~pp r. ·~ lb·l 11n ~~-~1:~~Ch•lr.l)f>\:;~l~S,~-. p)f. Business Services HOUSl-.:CL~:Ar<:lr-:L;. rrl1able ('l\PTF Y, r~1nlt11h , 1n1n1•r '111 II !1ansporla!1011. c ii.! J Fortune F inancio1I Co. READ THIS V1r Crof1don I.: B11 kE'r, C.:11. & hone~!. Nr11·port BcaC"h pl11n11,1n~ rrp~1r~. 111nlnlr .">~1-~12_1 rlayJ< nr %'.?-1oz:i E1·r :i;~'1if8S1~00~c~\:~~, r.E:\\'ARD' j.\6-~919 TJ\l'S, C.P.A. hookkrrp111;, 61::-."@6 111111il' 1•rpairs . ."1 4 6 · 6 '.: 1 J, r:Ar.YSJ'l"l:~;R , :.! cla},,/11k Co.~lit :l!r~.1 Xlnt for re11ri:d people L\D\"S . 1. 1 mutual funds. in~urant·"· \\'OULD \'all bclioi·" 1 \\Ill tihi-lS:!-1 fnr 'l 1·l11ldr,,n. \Jy homr . _, . . . ' preserip ion gas~~. Jlral Es1a1e r lc. FREI : ' , • · furtlr RQck·ln•inC' ~U-29.32 CLEldCAL ~~1t 1on, par! If vou v,•11nt ~ fl3Tt or !1111 t1n.1e opport11111ly lo nu1kc monev in a bu~ines!I' or ~·our o'>'·n. "ror pxample S2000 in- vestmenr can nrt S:'IO \\'kly by !~nd inE 4 hrs ma.king deliveries. tor101\!' ~hf'll. V1r. Balbo<1. = 61 11·1 )1 <·lean i·our honir fol' Blue h fl bl J quol,,$. 6·1&-~ · :. ..• ~_ lln1c, rs ex1 c, n~ur11nce l~lr, Sep! 10. 1213• 66.1-i~7, Clup Stan1p~? ll!l7-7:':;JO Sewing 6960 BABYSl'T'TER • I 1 v t: · i n . Ag'°''" Corona dtl /\lar. 2 C JI T'1'Pll\G 1a111 sf' I e {' t t' Ir·. R f,, b< I rf nr i'll3l 633-317 o cc1 r~~I. rea.s. a cc u r a Ir. BAY & BC"al'h Cll'11n u1g Scrv. ooni >arr Jll 11·11.tt ront Ask for Ann . t;7;.,..5444 G c~ Lo f~ N I d i a 111 0 11 d Car""\S, \\'indo\\'S, floors, e IJ1·r~~n1ilk111h · AHrrat1ons ap1 1 ~1n:r ll rh1 l1I. 67.1-49:,R i\lanuscript~. lht.si:<. 1rrn1 ,,_ -; I ! ._ Call '.\Ir. Thon1<1~ in~1 ::.21-G&~~ ENCO \'TlS!\\'!l leh. :'.:1 1 111l e, tiH-2947 vie. P.eubE>n':oc, P!ca ~e <"a 11 LOST: Blac;;: cat, I "'l11tc 11hisker. Vic. 4l sl & B.a.lboa, J\:R. Reward. 675-.i504 P ET Raooon. rrr! ef.Jllar & bell. Vic Allso Cnyn. ;\hss· Humble 011 «> F:chn•ni:: Co 1ng 2 "k~. 4!!9·3106 hu \\·ell located Sl'l'\\t:c_ .s1a --f£:-.J,\LF: ('OLLll:. uon ava1\;<b],, in Co~1a )lrsfl Gl&-\797 No 1nve~tn1en1 !""qu1rrd 1.1 I R--:z.·,;~n. s !o ~ pni hr"~. ba11rr1r~. <it'Cl'SSlll'Lr"'. gasol\n,, or n1nt'>r 011. ~!11n1.1 ~!111 I)Q:>.1 J~-1 ~<2,1 1·1c ~lll_T· hie pays 1111 u!lh!ll'~ t:qu1p-r r .\lA.S?nnh~ F \. f:.P\1a1d m,.nt ,.,.nt:1J ~1·allahle liJ Call .S\2.69-1:.' qua.l i!itd 1nrl1\·1dua! Fn1 In· CBCECACCC,LCE~·.'-c;cm-,clcl.-cf,-o-,.c,-,, fonnatio11, Lall Bi.I \\'ooU hl~l'k. hr<J11 n t,, 11·hi1r . rla,y~ S.':f,.6661. r:\-r! & 1<l'Ck· lh1ld~ P''I P."'\ d-~~7-9.'\66 ,.n<i~ ~i-!l.'!26. L ITE MANUFACTURING Person•I• 6405 PAL~l & Card Reading, Arh·1~r .t hr.Ip nn n1any 111a1tr1 •. Fully !1c'd. Open n"~'-a!c.ocia te 11 11 11 111<1113otc. d a i 1 }' 1 o a 01 -1 op m . ment arw1 J or ('11g in,,er1n~ 21316!li-!'12il. 210 \\'. \''hit· bar k1 round. i\lanufar turer lier Bh-d. L1I Hahra. 1"ex1 in program for national rl ii;. 10 l .. i l!.ibr;t walk 111 1he11!rr. tribution. $2.'ifl. per 11·k. ro sta r1 plu~ C"'JU1ll share or -LICENSED profits to 11etil•l' pa.rty 11·11h Spiritual Readings, advice $12.500. rash. Should t>as1ly on all maners. 312 N. El ne! ~t:er1cd pa11.v S'.13,000 c.an1ino Relll, Sar Clt'mtn!e riri;t Yr, For f)f'r~nlll Hl lt•r. 497.91:v;, 496-9JO'i view, call TI 4-8il·2952 (9. 10 ,\)I • 10 P'.'lf 6 P~T I. 1--A=n"r '-o<::;t°'l•""•'°E'=x::pe:=,,.-- AUTOMOTIVE YOU'."G \\'O:\IAN rl11ncer 1\·1U teach you .oill l.i1cs1 strp~. Call Anlrll 21~: .i91-1338 1-10 P:'ot rt<', Res & Con1n1c'l 616·1•101 · fl"C'UI un l{'m · BABYSITTER \\·<1n1cd lrll· papers. 67~11 alt 6 pn1 • 6•16·6116 • n1rrl ia1rly 111 v1r1n1!y Bak('!' St Fa11"\·w11'. c .,\I. j40-i69:i CLERK TYPIST C,\HPF:TS, \\'1111lo\\·~. llrs, I -~--,~---...--;;;,.,- 8uilders 6570 r 1r. r.1•s er Co1n,.·1. Xln! Altero1tions -642.SMS :;;;:..;.;:.;:.c;.. _______ \\·ork. P.('a~~ Rrl~. 54"--411 1. :"\rat. arcuratr, 20 .1-rar.~ "'I.fl. -.,-,-ll\-'S_J_TT-ER. ti le h~kpg. 2 To <10 typ1ni:' 111ld f1l 1n ~ 111 C'oorr11r t 0 .. ,,1 E:..cf:l· lr·ni h 1n1:, twne/11~. P. F. ~I 0 DEL-Add1tions-Cab-rhilch rn ~· & ·1. '.'• day \\k inr1~·!31ock f,.nce.s.ConciTte _H_o_u_s_,_,_11_1_n_in"g~ __ 6_7_3_S T ILE, Ceramic 6974 i~O-"c'-' -"-'-"c'P_·_"_'--'-'-"-'-- 11ork. 6-l2-98.J2 B,i nkin,e, Cadillac Controls D11·1~1<1n or E.1:·Cr ll<i Corp C11rpenterin9 6S90 CARPENTRY l\nNOR REPAffiS. No Job Tor Sma.lL Cabinet in lftll"· ages & o I her C"abincts. 5"1~8115, il no ... n~1,·er lea1·c m~1:: a! 6~6·23i~. II. 0 . A11deTWn ---.~--~.,.-­Qt:ALl1Y P.e pa1rs -A!lr ra· lion~ -New const. by hour or Conn·act. fil(; ... ::412 REPAIR, Par!ition~ Srnall H 0 US LC LE A i'\ I N I ; t.. • Vernr. Tl1r T1lr ;\Jan • £:..pl'T•Pnct'<I Grnrral i\li'!lf111'nll!1('r. C11ll (11,I 11(.irl\. 111~1:ill & r"fl"ll'"- i;ood r~f.~. J'l'aS' ~" ~·h 11)(1 ~1nall l'l;i"ll'r p.1!\'I) J ,l'(ll.11l::! ~ II fl II CI 1'rpa ,r. i.'~i-l!f17/IW6-010b COMM ERCIAL -TELLER - 1166 Whittier Ave. Co&to1 M•s• 646-2'91 .\n ~qu~] opop1·1un11y Ironing 675~1 ---------UNITE D C ALIFORNIA r nip\.-,yt r ----=--------Tree Service 6980 BANK l'CL"°'l~R~hc.cT~\~'P~J~ST'--~,~.:ooc1~-. -,-, 11'0111111: Aill'l'a!•Oll:< ru1·a lr Conr~1n. J-, pd var, fll CK·l'P " nF:t.IVEr. r,C:\t."" TR Er: SER\" '"f.l \la111 :'t1rr! mrd1r~I br!Y'f11.~ Sr"rt S·!,)Q, e :.1~1 • .Q:OSr,i e lrrr' ' ~hn1!ihrrv J rnl.,\'l'tl, I lunt1ngu111 Br~rh, Call!. , I k 0 ---C.111 131! I" Br\'·. :~10-bi·."•,) ---!R.ONTNG trin1n1rd, ha ul rrl 11 " a ~· ~ii&-~.il\ COASTAL AGENCY .11!1·1~.1'1 A n1('111 hfr or B•'\\Af',.,.'' f' hi l-'fjual 'lrfl'lr't!n1!y "mp!>Jyr1 i:.. .r... .t1 1r r· !r1·.-, :->nrl\1112 !-Snr!l1n11: 1111' 1Jrc11k fou11dal"!!l'-t 1'"~ r ;:.\ B.111\.i:l:: '!i'9n i!artJflr Bl. Cn~t;i ~1,.·a !".emod~I. e ic. Nile 01· day. Jo1n itort·a1 6790 "Jl)-'9" • I Reas! Citll KEN :>10-4679 -----------i\ny Trre &rv,.·r, "· ·' ov ,,,.\,p<ill :"\al•nna Bank Cl EANII\(' l rl Efl t [Jnu,.; J·:~~'l"!'.J•~ OlfU"rr • ' ' • a )'. 1c1en , REP.\IP.S, Al~TE RATIONS ~PA R!\LE .lan!tonal f.· \\·1 11·1 ~:.c.::._ ________ I Call .\!i' rurirr rrl1 ahlc !or I rhty a "k r!n1v clc;inint; S<-r1·. \\"ill·I-----------9 . {i l:l-'lll Prr{('r \lond ll y. 0 11'11 (,\BIStTS. Any ~1ze .)Oh 2~. ) 1·.~. t:oc:rer. !'>lll·tiil:: Ceme"t, Concrete 6600 8 CONCRETE '11:1rk a ! 1 type~. Pool decks &. custo1n. Call :>IS-132-t *CONCRETE F l oor:i;. p~lin."l, rr". R,,a~nabl", Call Don. fj.12.8514 d'111·•, rc~1tl., <'ctnicl. PJl1'1 Upholstery 6990 ·J. ·-· -transpQl'till100 6-12-2.174 11!1 ~ Clr.11n1p. ~-rfl' r5t !lf>S-2\l~L -'-----------I BAr~~IAID. rt or pt rin1". COLLEGE STUDENTS ,..., ii ··-1 CZYKOSKJ'S Cu.~L Uphnl. nil{hts. Good salary. A~ply AVAILABLE DUT.....-1 i laint .x:rv. rrp t:uropl'an Cra!t ~man~h1p d:1ys· ·1~6 J;;. J'i!h, C .. \I clng, llr wa.1:1ng, 11·indow 100,0 fin~ 642_14:i4 :.i.~-'.tl!'l for all l.YPf."l of work. ''.'3shing. H;1 rry van Beynen 1,,1 ,. rt Bl C \J P11 rt time. Ca.1..1 : 537-J:,o& ir" no ans call alt ~. I ~~'c'="o'-·"-'""'-~-'··~-·-· __ 1BEAUTIClAN S, te111a.I(', lo Soutkern BUS!E:':iT n1ark.r1pb1.re; 1n "·01·k r\·~n1 n~s & St111~ays 111 Californi• College DAILY PILOT D 1 ;\I E. A · to11 n. The DALLY Pl LOT Co~ta i\!r~~ l< bu 51 e ! t ·.s1udenr Employment S-ervice. LINES. You c11 n u~,. thr m CJa,;AifiNl ~rction . S a "" popula'. pr1«d salon .. op--.Kl !>-1178 for ,us! pennies 1 day. Dial monty, t1n1r :. c Hot1 . Look portun1!y f<lr lop r11m1ng5l,,-,,-,,,-,~.,,.7""7""'"'""°~ 6l2· ·r.;~ llO\t': • • 11.·/pa.id vaca l 1011. A p p I y C 0 f-1 B I N A T I 0 N ~tain· CC~1~r11N~t~C~l .. ~n~t~n~vL_~66~l~S~l lF';,,.========~~=====~====li ~lp-. Cro\1·n1ni:; Glory Beau-lenance I'.· din1nR' room .: I\! Salon. ~>67 J·;. l11h St.. l\ctrk. i\Tale. '.!I or ovtr. * DIA.\10NDS are m('a.surcd Uy quality, liO arr 11·r: OIA;IIOXD CARPET I (·. ,,, ~Hlay/11 I\, izd p;i.y. Call BI KI N I B...rmiud/dancer. ~~~\l~iuR: ~~I t TEN · PART OR FULL TIME 5'f"\<icr our acrounts in your .af'f'it. Ca.~h in\"t~IJ11e:nt S1!100 riroltc led. Rcf<'l"Ctlce~ r~·­ rhiln::;rd . :'\0t a routr 01 vtndlng. Psrt t1mr '!an11ngs lJ7j per 11·k. i\o salcsn1<'n pita!<'~ CH..IJ collct•t ( 714/ .\39-3600, exl 39. \\'ANT lo sharf r 1 d" (_1_E;\NERS 61J·l317 a nyt in1e l\e\1'J:IOt1·:l>l{'~a 11rra 1 ° CARPET & t'urn. clean1n;;i;; P11S11drna, j diiyl. cau ror \ day ~rvir:r .t; quality 612·!'1~87 11-ork, ell.JI Sterling for $.\\IE Sr.\'er11\ hundred dol. brightnr~s~ 64'.1-8320 la1·s'. '.\lf!n1 bership 111 Balboa I c='°'======== Sma'll classified ads doa Full or parl-time. Costa ~---------­Cooks &16-7301 i BOAT CARPENTERS I l'.:'l.p('ncn~d. Larae 1 ·u~1011r FRY COOKS cuns truction. Top "''a;::e~. Top 11'agcs. p11rm anenf, hon· Coin Laundry Washers ZQ pink late K nlod~I \vash- ers. Xlnt mechanicllJ cond . 20 yeJl01v eArly K modr l 11.·unei-s. 7 turquoi5' late K model~. All 1966. See Ultm on loc•tion. Coi.n-0-1\.latic Equipmtnl, Inc. 23J.l l1 \\'. V11.lencia Dr. FuUtT1on, Calif. 52~7833 ROUTE Of 10 Hot Nut machirwos 1n Cc'ta l\l e 1 a 1r.1. Rffl\lif'f'! few hr1 monthly lo ~rvice. lllC"Omt could bf' , .. ~uy 1nci·c1.sed. $300 rull pril'f'. fi1 2--0i00 TRAVEL-AGl;.."CY for sale. in i'o"ewmrt Beach, "'ell efilablished, c '7 cc 11 c n t Nputation. tlolrt~ 11!1 ap- pointment~. 01\·nrro; 111ov111a:. ~28.()()(). 7\~/6i~171~ r1'f':t. 011y Club. \\'rite P.O. Box .1181i Ncwpn1'1 BC'ach, 9'266.~. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Phone 542-1217 o.-write tc P .O. Be:.: 1223 Costa 1'Jesa.. Announc.ement1 6410 Grand Opening Ac•demy of Phy1io Thertpy $Auna l.: n115M tf. 6 ffm&lt tech. 10 111 n1·12 1nidni~t 7 day~. 2.).) Thslia, .Su He C. Laguna Rrach. ~9+1313 Legel Notices 6450 T \\'ILL rot n, reMponsible fnr 11.ny drbt~ olhcr th11n my n1111 . .11n11"f i\1irhael Fo:-< Electrical 6640 ELECTRICIAN No Joh too 11mall. F or prompt aervirc call 545-4614 HOUSE wiring, new & old. No job too 11m.11J1 or too Jaree. f"lff ei;t11. 968-72.::. EL ECTRICT AN : licensed, bonded, 11mall jobs, maint ~ nopail"I!. 5'18-52tll I Floer11 CARPET VINYL TILE Frtt ('st. C..1c. eontr. 540-7262, ~418 THE QUICKER YOU CALL, I THE QUICKER YOU SELL Phen1 bi se~ling job.. · Try onel 642-5678 \I'll.LARD BOAT \Vorks e~I. and rood \\'Orldnr con· l,-=='c"'='="o'o"='o'~'=··~Co'o":=--;-I dilion~ ln a rea·~ Je11din1 I BOOKKEEPING/ """"""'· Apply 9 am to 3 'GENERAL OFFICE pm '" 1 """""" '' FOR NEWPORT BEACH ADVERTISING AGENCY MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP 2•03t El Taro Rd. Lti•ur• World \..qwle Hill• 137-1014 Cook.~ \Vanttd ~f/F. Pott double • n t r T, , Non i;mokfrs payable / rec:elvo1b e , e RELIEF' COOK bllllng, type SO. Xlnt. e EVF:NIXG COOK oppty. Call l•rbera. Ph. :1 18·1Z2l k 11 ~k for Nash 642-3910 COOK -llOUSEKEEPEP.. IBook:krf!prt or housem11n, fXlnt) for 2 Acen1s RP.r . billing r irl for adults. NB. \rritt D;i!ly u .ilboat mri::. :\lust be aoo<I P!lot Bo11: P 9G4. Typist. Apply \\'. D. &hock COOK-Dinnel":ll I..~ 11 k:ends Co. 3:502 S. \;reenvtlle., Santii. Live in or out, n o An.\ hoo~l'\\'ork. fi7l-1819 ' No Matter What It Is YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A WANT AD! I ' ' . -· ... ----·---·--------------------------------------~---- D~ILV PILOf NOW! For Your COll'Veni.wc• ~,AJI rOJHrs:m>or~-\lf-~, ·1 • '1~. ··: --··w--.. ,·, ARE · LISt~D ALP: ·~~BE!Jtl\ff;il ·.;) ,,_ .. , :; --'1 CLASSIFICATION ~7100 ' . ·. HELt WAtf.flt, ('-ien .~d Wo~~; '' .'C ' ' : •• JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT I ~ & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS &. EMPL~~~ENT JOBS _&'EMP:o-m~. :IO'as :f tt~LOY"'ENT J08~,. IMPLQYMENT JOBS .. EMPLOYMENT Jobs--Men: Wom. 7100 Jobs-Me n. Wom. 7100 J~~~Wom. 7100Jobs.-Men. Wom. 7100 Job...-Men. WM\, 7100 Joln-Mtn,,W'am. 7iOOJ·0~ ,,_~;w"om. 710Q J~~n. Wom •. 1100 School 5-lnstr~ien~7600 R.ECEPTIONISf Programmers SECRETARY IDPLICATIONS PROGRAMMERS \\'e are looking tor a mature, ,.,-- , General SERVICE 1t.i.tion salf'S!l!.an, CREDENTIAL teacher, hav. , ~[>"t. Opportunity tor ~ ini exp i" e:otC'!'ptionaJ man, Qlder man f i tie , educalion "~JI give home J. (. PENNEY COMP.~NY 1:ashion Island -Ne\vport Beach MACHINISTS (Must IM experienced) ll'arm, ambitious y o u n i v.'Oman "'ith a neat sp. J>('arance and e x ec u t ' "'e abilirie~ who is \Vll!ing to learn a highly s(X'cializt'fl profes~io11. \Ve arc a young a.g,,:r~ssi\"e fast n1 o vi n g firffi. opening a new ofri ce on Octolx>r 20th in Co~ta l\l esa . Pl e a se send hanch1Til1l'n resun1e to Bo;i; P6.ill Dllily Pilot eREcElv"1"N·G~~C~L~E"'R~K Develop computer progr1m for' divl•iOh w ide M1n19•m•nf lnforma~lon Syst1ms sue~ ••: Chevron, Adams & tutqriJ1a: ii'! readinr &:_math l\fagnofla, RB. Phoill'! 64U820. SERVJCE S!alion atten~nl, VOCAL Teeh. & solig Jn. e"'p~ nee. Stt l\1ike. '4678 tcrprctation. Beginners thru Has Full & Part Timt Positions Open For Mill Operators Sr. COST & SCHEDULING CONTROL FINANCIAL/PERSONNEL INVENTORY CO!'IT110L ENGINEERING DATA . CatnP.US Dr, ~.B. 1 ad'yaneed. 494-934-0 a1t'6 COOK • BUSBOYS • WAITRESSES • I Grinder Operator Sr. Drill Press Operator Lathe Operators Sr. MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS SER v_.l CE Sta. t'len; THEATRICAL 7900 l-Oay11m", t~part t 1)m ~·1------------'-I ~ves. to.lust havf' exp. I: • SINGERS-WRITERS haiTc ut. 1!Kl f~. lith St. C.~1. Record Co. is 8earchlng. f:r SERVICE St11.:ion, exp'd, full • talent for recordin&. :MB-235.1 lime, permanent. saiHl'Y . & tif1er noon. \\'ilh son1e experience and \vi lling to lea rn. Top \rorking ('011dit1ons & en\'iro11- n1ent. Con1pet1tive \l'agc.s plu s n1cals & l.ips, and outstandin~ benefits including hospitalization and profit sharing. CADILLAC CONTROLS Ellc~llent benefits Apply in perr.o11, PC>rsonneJ Ofop!. You will 'Work full range 3rd. gener•lion op-- erating syatems-(IBM 360) hi1rdware, ma•• storage devices, on-line d irect •cce.11 com• munico11tlon and graphic ter minals. P refwr • degree •nd one or more .y~ara 1x perience on l•rg• scale computer equipment u1ing CO. BAL or other 1s~embly langu•ge. C?.mm,-9!KI E. C~st }1 1\-y,I c,~,~-~,~.~ .. ~A~N=D~ls=e-=F00~l!,- N~i\'pot"J Be~;h. • SALE AND TRADE SE:R VICE gla. A 1 t {I d n ' t . ::--:-------:-c-1 E"t>· ·llP.C, ~ See Mike 11.t Furniture ~ A'IRPORT TEXACO. 4678 ·-'-==.:o...---...0::.::.,"] Can1pUs Or. Ne1\wrt ~1.ch OVER -STOCKED 1\pply in person 10 ,i\l\l lo 9 P f\I. tl londay thru Saturday Division of E x-Cello Corp. 1866 Whittier Ave .. Costa l\1e sa 646-2491 J. W. ROBINSON -t'ashion lsla.nd, N.B. Pie••• •pply in person or call Barry Waller Sli:.Wl':RS, ~)lperlenced . Ap- pl5' 52j Forest Ave., Laguna BCa('IJ. 197-1131 MUST SELL! -PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND Equal Opportunity Employer .'\n equal opportunity e1nployer RF.CEPTIONTST & typist, part-timE". Hours 10 am -3 pn1, 5 rlays \\'k. in Cd.t\t. Call 673-3151 after 9 11.m (714) 897-0311, Exl. 2011 . McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company SEWING ma(hine operatoti<. l::xp"d, !pp p.ay, irleal cond. 1_5$ Monrovia, C.i\l~ • STOCKROO~I fll a n . Ex· N'el\' beds: }{ing $99.SO, Queens $89.50, Full .S,19.:50, T111ins $3.'t.50, fully guam. King sr. !!preads $13.95, fl. • .t\11 s tudent positions are fill ed. Af ore 11elp \.\'an ted on Pre vious Page _ ==-=-==-j obs -Men, Wom. 7100 Experif:'nccCI in s1nglf:' nt>C>ale "and O\·,..docl:. Good riu'1'C 11·aM1 priel's. slrady 11ork. }":ODY l\IOSS 11012 1.fl'·usl SI . \\'es tminster; 5:•1-i\i::S FACT011Y Trainer and ~h11>· 1ni: l·IC'rk, d.i~·s. Shift mla· lion 1vo1·k. FERRO COHJ>. t-•itic.rglass Di\'1~ion, l~Rl.l TibPr{;la~s Rd ., Jl unL Bch, r L F.:XO\VRJTER u[l{'ra1nr nerrled in11n1•d1.1t<"lv. l\\'111 tr11111 in1C'r,..~lrrl girl I Call .Bar bara. 6\J-0191 f !l\-. -C()(1h:·.-l"-.-,c.,-c,,-,,,-, .. i\lal,.. r,,\:'\Cllfl ... ,,:-; ,11 ~\­ QUJN° c;nlf Cou1~r. J~h~1 Cuh·C'r Rrl . nr. l'.C l i\.~k fr'lr\\"a~n('. r1 1_::~:;:-..01 12 _ e FRY COOK e . * EXPERIENCEO .\PPLY THE RIGGER it Hi Fa,h11>n l.<1.ind ;>\" r1\ [101'! Gr;Jrh F o reign Car Mecha nics Gnnd r-t"J. l>f'nrri1 ~. 111(·1 p<1 1d 1·1 r a!1n11. ::"1>lUf' in<;. prH. f(lrt\1~ l l11·111~hr1I h r·,•. r:'""I '"11nn1 ~<·!1f'1iulr .\-.I; fr,i ,1,..,.. ;\[oorr Pl1, ~10-1 16 1 t"Ul.!,..Timc n1;iu;t!<, rC'~l ·r1 l1otcJ, Lai:nn~ f'r;,c~. '1~1-ll!Wi GAR ONE R'S ASS ISTANT NEWPORTER INN C•Jl1\a('I ,\J1· l.111~; y . .:101·ks ~ 11.1 jr() Gl r:L f nr :.:1•11. • lr:a1111p 111 1<1n:Jl ~lf'illl!V ~hop, C '.\] r\· .... 6\:,!-'i~I * (..;•'ll(f:ll .I r F:i<111ri11 t 'l~nd :\c11 p1•11 Er ... H!l * IL\:' FL.I.!. ,\\J1 P.\r:T Tl'lr rn;;1r10:-;-:: {H't.\. FOi: e STOCKMAN • JANITOR IAL MAINTENANCE H ~·011 1i,,1 (' I'"' r11.I \ll•rl; f'Xf)l""l"\rllr'r !!1 lh" ~1'''""'11 ~!n<:k ~ .. Flflllo11.d 1n.,1n· . lf'11an(·r . an() a (\r~11·r 10 P'O'" \\ l!ll ;l J'<•f)Jllly .... ,. r>anrt1ng, 11<1 11onal l')n:11n. 11:at1nn ofl r1·111g r \rrllr 11 t b<>nehl~ and Ion n1 at1- agern!'nL APPLY f\Jon .• Solt. 1:-..• PE H~Cl:\ IO an1 to 9 pn1 J. C. Penney Co. 24 F•shion Is land Newport Bei1ch, Calif, .\n E:riual Opprw1u1111y l-:111plO}f'!" Job._Men, Wom. 7100 Jobi-Men. Worn. 7100 Rcstaura.nt J_o_b_._M_•".c•_W_• ... m .... _1"1"-'00 --Anc"1ent Mar1'ner -l\t,\CHINE: Opera!ors, Snu1.ll OUice Tcmnorary S30l Bois• Avenue Huntington Beeich. California 92647 p@f'ienced :in Miling prefer· sz. $9.9;i. NC'\V 9 pc,· eorner ·rert . Apply in per:oion \V. D. arrang. choice· of·c1rs. reg. Sctiock. Co. r:()2 s. Green-S230, now S1~:50. Headbrds; ville. &i.f"!!ll Ana Kings. S15, Queens Sl'.!.50, =,,.'-'=.,--'-'-~~~~~-1 1-~ull $10.50, T1v!n1 ·st9:'!. SURVEY boys 16-18, SL i3 hr Trtllldle .,els {duo riserl y_•/ + oomm. + honls. After inner l!flrlng matt. reg: SH~. sthool & 11·kcnds. Business no111 $79.50. Roll-a-v.·ay bedf; minderl boy! only. Should ..,,, / inn. spring matt. reg. ha1·e lransp. 6T;>-n13 alt 6 $59.:>o, no1v $39.50, Canopy GROUNOSMEN/ GARDENER $5 10 to $620 per month CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 11NJUll'f'~ ~1x n1on1hs f'.X- 1tenf'n('r in nursciy. gar- dening, grounds maintr.n- a ll!'l" 11 111·k. Applications acccp!rd un11J ,J p.111,, Fri1lilY, Oclobrr 10, 1969. I Appl)• r ,:.1·so11 nel OfficP, ::::(0 Nr11·po11·t Blv(l., N('11·· p!lr! Rr;i,·h, California. 171 I l 673-66.-;J. • Genera l-Offi ce .- 1;11·1 "anted full li1ne. ~lll~1 f'l\Ju,\ d('al1ng ll'l!h lh(' pul>- 11•· T,1p111o:; 1•-•(•11111d .. \1111 l I .11·.~ 11ld. ,\pply 111 l>l'l'~ul\ l'U!'~-F 1·1. TJI J:: f'ENNYSAVEP. l:ilJ N1'11·ro1·1 Blvd ., C.:'11. H1\lllDRl:.SSEH. i\!alc or fr n1ale 1vitll foll owinf': only. fJ i,t;h ('(llllZlli!<~IOll!<. l'<LCilfU11l 11·11h Pl•). F.astbh1ff Co1 r- rur"t's. 6-1•1-l~••O pat1ll assi>1nb!ers and othcr 111rchanicH I jo bs. \VF: TR1\!N, Anply 118 E, 16th Si., C.i\L 1\1~\rDS FULL-Timr, re,;ort hotr!. Laguna 61'ach. 49+.11!!6 J\IECllANIC fur :'icrv Sta. Tunf'un & lite n1echan1cal i.crv1ccs. Gd pay, hrs and 11•orkini:: 1'0nd"s. Cornna del J\lar ~hr-ll Ser\/. 2801 t-:. Con~I lhvy. ti7~l-0.):~3. a t Goldenrod . l\IECll1\NIC, cxp"rl in bl'akC' k 11tignmrnt. Salary 1n. ernt11·"· free hosp. ,t lire ill!<. ri:..1d vac. Noe Bob Basha111, ·1R2 Oeean Are. l.11:.:una Reh. --~IEL1 li\:'\IC. 1\tf·d 1n11nr'1. 1. .. 1 1·1~~~. Tvp ~;ila r-:.·. :'lhlbd. r>OQ \\". Bri JIJl);l 1311•!. 1\H. :-.1!'.:DI C.\I,. c x pr r 1 r n r· r 1'•'1'!'f1!11ln1s1 bookkr,•rirr Age :lfJ ". \l'ri~c Box P -1:!0 Dn i!y Pllnl. i\lt•n PACKER-HAN DLER • f;1-P11t Y•h r("'ll' an1h111ou~ WORK WHEN & WHERE YOU WANT On 1rmpo1·a1y assignments e SECRETARIES e TYPI STS e BKKPRS. e PB X OPERS. e GEN'L OFFICE Holiday & Vacation Plan ,\PPL\" NO\\' VOLT no11o• takln~ 11pplications lllr F'ull & part time, day Ii e\·e~ 1;hif1s. e KITCHEN HELP e DISHWASHER e BUSBOYS Apply in pet-::;on 2607 \V _ Coast 11\,)f, Newport Beach *DISHWASHERS * BUSBOYS JS years or older. P;irt time F'ull time APPL\' JN PERSON REUBEN E. LEE 151 E . Coaat Jiwy. Newport Bt1ch McDonnell Oougl4'S1 Corpor1tion ·. An equal employment opportunity •mptoyer IXJ You Take I SALESMEN WANTED I Jobs-Men, Worn. 7100 SALES:'-IA)>;? Serv Sta. ,f"ull Hn1e, ~1,·1n~ s hift. i\Tu~t be neat 1n ap~ar,antt. See "·1th .i grain of salt ? Di.n't Jiln. 2J90 Ke\\'f.IOl1, C.i\f. say that I blame you, I Jol-1-'----'-----'------- 1011 ed a fe11• myself only to Sale$ be disappointed. The job HAVE Fun! :!\Take IT\Oney selrlom li ved up · to th e too. Be a "Tri-Chen1" .in- claims in the ad. ~ructor. 962-9990 ' DO Y!)URSELF SALESLADY . "'"'' .,, foll A FAVOR .I tin1e ll'Ork in ~por1s'l\·ear AN'D sh.op . The Sport Nook1 -488 E . 171h S1., C;\L • SALES -J!'.arn 1noney \\ i01 no in\·cstmcnt. S a·r ah Covrnr!'y need~ full & rt you v;ould hke to make p;i r1-11n1 e hrln. No delivery: !:Jj(J. p<'r week in1media!r.ly. \1·e 1rairi. For in!C'rvie\V call \\'Ith a n opplw1unity for :14:-r.610CJ· lllU('h n1t'l1·c 111 the fut ure, 1-------------r 11 ould li k(' to !alk 10 you.. SALES, i11ll·tin1('. Ho~icry I.: EXPLORE THIS ONE! If your qurilifie;iriol1s niatt·~i ha11rlb11i,:s. l\1ahire woman. --------lRed'1i ShOf' S!orr. So. Coast --<1ur rcqu1ren1rnts, 1hi.<1 r ould Restaurant br lhc carrrr you've bren Plaza. C<1n!act l\lr. Phelps Restaurant: Part tiOlf' help looking for. Call Cnr personal SEAl\ISTRESSES -t\{Rture 1\•an!ed, m11.tul"I" •· e. r s o n . F II .. inlPrview bet. 10 Ai\'1 &. 3 P)l >&"Omen. exp'd only. u or for inten•ic11·. beds l<eg , .$119.50, now $89.50. SWITCHBOARD, 6 ~r s Full sz. sleen • sofa reg. · ~ekt'nds. _Person a I in-$239.:'il, no111 $169.50. Christ. "fE"n·ie\11 only: LeE" \\r"hite mas l11.y-11ways now. SIESTA Chrysler.' -· P ly1nm1th. 16661 SLEEP SHOP, lfl27 Harbor ~ach Blvd., Hunt. Sch. ,'Blvd ., Ci\J &!5-2760 pai!y 10· TRAINEE '~t-Sun J0:6. · f\Ianagrmc~t 5;JOO., ;high · 17 Pc. KinCJ Size school gr:ld, riiilit;iry com-B-.. plctc . I other trainee po~\. ..uroom tiorii</, Frc & Ftt Pd; caII 1..arge 9 dra11er dresser, mir. i\nn, :r!erchan!s Prrl'Onncl ror. 2 bcdsidt st!lnds, king A~ncy, :?Q.13 \\'rstcliff Drive, siie headboard. frame. q uilt. N.B. &~-27i0 ed maliTess, sherls, blank. TREE TRIMMER $576. to $701. per month -CLTY OF - NEWPORT BEACH ets, eic_ C1101ce of Spa111~h or 1\lodf'rn Style AN For $249 Pmts. only $9 mo. WELK'S WAREHOUSE INSTANT PE So S2.00 hr/ 54~-.-9863 R. NNEL l -,-,w-·.e-,~~-~-1 ... '~"-"~~~.~~,~~1 ~,.~·~~~~~100._:~-'~"~-,~ti~m·~·-"-l-"'~·-----;r Requires one yf:'a r of tr«: tnnu11ing. experience in-cluding: U'f'e ~urgery and 600 \\'. 4th St., Santa Ana ,.. 11 ~ i:ra.d llAll1STYLl~"TS r o 1· .•d· NEWPORT BEACH join!ni; tx>a111y ~alou .~· m•·n-. SHIPPING-. ::s is Can1 111 1~ Di". Suite 106 L VN ~1 Ser Bct!y Brucf' at ~ECRF;l".\RY chmbin;;, Apply before 5 0fl('n Daily 9 • 9 Sat. 9.6 Sun. 11-6 p.(ll., Oc1obrr 9th to th~ ha ir s 1.v l i r1r s t1!n11 , 546-4741 To 1.-a111 a~ 1rnl·f)llllCHll'f' l n!rr1·1f'1\;n~ i\!'1 r1 .r;. T11<'i-. ,. 1 · n11rsrs 1n our exnandlng J;.i. RECEIVIN r ~riua opnor!unuy ('mployer .,, 10 an1 U:iys t,"j ~i:,:lfl: r1P~ I "=' boraton ·. 5hif'-' 6 am. "'.!:'.;O .fii.-1--:176_'1 ____ e ~·111f' lf'llrtllll!:: and g1"0WH1l o==~=~-=----I pm k 2:30 pin -ll:'XI pm. ---1 ORDERLIES -\\'ill rra in. If A f R .';Ty L J ,-; T . ~011 11~, n11r>111·t111111y f<ir !I 5. f.:l'nd., Apply PC'rsonne l Dept. I ' di , Isl k 2nd_ shifls. lnq. l(l il'llll•<(, !'l11:rr !(! \<'>ifll llJ 111 !!(11"•(1 fl lJ'Sll"il. Cflll !1!lP1, II k I d J'l;'L"sonnf'I 'lrpt. 11 o a ,. as~u1nr f'\1:,1111;:: 1·l11·11T"I" 111 11·1 111g 10 11"01" u1• a ~ .,. i\len1or1al .Hosp .• N.E. 1·~1 l\"1"'1\f,.011 1'!1·h. ~:1h111 ,\Jr~ C1ll tl;1)~ :.dS-6~7:1; ('\ ..... fi l~-12 11 1·;i nr''ll1t'll e :'11•1<1 h;11p i:norl f!'C'Vl'IL 111"1\'ltll? PARTS COUNTERMAN IMPORTS 11.:ial( .\lrn1or1~l Jlo~p1tal 31.Jl Ne11 pc111 Blvd. Ne11 po1i Beach R. N. -ASSISTANT OIRECTOR 1 l to 7 Shill. mijj l:xec A:;P.ncy for Career Gir\1 ·110 \\I Coast .Hwy., N.E. By 'ppoinf . ,61&~~39 Sa.It's E·XCELLENT OPPORTUNITY i\fajor nation.1\ lift> 1nsurancf' en. 11·ith n1urual fund brok- r r dealer i~ t' . ..:panding its I! Ot::-E!\t:l·.1'1-.1:. L 11 1·-111, lil'f"ll\:111 h<IU~l"h"lil S l-~1 1111' Call <if! 7 pin, all 1l.1y ::..11 f.· :-;111\. !lti2-:J!i~!l Tl·'.Cli~fCOLOP... lXC. l~~(I f"r.i.11ley 0 1·. Cv:;ta l\TPsa full t 1m('. Good CO, bellf'fil s. Nt:'wpo11 orfiC(', Comple!e It()\ ;s1·:KEEI ·1·:r., L1\'r I 11, ,\Jo1hcrl ~ss hnll•"· Br;ii'h arrri, 2 lf•rn;i~,..,.~. I 'I"• I. 11 nthT l:i. PH : ... ;1.1 r.o H(Jl,;Sl-~KE l-.JJ E!! Or h<'lrt1·r !r'IJ II idn11c1 C;dl 1Tl'll"l11t1!;5. * ~li-2 1~"1 * ---- E:11ull l •1p[l'1rtt1 1111y r 111ployC't :.1L;P. ,\cr·r p11ng applic11t1on frit 1111111agrr. J\l a t u r", rrs11C111~1hlr , IXl'S(lnable o 111 11 11 . r. A J 1 N· T~:RNATIQ;\,\L. !'<>. Cna~t P l;17.il, ::~~:; S Bn~tl:'I. ( .,\!. Nn nll"ln" e<t tl~ >1 f'C"pled llOUSF:K EEPJ·.r: JO arn Ii .\ludr:~ 11111. :1 da •1h :; 111·~. J\111~1 F ive P art T ime ha \·r r ran~p, 1;;::-!11':6 ----HtJUS ~.1-:EEl'EH., 111·1• >ti f .. 1· rlrlrrly <'riupl l"'. i\f ;i I 11 r " 110111;111 rrf'li'JT•'<I f.1~1..J:i:fi1 *MODELS* Pleasant 11·orking rolld1t 1on. NURSES AIDES -LVN pei·sonalizf'd training, invoJv. Apply 111 person. 1966 Har-1:-:xncrif:'nccd only. L3 rge ex-ing hath r~tH1r rrc:.!ion t..· hnr, Costa i\1esa. tendt"d cHre ho.~p1tal has conserva!io n. Subs!ant1al in. e e e PBX e e e opening<; on all shif1s. 1'esln1ent v;ill bf'! moide by Ans11·cring erv. ne('ds 2 ROYALE' Cv. in qualifif:'d cpplicant oprra101·s 1 pm fo 6 pm, j j !S-6~JO bet11·een 24 & 45 1virh colleR:f' I '· l'I •· 1 '1'2'>'n b11.ckgroucid. \Ynte Dail.' cay 1""· ~ -.:i ;,. .r ---SAILBQ,\T Buildir,g shop Pilot Bo\: 1\1 .'i19. PBX An~11 eri11i;: Sf't"\.ice, P \:· foreman \l"/1op bkgTnd ln ]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""' prr. prcfC'rrr<I. Fill! lime thP industrif:'s. Unus. opp. pnr;.1!\on. Varied hour s . 1213 1 ::21·83:13 Collet:!. :1::6-8!1~1 S;Jcs PROGRAMMER MUTUAL FUND SALES TRAINEE 2.~ yr, old promooonaJ advrr-' 11s.ing fl rnl ntt<.ls youni;: men. C1. l1S"Trd on 2 ':§tock l''f.· chnngei1, n111 1on\1·1de TV Jr P!'r.o;'on.IJC'I Ofl1(·(". :;:;oo ESPA NO'l IN QU ALITY T\1·0 .\·ears stcnog1'ilnttic !'.':'\· Ne11?Qrt Blvd .. Ne11·poi·t Model Home Furniture rcriencr . 'Type ;)5 \\'PITI. &-act!. Caliiornia. (71 .1) Sa ving! lo 85"b, Ve-ry ~asy shorth;inrl 00 wpm. ·Perfcrnn l;;;"r;n""c.""'::::'c· ----~-,.-I financini;;. :; com_ple t~ rooms r lrrlcal and :<ecJY'tlO'te.I vrork 'fypis!._ • nf decoraton; sryled Spanfsh ror. buyers/subcontnict ad-M clll:&ll! typlst 11.Anted. '1.'ill furni1urc. Con!istinc of th.: n11nis1r11fors, typC. nUt"Chase iilmou~ custom q<o-'<" •1a-_... -train to oprr:ue punched ..., .., " 01l\ers a11tl con'f'sporR>E"ncf!; p drtd Ji\'ing roo<n ,.~'"-Th• . tape , tyee1,1Titf'r. . r I me •--.-l;i.kr rl i<'!<ttion. flfr: ahsv.·er NC>\i·nort ~ Beat·b. C a 11 01·iginitl t:I ~sidente spac. telrpllonc. l'Sl.:Or t ll"lSitars; ·BIU'b11.ni, SiZ>--Ol 9l lolls ma.~ter klng ~e bed-1 c:.::,c.:.:_;~:_c__;.., ____ I roo1n sui te and the authentic Apply 10 Ber1 .\!ills 1 i1<1~ ~o ;!:',:;.~ Harbor Blvd. C:ust.l ~lcsa . 92626 l\l!S.'JLE SYSTE:r!S DIVISIO:" ATLANTIC RESEARCH CORPOR.A1'10N 1\ Di1·i~1011 of the ~USfJllrhann.i Corp, t\n eq1JA] opportunity r 1nnloyer VANDA Beauty Counselor's La Pai \\TOU2:ht iron dinette Cosmetics llO\I' 1nten'ie11·ing Sf'ts. Limited stock • $488. for part lin1r earnings, no lfan1ihon Sliowroom, 59.ig e:.;per. nee. 847-M34 aft 4 \\'es11ninsler Ave, \\'estmins. pn1 1e r. 89~-1-134 WAITRESS EXPERJENCED FUR..'\/JTURE & cabinets like J.'OU have never seen at An1er ica 's largest &. most unus ual unfinished turniturE srorc. Cor Redhill & Santa Apply in Person ,\nd t~11y, Tus tin. I ni i So. SURF & SIRLOIN or. l\"c wport Fwy. Open 362 5930 Pie. Cst. Hwy. da~·s fX'r yr. :;.W-5-170. ==N=e~w~po-'-r~l_B~·~•-c_h __ 1 FUR..\.'ITURE returned from \\'O:'llEN • E.\p'd. se11·1ng di splay ~turfios, model horn· maf'hine Of)(>rs. io learn C's, rlctora1or~ cancellation. ~hoe rcra1r 1rade. ~Tead~· Spa11i~h & J\lrrli1cn·anPan etc. .\oh A~THONY'S SHOE RD FURNITURE 011"11 1n1n~ \'1r of +, l!h 1~!:1111frr Y11f'hl• I\ Il l rntPr- \'11'\\' i.:11'1~ lx'l11'('f'rt 1l1r 11 grs nf !2-:•· tor pa11 rtn1r 1nodrl- 1nc. ~-;iris n1 11s1 bt' avail, ro~ lh1' 1.<111~ Bc;i<•h P ... :ia r Sh-01,·, ()rlo!•'r ~~ • :\"01· 2. Cinlaet \Ii· F'.1~sit~'Oy, £16-l~::l l"'- r11r1•11:; & .J p.ni ;\!on. 0 1:1 r.11i P1~11':1"fllll "*'"' app\Jca· t11111~ and rt'port,<; anrl f'f'- v1sr ex1s1ing program/\ ()rt 113~1 .'i.v~te111 7.60 compu- h't1'. Jll'(!Ull'('~ 2 to J ll'ilf~ f'XJ!Crlt'll-(."I' Ill pro-~rll!lHTilng, u1Ui1..ing d\..~k oprr;1tu1i.: ~y,.1rn1, COB:\L anrl ,\Lf' h•nt::uagr . g,. pr11r111·r 111 1C'll'!'OlllTllUlll- "''t101\<; l'>f'llt'f 1r 1al. BA d"· i;rer pi·rh'l'l"(t, F.xp. l!C"t115"fl l\1u1ual Fund Sa.lt>'\ITirn 1:2 1 lnr one of thr. h1ghr$J produring area~ in So. Calif. Lr1sul'\' \\'orld, \\'e n1ra n 11 1i·11rn 11·r say: '·i\lorr lr arls k POJlr ntial !han y,:e r·an hun rl!e". Our 45 ~·r. ol(t Parlfic Co.1s t n1en1· her firn1~ o rlu·r is l(J('alf'd 1n !hr heart. nf [A."1sure \Vorlrt 11 here 1hc hu•i11rss 1.~ hf'111ii; done. 011r h1f!hly Qnal1tled clieoL~ 1l'1lJ not g~nr.ralJy rlo busines.~ 11·i1 h f1rn1s ou!~idc Leisu~ \l'nl'ld. Top pl'O(luc- en only, \Ve are. narticularly intert?s!ed in n1en ~·ith man· ag:erial ability·&. ambition. Call r.fr. Wright you a.re e11rn inK less th;in .,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...,!!!!!!!!!!!! sEr@1 3-llll E. Cs\. tl11")" .. JB44 N Bl d CM C1t:>1. fi~n . l • •wport v ., :--1 . ;-..; B 1: ri.oo~'l 1rn1 ·sE1\1·:F1;i·.r:-11~ 1'1 I r111 ,\ TY \\ "llV1n i:.ln11r Sl!Jil 111" h i.'-~·~ 111n·~1.:K1.r1·11 : i '"--,,-, l'n1 rni s. t•.dh ~ ,·\11!•li e11 t n1 \·:.il ~1-'7~ \ l i!•lhl\Tlh• ,\:.;~ll•.\ 1:11 1-1•,lli 1111! kri.o11.1·di!r +I t;1·•11 1 ,) 1n•urall•'(l 0 df1<r 111111 Iii•' ~,.,:11· o ... ~•1i:.-l«•uri•y IH · 1-w11 I. ;~11 ·,r.1 f.A 1li 1~slri~~~:11•1 SIOO \ll'f'l\l.1 C :\ ! 1 ~ n i Lingrnr. t .11ual (l pp o r! . enipll)~('r \\'r 1n1111 : .. u; .... ;:..ii~ *MAINTENANCE MAN C\1:-..r r,,r·r I.'< PF:l~00:-.1 REUBEN E. LEE J,'•1 E. f •1.<<! Ill•~. X'r1,·nnr1 Rr.1i·ll \!(>TF.I. ('QLOi\"!AI. .\l>\ 111 :'lh f rl·'.L * MOTEL MAID * : .. "":6.2.)..13 newport . personnel _agency Professioni1I Servic• for the employ1r and the •ppl ic1nt 133 Dover Dr., N.B. 642-3870 549-2743 RN or LVN Cahrornia he .. 12 10 8. c .1111,u:I (}I' Srntl Rf'~Ulll('' !o l~crt ~l 1lls 1 Tl 11 :1 1&-Sf'::O :;:;:;:; lla.i·bor Bh·d. eo~t.1 1'-lrsa, Calif. 9'2626 fltlSSILF: SYSTEi\1S Ol\'lS!ON ATLANTIC RESEARCH CORPORATION A Dh·ision of lhr f:usquchanna Corp. An equal oppo11unit y employcr (714) 130-1515 Sal .. * Fantastic! is thP word for thill national coinpany's J\f!IV proa:ram for Soulhern California! \\'e need -DISTRIBUTORS -1\IANAGERS -SALES:\li::-l: -SALESWO;i.!E:N $'\SO 11"k. C"a\J for interv\rw_ :\Jon 9.;,; Tues 9.9, ~-!ffl4 Sair!I SlOO A DAY POSSIBLE ExP<1 nrling na\"l company seeking sall!f; rep 10 sell cxin1pu1erilE'<I b 11 .~ i "r s s li.\'i<tt'n1s 10 lorat bu.~1ne~!'C'<:.. Con1nlete: training provided. &12-0003 11n}'l1mr. Sal rs ESCROW OFFICER Outstanding opportunity for e:cp'd. sales escrow officer ro \\'Ork in our l')eW 1.fisllion Viejo, Savings & Loan oU1c:e. l\lust be cap11b~ of handling :sales escrow!> for conventlon- al loall8. Xlnl working .con1l. & opportunily for gro1vth. Contact DOWNEY SAVINGS k LOAN A.'50CfATION 837-4911 .Sales PART TIME f'Vf'ly llip;ht 'tiJ 9 \\',\!TRESSES 12 1, 2-1 or \VC>d .. Sat. & !iun. 'til g O\·l.'r, hrs. 7 A:'-1·3:::10 PM . \\'HITE • • SECRETARY To The Ct-lief Engineer JA~1AICA INN HOTEL Col-Bedroon1 5C'I , new frc 5hnp. 2101 r oast H"'"""· rorld. Douhtr bed & head· (l!M. Jt JH'T~n OCt\\ecn 1G-~.ard. DoubJr dre~ser .1. .. ~horrharid end diC'1a phonr ii Abt ' "m~rror _3lZ:1, Olct~ aak tablf. e~!)('nt>nrc rrQ\lll'f'rl. \\ 1U .:.:.:c:;::c_ _______ $6J. 20.i-tl7 Crystal, Little 11oi 1n !01· ,.;,.,·11rping t1.nd \\',~JiiiERS.\Valt r css e a...._&lhoa.J.sland. i pn-para 11nn nr U.S. N~vy 2n',11<,, ·>EY--~~~r'. ",_':",-•_cA".,;'l1y'.. •.LU~; &. ~old .brllCadE'" couch nrov1s1on111!.! 1H1rl cr1·rirlca-1~"'6 t'f"P ·' d ,,,, & ,. · · 111atch1n~ chair 2 enil 11on na111 ~h<.'l'ts fl)r U.S. gov. \\·O~ll~N -Not ~cared I~ ge t table S..· rof/er iahlc, dark crnn1ent. lhc1r Mtuls 'lir1y, lor 5h1n1ng: 1,1"1Qrl ,1· / /'."r\"r1111a1' ti.ni~h anrl checking ollt sh<'lf'S, \Vi11 Alt for $GO. 6 !6-36rl ' !c11.ch. Steady job. AN! ~=--~----­TIIONY"S. SMOE S£'RV_ USE~ Qonish green sofa. & ~IOI F.. ·est. Jlv•y., COM : ch~i.r $62. Danish chair, blue CLA·YAL CO . 17th I. Plecentia Cost• ~s.· 54&-2201 An equal opportunity cmployrr 'n .,.1 !ltrll>f' Sl2. Th e Facio!)', . ~ . ~ 548-3481 Schools-lnstruclion 7600 ~CT~l~EST=c--o71-8~d>~-.-.-.,-n~$311=. L •.m.M;-111ble . combination $.l:!i.-·. -! I C'OMPUTER &<WM ' .t uSEi;>": 11tooern "J;;i1!.dinette, SECTY JR. $420 rROGRAMMING >'1><1 ~·' SSS-r•a ·ol Beaut summndinp, t..uguna, , Wiattd 6 Men r.Jips. amber Cl')·dll.I . both Good oppty for 1iTI -..·/lite , · ~ Mii ·Th, o._,_., ... 3481 ' skills Cati Kny; atS-5410 , TO !'rART CLA:-S -~ ·-,,,. ...... -1 u-to-_ JASON BEST ·-:-.. NONDA'(, ~ .. 20th_ :'-TO YING! Fumb'om 5 BR's, EniPloymtnt Agency ~ lh~ l~st progra;fn ~ng dininl!j '111 ~1.,.ohairs, 30l&s. '.!1'.!0 So, i'.lain Santa Ana ' 'f!H( !le\vest eq11! . . &.: 'rashl!r/d.rfft\ l\luch mott:! 1 • .0::::..:.:::.::.::::0·.:C:'.'.'-C::'.'.C. mo1il n1 o cl~ r n fac1l1t1es j.Wl--0158, · * -~M~ANAGER I PROPERTY * In L"11n1t:r ol n1.1 1n.r11~11· r !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.,,.,..,!!!!!!!!! r! r, ~ 111 t r ully h1111 iJ 1a 11 " 1! Ii .\l'PLY IN Pl'.:11 SON PRODUCTION WORKER -REPRESENTATNES -TRAINEES l\fake extra ~Y for Chri~t-SC:CT"Y, ml" 4 yn exp, £"d. a villa bid! .,Joni Thi! leader ! l~==--------~-1 n1as sholl'if\'i: pl'Mitiie glf1s. skil_ls, in_ tcresli_ng varied Acidemy of ~ DINTr;& '.nn. set·clrcular Choose 01\'ll hour.<, day or I 1 lh !boat 1 Tillu:ble b.ble, :4&'' diam'ter ASSEMBLER S Fe mall"' e Prefrr rettnt faC"tory ''-"P· e \"ork includes movie pr1> jec tor assembly e Xlnt 11·orking conditions. pay & benefits. MACHINE OPERATOR S Female e PrOOucllon "-'Ot• on ta 11i"~. 1TJ1Jl_. & 1m11.il P1d'K.'h p!'CM· t'l!I, Pl<'. ' "'oric 111Mlgnm,nt1 arr 1n lcre!l"lini; & ~-aried • Pref~r facto1y wol'k c.xp, TEOfNICOLQR, lNC. 1300 Fra\11~ Dr. ~,. l\fPSa El'J111I opportunity tmp\nyf'r fl[JAl"111ll'll( 1~1USf'~ & !<)1')[1- 11ina: centf:'rs. ~lusl !1.11·e previous r.'lf)f'M<"ll1'r In 111111 fi('ld. Orange Col1111y r,..si- drnt, SuQn1it ri-sun1c \v11h exprrit'llCf' ;ind salary "'7· pecii.od. '''n te Bo;i; a1 428, Dail.v Pilot. l\JANAGER. Experienced 1n ~ift & houtiq11e it<'nli<. for l\TR. l\lmY·s. full lime. Call 67.1-ffi,'>I. l l1111!i11gtlln Bl'"Qch C0n\alrscf:'111 llosp1lal 18i!l1 ])('lall"are SL, H.B. Nur!<r~ LVN 1 am lo 3 p111 lull timl'.: & 1 \ pin to 7 an1 part lin1c. NURSES AIDES II pin to 7 a n1 Park Lido Convale~nt Crn1er, 466 flae;ship Rd, N('1111t. lkar.h NURSES AIDES Exp'd. 2d t, :i.d. ~h1rt~. lO!f. personnel • 0...PL Hoag l-fen1on11.l llosp, :'llAOllNf.<:T 11·a r11,..rt ,,. :i:i· N.B "'T'. pr!'f('tTt"d, C.1111 lor ;ipnt --."O'-,-coc--~=-~ 518·1'2 11 3 to 5 Pl\1 and 1 tlJ ~l!P,Sf~. LVN or R~. lnri !1 P.\L ~11lnl'y. S11nhRht Co n v 11 l :\lurlur1isl~ • Punch P rest & • Mult i1lide Oprs, ·r,1 ~I:!.' 111•r 11rrk. :\pply Ton.v Du,..h1. \\'II.CO TOOi~ &: DlE .'ll90 Pullman i..;itlt' l!o~n'l. 616-776t • • • OPERATORS P::1:1"'ricnCl!'d in :.inglt ncrdlt 1100 O\'el'locks. Good piere wrirk prict!, !lt1dy \\'Orie. F.ODY t\iOSS 1400 Locust !'l., \\'e!tmin~er, 534-873-'. \ 'Vomen f'or 119.lld &: Machioo Production \Vork P leasant conditions Apply in Pe~n THE HARTLEY CO. 1917 Pl•centie Ave. Cost• Mes• Profession•I Employinent Assl1t1nc• COASTAL AGENCY Thill i5 a rea.1 ground fl()l"lr opponunity l\'ith a solid auto. ma Uc electrcnllc . equ:ipmenl firm that nffers HIGH Im-di ate Ecimlngs 546-3050 eve_ Y.'lll train, Vivian \Vood· (.u ics ·11·1 Ml mg. Computer Technology w/4 Dux ch&ire $150 . ~ n.. . 38 T d hrrn. Dill J.ln. .!;tuart .Dall 5-17-9~71 &M-. 1846 art 4: ... pm'' : ""' '"""'mel'CS. • own an ~O-i070. ' 9 km to g pi-n. "" O:runtry, ~l . SECRETARY, Ynai;, ilrt \l'ith ' -"\· n;o, ltiril~n· marble SALES EX0~~rvES •11r ~ . . dim•• tahr.. -. "'-. Lllce ...... .,, .Jl • 5vvu. shorthand "· typing ,ro,. IN ·TAH~!..~. '. t••.·· --. ,· u.~ .. :.:-_· ... :.. . ~ ~· inn\)ed. Advei"l.J&-s.kl.lls. 1-2 rn exp nee. to II ., I.,.,..,. -£. -"'l"""•-- itli' or sales exp. heiptµI. "''ork in sales dept: 54.7-7767 A-/~&n no b&rriil! , ~aHtyr.k1ng &;;'i::q\liJted. Promote-cf or _out within 60 .. -. r · Comple~used 1105.. ~ Draw &viii, S UND A y Fut gro'fi'I~ CbnAnlction lNN~ERi INSTITUTE ~ 1 rlll.y8. Unllmitt\i potential. SECRETARY. full f i n3 e . Let Ull help you qualify. ~)it 5 A.wknd M2-6.'\J6 MAIL J".,. ~1 1 --Co E.'<p neceM:ll:ry aJli..2579 ~ Jftt'ERNATIONAL ,· !."T'S, drapes, furnlttht Sal~s ' .~ ..... '' r .......... bee. . . . . t\fM~l/~otel/Apt 11,igmt Sehl fn:im lovely ,8ay~st home. WE ·A·E LOOKING 1213l 691-811' SECURITY GUAROS -, I ~. " NeWper.f al"eA. 6J7-l070 ~ . OIV Sh•-"" OF ,_1~,.,-~ ;;''-'<c==-..,,.c::::;:I FOR MEN WHO ARE SALES Sa.l'ah Co\•entcy ha11 A1'i11-toNY SCHOOLS 1~" t rlgid11ire electlic: LOOKING AHEAD orien!nas for n or pt tiint 1TI7 ~-BROOKHURST' llOvr, au1o <"lock. xlnt. Can ,\ member of Le.t us traln )'"O'li for 8 caret!' Xn11111 :;All'!I. PI t A Ii a 11 ! , SERV ICE STATION needs .ANAMEIL\f, CALIFORNI A llvtr $"15. &16-2j 12 Snrllin; & !'neUing, Inc. ln inllu.ran~. An oppor1unit;,1 •l ignilied \\'Ork \\"/rto In-. ~ x Per 1 f. n f' ii! d ma n . (111~ses form f Ve!J' \l'f:'N' '.!i!lO ll::irhor Bl. Of 5~0-605:) to learn th<! htr.i:incss & earn ves!., c Ii 11f'cf1 on~ or Pernlall('nl. Good• \1Tirking PHONE FOR APPT.~·· '1 _lQUE Ir \\'hilt hedroom PUBLIC SPEAKERS ex!ra money on a part tirnr. dcllvrrit~. Choose you'r own condi!.lonll. Days. Union Oil, A ~k for Belfy ~ •J1,'" t'.'09lplerc. r.lake otft r. "-· •-f Ir '" ,, hrs. i\tin. 11afo 21. For 1t1rv. 393 l it.h Sf., Costa r.tesa, . •\'-ENTIO". LOVl NG ~.-., 6~1 C<li\1 • JI you can r~ruir lrt train, or ...... s18, '""" ore av ... r yo1 " , , , ... ~ if )1'U ha\·e e ver had 1 pm;ent job_ Bec-ome a full call: S.·ID-06!1 & 1!6i-J693 ENTS~ YOUTH sPl!:EQ{ mEo 5 pc. antique "''till~ rourse in publir spe!lkin~. tl1n~ "Kent \\"h<"rt qualiried SALES. l\1al11re girl. 18 &. SERVICE s!a!100 <\Uendant. WORKSHOP. Aites 1 to 17. bdnn 1111!1 rleln.'le, $97. The lhf're n"1y hf> 1 place for }"GU "'ith " mlnimum auarantced ov-c?r. to1u!!I be neat 1n 111> Good 1~·orkillG conditions. Uarn to lpeck well, tnunci· Factory, s..&8-3~81 \\•Ith our Na1 ·1 Co r.100k per month. Pf':A@nct. Expu ne,lrtd. Permanent. Days. Apply a te, pro.)tc t. Afttr school ,. 3 Piece cut"\.'e turquo(M: r.tood , 4:i.& \\'. 6th St., Tua· F•rmer1 Ins. Group Call 5-IO-MOt for intv, So. Arlin Chevron, 319o Hvhor, Slturdl.YJ. Private or class ™ttd sectional $35. CoUwe tin Mt-~O'l Ed L•nf· · -S40-laJ4 -est. Ptm~ ---CJ\I. ---•· -~~·---labW 11...i.Th-..2880 _ <..:.:::::..:::.=:-.~;;::=or~::::..:::::::=::.._=-..;__ "' 1 • t I -. .. ' ' " I I .•• " ! )" . I'" . I I -, . " ' '" , '. • I I •• " i t~ i ' -, ., ! ,, • I -· I I - •• ~• ... 1f ••r •-··...--------- ·-··---. . . • ...... DAILY PILOf 27 Here's How You Can Use Our Famo•s Dime • A • Unes e lfl'"J them or ll'tClll ftt.m with corr.cf ~ to one of owr 4 convenl•t offlc1s. a Ho commff'cl• ads allowed. e loc::• Item mwst be priced w1rh no ltem ov« $25 • . . . ~ DJNf;T!E Se! "5. Wat«' l Whit' unilorm&, rood con- cooler $5. Naugah.)'tle 1v.<ivel dltion, 1ize l!>-$12, fonnal rocker $l0. 10 &: a 11 o n bridlll & ow n, size ll-$25, aquarium, comJJ!ete $10. bridal •lip, size U $10. DOuitJ: .Aed $25. Chest fs_. APT. SIM ~ '2s., One CO?>IPf.!:T.E Double bed, DESERT Heat lan1p S.?0. VW ~ats S5 ellch, tront and 1950 CADILLAC. P.~celle11t t.fln"OI' $10. Ni1e11alld $5. piece twia ~ trame and very good cond11}on SZ>. Cbr'Nalesc-ent toilet SU'f!POl1 bAck. Boat. scat~ $5 each. condil1011 SZ.l. tH2-77J I Headboard Jl(I. Upho!Jtend., .•pr~s $5. '4~35 New double bed bedspread, ~-'l'raih,•r hitcb for small Gas tank $5. Body 57. $20. 68 QUA Lfi·y Sznall ··Ii<'!>! ('•·(lilr chair :iu. Desk· S 15_. DIN~E Tabl• 11'. Rlvie--iitled .$10. 673-4446 car SJ. Al ~ n11ital ice chest. lwlly Jlltll $2:1. Porschr 1arh Hncd <lraW•'f"S ~1 ~1. E.,!ra FR l G IDAIR.J,;, \\'astwr, '.).l!W93 1 runs aulomatic i;:ood $25. "'·-t..JJ.. "'' ' ,,. " ... · ' c •1 'f TONNi::,\U cover and boo!, · 'u.i-n~ _1tereo $ 2 3 • . chair •.-..:, PhJlro. AM r adio 2 Twin or bunk beds, full 21" .'< 19" )( ll" $5. I lead $10. 117 1'01,1•ne, ·" · long llv1n bed, Jinn $'.(.l . -s -• 11 -2 ''"" 11t~ 60 D;tl~un $10 Aluminum 962-9971 846--0714, 846-9070 OOUBLE Mattrets, Jinn, PAYMASTER Check pro-• pt'""'el'f -;i, e_aeh. J\letal Ill. Captains ..i.nir 120. mattress k spnng S25 each. trac11on .~el, n{'W $~. L111co!n &r..., ~" Clotht's h;1n1f)t'r s~. Vcl\'lll I dd 110 P I .,~ '"""';-c-cc:--:c:;:,,-:--;;, pllT!O f'OVt'r, llOflSSCmblE'r1 box •t>r!n1s 8.lld fNml!. ~ tttlor $25. 2 Shov.·er doors a er · il ows and Vaporizer, new JS. Ladies 7;,ti \V. Center St., C.tll. coiri se>t, 1'.l~l-196.i $ J. S\VING ~"'· il<"'lll~" S:.'J nug boudoir chair ~!. Anl1q111·~: Sl:i ~l;i r culfC"c. lable $(j condition $25. Do·u ltl• one 1in&1e $15 one double ~ds 5c to $1, 2 ba,r. w•to• S"0 s~.11.•--...--k,.ase :'>IS-2092 54.-... 2:>:.'!l ___ ~-hi:.'. ool<I $~5 t"u.,,pl<H'r and fr;un£1d san1 11l~'r s '.( o . t I 411:: '' ""-m ,f/UJ '-'> ~·1"N'll rlli01· !ran1e S2 All 111 11.vocado quilled ap!Wfd 1'5. $25. Will ~ater $10. Call :::1."J each. 962~ or ..... K_ itchen clock $2. Ladiesl'B"AcB~Y,,-c"""",,-,-.0 -,c1c1c1o.,,.~,71,-p~ln 26" bike $15. Autom•lic: Voor andh'OHS $:!1 Rr)(;lnni: hon1e f\h1hogany vale! $10. Sd1·rr Electric knife al•" ............. -rn: _.,.. aJt,. 7 30 p •• .....,...~ ..__.ba ha I ~ , I 20 •·• B I s· I t I"• ""I I'" Q It I '· ,. :. t" t> 11 en l condition. -~·--, c·~·~=~~;.:...c.c' ::...o.c".:..."' --I ,.,..,,-,,,,,,,,.,,,--,,.----,c , ... ,.... gs, 11'1, ( r~sses, play)'ll'n S25. Bath tub. scale, 11rnaee S . Auto n1 at 1 c ~ n•SS p aqurs a or se . ,,. ""'" ~. u1 E'! .;1ngs1Le 616_98 12. 11" Elecbic drill $4.; Wet LIKE N~ hound!J'foOth NEW ~ess rotisserie coats~ _'l'lhof'll' 50c-S8_ t'ach. inf&nl seat, buniP"r pad SJ. panel rHy s2;;. Small boiler ;).12-0l II betlsprcarl, .11.avo.:adri SHI. 1 ------------I suit. mttlium l ltt.. U ralJion upbabfttW chair ; 2 5. eo1t S50. ¥ll for $25. 4 1pear ?i.1a,gal.lne, 41J $3. Spice -~f· s 11. i n g ! 