HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-06 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa•• ,..~ .. ~.·.~.~-:0:."'!:'~.:"!l•·"""-P'!l""l!l!""~!!ll!!!l!l""l!!I""~ .. --------------------------................... --....... ~.,,..--~-~--..,.,.~ ..... -"""'--------------··----,. ~ --· • II • ' I 17 I An•eri~a De~lares ·Billy • • a s . -· .. -·-·~:.......:..-··---· ---.--... - Sinful~~ Graham oast . , . ' DAILY PILOT * * * 1oc * * * MONDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 6, '1969 VOL. ,J, NO. 1!'t, J l l!CTIONS, >C P'AGl!S ot oat~ ~ 1:r 1:r Miss Salt Creek Blames LSD 011.ILY PILOT S!1fl P~oTo SUSAN WALLACE EYES COUNTY BEAUT Y CROWN Hoping to W in One for Old Salt Creek Road Up Creek B each Fighters Enter Benuty fly T(t;\\ BAHi.EV 01 l~t 0111~ Polo! ~1'1! Southern Orange Cn;-isl cJrnpa1gncrli seeking to ob1;1111 p111lhe :icee.~s to Sall Creek Be:i<'h today h;11•c turned fron1 legal brief tu bikini brief in their cffor1 s. They've mu siered to the cause curvy Susan \Vallacc, a sun-br11nZt.'{I 21-ye ar-old lass from Laguna Beach. The Sal t Creek campaigners have entered J\liss \\'a!lace in the Orange. CouQ.1Y Pres Club's annual ''Miss Oreoµ" bea!Yl y pageiinl. .. shc·n join the Oci. 13" comrct1t1on :igain!'t nine o1hcr Orange County ht>aulit'S \\'earing thr. banner sash of •·.\,!lss Sa lt Creek J{oarl." Utll S11san won 't he thinking strictly or ~·"~nn \\'he n she rut s her curve~ on slil!:'e ;•' \he r.ranil llol cl's Off Uroad11·ay \\'c~~ I .·:1a:r 111 1\n.1he11n. . , ~he ~;i~·! she 1\•;:111ls 1t1al title ~nd the ' 'T:i h.~ that ~o 1vi!h it for !he "Sc;ve Sall (reek" can1paign. To be sure, the crown .. 1111 lhc pnzt'S 1h:1l go wilh il arc (!1r !iusan alone H she wins; but the honor ;ind lhe publicity she's determined to rhare 11<ilh the people 11 ho rut her on the ~fiss ORCOI' camra!J;n t~ail. · . Prime architect of thr.~ h1 l or maneurering is Drennan • ' H e v s ' ' ,_icClcllarl(l, a for1ncr cha1npinn surfer \\'ho's been making big and ani;ry l\'a1·cs e'ller since the road 11·as abandoned by the c01inty to the Laguna Nigu,el Corp. Opponents nf lhe count~•s abandonment nr Sall Creek !load have hit headlines HI court hearin)!S, ryc-<.:alching bumper i;tir kers And tht• r~fflr for Joyce Ctar)!'s ~ainting of ··Q[d Salt Creek." ' ThC'y'vc gnt $1,JOO in the Jd\1y, a \r;\.~t fund of goo<Jlv1IL a band of supporters who arc work ing !heir legs off and now - Susiui. ··But tlu:-. tl{)(.'sn'l incan lh<ll we're in· jt•t:t 111g. <111.v lrvily inlu our b<1Ulc fu r rrl'O\'l'ty o! ,,·tint 11·;i~ take n fron1 us," r.·lcClellanil asscrle<l. "\\'c look on this as JUSI another 1l'ay nf ensuring thal our cause stays in the public eye and everyone av:arc of the issue a nd our cirgun1en ts will say more po11,·er to us." J\1eCJc Jland and the Salt Cree k crov•rf believe they have a winner. And they're lhi nking of the ca mpaign as a Y>hQJe, not just Susan 's unique cont ribution to the causc. "And ir Susan wins, sn muc h the better, both for her and /or us," he t1ays. She's taking excellent credenlinls into lhE> l'resi; Club 4;0ntest..-A finalist in the r-.lJ!'s Califonr iA World rompetition :ind a tughly rf'gan:l ed candid;ite in the ,_t is.~ Pllotor;:enic battle, she isn'l lacking in relercnccs . I celander Takes Over Nort h A.llautic Pos l DRUSSEL..S, Belgium f AP ) -The No rth AtlanUc Council anno unced today that Emil J onsson, foreign minister Of lceland, has assumed the councJJ's presidency. The shift look place Sept. 17, and lie ,1·i!l serve. for a yC'a r, He succeeds \Ves~ (;cnnan Foreign J\1inister \\'illy Brantlt. For Daughter's Suicide 41 Packages Seized Pot Boat 'Intercepted'; SealBeachMa1iNabbed A Sea! Beach man who l'Usto1ns ;igcnts a llPgc \\'as c3pLured in San Diego waters \\ ith a boatload of ront raband -in- ~·luding the first kno\1'n tradcrnarked Co unty Man Dies Aboard Boat; Gas }<'1uncs Sai(] Ca use llr:1ni::r Coun1y Coroner'$ <lt·p11!1es !ri- d:1v arc 1111 es11ga\1ng lif'<H h of a Fullcnon 1nan on a hoa1 t•igl11 n1ill'S off I luntlnglon UC'Jt:h Sund 11y 111or111ng. Prtllm1narv reports ind1call'd lh;it r."nrgc N. l'c:1k. 47, Uied of a heart at- t.1ck 11·hile er111s1ng to Catalina. but the ()range [ounly Cornncr's 111!11·e tcxl;1y denied thal rrpo rl, indi1::11111g death was prob11bly ci:iuscd by carbon mono xide p(J1sonini:-. Fi\'r 01 hrr J>f'rsons on !he 25-fool cabin f'ru 1scr l\lr. 1Vloc 11,·ere fnund by Jlun- t1ngton Beach lifeg uard! to be suffering the rffcc1s of rarbon monuxide po isonini:. Thl'V v.·crc Jirst found by the pleasure craft 'Longf1n ·which radioed for medical aid and stood by the disabled crew of J\1r. r-.toc. Huntington Beach lifeguards 11•ere first nn the scene fu!lowcd by !he Jlun- t1nglon Be;1ch Police helicopter and a L.S. Coa!>l Guard chopper. Lifcgu:irds transported l)C11isc French, :Ill, of Tustin , her son Tom, 9: Byron I~ ... !-it:ilons. of 2263 Rutger5 SI., Costa l\.1esa :ind his sun. Brian, 12, to Hu ntingto n Beac h Pie r \vhc re three ambul ances sped them lo ll unlington lnterrommun ity Hospital. They were gi\'en emergency treatment and released. John Constantino, owne r of ~tr. Moc. of 4; Balboa (O\'es, Ne wport Beal'h, first rch1sed lo be 1aken of f his boat, hut \Va~ la ter laken lo the pier by Huntington Be<ic h slate lifeguards in the Sea \\latch "'hrn the Costa c;uard helicopter repo rter! hi111 steering an "crr.atlc" course for Newpor t Bc;u·h. lie was o:ilso trea ted an d release<I at llun tington lntercommunil y J lospital. Mrs. F'rench lold lifeguards that <'vcryone on the boat had nearly passed out, but herself, when she began steering the boat, searching for hel p and found the l..ongfin . Those aboa rd had apparently assumed l'C'ak died of a heart attack. bul coroner 's clC'putics said they are running lab lests today fol lowing the au lop11y, and lhat hill (leath was not caused by a hea rt attack. Thr.v said il \'.•as probably an accidental dt'nth. Constantino'! boal wa s tov•ed bilCk to J\'cv.·port Beach b~ an Orange C.:ounty I/arbor d1s1r1ct craft. n1Jr1;11an a -tod,1y awaited arraignrnrnt J11 /rdcraJ cu urt on sn111ggl i11g charges. Agents "'ho b(lardcd Lhe cniiser fll'Jr ratrd b:.' \\'llliarn J, "\Villy" Lrnahnn, '27, u! J2.1 lllh St, clnim thr.y i;cizrd 154 po:.inds of high-grade n1arijuana, more than J,000 dn1g pills and a quantity of ap- pJrrnt heroin. "/'h(' capl11re. durin1; prrrln11'n dnrknrss Salurday 11 a<= thr firs! invoh·ing :1 \)(Int :;1nL·r (Jp('r::tli1111 lnl~rerpt -1hc L'S. ('fJCkt!(lWll 11!1 JH<ltljlliltla -"'enl JtllO el. feel thr{'e 1\'f't'ks :igo. "Oh man , \\'illy'~ 1nes.~i ng .,.,·1th the fcd:'I <1111! they don't play arnund:' an at* 11u;i ill1<1nce v.•h11 hea rd the ne11,'s in ;i St!n~f't Be.1ch liquor ~tr1re Sund;iy 11 as :ieard to 5,1y. Aulhori!i~·~ \\'hn tra1lc<! Lrnahan·.~ 2fi· f11r.1 cabin rr11i ~er frnn1 ~·lcxil't11l to U.S. 1~·~1ers, then overlook it in a Coa~t t.11ard ,.csscl. said the marij ua na sei zed 11,·as 111 4 t packai;:es. The lra<l!'rnark showed a r-.-leitican man li tanding hcsidc a n1arijuana plant , <"h1l rhinf: A fi s1(ul fl f dollar~ and a h.1 ndful of pesos, with a broad smil~ on his fat('. "El Comprador." was 1he brand name -1'hc Buyer, "i'io Hay Mcjor," W&!1 l11e ad<!ed slogan -None Better, authorities said. Besides thr major ma rij u:ina hau!, C":1slo1n~ ar,enls \\'ho hoarded Lenahan's boat said !hey found abou l a hal f-pound o! t:in powd!'r believed In he. heroin, 1,000 orange pill.~ with an oriental marking on <'ach, :15 ;ipp::ircnt 1~5D t:iblet11 and 10 h n~hish smoking pipes. I f'nahar -who al first told in- veStigators his address wns wherever his recently-purchased boat happened to be docked -\\"as booked on the fOOcral charge :ind held \O.'ith oul ba il. 1\uthorilics "nnou11ced ~unday that Lhey tclic\'e the price nf marijuana and heroin in 1najor U.S. distribution centers has ;is much as do:1blcrt in some cases. Th is would indicate the staled intcol or Opcr:ltion ln1erccpt -drivi nl! the prirr sky-high -is being acrnn1p!ishcd , but dnH! scene sources have denied it. ·•r.cnerally the price has almost doubt· f'd.'' said one fede ral in\'estigato r, "but n101 C-important is that much nf it is u11avaih1ble or ex trcmelv l!cnrcc." ,_1arijuana i!'I rcportediy scarce in Ne w York, none:d!ilenl in ,_lia mi. a n d ~l'nera lly of poor quality -.11:ro\vn in the ~iidwci;t from "'ild \Vorld War 11 hem p plant.'5 used in rope production. A rl rug l!cene 11011rrr s;1i\J l'11nday, h~"·ever . th.nt no one ~hould t\•er r11y n1nrc than S2!'i ror A lid. or half ounce '1U1nt11y, cvl'n in the wor~l pot fan1ine. . • ,, 1.1~1 Tt'I .. ...,_ FALLS TO DEATH Diane Linldette r Gralu11n Crusad e Finale Culls For Pntriotis1n ' Only 1he raithful'li presence is sparing nn outpouring of God's wrath on a sic k, sin ful An1crica arid the most palriotic act rif a!I ii; therefore ronversion. IQ help bolster the ockls, The Rev. Billy Graham \1•arned S11nday. "It is mo re pnlriotic to come to God al lh1s mon1ent than anylhing I can think of," ri~clared the PQpular evangelist al th~ climaX' or his JO-day ra lly serles in Anaheim Stadiun1. Hl'('()rds were broken three times dur· ing the Anaheim revival crusade . with ~li,000 (X!r11ons present Sunday, bringing to ~BS.000 the 10-day total. Tl1ore than 20 .000 searched their heart!'! and sou ls as the Norlh Carolina preacher Jlal'e his rne~sage -then made the pilgrimage to his pulpit and -hopefully -11 ne w lifl'. "r-.t any people are count ing on th e fact lh<lt God , H the re is a God, i11 not the God revealed in the Bible," said the R~v. Grnhan1 , "hut it makes no difference how our conce-rts may change." "(',0<! hasn't changed," he continued, "And ('.od is nol only R God of love - hr. is also a C'.od of justic;e," ~):le Rev. Gra t\am added: warning tti.at)uslioe of a hozrihle nature has been rained down on offe nding ·nation.,· IM lhC past. · "Sodom. Gomorrah, hill chosen nation J;i;r:iel, and Germany, the cradl~ of lh~ Re formation." he explained . The Rel'. Gr11ham sakt he and his wif~ literally fell in love wit h the people Orange County and the Southland. so lt \\':IS "'ilh a ht>nvy heart th11t ht' dealt with whflt mnv he In ~tore. "Will Gort sp11rP America?" he a5ked. (See GRAJIA.i\1, P age Z) rt Dru g Makers 'Mm·dered' Cir], He Says l"rom w1 .. , • ..,ICU HOLLY\1,'00U -Arl Linklelter hlame;o; LSD for the deat h of tus 20-year-old d.1ughtC'r. "It 11,·a.~n ·t suicide." the star of !he. llouse Par1y television sho1v t o Id nev•sm<'n Sunday, "because she wasn't l1crselr. It v.•as murrlrr. She wa~ rnudrered Oy ihe people ll'ho manufacture and se!I LS D." Diane Linkletti>r plungrd from the kitchen windo1v of her sixth-rJoor apart· men! Satunl:'ly as a rriend, Edw ard Durs!on, lril'd to gra b her. l.inklett.er, 57, :i;aid he hari known ror si."< n1onths 1h11t she was part of a Hol!y· \\'llllfl ~roup that rxrwrin1e11Led 11,·ith drugs. She had 1nlrl him earlier ;ibou t a "b;id tr ip'' with LSD, and "'as under the drug'!I cfferls again when she died, he asserted. "She 11'as .:i girl "'ho was not psycholie, not under !rea!n1cnL a happy girl with nn nlnney l rot1blc.~." Linkle!lcr said. ''She h.1d problt'ms that teens have had sinre tin1e brgnn. Bui LSI) ~Ives them a way of a\'1Jiding faring up to those prnblem~. "'iou add L~D In a ~irl \1•ho !.'I so1ne1i-h:iL cn1nlional and dran1ntic and it ran be <lisaslrnus. She l11lrl mP :1bout t:ik- ing, it. about her bu1n trip. She fell she '1·a;o; being driven nut nr he r rnind. "A parent ca n do little in a case like lhis." Link tcller said. '·Nn one can <let anylhir.g about il, except the young peo- ple themselves." Miss Linkletter, the youngc;o;l of Linkl ctter's fi ve children , wa s preUy and lalke d about a llolly1\·ood career. Her rather said she had some singing jobs planned. Durston. 27. told police r-.-tiss Linklet!er had asked him to co me lo her apartment Friday where thC'y spent the night tal k· 111g. She was e1noti nna l and cle!'pondent , See LINKLE'ITE R, Pare Z I Orange Coast Weather Sun ny skies and \\'armer tern~ rratures are on lhe horizon for Tuesday al ong the Orange Coast. wi th the mercury reac hing up in- to the eighties. INSIDE TODAY Ji may lianP bet>n highly oc- clair11ed jo r 26 weeks d11 ri11g its BHUsh sliowlrzp,, but TV colum.- nls( .Cvijt/iia Lo1vr11 SCtf/.! the '"fOY'$Jl!hP Snoo" i., ;H.!t an· ofh~r sOap openJ. Page 27. ••ot•~• n C1ll!9rt•" t CttnlllM Ho ll Co1'!kl 71 c .... w .. , " ~:: ... r~•;i;:; I '! f~IHJ•i"""~I It ''~·~,. ,.,, H&t•IC-ti A n~ ~•-•t 1J M•llM• f ~•In It r.i•ll••,.I N1wt 4,1 o .... " c:-1, 11 SM<h l ).H StM~ M••1'. ... Jt.)! Trlav!•-., '' Tht•lt-. l t W•Uh" 4 G11no Whllt 11 W•tlol NtWt .... w -·1 NIW"t It-Ml • j • -·-'! ... -.~ Black Teachers Unite Co1r111iu1iist to Teac11 Des1Jite Regents' Mot:e lffi >. \G[Lf ... ~ •.\P t -A~ a'l.-.1HM (t.::1!'.'"•W'-M . .\ciifla D;,\1! prrp<i;td 10 1F..:fl hi::" ~l!'~°! ~ a.;. t."lt t·ru,·e~::i-rJ. f ;;!d'Jm.a <it lH. Angelt's ~~-. other b';;c-1: 1nstructUr~ tnre.a~ntcd to "M .ulhold ~-"\d"~ Jrom 1:,e1r ttu1mts unless e•_;,~;c crt-1'.l!'. i.s restored to bt-r C'Ollrsr. """<l 1'..",! r,r/. ;,~pt f 1ri1-cJ a 3 1 (.:.z.eru:. ;i Y1ht:1 o:le ol. ~ :s Jor('ftl lo ..c- ""iX .~Or.d<'!dM st.a.Lu!,. ~IC lkibert :-,,'J_;lt"".on.. dJrtt10r of t.nt _\lro-A ... 'Dtr.i:-~ ::.··.id!•·~ C~r.ier ot LCL.\. ~-T • .•·n ~""' 1·.:.: !1 =~·:-:•10~~­ !(IJF' '.f :.-.~ th~tt·~7u:l'".< r_~ """ t.~att: fi>C'U!tv member• .;.1 tot school. dtt'lded lo \.\tlt>.bOld gradei from all ~u 111 iln '-iicn ' to l.06.5 t.'w: b.t.J k c..i. i!ltn U-.-:: ~w Ol'.!.J o! tk regffill. ' ,.!!£< OaviJ Wd sbt "'lil .ck Mr studtms •-ht-.he-she WM ltctur~ dr.ipite her" f1nng Hr... dqlart.rnent chairman. P r o I . ~kl Kalish. U\'I ht m n'J >Ori M ir L~ sti..aients .-ill rUct_ ··st.u0mu are ,.,.ry skillful 1n o:gar..u:- i~~ ~msth·es and in kttping U'leu-p12 ns vut o' I.he r> r of lM ~he and ol a ~ ~ eM-old proleW>r ." the ph1J050;>hy p.rv- f~!iY. told r-"'"'5men ~'M!6y t!l .o::- fAl.llX":r.g tM dt'C'l!:JOO by ~IJ.s! Oa\·is. ~ Iler cwrs-e, · Rewmng Ph1lo!;ophlcal '!bmles in Black Utu.tturt," .-as ~ed to mett I« tM fnl timr today, Golda 'Buel' Ho11ae' 1 ~ra1::i Prime ~l inister Golda ~Te i r recei,·es a 'A'ann hug from a pupil ni the .\li)\ltaukee school she once attended. ~trs. /\te1r is on a rr.ur <JI 1he Cn1ted Sta~c c;. Mesan Takes Wild Trip -Into Jail Cell Toilet \ r.;11.NJ rr. u~<;.•:rd m;in ::.c:rram1ni;: mB!.;;ge.s of Jc1·.e lor h1.1i captor:\ 11ias ia11. r Salurd<i/ 1Jghl ;,f\er an olle.ged LSl.> f ~()!JC, f1n<1i:y halted by a .::.quad O( fn·e f'>~t<t ~!r'a po!1cem<'n. He !ate; tr ied !'1 rsr aP<' by t11·.ing into a ~,iJJ (r ll t'ill<:t hut 11ia • uns.urrcss1ul. in· \r<;t1gator~ ~aid. Rog1 r A. Fur·r~1 21 ol ;.30 \\' \\'1\~on • · 11ia ~ !YJriY.t-tJ tJi cl1~rcc!' nt re; 0 \ino.: .·rrc11 ;,ntJ l;l·1r i: u:xlrr Thr infl l"r-:rr r,f 1.'in. \\!!n l1a1I ~r: ;<! 1-62:.. and schi:du lrJ \1 1)1' )'1 tUUr! t1Jday. J'.i1r•1lm;,·1 Bnb (;OtK!r ~d .d hr arr;\r!I : ' t~i: A!" >l{l;:.n,i Apar:rnent~ Sa:ur1lay 1 .r li: 1n '"~IN~" to a rf·;;;Jrt of a r.ud c i·1an ond fr1u:ul rucr~t )Jing 1:1 thr ! t nlcr •·t a t rtJ•.o.J ti~ t ~n<1nt~. TI1e vl llt f"r ~;iid l ie ~ul!le1 I v.1111 the ~l1ppcry J'pl·(t lor i!boul 1·.r.·o rn1nu\f·~. 1iur1ng v.Jl1th 111nc lhc ('Ollrp:1an trit'd lu JUmp 1nlo lhc :i.p<irtmcnt S1\·1n1m1ng pool. DAILY PILOI .._,..,. .................. .. a..,_. '-" ,.....,. , .... , <_.._ CAUfO•NIA Cl~G• COA~I f'VIL llMl~G (0,..,_'l'I' fltb••I H, W••" •rr .. ff•I , ... '"'""'" J •• ~ 11. c ... 1 • ., VI<• Pruo«N ... a c.~·~·M ~~ ..... 7;,,,..,, Ke•wil .. w T~''"''' A. ..... ,,~;~, "'-""'"' I l llW -Cml• ,,,,_ .. , l lll ... "'' llY Sl•!tt ,,._,, tlo.tft 1'/11 ......... Dal···-·· L•-.. ~,.. 171 ""•" ~..-­~""II"''""' kKfl • ., JI~ Slo"I CAILY 'ILOI, --do "·---"'-..._...,.,_, .. --... .., ...... " ... Ill -·"' .. , .......... <Mii -· 111-9 kKlt. l ...... ~. liu"1...,. a-.11 -,_ .................... 1111 ·-......... .,,.,_ °'-c-1 '>lllfftll"'• c;_.., .,1n1.,. •llm1 ••• 11 1711 1'1'111 ...... 91 .... , ,....._, '"'"' -~ 1'0111 ... '""'· <0011 -Tslsflll1s1 1714 I M2-4JJI Cl~ .w-tiMt M2·1471 c-•""'· '"'· °'-c. ... 1 ,.~ .. ,..,.,.. ,_,. .... "'"" ....... '"""" ........ .. ...,.., _,.., " .,...,,hw -n1 1 ,..,.,., -~ .. ·-... , ... ~, _ ... - -··· It ~·""' ~ ... . lo(-OIM ~ H .. •' l<#•-1 .. Kit .,.,, C"'• ~ ... (al-"'' S..1n<•l1•-t? c•rri.-U.• ~I .., -II If Ill "'""'"' "''"'" ----u ... "-""''· During the melet . office rs Randy \ut:, n on Palmer, and Sa:n Arnold joined in 1ry1ng to qu1el the incoherent suspect and !1nally got him into a patrol car. •·[ love yoo," he was quot <'d as ~h'Jullng, ··••hilt his flaili ng f<'et be lled the .,rntunent. ln\'tst igators said Furr~l con t1:iurd to hri111;t(' 01! thr \\alls of thr 1a1l holding , •·!1-tr~1ng to d11t> du11n tne t'Omrnodc •• :11! 1,,1 , fin;.lly r<'mfJ1t:d t.i a paddt:d· t. pc l.ic11ny alter niuch ~:rug,;lc . "''.:~ C:iry "'hu~I .1nd ()1f1crr;; Jun r rir· rJ l•· Jt1.n1d 11 1::, t:,r thrrr 1,1~11 r p~tlolmlll to ~hill Vucr~t lo 11:1at n11ght . , •1 r11lely bf' termed mor e comfort,1bl e ljUaJILr -. ~12,000 Blaze Hits Huntington Concrete Plant \\'or kmrn today arc 1napp1ng up the 1lcbr1s from an 011 and gas fire that 1Jeslroyed $12.000 11i·orth of mate ri<1\s and f'quipment Sunday morning al a llun· 11ngton Beach concrete n111.:ing plant. A ~luck tht"rn1ostat on a 011 ht'al1ng unit 1gnlled the blaze al the Sul!y-~l illcr Corporation plant at i 221 t:!hs A\'e .. at· cording to fire departn1cnt in\'esligato rs. The blaze was \'is ible lrom most parts of Or ange Cou nty as conc rete, gas from ttlree major pipelint:i and oil erupted into fla mes, said firem en. The firt started al :l :n a.m., and took 25 min ules lo control. i'\o injuries \\'tre rtpor1 ed, f our engine&, one snorkel unit , and 16 n1en under Battalion Chiel lto11 Bear fought lhe blaze. Sully-\l1l!t'r handles many of the contracts for strct't \\'Ork throughout Orange County. Thty ha1 e plants in .several cities. Panel Talk on Plan For l\liddlc Sc hool !'iet A pnnf'I d i~cussion on Ne .,.,·port·>1csa t:nifi-:d School District's middle school concept of 1noving sixth grader~ into Junior high v.·iJI be prc~nted for the public tonight. ThP progran1 \\ 111 begin .1t i .30 p.m in t11c Forum at Eslancia l11gh School. 2313 Placentia Ave., Cost a ~1esa. \•1th 161 ~Wdents. er.rv:~cd tr .. \tn.11y rege:r.t.s flre.d ~h~ D.ii'.3 S..."'J)L l,, 1nvobng a 1940 regents' rulin~ prohit·11J ng Ummuniru frum teach.ng at Mate l.lll..\'ersitie.s. ~lw; Da,·i.s w1d ~e v.as • mem ber of a Commurus1 club ~, ;,crused tht regrnt.s o( betng prl'· j~Cie:-d brcaUSl' she LS a !\egro and said ~ne ..,ould teadl "'bile appealwg the dJNn~I. ~ regentr. responded by i.s.>umg ~:i c.·C::T tr.ot CCL.\ Chanl"('llor Chd1 ies ,.ou."i~ ~id he J:::erpretffl <is mear.:n~ 1-141 ~'.1~s Oil\lS rn;.~· lt<'.ture durmg the appt:cl but that studenU 1,1 00·1 rtcti\'t. treCil l?r tbe c:o..n.£. l\Irn·der Charge Faces Pilot; S11icide Fails ;\1•.ir cier t ha rg es no"'' faC"e an ;ur hnr p.ilot \l'ho t.oday is rapidly reco\'enng fro~ .on alxirted su;cide a1temp1. ~latlhew C. ~la!km. 49. 1s Ii.tied in ~atisfat"tory cond ition at Orange County ~~edi7::i l Center, the hospita l in \\'hich his alleged 'ict1 m died Saturday night. Pc.Ii~ Su.1day stepped up their charges again•t !-.lal lan from assault 1ll'ilh intent to commit murder to suspicioo of murder Thty ac('uscd :'llalkln of s000:1ng :'ll<i rio R. Cl1tl;. 49. of Santa An;i, in the head ~t-.ort l;.-<!lt er the pdol d1 sco•rrcd lhe nud" Glick lying on the bed. In the a par l · men\ oc cupied by Terri ~1 alkin. '45, a~d tt.c coupl e',; three da ughter$. The r.lal!:ins hal'e been separated for the past ytar. investigators said r.1alltin ned from lhe !';hooting to a nearby coin wash he 011i·ns in p::irtnership v.·ith his cslranged 11.ift'. He v.·2s later found unconsciou,, ho\·1ni.:: tied ~ plastic laundry bag around h15 head at!er inh aling h1~hly toxic lumes Irani a ('learung ::.Ull'rnt Of/!ce rs said the -n·e;ipon a!le~rdl:• u ~ed in lh" ~hooting \\JS found in :'>lalkin·s pockr t. Youth on LSD Escapes Death In Suici<le Trv A ~outh 11.·ho \old police he had taken l ~~I) and wanted to end his life . cscapeil \I llh minor 1nJUfll'S aft('r t~ro"' 1n i: hlms elf 1n lront of a car in Laguna fit'atn early Sunday. Ala n Pratt Perez. 20. of 9~q Peregrine Place, Ana heim, was transferred to Orange Coun1y ~!edieal Center after trcatn1ent f0r :rhras1on5 at South Coa5t Lon11nun1ty ll ospilal. Drire r Larry Elnch Colr, 26, of l6f:I Tecln1ar Anaheim. told police he 11 as :-outhbound In the 1100 block or s. Coast Jl1gh~·ay at approx1maiely I a m. Sun. day, \\·hen the young man iumped out 1n Iron\ of his \'Ch1rle from be\<Acen 11\0 parked car.~ Ht' \las unable lo stop in time to •1·oid h1umg the victim , Cole ::.aid. !)octors :;;ud Perez 11as .. on a trip:' police r<'portro. told th em he had taken LSD and 11ianted to die. Australian·s Conf es ion Tol<l In i\'losquc Burn .!F.RCS:\LE~I !:\Pl A police ~11p:r1ntendcnt !old a Jeru~alc1n court to· {];,·1 tlinl a ~Otlng A u~t ralian mystic had 4 •n''"~f'd .'-r!t111c f1rr to 1nc Al Ak sah ;'-iotQ•·e 1n Old .Jen1salern lo rl t"ar !ht. sill' fnr 1hr rt'btulding three of Solomon's Tlmrle. ~upl. Dai 1d Of.-r said ~llch ael Df.>ni, Rflt>an. 2e. !old the polite 1n a ~tatcment iher his arrest · ":\bout a 11erk af\<'r 1 arri\'ed in .Jrru,1·al tn1 I disco\'ert'd a Scripture that s::11d thnl nn e person 11i·1il be i.:alled by God lo build 1hr tt'mple and there fore 1 dec1d· f'::l God 1\·anli.'d 1ne to bu ild this trmplr. Thrr.:olurl! 11 I a1n thf' chosen one to do this, I will ha\·e to prore Jl by dt>.stroylng the nlO$GUC. II lh1s wes God 's -n·ill. lhcn hr l\'O'Jld allow n1c lo do it." Tht' At Ak~ah :O.iosque \\'as lau llt on !he ~·te Q1 Solomon·s Temple, and the Wail· 1ng \Vall nearby is the last re mnant ol lhe tc1np!e, The site is also Islam's lhird holiest shri ne because t.foslems beliel'e that tht Prophet ~1ohamm td ascended into heal'en trom U!ere. Fron• Pa9e I LINKLETTER • • ('Oncerned 1,1•!th he r Identity and ht r career, police quoted Durston 11s saying. Drugs aspects of !he case are iillll being investigated. police sa id. Pri vate runeral services are planned at Forest J,a11i·n Memo rial Park. Linkletter and his \\'ife , Lois, 11·cre notified or the death in Colorado and returned here Su nday. On July lfl John Zn·eye:r , 3.'.l, husband of L1nkle11er'~ oldesl daughter. Daw n. 29. shot himsrlf in lhe head . He reported ly 1r:is dtprcssed over his insurance business. ( PUTTING THEIR BACKS INTO IT, OWNERS AND HELPERS ATTEMPT TD PULL VW FROM SEA A Nylon Rope and Two Chains Later, Battered Hulk Beac:hed at Bal boa's Wedge That's No Love Bug VW on 'Rescue .llissio11 ' Pull ed Fro111 S urf By JER0)1E F. COLU~S T'.I 0 f('tnagC'.d boys, C.'T1H:Jr.~ ;,be.wt Balboa in a \'olkSll. a gen, tMught they heard a 11.·oman sc-ream some·.i:here on the beach shortly before ntidnlfi~l Sal<lr· da~·. • So ll\ty ract-d !1J tnc resc-.;r -i~ t~ \'olk s-.1-agen. Sr1<'n hour" later. R1tha td .. \ '•i i~tr<l ;:i nd Strph('n r; Ll;.1 :~. ty,;h 15. f1r.a :1:.· got thl'lr e;;r IJ'.J ! of t;1r c.irf. And thry r,e·.t-r {)td hnJ ;i: :· ,crcJ;1;1r~g \1 nman .\ewpo~t Beath pvl;ce :.a1a todav !hey dnn't know \1hat the\ II do about tfie case. 11.·hich in1·0J\'ed 0fl irers. lifeguards, helpful Balboa residents and fin ally a rity tractor btfore the car -n as at last pulled from the ris111g tide JU.St 11i·est of the jetly at the Ba lboa \\.edge Thr 1110 bo~ '· apr.Jr('ntl~· rDnrerned !'lat police migh t nr,1 lx·he·.c their s1ory abou t U1r m1 :\erio•J~ly s c r r ;, ming 1111man, d1J 1 h~1r be~l 10 •h<t1r lh!'ir <'ar r.u: or the :.and liy thcrnsrh·es un:il about 5 a ni. Th<·n t!1e l.dr ran1e in Th C' \(1lk!:.-n oi.;c11 . 11i.1th. l1~r :;!1 t.1r~. 1<:i t altc..•.1ed on the tx'acn. began bo~b1ng h!;e ;:i ('r1rk 1n the 11al(·t. Thf' \)')Jtds ~our.i:: \!1s!rel and Da\1s had ~turk under the 11.httls for traction floated a-n ay A hcarhfron t resident. r1~ing early . sa1' the 00)s -and their \'olks11.agcn -Jos. ing the battle \\'Ith the sea. He c;tl!ed pc.lice . They tried haulin ~ the car ashore \~:th a nylon roPf' a;tat·~1[d to po!icr units. The rope :,trrtc·hed The. {'at didn 't mo1·c, except up and do\\·n. The Harbor District ":a~ ad\'lscrf of !he problem. Thl'.1' couldn t help from tne ~ra !\v \\1nt·hc"- The da11n. rnt'an11ih1le, i'Jd rnmc up hke lhundrr. the surfs pounding in· 1en~1f 1ed, alld a rro\\·d 11athcred. Finally. lhe <:1ty y3rr! 11as call!'d. ,.\ l~ttor rumh!ed to !hr scrne. a ch<i1n 11a !i .. narhed In t h~ ca r Thr chain sna pped. A hei:i\'H'r chain \\as put inlo serv1cr. ,\ftrr ~r,n1e tlank1ng. a little ra ttlinf, 11,;~ of ~plt1sh1n11 . and some shuddl'r1••g oii lhl' part of lhe \·olks11 a~en and :'>l1s1rtl ••nd 0::11 is, the t·ar btgan emerging tram lhr ~ea The ero\\d <'hrercd. :\l1strel and Da1·is J 1dn'l. Their \·n1~s11agrn 11as a mrs~ Hu1n ped, battered and sna ked. Thrv 11·,.n1 r.ornr w1t 11 fncnr!~. The \,.l )., .. :.1Jgt·n :-l 3yed b~h1nd in a ga rJ&c. Blood S pec ia li ,1 Dies _\ftcr Hearl ~urgcry ;\!:\\' ) ORK ~ l P!l -Dr. \\'1lliam IJ<inia~hek. no:ed bl"Od spcc1al\st. died today al 10 Oi a m. 1n :\H Sinai Hospital ..itcr undergoing open heart su:gery on !'.:.turday. ' - I i FISHERMAN JACK McCOY SPOTS UNUSUAL CATCH 'I've Seen Everything, Now,' Sanla An a n Ob5erves l'rom Page 1 GRAHAM ... '·God did not spare the angels. He casl l.11c1frr out of Hea1·en," he said. The Revf Graha1n said God did n(11 C'lrn s~op at condemnu1g his O\\ll br!o1·ed :-vn Jesus. who died on th<' cross in ai:;or,y Jrr the sins of al! mankind. \\"11! God :.pare ~otJ" .. J:r a. ~rd (!,1r,,. ll I., d<1!.~t'rl)!J., ln bt Ul fl ll)"Pt.ng l1 ~C 1 1.1.~ :ind nv l n.rn 1'> (,'IC! ' tl1<' l:t1 . l;r.ih,un l'Onr!udrd, tllrn ni ade his f111 .. d ;;ltJr rall. tuggtng 1he !earful repc nt;1;<t do1\11 into ~rntertield. The i\orth Carolina ('\'ange!ist ~·ho hf'~;:n his carcrr 20 years ago with a ten t n1crt11111: 11h;it is now (lo11nto•1n Los /\11i;rlr~ 11ill prrJch ne;..l 11cckend 111 San J lit'b'l llr a1J 11 .. 11ill lhrn rr\1,rn hon1r tn ~.\uJ.lrr;,t, ~ (', tu prrpJrc lor his 1ll''l;t (T11•,idl' 111 1\p11t. l!liO. r:1 !).1n1nund, 1.rnu.o11~ 1':1;it ~~'~JC~ i•f 1rt!:,ldt' 111il lil' tCl<'cast ::nd lr<1n~l.1lrd r,,r \1c11{'r '> Jn 1 ~ Euro- pr ~:1 ci!ir-; Tl1e Cast of Hai1· Sl5J_ Our C'';pert .1c1111:e i)\ also \1·orth n1oney. but "e don't c:hnrgc. Does11't Sl101} He1·e \\ hethrr ~ou 're looking fo r son1etl11ng trac11t1ona l or conven· t1onal, \\-or sted flannel, shark· skin, herringbone or Ucngal inc, ~ou'll find our selecti on as Cine as any in the area , as current a s this n1orning 's Nc1v )·ork 1'in1es. !\ careful loo).; through ou r racks is sure lo turn up sonic plen sant surprises. r·or one t hing, tile l\e\rport Beach P olice Depa rtn1ent ,1·ould proba bly take a d in1 Yie'v of 1t. Like us, they 're a bi t ol d-fash· ioned. '\'ou inay have noticed in the paper that a reeenUy held "pop.. rock'' fe sli\·al \ra s a ttended by over l:i,000 kids, and a bout 100 of them \v ere na ked. \\·e hope this t rend docsn·t ca tch on. It docs nothing for our business. :\t Eid11·elrs \\·e'rc excited about trends of a c11ffcrcnt sort. Like the \rider lapels you're seeing this season. The increas· ing use of stripes. The gro1ving popularity or the double-breast· ed blazer .. .\nd, of course, the s haped suit (or .. silhouette,'' if you prefer ) -no\11 evident in everything fron1 leisure ,,·car to t he n1os t traditional clothing. ~l ake ::. you look 10 poun ds llght· er. JJ0 5s i1Jly you·,·e been so bu :oy \1·atchin,;::: t he stock n1arkct th:ll you havetfl even noticed these trends. But 1\·e'll bet the ,,·01n an in your life certainly has. \\'omen not ice such things. . .\nd they c are. They care IC!ss about !he s tock market -as long as you cen afford to tnlo;c then1 to E urope \\hen they're in the mood. (.'\ren'l lhey a/1•:ll ys'?) \\'ell. "'e can't finnnce rour trip to Europe. but 11 e can i::ec that you go in style. Our fJ ll sui ts r ange in price from $95. to c·on1e in and bro\\'Se all day. \Ve open at 9:30 a.m., close al 5:30 p.n1. {9 p.111. on Fridays). t~or a lunch hrea k \\'C suggest Berkshire's, \Voody's or Tale of the \\/hale. .\nd 1vc also ha1·c a :-;uggcs· l ion for the nudists of the \\'Orld -UNITE' 1'hcn gel d ressed. t r .~ good for business. And it 1nay even keep the po.lice off your back. Jack iji(lwell :1487 Via 1.ldo ot i\e•·port lfh·d., i\ew11orC. Henelt Pnrkl11J! for lt!i n1any cars n!i ~·011 o" 11. i\ow open Frldny e•-enhags 1111Cll D 11.m . • ) ! r -. Huntington Bea~h EDITION Today's Final N.Y. Stoeks VOL 62, NO. 239, 3 SECTIONS, 34 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, ·1969 TEN CENTS 'LSD l(illed My Daughter' VPI T•llP~Olo Goldtc 'Btrcl~ Honie' Israeli Prin1e ~'linislcr \.olda i\leir receives a ,,·arn1 hu~ fro111 ;i pupil in the i\l1ll\'at1k£'e school she once attended. i\Jrs. ;\'lelr is on c1 tour of the United St al t>S. Ove1·flo 'v C1·ow.cl E x1~ecte(l Fo1· Ne'f Valle~ Cou11cil An o~·errlow crowd is c.~prc!cd \n watch Fountain Valley's fre~hrn:111 c;ly cot111. cllmen in their first regul:.1r !Jusine~s E>eS!:io~ ;it 8 p.m .. Tuesday. "If they fill up lhe co11ncil chan1bfr~ \\'e'l! swilch to the rornrn11n1ty cl'llh'r.'' !ii.id City f-.1anagcr Jan1es Nea l. General Manager Named for Hotel Louis f _ Evans has been appointed !o ~uccced f\l <1rlin ' J. S1101v as gener;i l m.1nager of the Shcralnn-Bcach Inn and DdftY.O<ld Beach Club 1n llunti ngton Brach. F:vans has reernlly brrn n1a n;i grr rif the Sherat on ~l<1r1na 1n c .. qius Chnst1 , 'lcX". and has been 11ith th1' hotel !irm lor 15 years. Sn(l11.'. 11·ho ha" 1n.111oi::.c(l llir hostelry rrir th" pas1 .vr.n r lf'111i•<;" In becon1i · f>rc~I· dcn1 of Con.'\1 n :-\!·r1 :tr~ lnr . a 11uhs1cl;.1ry of 1\Utorna11nn !11th1~!ne~ In (". He \\'ill br n•1u rn111g tn lhc rngint•c.nng ~ncl rnnstru(·tinn f1rlc! 111111 ll'hn·h hi' h ~·~ hccn l'lng assoc111trd, 11·11h offl(:cs H1 L till!; Bea{'h and Honolulu . I celander Take. (h-er North Atlantic Post BRUSSELS. Belgium I AP) - The North Atlantic Council annou11ce1l loday that Emil Jfins~nn. forei gn minislrr n{ Iceland, has assu rned the councirs presirlency. The shift look place ~cpl 17, :tnd he .... -ill serve for a ~i>:ir. lie surcecds \Vest German Foreign l\1inis1cr \\lilly l3ranrll. Orange Enthusiastic crowd!'i heve been filli ng 1he ('()uncil chamb:!rs since se.vrr;1; 1\cc\...s before the recall election that swrpl inl o vlfJc':! three ne1\' legisla lors -<.:eori:e Stnl!. Bt'rnie. S\·a\s1ad ;in!I H on Shenkn1an,. They were installed !a~t v,·prk :ind incumbents Edv,·ard Just and Jnhn l!;:irner took over the n1ayor and viee mayor positions al the sarne tin1e. Th ree publ ic hearings 1\•111 face 1111' 1rno1·ated council in its initial test. Thty inclur.c items on: -Larw in Company·.~ no w famous 111· acre l•·;ic\. A zone change to alh111• 4i:l lot~ ~ minin1urn size of 6000 square f('f'l I und(':' a PD 6800 (averafe lot size of 6.800 ~r1uare fret) developmeOt. -A rf'quest for con1n1crC'i<il zonin;:: on r roperty o"·ned by Or. RiC'hard Ayre~ nn the southeast corner of Eu(·l1d ·•ll<I \\'arncr Avenues. It i5 part ol th<' pro· posed Fountain Valley C o n1 111 u r1 1 t y Jlosp1t:il site. . . -An appeal on planning f'nmm 1~\1on d"ni ~·I for pla ccn1en! of subd 111~1011 111n'r· 11011;>! ~1gns nn a publi c r1~l1l of-11ay hy Lani:: Industries, !ne. T!1t' ne\1' counc!l1nr11 \\Ill ~1.1rt llif' c1enini: ~!1 6p111, ""1th a thorn11gh bnrf. 111 ~ on t'i lv ;iffairs during a sLudy session :;;rl' OJP by ·J11~t anrl Hilrper. Th0::y ll'i\I also be. operating u11dl'r ;i rr. q11cs1 lly Jt1st not to proµo~e any grf':•t l"h:inge~ or new proi;:rams for a n1onlh. to g1\'e I.he ci ty a chance to regain i1 s balanre follo"·ing a bil!!!t recall struggle <ind rle~l ion. Slork ~lnrkf'IS l\E\V YOBK (A Pl -Glam or issues 1lisplaycd some strenglh in an 01hcr1vise letlu1rgic slock markcl l;ite lhi.~ af· ternoon. Trading was slow. (See. quotations. Pages 20-21 1. Prices edgeit up 10 their besl le vel of the dav in early afternoon, then slipped ba ck. ·The Dow Jone~ al'eroij,j:c of :1(1 in- dustrials at 2 p.m. was up 0.92 at 809.33. Linkletter Girl iii Death Plunge 1101.l.Y\\'OOI>-1\rt l.inklett£'r bl:unr~ I.SU !or Lhc l!r:11h of his 20·year-old d:.iughtcr. '"It 11·asn't. suicid<'," the ~1ar of 111<' Jlouse Party tcle1 isio11 show t o I 1t 1a•1\'S111en Sundny , '"IK"ca11se !ih<' \1';i~11·l herself. ll w;1s 1nurdcr. She was n1udrercd by the pe9ple who 1nunufacture anti sell LSD." fJi:1ne Linklctlf'r plungrd fron1 1hf' ki1chl'n 11·111duw of her ~ix1h·floor ;lpart· tnent Salurday as ;l friend, Edward Uurston, tried 10 gr<ib her. Linklellcr, 57, said he had kno11n IC1r ~ix n1onths 1hal she ....-as part of a Hollv· "·ood group 1hat experimented \\'itb drug"s. ~he had told him earlier abollt a "bad trip"' \\'it h LSD. and was unde r the dru g's <'fft'{'!S again when she died. he asserted. "She was ;i girl who 1ras not psychotic. nut under trcat1ncnt. a h;ippy girl \Vith no 111onf'y troublf's." l.lnklct!er said. "'She hail problc111s that teens hn\'c had since I 1n1e began . But LSD gil'cs th c111 a way of al'oiil1l1g f:1eing llfl lo lhol'ie problrn1~. .. You add LSD lo ;i girl ll'h() 11' somf'whal em()\ional and dra111atic and 1t (·a n be disastrous. She !n!d me about tak· ing it, about her bun1 trip. She felt she "'<IS being drh•en out of her mind. "A parent can do little in a case like this." Link letter said. '"No one can do anythir:g about H, except the young peo- ple themsPlves. '' !\1iss Linklcller, the youngest nf J,inkl f'tlf'r's fi\"e chilrlrcn . "'as prclty and talked ilbo11l a Holly wood career. lier fath er l'iaid she had son1e singing jobs planned. Durstrin. 27 . tnld police 1'.!iss Linklettcr had asker! hun to co111e to her apart1nen t Friday where they spent the night talk. ing. She \~as Pn1ot ional and de~pondent, Set LINKLETIER, Pagt Zl Ca rbon Monoxide Blanied Death on Boat Probed Orange Coun~y Coroner·s deputies to- cla y are invcs!igating death of a Fullert(ln n1~n on a boat eight miles off Huntington ll••ach Sund<1y 1norning. Prclitninary reports indk·<'!\ed lh<il George N. Peak. ~i. died Qf a l1f'art a1- tack while cruising to Catalin;i, but 1he Or;inge County Coroner's officc today denied thal report, indicating death was probably caused by carbon monoxide poisoning. .Five other persons on the 25·foot cabin cruiser 1\-lr. f\loe "''ere f:.>untl by tlu n· tinglon Beach lifeguards lo be suffering the effects of carbon monoxide poisoning. They v,·ere fir st round by the plea sure crafl Long£in y.•hich radioed for tnedic-al aid and stood by the disabled crew of l\1r. i\foe. tluntington Beach lifeguards were f 1rst on the scene folkn\•ed by th~ llw1· 1 lngton Beach Police helicopter lnd a U.S. Coast Guard chopper. LHeguarrls transported Denise French, 38. of Tustin. her son Tom, 9: Byron L. Stalons, o[ 2263 Rutgers SL., Costa J\.[esa <ind his son, Brian, 12, lo Huntington Ueach Pier where three ainbulances sped thcn1 lo Huntington lnterc:immunity Hospita l. They were given e1nergen ry trc:1ln1c11 t and released. Jnhn c:ons1,1 ntino, owner of J\fr. f\.·lor . or 47 Balboa Covrs, Newport Beach, first refused to be taken off his boat, but was l11trr !;;ken to the pier by Hl1ntingto11 l!eaeh stall' Jifci::uaril~ in the Sea \Vatch \\'lien the Co~t<i Guilrd helicopter rep:irtcd h1111 Mccring an •·erratic" course for J\"ev,·pOr! Beach. He v,·as also treated and rrlc;ised al Huntington InterCQJllmunity l!n~p1ta1. i\lrs. r·rench told lifeguards that Black Instructors To lfold Grades Over Davis Ca se'! I.OS Ai\GELES (APl -As adn1i1tetl Cc111Pn1n1st Angela fJavis preparl'd 1n teach her first course al 1hc Univers11v of i :i lif'lrJl!Ci :Jl Los Ang eles today, nihcr blocl: in structors threatened to n•ithhold gr;1d1>-: frozn the ir students unless e1c:n1J~'n1ic credit is reslored to her course. '"l\1<'! "'ill not accepl !irsl-c l a s a cil,zcnship ~·hen one nl us is forced lo ac- 1·<"111 second-class status:• .~aid Robert S1ri!!ieton. director of lhe Afro-American Studies Center al UCLA. Singleton said that JI in struelors. repre~nting thrte-fourths of all black faculty members at the school , decided lo \1·ithhold grades from all students in an rtfort "lo toss the ball back into the hands of the regents:' f\.i iS$ Davis said she will al'ik he r studen1s whethe r she should lecture d(l'pile her firing. l!c!' cleparlment chilirman. P r of. lSte DAVIS, Page ZJ everyone on the boat had nearly passed out, but her!-iclf, when she bPgan ~teering the boil1, searching for help and found the Longfin. Thosf' abonrd had ·apparently assumer! Prak died of a heart attack. hut cnroner'l'i dcpulies said they arc running l3b tests today following the autopsy, anrl that hi! rleath was not caused by a heart attack. They said it was probably an accidental death. Constantino's boat was lower! back lo Newport Beach by an Orange County lfarbor district craft. 41 Packages Seized Pot Boat 'Intercepted'; Seal Beacli Man Nabbed A Seal Beach man \\'ho customs agents allege was captured in San Diego waters "''ilh a boatload of contraband -in· r!udlng the first known trademarked 1narij11ana -f(){jay awaited arraignment 111 fede ral eo11rt on smugg ling charges. Agents \\'ho board('d 1hc crui~rr operated by \Villiam ,J. "\Villy"' f,('nahan, 27, or 123 I !th SL, cla11n they l'ieized !54 po~inds of high·grnde mariJU<ina, more thari .J,000 drug pills a11d ;l quantity of ap- pclrent heroin. The capture duri ng predawn darknes~ Suturday v,•as the first involving a bo;it since Operation lnt~rcept -!he U.S. cr:i1.:kdown on mari1uana -went into ef· feet three weeks ago. "Oh man . \V1 lly's inessing \\"ith the fcd!'i Rnd they don't pla y around :' ;tn ac· 11u.1intance "hn heard the ne\\"S in i\ Scn~rt Beach hquor store Sunday was ~rard to say. Authorities \\"ho tra1\cd Len;i han 's 26· r~1;1t cabin cruiser lrnrn 1\\PX il'a n to l" S. 11 ;!lf'rs, then overtook 11 111 a Coast (l11ard 'f'~~el. said tile mar1Jua11<l seized wa s 1n '11 p;i('k!l)'.;t'~ l1:1nd(ul of pe sos. 11 1111 a broad sn11l" on lit~ f;icr ''E\ C1unpr<'idor," wa~ \he brand na111c -The Huver. •·Nr: 11aY ~lcjor ," was U1c added slogan -None. Belter, authorit ies sai d. Besitles lhe. major marijuana haul, custom.~ agcnl.~ who boarded Lenahan's boat said they found about a half-pounrl of tnn po1\·d~r b<>Jie\·Pd lo be heroin, 1,000 orange pills with an oriental marking on rach . 35 apparent 1Ai;;o tablets and 10 hashisr. smoking pipes. Lenahan -who at fir~t told in· ,·estigators his address was wherever his rC<:cnlly-purchased boat happened to be docked -wa~ booked on the federal ch;irge and held "'ithoul bail. Aulhorities announced Sunday that lh<'Y l;eliel'e the price of marijua11a and heroin in 1najor U,S. di stribution centers has as n1uch as doablPd in some cases. This v,·ould inrlicate the i:tated intent of Operation Jntcrcepl -driving the price .sky-high -Is being accom plished, but Tht trad•:rn;irk showed a l\'lexican ma n standing bcsidr a marijuana plant, clutching a fistfu l of rlnllars and a drug scene sources have denied it. "Gencr<.illy the pri t'e has almost doubl · f'd," said one federal investigator, ''hul 1nore lmportanl is that much of it i.'I una1·ailable or extremely scarce .. , l\larijuana is reportedly scarce in Ne\v York, nonexistent in ~1 1am i, a n rl ~t'n('rally of poor quality -grown in !he r.Tidwest from wild \Vorld \\'ar II hemp plants used in rope production. /\. drug .scene !\OUrcr. !'iflid ~und,oi_v. ha...,·rvPr. that no one !'ihould rve r pay mQfP than $25 for a lid. or half ounce n1,11nt1ty, even in the v,•orst pol famine. $12 ,000 Blaze Hits Huntington Co nC'rete Plant \Yrirkmen today :ire mopp111g up rhr dr bris rrotn an nil nnit i;ns fire that cleslroyrd $12,000 v,·nrlh of rnatcrlals and pquipn1rnt Sunday 1norning at a llun· lingl on Beach conr retc mixing plant. A sl11ck lhem1o~lat on a oil healing unit Ignited !he hlaze at lhe SulJy.~tiller Corporation pl;int at 7221 F:l1is A\'e., ac· cordlng to fire dcparlment in1·es!iga1ors. The blaze "'as visible from most par1.s nf Orange County as concrete. gas from three major pipelines and nil l':ruptt'd into flames. said firemen. Tht fire started at 9::12 a.m .. and took 2~ minutes lo control. No injuries were reported. Four engines, one .snorkel unit, and 16 men under Battalion Chief Ron Bear fought the blaze. Su\ly-1'..1iller handles many of lhc cont racts for street \\'Ork throughout Orange Cnun\y. They have plants in several cities. Appetrls to 'Patriots' \\'eatber ~unny skies and \\'armrr !rm~ erature.~ arc on the horizon f(Jr TueWRy along the Orange Coa~t. with !he mercury reaching up in· lo !ht eightie.~. I NS IDE TOD/\ Y It mn11 hrn·f' brrn /t1 (ll1/y nc· rlnirnrrl Jor 2fi 1rrrk.~ (/11riug !Is f3 nli,~h sJ101v1nQs brrt TV ru/unl· 111st CJ1110un Lr111irJ1 .~(I/IS lhf "f orsytl1r. :->n(1C1" 1.~ )'t~L rnl· ot/1er .~ooµ np11rci. r of/r 27. .,.11., " Mo•kt• " C1ll,.r•i1 ' H&IW>•I How• .. ci.1111~ 11·11 Or""'' (9"111f " Comlu " s"'" l1-1t Cr1t1-..·•rf " s1 ... ~ Mor~tto ""' 0.11~ Hellen " T1ll•l\i111 " 'fflt.•111 ,,,, ' T~ollerl " lf"lt'l'!.i11m1M " w•11~t• ' Pl11111tt IO·H Gl•n" W~l!I " H1•tott1•t " W&fl~ Htw1 .. ·~ Ltlltlt•! " w ........ , "''"'' IJ·ll .'llllllM• ' Graham Says America Sicl{, Sinful Only the fa ilhfu rs presence is sparing an outpouring of God's wrath on a .sick, sinful America and the most patriotic act of alt is thertfore conve rsion, lo help bolster lhe odds, The Rev. Billy Graham warned Sunday. "ll is more patrioHc lo come lo God al this moment than anything I can think of." do::clarcd the popular evangcli ~1 al th .. climax of hi.3 JO-day rally senes 1n Anaheiln Stadium. Records were broken three times rlur· in~ the Anahein1 revival crusade, "''Ith 56,000 persons prPscnt Sunday, bnng1ng !ti ~65,000 the 10-day total. • ~lore th:in 20,000 searched 1hc1r hrart.s • and &OUhJ s! the Norlh Carolina preacher gave his message -then made tht pilgrtmage. lo his pulpit and -hopefully -;i new life. ··~1any people are counting on the fact that COO, II there is a God. i! not the God revealed in the Bible," said the R~v. (;raham, .. but it makes oo difference how our concepts may change." '"\l(l(l hAsn"t changed,'' he conlinued. "And God is nol only a COO of love - he is also a God of justice,'' tht Rrv. c:rah<lm added, warning that justice of " ho1 rible naturt has been rained down on offending nations In the past. "Sodom, Gomorrah, his chos-en nation Jsrael, and Germany, the. cradle of the Reformalion," he explained. The Rtv. Graham said he and bis V.'ife literally fell in lovt with the people Orangt County and the Southland. ao it \\"O!I with a htavy heart lhal he deBlt with wti3t m,oiy be In store. "\\fill Gori spare America~" he asked. ''God clirl no t ~pare lhc angels. He ca~t Lucifer out of Hea\'en," he said. The Rev. Grahiam sairl God rl id not c-vt.n 11lop 11t condemning his ov,·n beloved :"111n Jesus , who died OT1 !ht cross in agony for th-: sins of all mankind . ''Will God spare you?11 tic asked dark· ly . "It is dangerous to be In a mteting like this ;ind not tum to GOO," the Rev. Graham concluded, then made his fina l ::illar call. lugging lhe ·t.earful repentant down lnlo cenler(icld. 1'hr. Norlh Carolina t ve ng"list who beg::n his career'20 years iigo with a tent meel Ing what i~ now downtown Los Angeles will preach next weekend in San Dlei::n. lie snid h:! will then return homt to l\lo11lrcat. N.C., to prepare for his ntxl crus<Kle in April, 1970, in Dortmund, Grrinany. TIJat ;o;criel'I of crusades will be teleca~t iind translated for viewers In 14 Eure>- pean cltlt s. ·- U~I TtN..ziott FALLS TO DEATH Diane Linkletter Buildi11g Halt Protest Due Before Co11ncil By .JACK BRORACK O! 111• O•ih P!let Sti ll A protest against the city'!! 60-clay moratorium on all building along Pacirie Coast Highy.•ay in the downtown area will be heard at tonight's lluntlngton Beach City Council meeting. The protest has been filed hy a!lorn<'.l'S for t.he Talbert estate regarding fil"e 101~ at the southea.~l corner of 6th Street ilnd !he highway 11·hlch have been apprnised at $125,000. A letter from attorney Cl;irrn{'e A. lligbfe of Newport Beach states 1hal ''1n order to ra ise funds for inhrnt;ince taxes and paying the general exrcn.~c of the estate of f\fargAre~ E. Tcilbert plu.~ payments of $42.'> a 1non1h on an <'fl· cumbrance against !hr properly, It 1.~ necf's~3ry that the csl;11e dispose of it 11•irhout f11rtl1e r c!cl a)'." The letter .'.lSks lhat the council Pit hrr rescind the 6!1-0ay n1nratorit1tn or pa ss a resolution conrlcmning !he propert y. The counci l on Sept. 15 1 rit ~d the moratorium on all building and ma 1or repairs in thr fi r.~t blx k inlan1I frorn ih4' h1gh11,•ay lo Walnut AVcnuc from 6th lo Lake l'itreels 1.1·hile the Top of the Pier Pl:in for i!ownto1\·n redc\'Cloprncnt is being studied. Thr plan . if ado pted would call for purcha se of thf' f1 vr blorks :ind con · ,·crsion tu :in I.BOO.space park 1n,1t lot a.or propo~ed h.v thr \'rlJ<in 1..'.lnd lnst1tu1~ Citizens SteC'ring C:irn1111l trr 1C'SC1. The ro11nc1l 1~ lrn!a tl\1'11' s('hc(!Ulf'rl lo hold a pubhc he:.1 ring 011 tile pl ;u1 on Oct. 23 Also on tnnight"s agcnri.i arr -An appt·;il fro111 a de111:i l of th~ Pl ;in- nin,i: Comn1ission blncking cons1 n1c11on of a 50-unit ilpi!l'l!ncnt con1pl<'x on 13'Jl~a Chica Street, jusl south of \\:arncr i\\·enue. -A public hearing on the proposed reloca tion of the business pf'trTiit of a psychedelic shop known as the Pcrf\1med (;arctens at 4&I Pacific Coa~l Highway v.·hieh has ,itonc out of husi ncss. -An ordinance prohlbiling the ust' of mirrors or any sin11lar object f:ir lhr.: purpose of interfering "'ith a police o[· Ii cer or lifeguard. The council 111eets al 4:30 p.n1. ;imJ 7 .111 p.m. in !he counci l <'ht1mbcrs 111 ~!Pmorial Hall . W incls Shut Off ..Traffic Signals Gu.~ty Santa Ana "''inrls Sa turday morn· lng blevi down a Wel'itminster power line , leaving t"·o Beac h Boulevard traffic signals inoperative for two hours. \Ve1;tminsler police said lhe line wa.~ broken al 9:30 a.m. between Westminster and Botsa avtnue!!. No traffic accidents were caused by !hf! light fai lure, whi ch "·as remedied al II ;Jl) a.m. Green Beret Officers Get New Assigmncnts \\'ASHINGTON rUPI) -Seven of the C:reen Berets cleared of 11111rderlng a Vietnamese nalionnl were reassigned lo· dR y by the Army, mosl of U1f'm ti. milltaty intr.lllaence jobs but nunl lo Special Forces unil .s. I ' ' ' i 1 I • . --. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------·-- 2 D,All Y PILOT H No Lo-ve Bug YW on 'Rescue !l1ission' Pulled From Surf 81 JEROME F. CO~UNS Of ,,.,. 09!1)1 "llM llltl Two tttn-aged boys, cruising about Balboa 1n a Vo!ksv.•agen, tl1ol1ghl they heard a \\'OITian srrra1TI so1ne11·htre on the beach shortly before midnight S1:1tur· day. So they raced to the rescue -in the Volkswagen. Sevrn hours later, 1!1rhard A. fllistrcl and Stephen L;. Davis, both 16, finally ~ot thP ir car out of the surf. And lhcy never did f111d any ~crea1ning 11 0111an. .'\e" port Beach pohce s:aid totlay they rl on'L know ll'hat lhev'll du about the tase, 11h1ch in10llC'1; 11f!1rer~. lifeguard~. l1elpful Balboa rcs1dcnts and !in:illy a city tractor betore the car "·as al last pulled • .. • " from I.ht rlsin& tide ji.ut wesl of the jetty at the B1lboa W@d,e. The two boy!, apparently concerned th<1t police might not believe lheir story about the mysteriously scream I n g 1von1an, did their best to shove their car out of the sand by themselves until about 5 a.n1. Tllrn the l1tlc erune in. Th c \'olk.s11 ngc·11. 11·hich. like :,II t<irs. isn't al!O"'ed on the bc<ich, began bobbing like a cork In the \11ater_ The boa rds youn~ i\listrel and Davis had stuck under lhc \\'heels for traction f!oalrd 311'ay. A beachfron1 rf's1clcnt. ri~ing e<irly. ~aw ll1c boys -and thrlr Vo!k.~11agrn -If,,_ 1n~ the battle \\'llh the si.•a. lie c;illc1I policr They tried hauhnc !he car ashore . . FISHERMAN JACK McCO Y SPOTS UNUSUAL CATCH 'l'v• S..n Ev•rything, Now,' Santa Anan Obs•rves Thomas Woodruff New City Attorney in y alley Thoma~ \\'ooclruft . 30, former assista11t city attorney for Ne11·porl Beach, started work t.oday as the nev: part·timc city al· tomey of Fountain \'alley. lie "as sclecte<I br the C1\y Counl'1I Saturday after 1nter1·ie11·s 11·1th nine ap- pl icants for the position vacated by the LI NKLETTER • • concerned 11 i!h her 1denli!Y and her career. police quoted Dur~lon a~ 5a}Jnl: Drugs aspects of lhe ca!ie are s:111 bei ng 1n\esl1g:itctL police !><11d . Pri vale funeral ser ~!Cl'~ ;ore planned al ' f orest La11n ;\lrmonal Par!-, L1nkle11 cr and his 111fc. 1~1i-, 11rrr 11o!ifll'd ur !hr {Jc:-tth 111 Col11r.1do and rcl11rned here Su11d;1). On July 15 JQl111 Z11eycr, 33, hu~band Qf Li11klr t!cr'o:: oldest rl;iughter. 1)311 n. 2\J, shot h;msrlr 1n the hc;id !le rrpnr!tdlv ,~·as depressed u1 er h1~ 1n~urancr bu.•1ne~s. DAILY PILOT ,.i...1 ti. w •• d P11 .. trnl •nd I'~~'·'~" T~c"'•' ICt t•il La •er ,.,1~~,. w a .••• , ""~''"'' F.t,•or l-lw•T!•9te• lfot~ Olfit t j:;q ~t~ Sl•r•t µ,:1:•9 .ldd•t u' P.O. l e. 790, •1&•1 01he1 Ollitei P.t 1<ct•I f.•"' ·,11 \".•·• 8olt•• 8cu••;1•d C •• 1,'•u Jl~ 1•:1<! B•• ~""! l •~.·· er ... ~. :;1 ~o·e,1 •.oru• (JAIL Y JlllOT, "LI~ .. ~I<~ It <..,,.~,.,#ii l~e ,,,., .. , P•rH. 11 ••&H'•IH• O•"• '"'"' s .... t1y '" ~tr»"!f '" '"''" for H,,,.1,..•t•~ e•ocll, r o~•"" V• ,.,. (""'• i.·i, .. "'""· r.o·t !l•J(" • ~ , ·~ ...... p .. ,~ ... ·0~11 .. '" ·~ ··~.o~•I •~'"'' ('•,•1• <~·"' r,.~··•· •v .. .,,..~.,-, r• • '" q ., •'·'• ••• •" 1. 11 .,.. •• • 11.ro• 8 ,.a l••A;cot f .. c11. ••o J..0 "•tU fh• ~""'· (O•'• l/f>I r,1.,pho n• 111 41 642-4Jll F••"' W•oml•1lf1 Ctll S40.121a Cl111ln1t1 Atlw.,fl1Jft9 64:Z0 S671 too)•••"'· "" (lflAOt t oo'! '"'"'" ·1 ~ .. ,.,,,.,. • ... ~ ..... '0' '.. ~ ..... 1. •' c •. ••••tr ol ''"""' t< ·~•"''"'"''"" h••''" ,...., ""r•o•ceut •o "'"f\01'' ""''"' ~''""'-~n i• ·~·~"·"' ...... 1•<"<1 ""'' ·~~"''••d ot "''''''' 81 0<~ '"' C"'' Nr•• '• '" • • "•, •· t.• "'"'' 1: ......... , "'. '1· ·~ "'0''~'•· ,.,.1 .... , "''"'" •·••• 1>10 ... , "'· resignation of Ed11•i n r.Iartin. \\'oodrulf wiH handle his first assignment 11,hen the council meeL<; Tuesday_ ··He was selected because of hi.~ rnunlcipal experience," City Manager J im r\eal said todav, \\'oodruff earnerl ·his degree in la\1• ;it !he L;nivers1ty of California llasllngs Law Sch:xil Fro111 1966 to 1967 he 11·as deput y city a\!orney and cuy prosccu!or for lngle"ood-Fro111 196i to tllC' prc~cnt he ha<: been a fu!Jt1mr assist ant in 1\c11 port lie a ch ln arhhlion 111 h<1ndhn,i: Fou n1a1n \".illt'.'1·'s legal matters, \\'oodruff v.1JI open 11 pri vate. pr<ictirr. ,\l::irt1n res1gnC'd n1tirr U1.i11 a n10111h -ago, g1v1ng a;, his rea;,011 thc de!>ire of thr. 1 1tv t:> r mploy a full time oinnrne~·· ('l!y "1!1r1:iJ <. hO\\'!'lf'r. laler drc1drd :i par\· lune attorney ~till could handle lhc Jub, DAVI S . • • Donald Kali sh. says he has no idea ho1v t!1c ~tuden!s \l'il! rract "Students arc 1·C'ry skilHlil in organiz· i11g then15eh·es :<nd in keC'ping !heir plans out o! the eye of the public and of a 50- ~ ear·old professnr," 1he philosophy pro- fe~sor told ne~·smen Sunday in an- nouncir.g the decision by ~l lss Davis. 25. Her course, "Recurring Phi losophical '!'heml"s in Black Lilcraturc." v.·as scheduled to meet for the first ti~ toda y, 11·ith 169 students enrolled. Univer::.i !y regents fired J\-l iss Da vis &pl. 19. invoking a 1940 regents' rul1n/,; 1 rnh1b1!ing Con11nunist.~ from teach ing al •t:1tc u11:1 er"sities. J\hss Unvis ~:1id she 11 <1-~ o 111cl1nber of a·con1111t1n 1sl club. Sh ,. accu~t'd th e re-gents of he111g prr· j11rlic<!d because she is a l'iei;ro and s11 id she \1·ould teach while appe<iling the di~missal . The regents responded by issuing an ordC'r that UCLA Chancrllor Charle~ ''oung said he inte rpreted as meaning that Mi~s Davis may lecture during the appeal but th.e t students l\'on't receil·e credit for the courst. Panel Talk on Plan For ~fiddle Sc hoo l Sc i A pnnel disru;,sion on Ne11 port.;\1e-.~;i t:nifi"d Srhool Dislrict":i; 1niddle sehO<ll f·oneert of moving :o;1x1h i;raders in!o Junior high will be presented for ti1e p11hhc tonight. Thr progra1n v.111 bt£1n <1\ i JO p.n1 in li e Foru111 at E~tanri a lhRh School, 2323 r 1riref'tia i\l"e, Co.~ta l\les;i. \'l'llh 1 nylon rope attached to police units. Tht rope alrttched. The Cit didn 't move, ucepl up ud down. The Harbor Oi1lrlct wu 1dvi5ed of the problem. They couldn't help from tke sea. No winches. The dawn. mean \1•hile. had come up like th under, the surf"s pounding in· tensifi{'d, and a t•rowd gathered. Finally, the c'ity yard 11·as called. A trartor rumbled to the scene. a chain \l'as attached lo the car. The chain snapped. A tie;ivier chain 11·as put into service . Aftcr sonie clanking, a tittle rattling, hits of spJ<ishing. and some shuddering on 1hr 1ioirt of the Volk sw<igen anrl r.·Ji~trel :ual IJ;n is, the t•ar began ernerging froz11 th\" SC',! Thi' cro11·d eh<:'ered. '.\listrrl and Ua1 is d1dn"1 Tt.eir \'olkswagen was a mess. Bumped, haltered and soaked. They 11·ent home 11·ilh friends. The \'olk.swage n stayed b':.'hind in a garage . Youth on LSD Escapes Death In Suicide Try A youth who told police he had taken LSD and v.·anted to end his life, escaped with minor injuries after lhro11•ing himself in front of a car in Laguna Beach early Sunday. Alan Pratt Perez, 20, or 949 Peregrine Place. Anaheim, "'as transferred to Orange County r.tedical Center after treatment fo r abrasions at South Coast Comrnuni!y flos pital. Driver Larry Eirich Cole. 26, of 1681 Tedmar, Anal1eim. told police he 11·as southbound in the 1100 block of S. Coast Highway at approximately I a.m. Su n- da y, 11·hen the young man jumped out in tront of his l'ehirle from bel11een 1wo park ed cars. lie "·as unable. to stop 1n tin1e to avoid hitting the victim, Cole said. Doctors said Perez v.·as ''on a trip." police rPporlN!. lold !hC'n1 he had taken LSD and wanted to die. PUTTING THEIR BACKS INTO IT, OWNERS AND HELPERS ATTEMPT TO PULL VW FROM SEA A Nylon Rope and Two Chains Later, Battered Hul k Beached at Balboa's Wedge Mesan Takes Wild Trip , -lrito Jail Cell Toilet A naked. inud-<:aked man screaming n1essages of love for his captors v.•as jail- ,. Sa turday night after an alleged l..SD frolic, finally halted by a squad of five Costa Z'llesa poli cemen. He later tried to esca pe by diving into a jail cell toilet but was unsuccessful, in- 1•esfigators said. Roger A. Fuerst, 21. of 530 \\'. \\'i!son SL. "'as booked on charges of resisling arrest and being under the influencc nl LSD, with bail set at $625 and scheduled lo be in court toda y. PatrohTian Bob Coo:Je said he arrived at the Ala fll o~na Ap artments Saturdnv nigh t in response to a report of a nude 111an and found Fuerst iylng in the center or a crowd o: tenants. The officer said he scuffled 1vilh the 1-lippery suspect for about tv.·o n1inutes, during which time the c.gian tr ied to jump into the aparLment swimming pool. During the melee, officers Randy Nutt, Ron Palmer, and S:im Arnold joined in trying lo quiet the incoherent suspect and finally got him into a patrol car. "I love you,'' he v.·as quoted a~ shouting, "'bile his flailing feet belied the sentiment. Investigators said Fuerst continued to bounre off the walls of the jail holding cell -trying to dive down the commode -and v.•as finally removed t:> a paclded- lype fa cility after much struggle. Sgt. Gary Shult and Officers Jim Cor- rales joined with the three 01her patrolrnen to shift Fuerst lo what migh t accurately be termed more comfortable quarters. 3 Fir111 s Lose PO Boxe s Over Por11ography F'iV" Sr>11thland £ir111~ cle<J ling in 1vhal so1r>c ;.urhonties call smut ha1 e had thei r po!;t offil'C box privileges stripped. the L:.s. Postn1aster (;eneral announced l t>- da1·. 'fhree addit ional lir1ns in the east were namer! in the press release fro1n Postmaster General \Vinion r.t Blount, "'ho took the action follo1ving legal crackdov.·ns on tl1e !inns. Each or the dealers has either been ar· rester! or indicted on chargrs of \•iola ting feder3l or slate pornography statutes, s<iid Blount. <ind he 1vas acting under CX• pre."=s administrative <iulhorily . Th'C' 1;1w pcrmis denial of the use (If 1ental bo.'<es lo individuals y,J10 use thetn for imn1oral or in1proper purposes, a~ defined by postal attorneys_ Up Creek Bench Fighters Enter Beauty Hy T0'.11 HARLE\' Of lftl Ot olf Pllol Sl1U Southe rn Orange Coast campaigner<: .<:Prking lo obt ain public access lo Salt Creek Beach today ha1·e turned fro1n !e~al brief to bikini brier in I heir <'lforls. They'l·e 1nustered to the cause t•ur1·y Susan Wallace. a sun-bronzed 2l·year·old lass from Laguna Beach. The Salt Crct!k campaigners have entered !\!iss \\'allace in 1he Orange County Pres Club's annual "i\1iss Orcop" beau ty pageant. She'll join the Oct. 13 con1pelition against nine other Orange County beauties v.·earing the banner sash of '"Miss Sa ll Creek Road ." But Susan won't be thinking strictly of Susan \\'hen she puts hrr cu rves on stage at !he Grand llotel"s Off Droad\\·ay \\'est theater in Anaheim. She says she 11·ants that title and thr hurralis that go \1·ith it for the "Save Salt Crrek" campaign. To be sure, the cro11•n «nd thr prizes 1hat go ""ith it are for Susan alonr j[ ~hr 11·ins; but the honor aod the pubhrity she·s delermined !+1 Australian's Conf es ion Told In Mosque Burn .JJ::!ll.~1\LJ;:~I !,\!'1 A poltrc ~ur~1 1ntenden! told a Jerusalen1 court llJ- cl ... : that a young i\ustr<il1an n1ystic h;.d c:v111"sscd srtt1ng fire II} thr Al 1\k,s;ih .~fo~q1·c 1n Old Jerusale111 to clear the s1lc- ror lhe rebuilding lhrce of Solomon's T11np lc Supt. Da1·id Ofer S<iid 11.llchael i)l'n1s Hnl'>fln . 28, told the police in a state1nent Jf!cr his arrest: ·· Abo11l a v.·eek aftl"r I arri\"rd i11 Jeru~alcm I disco\"ercd a Scripture th;it s;ud that one person will be called by God to bu ild lhe temple and therefore I decid- ed God "''anted me to build this tcmp!r. 'fher~fore if I am th~ chosen one 10 do this. I \\'ill have to prove it by destroying lhc mosc;ue. If this was Goers will , th~n he 11'o'Jld allow me to do it." The Al Aksah ~1osque 11·as built on the ~·te of Solomon's 'fen1ple, and thr \\·~1l- 1ng \\'all nr11rby is the la~t rL'tnnant of thr lc111plr. Thr ~ill' L'> also lslii111·s !hir<l holir~1 shrine becau~e ~loslr·111s brl1e1 c lilal the Pro11het i\toha 111n1ed a:<trnded into 11~)avc11 lron1 !here. Rohan is a rnc1nbcr of :i Cl1riq1:-111 ~l'r1 11·hich lielleves that the i\1esslah c<11111ul l'Qme until Solnmon·s Temple is rebuilt on ii! original site. Blood Specialist Dies. After Heart Surgery NEI\' YORK (UPI) -Or. \Vi\liam Dan1ashe k. noted blood specialist, di ed today al JO 07 a.111. 1n ~U. Sinai Hospital af1Pr uncler1:01n& open heart surgery on Snturda~ Da111a.<hel-,, 69, su ffer~d a st roke l;ist \\"pdnt·~day during a hematology con· ferl'nce and 11 as OJ>eratcd on Saturday by a 111ed1cal train hea ded by Dr. Dent on 1 ·!'llilry. thr heart i.ransplant .surgeon frnin llou1>1on. ' ... ~hare 11·ith the people \\'ho put her on the t.liss ORCOP campaign trail. Pri1ne archilert of that bit nf 111rineuvering is Brennan · · He vs · ' fl1eClel!and, 3 former champion surfer who·.~ been rnaking big and angry v.·aves ever since the road v.·as abandoned by the roun!y to lhe Laguna Niguel Corp . Opponents of the county"s abandonment of Salt Creek Road have hit headlines Jn cnu rt hearings, eye-catching bumper "!'il1ckers and the raffle for Joyce Clark 's painting of "Old Salt Creek." They've got $1,300 in the kitty. a \ast fund or gooclv.·i ll, a band of liupporters who arc \\'Orking their legs off and no\\' - Susan. "But !his doesn"t mran that we're in- jecting an.1· levity in!o our ba!l!e for rero\·ery of y,·hat 11·a:r; taken from us" i\lcClelland :issC'r1ed. "\Ve look on this as ;ust ann1hcr 1\·ay 11f ensuring that nur r;iu~c stnr~ . 1n the pubhc el'e ;ind l'\'Cf.1 onr °:i11 arr of !he l::OSUf.' ;jlld •1Uf argun1e nrs 11 1JI say n1ore power to u~ ·• ,\!rClellancl and the Sall Creek cro11·d l1rhr1e thry hal'r a 11·inner. And thc-y·rc th inking ot the connpaign as a v.·holc. not JUSt Susan·s un1q11e con!ributinn to the Call~(' . And If Su~an IVlnS. :-trJ nlllrh the be\lrr, boll1 lor h('r and for us," he ~a)·~. She's taking Pxcellent credentials in lo till' Pres~ Club ronte~t. A f1nal1~1 in !hf• i\liss Cal1fonr ia \\"orld competltir>n and ,1 highly rrgardrd canc!idatr 1n 1hr r.os.~ Photogenic bal!lr, she 1sn·~ lacking 111 rcff.rl'nces, SUSAN WALLACE EYES COUNTY BEAUTY CROW N Hoping to Win One for Old Salt Creek Road Tl1e Cast of Hair '-1,1.i. ll11:· C''\)\C'rl <Hh 1('r i~ 111 •0 \l f)f\h 11\U!](~. !)\II llC d11n "t ch;irgr. Does11't Sl1op He1·e \\"hrther ~ IJ\1 re JooJ..111:; fur ~nn1cth 1n,::: 1r;icl11ional or ronvcn- tio naL 11·or.sted flannel. shark· skin. herringbone or Bengaline, you'll find our sclet'.lion a s fine as an.v in !he ;irea, a" current .:is this 1Tiorn1ng'-" J\"c1v "fork Times .. '\ careful look 1hroubh Ollr r.1c!.~ is "urc 10 1urn up :.01ne plc:-i~nn l s11 rp r1 "e~. For one thing, the l\ewporl Beach Police Departn1ent "·ould probably lake a din1 \1ie11· of it. Like us , thC'y·r~ a bit nld·fa !.h· ioncd 'nu 111~y l1ri1e nf•1 1ccd in lhr r <i pl"r tha1 " rec ·cnth0 held "pop- rnck"' fC'~l1\·<1\ \'.rts attended b.v t1· .• ~r \:i.OfJO kid ~. ;:ind ahout 100 nf thc1n 11·ere na ked. \Ve hope !his trend do~sn't catch on It does nothing for ou r busi nes~. Al Bid"·elrs 1re're excited about trends of a different sort. Like the wider lapels' you 're ~ee ing this season. The increas- ing use of stripes. The grov:ing popularity of the double-brea~t­ ("d blo 7.t'r .. -\nd. of course. the ~h;:iped suit jor "s1lhoue1te.'· iJ .1·ou prefer) -no1v e11dent 111 e' er~"lhini; fron1 lc1~ure '\.('ar lo the mo~! lradi11onal clothing. I • ~lakes :rou look 10 pounds light- er Po~.~ibly yo·;·,·c been sn b11!'\' \\·alching Hie stock 1narket th;it you ha1·cn't c1 en 110\l ccd !heoc trend~. 13u\ 11l·'l l brt 1h C' 11n11:c1n in your lifr ccr1a1nly ha~ \Von1en notice such thing~. .'\nd th ey care. They care le~" about the stock n1arket -<• · long as you can affotd to take them to Europe "''hen they're in the mood. {A ren't they al\1•nys':) \\'ell , \re can't fi nance your trip to Europe, but \~'e can see tha t you go in style. Our fall suits range in price from $95. to ('0111e in ~ind bro11 se all day. ',\'::! upen 8~ 9 :~0 a 111., \io::;c flt .1 .:10 p .111 . 19 p.llL on .Vrid~.l'f\I . For a lunch break \1'c ::;uggest [icrk.s hire·s . \\'oody's (Ir Tale of lhe \\"hale. .'\.nd v.·e also ha\"e a sugges· lion for the nudists of the \rorld -UNITE~ Then get dressed. It's good for business. And it may even your back. keep lhe police ofr :1467 \"In l.ido HI ,, .. ,. 1mr1 Hh d .. i\e1' porl De arh Parking ror "~ man.v l'nrs ns ~·011 u"·n. XoM npen f 'rlfln.'· e l ·enl11Jts 1111til 9 11.111. .. • I '· • .. 0 •• . e e c a .. ' ' ., t QUEENIE By fihn lnterlandl ''l don't care what you say-I'm not kissing eybod7 knowing there are s&tellites watching ua. .. 1 Seat Vaca11t New Supre1ne Court• F aci11g Tough Docket By CllARLOTTE G. J\10ULTON \VASHINGTON (U PI) The Supreme Courl begins its 1969-70 term tod:iv \Vith a Nix- on·appoinlcd chiff justice, a vacant chair and a challenge to carve out new frontiers in the fields of \.\'Plfare and treat· mC'nl of juveniles. I! also racrs the issues or civ il dissent and racial unrr;;;1, criminal procedurrs, obscenity, draft pr occrlurrs, r·on~clcntious objte!ors lo !he Virtnarn \1•ar and 11·hc1her states mny c.~en1pt church- O'vlned real eslate from tax· at ion. Because the S e n a l c Judiciary Cornmittcr i~ taking s uch a long look at Clement f''. l!aynsv.·orth, Chu~r J u s t i r c Warren E. Burger v.·i!I be flan ked hv only sc1·cn enl- leagues \.\'hen he opens court for the first tin1c. Burger succeeded Earl \\'3r- rrn as ehil·f JUS1icc at the ('lO~e Of the \968·£9 lt'tlll Ill .June. llavn<;v.•orth is l':h:on ~ choit·e 10 °rC'p!:1r(' Abe Fort as. 11·ho ~IL·11111·rl tJ uwn trnn1 thr ben i..:h hP1·;111.c:e of his f111ant·1::it links 11·11h thr la111li1' !oun· {lation of Lotu~ ~;. \\ o!fso1i. a Florid;i f1 11an<..u:~r !atrr ('011· '·ictrd flf selling unregistered securi~ics. CRITIC/IL FIRE: 1'he first meeting <lf the new term v.·ill be I a r g e I y ceremonial anyway, consisting mainly of admitting attorneys to practice. Afterward, the court vdll start a week·long series or private conferences on about 600 appeals which have piled up during the sum· n1er recess. On Oct. 13 the court '.'"ill an· nounce 'A'hich cases are to be heard, meaning 10 .... ·er court <lecisions will pre\'ail in the other.'i . 111e court considers a ease if four justices vote for a l'CV!CW. Chief Justice Burgt.r. who is considered more conservativr. than Warren on criminal mat- ters and perhaps <lthe rs. \\'ill be watched closely for any ex- pression <lf \•ie11,·s. But the court rarely makes public h()\I,' it divides or the question of accepting a case. TEST CASE An exception may comt. on a rrucial test case involvina 1\lli!!issippi school desegrega- ! 1on. Despite Negro protesls, lhc Nixon admin istration won :i delav i n court-ordered drsegrcgalion in 30 of th~ state·s school districts and the high court is expected lo takt some action on an appeal at its Oct. 13 session. Arguments also v.•ill s:tarl lhal week on cases already ac- . ;, . ' . ;q ii a c :u A•,..._ lt11ckle type boot1 S•ve •n • f•mou1 Au1tr i•n meke in v•rious 4 •ncf five buckle 1tyle1. In bro~en 1i1es. 19.50 It.II• buckl• style boots An out1tendin g ltoli•n make in fi.,.e b uc~le model1. Mould ed soles, broken 1i1es. 29.50 to 40.00 A greet low price, f•mou1 Au1lrial'I boots. "Skiwidth" moulded soles end five buckles. 50.00 weod skis m a low pric• A limited, but 9ood ••lecfio" of wood 1ki5. A 9re•t opportunity for 1ki•rs. 10.00 le1utiful 1tyla1 •nd colors fer both mert •nd ladie1, Avail a ble in broken 1i1e1. 5.00 to 26.00 1kl pocka9e at bi9 savhuJs Yo u gel; reg. '40 .00 Si•rra sk is, reg. 21.0 0 Selomori bil'lding5 , reg. r .95 S6fety le,, sh, in,luding '4 .00 bin dinq in~t alla fion. were bb .9S 45.00 MondJ)', October 6, 1%9 * DAILY PILOT :( awH'ter1 for kldlH 9'MI men H•ndsomely de1i9ned sweeter1. It's e 9ro•t t ime to stock up. Broken si1e1. 5.50 to 24.50 1111 l'""h I• brok• sins ooly L..d 1e1 •nd men will find e wonderful choice of pants in many 1tyl••i colo", 1 o.oo to 22.00 'A limited quantity of nylon wind shirf14 1.00 (oln our lllnarcl Ski Cluli. The Bli111rd Club j, • completely •Up•rvised program des igned to t•1ch junior• to 1ki safely end corre ctly ihrou9h F. W. S. I. A. c•rtified schools. Membership includes instructio11 and iupervision. Open to boys •nd 9 irlt ... •9e' 9 through 17. Twel.,.. S•furda'f. lrips to S•n Bernerdino mounf•in ski •r•as, For c:ompJet• information contact the Cli11a rd Club •* your M1y Co Ski Shoe• llayns1rorth h:is run in!o critica l fire on grounds that he failed !o disqualify h1rnse lf from at least two casrs in which he had a financial in· terest, however slight or in· direct, v.·hile he 1vas chief judge of the ~th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. cepted with ""'8" ques· SKI tioning attorneys from the bench. No opinions are e1· peeled unt il November but <lbservers v.·l ll be ""'atching his approach to questions rai3ed before the cou rt. SHOP PRE-SEASON SALE He 1s expected ulti1nately lo be corif1rmcd. hov.·e1er. bar· ring so1nr new tl1sclosurr But 1hc drl:iy h.v lhr 1ud1r1ary group rnc:ins he \1 ill not he on hand lor the 0J)('n1ng ,,r~:-1011. The court had schedul ed a batch of Important ca5el for ils first v.·eek. Burger had them postponed because or the Senate's delay on liaynsv.•orth. The court tries lo be at full (Set Court Pa.gt 14.) ~ --·----· 'f.. f/t. '( -+. f,JICJI, Jr ()ffJC .~·~· . . ' . '· ! '{l/ou ?w i1ttJiled /() ... SAVlllGI' OCTW Isl llllOU&lt 10lli • • R&iiSHIDiS • ~ ~lo?ical fl70lteca6t PR'EPAR'ED ESPECIALLY FOR YOUR SIGN ly :Jlua11e11 &1nav~ The March 21. 1969 ISH.IC of l!M( maga~ cleecribed Sydney Omoir as "o h1ghl1 intfJI~. !jenf youngor o ~lrologer .. _ l~e most sikaful a nd d:Je,-public prologoo1JI osl1ology ....__ • A former CBS ••s1uo. S~ Omcm't doi)y horoK0pt9 ~ ii carried by tofM 225 ,_,popen oooes h counlry. He kot prepared rliis monthly~ e~.,..ly f« our '°"'9f'S. We hope,.,., .n;oy reading I . r"* .-. if~."'' .... '-,.."',...,..• -•· KEYSTONE SAVINGS .. • AND lOAN ASSOCIATION lbloulJ W, ~.,...... ....... "-tffl<e JU L.....,,.._r..,·1· .._m-1• •WlSIWIH.r.m ... ...... M.••• ................. t i':"," ~·: • T'" r .-,.r.·•~'.:r"'t l '' 1 \_•i1:..:·>.,. 1 '•1'!:'( ·---~ -- •,,' " . ,. .. "::f. ~ . . ' ........ ~ ... .. · ••. ,w, ~. ' ' .,--.\ . . .... ' •'. '· ·- Our ~ki ihop has just opened • , • givin g you a crack at big pre-season savings. on fdmous br and ski clothing and equipment. Select from boois in various buc:kle styles, many types of s.kis, hendsome parkas, sweaters, pants, and wind shirts for lad ies ~nd men. Don't miss this big opportunity, for great values at May Co, .Costa Mesa. may co ski shop 114 no moil or phone orders qu antities limited to stock on hand all sales final •.• please. no returns . ~· , .... ~, ," , . ·•. ....... 't . . illl'""""'~j I'·. e mey co soutn coast plaza, san diogo fwy at bristol, costa meso ; 546'. 9321' shoP. monda)'. through 1aturday I 0 a.m. to 9:30 p .m MAVCO ---------------------------------------------------------· •• DA.RY PILOT EDITORIA.L PA.GE Electing a President George \\'allace thre\V enough scare into the na tion over the anrichronistic Electoral College Syst em of elect- in g a Presid ent that, for the first 1in1e, it appears a ser!· ous effort 11·ill be 1nad e to overh alll the systen1. The question is. ho\V s hall it be replaced : '(\vo propu~als ha.ve ha~ major allenlion i1.1.Cong rcss and the Nix o:1 Adn11111stration. One of the1n, duecL popu- lar election of the President, has been adopted by the }louse of Representatives, but ha s already brought d1- Vi sion \Vilhi n t he n.cpub!ican Party. !'resident Ni~on endorses this method, C)o\·rrnor Reagan opposes 11. l !nder 1-he d1re t l p opular election plan. ihe states colild !.lill fix an age limitati<?n for their voler~-prc· 6un1abl)-bUt all other regulations \l'Otild be s ubJCCI ·to federal la1\·. Cong ress, under .. t he . l louse-appro\'ed plan .. \1·ould prov ide for the qualification of pres1den!Jal candidates. for the n1ake·up of bal!ots. for the holdi~g of a nati ~n<il election. for a run-off if none of the candidates received 40 percent. and for voting procedures. Son1e say this grand national march to t he polls "'o uld tend to convert the republic from a union of states into a consolidated form of democracy. The structure of federalism would be abandoned in the fu ild an1ental r ite of electing a JJresident. Son1e opponents of the fun~an1ental cha~ge .~o direct J>Opular election favor \11hat is called. a d1s~r1 ct. pl.an. (There is also a proportional plan but it 1s quite s1n11lar to the district plan.) . . . Under the district plan. a p res1den'l1al candidate ,VOltld win one electoral vote for each congressional dis- trict he carried. plus t\vo for each state he carried. .l\n example ciled to illustr;ite the effect of this n1eth· od is the 1964 situation in Florida. Lyndon Johnson polled 948 .000 voles to 906,000 for Barry Goldwater. Johnson took all 14 electoral votes, Goldwater got none. Under ' the district plan , U1e electoral vote \vould have been di· v1d ed evenly, seven for each. Proponents of the distri,·t plan assert that every procedur al objective _could be achieved. Independent electors \vould be abolished, The last resort of 9ne state, one vote in the !louse \vou!d be ended. And th e \vinncr- take-all j'evil" ,,·oul d be avoided. District vot ing \\'Ould retain soine of the roots in a person's 0\1•11 "turf,'' 1vhether lh::it be his precinct. his state or :.1n ethnic group. it s proponents claim. They argue th is systcin al so avoids the dtlngcr thcv see in the simple dircel vote plan of havin g concent rated big-city populations control the presidency. The issue is clear and sin1plr in one ospec t. con1· plcx in another. l<'e\v \vould d ispute the ur,:;ent 11ecd to do a\\'a.v \I ith the outmoded clectural college systen1. But a s for replacing it \vith d irect popular elcclio11 or a dis trict plan, serious study is in order. The lfouse of Representatives h11 s opted for dirc('t popular election. But the Senate n1av favnr the distric t or some O'l.her form of proportional Pinn. It's a decision as funda 1n cntal as any n1adc since !he 1~·ounding Fath- ers \l.1rote the Constitution. Just a Bit Too Much If I.his is the Space Age, il'.s also the Plaslic Age. P l a.~tic grass (not the kind plastic hiprles s n1oke~ is no\v favored for football fields. And there's controversy bre\1'ing over intent to use it in road divi ders and othc1:_, \l'ise in Orange Coast cities. But putting plastic \\•ishboncs into rr~;:rtz 1urke\'S seen1s ju ~t a bi t loo n1uch. That's \l'hat 's cooking on ti1e national food scene. ho1\•evcr, ,,·ith soybean concoctlons sin1ula1ing n1eats of all kinds. This, to put i'l mildly, 11·iJ! he <l rt'<il 1vishbonc or con· t ention. Workers Not Interested 'Publish or SDS Scheme Was a Bust SO.!I FLOP ~ PrC'liminary inlelligcnce rvaluati ons indicalC' lhc Marxist oricntcrl Students for a Dcn1ocratic Socie ty did11·1 get far the past sumn1cr \Villi lhcir so· c:-al led "v•ork-in'' program to create a "base for a v.·orkcr-student revolullonary alliance.'' In three significanl respects this fac- lorv infiltration scheme was a bust: ~~ar fev.·er SDS zealots \•;ere recruited than hoped for. The goal 11·as 1,000, btit not more than several hundred actually took part. -Factory, and other wor)(ers were more interested in sports and similar topics than in talking <iboul politics .1nd issues, particularly of a rad i c • I ideological nature. -The SOS "'ould·be proselytcr!' ,.,'t':re ~o e~hausted by the strenuous v.•ork in the factories and hills th11t lht>y v.·ere too tired to engage in agitation at night n1eetings and on weckenlls. SOS OFFICIALS are ti ghl·n1nu1hcd about the results of their radical proieuL I his in it sel f is nole\vorthy, because if the plan had made any hcadw<'l y they v.•ou!d be boasting about il, partirularly in 1heir publications. Bul ~o far they have been 'trikingly .<;ilent. Congre<;sion;i! inl'cslig:i!ors. 'vho ha\'e kept a rlose v.·at ch nn lhc undcrt:ik1n,1?. have a number of rerort:i:: from differenl parts of the country. Other accounts are still av.·a11ed. The rrpnr!<; ;ire ba:r::rd on "1nhirm;il" !alks 11·ith the. SDScrs. Fol!o\\·ing are some r e\·eahng h1ghhgh1s A v.•oman student: "The en1ployes v.•ant lo go hon1e 1n !he e\cning and be w1tll '• Alleu-Golds111itlt their families and friend~. They sho1v no interest in talking ;>olitics or problems. l licked this obstacle to some extent by dating 1vorkers and then talking issues. But that had limitations, because the young fello1~'s wanted lo have fun and llOl to argue about things." !\IA.LE STUDENT in an auto plant: "A union official spolled me and warned me lo watch my step. '\Ye won'l tell the boss about you,' he ~aid. 'We don't operate that \l.'ay. \\'e arc as much against boss's as you say you arr. \\'e v.•ill take care of you ourselves.' After ;1 Jew weeks, I dccidC'd thrre v.·as no use slaying there <ind I left." The summC'r "\York-in'' program slt•111- n1ed from a nianua! prcparrd ln 1067 by the Progressive La bor Par1y 1PLPI - Peking-oriented Communisl faction. The mnnual \\'ilS designed to provide in- struction for anti-Vietnam organizers and agitators. It "·as taken over by the 1'DS last spring, revised an!I used in Its earn· paign to promote a studenl·worker re\·olutionary alUanc!'. Ahn or this alliance i~ In "!'hOIV 1\•orkers ho\11 evil U1c establish1nent is and the need to overthrov; i! by rc1ol11- tion." A1 the 1'DS nahonal con1·en1i(ln in Chicago la.-:! July. the PL!' elcrncnt sought to seize control. Af1er a furious ro111 !he.v \\'err defeated by !hC' faC'tion ;ihgned with the Cornmunist Party lJSA. tied 10 illoscow, and then kicked nut of SDS. The l\l'O cliques now hove their n11·n uffircrs ;11111 he:idquarlcrs and are waging 11-.ir on each other. IN' THE BAG -The latest four·lcnth~ or one percenl Increase in the consumer price index ensures at lea!it a 4 pereenl pay boost for 1nilitary retirees. effective 1'01'. I. The CPI has risen around 4 per- cent !';Ince November 1968, !he mon1h on \\'hich the current retired P~.Jormula IS based. l.Jnder the la"', military rctir£'rs get a pay hike when the CPI rises 3 percent. ri.1rs. Abigail McCarthy, estranged \1•ile of the Minnesota senator, has given up the large 1nansion they rented i11 the fashionable. residC'ntial section near the National Cathedral. She has bought a house on Cape Cod and is telling friends she plnns to li ve there. ri.1cCa rthy ls residing i11 a hole! suite and S<pii ring ll'On1en ~·r iters and editors \l'ho ardC'n\!.v supported hiin in the 19fia prcs!denllal .!>tra1nble. Former Supreme Court Justi ce Ahe Fortas is returning to the social sct'ne. HP and his J;i"·yer-11'ifc are again dining out. He says he p\11n:r:: to resume the prac· !ice of. la1v in a ne\V finn of his O\\'n, but has not decided when thal \I'll! be. At present he Is bu~y completing a book. l\l be l1tled ''Th(! Crisis of lndi1,id11al Libcrly," and playing the fiddle. Sayi; Farias, "Tha l is all I kno\1', the l:nv and playing the fiddle." By Robert S. Alltn and John A. Goldsn1ith Senseless Campus Plunder By J, EDGA R 1100\'EH Director Federal Burtau of ln,esliga tion \VJlh the bcg1n111ng nl the nr111 academic year, it is d1s1tirb1ng lo knn1v that a prin1ary conrern of many college and univcrsi!y adminis!ra!ors 111il1 not be the schola.~tic .achic1·en1ent of slurlents but rathtr hov.· to prl'vrnt thr .~r ii11rr anrl v.-rcckagc or educational instilutions by \vould·be insurrcctionisl!.. The decrease in ran1pus disnrdcrs dur- ing the sun1mer 1nont hs must not be misconstrued. Just as soon as the firebrands can muster a caucus o( dissidents. v.·e v.·ilJ "·itness a continuation of the senseless plunllcr which caused more than $3 million of d<Jrnage to col· Jcges and universities last academic. year. Be!lveen ScptemlX'r l!lGll and April 1969, one major university alone suffered damage in excess of SI million. Some 4,000 arrests 111ere made in connection ---WWW- 1'.londay, October 6. 1969 T/te editorial pafJ' 01 fhe Doily Pilot seeks to inform 1H1d stim.- vlate reader1 by preset1t111g !hl1 newspaper'.s opinions and co~ mentart,t on topics of inftrest Clnd significanct, by pnntidingi a forum for tlit t.tpre11fon of our readers' opinion!. and by prt!entfng tht. di ver•e vit~ points of i nformed obst'rvtrr nnd spoke!mtii on topic• of the day. Robert N. \\1eed, Publisher G uest Editorial \l;ilh viol ent demonstrations. untol1t nurnbers of people were injure-cl, :tnd at l('ast \\\'() deaths resul!C'd fro1n carnpus riots. C'ERT AINL )', CRJri.llNAL statistics rl'flect no credit on the academic com- munily. l lowe,•cr. unless college and university authorities lake positive action lo control campus violence, it l''il\ not subside in the coming months. The split in the Students for a Dcn1ocratic Society (SDS) ranks du ring the so-called national convention in Chicago last .June resulted in lhe election of tv.·o slates of national officers. The expelled pro-Pekin g PrQgressive Labor Party lving set up its own SOS organization. Thus, opposing forces. each clain1ing to represent the true SDS, 11•il l clash on ca1npuse.~ throughout the country for controlHng JX>wer ~ Since clamor and agita!ion arc proven lechniques for aHractinj!: ne1v members and' support, ''iolent disruptions \l'ill come as no surprise. ALTllOUGH THE SDS convention in Chicago wa~. ()rganizat ionally, .11 fiasco, the feuding factions did nol for a mome.nt lose sight of their joint objective. Their i,:oa\ is the destruction of .. U,S. Imperialism" and the achievrmtnl of a classless society through international communism. 1'he SOS ron.'iiclcrs the relx'11ious youth ol our cotJnlry as part of an ''In· temaLional libf'ralion arn1y." 11 rega rds young people, 1nainly rollege students, ns a mean~ by \.\'hich the rt>volution can be accomplished because "m grn('ral, young people hav!' less ;it s!;1kr ir1 a society .•• are. morl! open to new i'dt>as •• , and arr. \heri;f0rc. n1orc able and willing lo ITIO\'C 111 a ri;vol11t1onary dircctlon," THOSE \\'HO RALLY lo the support of Ille Nc1v Left and participate in aclivitles championed by SDS do so under no il· lus1on. The jssues are now clear. tin1c and the internal wranglings of the organiz,1tion have brougbt one baslc and 11nporlant truth to the surface. The ~·outhful idealism o I "participatory <leinocracy," so frequently ei;pousrd by SDS while striving for student approval, ha.~ peen east aside. The ~larxist 1tog1na 1s in full command. SOS now calls for outright revolution. Inasmuch a!I breaking the law i~ a customary part of revolutionary tactics, many enforcement agencies \\'Ill bccon11? involvl!d in campus strHe. In n1o~t in· stances, the nature and <legree. of In· volvement y,·ill dtpend on whether school authorities desire to protect their in· stilut.ions and the rights of the 11111jori1y of students who \.\'Ollld rathr.r !'hu!y than riot. or forsake their responslbilitles and give in to mob ru le. Dear Gloo111 y Gus: A niili!ary man might lull <In enemy and dispose of the body for strategic pt1rpoS('s, hul a Green Ucret v.·ould oevcr lie. _, T. J. 'T ~ol ftuurt O?fltt!I rt•d•rt' "'''""' ntl ll•~•tt••ll~ flot •• t• I~• 110••,•H •, So"' your Ptl '''Vt It G ... ..,, Gu•, O"!' ~liot. Perish' Rule Modified Royce Brier In college facull~· circles there has Jonf! IJcrn ;i conc:epl e.'<pressed to the phrase: "publish or perish." Jt rncans college professors over the YC'<irs 1nust \1-rite books or articles in !heir chosen dQmain to mainlain their status in the scholarly v.·orld. 1f they fail, or 1f their producliPn is thin, they v.•i!l be hirgC'ly ctisregardNI by their colleagufs in !he co<"ktai! hour_ 'fhey \\·ill also be cl<'nicd the pleasure of recon1mcnding to !ht'lr ehargcs a study or their (J\lill works. Their charµcs v.·ill a lso he denied the op- J)Ortun ity O[ 1111proving their (l\\'n gradf'S by quol ing or paraphrasing the n1astcr's \1 ord.~ u1 ~cr11111<1r or terrn p11pers. F urlht·r. lherc is lhe nuitcrial con- sider;ition thnt pubHc<ition fs a potent f;1clor in lliring and promotion. THE SYSTE!\I H1\S a notorious fl{IW, The labor entailed by \\Tiling tends l'l drain 1hc prolessional rncrgy, krrp1ni;: lhe author fron1 the classroom \\•hile he does research or fusses ol'er an obdurate 111;inuscripl. Teaching as!'istants 011 the '''1CU11m 11·hich can come lo rescinblc !he lun;ir a1111osphere. Arnong the SCl'eral cau~e~ of s1udrt1\ unrest and fn1s1rat1on, th is onf' 1s nnt ln1·ia l. St udents like 10 say In hrll 11 1!h l'nur~cs \vhere ~u11 rarely ~cc lh" prt1· f<'si-or, and thC'y oHt·r 111ore stnk111g r1li· J11ff::i.1\1'11ll>. Tllr s.rstrn1 .,f l'!JUr:.c i<:. 1rrv old. prl•1;11li11){ 111 Eun1pr.1n u1111·rr~1!1.r>s f(•r iTllltirie~. Indeed. tnn~l :-1.:holill'ly old ~1ri11hs 111 lh11 \l'1·~1C>rn 1\01·hf h(';!I', <l ll(·r !hr ;i11lhor':o. n:1n1t\ hi s u11P•cr~i1y ilf· fi!ialinn. Thei.c prof('!lsor:;. h<•I\ ~·1 rr ~·rninenl, \'.'rrt" prcs11111abl y h1rr.d \\1 tt:it h classes, "'hen ttiry C'OulU gel thcrr. I.AST \\'EEK TllE Bnard of Rt·gcn\s lJI the University of California ruled tor rnodification of ''puhlish or p!"rish.'' 11 ·~ a little \':!RU<' an(! tendentious. It d'<ln'l pro- mise irnn1ortality lo non·producer~. only suggested n1nre emphasis on teaching. How the professors will take this if il catches on. 11·r don't know -lhar's gold 1n them lh:ir text s. But increased at· tention to leaching would secn1 pron1- 1sing. All of us ha1•e a lifelong consciousness of "good'' teachers, going back e1'en lo grammar school. A good teacher is a dc/ica!c blend of k no~·lcdgc. character and personality. \Ile also v.•ince with lead· rn 1nen1orlcs of dull teacher.~. A dull te:1cher can 1nakc the Batlle of Trcnton- th.1t fiii ling gcnrr;il hanging b.v his tcc!h "'ilh some rnuskctry in the \\'inter da\1·n -sl'f1n dull. A good leather can 1nakc "The :;la!! a1 eve ha<I drunk his fill -" S<.'Cm exciting, c1cn if ii lacks the rich in1agcry of a Kea1.s. TllERE IS NO annlyzins this teaching capacity, or \\'ant of it . 1-:very rndcavor lo teach and IC'::irn is unique, a physical prestnce, a chemistry bel\1'l'f'n leacher ;irid taughl. But one thing Is sure: there is no r.~mistry if there is no teaching .. If v.c, lhc people. don 't slri\'e for effectl\'e, imaginal1\·e leaching or the young. we 're all in lro11blc, and cops on the campus \\'Ill never rescue us. Quotes \\'111iam/ilo\\'n, Ky.. l'\r"~: •'Th r: rr1111111:il is ii cri1111nal whC"ther hP is rirh •·r poor. a•q1I rrg;inlle"!i of wh~l S.')r1rtv fA 1lc·d 10 {lo tor h1n1 1\hch he 11•:i s ~oung ,' ·····---·-~· YOU Al'E NOW L.EAVUic;;. MEXIC:O W&C®MI l®'i'l.i2 lYJ$.~. • ts:T~~{;~~~~~ The Flower Fund Honors the Dead As a flower lo1'er of h)ng st:.inding. think that nothing n1akes a finer gift for birthdays, 11•t•ddings, anniversaries ar1d other joyous occasions. But I could ne\•er see th e point or fl owers for a funeral. An elaborate floral tribute srems a misplaced scnlimcnt at a death. and I 1vas interested to learn sorne years ago ho1v sensible Sweden hJndlcs this situa- 1100. In S11,•edcn. ~irice 1921, there has been an organization called the f 'lo\\·er Fund, forn1ed to honor the dead "in a n1ore worthy and last ing manner'' than \Ytlh floral pieces for the ll1er. il!El\IB ERSIUP 11\J this group 1.\'a:<: begun b.v a disting1Jished group of religious leaders, governors of provinces. anrl prominent literary and artistic figu res. lls spokesin.'111 was Aln1a Hedin, sister of Sven Hedin, the !<J1nous ex- plorer. Instead or sending an exl)i'n!'11e wreath. the Flower Vund proposed thal 11·.e friends of the deceased should remit rhc moneY lo the lw real'cd fam ily lnr a simple memorial rncssagc in Lhc name of the giver. T ill'.: i110\1EY :eceil'Cd 111 this w:iy \I'~!! applied to a project for obtaining housr s v.11h sn1all ;ipar!menls for old people in £\ra1tc11ed c1rc.un1stances. In three. years Sydney J. Harri8 the Flower Fund erected a large building un a :-.i te donated by !ht• City o/ Stockholm. A second house soon 11·as built next In !he first, and before long si:i:. additional housC's l'"ere built, providing living quarters for more than a thousand old people, \1·ho pay lo\1•er rent than they ll'OUld elsewhere, and also rccel1 e 1nedical care, THERE IS NOTHI NG institutional llboul the place. and tenants a.re qui!e free lo stay or n1ove, as they please. Each building has a restaurant "·h1ch ~crves nieals at cost. plus a grocery j:;hop , laundry and bakery . There_ .ire ah11:1ys more applications for tenancies lhan cnn be filled . Swedish death notices often contain ft line requesting thal the Flower Fund be remembered -and. since 1921. olher charities have followed suit. "The in1- porlant thing ," observes r..fiss Hedin. "1s lll:it the memorial be gi\'cn a form thal 11·111 honor t/1e dead by benefiting the !iv· ing. Let our tribute lo our deceaS('d lo,,f'rl ones be somcthini,: more lasting than qu ickly \\ithered blossoms." Nee d to Work Together Tn thl' Edi tor · Jn Ray K1crn:in'!I leuer, "All \l'<l r i~ \Vrong.·• iDAILY PILOT. Sept, 25 1. hr :;ays. "I believe th:il inner bC"tiel~ and rissump!ions :ire 11~1al sl1:ipc 011 r extcrnnl r>xpcril·n('C." lln"'el'er, Ile fails lo show how a single person's hrllrfs :ind assump· l1('lns might m<ike the 1\·orld peaceful. !t. is true th:1t 1nany pr>oplc lriday !'hnuld re-rvalua1r their brlit'[S. But what i.;; ovcrlookcrl is thr need for people to cl)n11nu111catc their ideas and to work l1Jgclher. KIER~AN llAS fa1lcd lo stale \ht 1111- portance of v.·orking col!cet11"ely lo he lp promote. peace. A11 individual's in 1-· pro1·rment is \\'nrthlri;s if he l';innul operate effectively v.·ith olheri;. Kiernan also says. "Self perfection is 1he only solution to all problc1ns .. Again he does not say ho111 the perfection of a si ngle person c;in in1pro\·c 1his v.·nrld. It takes more than one person's i1n- proven1ent. PEOPLE .\IUST learn to 11·ork together <11111 sh;1rc their beliefs and assu1nptlo11s in order to prornote peace ;ind love. Cni ly ;i1no11g people docs nol coni(' fron1 each pcr~on's uniqut l\'ays of obtaining self- perfrct1on. l\i('rnan should reword hi5 philosophy to explain how perfection of oneself can re51dt in ~·orld peace, not just individual iinprovcmcnt. PATRIC IA il1cMILLIN 1''ho Beller flunllfled? Tn the I-Ailor In your rditoriill. "Krisn1an Test Con1- lng''. tDAll.Y PILOT. Sep: 251 1·011 stated the argun1cnt for 11nd against r..1ike Krisman·s appointn1cnt as coorcfln:i (or of ac<irlcmlc ad~·is1ng at UC lrl'ine. 'i'ou ~Totc that the results of !his appoin1nirnt \\'tll :ind should be resolved on the L'C'l c:1mpus. Concratul:irions' Let's give Kri.~rnan. t:Cf Chancellor Aldrich. and the students .;1 ch:in~e to soll'C t:.eir own probler11~. As '1ailhox I•"'" !•om •t•d•rs ••• w••comf tlorm~ll" w•ltrro >~ovro .o~~'' Ttiei• m!~s~11t ;., JOO wer<IJ or "''"· T~e rl;h! •o <0"1<1ens• !t!tefl !O Ill 11>1<• or rllmln•t• !>!"'I is •t'"•v•d ,0,11 I•"•" mu11 •ncl"'11 sl;n•!uf• •e<I malling a<ld••"· hul n•""r' w•ll ~ wllhh•I~ on r•Q<H:I! <I ovUld~M •••i.cm It ePP•r•nt, you said. Kris1nan \\1111 be judged on how he ad1•1scs 1he students and whether hi' uses the office to voice and further his vuhticaJ \ i~w:s. \\'HO IS BE1TER qualified to grad, l\r1sman l ha n Aldrich a n d his col· lca,RUCS~ Though you admitted you didn't feel Krisman ,,.,·as the best choice for the joh , il \\'as refreshing that you did not CQll· demn him. Thanks to the DAILY PILOT for call. ing lo the attenlion of the communi!y the fact that v.·atchfulncss and understandin,e: arc necessary. rather than inimediate tn1icis1n, for Kr lsn1an's success on the lrvinc campus. SUSAN L. JNGLF~ ~--B11 George ---• ~Dear George: I have been in :in :irgument con- cerning ps~'chosomatic matters, In your qualified opinion, what causes Juves? DearG H · BCf's. C. II. (1 don't know which I enjoy most: Getting lh~ Household 11111~ columnisrs m11il by mi~1ake or get-I !in~ lhe mtdical writer's mail by mistake.) (~·l ail yourself a l'i~H·adflre~scd ~tamped rnvelope George has decided to c11tch up on his hnck mail.) . . . .... ' • • • 1 . . . , 'l(ii1 g Lee1·' Di1·ectit1g 'Dolls' Sequel By RO B Tl l0,1AS l{OLL\'\\'OOD (AP! -F.ye· br0\\'11 ;<,hol sky\1ar(I when ~Otlt Century.Fox recently announ- ced th at Russ J\lcycr had been signed to di retl the sequel to 1hr sturho's hig-grossi nh ''V:il- IL'\ ot 1he Oo!l~" \\'hat \1'<1s ~u shocking aboul th;1t" Only th<Jl Hl1ss J\leycr has brcn rallcd "King of he Nudir!i."' and "l\ing Leer " Hi:'s tht> n1an \\'ho contributed tu the h1erature of the scrern such epics as ··The lrnmoral J\1r. Teas," "Eve and the Han· dvm11n." "Lrntira." •·\\'ild i fnls <1r the Naked Y.'est," '·Europe in the Rall'," "Faster Pussycat, l\il l, Kill,1 ' '·Finde rs Keepers, LO\'Crs \\'ecpers," etc. l\1cycr's ascendency to I h e studio "'hich )Jrodticed ··The Sound or l\1usic·· pro\'ides tes11rnnny on today·s fi!n1 1narkct. 'l'he linr betwe'n underground and <1bove -ground t1ltns 1.~ Jasl fa<ling, YP.sterd;.1y's nud1e nr sex· plo11a11on 111 o \' 1 c is no w playinJ: prcst1g1ou:. theaters. Jn tru th, so111c nf the coun- lr\ ·s fi lm critics lune plai::ed l\frycr·.~ works 1nany cuts a bo1·e the usual sex lilms. Mis craftsmanship a ppnrently had .sn1nrthing !o do "'ith his being hirf'd to direct "Reyond the \'<illey of 1hc Dolls.'' not to tnenlion his talent as a mo ncyrn akc r. 1'-lcyer figures tha t his lnlesl rrlrosr, "The Vi xens:· cost S7~.ooo and 1nay gross S6 n1il!ion. "It •1as on the basis or 'Th e Vi)(ens' tlliiL Hichard Zanll(•k l1ired rnr : he liked it." said 1hc sto..:ky, n1ustach1ocd dircc· tor. "Il e prL'SL'nled rnc a resu1ne of the ::.ludio's pro· pcrties. and I r hosc 'Beyond the Valley of !he Dolls.' It sccmrd to inc ii presented a good basis for a teen-age :;oap opera." Open End Seeking Cast For Willia111s Vig11ettes NOW! At your fingertips, fnstant room and Folies Bergere !ihOW reservations at Las Vega s' mos t 1ashionable resor t hotel. fOltYOUI! ADD£0 CON'VENIENCt"YOU M4Y DI Al lO~ ANGELU 171-llOD, l lVllLY HILLS l78·71C" Would You Believe ;~~ ''A ll !he Lrincly People: the Private \\'orld of TC'nncs.~ec \\'ill1a1n s'' 11ill be the lJrs l tall produttion of the Open End Theater 111 :\cwport Beach. v.·1th ;1ud1l1ons schedu led for Tuesday and Friday, Oct. 9 nnd 12 The tryou1s for 11 tast of three n1en and three women \1'1ll be held at 7 .30 pm. Tues· day and t p 111 Frid:iy at the theater, 281:'.i \'dl a \\'ay. According to direc!or \\'ar· rcn J. Oc;1{·011. who also 11rote and rd11ed the script. !he prr~cntat1on 1r111 be siinilnr to .i concl'r! reading. bul v. i!h rnorc c1nph :1s1~ 011 ac!ual ac- t1ni;:. ::.1ag111g and moven1en1 . The rasl should ha1 c a strong ~his is LIVE WIRE CLEANER'S 32n d . \i\~\TJ\!ER S. \R Y 15 of these wonderful years belong to us! We , htre "' l !VE \"/IRE, then~ you dea r people for your loyel p.t lr oneqe. lt has beeri o ur gre"I pled1ure lo 11irve you in !he peil and @Ve t f effort will be mede , io plee1e you;~ I~ .. Y'""' lo tom@ BLESS YO U! i loi rgie & Cad:,, J!al\ CURING thi1 n••t w1ek •. , why not come i,, ,,,d pie.It up• 11na ll gil t w1 heve c hoi r,, fer you, THE GANG Lz.ve Wire Cleaners & Laundry Alterat ions-Knits Cleaned & Blocked-Pick·up & Delivery 264 FOREST AVE., LAGUNA BEACH 494·3536 background in acting and oral lnlerprctation. he noted. ~ lo ad<lition to scenes froin \Villia1ns' more familia r pluys,! s uch as ""The li I a .s s1 J\1cn:lgc rie" and "A Streetcar ~~~~1~~: 11~~fs~~~·;~re u:~ce~~: from the playwright's lesser1 kno1\'n works. including poem s and shorl stori es. I The show v.·tl l be com· p l cm e nl e d by 1·1!\uall backgrounds f1hl1ed by Ken· 11eth Sheart'r. \\·host work 1~ no\v on dis pla y 1n the Laguna- 1\1 o u It o n Playhouse's J)rO- duction of "! r-.:c\·rr Sang /or ~l v Fathrr " ".\11 rh<' tnrirl,1• rrnp'<''' \1 II np<'n Nu\·. :!J for ;o rour- •1·eckcnd run at !he theater. I 11 f1rr 11h1ch I! 1vtlJ bt: 1our~<l foll', schools, clubs and college campu~e.i;. Roland Kirk At Sl1elley's Roland Kirk. undergrounrl jazz musician..com{X)5f'r, ~·ill beg.in a two-week t'ngagemt:nt Tuesday at Shelly's Manne llole in Hollywood. Kirk, \\'hose recent album~ ccmtain1ng hi.~ orig1nB! music ha \'e included "The Inflated Tl'ar'' and '"Herc Coines the \\'h1stlcman," \rill be making one of his rare \\"esl Cvasl ar>-- pcaranccs. He has 1na~ter1'1I 45 musical instru n1ents, but is most frequrntly he ard on sa ~­ ophone~. c\ann,l, flule ilnd J·:nglish horn. ~ ~l!.;,~~ ALSO Le -~·--"" ne Odd Ctaple I••· Sltew St•rh 1 I'·'"· Ct11tl11•••• s ... ,.., fr•'" 2 II·"'· .lll•lh Sl.71h Cltll4r•11 7Sc • GWC Casts "MactJeth' For Opener ' ' 'DickVan'Dyke ~ Sally Ann 'Hawes """"' ""~..-.~ ru-.r.~~ ALSO [,,, Show Storti ot 7 '-"'· Co11t, Sat. & Su11. fro11t 2 l'.M, 1;.,ni>J,'l.i'Ul.001 DOCTOR ZJlll!J\GO 2001 IEST PICTim DFTllEYW! WNIER6 ACADEMY AWAROSI • ,..,10 1 •• •b•~I COi!• "IS•, l~QNf ,, .. )101 o• '""o' O<•O. • o•I ~'" '"""" ••""' o""" -· , ht TIME TOGETHER 'LUS.-llAV£ liVllWSt "ACADIMY AWAllD MATllllAL"-HIT SONG. COMP'OSID IY ROD M,IUEN • • • .,. .. e.,. •lv . .,, •~u• ...... eo ... , .. WY ....... DIOGO l'W"'I', ••7·9•0• • HUNTINOTON .... C.N if .... ,...,,,,,, --·· '1/eJliamin" .. SI,\ I ta!ll • A ,.lolMllllfl IC'IUIE" I Tl( ~y IJ(CEMJS "11IE ll6JIT 1ltlY llNDED •lflSl'.fS' JASON ROIARDS • IRITT E!LAllD Cf~ Cl.llit~... .~ .. ,~-.. --. -..... -----_ .. Li!_ t.'lond•)'. <ktobtr 6, ]%q !'JAIL V PILOT J9 Aziditio11s Slated F<1r '.41iy W ednesdav' • • F·-·-· """"' SOUTH COAST ~"'" ox '"LAZA THllEATIHl CORPORllK!H Sin Oit&o Frteway at Bristol • 546-2711 ACRES OF FREE PARKING Box Office Opens 6:4.5 -Show Starts at 7:00 p.m. Also ··coooevE, COLUM8US' tS BOUND TO BE A CREAr SUCCESS!" ~YbU ARE tOIMt TO ENJOY 'ALFIE'VERY MUCH.~ PAllAMOUtof ''CT\Jllfl o·~••et< -LIFC M1111i,._ "IT Will KNOCK YOU OUT OF YOUR SEAT ... " "STAIRCASE IS THE STORY OF NEED -THE NEED TO HELP, THE NEED TO BE NEEDED." "STAIRCASE ... A CAUSTIC , CORROSIVE AND QUITE ABSORBING FILM •.. STUNNING PERFORMANCES BY RICHARD BURTON AND REX HARRISON ... UNFORGETTABLE!" San Franci sco Exami ner Richard Burton "Definitely Worth Seeing " Rex Harrison " .. .Funny, Painful, · Fascinating" Sen Fr1ncisco Chronic!• in the St•nley Donen Production ''ST AIR CASE .. * E:rclu1lve W•st Co1st Premiere Run * 2ND HIT AT CINIMA I 2ND HIT AT HWY. Jt Mt9. Sll'l it~ e Rebt. St1pl-i•n• To'"' Cud ii e Geo. Ken1>edv ''THI l'RIMI 0' MISS "T HE IOSTON STR.lNGLla'' JU.N IRODll'" * NOW AT BOTH THEATRES * I •, -----------..... -------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .............................................................................................. ~!"~'""'.':":"~'""'"'"''""'"'"'"''""'"'"''""• • 20 DAIL V PILOT H !'.1om1~y, Oclo~r b, 190? LEGAL NOTICE """ CEJITIJICAT( OJ I US••u :si Servic es l ., I r r Complete-New York Stock List I l(Tl'TIOU~ N•Mf i t•• un~r>•llnl<I -• (f•l•" h• h ton ii 1\hn11 • b<tl.•<1•'>• u 8 0• n i. •l•NPOtl l'!•k ll, C•lllor1101 UPIG'< ll>t ''"'OU• *"" ,..,.,., Of "f l VE T VElVETONE ••>II I ~ n I •• ~ '""' <> < 01npooftl II! 111• '< l<OWtflll P~"O" Wh.O>• n """ •II !vii •n<I Pie<• o• •••IO•ll(• I\ ., tollOW\ w " 11. lllY<' ,06 llfytf>•~• tlrw1>0'i ""O~I>, (iil•IU"' • U•t~ ~•111 '"""' I& ""' W•!!• ll~vv S!Ato ot C•l •o•n • O••n~• (!'II•"'• On St PI 71 191t IJ••o • r'• • N')t•" r u1>hc \n ~M t.>• w 11 ~!lie ""'"'"•II• '"""~'"" WAll V R AVER • ...,.,.., to "" tn !Ir II>• P0•\011 "'"">' nemt I> lU0>'' 0 ~o IO Ill• w '"'" •l\\H um•"1 .,,,, ••~nowl"'1gl'<l h• • ·~tuled 1110 ••<n• (O~fl(IAI Sf;;All MAllY 0: H£"'11V l\l'lll;Y I' l~I r (~I !OM I """~ "~' Otf t• •n 0•1nQ .. (our.I• My (O<nrt"U•Otl [ >0 '"' "'0"""'""' ,,, ,.,, P,bl•1h .... Or•nqt Co•1>I 0 All1 l>.ln \"'IPmN• 1V ~nCI Octolll!' 6 n lf\ ·~· tJnl ~I Lf.GA L NOTI CE P l'IH (El!T IFl(Al£ OF I U~I J<j ESS, FIC T I T IOU~ J<jAME T~• Yne•r· qn"<I <1~~ t""'" "" ''' n t i n~ I b<"<n• ' ol O•~n9• l oo " ( '' ,,,, • t1n<1or tn• llr1 ''"u• t ,.., """ ~ <' ,,-M'IF I! TA )< SI l!V,(I f4 l Tf4 ~ •nn "'"' ·~•d I •m I• tt m-•ot <jl !no '~"'"''"9 ""'""" w•>o.-n•m• on 1un o...i oln<• o• ,., "'""'" " •• to OW\ 1onn Ii S"""d" 'nr 111 1•1 Sono•• <'d (n,!• M•I' C•lll 0 •11!<1 S•otom"'°' ).j 19~0 J B S~•m<IO'""' •TATE OF (AUl'ORJ<j!A Ol!A•lGE COUNT'f On S~o!•mbot 16 196' bo!o•• rro • OJnl••V Puo~c In 111<1 •o• ""'d St~!• .,~.,onoll• o6il•or•d Jo~n ll S•"!>d"""" l+I •"<I""" !<> m• !o bf 10\• o••~on "'"~'" ·~"'" " •ub>c•lt...d •o '"" w•IO\ n '" ''" m•n• and •<-fl<lwlod~•d n• •••ru1·~ "• !•m• J'JSEPH [ f'JA\11~ No•rl" r>ut.ol i Co ro1nl, "' nclo•I 0 11 1• Cl•an"~ {ounTv ""• Co"""""on E•nh•• Jur• II l91Q "' N ~•1 'lt•nQo (r A\! l>AllV "ltl •rn rm~•' 7t ~oa OCl<obt'• O 11 ~ ,_ I ~~ tr<,,\[, /\OTICE P l •!U (EllTIF1C.&.TE OF I U SHllE~S F ICfllOClUS NA M!; 1 •• '"<I < ~o•d dO<'• c•rt•I• ~· I• •~o ~ ~l u•q ~ tlu> """ ~! 151 F 11•~ 5t r • '• 11'•1•, C•l lo•n .. uri<1•r tn• ''' 1 '"'''' t>f m ""''" ol OLE "'"DONN fl~ {H!CIC EN AJ<jQ P!r HOUSE •'l<l !n•I ... a ''"' II n!m1><1~0d o• '"" Inflow.,,.. ""'""" "'"°"" n•m• on !~II •nd ploce 01 ,..,,,<1•nc• Ii ,., lollow• Oon Cn1•••"G. 1'3 E: 111~ St co1ta "''"'" o~~...r 5~1 16 10,t Don{~~'"' o <,TAT E OF CiO.l lr(IRNIA OllAllGE COUNTV• On s""t 7~ 1•~9. b•lor• m• • 'lo'•'• r ubhc on •Id '"' ••Id Stol• o~r>on•ll• •oo•orod 0...n ("'"""'In >nawn 10 n-• Ir ~~ •n• ""''°" wno'" n .. m• •• WI><" IJ.oa , .. •~• w •~•n '"''"'""""' ••d •<~no.,1!'<!~ •• .,,._ ... ,v ..... lh• , ...... 10FF!C 1At <.EAL l "All r ..-!<Fu~v f,.,_,. f'ul>I" n "' r•I 0 "1•• n •,no• c~ "'" c •I l an • 1'v r om.,.-""" f •mr•• 11 v i'• )911 l"t-l!~rd l'),M ,. ''"' D•• l>lno ~·~·e"1D~• "9 and Oc•ob.r 6 11 ;a •••• !!00 •• LEr:\L r-IOTICE Sl.JPER IO!I COURT OF TNE $TATE 0 1' CALIFORNIA FOtt THI! COUNT'f OF O~AJ<jGl Proviclc Mo re Jol>s !'rrv1ccs ('mp lu\ rnl'nt ha<> in· creased 1nost 111 the pa:st years e xpanding Southc1 n C<1l1fur nia Job 1n tH ke t Sl·curlty Pac1f1c N.i t1on.il nank rc1>11rts tha t se1 vu:cs 11~,\~ l'nntr1bulcd 42 500 ad dJ!1ont1l JObs ot the }C,1r " 3 I pt r1 rnt c1n ployn1tn! i;a1n of 137 •\ll{) 111 11'11)£'11 :11 L os Angtl•" n r,111,i:( S.1 n Btrn 11 d1nu ~o1n1 ,1 B.1 tb~ra i;uun!Jt'~ H11 t r'nh S.111 D1l'g•l, .ind \t11t111 n l'lf!U ll'S b.t~rrl nn {lllU p.1r1:.on:. of !969 .uid 19611 .11 t'r 1ges fro111 J anu .1 1 v 1hrough Julv 1\e i c compiled fr(ltJl Cal1 lu1n1a !lo pd!ln1e11 l nf I 11111lovn1enl d:d 1 fnr ,Jn t rnplnyrnt'llt sur\CY by lhr> b,1nk s CCOTIOJTI IC r cs e a r ch depart11 1ent The eight So:.ithland coun· ti cs 11 lui:h con tain !i8 percent nl C'<i11 for11 1a s popu! 1t1on, ,1(·· tount for 63 [l('rlt nt of the st,llc s nc11 ;;c rvlce job;;, ln tl1e sl'.'11 1ce~ 1ndu~t rif'<; 11hu Ii 111tll,dt dutll(''-l1C', hnlr!, ho~p11 o1J hu s 1n e -.<; .ind rn1S(('i1,111C'Oll'i .,er1 Ltes l.'n1pl(111nen1 h.is .irh.1ncr d 4 6 p1 rtcnl f1on1 921 JOO in !9fi8 to !l6!fi0{) It\ 11!1!1) The I a r g c s l p1opuit u>n il 1•n1plo) n1en t gau1 Jtl the eight l'OUnties. hov.e·1er is one o! 5 4 percent in lhe transport::r t1on· c o mmun1cat1ons utlhl1es in· dustries, where cmplo} men t has ;"Jdvanced to 242 600 fron1 230 100 a vcar ago Southern tount1es offer SI prrccnt of a ll the tr.inspor1.i · 1100 • CO!l1llllllllC3 llOnS -11t1) Hies JObs 1n California and ,u - 1our1t fur 12 500 or nearly !i1 prrrcnt 11! !he 1,1tt"go1 y s -.1J1i11 u.lc l lllplo1llH111 g 1111 of l l 2110 I l\1oughn11t thl' c1 glil er 1111lv ;"JT( 1 n1 11 I lr ,1dl' h.i~ ,nh!(d '!.) 300 JObs <1nd 11 1inll ,,d, t1,1dc h ,1 ~ accounlcd for li,4!~l 11c w Jobs for a tol<1l grun u1 1radr ernploymenl of 41 i OO ilr 4 4 Jll'rcent Nearly 90 percent of lhl' whole areas 30 i00-4 7 percf.!nl -gn1n ,.. A "on JObs occurred 1n government at state a nd Nf>TIC I! OF l'IE .. lllJ<jG OF PE"TITIQJ<j local ]{'\els ~~~1::~',~~E1.0:ENW-r'ii., ANO FOi! 1----l-.E-._G_A_L--.. -,O-T-l=cc1=,,----1 r ,I•!• of HO P ~Y C ~C:OflElD • " D•r••••~ l·-----------------1<jQT 1cr T~ >j[l!fl'IV r IVF N i r~I !•OT•C[ !\ 1-<f l!Ef\Y G•VrN ..... th• JOl'N ~Hfl-00>1 ~COF•F lO ~•< 1,•~ toll"w "1 ,,.,.,,or •O~"d "' \Av•d "' H< I• I ''"~ • n•• 1 nn /~• l>•O~~·· .,i ., II ""d ••••• II"•, ~••n tov rne Pol '" 0"''" ''"""' tnr •\• l•nt• ~! I ""''' l•\I""'"""•• 1., a• "'" ( 1¥ a! (o•!• M"'d IOr • 1>•><0~ 1n 1'1•11 an•• ••f•r•nc• ''' "'"'-"" " mo~• '"' ••t•" ~· "n•tv o9a• n""' h"'~"' """cul•" •n~ l"•I lho ti.,• • ·~ D•t'"""" "'"""'' 100 • • "''''' 0\1, • ..... ,. a• .... , .. ~ '"" '""'" h•, ~··" •M b•<•<'" ~n• b '". tUIQf '"" ,,., ,.,... ('c•t>ll•r 17 1•60 •f 01() a lT' n ·~· NOT•([ I~ r l)l!Tt<l ~ GtV fN "•' • ~u•'"tl<'"' "' O•oMlm••• No ) ol •~ d no 0"'""' ~"""•" •ntl n"'"" ' ''" •t 100 "'"'' r oh•n ~fr•o!, In I"•""'""'"" ol '"" o•OP"'" 11 <1" n Co•• n! ~an•• •n• Cahl0<nl1 J/l O••• lnlt""'"" !'1r out1l1t J ••"" n• " D"'"" ~oot•mP.• 'I lt6t ""''r t~• ""~ "P'"'" •n)ll ••' ""' ~J t ~I JOHN Ina• ol ln_,o t>n on•'" n '"~I I " (out>h f l•'< Cn<IO M•'• '" w"""" ('1 • 1~ .. "' •'''~ Cr.Ill S IC E GLE'f •t>• o t>o ..,10 ~! 1>vt11,,-•u~•,on •• • ,.,.,.,. llDG E••I COO•! H ••~w•~ ~"" n~,. In "" •nMwn1•" t o•on• O•I Mot C11ilornl1 tllll OATE O Octot>•< & It~• l ei (JU) '1l lll!l ~ E Nt TH f>l torn•• '"' f><lhon•• ("ll f Of f>Ql H r "•r '"'d n,~r '" f no f p; I~ l'l'•I ""tll"Orrl O••nQ• Cn• I O• ' ~·o'•"'""' :.'O •nd O<•n~ .. 1, I '~'° Oc•nl!•r • 1«9 t•;1 o•i'-'------------~-~ ' ,1 ' J • ' FREE CHALLENGER -Donna l\Itlle1 ~ho1v~ off l)od ge Challenger to be J.;:lV· e n a v.,1y <1! the Oi angc (.'ounty l nternat1ona l Auto Sho1v during t he Ass istance J e,1g11e pi ern1e.re \Vctlncscl<1y evening '/ 1t kets n1 ay be ob't a ined from a ny As· \1 ~tan~<' League n1c m bcr Sho1v is OJ>c n lo public Oct 9·12 at 1\naheun Convcn· t10n Centc:r. 111 Iliff fl Looia, A fter Car - II J O! .,,. 0 .. 1, f>olot s1a11 lf 'nu rt ~{l hn~ t)1 lr.itl1n~ an c~11ct 1,1ll} -.h<irp · l.U 11ghl no1,1r1 }UU n1::ty be Ill ror a pleasant surprise S u < II 1nerchand1sc is bringing Ille top <lull,lf :1cco rd1ng to nP1\I c~r (le:i.lcr~htps u~ed 1;,1r n1.1n.1gcrs ;111d lhe opcr.itr11 nf a used car <iuclion, where dealer ... c:.1n buv :ind sell ustLI t .11 s al "holc~:ile r 1, ,111 11 t 11 m un l ilnr rt c:ir~ a11 r1t 1 1 tl 111 1\1n 1 •( < r:i t<hn-' 11• 111(' 111 1111g1 r I Ill~ krnrt 11F ! 11 I ~ 11\ll\ITil!ll!, 11,ITd fi• 111111 " h\ • ,1, 1111• H\\ 11' I II 1111 )1.t'I h,HI 1 nc f(1l t'• 11,t 1 .. "\' p 1,,.., C .<! Ill 1Up IJ!l(o 'h -.h ,llJ" 11\,!V 1 •ill H 11111 ... ~ r1H1th 1.., ~·1uo ~ 11;0 "hr,\d o! ll1t• 111.1 11 11 hn ,\ t'i 111.:gll'l lt t! !tlt' '-11!11' HI \llTI/J,11 111.ikf' .i nd nH>!h I Tod.1v s .111tu 111or k1l l''il\li 111 ll 1110~\ !111 1 0 1 ~ l/nl\i \\l1ol1 ~,1IC' dl1d !l l,111 drn l l'.ult 1n bn1hf•r w1!1l tlu• H• railed Ut•I!'-• i\ n 1l t h (' r Tn,1n.1gl'r .1gr1•t'd 11 ho 11c•1 4j::; 'en1 " "'J)·!ll th 1! s to;rn1~ rouJ::h '.1r Jtl~t t.1k1 •, 1q1 l!\il ltfllll rl S ~\r~l('C !111 d lu ! 11111 r IJY Ill nl :<ll 1111 1 itn1P nl lnr tl1P dr :ll cr a11d bri1!1 1 11~1 urn<r ' 111 ,1 l•h ,,11il '\\r p11•l1r HI p 1y ,1 p11 111111111 l"t 111rH l+,111- d1 •C' th,1(" 11!• 11 ( 11 1 fr r frn11 ll1r h1 Al l1!\lll!~ ' 'l'li1 l\P• I 1ut of l ll~t>\I t II .ltll\11>)1 ~lid lh ii the rir~t tlun~ 10 J1(r,ll t l111\1ng dr.i lt r !!'; 111<' pc irancc r1f tile t:t1 1 B(l(ty rr p<11rs m u~t b r pt tf.'tp t1bh •inly lo lhe Lra1nrd ''"· 1f al <i ll 1\ slop py ref1 n1sil1ng JIJb can be spotled insta nt ly 1 hose are •he kinds nF cars that will stand on a car lot for weeks unless a nother 1 n v e s l m c n l is madr Fortun ately 1n thi s area the nr1v c.:a r dc..ilers have more 1h,1n adequate p,11nt and body l;ir1l1t1cs Thcv makt' this l'~· c 11~!t)1Jlf'r ~i•I<; ,1 p1 o(lll! l :l •H I !lltlth I hf" [JIU T r lie ~'1 011 .1pp l 1r~ !o 11H1q 11f 111t 1 t eo1 a!1!1on1n~ r1 qu11 t'd • ( 111(' Jl('I\' {,U dr:l li.;r 10 1TI.1l.t• I l <lr reody lie would rnuc 11 prcf~r to h.1vr tile (',If go ovt•r the curb u1 hf'al l!iv 1 011d1t1 on r ilher than gC'! 