HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-07 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa............................. ,....,...,..,..,.,..,....,.,..., .................................................................................................................................. '5li0._ ....... ..., .... ~~ ~, • ~ .... T t S .~"°=ll" 1 7 ' U CI -to Host ·fted Miss Davis to Lecture in Activist Course I L'LA C1on111l11111~t p1·nft:SSOI' 1\ngC'i<l na\ 1s 11 il! not only spc:.i k Tltur.~d:.J.v al UC Jr1i11(' :1:.; pre11husl,v a11nounl'.t'd bur v.·JI J lt t'!:1rC: Fr1d;1y 111 <i cours1• organized and taught by L:C:I stt1dl'nl attJ1·1sts. 'HclalC'd stories Page 41. J\1iss J)~n is-, 25-yrnr ·old black in structo r barrl'tl ll~· l'C'J;rnls 1JL'Cilt1sc of her Con1- 11H1n1s! Pany :1ffilia1io11 fro111 tr<iching" co111·~t·~ fnr c:rt·d11 . \\ill lcclurc at L'CI nn "l'nl111co:il Ht'pr1·:-s1rin 111 !he~ ni vcrsitv " '!'l w \'<1Hf SC'. e;i llcd the l"niversitY in !\nv·;·ic;1n ('11l l1ir•'. 11 ;1~ organized by 1·;Jt1)p11s ~[}S 1~_·t1dC'r llPtlll\':J!l Dors('y ;111r! i~ r>+it'l'Cti lur !ltr('t: 1 11111~ i,r 11n;\·cr:;1t y cr::<!Jl. Chancellor [):init·I /l.klnch .Jr . ~upports lhe rrgc nts 111 thr1r firing of l\liss Uavi~. stiJI under appl'aL But he s;ud ther(' is nothing in regents' policy In prevent hr r fron1 speaking ti) thl' L:CI cla ss as a guest lccturl'r so long as 1L is 3 single ap· pearancc. r\.'!iSS Davis also \l'ill give a gencr;il <'ampus address Thursday noon Jn !hr: Science Lecture Hal l. Thal appearance is sponsnrl'ct bv the i;tudcn1 s for a fleml°lcratic Society (SDS l, the Black S1uU<:n!s l;nion <lnd !hr r\rw l"n11·crs1ly l:onfrrPnce of r11dieal prof(·~~r11·s. Uursey. a seni or 111 Arneric<.in r 11llure. organized the L"n1\'erslly 111 Ainer!cau $500,000 Fire Tlireatens CazJo; F 01·ces Evacuation n~· n1 c 1JABO r . NALL Of !~• D••IV Polot si.1r A ln1Ir-n1 1!1ln11 dollar fire razcrl nnc of S<in .luan Capis1rano's olde:;l con1n1erci<1 ! b11i1rlings 1his tnorning, threatening the (!Ull'lllo\v;1 businl'~" di strict <1nd forcing l'l''1Cuation of nearby resictenls. The hl:izl', 11 hirh ligh ted the sky fnr niiles around, di:'.'stroyed the 40.000- i;qu:irc·fOot b111hling housing Consolidalcrl Supply Con1pany and three tenant b11sinl'SSCS. Firc1nf'n h;il tlcd the blaze ior 4''"' hn11rs. The rause "''as still under in· 1·<·~1igalion this morni11g. No injuries 1vrrc reported. Constructed in 11189, lhc 80.year.old "1 ruc111rc wa s owned by Alfonzo Jimenez, :L1892 Zarzito. Dana Point. In addition to the hardware and building supply busi ne ss, the historic structure at 26742 VerdugQ SL housed Miss ion Electric. <.;apis1rano \1allcy Glass Company and El Toro fine Art~. Qrigna ll y {'On~lr11clr.d by ranchers of ihc ;1rea to !'11nre tl1eir grain, lhc wood fr<imc and corrug:itcd iron structure had long been a n('sling place for swallows of (.':ipislrano ran1cd in song and story. The huil1!i11g 1vas rcrnode!ed in 193R by l'.lu" G(losr P:it'k111g Con1pany as a ~l riragc J1hcd (or oranges. It 1vas purclu1s- f'd hy .l i111rnrz in 1957 and converted to hus1 11r~s 11se:;. Thr fir·f' 11:.~ repnrlcd ;1l 3:25 a.in . ('nunty fire hg h lt>r~ rrrortcd 1hn stroc· 111rr lolall,y 1n1·oll cd 111 fl:irnc s when they ;11·r11 rrl. l\i·;•t uf thr bl.1zr 111<'11rd 11'1ndo\1·s in f'>l!·xiro l.indn r('~1 :1 ur:'l nt acrns.