0 _m at 1 c: S 5 $.). \Vhi\t' tnoadle 54'\\·ing 'iBAu:·~-.~,-,c1c,-,-,-..,.fo-,-,-,-,c,c,.C""Y J\Japtr 1lri;k cl\au· $1, 1\1. 111!0 1\ N Jordan patio chall's aquarium, pumjf. ';healer, Cwt«n made cocktail table 1hi&hkabob attachment for tie •rl't:k $3'. Roon1 pur1her Bl'Ul\S\\'Lck pool rue $25. Set n1arh1 1w, eX('t'llc-nt s 2 5 . s:i. f, 1~ :l l;tfl tracl1ve tl''1n ~d1-r1n·arl~ .$;1 Slu tii3~~L I complf!lf! $2.l. X.0.li fin, $23. Antiwe walnut roll~ $3. Parakeet ctte $3. ~ie• ~ling ball, bag, of bf1! bells i 10. sfnarl rock· Rt>l1'1gerator $10. llC'ilV)' du-. --pair. ;l·laple hunk h"<ls. i:::<M•! ;\!_O_V[N(;, l'iHl"C and Eastblutr, 644-0963 '&edah!ad -., c~" 1357 and ' rnund and 33"' bi shof.s S!5. Framed pLtcutts , .• , •--.• •~. ,.,. o~27 ty push t..'flrt· SlD. "t'rj,nd111R T\\·IN twd. an<l tnatli-ess S7 S:!j f'ac h. r.1111"(.>1's $.I-SI ., ,..., .,,.,_,... "' · " '"'''""""" ...,......., "'! ChronH• hl~h chair S7 Sony p · · r<'frl{,:"J'lll"r S2;1 t'at•h. 2 TWIN Bed ·s10. RCA 'KJ1TENs All~.,.,. bla"k $7 • .l 69:1 -1(15 riew tires S7 $1.~~ach. ~ . whN'l ~1~1. ~eat J:.."17 \V, 1 · 11_ a1ntins~. shnrtr.w h n\ •lllllr'S s7 :,o and 1,-1, Tables Wh\rlpool sh" hi ' .. ·n ""• ,,. ' 'tach. 20 :t 40 cocktail tablf! • · APT. Size ~lrigerp,tor, c•i•oss \\"I · SI s · 5~ c I'll flVL'!~ i.e 1••fll• t'<'•'Ql"(l<'r ·1 lrnmes 1;x;-s:1. :ihu·1·,,(1 J11n:: _ .~8 ing.mac .ne ti-, .....,.,/white. 6 ••ks.......... 42' RouDdw~h.t irondnl-top 'f-,,,. -·. ll•"•ll• •1~~~_17· ·• ~ce ' ·'· f\la1•l<)'OUIJ1bc.-l$lOPa<lded 11 1 11 ~-:-~!. L..1111r> s::.:.o. Che.~t ••r.c Med ' -lh .. ~. ...... • ••. .,,._.u31· ' L '" • "'-" "'......,.. Yf' OIV ny 011 <.:url;11ns I ~ .icme ca ui.,, \\'! old y.·eane4 ..... _,_.. T\iiiN Ing sef, avoc,•do ~n with l<""d< -paic 6-'10'.' hab.v •·ar ;.w:1t $.~ Gulrl 1w111 ,_,., 1l1a,1t'l"S $'l:1. 'l!l-A Costa · SI Rad" M El ' .,..,. .. ·-.u~. ~., I ,-" ,.. ,.,.... SL:... .. Ornntc S!.errn •·11.!11111•1 mrrror · lo 'f"• ec-546-1570 ·2 matti'Hs and box b ue seats, e'Xce ~n,t con-1 ~~==~-~=~~-8 Dr1111·l'l' rlrcssi-r $2,). Boy's tarrrtil IJ('<l~r1·1>ad, nt·w $10 ,\J,.i-a ~l . • 1--k ••-"·" t • c,.,;...::c..:... ____ ~-~ · ..L.: • · · · , CLOTHES o~,, I'" "d•w1< \\'011r\1·1·ful /or an11"1l111• It:,. tnc Cw.; JUL:, D<>Ue c8M!1· .1priu••• cu1lom ma'de -$!;) ditkm oripnaT prite $139. ·~ -'-'· .. v b11).e Si. Git''s,~iin~ay $1J. 113'.{-1.178 ltvlnr ·1 .. ix. Tonka jee-p 2;ic. Child's 74" A_MF' ~ bike $6. 20" each. Dlftlble headboard $l7. Table' $?.'i Ch&iri -Jlfi ' N.Ch. cu,~h.ion chairs s2:1 rach. coif C-1lrt Sj. 7 ft alufninuinl-----------S..1th1wrn rug-~ S!-~::. N"11' ~ I · ~ T · Schwmn Stln'"'~" traroe · _,,,_ ~~ ~·•~_.,, ........ ~,, "Od tahl" 10111•! M'il! L'()\'rr hlfl<•k $1 ,C<I. rf!<.v•u Payer""""· rain RI ••--J Pair channel back chain Corona del !\far. a,_..42 """"'':"''--= " , .. Christn1as lree 11·lth revolv-t:XCF.LLEN1' 11s,,r1 ,-aq)('t- J:LF l<H;~~Jl ,\TUR $2;1. Gas $!•\\ 1• SJ:l }II. l-;lf'l·1rir-h.:iir ilr~rl', ~al .. n '-''P<' S2U. t";\I a 11i. 111111 .SI TV, anrenna ~'l .. <1,1. !::nil 1ahlt' 5:! l.anip $1 .. •0 . Carprt $10 \\'allboanl, :! p1C'crs S-1. Roll oil tn~uholll'ltl s.;. 2021:': Birch :'ii., :-l.an!;l Ana fi<'1ghts sat-Sun !l-:0. 75c. Electric p I a Y-b a I I S:lo,;oc.~644-~c1033,...:~-~-~-I $21 each. Lamps 1-$.l. 1723 -----------1 $20. 2 lam~ $5 eacli, !,..amp ing htes i1 0. Cameras $1. ing, 11:<10, 11.xl.i, 9.'\I ~ \!K: S'1 Ollds ;inrl f•tl(l s 1 I!; l'~Jll \I. malihiPW $2.75, Doll buggy: GIRL'S 26" bicyc~ with Phua del Sur HEAVY Rubber rug fladding, $25. &th set $1:i. Girl'~ Girl'~ rorit. Sil£' 12, $3. Tea ft. 28_1 Kno.'< St. C.\I ti to 8 AvP · f3J!bua J,!~1nd S;lt. $3. Large birdcage on 11tanci basket, new tires and tu~ I ~co==-=~-----40 yanl• Stl< yd. Bookcase dressing !ahlC', chatr and <'art 11 ith 2 "lass sheh,es s:-i. "'"·'· 10-2 LOR TV antenna fl2, 110 Bl I bl ' ' ' -,c::;:;::::-:;::c-12. Towel stand 50<' 400 -E. 541-:.!693 after {i P .M. electric hand dryer SlD, $10. Dishes $4. Glassware min-oro · · ue amp ta e r;lct·tric h<"a\C"r S2. Boy's"o~LcOo--1c,-,hc;c,-~-d;-.._Ooc--,·<-o"""r's IlO.\ S1)r1111:~ frir d11u hlf' 1,.•d 19th SL, C.1\L 642-3767 DOUBLE ~ romplett $15. Carpt'l and pad SJ, .f' >: 3• 5C-f2. T1fen'11 figure skales SJ. Easy 11·asher. needs s~rt roa!, s11.e 14 $5. Eire· scalC' .SW Lllc-st or drawers $10. Doublr hrd. n1ocl!'r11, NTIQUE 0 -d ba Tw;"~'ll5.lli~ba-•HI• SJ .. Lat"ge lamp shades $1 repair $10. Boy'ir; :l6'' tric coffee Pol $2 ;)0 1111111.! hearl and footlxia1·1!i. A .oc::a ed g $.5. "' uo=u i&" "" mirron $15 each. Plaslic Schwinn bikt> Sl5". 1 5 ,.,. _ • • · SJJ OvaJ coffee table, nttd~ Blllck Persian lamb coot Q . and Hera <:hair1, red pa. vials, new, IOc per dorch. each. Chrome 34'' covers $4 Goodyear poh.·glas~ liN' $7. Profess1ona~ hntr riry!"r Sl :-1. rolini.~lilng $j. 6-l6·J~ $10. H.B. 5:1&-l:lUI Hail" dryer $8. 110 lb "''eight 548--1292 968-793.l f'ACh. 219 Poinsettia, CdM. Toasll'r S:l.JO. 5'19-02~0. J?.?8 1""';-"CC7-c::-:-:7::-::-::---;;--; JTE;11S For i;al;:Vr;;t. s1;;, lltting •. ~ llO. n-••• , l1. .,.,.. ,.._1d b 1,_ . 11 ~e qoJfce ,table $25. Tur-Iowa, c.r-.1. CRlB ;ind n1attreSf'S SIS. Book . 1 •. ,1 , 1 1.,. C SI -'· ~-,.. '-""""" HIGHBOY Dre~r $20. NEW lmm movie."!: Lllurel ..,,,., ....... a..,,, pracrica Y qool!le bedsprel'id &.·pillows 7 ,.,.-;-::::=:cc-'.'.'.C7:::-;""I ;i.1~.~:16 ~ ·,~~-.,·;;!l a "·1· 1111 :'llABLE l3alhroon1 coun!er 1.,p {o>1' pulln1a11, sink 111- 1 ;1 r hr d. ~f'il."!t', (IJ1- JWO\ll\l:t!<'l.v I:.'". 1 slightly u~{·d .S:1:i 11101lrn1 •·oHee Anrl r n•l lalilrs .SlO :"il srt. Vanity 1,1 /M' drC'!--s.'r S:.'. 2 Cnrk 11·atl pl:u111f'~ 12 .'< 18, Sl.:.0 each. &16--:lti:-.6 a""s ;,.,,,:. "'lens suit $10.. Sears wrin&:er Waaber $20. and Hardy, Frankeruttein, new 4 lo 10 !or $1. Rear, 219 :S\5. Room dividC"r :SIO. 2909 G.I::. Automatic i1·a11hl'r S'!fl --~~~--~~=~= Opt'ntr .1. ...,1"t"l'(1 rr·r·1wd Bread box $3. 2 .Toasters 2 \Vool ca-t 14 :-1. 16 S10. ~ ... Sl •-h. 67,, """'" . Poin&e!tia. Cd.'!. Ell No · hr :sio MAPLE rqn~l•' TV Zl ", pl11Yl'I' $l,"i A1x·ti"'l"V t~111·< and' s;J. Blouses lJc. Rein. G.E. roa~;;;S15. Min'or 12'' ~ ""' ,,_"""" l'Sniere, C.1\L 5-I0-4962 Tiii;~ "°:!.':ig'.:.::ri:·~~e ~cord 11·01·ks 1·rry i:n.)f-J S25. &16-1.~2·1 Sl0:.$2~1. Sliol'.~ :--~ir~S:.' TV . SiNGE:R Se11•ing machine, LADIES 26" single &peedl=====~~--~-,,. ,-Sl:i. Sit£' !fl r!n•ssl'~ "'11·-S I. mglon fype\\oTiter $2.J. Bell x 26" $6. 714 Lark.~ur. CdM •""-• .__ m,,.,·, pnt~toc, Sch11>inn bike S24. Tllen's ii EXPENS!Vf_; Crih. t'XccUent players $12 f'ach. Jland ad-ANTIQUt: r1anr1 ~1nol S2'1 '""-and Hol\-ell camera $10 600 'f"" 1KJI1T1 .,...~ ~ ~ El <I • , _, 1· 1 .1·,1, KilchC'n uh•ns1ls J11r-:o0c ~:!! J '"millf' , .. ,, Cd'<. 67,~3026 CERAJ\11CS, GI a 11 w a.re $12. 173-2966 spef'd English bike m. n1a!tl'ess S2>, Nordica ski a ing n1achine SID. ectric <T1k 1cr, ""1' r u~"' ,J 1 · rn.~ Cdi\I ""' " " ,,---Sc-$5. 2924 Redwood Ave. I===~~--~-,---i\1a n'll' 111ngle ~ Sch\vinn hook.~. never \\·orn. size 6, heatt'r, thermoslat ronrrol l"f1rr"" ~l;i>Se!I, set of S S:'i \VE "RE MOVING! COTITE Sal-Sun. STAND-Tyj>e hair dryer, bike ,22. 5-U-283i $2.i Original Beverly Hills $1 2. RCA hi-ti, J sl)l'<.'d :S20. i\laplc Klcrnrx holder S:I cyiCw;;-;1;:,,c,,.c,.c,-;;$;olclP;--:<c,,c,,,c,c,c,c-,. BRO\\'SE, EVE'R\'THJNG I =EL::;:ECTR,..=,:,,:1"c~-.-•• ----.-.,c1-h $15; lii:ring room size mir-SLOT C . suede lea\hf'r 1 u n 1 c , .Fourleen "''ash and 11·ear G.E. bahy tl1sh S.1.:'i(I Potty h<tust $Ci. 2 like n<'w 1·111.YI ClfEAP! s Dra.1,11?.r drr•~"r .... ,.~ , ror. $10. T11isceUaneous ar track$.), Bicycles ·1·-d · • • I?' uniloJ'ml'I, size ~24., 11.:AJ sea1 . ii folrls ~2'.lO [)C'11Jhii<s S<'i11S $10 rarh, plus olhrr -, I I eveh """ .._____, __ ""-$5-$25 1829 Jo11•a St Costa mn 1 ress, size ..-1, ·"· SlO. Varioui; !'hairs $2. e Y -e "• , • "v: ...,.,....., .-:. UP h o l s I er Y · " :>10-3437 each. Two nurscs cap& 50c v11pon1.r1· $.J (;id 's "'oo! coat nurls $1-$20. 1 11·h£'C'I utll lt)' CY~l Si t \Hlh .~l 11!e, tv.·o s\1111hS, glid••r 1111d la"·n SI\ l!l~ S2~J. D6.'i-.\~S-I Telepho~ table S2. 2' x· 4' cle&n $25. St&Dil $15, 5.16-44 fabrics, 7X-$1.50. Office Tl!esa 5'15-0006 each. Set fircplac" tools s1ie 11, ~5. 5~j-0007 1rallrr wilh 11. rt j 11 i; ta i. I£' tables $5. each. Vogue VIOLIN $25. Coffee ~ $2. supplies Sc-$1. Size 10 and POOL Table $75. Cue 1ficks, 2 Crash helniets, sizP 7-7~'J. $1.51'.l. 71,~ fL Sco!c:h pinr ;o-;.,,-:;:c,--~-,;c::7ce-:-'.7'~ hitchl's s2;1. FHI! site baby deluxe v.·ater ski S 2 5. Paddleboard $10. &trfboud 12 !!kirts, 1weaters, blou&e1, ball and rack $25. 64&-7063 S15 and llO Ladies black 12 Christmas trer. srioiv tipped l.AS ir;(ov!' $1'.1 !Jinrttf' ~,-.t Sl:i t•nb $J. 6~2-42:!2 fl'flnklin basehllll glove ~2. $5. 4 101! cluhll,1 MX>ds, dre~sts, c11pris, $1-$1 0 •I~~~~--~-~~-lb. bQii·Jl~g hall $JO. 6 fl car branchr~ $12.51). 7 ·ft um-l,;i111p S3 0<1k l'hair S~ Girl's Bar,-bdl get $7. Handcraft la<He1 $15. 22 befit wtlfhl Sltreo albums, 7:X:. ·67l-91S6 10 Lb. Navy anchor $4. 6 gal top ClllTr.er $10, La .... ·n Boy bn:"lla, needs cover $5. J2-IO r!nt ht>~. size 7-1-1, lad IC'~ ;incl v1porirer S3. Bissel <:arpet .coll <:art and ba.e com· ruLL Sire Vinyl headboard, day lank, ne"'' $18 Pr. Boat pol ii·er mov.·er Sl:'i. T11.ble J.Alndondcn-y Lane, C.i\-1. IPf'lt~. i<l~P S..l -1, hoy 's siv' T\\'JN Bl·d lrun1r. hookc«:;e l1ri1(!bonrd S!:1. \Vhile hoh- n:ul 1•!1enillr ~pn'ad $.'.). i\liJ)ll" rl11J~h hrirt~n lan1 p s;;.. r;11 r1!rn !fv1ls ~·J c-S 2 . C'l1•tl11rt~ ~1 i.: -$ ;i . S~02 Fn""larlfl Dt· .. 11.B .. 2 blks. .~nuth (tf \\"arncr, o I I /\"r11!.:111d St. st;i,•ttper , $2. Clean gunny bina.tion S5 and SlD, GiH h-. SlD. Hobby hor!'le like new 11ir fender1 , ~--:i,Exten~ion amp~ $1 each. Elod table $2. 5'16-26.'l? 7-1~. n1rn·~ l'l7C' tn"c!1um . sacks sz. !I x 12 rloral .,.001 ;:. 548-z.15 · StO. 9 x t2 1,1001 rug, grry mirror, new $7. ~:,.gal G.J. Log chains and lire chains, .\hQl'S ladirs an1I ~1r1 ·~ 2;-....s'..! "•"-fi•o-1 S<. 1v•--1 '''"". lad1r~. men's 11nd children·~ .,_,., <ti"'-y l>ik(' ,1 1th O\"al rug SIO. Herald EX· g• tvlini<>'l•n, i '4" minigun, Sli. JO x 14 "'ool n1g, beige. '-. .--'"' '""' "" NE\\' Baby h11n1[lf'l' pads '"" · '" a.miner sack J2. Inlaid good -;;;ndition S:?:i each. S1'i. Girl'• clothing s izf's ne1v !'i2. Trailer h1tc:h and clothing 10c-2k, 2 D 1 2 I Sl.50. Car hf>d $4.:i'). J un1p frnn• fnrk $15_ fr.11.so.1::: prayer bookstand S 2 5. 54UJ07 \•ary from 3 to 8, SI to $3. ball S.'l. Rox fishing jigs -Sprure, S.A. l-IC'ight~. SC'at $!. rolry chair 75c. C<tr T\\'0 IHl'J!C' hra1dNI nig.~ ~l:i Universal coUeematic $2. -~=---~-~~-T1vfu htadboan:ls. and foot-lurrs Sl RCA to!or r<'mote CERA~llC5, :; I a s.-;-,~ sc11! SJ. ;; l1>n.~ 11101•1c and Sl ll ,\lsn rn·"ril.11·" st1"<'•'11 Brass i;hell ca~i ngs lOc SEE These novt>ls a l Zk. boards $25 e.11.ch. 962--0113 control 32.i. RC'A an!enna OOoks 5c-S5. 292-1 Re<hvood can1l"rA 313 Light hnr $3. ;ind ;u"f.:t·SM>l'l<'S Sl7 tol al Hi-Fi album5 at 50c. 1 I 11 ff ttk·t • each. Tra\'C'I iron S:i .. in-ears-con rn · · ea 1 1 ,,vr. Nrw c11n1p s1<11'{• $10. Nrw {):l;>-~1'.13 1 Household items r r o rn DOUBLE Box slJl"ing and I bard f le~~~~--~--~ eluding lold1ng board. l0c-$l. 2099 , CenteUa Pl., mattrtss, St:i s 1in11: ra y antenna ;o.u~ er. :I re-GAS \\'Hll hrater 11·i!h ou1skle lan!C'rn 1u1cl cnsf' S!l Clo1ht>slc0=E~Sof<~,.c1,.-,-,.~,c.,~5-occ,-,c.,c,~11 ·!< KE"rosene !<1rke1tle burntr bicycle $1:>. 962-l436 quency, \"IC' parch anr rx-vent S23. \\"a?<h b11sin, <·01n-1:.C-Sl.~JO. Nrw ~t·a i~fs 2Jc. r•h;iir $.l corr;•(' 1ah!c> SJ TV $15. End tables 2 for $3. 2 _N_.B_. _54_>-_838~2~--~~ 6, Sol $IO Cha" 110 17677 <rnds 3lTO.VPhollO 1ru7rnCa!a~le, plr ll' $7.50. Black "'oodt'n New hair rolll'rs :l;>C i:::ix . ~and Sl ..)(l l.a~(' oval brairl. Jttp cani; $2. Bookcase $:1. CHit.D"S Fefdins !able, ad· a • ir · ra JO, ~rts • rvmg legs 40t-. Tu;o l\Iaple \\all fix. Hand n111dC' C'arnn1-:s LI('. rd rui:: .~HI 2 hird cagN> 7:Jc- Child 's toolboo:-hlllldmade justable 1$ $2. Chillerobe La fto11. Lane, r • V • • s~t-~tcak knives, new $4. 8 lures $3.75 each. Bookcase Car lugi::-a gc rack $10. 275 ll 646-7220 S2. l' Fan $2. 3910 River $;1. ~2182 968-J87l pu~ce corner end table set &helves $8 50 J I' Brt"nf\1-ood Pl. C.:0.1. 646-3j23 -.""· ;-;;"'c;:::;:--;c;c;;;c:cc::=: I $12 f\1ahogany cabil"lf't~ S4. .., · .eep ~~wine -UTILITY <lrsk S'.!O BrJ11krase Ave.. Ne1,11>0rt Be a ch' BUFFET, I drawers $25. DINETIE Table, If' al. A · [I "40" $l ean $3.50. 1 lashc uhhty can TRAILF;rt For motorcyele 11,,;idho:ird SIS J-:l,,rtnr hlan. 64.>-2589 Provincial 1 et tee 110. brownfbeire 115. Six chain rgo es camera · $1. Flood lights $1-$2. 5 fl. · s2· 673-5924 $20. 9118-239S Air prts~ul"f! g.auge 0-160 $'.I· yard sticks Sl each, Elec. v.·ith 1!i!t h«nse plate J . kl'! nC';1r r1{'11· $1.~l(I L.ad1"~ LADIES \\"eslern sb~e 12 lo ]~. s~ clothes, 1 ,=~==-,,.,---,------L1g h1 S"'"llCh light _l2. Radio triclll parts 5c-2X l'llCb. 548-J JR N·11!1•1·fnl{I 11;i1'fi1'li>" hag $7 lo $10. CERAMICS, GI a H s ware ~fATTRESS. BolC springs spcakrr SL Electric stretch o; "· 1., ~"·· 0 , . ht T\\1N Rrri wtth h<'adheard ~llnhur<1 ,.]f'('k S7. 54,-,-~.-.:{(] Handmade ~ln'leh wig, Sc-45. Sat-Sun, 2924 Red"·ood and trame S2:'i, 53&-ml ehortl Sl 3-rolls 120 film $1. srn·s ? :1\-.1111 ' \E'rnig anrl ln1n1r $20. J !S-~,;:f.0 ]((')[.J.A\\'AY 11"rt sJo""j;;7,1h\r permanently styled. no set-Ave. ICE ~--•••. g"""• ,1,, 5,_, 3• hand i;aiv $! . ..,.,_il!'r ton-cast> S~ .. '>O. Bra~~ a n d '--.,..., u• '"'-chromr Ura vc 11 lOc 4 Fr. modt>l sailhoa! 111111 $1~1. h"'I '"'" ~p1·1ni;: :1n<I 11111111·1>~.;. ling e~r. BLOND, STJ. JO Gal hol "''altr ~ater, u!led Hyde profe~~ional figure us· que $1: 11 trailer b11.l1 $1. rar h B.iuf'r 1 r:H,.';; ~is!ll'.~ llm111 movir filn1 erlitor Sl:i. ~nrl fr~rnl' s,·, !Jnr,l.'h ,·,)111'11 644--(1317 :i mo11; $2J. li40 Newport f!d 1 year $10. 2 skatina; out. Brown•r 620 can1era $1. l lO 'n h rn Sl :.cl Fl . i\lunin\v sleeping b;i+: Sl:1. s:, C'onv1IC' ,\;1·1-F.\l rad1n BRAND N to d Bl d ,.._ :::::c>r 11,.., .. ~_,,7_~•~n PNP-.. 'PN 1,,1,, ~l. !"-... , •. · l'ac .rtS .... ec -~ cus m maP v.1>u . ....., ""' .. .., ~.,,,. rt ••1 4!kl_,C ~ M'u !rrl' 1rnvP.! iron $1.50. 'fr'On C-an1u1ni;: gr>ar $'2 -$1 0 . 1'Cf'ordrlu:i•rr SIOl'a1..,..1·ht1(•lo, beige· drapes, 4 pair full SKI Boots, alD: 9, ~n'•.Sl.i BOX $prinas, mattn11s S20-~t_ ·--~_a_ ~-_esa, SI 50. :\Cl'' round inlrroi-.; s1:i. B>l)·n11r1s $'1-$3. 1\! o d" I \lf"lf)k~ !f'r ('(l•·h r1 ;,~ hr1y wiftth l20Y.8l, l p11.ir lMx81 Profi!!sionel tecord turD 536-3908 Sho1~·er 1·urra!n $2. Ren\-t.111~1ang 1;'1" r11glnr ~&. 111;.1-:;-111nPs 2.·j(· rad1 S-Hi·IG():1. $Z1 pair. Phone 34.'\-1926 t.bl """' ._.. · -.. t "~'I 30 h EIC'"1ro111r parts I 1 -S 5, 2<i3-~ ll1vr r~1rl1• Or. C ;\L e -... r.U'l&slU ma'u"'N STUDIO Cooch. 2 bolster GAS lo . L .. an s .~ ... --... . "a r . ' CARPETING Candy stri~ &25. fH-1867 ·' g llet Sl;;i. arge Drapery lt>n)'.;ths $\.50-S2.50 Di.~h11•asltl'!r $111. Old trunks Run:-.1.c:111-:11 ~i]l·rr ··han•lr-pillow $20, H.B .. 9G.\--6&.j6 barbell set Sl:i 6.i&-6868 20 6 o ·02 50c: yard. Oval rug v.ith pad TRUNDLE Beds. complete 1,;,,,=,,---,.---,,-----,,.-c--, '· ~h. Elt'etric m a c: b'l n c S ra('h. 'Iv-.,_ 3 l!rr si.-, J.;1ru:: and full .~''" ·~ C I . h ;_ 110 WHITE A n 1 i q u e d four BWE Chip stamp• S3 boo'" ,...,_., 75c '1.2' <aoh. Off><"• ·•Ct h I ' $" 11 ' \\' · ~;i. ap a.JM c a .. ., $25., 1Gl•n Mu) W)..3781 l bed __.. ncl"tion "-.. vcu ...,, ,, 17" Po1·1ahlE' TV S7.\ ·...., 1rv r1 srr"a" .>· a 01n1"11-~ 'ach. Hanging lam~ $4 . -poser ' •""" co 1 Se11ing machine $ 2 0 · pl11sr1c rnachine cove r~ r 11 d 1 a 1 n r Slll ,\111ri. ~,.,(' 1 10 c!11!hf'~ $1 :1 t;1kr.o; F..dger $4. Vacuum clca~r BABY Stroller $6, 2 1olf S20. ~7-8220 673-2010 75c-S2. Dried flora.I 50c-l2 tr11nsm i~!';IOn, good S 2 5, all .. 1:1111£'~ Ron(I •·n r ral'1ng $. Outboard motor 7\-% HP cart~ SS each. Custom Ilk! 4 Piece 1eetional $10 a piece. U'alkcr $~-Car :-;eat ~-t'acb. Grape ~ticks 15':'-Sl. Radio s:i. SJ)l'akC'I' box SlO. ~C't, !1£'1'' S:i Tra •';tn $;:1 ~!)11 S20. Kitchen chairs St. Patio hootl, N.e 10 Sl-5. ca.11 Mon. Aqua couch $2>. 4 dl"f!ssen: Baby clothes 25c. 645-2037 Natural dri!'d pods f or 26'' Royce Union bi!'y('tl' Sirius Or. llunl1ng-ton Ital'· umbrtUa Sj, Golf clubs with 8ft..S112 $15 each. Dru~r 11-ilh mlr· I ,;;McAc;P;;LcE;--c0~.c,,c,cttc,--,1c,o:bo:f,c,-o2;1 Christmas 11· re a I h $10. Jlall barl'f'l ;:h1lrl'.~ hour b•< ~"". Dooni $7. Built-in KENMORE Auto m a tic ror $25. Dinette. ....1th 4 lOc-$1.50. Bal.hrwn1 car•"~"t k $2 ~ S•t --' bov.•1 l~.o •• c,c,,uo17.,o,E~---,~~,-.,,.., ·-:-1 le11\.~ $25. 4 mapl• •pool "' roe er . .,. ... · "" • l•c·" " IOP gl'll.11" , 11n° '-"<."g ~-,d !'". Sil'1k 110. WaJher, tle<:tric d...,er both chairs 15. headboard Ind SJ.50. C aopr l e nds \\'••<"··•I $2 '"'"n n~ I R · I, '"'' '' ,,..,. '"" •J hac k chsir.; $17.50 f'ach. nr11•• " 01·1• · '--"-' "•· m.in~ "-"-au ':I E'~! t\l'Tn 11•,, H.,11,mp " .Radio 5 band run__..•""' each. S-set nile 1t11nd1 $15. T.V. Y.'Orks Sl.50-$7.50. lnd\an hlock St ~ B '' '''""•··• 1-R •"""' -Pair Early American lamps --N· a 1room -~" '· rna!ll"f'.~s £::> ""0t'<l r!:..'·"r :1hortwave $2:1. Tr 11 i I er $10. phone 962-3597, 93l2 lood $2:>. R'tri2erator $20. S20. f\lapl!! f'nd lab!!! SS. prl.f'lt.s Slk. Add ing ma(·h1 ne 11ons SI F" Io 11• r r ar· Rn1l ani plUr"r S2i Pl')t\nhlr hitch S2. 316 Orct11d Cd;11 ,.,.fol odai Dr .. H.B. Ca.ll 536-3621, 2100 Fiorida, J\JagazirH" rack $12. i\laplr !ape Sc-20c each. i':'\eC'tric ranl!rn1rnt~ 50c each. Tv.·1n harhl'rtie 11 1th hood 51::;. Sat/Sun only 1\fCYrORCYCLEHelmell, H .B, rocker S10. f\1aplr droplE"af toasttr SJ.:io. 2 f\lahc;gany l)f'di;prf'arf and ho l .~ler 6i3-'2'26 ZENITH 21" -0·0 1• 'i•t h•d 1-10..., • ..,..., ... _ 1,'· pn-110, =QUE Hud ,~ 1-d k .__ · Dlltch doo1~ $5 f' a.,. h · f'fl\'fT flor111I S3 U.mp --;c:c,.-;-:c:::-:--;-c:-c. '"'"""' •· --. ., ~,_,,,....., ~ "" a.1.~'' "" ""' c~ c • ..,st romb1nat1on l 25. • , ·~ . .: ;ll~rl" ll'f'•i fl•a111""< h<':l(I tu•-, -pl•--'.,,-. "'s-.·,21• _, -1 l<"m• -k •-• "'· Ao'"'''" Paymas!er ··hf'c-k n1Hch1ne 1t.h;ulr >topl' I "l&-6:129 · ,,.. •L ~..,... "" ""..-u'IJ'O """ ""'-' ~ '"" " Jiirlf!-s-be<I S2~. :l sturiio · · · , -· · · · ~ryl f()l)I all:1chC'rf $6 raf·h. l ='=='========-J-=========== p 1• an 0 ~. v • 0 ,. 1 y $18.j(), 711 ~1argueri1r. Ci'l:'ll. 1-,,,, L ' 1•111 c ;-.,t 'f., rouC'he~ SZJ C'ach. :\laple "" ~ "'· ' ·' · 5 1'1-J .~!16 NO MATTER WHAT IT IS • • • ,you ·CAN , ·' $ E L;L· ... _l ;T1 ~ITH A DAILY . PfLOT WANf .. ''AD I For Fast ~rv;co lo Eipert ~11i1t•nc.• DIAL 'f-_~5678 fl RE CT y hide-a-bed sa. 6 and l2 volt Captai11 C'ha1r $1i Pai:r hunk l•c:oom'""'"'°""cc;-c~;o;-:-I 1·,cosopc,.c,~~'"""'rc.--·7,~~~~ok >hip to Alla~ radio, pl"' SCRAM-LETS 6 Ahnn1nu 111 Willflow .<;rrf'Fn.,, • r •• ,,_.. iaJT;s1v ~--~ fl"~ -~ ma!tre~:o; 11ets. nearly <"" R h 1 · !" n 1 ma~ paru •'l<:. Man•'"' •"-. nE"ver us(>(j: 6--111"' x -1!!1 ~. s:1 •"" :o Y "H'llr · ·' 1< 1"< .. ., _, "" 11ew S2i 5411-1161 1 -().;:-,1 Yi n I I 21 i.nd 19 inch old Ford ANSWER E'<t<'h. 1·111 • x ~~1,, S.> .. 1 .· ... r r·or1 ri u.v1·r $,:, ""httll· $5 a ]riece, t whttl ENGLI SH l\l:in'11 3 spr.erl s 1.:.J:.';. ~ ~ U ."i '); S2, Otll' pi<'re L•l{ht fix!11r<'s Sl·S.·, Papror. home madt tralltr $2:i. blkf' wllh rark S22. For Girl ?<Pct 1<io~d f!nlly"'l)f)d tloublC' hark~ Sr Cur111in m<1 51·~10 ~7~ Scout: 1 complete junior bC'd S!fl. Sin,c<'r redal !';f'Wlllg T1vi nlv1arrl and fi111n.;;:s $7 :.0 unifonn. ~izl' 8, $3. l dres..o; Cavur1 -Rahb1t-Knotty-inarchlll<'. v.•orks gt'rlY! $20. Dll11hlr br<l ~pnn,c" Slll Slnr. l\10VI~G -A~sorterl item.~. only Pf'rm-prt'SS SJ.SO s1u• Us:ahle -Yf'Qman -Puddle T"'(I hlnnrle r nrl l;ihlPs $~. i1'1:C' hugs 1f)f' 2.~.l2 T11~!1n. NR loJ-11 2,)c. to s.i. Boys a nd 12. Bl"l'l",\•n111• hanrlbook, """' -OONT BACK UP T110 i;onrf ~[ASS l1n"fl h'll (',\!, 20 Rtll'! OJI 21 fl<'IV cu~h-iirla clothing (IC!TI). 1X to ""-o;; 'I-•, bl • -• ,_..,._-• 1mmnn~ qui 1..,, uOO e " "'om!lln ran 01·"r Jt r,...1e1<-11n!l'r 111nk~. u~(>(j R mo~. 1.-.n rHl'"I"'. ··ntnpl<'I" ~"lli $1 . bf!d15pr .. ads SJ to S4. "'°" ~prins:-allli ms1tn'"-~. trian t1't1h 11"r 11ufomoh1J1>, QnP 20 R ~I. one :m i.:;il. s;:.o S!O t'il('h 10 fon! C'anva~ •t in. Di~"e~ f"-rll Sl.:iO. ~~2-11!!l:i l"k 12· " 2 b Sl1 ·101-<l 11< " <II"' k 'I 1 r nE'll' J eAru. ar · r ~ ,,~ e d<r, ,.. r11{'h. C:, E . n •fn[!rrn1flr, ghy C'Al'l'r Sl ;i, 897 C"nl('r, \VAU\:1JT Rookca.~r h1>:~tl-i.lool~. hlack iron s.; Pa ch_ l1rr he<trf nut the 1v1nrl.-.1•, run~ 1101r1 , hlll t11r1y $1'>. (' '.\1. S~I ~fr rr !"1 board $24. Night stands $10 646-5610 ~hou1Pd back to the crumplrd Elrctnr 11·al1 hf'i-!l<'r S2. ;-.r,\ui;AllYl.JF:. :: ,vrl~ lu<•k ttu::h. ~faplt end !able S4. BOY'S sr1ngray bik<'. ?0" 1°'.'.7 l}~ni; on !!-\f> l'Ol'td:1 c,an1per curh11ns. gi,,: x 11', and rull .$2 yi!. lo yds a.t $1 ~ed:U ·rtt0rds5!lceach. S23. New hres, pa i nt . 0 ,~ 1 crc anything can $;.>O, 4 Jark s!and~ $1. 4 yrl ftrn\nanl ~ :1()c:;; yr!.~ ;,I Bunk bed11 $lit 847--66i2 s.181.~29 Ofie talll('d hi~ hf'ad from dra11·er li!ini; e111Jinct S~; $.t.5(), 897 Ccntl'r, C.ili, #21 1 Kini electric bla.nktt dual ADULT A! -Jki T\\'Uit board $1.::.0. 2-2 .. af!Pr 5 . 1 $8..1 ~f , 11 um1num v.·a ng the pa ,·,.menl <1.n<i y('l)ed l':augr i;prin~s 70c 2-4 '"'"'"'°"";-.,--;-~--,--- :!::XL $5. ~ !ii~e ~~ aid,-lib: l)f!W SlO. 642-4701 back: "Yeah, DON'T BACK gauge i;,prings $1.SO. !!OJ S'ruD~NT df's k, h1rch na!- ntt jJcktt $15. Size 40 l hirt TROPICAL. f'ish, 2 Oscan; UP!" C'.overnor St .. C.~l. 6-16-52ll9 ural finish $25 5 rlrawer un- about. 7" t on Jt', prn;sihly~ STERLING Pieces $1-$20. finished kno!l)' pine c;IY'.~t frff. l pJir black Tux pant.It I l! LOVELY SinglP. J\1apl(' ht>d Sll Traile" hi lch tn f;< all "I " $10 I · ., 1pawn ng. right orange, lm..,....rted toys S 1 -1 4. • •·a ,,.. • m,.n 1 IUI ~ T ,,_ $20. Box RiJt"ing and mat· VW Sl8 Car hrack~t for Pan. . ~ 1_,.110 g · am~ t;i,•i th gre at C lothing 2 5_c-$1 0. h 11ze .,, wan• .,.. · pall' _,. h 18 ~--tres11 $13. OU while s. utters ll!"-Oll!C' AM -F"l\1 lti.,., pl•y« • I •·-· t -s· 1 pe,__...,ny, $10 ff.C 01" S Puz1.ie11 2.'Jc. Lugg a g, , I , •. men I 5 ac"-" wau; .,., J. 1 . r~ 1. 36 .• x 72" .... 1ae $20. Unu~ua $10 P11ir of Grrman l""" , •port ·-·t · 42 '!" PAIT. """"" qua ity Sl-$8. ljmm cam«•, 11"ghl k s-'~ man I """' 11ze Pol" olf "''hil"' vanH~ des ""' log lights SlO. 304& Killy-$l5. 3 men's. sull~ Rize •2. ice receiver lib new S'20. fll#':let SS. Slide pmJector I Ill $10 Quality Wakly Talley with 11nd 10 trays $ii. Nttd!<'point ~mill! J\1Rp P. 13 e . · b1'00kt>, C.1\1 . J41'>9779 . v.'aiat 31 $10. 'l Tl1en'•_1uibt AC 115 <"'ls"'~ Glfl 's lovrly dl"f'ss, s1z!1 ME"''" f3o"ll"g ._11 ..... "-g •-1 · t 36 $10 3 11 J'O'l'-er pac • · ,,..... "" SJ• £'8.ch. \\'oolens 11 v'd, •~ ,, "' n " .,.. ~"' ,.., 11..,.,. , wa1r; . ye ow 0 . ,_:.__ .,., 11. y . . 1~4. 15c-S2.50. Wann. co!'"" $8. M£1n"• howl"•"g ,•--, ,,·,, _...,,.1 ... ~fl.al. doubl~. 3 ·LIGHT ftxture11 for 11·ork · l~m"l' ,JC-· arn 2jc;, k s 1uze · • '""' ~-••-I ,_ And Jae rts, 1vomen , · 'I l'I SO 0t l h yeUo,.. percale con Io u r ithop etc. SJ ea. Books 50c to l\tarun:: ~ 11b l~. Flo11·er pots 1 ~ . i-1, S·I . $6, \Va.nn lorry · , -·: . sua nc-.v s oes ~ $1.50 each. 1 Re18'(· SS. Stamp collection le to 25c. Food chop]')('r $1.50. . 14 · l s1 50 f-()c-7JC, udd sizrs. f'ipa1nl.i~ ertlsot $25. Unframed oil $15. R~ lantern 17. Cash Candel11hra .~2. Vases 25c. roat. si7.<' · gir s ·· · :iOc eacb. Crnpcfniit and patnttnp SlO to $2:i. 962-5031 only 494-1891 alter 5 P.~1. D)'nalone l'Xtteiser, bo(Jy 3 ll: 'I r.lirror $6. Clil'l'l $2:l. oran.ge i;poons ;>A; Pach, 12' r 12· El t · f CoUce tahle Sl~1. 21amps _S2 Bronze Wtth :<l't 11.;i0. --·'RtrER .--r. """---;;;;;;-; CRIB ,., m•t'-<< 110 J. A~ ·'· cc. n c ry I ._. ~ "'" ,.....,, ......-uu"-1 nu ""' · _ .. d 1 h ., A ea(·h. i\.laternily dTT&S '"'1l 1 Ornngc pln1d twin 5prC'ad -+-.-=-Matching chest 18. Net pan 81111 u c oven ...,. r1 • 8 \0 OOUBLE Std with head· portfolior; Jl. New ice mink rollar. SP. i;1ze · , $2.50. Cosmetic,; 2.'ic earh. bQ.!l.rd $15. Chest "'ilh large playpen $5. New IOf lighter bllcket11 $1 . POS!C'r!'I :iOc. . Tlt'R1rmily l I a Ck S $2, p ;l\Cf' m11ls aC1c e a 1· h. mimn' $10. 2 1mall la.mp! Sl. N~w hmller $7• 4 Child · boo"-.,. 615-41311 Jcv.·el~ r.IC'-50c a.II new. Sprinkler hose! S7 !!!!Ch. ren s ,.,; ... ic. P,ic· $7. 673-'1452 Studio eouch $lO. 540-l-4S9 lures Sl-$j. Fran1e11 25c. QVERSIZF. Basi;ineue hood 20CJO Cora.I Placr. N.B. CHAIN Link fence 70 fl long, C011touMe clothing ~2. 3220 11nd p11d $8.50. Play pe_~ StO. DISI-IMASTER Good $22. Car 4 rt llilh S25. & ff l'llldin1 DINETTE Set, large l&blt 6 Vil'lta Dorado-The Bluff~. !':rll inch round redwood un1-vacu111n .$.i. 16" 7..{'nilh ••le Pl~ Enclotled car top ,•~haJ~n~~l25~·~6~13--06<!~~1-:-::-~c l>siiMi:Ai"Li:LLi1<;ce box for frailer or brclla lahle $15. 67~3963 Porrable TV $10. 2 Fit"!' Curltt for FonJ-Mercury BABY ~terns: car ~at $3. camptT, MW .$15. Red NE\V King-~izr hed and 11Creens s:.-sio. 3 llair ,~ WI.ton $15. camp Bouncer chair SJ, Stroller mahogai;iy at~p<table $7.60. rrarrw! $5. Vise $2. Chan· dryen; $4-$10. 2 Ba!hroom ia chnt Ii. 1S a:al buh1.ne $9. Trave.llette $7. All eood 548-fft9 • ·detif'r S4. 25 lh boW, size ar· ~8 Sl-S2. I Clock radio~ tri tor calDpet-traUn sis. condition. ~ 8 A.By 8 u It ,-y $ 3 • s·o. mwt1 $3.'Cllr f'\'Kidel kit~ SOe. · S!>-SIO. UHi'' <:on v er te r 5'9-0498 EARLY Amerlc:an Jtjvi":"' Ftrfpla~· ~-$3, Ell!C. New saw hanC bracket.c; SI aerial $12. ToilPI seat $1. IJEiAunF'UL• llolkt f\l.i n or couch $25. Ma.tchtrc chair trl<: dryer $5. l}tue 'iY&o WO bo;ro::. 'roy~ $1. Abi;tracl Jig Throw nigs Sl·Sl C'lo!h tfllnk btdr $15 each. Baby 110. '42--1232 $lO. ~ after ~~ AA1v • pu1.i:le $1. Se.wing cartie.r. nl'\V $6. I> Ele<:lric Md compld•. txcellent con-•o~ECOC;;;~RA"'TO;;<;R;-;.,...:=o-::::--:::ch;;:::.;,:::.:c,:,.:;:::::-"':....~= ~achirre'$8, wilh table SlG. cloc:kll Jl-S:l. 8 \.'oll car ice dltlon 115. Telephone stand rur, un-'56 (:hey.· V-1 u-is $25. r clrt11ble 1ypewi1tfir $ 5, cooler Sii. 3910 Channel Pl., bound, Orlngt! $25. Mell.I s46-62o7 aiter 10. . . NB 673-1603 and padaed bench $10. circular tub $5. Artist tripod • . • .-l..11rg<' cerriage typcv.T1~CT · · I.arp Quimby picture. $12. l':a11el 45, l\Jetal tool c"'st $8. MOTORCiCL;E ~· a., 11 SlO . Typing tahle S 4 . LARGE Wondrr r.1are hor~ Walnut wf'dce and IQU~ 546-3.\37 $25. Nub CW.ll'f 75c eac;h Porfetilt! hair d_ryer S:i. Nl'lV excellent oondltion s;i. Baby occatk»lll tables S3) each. =o===--=---,,:c:--,,,-,1 ~11'h i:;ttngray -s·a 5. · dam•~k 1111,b\ecloth $ :i • crib. IK'IV n1a11ress S:l. 0c:iu- All"l!e11.utUul co n d It io n . SIMMONS Box 1pring and Sllng:ray Sll.51,). Sch11.'inn J Posl l'r~ ;,t)c. New pan-hie bed fr11n1e Sl. Curtain lrontt. .,.,'Ol'ks and wry rnaltre!I!, twin, with 1ep. sJ>H'(I 11·~1 $3. Glrl"s 24 " l11gT11ph S2 ~iO. Photographic i;l!"f'lrhrrs 1$-~ tlf'1~·1 used on· clean Sl D. Tnt1H)I ~ .. ,, $1. _!ood condlUon Sf2. 646-:ZOJl bike $12.:,0. PN111l car $3. equipmt'11t 50c-$1. Sfitunlay ce SI. 13666 RM Jlill Ave., ~ pl,,t11rr triome .\t 1 Twl11 htrl' oomplttt $15. J'ZO Chltd blklo R11I $3_ Extre and Suntllly \(}.-:t P.1''1 . 2i00 Apt G. Tu~lin. 83&-9112 54~1Ml. 314 VUlanova Rd., I Alvar&do Place, Ba Ibo a IArge bike bRsktt $2.50. Cliff Dr., Ne11'Jl(!rt 1-teigh\JI. NF:W POrl11hlr rt~ houi;,. C.M. ft1P11tfll"nll ~207 aflt!r 10. · 5-IS-1566 Han!el $10. 616-'20ll7 • STENO ch1tu· ~l:i S111all 111C't;il fran1e $j Pictures SL 67.~~ll t; 1 R L s-~.c,7,,'.-1"1~,-,-,hc-$:1. '.~02-(1(1 !I: Ht;cnr.r\~1. Rl 'l\1. oldirs, nr1 l'l)('k ~ ,,. ~-,,. I-1r~! day 1·r11·rr~ 11.S .11111 IJ.N. 3.(),,. ~1 -,1 t • s. 1•Ld1 , h1•irk~ ;ind hlot>k~ :t:•r·l ic. :,1:1-1221 S~t­ ::>un li-.i l''.\l oounU::~ 1~" 1 h(1a r.~J;1 nd. :lf'.).~17 t1;.~ral. 2 sniall rrfn1;rra1or~ Slll :1nrt $25 2 I l 1rh'-a-hr·,1~ S'..'O·S2:1 Dressrr llll }-_)11! 11,\JlC'~ S10. ~12 C;1~11:1I ;·hair~ SlO·~lj Lur:t:'u.:r S,:1. 2 rl111('tl1· ,,rl~ ~1 0-~2.1. r11~!w-. ;111rl !>ill.'111 ;1ppl1 r1111·r"-H11·-~:) t)I'\ 4 .1. s,,1 rn.:1, s11 11 i11.:• ~-;J-:s----;nd 11· n 111 ('n's Dt ~!\, !!;r l'dl1•~J1.l, JJil. \\,'ll. 11:u. 1\lurt· S:!fl. Prrcolaror S2. l:.1:.:hl hn!il" ~teril1zrr. nf·11· ~:t.,1J. Car!1lli\r· rans. ll •!1tk•· ;111rl l'X-. 111a11lfolri 11 ll h .-ur11111'1'1nr . rl1slrihutor. n£'1<' i'11111 and t·nn111h-~tl' nl'.'1v ~1l~kl'! ~··l. <-rank rnre Sl5. HOl'hC'~11>1· I han\~J rarbs S2 :,() C'a1·11. ·IR f"urrl lrui,:k r"<JI' e11rl l~1. Rorty par1!' l<1r '.'!.'l Ford s!;111un 11~;;1Jn 51-$:1. {;11~ 11 all h(';;lrr· Sin. nrarly 1v•w, :11 1 ll:1n1 illun, C.:'11 li-1ti-ii~9<: rln·~~''' $~-~; Coals S Hl KEN i1'101i.L t.~.~ 1!1',YCI' S2:1, Sll'f'illl'l"S s::.s-. Sk11•1s s.~ fi,l{i:-ol(i15 Bl"l!SC'1' ~1 -1:'.. ~""S J2 !<1 11;. "2c801-,,c,c1-Mcl-,c,o;-, c,-,,,-1-,,,-,~,,c.~,1 ~:sf'C'ptln11;1ll y 1•11" (!lt:•l l!y, ina1ctun;! l;11npi. :'ii. l-11i;:h Vriy •'11"1•11, Jl(I Opal, rhair SJ.jll Polly rha1r ~Jh'. A11111"1a Island, Pl -\I .----~-1 1lYJl''n 1,M', , .Ill S ~llJl!I;, 2 Tl:.:1\f,"'\·()Q/J r111I f,thlf'~ !>Ill" '40 $;>. rl!'RI' rw1I', Rah)' h'fl111 r11"f'-11ar Ch1n;1 $'1 <'OIL'h clotht'-'i lOP-SI. r.ox rlra.prc; l\!f·<l11·1r1r· 1·1hir11•t, l1kr nrw $1. Var1111111 s11f'C'prr 52. S7 ~Hllfl"' A n rt 1·:11Ty1nc Navy f'OIH'h s in. ~troni:: r~.~·-. 11rw :1" ' l:J" x ::r· $f. t'l'f'ltl1£1r lw·1· <·our·h, ll"rois i\l<itl rr~s Joi• ll11hy 1·1·111. i.:-r¥..-l C'O\'ering S:i. T1n·k•'V rnasl<'I", C'nnd111011 $! i\·l•>v1r flM· large SL l1'C1t1s :1oe. Clorki; Jri'IL•r, rxt rllcnl conrl1l1n11 50c. l{arl1" :~1... Corr('(' S2j Nr1v "<'rf'"ll S'l Dayllghl Ee rvers SI. Sk1IJC'I~ :iOr. \111•11·r·r $.~ ~rvrral framC's Pyrex :;:;c-._ ('off<'!' {llllS '.'".0.-. an(! pu·!11n'~ Sl ·$1i 6·12-4i9:t:1 Glasses :.'i•. Cop~ :11" Toa~!t'r OVAL bra1rl1•d n 11;. Ill x l,',, 2:.C. ~·OO<t gr1r1rh'rs S.11. brown. l1ch• and dai•k Ian El('r-ln1· 1a!nr :'ii 511. T1<1n $2.'i. fi/16-!17•1'{ l1rar!hnard ;r(k-. J'rathrr hr-d ----p11ll)11·s :in.-·. 1 ;trl".~ h1c.vrl" rJ.OOH lan1 p $! ~m•~!1 tahtr S:!. 1,,:111.h,•n ito•nis S:!. J2i! Sl t:n•lrf' f'flll!'~C' "f i\! 1 ,. h 1 !-: "n 1\1 ".. off :'i/)<"'f'<1wr111ni..: lx-.nks S 1. (':olitnrniri, \l!''<<t Verdi', ~?li-6110 _________ , -, ---•lJ 1.L N•lrl. l1k• nr w rollaw;:i.y ~ \\"l !ITl·: 1111•1;J Cl~airs, bl\1<-·~!f1,,.,..1 und ni;dln•ss $17 "ll, c:i.nv<i.~ ~rats ~.. E' a r l Hii l! h;ink'> ~1-'j~. {.;u1 !~r s.J. Ennm"I lop lnt)ll' $ l U !'npy ni;irolun<• Sl:!. Ratl1ns ~i\5--8114~ nn1I rlr•1•lr<1111•-p;1r1s a nrl NlcM11qh hc11 ·k 111 oug rr111111 ~fl'·11krr~ 'il-S."1. l\T e" '.!i <hair, hr1cr .~~'fl Ch•·s! n! '<h1r1~. 'f''!ll rr.al~ .onrl £1111~ 1ln11•1•rs S:1{1 L;i.1·gr n11rror ~~·-"i i\n!11p1r rast 1rnn SlO :~L'l--1.11 1 ~1\ l h:h1~. i-11111· S~1 I.1th .inrl top f<1r f()f".;; ;1n•I CH!l lf'~ fl~:-$-·1 ~.11111• 't.:.'.i l..1!"i:" 1nnnt1ral Cl 01h1n.r::. . .itl ~1tr~ ~11·-Si 5;it. 1ar•" J'Pl'nn!rr $1 '· i " ''1f"1 •)llh'. 'Jl\2 f-". \\'1h<it1, (' '.\f. r1 ••lo,, 11<'\\' l"" r•ir·h Skan ~.0111111 pn•wr!n1· S2"•. ~··Is ol ALlT0~1A·rrr "a~hrr. go.1<1 ,11,1,,., $.:.~1i. nn'"~ nr 1·011rl111•H1 .$2;i. 760 1, \V. 2rl1h di~h··~ :s~. 11"' 1101~ ro.nrl roans St. r:.il!. $.i t.I i.;1!rr 1·,111 5.). JO i;:al l'>IOTOHCYCLl-~ solo seat S~ll n11lk r·a11 s:;. l.ari::" n1eta! V\V f'nginl' parts $1;1 llE:JHl hti v•rl 11;,l1•1 'l"'<•k<'T .\J .. Jig ran1j){'r T'flO[ Vl'nl S.~ 6-16-8iOR i;11w pu1.1.lr•' ;l(Jr "!It h, Bo:o\ FQR;\·llCA rah1nrl ·l-1\V :!,'\ i-11n11;:, rn a ! 1 r" s s anrl 2'lD $20 fi71lxl ;.. truek t:•1f"' (lrr~~··r S:lJ. illa trh1nc chest til'l'S $] t"ngida>.n' v.·i!ShC'r Sl:1. RQU!lil m1n'Qr $2. 2 l;C'at Sl!'i. ~376 , IJrlt~ S~. Ch111sr loun~e and CU~'TO:'lf-drs1f;nrd Ii r o 11· n vl'lve! lon1;: ~0Wt1 . 1nfol ch1nr: la p!'Slry 1·11pP, ~izr It wnrn 011ly 111 [;1sb1011 l'l101v Sl~ C'ut"h. orr-wt1ite \\1"0111:::111 iron bane,1nr: l111nn $2-1 A11h· 11ur frunk.~ $7.:..0 Blnrk V1r- lr1ri.i 11 ros!unv•, sn1rrll SIO ~ld-fashionrd ni:f'nn<•quin ill 11nri11ur (lrrs.~ ~1'.i T:1ll ~hill· lrN; $10 \Vond tablr . tihra1-y S7.'.'.() Clothe!'! rack~ $:1 \VOOll pla11ur"-, Sa11!Xllll J;('('lll'S $.~.:iO Origirn1I nil~ Sl 0-$2~ Hl't'C'O! hflrrl("o vrr nnv£'11' SI PaprrhR•·k~ 2;ic l';c1v llp~tir.:kl'I ~ Antiqul'.'-type earrings SI Chr ls !mas ('lln"l~. \\Tll[lf'iOI;:! 25c-$3.~J(] Blue. co!1on lf!tiric $:l Orange area n1i; $-1.50 Braided col· 1.on rug $4.50 Blue-~n fiew bcd!!pf"CAlf, lingk! $5 Stralght 011k chair $5 RM 11nd green plaid riress from London, i;\ze 9 $10 small che~t ot ctrnwers $5 Sat ori- ly; ).J. 300 Cedar SI. Nf!wport Shol'l'!'I. HROIVN platform rocke~ Sr.?.50 C~l" tnp cnJTier $1.~ ~·.·. ul 1•'11" r!C'~ks, C'hilds $i.JO Al11n111111111 1vindo1v lrnn1r . 2xli . .$i.~JO Sl.-l rol F;111·11·l·•t•'"h:o~ ~10. :J iil ~(,'1~ 1· POOL t11b!" s1.1. :l 1:, Costa ~lt'M .~t C.:\T :'!-1s.-O~i00 par!. l1k•· n"1v Sfi. Pictures St-SJ. Cokr. m<1~·h1nc S25. fo,·l<'l"han1s111 for s;Jme $25. J.;1ri:::r 11prii:i:lir carved clock, (kill Slll. tJff1r·P file Joldrrs and f\l ing tray $·1. r·iling trnv ~ sh••lf SI. Bnx OOoks Sl rnrh. Olr!C'r tubr chf'ckcr $7. Co1nr on • \Vilson Ill ;110nrl')v1;i nnr hloc-k nor1h to .stflt 1)1rrrll St. on lhe corllC'r 54~,101 110 V l!"l"ll'rBh>r $25. Boll cul· tc-r~ :lG 1n1·h Slll. Rigid tn -poll piJJC vi~ $2:i. Gas l'ng1nc, ~1 hp $2~1. Vacuum clr11ocr. G.I::. $12. EIE'ctric· hC"alC'r $9. Elc-clric organ $18. Electric ~II ~I. Pipe cutler $5. Galvanized bolts. 'iJi" 10 518" random length.<;" 1~30c. Boat n9il and fit· lin~s 50c-$L50. End tables. cofil.'j!_ tnblC'I!. chairs. $1 tu S.1. S gal crroso1r. S2.50. P ipe littin51~ 10c-50r. 'J\.Iotors Alumlnum houi;e t r a i I e r vents $1 Inch. La r g c pressut'(' c a n n l' r S2. Bookcnsr" hclldho<irrl $!. 6V 11nd 12V gC'nl'rstors S2 each. Trlt'!WOP!ll~ TV n11\Sl 0 $4. 5" ~pJJ('r ()If!" 2' lnng $7. 2" ~"f>1'P£'r ptPf" :r lonli': S3. 4" JC'>f'Jll'r pil"JI" 1', $2.50, 4" i;111inlPSS pipe 1' long Sl.~. 1!127 \Vallace. Costa ?itesa. All !'at and Sun. ·~~--~~--~---·------··--·----·--~ ---·---·~-------.--------·-. -------·--·-----·----,. ---·---~----~~-·-. . , . ' . • • ;. ; . • ~ .. > . . WITH Don't iust SIT there! Grab hold of the BIG action today! Dial Direct: 642-5678 Just say: "CHARGE IT!" (North County, 540· 1220, toll frH) IT'S EASY TO PINCH PENNIES-EVEN DOLLARS PENNY PINCHER WANT ADS NEW-LOW-RATE 3 LINES l T~MES $2.00 ANY ITEM $ OR LESS e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e e NO ITEM OVER $SO e NO COMMERCIAL FIRMS e e NO COPY CHANGES e NO ABBREVIATIOMS e Let PILOT PENNY PINCHER Want Ads Work for YOU! • ' ) MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE MERCtiANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE S.itllrday, Octollfr 4, 19{,q PETS 1nd LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION OAtl Y PILOT J!!j TRANS PORTATI0,,......-FREE TO YOU :::;:--:-~-:-:-:-:1 '009~~·'-----~8~1~25 Sailboat1 9010 Mobil• Hom•• 9200 Furniture 8000 Furniture 8000 Mu&ica l ln5f, 8125 1 Sport ing Good• 8500 Miscellaneous l600 I ou~: 10 nf'w land.Jord n1118t POODL~ ~how q 11 11 1 . ~:;;;"d(:-.,,-L-,-.,-,-,,,C...,.-,.. BAY HARBOR ------------------'-"-' I 1 I 1 fin.I '1 a:ood hon1"' lor fl ~rry ~t1111d. pups. l~ v.eeks. Perm Soulhland I bl>f'Ot .SH ~ti \J)·I: ll.t<•m:ui;'l.1:111· !'.\ Sl "H~'BOARD" !r:l'' Jft'llJ1c LEAVING Starr• 4 mom or tr1cn•t,y 2 yr old sn1Al1 1111\ shol!!i. hou.wbrokf'n 64:h!449 m1tkini: 11 ., l'ff•'•fli,: 1~,nih Mobile Home Sales '''1' Ill. Lr·•ll•' 1'r;.:..in 111' \l oody, 12' Quigg: Tan\len1. furruture 6 1110~. uld Ui.til Shr[ll)l.'rd Lov"s all thtlclrr n -151 .Sl~lU rakrs 11 hun1,. Jt 'i C .. !>.> Lu111.1 l(.i,!J • ,\11ay a 'll fl. I·. I 1' ''.1 r u \ 11 1 t· tY.l!h ror $58. 673--0lt't! 0111., '·' m•~ •. ,.,,.~ Po••I· ai1(1 adulis 836-~7:.! SIX adorable pupptts, 4 ''r'"J I''''' ''''' r" 11 " "' "11' • • Poodl IT •1 got e11r1) 1hi11i;;-. :'ii~. rlcct 11 •I •• -,,rt. ------'I I I . I -2 LO-V···ABI ,. ,. I _, mo.'!. e crr1tr ,.om, 6ll>-!•~'Qo'I l 10 LB Rt1r Bell . Ol.lmh 1~·11 '1 11y o o 11a1n1ng n11.:t , 11u el L • , ru~od y 111 .... e a I'd colors $J e 962 :\072 11 ind 1nrl., spcedoinrtrr & :\!.1·1.i tnn :'>l.1nut. HonietLe. Kn -Prc-:.l1gP • !\...har11 !'-f't, • ~ lh. ankle 11o·right~ '.! Ult apr wl lh de11I Al~. brothrr dogs I yr rto"--5 ' 8' -. loi;. fl. spinnaker gl'ilr. elc. ,\J.L SIZE~ i'O\V ON DISPLAY :,! jlll'l.UJ>ll, !t1ni;: IM'•·k ~vl11t boii~. 111,1l1·hl<'5·'· :i10 7;;m1 p1at1('aJ,y riew cl rct1·n· i,:u1 -IC-<'OCktr comb. llB Gd for AKC Cocker Spaniel puppies Call 592-lliOl 1ar 11·1th 10(} an111 arnplifli·r, oldl'r chLldrtn, had rabies 6 11'k!'! old, r c rt I w h 11 t played only lt>w hours, 'I llh s h o 1 ~. \V i 11 d" 11 v c r 497-1088 alter 6 rn1 wkdRy!'i. •• SUP!'.:R SABOTS t *" J l?"1 Bakrr SL, Co.~ra f\lr"Sll 1 _. li[t11:k E&~I al llarhor Blvd SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN S kow Room • Floor S amples -Factory Closeouts 3 ROOMS OF f 'URNITURE $389 . • 5 pc. autkentic Spanisk Bdrm. let, e 96 in. quilted sofa witk 56 in. matcking love seal, or chair e 5 p c. Spanish Dinette, oak t able lop e 3 k•avy Mediterranean matc k1ng ta bles, lop durable enough for Flamenco Dancing. Will sell p ieces individually. Shop Fir\!! Then See Our Unbeloevab1e B uy~! 1001 o tker items with te r rific savings! Drink 'l'er1n1; Store ( "ll<lrge :-.laster ( 'h argc J:;111f..1\1ner ic:ird !\II :\t:cepted APPROVED FURNITURE 21S9 HARBOR, COSTA MESA L! rl'·-u·s ,,;,i111e L•lat 1ou -~l>a111t• 1+\l n<'n• Daily 9.9 • Sundey 10.S e 548·9660 M isce 'laneous 8600 p " bl · "'-----'-= \a.st', Q• .a t' sewing mll-893-19-11 10/6 ;; Cute puppie11 to good hom1•, I f<'/t; P../\CING \\/SAIL t:ri~i.1 1\I< •«1 -----1'il11 :,lf)..91(/l li~:..22:r. r.1,•nong~ .\1 ,\rtTIN A I • 1'0 S.-"-. -"-,~, h :-;,'tll1"Uflitl' (',1~·· :.:t'l<.1d t"ll· 1hl1r-.i1, $1".0, :!J3-1:l0--07•1'.! <'I'• 11111J:~ (J[.I IS AnJb,1~~J\th•I' Tn11 111...:t I l\tlh no ·11• f'a~<'. ~l ~'U. l\l•t\I 1 ,.1, 1· g111 1ar. 111•11• , •;nd t;ood f•ll' l•(;:111nrr :s~·, c,1.~-\'~·1 ---~ \\'!:OLll.llT iron hani;111f! l.llllf) 2 rt in lcnglh \lllh i;rr·~'!l i::l,155 in ren!rr. R1·and ror"'· never bel'n used, duei:r f1"{)n1 Mesico, Coniplcl< ly 11 11·1•,1 & 11 i1 h lh1 ck v.111t1gh! iron i ha in. Nl,cri/h·c -S~t> 00. Phone BJ!! Gartner 536-8 111 JI ll 1P ianos & Organs 8 130 '&I PJ.11111<.1t1lh Spor1 ..-u l)·. I PIA'.ll 1 •• -,.-.. ,-.,-.A-L--•1-spd lrli n~. $6;JO. Ga!fr rs & • · Sat1:r 1' dh! gas ovrn l0!kl .10 :-;p/~CIALIST..; +/\•1 11•11<' 1111111 Rf"11iaJ .i1>t•lu•o;I !" t•tU'1·ha~•· 11'111\l<l 11 .\•'.II' ;-;1 11' & US!< D l'IANflS ,\ 01 :4 i1\!'/$ Rl'~t t1P·1I~ 111 011111:;r l'o1111rv. \l'H '{ e 1.i w ,,1rr!1•'ad • •lrlt l •fW<'l'l]j \\II)\ II\(' 111• lll'I" f..· ...... ·i· <'0011111'~11\1' l\'1• l.t l1•' l1':11te~. P~1nk t<'r111~ Op.'n ,\lon .~ Fn 1•\•t·~. :-;un 12 1u •I. cal f'l••1•1 11'111t•r 111'1l1Cr, S'.lO F11h ron1n1rre1(1! rug ~ha 1n­ l~l'lf'r t.-""t vac11u111, hnlh S!O. SN• e1rs & Sun· C,11! 11 IG--!lO:i.I c·h1nr. #230 Polarllid can1-J BEAUTIFUL lienu-long Pekc -a-p oo breed 1'1 a. typl'\I r1ter. Stcrt"o-port.. 673-4643 JO/~ ablr record rhnnger, twin haired kitttns, 6 1vkli. old I======~~,,.--~°" spc<1ken:, auluniatic. All like \\'eanNI & houscbrkn. 2 org SCHNAUZERS, J11in. AKC new! 233 • C" C()fita t.feN &. wht, I blk & whit. t.lust pups. Sho1v or pc:ls. Stud S1, C,t.1. &1.i-1!!17 f inrl home iznmf'd . Sf'l"\1CI'. 833--0361. 83.1-2i9;i 1017 BEAGLt;S, len1ale~. AKC ONI : Llllle 1'11esa \'Prde tiger N'S. 11 \<1k:"1. T1·1-culor. *AUCTION* k11t rn lef /\ [Lo; rutc~I • ~'\6-6019 • !>-(age 6', v.·ks,.<J!t!. Needs DACMSHUNDS, ~how quality IOI'(' and h o n1 C' 5.16-4478 3 Red, Nark & ian Champion JO/ Sired 2 1'1111.lr:'I ·&14--02'27 lf you 1vUl sell or bu:; REG. $3710. ONLY $21<'1 I N T It 0 01<-FEn-SUPPLY Li\1TD. THA NS PA(", fi[>.(/221 Li:,,\\1 1,\(j Tow11! ;-;,,111ng (l11T' !~P:iuldul lO' TrM1ler \\11h 1·;ih11n,1 &1 up HI Adult Park ft t,orl y to n1ol1'e 1n Sl :.00. 327 \V . \\'1l~ru1 SL Sp 5'0N"l~P">:".-01b-~-,"t-i"H-,,01.-"<1",-,-,.,-11 il.o ~ii f:\1 ~dS-ti \1 7. l\!11ny i;ails, s in! racing rnnrl s,.., •d!w1· 1t••n1s lo h•' r.olll al llahia Cor1n!t1111n Y.1rh1 "'P;,r,d" Chin. $9:i0. 111c! trlr !.· C0\•'1' I Owner Jamf's r.111ul \21 ~• .l32·8Jl CJ , ('\'('S ~:n::1 JJ2-7!lli I. SELL Y"ll" ~[uh1lr-J/nmr FOR CASH i:1vc \\'indy n try Auctior1s Friday 7:30 p.m. Windy's Auctio,n Barn Behind Tony'11 Bldg. ?.lat'I. :'.'1Ji5' ~ Newport, C.T\f 6·15-8686 01{,\i\GF. & 11hltc s· Dl\lla 50fa S7.i. Green, gold & 01·a11gr. loo~t v.·ea,·r t!rspc~. I:.'' \\'Ide Sj(J, II 0 I JI 0 I n I rrfrig., l:l't'Y '35. 6 1..'0flM 1:1blr. a11t1qU<' 11hne SJ,:i. ~::3-27:17 11-vlne. ·"·r=u~D"D"loNoGc .. c. -_-c,o.ol-"clcl-y BLACK P-11• 6 "'' ""' ' shots. Power Cru1·,.,, long-haired nialr" ('!I ! . t•cnia..lr. s2:. 9020 ,\,, ~=~fl''"·"' Toi ~··lirr Bkr. 5:16-8869 or 636-3291 t.lar\'elou,; i,:nphrr 11 n d * 9GS-J:J06 * niO\lse ca,cher. i:: \' c ~: l===========c ICRUIZON lll' Ca!Jln rn11~r M H 6TH7~ 10/6 11ood/lbgl.'l, motor & tr!r otor om15 ------,--i'Hor111 8830 $J.-,O. 545--4588 :l Pups, one small rown ____________ 1 co:-;0011 211 ~lcrp~ fe n1. pf. poodle. 0 n t l1,1 YR. old B.ty t'illy S200 or Speed-Ski Boats 9030 l'4U!pfll'd S!i')OO bl 11.rk/,~h i le n1 ale besl off('l'. ::..11:-111..2 921! 847-2811) 10/6 !li>8-J06J YH olrl I I' Chry~lrr Ch:o n:er BABY'S playpt'n ;;,: cai· sea.I t'Rl::E Unusual cat, malr. BEAUTIFUL Blal·k t.larl.', 11o /tllcrc. 50 Xlnt e-0nd. Bicycle• .WJO. Call 5!12-1601 -~--------9225 ll:\,\1:\10:\ll \It: ha1 C' severa l •'u!ll· pl111u•n1ury Dinner (" l u b t>lcn1bl'1-i;;h1ps. 200 lh10 lnr tH:f'l FREE ctinn<'rs. ad- \f'rll,,eLI at $;}, our Pl'l t:c st.:JtJ. 67J-J~6'.! ~."i: <!lllTlagf' $40 l!ke ric"''; black. whl .~-grry strkped, s1nal1. 10 yr:r:: old. \\'ell "'°-,,.,--,~--I rrrrii!:/freezrr 1·1 1.11 ft lol'abl<', nds. &ood bon1e. tran1l"fl. $21;. :-iJ6-69~fi --,-,-. ,-.A-11-ITI, f\fcn· 12:, ::>cliill!;'.11 1.~~1;;, 3 5~11;.1 hi ke. It! ('u1;or-;A 111·:L t.1.\R: tar h. Al1nn~1 11('\\', ficaulP:.u FrosUrr,.. $100: oil 1111in!i11i:: SIS-4782 10/6 St'llALL Shetland, c h 1 Id Xlnt Cond. Cu~lo111 in t ..,.io~ll.100 * Furniture 8000 1 Garage Sale 8022 1-'i(d i: ('ria~~"-ljj~i.;:~ KN ITT!Nt; n111ch111,. 