111 \Olvcd 111 costly 1tp.'.l!rs ,1rtr r ,1, \lli;i t atlv1cc do \ht' c ~pcr l " !1,111• ror \OU <1!1 gt ll1ng [np 1l1•ll.1r f1tr yutu c.1r 'it trade 111 111nl'" l M k .1ft1•r thrnt s;n ;; tbt C;ir t:ar e Council H \'Oil 1 1•'a 't ~ frnd ll . ha\r 1 qu.dil1cd hnd1 111 111 rcp,ur ;i nd p.1 1ni 1t l\(t'p 1nur c,ir clc;.111 10 pre\rnt ,1t l 11n111 l,l\1on or • 1!11 .1nrl nt hrr d1·ro~1t~. ro,1rl l"l!n• rt1 V1•1v J111pnr1 :1nl '" I.• r p 111 ~ nl\'lh.1111C'al coin· pHtl('fll" up !n "n11ff. T· _al Jl !1t..r 1n1r111ht 1 nf the f.11n1h I f \ 0\1 lnuk 11!1 r 1t enn '!ll llllUU;,I \', \Oll i !' !1k1ly !!1 kl l I Olli rllOnl.V bnck th.ii \.Oll '!~1 111 n•t 11 11 u 1:. <ind possiblv \I 1111 J111 ('r~!-l And Scive 1n11rh>I lnunt:h l11t.d 19 675, Jj 481 V.1!1:l11l orders COlll['IJ J cd \\1th a }ear ago The 1970 Barracuda Is a low. price specialty car and tile Va liant Duster is arnong com· patt cars Arnong the dealers surveyed in <ill pa rls of the nation. 76 J)\'rct nt s;i1d the order s 11 ri l trn 1•1!hf'r exceeded or cquall crl the record nun1be r \1 ntten on np,~n111g cl 1\ l :i~r year S( \~Il l) pcrtl'nt flf the deal ers ~ 11rl the flno1 t r.i i tic 111 the d1·.1l11sh1 ps 11 ,1s-.1 s Luge or J1rg1r thu n the rec o r d nt11nbc1 s coun1rd a } car .1go Beer Brews !r,;85 Million For Taxes II \!)\I \1 nndrr 11hv 1hc 2'l 1111t gJ·i s~ nf bf'cr is v;in1sh1ng 1ro1n lhe Suuthl,1nd s(:lllC con -.1dt r 1hc fa ct that bre1v 1lr1nl-.rr\ h:11c paid SR5 n1ill1on 111 taxr ~ ~o fJ r th1~ 1r.1r LEGAL NOTI CE P lUlf l<l(TIT!OUS NAME (f.:llTl~l(Af!' Tn• vnn• I on•a CH~RL F ~ H A ~lEl "~"'" '°'a•o.C• •dd ~·•" 110 Vt• l1"'1 "~'d N•"~"'' ll•••n, c~1,10,,,,, 9~~11' ""' •bv , ..... •\ TD~! ~· " ""Tn9 "'I''"~" Cro~s,vo rd Pt1zzle * * * t 111\V!iLEH 1'1 ';\llll TIT 4)1 F TO GO()IJ s rArtT ,\ lr1 tdl 11 f S74 7 n11lho n 11 cnt (IJ the r('dC'Gll j:;UI t I 1111ll''n! 1' hh h H11po~c s n $!'1 pc1 U 1rrr! P~< i~e 1,1.-.: on beer, 11h 1lc Call forr11:i s SI 2~ IX'r barr1 I r .11c nr1tl•1t $10 :i n1ilhon (;t•ioge \V Oso~kc r xrc11t11r 111r prclsde nt of t h c {',1l1forn1 a Brc11 crs' A.;~ol 1 1~ t1nn. contends til;i t this tax is p,1u! hy custon1 ers 111 1he fo rm tif h1gilC'r retail pTlcf's '"" {ovnhl ~• Cl•1nQ• S•n•P n• l t l ln roo 1n<!•• t"-l •!hn,, n~,.-t ct <'f ~E f411 r " M !o N A <'f ~f ,,T llSS.OC <.![~ ~~n r It • c ,,~Al t I••• o1 \"'a ~'' ""'' ' l ! v ~ \ 1• Nc•a N•ww ' ~·~<" f~ h'"'. ~" OATEO <.•n'r T'h•• 11 .... r ~' •\ ... ,, OF {Al lf OC'ilA .. , f""''"' f'r nc ~'<I r r t•' 1• ,.ft, ~·· ,_ '"'' 1.1n,~"" ,,., .. ~ v '" , ·~ r1-u"' 1 , '""'Ill ' ,~ '" .... '" !• '"" '''" , .. """'" n•" ' '~ .11, ~ ... , • 1 ~Cl ••n •· • ""' .,.,,ro,r·~, •, • •• ' f .. ,., "' e " • ,, c ' 1:r r 1 I + ' '"""' ( . " , ... ! I , f""'"" 'o~ ~-·· .... ~ " '. " 1 A CRO~S 1 l Stro k•· br fa ~t r 5 f ort>1diie n 'J ,A 11 111 ,. rl•<;~~ \1'• 14 Forfr .. l ~ to r •rl11y l ~M"~ll P l7 ~hot '• l '1 Sliol'o ,;" 2 w1>rd 21) f<;<~o1 rlr\• ''l G•r"' r 21 lllu• In a • "' :':l IA cl :i Cc • ;>I l! ' ' '"' ]b f!rrh )~ Hoghll/ 1ovo lvt'rl rond•l•t11 S'l Cofl'"lrn r•~n fl ' ~\ 1 <I "I bS M u u•r to\~rrt • ,.~ " bb l1 ~P ~ Ii J•P I ti rr \" 1 ~8 P .11~')' 100r rw •' I l<; ,1r r .. ,,,,.,;' ('I' ~I D •I • , i. r ,. ' , . l r·• > • > I <~ ll'P I "'P'"' ,.,, '' (dlltl t.'ll w <lli fat r-rr Anrl '11 11 rr : ; r '·,I :1 ~n l B Sr~ll r ,1 Pl>~S ol IP ~2 F 1~h " " ~ 1 ... ~ ,. ' '; '• r 1 C"ot 1!! •t ; 1 f1 01r , f h1vsl<'r Pi\n1ou1h 0 11 1s1on 1lealers ac ro~s tl1(' country • •tt' 1l'pnrl1ng an t'lt!l ~l il ndin!! 1n1r(l(]u('l1on fnr tl1r l!lill 1n(){lcl c.ir..,, ,1 ~11r\cy i;.ht1\\(•d 1od.1y rht nr11 ('h rv'-l <'r ~ l'.1 11101111'' nnd 1mprn 1 1~ 11ent , 11 111 ~. pl 2 ! .111{1 d ilr ri> 1n 111• d(d 11111 l ln11r 11.dl l!' ,1nil 111-I• r 1 '(\'J , d• d u1 rq11flllf'd 1111• 1100111 r,1\1•, .11 1l1t' heg1n 11111.• 111 !111 tflf;r1 lfl!Hh I 1 ••,If l hi ('llfhU'-1 !\l!l' l l'lf'\l[l(lll • •11 Ii !II\ ,lf(o• t>i ,I •Ii Jlll~ 111.11 i-; I ! r 111 1 .. 1111.hil r~ Ill (h1• r •1t1un..: m 1111!l1 (,I, nn I' \\ 11 1 t • , l Ii•\']( I I l\1n(l1Jl l\ lie :ind otrr 1 n du s l r y «pukr~1nl'n behr1•c 1hc cxc1~t' l.1\ un bl'Ct 1s unfni r ;'J !ld d1sc rlrn1n ntorv bccau s(' lt 1« not ,1ppl t<'d lo (l\h1 r fn1~! ,ou r! rl 11nk 1tc1n~ hnti,i:hl hy n1n~l ,1th111' l\rt r 1 u11-.11n1pl1•111 h1 lh(' \\JI II L\ lip ~J11:ht ly thlrll\I,! th1 tir 't "'' r nonth ~ 11f 11/{i!J 1 u1\l p 11 r.d 10 tl1r p! 1or 1 f'a ? ~It Ill n13n V ra~c~ -11.1s 11\r 1111t r >i f w 'l'ORo:' f•f>l M""dt t • ~""'uloit ,.,..,. 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C<OCkfl" Clt•n n1 Bonk BIG• ""° lot ,,..,ldWOV !,ull• 1e1 ''"'" ~no (Oh!Or"" •11e1 28 F 1.,1t•il J I C ~rln • t l •t A t•~ 35 P11111\•1rd 40 R IVPI ·, [_1 11 .. 1 11 ~rl 'I 25 Dr n• 111 fo rm1 I 7 i ll ~o..,, l' II 2 'J Al ~ sprcll•t ~a tl' l'> H fl~"~ ~r 1I , f ' 011~ 42 Sr·r•111 v (If -,por1\ '0 P1u~drr , ( 1,•de ])11 1~1r1n C.• 111•1,il 1)1'1n;igrt , ~+id '\\• .u r •'nlC'ring lhr nt-w n1odcl \f',1r 1\1lh the bc~l h·,1 ,1nr1d lineup \\C c1c r ha\e llrou~hl lo m,1rkcl, Ford Switcli es Tires Publ '"""' 0 <0n11• (""'' O• Sl!>•em bPr 79 t nd O:TDllf• 6 ••• LEG<\!. KOT\Cl~ • C"•h•c·~· Co•DO'"'~" P l•••!! •• -.. .. >1A1101-0 J SCOTT Al(A JOAN C SCO TT °"'""'""' "o llO} ?O• th · •111\J~ o• ~" "'"f~t "" h • "" n~ S•o '""'""' 10 ••~• b• '"• /,Jun <"~' '"•lrl {DV"I• n• I M "'"q"'"' J"e 1 •I f' '''''' Coon v nt l o\ !l"o"'"'· ~!••e o! C•I •o•nla uppn • ludom~nt •flrred In •~vo.-at J<jar1n ,.,,.., •• r ""''' 1>1;.oc.• I on. • C•I '"'" • {O•Pn••"nn -•• H.r<la "'•nt t ' .... ""' ""d •a••••' "" HARDI 0 J SCOTT.,. JOA" C SC('ll T O'-1\.r<IQ m •nl Cl•bto• ~now no • nr ! b•lt nr• "' ~7Jt 36 f t !u•llr du~ "" •• n •ud0"1•n• on In• n~t• of ·~· "•u•nt• ft ••Id r•••y• "" I n~v• l<!vl"d VPO" •II l"o ! •ant I 10• ""'! '"'"'"'' ot l•ld ounom•n• e•b!o• n •~~ P•0~'1• In 1110 Countv n! O••na• ~1•1• nl (•Ill"'"'" d•<(r'ibo<! "' IOO!OWI l ot 10 l'"'' 1?11? of M•o\ '"(qr• .... I~ """" 9& ..... , 4j """ ..., nf ""l(•lltn...,u\ M•PI "'<'" <O•T""""I• .. "°""" ~~ 701' P•IOt'I,. Otovr Cc>'• II<••• (81ol"'n'.I '-!OTl(E IS HEREBY GIV[N !lt•I <n r.io1v <ktot)f• 11 1Ht .i 1 oo "'""" f' M. at •ronr o! Cotirll'l<wl• WI W•'' l~!h • t (llv d (m;!• M•s• C'lltr !Y "' 0••"'!• •l•!r of (thlo•"•• I .,,11 ''" ~! "''h' r •• ,ucn to !~• ~ ~h••' o ~~"' !~• ~•'" ·~ l•w•vl mon•• ~· •~• I.I"'"" ~!•I" ;lo '"" r gM 1111<! '""' '"t''"'I nl •~·d •~dom .. ~I n•blor fn t~• •l>O•• n•••"""" "''"'"'"' •• •o ... u<11 IMrttl ~' "'"~ ~· n•c"'•~·• •~ ~'l'!v ''"1 ·~ecurion .,.,.,, ~ecru..., '" l•••>I ~nCI COit\ o .. ,..., •' c .... t• ...,.,. ~""'""'l!o<r 1.S It/of Fl!•J<j(IS l. ra • .A.S(ll """"~•I MVlll( <>•I C1111r! O••~Q• County H••1>0r Jvr11e101 0 "" i ! II ~ l I' Do••t ~"'"""' " M l 'll!G-N "'""tli.ff'I ,Ill-.. I >)(I Woe! OlrrTi.oC l !Y<I iuote ,. La• A.,.tlon , C•llt9Mt\• 9'ttl (~Hlo•~" "ub! ,..,_,, O••....., '°"'t ti• I• r •ct 1•01•..,l>P' ;1 4'1<1 Oc!Ol!tf t, ll •~t ltol 6' !O !h r Eria! <;11 (.l\a n1,nl 4] P11 ~r1~ " qrow1d Ord Pr S l ~bbfd 44 :lult1co .-nl A rch~it ~~ II r m o1r ~7 Part or ,, { Ou lt J t I 2 Wtlfrl ~~ R o~ll s oun SI R1~c• o! Eng !~11d 5? Rrm1"d•r ' l I " 10 ,, " .~ ' " - ,. " • ) /.:~911 JP l\ l I ti/ 011 1! pro '•P t J U\ ~·I rr<;o rt 4 W h ip~ S Cy mll•I~ ~ B •l••'o) 1 ~Lu ly h~rrl 8 lm fHll~o \ 'J Ta~• pe•t. AIJ\11 10 Cromui.11 ll [ollOpCJ!I • " " "' .. ,, . " " .. ' . 7 "01d< 1~ [(Ll.'llc 1re Hl qualoly 32 Kin d ol S~•f l 33 Author u11k11ow1 At>h• ;4 r ~tled Jmph 1ho~I! J> L1tiva" ~~1g 1111or 31) Pl1v ~•l~li y ,0011 ~ ~,) P10111[)1'f,l'IC"J. ~b F 1111 ! ~7 L"ll!llla~" sa c11 oos e l~r 1 1}0$1 11011 ~q f~llJm<1t 1011 ~o o .. Ill t,'"n '~ namt bJ '.:opa 11sr1 ;l r\•·l b4 T 1'1 b] rl r I (111,l~r 1 <;1~1e~. A11h1 J 1 M1ny 2 words b9 C l!lfl~·~n wh1~~· y • 9 " " " u " • ••• .. " " ... .. ,!h,.,..-ll--f--1~+-~"~,.-.. +--t~t--i • 'l h•,1l1r~ are r ep ort 1 n ~ r u lu ul \rly gnnd response bv th,, p11bl1c lo 111r .-111 new For Ride Not Record l'h 11111ut h B.11 r.1cud.1 an d V.il11nl Duster C)rt.!crs rcce1v· r•t 11irnugh opening da) fo r 011r :'l!l OfV.' r~rs 111 the Ba rracuda ,11111 V.ihant hnrs arc at all 11111(• t11i.:;hs," \\hill' reported !1!' :iddccl tha t 17 55 1 Bar r,1111 rl;Js ;irl' on ord\'I ,1:;: com parl rl 111\h 7 i 29 ;it l ,1~1 :icar s -~- Ille' 1111------.. o;---•1 ,.,.«.Ol..V4AOJ ........ MORE DOCTORS, DENTISTS, ATTORNEYS, AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE USE TAB BECAUSE WE 'VE GOT THE ANSWER! • I FOR Jo,S LOW AS I $14.50 PEI"! MO CALL US NOW FOR lNFORMATION AND A BROCHURE. ~ TELEPHONE ' i .. I I A J)J:THOlT (l l~J I ~moothcr n dc -not J!rcater r r l1;"Jb1h ly -is the app.1rf'nl r l':isnn behind lhc Fnrd :-.1 ntnr ( n" partial S\.\ r!chback to r.1 11111 tires J h f!ISanrls Of lhl' Til l ll!l l11es. shunted aside when 1he ,111to 1nrl11stry S\\ 1lchetl Ill pnl)estcr-hberglass b e Il e d !1rt'S ror I 9 7 0 , ha l'e bf'cn ordarcd for some of the nrw 1nodel cars, I he :iutomaker announced ~1on- 1iav The dec1s 1on a F o r d spokesman emphasized. "as fiC'tcrm1ncd on lhe basis of ride. not rehab1ltl y. Hayon tires, acrorchng to Firestone. one of the com- p:inies frorn which F o rd @'.f.~ All M•kn-All Model• · w~.,, s.'""' M1~•• I~• D lf••t"c• -.J.aJJ ANSWEilN& · BUREAU 543-2222 9 OFFlCES TO SERVE I Or•""1• c-tv •Jll c .. .,,.... 0'' thwll9•1 le~ 111 0 S4W11 ALL OF ORANGE CO la• •ntttt 1 •u 1. w.,, • .,. l~a;.,,. ........ 1;1-~··.,. .... .,,,,11i;.j'========="='="=="=='"='='=========1 Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co , the ori g1n:il developer of !he pol}l'Ster fiberglass bell tires, has swilched its entire prorluction to those m11tcnal~ It rcpor1l'1'11y has no plans to S'c' itch back ' Ford spokesmen sairl the f':i r t>u1ldcr hart full confidence in !he safety of the polyester- flbcrgh~ss tires and was us1nfi! !he rayo n tires only on a few models Soln N'/ 1M1t.1 Hl9'1 L-c ... crwo. -S- l ,, • u 1• n•. !I t JJI, 1l , ,~ r,l :r~ ~! !S•o S•i.. ll ,. •• 1' l !Ho 11 4 •1... •I 64 l/'1 JI" J ,,... ..,,, S6 15'· >l l 11 S1•1 53', 14 ,.., u •o 511 Tl'• 71'> l 19 1111 " t8 ,,., n 91, '' I 16.'o 16'o ... ... • 41'• s 68'' '''• 117 11 .. II 110 511 "' lot 1 I I 10'• ''° ]4 l4 to!i , ... 11\l 404 16" U >o JO 11'1 11. HO ''• v•-. "I ?ll• 11 IO 10', :IO .. '' 1r" ~ .. <I ~S'• 6j" ao 17to 7 • ll H 1J'1 ' •• •9 ll "'~ n 119 ll , Jl'o lil 10'• 61'• 4 73 ,73. 1 !O'o It>, l l 15~. 1•'o '.n 76', 2Slo ?6 11'1 1/la a•l l•'• l4 lt 11•. \?•1 ~ ~; 1. !l:; ,, 06'• 61'• I <I o 04 11 l9 '• 3l'• 4 43 . •1'• 1• 16'o 1•'" ~ 11'• 11 .. 10 ,,.,, '""' 1 11\, 11 JI l:'I'> ll'• 69 II'• ITl,i 15 ~· ?Cl '1 :XI 19'~ 1:i..o 61 61'~ \1 ~~~ !a'·~ • , l6'• l6 043 11'h 11'1 n JO 31 -C- n J10, j 18'o 115 H > I S 73>1 ' l l'J JI! 1l • •1 lt>a '6 l•'• .. :llll ' " n " ,,. ··~ OI ll'o " n Jj 11'• lS 9 , % II o 11 ?S'1 3t ~·1 1 S3'r ... • 11'• 11 "'• '' n I I<\ ' . n J.O'~ ' " " .. I l1'• '3 211 11 31''1 I 111, . "' 111 13 .. u n ') 11 1'''> I .. ,,. 3$1 '"• , .. '''• st \6'1 l•t 11"a fl "'· 3l .... I lTlo 6 ,,,, 71 15'. 91 17'.I;. 11 ,, JS 13 • ' " II l S !JOO ll'~ 11 ]J\o ~tl 31 7J 10 s n , ts 11 , I 11'• •D :l! 1S SJ Sll'J '~ •s .... U lT'o ' ~. l7 ?!', . " J ~. HO 11''> 1 3'•, !I 38\o ,. " " . 11 66 " J 14'. I I 31 ~ l S4'• 15• 71'· !OS 1l1a ' .. " '11'> 1P • u 13 .. n 6 11'•"• I l• 13 .. 1Jo .. 1. •l . ?6 11 • 1•"• 9 .... •l'· 11 l~l o I& 1 1 11 11 • 31 '> ]I" )61Q ,79 96 l • 131, 136 <1'1 •O , 19 11 . JI -G-.. ' "' " " ' \ ' '°' ' n • • • • " • .~ ' ~ " m " " ~ '" • l<lJI ' "' " ' • "' " c • " '" ' ·~ "'• ••• " ?J'> ll'. ,,. " " " " 19'~ "· '"· " " •l'~ "'· .. ,, ll•, 19'• l9•o n •, '" '"" " . 11•. " . " ' '" "'' s•·~ n ' "" JJI, lt'o ,,. " ' " . " "" 37'• " IJ'~ " ' •• 1610 ''" '" 1"• " •1•, . ' )l 'o 19l, ,, . 1 s .. lO'o ,,,, 4l •. '" .. ll•O '"• '" :l?'o 111 , .. 111. n ' 11' I ~·· .. ' " , .. ' " . "' S'''> "" " " "'• "' "' " " . '" 11000 11>.;. u•. 17 :i.>, ?I •• u1, "'• I HI 10 I• l• :i. "'" It II', 11 .. 6 l'\' JS'o 110 '6 '• o.s• • l ... • "6 • 10 11' I .l•'• 11 51 Slo\!O < Tl 'o II I l) , ll '• 111 11'. ,,, ' 11 111~ 16 ... 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' " ' ' " ~· 131 -4 .. . .. ., 01 .. -I I ~l II -o " • .. .l " " •• • '\ " .. " " _, _, _,. -· • u -1 • ' " ' .. .. " ~ " " • 61 -I I l ,,.. l I I• -> " " " n' " '" ~ • ~ ~ :.•" 'J -<o :i :=i ~ " " " .. ,, " " " ' -'. ., ' . '1 -,,, " . -TZ- Fmal Stocks In Alf Home Editions y ' I • 1 ' ' --~--~~~~~~~~~~~~ ......................................................................... .,.,"""',... . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . ~ . ' \ 22 DA ILY PILOT Monday , Octo~r 6. lrit-9 ; • i • I ' r ... ' Challenger Yacht Firm Formed 01i Two Coasts Challenger Yach t Corp. has been fanned in Southern Ca lifornia by Howard D. Stern, former presiJe11t of \Vayfarer (Islander) Yacht Cprp. Hector Ballester, n a v a ! architect, President of N. A. Associates of Long Beath, California , has designed a line of four high performance unusua lly roomy, fiberglass s a i I bo at s for Cllal!cnger. Inc luded arc the 26, 32. J7, and 41 footers. Challenger's west cuasl faclury is locµlt:d in Lus An geles and lhe east coast factory i.~ planne.d for Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Stern reports that I he fr1rn1at of the Cha lleng~r \'<n.:ht, 1.:ur11bi11cs <iual ily, lhc 1nost recent deyc!upnu~nts in l'nginecring structural design f:ir perfonn<1nce and unu sually t oorny inte r io r ar· con1111 odations. A goal for the e11111parly j,, t!i produce its Jina 11·!\h a n1in1mu1n of warranty problems. Sears NEARING FINISH -l'achts in the Pacific I·landicap Racing }~leet division drive to\vard finish of .!\larnitos Bay Argosy after strong northeast winds d1111inish in Saturday's race fron1 Ne\vporl to Alamitos Bay. ~~~~~~~~-I Argosy Race Yachts Fight Wayward Wi11ds \\"hen 1wo sailing yach1s inert hc<1d on. both with spin- nakers flyin g, skippers <Jnd rrcws <ire inclined to question 1hc quar11y of drinks they hrid the nighl bf'forc or i;.wcar 10 by p<iss the b;:ir after the r<1rc is over. Tl1a\ \1 ;1:; lhr ;;itu<1l1on ::;;:i111rctay 1n Ne.,r pon Ocean ~ni l1ng Ass1)('ia1ion"s Alamlto~ Bay Argo~y \1·hcn 1l'i nds blew altC.rna tcly from every poi nt <•f tht• comp;:i~s :ind ~on1et imrs in nppo~i le din'<.:· 11ons less than \!)() yards apart. The r<ice actually startfd \1 1th a brtsk southcaSter b\u\\'· 1ng in thr \'Jc1nity of Balboa Pll'r. prornpting more than onr skipper lo eall for a chulc :-;non af1rr the start. Tl11s proved rlisasterous a few min· 11 Lr~ latrr \1·hrn a nl;iring S;in· l<i An;i whistled <1cruss the S;in- ta Ana R11·(·r .J•·ttv. The rcin- nants of m0rr th;ln nne ehutl' 11rrr :-.er·n strran1ing frr11n n1asth cads l1kr a colorlu\ pen· nant. It v,as In tt11s ~.'1111c ;1rra lhat bo:·il s \1r11 t frnn1 a nea r drad cal1n 1o rail d0wn ~ai!1ng ;i.,-!he nor'rastcr fought 11·1111 !he southerly. flt the Long Beach rn!ranc<' buoy, the v,•ca thcr mark of the BYC Edges A1an1itos Club Entrv ! ;u~tY S<inl a An;1 111 nd~ :ilmosl blrw Lido 1..,1,. Yarl1L l'l11h's Fall Ht'gJit:1 11ut or thr \l'<ilr r S;1t11rt!:ly but ~t1b.,J(J1;>d ~unday to pro\'1d1· f':>,1't•\l••nl racing for the 49 hn,il~ 111 Ill•' t'1a~sf':o; "l11rl1 r:HTd 1n~1dt' 1hc b,1y. The rcsul\\, LlDO-l·l 1IJ J 111 ()l p1~. '.'kip fldr.1, \llll' I'.! I 1.rnrral , .\l;11·d1:dl lll'1 k, BY1 1 ~1 ~11!c ri•'I L1d.i, 1{1.y n. \\ototl ~r~·, LJ YC bllf l:: A I 11 I -1 I 1 Sri l'!l• J;lr\rn, r· F:. \\ 1l1.1n1'-, kCYI " 121 H111klr~. SUC' B:11'11C'~1•!1, i\'HYC . J\ITC B 1.11 -II) f'1p , l'Jl1! n an1n11ng, :O.:l!YC. SABOT i\ 181 -~II BluP 1\ngC'l. J\1nrk GJud10, Nl-IYC, '2 \Scooter. Clark Pothoff, LIV('. SAB OT C ! 12) -11 \ Becky 11. Brllc{' UC'<'k . RYC : 12·1 J'ixy, Sharon O'Brien, l.tYC; 1'.IJ Comlin's Cornet, \Vrndy Camlin, l\llYC. <·nurse. that yacht~ in the Ocean Racing division \Vere rneeting head on v"ith spin· nakers billowing. Sunday's race home fro1n Al<1mi !os Bay \l':!IS so1newhat 11o r1nal as a bri s k !'Ot1lhwcsterly brought th c \ achts down the coast on a (u!nrf11t spinnaker paradc. Uut Saturday's v,·eathcr \Va s !r1pic A as the yachts snugged dnwn 11t L('111g Bcilch Yocht Cl11 b for on overnight rcn· 1J'CZl'OUS The only double v,·inncr in the t"'O r<1ccs "'as the ncv,· ex- pcrin1ental C o I um bi a· 4 3 ()clavia. skippcrrd by Steve n;irnard of Ncv,·port Harbor Y:i t ht Club. The yachl was first to finish and corrected 1irne v,.·inner in both raecs, hl'Jtin g 011L a fleel of four l'\ihunbia-:'>(I~. l--'h1I f)rianf''.<; 11t1\' ('111-29 Scr<'n.'.I frnn1 (l;HYC '"111 S<1turday's rae<' 1n The 1'111dgct OcC'a·n Raring f lf't't d11·1sio11, but bowed to Lee Thrirnp~on's Bay Uce on lhc r1·1u rn rac(' Sund~iy. Clarke Sun1ner's l\iwi from TI;ilbna V;.i cht Club w;1~ 1he Pl-!RF \1•ln11er on Sa turd;iy's raer and Force Se v c n, c·r>-c;kippcr('{! by Ron Colga11 ;ind Stu L\ndcr of Los Angeles Ya cht Club \1·;i~ the win ner on thl' rrturn trip. Three ocean r;i r 1ng r;it~1n1nrans al so sailed lhc !'<JC'{'. c:orrrcted !nnc r£'su lts 11rre not compulrd Sunday 111~ht. bu1 the fir.<;1 c:i1 10 fln1 s-h 1r:i~ .lark Sw;irrs J\lal an1<1 frnrn Lido Isle Yacht Club. l'1n;1l re~ulls Satu rdav ()('l·:.-\'.'J H:\C IN<~ 11) r1r1a\i;i , StCl'C' B :1 r n a rd, i\HYI' 121 Preliulf', ,Jl!n l.1nde rnH1n. UYC. 1:11 Volanlf' JI. ~hkr 1!1 r~h. 13YC. :'110R F -111 Serf'n;i, Phil nr.:1nt l'\llY('; (21 :'\l ;ilal1 in1, .L1j k B1)s111irk. BCV(': (3) J\;11 Hee. Lf'e Thomrsun, .\f'.YC l'llH F -111 Kiwi, f larke ~1111111t'r. BYl~; 121 J1nkrr, ( lark Swct'l. LBYC: (3/ T11n1:1h;111 k .. 11111 Arrns. SSSC. Sundriv (1f 'l \:-I !t.\CI ~·,; -11 i Or- I 1'.tJ. S!t'l'I' fl <irn;irrt, NHY(': 121 l,rirn \'1ente ll. James !'1·:i11·..;, \'\"(', 1:'11 Se ra p1s ll, Bill l\:1rr~' BC Yr .\101-!F -111 Ba~· Ber. 1.rr 'f'hnn1p:-0n, /\BYC : \21 Serena, l'hrl [)0;111r . NllYC: !3) Tigrc, l 'rr~l')n ZillgiH, RYC. I '!lli F -t l 1 Force Seven, fl (•n Colgan & Stu Linder, LAYC. 121 'J'omahawk, Jon Arens. SSSC: i3) Laniru, Bud Jl<irvev. BYC. CATAt-.1ARANS -Malama, .Jac k Swart. LIYC. first to finish. Corrl'elcd time resu\ls not computed. MON. THRU THURS. SPECIAL! FREE · WASH WITH ANY FILL UP ALL CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED ,..,.,. II Winds Dip; Liclo Ho sts Fall Regatta Bill tltcCord of Balboa Yachl Club edged Di ck Lineberger of Alamitos Bay Yacht Club Sun- itay to \1•ln ABY C's 5th annual Lido-1 4 ln vitatlonal. ~1 cCord's rnargin of victory v,·as three- qunrters of a poin\. The 67 skippers 1n two classC's 1vcrc hit v,.·ith v,.·inds ranging fron1 the ridiculous to the sublime on Saturday as a gusty nor'easter crumpled r11asts ;ind capsi~cd boats in the first race and dropped to t1ear zero in lhc second. \Vealher for the final races C\n Sund;iy 1vas nenr norm.ii. Therr 1vere J! boats in Class A ;ind J6 in Class B. The Class B '1 inner 11·;1s Arkie J lauck of ABYC. l'in<il rf'sult~ L'l.AS S A -(I ) Bill l'vlcCord, B\'f': t2) U1 ck Lincbergrr, ABYC:: 1:l) IL1rrv \Vood . AllYC:. !4 1 Pete ".icfferson. r-,1nvc. 15) Don J\obertson. ABYC . CLASS 13 {I) Arkir l lauek. ABYC: (2) Evan il1 cDo\1'rll, ABYC'; (3) 8111 Cum111ings. ABYC: 14/ Stan Scn1l. AUYC, (5) J ohn 1~eters, illBYC. 86,600,00 Ins urance Donated Ori1 rrs ;in1t r o • <i r j \' r r s p<1 rl1r1 p.111ng 1n the ;innu.il ~J11tbo:1rd \V o r l d Ch:in1- p1on~h1ps nl Hava~u Cit y, Ari1ona , Nov. 29 ;ind .10 v,•111 bt• r1i1·rrC'd hy $6 ,600 ,000 in ac- C'Hil'nt and 1nechcal 1nsu.rnnrc c1rinalC'd by K 1 e k ha e fe r ~1 crcury. The gtanl n1an11f.ir turtr nf 111:1rin" cng1n1·~ .rind ~nrn\ \ 1'hirlri> 11 ill con ! r 1 b 11 l 1' C-(•\'rragc of 520 000 life :inrl $2.1100 rned1cal for rac'h of 1hr cxptclrd :JIJ(f pnr11r1 pa nls, a1·- t·nr1llng to E-(' K1rkharfcr, co111pan·f prcs1dtnl. ' A•k A Lou t ~ears Co11,·r tli c11 t Cr edit Plans THEM BY THE • • "\r,Y 'frea<ls 13-incli and } I-inch :-izr~ • Bu y 1h e111 hy the pair now at 1l1is Jo.,.,·, ll•W p ri ce ! lielrPa•l,; 011 ~ound tire botlict SIZE F.F:.T. CKh BLACKWAJ,LS 6.00x 13 29' 6.50x I :1 32• 7.00x I :1 31.< 650x I •~ 40' --------7.00x I 'I· 4 1' 7.~0x l 4· 44' B.OOx 14 45' 8.50x14 49' WHITEWALLS Only '2 More Per Tire 5ponsortcl IJ y ~1rCulloch rroper\1 rs. ln<', df'\'C'lopcrs r.I Havasu C111'. this an nual c1·<'nl ctra\\'S out honrd dril'crs fr on1 all parts of the world lo com- pete in a tv,·o d;iy marathon on Lake Hava.~u. Classed as the largest and n1 ost hotly con· tested outboard race in the world. il ls also Lhe richest, posting cash prizes \o1a!ing $:)0.000. \\'ith the ad1lition of $6,600.000 insurance cov erage donatefl by l\iekhaefer, the pvrnt nO\Y ·becomes the most insurC'd race iri the world. --------------------------------------------------~ I M1'.1,PMJ( T.1, 8 ••OO. ~21-•~JQ f \ l'ONTr Cl 3 J91 1 IONC'o l!AC!'I ME :, n1 ;:1 ,IC.O WE s.•}62 ~·i"• ...... ~I 7-llll t()tllt-Kf ~·2·1l11 CJ,N004 '"~ J•o 0661 Gu<to•u CH 5.100•, c ~·461 1 ol•w1c • ~10 •" s s11 1 ''"'"~~· ED 111i!. N~ 9.5161, 'I'll 6 ~r.:;1 ~'N'" •E 1.r11f!G.~ ti4-80TI Y•u"° ''$.1n1 I I CO/olrTONNE 6·"1 l81, NE 1 5!61 ~"l"W~D t!O 9._1941 Ch><r.1 617·1100 3•HLt MONOC• fl( 4·611 1 ""''I' PO 3.ft ,61, 914·22'° I COVl<A 966-{)611 ••·O\lwoon o~ ~.;_11 1 ••un1H~ ~91 -J ?l I , ) _11-l ,il ~Ul~ C0•5T Pl•U. .140-Jlll V!IJ<OM l'l f · 1911 Sears ~------------------------____________________ , "Sati 1f oc:tion Gug rg nfead Of Your Money 8CJck" Shop 6 Nighl1 Monday thro,,.11h Sokorday9:30 A.M. ta f;30 P.M. Huntington Beach Office: Located at 91 Huntington Center at Edinger Ave. & Beach Blvd., adjoining the San Di ego Fre evvay, in Huntington Beach. - MAIN OFFIC': 911\ a Holl, Loi .Angelti • ~l3·13S I OINr Oftlc:lo: WlllMll'll OF"CI: J~33 W111111r1 Bl~d. • :16&-1;65 l A, C!V!C Cl'.NTEl'I: 2~d ' &ro•Ow•y • &25-l\02 TAl'ltAtolA: \87~• \len!ut• Bl•d. • 3'~·86'• SAlllA MOl'llCA: 7!8 Wtll~He Blvd,• 393·0146 IAl'I PEOl'IO: 101h 'Fl t •l<t • SJ1 -2Jil Wl!&f COVINl: E•.il1nd Sh<:>PPlna cir.• 331 ·2~0\ IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD ••• Huntington Beach Office of Coast & Southern Federal Savings, where your account is SAFE • CONVENIENT • AVAILABLE lo.~srket fluctuations don't worry Coast and Soulhe rn save rs •.. their capital Is alwayt rising In va lue. And you'r• sue& ol the highest earnings consistent wit h safety when you save at Coast and Southern. Fo remos t as!;urance of lhese benefits is the oulsta ndlng lin11nc1e l s!rengu1 maintained ll'lrough tne years by the man· agc ment o! Coast and Southern Federal Savings. INSURANCE TO 115,000/RESOURCES OVER 800 MILLION PU'IOJIAM.I. ClrY• HIGHEST PREVAILING RATES 5.003 5.133 5.393 ANNUAL RA TE COM?OU NOEC CA ILY BONUS FLAN DIVIDENDS TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL -. •' . ' .•.,: .· . ,COAST B£•6 V•n Nu~~ iil•,1 • 9~2-1111 LONO llt ACM· ~·d & Lo,~11 •1)7-11~1 AND SOUTHERN FEDERAL SAVINGS f lNl .I. •NA LOA" SC JI VICE AO!NC't': 190S No. Ma<n $L • (714) 5i7.92~7 7 7 Fountain Valley EDITION * * VOL iz, NO. 239, 3 SECTIONS, 34 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Today's Final N.Y. Stocks MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1969 TEN CENTS -~ I 'LSD l(illed My Daughter' Goldti 'Bncl~ llouie' 15raeli Prin1c 1\-tinistcr Golda i\leir receives a \l'arn1 hug fron1 n pupil in lhe J\llhraukec school she once attended. Ivlrs. J\leir is 011 a tou r oJ the United Stales. Ove 1·flo\v C1·owd Expectell F 01· New Valle): Council An overflow crowd is expected to watch f ountain Valley's freshman city coun. l llmen in their first regula r busine)'S Sl's£ion al 8 p.m., Tuesday. "If they fill up the council chambers v.c'I! switch to the con•rnuni!y C'cntcr," Ei'lid City ~lanagcr Ja1ne s Neal. General Manager Named for Hotel Louis F. Evans has been appointed to !>Uccl'cd 1\1 arun J. Sno1r as general 1n!lnager of the Shrr:iton-Heach Inn and J)riftw(lod Beach Club in llunlington Beach. f.yans ha s rccrr1tly bren ni anagcr fJf tnr Sheralon r-.ta nn11 In Corpus Chri'>ll. ·1 rx. and has been \1 1Lh the hotel f1m1 for 1 ~ year.:;. Sno\.I", who h;is 111nn,iged the hoste lry fnr thn past \'rar lC<tV"~ to hccomc prcs1- 1!rn l r.f Con/\111 ~l'f\il-r~ Inc , a ~uhsidiarv of 1\u\01nrtt1Qn l ndu ~tnt'S Inc fie \l'ili"bc f('lun11n g !o lht' l·ng1necnr;g: <>ncl constn1t·tion ti1·I~ 11·1111 ll'htch he has hccn l')ni;l ;:i.""oci:11rfl. 11!!!10H 1c:cs 111 Lon;; Bearh and llonolul u. l cclauclcr Tak es O\'cr North A tlan ti c Pool anCSSELS. Belgium (/\P l -The. · I\nrth Atl an 11c Council ;1nnounccl'i loday that Emil .Jonsson. f'lrrign 1nin1ster flf Iceland, has assun1ed lhe council"s presidency . The shill loo k pl;icc Sepl. 17. and he v>'lll serYC for :i \'Car. I le s11cc!:'cds \\"est Gcr1nan Forci~n ~\l1t11stcr \\'illy Brandt. Orange C:oast Enthusiastic crowds have been filli ng the rouncil chambers since se\•erai weeks before lhc r!:'call election th at swept into uffic~ three ne\.I' l~gisl.'.l lors -George Scott, Bernie Svals!nd nnrl R. o n Shenk1na n. They v;e re install ed la~t wrek and incuinbenls Edward Just and John Jl aroer look over the n1ayor and \'ICC 1navor po sitions al 1hc same lime. Three public heanngs will f;:ice the trnovated council in its initial test. Thry incluc!e items on: -Lar1vin Company's now famous 111· a<-re tract. A zone change lo allo11· 405 lot.-. (minimum size of 6000 square feel ~ under a PD 6800 (average lot size of 6,800 !:fJll:lre feet ) development. -A requesl for com1nereial zoning nn rroperty owned by Dr. Richard A~•res on lhe southeast corner of Euclid and \Varner Avenues. ll 1s part of the pro· posed Fountain Valley C o rn m u n 1 t y Hospital si te. -An appeal on planning commi ssion rl~n1~I fOr placernent nf suhd1\"ision d1rC l"· l1f'n il s1g11s on a public nghl -of-1l'ay by Lang Jn(ltlstries. Jnr. T!1c n1>11· C()t1nc1irnf'n 11111 ~t:1rt !he r1cnin g nl 6 p n1 , \1•ith a thorn11uh hrirf. 1n;:: on ci1y affair.~ dunng a study se~s1on sel up by .ru ~t and ll arprr. They ~·ill also be operating under a re· quest by Just not to propose any ~rcat 1·h:ing~s or ne11· programs for a month, lo gh·e the city a cha nce to rel-!ain it.~ balance rollowing a bitter recall struggle and election. Slork ~larkel• NP.\V YORK (/\PJ -G!:imor issues 1h.~played some strength in an otherv.1.-.e letha rg ic stock ma rket late this af- ternoon. 1'rading "'as slow. i S c e quotations. Pages 20·21 ). Prices edged llP to their best IC\'C1 (lr !he r!ay in early afternoon. then sl1ppf'd h.1ck. T11e f)()w Jones avera~!:' of :io in· dustrials at 2 p.m. was up 0.92 at 809.3.1. Linklette1· Girl in Death Plunge ,, .... w ... $ .... <•• llOLl.''''"OOU -Art L1nkletter blames LSD for the dc:ilh or his 20-vear-old dlL•ghtl'r. . "It ~·asn't ~ilut·ide."' the star or 11·1(' lfr>u sc Part y tc!c1•ision sho1v t o Id ne11·s111 en :-iunday, "because she wasn"t hc1·scJr. ll ll'as n1urr!rr. She w;is niudrercd b~' the people \1'ho n1a11ufact1ire and sell LS!l" Diane Linklelle r plunged fro111 lhe kitchen windo1v of her sixth-floor apar!- rncnt Sahirciav as a friend, Edward lJ11rslon, tried ·to grab her. Linklel(cr, S7, said he had known for six rnonths that she was part of a Holl y· ll"ood group that ex perimented ~·itb drugs. She had !old hin1 earlier about a "bad tri 1l " \\"llh LSD, :ind was under the drug's effects :igaln \Vhen she died . he asserted, '"!'ihe was a girl who 1\·as not psychotic, nol under 1reatmenl. a happy girl with no n1 011L'Y 1roublcs," Link!cllcr said . "She ~Hid problcrn.~ 1hnl 1crns ha1·e had since !1rnc began. But LSI) gives thc1n a ~·ay of a1·01,!lns fa cing ur to th ose problr1n s. "You add LSD lo a girl \\'ho is somewhat en1otiona l and dramatic and it ean be di s11:-.tro11s. Sbr l'lld rne about tak- ing it, at.out her bum rrip. She felt she wa s being dri ven ou t of her mind. '"A parent can do little in a case like lhis ." 1.inklctter sa id. ''No one can do anything about it , except the young pea. pie themselves." r-.1iss Linkle\ler. lhl!: yo ungesl of L1nkletler's fi ve children, ~·as pretty an1I talked about a \lolJyy,·ood career. Her father said she had some singing jobs planned . Durstnn. 27. lnlrl police t-.1iss Linkletter ha<I asked hirn to co1ne 10 her apartrnent Friday where Ibey spent !he night talk- ing. She \\'fl.~ emntinnal and despondent, See LlNKLE'TiER, Page t) Carbon Monoxide Bla111ed Death on Boat Probed Orange County Coronrr's deputies to- day are investigat ing death of a Fullerton n1an on a boat ei ght milts off Huntington Deaeh Sunday n1 or11ing. Prclitninary reports indicated that George N. Pcnk. 47, died of a heart al· tack whil e cruising 10 Catalina , but the (JranJ;e County Coroner's office tod ay denied that report. indicating death was probably caused by carbon monoxide poisoning. Five. o1hcr persons on the 25-fool cabi n cruiser r-.tr, :-O'ioe were found by ll un· 1ington Beach lileguards to be suffer ing the effects of carbon monoxide poisoning. They were firsl found by the pleasure rrafl Longfin which radioed for medical nid and stood by the disabled crew o( 1'-lr. 1'-loe. }luntington Beach lifeguards wtre first on the scene followed by the Hun· I 1nglon Be.a~h Polict helicopter arnl a U.S. Coast Goard chopper. Lifeguards transported Denise Frenc h, ~s. of Tustin, her son Tom, 9; Byron L. Sta lons, or 2263 Rutgers St ., Costa Mesa and hi s son, Brian, 12, 10 lluntington Beach Pier \.\'here three ambulances sped the.in lo Huntington lnl£'rcommu nity J!ospi1al. They were gh·en emergency tre:i1n1rnt and rrleased. John Consta ntino, O\.\'ncr of t-.1r. r..tOf', of 47 Ba lboa Cove~. Ne11'pilrl Beach, first refused lo be laken off his boat. but was lnt!'r lakcn to the pier by Hunlin,1;ton Brach state lifeguards in the Sea \Vatch wht:n the Cosla Guard helicopter reported him steering an '·erratic" course for l'\ewport Beach. He ~·as also treated and rrleasC'd a~ Huntington lntercommunily llo!ipltal. i\lrs. French told lifeguards that Black Instructors To Hol<l Grades Over ·Davis Case? I.OS A~GEl .ES (AP) -A ~ <idrn111rt1 Cc1nr!111111sl Angela D;n•iS> prepared Jn lc:ich her first course at Lhe Un1\·ersi1v of Lalifornia at Los Angeles today . oilier b lac~; instruclors threatened 10 \\'ithhold grades (rom their students unle ss aca'Jt>tnic credit is restored to her cou rse. '"\\1~ will not accept firs l -c 1 a s s e1t,zcnship ~·hen one of us is forced Lo ac- ci::pt second-class statu s," said Robert Si·1~1cton. director of the Afro-American Studic~ Center at UCLA. Singleton said that 11 instructor~. rcpn'scnling three-fourths of all black facul ty members at the :o;chool. decided to \1i1h11otd grades [roan all students in an effflrt "to toss the ball back into Lhe han ds or the regents."' r-.1 iss Dav is said she "·ill ask her !itudcnts whether she should lecture dc~pitc. her firing. )le!' department chairman. Pr 0 f. \See DAVIS, Page ZJ t"1·cryonc on the boat h;id nearly passrd out. hut hersrlf, whl'n she began steering 1hc boat, searching for help and found !he Long fin. ThUSl' aboard had ;ipparen\ly assumed Pea k died nf a lu•arl attack. but coroner's drpulies said they are running !ab te sls today following the 1utopsy, and that hi!! death was nol caused by a heart attack. They said it was probably an accidental death. Constantino's boat was towed back to Newport Beach by an Orange County Harbor district craft. 41 Packages Seized Pot Boat 'Intercepted'; SealBeachManNabbed A Seal Beach man who customs agtnl~ allege was capt ured in San Diego waler.9 ~·i1h a boalload or contraband -in- f'luding lhe first known trademarked n1arijuan11 -today awaited arraigrunent in federal court on srnuggling charges. Agent.~ who boarded the cruiser opcr11te1t by Willian1 J. '"Willy " Lenahan, '!.7. (1! 12.1 I llh St.. cl:11rn they srizcd 154 p11~1n<I.~ or high-grad e mari;u:ina. more 111an 1,000 drug pills <ind a quant ity of ap- pitrf'nt heroin. The capture during predawn darkness S<lt ur<lay "'as the first involving a boat sinL·~ Opcratiun ln!~rcepl ~ the U.S. crackd:>wn on niarijuana -w~nt inlo ef· feel three ~·eeks ago. '"Oh man. \\'illy's messing 11·ith !he feds and they don'l pl ay around," an ac· •1uaintance 1\ hn heard the ne"-s in a :-un!irt Beach liquor store Suoday v.as ~c:ird to say. /\uthnri tics ~·ho trailed Lenahan's 21\- forit cabin cru1sl'r from r.1ex1 can tn Li S. 1r;i !crs, then overtook 1t in a Coa~t Guard 1 c.~.~c1 , said the marijuana seized ~·as 1n 41 pa~·ka.e.t·~ h:1ndful uf IX'~-~. 11•11h a hroad so11!c on Iii~ f~cr. "El Co111prarlor," was the brand name -·1 he Buye r · ;'l:c l[~y ~lcjor," was the added slogan -N0nc Better, authorities skid. Besides the 111ajnr marijuana hau!, custom.~ agents ~·ho boarded l.cnahan ·s boat said they found aboul a hair-pound Clf tiln pov.'rl~r believed to be her(lin, 1,000 orange pills \.\'ilk> an or\ental marking on each, 35 ::lflparenl LSD tablets and ID ~:1shist: smoking pipes. I rnahan -who at first told in· vcslii;ators his addrf'SS was where\•er bis recently-purchased boal happened to be docked -was booked on the federal {'hl'lrJle and held without bail. Authori ties ;innounced Su nday that they t.clicve \hr price nr marijuana and heroin in 1na1or U.S. distribution centers has as mu c-h as doubled in some cases. Thi~ would indicate the stated intent o( Operation Inte rcept -dri11ing the price sky-high -I! being accompll.!hed, but The trademark showed a Mexican man !ilanding besidl". a marijuana plant, clutching a fist ful of dollars and a dr11g scene sources have denied it. ''Gcncra!ly the price has 11lmosl doubl- f'd,'' said one federal investigator , "but n101 c Important . is that mu ch of It is unal'ailable or ex!remely sca rce." r..1ariju11na is reportedly scarce in Ne111 York. nonexislcnl in fl.1ian1 i, a nd generally of poor qu ality -grown in the t-lid\\·csl fr o1n \.l•ild World War II hemp plants used in rope production. A drug scene source said Sunday. howr.1·er, Lhat no on!:' should ever pay rnore than S25 for a lid. or half ounce fJU1n li\y, even in the worst pot famine. $12,000 Blaze Hits Huntington Co ncrete Plant \\"<1rkrnrn today arc. moppi ng up !he debris frotn an oil and gas £ire that <l csl.roycd $1 2,000 worth of materials and r<1uipmcnt Sunday mo ming al a llun · \1n gton !leach concrete mixing plant. A stuck thermoiilat on a oil heat ing unit ignited the hlaze <11 the Sully-Miller Corporation pl ant al 7221 Ell is Al'e., ac· cording to fire department investigators. The bl:ize was visible rrom most parts of Orange Cou nty as concrete, gas Imm three major piptlines ;ind oil Prupt!:'d into flames, said firemen. The fire started at !1 :32 a.m .. :ind took 25 minutes to control. No injuries were reported. Four engines, one snorkel unil, and I& men under Battalion Chirf Ron Bear faughl the blaze. Sully-Miller handles many of the contracts for street work throughout Orange Coun\y, They have plants in SC\'eral cities. Appeals to 'Patriots' We alJJe r Sunny s kies and \.\'armer lc1np- l!:ratures <1rc on the hori zoo for Tuesday along lhe Orange Coast, wil.h the mercury reaching up 1n· to the eighlie-5. INSIDE TODAY '' n1n11 l1a t'I" br.r11 lliy/1 /u nc· r/Qn'llr(l fnr 2fi 1rr1•k .; rl11rn1r1 ii.~ 8r1t1.;h ,;/lrn.1·111(1 ~ /J11r TV <01!1»1· J'l~l C1rnrh 1n /,n·1.,-11 ,;n11; 1l1c "F11r.~11rhr Sn.on' 1.~ p1.~t nn· ntilr.r ,;mip !lfJ('r"rl. l'H!Jr '27. llOlhll' " ,,. .... , " (1Ml .. ll•I ' NU10111I Nt .. 1 " Cllulllt'll ,.,)] o ...... ,.., .. ,, " c,..,1., . , Jo••IO ,,,, . cr1uw11~ " \It<~ ,,. .. ~ ... M·11 flot•111 N•11C" " T111 wl1i.11 " lldllorl1I ·~· • TM1l"1 " l•llrtllll"''"' " W11111or ' 11'11111\ff l~ JI Gtlf\11 Wlllll " lil•HCIH " w..rr• Ntwl •• '"" u ...... " w ........ , "''"'' l._11 ""•llbl• • Graham Says America Sick, Sinful Only the raithful's prei;ence I! sparing an outpouring of GOO's wrath on a sick, sinful America and the most patriotic act of all is lhl'refore conversion, lo help holslcr the odds, The Rev. Billy Grahain wamcd Sunday. "It is more patriotic to come to God at this mom~! than anythine I can think of." declared the popular evangelist at the climax of his JO-day rally M!fies in Anaheim Stadium. Records were broken lhrec times dur- ing !he Anaheim reviva l crusad e, with ~.000 per~n!I present Sunday, bringing to .185,000 the 10-d;iy tot.;i l. More than 20,000 searched lhcir hearts and 50uls as the North Carolina preacher g;l\·e his mes.~age -then made the pilgrimage to his pulpit and -hopefull y -a new life. "Many Pffiplc are counting on the r:i ct th;il God, if there is a-God,~ noL the God re ~·ea l('(! in lhc Bible ," said the Rev. lirah am . "but it makis no difference how oor concepts may change." "C.00 hasn't chanced,·• be continued. ''And God is got only a Cod of love .- he is 1lso a GOO of JurUce," the Rev <Jraham added, warnu.;.tut justice of a hn1riblc nature has beee rained dOwn oo offend ing nations in t!je ,~ _ • '"Sodom, Gomorrah, ti&~hoSeflo nation Israel, and Germany, the cradle. of the Rcformallon." he explained. The Rev. Graham said he and bis wif~ literally fell in love ll'ith the people Orangt County and the Southland. so it was ~·ith a heavy hQrt that he dealt with whal may be in sLore. "Will Ood spare America'?)! ht! asked. "(;oo did 11(lt sp:irl!: the angelll. He cast Lucifer out of Hoave.n," he said. 1·he Rev. Graham said GOif did not eve n slop :rt condemning his oMI beloved son Jellus, who died°" the cron in 1gony for the !!Ins of Rll'mankind. "Wi ii God 1pare you ~·· he a$k~ dark- '" • "It is dangerous lo be In a meeting lille thi s and nol lum lo God," the Rev. Graham co ncluded, then made his fin1 I :ill;ir ce ll , tugging the tearful repent.ant down into centerfield. The· North Carolina evangelist who bcjan his ..:areer 20 yeara ago wit.b a lent rneeting what i!i now downtown Los Angeles will preach next weclcl!:nd in San Diego. He said ~ wlll then return home to ttfoutrcat, N.C., to prepare fOr his neXt crusade In April, 1970. in Dortmund, 1.:ennany. " f That s('ries of crusadca will be telecest 11nd lran11lated for \•\ewers In 14 Euro- pean cities. U,I T•le..,.._ FALLS TO DEATH Dian• Linklell•r Building Halt Protest Due Before Co11ncil py JACK BROBACK Ot OHi Dl •l1 ,1191 11111 A protest aga inst the clly's Mkiay moratorium on all building along Pacific Coast Highway in the downtown area will be heard al tonight's 1-luntington Beach City Council mctting. The prolrst has been filed by attorneys for the. Tal bert estate regarding five lot• at the southeast comer of 6th Street and the highway whi ch have been appraised al $125,000. A letter fr om a!lorney Clarence A, }!igbic of Newpo rt Beach states !hat "Jn order to raise fund s for inheritance taxes ::ind pa~·lng lhc gcnrra! expense of th• estate nf ~-largarel E. Talbert plu~ pa yments of $425 a month on an en· cumbrance against lhc property. il i~ nece~sa ry !hat the rsta\c dispose of it without further delay.'" The letter asks 1hal the council either rescind the 6Cklay 1noratorium or pass a resolution condemning the properly. The council on Sept. 15 voted the moratoriuin on all building and ma jor repairs in the first block in land from the hi,Rh...,.ay lo \Valnul Avenue from 6th to La k-e. streets while the Top of lhe Pier Plan ... 'lnr downtown redrvelopment is being studied. The plan, if adopted "'011ld call for pu rchase o( !he five block~ and con· ,·trsion to ar\ -1.800-space park ing lot ai prnpo~cd by 1he lirhan Lanrl Institute C1t1Zt"ns fiteerlnR r:imm11t ec <C::;G1 . Thr ('n11'ncJJ 1~ tf'ntatiYe!v ~rhC'duled to hn)d a public hearing on tlie plan on 0<;(, 28, Also on tonight 's agenda arf' -An appeal from a denial of the Plan· ninR Con1mlssion blocking co nst ruction of ;i 50·unit ap;irtmenl complex on &ilsa Chica Street. Just south of \Varner Avenue. -A publ ic hearing on the proposed relocation or the business permit of • psychedelic shop known as the Perfumed Gard!:'ns at 464 Pacifi c Coast Highway ~·hich bas gone out of business. -An ordinance prohibiting the uge fl( mirrors or any simila r object for the purpose. of interfering wi!b a police of. fi rer or lifeguard. 'Tlle council meets al 4:30 p.n1. and 7:3ft p.m. in the counc il chambers in Memorial Hall . Winds Sh ut Off Traffic Signals Gu~ty Santa Ana winds Saturday morn- ing blt>w down a Westminster power lif)c, leavini; two Beach Boulevard traffic signal.; inoptrative for two hour!!. \Veslminster police said the line was broken al 9:30 a.m. between Westminster and Bolsa avl!:nues. No traffic accidents werl!: caused by the light h1ilure, which was remedied at 11 :30 a rn. Green Beret Offi cers Ge t New Assig1W1ents \VASlllNGTON fUPI) -Seven of the r.reen Berels cll!:ared of murdering I Vietnamese national ~·err rrasslgned to- day by the Army. n)ost of them to n1ilit 3ry In telligence jobs hut none In Special Forces units. , I r --. ·--·--------• • . . ' . . , ~ D.AIL V PILOT H Tl1at"s No Love Bug VW on 'Rescue Mission' Pulled From Surf By JE~O'IE f . COLWNS 01 l'IM D9Uy 1'1111 t tttf T·w() leen-agC'd boys, cn1ising abool BalbOa 1n a Volks'>~1agt'n, thoughl lhey heard a "·oman screarn :;orne"'he re on the beach short ly lx>forc midnighl Satur· day. So they raced lo U1e rescue -ln lhe \'ol kS>\'agcn. Se\'cn hours 1:1\cr, Ha:hard A-~ri~t rc l and St1.;pbcn (; Davis, hoth 16, finally got I.heir car out of the surf And they never did find any screaming "nrnan . i\el'l'J>Ort Beach police sau1 today lhl'y Oon't kno1v ,1·hat !11e~'ll rlo abou t the c.<1se. l1h1clt 111\'0]\'(I(: nfl1ccr~. lifeguards, helpful Balboa rt•s1den\.!$ and finally a city tractor before the car v:as al last pulled from lhe rl1in1 tide just wes t of the jetty •t the Balboa Wed1e:. The two boys, apparently conce.mtd that police mi&ht not belie"e umr story about the mysterlou!lly s r ream 1 n g: \1'on1a11, did their best to shove thei r car out of the sand by themselves until about ~ a.m. Then the ti de ca1nc in . The Volks1,1:agcn. whi ch. like all C<irS. isn't allowed on the beach, began bobbing like a cork in the \l'Bter. The bciards young tltistrcl and Davis had stuck unrler l11c wheels for traction floated ;nra~·. A beachfron l r£'s1clent. rising early. sa w the boys -;1nd their Volk:.wtigrn -lv:-.- ing the bal!le \\.'ith lhe Sf'a. lie ('ailed police . They tried hauling the car a~hore FISHERMAN JACK McCOY SPOTS UNUSUAL CAT CH 'l'v• S..n Ev•rything, Now,' S1nta Anan Ob11rves Thomas Woodruff New · City Attorney in Valley T11omas \\"oodruff. J(), former assistant clly atl,:,rney ror !\e\\.'j>Ort Beach, st arted '"'ork today as the new part-tune city at- torney nf Foun!ain Valley, He v.as srlec1 ed by the Clly Coun cil Saturday alter 1nterv1e.,.,s with nine ap- plicants for the position 1·acatcd by the f'rona Page I LI NKLETTER •• cnncerned \\llh ht>r 1drnl1ty and her caroer. police quoted Durston as say1ni;: Drugs aspects of the ca.~e arc still being invesugated. police :-aid . Pril'a\e funl'ral serr1ces arc planned al r·orest La" n i\lemorial P;irk L1nklet1er and lus 111fc. l...01~. v.prr nut1f1ed 11t 1hf' i!ealh 1n Color.1cto and rrturned here Sunday On J uly 15 John Z11cyer , JJ, husband 1i ( L1nklctter·~ olde~!. dat1 ~hter. Oi111n . 2g. shot h1msrH in U1e head. He repor!rdl~· "'as depressed O\C'r his insurance bu~ine~~ DAILY PILOT O•iNGl CO.I.St "Ul l l!~ING COM•.llll ltob.·t ~I. w,,., ,,.,,.oorl •nd P~bhol><J J•t~ R, C.11rloy \.'l>I "rt1••1~1 •~d C.to•rol 1-'•••J'P lho,..•• ICet•:I LC I'' ,t.1"1·1 w . B•h• ~·•0('"1' f dt•o• H~"lln9toR l•oc~ Otlitl 309 St)\ Sht•I µ,:1;~t Acltl"'" P.O. 1 01 7~0. t2 •~1 011te1 Ofli c" ti•"~'' llN<~ :J11 l'.ut l•lt•• ••~•t••·d cr1•• Mo,•· Jl~ We11 llov St•(tt l.••V"' at.c~. lll ''"" ••l••t ' OAIL T PllOt, ,.,.],,. "'II.Cl\ 1t lC"'b••td t~ f<t""" .............. 11!1,,.0<1 Cleolo ~H•e! $•"' ••Y r11 1•P•••'• •O ""'"' '°' l"lu·•r..,10~ ll••~"· ~-~"."" \I• 1•1. (•'I• , ...... , ...... "''' 11••<11 .,, t ~~'"'" ~ •• , .... 0"0 "' ... ''"" ''"""'""' ,.,,•n•• l''<•G• C0o>·• ru•·-~· '"0 (Ofl'll'I "\" J.!<~' •fl '"·I ••• ~I :-ill ....... l •<to1 I i•• ,.,.,. • .,, 11••<11, ""' JJO y,011 ~•• !•.,rt, C••'• N•U l1lt pllo nt 1714 1 642·•121 fr•111 WeJ1rnh11r•1 C•11 StO.lJJO Cl•11lfi•f Atlw•r1 l1/,., •41·5•71 [~V••O~I, tljl, Or •~~· .C~••1 "•·I '' r, (-•·• 110 ~·~· I I 01I•1. •"l111t•ot•O""\, ~·,~···· ,., ..... t• ·~······•!'""''"' ""''~ "'••"" •t0tcdu<00 "''"""' ,.,..,., '''~""''" OI <'P'"'~' Clo'I' l#ff'<7 <'•" rn••-• ft• d •' "l•·,r~-• !'!•.-~ •...rC.co'•"''" (1•1,.r o '•t p t '· I• <•"·~· l~t~ ... (-•~ •· "'' "'"' 1: ·o _,.,,,,, "'''il••"t' <11••1•••·•"'· l l t'CI '""l '" v. resignation of Ed\1·1n ~1artin . \\"oodrufr 11·iJI handle his fir~t assignment when the council nieets Tuesday. "He "'as sel ected because of hH 1nu nicipal experience," City t.la nager Jim Kral said toda v. \\"oodruff earned ·his 1legrce in la1\· <1t the Llni\"ersity of Cah!ornia llasl1nss La1Y School. From 1966 to l96i he \\'as deputy C'Jty al\orney and city prosecutor for Inglewood. Fron1 1967 to the present hf' h;;s been a fullt1ml' ass1:.t anl 1n NcwJlllrl Bearh. In addition to handlln1; F(lunli41n Y.illcy's legal matters, \\'oodniff \\"Ill open B private practic:e. ~tart1n rC's1gned inorc than J n1on111 :igo, g1v1ng as hi.~ reason the 1les1re of thr i 1!1· !o l'mploy ;i full tunr a!lnrnc1·. (111· off1r111!~. ho\le\er. lii lrr dc('Jded a pa rt· 11n1 c attorney still cou ld handle 1he JOb. l·'rom Pngc I DAVIS . • • Donald Kalish, says he has no 1de.i ho1'!' the students "·ill react "Sludents arc very skillful in organ1z- ir.g themselves and in keeping their plans out of the Pye or the public and of a SO· yeAr-old professor." the philosophy pro· fe~sor told new smen Sunday in an- nouncirg the decision by t.fiss Da\'is, 25. Her course, "Recurring Philosophical Themes in Black Lit erature," "''as scheduled lo meet for the first time !oda,·, 11·i1h 169 student s enrolled. · University regents fired r.1 1~s Davi o, Scp1 19, invoking a 1940 regents' ruhni: r.rohi l:oL!ing Communists frn1n !l.'aC'h1ng at ~1:1te uni\'£rsitics. il'l1ss Daris ~<lid ~hr 11as <1 mernber of a Cornn1u11ist club. ~h~ ac.i!ed the regcn1.~ uf h11 1nr; 1Jrr- ;udiccd becau~ she is a l\cgro ancl said ~·he wnu!d 1eat'h "'hile ap[l('al 1r1c lhe dif.missal. The regents respondrd by issuing an order th at UCLA Chancellor Charles l'ounJ; said he interpreted as meaning that ~fiss Davis may lecture during the appeal but that students y;on"t receh'e credit for the course. Panel Talk on Plan F or ~licldl e Sc hoo l Sc i A pilnfl diSC11~sio11 un :\"e11·110rt·:\le~a t;n1fir:d School D1str.t1'.~ n11dd lc school <:on<:ep! of moving s1x !h graders Jnlo junior high w!ll be presented for the put-he tonight. The progran1 will begin <it 7 JO p 1n in tilt Forum at E~tanc1a ll1.1r:h .School. 2J2J Plarc.nlia Al"r, Cnsla r.1csa . • with a nylon rope attached lo pohce units. The rope M tched. The car didn't move, exce pt. up end dOwn . The Harbor District Wl!I advised of the problem. They couldn't help from the sea. No winthes. The dawn, mcanwhllr, h~cl to1ne LI? like thunder, the surfs poundi ng 111- te nsifi('d, and a cro\l.'d gathered. Finally, the ci1 y yard was called. A lr<ictor r u1nbled to the scene. a chain wai; attached to th!'.' car. The chain snapped. A heavier chain \Vas put into ser\"1Ce. After son1e clanking, a li ttlt rattling, l(ltS of spl<ishing. :lnd some shuddering on Ille 11ar1 of !he Vol kS\\'agen and Mistrel <in<! Davis, the car began en1erging lrom lhe ~ea Thi' <:ro11.d cheered. illistrt.1 and Orn ls d1dn "t. Tt.eir Volkswagen was a mes5. Bumped. haltered and soaked. They went home '''ith fr iends. The Volks\.\'agen stayed behind in a garage. Youtl1 on LSD Escapes Death In Suicide Try A you th who told police he had taken LSD and v.·anted to end his lire, escaped with minor injuries after lhro\\.·ing hin1sc lf in front of a tar in Laguna Beach e<1rly Sunday. Al<1n Pratt Perel, 20, of !H9 Peregrine Plare, .. \naheim, \\'as transferred tu Or<inge County r.1edical Center after treatn1ent for abrasions at South Coast Community 1-lospilal. Driver Larry Eirich Cole. 26, of 1681 Ted mar, Anaheim, told police he wa.~ southbound in the 1100 block of S. Coa st Highway at approxim ately 1 a.m. Sun· day, \\'hen the young 1nan jumped out in front of his \'Chicle fro111 between hro parked cars. lie v,·as unable to stop in 1in1e to avoid hitting the victim , Cole said. Ooc!or~ :-;aid Perez \1·as "on a trip,"' police r1'porlr.d, told t.hen1 he had ta ken LSD and wanted to die . PUTTING THEIR BACKS INTO IT, OWNERS AND HELPERS ATTEMPT TO PULL VW FROM SEA A Ny lon Rope and Two Chains Later, Batl•r9d Hulk B•ach9d •t Balboa's Wedg• Mesan Takes Wild Trip -Into Jail Cell Toilet A naked. 1nucl·caked n1an ~crcan1ing messages of love for his captors was jai!- e Saturday night after an alleged LSll fro!ir, fina lly halted by a squad of five t'osta l\1esa policemen. He later tried to escape by diving into a jail cell loilel bul vtas unsuccessful, in- \'estigators said. Roger A. Fuerst, 21, or 530 W. Wilson St., was booked on charges of resisting arrest and being under the inf luence of LSD, with ba il set at $625 and scheduled to be in court today_ Patrolman Bob Goode said he arrived at the Ala r.Ioana Apartn1ents Saturda y night in response to a report of a nude man and found F uerst lying in the centrr of a crowd o~ trnanL~. The officer said he scu/fled \Vith the sli ppery suspect for about two minutes, dllring which lime the collegian tried fo jump in to !he apartment swimming pool. During the melee. officers Randy Nutt, Ron Palmer, and Sa:n Arnold joined in trying to quiet the inroherent suspect and finally gOt him into a patrol car. "! love you." he \vas quoted a~ shouting, while his flailing feet belied the sentiment. Investigators said Fuerst continued to bounce off !he walls of the jail holding cell -trying to dive down the commod e -and was finally removei:l to a padded- type fa cility after much struggle. Sgt. Gary Shull and Officers Jim Cor- rales jol ned with the lhtee other patrolmen to shift Fuerst lo what might accu rately be tern1ed more com forta ble quarters. 3 Fir1n s Lose PO Boxes Over Por11ography Fiv" Southland firms dealing in ·what sorr.e :.ulhorities call.'51nut have had their post office box pri vileges stripped. !hot C.S. Postmaster General announced tr> da~·. Three additional firms in the east were namer! in the press release fro 1n Postmaster General \Vinion hi. Blount, who took" the action following legal crackdo\\.'ns on the firms. Each of the dealers has either been ar- rested or indicte d on charges of l'iolating fede ral or state pornography statute~. said Blount, and he \Va s acting under ex- press administrative authori1y. The law pennis denial of the use or rental boxes to individu<Jls v.·ho use then1 for immoral or improper purposes, .11 defined by postal attorney:s. Site's Up Creek Beach Fig hters Enter Beauty· Hy TO.\! BARLE\' 01 I~• Dt llf "'"'' ~1111 Southern Orange Coast campaigners seeking to obtain public access to Salt Creek Beach todav have turned from JegJl brie! to bikini ·brief in their efforts. They\·e musterrd to the cause cur1y Susan \Va!Jace. a sun-bronzed 21-year-old Jass from Laguna Beach. The Salt Creek campaigners h<ive entered r.liss \\'al!acr in 1he Orange County Pres Club's annual "fl.liss Orcop'' beauty pageant. She'll join the Oct. 13 r ompclition against nine other Orange County beaulie!I v.·earing the banner i;ash of "l\liss Salt Creek Road." But Susan won't be thinking strictly of Susan whe11 ~he puts hrr eur\"es on stage at the Grand Hotcl"s OU Broadv.ay \V~:.t theater 1n Anaheim. She says st1c 11'ants tli •1t title and the hurrahs that go v.-ith it for the "Save Salt Creek,' campaign. To be su re, the cro1rn ;uut the prizes !hat go \.\"ilh it arc for Su.~an alone if :-he wins; bul the honor Jnd the pub!it1!y shc"5 determined to Australian's Co nf csion 1'old In l\iosqu c Burn .rr:Rli:'Al.l'.:\I •AP1 A polir" ~up:-1·1n1tndcnt lo\d a ,Jl'r11~all'n1 eourl l<l· <1,1_1 !hilt a young i\ustr;11i;in my ..,ll e had ('Jnr1"~~cd :setting f1rr to !hr Al Aks .• h ,\lo~q•·e 10 Old .Jenisal<'nl to cleilr llir s\te for the rebuilding three nr Solo1non·s T!mrlr Supt. David Ofer ~aid tlllcharl Denis Rril>11n. 21!. !old lh e polite in a stale1nenl Jf1er l1 is arresl. ··About a "·eek after I arrived 1n .Jeru.•n!em I disco rered a Scripture that ~aid that one person will be called by God 10 build the temple and therefore I dec1d· cd God \\"anted me to build this temple. Thert'fore ii I am the chosen one to do this. I will hal'e to prO\'e it by destroying lhe mo~r,ue. If this 1vas Cod"s will , then tic 11·otlltl allow me to do it." Th!' Al Aksah tl.1osque was btult on !he s•tc '11 Solo1non·.~ Tenople . and she \l ail- 111 ~ \\'rill nearby IS the la~I re1nnanl ul !hr l1•1nplr, Tiu• s1!r 1 ... al~o r ... l:;n1"s !hll"d holll'sl ~hri nc bt•c;111.~c ,\Jo,;)f'1ns hrllr1 r lh:-it 1l1e l'ro1>he1 iltvhanuncd <J<>CC'ndt•d 11;!0 hP.uven fron1 lhtrc. Rohan is a 1ncn1bcr of a Ch ri<>ti:<n ~rrt 1vhich IJelievcs that the r.Tessiah cannul come until 5olomon"s 1'tmple is rebuil t 0;1 iu: original silt. Blood Specialist Dies Aft er Heart StD"gcry NE\\' 'YORK l\;Pll -Dr. \V!lliam Da n1a~hck, noted bl ood s11eciall~I. died t()d:iy :ii JO Oi a 111 in ~I I. Sinai Mosp!!;il ;:ftrr undergoing open hc11rt surgery nn S::lnrd;1v _ l>an1::~hck 6!1 .. ~Uf lerrd a ~1roke 1as1 \\"ednl'sday during a he111 a1ology con- tercncc and 11 as operated on S;1turdey by ;i 111rdital 1ea1n headed by Dr. Denton l oole~. 1.hr hearl lransplanl surgeon !1't1n1 llo11~ton . ... share v.•ith the people \\"ho put her on the tltiss ORCOP campaign trail. Pri1nc architect of that bit nr n1aneu\·cring is Brennan • · He v s · ' ~lcClelland , a former champion surfrr \\'ho's been making big and angry waves ever since the road v.·as abandoned by the county lo the Laguna Niguel Corp. Opponents or the county·s abandonment of Sall Creek Road ha1•e hit headlines 111 court hearings, eye-catching bumper stickers and the raffle for Joyce Clark's painting of "Old Salt Creek." They "l"e got Sl ,300 in the kitty, a \'ast fund of goodwil l. a band of supporters 1\·ho are \1·ork1ng their legs off and now - Susan. ··Hut this doesn "t rnean that we're in- jecting any levity into our battle for recovery of 11·hat 1ras taken froin us,"' 1'tcCJel!ar11t as~cr1ed . "\\"!!look on th.is as JUS\ another ...,·ay of ensu ring th.:it nur rausc sta~·s in the pubti~ eye and <'\Cr)o11c a11arr of the issue and our argt1n1rnts \.\111 say rnorc powrr to us,"' 1\1tC!etland and the Salt Creek cro\.\·d h1·1ir1·e 1hr\· have a 1vinner. And thcl"'re 1h1nking ol .the can1paign a.s a 1,1;hole:not JU~t Susan·s uniQue contribution to tl1e rau~c AnJ 1f Su.~an \I in;), ~o n111('h the bctlcr, boll1 for her and for us." he savs. She·s taking rxcf'llenl crcdc.nt 1alo; intn 1he Prc.~s Club contc~t. A final ist in thr :\l1ss Califonria \\"orld competitifln -and a highly regarded tund1date \n th~ r.ti.«; Phologcnic ba ll lc , she isn't lacking in rtferencrs 0,1.ILY PILOT SIU!""-" SUSAN WALLA CE EYES COUNT Y BE AUT Y CROWN Hoping to Win One for Old Sa lt Creek Road Tl1e Ca st of Hair ~J .).) Our CXjll'\"l ad1 IC l' I ~ a.J ~o \\Orth n1oney. hut \\r. don't ch11rgc. Doesn 't Sl1op Here \rhethC'r you·re look ing for sonieth ing trad1t1onal or conven - tional. 1rors ted flannel. shark· sk in . herr ingbone or Dengaline, you·l1 find our :i;e\ection as fine as anv in 1he area, as current a s t hi~ 1norn1nt;'s J\"eu• 'York T1111es. ,\ cnrrful look through J·"or one lhing. the !\e\!. port Reach Pollc e Departnient "ould probably take a d ini vie11· of 1!. Like u!', tht>y"re a bit old.f;;~h· ioncd. \nu 1n(1\' h ri \(' n<•t1r rtl in !)ii' p;:ipf'r 1h:ll" r('('C'11tlv l1eld ··pop- ro<'k"' f!'.'~t11·;i l 11~.~ a1lcnded by O\,'..'r 1:-i.000 kid.-and about JOO of the1n \1·cre naked. \\le hope this trend doesn't catch on . It doe s nothing for our business. At. Bid~·ell 's \\ e"re excit ed about trends of a different sort. l.ike the \\'ider lapels you"re .~ccing this season. The 1ncreas- 1ng use of stripes. The gro\\·ing populari\.\· of I.he double.-brea~t· <'d bla7.<'f .. ·\nd flf rourse, th!': :-hnpccl s uit \or " ... 1Jhoue11c, ·· 11 ~·flu prefer) -1101\· c\·idenl in ('\.Cl)'lhini:; fro111 lei sure 11ear lo 1hf' tnfl~I lr;idi!i(lnal clo1h 1ng. '.\lakes you look 10 pound ~ light· or. f'o:.s ilJly ~o·J ·r c bee n so bu:-y \1atrhin.t! 1he ~tock ni;11J.:C't l11.11 ,·ou haven't c1 en not1 cerl lhr -e 1rend" nut 11c"I\ b:-1 th!.' 111111;u11 111 your life rrr1a111 ly Ji,,, \\"01ncn not ice such tlnng ~ ,\nrl they c<1rc. They c<ire 1€'~~· about the :-.tock n1arkct -1o1s lon g as )"OU can atJord to take lh c111 lo l~urope \\"hen they're in lh e n1ood . (Aren't they aJ \\·ays?) \\"ell, we can't finance your trip to Europe, hut we can see that you go in style. Our fall su;ts range in price from $95. to 1 011r r<.1t•ks is sui·e In turn up ~ntne plec1 sHnt .<.ur pr1ses. Co1nc in and hrOl\.-:.e <ill r1<11·. ',\ t• npen <1 1 9:30 a.Jl}, !·lo)-r. ~l .1 '.{0 p,ni. (9 p .1n . on 1-0 r id a_1 s). i:or a lunc:h break 1ve suggest Berkshire's, \Yood y's or Tale of the \\'hale. And we also have a sugges.- tion for the nudists of the v.·orld -UNITE ~ Then get dressed. Il"s good for bu siness. And it may even keep the police off your back. Jacli Bicllvell :M67 \"In 1.ido al .:\e" 1mr1 Ill HI.. :\'"' porl llrneh Parki11,i ror R ~ lftfth\' f'nrs H!li ''011 01\ n. ~on· npcan f'rldn~· .:-,·ening~ 11nri 0 I 9 1•.n1. 7 7 • • 6 4 ; a a ta 4 t c 932 : a: a a Laguna Bea eh !)ITION Today'8 Final N.Y. Stoek8 *ORANGE COUNTY, CALI TEN CENT: South Coast to Halt ·Small --Hos·pital Boom? BY RICHARD P. NALL 01 !~t OtU~ 'ilot Siii! An alletnpt is lil'ing niadt! to head off ;it the p<iss -\Oluntanly -a pro- llferation of s m a 11 privalely-ov,.ned hospitals in the burgeoning southern half ul Orange County . Horrible e.xan1plc·s 1.:1ted al Friday meeting arc what has happened to !he rcsl or Orange County. lo Lo.~ Angeles L':>un1y :ind lo the San 'Francisco area . Orf1c1als at non-profit South Co ast . Community Hospital (SCCHl hope Jn. :.iead to plan for the medical future. The theory is that because of their size , in terconnection and support ing facilltiei;, Jllanned big hospitals can not only keep pace ~~ng-medical expertise and rncdical needs but can hold down it s rapidly-i ncreasing costs. Toward this end, a summary of a study of the medica l needs of southern Orange Cou n!y was presenled to medical of- ficials, county officials and the press at SCCll. The study ·was by the firm of Slone, Marraccini and Patterson. It projects to the year 1990 anci estimates that hy !hat lirne 1,170 general hospital beds wilt be nedcd to serve a population estimated at 551.000. 1·he service arca dealt .,.,•ith -abou t l1al[ a countv -embraces commun111cs from Crystal Cove to San Clemente, fro111 Laguna llills to San J uan Capistrano. The study recommends expansiOn or SCCH tn 2i0 beds as its ultimate size . The se<'nnd hospital recommended on a 40 to SO-acre site would serve the rnush rooming Laguna Hills-Mission Viejo -1..aguna NiAucl area. It would ultimatc- ly gro""'• in planned increments. to 600 beds. 1'ht' third , and l;ist hosplla l in the plan, would .~Cr\e the San Clemente -San Juan Capistrano -Capistr:ino Beach area. II would be designed for ultimate expansion to 300 beds. TI1r minimum starting size or either of lht' other two hospllals recomn1ended W'lUid be 150 beds. Th".' fly 10 the ointnicnt -as far as the S<.:Cll ~dvanee planning goes -is the an· r.ounced construcl1on of two proprietary tprivalcly owned! hospitals. One is to be built al Sa n Clemente. The other is to be built in the flt iss1on ViCJO arf':' l'n 1he old Saddleboick College site. Gen n Haffey, adniinist rator of Lhe Sa n Cl,,men1e facili ty, said gradin& is now un· derway. He attended the Friday meetln& He said J.130,000 has been sptont for th• prooerty and \1'ork ""ill go forward. J1 ultimately is to be 250 bed.~ with 150 ti· tended care beds, Haffey said. "'Ii 1t wasn't for proprietory hospital~ fi!!in_'.! the gap, where ""0t1ld we be. al far a~ t.ealth ca re beds? I'm not opposed to 11(ln·profit. hos pitals, I've been in the business 33 years on both sides of the ren- (Ste HOSPITAL, Pagt Z) Linl(letter Blames LSD in Girl's Death Bra11d Na111e "Pot' Countain Seized In Drug Capture A Seal Beach man ""'ho customs agents allege was capture(! in San IJiego waters \11th a boatload of .:ontraband -in· rl11 d1ng the fir st known 1r:.demarkr1I niar1Jllllna -today awaited arra1gnrnent 111 federal court on smuggling charges. Agents \\'ho boarded lhe cruiser npcratcd by \\'illian1 ,J. '"\\'illy" Lenahan, "!.7, ol JZJ 11th St., claim they seized 154 po!inds of high-grade marijuana. more than 1,000 drug pills and a quantity of ap- parent heroin. The capture: during predawn darkness Down the Mission Trail Fire Station Pact Approvc<l :\11SSION \'IEJO -r\ contract has hcen af}Proved by the Board of Supervisors to build a fire station in illlss1on Vie jo. The conlrat•t ha s been a\\·arded to Theodore J. Peilrok to build !he station ;it a t'Clst of Sl 18 ,300. The constniction 11as postponc<l la~t su1nmcr because bids 11ere !no high . II h:id been rstimated that 111r station could he bu1ll ror $100 .000. e Mf'mber Holl• Close SADJ)LEl3A CK VALLEY -Charter 1nrn1bcrsh1p 111 lhe Sad<llf'back Valley Busi ness and Prnressinnal \Vomen·s Club \1 ill close at !he Tiiursday, Oct. 9 ineet!ng. New officers "·111 be in1roduccd at 7:30 p n1. event in Royal Savings and Loan. Leading the organization's f1rst year will he r-.1rs. Pat Toner, president : Mrs. Dorothy Pearson, vice president and J\1rs. fl larlcne LaVer\u, second vice presidenl. '\vlurciay v.·as the fir sl invoh'1ng a bo;;1 ~1nce Operation Intercept -I hf' l' S l'f:JL:kdoy,·n on marijuana -'"'cnt intn r!- ll'CI three weeks ago. "Oh man, Will y's 1nessing with the leds and they don't play around," an ac- 11ua;ntance v.·ho heard the ney,·s in a Sun!.cl Beach liquor store Sunday \\'Cl~ :ieard to say. Authorities Y•ho trailed Lenahan's 211. foot cabin cruise r from ~1exiean to U.S. \\'ate r<J, then overtook it in a Coast Guard vessel. said the marijuana seized v;as in 41 packages. handruJ of pesos. "'ith a broad smile on J1is face. "El Comprador," v.•as the brand na me -1'he Buyer. "Ne Hay Mejor." was the added slogan -None Better, authorities said. Besides th e major marijuana haul. customs agents Y.'ho boardetl Len ahan's bo;.t said they found about a half·pou11d ot Inn powd~r believed lo be heroin, l.000 nrange pills v.·ith an oriental m;irk 1ng on f'3Ch, 35 apparent LSD lable\s and Ill h:ishis); smoking pipes. LPnahan -v.•ho at fir st lnld 111· 'rstigators his address was ""'htrever his recent!y-purchased boat happened to be <locked -was booked on the federal charge and held without bail. Authorilies announeed Sunday that they ~.elie\•e the price of marijuana and heroin in rnajor U.S. distribution «nlers ha~ as much as doubled in some cases. This would indicate the stated in tent of Opera!ioo Intercept -driving the price i;k y·hi gh -is being accomplished , hut The tradem ark showed a ~lexican man ~landing beside a marijuana plan!. r l111ching a fistfu l n[ dollars and a dru,g scene .sources have denied 11. "Gcn('ral)y the. pr ice has almost douhl· ed ." said •1ne fcd er;il in rcstl~atnr , "but 111:uc im porlant is 1h;i t much nf ii IS una vailable or extremely sc:irct'." ~farijuana is repo rtedly scarce in Nt'w York, nonc.xistent in Miami, a n d J::f'l1erally or poor quality -grown in the t-.li<hrest from '~:ild \Vorld War I( hemp plants used in rope producti on. A drug scene source said Sunday, ho\lo·ever. that no one should ever pay more than $25 for a lid. or half ounce QU~ntity, even in the ~·orst pot famine. UPI T1!Hht'9 FALLS TO DEATH Di•n• Linkletter Mets Natio11al League Chl11n1111 Nl::\V YOHK (:\P) -N~w Yori.:., n1n;izi~1g j\.feL~ ('Onlinued one nr b:1sehnll's most fantastic slor1es fllonday. whipping Atlanta 7.4 and con1pleting .1 thrre-garne )i weep of the !)lunnrd Braves 1n their bcSl· of·~ playoff for the National League cham- pion shi p. Tom1n1e Agee. Kcn Bos1,•:ell an<I \Vaync Garrett all hit honic runs a!! the :\lets came from behind 2-0 and 4..J deficits for thei r biggest vi ctory ever. Nolan Ryan. a hard·throvnng nght· hander, replaced struggling young Gnry Gentry 1n the lhird i nnin~. pitched nu1 nf a h1g 1am and took credit for the vic1or~1• Hank Aaron and Orlando Cel)('da earh had !W{)orun homers for Atlanta. .I o n Ian Foil~ Plo t Go,· en 1111 c 11 I. A,\1)!1\.°'I, JfJrdan I A.I?\ -11·rc i.:overn- 111r11t annnu11t'Pd today it has lorle<I ";i plot against !lie sccunly 0f the kingd om ·· The announcement di d not make clear wl1ethcr the pint \1·a.<; a11nc<l at 0verthrrJ\V ing King Jlu,<;scin's govl'rn· n1cnL The statement said the plot wa:i. planned by the leadership of the hanned Liberation party with the backing of Israel "aod those 11.·ho arc behind the enemy." Daugl1te1· 'Murdered' Witl1 Drugs From \\"ire. Ser\ icr.'I I IOLLY\\1000 -Art L1 nkletter hla1nes 1.Sn f11r the Ur ttth of his 20-ycar-old tl:1ugh1i:r. "It \1·a~n ·1 5u1 c1de.'' the star of the H1)USC P;irty tele1·1s1on show to I rl nr1rsn1cn Sunday. ""because she wasn 't hrr~('lf. It "·as n1urdcr . !>he was r11udrered by the people "'ho manufacture and sell LSIJ." Diane L1n~lelter plunged fron1 the kitchen \lo'indow of her sixth-floor aparL- rnent Sa turd ay as a fr iend, Edward Durston, tried to grab her_ L1nkletter, 57, said he had known for six months that she was part of a Holly· \l'ood group I.hat erpenmented \lo'i th drugs. She had !old him earlier about a "bacl trip" with LSD, and was under the drug's effects again wh~n she died, he asserted. "She was a glr! "'ho wa s not psyc hotic, not l!ndrr treatment, a happy girl with no n1 onry !roubles,'' Link !etter said. '"She ha<! rroblcms tlurt teens have had since 11n1e hegan. Bui LSD gives l/1c111 a "'ay of a1·n1<ling fneing up to those proble1ns. '"Y1iu add I.SD lo a girl "'ho is so111cwhat crno\1oncil and dran1atic and It r·;111 be di saslrous. Siie told me about tak· 1111; il, about her bum trip. She felt she \\<ls being driven out of her mind. '"A parent can do little in a case like this," Link!etter said. "No one can do anything about it, except lhe young peo... pie thcn1seJ,·es." f\fl~s Linklettrr. the youngest or l.in klcttcr's fi ve ch1ld rt>n, was preUy and 1:-ilked alx>ut a llollywoocl cartt-r. Her lather said she had some singing Jobs pl.inned. Out~ton, 1.7. !olrl poller r.11s5 L1nklctter h::itl as ked h1r11 1n co1ne to her apartm~nl l'nd;iy "'here they spent the night tal k· ing She was rmotional and rlesponde.nt , c11nt·crncrl wi1h her identity and her rnrecr, police quoted f)urston a.~ saying. Urup.s aspect~ or the ease are still h1·111g 1nvestlgatcd , po!it"C. said . Private funeral services are planned at Friresl Lawn r-.fcmoria l Park. Linklettcr and his wife, Lois, ""'ere notified nf the death in Colorado and returned he.re Sunday. On July 15 John Zweyer, ~3, husband of Linkletter·s oldfstt daughter, Dawn, 29. shot himself in t~ head. He reportedly wa11 de pressed over his i:isurance business. • SUSAN WALLACE EYES COUNTY BEAUTY CROWN Hoping to Win One for Old Seit Creek Road She's Up Creek Bench Fighters Enter Beauty IJy TO:\I BAHLE\' 01 t1o1 Dtol, ,llot S!oll Sou1hern Oranjle l'nast ca1n paignC"r11 seeking In obtain publ ic access lo Sall Cfeek Beach today have turned froin lega l brief to hikini hrief in their efforts Tht>y'vc musterC1:1 to the cause cur1y Susan Wallace , a 11un·bronzed 21-year·old lass from Laguna Beach. The Salt Creek campaigners hav e entered i\1iss Wallace in the Orange County Pres Club 's annual "j\1iss Orcop" bc<iuly pageant. She·11 Join the Oct. 13 competition against nine other Orange C.OUnty beauties Wl'aring the banner Sash Of "~1iss Salt Creek Road " "'ho are working lhe1r legs off and now - su~an . '"But lh1s docl'in 't mean that we're II'!· jccting any levity into our battle for recovery of \l'ha l was taken from us," f\I cCle!land asse rted. "\\'e look on this as JU5t another WHY nf ensuri ng that our cause stays 111 the pu blic eye and everyone awa re of the i:;:sue and our arguments will say more po\lo·er lo us." ~fcClc\lanrl and the Sall Creek crowd belie\'e they have a winner. And they're th inking or the campaign as a whole , not just Susan 's unique conlribulion to t~ cause. ·· An<I if Sus11n wins , M much the better, both for her and for us," he sayl'i . e l'll1u!O• Cla•• Set i\t!SSION VIEJO-Physical ritness and body building evening classes for men ;;:1d \V01nen will be taught at Saddleback Colh•ge s tarting lhe "'eek of Oct 13. Complex or Metroports? But Susan won't be thinking strictly of !'usan when she rut.o; her curves on stage at the Grand Hotel's Off Broadway West theater in Ana heim. She says she "·anti; that title and the hurrah.~ that go wilh il ror the "Save Salt Creek" campaign. To be su re, the cro\lo'n and the pril.Cs !hat ~o with it are for Susan alone ir she wins; but the honor and !he publicity shc·s determined to t;hare with the people who put her on the Miss ORCOP campaign trail. She 's laking excellent credentials into the Pres:i. Club contest. A finali st in lhe Pt1iss Cal ifonria World compcl ition and a highly regarded candida te in the ~liM Photogenic battle. she isn't lacking in rererences. Cia ssc~ arc open lo all adults an d high ~cl1onl gradua tes in the college dislr\cl Hcgistration will be from 6 p.m. lo tO p.m. Oct. 8-9. e 2nd U'ork•hop !~et CAPISTRANO VALLEY-The seeond in a series of work shops outlining the specific function s of parent-teacher units will Lake place Wedne.sday Oct. 8. Sponsored by the Capistrano Unified PTA Council the information courses will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 12 :30 p.m. in Serra School aud itorium . The discussions will continue on Wednesdays through Oct. 22. All parents are welcome . Child care is a..-ailable. e Pnretrl11 1lleet ot1 Y l'AflDL~::BACK VALLEY -El Toro 11n.i l\1 !'<~1on Vie jo p<iren!s of boys in the fo11r:h t!1rough six th grades are invited to ~lend in formal ion meet ings tonigt to plan form ;il1on of new Gra V groups. TI1e mct'11n~s "'ill be held al 7:30 p.m. II! Rnya l Savings <i nd Loan in El Toro ilnd 111 Rroon1 A <'II Mis.~inn Viejo High /Sec MISSION, PPge !) • Press Asked to Leave • Soutli County Airport Talk l/l Dy PAMELA HALLAN Of "'• DlllJ' ,, .. , lltll Tdcas running the gamut from an enlarged airport complex to a series of small metroports were tossed around Saturday at a meeting of the South Orange County Airport Committee. ~changing ideas and providing in- formation for the group which opposes the u~e or El Toro as a commercial airport were John K i 11 e fer , ad- minlstratlve assistant to Fifth District C<'ur,ty Supervisor Alton Allen and Berni e Tiernan. assistant to Fourth District County Supervisor Wi lliam II. Hirstein. Con1mlttee chairman Harvey Stearn askej the DAILY PILOT to leave before tht meeting commenced, saying that lhe speaker.i fell that because or politica l overtones of some of their comments, tht'y would not be able to spc.ak as freely if a nicmber or the press WAS presf'nl. Kille1er. later 11aid it. wa~ tnie th:it he l'lnct Tieman would nol have bfen able to _~peak as freely but asserted !I ra! no!hinR \Vil~ ~a id during the meeting that couldn't ha1•e ~en said before the press. Repo1ring on the meeting later. Stearn said thnt both Killefer and Tiernan in· dice.led an interest in a metroport or feeder system as a possible answer to Orafllte County's airport needs. lie stated that Orange County is the second largest in tha state in population but has one. of the smallesl areas. "We're approaching a point where a large airport wouldn 't be feasible because of population deii:siti:v.." said Steam .'' As tirne goo !XI lM qUtio, J;i 11tJ will become more . .aOd"'"fpo- t.i bitive. ". ·,J ~ He said that.. rt would .appea r th:il · a meln'j)Ort sy :i.tem might be a better idfa in th;it it could reed' commuters Mi h1r~e il1rrorts ~·here continrnta~ and in· ll·rco1.finental llighl~ woo ld be'avail.1ble. Stearn also reported that !¥'ase two of 1t stuc;ly approved by !he county BIJ.trd of Sur>cr\'i.~ors in April "'ill .~oon be.brought fb-the board ror funding . This sl\ldt is t.x- 1 • <imining thr feasibili\.y of using El T(lrO Prime architect or that bit of Marine Corps Air Station for commercial maneuvering ls Brennan ' ' H e v II ' ' purposes. McClelland, a rormer champion surfer "But it 's no secrel," claimed Steam, who's been making big and angry waves "th2l, although th e supervisors voted for ever since the road w1s aband8ned by the the study, they may not nectssarily county lo the Laguna Niguel Corp. believe it would be feasible." Opponents of the county's abandonment Another study discussed at the of Sall Creek Road have h1t'bu.dtlnea in mttling, according to Stearn, was one court huringll, tye-catching bumper rnnc!uclcd by the military on a large stickers and the nrfOe ror Joyce Clar\'s numher or military iMtallations to see if paintln1 of "Old Salt Crttk," it would be economically desirable to sell -,1. They've got ,t,30!) in the ti;itty, • .. vast . them and relocate in Jess densily r tund r1 goodwill, a ~nd of suppocler~ popoi;itcd areas, St.earn said the speaker:ii 1 """red them that II that ,..,. Happen<d Stoek lffarlretS 10 E1 Tom it wruld be a Iona way fn the future.. NEW voftK (AP)·-:-01-1-ues S!eAm ~tressed the fact ,that the display~ sOme •tren&th Jn an otherwise m""!tng represented only a discu.sslon of lelhargic !lock market late thb af· opinions, no recommendationll were ternoon. Trading w11 slow. ( See m111ie. quotations. Pa,es 20·21 ). Str.'lrll said he left the meeting feeling Prices ed ge< up lo U1eir best level of ()f.!ln1i~tic that the chancc..o; of El Toro lhe day 111: early afternoon, then slipped being made 3 public airport are very back. The !)ow .Jones aver11gc of 30 Jn. ~lfrn . (lust.ria ls at 2 p.m. waa up 0.92 at 809.n . Orange Coa•t Weather Sunny skies and \lo'armer temp. eratures are on the horizon for Tuesday along the Orange Coallt, with the mercury reaching up in· to the eighties. INSWE TODAY ft may ha v, bee11 hiahly ac· claimed /or 26 Wttks durinQ 11..t British sho1uinf].~ but TV colum· 11 ist Cllllthia /.01ur11 .•ay.t lht "f'~rsytl~ .• '\fiQa'' 1.f ju.tt i:Tl· otMr. soap OJ)f"O.. Paye 27. •••""' C1MM<llll c 1111111t11 c1 ... 1u ,,.,, ... , 0.1111 N~••fll ltltatltl , ... IM..-111~"' .... Plf>t•ct "'°""'" ol"" l tlllt •I MtllM• " • .. ,, " • " • " ,.,, " " • .. Viet 1t 111111too1t ...... ... • Of-,_,, 11 J"'11 1l>N Ilk~ Ml ..... Jt.JI T1 .. ~1tllol II TlilttM" H Wttllltf t O•• Wllllt n w .. w .... , •.• ..,.._,, '""'" 1• 1 t ---------------~~~~~~~~----..,_----------------------------......... --~ .......... 2 DAIL V PILOT l Reqtaest Claa11ged Pyne Castle Fate Before Planners Tht controversial Pyne ca~Lle Issue l\\11 he ba ck 1n lhe laps of Laguna Beach plt1nn1ng C(lfllJlllSS IOllCrs r-.1011d:1y nigl1t after a round tr11i Ji Jill the cily council I HOSPITAL • • • C<'," Hatley s~iJ. · Barkers of the t.1Jss1on Community lfosrital at f.1ission Viejo announced last 1vee!\ 1hal a S3 million ~ntract for con· ~1ruct100 has been awarded lo Sunset Guilders of Anaheim. Thty ha\'C announced that the first phase is lo be 126 beds v.·ith an ultimate 250-heJ facility on 1• arres. Vi ':'lor C. Andrews, chairman of the SCfll board, Friday called the long-range r~e1·,.\0p1nrnt plan [or general hos pital tarilit11'S ··;i r~1rc opportunit.v for <1 n el- Jcrhve :.vstern of hc;:ilth fa cilities." ·'F.ver)one ha~ lo give up a little l'!utoncn1y:' he said . It had bct:'n expla ined by Jack Van 7.a nten, \\'ho he aded the two-month ~tudy. 1hal a joint board or directors <:oul d be C"r<'~ird reprcsenlative of the Iota! area :-.tr\·eJ hv the non-profil hospital system . He sl1ggestcJ there might be 27 m<'r-.bers. \\'ith nine from each area. In a strong app<'al for the _pla n. And rews called the si tuation that eiusts a rare opportunity. "We have almost half a county where 'ft'e can start from scratch and plan for all time ," he said. Andrews said the planning could set the pace for the rest o( the U.S .. Questioned later, he sat~ tha.t the blossoming of smaller hospitals in the service area could efectively kill the long· term planning. . Withdrawal or the planned propr1etory hospitals \11ou\d have lo be voluntary, Andrews said. "It's a free couory," he sald. "But il would 1nean the end of any proposed pla ns such as these." Aft.er the Friday presentation, Dr. \Var· ren Bostick, dean or the California College of Medicine at UCJ, called . the plan "a unique opportunity to do things right." Said Bostick," The University of California "'ill look with great pleasure oo this type organization as a prototype for Orange County. Our intentioo is lo look outward towa rd basic facilities f1:1r 1he training Ql a total health team ." .. Dr. Bob Combs, chief administrntive bificer for the medical college, said after World War 11 there were 10 aging hospitals in San Francisco. He said : "We tried to gel a half dozen or five (modern, larger facilities). Now there are eight new ho.'!pitals in Sa n FranclSC{I. It rnade me sick to see this ha ppen. No ooe wou ld gl re up any prerogaLives or than1bers. Follo111ng '1~orous protests from lll'JghbOrs of tile J!illtrfi:il 0 r I Ve landmar k. off1clals o! C a 1 v ·a r Y E1-ange llcal Free Church, 1vh1ch .purL·ha~· r d lhe 64-room inansion in hope of us!n~ 11 for a Christian Jay school, 111oJifietl l!1r1r request and said they 11 :iuld Sl!tlle lur a prc-scho,,I fur todlllcrs, church ol· J ices and a s.'.lnctuary Hl the th1rd -llo11r billl room. They would continue to use the. re· ma inder of lht budding for the con1- mercial apartment use. the council was informed. But the mod ified requesl srill met op- position from residents who feared church use would create traffic and other problems in the neighborhood. The council returned the revised plan to the planning commission for a new recon1 mendatio n, Alsu 011 the !\1onday evening agenda is 11·ha t :1pparcntly 1\•111 be the finale of ;i clcbatc over Richard D. Burrs req11cst for a variance to add 32 units !;i !he eli- i~ting eighl apartments at La guna Shoal~, 1601 S. Coast Highway. This had bro~ght protests from own~r~ :1! Lagun;i Sands, a 32-unit coopcrat1\'c ;1partn1eot developinent at 1585 5. Co<iS~ I Jigh\vay . Both properties attain access from Vik· ing Road. a narrow . oceanward elilension of Bluebi rd Cany{)n Road and spokesmen for the Sands expressed fear that the pro- posed development would create a serious traffic problem . At a Stpt. 2J study sessio n. planners in - spected the site with representatives of the Sartds and appeared lo arrive at solu· tions to some of the polentia\ hatards. Planners also are scheduled to act on a request to rezone the 2'.'i-acre Laguna Canyon Annex No. 3, the city's most re- cent annexation, from R-fl (residential hillside) to M·IA (light industrial), in keeping 1vith the zoning of conllguous pro perty along Laguna Canyon Road. This is routine re-zooe. a planning department spokesman said. Under lhc city's zoning code, new land acquired by annexation comes io under the R-H zone and then may be re·zoned as required by the area. Another agenda items is a request froin Raymond Benford for increased densi1y in a proposed apartment development at 615 Wilcox Wa y. Benford s ee k .~ pennission to build 12 one-bedroom uni1.~ instead o( lM eight 2-bedroom units now permitted. $10,000 Blaze Slveeps Mansion autonomy.·• I:\__ Li J • Hospital Planner van Zanten .. ,.ld, :'. Uu nda sle 'lcvery effort must be made to discourage ineffective facilities that are not µ,art or the coord inated effort." He' showed a chart of ex i!iling hos pitals in Orange County , some very sinal!. "This js ridiculous," he said. "A grouping of these into larger units would have done a much better job of uu\itlng health man- po"·er. I hripe 1\ doe~n·t hiippen here." Van Zant en als(I sairl !hcrr could ha\ e bef'n 65 acute hospi1als scr1·1ng se\'en or elghl million p('rsons in Los Angelrs Counly I 11·1t!! pl;inning l. fnstrad. hr ~aid. !hPn· <1rr 2fl:l hosp1l,il~ 1v1!ti 1;,9 ol ttu:n1 bclo11· !he recon1 n1r11drd liO beds. I 1\'llSSION . • • Schoo!. \' ci1rrctor Stc1·c Crun1n1ett an- nounCl'd Gra v· J;fOllP~ cmpha!i1ze interaction !let11'""ll boys through !;roup part1 c1pat1011 in el.-•c1ions, cC1n1ping. sporl s and other aclh·ities. One Ja1her leuri~ each group, no uniforms are 11 orn and boys of ;ill back;;rounds. races and crerd~ are in· \'ited. accordinr, to Soulh Coun ty Y dlrec- tO'I' Roger Carfer. OAllY PILOT DIAl'IGI COA.31 r lll l •SlllN<i C:OMPAH'r l•Wrt N. w,,, Prn!dtf'I .... """'1.,.., J••k-l . Cwrl•y ~ l'la lCH"I '"" Clr"C'll Ml "l ,.I t~ • ..,,, IC11•il [d•l<lr T ~om•• A. Mw•ph;"' Ml•t1'01 Ed''"' R'chu ol ~-Ni ll I.••~"' "''"'~ '''' Ed,•or L••'"'' .. "JI Ofnc• 111 fo •••' Av•. fJ1 ili"9 ... d~·••'< ,,0 .••••••• '265? 0.-0f .... Cool• Mt ... -JM >II"! l•v S''"1 H,_rl •••<h: 1)11 Wt1! .. ,boo lll'•lfYI,.. J-4<11'11"11011 lc«J'I. lOt JI~ Slrfft ' Ool.I\." "ILOl wit!! "'1'11<11 .. --4 "" ~-"'''' ot .., .. !.,,.., ••UY r•<"t 1,..., '"Ill _,.,, •n-•• ,_ ... .,,, l<llMltll<l<k ••••· H•w-1 I Md\. CIU• M .. 1. H1111< ..... ,.., IHdo trlll ,_tlol V1l- ltY Ottr'll• C11ot P'va!WI.... C-1",; v l<>•lnt •'""'' '" 11 n u w.t ••-'""' , "'''"'-' 1ucro, oolt Dt W-t lty "'"" (Mii MtH. T•~-t714 t 4,4,f4U Cltt:1~i-Dept. •41-4ll1 t-.. ~~t. llf'I, O''"'" C.01•1 ...... llllol'ltl :-"• Oji ...... ''"' ••• • ........... .. tcll<lflll "''""' .. ~···"··-~" ,..,. ... -~ lot •t.-.00\JUt "'''"""'' ·-•ti "'"' ''"'"'" .. <#Yfl9fi! ,,_,_ A $10.000 blaze swept through the ~C· cond floor o( a Linda Isle mansion Sunday. Firemen said the fire at 1he R. D. Olmst'..ad home. 52 Linda Isle. was ap- parently caused by a small child playing \l'ilh matches and candles. :-.;o u:1,. was injurrd . llou~ck~cpcr fllargarc l S1n1pson , n1 1·hare" vf the household '4'h1!e r-.1r. and !\!rs. O!mstr.pd are racation1ng 111 J:uror c. called firen1en at ;_ihout 2 p n1 . T11·<J !:re engines rc~pondcd . It 11 ;15 l=eli"\'Cd to be the flr~t fire of l O\l· ~equc:r.cr on the ex clushe, 111111<: lr;isrtio!d residPntial island. I :r:-1 v black ~111okr forrrd f1rcnH'11 10 r''"1 !']:~l'.H1I gear E1rr~OIH' 1n thr l1tl1•"r ~a:. safe ly oul:.iJc 11,hen liremen arn\ed. . . . OlllL'r •ILOT P'-" •lt-1111 IC""'"' PUTTING THEIR BACKS INTO IT, OWNERS AND HELPERS ATTEMPT TO PULL VW FROM SEA A Nylon Rope and Two Chains Later, Battered Hulk Beached at B•lbo.'1 Wtd9t Tl1at's No Love Bug VW on 'Resc ue Mission' Pulled From Su.rf By JF.RO~I E F. CO l.Ll!\S T110 tern·ttgcd boys, lT<.J1. i ~~i:: about G.1lbna 111 a \olk i;\1<1ge11. 1liriugl1t thry heard a \101nan ~(Tean1 so1ne...,·hrrc nn the beach shortly bC'fore nudni1:ht Satur- day. So they raced to the rescue -in the \'olksv.·agen. Se1·en hours later. Richard A. ?o.lislrel and Stephen G. Davis, both 16, finally got their car out of the surf. And they ne\'cr did find a11r S'-'reami11g 1\'11ma1L Newport Beach police said today the y 1lno 't kn ow 11•hat they'll do about the , a.~r. '4'hi ch ln\'Oh'<'t: 0H1cen•. lifrg\lards. hel pful l3a!bo;1 r<'sidf'n!s and lint-1!1 y a city tra<:lor befo re the car 11·as at la st pulled Youth 011 LSD Escapes Death In Suicide Try A ~ oulh who told police he had taken I.SO anrl wanted to end /us hfe. csc:iped 111th 1ninor injuries afte r throwing himself in !runt of a car in Laguna Beach early Su n<liiy. A!an Pratt Perez, 20. of 949 Pere grine P!acf, Anaheim, ":a s transferred to Orange County Medical Center after 1reatmt>nt for abrasions al South Coast Com1nunity Hospital. Driver Larry £\rich Cole, 26 .. of 1fi8l TeJmar, Anahein1, told pol ite ht• 11as ~ou!hbound lo thr 1100 block of S. Coast Highway ;it approximatr!y I a m. Sun- day, \\'hen the young niao j11n1ped nut 1n fronl of his ,·ehicle from between !wo parked tt1rs-lie W<>.'i unable !o stop in li111r to ;1vo1d lulling the rirtin1. L'Oll• said noctor~ ~aid Perez was "nn a !rip,'' police rrpor!cd. 1old thcn1 he had tJkcn LSD aod wanted to dJr. Blood S pPciali st Di es ~E\V YOH\\ 1crr1 -Dr. \\'dhain lJC1l1'd!>hek. Tl()\cd blood ~pec1alist. died 111d;n ;i! 10 .0i a.m. 1n r-.11_ S1na1 Hnsp1Lal :1f1er undergoing open heart surg<'ry on :--·1turd.:n . frn111 Ilic rising tide just 11·rst ol thc jetty at tlie B11!bua ',\'edge. The 1wo hoys, appar<'nlly concerned 1ha• police mighl not bcl\e\'C !heir story ;ibuut the n1yi.1eriou sly sc r eaming 11 01na11. did their besl lo ~ho1'c their car ou! of the sand by themselves until about 5 a.m. Tht n the tide came in. The Volkswagen. ""'hich, like all cars, isn't al!oY:ed on the beach, began bobbing like a cork in the water. The boards young ' r-.lislrel and Davis had stuck under the 1\•heels for traction floated away. The !!arbor Di~lric1 was ad vised of 1he problem . They touldn"l help fro1n the Sl'<i. No winches. The da1rn. 1neanwhilc. had co1nc up like thunde1', the surrs pounding l!l· tensified, and a crowd ga1hered . F'ioa!ly, the city }ard 11•as called. /I tractor rumbled to the seen<'. a chain 1\•as attached to the car. The chain sna pped. A heavier chain \\'aS pul into ser1·ice. After some clanking, a little rattling , lots of splashing. and some shuddering on the part of the Volks11•agen and f.fistrel and Davis, the car began emerging from the sea. A beachfronl residtnl, rising early , saw the boys -and their Volkswagtn -los- ing the baUle with the sea. He called police. They lried hauling the car ashore 11•ith a ny lon rope.attached to police units. The rope stretched. The car didn 't move, except up and down. The crowd cheered. f.1istrel and Davi5 didn't. Their Volks11·agen \\'as a mess. Bumped, battered and sOoke<I. They went hon1e v.·ith friends . The Volkswagen stayed b~hind in a garage . Mesan Takes Wild Trip -Into Jail Cell Toilet A naked. mud-caked man screaming rnessages of love for his captors Y.'a5 Jailed Snlurday night after an alleged I.SD frolic, finally halted by a squad of fi1·r Costa fl.1esa polictmen. He latt'r tr it1:! to e~cape by diving into a ill!l t ell toifat but 11as unsuccessful, in· 1 c·stigators s11id. floge r A. Fuerst, 21. of 5JO \\'. \\'ilson John A. Bumbera Services Slated nos:irr \\'ill be recited iit 7 30 p.m. 'l\1ri:da}: in St Ca !hrr1 ne's Catholi!" L"h11 rch. Laguna Beach. for .rohn A. Bum- hf'r~. 621 Sc.,:i1·1c w St. who died Saturday 111 lhc L;iguna Bea ch Nursing Home at 1he age or ';"6 . . \lass \\'Ill br cc!rbraled 1n St. f';itherin!''s ;it 9 a n1 . \\'e<lotsday. follO\\· r rl b.v 1ntcrn1!'n t 10 Holy Cross Cemcter)', Lo~ Angr!cs. Bumbera. a phannac1sl for 56 .vears, 1\a~ bon1 1n /'<'nnsyl\'ania. had llved herr !'>1nre 1945. Ile was a member nf \1nrrican Legion Po~\ 222 in Laguoa llrilrh. thr \\nights 1)1 Columbus and Hol~· \.11nr So(·1c1v ;111d 11 a~ J life 111embcr of lhr El k~ Club of Braddock. Pa. I If' I\ ~\If\ I\ !'cl by hi~ 11'idO\I', ~·1;irgarrt , (11 Ill\' ho111r : ii d:1ugh1er, :1-lrs. ,\\ ~la1i:r ol Sant<i Ana . ;i son . \\'illian1 J. of The ll!l,l!!l r. 1111ll;111rl. ;ind by four grandchildren. Elsie Ann Buinbcra and :-;rpp, :O.likrl ;incl r-.largareL J\-laier. SL, 11·as booked on charges of resisting arrest and being under the infl uence of LSD, \l'Lth bail set al $625 and scheduled to be in court toda y. Patrolman Bob Goode said he arriv ed at the Ala flioana Apartments Saturday night in response ta a report or a nude nlan and found Fuerst lying in the center or a crowd or tenants. The officer sald he scuffled wilh tht ~lippery suspect for aboul two mi~utt's, d11nng \\'hich timt the co\leglan tried to jump into the apartment S\\'immiog pool. During the melee. of£icers Randy Nutt, Ron Palmer. and Sam Arnold joined in I rying to quiet lhe incoherent suspect and t1nally got him lnto a patrol ca r. .. \ love you." he 1vas quoted a.5 shouting, while his flaillng feel belied the senti1nent. Jn\·estiga tors said Fuerst continued lo bounce off the 111alls of the Jail holding cell -tr:-ing to di1•e dO'ft'n the commode -and was finally removed t<> a padded- 1) pe fac1li ly after much st ruggle . SgL Gary Shull and Officers Jim Cor. 1 .1!e" J<l!ned 11·iU1 U1e three other patrolmrn to s\uft Fuerst to ~-hat mighl ;1ccuralrly be termed more comfortable quarters. Ice lander Takes o,·er BRlSSELS, Bclgiuin (AP ) -The :\(1r!h Atl antic Counci l announced today ~l\at Emil Jonsson. Foreign mini ster of Iceland. h3s assu med the council's pr(·~idcncy . ·n1e shift took place Sept. 17, and ht ll'ill ser\C for a year. He succeeds \\'est Tl1e Cast of Hau~ Doesn't Sl1op Here For one thin.;:. lhe :'\c<;i,·port Beach Polite Dcpartn1ent v.o uld 11rob::ihl y 1ake a din1 \'JCI\ '11 1t. 1.i:-~· u ~. 1hfl~ '1e a bit ol<!-f;i~h -1 ion rd \·nu ni;iv lir1\e noticed in 111e p;,ipcr lhal ., recent!)' hel d "'pop<fl rorl(' fc~tiva l 1vas attended by O\•?r 15,000 kid s. a nd about lt'll'l of the1n \vere naked. \\le hope this trend doesn't catch on . It does nothing for our bus iness. Makes you look 10 pound;; li ght- er. Poo;s1bly yo·_._·,·c been ~o bu~y \1·atching the stock n1::irkel th<ll \'OU haven't even noticed these 'trends, But \1·e·11 bet lhe \1·on1an in your life certainly has. \\"01nen notice such things. :\nd they care. They care less about the stock market -a s long as yo u can afford to take them to Europe when they're io the mood. (Aren't they alway•?) Well, we can't finance your trip to Europe, but we can 1ee that you go in style. Our faU suits ranee in pMce from f95. to L1111cl1 Cost s By Trustees Thi> high {'0$l of kitchen help '4'i11 he pondered by Laguna Beach .5Choot trusle<'s Tue~day night. Not enough student s art eatint: at tht caieteda£ al Aliso, El fl.tor ro and Top of the \\'c rld Elementary schools, 11 ith lhr l'esuH th<it labor cosls are aniounting tn as r!1uc:h as 46 pcrtfnt of !he school~' cale!cna budgets. The proportion should he at.r ut JO percent, according to Suprr1ntendcnt Dr. \\111liam Ullon1 . Tie El f\lorro cafeteria has 1he h1ght'st patronage, serving an average of 126 n1eal~ a day, but al Aliso. onl y 98 meal5 are se,•·E'd, Ullom said. Since it takes six J)('O!'I'! lo pre pare for about 320 meals and r.ich school has its own cooking f;icililir~. !he operation is becorr:ing too costly. Trustees are expected to co nsider th!' rioss!hle use of cen1r.:il cooki ng laeiltt1c~ tr.r 1::" three schools. Part of U1e pro- blem. 1;Hon1 ::iairl, inay hJvr bren 111 - (·•·ea~"' in school lunch cost to 45 trnt~ this year, coin pared with last year's 40 t'ents . Thl' si!uatloo 1s heller at tht hi,e:h ~l'ho~I. 11here ;iJn1ost half !he students p;1l•·or,ilc the cafticria, consuo1ing 4i5 ni::'als a Ja.v . 'l'hur~ton lntern1edia!I' scho1r has 1he highest proportion of c·afetcria p:itronage, serving 295 n1eals dr.ily. Also on the agenda for tonight's school board meeling al 7:30 in the district of. !ices, is a report on the h igh school"s n1ini-course project. Stuart R.abinowit5h, president of the Progressive Education Club and assistant principal Don l\1illtr, ad vi~or for the project. \\'ill outline the n1ini-cour se program for tn1stces. ~fini-courses on subjects requesled by 1hc students arc presented during tudy h.1!1 prriods al the hig h school. Trustees also will hear or a third a!- lempt to secure funding in the amount of approxim ately $75.000 for b no ks and mlt~rlals for !he hi,~h school library. Two \1re1·1ous appli cations for feder al fun ds \1-hict: arc allocated by tile state lia\'c be!'n turned down . Richard Goode Rites Tuesda y Se rvices \\"ill be held at 10 a.m. Tues· day iu Sheffer Laguna Beach Mortua ry Chapel for Richard R. Goode, 67, of 32771 C3spiar. Sea Drive, South Laguna . who ciied Sllturday at South Coasl Community l /o~pi(al. Founder and presidenl of General Carbon Com pany of Los Angeles. Mr. c;OO<'t had livtd in California for 4a ye::r~. the past seven in Orange Couo ty. Me 1vas a gru duate of both De Pauw cind Purdue Unive rsities in Indiana and a n1ernber of Phi Ga111111a Della. Sur\'i·;ors include his \1·ido1v, Hence , lll'O brotl1ers. Dr. Damon Goode and Dr. Frank Goode, both of Indiana; and three llister~. r-.·trs. Dorothy Nelson of F!onda : ~lrs. ~tarjorie Feeney of Indiana and ,\1rs. Carcll·1· Pollet of Connect1euL ln1ern1ent \\"ill be at ~lelrose Abbey, Anahe im. Disgui sed Bon1b Rips ]Harketplacc, Kill s 1 TEL AVIV (A I -A bomb packed in " box of fruit an<I placed beneath a parked trutk exploded 1n a cro1~·deJ marke~ in the to11·n of Afula today. killing a man in the truck rah and inj uring 23 ot~rs, police said . Se1·eral of the inJ ured, including children and Arabs, \\'ere in serious condition, Police up aboul l[)() Arabs for que s· -..1·01ne11. reported round{'(! lioning. $155. Our expert aavice Is a ll!o t\·orth money, but ~-e don't charge, \\"he ther you're looking tor ~o mething lradiUonal or conven· lionaJ . )tOrsted flannel, shark- s kin. hc?ringbone or Bcngaline, you'll find our selection as fine as any in the a rea. all current as th is morning's Ne1v \'ork Times. ;\ careful look through our racks is sure to lurn up :.ome pleal)ant surprises Come in and bro11 se all day. \\-e open al 9;.10 a .n1., close at 5:30 p.m . \9 p.1n . on f'ridays). y.-or a lunch break \l'e suggest Berkshire's, \\loody's or Tale of the Whale . And we also have a sugges· tion for the nudists of the world -UNITE! Then get dressed. It'1 good tor business. And it may e ven keep tbe polige off your back. Jack Bidwell At Bid\\1eU 's "'e're excited a bout trends of a different sort. Like the v.'ider lapels you're seeing this season. ThE! increas- ing 11se of slripes. The gro\\·ing pop11lar1ly of 1he rlouble-breast· rd bla?.r r. :\nrl. of course. 1he shRprd !'Ult tor "silhouette." if ~011 prcf(>r) -no1v e1idenl in e1·rr.rth1ng froin leisure "·ear to !he mos! tradit ional clothing . :1467 \-la Udo al !\•a·porl 81•-d., """l"'rl Bea~h P•rkln• for •~ man~ car!' al' ~'OU o1'·n. "o"· open J'rlda~· l!\'l!nlnJ!• unlll 9 p.n1. ••I-(llH -·-.... t1 14__, ht1fl ... (•II ........ (1l~lt!I.. 5~1111,_, •• ... ,,.., U.lf _ ... ,.,, ., ..,.11 _,_. -11'111 rt1 llllllry ........ -. U.M .....,"'l'f'· FIREMEN TOSS BURNING MATTRESS FROM HOUSE Blait Sweeps Second Floor of Linda Isle Home ... --------·-,:---------------•:s __ ,,.. ...... , ,.., •2•122•••21"'22•112!!2•2~211s•21121211112 •11121111 ~.;~:1e1211z.~1 c•.~;:e&£J••~-~*""4:=!1!\t~iil!!:"~i~'rl' .~x~. ~::~pea:o~.~~ez>~. ~-~~~. z:"~~:"*~.•1;~~.~. ':. ,.••§! Monda)", <ktobtr 6, 196~ L DAIL V Pil ot 3 Billy Graham Says Nation 'Sick and Sinful' Only the fa1th,ru1'1 presen~ ls sparing an outpouring of God 's wrath on a sick, sinfu l Amenca and the most patriotic acl of all is therefore conversion, to help bol~ter the odds, The Rev. Billy Graham warned Sunday. "It JS more patriotic lo con1e t.o God at this moment than anything I can think of," declared the popular evangelist at the climax of his 10-day rally series in Anaheim Stadium. Victim Dies; Pilot Faces Murde1· Rap "1urder charges now face an airline pi!ul \1•ho today is rapid ly· recove rin g from an aborted suicl<le allempt. r-.1atthcw C. Malkin, -19, is listed ln salLsfactory condilion at Orange County Mrcli"a\ Center, the hospital in which his alleeed victim died Saturday night. f'ollrc Sunday slcppcd up their charges againc;l l\1alkin rro1n assault with in tent lo commit 1nurdcr to suspicion of ni urrler. They accused l\1;il kin of shooting Mario R. Glick. 49, of Santa Ana , in the head shorll} nfte1 the pilot discove red the nude Glick lying on the bed in the apart. ment occupied by Terri l\1alk1n, 45, and the couple's three daughters. The l\lalkins have been separated for the pasl ytoa r. Investigators said Malkin fled from the shooting to a nearby coin \Vash he owns in p.:irtnership with his estranged wlfc. He w2s later found unconscious, ha ving tied .:! plastic laundry bag around his head after inhaling highly toxic fumes from a cleaning solvent. Officers said the weapon alleged ly used in th,. shooting was found in P.1alkiJt's pockE't. Pilot Neivs boys Treated to Day· At Disneyland ll took four buses lo haul the DAILY PIWT "family" lo Disne yland Saturday. An afternoon at the ?-.1agic Kingdom was the reward for carriers v.·ho had earned points through gaining new customers and giving their regular i;ubscribers super service. A total of 165 made the trip, one of the higgest outings ever staged for DAI LY PILOT ne"'·spa pe rboys, ;iccorrting to f.1 ilan Leavitt, DA ILY PILOT circulation manage.r. He got lO m<lke 1he trip, too, 11n<l pl;iy "dad '' to the big l<!n1ilj'. Mi ld Quake Nnrl ges Da111al:!cd Santa Rosa SANTA ROSA. C<!li f. tAP) -A milrt earthquake nudged S;inta Ros<! briefly to- day Jn the aftem1ath of three shakers Jasl v,·eek that did an estimated $5 million damage. The latest tcmblnr r('gis1ererl "about three ;ind three-Quarters" !hf' Uni\'ersiry (Jr California Seismograph Laboratory an· nounced, rrferrinJ; to the Ri chtrr scale of earthquake in!enslty. Records were broken threie limes dur. ing the Anaheim revival crusade, with 56,000 persons present Sunday , bringing lo 385,000 the IO-day total. More th an 2\1,000 searched their hearls and scul.s as the North Carolina preachtr gave his message -then made the pilgrimage to his pulpil and -hopefully -a new life. ''Many people 'are-coontitia on the fatt that God, if"there i.1 a0G001 la not the God . revealed in the Bible ," said tht Rev. Graham, "but it makes no difference how our concepts may change.", "C.od hasn 't changed,'' he continued. "And God is not only a GOO af love - fle is also a God of justice," the Rev. Gr:aharo added, warning that juslice of a ho1rible na1Urt bas been rained down on olfending nations in I.be past. "Sodom, Gamorrah, his chosen nation .Israel, and Germuy, the cradle of the Golda "Back Home' Israeli Prime J\1inister Golda l\1e ir receives a warm hu~ fro1n a pupil in lhe f\1ihvaukee school she once attended. Mrs. J\1eir is on a tour of the Urtited States. Seal Beach Now in Act Over Sunset Annexation Huntington Beach city officials today r:nthusiastically endorsed a tv,·<rday he~ch litter cleanup plan set to begin Fri- clay at Bolsa Chica and llunti ngton state bcache:;;. OrPrnig hl camt1ers intcscs ted in clean- ing up beach litter h;ive Ix-en \nvl1e<l tri beton1e a part of "Johnny llorizon Coun· trysi::le Days " Thr California Ouidoor Recreation t.caguc (CORL> and !he State Parks and Recreation Deparlmenl are cooperating in the two-<!Ry campaign, a part of a statewide movement to clean up recrea- tion areas. "\Ve v,•ill c!o everything y,•e can lo aid these private citizens in this worthwh ile endeavor." said Vince Moorhouse, llun· ting\on Beach director of harbors and b<!achci>. The city pl 11ns to videotarie the beacheii hefore and after the cleanup f'fforl, ac· cording lo Bill Rttd, public infonnation officers. \\'h:Jc the lwo slate beaches ;ire not under the coolrol of the city, the com· munily has long had eyes on them and is engaged in a campaign lo get manage· rncnt rights to lhe six miles of prime beach fr om the state. The CORL plan calls ror camping participants to slay overnigh t at Hun· llngton Slate Beach and to do their cleanup work there and at Bolsa Chica beach just sou theast of Sunset Beach. U.S. Foundations To · Play It Safe With Tax Reform \\"ASHI NGTON {U PI) -The n at ion·~ foundations, which give ;iw<!y $1.5 billion a year, said today they V.'Ol.ll d be restricted to such safe projects as su p- porting ball ets and symphonies rather than fighti ng slums and air pollution If the llouse's tax refonn blll becomes law. The foundations sent the Rev , Thoodore 1\1. lfcsburgh, president of Notre Dame University ; Jonas Salk, de veloper of the: Sal k polio vacci ne : Whitney Young, presi- dent of the Urban League ; former Johnson ad minis Ir at to n adviser ~!cGCQrge Bundy and 19 other presti gious Americans before the Senate Finance Committee to argue their cause. Under attack were provisions in the Jlouse bill which im pose a 2,5 percent tax on t.he income: of foundations, require: them to give away a ,sum equal to SO per· cent of the ir assets every year and restrict them from engaging in "any at- lcmpt to lnflucnct·legi!laUon" with their vast funds. The restrictions wtre wr itten into the: JTouse bill Jn response to disclosur~ Mme family foundationa had taken ad· vantage of their tax exempt stat.us to become tax haven1 and that ,!!0!1\e had f'ngaged in eootrovenlal undertakings - including the voter registration drive that helped Negro Carl Stokes become mayor of Cleveland. No Place Like Foam Merrimon A. Cunnil'lggim, president 0£ the: Danforth FoundaUon of SI. Louis, ;irgued in legtimony prepared for today's hearing against the restriction on foun · dations' po_litical activitie!I. He said they "alanned'' foundation!!. ''To play !lale, foundations wou ld fee l thal !hey must eschew working in any field o[ the 50Cial sciences, pcrhap!I also the humanities, and even lbe: natural 8Ciencea /\ nude model \vatches her nudity d isappear beneath a i;ea of foam during the .filming of a television ~C?mmercial in West Berlin. Gim· mickry is I.he name of lhe advert1s1ng game the world over, and the covering of na kedness is a definite gimmick. .. RefonnaUon," he explained. The Rev. Graham said he and his wile literally fell in love with the people Ora nge County Mid the Southland, so 1t was with a heavy heart tha t he dealt with what may be in store. "Win God spare America?" he asked. "God did not spare the angels. He cast Lucifer oot of He:aven," he said. The: Rev. Graham said God did not even stop at condemning hls own breloved gon Jesus, who died on the cross in agony for the aina of all mankind. "\Viii God spare you?" he asked dark· ly. "It is dangerous lo be in a meeting like this and not turn to God," the Rev. Graham concluded, then made his fin al altar call, Wggi.ng the tearful repentant down into Cftllerfield. The North Carolina evangelJgt who began his caretr 20 years ago wit.ha tent Carbon Monoxide Blnmed meeting what Is now down town Los Angeles wil l preach ne1t weekend in San Diego. He said he will lhen return home t.n l\-1nntreat, N.C .. to prepare for his next crusade in April, 1970, in Dortmund, Germany. That series of crusades will be telecast 11nd tramlated for viewers in 14 Europe.a.a cilles . Death on Boat Probed Orange County Coroner's deputies 11). day are invest igating death of a Fullerton man on a boat eight miles off 1-luntington Beach Sunday morning. eve ryone on lhe boat had nearly passed out, but herself, when sht. began steering the boat , searching for help and found the Longfin. Those aboard had apparently assumed Peak died of a heart attack, but coroner's deputies said they are running lab te!ls today fo!lowing the autopsy, and !hal hi.' death was nol caused by a heart attack. They said it "-'as probably an accident.a.I death. Conslantino'! boat was towed back to Newport Beach by an Orange County l{arbor district craft. Prelim inary reports indicated that George N. Peak, -47, died af a heart at- tack whi le cruising to Catalina, but the Orange Cwnty Coroner's ofrice today denied that report, indicating death was probably caused by carbon monoxide poisoning. Five other persons on the 2~·foot cabin cruiser Mr. Moe were found by Hun. tington Beach lifeguards to be suffering the effects of carbon monoxide poisoning. Army Scandal Growing; They were first found by the pleasure craft Langfin which radioed for medical aid and stood by t.he disabled crew of Mr. l\-1oe. Huntington Beach lifeguards were first on the scene followed by the Hun· tington Beach Police helicopter and a U.S. Coas t Guard chopper. Did Provost Sell Arms? Lifeguards transported Denise French , 38, of Tustin. her son Tom, 9; Byron L. Stalons, of 2263 Rutgers St., Cos ta ~iesa and his son, Brian, 12, lo }\untinglon B;each Pier wh ere three ambulances sped them to Huntington Intercommunity Hos pital. They were given emergency treatment and released. J ohn Constantino, owner of l\1r. 1-1(}(', o[ -17 Balboa Coves, Newport. Beach. fir st refused to be ta ken off his boat , b11t was later taken to the pier by llun t1ngton Beach state lifeguards in thr Sea \Vatch when the Costa Guard heJicopter re porled him steering nn •·erratic" course for 1'ewport Beach. He \Vas a l~o treated and released at Huntington lnterco1n1nunily Hos pital. Mrs. French told lifeguards that 11 Cou ntries fl equesl Skyjacks Outl awing UNITED NATIONS, NY. (AP) - Eleve n coun tries are requesting the U.N. General Assembly lo ask all nations to ou!law aerial hijacking. In a letter today to Secretary-General U Thant, the count ries asked that "piracy in the air" be added to the agenda of the auembly's current session. \VASl~INGTON (UPI) -Senate in- vestiga tors charged today the lorm~r provost 1narshal of the Army used his position lo obtain hundreds of confiscated firtarms from police departments and sold them for personal gain. Phillip R. Manuel, st.al[ member of lhe Se: n a t e investigations subcommittee. tes tifi ed that Maj. Gen. Carl C. Turner told police in Chicago and Kansas City he \~oulrl l;ike the weapons bac k to \VaEhington for display in U.S. Police museums and for training of U.S. Army ptrsonnel. But l\1anuel said Turnr.r sold some of the firearms lo a gun dealer in North Carolina. He said 500 of the "-'eapons v.·ere unacC<Junted for. The bizarre story v.·as unfolded ;is the ~ubcommittee con1inued hearings into Turner·~ activities. Turner ha.