~ 1he n1·r·1·L A f11·c plug: ncorby was u1- ;1rte~5iblc bci:;:iusc of intense hc<1l. ',l Fire hoses sn:ik ed through I.he stree ts (lf San Juan depleting the tow n's reserves and cau~ing low pressure in mains lhis 111nrn1ng. Fire lighlcri; s:ivc<I nc<irby businesses and struc1ures, i11cli1<ling lhe old Santa Fe dCpQt .,.,·hich 111ay becon1c a museum. ll is no longer in use. Offici als stoppe1l the early morning San ta Fe train which normally passes a re1v yards from the burned structure. ·rraffic was blocked off along Ca mino Capistrano from !he rn1ssion to El Adobe J{eslaurant where President Nixon <lines. Spectators said had a windy condition prevailed, the fire could have caused the Joss of the entire downtown, Resiclents of two /1istoric adobe struc· lutes, Cji.~a de Garfias and Avila Adobf were l!t'acualed. The business and residential structures were constructetl about 1790. Mrs. Lecia Watson. 72, tefl her apart· ment in Casa de Garfias, once a hotel in ha ste nHer friends alerted her. She later discovered she had 'donned th re e bathrobes. One woman wept in the eerie light or the dancing rlamcs. Another prayed. Nea rly 70 fire fighters battled the in· fcrno using si x fire trucks and a 7.S-foot snnrkl e tn spray waler from on high. A re.<>C'Ue unit stood by. Coun!y firemen estimated damage tn lhc building at $440,000. Damage l.o con. tents \\'as estimate<! at another $95,000 ll'ith the total loss $5.15,000. The owner·~ .,.,.ife said th'is rnornin~ I here "'as some lnsu ranc~ hut shr did not know how n1ueh. She said her husbar\t.I was at the scent this mornins. "He "'as pretty shaken," she said. ' ' Culture cour~c after obtaining lh<' .sponso rship o(. three professors who act ;is ;idvisors. They are Spencer Olin , of the Jlis!ory dcpartn1rnt; Duran Bell . o[ the l'cono1nies department. and Stepht•n Shapiro, teaching tus last year \Vhile ;iwt1il1ng disn1lssal fro1n the English <lcuat'!tnent. All are tissistanl pr ofl'ssors. Durscy said the class "'ill be taughl lrn111 :i ··radical perspective ." No tests or papi:r.s are required and grades \I'll] be h;"!St'd on class pa rticipation a n d (i1seussion, he said , although one fac11lty- .1(h·15or said the grading procedure still 1s under study. Irvine Students Plan Anti\var Ma rch on Firms /\ march to Philco-ford Aeronulronll", Collins Radio or another war related plant is planned by UC Irvine student.~ for Oct. 15 as a protest against the war in Vietnam. Antiwar students also will slay away from classes. form a picket line, hold a \var-dead memorial service, a noon rall-y add alternative education classes on the 15th .. The JOO students whQ met 11ondav 10 plan the day of moratorium also ciill c<l on the uc r admlnistration lo cane!'! classes and to allow the campus staff to partici pate in the moratoriuin withou t loss of pay. All these efforts, it \Vas decided will be on behalf of t/1e group's fundament;:il de- 1na nd which is immediate. withdrawal of al! U,S. troops from Vietnam. The day of moratorium from business as usual will be in conjunction with similar peaceful pro lest na!ionwide. Should the war still be going Nov. 15 a two-day moratorium is planned and so on. with an additiona l day each suc· ceeding month. The student rnoratorium group pledged lo work with the Orange County Mobilit.n· lion Committee which is planning ac· 1ivities throughout the counly. Cilize11 participation in the UC! acti~itles will be solicited . Student Body President F e r Ii y M:issimino lost out in his bid to shape 1he direction of the Oct. 15 protest. Last wrck hr took the pl ay away fron1 the radic:il sturlcnts by engineering a unanimou!'l stu- dent S('lla!e rcsolullon su pporting a n1o ratorium. nut when the n1eetinji 1n plan activities came ~1onday radic~l studrnt!'l showed up in the greatc~t numbers. Massimino voted against thr mnrch Ill (Sf:e i\1i\RCH, Page ZI . DAILY PILOT * * * 1oc * * * • TUESDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 7, 1969 • VOl. n , NO. HO. 1 ~f:CT ION i. 16 ,.AGIS Blaze Razes Famed Capo Landmarl{ DJ.ILY 1"1LOT Slat! l"Mt9 • • I Huntington Man Held 111 Death TrYi By ARTJIUR R. VINSEL Of t~o D•ll' ,.lklt S!tll A Cos ta J'l.1esa gun and combat souvenir collector today told police he was forced t ~ kneel beside his wife execution·style before being shot as he jumped a Viet· nHm \Var·obsesscd drinking partner rather than risk a double murder. The pistol·waving suspect in the case \vas arrested at shotgun·point by '1 policcn111n \v ho heard him yelling whi!