11/;it-~C3.Sl'll.pe $:..0 IS::! Seadrill L.o\RCF. f.lt!al 11· a 11\-1 n broke, daple f!:l"'.Y ~7:1. -'-'_'._'°-'---·----''-"_._,_,_~;:.!-=-============ ni·~I\ lwd,, 11 . .1 11111.1.1,i,11 1~1,.,.,,1 . , , .11 WOW !f l111 40 inc:h pi ~no latll i\1111o~tncw.Eraulrau D1·, (lr\'1nr Tcrracr' Cd1\I. an1ma!car,:r.5'~'x4'x:i1 ~·-5-t:>--582.ll. M I 9300 ' ' '· '11' 1 '' ' "·I J f J •6"9 1 1 ""• Boat Maintenance 9033 otorcyt es s: '· J" 111 1,. "'· i. 1 ,1, ! J,.,11P, dnlliin:,:, P 11 1 ., "~. c.on~o c or on y ·~ .., ('anicra Rl6 S: n1 or n r . tJ7'.'l--058J D1sn1ant e &. hau . .ro9-263S 1---...:.--------1 lalh1•I' S;!:, 1' 1, •lq(l!I ,, .• 1 t'lo, 111( 1111\1•1, & 111•,l ~+,1 1 1 111~ '~ nnr 'l'''('ial hi iy f11 1'1' i\ni.;ranrau Zoom. ~t..kc ,,f. SA~l.7J·c::-~Do-ll-<-. -1-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-. 10/7 Liv•stock 1840 FnEJ-.; Boat repair r.~t 1967110:\D.\ ll~ll 11111 \1/l •111.,. ~;.i 1.1111· ~11111 J,:i!1tli<', t '\1 1:-.1111, (l(•io,l•i1•-:.:r'1 .1"111·~nri11·-;i l<'t" 67: .. 0J?:i Sun-i\lon ~qu<irc oak 1able, iron bed. •·7»7ac:7R0n"v= .. -_-,,,-,-,c,-_,-,-,-,,-,-,-,.c,.I Trailrr your bo:Jt lo rhe ~CHA.\111LEH llol 1'•'1 111\ ,\~II I'l l ,.,,~1 111 11 1 1 1111~11··~ Bii_v "~ !'hl'<t)lly as l:~l·:D I s red;i1• l'hesr. rtllt~. n1aplc ca1. part Pers11111 , p I , IT'S FUN TO BOARD ne1·e~1 . f~slcst hoot service F:lt:'e. ~larltl', liOO 11r1~ inf I ' 1 •. 1 ------a 01·111 ,,1 rr1"1,~,t:i·a~ir. 1 1~.ia..l l, \atut." , doublr be<l, Siam "~"-Call t>ves. Your hor~e at TALI.\' HO in the arc~ L•.I "° ,,,,.k~ $•1rtl I J, :-;,1 1·. iliH\111:. '"111plo• IU .11,11;, "l'P\'[. t>1'll.•rl, GOULD MUSIC n111s ~!Kif,~.> Sf'l 0 utU1k ·' "' "' '· "·' "" I• ' ·I , ., , I "i J , 1\0 2 I b ,.,,,.,,.. tool·· ,,,, '''''" 67' •1." 1016 rARl\1~. Bo....-slall5 $5:i per Y"''" bo•I l•'k• '"W (" ,·ob 1!167 i'll1\Trl fl.Ei.:~ '.ofOCC , .. ,," 11 .1111·1·-.. \t.11::111 •l•Jlh·'· ••Ir !!I ,\,,11:u l 1,.,s, <'u111 p rr . ia y n • ''• ~. " ~-,,...1 ,..., u • " ,, .. uu lli"ll", lr 1l1.1,1111, 111 ,0r,1, Ti1,.,11 .• ,. ('.\J l ••• J!\77': ___ ~~l1'1•'•'yl,11A1"M:-;,\AH-,1Ai-fl(iS ! <l'lh~.good (:Ol1dilio nS7.:.0 & Af11·1 10 /\l\I. 121 Cecil ADORABLE:: Broivn tabby 1110. i\letal shaded corrals too small). \\"e also sell G~O Si.1;in1h!rr. l'nJ" lhc . ! li;11~{' lo11111i.:<· ·" 1,."1,.11. $:) C;in I)(' ~een nl '.!:;:!l San· Plac<'. Co5\11 A!esa cal~. 6 month~. Look!'i hkc $45 per mo. AutomAlic ~·a-fi~q!;lass supphes. Open 7 ~.~7n,;1 1 so.-~l. Irr, feed & cle11 ncd datly. I I k l.m r UL":O.!Pf! T-!()')(." 1,1::-i:i:l~· Applia nces 8100 I PIANOS & ORGANS '·' /\n:t Ai t• · C i\1 Grand Opening SALE! l1ttlr ocrlots. E v r s : rys 11o· · -. 7,8 11r acre~ ligll!NI anona, \VIND AN' SE,\ 500 CL', \'r-r.v C'i('an l7JO. f;11:Ls 1•1111, .1. : 1, , 11 BLL1E & i.:old brocade eouch I Penu·o tanks -fi.~h -acr..:ss 67·'>-4 " ID/6 training ""'· River trail•<-JAM 5 I !'1~11 \, ". ,....,.,, th•· i•o111pJ,•1r 1t111• a1 ~. ··ri< TnOPICAL FISI 1 1737 Su1>en or E L TO 111ot1t!\t 1+0111111.•lo11111· 1 ... ,1 ": 111<1t1•h111i..: \'l1a 1r . .! <'n<l · · Bf':AUT!f<-UL KITTENS. 2 c-rss. E.'lpcrt F:ni;:Jis'h ,t, Costa l\lesa. &!2_7607 \.i~I :\"11port BJ\'(I 641-00-lO ,( 111·,·~~111i,: 111•1•· ~' 1 \"''·· /\<11 • ~,.,,• COAST MUSIC 1111Jlrs k t•nffer table {lark 0080 ~:tJ111::rr I@ i\l11g1111lia) l1!1er.;, need i;ood homes \Ve6rern instntrlion. Tally ·--<>-'·. ' J!1• 111·~1 •111•· nn•l nnlv ' , •I I >'111•• Vo lley e 812·4"0 I · 18' Fi .. -..... ,, •-,1 & 0 , ·oo~" Bl:..LL l!EL:'llET h1.1-:l;,, .. 1 · :'\l;l\'PO!rrs.. llAnBO!t 11n()I' 11 1•rvern111r 1111~1. ""' \11th ov1ng c 11 rr . Ho farms, 17262 Newhope, ......,,., ""' "" '" ---•11·"h11 ·1'11' r 111111 S4»\fl <'Yl"li' '"'0·.··1·.1 .\1•· .. <A • 61·_1.·_1r:.:;1 All ror $60. 646-3629 642 ~703 10/l r · moorin:: 110 hp Volvo, stern ·~2:1 .>,' DOl\N !'our .• "il-\\ht!i ;111 1,, ltllll!ln\: 111,. 11,,, 0 11 • .~ c :, l~IRBY Vacuun1 eleaner 11•11h -.i"" ou11ta1n V11Jley_ :i-!S..95117 driv". fils mdio, ha if tank$, C:ill John arr .. r ti P:O.I i·11•l11•111,_ '\1111 '"'11•111 •• 11 i .. ,, ,11, -11hu11 '" lt\•1\1· i. . .i .. I lp1•11 JO h Fri Ill !1 Sun tz.. 1-:LJo:(I il hl n1rn S 1;, 1:11-1n auach J.. pol1shrr. Xlnl cond ONLY 2 k ft1cn~ lt'fl, all hlaek TRANSPORTATION f'lc. Xlnt cond. Grl. ski boat. tir1-0.l'.l7 ll:1"'i.~ I;. \J1~1· I 1• 111 • "II "' 1,,,,,, ,,,.,,.i i '"' '""' :\lll\·l"l'UI :1 H;1ld11111 11111~1 1·.111c,. S1",. l\th·hcn ('t1b1ncis. f..· g11uranlr<'d. Pay off b11I OI mal" & hlk ltnlai<' "'/1vh1te ~~--~-I 139 67 k On shore moorin~ Balboa '6~ lli•n•l.t 12:, ~rra 1nbltr. 1.1~-_!1 .. : ,,,11 111 11.,. :l r<'\•iJuii .. 11.,1 •• ' I r .. r 111u1· l'h1ld rnr S2f~! I .1r old l.11(h11g clru1ui; & · or la r O\'l'I" pyn111t~. boot<, 1 ~ S1a1nesc. S.l:l-2216 Boats & Yachts 9000 11 N Ba 1 • ~ 28~ C I' I ' ·• -18" IOI ''-----------S , o. Y l•+-015-J'I Blo1, Iii:<' nr1,, 1111drr HlOO 1 ---~~;=-~----,, 11111i l'l!l'Lll.! ,. Ill•\\' ,(· II t' ,, k l'rnt··''IUl1al Ill ',v111lk1I.~ tiT.:1-<os:. )"{'I I I <'P ···~1 " 'l l Off. E · 801 I I '·J I -----------.c-~~~~ -----------1PURCl'ASED B J',,. OUTBOARD .._ ni1. H<'"r nnblilt' inc SIOO. ice qu1pment 1 l•<'<'t••· tull ~rar' '-lll•l•h' 11( ~1r1u11v11111.l!.tu1· -rr ~ul~ GIBSON ES 335 TD \\'A1.,.iED J .a<lir.~ t.· Girl:. t'Rl'.:E !u \sl pickup. Co111b, 1 u ~ln r ~'-. > c a uin i;; .... ?7.7 , :1'-' "'', SI'<' )"Ill J\11• ~u~1·.111 1<·,~I. ~hop ,. v r r Y ~ pu·kup~. Jung nrt·k. qu;ihly u~rd 1·lolh111i:: on \•'ash<'r/tlryer, 11. 0 r k i 11 g must sac. linmac ]7' l!oJ1-crui.~er, sleeps t, glassed 1111 ---=::_" --c"'~oc~---1 l'YP~~\\ 1;1 1 t !', .\•Ii! I 1,11 Ii, 1·;i]\·u].,h••, \•rv ••,1'ut1.ilol!· , II• 1111 ,,.,,I do•:ili•r 111"' • '. 1 111,.:hl ,i:, .'-u11d,1.1 •t 111'1 11"r111 Sol1tl b.idi •natl hlf"~~ 1•<111s1gn1nrn1 )''ur.c. h111s, l'Ornl. 101~-A .!\ 111 ,. r i c 11 n day Sk1 IOOat. '61 hull, Ru ir•k to the 11•111er line, •V/tr111lrr. i\"'" lr'Jlii~ R.\1\V l!l'\lli',j{',<JN.; \\.\l:Ii3H.\LJJl\'!.'l :\T\'Dlfl 'h 1-._22~i;'E i rnHlf!'. h:u::~. ,,,,,11;11~. ~hor~. rt<: Plai'<',Ci\1 \'-.!! cng. Trlr \\/brk~. bo1hl1ccnsed.f\OJ\lOTOR. i.001 ·1·• llh!J \l'l'I L\;\('J·:-. l'l'I ;-., 111"•rl, (' \1 li l!-~·h1 --Call '.>11·9.~ll . Turs th1-u Sat. -----Cabll at1011 p!at<'.s. Nr11 bh1" ~2~:i. '19"-2189 after 6 P i\l " rdS-:!-~:!li • 1~7 l!;.,hnr. (~ :\! I _"GEE-M OM-IT'S A-r l~IJ\BALL J\111rhin" :S:=..-0. :".:>Ii :"l 3() :" :) ·:o. !.OVN IG i1~rr 4'al t'll'erls &, i1·h1 t&r nphl~ty. 2 prop., fg· 011ens \\/Sj hp t.lerr 6.~ ilJ,\TADOH t:.O t c'to:c,olck"llcl'I , , l··nrd V~ 1r11h1sr1·1al 1q111 .. r w11n11 humr. 1111 shols. Valur Sl6j(}. Sac a t •J:l9:i. I _____ ._.,_<_.r11 ·(1 WURLITZER !" ~ "1. .o\l\C hraglrs $ :i:i , J\IUIJJ-.H~ "'alnu1 1hl<• ~· 6 altrrrr! ;, 4J-018 () or ~4&-54;19 cni::. gr llhl 1rh. skuni:: Clr:in. llrlon•·t S: b1kr stn1p. R J·; i'll IN(; "I 11 \ I',, rt.\ J,,\1;1:1: ~,.J,,,,11,1,, nf l'f't"lll'i l· ll·1dPI \ ll ~l 111111 ."h<th<•1111~ '16:!-.~7·l l chH 1rs $70, '.! L<in<' \\;11. <'nd :.1~20ill 1014 equip. Good contl. ~1::~;:; s·,•1:1. !'>1~-403G \,\[l{'\\l ll['f', l ; ::••If h ,,. /\I (l•>llf'!I .1 ppl1zi 11c1·~. l'f'jl\'\~. ill'-(lill'd \\,1l11ut \>l"rli h'J'J'd lll'Ull. ~.~~-~~~.,...--thlt'<: ,IO, 1 1;e\\ill~ ll1'lt'h. '6? GLA~,.·AR c 11 a~ !'1.1.~Zii~l '13'1 l!0.\'1),\'~T=,=,0A017L~90~' Garage Sale 8022 'II I''''' '. II' I f I 1 1 ' -,· O\',\I. 1,1hlr 11111, 2 !···'''"·· 1. ''"'''''' SW. ~i\ION"THoldhlackn1al~kil . l'bo•cd-0"l'-·d 120•1 14 6 • ''LAS"An -5 11 p I :\ ><1'.01 · .01. 1 •. 11J1.ir 1<'f'" 1••1 11 r11udf"J in111cl.' .l<t· 11.-1'. 11 .11 .~.. L 1f'11s1nn <t(J •L • " " .. .,.,.,r . ..ere. u , . ·1 *S27-·• 11 I I ., ,1, .,.,,,. fc,rr111('a lop, G ~'li.11!',,. h3nrl lf"ll \'CIJ' affe<:l1onatc lo eru· lh · I , E "Jll Ill\ IT ' .O ii '1 '"'"" PIT' -,.JI :;1•.il'.!IJlf'<'d I~··' ,,,,.j.,,~\U . li73-2:il:J. ·, I I 'II 6 ,,·,, 1ser 11'1 pc:wtr JC <II ·.vu1n1rlc niolor. Good COil· n1 rk_1,~:;-1fl21 I I II ·----·---~ ,~ g<1s 1.111·11111011rr girls -~"'""--,"".,.--0'7-:CC:-i:OO< 1ome on Y. ,, -. """'"' tr., F II 1.0,"'. 1~-,------~--l\l'' h(' '1l" 11"11' · _v •:1~1111<.: \\,•.">'r11 r,.-l\',,Y1na11~c 11 ,\.\J~IO'.llD.~lc1n11.1y .Ya· I I t.il 2(!!0(; 8.~l:i Trlr 1111'nl11c int'I ~IP· 10/~ ,~ m. u '"' d1tio11 :S62;>.6i'3-51.'iS to7l!e>nt!<1 ~llfll't·ha1vk.J{Xk·<".I rr·rl. l'lw 11~,·1·, 1 .. 11111: 1<'>1 DUNLAP ni.iha . pnw < ,,,.,, pianns _,,_,,_·•_'1':._ __ ._·_' _____ 1 --ii ,.,1, •• 11 .•. 2"o" TV.------------Ready lo enjoy. A l l l!l6l 16, ,.1 l ~ 1 I , S · "' " '" L ,., "· ,-, ~ t.1UST F n I 00..1 I 0 f 1 rd 1 • 11s ron, ""' \fl. x n! conn .. ;i r ~:;-.n. '68 j hi·boy "1''''1 11''·11 "r, ~1 '' APPLIANCE "I all n1akcs. Be~! huys in . .'! H l;Lft ni,it;. Holh r )!. ln"' ('(Jn:;olc, 4 spkrs SOj. 2 ~· k 11~ kgtt 1 1 mrtl nr ma nte;i&n~, reco .'!. ~lercury. Xh1t cond. S149;}, ~u~uki )l;l)r·i· ~ir,n li7l-10Jil I li1pl)!.1111>.,l\\1J1111.•ll1•'"'t''•' l'-l.iil.,11 fl0 ,.1 Klld ,L:O.l ~o f.l lir.n,::h ther<' unrllt'<dll<"r,Orn,v unrboxof ~·'lti--ll:\! -11 o ·1 t'n~ oi,:r 1t'r. Ol'"Wr.h:J ..,.......144 CallGi3_2'.!;)[l '!'l'tn;:' And ,.1111· 111 • 548-7J80 . .'iCJ L\l!DT t.JUSIC CO., ·,l1r!I~ fll•'tl through 11. SX!. ~~..,-~--.----~~ Good natu r<'d . 5-l9-11il6 1016 26" CABIN Cruiser, f\avy =~--~~--~~~ 'GN l!ONl1A T1·;11l !JO xln1t lri·r<lni;: 1 Ii 1 n ~, :11, __ J!llli N i\J,nri, lilfl-21.\X HOYAL t:op<'nha~rn P£rfert LABRAOOH r. e 1r 1" \',. 1 • hull. lnbnl cng. jus t lj' llonion Ski boa!. 80 llP cond . s:::.o. ·1;~ l1r.11oi,1 jO $8:>.1 :\!,IJ•"I• I.I••-""' 4 d\( l.i\l lY h• 11111(!1'1· "Ul!Jll!.llU :-;UH l 'L\;S llgurinrs $10 f'<':l Ch. shorl I d I b k t.1ere. f\e111 tr;ifte r, SL2j(J, Ill 1nilr~. '.Jf,2-IOlR 11 "'Iii r. i •1ppr1 : .. 111· S ~J. ~.1n!:i An;i ~ ;icloty ilre~s bru11rH•' '1 ii; u~~1I t11·1rc S40 n1<1 (', .. nee s !1 arge !I(' Ol'C'l'haulf'd R;111 I a n k , f>42-!l917 <ift 4 P:\I --;;;:;--,, -,.-•. ,,,,.,-,. I" .-,,_coo-. -I • 1\1. 11'\I··. l'IA.'I''·. fr1h1w~ ~· rrtnrrnnt'-:-O>!rl 10 0 S. ,\·11rd .. ~10-1:is. 10/6 SIO\r, Ol"Cll, head, sink, lf'1': -===========~I ~"" ...... "'~ i!l,-X!~I~ " t 1-. ; '~ -11 I I 6 P\I \',',\SI 11-"1: 'I 11,n !• ol 1 <>11111 SJ • I:• I 1\'' I •111• Ito• ~· 1~ ~· ~1-•. r h, ~1"'' 'It• fl\ .ii ru:: 'i \(I I 111 I' ' ,,, I \~U f'wlun. 5., )llJ \J,11 • r ~ • :! J ',ul•I• •I 111 11'1" •I ,111 ~'I • 111 T!I! lllJI -.1 I'\ J;\(']\ l!j '11] 1·"1 'I td:!-,; 1! \. I , iii<' '''lhlie ll-1 .~lontlil\,' 11•rn -~~-~--.,,,...,-,..-I· I'.' >.· '• 11-r~'-le •·,,,, '". 1 !11·~!. 1>ler11s 2 .. \lu.~t sell, M • E · 9035 tJ\t'f' "Ill • nnf 1t1nn a I . " · · ·• ~ l'l'"f, ;i1•" •d••, :\<11 l!l~'fl i\lonro\'W, C . .\1. l..'.aqir t la)•'r hai; 11 1 Lo n101hr r XnHHl'~". C<Jx-tra1t1-/J<'~I loller. R-17·1:12tl. -·-----• 6'12-:-..lh.'\ \I\ Ill'.-, ,-----1 111! H•·•\ IHll• l.o•I' "r 1'<'11 .... -r "'""" " "" '''"" qu•p SL.'» f:r•fl'li.:·fr;"t fr<·~~11"i 1"1'1 t·ri .. llt "11 nuinie~ paiLI ------11.1lnns S!Y.lyd. Shat::~ I -2""' ----2Ch I V8210 1 I . ---·--1 . . !ti\\,,,,, t•lll'I It I''' l'I· I L ,,,.L,I c·r I I ,., ' ·"' ""1.l·l·• . 2(i' nouhlf'-('llfl<'r. t!irsrl. l/111 rys er -1p :\ lll'lll!' HONDA -~J. !WI 'tl>;ll!f' d~ I~ J·i•'""1 ~r.. "111-Hri, HOUSE OF HARMONY •·· . · "-liuins:::~iup 111Y a-.or. I I 'I 1 ·1 1 r11S!·~-•·v1np.111thnuu11fnl<l. >:it!. ~2, !lfk· I"'" ~anl !)(i.~..fi!l lD A/'\C rri::1~1rrrd Br1u:;lr. ~ f'OO in.:;, bps ... 1c11r, .~ irs hi '\\It 11: 1 · all to wa ... 1wr. I ·I.~ t a~!uon 1 ~1.11~1 c.dl Ji•hn al1rr 6 .\I 1111111rh~ nld. frni:ilc, tricolor, on "ni::. I l11ul-nu1 [ r I r, AllC'rnatvr &. \"rl11('1 1lr1\'P h i~ 1q:11 I .11• 11 .. ,11 I, Alnt l'0111L $~;}. '-• lf DOrl J~·ach ., 1;1 1.u.:!11 f;4:).-0.1~7 Ot.Yi\!P'iCTV Con:IUlr ~rr1r11· gooo! '"lh , hihlrrn. 67-,_2!)\S l wrn~c-•I. SIOOO/b1>r o/lrr. Cit. n111111nc Mnri Bfll!1 fnr ·;:,g POR .~n~u-r·-,-C--,01,-. 11. ~ .. ;~. ~l'J-:'111 -, I !-1:1·;1. t )r.1 :.'\~ ('J:;-\,.;S~-"-L:\Qt.ls!T!·~:-,,.-,-,0,,-,,-,--.-,,-,1 ~~~,,\~·~1. ~;~·re~~~~~ans;~; PL!~ASE sa\C n1r !min lhf' '.J.1&-:~<:.l'.l ~~~S8;~ i1·1U ,,,.11 M'(•ar<1!r.ly. ronri. i\r ·\· !1rrc.. clutrh. I:! I 1:u.1.:::.\"llllt 11 'n fi \lundJ." 1111•·~ 7 .',([. 11 .~t i·1n d1.0111n1l<I n11::: App1.t!.'i<'fl ;ii !Wl::!-~:i~li f)(lund . 7 wk oloi ,;hort i:T"Y· 2l' ALBATROSS, ln'r .::lip 10 " - ' $1~ 111·111 ~.t~-J-1 11 1 ,,r, 111 i'.1·111Ui'. i:·~~, 1:11~l-I G OULD MUSIC CO. ~111-. \\ill •1•1! fl)r m uch Jc~s __ ---------·I haired kiltrn. 962-:~4J l r nrl No,·. $!17.», 11' l:unuboul RADAR Ae111t1\ Coa,;t {;11a1d .6s K,\\\-,\,i.:Ai'!~ 1(;S;,.1l ,,r •1 1 • Ht10lil1n11 ! ,(). Ul_-1,\1 ."I!, '\' \J,,in .. .: \ :.1 7.n.1~1 1 6i':-:,7~,1 C.\Hl'l :T 1nslallrr h11.~ n11" ----:r, hp Johnson f'lc-1· td r t.IR-4 ;-;r11· cond, !l"\'C'r .. n Hr~l 011 ,.1 ;,;iJ \\' f'rntrr 1111 Lit1l f,[.f, ~ r ,. •' • ,. 11111111111•·, .. 1.11q11• '.1 I I II!' r p .1 >.. n I' r I 1 " 11 , , )1,.ll • '·I'' ..; 11 ~'t111 tl 111 111~ s11rr:;rn11 ! \1 11,1·!i1Hd 1\1111°1rr,n1 i•ff P.1nl.11·1n" ,\ ---~-1 -~--~---~ l')]I .. 1·11ci1d•1 nylon \'~rprr, Fr.E E ,\rlo1 abl<' hl 11rk ~pl~ S2~0. 12' S 11 1Jhto 11 r r!. 7j' IYJ;iT rulJ i::1111r , ~.lj(),1 111. 1.,. ·.• ...• II ,, "ic. ('\I ,1 Ii ~l'J 1;J i ('l•·a11 il•llt> 1i.1"h1·1 , ~,\fl{)(;/\:-;,-~11~1;-a;;;) 'fB:0·!x•r Shnp ('h11 11'$, lll<lkf' iloiih" lul " har ked \\'1)1 ~<'11 p1r<, 6 11k:;; -)l~-·l:i5~. ~: '' "'~' ·~ 1111 111''11' I. '1111 t;uwl S.iO .\1111 1'ulitl \1.1ke urlrr·. 1 •1flcr 1\lusl i,;1• I S II 0 :ill <•I' flll!'t :\3iy.11 11 ;,1(}. ;~1:1 01an:;:f'. ("~I 1011 dilr mn sail .~;;,, fi4:>-Jn28 I 0'01'c1o1'-1-10-"-''-"-~'.?lili '66 \',1111aha--H-lg-, -,.-,-,-, .• ;+,...ji.7,.:. ~17-~l l"i 1:1 .... n:iOit i\lr1nr11~·111, c \1. ( t' ta 111 <' ~~=~-~-~-~--116' IJOLPH IN. vrry roorny 'fi6 tll!!1cury llOU SS outboard Scramblf'r. S"f" r n llP· 1,1 ,\1110 11,1..,ht>r, ,,1·J J '!,\~li. ~in:ill -llui,ard l'LJL •1n• M,·,c.Winlod •610 L1~~~~c~r<l fn~l~f'. bpu;~~ hoa~. 3.l ph ~;vinnulr r.n~ .•. n1~.hp1 1v1!h Th11ntl<'rhnll JH"ei·i~t" l.~.-1(1 i;\'1·:1<1\"i ' \ ,. ~°"°"""c-c~-c~--.,-.,-1 "" $9'h \lar1na D11nr.s .shn A J 1i;:n1l1on. IJJni;: shaft. firlJlt -~==~~ I Piii ', ! J'I wh l ,t hr'll('h, ltghl o,1k , er:t ':\'l/.;1; ,\nn ,\· 1111~1' rtr •• f ------------· 1 673-lll!l.2 10/7 . . ' . ,...,,-' !800 , .•. '11161 '56 l!ONDA :l(J l'C. C-110. Lil I 11d1n-.;1 .. 11 • -EST ATE-SAL E '.! '.\\!'.! 1)1'1• 111 .. 11'\I.!,., j '""1\l •'r. \1111 l'•ollol l:1n1111• \\I' It •••!"\I• I' h 'i' 1 ' \!,,II\/ <•I h< I illlo" /I •,\ ,i1,: I I I' II! \•Ji i p;,1 I~ '77 !'' ''" .t \',,i\ ('\! I • -., 'l-\11 . --------~-~t'e O!fK'f'. ,,... ' 1' ~"'· '' ' ' 1 \!1'1 l'ill<' $::00 '.>1X-3r,f,o 1111i:: <'<l\llfl. J1 tt<'rhui:: ~anrlrr, $ WE BUY $ I =-==~=~--~--1ni!cal(r. ~12:1 1 1.11.1t1A!IU·. (.,,~ .,1_,, 1 -J,r{JVA'I'!. !',\l(l'~~\A~TS 11"11ll'r hilch & l J.::: h 1 s. PETS and LIVESTOCK CLASSIC Off,;hor<' & llH)' SI~ ·;:i)I! s •1 -.1~ 1'o".rl I .1 () J;!iY PJ,\N() !-"O rt 6 \li-7:i'l3 boat. l2' Cc nt11 ry, rarl1n. 8~0~1~1!..:s~i.~·p~M~o~o~r~i~n~g1_9~0~3?6 l=====::-:::..:====I ~~~17 I\ s111t•· Al' C\l •\<..I L 'l12.fill:, JJA \'i'_NPOrtr, Rcrl s, 1an1r~. $ :~PRL~1~Ul~s $C __ ,_,, ________ e_e_7_o ;:;_1 !:~i:Z1 x tra~. Bc~t of· NEF:D: ·11' hnat ~1111 NB Auto Se rvices -- --I REFRIGERATOR 1-1•1:-1, Ill . ' d1n1ng $<'!, ;i 1 r r-n11d11 1n11<'1'. Pt:nSIA N Camro kiltt>n S2j t-----------1 area. \\lnle Daily Pilot, Bo:< & Parts 9400· I · ' f11••""· 1'••11111'' Colo• 7V1-l'i•no1-Sferec1 16fl h F I I 1------------1 lliidl''"jl ~1 1 • -,:1.11:11 lllill• ~~. i.;,.11 .ihh' fnr 1ro11 n;i11u lurn :148--(1203 11r ."1n1onth.~nkJCamroPers1a11 P ore ntrretp!nr 1\1 ~10 I 1i7:1-1:m·; I 1 '1'1:" er Htww full ni11lf', all 1'hot~. Io v e s 1/0, 111~ny ~'l:tr11s. n1u.~t ==--·--------1 CLUTCH • . 8 11 O1 (,11 111!y rr•i111, fi':.~-f.ti~l CASH IN JO MINUTES ,,1,,1,1,.,, l l--•o 0..,.,, s"'ll! !'2~·11. Call aft 5 P:-0.1 NEI::IJ nioonng or rlm·k 101 ~~t_•_ques -----A:\TIQ~~: lh,,,t.~. 1n11T••r~. e 54 l--4SJI e " ··'· ,,.. -.~vv ~ "" 47· ho<1! lorOi·r 1:21o!-J70ti !lr~hf"'rforn1;1n1·r 11pr ,pr~'-' -I k I 11 I I "I \\IE"I ' KtTIEu ~i16-J!IJO ~urr r!a/,, .~· tir ·onni; ~rt~. (;1\J:,\\.I. ,..,,ti, \!•/II hllr \ h I a I ~.'11 \ 1• I ,L l l.,;.:o11 , :>; 1~ 1 I hr Blull'-1 'I ··11 II II• ••1•·1 .~'j • ~1t1I il.ot1 r11l•I t•·lo I ,,)~•· nll'" • 11 ! \h \ '• Television 1!1205 'r·· ~. f 11' rr11~ urn. i•p ~.I WE PAY CASH ,, '' ,, . .~ 1~""~~~~~~-~-= -----------1 qual1!y 1'1 1 -l:'l)~. I OS'.! '.I I Choe. Pr. i\lale. 12 1vk~ I NB 0 fl RD/Out hoard 18' Boat-Y•cht S65. 95 \)i 1 1 "' 11"'1 11 ' ~ .u 11 ~~ ur J~llU ~ No" 1n Slll\·I.. •li• s1 ~ Tr111plr J1 1lls Or, l-1i::11n;i ., :.1~1~IR • f1shini;: or ski hn11t. Charter• 9039 N ational Speed Center "'WANTED ··•1u1r. 11111 •.:111 p .1 .. )l.ol"l< '... ll•p ti •• o ~ ,\ !"•lo ' Co•"-\l;1 •·•r Bi HH!s "I l"it) Color () -----."•Ul-f,f,2'J :.'1111 ~ 11 •11 .,1-_ ('o ~•, \l,,<:1 ho ' ' '' 1,'. <1~·~11, ''I TV "ilh th1 n \Yil1111011ar;., t "I{ s . .; ''~'I n "1 ~ r i i;:.· i--WE-PAY-C-ASHl--1 :-1·:ALPDlil."T ~1,11mrse ""-I============ SAii, r111, 21 12:. ,...,r rl11v bHi hi!'1 i)f'I'" '111 '1. I• ·11! .. ir \• , 1 \• 1 1111 ~ iintlil•dl :111t111nat1r "" l"l~I . '.'r S••i , tr11.<, i;how flUa lly._C.F.1\, ,.. I llt'\\, .'h•n•. lo:o.:111, 1111!111•• .,,,, 1101,~" 111 B•rk 44:, L. ~·''""· •12-:,9.10 Sailboats 9010 Col :lli. $60 ,1rr 1J:1\. :-;1,-.-,, ---\I"" i 1on1ph·h' "~1.,,, .. ' ;, . 9425 1u1" . ·" 1111·111 .111 ,,1 111·,, 11,1i_1.i_._.-,7_,, e NOT Checks '-S<AMES-E-KITTENS-fi . ;11-~1G-2'l:17. ~J!e_r,_T_ravel __ , 11 11"11"' 111 '1"·~ l•l·l;...,1'\~ i'ii' 11 11 1.,,1 22' YIBERGl,ASS ~ln n p . ----· 1• .. nl• 1. ~ , I .1h11, 1.' l i ,,,i,, r ,, '' 111 ,\ 1'1 •~I lf'l 1 ,, I: 1 I 1 \1 1 !1o "" 1 .,1., \]• •.•. -,1,.1q , ('Hll.P('l'.fi ~~r I 11,,~··l"fl"ilr+ For GOOD, USED rui"l'hrrrt 11;1 li 12-59j3 ~)l~i>'.n 1\n .. ~;~ ::1_ hr • nut. ~,\11. ('/\L 21 ~21 l"'I" d,1\ Pi' l\!T Cou1na11nn 1r.11rl 1, ('!II •I 111 ,1 1 '"'1 1, lil 1 ur· 1'"1! "•l:l1nP, 111.r nr" hoil rd :\l;i in, ,llh, i;;rno.• L.;:111 Ca! :\Ii, S!iO prr day. Slrrp• r r ~ 1Ir1 ·"' lf·1·n11!;i111rrl.I fill ' I'\ !11'1 l.,H>o 111: ''" . ' ,., I I\ I ' 1. I lit• '"' J,,,,, ("1:••rTV••r l\l.1ol. '''' 1"1-,··.,,' 1·11nntnrr.o;:1r rrn.TVllr '00 f 71 1 ,16--·,7 ' I I •' 1 1 n d, ll\I, Dog_, 8825 .t· 1·n,'kp1t 1 01rr', ~: ... _' __ -_ :"· _. ___ 'hn11rr . .ii 11H .\l~"i"' b '' •• ,, '' 0 , ' 1,,,,, .~ \\ 1111~ t)plJ0!11 tu l!U,Y llOU51'1111ld llr111' ••f :011y kind. .--,,,.JS'7 •1·0,1, ·'''·'•'" ,1 1 , ;'~I ,i.t , I"\ I fl' 1111.;~ f' ·'' Ii" I I I •I '' :1. 1 " " l o'I '' ,, t • n·•' 'oi d1•pu'!l !'\\ 11 f",.i ''1 4. 111"1. i ·iull•I e 547 5722 e v ;, M b" H 9200 '1•1 \I \ •1•1tH .\ 1\tll\!' 'l'V l ~1·nt.d Cn. ·•I',, 11u: 1, .. 1'1 ',.n.t1111111 I _.....:.___ ----ncr: In flf"ll' l1nrllorrl mll<l 2:i· STAR 110 ::~S7, .1 ~f'ls nf ~;;;·;;;';'";;;;;;";m;;;.;';;;;;;;;;;;;;.1 ill'vr 1:r ·1:,\l.I. 11 'II <'<111 l Htl di! '1}11 , • I .'\ ,{ I! "' ' ~ 1 1•1,. 1•,011·•1•!1&•" \1111<-17-!'L;-1 ,\l.J·:l •bricl.~011"1•ll(il(),f111•1.1t;1•~lti•J1nf'fOl'il\f'I"\' I '' I o, .. ,,,.,,. •••l•·••l .. r.1 II"'''"' 11 • ,,:~ l t +: 1 I 'I ., I s111 s · 1'~1 rr ., ' \ \I \f1 ·~,1!1 -; ; Sr)F.\ l ~·d -,,11 .,,, 11 ,_...1 rf":i"lumhly prwcll. 611-'1[;~7 ~·irn., Y • \J'. 11lrl ~111<1 l IHI~ lll•ht sell 1111111,.d i.itrl\" ! I I' 1:1 1 r 11 \ ,d • \j ! ' I •I.! i.( I l I'!·" ~I l!'il~~ ·.·.,1 ;•,. I Jtll I 'in I '111' \ill I k·tr lif'!\ ~1·1. ~,,(') lu1 IJ!1li1. j -----,<.:l:r,phf',l'rl, i.,,,~.; ;iJI. thlltll''i\ 1~!!}--106! hr lure J 30 1'1\I \ \I I J:('\f«t"rTV:Sl::j L b 87S0 1'1111_a•11 !• ll~f.-5672 11,1.' • 'l"I"' 11 1 111 ,,i ..,11c.p 1\lll1\.1h u[ ~·!. 'l.!:li!ll ;·:,,_·~,·12 I um er _ \\••••\11111)~ I-' s. i·lr<111111' I~·" • • 1,,,., '"' 1,• 1"111•••' .c 1•,,,.,,.,.• Al'L.'. Rf'glsterecl ll<'11na11 17.c.-0:.CDcA~\.~D~-c1--S"lAUFFl·:H h11l\'11; ~"11 1111: I ,'•<. ay~a1cr 1011;·., ,11111 +11 ltll.:. 11\i\\l~1 ,,\11 111.1iiu-. \\I J,i ,J•·IV1;;,~,/111·rr>ali,;•in.I 1 1 " .......... :W 11foot l /:ihrpht'rd pups for salc. l 0.,,,11 7~".ll~rd l l.l~" \ . , 11 ·1 1r 111arh11 ,,·: h'l Fnrrl G,1 a\1", ·~--I k -· J < I I I •o· 00 I ~" ·"' "" l•1i.,1l•11l• .:.11 ,, i ·~i:~s '"111 l\lrl!11 -'~'.'.!!l~J 1''11 ;11•' ..•.. , """"" 'w ~ ............ ",,.,: 111<1c · r1nac., ·'· anr 11. 0 .0 1 $:i00 I I.I I . __ __J.___, IJ G t;1hl" s.nv. ;,tfi....726:! R I I l"· •JOOO ''" .,,1 • ay l<Ct ·••• l ~J1.1rl••. 1; " \I I \I T '' -.•. , .• 1 --------UI 111\l':ci; "'"'""" '"'' ., ,,,...,, ~· z D ' Co. nalboo ---,\1'(111:.~ • 1: ~-~,,.-ilOZ\"K' k •J•"l •t•J I l'<O r tu1~n<'oa f.'\/\J",\ .... f'l(' 1 ...... ~.ol•'·1 u1:r1·~;\l ,\I , ... "1h•·1;;:i«SS Zl'..~lrll'l'\.purl;,hl<!,l •I'', ,/n.. llRy sp r i;y•.-,., •. \' ,VII~ ••.• ~ .• l\l!NIA TU R I'.: -• I I ' I 'I I I hlnnr! mntrmr r.11b. Orig COSTA MESA ... Cl'NAUZERS L SEA Sco ut s de~()('l"A\ely i\J;111y 111n1s11.il 1·u 111· lh•1n 1:,\<"I\ !/!JOI~ l\IPOr,1·s 1111• II! 1 n~ ~ ,111• .. n ("Onr. ~·'GO 11 12,0 "l" 2_09 Y ,, 1 '., • cnamp1011 need a l\ll\IN s~il for 22 plu~ 111t.:' .~k1~ S.: 11"111•" 1 1~!)1; 11,11,.1,, i ,\J G1~-i.'J70 i\lr Thoui.1~ 1111• ;,~J-6:1&11 to~l .-. · sr ";,,.,-' _BUILDERS SUP_PL i;tnrk. AKC 1eg .. eves. FOOT ALBATROSS . 12111; lJunniu:,: !l1 , 1.1i,:11n" -C,.1-1,.0 ,1,-1, -;--1 rlJ--KJ r.;G ,;tic ma11ress & hnx liOO S11prrior. C:\1 .... JS-2826 4!1:>-<1:,;q .,~.,5769 _ , 1 . 1, .• reoJ( a}r r ,._.,, nd' 110 I ~ B<'a rh. 4:"l1-!!M f T I\, Eih~n Ahrrola , ~I i-Fi & Stereo 8210 spriiig. uvuu C<J ition · --Cl!. SJRED BORZOI u=sm=:-ol!&t~boac:--.20,-.,1c"c"c'1~kcec;el Jo' li r. j\ l 'f 1; I: I· ' I 11111•'' I -"' r~e·~·rd'. ~J10-4'l.1J I 1v \/"\I Iii' ;111~u!l\' \•fU knnw ~14-~1211.~ . . FREE TO YOU !Russian \110l!bound.J Pup!!, 1111.!IOO.t. Couldn 't !rU fron1 lol\\l'h''· 1111111!.11.•·, t,,,,.,._ I,_ -------I I I {01.l>Sl or <Hi1" 11111dl)11 an F..· !em. COU.JE. Show qual . ...., .... lmm••"IA!r'. s~·~ • . ;oit• 1•Ht11;.: fu1· ;i 1··•~ l111y · I G 6-212 5 Cd ...... ~ "'"" .,,,. ' 1::11111.11 r ~1r1 \\,, .. 1\11~•' ! Sewing Machines 8120 , 1 1 11 1·nnd. 11.000 Bl U, U~<"( C'Ol.Ll ~: .t ~h<'phrrrl n1ixed, 1.l-'11~1'1. l lh, :0.1 Call ?.ton . lhtii 'fn. li\2-87~2 Fi r-· ",1 '-1111 <1,-1 ~.I'..'.. -~-~-~~ "'' '1 :-;trn... 111t ~t·\rr:i 1111" ~r2-•. :~1fi-..O.r1'l r 1•·, 3 >». nl<l frn1ale. pl,y/ul, 11·c R g I JI • ·· · '-, ., ]tit''l L.:l:'l 'l'P It 1 1 l:it.i9 Cnn11lf1nl'11I .~-llt•lu\<' ---•"" <']{. as.sell. yr o i , Lt00-14. 11w:Ylr<1il<"r, salt~. ~"Wl'l 1 111 ~111rn• .•!(1-I•·-"·· · l·" • 11 ~·nu 11·a ,.,.,,1,,,1,. nu~!rl~ !hiii Lani 11 lJ1 iali1y king hf>•l-qu1l1rd i::enllc & aUcrtiona!e 54S-ll1 49 ;111 ~ho1s & pllpt>rs $30. & , .. 11 'Q"'P· i ;OO/oflcr. --r"11""I" .~ 11!.; l·•i. \Jakes c· I ···' 110. I 10/4 61. 071. • " P1\1'1'• ,o,;\Ll h·•lt '<'io11ld ,,1ll1!.1l1n:.: 111 r:11-1• lll 't>d•'fl •Ul1J'''le-unu .... ..., I. v.111 11 ,)-·' c--· ·--·. ••<-·.• hulfllll hoh''· Ill '~'<·a~fs. ~J F. ""11 uuu D'fV"V(}.l<l 1tu·111 .. 11111i.:•. nlll•'' !•. "I :11! \ rar "u.u l·idl pru·•· .S'U!.Z4 , , •h :\n n·.•~1111:.h/1· olfr1 I S2.iO ~fl ,-, ,(· 11 knds !:'·6;1::6 \\llllTt. 1\111t•ns 7 11k~ ol<l. t.11NI SCJ INALl.ZER PUPS LIDO l4. fully CQUIPl)f'rl incl !11~1 ,,1~·1!t •"l•'l'llh .. •1 ' (),I I I \1111 .... l<fll'-<'11 'lol'l!I~ •'<ill !'l'lt!t;11T IU'.A t ~f'/{'r Si.i . n1;-il!• nr /1•111;ilr , sn-3121 AJ<C ••1 ~ 1.1: 111 .. 1.'<1-+ihil· .• ~.. ~ _ , r11.c1n~ g-car & lnry trailer. 11 !1i•1· lti :11 .1. l h !, • I'"' -----------lu ;1 11.1111:<'d . 1::1-7t~'.J lk'thl~>i11 •.rt. $j0. Call :.Jr fl,r. llJ/6 _::'1·'__:'::0-6.)9,, or :1.16-33!!4 Likt new. U!1-l,1iO Tu,1111 :\ii". r·;.1 ~~usical Inst. 8125 .·,1 \l'.'''··1·z .. _,., r,.-,.7,77r'. ••pJl! .1'lfi-EH4 rn1s_l_<\_'_T_o_r_>o_•_'<_•7h-r"ll-l:itten _..;.._________ P1\HT t1111r honic net"derl for KITE _ f'Xf'<'ll!'.'nt ( nn'lltion ,, ,, \' 11' 1;. ~HI I 1 ... ·'I •I -1:111.iilt .~12 n !'-•1•· a k<' !' l'RA.,1 1 ,,,.,,. '·'·''"·' p.1lnt ~ llk'S •ilcl, ll<)U.~f' 1Jt"tlkc11. "' ,,,,,,,, ..• '" cct•• ·-· . "\l l J \I' I~ h l 2 ~ ·--'-' ,vi '" .S!rl().Sliol1"1nonr1ng $\;,p,,-1111111l11~1', 1. 111k•. I ' ! "I d I;'' . ;i~np ' -(' <l!llll' '1 '-\~I (' 1:1 !". •1 11.tl l(ll9 S[ll"AY<'r, 5 gAI !'3fl, U!;{'d .l 54~-~j.q..$ 10/6 61~1481! monlh. 67:>-29lfi :•lh111t1'-. 1111". h"il'' hn\1! I ~ ~f""1 ' i·~. r" ~ "I' '· I 1n r1111hl1 t;1111 •1r lit •l ollc1 !1n1<'s, 11 1r,tra~ • .s:;o .~ll<l'.);,7 t'IL.l. ll!R:T "~POOKY " _ 1111xcd i;hagcy PEN'~G"u"i"N~-,-.c1c1~--"1-1,-.,1c,.c,,c. ;ind 11h:o1 11111 ~111 1 11.01•·:' 1 l1'"'11"1" \ 1 ••npul<.. ~\,t , ld:l-·1~·~ lo' fu1'• •I 1"1 (.;000 Bellone & Zenith * \lfit.7::&1 * " ,,..,.. infl':i !o•n1L•\l,1 1,1 .'1~-11.i~2 S:IDQ, ~,,,•t ilu••• 101 ~sn J.u~t l-_ _ . _ ____ hlack ~-h~~A Apso-poodl c \l'/fiail &. trA1\('r. Top COtl- 1.-.11,, ~1T. 2 1111;,, s SI <'a. i\1.1\ /IP)\1'" k !. I! ~('l'l<'s '.M hl'a ring 111rles ln pcrtect 101·1 ~~· $3J. 499-2128 dlt\on ~A!), 8~1-8598 Gi\r:AcJ·: s;i1,,-~11so· 1l1'1ll~ '•l·-.",4)0 ~1, tl'fl 1\./Atll-F.\1 strn ·o cond11ion, 1511 each. 642-3228 p• 'YFUL & c kll " ' u.• rrr.y llnt1e -LOVABLE Scottish lrn'il!I" SABo·,-' lflc 1111"11 s .• o. Sa l s .. .':illll :; •'Olllf)rl!lf'llT .~··I -up l .t';\1'111!.! E" II , 21' lens. \Viii rlc-liver lo'""' p••ppy, l•m•I·. AKC -I I l !A,\1 ~!0Nfl 1;1· ,,1·i;an, 2 LADT -S ' amon" n lli;:", 3 " '-2 1-08IO 1l.1n-lip111. 'ltifi ltohln l nt'll l.r!'ll!' :<plo·~ ll"n rlll over 101v11. t.lusl srll . :~lli...&172, 7-iar:.d J)ivorrc . .sacrifice. honir. 8\6-0i6.ll 10/4 regl~tered.968--43G4 Newcomple:teS 6~•6,,. L~in<'. f'nsla i\l!'s.i $:;rl0fl. ,\\u~l Sf'll SI600. 7'='='=1·========' l -'-'·_1·0;1~_&_l_af_'<_r~fi0P_m~---4 KITIENS, box tni.lned, 2 LAB RA OOR/Welmaraner· KITE No. 676· nd * ANTIQUES, di ~ h,. s ' f.t)-1\il f\ 1\1. R d 8220 Firewood For Sale ca.liro, l hlk, l blk/"•ht. Puppies, have •hots $5. Aqua Blue. Xlnt co ' f1irn1!111r. ln1s of l\11.'\t'.. Xnt-Tape ecor •r• &JS.8969 10/4 • 67]...3848 * Sun, ~I A\1.:. l'~J. r.r1 Plum--rn,,""Jy ~;ixophvnc ·': ca.sc, M0-9887 673--1916 COLUMBIA 21 C \I 6t2-J30'L 1 , exllt'llt nl co001l1on. TAPE llECOnlJElt Stll J Pr, larllt:s 11i 8 Bogner ski 5 l\flXED Cock'f'r puppies, 1 RARE be11utiful, mahogany met, " · Sl95 • ~146-5894 aft 4 pm 1 s1"1 ~~ ~cad phones, ·-$10 11,,n!s $20 each. 646-5720 wks old, medium si1.ed, to Toy male Poodles, AKC.l-==·=~"-'-=-·01""l70=•"-'-,,;- COUCll 1n ~ood c-05\•d : · 'ff . Elect. ullar + 2 10 ~fl('aken,, $1 oil ea. goocl homri;, fil6-4(M2 10/.4 Sl2j. Ca ll 968-2555 POST-WAR RHODE:S 3J brcnkfo.ct ~rl , ktni:; .;ije btri l ' Jl.OP:B. i C•ll ,,1,, 'llec 6 PM B0\\'-1 Red \Ving Hunter 50 J 1 k I _, ND 'l IE I AL' Sl -o " " "" ,. .. N S f uffy ill"m, rm ... e. 2 BO.'"rON T•m·,, Pu-. 8 1 . • x-moor111g .... ~land, 111;111,. n(l1rr trpms. am1.1 1 -64r ~·--" r,1-.... o.:"7 lh r.,.auty. Uranri c11·,: el' .~ ps ~AL fl .. I \Sf.~ 01·11ni::r .. r .l\1. .,...,,.,...., --------.~~=-I fn i\flfll1"<'1nl<'. :.1~--fi.1 1 :> Gray, 1 black k v.·hite. call "'rek~. AKC. black & \\"hite. OR PART. ~904 e\'t's. "" 6r;)-()J'i9 10/G '.~Mi--0925. P:tAT No. 269 T-10 Borg Warner 4 11pd tr;insnihision, rcbH, like GERi\IAN Shephl'l'ff, 1 yr. ™"\" ol!er. &IG-2.Jl2 old fcm11le, i;::1I. 1v 11 h ------chilrlrt"n .. '>49-2677 10/4 ~Xll POOL tablr, top •-ond . Guinea P igs 494-8974 1140 10/G Purebf'l'rl ~hepherrl Pup~ Come sec l\1an111 & Papa 6 \\'ks o\rl. MS.-1621 BOSTON BULL p11ppir~. :tl8-1627 11 fl l Pl\t GREENLEAF PARK 4.1'..!-~di ::_,~·1 ,\ l'l r\I 11 r~11n111~l•'r Trailers, Utility 9450 1.1 .. , xln! i11 clear. clran, cool Co~1.i Trl.1\lLf.ft frnn1c 11',11, t.lesa , Ne\v 92 space Ad111! br<1 krs. dollv j,1r k, Pa1·k NO\V OPEN' Mob!!" I-:':":"'=·:'::"::·:,.:;:,':.•:':::,~:"=== Jlomo Display t.lodels &i- Sales oUice localed at Park. MOTOR HOMES OPEN [;;;;;;;;~ft 9215 9 AM TO 6 PM ACCENT MOBILE HOME SAUS 1750 Whittier Ave Costa Mesa 714 : 6~2-1350 s UYri\Yhon1c s4195" 1nt;il r.tu.~t ~11rril1C<' 2 BR 10x~.;;. 11·i1h 11<ldrd on nl0n1. C11111 p. Sl"\•Ufl In :1 Still' P11rk. \\lrk<'nds or all~r 6 11·kda~·s 892-1!1.l I MOBILF: Home for AA!P., BR, famlly .'!l!Ct io n . Landscaped. Cali an 6. !i36--1863 J2-<j2' I BR, J!l(;ll Rn:rarl- n1oorr. Xlnt roll(!. $WOO. Nlre pa rk Pel nk. 111~?.I LUXUR Y 20 ' 1vtd e v.·/Cntalina \•1r 11·, ~ D' l'!C trrnl'fl porch. 5.~2S4:'> BF:AUTrFu·L Adu!! Trailer ho111f' S14."JO. lrl~AJ for rcttttd ro11plr . AvRiil~blr 11 n w ! (;12-200ll ~27 \V. \V1l~n11 l 'i\1 HtA!;H !;I I J DODGE HEADQUARTERS FOR MOTORHOMES DN DJS,lJY THE All NCW DODGE "EXPLORER" Stll-ctM1l~1f •It-alf ,.,,1. t1M l•1, t.n ~•" •1tll '~"•· 'llt~I~. tllfJI t ll'L All .,, ••. )I fOC1, 1' fGQ1, 1' 1001, 1 ¥1.t.tl• f l«l«C· 1«11 .&II .,,110\ltl C:tll Oll. --·-------~-----~.· --..---- DAILY l'!LOT IRANSPORTA TION s.~tun1av Octo ber 4, 1969 TRANSPORT A f \ON--TRANSPORTATJON TRANSPORTATION I TRANSPO~TATION Imported Autos 9600 lmportllCI Au... 9600 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ruck1 9500 lmp:-rterl Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 9700 UsM Cera 9900 Used C•ra 9900 Used Ca rs 9900 1968 CHEVROLET V2 TON P ICKUP t1i r1~1d1 1 \' ,1111 1 .,1 fr.1n,1111~,·i.n1 1,, 1·u) ,, 11. ru~tu1111'J!1, l\1·~1 ("1,1•1 11,11 J ,11'~. l'IH•Oli!' 111.i •.~, lo• "I <1111y n1ti1,. +, : 111111 " _i1t,1J 11\111r1• n1•h, l ,, .: .. l~i.J t:. 52499 ,1 I ,, I , , I , J 1,1 1 IL\!lRlll' GI\ ii ('u.~1.\ 1;c1·.~·'--- *-VANS * l•I Id l"/1• ,1~\" l+•"•I t f 1·"f'~ :-.l.ii'I ,,I\;,,,. ~ ,,.f' II 1111 \' • ,\ .,11• .. --------FERRARI FERR AR I Nf'\\T;or! llllf)vrl.J L1d. Qr. angc Counzy'1 un.iy author- ~)r·n rlr<iler SAL! .S·.'i'l·:l:V ICE-I' AfiTS ;J]\llJ \V . Cv<t~I li11y, J\c11 por• B~«1rh (i·l::'-'l.111'• .. !1)-176•1 .\11!111111l• '' J'ri l;'\t 1 o c ,,Jrr FIAT -------Y"d lL~. i;p1 t'Jlf', r&h, 111>1':!, 11ti•·rb. 1!11-.~::::i:.; ,., f'l'. --- HILLMAN 1i1• Jiii l.)!1\.\', I .spd 11 ·1•(' ,,'I IJoll10:111 for ~p;,rr !i<Jl'ls. ~Jl,i '1;2-S!fi!l JAGUAR • ·: C!11h \I "•·"' • I '·' .I \t,;L ,\I( KUSTOM MOT ORS I 1 H!•l\"r ,.;, , ('~•I .1 i•·-.1.IJ 1 1 l\U lil I 11 , d '1 • "Ill II I ii :1 -b1 ('(JRV_\IJ: I' 11 ,,! )I -Id I• f'll ' ~'.~i· !II(>; " " ---__ __,___ 'fi~ <'•ll 1;nl' 1'1111 '1' •'I jO' 11r-1 · 11• I I" ·,1 • •I- I • 'lll•io· C!1r11n1r II l I' (' \llW< fr,, .•h-:ol\:)~ ----....-~~ I, I ,I\• .L.\1: :; il <l i11'l1na t11· ::-. ·.i.111 1l.\h1·: n~'fl·.n . di> ·~\·11 KAllMANN GHIA C 9520 :'-·I l\·\r:\1/\~'N' l.h l as . am'!e!~~----__ r 1 1"d 11-,11<"J'"rt:.t1011 <'«rs or '" 1 . 11 11111::•;,1 11•,1l•·1r rl . S!j,, & StJ!J. I I ' J 'I •''I''• ~ii , .. '.!I I.! I, "Jiil Hj'\I\ l",1'1 I I "''•'I' ==.:::======== l'Jlll[''fl. \l\1 I, l•I ho·'I 11t-f- J, 1 . .'CC ". ,, ,I""" UI MERCEDES BENZ ;J!~-ll~l'! 'Ii I 1·-"1'd 1·-r: 1, J h ;, I { cah-{1\'f'r l·,1rh1'4'1', <111·, \1111 1'"lld. \\' 1 J l ·rt! , .1111pr1· '1:~ 'IJr\'•'•'ll(''< Cr r11. 2~0s 1 .i .. .-.r 1STJ\ !'!\!:)~I 1\1 r f'Oll· d1l1••11111;.:. P.:11 'rill r nvt•rs, l'H!Jil pa1n 1. 011J_\' S'l~.'i. !his PORSCHE '67 Por5c.he 912 Coupe Glt><utuni: rir\'f) avocado r:>-- tcrior "'t bJ;it·k 1n1er AJ\!, 1-'i\1, 1 ·hruulr "'hC'l'IS, · tiun1p- i•r h111 ns, r11" ln1rnaculatr llll'llOUI. J1rtuµort · Jhuµorts ::ron \V, Coast 1-!wy., N.8. Gl!-:Ho;, 5 H).J76·1 1\lilhnp1rd !llG Drt1k1· '69 Porsche 911S Targa $8595 .00 ,\ gorgt>uus •'<JI' r ·1 nisl1cd in spc('1al 1c1ni;:r·1·111.-11· lull TOYOTA TOYOTA SPECTACULAR YEAR END SALE ALL MODELS VOLKSWAGEN YW BUGS fi'ROi\1 $399 YOUR BEST DEALS GOOD SELECTION ARE STILL AT DEAN LEWIS -~ 1966 !!arbor, c._r-.1. 6-16-9303 C &i '68 Toyota Corona I' l-larillop. auto. aretk whuo. ~~.. ,osO J\:la)'bc .,..,c'rc cn1zy t:iut ~139.'J ·~ ... .J p buys 11KU~STOM· '\I' MOTORS l1la<'k 1111 .. 1· ,\ln1 us1 iu•w: Sl,'i Baker St .. CM .':"10-J9Jj .ll9. 3031 Ext. 06 or t>7 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA u•il.v :1.'1n 1111lrs, !'i••.' .~· d1'1\'l' Open ·111 9 Pil l '0 "'1"'"'· 1 'B,..I""L"L,.----,1\;--::I"'A,..,X=E=Y '68 vw J1rtuport .ihnports I Hl'ili Ai• cond1uoncr, 4 srid d!r T RYJ!Yk>ITIA~ loaded! Hon~y c1"C11.m' ext.: ~ ··......,.. ---• pl1J sh black 111t. Ta~ sn1all 18881 BEACH BLVD. down ur tradl'. Low, low 'auo IV. Coast l!ll'y .. N.B. Hunt. Beach 847-8555 pymnts. VHF'890LB. Call til~-~lOJ S-!lJ.1764 3 n11 N. of Coast J-hvy, on Sch l<en 494-9773 or 5-15-0634. A111hor1zr'd i\lf; Dealer ,,. vw 2 '68 TOYQT,\ Sport Coupe J • dOor, 4 speed, ·~1!J PORSC JIE: coupe , $1700 or niake offe r . radio. heater, beautiful red ,\,\1/F,\I. i.;h1'0n1r wl\/'el~. 833--0769 aft 7 pni or \1•kends and sharp, RUM 140, $1095. 111nt•d ,.,,,Jia11~t. pl'fccd to I ::=::::::::::::::=:::::::::C:O.:-ol Car l'a l\Iotor Co. Inc .. 1941 s1'i l Ev•·-.. ·l\(J-4.:i7!J Harbor, C.i\1., 642-0'1!3. -*'65-CONV ERT * VOLKSWAGEN ·62 VIV Comp<'t· $UOO or· Xlnt 1·und .. \II »l1';1s J11 1 pot, .66 V\V s 1 1w-blk n1akc offer. Great cond, nds '"r1. Ollu~t ~rlt, 6·Hi·!'.':i4 ' · nr · ige IV/ int. paint job. 6i3--0289 ~1 111 l'Htlil Tar·.:a, l•1 1111:.:, 11 it !1 :'llu,;;1' .. '6! POHSClll~-lliOO-l ·~,\,.~ p11.u11. ~Int <·uni./. S:!91i0 or offrr. 961:1-71411 PORSCHE HI!!. l'r11·,d1•' r1111s, Xlnt 1"~='-=~~~-~-~ ('Olld . <;1":.o. ~i lS-2716 '69 V\V Sqback, lo nilg, xlnt ,.11 ,. cond, .~2500. '69 V\V, 7 pass, '' ''''" rrv cng-, ra10, bl ,. "\ t '\' I 11 1 ,1 l ue & 11·ht bus, Jo ml~. ,1 ll !'>, ,\ I COil(. " US $3000 c. IS-"357 :-.ell. !i7~2l:l77 or ~i'.l7--487.i. · J-J · 1%8 V\V Bus, xlnt cond. S26."il '67. VV.', fact air, !\lust :jCI] o1· inake offer. this "'Ceke~~~~ Call 643-1803 '6S VW Sundial Can1per. Xlnt Wt: PAY CASH ror w ed cars .Ir; trucks just call us for free l'Stimale. GROTH CHEVROlfT AJk for Salea Manai::er 18211 Bearh BJvd. Huntina-ton Beach KI 9-3331 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR for eood. clean used cars, all n1akes. See George Ray Theodor~ Robins Ford 2060 Harbor Blvd. C.!11. 6'12·0010 Auto Leasing 9810 LEASE· RENT ORDER YOUR 1970 TODAY FOR EARL\ EST DELIVERY All popular n1akes. f ord authorized leasin~ systc1n. Gel Our Con1pclitive Rates Theodore ROBINS FORD :!OOG Harbor R!vd. Cosla ille~a 642-0010 Y' LEASE Y' 'l:iS Caditlac Coupe de Vllle, fuUy l'f]Uippcd, $129 1110. '69 LTD l'pe, au-, PS, PB, radio. $109 1110. '6,i El Ca111 in-0, $700. SOUTH COAST CAR LEASING 300 \V. Csl lh\·)', NB 6•1.J.218~ CADILLAC 1968 CADJUAC Cunv~r t COUPf'. Gold .. A,ir, A0\1/t'ill. !elesoopt whf-el. Extru. $-1:.9;>, lik~ ne1v. Pnvate. ·199--259:1 '63 CAO. convertib!t>. F\llly equipped. Air. A t-.1. ~, t-.1 , leather, CLEAN! good con- dition. SI 0.10. 1147--0408 •CAD '68 CdV, blue", air, full pwr., Ai\l/f!\I. \ m Ill a c . $44;)'.). Pr ply. 67~1380. CHEVROLET 1968 Chev. Malibu 2 Or. H.T. Factory air . V-8 • au10 _ r / steering, vinyl top . n1d111 heater. Llc # VtNllJ9 $2799 SUNSET FORD 5440 Garden Grove Blv(I, \Vestmi11s1 rr (7141 1136--'\010 '61 CHEV Bel Air 51.'dHn R&I!. "'/ws. alt', d ean. Alt;o NSU Iashta!:I\ t.~lupe Call 817-192·1 '&1 COUPE iie Villr. AM-Fr..1, other extra.~. Ply. $1095. 675--JG3.i. all', Pv.i====-====== 9900 CAMARO 2·DOOR HARDTOP '68 Ca1naro J:!l'. R.S. PIS V-8, aulunia!J{', factory <1 11', H .. H. Auto. 28-1 Knox St. CJ\'! PQ\VCr sf'.!cring, po1~·:-r bl'a· 64:J.:r.J91 eVf'!';, \\lill trade. kc!';, radio t; heater. lmma. culate. (UDE: 7·13) CHEVROLET $2295 ~ Dr. H.1·. v.,~ . aut o • P/ ATLAS 1964 CHEV. IMPALA ~!('f'rini; • rad1u · heate1· CHRYSL£R -PLY:'llOUT!I Sharp car Lil' # 0;-i\\1619 ~9:!9 HARBOR BLVD. $1099 COSTA Mt:SA 546·1~1 SUNSET FORD Opc r1 De1tly '11J 10 fl.Ill. 5-110 Garden Grove Blvd. 'tij Chry~!rr Nr1\[)0!'!, 4--<I!'. \\'es!n1111s1<T 17111 1:136-\010 hd!p, fJOllf'J', a1c &•lo\v hluc FORD 1969 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN 10-pa.~,;. 11uw -fa<'lory air . P Sll'cr111~ . P l brakes • 1·a - d10 -hl'J1!'r • Ju~:;agr nick · S1lll In 111•1Tt-1nry. Lu: # .'::1'1\.J~J. $3599 SUNSET FORD 5-14-0 Ga.nlcu Gl'<.lVt Blv1j, \\11;sl1111ns1rr 17141 6'.;(i.411\n 1963 FORD FAlRLANE B<1rk1·l.~ . itUl<o • V-.~ • rai.J ou .. hC'atrr . J{l::J 7.l,,, $199 SUNSET FORD J J-10 G<i rdt n Gl'!l'f' Hh·rl \Vcsln1111."1"1' •ii 11 1;:;6-l1Jl•l ---'!. '69 FOr:u 11.i:;u11~, J11 n~ Belo11· li lur 11"11, l<w l,"1 h;d!•: 10·)1JSIC.:l' l.'l'IJ 11.1,~(HI, IO·pllsn::1· L!1d11,1r ~i"rlan 11i1gon. 1Jrii11 Ja r1 ;111". J'J:-\, P/B, 1•xl1';•."-ti!tj-{l~S·I, vr l'\'l'S' ~:!,~-7)JJI). \l'IOVJNG-----oul;;r-;talr. 'f,(i Bu1ek L•unvr1·1. \Vlldea1. A11-, full pw!'., till stcrr. wheel. 111;<; 11 hl'rl ~ L1l;r 11r,1 . $1900, ALSO ':):> Fo1·d $:0'1, 6-12-::20:1. ~~--~---1 '66 Falcon Futura V11lly f<i•'l<Jl',V rqu111pr1L l1lr. ~1;~1,,, Phonl' ti l~·i:O:!;\ =~~· c---1 l!JliO Gl::Rl\IAN l·-01·d. 17 ;\I Clran, nrw lll'l'S .\· 'D!i CHEVROLET Caprite. book. \\'ill at·cepl ol!l'r. One 011•1ie1' car \\'ilh only t173--·IS08, ·l~·l--6:i£3 Need~ 1·11;; 2·LOOo n1iles, has all power + 1-----------:~1:-:-;:;T\i \l'Ol'k IJrak<'", $:. 0 ' ~<'f"il .11r' ,,11-··'·'j 1 -~---1 fli-t >r", l:i p:i~~ 1•11,., rr I l'l , \\/!•I' II' 11• 11' i I I 1 n \ I J' , S2 ~:.11. ~r.-:-·;r•·-., 1:, 1-~" :-1 "''"lit'llil .!1111 S I r 111 o n s ----------- '68 Vl'V. $1500. In exeeUent condition. cond. szsoo.U __ ,_ed_C_•_•,;,• ____ 9900:,:::.: 673-10£1 air conditionlng. Absolutely CONTINENTAL 'b·I CNTn.\· :'quire 1\;1g,111, l the cleanest one in !own. ---;;-;-;:-::--;;--::==:=;:::;I own4•r. 111! <'Xlra.~. lop r·<>nd. Jin1 Siemon.<; ill c r cc d c s '66 iDR Continen1al, R.l:H . l\h1s1 s('ll i1nq1rrl. ./lfi-7-,;;:1 Benz, 120 \V. \Varner, Sanla arl'. P I ~. P/ B, Jealil''!' ;;;:!-~-onD-Cunv('1·.i1l1r. Runs _A~'"c·c'0"-'00_1_14--.--.-.-.~ 1 11pt1ol, 6-1\ <1y srHls. :'\1111 good. Sl'J."> 1964 Chev. Impala S.S. cond. Ol'lg , Dii'n<'r :<S.000 11 :-:11;.::1n1 • ~une Buggies 952 5 ~ ! r• ' t 1, ' 1 .,,,,.,. 11, I •1 I ' " I 1 hi'" • \I'll 11!, lJ I '.'t•.'~·' •.' ------ II ii ' E1::,\LI' P '< ! hll'~"I _ 1,' I I ! I 1.,1 i "-:;_ :'1!.:i1\I <'\!I' , ti!! I 11 ·1 1· • n·~, 1111: lli• '>1 t ', l~uJ.1l'O " \ ' ' " -·--PLl~I:-. -1:L(;1;), lll••'l'l.'I·· ... l'Od:,, !? 111•·, h,iJ . ll•d\t tfri. ~-.. 111 111 + .ll'.l!>. ~J ,,,(l t-~'l-P,•h FOf\. ~ii'' ••I' I I' .1 d I' Cor1..i1r-pP'll 1'< rl. 11.i~l~ 1•111.;· ~.\ ~1:.·1lll',oil ll,.1·~,t.7:_,,.,.,~ -------~ Imported Autc=> 9600 1 ALFA ROMEO f. 1 ,\!.I \ , , " I•' IH•'• •; !l'f•'" ,,!11(111 . \ ,., .• 11 J~.\'; ' .. I ' ' , + ' 1'11·< AU STIN HEALEY I t \, : Ii ' \\ , I·, I' " ' I •· I I I_' • r· ti :~.'· 11 ' I 111 I .< I I 1• I l CORTINA '67 FORD CORT INA ~r. , · (. 1 "' : I ' I ' ,I ------ DATSU N \------·- ~1('1·rt>Llr~ l_;rru. 1:1J \\I. \\':11'rn•r, S;;nta Ana. :i l!i~l!H . . Or:ange County's · , J,.a_r:ge5t _Selectio·n · -,. _•.1 .. New & Used _ , !-:;> 'Mercedes·.Bent· . Jim $,!eiiio~s, Imps: ~•ri\.!r''~ M•m .st. : . .. nia Aria · · 546·411 ,,, \)P['\'i'f'll'" !.i•'I)/ dl<')".!'I. 1.-.r' 110111 111•'fl .. 1n1r;d •'•111- d11!"11 univ ,,):(1, 11111 !ll'I<'•' 111!:-'10,krnd 1fJQ\I :lli'.11 .1111\ :-.lrrnons \} r 1 c r r1 r :- !1•111 l:!O \\' \\,;r ll('I'. :'i!lllH '"'' .d1~111; ·1;:.i 1:~J "1111• I, ", 11: i ' .'--l., IOI • (1)1ldilll.H\ 1 ;\!II I :-rll-Br~t f)l\(•I' _,'" ,. --------\], ,.,.,.,1," r .. •I !/ Ill<'>' I - '!,,I 1<1 •'hu'>. l 11 IH!I )\OlllC ,I I' .<!Id ,jlil1i111~I H'. 1111 I: '' \\ l'l'I •·rid fl'OLll ! 'j 1,\ ,, , 1 ,) I !•1 <11•h \!· 1·1•1•d1 · l~•'tl/. IJll \\'"I 1 J, ::,,.111a A11.1, II\~ ..:.i's . Xlrit ,\ L HI!. :';91~.I, ' • ·~·1 1 , '.l<'l'<"l'tlo•-:--J :;.111 :'. 11) :C,f•.' '' I II'; II";+ •·Ill Hllf' l1k'' I", '1 I 1 • (',111•!,1,11111!1- ,. 1\ '>I'• I• ti I,• I .\I! dll ' " ' II ii \I j111) 1111' \\'. +t ,\ Ill ~I ,. 1'1 (• !) ' :, r · 11•· • : ,. <11 1:11 II I\ .11'' ' ;-to I I \!" -dl1 11 I\ 11 1 ! \ 11)1' ~-1·1'!'1-1 ·•I I. i , '' "I' '11 ! >Hl\d, ji]"! 'Ill (,li;.1,,,_··~ ' T 1' 'I 11 '1Jll I'"' 1! Ill •, n~t·•I .\11·1 1 ·•I<''· l'J\1 (-IP;oll, I I r 111 . 11• ., ~j ,() I 1_ -1t 12 1 , ··~ I'' I :, t •111 ol ' • I• ' •' ··!) MG 'Ii .. p11 I\, Cr1,1.>I 1!11~ . ,'\ I~ r L"'~ll:; -~!ll·lilj.\ \1,1:1" I' \ \](; 11~ ·It 1 " ' \ll; 1~ 11 11··· '64 PIC KU P I l''I'' 111 ~'""l • r,nd11lnr1. 'I !1"' .~1;-·.:1~1 .'• ·1 .. 1,, ;..;n .,I 1•·•11;11~ 01.11111-'------------i:-: !'IJ•·;-,110\°;Li-· -- 11,..n, 1r•1I , '1, "' 1•11 , d\1·, • .. • 11111 t;!l;r> ri .1 ! .. •1r· i.1111111 'S.i~.J I • ~dS-'ili7", • r[f}\1n, f1nn l'f\ Jir·tl', 1'1111 pnrr ~·1~'( 1 1·r1 .z~ ... '. r.dl .Jarnt'<; I'.! I Gli 'II' ii I> H"" I ORANGE C OUN TY'S NO. 1 DATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN 1 ~---.. :, r;..,,, 11 Dh•I. \I >111t d'';. I di 1: ' >I ~?.:'"'I 111 -i'H '!! ENGLISH FORD ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES. SERVICE '6~ l•fODELS Immedillte de!lvcry LARGE SELECTION Theodore ROBINS FORD 2flGO !!arbor Blvi1. OJs l!I il-l'c~a 612-0010 MGB '67 MGB ·GT Coupe 1:111.; l''d 11 hJ,,\'k (r.•1hr1· ·•,'' I \ r>~\\ < Ii I! ,id~ 111 I 11 l,1 ;!ti (~111 111111"' ;\,\l r\l, • , , < I 1\ I i!•<'I, I•\' ·1 di ii(',. I\ ii'~' ,\ tw. I· ,\. 111·11 1::1111.rl Ill r·~· \I 1t<' I ,, I'll ,\.: 11\'I\ {'II In 111· 111 111 1 r !. J2rUJport · 3hnports :1l'IO \V, C<Ja~t J111•y., N.B. 6 1'.!·!JIOJ :i·I0-176 1 1\11t hnri1rd ;l !G Dr.tler !llf;B 'fj i i•1nv1 reel, '"ire 11 h<'rl s, J'<'flll 1111,..d. Sl!l9:i. :-.1s-r1111 r11· :;.tl-1:1:11 MORRIS '61 :'l!orris-(J:>-ford, f111r ('ond, $100. PORSCHE FERRARI b' POr: SCI ll·: 011, u 1r. ~por1- f"l!'\EST t.elcCllon .11 Qn111r;1· I o·niaH•·, ·! 1(;11 1111 I h ll--bh77 Coun!,\'. S\"dan 2 -'.', r.T!l J'1·1 nwn'r F1m1 s2~ .i.. Gr-..2'lr'i1 J'(Jf{SC!l!. 1%1; ·1 ~./' TJ ff.: ::;1,;;-,.· ;\'J:\/I ll:<:'J-~T' t•t1 I l JJOO "\'.-rr! $1'') J)AI LY J'ILfJT \l "\N'J' ,\f 1~· 11·;111" 11(1~'k. 67:,._u;/11~ -------- '61 Porst.he S90 Coupe ,\ •·llrrry• t"';l;il·ian /111i~h 11•/ full "(u1 1rast1ng 1111,,1·. r\lisu . l1111'1_v fla,dr,o;~ 111 "l'<'l)' d1•. lc!J1 J1rtuport 3ltnports ;:100 11". ('011sl l!I\~' .. N.8. tiL'·:1u1:, J 10-!Tb4 .\1111\,1n1t·d l\.lfi D('i'.Jk'r [.f/ )~(J l{S(J-l!::. {'\('11· p<11n1. l'l'hli l'llg, '>ill\ l'Orld, $1900 <JI' t•lf<'I' fK)~-7!41 RENAULT ROVER ·r,~ 1:n\'1 It ~'\J\i.'l, 1·:~1rr1111'ly \'l.-n11 :::•,OUU 1111 l'f'l'ff'f'1 fo r ~''"11'-' l.11ilil,', l !Hkl' ••fl1•['. l'l'I I'll 11t\ .. ';,.~K TRIUMPH '66 Triumph TR4A fh1r1 tl•,11\V 1~::ul; II !1H•lrh· on~ Ii .•lhr1· 1nlrr, 1-'1111.v "•1111p 11wld ra1l1n ,\· I' Ir{' 'I !i !' P J :'<, li11il\l)r1•;tl1]P Ul l'l'"l"Y p••1\f1•I J1rtuport 1hnports ·:ion IV. Coa~I !II\)'., N.B. 1;1~·'.!\11.1 ;,l(J-lj61 1\11 lliql ll"tl ;'II\: !)