~ retired fr om Lhe Army and rece ntly lost a civilia n job \Yith the Justice Depar1ment. :-.!anue.1 told lhe subcomm i11ee that 'Turnrr obtained both riflell and handguns from police in Kansas City and Chicago. The weapons would ha ve been destroyed other.o;ise. l\lanuel said Turner even arranged 1" obtain some: of the firearms when he went to Chicago 1n April and May of 1968 as commander of fede ral lrodpfi during civil disturbances followin& t h e assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. Lt. Pau l Duellman of the Chicago Police Department testified Turner cam~ to the dtpartment alone, in full military uniform. He said the guns were placed on a large table and "the genera l woulci select which ones he wanted." "We thought they would be turned over for training purposes." Du ellman said. The subcommittee also planned to al. tempt to determine why Gen. Harold K. J ohnson. while he was Army Chief ()~ Slaff. chose Sgt. Maj. William O. Wooldridge as the first sergeant major of the Army although Woolrlridge was being investigated in connection with an alleged report involving service clubs on Army bases. Johnson. now also retired, has said that he knew nothing about lhc investigations. An Army investigator testified last '"eek that Turner "may ha ve had some personal involvement" ill a 1967 attempt by Wooldridge to smu ggle several casei of liquor from Vietnam to the UnilN States aboa rd Gen. Creighton W, Abrams' plane. Turner, V.'ho was the Army's 1-0, policeman as provost marshal, was hired this year by the Justice Department aa chief of U.S. marshals. He resigned recently as a result of the .service club in~ ve,li&ationi. Lit P•t Flanders, ''Carefr1e's11 11Yl1·np1n •haw JDU the mail• of aur new s1r11ch w!' Come discover how.this new wig s,lretohes to your head in airy com· !DJ!. !l's eas y to b:ush the silky modacrylic into many styles be· cause it's razor·cut and.shaped with contoured neckline. The soil cu:Js a:e p:e·set. Just wash , d:ip· dry and it's ea sy lo wear again . Wig, slyro foa m head and carrying case, 25.00. SALE! Miss Pat Flande11 will be heJe Friday, October 10th, flora 12:00 to B:OO p.m. in Ile Millinery S"alon of our Newport s!Gte. Buff urns · Buffum11' permanent wave 1 7, 5 0 reg. 35.00 peimaients 2 5. Q 0 reg. ~00 permanents look your prettiest for all those spec.i•I school •ctivitie1. Thi~ greet ve lu• include1 1e11y "campus c:ut'' end 1tylin9 l"c1mpu1 c:ut" alane, 4.00 1. Beauty Studio, ell store• exc:ept Merine Buff urns· NEWPORT CENTEll: e 'I FASMION ISLAND e 6-44·1100 e MONDAY, TMU•SOAY, FR IDAY 10:00 Till t :JO e OTME.R DAYS 10:00 Till 1:18 ' ---------------:----------~---~---... . . ... 4 DAtlY PILOT (Compilld by Ille Dt llw Pl"" Sl•lfl Maye r Orville Hubbard of Dear· born. !lfich .. is going to put a ne\v candidate on the ballot in NO\'em- ber -Sex. J·lubbard. ''dead se t agains t sex education in o u r schools," said he will ask the city council to put proposed sex educa- ti on guidelines on the next ballol J t may help clear up a lot of ~ud­ d1cd 'rater around here," he said. 8 It \vas a n impressive soccer de- bu t, a goal scored on the first time out. 1'hen t)1e rookie 'vas kicked off the Edge,vare, England , team. The problem \\'as that Edge,vare Jun- ior's ne'v player \\'as a girl, and in England girls cannot play school ::;occer. Corrine Sa muel has been benched and Edge,vare will have to play its season opener again. e r ;:-;,,,; · .. ~h~ :::": ~=: ~1 fa.rimu1n Secunty Prison like i tJic work of dentist Paul /.filler ~ so 1nuch 23.'i of them have peli· ·~ ! I 11011ed Gn u. Pend I.exalt lo keep r i ~~ hi m u1~ the job. /1111/er, who ha(L t 1 r. a ternoorary 1icensr, failed a 'I Mood..,, 0,,,_ !, 1'169 If stale b 0 oord of dentnl l'zan1iner3 I ~ test a11d liis license expired. J 1 Lexalt said lilillcr could stay Un· UPI TelufMll1 .Jacltie's 1'1irious (Purple) t" t.il a rcp/ace1ncnt was found. ~ I· The inmates' petition said /11il· ~ l !er "hns bce11 an infl11endng r factor T11 bettering mcrale." ' ' L!mcr::::i:L:;o:-=>:I~-;-;;""•·• s;x;•&• m J • There is quite a bone to pick on Press p_hot.ograph.er Mel F'inkelstein ~pr~wls on pavement as Mrs. J acquehne Onassis wa1ks by after fhppmg the cameraman with a judo trick on leaving the Swedish sex film "I Am Curious" (Yellow)" in New York Sunday. Aristotle Onassis left the theater an hour later apparently unaware of the disturbance. ' a farm near !\1arion, Iowa. Geolo- gists from the University of Iowa said they are d igging up the fossil remains of an ice age bison, a n ani- mal bigger than tile modern Amer- can bison. "Finding an entire skel- eton is rare," said Prof. Holmes Semkcn. who estimates lh~~east walked the J\.·Iid\\'est 25,000"to ;,u,000 years ago. -' , .. .~ " I " ' ~·.t·'./ .. ~ ··~ ~ ~ ....... !1 • ~;Wl A! hr1 photographer husband. Lord Suowdon, looks on, Brlla1n ·.~ Princess i\fargcret ta/l('s piclurrs nf an ancient Lrm•ile in Ankgor, CtHn· bodi.a. The roual couple is on a tour of th e country. Miss Terry Se ligma n, 20 of r>lt. Unemployment For September Shows Huge Leap WASH INGTON (AP) -Unemployrnent in September made ils biggest leap in nine yeani and r01Se to its highest rate in two yean, the Labor Department an· nounced today. The over-all unemployment rose from 3.5 percent in August to 4 percent in September, the largest increase since September-October 1960. TJ,e Bureau of Labor Statistic.'! noted that unemployment nonnally drops from August lo Seplt'mber a~ young y,·orkPrs return to school -but il failed to drop this year. Unernployment wa s up 365,000 over the month, y,iUi t"-o-fiflhs of the in- crease among workers in the 20 to 21 age grt•up" Cat.holi es lo TC'ar Holyoke ('ollcge. \\"JS invited to be· come n "h ro thrr" in the Drlta K~p­ pa Epsill'l n frat t'rn1ty at all-male Dartn1outh Co 11 e g e. 11te senior from r\.1t1ck. ~1Jss. is one of 70 fe- m ales on ;in exchange prog ram '"'ho are the firsl co-eds to pcnetratc the. rollege. !·!er victory for the fe- male v.·as not ron1plctc. ho~·ever. Because of a rigidly enforced na- tional fratern1tv statute, shew as granted only Social membership. A ~pokesman for the bureau said the riation's lev{'J of employment is at 1ts highe~t in history and lhal the unemploy· ment txiost signifies a slo wdo.,.•n in the rJte of employment gr o'>'1h -mostly ln the construction and government fields. Down Bclf ast Barr icrs Over thf' year. unemployment hns risen by 350.000 renecting an increase or 150.000 for adult women and 100 ,000 each tor adult men and teen -agers. The actual number of unemployed pcrsor:s in September tota led about three million. Heavy Snowfall Freeze Warnings Go Up Throughout Midwest California l"• It~'}•!•• A'>d vl(!1'11Y ..... ~ lo • ~.;,, o• 11. '"''"" _,..,., ll'O"I ~ncl•V'• ... l ne <>v~,,.i~M -,, Ml l ..... Aor Polluho" c~~!t'OI Ol•!t lcl pr.,,lct"'<! ''""' ,.._ """' In co<nl•I 1~iolll or tn~ b~•ln. Tn• U 5 Wtltller llU•Mll'I fl"'M•v '"'"''" •=-1•oa to• "" rein '"'" ncrm1I t~m.,.,•••ures "'""'9" S&lllrd<l'I'. 8e.-c:PI•• we•• .. ,..,.,.,. will> Plkrf11 r>e.,. In, Tl\~ water ""•• "'-MoYnt~!"' Wt•! JUnflV In "" '°' w11h WY•tv ~·q~•rv ""'""'· .SOUlH£11N CAL1FOllNIA -s ..... n ... oleawnl dOYI will\ tie•• cc:al "lqh111 /NJl'td•Y Ind TUf:tdt~. S...... \lot .,...., c.,.•!•t ... ,.,., t1rh lue<11w. L"' ANG£LCS AllE• -SU""" •nd .,..,..,.., ~·• '""' y.,."""v with 11'1• "''" MwwJAY 11 •"" !"-low Monda'I' n.01>• ...,., 40. r>Ot"r CONCEP7 10N TO ME)(ICAN l!OllOEll -toim 10 vo.-Y !l11M •••I· •UV "''...:11 nlQM """ n"O•nln9 ,,,, .... , ~""''"V ,..~!<fly 8 lo U m1>ft In otl'· '"'"°",' Mlln<'i•• •i ll l ut>d•'I'. Svnnr MOl'd•• an!! 1uO<WI b./I '"''" .... ~. 1,,. """"°'e "'·••t•1 Tue~•• mornl<>O. Nol ""K• ll!'m-•~lu,, t~~"IM' COASTAL AND IN TEllM£01ATI!' VA LLEYS -!wnf!'I' fn(I ..,.,,,.. Mo,.,. "'" .,.., tiJt'~v. Hi9'!1 ~r IO to ~ ~"" low! M.,.,.,.Y nl1nt lrom olO t>••• < •>,nl to •S lnl&rMI •rH-.. 01•~ :!.Qv!~o•n Ctll!ornlt tlM t ~ lllf.'.'JtNl~trntr .~·:~":' ·-Cl~or cold nl,Mo ,,.111> ftl•ll .... 11~ , .......... t lU,11 d Pol"' 1nro tri.t lOI wllll 11le1wnt 1\1,.,. .., d•v1 N.Ol"lJtv •NI '"""'"· INfElltQft ANO O!:Sl!'llT lltl'G!OO\IS -"'""Y 8"" I lll!i<e w•rmlf ...,,_, ind 1-v. H""'• -.v n to '2 .,.,_, y~ll•v• Ill) to "l -.,.11""'· l1>"'1 M"""'oy nlotl'I! 11 IO ll ~n• ~nd ~n·1•-Vt11tv• o•••...,IW «I ~ JO v1111et •f'd JO lo 60 IOl<ltr v1111r1. Coutal H•rv 1\llllhln1. SOlnl IOI .. ....,. Tun- lltw. Llefll •Jtll'MV w!nil1 n "'' 1NI -•nl"" hour"I ~(lrl"ll"" _.,,_., •• _,, t to 11 V.011 In •lt.r.-i1 lolloer and T...-.r. High _.,. 14. eo.1.i ...._..tu,.,. ............... lo II, Int."" ...._,.,lllrn ,,,,.. ll'O"I Jl "' 11. W•I• l...,Plt.lllf• "'- Sun, 111.,.,n. Tide• MOND.l.r !>9tond 1119'1 7:11Ci ...... $. S..C:ond ._. . 1:11 ,. ..... '~ TUJ$DAT Fl"' 111-" .,., ......... I 11 •"' 4 I F1,..1 1qw ............. 1 41 •.m. ~ J SK-hlv'! ............ 700 .... ~1 ~O!>d jow . !•41 P.m l t s~n r l\n •:S1 •.m S.•• •JO•"'· M-rl-7.12 1'.f'I. ''ti• II ~.rn. V.S. Summaru T-l1•ft 1111'11 ..........,... 1,-.11 brouvM -•ll'I' 111• -•!lll>f" to Ille F1r Wftt t nd lt>I e1oll'f'TI Portl""' of 111 1>91-......... -• wldl bend ol •hciwtrt l«lilmP&lli8:1 "" Mttl-•· IU•H '~·· ·~'~ ,., lt>>o ..,.,. l•HJ'· 1110 ·-fl>• Mi.i-1 Pho /'>Id "'""" ct •"'"'"" lot. """-""---• """"""'' ••l•t'I' lt•~ 1moun11 IJf •••" to _.,..., lu••· W!"'· 1••• rnNWrwll I Of lr>d>n -- lllt • •Ix""'°"' "'lod. ''"n ... ,...,1 ... 1 l'laW hH!.. ''"""' lor 'IO<"!fl'w1JI ICtn .. 1 '"" f•.,-u or l•o•I *•ml"9• "'~' In ell.Cl "'' <~· tr•I l...:I l'lOrtM•ft Ntbr11U tt\41 r>Qrt,.. ~· 10 ..... Tetnlff'rat11re1 ............ u ~ ... ...,,..,,. ... " " At11nt1 " • .... ~ .... ll<eld " • 111-.rdl ~ • ... " ~ .... ~ " ~ l!.._...vnt1 • " CP1kl90 " " Cll\CI,...." n • ..._ " » "" .... _ n " ""'""' " " l'•l•ber.Q " • l'or1 Wm11! " u ,,_ " • ··-" ,, Honolulu " " IC1n111 Clry .. » l•1 V-1 " " Loi A-It• .. , . Ml•ml " " M 11ne~P!lll1 " • ,.,..,.. a.i.. ... " .. ·~ '~ • " Nor11> /'la1!1 M • Oa\!tM .. " Olli'-"" (II'!' " " -~ • " P1lm ~Prl,.,.1 • " ll~N ltotlln " 11-.i. " n P lllt!>u!"911 .. " Portl .. ld n • ll enld '" " • lie<! l!llull • • ·~ u " lMra.,.,...1a • • 5olt Ltlt CM'v M • "" ,_ • • S•n F ,t nc:!Me " ~ l ••!lle " • .S<>Cli;tnl M " ri... ..... 11 " " WUM"91eo'> " " I Scott Hints Thieu Tells Assembly Breakthrough 111 War Due Viets to Spell WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen ate JtepubUcan Leader Hugh Scott said today there may be a breakthrough in the Viet- nam war in the next 60 to 00 days. The minority leader said t h e breakthrough could OCC"Ur in either the diplomatic or military area but that "I would shade it a liUle toward the military." Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield 11aid, in answer to a newsman's question, that he knew of no secret negotiation5 now under way to end the war. Mansfield and Srott commented to neowsmen before the opening of the Senate. They wer e questioned in light of Scott's comments on televi,11ion Sunday in which he predicted a change in the Vietnam si tuation but detlined to say what fonn it may take or how soon it may develop. ScoU said be talked to the White House today and il.3 reaction to his television comments had not been "unfavorable." / U.S. • Ill SAIGON (UPI) -President Nguyen Van Thieu said today that "in order to help the U.S. government with its in- temal problems," Sooth Vietnam is determined to replace the bulk of U.S. fighting units in 1970. Thieu's 70-minute speech to the Na- tional Assembly alluded to the increasing U.S. criticism of President Ni.xon's war policy. He said South Vietnam's aJlles "don\ lack of mearu;, but of resolution." "Wf!' have to lessen the heavy load by the allies," Thieu s_a.id. "Today, we con· firm to the U.S. government that we ~1:ant to do so." .. .•• in order to help the U.S. govem· ment with its internal problems and minimize.the suffe ring bome by the peo- ple of the United Slates we, the Viet- namese people, are detennined to repl?:ce the bulk of the U.S. fighting wiils in 1970," he told the lawmakers. He mentioned no numbers, nor dld lie Identify what he considered fighting unit.'!. The U.S. Command has said before 1970 that ocly about 100,000 of the 500,000 Gls ln the \Var zone are actually involved in combat. Thieu's speech followed the same lines as ar. interview of his vice president, Nguye:n Cao Ky, published i.a the United Staes today. Ky said the U.S. combat role would be ended by the end of 1970. As he has done previously. Thieu re· jtcted a coalition government v•ith the Ccmr.iunists and said an un conditional cease-fire was out ·o1 the question. l\ixon, Roger s Confe1· WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nixon conferred for an hour and 20 minutes lOday with Secretary of St.a te \\'illiam P. Rogers, mostly about Rogers' conversations .,.,.jth other y,•orld leaders al the l'niled Nations over the past ID days. \l/hit.e House press secretary Ronald !,. Ziegler declined to go Into retails about the meeting. Recipes that invite you to surprise your fillllly with new taste adventures! Try our casaba salad ••• chilled and refreshing ••• great with onr rack of l&mb, chutneY, glazed ••• recipes for beef liver too ••• and a great :WIY, to aerve beef tonaue. AR1:ADIA: SUr1$tl ar<f Rtmllnglon Dr. (!] Raotlui Centa~ PASADENA: 320 West Col1W1do Blvtl. SOUTH PASADENA: Fremont and Huntington Of. HUNTINGTON BUCH: Warner and Al1onquin (Boardwalk Cen!al NEWPORT BUCH : 2717 Newport Blvd. 100 2555 Elstbluff Dr. (Eulbluff Village Cenla~ I --------- ·-------·----------------------~-~--.. ~ .. --......... , .... _, ··-·--·····,..,, •• ,,,,cx .. a .. s•:a10 .. :•oaoa .. Z10#ICCJ'j CWJlllP4'!1Bi lll&IWL~i~;~;~1g_~~;i.;;:;;•G;;i;r.:"'4"G'QUlilii;>~.t;!l:l'i"~Oi!"~,7'~'?'1"'i/~f':''~"i"'i"'""'-········s'!ll. i I I I . J EAN CO X, •94-9466 ~,n.,y, O<'-'-!Hf L '"'' 11 Tea Honoring Patronesses Queen of llearts (;uitd . Children 's Jl ospi1al of Ora nge Count y, \\'ill invite Hs valued patrone sses Lo a c ha111pagne lea 1n the i\lonarch Ba y hon1e of i\lrs. Francis l;. f''abinn Jr. at 2 p .ITL \Vednesday . Oct. 15, 'fhe affair. arranged by !\!rs. c:harlcs n obe rt s. ho~pit o lity con1- n1 i1 tee chai r1nan. gives the guild an opportunity to express a s111al ! measu re of its gratitude to t he cornmunity-n1indcd ,,·01nen \\·ho each year generously support the guild's fund -raising acti vi ties. explained i\lrs. Thomas B. Flen11n g. publicity chairn1 an. She ~aid !\!rs. Roberts \\·ill be assisted bv con11ni ttcc n1c1nbers, the :'ll1nes. David .<\loon, Larry llunt, George ·Gade, i\cil I\elson and l larold \Vire. (;ueStS \\'iJI be \VC!Comed to the expansive ~1ed1terranean-style hon1e of the guild president by the hostess along \\i th l\·Irs. Robert Patterson, affiliate chairman and l\1rs. Gordon Forbes, membership chairman. Events which affiliate members helped support in behal[ of the Children's Hospital of Orange Count y included the annual Robinson 's spring fa shion sho\v, the CHOC J<~a1nily Fun Night at Di sneyland , sale of Christmas cards and lhis fall lhey \vill present a Ilallo"''een dinner dance. a Goblin 's Hob Nob. ' I I I I. '--.. ' -Since the ho spital opened in Oc!obcr, 1964. n1ore than 17 ,000 pciticnls have been cared for <ind 1nore thci n 100.000 out- pa11 cnt clinic visits reco rded. The hospital n1a1n tains an active and expa nding outpatient dcpartn1ent \\·ith .spcciiilty clinics for children \1·ho se parents cannot meet the ful! costs of n1cdical care. This part- p 1,1· program is possible through fund s c:o ntributed to the hospi tal by t 11r 1"1 \VOrne n's ~uild s of 1,1,·hich Queen of Hea rts \1·as I969's leading c·n11 t ri hutor. ' '. • GRATITUDE EXPRESSED -!\1r s. Tully Bro\\·n and fo.Irs. Robert Patterson li sten to l\lrs. Francis G. Fabiitn .Jr .. presi dent of Queen of 1-learts Guild, Children's J-lospital of Orange County liefL to T res Osos Jo in A cf ion Luau Launches Fund Raising Tres Osos Guild. a new group of ~li s sion \'iejo \1·omen d~dicat e.d to U1e Children·s Ilospital of Orange Coun ty cause. are launch in~ th eir fund-raising efforts ,,·ith a glamorous luau to ta ke place Saturday e1·e· ning, Oct. 18. Lake F"orest Beach and Tennis Club. decorated in side and out 1,1,·iU1 tropical plants. no11'ers. floating rafts and candles. ,,·111 be the 5etting for the affair 1,1,•hich 11·ill begin at 7:30 p.n1. Couples "·1JI he \1·e!comed by island ~reelers 1rllo 11 t!I presen t then1 \\'ith orchid leis before announcing their arr11·al • .-\t midnight a n1oulh·\\8te11ng buffet . fealur1n.[! lfa\1·ai1an pit:" and fi sh. fre.;;h fruit cornpote. spi ced ri ce and poi \\'Ill be enjoyed by guests seated Polynesian style on mats at lO\\' tables. Dance n1usic \\·11! be prO\'ided by a J-l awaiian band in costun1r! and an hour noor sho\v a!so is planned. Extra attractions \\'ill be prizes a\varded to those \1·car1 ng the be st native costumes. Committee women planning the event include the J\tmes. John ?vfartin. "'ays and means: Michael Coll ins, luau ; Gratian Bidart. in- vitations and l ickels; Thomas Reeder, decoration ; J ohn Parker. cater- ing and food; Timothy L. Strader, entertainment; Robert J-laddon. wel· con1e commi ttee; \\'illiam DeVries, bars and liquor. and Alan l\.1cMH· Jen , publicity. T icket s arc $15 per couple and entitle buyers to the buffet and ;ill other a l'lractions. ReservatJons may be obtained by contacting J\lrs. Bidart, 83i.fl404. right l as she reveals plans for an upco ming champagne tea hon- oring patronesses. The e\'cnt . lo tnkc place at 2 p.ni. \\"edne:-d;•\", Oct. 15, \\'ill be hosted by tfte pres1dcnl in her i\'lonarch Bny hr:l1 1\!, • . ' --~-- ''!. --• -__..., - . -, ·~· ,...,. ... ,.. ;~ ... ' . ., TROPICAL AnRACTIONS -Lovely Tres Osos Guild members (left to right), the Mmes. Timothy L. Strader, John Martin and J\Iichael Collins are ready to greet guests attending the guild's uir I ' .-... " ', l*-f coming luau \Vhich will benefit Chi ld ren's llospital of Orange County. The ~lawaiian affair will take place in Lake Forest Beach and Tennis Club at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 18. Please Mother-in-law, She'd Much Rather Do It Herself DEAR ANN LANDERS : Your advice!() "Burnt Bernice'' .&tank. When my mother-in-law comes over and starts •·straightening things." I dG not ap- preciate her "help." In fa ct. J interpret her sudden burst of energy as an attack bn my house keeping. The last lime my mnther·in-law allcmplcd to "tidy up" my kitchen 1\ look me a ~·eek to find the sie,·c. I an1 still looking for the tea .!ilra incr. Sin ce you oflcn use the phrase P.TYOB, "'hy 1lirl you chicken out this l~mc~ -DISAPPOIN'1 r.:o DEAR DIS.: ~l l'OR is an admonition rHervtd for interfering IYJM's. Yo Q r mother-In-law d0t:s not qaalify. She Aound1 like a hyptrthyroid, t.RkHver dame who 1hould ht told in blu nt lanpa,ce. "~lotber·r·r-r -I'd raUttr do It myaelf !" ANN LANDERS ril . DEAR A:\N LANDERS: w a !II fascinated by the letter si gn e d •·Disgusted in Minneapolis." My heart just breaks for those rich folks "''ho had In sell their dream hou se in the subu rbs because they couldn·l get an ybody to shovel the !'inow, remove the screens and stonn windows, do lhe gardening, pa int the· garage-etc. l wonder who she hired 10 lick the stamp. "Minnie'' was highly critical of "those Jaey bums·• v.·ho'd rather be on v.·elfart than ea m an honest dollar. She po.nts out that our forefalhers didn't make this country great by silting on their duffs. Yrl she fa ils to explain why she and her husba nd set on theirs -and ended up selling their dream house ralher than do the work themselves. My husband and I own a 12 room home on nine acres in a Boston suburb. We bought a 1now plow and a motorized lawn mower. We do our own gardening and landscaping. We clea n the swimming pool , keep the tennis court in shape and, I might add, all th is physical exercise keeps US in shape. Work is a remarkable tonic for the MIUI and spirit as well as the body. If more people did their own work instead ol hiring it done, this country would be infinitely healthier and happier. -BUSY IN WALTHAM DEAR BUSY : n ..... fl)f' a 1ptndld leUtr. r.tl'lny ~It 1moslly from New England I 11·rote to t:ii:preBa • slmUar potnt of vie"·· bul you 1akl II bt1I. DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 am not long In your country so please excuse the bad English. For si x years I am li ving with an executive who works for an American company in Rome. lie i• delaying mar- riage beeause his mother Is very relig ious and 1 am a divorced woman. Raymond was sent to America for one year and t am with him as a visitor. I read in the Stamford , Conn. new spaper where you hel p people with problems and I hope you will help me . Raymond is 1•ery kind and generous and I love him deeply. But his ha bit of disappearing for sr1·eral da ys at a lime worries me greatly . I have hecird it whispered that he has a weakness for young girls. I am 37. \\'hen l tell him if ~·e were married I would feel more comfortable, he says I should not listen to gossi p, that we are married in his mind and this alone mallers. What are your thoughts on my &iluation! - ALD II'\A DEAR ALOINA: "~1ind'' marriages of. fer • woman -very llttle 1tturilf, upeclally wm die ma1 kws Wt mbtd fO'r 11evenl dayt 1t a lime. 11 It 11 ruUy mania~e yo. want. you mu&t tell fb)'· mond all or nolblag -and be prtJYred to gambit . Too many couple!( go from malrimony to acrimony. Don·t lrt your nia rriage Uop bl'fore it gets star1ed. Send for Ann Landers' booklet. ":O.iarnage -What to f.:ii:pect ." Send your request to Ann Landers in care of this newspaper enclos. ing ::.0 cents in coin and a long, stamped. seH·addressed cn \·etope. Ann Landers "''111 be glad lo hel p you \\·ith your problems. &nd them to her in care of the DAILY PILO'I', enclosina: I 5elr-addresscd. stamped envelope. ' ' ~· -• ~ ~ ~ -·---.. --~ -·-----------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .......................................................................................................... 1111'11!111' . . ... .. J8 OA!LV Pll~ f;\ond1.y , October 6, 1%9 ' &175 9 ' Fontana I ~\ A/ __,n ______, r~ontana vi llaJ v has created this great evening dress -\vhcther short or long. Jnteres ling use of Je,veled, o r con trasting elegant fabrics trin1 the .:.quared·off look at 'the ar1nholes in front and back. 'fhc long: f10,1·1ng s kirt has a lovely soft flare. 1'he zipper is :>Cl In the center back and covered by I.he deep inverted pleat and topped 1vi th a tiny bo1v. 1'he original 'ras rnade in heaVy double knit .silk crepe and jc1vclcd in crysta l and silver beads. Size 12, Ion~ vers ion , 1equires approxi1nately ~ 114 ya rds of 5·l"' fabric and 3;4 yard of 45 " fabric for contrast. 'J'o order 61759 ; s tate size. include n<'l me. address and zi p code. Send $2.00 postpaid for each patte rn. Send orders for books and pa tterns to SPADE . .\. Box N, J)cpt. CX·l5. 1\'lilford, N .J. 08848. INTRODUCING FROG LOVERS TO CHOPIN! P'ARlNTS. DON'T WA IT UNTIL YOUlt CHILD IS OUT OF THE FltOG LOVEllS AGE IEFOllE YOU GIVl TH EM THE GIFT OF MUSIC-YOU WAIT AND IT MAY IE TOO LATE ! Chl11lre11 i11 the flo11 lo~ini; 11091 1~·11 ore thit P••fKt O'lt for ll'Clr1d119 music. Yomoho, oh 11 ¥••" of r1t11orch dni1111ed 1h1 Y ama h a Mus ic: Courn to 011ur1 !hat a ll childr111 co11 11111•11 mu1ic. Milljo1u of Yomoho q,oduo!t• Ira"' o ll o•it• th1 worl d l••tify lo the 1uc:Cl'll of th1 YAMAHA MUSIC COURSE. Yo11 de "ot ha~• to buy on i11 · tru..,ont, rh1r1 i1 no ham• 11udy -just lot1 of lun lor you1 chlldre11 .... hllt lllf!1 leor11 music , DON'T DENY YOUll CHILD THI CHANCI YOU MAY HAYE MISSED IN YOUll CHILDHOOD, Clos'-" ••• flow 111rolli119 - •011't l DW plflnit 91•1 w1 a coll 0 11d let v1 1'1ew yow the whole 11o•y of t~e YAMAHA MUSIC COURSE! YOU• l lGG£ST REWARD Will BE WHEN YOUR fAOG LOVER LOOKS Uf' .1..T YOU ANO l (LlS YOU .,. '"I G,,VE MY ~l!OG A HEW NAME, Blt~HOYEN." Don't Del ay-(;i/I Today 642-1844 YAMAHA MUSIC SCHOOL IN COSTA MESA Cups Filled By Guild >1 u!.1c Tl1e:1tcr Cudd ri( Sou th Co;ist Chorus and Light Opera A~so<"iation, \\' h i c h recently named J\lrs. l;oorge Booth as its president , is plan· nin g a membership COffte open to the publi c in tht Laguna Niguel home of ~1 r3'. John Lawson ;;it JO 30 a n1. ·ruesday, Oct. 7. All re sidents or the county interested in s IJ. pp Cir ting musical theater are in1 itcd to <iltend the affair and may oh· lai n reservat ions by calling J\1rs. Arthur Scheele. 492·3890 or .\l rs. F'red Caton, ~92.f1671. Serving v;ith Mrs. Booth the ron1ing season "'ill be vice presidents t-.l rs. Tom Peden, 11·ays and means. and ~f r~. Se h c e l c , me ni b ershi p chairman. (lthcr ne1v officers art thl' '.'111nt·~. Honald Birtcher and Grorgt" Grupe, recording and e or r<'Sponding secret.aries; La11re11ce Peltier, treasurer. and \aton. te lep hon r t'ha irman. t.frs . Robert H ~11- ' 01 ~ 11;1~ ("hair man of 1h<' 110111111dl111g tommtttee. Cake Decor [ Di scussed Spons oring ;i cake. dec(lra ting pr o gr a rn \\"ed· nesday, Oct. 8. at 10 a.m. are niembers of the Junior Sec- tion, \Vednesday Morn i n g Club. The Costa 1>fesa homt of Tl·lrs. Michael Giddings will be the decorating scene. Tllrs. .J ennv Denapole \\·ill instruct n1('nlbcrs and their guests. C:h;i1ring thP c\'ent arc t-.lr~. l l,I \ ul Pup1wll and i\1 r ~ . l':1tr1f'k Brr~n:-ih:in \\'elrnn1· \•1g g11l'~t~ ;it thr rloor \1111 he \Jr ... n11111?las Pa lly, lio~p1l.'.lli· 1~ 1·h.i11 n1:111. Da nce Club Square. Riggers S q u a r c !)ancc Club "sv.,ings out" cvc rv \\'ednesday at 8 p.m. in the ·First ~lethodist Church, Costa -r.1esa. EASY-CARE 1/,,;/0l'lllJ "JUST FOR YOU" Sm•rt f•1hio n,, care.free f•brit;.S f••· lur ing BARCO .!I nd other f•mou\ br1nd no1nie~. M111y 1tyl11 to choo•t from. '8 98 Soma•• l•w 11 • Cathy's Uniforms 1767 N•wport lt.4. C0tta Mno 646-5311 l.+.RCO Fashion Artist Sketches Vivid Past TOPS Club To Rally By JODEAN llASTINGS 01 111• D1ll r "•lot it1/I An era when she W&3 i.:reating splendid ball gowns tor royal oc(·a~ions was recall- I'd by Ferne ~!\<!rs. Arthur) \\1lllia1ns of Jl unungton Beach. 'Ille comely rnatron , who al so was skelth artist lor designers Edith llci.d a1lt.I lhe late Adrian whtn !hey were rhe aci.:l;iinietJ falih1un g 1anL~ 1n this country, l":Jn"l sew a stitch. •. r111 ~1111 struggling to learn how to plit 111 a rolled French he1n ," she laughs. Between 1920 and 1940 ~1rs. \\"1lha1ns o"·ned a speci ally design and dressmakin g studio in Ottawa, Canada. Under I.he name of Fernfashions, she created elegant forinal gowns for gold·platr dinnrrs, presen· talions al court, the King 's birt.hd ay garden party and high.fashion weddings. The forn1er Ferne tllcCrea never used a p::ittern and some of ll1c rnatcrial she "'orked \1•1th 111ig·ht cost $30 a yard even then . .. \Ve had several fo11ns - we called thcn1 Lizz!es -and I ll'Ould drape tissue until a ~ty!e suited me. If a customer had an unu sua l bu!ld -say 11ne shou lder higher than the other -J would first cut a cotton fabrlc ." At that tirne the. shop was contented to make $50 on a nne-0f·a·kind custom gown , she said. FAVORITE DESIGNS \Vcdding gown!'! \\'C'rP her favorit es to design although hl'r creations \vere in de1nand lor the an nual stat e :iHairs surrounding the grand npenjng of I.he Canadian Parliainenl in Jai1uary. The shop, Y.'hith en1p!oyed a niinin1u1n of 2J seamstresses, 11'ould begin fittings in October for the exclusive. in\·itallonal pr esentation ball honoring the King's representativl", cli1nax of a series or social cven1 s. Prince ol \\'11 les plun1cs for tht hair -a n1us1 for the ball -11·cre ordered two )"C'<irs in ;idvance f!"Olll South Africa. ::i n d l'rrnc 's o1h<'r rP~ll011s1b1l1l1cs incl ud ed ad· \ 1s1ng her custo1ners oo the DAYS OF POMP AND GLORY -Mrs .. .\rthur I Ferne) \\lilliams recalls days when, as one of Can· ada's leading d es igners. she created gowns for gold- plate dinners, court presentations and high.fashion just·so length of their court trains and veils. She also taught t.he proper royal curtsy to debutantcs belng presen ted for !he first tin1e. Ferne designed clothes for Queen Juliana of I h c Netherlands, at the tin1 c a war refu11ce in Canad<1. "She v.•as hard tn fll," F'ernc. ret<ills .. "She 11•as sniall but she had <i full !igure." Jn her business she also 1\(lrketl i.:losely 1\·11h an t'il~er· ~'Oung pho1ugr;.iphcr 1111(1 l;.111·1· brc:11nc n11tc d f11r his rol'l r;i 1t v.·ork of the late fr';inkl111 Ji . Roosevelt, \\l inston Churchill , King George and other heads of state, Yousu f Karsh. The talented widov.', mother of Bruce t-.·lcCrae of Bel Air and r.1rs, 1::dg<1r \Vhite of OL· !<nv.i, le/\ Canada and return· cd to her own country at the bcfi inning of \Vorld \V nr !I. ~he 1\'l'll\ ln work for Edi th ll l'<id ;111tl rc111<11nrd with the ~111d1u for three 111onl hs before sh(' btt·am1' Lntnlly disen· ··h:1ntrd wi th 1t1e he cl! c llollv1111<1d ~lTll'' li ll\. \0111·vllld11 ·1 c:ill ~11ur soul your 01111. The y would ca ll Mesa-Har bar Club Luncheon Bids Sent Astrologist Bu rto n tllor~r. 11 hD sur· ccssfully thallengcd ! h e ~·c11·port Beach City ordinance against teaching and prac· !icing astrology. \\"Jll sp<'ak before the Mesa·llarbor Clu b. l!r is schedu led ;if\cr ;in 11.JO a.Ill. luncheon Thursday, Ocl. 9, in the Hc1·erc l!nusc, Tt1sl'ln As tr olog y -For Your Coffee, Sale Planned in HB Th~ Jlunt1ngton Beach hon1r of ~1r~. Arnold Lindbcrt will be the 1nret1ng selling lur n1c1nbrrs of the Orange Coun 11· Association for Rf'tarded Child ren . Larhes Auxll1ar~· The \1 on1en are sr>0n.~onng :111 1nforrn11I coffee and hou\1· que ~ale \\'ednesdny, Oc·t 8, /ron1 9 a1TI. lo l p.n1 . to Speak i'\1rs. Rober t Adler of Sant a Ana ·will host a luncheon Y nu r En1crt.3in1ncnt nnd n1eet ing of the Women·s Aux- Belicf is the \~ay he \\di ll1ary to the Orange County paraphrase a line fron1 a l'ha rma ceutical Association radio sho1v \1'hcn he de livers \Vedne~day. Oct. 15. A ~otia ! hour at I! 30 a 1n his address. 11111 precede the 110011 luochcon fl.-lorse , a sy~t erns ana ly~t on 11 h1ch \\'ill be co·hosted by the Apoll o projec t a~ North ~lrs. C. D. llcincy of Placen· An1erican Hock\\·ell. is a ti.1 teacher of LI Strolog y. A n;,1t11·e Prrscnting the. program "·ill Californian and I on g t i rn e hr a reprcscnlatJ\·e from Balboa resid<'nt, he l~ a POll"er"s i\1 odc!1ng Agency. gradu;ite of Occidcnlal Col lege "ho 11111 :.peak on self im· "'here his father, Virgil i\1orse prD1·rrncnl. "·as head of the math depart · Auxili ary n1ernbers no1v are n1ent. r11rn1ulatirig pla ns for thei r FollO'>l.'ing a care('r :i~ a N(l\". 6 annual f<1shion sho·.v, musician \r1th lla rrv Jan1es Fall Fash ion Fest11'at. to and other bands and an ar-1,1kt> place 111 lhe Santa Ana ranger-conductor of hi~ own I::lk~ Club. radio show, he io1ned the :\n}one v.·1shu1i: Info rmation ranks of astrologer about 20 on 1h(' auxiliary or the fa shion years ago .~ho11' niav t'al! !\l r~. A. L In the beginn ing, lus :.!udirs ~"""'c'"c;c'c'"o··-'c''"'"·3c7"!:i'-----,I \\"ere devo ted to d1sprov1ng thr \·alidity of !hf' :1nclt>11t ;:11'\ and stiencr. buL his research .~oon pcrsu<ided bun ro ~l\'llch alleg1;1n{'c lo the alfinnatl\t' side of the q tJe~\1011. THE BEST ll o1d•·1 ~•P p o 11 t "'"~• ""Po"""h ' ,, """ t>! tl.o world"o moll popul•' '""'" ""P'· R1od it di.Iv '" !ho DAILY PILOT. Weight Watchers is ready for you. --NOW AT I ~ S_'cn_t'1'~-- cosrA MES A INTRODU CTORY OPEN MEE TIN GS CHARM SCH OOL ROOM-THIRD FLOOR ._ __ Call 83 5-5505 lor FREE BROC HURE __ _, 'veddings. 1'he go\Vll in the phologr;iph. ta kC'11 bv an aspiring young ph otographer naincd \"ousUr Ka rsh, \1•as all hand-pleated chiffon . at midnighl for mt to coine down and supervise the mol"· ing of a zipper from one side of a dress to the other," she maintains. J\.lesa \Voman's Club scrYed Orange District, California ' F'ederation of \\'oinen·s Clubs. RS fine arts chairn1a n. She also fou nded and is president of the Palcttecrs. and sponsors' GREATEST DESIG~'E:R I \Vhen she left the studio a se11-·i~1g _class twice a 1~1onth f'eme "·orked for !he late for Fa1rv1ew State !!osp1t al. A fall rally night 1-1 11! be sponsored by Trim-vue TOPS !Take Off Pounds Scn.~1bly ) nt 7:30 p.rn . Thursday, ()(·I ~-1n r~inley School. \\lestn11nstcr. A rull explanation uf th~ TOPS progra1n to help "'ornen lose 1veight v.·ill be prrsentr<l, and <1ll interested worncn arc invited to attend the n1eetin~. Future act ivi ties pla nn«<I 111· tlude a Halloween party . .1 disrussion of fashion~ by " dressn1aker, and a pre~rn­ tation on good groon1ing by .t cosmetologist. Women interested 111 <inv TOPS clubs 1nay obtain ad- ditional 1nforn1ation fron1 thrir area Chamber of Corn1nert'f Pare nts C lub Orange Coast C h a p I l' r Parents \Vithoul Pa r In P r s sponsors a panca ke brea k!a~l the last Sunday or each 1no111l1 in Costa t-.1esa City Park fro111 9 <1 .111. to 12:30 p.1n. \\':111)' Riehards, chairman, \1' 1 J J answer questions regardin~ the public "rLi ln or shine.' event ;1t 542-8700 or 542·966~ . An Orant1 (OU"IY ~11111 KNITIING MACHINES l•~'••' F ,n&I•~! 1~e ••r•nn~m~"'" .. 11 <omplelN !Or "NO Se•v•C• (~•r~• on ~"'"'"g m•cn;n•• loy •w• 1~ 1· 111 oovm •n<I '7} ocr mon•n. Ytu ' •t•'I ~o11• ltl•on• new, 11oe ~u' " chine\. plu• '~ving •orvi<e <~•'P~> • vov" Th~,·~ r•~h!, 2~ oown fna )l1 o•• rnonlh NOW I KN llfED llE~r l"it.TTEllNS IOC The KNIT WIT SOUTH COAST PLAZA Pho11• 545·1111 Low1r Mill it.von trom Woolwort~'• B"llOI ~I th1 S•n Dl19• Frwy. CDST .O. MESit. Adrian, \l'ho she considered to)-- be the 11 or!d"s i:;rc;1t c s 1 designer eve n before she n1e t hin1 . I IT'S A FACT! ··He couldn "t r ven pu! in a dart." she ~;,_1 ~ He \Vvlild flourish a b1il l of 111a\eri11l nnd s:i1. ·r \\'ant 1l tu loo k 11kt· Tli lS."' I Si nee she 111et hrr husband,, Ferne now h:i~ rr11rPd Jro1n 1 profrssion;il 1lr~1gn1ng :ind de\'Otes much nf her tim e 1o1 painting -an 11voc:1Uon l\"hich l 1~ becon11ng " nr'.\' vocation !or her. I The past µresuJent or lhc If you spent 30 seconds looking al each of our shag samples, it would take you over 9 ho urs l o see them all- so come early and brin g your lunch. DON'S CARPET SHOP 426 SO . MAIN !2 Blk s. No. of Bullock's) ORANGE Jluntingt1111 lleath \\'on1an "!i HOURS: '·5:10 DAil y CLOSED SUNDAY Cltih and 1nrrnhrcc~o~r~1~h~o~c'.'·o~'~"~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B ea uty Salo11.S For girls on the go ... OUR QU ICK CUT a nd 10-MINUTE COLOR ., " ' ' RO~X $3.00 PLUS SMA.MPOO AN D SET $2 50 (Mon. thru Th11rs.) • Aft•r 5 p.m., Sl.71 Frid1y, S1t11rd•y. Sund•r ••..•..• tJ.OO IL••t H1lr l•t•I We wont you lo com3 in, but rhcre'.s no reoson !o sfoy too long! O ur clever stylists quic kly sn ip and shape your hair. Then color ii with Roux Nice Chongc-colors in 10 min utes; no peroxide, no rub·oH, lo~ls 1h1cugh .several shompoos- Thorough, but time ·sovingl No!urol !ookrng colors for gray or dull ha ir, delicate lonirJ coleii~ r you 're bleoc!-ted. Nt"'P••t Bte<h, C•lil. )1\1 N(NOO•I 8 1•~ Mor~., 8U~OI s-""" .. ~ .... 111.1111 C•1te ~•to. C elil. '1> [ 11•~ ~h •rl M1¥IO" Cl "ft 1'~0111 IU 1111 Cona """1e, Coli! ::~~ '4"tor m•vo ~ M1rt ,1111 ~n""' 1••·"11 Arte1ie. Cotil. llJIJ l'IO"••• Ora~"•• Colif, fow•1t•i11 Ve!lry. Cohf. "a11t• A11e, Coli(. """•~a·~" ~""~''d ~ .. .,, ,.,, .. M••-ot ••••0:! '••!•• "~•·• •11 n1• 11lt W. C~oam1~ lltJt Ml~""''' v.,,., <•"'"' 11.t1.,. r •• ,., r~o~• )ll ll•I t hDftl lo! 1J~I r~n~• 1<11•11 Coue Mtie, Cotir. Ill W U!~ S!•••t ~lac ... tl• I 1•·~ ,~D"t i-ll·JJ2o Fo11"tei" Ven,.,, Celr.. H71 l~'"~t• •t Ii •<l•t ~·••l•v (•"fo r l'~o'" !ll lnu I 7 I 7 Saddleba~k EDITI O N Today's F inal N.Y. Stoelu * VO~. 62, NO. 239, l SECTIONS, H PAGES OR ANGE COUNTY, CA(IFORNl.A: MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1969 TEN CEN~ South Coast to Halt Small Hospital Boom? 8'' RIClli\RO l'. "'ALL 01 l~t 0 •1\1 ,11111 SllU An ;il!cnipl 1s bf'ing mCtde to head off ;ii the pas!> -1'0luntarily -a prn- hfrration of s rn a l l privately-owned hospitals in 1he burgconinf; sou thern half of Orange County. llorrible exun1ples cited at Friday meeting arc 11·h:il hos ha1>pe11cd to the rest or Orange County, to Los An;,:clcs County and to the San Franciseo area. Officials al non-profit South Coast «om1nunity llo~pi tal (SCCH l hnrc in- .stead to plan lor the me<Jical future. The Lheory is that because of thei r· size , interconnection and supporting facilities, planned big hospitals can not only \..ef•J) pare with growing rnl'dic<1I expf'rt1se and 1nedical needs bUt can holll down its rapidly-increasini:: c:i:-ot~ Toward this end. <i sun1mary of a study of the rncd ical need s Of SllLllhern Orallj.!(~ County "'as presented to rncdic al of- Jicials, coonty oflicla!s and the press at SCCll. The ~tudy 11'as by the firin of Slone, !l·larraccini and Patterson. It 11rojec.ts to the year 1990 ani l r.•1i n,a1es that by thal tin1C' 1,170 general llosp1tal beds \1·il l he ned!'d to .serve a i;opulation cslirn<1l1!tl al 551 ,000. Th<' S<"r\'Jc<" art'a deall 1vith -about l1:ilf a cou11ty -e111hraecs t•on1n1u rll1 :es 11"0111 Crvs tal Co1·e tu S;in Clcn1entr, fro1n Laguna ·Hills to San Juan Capistrano. The study recon1rncnds expallSion of SCCll lo 270 beds as its ultimate size. The second hospital recon1111ended on :i 4() to 50-acre site would serve the mushroominJ!: Laguna Hills-lvlission Vit>j<i -1.11gt1na Niguel ar!"a . ll 1\'0Uld ultimate· ly gruw, in planned increrncnts, to liOO b<'d ~. 'J hr third. ;111t! lasl hospital u1 th!'. plan , 11"oulrt ~rr\·e the S;in Clerncnte -San . Ji1:in C:il)JStrano -Capistrano Beach ;irca, It would be Uesigned for ultitnatc l'xpansion to 300 beds. TJ,c rninunun1 slart1ng size or either of lhc olhf'r lwo hor;pitals recommended w:'luid be. 150 beds. Th•! rly in Lhe ointmrnt -as far as the SCCll ad\•11nce planning gocs -is the an· nounced construction of two proprielory \privately ownedl hospital,,, On t> 1s to be built at San Cle1nenle. The ot her is to be bui lt in the Mission Viejo arTr fin the old Saddleback College site . Ge;in Haffey, administrator of the Sa n Clr1nente facllily, said grading is now un- der\11ay. He atlended tl1e Frillay meeting. !·le said $-i30,000 has been spent for the property and work \.\.'ill go forv•ard. It ultimately· is to be 250 beds with 150 e1· tended care beds. Haffey said. "Ii it \.\.'asn ·1 f.or proprietory hospital-" fitlln~ the gap, ""'here would we be as fa r a~ t.ealth care beds? I'm not opposed to non-profit hospitals, I've been in the business 33 years on both sides of the fen- ( See HOSPITAL, Pagt %) Linl(letter Blames LSD in Girl's Death Bra 11d Na111e •Pot' Countain Seized In Drug Capture ,!J., Seal Beach man who customs agents allege \ol'as captured in San Di<"go 1o1·aters \1·ith a boatlo11d ol contraband -1n- <"lL1d1ng !he rirSt known lrad<'n1 arkc<I nlanjuana -today a1\'ailcd arrnig.n1nent in federal court on sn1uggling charges. Agents \l'ho boarded the cn1iser operated by \\'illiam J . "\\'illy" Lenahan, 27. cf 123 11th St .. claim they seized 1a4 µo:.J nds of high-grade n1arijuana, more tlian 1,000 drug pills and a quantity of ai>- p.irent heroin. The capture during predawn darkne~ Dowta t h e Missio11 1-~rail Fire Station Pact Approved ;\l!SSION Vll·:JO -A c:ontrac.l ha ~ OCen approved hy the Board of Supervisors to hl1dd 11 fire. station 111 i'of ls;;ion \'ieJn. The contract has hrr11 3\\ <i rdttl lo 1"1icodorc J. l-'<"1!r~k to huild !he sta tion ;it a C(JSl of SI 18.300. 'rhe construct1'ln was postpnnl'd l:lsl ~un1mer he<"tlUSe hid s .,.,ere 100 J11gh. It had been c~t1 ma1C1"l that the stat ion i.:ould be bu11l lor $100,000. • "'""''"',. !lo ll.• Clo•e SADIJl,f'.';BACl\ VALLEY -Charter mcmbcri;hlp in the Sacldlrback Vallt y Rui;ine~s and Prorc ss1onal \\'01ncn·~ Club \1·it1 clnse al the 111ursday, Oct. 9 mec!ini.:. New oHicrrs wilt be introduced at 7::10 p.n1. cvcnl in Hoyal Savings and Lon~. Leading the org;:iniz;ition's fir~t year "''111 he r-.lrs. l'11t Toner, president ; r.1rs. Dorothy Pearson. vice president and f\.1 rs. rit arlene LaVertu, secQnd vice presiden t. sa1urday "·as U1e first involvin~ a bo;1t since Operation lnterecpt -the U.S. rrlckdown on rnarijuana -11 cnt Into cf· !eel three \\Cl'~S ago. "Oh n1an, \Vitly 's n1cs~111g 11,·11h lhe feds and they don ·~ play ilround," an ill'· •\uaintance v.·ho heard th<' news 1n a Sun5el Beach liquor .store Sunday was !ieard lo s.i.y. A11Lhorities who trailed Lcnahan's 26- fuot cabin cruiser from i'itcxican Lo U.S. irater~. !hen overtook it in a Coast Guard 1·essel, Sa.Jd Lhe n1arijuana seized was In 41 pack ages. handful of pesos, \.\.'ilh a broad smile on ~is""face. "El Comprador," was the brand name -1he Buyer. "No Hay Mejor," y,·a.~ U1e added 5logan -Nonr Better, authorities said. Besides the major ma rij11;111a ha11l, euston1s agents v•ho boardt>d l,c11aha11 .~ boal said they found al>o11t :i half.pound of t11n po11•der believed lo be' heroin, 1.000 orange pills .,.,·ith an oriental n1ark in~ 011 each. 35 apparent l..~D tabl<"1S and lU h<i.shist: smoking piJ)Cs. Lenahan -who at f1r~t told i11· \·esligators his address was v.•hcrerer his recent!y·purchascd boat happened to \Je dockt>d -was booked on the l'~d eri.d t'ht1 rge an<! held \\'it hout bail. r\llthoriti.:-s announced flunll:iy th.it 1hry t;01ieve. the price of ni;iri1uana and hrru111 1n rnajor U.S. llistribution c.·entcrs has ;1.~ much a~ doJbled in son 1r casrii. 1·h1s v.·ould ir.dicale \hi' s1ale1! in\c11t rl r 0pt'ralion Intercept -rlril'lnf! the pr11·f· sk~-h1gh -1s being .'.IC't'Om pl1shed. h11L The tradem11rk sholl'ed a tl1rx1can rnan ~landing beside a n1a rli1 1,1n a pl:inl . 1·lulch1 ng a 1i ~1r11 1 of ri nllar; <•nd :i drng scene sourr.es ha1 e denied 11 "r.encr;illy Liu: price ha~ ;i l1110<>1 dr111h\- l'rl ." s;;id 011e fedrral illl'C,.,l1.1!<1l1Jr, "b11t nl111 r important 1s th;it n1urh nl 11 is 1Jll<1l'a1la t.!e or c-xtremrly sc::1rcr." l\l:1nj11ana is reportedly SC'ar(''." in t\rw Yo!'l\. nonexistent 111 ~1 1an11, <a n !I generally or poor quality -grown in !hl' trlid11·e~t fron1 11·i\d \\'orld \V:ir II he1np" plants used in rope producli.lln. .\ drug scene sl)urc.·c said Sund11y, hawe.ver. that no one i-houl1! r1'rr p;i_v more rhan $25 for a lid. or half ounce qu1111ity, el'en in the worst JXll famine. ' ur• r11tl'h•,. FAL~S TO O~ATH Di~n• Llnkletter Mets National League Chc1111ps NEIV YORK (AP) -New 'York's ••tttaz1 ni; J\lcts continued one of baseball"! n1ost fantastic stories ~londay, 1\•h1pplng Atlanl:l 7·4 and con1pleting a Lhree·garne sweep of the stunned Braves in their best· uf.::, playoff for Lhc National League chan1- pronship. Ton1nli(' Agee, !\en Uoswell :inrl \\'ayne r.ilrrrtt all hit hornl' runs as the file!.~ ,,.f111c rroin behind 2·0 and 4·3 r\cricit.~ /or their big~est l'ictory ever . Nnlan Ryan , a hard ·lhrowing nghl- h.indcr. replaced st rug~ling .}'Ot111g GJry <;entry in the third inning, pitched ou t of a hig jam :inrl took rredit for th<' vic!ory. l!:i nk A:tron .ind Or l<tndn ("rprda rach had tw o.run hoiners f0r Atlanla. Jonl a 11 Foi l,; Plot A~aiu,t G0Yer1111tl'lll Afll ~\1/\N, Jordan lr\P1 -hTe ~01ccrn­ f11(•rlt announced lod<iy it has loill'd ··a plot 11gain:;l the security 0£ the kingdom ." The 11nnouncement did not make clear 11·ht'thcr !he pint 1v;ir:. n1me<I at q1 cr1hrov.•ing King Hussein's govern· 1ncn!. The ::>latcnient said the plot was pl:inned by the leadership or the banned I .ibcralilln party 1vith lhc backing of lsr11el ··an<J I.hose v.·ho ari:. behind the enl.'n1y." Daugl1te1· Witl1 D1·u gs From "'irt St>rricr!I 1 IOLLY\VOOD -l\rt Li11klclle.r blames LSD for the d€'ath of his 20-ycar-old d:iughtcr. "ll 1vasn"t suicide ," the :-;tar or the llousc Party television sh1J1v Lo I rl 11c1rs1nen Sundav. ··because she \1asn't hcrse.IL ll "'.is n1urder. Shl' was n1111lrcred by the peop le v.'ho manufacture and sell LSD." Diane Linklettcr plunged from \lie kitchen l\'indow or hrr sixth-floor aparl· n1enl Saturclay as a friend. Edward Durston, lrlt>d to grab her. Linkletlcr, 57, isaid he had kno1vn for :-:i x month1 that sbc v.•as part of a Jl.olly· \.\.'ood group that experimented with drugs. She hAd tokt him earlier about a "bad trip '' \1•ith LSD, and \.\'as under the drug's effects again when lihe died, he asserted, "She ""'as a girl \\'ho 11•as not psrchoti(', nol under treat1nen l, a happy girl ""'lth no n111ncy lroublc$," I.inkletter s11id. "She had problen1s that teens have had sine"' tlrne Jxogan. But LSD gh·cs thern a \\'<JY of a1·oirl ing facing up lo those problem~. "You arlrl LSD to a girl 11'ho i.~ son1e1\'llat e1notion11l and dramatic and 1t con be disA.slrous. She told me ahou\ lak- ing it, about her bum trip. She felt she 'l'<tS being driven out of h<'r mind . "A parent e:in do little in n cas<" like th11<.'' Linklctler !'\aid. "Nn one cnn 1!0 an)•thing about it., except the you'ng peo- ple themsc h·es." ~liss Linkleller, the youngest nr Linklctler's five children, was pretty anrl talked about ;i llolly11·ood career. lier fathrr said she had son1e. singing Jobs pl an ned .. Ourslnn, 27. 10Jd polil'r i\lis.~ L1nkli•\!('r h11cl .1sk cd him lo come to her apartmenl Friday "'here they spent the night talk· 111g. She 1vas en1otional and despondent,,, t•oncerned with her idenLity and her career, )>oliee quoted Durston as saying. Drugs aspects of the case are, still bei ng investigated, police said. Private funeral services are planned et forest !..awn Memorial Park, Linkleller and his wife, Lois, Wt're notified of the death in Colorado and returned here Sunday. On July 15 John Zweyer, 33, husband of Linklel!cr's oldest d11ughter. Dawn , 29. shot himself in the head. He reportedly w;is depressed over his insurance business. • f'illtf.'•• Cl n •• .'tel r.1 1ss10N VJEJO-Phy~ical fitness and body building evening classes for men ;;:id won1en "·ill be taught at Sadd!eback ColleGC starting lhe week of Oct. 13. Complex or Metroports? Classes are open lo all adults and high i<chool graduatl'S in the college district. Jtegist.rRlion will be from 6 p.m. to 10 r .ni . Ocl. 8-9. • 2 11d 1''or l.:s hop Set CAPISTRANO VALLEY-The second in 11 series of worksho ps outlining the specific functions cf parent-teacher units \Viii take place \Vednesday Oct. 8. Sponsored by the Capistrano Unified PTA Council the information courses will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 12:3{) p.m. in Se rra School auditorium . The discussionl'> \\'ill continue on \Vednesdays through Oct. 22. All parents are wclco1nc . Child ca re 1s ll\1ailablc. e 1•nre t1 t• 1lleet. on t' ~A l)DLEBACK VALL EY -l~I TorfJ ;inrl f11 ission Viejo parent.~ of boys in the rour:h t.nroug h sixth grades are invile.d lo -1 llr'nd information meetings tonigt 11> pl;in formation of new Gra Y groups. The 1nLrli11gs will be hrld at 7:30 p.m. 11t. 1loy3I Snv'ln~s anr1 Loo n in El Torn and 1ri Room A at i\1ission Vi<'jQ High tStt flUSSION, P•gt ZJ Press Askecl to Lenve • South County Airport Talk lit By PAi\IELA HALLAN OI IM Dl>!IY "llM tl•ll ' Ideas running the gan1ul from en <'nl2rged airport complex to a series of :-mall metroports were tossed around Saturday at a meeting of lhe South Orange County Airport Commitlee. Exchanging ideas and providing in- formati on for the group \1·hich op1)()scs !he use of El Toro 1as a C'Ommercl:il airport were John K i J 1 e r e r . ad- ministrative assistant Lo Fifth District ('.f'ur;l.y Supervisor Alton Allen and Bernie Tiernan. asslslant lo Fourth District County SUptrvisor William II. llirsLe.in. Committee chairman Harvey Stearn askeJ Lhe DAILY PILOT to leavt before the meeting commenced, saying that the speakers f!lt that ~cause of polllic11l ovtrtones of some. of their comml!nl~. lht>y "·ould not be able to ~peak as fr«ly if a m<'mber of the press w11s pr~enL Killr.fer, l~!cr said it \Ya~ lrur that h,. l'lnQ Tieman would ocit have bct:n able to ~·peak as freely but asserted Iha! nn1hini; 11'a!< :<Aid during the meeting !hat couldn 't h~1 v1~ been said before the press. Repotring on the meeting later, Stearn :i;aioJ that bolh Killefer and Tiernan in· dic~tcd an interest in a mctroporl or fe':!der system as a possible answer ln OranR<" Coun ty's airport needs. He stated thal Orange County Is the second laraest in th:? state in population but has one of !he lim11lle11t areas. "We're. approaching a point "'here a large airport \\'OUldn't be feasible because of population dens!ly," ~ait: Steam."As time goes on the cosl o( l:ind \\•i ll become more and more pr<r ~.lbltive." H.1; said that il would apprar that a mrlri'l)Ort s~tem might be a better Iden 111 th;it it con.Id feed cnmmuters to larse <iirports where coritinental and in· 1error.linental flight~ would be nvailabk'. Stf'am lll~o reported that phase twn or ;I !'\fllc!y approvf'd by the C'Clllnt.y Il<lard or S11f)l'r'vi~<1rs in April "'HI SQOn be brllup:ht to the boa rd for rundlng. This stu~ls cii:- Amining the feasibility or using El Toro fi·larinc ('.orps Air Station for commercial purposes. "But ifs no secret." claimed Stearn, "lh<!l, ;:;llhough the supervisors voted for the study, they may not necessa rily b('lie\l'e ii would be feasible." Another study discussed at the n1celing. according to St.earn, was cne 1·onc!ucted by the military on a large number cf military installations to see if ll would be t conomlcally desirable to sen thcrr1 and relocate in less denslly µopu:a ted areas, Sttam said the speakers assured them lhlt Ir that tvtr happened <o E~'Tl)f'O It 'llf(1'dd be al°"& "ay in the fuhJrt. Steam Stfttsod the lact that ·•the m•!efllng represen~ only a dlscuuion o( opinions, no recommendatlon1 .were m11!1e. . !'le' rn said he l11lt the. n1r.eling feeling op!i1ni.!-lir: that lhc ch111u:t's of El To1·0 bcini: m11dc a public nir1>0i1 arc very :-Pm. r DAILY P ILDf Sltll P119 .. SUSAN WAL LACE EYES COUNTY BEAUTY CROWN Hoping to Win One for Old Seit Creek Roed She's Up Creek Beach Fighters Enter Beauty Oy T0,\1 BARLEY 0 1 lh• 01111 Piiot S!1ll s·uuthern Orange Coast campaigners i;rektng to obtain public access to Salt Creek Beach today have turned from lcr,nl brief to bikini brief in their efforts. They've mustered to the cause cur\'y Susan Wallace, a sun·bronred 21-year-otd lass fron1 Laguna Beach. The Salt Creek campaigners have entered Miss Wallace in the Orange Cou nty Pres Club 's annual ''Miss Orcop" beauty pageant. She'll join Ille Oct. 13 C(Jmpetition l'lgainst nine. olher Orange County beauties wearing the banner sash of "J.fiss Salt Creek f{ond." But Susan v.·o n't be thinking slrlcUy of Susan y,•hen she puts her curves on stage ::it the Grand Hotel's Of f Broadway Wesl theater in Anaheinl. She says she wants that title and the hurrah.~ that go \Yith it for the •·save Salt Creek" campaign. T1> be sure, the orown 11nd lhc prizes that ~o with it are for Susan alone if she wins; but the honor <1n<l the publicity she's determined lo rhRrc wilh the people Whl) put her on the hfiss ORCOP campaign trail. Prime arch itect of that bit cf mnncuvering is Brennan '' lt e v S' ' McClelland. a former champion awfer who's been ma king big aod angry waves ever since the road was abandoned by lhc county•lo the•LaguNl Niguel Corp;· Oppooents of the COdtll~'s abandonment of Salt·~ ~ llave bit hud'lba.1n court heariJlp, ·~ eye.catchllic.; bul1lptr stickers· and the ·raffle for Jqyft. ,Clak's palming or"'Ofd Slit .Creek.~. . Thoy'V<! iot.11.300,IP !ho kltly, 1 vesl fund of goOdwill, a band Of~ 1UJlpillrtlr11 Stoek . llfar keu • ' NEW YOflK.. (/If) -Giainol-111\1" di>p11yod 'loile •fie]lth in-':",. ~1 .. Jeth1t1lr. ~ock· min.et late ~ '81· temoon. · Tradlnc W•• akiw. ( S e e quolatlnns, PAget I0-21 ). . , Prices edged up lo their best le\·el (Ir the da y in early afternoon. then sllpped back . The' Do\t Jo11es. n\ler1111e~ of 30 In· dustrials 11t 2 p.Jll. wa1-Qp 0.92{~ 809.33. .. -.- w)lo are 1\•ork1ng their legs oH and now - Susan. "But this doesn't mean thal we're In- jecting an.v lev lly into our battle for reeovcry of 11 hat was taken rrom u~:· McCle lland asserted. "\\'e look on Lhis a~ iust another ""'Y of t'nsuring that our ca use stays in the public eye and everyone a"·are of the issue and our arguments "'ill say more power lo us." fl1cClclland and the Salt Creek crowd believe !he)' have a 1vinner. And they're thinking of the ca mpaign as a·v.·hole, not Just Susan's unique contribution lo the cause. "And if Susan wins, so much tilt beUer, Oolh for her and for 11s." hi;. says. She's taking excellen t credenti als Into the Press Club contest. A fi nalist in the h-tlss Califonria World. competition and • highly regarded candidate in the to.tis., Photogenic battle. sbt isn'l lacking in references. Orange Coast Weather Sunny skies and warmer temp. erAturcs arc on the horizon tor Tu esday al ong the Orange Coast, with the mercury reachiog lu> in- to the eighties. JN~~ TODAY It may• havt. b""" highly ac · cloimt.d for 26 wetk.~ dv.ring itl Britisfl. 1howi11ps· bu t TV colum· niJt Cv111hia Lowr11 sat/.! tlit "F'or1ytlie Sn go " is jus t an · other soap optra. raot 21. •••1111• " fll!l•IH " . ,_, ' "'l"""' "'!\'., .... ' Clilttllltil i~.ll °' .... c-JI I Cflllll:I .. ··-,.,.,,,,.,. "" CrMI•"• " 11 .. i. .... Dt•I~ N•tlt•• " Tlllfl!lltO " """"'' ·-' '~"" " l:•f~rt•l""'enl " "''"'" • ""'"'' ,.,, ·~· W~lt. " l+f•tH-" WHN ·~ •• ·~ l•-" " .,._.., .......... 1 .. 1. M1llt>t• • .. -~-~-~~~------------------------ -. -----. ------·-~-------._.-·--------------------------·----------------·············•I'll••"'• .. . . 2 OA.ILY PtLOr l Req11est Changed Pyne Castle Fate Bef 01~e Planners Th~ conlrol'ers1.-il f'\llC Caslle issue. \\'ill be bil e!. 111 the lap~· or Laguna Beal'h pl;inn1ns l'01111111ss1u111:rs L\lnnday 111glil .afrcr a round 1rip lr:1111 tl1c ~•IY t ounc1J l ,.rom Pnge I JIOSPl'fAL • • • 1r," llar!C')' said, RatkP1 ~ of the ~1Lss1on Con1111un1ty liospi111! al r-.tiss1on \'1ejo announced last \,•ecL: that a SJ million contract for con- ~trtJ(·:1on has been al'iarded to Su nsel l.lllLldt•rs o! Anahe1n1. Th t v ha\'c announced that thr. fir st uh;:sc.is to be 126 beds y.•it h an ultimale 250·bed facility on 14 acres. Victor C. Andrews, chainnan of the ~CC'H boa rd. Friday t•alled lhc long-r:ingr dr\'f'lnp111c11l pl;1n for grneral hospi\~11 l<1c;l\1tiC5 ··:1 r:;rr opportuni ty for an cf- fer·1 ive !>y.sten1 ol hea lth !;1cilil1e!>.'' . ··1·:\•er~one h;i s to g11·e up a little nqlonomy ," he ~aiU .m- il J1ad been explained by J ack V!TI ';l,:intrn, "·ho headed the 111'0-month :.t11dy, lhat o joint boa rd of d1reclors could be r't"e:>trd represent ative or the total area :.cr1rd bv tlH.' non-11rofit hospit :il systcrn lie stiggcstcd lhf'r~ 1n1ght be 27 tnr~bcrs. 1vith nine lrom each area . ln a strong appeal tor !h<' _plan , Andrews cal!ed I.he situalion that exists a rare Gpportunity. "We have almost half a rountv where "'e can start. from scratch and pian for all lime.'' he said . Anrlre"·s said the planning could set the pace for the rest of the U.S .. Queslioned later. he said that the hlossorn i/1g of smaller . hospit.a\s in the bervice area could efect1vely ki ll the long· term planning. . \V ithdrawal of the planned propnetory hos pitals would have to be voluntary, Andre\\"S sald. "It's a free counry," he i;.aid. "But it would mean the end of any proposed plans such as these ." Aft.er the Friday presentation, Dr_. Wa:· ren Bostick. dean or the Cahfom1a Col!ege of ~1edicine at ~Cl, calltd _the plan "a unique opporturuty to do things rlghL" . . Said Boi;tick," The University of <'.alifomia \'!'ill look with great pleasure nn this type organitation !ls a ~r~type lor Orange County. Our intention 1s to look ouhi,·ard toward basic facilities klr the training of a tot.al health learn." Dr. Bob Combs, chief administrative t1fficer for the medical college, said after \Vorld War JI there were 10 agin g hGSpitals m San Francisco. He said: . "\Ve tried to get a half doien or five (modern, larger facilities). Now there are l"ight new hospitals in San Francisco. It tnade me sick lo see this happen. No ooe 11·ould gh·e up any prerogalives or r.utonomy." Hospital Planner Van Zanlen said, ' every effort must be made lo d1Srourage inef(ec!h e facilities that are n'll part of the coordinated effort.'' He sl10\\-·ed a chart of existing h<>!pltals 111 Orange County, son1e very small. "This is ridiculous,'' he said. "A grouping of these into larger unilS would have done a much better job or utilizing health man· JlU"''er . 1 hope it docsn't happe:n here·· Van 7..an1en ;i lso said there could ha1·e ht-en 6J llrute hosp1ti1 ls !ler\·ing seven or r 1l!"ht million persons 1n Los Angele! <.:ountv 1w11h pl .1 nn1ng1. l11slf'<11.I, hr ~111tJ. !hf'rr• arr 20~ ho~p11 .• 1~ l11lh 1 ~9 ol lhl'1n belo11• the reco1nrnc11ded ISO bed!i . J\11SS IO N . • • ~rhoo1. )' d1rrclor Ste1 i:: lnJtnmetl an· nounrrd i";ra Y i:::rnup• r 1nplH1~1zr intt'raclion !-irt11·<>r11 hoy s-throu.1111 i;roup pa rt 1l·1pat\011 1n eh.:ttions, can1p1ng. ~pti r·t s :i nd other <irt11:it1f's. One fa tllc1· lc:u1s each gr oup, tin u111lnnn s arr 1\orn ;ind boys or alt b:u·k gro11nd~. ri!Cf'~ :ind cri;eds ate in- ' 1tcd, <1rc.ord1ng to South Coun1y Y direc- tor Roger Carter. OAllY PllOT Ol.t.lfQI C:O,.SI ~u•11~"1 NQ. C:Q.M~"Nl' Jl:•t••I N. W eetl ,..,U .. fftl etWI ~IN•ll'lf J.~~ •· c ... 1., Vlee '''"'"ft' •"<I c;_,.i i.1 ....... , T~'"'"' llC1e.il [f1to• J~11,.,11 A. MMtph:ftl A ... "Ollftl ft<IO' 1Hth1rd '·Ni ll L-.Mftf ••«~ Cl!~ a11101 L•t111M1 IM&tt Ofrk• 21! f'11e1I Av1. M1 •1i~1 Adtl•tnt ,,Q. 111 '''· •l•~Z Ottiet OffkH Ct1•• u .... lJCI "'o' ••~ s•,.,, W-rt '''<" 1111 wn1 t.ltll• .... ,.,.,, "'"""~··~" lltf(J' Jtt J!ll $f"ftl .4 --• -04•LT ~IL01 *'"' ..iiocll,. ~_....., Tl'>e "llWI ~.... 11 •Dllt ... I •l lh •ur11 """" ... I• -r•I• .,,,...,, .. I -~II., lo<MloUIU t rH , "1-1 •Hdl. (If .. M101, H""'l,.'9<! •••<~ ''" P-1•111 \111. 11.,. Or-t.111 ~ul>ll!fl"'I C-...,., .,l!oll"I ,i..~+. ••• 11 nn w.t a.""' I I"' • No-•• ,,,, -,. -.. , '""" C:..lt ,,,.,.., T• ........ IJl4J 4•4·t••• c~ ..,.. "41-4J11 l:...,.,...., 1..,, 0<•••t (. .. II •'*411""'9 :-"' Nt "''" "'',.'· .............. .. .-i ... 111 """... .. ...... ,u ........ , -"" ...... .. .• ,.-.u. •!thOll' •ll(lt l -· ........... C.•""'' -·· l'hainbers. Folio\\ 111;; vigorous protests fro1n neighbors of ~e Hillcrest D r 1 v e lant!n1ark, official~ of C a I 1· a r y 1·:1·:1ngel1ca\ free Church, Which purchas· <'!I Ille 64-room n1anslon .in hope of using ll for a Christian day school, modified r!1e1r request and said they \\'·ou ld settle 1or a pre-school for toddler!, t·hurrh of- !ices and a :;a nctu~ry 1n the Lllird -floor ballroom. They would continue to use the re.· ma indtr or th r bwlding for the com· me rcial apartment use , I.he council wa:i informed. But the modified request still met op- 1):).Sition from residents \vho feared church use would create traffic and other proble1ns in the neighborhood .. The council returned I.he revised plan 1 o the planning commission for a ne1v recommendation . Also on the f\.1onday evening agenda i.~ \\'hat apparently will be the finale of :1 <lcb<ile over Richard D. Burt's request for a variance to add 32 uni1s ta the c:ic· isling eight apartments at Laguna Shoals. 1601 S. Coast Highway. This ha d brought protests fro1n owne rs at Laguna Sands, a 32-unit coopera tive ;1p;irtment development at 1535 S. Coast High1vay. Both properties attain access from Vik- ing Road , a narrow, ocenn1\•ard extension of Bluebi rd Canyon Road and spokesmen for the Sands expressed tear I.hat !ht pro- posed development "'OUld create a .serious traffic problem. At a Sept. 23 study session, planners in· spected the site with represenlall\'ea of the Sands and appeared to arrive at solu- tions to some of the potenlial haurds. Planners also are scheduled to act on a request to rei.one the 21,:i-acre Laguna Canyon Annex No. 3. the city's mm re- cent annexation, from R·H (resldential hillside ) to f<.t-IA (light industrial ), in keeping with the zoning of contlguous property along Laguna Canyon Road. This is routine re-zone, a planning department spokesman said. Under the city 's zoning code, new land acquired by annexation comes in under the R·H tone and then may be re-zoned as required by the area. Another agenda items is a request from Raymond Benford for increased density in a proposed apartment de velopment at 615 Wilcox Way. Benford •eek s permlssioo to build 12 one-bedroom unit~ instead of the eight 2-bedroom uniu n;>w permitted. $10,000 Blaze Sweeps Mansion On Linda Isle A $10,000 blaze swept through the se· cond floor of a Linda Isle marusion Sund ay. Firemen said the fire 11t the R. 0 . Olmst~ad home , 52 Linda Isle. was ap- p11rently caused by a small child playing "'it~ matches and candles. No one 11·as injured. llousekeep<'r t.targarcl Simpson. in eharfl~ o( the household 1vhl!e tllr. and t.lrs. Olmstead are \'acat1oni11g in L11roft.'. calle-d firemen at about 2 p.nl. T\l''l llrt rngin('s fl'Sl)Onded. It 11 ~-~ Ctli"vl'd to be the first fire of ron· ~~qucr.er on lhe exclusi\"e, lr1·inr. lc>r1sPhold residential island. l:"tl I' bla('k ~!llOk<' ft>rl'ed f1rctntn lr. 1;11•1 sr£.r1Hf grar. l-:1 C'!')'Olle II) till' hou~e \las safe ty outside 11hen Jiremen arnred. . - OAILV ,ILOT •"919 tV •lllll rf llNlller PUTTING THEIR BACKS INTO IT. OWNERS AND HELPERS ATTEMPT TO PULL VW FROM SEA A Nylon Ropt •nd Two Cheint Lat•r, B1tt1rH Hulk 811ch1d 1t Balbo1'1 Wtda• Tl1at's No Love Bug JlW on 'Rescue Mission' Pulled Froni Surf By JERO:\IE f . COI.Ll~S DI 1~t 0111~ ,lltf fl•ll Two teen-aged boys , cn,1~1ni;: about Balboa in a Volks1vag<'n. tl1oughl they he.;ird a 1voman scream son1ev.·here on the beach shortly before midnight Satur- day. So they raced to the rescue - in lhr \lol ks11·egcn . Seven hours l:iter, Richard A. 1-.fistrl'I and Stephen G. Davis, both 16, fin ally go~ their car out of the surf. And I.hey never did find any screaming \\'oman . Newport Beach polire said today thty don't know what they'l l do about the last, Y.'hlch invoh·e<: 0ffirer.~. lifeguard~. help rul Balboa resi dents and finally a ci!y tractor before the car "'as al last pu!led Youth on LSD Escapes Death 111 Suicide Try A youth "·ho !old polict he had taken LSD and 1ranted to rnd his hfe , escaped 111th 1n1nor injuries after throv.'in g himself in frc.nt of a car in Laguna Btach rarly Sund11 y. Alan Pratt Perez, 20, of 949 Peregrine. Plact, Anah!!m, \\'as transferred to Orange County Medica l Center aft er treatment for abrasions aL Soulh Coasl Con11nunily llospita!. Driver Larry Elrich Cole, 26, of 1681 7edmar, Anah~im, told police he wa., southbound in the 1100 block of S. Coa st lli!!;hway al approximately 1 am. Suri· day, when the young man jumped out in front o[ his l'ehirle fron1 be tween two parked cars. He was unable to stop in time to al'oid hitting the victin1, Col e sa id. Doctor~ said Perez 11•as "on a !rip,"' police rl'ported , told them he. had taken l.50 and "·anted to die. Blood Specialist Dies NE\V '"ORK (l"PJ) -Dr. \\"1lliam Dan)ashek , noted blood speci11ti.~1 . died toda y at 10:07 a.m. in ~lt. Sinai Hospital ;i[ter undergoing open heart surgery on Satu rda y. fr on1 the rising tide just \\'est of the jetty at the Balboa \\'edge. The two boys. apparently concernrd that, police might not be\ie1·e their story about lhe mysteriously s c r e a n1 i n g \\'Oman, did their best to shove their car out of the sand by t.hemselves un lil about 5 a.m. Then the tide came in. The Vol kswagen, \'l'hich, like all cars, isn't allo\\'ed on the beach, began bobbing like a cork in the water. The boards young t.fiatrel and Davis had stuck under the 11·heels for traction floated a\'l'ay . A beachfront resJdent, rising early, saw lhe boya -and their Volbwagen -los- ing the battle with the sea. He called police. They tried hau ling the car ashore with a nylon rope attached to police units. The rope !trelchtd. The car didn 't move, except up and down . The Harbor Dis!rict \\"as :idviscd of the proble m. They couldn'l help from the :aea. No winche s. The d;,1,\1'n, mean"·hilc, had coinc up 11ke thunder, the surf 's pounding in· lenS:ified, and a cro"·d ~athered. Finally, the city yard \1·as callrd. A tractor ru1nbled to the scene. a chain "'as atlached to the car. The chain snapped. A heavier chain 1vas pul into service. Alter some clanking, a little rattling, lots of splashing. and some shuddering on the part of !he Volks wagen and t.listrel and Davis, the car began eme rging from the sea. The l'rowd cheered. J\tistrel and Davis didn'l. Their Volkswagen wa.~ a mess. Bu1nped . battered and soaked . They wen l home with friends. The Volkswagen stayed behind in a garage. Mesan Takes Wild Trip -Into Jail Cell Toilet A naked , 1nud-cake-d man screaming messages of love for hi! captor! ""'3.~ J.iiled Saturday night after an all tged 1,SD frolic, finally halted by a .squad or five. Costa Mesa policemen. lie later lri~ to escape by diving into "' jail cell toilet but \\"as unsuccessfur, in- 1·e-stigators said. Roger A. Fuerst, 21 , ot 5JO \V. \\'i\scin Jolin A. Bunihera Services Slated Rosary will he re cited at 7:30 r.n1 . Tuesday in St . Catherine's CathQlic Church, Laguna Beach, for John A. Bum· ber.~. 624 Seavie1v Sl., "'ho died Satl1rday 111 the Laguna Beach Nursing Home at the age of iii. ~la~.~ "'ill bt celebrated in SL f";i\hcrine"s at 9 a.m. \Vednesday. follo11·. r d by 111!er1nent in lloly Cross Cemetery, LG!i Angeles. Sumbera, a phannat1st for 56 ytars. \1·as born 1n Pennsylvania. had Jil'ed here ~ince 1945. He was a member of A1nrrican l.tJi:ion Post 222 in La guna lkarli. !he Knighls {1f Columbus anrl Holy f\.inu• Soc1 et\' ant! 11a ~ a Iifr n1emher of 1he Elks Club ot araddock. Pa~ lie 1s !lu r1·ired by J1is 11·ido"'-ilfargarrt, of the hon1t ; a daui;:llttr, ~frs. Al :\later rif .Santa Ana : a ~on , \\'i llian1 J. of 'Th' ll<1 ~11t, 11.ol land : ?.nd hy f o 11 r }!;randchildren, Elsie Ann Buinbera and ;)eiJp. t.fikcl and t.largaret t.-laier St .. "a.s booked on cha rges or res1st1n.;: arre~t and being under th' influence of LSD, ~·ith bail set at $625 and scheduled to be in court toda y. Patrolman Bob Goode said he .arrived al the Ala ~!oana Aparlments Saturday night in re!lpoll!e to a report of a nitde man and found Fuerst l)'lng in \ht cenltr of a cro1,•d of tenants. The officer said he scuffled with the slippery suspect for about two minute~. fluring which time the collegian tried to ;ump into th e apartment s"·imming pool. During the melee. officers Rand y Nutt, Ron Palmer, and Se:n Arnold joined in 1rying to quiet the inrohcrent suspect and fin ally gol hi1n into a patrol car. •· 1 lol'e )'00.'' he "'as quoted a!I shouting, "'hi le his flailin g feet belied the :.ent iment. Jn \'estigators iiaid Fuerst continued to bounce. off the 11·alls of the Jail holding cell -trying to dive do"'" the commode -and \\'as flnally remo1·ed to a padded· type facility after much struggle. Sgt. Gary Shull and Officers Jim Cor· rale~ joined "ith the lhree oLher patrolmen to sltifl Fuerst lo \\"hat migl1l accurately be lermed more coinfortab\, qu;orters. Ice lander Takes O\'er BRCSSELS. Ri!!lg1um (AP\ -The r>:or1h Atlantic Council announced toda y that E1nil Jonsson. foreign 1nlnJster or Iceland. ha~ assumed the council'~ presidencv. The shift took place Sept. 17, and he 11·i1J ser\'e for a year. He succeeds \Vest Tl1e Cast of Hai1· • Doe s11't Sl1op He1·e F"or one thine . th e '.'\e\l'port Bearh P olice Department would probably lake a dim 'iC\\' of it.. Like us. they're a btt old-fash· ione.d. '{ou 1nay ~a,·e noticed 1n lhe paper that a recently hel d •·pop-- rock"' fesli\'.al 11,as attended by 01~~r 15.000 k.lds. and about 100 of lhen1 \1•e.re naked. \\'e hope this trend doesn't catch on. ll does nothing for our business. ~fakes you look 10 pound.s hghl· or. Possibly yo•,(,·e been so busy "etching the stock n1arket lhAt you haven't even noticed thes'. trends. But l\'e.'11 bet the ,,·01nan 1 in rour life certainly has. \\"omen notice such th1ngs. .~nd they care. They care Je~s about the stock market -a~ long as you can afford Ul take the1n to Europe \r hen they're in the mood. (Aren't they lll,,·ays?) "1ell, w1 can't finance your trip to Europt , but \Ve can see that you go 1n style. Our fall suits ranie in price from $95. to L1111cl1 Costb P1·obe Due By T1·u stee s Tllf" high cost nf kitchen help v, 111 hr pondered by Laguna Beach :<chool trus1crs Tuesday night. Not enough student~ arr ea1 1ng at thr caleteria.1 at Aliso, El t.lorro and Top of the \\fcrld Elementary schools, with th, resuH that labor costs are ;11nou1111ng tn as r-1uch .as 46 perce11t of the .sehoot~· c·a1eteri'1 budg!'t!'. The proporuon ~hould bt aL('U! 30 per<.'t'nt. accord111g to ~upt>r1ntendcnt Or. \V illiarn Ullo111 . The El t.torro rafcteria has the highc:-1 patronage, serl'i ng an average of 126 nieal~ a day. but al Aliso, onl y 98 meal.• arc se!'vcd, Ullom s<iid. Since il takes SJ.l peopl~ to prepare for about 320 rnr.a ls and ~ each school has it,; 011·0 i.:ooking f<1cili1ic~. tbe operation is becon~ing too costly . Tnistee! are expected In <'onsider thf po~sible use of central cooking IJci11t1c.\ fer t::" three .school s. Pal'\ of Lhe pro. blen1, Ulloni said, 1nay have bcr11 in· crea~i> in school lunch cost to 45 c·ent ~ this year, t·o1npared with last year·s 41'1 cents. The situ ation 1s betlrr at the high !>cho::il. 11here a!111osl half the Jo,tudc:nl ~ p:itror.i~e the cafeteria, consuining ·\7;1 rncals a. day. Thurston lntennediatr :-.cho.1! has the highest proporllon of tafeteria patronage, .srr\'lng 295 meals d~ily. Also on the agenda for tonight's school Loard n1eeting at 7:30 in the dis trict of- fices, is a report on the h i g h school's 1nini-course project. Stuart H;ibino\\i!Sh. president of the .Progressive Ed uc ation t:lub and as sistant pnncipal Don J\1illc r. advi~llr for the project. will outline the niini-course program for trustees. t.fini-courses on .sulijetls requested hy lh<' students are presented during t.udy h:il! prrio<ls at lhe high school. Trustees also will he;1r of a thir d ;it tempt to secure funding 111 the amount or approximately $7Ei.000 for books anti m.1terials for the high school library . T"'n prr.l'ious applications for federal funds \\"hich are allocated by the stale ha1 e been turned down. Richard Goode Rites Tuesday Serr.l"r!I 11·il1 be htld .at JO a.m. Turs- d:i:v-in Sheffer Laguna Beach ~1ortuar.v t:hajX'l for Rich ard It c;ooc1e. 67. of 32771 Caspiar. Sra Dri\'e, South Laguna, 1\·hn ciled Saturday at South Coast Community Hoi;pilal. F'ou11der .and president of C.icneral Carbon Company or J..ns Angel es, J\f r c.:oor1c had lived in Callforni:.i !or 4~ ye.::r:. the past .seven 1n Or:inge County. lie 11 as a graduate or both De l'au1v and Purdue Uni versities in Indiana and .ii mrmber of Phl G11mrna De lla. Sur1'i\ors include his w1doll', J1 r11rr tll'o brothers, Dr. U<lmon lioodc and !Jr. Fran k Goode, both of Indiana ; anrl three :-isterr . .tl1rs. Dorothy Nelson of Florid,1: tl1rs. ll-1arjorie Feeney of Indiana and J\lr.~. Carolyr. Pollet of Connccti<·ut. l r.t~rment "'ill be at t.lelrosc Ahbc y, Anahei n1 . Di sguised Bo111b Rips J\larketplacc, ]\.ills 1 TEL AVlV IA\ -A bon1b packed in 11 box ol fruit and plar.:ed benf'ath a parker! rruc k rxploded in a cro"·dcd mark<'t in the to\\'n of AruJa today. killing a m:1n 1n the truc k cab and iniuring 23 other.~. police said. Sc1eral of ll1e injur!'d , inth1d 1n,g 11on1rn, l'hlldren and 1\r,1bs, "'rrr reported in ~rrious c0n<llll011 Pnl1cr: rrnind ed up about JOO Ar<1bs for qucr.· 1 ioriing. Slj,i Our expert ad\'Jl"\' 1~ ;i lsn 11·orth money, but 11 c don't chergc. \\'hether you re looking tor :o:omelhsng traditional or conven- \lonal. 11·orsted flannel . shark· skin. herringbone or Bengaline. )'ou "tl find our selel'lion a!'i fin e as any io the area. as turrent as this mornmg's ~e\v York Times. :\ cOl.reful look: through our racks is sure lo turn up some pleasant surprises. Come In and bro"·se a ll da)". \\'e open at 9:30 a .111 ., close oil 5:30 p.m. (9 p.n1. on 1:-rida)'S). rror a lunch break 11·e suggest Berkshire's, \Vood y"s or Tale of the \Vhale. And \l'e also have a .sugges· lion for the nudists of the world -UN ITE! Then gel dressed. It's good for bu:.a ness, And it 1nay even keep 1he pohce off your back. Jack Bidwell At Bid,reU 's "·e·re excited about trends of • different ~ort Like. lhe lr ider laptls you're seeing this season. The increas· In£ uiie ot stripes. Tht gro,ving popul•rity flf the double-breast- ed blazer. And. of course, lhe sheped suit (or "silhouette." ii you prefer) -now e\ident 1n e,·erythlng from le1surt wear to the most t raditional clothing. 3487 \'la Lido at Ne .. port Bh·d., Ne•-porl BeaC!h Park1n• for •A many irars •• ~·on 01''11. D41LY ,l~OT Jltll ,,,_,. No,. Opl!D l"rlday .,,·enlngo until 9 p.m. ""<.-(II .. -·-ttll ti .........,, ht(ll •• t.•lo MIM. Ctlllllf"'f 3'*lC• .. !IOO ~. ~'"""' U,111 ..-1111.,, .-, ,.,,u n • -"'"' ,..11tt11t ••11,..t!IOlo. IJ,M ,_lll!y. FIREM!N TOSS BURNING MATTRESS FROM HOUSE 81 111• Sw1ep1 Stcond Floor of Linda Isle Home \ ] , , ~ r b II ,, " II ' " I: ,, rr I> u. r!i s! )< " di ,., I r• .<;~ D "' II el " " .. sl °' Jll n< ., J; h• n• ;11 !I :11 IC " P• r. N A le r ~ ' ] h " L \' n f• ' b c " b " J' " I ' J I i; <I jt P' ,. p ( ( r. \' '" n· S1 7 . -----.... -.-~-~.,-,.-~~-------------.... -·-""""'"'"_"" ____ .... ____ ""_""'_ .. _..,""_""'_,...,.....,,,.,,_..,..,,_..,. ... _____ -i Newport Harbor EDITION Today's Final, N.Y. Stocks VOL b2 , NO. t. 3 SECTIONS* PAGES MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1969 TEN CENTS Linl(letter Blames LSD in Girl.'s Death Tow11 Hall To Discuss Ove1·ride A Tov.·n Hall rneeting for discussion cir Nev.•port-~lesa Unified School District's planned Feb. 10 override tax election has been set for \\1cdnesday night. 1\11 \\'ho <1rc interested are invited by the school board to attend and ask any qut's!ion or n1akc any suggestion. School trt.slccs saitl before they begin to deeide t he la:< election <1Tilount they want to hear ;i ll points or view and particularly are in- !rrcstcd in input from the community at Jari::c. Teacher rrpresenlatives will be present 1n gi\'e their lhoughls. Schoo l ad- 1n1nistralors have been directed by the bQ;irrl to prepare basic iniormalion to be' used as a (>'1in l of departure. Al. ;i recenl n1eeting trustees engaged in rliscu.~sion of what tltis informalion ~hould be. l t Y>as decided allernative pro- jt'c1ions should be prepared of cost of :-;11stainin,i,: prescnl programs and of ad- 11ing programs and moving into new ed11cational directions. Trustees also v.·antcd information presen ted on \vays in \\'ltich they might sa ve taxpayers money. But Budgcl Director \Vall Adrian reminded them th:i t \\'hen the last override was passed in 1966 the arnounl asked \vas less by the amount flf a 20 p<'reent efriciency factor than school staff figured ·was needed. "\Ve n1el that commitment,'' Adrican said, "bul efficiency can only go so far and then it goes the other \Va y." Adri<in said he does n't know how tn i;t-.o w future economies but he can point out \Yht're staff has not been added pro- portionate to growth. "About the only v.•ay we can do lt nov.·adays is show our price didn't 110 up 11.~ much as olllers." conceded Trustee J iJTileS "Bill'' Peyton. Preliminary estimates prepared ror the boarc; a nlonth ago shO\\'Cd the override need could be ror as much as Bl ce11ts ;;bove the present tax rate of $4.7-4 per Slflfl of :i.s.,cssrd \•aluation in Costa Mesa ;inf! $1 35 in r\e1vporl Beach. (Tile dif- rerl'.'ncc b~!V.'!'Cn citie.~ is the ~l or separate bonded indebtedness i~rred pnor to unification.) . . The To11·n Hall meeting \1'111 be at 7:30 r m. \\'e1tnes<lay in the cafeteria . at Ne~'porl Harbor High School, 600 Jrv1ne Avr .. Newport Beach. Arca service clubs ha1•e been requested In send representative:;. Thieves Haul Off 82,148 in Loot Fron1 Li<lo Home Thie,'!'' !illprwd Lhe latch on 111 bathrOCttll w1n<lo'"· cra11•lcd 1ns1dc the 11nocc11p1cd ho1ne of rrank .I. Br ick on Lido Isle, ;ind hauled av.·ay $2.,148 in \aluables ovt'r the 1veekend. Polite said Brick, 1vho i:r; retired. discovered the burglary when he returned from Palrn ~prings Sunday. The b.1yfr0fll residence at 51 6 Via Lidn Nord was carefully gleaned by the burglars, who closed all the drawer:-; and closeL doors and even attempted lo fix thr snapped latch on the entry window befon• 1hey left. Pol ice surmised more than one bur'1:1ar \1·as involved because the lool included a ]25-pouncl TV set. remo~·ed fro1n a den \ra!L Among other mi ssin~ items \l:ere a Sl,000 silver serving set. $650 fox fur cape ;ind severa l bottles of liquor. Panel Talk on Plan For J\liddlc School Set A panrl discussion on Newport-J\.1esa t.;nifi~d School District's middle school concept of moving sixth graders intn junior high ·will be presented for the pubhc tonight Thr prog r;i1n will begin at 7:30 p.m. in l ~ F!'rum al Estancia High School, 23'3 Placentia Ave., Co:r;ta J\.iesa . G rccn Hcrct ()fficcrs Get New Assig111n c11 ts \VASlllNGTON (UPI) -~ven of I.hf! f,rcl'n Berets cleared or murderinR a \'ietn11mesc national were reassigned lo· tl&\' hv the Army. most of them to 111flil:it y in!elligence j(lbs but none In Special forc.'ts units. . ( . ' .. , , • 1 I :, '• -0. I,. l '.:r-\ t ~: ... . ..... PUTTING THEIR BACKS INTO IT, OWNERS AND HELPERS ATTEMPT TO PULL VW FROM SEA A Nylon Rope and Two Chai"' L•ter, B•ttered Hulk & .. ched at Balboa's Wedge Tl1at's No Love VW on 'Rescue ll1ission' Pullecl Front Su rf By JERO:\IE F. COLLl\S Ot lh1 01111 ~Ila! 1111! T"·o teen·aged boys, cruising al)out Balboa in a Volkswagen, thought th ey heard a woman scream somP\\'here on the beach ~hortly before midnight Satur· day. So they raced lo the rescu~ -in the Volkswagen. Sc\·en hours !alrr, Richard A. rit istrrl <ind Stephen G. Davis. both l6 , fin ally got their car oul of thl' su rf. And they ne\'er did find any screaming lll'oman. Newport Bt'ach police said tod ay they don't kno\V 1\·hat they'll do about the <-ase, y;hich invo l\'eC: officers. lifrguards, helpful Bal boa residenL~ and finally a city tractor before the car was al last pulled from the rising tide just \\'est of the jelly 111 the Balboa \Vedgc. The two boys, appart'n!ly concerned that police might not believe their story about tht' mysteriously s c r cam i n p; "'Oman. did their be:st to sho\'e their car out of the sand by themselves until abou t ti a.m. Then the tide ca1ne in. T h e Volkswagen, which, like all cars, i~n·t a!lo"'ed on the beach, began bobhing like a co rk in the 11·ater. The boards young J\l i.,trel and Davis had stuck under the wheels for traction floated a\\·ay. A be:a ch£ront resident. rising early, sa,., lhe boys -and their Volkswagen -lo~· iog the battle \\'ith the sea. I-le called police. Thry tried h;1ul1ng the car a:;hore \l'i\h a nylon rope al\a chcd to police unit s. The rope slreJched. Th!' car didn 't move, rxce pt up and down . The Harbor !Jislrirt was arlv1sed or 1he problern. They couldn't hel Jl from the sra. No v.·1nchcs. The dawn, mran"·hilc. h11d r.ome un like thunder, the surf 's pQundini in- tensified. and a crov.·d gathered. Finally, the city yard 1o1·as called. A tractor rumbled lo !ht' scene. a chain v.·as attached to the car. The chain snapped . A heavier chain v.·as put into service. After some clanking, a little rattling, lots of splashing. and some shuddering on the part of the Volkswagen and Mi strel and Davis, the car began emerging from the sea . The cro"·d cheered. J\.fistrel and Da vis didn 't. T~.eir Vol kswagen \\'<'IS a mess. Bumped. haltered and soaked. They went ho'me vdth fr iends. The Volks~·agen stayed b:hind in a garage'. y ·, CIAILY Pl.LOT'""" ty .lcfl .... K""lef FISHERMAN JACK McCOY SPOTS UNUSUAL CATCH 'I've Seen Eve rything, Now,' Sant• Anan Observes Jordan Foils Plot Against Govenunent Afl·IMAN. ,Jordan (AP) -'rhe govern~ n1e nl announced today it has foiled •·a plot against the security or the kingdom.·· The announcement did nol make clear "'hcthcr the plot was aimed a t overthrowing King Hussein 's gtivem· mcnl. The state1nent said the plot was planned by !he le adersh.ip of the banned Liberation party with the backing or Israel "and those v.·ho are behind tbe enemy," 11 · W ithlaold Grades UCLA Blacks Back Davis LOS ANGELES (AP) -As admitted Communist Angela Davi!! prepared to teach her first course at the Uni\'ersity or Californla al Los Angeles today, other blac!i: instruclorll threatened to "'ithhold i;ir;idr:-~ rrom their studen ts unless aca•Jemic credit is restored to her course. "W~ v.·ill not accept fir s t -cla s s cit17.enshlp when one or us is forced to ac- l'~pt second-clas:r; :r;tatus," said Robert :-iingleton, director of !he Afro-American Studies Center at UCLA. Singleton said that 11 Instructor~. representing three-fourths of all black faculty members Al the school. decided to withnold 1rades from all students in an effort •''lo tos.'I the ball back into the hands of the regents." Mis:r; Davis said she will ask her students whether she should lecture dc..~pite her firiog. Her department chairman, Pro r. Donald Kali sh. says he ·lias no Idea htlw lh(' studen~ wjll react. "Student!! are very skll1£ul in organiz- ing themselves and in keeping their plan!! out of the eye of the public and of a 50- ye11r-old professor," 1he phll9sophy pro· fe:i;sot told newsmen Sunday in an- nouncir.g the decis ion by Miss Davis, 25. lier course, "Recurring Philosophical 1'hcmcs in Black Literature," 11as . '· . - -. -. -~ ----. ----- schec1L1ltd lo meet for lhe first time today, with 169 studcnl.$ enrolled. Univeri;ily reaents fired. Miss Davis Sept. JO, invoking a JHO regents' ruling prohibiting Communlsla from teaching at ~tale un!vernlties. Miss Davis said she was ll member or a Commu nl5t club. ShP accused the regent~ of being prt?- Judlccd becau8e she Ill a Negro and said she \vould teach whl)e appealing the di~missal. Thi!: rcgenL~ responded by l!Slllng an order that UCLA Chancellor Chatles Young said he inlerpretcd as meaning Iha! Miss Da,•is 1n11y lec:h 1re during the appe"I but that students won't rtoeiYe crec!it for the c~r11e. Daugl1te1· 'M111·derecl' Witl1 Dr11gs l!OL.J.Y\\'OOD -Arl Linklct1cr blamell LSD fnr the death of his 20-}'ear-old daugh!cr "ll "'asn't suicirle," the star of Ilic House !'arty television show Io l 1t ne~·smen Sunday, ''because she wasn't hcrselr. It was 1nur<ler. She was 1nudrercd by the people \\'ho manufacture anrl sell LSD.·• Diane Link!etter plunged rrom the kitchen window of her sixth-floor apart- ment Saturday as a friend , Edward Durstnn, tried to grab her. Linkletler. 57, said he had known for ~Ix months that she was part of a Holly- ~·ood group that experimen ted with drugs. She had tolrl him t'arlier about a "bad tr;p" \\'ilh LSD. and \\•as unUer the drug's efrf'c ts again when she died, he asser1ed. "She \Va.~ a girl \\'hn was not psyt'hnlic, nnt under trratmcnt. ;i happy girl v.'ith no 111011ey lroul;ilC'!','' Linklrttcr said . "Shr. had problems that teens have had ~iocc time began. But LS D gives thcrn <1 v.·ay of ;n·nirt ing facing up to those problems. "Ynu ;idd l ~.;;o tn a girl \11hn j, snme\1'hal emolion<JI and clratnatic anrl it l<in he disastrous. She lold me about lak· Ing it, about her bum trip. She fell she \\'aS being 1lriven out or her mind . "A parenl can do lit11c in a c;isl' like thi s.'' Link\ctter said. "No one can tlo anyth.ing ahout ii, except the youni pro- p1e lhemselves_" Mi ss Linkle\ler. the youngest or Linkleller's five children. W• pret1y and talked about a HollywOod cart?{'r. lft>r rather said sht' had some singing jobs planned. Durston. 27, told police Miss LinklC'llf'r had ask~d him to come fo her apartment Friday whC're they speol the night talk~ lng. She "'<IS emotional and despondent, concerned "'ilh her identity and her c<i reer, police quoted Durston as sayini;:. Drugs a.~pcc1s of the c<ise are ~1111 \Jcing investigated, police said. Private funeral services are planned <it forest Lawn Mrmorial Park. Llnk lcller and his \1•1fc. l .oi~. "'ere not ified nf the 1leath in Colorado an<l rch1rneJ here Sunrl:ay. On .July l:i .John Z\\·eyer. 3.1, husband of J.inklc\\er's oldest rtaughter. Dawn, 2.9, shot himself in the head. He repQr!!'dly "'as 1lcpressed over his insurance business. Mcsan's Escape Trip Through Toilet Foiled A nakt'd , mud-c11ked man scream1nl-': n1essage.~ of Jove for his caplor.~ \\'i'I' jailed Saturday night after i.'n allegcrf LSD frol ic. finally halted by a squad of live Costn Mesa policemen. He later tried to escape by diving into a jail cell toilet but was unsuccessful. in- vestigators said. Roger A. Fuerst, 21 . or 530 W. Wilson St., was boo~ed on charges of resisting arrest and being under the inrluence of LSD, with ba il set at S625 and schedu led to be in court today . Patrolman Bob Goode said he arrived at lh e Alea Moana Apartrnents Saturday night in response to a repQrt of a nude man ancl round Fuerst lying in !he center or a crowd of l ~nants. The officer said he scuffled \\'ith the slippery suspect for abOut t1o1·0 minutes , 'lu ring wh ich time the collegian tried to jump into rhe apartment swimming j>ool. Durin,ll the metee. officers Randy Nun, non P:ilmer, and Sam Arnold joined in trying lo quiet the incoherent 8Uspecl and finally got hiJTI into a ,Patrol car. "I love yt1u," he was quoted as !!hooting. whUe his flailing feet belled the sentiment. lnvestlgat<t's said-Fuerst continued In bounce off the walls of the jail holding cell -trying to.dive down the commode -and was finally removed to 1 paidded· lype· facility after mYch 1trugle. Sgt. Gary Sbull and Officer~ J im Cor- rales joined with the three ot her patrOJmen to sflift F'Ue.rst to what might accurate ly be, termed fno re comforbble qa1rter1. · Blood Specialist Dies NEW YORK (UPI) -Or. William Damashek, noted blood ~~lallst, died tortay at 10:07 R.n1 . in J\.!t. Sinai llo:r;pltnl afler undergoing open heart surgery on S;iturday. U~IT1'9 ....... FALLS TO DEATH Oiane Linkletter Mets Whip Bra ves~ Cop NL Pe1111unt NE\\' YOHK (AP) -Tht New '\'ork l\.lt'1s, once the laughing stock of baseball, )>tu nned Atla nta 7.4 today, completed a 1hree·game swee p of !he Braves in thei? best-of-rive playorf series and won ttt. Nationa l League championship. The Mell. created in 19&2 Rnd for yea!"! the pt!rennial 10th place finisher. ne:d play lhe \lo'innC'r of the American League playorr sceries between Ba ltimore: and Minn esota in the World Serles, beginninC Saturday . Tommie Agre. Ken BoswC'!l and \\rayn e r.arrelt ;ill hit home ruos a.~ 1he: Mets <.:a rne fr orn ~C'h1nd 2-D ;ind 4-3 deficits for their Luggcst 1•ie tory ever. Nolan Ryan. :i har<t·thrO\\'i ng right-han· dC'r, replaced struggli ng ~·oung Gary C.en• 1ry in the third inning. pitched out of a t>ase.~-loarled jam and re ceived credit for thr rlecision . Veterans llank Aaron anrt Orlando C!'pcda ea ch ha d a two-run homer fOC' Atlanta . "'h1ch wa!' an 11-10 favorite Lo beat Nf'W York in the playoffs. Th(' r.1e1.~ won 100 game:-; in the regular ~ca.son in ta kin~ the Ea.~l Divisi<m cha""' p1onshir while Atlanta took the \Vest titlt Jn lhe new , 12-team setup. ;\Jolcl Hoo111 Looted By Cat Burglar ,\ c·.:it h11rglar !noted the room of .,. ~1nrg;;n Hill 111<1n while he \•isited over 111r \\'f'('krnd ar ;1 l'ns la fl1esa mot.el be o~·ns, p:;l1cr .o:;:iul today. Clint l.. Baker wn s a.~IC'ep In lhe Coral Jlrrr f\Iolrl. 2.645 Harbor Hlvcl., when his "'<1t rh. n rin~ ;ind assorted money total• ing $.'IQO \\'as taken from a dressertQl', rolice said. Slork ~Jarkel• Nt<:w YORK (AP J -Glamor iss uis displayed some strength in an otherwise 11.'thargic slock market la,te this aE• lernoon. Trading "'as slo\v. ( Se t qu11t<1tions. Pages 20-21). Prices t'dged up lo their best level of Lhe day in ea rly afternoon. then slipped back. The Dow Jones average of 30 in· dustrials at 2 p.m. 1o1·as up 0.92 at 809.33. Orange Coast Weather Sunny skies and warmer lemp- eratures are on the horizon for Tuesday along the Orange Coast, with the mercury reaching up in- to the eighlies. INSIDE TOD,\ Y It n1au 1Hll'f' bPPn hiahly oc- claimed far 26 IVlll'k:s dt1.rl11g ils Brill.sit shorl!ing,q /1111 TV col!1m.· 11ist Cynthia Ln1vru 50!1$ !he "Forsythe Snr111" Is j ri8t an· . other aoop ' nptm. Pone '17 . fl••"~· ll C ~fiklml1 I CllUlflt<ll }I.JI Ct"'iu ., Crn1 ... rf H °'"'~ ""'I<" 11 ld•i.r!tl '''' t l!~t~••l~ll\t~t 11 FIH~<t H-11 HfllK-II AR~ LIMtrl 1J Mllllot• ' Mtv•ll II .. """'' "'··· ... o,.,,, c-1, " s .... , ,,.,. !I•~ Mf•kltt Jt.11 1'tlt¥1'*' n ,~ .. ,... " Wlt lJIW I o .... ~ w~1" n Wttlll N""' W ·-·· fll .... ,,.lt I L. -. .. . . ----· --. ---------------·---~---::--":": ...... ----------------------------------------------·-.. --.. ,. . ...,...,. .. ._.,. •. .__ ,.. •••r• •••••• ••' 2 DAILY PILOT N Mllletay, Oct.ober 6, l96t ----------------- U.S. Age-µts Intercept Coast Man's Pot Boat A Seal Beach man \1'ho cu$\omfi agents alltge 111'as captured in San D1tgo \\'oters \\'llh a boatload ot contraband -in· t•luding the first ltnOwn trademarked n)ar1juana -loday awaited arraib•runenl in fed eral court on sn1ugghng t:harges. A&ent~ who boarded the cruiser operated by Wi!l iarn J ... \\'illy" LC'nahan, '27, of 123 l llh St., clain1 they seized 154 pn'Jnds of high-grade rnarijuar1a, more 1ha.n !,000 drug pills and a quantity of ap· parent heroin . Sat.urttv \1·as tht flr~t 1nvolv1n& a boat since Operation Intercept -lhe t;.S. crackdown oa marijUAna -wen\ into ef· tect'~ weeks a110. "Ob man. Willy's messin1 with I.he feds and. tl\e)' dOn't ptly around," an ac· ~1 u a;ntance who heard lhe news in a Sunset Beach liquor store Sunday was heard In siiy, Authorities v.·ho 1ra11ed Lenah1111·~ 21i· 'fhe capture duru1g predawn darkne~s foot c.:abln cruiser from Me~1can 10 U.S. v.•ater,, then overtook il in a C~t Guard vessel, 1ald the marljutllla 1ei1ed was in 41 package11. hand ful of pesos, wilh a broad smile on his face. •·EJ Comprador," was the brand name -The Buyer. "Ne llay Mejor," \vas the added slog:i n -Nonr Belter. authorities l!aid Brsldc. the n1aior marLJUana haul, Complex or Metroports? Press Asked to Leave in South County Airport Talk By P A..i\fELA HALLAN 01 .,,. 0.111 ~lltf llllt Ideas running the gamut from an enlarged airport CQmplex to a series of small melroports were tossed around Saturday at a meeting of lhe South Or•nge County Airport Committee. Exchanging ideas and providing in· Formation for the group v:hich oppose~ lhe u;e of El Toro as a commercial alroort \\'ere John K i 11 e f e r , ad- mi~lstrali\"e assistant to Fifth Dislri<'l Crur,ty Supervisor Alton A!len and Bernie Tiernan. assistant to fourth Districl County Supervisor \Villiam •1. Hirstein. Ccr'"!mittee chairman Harvey Stearn .askP:! the DAILY PILOT to leave before lhe meeting commenced, saying that the speakers felt that because of polltical 01ertones ot some of their comn1ents, thry would not be able to speak as treely if a n1embcr of the press was present. Killcter. lal rr said it \\'f•S true thal he ;.nr. Tierna n \\"OUld not hil ve been able to "'PPak as freely but asserted that nothing 1ras ~aid during the meeting that couldn"l h<1rt been said before the press. Repotring on Lhe 1neeting later, Stearn said that both Kil!efer and Tiernan in- dicated an interesl in a metroport or reeder system as a possible ansv.•er t() Orange County's airport needs. lie stated lhat Orange County is th e second largest 111 th~ stale in population but has one of the sn1a llest areas. "\Ve"rc approaching a point \\•here a large airport wou!dn 'l be Jeasible because of population density,'' ~aiC.: Stearn."As time goes on the cost of land \\'ill become more and more pro- J;ib!tive .'' Thomas Woodruff New Ii~ said that it would appear that a n1etrt•port sy3tem might be a better idea i11 lhat il could feed commuters to large airports where con tinental and in- tercor.tinental flights would be available. Stearn also reported that phase two of 11 study approved by the county Board o( Supervisors in April will :;oon be brought 10 the board for funding. 'This study is ex· amining the feasibility of using El Toro "'1arine Co rps Air Station for commercial purposes. City, Attorney in Valley "But it's no secret," claimed Stearn. "that. although the supervisors voted for tht study, they may not necessarily belif!ve it 1rould be feasible." Thomas Woodruff, 30, former assistant c1tv attorney for Newport Beach, slarte<i .,..,o.rk loday as the new part-time rity at- torney of f'ounlain Valley. He ll'as selected by the Cily Council ~atuniay after interviews ~·ith nine ap- p!ican1s fo r the position vacQ\ed by the resi gnation of Ed'.l·in i\lartin. \VoodruH 1rill handle his fir s1 assignment v.·hcn the council n1eets Tuesday. •·He was selected because Of his Fashion Island Manager Berge Resigns Position r·ashion Island fi>lana,!lrr Kenl Berge has resigned hi!! job v.•ith the Irvine Con'- pany to entu the real estate devt\opment field, Jr\'ine spokesmen said Friday. Berge's replaetmenl lo the top post or ·the finn"s 7S-acre, hilltop shopping center is. Lew Goodfield, formerly neighborhood lihopping center manager for the Irvine Company. Good field, 31, is na\i\"e of Sanla Barbara and a graduate of Long Beach State College. He holds a bachelor·s degree in economics. The ne¥.-manager joined the Irvine Company in J\1:ly 1968 after experience in tetall sales management for furniture •firms. ' He is a Ne\1·porl Beach resident , the . fathPr nf 1hree daughters and a son. '.Goodfield , his vole. Helen. and lhc1r '.family Ji\"e at 2f>l2 Sierra Vista. Burg lar' :-\J,ip ())cl For :\t·w a t Church Burglars broke 11110 St A ndrt'w·~ l'rrsbrtt'r1an C'hur'li 111 .\cwpor! Beach O''ern1S;ht Sunday , cartin,i: away 1hrrr : pJc')c,e_s of 01!11.:c r.qu1p1nr11t 1 alued at ~l . .,b;J f'ohtC' sa1rl lhc !hU!\'CS. wlio entered lhe churrh"s olr1ce area by pryi ng open l\\O :;e1s of doors. skipped older of11ce equip· , ment. They took hl"o brand new JB,\f , cle<'tric I} pe\1Tileri; and a newly pure has- . f!d Ol11·e111 adding n1ach1nr. . • • • • DAILY PILOT Dl•MOI Cf'l•11 ~St l\ltOICI (Oi\l~AW'I' ••••1• N. W11lll ''"1-1 -''*''Wf Jt~~ II:. Cwr lt1 Voo ,.,.,,.llfft'ol ,.,. GI,,.,., ~ ....... ,~ ...... "-•••ii EG•'•' T~""''' A i..1~,,~;., Y.tft•ll~t [Ill .. J, .• ..,, F. Coll:~, lj-rl .... ~ (fly Et••Or N•w,.,. ..... Offl•4 121 1 W11I l1lli11• l oult •ud M1;li~. Allllll••11: P.O. 110 t 11i , '16tJ_ C••• IM11 . l_,., """'St• J!rnl L•--~~· 1'1 ,,,.,1 ..__.._ w,,,..,.,,. ...... u ... !'Ill ..... , ·- M ILT ~IL01, •llfl -oc~ II ~'"" ..... ......... II_ • ... t-.a.H> •><-.! -....... _ ........... "'' 11.,.,,...n t.«fl. ea• ""-· ~ 9Ntfo. ....,.rlllt,., ltff(I! -"-1f lft .... u .... ·-..... ·-....... .-11i.-o...... c-• ~..,"" (.-''"""" -· ., •• , 1111 "'"' atlbN a1 .... , --•-11. IN UI .......... ""-'· .;;, ......... ? I= 1 11141 Ml-4JJI awl ......... , '41.1611 c..r....... ..... 0•-c •• ,. "'*"'"'"' .::_..,. ... "'"" ........ o11 .. 1 ... """, flllOI'~ -tltt "' .. ~.. '-""ft -~ .. ·---··-. -··· .... .......... .. <WY• ..... ·-·· --.... , -.,. ..... 41" .... ..,... ...... .... C-.. .,,..., t•t"•••lt Jllllt<ri.t~ "' tan"IW na .._!lo!" '°' .... u .... -1'olJ'1 ""~111ory _,.,,.,_, 11.M """*'I'- municipal experience,·• City ?-.tanager Jim Neal said today. '\'oodruff earned his degree in law at 1he liniversity of Califo rnia Hastings Law School. From 1966 to 1967 he was deputy city attorney and city prosec utor for lnalewood. From 1967 to the present he has been a fu!ltlme a3sistant in J\"e\\'porl Beach . In addition lo handling Fountain Valley's legal matters, Woodruff will open a private practice. f.1artin resigned more than a month ago, giving as his reason the desire of lhe city to employ a full time allomey. City officials, ho\\·ever, later decided a part- ti me attorney still could handle the job . Last Rites Held For Mrs. Paulson Memor~al funeral ser1•ices v.·cre htld i'-londay in Arcadia fo r a longtime sum- 1ne.r resident o[ Balboa Island who d.Jed J.ut Wednesday. Rite3 for ~1rs. f\fargo Stetson Paulson, of Arcadia, were conducted lhis morning in the Uter McKinley Chapel, Arr1dia. Survivors include her husband John, a sister t.fary F. Stetson, and I\\':> nieces, Marybeth Hurley and Dorsey Gunners1\1. The ramily suggests that those wishing to offer to her men1ory contribute to the Arcadia f.1ethoc!\st Hospital Building fund. I celande r Takes Over BR t;SSELS . Belgium (A Pl -The !\orih Atlanuc Lounc1I anno1:nced loday that Esnil Jons~on. foreign n11nl~1t·r or Iceland, hai; as~Um!'rl Thi! cou nci l"s presidency. The shift took p!a~e Sep! 17. <1nd he \1·1JI ser\C f(lr a .\ear. He StH.:cecds \\"esl Ano1her study discussed at I he n1c-eting, according lo Stearn . .,..·as one <"011Cuc1cd by 1hc n1ititary on a large nun1her of n11litary installation~ lo :-1ee 1f 1t 11·oulrl bt-econo1nicall.v desirable to ~ell lhen1 and relocate in less drn~Jly popu :0::1ed areas . Stearn said the spll<ikers a.•sured then1 that if that ever happened 10 E1 Toro it 1vould be a long \l'ay in the future . Stearn stressed the fact that !hr nH.'"ling represented only a rliseussion of opinions , no recommendations were made. Ste ·:rn said he lerl thr meeting Frrhni:: nptiinis lic thal I.he chances of El Toro being made a public airport are \'Cry ~hm. $10,000 Blaze Sl¥eeps Mansion On Linda Isle A $10,000 blaze swept through the ~e­ rond floor of a L!nda Isle mansion Sunday. Firemen !'iaid the fi re at the R. D. Olmst-:ad home, 52 Linda Isle, v.·as ap- pa rently caused by a small child playing \l"il!°'. m11tches and candles. No ont' v.·as injured. Housekeeper f.largarct Sin1pson. in <·hare• o{ the household \\"hile tvlr. and tl-!rs. Olmstead are 1·aca1ioning in Buroi:e, called firemen al about 2 p.n1 . T1-1·0 fire engines responded. Jt \1·a.~ 1:-eh~\·ed to be the first ilre of con- ~equcr.ce on the exclus1\"C, lr\·1ne J~11sehol d resldential island . 1;e,.\"y black smoke forced firemen lo clon sr:er\al gear. E\·eryonc fn the i1ous e \\"as safely outside 11•hen firemen arrt\•cd. DAILY ~ILOT tt•U llM I• FIREMEN TOSS BURNING MATTRESS FROM HOUSE 81•.i• Sweep• Second Floor of Linda lilt Home customs agents who bo.arded Le11ahan"s bo<ot said they found about a he.II-pound of t;in powder believed to be heroin, 1,000 crange pills wit.h an oriental marking on each, 35 .apparent LSD tablets and JO ha11hlsh smokin& pipes. Lenahan -who al first Lold in- ''C.Stigators his address was wherever his rf!ttnlly-purchased boat happened to be ,111tked -\1•as booked on the f::deral ch<1rge and held "'ithout bail. Aulhoriti~s announced Sunday U1at they tel1t•\"t' the price of marijuana and h!!roin in rnajor U.S. distribulion centers has as much ~ do'Jbled in some c1aes. This would indicate the stated intent of Operation lntercept -driving lhe price .sky-high -is being accomplished, but The tradt>mark .showed a Mexican man ::Landing beside a 1narijuana plant, l•l11tchi ng a ffstfu l of dollars and a drug scene sour ces have denied 11. .. Generally JJI price #c1s alrnost doUbl- MINIBIKE DRIVER DOWNED IN COLLISION WITH AUTO Bi ke Passenger Al so Hurt in Eastbluff Crash South Coast to Head Off S11'iall Hospital Boom? By RICll ARO P. !\"ALL An attempt Js bl'ing made to head off al the pass -voluntarily -a pro- J1ferauon of s m a I I pr il·alely-owncd hospital,c; in the burgeoning southern half o! Orange Counl.J'. Horrible cxan1plrs ci ted al Fnday meeting are what has happened to lhe rest of Orange Count.\', lo Los Angeles County and to the San Francisco area. Offic.ia ls ;it non-profit South Coa>t Coinmuni!y llospital \SCCH) hOPf in- .stead to plan for the medica l future. The theory is tha1 because of their sizr, interconnection and supporting facilitic~. planned big hospitals can not only kerp pace v.·ith growing medical experl1st. and medical needs but can hold down i1s rapidly-increasing cos ts, Toward this enrl. a su1nn1ary or a stud~· •ii the rnl'dical needs of southern Orangl' <·ounty 11a s prescnll'd lo medical of- tir1als. county oflic1a!s and the press ;:it ~CCII. The sludy 1-1·a~ hy 1ht' firm of S!onr . f.l arracc1n1 and Pa!lerso11. 11 prOJ('('IS 10 the year l!WO and PS!tmates th.:it hy that time l ,liO genera! hos pit al bixls will be ncded lo ser\"e. a populnl lon <'s1imated at 551.000. The se.r1 tee area dealt \1•1th -:i bo111 11alt a rounly -embraces con1111un\\l cs fron1 Cr~·stal Co\·e to San Cle1nentc, fro1n Laguna Hills to San Juan Capistrano. The. study recom 1ncn<ls e:\pansion of :-iCC ll (11 240 lJcds a:;: il~ ul1 i1n :ilc ~i1r Thr scrond hospital rccommrnded on a ~O 10 50-acre site 11·ould serve the n1ushrooming Laguna H1 !ls-~l!ssion Vieio -L;ig1111;i N1gu<'I area. !1 would ultunatt'· l,v gro1l', .. 1n planned 1ncrc1ncnls, to 600 Leds. 1111' third, and last hospital in the: plan , would serve the San Clcn1cnte -San Juan Cap1s!rano -<.:aplslrano Beach area . ll would be drsigncd for ultimate C'1>;pansion lo 300 hcds. Tl1c 1111ni1num starlin~ size of either of 1hc other two hospit<ils rccoinmended \1 ~uid be JSO beds. Tl1".' fly in the ointn1enl -as far as the SCCl l :idvance planning goes -1s the an- roun1·ed eonstructio11 of t110 proprietary q1r1\ nl1'ly 011•ned \ hospital~. Unc is to be built at San Clemente. The roll\('; IS to be built Ill lhf' ~l!SSIOll V1e)O <irr;. r>n !he old Sadd!eback College site. L:t•;111 lit1ffey. <1dn1inistrator of the San ('l,..1ncnle lac1!1ty, said grading is now u11- cler1• ;iy lie a1Lcntl cd the Frida y rnceting. JI .. ! aid ~430.000 ha s been :-.pent for the prooe rty and 11·ork will go lor11·ard . It u!t im:-itrly i~ to be 250 bed s \Vlth 150 cx- 1ended care beds. Haffey said . '"Ii ll wa sn·t lor proprielory hospitals folli!l'' lh(" gilp, WIH'rc \\OUld \\'C be a~ filr a,~ l,ealln t'.8l"C bed~? J'rn not opposed lo n0n ·prolll ho~p1lals. l're been 1n tl1e bt1~'l!CSs 3.1 ycilr." on both sides of the fen- ~·c:' \1 <1 llry ~aid. '"fl1e Cast of Hai1· Does11't Sl1op Here For one. thing. the :"\ell.'"J>Ort 1 Beach Police Depart1nent v.oul d prnbahly take a dim vie\\" of 1!. 1.1ke u~. thcy"re a hit o!d·fa~h­ iflllf'd. \"(\\I 111:1 \" h;;i\"[' 11111 l~"f'rf Ill ll1e p;iprr !h:1 t ;1 1·r c-cn !l .1• hL·ld ""pop- rn("k" fc·~l 1\·;:i l 1\as <dtcndcd hv Q\,~r !.I 000 ~Id ~. :111d ;.1liQu1 100 flf thrn1 \1ere nakert. \Ve hope this lrrnd doesn't catch on . It docs nothing for our bu siness. ;\lakes _rou look 10 pounds ligh l· "' Possibly ):o•.i',·e been sn busy 1ratch1n,I!; the stock 1narkct lhrit l'Oll ha\·e1ft-t.c\·c11 110\iced 1 IH•.-r I rends. Bul \1•c'l1 bet the \l'on1an in your life certainly ha~, \\.0111en nolicc ~ul'h thing~. :\nd lhey ('arc. They care le!:is nbout the !:itoc k n1arket -a:> long as you can afford to take thcn1 to Europe 1Yhen liley're in the mood. (Aren"l they al v.·ays?) \Vcll, we can't finance your trip to Europe, but we can gee lhal you go in 1.tyle. Our faU suits range in price from '9S. to ed ,'' s11.1d oot federal irn·,~ugator, '·but 1n J1' important 1s Jhat much of 11 JS una\•ailable or extremely scuce." Marijuan• is reportedly !Ci rce in Ntl" York, nonexistent in Miami , and generally of poor Quality -grown in the l\1idv.·e$t from wild World "'ar II hemp plant! used in rope production. A d.ru& scene source said Sunday, hJ11'cver. that no one should ever pa;.o n1ore than *25 for a lid. or half ounce qu1ntity, even in the worst pot famine. Mini-bike Boys Hurt In Car Crash .. 'f\VO ! I-year-old Ea.s! bluff boys e.scaped fitrious injury Saturday afternoon whetl lhe mini-bikt they \\"tre riding collidecl head-on v.·ith a ear. 'rhe <1ccident occt1rred on Arhulu~ ~tree!, about :lOO feet souU1 or Aleppu ~1reet. Police said _young Ronald Anderson, 800 Aleppo, dro1•c Lhe ·1nit1i-bike, \\'ilh Jeffre~ Kean, his passenger. The small machine collided v.·ith a car driven by UC Irvine mathematics professor Bernard R . Gelbaum, 2301 Arbutus St. Ronald was treated for a cut on hi.\ temple and lacerations of his thigh. Jef- frey escaped wilh minor s-crapes. Both boys were released after medical lrcat- meot, Hoag Memorial Hosp it a I authorities said. Youth on LSD Escapes Death In Suicide Try A youth Y>ho told police he had taken LSD and ll'anted to end his life, escaped ll"ith minor injuries after throwing himself in frc.nt of a car in Laguna Bcecb early Sunday. Alan Pratt Perez, 20, of 949 Peregrin• Place, Anaheim, .,.,·as transferred ta Orange County ~1edical Cent.t:r arter treatment for abrasion3 at South Coast Community Hospi tal. Dril·er Larry Eirich Cole. 26, or 1681 Tedtnar, Anaheim. told pclicc h.e w;is southbound in the 1100 block of S. Coast Highway at approxirnately I a.m. Sun· dar. v.·hen the )•oung man jumprd out in front or his vehlcle from between two parked cars. He was unable to stop in time to avoid hitting lht victim, Colt said. Doctors said Perez ·was "on a trip.'• police reported, told !hem he had taken LSD and wanted to die. Two Women Hurt In Car Smasl1up A car dril'en by a 3+.year-old Hun· tington Beach "·oman plmo.•ed into a park- <'d asphall ~preadcr at I.he \\"estchfl Drive road construction project in Ne\\""J)Orl Beach Sunday night. T\\"O persons \\"{'re inJurC'd. Driver Donna Castrop or liOOI J\"ew- qtust Lane, Huntington Beach, and " passenger. i\larian Cooper of 2700 Peterson \Vay. Costa ;\,esa. 1\·ert: listed in fair condition today al Hoag Memorial Hospital. Damage to both c:ar and spreader wa ~ maior, police sa.id. $155. Our e ~pert advice ls alsn 11·orth money, bul "'e don't charge. \Vhether you're looting for something traditional or conven· lional, \\'Orsted flannel, shark- skin, herringbone or Bengaline, ,you'll find our selection as fin• a~ any in lhe area, as c urrent as this morni.ng·s New York Time~. A careful look through 011r rack$ Ls sure lo turn up .:.o n1e pleasant surpri:;es. (.'on1e in and bro1vs e all clay. \Ye open at 9:30 a.in., C'los e at fi:30 p.m. (9 p.1n. on 1~ridays) . For a lunch break \.Ve sugge ~t Be rkshire's, \\'oody"s or Tal e or llJ• Whale. And we also ha\'e a 1ugges- tion for lbe nudists of the world -UNITE! '111en get dres!led. It'1 good for business. And it may evf:n keep the police off your back. At Bidwell's ..... e're excited about trends of a diJferent sort. Like the "'·ider lapels you're secin,g this i;eason. The increas- in& use of stripes. The grol'Jing popularily of !he double-breast- Pd bla;:er :\nd . of course, lht' ~haped ~uit 1or ":s 1Jhouct\e," if .\ ou prefer) -no1v er 1df'11! In r1 r1 ·' lh111.1: fron1 Jc1:-ure 11 r~r 10 (hr 111ofl 1r::id 1!1011;;i l rlolh111g- Jack Bidwell :S4117 , .• R l.ldo a• ]\.,,.port mvd., J\ewport Rea~h Parkini for "~ manr ear9 11111 ''OD 01'"11. l\o,.· open J'rid11~· e••eningo antil 9 p.m. . I I I l I ! ·I ' I I • I I ' -----_______________________________ .,...,...., ..... ,.,..., ..... "'!'"'""!""l"V'!!"""',,.....