~ o'.l p;i lrol nearby, \vhile the wounded man escaped 1\•ith a shallered arm. John J. Massey. 24, of 19822 Brook.hurst St. IIunting ton Beach, wa s booked in to Cost:i t-.lcsa City Jail on a charge of <r.'s:·irl! \1•ith intent to cominit murder aft er ihc 2: 15 a.rn. shooting. Pti lice did not say wh£'lher he gave his ov.·n ve rsio n of \\'hat led to the gunplay. Conr;od D. Johnson . 46. of 1767 Orange Ave .. Costa Mesa. \Vas listed in satisfac· tory condition at Orange County Medical Center, "''here he was admitted for treat· nient. Johnson, who reportedly has a CQI• lcttion of .,.,·caponry and items involving lhe lore of war, refused a blood transfusion at the county facility because of religious reasons, police said. Police Captain Bob Green, head or the investigation bureau, said the victim and ~-t3ssey met late Monday or early today in a tavern and later left to go to the Johnson home. COUPLE TA KES VOWS IN TONSORIAL SPLENDOR For Sentimental Rea:r.ons, a Barber Shop Wedding The Costa r.1esa truck driver said a~ they walked jnto the residence, Massey handed him a screwdriver he had car· ried, apparently for self-defense if neOO. ed. llai1·y Roma11~e Couple Meet, Wed in Ba.rber Sliop Dy EVELl'N SllEll\\1000 0 1 lht D•llJ PNOI S1•11 Thrct"' y<'ars ngn, Shrri Anderson nc. con1panicd her dad In the Conlc.<; Barber Shop in Corona Uel il-'lar .. Her dad went to get a haircut. She ri .sat 1!own ;ind w;iiti:rl. In lhe chair b('sid c )l('r w;;is 1-1 )'u11ng rna n. Lon Jti chards. w:1i1111g for <t ha ir,·ut. tnv. Sheri and L.on struck up a convcrsulion. TL wns the blnssoming of a rornance thal ruln1 inatc1l Tuesday night in that same barb(·r shor. There, Sheri. 18, ;;ind Lon, El, wrre \\'Cd. Tuday the 11~0 are i11 Jl11ln1 Springs honc yn1noning The bride. daughter of ~Ir. :'Ind ~Ir~. Ho.her~ Anfle.rson of (;Jcnd:ile, it; a grai!u11l.t: of {;lcndalc Jl igh Schoo l. Lon .a studtnt nl Corona rlrl l\1.ar High Sch'.)QI, The l!C\'. Loren Fl ickinger or thr Unit y Church of Newport Bca(.;h. officiated Ht the unus ual rnorringe rr rt•rnony. Lon and Sheri wa9tcd L() n1arry in U1t1 ,, barber shop for obvious sentimental reasons. But they "'ere timid about asking the minister whether it would be all right with him. So a family friend. James Bradley, 111as enlisted to 1nake · the in- (JU iry. The Rev. ~1r. Flickinger didn't bat an ryclash. "If they want to, why not?'' he said, Bradley S('rvc·d ;is best n1an ln the croll·dcd barber shop. Hi s wife was matron of honor . Mrs. Bradley decorated the shop, loctitcd in the rear of a tailor shop at 3637 E. Coas t High1vay. Dccor~tions included wedding bells and while festoonins . /\ thrcl'-lier cake. placed on a whitc- lincn covered mnnicuri.'lt's lable, was served up to wedding guests. Apar1 from the loc ation, il was like most $ll ('h ccremnnirlil. The bride chose a (Sec ~'EDOING, l,age Z) .; ' He told Johnson you never know what you rnay be "'alking into when you meet (See J\.1UROER TRY, Page !) Orange Coast Wealber Another Chamber or Com· merce day is on the bill for \Vcdnesday with sunny skies and temperatures in the upper seventies along the Orange Coast. · L~SWE TODA. Y An attorney 1vilL cJ1aTgt about $1.)0 tn cho119f. y()Ur name, ot lea.~t $28(} for n divorce, accord-I ing to generally accepted Jtl ' scli.editle. Pooc 12. · c~~"'"!