••;!11·1· '65 SPITFIRE J<~:: '11!11.--.. [111J1;d1 rrd int . 1 ~pd , dlr, J .. l·•dl.\I I"\ tl~d !·;~.-·rllrn1 n1n•L Blur• i..,.,1, ~1~;.1. r·1111 Pl'lt'<' ~I0."1U., 11 11] 11n1' n111 ri1·1~ ,'\1l%,,1,,!.B ( .11! I 'i+I) l'.11[lj7':1ot' :, l.1 ll,: I "'' I I'll ;\.IPI I ·11: •I • ;.:nnd ,.,,IH!lh"ll • 1:, ... ,.,..,, '1•-t::\ V-S . fact ory -air. au10 . P/ mile~. S'2:l!l.i. 67·)-2.So:: 1965 FOR-D MUS=T_A_N_G~· s1eerini;: r;idio • hca1r.r. '6J FULL cq111p. Ch'an, lo t'<i\'l ur·v ;,II' • v.~ . aulri . PH: 67[;.3286 TRANSPORTATION CARS !!16:1 V\V, J.l,000 niilcs. Good '66_ V\V, sunrL R&H, stc1~eo, Lie# OP\.260, 1111. Sl:J[)(). DHys !-,!~J..1 1 7,l.j !'·~[1·~1 ·111". i·itdio. in'all'l'. $1199 rvrs j.Jlj--3642. j L•«. # ~'J<Vl\ll llWPORTER MOTORS cond '1ion Tuk , P11't"l11s, ski rack, chains. • . r ove1t.·1--11 r.·1·''42 p11yn1rl\I :<. Ca ll 8~2-7.169 • ust sc . ·>' li-,,., . :6:• V\~' B11o; :\1anv c;.;ii·as. '6!i V\\' Bug, x!~11 condition, S:M.!O oi· tra(.lf' !or "v1v Bus. n1us1 sell. 67.r-7937 alter 2036 HARBOR BLVD. COST:\ i\1 ES:\ SUNSET FORD 11599 ''"' G""'" G'"" BIHL CORVAIR _I SUNSET FORD J:::O. 548-5294 or 548-851 I .>43-1~:il FINANCING AVAILABLE: "(i6 VIV, Oil<' {l\lllf'\•, Ailf/fi'\1.1968 ,v~v. i!U!O, .r/h, COL'() '63 SPORTS sedan, 13,'100 1n;w, 101) ('Ondition. 673-3406 1 mats. 11ake olfrt . Pvt. ply. . . . \Ve s1111ins1e1· 111.11 636--1010 '63 Chevel!r i\.lalihu SS. 327. 1 spd, Hursl linkagr, 11c" I 6~ CORVAJR. VA.\J S!i2:i or BEST offrr :-..IS--0111 Strvr. 847-6206 mi., air, pwr., vmyJ to,,. Top <tllrr !::;o pnl. c:onditlon. 49--1-3232. 11n'.~ & brakr~, 11r1v n1uf·i::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::= '6·1 V\V Bus. borJy xlnl ronct _I::::::::::::::=:::=:::== 1=========== t;m f'11g in ;.;lnl eond. $1200 VOLVO Hers ,\· rcbll n10\or. Xlnt concl. ,\!list s1H;r1fk r Sl37:). COUGAR bi."r-7:>18.'i l96fl VOLKSWAGEN, like nr1v, ch1·on1e \l'h('{']s, radio s21.-'l(I 01' bes1 offer 613--881 1 '68 V\V Bus, t;ood cond. J\ol ust S{'!J! VOLVO CLEARANCE NOW\ 142 . 144 . 145 . 164 THE LO\\IEST PRICES YOUR BEST DF.:ALS BUICK or brsl oHcr. S-3 do.ys:1 ----------- 8~G-2~21 '67 Coui,:ar nietalllc ~rcc n '68 Stuck R1vie1'a metallic l c.,0,-c=hc,-v~,-,,c,.-, -.,-,-.,,-.-,.c,-1-.a-1-,,·,1 ) bi<ick vinyl. ,\ l r al! blue/black vuiyL ,A, 11.. 3 ~pd, :;:;.o 1,_1 ,..11g. Bl. power S2WO, J 1n1 ~lrn1011s poll'cr. Bench ~1n110 se<ils pl'inied SjJO. :1S:O:l Srr<ing Pl. J\1enx·dl·S Benz. !~O \\'_ \\IYIV ]()() only :\'.ll:'>O. 1l11s C.i\\, \\-a P!l('I', Santa An<i . :.IG-1111 11·eekcnd. J1ni Slr1nons '66 ln1pala :1--fl!', V-S, fa ct l\Jcrccdcs Ben,,. 120 \V. -P/S p B 1 CORVETTE Iv . air, , I , J'a( 10. new a r n r r , !:ian1a Ana . 1----------· ili-4! l-4 tll'Ps, Onr 011nct· .. ~1:1:l0. .}• . ' 837~672, 83ft--7479 '67 CORVETTE, ;111', ,1 ~i}t'I, BUICK ~·,. ·•2.·r. •1, 0 1ccco==""-eocc;=cc--,--..,-1 .1j(} 111i. rC'd 1111ou1, ll11ni;11· " ~ ~ " '66 CHEVELL£ "~00" ' I 6 e"Cl')'Lhing~ :. 1 '" • S387:1. i:11-:,9s1 11r;. :"'l1ek. Run~ g(}(){] $ 6 .1 O ---- ;i:11> r.~1,.ll·ll C111vr J:lvd 1 :1·r·ot111111~;~~:-;ij.Jf!lf1 J~-\'oq 11,101 111r ,·l(•an"'I 1i~:7 ''"I'd 1-il()flr li,11·dtnp. 11111,v l'll\J1prird , 1111·! fuel ;ur. r·nll ~1;~-'iJ~)( J:!!J:, FOHD 1'1111.v :'•11111·", on;: u" 11rr. 11'.{~1() 1111 .. ~11 (•onrl , l'B/P!-,, 1ir·11 l lt'<'" v•·ry clt«lll Xlnt ((111d S\GjO 6J: .... o21Jl -I 066'~F=o=R=o~L TD 4 DOOR HARDTOP 1.. ndnu 1 .. p _ 1 ... ·t1w.v ... 11· I'.,~~ 11111" ~ /' ,1o•rl'111:: I • 11111. l\!'!ilf'•' l.1•· # .\t'.\'U.:) $1799 SUNSET FORD B1\RG :\!N: 6 .. ,, ,, ,,16 •. ,,, ti12-22J2 afler 6 P'.\I ,,,..T4l.>/u ~ •. m.l ·vs CA:'ITARU :i21 1:.s_ ,, :-:. DODGE ~"Jo i ;,11''''1 (:(''\•' r:11o1 1966 CO>.'VT. Bu ick \\'iklca1, 'JS . . . 1 11, -1111111·,11 ,, 1111 1 !i."i ]l•i•' lull 1111 1". 1111 $l•·rr 11hcc·I, r-t~l;. Aiuo ... ·l ~,nox :-.t., L~I '67 DODGE DART -- ------61.1-2~11 rve~ \Viii u·:i1lr. n1ar,: 11'11rels. i\!us! ~l(c. SIXKI .. · I \\'r11l c 1vith v1 n,111.,p, <111 ,·.,r1. I INTERNATIONA!.. 6'12-:::?'i:: .17 2 dr Bcla11· han!1op. VS ditioning, a11to_ 11·:.n~. p111, . 'M V.\V, ra(lio-h('a1rr. 'Nlt:.X· tr;is. Convcrtib!r .. ~\:i(J(). * C<tJl ::.-1£-.J27S * * * 'j1 J\lor,g;1n r·('l!ent cond. .~1600. S~'.'-:'.71 6 a/1 :i, al l 4. CX· firn1. doy FREE: rqu1l,V-A :; s u 111 c 11·11 h ~l;inrl111·d fJ'il!\.~, fl ll l'l'S\Ceri1ig. rarl10 <ind healrr, py111ts. 191.>3 Buiek Skylark. "nr:. & "1111 cnnrt . %S-6l£:.l !ll11st sf'll , $1~1:1. :::'J.000 •1r1g. N:-r, ~78 Kno,, Sl.. t:.:'11 'liJ Cllcv,I' !111po.1a '!.Dr. GOO<! ina! mi les. Cail 637--1156 · \•11;1 lr1l1'1·11,.i1.111,.I T1\11tl~11 ,\Jt· 11 I•' • 1,· !. ,\r·\~ p.lltlt 1;:2 \\', 1111~011, r· :'11 : lil-:1:.r~ -------------\1·kend~. 'titi V\V S<1hat·k S109:1 or lrade -=~~~-,,..---~~ lal"'rr (·:n· or t111r k. Canipcr 1!140 Burck Coupr :\[11,:tial. ~1i:J1 ~l!(l, 83~12::7 Xlnl <:ont!ilion 646-:£7:! c:on{L o\uto, V-8, $1200. 0 1'Jglnal owne r. ~~~~~----~~ 1-'~'~,_:,~·j~,,~~-~-~--i===~:;;::;;:;,:;::;;=:::::: I '63 Buick P.1v1cra. il l!", JM-l NCOLN ,\[,\CULATt:. Joade"d, ·:i7 Chf'vy Non1ad flREBIRD I ~'---------'. 7r,:;;;-;;;;;:1====;'6~8-<~ll~j2~=== 1 -~I 1 T.'i. •194-.JO:i:l ·ffiv\v Drluxr 7 pass bu~, :\'e1~· pa111 ! ,\, uphol. [~1.1 Llo,1 .... ,11 · Lii1•'•1ln Ion· '62 BUICI\ Con1pilc1, F:/H, Nicf' cond. ~>19·1000 '67 FIRERlflD 100-PIS, a ir. 1111r111.;I ~('dall ·;~1,000 11 11lrs, _,1111 rond. illany .,u·as.· Auto• Wanted 9700 I •. ,. I S:!t;o(). j l)l.:;;1;:;: a u!o, x nt 1,f'1v t11~s. S3 J, '62 4 Dr. C!!Cl'Y I1npala. P/s, P_\lra~. P1K'<' $1S!l:., Crill 4 li1,,11d llP1\ 1 ... 1 l1nr t1rc1. _____ _____ 011ncr, 19-l--492:i Pl b. P.arl1:tl lirr.s. Xlnt afTrr ."I fllll (:iH.i--0872 i.\('llJI',• <Ill •'<llid, f111l l(';<\11PI' ;rusT Serr .66 '~v c'"'"'' WE PAY CASH fully cq111pt, lo1v m1 , A-1'. fl<''! •1ff !i l2-11J.~6 ,.,.,,, CADILLAC '.'d \'\\. t 11slon1 t;1n1prr llu,, FOR YOUR (AR 'li~ Carl1llac E: I cl or a <lo 1\:'ll/l'"':'IJ radio. ,\Ju~1 ~ell ~ 11u•1aliic grr,.,n/hla<:k vinyl. 1!l-l-ff2 j'\ CONNELL All po11'f'J" ·1 <1 1r ~. s1erro CHEVROLET <VF!\ ::2!11 buy ii\ \l'holcsalr 1ir1~r .\,;:;9.i. Jin1 s;1cn1011s cond. S£j() 5'\8-:?li:J4 i 0========= \~162 J'.\IPALA . Xlnl 11·ansp. CH!'. .~12:,_ Call afT. 6 pin '.I I\, clay~ :l'l&-0311 ·.-17 Chc\'Y Bl'!a11". 2 dr. clean Call after :i ti-16--3-! l:J 'JS Chrvy Non1ad ~lal ion FORD 1968 FORD GALA XIE SPT. CPE. ·1;n V\V Bus l~::\TRAS: i':l't''-.l!ll-l:i3G7 ZS~~ !{arbor Blvd. illl'rcrdcs Benz. 1~0 \\I, v.~ . atllo . P s1r1.,.i11l: . rn- cl10 • ht:u lc1· L1" # \VE:C:>:,;; $2599 SUNSET FORD Costa t-.fesa 546-1.200 \\'a rni•r. Nlnt:;i ,\n;i _ ,J.16_,111.\ \1'11.;;on, new re --1 I' tad ~ '\I '--;c"'°"""c--~;-::;'"';;--,-,,. 062-3R8'r .-i110 Ca!'dr11 C1·111·r 1:\\d 111:(·t'111r 1111111 1·•1nd. Pri1·a 1•· p.01·1) ,;,.,,rc:r r;r11r1 1 1!~-~;::o 1~"'° !i7 1·••~·.i; "' ""· ----'C1 L111,·1,(11 !'1111t 111«11::•I doiOI, ,tll' 11•111' ll(f' (;,~.\ ._,nl} ~i:~:,o. .r11n Sl('n1nn· :'llrn'!'dr.; n""I 1:r1 \\ \\'1-tl'lll'I', ~;o11!t• ,\11,1 "i~ti-1 111 MERCURY '()(i \I\\' f:('dan. Sunroof. V.\f. N<'w paint ;<.!us! r .. ~1 nfff'r. ,)•!S.--8168 . ~~11:1 LVIPOR~ 'YANTm 'b'7 C;vl. Sl•dan DcVlllt>. fiill ~ \l'('.<lt1111n.~1('1' 1ill1 tl::b-l(ll•I Oran .. e Counties '64 CHF:VY II !'lation 1ragon ---'66 l';,1·kJnnr ('r•nv1·r11l•r .. p11r., facL airs .. ~trrco. All '61 ~·uHV 1 I 1111 4 rl I Top I BUYER I , ~ Pv. Ply. $:l00. '"' n~i.· 1 . · 1, Nr" 1 .. p .~ 11rr' ::..1.1~1n ar-----ac<'l;'i;~. o-11·nrr . ._,.)iv nn.. ''"n Pl· 1•11· ·' l~i~ VIV ~qt1arcback, S300 BILL M'~Y TOY,.,,..A 67?.-l\7.'1 .. JU ('n-:. s, ,, rti1lo 111;.I r11ilr" P 1'1•·,.1l 1.-, ~c.11 ' ,._....'°' v~ ~lnt rond. ~129:1 or lir~t of-1 I I 1 1 Below Book lSSSl Beach Bl\'d, .• .. ran~. ar '"'" ll ll" r~lras.. "If>-::::~~· 1n:r;-,.1 11. <'lf'tllng, frr Call wkOily~ fi7.j....JJ.;Q h,1 l111rmla s .-,, Xlnl rond !17".-·1 I~'! i.. 11,.rkrnd" ·-• :,11;.~m1:':0-'-..:::;:;;:-l:"~·_:Bo'o"ch~.cc Ph. 8·17-8555 1111ton1, f{S·H. 1>1s I -'G!i Ct\D ron11. folly crrn'rl 1"·1· 1 01<1) 11·1; I I I 'ti.'i \'\l'r1no.nrir110,(hra!('r. Wll B " * ~i4G--Ol:i~ • ·"'' • . 1r~•'r:1n. i,.\ \ll'.lt!'\I:\ \Jio11!"C:'' I. uy ?.I)', ~lrrro, golrl , L kil.11 Xl11t f II \\'I I II l!n"d , 011d1l1•111. ~I O II O, . . 1 \' , .,.11-.,-1-. -1-11. :11r, 11 f~111r1·. II!' 11;1 ' ,1,. .0,, 11.. ,110 HP !11~111 111 ,1.1 •• 11 r·n1a1 P1·1 pt:-t1,,. ! " ti.i 111p ·~~ .... -1 r · r11• --~~ . til''-""'' ~' •11t1-1>:;1 1.,,.._ s, \\~r nd~ ;'lUl n ](Ill, Pt". /'/I:. F~i! '__:_.'.:_ 1 ir _:____-·• 1 1i.,,111111· !"1111 !"II -rr1 rt>. 1:;\:.1,-.,:-,1,"\•I ; ,,, i11n~r" You 'llj Y\nu r \·1il\\s11:11;:;loln c rPPoelsclhc 1>:1:;-IKl~'l Hll' $9S:, !'r1\-Pt~ li1'.'-'l'l1: 1\,1; ~01\1• \L <1r11· ,, i rwr ,1111 l•t~d 'il li~I +114-f•j;j I I I 1 1 ,-p.1v tor (u ~'" Jlr DJ _. ---;., .. , .• --, ·:;,~1~111 \h 1.1 •. n11 1 ·r ill :11.•il 111• 1•:11 ti'f 'I i{j\ \l)'ll :-1"tp11•, '111 •ll• ;i11 :llll,1/llll! 11111111c1· n ·1 C 11 !" I 1' ll'l l',\!I FL!::Ll'\\'000 11 { Ht;\I (JLf f l OllJI• !01\ .-''''"I, 1 ,1111 1,111,; )'J'•V Ii 'if'~1nl•d'I\" ('!~ssi!1crl orno. '1 ,api · · '-· · 1 t111d r1· 11.11·1 .. 1111 -~l r.~.1 (l l\\ ,,i t .. 1-:7.,,-1•~1 1. '' ''· .... · 67:'.·09~-0 RRUL:GlL\;<.! h1o1-. Pll'h \i:1r, nn rng111" io:!. ·l'<I · • lt\ll'•'f (',.jl 1,11:-::111., all I Ail ' l 'l1erk thrill ll•Jll ·c.c=c-i)~\.1)~1''! $.-~I -,.l~-(101,; '_'"'':___'.·~1 __ -:-. _ __ 11.•~•llt I!<· I ,,fl, 1 1.1hl' ~--------~==·=---~==-~===-~-PV 1-'I _,. 11a111~ CLt::\!\, 111-!"l,.UO niilrs --------- 1 ·r.., (i11.I:;''' :'\I 1"11 ri l ~·111. ;.~:-.-.:1'1 "11' li-!l i-li',+ 2 Imported Au to s 9600 1 1.,""'~E'd Autos 9600 e .\ p r11<11 " ll"i1l1.<:f)O l't11t1on ·;i;1 C,idiJl~v. :O-:r dHtl d" Y1ll~. '61 lil\P.\L1\ .SS, I'.'::': Pl_H, 1 'J•I. l i\11~ \l 1-,,1,,1, ------ VOLVO EXECUTIVl CAlt Se<. #'18 3S 144 SEDAN , R & H, AUTOMATIC CORONA SIDAN IXECUTIVI CAil J:~ll l•~lory •11uip, plu• •t· d:o. Se" #0907, IJCICUTIVI C41l COltOLLA SID, F111! f.c1. •q11:p. s ... #41 71 $183660 $1790°0 Dean Lewis Imports Or~ng• County's L1 r911t •nd Mo1t Moclern TOYOTA • VOLVO DEALER '''' HARIOR 646-•lOl C111e M"• l'<11·, P1·1n1"1plr~ only. 1;00(! cornl. :'ae1'1f1{'r! $J'.l.1.1 <1t11u. ~1111 •·ond ~:i, ... \\lll j PS/Pl~. ""I" 111<'"-,\Ju~I MUSTANG 612--067\ 2127 Collr-ge. ll4G--."1486 trar!r/f1n~11~~~ ~i·ll • Olfi·li:>ln Imported Autos BRAND NEW 1969 9600 lmportM Autos 96001mport.a ~utos TOYOTA'S BRAND NEW 1969 OVER 9600 IN STOCK 60 IN STOCK R.eady & Serviced for Immediate Delivery WE'RE DEALING YOUR WAY THIS WEEKEND!! 8 COROLLAS-Sedans-F•stback Sprinters-Station Wagons e CORONAS-4 Door Sedans-Hardtop Coupe5 e MARK I l's-Hardtop Cou~s-4 Door Sedans e CROWNS-Station Wegonl--4 Door Sedans e LANDCRUISERS-Hardtops-4 Wheel Drive Wagons e PICKUPS-4 Speed Standerd Trans. Automatics -4 speeds -fa ctory •ir conditioning -stereo tape dee.kl mag wheels •nd many other options. • Many Demonstrators at Reduced Prices • NAME YOUR DEAL -WE WILL TRY -EASY TERMS •Select Domestic & Imported Used Cars Below Merket Price1 • JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS 417 W. WARNER, SANTA ANA Open Sun. 11-5 540-2512 • ----.7-;--~ r o r:o. '6~. 4 di'. Ii lYL 1 I 011'111'1', \'Cr\' l'l\':OT!, $1;~:1 C:ill ll!'rh ~11~!il;ij'/:>16--S6!(} I ·1;_·1 i\h1."1:1 11g r.n. ::.~1X"rd _ :\1111, f•111 r'I, S~l ~ll-:,.1fl-01'.\1 I I Used Cars 9900 FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS ON ALL CARS IN STOCK More Than 200 Cars To Choo5e Nom '69 CAMARO Spo't Co•p• $2999 V-~. •u!n , f{&!l. f',S,. 11 hlir 1\·11.lls, \in~I l t'l\1. !!111 .. 11 t:lil·'. .C.llld 11cr,vlic bu•11111·r f1ni ~h 1\llh hl.<1t·k ''111~ I nu·iL Y:\'\V !j,"1 1 JO OTHER LOW MILEAG E DEMONSTRATORS GOING AT eANT ASl lC DISCOUN TS ALL MODELS AVAI LABLE •CAPRICES •IMPALAS •WA GONS e CAMAROS e MALI BUS 7 hyt Tm JD ,,M. 18211 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach Hwy. l' Se. el So11 01_,o Fwy. Phone 545-8863 or 847.6839 Open 7 Day1 'Til lO P.M. • ·' • • • ' • ---------------------------------------------------... ' SJturi!1y, O~lolrr 11 Jf1G1 OAl~'f rJLOT TRANSPORTATION -------- Used Cars 9900 ~NSPORTATI O N TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION JTRANSP0!1TATION _ 1TRANSPORTATION Used C.!lrs 9~00 Used Cars 9900 Used Cars 9900 1 Used Cer.!_,. 9900 UMd C•ts 9900 -C ----TRANSPORTATION I r w.AN ~~OK lAl 10N [ 1 H:AN SPOR.TATION Used C•rs 9900 Used C•rs 9900 Used Cars 99o'O MUSTANG 1967 Musta ng l andau F11etory ;i ir _ P ~trr1•1ni; _ I' bL"iikes . au10 _ V·S. i.1i.J1u . h('&1<'r • Lh· # UtJFG!~. $2199 SUNSET FORD :i 110 Ganl1·n Cro\'f' Bl lil \\('!>fHllllSl1'l' li\I! (>~l:·lll]ol '67 Mustang F·aSibac k H igh pc rfo1"n1.inrr. .J ·'ll I bright yrllo11' 11 qh l11.1rh 11·1111. !'IL\HP' ;-,('<' 11 .~. )ull 111ll liuy 11~~ Ort•11 '11! ~- KUSTOM MOTORS i;.r) H.1kcT ~r. 1'.\! ,m.,:i1.1 ~-:.1us1~ 111<·t.ill11·-;c·r,1 I 11]/1•·1\ \ IU~l ,\ ! !' 11'..11•1'1' s 11;;·, .11:11 1'!.:1'1'•'•!\'~ 1;.-11, I\" ;11'1 lt'T' '-'·1111 :1 \ t '·' -..1. ll!hll· 1.11 \', 11;-1111 '6,1-.\J l ~L\:\I , t'•11l1·;1·1 !;O!CU:I, II<'\\ ILol.,,, ;.;wd •'Oil d lllUll, •r!>• "llli•T, ~li :J,i o;:: 1ilJ•11 ol , ... 1. '67 11t.::--·r.\.\t. -,~1.1 •. \\ /"II', I 'I '>'. II!'\\ \\ 11 I•' I 1 I t • 111:·~ 111ir-1•h. \\ill l'\,lll~l<lt ' 1radr Sli!l >. 1:0 ,.u:::•1_ ~i-,\1\·STA:..."1;~1hrn1111r Aulo1n;1!!c. H<icl1u, ltl'i11t'I" Clra11, Sl .000. :..i()..;;;,;19 '66 tllus:ang V-S, aulon~ to11 nc>r. Lo1v n11J('s, Pv. ply. 6·1'.:!-4i:17 :;:--!%''•~) ~.,-l ~L~:-i--1'-"-,-,-S,-h-illv L•HHlrit .. ~~-w eHcli • 1:: \ ~,2!111 l o.~.,~l'U~,~.~\'i-'.l:T.-1~~ S:l!"I II 1•·1•'. ! ihll" !" -•Tl 10-. ,\,,k111·: Si"'l"i ~l1:~11;1 .1.-.1- "L.1 ,\h1~l<l;-;-i-;--­ po11r1· ~11·rrun.:. J.;U(jd ht"' .~iT11_ C;11t 111.1oa; OLDSMOBILE \9,"i9 OLDS S11]X'r S~. 4 Dr Full p11r, r l<'1· 1111(.]";:· :11r cuml J<vrr~\11111~ 11111h'' 6.1 Cli"l J. .. \."tS, I··'•. p·d, fl!JI 111/ll('l I'\•""' I 'Uld. si::fl 1,1! 01;-;- !il/ULIJSh1 !.ii ••!ld J:l..11 . • t nrw hn--. l'1I p•1 5;:~1 1. f;-lfj..llJ~'i Enormous Eldorado Sale C aclillo c.~ 1967 ELDORADO ~\. •. 1 .. 11•·u J:r d \\ilti 11 1l1h: 1111~1 l••l' , ·"I ••«I 1"!!1 h••1· 1n\nt'!111" :i1r t'flTU11 · 1 11.n1n~' -1.-1r·1 • 1\.\l-F'\I r:td1<1, l""'•'I' : • t\. , lilt fll!tl lt•J,".!'OJ•I . .,.l<'1'r1r::,.: \' 11<'<'1. 1~111 •'l' dunr l•H'k' . .\lfl 11~ ulh•·f 1·\IJu• l.1 1· :'l:o. \"T;\lti8J $4595 1968 ELDORADO !->an i'llntcn rt·d, b!a('k \ 1n,yl 1C>p, blnr!;: J11t<'1'if11·. nu· <"t1t1d111urun;:;, ,..1rrro A:'-1 · J \J 1·:1d1v, t;..1,.,y ·"""!, 11!1 & l <'lr· ~. ••r " '1''"n11 "llr<'I. r'1111 1·1· !l· .. ,r I •I~ \!;ill~ ,.ihc1· • 11.t~. l.1t·. ;\u. \"\ I·.! .. : 1966 ELDORADO :-.,d•!f' l1l:1<·I;, lilil<")\ I 111.1 I !u[!, l>lar·k I< .<l\io·1' illl•'l'lo•I, ·lil' •••lldiliri111 11~. :-.1"1r" .\.\1-f.\l rad1u. G-11,1y "''<l\, lilt .t 1r lrs\'c>pu: sternnt: I\ )l(·r!, 1•0111 0·1· <J,,.1r h11 ;.~. Li~" !\n. \\"BJG·l!l. 1969 ELDORADO :-il\h\r black, black vin) ! 1011, lili!.\'k h.:a llit•i· intrr11.1r, a ir ...:011d1t1onin:;, ~1 rrrn A:'>l·F.\I radio. G-11·1:1y :oi{'n1. 11ll !.:. l ('lr~c;opr .~IC'('f1)1~ \\'h<'<'!, 11.:-i1.-rr d"or l•1<'ks. '.\!any oth er 1•.\"tra~. Lir. ,'\o1. Y:\"\\ .. JJS Des i reel ca,. 1968 ELDORADO r~"'"'"'"'rt Firf'r111,1. hlfl<'k ,;inyl 1op (... l>l;1l·lt l1•:1the1· Jntf'r!or, 11ir c ondl- 11 ... 11ltl;'.". ,\.\1-F:'ll radio. 6-\•'ay S"fl1 , l il t ;i nd lo·lrscopr ste-erin~ ~·h<'c-1. p\1 r d u1)r ltocks, <'I<'. Uc. !\'o. VlZ2.t7 $5295 1968 ELDORADO Silrr1• Pini• l ~n·rn, \1·h itr \'in:! t u11 ht'('C'n intf'nor, a!r c.:ondi\1011111;. s ter('n ,\,\J.f,\I r<1cho, 1i-11·11y 'C'AI, 11!1 a nd tr)1•,."ol"' -.1.--.rr 111·~ 11 hf'rl, po11'<'r dfll•r In<'!.• .\l••nr C>thcr r\!l'<1s. Llc. \v. XCJ·lti3 1969 ELDORADO l:;1111 j•lll' )-;1"1 ~II ::\old \ 111_1 I !op ~1!'<'11 l~·al lH'l' lllf('l IUI', ;11r O'l l!Hl1!1v11111·:, ,,l••1·ru A .\l-r:i.1ro1d1•),1i-11 a ~· 1>1·:11 , 11ll :>11d l !'l<'~C•1l•h' ~t<"<'l"tll~ 11)1rrl, po11 .. 1· tl>JHI" J,,,.1-,; ... ;\Jany ulllcr {'.,l ra~. St'l"l<d ."\o. 11~11 ::.11 .111 1969 ELDORADO Chahcc gold fire, bhtck \•in~·I tor, b!a.rk \'inyl !op, lilack leather inter- ior. air conditioning. s tereo Ail-1-F'~T radio. li-11-:iy :-.ea1, rill & !rl c~cope ,f1 ·<'i·ing 11·l1rrl, pO\\o'r d oo1· locks. i\lany u lhc1· <'.'\!ra~. Llc. t\o. X\VYI l!l M<1ny Other Clean Late ~.1odcl Cadillacs & Other Makes ta Choose From ALLEN Oldsmobile-Cadillac, Inc. Authori1ed Dec1 ler --PLYMOUTH --, PONTIAC ij,, LH.ns IJ .. Jl:t (Ulljl('. 1 ..... 1. r.I. .\lilt ,-,,ud, 1 011111 r Stt!OO ti;,·,.1 ~!I '65 PL y t.10UTH ·1·-11;_0 _1.-,,-,-T-l.\_C_I_<_·"-'"-,.-,,-" .~ 11-·111t". ' rlr 11 r , l11h I.• 1 ".,,I ~. 1,.. 'I air, J•ll I ,; •. , ' Ill''. •II' 11.i ~ li.nl ,.,, "1"1•111 d 1.11 •· .\ltt.-t "'I 11!"'"•1· 1)11• ll•tl1 II 111 tin" 1"1 I i" r.1 I.!:. ;\l'l"G1ll. C".,IJ hru. !'.•I ~;;;, !>I" ~1 r1-fll,: I I, "ii Ill<''>, SJ.ill <11' l\C'-f uf- i<•r 11:::.: ~:i11l111r~ \\"::r y, \ 111\IT,lt\ f"' .. rk. ~.~::.?J.1 1 1966 PONTIA I ----GOOlJ lr..in~p1w1;ot1ur1 , I Old' f;~. !1111 pu•I• r S7 1 9ti2-.~ ! lb. -----~-~ "GS CL"Tl.1\SS S\l!•l"l'J1\f'. :: . .(I (':1:,:. p.~ $.: pl., <i ll'. 1 Ill~ I i.11 1, S:li,l)(l ru· h1·-.1 1o::·;-.~:\"!ll -== PLYMOUTH PONTIAC "i-1\ /'l.\lllUUlil :);tif'lb\r-<«•11· vr i-t .\II n·1-.1r-1· ;i11· .,111;. s:1:.o I, .) 1,11 St r• i'I H 11 ~ ;\l11 1 ·1•d('~ r:r-111 1~11 \\ \\arn,r. ,...:,111., .\11<1 .. ~ii>-1111 'i.-.: t .H.\\"U }•1 :1.'\ ) 1111 I" 'I',' I . ;i 11· 1'1 I p11 ~~I'', • 1 :~\--ll ;; Tllf·, ,\\'\ ;'.1'·;11: "tl<TS un lh \ll.Y Jl ll.C1T \\ .\:'\: r ,\IJS! Used Cars 9900 CONNELL CHEVROLET IT'S ''CREAM-PUF F'' liME! LATE MODEL TRADE -INS '64 El Camino cus·oM. ,,._,, • .,, ''•"1 r;11d o N1b80S. '64 Corvette COUrE A '"e•d rod10. ~ ••• , UPZ 016. I , ~ '• •• s995 ;~,~ •. ~~s~~~~ ........ ; $1595 1 1en·~'J ;io "f' "''"'~'.I. ••'l'•o ~ •• 1~1, TBY '10. '66 Chevelle SS 3?6 CO'.J PE ""I~ '''·'" O! •• , •!••'·"~-,~~: ... h~~lr · T~H ~o~ '67 Ford \flagon C"l'i· >~d '" '1 P•"· !Jtl. 0", P.S., R,,rl. tUNM 11 8 ). '66 Chev. Impala ST ATION WAG-ON v.a. •1110. lt•n•. powtr 1lt••i"9· ,.d;o, ~t•i•r. SU Y 11~. $1595 s1395 ' '66 Chev. Impala $1495 Convtr". 1'6 VB, <I 1pced, R&H, 26 ,000 m:lt1. ~ZBE JS~l . '68 Chev. Impala $2295 CUSTQ/.; COUPE. Ayl<>. !r~n•, l•~'C 'Y .;, tandil1 oni-.9, powft r d •,;,.nq, ••d•o . htohr. VTL 28t. '66 Chev. Impala Conv , 1'16 v.1. • ,,,,,.d, ••d•o " h,.1 • ._ 16.000 4tlu•I mdci. I ZVE J55 l. $1495 '69 Ford Galx. 500 $2795 1 dr. H.T. l'o tl o•~ .;,, •u!o. lr•nt, "-"h . P.~. 1'-lo. IC817 8. '65 Corvair Monza Coul)t . 4 •l)ttd, rt d•a .I f.11ler. (SVC 4 14 1. :~.~~!~;:.~~.!on IOlV 45 1 !. CONN'ELL tHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd • Costa Mesa 546-1203 . CATA LINA CPE. I r ~IC'f'I •II;: . \ .g . <lUl•l • r.1- d10 • 1\.-.d \'I' • Jo'! UJarl, ·1,'j I.I .. 11.\,'\,-i L._,~ \\ 1;1--:-J;"1 1•11 :\w1-. })1·,r of11•1·. E\c~. ·' 1-.:-•10lh. i\llr # l l'l!lr~ I SIJ99 SUNSET FORD _--,,-,--7.~~-1.1. 1;i:,\\l1 1·1 :1x. a1r, .• 110 c;,u~lrn 1;rc1\'r Biid. I 11•>1\•·t IW\I l irr~ 1 11;1\,,('~. \\' 'lnllihl<'r o";"J ! I i,.',fi. !Uli1 .'h·u p' ~ li-O~'t{) -_, hl J '0\ "l !1\C ~1<1l1r111 \\ <i;;on, p;.irl1,d "11J.:lll<' J"••hnilt. T1<'\\' 1 1n ·~. 1'.'\c<•llr·nl t'Olld111on.: 1>: !'U.\''J J,\(" 1 ·;~,-_,,-,,~I -I~'>-,-,, 11!1! 11011l'r .. ~~.~)(] ini. S'.IOO ("a~h. :1::1-:l"~ll:-i afl fi 11 kdy~. P0\\('1'. ~·ffMi'l()li I li1 PV,"\T . C<t1al 111.1, !;n.:1. an·, J ~:; 1:u;--;i'o l-.VILLt:. ;;oorl l'/n. l 'I~. ;iutn111. Best of-('011•1. t ' oi l aft 6 p111 OI' 11 cck-1 !1•1· ovr1· ST."{!. :110-~!GJ I "n'I', :-;~~-fl:;!).",. ---------- U"d c,., 9900Used Ca" 9900 i A Theodore Rob ins exclusive ! look for our dia gnostic center se al and take 1he guess- v1o rk ou t of buying 1 used car. These cars hiive passed 130 vital tests for performiince, reli abil ity, ind safety. LOOK FOR THE Dl.l G-NOSTIC CENTER SEAL ON THE WIND ~HIELD 100 % PARTS ANO LABOR WARRANTY 4,000 MILES OR 90 DAYS Co•crt oll ITltchanical por1' indudinq en9int , d ri •e l:ne. reo1 end, PLUS bra•'"· batlery and ei hautr t~t· tem. All repa ir wor• done ln ""' own strYi<e deport· mcnr. '66 BUICI( LE SABRE 2 01. H I . F,,._CTOl"l'I'" ,-,1P. ou'o , '64 CH•YSLER Nt .. pod ~ O+-> s.d. va. F"CTOl!Y A IR Auto P. S .. P. B. IQFF86 11 Cl tv of C,Mt o MtM Police Cor. M''"'•;ned & ••<""d;tion,d 1t l~to40•1 Rohin1 Ford. '68 FOll D C:USTO l.t s1595 "Dr. s .d1 n. l'iO va. P:S., c•Yi1on1•1;c, · I R&H. j I 154S()l c-.,-,-.-,-.-.-.-,-.. -,-,_--,-o,-,-K-.-,-.-c-.-.. ---I Completely reeandillo~d. '68 DODGf s1495 ' Coro"•~. D•. s~d1n. V!. l'OW•f l 1+~ei ·n'1, pow~' br "~"" ~e •h•. 1~158711 •• , l"ONTIAC LE MAN'\ $1695 I' 1 D . H.T. l2' va , powt • ,,,,,;"9· ""'"·· R&H. bucket 11 1h , wid1 ov•l t•••" tRMVi 261 '6l FA IRLANE WAGOl<f $695 Va .A,I~ CONDITIONING, ,.d,o, ~, •.• , ,1"~ ,),,f1. r MZ:<7J~! ---~-~------ ' 6 J l"ONTIAC TEMPE~l $695 Co11oe. 'I •oeed ''""'"':.,:on, ·~d·o .. nd ~ •• t•r. 1Kle9 1!1 ~~~-------''I FORD LTD ' Dr. s ~d. ! own or. J90 VI, '"'"·· P. S . R&H. "ew 1;101. !VT P70J l '66 GMC VAN l 1pt1d lr1n•..,:u ion, ~ •• , •• f1 107 1 l l s 2o95 $1295 --,--,-------- .,. FOllD W AGON s995 q r .... Cnity .•• .i .. n. VI, P.S .• I Yle, R& H, luo;Q •9• ••ck rec~, ( 0R"J~4<1 ) I PONTIAC '6S Pvntiac C11!11lir1!.l, facl 111r, looderl. 21,000 rnilcs. • 673-<1650 * RAMBLER S1-~LL re.aGQ.1111.h~or U-arll!' fnr P .U. "!i·I Rarnblrr 2-door M'lll1n. 612-80-lS or ~8--0203 al1 rr :i pin. T-BIRD '64 TbundrrbinJ hd1 p tor 511. Buy itt l{'s~ than 11•liolcsale $850 J1111 ~lcn1ons illcrccrlc~ Bent. 110 \\'. \\"a rnrr. Sanl/1 Ana.. f1 \6-ll!l f,g~Rn . LamhHL JZ{\~ rn1lcl". Full p11r, air, ~\rreo_ Exc('llcnt" rand. 612-5880 t'VCS & ll'kr'HJs T·BIRD T-BIRD T-BIRD L7 lliu11<1,·rti1l'!I !~t11dau 2 cir lidrp, au-, flf•1-,,•r. 1\,\l-r:\I. Slt:\HP '!i'.l T.J;11d. J•11v 1~~.7 T·f\111fJ, 1 011n('r, In1· Bt1l·kcl ))r,1t ~. \\'h1lc/hla(·k 111ilri., /Wluw !1!111· ht~)k f1,r ni;1". •'•>;id 1 .. w rn1 ~. 1,.;<>1 . vinyl. T't'G 1'19'J only $2<JJIJ. la11t i.alc . !aC"I .iu-, Sfit:l•d !In:; !CHO T Bird }(JI" quick this 11·cekenrl. Jun Slen1011s conh'Ol, ~tcrro !ape. 101,i or s:ilc, S:!OO over low hlue book J\IP1-rcdr~ !lr111. 120 \\'. C''\lr.1.~. ;\J11~1 srl! rtus 1•c••l1~ ~:o r.o J);')·' 616-7i21, Eve \\'urnC'I', Sunla 1\na.. j J0-111 1 &16-02S·I, ~:vc~: 1(;~·7110 67::.",Jli·, No n1a~l-;;;-i-1l1s, y<Ju .-j_.-, T--R1n~rrhl1 r n;,: ', 1·.1111, ,.p JlT ~·-·.,-11-,,-,"-"-,.-, _"_"_· -,~1,~11 can ,;ell ll \\Uh a DAILY :-.haq1. Sl j!1'.l ••I" b.'•I of .. Pl"ll! "'"'!. S32:. 6-16-t:-.63 er PILOT \VA fo.'T 1\D!! ~2-;-.6i8 1\ll 6. f>:::r n:.O b;.";.i n :: • ~========--~~:-'--=~-~-----9520 Campers 9520Campers 9520 Campers 9S20Campers 9520 Off SEASON ALMOST 40 NEW ELDORADOS AND FOUR WINDS TO CHOOSE FROM AT EXACTLY ••.. ' II OVER ACTUAL FACTORY ltlVOICE POSITIVELY NO ADDITIONAL DEALER CHARGES! I 1 "'· to f P-'"· M0t1-Frl e St! I '·'"· to & P·"'· .Su" 10 '·"'· te 6 P·"'· ( TOO LATE FOR SUMMER AND TOO EARLY FOR WINTER! Let's Face It· -It's Off Season For Campers. That's Why We Are Offering Truly Unusual Savings On These Brand New, Famous Name, Quality Built Camper Units. Clearance Discounts Are Limited To Units Now In Our Stock So Come In While We Haye Almost Forty To Choose From! SPEC,AL LONG TERM FINANCING AVAILABLE DURING THIS SALE. PARTS & SERVICE HOURS I 1.m lo 6 P.r'l't !>tt 1 ,,,.,, te 9 P·"'· Mone 7 '·"'· fo 6 P·"'· Tu11-Fri PARTS ONLY f .----· :: ' CADIL Li\C NIN,ETEEN SEVEN1'Y NOW ON DI SPLAY. SERVICED & llEADY '.(O GO • A 1'f!f a,gniiit~e1it-Ex11e 1·ie11ce • 1969 CADILLAC C<l11rir Ur \'i1Jf", Grr ctan whtte u-ith hlaeh lup and lila1·k l<'nthrr inl('l'IOL Full ]KJ \\rr, ta•·tor,v ,11r. r101••'r door locks, s1t;na l l'f'rk- 111t; l'nd1 ... l'lf'< 11·1,· ~r;i t rrlra.<;f', r!<·. ( !R7:;~to:1 1966 CADILLAC \on1·<'rtib!c. Anl lflll" t:ol d 11·i1h tTilltl hi11;: lri1• and full lr>f1111cr ln trrirJr. Ful l pO\l<'l', tal'l rlry a11·. ,\,\l·Fill ra d1n, l il1-1rl•·~1 ·0111c !!-lrrri10: "l1<·r1. 1TS!f7:ll'!1 1969 IMPERIAL L• Rar011 1 01111r .. t"u ll po\\"C'I', fa!'!\)f.V :nr. :<lf'!"f'•' lllf"'. •Tll!~<" cnnt rnl. <"\o'fY J>v~~lbll' i•p111111. l'<iddrd It•!•· 1x::;r7;71 1968 CADILLAC :-01"dh11 Dr\'111•. Full l•"ll•l. lJ•l(1I\' <Ill •tr1·1'•• /1:"11-F'I !"fldh•, 1111-1• l•'~«••Ph' \1J1<><'I \•pll "I" d o1101" 1.,, k•. '1"111•<' •·onlr<il. ril! opll· 11 P,ar .. qur i.:ulrl 111rh !,. 1~" lvl• anrl ,,1.,111 and l<'alh••r rnh'rinr. 1\·(;Y1 11~l 1 1967 CADILLAC S<'dnll U•' \"1 !1". /\-.1wn "hi tr "11)1 hhll" l•Hrl rtrd lop 11nd n1<1 trh1n,: o'luTh and Jrathrr 111· tt·ntor. F11ll l•o'\111'1'. fa1 (HI",\' «ll". A'.'11-F.\I. llll- 1 ... 1r~1·n11i•· v.hr .. ·I. 110110 ·1· \·rnt 11111dr111;., r !r, ITYU0'.!71 1966 CADILLAC SC'do n ll" \"il l<' i\!i:<t bh1,. 11 ith 1n11tehin-;: C"lo!h Rnd 1.-.a1hr>1' 1n!crior. Full po11r·r, fa•·· tory r1ir. \1lt-t. lr.-.1.:upic slr·<'rin).." 11•hr"L A;\J- F:'ll radio. r•111rr dnor Jocks. 1r.YS~.lB• ADAMS ILY • NAIERS ._... ~.._, ci CADILLAC liW ~ 'f' ~ :MOllll ..... (. rt • STA MESA (!' ~ ~ ~ ~ NEWl'OllT HACH '" SALE Caclill ac p roucll y intro cluces e Je,'en 1uagnificent c ho ices o f 111oto1·iug pl easure fo r the spirited sc,-- culies. Each hrillia ul u c w l 9i0 Cadillac h er a lds the hecrinuincr of a n1 o torin" life-stv lc a ntici11al e1 l 0 0 0 ~ f o r a great new era. The c lean , conle1nporary is ly ling c learly looks lo the fnlure and distin- g uishes Cad illac front all o ther fin e c~u·s . And there are uew lux w·ies, ne w fea tures,-uew inuo· Yati ous in all Cadillacs fo r 1970, Test dri,·c the n ew Cadillac J\OW!! SALE s5 00 ()\-1 ·:1~ :~:'~ ()(l .-\J~l 'l')-, 1968 CADILLAC Coll!ll" d" \"di .... Norrnaiidy bltie ''1th hla1 ·k Lfl11th1t1 and bill•' !rathrr 1r1n1. F11ll po11f'1', !a«I•"~ f1 11· '"11d1llnn111g, tdt-lrlc \1hcrl, .\.\1.r,\1 1adi•o. rte. L•1cal onr t11111lr. I \\;ZJ 171 54500 PRICE SALE ~2800 PRICE SALE c i:i. /!. 00 PRICE SALE ':-I ·•1 ;1f~'.'Ji PR ICE SALE SALE $2800 PRICE ( . \ l) 11 J , \ < :s 'I'( > ~l ~l J ,~< ;·r l·'I{( >.\J • 1970 C DILLAC TR ADE~ INS Since the showin g of our Gorgeous new 1970 Cadillac we have taken in many, many trades. Most e very one of the trade-ins is in absolutely mint condition. Do yourself a favor and see this outstanding selection of previously owned, never abused ,Coupe DeVilles, Sed5 n DeVilles, Broughams, El Dorados , Rivieras and C ontinentals. Test drive one today. 1964 FLEETWOOD Full ''"1\<'I', fa1"1 .. 1·y air rHndi !ioni11~. Jl a ~ 1111 uf Cadi1!11r's 11op1iln1· optiuns. BcR11 l 1!L1 l hr1:,;r> ;111111111ob1I,,, (()QB{i16\ 1964 CADILLAC F1ill l1<•11rr. far·1 or~· air. '<Udnn bf'1:::c \\Jlh 111i:.1 1h1n-: rlnth 11nd lr;ilhf'r inlC'l"lur. ~1;::11:.i l ,,.,,,1,111:.: Jil<i"" rnu-,. 1·nn1r1ol. "tt'. 1\\"fG.JJ~1 1967 CADILLAC 1·,1111o'rl1 hl<·. r.1·,,r 1;in 11liit,. \\1lh hlnlk !•ti • ;111!1 IJ!ll•;; f11!1 lo ;,tlil'I' 1111»1 lnl'. F1 1ll \Hol\•"I' 111• J1,d1ni: t••J\1 • r •I'" nll" -hr;1k<'• -'' 111tl,,1• \, 11;1y ~('Ht, A.\\-f,\I 1;11110 1r7\G807:,!i 1965 CADILLAC !f:11rJ!,Jp co1 q,n Ca-rad<' crrr n 1111h n1;i1.J1. 111'.:' • 11,th anti l•·11T111·r 1111•·1·11.1r. F11ll pu11. 1, t11\l111 ,v air .. \.\].f,\l t'Hd10. 1111.-t rlc~roplL' .~L<•f'ri n ::; 11 h•'rl. 1l:Ct;G1.1 1 1967 CADILLAC Coup<' Dr V iii<'. ArtC>~ian turqooi~r 1, ith 1n111o·hi111• o·lulh nnd J,.,al hC'r' intC'l'iOr. Full 1'"""1'. fil~·lnry nir, A711-F:"ll rtidio, 11\1 -lr],,. .~rtipil' ~1f'f.'l"ll)!.; 11 hC'C'I. tTE:'\90 I 1 PRICE SALE 51600 PRICE SALE $1400 PRICE SALE s'./110 0 --~ ~ PRICE SALE Z'lOO PRICE Your Foctory Authorized Codilloc Dealer Serving the Orange Coast Harbor Area ABEflS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 5 40-9100 SA LES DEP ART MENT OPEN --8:30 Al\I lo 9:00 Piii Illon. tluu Fri. e 9:00 AM to 6:00 Piii Sat. and Sun. NABERS CADILLAC LEASE DIRECT lmmedi1te delive ry e Exce·llent Selection Over four acres of ultra modern total Cadillac facilities desitned to better sell and service new and used Cadillac automobiles. All CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SA LE. ALL SALE PRICES EFFECTI VE THROUGH TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 19b9 ' • j I The Reasons Behind Sexual Incompatibility By REBECCA LISWOOD, M.D. DAILY PILOT HUNTING FORECAST: A Good Season For Ducks! ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 4 , 1969 "MOD SQUAD" GIRL Why Peggy Lipton Says, "I'll Never Be Happy" --------''---------------- Ask Them Yourself FOil. Plt..ESIDENT RJCH.4RD II. IVIXOIV .. ,.., .... YOIU' "'°'' MeM- orable e%perieP&Ce Jarinw ilae eilflal Yeo#'• you •e"'ed .. Yiu Pruwunl ulllhr llae late DtC1ilflal D. ElH"- ltof!HrP-BerAOr" A. Blub«qla., .4l- liance, Olaio • There were a number. One. of course. waa my meeting with Premier Nilita Khruehchev, in Mosoow in 1959. Ae Vice Preeident. I opened the lint U.S. E.hihi· lion ever held in the Soviet Union and held lalk.s on behalf of our Government with the Soviet Premier. FOR ROGER BROJll'N, loJ An8el~l Ramj .4bow ltotc1 ...,.y po•nd. of paJdins do you JHar in a Jaffl#J?-Billy Jolutr ..,... Liu f' ega•, Ne". • About 12 pounds. It used to weigh much more, but now there are ellcellent protective gear made of various comflQ· sition& which are light. yer ~trong. FOR CRACE DAY ALL, a auuian1 C'IUalor, Braff t Zoo Flao fir•• a.utl carr~r piKeon• lo carry •e•- -.uP-Caarad Fiorello, Broolclyn, N.Y. • The carrier pigeon should not he con· fused with the homing pigeon. The for. mer is a show breed. h docs not ''home .. and is not ul!Cd to carry messages. Hom· iog pigeons were used by the early Crttks and Romans, often w report spam and p;ames. The present brttd wu perfected in Belgium, early io the 19th century. FOR RAQUEL WELCH B la ii lrau> llaol you are n mf'mber of IM Mormon Claurcla (Lau,.r Dny S ainu) and tlacu r,./rain ,, ........... ~ •"" 4'~­ U.~P-Mra. A. c1aa.,., O~d""· Uiala • It i.~ true that l do Ml drink llr ~mokr. but thi .. iJ. n<•I beC'ause nf n·liitinu!I n m· vil·tin n!I. I i's a mailer of J'('r11un11I la'-lt'. FOR Jl'l!VTON M. RUJUNT, El f'u.H maJll'T &nnaJ Fe are con.dandy rf'~irt­ inK MOiJ req•uu /or flo- nnlion.a /or many lciiuh o/ nauaion.a arul cluarili.#!1. Hot1t1 ca• Nie be aurf' Llaat LM tlono- t iona Nie MM a rl" bf'in~ '""" f,~ili­ mn h!ly !-.4. E. Fi.aMr. MorKanlotlln, If". J' a . • Unless a complaint i11 lod~. the Post Office Derartment would have no way of knowing a solic:iting r harity is legitimate, FOR r A.LTElt J. HICKEL, &cretary of iAe l11terior Hot11 aa11y b•6olo are '41/1 Ill ilae V..ud s .. 1e.t -R•roltl Harper Jr., Bar· '°"'• fi'"'. • Recent euneys of the buffalo herds in the U.S. and Canada show a continental population of about 22,000. FOR COJ'. DA.'VIEL EJ' -4NS II Slllk of F aslii111ton , .. , .,,.., ..ul -. .. u.fio11 of llae efllf!J'ff1JICY •'lJeep- lnJ'' dnice do 011 cNMhed oirplane.P-D. R., 1.,a,.. co~r, Po. e Wa.shington S tate's new law requiring in11tallation of .. downed aircraft rescue transmiuers" (DART) will add a new measun: of public-safety to commercial Oying. Thi.& equipment will improYe our air-search efJectiveneM and enable search- ers to locate missing aircraft quickly, thereby saving li•es. FOR FALTER }. McNERNEY, i ~=~::~ A~cilltum Flaa• u cite bineal laeollla- ; , .. u,o n ce claim e11er pWd?--S. fl., PanalftO Cily, no. • Probably thr 185,500 bill recently paid by Blue Cross on behalf of Mrs. Samuel Taylor. 60, of Everett. Mass. She was hospitalized oo April 25, 1968. with acute polyneoritis. a rare n~ous di9order that ca~ a wraktnmg and paralysis of the muscle!\. Aher tests confirmed the diag. nosis. she wa:1 placed in a special res- piratory unit, which costs from $2.50 to 1300 a day pct' patient. Mn. Taylor re- mained in it for eight months. FOR J. EDGAR ROOf"ER, I Oit'f"<tor, FBI "'""' ~rt:f'"'41e of '~ 10 ._, .,,...,. -- t'41Uflal!-Mr•. Ceorff' MtM, Mil.-.. ~. Fu. • Since thi!l list was hegun on Mart h 14. 1%0. 300 fugitives have been listrcl. More than 90 pnrc!nt of thi:s;<.' h3ve ~·n apprehended. f'OR ELIZABETH POST, eliq•Plle t111lhorily llotc1 mnny lime• alaoulJ" door beU be run! i/ you ~I~ llte <HX1tpmtb to be al lto-?--Llqytl r-er· ion, Grand Junt'lwn, Cow. • Three or fow times. l f they do not answer by then, tbf-y U'C either not an· swering deliheratety or are a.,Jeep and rannnt hear the hell ............ '·-~ • ,._.._, v-a. .............. _.._.. --... , ••• • ,......_ ,,_ rt.t ..-ltwftr '"',_ ~-*eic-k. ~_. .-.ti-.. prefft'altly .,.. • , ,,_. n ...... A-" Tiw.o Y-U. Fe-'17 Yec .. fy, Ml Lal ..... A•~ .. ""-Y~. N.Y. 100%2. We ,..,_ •~leolcY .-'°99, kt •s wW k .. w 1-emdi ---'· WHAT i:tE WORLD! , .. aboo Pram Not ....., infants hove privacy now. A British firm is marketing a transparent baby carriage . Why? So Mommy can watch baby from any angle. Also it permits baby to ob- serve oil his surroundings, which sup- posedly stimulates his mental growth. Newspoperboys, Then and Now In spite of our age of affluence ond automation, the early-morning or ofter- school job of newspaperboy is still very popular, according to Cyrus Favor, general manoger of the lntemott<>nol Circulation Monogen Aun. It's not the money, it's the manhood gained. Eoch boy is an independent contractor, buy- ing the papers at wholesale, selling at retail, keepinu about 30 percent of the profits. Hours range from ~ to 15 a weft; profm from $7.50 to $25. The years of service used to overage five; now, with families on the move and ~ preuures, it's only one« two. A recent innovation is the use of coun- seling mothen. Their homes become distribution points for about 10 boys. They help with recruiting, distribution, complaints. What about newspaper- girls? There ore a few, but most pa- pers discourage them-too many job hazards. Exit White Reme~ the conwn- tional whi1e, button-<lown-coHar shirt? Although once 85 to 90 percent of all men's shirts u'8d to be white, now more than 50 percent ore colored or pat- terned. T odoy button-downs are not much In demand, according to the Menswear Retailers of America, not the classic narrow tie worn with it. Mote popular is the spread ond long-point collars, worn with ties four to me inches wide. What's replacing white? This fall the "in" colors are mulberry, green, gold, melon, ond blue?. Jade the Knife "No kitchen tool is more tilmr-consvnringthorr a dull lrnife-," soys Jock Von Bibber, in his new book, "Fast Feasts, A Cookbook for Hurried Gourmets.'' He rejects most electric knife sharpeners as "sadly inode- Jade Van Bibber quote," ond honing steel is great only for lceeping on edge, but not sharpen- ing. "My solution is my butcher; he hos a professional knife sharpener come in to do his own lmives--ond mine, too, for o very small fee. Most butchers ore friendty fellows and will do the some for you." Phone for the bli,,d Feel-S.. Phone This foll the first telephones for deof-blind persons ore expected to be man- ufactured. Called Code Com, the set con be connected to a conventional phone. The vibra- tions af the finger pad allow Jhe blind to feel prearranged messages; the deaf con see them in coded ftoshes of tighf. Code Com requires some cooperation between the owner ond spe- cial callers. Photo shows the circular vibrating pad at left of girl's hand. Light flashes come from the recessed block rectangle in the center of the raised portion of the set above her fin · gen, which ore on the sending key. lEONAID S.. DAVlDOW rrui'-t .a.TON RANK P.t>lia4n W. ~AGE nt0MPS0N A"-"ti•u•g o;~ DOelA1D 1111. HUflR>M»A~t• A~"'1 Ill•-~ loeaT I. MOWN Ruu.-w Ab'"l'-i•11 lll•f4&41tt IU!ISIU L SP.ABS ,....,_.. Aol•..-tiR..., 11,.aa41'" Abmin .. o Off«-: '41 Lair...._ "-· ..._ ,_. Mal; 49! fl. ........ A-., CW.... .... ,~._. •-I ....... SW.., DMr-Mt ~; 011 a. • ..t., a1.tt .• lee~ ... ; 11• ...... St .• s-,_._ .. , .. ~ ll•ca..a: ....... D. C-,, L.. Bia. n..-N. O'IWI. IOIOT RTZCMUON Etlir--'-Clll•J JAOC aYAN 111•-oi"fl &llitH MAltUS N. T11NOUE Are cx~.a­ Mll> NII DI P'llOfT ,.,. &4<r- A-.:iat• lrllii.w.: ·~ Alt_.,., ... , "-"-. Tanyw......&,-...w ....... ; ....... ..,., 0 I .--c..... A..O.C..u Are cx~: ca-,.. a- E~'-"l Off'": 641 .......... A,,_, Naw YM, N. Y. 1lftl @ lfff, FAMILY wtal.Y, INC. .,,...,.._,,... You lfe invited to mall your questtons or comments about any article or advertisement tha1 ..,...-S fn Fm'lity Weetly. Your tetter wtll rec:etw 1 .. ompt lftSWK. Write to Service Editor f ll'llily Weekly. 641 lelialton Awenue, New Yor\, N. Y. I 0022. ' -Discover the secrets of gift decorating! i I i B~tore you know It, creating a decorative and useful cannister llke this "just co mes naturally!" Folks m1y begin brddinc for a bf'autllu• one-of·a· kind wall plaque like this even before the paint I!. dry A few dibs of paint and a rusty. weather- beaten mailbox beco1t1es thil charming bread box. A "no·talent" u~ewlle b1ou1hl these wooden ducks back to "life" -with R•ft decoratong. C1t1 <1eco1at111i turned this old coffee POI onto a ~Sll.00 kttP!Mlke Onre a rust~ frying pao &•II d«orating tunoed •t '"'° • collector's treasure You can create beautiful gifts like these even if you've never painted before. (-and make up to $50 a week selling youi git ts, if you choose.) I M At.I I'll : Ju~I a little raint . . 1 somrle hni<;h stml.t:~ ... and you can turn 1ra\h onto 11cas· ures. junk -pole d1sc:ir<h onto glamorous gif1s- cv('n rf yuu'v(' nt'vcr heltl a bru'h bcfur e. In your ham.ls " ban ... red oltl cuflec pol nil" be· l 'Onle. a work of art . n ru~tcd tea kcllh: chance\ onlll a charrnonit ~oh plan1cr ... a fur· ~ullcn •amd-bad: trunl. be.:umc> a he:w1oful hanJ-rain1, .. 1 horx· ch ... ,1. It's easy-no speci•I t.lent needed Tt>tlav 1he Dt<..ulalovc Ari\ lohl•tutc " hl'lpon!! 1huu-..:.1nth ul men an•I "'('m~n ac:llc heau11ful tlccoralur riecc' a 1 home Yuu. 1uo. "''" h.· thrrlletl t11 d"covn vnu .i1n cn:a1., lovt•ly tr<'.I'· ure' vcn rf you can I tlraw a ,1ra1(tht l111e Mr~. KL1th Miner t)f I t11>1">.1d .. fc\." "Ille,. "I never had a hn."h 1n nn hantl t>('f,11 e hue after 1hc firs1 ~ lc"o"' I have !>nl.t hl tHll laq;e't dcpanmt<nt ~tore'" Wha1·~ the <;ccrcl~ rhc: d1...:m·cry th.it \\1th 1 :.1mr>lc hru\h Slf\l~C\ llht' \UmC \It<•'-•'' lhtd to apply hp,11c~ ). you .:an 1lnor;11e for tun •ll prntol, a' V•>U .-hn<•..i: ()uickly and l'llsily you'll -..:e n4u1,11c HOSF.S and 1-'LOWFRS ... I KUl r CU PID~ :111tl BOWS ... BIROS anti BU l If K Fl II ~ . com,· alive under yC1ur t>r~h a' ir h y maf!•.:~ Eatm whUe rou learn al home t-vc.-n ·" :i hcf!10nc1 yN1 m:iy lind friend<, dee· n1 ahH,, cH:11 Ai ft <hof'\ eai;aly hitldt111! h>r y1•t11 1mu,ual <lllt'-Of·<i·l1nd .:re:1llon5-'-(>ml' 11111e~ ufknni: Siil. ~1 5. evl.'n '>20 fo1 one. Sou11 after 'tar 11111!. Mr'. 1.olcrn Bae1 of Ho1 Sprrni:'. ,\rlan'a' .. r,11r "I ln1•"' m y .. nrk 1~n·1 rc:ol f!IC'al ycl. hul m)' 1h1nf!' arc heong i:rnhhccl bclor<'. lhcv're dll''" Go on entique treasure hunts! f.very,..ht·1e y\>U lll(ll-;1lt1c~. lla-emenls. h:irn,, ~h.-tl'. 1u11l '"""'· 'iC'°nnd·h:rnll \IOrc~-yuu 'll hnd .. 11..-;"1"<'' tn·thc·roui.:h .. -awa1trn11 only a f,·w <lr\>~C'' Ill turn 1hc1J1 onto 'lunnini: t>bJC'l'I\ 1•f a11 I rn:n'tl, may hci:. ynu "' c reate lovch h:10tl·r:11n1cd tlecora1or prt"CC' fur 1/u·u h ume,, 11•0 "M y fricntl' anti neighhur-:· !>3)'~ Mr> Marilyn Belford of Tul,a. Oklahoma. "have kcrit me l>u'y ra1111ing mrll •·un' aml recipe I">•••<''· :inti I've tl11nc two 1runk,, Whal a happv "'hirl I'm on '. .. And wi1hin day' frnm 111•"' yuu. 1110. c:m l>C' on :\ tbrrY "hrrl t<n1oy1nl! the fun. 1h.-c\cotcmC'nt. anti 1f you wi~h . th<-f'10lih of dcc11r:111nJ! J!.ofl\ :11 home. Enjoy 15-day Exemln•tion FREE f'hc 1..nmrlc1e Course.-.~ 'h1prctl tu y1~u al once. Ye~. you gel everything rn one big shipment •. 41-prcce decorawr·~ k ii -1:17 paltl'm~ -~4 le~· '°n' -all the paints. brushl's, and decorating ~upph~ you need-and much. much morC'! Yet 1h.e t'nlHe l 1rn1sc i' you1s for only SW.50 co m - pkie, pt,.., shipping. if dd1'"hted with IS day 1nal firs1. And even 1hi• small amflunt may be paid in ca.'y monthly 111s1allmc111s. rhis has ttl be the b111gc,1 value or its kind in Amcnca when vou con,idcr 1hal )'ou·re gelling many of the ba>ic m11tcriah offcrrtl in the nationally 11dvcr· 1i-.cd Atl,•:incetl Course whil-h ~Id rnr Sl49.50 LOOK AT ALL YOU GET: • 42·PICC£ OECOllATOA'S KIT • 117 COPYRIGHTED PATIEANS • 24 EASY·TO·rouow LESSONS • 14 TUBES Of GllOUHO IN-Oil ART COlOltS • fASCIHATIHC AHllQlllNC BOOfllET • FAST OflYIHC MAGIC WHITE • SUP(ll COBALT OflYER • SPECIAL "IHSIOCU" REPORT: "GVIOUINES TO l'tl0ftTA8L£ OCC<l'IATIH~" • SliAOtNC SPONGE • KHEAD£0 EllASER ·STEEL PAlETIE llNlfE • 4 ARTISTS 811USffES •PARCHMENT PM & GflAPttlT£ TRANSFER SHEET • SPECIAi THINNING MOOlrtEll • 3 BUtlCTINS OF PROFCSSIONAL TIPS & IDEAS • 36·PACE St;PPlY CATALOG. .. ,, ;..•·."" !.·~·· .. - .. -.. t .... ~. ~. : ., .. . ' ~ .. , ~· ~·' ••• ;!'1 " . ' .. • ... . ' . ,. .. . ., '• . ' •• SC cttatt beautiful iifts. tbtn send ldttn pn1bi111t tile joy5 nd prof- its of S?ift dtcoration! "I cleared 1'~50.00 111~1 month-and _.. I drlln't even lc11ve lhc house~" ~· -Loi:-. P ULLI<., Lm1i>rotw "I huvc 11cquirell \I) s.:hool d('Sk' ... which I :im relin"hrni: l htwc l~m pnc til·ally all -.\\Id · -R11Kfll l W11111>11.NN, Nr" York rt. "Wanll'J ynu to~"''"' how vcrv pll'a'ICJ I have hc<'.n w11h \ouo u•ur<;c. And I didn't know how Ill h old a hru~h tn the l>e1t1nnrng." -l.ot.1:0.E D1t1 l.. ( a/1/0,,.itJ "l'-<11hmll I cun thrnl. of now could il l!'"c me more pleu~urt: than recom- 111,·111lrnl! l>cc1'r~t1vt' Ans ~nstitutc. , !\h <1h1cc.:11vc 111 111k11w 1hc1r l·our><' "as 1<1 supf>kmcnl !><X:ial securitr a11J a \lllall monthly pc11.Jm1. This I nm dmnµ . " -Jt•M I •· Wu "°"'· ff'lfllSJ'lo UlllU Y1111r, IOI "_.a••• ('\'1111111111~ thl" (°(>Uf\C K EfP FRf.I:;. eVl'll 1r Yl'U ll'lUI 11 the Course. DECOUTIYE HTS INSTITUTE, o.,t 204 480 CtlDlnlty 9rtft, llHllnut, L.1., IU. 11 '30 Y~u!'>h me al once tbc 4 Woodcut and Engra\1- ing W:eproduction~ &.'\a frtt gift wi1h my complcl' Course and Decorator·~ Kil. After I c~aminc Cou~ fo r l ~ da~. I understand you will hill me S4 .SO plu\ S~.'.'iO for shipptng, then S5 a IT\()(lth for ~vcn months (total of raymcnts : S.42 mclud- 1ng !hippini). NO RISK GUARANTEE: I un- c1cr51and lhcrl' i\ no obli11a1ion In huy and if not ~ali\fied, I'll return Course within 15 days and owe noth111i:. I k.Ct'p frC't' i:.ifl in any case. 401111 '' 111\ /II' ~!I\ t' \~ \0 I-n~·I<'"' \\'I ~· n"w a« ""mplt"I(' na\ 1ncn1 :emf Wt' ('~IV Ul1 \IH(lpln~ t'haq,:C\ ''nur Ol\,nCV hack 1f npl t.lehJo?hk1J ,.,11h I °'·day C'jm1naf11)n' L _ - ------_.!!