-. ..... , .. ~ ... BEA ANDERSON. Editor Mffdtf, 0<19Mr t. IHll " 1'110 U Officers Fete New Members ltich je\vel tones of autun1n \\'ill p revail a s t.he decoration motif in the \1·a terfront ho1ne of J\-t rs. l\lar li n Lockn ey next Thursday \l'hcn new 1nem· bers of th e Lido Isle \Von1an 's Club 1vi ll be honored during a coffee recep- ti on . \Velcoming ne1v mc1nbe 1's 111ill be officcr:o; th e !1:J1nes. l\.1el Richlcy, presid ent ; Roger BrO\\'n. first vice president : Armen Sivaslian. second vice president ; Ed1vard lfayes, th ird vice president; Robert Paley. reco rd ing secretary ; .1\lfred Qui nlan, correspond ing secretary, and .lack J\'Jarshall, treasurer. Nev.'IY announced committee chairmen are the hilmes. Paul Connally and Jerry J-lavvl ey, courtesy and ho spitality; Roger Garrity, decoraUons: J. Hobart Batson, historian and photography: Allen Kli ngensmith and Frank l\'Ieier, Lido Isle Communit y Associatioo representatives: Robert Bisson- nette, luncheon and puncheon, and John Davis, co-chairman. Other chairmen are the !vlmes. r.1ichael Ashe, lu ncheon hostess: E. J\lorgan Quinn, music; E. Terrance J\foran, parliamentarian ; J. E.T. Rut - ter and Richard J\.1ailander , publicity; .Jerry J\<lcClai re and John Landelivs, publications; Max Bins\vanger, reservations, and Robert \Vahler, co-chair· man. Add iti onal chainnen are tht" J\1mes. Guy i\liner. \Ve lfarc ; Basil Boo· kasta, co-chairman; F rederic \V ood, art ; .J ohn llo.~kin , hook scc;Jon : --~----.. , . .. , Quinlan, co-chainnan; Allen Cri sell, evening bridge: Don ald J acobi. social bridge; Bruce Petsch and John Hankey, duplicate brid ge: Delbert Van Ornum, house and garden ; Loyd McCull ey, mistress of rhetoric: John Red· field, modeling; Bookas'la, Robert Hadden and 1-lerbert Oelke, tennis. and l\.1oran, travel. 'GETTING TO KNOW YOU' -'r his \1·i ll bra f;:i n1iliar tune \l')H'll n1embers of th e Lido r.~le \ro 1 nn 11 ·~ Clnh 11r lr111n r IH'11·1·n1n0r " In the group. 1\1rs. llla rlin Loc knf'y \right ) 11·111 open hC'r 1'. :J1l'rfro11t OAlt..1' PILOT P~oto ~y lllch1rd l( .. htW home for the coffee reception next Thursday. Assisting with hos- tess dutie.~ 11·iJI be l\1rs. P<111I Connally {left ) and one of those to be fet ed is l\·lrs. llowa rd La1vson Jr. 'Happy Bi rthday to You' One For Candle Birthday Picked Cake ll docsn'I ~CC'lll thnl long. bu! a year has r Clssed and !he Costa "Jcsa fll etnonal llosr 1tdl 1\ux1 liary is celebrating a birthday. ·rhe first yc;ir of ~ervicc and change \\•ill be hig hlighted during a ::;o· c1al affa ir \\'r d!\C!>day, Oc t. 15, fron1 I to :J p.111. in th~ conference roon1 of 1he hosrital. Jlrospecl1\·c n1e1nbcrs hil\"e been inv1 1cd to th e lea, staled "l r!-.. \\"ar· rrn R. t\therLon. first vice president. \\'ho 1.~ directing the party. Assisting: her "·1th preparation.<> is "l rs. ('lyde G. l\lcCall, fou rth v1 cc pres1dcn·t. Ti rce iving guesls \vii i he 1\lrs. Ale xand er ll l<1cGil li vra y, president and !\!rs. l ~obcrt l\1 . \\'ilso n, n1cmbcrsl1 1p chrurn1an . Others \\'Ork ing ;is cha1rn1en ;.i re J\lr~. R;iy \\'al lace 1\ho 1s tak1n,!! 1·h;irge of !1osle ss clutic.<; and "'!rs. Thotn;is II P<1ynr 11 /10 is ha ndlin g dec- nr.J t1ons. ;\]rs. lleryl \Va ggon cr hcaLl.~ thr l<ibl c !'-E'r\·1cr conit11iltee 1\·hile 1\lrs. Ge orge V. F ox is responsible for in v1tC1!1 ons and the guc .• 'l book. \\/omen interestecl in ;1\l c11d 111g and bc con1 111g a volunteer 1ndy lclr· phone r-.1rs. Clark ('. \Veslcoll. reservation t:ha1rn1an at. 548-1531. Volunteers had the ir fir st 1neeling Oct. 2, 1968 . 1·1icir dulles al that t in1e consisted of helping patients 1nakc menu selections, delivering pa- 1ients' mail, taking care or flowers, dislributing magazines and aiding in visitor control. \ CELEBRATING FIRST YEAR -Inviting prospec- ti ve members to a first birthday tea are members of the Costa J\.fesa l\-femprial Hospital Auxiliary Wednesday, Oct. 15. Blowing out the one candle are (left to right) the Mmes. William Savage, Fred Ahlstrom and Roy E. June, volunteer s. Today the women also staff a gift shop and workshop, supply mes· senger service, assist in the e1nergency room, fol d and roll dressings fo r surgical su pply and take care of the blood replacement program. 1\lrs. A Junior Auxiliary ha s been formed for gi rls 151h years and old<'r. Ronald Stenge at 546-2720 \viii ans\ver questions about membership. Please Mother-in-law, She'd Much Rather Do 'DEAR ANN LANDERS : Your advice to "Burnt Bernice" stank. When my mother-in-Jaw comes over and start~ :•straightening things," I do not ap- preciate her "help." In fact, I interpret her sudden burst of energy as an attack on my housekeeping. The last time my mother-in-law 11ttempted to "tidy up" my ki tchen it took me a ~·uk to fir'll'l the Sieve. I am still looking for the lea ·11trainer. Since you often use the phrase MYOB, "·hy did you ch.icktn out lhis time? -DISAPPOI NTED , DEAR DIS.: ~t VOB 11 an admonition rtinved for Interfering: lypts. Y o a r mothf!'r-ln-l•w docs not qu111ify. She 1011Dd1 like 1 hyperthyroid, &akcover dime wbo should be: told In blunt laap11e, "Motller·r·r·r -l'd r•tber dt ft myself!'• ANN LANDERS ~ DEAR ANN LANDERS : w a .~ fasci na ted by the letter s i g n e d "Disgusted in ~l inncapolis." r-.ly hearl just breaks for those ric h folks who had to sell the ir dream house in the suburbs because they couldn 't gel anyOO:ly lo shovel the snow, remove the sc reens and !llorm windows, rio the gardening, pain t the garage-etc, I wonder who she hired to lick the stamp. "Minnie" was hlghly critical or "those lazy bums" who'd rather be on welfare lhan earn an honest dollar. She points O\Jt thal our forefathers didn't make this coun1ry greal by sitting on the ir duff s. Yet she fa ils to explain why she and her h11sbend sat on theirs -and ended up selling their dream house rather lhan do the work th emselves. My hus band end I own a 12 room home on nine acres in a Boston suburb. We bought 1 snow plow and a molorized l11wn mower. We do ou r own aardening and .. landscaping. We clean the swimming pool, keep the tennis court in shape and, I might add, all this physical exercise keeps US in shape. Work is a remarkable tonic for the soul and spirit as well as the bod y. If more people did their own work insl.ead or hiring it done, this country would be infinitely healthier and happier. -BUSY IN WALTHAM DEAR BUSY: Tbank1 ror a splend id letter. J\lany people (mostly from New En&land ) wrole to e•pr~s a slmllar point or view, bul you said It best. DEAR ANN LA NOER..o;;: I rtm not long ln you r country so please txcusc the bad l~nglish. F'or six years I am living with an executive who works rnr an America n con1pany in Home. Jlc is delaying mar· riage because his mother is very religious and I am a divorced woman. Raymond \\·as sent to America ror one year and [ a1n with him as a visitor. I read in the Stamford. Conn. newspaper where you hel p people wilh problems and I hope you will help me. Raymond is very kind and generous And I love him deepl y. But his habit of disappearing for severAI days at a time worries 1ne grea tly. I have heard it wh~percd that he has a weakness for young girls. I am 37. When I tell him if we were married I would fee l more comfortable, he says I shoulrt not liste n to gossip, that "'e are married in his mind and this alone matters. Wh at arr your thoughts on my situation ·~ - ALDI N A DEAR ALDIN A: "!\11nd" marrlage8 of- It Herself fer 1 woman very little security, especially •bta tbe man loses bl1 mlld f« 1everal days 1t 11 Ume. If it Is re•t marriage you want, you must tell Ra. mond all or nothing -en d ht: prepared to gamble. Too n1any coup]('s go from ma trimony lo acrimony. Don'l lrt your.marriage llor before it gets started. Send for An• L;inclcrs' booklet, "Marriage -What 10 1--:xpecl. ·· Send your reques t to An n Landers in care of thi s newspaper cnclos- in~ 50 cents in coin and a tong, stamped , self-addressed envelope. Ann Landers \\'ill be glad to http you wilh your problem s. Send them to her in • ('Aft' of the DAILY PILOT, enc lMing a ~e!f·addressed. sta mped envelope. . 1 ~ -.-. . --. ---. -----.. ----------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .................................... ~ ................. !"! ............ !!l'"'""''!l'!!l'!!'!'"' .... "'""'"'!!!I!""""'~~ .... ~ • \, •' ,.-.,_. , I ~ I • ~ ' ' 1 .. '' • t • ' ~ • • •• • ' ' •. • Oj •• J 6 DAILY >I LOT Monday. O(lObl'r 6. 1%~ r. \ G1159 ' Fontana ' • I ~\_ [\_,; ~n __ """ Fontana of Italy has created this great evening dress -whether short or long . Interesting use of jeweled, or contrasting elegant fabrics trim the squared-off look at the armholes in front and back. The long flo\ving skirt has a lovely soft flare. The zipper is set in the center back and covered by the deep inverted pleat and topped \Vi th a tiny bo\v. The original \Vas 1nade in heavy double knit silk crepe and je\\•eled in c rystal and silver beads. Size 12, Jong version, requires approximately ~ 1/4 yards of 54 '' fabric and 3/4 y ard of 45" fatiric . for contrast. To order 61759 : s tate size, include name, add ress and zi p code. Send ~2 .00 postpaid for each pattern. Send orders for books and patterns to SP . .\DEA, Box N, Dept. CX-15, Milford, N.J, 08848, INTROOUCING FROG LOVERS TO CHOPIN! PARENTS. DON 'T WA IT UNT IL YOUR CHILO IS OU T OF THE FROG lOYERS AGE IEFOllE YOU GIVE THEM THE GIFT OF MUSIC-YOU WAIT ANO IT MAY IE TOO LATE! Cltil4tP i11 ti.. froq lo•i119 ll•IJ• 1 ~·11 •r• rht p"rl«t o•• for IH1r11i119 muiic. Yomolt•, ofl"r year1 of t•ltorclt d"i911td lilt Y o m • h • M 111lc Coun• to 0~•111• th•! all thil 41•11 tOll lt•r11 m111lt. Millio111 of Yomoho 91aduole• from all o•e• l~t world teUify 10 lh• 1ucce11 of th• YAMAHA MUSIC COURSE. Yo11 de 11111 lla•c !a f.uy on ;,.. t111ml!11I, lhl!'r• i1 110 hom• 1!11cly -i11it loll of f1111 for yo11r child1en whi!t tl!P.y 1 ... , .. m111ic. DON'T DENY YOUR CHILD THE CHANCE YO U "IAY HAYE MI SSED tN YOUR CHILDHOOD. Clm11•1 ••• 11ow •11rolll11' - wo11'1 yow pl_. 91,. 111 • coll a11d let 111 •~ow Y•• tht •~alt l fOry or the YAMAHA. MUSIC COURSE! YOUR llGGE5T RlWARO Will IE WHEN YOUR FRO!; LOYEI LOOKS UI' A.T YOU AN O TELLS YOU ••• "I GAYE MY F~OG A NEW NAME., B!::JHOVEN ,'' Don 't Oel1y-C.ill Tod~y 642-1844 YAMAHA MUSIC SCHOOL IN COSTA MESA Cups Filled By Guild :°'ol U!>lC Tht:l!f.'r {;11dd nr South Coast Chorus and Light O~ra Association, \\' h 1 r h 1 recf'ntly nan1cd ~1r.~. (;cor~e Boolh as its prt's1dfn\. is plan· nin~ fl n1c-mbership coffre op:.-n 1n lhe public i11 !hr. Lagun a Niguel homt' fl[ .\1ro;, .J olin Lav.scin at 10 .10 ~ 111. Tuesd ay, Oct. 7. All rcsldrnts of 1!1t' 1.·r1t111l_v i11lrrcstcd in s u pp o 1' I I 11 ~ rnusil:al thcatt'r arr in• 1tccJ in <iltend th(' affair and n1a.v nb· ca1n rrser\'ations by c<illin~ .\Ir~ Arthur SrhN!c. 49Z-.18!l0 or .\I r~ Frcr! C<ilo11. 4~)2.;i671. Serving with \lrs_ Booth th" con1111g st'ason \\'111 be \we J)rcsidcnts .\!rs. Toni Prdf.'tt. 11·avs ancl means, and ~Ir~. Sc.h t' e I e , 1n em b t'rsh1p i:h11 ir1n;u1 UU1cr nc1v ril11ccrs arc 1\1r :'\1rncs. llonald Birtcher <incl George Grupe, recording and ~·o r re spond ing secrrtarir~; L:n1-rence Prltier. treasurer. end Caton. t cl e p h n n ,. ehairman. ~lrs. !1obrrt J l.111· 1 111 I.. 1,,1~ rha1 rn1 ;:in uf tl11· 11•111111101\ui g ro1nmHlt'e. Cake Decor 1 Dis cussed :-;po11sori ng a v;iJ.,e flecnrallnr,: pro gr a 111 '\'ed- llt'sdriy, Oct 8. at 10 a.m. are memb<'rs or the Junior Sec- 11on. \\'ednesday f.1 or n i n g Clt1b. The Costa 1\1esa hom t-or 1\lrs. i\lichael Giddings \\'ill be the decorating scene. f\lrs . Jenny Denapole will in~trucl 1ne1nbers and !heir guests. Ch:iirin~ !he event arr l\fr~. !)J1 itl Poppell and ~I r s. l'n\nt:k Rrrsnahan. '\'rli'Olll· inJ: g11f'':~ .i( 1hc door 11 ill ht \Ir~ P01•gl;1 ~ Pait~·. J1o~p1ta!1- I) 1·ha1r111a11. Dance Club Square Riggrrs Sq u arr Dance Cl ub "swings <lilt" rver.v '\'cdnesday al 8 p.m. in the fir~t Methodist l'.hurch, {;osla ~lesa. EASY-CARE U,;for,,l:J "JUST FOR YOU" IAlC:O 5m•rl f•ihioru , c•r•·fr•• f•brit 1 fe•· turing BA R.CO •ncl other f•mous br•ncl neme~. Cathy's Uniforms 1767 N1wport ltvcf. Coit• Mt.a 646-5311 - Fashion Artist Sketches Vivid TOPS Club Past To Rally By .IOOEAN HASTI NGS 01 m. Cltltr "'"' ~1111 An era when she was tTeating s plendid ball gowns lor royal occasions was recall- ed by Ferne (~l rs. Arthur) \Vllliams of Huntington Beach. 1'he comely matron, who also was sk<'tch artist for designers Edith Head and the la te Adrian when they were the acclaimfd fashion giants 1n this country, can't se1v a stitch. •·!'in still struggling Lo learn how to pul 111 a rolled French hem." she lauijhs. Betv.·een 1920 and 1940 1\lrs. \\'ill1a1ns owned a syecially design and dre!ISn1aking studio in Ottav.·a, Canada. Under the name of r·ernlashions, llhe created elegant forn1al gowng for gold·plale dinners, presen· talions at~;@Urt, tbe King 's birthday·-garden parly and high-fashion weddings. The former r~erne /\lcCrea nevrr used a patte;,1 and some nf the inateria l she \VOrked \l'llh 1nighL cost $30 a yard C\'Crl then. "\Ve had several f11n11s - ll'C called lhen1 Lizzies -and ! 11·Quld drape tiss ue until a .~lyle suited rnc . If a custorner had a11 unusua l build -say nne shoulder higher than the other -l v.·ould first l'U l a 1.·ollon fa bric ." At that tinir the shop was contented Lo inake $~ on a onf-0f-a-kind custom gown , she said. FA \'01\ITE DESIGNS 'VrJding gO\\'ns were Ju·r favorites to design although her crfations were in de1nand ior the annual stait affai rs su rroundin g the grand opening of the Canadian Parlian1ent in • Januarv. 'fhe Shop. 11·hich en1ployed a n1 inhnu1n of 23 seamstresses. "'ould bfgin fillings in October lor the <'X clus1ve. lnvitatlonal presentation ball honoring the King's representative. clirnax: <1f a ~t'rit's or !'.Ot:ia l rvents. 1-'flnL:e of \\'ale:-. phJn1cs for llie hair -;1 111ust for the ball -were onk·rcd twu ye;irs in :id1·aner fron1 Snuth 1\lric«1. a n ct F c r 11 e ' ' u th,. r rl'srx•11tilh1l1t11·' in~·l11dcd rul 1·1s1ng her customers on the DAYS OF POMP AND GLORY -Mrs. Arthur ! Ferne) \Villiarns recalls days 1vhe n, as one of Can· ada's leading designers. she created go v.•ns for gold- plale dinners, court presentations and high-fashion just-so length of tbt:'ir court trains and veils. She al so taught the proper royal curtsy lo dcbutantes being presented for the first time. Ferne designed clothes for Queen Juliana of the Netherlands, at the time a war refugee ln Canada. "Sht' was-hard In fit.'' Frrnr> recall~. "S he ~·as s1nal! bul :,he had a full hgure." 111 her business ~he :il ~o "orkrd r•lni;t')y \\'Ith an <'D~rr ~ oung p11ulf1~raphrr 11 hu L11rr l 1~t·;11 n<' nntcd for t11 o; por1r;11t 11ork or th<' !ate Franklin D. Roosevelt, \Vinston Churchill. King George and other heads of slate, Yousuf Karsh . The talrnted widow, 1nother of Bruce McCrae of Bel Air and ll1rs. F.dgar \Vhite of 'Ot· 1011·a. leH Canada and return- rd to her own country at the bt'g1nning of \\'o rld \Var IL She \\'e n\ In v.·ork for Edith )lead and r<'n1ained with thr> studio for three 111unths before she brc~1ne totally dist'11- ('lii111!cd wi !h lhc h e c t ic lloll1wnn<l ~1·<'il(' . 1i1i~. ~·uu l'OU!dn't (';ill )Oll r :;;uul )Ollr o~n. Tht'y would call Mesa-Harbor Club Luncheon Bids Sent A r;in rally night ~·111 br sponsortd by Trun·vue TOPS rTakf Off Pounds Sensibly I at 7:30 p.n1. Thur~ay. Oct. 9, In f'inley School . \Ve~trninster. A ·full e.~p!anation of the ·rops progran1 10 he lp v•omcn Jose "'eight wlll be prfsenled, ;ind al l interested \.\'on1en are lnvlted to attend the meet ing. Future aeliv 1ties planned in· t·lude a Hallo11e(•ll 1iarty. a discussion of ra~h1ons by ;\ dressmaker. and a µres en· \;ition 011 good groon1ing by a · cosn1ctolog1st . \\'on1en interested in anv TOPS clubs n1ay ubta1n Ali· t!itional infor1nat1on fron1 their area Cham ber of Con1merct. Paren ts Club Orange Coast Ch ap t e r, Paren!s '\'ithout Pa r 1 n er .'I sponsors a panL:ake breakfast !he last Sunday of each n1onth in Costa /\fesa City Park from 9 a.in. to 12 :30 p.n1. \Vally Rkha rds, chnirn1an, 1v i 11 ;insll'CI' questions rega rding 1he. publle "rai n or shine" c1-·ent at 542-8700 or 542-9665. 1- KNITIING MACHINES \1•eddings. The go\V n in the photograph . tak l·n b.v an aspiring young photographer na1ned )'outiu ( Karsh, \Vas all hand-pleated chiffon. at midnight ror me lo co1ne !liesa \Von1an's Club served1 down and super\'ise. the mov· Orange Distnct, Calirorn1a l ing of a zippfr from one side Federation of \\'on1en's Clubs, of a dress to the other," she :is fine a11s chairn1an . Shel maintains. ::ilso founded and is president GREATEST DESIGNEll of The Palcllecrs. ;111d sponsor~' Wh I I It II t I a scw111g class (ll'ite a rnonlh l en s le e 1C s IH 10 lo )' . ' "'t I II I I l~rt:••' r ln~llv! 'l h~ err•nQ'"'e~I· .Jll complelell tor ''No St •.,Ce Ch•rQ•" on ~~l!rin11 mithine> l•V tWl\>S P · UI 1111wn •nll 11S Pf' mcmrh. Y~u c ;lor! ~OU' !e!son> "ow, u•t our "' <"lno;, plu• '"vin11 \ervi<e <h••ge• "" ~OU" 'lh•I'> ''~hr, -~ PONn i nd >U per n1011•h NOW? l(NITTED Vl 5T l'•TTER"IS IOc The KNIT WIT SOUTH COAST PLAZA f'llo11t' 54S·2112 lower Mill "'••tit from Woolworr~'• l ••\IOI 1l !~• 51" Dlt!Jf ~rwy. (05Tll. M(SA r·erne \\'Orked for the lair r 'airvi cw " " e · osp i a · ,\drian, Y.'ho she considered to11jji;;;;;;,.,_;;;;;;;;;;;;,_,_,_;;;;;;;;;;;; be the \\'Orld's grca t c s !' designer even before she 1net1 11i1n, I "l!c couldn 't even put in a 11:1.r\." ~Ile says. l!c v.·ould flounsh a bolt of 1n;1teri:il <ind say, '[ wan t It lo look like THIS:" Su1ce shr rnct !11·r hu~band. Ferne now ha~ retired from 1wofc~sio11<1l 11 .... ~1gn1ng and devotes much nf her tirne to' pa1nt1ng -an avoc;ition \\'h1ch 1~ he<:orning a 111'11• \'IX'a!1on for her. IT'S A FACT! If you spent 30 seconds looking at ea ch of our shag samples, it would take you over 9 hours to see t he m all- so come early and bring your lunch. DON'S CARPET SHOP Astrologist Hur1on :'\l nr~r. to Speak l·'.n11 ·r1;i1n1n<'11I l~el1rf \<; lhf' y· 0 II r he \\'ill 426 SO. MAIN (2 Blks. No. of Bulloc k's) ORANGE HOURS: '·S:lO DAllY CLOSED SUNDAY The past president or the 1\lrs. RobC'rt Adler of Santa lluntington Beach \Voman's Ana will host a luncheon Club and mfmber of the Costa meeting of the \Vomen 'J; Au:t··. _'.:"~~".'."."'".'.<;~~'."'..'.:""'.:'.C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L't···s!ull~ th.ilh·ngr·d ! 11 P :'\c11por'L Ul';u li l 1!.Y onlu1ant·<' ag:11 n~l !('<'.Jelling ai1tl prac· 1 icing ;;~1 r11lugy. 11 111 sprak lJC•run· the ,\l r~:i·I t.11'111\1' C1uh. !I,. 1o; ~rlii>t!uil'd ;1ller <11 1 11 J(l a 111 l1111t·h('no Thursd11.1, (111 ~I. 111 Iii(' He1crr llo1i...r. 'I u•l 111 1\~trut"g) J f•I \!•\ii' Coffee, Sale Pla nned in HB Th,. llun1111g1011 Brath hQ11lr of :-Olr·'I. Arn<Jld t.lnd hl'!'\ 11·111 h1• 1111.' tnf'('t111g St'l\1n~ for n1t·111b<'rli ul lht• ()r:1ngr Covn- 1\' A'•f>i.1a t1011 tor Hrtarlll'1I l hild1·t·11. L11d11·.-. A11x11i:11·\· ·1111• 111o111l'll ,111• ~pvn~1,rin;: <ill 1nJ1,n11;il tuH1•(' and huul 1 ()i'I R. i!ia ry to the Orange Count y parJl)liJ;l5r ;i line £ron1 ;1 Pharma ceutica l Association 1·::id1n sllo1v \1 hen he delivers \\'ednesday. Oct. 15 . A social hour at l I :30 a.n1 . h1~ ;1ddrc,~. "·ill precede the noo11 lunc heon ~!or,('. a ::;y~l!'n1s an alyst on ,1·hich \1·111 be co-hosted by 1h1· Apnllu pl'uJ e('t at l\'orth ~1rs. C. D. lleincy or Placcn- 1\111('t'll'an Hockwell , IS a t1a tP;u•llcr of a,,1rology. A nathc Presenting 01t' prngram will t ·,i111un11a11 and ! u n g Li rn e ht' a J't'prescntativc from B:ilhna r<'s1dt'nt. he i~ a !'011 c(s illodeling Agency. ,i::rath1.i11· 111 Occidental College 11·ho \1·111 ~peak on self 1m· 11l1r1e In~ f:ithrr, Virgil ,\for~e provcment. 11 ;1~ hcacJ nl !hr math dep;irl· Auxil iar)' nien1hers now are 111<'111 forinulating plans for their Follu111nf: ;i c;irecr as a Nnv. 6 annual fashion shov.·. n1us1c1:in \1·11h Harry Jamc~ Fall Fashion l''e#tival. to :i11rl (}l h{'r hands and an ar-t:i ke place in the Santa Ana r,11Jgrr.ec;inductor nl his u11 n El ks Club. r.id10 :.how. ht JOint'<l thr A n~·one w1sh111g information r;111ks of ;i,trolug·er abou t 20 nn tht auxiliary or !hr Jashi on ~ t'<lf~ ;igo . .<.how may call r..irs . A. L 111 tl1f' bi'g1nning. hi.~ studies ~'-'-"-m-'-"-'-·-'-'-"-'-7_15 ____ ~1 11 l'I'<' Jr\ 1\lf.'d Lo disproving tl1<' \;1l1d1ty ot thr anr1t'nl ;.rt ;\nd -..4•1i•nl'l'. hut h1,; r('~ran:h ~\)()11 pt•rs11ad<'d h1111 10 s1111 d1 ;1llrl(1:-ttll'C' lu ltic ;<lf1rn1:H11c side of the q11eH1on. TH E BEST p ,.d ,,,~,p r;i.4> 11 • 1>•••• "?••"uh · " ""' of t~1 wod d '1 mgol oopul •· ~omic ofrif'•· R•1d ot d •• lv '" I~• DA.ILY PltOT. --NOW AT COS TA MESA INTRODU CTORY OP EN MEETING S CHARM SCHOOL ROOM-lHllD flOOR Call 835-5 505 for FRE E BROCHURE __ .. Beauty Sa.Ions For girls on the go ... OUR QU ICK CUT and 10-MINUTE COLOR . I RO~X $3.00 PLUS SHAM,00 AND SIT $2 so (Mon. thru Thur1.) • • Alter S p.m .• Sl.75 • F'rlcl1y, Seturdoy, Sun41•r --··-S:l.OG !L..,t Htlt l•lrl , We wont you to come in, but rhere's no reason lo stay loo Jong! Our clever stylists quickly sriip cind shape your hair. Then color ii wirh Roux r .J1cc Change-colors in 10 minutes; no perox ide; no rub-olf, lo~ts throug h !.everal shompoos- thorough, but !imc·soYing! l.Jo:urnl lool1ng colors for gray or du\! heir, delico!e toruiri colr rrs d you're bleoc~1ed. Nt'"'"••t ltech. Ce1if. l11S N ~,,.,..., I I•• "'""" ... ~,ts.,, ••• l'htll• 111·1111 Coll• M,,., Ctl\I. '11 I lllh jlrot! M l ylll• C•,1t> l'h1t11 lll·i!ll CoU<t MtJI, Colif. l!OO IU<~Or l !Od, I! Mi r! ~1110 ""'"" '"• .. lf A.•tfli•, Colil. 11)11 l'lo"••· "'•"•' •••~•t (t~••r '~11\t llS·JOll "'•""''· Ctlil. 1J}I W C~tDmo~ Votllt (.1"''' r~e"' llJ·llll F1~11tti11 Vo lley, Calif. 111.11 "'·~"&h• '.\01110 ""•· c.,1if. l>'t'••••~ l SI•~•··~ ~.1 ... {t•I•• v.u.,. t•~··· """"' U l•)l~I l'h""' 1•J.1•1l C o111 Mtto. Ctl!f. JU w n1~ ll•HI 'llC•~lh ' ll'h l'ho"I Ul·llU Fov~tai" Vttlty, Celof, !OJI ld•n11r ti 111'!1°' Valloy tl!9!!1• I'~•~• lll·lDO v g h• It d • u '" " " r " 'T c p ' Ii l• ' l ' l f;osia Mesa EDITION VOL'. 62, NO. 239, 3 SECTIONS, 34 PAGES , " ' ' 11'"' .. -... ~~~-. ;./ ' I .' ..,_ . . ' . ' ..: .. . ' ' . • ' FISHERMAN JACK McCOY SPOTS UNUSUAL CATCH 'I've Seen Everything, Now,' Santa Anan Obaerve1 No ·Love Bug' VW All Wet in Hero's Role By JEROl\fE F. COLLINS 01 I'll• OellJ ,lltt 51'!1 Twrt teen-aged boys, cruising about 'Balboa in ·• Volksv.·agen, thought thry heard a woman ~crea1n somewhere nn the beach shortly before· mid night Satur- day, ~ thry raced 111 the rescue -In the \1nl kswagen. Seven hours later, llichard A. ~1 is1 rt:I ;uorl Stephen G. Davis. both 16, finally got lheir car out of the sur f. And they never dld find ;;iny sc rt>aming woman. Nev.•porl Beach pnli ce said today lhry <lon't know v.·hat they'll do abou t the , ase. which involve<! officers. lifeguards, helpful Balboa residenl~ and finally a ci1y tractor before the car was at last pulled rrom the rising tide just west or the jetty al. the Balboa \\'edge. 'f he t>1·0 boys. apparenlly concerned that, police might not believe their .story about the mysteriously s c_ re a n1 in g "·oman. did their best to shove their car out of U1c sand by themselves until about 5 a.m. Then 1he 1i1Je t•an1r in. Th f' Volkswagen, >1'h1ch, liJ;e all (·ars, 1s11·1 ;ilJowtd on the beach, began bobhing hke 11 cork In the water. The boards )·nung: ~1istrr.l and Davis had stuck undrr the \\'heels for traction floated a>1•ay~ A beachfronl reside nt, rising early, Sa\'I the boys -and their Volks\v;;igen -los· i n~ the ba!lle with tht se<.1. He called police. They trietl hauling lhe car ashore \l'ith a nylon rope ;ittachrd to JXJHce uni\:;, The rope stre!rhcd. The car didn't niovr, except up and do>•:n. The Harbor Dislricl \\'a.~ advi!\cd of 111~ problem. They couldn'l help frotn lhe .-;ea. No winchcs- The daWTJ, meanwhile .' had cotne Ul' \lke thunder, lhe surf's pounding in- tensified, and a crowd gathered. Finally, the cily yatd wa s called. /1 tractor rumbler! to the Scene. a chain \vas aUached to the car. Th~ chain snapiJed . A h~avicr chain was pul into service_ After some clanking, a -little rattling, lots of .~plashing, and some shuddering on the part of the Volkswagen and Mistrel and Davis, lhe ca r began emerging from Oraa!(e. Coast ' .weatller Sunny skies and 1warrrye.r lcmir eratures are on tlle horizon for Tuesday along the. Orange Coast, ll'ilh the mercury reaching up in· to the eightie11. INSIDE TODi\ V It 111(1·jj l1c1111• bt~n h ighlll OC· clairhed for 26 weeks during its British .~ho1vino~ b ll t TV colrtm· fiist C!fntl!ir1 Lowr11 Jays tile "F'orsyllle Sana '' i.~ iu ~l nn- 0U1cr soap opera. Pane 27. 1••11~• n (Olll•<ftll ' (lftUlll"" ll•ll Ctm!n •1 (rf .. Wl t4 H (n1tft 101.... " (lll•<YI '~•t I l•terl•lllmtnl " .-1.unr• 'O·JI NtYl<tl 11 Ntl!tn•I Ntw• •·I Orlnft C..,ftly II SH<lt 11·H Sl«t M•"'•lt H·fl Ttlt "''ll~ JI '~"'"" 1' Well~t• I Gltn~ WM!t 11 "4HtO(tff fl "'"~ L1..-or 1 H Wer" Ntwo 4·1 Wtm""'' NtWO IJ.lf MlllM• I th~ sea. The crowd cherrcd . fl·llstrel and Dai 1~ didn't. Their VolJ;s"·agen wa~ 1 mess. Bumped , batt!'rcd ;i111l soa ked . ·rney \l'enl. hQ111!.'. 1\ ith fri'rnd.~. 'The \'nlks11·agcn st;iycd b~hind in a garage. Bu1·glars Loot Speedboat Shop Of $3,000 Parts Burglars 11·ho slipped glass louvers out of a window looted a C<:lsla Mesa speed- boat equipment shop of more than $3,000 in n1otor parts over th e ":eckend, police :;aid today. The break-in at Hansen ~peed and Bo;it Shop, 1950 N:c\\'port Blvd ., was discovered f'arly Sunday by Oll'nr.r \Villiam L. llansen, of Newport Beach, acc ordini'"':o dctC'Ctive11. The haul Included more than 50 separate engine gear items. p!u.~ :;orne tool.~ and equi[lrnent used al I.he firm , >,aid Officrr Jim Farley. The burglarized shop w::is not far from Cran\'~ Surplus, 1750 Newport Bh'CI., 11·hl'rr. police alerted by a si!enl burgl ;1r ;:i!arm t;aplu red a ca rni val v•orker at gun· poinl Inside the slore Thllrsday. Arr aign1nent "'a., expected today for Jrby D. Stephens, 27 . of Tuscaloosa, Ala., \1 ho was in taw11 \1·ith a carnival "'hicl1 <·losed up Sunday fol!oll'ing a Junior C.:han1ber of Commerce community fair .. Investigators said Stephens had ap- parrntly loaded up 52 pistols valued at ~,000 or more 11•hen he "'·as interrupted by police. Sto"k ~larkets NEW YORK (A P) -Glamor issues di splayed some st rength in an otherwise le thargic stock market late this af - ternoon. Trading was slow. ( Se I! quotations, Pages 20·21 ). Prices edged up to their best level of the day in ea rly afternoon, then slipped back. The Dow Jnnes average of 30 in- dustrials at 2 p.m. was up 0:92 al 809.JJ. ,l\folel Jloo111 Looted By Cat Burglar A cat burglar Jootf!d the rooin of ~ ~!organ Hill 1ncin "'hlle hi:' visited O\'er 1he 11·ee kend at a Costa Mesa motel he. owns, police sa Mi today. Clint L. Baker wa6 asleep in ·t1'e Coral Reef Motel, 2645 Harbor Blvd., when his 11·atch, a :ring and assorted money tOtaJ- ing S.'JOO 1~·as taken fr o1n a dre.~sertop, police said. Blood Specialist Di es NEW YORK (UP I) -Dr. \\'ill \ag-i Damashek, noted blood spei:iallst, died today ;il 10:07 a.m. in Ml-Sinai Hospital ;iftrr un(ll:'rgolng open hr.art su~gcry on Saturday. Today's Fl••I N.Y. Stocks ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1969 TEN CENT~ 'LSD l(illed My Daughter' Linklette1· Girl in Deatli Plunge From Witt, Servlcts HOLLYWOOD -Art Linkletter blames LSD for the death of his 20-year-old daughter. "It y,·asnl liiUicid~," the star of the llouse Party television show to Id ne\\'sn1en Sunday, "because she wasn't herself. It ·was murder. She was mudrered by the people who manufacture and sell LSD." Diane Linklellt'r plunged from th.e Mesa Council Faci1ig Full Slate Tonight The Costa Mesa City Council opens 3 two-n ight st'and in Civ:ic Center chamberii; ~ht,. with its regular meeting, follow· ed by a special sessiort Tuesday. A full, six-page agenda is due to be covered l>eginning at the 6:30 p.m. business session tonight, but many of the iten1s are fairly routine and ll'Qn'l require n1ucl1 deliberation. r.tayor Alvln L. Pinkley ls f'X[lecled tn .o.rl a dale for interviewing 10 applicants la succeed Costa t>.1esa Planning Corn· n1issioner Don Hou t, \\'ho resigned a n1onth ago due lo professional duties. He is also to set a deadline for ap- plications for the newly created Co~a J\lesa Crime Prevention Co1nmittee, a nine-member panel which nearly 20 in- terested citizens have so far asked lo .'ierve. One of the-matters likely la interest many citizens tonight is a reques_t by Hennan R. Tate, of the ,Yellow Cab Com· pany. to raise taxi rate! in Costa h1t"Sa. The same firm serves the . City . or r-.:ewporl Beach and ls reque~iog a rate increase tllt're too. A group o( residenl.~ unhappy Ol'e r [last. problems "'Ith a tract ·Of fourplex dwell- ings in norUiv.·estern O:>sta r.te sa is al~o likely lo be. on hand for a new duplex development application. Alfred Edelsohn, Burbank, 1~ant5 .11 zone exception permit to build 20 duple>:- PS west of Harbor Boulevard and north of Corsica Place, with some :1etback ad- justment.!. The Planning Commission three week ., ago requested the. city staff to investigate complaints of various problems involved in the earlier tract, number 62.60, in the sa n1e general neighborhood, 'fhe subdivision is located west of lfarbor Boulevard bounded gener3Jly by Cara'tl•ay Drive, Corsica Place, a nd between Coral and t>.face avenues. Cou ncllmen tonigh t also will consider a request by the city Tra ffic Coinmission that the south crosswalk al the tricky in- tersection of Harbor and Newport boulevards be eliminated. Councilmen ll'ill rc!urn to the ir cht1mbers again Tuesday nigh~ lo ln- tervir1v consultants 1nleresial in a Jar- reaching plan to rede\·elop the old downtow n husiness district. The Tuesday n1 eeting will be rl:'peate<l on !hr. follo>1•ing Tuesday. al. which llmP !hp remainder among four interefilcd rirnis '<l•lll be heard in tenns of what tht<y envision for t~ area. One of tl1e applicants for the project - 1rhich ll'OUld be accom plished under the fitate Redevelopment Act of 1947 -i~ rormer Cost.a Mesa City t>.1anager Robcrl Unger. J orilan Foils Plot A:\lri'IAN, Jordan (AP) -The govern·- ment announced today 1t has foiled "a plot against the security of the kingdom." The announcement did not make clear \l'hetht'r the ploL wa s aimed a t orerthro\\·ing King •lussein's govern· mcnt. kitchen window of her sixth .floor ;ipart· ment Saturday as a friend, Ed\vard Durston, tried to grab her. Linkletter. 57, said-he had kno\vn ror six months that she was part of a Jfolly- wood group that experimented with drug~. She had told him earlier about a "bad trip'' wi\h ,LSD, and \\'as under ti~ drug's cffecis again when she died, he asserted. ·'She W</-S a,J!irl ll'ho was not psychotic, not under treatment, a happy girl ll'ith no n1oney troubles," Linkletter. said. ''She had rroblen1s lh<tl teens have had sinc l' 1in1e began. But LSD gives them a \\'ay of avoiding facing 11p to those problems, "You atld LSD 'to a girl ·who i.~ son1e"'hat emotional and dramatic and 1t can be disastrous. She tol d me about tak · ing it. about her bum trip, She felt she v.·:is being driven out of her mind . "A parent c<1n do little in a case like this," Linkletter said. "No one can do anything about it. except the >·oung peo· See LIN~.ETTER, Pag' %) Schools Seek l'iews Town Hall Meet Set on A To":n Hall mee ting for discussion of Newport-Mesa Unified School Districl's pl anned Feb. 10 override lax election has been set for \\'e<l ne sday night. All \\'ho are 'interested are invited hy the school board to attend and ask any question or n1ake any suggestion. School tn .. stees said before they begin to decide lhe tax election amount they v.·ant to hear all points of view and parlicular!y are in - terested in input fro1n the con1munity al large. Teacher representatives will be present lo give their thoughts, School ad· ministrators have been directed by the board lo prepare basic information to be used as a point of departure. At a recent meeting trustees en.gaged in discussion o! what this inlonnation should be. lt was decidf!d alternati ve pro- jections s~ould be prepared of cost of sustaining present programs and of 111d- ding programs and moving into new educational directions. 1'rustecs also "'·anted information presented on ll'ays in \1•hich they n1ight sa1·e taxpayers money. Bul Budgt't Director Walt Adr ian reminded them that >1•hen the last ove rride v.·as passed in 1966 Override the amount asked v:as lei;s by th' an1ount. or a 20 percent efficiency faclor than school staff figured v.·a~ needed. "\Ve mel that commitn1ent," Adrian said. "bul. cfficicnr.y ca11 only go so f;1r and then it goes the other wa)' .'' Adrian s<1id he doesn't know ho1v (n sl:1J1v future economics but he can poinl out "·here staff has not bc<'n add ed prG- porlionale to growth. "About the 011ly way we can clo it nowadays is show ou r pr it'e didn 't go up as much as 0U1ers," conceded Trustee James "Bill" Peylon . Pre\in1inary estimates prepared for the boarC a month ago showed the override need could be for as much as 81 cents above tilt: present tax rale of $4.74 per $\()()of assessed l'aluation in Costa t>.fesa and $4.35 in Newport Beach. (The (!If· ferencc belwl"en cilies is the result of !!eparate bonded indebtednes:i incurred prior lo unification. I The Town Hall n1eeting will be at 7::lll p.rn . '\'e<lnesday in the cafeterja at Nc 11·rx>rt Harbor High School, 600 Irvine A1•e., -Newport Be<1ch. Area service clubs have been requested lo send representatil'e,,. New York Mets Clincli N<1tional League Crow1i NE:\\I YORK CA Pl -Tht. New York Mets, once tht< laughing stock of baseball, ~tunned Allanta 7.4 today, t'Clrtlpleted ~ three-game sweep of the Braves in thc.ir Mesan's 'Stakes' Prize $24,000 A Costa 1'.fesa man with a plect. of a licl.et on !he famed Irish Sweepstakes \vas fonnally notified Sunday that he has \\'On $24,000 on th' third-place horse . He was listed as Joseph F. Connors of 2199 Rural Place, who \\'ill apparently share the prize money \Vith fellow in- vestors in the Uckel. Connors, who was not available for Ji comment on his good fortune today, wu one cf three Southland ticket hold!rs wlio ,1·iJI collect· a total of $168,000 in wlnn'Jngs 0:1 the charity race. • Samuel 0 . Hummoss J r., of Los Angt!les, wo n $120,009 nn Prince de Galles. 1vinner of the Cambridgeshire H.<1ndicap held in Newmarket, England. Connors' ticket was on Ka1nundu. be,,L-0f.fivc pl ayoff :-erits and "'on Lh t. Nationa l League championship. The ,,,Iris. created in 1962' and for year ~ lhe perennial JO'\h place l1n1sher, next play the 11·lnner of the American League playoff seerics between Baltimore anrl f.1inne11ota in the World Series, btginn1ng Saturday. Tommie Agee. Ken Boswtll and Wa yne Garrett all hil ho1nr. runs as the t>.i•'ls came rrJm behind 2-0 and 4-3 defi cits for their biggest victory ever, Nolan Ryan. a hard-throwing righl-han· der, replaced slruggliog young Gary Gen· lry in the third inning, pitched oul of a bases-loaded jam and received credit for the decision. Veterans Hank Aaron and Orla ndn Ceperla each had A lll·o-run homer ro r Atlanta, v.·hich was an 11 -10 fa vorite to beat New York in the playoffs. The Mets won 100 gam's in the regula r season Jn taking the East Division cham- pionship while Atlanta took the West title in the new, 12-team setup. 11 Withliold Grades UCLA Blacks Ba.ck Davis LOS ANGELES (AP) -As admitted Communist Angela Da\•is prepared to teach her first course at the University of California al Los Angeles loday, other black instructors threatened to wiUthold i:;;;ides from Uicir students unles11 ac;i1Jeznic credit is restored to her eoorsc. ;,W~ wtll 'rlOt accept fir s t -c la s :i: c!l.zcnship "·hen one of us is forced to ac- '-''.!f!I. !econd-class status," said Robert Si'lgl<'ton. director of the Afro-Am erican Studies Cente r 11! UCLA . • Single\on said that 11 in struclor5, 1epresenting three-fourths of all bl ack r.1rult1• member.\ al the school. decided lo l'.'ilhh0!d 51rades from all students In an rHort "!n toss the ball back into the hands of the regents." l\liS!I Davis said she will a5k her students "'hetber she should lecture d~~pite her firing. Her department chftirman, -Pr n r . Donald Kallsh, says he has no Idea how the students will react. ''Students are very skillful In organlr.- ing themselves and in keeping lbe1t plan., out o.• the eye of the pub\lc and of a 5(1. ye:ir-0ld ptofessor," th~ phllo.!nphy pro- r~ss<-.i told f)C\\'Slnen Sunday in an· nnuncir:.s the decision by r..uss Davis, 25. lli:r course, ''RecurrinR Philn5ophic!ll Themes in Black Litcralurt," wa5 scheduled to meet for tbe first time today, 1~·1th 169 atudents enrolled. University regent.!: fired MW Davis Sipt. 19, invoking a 1940 re1ents1 ruling prohibiting C.Ommunlsta: rnm teachln1 at state un!versltlts. Min Davia ' said she was a member of a Cornfnunist club. She accused the regeills: ol being prt:· Judic<.-'d Mcsuse she is a Negro and said she \VOtJld teach while appealing the di~missar. , The regents responded by issuing an orclrr lhat UCLA Chancellor Cllarl's )'oung i;ald he interpreted as meaning thai Mi<>s Davi!! may lecture during lhe apf)('PI but that students won't receive crc<!it for the course, Ul"IT•~· FALLS TO DEATH Diane Linkletter N akecl Mesan · Held; Toilet Escu1Je Foiled A naked. mud-caked man 11creamln1 messages of love for his captors was .iailed Saturday night. after an alleged IA~D frolic. finally halted by a squad of fi ve Costa Mesa policemen. He later tried to escape by di~n1 inUI a jail ce ll toilet but v.·as unsuccessful, in· vcstigators said. Roger A.. F'urr.~t. 21 , of 5.'lO W. Wilson SL . was booked on charges of res L<;tinA: arrest and being untter !he influe110e· ot l .. ~D. 1vi1h bail set at $625 and JCheduled to be i11 court today. P<1trolman Bo b (;oode said he arrived al the Ala r-.toana Apartments Saturday night in respQn:-e to a report Of a nuia n1an and found Fuerst' lying in the ceoler of a crowd of tenants. The Officer said he scuffled "dth tht :.;li[lpery suspect for about two minutes, during 1\•hich tlme the collegian t.ried to Jump inlo tl1e apartment swimming pool. During the melee. officers Randy Nutt, Ron Paln1er, and Sam Arnold joined Jn trying to quiet the incoherent suspect and finall y got him lnto a patrol car. .. I lo\'e .vou." he \'las quoted •t ~hou!ing, while hi~ fla iling feet belied tht scntin1rnt. Investigator.~ said Fuerst continued fn ho11nc~ off lhe walls of the jail holding f't'll -lryinJZ to dive dov.·n the commod• -.1nll was fin;illy re1novcd to a padded· type fat'ility after rnuch struggle. Sgt. Gary Shull and Officers Jim Car. r;1\es joined u·ith the three other patrnlmPn \\1 sl1i ll Fuerst to what might ac<·11 ra1 ely be tcrn1ed more comfortabll! quarter.~. Youth on LSD Escapes Deatl1 In Suicide Try A youth 1vho told poli ce he had taken LSD and wa nted to end his life. escaped \1•ith minor injuries after thrcw;ln1 hunsclf 1n lrc.nt of a car in Laguna Beach early Sunday. Alan Pratt Perez, 20, of 94!1 Pertgrinf! Place, Anaheim, was transfetTed ·to Orange Cou nty l\.'ledica l Center aller lrealment for abrasions at South Coat« (.;on1munity Hospital. Dri ver Larry Elrich Cole, 2fi, ol 1181 Tedmar, Anaheim, told police he w,as :r;outhbound in the 1100 block of S. Coast Highway at approximately 1 a.m. S\)n· day, v.•hrn the young man jumped out. in fronl of his vehicle from belw~n twtt parked cars. lie ll'a~ unable lo stop in tlnu: to ;avoid hitting the victim, Colt snirl . Doctors ~aid Perez w115 •·on A trip,"' police report.ed, told !hem he had ta l(en LSD and wanl.f'd to die, Panel Talk on Plan For .~lidclle School Set A p11 nl.'1 discussion on Newport-~fest Unifi~d School Districl's middle schlM'>I 1·onccrt of nioving sixth gr.11der1 into junior high will be prt:oienttd for lh• puhl1c tonight. Thi' program will begin at 7:30 p:m. lft tl1r: Forum at Estancia High School, zm 1'1.:it'critla Arc., Costa ~icsa. f I. ---------------:::-:-:--:-:-:-"".'"-~""':-:-~-------......... -.!" .... ...:~ .... ~~~~ll!"'lll!l!IJll!llll!llll!ll!l!'l91991!.,.. ... !lllll!I ..... ' -...-~.. -. . ..... -... . ,., . . .. ..... , -.. . ". ·'• ........... ' . .. . ... . \ . " !! DAIL V PILOT c • U.S. Agents Intercept ·coast Man's Pot Boat A Seal Beath n1.11n \1·ho cusloms agents allege \\'85 captured in S.;i.n Diego ~aters with a boatload of contr11btnd -in- t'ludina: the fir st known trademarkltd m1rijuana - today 11walted arraign ment in federa l court on sn1uggl1ng charges. 1\gents \\ho boardrfl th e tnu~cr operated by \\'l!llam J ... \r111y·· Lrn;iha11, ::!i, cf 123 !Ith SL, cla1n1 1hry Sl'llC'rl 151 ))b:..inds of high-gradr n1ariiuana, more lhan 1,000 dru g pills and a quant11 y of a1)- P4Jent ht roin. Saturday was the flr:-t 1nvoh tn& a hoa~ stnre Operation J11t~rcept -the l '.S, crackdown on marijuana -went into c(· feet thre e week11 qo. "Oh mill, Willy's messin& 'l\'ith the ftd~ and they don't play around," an 1c- 11uaintance \Vh o heard the nev.·s in a :'un~rt Beat h liqoor store Sunday wits heard lo s .. y. ,\nthoritie s 1vho trailed Ltnaha1i"s 26· The rapture during preda1\n darkne~ loot Clbln cru11tr from r-.1e>iiC&n kl t:.:-i . "''.l!ltert, then overtMk it in ii Cot st Guard vt11el. •aid th• marijuana 1eized v.'1! in 4l packa1is. handful of peaos, with a broad :i:milc on his face. ''F.l Comprador ," \\'as the brand n;,ime -1 he Buypr. "Kc Ha.v Me.1or," was the added slogan -!\one Bett er. atithorities said. Besides the major marijuana haul, Complex or Metroports? Press Asked to Leurc in South County Airport Talk By P A.\tELA HALLAN 01 tllt 0.llJ f'l"I Stttt 1dea5 running the gamut from :in ·enlar1ed airport complex to a series of small metroports were tossed arou nrl Saturday at a meeting of lhe South Orana:e County Airport Committee. Exchanging ideas and providing in · formation for the group which oppo!>f's the use of :£1 Toro· as a commercinl AJroort were John K i 11 e f e r , ad· min\str11ive assistant to Fifth Distru;t Cnw;ty Supervisor Alton Allen and Bernie Tiernan, assistant lo Fourth Distril'L ( 11untJ Supervisor \V il!ian1 H. llirstein. Cc1rin1!ttee chairman Harvey Stearn ::is.ke! the DAILY PILOT to leave before lhr meeting eommenced. saying that the ~peakers felt that becfl use of political nverl ones ot some of their , comments, they would not be ab le to speak as free ly if a nie1nber of tile press \\'as present. K11ieler, later sa id it wa s true that he <int; Tiernan "'ould not have been able to ~pea k as freely but asserted that nothing 11 11~ ~aid during the meeting that couldn't h!l"t-brrn said before the pres~. Repn1rlng on the mee ting later, Stearn said thal both Kil!cfer aud Tiernan in· dic&ted an interesl in a metroport or feeder ~ystem a~ a possible ansv.·er to Orange County's airport needs. Jfe stated that Orange County is the seCtlnd largest in th:: state in population but has one of the smallest areas. "We 're approaching a point whtre a large airport v.·ouldn 't be feasible because of population den sity ,'' saiC: Stenrn."As time goes on the cost ot land will become more and more pro- ~,ibltive." Thomas Woodruff New HP. said that il v.·ould appear that a n1e1111po1·t system might be a belier idea in that il could feed commuters to large airports v.·here continental and in- tercorJinental flights v.·ou1d be available. StP.arn also reported that pllase two of " stul'.!y approved by the county Board of Superrii;ors in April will soon be. brought lo the board for funding. Thi! study is ex - amining the feasibilit y of using El 'Toro .\larlne Corps Air Station for commercial purpo~es. City Attorney i1i Valley "But it's no secrr1," tlaimed Stea rn, ''th:<\, although 1he superv isors voted for the study , they may not nettssarily b~lii:ve it would be feasibl~." Thomas \Voodruf(, 30, former as~is\a 11l tity attomt:y for Nev:port Beach. sl artrd work today as the new part-time city at- torney of Fountain Valley. lie v.'as selected by the City Council Saturday after inter viC\\'S \\'1th nine :i.p- plicants for the position \'ac ated by the resignation of Edwin ~larlin. \roodruff ~\'i ll handle hi~ first assignment \\'hen the council mecl.s Tuesday. ''}le \\'as selected betau~c nf lu~ municipal experience," City !'>lanagcr Jun Neal said today. \\'oodruff earned his degree in law ;ii the Uni versity of California Ha stings Law School. From 1966 lo 1967 ht: \\'as depu ty city attorney and <:1\y prosecutor for lngleu·ood. From 1967 to the present hP 'has been a ful!time assistant in Ne...,·port Beach. Jn add1l1on to handling Founl<1111 Mesa Mau Hurt Crossing Street A Costa !'lfe5a man \Vas almost in rhr c!tar \I hile cro~s 1ng NC'\1 port BoiJlerard Saturday night, but he turned around and ran ba ck into the path of a car and "'as knocktd 30 f~t. Ernie Cad ilfo.' J9. of 548 Bernard S! , •;i;as treated at Costa l\lesa !11e1norial Hos pital for scra~s :i nd cuts aftt'r thr. R·30 p.m . accident. but escaped more serious injur~'. ln1·est1gators ~aid, !llotorist DQnald R. Randal!. 27. of 1:i1 I Rollinh Slone Lane. Tustin . ~h1drlcd 11hr11 Gadillo rlarte<l 111!0 hi::; p:illl nn 1l;r !)11-v bouleva rd ill Cabr11\o Slrctt, bu r 11 a~ unable to slop 1n 11n1c. Green Bcrcl Officer;; Get l\cw A,,ignmcuts \l:..\~HJ ~'t';TO:"i ([rt . -,'.r,('1l nt i!l t ( ,p>rn Brr1'1~ 1 lc;1rrd r.r t1H11 d"n n,i:: ,1 \ ~elname~e nat1nnal 11r1-r re.-. }l~ll"d t11. <J.1v b'f' the Arn1y, n\o,t or thcn1 1'1 m1!it3r,v 111lrll1gc11l'e J~b~ hti l nnni> 10 Speci~l Forces uni ts. DAILY PllOT Cl"'WOI Cl».~l "'1.11i ",.!NO COMl"l>I-. ••~t•I M. ""••11 ,.,.,, • ...,, ••d "U'"'"" J •• ~ •. Cu•lt 1 V•C. ''"'d!•I 1"0 (.!"!'I I l}l"IW T~'"''' k11•il !O•'~' TJ.o"''' /I.. •A ~••~'"' ...... " .. ·~· E-4"•' Cw .. ,.._ Of&. llO W11t l1y $1,,11 M1il!~t A4111ir1•1: r.o. ••• I 5•0, 'l'I' --" Nt-1 ....,. lJ1 I w11• h lbO• •w·~·••• L•-• •• .,.". 1n •••t•• """'"" Mv•t'"llO'I &f«.11 »t Jt~ l•t" , ... ,. ... 11141 •4J~Jt1 , Cls•ll I lofferthl!Jt Ml·l•rl c.1"""'. 1... °'..,.. C.•ot "'~D,,,.,,.. .:-"' ... .... "'""· '""'''•llMI. .,.,_.,111 "'"'* e• ,.....,11.,,,.."'' ~•·•'" .... , .. ,__ ........ '19'!1• ... ....,,._ .. ""' ....... -· ~-.I (le'J _, ... ""' 11 l;o• .. l'I It~ , .. c .... ,, ¥! ... c1uro•"" ,._,,.".,. ,,. (INl<ft JJ.• ...... il<llV; Irr"''" ........ lftly; ,..ftllt.., 4•11fYI_, It.II -"'Ir• Valley's legal matteri;. \\'oodrufJ w1lJ opt>n a private practice. Martin resigned n1ore than a mon th :.go, giving as his reason !he desi re of the city lo employ a full time attorney. City c.ff icials, hov.'ever, later decidOO 11 part. lime attorney sti!l could handle the job. 1\~'0 Won1e11 Hurt In Car Sn1ashup A <'ar drl\'Cn by a 34-year-old Hun· I 1ngLon Beach \\'Oman plov.•ed into 11 park-- t'd asphalt spreader at 1he \Vest.tl1H Dri~·e road tonstrucJion projet:t in Ne\l'pOrt Beach Sltnday night. 'J'v.·o persons were injured . Driv er Don na Castrop nf 17001 N~w. f!llist Lane, Hu ntington Beach, and .11 passenge r. l\1arian Cooper of 2700 Poterson \Vay, Cos!a ~1 es;i , wer~ listed Jn r.-ir c·ondi tion !odav at Hoag M~mor1al Ho~pital. Oan1ag r to holh car :inrl spreader \1·11~ maJor, pol1cr said . Burglars Ski p Old For ]\cw al Church Gllrglar~ bro~e 111\n :-;1. A11drr11 ·~ rrr5b.\ lgrw n Church 111 1\rw riorl Bearh 01 <-'rn1ghl Sunda)', rilrl1ng away !hr1·~ pieces of off ice t qu1pn1ent valued at ~1.26:1 f'olll'C ;,a:t1 !he ll11l'\C~. 1'.hO enlrrcd !Ile 1 h11rl11 '~ r1ff1cc area h_1 p1',1·1ng <!pen !\\O sets nf \Joor~. skipped older office equip· 111rn1 They took. two br and new l.B't <'IP«!ric t~·pe\1r1tcrs and a newly purch;i~­ Prl Ol11-pt11 ad<ling n1;ichin('. Another study discussed at the n1eeting, according to Stearn, \\·as one C'OnCucled by I.he military on a large n1.:mber of mllitary inst1J!atJons lo see if il \\'OU!d be economically desirable to ~ell therri and relocate in less densily popu:uted areas. Steam said the speaker:it a ~~ured them that if that ever happened to E~ Toro it \\'Ould be a long \\'llY in the future . Stearn li:tressed the fact that the m"!"!ing represented only a discuss ion of opinions , no recommendations \l•tre ma dP . ~le !rn said he lefL the n1 ecting feeling optirr1!~tic that the chance~ of El Toro bt:ing made a public airport art ve ry sl!m. $10,000 Blaze Sweeps Mansion On Linda Isle A \\~.000 blaze s11:ept through l h~ ~'­ ronrl fl oor of a Linda Isle mansion ~und.!Ly r1re111en said thr firr ;it !lit. n n. Dln1~1·_<1d hon1t . fl2 Linda l~lc, wa~ ap- paren1ly caused by a small l'hild pl ilying \1'it1, rnatches and candl('s, :\n Jll" \vas lnju rC'd. llr,risc~ccpcr 1\1argarrt :-)1n1 p~1Jn . in 1·l1:1rt;0 11! !he househol d 11·hilr ilfr. a11d illr~ Olrnstead arr vacationing in Eurore. called firemen at .about 2 p.m. T11., fll'r r ngines responded. H 11:i~ l ·t'11~1Tli to be the f1 rs1 tire of rnn : .. "q1.11 r.re on 1hr rxclus11c, l1'11ne lr'lsrhold residenti;il island. ~;~riv black smokt lnrcrd l1rC'mrn lo r:r>n ~1:ei;1al gear. El'eryone in the hnu~r 11 a ~ safely nutside 11hen firemrn arr11rrt . DA llV PllOt Stell P~'" FIREMEN TOSS BURNING MATTRESS FROM HOUSE Blaie Sweeps Second Floor of Lind• l1le Home customs 1genlS who boa rded Le1u1hatJ'~ boat said they found about a half·pOund of tnn powder believtd to be heroin, 1,000 orange pills with In oriental marking on each, 35 apparent ~()D lablels and JO hRshlah smo.iin& pipes. Lf>nahan -who al firsl lold jn. ''estia1tors his address \\'as whert:ver his recently-purchased boat happened lo bt <locked --\1'as booked on !he f~der al charge ant'! held without ball. Authorities aMounced Sunday tJ1a t they teheve the price ol 1nar1juana anll heroin in rn1jor U.S. dlstrlbutlon centers hi!I a.s much as doubled in sonle casea. This would indicate thr stated intent or Opera tion l ntercept -driving th<' price .sky-high -is bei ng aeconip!ished, bu t The trad•!lnark sho\ved a ~1exlcan 1nan ~l anding beside a niariJ uana plant. <'lulching a fistf ul of dollars and 11 drug scene sou rc:cs have denied i!. "Generally lhe price has almost <loubl· MINIBIKE DRIVER DOWNED IN COLLISION WITH AUTO Bike Passenger Also Hurt in E.astbluff Crash Soutli Coast to Head Off Smnll Hospital Boom? By RICHARD P. NALL 01 I~• Deil1 PllOI S!UI An attempt ls being made to head <lff ::i t th e pa,.;s -vol11ntarily -;i pro- l1fer3!ion of s m a 1 t privi\ely-owned liospitals ~h lhe bu rgeoning souU1ern half "{ Ora nge Coun!y. Horrible exa mplr~ cJterl ;i t Fnd~.v me eting arc wllal. has h;i ppencd lo lhe rcsl of Orange County, lo Lo~ Ange!e3 Cou nty a11d to the San Francisco area. Officials al non-pro/it South Coa ~{ ( :ommunily Hospita l tSCCH\ hope in· ~tc<Jd to plan tor the 1nedlcal futurt, The theory is that because of their site, Interconnection and supporting fa cilities, planned b.ig hospi tal~ can not only keer pace \\'ith gro\ving mNfical expertise and tTIC.rlical needs but can hold down lls rapiUlr·1ncrea sing costs. 'J'owa rd this end, a summary of a stud.v of lhe me<lical need.> of southern Orange I 'ounty \\'aS presented (O medical of- 1 K'ials , county o/fic1als and tne press al SGCH. The study wa s b~ the firin nf Ston e, ~larraccin i and Patterson !1 prOJCCls to the year 1900 ~nd ,.sli1Tiale.c; Lhat b.v th at tim e 1,liO general ho;;p1tal beds \\'ill be neded to ser1·r ii popul oit ion e~tlmated at 551 ,000. The ser\'lCl' area deal l \1•1th -abOlll half 11 cou nty -t mbraces con1mu n1t1t:~ lrom Cr1·s1al Co1e lo San Clt:mente., fr orn La guna 'Hills lo San Jua n Capistrano. The s1t1dy recomm~nd ~ expa nsion or SCCJI lo ZIO bed~ <l.~ its ult11nalc size. The second hosp1lal reco1nme11ded on A 40 10 50·atre site 1,1·ould ,.;rrve the mu shroonilng Laguna l!ilb·'11ssion Viejo --Laguna Niguel ;irra IL ll'Ou!d ultimat,.. l,v grP1r. 111 plannrrl 1nc rcn1r111~, In fi(I{) bC"d~. 'J'hr lh ird , and la~t l1ospit.al in the plan, 11 ould serve_ lhe San l'lrrnrnll! -San .Juan Capistrano -Capistrano He;ich 11rc;i. 1t \\otild be designed for ulli1nale expansion Lo JOO brds. T!.e miniinum starting sue of c1lhrr or 111e othrr two hn~p1lals rreon11nended 1v:iu 1d be 150 beds. Th~ fly in Lhe oinln1ent -as far as the ~CC!l advance planning goes -1s tht <in· r.ou11ced construction of two proprietory 1pn1a\cJy own('dl hospital s Onr is to be built at Sa n Cle1nente Thi'! nther is to bt> hull! in th~ ~lissfnn VirJn arr;; f'n the old Saddleb1:1ck Co llege site l;t:;:n tlaffc.r, adn1inistrator nf the S<1n Cl,.menle faci lily, said grading is now un- tler1"ay. }le a1tcndell th e Frid:ty meeting . 11 ~ ·-aid S4:Jo.ooo ha s brcn spenl for th" prooer!y and 1vork 11·JJ1 go for11·ard. !t ul\lrnate:ly 1s to be 250 beds 1rith 15Q rx - lcndeU rare bf'cls, llaffry said . "II 11 11 <1~n·l for proprietory ho~p1lal~ ftl lin: the gap. \l'h<"rr ll'OUld \\·rhea~ f;i1 a~ 1.eal1h c11re. be.ds·! I 1n nfJ! opposed ,., n<>n·pro11 t ho:,p1ta ls. J'\'e bern in 11lP b11~!r.ess :'.J year~ on both side~ or the feri- ··r," ll af!cy s11id Tl1e Cast of Hair Doesn 't Sl1op He1·e fo r onfl' lhul~. Uit ;\t" po r1 Beach Po!1c t Dtpartm~nt "oul d probably takt & dim vi t 1v ()f 11 . T.1kt 11~. they'r~ a bl! old-la sh- ionrd. 'You ma y ha\'t nouced in the p1pt1r that 111 recently htld "pop- rock'' festival 1vas alt~ndel1 by 01J?r 1;).000 kid~. and aboul 100 0f tJ1e in \rtrt naked. \Vt hope lhl~ trend doesn·t rat('h 1111 11 dor~ no!h1ni:: fpr nu1 bu <1n e~' :'llak<'~ _\n11 lon~ 10 pound~ l1 ~ht· , .. r o ~s1 bly YO'.i.'\ e betn .~() bu~,\' v. alch1ng the stock market that you haven't even noticed lhe~e trend ~, But "'e'll bet the "·oman in your life certa inly has, \\.omen notice such l hmg~ .~nd they t are. They C'are less Rbou l 1he ~tock 111arket -;i, 1011 ::: a~ you t an aHord to lake then1 lo E urope 11 hen the: r't 1n the noood. l;\re1i'L they ah\&~1s? I \\cli , \.\P. l'.an·t fu1ar.ce )OUt lrip tfl I~11ropt . but "'' can st..r that you ~o in styl e. Our tall su1Ls range in price. from i95 to e1!." said one federal in1 rsttgalor, "bl.Ii 1no1 e 1n1purlanl 1.~ that n1ueh of it 111 unavailable or eK'.remely JJearee." ~larijuan1:1 Is reportedly !(·arr~ In ~ew York, nonexistt:nl in !111;:in11, and generally of poor quality -gro11·n Jn 1l1r J\lidll'est fr01n \i.ild World \Var ll hernp plants used in rope proo'..!uction. A drug scene sourr·e ::anl Sunda». however, that no one should el'cr p<1v n1ore than ~25 for ;i lid. or h<iH oun1.r. qu'lntity, even in the worst pot fanune. Mi1ii-bike Boys Hurt l1i Car Crctsli T.,.,·o 1 !-year-0ld East bluff boys escaped serious injury Saturda y afternoon 1vht:n th e mini·bike they \vere riding eolh deJ head-on \\'ith a car. 'rhe accident octurred 011 Arbulu' Street, aboul JOO feet sou th of Alepl'-1 Street. Police said young Ronald Ande rson, BOil Aleppo. drove the 1nini-bike, with Jeffrey Kean, his passenger. The small machinl'! collided 'vith a car driven by UC Irv ine mathematics professor Bernard R . Gelbaum, 2301 Arbutus SL Ronald was treated for a cut on hi., temple and lacerations of his thigh . Jef· frcy estaped \\'ilh minor scrapes. Both boys Wl"re r eleased :i fter n1rd ical treal · men\, Hoag Memorial Hosp i ta 1 authorities said. f"rom Page 1 LINKLETTER • • pie lhen1sel 1·es. '' fl.fiss Linklett rr. !he ,\nun~c~t nr Ltnkletlcr·s five children . \1a~ prel:y and ralkt:d about a l-loll,111ood 1·;ircrr. 1!,.r Lither ::aid she h;1tl ~0111c s1ng111i; JOh~ planned . Durston. 27. 111\d polirr il ti:.s L1nktrt1rr 11:.irl asked h1n1 to eoinc lo hc 1· ap;1rtmc11t Friday \1'here they spent the night talk· 111g. She \\'as emo11011a l and dc!>pondrn i, t·uncc rncd \\1th bcr 1dcnt1ty and It< r 1·arcer. police qtJoted Ourston as ::;i~ 111~ Drllgs aspects or the l'a~e arl" i;bll being investigated. police s<11d . Privat e funeral se rvices are p!annrd al Forest La\l·n f\.feinorlal Park Linkll'tlrr and his 1vlfc. Lo1~. \\'rr~ nollfied nf the death Jn Colnrado an-1 rrt1.1rned l1crr Sunday. On .July JS John Z1reycr. J.'l , hu,;hand nf T.1nlde1ter's nlUei;t daughter. Da...,·n. 2qa :-·IJot him~rlf in the heacl. Ile reportrdlv 11"as deprcc.srd 01 er h1~ J11~u ranr"' hlllil nes~. Cat 'fakes On Too Many Do gs OuL In the Au stralian bush c.1l1ntr), a lhrcc~og night 1 ~ a biller ordeal. A CostJ .\!esa cal had a three·do& d.1y Sunrla~, l'ol1cr \\'(·rt> ~t11l tn thr ~ hlOC~ nf l'rt s1rl10 Dr 11·e 111 response 10 a 11 on1an' 1·0mpla1nt lhat a neighbor b0v had uert .:t rope around her cat·~ nee~ ~nd w~s 1onncnt11lg 1t Sl~e :;aid he 11·a.:; leu1n~ thr!'!c dogs inl n h1,:; ba ek.1 arrl . then ~·ank1ng on 1hr tethfr 11 hen 1hc tcrr1f1 ed feline tried lri esc:apf from thr hounds' haras~n1rn1 The hoy 11a~ gone \\hen nl1 1ccr-~r­ r·1\·ed , but his parents were 11arnerJ In arl - 11~e hln1 of lhe offense l l53 . Our e xpert ad\ ll e J~ ;:i li;o llO!'lh ll1Qllf'.\, hllt. \I C <lfln •t charge. ''helher )OU re look1n~ for son1 eth1n,e t rad1t1ona l nr con ven· Uonal, ,,·or.')\l'd flannel. :-h~r~­ ~k1 n . htrr1 ngbone (lr Ren,L?aluir , ·' nu'I \ rind our selection ;i<; flni> a~ anv in the aren. a.\ curren t :is 1hl \ morninR 's l\r11· )'ork Time.( .. ~ c·ar rfuJ look t hrou,eh nut' ratk~ lc;, sure In t11 r n up sonit pl ea~<111t. surpri:-rs. t 'ome in and brO\\·se al l da~, \Ve open at 9.30 a.in., Close at 5:30 p.m. 19 p,m. on :F'rida y~'. :For a lunc:J1 break 11 e ~ugge <;f Berk shire's, \\'ood ~1·s 0r T:tlf (')f lhe \\'hale '\.nd \re al~o h<J\ e n i.ll):.gt>.;;· t1on for !ht n u<l1st ~ oj the \\Orl\'1 -L':\ITE' 1'hen )'.;l':I dre.:.11ef1. It ''-good f0r h u~tnc ~( .. \nrl 11 m ay even ketp the police off )'Ou r back. ;\t R1d\ve11 ·~ ,,,·rl! t xt1 1rct aboul trend5 nf a diUe rent J.01'1 Like the lvider lapel~ :vou'rt !leein~ this ,;,ason , The increa~· ing use of $lripes. The grot\11n,:? popularity of the double-brt111 5.t· ed blar.er .. ~nd , of course. the shaped 5Ull (Or "silhouette." 11 you prefer) -no1v evident 1n e1 er,\ thing froni J e 1~11rc \Vear 1<'! th~ mo~1 t rad.it1(')nal l lolhltlt . Jacl\: Biclwell :1481 , .... l.ldo RI ,e .. port m,·d •. ,,e .. ,.ort DrRch Parking fnr •111 man~· ~•r~ "" '.'·on 01'"11 . ,o,.-op@D Frida~· e\·enlng• until 9 p.m. I •f th< ''" Im )'C co lao ad hi: re foi IOI j ' ... en b• d' Ix In b< " ( <I p< °' S1 ('\ n< " '" v "' f' n< hi • lh di t)-,, B 1 r j " " " " n J • --------- Monday, Octobtr 6, ] 96q S DAILY PILOT 3 Seal Beach Now in Picture Over Sunset Annex The cairn \\•tµch settled over the future tif Sunset Beach f\lllfl\.\'ing the failW'e of !he aborth·c atternpt Lo annex to llun- tinglon Beach lasl Aug'us~ tnay not Ja~t Jong. · Seal Beach ls in the picture again in lhe )'~ars.tong baule over Lhc ~mall seaside c:o1nn1unity and the rich Bolsa Chica oil lands to the southeast. Seal Beach City r.1anager Lee Risne r admilted today that a new approach Lo hi s city had been made by Sunset Beach rei;idef!L~. "11iey said in £'!feet \\•hat can you dn tor us," Risner said , "and submitted a long list of requiren1ents. '' "We are studying the. list and it may present some legal problems whir.h I do not care to go into now,'' the city n1<1nager continued. "llowever, it is an interesting concept." Risner said the proposal is now being studied at staff level and will not be sub- 1nitled to the Seal Beach City Council for four lo six weeks. 'fhe list of requirements is assumed to be similar to those submitted to 1-lun· lin,g ton Beach, and approved by that city last spring as the now dead-annexation move got under way. Risner said he preferred not to reveal the list as yet. The list ol demands to Huntington Beacl-i Officials Endorse Shore. 'Clean-ur,' Drive llun1ingt011 Beach city official~ today f'nlhusia!)tically e.nd0rscd a two-day beach liller cleanup plan sel to begin Fri· clay at Bolsa Chica and Huntington slate bC'<1ches. Overnight cainj)crs intcsei;ted in clean· Ing ur bcneh Jitter have tx·en invited lo beco1ne fl part o[ "Johnny Horizo n Coun· try~ide Days.'' The Callforn·ia Outdoor Recreation Trailer Rental To Solve Sel1ool Cro~d Problem? A possible Solution to oYercrov.·ded classroon1s at Slar View School will be presentctl lo lhe board of trustees or Ocean Vic\v School District tonight by Superintendent Cla rence llall. The plan involves rental of three c-lassroorn I railers until June 20 when the fl C\v Vista ViC\\' School is expected lo be rrady for occupancy. /lcnt;i! c0st of lhc facilities is estimated to be S5.i75. Douhlc sessions, \\'hich exist at Sl'1r \'1ew sch110! ;;it. the prPscnt tin1e , will be nearlv elirn1nated v.·il h the opening of f';,ir;; ·view and r..1es:i View Schools early next year. The trailers v•otdd lake care of six dou. ble session classes al Star Vir\v 1\·hl ch v.•ould not be eliminated by Lhe opening of t he 1\vo ne\\' ~chools. At tonight's 7·30 p.m .. meeting in the dbtrict board room, 7972 Warner Ave .. the trustees will also consider approval of ;:1 $1 .3 million bond sale to U.S. National Bank. Pilot N eivsboys Treawd to Day At Disneyland !t \Mk f(ll.Jr buses lo haul the DAlLY PILOT "fn111ily'' lo Disnry1and S:ilurrtciy. An <1ftcn1non al !he fl·lagic Kingcl0m '1.~s !he r('\\<lrd for c:nricr~ tvho l1ad l'a med points thrnugh g:iining nc1v cu~t()tners ;i nrt gi\·1ng their regular fiUbl>l:ribC'rs 1'.11rcr ~ervic~. A tol:il or 165 rriade the trir, onC' nf the higgc~l outings ever staged fnr DAILY. PILOT ne1,·spapc·rlmy.~. accordin~ tn 1'!il<111 Lea,·i it , DAI LY PILOT circulation n1anagcr. He i:;0l to 1nnkr thr I.rip, IOQ1 And pla.v "dad" In lhr big faintly. League (CORL) and the State Parks and Recreation Department are cooperating in the two-day campaign, a part of a statev:ide movement to clean up recrea· tion areas, "\Ve will do everything \Ve can lo aid these private citiz.ens in this v.·orthwhile endeavor." said Vince Moorhouse, Hun· 11ngton Beach director ur harbors and beaches. The city plans to videotape the beache.s before and after the cleanup effort, <IC· cording to Bill Reed, public information officers. \Vhile the two state beaches are not under the control of the city, the com- n1unity has Jong had eyes on them and is engaged in a can1paign to get manage· ment rights to the six miles of prime beach from the slate. The COH L plan calls for camping participants to slay overnight at Hun- tington State Beach and lo do their cl<'anup "''ork there and at Bolsa Chica beach just southeast of Sunset Beach. CORL officials taid an arrangement hns been mnde with state recreation of· licials allov.·lng camping privilf'ges only lo those interested in participating in the an!i-littcr campaign. State beach ofOcials will furnish gunny sacks for cleanup participants. CORL is initiating its statewide cam· paign here with the purpose of in- lroducing "Johnny Jlorizon" to the public. He is an imaginary figure, tall , n1gged, of the outdoorsman type dedicated to a clean and beautiful America, they ·said. He was created by the Bureau of Land f\1anagement of the Department of Jnterior "to help teach children and adults to keep their land free of litter." Roowood Trees To Grace Campus Conservation-consciou! Orange C.0<1st College students n1ade sure this v.·eek ihat they'll be. gratefully ren1embcred by v.'atever tree lovers are around about 4000 A.D. They decided lo plant ~ix yo1Jng tc1hvood trees on campu~ sites ~!ill to be selected . And the school's studcn! coun· cil. unde.r president Tom Hubbell. in tends In invite state and clvic dlgn1\ar1es lo a de<!ication ceremony. "This is something we've wan\1>d tn clfl for a long time." s:11d J-lubbcll. "If mor~ studC'nts and citizens devol.~d more nf 1heir tune to 1h!s k1od of Hu ng v.·e'd be rf'n1rmbcrrrl for another rrason5 th;:i n riot~ and rl lsurd crs \1•hrn these youog lrel's achirve their gro.,.,•th ." Hazard ita Your Hairspray Beach included· -The established identity of Sunset Betch as a unlque resldential beach com. munlty, will be protected in the Hunting- ton Beach n1a ster plan. -The mile-Jong beach will be preserv· ed as a residential swimming, fishing, and surfing area with reasonable public acce.ss provided for non-resident.s o! the comn1unlty. -Th~ Pacific Electric right-of·way , a mile long stretch of land in the heart of the community, will be used !or wider streets and landscaped parking for both residents and ~ach visitors. -The two-story height Um.it will be Army Scandal Grows; Provost Sold Firearms? \\IAS!llNGTON (UPI) -Senate in· vestigalors charged today the fonncr provost marshal of the Anny used his position to obtain hundreds of confiscated firearms from police departments and sold them for persona! gain. Phillip It r-.tanuel, staff men1bcr of the S e n a t e investigatlons subcommittee. t£'~~tified that Maj. Gen. Carl C. Turner lold police in Chicago and Kansas City he \vou!d lake t~ weapons back lo \Vashington for display in U.S. Police musemns and for training of U.S. Anny pErsonnel. But Manuel ~aid Tumer sold some of the firearms to a gun dealer in North Carolina. He said 500 of the weapon~ \Vere unaccounted for. "fhe bizarre story was unfolded as the subcommittee continued hearings into Turner's a ctivities. Turner has retired ftom the Army and reeently lost a civilian job Yrith. the Justice Department. fl1anue l told the subcommittee that Turner ohtaincd both r ifles and handguns fro1n police in Kansas City and Chicago. 1'he weapons would have been destroyed otherwise. ~l<1nuel sald Turner even arranged to ohtain s<1me of the firearms when he went to Chicago in April and 11ay of 1963 as commander of federal troops during clvil disturbances fol\ov.·ing th e assassination of Dr.. Martin Luther King, Jc. Lt. Paul Duellman of the Chicaga Police Department testified Turner came to the department alone, in full military uniform. He said the guns were placed on a large table and "lhe general would selcet v.·hich ones he wanted.'' "We thought they v.·ou1d be lurned over for training purposes,1' Duellman said. The sul>committee also planned to at· tempt to determine \\'hy Gen. llarold K. .Johnson . ..,,·hile he \\•as .Armx ~hie[ of Slaff. ch~c Sgt. J\1aJ. \V11J1ant. 0 . \V oold ridge as the first sergeant major of the Army alt.h0ugh \Voolrlrid,!!e was being invc.~tigalcd in connection "''ilh an alleged report involving: service clubs on Army base~. Johnson. now al~o retired, hai> sairl !hat he knew nothing abou l Lhe Investigations. An Army investigator testified last \veck Iha!. Tumer "may have had some personal involvement" in a 1967 attempt l\lilil Quake Nudges Da111ag ed Santa ll.osa SANTA ROSA. CaliL (AP) -A mlld e:irthquake nurlged Santa Rosa briefly lo· day in the aftermath of three shaker~ la st \\'~k that did an estimated $5 million dnn1agr. The lalr5l temblnr regi~er11d "about 1hrec and lhrre-quartcr::;" the University f1f Cal1 f0rnia Seismngr<1ph Laboratory an· 1111u11rer!, rl:'fe.rr1n~ to lhe H.ichter scale of earthquake lntens1Ly. Tn ohscrv.:ince of Firt. Prevention Week (Oct. 5-11). C<1rt. ,JiJn Vincent of Jfuntingt.on Beach Fire De- po rtment rlcm ons lrate." one of most common -and litt.Je known -hotischold fire hazards. Innocent can of hairspray becomes death dealing flame- thro,,..cr vthe11 exposed to open flame. Almost any household items made \vithJetrolcum p roducts <ind contained i.n a pressuriz can will react the same way v.'hcn expos ed to flame. maintained for all residential ~lruclure! in Sun.set Beach. -Zoning Of all residential lol" in Sunset Beach shall allow a maximum of two family unll3 per building lot. -Support for the position lhat there will be no permits granted for, nor any actual oil drilling of off.shore oil off Sunset Beach. \Vhen Huntington Beach's proposed an- nexation of the area failed in August, a vital merger of 3.5 acres <1t the southeastern edge of Suni;ct Beach went down with it Sunset Beach opponents or annexation lo Huntington Beach, with the support ol Seal Beach, forced combinath:m. of th~ 3.S.- acre annexation with the 885--acre prin- cipal Sun.set Beach area berore the Local Agency Formation Commi.sslon la st J\1arch.. This is the vital opening for Seal Bearh to the 6-square-mJle Bolsa Chica lands to the southeast , surrounded by Huntington Beach on two sides. The combined merger failed when op- ponent! of annexatlon lo Huntington Beach, led by Richard H a r r i s o n • presented protests representing m<lfe than ~ percent of the property owners to the Huntington Beach council in August. 'This move blocks Huntington Beach A nude model watches her nudity disappear beneath a sea of foam during the flln1ing of a television con1 1nercial in West Berlin. Gim· 1nickry is the nan1e of the advertising game the world over, and the covering of naKedncss is a definite gimmick. l)y \.\'ooldr1rlge to sinugg'h~ several case.., of liquor from Vietnanl to l h" Un ilrd Statr.s abo;ird Gen. Creigtiton \\'. Abrams' plan<'. Turner, who \\~~ thr. Anny·~ top p0lice1nan as provost marshal, was hired lh1~ ye<1r hy lhe Justice Depar1ment as l:hlef of U.S. marshals. He resigned recently as a resull of the service club in· vestigations. from any anne1ation attempt of the: area for one year from the August 18 date. So the five-year-old battle over Sunset Beach fs on stage again. Residents o1 the community. led by Mrs. Virginla Strain, iniliate<l the now-dead merger with Hun-- tington Beach with a petition carrying the signatures of more than 25 percent of the residents. They signified, by the move that they favored Hunlington Beach over Seal Beach. Now they can only sit by while the forces, undoubtedly led by Harrison. try to get what they want from Seal Beach. A big batLle looms in the coming monlhs. Foundations To 'Play Safe' • In Tax Reform \VASHINGTON (UPI) -The nation'!! fouTXlations, which give away $1.5 billion a year, said today they '\'OUld bo restricted to such sale project~ as ~up­ port1ng ballets and symphonies rather tha:i fighting slums and air pollution i( U1e House's tax reform bill becomes law. The fOlJndations sent the Rev. Theodore r.t. Hesburgh, president of Not.re Dame University; Jonas Salk, developer of the Salk polio vaccine; Whitney Young, presi· clent of the Urban League; former Johnson ad minis t r ation adviser J\lcGeorge Bundy and 19 other prestigious Americans before the Senate F inance C6mn1iltee to arg\Je their cause. L'nder a ttack were provisions In the. House bill which impose a 2.5.percent tax nn the in come of loundations, require them to give away a sum equal lo SO per· C:!nt of their assets every year and restrict them from engaging In "any at• tempt to influence legislation" with their vast funds. The restrictions were written into the House bill in response to disclo6Ure! i;orne family foundations had taken ad· vantage of thei r tax CX('Tilpt status lit become tax havens and that some had f'ngaged in controversial undertakings - including the voter registration rlrive that helped Negro Carl Stokes become mayor of Cleveland. Merrimon A. Cunninggim, president o( the Danforth Foundation of St. Louis, argued in testimony prepared for today's lle<l ring against the restriction on foun· dations' political activities. He said they "alanned" foundation~. "To play safe. foundations would fetl that they must eschew working in any field of the soc.Jal sciences, perhaps also the humA.nities, and even the natural sciences .. •• Let Pat Fland'ers, "Carefree's'' sf)'le upert show you th1111.1cio 1f our new slielch wi c Come d1Scover how th is new wig stretches to your Mad in airy com· for t. It's easy to brush the silky modacrylic into many styles be· cause it's razor-cut and.shaped with contoured neckline. The soft curls are pre-set. Just wash, d1ip· dry and it's easy to wear again . Wig, sty10 foam head an~ tanying case, 25.00, SALE! Miss Pat Flander!: wi ll be he.re Frid ay, Ot!ober 10th, from 12:00 lo 8:00 p.m. in U1e Millinery Satori of our Newpor t store •. Buffums· Buffums' permanent wave 1 7. 5 0 reg. 35.00 petmanents 2 5. 0 0 reg. 50.00 peimaaents Look your pr•tfiei t for all thos• spe'i"I school activities. This 9reat v.,lu• include' sassy "campus cut'' a ri J 1tylin9 I "c•mpu1 cut " alone, 4.00 ), e •• uty Studio, .11 stores e )lcept Marir11 NEWP.OR.T CENTER. e 11 fASHION ISLAND e 644·22.00 e MONDAY, THURSDAY, F!!:ID_.,Y 10:00 llLL 9;)0 e OTHER DAYS 10:00 Tl LL 5;JO ( . . . -. • ------------·~~-_...,... __________________ _ .. 4 DAILY PI LOT ICempli-1 ltt IM Ol llY Pll91 st1rn Mayor Orville Hubbard o[ Dear· b orn. ~1ich ., is going to put a new candidate on the ballot in Novem- bef -Sex. llubb.:ird, ··ctead s e t again!il s ex educalion in o u r schools," said he will ask the city council to put proposed sex educa- 11011 guid el u1cs o n th e nex t ballot. Jt may hel p c·lear up a ~ot of 1~ud­ died v:ater around here, ' he said. • l t \Vas an impressive soccer de- but, a goal scored on the first time out. Then the rookie \\'35 ki cked off the EdgC\\'are , England, team. The problen1 was that Edgeware Jun- ior's ne\Y playe r was a girl, and in England girls cannot play school soccer. Corrine Samuel has been benched and Edgeware will have to play its season opener again . • r ~~-;.=-· ..--.··:c:'.l•·•:t.1!£'::U.".1 -----'-· __,,__,.._~ t~ t Jnn1ates at the Netxll1a Stale ~ ' i\fru:innon. Security Prison like 1 the work of dentist Paul Mille r j ' so n111ch 235 of them have peti- 1 t tioned Gov. Paul r~exalt to keep ~ Ii h im vn the job. Af iller, who hod , r. -a 1emporary license, failed a state boord of den.lo t examiners I test and hi.Ii license expired. M , j ~e1 xalt said 1 fotil!er 1 could sw 1 Y undn· [ II a rep acen1e11 was ou . l ' Jackie's Furious (Purple) I Til e inmates' petitiott said Mi!-~ ler ''has bet1l a11 influencing ~ L~::~~ ,~;~ 'b~~e~~;~:~~e~·~, • 1 • There is quite a bone to pick on Press p_hotograph_er Mel Finkelstein ~pr.awls on pavement as Mrs. Jacqueline Onassis walks by after fhppmg the cameraman with a judo trick on leaving the Swedish sex film "I Am Curious" (Yellow )" in New York Sunday. Aristotle Onassis left the theater an hour later apparently unaware of the disturbance. ' a fa rm near r..1ari on, l o\v a. Geolo· gists from the University of Iowa said they are digging up the fossll r emains of an ice age bi son, an ani- mal bi gger than the modern Amer· can bison. ''Finding an entire skeL- eton is rare," said Prof. Holmes Sernken. who es timates the beas t \val ked the MidY;est 25 ,000 to 50,000 years ago. As hc1 photographer husband, Lord Snowdon, look.! on. Bri toi11's Princess /tfargareL rakes pictures o/ an ancif1lt remple in Ankgor , Com· bod1a. Tl1e royal couple is on a tou r of the coun!ry . • Miss Terry Se ligmt1n, 20 or 1-lt. 1-lolyoke Cotlcg:c. \\.JS invited to be- come a "brothe r" in the Delta Kap- pa Epsilon frt1 trrn11.v al all-mal e Dartn1outh C n I I e g e. The srnior fro1n N n 11c~. tll.Jss. is one or 70 fe - males on an l'XCha ngc prog ram v.'hu are the first co-eds to penetrate the college. lier victory for the fe- male V.'aS no t cn1nplete. ho,~·ever. Because or a r igidly enforced na- t ional frate rnity statute, she '"as granted only social membership. Heavy Snowfall at Fr eeze Warnings Go V p Throughout Mi.divest Cnlifornla lO\ .,n,,..I~• ~na ~l«nlrv w~rmed lo • high c t a1, lhr~~ rie;rH• trom ~~11<11r'• a. l"e 0""'"'""t low h 60 TN Air Pa•lutlon Co:>n!ral 0 1,l••cl ~·~lcl..., ll•M '"'o• cnl• In co••l•I ~l!C!lon• ol ll>e b•1ln. TM u..s. Wf.•'""' flurNU'I ll•f.-11 ... l<11ec"1 c•lltd •c• no ••In •NI norm•I ''''"'"'"'"'"' ltirOIHtl> Sotur<l~v. 8~ac.1'1'1 were sunny w"l'I l'lltl'l1 n••r II() T~ W81,r wos ~ Moun!olns Wt"•t •ll.,nY 1n tl\e Mt will! '"''" '"''"'tv wind" SOUTHERN CALIFOllN!" -~vnnv pl"~sanl 111v1 w1111 cl11• cool .,;,,,,. M-tY t rod Tur sd••. :>iomr 100 C•ll coa•ltl w•"'" H <IV Tue><!••· Loi ANGELE ~ •RE" -Sunnv l rlll w••m Mona1v 1na Tu"'"" wl!n '"' "''" MondlY 17 •NI IN low Mol\<ll Y n.tM N•r liO. POINT CONCEPTION TO MEX ICA.H flOll:OER -Calm kt ""'' hvM ~n•• '''' wlr!llt nl""! 111<1 ,,.o,..,1nv l'IOU" bl!C""'ln1 Wt1oft'f'IY I IP 11 m"" In 41• let Mlll'll Morl<ll• tnd T~n<i•Y. Sunny Mond.tY ..... TundfY ti.ii .. nn N'•'• 109 11!1"110tr Wtlttl Tu~~• ma<n•ne, No! much 111m,,..r•lurt <11~">9<! COA5l"l AN 0 INTEllMEOl •ll!~ VALLEYS --ny Ind w1rm Mo.,_ (llY I nd TUfldaY. Hl9!\1 Mon<l~y '° l~ U tnd IOWI MOllllt Y "''M lt Offt .0 ...,., '°'', to •S !nl-•••••· o•ve Soul~!"' Ct llfornl1 c!t"er t f>d •llonltv worm•• w'""'"'· MO\JNTAI N AR EAS -[lfolf t tl<I n1Vl!ll wllh 1'1t n ~•I!.,. l•moe••!u•ro 11,1>11lllt' Into 11141 10I w!tl! 111•111111 su,.. llY <l•Y• M-IY t nd T_,.fdly. lf"TElllOlt ANO OE5E"T llfGION~ -$!./""" •nd , 11111• w1,....,.r Mona1y o"'1 T11111Mr. Hlll'l\I Mol'dl Y 11 lo t7 m>l>ft ~•II'"' ., to .., k>wff n llev•. Le~ Mondor nl11M 71 •n )f ~"" Mid ""'OIO!"' V11tev1 OT~•rwl" "° "' )(I uooor 1nd 50 to 6ll 1""'9• v111,,,, co .. tal H1rv I U"ll'll,.., Some '°' N rtv TuH- d •v. L~I Nll"'1Y Wllld• "t~I •n<I ""''"1,.. _,,, bol!Comll\9 ..,.,l_t lo _,,, I M U ktloh In 1!Trmoattl lo<l1Y 11'1<1 T ..... Y. Hltl~ todtY 1•. [01!11 !wn-ttvr.. tll\98 '""" 60 to II. lnl•ncl l""1M•1!u••1 rl1191 tr..m .SI to 17. W1 lfl' Mmper1tur• 14. Sun, Mno11. MONDAY Tide• 5Klln<I l'llOlt 1·00 t .m. ~ ll SK-lvw , TUllOAY. 1.11 p.m. l • ,,,.,,,1,~..... 111•"''' F,,.1 1aw ......... ,,l d•m.OJ 5•ccnd 1>1,.ti ............ 1 ,7 P-"". 5 I ~~·ondl<I .. 1 '8p m t• ~"" rlt"I Jl f.m,5•h ')l)~m. M-r ll91 2 !I • m, 5~11 I 1• P.m. ll.S. S11mmnru Two 1•roe 1'1111'1 pr•nu•• 1r~•• 0rou11"! yentrt ll• ••Ir we~•Mr i.. t1141 F•r Wtiol 11\d 1111 ••1t1n1 -llltt'l1 of n.. 11e1lon IOdtY, Ill belWHll ll>fr• Wll • wlclt bo...:I ol 11'1oWer1 tctttmt>tnl~ bv '""'"fl· tl>rtt !hll '''""""" ,., IMO """ frff•· 1110 '"""· lht Mlawt ,1 •l1ct l'l.ld PflC"el ol ll<Ol!nd IOll. Tl'l11,,,,,.,1Flltwtt1 b•outl'I! tolrly lar9• 1mount1 of •• 11 !o "'"1••n l••~•. Wink. Tt~ • me~•utrd I Ill '"'""' <IU•· !no t '''"""'" """""· Fr .. !I W•fnll\01 l'IAYI bft~ !\1Uf<I lot rocrl l>wt•I l(an•~• t "<I """' "' !tPl1 weno!M \ "'''' In ~lle-<1 f~r er~· 1'•1 Ind norlM•n "''b''"'' 111d 11111lt>- we11 low1. Albu~ueni~• .0.nChor.,., A•l•1111 !h~!f1llet<1 fl1"m1rck Bo!'• Bo•ton Brownsvlllt Chlt1eo ClntlllM•tl Oenv1r o" Molnn O.troll falrb1nk1 Fo'1 Wo•lfl FtHllO H~len• Horoc•ul~ to;:1.,s.1 City L11 'le\ll• LOI ... t\lltlt1o M •1ml M """"1111111 NIW Orltt"' New Yort NQr!h Pl•t1• fla~!arcl O~l•l'M>"" [lty Om11141 P•'"' s~r1nv1 Pa.o lloOln r~I ( P ilhbu1'11h Po ... l&nd llltOlld [!ty lier! Bluff "~ S1t ••m•n!O ~011 l~V.• CllY S•n 01~00 !l•n "•e••CJ,co ~~~"'" !I"""""' T'1~rmol w1,111noton ., .. " • M ,. " • • " " " " ~ " " " ., " " .. .. " " • • " " .. .. " " .. n " • ., • • • " ., • " " " .. " " • " " " .. • ~ ., " " .. • " " " .. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " •• " ., ,, .. • .. " " " "' ·" ·" ·" Scott Hints Thieu Tells Assembly Breakthrough In War Due WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen a te Republican Leader Hugh Sealt said today there may be a breakthrough in tbe Viet· nam war Jn the ne xl 60 lo 90 days. The minority leader said the breaklhrough could OCCllr in either the diplo matic or mil itar y area but that "t wou ld shade it a Utile toward the milltary." Senate ~1ajority Leader Mike r-.1ansfield said, in answer lo :s newsman's question, that he knew of no secret negotiations now under way to end the war. Mansfield and Scott commented lo newsmen before lhe opening of the Senate. They were questioned in light of Scott's commcnLs on television Sunday in which he predicted a change in lhe Vletnam situation but declined to say what form il may ta ke or how soon it may develop. Scott said he talked to the White House today and its reaction lo his television comments had not been "unfavorable." Viets to U.S. 0 Ill SAIGON (UPJ ) -President Nguyen Van Thieu said today that "in order to help the U.S. government with ils in- ternal problems,'' South Vietnam Is delennincd to replace lhe bulk of U.S. lighting units in 1970. Thieu's 70-minute speech to the Na- ti onal Assembly alluded to the inereasing U.S. criticism of President Nixon's war policy. lie said South Vie tnam's allies "don't lack of means, but of resolution." •·\VP have to lessen the heavy load by the allies," Thieu said. "Today, we con- firm to the U.S. government that ..... e v.·ant to do so." " .• , in order lo help the U.S. govern- ment \Vith its internal problems and minirl'ize the suffering borne by the peo- ple o~ the United States v.·e, the Viet- namese people, are detennined to rep!?..ee the bulk of the U.S. fighting units in 1970.'' he Ulld the lawmakers. ~le mentioned no numbers, nor did he identify what he considered fighting units. The U.S. Command has said before Spell 1970 that only about 100,000 of the 500,000 Gls in the war i one are actually involved i.n rombat. Thieu's speech follO\\'ed the same lines a ! an inter\'iew of his vice president, Nguyen Cao Ky, published in the United Staes today. Ky said the U.S. combat rol e \\'Ould be ended by the end of 1970. As he has done previously, Th ieu re· jccted a coalition gove.mn1enl \\'ith the Comr.iunisLs and fiaid an unconditional cease-fire was out o[ the question. Nixon, Rogers Confe1· WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nixon conferred for an hour and 20 minutes today with Secretary of State William P. Rogers, mostly about Roger s' conversations with other world leaders al the t 1nited Nations over the past JO days. \\'hite House press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler declined. lo go into retails about the meeling. Young! Tender! Do try our mat r ecipe! Recipes that invite you to sulllrise your family with new tilSfe adventures! Try ou r caaaba salad ••• chilled and refreshing ••• great with our nck of lamb, chutney glat:ed ••• recipes for beef liver too ••• and a great .waY. to 1erve beef tonpe. · ARCADIA: Sunset ind Hantlnglon Dr. (El Rancho Cen1IJj PASADENA: 320 Wert Colorldo Blvd. SOUTH PASADENA: Fremont ond Huntington Dr. HUNTINGTON BEACH: Warner and Alronquln (1!oardwal1I Cal1leJI NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. 11nd 2555 E151blulf Dr. (Eastbluff ~llage Cente~ I • ' ~----------:---------------------~-.....-.----.-----·--.-... -... ,. .... ,.,.,. ... ···---·---·· ............ -.---- WHAT'S YOUR HANGUP? If mountain climbing is your thing , we can 'i help you much. Bui if your real "hangup " is looking for a broad view of !he news Iha! includes a good, hard look al what's happening al home , the DAllY PllOT has !he line you should grab. We give you a broader view of the world lhan you can gel even 12,000 feel above Chamonix in the Alps. Mont Blanc. over !here in !he background, is !he highest ~ peak in Europe, which reminds us ... J • • Our local coverage is hard lo lop . When ii comes lo pilin g up information alioul local schools. sports. social event s, enle rlainmenl or crime and calamity, we're king of the mountain. We're your homelown newspaper. We make keeping up with !he world, the nation , the stale, !he county, your town and your school a lot easier than climbing a mountain . Just grab our line. No more hangup. The DAILY PILOT will lake you where you can see the view from the lop •. ' . . . -. ---. -------------·~~---~------------------- •• DMLY PU..OT EDITOR~ PA.GE Electing a President George \Vallace threw enough scare into the nation over the anachronistic Electoral College System of elect- ing a President that, for the first titne, it appears a seri- ous effort will be made to overhaul the sys tem. The question is, ho\v shall it be replaced? Two proposals have h ad major attention i1:1 Congress and the NLxon Administration. One of thein, direct popu- lar electjon of the President, has been adopted by the J.fouse of Representatives. but has a lready brought d.i- vision "'ilhin the Republican Party. President Nixon endorse s this method, Governor Reagan oppose s it. Under the d irec t popular e lection plan. U1e slates could still fix an age limitation for their votcrs-pre- e;umably-but all other regulations \Vould be subject to federal law . Congress, under the I-louse-approved plan, ."''OUld provide for the qualification of presidential candidates. for the make-up of ballots, for the holdin.g of a nati?nal election, for a run-off il none of the candidates received 40 percent, and for voting procedures. Some say this grand national march to the polls \Yould tend to convert the republic from a union of slates into a consolidated fonn o f d emocracy. The s tructure of federalis m would be abandoned in the fundamenta l rtte of electing a President. Some opponents of the funda1nental change ~o d irec t popular election favor ~vhat is call~ ~ dis~rict. pl.an. (There is also a proportional plan but it 1s quite s umlar to the dis trict plan.) . . Under the district plan. a presiden1l1al candidate \vould win one electoral vote for each congressional dis· trict he carried, plus two for each state he carri.ed. An example cited to illustrate the effect of this meth- od is the 1964 situation in Florida. Lyndon J ohnson polled 948,000 votes to 906,000 for Barry Gold\vater. Johnson took all 14 electoral votes, Goldwater got none. Under the district plan. tile electoral vo te '''ould have been di- vided evenly, seven for each. Proponents of the district pla n assert th at every procedural objective could be achieved. Independent electors \VOu ld be abolished. TI1e la st resort of one state, one vote in the !louse \vould be ended. And the winncr- take-all "evil " v.•ould be avoided. Di strict voling \vo uld retain son1e of the roots in ~ person's own "tu rf,"' \\'hether that be his precinct. hi s state or an ethnic group. its proponen ts cla11TI. They argue this system al so avoids the dang rr they see in the simple direct vote plan of having concentrated big-city populations control the presidency. The iss ue is c lear a nd simple in one aspect, con1- plex in another. 1-~e\V \vould dispute t he urgent need to do away with the outmoded electora l college systen1. But as for replacing it with direct popular elec'lion or a d istrict plan, serious study is in order. The !-louse of Representatives has opted for direc.t popular eleclion. But the Senate may favor the dis trict or some o'lher fonn of proportional pla n . It's a decision as fundamental as any made since the Founding Fa th- ers \\•rote the Constitution . Just a Bit Too Much If this is the Space Age, it's also the Plastic Agr. Plas ti c grass (not the kind pla.!i·ti c hippies smokel is nO\V f avored for football fields. And there's controversy brewing over intent to use it in road divldcrs and other· \\'ise in Oran~e Coas t cities. But putting plastic \Vishbones into ersa·tz tu rkeys seen1s ju"l a bit too much. That's \vhat's cooking on the national food scene, however, \\'ith soybean concoctions simula ting meats of all kinds. This, to put it mildly, \\'ill be a rcnl \Vishbone of con- tention. Workers Not Interested 'Publisli or SDS Scheme Was a Bust SOS FLOP -Preliminary intel ligence evaluations indlcate the Marxist oriented Students for a Democratic Society didn't get far the put summer with their S<I· called "v•ork-in" program to create a •·base for a worker-student revolutionary alliance." Jn three significant respects this fac· tory infiltration scheme was a bust : Far fel'·er SDS iealots were recruited than hoped for. 'The goal v.'as 1,000, but not more than several hundred actually took part. -Factory, and other workers were more interested io sports and similar topics than in talking .about politics and issues, particularly of a r a d i c a 1 Ideological nature. -'Jlie SDS would-be proselyters were 10 exhausled by the strenuous work in the factories and bills that they we.re too tired to engage in agitation at night meetings and on weekends. SOS OFFICIAL! are tight-mouthed about the results of their radical project. this in itself is noteworthy, because if the plan had made any headway they V.'Ould be boasting about it, particularly in their publications. But so far they have been t;lrik.ingly silent. Congressional investigators, who have kept a close watch on the undertaking, have. a number cl reports from different parts of the country. Other accounts are still awaited. ~ reports are based on •·infonnal" talks with the SDSers. Following are some. revealing highlights: A woman studf'llt: "The employes want to 10 home in the e~ning and be with Allen-Golclsn1ith their families and friends. They show no interest in talking ;>olilics or problems. l licked this obstacle lo some. extent by dating workers and then talking issues. But that had limitations, because the young felJoy,·s wanted to have fun and not to argue about things." l\tALE STUDENT in an auto plant: "A union official spotted me and warned me to watch my slep. 'We won't tell the boss about you,' he said. 'We don't operate. that way. We are as much against bosses as you say you are. We will take care of you ourselves.' After a few weeks, I decided there 'vas no use staying there and I left." The summer "work-in" program stem· med from a manual prepared in 1967 by the Progressive Labor Party ( PLP) - Peking-orienled Communist faction . The manual was designed lo provide in- stniction for anti-Vietnam organizers and agitators. It was taken over by the SOS last spring, revised and used in its cam· paign to promote a student-\\·orker revolutionary alliance:. Aim of this alliance is to "show \\'Orkers how evil the establishment i~ and the need to overthrow it by revolu- ti on." At Ille SOS national convention in Ghicag~ last July, the PLP element ~ought to seize control. After a fc.rious row they were defeated by the faction aligned with the Communist Party USA, tied to fi.1oscow, and then kic ked out of SOS. The two c liques nO\v have their O\l/Tl officers and headquarters and are u·aging \var on each other. IN THE BAG -The latest four-tenths of one percent increase in the consunitr price index ensures al least a 4 percent pay boost for military retirees, effective Nov. I. The CPI has risen around 4 per- cent since November 1968, the month on \•:hi ch the current retired pay formula is based. Under the law, military retirees get a pay hike when the CPI rises l percent. Mrs. Abigail fi.1cCarthy, estranged wife of the fi.1inn esola senator, has given up the large mansion they rented in the fashionable residential sectiQn near the National Calhedr;il. She has bought ;i house on Cape Cod and i$ telling fr iend~ she plans to live there. ~1cCarthy is residing in a hotrl suite and squiring "·omen u•riters and editors \1·ho ardently supported him in the 1968 presidential scramble. Forn1er Supreme Court Jttsticc Abe F'ortas is returning lo the social :>cl'nc. He and l1is la"'yer-wife are agnin dining out. He says he plans to resu1ne the prac· tice of l.:iw in a ne1v firm of his 011•n, but has not decided \\'hen that will be. Al present he is busy completing a book, to be tilled ''The Crisis of Individual Liberty," and playing the fiddle. Says Fortas. "Thal is alt I know , the 1a1v and playing the fiddle ." By Robert S. Allen and John A. Goldsmit.h Senseless Campus. Plunder By J. EDGAR HOOVE R Director Federal Bureau of Investlga.tioo \\'!\h \he beginning Of the nl'\Y academic year, it is disturbing to kno1v that a primary concern of many college and uni1·ersil.y adlllinistrators y,•jlJ not be the scholastic achievement of students but rather how to prevent the seizure and wreckage of .educat.i onar "institutions by would-be insurrectionists. The decrease in campus disorders dttr· lng the summer n1onths must not be miscons trued. Just as soon as the firebrands ran muster ·a caucus or dissidents. v.·e will witness a continuation of the senseless plunder \\'hich caused more than $3 million of damage to col· leges and unh·~rsities las! academic year. Bel ween ·Septembf.'r 1968 and April J969, one major university alone suffered d1m1ge in excess of $1 million . Some 4,000 arrests were made in connection ----- Monday, October 6, 1969 The editoriai par;it 01 c/1t Dol/!1 Pilot setk1 to inform a11d &l irn.- r.datf r1adtr1 by presentino tl1is new1paptr'1 opiniQTII and com- mentary on topics of ~nttrest and .rigniLicance, br provkUng o forum for the e.iprelriol'l of our readn1' opinions, and by pre1entlng the diverse vlew- potnu of fnfor?Md ob1troer1 and spokeimne on topics of the: day. Robert N. Weed, Publisher Guest Editorial "'ilh v1olcnt 1lcn1onstrations, untold numbers of people were injured, and at least two deaths resulted fro111 campus riots. CERTAl1\LY, CR11\1lNAL slalisUrs reflect no credit on !he academic com- munity. However. unless college and university authoritie s take positive action lo control campus violence, iL 1vill not subside in the coming n1onths. The split in the Students for a Dc1nocratic Society tSDS ) ranks during the so-caned national convention in Chicago last June resulted in the election of l\\O slates of national officers. The expelled fl r o • Peking Progressive Labor Party "'ing sel up its O\vn SDS organization. Thus, opposing forces, each claiming to represent !he true SOS, \Viii clash on campuses throughout the country for conlrQlling JX>"'er. Since clamor a nit ;igitation arc proven techniquf'., for attracling tJe1v n1e1nbers and support, violenl disruplions \1·111 come as no sur1)r1se. ALTHOUG fl TllE !)OS con\·rntion in Chicago 11·as, organizationally, a fiasco, the feuding (actions did not for a moment Jose :sighL of their joint objective. Their f{Oal is the destruction of "U.S. Jmpe:rialism" and !he a chic\·en1ent of a classless ~ociety through internatlonal communism. The SOS considers the rebellious youth of our counl ry as parl of an "In· temational liberation army." fl regards )'oung people. mainly college students, .as a means by which !he r evolulion can be accornplished becauSt' "in gPneral, young people: have less al slake in a society ..• are more open to new ldca3 ••• and arc, 1heref0rr. n1ore ;iblc and \1 1\l1n.i; ir1 n1u11· ui a revo)ut1onary direction .. , Tf!OSE \\HO RALLY to tlw :.;upport ,,f lh(• l\"c11· L<'fl and p11rticipatc 1n 111:!11 ilir" <'h111npion£'d by SDS do so 1111d1·r l'ln ll· Jusion. The is~ues ;,ire 110\Y l'lt·:ir Tu nt' and the internal \\'ranglings 11( ll1P organiza11on ha\"e brought one has1c an<I Important truth to lhe surface. ·rhr youthful ideaHsn1 of "parlir1p:1lory democracy," so frequently espouse<! by SOS while striving fur student approval. ha.i been cast a~ide. The t.·larxisl 1logn1~ is in full command. SOS now calls lor outright revolution. ln11s1nuch as brl'aking the l>11Y 1~ :i custornary part or revolulionarv taclit's, n1any enlorcrtnent agt·nc1es 11·1i1 bc1•f)111c 1111·olred in C<lmpus strife. In n1ost in· s\anl'PS. the nature <Ind degree Of Ill· \."Olve1nent will depend on \rhclher school author ities desire to prol('('l their in· slitu\ions ilnd the rights 'if the m;ijority of students 11·ho \\·oukl rather study thnn riot, or forsake their responsibilities <111d give in lo mob rule. Dear (;Joon1v Gus: A nll litary m;in rnigl1 l kil l an encn1y and dispose of the bo<l.1• for s1r:.1lei;:ic purposes, bul a c:rccn Beret 11ou!d nc\:cr lie. -A. T. J. f~,. l••IUtf r t fl•t!t rt l~f'" "'~"'· "'' ••('""·I • ••tu ,, ,~. ,,, .. SP>Plf St nl '''" •ti -19 Oil+lllf Gu1. 011ly Plltol, Pe1·ish' Rule Modified Royce Hrier· In tollege faculty circles there has long been a concept expressed to the phrase: •·publish or perish:' It rneans college professors over the years must \\Tile books or articles in their chosen domain to maintain their .slat11s in the scholarly 11•or ld. lf they fail, or if their production is thin, they 1vill be 111rgely disregarded by their colleagues in the cocktail hour. They \\•ill also be tlenied the pleasure of recomn1ending to thei r thargl'S a study of their own v"orks. Their charges 1rill a lso be denied the op- riorlunity of im1>rov1n1; their O\\'TI grades by quoting or parapllrns1ng the master's words in se1ninar or tern1 papers. Furth('r, there is the m;:ilcrial con- ~idcration th:it. pub\ica1ion i.<: ;l notrnt factor in hiring and promotion. TllE S\'STE\I JIAS a notorious fl n1o1•. The labor entailed Uy y,-riting tends to drain the professional energy, k!:'eping the author from the classrooin while he does rescarth or fusses over an olxlurate 1nanuscript. Teaching assistants fill the \'acuum \1·hich can corne to resemble the lunar atmosphere. Among the several ca11~cs of student unrest ·and frustration. this one is 11nt tn11al. SludC'nls like tn sav lo hell \rith i>·uursts 11 hcre ~r1u 1·;1rely. si:c th<:. pn•· h'~~or. :ind they offc1 n1orc s1 r11>.111s ot;. J11 rgal1on.~. ThP SJstcrn of eoursr i~ 1rry old, prL'V;11l1ng 1t1 Euro\>can un11crs1t1c5 tor 'C'nturir~ lnrl,.,cd . nl<l~t '<'holar!y old 111111\..s 111 !lie \\ e~lcrn 11 nrltl bt·:1r. ;1ltrr 1he :ut\hor·-: name. lits 11n11t•rs1!v :if· 1111;1tion. Thr:;C' nr('JIC'!:.:-:or~. htJ;IC'I C'f t·n11ntnt. 11t•rr prcsu1nabl~· h1 rrd tu tc;1··t1 t·l,1.!i~cs, whl'.o tl1r•y 1.!0Uld gi't 1l1cr t'. L.\Sl' \\'EEt\ THE P.nnrrl of l!ri::<>n1s 111 lhc l"1111·rr~irv of C:1lilorn1n rulrd h1r n10thf1r·;1 1ion Or "ritibli.~h vr perish." It 's a l111le 1;1guc nnti !Pn1lcn1 1ous. It 1hd11'l pro- 11HSc unmort;ilily lo non-prnducers. unly suggested inore emphasis on tt.'aching. 1/01'' the professors \1·ill take !h is if it catches nn. \1·e 1lon't know -th::ir·s gold u1 thc111 lhar 1cxts. But incre;iscd al· lrntlo11 lo tc<.iching \1·ould sccn1 pn.1111- 1s1ng. 1\ll of 11,1\ h.'.l\ e a 11feloni:; consciousnl'~~ nl •·good" teachers. going back Cl'Cn to gr:in1111a r school. /\ gnod teacher is a drhc<.ite blend of kno11 ledge, char;icLcr and prrsonalily. \\'e also 1vincc 1,·ith lead- rn 1nC"morics of dull leather.~. A dllll tc:ichcr ean make !hP Rattle of Trcnton- lh:it failing genernl hanging h~· hi s teeth \\'I th soinc 1nusketry in the winter da\\'ll -seen1 dull. A good 1racher can n1ake ''The st'1g at e1'e lulCI <lrunk his rill -·· <;ccn1 exciting, even if il "lacks !he r ich hnagery of a Keat,;, TllF.RE IS NO anal.r1.1ng this le<1ch1ng r;iparity, or w;int of it. t-::vcry cndral'or lo teach and learn is unique. a ph~>~ical prcsenre. a rhemislrv bet1vccn tc.:icher ;ind taughL Bul one ih1nR is sure: there is no chemistry if there is nn leaching If ,,·e. the people. don't stri1·e for effecti re, lniagin;ifi\"e teaching o( the ynung, \.\'e're all in trouble, .and cops on the can1pus will never rescue us. Q11oles \\'illiam.~101\n, t\,·.. i\'e~~: ''T he rr11n1n:it 1s a rri1n1n.al 11 hf'ther he 1s r irh or poor. ;:ind regardless of what sJeil'I~ failed to do for him when he 1o1·as yonn~.·· YOU AR .. NOW L.EAVING Ml)(lc;Q w~~ 'ffi U tw$.A. STOP F'OR (U!;TO The Flower Fund Honors the Dead As a fJOll'Cr lover ot !on{; standing, T think thal nolhing makes a finer gift for birtlllla}'s. 1veddings, anniversaries ;ind olhC'r JO} Oils oecnsions. But I could never sec the point of floll'ers for a funC'r;il. An claborah.' floral tribute serrns a misplaced sent1n1enl :ll a dc;i th. and I ,~·as interested to learn ~on1c. )'C~1rs ago ho1v sensible Sweden handles this situ<1- tion. In Sweden. since 1921. there has been an organization called the f lOll'Cr Fun£1, formed lo honor Lhc dead "Jn a niore worthy and lasting manner·• than 1vilh flora.I pieces for the bier. ~IElltBERSlllP JN this group \1'a,, begun by , 111 distinguished group ul religious leaders, l!OYerno rs of provinces. ;ind prominent literary and artistic figures. !Is spokesn1;in lvas Alma J·lcdin, sister of Sven Jlcdin , the famous ex· plorcr. lnstend <rf ~ending an exprnsivc 11•re:itl1. Ilic Flower Fund proposed that t1·.e frlcnt!~ of the deceased ,shou ld rctnit the n1oney to the bereaved fa1nily for a si rnplc me1norinl n1cssage in the name of !he giver. THE ~101'\EY ·cccived in this ll'ay 1Yas applied to a project for obtaining houses \l'ilh small ;iparlments for old people i11 straitened circumstances. In three years Sydney J. Harris i lhc FJ01\•er Fund erected a large building on a site donatcll by the City oi Stockhohr1 . A second housr :)OOn was Uu1!l next In the first, and before long ~ix additional houses were. built. providing Jiving ciuarlers for more than a thou~and o!d people, 111ho pay lo1vcr rent than they 1vou!d else,\vhere, and also receive 111edical care. THERE IS NOTlllNG institutional about the placl'. and tcn;inli: arr quil e free lo stay or n1ovc. as !hey please. Each building has a re~tnllrant ll'hich :;crl'es n1eals at cost. pl us :i i:rocery shop, laund'ry and bakery. Th{'re .1re <ilways more applications for lcnancic-s than can be filled. S\~·e<lish death nolices oflcn con1riin 11 line requesling th;i \ the Fl n11 rr f"und be ren1rmbcred -nnd, suite 192!, other tharities hal'C follo\\'Cd i.11il. "The in1· portanl thing," observes ~·l iss Hedin. ··i.-. ti1:it lhe memorial be gil en •~ form !hilt \\'iii honor the de;id by benefil1ng lhe liv· ing. Let our tribute tQ our deceased lovtd ones be somr1hing more lasting than quickly 1vilhered blossoms." Need to Work Togetlier Tn 1hc Ed11or In Ray l\iernnn's le.tier, "!Ill \\'ar 1~ \\"rung.' j l)AIL'r' PILOT. Srp! 2.11, IH' ~·l)'· ''I hrl1r1c lllf•1 1nnrr bcl1<'f~ :ir11I ;1~:;1 1n1pt1nns ;ire \1h;it shi'.1pr 011 r r-.;te1·n;1l 1·:>.prricncc" !lri11c1·cr , 11e !;ill s lti ~how )101\ a ~lnAlr pcrsJHJ°~ bl'!i~I.' :ind a ss1111111· t11111s nni;lit 111111\r the 1rorld p<'nt•ef11I. 11 1<: t1•11r 1hnl n1 nnv pro]ll{' l1J1!;iv )o.hnuld r\·.r v;i\u;11e \hC'lr beli•'f~. Hui 11 h.1l I.'-01·rrtookPd 1s lhr ntC'd frw ~nplc lo con1 111un1 cc1\c their 1de<1s Jill.I to 11· o r Ii IQgcthcr. KJEH.~hN llAS failrd lo st:.ite the i111· port:ince of n·orking collectively to helri promote peace. An individuars in1- prol'cmcnt is 11·orthlrss If he cannot operate effectively \\'ith ot hers. Kiern:1n .al~n s:iys. "Self pcrlectiou i~ the only solution to all probll'nls." 1\g~i11 he docs nol s;iy hn\V the pcrfertion of a ::;ingle person t•an unprol"C this \vorld. 1t takes more thun one person's 1111· provcn1erll. PEOPLE ~1 UST learn lo \\'Ork toge:hCT :u11! share their beliefs and assumptions in order to proznote peace and love. Unity an1011g people docs not co1nc froin carh person's unique 11ays o[ obl<Jining self· pcrfcelJOt\. . . l\ir1·11nn shou ld rewortl 111s philosnphy to e-.:pl;1 i11 how pcrlcction of oncsclt can rl'st1 ll in 11'Qrld pcnc1>. no l JUSt indivitlunt unprovcn1cnt. J•,\TR!Cli\ :'llc :'l\ILLI~ 1''/10 Beller fl11aUfied? To the Editor: In vour editorial. "Krisn1an Test Com· In g"." (DAILY Pll.OT. Sept. 25) you ::;tatrd the argument for and against t.1ike Krisn1a11's appointment as coordlnnlor of Rcademic advising at UC lr1·inc. )'ou v.•rotc that the re!'ulls of !his appnintmfnl \\"ill ;ind !'hould be re5nlvrd on the CC'! eamp11s. fongra1ula1io11~· LPt's ~\1r l\ri~n1;i n. \;Cl Chancellor Aldrit:h. and the !il11dcn t~ a chance to solve t:.eir 01o1·n problems. i\s ,. \lailho:o. ' t •t'"'' "O"' r••d•'1 ,,. w•lcomr l·lo'm~11y wri••"• ,,,~c,•d !lt•1·v th•"r m•'''~~ '" "300 ~1ord• ~' '""• 1'•• ""M •o <On~rn>0 1•11.r" tn !.t IP~C• "' ~l1m•n1I• l'!""I " •••··~·~ ••I l•llrr• "1U" '~clu~t g19n\!~r• ~,(! "'"'""~ •d~•r ' t~I n•m~' 9·•1! b• W1!hn•I~ on '""Vt~I I! •~!!o(•('t ••l>on 11 IPPl rt n! ~ou .~;l1tJ. J\n sn1an \\'111 be Ju<li;:rd nn ho1v hr. :ict1·iscs the students and 11 hcthcr he uses lhe office lo l'oicc :ind further his political 1·ie\\·s. \VHO IS RF.TT!'.:R <1uahl1cd to grad!! Kris1nan th a n Aldric!1 a n d his col- leagues'.' Though you <lchniued you didn't feel Kri~n1~111 11as the bc~l rh01cc rnr the job. i1 11 as rPfreshing th;it you <lirl nol con· Urrn n hitn. Thanks to the DAILY PILOT for call· ing lo !he ;illt11l1on of th(' to1n1nunity the fact that \\'alchfulne"ss an1l under~tandini;: are nccessar,·, rarher th;i11 i111mediate cril1cis1n. for. Krisn1an·s i;uccess on the Jr1•1nc campus. SUSAN !::. JNGLE ~--U11 GCf)l'!JC ___ , Dear George: r h111·r hc<'n in ;in HrRu n1f'nl con- tcrn1ni: ps_1·rhn$om:i1ic inatters. In your qualiricd opin1or., l\'h<i! cau:>es h11·cs·.• Dear G.Jl ~ Bets. c;. II. 'r don't know \Vhirh I enjoy most: Getting lhe Mousehold Mini. columnist's mail by mist11ke or get- ting the medical writer 's n1all by mistake.) ~ :'llail your:-.rlf <J ~elt ·11cldrcs~cd ~1an1rcrl rn1cl11pr l~rnrJ:!r h:is decided lo calth 1111 on tus back n1a1I.) l I t ' J r t l r r c r ' ' ' c I f I I , c ------------------~-·-------·------~·--------·----------------------------..... --~----·---.. ···-.. -.... '"' -· _,,_, v •• -· • ¥ • -·-.~ ... - • CHECKING •UP• The Gi1·ls Wl10 Tii1t Do11't Dig Blonde By L. 1\1. BOYIJ \\11th those girls wlio 1tnl the ir h11ir, you \\'Ould lh111k blonde \vould bt' the rno~l popular. Al least I \\'ould tl\!nk so. But lhai's 11Tong. The 1na- Jority or young ladles who lin t prefer sonic surt of reddish bro11·n. Bclic1·c we us1·d lo call that auburn, but th<' con1- pan11's no1v use a van<'IY or f oncv tr ride 11a111cs. A111 hd11 . in oi11y two stairs docs 1j1011dc ou tsell 01her ~h:id('s. ,\\111- ncsota anti \\11scon:.111. HAVE ''OU EVER. gun<' hungry brt:iu sc ~·ou had 1111 1noney'! \Vhcn pollster" put 1hal inquiry to the popul:Jt1n11 20 years ago. one 111;111 in four liaid yes. Today one n1a11 111 eigl1l says yes In th e s<1n1c qu estion .... A (i AllflENEJl or lengthy cxrcricncc say s he keeps the nc1ghburhood dogs fron1 ruining l1is tlura hy hanging sucks of Bull [h1rharn hrre and there on 1he ~·ard shrubs. •·0ngs hale the .~111c!I of tobacco." he contends. FAT VEGETARIAi\S-11:.tre Board Acts: By ~1ajority· Vote Only A n1inori!y of school board me111bcrs will no longer be able to aet. in th e narnc ol lhc full board \1•hen a new l;11v goes into effect Nov ! I. Pa ss.._J Uy the Lcg1.~l;1l11 rr ~nd s1gncli by Gov. J:c::1gt111 , lllc new kl\\' 1rill require n 111:1· jority vole of the full bo::ircJ's men1bcrsh1 p fo r action. nul just a majority of the quonun present. saysSadc I c ll ac k College Su pt. Fred Breiner. The law •Nill apply lo all school boards in tJ1c slate - elementary. l1igh schoo l , unified or junior col!rge. Jn Saddlt1ba ck·s t.:a::.e, for in· stance, there tire 11\•r bo::ird n1embers. l 'ndcr pre~ent l<11v ;:i quorurn of three cnn tond uet llusincSS <ind a 1najOr11 y flf that number. lwo. can carry a \-01e. Under !he nf'w la11 , thre e votes 11 ill be ncl·dcd. There ha l"c11 ·1 bren 0111v t'E'lebratcd ca $C'~ on 1 h i' Orange Coast in rt•('cnt ycni':-. of a school board 111i11orily ac· ting on a controversi<1l 1ssuc 111 opposition to the 111a1ority's 11·ishcs. The ne1v l:11v seals ofl just such a possi bili1y. '~---- you Pver s(.'en a f a I vegetarian~ 'fhat's ll'hat 1 <1sked. ··Yes, indeed . .,.,.riles a Tacornu. \Va::.h . client. ''the Doukhobors, those Russ-1an cultists "'ho lil'C in Canada. ;ire vegetarians. And th at ~orne vege tarians :ire fat 1;, apparen t to anybody ll'hO h3~ f'l't•r 1\·atched the Ooukhobors p;-irade in the nude." CUSTO~I ER SEHVICE : Q. "\\'hat's the rn ost dangernu~ :i.c;1r o! n1arriagc?" A. Our Love :111d \Var man·s Ille to11- 1a i11:; th<' not;-ition !hat n1ost l'ouples ll'ho cal! 11 quil '> t.lu :,a i11 1hc1r ~('COnd year of rn •1r- n;igr ... ,Q. "HO\V l\li\i\'\' l\1 1~N ll'C!"C 111 Fidel C;-istro':; or1g111:1 I revolutionary fotTl' tluit eventually took over Cuba·'~" A. About 8U .