_A·2A _J • I AM a marriage "doctor," and, as you might guess, I rarely talk professionally to couples who are sexually com- patible--just to those who have never been able to adjust to this vital, intimate part of marriage. The reason l see few. if any. sex- ually attuned couples is that they have no •psycholog ical problems serious enough to prevent them from ap- proaching each other with love. The incompatible conples, on the other hand. bave serio\UI "hang-ups." It's my job first to find out what the psychological problem ;g (it very rarely is a physical one)-and then help the individual cure it. I've found t.he problems can pretty well be broken doWTI into five cate- gories. They are things the sexually • --· The Causes and C'ompatible couple take for granted, but to others they are incapacitat ing obstacles to marital love--at least, until recognized and attacked. Here are the reasons I've found most likely Lo cause sexual incom- patibility in a marriage.. co ........ ialt.... in its truest sense. is not merely an achange of words. It is the expression of in- tangibles. a discussion of hopes and fen~ and. amon~ other verbal in- timacies, the enjoyment as well a.s the fru~lrati on that prevails in a mar- riage relatinns hip. A young wife who came to me was frightened and unhappy about her marriage. She and her husband no longer were close. I discovered that this couple had never made any effort to confide tn each other their innermost thoughts irnd feelings. During their first year of marriage, it had been enough th11t they had each other and their new home. Then, slowly lhei r liveB con - sisted mostly of tv-watching. They watched it during dinner and throughout the evening. Thus, they shut out any opportunity or need to talk to one another. When 1 suggested she and her hus- band seek to shue their thoughts and feelings and discuss their mar- naite relationship, she said, startled: ··we wouldn't know how to start. And we'd both be embarrMsed lo talk about sex." J N"f'nmmenrled they st.art hy ad- mitting all this and try to tnlce the rras1111s for it. Likely. I ~aid , they would di&;over that chi ld hood pN"j- udiceiii or perhllptt1 the shock of ~ome youthful experience wns at fault. I a:-1:-111red her JU!lt s ha ring t his knowl- edJCe could well prove a gianl step lC1ward future communications. It took months for this couple, ------------------------------- A marriage "doctor" has psychological neither of them especially articulate, to achieve true communication. But she rat.es their efforts infinitely worth-while. No longer_ is there an invisible wall between them. And more than once her husband has im- patiently switched off the tv because it interfered with what they had to say lo each other. ''We're so relaxed these days.'' she told me, "that neither of us heJ!Sitales to ask for a special CAreas." Resentment and hostmty impede the warm drawing together that s hould be the essence of a marital embrace. A husband may resent a wife who seems more concerned with her own family than with him. A w ife may re.sent her husband's refusal to become i ndignant any time his moth- er is critical of her. A husband may be irritated by what he considers his wife's lackadaisical housekeeping or extravagance. A patient of mine, in her middle 40s, WM rc:ientful because her hus- band had bought a l><>at and spent hiR weekends fis hing. "He paid so much for that boat.,'' abe said. hi tte.r ly, "lhere'R nothing left for a mink stole for me." S he told me that over the 10 years her husuand had been with his firm his income had increased sufficiently to buy a house in the country, main~ lain two cars, belong to a country club, and put two sons through col- lege. Any job condoci-.e to this kind of prosperity ha..<\ to be attended IJy severe strain. I tohl her. ult could be yl)Ur ,.,ue- bancl neccts--and k>wu:s he nud.~ the escape from pressure that fishing- provides. His bQat and his tl~h ing could add years to hil'I life. Men in his position are too often prone to heart attacks ... .. My husband's not going to have any heart attack," she insisted. "He's a big healthy guy-as a matter of fact. au he thinks about after fiftaiog all day is making love. And lately has been giving me funny looks. He Family~ j Octobe1· 5, 1969 Cures for Sexual Incompatibility helped many couples find new joy in life by discovering the •'hong-ups'' that were destroying their marriage knows s omething's wrong.'1 I t old this wife that if she was punishing h.er husband by being de- liberately unresponsive, she. was in- dulging in a dangerous form of re- taliation, and it was important s he con~t it at once. I recommended that 11he tell her husband how she felt, assuring him that, if he ba d a need for the relaxa- tion which fishing provided, she could only be grateful for h is boat and the hours he spent on it. Because of her resentment, ahe did oot find t his easy to do. But 11he did it-and was glad. Her husband ad- mitted he had been reacting badly to office prestiure, bad eevenl times lost nis temper but t hat, thanks to his weekends on t he water , he was be- ginning to feel human again. Then. taking her int0 his anns. he had said: "So that's what's been oother- ing you ! l knew something wa.<1 wrong." Here, of course, a lack of com- munication waR the root ()f all the t rouble. Had this husband confided bis problem to his wife. she would not have turned resentful and unrespon- .!live to him. Pa 11 u 1nti1a with the children is, in my opinion, one of the most unfortunate problems of marriage. When women t ransfer t heir atten- tion disproportiona tely from hus- bands to children, they r isk estrang- ing t heir h u~bnnds and depri vi n~ lheir children of lhe most valuable thing in family life--a happy relnxed home and lovi ng parents. A well-known dress manufacturer, who bad made millions, came to me insisting t hat he no longer loved hill wife and wanted a d ivorce s0 he could marry a model. "Don't think I'm taken in by this l(irl's beauty," he told me. "She's beautiful all right. But most im- portant, I guess, is that she makes rne feel 10 fuel tall!" He could not understand why his wi fe opposed a divorce. By REBECCA USWOOD, M.D. as told to Adele Whitely Fletcher "I've made it clear &he'd want for nothing," he said. "And she doean•t give one hoot aboot me. The kids are her life. She's so wrapped up in them she doesn't want to go anywhere or do anything." 1 reminded this man be also must have wanted children or they would not have had four. I pointed out that the children's well-being was his re- sponsibility as well as his wife's and that it would ill serve them to gTOW up without a father. "You and your wife." 1 remfoded him, "once had excellent sexual re- sponse. It is possible, of cQurse, that you could again." He,..._ his head. "It juirt doesn't work any more. Who, I ask you, want" a woman who sloshes around with cold cream alJ over her fa.ce and her hair in curlers!'' Nevertheless, be carefully weighed what I said, including my propoul tnat he take his wife on a luxurious holiday, leaving the children at home. When bis wife came to 1'tt me, she was eager for a seoond chance. "My mother warned me I was making a mistake concent rating on the chil- ci ren." she admitted. ''SbouJd you go on thift holiday," t sl\id, "I hope you will be well gTOOmed and dressed as alluringly as good taste allows. Men, remember, are vi- s11ally stimulated." Jn turn. l reminded the husband that, just a.s men are visually stimu- lated, women respond to verbal en- dearmen~ which make them feel rie- sirable and loved. This couple is now in Hawaii. Whether their marriage can he saved is still a rtu estion . Rut ber.auae ot' their mutual willingness to t ry to save it, I am optimistic. Insecurity takes many fortru1, an detrimental to marital harmony, with physical insecuritiee especially so. Men may wor ry unnecess.arHy about their mascuJinjty or advanc- ing age. Those who are sterile may fear impotence, although the t wo conditions are quite separate. And those who heed the tall tales of Don Juan frienda may wonder if their lesser need for sex indicates a lack of virility. It is the quality of a couple's love-making not its fre- quency that is, above all, important. Women with small bosoma may th.ink they're undersexed. Following a hysterectomy or menopause, a wo- man may worry that she will be an unsatisfactory lover or find BeX 1eM enjoyable. Often, with the fear of pregnancy removed, the contrary is likely to be true. Women who are frigid may need analys is_ Many women, however, are ineapable of completely enjoying sex only because they were brought up to think of it 88 something n ice p eo- ple don't talk about, and its activities as things nice people don't do. They are. as a reeult, only passive part- ners. never engaging in the partici- pation that might well dispel any bugaboo of frigidity and add im- measurably to their pleasure and that o f their husbanda. A11other hindrmlce to sexual com- patibility iR the unreiiUstic descrip- tion s of the marital embrace found ln boob and ~ines. The human body is capable of holding consider- l'lble pleasure. but it just isn't up to the E lysian raptures which certain writers-hopeful of making the best- !'eller list-attr ibute to it. I've known this fa nciful reporting to cause cou- ples to regard each other with d is- :-1ati~faction and criticism . Emotional immatu rity m ight be expected t o contribute t o gexual har - mony, lend itself to an attitude of all- f or-love-and-the-world-well-lost . But it doesn't work tnat way. The im- mature are likely to want what they do not have. This sen!W! of unreal engenders disharmony. The reaulting q uarrels of the immature are apt to be fraught with accusations and Rneers, even down-grading insults. Those reluctant or unable to adjust from courb1hip and honeymoon to the practical, matter-o{-factness of mar- ried life may seek escape in the ro- mance and excitement of another courtship. Women enjoy the titillation of flirt- ing, the excitement of clandestine dates, and the flattery of being wooed again. Men seek to prove they haven't lost their old magic, to relish the joy of conquest, and the flattery of such attention ttult they no longer receive a t home. Kinsey report'ed 75 percent of ma r- ried men and 25 percent of marrie6· women have had extramarital affairs. Regretfully, I would raise those fig- ures, among women especially. Per- h1tps the Pill has something to do with this. Dozens, t rapped in extramarital affairs, have told me : "It all began ionocently enough. We liked to talk to each other." Or "W e enjoyed danc- ing together." A person whose imagination is drawn toward someone outside of his marriage is, undenJtandably enough, less drawn to his marriage partner. He may even resent bis partner. And often he will blame his partner for what has happened . A wffe. for ex.ample, wi II illaiat. 8he never would have become involved had her husband not been immersed in his bus iness or taken her for granted. A husband will blRme hi8 wife for 8 lack of interest in his business or antagonism toward b iA family or for interrupting him. All ar e Justifiable complaints . But it is most unlikely they would have lt>c1 to any extramarital embroilment had nol t he husband or wife, emo- tiona lly immat ure, sought the excit e- m ent of a new courtship. To the couple who feel sexually incompat ible, I would say, "Seek the reason and correct the fault." My experience as a marriage counselor indicates t hat rure is quite possible once yon know the psychological fault which deprives you of the joy of ml\rriage. +. Fom.il11 Week l11. Oc tober s, 1969 .s 1 I I • QUIPS AND QUOTES Split Decision Though my lap is gentle, For• fact. I can •1 hre•k cgp wilh The yelll lldAd. Lea me pmble They t'ome oal whole When I plan to ecr•mble. --Beuy l1ier Nowa If you've bun making pancakes with some other mix, stop and consider the picture below. It shows you pancakes that prize- winning bakers of E~e. Oregon matched apins< New Biaquiclc. Jn a church noted for its stormy congregation, the pa.stor told a friend : "We have just had the greatest re- vival our church bas experienced." "I'm glad to bear it," said the friend: "And· how many did you add to the fold?" "We didn't add any," said the pas- tor, "but we got rid of three." -Lucille S . Harper fluffier -better catina-becauae they're made with a livelier leavening. And New Bi.quick is even easier to UR than mOlt pancake mixes. The shortening has ~ added for you. Now ... is there really any o<hcr wayr P.S. New Bitquick also makes dcliciOU6 bis- cuits. wwftla, shortcake and 276 oth.cr balcinea· Every time, the New BUquiclc pancakca turned out lighter. (Even though the samc amounts o( bancr WC'te used.) That's bcause Bisquick wies a special lighter Bour. Shown rirht: Nau r.enr-tapc package. le tips open The New Bi.lquick pa.nca.ka also turned out .... iftlV'r lirUni re-~ ... lid re-do~ righL Five-year-old Darrel had a close brush with death when the car door flew open as his family was driving along a free- way. But the boy held on tight to the open door and rode at least a quarter of a mile while bis frantic parents slowed the car and pu lied him inside. When be knelt to say his prayers that night, his mother euggeated that he t hank God for saving bis life that day. "What for?" the little boy asked. "/ was the one that held on." -Dorothea K e?tt ChHd .. lsh'cholou My tiny eon bas Teddy bean, Block.e, •nd colored be·~ T 0111 ecienti6eally det1igned To.suit hi& age and need&: Panlt:fl, h.Jla, •nd trucli.8 th•t damp-- So lell me why be pl•y11 With pob •nd Pl'D9 •nd mixing 11pooll8 and broken lY tray11? -Margarel Aaberltard A long-time customer received a second notice from the local department store, thrt!atening to at- tach her salary if her overdue bill were not paid immediately. Furious. she phoned to prote11t : "I've always paid on time in the 20 years 1 've been a customer. Be- sides, 1 didn't even get a first bill yet." "Oh, we're waiting for a re-order on the first forms right now," ex- plained a new clerk. "So l'm using the second no- tices. They turn out to be much more effective.." -Al Ruberta ' -~-~~~~~~~~-----------------------------------~ HUNTING FORECAST: Good Season for Ducks By ER WIN A. BAUER Autho1 of "Th. Duel Hunter'> l ibl.t" T HI S fa l! duck hunter s will re- cei_ve an unexpected bonus, both in bet- ter hunt ing and pcr- h a p s in a lo n ger shooting season. The reason it1 a time!~· romeback of our wild wa- terfowl. following se\'er· al summers of drought in the major waterfowl nest ing j[rounds. But he;wy snt)Ws Inst wi n ter. fol lowed b y 11pring rains. filled the pothole.~. so ne.c;ting was successful. T h us there s hould be a very good crop of birds a rounct t his year. Rut duek hunting is a specialized spor t, ancl not 1111 hunters are iwcce1111- ful. Fin~t. il is more of- ten hunting over water than on land And wild tl111·k!i are more wary than most upland game- hi rds. Some hunters cred- it t he birds w ith the €'quivalent of 8-rx1wer vi- sion, so it is necessary to know something about the ta rget s. Beginning in the fall. wild ducks and geese be- Ki n their annunl migra- tions from northern nest- ing gro11ntls to 11outhern win tering spots. Some spe<:ies beg in movi nK in ~eptember ; othe rR d(l not reach their destinations until early w111ter. M11st waterfowl pause en route. How long they !!lay in Rll itabJe j)Jllces depends on the food they find, t he weather (freezing drive!\ them away I. nnd nl110 the hunting' pressure. Today these migrnli(ms are fair- ly pre<iictal>le. both M to time and stopovers. Good duck are.aR can be located by personal obser vation. by checking wit h other water fowlers, Wolverine Durables a re tough. They've got to be because they work hard every day. They've got lo shrug off o il, grease and hard knocks. They've got to take cold and heat witho ut cracking up. Or the sole parting company from the uppers. And they can't slip on any job either. Bui most o f a ll, they've got to be comfortabJe. Or 1hey jusl wouldn't be Durables. It was only a matter of time before o utdoor guys fou nd out they're great for hunting or camping too. Especially now we've got so many different styles, in- cluding a new insulated bool. Are Durables more of a work - ing boot that's sporty 1 Or a sport boot that works? You decide. JM, ......_ ••ERINEttl,l For the Wolverine d e aler neernt you. call this --....w toll fres number: 800-243-0355. In Cnnner.:t1c u1 853-3600. or with locitl ('On!lervntion officers. Then. before upe nrng da~· nr be- fore the actual hunting. build a blind which blench; a.~ much as po~Mible into itll natura l t1urround- ings. There a re many types of blindli. some roomy enough for two. O thers a re !limply pits dug nt the water's e<l!fe. \amo11fla11:e<l boat!! al11n are used. Duckll are grejfariout11 cr eatures and attracted by other ducks, ex- plaining why hunters use artifi- cial calls and decoys. Calling ill nn art and can be developed by li~tening to barnyard or zoo ducks (or lo <luck recrird~ 1. then lr:'·1njl to 1m1tnle them. Decoy~ shou ld he :\!i naturnl-lookinp: nl\ po~ll il1lc ,~nrl it'R import~nl that they bf> d11rk. rvugh in texture (nvoid bright lihi n.v ones 1. and the more t he better. Of courMe, they llho11ld be well am·hored. The be11t pe r iodll to be in the blind are before daybreak or during the ll\st hour of daylight. when ducks a re moving from resting to feeding. Se r ious duck hunters ttlle in1ch retrieving dogs as Labrndor:., Cbesa- peakes, ur goldens. This is a conservation mea- Rure (the dogs retrieve dow n ed bi r d s wh ic h might ot herwise be lost 1. n ..... the wak rfowl picture is brighter this .\'ear. the rl11ck population ill still lower thnn a gen- eral ion 11go. So every dm·k hunter also m11sl make a special effort to he ll consen·ationist. Before going afield you must buy (at any post office t a Mi grntory Wa- terfowl Stnmp for $:l. Next. ob11erve all 11hoot- 1n11: regtilations. Raitini;r with grnin and shnotin11: m·cr live de<:oys nrl:! ille- p:al. Know the various kinds of waterfowl 11in<'e the shoolinJl of le.ss-ahun- dnnl species 1s illegal And never 11hool at duckf! that are beyond the nor- mn I :\5-yn rd range of 11 shotgun. This incrense:1 the chance of mistakt>n identity. The fut ure of duck h unting depend!! on each h11nter'11 beh1\\'ior this fall Hi)pefully, rt will be a \'Cr~· gonil :''E>nr ... Guide to lest Hunting Dogs and Othen-Save $1 1 Rl'l1rl('r" 11·111/i 1uq '" ~.,,,,,,. "'"r' 11h'"'' thr /1 11 111 1,,11 IJllllhfJ( II/ ift1f11' Ullllf llf'lli/ (,,,. •. T,, ,. (' "II II , I /I /,I I,. nn11I; 11/ 1111111<" II ,,,,,,,,,,, 1r11J11ll11 l//1111lrnlf'd 1•11/11111" "" 111/ IJipe" "' h1111ten•. lifl11111(,., nm{ 11/inir rf<ip11. .\111il lfi.fl.~ 111 F H Rn11k11. ne,,1. A 1 'fl u . /Jo.r 111-;, (;ro111/ ('#!11 l rnl S t o f ifl11, Nr:11• >'11rk, N. Y. 111111 7, .'fo1•t' II n ff lhf' ,-,y11/or rt'foil pnrt' 1 F111111l11 Weekly, <Jctubtll' 5, J 969 1 I QUIZ What Do You Know About Your Aches and Pains? SCIENCE HAS MADE some fascinating discov- eries about aches and pains, and some of these findings reveal ways to lessen them. With this quiz, you can check your knowledge against the results of the stumes. Sh111.-C spree. Today, this would-be home buyer wasted the whole day following up leads on her own. The score: four houses she wouldn't have as gifts. 81 miles on the car, two screaming children and one headache. Why in the wortd didn't she look for a home the way she shops for clothes and appliances-by nationally . ·- recognized brand name? The seal below is the brand name in real estate that identifies a ReaJtor.9 A professional in real estate who will counsel with you, reconcile your dreams with your pocketbook and show yOu onty the homes that are right for you. To make home buying a pleasure, see your Realtor. National Association of Real Estate Boards ,Of ,,_. Mf"tof'll9is GI'.,..,..(;. Oft °"f''1 • ~ , .. • A.-llor A "9eft0t •• • ~ tf'I , .. , "l•t• #f'O ,~uo.t, 10 • "'tel COl(Ml ol (tf'hC' tt • m~beit Off I"-toe.at~ t t•te tliOetft I~ Of ffll• Het1~I AHOClaUOl'I of A.el (tl•I• 8oa~• On•y • Re.nor ,,..., d't•P't., ftil11 ... t '#P\1c.f\ ,, • r'\eit•Oft .. ty 11~ t:wet'd AH ft0'"4 H•fl~t fO'l.nc:t.M•on Inc 1)00 ~"'4C.HCUI A\le H W , WNft1nQtO"I 0 C ~ I. We're all subject t.o aches and pains. 2. Most pains are induced by emotional stress. 3. You can feel n onexistent pain. 4. Men can tolerate pain better than women. 5. People who are immune to pain are lucky. 6. If you have a toothache and are anxious and worried about. it, the pain will feel worse. 7. You can Jessen a ny pain by tensing your muscles. 8. The sever ity of an ache or pain depends on what time of the day it occurs. J. False. Studies conducted at the University of Cin- cinnati College of Medicine and other r esearch eenters have demonstrated that some people never feel an ache or a pain and lead a completely painless existence. 2. True. Studies conducted at the Monroe (Wis.) Clinic, over several years have shown this to be so, particularly with headaches, back-of-the-neck pain, and assorted pains of the stomach and digestive areas. S uch pains are often 80 psychosomatic that they induce you to say, "He gives me a pain," or "I can't stomach much more of that," or "He gives me a headache." The pain results from your emotional reaction to the particular person. 3. True. Not only is it quitP. possible to feel pain for which there is no physical cause, but many persons have actually felt chronic pain in a finger, arm, or any other body part long after amputation. Such pains may origi- nate in the brain, for an overwrought mind can imagine pain impulses that will seem real. Often, however, they disappear completely when a physician prescribes "medi- cation'' in the Corm of a harmless sugar pill, putting the patient's mind at ease, so that it ceases sending pain messages to a given place in the body. 4. True. 1n Veterans Administration studies, psycholo- gists tested the pain r eactions of 100 men and women of various ages and found that the men had a greater ability to tolerate pain than the women. A university study of l>oth sexes s howed similar findi ngs. Laboratory tests indi- cate that a woman's pain threshhold differs from a man's in that she is more sensitive to pain, feels it more, and is less tolerant of it. 5. False. Those people who are incapable of feeling pain are far from lucky. Without pain to sound a warning sig- nal, a person runs the risk of extreme dangers and haz- ards unless he takes special precautions. F or example, he may put his hand on a hot stove and suffer a serious burn before be realizes what is happening. And since he doesn't feel a toothache, be may never see his dentist until it's too late to save a tooth. Medical studies cite numerous instances of t his kind, making it evident that pain is as much of a bless ing as a curse. 6. True. In a recent study using a dolorimeter to mea- sure the intensity of pain, psychologists tested college students' r eactions under various degTees o! anxiety, ranging from mild to extreme. They foun d that when a.nUely (measured by pulse and blood pressure) incre.a.aed, sensitivity to pain also skyrocketed. 7. Falsr. Physical or emotional tension causes the brain lo over-evaluate pain .!lignalR it receives from various parts of the body, causing a given pain to hurt moch more than the injury justifies. Thus anticipation of a dental appointment, for example, can build up M much tension that you begin to wince with pain hefore being tnuc her!. 8. Tnte. University Rtuclies s how that sensitivity to pain c1oes vary markedly with the time of day, degree of con- tentment, depression, or fatigue. and many other similar factors. Research at Johns Hopkins University s howed, for example., that a mild distraction of attention can a lter a person's pain threshhold as much as 45 percent. -JOHN E. GIB.50N AMAZING VALUES FROM s499 Delicate "Strawberr~ Banke" Tea Ooth & Place Mat Sets 0 ur crisp, delicate strawberry tea doth and place mats were inspired by a historic restoration now going on in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. When the early settlers arrived in this charming port, they found the riverbank covered with wild strawberries, hence its original name "Strawberry Banke." The design is stamped on heavy, cream white 100 percent linen. Both the 48-inch-square cloth and mats are already bound with a moss green "beauty edge," an embroidered finish that insures a Rat edge. Completely finished 100 percent linen napkins are included in the kit and come in the same soft moss green. OFFER Will NOT BE REPEATED THIS SEASON We urge you to order the Strawberry Tea Cloth and Place Mat kits now, while the supply lasts. You will be delighted by the color and beauty and fun they will add to your home. This is your only chance to order. Be sure to fill out coupon and mail it today. This offer will not be repeated in Family Weekly this season. -., ~~~---------------~-------------------------------, For you who love geraniums, cross-stitch a set of place mats or a lovely tea cloth. Napkins ue bright red. See coupon for numbenand prices. CREATIVE STITCHERY : ~-1453, 4500 N.W. 135th St., Miami, Florida 330~ I Rush m" lt"m' ch"cked brlow. I undeBtand If I'm not comple~ly aaU18t'd with any Item I c.-.n return it in 10 daiys for a foll nfund. I rnclOH -----for Item(') chrcked brlow. --61079-Four Straw~ny Place Mats with Napkins@ SC.99 per 1et --61080-Tu Cloth with four N•pltins @ $7.99 prr M!I --61081-Four Geranium Place Mats With Napkins@ $4.99 pu set --111062.-Geranlum Tu Cloth with four Napldnr.@ $7.99 prr set (Note: Tu cloths are '8~ sqUMt) --111014-Color c•talog ol avaiJable klt:s @ 2.5c u . Post•ge aind HandUng @ ~ u . Kit. (Kita Include embroidery flo.t .tt color chart.) in ~ Nam ~I Addtt1 i i Oty tat Ip ;1 _____________________________________________________________ _:j WHY PEGGY LIPTON SAYS : E N TER TAINM ENT "I May Never Be Happy" "I JUST may never be really happy because when I am alone, I want to be with people. And when I am with them, I want to be off by my- self. I am very contradictory." It was Peggy Lipton of tv's "The Mod Squad'' who was making euch an admission to me through a t hin veil of European cigar smoke , while 11he took hummingbird sips of dry eherry. She was wearing a loose-knit see- through blouse. As though trying to give me a sample of her mercurial personality. s he continued with, .. Smoking is a diegusting habit. But I think t hese little cigars are sexy if they're smoked right ... " Peggy continued to confuse me by admitting Lb.at she craves love, hav- ing had a dose of it when she was only 14. At the same time, though, s he demands assertion of her individ- uality and independence. "I had a perfect relationship just once. Words were unneceasary. It lasted just three weeks. That's very good for me!" P eggy paused, then added, "I get so involved with a man that I think only of him and entirely forget myself, which begins to destroy me. So before I get too involved. I pull away." Her CVWTent romance with Lou Ad- ler, though, Peggy insisted, is just the opposite. But it disturbs her so much that she admitted, "I get so much into his feelings that it annoye him a nd scares him off." Peggy says t hat her need for love and affection goea back to her child- hood when her family lived in a mid- d le-class Long Island, N.Y., suburban area. To begin with, she was the mid- dle child and felt completely over- looked. "I was socially unacceptable . My teeth stuck ouL, I stuttered, bad a horrible complexion, and couldn't af- ford the local beach club, even if l'd been asked!'' All of this gave the impresaion thal she was snobbis h. Even today, Peg- gy's reticence to reveal her inner self suggests that she's cool and dietant. ''I don't mean it to be-sv," she sighed. Leaving her ugly adolescence be- hind, Peggy "turned pretty." But her many hours of introspection and lone- liness developed into independence. "I wasn't raised to be independent," she said, "but I found I had to be for my own needs." So at 16, ehe became a model and hated it. "I was so shy and introverted. I just knew what the other girls were t hinking about me! It really bugged me !" Peggy re- called vividly . But her earnings paid for acting lessons, and when she and her family moved to Lo8 Angeles. Peggy got a break. It was by chance that she met Dick Clayton. who, unknown to Peg- gy, had been waiting until she turned 18 so he could offer her a contract. Through him came the role of Julie Barnes in "The Mod Squad." About fulfiJling t.hree more years of her present tv contract , she said, "Five years in nnyfliing is too muc h ! l have so many other things I want to do, like making a movie." Peggy's contradic tory nature never seems to leave her a lone. ~he long!\ The smokeless to travel and sometimes does but turns right around and returns home because she gel!\ so restless. Thel'e same mixed emotions tire her easily a nd often trigger her temper. Ma rriage? "It terrifies me.," she admitted. "I want it. It sounds so right. But I'm still too immature for it. And I hope I can get sbow busi- ness out of my system so I'll be ready ~ome day." Sighing deeply. Peggy said, "I'm so contradictory. It's agonis.ing." Whal will b ring eventual happi- ness to Peggy? "A big home, lots of money, and time to be both wife and mother." She smiled, then added, "That's what I say now ... " -PEER J. OPPENHEIME R They are.n't lit, puffed or inhaled. They're too good to smoke. - Pu t a pinch between gum and c heek, and enjoy it. Without even chewing. The smoke less tobaccos are too good to smoke. You get all the satisfaction of pri me aged tobaccos. They cost less, too. Sure beats smoking' Straight ''"'" --_ _,__ Wintergreen Raspberry For information on how to use smokeless tobaccos, please write: United States Tobacco Company, De pt. FW, 630 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y.10020. SCIENTIFIC METHOD TO GETTING THE SLIMMER, STRONGER BODY YOU WANT ..• DESCRIBED IN FREE BOOKLET In just five weeks Mr. J . U. increased his chest by 5", his biceps by 2", his neck by J ", his thighs by r, and his calves by l ". Of course, not everyone can expect to attain such dramatic results. But today, instead of feeling tired and listless, Mr. J . U . is now "in the pink", bursting with strength and vitality. The secret? The amazing TELEPANDER -an exciting new device that helps you gain oew strength and vigor -in just 51 minutes a day! WORLD WIDE PRAISE TELEPANDER is u~d by world famous athletes and has been endorsed by judo champion Wim Ruska. You've probably heard about the revo- lutionary Isomerric-lsotonic concept, which has been reported in Reader's Digest. Life and counrless medical and scientific journals. Today this concept is acclaimed by doctors. athletes and the President's Council on P~ysical Fitness! The ~ELEPA.NDER makes use of BEFORE this very same lsometnc·lsotomc concept! FREE BOOKLET SHOWS HOW We guarantee you will see the difference-and be able to verify the results with a tape measure in just 2 weeks! How can we ma ke such a fabulous guaran- tee? Because results are based on scientific proof with thousands o f men just like you. Men who ride to work, take elevators, and who have not partici- pated in any o rganized athletics since they left school. Men who are too busy-and too bored-for hours of strenuous "conventional" exercises. Yet in as littJe as five minutes a day, TELE PANDE R is. making these men healthier, more powerful and Vlgorous. Now is the time to get the youthful physique you want. Mail coupon today for 20-page illustrated brochure-in color. It's F REE-no obligation. No- body will call or phone you. TELEPANOER helps you to: AFTER FREe_a_oDKLET-~ MARGRACE CORPORATION, Dept. 436 I 250 West 57th St., New YOf't(, N.Y. 10019 FR£E 20-PAGE BOOKLCT shows how TELEPANDER builds power-packed muscles in just 5 minutes a day. Action photographs in full color. No obligation. No salesman will call. Nobody will phone you. Mail coupon today . Narne ____________ Aae __ Street ______________ _ City------------~-~- I I I I Sta~----------nP MT-14 I Slim waistline bul1es • Finn-up flabby muscles • Strenlfhen anlS, lep, llacll and shoulders • Takes just 11inutes a day • N1 need t1 disrobe • Use at la1me, .tfitt, •J•hert • htt reJ91tt, ...,. te use • Safe fer all aces, fan • S1t1t ~e­ vellps aay muscle 1roup • Eli•iutes 1eedless repetiti1n • OYerall •Qlical fihess benefits • N1 c1stly, ••lily machines needed. Canada: Home delivery duty free. Ask for FREE booklet. © MARGRACE CORPORATION, 1969 I ~--------------... -----------------------------------I I I • I f i Acid indigestion is through, by gum! Soothed away by Chooz chewing gum antacid. Gas, heartburn, stom- ach upset due to acid indigestion all vanish. And fast. Added at - traction: Chooz gum 1 is just plain delicious. Pass the Chooz, please. Chooz. The only chewing gum antacid. ~;; New way for your ch!-Jrch or group to Raise $40.00 with Festive Christmas Table Covers You don't spend one cent of your own ntaneJI Anna Wade can help yuu raise S40 or more for your Church. Cluh or <..roup w1Lh bnghl. colorlul Festive Chr istm a<. Table: Covers. Hc:r fa. w.pn c1ee11 mous plan has helped over 100,000 "''"' •damp cioe" Church ~roups, Clubs. PT A's. Sco ut _______ ~· .;_1~ =' 1 roops. Vete ranio' Au11iliaric!.. Frn-faNM WAIE. llltlt.136HT. l,....._ Va.14951 tr rnal and o ther group~ ...... "-RVSH FREE c.ompi.t• d •t'"'' o f you.I T . A . W A .. h I (""oP'O_, Plan fot our 9roup to ••IM 140 orl o M.trt, nna a~ ~ 1ps you "'rmo•e wotn Fes11,,., c"''",....' Tab le co .. •1 Fc~t 1ve C"hri~tmas Covrr~ ON CRE-i••lllout -d•n9 I<. 0 1 ou• own money. DIT Have 10 member~ or your N•mc I !!rtlUp l'al'h M:ll JUSt 10 CO\'Cf'> ror l A4dm• I ~I each T hen. you 'iend $6() of thclc 51 z I pn>ee<·th IO Anna Wade-keep S40 ") .,... "'--I rof11 FOR YOUR TR EASU RY .b=.!!.~..:!.!'..~--- NOW! Hid your home of mice com - plelA!ly with d-CON" M ou.ae-Prufe, the amuin& mouse killeT that's - llOST Dncnw£ ... has twire u murh mouse-killing ingm~l 11!1 other leading brands. lt"B an ingredient fffommended by tbe U.S. Govemmenl. alMW$t -uwsw ... iust puU tab -bait feeds aut.omalically . SAf'lST . . . when uaed at1 d ln:'<'t t'd, &ale around r.h ildrt'n and pelJI. No wonder M ouse-Pr ufl' ou lSells all other mouse k illers combined- d·COK MOUSE·PRUFE YOU llAY HAYE PIN-WORMS ANO NOT KNOW IT Fi~ting. los.«nf sleep and a tormenl ing itch ar r nflt'n tPlltal" sign~ of J"in-Wortru1 ... IJltly pan...~tt'l'I t httl mPdit"&I exix•ru. MY infest t out 11f evel)' 3 per.KmSeum~d. Entire film iliE"S mav hi> virtimR and not know iL T<? ge't rid of l'in-Worrru<. ~bey mw l be killed in t he IA!J!<' u1 tesune wlM're they live and multiply. T hal'st>x.&t"tly wlal Jaynp's f'-W t.alJlets do ... 11nd here·s how t hey do it.: Fin1l a tieientitic roating farrles the tabk>t.'< into the bo wels before they diel!lolve. Then Jay ne's mod- 11m . medkslly ... p1.1r·<>ved ingredient ~right to trork kills Pin-Wornlll quickly, eaaily. Ad·"""' plter.,..~l•I. Don't t.ake cl1anc:eR with dJ.lnger- OWI, highly rontagfou." Pin-Worrru< which inft"<'l t>nllre families. C.et gen- uine J ayne'11 r-W Yermifu.2P ... 11mall. nsy-to-tab t.ablet.ll ... ftlK'<'ial ._ for children and adult. .. . "I rhougltt t111!'d 110\'t' to l'"t Dais)' 10 slu p, sht' .. uOn t'd so from la1gt' 11cltinR sort'J. I hod oho111 Ki~"" u p tr J'intJ tltU.gs .. ·hirn I found Sul/odt:n<. The itching stoppt:d.rorr., ~' #H:olt'd, hair K"". bark. Blu.Y )'OU for S141/odt!ne," says M rs. Joh11 Burmeslu. No" Juyy. SVLFOOV'IE liqutd medication nlicvn frenzied itchine almost instantly. Quic k- ly r.romo1ci. ~a ling of fungus itch·so1es (o ren caTied mange, ea.ema, hol spots I. Used tty kennels and vetciina riims. For do~ and caK G el ~UL~Ot>ENE today. Al drug ,rorc~ and pet d epa rtments. WAKEU RARIN'TOGO Wit hout Nq g in g Baclutc he Neiriring 1.,,rkach,, h .. Ml,.rh" •n•t """"· ,.,1la r ~f'hf"f' 1u 1el pains m 11t.t t nmr o n w ith u vr-r-.-s tirtJon, ~m 1it i1'n•I \tf'J'llf'l fll. or .. \'~ry1IAY •lr~•• .. onO •ln11n. tr lhl• naR· l(tn~ 1 .... ,1.:.., .. he. with ,...,.,1""'1. ~t. ... uh""' nisct)L-'. "'Wf'"rln e y•m out, m.kirig y,Ht m 1,.,.,.r•hki-au~I trn l•b"'. don't •·att, try fl11H01~ J''ills -tln •n•t~IC, a fUdn T"f".... lit"\'tH. (}u"n't. pain·relit>VIO~ 1u·ti1hO •''1 ""81fina ber kach« '" ,,ftirn lhtt ~n"we• t;n fh•au·A Pitbt -n<lt n. habit·f,~nn1n1 tlrntr but "W(tll·kn,•Wn &t1•n"11i.r1t rentt"<iy u~~t 1in1cf'~ful1y ti)• miltittn~ r,,r ove,.- 70 Y'-"•"'-~· ir ttwy don 't brina yl•U t h~ ""mt-•••lc .. on\'1 r'!H•f t•nr ('•lTIVt-n· k nc4\ alw•Y" huy lht•n·,ii lflnrt" t.fi.t-. -, ...... ~:-.. t:: :.v:: ~·.=. .... ~:;-,: a, lail r,.. Fmity lltlly '~ ,_ .., ......... oi.s. ..... '"'" ..... .t-i11q M , --!i't •-it t flllt II _. ,_. .....- ..,_ .. .._•"(Irr-.,., ... , ... It •"I' "'"•Ill ~~--._,. --·· """'' ,,. ~ ... ·-""• ,_, ... ,~,, FAMIL'1 WEEKLY COOKBOOK MELANIE DE PROIT Food Editor • October is Chene Month. h's a good time lo begin geUing aequainted with M>m t' of thOlle t'hee8C8 le88 familia r lo you. Continue lo enjoy your favorile8, too, a nd do k~p on hand a varie ty of conveniently pat'kaged sli~d cbee11e8, a11 well a11 jar8 o f intriguin~ t'be eflf" 11preadt1. Ht"r t", we h ave u sed popular t'ht"ei>es a nd one r hN""t!!e food in 1het1e rt"d lH.'8. Egg Noodle Bows with '11lree Cheeses Finl' dry bread crambs 4 qts. boiling watt>r 1 Yz tablnpoons salt 12 oz. ~·I° aoodle bows (abeut 6 C'Ups) or 12 oz. medium egg noodleR 3 C'UPR Thin White SauC'e (see rt>cipe) 2 tables poons butter or marJtarine 1 cup freflhly gratt>d Par mesan chuse ( 4 oz.) cup dic-ed Swisi; ch~e (4 oz.) 1 rup diC'ed Mouarl!lla cheese (5 oz.) t. Coat a butt.ered 3-qt. baking dish wit h bread crumbs. Set a s ide. 2. Add Halt to boil ing water ; gradually ;\dd noodles so tha t water cont inues t o boil , Cook, uncove red. stirring occa sion- ally, unt.il tender . 3. Meanwh ile, p repa re a thiu wh ite sauce. Set aside. 4.. Dra in noodles in a colar.1tler ; turn into a la rge mixin g bowl. Toss with b utter or marg ar ine, then Parm esa n cheese. Add Swiss and Mozza rella ; toss lightly. 5. T ll rn half the noodle mixtu re into the prepa red di~h ; top with half the white sa uce. Repeat layers. If des ired, spr inkle g rated Parmesan c hee!le or bread crumbH over top. 6. Rake in 350°F . oven 25 min. 6 11er11in.g11 T h in While Sauce: Melt ~~ tablespoons butter or margarine in a saucepa n ; blend in 3 table~poon~ fl our. H e~t until mixt ure bubhles . Remove and, a flct ing gradually, ~ti r in 3 cups milk. C'or1k rapidly, stirring con:itantly. llntil sa11ce t h k kens. 2 to ~ min, Mix in a blend o f 11/2 leas poo11 ::1 salt .. 1 ~ tcMqrnon peppt>r, and '" te.a!lpoon nut - me~. 3 ru p.'( soure Cheddar Puffs 1.4 C'UP b utter or m argarine, floftt>nf'<I 2 rups (8 oz .) shrf'dded sharp Cheddar C'hecse 11•4 ("Ups siftf'd regular all-purpos4' flo ur ~ teas poon paprika 1,'. leas pooa d ry austard ~'4 teaspoon Mtyeane 1. Blend bl•tter or margarine and c hee11e until ~mooth . Rirli f!/!J rw odlPS are e.m 1eloped in m.elting S 1vi.~11. Mozzurella. aMI Parmesan cheeses a.~ t hi.<t 111i:rt.1tr1· heats and flavllrs mingle. 2. Mi x in a !.>lend of the clr.v if'lgre<l ients. :l. Shape dough inlo rolls a bout. 114.in. in <l~meter. Wrap in waxed p.aper and ch ill if net:essar y. .f. Cl.It in to 1;.1-in. sl i<'e~. P lace alJout 1 in. a part on lighlly greased cookie s beet.'I. 5. Bake at 400''F . a l.lout 8 min. Ser ve a~ a ppetizer s nttcks. A bout 4 drJz. ('(1okies Seasoned Blue Cheese Spread for Steak Yz ("Up Blue chffff. crumbled 2 tablespoons cream 1 'z tt>aspoon W orcest.t'rsh irt> s auce 1.'z tt>a11poon sa lt '4 teaspoon pepper t. mend a ll mgredients until smooth. 2. Spread generouRly onto ~teak imme- d ia le ly a fter broiling (allow about 2 ta· l1lel'poon:. per serving). 4 to 6 seri:ings Hot Cheese 'n' Beef Dip I 'lz. lbs. bt'4? f round stuk. «round 2 llr.4. paslt>u rizt'd pl"OC'.es..'i A mt>rican cheese food 2 onions.~~ 6 or 7 hot pep~rM, minced 2 lar~e to matoes. ~led and finely chopped t. (ook beef a nd d rain on pa per lowel8. 2. Cut c hee11e int11 ch unks a nd put in a double bo iler top ; Re l over simmering WAter , ~li r r ing occa~iona lly. 11n t il me lt.eel. 3. Mix in onion, hot peppers, an d toma - toe11 ; t he n t he beef. 4. Serve hot. a s a cl ip, o r spoon over toasted butte red buns for supper imack~. Ahout 51h cupR dip H ide-a -Name Plus One ........ This What d id the earth say to the moon? JUNIOR REASURE CHEST The nnmc• n r" eele~t1al hod,v n111ch in the news th~e p:ist months is hid- den in this sentence: T he old-time chromo. once it wais hung in the right light, got the attention of everyone entering the room. '1'1• It five-letter word for what you nre when you ha\·en't any money, add a last letter and get what a plate is when it's been dropped &nd .shat- tered into pieces. (See An:iwer Box) Lera Dnrw • H ... :d Des 811 At1n Dovitltno This hound-dog doeen't Mind h is tune, Re's simply baying At the moon! Which •• th• Odd 0...7 There are six pairs of sockR and one odd sock in this drawing. Which is t he odd one! (See AM1oer Box) Answer Box ·ua'fO.Iq~110.1g :~ SOid "0006 = WXI ! X O'C = 600f: i8U1r.i:f lflVW 1R "UOOJl :;Mm9fo1l~-~H:I .. ·.ioou .ino.< uo 'lenp l0.8 •u.,noA,., :~awa1ppm ·dol •nn lV ~!4M JO puvq pue a1lJ -llµur aio t{l!