•.. Q. "\\'llAT UOES yo111· Planet rnnn say about Leo girls"!"' A. li e says they're re sponsive . Extranrdinarily responsi\·e. DECISIONS-\\lho ma kc s n1ost of the decisions around ) our place. you or your partner·! Let's say one of you 1s pretty talk ative, the other a }\rong. si lent type. Hcre"s a researcher "'ho says the lic- trnn boys are \.\'rong \\'hen lhey nrglect U1c gabby sidekick to givl' all the judgn1ent and au1hofi1v to a t lose·mouthed l1cro. 1;hey say people \\·ho talk the most in rea l life 1nake the 111ost decisions. \\lith few exceptions. 1'11AT NAV\' PILOT named Lt. Cmdr. Flyum also has been nu1ninated for n1em- bership in the Proper Job t·l11b ..• _\\IANl)A E. 1\1.EIEH of Sa n f'letnent c, Cal., says she hn~ used 11fi.. sa111e l}pCwritPr rcgul.irly for 5i \"C:ilrs. J'\o doubt 1h<1l's thr i y pt! w r i t e r 1 o n g C\'il~1 retard s. , .. FE\\'ER t;ASES nf i n.~anity. suitidc, scx <'rime. ;ind 111urder turn up dur ing December than in any other month. \Yhy is that? TIGHTS-""l claitn the first circus trape7.e artist to \l'ear tights actually performed in his under\l·car. ·• \rriles a gcnt!en1an su b s c r ib er . Absolutely correct. Nel son llo111er was !hat fellow 's natne. In 1828, it was. His costume fnile d to get out or the tailor ·~ in 1in1e for the old Buckley ;111d \Vicks show. so he \l'ent on 111 his rcd long johns. Pnntcd <u.:tounl s of the event say he 11·as a sensation . 'YoHr (/llCSliOllS r111d COl11 · 111r111s inc 1vr /co n1ert 011d will br 11srcl 1rl1erever pos- ~1 11/r 111 ·-c11eckv111 UJ"llllillJ'irl- rl rcss 111a1l lu L. 1\1. Royd. 111 corr of DAILY PILOT. Box IR7:i. Nc u;port Beach, Cal1f. 92663, Why not a completely new you with an 'Indian Summer' Frosting? 12.88 Sue Cory 'Select Prescri pt ian'Wave Includes haircut, shampoo and style $12.50 Re111ember., .we 1pecioli 1• i fl the core of f o,hion wigi. USE YOUlt PENNEY CH ARGE CARD - NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY t'ULllllTOlll o,.~;·•t!f c·~·-r y...r llDOr. Ill •}el 7~a "<>0" lt7 1111 '"~ '")II'· '"nu ' DAii. 'f PILOl 7' " -.. ,,. . .; . '' . ' ' . .· • LI KE IT ... CHARGE IT! SPECIAL BUYS! Soft, cotton flannel prints Stitch up pojonias, nighties, 01! the pre lfy lhings that lend then1 selves to flannel prints.,. for just a penney on inch. All .•. 36'' wide, .. ond Sanforized' so they won't shrink. Hove o shopping spree with the nioney you've saved sewing! YD . Lush cotton velveteen fabrics Thi nk a head and be ready for winter fest ivities with party clothes for the whole family ... gifts ... elegant pillows, too! A great buy in solid colored velve teen,., available in 41 / 4 5'' wide, short lengths •.. so shop early for best selection. 1.66 YD. • Wool and wool blend values Here's your opportunity to stitch up handsome wool/nylon, oll wool flanne ls , textures, heathers ! Some bonded with a cetate for shape-holding . Ass orted solid colors and pat· lerns in 54/56'' widths for handsome suit s, separates, sportswear. 1.66 YD. Polyester/cotton poplin fabrics l ook at all the marvelous blends in thi~ assortment for sewing savings: Dacron' polyester/cotton, Fortrel' polyester/cotton, Kadel' polyester/cotton! Machine wa ~hable, little or no ironing ... 45'' wi de ... in great solid colors. YD. AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE ' < ~ • -••.•• -----~-~-·----.~.,...----------.... -.-... -.. --.......... 1!'! ... ll!ll••••••·--------····--········· .. ••••·· DAil Y PILOT RU SS IA N BUILT MIG-17 HELD UNDER TIGHT SECURITY BY GOVER NMENT AGENCIES Plane Wa1 Landed at Homestead AF B FlcJ . by Cuban Air Force Defe ctor U.S. PayiS 'Vife of Cuban Lands MIG in U.S. HOMESTEAD AIR FORCE ed 111 !:..nd." :-.11d one Air interfere Y.'1lh a boating c;.;-v A BASE, Fla. (UPI) -A Jl.I IGl7 Force \l'llT <in on I II~ cursion 11 1th his oltl fr iend, C, iet !!Clll jet fighter with a hammer and Ho1nestead runway. •·1r he B. '·Bebe " Hcbozo. "-' sickle stamped on its gunsight comes in v.•ith Ills landing gc<Jr The Clechoslovakian em· I u s and a C\lban flag emblazoned S.·\ltiON <AP ) -T 1c .. on its tail was under h!:'a1·v up he "'JIJ be .1>ho1 down." ba~sy in \\'ashington, y,•hich ~·01rrn1ncnt has paid S6.4i2 lo guard toclay whilf! a uthoriut·.~ 1·1ir 1'.11GJ7 . 1,1 !he l\J">f' h:indlcs ;dla1rs for the Castro 111r \11fr ur thr rl'portcd \lit•\-questlooed the man who f!t11 11 lu(·h dealt lrtiuhlt' 1,, i" :-. 11•g11n £' in t!us country, wa s n·11nrs1· d11uble agcn! in 1tie it from L'uba. 11_ii htcrs dun11 g t\if' l\n1t•J •1 .1 ... ~t"tl to 111lur111 the Cuba n · I \1,1r,lout ht•dllu1111 11c.11 l 'rr~1· '1 LL! 'l l("•"o"ld bc C 1('('!1 l~cn·l in urder t asr . b1Jt The Soviet-built Jet ;.111hd gu 1·r111n1·n 11·. , ... u tllr l's. Coininand described at this sprawling hon1r v1 ilcrll 0.ixon"s pl:inr -Air 1nadl' ::1v;11!:1l1lc l(lr return to Jong-range SAC bombers and For•<' One -11liirh 1\as th!' Cun1111u111:-a i ~kind. 1ht• pa.1·1n1·n! 11s a "n1iss1ng sleek fi ghters Sunday after ,1 1i ;i11111g tu ct1!"r.1 1h" el 11el ex-The 1'.llCl 75 iverc so ef. JJCri,on graluily" loomed 00 8 radar scope 9!J lTUllvt• ba ck l u \\';1~l11r1g!1.Jn. fl•ct11c 1n th~ Korean war that /\ spokesman said l he miles east O{ Key \\lest. The Prt'sidl'nt. 11·ho l1ad :it on e point the U.S. govern· 1101nan. Phan Kin1 Lien, nc-The pilot, an unidrnti.fied spent Lhe 11 ~l-~l·11d 1·:\\:111i.111111g JTil'11l rn<11lr ;1!111ffcr of 11 t·cpit'd lhc r;ay rncnt Saturd:ty_ Cuban, promptly asked for at his Kl'Y B1sc11ync r~!rc<it $100,000 <..<isli ;l\.'t'ard, a fre<! asylum and gm il. ;ibout <!O milt's a11-·•1y, \\'as in-ed11cat1on and asylum to any 11<' ;idded: ··Tht' <!rnount of llH' "Any plane that comf'S In forrncd of the ineldrnl Sunday f'nemy pilot who would defect "''ll l<'1t1L'll\ 11·;1s rn u 1ua11 y v.·i!h his whtt!s down j~ allow-afternoon. Dtit he did not let it with one . . 11.:rcl·d up1111 :ind rrpr<e~c111 ~1---------------------------------- 111\;1t 1s dl'lt•r111111<'d 1u llf• ;1de-. ~jll '.lt(' l"1Jlllp1'll'>,1tlOll ,\"ke d how !I•(• ;1rnount w :1~ nrr111•1! ~I. lh• ,,ud 1hf' 1n11111Jer ul ehil drl'll 1n lnr tamily <1nd l>lhrr larlors 11('rC' taken Into i.:ons1dcrat1on. Thi" spukesrnan ::,aid the 1\c11 nan"s husband . Thai Khan t ht1ycn . ··has been n11ss1ng ~111ee June 20 \1·hilc on duty 11 uh rhe U.S. Specia l Forces. lJ1 !aehrnC'n! B~I. :\Joe Jloa. J:Pp1J b!ic of \ 1etn;1rn " · Thl·r·r i ~ no r11dc11cr Iha \ I'" '' drau:· rhr :-.pokrs111nn ,au! · J Jc is con~Hlcrcd lo Uc IJ1l•51Jlf;," ll11 1Ss Chi ef In 'Varning BEHi.i:\' 1API -So1iet Con1 n1un1~1 party chief l..e<lnid I Brczh11rv declared today tll <il a11.1·nnt' challenging East C ;1•rma11 So,1 !Cl frrendship OI 1hr1 r horder!' "·ou!d be rcbuf. !l·d and dc:-.lroyed. ~pc::i~1n i:: ;"ii an EJ ~I Bcrhn 1nr1•11ng ul C1on11nun1 ~1 IC'ader~ <1l t1·1u11ni.: ~-:l'>I (;1't"l!l<UI}, '.!ll lh ~111111\('r .. :i rv 11•h·hru t111n,. llr<'zh n1'v ;.aid k ,1:-I c;C'fll1iu)1 .1nrl lh<' S•\\ h'I l 111011 ,ir;, l1'1ilild ll•j..L'\iit•r 111 l\\!1 II ,J\ \ l.1 brl.it1•r.1I 111 .. 1h :t n 11 ll1rnuJ:li 1111• \\:11 -aw · J';u.1. ~1 t111 l 1 ~;iry :dl1;111l •' ··\\ lio :-. h 11 u I d pre.)111nt·.'· Bre7hnrv d<'t.:lilrrd \\'Jl h a r.11~ rd 101ct'. "!n 1c~! the firmness uf our ffl('tltl.,J11 p as 11ell as the 111\'1olahl1>nr~,, of the border.~ of Qur !>!Jtl'•, hi· llllb\ know in c1ch :iner lh.11 11r 11 111 Lm· mrd1:11c!y :in1t tle1·astatingl.1 :-.trike lJar·k thrnu~h einplo~- 1n<'nl or 1h<' l"(J!np!f'tl.' :irn1cd ·lorces of the S•l\ 1rt l "nion and ·lh£' t·11t1re Sv..:1al1~1 t..Vrn· "'lnuni1~. · :• NEVI• Ao.MN ..... tid ... liq w M 11 y-r .U.. ..,.,.._.. JOILAFL•X• : Toilet ~ Plue11 · tJ11like otdinary pl11~n. 'TWlmln 6ot1 not """"'"" t;Ornp<euoed .. , -hlP1•J w•ltt lo iopl..,. b.clr Of _,.pc. Wuh Thil•flc• lhc lull put.01u•c pfowl 0i·r.,u1 h l hf!' c lo1(i11 E m 111 i nd ...,,.heo •t dowo. •!UCf10N ... tM SfOP'S """'".-.CX "'ClNTr•s n su .. J , c aflr'T 1«10 altO\HlllO J JAl'(JllO l AIL GIY(l 11.111-JIGHf tlJ . a.. ......... ., ...... ' t2tS •f MAIDW•ll STOWIS l\~~t Carpeting at a price that includes carpet, padding Sq. Yd . Installed 1 ~O nylon shag carpeting .•• • look of luxury for any room. lively, very slurdy carpeting that weol"l like a nyt hing. Get it in tweed or solids in 6 beautiful decorator colors.. 50 sq. yds. completely installed over 50 or. jute paddi ng and custom tack fess installation. ONLY 374.50 Ust Ptnneys lime payment plan. ' Red Rocket Attac·ks 72 Ba ses, Town s Sl1elled ::iAIGON IAP) -The Viet Cong and North Vietnamese made their heaviest rockrl a11tl u1orlar altat.:ks in more than a month over the weekend , shelling 72 allied bases and lov.•ns, the U.S. Curnrnand s<.1id loday_ Th1r!y-one of the 72 attacks reportl'd bt·L11·el•11 8 a.m. Saturday ~111(! 8 a 111. !\1onday l <.ltll>l'tl casua l!•l''i or dam;ige. hcad11uartcrs said. Fifteen of the allacks 11-·cre against U.S. units or installations. Tht U.S Con1111and said !O llicy addrli. that rign1 f1c11nt Amer icans \\l're 1!.Uu nded . cnciny ground attack:; are ~ll ll lncornplete report s s<iHl :.1x very !cw. \"ict11<1rr11!se· 11-·erc killed i.lnd ··small uni t C'Ontacts are about 35 wCrt' wuunded. .staying up 11-·ell abo\'e the Thr atlac:ks 11-•erc l Ii e <!OS,'' said onr source. '·L;:i st heaviest s ince Sept. IZ-13, week th ey avcrai,;cd <!9 a day 11·hc n a total of 86 shcllings and the \\'eek before 55 a day. 111'1'e rt'pi:1rtcd . J)uring prl'vious lull periods in Off1e1:1! suurtt·:. \;Jid llir Aug11s1 th1·} 11 f'r(' du11n around rnt111_v 'l'l('I 11f ~1rl 111\)" !ins I I • a11 fJ1l'ragc u ·IU .1 i <•Y bec11 higl11·r 111 rtiTllt 11 tl·k'i than d:iruig prf'iluiJ~ lull /\1nen1.:an furi.:ed l..illcd 5.1 periods this year, although tlle encrny troops in four c1<1shes number of A1neric:a n hat· northv.•est of Saigon \\'ilh no by 1,.-y I , tlefield deaths is do"'"· But U.S. losses, headquarten said. ~~~~-'----~~~~~~~~- .[FANTASTIC VALUES , EVEN FOR PENNEYS!) La • -=n II Ir. Kick up a fashion storm in our 100°/o stretch nylon tights Whot could be cuter than contra•ling tight. for a 1;ny lo! to compleored ._, fashion picture. They're knitted to f it comforta bfy. lot• of pretty colors for.all lw outfihl Choose from full falhion seamless styics or fancy patterned styles. Sizes 1-1 '/2. 2-3, 3-.t. 1.59 Fancy patterned t ig'5 ... just thJ right touch to accent all h@r foll f~ Great fi t for growing g irls. Choose from OOfHVn seomlou $lyles or fancy pattorned ~ Large .........,_ of colon to choose from. Sizes 4 lo 16. 1.89 AVAIL.ARI E AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE • ,, • • • • • • '· -,. ----·-------------------------------~--~--,.-·..--. --· .. -.--, '1 .. Mo~day. Octobtr 6, 196tl 0.\Jl Y PILO'( • ~ Marijuana Find Jail s Youth, 18 Que11ti11 Ht1nger Strike Ebbs Bo~k Fest Pea~eful PAltff SAl£ 40,000 Listen Vnder Marijuunu Haze · • AUTll~N Cci.ORS l:t:J:I IONE (UPI) -Rural Jn \he Indian summer heat. Also lea'ling was festl\ial ~ STOCKTON (AP) -Police :. seired 600 pounds of mari- ; Juana and arrested a youth " they said told them he found ~ the weed growing "''ild in Des A1nador County returned lo JlS For th-Ose who wore clothes SAN QUENTIN (AP) -A pastoral pursuits today, rehev· the drt>!is ranged from hippie ed fJw.l a weekend rock hunger strike by Neg ro festival invasion by 41J,OOO garb to blue jeans to casual prisoners demanding release youUis was far less violent attire that might be seen at a from the disciplinary section than a Saturday night in a suburban backyar d barbecue. -0rgani2er Doc Davis, a botany ins tructor al San Joaquin Delta College near Stockton. He left with guards arvt a three.ton safe crammed 14'ith :. Moines, Iowa. ::it San Quentin has become gold rush mining camp. For all tile goings-{)n Lhe "an -0ff and on !'plsode," says The sheriff's depar!Jnent younger generation acted just Associate Warden Albert R. --------~-reported two youths were ar· llke their parents 1n trying to cash. At least 20,000 ticket,,. aL $3.50 cath were sold ahead of the festival. , Officers said David C, ~ Agnason, 18, tol d them he .. spotted the marijuana while ~ on a family trip and returned '· \\ith a rented truck lo harvest rested for possession of drugs. Jacobs, It sald a third had been ar-beat the traffic home. 'J'he organizers prov i d~c d The fasting began last Santa Rosa rested Friday n ight for dru!lk "They l'[loved out pretty their own security forces1 a \Vednesday with some 65 in· driving en roule lo the good ." a sheriff's deputy said. hospital, a mess hall, tollct l o•t't••a\. "A lot left before the sho\'I was facili ties and even ambulance mates c a 11 i n g themselves .. ~ • it, Police said they got an a nonyn1ous tip and raided a garage in north Stockton. D • ? Th 1 1 oVt.'r (2 a.nl . Saturday)." service. "Panther Power tG the IS8S lCl~. e on y assau ts were on "'~===================:::... Vanguard" threatening t -0 the ear dn1ms from the of-I The marijuana there fill ed a truck trailer eight feet long, "use any means possible" if SANTA ROSA (UPI) -[~int~~~~~~~~ g~~~f!n~~1 YOU ARE INVITED their demands, \Vhich included ?-.layor Jack ll yerson v•ants Soos of Cahamplin, Bo Diddly, 10 appointn1ent of a black this quake -s haken city Ike and Tina Turner , declared a federal disaster I v•arden, V.'ere met by in· area so businessmen and Kaleidoscope and others. REVIVAL SERVICES . ~;,,. live feet v.·ide and eight feet-~~==~=========::::::::'.::'.'.!:::•:·•~ tall, th ey said, Police Chief Jack A. difference. homeowners can obtain low in-But such things as the "Gold I The day passed with Warden terest loans for repairs of an Rush Rock 1'1usic Festival''I Louis Nelson observing : estimated $5 million in hadn't been witnessed in the1 "Hunger strikes are self· damage. Sierra foothills by sparkling' .t the CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE O'Keefe says it \'las one of the largest confiscations of mari· juana in California history. The youth \'.'as booked for investigation of possessing marijuana with intent to se ll. Hayakawa Says Some Use Protest for Power terminating. People eventually The 1nayor said estimates of Lake Amador since l h cl start eating." dainage in last Wednesday roistering gold n1ining days ofl Dinner was skipped by 57 rtight1s temblor were revised the 1650s. Sunday evening, but earlier upward after e ng ineers Po l·puffing, wine·sipping, only 28 had refused lunch, reported many buildings show-skinnydipping youths danced I Jacobs said. ed no obvious damage but suf-lo the music. cavorted in the "This means that at least fered severe st r u ct u r a I lake or just listened under <i i some are alternating meals," damage. haze of marijuana smoke. PIT1'SBURGH (UPI) -Dr. gain conlrol. he added."Also, there are in-University of California 1'here M"Cre some incidl'nts s. I. lfayakav.·a, president of "The goal of black studies dications that the men are seismologists said the quake of nude bathing, one girl water C II eating some before shoving -Occurred on the s ma 11 skied in the buff and a fc1v San Francisco State o ege, should be first to i;aU scholar-I Co1t1 Me•• Tuesday.Saturda y-October 7th.t lth-7:00 Nightly Sunda y-October 12th-10:4S A.M.-7:00 P.M. All ARE WELCOME Stolen Baby Still Listed 'Critical' la·h·" 0.,1 S""day a 1 . back their trays and ap-Hea dsburg faull. more doffed blouses and bras ~ L'U .. '"' ly attention to the history of 22 -----"---'-------"-'-:C.::::.:_c.=:.::..:.....:...::.::c ~======================~ "alienated intellectuals" on million people which has thus pearing not to be accepting college faculties v.·ho derive "a far been ignored. But militant any food at all." sense of pov.·er from egging on blacks are all too likely to use The striking prisoners• student rebels." black studies not for scholarl y -Original demand for release · b r from the special security sec· Hayakawa said there v.·ere inqulry, ut or propagandistic · h c •• BAKERSFIELDIUP\1 -A 1 1 tion as uoxn t ermed "a significant number" of col -purposes -o prom-0 e one -0r " ,, b •----· ·" baby abd"eled from a motel lh · 1 f · " nonsense Y ~Lalt:u u Jege faculty members at San ano er poin -0 view . W d J p k M st h and seri""sly be.•ten Sat••rday h h ar en runes ar . o , e "" " " Francisco State w -0 soug t to Hayakawa said his ad· -d h d · remained in critical conditi-0n sai , were sent t ere ur1ng gain power by demanding a ministration had successfully · d lb k toda_v at Kern G e n e r a J h spring an summer OU tea s black studies program at l e combated the problem and t\1e r · I · I · h. h J-lospita!. S"hoo\. o rac1a v10 ence 1n w 1c ._ black studies department at f · J k·11 d J erry Steven Levell, 13 our conv1c s were 1 e , "The demand for black San Francisco State is now As fo th d d b th months, V.'as found in bushes r o er eman s Y e not far from a _motel on U.S. studies was partly sincere," "just an orderly part of U1e strikers, such as more Negro Highl\'<IY 99 \vhcre his family said Hayakawa, "but it was academic program." guards and an all-black parole V.'as sta.vi ng. partly a power play on the Dr. 11ayakawa was i n board, Park said San Quentin Booked on suspicion of part of radical militants Pittsburgh to speak at today's is seeking to recruit more burglary, kidnaping with bodi·,.-""-lh __ w_h_il_e_an_d_b_l_a<_k ___ ,, __ u_n_;_1e<1_F_,_n_d_t_,_n_ch_eon __ . ____ b_J_a_ck_e_m~p-10)..;_''-'-· ----- Jy injury and assault with in- tent to corrunit murder was Thomas l'lf. Wilson, Jr., 31 , Bakersfield . The child·s rather, Army Sgt. .Jerry Levell. told police he awoke to find the baby niissing from its crib. Levell said his wallet, \1·atch and suitcases also \1·ere rnis~ing. The baby was found a short lime later and \Vil son v.·as ar· rested in the same general area about 111:0 hours later. Police said they could offer no explanation ror the ab- duction and beating of the in· fan!. _Levell and his family \\'ere travelling fro1n Oregon to Ft Bliss, Tex. Pilot Toivs Glider, Dies TEllAC/fAPI IUPJ ) - A Tehachapi glider towlng pilot v:as killed Sunday when his single engine Pif)('r "Super" nose-dived to earth and burst into nanics near here. The l\ern County sheriff's office said Gary Leroy Johns, 3!. an cmployc of the Hclid.:iv Sti<1rlng Srhool here, i.ras 10..,,:. ing a gli der \1·hcn tile c:.iblc brokr, throwing his plane in to a stal l. Thr> ~tudcnt ~Hder pilot man<ig(1d to land safi:.!y· bu1 . Johns' plane plunged In earth. Thr f:.hcrH f's 0ffice said Johns :ipp:ln'n1 1y was burned to dc:il11 ill the hrc. Susp ec t Dies In Shootout SACRAtl1ENTO fUPJ) -A mnn 1vun!ed for assault with a cleadJy weilpon died in a hail or po!ice bullets Sunday when he tried to shoot It out 11ith two plalnrlothcs detectives. J ohn lf u n t er Jr., 4il, Sacramento, died of multiple gunshot \'lounds in the chest and abdomen, Sgts. Donald Scott and Ronald frame, acting on a phi;ine llp. \\'ere observing Jlunlcr seated in a parked car when he became suspicious and began lo run. llunter was \~anted on two warrants charging assault with a deadly \veapon and one of battery. As the officers closed in, J!unter stumbled and rell. He arose with a gun aimed at the detectives but it misfired, "Rather than wail for him ta fire a second time, they dropped him," a p o l ice spokesman said. More Security With FALSE TEETH At Any Time Oon't be llO •.J1'11d tlu.t fO\ll" f.W.. tl'etb •111 oomo l<KM8 or d rop Just •t the wrona time. P'or mare le'C\Jr1l1 •t>d more romlon. JU1t 'IHln lLle • l!l!lo F'ASTT.r,nt on four pl~t.«oi. l\nnelfJ AUTO C&NT•ll Major surgery or just an aspirin? There's !!Q guesswork at Penneys Auto Diagnostic Center. Either there is or there isn't something wrong with your car .•. and we'll find out scientifically! MONTCl>JR In less than one hour, we put your car through a series of sci· entific tests (212 of them, to be exact) !hat pinpoint any existing problems-and warn ol potential ones. Steering. Engine, Brakes. Transmi ss ion. Elec1 rica! a nd cooling and fuel and exhaust systems. Expert analysis ol everything from headlights to tailpipe. You walch the results come " out on an electronic typewriter • A skilled diagnostic ian goes over the report with you, If you wis h, he'll give you en es1imate of any necessary repairs. You'll be able lo take care of small prohlems now, before they de- velop into big problems costing big money. And, if you wish, Penneys will make the repairs-quickly, ac· cura!e!y, l?Conomically. Repairs that could prevent a needless highway breakdown. Jf you preler, you can lake the report anywhere you like. The aKt? Only 9,88 Pretty reasonable for a doctor, these days. / 1 Penneys Auto Diagnostic Center ihe Scientific Troubleshooters FULLERTON HU NTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH f'A811!:ETH l\old• both UPPfl•I •nd ·-----------------------------------IO•l!MI nrmrr lon11er. M•l<u eal.Lnl! 1 fahlff, f'ASTEl>l"H II Al~aJln.,. ~o «umm1. OOJ1IY t.tu.tel o~ntutt• tb•t fH ire ellM.nt!a! to 11"9.ltl\. ~" yo1u dentl&t "'lrUla.flJ. o~t 1'A6TEITH. DAILY PILOT Dime-A-Lines .!!.'!!!f.'1• AUT9-CENTER CLOSEOUT! FOREMOST 0 B. R.W. 4 PLY NYLON CORD TIRE 27 MONTHS GUARANTEE WITH 14 MONTHS FREE REPLACEMENT fDJl[MDST TIRE GUARANTEE Cu1rante11plnst tread wuroMt If yaur tire wears out during the first half of the guarantee period, retum it with your guarantee certificate and 'Penni!ys will repl11ce your tire with • new tlre, chargin~ you 50% less than the current sel!1ng .price Including Federal Excise Ta~; if/our tire wears out during the ·secon hall, you pay 25% less than the current gelling price including F~eral Excise Tax. Guarantee apinst f.1llu r1 If we replace the tire during the fre~ replacement period, there is nG charge; if we replace the tire after the free-replacement period, you pav 50o/o or 25~:. less than the current ~e ll 1ng price of the tire 1nclud1ng f edera! U:cise Tax. Commtrcl.11 Use Th is guarantee is void whe re pas:;en- ger tires are used on trucks. used for business, or dr iven over 30,000 miles in one yea r .. H•••'t n-yo" ''"'"'"'•• •1•l1ut 1.u ..... w.,••= f"''•• 91111111.,11• tMrio" . , •••. ?1 monlh1 F••• r•pl11(0M<111t p<iriod .•.. 1-l'month• .so•,;. off pe•iod ....••..•.. T 5·21 monrho 2S% off ,.,10•.,, ... , , .... 21.21 ... -u .. $)3 plus fed, taxond old tire ILACKWALl TUllR£SS Sir• Fed, tcrJC 650· 13 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1.79 695-14 ••• , ••••• , ••••• , •••.. L9G $J6 plu1 f~d. !cr t . , o;ind old rire lllACKWAll TUB£L£SS Si1• fod. low 735-14 ••••..•••••••••.••..• '2 .07 77 .S-1'···········~········2'20 775.15 -······· •. ' ...•...•• 2 21 $) 9 pl.ii fed. !o' ond o!d "'" BLACKWALL TUBELESS s;r• F•d. lcoii: e25.14 ••••.•.. ·-•••..••.•• '2 .36 855·1' •••••••••••• ··-···-· 2 . .57 s1s.1.s ...................... 2.:is e .. s.1s ...................... 2.:;1 WHITTWAllS ONl Y $2 MOREi Drlv• in .•. Charge it! 3 DAYS ONLY! (MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY). 1-2-3 Lube Special 4.99 e 5 qts. oil (H.D. 10/30) • 1 new oil filter and new oll breather cap • Expert chassis lubrication BUENA PARK (0•::r.:i.:r:.:"l CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA DOWNEY FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA ' . ' • . ' I ' . --. -·-------------,,.,,.-.,,...~~~--~~~"'.'!"""!!'9 .......... ~!!'.l!!!l!!ll!IO!'ll!ll ... !11111 ...................................................... "!!! C a li fornia has the tightest smog controls in the nation.Yet the smog remains. Where is it coming fron1? H ow 111uch longer will we have to put up with it ? According to Air Pollution Contro l authorities, n early 90"0 of the total tonnage of air pollu· tants in the Los Angeles Basin is caused by motor ve hicles. Although smog contro l de· vices have been mandatory on •1r>cluaes Sou•re•n Ca l•IO•nia Ed•<;On Los .A"Of'lf'< f'l,.: .,.·-"rt r ' l'J~!<'• ~ Po.,.,r• ~.,o Clly·o.,.,nr J ' ',,. t t f' ·r-~~· t1•r• ~'"' ;.~i:J P~'-~O"n~ • autos since 1963, they obviously weren't good enough. But beginning with the 1970 n1odcls, n1anufacturers will equip cars sold in California with more compl ete, more advanced emis· sion control syste ms. That's a new California law.It's far stricter than Federal law. Even with better smog control devices, it will still take at least JO years to replace our prese nt cars with newer models. In the mean· time, smog will continue to be a community problem. Fifteen years ago Edison d e- clared war on the air pollutants emitted by our power plants. We spent millions researching and testing ways to achieve the most efficient combustion techniques possible to reduce air pollution. At one key plant we pioneered wit h an ex perimental, full -sca le prototype bag filterhouse to cap· ture pollutants before they enter the atmosphere-like a giant vac· t1t1n1 c lea11 cr. For even t11orc control, we found cleaner fuels to power our generating plants, in · eluding a low-sulphur, low-a s h oil. It isn 't avai lable in Ca li fornia, so we have it imported frmn Indo- n esia. It's costly-but it burns 111uch cleaner. Lday Ediso n accounts for less than 1 "I. of the total tonnage of air pollutants ctnitted in the L.A. Ba sin. Our plants operate we ll below th e limits set by the County's Air Pollution Control District. And those lin1its are an1ong the strictest in the nation. Wherever Edison builds or operates a power plant, we pledge to continue to wage our war on air po1lution. Because it involv es you and your community. To us, that's important. M eanwhile, here are ways we can all reduce smog now. I. Anything that destroys your auto's engine also destroys the air we breathe.This includes dirty spark plugs, incomplete combus- tion, overflowing carburetor, faulty ignition systcn1. Solution: Keep yo ur engine tuned. 2. Don't gun yo ur motor. D on't idle it unnecessarily. And tum it off immediately when you park. 3. Make sure the smog control equipment on your auto is func- tioning properly. Have it checked every 8,000 miles-or as recom- mended by the manufacturer. 4. Write for air pollution facts, brochures and films to show your friends and clubs, to: State of California, Air Resources Board, 1400 Tenth Street, Sacramento, California 95814. Southern California Edison . • • • • • • • • • . , • • • ' • • ' • • • ' • w I ' ,• ! I I ' ... m "' b• he na \I'; be , .. th '" iii1 1 G ni •h " .. ' G• Co " '• " " "· "' '" ... '" ., '" '" • " m< •• '" '" •• '" M• "' " " ~ Wo " mo "" " " .. ~; . •• " .. M< Co '"' " '" •• ,, " ... '" m < " ,,. " ,, ~ " "' '" "' "' ., Cc Cc I .• < S• ., I ' ' I i I ---------------------------------------------·----------------·--------, Mond•Y, Ot tobtr 6. 196') OAIL V PILOf 11 ·Saddlehack Seeks State Aid By 'fll0i\1AS FORTUNE ot llM Dlltt 'Ii.I \Ifft Saddleback College will sub- mit plans for its fir st penna- nent building, the. college li- brary, to the state Dec 15 in ho~s of receiving state fi- nancial assistance_ The deadline for the college \1'as extended from Oct. I because Sadd!eback ju s t recently bec;Hne eligible for th~ state aid . A bill giving ne1v junior colll.'gcs a bre;ik 11·a~ i>igned by the governor only lasl 1nonth TI1e decision to hu rry up plans and tneel the dcadllne was made as tru stees met la~t v.·eek on the still uncoinpleted permanent campus. The board n1et in one or 20 temporary pre-rab -buildings to gel things going on its rirst permanenL structure. "State orficials have been very helpful to tts apparent ly." Trustee l-lans Vogel said. He called the extended deadline •·an opportunity." By submitting preli1nioary plans fo1· the 11b1ary, the r'1)l- lege can secure a place holder Ju the 1970-71 state budget. Saddleback trustees ha v c not yet reYcaled an aniount the library 1n1ghl cost. lt al so is not kno~·n what portion of the eust the state 1night assunie although it is expected by co llege officials tu be in the range of 40 to 60 percent If things go right.' con- stnietion on the library n1ight begin next year. ll is to be built to handle the ultim<1tc carnpus capacity of about J0,000 student~. 11•ith the thought 1hat 011 a temporary basis ad1ninistrative offices could be moved into the library and the pre-fab ad- ministration building freed for classroom use. Tentatively, college trustees arc looking ahead to applyi ng for fund s for a fine arts building and a sc·ience building in I he following year's state budget Funds for aid to junl'or cul· lege construction were ap· proved by Yoters throughout California in June, 1968. Sears Tall Club Aims High Santa Anan Guilty of Drug Rap Group Offers Social Action By TERRY C0\'11.LE 01 1n1 D1lty 'II~! Sll!I Do your feet get cold at night because !he bed's too ghorl? DNJlh Nollce• --------- DAVICK f:IM~f l O•V(C~. 601 se.nre•lf [)dY•. 5.on ciemente_ D.ol• ot <>•ath, Oclo~or 3_ Survive<> ~• 1on, llon•rt D. D•v•'"· G•rden G•ove. •n~ d•u~Mor. M". lor• ~rnarr. ~•Iv-Ice" !od•Y· MonO•y·. 11 A'A, P~<,hc V>tw Cn•oe1. 1n!••men1. P•cific V1ow Memo•l1I P•r~. D1recled oy P1L1llc Viow Mor!111r~. SHEA N1nc\' £. $h~. A.11• olO, •! 2110 M1!n st .. H11n!ln91on Se1cn. 0 111 ot <11.o!h, October 5 • .Survlv•<I bV !'1111b1nd. J e"v S!'le1 Jr.; lwo c!'lll<lren. M.ork 1n<I Cl•· nllne. Vl1l!11l011 •hi• ovoning, Mon<11v. SmTtlll C!'l•pel. Service• •n<l lnlermen! wl!l "* !'lel<I In Rockville. M1r;l1n<1. S<nltti• Mor!111ry, Dlr.cto ... CJ.ARK lrbv H, Clar~. Dalt ol d•l1h, Dctot>er A. Serv>e e1. We<!ne..,av. 2 PM. Sml•n• C!'l11>el , tntermonr. We•!mln"" M•· mor!1I Par~. Smith• Mort111rY, Ditet• !Ort. "'HELAN .AltHort C. W!'l1l1n. A.111 <J. of 8011 ln- Ol1n1pall" Hunlln;ton fl11ch. 01tt <>I rl lllh, October '· $1rvlc11 p1n<1ln11 11 Smll!'ls Mor1111ry, HOPPE Melv•n H Hnope. i'•e 61, ol 70111 !!•V· v'ew. Snnl• ""•· O.ole o! d••'"• D~•o· b•r o, ~vrv.ved bV v.He, Do<T•; o~• d1u0Mer; '"''" •t11>d•11Ph1e": •~" four l!ODIQn1_ Prlvn!e ••rvi(OI n• Wo>lmlns~er Memoroal P•rk Mortu~•>'­ F•Milv ;uua•tl~ 1~01e wl;hlno io m••e m•morlol conlr;b.,tio<''-nle•,. <on"•· l>vt• lo t~• C••eb•i< P"'" F11nd. "'AG~f:R Nichol•• A, W•Ontr I/JI W. blh 5•. San JtCIMO ~0'"'•rlv nf N•woorl l•ach. 001• ot !le•th. Oflobe• l 5ur-V•vt<1 Irr wi<e. Eli1obetn M•r~ Wt•"'" lwo •On•, Robocl P .• ol Wh11ll•r, •nd l'll<n1•d E. Wogne" Lvn .. 0011; three <1t1111n1ero, Ct!hedn• M, L~on•, Ht me!; Mor>' L. Zom.ort, (O$t1 M.,o, •ml LOu!!t "-· Sco11, Orengo: b'~'htr. A"· lhMY J, Wo~<'er, LO\ Angele~; ond ;1 oron!l(hllaren, Jlourv w•' recited S11nd1v l!Vtn,nQ. 7 p,m lleQoie"' M••• W•• c•ltb•~ltd '"" mn•n•nO II '• !,\ • bo!h '" 0-u r l~dv 01 M•. C•t<mel (•lho•ic Cl>ll•fh, N•WP0•1 Re"c~. In· i.r ... oM. Colvorv C:eme'tfV. l"•mllv 111•a•••• lno·~ "'"h1n~ to m~•• m,.._ mo•I~! conlrib.111 '~"'' ~'""'" rnn••Obu•t tn Memori•I /,I•·•~'· 110111 Morlu••'<· 11•1 'supo••or. Co••• />\""' D"r''""· 1'\011.\1..\J'J L•u•t M. •lntmom "q" !1. n• 1n~ Cibol• A.v~, (01•~ M•1•. 0~•~ oo dr~th, O'IOtJ<'( S, ~.,ry.v~d ~f ~·u~~!••· N-•1 N&dln1 A.n~ro~nJ !,.n 9r•n<1c~lld·e~. Norrr-1n •nd l•<J'·~ Anc•,•n_ S~•vlt•< 1nd !n!ormen! Wiii ~~ hfld ln Colf•• "•llt . K•nH1, I!•!/ eronn"'"' Morlliocv. 110 !lro1!lw1v, Co11~ Mes~. D""'"'" ARBUCKLE & so~ Westcliff l\tortuary 427 E. 17th St., Costa l\tcsa 64H388 • BALTZ l\tORTllARIES Corona del !\far OR 3-915{1 Costa l\lcsa l\11 6·2124 • BELL BROADWAY l\IOltTUARY 110 Broa dway, Costa l\lesa LI 8-3433 • DCLDA V BROTHERS Huntington Valley l\tortuary li911 Beach Blvd. 1-luotlngton Beach 1112-<;;1 • i\lcCORi\UCK Li\GU:"i':\ BEACH l\IORTUARV I7!1:i l .. aguna Canyoo lload Laguna Beach 494-9415 • PACIFIC VTE\V !\fEi\tORIAL PARK Cemetery e l\forluary Chapel 3500 Pacific View Drive Newport Beach, California 614 ·2700 • PEEK f'Al\flLY COLONIAL FUNERAL ll0;\-1E 7801 Bnlsa Ave. Westminster 193-3S2S' • SHEFFER !\IORTUARV 1,aguna Beach 49-t-ISlS San Clemente 492.(1100 • S11UTHS' i\IORTUARY 627 !\lain St. llun tinJJ!On Beach S:li-6S3t HAL AEBISCHER HEARING AIDS C111,0111 A11rol At11pllflcotlo11 NO SALISMIN 3409 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR For Appointment 675-3833 O_o people stare \\'h en )'OU bun1p your head on the r<it'tcrs v.·hile on lhc 11;.incc floo r'! Do you ha ve to bu y a n1c<1suring stick that Fold s in half because it \\'On'! fit in !he Jatnily car·.' Being cxception;i\Jy tall (·an l;>c su1ney,·hal of an cn1- barrass rncnt, but nol if vou hang around other tJ ll pco]lle. That's the feeling expres~ed by t.1r . and t-ilrs. Bill Allen or Fountain V<illr y, lraders of the Tall Club of Orang<: Count y_ "Our cl ub is a social act ivity for tall people . \Ve have something going e v e r y weekend," s a y s Anderson, president of the club. It boasts 55 members and 30 prospects. Mrs. Anderson is !he club's newspaper editor. 1'all Club of Orange County is affiliated wilh Tall Clubs International, a loosely knit organizalion Y.'ilh more tlian 30 clubs in the U.S. jncluding seven in California. Minimum requirements for l'nlrance are 6-2" in height for men and-5-10" for women. I f a couple .,,,•ants to join, both spouses must measure UJl to the standards. "\\·e draw qt1ilc a fr1v surprised looks, when a group of up goes dancing, bO\l'ling 01' on sun1e othrr aclivilv." savs ~-lrs. Allen. "bu! 11't' like it bi·t- tcr that 1\·ay." "The \al! club 111ovcn11•11t ae- tual!y Jed lo the creation of klng size beds and clothing stores especially for big peo· pie ," l.'xplains Mr s. Allen, "bu~ v.·e are primarily a scx:ial organiza tion fo r tall pcop!e who like to be around other tall pt'oplc . Bill Allen is 6' 41 ·". llc's one of the shorties of the club. Cu rrently. the tallest nuin i.~ c;· I I" but he plans to marry a girl ~· 2'' and y,•j)[ Jose his 11H'1nbrrship_ i\1rs. Al len is r.·1 ... ''\\'r plan to havr an entrant MEASURING UP Tall Club'1 Jan Allen 1l1is year in !Iii'.' t.'lis~ Tall Universe con1 est ,-• said Allen. •·r ight no1v \l'e are looking tor a tall single girl Ol'Cr 21 10 represent us" The !lliss Tall Unil'cr~c co n- test 1~ill be held during J11ly 111 11-lilv.'aukee. Each l'luh -nflt state -sends a q1K'tll to represent lL The Tall Club flf Or;inge County has also launched a tall teens a\1;i;i!iary. "''ith :;lightly lo11'cr 1ncas11rcmen\s, for persons under 21. "Too n1any teens feel ~clf-co11$cio11~ abouL being tall. Tl1cy de velop a mental alllludc and slu111p to hldC \\, ., said Allrn. Teen~ who ll'Ould like to join ~tiou ld be 6' 111 height for boys ;ind 5· a·• for girls. Create Your Ow n L9ok \\ith These Fa~hion Acccs,,ori e- SANTA ANA -One of two n1en arrested following the seizure by police of more than 500.000 stolen narcotics. pills and ca psules, pleaded guilty Thursday to burglary and possession of narcotlcs. Santa Ana r.1unicipal Court Jud ge \\'illiam Thomson ordered Patri c k John Prcn(lrrgast. 22. of Sant.'.! Anil to appear in Superior Court Oct. JO for'scnleneing. ldcnlical ?f:ges against William Leroy aines, 28, also of Santa Ana, ere dismissed last Aug. 27 when Judge Paul ?ltast ruled that arresting of· ricers did not have a search .,,,·arrant~ Gaines a n d Prendergast were arrested at a home in which they had allegedly stored the huge cache or n;ircotics -all seized in the h11Tglary of a Sant.a Ana pharmacuetical bu s i n es :s . Prendergasl is the son of a former member or the Santa /Ina police for ce's 1n· 1·csllga\J,·e division. County Sierra Cluh lo Meet SANT A ANA -The first fall meeting of the Orange County group of th r Sierra Club is scheduled for 8 p.m. Oct. 7 in tile auditoriun1 at Smedley .Junior High School, 2120 \V. Edinger Ave .. here. l\1ernbcrs and guests are in· v1ted to bring 10 color slides taken during thr.lr summer ~·;icatlons. Group Chairman tllrs nobcrt F. Sanders \\-'ill prcs\de at !he rneeting. Sears J\o,'a Fabric Handbags Fashion fin d \·rr!'lalilr. :-ira r,·r~ • Fa<hionable gcanf'.• in 1nan ~. nian) 1~ pt~, <:olor~ aniJ ~1 ylr.s '\Vere '2.29 to '3.99 Women's, Children's Tights and Leotards $ and l 00 ~(, strerch nyl on in red, black, royal. Come early •.. limited quantity. Not all colors in all sizes • Lonjl; :-Olt'l"\f! Lr.ola1·fl' Were .S ; ".•1 ( hi IJren's (-.. ~. 8-10, 12-14_$ I \X1erc S).'J'J \\.,,n1C'n ~ pc1i1 1'.', average, talL1.l9 • l-\1ll·ra.l1i1111r.! :-01r1'!•·l1 'l'ii:hl • \Vere !-:.'.~l•) ( h1 lilren 's Ci--, H·l (), I .;.J .f ___ ~ I \'Vere s ~.')9 \\'omen 5 j'ctite, avcrdgc, ta.lLL 1'1 84 Bra \\ith Cordtex® Suppl e Lifts $ for . ,,.,. 3 -r<' ~.. ', • i /( • e t .Hllnn 1.ra \'>llh :"r~r.._ C'\1 hn•i1c Lvri.Jtcx" l ift~ in ln\'>rr r·11pJ • t:rnlly ~upporl"' fnr a ~<111n;i.rr look • \\-'hi1e in ~:!-38 ·\,:\~~tnB, ~~42C $~ "D" tup in 5tZCS 32-11,! ______ '.! for s; Regular '9 Tall Gi rl Panty Girdle 99 SA \'E '·1· • l\~lo n·apandex panty ha' hand lop • ~ati n ela:!lic (ace11te, cotton, 1;p1ndexl J'lln· ~Is 1mooth hips. tummy, thigh1 and derriere •White in Jom1ll to exlra0l1r1e • ~, : J ' -' '\- ' "! ''· '" '· ~ ' '. I '· .. i, l'' ' T• 1,\ ·- • ,\, .. \\ ~-'~; " ,. ,, : I ·. l -sP-Scars flr,·otving Cl1 nrge y. ,.. / ·--- .. ( <, ' . . ' _.• , I ~ : : f' . . ' ' . ' 'I ' .< , ~I . I 1,i';';I I 1,1 ~~~~;;;.;~ •. ~ ""'""'·""""~ 11--------------------------------~----------------"' I I I BUENA PARK El MONTE LONG BEACH PICO at RimP<Ju CANOGA PARK COMPTON COVINA GLENDALE OLYMPIC & SOTO HOLLYWOOD ORANGE INGLEWOOD PASADENA , _______________________ _ "Stsfadion Guaranteed or Your Money Back" -< Sears POMONA SOUTH COAST PLAZA SANTA ANA TORRANCE SANTA FE SPRINGS SANTA MONICA -------------VALLEY I VERMONT at Slauson _______ , Shop 6Nighls Mondoy through Soturdoy 9:30 A.M. lo 9:30 P.M. . ---.---... --·~--,.------...,..,_.,...... _________________ _ ,JZ DAILY PI LOT Monday, Octobrr 6, l l)f.q Greet Astronauts · Navy Creates Ocean of Ic e • . Newspaper Week SAN DIEGO (AP) -The miniature ship~ a prev1c1v of simulate the r<1fting of let: • • Sliow for Plaza N.:ivy is breaking ice -Jn open v.•ater pools of the Arcl1t'. :-heels. In <1 \\'ctk's time, a Southern California -in a One Si>Clion of ice can be ~h<'cl of ice a loot thick can be major new study of un· st:H:ke<l on top of another to i:iruwn clerwater warfare in pol ar · regions . 1!•4 •••• .... ~•••••••+••••4•••••••......+ ................. : .. A 1ninialure Arclic Ocean it YOUR PROBLEM• : v.•ith ice floes a fool thick and : • • Free girts and a chance lo -Other color photographs of water 70 degrees below zero • ! ~nd grcetuigs to the 1\pollo 12 •lughes Aircraft Con1pany 's ~·ill be used : You want to sell some item • "strort •ots "·fore lhl')' fly to Sor\'")'Or moor> pr ob• s · th t I d b • " LI ""' • ~ ..... , Th• •stabl·rshme•l of the '• I you no onger nee ut • !h(' 1110011 will feature the big harch1·are and fa cilities built oo. .... " I f ~:1t ion;1 I Ne\l'S\Xl[X'r w c e k h.1' the Philco-Ford Corp. for Navy 's Arctic Su bmarin e : someone e se can use or ! slloll' hi be Slilgcd Fri1l:.iy and !he Apollo prograrn and other Laboratory at the Naval it N 0 T 0 VER $SO ! Sa1urdav bv 1hr DAILY PILOT nli1nnt>d space flight s and Undersea Research Center in ! ? ? ? ? ? ? • and sOuth Coast P J a 'la drarnalic launch pictures fron1 San Diego was announced • • • • • • • ! mrrchants. North An1e.r1can Jlockwrll. Tuesday. ! ! .\n ··ASTR:O SCROLL '' "·hose Dov>'nl'y fa cili l tt•s A veteran po!ar ad\'entur-rr ,: YOUR ANSWER: ! 1 blturs t:an sign will be ~t·nt nui nufat lured the Apo I Io Dr. 'Valdo K. Lyon , was nam-: .. lo t!lr Arollo 12 crew before tl t:apsule. t:d to head it. • You call THE DAILY P ILOT, ask for ! blasl.s off tn ll'<ive anolhrr set Significant'C of the Survflyur Capt. Charles B. Bishop, thel! Classified Advartising, and place a • nf A111cn('Jn footprints on lh r pil'lures is that part of tlu~ center's commander, sa id • ! invoii. niission of the Apollo 12 ('rCll' specific funct ions of I he : •.-.. PILOT ! t• ft lo b-,. '" t, tlto•e y.•111 be to la nd a.s nrar :is J;iboratory are being worked .• ~ • •I s ' giv • 1 " ool . lfe ·.··a,·d rt ···rll lt•·lp r• • ,,,...·~-" -Y PENNY .• 11 ho all<·nd !hi' sho1v at south fXlSS1bl' lo the Suri c1·or 3 l;in-" .. .... " r .... _ l'oa'sl Plaza's Cilrous(ll Court ding site ;ind t::i nlll·mpt tu design of subm<1rines -and ! ~ • • .•ind ~i,,n the scroll l'Oin-ren10\'C sorne part of tile equipment for use in polar ,. .:. iJ .. -· ~ : " s J ··-h ar·eos. •• ..... , ,{~·~. PINCHER •• r11ernor<1le the flighL of Apollo , urveyo r lo = broug t back <":, 11 and its hi s t 0 r i t ac-lo enrth for scientific stu(ly Since the C[liC voyage of the • • l·nniplishnicnls. and obsrrvalion. Bo;.i rfish in !he s un1mrr of ! C LASSIF IED AD ! The First 1.000 person s 10 1'he ··sp:icl' show" <ind 1947, several Navy subn1a rines ! • sign the ASTRO SCROl~L \\'Ill ASTR:O SC HOLi~ projects liave slipped undl'r polar ice. "' AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RA TE ! •a•h r-ci\•e 80 Apollo 11 are bcinJl staged by the DAI-The nuclear sub Nautilus ! :: " " 1 ASTRO SCROLL PRIZES -Orange Coast College ste,var'ess s lttd ents Mar-crossed the A t. · 96 h • 3 2 2 • ··booster'' decal. .V PILOT ~·l Sout h Coast u re 1c 1n ours Pl<i:>a to t•rnphasizc the theme gi c \Vood lcy (left) and !VIac Shinoda loo k at •·J·'ootpr inls 011 The l\1oon" book in August 1958. ! LINES TIMES DOLLARS :: Printed n1essage on the red, 1 ,. . 1 ,.. The Navv. first made fresh *• .• ll'hite and blue decals rrads: 0 1 a!iona "ewspaver \Vcek, and Apoll o 11 "booster" decal, both of 1vhich arc offered as gifts to signers of · (. I J009: "Newspape rs -The \l'ater ice for ship-testing in ,. AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD .r • ~~j~05 ,flevcn" F~ntl " ·~~ Space Age Coinrnuiuca tors.. ,\S'l'J{O ~C:R.OLL F'riday and Saturday at South Coas t }.J ]ala. Ste11'<1 l'dess s tud-1959 and sea ice in 1963. Its ! : ~I c ,, · · • • • irsl on ie ,\n_v :-ho""' i·isii·:ir is rligib!c __ c_n_r_s _"_'i_ll_bc_· _h_o_,_rc_s_se_s_a_t _tJ_ie_:D_A.:.l..:L:..Y_P_:l:.:L:.:O:_T:_:e.::x::h::ilJ::.il::.·___________ 11niquc test pool is 75 feet long, : D I A L N 0 W D I R E C T. ! • , oon. Jo ~1gn th1• AS'J'l{Q SCHOLi.. JO fret \ride and 16 feet deep. ,. 6 4 2 5 6 7 8 : r:vrrv hour on the hour dur-T II y K d d Orer the frigid surf:-ice. low-•, • • . h. N t• I ' 'l"he shO"" \\ill be O""O, !rce, lo e our ,· s To Rea u le L , c I • Ing I e 1 ·a JOila · C\\Spapcr 1'~ nc en 5 Q LJmn V('[OCity \\'inds blO\\'n by heavy • tToll hee North CoMllly 540·1110) • \\reek show a copy of Thc __ ll_>e_pu_b_l_ic_. __________________________________________ _'.h~y~d~ra~u~l~ic'_m".':'"~'h~i~ne~r~y'_g~i~v~e~:~,~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~ .. ~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~ .. ~·~·~·~**~**~*~*~*~•~•~·~·~·~·~·~·~~ Associated Press book , ··Foot-1 pr ints on The r..foon,'' "'ill be gi ven to the person \\•ho is signing the scroll or the person next in line lo sign ' "'hen the Carousel Court clock chimes. The hard t\1vcr book tells !he storv of the Apollo pro-~ran1 fr01n its bcg1nn111g right on through the succt·sstul ro1nplet1on of !he Apollo l 1 1nission. It fc:-itures fOlor ph otos of Astronauts l\cil ! Ar mstrong. ··Buz7.·• Aldrin. ' J\11chael Collins and other 1 astronauts \\'ho tlcw lx1fore ' them in addition to photos of I the earth and moon !rorn orbit ' <1nd uuter spacr. Also on display al the sho\\", scheduled lor J to !l p rn. on F ndav and II a.rn . to 6 p.1n. on Saiurday, "·ill be: -A cut<nl'ay !>l'alc n1odrl or 1hc S!VB, the giant third ~lage : or 1he ArXl!lo 1110011 rocket. ' known aftccl1onalrly by the : astronauts as "Big J\.·loose." 1 The SIVB \\·as developed I ;ind built by the J\.1cDonneB J>oug!a:<; Aslronaulics Co. , ' headquartered in Huntington ) Beach. It \\'as used on Apollo II to boost itself, the lunar j 1nodu!e and lhe command <'apsule into finn l r arth orbit \ and thrn "'as restarted 10 send !he module and capsule into 1 ils moon trajec tory . It s func-' !ion will be similar on Apollo t2. -A collcclion of color print.~ of photographs 1aken by Armstrong, A!drin and Collins as the latter p1lo11'fl lhe con1· mand capsule in orbit abo1·(' the moon and Ar mstrong and Aldrin cavorted on the blc<i k lunar surfa{'C. Pictures include closeup s of Aldrin and Arm st rong at \1·ork on lhe moon. placcn1en1 of 1he AinC'rican flag u1 lunju-sri1I. man·s tirst footprinrs on 1hc rnoon an1! a cl1n1ac!1f sho t ol the a sct•nt (If the lun;lr rnodull' in 1t.; return tro1n the 1110011 t" rt>niJc•7\0US 1111h (nll111s anrl the con1n1and cap~u ll•. j Fi res Bnrn 4:i0 AtTcS l\E\VHALL I l'Pl 1 -A series ot weekend llrushfires l oided by hot gusly 11 1ntJc; hurn - rd more than .\;,{) arn·~ 111 the Antelopr Valley nnd tr1 ggpr('d 1 ;i mass1re hunt bv ;1 uthon11c.;. !Qr campers \;ho \.,.er(' reported to hc.vc ignited one or the bl aies Sund<J\', Two brush fir~'S !il;irkcncd 180 acres in Tr xas Canyon ri'orth of here before they \\'!'TC declared controlled at 9 pm. Sunday. • • • See our full-page ad in this week's TIME Magazi ne mf'IRST CALIFORNIA COMPANY Where the invc•luf e/wo}'• comn fi r,: 1JS5 Vi• lido Ne.,.pott '"'" P'lto11e 67l·l,40 Wltll•111 (. Mc.Clellde• Y;c:• Pt••id.nt BOAT BUFFS A.Imo loc~•b•v ;, !h• only f11ll•lilr\t bo•l)n9 .d;!Or WOfkin9 .... •nv n1w1P•P•• in Or•n91 Count,_., H;, •rc:lw1iv1 <O•t •tQI ef bo•''"9 •nd y•clltin9 n•-t 'l1 . dti!y r •• 1 ..... ol 111 . DAIL'I' t 'ILOT .! • Sears --•· -· -... ...... ~.-.. Kenmore Compact Washer ~c ars Low, s134 •Straight-vane agitato r IOOS("os stubborn tl irt fa!-t •Lint filt~ keeps lint from wa•hing back onto clot.h rs • Acrylic-fini,,Licd top, lid and eabinel wipe cl4!an t.fodcl 17100 . ' . :1 ~ T cm1>craltLrcs E lectric Dryer •-I-Teat .. t!rie,, regular fa Lric e --Air (Inly'' ~c ll in~ f1uffi;, dries wel rain· v•rar •1'111111.tle dry ~lop .• v. hen door i:; opt'ncd MoJd 60100 Scars 2-Spccd Washer Oulslantli11;.: $164 • 'ou conlro l t he lcmpcrJture an<l 1he v.·a:.h 1imr • l1's all automalir, yQll just ~P:l the 1li3J ~ • ll.u!!f,cd: IJ..,·ane agitator, buil t-i n fillrr ,\toJcl 201100 Sears Load-A-Door E lectric Dryer s119 "• l i l i ' ! I i I __ J 3 -Cycle, 2-Speed Washer St1Jl c r _n u,! $184 • PC"rm3 n('nt·prcss f yclc pTY'venls ~i~et wrinkle. • <'.ho icf! of th ree "'·atrr lt'\"'rl ~. three wa ter lem[leral1D't'll •Lint filter. :.afcty lid fiv.·itch 1-f()l.!cl 205 00 Scars Kenmore Electric Dryer s139 •Tor-mounted lint t.creen, Load-A .• Door. milk"s a sh elf •Safety door ~witch. f')'l'le for d elicete Cab· ric!5. #60.j()() SruN A1•plian('ots lJa"k.ed By ••• SE It\ ICE TllE DAY YOU W~\l\'T 11". A lll!!Ur"tl IJy rhe moio l rf'"')lf'('lf'd liervicr or,ttan· iz:alion 11npi·herr ••• !;can N111io n"itfe l::xperl Senice! lJuy Now on Scan Deferred Easy Payment Pl•n· Voor MonthJ1 Paymenls Begin in Fcbru.ary. fl MONTE GI 3-391 l IUEHA l'.UK TA 8-o1400, 521-4530 CANOGA l'AR.K Jol0-0661 COMl"TON NE 6 -2581, NE 2·5761 COVINA 966-0611 GLENDA.LE 0t 5· 100.f, Cl .4 -461 1 HOllYWOOD HO 9·59.4 1 INGICWOOD OR 8-252 1 J"l'!'r:'l'lrrtt~:r. lOHG lf1'CH tiE 5-0121 NO~WAlK \JN -4·7761 Ol.YMflC & SOTO AH 8-521 1 tA5ADfNA MU 1·321 1, El 5-4211 PICO WE 8-.4262 POMONA ED 2·1145, NA 9-5161, YU 6-6751 SAN Jfu.IANDO EM 1·7121 ALHAM.IAA 283-9.551 ARCADIA 44.5--4100 CHINO 627·1571 CUlV!R CITY 837·1261 CYPRESS 826· 1.550 DOWNEY 923-9741 FU1lERTON 52.5-1191 GARDEN GROVE 6J8.970Q GRANADA HltlS 360-10.51 HACIENDA HGTS, 3JO-J"61 HAWTHORNE 679-0681 HIGHlANO P.UK 2.U.3911 HUNTINGTON IEACH 842·2561 lAKEWOOD 634-7'40 LOS ALTOS .597·3643 MONTEBELLO 724.:JnG MOHnOSE -241·1230 ONT ARIO 986-2071 PALOS VERDES Jn-6901 Pl ACENTIA .52,.011 0 JIEDONDO aEACH 379..M72 RESEDA :a.u-.5181 SAN PEDRO 5'7...c.451 SHE™AN OAKS 981-3100 SUNLAND 352-4"'51 UPLAND 985-19'27 WE5TCHESTIR 67().7020 WfSTMINtsmt 193-4581 WHITTIER 691-0666 WILMINGTON 830-0015 "Satis faction Guoronteed or Your Money Back" Shop 6 Nights Mondoy through Saturday 9;30 A.M. to 9;30 P.M. TOUANCI 5'2·151 1 VAWY PO 3·8461, 98~·2220 """"""Pl 9.1911 s{'clrs ' l r y " "' c: is m ur • c fo 0 p ho 7, •t c c " (. ir " " p " F k Sr • re " d >rr Jy "' er •• p; t!; tr ar ,,, S< r Ci m " m th m ,., c lh " ltr " sl er • ·------------------------------------------------------------~--...------·~---~. -· . , .. Canadia11, Red Chi11a f Ties Ne ar UNITED NATIONS, New York (AP) -Tal ks to establish diplomatic relation!! " between Canadfl and Red China are slalled <lver Lhe issue of how to handle Pek- ing·s c!aiin to Fo r rn o s a , diplomatic sources said tod ay. Ca nadian o.nd Comn1 unist Chinese diplomats have held four meetings in Stockhohn on Ottawa's desire to recognize Peking. The fir st i;es!!iOO was held May 19; the others J une 7, July 10 an<.l Sept. 20. Informants said Canada had 1lgreci.i lo break relations with Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist Chinese regin1e on Formosa :ind support Com m unis t China's C'laim IV membershi p tn the United Nations if the talks succeed. But the Canadians 11ave r efused to endorse publicly Peking's claim lo lhe "right lo conque r a n d communize" · Formosa, a w e 11. p 1 a c ed \ Too Mtich Is Too Mucli foreign observer of l h e Starting school. every tin1c ki nder ga11en tea chers 1op ) arc : Kent and Crai g Lo\vcnstci11, Keith ;ind Stockholm lalks said. lie al River Bend School in suburban Chesterfi eld . !'l'lo., Craig Cohn , Pan1ela and l\:alherine I~ls ac ~scr, .Jcff- rcpor!ed Canat1<1 \\·ould not turn around they see a fa rnilia r !ace-in duplicate. rey and Jerrold J\1ak elo C11HJ J\1<iry .Jane r111d .Jcinc t challenge such an ac l bu t \\';is F'ive sets of identical t1vins in a tot a l of 89 kinder-Sisk. 'r he large double cnrolln1ent is a first at the· unwilling 10 suppo rt it pu blic-garlen students a rc en rolled. '!'he yo un gsters (frorn school. ly. --=--~~~~~~~-1-;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:, Anolher highly p I a e c d fl iplomat said Peking had ask- ed only that C an ad a acknowledge that Formosa is part of China. Canada replied that it did not ask other coun- 1 ries to define its boundaries and should not be asked to 1l('rine theirs. the diploniat said. One in r o r m ant said Can ad a's refusal to give in 10 China's dein and y,•as sim ply a matter of principle. Others su ggested that it \\'a s motivated partl y by the fact that the United States is com- mitled by treaty lo defend f"ormosa from Communist China and has it s 7th Fleet in the strait between th e h\·o coun tries. Thc.v sa id Canada 11·ou ld find herself In an awk11·ard position 111th her U.S. neighbor should she say something that mlghl encour age Cominunist China \ " jl'\ ! ' I • !d \ . Sears lo risk 11'ar with the Uni\('d States. Cha rge d'affaires Liu Chi- lsai v:as the Chinese represen·1 tative al the fi rst t 11· o meetings in Stockholm, \\•here 1 both Ot1awa and Peking ha1c embassies, and Ambassa•l<1r \~"ang Tung represented China at the third and fou rth. An1bassador Arthur Andre11' represented Canada at the first three meetings, <i nd A 1n b a ss ad or r-.targ<iret ' P.l eagher was 0 t l a w a 's representative at the fourth. One informant said the al· mosphere had improved by the fourth n1eeting but that no progress \\'as made. 1 The agreen1ent to hold the 1 ~lks 1vas reached 1n Lwo 11ri'l· cedural rncctings h('ltl 1n Stockhol1n ori Can;ida·s 111- it iatil"e in Frbruary a n d r-.larch. Diamonds Come in now before the Christmas rush! 3 FINE GIFT PORTRAITS OF YOU 795 Dnly 0Pe8110andtwB5~7 Give your family and your boy frifend ll Mer ry Christnios! ~J3R D.AD""\ \ ""r""\.Y H.1n!:nofon B'•t h, 891-Jll l Ed ]t] P~o !oq r ~ph S!udOo 1,1 Floor ... c:i n h~ ile (inerl ;i~ •·the qualit,1· that arouses en1 otion and senti111ent." Tl1ro11g l1ouL lnstor~', ,namond~ hlive re presentrd ('lxactly that. Sears ht1s Uren in the '"So ul"' IJusi nrs~ !01· 01·cr 80 renr~ because tha t ·.~ how lon g "''e ha\'e been selling rlian1011d~ .. o\ctuall.-·. 11·e :ire one of the l:i rgei-t diamond retailers in Lhe world. Our "Soul'' rlepartment keeps :i 1.caut.iful \"ariet.v of diamond engaremen t and y.·eddlng rings on hand in all st.1·le::. and :i;ha pes Jrom traditional to very modern. \Ve spend a gre.at deal or tin1e nnd n1oney ma kin~ sure t hat every di11.· mond we ha\"e is the finut qu ali ty. \Vhether you choo.se a rock or a n1odcst stone ... have Soul Re.member Sears has eYery thing .•. e,·cn "Soul !" 1;.-1 ('I. \\"edding Ring St! ... $171. h, fl /I ii ct. \\"edding Ring Set ~G I-~. ('. 7/16 cl , \\.edding Rin g Set ~.;;:1. d. 21:1 ct. \\"tdding Ring St t. ..... S-l:J I. t . ::;~ ct. \\"e dding Ring Sel .. ~:;i::.:1. t. 1/3 <t. Wtdding Rlnr S.l.. .... S3o3. r\•k Abo,ll ll'"11 r• ("on1rnlf'n t C rrcSLl f'141n• "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" Sears Shop 6 Nic;ihh Monday throuc;ih Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 l'.M . !'.l~,\Rl", n or::B1 "('K k c o . . Monday, Oclober 6. 1%q ________ o_A_ll_Y_P_l_Lo_r_=•·~ Sears PICI\. PUSH ) ,.-.. r@la~ape 1200 '"'""" . ·- -- PLAY --------- ------------· E11joy Portable Music With Play Tape Cartridges Sears Low, for Low Price • T re111e11<lou s sc lr f'li1111 .•. kiJJ.ic l1111 c,; or pup luncs •Pre-record er! nrn ~n r l ic tapes play mw•ic for ] 0 to 12 minutes •Dual tra ck. ,eal c<l i n pl~s ti c ca rtri 1l ~cs ... :~-1 /2 x ;1 x l / 2-ind ics • 01 1l •l a 11d i 11 .~ Ya lu c a l llii ' low. low pri 1T'. Play Tape Machine Hrin,t;s yo11 }"t)ur ia\·ori rc s<1Unl!S \vl1ere,1cr }"l}U go.'' irl1c)ttr co 111r11er· cia ls. 1-:lpe ca rtriJgcs inse rt j 11t o 991 'he side of player. Repeats songs by leavi ng <·ar tridgc in ... to stop. just remove cartridge ... t hey rewi nd rhems.Jves. S atisfaction Gu nrnntcecl is==l· or Yuur fl foncy Bach ~ ~liop nJnnd•y 1hru Saiurdaf .. 9::11! A.)J. 111 9::HI l'.~L .: tt.~~S. ~OEl\iCt. A ... l> CO. --------------------------·--------------------------------------------· .... f tl. DAILY PILOT Court • • (ConU11ut'd from Pagr S) lllrength Y.'hen n\aking irn· Jf)rtant decisions. !The postponed cases tll'al ~lh capital punishment ;ind THlnois, California an d Texas l•ws altacked as 111- tringcments on rn'r spC'l'C'h 'Ph<'Y \\ere: held 1>\'t•r lron1 l.1-.r ttrrn prC'su1nub!y b1 '(';1u:.e ur the Fortas contro1C'r~!. :\l'ith 1J urg1•r :i n d Jl ayn">1111r1h (;1:>S111111rrg l11· h wnllnnl'd ! l'l'pl<it·111g I 11 " <11.1t:-.1:1n11111g l1bcrab. itu· l'uurt Ibis \Crill 111a~· bt• It•..,, pl!lllt' 11al1n gor1•rnn1t•n1 11pprt'">">luJ1 Four n1C'111bers uf lhl' un1·l' eont rull1n1o: lttX'ral lih11 rt·- rilain-Just1res Hugo!. Bl:u.k. U'Llh;1n1 O. !)oug!as. \1'1!11;1111 .t. Brennan Jr. and Tl1urgl!o1! t-.1nr sha!l -<1lthough Bl;1t·h l1as 'T1thdra1~·n l ro111 1hC' group in :1 1t11111b"r of cases the pa~! lrw trnns. STHt>:\'GEH llA:\ll .l uslicl'.~ lt·an1ng 111 n 1 ~· to" ard 1;11 ing ~u11·n111"•111 .1 .~!ronger hand art .luhu \1 Harlan, B \'ron H \\"IUI•· .nu! Potter St~·11art. Tl1a1 nu·.11 1 ... Burger ;1rui lla~·ns11·ur1l1 '1111\d rl>verse the l'Ot1r1 ·.., 1!Jrt1'\1011 Federally spu11;,or1"1 l1 •µ;il S(•rrices progr;.uns 111 '11\ ~1c!los h;n·e spark('il ;1 ~11 11- burst or lawsuits nn hf·h~:ll ol the poor, some of 11·lut'li ;11't' no1\' re<1th ing the l'OUfl. The justices la st year !-\n1t·k do11n state Onl'·yC":-ir 11•a1l1ni.; pc~·iocls ror col!l•c1ion u f welfare benefi1 s. Now thl'y must decide in ea~C's 1nvnl11ng NC'll' York and San Fr;incl"ll'!I 11 l1e1 her 1rclfart' l'l't'1p1i·11ts ;1rl' t·nt1tlt·d 10 ::t fnr111a! l1C'otl'i11~ IX'fon· their bcnl'fils 1·<in bt 1.:11t off. l)th('r l'HSl'S lo br lu>;1rd. fro1n Co11nt1ct1c111 ;ind I ;,·orl!1:1 respec!l \'ely . urge 1J1a1 lilt• poor be ;1IJ011t•d to bn11;:.: dil'n rt(· actions free of courL t.'OSts and lo rcn1a111 u1 rl'nh::d <1uarlcrs 11l11!e llghling C\ie· !lun . Al so ;ii ~t;1kr arc !\\·11· 'Yurk S101t1··s r('dt1 1"!1on <•f 11 ell~n·1· br111•l 11.~ ;11ul !\!:1r1 l:•rld'.' 111··~· Jn111111 i.;ro1nt l;ill' · IJlh('r~ dt'"I 111lh 111!.pUlt':i 1n (_';1lll r11·n1;1 :ind ('on11C'l'lir11t 01er withhnld11 .g nf benefit~ tn nc('d,v C'hihln·n 111th :i 11:igt•-c:irning !-l!'i•· f1101t"r. l11011rlllY. Ottobtr 6, l %'l Opens rlt;!1ls leader, llnd by dctnonstrators from lil'rkl·lcy. C;ihl. In another l"<•l>c .i Lnivcrs11y of \Visronl>in ~tu· dent ;ippealcd a disorderly l·nnduC"I co11vil'tion lor hold111g up a p1tturc of a nupalrnetl bo) l>ut;,1dt a ruorn 11 here J)ow t 'l11·1uJl'<t l Cu , producers uf 11:qi.dni. 11eTl' doing 1.:a1npus l'Cl'l'll1(111g. 1)11 tlw .'.>elel'.LJ1·r bCrvicc J'runl. ll\1• l'uun <ilrct1c!y has .1~rl'cd H; rule on thr legality ol 1!rafJ director Le\\•is B lh·r~hc~ s JJUh('y oC speeding 11p 111dt1et1on of young rnru \11111 tul'!l 111 thr1 r draft l'Jrds. The governn1cnt is 1\·aiting tur ;.in answer to Hs appeal l1·1u11 a ruling by Federal 01~tr1('\ .h1dec Charles 1':. \l\z;111~ki Jr. Or Boston that a i'i;11.;l1c11t1uus objector to the \ 11·1na111 \\';11· c.--innot h <' !l1'altcd 1or .;l'I'\ icl' there C'l'Cn ll1u111.:h hr IS nut ;1gainsl ;ill 1111rlart•. A Lo.~ An .i: t> 1 e ::; 1!rath·1· i~ ;1rgu1ng that he \l11111!c! Ill' a I J 0 \\' e cl t:On· 'i'lt't\I 11.)lh ul>Jeclur ~talus <'I en though ht• does nol prai.:tk·c ,1111 l11r11ial rl'hg1on . i'\('j!l'IJ <'11·il r ighls 11·orkrr l 'l•·1"1·lv1ul I. Sel lers .Jr .. l;1l'· 111).l ;1 I 11 t'·yc;u· ja!I lcrn1 !ur 1'1'l11~111g Ill ~ubrn1l to 111· d11l·l1(•l1, i .... l'hnllcnging the r.--i<:1;d con1pu~1t1on (If tirall board s. In addit1p11 \o thr ;\1is.,.i.~">1pp1 school rase, others ;ire on h1u1d tro1n Louisi:ina and Okl:1homa Cily. .JL111Y Sf.l.ECT IO'.'J Thi' Jllry sc let t1on la11 s of c:corg1;1 and Alaban1:1 ;1n·l 1111dC"r tire. Ac£"t'ss of Ncgro('S lo ron111H!nity r (' t re a l i on t ;1ril1\11·~ 1.~ .it issue in a Fairl:i-.:. \:;i . ease and a ;1c11· assauh on integration of n fl1<.1eci11. (;a., park h;1s reached rhc !11gh court. 111 lhr firld or obsc"n1t1•, the r·uurt ha ~ been asked 10 di,np· pron t' ~Clllff' of thr ~wt•di ~h 111111 "I, A \l'o1nan." Uy J.11111"\'Jllt·. Ky. police ;ind lu ;din\\' !hr .., Ii\) IV i 11 ~ Ill ~1:1 ....... ,1rhu~l'1\~ of ·'t it i e t1 1 Full11•:.;,' lllrned a( I 11 r ;II ;i ~sachusctts eorrecl1onal 111~11tu11on ;_11 Hndg1·11·;ilt·r l>altas polite are appealing a <ICCIS ll.lfl ~triking dO"'tl p;_ir\ ot the Te .~a~ obseenlty statute <it Today for Big Challenge I "one·n1an. one-vole" prineiptr. 1•xtcnds to r.[c(·lJon of tru :;tl·1·s lor a junior t:ollege districl ;tlso is up for argumcrnl. O!hcr retent appea ls h<1\'C thallcngcd: -1'hc llatch Act, 1Yhieh bars political actil'L\y not on!y for l'cderal e1nploycs !Jul also for l>late cmployes in federally hnanced jobs. -111e 1ax i1nposcd by J)c.n\'er on non .residents <loins business or working lhere. -The federal Con1- -The i\fassachuseus l<1w forbidding dislr1bution uf l'V11· tracept1ves eAcepl by phys1- l'1<1ns or :1 pharn1at1~t 011 prcscriptio1 i n1unications Connnission's re- If your shape won't fit the flattering fall fashions, let us fashion you a flattering shape to fit ... fast! 1-'/,'houl iu$~Or bother 01 ICo rr.uch odo \'le con shape o ne•u !1gu1e 1ho1'll look good on you! We do IT qude qu1c(I)' on ou1 own unique woy- And you 11 lool.. ond feel belier wdh each poss•~ doy. Yo"' shape woll be lavel<er, 1r<mme1 and 51,m. And 1he one who will admire you mos! w ill be him! He'll be proud of 1he shape 1ho1 your new ~hope•~ in, 'Cou5'! ;f your dre~~ 5tle wo~ lour teen i1 new w ill be te'I! In oil the foll fo5h•on~. you'll 1eoll y look smc r!. BJ t ycu'll~cl There much sooner, rhe ~oone1you11!r ' ~o t o'I ore ol !fee~~ n·J rr ber~". and do i 1 todo~! Y L.u 'I oe or:1'J:ed c : I.ow fo1 t Iha 1 old fol rnel t~ 0 •110·1' C:...,-e :o~e tho•. od·•·(~ ond fo~'ov1 our lea:!- f:'!rne:nber ~h:i;,e Shcp;:;es' pol+cy - "RllULTI GUARAllTllD"I CALL TODAY -IF LINES ARE BUSY, PLIASI CALL BACK NOITHlt10GI 349-4788 !'17J kn1da 81•d. IUllANK 842-0877 MISSION HILLS 361-1714 10Jl>2 ~rpvl•rda CALL TODAY , .. INFOIMATl~N . C ARE 9 -3 quircn1ent that b r o 11 d c a s t cigarelte con1merclals nusl be balanced with free <iir lirne for anli·smoklng messages. -A Calirornla law waiving under certain circumstances the confidential relaliooshlp t ';'lween doctor and patient. -The part of New Jersey's sun control law whirh requires as a ctindition for obtaining a r ifle statements as t o 1ncmbcrship in subversive organizations. -The constitutionality of llouse rules establishing the lntemal Security Committee, formerly the llouse Com· mittee on U n ·A m er i ca n Activities. •• FALL FASHIOn FIGURE SALE l /·J O l 'L' llGULAI PRICE Of ANY l'llSON· -' ,-AllllD SHAPING PROGRAM illMflfO 10 fllS:f J.5 Ci\UllS/ To1al number o! lrealments neces5ar~ lo correct your 1nd1v1duat t111u.r e l.aulls are determined by COMPUTER CARO at lhc 11me o1 your FR Et SHAPE ANALY SIS. where d person~I "SHAPING PROGRAM" is de51gned e~clu5•~ely tor yo11 ,, 1here·s no my5tcry, you'll know Ilic e•oCI (OS• ol your ocw ~hapc' IVIRYDAY IS LADIES DAY 9 AM·9 PM , Till S PM SAT. SANTA MOJfl(A WIST L.A. 393-0064 477-1122 71a Wibhi1t J \ 12 S.V.lv'td~ ANAHEIM COSTA MISA 63s-02n 642-7032 S1nr1• 1h" court's l9l:i t:t·rald r.:.1ult dPt't~l(,11 :iflorch ng surn1· \ Oll~\ltll1101l<J1 prn!{'t'{IO!IS f(lr 1·hildrfn 111 trouble with !hi' l<1>r. ju1(•nilr l'Ourt s h.11e bce 11 1n !crn101I. C h 1 c a go <111d Pill t'r~on. N.J .. cases <lcal with {'0!1l l'SSI0!1S l)y bo,V!i nl 14 11 nd 1;1. /\n a p pc ti J J'roin Fren10111, ;ieb.. 11o11 Id 1·~1abl1~h a jul'crulc's nght 10 ii iury 1nal. rhc hrhesl of the publishe r 01 :--------------------------------------------------- ;i hi·rnnn thly paper l'.::ille(jl "Dallas Notes." Olhrr .ipr~'n l~ 1le;d 11 Hh :1 \ 11u1h !< n~h t tu1· ;1 fl p 1• :1 I jiurpo~e~ tn H p r 1 n I t' d 1 ran~er11•! 1.r 11111·n1lr , 11111·1 protrrd111g<;; ;u1d h1 ... r11;!1t lo ;1 hr;11·1n~ before tr;in~tl'I' lo 011 1 adull Jail. Currl'nl l'·1111 1u1n_•sl i ~ rrflectr·d in rcr l'll1 :ippca!~ hy JiC'I'. J~Hlll''\ I': CTOflfll. i\lih1aukcc's militant • 1 1 1 I Ftlurtren mail order houses. book publ ishers and other~ arl· urging tt1c t'ou rt lo find u11· l'onstitutional the 1967 law dl·si~ned to stop the mailing of rnalt·rial dt'en1ed obscene b} 1!" rt"Cl!JiC'nl s. .\11 ;i!tl'J'lllnth nf 1:1~1 term's ih·l 1~11111 b:1rnng ... tall' rc~i drn­ c1 rc·qu1rt·n1cnts fnr peorl" nn 111•Hoiri' Is a challcn~c bv a t '11lorado Springs l;;w~ t•r lo a ~1111ilar rult• for ,.nting in pl'1·s 1df'nt1al elec11ons rhc tour1 t1;i ~ agrt'ed In hear his ca se. 'l'he 1'(111\C!ltlOn of !iOITIC 1,.1n~,1.~ L'1t~ rcs1t11·n1 s !h;1t tllr %NCH 5 HRINE/l., f'1 001h' ~ ).JtJtiversnry ~ ~SALE! e ~ ~ ~,,,~ SUB STAIHI AL SAVING S! .. ,, 1171 All Styleil All Sizes! <·o .,1E I \' ;ind joi n the l'Cl chrat io n~ French Shriner is 100 \'t•ar~ nlr1 -<111<I to n1ark l hc !Jig cvcnl. popular iiLvlcs ;ire on sale a l big i-:1vings. IJ011 'l 1111~s i'1 -vu11 have to "·ai l a110\11cr J1u11drcd lur the 11Cxl big sale! GRODI NS SOUTH COAST PLAZA-Costa Mesa ANAH EIM-Broadw•y.Anaheil'P'I C&nter ~, ... 't. '~ r. ,._ ....... ,,,. .. , .... • • ' • ._.,,,. "'"~•··-""" ' ......... " ,.,, ......... "'" ............... , "• .. ., ... _,. . . .. •'• .. , ... '' "· '• ...... , ............. '" ,,. •' ·' . , ' ...... , ... . ·:,-.; "' ··:·.:· .. : .• ··:" ... ::',~· ... ·:;:.':,::."···1.~:,:.;"";,': ... :''' ·-• ' • • • • • • • ' • • b ...... , " ,, ., ., • '. • • ' ... ., .. , .. •• ... , > " ~ .. ' ,. ,, ., .. , )0 0 f. .,., '• M ' • I o '• •• > "'• 0 • ""'-"" I• •' e" ... '•. ',., ''•·''• 1 •• '•"'"' -''• ''• ''• "' ., "' '"•"'"''"" ........ '" """ ...... 1 ..... , ...... , ,,,,,.,,.,,.,_., ,.,,, .,,,, ........ . I,. ... ~ ...... t'".·"•'·'"••'•"·' ...... -.. ... -C-:~· ,·::~::~.";,' :.;_• ;; !,: ;;; :;; ;)';:.~ ~; ~.:::';!!..''..!' ·~·-·· ...... ··.~ ;·: ::~·· .. ~.~; :,;;,:;,:·,·,:-:: :·:=: ~::::· .. ~·;; -., .. ,·; ;.: , ... "·· : : ,' ~:~~·: ,, .. ·: .~ ... r ~ ,;.~::;:. .. ";:~. ... 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"" " ...... -:·· ' ..... ,. .. _,,~. t ;_ ·. :. . : "·. " ...... ,., ' ' ... .... , . " ' . ..... . -· .. . ..... ' . ., ~ t .... . . ' '", ' " THE BIG M MUTUAL SAVINGS . :, .... . . '. ... " " ' ,.. ,, .. ' i:.:=::1'~. ! ..... "'' .,.,_ .. ,.., . ill~ ~~I ~; ~ "" .. "·-"· "'" . ,.,_., .... ' -"' Q .. . . . . .. ....... ' " ;:1:',.I :: .• ~ ... ' . . . ............ .,.. ...... ,,...,,. ....... ,..,.,. ... ,,,,.,,.,._,,..,,..,,...,,.,.,,... ... ,,...,,..,,,,,,,.,.,,.,,.,,.,,,,.,,. .. _,., ~ .. ", .... , ... "" , ..... I • , " ,. ' ''" ,... •.. ., .. ' . ' ' -' ' ' " ... •' • • ' • • " • r ., ' '. ''' '·-~ ,.., ''' ._.,., '" .. , ... ',,, ... "· ,,,,.. ..... ' .. . . . . ... -. ., "'" , . ,, . .. .. ' '"' '" ...... " " , .. "• ..... ". "' .... " .... , ' ' " .. " ... , " .. ·-.... • •. , ., ., •. • ,. ' ' .... ,_ . .,.. " ,, ' "' ,, • ' I "' •• ... ,. "'' • , .. • " ' " " P> ,., '""''" "' ·-" '•· ""~ " ,, ., .......... , .................. ,. .... ,,~···· ........... ,.., ......... "I ........ -.... ,_,.,u,_,,,.,_,.,,, "'''""' .. ,..., "' ,_., ., .... '•"•'"• <• "•",..,,._ .. lo~"'•'<•-•• "'"•' ..... ,,_ .... ' MORE CERTAIN THAN STOCKS, MORE INTEREST THAN BANKS. y 01 1 can be ce1l;i1n thilt your savings accou111 will be "up" al The Big M -MUTUAL SAVINGS. In fact. we a11a rantee ill And a regular Passbook. Saving~ Accounl al The Big M pays 25% m o re than a regular com· 111c1cial bank savings a ccount. Bonus A ccounts provide an even greater return. Fo r additional securily, your l unds are insured to Sl~,000 by an agP.n<.:y ol ll)e 1edcral governme nt. PASS BOOK ACCOUNTS Earn 5.13o/., when our 5°/., c.;urrenl annual ra!e 1s compounded daily for ll year. 1111erest paid day 1n 10 day OtlL Additions O< withdrawals 1n a ny a mounl, at any time. BONUS ACCOUNTS· Same bnse ra!e as P;isslJook Accounts. pl11s bonus o l 25·;~ yearly when held lor 36 n1on1hs ( 75'Y. total) $1 .000 minimum. Yearly yield 5.38°/. w hen 1n1erest is retained and compounded daily. GUARANTEED RATE ACCOUNTS l <Jrn !> 25°,;. Pf!r a nnum gu<Jranleed for a lilled lerm o l 3. 4 or 5 yettrs . M1n1murn required Sl ,000. Prior to matun1y, w1thd rawals nlay b e m ade in evt"nt o f hardship. WlaT Ai.CAOIA ~~o \\ ~,1 Ou•~• ~ · •, ·• 'r"·"• '" .e· ~ MUTUAL SAVINGS and laan usacialian CORONA DEL MAR COVINA '.o··~ c,,,.,,, • ' •·~·c c • Jll ·' J'~ 7 ~ .,, Ca•<' i'l ·9~ .. •Y l•'10'lono fi ·~-~10 01..•NDAL.a • ... "1' e,.~a B('•'' •I ! l t~l'"D'•;;•}l''~ ,.,..ADINA fi•l o•a O!f•(t ) ~-~1 Co ~·•.:lo 8~~·•·•'~ 1 ••tp~ono 4lD·4'J•! Our Lowest Price }~vPr 499 nf'i;::ul11r$7.99 Made wilh Nomex'· Nylon lo Wilh- 5land A 5000 F . Hot iron for )lours No Iron Rest Needed Covl'r ...,on't rher or bu rn Machine l\'ashable .. ea!lly tn ketp t'1('an .• no !!tatfh buildup Nomcx' inc.ans" Magic In Ironing." l::xt.ra. thick four-layer cover.pad has Vcnl·O- Frnu n base, fits slandard ironing table& Cover wea ve has just the right. cling so rllhrics won't. slide a"·ay, F iber glass pad- ding reflects heal to make one-side iro n· ing possible •• iron only one side or fabric, yet bolh sides are pressed smoolhly. '\i\ii~1~~\~\i11\~Mi\11\\\\i1~~i~11·.1i\%i~\iiiiill',\,1 ~~ Guaranteed for 5 Ycar11 ;~'. ~ Jf bu.rned th.rouih within fi yfara ~ ~ n:lum cover, pad for free rPpl~a!· ~ ~ menu or equ•l qu•l1ty. ~ ~ ~ .:;~'*'1\'.1'111~~~~~~~11\\\\~\\111\1',111"'·\1\r·~\l\\~11'1','·\'~'«~ CHARGE IT on s.-.,. Re•olrin& Chara• rc:=l Shop Monday thru Satanlay ~ ~::IO A. IJ. 10 ''::IO P.M. IEA•l, ao&auc& AMP co. --------·-·-· .. ··-·~ .. ----··-......... -........... . A LERT TO HAZAR DS -Capt. Ili!l Ne\vton (left) and engineer l'ii(·h;i rd (;a!t::-.Jna n sho1v .i\ngcla Pharris. 5, a J!ousc Clf llazards \1 h1ch I" open In !h(' p11blic thi s \veek. In cooperation 11·ith the llun1- 111::;lon J:;enc:ll J unior \\'on1<:1 n's C!ub, the iire dcpartn1ent 11·iJJ spon- .-.~-~- Pick Your Brand Members Mock TV Commercials J, l\ra11 d X rcHllv bcltcr ~han J·:rnnrl 1·~ .'.Jrinb<.'rs o( the.Fountain Valley \\"orn;in'!' ('lub \\ill hn1 r ;ln opportunity to challenge the con1n1rrc1;:ils ''hen 1ilc.1-ol!cnd a fu n night. and polluck supper !akin~ placl' :'l lond~~·. Oct. 1 :~. in the civic center. l·:nC"h 1ncn1bcr 1vill arrive <111ircd in ;~ 1·n~tu1nr. de· p i1.·1111·: hrr r;i1·or1le prnduct fnr 'Ill e cn111h1ncd h11 0ii ne:.<; ;.11d :-.11i·i:1 I n1cc1i11~. anct in keeping 11·Jth tllr 1J1crnc, the p10 "i:1n1 \111 1 c1nphas17.e ho1n0 n1anagc111ent. l'n!luck rl1nnt•r \\Ill be served ;it ti::lO p.rn .. 11!1h f'\ i.:;·_1 n1~e hringin:.: ;) Jll:1in dish. so lad or clC"'-!:>Crt. J·:con- c<1n1cJ I ili.-.hrs 1\111 Ile s lrl'!'~ed. and e<irh "111 h<' ;-ircnn1- pJ1ll<'d h.v recipes 1\ luch 1rlll be sold for 10 cents rach. I l1·c·or;it1nns 11 di fc;iturc cn1pt,v bn\1•1, nf as1,or,rrl hn11 -<'!11il d 11rod11('t<; n11 1I p;ircr !011·cl s 11111 :-.r·r1 e as plac:c 111.: t :--:1t·.tk11l·~ dtlr1n.c: thf' 1n cct1 ni:; \1 111 he '.\lr.'. l'nrric:i;1 u. ·' r'l· J;•IP prol 1·~-.<1r of ho1nr i '1·on1•n111 ·<; :II. f 11 11 · ! .i~t t 'nlll'i-;l', 11 ho \1 ill d11"1cll:-" :'l lak1n;:: Scn.<:.c \'., .i I 11·11' l lr1!J .1r•·. 111 t ii,.r·;r (d th<' prn(.'.r<Jrll i s i\lr ~. l\cnncth \\'ell;.;, f.1n 11l1 111 i n t~ c h;iirrnnn. ;111 rl :1 s~i::i Lin;:: ,,·ill he the i\!incs. l r.1111. Zt·ril('. \\';1ll:-1cc Shnr1 , 1\llcn UnoJ.:ou t, J)avc l·l eff. 111·:·, ,l o,cpl1 (;lc.\int:. :\nrn1Jn tlubcr. ('h<1rlrs Rohr- li.1( l11'r . \\'rllic1n1 l 'unningh<1n1, 'fhomas llu1n phrcy, Ken i\l,11 t1 ;111d I icr<i!d Stl·1·cn .... • ')t r\·1n g: ;is ho.-;tc-,ses durin~ lhe cvrning 1ril l he t he l\l111r:-.. J·:n1ilio C/i:1ve7,. Stanley Stafford, Fr.:ink \\"ehcr. \\ 1:11;1111 J'ulford . I·:. I '. J\looring, ·rhoma.c; Koh !, flol>crt I i,)11.111":!. .lohn J·:n1plin,(! ;ind Frank A1n a to. !'Or tours through the slruc ture \Vhich demonstrates potential J1rc danger!' before ctestro~·in .r: it in a controlled drill next Sa tur- d;iy. \Jr:>. Jac k llall. ,Junior.~ safety chairn1an. i:-; in chsrgc of tl1e tour s. •• 6Wlen JOOEAN HASTINGS, 642-4311 ""O"d1y, 0¢!al>tt I, '"' ' P •t• n Where There 's Smoke Tours Fan Vigilance Potential fire clc111g<.'rs 1ri ll he grnphic:ally drinon- !'itrated \\'hen the l·luntingto11 Beach .Juniol' \\'0111;111 's Cl ub, in cooperation 11·ith the ci1y's fire d cpa r ~rncnl , open s a 11ousc or I lazards. 1'he public is invited to tour the house bcl1vccn :1 and 5 p.n1. begi nning today and c~ntinuing through J·'r1d<1~. On Saturday, Oct. ll, tours 11·ilt be conducled br- !11·cen 10 a.n1 . a nd 4 p.111. \\'hen the fire clepai-tn1cnt 1•:111 1tc1nolish the structure in a controlled drill. The public ;1lso is in1·ited to vie1v lhe burning of the building, locat - ed on Gothard Street bet11•een Slater and \\'<ir ner ave- nues. Each roo1n of the house contains con1n1on lire h.:izard s, and the purpose of the tours is lo den1on ..,tra1r to both children a nd adults the potentiJJ dangers i11 - cludin,g faulty electric cords or overloaded ash trnys. Children 1vho have coinplelcrl the tour nnd rccei 1·cd a ticket will be eligible for a ride on fire engi ne Satur- day if accoinpanied by a parent In charge of the 11ouse of JlazJ rd .~ is J\·Irs .. J.'.'lck llil11, .Juniors safety chair1nan. She 11 ill he ;issislcd by n1en1- hcrs of her con11nit tee including the ;\Jn1c·"· J·'rnnk 1)11 - zJta, Gerald l\·Je1igold. J\li chacl· Pharri ;.:;. f\Clrl ll an1n1cr <i nd Cody Evanc;. :\dditionat inforn111tin11 regardin ~ the tours may be oblaine1l by calling l\lrs. Jlall, &~7-6 ljJ, -.. -· =----- . ~·, .,, : . , , . .• :j r'l 11l ·1 ll~('n1hrr~ ri~<li n \l'il l participate in 1h c ci1y\r lrlc 11.ill •1• ccn pnriy :i 11d bnrbecuc taking: place Sll'iu rday. t iC'I. ~:i 111 !he hi'.!IJ school. 'fhc group \vill s ponsor ;i h;i 11r.1c{l hru1.'l'. ;:ind :::erving as chair1nan of the project 1 ~ :'I i i ~. !·~liner i\!Ji.'iio. Trntativc plans to tou r the Orange l ounty \Vomen·.~ .J~il !a1<'r this month :i l.~o arc being discussed accord- ing to fllrs. Laurence Er\vin, president. SPONSORS, TAKE HEED! -Favorite products will be "modei· cd" \\1hen members of the F'ountain Valley Woman's Club arrive for a fun night and potluck meeting Monday, Oct. 13. in the civic center. Selecting their costumes are (left to right) Mrs. Kenneth WeUs , Mrs. \Viltia1n Cunningh;im and Mrs .• Joseph Giesin ,I!. l\l r.". Patricia Mogan, a home economist at Orange Coast College, "·ill be the speaker. Please Mother-in-law, She'd Much Rather Do l)F.i\R ,\ \"~ LA \DEHS Ynur advice tn "Burnt Bt·rnicc" !';lanJ.;. \\lhcn 1n.v 111nthcr-in·l.1w 1·nn1r-; nvrr <inrl s\;irl.~ "~1ralgt11en1n;: thing<;,"' I do .not i.l[l- prrci a!c hl't' "ht'lp " In Fact. I 1ntcrprrl lier suctclcn bursL of C'nt•rgy a.<; an attark n 11 n1y hott~!'l\t·1·p111g. '!'he last tin1<' 1ny 1110\het·in-l ;iw ;1l 1ClllJilcd 10 "licly 11p'' my kitchen it touJ.. n1t• " v.ecJ.: lo f1nr1 the .<.11•\r. I an1 flil l looking for the tea :-1r.11nC'r. Siner ~·ou nfttn use !hr phr:isc ~T\'(Jf l 11 hv 1!111 \"OU t•h1ckrn out this t trnr "' .'.....1 >IS.\ I'! ·0J.\"TF.fl IJJ-:AH IHS.: '.\IYflH i~ 11n ;idmonitl nn r1'Sl'r' cd for intcrf <·1·inj!; I) pt~. \' o 11 r 11111lh"r-in.l:111· 1 lor~ nol 1r•1::i\Hy. Shr. :-ounds like a h·. r~rlh) rflid, l.akcn1·('r d:1111r. "ho ~hould he H1l1I in bluol 1ani:uai:c. ··~l otbl'.r·r-r·r -rd rather do tt mys1·1f:'• ,, ANN LANDERS DEAR ANN LA:'-lDERS : J w a s fascinated by the lcl\Pr s ig ne d "Disgusted in ~linneapo!is.'' ~fy heart just breaks for those rich rolks y,•J10 had to ~ell their 1lrc<irn house in the subu rb.~ because 1hry <."oti!dn"l get an ybody to shovel lhe snnw, rcrnovc lhC' sctcC'ns and s!orn1 windows, do the garrlcning, paint lh!' gar;igc-rtl". I 1\·ondcr '"'ho she hired lu tic k lhc sta1np. "t-.11nnic '• \\'<Js highly critical or "those la zy bums'' "'ho'd rather be on welfare than eam an honest dollar. She points out that our forefathers didn't make this country great by sitting on their duffs. Yet she fa ils to explain why she and her husb and s;i l on theirs -and ended up selling 1hc1r dream house rathe r than do the \\'Ork lhcmse]vcs. ~iy husb;ind and I own a 12 room home on nine acres in a Boston suburb. \Ve hough! a snow plow and a motonzed lln~·n moy,·cr. \\'e do our· oy,·n gardening and landscaping. \\le clean the swimming ]')001. keep the tennis courl in shape and, I n1ight add, all this physical exerci se J.;eeps US in shape. \Vork is a remark able ton ic for the soul and spirit as well as the body. If more people did their own work instead or hiring it done, this country \\'ould be inrinitely healthier and happier. -BUSY JN WALTHAM DEAR BUSY: Thanks for a splendid Jetlf!r. ~1any people lmostly from New Enjtland ) wrote to expre111 a similar point of \'lew, hut you said It heal. IJEA R ANN LANOE RS : I :un not Jong in your counlry so pl('a se excuse the bacl f;njtlish. For six year,; I am living with An executi ve who '!'.'Ork! for an American company in Rome , lie is delaying mar- riage because his mother is \'Cry religious and I am a divorce d '!'.'Oman . Raymond Y.'as sent to America for one year and I am wttn him as a visitor. I read in the Stamford, Conn . newspaper where you hel p people with problems and I hope you will help me. Raymond is very kind and gencroos and I love him deeply_ But his habit of disappearing for several days at a lime worries me greatly. I have heard it \Vhispercd that he ha s a weakness for young girls. I am 37. When I tell him iI we were married l would feel more comfortable, he says I should not listen to gos~i p, that \\IC are married in his mind and this al one matters. What are your thoughts on my 1titualion? - ALDIN A DEAR ALOINA: ''~tind " marriages of- It Herself (('r a \\'OlnDn vrry little ~r('urlly, especially \\'hen the man loses hi s mind for le\•eral days at a time. If it it really marriage yo u want, you must tell Ray· mond all nr nothing -nnd he prepared lft &;limbic. Too m:iny ('011ples go fro111 rnatrirnony to acrimony. Don·t I('\ }'OUr marriage flop before it gels started. Send for Ann Landers' booklet, "i\1arriage -\\'hat io l::xpect." Send your request to Ann Landers in care of this nf'\\'s paper enclos- ing 50 cents in l'.Oin an d a long, stamped, self-addressed crn·clnpc. Ann Landers "'111 be glad to help you \rlth your problcn1s. Send them lo her iri care or the OAI LY PILOT, enclosin& a sctf-addresse1t, stamped envelope. I --•" . -. -.. ------... ---..-...,.------------,.,,,,..-..,,..----------------------------------------... -. ~ I 11 l ' &1159 'I I~ ' Fontana • • \ rv -..Jn ·--.,,I F"ontana or Italy has created this great evening dress -'l'hether s hort or long .. Interesting use of je1velcd, or contrasting elegant fabri cs tMm the squared-off look at t he arinho!es in front and bat k. The long f101v ing skirt has a lol'ely soft flare. 1·1ie zipper is set in the center back and covered by !he deep inverted pleat and topped 1vith a tiny bo\r. 'fhe original 1vas rnade in heavy double knit silk <.:rcpe and jc11·el ed in crystal and silver beads. Size 12, long 1·e rsion. requires a pproxi1nate!y :11 ;4 yards of 5-1" fabric and 3/4 yard of 45" fabric for con tra st. To order 61759: state size. include na1ne. address and zip code. Send $2.00 postpaid for each pattern, .send orders for boo~s and patterns to SPADE} Box N. DepL CX-15, l\Jilford, N.J. 08848. INTRODUCING FROG LOVERS TO CHOPIN! l"J.RENTS. DON 'T WAIT UNTIL YOUR CHILD IS OUT OF THI FROG> lOYElS .AGE llFOll YOU GIVE THIM TH[ GIFT OF MUSIC-YOU WAIT AND IT MAY If TO O LA TE! Childritft i11 th1 lro9 lo•iftt 1tl11tt 14·11 ••• lh1 ptrlKI 1tt1t f1tt litOlftlll9 m11ti,. Ya"'aho, <1ft1tr y ... ., 1tf '""rc)t dnlq11t'd 1h 1t Tomoh • M111fc Co11"1t to n111r1t th•! a ll childt1t11 cart l11orft m1nic. Mill io"1 of Yomeho 91od11or1t• from oll OYltl th• world l1t1tffy to 11!1 "''''"' of th1t TAMAHA MU SIC COUlSf. Yo11 do .,., h••• I• b11y 011 111· l r11m1thl, rh1tr1t 11 flit ho-tl11dy -j1111 Io tt •I '"'" fer yewr chil d1eft wllllt they '"'• •1111lc. DON 'T DfNY TOUR CHILD THI CHA NCf YOU MAY Hf.YI MISSED IN YOUll CHILDHOOD. Clo1ie1 o rit 11ow 1tftt1tUl11' - woft't yow pl1t9W ,1 ... n • c•ll c.nd lirt '"' 1ll•w ¥•• ""9 wll•I• 1t•ry 111f 1he YAMAHA MUSIC COURSE ! YOUR l lGGl!iT ltEWAltD WILL IE WHEN YOUR F•OW LOYElt LOOKS UI" .t.T YOU AND TELLS YOU ••• "I GAVE MY ~ltOG A NEW NAME, I CETHOVE N," Don't D1l.1y-Call Today 642-1844 YAMAHA MUSIC SCHOOL IN COSTA MESA Cups Filled By Guild 'lusit· Theater (;111ld or ~outh Coast Chorus a11d Li~hl Opera Association, w h i c h recmt!y namtti fl.frs. ~rse Booth as il5 president , i.!I plan- ning a membership coffee o~n to the public In the Laguna Niguel home 0£ ~lrs. J ohn Lawson at 10 .JO a.ni. Tuesday, Oct. 7. All residents of the county interested in s u pp o rt in g musical th eater are invited lo attend the affair and may ob-- lain reservations by ca!lini;: r.i rs. Arthur Schtt!e, 492-3890 or .\!rs. Fred Caton, 492-5671. Serving \\'Ith fl.1rs. Booth the. coming season will be vice presidents f.1 rs. Tom Peden, \\'ays and me :il ns. and \1rs. Sch t.e le, memb ership chai rman. Otht'r ne \v officers are lhe :-.lines. Ronald Birtcher and G~rge Grupe. reC'Ordin g a nd c orresponding secrer.a.ries: La\\Tence Peltier. treasurer. and Caton . l e I e p ho n e chairman. t.lrs. Robert l-l an- lOC~ 11a~ ch<1irman o( !l1e nom1na!lng committee. Cake Decor! Discussed Sponso ring 11 cake decorating p ro gr a n1 \\"ed- ntsday , Oct. II. at 10 a.m. are n1embers of the Junior Sec· lion. \\'ednesda y r.1 or n i n g Club. The Costa r.tesa hom t or 1'.lrs. f\Iich•el Giddings will be the dec<>rating scene, f\1rs . Jenny Dcnapole 11·!1! instruct members and t~i r gueMs. Chairing th!' t\•en! are f\lrs. D;n·\d Poppell and r.1 r s . Pa.trick Bresnahan. \\'elcom- inp, g11est~ til lhr: door 11 ill be 7\lrs . Do11'!las l-'a1l y, ho~p1t<1h· ly chairman. Donce Club Square Ola1ers Sq II a re Dance Club ··awings out" ('Very V.'ednesday at I p.m. in the First Melhodisl Church, Co~ta Mesa. EASY-CARE ' .Uii/ormJ "JUST FOR YOU" Sm 1rt f11hion1. c1r1-fr11 febri'' f11· 1urin9 BAR.CO i nd ot>i1r f1mou1 brend n1 rn 11. M1ny 1tyl11 t• ch .... ''""' '8 91 ,...,. .. ,.,. .. . Fashion Vivid TOPS Club Artist Sketches Past To Rally By JODE,\,'\l llASTJNGS 01 1~• 0.11, !'1111 )l•tt An era when shC' was creating splendid ball gu\\'llS for royal occasions °"·as recall· NI by Ferne 1:-it rs. Arthur) \\'i\Jiains of Huntington Beach. The comely ina!run. v.·ho ;ilso v.·as sketch artist lor d\'."sign crs Edith lleaJ and 1he lale Adrian ·wh"n they \\·ere 1he acclaimed (;1shiun J.(1<111ts 1n this country. can·t :,e\v a ~tit ch. "l'n1 sli!l strugg ling tv ll'arn how 10 put in a rolled French hem," she laugh~. Between !920 :ind 19~0 11\rs. \\"ilhams 0<.1'ntd a specialty design and drcss1nak111g ~tudio 1n Ollawa, Canad;1 . L:11dcr the nan1e of F"rnfashiuns, she 1'rcaterl elcgan! fonnal gow11s for gold-platr dinnl'rs. prC!irn- tations at eourt , thl' K1n1,(s birthd ay garden party a11d high-fashion wed dings. The forrncr Ferne .\1cCrc<i nevrr used a pattern and soinc Of the lllateria] she \\'Orkl'd \Vil h rnigl'll cost $30 a y:.i.rd e\·en then . "\\'r had sc1·cr:il f1)mi~ - 11·e c;:1!1ed thc111 l.1zzil'S -ilnd I would drape tissue until a style suited inc. Jf a cusluincr had an unusual build -:-;.y one shoulder higher than the other -I v.·ould firsl cul a cotton fabric." At that tln1e the shnp 11a ~ cont~nted to make $50 on a one-of-a.kind Cl1sto1n gown, she said. f'A VO RITE OESJG~S \Ved ding go\1·n.~ 11·e1·c l1CT fa vorites lo design although her creations 11erc 1n demand for the <innual ~!ale :11fairs surrounding the grand opc111111,: nf the Canad ian Parliamen t in Januarv. The Sho p. wll ii:h l'rnployrd a minirnui:n of 23 sc;un~treS.~l·~. v.•ould begin fillin gs in Octobt'r for the excl usive, invitationa l presentation ball hononng the King's representative, cli1nax of a series of social cvrnl~. Prince of \\'ales plumes for the ha ir -a mus! for tllr bnll -wf.>r e ordered !\\"1 )'f t1rs 111 ad1•anct' fro111 South Alra:a. and fcr nc's o ther rcspon~1bilit1e!"> 1neludc1I a1l- \J~ing her cu~ton1crs IJ!l the DAYS OF POMP ANO GLORY -l\lrs. :\rlhur (fo'erne) \Vill ia1ns recalls days \vhcn , as one of Can- ada's leading designer5. she c reated go\rns for gold- plate dinners, court presentations and high-fa shion just·so length nf tlt1·ir cnur t trains and 1·c1!s. She nlso t;iught lhe proper royal curtsy tQ debulantes being prcsenled for the fir st lime. Ferne designed clothes for Quttn Juliano of l h e l\ct herlanll~. at the t1n1e a 11 or refugee in C;i nada. "She wa.~ harri to Iii." Fcrnr rl'c~ll~. ''!'hr was sinall hu l :ihc had a !lJI! figure ." In l1r1· h11~1111·~~ ~lie ;il -n 11 01'kt•d l'lo~1·ly \11lh an r:1i.:1·r \Oun,:: photographer \".ho tatrr h:·r;11nr n!•ll'd l11r 111~ po1t1 .111 1,!H'k 11f the l.itr Fr.inhlln U, Hooscvelt. \\"111~1vn Churchill. King Gcnrge 11nd other l\ca<ls of stale, You~ul Karsh. The talentC'd \vido11·, rno th cr 1Jf Bruce McCrne of Bel 1\1r and f.1rs. Edg<1r \\lhite of Ol- l<J\\'<l, left Canada and rcturn- r-d to her ov.·n i.:ountrv ;it the lll'ginning nf \Vorld IVtir l[, She 11·r11l lo \1·or k for ~:ch1h 1 lr;ul ;ind re:n~1inr'ct w1!h 1hr :-tud10 tor lhrcc 111onths brfol"r '-he b1'rn1t1(' 1111;1111· di ~c11· (·h:u1tcd 111th 1he 11 r i: l t l' J[o1J1•11oorl ~crt1r \, 11\. } 11U r•1tild11 I ! ,111 ,I 1111 1• ~11(11 ,\()Ill' ()II 11. Tl 1<') II 11\lld l'<il I Mesa-Harbor Club Lunche on Bids Sent to 1veddings. The go1\·n in the p ho tog raph. tcikt•n .. bv <1n aspi ring young photographC'r nan1ed 'l 'ou~u ( Karsh, 11·as all hand-pleated chiffon. 1- A f;11l r:1!1y night u·i!l he • ~po11:soretl by Trim-vue TOPS 1 'f;t kt'.' Off Pou nds Sensibly) <1t ; 7 3U p.n1 . 1'1111r~ay, Ocl. 9, in Finlrv Sclloul. \Ves11nutster. A 01ldl cxpl1Jnat1on of the 'l'Ol'S prograrn to hl'lp womc u lose weight 11·ill be presented, and all Jnlcres!ett y,·on1C'n arc in1'1lcll to attend the n1ecl!ng. Future. flt1ivi\re.s p!an11cd i11- elu<le ;i l-lallowcen party, a d1:,1:u~s1011 uf fasl11011s by .1 dre.ssn1:J kC'r , and ;1 presr11· · !al1011 on !;1.t:Jd groo111ing by a l·usrnt'lologi~t \\"rirnen in!l'fCSICll in an.v Tf JPS l'h1b<; n1.'.l.y obtain ad- 1iil 1u11:.il 1nfonnal1u11 frun1 lhe1 r ar<'<i Ch atnber nl Comincrl'c. Parents Club Or:.i nge Coast Ch a p I I" r , P.ircnts \\'11 hou1 Pa r t n e r, :;pun:.ors a panC"akc breakfast !Ill' last Sl1n<la1• O! cneh nionth !11 Costa f\l cs;1. City Park fro rn !I :1 1n 10 12 30 p.rn. \\'a !lv J{u.:IJtJrd~. l'lia1rn1a11 , I\' i I t an ~ll'cr quest ions rl'g<1rding 1111· publ1 L' ''ruin or shine '' 1·1 1·11t at 512-8700 or 542-9665. An <lron90 Cuun!v l'i"ll KNITIING MACHINES ' t~n,.,• F",n~ll~! lh• Mf~no•m•o' •II romplftirll 1c• 0 ''10 Se''''' (h<l'fl'' o·• •n,PinQ m•r~·••1 l~v ~"·~n r • SB 110,.,n ,ind 17S P•' mon•n . .,.,u • \I~• I your lf'•~ns """'· 11>e t;ur " rh.n•1, 11'v• ··•v•nll ••""•re Ch.t•9t• • Y0Uf\ 1~~•'> !•9hl, JS (10Nf\ •nd 1l) cer "'""'" NOWI KNITTED Vf'T ""TfEllNS Uc The KNIT WIT ;i t rnid n1ghl frlr nie lo co111e do\1·n and ~uperl'J.~e tile 11101·. ing or a zipper frorn one side or a dre.ss to the other," she n1aintains. \te~a \\'on1un·s Club ser1rd Or;ingc lhsll"ll"L California Federation of \\'on1en's Club~. ils fine arts ch:urni;in. She SOUTH COAST PLAZA ;ilso founded ;ind is prt·sid·~n!' Phon11 s~s-2112 of tl1e Pnletl<c•·'. "'" 'P"•l'"•·c' Lu .... M•ll Acron''""' GREATEST DESJG.~E:ll J " ,,., J Wool .. or!h'• :1 SC1\·ing class t 11·1c,. a 1nonth Bro1101 •• 1h1 5•~ 0 .. 9• F<,,,.,. \\'hen she left the :,h11J1 u cosr~ MESA Ferne 11·orked for the !;i1c, ;~lo~r;;'·~,'~"~'.~"~';'~S~t~a~lc~l~l-o~_'·fP~H~,,~I-.;;-;;;--;:==::;;::-:;::~~~~~:-::;;:~~~~ Adrian , 11·ho :-l1c considered 101~ be the 11·orld'" grratl's t designer C\ en before shr 1nc1 111111 . ··ire c·o1ddn·1 c1cn pu t itl I• dart.'' ~h<' "il) s He \\·uuld flourish :i bolt of 1n;11cn;it and '-:ii", ·1 11;111 l It lu lou ~ llh c THI S.'' Stni:e ~111' incl tu·r l1u~b:ind, Frr11c 11011· li;1~ n Hn•d lr11rn 111f1fr!i.~1nn:1J clt'"1t;11 1ng ;111d dr·1 otcs n1t1ch \lf la'r tirnc to, painting -<in ;11nt·;1l1011 11·h1<:h ts becornins il 111·1v \Ocat1onl for he r. IT'S A FACT! If yo u spen t 30 second • looking at each of our shag sa mples, it woul d tak e you over 9 hou rs to sec the m all - so com e early a nd bring your lunc.h. DON'S CARPET SHOP Astrologist Burton 1\lorsc. 11'ho SU('· t'essfully challenged 1 h e Newport Be.aeh Cl1 y ordinance against leaching and pra c- ticing astrology. v.·111 speak before the 1\1csa-lfarbor Club. Speak Entcrtainn1C'11t Belief 1s t/1e and Y 0 II r he 11 111 The p;1 .... t p1·t:.,1dc11t or 11\r :\lrs. Robert Adler of Santa lluntin"1on Bc:lf'h \\'oman's CIO'E D 'UND•Y • .,, I l l"nchcon "' HOUn5· 11-5:30 OAllY <> ~ .. ""a \l"I ios a u Club and rnrrnlJf'r ""~' ~tl~1e~C~o~sl~•~':,. ..................................................................... ~ 426 SO. MAIN (2 B!ks. No. of Bullock's) ORANGE rnee11n~ of thC' \\'01nen·~ Au~---------_ Jle is scheduled after an 11 :30 a,n1. luncheon Thursday, Oct. 9, in lhe fl.e\'cre House, Tustin. As I r o [ o g }' -For \our Coffee, Sa le Plonned in HB The llunt1ngton Beach homt or f.lrs. Arnold Lindbert v.·111 be !he n1 eet 1ng setting for n1e1nbcrs of !he Orange Coun- 11• Association lor Ret arded l'h1klren . Lad ies Aulltliary The \\On1en arc sponsvr111g an 1nforn1a\ coffee and hout 1- que sale \\"edncsdar, Ot·L 8, from 9 am. to I p.m. 1h;1ry l u lhC' Orange County paraphrase a 1111(' fron1 a l1h.1n11iiet•1JIH'<.il Assoc1a11on radio show 11hen he (lt•l11ers \\'e1lill'sdav. Oct. 15 A soci ai hour al 11 JO 11.m hi s ad<.Jress. will prl'l"eclc the noon luncheon I'llorse, a syste1ns a11:1lyst' on which \1•111 be i.:o-l1os1ed by !he Apollo proJecl aL North l\Jr<;. C. D. l!e1nc:y rif Placen- 1\n1enc;111 ltock11ell. 1s a 11;1 !cacher of aslrology A nat11·r l'rc.scnting lhr prngram 11il! Californian and Ion g I • ni e he il rrprC'scntat1ve lron1 Balboa rcsuJcnt. he 1-. a l'uwcr'o:. l\1odt'ling Agent'y. graduate of Occ1dl'ntal Co11rgc 11 hu 11111 spc;i k on ~elf Jm· 1rhere hi s fathe r, \'1rg1I ~1r1r~c 11rn1·cmen1 . 11·as he;.id fJ! the rna!h lil'pill'I· Auxli 1ar v 1nl'111bcr;;; now arc 1ncnt. lr1r111ulatirig plansc tor lhe1r Follov.111g :i t.irerr ;1.;. a '>t11'. 6 <1•1nu:i l la,hivn show. n1usic1an \1'1lh l[;1rry Jil111C"-Vidl F,1ch1on 1:c.,111al. to and other bonds ;:ind an nr -1nkr pl ;1rr 1n lh e S:i11t'1 Ana ranger-<:'onductor ol his 01111 Elks Club radio ~ho1-1 . he Joined lht' 1\n~unc 111.>lnn~ inforn1at 1Qn rank ~ of .1~trologer about 20 nu the aux1har1 \Ir rhc fa~h1on yeal'~ ago ~11ow 1ne1v call µ\rs. 1\. l. In 1hr bt'gtnnlnt:, hi• '1ut1 1r~ r--"-"-"-"-"-"c·_·,_,_2_J_;_i:_, -----, 11 ere de1 utrd to d1 spro1•1ng th(' valid1tv o! !he nnc1c111 .. n :111d sc 1enr~. blil his rtsearl'l1 'O<Hl persuaded h1n1 tu .•I\ itch :d!eg1an("e In lhe al finna111·r side of the quc~t1011. THE BEST P1 1d •'•~•P po 11 1 p•ov• ·'~••n~!•' '' on o of t~• '"orl d'1 ma1• PG11ule• <.O.,.;< ''"Pl Pe•d o1 d.,11 ·~ t~o OAllY F!LOT. INTRODUCT ORY OPEN ME.ETING S WEDNE SDAY, OCT. 8t h, 9 15 A.M. or 7 P.M. CHARM SCHOOL ROOM-THIRD f ,OC·~ ., B ea uty Salo11s Fo r girls on the g o ... OUR QU ICK CUT and 10-MINUTE COLOR RO~X HA IR COLOR LOTION PLUS SHAMPOO ANO SET {Mon. thru Thurs.) $3.00 $2.50 Alter S p.m .. S1.7S Friday, Saturday, Sund•r ....... s,:oo llon9 '1•" l •!rl We wont you to CO'lle ir, b .. ' :I c ·c ·~ .. • 1i:·c1s""r. 'c "'-::y too Jong! Our clever stylis1s q. •C . , • · 1 '1",d • 'nri: 1 c L • hri r, Then color 1! \-Vilh Ro1.., ','cc ( 110,·rir..:-c :,.L1cs •'1l0 m r11.1'is:; no peroxide, no rub ·oif, 10$15 1!·rc.1J')~ ~e'1c101 ~ho n,poos­ thorough, but !ime-:..avtl''J r I !r:;\;· 11IJo ~11·., co1ors fJ r aro'/ or dvll ho rr, dclicotc !en '''l rr-1 ·, r ~C" /1~ h'coi;1 1~. Cathy's Uniforms :-._.io I N•'"'l'•rl •••th, C•llf. JI IJ ,.,,....,., I I•~ M•••oo 1111~0! ~Qu•rt l'hon1 •11>1"11 Colt• M•'"· ((ll1f. 111 l !11n lt•"'I "'•11•<' C• •!., Ph•11< l<l·•"I Co~l rr M,,.,, Coh l . , ~ ..... ~ .. """ • 1.\1•1 Pl 11 · .. ~~"· ··•·<Ill Ce•I• M•ut, C•lif, •• .... tto~ ~, .... "llr •"'" 4 1 °'~ ~!·O"• Ml·Jl11 1147 " •• ,..,. '"'· Call 835-5505 for FREE BROCHURE ___ .., ... ~.":.~.~·.~·"'· IARCO Cott• u... 646-5111 IM .... ,···~·· l ..... '"-------~----m ____________ .. , ·········----------··----------·--·--•nono fll '~" I n,.,~"'· C•lil, f owntoift V•llt"1, Col•L \aRI" •~o. Cnlo l, 1111 w c~ •• ,.,,~ ,,.,, "'•,•o•·• """A•d•• ~ ~··~~ .. d Vot!Ot (o•I.. "'"''' (••'"• I• •~ t --••• f hon• nl ll•I l'h••• u i 1r·1 1 '·""C hl "1 t 0,.,,1ni11 Val1t•, C•!i,, 1~11 f ~·n~t< " lu<1'411 \•I••• C•o!o• r '""< :JI )"I c Vet Po~ lhit Me is t . ' ---------------------------------·. Monday, October 6, 196!) ~ILV PI LOT J7 ' VFW Auxiliory Ea st er n Star f Costa Mesa Bride Business Order C:Oastline Auxiliary t LI Veterans nf Foreign \Vars, Pos t 3536 gath<'rs the tir~t anll third Fridays at 8 p.rn . Co~1;1 J\lcsa's American Legion llull is the meeting :)l'Cnc. ~1;1.\ur11c Ternple in L:iguna Uc·:.iL h is the meeting setting when Laguna i::S('ach Chapter ::.021 . f:a stcrn Star "J.einbers g:ithcr the fir~t 3if'l Uurd Fnd:iys at 8 p rn . THE BODI-ENDURE: i T • 1 El Toro Setting For Ceremony Feting prospective men1btrs will be Orange County Women 's D t v Is 1 o fl 11f Pclcr~on Jr. or· Sanlri Ana Freedoms f oundation a l the Fuundal1un. ch::i1rni.an ~!rs. Award s Hoberl D. Valley Forge nexl \\'ednesday reminds rountians intending to at JO a.m. m:ike n o ni 1 n a I lo n s lor The Newport Harbor Yacht t-·rcec!oms l"Ounda tlon award.'t Clltb will be the setting. ,_1rs. t!1at the. no mi n a l lo n in· Louis L. Curtis o{ An;ihcim, (urination 1nusl be recl·tvcd ~it chapter presidenl, will in-Va lley Forge offices prior lo lroduce the board and conductl _N_o_v_._1_. --------NEW IN THE BEAUTY SALON ... AND B0DIFYING! Coll for an I MRS. TI MOTHY CAREY Balboa Island Home Newlywed T .M . Careys Honeymoon Baskr1 s of 1vhi1e c•:1rn;1!1(111s arid roses dccor<1tcd Ot1r Lady of ~0L1nl Carine! Catholic Church 11•hcn Cathy Denice l•'itzpatrick exchanged vov.·s and rings \v1th T 1 mot h y J\tcKnight Cn rey. The Rev. r~rancis Kell y o!fk·!aled. P:irl'nls of !he bridal couple arc t-.1rs. Lnu1s 8. Fit;:patrick or Cf1~la 1\lcsa anti the. l.1tc ~Ir. F1t7p;i1rick and !\tr. and l\1 rs. ThLn1;1s Jt Carey or E ncino. 1n Mexico :-1t1f;le long-~tr1nn1ed rosrs \\'l're i\!rs. J. Anthony Casillas, 1n<1Lron of honor, and Miss Pamela Bodrnan and flliss l\1ary Carey, the bridegroom's sister, bridesmaids. Laura Ann Fi1zpatrick, the bride's niece, was the flower girl. All ending as best man was Richard J. Arnold. y,•hile ushlTS \\'ere Thomas .J • Bec ker, \\'il!iam 1\1. Butler anrl Barrv \'an Dyke. Marine to.fa]. (ret.) and Mrs. John M. Walker of Costa Mesa have announced the marriage of her daughter, Margaret Mary Waterbu ry to Jerry Bruce Bougie, son of Mr. and t-.1rs. Jerome Bougie of Seal~ tie. The couple were linked dur· ing double ring nuptials in the Marine Corps Air Station Chapel, El Toro. Chaplain Stanley Miller performed the aftern;;on riles. The bride selected a floor leng1h organza empire style gown. Lace embroidery adorn· ed the bodice, long sleeves and train. She carried while and pink roses, stephanolis and a white orchid in her bouquet. l\.1rs. Louis Canale of Santa Ana was matron of honor and l\liss Barbara \\'aterbury, the bride's sister, was maid of honor. They donned long bright pink empire gowns with scooped necklines and long sleeves. Both carried baskets of feathered china chrysan· themums and scarlet and pink dahlias. Dressed in slrnllar gowns of light pin\t were Mrs. Malcolm King of Long Beach and Miss t-.1arlynne Humpert of New· port Beach, bridesmaids. Miss Karen Schrnidt of Costa l\.1esa, the flowe r girl, 11·ore a full lt'"ngth while em· pire style crepe dress with pink ribbon trimming the sleeves. She carried a basket of sca rlet and pink feathered dahlias. J ames Benson of Camp Pendleton stood as best man. Ushers included J a me s •lumpert of Newport Beach and Fred and James Buge, cousins of the benedict. The reception fo][o.,.,'ed in the Officers' Club. Mi ~ s Charlene Beckel of Costa Mesa circulated the guest book. Among special gucslS congratulating the couple ~·ere grandmother, and Mr. and C. L , Bougie of Fargo, N. D .. the benedicl's grandpar· ents. The newlyweds will make their home in Seattle afler honeymooning in ~1onterey and San Francisco. The former Miss Waterbury ls a graduate of Costa Mesa lligh Sc hool. She attended Orange Coast College and California State Coltege at Long Beach. Her husband is an alumnus of Queen Anne High School in Seattle and ha s completed four years with the Marine Corps. business. ~1rs. l lenry C. Cole of Newport Beach, vice pres· dent, will preview upcoming events. Mrs. EGgar R. Hill of Newport Beach, membership chairman, will offer an 1n- format1ve slide prograin 011 Service Mothers Every third 111ursday U S, Air Force lii1 others, Flighl ID ' ...... . Ca_n you eat all, d~y and stiU lose · ,11 weight? ·fir WEIGHT®, WATCHERS, schedule me e l in gs in Some ta lkinq, ~ome !is1e11ing dr.d California Federal Saving5 ' a program 1na1 works. '"' and Loan building, C05la f REE BROCHURE-CALL 83S·SSOS Mesa. al 8 p.m. !•''----------_. A LITILE CURL FROM CAMELOT: OUR GUINEVERE . the soft look. cut long or shorl it'll fin1er lon1er with • custom body perm. to change sc enes, choose a COIFASHIONS' 100% human hair wi& or hairpiece. come in and we'll ta lk freely. fashion haircut from 4.00. shampoo and set, from 5.00. body perm s from 15.00. in the beauty salon only: COIFASHIONS' wigs from 39.50. hairpiece s from 19.95. JOSEPH MAGNIN BEAUTY WEST for an appointment, call 540-5050 at jm-south coast plaza, cost• mesa. Civcn in n1<1rrl;iee by lier brother. Drnnis i\1 1 ch a c I Fi!1patrick. the bride Y.•or<' ;1 ll'h11e oq~anza over taffeta J::.ll\1•11 f;i~hivned wHlt :in l'm· p1re hodice <i nd ehapel lra111. Alrnc1°1n l:ice lrim1ne1I hrr tugh neckline. a front fKlncl and s le~'VCs and was rep~a\erl in flowers 11 hith 11·rre at1<1el1· rd to a fabric bo"' /i('adpif'ce. Forming her casradc 11·e1•e rnsf's lied \l'Jlh v:hite velvet rlbbon. Circu!a'ting the guest book during the champagne recep- 11nn in the Monticello T1111·nhouse y,•1,1s fl1rs. Don lligby. Mrs. Mary Bates of Sea\1-=================================::'.-Beach, the bride's grandmoth· er: tlrs. Veronica \\'alker of Olympia, \\'ash., her step- . - TIDS In bright pink floor leng1h crepe !inll'ns and carrying I· ollo\ving a wcrldinll trip ti\ !ll Cxico City, th e newlyweds will resirle on Balboa lslanrl. The bridl', a graduate of Cos· l:J i\·lrsa lligh School and Or· ;111gc Coast College, ;ittended Colorado Slate University. lier husband is an alumnus of Jleseda High School a n d California Maritime Academy ·where he was class presiden~ and gradualed with honors. Sorop ti mists Newport Harbor Soroptimist Club meets lhe first three Wednesdays for a noon luncheon in Villa Marina, Newport Beach. The last Wed- nesday of the month 1nembers meet in the same location for dinner at 7:30 p.m. -11 WEEK :'; ', ' l!".;._~tt· says ... INCH!" \\'hy buy a yrnrs membershi p in n Gym to t ry and lose \\•eight through strenuous exercise whr.n you can buy cfiorllcss ,~·eight reduction and pay by tfic inch nt Gloria Marshall's ... patrons, based on actual records, can achieve their gon l jn as little as 4 lo 6 '"eeks and LOSE 10 INCHES \VITIIIN FIRST 10 VISITS y Clori.1. Marshnll's a/u;nys cosL'> l~. much lf'ss th:in other wl"i J:ht !'l"d11ction 'program.<:, tJ1al's one O[ the rt';lliOTIS lht'y became lho 'VORLD'S LARGEST owned and operated Figw·e Control System As the Nntion's lc.1rlcr, you can depend on it.,. rcmtlL'I come quickly ... safely ... ,vi 1.houl f'I renuous cxrrcisr, star7ntion d irb:, or ml'!'."Y i;w(';i\~t1 iti:r. WE ARE NOT A G Y]l.1! y Cnll for FTIEE sample visit. Acb..1.1.Uy use, under supcrvi::lion, the Gloria !vlnrshnll machines, including ou r pat.en led "Circ-La·Matic" ••• 6CC why Gloria Marshall 's Figure Control Syst.c1n became the World's lhrgest r.-}'~,. I ·rs£1'14' Now .for your new "' fall. figurei . , ... ' "Tell us the dress size you want to \i:ear, and we'll tell you how many visits .it will take and guarantee in writing thnt you will reach your goal. Jn fact, so absolutely positive are we that you will obtain your objective, !hat as slated in our guaran tee, we v.·ill even let you have FREE OF CHARGE, any and all further visits, until you reach your goal. I t's positive assurance that we back up ou r guarantee JOO %. Come in . omfortable casual clotlll!s, disrobing unnecessary, Private playroom faciliti£• for small children. FIGURE CONTROL SALONS Newport Beach '" •-;;1;'.,f;;· •·•· ( 1 Bloc~1 E•1l of 8elbo 1 lley C!~b I Santa Ana 1a40 ~,11~,~:;h s"''' Dlly .... 111. f.I • ......,... .. Mlstw Qsp 11'1ic.. AllAllEINI, I EVEl!lY H1lLS, COVINA, Cll•NSHAW, DOWNIY, OLl"NOALI , LAKIWOOO, LON• 11EACH, HllW,ORT I EAC"· NOltl" HOLLYWOOD, ONTAlt!O, ,A5ADENA, IAN 01 100, SANTA ANlt., 5ANTA IAlllAllA. SUNLAND, TAltZANA, WHlnlllt, S.lo111 t lM '°' l'ltlSNO, SACl.t.MINTD. 5aN JOSE, SUNNYV ALE: WALNUT Clll:llt, ., • Salons .ilso in Frtsno1 Sacramt111o1 SAIJ Jost, Sun11y1·alt, W11lnul Crtti CCoprri1ht 1961 Gfo.-iti 1\far11rall M1t, Co, lne. .. ~· -. ·. / • ',. .. •' \ .. .... .,. \ ' • " ... . ... J oin us for an exict ing siding evening for the entire fa mily in Mey Co, Cost a Mesa, Terrace Room Re s:aurant, Friday, O ctober 10th, starting e t 7:00 p.m. For 3.00 you'll enioy: ••social hour around the Glogg Bowl ••family sld feshion show • • ski•r's dinner prepared by C hris , -Osmusscn formerly of Scandia dinn•r includes: 1plit pea 1oup with sliced fra nkfurters 1au1rbrat1n potato pancakes rolls and butter old fash ioned apple cake with whipped cream After dinner, you'll see "Moebius Fl ip," and inferestln9 color 1ound fi lm on skii ng, and particip•+e in an informal ski talk with Roger Sta ub, n+ernational skiing star • , , courtesy of TWA. Skier's cloor prizes will be given, a nd it's 1ur• to be a most profitable evening! So call 546-'9321 , el[t. 201 , end meke your reservations now. Bavarian beer and imported w ines wilt be available. . . . . . ..-, -- ....y co IOlltll coa1t phaa, IOft dl190 fwy. at bristol, cos'a mesa 54~tlZ1 ••• Uop mondoy tltr0yth saturday 10 am to 9:30 pm MAV CO • -. -·---I! J B OAJL y PILO_T -P'i1ond~y. Ct lobtr 6, 19J<; Art Horoscope Laguna Beach Ebe/ls WEIGHT CONTROL League Moving To New Headquarters Libra: Time to Dine Out Photo Safari Mapped C-01. and ri1rs. \Villiam H. circle sweep of Africa where\ they will see many of nature·s geographical wonders, an in-! finite variety of animals and the tribal customs or ancient ci vilizations. ... GLANDULAR THERAPY Het rea11on Hall, ll untini;ton Bea('h, \\ill be the new meeting pl:irc \\'hrn t!ie Art rrt'On1·enPS ff1 r the i 30 p.n1. r-.1ond a;., Lr ague 1Par al Ort . n. Th" nigllls quire<! i h;;ng!.' 111 :ind loc11tinn 11ecausc the HAPPY rnceting \\';1$ f !'· league's H••• • h • p p v .,..,,,k,"d. 51,r1 .t bt re1drn'I tht WtEK. LNO(R in t~e DAILY PILOT. V l ~IT US .•. ~ Be{ ore men1bership beC'amc too large to be accommodated i,'l i1~ prc11o+1s quarter~. t!1c Lal,c J,ark t•!ubhW5e. Landsrapc artist ~!rs l!e!eu ! lafner \\'ill present a !crturc ilnd den1on51ration nf hoth hrush ;infl pulenc knife techni- ques. Also noted for her nature pain!ings, florals ;ind :-till l ife. sh(' 1nstrurts-r!a <;~rs ;I[ bvth !he Or:.tngc .and SJnt:i Ana '{\VCA '.<.. \'Ir/'. Hafnt>r's Ir a in ins inctud<'~ ~t1101e.s In ~1rxico, !houinci rd ln:-tltllt'! anrl th•' L.:J~un;i School t•I J ~c"-1gn , ;1nr! ~J11· rrtrn!lv ~rr 1l'd .1.~ ;,rt 1l1r1>Ctor !or i.hc Orange Couniy r a1r. TUES DAY , OCTOBER 7 tiy SYDNEY OMA.RR Day to c rn p ba s I z e clean liness. 1£ you ha v e neglected cert.nln b y g I e n I c n1easures at borne, now is time In rnake up for it. Afltr 1norniug hours, people lend to he more precise. In t:f· feet, lh t! party ill ovllr, the 1:11n1cs are put away. No w hn ~ic issues \\'ill dominate and a \'irl(o indiYldual could grab news space . AH IES <~1arch 2l·April i!I): '\'our concern about taxes, Twins' October Moms Multiply Activities legal papers is resolved. Key UBf\A (Sept. 13.0Ct. 22 ): is to stick to the basics. Lea\'e Excellent for breaking roullnl' .. llamboyanl ges tures to others. Dine out; attend theater. Guard health. Protect yourself Working within group dev oted in the cli nches. to charitable project is TAURUS (April 20.~tay 20): e.!1peci11Jy beneficial. Be Create -express true feel-aware of facts, figures. }lave ings. No time for playing emo· them at hand. lional games. Accent on SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21): children, affairs of the heart . Accent on how to f u If i 11 You find out how you really desire.!!. Kty is lo eam af- feel about member of opposite fec tion of ooe close to you. sex. Don't take feelings of others GEMINI tMay 21-Junc 20): for granted. Be com· Spotlight on home, past com-municatlve. mitments. You should com-SAGl'n~RIUS (Nov. 22· plete current payments before Dec. 21 ): Spotlight on career, adding new responsibilities . ambitions, relations with those J)ay is for completion, not for in poa;itions of authority. Ge t new starts. budget in order. D o n ' t CANCER (June 21-July 22): substitute for quality. If you Some pressure lifts ; you find make one al home happy, feel· you rself free to take short ing is returned, Bruggere of ri1onarch Bay wi ll lead Laguna Beach Ebell Club members and guests on a Photo Safari through the world 's largest conllnenl dur- ing a gatherln$ in Laguna Beach Art Al510C1ation Gallery al 8 p.nt. Monday, Oct. 6. Refreshments will be served by Mrs. Mark Pines, hospitali~­ty chairman. and her com· n1iltee members the Mm es. Milton Fryer Jr., Harr Lawrence, G. M. Randall. Raymond Schirm and Loui s Zllnik. BEN 8. THOMPSON, MD Cell f•r •ppolRhlll"I l4l ·DZ$1 o,.. Mondor tltrw Fddor 18 27 Westcliff Dr. Newport Beach Ads Tu rn Sense Into Doi/o rs During the aMua l Ebell Guest Night, Col. and Mrs. Bruggere will relate their ex- periences during a recent Af rican trip with their edited slides and commentary. The group will take an1i'iii0iii0iiiOiiiOiii0iii0iiiOiii0iii0iiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiii0iii0iiiOiii0iii0;.,--..--.,-.-., armchair journey front the Casbah of ritoroeco throu1h a Spook-in No Spoof I See by Today's Want Ad s journey. Catch up on mail. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. \Vrite and call com-19): Travel may be on agenda. All sorts of ghosl5 and the Stork Vi~i +s You Two rnt'n1bers of !ht' na· !1w1:il organ1 1.atJon of ~lolhers r1f T1\'i11" (l11bs 11 !1 1 r.prak 11 hen thr Orangf' Co a s l L.h11pter 1ncc·rs. in the Bcr li ntr rr~tauranl, J1 unllngton Beach, n1unicate with re J at i v es , You must get views on record. goblins will be out and about neighbo rs. Fine for makini:'. Futu r e misunderstandings v.·hen the Mystick Kri!we of \Vednrsday, Oct. 8. short-range plans. could arise, unless you are Komus holds a Black Cal Following a 7 p.m. social LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Gain specific. Act accordingly. Prowl Saturday, Oct. II. • Ch•nr" tn nia 1 ('h knit!! 11·ith th., \\'!(S: ~a_!'(y Ot"W \\nitt\nc_ n1aclu11e, con1plrlc \\'!th a\lachnir.n!s. hou r nnd 8 p.m. dinner fl1rs. indicated if you follow through AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. Dr. and Mrs. W i 111 am ,Jack Ossn1nn. fi rst vice presi-on hunch . Unorthodox methods 18): Interest in occult and the l!Untley of Garden Grove wl!J dent, anU Mrs. Henry fllaag tend to SUCCl!ed. Stress on unusua l is highlighted. Money open their home lo the inva- ll'ill discuss ad vantages in money, possessions . If you affecting partnership dea l also sion of costumed Mal lowee n • No bull rnr 1h1s rna1adl'IT', 196S 250C'C i\11(111. Ci"IHl, 1r1th hC'lnlct and bike strap. hrlonging 1r1 lhe n;1tion al shop wisely , you obtain is accented. Sti ck with ex· spooks and l\.1r. and Mrs. A!- Follow Labels In Garme nts org:iniza1lon. bargain. pcriencc. Older indiv idu al does bert Federman of Anaheim /\II mothers of !l\'1ns are i11-VI RGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22 : know !he ropes. v.·il l assist as hosts. ~ ... Y<1Uf C<1mp l~le Md+,,,n.tt Wdrdrcbe di red•on1 bl1 pl•tftl ... 