• auo aqJ. : 4 auQ PPO atll SJ 'P!11.M (See Am1oer Box) l ·CO • • • 1s r1s1n Hospital rates are skyrocketing. And doctor fees, too. How, then, can America's la rgest independent health magazine avoirl the price spiral'! We have a lot of people to thank for it. .. (See Amwer Box) HI, Maitl: F'ansl How can you make 1009 into 9000? (See Answer Bo:i:) AMu ... C09t pw ~ In U.S. •lwpltwls 19!50·19&7 $154.aa $44.48 $23.12 $15.62 More than 600,000 ~rs, who are respond- ing to this hopeful message from Prevent iun: 5ou•ca. Ame<oc.ain ._.,Ital Auot'•""" """._"" ,_,,_,,. •nat••u1e ·~· •v•·'eti• oat• 1960 1965 1950 1955 You yourself may have tre mendous po icer over your O'll"Tt health ! W ith Preventicm, you can plan a program wlt icli may help yo'll f eel better. And enable you to lessen the c:rushing burden uf medical. charges. No, you won't find any miracle health solutions in Prevention. But the average person doesn't need miracle solutions. Information and guidance-that is what most people want in order to help them live riche r, fuller, happier lives. That's what you'll find in Preventiun. For our editors explore dozens of professional journals every m onth. They interview health authorities. Check conference r eporUi. Analyze new theories. And then, in easy-t~understand articles, they present a fascinating variety of important topics: The dangers in processed foods a nd Raising teenagers. Head.aches. Heart disease. Nutrition,. Even Sore Fee t! Anrl many others. Prevention recognizes, of course, that you can't prevent all disease. And when you're sick, you'll see a doctor. But, if you can g et sensible health information beforehand, it may help you to live a healthier, more productive lif e. So, we do hope you'll take advantage of our special offer without delay. Subscribe to Prevention for 10 months at the economical intr00uctory rate of $2.87 -a saving of $2.03 on the regular price. We promise a full refund, if you ever tell us you're not satisfied at any time during the period of the subscription. So, there's no risk. But there's so much to be gained! The cost of Prevention is still only s2.87 ,-------~--~------------------------· To: PREVENTION MAGAZI NE ~ . .. -,. •·-a-:___ .... Emmaus, Pa. 18049 Dept. KA 1 Please enter my subscription for ten months of Preue11t ion a t the no-n sk . low cost price of $2.87-a saving of more than 40"'n on the usual ral.t'. I un~ dent.and that r will receive a full ~fond if not satisfied at any time while l am ~~iving Pre11errf1<m . D I encloee check or money order fo r S2.87. 0 Rill me. 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Accredited Member ,._,ioMI Home Study Council. ,-----------------------------' INSURANCE ADJUSTERS SCHOOLS. Dept.FW I 4 1901 N.W. 1 SI .. Mi9mi, Florid9 33125 I ~ .. ~ '1-"""" I Have A Ball.. RellevBd of Menstroal Olst.mss BP an arltvf, mo'1ern womai• BP wilt! •I Alw~vs on lhl! ao rne~t•nll • 1111nt ~chedul• ol wor~ ann play 'r'Ol1 don't ..,.,)! to ~lowdo .. 11 A11d you don't '1a•e lo Not rvfn t>ec•u~<' ot mrnstrual O•~ lri'SS How 1 W•lh M•OOl Bet•USP M10l)t • rof1la1n\ •An l'•dus1vt! ~nit ~Oa$mod1r th al help•. ~JOP CRAMP«; • ~l'd•c atty.approved 1n11red1~n1·, thtt RClllVt H CAOACtil , LOW 8ACICA( tl( f.ALM JUMPY N (A~f S • PhVi a special moort·bro11nt1<11er that ll'""5 you a rut l1h aets you through the lryong or~ rnen~tr ual P•"od feehng cal•" a11d romfortable a~ on th(' &O ~ dAy Wtlh MIOOI ··-"' ., ............ , , Sleep Away Hemorrhoid Itch If the itch and burn of hemorrhoids make life miserable, try this little trick. Get some Cuticura Ointment and apply just before going to bed. Cuticura's emol- lient medication soothes irrita· lion. quiets itching, even aids healing. Wake up fee li ng wonderful! Cuticura Medicated Ointment. Avail-n•••,. able at all drug llhitiii~ counters. Lo1NTM~5 Destroys odor on sanitary napkins At last -a deodorant for you ... and for your clothes too! For wome n onlv-here's the iq>eCial feminine cleodonrnt UlAt destroys odor whcrt' vou con't er•t'n tUC' an ordlnor:v d rodoro n I. I t's famous. easy-lo-use quf'.ST Deoctorant l'owrler! C 1) ()\Jl'.8T helps keep your body odor-fl"f'f' -l"Ve-Tl tn th.- m 06l intim11te ~~ )--- (2) Qu£.&T destroy!! odor on Mnitllry nap· k.in& H elJ>8 p_reventodor where odor /ifllen long- u t-uoder bras, gin:lles. panty-hoec. Special deodorant for• woman's special needs II Name I •Mm-I 1 at,. &au ZJ» I I~ ~~ I ·-------------------- THOSE HOllRID .. •weathered brown, spots on the surlace of your hands and face tell the world you're gettjn1 old-J)ft'haps before you reelly att. Fade them away with ESOTERICA. that med- icated cr-.n that bT8lu up maSRS of pilJOenl on the wn, he)pll make hands look white and young apin. Equally effective on the face, necls. and arms. Not a cover-up. Acts in the skin-not on it. Fracrant, greaseless base for softeninc. lubri- cating skin u it clean up thO!ll! blemishes. 1f you have theme a~­n!Vealing brown sp0ts, blotches. or if you want cl8.rer, Licht.er skin, use ESOTERICA. At your favori~ drug and toiletry counter .00. More Security With FALSE TEETH AtAayTime Don't be eo alrald Ulat 1our fala teeth wUl come looee or c1rop Juat at the wrong time. Por more aec:urtt7 and more comlort. Ju.t aprtnltle a little PABTEBTH on your plate.. P AB I Ktl H bold• both upper. and lowen llnner longer. Malt.ell eatlog eaaler. PABTBJ!:TH la aJ.kallrle. No gum.my. pa.sty taate I Oen tura lbat ftt IU"e wt.la.I to heal~t'=lJur · dentlat regularly. Oet P . OMEN SUFFER WITH llADOER until ATION PHOTO CREDITS Covar: Ouie Sw-1. Poge 2: SIPS. Poge •: lob.<1 W. Young fo• 01'1. rave 8: VivlenM fo, Ori. "problem" . . persp1rat1on solved Hel for tht11s11ds wlle Jerspire ltnvily An a nt iperspirant that reall y wo rks 1 Sol ves u ndera rm proble m s for m a n y who had d es peir c d o f effeclive help . Mitc hum Anti-Perspirant keeps underarms absolutely dry for t housands of grstefuJ users, with com ple t e gent.len ess t o normal skin a nd clot.htng. Thl.8 unusual formula from a t rust- wo r thy 56-year-old laboratory 1s guara nteed to satisfy o r deale r will refund purchase price. So get. the positive pro· tection of Mitchum Anti-Per- apirant, Liquid or cream . $3.00. 90-da y supply. A vailable a.t your favorite drug or toiletry counter . ON AUTOMATIC lWISMISSMMI RtPAIRS llADIATOR 5~ECIALTY CO .. C~•tetlt, IC C 2120 I PATTERNS Stuffed Toys To Sew! By ROSALYN ABREVAYA N EXT TO the security blanket, one of a child's most prized possessions is a cuddly toy. It is the sentry on night watch, delightful companion during waking hours, adorable on display. And the one you, create by hand givee that extra ingredient of love. These, from three patterns, are simple to make : a fash- ion-plate doll, complete with instructions fo r a whole ward- robe of clothes; sleepy twins made from a pa ir of men's socks; and a quartet of captivating baby animals. A handful of fabric, a bit of wool yarn from your rem- nant basket will create these beauties--and capture a youngster's heart. You stuff them w ith any washable synthetic filler, such as foam rubber or old nylons. Tu order these patterns, simply fill out the coupon. • 7422 .-'\ ,-------------------------, SPECIAl &ARGAIN OFFER-S.nd $1 .00 for all THREE Pa ttern. (•ol-$1..501 Send to: FAMILY WEEICLY ~EEDlECRAfl pAnE«NS, loll 122, Old Chelsea Stotion, New Yori!, t-4.Y. 10011 CHECk IARGAIM OFFER-All 3 pott.m• . , $1.00 0 1-'2'2-Doll and Nine-piece Word•obe ............. 50ft 0 7158-Four little Animol• . . . . ~ 0 567-Sleepy Twin> ond Nightie• . ~ 0 Add ~ fot po•kJ9e a nd handling. S...d coal!, check, or money ordet NAME STU ET CITY STATE Zif' a. 1u.-e to ., .. you• ~ip. l'UASE P1tlNT Mo .. All Yow s--._ l..O.. with n.-. c ..... ,.;.,. aar.,.W 0 Worid'• _, pnxticol do-s ~ -._. '°' ~ f;1 "Adju1lo-Motic fo.m " Adjv>tob&e 8 to 20. Endow "-'9 pl11• $5( po1toge. Send $1."9 utro ft>< at-I stand. 0 Chee" boa lo ,_i,_ world" f;ne1t 1ewing boo ... the 321-poge "Comple .. &ook of Sewing." Volwab&e hoM gauge lndudad- freel .. mit '5.95 u tro with thi> coupon. ~-------------------------~ 14 Fami/11 Week/11, October 5, 1969 - NS , ) most ntry king e by 'uh- •ard- len's rem- re a iable l. • CK J J 1 1 !er' --·' WOll.LD'S MOST VALUABLE PAINTING! 0-:. called La Oiaa>ada-l mode1t i-cd foe it. See It lD all lb porious colon. PAJNTED OVER 411 YEARS AGO! Pale. simpk colors make 1hb <kli11hthal lancbcape one of the world's great an treasures' WINSLOW HOMER MASTERPIECE! One or the world's mol>I appcalina palntiop of children al play 67 OF THE ACTUAL lllPRODUCllONS! Nou model. Comparr larre sine or beautiful full color reiwoductiom y<>u receive. THE TRUE GIFT OF AJITI nm Amaiun maskrpiea takes l.bc riewa-away from the cares of l.bc day. f on rs! 100 Of The World's Mest Beautiful Art Masterpieues All l 00 Yours As Exquisite Full-Color Large 15" Reproductiom! Under 6' Each! Imagine! H>O of the most beautiful paintings of aU time _ .. the g.reatcst masterpieces of Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Renoir, Rubens and 96 more of the greatest painters who ever lived ... all reproduced for you as superb large 15-inch reproductions in authentic true life color. It's almost impossible to describe the impact of sheer beauty you will cxperi· encc as you gaze at one remarkable an treasure after the other. TV viewers aJI over the country have watched in amazement as famous stars have shown these exquisite re- productions on TV. Now you can have aU 100 to treasure for a lifetime in our amazing bound portfolio. ~ Witla Appro~al of FIUllOllS MllSeGIDS Aa Uaprttedented Achievement! AS SEEN ON TELEVISION Famous stars have shown these full color reproduc-tions on TV programs. Herc ~ your chance t.o own "The World's Mosr lkauti(uJ Art Collection! .. Alm~t S200.000.00 went into putting this assemblage of beauty together. The Louvre, The National Galleov, The Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Corcoran Gallery ... great museums all over the world, even behind the fron Curtain, all cooperated in giving their special permission so we could hnng the portfolio to you. An Art Education For Your Family! As your family and children go through the portfolio they will see art treasures from today back to the I SOO's. They'll sec the very best ... the cream of over 400 years and tens of thousands of painting.">. They'll view the great triumphs of the modems, the French School, the Jmpressionists, the great masters! From Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci to Picasso and Dali, il°s all here. And every masterpiece comes with a bril- liantly wntten story of artiM and painting M> that the artist, his life and his work: come to life for the viewer. Looking through the portfolio be~:omes a thrilling, meaningful eitpericncc for young and old. Haag Thr Wmld's Mast Beautihil P•i••iap la Yam Home! Yes! From the JOO World's Most Beautiful Paintings you must find many you will want to use to decorate your home. Imagine! Now you can decorate with Renoir. Cezanne, Winslow Homer, Sir J oshua Reynolds and 96 other an immortals. You receive the world's most fabu lously beautiful land- scapes, florals. portraits, still lifcs, seascapes. children, nudes.. Read the list of till~ on the right. Nr.vcr before has there been such an assemblage of great paintings _._ each one usahle as a separate full-color print of cx- cep1 ional beauty and color. r - -Mail Thi' Amar.ing Trial Coupon Today! - -1 'Ac HOMESTEAD, Dqiit. GA· 119 Amazing Trial <>eer You can't possibly appreciate the beauty and 5COpe of this fabulous collcc11on of 100 an masterpieces tiy looking al the few tiny, black and white pictures on this page. Neither can words dco;cribc them. l.cl us send all 100 to you to en10Y in your home for a full week entirely at our nsk. HOllesteMI Baiklina- N~ptaH. N.J. 17753 f>lt·;1-.e ~ml mv 100 u l the WORLD'S MOS r H~ i\UTll·Ul Pi\INrtNf;\ i:.1ch I ~# 11 t ~H on your :11n :11mi;t 1rial offer. I cnL ilN :: the ~rcc1,1I l(lw nncc o ( S5.9.5 cu mplctc. If lhl'-.e tOO n•t lllrc' .ire 11111 1hc llll''' heaut1fol fulJ.,·ulor rcprndu..:rion~ of t~ wurlJ', >:real .ir1 1h:11 I ha't: ever -.ecn . w11ho u1 a "nglc unkn1111.n an 1,,1 . then vnu will refund my money 1mmedi:ncly. Enclosed 1~ $ (f>lus.c Print) Name City '\1::11c Zip n SA V£! SPECIAL Of'l'J:R: Order lwo Stts of 100 Great An Trca•urcr' for only SIO.'X) You savt St. E~rn "'' makrs a great llill. L------~--------------J PRINTS THlS SIZE WORm $1 EACH IN STORES Get AU 180 For Las Ti...n 6, Eada! You would expect 10 pay SI or even $2 for art prints thi11 si:u in ~tort"S. Through special permission from m11seums all over the world we bring you all 100 in one remarlcable bound portfolio. The price? All 100 arc yours for only $5.9.5. Truly this is ooe of the greatest opportunities ever offered. Your enurc family gets an art education and you11 certainly want to hang some of these fabulously beau- tiful art treasures in your home. Send for yoor portfolio today and examine all 100 for a full week. You must agree that these arc lbc most beautiful rcproJuction!I you have ever seen or you will have seen them entirely free. Offer Will Not Be Repeated This Sea.wn We urge you lo send for yoor portfolio today. Supplies are now limited. We cannot reprint for J months. We will not repeat this advertisement this sea.son in Family Weekly. Mail the no risk: coupon today. WORLD'S MOSI' UAUl'D1JL PAINTlNC Olf li'LOWDSI It hanp In the Louwe. Sec lta lacredJble red&. yellowa, bl~ nu; FABULOUS WHISTLER MASTERPIECE! Now hanp in the Loun-c. A 'Grand Tour' Of The World's Great Galleries Lilft4 Below Are 55 Of TM HO i''amc>m Pal8ti ... ,.ob/o /1'1co.no Let<>• ,,,... ltlatllrl« 0. v"'"''"d A SU... &. .... s.r.rtia M1111rlN Urrf11o ................. ReowJ Dw/y c,.., w-w1dl ..., A '"*tko /l#odtrlllmi . .......... ~ ........ G-rr IJ#llows "'-' . .._ H,,.,., Ill Olli.Ji# ..,....D'll_ .. _ Hrrrrl 0. Toulo1ur- L11wtr•c ....... De...., l'lnn llonnard Altil-.-... /II_, c IU.Ull I R"811 Sea Al IUnat C,,.,,.,, MO#llf v-ol nowen Odllon R rdnn Girt 'WM1I W•t111e c.+ l'H-rn A 111.ui. R11l'l0ir ............... Hrnrl Rouu rou E.douurd Mon#/ o--o.s.- Ed1ar Drrw 1-~T~ l'aul Cr~onn' Rd•,. ef lk Wac C-s w1111 • ., .. Robl""°" L#ltt" n. o,_ Gd en °' Caac-ale Jolut Sln1u Sur1rn1 S....• .. Wliip WJn.JllJ•' Ho'"'' ~ ...... Arillle°• JatrUs Al>bort Mt:!Vrll/ Wh/'11Lr L, 1• ... AP~ Al/rrd SIJ/Ly Kaw-..lw ICyoMJ n. c.-.tt.s ..... G.ar~ 1,._u TM CV At ~tnc.t Att. TM 8tonm GM.Jun~ Cuur~I te-•T ........... CwrTln & ,.,, .... s-............. H otwn o-Jn Gw.&o.a.. a• m Tlt11odott Guic-lt H-FrtPleeelll 81 S!Ot9 £,., .. ,.. D111i>cro/Jt. w.,......, Jolon CofUtabw M-.8- Jo•lt-R•1rwl41 llwMajaC..... FrtuOCUco Goya . .... , TMJM<UG~ n..LA*W lolta,._1 v~ o-t.a a. IUila .. s..-.. ..c..a-, Va. byd: La ....... _. FNUU Ht.i.. VWwolToletle E/Grl'<'O WIM«ln*r..,. l'irt•r /Jrwrlt#I, Tia# EIMr ~ ,,.... Mic'lw~lo ...... , ... " .... Al~clt1 D;.r~• M-U-ltt,,,-ardo Do Vind n.. Rod.7 M.-..... A/hut Bi.11Jad1 T..-8roeli Worthlqw,. Wltllttt-461' • .,.. s... u. amn1allft Hott0n DOMmur Kown lldfl'1 At~ Jran-llaptllfr C a ... uw Coro/ s-.. s._ louplt M. W . TllT'ltn c-. •SeWI •8-IPit> Jacob lwa~A.it Von RM/.$4-1 Judith u yllrr 'Vak•:TM~ Of n. l'tnaaCll COllO#tto L....._A•C.-C Tiu. .. 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You can refuse to take any record at all in a given month, simply by returning the form always PfOv1ded. • ftEE. lEYMOTES MAWIM(. sent to )'OU uch month, df!scnb1nr the fDfth· CIOllllftl selection in 104" fn1M1te held of music, plus a wide variety of other outstanding records in all fields. • TM( ""HT TO CHOOSE AMY •EtOH from any field ol music if you J>(efer • MEMIH'S CtEDll CUD ent1tl1nr you to ci\arge all purchasH. r or eacil album )'OU buy )'OU Wiii be billed the Club pi ice plus 1 small sluppinr and handling charge And you get one record I ree, 1n advance. tor each one you buy 1 Gl.E" CAM"9£U c/o C.pltol Rec:onf Ctub J050 It_. C0Nto llMI.· .,.,_,.._.Gas. CA. 91)60 I auecit ~ 1nv1111lon Please accept me " • ~ of ttie ' Capitol Re<:o1d Clti> 1nd Wld me Ille 10 FA([ R£COROS listed I've 111dated m, rirst purcha.se fOf lftlich ,ou will boll me S4 518, 1 pl11S a uull sl!1111>11\l .wi ti.ndlma cha! ce I 11ree 10 buy 11111 ' t1'I _, lllMlas of "" dloa It re rut 11 Chill pr icn dur inc !tie ne•t ,ear from more tMn JOO • monltl to be otleted All • reconts tnlt IM stnpped m stl!feo, ruar111teed pl17llblt on mono I .--sr-T"9 11111\IC' hh best IS UlyUslHill I I J ...,... YKllirtl : "'"'' , NMle I • Addrrss : City _ Claulul C••lrJ l Wuteni lllY111 l SMwi T"• ' Im Stile : llfl T~ Mlll!lber 1 ~. fl'O lddt1UH1 Write for spec111 offer. .. SllfD Ml flU TNlSl I 0 Al lllllS I ~--------------------------· EATSTW t ..... ......... 1 • I 17-95 91!MO 1CM7 8VCll~ OW#S ::l ~~ I-I·-· 29-62 90661 ~ 907-12 1-03 ...... i -..ru1 •r , ...... '-.--. -·-· 914-el> TME S1£VE Mill ER OANO\.dfl s,tl a'\M -~·--1 --3-84 ~;· 9C»-78 l~· Rid<l.l ~ '" ...... "111 ... la IUW ~~ tt .. 11t ,,.. .., •• , ... ~••Al .1 9tS-66 Dime W)C1I wi.1lf11 "'" .. ..... .......... , .. ..... ,__,, "''"'''' 913-0J ~u t1s.51 901-50 ••• 26-90 ff 'S Hin ..,.I ... ---· 91s.J7 --~~~ -i> ....... ~ ;.. .... .., .,.._,_ r-•c-.,_,.,.P.,... -..,. ,.,, ... j 591 -lllltlfl'.1IU~tt•s. ,,., .... l\. -•WI-I --~ \_A.,,.V t•t •••1-* __ ,.. -·-.. - lMI 26-15 910.H DAILY PILOT COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY SADDLEBACK • q . Hill HOLDER by Dick Wilson WU.SON FORD -·--Hutln"too Beacl1 Back In the early 1900's in Merit· Ian, Wisconsin, the lacol pbysy· dans made many curious notes when signing the coronor's death certificate. This little gem has to be a classic: "De- ceased died from blood poison, caused by a broken ankJoe, whicti is remarkable, as the automo- bile struck him between t h e l~ and the l"adiat.or." May- be some of you folks can re-- member back to the early 1900's? That's about the t i m e Ford started producing automo- biles that would ~e the lives of all of us and the world around us. The Ford Motor Company has been doing tu tbtng longer than anyone else so it's no ~ der that they are the style, per· ronnanoe and safety leaders of the industry. 1970 is no excep- tion . . . The brand new "Bet- ter Idea Cars" aT'e h«e now. All of us here at Wilson F o r d Sales in Huntington Beach would like to invite you to drop in and look, feel and drive your favo- rite from the great new 1970 Ford line. NO( only have we been making cars looger than o t h e r manufacturers but we have made more of them and each year we nave consistently offered the new car buyer t h e largest selection of model, color and style ... Again. 1970 is no exception. Why not drop in and see for yourself. Our store here at 18255 Beach Boulevard is fairly new as automobile deal- erships go. However we a r e loaded with experts who know Fords best. They all agree that the 1970 model line is fabulous and the best ever from Ford . We think you'll agree with the experts. Come on to Huntington Beach and try a brand new 1970 Ford for size. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEt<, OCTOBER 4. 1969 DICK WILSON'S WILSON FORD SALES 18255 BEACH BLVD., HUNTINGTON BEACH .................................................................. See all the-g--- newest ones for TORINO BROUGHAM 2-0R. tiAROTOP TEST·DRIVE THE ONE OF YOUR CHOICE TODAY JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD . 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD 842-6611 HUNTINGTON BEACH SALES DErr. ' a.111. to 1 0 p.111. 1 Days SERVICE OP'EN Tu.s, thru Fri., 8 a .m. to 5 p.m. Mo,., 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. 592-5511 9:3( 10:0< 12:31 1:04 1:31 4:() 8:3 11:0 8:3 9:0 10:0 1:0 5:C 9:1 9: 8: 9: 9! 9 9 ll •69 l • SUNDAY 9:30 0 Notre Dame Football (C) Fighting Irish vs. Mich. State ~artans. Game played yesterday at Notre Dame. 10:00 O@ 00 Major League Bueball (C) Divisional playoffs for League Championship Series. If the National League game is played in Cincinnati, Atlanta or Houston, that game will be televised at 10 AM; however, 1f the National League game 1s scheduled in Los Angeles or San Francisco, NBC will televise the America n League contest at Baltimore starting at 11 AM Ii NFL Football (C) Chicago at New York. 12:30 00 NFL Today (C) Wash Redskins at S.F. 49ers. 1:00 00 AFL Football (C) Teams to be announced. 1:30 USC Football (C) USC Tro1ans vs. Oregon State Beavers. 4:00 . UCLA Football (C) UCLA Bruins vs. Northwestern University Wildcats. Game played yesterday at Dyche Stadium in Evans· ton, Ill. MONDAY 8 :30 O Bruins In Action (C) Tommy Prothro analyzes Bruins vs. Wildcats Sunday game. TUES., WED., THURS. 11:00 AM O ~ (6) Major League Baseball (C) The third and, if necessary, the fourth and fifth days of play In the League Championship Series will be covered today. WEDNESDAY 8:30 0 Rams Highlights (C) Taped highlights of LA. Rams vs. New Orleans Saints Sunday game. 9:00 O Wrestling (C) Rocky Johnson. Canadian Heavyweight champ. SATURDAY 10:00 AM 0 fil (j) World Series Baseball (C) Winners of the Major League Championship series meet in a best·of·seven competi· t1 on at the home city of the American League champions. 1:00 0 @ (].)NCAA Football (C) Oklahoma at Texas. 5:00 0 RETURN Kings Ice Hockey (C) L.A. Kings vs. Stanley Cup Champion Montreal Canadiens at Montreal Forum. 0 @CI) ABC's Wide World of Sports (C) Scheduled: World Table Tennis Championships, Munich, Germany; Natio nal Air Races. Reno, Nev.; Duke Kahanamoku Surfing Championship. i~~l Movies of-the Week I ~ •%:--~-' ~ ••••• if' ,;~~~~. '---------------------J SUNDAY. OCTOBER 5 I 9 :00 0 @ (]) (C) "Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines." A comic valentine to mtrepid b1rdmen. starring Stuart Whitman and Sarah Miles. MONDAY, OCTOBER 6 9:00 0 ~@ (C) "Counterpoint.'' Charlton Heston and Maximilian Schell star as an internationally renowned Amencan conductor and a mus1c·lo11mg German general in a World War II suspense· drama. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 7 l 8:30 0 @ CV (C) "The Over-the-Hill Gang." Retired Texas Rangers trade rockirig chairs for saddles. Pat O'Brien, Walter Brennan, Chill Wills and Edgar Buchanan star. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8 I 9 :00 O @ (jj (C) "~o for the Road" is a modern comedy about a married couple and stars Audrey Hepburn and Albert Finney. I THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9 9 :00 tJ ~ (i) "Fate Is the Hunt.er" stars Glenn Ford. Rod Taylor, Nancy l<wan and Suzanne Pleshette. After tragic air crash. accused ptlot's friend nsks his life t o prove his deceased friend's innocence. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10 9:00 tJ ~ (!J (C) "Doctor You've Got To Be Kidding" stars Sandra Dee and George Hamilton in story of a wacky. unwed young •woman, being rushed t o a hospital to have a baby, accompan· ] ied by three men anxious to m arry her SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11 9:00 O ~@ (C) "The Hell With Heroes.'' Former U.S. A1r Force pilot (Rod Taylor) running an air cargo service in Algeria. be-1 comes involved with a smuggler (Harry Guardino). 11:15 tJ (C) "The Unforgiven.'' Audrey Hepburn, Burt Lancaster. John Saxon. Doug McClure portray a family whose sister is discovered to be an Indian. O (C) "A Thunder of Drums," starring Richard Boone and George Hamilton. tells of a young l1e111 .. nant .:1c;o;1gned to an isolated Cavalry post 1n Arizona -·~ .. " ... f99/ ~G ·~··$1 !r 'JlJ:dF~ L JJ WORLD SERIES HE R OES-Every World Series produu1 its heroes. The NBC T elevision N ttwnrk will televise the World Series for rh e 23rd consecutive year in 1969. PAT O'BRIEN RIDES-NOT AGAIN- BUT FOR FIRST TIME It's been a long time-almost SO years -but Pat O'Brien fbally got around to doing a western. The vet· eran aclor stars in the comedy west- ern, "The Over-the-Hill Gang," airing on ABC's Movie of the Weck., Tues- day at 8: 30 PM. with such identifi- able western performers as Walter Brennan, Andy Devine, CbilJ WiUs, Edgar Buchanan and Jack. Elam. "I suppose." says Pat, "that I'm about the last of the old timers in Hollywood to break the western bar- rier. Actually, I'd have done it years ago, but producers never seemed to think of me in terms of guns, horses, and ten gallon hats. "When Aaron Spelling, executive producer of 'The Over-the-Hill Gang.• called and asked if I'd be interested in playi ng a captain of the Texas Rangers, I said I"d be glad to take the part but that he was about 25 years late in asking me. "'You've got it all wrong, Pat,' he told me. 'In this picture you play a retired member of the Rangers-an old-timer. h 's a comedy western, and your part is big. funny, aod sympathetic. You get to ride, too.• " 'I've never been on a horse in my life.· l told him. Aaron hesitated a few seconds and then said. 'You can learn. It's oot bard.' "Turned out be was right They got me a tame nag, and once they helped me to mount, the rest was easy. So when you see me oo top of that big horse. leading a contingent of ex-Rangen down the main street to warn the villain to get out of town or else, you're watching me get tough io my first western. It was one of the most satisfymg moments in my long acting career.'' Page 3 --; : :::" <: ... • !!\· •• 7:30, New Show, In Color Joining Andy t onight are Johnny Cash, Kate Smith, Jonathan Win- ters, The First Ed ition, Ja c kie De Sha nn on. Guests on upco ming shows will include Bob Hope; Peter, Paul and Mary; Danny Thomas; Rowan & Martin . Adam-12 8:30, In Color Toni ght , Officers Mal · loy and Reed deal with an injured man; a woman who must be told of her husba nd's death; a wild drunk; and three robbery sus- pects. And the officers must put up with kibitz- ers . Martin Mi lner, Ken t McCo rd co-star. IN COLOR TONIGHT ON THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 4. 1969 T ''Arabesque'' 9:00, In Color On this NBC Saturday Night Movie, Gregory Pe ck is a professor leading an uneventful life -until he starts spying on an oil mag- nate, and meets enig- matic Soph ia Loren. SATURDAY OCTOBER 4 fVENINl. 6:00 tJ The Bi& News (C) (60) Clete Roberts . 0 ~ @ g;, Huntley -Brlnllley Slturdly Report (C) (30) 0 MOREY AMSTERDAM * STARS IN ONE MAN COMEDY SHOW! Roll in the aisle for 30 mins.! O DElllT One-Min Show (C) (30) Morey Amsterdam kicks ott this new series by doing his best stand-up nightclub routines. 0 Boa CitJ (C) (60) Sam Riddle hosts. ID Barbara McN1lr (C) (60) John Gary, Marty Allen. The Pair Ex- traordinaire, and The Inner Dia- logue guest. I!) Animals, Action ind Adventure I (C) (30) "The Midway Gooneys." EE TV Ruders' Dl1nt (30) 6:30 O KNBC News Conference (C) (30) 0 Melody Ranch (C) (60) Jerry Nalor guests. 0 @ CV m NCAA Football (C) I (3 hr) Mississippi vs. Alabama. I Run for Your life (C) (60) Dr. Hudson's Secret Journal (30) P11yinf the Guitar (30) (R) On the Edie of EtemitJ (C) (30} 7:00 CBS Evenin1 News (C) (30} Roger Mudd. .196~ I Clete rlnkley in s.! :) (30) is new 3nd-up' Riddle t John ir Ex- -Dia- •tnture neys." ;) (30) Jerry II (C) •a. 0) 11 (30) R) :) (30) (30) 0 I IH~ I 51tndalt $Jln•r Concert cT (30) Second In a trio of musical specials featuring The Glendale Symphony directed by Car· men Dragon. Guest soloist is Doro- thy Warenskjold. ~ Dutil Valley Days (C) (30) I IHCllAL I The World of HofMI ( ) (60) Narrated by Lome Greene, this program traces the historic and present-day contributions of the city horse, the sports horse, the farm horse and the performing horse. fl) S..nut Trills (60) fD Black Journ1I (C) (60) Exclu- sive interviews with Eldridge Cleav- er, minister of information of the Black Panther Party, and Stokely Carmichael, former director of the Student Non·Violent Coordinating Committee, are featured in this the first Pan·African Cultural festival held in Algiers this past July. @I) Do-Re-Ml (30) m Tiii Rlt Patrol (C) (30) 7:30 II 9 ~ Jadle 51tnon (C} (60) 0 @ m AlldJ Wlllla1111 (C) Kate Sm th, Johnny Cash, Jonathan Wlnlers and The FiM Edition guest. 0 Morie: (C) ''SPJ lodlf, Dlt To- · lllOJTW'' (drama) '67--tex Barter, Brad Harris. 0 Miiiion $ Mowlt: ''Seilnce on a Wet Art.moon" (drama) '~im Stanley, Richard Attenborough. &) Wonders of tilt WOffd (C) (30) m Los Caudillol (30) 8.-00 m CoU.,t football (C) (2 hr 45 min) Orfginating from the San Jose home field of the Spartans. the (Continued) Young marrieds come up with Kilarioos answers on The Newlywed Game e8:00pm@ ....... Audrey Hepburn and Albert Finney are a modern married couple hiking through France in "Two For the R oad," The ABC Wednesday Night Movie at 9 PM. Pe1e 6 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 4, 1969 SATURDAY (Continued) game marks the second Pacific Coast Athletic Association gridiron game of the season. Bill Welsh calls the action between the Spar· tans and San Diego State. ID Hawaii Calla (C) (30) Kahalewal, fd Kennedy, Nalani Olds, Melveen Leed, Kalani Cockett, Kahill Del Castillo, the Hula Maids and Ben Kalama and His Orchestra entertain the Hawaiian way. m ~eebrush Theatn (60) fD DEBUT On Beinf Bladl (C) (60} A new drama series, written and performed by members of the National Black Community, wh ich explores the multi·faceted black experience in white America. m Noelle de Estreno (2 hr) 1:30 f) ~ (j) NEW SEASON My Three Sons (C) (30) Steve meets a re- markable woman in the high school corridor, and the two are quickly attracted to each other. Fred Mac- Murray, William Demarest, Don Grady, Stanley Livingston, Barry Livingston and Tina Cole star. Bev- erly Garland is introduced as Bar- bara. and will be a regular in the series. New regular Dawn Lyn por- trays Barbara's daughter 0 Q) 00 m Adam-12 (C) (30) "Good Cop: Handle With Care." ID Budl Owens (C) (30) 9:00 f) ~ CU Green Acres (C) (30) Haney and Uncle Joe make a play for Lisa's mother (Lilia Skala). Oli· ver is oyerjoyed that his mother-in- law plans to end her visit. But he is dismayed when the two duded-up swains urge her to stay so they can court her 0 fil (6) m NBC Saturday Mov- ie: (C) "Arabesque" (drama) '66 ~regory Peck, Sophia Loren, Alan Bade!, Kieron Moore. I Bill Anderson (C) (30) HorJe Opero (60) NET Playhouse (C) (90) "Rem- brandt." A chronicle of Rembrandt's relationships with a 1110 of dis- similar women (R) 9-.30 f) ~ (j) Petticoat Junction (C) (30) When Uncle Joe is caught with too many fish in his possession. game warden Orrin Pike gives him a citation which entitles him to a Jail sentence or a line. 0 bne CirtJ (30) 0 @ @ (D Lawrence Welk (C) (60) California's bicentennial and songwriter Benny Davis are saluted by the Music Makers O Philbin's People (C) (90) Ten tative guests are Henry Gibson and Bruce Geller. ID KittJ Wells (C) (3D) 10:006 Qt 00 Mannix (C) (60) Man- nix sets out to find the killer of his friend and fellow private eye, Cory Boone. and winds up conducting an investigation for attorney Charles Egan who's suspected by police lieutenant Adam Tobias (Robert Reed), of having committl!d the crime. 0 WMbnd News Wr1p-up (C) (30) Hal Fishman. I Ernest Tubb (C) (30) Rawfllde Roundup (60) 801 de Mexico (90) The bubbles and music pop for the 15th year on The Lawrence Welk Show -- e8:3011R@ 10:30 O Dr. Kildare (60) m News (C) (30) Bill Bonds . Swinein' Gospel (C) (60) The Toy That Grew Up (60) Cl) Passport to Travel (C) (3D) 10:45 m News (C) 11:00 f) 0 Cl) News (C) O The Movie Game (C) m Joe Pyne (C) 11:15 f) Fabulous 52: (C) "Battle Hymn" (adventure) '57 -Rock Hudson, Martha Hyer 0 mNews (C) O Saturday Night Movie: "DIJ'S of Wine and Roses" (drama) '63- Jack Lemmon, Lee Remick. CiF) Ingmar Bergman Festival (C) 11:30 O Movie: (C) ''Silver lode" (west- ern) '54-John Payne. 0 Movie: "Thank Your ludly Stars" (musical) '43-Dinah Shore, Eddie Cantor @ Movie: "Road House" (drama) '48-lda Lupino, Cornet Wilde. 11:45 0 m Johnny Carwn (C) 12:30 m Men in Crisis 1:00 f) Movie: "Above Suspicion" (dra· ma) '43 -Fred MacMurray, Joan Crawford. 1:15 O News (C) O Movie: "I Was a Communist for the FBI" (drama) '51-Frank Love- joy, Dorothy Hart. 1:30 0 Movie: "Body and Soul" (dra ma) '47 -John Garfield, Ulfl Palmer. m AIHUpt ShC111t: (C) "At Sword's Poinl .. "Hercules, Prisoner of Evil" and "Wild Cats on the Beach .. l969 I >Op ~lk (60) )) ymn" dson, 'DIJS 63- :c> west· _ucky ho re, ama) . (dra- Joan 11 for Love- (dra- Lilll ·ord's Evil" l .. A MESSAGE from "This is a world of specialization we liv e in ; the computer is here to stay. Stick your head in the sand and tell yourself it isn't happeuing, it's going away; but le ave your head in the sand for five years and a com- puter will be sweeping the floors . In other words, unless you are specifically trained in a spe cific field , you won't even be q ual- ified to sweep floors." • • . .. .. • -:·o ~.. . . ~4fl ~' , • .....-· • ·..: ~ ·"' ~. • • , Call ~l'oll Free (714) 547-9471 9 A.M. to H P.~1 . *The ACADEMY of COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY l Jnion Bank Bldg. (South Tower) ()ran~e . Calif. Page 7 ' - Condi lion Actor Paul Newman (sport- ing a beard), shown here with NBC News correspondents Bar- b ara Walters, Sander Vanocur and Frank McGee, acts as guide for NBC's 2 Vi hour color special "From Here to the Sev- enties," Tuesday at 8 :30 PM. The special is an exploration of the condition of the United States as it is now and what may be expected during the next decade. According to executive pro- ducer Robert North shield, Mr. Newman as guide will repre- sent N OW. "He will be on the program to look and listen with everyone else. He will be a television viewer, not a jour- nalist, who happens to have this very special place from which to look back at the 60s and ahead to the 70s ... with lots of expert help. The jour- nalism will be handled by the correspondents; the guide will connect it, pace it and view it with the audience." Miss Wolters, Mr. Vanocur and Mr. McGee ore just three of twelve correspondents who will present essays during the program. The special will cover such topics as space; foreign affairs, the 10 years of recent his tory involving the U.S. os a part of the world of nations; race, in- cluding the disasters and the progress, the history and fu - t ure of the nation's most se - vere problem and greatest promise; politics, dealing with the notional political situation of the 60s and its legacy to the years ahead; communica- tions; our environment, our im- age; the sexual situation; the life sciences; and the greatest problem facing the next dec- ade--that of hunger and over- population. WATCH! n.eWEDNtSDAY com== .. .... ~ .. · • .1 '· f ~" ~ .. ~f. . f..\)1-·~ ::'" otl c ._ t.9.p,.tlO I The~of &ldies Pciher 8:00PM NE>w! Meet Bill Bixby, Miyoshi Umcki, and a pint-sized heart- stcalf'r, Brandon Cruz, in a wa rm, gentle comrdy. BRANDON CRUZ enrolled in Jimmy Uoyd's talent pool at T a~e I Productions in February, 19 68. A ~er four weeh of preparation, a video tape scene was completed featuring Brandon. The Hal Shafer Agen- cy saw Brandon's video tape at Take I Productions and signed him to an agency contract the following month. Just three months later the _agency presented Brandon to M.G.M. Studio where he received a five year con- tract. His first rote for M.G.M. will be a starring role in the new series "The Courtship Of Eddie's Father" Orange County Toll Free Call 547-6251 TAKE I PRODUCTIONS, INC. 1261 North Vine St. (213) HO 2·1397 ( J ILOCICS SOUTH OF HOU YWOOD Ir VINE ACIOSS STREET FIOM JOFf llSHOP THEA Tiil) THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 4, 1969 LUCKY IS THE WORD FOR LESLIE ... Leslie U11•m11 is • very forthright penon. Interviews, and there have been many in recent years, find her with a deep and thoughtful answer for any question, no mat- ter how pointed or loaded. Since she was chosen in a dozen polls as the best female vocalist on 1V in two of the three years she was the star of "Sing AJong With Mitch," Leslie has risen to the top niche of stardom in show business- she was the toast of Broadway for her "Hal- lelujah, Baby!" musical hit; a top recording artist; a favorite in supper clubs across the nation; star of her own television special aired in 1968, titled "HalJelujah, Leslie!"; and now stars in her own series on CBS, Sundays at 9 PM. There ls no Cinderella story behind Les- lie. Pain, poverty, and smoky night club cell ars have been the background for many a successful singer's career, but Leslie has never bad it rough. The grand-daughter of two ministers, she was raised by parents in the middle-income brackets: "I grew up in four rooms all my life. Now eight is not enough. I guess people never stop wanting more, do they? My own life has been an easy one. though. We weren't millionaires but the ends always met. My father was an elevator operator and professional floor wax.er. He still is. He runs an elevator on Park A venue and refuses to give it up. He's very independent. but he's very proud of me. He's quite a celebrity in his building. He sang with the Hall Johnson C hoir once, but be quit just before they became famous. My mother was a waitress and she took care of white Page 10 "Sugar Hill," a comedy segment, is a regular feature of Tlte Leslie U11am.1 Show, with Ml:Js Uggams as Henrietta Jordan, Lincoln Kilpatrick as her hwband, Lillian Hayman as Mama, Johnny Brown as brothtr Lamar, and Allison Mitts as sistu Oletha. people's children, then later she became a dancer at the Cotton Club in Harlem when Lena H orne was in the line." Leslie made her show bosinas debut as a 6-year--0ld, acting with Ethel Waters on the "Beulah" TV show. This was followed with appearances on the Milton Berle, Garry Moore, and A rthur Godfrey stanzas singing kiddie., songs. Her mother "retired" her from show business when she was 12, and Leslie said "J was gawky and skinny. It looked like the end for me." But at I 5 she made her "comeback," win- ning $25.000 on the television show, "Name That Tune," and helped win another $25,- 000 to build a gym for the Incarnate Word Academy in Corpus Christi. Texas. "It was like a scene from a bad movie, with all the neighbors opening their windows and shout- ing. 'We saw you oo TV!' But I was very happy because l knew l could go to col- lege now and study psychology . . . bul. by the time I wa'! old enough, I was al- ready a regular on Mitch Miller's show and I could afford it anyway." Mitch Miller. a Columbia Records artist and repertoire man, was impressed with Leslie's voice, looks, and personality. and signed her to a recording contra.ct. Natur- ally, when he started bis "Sing Along With Mitch" show on television. he invited her along as the star vocalist. Later, however, Ledfe said " ... the image bugged me. J was dying to bust out and do something wild and sexy. Later, when I played the Copa I did all the sexy songs Mitch wouldn't Jet me do." Leslie bas very definJte Ideas and speaks openly on subjects close to her heart. When asked about raciaJ prejudice, she grew thoughtful and leaned back in her chair as she said ··1 haven't thought about this in a long time: Once I was on a Kiddie talent show, one of those things with an audience applause meter, and if you woo five times in a row you won a car. A Little Negro boy won the week before, :.o when I went on they weren't about to give the prize to two Negroes in a row. J sang, and they cheered so loud that the applause meter should have broken, but my mother stood backstage and watched them tie the clock back. All my relatives were watching and later l had to explain why I didn't win when I reall y did win. I cried and cried. 1 But my mother looked me straight in the eye and said ·We never cry.' "I've always been a very determined girl. I'm not a good loser and J do not accept defeat. Tying that clock back didn't stop what I was going to do with my life one bit. I never cried again." From tluit point on LesUe always used the positive approach. moving on from one milestone to another; aJways seeking out challenging new things to do in her world -the entertainment world. She "invaded'' Broadway and came off a winner in "Hal- lelujah, Baby!" in which she co-starred with Robert Hooks and Allen Case. When asbd her reaction to being signed to debut on Broadway in "Hallelujah, Baby!". in the role originall y intended for Lena Horne, Le!>lie said " ... I had no acting experience except an "I Spy" with Bill Cosby, and a little stock theatre. They were considering Dionne Warwick. I couldn't believe it when I got the part. [ never thought of Lena at all. I mean. this was a big thing and I bad enough to worry about without worrying about how Lena Horne would do it. I had met her. of course. There is no Negro woman in the world who is not aware of her, but I'm not like her. She smolders and sets you on fire. ( use more comedy ... and our voices are not the same. We are sorority sisters. When I joined the Negro sorority, Delta Sigma Theta, Lena pinned me. She's great, but I don't want to be another anybody! "If you are a Negro, they love to label you. Diahann Carroll was called another Lena too, at first. In this business you're automatically either another Dorothy Dan- dridge or another Lena. But times are changing for us all. When I grew up there was only one Negro ball player. one Negro super-star. one Negro this ... one Negro that ... '' Broadway's "Hallelujah, Baby!" was seen in another musical during the 1968-69 sea- son, "Her First Roman.'' based on George Bernard Shaw's "Caesar and C leopatra," in which she co-<;tarred with Rjcbard Kiley. Leslie sums it .ti up with "I take a lot 1 11 of pride in my work. l like everything to be ro I'm a perfectionist When I sing I well, I feel happy, contented ... serene.•· 1 1969 chair :his in talent !icnce times ~cgro went ire to they meter stood clock ~ and t win <::ried. I n the l girl. .ccept stop ! one used 1 one : out .vorld tded" ''Hal- with igned ujah, 1 j for d 00 with They '-I rt. I this 1orry Leoa -, of I the l not 1 on oices i ters. )eh.a :reat, 'y! label >th er Ju're Dan- a re here egro cgro seen sca- orge ." in SUNDAY OCTOBER 5 MORNING 'All stations r eserve the right to change program- ming without advance no· tice. 6:15 I The Christophers (C) 6:30 The Bible Answers 6:55 Give Us This Day (C) 7:00 Tom ind Jerry (C) Sundar funniH (C) 7:301 Batman (C) MOfmon Tabefnacle Choir (C) • Herald of T rutfl (C) Sacred Hurt (C) 7:45 The Christophen (C) (j) Davey and Cioliath (C) 1:00 lamp Unto Mr Feet (C) I g;, The Chris1Dphers (C) Cathedral of Tomorrow (C) Dar of Discovery (C) m Wondeuma (C) m Allen Revinl Hour (C) I ~Paul Harver (C) 6 God Is the Answer (C) Town Hall Meetine (C) 8:30 6 Look Up and Live (C) 0 This Is the Lile (C) 0 flee to Face (C) 0 Movie: "Desert Fiptefs'' (ad· venture) '60-Michel Auclair, Em- ma Renelia. 