111rd lu :11\entl 1hc <linner Cycle high; circumstances PISCES (feb. 19·t-.1arch 201: Those \\'ishing to lead a 1n•·L•t1ng and rr~wrvn !1ons n1ay turn in your fav6r. Take in· Relations wiU1 !hose v•ho hold ··dou ble life" m&y arrive in b(' 1nad!' by callin~ J\1rs. J.:ick itia!ive. Be versatile and will-opposing views may be slrain-costume but change lo S\\'lm· e Tune up Md turn on !he 11·ay !o fa.me, maybe for- tllne: :rerordini; company i~ i;coa.rching !or 1alented \\liters and singers. If a garment is labeled ha:id '~ashable, fo!lov.· 1he manufac· lurer's instructions. 'J ,11 !or, 1!!2-7076. iog to experiment Social life ed. Be diplomatic. One Y.'ho ming altire later in the party. i 111· Or~1ngr t'o:i sl group will improves. But don't wear has greal pride sacrifices il to Mr. and !11rs. R ic hard host an .irra \1ork.•hup for the yourself out doing too much at 1nake? conf ession. Stre ss Shugert of Anaheim are hand!· CATH Y'S MATERNITY SHOP A manufacturer \\'ho labels hi· products "hand y,;ashab!e'' us11allv has a valid reason for ri oing -so, accrJrding to a Pe11n~1 lrania !'ta(c L'ni\•rrsity f'X1en~·ifln rlothing ~pec1:1!ist. Eastern D1\'f_s1on of thr :;tate\:~o~"'~'~·==========~u~nd~e~r~st~a~n~d•~·n~g~a~n~d~m~a~Lu~r~ity~.=~;~n~g~r~•~"~'~'~at~;o~n~'=· ====:::!~=====================~ orpantzatlon ·ruc~d.'.ly. Oct. 14,1 in thl' ]l{·1·crf' Hou~!'. Tusl1n. 1767 Newport 81,d. Cosra Mesa 646-5]88 Pur po~r nf thr \1·orkshop is In r ;.chan&e tdt'<IS arnong the ~1.>: rtuh~ corn pnsing the d111~ion. Who WiU Be The 5outh Coast 'Plaza PLAYER ~JE MONTH? (Jr:;Jn;!r ('1111nt.'· lllt.:h l-<·llool ~t udcn l s anO facu lty of the 15 sc11001s lt '-lcd l1clu1\' \•.itl c!cc.:L !heir football "l~la ycr-of-thc-:'· .. 1on th." One '1 il l he ,'>f'lr r 1c cl fnr SEPTEMBER , another in OCTOBER and ~1 1h11rl 1 1 lllC'l' t1q· NOVEMBER. l [\l~C ph(l~ogr<iph .c; 11f c::ic h \l'fn ner ''ill 11f' d 1.~pl.Jyl'd 111 Ille ('::irouscl l 'o u1 t 111 the South C'oasl Plaza. STUDE NTS AND FACULT Y VOTE NOW IN THE CAROUSEL COURT PARTICIPATING SCHOOL S C'"':"n NA DlL MA.It HIG H SCHOOL CO\TA Mt:SA HIGH SCHOOL l l'.HSON HIGH SCHOOL ESTANCIA HIG H SCHOOL J:'OUN TAIN VALLl!Y HIGH "CHOOl HUNT INGTO N IEACH HIC'Y H "CHOOL LAGUNA llACH HIGH SCHOOL MAnlN.\ HIGH ._C H('ICI L "'ATER DEi H1GH ~CHOnt NEWPOR T HAltlOlt. HIGH SCHCOL <A[)PLEIACll HIGH SCHOOL SAN CL!ME NTE tilGH SCHOOL TUSTI N HIGH SC HOOL VA i.LEY S1£NIOlt HIGH SCHOOL \Vf STMINSTElt HIGH SCHOOL 5outh Coast 'Plaza Bristol at Son Dltgo Frteway, Costa Mesa I COMMUNITY EVENTS W ine Tasting Festival o~+alitr 2Z 7 lo ' Co••• Me1• Cou"l•v Clu b. Sponoortil by Th.e Coile Mt1 t Civic Ployhou•e P1tro "' A11oti11io", C t l,..Sot i•I Ch eirm111: Mr•. Shell t v Tolo 642·250Z for R'''"'•tio111. Artist of the Month: J1rrv W1yne Dow n1, of C<11lt Mel t . Mr, 0<1wn1 l•vo" +Ii• lr1.l ilional romo nii~ 1tyl e of tht l'th ttnlur~. Dur in9 'he l!\onth of Q,lob•r hi1 p1intin91 will bt "" di1prt y in lh1 g•il t ry •r•~ <1f th e Co•I• M11• Office. lntludtd wi!h olht r of Mr. Down'• P••nt:n gt will b1 hi1 lelt1I 1tr;,, "N<,hh in +~• Gt •· den• of Sp1in." Mfff Jwcll • ..,.,. l~llor J~ol Gtver 11 1ne nfw•~! &6dl· ''°" !G Gvr O!lltt. S"• 1, • grtOUllt o! Or•nv• Cot•~ cou ,..., 1nd "''~"' ~"' ~omt In C.011a M•11. lier !ni.r· ""' inclll<it 5.C u e . .o,. Div in; anll Wo•.r 3~•ing, Wt O;now l"OU'll tlnd J UO I lrlendly t nO ~•lo•ul. ""''In •~O "11tllo" •nd you'll IH htr pri1t .,.111- nlng 1mlle. 1. The Guaranteed Growth Plan. Deposit $1 ,000 or more for 3, 4 or S years. For each year all your principal and in te rest rc1nain. we 'll gua r· antee a 5.25~~ annual r•te, compounded daily. It Jdds up to 5.39~'0 a year. FOUR MAXIMUM INTEREST PLANS AT CALIFORNIA FEDERAL .... CALIFORNIA FEDERAL SAVINGS ................... •••••••• 2. The Guaranteed Income Plan. Op en ;in e1ccountof S1 .000 or more for 36 lo 60 mon ths. We'll guaranlea you a 5.25 ~0 annual Tate, com pounded (l,1ily, v .. 1111 111tcresl paid out to you each quarter. In case of hardship or emergency, you can \'lithdraw at any lime with full interest paid to the end ol lhe previous quarter. 3. The Bonus Plan. Earn a bonus of V• 0/o a year when your account is held lo 3-year maturity. This is in add ition lo the regular 5 ~C. current annual rate. Regular interest is compounded daily and may be credited quarterly for extra earnings. Withdrawals before maturity earn at the regular passbook rate . Any amoun t a l S 1.000 or more opens cind ma intains your bon us accounL All funds held lo maturity earn an effective cinnual rate o f 5 .25~0 . 4. The Basic Plan. The most llexible plan. You can invest any amount of money and withdraw it whenever you \V ish. If you leave all your money and interest in your account for a year at our current 5~~ annual rate with interest compounded daily, you 'll receive an annual yield of 5.13°/o . You earn interes t from the day you deposi t your money 'Iii the day you withdraw ii. Pl us ... the money you deposit by the 10th o f any monlh earns in terest 1rom the 1st, when it remains untll quarter's end. C~!.~fQ.r!!!.~58,!~~~!~lowS.@Y.!!!gS NATION'S LARGEST FEDERAL COSTA MESA OFFICE: 2700 Harbor Blvd. near Adams • 546•2300 CLIFFORD M. WESOORF, VICE PRESI DENT & MANAGER --------------------------------""• - 'Vixe ti's' R11ss Meye r "l(it1g Le e1~' Directit1g 'Dolls' Sequel 13y BOB '1'110:\lAS , 1-IOLLY \\'OOD (AP / --t .rc- brows s\1ot sky1vurd 11hcn 2Uth Ctntury.Fox rece11Uy anooll n· ctd that Russ l\ltYer had bttn s1g11f!d to direct the seqllel to Ilic :-111(l1o's big-grossing "Val- lev of the Do!ls " \\'hal 1vas so sJ1oekin~ about tha t ~ Only that Russ Meyer has bet" called "Ki"g or '"I Nudies'' and '·Ki ng Leer:• fle's the man who contributed to lh e literature of the screen such epics as "The Immoral fl.·lr. Teas," "Eve and the liar\: d\·rnan," "Erotica," "Wl\d r:·als of the Naked West," "Europe in the Raw ," "Faster l'ussycat, Kill. Kill ," ''Finders Keepers, .Lovers \Vcepers,'' ete. l\l eyc r's astendency to I h e studio V.'h\ch produced "The Sound of Music" pro\'ides testimony on today's fit n1 market. The line bftwttn underground and above-ground films is last fading . Yesterday's nudie -Or sex· ploitation mo vi e is no w playing prestigious theaters. Jn truth , some of the coun- try's film critics have placed fll eyer's \\'Orks many cuts above the usual sex fihns. His craftsmanship apparently had something to do \\'ilh his being hired to direct "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls," nol tu n1en tio11 hi~ ta lent as a n1oneyn1aker. f\I eyer fig ures that his lale:;t release, .. The Vilo:ens," cost $73,000 and may gross $6 mfl lion. ·~It was on the basis or 'Tht- Vixens' that Richard Zanuck hired me; he liked IL" said the stoc ky, 1nu stachioed direc· tor. "lie presented me a resume of the studio's pro· pertles, and I chose 'Beyond tt>e Valley o( the Dolls.' Jl seemed to me it presented a good basis for a teen-age soap opera." instant Las Vegas reservations Ope11 E11d Seeki11g Ca st For Willia111s Vig11ettes rlOW! At your fingertipt inslant room and f'olio!s Bergere show reservations at la5 Vegas' most fash io nable 1eso rt hot el. fOftYOU• ADOiD CON'v'EN l£NCE'YOU MAY Ol•l LO~ ANCELf~ l li ·lBOO, !EVEKLY H ill~ 271·290: THE TIFFANY Of !AS VEGAS Would You Believe~~~ "All the Lonely People : the Private 'Vorld -0r Tennessee '\"ill iams" wjll be the first fall product ion or the OJ)l'n End Theater in Ne'.l•port Beach , with audi tions sche-duled for Tuesday and Friday, Oct. 9 and 12. The tryou ts for a cast or thr ee 111fn and three women 11 ill be held at 7:30 p.1n . Tues· day and I p.ni. Friday at lhe theate r, 2815 Villa Wa y, Acco rding to direc tor \\"ar· ren J. Deacon. ·who also \\'rote and edited the script. the present11tion 11·iJI be similar to a concert reading, but 11·ith more e1nphasis on actual ac- ting, stag ing and movement_ The cast should have 21: strong this is LIVE WIRE CLEANER'S 32n d , \J\11\'f\1'hJ<S1tR Y 15 of these wonderful years belong to us! Wt, hc:e ,1! LIVE V/J'\E, !h<i r.l you d~~· people for your !oy.il p1lron•qt, It ha1 bee n 011r grl'al p lee1ur e lo serv e you ;n lhe p•sl <t rid eve ry t liort wi il bt l'T1•dt , io p1c"1' you l'l th, yeer\ lo tO""•" EL ESS YOL1! r-rarg11.' & r;idv ii.ill DURING thi ~ ne :t ! w11k •• , why r.ot tom• in •nd pitk up• 11n•ll gilt we h1v1 c.holtn for you. THE GANG Live \1-71i·e Cleaners & Laundry Aiterotions-Knits Cleoned & Blocked-Pick-up & Deli very 264 FOREST AVE ., LAGUNA BEACH 4943536 background in acting and oral interpretation, he noted. In addition to scl"nes from · \V illiam s' more f~m iliar plays.! such as "The G 1 a s s f\Tenagerie" and "A Strcetca r 1 Nan1ed Desire ,'' lhe pro· duc4on \\'ill feature excerpts from the play1vrighr~ lesse r kno11·n 1vorks, includ ing poem s\ and shorl stories. The shov,r lvi\1 be con1· plemente.d. by 1·isuali backgrounds filmed by Ken-, neth She.arer, whose work is now Cln display in the Lagufl a-1 tit o u I to n Playhouse'~ pro- duction of "! Never Sang forl Mv Father." I :".\II the Lonely Pioop;,·• 11·1!1 1 ope11 Nov. 21 I o r a four- 1vrekend run at the theater.I 1d1 ~r which ir 11'\il hi' loul't'tl 101·1 schools, clubs and college campuses. Roland l(irk At Sl1elley's Roland Kir k. unde rg round jazz musician.Comp;>.Ser, will begin a ll~'O-¥i"eek engagement Tuesda y ;it Shelly's illanne Hole in Holl)"A·ood . !\irk, wl1ose recent albums containing his original music have included .. The Inflated Tea r"' ;ind "Hf'.re Com r~ the \Vhistlen1an ," w·ill be mak ing one of his r•re. \\'est Coast ap- ~arances .. He ha5 mastered -45 musical instrument s. but is most frequentl y heard rin sax· ophones. clarinet, fl ute and English horn. ' " IYe, Show It•'" 1 ''"'' Ce•tl•11••• 5•114.., fr1111 l ,.111. Allll•lt111.71: Ctdltfr.,. 71c GW C Ca sts 'Dick'Van'Dyke · Sally Ann 'Hovles fye, Show Stci•ts cit 1 P.M. Co111. I•'· & Sir•. fro"' 2 l".M, L'dt(l (&l,',"IJ, l'>·~ l~:Oro:11m::o.oo1 DOCTOJt ZHIVi\GO E xt•/uffvt Rr:ttrvtd St i r f.10~ftlftt10tf GALA PRliMIERE TUISDAV.OCT.14"'- 2001 IEST PICTUIE DFTHEYW! WINNERS ACADEMY AWARDS' f.1<inday, October 6, 19tq DAILY PILO T Jf.) cThe st· r.:.anta 1c M PL~IiC au 1lne · 5111Kl1I Color Sho,t "WET AND WILD" lnd flATUlll 1. Colo, "SOUTHERN STAR" . TH•ATltll I MU'O' •I ADA .. !, C0$1A 11.15.0. ·-''t·ll01 '" ............. OMO ............... w. ..... .... I ht TIME TOGETHER PlUS-lAYI l il'llWSI "A.CADIMY AWAlD MATllllAi."-HIT SONG COMPOSID IY lOD MlKUIN ..... ca• •~ . AT •~~1 • • • ..... (;041.~ ............ ·~ ...... oo ~-o• ?·lil•OI . H UNTINOTO ........ cat ht EXCLUSIVE WE!K PARAml Pl:TUR[S ,_ A M!IOllAl if .... fNT[RffiffS fllM I COlOR APARA~NT ~CTUR[ ll)D rm:1M1r11·u -'-"' ''8slJjtonin ; l SI.ti ca•• A t ....... t ICt\llf J NOW THRU TU!SDA Y Tl( p~ ~--'l h•1 ··-~ 2114 YOll COMIDY "111. 161iKT 1Hl'f flA/DfD f/l/#SKY'$" JASON llOIAROS · llllTT !Kl.IMO ~ Ulll11:W-"' '""' .... ,.,. ----- .4 1iditio1is S lcitecl For ',4 11y W ed1i esday' .(~1\IJ'l~I () N ! lTHIS THEATRE IS OFF LIMITS!· ~ Ou ring the engagement of "CAH HEIRONYMUS MERKIN EYERI, FORGET MERCY HUMPPE AND FIND TRUE HAPPINESS ';• we musl advise our patrons that lhe picture Playb oy Magazine de11Jled I 0 pages lo 11 ' DEFINITELY NDT FDR EVERYONE: . . . ... ( 711.,. ,,. - -• 1i,llc/I, n rullsdc, ) ' l n..-1 ... "rr lllAKEf 'ILDW-U'' LOOI UKE S#laLEY TEMPLE IN 'UTTLE lllllf_'!~I!~.:~ . Anllllty lilley .• r.rils .• Bel'e • • 1.'i.11illilfl!llllSMlllil1111lr!llMIL'JlllilrllIllflll1111 ~?"4 ...... Im fllyth . Sltlit' ~ ... r..!! lelsel. · 111-·~ ........... ~1 ~.-............. f ...... 1.....-]' FC09TAMaaA '"'°'" SOUTH COAST ~'"" ox f'LAZA THEATlllii C'OllPnAllOll Sin Die10 Fre•way at Bristol • 546-2711 ACRES OF FREE PARKING Box Office Opens 6:45 -Show Starts at 7:00 p.m. Also "'COOOBYE, COLUMIUS' IS BOUND TO I E A Gl'l[Af SUCCESS!" '"YOOlREGOING TO ENJOY 'ALFIE' VERY MDCR"' ' -LIFE M•1azm. "IT WILL KNOCK YOU OUT OF YOUR SEAT • • • " "STAIRCASE IS THE STORY OF NEED-THE NEED TO HELP, THE NEED TO BE NEEDED." "STAIRCASE ... A CAUSTIC, CORROSIVE AND QUITE ABSORBING FILM •.. STUNNING PERFORMANCES BY RICHARD BURTON AND REX HARRISON ..• UNFORGEnABLE!" San Francisco Ex1miner Richard Burton ''Definitely Worth Seeing" Rex Harrison " .. .Funny, Painful, fascinating" San F ranci aca Chronicl1 in th e Slonle y Oonen Production ''STAIRCASE .. * Exclusive West Co11t !treml•r• Run * M•t· Smith e lt.o~f. S+,,.hont Tony c~di i e Geo. K1nn•Jv lHD HIT AT CINIMA I ZND HIT AT HWT. Jt "THJ~~1~:oo:i.~1ss "TH! IOtTON tTlANGllll" * NOW AT IOTH THEATRES * ,, ____ . -. ,,_, _________ ------------------------------------.. . . 20 OAIL Y PILOT LEGAL NOTJCf; ...... (l!ltfl,ICllll 0 , t UitHli,. FICTITIOUS NAME T"• 11-·•'11'--. <'"'"" n, lJ ,.,.. llh,.-;I• .. • ...,.,,,.,. di flOA 1"._ ""'""'"' li•ll<h. C•lll<><n••• l/IHIH !ht llCl<'I0\11 ,,,, ..... ,,,.. or llEL VET VELVElONE, R"" t to ~ I •nicr llrm h ~""'"""!'<! 0# '"" lrOowlng Dft>on, wno~ n~...,. '" lull "'"' Jllace ot •t~l<le"<• i. •s •011ow• W 8 11 y fl••~r. 106 ll••t»l<lt, "'""'"°" Pl••cn, C•Mo•nl• 0Ated ~N>t•m""r 1~. 11'!19 \'1~11• ll•ver br~.-or LOl"O<n•d, O••nqr ('"'", fln ~•nt 10.. 19~•. t>o"'o•• m•, ~ ~<'M" Pubhc ln """ "'' w•<I ~·~r., o•rM>n•llY ·-~'"" WALL 'I ll AV( Ii' ~''"""' I 1 "" lo l>t' the <H!•l.On wna"" ""m' !\ '"b"'"b rd !o tn~ "'"'"'" '"'"""''~' ""u A<knowl~<lq•a ~· P•«vll'O Int ~~f"!\t (Qt-'~l(IAL $E.Ol) M,AllY K t<ENOY ~Into•• P.ib!l~-C•lllo•n'• ""nc!p~I OT!"" 1n O•Gnor Co~nlv MY Com"'"''(\" [,~ .. •• N('>v•m""• ?•. •Y>? r ut1h>r>.O O••~~c <~•~• 0••" "•"·' ~~~••m~• ?t tn<f 0.:lObf'• 6, I I ~ 1'1<,9 1• I •< Ll::GAL NOTICE P.)41l• C£1!T!FICATE OF BUSI P<E,5, FICTITIOUS NAME 11>• vn<1•"19n!'d """' CP••••v "• •• ,.,,.. <1u•h•>11 .J nu,.n••~ M 0•~"0" L~""" t•I •o•nol, undot In• !•rloh<>u• !tfm n-1n1• o• OCEMMro T ... ~ SF/i\tl(T. A I TA) ""~ n..dl .... a 11rm ,. '""'"'"~<! o! 1nt tn•'<lwlno ""'"°" "'"'"" n•m• In lull encl oi.ct o! •tli<IPn<• i. ~' to"°"''· ,...,,., R ~·•und"""" 111. !•I Sor>0r• II~ <o•I~ Mru. L~hl Dol•<I ~~P!l'mtl<'r N, "6' J B S·'"""'"'~" ~l f\1( OF C!\~l~OllNIA , fll'"NGE COU lllY n' ~•o!•mtwr 10, Jq6q l)•!n•• m•. " '4• !n•• Puhl•< ,,. ~"a lor •~•<I S•~I• """ ·n•lif "'"''"••I'd .lo!\n P S,,u'>(l•n~n tu '"""" lo m• to ti• '"" ""''"" "'"<>'~ """'" ., "'tl>t•ll>c<I •n 111• "'""'~ "' "'""'""t •na ac~...:>wlfi!god II• ~•·<~ll'tl rh• •dm•. JOSEPH E. DA•ns No•••Y Pv1>1>~ C~1tlo•n•• P1.nt •"•I Olf•<• •n O••n<,1e (nunlv My Commi•~lon E•D"t• '""" 71. 1910 l'ul>ll•»•d O•~n~• Cn••l OMIV PolOI , ~•r••mc.t• '9 and Ot<ol>tr 6. 11 ttt. !"'i9 I /91·o9 LEGAL Nf)TICE P·:Mln CERTll'ICAT£ OF BUSINE SS, FICTITIOUS N&ME .,,,. u!lden<vncd "°"' <••1'1v ~· !1 t or>. ~'""'>P • bu»nt•~ ft\ ISl E Pm S1, t n-•• M"•· C•h•orni•. ull<l•r •M• 1,,. ,,,,,,~, •l•m n•m~ of "'Ol( McOONNE\..!. {Hlt ~E N A.ND PIE HOUSE .. ;!Id t'>•t ·~·d r""' 1, {Oml'<'•M o! !h• lollOW>n<I D"''°"' WllO"' n•mt •n 1~11 •n<I otac~ Of r•<•d•nc• 1, •• •allow~. Dem ('>1avario, !IJ (. ll!fl St . Cell.la MP•• D•l•d SPf>f JO, 1~69 Q,... (h•iW•"O ~l ~lr OF CALIFORNIA, Cl>ANt;:;F COU!ITY On Srf>t. 16, 1%9, ~Plo•• m•, • •i~ta •v r uf>h< 1" ftnd !~C $~•d $1A1•. f>P .. OndllV oP~••r•d Don Cfl•8Y~no I no"'n •o m• lo ,... tt,. l>•f\on "~~•• n~m• " •vb!ic"b'"'I! 10 '"" wlm.n ln•1rumtnt ono •t~nowlti!V· ·~ •• .,~culed ti•~ i.imr. IOFf lCIA.L ~EA.LI MA.RY K HE•i R'I' !jol••Y l'ubl•C • <•ldorn,• """<•Dal 0 11•<• >n n .. no5 <ovn1< A"·v Comml<\•()fl [•Ql<r• NO• 7•. 1917 s M11nd~Y. October 6, 1 %9 Services Provide lVlore Jol>s S1·rv1c<'~ rn1plt1~ 1nl·111 h;1.s 111° trt·ased nin~t 111 !hf' past yp;ir·s e~pandulg Soul!1crn C;illfon11a joh n1;1rkt·l SC"turlty P;.ic1fle Natinn:il na11k rrports 1h:.t sC'r\"tC('S 11;1 \'c c:on1ributcd 4.2.500 :id· 1.ht1url::il jnbs ol thr ) rnr's :I I Pf•rccnl cmploymtnl ga111 of 137,4\10 Ul llllill.'rt al. L !) s Angclt's. Or;111gc. H1 vf'r'i1t h'. S.;1 11 B1.•rn:irr!111u. S;1n l1u·1~<>. S<1nt~1 B:irbarn :ind Ventura t11until's. Figurl":i b<1.~rd ' .. n r111n· p:insoni; of J91.i9' ;111d J!l68 u1·er;ig1.·s frnn1 .January tlirougli .July, 11Prc 1.·on1p1lt·d from Cal1 forn1a DL>p:1rtn1cnl ,,f 1''.111plo)·rnenl ct:da fnr 11 11 t·rnployn1cn! s11rl't'Y Uy tlu· b;111k·s economic r e s r a r I' h cl~·p;111 1nr·nl Thr Pl~ht S11:1lhl:1nd f'111111 · lies. 11·hich cnnlain r.a 11rrct•nl or Califur111:i's 1><1pul•-lion. ai·· c·ounl fnr 63 pt•rcrnl nr 1h(• st<1Le·s nrw service jobs. In lhc se rvices industries - 11·hich include don1estit, ho1 t•I, hosplta!. bu s i n e s s .1nd miscellaneous services - e1nplct"ment has advancr>d 4 Ii percent from 921,100 in 1968 !o 96.1.600 in 1969. Tia~ I a r g e s t propnr1inn :il cmplnymcnt griin in the C"ight tountics, ho\11e•Jer, is one of 5 4 percent in the tran~port;itinn· <' o mmunica tions·ut11ities in· dustries. \\here rn1ployment ha s ad\•ancrd to 242.600 trom 230.100 a year ;:1go. Southern Cl1l111lies-oiler 5! percent uf all Ifie 1r:1nspur!a· 1i11n -comrnunicatinns -u1il · iLies jobs in California and ;ii.:· count fo r 12,500. ur nearly 5~ percent. fl£ the category·~ st;ite\\•ldc ernploymrnl gain n[ 23.200. ; . r I ' , • FREE CHALLENGER -Donna ~1iller shO\\'S of[ Dodge Challenger to be giv- en ;111 av ;)t the Or;:un:;c l'ounty Jnlc rn<.ll.ion<il Auto Sbo\v d uring the Assista nce ],(',1 ;.:uc: prcn11t'rl' \\'edncslln:v rvcnin~. Ticket<; n1ay be obtained frorn any As- ~1· !:incl' 1.e.igttc 1nc111b1..'r. Sho1v 1s open tri public Oct. !l-12 at Anahein1 Conven- lH111 Cltlll'I". In Ge111• Look After Ca1· -And Save By (AHL C1\ft~TE~SE:'\ 01 I~~ 01it1 l'olol S••t! If vou"rc srlling or traU1ni.: ;in £.specially ··:-iharp" rar nghl 11u1v, you may be 111 for ;1 plC';1s<1nl surpri~C'. Su 1· h 1111·rch:1ndi~e 1s hr1ng1n g the 1np dollar. :1ccnrding to nl·W c;1r tl c;d crships U!:.t•d l'!lr 111t111;1·'(·rs and lilt• 11pcr:L10r of a usCd enr :.Ha·11on. v.'l1erf' <le;.ilers cnn huy and sell used i.:ars al \\•holes<ile. buying <lcaJpr is the aj)- pc;1ra ncc of t ht~ cu r . Body repairs mu st l> e prrceptib!c only l o the trained ryr. ii ;il all. A sloppy refinishing job can be spotted 111~t<1ntly. Those are th e kinds nf cars th;it \\'ill stand on ;i car lot for \\'eeks unle~s anoth er 1 n v es I ni c n l is rnadc. J~ortunatcly, in this area the nc\v car dealers hu11c more 1ha n adequate paint and body lue1IJ11es. They make this r x· tra in1·est1nent and the 1 ·1 1~11lrner gets a mul'h finer 11ro(!L1t"L, model launch. Valiant order" total 19.67J, eon1pared v.•ith JJ,48 1 a year ago. The 1970 Barracuda is a low· price specialty ca r and the Valiant Ouster is among com· p:ict cars. Arnnng the denlcrs su r11C"yC'd in all parls nf lhe nation. 7G percent ~aid the orders 1vril· ten cilll l'r e,.;ccedcd or equall- ed the re cord nun1ber ·wril\cn nn opening: day last year. Seventy percent or lhc dealers s:iid the noor traffic in the dealerships 1vas as large or !:irgcr thun the record numbers counled a year ago. Fi11ance Briefs WASHINGTON (UPI) The Navy has awa rd e d We5lern Electric Co. an $18 mi lli on con tra c t for oceanographic research and development services, ll.ARTFORD , Conn. IUP I) United Aircraft Corp·s Pratt and Whitney Division has raised the prices of many of its jet aircraft engines by 5 tu 10 percent. However, the J'I' 9 D engines for the Uoeing 747 superliner arc not affected by lhc markup. ROCKING HA~1. N.C. (UPJ) -Biegel Paper Corp. of New York annou nced Thursday it is ready lo~ go ahead with clcvelopme I of a l .500·acre in· du slria\ p k in the Hamlet· Rockingha~ area. The <in· nouncemen \vas made by llicgel pres en! William J . Scharffenberger at a civic Jun· cheon. DENVER (UPll Arncric<in Television and Com· rnunications Corp. has ob- tained a franchise to build and operate a cable television system al Kissimmee, Fla., to serve a potential of ~,000 subscribe.rs. NE\V YORK IUPI) Mohawk Data Sciences Corp. has increased to $35 million its $30 million line of revolving credit with a group of banks led by Marine (\.iidland. \\'ICJllTA (UP I) -Cessna Air craft Corp. ha s obtained <i $fi million Air Force cont ract tu produce 36 tw in jet attack planes. AKRON. Ohio (UPI) Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. will spend $6.3 million to ex· pand and modernize its lire plant in Indonesia. '41>1•,k•d c .. n~• Co~'' o .. ,. p,1n1, !ert•ml>t( i' •nd Ot !obf'f 6, n ;c, 19'• 1800·61 LEGAL NOTJCE 1'hroughout lhr eigh t·co un1 .Y :irr;1. rl'lnil lr11dc h:.1s ;1ddrd :i.-1.:IOO J11bs and 1\·holcs<.111· !r;1dr l1as accoun1ed for 6.400 ne11• Jobs fo r a total gain in trade cinploymenl of 41 ,700 ur ~ 4 percent. Nearly 90 percent of th!.' 11·hole ar('as 30.700--4.7 Clean. \1·ell·n1aiut11incd cars ::ire al a prem1urn. ;1cenrclini;: ro onC' nianJgrr. "'Tl11.-: kind of 1·ar is becrJrn1ng hard 11> fint!.'' 111: s;1 1·s. "Thl' uwnl'r 11ho ha~ h<td 1hc. forc~IJ.'.lil 1•) l.~·r p t11~ t':1 r in top-n<.Lc h .~1 1:1p1· 11H1 1' f'r.rnC' oul as nuu h ;1:; ~100-5<1!10 :.head nr thi· 111<111 \\ hu ha~ nl'j;IC<.'ted th1· <o:1111t• or ~11111lur in;ikr :.nd n10<lcl " ·r11e san1c app:ics to 1110~! nf 1he recoruli lion1ni; rf'quired of tl'1e new car dealer 1o n1;1kr :1. 1·ar ready. lie 11·ou[d n111eh prefer !u have !he c;ir go .. ovl'r the. curb" in he:i!lhy f"ln11Jtion rathC'r than gel Hl· 1 n\vcd in costly rcpc11rs artcr :,,1lc F orcl Switc1ies Tires SUPERIOR COURT 01' "THE l l.l.Tli" OF CALIFORNIA FOii! lHf COUNTY OF DRANO£ No. A .. !O)J LEGAL NOTICE P·H1SJ FICTIT!OU5 NAME CERTfFICl>TE 1•~ oin<1or1•~n•d• CHARLE ~ tiA.Rll.:t, ""~'• rr»<l•nct add"" '' ll8 Vo• L><lo ,.,,,a, N•w<>0•I B••<I\, C•l<tornJft, •1~611, "'"til' crrt.1 .. , 11\0I M• ;, a~·ng ""•lne1; r 1~• Coun•~ ol O•~no•. ~Tofo o! t~n'" und•• tn• lot!•h~v• n•rrr ol "E,~ [I> R ( H M,. NA G [ ME NT ~'.,Cl(IA.I (~."' •ntJ '"'' '"" n<ontlQol , ·~nl •~•a '"' .,. ... H1 v .. l·~" Uo•<I. N•»QOl1 r .111o•n1a ~J•~Q rt.}[O ~•u•~mb•• H '"I' r"l\MI•, H•'l••I l 1•l'E. (ii l•~lr ORNI A. 1 ' ,. t.•·.11i11Y or 001~11C.f I '· '"" '"" d~v n• ~·o••·,.~·· H•• ..,., "'..,. l>"f'nrt.0llv a~<"'ofo(! C><A1"LJ ~ 11'-'!'EL. •rr ... n 10 .,.,.. '" ~· '"• t••·o~ .~·.t """'" . '··~"""""to'~" '"'"10 ·~ • .,or•~· ••a ~<• """'"·d~•d ••ti •·• "" I• ""Cl '"" ,.,.,, , !f•;t~S "'' .,.,.v, """ "" J•'-'tS r. Rr}U ll •l .,,,.,, l'>PI" r ~'''" M (Al IC"• ""nr-,u•• OH,~ ,~ "'~""~ Cl''"" /"I l""'"'"''"" l <P ••1 ~.,. J! 1"9 Jl>MkS 0 . ROUllltE, llOURltE a MOLBllOOOC. i<.no"'e" at L•'"· Cro<(tf'-Cll'1""1 !Ion-l id•. ooo II. n ... .ct•••· sun• 1~1, 5••1• Anf, (1+uom•1. '11~1 ~"''"•""" O'"""" (••<I O••I .. r ol•' ~-~•l!r'C>f• io •nd 0 •'nti4:• •, 11 ;'[' 1••? : ""' ~· LEGAL !\OTJCI~ flOTl(E OF M .. ll~NAL"~ ~ .. l, •l•i;'" A.!f>•"CI (rf:d•! l• .. IK••loOll, A c.,,,.,.,,. Co'""'"''"" Pl••nh!I "' Mrs l!r.APlD J $COTT A>;A. JOAN C SCOTT o~•-•nt No. 11(1~ 10,, f\v ' virt11• Ill •n f ••,uf,nn l"""d o• ~P'""'""' 10. 19~0 bv lh• Mun•t•Pdl '""''' (o~,.fV ol LO~ Angel•• Judie>•I IJ r'''!C'• Coun•v of l.,.. A"o••~•· ~!••• o! <::•lo!O<"n••· """" o !UdQmo'nl •nlOftd \n '••nr. o• Nor•" Am~"'" Cr'1:111 A.u1XI•· I 0"· .. C•t.ro•nlo (0•<>1l•>l'11n -"' !llffo· ...... ,. <"'<lllD• And ~ .. ~ .... , rt•• HA.RO\ 0 J SCOTT o•.• J(Jl>N C SCO TT A\ IUOo ,.,•~!. d•blo•, 'MW'~" • "'' h•l•n<• nl '719 "ti oc lut'1v d"• o~ ''"~ mnom•nl •~ '"" (19!• o! 1h• l«u~nc• o• '"'<I •••q<1.on 1 "".;.. l•vlf(! !Jpnn ~I> th• •·uh•. 11!1• •nfl '""'~'t 0r '"d wnnmrn1 tl'"~'o• '" th• ,.,,.~rty in !~• f"oun !v n• 0•·"'''"• 510!• ot (•'""'~!~. d•"•ln'"tl " lnllnw• I nl 10, l1•rl 7'197 oo l,\~o>• '"(¢'""" In P"{!I> 96. ""~"' •5 ~oo .. OI 1 1.-.;rl\•"1"09'~ /f•an•, mo•• rommoN~ ~ ....... " .,. ]/I'll P•lom• O•IYr, <o·.1~ ,,., •. (~M.,..nle. NOTICE IS HEREB'f (;IVF I< !~•I ~n f "d•Y, OctotlOr 71. 19~9, d! l fl(! n"<ID<:•. r r;.. •' h ont ot Courl~•. l61 W•1t l!•n SI. Cl!Y of Co1i. ~·· <cuntv o• O••no•. '°'''" or C•hfo•ni•. ! wdl "" •1 n>1blk ~,.,11on to 1nr h!qhr~t b•~d-.. •a• r~•h In 1 ... 1ut .....,nt v of lh• Un1t"'1 ~1.ie•. •II lnr ''""'· tltle ""d ln•fr,..t o! '"'d "'dom<'n• tl!'b!<>f In ,... ~!>ow dH(r!""<I ~,...,..,,.., o• ,~ mucll "'"'""' •• ,,,..Y bo n••t•1•• v lo ~•1;,!y "Id ~xt<Utlon. wit~ M.<•ued In· !O<•>I arod COlh . 011led •I (.,.IS ,...eM, (•ll!nrno~. ~·ol""'bM" 'lS, 1~f. FllANCIS L. GLASER M1r1h1I M!tf!lcln11 Court O••"'~ Ca..ntv H•rDOr Ji;dlcllll Ol~Hl~f llt L H. Oov1t ~ .... ,,, M M . Sii.OMAN ""lollft'I tll"9fM1' i1¥l wftf CMYMPk llv•. Sul1• ... u... A••"""' C:1IM«IOl1 ... u ,, an,,.... °''"" co .. 1 0 111v l'llt1•. J•r~'"'""" ,. •NI Ot•otoor ., ll. 1ta• 11(11 A• p('rccnl -g:iin in governrncn l jobs Ol'currcd al slate and local level s. LEG AL NOTICE Today's aulo r11.11 k1't 1~ ;;11el1 ti1;1(. 111nsl bil\t•r:-;, b il 1 !i 1d111h.:s:ilc ;ind r1·IJ1!. dl.ln"t 11:1111 lo l>nlht'r w1l)l 111~· S'•· (';1l led "<log.;·• 1\ n 11 ! hr r 1nanagl'r ugrecd. •·11ho needs 'cn1 ., ··:\ rough cnr just t:1kes lll" ~price and requires service. t1 1:1rs h:t rd Hi con1e hy 111 1enns of <in in 11estmrnt for both thl' d ca I e.. r and t'll~lto!TIC'I'.'' lie al~o s:ird. '·\Ve prefer 111 p;iy ,1 prt.'1111u111 1or rncrth:1n· d1~c rll;1l\ bc1·11 1.·n re for lron1 1111• bt·gi11n1ng ., Tt1r npPr:i lnr 111 ;1 usl'd cnr :iur11on !-.:1i d I hat 01c f1rsl thin~ 10 ll!LrocL ;1 Cro ss,vor<l P1izzle /. ACROSi 1 Slr ik P· bre~k•r 5 F c11\11!it ri 'i A1rh•1t rl•s~~1 ·r 14 ForfP1\ lS A(1rlit1 l !. Mr ~I I • 17 S11ot~1tHJ 19 s110 " fl n: 2 wnr d~ 20 l~l~·H! rln\p 21 lllu~ll,.Jll"> ;; I' 1;1n ,. C ~r n l:'lt • ?4 US ri.r 1 2!. Hr•h 28 f" IO;!l•d )I (;ut'l'l" t ll.1!.!rl•r 3~ Pt111•\l1 e I 40 R IYf'' 10 111~ (•Hjl 1;!1 Chdn11•I 41 P ~r.1d• uro1md order 42 S!abbnd 44 Sulf•c1 r 11! Archaic 45 Rtmote 47 Par! or ! contrac1: 2 .... ord s. 4q Road ~·1111 ~l RIYer or EnQland S2. Rem inde r 54 Hlgldt 1 11vol~rrl tond1!ion ~q Co m,.,~n man Ii~ M.1~trr ~5 :~;i110~ 111~e1trbra:r hb L• kr " 11 VllHj J!f'l~O l bS Pill;\OP 10 On' wl10 h,tS l)r•'' 1iin1shr ll ;;:. I")'~!'~ ' F''l('"I '~ US p1r.ritor r ~1j'llr'.\~IJ1 ;'4 [q~1 11•1 ~1,•I vri\11 L1r11•~f ~nd m<+ir•• 1~ [nlhr,1lln·I DOV:ll J f,~·11 •<IP•\\ ~ Lnro11ut 11.,,11or1 J llli ~~I '" <01 I • \tl h 1p.s. ~ (ymh.1 1~ b 61!1nq , ~!<idJ 11a11'.f 8 lmpoll~P \ 9 r ~x e~perl : Abbr. 10 Cr>m111,1I ll (tllOl)l'olll w111e cenler lZ Slupr!y C II C P ~ I '< f '.." :1;-t --· ~ '·-- 13 p ti! ll>~·I 1 B S111,1tl r ~I 1;11• ~ .l1le 72 F 1SI\ }~ Onnli• l11 to1m,,t ~7~jrryn,e l ? At l <.pnrtf·• 1l,1 tr' ' , .. r·rrl ~ ~O F ('" 1~·1< ~ Ill !]11.1I1 ly 3£ K i11ci of s ~a t 3) A 11U101 10 ~ b'l c jg fl I ' • 11:"1 " 1'! C.01Ht.1tl•(..\ .; J r~ ~ 1cl1 ~& t111il~~t1 ~r~I. !or 011r 48 SPll.'111 1~ of ~r"" SO Pl.ut!!r r '· 1 ( v.11ln '.~ Prr1L•l\e1~.,,r., 'b '1i1d '• 1 L .1119111~" SS (hOo\r 1 ~1 •1 pO~ll•O•I ~'1 E ~tl ,un.l\•0•1 ~o Dr ···• 1111krl'J"'ll hl M~n ·,. u,; . .,,c Abbr. to3 Sp.1111~'1 34 T!ilPrl arl•~t ilmph1 hii1n b·1 lift 35 Liby.1 '<. b7 New Enqlan d ~e1 ghho• St .it ~~; 3 hysltally AlltH . so1tnd b'I C,111.1rli.111 37 Many; 2 word~ wl1is ~~y l ] • • 7 • 9 " " " " " " " ' " ll lJ " " "'~ 18 19 --·.l l l l l JJ 34 ~ ,,.~'+--t--t~-t-~k;-t-~t.>1--t~t--i-1 J~ I~• J9 .~ " .. .. . " .. •.~,-t-+--t-+--,. f ~-,"~51 .. 5, "" 61 •• " .. ~ .. ,,..+--+-+--" .. " /0 7] " For Ride Not Record \\"l1;i t ad1·ice do th1~ t'Xpt•rl;:; li:111• lur you u11 l)l'!11ni; lop dnll;1r tor your ~ar ;1l tradc·in llrnl'" Loni. after !hcrn. :-i;iy!o. tht' Car C;irf' Council. If you crca<;e a fender. havl' ;1 <1t1ahficd hocly n;an repair ::ind p<iint it. Keep your C"ar clc::in. to pre11enl accun1ulation of ~;ilt and other deposits, ro:id ~··unr. etc. Vrry irnpnrtnnt 1<; I. r r pi n ~ mcchanic:.il con1· pn11ent'5 ur 1(1 snuff. T::.-nl it J1~1· :1 nu•n1ht'r of lhc [;1 m1l.v. lf \OU look .i ft cr 1\ con· :-,,1cn1t1Ju~ly, yol1·re likt·ly In gt'l your 111011L'.V buck lh:it you .s1K'nt 1111 repait's and pnsi;ibly 11·1th llllf't"C~l. * * * CJlllYSLER·PLY~I OUTll OFF TO GOOl.1 STAHT ('h r,v~lcr·Plyn1outh f)ivis 1nn· dc:i lcrs acro:::s lhr eountry :ire n·port1ng an nu !,1;u1ding introduelion fnr the l!liO rnodrl car~. a !>urvcy shf!\\f't! lnd:1y. ·rhr nt'\11 Chry s ler s , l'h 1n11t1!h~ ;:ind !111pf'n;1ls \1Tnl ,,q o;;:il!' ~rpl :::1 iJnd d•·:ilr rs 1n· cl il"'o1t<'d 111;1\ fl(lor lrnlf1<; :ind nrtlo •r" i •xcecrlt~d nr r qu11llf'li 1h1· 1 Pc1•rrl r;1tes ;11 1h1· hei;in· 11111'! 111(ill'1!)1;9 innd!'l \1'.•r · ·1 h1~ i·nt11u\1;1~t11; rre1•p11rin i~ ;111 11ul1c-.tl<1r of ;1 -rroni.: 111 ;1 1 l.t•t 1 .. r a11lo111uh1h·~ 111 !he ("1\1)111 1)~ fl\1111111~.·· ! ;11·n11 f.. \\' h 1 I 1•, t'hry .;lrr-f'l~•n1011lh llil 1,1011 gt•nrro1I 1na11<1gcr, sa1rl. ''\\"c arr 1•nlcring 1he- 11c1\ rnc1dl'I year 11nlh thr best h~l :1nc1·d hneup \1·e e\'('r ha\·c brou~ht lo 111:-irkct. .. [)C"11 lrr~ arr rernr l in~ p;1rl1eult1rly goo(! rc s-pnn~c hy !he public 10 the aJl.nc.1v l'll'111n111h B,11-r<lt'11da on d V;;ll an1 Du.~lc l". Ord<'r~ !"<'Ct•iv· t•d th rougl1 uprning day f11r our C:tll·nt'\Y cars in lhe 8 .'lrracuda ;11111 \"alianl lines are at all- lin1c tughs," \\'hit~ rrported. I le :1ddrd that 17 .55:! Bar- r.1rucl ;1~ are nn (lrder as corn· pared \\'ilh i.729 at last yrar's MORE DOCTORS, DENTISTS, ATTORNEYS, AND OTHEF. PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE USE TAB BECAUSE WE'VE GOT THE ANSWERI ' • I FOR AS LOW AS I $14.50 PER MO. CALL US NOW FOR INFORMATION ANO A BROCHURE. ..... TELEPHONE -.aab ANSWERIN; BUREAU 543-2222 I I I nf.TROIT (UPI! 1\ ~n1rmthcr ride -not greater rcliabih1y -is the apparent reason behind the. Ford ~!otor Co's. partial switchback to rayon tires. Thousa nds of the rayon tire~. shunted as"1dc v.·hrn the :iulro 111t!11;:;trv swilrhrd lo pnl .. \·csler-J 1bC"igl:iss be l t c rl 11res for 1970, h:nc b!'rn ordered ror Fon1c of lh" nrw niodc! c.or$. t he automJkcr an nounced ~lon · day. U.S. Forest Revenues Apportionecl St:11r Conlrollcr Jlou.stoo I. Flou rn oy h n s appor\loned 51:l.700.965 an1ong till' 39 coun· ltC'S sh:'l rinf! in 1968 ·69 rt"·1·cnucs fn!ln CnitetJ SLatPs J-'or1 ·~t Hr.~ervt•s. This \1·;1s $ grralrr lh rui rhe ;1 ppurt10111nent for 1he pr(•\ 1ot1s-\t':1 r, :1n 1ncr1·:1:-c u( fl2 ~h prrl't'lll. l"li)urnny said. 'flh· ;ippor!H 1n11u·nl represents :!.i p1·r~·l'll! or the 101;:1 1 Federal re\l'llliL'S n.•cc11·i:d fr om forc~t resc r1 cs in California during Ille fiscal yea r C'nded .June 30. Thl' r I counties with the :o;mnllest populations received :M.65 percent of the tot<i l ap· portioned , th e cnn t roller :-iointed out. Alpine, Monn, Sierra. Maripo.~a, ~1 o doc , Trinity, Amador, Calavera~. i'lu1na~. Inyo and Colusa counties have less than one· hal f ol one percent of thr slatC""s population but th ry conl;11n J~.8.'> percent or the to\~11 forest reserve area in thC' s-t:1lc :ind accounted f or s 5. 4 4. o , I 6 6 of the ap· pcrlionment One-half of the amount ap- portioned lo f!ac h counly 1;:; <icpositr.d in its County School Sc.r\"!Ce Fund. Rnd onc·halr of it s County Road Fun . Orange County "s sharr. \vas $1,778. All Mekn-All Model1 "Wh•r• 5ervic• M1~•1 th• Difl •r•11c•" I 0••119• (t11f!IY 4111 C:U"l*J Or. 111'1 JM.Jilt I NtwPO<I I<~. I l o• Anq•lft JU S. Wnl•r11 12tll IU·Ulf BEST 9 OFFICES TO SERVE 111• DAllY PILOT ollat1 '"'"'" ALL OF ORANGE CO. ol th• b~1+ le ~•u•••· bv •'•u~I "--!:" _ •u•vey of ,,.d.,., •••ilabl1 •• ~ 1 ,n~ ll•w1p•P•• In i he 111 tie"· The decision. 11 For rl ~pok('sman cn1pha sized, l~'a.<: detennined on the basis of ride>. not reliability. Rayon tires, accarding lo Firestone, one or the com· panies !ronl which Ford ordered the tires, give a dur;ibility e<JUal to Iha~ of polyester.fiberglass tires, but pro \·ide snHer. mnre vi bra- ti11nless ride throughout their l!fl'. T h ,., p n lyes\C'r·fibcrg l<lss tire.~ liave bC'en cri ticized for breaking: 1!own rapidly under lu~h heat and e;i using ·what \\'<IS labeled •·c:itaslrophic" failures. The Na ti on a 1 H1gh\\·ay SafC"ly Bureau has h('en investigating l hose cl1arges. Ford i;aid Firestone would hegln rlelivering limited quan· lil ies or the rayon tires in two si1.es for use on Ford station 11·:1gons and full s11.e Ford and flfercury cars. Uniroya l is schedull'd In begin deliveries nf 111c sa me kind of tires in J\1 {)\ • f'tll hf'f. COOll \'ear Tire and Rubber C.'i., 111l-original rlevelopcr nf the pnlyester-fibcrgla.~s bell tirr~. has switched 11s entire prodllt tion to those ma1er1als. It reportedly has no pl ans to ~11·1t(h baek. Ford spokesmen said !he c:ir builrler had full confidence 1n lhe safely of the polyester· f10crglass tires and wa s using the rayon l!res only on a few models. Beer Bre,vs $85 Million Fo:i; Taxes If you wonder why the ZS. cent glass or beer is vanishing from the Southland scrne. con· sirlcr !hr. fact lhat brew drinkers have p:1id $85 million in taxes so far this year. A total or $74.7 million went 1o the (ederal government \vhich impose5 a $9 per barrel <'XC'i$e tax on beer, while Califnrnia·s $1.24 per barrel rate netted $10.3 million. c:eroge \V. Ososke, executive ''ice preisdenl of th e California Brewers' Associa· lion, contends that this tax is J)a id hy cusromer:o; in 1he form uf highC'r retail prices. lie and oter l n d ust r y spokcs1nen believe the excise 111x on beer i.~ unfa ir and disc.riminatory, because it is n11t applied tfl other food and (!rink ilems bough t by most adults. Brer consumption, by th e \r;iy. was ur slightly during lhC' first six months of 1969, c::on1parrd to the pnor year. :-:ifl -in 1n:iny cases -~·as the. price. THE NEEDLE ' IS MIGHTIER THAN THE PEN And the m a n who know.t ju.st how to turn the phrase to get th• moit out of th• barb U DAILY PILOT column- ist S¢ne11 Haf'TU. lie mu been called the modern • da11 H e n r y M enck en . If you're ready for his use of the acid ad je c t~ve and th ough t . provoking prose to give 11ou the needle , •• if you want to find .something to think about in what you read , •. if you have o sen.se of humor, you b e l o n a with readers who deHght in telling others what .. S11d said" fn one of the nation's most • quoted columns. Some Sample Barbs Recently ~Thrown By S ytlney Harris: "On• of th• higl'M1t ~id Jobi In Am•ric1 consists of 1t1nding up in front of 1 mic· rophon•, Mp1r1ting the good r.cords from the bid °"" -and pl1ying the bid one1.'' "Ifs sad but true that while alcoholics are the best argument for abstinence, 50 many a~tainers are equally effective ar· gument for a little drink now and then." 11Mott of th• to-c•lled 'lncomp1tlbillty' In m1rri199 tpring1 from the fact th1t to most men, ux it •n 1ct; while to 111 women, it i1 en emotion. And thl1 differ· enc• in 1ttitude can be bridged only by love." "The sole diffe rence between 1 'dedica- ted crusader' and a 'nosy reformer' con- sists in our agreement or disagreement '''ith his objectives.'' "Th• most ••plo1lve combln1tlon In the world c:on1ists of 1inc:1rity 1dded to Ignorance." "\Vhenever I am ttl'e recipient ot sn ex· cessively hearty handshake, I suspect Mr. Muscles is trying to !';ell something, hide something, or prove 1omething." Ch'eck The Editorial Page For This Signature t ~ ,~:J~·l~~\1'•;.i.~ I.("'~ I ' ' ~ J ~.: •• ·•, •• .,y1,~ " .• ; ..... It'll Help You Find The Latest Quotables Created By 'The Needler' For His Col- A Regular Feature of umn, the DAILY PILOT Your Hom9town Dally N9wspaptir • 13 '!"""'-------------------------------------~~r~'T"",.-..--...-·-· ··-,~~-r ' ,,. .. ,.? ... , ..... ,.. ''• , .,.. , F"••; •v••..-• ,.., ... , •• -~, .... , 0.t.JLY PILOT AMONG THE GREAT I Here, among some of the great newspapers of the world, is an old friend. The DAILY PILOT looks as 111uch at home on thi s in ternational newspaper ra ck as it does at the front door of thousands of 0 range Coast area homes where it is dropped daily. That should tell you something. It should tell you that a "home- town newspaper" ca n be sophisti cated and still not lose touch with what's hap· pen ing at city hall. Whether it's news from around the world or down the block, the DAILY PILOT packages it best for you. And the simple fact is that, because the DAILY ' PILOT em phasizes local coverage, you'll find a lot of stories in it you can 't find in any other newspaper in the world. On this international news rack, it's among the great ones of the world. But at home, it's the great· est on e in the world (for local news). ONES . . ' l *"*ltF*fl'iP·O)f'' ma i 1n ~ DIE t)1iVELT ~: :-,..-i I DAILY PILOT I ..... ~-.... ----.... -... -~ ...... --.~...--~~-.c--r----------·--~~------~------------------- r..ionc!Jy. Otlt>btr 6 19f 'l -------!l 2 DAI LY PILOT ' l ' t -., .. ; f Cliallenger Yacht Fir1n F or11ied on Two Cor1sts ('!J:illl·ngrr Ylleht Curp. J1a,\ llector B;:iJJestcr n av a! Laud('rdale, Fl;1. -·-..... been forn1t'd 111 Southern ' ' .._,_, ' f:alifor11 1a bv Hov.·ard D. Stem , fonnc.r prei;1dcnt of \\'ayf<1rrr (!slander J Yacht Cprp. archlleel. Prcs1de11; of N. 1\. Associates of Long Beach, California, has designed a line of four high performance unusua lly r corny , Jibcrg!ass s a i I bo a ts for Challeng~r. Included are Lhe 26, 32. 37. and .Jt footers. Challenger's west coast faclor y 1s loc:iled in Los Angeles ant! the ca:-it coa~L tac!ory is pla1111l'd for f ort Stern r rporls that I he forrnat vr the Challenger Yacht, combines quality, the n1o~L recrnl developn1enls in engineering ~tructura\ design !Jr J}{'ffor1n~nl"C and unu~u;il!y roomy in le rlo r ac· comrnotlatluns. A goal for the ·!-'flpany JS to prod uce its lino \\'ilh a mu1inuinl or l\i'.ltT:lnty problems. Sears NEARING FINISH ~ '{ach ts jn the 1-'aei fic llandicap J{acing l·'leet dlvision <lri\·c tO\\ard f1n1.-.h of .\lan11 tns l3ay .-\rgos.v after strong northeast \1'lnds d1 n11111:.h HJ S<.1tu1dciy's race Jron1 Nc11 port to :\la 1n1tos B.:iy. ____________ , .Ar gosy Race Yacht s Fig l1t WaY'varcl Wi11d s '\hf'n h1n .-.a1hn,; ~.1chts 1nt:rt head on. bolh 11 1th ~pin· 11.:lkrrs fly111g. ...kippers and rrt'\11' ;ire lr:el111cd lo 11uc~1ion 1hr 1111al1l~' uf drink~ 1hc.v h:.id lhr night brfurf' ur s1vc:ir l o b~ p;i~.~ Ilic b.ir ;.1ftcr 1hc r;1rc l'i Ol i;I'. Th:1I 11(1~ \\ll' l'>l (\1 Ul11Jn S;1t11 rd;iv 1n ;\c11 pon Oc1·:in :ia!l1ng ;\ssoc1:.i11un ·' ,\larn1t11' Bay ,\rgosy \1·hr11 111nds blr1v allt'rnatr!v lrorn t\'t'r}' pn1nl of thr · r ornpass ;1nr1 :-01net11n(•s 10 nppns11e rl 1n·c· 1 11111~ lr::.s lh<Jn JOO _1 ar1!s apart. Thi· rarr ;il·luallv ~t:1rlt·1! \1·1th ;1 hrts k siJlllhe:i~lf'r hln11· 111,i:: 111 1he v1 r1n11.v of Balboa Pier. prnrnp!1 ng 1nurr 1IF111 <inc :.kiPrt'r In call tor <t chulc soon ;ifrrr 1h•· ~l:i rt. Tbh proved <l 1sJstt·ruus ~· lc•11· 1n1n· 111cs latt•r 11·hcn <1 roanng San- 1:t Ana \\hi.q ll'd ;u·r•1:-<; the S:1n· 1;1 Ana H11rr Jt•t\1'. The 1·cn1· nanls uf n1orc !ha·n one ehu !!• 11 t rf' ~rcn s1rr;in1ing lron1 111;1;.1he:ids like a colorful pcn- n.1nt. JI 11·:i:; in 1!11s ~:imc ;:irr:i !h:it hn:il.'i 11 en1 frn111 a nc::ir 1l1\1rl <"al1n 1n r:11 I do1111 ."'<l!l1ni::: ;1<; th•· nor"rasll'r tuughl 1v11h l lH' '-Oll1hl'rJ~. • \t rhr U:ing P.cat'h f'ntran1·r !)uoy. the v.·c:ithcr rn;;irk of the B\'C Ed •rc :; 1"" l\Jan1 i to:; (]uh EntrY ' (,11~1~· :-..in11 1\01 11lnd .. <•l1nn"1 bh·11 I .ido I 11· ) "' t ( iuh <; V;1\I llt•i.!,il!,1 ••\!ti.I Ill" 11 .nc ·r !-..1n11 d.1_1 h.11 h·1•:• d ~untL11· tn pr .. \ 11;. 1 1' 1 .. 111 1 .1t·1n~ fnr Iii• 11! lo!• 11 11 I \ 1' r l.1~~1·>. 11 h11 Ii 1,1( 1 d 11 111• 1111· b,11·. 1'fll' It" Hi~ 111J(1 11 11:\1 011 i l•r,~. ~hi p hi~\. "ll\1 !1 l 11 1lt'r,1L ~111 ·!·.ilt In •\..]:'' 1 .1 :-,,.ti• d>"I L1r!11 li• I' \\qfll"<'I , Ll,1 1\lTI: \ •l t1 i i•~ \1·t1· F l111•n.,· I« l\1l1;•n 1 l'.t \( •2• Hinh.I" .... 111' I: •rr.•··•111, !\ 11\"l' l\!T~.:l3 1::1 -i tf l '11' l'l.11 na1111111ng, 1-.;11\\', S,\B!Yf A illl 1I1 !:111>" .\nµ"I .\l:1rk (; 111<11 •1 '.'\1!\ f' 1 ~ 1 "rrMi1rr. Ll.:11k l'o1nolt. L f,'C S1\B(/T ('. ( 121 -I\ I 13f't'I-\' 1!. Bri1 cr B1 ·1'k. BY1 · 121 l'ix~-. Sh.1ron u ·Brirn, LIV!·, c:o l'nml1n :-; Conic!. \\1·nd.v Coznhn. :\1!\'l". coursr. 1h:it yachls_ in 1hc Oce ;1n Racing chvis1on 11·ere n1eetin g head on v.'i\h spin· ni1kcrs billowing. Sund<JJ ·:; r;icc hon1c fro1n r\l.:11~\1tos B;:iv 11 as sor:1e wh;1t no r 1n ;:i 1 .il ~ a b r i s k ~out nwe:-tt•rly hroughl I h c \ ach1 s 1101111 I he cua:-.t on a (:ul11r[ul ~p1 1111<1ker paradt'. Bul S<llt1rt!av·1' -.1•l'at!1er 11·;1:-. ti1p11.' A as tht.: y;_icl11s ~nuggctl du\\n at J.ong Beach Yal'hl < lub 1or an 01 ernight ren- <lrz1 uus. "J h e <111!1" <ioublr I\ 111ncr in 111c 1wn !"<lt."('S \\<IS !he 11Cl\I CX · Pl'ru11l'n!al Co I u 111 bi ;i • 4 3 ~)cta11a. :r.!\1pprred by Ste1c B;rriiard 01 1\e\\'porl Harbor Y;1rht Club The vacht 11·;1s f1r.1t In l1n1~h ;1nri' «orrcrtcd 11111r 1r1nnrr 111 both r;icc..;. ht';"llJn~ out a flee t nf four l"11l11n1b1;i.50~ Phil lln::inf'·.~ new Cal·29 Serrna (ruin Nll\'C wun S01turda1"s race in the Tl!1d1.wt Occ·;l11 R;icing Fl{'('l cllv1~1on. hut buvoed 10 L('C 1·11on1pson·s Bay Bee on the rc!urn raec Su nd;:iy. Clarke Sun1ner"s Khvi from fialhua Yac!ll Clu b 11·as the l'!J RF 11·1nnrr 011 Saturrl;:iy's r;1ee <lnd Force Se v e n , r·o.<;kippcred by Ron Col gan ;ind Stu J.indt'r vf Los Angelf's Y.llhl Clul 1 \\,'l:-, tile \\'lflllCr Oll th1· rt'lurn trip . Threr ncran r af'ini:: c•ata1n;iran'> ;ilso s:11lcd th1: rarr. (\1rrrclrd t irne rr,11 l1 s 11 ('r(' n1tl 1·01np11tcd Sundnv n1~ht. bul \hf' 111·~1 c:il 1!l l!n1~h 11,'l' .!::rek S11·an s illnlam.1 lr·i.111 l.11!n l~lc Y<.itbt Cit.th. I· 111<1[ rc:iul 1"' S;1!unl;11· OCF-:;\:>J JL\('J -.;r; 11) <h 1;11·1a, ~rr1r B :1 r11 :1 r !I , \llYI' 1 ~+ i'rch11h•. .)1111 (,111•h·rn1.111. llYl". i.11 \'o!,11ac II, \1 1kr• l!tr<..h. llY(" \)(Hi!· • 11 :-,t•rpn:1, l"b11 !1111111• '\lfYC": i:'\ '.'ll:1l;!h1n1. l,o< I. f{.,•1111< ~. jJ(·yr-. L~f I' 1\ l:n'l. l.1·r l hnnipsc1:1, ,\1,rr· 1·111:r -1t \h1•i.1 \·1rkr '·•ll'l1!1" ]~YI 121 .flll~I'!", I 1:111., \'.\•'I 11\Y( 1'\J "11111:111.111 1.. ) \ILll'. :0-S.~\ :-,111111:11' 1 11 [ \ '\ H \f 1 \1; -111 Or· I• 1.1 :-,1, -,. f\;11·11.1 r t, \llY\' '21 [)•<"I• \ !! ;11<' 11, .l.1111•·:. :--,.;,I•·•, \ Y! 1;!1 S"ra1'1 ~ If, [~11! B·1 11"\, HI '\(" \HJHF . •I 1 !\;t~ Br!'. \."•' 't"lu1111p-11n, i\l\YC 121 Srr1'1'.1, 1')1 \ J)oall•'. \!IYI ': <.~~ T1~rr, l 'r•'"\nn (.1ll g111, BYl' l'llliF -\ll f··nrrt Sr\('ll, H 11 ('uh:;i11 & S~tl l.1ndr·1". l. \Y(". ,_!1 T11111:ih:111k .• tun \rcn'. $SSC: (:ll La nuu. llud ll.1r\1·1-. 11YI' ('AT.\:i.1..\11ANS -r.l:i\;1111;1. .1:1• k S11rir1. LlYC. hr~t !11 11111~11. C11rrec1cd t1111e ri sulls nnt t·urnpu1N:I. MON. THRU THURS. SPECIAL! FREE WASH WITH ANY FILL UP ALL CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED I Winds Dip; Lido Hosts Fall Regatta Bill l\lcCo rd of Balboa Yachl Club edged Dir k Lineberger of Alamitos Bay Yacht Club Sun- day !o 1~·in ABVC"s 5th annu;1! i.Jd{l·l4 lnvi t;it ional. fl1cCo rd·s n1a rgin of victory 11·as threc- quarters of a point. The 67 sk ipper~ in lwo ctassrs 11·crc hil v.·i1h \\'Inds ranging from t~e ridiculous to the sub!in1e on Salurd<1y as a gu~1y nnr'easte r crun1pled rnas!s and ca psized boa ls in the first race and dropped to near ze ro in Lhe second. \\"eathc r for the final rares (Jn Sunday \1'as ne;:ir normill. Thcrr 11•('fC :ll bo;its in Class A ;:1nd 36 in Class B. The Class U 11·i11nt'r 11•as Arkic Hauck ol ABYC. Final rcsulls: CLASS A -( 1) Bill r-.1cCord. BYC: t21 Oick Lineberger. ABYC; (3) Harry \Vood. r\BYC: (41 Pete JeHerson, r.!BVC; i5J Don Robertson, ABYC. CLASS B 11) r\rkic llau ck. ABY C: t2J Evan Tll cDov.·cl!. ABY C; 13) Bill C'un1n1in g..;. r\BY C: 141 Stan Sen!l. ;\UYC, \5 ) John Peters. fltBYC. S6,600,00 lnsurru1cc Donated l)n1 rr!' :inlJ co -cl r i \" r r · p;irt1r1pat1ng 111 1hc :in1\\1a l 01llh11:11"d \\In r Id t hn 111 p1011sh1ps ;;t ll:11.1!-11 l'111 1\rizon:i. \01·. 211 ;ind :10 11 1ll l1• 1·111 ('f!•ll h\' Sfl,lifll) llOO In '11" 1·1dt'nl ;ind 1nrdiL";1I 111~11 r:ir,." dn11;1tt•d hy I\ I l' k h ;1 t.' \ C I 'l hr g1:on1 111,11111(.h 111rrr 11! 1 n i.11-.1·•' f Hl!l!lf'S .u.•I ... •\• ... 11•h1• 1,~~ 11 11! 1· tin! r 1h11 l • 1111 1r;1gc 1>1 ~~O.l.lotJ l1h .11.•I ~..!.l~~l n1rd1e;ll for f'.1l h ,,f n,., r i;p1'r\cd :;uo pr1r1w111.111l'. :it· 1·11rd111g tu 1·: \', Ji.1ckhaelt•1. <1•1np;1n1 pre~1dl'nl. s 1~l11><11red I) .1· ~h·{'ullo1 h J •rn pt'r[1f'~. lnr .. dc1rlupl·r~ of 1l:11asu l'111". 1h1~ nnn11:d f'll'lll 111";,l\IS {Hlltio:irrl rlri11•r!\ [!'0111 ;_ill p.'lrt :-o of tl1c \\'nrld 10 c111n· llf'lt' 111 ;1 1110 d;t\' n1[11":0lhnn ••11 1.~l.P 1l;11·a:-.u. rla:o;~('rt ;is tht· larg~<:t ;1nd 1n:l~l holly rnn- 1es1c d nu tbo<1rd r:11·r in 111e \\"Ur\1L JI is ;il ~o tl1r ra·hes\. poslin):: c:t~h pr 1 zr~ 111\aling ~:l0.000 \\"1!11 1he <1dd!l io11 of S6.60{l.000 insurance ro1·rr;igC clonatNt bv l\ickharfer . 1he even t 11011• 0hecomes the n1ost insure1I r'1<:C in Lhc 11·orl<l. .\-k :\IJoul ~f'.ars (.~Oil Vf' 11.i ('11 l (: rf•1li l Pl01:1s THEM BY THE • • \pw Trrad, JJ.inch and i 1-inclr ~ 17.!' ~ •Buy tlif'111 h~· 1he pair now at tl1i! j,,,,, l•Jll' 11ri cr! Urtrrad..: flit r-ounll t ir~ liodica ~. 'IZI ''. _ F. F..T. r.,, ~-~----- BLACK\VATJ,S r..oo, 1 <•.:l l)x I 7.fll•-.: I <•.:i llx I -;.011, I 7.'lllx I ·-- R.OOx I :1 :1 -- :1 ---I --'1-- . j. .1. 4 29' --:)2! : I I ' -,,, f)~ , I· I , - ·I 1 • -·1:; c ·I f)c WlllTEWALLS ()11ly '2 J\lf)l'f" 1•1·r 'l'irP ~-------------------------------------------------, I )Ulll~•.,<1>\~"rl.~]1.4;J'.) 11 ~~· .. 1c.1:i .1o;i l~··"I" •I' <•.:1 ••r;)WtF"e, ~ ... ,..,.,~1 7 ~~;1 :~-,.,.~cl•~.~~1 1 c~f<><l• ,.,~ J 10 o~M ( ,,. •• , • u~ !> TNH. r' 1 ·•~11 .-, , , ·~ D .. :1 1 •.:.~"'"' 10 7 11 •~. 1: ... ,.)161, ~u 6 61l 1 ~··:u ri ~,.,.,.,~. '4~ o~ll 1'""'~ ~JJ.J9l1 I I co .... ro ... N~ 6 'ia1, Nr c ~rM .. ~. '"·"~ 11• 9 "H1 , 11· • ,.,,,., 1 j .. ,,. .. omc• 1x 1.611 1 ~"1u PO _, e•61. 991.1210 I CO~IN" 966 0611 l'-,<\"0.,1) 0 -&-2l11 r• "'"'ta\ . :_ J!l.l;" I SQ~l'f CO•SI Pl•I• 540.Jlll \'l.,.ONT Pl 9·\91 ! ~-------------------~----____________________ , "Sa ti ,facli an G ua rg nteed or Your Mon~y Ba ck'' ., ..... ouca.~1">ar.. Shop 6 Nigh11 MondGy lhr0119h Sah1rday 9:30 A.M. to 9;30 P.M. 0'?' IN voum NEIGHBORHOOD ••• J-luntington Beach Office : ·C'J I Huntington Beach Office of Coast & Southern Federal Located at 91 J-lu ntington Cent er ' Savings, zuhere your account is , at Eding er Ave. & Beach Bl vd., SAfE •CON VENIENT• AVAILABLE I adjoinin g th e San Diego Fr ec 1vay, I (;'\, in /-lunti~gton Beach. ~ · ~·---·•111.-~~----. .J " ··--' . · .. ,,.. MAHI 0,FIC[: Cit\ .l Hiii, Lgf Ang!les • &i3·f351 O!,,.r 11fl!ct1: l • C IVIC CEHT[I!: ~rd a Bro•d"'•~ • 62G-1102 'TAlll.l.NA: i81~! Venlu,1 Blvd.• J~~.t6U t;ANT"-MONICA· 718 W•la~lrt Bl'd • 39l·C-.~ $AN PfOllQ· 10:~ & Pl tl!IC • 831·2)~1 WfST COVIN.I.• ( 1a111nd S~gp~,~-Cit • ~J· ; ~:I 1.1ai~c! fluctuatio l'ls don't wor ry Coast and Sou:hern savers _ .. their cap1lal is always rlslng In value. And you're S\HG o! tne highest earnings coos1stent with safe ty when you save al Coast end Southern. Fore most assurance o! these ber.efits is lhe ou!stan ding financin! strengll1 m3 lnt;;ined through the years by the man- agement o! Coast and South ern F;;dera l Savings. INSURANCE TO $15,000/RESOURCES OVER 800 MILLION 11,\NOllAl>IA C!f'f: BS!6 V•~ ~v~s 61•d. • !92·1 '71 LCHG BEACH• ~·1 a Loco:~I • 4J'''SI S•NTI •'IA LO•'I S ERVI[[ IO~lo!CV · 1~G~ llo. II 1" ~:. • !1f~I !:' ">: / HIGHEST PREVAILING RATES 5.393 eo~ius PLAN DIVIDENDS TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL • ' I I ' I r ' ' J • .......................................... ,. .......... ------.. --......... ---... ----~-..---i-.,.---·-•"'",... ·--~·-······---,, ·~ .. U.S. Record No Solace for Hungry T·oomey By GLENN WIDTE Of n.. ~Uy P1191 11111 LOS ANGELES -Bill Toomey had ju:.1 become the third highest decathlon scorer in world history, erasing the Ame ricao reeord of 8,230 v.·ith an im· posing 8,277 point total ror his two days of com petition at UCLA this weekend. Yet he was clearly disappointed with his score and di ssatisfied Yi"ith himself. So much so, in fact, he is seeking another decathlon within two weeks. "I just wish I had another chance:· he said after finishing the two days of con1· petilion by running the l ,500 meters in 4:28.4. Had he run 4:22.J, he \.\'otJld own the world record today. He was so visibly shattered by near- miss al the global standard U1<1l he need not have spoken to convey his disappoint· menl J\tonths <>f preparalion and two days of competition had all gone for naught -gelling U1e U.S. mark v.·af no solace. Ile sat in the middle of U1c red tartan track for several minutes. gulping water and pulling his sweat suit on. Then 1ve \.\1alked around the track and the post· mortem began. •·1·m in such great sha pe I hate to quit," he said. Toomey had annouiiced he was quitting after the meet at UCL.A. But now it ap- pea rs his retirement endurat :1hout ~ix 1ninutes . The Laguna Beach Ol ym pil' rharnpl:Jn feels that ii score of s,wo is wnh1n 111:> reach . which v.·ould surpass Kurt Bendlin 's world be i.t of 8,319. "I niade some 1nisla ke:. in 1hts decathlon.'"" he staled. "I i::ot drprcss<'cl niter high ju1np1ng 6·2'~. 1'1e done 6·6 four tin1cs and had hoped to go ut !cast G- 4. .. I lost my step in the pole \ aul! 1r!a•n I \1•as go111g for 13-5 1 ~. Hut I dill11 'I r(•11l11r what \\'as \.\'l'ong until iny !tllrd lr_v ;it that height ." 'foon1ey hart t·leared 1 [.~. 12-5' 2 and 13-11 ~ 11·i1h such rasc that a appeared he w::1uld be able 10 gu I~ let•!. nut perhaps lhe gra1·est ~rror carnc tn !hat deci::::ive i ,~. 'l'oon1ey and 1hi:• 300 or su !ans .,.,•ho had H1rnctl out Sa\urda)'. knew 1t wuuld t;,kc a ~:22 :I to get the 6·1:! llOJJ1ts he needed !u toppll' 13endhn·s record. He had the benefit ul running against .it'ff 13annish•r. a frllO\I' Cilp;1blr Of 4 !2 . Uut as it lurne1l out. ha\ ing Uannister 011 lht' Lrack 11 as a tlb:istrr. Too1ncy r;.ul :i l1'Jn cndn11s i6·~Ct'!•ud fir~[ lap -~IX (I) eight Sl'('OlldS Sl(Jll'l'r 1ha11 hi' h;Jd hoped fcir. A~ unf' offll·1al :-;11d l;dt•r. "I li iukcd :1l niy wt1lcll , .<;;iw 76 -"l't·o11ds ;init s::iitl to inyi.e!f. 'that's JI, good bye.'" Toon1ey·~ brother Uick (+chul·tl lhl' ul· ~----... " \ 'lJ, '-. 111.:1<11, "they're slow. too dan1n slow ," he $Jill 11·hcn that first lap tin1e was given. J<ccalls 'J'oo1ncy .. J{·ff told rne 1•1•r1ylh1ng wai. IK'dect <i1ll·r 11c hat! run 220. I kn ow now \h31 It v.·;.is a n11s1akt' In uS<' the JUdgrnt'nt uf :invthrr runner. I l>hould h;n •r ru n nl~ 1111 n race. ··1 can run <t ti3 ur iU-~ct·vnU rir~t l~p ll'Jlh !10 ~ll't'.~\." Ba11n i,tt-r li<.1d -;;_11(! hl'rnrt• thr ract• th<Jt he would lry to run 70 :;etonds for each of the r1rst I lire~ laps. Uut ht eautioned !hat he ll'as a p:ior Judi::c of pac(+ :ind l1 rged tha\ 'J'uo111l'Y be 1n~trueled tu run hi s own stvlc race. ;1 s 1t turnci..I out, H a n n Ls t e r ' l ohservance should have Deen heeded. They came throug h the 880 in 2:29 •.. ~0111e 19 seeonds slower than lhe experts \1ould like lo ha\'e seen. And by then they 11·ere l<Y.1 far off pace for Toomey 10 1n:ike 11p lhe difference. As it 11·as, Toomey turned In some spark'ing efforts. Saturday. He ran the 10 n1('\l'r high hurdles in l~.5. tying a ld!'L111H' best. llis di scus lhro11• of 150-1 1 was also one or las best ever_ And there \\i'S nothing 11·rong with the javelin toss of 2!0-: or tha t 1,500 clocking. It wa s just tha t final score that proved so frustrating. Met s Sl1oot F 01· Cli11cl1e1~ TollayinNY J'\F.\V 'YORK IA Pl -''If 1 had bec11 told before the seri es slar!erl \.\'C'd get six and five runs off (,Jcrrv) Koosman and !Toni) Seaver, I "·ould h-ave !hough! \\'e'd sweep the series," says Atlant a's I-lank Aaron. Instead, the Braves, champions of the National Leaguc·s \\'es t Division, move into the home of !he Ne1v York ~1els - Shea Stadiu m ~after losing the first hro gan1es at home. Ho1•>'evcr. the Bra\'es v.·eren't read y lo play dead ev en th ough the ~l ets 11·011 eig ht or thclr 12 n1eetings during the regular season. ··rin not conceding.'' said 1nanager Lun1an Harris of the Braves. "If I wa5 playing One-Eyed Cat I 1fouldn 't con· cede." Nei the r were the i\lets lalking_aboul ii s11'eep. but Koosman v.·as confident of \'iclory. Shea Stadiurn began filling early today \1'lth the usual J\lct Ian -the long su f- feri ng banner-<"arrirr 1\'ho suddenly ha5 found he can take pride in lhe club, and 11roved it hy a!n1ost virtually tearing up !he place the night the J\1ets clinched the i\ational League East lillc. The t'Xhilarated fans lore up patches of J:rass for trophi<'s. took horne piece.; of lhe scoreboard a~ keepsa kes and ripped Ull e1·er.v base e~cC'pt fir st in a wild t't·lebration. They pr~bably \l.'\ll make sure they get lh<it, too. if the ~!el.!! finish it off todav \1·he n Gary (;entry \!3·12) goes againSt 1~a1 Jarvis (1 3·11 J. Today is Gentry's 23rd birthday and \hi!: 12Lh day after his pennant-clinching vic- tory for the ti.tels in the National League East. "The 1\'ay 11·e are hitting J hal'e all !hr: ronfidcnce that 11·e \l'ill get another 11in," Koosn1an said . .. Our boy.~. I think, are undcrrat!'d as ,.. J1itting ball club," said J\1anag er Gil Hodges of 1hl' J\·lels. "Naturally I thought our pi1 ching would be l>ettcr lhan it has been but they send up some pretty good stick n1en. We're fortunate our boys \\'ere hitting." LAGUNA OLYMPIC CHAMPION BILL TOO MEY WINS THE 400 METERS AN D GETS OFF A GOOD SHOT PUT 0 N WAY TO U.S. DECATHLON RECORD Aa ron belled a three-run homer In the rifLh Sundav when Atlanta rallied for fh·e runs and tfimmed the New York lead to 9·6 . Martin Seek s Pl11 g for Dike Aft er 1-0 Loss r.ll NNl::APOLJS.ST. PAt:L (APl-En1- batt!ed Billy r.lartin, squeezed and pinch· ed into a dark comer in the American Uague's champinnship pl ayoffs, cal\ed on burly Bob tl1illcr, a refugee from the f\·linncsola bullpen. to plug the dike to· I.lay against the irrepressible Baltin1ore Orio\(>~. But the Orioles, holding a pat hanrl follO\.\'ing th eir second suddrn·dra1h \'ic- tory in the best-of·5 .!>erics. didn't intent! to let Mart in's Tv:ins oH the hook . "\lle'l•e been dov.'ll before and we·ve come back." 1.1 artin ~aid Sunday at Baltimore alter the Orioles nipped his club ]..{) in 11 innings on Curt r.101ton's run-scoring pinch single and the gulsy, three·hil pllching of Dave ti.tcNatly. "It's been a malter of inches. 'Vl10 kllO\\'S ? '1.'e can still tie it up and win.•· The \'iclory, 24 hours alter Paul Bl air beat ti.1innesota 4-3 vdth a 12th inning l'!queeze bunt, left the Orioles one step from the World Series as the East-\\ .. ::sl playoff shifted to the Tw.ins' park. . Game lhr~ pitted J\.111lcr. a Na llonal League castoff and one.·lime relief specialisl. vdlh a 5-5 regu lar season record , against Jim Palmer. \\'ho lopped a 16-4 comeback for the Orioles by hurl- ing the An1e rican Leagues only no-hitter t 11·0 months ago. ti.1illcr, a 6-1 right-hander. stepped into the breach for the Tu•ins lhis year when injuries depl eted J\lartin's starting align- meJJl He won five of si x decisions a'I a starter and hurled the \\'est Division title cUnchcr on Sept. 22. Palmer, a shutout winner over Sandy Koufax in the 1966 series -when he was jusl 20 years old -made a remarkable about-face for the runaway East Division kings alter a two-year run of arm trou- ble. .. \\'e·re In good shape. 'l'ilh Palmer going ." Orioles' manager Earl "'·caver understated. "•!e's our best. percentage pitctx-r " Lef ty Pick s ilf ets to W in Se ri e.~ Why Toomey Missed Mark II 0lyf"1 pic 1IC'cath!on gold mcdah~t Bill Toomcv 11ere less or a ro111pc t11or he p·ight i1a\·c gotten the v.orld rrcortl tn tu!> \1·eck,,nd competition at UCL1\. And if he "'t're less of a compc1itor he n·,ight have stuck w1lh tus Frid;iy ;in- nouncC'menl tha t he v•ould retire fvlluw- 1ng the UCLA meet. 1rorld standard or no Had the JJ.year·old school teachrr lx'rn 11 ,,.. kind or guy who could 1~·nrk tum~C'lt 11p to liietime best efforts ~in1ply to bear a clock or a tape measure, he surely ----+uuu uuu uuuu uvv• • • """' WlllTE WA Sll -··················· wnuld have bagged the elusive glob.ii standard of 8,319 poinl'I currently held by West Gennany's Kurt Bendlin -a fel101v Toomey defeated 49 weeks ago in the Olympics. As Track and Field New s publisher Bert Nelson con1mentcd d u r in g, Satu rday's events, "It just isn't !he same !or Bill \\'hen thc1 ~·s no one to seriously push or pull him." There was no pressu re In bring out th at extra little bit of effort tlia t's required for breaking \vortd records. Toon1ey's closes t competitor wa s J eff Bannister, who lagged some 600 poi nts behind when flnal scoring tabulation had been completed. giving an American rernrd score of 8,277 to the victor. "Net 77 !" Toomey said when informed of his score short ly after the 1.~ meters. ''That mean~ I missed ha ving the hest se<>re in the world this year by a point (actually he missed by tw·ol. "f hate being SC{'()nd (East 1;erman ,Joachim Kirsl leads \.\'i lh 8,2i9l. I know 1 f'ar. beat Kirst and Bendlin. I did it in the Olympics. If 1 had the money I'd fly llien1 11\cr hl•1'e lur ;l ~!){'fl.ii lllt 1 l:11l l JI nu•rt then1 ;111y11hrr1'. •·[ lll'ed Ill htJ\'e :-.on1enr1r j,. 11nrr\' ••bout to dn rn~' hest r 11a~11·1 1•\en 1111·;1 ,1f1fr th1i; dcca!hl11n. I kn1111' 1 ( ;111 d·i 11 .. 1. Irr. ff they t';1 n p11( 111g1·!11f•!' .il)o\ii<'I" 1neet in !v.o 11 cl'k :<, I'll he rL·:1dy" 'rn111nt·y 11·a);n·1 al all i111prt""l'(I 11111! l>1n1~1'1f fnr h1n 1og 11hll1~·1·:1 1 1·d H1I'.~ I ll)(lgr's I hrrr·\ t';11»r1Jr! 1\n1\"r1r:111 rN·ord hy 4i ptunts. I!~· "IUd s1n1 11J.1 "111:11 , 1111'1' "llll'fl lilfunned llf' h;1d <Jl lca"t ;.n;ipp1·d lhr US. !>1andard. ~o Jl goes 111 the hie nf :1 lrur ron1- l.ot:1tlor. At f1r s1 reflection 1hc itlr;i nr H11,.l111· Allen joining !he Angels l<>r 1hr 1:1;11 baseball c;impaign sce1ns rrdicu lous Al· len has a less than glittering n•p111;1!1on \\'hen 1l con1t,,; 10 JlClting <tlong v.ith n1an- agers and v.·hat guy interested in a1·ohl· Fears Hy 110 \\'AllO L. HA\\'UY LOS ANG~.:LES -Only l,\VO l('an1s 111 the National Football Lea gue ren111111 undefeated and coach Torn F'cars or the New Orleans Saints isn't sure the Harns arc the belier of the lwo. t•ears' Sainls uropped a '.l6·1i (!f'ei sion to the Rams Sunday al thr Coliscu1n They also lost lo Dallas a week earlier. 21-17. "The R;ims arc abo11l n11 it prtr 11·ill1 !hr Cowboys," Fears ~a.v~. "llf' r,aincd Ii'-..~ ya rda;:e :1ga inst the Co11·bn~-: than 11c 11111 ;1,1?.ainsl the Ran1s ant.I v.c tl'lcrl more r11n- nings plars last \\l'Ck .'' the :o;;i1nt t·ut11·h sa,·s ' Afier ailtn1111n~ lli.· fl.1n1s ;ire a r.:1wwl football learn, the former Los Angrlrs Ing r<•nllu·I v,!!l!ld 1,,1,1· t,11 1hr tt1111lf'r· n1•·nl,1 I :J;ir"' Tr.\ L('ll.1 l 'lull1n~ L1·l!y 1" "" h.inl up fur ~u1nf'n11,.. v.h•l i·;in t11t \hr b;ill 11 1111 <H11· eo1i...1t-1 Pnry tt1:1L !i• ol l;1h •• s,.nr1\ l.1.'!r•n. l<ldridgf' Ck·:111·1·. 11.iilv i :r ~11i.1111 11r JJr !'p11eli 1f ao y (,f lhc111 l:UUld \J.il :J1)0. H1cl111' 1\llt·11 t';J11 li,1l '.llJ0 -11·1 1h a )):HJ ;H!11 1\ll • n 11n11lr1 rn I•• 11,..11 1! 11 1nr·:u1t g1•!. 1 111~ <11\;11 110111 1lu· l1hdl1t·'· And thry h ll i' h,ut tor1r till of t11s lrt•11u1·nt dc.~•·r· 111,r" ,u1d 11 tl1.d iulhur.,1~ .1g:1111~t lhr L1Uh. liefs ''* l\ i11 Se1°if"s l.t·ll.v Ph illips hos appatl'ntl y pit•kr1l thr .\lets lo \\·in the \\'orld St'rie~. v.·hich hrin l!:S a!trern1ent fron1 this corner. Th<' An1crica n LeaJ?;ue has J?:Ood hillini: an1t runninJ?; divlsional C'han1pions. Bui in " Se \'f'll·J?:<llne l)('tiPS il's pitching Iha\ r:1y~ off. And the i\lcts h<l\'C that. Raps LA r11d tn1npla111ctl about illegal coverage nf p:1~~ rctc1vcrs ··Our pla~·r-rs 11·cre hrld. !at•kltd anti hit h~forc lhr b;ill ;irrived, {Dave) Parks 11,1s tackled 1n the l'tld znnc and the ball 11l·nt uver lus head. (Andy I Livingston 11a;. held twice 011 backfield pass al· lcrnJ11s " f3cing a ronner end himself, he 11·as at;ked If 1h i.~ s:1rnc th ini: ilidn'l hold true 11h('n he 11lnyc1I. "Yt·s. but I would lik e 1l ln be 11 lit!lv hir more erp1itablr." he $>Lid. F'r11rs >11111 cr1nch (;l'nrg,.. Allen or tht· H11n1 s ro11t11rrrd 11n onr: li11n.~ .. r l\':J<; i111prpo;~l':I \1 irh 13111 Kiln1r·r 1S:i1 nt 11uart('rback\. lie \:o; thl" 1nost 111\dt rr;i!rd 11u;11·1crb:11"k 111 (hr ;'\FL. II« 1~ nnt• ur lh<· l11UJ.1he<;t \IC 11111 face ;_ill )l"~r." 1\ll1•n .~.1~~ Fc:ir.s st1.1'' "\\'h(·11 he htis tune he c;111 Ri11dt Cools It, Bags U.S. Pri x l\1\TKl.\S Cl.I';;'\, ;\ Y. 11\P ) Bec;iu~c ,Jfichcn ll1nclt playrd it cool. he lntl;iy u1vned his first t.:ra11d l 'nx Chan1· p10n.'>h 1p, S5U,flW :ind a grin that strctchc~ ;icro ss h1.~ l'raggy fa cc. ThC' 2!l·vc:ir·iild ."i ustrian ha11 lrd .Jackie Stc11-.1 rl nt Lngl;inrl for 35 l:1ps SuntJa y ;111111111•11 111111 gn1 ng <111a.v :i~ h(• ea p11!frd Hi!' 20111 c:t':11Hl l'l'IX nf lhf' l.'nit!'d St:tl rs lu ·t .. 11· ;1 H~l 111~1 plus t1irno111 al the Glen tr;•<'k Slt'11:1rt dropp1"l 11111 ilfl(·r :i:, l<ip.~ \\'hen 1,1._ ,\lalr.1.f orit 1'ng1nc <11111 ;inrt set thr :-1.1gc for a lhrrt"ll'<lY battle fnr :o-ccond pl:1ec !h:tl Pnilcd ll'i1h Pil'rs Courage of l·:ngtand cinl·rging victorious. .John Surte~'s. :i!so of England. 11'a.~ th ird ahe;1d of .Jack Brabham of Aus· tr:ilia, Pl'dro lloclriguez of J\lexico. Silvio .\lose r ni Switzerland, ,Johnny Servoz· Gavin of .francc. Surlrcs ttruve a BRM. Rodriguez a F('rrari. 1he only one in !hr race and J\loscr ;ind Ser1·oz.Cav1n Brabharn-Fords. "Me f Aaron) ah,·ays has been a naslv frllow \l'ilh !he bat ," said •lodges. •· :r n1<'an that as a co1npliment. He's a crl'<lit to the game." Cleon Junes and Art Shamskv had th1·ee hits apiece for Ne\v York as Lhe Jllr!s rlubbcd sb; Atlanta pitchers for IJ hll.<: .Junes ahnost scored a fourth hil !hat 11 vuld have hurt 1hc Jllel s. It happened in !hC' se1·<'nth 1nn1ni; ll'h<'n he drilled a foul hall do \1·n the third bast' line that iust 1·lra rt'd thr head of To1nmie Agee, "'ho 11 as attt'mpt1ng to steal home. .. [heard hun cn1ning but didn't knO\\' ir he 1v,1s coming all the \l'ay or bluffing," Jnncs said. "! looked up crt Tommie and :;wung-the bnt to delay the catcher and t 11 it tl1(: balL I didn 't see the ball." ''That ball 11,cnt right Ol'er m.v head ," ~aul Agee. "I \1•osn·t scaretl untll it 11·a~ all O\'Cr. There 11'as no sign. I 1venl on my own. I "'alchrd Cecil Ups ha1v a couple of tunes and thought I could make it." Se\'eral pitches later, J one! rapped a home run and Agee go t a few minutes lo recover from the shock in the J\lets dugout. ••\Ve've got one fool in the grave an ct v.•e've p:ol to get up off our rears aod play base ball or get beal," said Harri!. The Braves' rna nager said he cou kln't understand 1vhy his team was playing poorly, especially on defense. Pass Coverage 1hro11· as WC'll as any quarterback in lhe !c~1g11c · The Hanis presented gaine balls to three pla.vers including co-<aptain Eddie ~lcadur. The ca pl ains usually pick the pl ayers 1\•ho are lo receive the coveted game balls but lhis lime J\teado r ~·as presented with one along "·ith Jack Snow and Alvin ll ay1nond. Sno1v caught three touchorhrn passc~ i11t'l11d1ng nnc for i~ yards 11•hilc llayn1ond ag:iin sparkled in the kick return deparl- 111 r nt. :.1.1 11>11 l'f'!tios n11s~rd lhe gatn" v.·ith ;i ~pr;1inrd tne although he could h\11·r p1;1y1•1l 1f nercs·;1r.1 lla~mond suffered a h1f!·[)!1111t 1tlJury but is f'Xpec lcd to pla y 11r"1 11!'rk 111 s.111 Vr;inei~co. ti.le ;idnr ha~ hC'C'll playi11g 11·ith a pin- chcU ner\ c 111 lu.s nct·k for four "'ee ks an<l Bob Brown bru ised his right knee ~un­ day. Both will be back against lhe 49<'rs. Ga briel \1•as si ngled out for Allen·~ praise along v.•ith Charlle Co\.\·.an wlm did a good job on Saint right end Doug Alkins. The Ran1s now lead the Coastal Div ision by two fuJI games. The 49era came from behind to tie Washington Sun- da)' after Jo:i;ing thei r firs t two aame5.. And this has Allen w·orried. "\'i'e h11ve j\1Sl 24 hours lo enjoy thi:J victory ... v.·as hi s parting remark . r l<" dOW" "'""'1•~9 V~«l~Q· PA~\1"9 v••<l•~f P •lu·~ Yfrd~Q• p,,,., ··~··" ~ ..... ~··· lo•• Y••lh "'°"'''I'd J•l<I•• " " .. " , .. .,.J ... • " ll•J\'I& " '" "' • ..... l·•l • " ff DAIL V l'!LOT l.1011d.1y, Octo~r E., 1 ~1 Golden West's ( B-hoys Bombard l Santa By HO\\'ARD L. llA NDY 01 1t1e 0 1117 1'1191 Stilt Dial B for the !Alden \\'est Colle8 e of. r ensc and Lake your choice >A' hen the U· Bovs begin their march. \\'ith Tony Bon\ve\J running the rollou t optio11 play lo perfection, trailed by Chadic Buckland. lhe Rustlers shutout arch ri\·al Santa Ana Saturday night, 17-0. Throw in kicker Bob Bess for a third B .11nd you have the romplete :icoring ?ic- t11re. Bess ron11<'CtCd on a »yard f1ehl "'Val attempt for a school record. lie also kicked two conversion point!>. Buckland scored bolh Colden \Vest touchdowns on bursts of 17 and four yards as coach Ray Shackleford 's club stayed niosllv on the ground to clefeat the Dons. OutWardly happy with the Rustler defense, the Golden \Vest toach ~ys : "OUr def~e played another greal game. 1 don 't \\'ant to single out any particular playt>rs. I just tho_ught they all did an outstanding job against -tough team. . •·Jt wasn 't our game plan to suck to the G.t.ME STloTUT!CS GWC l'ird ...,_,, "''~"" Firs! dC>wM ,,_ul"9 ,1'11 -M ,,.,..!lie> To!•I llnl -.,...,.,, • ....,.,,1 ... .,...,..,, ,,. •• 1..,. .,.. ....... lot! " ' ' " ,,, • •• • ' ' ' '" • " " J.I~: yl nh t•i.....i runt1/lovt<"11t• Clitl•t><• P1N1ltie• Vt nll ........ •i1ed Fu....,ln /Fumb•n k1•1 " '" ' l• I 1e·n 1 1 "I S '" n •• .. k •rt '1 Ou•tt•n . W I 1 O 1e ~:~~:" ,.~:1 0 • 0 e ~ 11 . -' !!on ,..·1 !>~Vtl•• (O'n~f ...... 11- Bvr;lll1nd a. Jon•• To111' w.111emA Le..,•i1 O•d<'" s.:~·••f>&f" """" 11 ;vort w 11111 '~~ 1Eric1t 1~ 10•0!• Oeoll•rl !rte~,., ToH I\ ~UiH ING t-OLOIM WfST "' " YC " ' ' '" " • • .. " ,. ' " '" l ANTlo ... NA ,. ' " ' ' ' ,. ' " • " " • • " a lOO ,ISSING GOLOIN WIST . ,. ,, ,~, . ' ' i.1.NT .1. .I.Ill.I. ' ' • • ' • • • " • • ' ' • " " • " • ' • • ' " " , . ' " • ._, '. " " .. .. " " .. " ... " " ,, .. " " °' .... ,. "' '"" .II, UCI DROPS PAIR, HOSTS CA L POLY liC Irvine "·ater polo forces roll out the "·elcom e mat for Cal Poly, Pomona, Tuesday aftemoo~ at 3 30 alter th e Anteaters "·ere t\•ILC't. defeated Satu rda y in the Northern California open tourna- n1ent. Coach Ed Nev.·lan<i"S grou p look a 7-2. thumping from n~tional A~U outdoor champion DeAnza 1n the s~1n11!~a1: th~n fell to the University of Cahforn1a, 1·5, trl th e duel for third place. liCl never led 1n either till. Scoring for the Anteaters ag_ainsl De Anz.a "·ere Steve Fanner and Jim Br ad- burn. B d Tanking goals against Cal w_ere ra • hum and Farmer wit h t11.""0 apiece whil e Rich Ea!'lon made one. Colle~iate '- Grid Score~ 17-0 grow1d but wha te..-er '.l"e need to 11 in is the "'ay v.e'll pl<ly 1hcni. ··\Vht·n Tony starts calling the µla1·s hin1st'I!. he 'll probably throw rnorc. \\'hC 11 I rnlled a 1.·ouple of p~s plays aga11lSL Sant:.i Ana, he niay have fOl"gotten thu pal!ern our rec:?t\•er \1ould run and he haJ a couple of 111t<>rcepllons when our 1nar1 was wide open.·· Shackleford indicated he 11ould let J~o'l .,.,.ell call soine of the plays against ~anta Barbara this Saturday night. ""He is read_v lo do it right no11· and I sec no reason to wa it. It should help our pas.<:ing game a great deal." Bonwell 's success in 11010 games has been outstanding. He is the first running quartcrDack in Golden \Vest his1ory and instead of a drop-back passing game, lhe Rust lers now present a diversified attack. There was more than the usual amoun t ()[ fllmbll ng in a hard hitting, rock and ~oc~ gruund garnc . The Rustlers bobbled the ball 10 time.~ but gal'e up posses5ion only once. The Dons fumbled four lirncs and lost possession oner.. Gulden \\'est scored the second time it had the ball. Buckland took a pitch fro1TI Bon\rell around right end and v.·enl ln for the score with 2:4-4 remaining. Early in the third quarter. Roger Parkman set up the second score. with a brilliant punt return of 33 yards to the Don 37. Nine plays later, Buckland dro..-e O\"er left tackle from the four. Ress' field goal can1e y,·i1h 2.51 re- n1air·ing in the third stanza. The Golden \\'est defen~c contai ned rhc O!ins so ""ell lhey d1dn"t erer ha\C po,;session of the ball pa.st the midt1eld !'tripe until !he final serie.~ v.·hen a penalty ga\·e. them a first do11·n on the Rustler 36. Thre~ plays late r they v.·ere hack lo the 47 and Jumbled as the final gun sounded . ONE OF THE B·BOYS -T ony Bon.,vell (14 ) of Golden \\'est College c arries for a sizeable gain a gainst Santa Ana Saturday ni ght. Bon\\'ell and Char lie Buckland con1bined for an outstanding display of ground B IS FOR BUCKLAND, TOO -Chnrl1c Buckl..inrJ 1221 of <;olden \\"est Colle.l!r ~11t cn1p1., to t.rt•,1~. lackle bold of .\likr <Ju1nn 180 1 11 f !he San1.1 .\11,1 l l1•11-l:1tc\,l.1nrl .1nrt J:nh l~l''' {1 1{\ nil rf Lhr ;;corin:: I t! !'.' (,nldl'n \\l,,t J:u ,!lc1~ ~d .\JICL-1y 111,i:::llt 111 a 1 ;.II \ 1•1•11 I Hartman Still Not Satisfied Br BOB ROTH Ot !~t Dl •IY" liltt Sll ll Sacldleback College·s r a n1 fl a g 1 n i; r.auchos \1·ould apprar to be ready for thc opening of l>esert Conference hos11h11rs on the strength of their 20-6 thu1np1ng ol prc\'iously unbt>a\en Chaffey S;uurd:iy n i~hl at l\tission \"iejo ll igh School. On the surface iL would appear lo be an encouraging pcrfonnanre. especially v. hen you ronsidl'r th at earlier th is year Chaffey defea ted the College of the J)eserL Saddlcbark"s fir st league roe. 1.:i- 7. 13ut Gaucho co;ii:h George llar1111a11 frels his Gauchos ll'ill still ha,·e to 1n1· pr::i\'e greatly 1! lhey are 10 be a scriOll ~ contender for their dh·1s1onal crov.·11, ;i~ they are Forecast to be. .. Our defense did an outstanding joo.·· S8\'S Hartman. "But our pass defense still nttds t.o improve. \lle"rc not getting a good rush on the quarterbacks and our secondary needs lo make f c we r mistakes. P11nther quarterback Joe Brogdan eorn· pleted eight pa~'."es !hrough lhe Gaucho secondary good for 91 yards and h<> 11 :i ~ dumped for a loss one ti1ne for six ~.'.lf'l' The Chaffey ground att ack v.·11s hrn1te1I lo tv.•o first rlO\\'llS :in(! 88 n<>t ) :irrl~ ru~h1ng. 50 of \\·hic h came on a burst b..- lull b:tck Jim Buss('y, · Onct ag;un Toby \\1"upplc w11s the ~ort.h,ir~c lnr Ill(' l:.1ut1111· t ,irr\l'.:: ::2 1unrs and g;11nn1g 191 ~,,r,t • Hartma n had \1on.!s 111 pf.II><' 10• 1 •. ~ flf1cn~i'>c l1 nl·. \1 b1ch •IJl('tll'd L1r!!O: hol,., tnr \\'h!pplt' 1n !ht' htg~t·r \n;il !t'\ l.ni . alluwins 1he bu ll-11 1.e t;i1Jl:Httl-. h• bur-1 i hro111~11 anrl thf'n p1l·k hi.; \1 ,1\ 1hro11c.h !he 1•i1n1hc·r secon1lary for ext ra ~.1n!.1g1·. Drsp11e the far I thl' ! ; ,, u 1· ho" 01·cr11 hclmrd f'h.iffr.,· on lh~ st:it1slir'> ~hr-ci thcv had :i d1rt1 cu\t i1mt' build ing ..i lr:id <IS liu111c·rou~ dr1 1 ('S bo.1ggt•d jl (111 11 · ~111'1 of !hr f'nd !f•l~t "(lur ofl cn:-t' 11101 .. ,I 111,ll 11p I 1 ,di".~ 111r 20.·· say s Ht1 r>111;111 ··Hut 11 1· n1,1t<•' 1110 11)<1111· tn i~ta hr:-,,: ~·11!1 1'<1l l111u·< \\ 11i1 ihc grc:;t 11un1ll1·r Pf trc,nrncn 1·.1· 11.1 1•· 1)11 1he SQILac! v.·r h.11{' 111 l'XIX'l'\ ~\>!~!' rnistakes .. , '"But we had he lter iron 1ht'm 1111\ and play ne;:1r perfect hall if \1 C re going to be ;1 t 1tle contender." The prunary n1 ist:i kes •1 h1t h hurt the. r.auchos Saturday 1rere pt•nalt1('S. Sad- dleb:ick \\·as slapped 11 1tl1 :-.. P \ c n pcnall1e,. setting !111•n1 halk 6.5 \;1111 · Sacld lebark scorcli !hr first 111nP 11 'i''' !hi' lJ:ilJ, !:tkin,t:: 1h1• (lp<'.~illf.! kk ;..O(! ,11 t rirl\"Ul.I!. 80 \"iJfrtl"> Ill 10 fll ... 1 ~! JI In;. \\hippie bur~\ n\ rr ft ••.11 1.1(' r '-r \\. ,, JO 4;1 rrn1a111111 ~ '"I n 1hf' Jir,.l qu,1rtt! ," ~.1 1 • 11 .. r1·,·,ar. 'l 1110111-1111 our ho~~ 11rrc rt·acl11u: 1r.r1r nre s~ Lhpp1n.;;:.. But I 11.15 1i.r;1:.(·d 1:1e \\,I\' thry ':inH balk in the ~econd hall " "lllr r..1ut ho~· lln,11 t11n ~cnruu: p!a~~ ran1c on a st·ien ~;irrl sC'orin i.: l:>ss trom Hod t:r:n t·~ to )1111c llarrlv y,1th 1 17 l<'fl .n 1hr third pt'r1fl(l. ard on a fourt h qu :irll!r onc-~·a nl plunge by Cra1 es "'ith ·I fl3 rr1n:un1ng. .l11h11 Sll'11;irt boo1rd 1\10 s11ccl'ssful l:"ll\l"rSLOllS Ill 1hree tr:<'S. GAME $TloTISTICS Cht !lt"f I • • oo,,., rv•~ no I 1 ,,~ .. ,, I~''" 1 I ~-,..., nr •'''"" ·~ •I ,,, <I~"/' I ' ' I•''" "'• \ P'I"' g I ·.h I~ .. ' (I.,• ·~ ',,, ~" -~· 0 1••--r, • • ~, ~A·~· e•• • .-~ fy·•·U~l 1-Y•"'ICl·I IW,T ~U Hll "'G C"A,FEY "' ... 1 • lltJ ••I • B •!<:~!~ ' " """'' • (f\f'''"~"~ ' Tor.,1 " SAODl((l&CI( v ~ c<'• " ' ,.. -.. ' (--~·" " " ... "' .. " l't~<l'I (, <H '~'l.Y ' ,., " ,. ' ~ •I ~ ' " " " " " • " ' ... '" ,. ,. " ' • .lil " ' • • • • " ' • " ' " ' • ,. " '" " ' --·~ " ' ' " ~AOOL(IA Cll. ' ' " ,. " ' 1;1 ... ' ' • " ' .. " " ' "' " ·' • • ., " ' " • '" ' ... . ,, '' "'~· .. " " " " " .. .. " ., ' ... " ... ,., •;1 ,., '" ,...,..~.z:.. 0.1.llY PILOT PllOID b~ Pll O'Donf\111 power as the Rustlers "'On, 17-0. Leading the way is Kurt Kreuger (61) y1h.iJe John Primrose (75) and Doug Schlee (54) of the Dons trail the play. Spo1•ts iii Brief Hepatitis May Wipe Out Holy C1·o ss Footllall \YORCESTER. ilfa~s. lnirc- 1tous hl'patilis threatens 10 11·1pe out the Jloly Cross football learn th1~ .\ca r. Nineteen ('rusaders, including sc1·rn startcr5. \\"ere in the college 1n!irn1arv :"unday night nnti big quesllons 11·t're ra1:.- ('d about the seve n rcn1;JJn1ng gamt•.<; "\\"e just ran'l play under l hl'~C <·i rcumstances." said new head coach U1ll \\"hillon. "\\·e·,·e reached the point of r.n retllrn. The healthy pl11yers are r mn· t1onally upscl because they arc afrc11d they·11 catch l1ep;i\i t1s too:· Holy Cross Athletic Director \"incenl ,J J>ougherty sald he \\·ould \lillt 1111 t1I r<'sult;; ;ire rC'turnctl on hlood t 1·~ts 011 \h" resl of the team, but s<11d hr n1.-i\· a<k tllr· Eastern Collegiate Athlt·tic A ~~riC-1:i1 1on 111 11;11\C lhc ru!r \\h1ch 1;r•\h1h1 T' frl·chn11·:1 fru111 playing on \ ;1r.sny 1c;11ns . Pirates F aee ,i\11other G ia11 t: U11beate11 FJC n.1· .JOEL SC ln\",\RZ Of !~• 0 111> ~ .... , S!aP! Or;rru:r Co;r~\ Collrl!r chorr<>d 1!n·.1•1 nnr g1;1nt !11 ll;:irhtlr Cnllri:_" l.t.~! Fr 1rL1v ri1ghl . hut \1 111 h<' far('d 111th iln r 1r11 ~r•1rdi•'r nn" s.,111ql;ll' nighl 11ht'1\ !lit• l '1t.1!1·~ nrirn lhr!r :-.,11111!~ ( i'·•·l lnr1- ferenrc schedule al the LJ 1g A ;11 /\nahein1 That other giant i5 Fullcr!fl n .Ju11inr Coll ege. the possrssor of a J-0 record J~Vil l;kc Orange Co;t ~t Orange Coast football coach D11 \.; 'rlltkt'r. v.ho 11as ;r sprct;ito r \1h1··1 Fu!lert-0n durnped previously unbeatf'n El (":1m1nn last...Saturd;1\. w111i 1111 prr~<.;('r! h1 1he Hornet~. but 1sn I aho11l to thn111 111 th<' towel \t't ··\\'c ha.,·e tn hoi1t' il ~real ni~ht lo hr,•t 1hcn1:· T11rker ~.111! as hr re\ 1ewed fll1n~ nf thC' Pirates· slirrring 21 -20 1·ictory 01 rr Jlarlxlr Frirlay C\cnin11: ""Fu!lert1Jn is ::1 betlcr lean1 lhan Harbor becau se of thrt'e thing~. "fir.~t they clo more things on ofrcnse than Harbor rloes. And thE'y have an outstand- inJ,?: athlet e in quart<'rba ck flfarv Ov.·cns. 1 hen they ha\ c a great recei1·er in Jeff D::iker ... Tucker, y,·ho coJehes onr nf 1hr strongest defenS('S around ag:iinsl tl11· tush, isn't riarticu larl_v \1 0rrll•d al>0t1 t Fullerton"s grouncl gan1e. •·J don 't lhink an~·borty will be ablr tn run against us. But Fullerton al\\ a~·s ha.~ gi1en us trouble \\"ilh their passing. ant! lhey ha..-e the people to tlo it RRain ." Tucker indicated tie·s plea~ed ll-"ith hi~ o""·n offense, but says the Pirates sllll ha1·en•t put everything together ~·rt. "\\'hen we do. look oul because "'e'rc going to explode.'' he sayii , \\"hen it C'Qmcs to his rlelensr. Turkt'r \\"1ll reluctantly adn1it 1\"s tri11gh. and thC>n brtak into a J!Tln that"s ;1!mot :is Ing a' ~ome of h1~ lin em l'n. The statistics bear nu t l11s grin Thrcc nppon<'nt.s ha\"e nl'ltt'ft Jll.'t 126 ~a rrl~ ru~hing and ha1•e completed but 26.ol 7S nasses. • TR . .\\"ERSE CJTY, \lirh. -Char\r , \\"..ilter H:igen, thr ra1her of modern prD- f~ssional gnll anrl one of its most C'O\orl11I ~la rs on anti ,...ff lhf• course. d1ed l'lf c:inccr ;:ibnu l n11~n1ght Sund;oy. Ile \\J~ " • -~ r.l\"FR:-:r nE -\lark Donohue : \.\"ho li:i1! ~1ln·.1d 1· \1 r•11 tile 1969 Tran-.. ,\111• r1r·;in :.1a11u!.'.H'l1,!1"Crs Cha111pion~h1 1) l11r l'.irnaru. :idd(·d 1hc SJ5.000 !1!1ss1111t I~• II 1;10 tlllr Sunrl;iv al B i\'er~1dc l11t1 ·n1 :l!J1·IL•I li~tC('lr<J). - l"l11n11hu,. a1·cr11f.'rd 95 i8~ mile;; an hotir tn f1111-.h one min11tr :ind 2Q seconds ahead •I lu ... H11~1·r l'l·n~k e l'a1naro tcan11n <rtr , l:>i "11~· Hu C'~1111111, La C~nad:i , lhc 011]/ 1.1h11· 1lr11(•r on lhe same la["!. H.·1111huf' 11 "'l ~~ :JOO :l"'I hi ~ s1xl h 1 •" v.\1•1 1 !• t• r1 111 IZ ~1 111~ t in~ ~,,a ,n11, I' • •111111i•·\l·d ti;, r.1c".': 1n 2 ,16 u5 bc!rtrc I! 1I11 " \.\l'l.!"; li..i1y -B1ltPtn<>.<:s l11igerrd 1 1 r· 1,,d,1\ r· , r 1111.d n1n . ...r sports 11·ritrr~ 1 '· 1 t .•~ " 1!1 .irJl"llltlng \lurld n11d- dl• 1111.Clol 111 1,, !1~llt S;iturda~· n!ght. 11111.1· ~ '\inn li~·n1 ('!1ut1 krpt his cro11n 111" n :'l rap,ol1t.111 r<•fl"t t'l' Tony G1!:irth 1 '1~ri:1.1l1:1ld 1·,.J~cr Srntl 11f Se,1tt lr. II .i•h 111 111,.. '~'\rnlh rou11r! fC1r fi,11h1ing \I o:li 111, ll l·.ul [,,., lu11 'I h1• t.11·, ,1111! 11 r1lrr~ r!1rln·1 l1kr lhr 1 .1 11 Tlu,1 ~-.11tl 1t \rft the fi ght l1ang1ng 1n 1111d·.111· .11111 '• r1:11nlv :iddcd nothing to J:l·n• r111:11 s ~!.1 I Urr • • 1.(lS 1\:\C.EtJ:s -Light11·C'ighl rham· rt1•1n \l;inr!r. H;11nri.'. ~uccessful in thr- hr,.\ ik·l~·n~t of !he croll"n, \ICighc.d :l 1•t•.1lth uf •1lfl'rs frn111 ;1round the. v.•orld lvda~. \\ l11lr OHL rnnfrr 111f'd. it aprearcrl likel:t 1hr 20-~t>;ir.r•ld fro1n Long Beach \\"ill ne"t light a for111rr chan1p1nn. Isn1ael L.1guna, 111 rana111a C1!~· later this yl'ar. L:igun.1 \1·as at ringside in the Sports Arena :-;a1urday r.igh l v.·hen Ramo!I knorked ou t unrankrd Yoshiaki Numa \!l of Tokyo in thr ~1xlh round of their s1.hcdulcd 15-roundrr. • REflKELEY -f),i\·is Cl.tpper Stan S11111h 01·crpnwtrPcl C"llff Richpy, &2. 6·2 S1u1(1.11· 1n \1 in lhc 1nt'n's singli:s li11e in 111r S20 000 Pat:1 f1c Coast International 'I rnnis Tourn.11ncn l • SA:-; DIEGO -Al Att les raced do"'" !he court aftt'r a missed Los Angeles shot <ind put in a lay-in \\'ilh one second left al The San Francisco \\"arriors beat ll"l!t Laker~. 102-100 in A National Basketball Assoc1at1on exhibition game Sunda,i 11igl11. ~ TlCSO:-o; Al1st rahan Tonv Roch• h<>;it Tnin Oh ker of !he i'\et herh1r1ds in th• all fr)r e1gn t1n;1\:-i of the T11c~on lcnnll cla~s.c Sunda\·. Thr tnp-~('('drd Horhe beat Okker 9-7, &. I !l'I f"l lC'k up a fir st place chec k for $2.000. Okkcr i;:ot $1 ,400 T Kei •d /l.1a 1 fi Cr> lrvi }l i,I!' .. , say ~" ~"· n!n1 II c:lul litlc I.I E loot rorc Bos S"n nigl D up . y.:e: Sal1 \~e: p \('r( and dr1• II of I An ruir II nf • giv1 \\ s•n this Do' ed ' S• ' • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' • ' ' ' ' R r. ... Sou 1ne1 !ht'. firs pin1 h """ poe goa R con T (!eh rirs yea tlor fl the a r Got L Gol tall one G the WO "" V~ll• J 1s: W> " ' W• '" Coo!, <001 V III• Or•r •• l •v• (lffT l'unl <~'0 t n•r W• ' ,. N· '' 19 •: ----·-··-------------------------------------------"'--- . . Corona del Mar J ells, 19-0; Holland Sees Title Chance By JIM CAMETr 01 lti. D•Hr Polo! ~loll The smooth left arm of quarterback Keith Samuels and a strong, well-bahmc- ed running attack save the Corona del Mar Sea Kings a 19-0 football win ovrr scrappy Edison Saturday night 111 <rn l rvine League opener at Newport llarb-Or HiJ?h. "Our offense m.1lly ::.ecmed lo jell," 11ays e1n elated Dave llolland. Sea Kmg ~ead coach. •·Samuels looked good al eiuarterback and our backs were all run· nmg strong." Holland concedes lhal he believes hi s club had a rhancc at the I rvme League title. "l thmk we can win II," the likeable Corona mentor staled. ''It's going lo be a t(Jugh race, bul 1[ we con unuc to 110- prove, we've got a chance'' He cited Loara and Magnolia as the teams lo beat. ''You can't forget Costa Ml·sa eilher." he pointed ouL. "Tlwy lost a cou ple of tough pre-season games, bul ;i lter be<iling Estancia 111 the league orJener they could come on strong " The Sea King coach also has a worrl or praise for lhe club his learn had JUSl beaten. "Edison has a fine young ::;quucl. 'fht•y <1re the be::.L first -year learn l\e M'en.'' The Chargers moved the boll well :J'.-;arni,l the Sea Kings until they gol inlo Corona territory. They were able lo penetrate the Sea King 20 only once. Boswel.I Co t1ee1·11e d Mistal{es Menace Lions Despite 13-6 Triumph By STEVE ANDREWS 01 th1 Daily P'olol $1111 Eliminating mistakes inexperien,ccd football players are prone to make is foremost in Westminster High coach Bill Boswell's mind as he girds his defending Sunset League champions for Friday night's encounter with Santa Ana. Despite the fact Boswell's Lions chalked up 419 yards total offense and outslugged Westem·s invading Pioneers. 13~. in Saturday night's Sunsd hd-lifler, the Westminster boss is not sat1sf1ed. . Penallles fumbles and pass 111- terceplions' stymied most Lion marches and brought an abrupt hall lo threr drives. . Westminster's offensive tin(' was gu1lly or numerous illegal procedure penall1e!'I. An illegal recei.ver do":'nliel~ call abo ruined a potent.tal scoring bid. . With the speed and break away ability o[ the Sain ls. the Lions can't afford to give the speedsters loo many chances. Westminster's usual l1lllgh gf(iund game went into effect for the first time this season. Behind the running of Monte Downing and .John Baiie. the Lions total- ed 224 yards rushing. Senior quarterback Edct1e B a n l' . I , GAM( STATISTICS W t='tt•t down~ HI' hl,,9 F IUt dOWn'\ l)d\~IM ' '1 I Y<M I\ I II 11 perlormed well in the passing depart- men t and teamed with split end Curt Drdrick to get the Lions out of ma11y Jam s. 7'he diminutive lefthander hit on I I of 23 passes for 195 yards. Another plus for Boswell was the play of his defensive front four. The men ''ho "111 have to cope with U1e fleet Sa1nl backfield held the Pioneer backs lo 52 yards rushing and only one first down. \'r"estern picked up only four first UO\~ns. Rarl Frankhouse, Rich Vernes, Joh11 Johnson, Jun McNaughl un, Alan Dages and Deano Aldridge came up with the big 1~11nrt when 1l was needed. In the third and fourth quarters v. ith Western lrying lo gel its offense un- i rocked. the ltne dropped r1onel'r quarterback Bob Mili l•r for 37 yards 111 h,sr;es. West minster broke the icr in the game Ro::.wcll sc.iys ''we h::id lo win." Dow1111u:: scored the first touchd1,\11n with a qu 11•k bursl off left tackle for c1ghl ) ards Hl !hi' r1r~L period. 1\lrlricl~l', who missed f\1 O 11t'ld goals and onr extra point. con- ' t•rll'd. The nexl score 1·,1111e in the sreonrl ciuarter "hen Bane hit Ed McL,rnghhn r-.lantrng in rrom thl' leh side for :in c1gh1 · y:-ird tout:hdown. Aldri dge's kick war; v·1de. 'That drive, which occurred mid-way t hrougl1 thl' tl11rd quarter, v.as halted 011 tht: Cot·111111 ftw as Sea Ktng lineman Jeff < ;oclltt made his second furnblt! recovery of the night. Uo<'t.lz got things going lor lhe Kings in lhr fir:il qu arter, grabbing a fumble on tl1C' Chaq~~r 25. 1"01\ow1ng a 6-yard loss. Samuels tossed :i 19-yarcJ ::ierial lo halfback Jeff Thomas 111 put the Kings on the 12. f our plays l.ilcr <'ll 11 fourth and one situation at the Lhrec, ~a1nuels dove over for the score. The boot was short '1nd Corona lead 6--0. Late in the second stania Samuels had Ille Sea Kings on the move. He l'nginecred a 66 yard drive in J5 plays ;mrl ta.lb~wk Glenn Miller capped il with a une-yard TD pass to wingback Al Saia. 'Le\ l' Judith kicked the extra-point with 1111 time lei l on the tloC'k and the Sea Kings ownt'd a 13-0 halftime advantage. Th~ 1'.ings h1l paydirt again early 10 the third p,•rwd. Coruna took possession on the Edison :14 alter a lourlh down Charger punt had gone tor no gain. Following a 2-yard loss. Samuels found SA1C1 111 the middle or the Charger secon- dary v. ith :-i sol l floater. Saia pi cked his wnv through several Edison defenders ;ind ml'tde hi s way Lo the end zone for the ~wore. A try for the two-pointer failed and Corona led 19·0. Jl olland substituled freely for the re- mainder of the contest, resti ng most of n is :start l'rs and lell111g reserves get g<mw cxpcncnce. '', .. GAME STATISTICS EO CdM f.ir\t downs ru~h•rio 4 • F 1r\f oown• pd>Stn9 l ' f-..lr ... dOHr\.1i Pen.Jll•CS I 2 fOl•I flr>I dOWn> H •• Var<b ru n•nv 1,9 1611 v.110' J?1' ~ing 101 10' Yorll'> to.1 J8 ?S N<' var a' 11~ 1ncd 272 2•~ ""vn1s A\tPraQe d 1qaf\ce l (I 0 -4 2J 0 rtncitht! 'rftrds p('nllfUd 2 10 J J~ F umbte• f umotPS 10>1 • l l 0 Score ov Quulen l U•'<l" 0 0 0 0 -n Loroua dCI MJr 6 I • Q -19 RUSHING EDISON TCll YG YL Avlf. ••1ro10:..a I J& 32 ·O ~ F UQ.J I 11 0 Jn MCo h f jq -~ 0 • 1 V't'Jt. 11 j l? 0 6 l kMITIOnd l c 3• .no f01t'f,,. J~ 159 JI J . CORONA DEL MAR .. ,., II 33 10 1 0 fl 11t•r 1 0 l 1 000 JI .'6 ' n ' f•'" \ u I 7 I 1111~ ~· n I 1 }V11+H! .'8 0 9 ) ff _,I r f J I 0 1 To•~1-. •• 1611 ,~ J l Pll~~ING EDISON FA PC PH( YG Ptl. lhri,.,10· .. I~ I 0 ~I ICQ Pa\'1 11 I I I 0 ' 1 011) lo•'· II 8 0 101 l?l CORONA DEL MAI! ~Af't1Ufl\ 1 0 0 101 • :'1 M1Ut ' I (I I HO loi.1, H l 0 104 .•66 F irst down~ ~nalht\ Tol•I l1nl downs V•rds rush1n11 'fanh pn$tl'll 'ford• lost 7'1 I•\ II ,,. T ritons Win, 2r-20 Ne! V••O• g&tnfd PUf'lt!o Av•r1tqe d1,tAnr" Pe...al•1">/Vard• p~n~l·t•d Fvmble.,Fumo•M 1n,1 Scort by Ou•rlrrs W e\tt"rn w~1m1n)1Er Downing B~•lt M•ddotk> R1111"1t- Mtlne w 1111em< To1al• Molleo Ari&< Wiiton W1l-.on Cotr,.." 1otals 0 6 I 0 RUSHING WESTMINSTEll TC& " H 4 'I 1 1 •9 .VESTlRN ~ I 0 l ' ?~ YG 'YL ,. / 74 ~ 21 I <II 11 II n 1 ~ II ,.1 11 ' J7 ;14 0 1/ I 11 (I ll 0 90 Ja P'ASSING WESTMINSTEll Pit. PC PHI YG 19~ I II 2 WESTERN 1 I o 20 I ant Miiier 3 1 • n I \II I ,t.vq, '' • 8 ~' ' l I• I• 0 . ) I~ A I ~ 1 l 1 1 P'cl . '• Rustler s Bo'v 111 Overti111e Golden Wrc;t and F'11llrrto11 b,111 lf.'d to a 4.4 tie al thr 1•nd nf rrgt1)<111on play 111 lhr Southern r~1hfnrn1a \\ aler polo lourna- menl Sat11rcl:iv at C:oldt'n Wt·"L :incl 1hr11 the Hornrts punchrrl 1n two i,:c1<1h in lh<' first O\'ertime pl'riocl to lok r lhr <'hurn- p1nnship, 6·5. Jn tlH• h:lllle for third pl;irr <'1·rnt11' clowned Orange Coast. I 1-4 M1kf.' WagnC'r paced tht• P1r::ilrs scorinj! \vith lhrcr goals. Mike Allbright added the othrr Rio Hondo beat Citrus, 14·10, for the consolation crown. The Rustlers, who had rldrat~d lhr <lefending stale champion Pirate~. lhe first 1unior college team lo du so m l\\Cl years. held 3-2 and 4-3 leads over the Hornets late 111 the gamr . However, Rustler ace Don L1ppolrlt ldl the game midway in thr t111rcl p('riocl \'Ill a major penally and from lhen on thP Golden West offense bogged down. Lance Norris scored three goals for Golden West to lead scoring. Lippolclt tallied once and Steve McOannold added one in the second overllmc stanza. Golden West downed Chafrt>y. 8-6, and the Sues, 7-6, to gajn a berth in the finals. Calendar T~idlV W I r p0IO -USC ill OC.(, C•I Polv PomOM •I vet' 1k1h ., 3 JOI. (Oll~ M"A •• W1tson l'ounlA'" Vellev •I LI Qufnla, Manna II 8uen.l P•rk (dll t i l 15). WedntlOV W1Jtrr Potn CorOl><'I Oel Mir al Oownfv, l'oothtll 11 L~une CDOlto 11 l IS). Tilu1'141•'f weltr oole -Founl•ln velln< II PAc1llc1 ll 151. Cron countrv -Newoorl 111 A""halrn. lo&r• ~I C°'ll Mn• M•onoll#J Al E•l31>Cla1 Corona dtl Mer ~t J'.ounta\n Vallrv. L1111una 111 Foolh•ll, S~n Cttm~n•r ~• VIII• P•rt( SA Vaft1v II EdlJOn, M•UICI'\ Vielo ft Oranoe (111 11 l Ul. l'rldav l'oon>elC M•lrr Or. "' LOl'lo 8f'ACh Wt1•.o ... l eoun• 8eath Yl FOOllllll 11 M•U•On V•f lO. s '" (irmel'!le .,, Viii• PM~. !l•nl• llM •' Wt•""'"''"· •4untinoton 9fl'1'Ch Y' Lt' Ouu'ltill ltl 8nl'-+'t r.r "'""· t..orot'I& <1rt M3r v.s Fouf"'!f1u" Vt'll•., 11t t'iu"'" otort. ll>1r• Yl Co1to M•H •I N~woort IAll .i a om I W~t~r pelf! -AM ht 1m at ro• '" MM1t, F,_.,'h1ll ,., f-''N ~-.. L.-. Qu1nl1 al W""lmh""ff r Ft!l\nn •t M , •M I 111 .,, l . 15). C~I ~141• Lono Belt!! ., U<.1 (B 15 D m ), SC Do es the l 1n po ssible; Scores, Top s Vanguards By DAVE CEARLEY Of I~~ Di iiy Piiot Sll lf 111 l\.10 ~ames this season -96 m1nu11·" nt playmg tune -San C'lt:rnl'nlc httcJ latl- rrl 10 notch a StnAk po1nl 011 thr !'l(.'Orcboarcl. But 111 lt'!ols 1han t\\O m1nutrc; !-1.iturtlay night ag,unsl ho:-l leilm I· I 1\1.'.lclena. the Tntuns nol univ '-<'Or<'d but fl•" n1 Litt' \\ay lor their t1n1t \ILlOr) ul thr ::.t·a~nn. Thr Triton:. lost lhe1r lead m lht' ~<'1'onil q11;1rtl'r. 1hcn camr on ).lrong 1n tl11 :-.•·- cnntl half ancf h1·hl on tor a 2i 211 up,1·t \I 111 in 1 he Crc~I' lt'W Le:igur opener !or IJoth ~quad..,. S.111 Ckmrnte 11otd1rrt 11.; r i r l t11111.:J1duv.n v.lwn :-.1gn<1I t.ilh'r flick <;1 ii fh·~ "" ;i q11<1rtrrh;1t·k ~nrak. cul thro111•.h tlH·' \.';m~ual'cl -,1·1 .. mllary <1nd ~prd Iii ':ll'Cfs to t hr end 10111'. · Lrc;;; tllan t\\O minu(p-. l:itt'r Hwk Brown r<'l'l'1ved an El Mutl1•11.i punl on lw .. :!~. raced through lnrklrrs cind travclt>rl down the sidel ine lor Sao Clcmcnll' ·s ~r cond tally. El Modena rallir<I io thr second p('flod driving 49 yards in 1 l pla ys with R1<·h Carcia rolling over frorn the nme. Om· minute before mlerm1ss1on, lullback Max Ledesma raced through the Trit:.>11 <ll'fense on a 15-ya rd s<'urmg jaunt. Garcia passed lo halfbark Bob llillman lor the two-point conversion giving thl' V;,inguards a 14-13 leCld. Lt>desma al so added a b e I a t e cl touchdown in the fourth quarter on an 8 yard dash. Bul, San Chm1enle struck fasl <1g<11n 111 the third when the Vanguards tumbled GAMI! STATISTICS F "'' oown; rush I no f lr~t downs P85~ino l"1rs1 downs D•Ml••n TOl•I t int duwn• y.,d> ru>hlNI YM(I\ pau1ng Voro~ IDSI N~I vards 9a1nl'd PunhlAver~c;iP dlstanc,. P•n•llof'l/Vard' D~n•lll~ F umbl~s F umbl~5 IO\I Score by Ou1rltrs SC I I 1 l 1A6 At. II 111 .I 76 0 311• ,,, IEM 6 6 0 11 1)6 110 10 767 2 IA 0 l•H . } S•11 c1~mml1 n n 1• n -'1 ti Mod8fll 0 1' 0 ' -'° "~,.. GHld•s Brown f"'4rr1• To1a1i John!t011 H111man l P(l,.\m8 (,.u( ., Ch•CIW'C• 1ol.lls llUSHING Sit.N CLIEMIENTE TC& YO YL 1 .i 0 17 ., 10 11 •1 .i J 7 0 l• .... ll IEL MODUIA 11 I~ 7 1 18 , • •• 0 1 u 5 I 0 I JI 1)6 10 I' ASSING SAN Cl..EMENTIE it.v,, 1\ .. 7 I 7J J 1 1 1 , l • J Io I 0 Jt PA PC PHI Y(1 l'rl 7 l I •~ IOO ~l MODENA n ' 191 lhr oprnin~ k1ekofr <tn<l lhr Triloos I Cl'O\lf.'rl'rl tit the J7 . Four rlays l:.itc-r (:rctdr~ plungr.d f)V('r r roll) I ht· 11nr. l;I\ Ill~ San Clemente a lead \1 l11ch 11 nt'\ l'r i;.i1·1• Ufl. Lt•<>'\ th.m lhrre minutes lalt'r Geddeo; l.11111d11·d ;1 pa..,s to hi.:. 11ghl cnrl Jefl l\<'l <;t•y and lw ral'l•d 46 ) ards do\1n the m1clfll" fur th1' d1·rnl1ng "1·11rt• Clmirntt· 1 •1:u h Tom Eads" ;is e('slat1<' atli r thl' ;..1111t·, l'all1ng lht• \ 1c·tory · ,1 rn:1 .. ,, 11.1111 l·tlt•rl, 1':-pt•riJJly a llC'l1·n,1\o r l'fl11rt ' '( 1.tl 11 \I•''· ,1 , h1•\ tlC'f l'nsl IC pl.I) S by 1111· r rlll111' pl.1g111•d Ill!' \'anguarrls. 1\ paH' 111 '"'' q 11111 trr l·~I i\lf)(fl•na <lrtvrs \.\ 1•n• h:1ll NI 1111 1nt1·r<'t'Pl1011s by !\l1kr Co1L .ind B11li \11 f'\;111rnra. 1111· latter s corning .11 1 lilt' lrn;il pl.1y ul tltL· g<1mc. Tar~, Anahei111 111 T 011 Clash Crucial lc>ague tc•sls ;ire thr commodity in Orangr Coast area football ctrcles lhis 1\ t•rk with a number of do-or-die situa- t11m1o. 1111 !)and Forrrnosl. of t·•mrsr. 1s Saturday nij!ht':-. shmHlown IWl\\1'1'11 lhr ('JF'c; No I rat rd An:tlll'1rn Colonists and e\\ port H;irhor I h,gh al La Pa Ima Slacltum m a Suns<'l I .eagtl<' match of unfx>alens. And . in anolhrr stiff l(':>l. Westminster must pl:1y hcisl to dangerous Santa Ana. r1•('e11t rrcipienls of a 34-13 p::isting from Newport. Thal duel is Friday night. Marina 1s at Western Saturday night to round ou t SunS<'t action while Huntington Beach is playing La Quinta aL Bolsa (;rnndc Friday tn its loop bye date. Costa Mesa's revived offense will go under thc' guns ftriday when invading Loi1rn lligh wheels into Newport Harbor 10 an Irvi ne Lrague biggie. And lhc other llYO cn-leadf'rs, Corona dPI Mar and f"ounfain Valley, square orf al Huntington DC'ach. Irvine struggles Saturda y are thr Magnolia-Estancia battle at Newport and the Santa Ana Valley-Edison struggle at I luntington Beach. Crc!ilv1ew League games Friday night include San Clemente at Villa Park and I .nguna Ueach against Foothill at Mission VICJO lllgh. Mission Vt<'JO pl:i.y~ Orange al El ~lo<lrna Saturday while Maler CX>1 con- t mucs non-lr:cgur :iet 1<H1 Friday ni~ht al 1.ong Brat'h \Vil!>on follow1ng thrir highly im prC'SSIV(' :IHi ro11l or LAkcwood , 1\ll games Ctrc at 8 o'clock. BA'ITERY CUARANTEE Free rcplacemenr within 90 days of purchase if battery proves defective. After 90 da}'s we rt·place rhc bartcry · if dcfon1ve, and chargl' yo~ only lor rhe period of pwn- crship, based on the regular price, less craJc-1n at rhe ume of rerurn. pro-rared over number of months of gu&r2ll f('C. A.void Costl y Cold Wet .Winter llattery FAILURE Ahead _.\~k For a FREE Test of Your Battery Sears Courtet>y a l No Obligation Enjoy Worry Fr <>e- WINTER ·DR IV I NG Monday, October 6, 1969 Guarantee Fits Most 6 -Vol t Car s 18-Month Guar antee Fi ls Many 12-V oh Car 8 Free Bau .. r y Jn~lallar ion Ask About Sears Conlienien t Credit Plan s ,,_t I " • --,. ~-. - DAILY PILOT 25 l"o. 54. With Trade-In 77 Don'tgamble your lite wirh a leaky muffler ••. chc <lead ly, oJorless gas from an old worn-out muiJ lcr 1~ even more dangerous whco you drive wich your windows dosed. Come co Sears for a f REE muffler inspection. and 77 EXPE RT INS rf ALLATION AVAI LABLE 1999 INSTALLED Economy priced wove n plas tic seat cover. Enrir~ cover wipes clean wirh a damp doth. Avai lable in blue or black colors. 1-------------------------------------------------, • IUlNA '~'IC rl MONTE ICING &EACH PICO ol ..,,.,..,.. 'OMONA SOUTH CO.Ul P'lAlA I C~OGA l'AIK CttNOAlE OIY""IC &. SOTO SANl1' AAjA TORtANCf I COMl'lON HOllYWOOO OIANGE ~ SANTA H 5'...0S VAlllY I COVINA INGUWOOO PASAD£NA SANT1' MON!C1' VftMONr ... s1o;i-, , • _____________________ ... _ ears _ ~ . _____ ,.. _ --------- "$ofofoul011G11•0111MdorY011rMo1111l qck• ---· M-et1•N1th11MeNer tl119119li~f:JOA.M.tet;)OP.~ ---------.... -----------~-~·---~--~----~-------~-------·--··--·-----. -. !II DAILV PILOT Mustangs • Clobber Estancia, Tar, Eagl e Polo is ts Place 2nd !'ie11port llarbo1r nrKl t:::.l.an- C'ia pli:iCl'd .'!>f'l Oll d 111 l'lurr.dmrn:.s "'hilc Fountain \"allev .,.,a~ 11c1vnoos in a dual rnert · ir1 y,·£-et en d ...,·ater polo hl'll•1:1. Carclen Gnne U u n1 p e d E.,1aoc1a 1n lhe championship finale or '™' J:::slanc:ia ln1 lla- l llJ:lal tournament, 12-0. The E.igles pa\'ed the 111·ay to the 1.nal game y,·1th \'ictor1es 01·er Hu ntington Beach, >4. and Ha ncho .'\lam1tos, 6-1. S1r1·c \\"ebster and \\'ard ~au nclers led the victory over • Jtancho Alamitos. 'fhe duo ;1ecoun1ed rc.r lour of the su: Lagle goals. 111 th~ finale. Eagle goalie fJ1ug \\"eiler tl1d has best to f1•1ld back the ru sh i n & Argonauts. The ne lminder hl&:ked 13 shots but s\JIJ tad IZ go past hun. ! luntingt.on Beach outlasted \";ileocia, 7-6 in overtime. and r1rfeated f oothill. 8-7. to "'in a lnird in the invitational. \\' e stminster. c:onsolation (·~a mp in lhe V a I e 11 c i a Tourney, won the same honor in Ls ta ncia's meet. The Lions .~qurezed past ~l arina . >-t in o\ert1me . and Edison, 7~ before taking El Dorado, ~8. !or the consolation crown. ,\rca pl:1ycrs Chris Ohre or \\'cs1m1nstcr. and Saunders ;ind \\'cil ~r 1,r E·taneia we re named t•i ti11· .i!J-tvurr.~1111:-nt tC<i:TI , '.\c11 fY.lr\ tl .1rhor r:iMbl rd :" 1110~ C11rr Holh~;: Jl 1!\•, 162. \lira Costa. 3-2 a:-111 \J 11~i ,. 1·,g3idc, 9-3 be/ore f;.d!1~g · l Downey 1n the c~an1pron,n.p !i ll of the lng!l'11 or·d Jn\'ila· tironal. 8-2 Ur111ncv "t'OT l'd 1110 goals :, ""th per;od 10 lend :he way t, lhe 11tlc. :\'cv.-port \J!l1ed 1n 111,. ·'! '°""d and fuur!.1 qu;irter.s T111n \\':Jrl1f'l'.k" ;1111! Bu!• r;rcd h:.rl 1hr T:ir p'>1nt, r .. 1:nl:un \'alle-. ll'•"··ri !"' ' t; •• n11;,g11 1n a s1ng11., g;-.z n" F!1· ilo\ at the Baron pool .. i-~ (oach T(tfn Land i:. 1:1•-. rallied for tv.o point" i:l th" fJnal penod for !hr \\ 1n Kurt \\'{'St(lrfc lri and r.. ~oil !'CC/r('(J t11 n f'1;1l~ :1plt'l•' fnr the Barons 111:r. Bo!1 111• ,. adding t\n(I m<"lrt'. Bolsa (lrande 11~1ls E~t;,n. cia today and Anaheun tra11•I) In Corona del f',lar Ui baltlf' the Sea Kings. Both garnf', b('g1n at 3·15. This rs the la ~\ v. rC'k for pre-scaS-On J.ltillH'!i hf'fore league play :.tarts in the Crest1•iev.·, lr\"1ne and !'iunset leagues. Hat Trick Puts Kic k e r~ On 'l'op , -1--:~ l !a;.~ li•11·:,1· l•ll·kt'd up ;i l·,,t lr J)' .'•'lt.r;; the u.1r(I ~""I \\,1:1 I .,., TT ,11•1'"' 1 1 pJ;i -.' ;,. ,,,,, I'"' r !{.1ni::1·r ... .-1\~"d ;.. • ltncast ( n.1 .. d 'i'Jnd.1y .. 11t·rr,••r+n ;,\ \r•·,1p•·rt B£.,ic.h-~ .\l,,ri• •·i p,,r; .. It was th,.1.pcn1n g till i·l thr i •iti~-iO J•;,r1 !1t :,.11 cer [_,·•hut ,,•·in 111 t11r 1•:-1 l11n,r.ary d111 I IL,n~l·r 1• '''f1• • 11"1.~I l11r 1h1• l.f'L 11n.e 1t1 2:, game.<, .1-2, ..:l trr hl'.Jnb! up :1 :1.0 drllt 11 and tht:i r.c;irly pul hni: a !IC' 1,.11 ot The IJ<tg Th~ maJOf rli11 -.1•1n !>trugc.lr· 11 ... ~ alrnui.l <1 carbon of the n "f'rve tiff. The \ isitors held a 2-0 lead at halft ime. Dut Reuther got two ROals in 1"0 minut es mid1i,·ay through the-final half and then Brian I :;.iltagher added a penalty hoot to put coach Brian ~lcCaugh~y·s ehaps 1n fr on t. 3- 2, with IO minu tes to play. llo"·ever. Southeast l nitcri t:dme back lo Ile ii with eigh t 1n 1nutes left. Then Hcuthrr pumped in hi ~ \\'1nn1ng s1x- ,·nrdcr and it 11 as 01rr. · .\lcCaughcy c;1ll('(J 11 one ul 1hr 1op giJrncs in cluh h1.slor.1· Andre Cousin ;ind IJa\r \f1>rrly got the g::ial s for Mesa Coach Di spleased ·With Effort INJU RED MUSTANG -rn.~~.1 -'!c.-o /!1~h h~!fha<k I 1,11 r IJ .1v1s is c 0n1fnrterl 11 hi ll' il11 ail!tl'..! :111 ;1m hu!· <in~e ~ll l'I" hr<'ak1ng hi.~ ri ~hl 11·r1 ~t d unn~ Saturd;;iy D.t.tL Y Jl'ILOT P~olo t > ~;<~•td k-~r n 1~ht's l r\·ine League foctbol 1 gan1 1.: 11,th J~stan c1 a . 'fhe :O.lu ~tan gs roll ed 10 ;i ~1·7 tru11nph 01rr the pr('\'JOU~ly unscored on Ea gle ~ Lig hl\\Cight Football .. ~ 4. •, • .. , . ..,. • ••• , __ ,.. . , .. ' .. ,, '. F ~I C....•••' . ' ' l·t .. ,>(. • y ,11. P••• l .n, -. 'O<>t"O'.t. '" '" ·"r' " ..... ( ( [ ~ • ,, • ''"" • T<o<ltrao~· /, •• • PJ.j ,,.,.,,. "~' ,. • • • • ,, ' -. ' ' " • ' ,_ .. \'1V'' ll"'I ...... ~. ' ' • • T<JUt"<IO"" ., .. ~ .. v·~ f oo'" ' T.,.,<~ao~r· ... ..... , ' ~1··· ~-· Tow<"~ ,.., .,.,., .. ( 1-•••• '""0 .... 1 ' . ' ,., " • • • ' • • • .., ,, lj • • • " .... ., , , ,, . " 1u,.1r1 L E~C.u E • " '' ~ ..... ' '·"'. w • • '•'ll'O•"' S<O•• • • ,, ',',• "' •• ,. 1 /,.,,, •• ' F r10••'• G•m•• '~··· .... .i w ............ ,, ., " " " ,. " ><u'""Q'"" v• L' 011'"'• ,....,,..,.•011r1 S.."'rl!llo,., G•m•• N•• oo•r W\ '·""h''"' 8• Lo P,,..,. "'""''"" •! W•'1f '" 111VIN[ LEAGUE Cn'""' ael Mo• Co••• Me'" Foo"'''" vollr1 I ""'" • f ., ·~" 0 ' ..... . ~ M•~og· • ~ S•·'• ~'• v, ·~ O • • • • .. " " " " • ~Uyrd••'• \<0'"' f"···n~ n•• 1.•., 1 ~ r.,.,0" ~ ro•.'• r.·,., i1 E"•o•·• 1 ""d""' Go"'"' .. • ' . , ' " • l•·~~· M•I "'•• '' ~OU'°••M V• '' " " ~1 "~"~ II••<~ ' ·• ,.., (n••• "'"'• •• "'~"°·' \I "~' ~•!utd•"• G•mr• ' ·~~t • V' I •'•M<'• •' .... ~ ...... ,, ' V• .... v• E'dl\OM •' Hv"'' ;"~"<>' S••<" Cross Countrv Pro Gri{l -----------------~ S core V ictories ~llO~f\SIONAL FOOT!l •Ll NJ.T10 .. AL l EJ.GUE (A\T[llN CONO [~t~CE Ct"'U" O•,,••o~ "' L T P<I ~I• 0~ ' "' "' STE\ F.: A'\llRF.\\S \\\'S\mtnster. \ r w port 11.ir bnr and llunt1ngt•1n l3c:1eh n1ilchcd tTu!.S coun try dual rnet·t \·1ctor ies o~·cr I he "rekcnd ""llh the Lions ndding ;i second place l1n1sh i ll the {.lend:1lc Jn\·1t<1t1r1nal Saturday nt Crescenta Vallrv Park. In the Lions' dua·I rncct v.1th \\'estcrn. thf'y grabbed th e win 111 the Sunset League opener b_1 a pcrfet•\ score, 15-50. Don Diston v.·on the ra ce in 10 13. He was followed by \\ a.1 nc Akiyan1a :ind ~1cve \ ... rga. !O 3~. Ted .\1 aut"r and Ken Hurst. 10 52. Kc \ 1 n rr1lcman. 10 3:l and Stel'e La~"ni;ard . 11 03 rnd: :i .lark l!rdgc"' rrrw f1r·1•hrd ~rcond to Burbank . 11 " :i 1.11rd ne<lr the lop ill rtn"~ <. 11~try 11r1lf', t~u<; 1rnr . B irh;ink L1 -.11<, 3-0 :!Ii ~'[\Tv•rw I t A(:UC . .. ' .. : .. ' w ' • " Sat11•0•;'• I<•'" "' .. • S•n (•em•n<o ll. f l I.Ir<!•"• ;>II F •laov'• Go mu \!1(' .. L•~ll"I &e•ch .. , F oo•~· I •I M•1,.a, \"••o $•n (1..,..e~•e "'' V 111 P••• •t l l l."O<"•"·' fl ModeM •1 Tu•''" So"'rdoT't Gam• V•O•O w1 0••,.?e II••' ~ f I Oo••~O 0 I 1' ""''~~I ~ ~•QdlelH<'o ~ ' • • • • ' S•!urd1•'• Sto<t• "•'•''• 11. B••1 l j 'o""'• 7•, f l D<l••llO XI f'rlO••'• G1"''1 " .. " ., " " " ' • ~"'" Vt ~°""'' •I l • H•~f> " .. " • ~ • " " " ~ .. , ... V\ LO• •••'Tll'al •T W••l.r" l 1 Do••no 11 v"'""' Lo• ~ ... ·11<>• •• S1dQltl><lc~ '' ~'"'• ~ "" ~•od·~,., 10 11 \\ 11il 1\k1) ama and \'ar:;:.1 t.cd for third in !O l~. l'•\)em;)n f1nishctl 1.1111 1·1 lO ~.1 a;-.d \1;1lllCr 14th lH !O ;}.) Other Lions to hH the t;1pr 11ere H urs t, J! 07 t1nrl La~s(lg :.ird. J 1.21. The Lions Junior varsll~ ,1!~1J do1\·ncd \\'l'stcrn, l.J-10, .u1d then ti ~d fnr first place al Glendale. with Burbank . Jeff Young took a lir'! 111 !he dual meet in I! 58 ancl H11d \\'ooley scl a JUnior varsny rouri.c record at Crr"tcn1;1 \·allC\', garnering a f1r"L 1n J , 14 5. ll untlng'tl!1 Bcalh l;.ipt:i:rd "c1cn nf che top .!;:pols 1~1 I'~ 11 111 <11rr :\n;:ihelm . J ll!: .\lrQu11wn 1rl"ln g<Hng .11• .1.1 1;; .1 10 18 clock1ni;. Th,, <·lv1>esl runnrr 11.i -!1i1' Oilers' John .\lull1n~ in JO ~l!. r>thPr Oilrrs <i nd thrir 1 11111·~ :-.t.in D<1venpnrt. !O 4.1. .\1.1 tc 'l1!rhell. 111 ~2. D;ina J\,.r.111, 111 ;,ri, .!r.t \\hcclrr, II lfi ,11d I '11JI .'lcfl('!'. l i I!. lll111(1t1(!(11[1 ]\P:J< 11' / lnJJ!r 1,t1~111 t1 :11npl1·d \)\(' L1il1•t1i 'I~ 1• dh H 1! h;ird F.•p1t1.1 le.tr!1;·,;· lhP 1;:,.,j(J rou l 111 JI 1:J ('hr1~ Bcnt!rl' !rd \ ··'!'''1'1 1 l.1rh1ir !(I '1 '.!R-29 11('1nry 01 t'r S<int:1 Ana. The. !>Cn1ur'~ 11n1c 11 :~~ 10 J2. Craig Clark rinishl.'d ti1111 and set a freshman record ... 10 38 3. "·hile John llolc.-.nih "as set Ung a sophomore 111Jri\ placi ng si xlh in 10.40. A1_,;o breaking c 1 e 1 r ll 1111nulc~ v.·l'rc Bic k f'lem1r.r,. 10:42 and Da1·e J;:iffe, lO.;i7 . Steve Al11ood led the T.ir junior 1·arsity to a 17-iO "111 n1er the Sainl s, Ah1;oOO 's trmr 11·as ! I OB "1th teammate Sid Co1nmon trailing in 11 :16. ..... ~ ... ,, ~-. . ' ' ' . . ., •; ' ' ' ... ' : " ,, D1;o\•O" r ; .. ,. ., ' ' ""' ,. •4 <'•JR··· ··~l'l •!~' .,.,. ('•'• R. " 1 ?\ ·~,, !o• ll WfST tDOI (ONFtllENCE Ce•hll Oov'""" 1 I n Ii' i. l~ r,. ••n•' . ' . . . ' . ' ' co•<1 •' n, • .,, •• I -, 1.·~•'t.' I "I"'"' •'' .~.. ' ' 0 "' fl \O <?\<l'f I ;' 0 1"' \,., r•~'''"" n I ' '"I ~"""'''' P ••.,111 ~•l'•l"')'P )! A n~•'" I fl•"•• " "~ ·~~· ~ ... 1 n•"I>'' J I (!<••"~~ )I '"""°'"'• M G•••• l\l 1 • I•<""""''" 1! '·"•' r·••••I I' ,. " " • If~' n. "'"'~"'"k • W••~·n<>•n• 11. I•• ~,.,,. ••• +• • • >.it.v Yor• 1~. (k•t•9o :• l u•d•>'• c;,..,,. fl• •I••~ •< ., • ., 0•1t1•1 ('., .. ,, •1 A'll•'• r,,,~o II•• 11 °"'"1>1' > "' ~-~·I•• 11 I•• ~ .. ·<·•·• " ••••••• (k"J~) "' .~, n~·• •' II>''-··• r ,. . .,. '"~ ~· 'l•N Y••• L·~," '"~"~"· •ME~ICA"i LE•Go.lf E AST E~"I OIV!\IO >l .,. ... W L T I'<' ''' OP G ""1 " " ~'"'· . " 0 ~~· ' ' ~ D • " "~ ""fSTEllN OIVIS!O>l r. .... 1 lO l l YY' r .,~ o 'lll ·•··•('< n•yi r ,..,., ,. '«l \"1 1)'••~ JM~"<) ' . \••~•d••'I 11 .. Ylh . .... "' . ' ti ,,, . ~un~•• \ ~""'" . ... ' "' "' . •''" ;\, f1,•10 o I• , •. ,., c ,, '• r .. ~,·· ,, '"'"~""' G•"'" n .1• r " ........ ···~ ... ~-· Lr>O•• ''•• S"•d•V'• Gomn ,,. ""' •I K••I*' ("• ',.,,.~" °'~··· .. .., •• • • .. 1;:1 " n ·~ 11 l'l .. " •1 I• I~~ Pre p Foot ha ll l<'"'' .... '"' l• _...,..... " ' •<'' L•J:!C"•~<~ '· • ·' • • . ,, 1(1'/ ! -·1~1·• I! U 1' 1---~• ' o•'• · "'e ~ n u •-n "'""V:t•"' 't \"11•f l ,PU"•ll. " , •. ·a. "-'""" ll o~De <CM! ~~·uao , l ~" ,.~ .. qt• .,. T <[ T llol>!l< r•u• \"i•<''' ••o•\, l :1,11, •1 '""'' t(\<I &tumt lrun/ . ~~l'fll .~ ... ''t"' II*''"\ I •!•~<><>·' I ft f ft-U f ~v·•~·" V;illtv C O O n-0 l""cndown• l'v•11>I. ,',,"_ .. :,,, .• ,,1 PAT, "'°M~w~ll (Ptl\ "'~ .., --~ -. AUTO-MAN TRANSMISSION & ENGINE s•PECIALI S T S B) ROGER CARLSON , .... \liQ I '·.' .. .. ' 0••·• 0t l~t 0.ll'r l"llM l .. rt ...... , T~'tll !} 1~ Jl \ l I P•SSI NG Coit• Mno » " . ' , , , , "·~ ' 0 Tc•tl• ~ SAFECO INSURANCE for specidl GO OD STUDENT DISCOUNTS on your Family Auto Insurance H;u1gl.'r subs. I .. 0 • .,,,,.,...~, This Sundav ho1h 1r:im• ,1r<· -------------------------COMPLETE MINOR SERVIC E :i t Bcnnov.·ei lligh Seh011l tnj meet Bellflo'>'·er. R c 'c r v ,, pame is at 12 30 with ll1L' feature tilt at 2 30. Origin a l Eight Thr 1\'at1onal Lrague 11·;1, organized 1n 1876. \\'Ith team!> Science Shrinks Painful Hemorrhoids Stops Itch-Relieves Pain Finds Way That Both Relieves Pain and Shrinks Piles In Most C ases '..\"r•' ''ork, X:Y. (Sptri;.I): ~\ 1· "'h r h11 ~ !ounrf a ~v~,10.! :••r- 1 ... 1 11 l\ith th<' al,,1i;I~', h. 1"•1 ~ l a,1·<-to ~h1 1ni. li:~"r1''-.·:~, 1>101• tl<"hin~ 11 1.~ l l•" ,., 1•.1.r .. ;i~c:) l•·t.;.;. pl:1rr. Tiu~ ~l 'l(t ill ti J•t• po 1ntio.1 J/t . Thc:1r i~ no t•l"tr fo1 r1111la !or hen1n11·hniJ:1 C~•n1• lluid , Adjus t b•nd•. S•t ""~•••· Cl••" sump & •CrH I', N-.,.n 1••k•l. lt•Pl1'41 till••. !toad l••t & 36·painl cl'IKk 10,DOD-MILC GUARANTEE ... $24.95 TRANSMISSION LEA KING? tn•t111 ,,_ •••I (fro"• or ro••l $13 95 with 1•ll1l1C1ory bu1.,in1 . , , , • • F« fllY tr_.-.."'"*'•· (all al/TO-MAit COSTA MESA 193-1 Hrwport 81Yd. 645·0900 I FU LLERTON (213) 4Z7·54 56 115 s. 111y1'10lld .•.•• ;2&-6697 Bob Paley INSURANCE 474 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA 642-6500 ) l I,, COUNTY Of' O~AHG~ ) On ~•ol•'Tll><• I!, lfl>f, ~~rt m,, tl'I~ u~d•.,/v""'' P•"'""•'"' •ooe•r<d HAZEL GEOHEGAN AllllOTT. know~ to..,. to tM! !ht Pl''""" w~ n•"" I• •11bKrllW<I '" '"" wltl'll~ '"•!tum•"' •"" •ck-l<d~td '"8' ;•• •••<u!<d lilt ,.,... W OTNE~~ ••>Y hAfld •na olhco•I U61, IOFF!Cl•l 5E'AL) l~" I>. HOblx llot~rv Pv1>1lc·C111lot1>it """C'Pl l 0111Ct In Or•M~ Cou"tv 1.11 Com,.,..io•lan E~plrtl F•~•U•<Y H, 1911 5T"TE OF C"LIFORNIA LEGAL NOTICE "· Ol olY Polcl, I, •• 1~':i~1 LEGAL NOTICE LEG1\L NOTICE IAll: llH ~V P E lllO ll COUllT 01' THI SlAlE OF CALIFOllM IJ. 1'011 LEGAL NOTICE SU PElllOll COUllT 0' THr STATE Of' C .. L11'011'tl" '0111: THE COUOllY O' 011 .. HQE ... ,. .... 1. MOTICE 0' HE .. ltlNO 01' 'ITITION 1 fOlt 'lt0l .. TE Of WILL AND 1'0 11 \ 5!. Lt:TTEltl' • Tl:,T•MIMl.lll'I" (ION!) COUNTY OF 0 11 .. NGE ) W"IVEDl o, ~...,lf'mbott 11. Ifft. i,..10" "''· th• Es!