0 (!1J m i(D li80fi• of the Jun-11• (C) 0 Movie: ''The Atomic Submarine" (drama) '59-Mhur Franz G) Dollars & Sense (C) ~ 00 NFL Foolb1ll (Cl Chicago at New York. I Un lirito eo la Obscuridad The Answer (C) l 0: l 5 Passport to Profit (C) 10:30 Face the Nation (C) (J1) @ l(l) Fantastic four (C) Faith for Tod1y (C) 11 :00 Conv.-s1tions in Bladt (C) I Homebuyer's Guide (C) @ rn ED Bullwinkle (C) Movie: ''The Girt Most Lille!(' (comedy) '57 -Jane Powell, Cliff Robertson. 11: 30 Insider/ Outsidlf (C) I Church in the Home (C) @(VG)NEW SEASON Dis- COVlfJ (C) "Exploring the Valley of Mexico." Proeram explores the advanced •civilizations that flourish· ed in Mexico before the arrival of the Europeans. 0 Movie: "The Silent EnttnJ'' (drama) '58 -Laurence Harvey, Dawn Adams. A FT ERN O ON 12:001J Inside Football (C) George Al· len. O Movie: (C) "C1v1 of Outlaws" (western) '52 -Macdonald Carey, Alecis Smith. Colleee Football 1969 (C) Cine en Su Can I Essentiallr Se1 (C) Gl KATHRYN KUHLMAN and lnsipt <C> * GUESTS IN COLOR 12:30 B ~Ci) Nfl Tod11 (C) Wash ~ Kathryn Kuhlman (C) Redskins vs. S F 49ers. m Revival Fires (C) I ''"' Autry Ci) Full Gospel Revival (C) Oral Roberts (C) I The Story (C) Pattern for l ivine (C) 9:00 Cam«a Three (C) 1:00 0 ~ (6) g;, Aft Football (C) Mr Favorite Sennon (C) Dr. U Movie: "Fir hr Niitrt'' (adven· Paul WOO<lenberg, first United ture) '42-Richard Car1son. Methodist Church of Santa Moni· 0 @ (j) G) NEW SEASON Ol- ea. guests. rectlons (C) "The Game and How 0 DIJ of Di~wery (C) II Was Played." A look at the O C.mous Profile generation gap. m I SPEC.Al I Mormon Conference I Sheflock Holmes (C) The 139th Semi·Annual con Attack ferenee originates live from the Revival Fires (C) · historic Mormon Tabernacle on 1:300(17)(3)G)luues and An· Temple Sq~ in Salt Lake City, 1wers (C) Howa rd K. Smith mod· Utah Pro includes messages erates. Vice President Spiro T. Aa· from the eral officer! and music new guests. from the fa mous choir. m USC Football (C) USC Trojans LOS ANGELES TELEVISION PREMIERE VAN JOHNSON GENE KELLY CYD CHARISSE I Gospel Music (C) vs. Oregon State Beavers at Cof. ~A. A. Allen (C) vallis, Oregon. Taped yesterday. Kathryn Kuhlman (C) I!) Voice of C.tvarr (C) Tom ind Jerry (C) 2:00 O Press Conference (C) i..~----------..i I ~U:~s C:, Life (C) G) Rolllf Oerbr (C) Pioneers vs. Bombers. Aaf lcultural Report @ (j) Sundar Matinee: "The 9:30 6 TodlJ'1 ReliP,n (C) Ruth Ash· Queen of BabJlon" (adventure) '56 ton TaylOf moderates. -Rhonda Fleming, Ricardo Monlal· 0 g;, Guideline (C) "The Drug ban. Aae." a lour·part series providing I Chucho el Roto Information on the dange~ of drug Future (C) usaae. begins with "It Could Hap. 2:30 Movie: "Storm 0¥tr the Niie" pen to You." (adventure) '5&-Laurerice Harvey. D Notre Dame Footb1ll (C) The Anthony Steele. Fijhlina Irish battle the Michiean 0 Movie: (C) "The Veils of Bae· Stele Spartans. dad" (adventure) '54--VictOf Ma· I ~ (1) l(D Dudley Do-RIPt (C) lure, Mari Blanchard. 6 Oral Roberts (C) 0 Million $ Movie: (C) "hcl Batman (C) Mountain" (adventure) '51 -Alan Mino a Mano R1ndlero L1dd, Llz.abeth Scott. SUNDAY 5 D'CbDCH mDUIE 1 lot g to sing ne." 10:00 6 F•ture 3:001 Simon (C) 0 @ @ g;, M1j0f leailll Bas. 3:30 Pattr Duke 1 ball (C) Divisional playoffs for : MlstMocen' Ntlpborhood (R) llllllliliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiililli .... 'J l eaeue Championship Series. Feewre 4:001J Movie: (C) "The Black Shield of fllworth'' (drama) '54 -Tony Curtis, Janet Leigh. O Youth and the Police (C) .. law Enforcement and the Crowded City ... 0 UCLA vs. Northwestern. * A GRIDIRON THRILLER! 0 UCLA Football (C) Tape delay of game between the Bruins and Northwestern University Wildcats played yesterday, l a> Colle&• Football 1969 (C) I Love Luer McHale's Navy I 00 Death V1ll1y Oars (C) (6) Locktf Room (C) Whars New? (R) Cree mos Ensian O'Toole 4:30 O On C1mpus (C) "freshman Days." Airing their views on lhe relevancy of higher education lo· day are members ot Wh1t11er Col- lege's incoming freshman class. and two upperclass le11ders at the college. 5:00 I Sllippy (C) The Munsttfs 00 Passport to Tr1vel (C) Voice of the Hour @ Film FHture (C) "The light 1n Shadows" and ''Art Linkletter's Universe:· ID Adveriture: "UnMnown Moun talns of Nepal." ~ Ci) Fate the Nation (C) ~ Musica J P1l1br11 g;, The Riflem1n 0 CLOSE-UP on skies over * International Airport; a Profile of Elke Sommer O Close-Up (C) Piers Anderton. A look al lhe crowded skies over the Los Angeles lnternallonal air- port, and a profile of Elke Sommer, the art1sl 0 BRIGADOON (COLOR) * PREMIERE O Movie: (C) "Brigadoon" (mu- sical) '54-Cene Kelly, Cyd Charisse, Van Johnson, Elaine Stewart. The hit musical about two Americans who stumble on a Scottish village ttlat comes to life only once every hundred years and from which no villaiter may leave lest it disap· pear fOfever. 0 Shlrter Temple Fllnw "Curly Top,'' ~ Min from UNCLE (C) Batman (C) (]) Seveo Arts Thutre: "Treas· ure of the Golden Condor.," starring C-Ornel Wilde and Cooslance Smith. EE Gospel ol Christ (;j) (6) Mr World and Welcome to It (C) I Youne Musical Artisb (i) The Jetsons (C) Toros Hwe Co111e the Stars (C) Run for Your lKe (C) 5:301 Newsm1k1rs (C) • Scie1k Up (C) Bill .Leyden. lilllipn'a Island (C) Sunat Trails (6) Wortd Tomorrow (C) : Fflflth Chef: Julia Child. Ci) Amattur Hour (C) (Continued) Page 11 NEWS , •-'.: (' ' \ , -I r- \ ::: ' ' :. •'' :-.. .:-:·- ----;:.. I (~;_ (' --• ' _,,# -CBS ~2 u ' -, ,_ ::--_.:; -:1:8-_: ~· l'.Alfftllt!AI<', llS -...,,. ......, .._ r.: 1'J ~ hi)!;:'·! '>.o1 .... ...... Q ZJ '~--.... _ ~ "3{) II ....... ..... r.: 1,:• I ... .... :.d•\loe t1. !ht ~i<l•"\11 t<>n .. '~ ct, u: ,.__ ldNt ...c ~t 1'.. ·..,,V• ·,:.in~ ·11t '..4fwd...-i •••{ -~ ._..,.,~ IH".t hi 111> ..,~ trn bu" u! CA::lf,' ~ 11 .... .r1111A '....i""· • il\lulr(iui ~ ~~ '.>'. ·,,l"io;< "...111 O'f!:f ._Qf\l;t ~ I.~ ct '.1: ~ ._ r..,.,. UIC..£ ~ v: ~~ 8 .... ,_.,., tt. ,~, ·flt :.v. ~<l 'A11of:' If tr~ -,..,,lt>J ;,,-• •..re· ~ •: ·e-.;ne< a ~ ., ~ l c. t."'·~tt ~ ft St• I r1wir (t, J.• ._ tr ,_. Uk ¢1 u:• , '.J f-.... ~ &:· .•• _ s...,, ct, J.l -;:11 a ~~ • ...-it: :·,.. '..ct • ~ i L1111ig1111{ nus'r ~ ·~· u QIJ !lit .Ill\ '..l.rir. Jlr.. ~ll" :::unn;" nu-:: If i. !ti 1t n !l> !lllOO' 'ft! .<"3:ilt ·u1 < '~ n. 11 "llff~ !:f 'J"~ '-"' b·~ .,,,.. .,,.-,.c ~ ··~ i.1~;; ~''Jlll.!1 L-a. ~ .r !:! ~T. .;,~~ ~~rr.~"~ tC II tt'ERl'THJ~. rrs '*'~IM[ FOP THE ~! B T• ...... C: ;:· ·~: ~ ,fl!!tlf" A~ ~utr: • :>. :, ... ~ ~--~ :.-~ -'~....-: :;"¥ Iii C...am ~ Chargt • "' Uttle p eopl.t Flee on LAND OF TH E GlAHTS ' ~:' :I -~ ~~~ ;.:-'= ITT( tmt 'S TI~ ·c,4 ! ·.~~':sl"'JT (a!$" "~'~ ;non~.!" :-. 3 ~ 11.;;.-: 1 g.isrr :·r"': ·.;.~~ w.~ ..,n ar--1t ::t~ < :-a-11'.; ..o lt::e" l'\r ~"='.... > ... -<! ~~ llTl.g: d '! -p;i;,o,t !'" I 00>!! -~'If n::t 0 Do .... ,.., :s: • ~ ~llft(J !hf• :-t-.z :<!--r• ;.,r-r~· =:.r2' '>! @r "'tlBll~ -. Aio-1 * H tt°l ;:' '..-11:.;, ir,.uri::z Ur: 5:1::.b :$- ~ Cl~ ~.!!t ::>• °"w: 5'.I o!!: ~ !:il:r ~ :i• :"1.3 ·- R!""f!!:_ !f '--==-• c....:..s :s: . .31 B 29 I -, --9'0 --"C )~ Wr~ Ir •t.t : n:ic:--: s~ -.. -I!' •~-. W1~J~ : =·-~ ~ V"Sr S'h! -: '':rT ~ ~ -r-i: -:..~ft'r't UTI~ 8~ !''t; .:-I' l"!""l s-11-"'i mo lflTl•'• ::c 0 i orugnt -W~l T DISNEY'S -.r E.nc:hanttng Feat u~ Fnm . THOMASIP(A!! ~ a maglc.a l cat! OJ:J • ~ ••: ~ "'' m ;:i -~ -,,-~ -·~ ;1" -.,:>r.z ~IT'ol 1-:r --= :.1>""3. A.· tm::r.armrr ";.r t:iJ::"~ ~ ··~ =' I D:s::::YlXlJ:".t r·-I .:me·· -.i • 11111: t :.el!.-:-u w:·-1· =1-.:' lil'l::t.nuT.f!T t.z,-.., :-:r-o: 5-...sl• -.1masi1 t s::ii ::.~-"'r:--~ :Tit "l>r-~ D" -.,:>"'.ZS •.t e --, : =--= . ~-" :. -iony :-:.....-.-~ J~ -!"1011, --~ -·~-<':" ~ Ar~ ~ a :-.. :.rz. ~ a \Ill. nMll( ~ •r-~I.isl "t • • 1 ow > r~ ;id. jtdlJllf ll ... -.:. 9 ...... l~ ~ 30) ..,,.~ ~ 11 ••• -i'b 1"Jil'I' ~ ~ !'l.llirTr. --.-t") ~ ll ~ ~ ~-1 cl ut:aa\• MCI & ~": ·~-~ '-.: !lit ur~ --....a ~ : 11 ss -~ ~ r ~ :?lS- w-~ ... e:ai •• 111:: ··it ""' ,. ,...... ... CSM.lirlr.t :. :.aS). )llJ""t l --19m 'iO ... :...... -.fi\ •• 8 CU.-'T EAST'WOOO oo .-ED SLIUJV AA T~ iTE -~I & w..r re so1 :;i1TT ~ ~ic: :i .-aod ;iu ••-IMm: II ROU.£R GAMES--ln•e! (C) * T -BIRDS ~ TO.AS 11..., '-~ : n -5·111 ~ ~~ Wt--. 8 FORD lllOT~ COMPANY * pr CM!ilb THE FBI 8 ':? J. a! Tiit =9 It ~I 'bootw*'" · i e'""' J~°!:I' 1 at P.!'rTll1' tl ~ 1:!.'.1. ".fJ" • :..-~ll 'tllfTr II" ~ ru: 09rT I •:·!) ng ~ tTt! TS tn 111' f<· -! :Oil '.:I LalllT fT tfw D'<rTlli. R " ~ star :~ 2.1nu;ans-r ~·, ·1 :11e fl!Sllr• llM Liit: rT !T>t t" lil~si • ilTTl!:( :. urrtM t :s-anr ., ~ · • ric. :ct IJ' ~ ~ :.-... >! "'Of· lr.<':11)1' ~ n -ZSl'\IT.f:;,• 18 r....--i ._. tt :< ;ear1 rT :Tit "l!DlllT a ut ., :& :.esa r ituttien t:'lWe!I n twwB r. @! BRITA.IW -S OBSESSK>N * DE.BlJTS tonactrt on KCET Ac:daJmeC ·~ytt Saga' f!r "'8ICll T• ~ S.p i;:' I = A'TTlllll :!!Slll<'I ·.c· !S IS t.nlll or JDm C..~· i "<".-els; 11nt ~ •ER. ::1: =-:i-.~ and =II' ~ ""9! ~ .ti ~t :ASl -tmlt!"' l sai. !1 a1 1r:-...:: .c:tlOO 1I :Tit :.o~ ~am•" en~ t· •m· DenOm( s::arua t! ID'°"' ~..Jdts t: -. n:s WT1t. : • f "l:;e:s IOI -ie.ent n11 ~ s ~"!n ~c..-----;: t:.lt 0 ~ .. ~ .. c..., It) 30) t:tD ~ :.r-::..Im i>unc11 :;-t· !(Jn· :JI I( r.l!!nUr.) 1I IT' .ae.l :::Jr .l' ;" tilth 1 wr.n~ ::nur anr • -a ~ m se ~ i.&MSO '"'-'-w::t !.ia.e-POI· -p"' etfTT' -l)i( ht:T l Y. ~tty • ~ :s me::ia ~ 111$: @ ~ IC'I 'l.., -:;""S! r Crea· :""1:1 . Ea ..,.. l ---3: 1¥or1d ... & :.llOC " •. ~ "Slody :r .,. ..-1t"" l\lllllllef r "lt .OOd · s nul'lf"\ m1llmr.s s::Jr'" 1ca..-.. ·<'!l Of t """"™It: ttlf. IJ DON IOfO TTS AD OS * A NER'YOUS GK;GLE TO THE FUN TONI GHT LESUE UGG.UIS SHOW B ~ I u-. 1cPm Sllow ('Q ~ :.ir '-NY"::l f~ ~-" . -·ony . -_...,.,, ~ .laQ :..i-x.~ ~ •=111S1 :r'I!"' id· ":" 301 . :n ·., .... -~. ~-l ~ <"".'. 11'.t ~ II SS :!:$$- .... "!-~ :. :.a~ 00 TE : ;()) ~· and ·e~ (C) PANY 0 @ @ m Bon1nu (C) (60) menl system. Tisha Sterling and "A l awman's lot Is Nol a Happy Jason Evers guest One.'' Hoss Cartwright is m<><e con· D m News (C) (30) vi nced th.an ever that a sheriff is 0 let Me lllk To •.. (C) (60) underpaid when he agrees to tern· Jesse Unruh guests. porarily substitute as peace C>fficer I ubor Re,ort (C) (30) of Vl!linia City. Minion fon.un 0 (11) ffi al ABC Sund1y Movie: · Grin Tatro (60) (l) "M11nlticent Men in Their Fly-10:30 D Wor1d Tomorrow (C) (30) Ina M1dlines" (comedy) '68-Stuart m John 81rbour (C) (90) Redd Whitman. Sarah Miles. A comic Foxx, Mort Sahl, Mel Carter 1uesl valentine to those danng young U) Kathryn Kublm1n (C) (30) men who took to the air in the out· fE NET festiHI (C) (60) "In landish flying machines at the be· Search of Rembrandt" (R) ginning of the century. 11:00 I 0 m News (C) m I bfolt I The Love of th_e C.thednil of Tomorrow (C) Common People (C) (60) A musi· • The Movie G1me (C) Sonny cal lelespecial starring country· fox hosts. Guest panelists are Bob western singer Waylon Jennings.. Hope, June Allyson, Cesar Romero m C.Yllcade of Books (C) (30) and Pat Crowley. Rlwtlide Roundup (60) @ @ ~ @ News (C) 11•1c1A1. I Sibelius: A 5Ym· 11:30 tJ Movie: (C) "D1n1er His Two phony for finl1nd (90) Study of fices" (drama) '66-Robert Lan· the great Finnish composer-Jean sing, Dana Wynter. Sibelius. 8 lohm1n & 81rkley (C) m Domin1os Herdtz (30) · Willi1m F. Buckley (C) Guest is I News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. Auberon Waugh, English a. uthor of The Sports Set (C) (30) "Biafra, Britain's Shame." Comentarlos 1 Ceiebrid1da (30) U) Cinem1 Sund1y (C) "The Bach· tJ ti?} 00 Mlaion: Impossible (C) elor Party.:" (60) Guest May Britt is a danger-@@ lns.ght (C) ous obstacle '!¥hen the IMF sets 11:45 O @ 00 al News (C) out to learn the number of her 12:00 g Public Service Film (C) "Eagla husband's Swiss bank account by Has Landed." The NASA film of ~ :.CJ convincing him World War 111 has Apallo XI flight and landing. J" s at· started. Lee Meriwether and Don 0 Movie: (C) "Sbte fli,.. (musi-CHARGE!-Gert Frobe stars ar Colonel M anfred Von Hol- -;-•is Francks also guest. cal) '62-Pat Boone, Ann-Margret. stein, a German Cavalry officer intent on bringing glory to 0 @ @ m The ~old Ones (~) Bobby Darin, Pamela TIHin. the Fatherland, in "Those Magnificent Men in Their Flyi_ng -,,.!,, __ :,.e (60) "Wh1 at's the Pnce. of .a Pair 12 .. 30 -· ~1~·ing f"""ly (C} d I f h d -· -"""' • ·~ Mac:hines"-an adventure-come y spectac e o I ose an ng ~-· "'r of Eyesr Doctors David Cr~ig, Ted l ·OO-=-Movie· "Brimstone'' (western) young n1en who. at the be<>inning of the century, tonk ro the "" stuart and Paul Hunter give pro-· ~ · . " > the fessionat aid to Dr. Roger Simpson 49-Rod Cameron, Adrian Booth. air in the first outlandish flying madiines--on The A BC Sun- •. liltst in his quest for a sight replac~ 1:30 0 News {C) day Night Movie at 9 PM. ~ ·.nc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.....!..~~~~~:-:-----=========---=====================:::::-:::::::::i ! ·*Of· -~I ION KCET Saga' ! Sqa e·~ LS "C'ftls: K and '! .Ast £.ctJOll l" m· ~ 5 IOI ~ • 30) ~: ti.in· ·:-~ .. llillliiillllMMlll ~ ~ m !"' POI· ~ ~tty -Crta· Korld ' S:udy .OOd's ~~ or >HT OW Pa1e 14 GoU-leee! I'm on at 3 :00pm GOMER PYLE, USMC 'Atench-HUT!' Jim Nabors has gone daytime as the Marine's funn iest recruit, with Frank Sutton earning his sergeant's stripes, the hard way, every single weekday! Watch. and lucky me, I'm on at 3 :30pm LUCKY PAIR This week, Richard Dawson plays host to Werner Klemperer, Larry Hovis, Pamela Mason, Bette White, Mary Ann Mobley and Robert Hogan, for the most -fun- game in town. CBSS2 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. OCTOBER 4 , lQ9 REGULAR DAYTIME MONDAY MORNING Johnny Grant hosts O Movie: See Daytime Movies m Movie: See Daytime ~11,. u Ben Hunter hosts. 5:55 8 Give Us This Day (C) I) Gumby (C) 6:00 fl Sunrise Semester (C) lhis se-~ CIJ Hayden's Happening (C) mester's courses from New York 10:00 ltJ Andy Griffith (C) University are in geology and mal.h· 0 ~ Cf) m Sale ol the Century emallcs Mon . Wed , f rt Dr Alis (C) Jack Kelly hosts. tair W McCrone professor of geol-@ Feature Films ogy, conduc:ts a class entitled "The ~ News/Stoclt Market Dynamic Earth. Pr1nc1ples of Geol ")~ (~ Sunny Today (C) ogy I " rues. and Thurs .. Dr. Al-10:30 , (i) Love of Life (C) bert B J Novikoff, professor of . J <6) m Hollywood Squares mathematics. teaches the course ( ) Peter Marshall hosts. Guests are "Adventures 1n Malhem~t1cal Think· Jackie Vernon, Robert Brown, Doro· rng." .. 1 thy Lamour, Sara Lane and M 6:30 8 Odrssey (C) Mon.. Wed.. Fri;, Linkletter on the people sized lie ··Psychiatry and Criminal Justice tac·toe. Featured regulars are Wdlly 1s taught by Or Seymour Pollack Cox. Rose Mane, Paul Lynde and and John W Miner Tues · Thurs.. Charley Weaver "Conflict, Change and Social Ac· @ It All Adds Up (C) lion.'' a college course about racial 11:00 f) ~ l8J Where the Heart Is (CJ and ethnic groups, rs laugh!... Diana Van Der Vlis. James Mitchell O Education E.lchilnge (C) .. Your Diana Wi!lker star Body and C1gare1te Smoking. 0 ~ '6 m Jeopardy (C) Art 0 ID £du~tionjl F~atures (C) Fleming hosts 6:55 O Communrty Bulletrn Board (C) 0 The Galloping Gourmet (C) Tues fri Graham Kerr 7:00 fl CBS Nein (C) Jcseph Bentr @ Romper Room (C) \ 0 :2~ 6 m The Tcdiy Show (C) 11·20 0 Fnhions in Sewing (CJ Starring Hugh Downs Barbara Wal ters. · Lucille Rivers frank Blw and Joe Garagiola are 11:25 8 ~J (8) CBS News (C) Douglas featured Edwards 0 Billy Graham Crnude (C) lues-11:30 8 091 ,...8) Su rch to r Tomorrow Fri (C1 I uercise With Glorii (C) 0 @ l6i m Name Droppers (C) Mr. Wishbone (C) Al Lohman and Roger Barkley CO· Felix the Cat (C) host. Bob Crane. Dean Jones and Commodity I Stock Report Totie fields are celebrity guests on 7:25 Community Bulletin Board (C) the new comedy.panel show Mafor Monday only . . M 1 League Baseball (C) Tues , Wed., 7:30 0 Foreign Leg1onna1re, on. on Y· Thurs. I The Ed Nelson Show (C) 0 Johnny Grant at Universal (C) Religious Futures 0 The Anniversary Game (C) Al Wonderami (C) Hamel hosts. Bozo (C) 0 Tempo (C) Bob Dornan and 8 CBS Ntwl (CJ Roy Elwell CO·host 8:00 f) ~ 8 , Captarn Kangaroo (C) m Sheriff John (CJ With Bo~ Keeshan m Travel f ilms (C) 0 Uncle Wildo Cartoons (C) ffi Pocketful of Fun 0 Daphne's Cartoon Castle (CJ 11 ·55 0 ~ '6 m NBC News (CJ Ed ~ Gumby (C) • . ~·'!# ~ .. News/. Stock Market I win Newma11 8: 1 S 3 Video Digest (C) 8:30 m Th. e Flrntstones (C) I W Rocket Robin Hood {C) 17 3 Roclty and Hrs Friends (C) 12:00 8 Boutique (C) Actor Robert 8:45 O Your Money's Worth (C) Thurs Forster. author Mary Gallagher a~d 9:00 8 ~ 8 The Lucy Show (C) ch ef Mike Roy are among this 0 l~ 6 m It hkes Two (C) week's featured guests. Vin Scully hosts Guests are Forrest 0 ® (6 m You're Putting Me Tuder London Lee Joe rtynn and On (C) Mon .. Fri. only Larry Bly· their wrves den hosts Panelists a1e Peggy O Leve That Bob, Tues Fri . Mov-Cass. Bill Cullen, E. J Pea~er, Jack re: See Daytime Movies on Mon Cassidy, Kaye Ballard and Alerandro day only Rey O Movie: C\ee Oayllme Movies. O Movie: See Daytime Movies Jackie Joseph 1s hostess I@ 13) Bewitched m Debbie Drake Dancercize (C) News (C) Bill Johns. 11i 3 Jack la Lanne (C) Stock Market Close Underdog (C) : Once Upon a Day 9:25 0 t:ll 6 m N B C N e w s (C) 00 Andy Griffith (C) Nancy Dickerson 12:30 Q ~CU A.s the World Turns (C) 9:30 f) e29', 8 Beverly Hillbillies (C) 0 ~ (6• m Days of Our Um 0 :f:j 6 m Concentution (C) (C) Mon , rn only Macdonald Bob Clayton hosts Carey stars Tue . Wed Thurs ~·· O Movie: See Dayl1me MOY1es jor League Baseball (C) (contd) AFTERNOON .. PROGRAMS Y thru FRIDAY (C) ~nlury lUares :ts dre IJoro- d Art d lie Wally : and h (C) le hell Art (C) arring Juglas 101row -, (C) ~y <Xl· ; and ;ts on Major Wed., 11 (Cl C) Al and ) Ed I ~Obert r and 1 this • Mt : Bly· Peggy Jack andro ·s ! (C) lms on aid . Ma· nl d) I (}]) CV That Girl (C) News (C) Jack Latham. Dialing for Dollars (C) Dave Reeves hosts. EE Stock Mubt Analysis 1:00 e ~ (j) love Is I Many Splen- dored Thin& (C) 0 fl1 @ m Ttl1 Doctors (C) Mon.; Fri. ooly. James Pritchett stars. Tues., Wed., Thurs., Major league B1seblll (C) (cont'd.) D @ (j) Orum House (C) Mike Darow rosls. I P11sword (C) Technical Cocner The G1llopin1 Gourmet (C) 1 :30 ~ 00 The Guldin& li&ht (C) Q) (6) g;, Another World (C) Mon., Fri. only. D Father Knows Best.; Cooking (Cj Wed. D 1 @ 1m Let's Make 1 Deal (Cj Monty Hall hosts. I Truth or Consequences (C) World of Women (C) Commodity I Stock Report J LIA MEADE and a pantl of human rdadom uputs allrmpt lo solve Pt'rsonal problt>ms for viewers u eh day, Monday through Friday -al 2 PM oo KTLA-<hannt>I S's -"Dt11r Julia Meade" !how. Vlrw· u s ue lnvlltd to write lo Julia Meadl' In nrl' of KTL/\-TV, Hol· lywood, Callf. 90028. 2:00 1J ®! ® Secret Storm (C) 0 @ ~J g;, Briaht Promise (C) Mon , Fn. only. Dana Andrews stars 0 Dear Julia Meade (C) D @@1m Newlywed Game (C) Bob Eubanks hosts. 11 love Lucy Human Jun&te Features; Special lntetView, with Eliot Janeway, Monday only. 2:301 ~00 The Edge of Night (C) · (6) g;, letters to laugh-In ( ) on.. Fri. only. Gary Owens hosts. Guests panellsts are Dan Rowan. Jo Anne Worley, Angie Dick· inson and Jack E Leonard Major Leaiue 81Slb1ll (C) (cont'd ) Tues., Wed . Thurs 0 Girl Talk (C) f) (17' CI) tf) The Dating Game (C) Jim Lange hosts O Movie: See Daytime Movies. fom Frandsen hosts. I Huel (C) Mr. and Mn. North 2:55 g;, NBC News (C) F!oYd Kalber. 3:00 00 Gomer Pyle (C) O It's Your Bet (C) Mon., Fri. only. Hal March hosts. Guests are Morey Amsterdam and Kay, Pat Carl1lll, and Lee Karsian. 0 ~hw1y Patrol I (TI) CIJ al Gener1I Hospital (C) Dennis the Menace Bozo's Big Top Show (C) Features 00 Matinee: Don Rodewald. Matinee: Don Wilsoo. 3:30 lucky Pair (C) Richard Daw- son hosts. Pamela Mason, Robert Hogan (Mon., Tues.); Bette White, Larry Hovis (Wed.); and Mary Ann Mobley and Werner Klemperer (Thurs .. Fri.) match wits with audi· ence contestants in a word associ· ation game. 0 Mike Dou&IH (C) 0 Ozzie and Harriet, Mon.·Thurs.; L.A. Fire Dept. Medal of Valor Awards Luncheon (C) Fri. D @CIJ Q)One Lile To Livi (C) I The Flintstones (C) Hobo Kelly (C) TV Re.ders' Di2est ~ 00 Popeye Cartoons (C) 3:45 €lj Feature & News 4:00 8 Sea Hunt I The fllaked Truth (C) @ (j) al Dark Shadows (C) Daktui (C) Features 4: 15 The Friendly Giant 4:30 1J Movie: See Daytime Movies. O Divorce Court (C) I News (C) Bill Bonds. Robert W. Morgan Show (C) The Munsters <V Perry Muon m Pocketful of Fun 129' CU The Flintstones (C) €lj El Dolar de Am ar tf) Bewitched 5:00 0 KNBC Newservioe (C) 0 TOM REDDIN NEWS *IS NOW! News (C) Tom Reddin. Flipper (C) News (C) George Putnam. Batman (C) Peter Gunn (6) Jimmy Thomason (C) : Once Upon a D1y 00 McH1le's Navy i Un Canto de Muico Gilligan's Island (C) l>re1m House (C) 5:30 0 @ (V al ABC Evening News (C) With Frank Reynolds and How· ard K. Smith. I Candid Camera Gilligan's l sli1nd (C) SUnset Trails ~ @ This Day 1969 (C) ED Mi.sterogers' Neighborhood ~ LI' New~ye 29 (C) EE Virula 'f C1pulin1 g;, Town Talk (C) 1n1roauc1na The Heathkit 11Boon11-Blka" ... The 111-saason Trall And snow Bike l'owor from tho on9:no it lrontforrod by ch1in to lhit 11 a I . 50 l11bolou floolellon·typo lire. Tllo ro111ll it hi9h 1l1bility 1114 nmerltoblo treclion wndor 1lmo1I 1ny t11rfoco con• d ilion. Introducing the Heathkit Metal Detector "Tiie Beach Comber~ de(igl1t" "A l\lrtst {(Ir l'rospectors" fi11d coi111, watchft, jewelry, precious metals. Have fun and start a '49er rush In '691 s2399s THE BIGGEST WHEEL IN TRAIL BIKES GIVES SURE POSITIVE ALL-SURFACE TRACTION ... _ It,,-'\ '6811 ~ FREE Send for Owr Huge Catalog It'' fTee to Yo11 for tlte A.Jil119. HEATHKIT® ELECTRONIC CENTER ...::::: .;.:.11111 I l II '' l I I l ~ To reach Heelh~lt Electronic Center I•~• Herbor ll•d. lo loll Ave. •ul on loll • few short bloch lo ) JO Eaal loll or le~e Seftfl An• Fr .. wey lo Herbor nvd .. H .. bor ll•d. to loll, • fow ah.,t blodt and you're horo SAUS & l'AUS HUTHICIT 776·'420 130 UST IALL. ANAHEIM Sl_,ICl 776·••JJ Pa1e 15 ..................... __________________ _ THE DAILY' PILOT. TV WEEK, OCTOBER 4, 1969 Mary is IS. See Mary. 0 See Mary eat little red pills. There never will be an See Mary d1·e Bill Bonds a nd the exact count of the num-• Eyewitness News team ber of kids who will kill bring you "TH E TEEl\Y themselves with drugs this year. DOPERS"-a special report on teen- Maybe it would include the 10-year-age drug a ddiction . It may s h ock you, o ld boy found wandering a lo ng the it m ay infuriate you, but it will help Santa Monica Pier, "bo mbed" ouq)you understand som e of the things of his mind. your own c hild would n ever te ll Or maybe the li ttle girl who you . Sta rting Monday o n Ch an- "turned on" h er own parents. n el 7. Watch it. what we reveal today, you'll argue tomorrow. ~ BILL BONDS/EYEWITNESS NEWS 4:30 & 11:00 PM /KABC -TV ..... 16 MONDAY OCTOBER 6 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O "She Done Him Wron('' (dra ma) '33-Mae West, Cary Grant "Supern.1tur1I'' (horror) '3l-Carole Lombard, Randolph Scott. O "L1dy Be Good" (drama) '42- [le.rnor Powell, Robert Young. 9:30 O (C) "Good Mernin&, Miss Dove" (drama) '55-Jenniler Jones. Rob· ert Stack. ID "The Judge Steps Ouf' (com edy) '49--Ann Sothern. Alexander Knox. 12:00 O "Enter Anene Lupin" (myslery) '44-Ella Raines. Charles Korvin. 2:30 O (C) "Prince of Pta,e11" (dra ma) '55-Richard Burton. Maggie McNamara. 4:30 f) (C) "Interlude" (drama) '57 -June Allyson, Rossano Bra111 EVENING 6:00 f) The Big News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) 0 STEVE HOSTS FUNNY * CHARLIE CALLAS! O Steve Allen Show (C) (90) Frankie L~ine. Charlie Callas, Dr Joyce Brothers and Happy Hall guest. O Six O'Clocll Movie: (C) "Th~ Thull of It All" (comedy) '63- Dc.ris Day, James Garner When a dc.ctor's wile becomes a lV "pitch" girl 1l disrupts their home hie 0 Did Vin Dyke (30) ID Peyton Pl1ce (30) ID Sur Trek (C) (60) UZi l l ) Mike Oouglu (C) (90) tI:J Whit's New? (30) "Concord " l ony Saletan visits Concord dur111& the revotutionary period '91 8) CBS News (C) (30) I Tlempo de Pefdon (30) News (C) (60) Jack Hickey 6:30 KNBC Newserviu (C) (60) The Gi me G1me (C) (30) Jim McKrell hosts. Guests this week are Pamelu Mason. Louis Nye, and Ann B. Davis. W Strange P1r1dise (C) (30) fl) NASA Fe1tv1e (3D) 1:2~ "6 HuntleJ·Brinldey (C) (30) ffi Twin Circle Headline (C) (30) ~ ral The Munste11 (30) I Noticiero 34 (C) (60) News (C) (3D) 7:00 CBS Evening News (C) (30) Waller Cronkite. O Whit's My line? (C) (30) Wally Bruner hosts. Guest panelists for the week are Arlene Francis. Bert Convy, Henry Morgan and Emily Yancy ID To Tell the Truth (C) (30) Garry Moore hosts . y II e g m re Jd lly or ?rt ily 0) ... 0 0 <> 0 • • • 0 C' • • • .~ <" • • .. u • • , . .. "' • ,) 0 0 • ·' .) • .. " " •• • • ·' ' • • " • ~ • • , -• !) ..> 0 o • v f3 ()'CL()CI\ M()Vlf M()~I)~~ I~ C()L()l2 Clt~~~fl 1 Appalachian Autumn Arthur Kennedy and Teresa Wright star in "Appalachian Au- tumn," an original 90-minute drama by Earl Hamner, airing in color as the fi rst CBS Playhouse production of the new season, Tuesday, at 9: 30 PM on CBS. The play was produced by Martin Manulis and directed by William Graham. Philip Alford and Belinda Montgomery will have featured roles in "Appalachian Autumn," which is set aga.i nst a background of DRA M A ST A RS-A r1h11r K c>1111edy and Tere.1a Wright star as ar1 unemploy t'd <oaf miner and l11s wife living in poverty in the deprt'sscd area of A ppalachia in West Virginia, in "A p- palachian A 1Jtum11 ." the economically deprcs~ed coal-mining. area of Appalachia in We~t Virginia. Kennedy portrays Rome Loving, a decent. proud man who is forced into the dangerous nel'ei.s ity of :.tealing coal from the closed, unsafe mine where he had once worked as a miner, rather than go on welfare to support his large family. Miss Wright plays his hopeful wife Virgie. Kennedy, one of Broadway's and H olJ ywood's outstanding actors. was most recentl y seen on the New York stage in Arthur Miller's "The Price." He first gained attention in another Miller play, "Death of A Salesman." in the role o f Willy Loman's son Biff in the original Broadway producrion In atldition to memora- ble performances in the New York theater is still another M illcr drama, 'The Crucible," and m "Time Limit ." Kennedy's motion pictures include ''The Glass Menagerie," "Some Came Running," "Bright V ictory," "The Despe rate Hour-;" and "Lawrence o ( Arabia." Miss Wright is also among the country's finest acting talents, perhaps best remembered for her role as the daughter in Samuel Goldwyn's classic film "The Best Years Of Our Lives." She ap- pea red in the original Broadway production of "Life With Father," and created the role of Annie Sullivan. Helen Keller's teacher. in Fred Coe's teJevi:.ion producti on of William Gibson's "The Miracle Worker." Her film credit-; include "The Little Foxes." "Pride of rhe Yankees." "Shadow Of A Doubt" and "M r~. Miniver," for which !>he won an Academy Award for be~l supporting actress Pa11e 17 'I I I READY MADE CAMPER AWNINGS ,... 18 !!.Jtf!it,A~· 700 x ., -1&9.•• HIX 14 -~.H ,,. " .. -., .... THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, OCTOBER 4. 1969 MONDAY (Continued) ti) Beat the Clocll (C) (30) Jack Narz hosts.. fE Commodity/Stock Report ~ @) MOfldaJ Show (C) (90) "40 Pounds ol Trouble."' ID Abora! (30) "The Mexican· American Artist.'' ~ (j) Truth or Consequences (C) (30) I C.S..r's World (C) (30) That Girl (C) (30) 7:30 Qj Gunsmoh (C) (60) ''Coreyville.'" Marshall Dillon helps a teenage country girl (Jo Ann Harris) defend her rawhider brother. Bruce Glover, Nina Foch, Ruth Ro· man guest. 0 m My WOffd and Welcome to It (C) (30) '"Christabel."' Dogs. everyone else's best friend, get humorist John MOflroe into trouble with his wife, daughter. editor and the police. William Windom1 Joan Holchkis. Lisa Gerritsen, Harold J. Stone star. frank DeVol guests. ie: (C) "Countefpoh1r • (drama) '68 -Charlton Heston. Mu imilian Schell Kathryn Hays, Leslie Nielsen. In Beleium during World War II an internationally reno.ned Ame;1un conductor (Heston) and his 70 member orchmra are capturee1 and threatened with death unless lh~y perform for a music·loving German general (Schell)_ 0 GEORGE BURNS IS * GUEST-VICTIM! O Hlfe Come tilt St.lo (C) (60) Georee Jessel welcomes Ge01ge Burns. who is roasted by Jack Benny. Edward G. Robinson, Pat Boone. Roberta Sherwood, Della Reese. Gene Baytos and Simmy Bow. 0 @ @ Q.) The Survivon (C) (60) Baylor Carlyle learns he has only a short time to live and de· tides ID bring his son Duncan m· lo his banking empire. fi) Horse Opela (60) Ell) NET Journal (C) (60) '"Spuk 0 STOKEY TAKES STUMP Out on Drugs." * FOR NON -GIANTS! 9:JO 0 Q!) Ci) Dorla DIJ <C> (30) O Stump the Stars (C) (30) Mike Doris finds herself posing as the Stokey welcomes guests Don Mar-wife of her boss. shall and Don Matheson. I News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. 0 (17J CE The Music Scent Ht ~id, Sh•. Said (C) (30) (C) (45) Larry Hankin, ChrislDpher Rwilta MuslCll (30) Ross. Lily Tomlin, Chris Bokeno. 10:00 I)®' CI) Carol Burnett (C) (60) David Steinberg and Paul Reid S1neer Steve Lawrence and ballet Roman host. star Edward Villela guest. 0 Miiiion $ Movie: CC> "The Hor· -TODAY'S TOTAL NEWS ILOntal Lltuttn1nt" (comedy) '62-- Jim Hutton, Paula Prentiss. A bun· * WITH TOM REDDIN ! gtine yo une lieutenant is ordered B News (C) (60) Tom Reddin. to lind the Japanese outlaw who @ 00 CE Love, American has been raiding Army supplies on Style (C) (60) The romantic joy$ an obscure Island in the Pacific. and woes of a plotter, an irn I Truth or Consequences (C) (30) migrant, a practical joker and an Judd for the Defense (C) (60) average young man are limned Ttthnlcal Corn!f (30) Arte Johnson. Larry Storch. E. J Elsttrn Wisdom and Modern Peaker, Margaret O'Brien. Alice Life (30) "Zen and Psychiatry." Ghostley, Estelle Winwood and al Chucho tl Roto (30) Marlyn Masoo guest. 8:00 0 m L1Ugtl·ln (C) (60) The 0 Della! (C) (60) Eric Burdon & Monkees-Davy Jones. Mike Ne· War. Gloria Loring, Rip Taylor guest smith and Mickey Cl.Qlenz-guest as I News (C) (60) I 776 Minutemen. kn)ghls of old. Perry Mason (60) and legal eagles. when they join Rawhide Roundup (60) Dan Rowan. Dick Martm and the : JohnnJ Cash (C) (90) A look at rest of the zanies. one of the great Country and West O Bitty Graham Crusade (C) (60) ern stars on a nationwide tour that m Queen for 1 D1y (C) (30) Dick lakes vielters from ·Carnegie Hall Curtis hosts. to a Tennessee prison. fE Sptclal Interview (60) Ehot m Cartel dt Muleru (30) "Caso Janeway ls interviewed de Ines Landeros." New series ED World Press (C) (60) about women jail inmates revolvei al Hit Parade (C) (90) around Ines Landeros. a peasant 8:15 O (fl)@ (D The New People grandmother. who ps to jail for (C) (45) "The Tin God .. In a dune the cri me ol her grandson. buggy race against Stanley, Bob 10:30 m Un Cimo en la Obscuriclad (30) Lee's vehicle strikes and injures 11:0010 (!) €E)(D Ntws (C) Wendy (Donna Baccala) Alfred Hitchcock 8:30 8 ~ Ci) Here's Lucy (C) (30) • The Movie Game (C) Lucy looks f<>< a picnic site in Outer Limits Arizona but instead linds a Navajo 1 CI)~ (j) News (C) l~d1an chief who lakes her for his 11:15 0 fN (6) m N..s (C) wife ll:J08Q!}(j)M1n1 Qriffin (C) 0 UCLA COACH PROTHRO 0 Bruins in Actio11 * REVIEWS BRUIN GAME' O @@G> Joe, Bistloi> (C) O Bruins in Action (C) (30) Tom'. ~heduled guests indude Ross Mar my Prothro analyies the game be-. h~ and . ~n Che:ry· . tween Bruins and Wildcats 0 Movie. (C) 'The ,..a(lltf1t1nt m David Fros1 (C) (90) . Seven" .C~es~~m) ·~Yul Brynne~. ID The I ii Valley (C) (60) (!) Movie •. r: A Bullet fOf Joey 9:00 8 ~ (i) Mayberry Rf'D (C) (30) • (mystery) 5~eorge Raft. Howard IS picked lo write an OrlR ll.45 0 ~ (6) m JoalnnJ Carson (C) inal poem for the state literary Ashley Montagu guests. magazine 12:00 m Movie: "The Bia Operator" 0 1;23 r6-i m NBC Monday Mw (drama) '59--Mickey Rooney. -I .a I n n •11 ) !Cl SS lg D) ge ck .at la ny C) as le n· 0) he ;cl) let :In lYS m- an ed J. ice ind & !.St. al !SI llal iall aso ·1es ves ant for 30) (C) la1 11nt ier !'/'' (C) or" - 7 •001111 - We Buy, Sell for Yuu or Tradt? 02 East 17tti O .. ala & Didi SEALING & PATCHING Rftlel ... 11•1 • lftdus • COmc'I Complete reasonable service Currently en1~aged by City or C.M. for street restoration. NATO CORP, Gen'I Contractor> Coll Ul·llll CARPET .J FURNITURE CLEANING F'or l Cly ScrvicL• and Quality Work . . CALL ST~RUNG FOR BH IGHTNE:SS! 642-1520 ~ DIAMOND \:yl Carpet Cleaning "C'hamµ1ol"'' :vl l'thud' • Soil rl'lnrdPnt '" Sham1uws dt·cp •Expert and guaranteC'd F'roe estimate 6 5-1317 TONY'S CLEANING SHVICI llESIOEHTIAL & COMC'L. Compll'l" floor care. Walls, windows & carpeL<;. Monthly, wP.PkJy, daily. Very rPliable. f're( Est1matC's 541-9123 EVES. Ir WHUNDS DALE JANITORIAL SUVICIS Compll.'11' Clea.nin~ Service' for Homr and Offke Carpt"IS . Floors · Windows CALL 541-5041 ~ HIGHTElt SI DI ~CLEANING SERVICE CAltPl!U & FURN ITURE CLEANING. D11Pp pile & soil rrtardent mC'l.hrKl RPas rrreed rrl'C' t'sl Call 541-4114 WHEN YOU WANT IT DONE RIGHT • VOLKSWAGEN SC'rvkc & Repa11 Gt'neral Repairs, Automatic· transmissions. too! Peter Schlot>PMr>f Ctrllll...t MUl•r Mcchi"'' 2073 Hubor Blvd. Costa Mesa. 642-6373 HAGLUND CUSTOM TIRES New & Cusl1>m Retreads E:xcept ional values! 141 B East 16th St. Costa Mesa Call Barry, 646,...540 Patios -Walks -Onvewnys License -RC'a<:unablc Ra tt'f -rrt-C' Estimates - J . RAY CONSTRUCTION 642-4210 or ( 11492-2716 •"" WE SIT IETTER INC Sub11dlary of Ger ber Prod. Co. Protenlontl Suoervl1lo~ lor chlldrri, oklerly & conv~IHctnl ANYTIME-ANYWHERE Sitting Pretty Agency ••llil64iil2.32ii14t..!i"'-!lllJl!ll! opportunities ava1 a e nm" for· llnusPkPl'pers, Cuoks, Mo ther's A1dt-s. ChaurfPur!>, But Irr~. Geor9~ Allen Rvl•nd Aqency Emofoyer l'•V• FM 106-B E. 16t h. SA 547-0395 ELECTRICIANS ELECTRICIAN Ne Job Too Smalt Prompt S0rvicf' Reason3 blc rat C's• Ca II 545-4614 SHVICI Ir urAIR G-ol Ho11ae Moht~o1tee Sl0.00 MINIMUM '75-5ll4 UPHOLSTERY & REPAIR CZYKOSKl'S Custom Upholstery & Re pair F.u ro1Jl'ltn Cr:-il tsmon;.h1p 1(101:1, F1rrnn<'1nu -Continuous n ro-lt-Yn11ro;1'l! Vph11J Classrs Lar)!f's t Sf.'lt•t•t ion ot F°Ahrk'- 1131 Newpor t Bl .. Costa Mesa 642-14S4 • • CALL ONE OF THE EXPE·RTS LISTED BELOW! NEW LAWNS Re-seeding, comf)ll•te lawn care Clt'lin up by job or month. FreC' t-stirnatf.'s. For Information call 146-0932 -893-1995 LAWN SHYICE Mowing and Edging Bermuda Lawns; Re novated PIH>M lt2·0717 o•yri- JONES GILLESPIE I GOPPERT, INC. Servin9 Thlt Community for onr H yurs 536·2531 207 5th St .. H.B. OuC' to citations, 502, age, SR-22 ... Contact Ron Greenwood Insurance 545-5'14 4l7 W. lttti St., Co1hl M"° PAINT NOW IEfOltE WINTHI Exterior specialists Finest quality workmanship and mater ials Com1X'Utive prices. Fn'f' EstlmalC'S Call 9U-J71' -PAINTING- 25 years exr>eni•nce Refer ences Ouo ran teed workmanship Coll 1111 64J-24l1 Plurnbinl?. H<'uair Drain Cl<>anin.i.: -FrN• E's 11matcs - SPEEDY PLUMBING 24 Hrs. &. Wccko'nd Work 546-2317 o r 540-7217 PLUMllNG ltErAll 24 HOUl SHYICI Kit<:hf'n & Bath N>modeling f'rt>t' Estimatl'S Call L-lls -'42·0341 llD'S WATCH & SHAYH HPAll Any shaver cleaned, oiled and s harpened . . . $3.85 6N W. 1fttl SI. CMla MK• C.el 54S·1'61 VACUUM REPAIR e YACUUMS tt Sit ANO UP COMPLETE IU&PAlltS ANO PAltTS. COAST 't/ ACUUM ...... 64%-15'0 CRAFT CLASSES Valley Biko & Hobby 17071 Magnolia {Al W~rner} Call 142-3777, 545-0377 PllYATE HIDGl LHSONS BeginnPrs-lntermedlate Advanced Learn while playing in group of 4, in 6 easy lessons! JoseplilM Fowler 541-9661 LEAIN OIL rAINTING Using our simplified method! Beginners -Advanced PECORA'S ART CENTIR ltlf H•r11er II, c.tl• M ... 545·1421 or '46·119' THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOU CALL 642·5'71, oat. US COAST TV COLOR & luS;k & WHIT• $6.5-0 -7 Days Includes colo r ~ustment and demagnetizing. 90 day unconditionally guaranteed! Promot Service •7l-t077 JERRY CUITl5 ,, "TlMI TV & Alrhltl-_.._ .. I,../ . ·r rarn my money · a nd yout contidencr" TV Repairs IN YO UR HO ME f'ttoM M2·143J I TUESDAY OCTOBER 7 For morning and afternoon listings, please see ·DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· eut advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO a .. Mallie" (romance) '39 -Ann Sothern, Robert Youna. 1:30 II NArile MJ l.owl" (comedy) '40 -Claudette Colbert. Ray Milland. "Harlow" (drama) '65-Carol Lyn. ~ £frem Zimbalist Jr. "TM OctDbtf Man" (mys1ery) 7-John Mills, Joan Greenwood. lZ:OO 11 '"Whita WMan" (drama) '33- C.role Lombard, Charles Lauahton. 2:30 B "TM rountlinllud'' (drama) ·~ary Cooper, Patricia Neal. 4:JO II (C) UCity lenadl die Su" (adventure) '53-Anthony Quinn. f \: f ', I •, I , 5:00 8 GET IT STRAIGHT * FROM TOM REDDIN! &:GO II 1111 lit News CC) (60) Jerry Dunphy. D m Huntlty-Blinldty (C) (30) 0 STEVE GETS GASSED • * RAISES HELIUM! 0 Stlft Allen sa..w (C) (90) Jim Backus, The Inner Dialo&. Theodor. H. White and Fred Smoot auest.. 0 SD O'Qocl Movie: "'1'e • .,_ laud alld Ille eon.," (romance) '51-Glenn ford, Rhonda flemln&. Edmond O'Brien, Alan Reed. NN r the end of the civil war, a cowbo, falls in love with a cafe entertainer who is a Confederate spy. I Diet Ven Dyb (30) P.,tDn Place (30) star Tm (C) (60) (}) Mille Dou&ta (C) (90) Mars N .. ? (30) "History of Coins.'' I (i') CIS Nns (C) (30) fti.po de '9nton (30) Nws (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:308KNIC ~ (C) (60) • The Ii•• lia .. (C) (30) Jim MacKrell hosts. I Str.np Paradi. (C) (30) NASA F11tun (30) 00 Huntley-Brin._ (C) (30) lllUllCI• Open House (30) "A Contemporary Collection." I (j) The Munst.rs (30) Noticiere 34 (C) ( 60) Nws (C) (30) 7:00 tJ CIS [Ntllftl News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I wur1 My Line? <C> (30) To TtH die TrvUl (C) (30) a.at U. Clodl (C) (30) CoaltHditr I Stodl Report (30) 00 Branded (C) (30) Ahora! (30) (j) TruUI or Conseq'*leel (C) (30) t3Lf~~ f()f2() 12t1()~()A flfMl~t3 .... 20 Tti( f;f ()tif ~() ~~() Ttif f (lWU(JY 1.4. TV flf~lflf Tl f \[,~'° TliE DAILY PlLOf. lV WEEK, OCTOBER 4, 1969 m l1l1nds in die Sun (C) (30) 0 sa.Gw<Ut 5 (C) (60) "I Deram (E That Ciir1 (C) (30) of Trini," stamng Trini Lopez, was * (5) TRINI LOPEZ IS filmed at the Waldort-Altoria tn SONG-SA TION IN BIG New York this past June. SPECIAL AT 9 TONITE! I! :::;.•f=I ~~) (60) "Jazz at 7:JO 8 QI Ci) I.Inc.er (C) (60) Johnny ~glewood." folksinaer Judy Col Lancer ap~ars to become the ins and The Don Ellis Orchestra hired aunman for a troubled teen· perto<m at the 1968 Berkshire Fes lief who Is convinced his father tival at Tanalewood. was murdered. @I) Ho,! (30) 0 ~ 00 a;, I Dr11• of Jeannie 9:30 1J Q?J ([) NEW Sf.A.SON CIS (C) (30) "Guess Who's Goin& To Pliyhouse (C) (90) "Appalachian Be a Bride." Conclusion. Tony re· Autumn." An original drama by Ear1 alizes that, despite all of Uncle Sulieman's (auest Jackie Cooaan) Hamner set apinst the backiround chicanery, he is in love with Jeannie of the economic.ally depressed coat. d mining area of Appalachia in West an wants to marry her. Virainia. Starring in the drama ere IJ ON THE STUMP: THE Arthur Kennedy, Teresa Wri&hl * GIANTS' WEE ONES! Estelle Winwood, Philip Alfrod and 0 Stu111p Utt Stan (C} (30) Mike Belinda Montgomery. Stokey hosts. Guests players fo< I News (C) (30) Ted Meylfs. the week are Don Marshall, Don Ht Said, SIM Said (C) (30) Matheson and Deanna Lund, all ' Chucho Av1Uan1t (C) (30) from The l and of the Giants series. 10:00 ~@(})1(l)Mod Squad <C> (60) D TODAY'S TOTAL NEWS An Eye for an Eye." Capt. Greer's * WITH TOM REDn.• 1 love for widow Liz Weaver makes 1.11N. her the kidnaplng target of a nar· 0 m News (C) (60) colic aana. Nancy Gales guests. 0 @ CIJ a) Marca WtlbJ, 111.D. G Miiiion $ llovlt: "El~nt (C) (60) "Don't Ignore the Mira· Walk" (drama) '54-Elizabeth Tay· cles." Claire Burwick, preanant lor lor. Dana Andrews. the first time at 42. learns that her I Trutll Of Consequenc:e.1 (C) (30) husband has been seeing another Judd tor the Defen11 (C) (60) woman Julie Adams guests. Tedlnicll Corner (30) 0 Della! (C) (60) Fred Smoot The The City Watchm (C) (60) Mad Lads, Hoyt Axton guest ' ChudMI t i RotD (30) @ Peny Mason (60) 1:00 @ @ m Debbie Reynolds El) Rawhide Rourtdup (60) (C) .. <30) "~arried We Ca!1 Always ct;'! PREMIERE Ho IWOod ,. lie Get. Debbie begins making wed u:.1 • . • , .a ry ding plans when a leaal technicality ~C) (60) ~eonar~ .~~~stein s opera. prompts her leu that she and Jim 'Trouble in Tahiti, is presented. Me not oHicielly married. @I) Care• dt Mujtra (30) 0 BENNY vs. GOULET 10:30 @I) Un liritD en la Obswridad (30) * FOR A FAIR MAID! ll:OOIJOUmmmm News (C) U Jack lenny (30) Robert Goulet 0 Billy Graham Cruudt (C) guests. 0 The Movie liame (C) Sonny Fox I Queen tor a D1y (C) (30) hosts. Jesse White, Anne Baxter, Sa,.Orush Theatre (60) Aiiene Dahl, Pat O'Brien guest. . DlscoUl1q111 a lio-lio (C) (60) m A Movable Scent: Robert Mitch· 1 .30 U Red SbftDn . (C) (60) Jaclt Al· um narrates film probing youthful bpertsok tnt, Emd Tmhalinue . HeGnry, Gary expenmentation with hallucinogenic uc e an e nion ap guest. drugs. In the Silent SPot, Skelton plays a summer resort showoff @CI!~ C6J ~ 00 Nm (C) 0 ei3 @.) m I s•lc1n I fr o ,. EE Rua:an Nws Conference Here to the Seventies (C) (2 '/1 hr) 11 :30 U ~ CU Merv Griffin (C) Paul Newman is guide as NBC 0 Q:3 (6) ID Johnny Canon (C) Ne~s explores the condition of the Scheduled guests Include Lillian United Slates as it is now. and Hellman (playwright) and Shecky forecasts what may be expected in Greene. the neit decade. O 1 (~)@ Joey l illtop (C) 0 GREG MORRIS & IRENE Scheduled guests include Cliff * RYAN VISIT ALLEN! Robertson <;nd Boots Randolph. 0 Win W"lth Utt St111 (C) (30) ~ Movie: uHi1ll Noon'' (drama) Hosts. Allen Ludden welcomes guest 52-Gary Cooper, Grace Kelly. pane11sts Irene R~an and Gree m Outer Limits Moms. @ Movie: "Bia House, U.s.A." 0 ~ al Mcwie of the W•k (drama) '55-Broderick Crawford. <f> Tiie Dvtf·llM-Hill li1n(' (com· 12:00 O Alfred Hitcltcod edy-Wes1ern) '69-Pat O'Brien. Wal· . . ter Brennan, Chill Wills. Edgar 12.lO 0 Community Bulletin Board (C) Buchanan. A lively spoof of the m Hollywood's fiaat: "The In· western genre about an aged quar-former." let of lormer Texas Ran11ers.. 1:00 IJ Movie: "Manhartdled" (mys.- I David Frost (C) (90) tery) ·49 -Dorothy Lamour Dan The Bir V1lley (C) (60) Duryea. 1 The Frend1 Chf (30) Julia O O News (C) . Child prepares chicken livers. @Action Theatre: ''Don Juan Quil· 9.00 lipn" (comedy) '45-Willlam Ben- 11 TRINI LOPEZ IN A dll, Joan Blondell. * STUNNING HOUR OF 2:00mA11-N1p t Show: ''The Aston SPECIAL EFFECTS & ished Heart." "Nyoka and the Lost VOCAL ENCHANTMENT! Secrets ot Hippocrates," and 'The Big Bluff " J_ TRINI LOPEZ KNOWS WHAT HE'S LOOKING FOR Trini Lopez is one of the most eligible bachelors in show business, but he says he is not ready to setlle down-yet. Relaxing between sets in his dressing room at NBC Studios, where he was taping the "I Dream of Trini" special that airs Tuesday on KTLA Channel 5 at 9 :00 PM. Trioi frankly admit- ted that he is not thinking about marriage at the present, but be has definite ideas about women. "I haven't wanted to get seri- ous, yet. I have always felt this way because I have some goals J that I want to reach, and l don't believe in being tied down, even though J think it would be beau- tifu l," !he 31 -year-old singer said. "I've never been in love eith- er, 1 don't think," he added wistfully. "I don't think it's time yet. I'm too busy traveling. If I were in love. I don't think it would work out because I would wan! my girl with me all of the rime. Sometimes, that doesn't make any sense even if you are married, because of the kind of schedule we have." he said. . "You work bard when you are making it to the top, and nght now I don't want to have the feeling of someone's waiting for me for days, weeks and months." he explained. Trini paused and thought about ir. "Maybe it's because I'm a Catholic, and I feel tha t when I get married ii must be for good. I'm not saying that I'm a good Catholic, bu! I do believe and hope as the song says. when I fall in love, it wilJ be forever." That does not mean, however. that Trini avoids the fair sex. When he is not working he like~ to be in the company of a pretty girl. A girl has to meet high standards for Trini: "I like friendly gi rls, sincere girls, honest girls. I don't like anything phony. Some girls think that just because you're some- body-an entertainer-they should try to capitalize on your name and your company. That's the kind of girl I don't like. "l Like feminine women-nice and feminine. I hate a girl that looks hard. I like them to look sweet. That's one thing that people aren't doing today with fashions. Designers arc dressing girls in very masculine styles. I think they should be wann and feminine. "I love the miniskirts and styles like that. They're exciting. And I like the mod look," Trini said with a smile. A globe-trotter (be has made a dozen trips to Europe and played to audiences in London, France and Monaco, among other places). Trini has had an opportunity to compare women around the world. "I like European women, because they're more honest, more down-to-earth, more appreciative. If you open a car door, they thank you. At the end of an evening, they thank you for a won- derful time. These are thiogs American girls take for granted, European women have better manners." he said. "M y favorite actress is Elizabeth Taylor. She's just one of the greatest and is very beautiful. I met her in New York and looked at those blue eyes aflli melted," he confided. Much the same way, no doubt. that girls melt when they see Trini Lopez. Double Duty Edward Mulhare was literally turning around in circles while filming a recent episode of The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. And for good reason. The handsome Irishman appears as two people in the "Double Trouble'' episode of 20th Century-Fox Tele- vision's half-hour comedy airing Thunday at 7:30 PM on ABC. One part is his usual role, the salty but sweet CapL Daniel Gregg, the ghosdy inhabitant of Gull Cottage. His alter-ego in the seg- ment is Sean Callahan, an author and exact double for the captain who comes to Gull Cottage and tries to woo the beautiful Mrs. Muir (Hope l.aoge). However, the ghost realizes Callahan is full of blarney and dis- courage, his romantic efforts in numerous ways .. According to Mulharc, "It wu a very interesting role and lots of fun. Portraying two people is not a bard thing but changing my clothes three or four times a day for the change in character was a bit tiring," he admitted. "Emoting the part of an Iruh.man full of blarney was indcod pleasurable--and I must admit, I played it to the blasted hilt," he concluded with a wink . Billy Mumy's New Hobby Billy Mumy (shown here with James Sracy). child star of Lost in Space for five years, has grown up. This biological inevitabiliry is evidenced by the fact that he has sold his expensive and valuable comic book collec tion con- taining such rare isc;ues as "Batman" No. 6. Billy, who will be seen in the title role of "The Kid" episode of 20th Century-Fox Television's Lancer series airing Tuesday al 7 : 30 PM on C BS. has turned to collecting of a ''more lofty and edifying nature" as his teacher, Miss F rances Klammt of the 20th Century-F ox school, so succinclly states. He now coUects rare 6rst editions of American lilerature. Mark Twain and Bret Harte are his particular favorites, though he is now leaning more towards modem authors like Hemingway, Faulk- ner and Steinbeck. 1 No longer does Miss • Klamml ask Billy to leave his collection of reading material outside the classroom door. "I am delighted to see his first editions, many of which I have never seen myself," she said. James Stacy, Wayne Maun- der, Andrew Duggan, Eliza- beth Baur and Paul Brinegar star m the Lancer series Paae 21 Pase 22 () ()'CL()CI\ M()Vlf C()L()l? Wf()~fiUA" • VAl?T I TtlUl?iUA" • VAl!T II CtiA~~fl 1 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. OCTOBER 4, 1969 I WEDNESDAY . OCTOBER 8 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O "Goodbye My Finey" (drama) '51-.loan Crawford, Robert Young. 9:30 e "Desire" (mystery) '36-Gary Cooper, Marlene Dietrich. O "Bachelor of Hurts" (romance) 'SS-Hardy Kruger, Sylvia Sims. m "The Lite Geor2e Apley'' (com- edy) '47-Ronald Colman, Vanessa 'Brown. 12:001J "The Llw vs. Billy The kid" (western) '54-Scott Brady, Betta St. John. 2:30 O "A Stitch in Time" (comedy) '63 -Norman Wisdom, Jeanette Sterke. 4:301J "Angel face" (drama) '53- Robert Mitchum, Jean Simmons. Herbert Marshall. MQna Freeman. r vFN I NG 5:00 IJ TOM REDDIN & TELE· * COPTER! TOTAL NEWS! 6:00 IJ The Bic News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) IJ SIT-BACK·&-TURN-* ON-TO-STEVE-TIME! 0 steve Allen Show (C) (90) My· ron Cohen, The Sunshine Company. and Jerry Collins guest. O Si1 O'Clock Movie: (C) "Tend- er Is the Night'' Part I (drama) '62 -Jennifer Jones. Jason Robards Jr .. Joan Fontaine, Tom Ewell, Jill St John The happy life shared by Dick Diver and his wire. Nicole, on the French Rrviera in the l 920's suddenly comes t.o an end when she accusez him of romantic inter. ests In a beautiful film star. The action fl ashes back to a mental chnac 1n ZuJich where Dick was a young psychia111st and N1core• was his patient I Dick Yan Dyke (30) Peyton Place (30) Stu Trek (C) (60) ()) Mike Doui!n (C) (90) What's New? (30) "Okefeno- kee Swamp " ~ (j) CBS News (C) (30) a> Tiempo de Perdon (30) Gj News (C) (60) Jack Hickey 6:30 8 KHBC Newsservlct (C) (60) • The Game Game (C) (30) The question "How much pressure can you take," is asked of this week's panel: Pamela Mason. Louis Nye anrl Ann B Davis I Strange P1radise (C) (30) NASA Futures (30) ~ (6) Hunttey·Brinkley (C) (30) 1 future (C) (30) "Country ot Aries Provence " A look at the area around the old Roman·ru1n City 1n Southern France. ~ 00 The Munsters (30) I Noticiero l4 (C) (60) News (C) (30) 7:00 CBS Evening News (C) (30) Waller Cronkite. O Whit's My line? (C) (30) m To Tell the Truth (C) (30) m Beat the Clock (C) (30) Commodity/ Stoett Report (30) 3 (6) America! {C) (30) 7:30 ffi Ahor1! (30) Or. Julian Nava and Mr. Richard Ferraro, members of the Los Angeles City Board of Edu- cation, discuss their views on the community and education. '®J 00 Truth or Consequences (C) (30) m Wandtflust (C) (30) ~That Girl (C) (30) IJ The Glen Campbell * Goodtime Hour with special guest Cher of Sonny and Cher iJ ~ 00 Glen Campbell (C) (60) 0 (ll @ m The Yirginl1n (C) (90) "The Power Seekers." Clay G1ainger enters politics and discov· ers the stakes run high with the opposition going to unbelievable lengths lo win. Barry Sullivan and Andrew Prine guesl IJ STOKEY STUMPS NON-* GIANTS PEOPLE NOW! 0 Stump the Stars (C) (30) Mike Stokey hosts. Top stars play pan- tomime charades against host team ol Dick Patterson. Slefanianna Christopherson, and Will Hutchins. This week's guest players from The Land ol the Giants show include Don Marshall. Don Matheson, and Deanna Lund. 0 @ ffi(D Tiie Flying Nun (C) (30) "The Paola Story." Sisler Ber- trille tries to help a young sec· retary who shows up at the con- vent with a baby she says belongs to a friend Chelsea Brown guests. O Million $ Movie: "10,000 Bed· rooms" (comedy.romance) '57 - Dean Martin, Anna Maria Alber· ghett1, Eva Bartok. Rich young Amer· ican arrives in Rome to buy a hotel and stays around promoting mar· riages tor three beautiful sl~ters so he can marry the fourth. I Truth or Consequences (C) (30) Judd for the Defense (C) (60) Technical Corner (JO) Joyce Chen Cooks (30) "Moo Shi Pork " Combining meat and eggs with imported wood ears and hger lily buds. Mrs Chen creates a popular and authentic Northern China dish ED Chutho el Roto (30) 8:00 IJ ED SULLIVAN JOINS * JACK IN COURT! 0 J1cli Benny (30) Ed Sullivan guests. 0 @ f3I Q) The Courtship of Eddie's Fattier (C) (30) "The lit· tlest Kidnapper •· Eddie decldes Mrs. Livingston is lonely and brings home a five·year·old Japanese boy to be her son Bill Dana guests as a Policeman. ID Queen for I 01y (C) (30) ff] Sagebrush Theatre (60) ID The fors~ Saga (60) 'A Family Scandal." Sett>nd episode of the Galsworthy based series Jo (young Jolyon) and his pregnant mistress set up house. Meanwhile, his successlu1 lawyer cousin, So- ames, falls under the spell ol Irene Heron, the stepdaughter of a client. m lmpactos Musicales (30) 8:30 f) ®) (j) The Beverly Hillbillies (C) (30) Granny angers Jed by hawk- ing [lly May and her beauty to the crowd at a backwoods fair Jed complains that Granny, in her anx- iety to see Elly May married before Elverna Bradshaw's daughter, is "showin' Elly May around the fair like she was some prize hog." Scenes at the fair were filmed on location at Silver Dollar City, Mo. IJ RAM/SAINTS REPLAY *ACTION WITH ENBERG! IJ Rims Hichlipts (C) (30) Taped highlights of Sunday's game be· tween the Rams and the New Or· leans Saints. 0 li1.) CI) lffi Room 222 (C) (30) "The Coat.'' Determined lo help Jason, counselor Liz Mcintyre gets him an art job at a department store where he steals a coat for her. I David frost (C) (90) The Bic Valley (C) (60) Sonrisu (30) 9:00 ~ (i) Medical Center (C) (60) A wounded college senior who has been under the Influence of drugs staggers through the hospital's emergency entrance and touches off a police investigation ol his injury. A bullet is lett in the pa· tient's neck after successful sur- gery because of its precarious po· sition, and there is a possibil ity of facial paralysis setting in. Robert The F orsyte Saga VIRGINTAN GUESTS -Andtt"' Prtllt', portnylna an ambitious pol!. dclan, aod Oavt"y Davison, as hn "'"'• 1uest-s1ar In '"fbe Powu Seehrs" on NBC's Tht Virginian colorust W«'dotsday at 7:30 PM. Britain's National Obsession Pine plays Tod Marrtott. or race. And a foreign power wants 0 ~ @ m Kratt M11slc Hill Lochner and his formula. (C) (60) Wayne Newton hosts. 0 ~ @ m Then Came Bron- Smgers Michele Lee and Browning son (C) (60) "The Circle of Time." Bryant and comedian Shecky Greene A feisty old lady (guest Elsa Lan. guest. chester) tries to coerce Bronson IJ Wrestling (C) (60) Tonight's card (slar Michael Parks) into sharing features Rocky JohAson, Canadian her ghost town in her waning days. Heavyweight champ 01ck Lane and Woodrow Chambliss also guests. Mike Lebell announce. 0 TODAY'S TOTAL NEWS 0 @(Vial ABC Wednesday * WITH TOM REDDIN' Movie: (C) "Two for the Ro1d" • 8 m News (C) (60) (comedy) '67-Audrey Hepburn. Al-Della! (C) (60) Smokey Robin- bert Finney. Story of Jeanna and son & The Miracles, Sue Raney, Mark Wallace, their marriage and and Dick Dawson guest. the changes that take place in it I Perry Muon (60) over a period of. 1.2 years. The Rawhide Roundup (60) scenes are set w1t.hm the frame· Speculation (60) "A Conversa· work. of the couple s several auto· !Ion Wil11 Gordon Parks." m~b1le tnps thro.ugh France. Fred· I Clrcel de Mujeru (30) enck Raph.ael, winner of an. Oscar 10:30 . Un Gritu en 11 Obscuridad (30) and th.e British Film Acade,'."y Awar~ 11:00 (J@ mm News (C) for his screenplay of Darling. Billy Gniham CruNde (C) wrote the. screenplay for this film • The Movie Gamt (C) Sonny Fox comedy hit of 1967. hosts. This week's panel : Jesse EE Horse Opera (60) White Anne Baxter Arlene Dahl ED International Macazine (60) Re· and Pat O'Brien ' ports on Taiwan, a government in m Outer limits. exile since 1949; Liberia, a nation Cil (6~ ~@ News (C) colonized by fr~ed Amer!can sla~es; ll:lSI 1 (3). m News (C) and a community of Wh ite Russians 11:30 (i) Merv Griffin (C) now living in Paris. . ~ (6) m Johnny Carson (C) I Sylvia y Enrique (60) Scheduled guests Include Pamela 9:30 NeW1 (C) (30) Ted Meyers. Tiffin and Melanie. He Slid, She Slid (C) (30) fJ Movie: (C) "Daddy lone lees'' 10:00 tJ ~ (i) Hawaii Fiv~O (C) (60) (musical) '55-Fred Astaire. A false tidal wave alert panics the @Movie: "C1u2hf' (drama) '49- State of Hawaii and diverts atten· James Mason, Barbara Bel Geddes. tion from the kidnapping of a lam· 11:4S fJ (f7 (3) ffi Joey Bishop (C) ous genetic engineer. Professor 12:00 O Alfred Hitchock Lochner (Will Geer) has discovered m Movie: "Claudia and David" a revolutionary breakthrough in (romance) '46 -Dorothy McGuire. genetics that will produce a superi· 12:30 O Community Bulletin Board (C) The program that kept 17 million British TV fans at home eac h week comes to American home screens oo Sunday nights when NET presents "The Forsyte Saga." beginning Sunday at 8 PM on KCET. Channel 28. The "Saga" ic; an adaptation of John Galsworthy's novels about the nouve riche Forsytc family of Victori an and Edwardian London. Spanning more thao a half century, the 'tory follows the Forsytes as they struggle against passion and rebellion within the family while trying to protect a facade of "respectability." Featured among the 120 c;pcaking roles are those of British film Academy Award-winner Kenneth More. the Royal Shakespeare Company's Eric Porter. and New Zealand film actress Nyree Dawn Porter. "The Forsytc Saga" was produced by the BBC in 1966 a1 a cost of 260.000 pounds. or about $700.000. It was first aired before a limited audience on the UHF BBC-2 in 1967. and wa~ so well received that it was transferred to the mass-audience BBC-I and placed in the 7·25 p.m. Sunday time slot the fol- lowing year. Before long, viewers were skipping evening church services because of the series. When church vicars discovered why attendance wa~ suddenly dipping, they Jebated whether services should be held earlier so parishionerc; could get home in time for the <;ta rt of each "Saga" episode. A substantial number of churches actuall y did advance the time. For this reason, and because the "Saga" became the subject of countless news- paper and magazi ne features and radio and TV talk shows. the series wa1' de- scribed as "a national obsession" by at least one television commentator. "The Forsyte Saga" already has been sold by the BBC to television co ncerns in 42 nations, including the Soviet Union. Jn fact before mucl:i longer it may be better described as "a global obsession." Jo Forsyte (Kenneth More, left) and his cousin, Soames (Eric Porter), are opprehrnfivt• m•Pr the news they're about to receive in a scene from "The Forsyte Saga." the serial version of John Galsworthy's classic, to be rpen on Sunday nights this fall over NET. Page 23 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. OCTOBER 4. 1969 A· T • T ·E·N· T -1·0-N IMPORT CAR BUYERS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! PRICES WILL NEVER BE LOWER SO VISIT THE DEALERS SHOWN HERE AND PICK OUT THE SPORTS CAR OR IMPORT YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED1 TRIUMPH SPRITE • SPITFIRE AUSTIN HEALEY· GT6 SALES & SERVICE Alway• a-large selection of new and used cars. FRITZ WARREN·s SPORT CAR CENTER 710 E. F irst St., SA 547-0764 THINK II ~ s .. and Drive them During our Model Clearance Sale · on NOW! HERB FRIEDLANDER 13750 Beach Blvd., Wmstr. 537-6824 ORANGE COUNTY'S l!]~[Y][Q][!]~ DEAN LEWIS IMPORTS 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 Page 24 HEAD9UARTERS " .... MMc:tlNI .. ,,_ ...... ••ecwttv• a ....,_,,, • .., ,,... .. ,rte .. i.r lmm•ll•I• ._...,..., OPE LS GALORE! H ... IH .. tOfJ 91 He,. • UM4 Opeh .,.. ,.r1cec1 to ... , l•-.dl....., TERRY BUICK YOUR BEST SPORTS CAR BU Jo •m• I T"' Drf•• ar .. It T odcry ema Cott at , ... ~ALIFORNJt{..rf• SPORTS CARS 901 E. ht St., S.A. I and Z IMPORTS L-.. Sefectl .. le.fy for l•-41ate Defl"'Y PACTOIY AUTHOllZID DIALll COMPLETE FOREIGN CAR SERVICE 410 MAIN HUNTJNGTON BEACH 536-4292 CHICK IVERSON Your Authorized VW - Porsche Dealer in tho Harbor Area Im ~om• of tt.e Love Bu'!i!f) Specials 445 E. c-t Hwy. crt hyMde Drlwe, N.I . 67l·Ot00 54'-lOJl Ht. 5) Ht. 54 I 55 SPORTS MINDED? Then Newport Imports is Your kind of place. Your Authorized ~ Austin America Large stock of used Porsches Jags, MG's, Austin Healeys, etc. n~\Uport JHnµorrs 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. 642-9405, 540-1764 =:ri. =11:.l 4 .-1 In the ~arbor Area the Economy line for the Quality mined. ZIMMERMAN DATSU 2845 H•rbor, Costa Mesa 540-6410 69 THURSDAY OCTOBER 9 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 fJ "Floriln" (romance) '40 Robert Young, Helen Giibert. 9:301J "And tile Anpb Sin(' (l'!Hlsl· cal) '« -Dorothy Lamour, Fred MacMurray. 0 (C) "Eat of E41tn" (drama) '55 -James Dean, Julie Harris. m "FNr No Mon" (mystery) '61 -Mala Powers, Jacques Bergerac. 12:001J "Troplt Holidl(' (musical) '38 -Dorothy Lamour, Ray Milland. 2:30 0 "Adventures of Mart Twain" (comedy) '«-Fredric March, Alex- is Smith. 4:30 I) (C) "A l.nrlea stner• (west- ern) 'SS-Randolph Scott, Angela Lansbury. I V ! ~ "-.J (, 6:00 6 TIM lie Ntw1 (C) (60) Jerry Dunf!.!!1. 0 m H•ntltf-BrlnkMy (C) (30) IJ STEVE GETS TARRED * & FEATHERED TONITE! 1J St.we Allin 5"°w (C) (90) Pat Harrington. Jr .. Allan Sherman, Stu Gilliam guest. fJ Si1 O'Cloct Mowle: (C) "Tender Is the Nlpt'' Part II (drama) '62- Jennlfer Jones, Jason Robards Jr., Joan Fontaine, Paul Lukas. A f>SY· chiatrist is torn between his neu· rolic wile and the demands of his profession. I Dick Van O,U (30) Peyton Place (30) Stir Tret (C) (60) (3) Mlb Dotiitu (C) (90) Wiers Ntw? (30) ''Coin Col· lecting." Roger Andersen tells how youngsters can start coi n colfec. tions and join com clubs. I CIS News (C) (30) Tlempo de Plfdon (30) News (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:301 KNBC Nenenic. (C) (60) • T1M C11111 C11M (C) (30) Stt1n11 P1racllse (C) (60) NASA f'11blr1 (30) @) Hu11tl.,·Brinkley (C) (30) : Pl1,tn1 Ille Ciuitar (30) Emph•· sis is placed on varying tone c:olof and correct use of vibrato. Also included is a performance of Rob- ert de Visee's "Allemande.'' I Ci) TM Munsters (30) NOtldero 34 (C) (60) Ntw1 (C) (30) 7:00 6 CBS lveninc N"" (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I What's My lln11 (C) (30) To Tell ltle Trvtil (C) (30) lut ltle aod (C) (30) Cotllmoctlty /Stodl Report (30) (i) The Ainarlc.ln West (C) (30) '° Ahora! (30) (]) T nrth Of ConseqlllnCQ (C) ( 0) a;, True Adv1ntUf1 (C) (30) 6) That Ckl (C) (30) 7:30 I)~(]) F1mlly Atf1lr (t) (30) Cissy's teenaae friend. ~rla, gets a monumental crush on Uncle Bill and announces that they are "prac· tically engaged.'' Guests include Darlene Carr, Gregg Fedderson, Catherine Mcleod and Peter Adams. 0 (2) (j) a;, Dani.I BooM (C) (60) "Benvenuto . . . Whor• A scheming French girl involves Dan· lel Boone and Josh Clements In a plot to steal a valuable pendant Jimmy Dean co·slars and Marl Du· ~ guests. 0 stu111p Ille Sbrs (C) (30) Mike Stokey hosts. 0 @ (1) Q) The Cllost Ind Mrs. Muir (C) (30) ''Double Trouble." Carolyn's new suitor Is an Irishman who is an exact double of the Cap· tain and claims to be a descendant. 0 Mllllon $ Movie: (C) ''Thi It• luctant Debubnta" (comedy) 'SS-- Rex Harrison. Kay Kendall. Sandra Dee, John Sa~on. Scatterbrained wife of titled English businusman tries desperately to launch her American·raised stepdaughter suc· Q) Thi 811 Valley (C) (30) ID NET Pllfhouse (90) ''Ten Blocks on the Camino Real." Pro· ductlon of the original one·act ver· slon ot Tennessee Williams' "Ca· mino Real" stars Lotte Lenya, Carrie Nye and Hurd Hatfield. @!) Muska J Estrella (C) (30) 9:00 R ~ Ci) CIS Thursday Mowil: •'flta Is ttie Huntar" (drama) '64 --Glenn Ford. Nancy Kwan, Rod Tayior. Suzanne Pleshette, Jane Russell, Wally Cox. M airllne fllght- operations director Investigates the mysterious circumstances surround· ing a tragic air crash in which all e•ce11t one stewardess were killed. fJ @(})G> Tom Jones (C) (60) Tony Bennett. Vikki Carr and The Al.:e Trucking Company guest. m ..... °'*' <60> m Elltto111•n (30) !:30 D ~ (i) m Dr11n•t (C) (30) "D.H.Q.-Med'ical." Friday and Gan· non work out of Central Receiving Hospital and deal with a mentally ill man who threatens violence, 1 dying assault victim and a "lost" senior citizen. I N1ws (C) (30) Ted Meyers. He Slid, Sita Slid (C) (30) Muak1I C>surt (30) cessfully in the London "Season." 10:00 0 til (6) m Dun Martin (C) I Truth or Consequences (C) (30) (60) -Guests are Fess Parker, Bar Judd tor tM Dlfenw (C) (60) bara reldon. Dino. Desi and Billy; Technical Comar (30) Charles Nelso11 Reilly and Jennifer. llU Alley (30) The heydey of B m News (C) (60) Dixieland as recalled by clarinetist @(I)G) It Takes 1 Thief (C) Barney Bisard end pianist host Art (60) "The Beautiful People." Mun- Hodes. dy is tricked into work ing for the @!) Chuco II RotD (30) Red secret police. John van Dree- l:OO Ian guests. 0 Dlll1! (C) (60) Pig Meat Mark· 8 THE FUN IS OUT ham, Miss Baby seals. and Phyllis * OF UNIFORM AND "'cGuire guest. BRIGHTER THAN EVER I Perry M1son (60) JIM NABORS HOUR R1whkk Roundup (60) : The Advoata (60) 6 ~ (j) JI• Nabors Hour (C) • Cm1t de Muj1m (30) (60) Leslie Uuams and Glenn Ash • are special guests for this show. IO:JO fE Un Crito en 11 Obscuriclacl (30) 1J JKll len_!!I (30) 11:001 0 8 Q) News (C) fJ @mw That l irl <C> (30) 1111y Crallam Cn1ud1 (C) "Nobody Here But Us Chickens.'' • NFl ea .. of th• Wttll (C) Ann Marie. hired by M~jof Culpep-O.W U•lts per to promote his fried chicken (}) @ @ ~ 00 News (C) places wearing a chicken costume. m &) Hews (C) c~ickens out In mid·tour. Slim ll·30llf!5 M Ci 'ffl (C) Pickens guests. • en n n I Queen for 1 DaJ (C) (30) ' 6 m JohnnJ Car10n (C) Saptwlllll Tlllltre (60) Scheduled guests include Sandler Washinitoft W9" in ltnilw (C) and Youn1. and Jan Peerce. (30) Behind the headlines 1nalysis fJ @ CD EE Joey . llsllop (C) of Capitol Hills news by correspon· Scheduled guests include singer dents Neil McNeil, Peter Lisagor Jane Mori•?· , end Chules Cofdry. Or. Max !(am· 0 M~: 'Thi P1w.nbrobr' (dra- plemann moderates.. ~a) 65 -Rod Steiger, Geraldine @!> Feliciano! (C) (30) ~~~:; "Vita Squ.cl" (drama) 1:31 0 @ Ci) m Ironside (C) (60) '53-fdward G Robinson Paulette "Eye of the Hurricane." During a Goddard · ' visit to San Quentin prison, Iron· · side and Mark are taken prisoner 12:00 D AHrld Hit~ In the warden's home and forced ID Movie: "An lnspldlM' Calls" to aid in 1n escape plot for three (mystery) '55--Alaslair Sim, Eileen convicts. Dana Elur and Johnny Moore. SeYen ruest 12:30 II Co••Hlty lun.tlR Board (C) u lolinc (C) (90) Mickey ,01Vits l :• R Movie: "A WCMMn of Distinc- and Tom Harmon are rlngS1de at tJOft" (romance) ·50 _ Rosalind the Oly"ll!!c Auditorium. Runell. Ray Milland. D @ W a> hwttchld <C) (30) D D News CC> "Sam1nth•'.s Curious Cravinp.'' m Actiotl Theetr9: "llacllout" Sam1~th1 is In troubl.e with eYefY· (mystery) •50 _ Dinah Sheridan, one. 1nclu~lng the pohc.e, when her Maxwell Reed. preanancy induced cravings for u otic foods are fulfilled by htf l :JI ID All-Nlpt Show: "l(illeB from witchly powers.. Space." "Special Correspondent" t1J David Fnllt (C) (90) end "The lost World of Slnbad.'' lllAGllE YOURSELF BEHIND THE MICROPHONE! WHICH OF THESE 4 FASCINlTllG CAREERS llTERESTS YOU1 0 DISC JOCKEY Ci NEWSCASTER 0 SPORTSCASTER 0 COMMERCIAL ANNOUNCER FRH VOICE ANALYSIS TELLS YOU IF YOU HAVE "HIDDEN TALENT"I TRAIN •T HOM[ OR IN OUR BCAUTlfUL NCW STUOIO SCHOOU You t i" tludJ oroadcut techn1qu" 11 home. In your 1p1re tlmt, or 1n our new 8roadcnl· '"' S<hool-l0C'AT£0 RIGHT H[R[ '" lOS ANCHCS-under the 1uperwlllo11 of °"' Direc t1n1 f ICUllJ of 11 rarnoua 1>101dcnter1 Rid 10· TV 1t1ll0111 everywhere 111ve 1n IM"4£DIAT[ DEMAND tor l>oth men Ind wom~n to t1kt over Important 1ood· payln1 1ob1 r11M flow. NATION·WIOE PlAC£M£NT ASSISTA~CC 11 no 11tr1 cost• Tu11ton u1l1unh 1v1ll1ble. Send to CARUll ACADEMY'S dlvlslOl'I of r 1mou1 Bro1dcu Ters for Fii(( boo-· ltt, record, ind voice 1n1ly1l1 dtt1ll1 NOTICE: ENROLL NOW FOR CAREER ACAD£MY'9 NEXT CLASSI THIS COULD 9E YOUlt CHANCE TO PUT YOURSELI •EHIND THE MICRO .... OfUll •An accredited member of th• Na-t1onel Home Study Council end th• •National Anoclellon of Trad• end Technlcal School~ •Approved for Vet•r•n Tuinln1 •Member of Callfornla Anoclatlon for Private Education •An el11ibl• lnslltut•on under th• federally Insured Student loan Pro.,um. iii£ii-AciD£Mv--~: Joe Hollywood loul1nrd J!.\, Los An1•a. C1lifomi. 90028 W rt.OM: (213) 464~28 I •Ml It '-II I hoft ......_.diloe "'""" -ill .... ~. ... ..... .. .,....,_,, .. Address City, Stele/Zip • • -Pti-on~e~~~~~~-,..~.~ : I am interested 1n : [1 Clnsroom n Home Study 1 I 0 0.l\.l\A2" ! --------------------- FRIDAY OCTOBER 10 for morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tfons reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 D "Cairo" (rom1'1ce) '43-Robert Yoiina. Jeanette M1cDonald. t-.30 IJ "H1ttlr'1 Clstle" (drama) '48 -James Meson, Deborah Kerr. e "Room It the Top" (drama) 'Si--laurence Har1ey, Simone SI. a nor et. GJ ''love Story'' (romance) '44- Stewart Granaer, Margaret Lock· wood. lZ:OOIJ "Sln11pon" (adventure) '47- Ave Gardner, Fred MecMurray. 2:30 B (C) "Dftid Ind l1tllllleba" (drama) '52-Gre&OfY Peck. Susan Card. 4:30 "lldlltof Motile(' (drama) '3 lnaer Roaen. David Niven. i V f N I ~,; l. 6:00 ti Thi 811 News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. O Huntsey-Br!nkley (C) (30) 1J Steve Allin Show (C) (90) Jose Ferrer, Phyllis Newman, Casey An· derson and Jackie Kahane are Steve's 11uests. D Sil O'Clock Movil: ''Tiie Day die Earth StDod still" (drama) '51 -Michael Rennie, Patricia Neal, Huah Mar1owe, Sam latte. I Did Yan Dyke (30) P'eytllfl Place (30) star Tm (C) (60) CV Mike Douatu (C) (90) Whafs NIW? (30) "Matti." Part I of an outdoor adventure stoty set in Norway and Finland. f.i9j (j) CBS News (C) (30) @El fiempo de Perdon (30) al News (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:30 8 KNBC NIWSIM<:e (C) (60) • The Game Game (C) (30) Jim MacKrell hosts. i Stran11 P1radlle (C) (30) NASA Future (30) @ HUnUIJ·Brlnkley (C) (30) Book B81t (C) (30) (R) Ci) The MunsUrl (30 @E NOticlero 34 (C) (60) m News (C) (30) 7:00 U CBS Evenlne News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. O Wt.Ifs My line? (C) (30) CD To Till t111 Trvttl (C) (30) m hat t111 Clock (C) (30) m Commodity/stock Rltlort (30) @(i) Cinema Showcue (C) (90) "BlaC'k Shield of Falworth." m A.hora! c3o> Qj (j) TruUI or Con1equences (C) (30) m American West (C) (30) Q) That Girt (C) (30) ffi~ I)~~ Tt-i~ ~Al?Tll STOOi) STILL VATVICIA ~!:AL MICtiAl:L VI:~~·~ ~""' [ f) ()'CL()CI\ M~ m=Vl()A'1 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 4, 1969 7:30 musical.comedy concerns the ro- -"GET SMART'' mantic complications that ari• -when the young secretary lo a * NEW TIME NEW PLACE handsome business tycoon decides NEW SPY·ROTECHNICS to pursue a show business career. CATCH THE ACTION! IJ JOHNNY MATHIS SINGS, 6 ~(})Get Smart (C) (30) * MORT SAHL ZINGS, Now! Smart enrolls 1n a school for ex· 1J P11yboy After Dark (C) (60) pectant fathers lhat is suspected of Hu11h Hefner's 11uests are Johnny being il KAOS front for the smug Mathis. Mort Sahl, The Chambers &ling or a sec1et 1°'muta dangerous Brothers. Nadia Christen, Tommy enouah to change the geographical Oliver, Bill Russell and Corbett structure of the United States. Monica. 0 m Hip Chaparral (C) .(60} O @OOG> Here Come t h "A Piece of Land.'' Alter acc1den· Brides. (C) (60) "The Soldier.'' tally unC011erlng a silver deposit. Jeremy is accused ol shooting a an eacited Buck wastes no time in pet bear. Steve Ihnat guests. talking Manotito inlo joining him ff) Hone Opera (60) in a major real estate investment. m David Susslllnd (C) (2 hr) "Why Lou Friuell guests. Do People Kill Themselves?" is the D Stump the Stars (C) (30) Mike topic for David and a panel of ex· Siok~ hosts. perts who discuss the rise In sul· D m Q) Lefs Malle I Deal cide rates; and "The Boss of "' (f) ( O)Monty Hall hosts. the Astronauts'' Dr. Thomas Paive, O Million $ Movie: "Battlerround" director of NASA, discusses the (drama) '49--Van Johnson, John space program. Hodink. James Whitmore, George I Nueva Clta Musical (30) Murphy, Ricardo Montalban, De· 9:30 • News (C) (30). Ted Meyers. nise Darcel, James Arness. The He Said, She Said (C) (30) story of the men of the l Olst Air· · Pandorama (30) borne Division, "E'' Company and 10:00 . @ (6) m Bracken's World (C) the historic Battle of the Bulge (60) "OOn't You Cry for Susannah." during World War II. Diane Waring (Laraine Stephens) m TruUI or Consequences (C) (30) sutlers a mysterious illness on the m Judd for tlle Defense (C) (60) set alter befriending a treache~ous m Technical Corner (30) girl she beat out for a role. Diana m Bl1tk Viewpolnt (60) "The Ewing guests as Susannah. a young Black Experience Yesterday and To· girl wise to the ways of drugs, day." A discussion of Black history. who uses anything available to get as Robert Witt Ames' wood·cut what she wants mural is studied and its contents B m News (C) (60) discussed. @ CV<:D Jimmy Durante ,.,... aJ Chucho el Roto (JO) sents The Lennon Sisters (C) (60) 1:00 f) ®) (j) The Good Guys (C) (30) Joey Bishop, Roy Rogers and Dale When money disappears from the Evans, and 0. C. Smith guest. diner cash reRister. Bert 11.1spects O Della! (C) (60) Rusty Draper Rufus and reluctantly sets a trap and Jae~ Deleon guest. for his buddy. Over Claudia's pro· m Perry Mason (60) tests. Bert rigs up a hidden camera fl} Rtwtllde Roundup (60) to film the diner at nlaht. aJ Carce! dt MuJeres (30) I Biiiy Graham Crusade (C) (60) 10:30 m Un Grfto en la Obscurld1d (30) @ (J) (D The Brady Bunch 11 :00 § 0 0 m Newt (C) ( ) (30) "Eenie. Meenie, Mommy. . News (C) Daddy.'' Cindy has only one ticket • John McKay Show (C) to the school play she is in and m Outer Limits doesn't know which parent to give (.17.l (3) ~ (6}~ News (C) it to. m ; G.l Nm (C) m QuHn for t Day (C) (30) 11:30 f) 00 Merv Griffin (C) m Sapbruall Tbutre (60) 0 @ m Johnny C1rson (C) aJ Lueec:lta (C) (30) Scheduled guests include Rodney S.:30 U Qj (j) Ho11n's Heroes (C) Dangerlield, Muhammed All and (30) Guest Nita Talbot returns as Mamie Van Doren. Marya. the romantic but deceptive O Mov~: "C"ristopher Columbia" Russian spy, to lead the Heroes. {adventure) '49 -Fredric March. l<llnk and an enemy counterspy on Florence Eldridge a mission to the Russian front. O @mia> Joey Bishop (C) 0 lj3 (6) m NtlM of the Game 0 Movie: "The Road to Hone (C) (90) .. The Emissary." Charles Kon(' (comedy) '62 -Bob Hope, Boyer and Craill Stl'lens guest In Bing Crosby, Dorothy Lamour lit. this drama of Communist intrigue. m Movie: (C) "Mad About Men" 0 @ la) Mr. Deeds Goes to (romance) 'S~lynis Johns, Mar· Town (C) (30) "The Wonderful Old garet Rutherlord. Saloon." Longfellow Deeds lries to lZ:OO m Movie: (C) ''The Boy With save an old s1loon scheduled to be Green Hair" (drama) '48 -Dean torn down by his corporation. Stockwell, Robert Ryan. Susan Trustman and Walter Burke 1:00 6 Movie: (C) "Last of the Fast guest. Guns'' (western) 'SS-Jock Mahoney, m David Frost (C) (90) Linda Cristal. (D The Bia Valley (C) (60) 0 0 News (C) m Casals Master Class (30) Mr. I) Community Bulletin Board (C) Casals discusses the importance of m Action Theatre: ''Girl From stvle and of playing In tu11e. Manhattan.'' starring Dorothy La· aJ Noches T1patl11 (30) mour. 9:00 6 Q!> Ci) CBS Friday Movie: (C) l :ZO 0 Movie: "Mr. Sardonicus" (hor· "Doctor You've Got To Be Kidding0 ror) ·ot-Oscar Homolka (comedy) '67-Sandra Dee, Celeste 1:30 m All-Nlg11t Show: "The White Holm, Mort Sahl, George Hamilton. Towers," "Apache Fury" and "Curse Bill Bixhy Dwayne Hickman This of the Swamo C1eature " 9:00 0 eiJ 00 m H. R. Pvfnlt11f (C) ID Movie: ''Hl&llWIJ o,.ptt" (dra· 0 Mowit: "Thirtttn Hours by Air" ma) '54-Richard Conte, (drama) 'JS-Fred MacMurray, 0 @ (J) Q} Hot Whttll (C) OCTOBER 11 m Movie: "Hi&h School Conftdtn· tlal" (drama) '58-Russ Tamblyn, ID Ruff 'n' Reddy (C). 12:00 6 ~(I) Tiit Mon .. a (C) al Canclones Y Mu11e1 def Rt · O Home and R1a 11tion Show (C) cut rdo Jack Rourke hosb. All stations reserve. the 9:30 B.~(i) Da sta!dlJ ' Muttley In I Evana·Nova Report <C> right to change program· th11r Flyina M1dun11 (C) • Tutro Fa11111i1r . •tho I ~ 00 m Jimbo (C) 12:30 ~ 00 W1cty Rac:ts (C) f!11nl WI ut advance no· @ @ al Tiit Hardy Boys (C) Movie: ''Spawn of tht North" t1ce. Amazin& lhfff (adventure) '38 -Henry Fonda. 7·00 • ~ 00 ei;, Hldll & Jedd (C) ' Cuerdll Y Gulta!"'ll 0 II Mondo (C) "Witch Doctor in • Billy Grah~m cru:.de (C) • 10:00 . Qj Ci1 lht Penis of Penelope White T~ils'' Part I @CI) Q) r C P1tstop (C) m Movte: "Suez" (adventure) '38 Mr Wilhbon~ ( ) 0 eiJ @ m Major Le11ue a... -Tyrone Power, Loretta Young. F 1: tll Cat C) ball (C) The 1969 World Series of 1 :00 B ~ (j) Supennan (C) 7:25 ,~ 11 U •Thi ~ C) baseball's four to seven games is O Double Feature: "Meet John 7:30 5 '"· s S. s_:.y <C) scheduled to begin today in the Doe" and "Adventurer of Tortuga." ~n~ '.a ms .r ( ... Da c home .city of the American League 0 @ @ m NW Football (C) l.!LJ ~ 'ioU mo •Y uit _., ( ) champions. Oklahoma al Texas M1•ln1 the Most of Maturity 8 @ @ '(!) s., Hedi (C) 0 Movie: "The Pl~ndtrers" (west- Bozo lht Clown (C) • Movie: ''Ttn Daya to Tulare" ern) '60-Jeff Chandler. 1:00 B ~~The Jttsons. (C) (drama) '58-Sterling Hayden. I CoH ..45 0 @ 6 ei;, Hert Comes the m Movie: "No Way Back" (drama) . Cartel de Mujera Gr1111p ( ) '55 -Denick De Marney. • R111ty Review (C) 0 Fottlp l.e&ionnaire: With Buster al El Dolor de Amar 1:30 ~Ci) Jonnr Quest (C) Crabbe. 10:30 B ~ 00 Scooby·Doo, Where Art I Wrtstline (C) I @ (!) el Cattanoo11 Cats (C) You? (C) 2:00 Feature • Kimba (C) O Movie: "No Escape" ldrama) . Sea Power (C) lain of Wells FariQ '53-0ean Jagger, _John Carradine. 2:30 Steps to Lumln& (C) Gumby (C) 0 @ @ a> Gullrver (C) • Wa1on Train (C) "The Zebedee 8:30 6 ~Ci) Bup Bunny /Road Run· m Movie: (C) 11M.M.M. 84" (dra· Titus Story" starring Neville Brand. ner Hour (C) ma) '65-Pier Angeli, Fred Beer. m Chilltf' I 12J @ ei;, Pink P1ntller (C) 11:00 8 1~ Archie Show (C) ei;, Feature (C) "Story of Or. Lis- Cl111pcn Dia-at 0 1 3 (D flntlstk Voy111 (C) ter." Movie: (C) "Mutiny in the South 11 :30 O 1 (E American Bandstand 3:00 I ConvtJutions in Blac• (C) Seu" (adventure) '66-John Han· (C) Dick Clark hosts Championship Bowtin& (C) sen, Giselle Arden. O Movie: (C) "Revolt at Fort Samson (C) m Cisco Kid Llr1mi1" (adventure) '57 -John · r .. mpe de Ptrdon . IE Rocttt Robin Hood (C) Dehner, Greg Palmer, Francis Helm. • Bl& Picblre (C) I SATURDAY MORN I NG AFTfRNOON 3:30 I Viewpoint (C) Jere Witter hosts. Outdoors With liberty Mvtul Patty Du•t • Silver Winp (C) 4:00 Movie: ''Tarz.111 £.acapW' (ad· venture) '36 -Johnny Welssmufllf, This w ... In Pro football (C) • I SpJ (C) Man From UNa.E (C) McH1ft'1 Navy • Mcllttwtr end the Colonel 4:30 · YCMlth and tht '91iu (C) II Mondo (C) "Wilch Doctor In White Tails" Part II. I Tiit Munsters Iron co The Wor1d of BNuty (C) 5:00 It'• Academic (C) Callfomia, Costa Mesa and Chanain1de Prep School compete. 0 HOCKEY OPENER! * KINGS vs. MONTREAL LIVE ACTION! 0 R£TURN Klnp Ice Hoctey (C) The Los Angeles Kines meet the defending Stanley Cup Ch1mpions, the Montreal Canadiens at the Moo· treal Forum. 0 @ (J) (I) ABC's Wide Wortd t f Sports (C) Jim McKay hosts. Tiit Aven11ra (C) D1~rl (C) Batman (C) Pmr Gann : P11Jin1 the Quitar ( R) · Futbol-Socclr 5:30 Ralph Story (C) (R) · KNBC Newservice (C) Gilll&•n's lslend (C) Mr. and MrL Nort!I : I ntern1tion1t Ma1aztn1 ( R) • AaricuHurt USA (C) THE ADVOCATES vote totals oo the air. Also, when possible, the previous week's decision will be announced. It you think you can't do anything about crucial problems. per- haps you should watch the premiere of 'The Advocates" series Sunday at 7 PM on KCET (Channel 28). To be broadcast live every week by public TV sLations from coast to coast, "The Advocates" will bring a new approach to pre- senting public issues-an approach combining the vivid communi- cation of television with the cool analytical power of experts prac- tised in arguing a case, for and against. Two professional attorneys will appear as advocates for and against a specific issue each week. Advocates for KCET are Max Greenberg and Howard Miller; those for Boston station WGBH, which shares tbe major prod~tion load for the series with KC ET, arc Joseph Otcri and Lisle Baker. One week the pair from Los Angeles will confront each other. the next week it will be the Boston duo. Moderator is Victor Palmieri. former deputy execu- tive director of the National Advi~ory Commission on Civil Dis- orders. Presentations will be made before a "decision-maker." a person io public life who will play the major role in the actual decision of the case. Advocates may use filmed interviews, short docu- mentaries, animations and other audio-visual techniques. K ey figures who oppose one another on the issue will appear as wit- nesses, and following the presentations, the moderator will lead a general debate. During each program, a studio audience will vote on the issue, and home audiences also will have a chance to register opinions. An electronic polling devic:e will make it pos~ible to announce Executive editor of the series is Roger Fisher, Harvard Law School professor. Gregory H arney is the executive p roducer; Rich- ard Scott, producer for KCET; Russell Mora.sh. producer for WG BH. "The Advocates" series is made possible by grants from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the Ford Fou.odatioD L to R: Steven Stein, o..Jsociate advocate; Howard Miller, otJ. vocate: Max Greenberg, advocau ; Allan MMir, o..Jsistant di- rector /or initial program and director beginning Oct. 19; and C. A lex Brown, producer for Miller team. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 4, 1969 SAVE $30.00 NOW ON NEW SONY 230! • Solid-State Stereo Compact Tape Sy1tem OLD PRICE This is for th• p•rson who w•nh • tru· ly verutile, port•ble st.,eo tape sy•· t•m. Complett -4-tr•ck stereo -built· in po..,., amplifiers end m•tched sttrto spt•kt rs. Built-in Sttrto Con· trol Centt r permits complete f•cilitit1 for • sterto tun.,, or m•gnt tie phono· 9 r•ph. Two mircophont1 included. NEW PRICE s199so SHERWOOD-AR 200 Watt Stereo FISHER 160-T and XP-S's. FM-Stereo I 1 e New SherwOOd Sl lOOA 200 wall ' FM Oerto $Oj Id st•te rec~fver •••• ,_ c••• op. Di••• .. •••lllil•illilll•••·~·1111 _____ r, 1iona11 Du•I nn automatic turntoble with Shure diamond s:ylus. Reg. P rice $675.50 • FISHEi UO·T Lale>: 19'9 all solld·slate ..., w~ FM Slereo Receiver. Tune·O·M•tic tuning setecll your favorite FM stel'-1 .. the PVSh ol " button. R ... $199.'5. REG. PRICE $369.50! SAVE $169.82• • AR 4X Spea~er faml'u> •cl'uSllc sion. Save $176.23! futuring AR'I s4992 7 suspension de· e G•rrard autom~lic 1urn table plui •ferro certr.d~< with d1amon<1 sty. lus. e Fbner lree·P••ton speaker sy>fem -oil walnut enclowres ReQular Sl l~.00 a pa tr. 5 29968 SAVE $154e74 ON NEW HARMAN-KARDON 200 COMPLETE 4-PIECE FM STEREO SYSTEM! INCLUDES GARRARD AUTO-CHANG R, 12" CO-AXIAL LANCERS! 12" co-axial 50-1 4 000 Garr .. rd's eu~llc turn'ebte hes o v e r t I 1 e. • -lghled record plett.,. end smooltl, sltenr-rvn· C.r .S. 1peoker1 In hand· nlna moior !or 1'2/l, l311l. '5 or 71 rpm spt«ts. rubbed a iled wah111t cab· Also has •ulo1T1J1tlc record lnterm111. eurom.t1c I 1 encl-of·record ahu'off, two 1plndtes !Of !Nnuel or .. ta. autom .. lk J>My. and c:eremle 1iwto cartrklot REG. $59.00 with dlamMCI stylvs. 2 YEAR GUARANTEE PARTS & LABOR Solld·tlllte receiver IMlures ultra.wide re · POnH . lmp0rtent controt teatures &nd dKO- ••lor-deslgned styling. Adv&nc"" met&I 0111de 1lllcon h•kl·.tfecf.lr•nslttor IMOSFET) front· end usures h!Qtl slonat-to-nolH ratio and H·IC 200 . • . • . . . . U SO.GO G ARRARD , , , • , • • . US.45 LAHCHS ••••••• , Uf.OG REG. PRICE $354.451 SAVE $154.74! superior senslt1vlty for stetlc-lree rec~tlon s 1 Of • ., .. distant FM stellons. AIM> NU eulo-merlc 11eno/mono FM swllc:tllng 11ncl st.,eo lndlutor light to Indicate stereo FM recep. lion. Flvwt-1 llH'llnQ ef'ld tlQMl·s·....,.111 met· .,. ''"'°"'v "'"109 REG. 250.00. 9981