••t o! Edn• Wltu Mlllt, flto kN>W~ U"dr<1t1nf'd, • Hot•rv Publ!c !n l r.d 1o• II Edn• w. Miii\, DPC••1ta 1•l<1 C°""tv •"<I Sl•I!. l>t•1""•1" ,,.. NOTICE IS HEllEI Y G!Vt:N T ... t PN•t<I CHoUl:LES A.. MATTHE'Wl. k"""'" ll•n~ ot A,..•d c• H•!1""•1 Ttu" oo\d S..w• '" .... to M ~ pfrt<>fl .....,,.~ ~ ...... 11 1...,, Auocl•!lo<I h•• f\lfd ~.,,1~ • N Hll<ltl 1ull$crib<d la If>! Wlll'l!n ln1trumeM •"" tor P•*'• ol ... u1 •"" tot '""'""• of l lc~ . ..., ... ltdot'd ltl•I "' t •fl:lll<d ltlt 1tme. Lt"''' T"!1mentorv IO 1"1111~ WITNESS m¥ h•"" •nd et!i(\11 ... 11 !llOtiD WAIVED!, '""''"<I fe -~ 111 f0Fft\•Al SE AL} ..... " tw """'"" ot 'ilcul••I· • ..., ..,., It-. I Lo+1 II. Hoot>ba ll'Tlt Ind pl.Ice 01 l'>url"I IM •-l'ltt No••rv "ubllt•(l!l~,,..,11 ~" t•I '"' Oc:!O!>•r ?•. , ... , ti t:JO '·'", I P•l•~l111t Olflce "' '" "'' <ou•t•OOt'I o• Ot••••m•n! No J of 0 •1•'t• Cou"l'f' •t<l! tou•r, at TOO Civic (•"''' O•lvr l/v Coml"IHlon £011lro1 ,.,.,,,, '" 11'1• (,1, et !•nl1 A"1. (•l!for111•. • ·~ "· 1•n Ot t'M Oe1ob., 1. 1t&t, Sii i [ o~ '"Llf'OllNI A w. E. SI JOHti, County Cler-. I SS. JAMIS L. llU•ll, ''" COUNTY O~ OP .. llGE 1 >4Jl VI• OH•?•>. I °" !tP•Pmb•" 11, 1t ... b<-'"'" "'"· !h! " ....... , •tlKI>. c.N ... rt11• •1161 1ur>otrtl•Md· "rr1on111, 1 ~ "t • r Pd Tl l: frll l U>-tlll • on. Chicctgo. C1nl·1 nnaU.1 (!, J.ouis1dlc. .'Ii r 1'/ City, Philarielph1.1, ;1nrl I .. ~1s. ~ay~ \\'Oriti Book l:nc-Jcioped1a In <ast: •ftt r f l\~t: ,:,,ct•,rs ft ro\'Ct!, "'hile ~t:~.L.v Jl'~.l~·-~;; )'l tn, actual rcduct10n \:.~.rir.k· } ..... :t . l'1rJ1arat io r1 Jf 11.l~o •-ooth1·:. l111latc:d ti&·\J C'5 11.nd hclp1 pz'C:\'rnt fll 1th er inf c:ction. Jn oinln1Cllt CH' !illpposilo!')' fonn. ~ll:Yl£E MJ.TTH EWS CHIPM A N A"91'Mr fM h !llltntf' ~ Ill .... !g "" ,~. l>r'S"" '"''"" PuDH,l>t<I O••M9• Co•lf ID•dY 1"11(1, .. _____________ _, --------------·IOctat-1, 1, 1\, lffit UdO I I 1:00 6:30 ''" 7:)0 • 00 - I !:00 t :JO ' • _....,....,..__..,.. ___ ;,,_••--------s-•'""••.,..•• .... ,..,,._.,._:.-~-=-........... 4'11,,.., __ .__. ... _ .. __ _,,.,..,....,~, ---------...-..,.........,..,..-.,......-;~ .............. -... ~ ------- ' MONDAY OCTOBER 6 1:00 IJ The l ie Ntwt (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy 0 m Huntley·Brinkl" (C) (30) I 0 Steve Alltn Show (C) (90) rrank1e Laine, Charlie Callas, 01 Joyce Btothm and Happy 11111 auest 0 Six O'Clock Movlt: (C) "Tht lh11ll ol It All" (oomedy) '63- Dons Day, James Garner. When 2 doctor's wife becomes 1 TV "pitch gul. 11 d1sru11ts their home life. 0 Did Yin Oyb (30) ID Peytoa Place (30) (D star Tf941 (C) {60) 1:150tT1l~Ef) Tiie " .. , ... (C) (45) 'The Tin God.'' In • dune bu10 race a11inst Stanley, Bob lee's vehicle strikes and injures Wendy (Donna B1ccala). 1:30 t) ~ (j) IWl's Lucy (C) (30) Lucy loOfs for • picnic: site in Arizona but iMteed finds 1 Nawjo India. chief who lakes htf for his w:te. 0 ,,,._ ii Actioll (C) (30) Tom· my Prothro analyies the game t>. t~en Bruins and Wildcats. ID Dlvid Frost (C) (90) Seventy lets of twins and triplets auttt te>- n1gllt. includin11 the sin11in1 Gemini Twins and S1n1en the Sind11r Tri· 11lets. Guests llso include the "twins wtio found MCh other," R011er Brooks alld Tooy Milasi, as well n Ors, Clinton and Clifton Kew. twl111 who discuss utra S.. lOfJ P1ree9tklft. (ESP). m n. ·~ '""' (C) <60) PEANUTS 6l AD ')OU'RE HERE EARLY, NOMAD/ GOT AN AIRPORT RUM FOR 'YOU WITH THE OVER· SEAS EDITION/ By Charles M. Schuk --~-~~~---~~ .,.WOtdOHf IM'ntE ~ llltO CAN SAW US! By Saunders and OverCJard OKAY.' OKAY DOWN THERE.' JUST L;J(f I F'l66ERt:D.' MY TRUO<''S , N01' REA!1'1'.'-DIDllT )t)lJ KNUCKLE• BUSTERS EVER HEAR OF PLANE AH' TRAIN SCHEDULES? lt!i ~Mike DoailH (C) (901 ID Whars New? (30) •·concord." Tony Salelan visits Concord during the re-iolutionary period. 9:oo e QJJ oo M.,tieny ltf1) <C> <JO) Howard is piciled lo write ~n orig· L------IL.:X4•1ai-..;;-. (19 f{l CBS News (C) (30) al Tiempo dt Perdon (30) ffi News (C) (60) Jack H:ckty. 6:30 ft KNBC Newse!We (C ) (6l1) i O The G1me li1m1 (C) (30) Jim' McKrell hosts. Guests this week are Pamela Mason, Louis Nye, and Ann B. Dam . ID To Tell Ille Truth (C) (30) Garry Moore hosts. I Ei) NASA fMlllre (JO) ' Q}@ Huntley·lrillkltJ (C) (30) I €D Twin Circl1 HledliM (C) (30) ~@The M11111t911 (30) al Noticltro 34 (C) (60) a;} News (C} (30) inal poena for the state llterazy marazine. 0 ~ (!) m NBC Monllay Mor ~ (C} "Countlrpolnf' (drama) '68 -Char11an Hestoo, Maximilian Schell, 1'.attlryn Hays, Leslie Nielsell. In Belgium durin1 WOl'ld War 11, '" internationally· reoowntd American conduct« (Heston) .nd his 70· member orchesha ut captured and threatened with death unless lhey perform f0< a music·l~ing German 1eneral (Sdlell). 0 Ha Comt Ille stars (C) (60) Georp Jessel welcomes George Burns, who is roasted by Jack Benny, Edward G. Robinson, Pat Boone, Roberta Sherwood, Della Reese, Gent Bayles and Simmy Bow. D @ CD@ TN Svmvors (C) iGO) Baylor Carlyle !urns he has only 1 short time to live and de- cides to brine his ion Duncan irt- to his bankin& emplra. 1i00 6 CBS Evenin& News (C) (30) t1) Hotw Open (60) Walter Cronkite. I Ell) NET Mr"'4 (C) (60) "Spnk . , Out on Drurs." O What's My Ln,.? ('C) (30) Wall~ Bruner hos1s. Guest panelists tori the week are Arlene Francis, Bert 9:30 Convy, Henry Morgan and Emi'11J f) TONIGHT'S BEST BET! Yanr.y. * THE DORIS DAY SHOW! ID I LOVt Lucy (30) 6 ~ (j) Doris 0., (C) (30) m But the Clock (C) (30) Jack Dofis finds herself P06i11& IS lhl Narz hosts. wile d her boss. Ei) Commodlty/$1Dcl Rtport 0 ..._ (C) (30) Ted Meyert. ~ (61 Monday Show (C) (90) w40 @Ha Slid, Slit Said (C) (30) Pounds of Trouble.N m bftm Mllliul (30) €D Ahou! {30) I ~ (!) Tnrtll or Consequences (C) 10:00 IJ ®Cf) tafol Burnett (C) (60) (30) ' Singe< Steve Lawrence and batltl slM Edward Y1llela 1uest. a;} Cesar's. World (C) (30) O Nws (C) (60) Ton. Reddin. ffi 'T}i,t Girl (C) (30) O @ill Ei) l0tt, A..,lcn 7:306®CU liwnsmoh (C) (60\j "COfeyv1lle." MarshaU Oillon help~ • teenage country girl (Jo Ann liarris) defend her rawh1der brother, Bruce Glow. Nm1 foctl. Ruth Ro man guest. 0 a;} My World -' Welcome to It (C) (31) "Christabel." Oog5 everyone else's best frieod. get humonst .lohn MOlmle into trouble with his wife. daughter, editor anr1 the pohce. William Windom, Joan Hotchk11, Lisa Gerritxn, Harold J Stone star. Frank DeVol guesu. 0 stump tlM Stars CC) (30) M1~e Stokey welcomes guests Ooa Mar shall and Don M athe:IOll. 0 @ (3) CE Thi Mmk Scene (C) (45) -Larry Hankin. Christopher I Ross. Lily Tomlin. Chris Bohno.I David Steinberg and Paul Reid Roman host Guests ~clltde Bobby '.he1man. The Delll, Th• Rucal~ i nd Roget M1ll~1. style (C) (60) The romantic joys and Wllet of 11 plotter. an im- migraat, • prrctiClll jo«er and "' aver.-youn1 man a1e limned. Alie .lallmon. I arry Storch, E. J. Peakef, Margaret O'Brien. Allee f,hostltJ, f stelle W1rnrood 111d Mar1yn Muon guest. O Della! (C) (60) £nc Bunion & War. Gloria Loring, Rip Taylor auest. m.._. (C) (60) @ l'lny Mtto11 (60) ea IRllidt ICMllldup (60> €D Joll.ny CISll (C) (90) A loot et one of the areal Country i nd West· ern stars on • nationwide tOUf that tak111 viewers ffOlll Camerie Hill to 1 Tennessee prilDI\, al Carc91 dt Mujeres (JO) ''Cuo rte Ines Landeros. H New 1eries ~bnut womeri jail inmates revolves n ound Ines Landeros. • ~asant 2randmother. who eoet to jail lor the c11me ol her grandson, 0 Million $ Movur: (C) .. Tiie HOf· j izonul L1euten1nf' (comedy) '62-10:30 aJ u11 lirfto .., 11 Obscurid1d (30) )1111 Hutton, Paula Pren\1n. A bun· s;1lng you ng lieutenant ia Ofdered to find the Japan-outtaw w!lo 11:00 t) 0@ al G) ""° (C) ha1 been raidin« Anny suppUes on 0 Alfrtd Hitchcock "' ob!oeure island in the Pacific. m T,.U. "' ConleqDlnCIS (t) (30) 0 Tiii Movie Ii .. (Cl @ Jadd h tile Dlftnse (C) (60) I m O• lhaib Ei) Technicil tor.. (30) 1rn rn~ m """ <C1 ID Eastern W)sdo4'll ind Modem 11:15 0 ~~V6-. m Ntwt (C) life (30) "Zen nnrl P<;yrho~Hy ' aJ Chucho el R~lo (10) 11:30 EJ ~'19 '81 Mtrt lidffi" (C) 0 B1uins in Action UO 0 m Laugh In !Cl l&ll Th• 0 rrr 3 ffi Joey B~ (C) Monkep.~~·v J()nP~, M,~e NP hedulcrt gu~ls in~lude Ross Mar· ,m:!h and Mtr,key Onle~:-guest ~-lin, Doo Cherry, P1gmeet Markham. J 776 M1nulr.men, kn1ghh ol old R~ny ~~ais Na11ey Wtl90ll alld the '1laller Brother\.. ~nr1 IPRal e~giP.S, WhPn they jo n I O Mov;.: (C) "'Tiie Magnificent D, n Rnwan, Dirk M~rt1n and toe Se~e~•· (western) '60-Yul Brynner. •~~t 111 the 1~n1~· n:'l,. "' a II t f J •• llV ... ov1e; " u e or oey O Billy Graham Crusade (C) (~0)1 (mystery) '55-{;eorgt Rall. ID Queen fM a Day (C) (30l Dick Curlis host\, 11-45 0 ~ 6 a;} Johnny C1rton !Cl , I Ashley Montagu, R1r.h lit11e, Don Ei) Special lntervtew (60\ [ liot Herbert. Glori• Loone euest Janeway is int•rv:rwerl J €D WOfld Press {C) (60) €[) H:t P-•aclt (C) (90) TUESDAY DAYTIME MOVIES 12:00 m Movie: "'llle l lr Opcr 1to,.. (drama) '59-MlthY RoC111ey. m "Tiit October Men" (mystery) '47-~n Miils. Jou Gr-.wood. 12:00 IJ ''Wllit1 Wom1n" (dr11111) '33- Carole Lombard, Ch~rles Lauahton. !:00 O "Mlisit" (romance) 'J9 -An11 SolheffT. Robert Youn11• 2:30 0 "Tht fountalnllllcl" (drtma) '•9-Gary Cooper. Ptt11ci1 Nul, !:JO g "Arill MJ lovt" (comedy) '40 -Claudette Colbert. Ray M1ll~nd. / ''Hulow" (drama) '6S-Carol Lyn· I 4:30 6 (C) "City lltnutll t11t Su " lt'y. (!rem Z1mbatist Jr. (adventure) 'SJ-Alltllony QulM. Watch for the full week's T.V. listings"in Saturday's edition of tl1c DAILY PILOT. JUDGE PARKER By Harold Le Doux As PALIL MAIRE ll5iT5 DI THE ~ fr BECOMES APPAR'.ENT lllAT H'E ~AS TfEMBlt:aS PIFUBKE ova; lHt CHI Ll?l!JH e~OPY! MOON MULLINS • µM! SOUNDS L IKE LORD P. BROK~ IHE'. NEWS··· .ANt> LAt>Y P's iAMP WtTH HIS H&",AD . TUMBLEWEEDS By Tom K. Ryan AM I DREAM IN? HERE I AM LOST IN THE DESERT, AN' A TINY YOUNG GIRL APPEARS OUTA NOWHERE! YOU GOTTA BE A MIRAGE! AND, (LL HAVE YOU KN9cY;; :) l'M NOT SO YOUNG, EIT~ n OH?)! ~ .,;~ Mun AND JEFF By A.I Smith GORDO W/.IAT WIEl?.fXJS[ THIE. V J.15 T IN TJIEllZ. OICTtOAI· ).R.V A WORD SANS MEAN!Nl!J.f • MISS PEACH fltAflU/\ MASO N ii;cruR~ '°°"'" ... l-\VMAN RF ~A1io~~ BUT WHAT W:LLI DO 11\J ALL THAT TIME WHILE fM +iEALING? ARE YOU LA.UGH ING OR CRYING ? A WO@ Fell<. .SOME/JI !Mil 1HAT t:OEsilr ~/ST··· ~VEl<HAS AND PROB'J. Y NEVE~ NOT ONL V 114A r .. 'T>JE '+/ERV MEAIT!ON Or IT • fJR/VES MJ.NV INTO A FRENZY a= ---- WILL E~ISTf FEAR··· ANO OiHEKS INTO A D!iXX)L !Al~ RAetEf -ANO SO, IT S~EMS THAT MU04 OF 'THE 'T~SLE WITH TO~Y'5 Cl-4 11..0~N STe.~ Ff/.,OM ™E 7 PAReHTs. NilY QUe.5TIONS - ·~ _) By Mell Yl!5. HOW 01.D SHOUL.0 A CHILD N NFORE Ml5 PAl(ENT5 tS~eAK THIE Nl!W5 TO ~IM ~T TH•V A/Ca HIS PAUNT-' r . 1 Monday, Octobtr 61 1969 OATL Y PT LOT BACK ON SCREEN -Former child star J.largaret O'Brien. makes one of her infrequent guest appear- ances toni ght when she stars wi th neni Santoni in ''LoYe, AmeriC'an Style -Love cind the Letter" on Channel 7 from 10-11 p.m. TEl ,l~VISION \11 E\l'S Sl10\V Still Soap Opera By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -American view~s had I.heir first look <m Sunday night at an Enghsh 'tele- vision series which, when broadcast on the BBC network took the nation by storm, was called a , . ,, cult -and a "national obsession. lt was the premiere episode of "The Forsythe Saga," a series of 26 hour-long progran:s based ~n John GaJsworthy's novels about a rich, fe~e bourgois English family. And, once the Amencan viewers get the various Forsythes, f~1ends a_nd lov- ers sorted out, it may provide an rntere~ting ex· cursion into victorian upper-middle class liie. HOWEVER, no matter how well-produced, how revered are both BBC and the National Education Network. which is broadcasting it on a hook-up of. some 165 stations, "The Forsythe Saga" is quite simply and purely a soap opera. · The serial opened amid a wcl ter ol Forsythes, circa 1879, but soon concentrated on two brothers and their cousin. Winifred, the cousin, is a rather horsy girl who bcC'ame engaged and was married in the first E!1?i· sodc to a pleasant young man named Monty. Bnt- ish soap opera moves a lot fa ster than the domes· tic variety, which would have taken about a year for this. SOAMES FORSYTHE is a lawyer-stuffy, ut- terly humorless, a cornplctc snob and a dedicated bachelor. Jolyon Forsythe. called Jo, is an earne5t idealist caught in a loveless marriage and in love with his daughter's Austrian nanny. As the episode ended, he had established his Jove in a little house in Chelsea and she had just confided that she was g1> ing lo have his child . Cheer up, fans of ''As the World Turns," there will be more than "The Survivors " to amuse alter dark. ''i\Jission : Tmpossible" Is back on CBS for an- other sea son of saving civilization from deep-Oied f'Vil. Sunday night the te-am simulated the start of \Vorld Wa r IIr -nuclear explosions and all -to frighten an aging exiled dictator into reveaUng the number of his Swiss bank account. This, in turn, was designed to abort his plan to gel his country back by force. AS USUAL, it seemed to be an extremely com- plicated means to a simple end. They used dis- gui ses, electric gimmicks and theatrical devices. Leonard Nimoy, with his e:1rs back in human shope after "Sta r Trek,'' plays the new member of the lmpo<:sible ~fissions force. llf' did not have mnch tn <In but talk •tough in the episode i\lay Britt (lw;iv frnrn ad1ng for several .reiHs. looked very h:rnrl o.0111c· 111 the-unsyrnpathrtic rol e 11f lhc deposed sl ron!:!mttn' ·• wi fe. <;igni f 1cnnlly called E\'..l. I l 1s ~rn dll1ll~ing .-.ho1~. painslaking l,v produced ~incl <1cll'd tiv a east as if it were serious drama. But JI is ~eriously flawed by an 1n f1C'xi ble format that gin's ll1C' r.pisode1; a basic ~amenec;s with just a change of scene or method of operation. De1t11is tlae Me11ace Nearly Everyone Listens to La11dcr . . •. DA.IL Y PILOT Mond1f, Ottobtf 6, 196~ HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE RENTALS 1100 Huntl""on .... h 1400 Hunti""on lle•eh 1400 General 1000 Costa Mesa ll00Gener1I 1000 Generel 1000 General 1000 Coat• Meaa ~;;:;;;;;;;;;::;;::;;::;;;;;;1::::::;:~p~A~N~O:::RA:::::M:l~C:::::V:IEVtl=:::;:O:F:;;::;;;;;;:l;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;~.1~N~E;,W;P;.On,R>,T~B~EO,AO.c;H.-OPENSAT.&SUN. Houses Furni1hed ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 262' HAllOR ILVD. 546-8640 Open Evenht9• tUI 8 :10 Here's Your Doll House $18,950 in Cu!<la j\ff'sa, thi" i'\ 111<' cul("!!;' houS(' aiuunrl, I! ha~ alJ ll('1.\' earpt'11ng 1hrou1:11. oU1, !l's in n111\'<'·1n <'Ond1- t1o r1 paintt'd 1n'itdr :.nd oul , con1fo11;1l1k 1 11111~ 1wm 11!1h bnek r1rrpla1·1•. nl{> 01\"IK'I' JlllS gOll<' (I\\,!~ and Jrf1 u 1·.:u•arH s,1 .•r" 1l toda~. 3 Bedroom 2 Bath $22,500 Th is ('\l"'fll1oiia.lly 1·lr-a11 3 bc>droonl I'.<.'11\l" IS JJl'f!'Nl for nnn1 r1ha1,. ~.•I". 1ht· NEWPORT BEACH lnves to" & Bu9•;n 1010 OAK ST. NEWPORT HARBOR Hunters SPOTLESS! Beautiful sha ke roo t sin gle story 3 Bedroom, SPECIAL Tlus !•Vc--011-a-1ot imn1acula1e Reduced to $23,9501 ~ bath \Vaterfront home on Bayside Dr ive. twa111y r.t au unhf'ard of 3 BH. + lan1. rn1., :.> bath l'ronts on ex"'ellent swimmm· g beach. New·ly STI.000 has hN·n adult occu-honie. Cov. patio, :sur..:lc('k, ... Altraciiv~ 2 bdrm, 2 bath, redecorated. Spacious patio \vith room fo r ii ith brick l.ireplace, a pan. pied tor years by i111 oo·~r fn1it lJ't'Cs. Take OVl'r 5~<;~ pool. l'riced !180,000. 200 1 Bayside Drive. elll"d Jiving room & thick ;t:Oi:OO~:;~'g:n ~~~I~ ~~'~BOA BAY PROP. shag caqiel.'I, a lovely patio By Appointment Only for ~ntertaining. Access fw-modfont baths. Lush carpets 673-7420 ANYTIME Bill Grundy, 675-3210 boat or camjX'r. & gk·a mmg llARDV.'OO D l-"B"'E"'S"'T,.,C'"A"S"H-.--.O"FocF"E"R~ $24 995 J.LOORS: Lath & J>laster! 4-plex in Co8ta 1\1esa loromt L inda Isle Development Co. 1 Spiice age modern k1t rhen! $523 monthly, 1st Ti:> S35,600 1()8('1 Bayside Dr., Newport Beach Fabulous k>calioo & fABUL-at $316 mo incl l.a.~l's, Re. Newport OUS BUY and ~~bmit all turning to Pon1ona ln '.! \\·k.~. FAST MOVE IN New homes, rea dy to move in. 2 to 5 bed~ rooms~ 2 to 3 baths. 1Al mile from beach. First payment up to 60 days after move in. VA/FHA Terms. From $23,990 The Beach (on Brookhurst I mile South of Ad•ms) 962. 1353 Corona del Mar 1250 Huntington Blach 1400 1000 General 1000 ternis. Just thiok • .. llorue n1us1 seiL 799 ShaJ1n1ar. at PLUS mrome in l\e11"flOM S.li -n l1 1900 SEADR IFT 1FOREST E. 0 LS 0 N 1111'. Realtor-;; G.I. FINANCED JAKE O VER 6 % lif'C!!'OOlll .'! hath CI lwil111' Onl.v li·11· ~rars old. Takr 11•rr hio::h loan or S"~J.100' Low interest ol 6',,. ~o quality~! i\o ff'1's~ Pa.v- mt'llls of $210 pays all! Or- Juxe features, in<.:lucie'5 built- ins. Stone I.JN" place, family room, shinj.,<I(' roof. ConM"ete drh·r. lmma(i.!ia1e-neighbor· hood. ~lu!11 rnorr. Priet.'d to . ...:•II n o \\'!? Only $27 ,300. l lu1Yy: Di;it 6-i.:Hr'.0.1 645-0303 V ictoria Beach. $22,000 4 Bedroom Eastside • $22,500 WE SELL A HOME l-:ASTSIDE, Stccllf'r, R-J \or, In beaut. Ji'\•uie Terr., pvt. "Vacant" 646-8811 TES 2 Bil. house, la.rgr, fenrcd L'('S, area. 3 BD. :!1 ~ Ba . $140 per month includes all Jlert> is a slarter house that EVERY 31 MINU >"ard, alley 111 rear. !l>,000. fam/d;o nn' Enl"•·"''''"" An ' w & L ' ..., .... on e:"l:1sting loan anyone can \\'On 't qiut. Pt-rlecl for a brst 1~:::::::::::::::::::::~yt~·~m:::·~1 a Iker ee 2.\1 0 i; le Q\\'ner/Agcnt. qualities Call us. $.'°}.t,9.JO assume \lo'ilhout qualifying! homt> or ll retired COllple. Ji a48-8&12 R. C. GREER Realty Fl"aturing 4 huge bedrooms. 3 &drooms, ~ car gari.gf', ROOM FOR THE 279) llarbor Bl\'d. at Adams I ·EL"'°~E7.G~A7N=T~4~B=R~.~J~B~A-, ~H~ke I 3355 Via Lido 673-9300 2 luxurious baths, Oiarmin;:; separate serviee porch, tind '.HS-9-191 Open till 9 P.:11 n('11-_ 2~· LR, evecything nu, LCE. hilltop lot. Penn. view "Queens" kirchen. Great Irv. "ann 11'00<! burning fire--IN-LAWS bl!!ns , Jux cptg, nr ace & o! ocean & hills, Pnvacy. Ing rooni 1vilh 1ich panC'ling. pi;i('r. FHA assumablr loan Cu.~tom 2 BR & guest house <750 DOWN shpp1:. over 1700'. $.13,950 Hcaltor 673-2010 Ankle deep L'arpet1ng, E:-;crl- " Hh ()ayments e. lot Jess in chore Eastsid, Joe ., BR ~ ~>'10-8376 ======="""'=~I lent cul.de-sac. \Vill ~u rHA tlr.u11 t'nl. I • I I c •• ·-2 BE Co d IM 12'0 and VA. 101ne con1p rtl" Y re..,r.cora1-$18.450 buys !his "Govt P.r -DROOi\I. Large corn{'r rona • ar ~ WE SELL A HOME •·f or A \\'ise Buy" Colesworthy & Co. r~. Curst hous{' nrrd ~. 10 ~ po", Enjoy 1lu~ :: bdrm 2 lot. 3 car garai;e. S t;n1shrd. Ii\11.IEDJ..\TE POS. bath hoine in Costa l\Icsa .l =~B=Y==O~W-·N_E_'e_ •. _•~:>4_."~>-<00=-'-BAY VIEW EVERY 31 MINUTE SES.5!0N. Large yard ftJ lly POClosed. CHOICE borne, choice j\Je:-;.a 6 3/4°/o LOAN Walker & Lee Near 19th Street. Paym{'nl.s VC'rde location. J BR, 2 ba, En.i-0}' life 1n this bay virw ;;;;;!!l;;RI I $160 includes f'verything. fan1 rm. 549-1096 honil' . .J BR. fani. 1.111 .• 2'~ ($17,700 ls! TD. 30 yr loan), I=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::= ba. Din. 1·n1. 3 CAR GAR- Newport Mesa Verde 1110 AGE. 642-lnl Anytime HARBOR VIEW HILLS LUSK :'<'llrr moving out or statr, •• Victoria 646-8811 (anytime) Cheshire Real Estate FANTASTIC REPUBLIC 675-2503 1101\IE in absolute perfect & l<IOS WANTED 7M2 Edinger 8-t?-4455 Open Evt's. REPOSSESSION 2400 Sq Ft/18x30' Den Ne1v paint, ne1v carpets, En- closed patio. Best area. HAFFDAL REAL TY 842-4405 Cata Man 2100 EAST·side 11·eU kt'pt, lge 2 BR, l \~ B1\, 11•/br1ck h11Jc. 2 car clet. a:nroge, lge yd. $22:J pe r mo. 67:>-1.573, 6 10 10 pni or v.•k-t'nd!I. 10x4.l' ll10131LE l!Oi\IE, Sll.l mo + $50 dtpo11i1. No child or pets. 837-1616 v.·ork; 549-S507 Sunday only. Newport Beech 2200 WE'RE SWAMPED l\1ore clients than properties! \\'e necd listings • to rent & lo sell. Please call us for a riuick, courll'sy appraisal. \\'e \'<Ot'k f:ve iy day. BURR WHITE REALTOR 2901 Ne11•port Blvd ., N.B. 675-4630 3 BR. ru·. bch. Ocr. l :i In Junt 1; l !lj 1110. 107'~ 32nd St • .'i l"e S at/Su n . 714 : J..(i2{) ... ():)SQ, \VAT ERFH.ONT 3 Bdrn1 2 Ba Den 2 frplcs dsh\vshr dlsp \\'R~hr/rll')'r lntd yrd. JJI3 Finley or tall 833·113'1 BAYFRONT & dock 3 Br, 3 Ba den. Lcase/opllon $500. mo. 675-4331. Also unfurn. 3 BR. 2 BA upper duplex. Yearly S225. Adults only!. * 673-8088 * Balboa 2300 S17:i \\'in1cr lease. Peninsula Point. S11acious 2 Br. Call or lern1q a re !hf' t.c~1. no a1 Harbor Cc•nr1·r 6-t!.'j'jjj ·-------mu~i go fasr; this 4 BR. '.!1 ~1 :::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::: I sparkling condit1on. 4 large To fill this !gt", 4 Br., fam. bdrm~. 3 baths, formaJ din-rnl., formal din. rm, Broad. ing room, separate fam ily moor home. Vacant, quick roorn &: huge n1 a s t c r possess, Out of 1011·11 o•1·ner bedroom. t.linimun1 upkeep says, "Sl'JI" Sll5,500 yard beauliluUy landscaped. Delancy 'Real E state ,; BDfL\IS in gigantic '"rile J\lrs. Bea rdslee, '.!l:V Fairmonth Home '2~3-5316, 1600 Panvay, Glen· TA.KE: OV"ER !he GI LOAN. dale Cal. 91206. money df11111 f() l l'l'i or ::."99 lla.rbor Blvd .. (''I. • iiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I ba. • f am . rm .. prof. land- scaped home is pritrif lfl IRYINE A YE. s1.·i00 oo .... n 10 ~n.vbor!y, 111(' ll -~A"S~S"U~M=E'""'F~H=A~L~O~A~N~ ov.nf'r is anxious and you O\\'f' it to Y9Ul"!PH lll a! $1~ Pt:P.. .r.1oi.;T11 TOTAL least call, \lo l' 11on 't hilt. pay1nrnL'I °'1 quil.'I PStabl.ish· WANT LOTSA LAND? sell; only s.19,9jQ, Custom built home, lal'ge cn- Joe Clarkson Newport Heights View! This 110111r i ~ rr1nirll "-lf'nl of a la1'1sh (noun1a111 c11h- 1n, \\l!h IY·au11fu l r11:0.1ir 11·oorl f'n1•1 ron:n1·n1 . Tlw niass11·r oprn hrarlh 1"i'><'h IH'f'Pia<'t' ;ul<:l~ to 1 h(' tulal f'!frct o! 11 pint" lN't' r .... trrat. l :1'rn :.. ha~ment ft>a t1 ir\ni= a J.u1lt tn 11;.r-h. q for you r f'njoyment. in addition 10 :t n1astcr s1~ bedrooms and l\lo o baThs. 4 Bedroom Fixer Upper in C~ta !'>lt>sa. thi'\ home Til't'ds yoor TI..c. It"s hx·at- l"C! in Co!l~r Park. a \'f'I)' n1N': 111'('a, on a ru! d·· sa1·. The OY.'n('f" 1~ an.~1rn1s, you can assurnc 1he :i 1 ~'~ Fl IA loan at Slj'l!,OJ rno. or the 011Tl('r will •'f)l'IS1d1·r 11. lra.sr op11011. Bu11! 1n k11rh. rn, 110::.uble garaj';<", Inn~ ;11 r Jwat, l'O\r·r«I pallO, large back yard ..,,·1111 sJCle 1-ard lor hoo.! or ll'ailt>r. Bargain pr1. rd! Beachcombers Delight s~:.cn r!"''n 1~ at! 11 111k~·c f'.I It\\ :1 l h•;; """\' I"''\ ~ !)Nlro:1:n : h1•h 1~ ·"·h tTitl;,g•'. ll1r •111n··r i.,,,~ Sl"ll 3101 \' II ' llTY 1]1" fitl<Ul• •llC' lo 1,-•·l!. !r h"' f;I Q ll'lv<'l)i l'·l'i"•. <di<' <>If 1tx-k1trh• '" !hr-.. 1hr-r 01fl t11" bi'<ll~··m In ~ lr-1 1·1!01· area, 1t 11'"n t lr1~1 . Lease Option Ocean View $275 Mo. Bl'aunful ~. lx-rlroon1 llO!Tl<' ..,,-,11 leal:iE.' op1 ion for unly S27S per rtl<l Ir ha~ a grra1 OCf"8Jl \·1,.11·, TI1oe 1l" nt·r has pun.·Msed ano,hrr home and .... am.~ ar riun on th.ts one! Cali no...., Unbelievable! Ocean View $23,950 .><I ."U"f'l'I OI II hoopi!ij;; b )g- ~l\ad(' U'l'es, tv.·o blocks from ma.ior shtYpping center. .~ 01t'('rt\JJ brd.l'OOtl'IS and :.' .~roarkl1ng baths.. P.ambling modt-n1 kitchl'n and toe rin- i:lin;:: /'\[\\' SllAG l'ar?C'I.~ in 1'ip.'l1,ou,; 1iv1ni:: 1·oom. P.eal fun l;j1::;1• p,11Jo plus l\1sh C:l'•'!'ll \ilrtl nf t11uri' THE~" . ..; !!alr1rf'. Takf' O\'t'r 1 111~ S.'0,(,(11 .LOI\' 6&\ '~ ~n- 11ual r:u r Iii.an aud )tOVF. I.\ ~011' 11 1rh NO qualifying' WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee ~'9.l Jl.1rbor Bii d. at /\dams . JI j -0-lti.J Op.'.'11 till 9 P \l OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS BE ll\Df.PENDEf\oT • Tak<' O\ !'r OP"rat111i:: 11 0 B B Y ~HOP anti CllE ATIVr: AHT.'i i;1nre in Oown-town Cn~ia \lr!§:a. l'\rar Cost.1 .\J"sa Park t1.nd ptay!;l'Ound • H :::nod l'h!ldrrn'."I <1ttral'- ti•'n. C;\!I ror lurthf'r d~tail~. .,11ftii- SPANISH, ' :, r.nr. \! .... ()n rAIR\\' A'( I ·"r•l •t 1,.\ .. r I II• .iut!lul Sha~ C.11 p<'I ~ ".: ~·11 ~ pl.H•'S, \\'('! B:i 1 I H11t:c J:t.::'ll!'L'S ROO,\I ,\;\t) a H,\CKYARD Tl!AT i;oi-::-; F'OHE:v ~:R ~ ,. $73,500 •)1~'°.sa\ ~r~~··J\~,,l·~· 546-5990 ' I 4 UNITS + HOME 2 001"111, 1 bath home 1vith gUf'~I hou~ + four 2 brlrm 1 l"'!h u11L1s on bcau11fl1I 8!1 ~ :!75' Sll'l!<'I • to • Slrt'o't lot. {)\\•nrr \\'ill ran:v Firi;T T.D. lo ~1ua1ifKxl b!J.>'Cr. Lachenmyer Realtor 1860 NcwpoM Blvd .. CM CALL 646-3928 Eve~. 64-1-l~(, 6Ki-:100 closed rourtyard for maxi- mum privacy, Many extras in th is beautiful 3 Bdr home, $47,500. Coldwell, ~nller & Co. Wells-McCardle, Rlt ... 550 Newport Center Dr. 1810 Newport Blvd., c.rwt. Newport .Beach . Cali r. 1 .,""~>1~•~n~29!!!!!!•~·~"~li~m~•..,...., l1 hon1f" on la11:,. lot, h1g gated aa.•pss for BOAT, TRAILEH, 'EX· TR.A VF.HICLE, ETC. Or put in 2 POOLS 1! you \1 1sh! TIIC large '.!.- :o;tory home ha~ 4 BD- R~TS, s pr i n k Ir r ~. S.· i;ha~ roof. Big r·ov. •·rrd patio. i(lral for !hr 11rf'k·end BBQ. PJ'icrn ln1' quick sale a1 onl_v .'j::l,i.".I): Enou;::h sa1U ! ~ 833-0700 644-2430 -W-E 'RE SWAMPED i"""""""R"A-N"c"H"!-0"-"-.. -"-"-"-'li\Iorc cil<'nls !han proprM\rs'. l\'r nrctJ hslints -to rc111 k ~ ca..,rs ~w·•~a REALTOltS .546-4141- !0pen ~inpl San Luis Rey ro seLI, Pl{'ast> l'ail us ro!' a I::! i\('l'e s, 11 of \\'hil·h are quick, ~"QurtP~y appra1~al. ,\\'OCtirkl Jl'l'OVE"S, liOOlf' (.'ll• \Ile \\'Or k ('VCry day. 111.~. Hilltop ranc.tL house BURR WHITE v.i th gorgeous Vlf'W. llO!'S<' ('01Tal, ba.m & stUdio. aosr REALTOR 2901 l\'e11·pon Blvd., N.B, to San Luis IU-y golt & 6T:>-4630 , l-OUnlry club. Priced a t 1--~"'"'"=7."7'=--S9'!,:.00 lor qu.Jck sale! Don't SPECTACULAR s.1y .,.,., didn't tell yoo about VIEW· $28,500 I.hi~ one-. S11l'f'pin;:: 1·irw l'\'Ct;.'\\'hrrr ===~~~~:~~==i,~~R~e~d~C~o~rpc~t~R~e:•:l~t~y=~i )OU look. <.kcan & c1!y ~------:.Mn:1 \\', Balboa, NB 6iJ..fiCKXJ hnuts. '1 balhs, f:untly 100111. UDO ISLE Fi!Y'plaei.~. Built·1 n ki1chrn. New Listing }~ornta l r11n1ng room . 5 1(}. Onr o f tllC' 1nost he11ut1r11J tioincs of/el'f"d on corner lol. B1i,:: ~i·'~'Q GI loan f'an br 1720. lakrn over . M 1ncrcas(' 111 TARBELL 2955 Harbor on loVC'IY Lido lslt', 41Cro.<Ji from prlvalebca<'h. 3 Larg-1' inlerest! Lovrly ~ bdim /\n. BACK BAY bt>drooms, large living room, tt~ony poot homf' pncrd a t J bdnns 1 ~~ buths. n1r" !'1\r· ~ fil'C'plac-e~. fom1a1 <.J1nin~ S . .4,~JO. Owner transfrn'<.'d prt.~. lov('lv gla.~scd 1n pa.!1(1 !(I salt Lakr. /111:-;1ou~ for 0 ,, ~ .:":·J·J_,. 1,,1 •, '1-k 1·uon1. BrauLl fl11ly dN'Ul':l((~I ff "' ""·' v "'-· Jr11· 1':\l'<"U!IVC fll Slf'. Sllj,<XX.I, 0 rr~ ei<'ITI sch(ol ~1 1:7:11) Ca ll fo1• app'L ~ ~46-58BO Fuller' Realty • h b (l'lelrcint!T'e thtal!!l 546-0814 10 n macna LLEGE REALTY MESA VERDE 17 14 ) 642_8235 1500 Adiiim51I tu1bOl',c.M. FAMILY RM.· $24,950 1 ... , ... B~E-O~R~M'"".~+"""~p~o~o""'L""l1\('ar golf ("OUl'S<', (;f'lll'l'OUS 901 Dover Drtvr, S1111r Nl'11-pnrt B<'ach BAYFRONT Commrrc1;1I U:i• lJO \I 1!h f'rontagt• On ;-;c11·p0n Bh·1t, Bulkheaded f'ncrtl und•'r SI J ~-~·1, REALTORS 673-4400 WONDERFUL WESTCUFF Onl_,. '! hloek!I 10 th!:-B;l'J Quality ·I Jx.,-trooin J h:1t !1 hon1r 11·11h Country Slylr Ki!f·ht•n. .\l111'111g 111J7 Thi.~ ma.'' llf' ju~t fo'lr' ~ou ~.-12,~00 • \'f'r} rasy lerms. 546-2313 .si~rtl IX'druom,.. 2 Ua!li.~. 3 Bath $26,950! fanu!y roon1. Jlug,. l1v1ng Bti:: lan1ily llOnlf' 111 prier to rooni, hnndso1nl" !1!'1'placr . 111 your budgl.'I~ f 1es1 a pool, VA • r·HA f1na1w:ini:; 11vad- Jr. E:st&le i;:round,;, R 1 r h ablr. ~(}.1710 "ood pandm~. handsome TARBELL 2955 Harbor brf'aldai<t bar, El('ganl fu'f'- phH·r . No1h1n~ 1-on1p<!.rablc BAYCREST al !hr pr1rr on tod11y's n1ar. TmnH•d po,.~. 4 Bdrn1, /,1m1l.1· kt'l J.<11\..1710 r,.,-,111, f!lrfllJ.I rf1n1ng, l)1rri k. TARBELL '2955 Harbor ra,t n •o111_ O\\nrr 1110,·1ng. WE-ST_C _L-IF_F ___ .\f1•kP ()ffr1· Jean Smith, Rea ltor l'<;l'o l linck -<hamond pnnrl 11111do1\!I • sl~·ikr rc..if . kid· 11 l£i...".~-,:1 nry ..;h11prd pool • nriPt1ted 10 0111doiir l11·1ni:: & Pa~ n1:ii11t rnanrr . :I Mnn~. 1~. bath.~. 01\'N'r transfcrtrd ,r,, niust ~rll . $;,1,:JOO. Pt'1<' Bar- ro•11 Rcal1;1-· fi~2-:1zoo. BA YFRONT APT. V1~t::i Orl Lido. Pi"r &. Jo:l1p ava1\ahlr, S'rll (lr 1ra~e1 op­ t1on. l'nec $2~.:)00 Georg• Williamson lt~:ALTOH. Cambridge Highland 603~1:;:,o l:_\'r~. 61::-J.",(i ! Be;,u11rullv l·al'l'd fnr adult 1)4·rupird.;: BR -1.. rarnfly. YOU .ru~1 (•an'I /1r1d lhrse e;H'iX'L", '1ra pl'!I'. p:inPl lin~ & any1no1Y'! llrrr·~ a11 Of'l"an many niorr lrahirc~ As-1·11'1v homr I blk to brach. · · '! brdroon1~. rlrn. l\"r \\' r1·pl>, ~innt' f'~isl1ng !'>':' r lo..111 . DAVIDSON Realty drps, flrrp\,·, liv rni, 1hn 1111, CaU ,111·nrr ;i::,(, '·.\rt"; •16·:H60 E\'I·~-~19-ln:i& x.6-4~~ or 8 11-:!.i\9 OC EANF RONT--1,-=c::--;;-;---;---c---=--. 3 BR :.! BA. fan11ly rn1. Pl"ol Vacant /'\P1111011 lot, R-'.!. d 1 1 \-0' THE REAL ~ Eq'.fATERS Also R-2, 60:\300 lot in Co~la ecor. ,, yr Od·xlnl cond. $32,::.00, 12382 Flrct Ln. HB. .., .. iiiii-..iiiiiiiiiiiiiii-..iiiiiiiiiim l l\!cs.a. C1 1l for drtails. 1T:iS-Oii·ner 6111-·1328 CANARY YELLOW ci im-.t1. 1---------,.ou niu~t hun"Y! Thi~ ~PD(-PROPERTIES WEST sn.o.:.o le!\..~ 3 BR '1 balh hnmf', 1op, 675-4130 675--1642 3 Bdrm. 2 bath. S2-i00 d111\'!l, lop qU1th1 y v."11n't las1. llanl. A FRIENDLY HOME balal'l(',. 7'~. :~tS!Xl 1100 \\llO(f 0001':'1, lari;r hl\ • Ill Ln top :-.°rv.-pot1 Jlt!I. llrt'3. J --NEAR-OCEAN--kitcht'n. floor to i·rlling hrick BR, family rm, lar'll:P liv. Costa Mesa fq1l r. 1v/w cpis/drps, 'l'ratl-rm. ~tone fif'(>p\ac'C. On R-3 -----------~tod. 4 BH. '1'-i ha. ~ Car er spat'f', Only S2'6.JOO. hit. "-'long S'n!.COO. NO DOWN V.A. This hall to ~ 1he liottrsl 1.13,WO _ lO'i-<1n1<'n PW.C O\VNER/'BHOKEJt O gar. Bltn!I. :\.1n1 colkL ~ OR ONLY $2,800 ~!J~nl~=·~c~-~;~ ~~\~~~ 1~1~y~LJ ~. <>1111 APPllOXJ:-::~~. l~ actt ·~~;~~~tc~:~r~g~ home v.•irh Jorge coven'll e S41·1290 e -~··---·· A1'ocado '"""'vr ·, .1 BR, J• I ,,.u .,., CEIL I NG FfR E:f'LACE, patio and 1'f'ar y;in. ~un-11--oH"A~R"-BOR LIGHT_S __ 109J B11krr. C.:\1 ~.16-54 10 Ba1h~· I/ill Top View hon1l". HUGE Ji\'lng rornii anrl ~EP. dttk. It ha." a lh ·1ng llN'a 1::::::::========:J n111·n 11/ s ludio a p 1 . ". \'I I " A1v •Tl'.: FA:\llLY HOO~f . at 1600 sq_ ft. and 11 b('at1· t'11' o ocran & v1lY. S1"P" 11417~8916 tiful assunmble loan 11 1 10 hr11rh. Lovely home \lol!h FHA Resale 1-~-~~-~~~~-1 LARGt: BEDROO~JS, '.!rte-~%•,;. You v.·on'1 t11'llP1<' 11·:1!lrd J!itfllrn. :n~.500. * Soulh Coast Rr.aJ Es!a1(' gant bath~ 8.· ELECTRIC 0 1~ "'"'ki"" ,,,,,,..,.,-ful p1..,I"~ hu1l1 -i11 kilchrn INCLUDING it unul you seP ti! 6'•·'~ L AN · "'' . ..., '"'"'·"' " .... W•lker Rlty. ~75-S'200 ,\tl.t'<t M"ll 'Pltf'ioU~. nrar nrw i<lo!lll.I real estate sale:smcn. 1.hsh•1aslK'r, r-oc111 a!I 11 pin J3J6 Vr;i Lido, NB 0Jl('n Sun . Costa tlf('S;1 hon1r. s:.!02 mo E:"l:C'C'pt10nal benefits. PlraSI' lantlS<:-aping fn choict' family -ra.-.-.... - ORAN CH COUNTY'S LARGlST 262' HARIOR ILVD. 546-1640 Open Ev.,.in9s ''" 9 ,30 pays <'vt'rythin,1: 1v1th 5·1;, ';ii rail far appointment SQ-8424 area \\'i1h t'XC'f'll('n1 srhools. Elec)ance J.1 fA loen. 4 big 11"Tl"f't rhoi1r South Coal'it, Rr11.l1nrs. HURRY f"OR 1111s Oi'-'F.! rool. JJHlio k ~~id \'tf'w be.1room,; !.:. ovcrs11.f'd f;1m1ly DA ILY PILOT DJ t>l E. A . WE SELL A HOME ... _ .,_ _ _. f'U(>n1. brighl ful11ilr kirchrn Lt•,····~. ,."'' "'" "'·" '''""' EVERY 31 MINUTES s<'l hM.· p.allcrn. e<auu l'lr'\\' •~c.~ ., c " "' , . ., Larcr lot on Qu1r1 r11l-Oc-sa1·. w ~k & L h·an \\'t•llx' homr 111 Dol·er HERITAGE lor Jusl pennies a day. Dial a er ee :'horr,. o! BR 3 ti.1. PLl,;S. _ PILOT Class1f1f'(f ;id. Oprn 1·1es. :.10-11.1 a 11\l 11nr,:~~~--'-'-=~=~~-I Roy J , Ward --... --.... --.,.·.,.,_1DTA L dll'\-'(t &tl-:'.1678. Charcr :'ITTJ \\'rsll'ldl Dr, 11.'Vl fi11la:o;y Or. li'IG•J:i:,o P LANNiNG Jo n101,.;-,01f!I ~·Clur i'ld. then ~ii b;:ic\,; al)\] 616-7711 001\"T c11e ll <l\lotlY ~<'I find lln 11n111~111c 1111n1h"r n! l i~!Cll 10 lhr pl10rrr rin::· llT'S Br11.-11 )10uSP r11nr nl\:· qUll'k •·11.<;h fnr 11 .. ·1th a honir..-in tcwf11.y a Cl11.~~1 l 1f'{I 1''or O;i1ly Pilot \\';int Ads cr~t srlrrt10" r\'rr' ~r rhr Daily Pll111 11:1n1 Art 1\d<; ('hr rk thrn1 no11• !)1:11 642-;;6711 D/\fLV PILOT \\'ANT AD:-.! Popular n1odl'I 11·11h 3 car .,,,..., Be I I ::.~~" E. coa~1 H11y, 673-3770 garage. st or t 1c nloney al $47,950. Call 54:>-8424 l N VEST NEAR THE South Coast Real Estare OCEAN. 3 BR. 31.i Ba .. den, 2 fplc., din. nn. Build 1 Sl'ORY inner circle. 4 BR. another home for income 011 2 BA, fam rm, wa1led, pool Jg. lot. Somr v 1 e 11'. Nr. :iize prof lndscp corner lot, beach & shops. Bk r. Patio, ext. lights. 1973 673-20IO Kornat Dr. 546-9294 College Park 1115 * •BARG.l\lN* * Ou1 ol 1own 011·n('r 1vanl s to Sf'I\ 111., h11·1.'ly :i Br. family r111 honie. 1 ~. ba. lrpl. fcne- rd rear• vd \\1th patio. Ask- IOJ; on!y 's23,750. Call David Carlsun: Dorn, PlRI Z & Co. 121 31 2·1~7Cli; E\'es. !'.?13) 790-21 ~ Ne~port Beach 1200 5 BEDROOMS REDUCED $3000 Ownl'I' must Sf'll! Top loca- tion 1n Back Bay al'C.oJ . - l-:l'cryth1ng for a l<•!l!r lan1- 1ly_ -Ga1·agc 1~ 1""0n1't'r1,..d lo ~1Qx24 p!ayroon1 , trrnagf'rs dcilgh!, -$4 \,.:,00, 10';. do11·11 -(Ir a~sume 5'"',;, loan - Call nov.·. 1111~ \\'Oti'l las!. DUPLEX In1mac. ~ Bdrm. ho1ne plus'.! Br. apt_ USl"(J h1·ick lrpl., bllns, sha~ r ptg-, S 19.:iOO. 01\':\'ER 675-lfA."6 BEACHSIDE of l!\\y, Co111- for!ablc 2 Br. homr. under S4 0,000 . o .... ·ncr/Bkr 675-374:1 •OCEANFRONT -Pool .. Cameo ShorPs -4 BP. & Den llJ i\11Hord Rd . 67~>-6996 NE:.'\V homf' m Goldenrod. /\~king .$79,500. Pb one 67'.i-J068 tor appt . Lido Isle 1351 v 2 REAL BUYS! ./ Charming 2 Br.:! ba .• tam. rn1 . charn1er, $•l!l.8i:1 ,/ aue-2 BR l ha . "IVrek- cnrler" • Only $-l'.!,500. LIDO REAL TY INC. Rf'al sho..,,·place 11•ith all the I ~==========c I extras. Lido Isle 23SJ Rex L Hodges, Rltr 8~7-252;-i Huntington Harbour 1405 VACANT 4 hdnn. :: car garage, Din. rm • many e:\·tras. Ext't'I. a rea. Only S:->8,:)00 _ submit 011 term~. \V iii con.~ider l('a.~f' or lease option. Harbour Rlty. 846-1311 EASY LIVING Im mac l Br Condo. Including all appliances, crpts, drps & a 32' boat Wp, Enjoy this IC'isure living_ Only D-1.950. Harbour Rlty U.-1311 Fountain Valley 1410 WHY PAY RENT? 'l0 r. old Spanish ~tyle. As- sume 6:i..i ~;, I'll..\ loan. 3 BR .• pa.tiQ, BBQ, hllns. Adi. lo go! I co~. pool. S'26, 9.iO CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS t.iiJ.1662 3036 F.. Coos! .lh1y., Cd:'IT NEWLY Furnished 4 BR. 4 Ba, avail Now. \Vinter or longer. 12131 789--9369 or (213) 472-6692 * Furn 4 Bit, l BA. Con- temp, newly dee. ~40C'. Avail now. Yearly. !714) 624-TI09 2705 OCEAN FRONT 3 BR, 2 BA. fin:place, dining room, love- ly garden, gar. Avail. no1v until J une or July. $300 mo. ll'l(', gardener & 11·atl'r. 49+-5531 alt 6 pm OCEANSIDE, View, :.i BR & den. :! Ba, \Vasher/dryer. dsh~hr. avail Oct. thru J une 12.:;o mo. l se . Slt ORTER RENTAL arranged 5 n10 or mo IT. lse, 49l&8J Sun. ~ton k TU('s. 4 BR, 31 ~ blk!'t to bch, ocean· vie•v. comp. rcder, a1'all to Jami!y or professionals 'til July ], 1970. SX.IJ nio. 273 Cajon. ~94--6858 646-7171 3.'\n Via Lirlo tii'J.T'..00 Santa An• ====== 1620 4 Bdr. -I ba, beaut furn hon1e on sandy be11ch. $:.00 mo. \\'inter. 499-2183 or 213--~3\L Huntington Beacil 1400 $17,000 3 Bdrms 2 ba ths, fiO 'C 100' icnt-ed 101, t'l.•clnc built-in rang<', ov~11. ~L·l't'<'n<'d in lo f'O\"Crrd pati o ;-I pan ol garage 1s made mto a dl'n. Takes SliOO do11·n. pa)mrnts less lhan ren1. VACANT, 1 nl m Pd i a le possc~s1on. l BR & dC'11, huge fain 1-n1/ki1., new :-hai; f'rpl i:: lh111ou1. J'\tany lcaturcs. Xlnt nrii;hborhoo<l. FHA loan. J'\lo. pymnts $191 1ncls all. 711 So. flla..~lnl" St. nr Euclid & i\lrt·adden. Opt'n housr 3-5 P.\t every. d11y or hy 11ppt. RENTALS Houses Unfurnished General 3000 RENTAL FINDERS NXPENSM • •• GU.W1m11 S PACE & CHARM Bubbling hruok. refll',..tion pool:-; [1Jlcd 1\'J!h lazy Carp £('! a 1ra1111uil SC'{'llf' for this 4 Br., hM"lea"·ay df'n & fam. din. rnt. Priced at 1''11A \'al, \1 assun1ablc :..~ .. ·-;, In. Hal Pinch in & Assoc. 3900 £. Cva-·1 11"-Y. 6ij..439'! 4 BR. .:i hnlh nr tM-a rh. r"l11\Jh1111<r. lrnni"I r rl. Ponl. J ,ra~r/oplll)!l. 642-1:'!91 , hi 1-:Z:-11( ~1,IJR? Laguna Beach 1705 ~ R'ESIDOOW-IUSIN(SS A'1'.··ROOMMAT1 S11V1C1 4lS w. lfott.. c.rt. "'''' "4M111 JUST LISTED ;:;uprr ~hai'Jl h<•nlr. ta1·prr~. -----------I 1 ·t1~10111 '1 n1prs 1hn-iughou1, l'AHK LHXJ lfl\\llhou~P :: J;1r:::I' s.'p.irat<' ran11ly roon1. BR, ~ R1\, !rplt'. oool. S.~l Co1·rN'd pa110, profrs!'.1onaJ. )I .13000 dn. L ' <1 1 ~·o 11 ly 11111<.bcaprd lari::l' lot a! 61(;..-01:!2. l<rKI (If thr cul-01>-sar slrtl'L B!l1N< prllnt' on Bay I01'al1nn 2 bcl1':'1 . l:l!l.500 (.'all 6-1.J-.!:.'j~ f'l'PS/\\·krnds. Ser 111l~ on<> for sure. Priced rlgJ11 at SJ'..'.000. MUTUAL REAL TY 842-1418 anytime Newport Shores 1'2'20 Owner Tra nsferred e REDliCE:D .~.000• Drsperalr'. -~ BR 2 ha l1un1r. Jr yot1 11Prd a '!:Tf'i'.ll laniily \\"alk tn .\lartna 111 & St. honir . sec tlus or)('~ Lgf'. hv. Brinavf"nlul"f's. Pymn1s under rni. phis 1;:-r part~· rm.: 4 l l.-i:Jiino. Br.:'\ Ba. k1tr h. hH·ins. l'~ The Real E1tate Mart Rlks. to bc1n•h. r 1•e s1n1plr. 174!0 llt'ach Eh·d., 11.B. s 1i>.:i00 Equuy l-19,.i['()_ :.1ay l iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii84-..7-ii8ii5o3iiliiiii-..iiiiiii cor1.~11!rr 1ra1ir. e O\\":\'ER &$1)...IS49• 11.\VE: opcnin;;s for ~ P.eal Es!ale S.1lcsmcn in our nr-w Dover Shorts 1227 *ENCHANTING VIEW Llr!Oblilruc1t'd Ba;,-& :'llln \"U -tnost rn1s. Di1/rrt"n1 "Old \\"nr:d" ron!cmporary, "'-· r~·ut11·c Jux11 ry tlOnl•'-;:.o(l() i<Cj , It, 4 BR. ·t'~ B.\ !- 1naids q 1r~. ldral for rnlrr· tainlni;. Easy llla•n, ln1111f;d oecup, $1 7S,1'.XXt -~ s s u 111 r 6"° ',;. loan. Bo.x 1632 1'B. MS-7249 University P•rk 1237 orfJf'f'. C31J for appointn1f'nt. R . D. Slates, Realtors 536-8801 A1ift,\CTlv~ 3-en,-28A~ :.:In! arta. blt1n a pp. Con1pll"l(' !)('\\' crpl & drps p;linl 111/out S29.~. 5·'4 1st. S'" 2nrt as~uni . 71-1: 3-11)..3.)jj !·oR Stile by owner. ri BR, 2 ~!ory Glen fl lnr. Large lo!, huge patio, close lo beach, s c h oo l 6 , s h oppi n g ('1·erything! S29.950. 96'2-1 5i7 * REDUCED PRICE * JUST LISTED 4 BR, 2 BA. 2 car itar. Frplc You'll br bo11·lrd O\'rr 1\llrn & bltin.5, S24,'r.il. 51.'.0 loan. )OU S•'e tt11~ ltttl(' 2 hr, $Ill. pnyls n10. P.l.T.I. Pnn Je1\·el-OO~ honic or th(' \\('i'k: lo'c"c''~"c'=-"'='='~~---~ rnchantlng 1s !hr word, lt's SANDPIPER Hon1<'. to be J aby hY'~h. $2'7.000 finished completely in No1". • Red Hill Realty S19.900. \\'rite to pa u I Un11', Park Centr1•, Irvine Jf'TI!\CTI, 'I'll \V. lSlh St., Ctlf Cal l Any!ln1r i:::.~Olt'11 1240 CONDO. 2 Bit -f· de n ..,, 111•el ha.r. l '1 ba th. 1 •• n1lle to b(-11.rh. 962-9,:j',1 5'\Lf:, 1..{'a~e or l"a~e/opl1(•tJ :i BR. 2 s!ory. by Qv.·nr-r. l.01\' ;: bd1 Ill<, 11, IJ."olll<, f;11111ly illl<'!'PSI. S32.000. $3.:iOO do1\n. 1'(1(1111. S:~.JOO . .S .~ ~. J •I :! O Ob'2-:t110 ~ H~'!li!l~ I ~"""~o-oc-c=--c"°-~ 1:;; YOUR /I D I ~ 1~ Yn11r ,\(t 111 "u I' 1·la.~s1flrrl.~~ Son1rr111f' 11 11 1 t>r lonktnc l'lr \J. n111! ti1:.!.:-.l.illl CLAS$1 t'TF:n~ Rinl"l'rll" II 1!1 hr' lookini: !<'Ir 1t. Di al 6t'- ~iA Above Festival ~.r(l Sot. rt or braut1f11.1 horn<' 111th an Of'('an view 5 Bd· rm~, :: ba!h.s, ol.VJnP1c SIZl" po.11. You couldn't hrg111 ro rr place th.is home & !01 for $69,:i(I), 0.1•rwJ" "·1JJ l'an·y l~I TD 11·11h 1/3 do11'n rir take pl'Oflt'r ly ln tra.dr Wilh rqual an1ou11l or equity, Znnt'd R·:!. •I Ith cJo,1·nsla1rs J'l't'l'f'AtilJn roon1 & bath, This l'o11ld he u.o;('(i a.s a rrnUll Lo! :-.OX \50, appra1sf'd at S:.11 ,oOO This 11·oii'1 last. Ju.st sc~ 11 & you 'll realize !he bargain. Bill H•v•n, Re•ltor 673.3211 or 5•1-6613 2121 E. Coa.~ Hwy, Cd~! OCEAN VJE\V 1£0:0.IE XLNT Vet loan 11 ssump1 ion. lnL ra1f' "'·ill nol increase. 3 NICE l'iran, rratiy f~. cupancy. 3 &droom. 1 Harh . ''lnnth to 1\Jon!h. Rcasonahlc rrnt ror tile arra. Call \\ alkcr &. Lee., 842-4,C.:i S22J. Loi ely 3 Br. 'J B.1 . Im r rn, bltns. pa110, l1•plc. 0 'uldren 11i"lron1e. Bk r. &15-0111 S22.-), 4 Br, 2 Ha. frplr, H/tl, frncd y{!. Cl11lrln•n & flC'IS 0 .1'\. Bkr. 5.ll-fi!lll<I $1 60. 3 Br, nr 101\'n. S101·c : Ch1ldrrn 0 .1\. Bro ker 6-1;,....oJ Jt S22.i. :; Br, 2 Ba. duplr>.. G11r. frp!c. R/0. children 0 .K. Bkr. :,3,\-6980 Br. 2 Ba, V>"/11· rrpts. lrplc. Costa Mesa 31 Cor lor; L-ompl privac)'. An.~1ous·subm1t. 2 BR, gar. patio. r:l'pts, drps, Full pnce S·l4,j()(} sro,·r, rcfrri:. Tropical srt- PL,\CE REALTY 494-910~ t111g. adults only. 1 b!k HANDYMAN'S shops. $l:ill. ~~4-li,llQ Sprcia l ~ 4 lncomt' unit.~ 120 4 SH., 2 BA, drps & »0m' yds. 10 beach. Pa1 ios, de1·ks C'T'pl . College Park area ll'IOCf'an view. Nds. paai!. $250. nio. 673--97'.20. f'tc. Should g1'QSs $9,00() yr. CLEAN 2 Br on pvl. fc11Cf"d Pr. $69.900, Consider 11·11des. lot. S140. 1588 Riverside Pl. l\f!SSION REALTY 4£1.t-0731 totf 161h Sn :l-IS-fi6.i!O 180 DEGREE VIE\V LOT l s~,~.,~SP~A7c~.-,~,~,m-.-,-.~.7,,-.. ~,~~~,·.I of \\"hi!e 11•a1er & roasUnr, c-pts. rl rps, privacy, 2 patio5. 5malt but level. S7,950 11•ith Adults, no p<>!.~. 6T;>o-1.l\59, Sl.000 do11-n, baJ al S8:) mo. All d 3 1 brlrms, 2 bath. carpel.~. uc yrs. leriC'C11 y111'd. $1 $5 nionth 4!»-1 137 or 497-1021 Cali 5.ts.5TJO Kt:N rAL:!t 4 BC'droon1. 2 ba1 h. IOC11lt'd in HouHs Furnished Collr,gc Park. Va c ant. Phone ;,.1:>-l!M!I Rentals to Shar• 2005 U'IU. Shal'f' 111Y 2 Br, 2 Ba home in lhr Village, Ir,-Jne v.·(groo\'y 30 ....;.. J::aJ SJOO n10. Ca11 547-.63.ll or ..,_,,.. ~TALE 1,,c,7hc,c,.,,-.,1c80Rc--•-P7'-0-,, lhc liea('h. rnolcr O\'~r 21. ~62.:io n10 67)·~~ ~=--TI IF: SL'~ ;>:E:VF.R Sl:.IS on Cia~s1firri '.~ action po11rr. For an 11ri rn ,otrll around tht: rlork, rl1nl hl'z-:,r,;~ M.se Verde 3110 \\'ILL LeaM> benuliful 4 bed mom single st Of)'. AH elf'('lr ic kitchen, f e n c e rl yard. bt'e u!Hul ca~l!I &· drafl{'s. $300/nio. 1oclurlini;c g:i rt/r 11<.'r. 0 11·l'lf'r ' brnktr. 67:;...i!l73 r1'r~-5-16-5.'l!l!l rlays. PLA:\;\l:'\G 1~~ You'll find an ama11n;: n11n1bcr of hon1e" in today·R ClaS11·ififll Ar'!~. Chr f'k Them llfll" HOI ·~· COST' MES. MES• CO LL "" "'" a.t.L! "" B.t.'1'( l.l'l'S OOVI WESl HA Rf \lNIY IR\1 11 IA(~ EAST 11i1Vlf CORC IALI BE.lC '" LIOO llA LI HUN" HUN' FOU! SE .. L ,UNS G.lRI LON( _4111 )RA! '"' '"' ST.AN .VES1 MIOV S.t.Nl SA NT DRA' rusr NO R1 .t.N.lt ~ILVI LAGL L.lG\ ' LAGl 1 MISS "" , 5.t.N CAl'I OANI ' CARL DCE, : S.t.1'1 , RI VE HOU! • r.ONC DUI'! ' """f : REI ~ GENI RE N' ' COST MESI MES• CO LL r.tE WI "'" ro!E'll'I ' 11 .. YS , OOVI WESl UNIV IRV1 E.lSf ' IRVll , CO RC BALE "00 '" B"Lf : ~:~~ B"Cll NUN' FOV~ SE"L LONC ORA, SANT' WEST MIDV SANT CO.lS LAGL L"GL MISS j .. N '" (Al'I: DAN' RIVE: VAC.l SUM' CONC: OUfl'l H H '"' tosr. Mll!'S .. MES ... ICOLL NEWI NEWI ~;:: ... . .. ••• 11Vlt- 1111Vtll ICORD IJ,ll• l~:;o IAL8' I NEWI NUN1 NUNl FOUPi SE.lL GARC LONG OR.l~ SANT' WESl MIDI'; SANT' 1tDAS ,LAGU lu'" MISS "" CAP!! (API! D.t.Nll CO"li; DUfl'l o5UM~ RE~ I A GE:NI 1COSf, 1MESI NEWI I~~=: WEST UNIV BA(IC EAST CORC 9AL9 '" uoo 1.t.LA INV/.rl FOUi! ISE.t.L ~ON<; llilAll GA RI ....EST ~10"" IANT SA NT TUS1' COAS LAGL LAGL MISS " OA NI flillP CONC ~H A Ol!NI COST MESI NEWI NEW! Nll!'WI WE i l UNIV '"'" EAST' COlilC I AL• '" """ I A La MUN! FOUi! SEAL LON( ORA! G.lll.I WESl MlOV SANT '""'' rusT CO.ls ••• 'L.AGt. ISAN 1SAN ..... 1REJ l, •. ~ 'CONO 'Jtl:Nl )11:0011 .10011 <MOTi IGUE! •1,11~c i~~ ----------......-~------·~-~-,.... ~·- r-----------------------------1 RENTALS DAILY PILOT Hou ... Unfurnish9<1 CLASSIFIED INDEX Newport Be.ch 3200 F• Faat ~.,vie• •"41 IX1Mrt Aulahnc• B/B DIAL DlltECT 642-56711 TOWNHOUSE HOUSES FOR SALE GENl!RAL ............... 1000 COSTA MESA ............. 1100 MESA DEL MAR ••••....•.... llOS MESA VERDE ··-······" • 1110 COLLEGE PARK ............. lllS NEWPORT BEACH ........... 1200 NEWPORT HEIGHTS ••.... .,. 1711 BALBOA COllES ........... ,1lU NEWPORT SHORES .•• , ....... l22' BAYCREST ............... 12U 8AYSHORES ................. nu DOVER SHORES ......•••••.•• ,JUI WESTCLIFF •••••••• lno >tARllOR HIGHLANDS •...•.•. 1llS uNIVERSITY PARK ........... 1137 1R\llNE . .. . .. ............. 1131 BACK BAY ....... -........... 1240 EAST8LUFI" ......•••••••. 1242 IRVINE TERRACE ............ 1l4S CORONA DEL MAR ..••••..•. 1150 IAL80A PENINSULA ........ 1300 BEACON llAY ············-· •. ll05 SAY ISLANDS .............. ,. 13SO LIDO ISLE ................ 1lS1 BALBOA ISLAND ••.•.. , ••. 13SS HUNTINGTON BEACH ._ ... 1400 HUNTINGTON HARBOUR ••.•. 140S FOUNTAIN VALLEY .•.•.••• HIO SE'-L BE•CH ............... 100 ,UNSE"T BEACH ...••••..••..• HU GARDEN GROVE ..•.....••..• 147S LONG 81:ACH .•..• ,_.,, •.... HOO • AKEWOOO ..•.•.•..••.•• ISSO )RANGE COUNTY ., ........... 1'00 OUT OF COUNTY •...•...••..• 1'05 OUT OF STATE ...•..•••.. ·-· 1608 STANTON ...•......•...•.•. 1611 WESTMINSTER ................ 1612 MIDWAY CITY ................. 1416 SANTA ANA ................ 1620 SANTA ANA HGTS, ............ H lt ORANGE . . . ..•.•..•• , •.. UlS fUS TIN . .. .............. 11>40 NORTH TUSTIN .............. 11>45 llNAHEIM ........ 1'50 SILVERADO CANYON ...•••.. 1655 . LAGUNA HILLS ............... HOO LACUNA 8 EACH .............. 170S 'LAGUNA NIGUEL ........ -.. 1107 1 MISSION VIEJO ............ 170i SAN CLEMENTE , .•••• 1710 : Sll.N JUAN CAPISTRANO ····· mo CAPISTRANO BEACH ........ 112S DAl'IA POINT .................. 1130 ' CARLSBAD .................... 1140 OCEANSIDE ................. l7SO '. SAN DIEGO , , ..•..•. 177S , RIVERSIDE COUNTY .•..... 1100 HOUSES TO BE MOllED ..•... 190Q • C.ONOOMll'llUM ..•...•. 1950 DUPLEXES FOR SALE ..... 197S ' APARTMENTS FOR SALE ... 1'10 i RENTALS ' Housn Furnished GENERAL . .. . ........ 2000 • RENTALS TO SHARE ••.•.... 200S ' COSTA MESA ................ 2100 MESA DEL MAR ····-•·••• .. llOS MESA VERDE?lll COi.LEGE PARK ............. 2115 NEWPORT BEACH , ..••..•... 1200 NEWPORT HGTS ............. mo NEWPORT SHORES •.•••••••• 2220 Adults 011ly. 2 &Inns.. 2 ~~:.'~~:/:::iAL ........... ::il baths. Split-level. Avail. Oct. OFFICE 1tEl'lTAL .•••. "70 lath. $225 PPr Month. lltDUSTlllAL .. ROl'EllTY ........ Bay & lea""h :OMMERCIAL ·-···· ... •S '-INDUSTRIAL RENTAL ........ .... ... ors .. . . . . • . . .. •• • • •• • .... Realty,. Inc. RANCHES .. ·-···-···-.. m• 9Ql Dover Dr NB Suite 126 cnRUS GROVU ..••••••••••• •11s 64~ 'l<V\n .. Eve 548-6""" llCREAGE ....••••••••••. 42• 6'/V\I S """ LAI( E EU I NO ltE ...•• , •••••••. 4m 1"'!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""'!~ RESORT PROPERTY ........ t2051::: ORANGE co ... ROPHTY ••••.• 2t7 NEWPORT H EIGHTS. Walk OUT OF STATfi PROP. -······•211 to l {arbo H' Old b t '¥10UNTAIN a DESERT •.•••••.• 210 r I. er u su11D1v1s10N LANO ..... nn charming 3 BR, 2 Ba home. ilEAL ESTATE SEii.ViCE ••••. m s Formal dm rm "e""'PAte ~.E. EXCHANGE .,1 •• , •••••••• 4UO • " ,,_.~ ~-E. WANTF.D . . . ......... m• Jam rm o~r 2 ~ 1t $275 BUSINESS and mo. lea~. 642-~. • FINANCIAL BUEINESS OPl'ORTUNITl£S. '* 3 BR, 2 '~ ba .• d~n. fam, BUSINESS \lllllNTED .•... •JeS Jormal d j Tl c•pts drps, INVESTMENT Oppof'tunlll• • •31t 'I ' ' INVESTMENT WANTED ....• : 4JU gardener, ... 300 i;q ft, $350. MONEY TO LOAN .....••. -... 4l20 646-4414 PERONSAL LOANS ............ 6l2J -----------~~~cAi.:lR~~A~;Al;i's·:::::::::~~: PARK LIDO choice 3 BR, 3 REAL EHATE LOANS ...•... ~• BA. frplc, pool. Imm~ MORTGAGES, Trust D"4a •.. 6.MS ~27-L" 64" n MONEY WANTED . " .•. : '™ poss. 'f ;) •• 1a1son .....,132. ANNOUNCEMENTS Corona del Mar 3250 and NOTICES FOUND IF,... AdaJ -..... ·••• 6400 LEASE 4 BR, 2 Ba. elect. LOST . . ............... 01 PERSONALS ................ u k1l. patio. Adults $300. No llNNOUNCEMENTS •••.•••••••. 6411 Pf'IS. } blk/bch. 673--0205 BIRTHS , ............. -•••••. 4'11 FUNERALS ................. n 2 BR. house Sl80 Also l Br PAID OBITUARY ......... "41l ' • 0 FUNERAL DIRECTORS ••••••. 6414 apt. (furnished) $140. FLORISTS ···-····· •. '41S 494-2250 or 494-91.)5 CARD OF THANKS ............ 641' ' IN MEMORl•M ............. '4l1 FABULOUS VIEW CEME-rERY LOTS ........... 6411 CEMETERY CRYPTS ......... '41' CEMETERY CRYPTS _ ....... '411 Ent ire harbor &. jetty en- =REMATORIES .•• -......... ,. I '. 3 BR 3 BA ' d "'IEMORIAL PARKS ........... 6421 ranc1.:. • • unme . 11ucT10Ns .••.••....• •ot m·t'up Unfurn yrs lease llVIATION SERVICE ••.•••.••• '4·ll ~17~ m• O '>"'27 '0c" . Bl d TRAVEL ...•••••••. ..us 'f ;) • ~ ,, ean v . AIR TRANSPORTATION ........... 675--IORI or 54!1-1843. AUTO TRANSPORTATION .•... 64451-----------LEGAL NOTICES ......• '450 2 BR dbl varagc Jg yard GERMAN & TUTORING •Ot ' "' ' ' · · · · · OK for boat, trailer, etc. SERVICE DIRECTORY $250 mo. 673-2023 ACCOUNT ING ........... •SOO -----------ANSWERING SER.VICI' .. , .... '5t:t 4 BDRM. home w/pool -APPLIANCE REPAIRS, Parts. '510 · · ASPHALT, 011s ••.. ····-······ , 5,. panoramic view. pr 1 •. AUTO REPAIRS . . . . . . mo beaches. Agent 673-2222. AUTO. Seal Belts. TOPI, Elc. •S4o BABYSITTING . . . ........ iiSSO ================= BOAT MAll'Tl!NANCE ········'5s.s Huntington Beach 3400 BRICK, MASONRY, elc. ....... '560 BUSINESS SERVICES .••••••• '5'2 -----------~~:~~~:i ms .............. ,mt 3 BR, 2 ba, dt"n, scm porch, CABINETMAKIN() ••.•••...•••. mt frpl, w /w l'rpt<;, pool, refs, RENTALS Apta. Furnished Coate Mata 4100 $30.00 Wk. Up • StuJ\o .l 1 Br Apts, • Kildwm I.· TV ind • Phone Service & Pool • Maid serviee avail. •Day. week & Monlh 2376 Newparl Blvd. 54S.9T:Xi SHARP 2 BR 2264 Maple by Wilson. Modern furniture. Pool. No pets. $15() month. Mgr. Longtin • ~6974 AVAIL. Oct 15. 1 BR new beaut. furn, $125. Couple, ~ children, no pets, to auist mgr. MUST qualify. 220 Elden. 645-1251 FURN & untum bach t. 1 Rr apts. From $110 to $130. Avail 10/L Older persons preferred. See Mgr, 2135 Eltlen Apt 6, C.M. CHATEAU LA POfNTE Lovely 2 Br turn apt. pool carport .. adults no pets. $150 + util. 1941 Pomona. • Nassau Palms • l ~ 2 BR. Pool 177 E. 22nci Sl 642-364 a Turn bachelor apt. SOO. per month 548-3428 or 675-6662 d. 1 BR. completely furnishe $90. 131 Flower . 646-7883 2 BR FURN. ,150 Adults. no pets. Nr Markets. 548--0959 1-BR, partially turn. Util paid. $125 mo. Adults. 642-7431 Newport Beacn 4200 Newport Beach GRAND OPENING IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ts ' n- RENTAL' Aptt. Furnished Back Bay 4240 Rl::ALL 'i QUIET ..CU:AN 2 Br. 11,j Ba. Pool, fldults $190 2310 Santa A n a 64:'>-29:~3 REALLY Qul<'t -2 BR· 1H BA. Adults. Unf $155. F'n1 $190. 2310 Santa An a. 645-2933 Corona del Mar 4250 WANTED mature, q u I et employed woman to rent small cozy furn apt. Reis 673-5784 Balboa 4300 Cl..EAN Bachelor Apts. All util incl $&5 up Jl5 E. Balboa Blvd. BALBOA 673-9945 BalbN lsl1nd 4355 FURN, 3 Br, 2 Ba, beytront. pier, uppel". Winter rental • $250. 675-1909 RENTALS Apts. Unfurnl1 ... Costa MM. 5100 COllSTRUmotl Jun COMPLRIG Harbor Hel9hts Four 2 & 3 BR UNITS all witb fireplaces, di&hwashera le 2 bat.hit. Re-ntal Manager - Mrs. Olristiensen 3117-A Cinnamon Ave. Costa Mesa Phone ~1034 HARBOR GREENS BACHELOR unlurn r r om SllO. Also avail 1 • 2 & 3 Bdrm.. Heated pools, child care center, adj to shoppin&. No pets. .2700 Peterson \'lav C.Osta Mesa 546-0J70 Fairway Villa Apts .. H unt1ngton Beach 44 00 Near Orange Co Airport & QUIET & BEAUTIFU L UCI. Adu.Its only. 20122 Sant.a Ana Ave. 540.2796 lls 2 BR, pool, util pd, Adu only. No pets, 17676 Cam· eron, 847-212.5. NEAR b,each, new l y pl. pd. ORLEANS APTS. decorated. aachelor a $115 per mo. Util l BR avail. A<lulL'> ollly. 1741 Tustin, C11sta Mt>sa Mgr, Mt'S, Carson, 612..iJtiH 536-2579 2 BR, 2 BA, pri patio. H td 85 pool, washer hook Up. Sl month 96~994. Orange Cou"ty 4 600 SINGLE Young· adull!I, 1 U.X· Ill 1, 2 & 3 BR. apli;. from Sl30 to Sl 70 mo. Mesa clc'I 1\Tar Apls. 9D8 El Calntno Dr CM. ~16-()<151 • ury garden apts, w/h 1 BR apt, $12:-i per mo. Also Tl· sleeping rm, $50 m 0 • ay Employed adults o n 1 y • 0. ~-6986. rt'creation facilities a. co1 plele privacy. South Club Apts. 277 Brookhurst, Anaheim 772-4500 Garden Grove B s m 4) 461 1 BR, wlw, drps, gar, pool. Util pd, adults, no pets. 0 i 125-$150 1884 M o n r o v 1 a Avf'. 'BAYSHORES .............. 1US : DOVER SHORES ...• , ......... 22'21 . WESTCLIFF ........... 7230 CARPENTERING ............. '5" ""'·40 · lud le 1 CEMENT, concrtt• ........... uoo ~ mo. inc· es wa r. se. CHILO CARE, l icensed •.••••.. 4610 1st & last + $100. :>40-76j2 1-SINGLE Young Adults Lu: Lu.xury garden apartmen offering complete privacy beautiruI landscaping & u paralleled recreational faci ities in a country club •a mospherc. Now leasing X· 2 BDRM Mesa No. Apt. UNlllERSITY PARK .......... 2231 IRVINE .. . • ..•...••.•..•. 213' ' EAST BLUFF ............. 1141 IRlllNE TERRACE ....•.•... 2145 ; CORONA DEL MAR ........... :mo , BALllOA ...................... 230t 1.100 ISLE ................ 2331 BAY ISLANDS ... -, ......... 23SO BALBOA ISLAND .............. 23S5 . EAST BLUFF .......... ,.,_ •• 3242 8ACK BAY ..................... 1240 811CK IA Y . . ..... ., , 1240 HUNTINGTON BEACH ., ••.••• 2400 FOUNTAIN VALLEY •....•• ,. 1410 SEAL llEACH .. . ......••..•. 2450 LONG BEACH ............. 1500 ORANGE COUNTY ..... , ...... 2600 SANTA ANA ......•• " ..... 1610 WESTMINSTER ............... 2612 MIDWAY CITY ....•••.• 1616 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS ........ 1630 COASTAL ............... 2700 LAGUNA BEACH .............. 2705 LAGUNA NIGUEL _ .......... 1707 MISSION VIEJO ••.•. ,. ....... 1708 iAN CLEMENTE ...... 1110 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO .•... 1115 CAPISTRANO BEACH .. -... 27n DANA POINT .......... 2140 RIVERSIDE COUNTY ...•.•.• 1800 VACATION RENTALS ....••..• 1900 SUMMER RENTJ.LS 1910 CONDOMINIUM ............. 2950 DUl'LEXES l'URN ............ 2'75 RENTALS Houses Unfurnished GENERAL ................ 3000 COSTA MESA ............. 3100 MESA DEL MAR ............. 3105 MESA VERDE ····-··••····• JllO COLLEGE PARK .......••••. JllS NEWPORT BEACH ••.•.•• , ••.. 3200 NEWPORT 1'4GHTS .•....•••.•. 3110 NEWPORT SHORES ......... 1710 BAYSHORES " ........... 3215 DOVER SHORES ............. .,3217 WESTCLIFF ........... 3230 UNIVERSITY PARK .......... 32l7 RVINE , ......... _. 3231 11RVINE TERRACE ......... 314.S !CORONA DEL MAR ....•...•. 3250 llAl.IOA ................... 3300 i!AY ISLANDS ........ , ••.•••.. llSO l~IDO ISLE ....••... , ...• ll51 111ALBOA ISLAND ............. llSS ,NEWPORT WEST ....••.... Jl15 ! HUNTINGTON 6EACH .••..• ~00 HUNTINGTON HARllOUR -·· 340S FOUNTAIN VALLEY ......... .J.tlO SEAL llEACH ...•... , •..... J4SO GARDEN GROVE ............. 341S LONG llEACH ............. JSOO ORANGE COUNTY ............ 3600 SANTA ANA , ................ 3610 WESTMINSTER .............. :Ul2 MIDWAY CITY ...•.•.... 361' SANTA ANA HEIGHTS ........ 3630 COASTAL .••..••.••.••• 3100 ,LAGUNA BEACH ............. 3705 !LAGUNA NIGUEL ............ 3707 MISSION VIEJO •. -.......... 3708 SAN CLEMENTE . ··········· mo CAPISTRANO .......... Jlll CAPISTRANO IEACH 3730 'DANA POINT ....... ,. 3740 CONDOMINIUM , .. l•SO DUPLEXE S VNFUl!N. .. 3971 ,SUMMER RENTALS ......... lV.S RENTAL~ 1 Apts. Furnished GENERAL .. .• 4000 1COST.A MESA ......... , .. <100 :MESA VERDE , ...... , .... •110 NEWPORT llEACH ......... •100 NEWPORT HEIGHTS ..••.... 4110 ljEWPORT ~HORES ......... •120 WESTCLIFF ... ., ., .. <llO UNIVERSITY l'ARIC _ ........ 4237 8ACK BA Y .......... 4740 EAST llLUl'P ........... 0<2 CORONA DEL MAR .......... <250 aALBOA ........... <JOO 8AY ISLANDS -.............. <350 l~~~ri!L~SLANO ..... '.'.'.'.'.'.'.".°. :m (HUNTINGTON BEACH ........ •4W .FOUNTAIN VALLEY ........ , W O ISEAI. BEACH ............ 4450 I.ONG BEACH ............. •soo ORANGE COUNTY ............ 4600 l>AROEN GROVE .............. 4610 WESTMINSTER ............. ,, 4612 \\IDWAY CITY ............... •616 SANTA ANA .......... 620 OHTA ANA HEIGHTS -...... •6JO CONTRACTORS ..•...... •'211 ___________ _ CARPE"T CLEANING '6U J BR f 2 Ba ho CARPET LAYING & REPAIR -.. 1' • am rm, me. DRAPERIES , .............. 6630 Vtc Brookhurst &. Coast DEMOLITION ........... UJS 1'hvy 22101 Capistrano Ln DRAFTING SER.VICE •••. -.... 4'31 ' • ELECTRICAL .............. $200 pt'r mo. (714) 492-3285 EOUIPMENT RENTALS ••.••.. USO -----------~ENCING ......................... 3 Br, crpts, drps, disposal. LOORS ... , ...... -.... tUS C U 962-85 8 ,_, FURNACE REPAIRS. Ek. _, .. U71 a 7 for uuor. & FURNITURE Rl!STOll.ING appaintment lo REFINISHING 6'7S GARDENING .•.•.•• ,,6680 =============::: GENERAL sERvicEs ......... un Santa Ana Height 3630 GRADING, DISCING ••.•....•.. •685 ·S GLASS ......••....••.•. U90 GREEN THUMI ········-···· 6700 3 BR 3 bath on i; ac-t't" GUN SHOP ................. '710 ' ' HEAi. TH Cl.UBS .............. mt lru-ge pool (2{)x40') Rt'c HAULING ·· · ......••...... '710 room. den. large kitchen, all HOUSECLEANING , ...•... 673' , . INTERIOR DECORATING •... •Ill bu11t-1ns. Plenty of room for INCOME TAX .....•.• ,6740 Jior'~s njc ~ '25 m 0 n t h IRON, Orname"lal, EiC .....•.. ,'150 . , "~. • ~ • ,..., • IRONING .................... 6755 642~ INSULATING ......... ,. ...•••• 6760J============ INSURANCE .• . ..•..• 170 INVESTIGATING, D•l•dlY• •.. '1IO Laguna Beach JANITORIAL ....•... 67ff 3705 JEWELllY RE .. '-111., Elc ••••.•. 6IOO SQ LANDSCAPING ······~·····-··"u Laguna Cuslom bit 2 LOCl<SMITH .. -......... mo bclrm !12 bath guest room MASONRY, llR ICK ...•••••••. U:it h'll d' ' ' . 1 MOVING & STORAGE ......... "40 I SI e homf', u n f u r n I PAINTING, P•Perti•n11ns ••..•. us• secluded, spectacular ocean PAINTING, 511111 ............... 6155 . PATIOS ..•.•.... ····-· .4Nf view, large landscaped lot, PHOTOGRAl'HY . . . 6110 Le $250 S I "4" ()()() PLASTERING Patch R•11•"r . , .. 0 ase • a e .• .>. or PLUMBING • . .. '. ..... .' .• ::.m. best oUer 22362 1st Ave. So PET GROOMING •too La 11 499-20--POOL SERVICE __ ....... ··"20 guna. ca ,),) POWER SWEEPING ....••.•• ,.6'1S :gMP settvtcE ............... 010 Laguna Niguel OF ING .. • .••...•• , .. 6'50 RADIO. RtNirs. Elc. . ..... uo -----------REMODELING & REPAIR 69~o LGE Delu.x,. ocean view 2 REMOOELING, KITCHENS ., 6HS ' ' sc1ss0R s SHARl'EN ...... : . .'osJ BR, den, 2 BA. $300 mo. or SEWING . "' "60 lse. 4~1-1344 547-7761 SEWING MACHINE AEl'AIRS '"2 '-=====::· ====== SEPTIC TANKS, Stwen. lite.. ""'~ 3707 TAILORING ............. .,. Co d ·n· TERMITE CONTROL •.. ·······"" n om1 1um TILE, Cer•mlc ... -•.. 6?U 3950 TILE, Linoleum a ~rbl• ······"'s LEASE Or rrnt 2 Bi· ]I'. B., TREE SERVICE ..... ""° ' • ~ '"' TELEVISION, Rt1W1lrs. EiC. ... oes ] or 2 d1ildrcn ok. Pool UPHOLSTERY ...•. "'° . . ' WELDING · 0 ,5 close to shop g &. school. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT ~!~. '.)68-:'J640 JOB WANTED, Men ........... 100t -{-C-1_,-T-A-l-~-------JOB WANTED, WomM •.••.••. 7020 Joa wANTE o. Apts. Furnished t· in Newpart Beach. Furnished or untumished Model~ open 9 am to 9 pm OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS 1700 16th Street TI4: 642-8170 . . d l SINGLE Young Adults Lux ury garden apts with coun try dub atmosphere an complC'1c privacy. SOUTH BAY CLUB APTS, Irvine a 16th, Newport Beach. 1714 l 645-0550 d I r A 'ITRACTIVE 3 BR l Ba Built 111s. &tween Bay an Bea<'h. 'Yearly Ren ta $188.50 Phone. 549-3643 to appt to see. -BEAUTIFULLY furn (Spanish t 2 BDR apt near Hoag Hospital. Sub-lease $210 mo. lnq. 4201 Hilan a Way. 642-1387. -1 & 2 BR-Bachelor Apts Kit-TV-Pool-Maid Ser. S.15 per wk. & up. THE MESA 415 N. Nwpt Blvd. 640-9681 -SAJL Jnn Motel, di:.. nns couples. $110 to $120 mo Cnnt hrldst, ma.id i.erv 67;).1!141. -OCEANFRONT, 2 br. oli 1 P<I. Pvt patio, sinRle adult no p<'ts. Sl90 mo }Tly. 420 Seashore Dr., 673-0335. 1 MEN & WOMEN ............ ,..7130 ----------- SCHOOLS ' tNSTRUCT10N .... mo General 4000 NEW beautiful hide·a-way JO& PREPARATION .. . ..... 11ot -----------Jor career woman SllO uti. I THEATRICAL . .. . .......... 7toO Thr GORGEOUS r-;ew pd, garage 543-1098 No MERCHANDISE FOR VAL D'ISERE P_ei_s. _____ _ SALE AND TRADE singJ.1 hr-2 hr. Furn-llnf. Wtntr r I bdr. dose to schl FURNITURE , ......... 1009 c A t' A B'l'j' d it ChU""her }<-JQ \V Oce~" OFFICE FURNITU RE ........ tOlf .~aun:i, (" y m, ... 1ar s " "· ., .... . OHICE EOUIPMENT ........ 1011 Thrpipy 8-f:i' pool, BBQ~ f"t"Ont 6T..;-:-,.i42 STORE EQU IPMENT •..•....• 1012 'ltvv. p Rd 612 0670 ----------CAl'E, RESTAURANT ......• .'1014 -'"~' arson~ . ·n LARGE J-Br. apl~.. 111cely BAR EQUIPMENT .......... 1015 ~110 1 0 C 1 1 1 turn '"r b"'y ~1AO-"l:<n HOUSEHOLD GOODS ....... 10201" . r. omp ('le y u1·n. . 1' • " .... , .. '"' GARAGE SALE ....... 1011 Adulrs. Avail now. Broker 6i~7876 or 494-9-lil FURNITURE AUCTION ....... I02S &l. 011 1 APPLIANCES . . ..... , me ,r OCEAS f'RONT 2 & :: bd-'NrtouEs 1110 ------------SEWING MACHINE "·.:::;mo SJIO. Dlld h'lr,r apl. utll rd. 1111s. \\'Ll\TTER RENTAL. -:us1cAL 1NST RUME:N T •..•. a!ll ('lo,,. 111 bhCJpptng Bkr 6i.~·Sef!S IANOS & ORGANS . ··••· .... mo $? l...fi!)RO . . ~AOIO . , ................ 1100 "' I ' 1 nn I h")-' rELEv1s10N ...... , ....... nos S ,. ., , , ""• poo . no r 1 .. rrn or Hl·FI & STEREO ........... u u '.L.J '!. nr, -Ba, Condo. Rec pel~. Sl2:> mo. 31.317th Place TAPE RECORDERS ... 8120 J•m garngf' pool phonn 642-841\l\. CAMERAS & EOUIPMeNT .. tJOO ' ' ' ' "" HOBBY SUPPLIES ...... :·1400 Bkr. 53+-6980 SPORTING GOODS .. . . .. Uot . ~ ---BINOCULARS, SCOPES ....... m t BliSJf,ST markPtplaee 10 M1SCELLANEous ........... •60t t0,1 ti The DAILY PILOT MISC. WANTED ............ 1410 Cl 1· d . * Cl 1 2 MACHINERY, Elc. •••····•·· . 17ot l'ISSI I(.' section. s ave ean or BR * LUM BU · · · · ... ·•·•··· ..... m o money, time & eUort. Look Arlullc;, no pets, 2421 E. 16th STORAG £ ....... 1175 S S BUILDING MATERIALS ...... ., .. now!!! •, 135 mo. up. 646-1801 Newport Hgts. -----4210 SWAPS llffl-----------•' PLANNING to move? You'll THE SUN NEVER SETS on PETS and LIVESTOCK find an amazing number of Classified's actton power. PEH ,GENERAL ....... ·•··· uoo homt's in today's Classi!ied For an ad to sell around the ury garden apt-; with cou n· nd TII try club atmosphere a completr. privacy. sou BAY CLUB APTS 131 00 Built-ins Car Prv by mo.' or 01 yr' 642-3936 or 5-10-::759. Palio lease Chai>man ave .• G a rd e Grove (714) 636-3030 n LARGE l Bn. S h a r p ! Drapes, Carpets, nvar So. L•guna Beach 470 5 Coast Plaza, OCC. $130 mo. Agt. call 546-5079 BEAtrr 2 Br. :? Ba. ~fr ~ $275. 3 Br + guest hse. Pool, bltns, wlw. drps. F11m1ly & sml pet O.K. Bkr 534-6980 $300. 871-1700 or 17~04 eves. & wkends. Lovely 1 bdr apt near beacl l , Employed adults, $150 494-4200 RENTALS Apts. Unfurnished Gener ii 5 000 VEN DOME IMMACULATE AP'I'S! ADULT Ir FAMILY SECTIONS AVAILABLE Close to shopping, Par * Spacious 3 Br's, 2 Ba k * 2 Bedrooms * Swim Pool, Put/green * Frpl, Jndlv/lndry fac'ls 1845 Anaheim Ave. COSTA MESA 4 6'12-282 • RENT • 3 Rooms Furniture $25 & UP 1\Tonl h· To-l\fon1h R<'nflils WIDE SELECTION llFRC Furniture Rentals 517 W. l9tb, CM 5..t8-3·1A Sl3:l. 2 Bedroom ctuplt'x, ni area. Slove and refrigerator Bkr. 645-0111 s8o. 1 Br. stove, refrig, deck utll pd_ Broker~ $Li0. 2 Br duple.x. Patio RIO. \V/W. Av:iil now Arl11lls. Bkr, :i:l4-6!180 --Costa Mesa 5100 1\0\V Avail 1 & 2 BR apt~. Delt1xt• ran~e & o v r n, di~hwshr, CID, etc. Pool & g:ir, ut1l pd. Adult living-. 241 Wilson Ave. <bctwee11 Harbor & Fairview). Mgr. Apt 5. Day! 642-7!-101, cvei; !l4R--074J LARGE J BR. S harp! Drapes. Carpel!i, n<'rir So. Coast Plaza. OCC. $130 mo. Agt. 83:>-4422 F.vcs aft 5 or wkrnds 545-0718 DIAL direct 642-5678. Charge your ad, then sit back and AVAILABLE now, 2 BURM, crpts, rlrps, blt111s. <'arport. Adults. No pets. 518-6769 2 BR, bltins, $1:\:1 p<'r mo. Crpts, drps, patio. No pcls. A<.lults only. 518-2900 NICE 1 BR a pt. 26,"-,.1 Ol';mgr Ave. No pets. $12J mo, ul1l incl. 548-8428, 67;H)662 DELUXE "J. BR studio, crpts. drps, pool. No child ai;es 2 thru 10. Call 6-16-4196 2 BR, cpl::;, drps, bltns. Ult!. JXJ. $1~. Ad11hs, no pets. j49-2627, 968-17-10 NEW Luxu1-y 2 BR, 2 Ba. d1shwashrr, f 1 re p I a <' e , Adults, no pets. !'!46-ll629 $140, UPR. 2 BR, cpl!>, <frps, util ind. Adults, 110 pels. &12-:t17:i. 2 BR, blt111s, trpts & rlrps. llpslairs Apt. No f)C'ts. J68 \V. \\'1tson. ~l~OiGO. Newport Beach 5200 EASTBLUFF N"w 2 bdrm. 2 ba. Cpts .. drps.. bltns. Overlooking baek bay. Xlnt Joe. nr. shop. ,.ntr., churchN;, schools, rt<'. ~16 Amigos Way. $235 Per l\Io, Yrly. M '7S.&O~O 0 .... 'MWWIJct.,llC. MAGNlflCENT V1<'w tru1 11 t>very room, 2 Brdms: el<'gant caf1X'f, <I r a p r s : adult!,. Avail Oct. J~, $2j(J. Citll 548-2:1!-!4 a flt'r 6 P\l 2 OR lowrr tluplcx, nr o<·ran. $17:l yrly. 1' rpk, blt·ln~ Crpt~ & ctrps. 1 rhtld ok. 311 .161h SI. (213) 218-1921 2 BR., 2 BA, CID. palin. frplc, (lishwhr. Nr Wcstdlf( Plz. J66.'5 r r v i n P. ~200. Arlults! f'nr Appl &12-0239 GOLD Ml·:OJ\LLlON. 2 BR. 2 BR, CID, hltns, adults no pets. Lse $185. 548-3708. TUSTIN .. .. . ............ , 460 COASTAL ....•...•.•.•. '700 LAGUNA BEACH ..•......•• ,.,470! CATS ·········••··········· 11'2' Ari Cl k h DOGS ........................ ms ~. .1t-c t em Tl(IW. dock. dial 642.5678. g HORSES ....................... lt ----=======..:...::====:::::---====~===========--listen to the phone r in 1 YEAR R{)und upstair s, 3 Br. 2 B11, gar, 1~ blk from surf. 12n) 37lh St. 1213 t 33:.!-2}112 LAGUNA NIGUEL ............ •101 MISSION VIEJO ............ 4701 N CLEMENTE ............. HI( DANA POINT ................. f740 TRIPLEX, elc. ,, ............ AIOO CONDOM INIUM .•....•• ,. ..... Ost RENTALS Apts. Unfurnished l)ENERAL ................... sooe COSTA MESA . , .............. 5100 MESA VERDE .............. mo NEWPORT llEACH .......•.•. 5,00 NEWPORT HEIGHTS .......... mo NEWPORT SHOl!ES. ........ , ... 5220 WEHCLIFF .. ...... .• 5230 UNIVERSITY PARK ......•.•.. S2l7 llACK8AY ....•...•.... S240 EAST I LUFF ...•....•.. $242 CORONA DEi. MAR •.•.•..••. 5250 IALIOA ................. 5300 IA Y ISLANDS . , ............... SJSO l.IC>O ISLE . .. ....•..••••. SJSI IALIOA ISLAND .•••••••.. SlSS HUNTINGTON BEACH .....••.. 5400 l'OUNTAIN VALLEY ••.•.•.•• 5410 SEAL IEACH ................ S4SO LONG IEACH •.•...•.•.••. sstO ORANGE COUNTY ..•.•....... .5400 GARDEN GROVE .•.•....•.•.•. 5'10 WESTMINSTER .............. 5612 MIDWAY CITY .............. 5616 S.\NTA ANA . . ......... 5'20 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS ........ ;o• fUSTIN .. . . . ........... S"4t COASTAL .. , ............. 5700 ,LAGUNA I EACH ............. m~s LAOUNA NIGUEL •••.•.••.•• 5707 tSAN CLEMENTE . . .•.•• snt .SAN JUAN CAPISTUNO ..... sm oOA NA POINT .. . . 1741 ' 'REAL ESTATE, Gener1I 'ctlUPLWX, tic. .. ............ S'1IO ONDOMINIUM ........... ~950 '11£NTALS WANTll!'D .......... 500 11tOOMS FOR llENT ......... , S9'S .ROOM & I OARD Ut6 >MO TELS, TRAIL ER COURTS jo!WI vV EST HOME'S 5'q8 1'Al~C.. RENTAi S !•?• 11NCOMI! PRO .. EltTY ,. ...... 6.,00 1BU 1INESS PllOPEltTV 60'0 LIVESTOCK .................. 1140 CALIFORNIA LIVING NURSERIES ........... fflt SWIMMING l'OOLS .. . . ..... ltOQ PATIOS ,. ·····-··· .. -.... 1911 llWNINGS ..... , ........•.•... 1'10 VACATIONS ................ , •nt TRANSPORTATION llOAT$ A YACHT$ ............ Hot SA IL BOATS ............ fOIO POWER CRUISERS ........... toH SPEED-SKI I OAT •.. , ....... to.21 &OAT TRAILERS ..•.•.•. f031 BOAT MAINTENANCE -····· ""' llOAT LAUNCHING .••.••••. 9034 MARINE EOUIP. . ..••. , .9US llOAT SLIP, MOORING •.•.••. tCIH BOAT SERVICES ............ f0l1 BOAT RENTALS ••••••.••.••.•. ff.JI llOAT CHARTElll ........ -.•.•. tolf FISHING aOATS ............... .... llOAT MOVING ................ t04J BOAT STO!tAGE ····-····" .,,04t BOllTS WANTED ............. '9H AIRCRAFT ••••••••.•••. ,100 Fl YING LESSONS ••.•••..•••• t1St MOlllLE HOMES ............ ,. '2N MOTOR HOMES •..•••.•••••••. t7U BICYCLES .••••.•.•••••••. t22S ELECTltlC CARS .............. t'lSt MINI 81KU ................. '17J MOTORCYCLES .............. tJOO MOTOR SCOOTERS . . ••. 9351 AUTO SEllVICES a PARTS .,, . '400 AUTO TOOU a EQUIP, •••••. t41t rRAILER. TRAVEL •••••••••• ,.25 TRAILERS, Ullllry ............. ffSI CAMPERS •..•...•.•..•.•••.•. tno TRUCKS ............ -......... HOO JEEl'S ....................... Hit CAMPIER Rl!'NTAU 9'21 OVNE llUGGIES tSH IMPOR_TED AUTOS •••••••••••. 9601 SPORT CARS ....... ,. "11 Al'HIOUES, CLASSICS ~···•·· tfl5 RACE CARS, RODS ........... too llUTO EVENTS ... ·•·•••••·••· .tos llUTOS WANTED , .••......•... t10t NEW C~IU •.••.•.•.•...•. ttOI '.VTC I EASINCJ •.•.•.•••..... '9U tJSIFO CAllS .......... ttOf I --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~- ® Advmc YEARLY 3 BR. 2 BA. 117 33rd St. 1,, blk ocean. Fami- ly prel'rl. $225 mo. 67:\-4777 ~ewport Hgts. 52l0 1 BR, 6tov~. refris;. garag<'. Clean. AduJrs only. 548-5798 Newport Shores 5220 2 BR. 2 Ba, bltns, formal dining area, new shag crpts, newly painted. 1250 sq ft liv- ing area. Lease. 642-4499 3 Br., 2 Ba duplex. Crpts, drps, bltns -refs -$225 mo. lease. 642-0603 East Bluff 5242 e NEW DELUXE e ? Br. 21.~ ba apL for lear;c Incl. spac. mastr. suite, din nn. &. dbl. garage, outo. floor opener avail. Pool & rec. area, Nr. Catholic Chur<'h & S<'hool & Corona del Mar High. e ONLY S255.e R65 Amigos Way, N.ll NO matter what il is, you can 11ell it with a DAI LY --------------------------_...!. PILOT WANT ADii &12-5678 Monday, October 6, 1%9 RENTALS Apt1. Unfvntl1h9d REAL ESTATI General --...-•••• .., -?"~ ,, ... ~ . DAILY PlLOT ,20 REAL ESTATE General !11t lluff 5242 Rentals Wanted 5990 Office Rental 6070 TOWNHOUSES rww :l I 4 BR. Encl ga~e~. 732 Amigos Way. 67:>-50.;3 Corona del Mar 5250 .. -~~~ ON TEN ACRES 1 & 2 BR.. Furn & Unturo Fireplaces I priv. patl06 I Pools. Tennis • Contnt'l Bklsl 900 Sea Lane, CdM 644-:l6ll (MacArthur nr. Coast Hwy) BRAND NEW! ~ BR. 3 ba. duplex, Cptd , drpd, bltns Priv patio, cov. ~ar. 7<Xi Orc:hld. $3'.!'3 Per Month, yearly. >' '7S·&OSO 0 -r:rwWll a ... LARGE 21,J BRs + 2 barhi;, blk tu beach, bit-in stove & dishwasher, cptsldrps. No pets. $250/mo yrly. 67~:'i359 1 BR. v1rw ot bay, no children, ideal for newly weds. 25.10 Sean<'w Ave., Cdill, f'Ves 673-2823 3 BR, '.! ba duplex. 1 story. Cpts. orps. bit-ms, w/d. $275 lse. 220.~ Waterfront Dr. Balboa 5300 2 BR. 2 Ba. unf. Yrarly $17'.i !\lo. Stove & r rfrli;:. Nr. bay/bcac:h. 67J.-3703 Balboa Island 5355 ON Grand Canal. Deluxe 2 BR 1 bath, waterfront with boat clock. $265 yrly lease. No children or flC'IS. To sr.c call owner 673-0207 WORKING Cou~. cka11 & quiet, w • apt. r a J 5 e d (obed-tramed) dog wishes l or 2 br. unfum hse. 01· apt. in Newport Beach. IPn:f Nov. l l SllS-$130. 842-il71~ after 5. or wkends. l BR apt by retired woman w/well mannered apt rais- ed dog; rels. Might he in- trr€'S!Nt buying c o n d o 540-954 t RESP. middle aged woman net'ds 2 Br house or apt. un furn. Prefer N .B. or C.M al'l'a. If av f' small dog Penn. 673-3883 morn. only . RENTAL SERVICE FREE TO LANDLORDS * Blue Beacon 615-0111 * 4 BR wanted by responsible fam1l,v. CIOSl'·in, $200 mo 64~:to85 WOULD lika to rent a garage !or storage, H u n t I n g l o n Beach area. 962-1858 e LANDLORD~ FREE RENTAL SERVICE Broker 534-6982 Rooms for Rent 5995 1 BR kitchen<'ttes, slef'ping rms. HPaterl pool. Matti service. ~O per wk & up. 430 V1ctona LG!:: Room ~aullfullv furn, nt'wly rt'clec, pvt. entrancr, pvt. bath. l quiet adult ~IR-fi!l83 C.M. 1 BDR'.\l for Bachelm-ct!C', pri. entr & bath, '!Xcel. loca- tion 673-1023 afil'r 7 PM, ROOM with pri. entrance employed ~t'nlleman only! &16-5.'l89. * ROOi\IJS FOR RENT * i\lALE STIJDENTS 548~9691 LAGUNA BEACH Air Conditioned ON FOR.ES!' AVENUE D~sk ~pace available th newest orncc building IJ ;:irimc location 111 downtown Laguna Beach. Air condi· tloned, carpeted, beauti!ul E'ntrances: Frontage en Forest Av<'., l"ear leads lo Munc1pa1 p:trlo.nt:> lot s. S50 p<'r month for space. Desk and chairs available for $5. Business hours answering service avail<ihle for SlO. All utilities pa.id except tclephnnr>. DAILY PILOT 2'.!2 FOHr;ST AVENUE LAGUNA BEACH 49~9466 MODERN A J r conditioned s11 1lt', 17th l'lreet, Costa Mesa. Over 700 square feet, Si10 pt r rnonth. Parking - coffee l'QOIU j a n i t n r sl"rv11•e :ill ulflilies in- C'lurlerl. Phone Mr. Rife &12-0060 OFFICE SPACE l%0 B N<'Wport Blvd, ::no !ill. fl furnished w II h 11111 pd. 6'JG..392() CWFICES ~cretanal 3343 N<'wp0r1 Blvd., N.B. GT»-1601 COS"! A i\ll'sa office.'!. A/C, crpts, drrs. Parking. Very nwr orticrs, 1555 Baker, f>--16-'1R!IO Df;Luxr: olf1ce in Costa i\Jr:;:t. J;"i(J() sq ft. Air cond, crpts, clrps. !>-18-6761. Commercial 6085 5000 Sq. Ft. Sale or Lease NEW l Br apt. <Jar~. ctoc·k for small boat. $2j() yrly. 673--0:i~G $1:> WK & up w/ kltchrn $30. wk studio apt. 2376 J::xC'rllt.'llt P:<pos1tre on 2 main ~1 t"<'el~. 1 nductes a 50'x50' <'C'111Pnt bloC"k bldg., oflices, & plrnty of parking. Fme Huntington Beach 5400 * BEACH BLUFF * New 2 & 3 BR. 2 BA. Fore· ed air, dshwshrs. pni1n, pool, ,·iew. l & 'l story, Walk to s Point Shops. 8·17.'.1!137 LARGr~ :l 13R. 2 Ba' 111~'ph1"'. $1971 mo. Al~ nrw 1 cm St:lO. ~f'nr ocean, pn 1lrd\. ~11r. 202n l 1 l h . ~ .. 1 ... nw. 67J..l7Rl t.. r:w LU x u 1fr-1-,.-.-.1~n-1_t _ 1'1\ l'IOS ~ fl \LC'O!';lt:S ADLiLT L·,VlNG SUIU'SIDE CHALET 1\262 Atlanla. 5:16-2800 2 BH, cpl:-., drps, blt-111s, i;aratr. Clo~e In hcurh, pier, :-.hope;, rlc. 40:> 8th St. SlJO. 962-41~12 ------AVAIL 0~·1 1Jth. New 1, 2 & 3 BR arts. Crpr~. c!l"p1;; start at $125 pt'r mo. !'i36-'.!:179 2 HORM, 2 BA, pvt pntio. hcatrcl pool, washt'r hook Ufl. !l<l2-8994 2 Br., 1·11rlnsed pa I 1 o, \\'ash111g Iacil. Adults only. Sl:l:l. !M7-66!l2 Nrwport Blvd. 548-97~'5. V1•1y ni('(' room for employed opportunity to buy with a nia n, Costa M esa Call 642-!iJw do1' n payment, Owner 7920 w 111 e;u1'}' the loan. Walker & Lre Mr. I/vine Motels, Trlr. Crts. 5997 Jncome l n\'rstment Dept. 545-9451 TRAILER SPACES i~iO PF:R MONTH • 64G-!JGR1 * WEEl:LY rarrs ~a Lark Moh•!, 2301 Newport Blvd,, Costa l\Iesa Misc. Rentals 5999 (;J\r:.AGT~ $2;; prr mo. /d.,n large 1"QOl11, hoth f o r storage. !'.IX-{~911fi. Income Property 6000 LIVE UPSTAIRS WORK DOWNSTAIRS We have a sub~t;1nl111\, well ronstrut ted i1to1-e bldg, for sale in Balbua w Hh a lg<'. llflt. above. Could be us~d fnr a v111wly or purposes. 01\ nrr m ight cnnsid!>r lrase. BURR WHITE REALTOR Will i\(·wp<>rl Blvd., N.B. !ii3.~li~O ltwestors Attention l 7.0' fmrtlagr on Oct'art Ave. 32 UNIT APT 1n lluntrngton Beach. with Un<lrr rnn!>trut•tton. 7.i':, lo11n ("l'l1lll•'1T1al buildini; in rear, • 2:i year~. Ann1111l inenme '' 11 '1 .S1::,0 mnnlhly income. P\,;)(i(I, \\'Ill dC'l1vC'r fully F'ull pri1·<'. S3:i.OOO. rPnf<'cl. l'AC'IFIC SHORES REALTY INDUSTRIAL BLOG. .1,lti·~)l!M. 1-\· .. c:. 842-8i28 l~.60() sq lt undPr constnic- llon. Annual incomr Si2. 100 9 1c•rtonls. C00<I finnnt'mg & tax shr>lff•r OFFICE BLDG. FOR Rent •,, acre lot. M-1 ..:011r, Cnmpletrly !<'need w12 lge gn.l<'S, ~mall office . S175 nin. ~4R-6.1M 2 BR, cpts, ctrps, sto\'r. Clnsc Tnr !()(':Jlion '.\rw1>0rl Rrw·h lo sch(ll')) & frwy. No peU;. Sl'il).()()(1 • l;,' r rlnwn. Owm•r Industrial Rental S12(l. 962-:IR~G w1U carry l sl 1 D. Tustin 5640 ---------TllE ASPF.NS 1:.iG:i2 Willtnm SI. Tu~:f 111 s prestige adclrf"SS Adult living, no pets :-;hag carpets Tot;tl atr mnrlitinnini: Unfurnishrct Cymnasiums &: Sauna~ Ararlmrnts ftom $1;j() For inrormatirm 1!:'!~7 REAL ESTATE General r . Rolx>rl Natrr~~ T11»1lltir ::i.o E. 17th Slt"i'l'I C15.la l\lt's..i bt:l-11~5 BEACH UNITS SALE OR TRADE 2 Adja('('nt Dupl!'\<'S 2 • ~ Brrlrooms !-2 Ralhs 2 • 2 B('(lrootni: 1-11.a BaU1s S64,000 fi 6~ TU Assumabll' Cvll Mr, Kr;iut"r or Mr. FrrguS-011 1 l!E REN~ Ei'TATI:J1S 516-?:IJ.1 Rentals Wanted 5990 :'-10!\bY J\lAl\r.R. inl'nntt· ----------:S-7i:i 1110, 2 l11m1es-j npl<. ANXIOUS SELLER Oldrr 1ri.pJex • N<'wJll)rt. Ftlll pri••o $:}9,:.00, Shn11lrl '!r<>Ss Siron with good manai;r· 111P11t Owner will take low, low down. For more in/or. 111a1mn rl<'ase call K, w. Srnr1ll Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. 1818 w. Chapman Ave. Orange, Calif. 511-2621, Eves-wknds 5..1R·S97l Eai-t side. ~.17,000 nr lrnde f111' h111111'. B k r I o w n e r . 61f>-:17..i0. 3 l IOL'S-~:-s-11n_l_l_C1t_S_::.-!1.-(X-XJ approv<'1l f()r Vrtrrnn 1•)1111. Will r.on~1d<'r Ira<!<'. :1:lG-:n1:i Business Rental 6060 0FFJC£.clPsk !.. chairs fl1m. $2:l. p<"r mo. C. C. Doyle. Rllr. 54~-1 lfi8. BUILDING suitable Jo r r.tore, oflir·""· Ph'. 5'18-66:l0 6090 e r:;;o sq. It. $165/monU1 ("11<.(J. MCM . • .'.:100 sq. fr. 4 r1M'icc~, 3 ph;1.,C' power, $310 I mo. Costa Mesa. 0 1 ;;)(I lo l~,000 sq ft now l ras1ng, 1111der construction Cu~ta Mesa. <"', Roh<'r1 Nattr,..ss RP.alft>r C'11;.;l:i l\l<•M fi 12-148.5 N F.W Industrlal Blctgs for Jr;i~P. 2:i()() <;(]. f\. 9<: ft. 1639 1\lnnrO\'IH, ('\I. 673-!1017. .J.000 SQ. F't., nr. Hurbor & R:1k,,r, C' \I. Avail. al nnrP., SL'!.1.IV,\~ :110-14:.!\l Citrus Groves 6175 (1f!.\1'-l ,f·. 1.rm·p R1vPr.,id~ 1:.1 A«r•·' .. R )'<';u·c; nld. Pre. l1.11tl 1ntr1,.~1 7'• loan. ~r. '(:II P f'!" ;irn'. 61-~L1n $i"111J\\~, s.~ PER MO •• sm Fl ·y .I. f'HICE, hnys 10 iltTl'S in So, Calif. L. Shr,dc>lt. :l2."'i \V. 3rd St .. L.i\. 121'.ll G2::-:i102 ----TAKI:: OVf;I{ JO ACR(::S Nrar huge l11ke. no down. $25 mo. !194-m3. Agt. Business Rental 60608usiness Rental 6060Businen Rental 6060 S@\\J.l~-l&£trss Solve a Simple Scrambled Word Puzzle for a Chuckle O Reorronge letters of the four tefombled word1 be- low to form four simple words. IDUELAF I I 11 I l' I' INYDOS . I • I I I I T 0 C H l I Grof fiti: A doclor was p~t IJ I' I under psychiatric observation .. _ . _ . He was caught by his local ,-~--------Medical Association making 0 • IC.HELEK ;\ 1~-. t0 ·• t°'Jr-T,-"11,lr--rl-""'l-""!r-~ e Complete the chuckle quoted _ . _ by filling In the m1J.Sjng WOfds .___.,_-'--'-..J.-..L....J YOIJ develop from itep No. 3 below. 8 PRINT NUMBERED I' lfTlE'S 12 11 I' 15 I' I' I' I' J I I I I J • I I I J SCRAM-LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICA TiON 9000 ----------~----------~~~~~~~ '''" ......... '"···-···-···~~~.--~--~-~~-------.----..---,---____,....,.';"------•-·-·......---· ... ·~-----··-• --••·.---,.....--.-.-,.~P"'! ----·•Ro-•---·---·-t· '. O . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' -· ...... - 30 DAIL V PILOT * * * * ANNOUNCEMENTS •nd NOTICES JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT 1----------1 Jobe-Men, Wom. 7100 t:J;;ob;;;;,_;;;;M:;;;•;;";· :W;;;;•m;;;.;;7;1;;;:00 Found (Fr .. A.It) 640011---------l• ,..., When You Want it done right •• , Call one of the experts listed below!! ACCOUNTANTS GREY rabbit. '41-&tl or IRVINE COMPLEX ,...,... $800 to $1200 MO. \l/OltfENS i:'Ls.11er, vie. K· J\.equin!S Aecount111g Oegreto. Marr ~1or,., C.M. 542-6101 Preler 2 yn; f'Xf)t'r1ence. Ri· virra E1nployment Agency 64(11 Ira:., '1667 !\lac /\l'lhur Blvd. Lost L \DIES ""'allct Vic Centl'r Suite 201, NB 540-6370. '-'-'--ACCTG CLERK Whadcfya Want? Whaddya Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR St. C.\·J or 3rd Ave., Laguna \\'orkini; ""'1th nH.'Clia, detail, Beach, Fri 8/1. Valuable ltgure aptitudes, l year cvl- P a p e r !. Rl!Wanl. 49')..2369 lege or bul!in~ !I.Choo!, &It. 6. MISS EXEC AGENCY LOST hro1vn & 1vhire fc1nale Pt'kfngesf', ·',\lissy Sue". J-'ri nrghl hetv.·n 6 & -P :\f. Vic C1'1'.1!tdon & Baker, C.i11. 410 \V . C»ast llwy NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Special Rat• SERVICE OIRECTORY Asphalt, Olis 6520 SEALING &. PATCHING SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY Gardening 6680 Janitorial 6790 Ne\vport Bell.ch 646-3939 A11.mblers, Bond..-1 Electronic Technicians 5 Lines -5 times - 5 bucks RULES -it.0 Ml.J~I tNClVOE ~STATE :".l alnt Tree Se.rv RE\VARD~ 546-3949 1-w~~• l"Ou rwl ¥• to "'""'· ~W~•• ~~u •1"1 In tn..._ Rrs1dent1<1J -lnclu:s • Con1.:-'l Comr1J rca~ srrv. Currently c ngagrd hy C11y ol C.:>1. !or ::.Ifft'! 1·es1or11.t1on. ANTHONY'S 644-4860 P.c1noval &, trimn1ing~. tree LADY 'S prcsrrip1i0n-gl~ Exf'('r1r11t'r(i. !;;il111·y open. )-•OUll p~o,.. 11W:110r i <Mlt"'>l. 6-l lln•• o< •<:1v1r11,1n .. e.~Tlm '1 tf , 1....a.ll 5'11....QOilS. lortoisC' shtlt. Vi<'. Ba!Doa APPLY I ~ Pl.ROON i-f<IOTH l"'G FOR Sill E -TP-OE ~ ONL'o'I PHONE 642.5678 ~ J zo 2 3 663--A 1 Rad~\ 1\l1e1'0!'l<'cl1'0n1('s landscapinn 6810 ls e. So'>pt. · j 1 l '56 ' Cot"ll. :i1:i0 Pullman St. To Plac• Your Trader's P11radise Ad • ur t2131 633-231 7 CollecL tlA\'E Cr.mmrrc1al Jot. cl1>11 r 'iil i.000. LR kc Arrrlll'· )lead SIO,C'«l f""il'Hr. \\':\N'r: Airplarie or 11 t1;J! yoU have. Brr•kf'r. ! If t~'\::t-Si!Ol. Stra1e.i;f•' airport f'ntranee rror. \'a(";u11. ione c-:?. :l(),6:?0 .~ri ft . PnL"e Sl:i~.flOO clear. A ~C't'pcr. For ranrh. hayfront or ? 01vnr 6i3-fi635 \Van1rd lo r~chan,1:e, {'(1Ui1.Y in l11rg,.. Jak•'front lo1, C.1rar Lakr. x.1. l ahr. lo!' r•ruity in So, Calif. properL1<'s. 646-iSGIJ Gia.nt pclf1!, 3 B1·. 2 Ba. lrpl. indoor BHQ, Cd,\!. L11·p 1n Of' pcl'f. 101· lc11s 1n~. s:r1000 r.qty. \\"a nt;)..~ uni !s.ln Riv, O'I' S.R. O)>. tiT.r-7~ TRADE: Pmblcn1 free 2 unit merlicaJ bldg.-elear. An. nual gro~s HIC. S6,000, Val. S.55.000. Trade up. inc. prop. Fan-I \\"alk<'r RHr. &l&-741~ Sacrifn't'! J.:\5 ar: prime C·Z land \\"ilh ~ hldi;s. S. Ma in St, San ta Ana. TR WJ,(00 eqty tor TD 's or ? '!?' Bkr 5-17-6469 .. * * 'G7 FunJ ru~1 . 1 dr, R. .'<:.II, ;n1to, nr" llr('s, VALU~D 111 S\500, TRAD~ for equity 111 11'>al f'~lalf" or ?' Call tfi~-~!~3 Rf lrr 6 PilT, NATO CCHU' G{•o'l Con1r11ctor.1 LJS.:Jlll~ n1(' 1.lc::.t, costs no morr: l..\pr.nenceO l\lauitenanc:e Budget Lantlscapinl{ B~bysitting 6550 -,c'c''c··'c"c"c'c1'~11=0=''="o'"='-"="'c"c1~ Cl,J•:AN-UP SPECIALISf! l'lloll'ing. l'flging, odd job~. \.l'OULD like pla}'mate for Hensonnblc. Yl&-69Jj :: 1\l'1"('~ vi l11rn1 111 No. Cali (. 111y pre·sd1l ('hild, n r ===========: (;ood hu1111n1.; Hshing area. N r\Ypor t/Pal1sad c l ,\err nrar Or'OVille Da:i1. 5-10-1700 Gardening 6680 Tradr for hcach reaJ estate. =~--~----~~ -----------0,, '''' ,I.··. ,g7.r-"91, \\'ILL bahy:-.1t 111y Cd~\I • '0 h I ·1 (d 1'E\V Lawn ll r~-scrding. om('. any "'1 1 t a.y~. n11es or by the ll"CC'kl Heasonablr. Con1rilele la\\·n care. dean Jndost. 1nrume on Plal'entia A\'e, SIJO.()((I, Trade 113 for eoastal area home or dU· plt'X, rll'R!'. Blliance T.D. or .. ()wnrr :i~~-1 .'>-n ·&~ Jr<·p-CJJ, V-6, sof(-!up, ovrrd1·1vr. s·· r11ns. pusl· t1·ar1iun, R/JI , rollhar, huhs. s:1100 val. 1rad(" Sl200 eqt_y l•i1· 1·11n1pf'r or St. \\·ai;. fi~2-11R~6 'i acre Couulr}' Esrate 3 Br, 2 Ba, 18.\36 JIOOI, horses or 11n11s. 20.\I l'q!)'. \\'ant beach prop. Ol' ~ 011 ner 53 l·i636 \Vhat do you have to trade? List JI here -in Orange County's ln~cst read trad- ing post -ar1 make a deal, * * * Any ai:r· i·hiJJ. 67~Hi6W up hy job or inonlh, Free e,,11n1ates, Call 8·10-0932 i\10T!I J::R \\U/l!S hahys11t1ng ----------- n1y hunH'. l\lonlr Vista AL '~ G<1 rden1ng k La11n school area. 6·16-01 ~1. l\l:i1nlcnance. CornmerCial, BABVS1TflNl,.;~){)1llC :"S:i. daily, Evcs & S:11~ ok. Laguna Cyn. Cull l!}l-X!J.11) BABYSITTING. illy hon1e. ;\ls.'a rlel i\·lar. Any age \1 elcomcd. ~16-3003 :.' CH ILD. 1•1 mos. 1v an I p\a~nlate. 1~·30 m1)S. Good Jov1n~ care. C~I. 6-12-SR:i2 \VILL babysi1 for small child fo1· 11·ork1nb mother. 64:=.-180/l BABYSITTING, n1y 1\!esa dcl i\lar arr;i. ?"1rrr.1::i:, industrial & rrsiclcntia!. • 646-:JG29 • Exri'd J apanese G11rr!r11er. Complrte yard service. free estimate. 5•10-1332 THEE: Service, gcneraJ yard cleanup. Rototill &. spr1nliler SC'JV, 1)0J6-5848 Cuc&. Edge l . ..a1111 l\laintenance. LicenseJ 5-1~1808/549--199-1 alt 4 Jl!\-l'S Gardenin~ & lawn niainte nanc:c. Res. & Con1- ml'rt1al. * ~~I0.·1S37 * Expert J a panese Fl:\'F.ST WORK Slfi.0384 CQsr~ i\lcsa. 5.1&2350 IJJLLS & SLOPES our Generous n>ward for info onl---'O:::::::..:::::::::_:c:::::-::'.'.__ spPeial•Y. Next yeats rain dark Uro\\'n Siamese/Bur. Cashier /Bkkpr $403 \\'il l be 1\'0I"SC~ Gel pro. niese al!ered ma.Jc cat Phone tertian now~ Call 4[1j..()811 51S-129S A/R, sharp. good oppty! Lost St Brr1111rd vie P a1·k Re-Independent M __ •_•~•-"-'~Y~·~B~r~ic~k'--~6~8.:.:30 \l'ard. ;,-18-04·12. &16-7253. 635· Personnel! Agency RICHARD ALLEN i.\5():1. 1717 Orange Ave., Suit c Custom & Spanish Masonry A Specialty! Block, Brick, Concrete Free Est. 633-2343 Paperhanging PET RaL"OOll. red collar & CJIT. 642·0Ctl6. 5-15 {117'9 hell. Vic Aliso Cnyn. t.liss· BA~YSITI'F:R: Need lov ing ing 2 1vks. 499-3106 lady lo care Jor ne1Y born &. fE~IALE COLLIE !Vlidler l'Ylon thru Sat. Lite !il&-Jl9T hskpg, own lransp needed. ;').:~ .. -,110 _ 8 to 5 p111 SZ:-.0 fl('r mo. Laguna Beach. ·19-1.W.~:I Paintin9 6850 Per1on.1ls ---"----~ 6405 BABYS!TTEfi. nrcded Tues &·Thurs R::ID arn -12:30. No ~UBLifill,\N Pa1n11ng 1Dcc ACTING house11Tk. &16-1•120 Back E;.,pc1·1 Guaranteed \Vork B Do you 11ant 10 l)C a full time _ay. -==------1 f '1-cc cs!. No joh 100 large :- or roo .~n1a.JJ. 1'.l4·Jl90 \\'\)1·ki11:.: 1irof<'Ssicrial :' Do BABYSrrrErt 1ny home. you h;ivc the self disc:1plinc boys 6 mo. & ~ yrs, own J.~T & E:1;1., avrra•·t• ~ hr b. " · .. to .su JI'<'! .vourseu to a rig· transp, ~lesa Verlie, refs. hS<', labor only $l27.:;() 1d British 1raining cour'S<> & 5-15--0.178 6 !2-01:hl a Iler 5 p.111. I · h ·1·1y t 1-----------1 ir a1•t1s11e 11m1 l _0 ac. BABYSITTER. Housekeeper PAIJ\:TJNG Int & Ext Lci11·est rf'[ll. n11nor . rol:s untU th~ • Uvc in or out. 2 school boys, conlral·led prices, Fully ins. t1'i1ln1ng-period 15 1 romple1e · own transportation. c 11 I I Salisfaction guw . f"ree esL rr s.1 TIIF. LONDON LA-5l'l·Sl21days or !l62·10Z!Evc J un \Veeks 673-llti6 CUN.\ ACfORS \\'ORK·l='-",C::"="""-'"-'C::..::C::..;=I -11-.• -,L-L-P-.-,-P-c_R_l_N_G_. -.--P-A_l_N··· SHOP mighl be able to help BABYSJITER. 2 days/\Vk )'°"· No 1i1i::vious CX""ricnc. e for 2 children .. l\Iy horn,•. TING. 10 YllS in arC"a. ..~ Tu U R k I 8"29 2 Reasonahlr ralcs. r,.12-fl.·127 n<"c:rssar.v, no age barner. r e oc -rvint. ,,.,... ·' REAL ESTATE BUSINESS and Brick, Masonry, etc. 6560 Gener~I Service• 6682 i\lcrnbt~rs of this exclusive BABYSITTE.:R • I i v e . in _ PAINTING & papcrhangin.;. group 1\'ill only be accepted Room &. board in 11•11tertronl Rca~nab!r. 2:. yrs exp. upon a satlsfaclory personal 11.pt. 1 small ehllrl. 673-49.~ Grnnan ~kills. &12-1322 1ntervie1v 1l'ill1 the director. B . .\BYSJTTER, lite hskpg. z l ',\INTJ;\"-U. 1~apenng Hi yrs. D .!l 49-1-4-lrA for app1. childrrn :> & 4, ~day \1k. 1n llarloor af('a. Lie. & LOSE (h1-n transp. 968-1 620. BUILD. P..rmcwtel, re!).,ir. G1\RAGE: Doo\'s SC'r\'ii·cd & honrh•d. He!,;. furri. 642-2336. Bnck, block. concrele. Repaired. Gel'l('ral House 13anklr.g "'~''"'·'·· ••o JOb too ,,.,n ... 11. 'I I SID s-"'"I ·~·or. Beller l ... dinting, in-£.'ircricneed General FINANCIAL R. E. Wanted 6240 Bus. Opportuniti .. 6300 -------MORE CASH LITE MANUFACTURING ... .,~ .. u a1n . . min. r..-.J.>n·. . . . Lie. Conlr. 962-6S.15 Io========== Tl'l"IOr ~ f,\trnor, acoustic Hauling 6730 1·,.ilings. 61G·1077 ,t-5-11-3~,Q'.! C .<:, S Pa1n1ers. Int-Ext. Business S•rvice 6562 WEIGHT COMMERCIAL -TELLER - FOR YOUR EQUITY nrf'ds R-~~fl('J.11f' 11·11h manai;:r. mcnl and I or f'ng:inerrln.t; backg:mun<I. i\lanufacturer Jn progran1 for national <lis- SMILEY'S Business Services Y ARD1Car c 1 r• a n 11 p · 1 1/nti-r & .ir1.~. No JOb too RP111uvc irer.o;;, 1v). dirt, _:~niall. r.T.)·~!l.-~i all ~-_ t 11 ant. 10 110111 r11 ii ho are JO UNITED CALIFORNIA l1'.1C"tor hat·khor, grade -rouiHls Qr 111ol·c ovrn\C'1<;1ll BANK ;111d1l'eS tf'rn Jnvestm,..n! Corp no1y pu1·chas1ng home~ 1n Orange County. Seeking \IA & FHA C'qUi1 ies. Call any- ti mr 63.'").8539 tnbution. 1250. per wk. l'l Ta.-:r'.", C PA. boo:ikkrrr1ng, slart plus rqual 11h11.re <JI 1ntrttral funds, insur11ncr, OGZ-Sil:) Plastering, Rep;,ir 6880 II) 1ak{' pa n in gruup 11ri:;h! CLEA~ UP & l11r n1ov1n~ e p ;\TC Jl l'l.AST ERING. lo~s p111i;rn111 ol ::.J)!'riahz('{I Trt'.'(' & shrub rcn1oval. All t~J)!'s. free r:-.tinialc. l'f'!h11·1ng. ,\1! 111riuuico;; eun- P.casonable, ~l!}-llJ9 c.ilJ :i·I0-6~2:, i1dr>nt~a1 ,\~k for :'<Ir:<. Thun1. .:o9 )la111 :-;11"t:<'! J!un11n:;1•1n l3i;-a1·h. Lah!. ~1.:G·:i~J 1 BUSINESS 11nd FINANCIAL ;\<; ;.::• :~112. pmfi!~ 10 ;<1{'1!1·r party 11•1'h !~C'al E~la \r f'H·. FRF.E S12,;,()!t r-a \h. ~hould r astly 11uulr~. fi l6·9666. 6~~:~7~1 llAULJ:\'G. Cle<inup, lo1 s cir. ----Equal vf)p.>1·1ur111y r11111loyrr II ··' 1 " all Plumb•'ng 6890 PAL.\/ ,\· l;ar•! P.cadinr:. nf'J ~r"'('lrrt party S~j.000 N'G l B 1 0 1 1 . a11uyn11111 any 1nv• you{' _ "· k ''' I ) L" ..,.. ,,~ al . 1, TYf'l .1 ., "-i' l' 1· 1 (·, "I'· 0 ,\(lvi"r ,;:, 11!'11• on n1all)' °"n ·111g I ·.· r. rur 0 •• r ...... n 1n1r-,.,. • .,._ .. !;~,~~* ' , F:i.~!. rras, a r-r 11 r a 1 r . J~LIJ)lillNG F:EP.\11~ lnartrr·o;;. f"ully lic"d. Open Nr1rporl '.\a1ion:1l B,tnk Bus. Opportunities 6300 \·1r11·. \·all 714·871-2952 1!J. 1 CLJ::A.~-U p and hght mO\'· ~ 1 I I-----------i b 1 ,~11. J\lat11iscr1ri1 s. t 1rs1,;-, lerm ,. o JO 1 1()0 :-.nt:il \I a i 1 y 1 [la ni _ I o 11 m E~r1·011· fJfl lf'rr p<1[l('rs. 6i.-Hi017 af1 6 prn lilt.. Lall D11ve e t;\1-31~') e :!l:)/6!li-!l2i~. :!10 \V. \I.hit C;lll ~I r. Carl!'r FAMOUS 'rH,\V!-:L 11r.1::;-.:cy for s;ilr, * 8!J3 ... \2!l:i * ---iwr Blvd. I.a l!:.bra. J'\C'.-:t :J -•• 6t:t.3111 BRAND NAME 111 i\rll"pnr\ Rr.1ch, 11·{'11 Builders 6570 Clean Up And Haul Remodel, Repair, 694G 1fl L;dlnhra 11alk 111 1h<':l\ff'. B,\P,:'llA JIJ ; fl <•r PL 1ime, C,\i'\DY ROUTl:.S l'~!;1 hl1.•lwd, 1''7C e ll en! Sl!l a load 61f,.~j.'li I --------L-IC-ENSED 111gh(.~. lJ•>Od :.cd<1ry. Apply N(')ll' 11\·atlahlr 1n C,,.;1 a ;I.Jr-a ri·puTallc.on. 110111.<; all 11p· n. 1: ;\I 0 DEL-Arhli!inn~-C!lb· ===========--BUILD. Rrmrirlcl. r.rp:ilr &. !llan~· olhrr 1011·11.:; in 1h 1~ po111!n1rnl<;. 011 nrr~ mo\·ing. uir~.;.(3lo1·k lrncre~..Concrt"te Housecl•aning 6735 Br1rl~. b1'1ol:k. co n c r e t c , S;•u·1!ll<t.l R(';i(!111~~.~ adv ire <L•}S· !:ti E. Jilh. C.111. &rf'a, ,'\!.I lricar 1ons arc r•Hn· S2>:.()0n. 7!1/6;::-lilS f'\'('~. ,..,.,rk. 612-9~:12 crpnlry, no JOb loo ~Jna!I un all n1<i11cr~ . .,1_ N. Ll ~''c18c·c9c9c"=~=--~--I meri:-ial or fa f"lory. Very 1 • \\JNOO\\"S DIRTY~ Lie . Contr. !Xi2-G!l4:1 Can11n., Rral, :-.tr Clcn1enle BJ-:,\UT ICl.\:\S, 1.:n1alr.. to high Parnin~. no sell ing ifl-Investment Oppor. 6310 Carpentering 6590 }'rre f'St. 15 )rars r'r'· Cl:!'Tf.Y, f'au11111g, m!finr J92-91 3'i, ·196-!l.J07 i1 crrk cv,,n1ngs & Sundays in voh·ed. Tn quahfy ""· u musr J 0 10 A.\I -10 P:'l l Cru;ta i\lrsa's bu sie s t, CARPENTRY ohnny unn t;·12-~~fi4 p\un1h1ni: rC'p;111·~. n1oh1le be rcl1abl,. & ha1c 1 hr ~ 11,\VE 1ra1lrr park ready to homr repairs. ;,,16-6 21:., Attractive Expert popular pnce<l salC1n. Oi>- day ~Part: time \days or b111ld. JGO l!pnce., rlov.'flto,1•n l'llINOR REPAIRS. ~o Job \VOULD You br!icl'r' I will G·lb-!f;~.\ 'iOUZ'iC \\'O~li\~ portunity for top rarnings evr~l. Jii!irn, a('rn~s from Sea11i TOI' Small, Cabinet in gar-f'lran your hon1r lnr Blue clancrr 11•111 Jr:ic-h you ;'1!1 11/pairl vara!ion. App I y SlZOO In S."..1.iO P.F.QUJRED Ri:~innal Shopp111:: Ccnl~r & ages &. other f'abincts. Chip :)T.i mps'.' .~:17-7~'lll lidl'~1 sirii~. Cnll An!"ii l\!gT. Cro11·n1111~ Cilory De11.u. Inqurrc .iM1 1t our "fr,.r tx1nus 111i::11 ,, 1' 11 o o I 1 r \ i;: ht 5~i-817j. If no a no;wcr leave BAY ,i;, Beach (·f,..a111111: Sf'!"\'. Sewin9 6960 ::oi :: .i!l t-1.i~~ 1-10 f')f 1,v Salon, 2ti7 ~:. 17th St .• Mllle pLHt"'. :'ll~kr yuur 111-do1111h111n' ff ~1111 wan! '.?O'ii 111~;: :t! 61 G·:!30:.:!. JI. 0. Carprl~. 1l'indo11 ~. flor,1«;. l"Cc·c"c· ________ _ lU!'f' .<;rt"urr 111lh 11c, a Dunn ~pr nd.ililo• 1111 ;1111• a111<'>un1 rof Andt·rso11 r lf'. r:('s & Comn1C'·1 6·16·111"'11 • UJ.,-~ ... 111,d.1111.: • Al 1 rn1 1 1•111~ \\,\;"•>T 1,"1 ::.h<il"C' t 1 i! r., r L' 1 '.'.;1 B .. rni;ud/c!iin('{'r. .t-c 1 11\ I -"lo\'\"IBI on 11r111:-., ,'\c11rort·. r~a arra r o " "' · r.i' <lrrrl 1·a1rr .1r1nna r·a.~li 1111 l•I ~400.000, Call !:J:P.\Jf'..::. ,\1.1 ~.H.\.\TJ0:\.5 1 (",\JU>J.;T,'), \Vuidoir~. rlrs. I I I C II Yoll or p:irl·t1n1e. Costa Co. Fur m•in-i11fnnnat1on Lln,\1/, 67::-1:rit1 • tj !r..r.1111 • ',,-.;i, rna, .J 1a~~. R CARINl::T. 1\ny ~11r J"lt 1·tc. Jlr<; or Con1f"'L '.\1111 -------lil:l-'JS'-7 !llesa §('U;i n.1n1r. ~r1dress & phone ":i 11.~ "'iJlf'f. :ti~-till': \\ru·k Hra.~! Rel.~ ;.45·4lll. Alterations -642-5845 r,1r,:;::n1 no. ro. f\Ot:Tf; DEPT, P, 0 Money to Loiln 1>320 ·___:__ -I · ;>.1·at. a•·i iir"l". '..'() .\• .• 1 .. r,11. S.\\ I·. "-f\rt.•l liundr,•d 1Jol--l --B-O~A~T-CA-RPE_N_T_E_R_S_ 8o'7 ;,\ l'onl'llla. Cah!. '.1176'.l [ ·--"--------Q\'.\LITY Re))airs -Altera· II OU S EC L F: A N INC ,~· l.11·,,: ,\f\·111be1·~tup 1n Ildlt>Oa CA!'O\' SUPPL\" 2nd TD Loan 11011, -New ronst. by hour Ct>1wr;i l ~fe \ntcna ncc. c ull lt1y Cluh. 1\·n1,. P.O. Box Ex('ll'i'lenrrcl. I-1i;:r eustom ROL'TE or r onlrnr!. li~&-.·'cc"c':__~~ a ny11mr. gOOd ref~. l"t'as! TILE, Cer11mic: 6974 J li-'.6 1\{'11·por1 Brar h. 9266..1. ~'Qns1111ci 1on. Tnp 1111i:;es. Ar'-ILl'TE fi.1~1':11!{. Partitions Srnall 1>-U)-fiOl•·I --~--------'LCOllOLICS '"""ymo"• \\'ILLARLl BOAT \Vorks " PrnmnL r:vnhrirnti.11 srrvlr.. "* V ~ Th ·r I" '' * " '"""" ~ 1-· B k <t ~1 J'.\oSclltn~I nvoll'edJ 642·2171 54'0611,_ l~··uindrl. ett". N11e nr day, C I r.nr,. I ' 1'1\: 11n , Phone 542·7217 o.· \l't'\tc to "';i a er .··'""·' Excellent 1nt·vn1 P f,,r l•.w ,__ ~ l:•·:i~· l nl! h:EN ~IO-l6i9 11~ · '1·or ·. ni.l.t '" Jypau~. P O Rnx 12'230:i~ta Mesa. BOOKKEEPING/ •· ~·r,1n~Jl:u·fvlr ~1·ea 21l\l's Ironing 675!1 l\o .11.1b tf)Q sn1<!ll. Pl11~1 er · · ' hO.\lrl< "."C'rkl.v. \\"Ork I Day)"; or Sattler Mor lg•g• c·... --~~-------1 I I I k h GENERAL OFFICE I I ll ' 1 Cl'.'merif, Concrete 6600 P'• ri .. ('a inc: s 0 11'er A t 6410 e1 r111111;~1. ,r 1 ng "' rn -:.";[i E \/lh .:it reel e Jn1n1ng. <''7f'Prl"nrrd 1, fKttr. ~!j.l.~.•i/~lf..fl'lflii nnouncemen 1 lrrhn~ 111nrwy frnm r'lln ~ · _ (' 1-.,, ~!'l IF i•nrk al I $1 2i ;111 IH111r OJ"l"l,,,,..rJ 111-rr·1,rt• '" c·n\fa J M T • • l. ( • • · c~1 1 1;:r.1'11 • Grand Open·1ng \l t U crtga9113, .0 .1 6345 l\p1·!' l'1~ol r!r1·I.\ k 1·u~111111 -----___ Tro• s, ... ,·,, 6980 . f'~, 1"111-n1,n 111-::: ar,.a. < .1 .1~1 .. ,1 IRONING •• -~--- \\r r~t 111ulr. 11l,1 nd!i1~ CU.\.~T!~CC'llO:\ /ll onry l· " ', ., ·.-. . ----nanv· 1.r.-.n,1 •1111ly I.·! ;i v;,ll«hlf' for n•mme pro. •CO.'\lfl.Tt~ rln or.~. f:ra.!'Dn.111lr \G~.• i,r.;--1" Tr.1·1· ~~.];\-Ac c!idemy FOR NEWPORT BEACH ADVERTISING AGE NCY sna;ksl ~ljiJ. t.:.1~h rr-d1J~·1ni: propc1·ly, Forea:n & ro·1ti""' .• r.i._ ltra:-1nab!r Ca.I I . . i '''" 'Ill l.1•r·1 l'"•1n1.,I of Physio Therc!ipy qu1 rNt. ~nr Pf'l'!;Onal 1n-c101l1r ,11c. i\lotcl~. r-;'ursing Ll"11· 1;,A.l(J ll Jan1tor1al 67~0 11 11' i·rl, ho olr.i a I\ a~· Post double e n I r y, --I J 1 I I :".,o\11"1 ,{ 111<1'"•'.:C'. b !••d1'1·" trn1ri\·inCn~Tal\l c~a 11rra, llfl111r,, Shflppln~ Centers. . , ' ' l•ili Hl ani·l2 J\d•lnil!ltf ~ paya ble / receivable-, 5f'm1nan1r,;'\r!rlre~~&phonc Ulfir r Bui!tiing~. Carpet Cleaning 6625 ~PARhLE J an11t,nal "' \\'.111. 1:1·.\\.'\I :!·.·· J:111r1 .. 1 IJto's d.n: 2,,,; Thnllft :-c·iit e C. b illi ng, tyoe 50. Xlnt, n1:111b!'r lo ~h1ll1 ·"i!ate Jnc., ApHrlil1•ll1~. er r . \\.rite or* DJA)tONDSill'Cll\CiiSUrrd '1n11· elr!1n111~ !-;1•rl'. \\,n. t1n"1\.. 1"11! 111 "11" !·1r• •''1 -, lfl.\J'l" C II B b oci:,7 r:. l ti1 [l('r1>1I ll\1y., f al! J.ih· l·:r:;illy A,t_. 1 hi· nu.ilii,. ;;n .ll'f' iic~ do11·~. resi<!., co:nr!. r·<111-.1 ,\;o~· 'l"iiT S•'lint·. ~ll~~iLQ ~~.:~i l,•';i rl~·-···· ·~ .. :_· __ o pply. a a r ara. D,,, .• ,., "''''' '''"12 E'l"< I C ') ·o · Clra111111. t"rcc r~I. '.M;,~·:!li:J\. II••,,,. 642-3910 " " • • · .v -.. .nsuran1·c 0111pa11y., _ .1 , .• 1,,,,,,,0 c •i•.r··i· L I N · 6450 ~·1;1 -n~Tl .. , k 11 11 J 1 I u • " L 1 UTCll 'I 1 c. ----.!~.!_ __ <'.'11ces J BOAT-CARPENTERS .., 11r , u 1 'n i.:. :.1!'.111· ('l 1 \.'l'F:HS 61:>·1.117 nr\l'l\nlr I l• Riil ,,r1. l'i'HI ----READ THIS 111ghan1 . .\l1o1b1.1 n111 .,J~'03 1 ·---------teln i::, llr \\·,1..,,\ng. "·111·!0'1 I \\IL!. not h.-n·.~fl(lnsihlr l ~\f>l l'l"ncrr!. l ... 1rgc custom Phow 1 ~Jo ':..1 -,;"2.~!i. , CAf{l 'l~T ,r, ~urn. l'lP;in1n~: 11 ;1~11111~. Han)' \'<1!l Bi'~ n•·n Upho lste ry 6990 [or any d~bts 01hrr 1h;i11 Ill)' l·,)n~1•·ul·ll·~n. Tnp 11·a~r~ ?i":..()I)} 1ST-TD:;"11""""11.ooo ~n . fnr 1 da.1· "'l"l'hl" .t quali\y .'_l.~i-1:,0S i[ n<l a ns r~I\ 11ft_::_. IC7.YKOSKJ'S Cui-t. l.phol. fl\111 .. lan1r:rr. i\lh·harl r..... \\I! l,.\f':!) ROAT \\'ork~ ·0 11ork. 1·1111 !'1 .. rl1ng Joi' -12Xi B11.krr St . Ci\I ft . hn•·h rr.n111"1"l"C. lllclg 111 l"tnchtnc~~· 61241.,~JO JT':) 81•a•·h hou~<' 111111". 111.,.-E111"!"' 111 Cr;il1.~111an .. h111 JOBS & 1EMPLOYMENT 1 -------~--- I! \OU \\;<Int ;i par' or f\ill • Orangr Co11nt~. nn lr,n;: ~cs! si·lr.ctifln rver' ~r t!ir If\/'~ l1n: li42-l·lj.I BOYS lG -14 t1rTie oppoi1urnli• 10 m,.ke l 'o:_rn1 1 ..... ~o'd 1,,i,,I. 1~a.\.1f.>l· Electrlciil 6640 DAI LY PI LOT Class1!1l'd • l\.~J f\r11ror! RI.. C'.~f Job Wanted, Ca1T1c r Routt ! Open mon"'' 111 a hu•1i1r·~ nf ''our S•.Jl !•)•• '11' ! IU '' ·:di !liw ' ~rr1 inn :'\Q\\'' I at:s11•::,1 111,11"kr1rila rf' 111 Won1en 7020 for O\\'n, 'r nr l'\Bmplr ~2()()(l 111. :--,•.~. 1 ~<'!1·'·111 Ill< •. -~-'l.•.KI lllO • El.Er'Tnr.CIAN Z'io jo)h j()(J l s y 0 u r. A [I I N 1011 11. Thr D,\ILY PILOT W;::una I'iJ;>ac h, M . Laguna :'\ln• lnr rr\1rrd !Jl'Op!e CHECK HERE WITH THE JOB KINGS! MALE Commerciol Inside Desk Man $3.JG hr Flackground in <'1Pf'll'ft al \1'holl'~<1lr l)usln(~ . .,~. Pasteup/Type Artist $650 :'11u.'t !or t•X1.orrirnt1'd iu IJUblicauon \1'nrk. Genl Acct from $11 ,GOO !\lust havr \•r ry hea 1)' background 1n <·0,1 at·~·t~. \Vi!J bf' in r orrtplr-Jr t'Dn- trol of ill"l·uunt1n i;: d··- partml'.'nl. Saleesman $500 Plus & e xpenses Sal rs &. ad\C"J"l1~1ui; back• ground. Asst Parts & Service Man to $&00 SomP PXprrirn1·r in pal'IS or ~er1 lre :-.l;iti<in Jr Mechanical Draftsman SJ, hour :".linimum 2 ycflrs rollPt;r. Jr Acct to $600 '.! ~·ears: r•<Jllrgl': nr 1~·ol"i>· ·ing rquivrlrn!, Costs. Contract Salesman to $1000 Plus car & expenses J·lighly riualifif'd man. ~illed Journeyman Mech to $1000 ll!i11i1nun1 3 ye.irs e.xperi- rnce. Q/C Inspectors $2.lG hr Previous 1,Jasl!r <'.\f)l'n- r ncr. Utility Main! Mech to $4.20 hour St r o n ~ n1rrh11nll11 I & rlectric11.l a t) t I 1 ! y, 1!n plRnt mointrnani.:e &. rr- pa1r. Browne & Sharpe Set up Man to $4. hr IJa:·~. Tool & Die to $900 :'11as lr r 111fl(hir11't 11 llh j()b s h op r~11rrirnl"r. ~hr"l n1r1a! 1oolin~ & I a~l lllg . Electronic Tech 1o $2.75 hr (tra inee ) So 111 r lorradb(la1·d c:.· l.lf'rl('ll•'(' Wood Welder SJ. hr Exrcrirnl·ed in fu1·n11r11.. Truck Driver SJ.41 hr Lia::,.~ I Unskilled L iquor Cle rk $5GG Some l1riuor <'XPt'l'l('lllC. Factory Traineei to $2.5G hr :i\Iany. FEMALE Sr Keypunc h Oper from $3. hr E:-.prrirnt•r rl in 2003!1. Gen Ofc Girl $40G G ,..nrr al olfirr back- g round. Masseue1e to S480 1\l11~l havr "'l"'l"l''ll''P "llh p u bl i c·, flr:.:1bl r ho11rs. F /C Bkkpr to $515 To ti•1al h.ilnnu' Seely frorn $450 :"\1,.1·111:11111 l' ~l. 1) 1'1' hll 1 111~ [)r!o"ll'lnl\IP J:•l'••ll- .•IJ uo lto•!I 11.1. l-.0:111111ul D iscounter to $425 »1!1111n111n 1 '''-11 r \i11li· f'lll• h ill (li,10111111111.: Clerk Typist to $85 wk Ty1'1nl. •I:> 11l1i- Gen1 Ole from S2 . hr \\'ill ll'.ii11 111 ,.ffl"" 101v- t:cdurr' Fabric G irl to SSG wk Sonlf' kno11 lfd£r eil Jab- rir~. Marking & Shipping Clerk from $1 .85 hr :'\ real r hnllen<zine 1ub. !'0n1r factory r~prncncc [J !1 (1111 11 01.t i Elf Exprrr:.~1lr•1t·ro;; [J \llYPILOT vf's1 mcnt Pan nrt S,)(J 11kl~'J .... '~ < ~l ",.,· ••. J Jo.>1 1a · for pru111pt ::.Cl'\"ld' CLA::i~l~'t~:o·· Sr>n1Mm-<1•111 1 CJn,.~1f1l•tl !'>l't 'lum . l:ia v r ' · \ 1 1 '"' ~ .~ 11·rr1'k 111 Df's i"lif1t'l". 61"321 by .~fl"nrl ini; 4 l1r·~ n1ak1ng --.-. -. -·~.:.: _ _'vu ___ 1 _•··~11 !"•1'1-'n>l •I hr looking fnr 11. Dial &12· monry, 11me & effort. Look l:xlnl. Rl"fS. Sl1i-.\.'l2! :_..., deh\'cne~. 1.-...J flJ <ill \\!lit~' \\d1~'1' llQLi;:>F. Wll'lll~. 111·w f; old. :.r,;~ ()()\\''' ---I hrlpl 11I ~ Production A1semblers $1 .75 hr 11ew 1•)1 111 L11g11na B1•;11·h. No ,)Oh 10<1 :i.1111111 or Too --1------.~,c Bkpr·see. Thnl P&L S\i.000 a1 ~Iii) nlo, 1nr l 9',,. all largr. Ff"(' r-;I ~ !l!;!i-i :?:-;1 l:i YI~. f':-<p. e BUSBOY~ e DISl l\\"ASHEr.:.:: D ll \Tt· 'Ii, .. 1.i\ I i l 4 I :1:!l ·li:1,,~ ENCO ' I, '' ;-~".72~S rh1r . yi>11rs. · 1 ..,1sruun1 j.· ! 1-"LIHICI \:'\ l ·to l•I' 1 -::===:::~::::::====: 1 BRO!i.1:.1~ •l'.H-1137 / ~ • • '' · I( 1 1' 1 · Fnll l!nH'. O\·rr 18. l\'r :it in ________ c __ bonded, sn1nll J"h~. 111a111l .t Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 ;,ipprarancr. AJ>Ply in prrson ANNOUNCEMENTS rr r:ur~. 71 1~-:.:,m.~ Humhlc 0 11 f.· R1>fln1ng Co. has 11ri:J lor.11rr! ,!;Cl"\'1ce sla· tion a\•.iilablc 1n Cost11 l\·!c,.a. No 1n1·r~tn1rni 1'('{fuired in 1nd NOTICES Floor11 Found !Free Adil 6400 6665 CARPET VI:\\'!. Tll.1·: tire:::. Oal!Pnr~. aecessonl'~, FOUND. lri~h ~tl ('r. Cv~t01 ~·re•~ est. Lie. ··111111· .>Ill· (21;2. ga110line or 1no1or oil. Hun1· ,\le~a. Cail & 1dr n11iy. :)16~1178 b1,.. riar~ :•11 ulll1t1es. Equip. 5-!~-40~!i ----. 1 b ~=~--------l\la~g1e -CL/I S~I VIED 1 mri n1 1-r111.1 r <1v111 a IC" lo LTITLE: blond 11uppy, m11lt>. DAILY PILOT l) ! \I ~:. ,\ • • ualillf'd 111d1\ 1duat. For in-v · M · • >lartf -H B I ic a1n 011..1. . . LIN ES. You can 11<r lhrrn lom1a r1nn. • ,11! Bia \\"ood ,...,_ ~~"" ,,..,.........,.,,,.,, for JUSI pcn111rs a IJa~, Di.ii d!l.I'.~ jt36.f(.(;l . J:.1'f'S l lll"ek. ends ar~!(il6. lAilj:; lnsl S111mr"(' Cal, n\alr ~64CC.C~="""=,,~~=~~~~~ <h\71f'l' f)fra.~(' 11l)l)t1r nr \1·111 1········· Coin laundry Washers ~i1•r lo R:OOlt hon1r. b'1·~~0.I 1 :10 pink !air K model \l'aSh• erl!l. ).1nt 111t·chani cal corl!:I. BL.ACK P!'klf1Gncse. \l'f'Ju-ini.: 20 yellow rarly I\ model lira collar. vie. cf 19th St., washers. I tu111uolse late K =CcM=646-S:=c'-'"'~--~=­ models. AU 1966. See them ORANGF. Slripped kit lt'.'n. on location. TllCs. Harbor & Hamilton Coin.().,,la!ic F.qulpment, Inc. ~S..~ 2l~\• \Y, Valencia. Dr. Jo~tlllc-rton. OllH. 525-183.1 ROUTE Of 10 llot ~ut mach.itirlli 1n Ccs13 \\1 ,. • 11 a..rra. R{'t'fUlfC~ IC"' hr.' mon1h]y fo s~rvicf". Tnrome courn ~ e11.stly 1,.....r,.au-d. S500 lull p:-ice. 642-0100 TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT Small classified ads doa big selling job .. Try one! Phon• 642•5678 abilities anlimite() 09ency Quril ity Positions for Qualified Applicant~ BOB'S BIG BOY .Jj,.j E. 17th Sl. Costa l\lesa CHl;\t:SE: live-in. Don1c~!ic. Pl·nna"ent. Experienced. Far E11.st Agency 642-8ifl3 4~S E. li!h SL, Su!1r 224 CHlLn Ca~. rcllablr 11dull Co~t11. l\lr•11 6 1'.:'·l liO !o rare ror 8 yr nld hoy . ACCOUNTING -CLERK- ~h1~l h ~ \" f' 11a :oun11ni:; batkgJ'Ollnd, prt'lcrallly in account~ p11.yable 11 ith some knowlr:rlg~ of IR:\! Ke y p un c h Exccllrnt fringe. benelltS:, Cadlllac Control1 D1\·1sion of F.:x-O>Un Corp. 1166 Whittier Ave. Costa Mesa 64f>..2491 An rl'[u.11 npnp1·1~u11Ty r(')1rln;o.r 1· 2-4i::JO. :> cl<l)'i. O~·n Iran.~. 6·12-1::07 11 lcnds & e\·es. CllALLEXGER YA CM TS a.re TJO\\' hiring f' :-; JJ ' r1 . ra1"f)f'n lers, gl11.111 mt>n an<! foro'n1en. Call <Til) 321~3 co!lecL CLE R.cl_C_A_L _· -F -1N_A_N_C_E_1 Lead girl cashl!!r. ~1inin1um I ~·ea r finance co. t'~pi!!r, >..1nt 11tanJng M.111.ry. 1<oocl \\•orking cond. Call ;\Ir. B\a_<;('tie ror 11pp 'I. 546-11 ·10 Fortune Finenclal Co. ('ollre<' Crnll'r :01:J(I l!:"lrhnr Bl\·d,, Co~1~ :\lr~.1 SOCh'. TT TO 'E;\T' c.ood h "' 11 d tlr x1 rrily, high ~choo l ~raduat,.~. Solders PC Boards from $2.25 hou r !'>Tust be e.-.:pr rlen<'rd in soldering. '<on1r h11rnes· sing rxperit.ncc. Girl Friday $475 T'ayroll. gt"nr nil o rfirr, front offi cr. drpl"nrla blr. 5ecty/Acctg $525 \\'ill hr \1·orki11:,: in ~1·· f'O\lnl in~ rl••1111rtn1rnt. Ex- ··rl!rnt t.1·pu11> 11nrl ::.h111't• hand skil l~. F1ctory Tr•inee1 From $1 .65 hour ?llanf. APEX Employment Agency 1112 blk So. of 19th) 1873 HARBOR BLVD. 548-3426 Job.-Men. Wom. 7100 Offl\'11.I PAYROLL CLERK P.fodem rungenial olJa·c invilP!! ·ca.nctid11.tt'! with: • Aptitude for f1guro•s e l\laturt• personallly • A drsu·e 10 prcparv pay. roll rc'l'Ords /or da!a p1'0- 1·1·;is1ng and assist 111 ac· 1~1UllfJJlg, • l\l us! be 11 S. grad TRANSCRIBING TYPIST • F'"1'le opportunily lnr gal 11·ho hkrs lo rypr 11nd /yfl'P A1"D typ1'! e !\lust IK•1'r xlnt typing sluU~ to transcribe .a va. rif"IY ol subjf'C'ts lrom die. raurig cquipn1t<n1. BLUEPRINT CLERK tPART 1'1i\ll::• • Will tra111 al!!l't gal lo op. rr;itr blueprint n1achine. e Need ·I hr~ a day, prerei·· ably in lhr A.t-1. ·rECTl;-;;lCOLOR. INC. 1J()(J F'rawll.'y Dr. Co.~la i\lr,;a Equal flPf\Ol"!Un i!y rmpley~r CLERIC.\L pos11ion, par1 tin1r. Ill's rl l'!dhlf'. l nsur11nce Agenc), Corona dcl l\lar. A~k fnr ;\nn. 67:,...:;.144 CLERK TYPIST To <io Typing and l1Iln;;: Ill Con!rH Ct. Dt'f!I . J::x ecl· lent frin:;c bcJll'l!1s. Cadillac Controls D11,s1on of F.x-Cl"llo Corp. 1866 Whittier Ave. Costa Mesa 646-2491 An equal opoprtun11y e1npl oyr1· CLt;RK TYPIST: Goo/, 11C'· C'Ural!'. Ccnve1n. loc, pd vac, 111rdi.-o.l hrncfils ~lad .S~50. Call B11Jir Beck, ':H0.603:1 COASTAL AGENCY A n1cn1t>rr ol S11cll111g & ~nrll1n~ Inc. 279() llal'bor Bl ' CO:>IOI ~lf'sa CLEAf\IJ'\G lady. EUic1ent, reliable lnr I 1!;1y a 11·k. Prefer 1\1 o nd a y . 0\vn tran~porl ;t!ion 6•n-:l~74 alt 4 C 0 I\\ B I N AT I 0 N !ll;un· li:!nantr k il1111ni; room worl-.. ;\J.1lc, ~1 or over . 5-day/"li. grl ra.I'. Call NEl\"POHT BE.\l'll TEN· NIS CLL"f' \>11-00~1(1 Cuoks F~Y COOKS Top 11n;::r~. pr rniii nrnf, hon · r ~t. and 1:•,0ll \1ork111;; C'O!l · 1l111ons 111 a1·rct·s lca{l111;:: rrs!;itn·:;int. Apply 9 ;un to j pin lor 11111 111r\\' at MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP :.111131 LI To10 Rd. LclsW"c \\"orld Laiuna Hilla -~--'837·101~ Covks \\c.,c,c1c,,71-;c,1c1o,-c.- r-;on ~n1okers e JlELJ EF COOK e EVF.:NI L\G (OQK Ph. 71111·1?7-'. ,t. a.0 k !or N<i~h COOl\-D1n11ers & 1\kends. !,11·r "' or out, n c hou~e1101·1i . 673-1879 COOK llJ::LPER. !\ton-Fri, !l:J0-2:30. Apply lo Thoma6 \\'elt:h, COUNTRY DAY ::.CllOOL, 8·17-:ZS~.-, !rom II lo ~' P ~l. ftJO l\.·-7c7x"·1c,.7.Dc.-,Dc,-,-,--o-, nir:h1~. Apply:: Orhe'11. 1400 [>.;.1·1fh' Coa~t Hwy., N.B. CU .S ;\I ~~ TICIANf~11lrslacly. t •lr rl1'\J!.'. !<lur" l::xpcnenr- f'd (;'all :o~tl :;ot ·""'--!!I\ -.:Tl.I: 1,1r.1., r \- 1,...111•11o ('o!. 1\pply 111 prr<nn e)~ ! !\r11 port Blvd, Cl\! ----DEL!CATESSEN 111AN. F'u!t tin1P. ~tf'ady 11·ork. Sc.e Ter- 1.1, 495 E. 111h, c.:-.t LI 8·1 .~!W J)e11ttll Ch;urs1dr dC'nlal 11.551stant. E'p'd nnly .. '»!R-ii~ lJL~TAL .\ss1stan1, l'ha11·:s1rle, f''l:periPnerr!. r none any. Tl!llf', 96A-:0"iS2 DISTRICT (' 1 rr u I a lion \J;inagrr tr.iinrr, tl lx'i::in· 11111~ 111 1hr 11r,l'~papcr bvsin('s~. Oppnr1111111y for fl \\rll groo111rd high i-choo! gradou1<• 11·ho ha~ •'lllllf\lclrd his 1nilitary olllu::11t1on and 1s lookini:: ror ~ cu1 ""('1' iri 11. :slable, grOll"Ull: ol'i;:a111ta· lion. R1>g1ll11r r«lSfs ;1111! ex- <:t>lh•nt frin!'c~ 111elud111~ lht personal u~r of a con1pany i:11r. Contae1 Gl"o rce Ha1·dini;. c1rrnlot1011 rJC'part· n1C'nl. 0 1\IL\-P ILOT. 3.10 \\"rs1 Boy Strrc1. Costa l\[P.~I< . U1spla~ ~alr~ *PART TIME* NOW HIRING Lll.1·gr, n,11 1,111~! 'vn1pan)'. ex. pand11u: 1n (111111gr County. \\"e nrrr1 p;1 q 11n1r mrn to .,.,·orli e~·rning~ 6·JQ 10 10:30 p.m. TOP STARTING PAY No r'=PC'rl•'nrc ner."t'BMJ'Y. f nr ltltt'I• 1~w call Mon. A: T11es. :'\!(Ir(' 11, !p \\'anlrd un :".t;..t !'age J ' t ' [ [ ' [ 1 I 1 I ---------------------------------. -.--~r.,.............-----.. -~····~•~ --·.,.-.-,-c· ---._.""' r T •r --~--- For Your Convenience -All Positions Offered Now l 'ARE LISTED ALPHABETICALLY IN e CLASSIFICATION #7100 HELP WANTED <Men and Women) !!!~========~~~==========·-,·==================================;;:;:: NEW! JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Jobs-Men. Wom. 7100 Job.---Mtin. Wom. 7100 J!!~n. Wom. 7100Job.-Men. Wo!". 7100 Jobs-M9n. Wom. 7100Jobs-Men. Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Schools.Instruction 7600 General J . C. PENNEY COMPANY Fashion Island -Newport Beach Hes Full & Part Time Positions Open For COOK e BUSBOYS e WAITRESSES e \Vit h some experience and willing to learn. Top \vorking conditions & environ- ment. Compe titive \vages plus meals & tips, and outstanding benefits including hospitalization and profit sharing. Apply in person 10 Al\.1 to 9 Prvr, ' Monday thru Saturday PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND Equal Opportunity Employer All student positions.are filled. MACHINISTS {Must be experienced) Mill Operators Sr. Grinder Operator Sr. Drill Press Operator Lathe Operators Sr. CADILLAC CONTROLS Division of Ex-Cello Corp. 1866 \Vhittier Ave., Costa i\fesa 646-2491 :\n equal opportunity e1nployer I Jobs-Men. Wom. 7100 I Jobs--M•n, Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men,. Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Programmers AP PUCA TIONS PROGRAMMERS D•velop computer program for division wide Manag•ment Information Syst~ms tuch as: COST & SCHEDULING CONTROL FINANCIAL/PERSONNEL INVENTORY CONTROL ENGINEERING DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS You will work full range 3rd. generation op- erating systems (I BM 360) hardware, mass storage devices, on-line direct 1ccess com- munication and graphic terminals. Prefer a degree and one or more ye11rs •xperience on larg• scale computer-equipment using CO. BAL or other assembly language. Please apply in par-son or call Barry Waller (714) 897-0311 , Ext. 2011 McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company 5301 Boise Avenue }.fore Help \.Vant.ed I GIP.L For gen. cleanup .in 1 _H_O_U_S_E_K_E_E-PER, Live In, on Previous Paoe. slnall beauty shop C.1'11 ., f\.To?herless home. B!'ach Huntington Be11cli, California 92647 ~lECJ-fANIC. Need immed. McDonnell Oougl11s Corpor11tion J_..1 rlass. Top salary Mobil. An equal employment opportunity employer Sale! * Fantastic! is the word for this national compaqy'' new program for Southern Call!ornia! \\le need -DISTRIBIJTORS -~!ANAGERS -SALESr-.tEN -SALES\VOMEN' -REPRESENTATIVES -TRAI NEES This is a real ground floor opportunity with a solld auto. matlc electronic equipment firm that oilers HIGH Immediate Eornings 546·3050 MUTUAL FUND SALES Sales Do You Take I SALESMEN WANTED I 1vith a grain o! salt? CVl'I &ay that I blame )"OU, J fol- lowed a few mysell only lo be disappolnted. The job &eldom lived up to t h e claim.~ in tht-ad. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR! AND EXPLORE THIS ONE! If you would like lo makr S250. per v.·eek immediately. \Vith an opportunity for much more in the futul"f!, T would Jikt;! lo talk to you, It your qual1ficat1ons match our requlrem!'nt.~. 1hls could he the career you've been looking for. Call lor per:;onal in!Pl'\'il'W bet, 10 AM & 3 Pr-.! (71-1) a34-17{tl or 492-8700 Sales TRAINEE SECRETARY 'J\vo yr.an gtenographlc ex· pt>tiel'ICr. Type 55 wpm, r;horthand 90 wpm. Perfonn clerical aM set"retaMal work for hUyers/stibcuntracl ad. ni1nlslrators, typr. purchase orders and COrrefiPOridence. take d!C"tation, file. anS\ver teiephone, escort visitors. Apply io Bert Mills f7l ~l 546.8030 :trll Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa, 9)'326 "J\1fS.."-ILE SYSTEMS _,,_ DIVISION ATLANTIC RESEARCH CORPORATION A Division of tlJ,. Susquehanna C:Orp, An equal opportunity en1ployer · !'\'PS. 6,1~-7800 ' area, 2 teenag!'rs. Pre!. DRAPERY Opct•ators • l,..,..,..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii unlier 45. PH: 531-1~50 1500 W. Balboa Blvd .. NB. 1~=========~=:===.========= MEDICAL. expe r ience -I•-"-W 7100 Exp, licen~<>d !llutual Fund, Salesmen (2 1 for one o! Lhe highest pro:lucing areas in So, Calif_ L!'lSUl"E' \Vorlii. \Ve mPan it \\'hen \VC' say: Z.'I yr. C1ld promotional adver. ""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'I E..:p!l. Top pay, \•acations. * * HOUSEKEEPER Or helper Classic Draperies, 3 8 5 3 General Jor widower. Call morning.!i, Birch St. NB. 546-1431 J . C. Penney Co. * 847-2·129 * DP.EAi\! Job -Keep your in1portant joh as wile & niothrr & earn a 11•kly paycheck.544-3854 ~>-\0-6987. *DRIVERS* No Experience Necessary! Must have clean calilorni:!, driving record. Ar.iply YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th St. Costa ?t1esa DRIVER & gen'! hel(>C'r , Qvl"r 21. knows Orange County, O\.\'ll trans. 548-84~1 Domrslic :\lAKE our h{lmc-your hoine. Woulrl like older \.\·oman as live-in companion & h6us!'kpr. Qv.-•n room & TV, salary SJOO mo. + room & boarrl. Rl:'fs i! possiblr. Call 54&-6951 after 4 pin [or ap- pointment DOr.IESTIC Par1 11111 .... 11 hrs a day 5 rlays a \\'Pr k. Own trans. Sl1orccltf.f, C cl i\L 6i5--3802 Ff1<.:lllo11 1~111nd Ne\\'port Beach !!AS FULL AND PART T\;'llf: POSITIONS OPEN YOR 0 STOCKMAN Q JANITORIA~ MAINTENANCE II you have re<'<'nl \\·ork i'XJ>E'l'l"nce in Che arras ol stock & janitorial 1n-a1n- 1rnance, and a desire to ~row 1vith a rapidly 1·\·- HOUSEKEEPER, Part thne Ov.·n !ran.~. Vic of 6'1\h SL, N. B. &15-0089 HOUSEKEEPER, live in. Pvt rn1 & TV. \Vo man altl11('. SlOO mo. &12-2232 HOUSEKEEPER. live . in. Priv, rm & bath. 2 children. Fin. Vall. 842-7'Bt J>ilnd1ng, n!itional 11r;:-~<11-1.L.~\o=i~c=·s~1.9-10-7=0-,-,-,-,~1~2'-to vation oUf'l']ng escel!rr1l $l00 weekly cat la n i IK'neffts and ttlp n1an. · 1 Lingerie. Equa opp o r t. agcment. t>n1ploycr. \Ve train 546-3508 APPLY IN Pt:R::=:ON l\Ion. -Sat, 10 am to 9 pm J. C. Penney Co. 24 Fashion Island Newport Seacli, Calif, *MAINTENANCE MAN c"'ONT.o\rf IN PERSO'."J' REUBEN E. LEE ESCROW OFFICER Au .Equal Opportunity J~l E, Coast IJ\.\-y, Ttact expt>rience, know pack-Eniploycr Nr\vport B<'ach aging, Beautiful new offir"-·*--------*-:·--.M'A~N~A~G~E=R-/o--- MISS EXEC AGENCY PROPERTY 410 w. Coast ll•Y. ASSEMBLERS Newport B"ach 616-39.'.9 I11 th:iri;!'! of mai'n'.enanrr ct!'.', and fully familiar \1·11h apartmr>nt houSI' ... & shop. ping cenlers, "J\tust h.a vr previous C\pr1if'oce in 1bat f+t>ld. Orange Co11n1y rrsJ, rll'!ll. Suhrn1t rosun1r with exp<'ricnr~ ;ind ~\ary t>:>:· pert£'d, \\'rite Box r.t 428, ESCROW SECTY Tract bae kgrol!nd bood. no shorthanrl, at Jra~t 1 year escrow exrwr1rn('f'. MISS EXEC AGENCY 411'1 \V Coost Jh•V N"e\•·port Beach 6IB-::~~.!) E:STABLISHED l nsurane~ • Lead! avail, N.B. o!fice. Career oppt 675-ti:.W Experienced in single needle and overlock. Good picce work prices, steady \.\ork. EDDY ?>10SS 14042 Locust St., \Vestminster: 534-8738 FACTORY Trainee anrl ship. in-; clerk. ri11~·s. Sh1 f! ro!a· t1on "'ork. fo'EP.RO CQ[lr. Fib!:rg!ass D1v1;.1on, lSS\1 Fihrrglass Rrl .. !111nt. Reh. F/C BKKPR Through t;·ial balanr.-. Top grOllming, 'lifter on Ba~. MISS EXEC AGENCY 410 \V. Coast llwY. Ne\lll(lrl Br.<1rh 6·16·~!'1."..'1 ~ ... L EXO\\IRJT£B. opcrrilor n('l'<led iminedi;i,Jrly. (\\ill train inlrr<'1i!"d girl) Ct•ll Barbara, 6-l:l-0191 FRY COOK. pa11 11n1r i\lal" RANCHO 5,\N .JOA· QUIN Goll Course. 18021 Cul\'er Rd .• 11r, U.C T. Ask for \Vayne, PH: ll'l:i..-0112 e FRY COOK e * EXPERIENCED APPLY THE RIGGER #16 Fashion f,<;]and Newport Beach Female • T"r-eft>r rec!'.'nt filCtQry "'fl· e \\'ork lnl'litdrs movie Pl-0- jcctor t1S.'lf'n1hly e Xln1 \lllrkrng condit u111 ~, p<1y & bc>nefits. t-..tACHINE Daily Pilol. 1 ~~~~----~-~lACH!NIST \.\.'anted 2" 52' OPERATORS rxr. prefen~n . ean for arpl Femalf! ~8-42ll J to 5 PM and 7 lo e Product100 ll'ork on laU1cs,1~'-P~>_L~-------I nHJI:; & small punch pri'ss. i\'Iarh1n!sL, c 5. etc. • Punch Press & • \\ior_k a.'<.Signmrnls arc in-e Multislide Oprs. tl:.')"t'S(lng "' v3ricd Tn ~~J2 per WC!'k, Apply • Pre!rr fa ctory "·ork exp. !Gny Du chl. TEC'l!~lCOLOR, IN C. 1.100 t~r.1wlry Dr. Cos!:i. :\lr~a F.qual opport1111i ty e1nployrt \\'JLCO TOOL & DlE ?.!~O .Pullman Lanr Cosl;i l\lrsa. 5"l().5C2 :\!AC!!l;\'t; Oprrato1's, Sn1all parts assen1blcrs and olhrr GIRL FRIDAY--merhan1cal Jo tis. IVE l i:irl offi""· rcsro11~ibil1ty Tft..\ T'.11. Apply 118 E. 1\ith .~· d1VE'r.;ificat1on. Lite bkkpg, St.. C.;\1, gf'nl'T"".tl offk·e d11 I !E'S. -M-A~to~.,-------· I MISS EXEC AGENCY F L:L.L-Tjme, resort hotel, . -1 10 \V. Coasl Hwy. ~ L11gw1.1 R"arh. -1!!~·11!!6 Ne1\1lflrl Bc-ac:-h &46-3fb9 M T S400 gmt rnee to GROUNDSMEN/ GARDENER Brighi future f<"lr ynung n1an. 111 sr•holl <:Ptrl, lnde~ndent Personnel Agency $Sl0 to $620 per month l716 Orange Ave., Sulfe C CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH C:\I 64Z.OC'a6, 5-15-0079 MANAGEMENT TRAINEE. Rrquire~ siC\'. months "~· $6000 +CAR ALLOW. pcru'ncf' in nurS<'ry. l'.:ar· COASTAL AREA dcning, votn)d ... maintt>n-NO EXPERIENCE am;:c \\'nrk. Applicat1nn11 NECESSARY ac!·crte<l until ;, p.n1., HIGH SCHOOL Ynday, October 10. 1 ~1firl. DIPLOMA Apply Personnel Of/iel', Rivirra En1rloyn1f'nl Ar;y. Inc ::.~oo Ne\vport Blvd., /\o'\\" 4667 to.lac lu'thur Blvd, Ste 201 p,1rt Be;ich, California. N.B 54rMi.l70 !il~l 673-6633. --~--~~-~-1MECHANJC for &1v Sta. e G•neral Offic• • Tun('up & li!c nicchanical Girl wanted full time. J\lu_..t service!. Gd pay, hrs and FRY COOK ('njoy dealing with the pu~ working r.onrl',1;. Corona de! lir. Typing es.wnt1al. i\Jin. ?tfar ShrJI Srrv. 2SOI E. Young Fry Cook 21 yr:;_ okl , Apply in person Coa~t H\\y, al Goldl!'nrod. Or Kitch•n Traine• Tu<'-"·frl. 675--0:i.tl. full tin..,,.nea~ ap[)('arlnc;. TUE PENNYSAVER , . ovrr 18. Chance for ad•·ancc. 151:) Ne\vporl Blvd .• C.:\T. MECH~NIC, exp d in hrakr . & alignment. Sa.lary in-men! Apply in perwn. HAIRDRJ:o:SSER. Male or centive, free hosp. & life Bob's Sig Bov 1~·1nale with follow1n1; 011ly. ins. paid vac. See Bob 154 E, 17th Coast i\lc.::_ Jl 1gh commis11lon .... vacalion Basham, 482 Ocean Ave, Foreign Car M•chan ic s l ~'~'i~th~~r•~Y~· ~'°~"~'~b~I "~"-c_'~"-· I w;La;;"';;,,"';:r;;""'io';;h~. ;;;;;;;;;:nO!au Good co. bcncfi!s, Incl paid furcs, 644-l570 Women-Men-Childre.n of all V!;C8.tion. group ira, uni. H A JR STYL I ST. Young agf!!I to rlo T .V. <Am· fonns furnished free. Good talented, rager to learn lo men:ials. Tl'llce 8 h 0 w 1 , comm. 11chedul!'. Ask for 11.ssume rxi!1ting clientele in Grand ()prnings, .M&K&:i.:ine Joe M!JOT'e Ph. 540-l 'iG-4. f'lt. Newport Bch. ulon. layoutlf. f' a ,; hi on and FULI.,..Time m!ud~. resort t-.1r!l. GUI <lays 548-6375; Gel'lt'ral Photography <>f a ll botrl, Laguna Beach. -'-''-''~64_'-_"'='=--~~·I kiMs. Tiiere !s .ll'l fee in. 494-1196 HOUSEKEEPER. live in !or voJv,.n aod we ere not 11. GARDENER'S e lrferly co11pl~ f\.t a t u re gchool. \Ve 11n-in 1ht ASSISTANT wom::.n rrrfl'rrv-d. f.42-0661 11dvcrtising and marketina: BUSIEST mi rkc!placc> in hu~1nr~s. Pnrt tinir \\'Ork, NliWPORTER INN town. The Di\ILY PH.OT Excell~nt pay. Phonr Clnsslfied M!ct1on. S a v e1 _6'~'-,..,."~"~'-M~h~•~imccc._,,-,-,.­ n1oney. time & effort. Look For Dally P ilot Want Ad5 Dial &12·!:671 Contact Mr. LlnM'Y Stocks 6-14-li()') receptionist I bookkeeper, Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 o~n. om. "More leads s., potential than we can handle". Our 45 yr_ (l\d Pacilif' Coost ml'm· ber flrins oflice is located in 1111• heart of Leisure \\'or:d where the b11slness is being d1~11c. Our highly qltalilied tli<>nts \\•ill not generally do huslness \\'ilh finns outslde t1sing firm needs yaung n1en. Co. listed on 2 stock ex- changes, nationwide TV. U y(lll are roarnlng less than $150 wk. call for Interview. Mon S.j; Tues 9-9. 544·0594 A.:c-35 ·I-. \\'rite Box P 430 Daily Pilot. Moo PACKER-HANDLER • Great job rvr ambitious 11.S. grad. SHIPPING- RECEIYING e Finr: learning and growth opportunity for H,S. grad., Jn good physical condition, 1villing to work for ad· \•ancemen. e l\·lust have good driving record. TF.Cl lNICOLOR, INC. 1300 Fra\\'l<'Y Dr. Costa J\lesa Equal opp0rtun1ty employer t.todr1!1 Five Part Time *MODELS* MOTEL r.tAID COLONIAL MOTEI. 1967 Ne\','J)Ort Blvd .. Cilf * MOTEL MAID * 5.1&-254.l Nursing RN or LVN californla lie., 12 to 3, APPLY l N PERSON Huntington Beach Convalescent ll0spitt1l 18792 Dcla\1·are St., 11.B. Nurses LVN 7 am to 3 pn1 full lime & JI pn1 lo 7 an1 part time. NURSES AIDES 11 pm lo 7 an1 Park Lido Convalesc('nt Cenlcr·, 466 Flagship Rd, Nev.•pt. Beach NURSES AIDES Exp'd. 2d & ~. shills. Tnq. pct'lionncJ r!c pt. tloag l\1cn1orial Hosp, N.B. Islander Yacht! will in!rr· 'N7t]~R~.S~E~,~L~V7N,_-o-c-=R7N~.~<or v1c-w girls betll'C<'n lhe ag!'S ...._i.Jary. Sunlight Con v a I of Z2--2R for part time model. 1-fo~p'L &16-776'1. 1ng. Girls must be avail. for ---------- the• Long Beach Boa! Show, OC'lohE>r 14. Nov. 2. Contact illr. f'H~savoy. 6,lfi-7134 hr'· twetn 3 & 5 p.m. !I-Ion. Oct. 6th. OU1i.:e newport . personnei _agency SJ3 DOVER DRlVt: NJ::\\'PORT BEACH 642.~70 Ins Undewriter • , • OPERATORS •• , Expcric-nced in ~lngle needle and overlocks. Good piece \VOrk prices, s!eady work. EDDY !110SS J.JQ.12 Locust ~t.. Westminster: 534-8738. ORDERLIES • 'Vilt train, l ~t & 2nd, ,1;hiJts. Jnq, prrsonnrl dept. Ho a g !llemorial Ho~p .. N.B. PAYROLL CLERK TO $525 COSTA MESA Pf'('fer rxperieho:'e on 18i\1- ho11~vcr 1vill train . Profit PRODUCTION WORKER 'Von1en For ll;ind & "J\lachin!' Produciion \Vork Pleasant conditions LJ.'isu1>-e_ \Vorld. Top procluc- Apply in PrrsOn ers only, 'Ve are particularly THE HARTLEY CO. interested in men with man. 1987 Placentia Av•. agrrial ability·,~ ambition. Costa Mei• Call Mr. '\'right "P"U'°B'L"l c--s"P'"E~A"K"'E .. R"S-1 1714) 83(). l SIS Ir you can recruit & train, or H vou have ever had a Sales cou~ in puhllr. ~peaking. WE ARE LOOKING there 1nay he a. place !or )"QU FOR MEN WHO ARE 1\·ith our Nat'! Co, i11ook LOOKING AHEAD J\1oo\"l, 436 \V, 6th St., TUS· L€t us tni in YO\l for a cat'1"er tin. 541-~302 in 1nsuranc". An opportunity RECEPTIONISf 1n learn th~ bustne~ & e.arn SECRETARY extra money on a parl ttme basis, h<'f.,rc lr~vlJlg your We are looking Jor a mature. prr~cnl ,inh. Bl'l'Ome a full warm, ambitious y o u n g time Agent 11·hen f1Ualllied won1an with a nrat ::.p-with ii n11ni1num guaran!eed pea ranee and ex c c u t I ve per month. • abilities 1\hO is willing to I G learn a highly sµccializ€'d Farmers-ns. roup prolcssion. \Ve are a young. 1 _E_d_L_a_n_i ____ l_40_·_1_834_ agi.:rc:;sivc fast n1ov1 n g:l·---------lir1n. opening a n('w office Sales unsideJ on October 20th 111 Costa Me.<: a. Please :o;e nd Thi~ is an invitallon 10 join handv.T1:1en ~rsume to Bos a rapidly expanrling man- Pb~9 Daily Pilot 11[11r1urcr of marino hard· RECPT $400 '"ar<' for !he l,.,is\lrl' in· Lovely oUiccs. bea1·h city. dustry, for a subsidiary Friendly atmosphere, Xlnt of a 1na.ior Corp, located Company. in Santa Ana. JASON BEST I''" ttquire an insitle salPs rf'presentat11·r \\'ho has flrmonstratert rompe1cnc(' in custQmrr ... erv1cc arvl orclrr erl1!1ng Profi1·irnry Jn \1-rttten anrl or;1.I Mi'- l't' ... pnndrnce 1 ... a n1u.~1. J..;n'l\.\'h•tlgc ol hoating ls hf'!pful, but not a require. n1ent. f;mp!oyrnent 1\!l:l'nC)' 1120 51. !11111n. Nnla Ana e RECEIVING CLERK Excellent bcnellts Apply In perw n, Personnel Dept. J. W. ROBINSON Sal" ESCROW OFFICER Outstanding opportunity for exp'd. sales escrow officer to \\'Ork in our new ?t1i!slon -Viejo, Savings & Loan office. Must be capable of handling ~airs ,scrows for conven!lon. al loans. Xlnt working, cond. & opportunity for puwth. Contact 00\VNEY SAVINGS.\ LOAN ASSOCIATION 837-4911 Sales PART TIME i\lake rxtra mont-y for Christ" n1as sho.,.•ing prestige gifts .. Choose ov.·n hour.1, day or evr. \Viii Ira.in, Vivian Wood- 11rd Cosn1clics, 38 Town and Countt-y, KJ&.5441. SALES EXECUTIVES !11/f· 5 nee<led immed. Advertis- ing or &ales exp. helpful. Promoted or out within 60 days. UnH1nited potential. D!'aw avail. SUNDAY fl·lAIL. INC. !llr. Larrabee. !21.lJ 691-8116 SALESMEN $800-$1000 + comm Orange County T•rritorv N11mncr one gmwth lndu.~try. Drgree+2 years sales exper. iCn<·I'. R1v1era Employment Agency Inc, 4G61 ?tfacArthur Blvd, Suite 2m. to $750 EPF" "J\Jin1mum ot 5 years ag('ncy eXperi('nce for comn1ercial, + \vork- n1ans comp. Growth op· portun1ty! sharing p!us good ben~litli. · r 1·-• NB Fashion s "-'"'· .. Riviera En1p!oyment I ~--'-'-~--'--·- !! this key posit1Qn sound! 1ntercstini:; to you. and t! yc>u're looking for an ex· Citing position \\'ith pos. &lbtlity of ;i(lvanccmenr, \\Tit" to 11s stalini: your quali/11.:a!iollS, aceo1n· plishn1e111~. and salary hls!ory. Newport Beach 54D-6370 SALES Sarah Coveniry has openings for fl or .Pt timr- Xmas sales. P l easant, dignified work \\'/no in- ve,..l., co lle c lioni; or rlt•l1vi>1·irs. Choose your own hrs. J\1in. age 21. For intv. call: 5-10-0614 k 96Z..S69l F/C Bkkpr to $650 ERF Thr(>ll~h profit & loss to 1•·nrk \\'ilh _young dyna· n1ic 1)('u11I<·. l\l11st be flex· ihlr. Land dev.elr.l!'Jmcn\, Satcty fo $600 EPF JI)() -"h, lY!~ &15, diC1il - J•h nnr, ~nrid on t.f'l"rhnn~· \~1th stable background. Mrktg Se cty to $550 EPF Sa!r~ or n1ark<>ting-r>Y· p<'r irnrc r<'']Uirf'd, S h, 80, lypr. :-i:J. En gr Secty to $550 E PF Eng1nrl'r111<: ti:rminolngy a niust Sh 80, type 55. Sele$ Promotion/PR $SSO +Comm 1/2 EPF, t/~ APF Exc('llcnt opportunity [or a sharp fl('l 'Snnahle J11d.v 1<·ho Pnjoys •l'orkino: \\'lth Bkkpi::, crrdil <'Xp<'rience, pcopl!', fle.xiblc hour .... Gen Office to $500 Fee negotiabl• ha.nking or fin11nchi.I ex· per hPlrful. Type 50 \\·pm. i:omr'IClse ov.·n cQr· rcsrondenr<' for an f'.'<cel- le nt opportunily v.·i\h a nc\v firm in our area. Escrow Secty to $500 'h EPF, 'h APF 2 yeoars rxf)f'rie.nce prr-- fen·ed for a top notch or ganlza t ion "·Ith beau ti· ful off.i ces. Payroll Clerk to $4SO ERF :J\l;inual &. data prCK:C'S~· Ing knov,-Jedge req1.1iJ·f'd \\'i lh a minimum o! one year f':Xpcorlence. Recpt/Typi1t $633.33 APF Mu~t bf! attractivt-'~:ith a maturr-attitude. enjoy an opportunity lclo ad· vnncc "'ilh a fa.st grov."- ing oraaniiatlon. • EPF, employer pays t.• .. APF, applic1nt p1ys fee • ERF, company reimburses f•• DAJLY PILOT \V A.tVT ADS! Agl'Jl('y, In<'. R!'s!aurant 4&17 !lfacArth11r Blvd, St1ite 2(11 Ne\\·po11 Br.ach 5-KJ..6.1j(l PAYROLL TRAINEE Pr<-rare P'J)'l:'oll for da111 pro- fr~ ... 1ni;. hg~t typing, grneral f1ffi!'f" e:qlf'l'!l'!lCo', MISS EXEC AGENCY ·110 \V, Coast i-!'l"Y. N""f"l1·1 fl•'a•·h fi-lfi·l9.~9 PARTS COUNTERMAN IMPORTS F'll11 tin1r. GOQ<I l'O. bcl'l<'fits. Plo:>a~.1nt \.\'Orkin.I? rri nrlit1ori. Apply in rtr~on. 1966 Har- hor, Qi~!a M"~il . ••• PBX • • • I Al'\5\\"Prini;: serv. nrerls '2 opera!ors t pm to 6 pm, 5 day \l'k. 121-'\:ll 5".1~2222 PROGRAMMER Pr'Oct01m 11('11• app!ica· uon,1; and reports and re· t·i~c rxi~ti ng pi'l'.li;:rams on lB~. Sys!en1 360 compu. trrs. .R('qllil'("O; 2 lo 3 years cxpericnl'C in pro- ~rammlng. utili:i.:ing disk oprrating syi;tem, COBAL and ALC language, Ex· pcrienre in telecrimmuni· cations beneficial. BA de- il"l'1! preferred. Contaot or -Send R4!sume to Bert Mills ( 714 J 546-8030 J3J3 !{arbor Blvd. Costa. Mesa. Cahf. 9'1b26 r.tISSILE SYSTEM! DIVlSION ATLANTIC RESEARCH CORPOR.AT TON A Divl.!lton of lhe Susqueohanna Corp. An equal opportu.nl!y en1p]r)yer BUSIEST m11rk!'ll)lnet' In to1vn. Trie DAILY PILOT \las!iiffed liCt !ion. Sa ve moOl"y, time A: cUort. Look now1:1 Ancient Mariner no1\' taking applications for Full & part lime, day & e1·f' ... shifts. e KITCHEN HELP e DISHWASHER e BUSBOYS Apply in Jl"'l'S()n 2&07 W, Coa~t H"1'· Ne\VJlQrt Brach * DISHWASHERS *BUSBOYS 18 )'t,>ar" or vldcr, Parl llm~ f'ull time APPLY IN PERSON REUBEN E. LEE ISi E. Coast Hwy. Newport B•acli Scnrl to Daily Ptlol, Box ~! 512. SALES:\lAN~ Serv Sia. Full time. ~\v1ng shift. Must he SAL ES: 1•1 or pt l\n1e, and neat in Appearanc<'. See ll;ive fun \\'l11lc you \vork. .J[m. 2590 Newpor!. C.i\t. Yriu r;in fl;( your own hours Sales and e~rn as niuch as you HAVE F'un! !11akr money want hy showing our lovely loo. Be a "Tri-Chem" in- je"'"elry. No 1 n ve s I'm t , s!ructor. 962~9990 R69-I9;l.1 ur aft ·l .10 pm.1 ;5~A"L"E"s°'LA""o~v'.~'~'~""~,:-.:1,~,:-;;1,;;;11 ~G-61!!.i time \\'ork in sportswea.r Sales EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY r>fajor nation.-1.J Ji["' ini:uranc~ l'V, wllb mutual funli brok· er/dealer is exr-nfling i!s Nev.·port oUice. Complett- personalized u-11.ining, lnvoJv. lhg hoth estate creation & conwrv11tion Substantial in- vesllnent will be_ made by ~hori. The Sport Nook, 4SS E. 17th St., C~I. SALES -l:arn 1noney wlth no investn1ent. Sar ah Cnventry need~ full & part-time help. No delivery: we train, For interview call 54:>-6100 ,,----,-------1 C.1. 1n qualified applicant RC'Staurant hettveen 24 & ~5 with ~'l'.lllegr Restauranl: Part time help background. Write Daily 'va nted, mA!llff' T! er t5 on · Pilot Box M 519. SALES, full·•ime. Hosiery & handbags. Mature woman. Leed's ShOe Store, So. ~t Plaz.a.. Contact Mr . Phelp,'! School Enrolment CoutlS(!!Of! Ion~ range program. Call f\.1anager MS--0440 Mon·Fri 9--5 S2.00 h:r/ 545-9863 Nurse.s LVN 's T.., train 11 .~ venl-puncturie nuni;ts 1n our expanding la· boratory. Shirts 6 am • 2:30 pm g, 2:.10 pm • 11:00 pm. Apply Person""l Dept. Hoag ?t1emoria1 H~pital 301 Ne1vport Blvd. Nt>\.\l)Ort Beach R. N. -ASSISTANT OJ RECTOR 11 to 7 ShifL NUl!SES AID&S-LVN Experlf'nced only. Large ex- tiellded care hospital bas 0Pl!"nl.ng1 on all shifts, ROY ALE' .....,,,. SAILBOAT auild1r., -:;;; foreman w/top bkg:rnd in the industrie!';. Unus. opp. 121 ~1 321--832:1 Coll!'CI, T'ITT: SUN NEVE=n-s=E:t=s~o-n Classlfled'11 action powtr, For an ad to M'il around the clock. dial 642-5678. 5.t.LIS Ever think you'd he good. at selling life insurance? lHutual f1mds? Inveslntenl co1mseling? Or did you ever wish you could sell all three? We're on@ of the f!W w ho Is now In all thrtt, And I'm ready to offt-r thf!'. right man a n executive 1;ale11 opportunity. Selling broad.spectrum rtnan· c:lal plannln~ to indlv!dua!! and busine&<ies. Rr-pre- 11entlng a f1 rst-ratr $3-hl\l!on company. With a 1rainlng salary up lo $850 a month plus opportu· nllies for additional Income. And prospect' hlKh Jn th(' flre-flgure range. If this sound.~ like. your rup of t~a. c:er!I nit ftt S42-5623. f'Xt. 321 or 1vi·l1c Box M686, Delly Pllut. t •d llke to hf'ar from )'OU. SECRETARY Marketing backgroU11d0 typ.. : lng, 60, shtd 80, large com-• pany 1,1.·ith Excellent bene- fits. MISS EXEC AGENCY 410 -w_ Coa!t Hwy. Nr"·port Beach 646-3939 SECTY TO $500 Local Co. "'ill reimbune 11. ter 90 days, Also fee joba Independent Personnel Agency 1n6 Orange Ave .• SUite C : CM 642-0006. 54><>1.19 ~-~--c'=~~--1 . .. Secty. {Exec) $6SO -$725 J\1ahlre \\'/ Xlnt ~kill."l' And stabll' work background. Will work for e.'<eculive of Or. ange Co. nllg firn1. Fee pd by Co. F"ee jobs also J . R. Pierce As.we Agency 1885 Ne"•'PQrt, CM 642-6720 • • SECRETARY To Tlie Chief EnginHr Shprthand and dictaphone experif'nte required. Will train for vantyping and preparati<:>n o! U.S. Navy provisioni ng anrl certifica- tion data sheets for U.S. rov. ernment. CLA·YAL CO. l 7tli & Placentia Costa M•1a 548-2201 An equal opportuni!y employrr SECTY JR. $420 Beaut surroundings, Laguna. Good oppty for girl w/lite skills. Call Kay, 546-5410 JASON BEST Employment Agency 2170 So. f\.!aln, Santa Ana -SECRETARY- MARKETING DEPT, Fas1 growinr consumer pro- duct manufacturer needs girl v.·ith top skill, tor re· sponsib!e secretarial posi· t1on. Shorthand 100 wpm, t)'JlC 7o wpm, ilolust have in· itiative, New hlrlg., Irvine Industr1aJ Complex. Excel- lent company benetits, Call Jor appl. POLYOPTICS, INC. ~22~ SECT'Y, mi n 4 yn; exp. id. fikill~. interesting varif!d liuhes 1,1.·ith satlboat mfg. firm. Call i\lfl'l. Stuart 540-7070. SECRETARY. full time . fast growing Construction Co. Exp. necessary. 53&-2579 -SECURITY GUARDS Ne\.\·port area. 637.3010 SERVICE SfATION needli experien ce d man . Permanent. Good working conditions. Daya. Union OU, 39317th St., Costa Mrsa. SERVICE 11latlon attendant Good v.·orking conditlon1. Permant-nt. Days. Apply Arlan Chevron, 3190 Harbor, Ci\'!. SERVJCE station aa.le5man. exper. Opportunity for gOOd man, olde-r nan I i' n e • Chevron. Adatm & Magnolia, HB. SERVJCE Sta. Mtn: I-Daytime. 1-part t i m r f!'ve11. Mu111 havf! i!"xp. & a haircut. 490 E. 17th St. C.M. SERVICE Sta:lon. exp'd, tull time, pennanent, aolary I: comm. 990 E. Cotut HW)', Newport Beach. SERVJCESla, A t tnd n 't . Exp. nee. See r.tike at AIRPORT TEXACO. 4678 Cnmpu11 Dr. Newport Beach OIARGE IT! Mort Help Wonted on Next Pagt ------~ ---·-------·---·-~------··-·-····· ···--·-----------------------------------------------------... -:-- 3% DAILY PILOT • JOiS l EMPLOYMENT Job~n, Wom. 7100 Jlfort Heir> \\lo,1Ud o" Privzow PaQ« SE\\'f.lt.S. rxpr.rle1'K.'t<d. Ap- J\ly ;,25 J"'urrsl A11~ .. l..!t.guna Bi•aeh. '497-1131 Sl::ll'ING 111arh1111• opcra1ur~. J:::Xp'r1, lop pay, irlral rond. 1 ~ t\1onr"O\'L8., C.t-.1. SHIPPING AND RECEIVING Youn~ man lnr ~11pping :ind R,.(.,..1vir1i; Dt-111. :\\u~t 011n dr1~··11tl,1bJ,. tr11ri~port11 I 1011 G··n\•r;1! r•l~nt 1na1111rn:111t'<' PT'"., <l<JY ,\;hill. Apply !fl p1:t·- so11 ~ a1n In ~ pn1 POLYOPTICS INC. l~r; 1·: 1 ·:0·11,.~u' . ...,,.. B"'""''n :0..1 "fli•rt ~\11'. & 1~r1!11111,, Sn .. 1 \\ .1rn"r Sl'I>\"~.\· l11Jy~ Hi-ill;, SJ.7-. hr •"llnm. I-hHlll'-, Allo•r ... !invt A. I\ kl'tllb. BU}l!\I'~~ 1l\ind1•1I IM1ys only. Sht•uld ha11• lr<Jll"P· t;7;,...11 1:i all !i ;\\'lTCHHOAl~D. 6 j, 1· ~ 1'"''krnd". P .-. rs on a I Ill· fl')"\'i(•\\' 111111'! Li··· \\'1111!' Mi'.lfldly, Octllbn' 6, l W.9 MERCHANDISE FOR MERfHANDIS! FDlt SALE AND TRADE SAL.E AND TRADE SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN Show Room -Floor Sampl•s -Factory Cloi..auts 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE $389. • 5 pc. authentic Spanish Bdrm. s•t, • 96 in. quilt.ct sofa with 56 in. matching love seat, or chair • 5 pc. Spanish Dinette, oak table top • 3 h eavy Mediterranean matching tables, top durable enough for Flam~co Dancing. W ill sell pieces individually. Shop F!r\f! Then See Our Unb elie'tabte Buys! 1001 other items with terrific savings! l3ank 'l'ern1s Slore Char ge Master Charge J1ankA1nericard All Accepted APPROVED FURNITURE 21S9 HARBOR, COSTA MESA I:.! Yt .. tJ':-. _..:11uc : •\J!u,11 ... J1 11t· 011 111·1, Daily 9 .9 e Sunday 10.S • 548-9660 CllT}'"lrr -l~!.vnioulh, lWil ==========~=========== f\f'arh Bh·d., llun!. Brh. Furniture TRAINEE 8000 Garage Sile 8022 CARPET, !\hag. hi-Jo NEW $1 SQ. yr!. 396 llamllton. C.M, Soturdo.y only. RUGS, h11nps, 1·11rta1ns, d•~h1~S. J1gh1 fl\:!Uil!S, 1l1'u1n i1r1n s, ,\·11~•· .. fl.l,~-.1900 MEltCHANDIS• fDlt SALE AND TRAD! MERCtfANDISI POil SALE AND TRADE -------TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION FREE TO .YOU S.ilbo.lts 9010 Motor Homa 9'l1J P i1not & Or91n• 1130 Miscell1n.ous l600 1-----'-'-'-'---'= 2 WVE:ABLE l"'r~ndly ma.I" ** SABOTS * * e e YAMAHA * AUCTION * brnlh•" """' I yr, oox-SUPCR f'/G RAC I NG ir~er c.'01nb. JIB Gd tor \\'/SAIL PIANOS & ORGANS U you ...m Atll or buy older i::hlltll"E'n, had rabtes REG. SJ:il. ONLY $249. S..-e 1~ et1rnplete Une at: give Windy a lry 11 ho t ~. \V i l I d a 11 v e r I NT R 0 01'~1''EH.--SUPPLY COAST MUSIC Auctions 1'"rlday 7;30 p.m. 893--19•11 10/6 L~1'ITJ. -------- CONDOR 2J sleepr. 6, fully eqUJpP"d $9900, 548-18~2 Motorcycl" 9300 NEWPORT la l·IARBOR Windy's Auction B11rn FREE Adorable blat'k pup-'fRANS PAC, 645-0'll.! CO~A J\tESA * fi-!2-2851 Behind Tony'a Blda:. Mat'l pies, 6 \\'k~. 548-4~. 2'110 SNIPE, Cbrgl hull, dacm BELL 11 EU.1ET Open JG-£ Fri 10-9 sun 12 .. i Z075Y, NewpoM., CM 646-868$ Orange, C.t\I. 10/7 Mils, JI.Int racing <:ond. See $25 G nd D al Bahia Corinthian Yacht Call J ohn a tter 6 PM NO\\'-i'C'nt a Baldwm piaoo p ra ~ning SALE I 2 lovable healthy CaJico ki!. O uh, $9j0. iocl trlr & cover. 645--0397 foe l'OW' t".:hild for ~·'.00 emeo lan"3 -fish • 1\C~ss 1"M, 8 weeks needa aood -'Tl ' Tl 0 Ch>.-r1cr Jalllcs !'>1nul. f'.!13! I I -" ~ )(Jn I w Pr k. Pro!rssional 1n.. :S t Pl CAL f'l5.ll homl'". 542·7006 -o'"'" ""· t coll(, ~" Ed. c~ M 1.;;;cc:cc.,:.=,.:=:_____ 3 3 Z-8 31 5 , eves 1213> '-·· ·' I I'" :1lru<'l1on available • li"sults """"" incer \!!:' agnolia) ........ mueege, -"' guar.i.nreed. Shop "v it r y ;;;~',;'0~1n0'7.V~"1i=•Yc_:•:,.:M~2-4530:::::·::::._ PETS and LIVESTOCK 312-7961· Call 5'19-In7 TRANSPORTATION 9600 ENGUSH FORD ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES· SERVICE '69 MODELS Immediate delivrry LARGE SELE:CTION Theodore ROBINS FORD 2000 l larboc B.lvd. Costa ~1esa 642-0010 nigtit & Sllnday afternoon. KlllBY Vacuum cleaner with SEA Sc out '• despera!"ly '68 l\IATADOR 250 CC l\l klll Y.'ARD"S BALD\VJN SfUDIO attach & polisher. Xlnt cond P•ts, General 0800 need a J\1AIN sa11 for 22 Clean. Helmet & blke strap. ·~~=='="=====ol 181!1 Nt'l.'.'PCll"!, C.t-.1, 6~2-8484 & guaranu·ed . Pay oU baJ of . f'OOT ALB AT R 0 s s . SY.Jj, 5'18-4036 GERBIL r.1ous!" \\'antM or 642-5769 UPRIGHT ptano, p1;1inted $39.67 or take over pymnts. inlo. on how to obtain one ;:.:::.::::::________ '67 Hond11 Supcrhawk, 30'.Jc<", wl11!r, S7J. Suitable lor ~C7~7.d=;=1 ="='~P71 c53c5-:..c7o:l8c9___ 834-5730 ·USED Balboa 20 lill'.f'd keel '.'l:!nl cond. Sac S3!1J. '68 ----------- FERRARI larn1Ly room. 673-66:.?4 WANTED Ladies & Girls sailboat. Couldn't cell fn>n1 Suluki 80cc $160. fi?J..1061 FERRARI ,..uaHty used rlothing °" C1t1 182 new, Tmrnaculi>Lc! $:JOJO. ON I N-lmporta Ltd. Qr.. Television 1205 Lease Color TV or Black & \\1hlle. Opllon to buy. }'rec i;ervicr. No depos11 A-Active 1·v Ilental Co. (]) 52'.l-1 153 21" f..f"'111 !h Por table .S.10 21" RCA Color TV $135 213 : 92:\-471(} \VILL p;iy $2j for real portable TV. &12-3.'.'.:l6 good Z~Nrr11 n portable, 14". 1nelud1ng stand. Xlnt rond. J\lr. Thom11s (7141 521-{;588 Hi.Fi & Sf•reo 8210 IF' you or anynnt' you know ~re !ook111~ for a gOOd huy on a Sti::rro, J have several .., 0 Cati JI.ton, "'1ru Fii, ~·12-8782 '68 H DA 'frail !XJ x nt ""~""', consignment. 1''urs, hflts, ~P-E-R-------~:::::1:':":"..:~"o..~"~.'..~~~~ I con<!. S250, '68 Honda 50 $SJ. ange County's only author· bags, casuals, shoe.<;, f'lc. SIAN Can1eo kitten $25. LIDO 14, fully equipped incl Lo tniles. 96't-4018 ized deale.r. Cail 54-1-9311, Tues thru Sat, 5 months old Cameo Pen;ian r11c1ng ~ear & hwy crailer.1-"'--'C-'.C..:C.:....:..:..___ SALES-SE:RVlCE·PARTS 9: 30 to 5:30. niaJe, all shots. I 0 v e 6 Like ~w. M4-137tl 260 Yan1aha 1965 $200. 3100 \V. Coas t Hwy. children $35. 540--9200 ExCE'~lent condition a ll 6 Pto.·I Nel.'.'port Beach r.10DERN \\alnul Ible z, 6 --=~~==-=-==---KJTI:; -excellent condition 642--~S!I 642-9405 5<.10-1764 chairs S70, 2 Lane wal. end SIAi\lli:SE KITTEN $6..'iO. Shore 1TIOOfill£ $1~ per Authorized Fe1Taii Dealer tbl.-s $•10, 1 :ie·,••ing mach, Chcx:. Pl. i\1ale, 12 \Vb nionth. 675-2916 HONDA 50, ~ engine as is te nsion adj needed $20, ""'""'"~=*=>0IS-~M~l~8=*==~-PENGUIN :oailOO...t 1 I 1,11 • $50. FIAT 5r.J-2j 19· SIAMESE KITTENS w/saU r.: trailer . Top con-615-102~ 7,c.;"-'------.. -,_-·~PORSCHE 1600 U, Xlnt ----------1 8xl:l Trlr tt\\'nlng incl .. ,. Purebred Sl:>. &12-5953 dition $125. 837-8598 1 '68 fo'1a1 124, ~fll l:pe, r&h, fl('red covrr S75. 27" 1V =========='=:l·-w.o'isRii'"lc'41T'<$IlilOOOM-I cond. New t1rrs. t: utch. I =.' 8825 H IE A SI800 finn. 5-1~3:.115 air, n1ai; 11·hcrls. lo\v con.sole, 4 $pkrs "'' Dogs * '194-0137 * •19-t--8.l2.ll rve~ 5:J&-1131 ==========I '68 KAl\'A&Ak:I 35o $5:!0 11r ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=-I Carpet layi>r has Hi Lo DUE lo ftf'W landlord must Power Cruisers 9020 Best Oller. Stl \V. Center alt nylons $1.99 yd. Shags ftncJ a good ho1ne for a very 6. 2950 Harbor, Ci\1 9-6. fron1 $3.5() up + my la bor, friendly 2 yr, old smal.I mLx CRUJZON 16' Cabin cruiser 9()(' per yard. 968-6910 Shepherd_ Ulve~ a.II children \\'Ood/fbgls. molor & trlr. and a<lulU. 836-56n ~-54:>--4588 C.Oun. R('po111ng J\1ach+casP like new, Cas.S('t(f' TAPF. AKC Rcgi'!l~red Ger man rerorder, ,,\Yee!(' jatket, all Shephcrd-P'i)s for sale. 1 Speed-Ski Bo1ts 9030 male & 1 len1ale $65.00 and Xlnt, phoni> 675-6.'JJ8 $40.00 gg9-59-1,1 16" TAHITI, J\otcrc 125 OLYMP IC TV Con.o;ole stereo-.,--~~~~~~=--I Xlnt Cond, Custo1n ln- Auto Services & P1rts 9400 Holley Spark Plugs l lii;h pc1i orn1 ancr hlr all types of cars. HILLMAN '60 1111.LllAN, 4 SJ><! + htt '5n l!illn1an for spa.re pai1s. St7a. 9ti2-ll!i79 JAGUAR Typ1sl ACTIU'ate typ1,;;f \\<tlJ\f'd. II ill 1nun ti) oprrt1 t.-. r•urwtwd lape 1y pc•1T1tf'!". l' r 1 111" /\cwport B<·arh. Ca l l Barbar<1. &1;:..(11~11 r>I:., •'I<" ! "ll<J1("1• "' .'>p .• nl'lo "T l\I01lrrn sryl•· 1969 Com 1ioncnL & [)('luxe Appliances 8100 1 •:onsole nlOdcls tha1 I am li- quidating lo raise need"!d LAftCE: scll'Ct1on uf recond~ <:ash. No reasonable offer uoned appl1;i1u."Cs, reJMlll, a p. \\'111 be refu sed. Terms can Jlhanc.<(!s fl"Oni niodei homes be arrangl'd. 5.15-7289. AJ\1 /Ft'.l. l.o1vrcy Organ w/ * flt IN I AT U RE te1ior 5'IB-81.!15 bench. Both Xlnt, :sac~ SCHNA UZEH.S. c hainpionl------------ 962,15595 ~~~79 AKC reg., eves. Boat Mainten1nct1 9033 $589 National Speed C1nt•r 211 0 S. Harbor, Costa tllesa 646-6700 0f)t"n '!ii 9. 6 on Sat. '68 JAGUAR X!<E c::on- vert1b!e. Ch1'0n1e w 1 re \\"heels. All For $249 \\I0'.\1E~~\\'urk in 0"11 hon1r , vour hr:o1. S~ --Sl:il. 11 k. f•ltft i1rnr. 11thr111s1nJ.: N1lrs, l Jll rlu111g 11, so •'an ,\ou. Call Jran1n<', ~ rn 11 A.\!, i\lun. TUP~. \\'rd. t);lfr\1~~3 Xo do1•1n Pnu~. only S9 ino. WELK'S WAREHOUSE -all i.;uar;intced. '°===';..,~--c,.. __ \\'c &·rvu·.-. _ \VI' Fuiance i\lARANT'l 2j r eceive r, DUNLAP Bozak 302 B s peak e r CA.R.PET installer has one roU, avocado nylon carpet, double ju1e Mcked. \\1ill sell all or part, $3/yard_ 5'1{)..Tl45 COLDSPOT ;iulo '>l.'lndow a ir cond , 11.COO BTU, used 6 JTIOS. $12:). !"i-16--0459 eve!! QHali ty king bl'd-quiltcd 1.00 11'. ~Th ~L. ~ui !a Ana l)f1••n U;i1ly ~l. !l S.ot . ~j-6 ~tin . 11-~; syst e m :'!, duaJ 1019 APPLIANCE tt11·ntabl(·. $700 or l>i.·st oUer, JSJ:i NC\l'po1·t Bl11d,, C.i11. 642-9!!38 ll('fon• 1 P:0.1 • 548-7780 • -WAITREs=s- EXPERIENCED ESPANO'L IN QUALITY ll'i\.':ill EH ! dryer, avoc<1do, Model Home Furniture s12: •. Refr1g-frost I.rec $1D. l'l"l'('ler ~-~lll--10!!:> .'11v111i::s lo 8~';, \/Pry r;i<.;y I c====-~---~ J111a11t·1n;::. :1 <"l"lrnpl1'1c rooms Kl':N\lOBE auto l\'ashPr, Apply in Person 01 .J<'l1!r'i1lol's s1ylrd Spanish la!e 1nodl'I. xh11 L'Ond. $75. SURF & SIRLOIN furr111urr. t:on.'lst1n1: nl 111 ... [>16-81i72. x.11-1n i:1 5930 Pac. Cst. Hwy. l;in11)11s (·lJ>ttun1 quality l\1a-1 -,-P-E_E_D_C_J_oo_o_,-,-,-.-"-,-,,,-,-,, Newport Beach drirl hv111i;: nllln1 i,:i'flup. The J;ite modrl, xln! cond. $50. ~~""-'-~~----1 on~Jndl ~-l 1-'n·si~!t•nt1• sPr•c-5 1&-86'1:1. 847-8115 1\10'.\IE~ • f.:\p'cl. Sf'llllll{ 1011~ 111;1 <;f~·r k1r11: ~11:r hf'{I--c--~-­ inachinc npi'l"!". to le11rn 1.1,,..Hn ,qJ1lr 1111d Ille aulhPt1l ll' ffi lGfDAIRI:: Gas dryer. ~h<'IC r i·fl<tll" !ra(lr. Sir·ady La Par. wro11Rl•l il'Jn dJll!'I\.-. $~. :->'18-4~:.iJ .1nh. ANTHONY 'S :-;J IU!·; ~,.1~. l.nuilrtJ sloi·k • S~S,~. :1:t0'1 A S111!r Av, Cl\T S~:RV. ;~·101 E. Cs!. Hiiy., H;u111li.,n ,:O:llownY1r11, :l!J lS Cd:\!. 67:~11-\l'c-~(1nni~!rr /\vP, \Vc~!n11us- 11cVcA=IT=rn=sc, =we,-. c, ",-,c.c,-,-,:-:c,-. I-'-"-· _.w!1~-.::1 .. ·-•------ Antiques 8110 I 8220 TAPE: RE:CORDER $10 stCl'f'O head pholl('s, $10 :2 10" Spe;1kers. S7.50 ea. Call John artrr 6 Pi\l 645-0397 Camer1s & Equip. 8300 Con1ple1c-unuscd $105, \Vor!h $2.50. Af! 5 & wknd~ 842-6536 UP RIGHT JlCA t~reezer $7j, Bedroom set, $50. cau !or appt_ 536-19-14 BRANO new Sear.; paint :;pra}·er, 5' gal £'ap_ Used 3 times, iv/extras, S50. 847-3%1 1.50rn1n PENTA.'{ Takomi1r Misc. W1nted 1610 lens, ~S."i. 5(lmm TES!SAft -----------Jen.~. PE:NTAX mount, $20. 90n1m WOLLENSAK cnlarg. 1ng RAPTAR lens. S20. 16 x 211 YA!'t1ATAR Bill()('ufe.rs, $'.!~. Call John after 6 P i\f, fi.1.:.-0397 $WE BUY$ $ FU RNITURE $ APPLIANCES 2121 E. Coast Hwy. C d J\t. fl1 ft~ITl,;l"l.f'.. .~-<'ab1m·ts !Lke AR.\101RE:::i ft /\RT Uusboy. Pref . .-.,p'rl. Apply: ~ou twvc nei<>r 1'f'cn ;d URll-:XTAI. * Silvf'r/~lass WOi\IEN _ N-!•I si·ai't:<I to :!"1 Ain.-.ni'll .s l;,r·;.:r~t .~· rnost ~ACI\ DOOH lt\tP06,r11_.;~k'~7,. Sporting Good"s thru· ti.11nrts 1t ii1.\. for sh1n+11c unu,ual un/1n1"h••1t r11rn1tu1'\'." l"''=!lli='='='='=d=~="c· cc=··="o·=='="o0 and chf'tk1n1: oul ... ho<'~. \\"111 storr. Cor Rf'dhill & :->anta 8500 Colo• TV1-Pia~ot-Sl1r101 1 Pi1t<e et' Howe Fclll CASH IN JO MINUTH • 541-4531 • 1Parh. Steady JVl.J. A,'J. J\n,1 ~\1 .\', 'J'u,1111. J nii SO. Sewing M 1chin•1 8120 THONY'.S SH()~; SEP,V, ui Nr.11·1xu•t J.-wy. Oren 3621---~-------l!J69 SJN t.:E.:!t 11/lx'aul 11·;,! :1401 !·:. Cs!, !lwy,, CDJ\I, day~ prr yr. ~"14-5470. t•onwll! & ·1.ig-1.a~. J\la kf's l~'="~-"=''0'"·===::;=="";,o;l flntNITL'ltJ.: 1·r1urnrd lro1n llu11on hnlf'.~. ovrrca.~!s. !') 7600 rl1spla.v sl11d10~. n1od•·I hn111-Yrar ~uar. Full pfll'e $38.24 Schools-Instruction .. ~. ,1,.!·r,,-, '"'"··· ,.,,,,, .. ,.11,,,,0 ... " -~ ~ " " fir .\,"1.lli lliO. :126-fJliJfi -C-OMPUTER-sp •• 111,h.\· \1,,n11rn·.1110·"''"'c. PROGRAMMING Wanted 6 M e n ·rn ~ART ('I.A'..: ~10\'Q,, V, ocr. J111h Thr-11111"11 fll'0\::'.r~n1 nlti•nnr: lhr ni'W('S! rqu1prn1•n1 & mn~I tn 11 d r r n f;1r ol1l 1f'~ avatlahlf'' .l run 1hr li•adf'f! Academy of Computer Technology Cn!I Sli"!Hil RD FURNITURE 1844 Newport Blvd ., CM {'\'l'J'V lli~h ! 'Ill '.l \\'~cl.. s.11. 1.,. ~11n_ '!!\ 6 BUXK ho'th, 11L1lnu!. lad.kt· .i;'.;;i, T11111 h1·d~. h r 11 s s lidlii'\I' .'i".!?i ra., dlnulg ""1. 11 ~11 1>/I ,hrs ~711 . COI!t'C It.I r .. 1";111 ~711. '1~l1-:;r::xi l•lilf":-;;il;:-n;-._,1·1~0·.~,cl;,-p-I" «lit·~! IJI <l!';i\V>'r,,, ~ :-=tra1ght 1•h:11rs, t1:1h1 ('r lh, b·I"' :;,o\f;i ~ an1 1{) S Pll'_ 1 ha1s1' !ouii~c X 1111scrll: .lQIN T!IF: r1F:Lf1 67:l--4;l!l:t \\"JTll A fUTUP.~:! G°'ll':ic.,c. -c1c,,c,,•k-c,,-c"-''c,-. ,-, ll~r rrduC':i.!1nn rlQ harrwr? 11Tour:hl 111111 n1;11, )11ni: b+''{J 1.rl us h£"l11 y11u q11al 11.•·. &-dn•ssu~ 1;1t1IP $;) ;i, lNNKl-~F:PERS IN.O,"TJTUTE fii~',!)\1111 !NTERNAT\0.NAL .. ~-------i\fotcl · Jl nlrl · 1\p1 l\!gmt !;:·h) if DO\\"N ~L•. •)t( 1' 11111 '. tip 1\ [)l\"JS:!ON OF' c·11~t1 1nn", :-.1111 •'•1ntli11n11. i\NTllO~Y :-:.C'!IQ()l.~ l l;1~"l('i(. .f\]10,c i I e tn s , 1i17 ~-BHOOKlllll~"iT hl~-~!(::: AN ,\!!J<l:'-1. CALlfUl'.;\I,\ ULl L 1. i.;"lrl hro1 ·1d1· , rn1rh Cla~'-''~ 1•11111 !'\1>ry 1 .. ,.k &• 11iJT! 11111~ , hoiU", '! PIK! Pll0\'1·; fOR APPT. 1 •• ~•I•· .~ p ol lo •• 1,,1 1!•. 1l:irk ..\~k l••r Brtl.Y 7i!;-."i~Nl "''•J •1 i\•·1 •<11+1,1r l1n1~h. ,\'rT~:l"TION LOVJNf; !'Alt°-All tnr ~1;o 1.11..·;ti~.1 E.'\ TS' Y()UTI I :'J'E~~Cll iJ.~J·_lJ-! 1,1 111::-1~;;:,, -,-"c,,_-.,-,,. \\'ORk:~l\OP. ,\J.!"~ 7 In 17 ch.011' ~d Dtot11',h 1•h11ir, bh"! 1 ... ·iun t<> ~rcr•k 11r ll, r1111 pc1 <.1n1 ... \lJ. 'I Ii •• t .11·1u1-;.i, :11r. Pl~JJ•'<'I Af!f'r ~··1111"•1 ~· '.>1~-.l·l~I ~'.!1111'!1!1~~-rr1vat(' \fr 1la~'-~.-.--.----~--1 •. 4~1 )!"')" t ~!~Jl .\l1•i<Tll \q•··d <!1•1"(11 ·, rl• 1 s. · • • .J ;, 1w, ",d1111t s:.:-:. l':ur 111 l'l1I::DENTJ,,I, 1r;.,·hf'r. ha\ lt1111v,, «111!..,'r lT)'l:•l. 1•1111 int; ""fl tn <':\•'rpnun.il Sl'l Th" r.•l·t"r.) .. >\.~\.1111 r rtur;ittilrt 11 ill g1\'1' linnir --· - h Qual11y k111~ ht'<l-f!ullto'd t1i1ronn1': 1n rrad1ng & mat · _ · Pt f;.\2-61120 Co1npl£'!f'-UllUl<C'1t s1n,1. \\flJ11i ~ . . t 2:1{l. Aft !i & 11kt11ls .~-12-' .. "tl6 VOCAi~ T<>rh. k i-01i:g 1n-_ . _ 1.-.rpt-elation. Britinners thru l'lNK t n i;id.i1T'f' rh:c·l_nr Advanl't'd. <1!l-t-!1.l40 alt 6 :0010,,·e. aurn rkH"k. '.\ln1, <.:.in "•l':Rl.t-tANDISE FOR. SALE AND TRADE 1ll'l1l'"r s1:1. 1;111-2.-11:1 ('(,u1 h S.~\ TYlll'll !'lt!l'r $10, H"11h•r S.I , Santlt.1/i Sti Cnb Furniture 8000 & llla111'('"1' SIU IM·l'll\i7 ·-"-==--- OVER -STOCKED Office Equipment 8011 MUST SELL! Musical Inst. 8125 ---'-' GIBSON ES 335 TO 1 111t:kups, Joni:: nrt·k. .Snlul t~.-ty, IY\fllChlr s'i. GtJ..1216 f':Vl'!l\Jl~~ '.\IARTIN AL TO Sax "'l!h St1n1so11i!e t:il1>1', ::oorl t'on- 1iil1i111, $:.':JO. :!l~IJO.-Oi~Z 1>vrn1ni::«. i31~0SA·,-,-b-;1.-s~-.-,-.-,-T-n->m_r><'_' 1•11h tu'w <.'t1sl'. $120. Ken! <'h•t· i::u•tnr, n!•11· ro111I. Goud fnr hl•i::1nrwr S~r1. !"iilR-4309 l!A,\l1\10ND BC f1rc;an. 2 L"i-lie s11krs. \\'nr1h ovrr $ \111);1. 1\IHhl Sell $1600. li·l"r1 ~•11 A .1\t. Uund.v ~;ixopl1n11(' S· <'<IS•\ rx1.~Jlrn1 rn11!ht1nn , Pianos & Organs 8130 ---- SURF'BOARDS 9':1" l lobie \Voody, 12' Qu igg Tandem, both for $~18. 673--06.12 Misce!laneaus 8600 ---"'- WE PAY CASH WE PAY CASH! ·1;4 Plyn1011 th Sport Fury, • NOT Checks 4-~pd tra11:o1, $6.10. Callers & 3at!lrr rlbl gall oven s~. 30 For GOOD, USED gal eler\ 11·1111•r hrater. S30. Fumiture. Stcre-0, TV or t "ah c.·on1mrr1·111I n1g !iham-ffousehold Item~ or 11ny kind. pooer &. 1\•.-.1 vacuum, both e 547-Snl e S.111. Sre r v('s & Sun: Call I"==~~~---~= 1>4&-00j.1 NEED brick.<; one to 1000, \\'f; have J>P vera l c.'Om- pl1n1rn!ary U1nncr C I u b J'.1c1nbrr~l11p~. :.!{XI (h10 for IJ/11~! FREE d1nnf'J'S. 11d- vrrl1~£'d ;ii $.J, uur price s1.:.o. 673-1862 rea~nably priced. 644-4687 FREE TO YOU . DUE to nt'w landlord must find a good hoine for a very friendly 2 yr_ old ~na.11 mix US!'.:O rcfriJ;::crutor. Small, Shepht'NI. Ulv\"s all cluldren n1 11~ good s2:1. Set 01 bunk :'c"c'1-='c"o"1c1o'·c.::'c"'o56c· c72:_ __ b1-rl~. romplf'tr .$30. 2 baby 3 BEAUTIFUL sen11-long 1·nb:.. good condition $7,i"J() &. haiN'd k1ltMis, 6 "''ks old. SZi. Can hf' :<!'en at 23Zl Sa1._ \\'ca.ncd & houscb1·kn. ·2 org 111 Ana A1·p. C.\I. & 11·ht, J blk & 11·h11. i\fus1 !ind home 1m1ned. BLUE & go ld bnx·arle couch S:ti-2;gj I0/7 & 111a10 hllll! ('h;iir, 2 end 1ahl<'s &_ r·o!fee tabl.-.. dar k 110..-l II' I NP~·pm111 r finish. All !nr Sfl) t;1ti-3629 ---.~~--GIBSON ES 335 TD 2 piekups_ l1ini:: nerl.. S.,htJ h•1f'I~. n1atthh'"S. fi!:o-t1-lt> E1·en>r1J:-~ Pl~BALL illarh1nr S:,O. 3:~ Fn1·rl VII 1nrh1-..n1:1! mti•r-•r \:.O, AKC bf'.'agli•s $2;}, ON!:: L1l!I<> r.·l;o.o;a Vrrde tlgrr ki11f'rl l<•f. 1\ it" o·utt•!<I ~t:.~r 6'~ wko; oltl N>'erl~ lri\P and a ho111e. ;..i0--44;~ 10!3 "P\JDD!Nt;· fluffy tr1ng-h;urPd 111111,. r ~ 1 , fllan·rlou~ gophrr a n ti ln<"lu:o;r ca!ch('r, I·: v,. ~ · 61:,....17:i,11 !016 AKC Reg. Bassel!. J yr old F REE Boat repair est. all shots & papers. $30: Trailer your boat lo !he 645-0715 ne1vesl, fastest boat ser vice Tru<ks 9500 KARMANN GHIA --...:.---~--- Al!Nl SCHNAUZER P UPS AKC in lhe area. Let us nu1ke your boat like new lno job too sinal]). \Ve also sell f iberglass supplies. Open 7 PATlT time hon1e nrp,;lcr! for dys/1vk. S1, Hema.rd in Cdt-.1 a rea. WtND AN' SEA 675-7·188 l 737 Superior POODLES-show q u a I . Costa r.1csa. 6-12--7607 r;tarxl. pup~. 14 \\'eckfi. Perm I=========== shots. houSl'broken. 642--3449 Marine Equip . 9035 SIX adorable puppies, "I 2 Chrysler V--8 210 hp !\larinc mo's. PoodJPfT<'rrirr to.lorn, eng's, c:omp. wi1h manifold, asl'd colors. $5 ca. !!62--3072 aHcr na1or & vrlvel drive. 5 Cute. puppie~ 10 good hon1e. Gel. n inning cond. Bo1h for P c k e -a -p o o b r e" cl $1 200 or "'ill sell separately. 673--464] 10/4 536-8891 SCHNAUZERS. f\1in. AKC I =======.===~ pups. Show nr pets, Stud Boat Slip Mooring 9036 service, 833--036.:::_I ___ ~ NEED: 41' bont s lip f\'B BEAGLES, lt>n1a!es. Ak:C area. \\!rile Dally P ilot, Box l'eg, 11 "'·k~. ·rri-(.'Olor, to.I 510 * 5J6.ti019 * KL~O nioor1ni:; or clock for 1968 CHEVROLET l/2 TON PICKUP f'l('ets1rle, VS, automatic transn1i!!Sion. raclory a i r, custu1n c11b, \\"rst Coast mlr· rotll, chro1ne 11•ht-el">, heavy duty rubber, 1·1.0CIO original Ol.'.'ner mile<; Lu· l3~B ll499. . o~,~fl~ ~ -'"' ~d9-::031 Jo:xt. 66 or 67 19iO HARBOR BLVD, COSTA ~1 E."A * VANS* DACJISllUN DS, .show quality <17' boal tor Oel. !!2:8-j1{l6 * JO to Choo~ h'On1 fled, black & 1an. Chan1p1on l-::========== I * P1iC"f's strtrl a! Si'ISS -==5='""'=·=·='="=al='='=·="=<--0=::;:";:'=1Boat·Yacht * Snm" v.·\Th V-8 & auto -Chart•rs 9039 e 3 Oub \\'agons • Horsu 88301---------KUSTOM MOTORS --~--·---'-CC l 'ii YR. old 8dy F illy .$200 or SA IL (_:Al'. 24 S7.1 per, clay. 845 Bakrr SL, 01 54°'5915 best oll<'r. C11I 36, $!i0 ~ICI' day, Sleeps Auili .I.II. dlr. -OP<'n '111 9 008-j()Sl 6. 714--,1116--2!l;i7. '63 COP. V AJ_R r a m p s 1 d c "'I L s u · PIU. S32:1. S 1• A L he an!!, c h 1 Id Mobile Homes 9200 96,S.jR_'JI broke, daplc P'l'Y .$75. Mobile Hom• Sales :i.1;,..:m BAY HARBOR 952S Livestock 1840 Casa Loma Roll • A1vay • TanC}erine Manx -----------1 Sheratnn ?ll:inor -lfomctle • IT'S FUN TO BOARD Kit • Pl"l'sligc • Sahara BRAND NEW 'Your horse a.t TALLY 110 ALL SIZES Loodrd 11•1 tl1 R<locllcs FARMS. 8Q)( st.alls $.)5 pr r NOW ON DISPLAY o\IU~! St'c 2.'59 KARMANN G h l a 1 . Good transportation car.t: or buggy material. $175 & S250. P hone 645-2ti21. !'llercedes ]9(1. Clean, new tires. 3750 t i r m . 642-4•132 eves. ';,& i\l l::RCLO~;s Benz .190 SL R011rlstrr, ~lnl c on d . Sl lRj/offer. 67:>-2:.~n MG illr. Sal('.'1, Servl(-e, Parts Jni1n1'dialr: Delivery, All J\lodcls J2rtuµorr 3h11µorts 3100 \V. Coast H"')'' N.B. 6'42-9.\05 5·10-1764 Authorized l\IC Dealer 'Ga il!GB. \\11rf' 11·111.~. two tops. In gnocl condition. Sl·IOO. l'l·17-5%l rno. ~lctal sh1ui~d ro1Tals 1425 Baker St., Cos!a ~tesa $189S si:J f>l'.'1' n1n. ;\u1n1n11t1(' \I'll· 'l block East of Harbor Blvd. JAMES L TO MGB 1rr, /t:o('d & ('h•anl'd (la1ly_ Costa illrsa 1711) 5-W-9-l70 Jj1j.\ i'\(!11 pol"t Blvd. 61~·0f40' 1-----------· I 11.a acrei; lii.:hlrd a rena, GREENLEAF PARK o u:-.•L BUl-;GY. fihcrgla~s l\IGB '67 ellnv!. red, 11•1rt. 1ra!rurig ,ring , River tratl ac. ,-n C'l•~P c.l"~n ......,.,1 Cos!a body, '67 eng. trans, !ront "'11.-.rb . rrpa1nt.-.(l. $1995. l'f'!IS Ex!'W'rt F.ngl1 h & '""'· ~ .. • ~...... ~..!J<..-9111 Qr ~J-l:i51 \ · · · '. s 1\Jesa. Ne\V 9:1 ~pace .:i.dull end. :s:,oo in ex.Ira.~. $15.50.1===========1 Vesi t ro 1n.~truct1on. Tally k '.\J--' I &. ~ I rr 64G-41116 !lo F"am1s 17262 Newhopc f)ar · .. vu(' s . sa f'l\ ° K"' -=========== PORSCHE f ountain ·ya.llr . 545.9587 ' localt'd at Park, Open 9 Ai\f }. to 6 P'.\I. Imported Autos 96001 1----------1 TRANSPORTATION Acrl~NT i'IOBILf. '59 PORSCllfo: co u p e , Boats & Y •chts HO,\IE S,\LF.S ALFA ROMEO Afl1 /ffl1,, chl'Onlt wheel~. 9000 ]'j,j() \\:h1tlirr Avr. hlti('d <'~h11u.~t. rir\N'd 1Q SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS ('nc:la i\1"~" 714 · !142-1350 '6t ALFA Rorn<>Q, rrd\!f'Prj Sl'IL F:vr~ ·lf!: ..... ici711 LEAVING To1vn1 Oul: S.•auliful 20' ~llini;; froiTI $1000 !O Sj,'i(). J'irelhs, Trailrr ~R~.<~l~l ,~R~,,~<~L='~' 1~2-~6'=il)6==== 11·11h c:ihun:i. Srt up in Adull P;irk. P.P;ir!y fn niovr 1n Sl.iOO .'.::l~ \\'. \\"1t<;()n St. ~P l"n. ~. \:'II. :i-1.11--&1·17. fllany othrr J!rn1<; to hoe' Mild * '6S CONVERT * Xlnt t·ond. All. xtras. 1H:1 pn(. lop. J\lu~t ~rll. 646-1'.!.14 feudal -Synnd -<1nth - JIN:klr -I IOUS~; C1\LL r.ralf1t1· A dOf"tor 11 11~ put nnrl•·1' ri~yrh1a1nr oh~·1;•a. ,~c· ;'c"c''c"-"------- tinri, Hr 11·:t~ r·aug-h1 hy hi~ Bt;Y my hn1111• ~·11!1."i lritil! AUSTIN HEALEY A USTIN AMERICA Salrs. ~rvicr, P11rts /111n1,,(llate O<>l1v<'r:Y r\ll i\lorl.-.1~ •t;_'.:1 Por~ch<> li~l rr l .. ,,th 1n!, all ;i1!·r~.~ !:3,00"' tlll <;:?!.(! ;o1n.1'12·1 1 f'\'~ '6.~ PORSC!li::'.11G°1r. ~pnr1- o-n1111 1r I 000 rn1 I b·l'.!-6b;7, /l'l:1 et11 n r. lo,.11t .\lrrl11·al ,\1'S()('1ation fllu.~1 ~r11 ·1•1fl('f'. :."! nR lO\:i."i, ---,-c,,-=,,--,~-111oik1n~ ;1 HOU~E CALL w11h adflrd on roorn. Comp. J'nr.:-:Cll!·. IX.Ii 1 SP . ' > 1 • <1 • p k S::lfJO. N.-.1,tl .~~'Of! 'fi7 GLA""'''"AR C , 1., ., 0 ., '', ·lll1 n " • ;i, 11r . ~'" " " -~ I 6 k tr;ino:; 11 11rk. r,;,k>-lii~ Inboard-0u!board. 120 root \\ekr1J<1s or a tcr 11· days . -1 Cl"(', wn.10 1.1 "61! l'nt'1'•·!1>' Ta•1·.••· lo ''''' Cruiser \\'l !h pr.11rr jct & _._._. --------' ·· po11·er trin1. fulJ cover. THE SUN NF.VER SETS nn 31()1 \V. Coasl Hwy., N.B. 'Int l"(ind 11 / ,\Jr·,\fi•rr rinb Ready 10 rn,ioy. Al 1 DAILY PILOT \\'/\NT ADS'. 642-9.I05 540-li64 "=.~:=''="='='='=·1=.;='"=··=·='="=·=n='='==I majn1eaance records. I Au1hnri1rrl ~fr. Deall'r - 0Y1ncr. Kl 6--4-144 MOTOR HOMES 92Js l========= RENAULT 26' CABIN Cruiser, Navy ·~~~~~~~:;;::~~ hull. 1nhrd rng. jus t I Ol'Cl'haulcd. Bait I a n k , s!ovc, oven, head. sink. ife rhest. slet>p~ 2. l\.ll1sl sell , bcl'T oner. 847~1320. IMI DtWUf Tiii All mr DODGE "EXPlDRER" .......... •"" * ..... ............... lff9 ·-· • l\clltll, ...... fist\. A~l .,,, .. " r.ol, n rool. ~ '00l. I YIARI Pl•AOIC, 111• ft• AtPRO'tl• Cll£0 1l. l!ltilJ Hr.naull ~>O<l rn11d1!lon CORTINA ·---'67 FORD CORTINA (;ood 1 11""~. irl•• ·II 1notor Sport Cpr. 4 sperfl, Radio, l'Uns. SIOO. OI' lw~1 oiler. . Call &12-6468 al1rr a o• hra1rr _ t\1ui;! .<;(Or In ~pp1"f'o"1· " ale. Lie UTY;ii!S. A sPJtial -="='=°'='="="='=======I Al . $1299 !'19-30.'1 Ext. 66 or 67 1970 HA RBOR BLVD. CO~IA ME:SA ROVER '6:0 ROVER :2fl0n. Extreme!~ df'an. 20.000 1n1. Prrfc~'I lo;. ynunt:: ran1il~·-~lake oflcr Pn. Ply, :Y16-.1:i28. st1irlerit n1ust ,sell, Cal 611.:!Stit) TRIUMPH DATSUN '65 SPITFIRE '64 PICKUP Eg~ \\"hllr, J1altan red lnl. 1~ Ton, good runnin1: condi- lion, red ex!, orig int.,, d!r. \\'ill ta.ke. Ira~ or small rlol.'.·n. fine p1-v1 p11y. F ull ptiee S:'ifl!I. LBVF:Z.'1'21, ralJ .l~me~ 49-1-9773 or 5·1~1-ll6:M . ORANGE COUNTY'S ND. 1 DATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN l~SJ.i Br;lrh Bl\'rl . llunllnglnn Rl'llC'h 1112-71,111 nr !i l().f\H2 "I ~P<f. rU1·. locally ov.'Flf'd E .xf'l'lll'n1 rnnd, Bluf' book' $1275. Full Price Sl!l")O., wiU flnr pnit [lrly_ NR~LB., Call PIHi. ~~1.9n3 or $45-()33~ 'fili TRIU~!Plt TR 4 I * l?ood condilion * n.-.iison;ihlr 5-18-4221 'f,9 TllJ \.,'.;>.IrH S11l1f1rc. xlnt cnnrl.. ;;oro mtlr~. Pnv fl\\·nrr. r :it1 fi-lfi-?Jlfi:i lift 4. Dl ;\I~ r111-:;:;;:tfil~·~J1;7ll. Char1=e your iirt, lhrn ~!I li11rk 11 n•I l,<,•rn In !hr 1•hrinr r1ni;' T Ir I II ' ., ,, I ,, I " I r c ' ' ., ' ' ( I 6: ,. .,, c •• I ' 19 ' ' •• ' c •• ' < •• c " c ' '" ,. • '6 ' " 4 •• L •• I ' '6~ ' " I• ' 'j• ,, 4 ·~ • • [ -~------------------ TRANSPOlt~TION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION 11'ollday. Cktobtt 6, l 964 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPOR TATION Imported Autos 9600 Autoa W1ntM 9700 Ut.d Ca,.. 9900 Uted Ca" 9900 UMd C•tt 9900 UMCI Cer1 9900 UMd Cars 9900 UMd Cars 9900 TOYOTA \\'EPAY •.• TOYOTA CASH CHEVROLET '61 rnEV Bel A 11 Sedan H.tH, 11·/v."I. air, rlean. A1!0 NSU ta.shl•ck m upe DODGE FORD MERCURY OLDSMOBILE PONTIAC SPECTACULAR Y EAR ENO SALE ALL MODELS YU LIR BEST DE,\L.S 1\RE STILL AT Call M:7-l9:H ror used can A trucks Just 1~~==-=~=~= call u3 for trtt ~te, '64 IMPALA SS, PIS. P/B. '67 OODGE DART \\'hilt> with ~·ieyt top, llll' co~ dl!!oning, auto. tn.ns., pow. er Slee.ring, radk> and healer. ~lust !id.I, $1795. 35.000 oriz". 1n.a1 miles. Call 631-41D6 - Original ov.·ner, • '67 FORD CaJu:ie 510. -klr, ;l9() t'ng, P/S, P/B, auto IJ'!llis. !11.c'I all', plll!> ~.\(l"U.. ~\;Int corxl . 6'i3-M82 ----- '68 :O.lERCURY \1 o o I ego '6.5 CUTLASS. F~>. r'f'd, 1960 PONnAC Boune11llle •11,gon, t6.::::.00 n11 , 2~.00J ni1 lull po11'l'r, ex~\ Mr\d, $1300 Good lirft, ~ Dr b<>~t 1<f. \\'arranty. t-ull 1avr. !'ileroo. &44-{>ln ter. 4W Sa.nhlll'): \\'a). xlnr C'Ond. s::~oo. &H--Oaif, I "·60~0~l.DS=~h-t~Gd~-00-cRc&=H Unher.;.lt)' Pll.l'k: Sll-~:.51 a~·ail De:!. 13th. · · · ro · · l ~~""''E""'""'=.,,--=.,.,--,- GROTH CHEVROlfT ""''· xlnt roM. sm. Will !rade/finance. 962--MHS 'fi6 FORD XL. Orig. 01\'ner. 28,COO f.li. LoadM : Still un<lcr 11aniwty $1625. 847-:n~r; Cl.EAN '67 Colony v.<1gl!n. lk•sl 0!11-•r ~18-Jl81 01' 646-69'!1 Pork takes. <I new tires. P..·L pty. $395. ·.,, L _ )IA~S Co.In\". 1\ tir . !Ii ~6--1087 ml. !\IC\'. Bt•s! ollr r, Eves, ~hi. DEAN LEWIS 1966 Jlarbor, C.1\1. 6'16-9303 '61 Toyota Corona Hardtop, auto, aJT tlc whi1t'. \Jaybe we're crazy but $139:1 buys ir thL~ wttk at: KUSTOM MOTORS A£k lor Sales Manqer 182lJ. Bearh Blvd. Hun~Bu.cb Kl "'1331 D{PQRTs WAhTID Oranre f'.ount1e1 TOP S BUYER BtLL MAXEY TOYC1l'A 18&81 Beach Blvd. H .. Beach. Ph. 847-8555 .lilJ B;ikri· Sl .• C~t :.io.:.~lj w·11 8 Open 'ti! !I PL\1 I uy CHRYSLER '67 CHRYSLER 2-DOOR HARDTOP V-8, a utoma.llc, factory a.Ir, PQ'.l'l'r st~ring. pG\\'e r bra· kes. radio & heater. lnuna· clllatc. (UDE 7~3l $2295 ATLAS FORD '65 Gala)!te XL CO!l\'cr!, DI, 4 s1.lll, A.\t/F~t radio, PSIPB, vdde tires. l\lust sell ! 646-8.)10 FORD. ·ss . .i dr, 6 cyl. 1 O\\~l·r, ,·cry clean. $69:). Ca!! l!rrb 5.IS-0967/.~6-SG-IO INTERNATIONAL 1964 lntl'rnational Travt>lall. )-1,•rh J)(>rl1-ct. ,'\e1" flillnt. 13:2 \\". \\'ll!<tn, C.:-01 '1-IS-~!:i/7 MUSTANG ·~ t.fUSTAJ.'\G C o nv t'r l , l'OCO!l, r'le\\' trans .. g00!1 \OO- d11 ion, on" 011·1~r. $1!:00. 6';";; fll jO -\tftr r Ii 'Iii )ll'~f 1\Xt : ,,,111 l't't1ble •1 /'111', f'/,.,;, llt'\\' ll h!•· 11!1'5. n1ag \1·h~'('ls. \\ ill cons1d<.•-r 1rad('. S1795. Gf.>-0379. '6~ OLDS [)(>Jta Cou Pt'. load-I c~~~~~~--~­ e-d. xlnt oond, 1 O\\'net. '63 POr.;TIAC C MlJ),j P ri\, U600. 61'S-1504 ful l power, 58,00l mL $900 'GS CUTLASS SU pt'E'me, 350 ca.sh. 531-8918 aft 6 v.·kdys. r~. ps & pb, air, vinyl top, '64 PONT. Catalina. !a.ct. air, S?r(K) or besL 837-3851 P/B, PIS. autom, Be~t ol- ler over $150. 540-561 t PLYMOUTH T-BIRD '65 PLYMOUTH BILL l\IAX.E ')' Your Volk5W::lg<'n or Porsrhr °"'"""'"""''!'11'==,,...,,..•I & pay top dollaf'!I. Paid tor !110~vf()IT]Af or not. Cal61?3~h CH~~~~RBo~L~i~\~~~I 18881 BEACH BLVD . --w=E'"""P_A_Y~T-O_P __ COSTA ;\lESA 546-M~ 2 '68 FORD y,·agons, lo miles. Below blue boo k for fa.st sale: 10..pa.sngr LTD "''8.IO"· 10.pasngr Cala..'<ie sedan "'agon, Both tact air, PIS, P /B, extras. 6-16-02S.J, or t>\'l'S: i;SS-71.JO. i\lOVI°NL~Of ~late. "fi6 Buick con~·e11. "'iidc.at. Atr. full P\.\T., tilt Slf'('r. Yihttl, 1nag vot\('('ls. Like nc11·, S1900. ALSO 'S!l Ford $50. 642-3273. '66 Falcon Futura Fully factory f'QUipp('(!, Dlr. $695. LINCOLN '!ill i\1L·:o:r ,\.."\G COJllCT!Jhlr. i\u1on1at1c. R.o(\io. h<'ater. ct.-:1n . .s1.<00. 5~fl.._m9 l•'l ,\ln$1,Hl~ 1.JO. ;:.~p<><'d. XlnT ('Ond. s:.ttl'll1 1c, 2 rlr. llT, bucket sea ls, fa.ct air, pwr sl!'('ring, d!r. J!as had "-"""pt1ona.l ca1·r :>lu~t sc!I bciorc the 10th, \\'lll llnc pi•, prty, LB- :-,·pt'61lL Cail h'.rn. 4;J--\.9il.l 11r >1:..-00:-:1. SH,\P.P '6!! T-l31rd, l011• milts, fklow bl ul' book for la!'>I salr -11\ct ;ur, S()C'N'.l l'<)rlll\1!, stC'n"<'I l,'lf"', In!~ rif extras . il1ust So:'U this ll'('('k~ 6-16-028-1. E\'l'S: );3,lt...il~O '6$ T·BlP.f) . L.a nd:tu. l.2ll({l n11les. }"ull pwr. air. ·s\~n'O. Excelle nt rond. 6.U-5$80 efc;;; & wknds Hunt. Beach 847-&SSS DOLLAR Open Daily 'tO lO p.m. Phone 6-1~·61'.'2:1 1965 Classie Lincoln Cll11· lloenta l !;t'dan 39.000 1111les. 4 bran(! tw11• 1st lint• 1irl'S, lartory air t'(lll<l , full lrathcr interior n1int rond. Private JX!l'ly Grorg(' G r u pc ;tt(}...J630 Rrs. 67:Ml9::.G t''o'es. 111E QUICKER YOU CALL, TifE QUICKER YOU SELL S2Li0. 54G-O-l!l1 '\)6 \l\i$1a11g V~. at1to111. ont> PONTIAC J nil N. of Coast II1\)'. on Bch CORVETTE Runs VOLKSWAGEN VW BUGS for S)Jll, t•Jean used ca rs. all -es. See George Ray ni.f.clore Robins Ford .67 CORVETIE . ~ 2060 Harbor Blvd. _ .. a\r., 4 ·'""'' '62 FORD CUn1·ert1ble. i;ood. $295. • 8~6--3031 * 0,1 111~( U.1v nnlr:;, P1·. ply. 1%3 BO:'\NEVl U.E. good 6-12-1757 rorid. Call aft 6 prn or 11eek. DO'.\''T .!G:IT \\'ISl l for rnds, .~1-()393 . '5.1 T-BinJ. reblt ens: ..... ..:am, sh~. $lj99. or be~t ofr . Aft 6. SJ.'1-11 50 C.flf. &12.oo:IO 330 hp. red in/out, 1nunac. $3875. 8-17-59.Sl HB. DON 'T give it a 11·ay, gt't quk'k rash for it with a Da.ily Pilot \\'Mt Ad. !>Omerhing to Jur n1sh )Uur h11n1e ••. find great buys in loday'is Class1fird Ads. ls Your Ad 1n ou r cl<1ssiJ1eds7 Someone \\'ill be looking Jar it. Dial 6-12-5678 ------'60 !IT 1-'ul! po\1'er. air, xl1t1 orig cond. $325. 6-16-4ti63 or 673-7~13 Auto Leasing 9810 DAILY PIWf \VANT ADS! New Cars 9800 New Cara 9800 New Cars 9800 Naw Cars 9800Naw Cars 9800 New Can 9800 5-l'J. 30.11 Ext. 66 or 67 LEASE . RENT ORDER YOUR 1970 TODAY FOR EARLIEST DELIVERY All PQpular n1akes. Ford a uthorized leasing system. Get Our Competiti ve P.ates Theodore ROBINS FORD 2000 Harbor Rlvd. Costa lllesa 642-0010 1970 HARBOR BLVD. 1' LEASE ,,.,,, l---;CO~S~TA~M~E~S~-A:_ __ i '6S Cad illac Coupe de \1illr, '68 vw !uUy Fquip~, Sl2!l mo. '69 LTD t pc. air, PS, PB, . . radio. $109 n1o. ,\it conrl.1t1oncr, <! spd, dlr, .,-El C• · $100 I "-" II .J !TIUXI, • oau=. · oncy ci"Ca1u ext .. SOUTH COAST pl t1sh black int_ Take small CAR LEASING do111n or trad!' Low, low pyuUJts. Vli F89oLB Call 300 \V, Cst II\\')', NB 645-2182 Ken 49.J.-9773 o r s.l5-~. UMd C '65 V\V, 2 ooor, 4 speed, •rs radio, h!!ater, beautiful red '68 SPORTS sedan, 13.700 and .sharp. RUl\t 140, $11115. mi., air, P\VT., vinyl to14 Top Carl s Motor Co. Inc., 1941 condition. 494-3232. HaJ·lxl r, C.l\f., 6tZ-O.Jl3. BUICK '62 V\V Can1Jl('r $1100 or n1ake oHC'r. Great cand, nds painl job. 673-0289 ----------'-111 l ..C=~o'-..:_:,c::::::._~~B\JICK No. 22;), -·ss V\Y Sund1 a.l Camp('r. Xln! e"cry thi n.t;! r ond. $2800. BA.RG1\IN! 673-106 1 642-2252 after 6 P!lf '66 V\V, .sunrf, R&ll, slcrco, '63 Buick Riviera. air, Pu'l'llis, ski rack, chai11s. l\lACULATE, loaded. ,\Just i;r!l. :--1116-~l-12. S117:l. 49.f.-4053 !OGS V\V. a uto, r/h, L'OCO niats. !\lake offer. Pvt. pty. 8-17-62()6 CADILLAC 'jifi V\V Snrf, bci:;c w/b!k int. '67 Cad. Sedan DeVille. Full R/H. P orsche rln1s, Xlnl pwr,., fai;t. ll lr & s tereo, All cond . $1350. 54S-2716 acrcss. Io-11·ncr. Low mi., ''6 BUS, rcblt eng, i"adio, :..Int cond . S-1295 or best o!- fl('\V tires. xlnl c<Jnd. J\fust fer. Call 11·kdays 67:>-4130 1 _,_,_ll._61_.'-_28_7_7_,_,_,_,_<_-1_i_1'_•._1 ·66 CAD CQnvl. fully eqp'd 'Gil V\V. $!:«!. Jn excellent a1r. sten'O, gold, clea n. Xlnt {'onditlon. cond. Pvt ply. D a ys PH: 57;,.311'6 ;).10-1834; r1·cs di: \1·)<ends 1963 V\\'. 5-1,000 nulc:;. Good l co'c33-0079,.c,.c=~~~---­ t(•ndlt10n. Taki• o v t' r 1968 CADILLAC Co 11 v e r I p<iymen!s. Call lj.!2-7369 Coupe. Gold . All', '611 V\V, one o\v11er, i\'.11 /f'.11, \\'SI\', !Op t'OlldltH)Jl, 67l-J406 ci fter ·1:30 pn1. telescope \1'hee!. sri93. !ike fl('\\'. <199-2:593 '69 CAD Jo~LECTWOOO '&<; VIV Sunroof Blaupunkt Ail!IF~1. Coco .n1a1~. mtn t _ . BROUG HA:\I tond! ill ust seU, i\lakc olfer! !l.'00 m iles 494 ·6882 494-6893 '63 Cadillae Convert. \l,'ht 'f,," V\V, radio-heater. 11'/cX· tras. Con\'('rtiblr. SJ5QJ, * C11 l1 M&-::.2•S * 'liti V\V Sq back S!O!!~ or tr;idr la rger car or tn1r k. Can1pcr ."ht'I! SJ 10. 839-12:i7 'G~I VIV Delu.-..:P 7 pass hu~. xl11t '"111d \Jany ;.;lr11s. SZGOO. :,i)o;...:1~1.:: 11·/blk int. All f'.xtras. must sacrifiCt'. &1~--066 1 eves. CA MARO ·6~ Can1aro :::n. r..s. R.M. Auto. 284 Knox St. fi.l:l-2991 rve5. \\'tll trade. CHEVROLET .\!UST Sell '66 V\V Camper 1---------- fully C'<ltlif)t, l'l1v mi, A-1 ~ '66 CH EVROLET Caprice. i c""::..:'c'c'c"c"::c'_-1c6c'6oc:cc''c':.....~-I One 011'ner lilr 11ith only ·~):! \\V 01.qom i:.1 n1p<'r h11~ 2-1,000 m\lcs, h;is all po11·er + 4\:\1/F.\I radio. :\lu:st sell: air COl"lflitioning. Absolu!e!y 4'1 1-6271 tlie c leanest one in to1vn. Ji in SIPn1ons :\t r. r c e rl,. s '&Ii V\\' R1 1-~ Bl'nz, J20 \\'.\Varner, Sant.a E XTRA S'. Ana. S1&-4 1l ·l F\0s; 4~1-!i367 '63 Chcvclle J\lalibu SS. 327, 4 ·~~V J:ndi~~:o ~ ~~a~e;: ,;pd. Hurs! linkag(', ne~· tires & brakes, ne\I' rnuf-h'='=:;.~t=S~U"========I Cler.'! & reblt motor. Xlnt VOLVO cond. r.rust !lllcr illce $1375. or best offer. 8-l days 1---------·I 846-2321 VOL VO 1 '.~, ~lk~,-,i-co°'s" .. -. °"11""· .-, °'90--"':C-:CC" 327 V-8. Po~·rrg!idC P/S & CLEARANCE NOWI rear 11i nclo1v. Fae. air. Lug- 142. 144. 145 . 164 g~g!' r~rk. Xlnt cond :SS%. THI:: L.0\l'f.Si' PP.ICLS 0-.1·nC>r 64·1-46~8 YOUR BESi' DF.i\L..S '6G In1pala 2--0r, V-1(, f11ct ARE STILL AT air, PIS. P /B, radio, ne~' DEAN LEWIS ,_~_;7 ... _'· -"~-"~_;_,";'_·'_· ~$1_""· '66 CllEVELLE "300" 2 dr. 6. Hl66 H;:irhor, C.,\I. ~·OLVO '60, runs good. Stick. Runs ~ $ 6 5 0 $29i 673-7413/646-456.1 Call a fter 6. :-i48-2S8:J '68 CA:illARO 327 R.S. PIS. ~;;;;;:~;;;;:;,;;~===I R/l{. Auto. 234 Knox s t .. CM Antiques, Cl111lc1 9615 645.29!11 f!\'t S, Will trade. * * ':i7 Tl1organ 4- ccll cnl c<i1irl. $1fi00. 842-3716 all 5, all , '57 2 dr. &lair hardtop. V8 "'. <'X· 1,1·i!h standard trans, all l>dmi. orig. & xlnl cond. 968-6162 •>1-,..;-=--~--~.::...:.,~ ivkends. '63 Chevy l1n pa111 2 Dr. Good .:.::.::::::::::.. _____ ~'-' concl. Aulo. V-8, $1200. 1940 Buirk Coupe Sr«u:u· 67>-6.578 XJnt roncl ilion. l----,,~=---.,,--..,--968-6lG2 '57 Chevy Nomad 9700 New paint & uphol. Nice cond. 54~10CO Autos WantH .C.--'---------1'62 4 Dr, Chevy l mpala. P/1, WE PAY WH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 HIU'bor Blvd. Costa Mesa M&-1200 Pih. Rad\&.I tires. Xlnt rond. S6.'iO 548-2654 '65 Impala SS, autorn. R&H. PIS * ~15.3 * ·~ P IEVROLET Co upe, tow bar, push bar, no ~111ine . s~. 54&-0073 \\'hilc Ele phant~'!' That's Right!! There Is Still An Opportunity To Sove Big Money On 1969 New Continentals, Mercury5 And Cougars. Over 37 New 1969 Cars To Choose From. Look At The Examples Below. DON'T WAIT ANY LONGER! BRAND NEW Save $911.70 Brand New 1969 Marquis Colony Park Wagon 1969 COUGAR XR-7 5-AT CLOSE·OUT PRICE-! '69 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL EXECUTIVE SEDAN WITH VERY LOW MILES Me di"m qre"~ ,...,1 11!:, ""ilh le1f h,.~ inl•rie>t, .,;nyl •oof, b•lled w/w1ll1, pow1r """' windo ws, 6 w•v 1e1 !, t<I + wht el, '"lo., ltmp .• ,,, AM.FM ••- d ;o:>, ''"' qlou , po.,..s r d oor lot k1 , W ind1 h:eld ,1 :c~1r price $7801.10. Stock No. 1!7f>. Ser. No. '1Y82A89 19· 35. NOW $6268.00. THIS CAR IS PRICED $1533°0 LESS THAN ORIGIN.AL WINDSHIELD rRICI 5 More IE J1f!Cut ive Cont intnl1l1 To Choo1t From 1t Huge S1vin11 • CONTINENTAL '69 CONTINENTAL 1 Dr ~Md'oo A•t!'< ,.nJ~ ''"''~ w<tn d•t': l•1 g'~" le•'h'' ,~1~,lgr &. L&1><1•<1 ro<ll. Fvllv lv•- u•'I Po,.., enu·P~. !flt 3l.,..t1ng w~••I, l~r>or~ 1.r conC!o!lon1ng. etc _ XSS J.Ol $5995 '68 CONTINENTAL COUPE M"!!111m lu<ouol•e meT•I"< llnl•~ willl mlT(non~ i"t~•lor, bl~<~ 110\dl V •fl01, lll~ll'\' t(lulp~ Comgleltlv !II! s••er wht tl, llC!O•~ 11', POWlr d""r loc,l, tic. ZliP 116 $4495 '61 CONTINENTAL ' Dl>OI' $'eden. Attr•<!lve llOM ehr11me yt llo"' woTh ~Itek i.a ~h"' lnt1rlor ond le~dou roof. Full pOWl'r MtUIOPt<!. !1cl<l•V 11r, •I~ •• ...a ctrlvitn onl t 11.000 mil"'. WE S 111 $4795 '67 CONTINENTAL ' ODO' S.O•"· lle1u1<lul Huron bl""' ~tolll( tini1h wi!n moTc~lng leolh@r lnltrlor. l!ll•ck I•.,. d•11 roof, fully lu•u•y e<1ulpptd ond !octO•Y •Ir con<llTl,,.,lng, AM.FM ••dlo. •!e•IO f•P<I <IK~. On1 ownor (ar. 8NUU1ully m1lnttl'*'· TTH 040 $3395 '64 CONTINENTAL C,,.,Ve<liblt. Beeutlful OO~ m!•l llnh" wl!" '"ddlt lto!htr lnletlgr, Fyll pOwer, laclgty •Ir cOl'I, lu•ury equopped, OML 067 H or d l o f;•d m"•oon colo• w:th 429 en9in1, Iron! & •eor m oh, "utom .. "c lr o ~1mi u:on, w.1.w tire1 , lu9q 19" c•rr1er, J•d ,.,_,.1, power br ~l..e1 & •lee<on9 , "'' condi1,.,,.,,, AM ·~dio. l<nh d ,.1 .... H. 0 . I U•· p en,ion. Wind1~ie ld prict $512 5.70. Stock No, 7155. Se r. No,92 7 ~KS9l9 3 J . NOW 5 4414.00. 3 6rond Now & 1 E~t <••ii•• Wogon1 To C~oo•• Fro,,,, All •I Ovh lend•n 9 S1 vingi. ORANGE COUNTY'S FINEST USED CARS Joht1son & Son Ila• The Repulolion of Offe rhog The Fir1.e11t .~elef'fio11 fjf (}sed Cf11·s lr1 tl1e Co1111ty! MERCURY '61 MERCURY MONTCLAIR '/Doc' ., •• ~top. IHC!ot wn>!o wlln blM• l~••"O' ~n<I L•n<1011 •{)Of ~ull l'Owec Pqu•rl>"<l ~nl> r ,. to·~ •ir <Ond ftlonl~g One oY.ntr, Ca1et111+y m~·~· l!lned, UOF UC. $2495 '66 MERCURY PARK LANE 7.0<>or HMa•~g. Arel'<-w~•te ,..,,,, j,, uo ra •"· tet>or •"d b11c~ l&nd1u rooP, ou•n , R~H . P 5 , P e .. !ono•v 11• co...a111or1<n~. Rt~I •v•ury 11 te&ion•Olt pile•. VZU 101 $1995 '61 MERCURY COLONY PARK • p.!IU-•r. POpUlar cordln•I •M ''"''~ with Oleck CO<l'ltoN "'""' Vinyl lntt r•or. ~ulo., R&H, •'t'ftl t1ot de-:~. rocTorv olr condltion1ng, P S , P fl., dual •c•lon 101! Q•Tr. Onl y 1'.000 mitn. lTht Conllnen!tl Of S!Ollon Wogon~l No. :U.1' $3695 COUGAR '67 COUGAR t Door Hert!top_ Lime rro•! w11n mo•chlnf v!nyl Duc~oll, 11110., 119 tngl.,., P.S , M&I!, n1w cfr !r.O,..ln, one """'"' t nd '""'IC!'d D~ our com-ptny. VDll. llJ $2175 '61 COUGAR 1 Doe<' l-!1r<ll<lP. 0-.t•I 8tlOt llnhl! w;111 1•dd!t <Omf<>r1 WNVt ""'~"' $001>, ~I~(~ ••M •U roo!, au•o. ~&H. P.S .• P 8 .• cgn~Olt. l"cTcry air, I t •,;. !Uul <1>ndlllo11 it.n;iuaMvl. XEV IU OTHER MAKES '67 FORD GALAX IE 500 l ~' l'~•dtgp B"•11tl!ul Bnll~n G't•n w ·~ ll'~C~ l•T•,.or •nd w~•t" l3M3U roof, 3uto , R&.'1, P ~, PB , ''' <Orn:ll!lon>ng. PIC. Vory <le.in IO•oughoul VUl &JI $1995 '65 FORD COUNTRY SOUI RE D•r~ 1"'""'°''~ i'"''~ ""''" ~:"" '"'"""' r"11 "'"""' eau,pm1"1 •nd iatoo•v •" cond,t1on,n~. On1 ol 1ne nlctr •T•Hon w•gon>. HCN no $1695 '65 T-BIRD CONVERTIBLE 8•~11tlfu! llaM Tu•~vor,. llnl~h WllTI w~lte lnTt•IO" ~nd t-oo Ful•Y pOw<'r ~ulpf>td. tncludlng l•CIOr V •"·Very .,.911 melntelnto:I, PFG 313 $1895 '69 VOLKSWAGEN l D<><>r llug Rodlo and h""le•. S/iowroom •h••• wlln onll 10,000 1n11,., O)(A 6~> $1795 '68 JAGUAR XKE COUPE Brl!l;n ••<>no Qff•n l,nl,n "'"h mo1cnin~ lta•n••. A.M-FM rod;o, wl•e wh~tll, Rodlol Plv lor~1. Bea ulllul cgndlTlgn, Onty 15.000 mlltt. VIV Ill $4195 '66 RIVIERA 811u111ut 8ri!l1h g•een wll" m•l<Mng l~ltrlor, Full "°...,..' <"tlulooM ond r~t.Torv 81r (on(tl!lon. On~ own1r end driven only 1100 mlln . E•c•ll•nl (Ondl!ion. SZN 1?1 $1695 $2695 $2995 811ut.!ul ptilt l 9 r1y .... ;,h fro11t a rt tr ,.,.h, 1 ulo. i<t n•m in ion, w ~ittwo ll ''''" 1po•h con•ole, p gwer 1+1or. l b 'o~e<. t fr c ond itioned, '"'•0 !a pt p love• J. rodio, t,ned 9lou end dt- lu •e •eol beli 1. Wind1hiold ,1:c ~er p •i ce S456?.00. S!gc\'. No. 4~9J, Si r. No. '1 F9JH St4002. NOW 5316<1.<12. SAVE $703°0 15 TO CHOOSE Flll:O~.A A T SIMILAR SAVINGS BARGAIN CORNER 111 Ou1 lar9al11 Corl'lor w1 Ila•• 11u1n1 r• ou1 used iar1. 501ne ~1 .. 11, 1ome 1101 'o cleon, Some tllot ••• dupllcotlorn., 1omir we'•• had too lono; -11'1 a11v '''"' thir10 cars are real bor9al111. LOOK 'IM OVER. '68 '67 '66 '66 '66 '66 '65 CADILLAC a 1 00••11•. W'1V ff6 COHTHoaNTAL convotrir.11. VOO 114 CONTINENTAL t·O<>or Stcl•n. SLW '31 CO NTI NliHTAL .. OO<lr Stc11n. TFA 1n T·l!~O L1nd•u. RTI ll1 l"ORO OA LAXlf: 2·0<>or N.T. SYF Oji $5475 $2875 $2075 $1975 $2075 $1675 "'"'""' ono• $1375 Monlt ll!r H.T. POD JOl '64 "" ... ,.... $1175 +W""I Drlwt. VDT In '64 '64 ·ea POHTIAC '·DOOR I t-Wiiie H.T. HTL M, Ml!RCU R'I' 2·0Mr H.T. OTA lff $975 $675 '""'"'" $2475 SOl•ll•I• Wag..,, VEL ,,, .Johnson-$-SOD '·~~~~~~2_6_2_6~H_A_R_a_o_R~•_o_u_L_EV_A_R_D_,~CO~SY~A~M_E_S_A~---~~·~~~' NEW CARS 1 Mlle South of the USED CARS 540·5630 642·0981 San Diego Freeway 540·5635 DAILY PILOT' :~."t TRANSPOK I A 1 1v1 .. UMd Cars 9900 DUNTON FORD 2240 S. Main 546-7076 'U GAL. SOO $59S 4 door loa:dtop. VI , e ulo. me lic lt t ft1'"liu ion, power 1!e•ring, red:o, h1ei1r, AM FM ,.,j,., e tt, 16U I i 1 '63 MERCURY S6'S Mon!e ,e\f. A~lg , l1on1..,i1- ••g~, foci, "" ~onddogn,n9, po..-er 1!tcnnq, po,..er b r e~··~· 1od10, Ii••'••, L,c XNH 94 7 '64 FORD 1595 C u•!om SOO 4 D•. ••d •~· VS, 1 1,,~ .~,lt rodio, ~•••· ''· ... h.re wo!I" L.c. WPO "' '66 FAIRLANE $1495 Sou;,, •••+,on w19on, "390 ' \1 8, .o u!omotit tr•i •· m.u ign, p gwot •loo •in9, I•· d·o, ht oler, lug9d9• rocW E~c e p l>nn oll v n.co. l o<, 1 FA I 7 J · u Gc.A=--L-. -5~00~5=2~49=s Fo•lhot • .. "l90'' V8, l ot · \g1y ,;, condi1:onin9. pgw-. '' il•e•ing, rod:o, ho oltt, ,,11 ,h01p. L:c W ,t,K 198 '61 MUSTANG $169S Ve, e utomotic lren1miu i1>n, .olr 'ond1 tion0 ~9. powe1 >lee•ing, rodio, h•ole r, Lie wvr 722 '6S MU._S_T_A_N=G-s=1~09=s 2 d r. h•rdtop. 6 cyl., oulo· m•lic hon1miu ;on, rodio, heal er. Li,, PDE 995 '68 CORTINA $1495 GT. 2 d r. 4 1p••d. redio, he1l1<, ,.;nyl rgof. buek•t ie ol" Lie W)(lt '?85 '69 TORINO $2995 GT F1.tbac~. "35 1" V.S, •ulom 1!ic "'"', f1clorv •i• cond;iioning, po,..·,, •!1otin9, pgw er d"c bro ~l1, 1odio, heat er. ... h:1, wi ll t'''" Uc XHV 6bJ '66 FORD $9'S Cgunltv Sedon. 6 p111 1l•· lion w19,. VI, oula . h 1n1,, power 1t•1rin9, r1di11, h1ol· ,,'. L•c Tl Ol l8 '66 MUSTANG $149S 1 d r. lle•dlop. \18, 1ulome- tit 1 .. 1n1mOn io,,, powtr doori ng. 11dlo. h11!1r, l ie TRU 371 '61 FORD $189S G alo•it 500, 2-dovr hdfp . YB, ou!o. """'" fie. o lr. pg..,1 t 1!e1r .. r1dio, heoler, while well li•e >, .,;nyl r11of. Lie. No . UKH 716 061 OPF.L $1095 l<'.odet. 4 •p•i d, he1l1r. Hurrv on !h•1 on•. Loe. Ng. uou 4~• '66 MERCURY $1695 Cvclono G.T. 2 d r. H.T .. V8 , eulom•lic, lac. ,:., pg,..,, •le••·· p ower b•a i<e 1, buc· ke l 111h. l it. TSA 821 '61 FAIRLANE $1995 500 1' door ~1rdtop, VB, 1 ulo, lran•., power ol eo ... todio, h1ole<, whilew1ll l"e1. \JPS SSS '61 FORD $1995 R1nch w•9on. VS, oulo"'•· t<c. f •c . ait, P""''' •l •t• .. powtt b, .. ~... lu9909e rack. lie. TVD 101 '61 COUGAR $229S Ha1d top .VS, r1d iv, h1•i.r, powt t 1teor.. pgw1f d i1c br•ket, fie. eir cgnd., w+!i1 1 wall ti•tl, "'"VI /g p, t.1 1 whee!. l ie. USO 373 , '6S FORD $795 G al1•io 500. C o nv1rlibl1. V!, t ui gm a lic, pwr. tit e r .. rod;o, ho•!er. l ie. UYR 2Q 2 '65 FORD $1295 LTD 2·door HT , VI , t ulg., fa cio•y ,;,,power •te1,,1n9 , pg wet bra\ 1• , .. d io, ~t•l- er, Lit, ATA i.,ics ___ _ '66 GALAXIE $995 500 4·d oor •eda n. VS. ~~lo . tro n1., radio , l.o c. "'' co"d , while .... II !,re •. Lie. SHK 118 '67 FORD Sll95 Cu>lom 500 dr., Y&, .a u· to mot•c, poW•• 1!0!'1r .. ·~· d i<0, h~o !e, l " lJM 't bb ... -FORD--sl695 Co untrv Sq u•'•· I 0 11•11., V!, o u!omtlic. pwr, 1lt ••·• P""'• bro~el , r•dio, htel11 , lu<J9•9t rt ck. l it. UTB 7'1£. '61 GALAXIE S149S 500 C o11 v1d ib le, V8, ou!g., lten1., pow•r 1l1e•''"I· r.•- d io, hit_, wh;!, w~ll t ire•. Jm,.,.acul•io. l ie, TFC J9] '69 MACH I S26'S Cobrt J•t En<Jint, 4 1pt .,f. power >ie ftr., r.odio, ht•lt r, h<<J h bt ck buc~eh, polv 9let fir e•. l ie. YXR 607 '68 TORINO S1'9S 2-dgor ht rd to p, "390" \If, t lick 1hilt, rodio, httltf. t u.tgl'\ i11t1rior, l ie, ICS OOl '65 T-BIRD $U9S VS , 1vlomo t:c lr•nl., rtdlo. h•tler, full powo•. foel11 ry .air. lie. YRO 776 '62 DODGE 1495 St.tion W190~. 9 D•u .. •11· l<>m•lic tr~~•., radio. heoi• ''• po"'''• l ie. \IUF ~ti• '67 FORD LTD $19'S <!·door, Vt, 1ul11. l••n1., fie. ,;, tond., pow•t 1i•1•., power d i1c br 1~11 , r•dio, h11!er, whOt• w•ll 1, vi11vt raol. TSU 775 DUNTON FORD 2240 S. Main 546-7076 • • -~ ~ -~ -·--------~ .... ----____..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ............................................................................................................. ... Readers of this Newspaper: Special INTRODUCTORY OFFER brings you as much as ' I I I • I I iC Pays up to $10,000.00 tax free cash for each hospital stay iC Pays all cash direct to you (not to doctor or hospital) iC No age limit-no medical examination required iC Pays in addition to all other coverage you have-including Medicare iC Pays you cash benefits that increase each year ••• to a maximumof$130.00 A WEEK ... atno extra cost to you *Pays $100.00·A·WEEK cash each time you go to the hospital ••• even up to 100 weeks *No salesman will call EXAMINE POLICY IN YOUR OWN HOME-MONEY BACK IF NOT 100% SATISFIED! ffi NOW-YOUR ENROLLMENT FORM MUST BE MAILED BY MIDNIGHT THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, OR IT CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. On wt of two fam.Uits will have MnieCne t4 tbe hospital this fQJ'l lt. co~ be you-<ir •ome beloved meraberof your family tomorrow , •• next week.,. nut mont.b. Sad to 11ay, very :fe~ fam.IUu have anywhere near enough cover•ge to meet today.• Maring bo9Jiit&l eost.11, Thue COit.i have more than doubled 1n jut.aktl D ort ,_n. Tbq an upect.ed to double again in tbe 1.-,..n a.bud. • • Stopforamomen.L Think how ma.ch a long etay 1n the hospital .nI eoat'you or a lo't'ed one. How would you ever pay for «istly,. ht neceu&1J', X-ray11, doctor blU.. drop, and medicineat What. woakl 701I do if yoUr pay check stopped, but living expenae!I ):qt rotnc Oil the same u n ert The aame rent, phone, 1.ood, all U. da)'-to-da7 expenet;S that never etop. Wltat la the an rage bnadwinner to dot W e believe we have the anrv ~the famoua Presidential EXTRA CASH Plan that ••• '"''you $100.00 a week tax.free ccuh when you 90 to tlle lto1pltal. Now-, Prelldentlal'a economy plan enable!! you to enjoy thi!I )lrot.edian. Mail the Enrollment Form today. We will send you U.• Ktual Policy t.o look over at home. No rush.. No agent wi ll eaU or phone yoo. Tab 15 days to decide. Show the Policy to a friend a faJJ!ll7 adviser fir1t. You loae nothing if you don't want the Pohey, But if you do want. Jt, you're entitled to Presidenti~l 's law rates dMCr:ibed below, So low, you'll find you get protection Ma price Ulat"• jut a fraction o! what you'd v:pect to pay. Your cash 1Mneflf1 Increase.each year - of no extra cod to you I Toar euh benefit.! ant.omatically riae year after ye&r. You get puce of. mind a.a you don't baye to worry about risingcoela. Yon r :prot.edion a utomatically incruses t;3.00 a week each yesr for IO ~ Tha tlrst year you get $100.00. a ·"1eek. You get $103.00 a Week 1111 the second year. $106.00 a week int.be thlrd year. $100.00 a WMkht the fourth yur, By the eleventh year, your Policy will be worth a full IJ80.00 n week in benefit payment.I! ••• 11t no in· erease in cost to yon I Thia generous cash reserve protection will belong to you for all Jona-as you keep the Policy. You can see tha~ 70Ur ial;nrance will be worth much~ than the p~scnt "face -yalne" of the Policy. Certain1y, our increased pa.ymenLa to )'(Ill Yill halp beppace with riaing coat.a -and best of all •• , Thelncreotlng benefit• come to you at no extra cost. Yo. 1Hll pay the regular low PresJrfentlal premlumf What other plan protecla ~ like thJ& todq! What other plan Mps protecting you aga1nllt ri8ing living COit.a in the years ahead without inereaairir__you!" premiums? And that'• not. all. Tb.ii sped.a) Pnaide:ntial EXTRA CASH Plan (HP l.8L-l067)- l'ays yov $100.00-a·week CASH fora Reglltered NurM at llomo. Y-. tn addition to the $100.00 weekly cbec\r1we1el!.d you duY!n~ year h011pltal etay, we pay you an extra $100.00 a 'veek if the llor:tor haa you engage a full-lime Registe.red Nuru to Lake care Gf ym.i at home. How comforting It ia to know lhat-a:ftu yc1ur stay In the hos· p ita!, if you've been there three daya or more, you can Yeturn bome to rKUperate and 71-t not be a burden to }'O\J.r loved ones. l'>llVS' Up lo , . .~'"''-"'or r I'\ I Illness. 1tarting thtwryfirst day In the hospital. P' I\ vs Up to $7,000.00 CASH at the rate of $70.00 A "I WEE_K If )'OU are 65 Dr Cf'let ••• In addition to Med1c1re. ,, P,11vs $10Q.OO·A·WEEK CASH-If you need a full· I'\ I tim• Registered Nurse when you come home from the hospi~I -up to 50 weeks. PAYS $1,000.00 EXTRA CASH for accidental death. P'llVS l!P to $2,000:00 CASH for accidental kiss of I'\ I hmbt or eytS1ght. P'llVS $100.00-A·WCEK CASH for each pregnancy. I"\ I when you 110 to the ho!.pital, assuming both hutbtlnd a nd wire have ~en enrolled in the- family Plan With Male-rnity. PlllVS Up to $5.000.00 at the rOJte of $50.00 A WEEK I'\ I When a child 11oes to the hospit<1I for any acc1· dent or lltneu when you are enrolled in the Family Ptari. PAYS you uth benefits for hospitalization for any 11ccident lmmediatett. Any sickness is covered be&J nnlni 30dayt •f•r Ellectlv• Cate of Polley. 65 OR OVER? YOU COLLECT $70.00·A-WEEK CASH IN ADDITION TO MEDICARE BENEFITS We ban de1ign!d tblt 11lan as the {mJX)rlmtt odditiOJS to whit 'Jou receive from Medicare-or any other health insurance you may have. Remember, all'chd• "Will be sent directly to you (not. to the doctor•or hos-- pita\) ta give you t.hat "extra" help just. when you need it most. Use the tu-free cash any way you &ee fit. And you will be glad to know the checlc11 will be big c11r-1! In addition to what is paid by Medicare, Pruiden· tial paya you $70.00 a week .•• EVEN FOR 100 WEEKS j! n~Mar)'I You. can. receive Ill "'uch 0:1 11,000.00 /or each iUne11 or inju'1f when ho11piteliz~d1 Yes, If yaur doctor bu :rou engage a Re~stered NU"ret ft11!-time witl1in 6 day1 after you ~am• home, we Jl send you cfteck1 for SJ00.00 4 week-for as long al you need the nurae -even up to 60 UJeeka. I t's li1t:e haTing a reserve of $6,000.00 ca11h to draw en when you need IL These benefits also inrreue each year f or 10 years by $3.00 • week. Another exceptional featura you have w ith Presidential,,. Pays you $JOO,OQ..a .. weelc: cash maternity benefit sf Ordinary hMpital insurAnce m&y take catt ol part of your l!X• penses when you go to the hospital to have a baby. But. what policy can you think cf that gives yon ca.ah to llelp buy all the t hinp you need :for the new bsbFT Now, if both hu11band and ,vife are insured in the "":on<le.rfu Fo.mily Plo.x witlt Afnternity for the entire period or the pregnancy, you get extra c&l!h to UKe any "''R}' you want. If a prCJtnancy, childbirth or evtn m i5CllfTi· 11ve. put.~ you in the hospital for one da~-. five day11, 10 d11.vs-n1 lr111q u~ 1ttce18ar11-you get $100.00 & week. for every day cl yout confinement, up to 100 weeks. All rhese added cash bentflr1. Added cash beneHts: $1,000.00 cash to year family, if death oeeurs \\'lthin 00 days :from any aecide.nt.Al injury, Think bow h11ndy t he ca!!h can be in time of loss. It can take care of bu.rial expenses '\\'ithout hurde.nillg your loved one11, Added clll'lh beaeflt: Up to $2,000.00 ca.ah fot'accidtntal Jou of limb• or eyesight, l\'he.n the IO&ll occur& anytime within 90 daya of the aecidenL Tbe Ions of a limb or eyesight. la a terrible thinJl'. Noth· Ing can r1place th• lot1, hut a check for $1,000.00 or $2,.()00.00 l\'ill bring crtater peaC4 of mln.ddurtnathepviod o! adjwitment. Added a.1h. btneftt: ChOMe ftitMY Pamttf Plan ••• and yciur l'h ild ren wfll be covered, tool Pre1ddenlia pays up ta $5,000.00 Any t ime your l"oungeter goe11 to t.he ho11pital, •• for l'emoval o! ton~ils, appenduc or trH!/ other illne!ll or Injury! Yes, you will receive $00.00 Ca.tih, week after 'Yeek-!or u many &11100 weeki, if necesaar,-. We pay your premium• when you or• not a&le. A~ a ~pe<:lal consideration to you-if yon, your 1potue or other adult. dependenU are h011pitallzed ju!t 6 weeb or more, a11 pre- mium! that come d11e, for the _person conftned, while etUl in the hospital aflel' this period will be paid by Prt111identlal. And your protection continues a11 if you were paying the premium• yourself! Then if you leave the l:io1pltal and m11l!t return for th• 1ame condition before you •have resumed full normal actlvitie& for 90 days, Pres idential will again PAY ANY PREM.IUMS 'VHILE YOU ARE IN THE liOSPITAL-TO A MAXIMUM OF' 100 1VflEKS per confinement! Your !ull pr1)tection remain.I in :forc.e-you &0lloct up to $10,000.lJO for eocA. con/iMt7WXC I Jh•ae are the ONlYexclu1lon1I (:at l'endy for a welcome eurprhe. 1"our Policy coven eft?'y• thin"' c:i:rcptconditions cau~ed by: ·war or a.ct or ~·ar: any men· tal d i~order; pregnancy t xcept u provided under t.he Maternity Benefit provisio11; and expenst:s 1·<>suhi ng from any sickneM or injury ~OU he.rl before l he ~~ffefti\'e Date or ytlUr Polify-hut even lh1A "'exclusion" ill done a.o.·ay v.·ith a.ft.et you ha"\"e been a policyowner for only tl\'O year&. This 111 11 real help if you "-!ready have a health problem. lt means that if J OU ..,-ere 11ick bclor& you took out this Policy-you vdl! e\·im be covered for th11t con· dition arter the Po!it.y hAS been ln effect for only t\\"'1 ycnr~. :?iieanwhile, every new condition iK imn1ediate.!y t:overcd. 1' 011 are covered f or care in the ho11pital o! your choice exi::ept. of coor~. • U.S. government hog pit.al or a nuning or coo:va!escent facili\r. LICENSED BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Application.., Tiit Presldtnti~ Life lnsunnce Comp•"l of America. Chitl&o. Ill .. for The Presidential Hospif.ll·Num Pl•~ =:s. NAM[M•SS~-----,""",....-------,,,,,,,.,""',_-----~~-~--~ ,.,..., flrwt Mlddte lattf.M Ust ADDRESS·~~-------------------.;;::;::;;,;-;'--------------------atrmor110• _______________ .. rAr~ ______ ZlP·----- --~--,-,.---~--"'cr. ______ sEX Moath "9t Ynt OCCUPATIO,,~-------,----------------- , I Ibo lllrel>J IPPiY fot -for tlll """111m of 111J fomi~ listed below: (DO NOT include name that 1ppem lllove.) l'lelM list ldditionll dependents on separru P•&L DATE uf llln, H NAME ,.. ____ Pli-""' RnATIONSHIP soc Month ,.., .... I z 3 4 5 --o•--•>...,_ Dll-•---11-0 fH-F...,PIMWll9outM&luu"' -M "' IJo JOU""'-~'""'"' with this~! Of "'In" pl-fist pol1q ,,...,.rsJ, _________ _ To tloo best of lfrt lnowtotre Ind belief neither I, nor 111J "'""" llsltd llbove, his been rel used 1ny lll1ltlt, hospllll or fife Insur· -• 1 understlnd thlt I, •lld ll1J pt,,.. liited lll>M, will bt .....,.. ,,.,,., lflis Poricy lor 1ny lnj,.Y or lllqln,. I(.,) IWd b• fall 1111 [-Datt of tho Policy but not until ~his bttft In fo<ce 10< •continuous period ol two (2J )1111; ind thll this Polley lllll IOI bt 111,,.._ until 1111 Ellottiil D1t1 U-In tho Policy SclltdulL MAIL THIS INIOUMIMT POIM llPOll MIDNIONT, THUIS., OCT. 9, 1969 I 9318 HP iSi..'":'1067 . ~-------------------------------~----------------~ MaJce your decitlon carefully. Think llaw costly a ho11plt.al confinement will be. lmaglne/aying :for thoBC indispensable x-rays, doctor bllla, medicines an drugs that are 11.0t covered by your presellt. inaurance. Would you. be Able ta afford the quiet. and .J.'rivuy <If a prlvete room and a prlv•te nune, abould you 10 desuet Or a t.efephone to keep in touch with loved onesT Or the rental of• TV set to help pasa away tbe1onely hours? Who would pay your bflls thst keep on ecming Jn at homeT Many folk11 have lost their life s1v- lnga. their can, nen their homes hying to meet such upemes. And no one knowa wboaa tum it will be next. Wily yoU mu1r act before the date 1llown In tire lnrolfinent lorm-ju.r a few day1 from today. Whymuet you ad bd'on the deadline? Because thia is & special Enrollment Period-and wa must receive flour Enrollment Form the •ame tiiu ct a.U tM Gthn-• in order t.o paas on to you t he 1avin&11 that. coma froni procua.ing ma11JI' policies at one time. Medical Costs Skyrocketing! (Source, U.S. Dtpt of Hnllh, Educttion l Welfm) Tl!e. "1ew Yori:: Tjm tJ, J1ri. 6. 196"9 Govt. figures J"eTeal your present health protection ••• mau no l1ntge1' proUet you ago.in.at todo.11'• riling t11 edicat co1t1l Don't leave your loved one11 defe.nge... less I Act at one• to a dd np to fl0,000,00 to your he~t.b protection, W1 mail you the Policy a!J soon as we receive the Enrollment Form. When the Policy arrives, examine it in the 11rivacy of your own home. Take all the tin1e ynu need. It's a very r.hort docu- menL a nd you'll be pleasantly .surprised to diseo,·cr tbere is NO FINE PRINT. Then....,how it, if yo rt wU!h, to 1omeo11e you !r11.1t.. Perhaps your lawyer, accountant or h•nker. Better 11till....,how it t o JIMlr ow11 inauro.JtOf tn111' ••• f'1teii. thoHgh. h~ may very well be WO'l'king for nnotA.er Wumnce compn1111 I If he is a personal friend, he bas your ht.9t intere1ta in mind. So you c11.n bellev~ him when he tf.J.11 rou than 11 110 better bugain available any-wbe.r•-a t. any pncel GRATEFUL POLICYOWNERS WRITE ... "Ll!t me say the full payment u ptt the polieywu most irratifying. There wu doubt in our mind1 for aome t ime especially where we started with only a first payment of 25t, but that doubt now haa ~n comp\et.ely eraserl. The eett.lement deftnltely waa In full payment f or the time in the bo1pit.al and cur sincere thanks for the <"heck." LETHA. SC6R£NKENGAST, Cedar Ro.pida, I Ot/JtJ "Jt11t. a few words to thank you for the prompt manner tn -wh ich rou settled my claim. I certainly will re.com· mend l1residential Li fe I ns. to my friends.'' MRS. SYL\'L\ Li:vlN, Lo• Angeli«, Co.li/orni.a. Pre1lrlentlol Uf• rated ''A+ fx~llenr!' Dunne'11 l nsuttt.nce Report, the "'·orld's larp:e11t rtporting 1erviet!, gives Pre.sidential a rating of " A+ EXCELLENT." There i.s no ltighe:r r1ting a comp11ny can attain. Mon•y·Boi;lc Guarantee-In cos• you chang•yourmfncl. Even after you mail your Enrollment Form beto ....... even after you e:i:amine t he I'olley in your own home and Lalk It over with anyone you wish ••• even after all tbi1 you a re still f ree to return the Policy within 15 days a.ftcr you receive It, ond eua711 J)e)r'lllf l/01' ~will be nfu.Jeded aC onu. ni..r. will be no obliga. '4ion whatev6l', Memi.Whlle, all during the 16 da19 ycm are maldnc np yo11r• miad-,-ou'll be protected b7 $100.00..A·WEEK utra cu.Ii bene-fits ju11t H lf10u had alr,ady u td·"yu." That!a ria'.ht, yoa will b. full7 can?'ld all thi1 time for any accident wb1~ JN\11 you In the bctipltal, nan if you &all1 decide to return tha POUq at th• ad of that time. Hcnrn.r, alter you've Yfn the P olley fol' yourMlt JOU wtll 1urely agrea that this b a tn1mendoua value and rou~I -want to eonthnw tl!.ia •t00.00-A-WEEK EXTRA CASH protection under the Plan tbat'• beat for ;you.. PlAN I -/NDIVIDUM(S) ONlY Pl.ANr U rou -want to cover 70unelf -or :rcuraelf and one er mor. adult dependent.t (including your apou•) -then thl• ia the Plan for J'01I. Each adult, 18 or onr, pa7a the rat.e applicable to ki1 or her.._ Naturally, at theae low rates, we can i111ue only one polleJ' cf this t)'Jle; per·perlOn. NOTE: Where. there are no depe11denta. PLAN I ii the moat econom.leal t.o choOll for a bus· banclorwila (or bot.A). r-----------..J\ Aa• •t Cnl'Ollin.nt MOOtthly ,,_,!um TJfES£ AWE TOUR LOW llATtS , •. ,. ••.••••• ~~ '"'' lndoae flnt nMntft't 40-49 •••••••• only $4.95 I so.s9 •••••••. on1y 15.95 prem umtteconlln1t• 50.74 .••••••. only$6.95 •1• •nd ,. ... Ml•ct•.. 75 •nd owr •.• ont/ $1.95 THESE 22 QU!STIQNS AND ANSWERS tell you liew P1t1fJ•ntlaf'• CO'f 0, l/VINC: /N(OMI II· PLACEMENT HEAi.TH AND-ACCIDENT PLAN gives JM tlle ptol•t:1lon you need-at oma1lngl1 lowc1tsU J. How much will my Polley pq me wti.i I So to tha holpttalt Th• fun 1mounll You 1r1 p•ld $1 00.0Q.A.WEEK r;:111h .very 1lq'le wee k. And It 5t•rt• th• ,..I')' thsl d1y you •r• In t111 holplt•t. (Ir y.;iu 1111 ov•r 6~, you •re p•ld $10.00 1 week, In 1ddltio1> to a"11 Medlc•ni benefit• you recelv1.) You •re p1ld $.S0.00 I wffk upte 100 w•ek1 •ver)' Um1 your childr1n ao to th• hosplt.tl wn.ti )'Oii Int •nrolled In the f1mlly Plan. 2. Wiii i bt p1 td 11 I •m hotpltalll'ld for le11 lh1n a full .... ? Ynu cert1lnfy will ..• "'S;irdlns of wh1tt1er yO\I 111 In th• hoao plt•1 fo r •• short 1 tlm• :as one <l•Y •.• or as Iona e llm1 n e ltl'eek. month. ye1r or more, 3, Don ttil1 P1tn pl)' m1 from th9 flrll ell)' of hospltallzatlotlf Ye1t Yo11 receive full ca~h benefit• ol $100.00 • WMk etertfl'tf the very lirst d1y you •nt1r th• hospital. Th• coveraa• Mains whtn wl •et eiv• your first premium -th1t ls the d1y yuu .,., covertd !or any :accld1nt1. Slckne~s cov1r1a1 lle&lns JO M.Y-tlt•r 1111 Elfechve 0•1• cl th• Polley, 4, How much do I 19ClllVO for a R'llll«ed Nurse 1t Hom1? $100.00 A WEE:K Up tc • maximum of $~.000.00 l'fl•r ,.Otr ..... lltel'I ho1i:iit•!ired for 3 d•Y• or more, 1nd your doctor h•• J001 employ a IUl!·tim• Re,istertd Nurs1 wl!hfl'I 5 dtys ~.,. )'O'I le•Ve th• hOlpftil. Tin ye1r1 from now It will hlV• lr1C....cll to 1 130.00 • wHk In lltneliu ... 1t no •xtr1 '"°5t lo yo11I 15. Ar• lhlre any 1ccld1nt.I dNlh be111flb1 Y11. 11.00Cl.OO cft1h Is paid 10 your 11t1te whNI dtath eteeurs t ny tlmt with in 90 d•y5 of 1n 1ccld1nt.. I. Will I be pa id utr1 Jf J losa 1 limb or.,-n!aht1 Ye•. Pre1ldenti11 pa~ Sl,000.00 for complete 1ccldent1l Ion of on• hind er one loot or 1laht of one eye; 12,000.00 for loll of bot Ii hand• or both teftt ct 1lght cl bd"<h •r•• ... when ai-b•rment CCCllrl 1ny time "'!th in 90 d1ys o the a~ld•nt. 7. How much do -rec:e h1e for pr11&n1nci1s1 If you hi ve th• f1mlly f'l•n with M1terl'li!y, you 1'9'C.91.,. SI00.00 A WEEK for e•<:h p1•gnancy, r;hl1dblr1h or m!.e.rrt1a1 l"-t: r~sultl i(l hc~p•!,111 conllne!'['lel'lt when both hu•b•n<l 1nd wil• i re enrolled l!ndtr \h l1 Pl1r1 for the 111\i,. period ol pre•n1ncy. L Suppow I •m paid benefits for 1ny slckrnt•• or acddlnL Wltlltl h1pp11n1 if I 1m 11aln ~italizfd for !he 11m1 condltl1111? Den t worry. You 1tlll collec:I S 100.00 A WEEK fer • total of IOI we•ks. And 11 yol/ hav1 1!re.-ty ,.sumed full 1>orm1l 1o;tivltle9 for IYll 90 d1y1, ll's conllderec:l •new conf!IH!ment. ind you c.., ml• eet fer"' 1ddi!ional 100 weeks. Of ccurM, any n•w c:ondlbon la co~arfd lmmr;di1lely for• full 100 week1. t. How m1y I llSI tllne berwfrt payments? Veu m1y us• thi:m In anyway you wi1.h-for hofilltal end doctol' b•ll•, rent. food. houuhold e•penM!s, to repl-aalllrwa JOI.I speont or :al'lytllln1 •l••· Tnis 11. enllrely up \0 you. 10. May I •pply If I 1m over 65? Ve._ you may. Fcl~I el'ly :air• art welcom• lo apply-UI-II Mii 1111• IPm!tl Member• 65 or ovw •r• paid $)0.00 a ~ • .,, M•dlt:t r• b•n1ht1, 11. Cen I col~ from Presldenllal IM!tt If I uny otMr ltwww1tW Of ,Ol/11•. Th i• Plan wl!I pay ycu ht fldditlon to wtlatt'll• )'OU may rectiV• from p0llcie1. wolh l f'Y olh•r companlea lnd'*"C M1dlt1rt for folks over 65. 12. Why 11o I need this l"Nlld9rTtl1I 1'11n In additiOrl to "'1 otNr ho1plt1l 1nd he11!h lnsuranc•7 Willie hCJP•lal tOlll h111e doubltd In recent Y••rS, VIII')' few Ptlfl• pie n1v1 doubled thtlr l1'15Yrance. The cnarice• art on• In"""'" t111t you Woll netd monty to 11ke ca1r; ol ,.11 your othtr ••pens••· :a• welt •• ycl!r hc•pital bills. 'l'o11r Prtildenti:al cht<:U 1r1 rushed to you by alt m1il to u~1 '"'you 1e1 111. 13, Whit benefits do my 1ll1ible, d1pa1>dent children pt? Ir yoll chDOse a ftmlly Type Pl~n. yollr do pendent 11lglbl• cfl!l- (l••f'. lge J mcnth1 to under J'} )ears. would recalve 50~ of ell th1 cash b•n•fits ol lh1 f'11n (oth1r lh•n W1lv1r of f'r1mlllfn}, 14. May I •def Ml.Ire d1pendent children to sny Polley aftar It r. In force? Ye1. 1nd11d, If you hive th1 FAMILY PLAN WITH MATtRNITY. Juat notlly us when tt11y •r• J month• old •nd they wlU b• oov-ered without evldenee of ln1ur1blllty and without •nt •ddillonal eh1r11. l B. Wlll my protect:l1111 be cancened becauN I htva too m&TTYd"""' No, dtfll'lllely nott f'r11lderrtl1t 1u1ranl1•1 never to cancel )OUf' protecllon llecauae )'QU h1v• loo mal'ly cl1!m1 or because of ado v1n<:ed 111. W• :also eu1rente1 n1ver to r1fu1• to r1n1w youf" POiicy uni••• th• pr•mlum 11 nat paid befor1 lh• •nd of tl'>e SI• ddy '""' period, or Ynle1s ren1w1I la dKlln9d Oh I ll pgllc;lee ol thl1 type In )'!Xlr en11 .. 1t•l1. ts. Wiii m7 mn be rllMd •• r rrow oldar tf I tt ..... too "*" cl1lm1 No m11tt r how m•ny cl1I'"' you havt. or ,.l•rtf'I••• of htM ""'• lCLI kl•P your Polley, your •t it will rem1•n 111e ~amt 11 It w11 or your 111 whtn you applied. Pre~idel'ltlal eua11nlff'J ,..,..,, te adju1t th!1 rat& .,nJe11 th• rates 1r• adj111ted on all pollci6' of th11. type In your •ntlr• st1t1. 17. Wh1t l1 not coverwd by thl1 Policy? The cnt1 conditlons ngt covert d ar1 thase caused by: l'llnlal dl1. orders; hrto~lca11t1 •"d n•rtohct; expen1e1 ••suU1n1 ''°"' 1111 s1ckn111 or ll'ljUrY you hid belcre !he Pohcy Ell•clil/11 Oat• (du,.. Ing th• flrst 2 yaa r1 cnly); •ct nl w••; wile•• c••e I• In • U.S. Gov1rnmtnt ho1ol!1I. [V[llYTHING £.LSE: IS COVER(o-..lnelud· Ing pr1g111ncy when bath h'll•b~nd and wll• hav• bee1> enrolled In tht fAMILY" PLAN WITH MATERNITY for lhe •nlire pertod flt pr.1n1ncy. lL Whit ire tM rwqultamtntl to enroll In ona of ttMsa PteakSlrttW P\an11 YcLI must n.,, h1v• been relustd 1ny h111!f\, ho1pl11I or 1119 ln1u,.nc1; ind, IO qu1!lly durina ti-;~ Enrollment Ptrlod, you mu •t '"roll ti.for• mldnieht of th• dale ..nown In the Cl!rolJ.. m•rrl rorm. 19. Why 11 thi1 offer~ tor • l!mlted time 0111y1 8ec1u11. by tnrolllnc 1 111111 number of l)tlnp!e •I the 1a111• ti me. tmdt""(rltlnir, prcc~51Jn1 111d IXllle'y l1su1nc1 cost• c•n be kept It 1 m1nlmum-:al'ld we t.an p111 tiles• 1avl1111 on to )'OU. 20. Buldes th& 11111inp, •r. thlre other Hv•ntaps to Jolritnc ~1 durlnt: th!I !nrvllmenl "9rlodP Ye1. lhtr• c•rt111iry •rt . A v1ry lmpartant on• I• that you do nnt httd to complell a lenalhy, detailed 10pp!lc1tlon-iust yovr bri1t forifi In lhi ldWer left h•nd cornf!• of this 031a. Also, durll'll !Ill• £11rollm1nt P•rtcd Tll•re •rw no othflr '~qul r1m•nU tw •lllJlbllll'Y -nd no "w11...-r10" "' .. 11rictlv1 •ndorsem•ntll een be put on your P'o llcyt . %1. Cen otlW Nmtiersd my famlly taka ad .... nu .. .t Ifft lfllldll -· Y••· 11 lo11a •• th9)' un m11t th• l•w requtr1man1:1 llMl4 ~ Qu1•Ucn 18. · 22. How do I Ill tt. Piollcy tor •••mln1t1on with MmlfJ 19dl Guarant111 Ju11 11!1 olll )'OUt brl1f [nroUmtnt form 1111d mtll It with )'Ollr fl,.. month"• ptemium to Thi Pr111d1nli11 Lll1 lnsur1nc1 Com pent of Amerlci, 11401 Rooa...,tlt Blvd., J>ttlladelphl1, Pa. 19154, PlAN 11-PAMllY PLAN WITH MAmNITTr This Plan is for the family that la still rrcwinr. To tbe total-« the monthly premium for the adult.a ta bo lnf!ured, jolt. add. SL This en ti lies you to all mab!rnity benefit.s. It al&a eantn all J'(nll' unmarried, dependent childnn bet9'een the a(l:9 ot S tnGath• And 19 yeRrll ""'ho live Rt. home. Future dependent chlldrea will be r.overed when they reach 8 montba of age and without aar addiLional eha.rgo, · PlAN 111-PAMllT PUN WITHOUT MATDHtrr1 This Plan i1 foT the l Amily lhet la no lonl;'Cr growhi«. To U. total of the monthly premium for the adult.a t.Q be inaured. ja .. add $3. With exception of children Y!'t to" be hom, PLAN llt eonta all your tlftutarriedt dependent cliildna bittWflC the a11 of 3 JD1>nth1 and 19 years wno ltTe 1t home. Act now -1'later'' mcry It• too roter TIME IS PRECIOUS! Act.qulcklyl (No 1alt:N11.anwiJlcall.) CW your Enrollment. Form Into t.he mail Codo11 ....tth 7011r ftl"'lt: month'• premium according tot.he Plan you choo~. Remnibll". rou mu&t be completely 1atl11f\ed or your money will be nfund~ B11t you must act right 110111'. Because, etnc:e you auft'er an 11oe&. Mnt. or 1ickne11.s, jt'a TOO LATE lo buy prot«tlon at eJt)I eoet. That'• why ..,,., urgt JOU Lo act today-be/or• anJ\hiQs unqi. _ .......... - Shop at Sears and Save I Sears J 8F:ARS. ROE8UC:K AND CO. Salisractlon Guaranteed or Your Money Back ~~----------------------------------------------~· IU8IA PAIK TA M«X>. &n.aD CANOCM PAIK S40o066I CXlMPTON .. 6.2511, .. s.5761 UMNANMl611 .. MCICl'I • NII I Supplement to the Orange Coast Daily Pilot SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1969 Use Sears Easy Payment Plan OUNW1 at AllM. a ~1 awm 6174100 Dramatize with PERMA-PREST® Damasks and Save "Petit Plume'' rayon and cotton drap· eries in an elegant jacquard weave have an insulating acrylic foam back- ing to keep you warmer in winter. Just machine wash and tumble dry this PERMA-PREST' drapery. In white, avo- cado, sand or gold color. 50x54 in., Re1ular $9.98. 75x54 in., Re1ular $16.98 tOOx54 in., Re1ul1r $21.98. 75x84 in., Regular $19.98 .. 1 OOx84 in., Regular $25.98. 125x84 in., Regular $31.98 150x84-in., Regular $38.98 .. 7.97 13.9 7 17.97 16.97 21.97 26.97 .32.97 50x84 in. 8 9 7 Regular $1 0.98 Save on "Jewel" Sheer Panels Dacron• Polyester ninon panels make per- fect underdrapenes Choose from white, moss, whea t, blue. or gold color Wide widths are available 1n whi te only. 40x81 in., Regular $2.79 Othe1 su e-; 11/so on sate in widths up 10 '252 in 197 "Regency" Decorator Traverse Rod s Sears Royal Family traverse rod of steel has fluted rod and plastic finials Antiqued brass-with-black rubbed finish 79 7 30 to 50 In., Reaular $9.9 " -Regency" rods that extend to longer lengths also on salo HW.YWOCD HO NNl ~ • t4211. a Wiil IANtAfl---1 IANrA MICNCa • .....,,.., INllUWODD at 14121 "°° WI! loCl6t 8Cl1DI CDMf NAJ'A IG.am l.aG IMal .. Miii flOW:IM •MW.. MNl61, 1U "'711 'ICaMICI ..... , ~AIDIOMNZl1 WlaAMDf_, YA&1IY' IO ... ,.. II+ ........................... 1'oMOA&llMINI. "'9MCtCf" ""'' I Sears I SAVE 28% WARM, WILD SHAG IN 27 HOT AND COLD COLORS Shagmoor's the carpet we show women who are demanding about color. Because it doesn't come in here or there colors. Each fiber of the polyester pile has what we call "color vibrancy"-a deep down beauty which makes bright colors really vivid and pale colors positively luscious! It shows off tweeds as irresistibly as solids. Cool tones as impressively as warm tones. And the pile has crush resistance usually found only at a higher price. See Shag- moor on sale. And color your rooms some- thing special. Only 17 colors shown ... Come in and see all 27 choices. Reeular $13.99 9 99 sq. yd. SAVE 25% SEARS ZINGY NEW SHAG RUG HAS FRINGE! A wildly dense shag pile fringed in with an edge of composure. It's this unique mixing of opposites that gives Kismet such an expensive look. Costly dyeing creates 10 rich color blends. (Each blend combines 4 separate tones!) Because the pile is nylon, it's durable and stain resist- ant. In oval, round and rectangular sizes. - Reeular $79.95 6x9-ft. Oval 5 9 88 10 other sizes ... ovals, rounds and rectaneulars ... also on sale Use Sears Easy Payment Plan ELEGANT WHITE PROVINCIAL FOR YOUNG ROMANTICS Exquisite French Provincial style bedroom furniture ... the dream of girts from six to sixty. Expertly crafted of solid pine and select cabinet hardwoods and finished in sparkling white with gold color accents. Each piece is styled with gent le curves and turnings. Mar-resistant woodgrained plastic tops assure tasting beauty. \ OPEN STOCK VALUES vour 5 gas Choice a. Single Dresser Bue, Regular $69.95 c. 4-Drawer Chest, Re1ular $79.95 d. 2 Night Stands, Sears Low Price e. Full or Twin Canopy Bed, Regular $79.95 f. Student Desk, Rerular $69.95 Poudre Table (not shown), Regular $69.95 Coordinating Pieces at Sears Low Prices b. Plate Glass Mirror. . . . . .. $30 g. Hardwood De sk Chair . . . . . . . ..... 29.88 h. $59.95 Full or Twin Panel Bed . . 49.88 $99.95 Double Dresser Base (not shown) 79.88 $39.95 Corner Table (not shown) ... J.4.88 $59.95 Bachelor Chest (not shown). .49.88 72-IN.TRIPLE DRESSER AND MIRROR IN A MEDITERRANEAN MOOD SAVE $60.07 139 88 Re1ular $199.95 A study of bold, beautiful lines and master cabinetry. High-pressure laminated plastic tops over solid core with roto-engraved pecan grain finish. Simulated wood carved plastic overlays, two-way tilt plate glass mirror. Matchin1 Commode, Re1ular $39.95 .... 34.1!18 5-Drawer Chest, Re1ular $79.95 ....... 69.88 Queen-Full or Twin Bed, Re1ular $49.95 . 44.88 Kint-Size Headboard, R91ular $49.95 ... 44.88 PCE :J I Sears I Now Save $40 to $50-Elegant Decorator Sofa and Sofa-Sleepers 23988 23988 a . Re1ular $399 b. Re1utar $279.95 c. Re1utar $279.95 So beautifully detailed they look like custom designs! All have Serofoam polyurethane cushioning. New high- fashion colors. a. 99-in. Crescenl-Shaped Sofa with stain-resistant acetate-cotton velvet cover. Deep-tufted channel-back styling. b. 74-in. Spanish Style Sofa Sleeper has quilted rayon-cotton· acetate Matelasse cover, beautiful molded arm inserts. c. 69-in. Traditional Sofa Sleeper. Elegant cotton print cover is custom-quilted on one side of seat, back cushions. a. Sofa $349 c. Seta-Steeper 239 ... SAVE 5 30 Sitting-Sleeping Comfort ... 11-Pc. Floral Print Corner Group Sears Regular low Price 19988 Includes 2 each: mattresses, box springs. quilted coverlets, bolsters, bolster cover!., and one walnut-finished plastic-top table. Seats 6, sleeps 2 ... great for guests! Recliner Heats and Vibrates A built-in vibrator to massage you, Recular $129.95 a heater in back to help soothe ach-9 ing muscles! Serofoarn polyurethane 9 8 8 seat cushion, leather-so ft vinyl cover Modern Recliners Vinyl cover. tufted b a cl( Decorator colors. Re1ular $129.95 ggss Rocks, Heats, Vibrates The ultimate on com-fort! Easy-care vinyl cover. Re1ular $159.95 b. Sota-SIHper 239 ... Use Sears Easy Payment Plan 4 PCE CONTEM •• .EMPORARY 7, 8, 9-FT. SOFAS AT ONE LOW PRICE-SAVE $60 to $100 ,~\ \ . . " ·. \ . ' . ,. ' . . \ '·•, ·, 7-Pc. Oval Pecan Pattern Dinette Sets-Designed Exclusively for Sears Reiul., $159.95 Table features a lovely inlay de· sign on pecan walnut woodgrain plastic top. Comfortable high-back chairs, embossed vinyl covers. 42x54-in. table extends to 66 in. with 1 leaf. '·'"~ ..... 24988 ==~=.to lteplar $249.95 Demi 19 9 88 1te1ui.r $149.95 Chair 12 9 88 All pieces covered in Vectra 9 olefin fabrics that resist stains for the life of the fabfic ... matched plaids on sofas, box weave tweed on chair. All have hardwood frames, button- tufted side panels, Serofoam poly- urethane cushions. $111.15 Coclltail Tabla ....... 128.11 $89.15 Cenler Tabla .......... 7LU ---7H.--- Q ! I Q ----8 ft.---- 9ft.----- a 1 a Choose your sofa in a size to suit your needs and the space available in your home. All cushions are reversible. SAVE •40 Splendor of Spain in an 8-ft. Sofabed Superb craftsmanship in the popu· lar Spanish style with luxurious rayon damask cover. This sofa is further enhanced with cathedral· style back cushions and walnut. f inished hardwood trim. Serofoam polyurethane cushions are quilted. 1te1ul•r $229.95 Sot• $18988 1te1ui.r $150 Demi $13 Q Coenlinatin1Tableut Surs Low Prices Coclltail Table .............. 59.88 Dnlwet Commode ........... 59.88 7-Pc .. Avocado Finish Dinette Sets Extend for Big Company Meals R91ul., $139.95 9988 No-mar pecan woodgrain plastic top, rich avocado painted enamel finish. Brass-plated handles on backs of chairs for easy move- ment. 36x36-in. table extends to 48 in. with 1 leaf. rel 5 6 PCE SAVE $5-Luxurious Quilt-Top Innerspring Mattresses Sensational low price! Medium-firm mattress has 297 coils. Coi ls in foundation give more support where body weight is concen- $49.95 Matching Foundation 44~~ .... 44.88 trated. Re1utar $49.95 SEARS-0-PEDIC FOAM LATEX OR INNERSPRING MATTRESSES SAVE $19.97-Complete Bunk Bed Outfits Rugged panel bunk beds crafted of maple-finished solid hardwood. Includes two 3-in. Serofoam poly- urethane bunkie units. rails, guard ra il, ladder. Ae1111ar $11!US ggaa Use Sears Easy Payment Plan SAVE $15 6 4 88 Re1ular $79.95 Each Full or Twin Two quality constructions ... sc ientifically des igned to provide you with the firm posture support you need yet cradle you in luxurious comfort on puff-quilted rayon damask covers. Choose the 51h-inch foam latex mattress or the innerspring mattress with 857 coils in f ull size and 615 coils in twin size. Gold color cover on foam; blue cover on innerspring. Posture-Mate foundations, Regular $79.95 each Full or twin . . . . . . . 64.88 Save on King-Size and Queen-Size Sears-0-Pedic Sleep Sets 2-Pc. Queen Set: 60x80-in. Foam Latex or lnnersprrng Mattress plu& Foundation Aecular U29.9S 3-Pc. King Set: 72x84-in Foam Latex or Innerspring Millt•"SS plus 2 Foundations A~ttular iH9.9S 18988 24988 _t=====================================-==================================================== ~ ••• .. .... -.... . -• -· I Sears I EASY CARE NO-IRON PERMA-PRESrSHEETS NOW SALE PRICED The great fashion-filled put-ons from Sears ... PERMA- PREST• muslin or percale sheets make leisure time a longer time. No-iron cotton and polyester re sist s wrinkles ... stays smooth, soft and fresh. Just machine wash, tumble dry and pop them back on your bed. Pre- shrunk bottom sheets with Elasto-Fit • corners. a. Flower-Filled "Fantasia" How does your garden grow? On a flower- filled stay-smooth bed of muslin. Re1u1u $4.69 Full, Flit or Fitted ..... 3.99 P1ir of Pillowcases ................ 2.59 b. Beautiful Solid Color Pastels Fashionably bright pastel percale just right for your mood and your decor. Rerul•r $5.19 Full, Flat or FittH ..... 4.77 P1ir of Pillowcases ........... '. .... 2. 97 c. Contemporary .. Kismet" Stripes Excitingly different ... Sears bold and eye-catching striped percale sheets. Re1u1ar $5.99 full, flat or fitted ..... 5.57 Pair of PillOWCIMll . . . . . . . ........ 3.47 299 Re•ular SJ.at Twin Plat or l'itted 311 1te1ular SA.1 t Twin Flat er l'itted 457 Re1ui.r $4.H Twin l'lat or Fitted d. Delicate Flowers Bloom in a "French Bouquet~· Re1ular $5.4t TWin 4 87 Flat or Fitted Percale blossoms nightly with springtime freshness and petal smoothness. Rerular $6.41 Full, flat or Fitted ............. 5.87 Pair of Pillowc1111 ..... 3.67 ·- -. , - I Sears I IMPORTED IRONSTONE TAKES TO ANY TABLE AT TIMELY SAVINGS All the charm and durability that is synonymous with Ironstone has gone into these Sears exclusive patterns from England and Japan. All are detergent and craze re sistant, chip and crack resistant, too. a. White Mi5t-the simple elegance and versatility of solid white with embossed roccoco border. Traditional English shape makes 1t a particular favorite. 1888 45-pc. set. Ae1ul1r $26.911 b. Yorkshire charming countryside scene in earthy tones on white. 45-pc. set. c. Blue Bonnet-blue onion design and wreath pattern on white. 45-pe. sel. Your Choice d. Aurora-brown toned textured shoulder with golden yellow center. 47-pc. set. Aecul1r $32.911 and $37.911 e. Emerald Isle-emerald green and blue ribbon decoration on white. 54-pc. set. 45-pc. set s for 8: 8 each of cups, saucers, salad, soup, and dinner plate!.. 2-pc. sugar, creamer, platter, vegetable. 47-pe. sets· same as above plus 2-pe. coffee pot. 54-pc. sets: same as above plus 2-pc. butter, 3·pc. gravy, salt and pepper ROLL OUT THE SNACK TABLES Parquet desianina on 23xl 5-in. metal trays Set of 4 trays on brass plated rack. Ae1ul1r $21 .N 14.88 Floral decoration on 4-tray set with brass plated rack. 23x 15-in. vinyl-c lad trays. Aecul•r $17.98111 .88 Single snack table. Patterned or wood- grain finished metal tray. 18xl5 in. Low S.1• Price 68c ,, . I •