• ' ,,,_ .... ..,,... " CIUllllH ,.,, "'''~ -•• Ct111l11 " 0•1n11 '""" • Cfouw,.f • S"rtt ,., . tl•3th Htll(tl • ttoc• M1rtr1h 1•11 Edllt,l•I ""'' • le1tw!1ltll .. llllttt!.olftmtftl • l"1!8ttft • Fin111<t 1•11 WtttMt • HttOICt " " ww• -•• '"" L• ...... 1 " ·-·· H ... 11-U M9vlu • t I ' \ I • ---------------------------·~------- ~ DAJl Y PILOT General Admits Selling Guns UPI Tt ltPhOIO GUN CASE FIGURE Maj. Gen. Turner 'Intercept' Drops Drug Arrests 30% From Wire Scr\litts Smoking morl" and enjoying it less'..' ?'-l<irijuana users are finding their weed adulterated \\'ilh alfa lfa, oregano , nutmeg and other \'cgctablc 111alt•rials as the high-grade supply dw indlc5, t.!uc to Cperallon Inte rcept, ;iu thOTilics declared tod;iy. Drug arrests since the massive crackdown on smugghng 111cn t into effect have also dropped JO percent, duz lo 11navailability of supplies. a spokesman in Los Angeles added. Authorities also revealed l\tondny that 4;Jo0 pounds of mariju ana -one of the largest serzurcs lo dale -v•as r<.'covered by a Coast Guard culler v•hich spooked a srnuggle r off fttcxico. A Coast Guard pilol \\'ho s1>0ttcd a r.1uto r launch about 400 miles oif the Coast of Baja California became con- cerned, thinking it mi ght be in trouble, and swooped do\.\·n loll'ard it. Crew me:nbers lranlically be_gan dum- ping packages overboard arid the \'CSsel roared off, alter 1\'hich a Coast Guard {_'tll l~r arri\'cd on !he scene and fished the ca rgo from the sea. T.h!'.! conlr<iband included 100 parcl'l5 fl! niarijuana, each containing about two kilograms, or a bit over four pounds, of the illicit 1\·ced. A sur\'Cy of 1najor drug distr ibution centers from Santa Rosa south to San Diego. includ ing city, county and stall': authorities, shows Opcrat1on lntcrccpt must be ha'.111.i: ~01nc 1111p:ict. ~o n1attcr \.\hal Uie contro\cr~ial pru- i.:ran1's effect on the /'llcx1co !uun'it in- dustry resu lting from cleta il<'d searches of cars at 1hc OOrder -a change in \~ drug ll-"C pi.lltern has de,•elo pcd "Our acti\ity h.1~ f;1!\t•11 1,ff :i 1h1 nt·• ~;iid Sg1. l'\clson '.\lurra.1 , of 1he S:tn Dlegn Polit e Drpar1n1e11L nJrcul 11.:::-. delai l. A spn kesman for 1hc· S!atr H11rr11u or Narcolirs F:nforet'n1c11t'.; S:trra1nrnto ;.ire;i off ice s;iid niar11uan;1 i" ~rllini: lnr S20 prr ounce co mpared Lo S7 e<tr lier and Is of lo\Y grade. "The stuff appears !n be humegt'o1\ n .'Ind il contains su bsti!ules ~uch as .alfalfa and oregano," he explai ned. DAILY PILOT .............. Mw1 .......... ~ ~..... ,.. .... ,.n., C..... ..... · . CAUfOlNIA 0~01. (o.lll l"\.llll~INQ COM,.,.N"Y ~•btrt N. Wtt4 P r(ll<krl! tl'Oll l"Ub!llMI J•~l It Cu•l•t Vitt Prutoe~I '"" GrMr# Mant•r< l~ ..... , t:tt•i l .... l li1"''' A. M••P~in1 ...... l'lfflftt fdller °""" Casi. ....,...: J)Q Wttl ,..., SI'"' N""'°'"' h t<"" nu \1¥nl .. _ '"'"-• L•-. Btecll: 111 l'.,.11 A,,.,.., tl\11\llnttwl 1<111<11. JOI ·""' Sll"NI DAILY P l\.01. •II" •llo<ll •I c-lfttt -~,.,., .. tubll-ttl•• ••cwt ""'' U y WI -•tto Mii' .... 1w <•II ......... M-1 l tecll, l .. ......, llUKt>. H""!~t.., ated'I -Ftllfttt ln Ytl ..... , ·-w ltfl ._ , ...... I -t-. 0•-C.0.St PvOtHll .... C-''"'""' •l•n" ,,. t t 1)11 w ... 1 .. _ 11.... ,....._, .... 1~ ...... ~ WIM ••• )tt .. I, (fl"l'" -.. . ,....,.... 1714) 641·4121 Clulft.4 .,...,.....,.. .. 2·1611 c.-,rllN. IWI, Dl"•"ff t~fl •~1111°"1 ... ,_,. ... ,..,... ........ •"""'''"""" "'too"' """t"' .. ~"'"1",,...," "'n+11 ""' . . ... -.. .. .. _. ......... .., -··-••ltllt ....... . ...... Ol9 -t-.... •' ,.,,.,_, •••ct. -c.tt ...... (tl!OOr,,11 ~""''"''~ " """"' DM --.1,1 by -l! 11 !O """""lft ......... .., ...... """'" u .......... 1 ... ,. .. Obtai11ed W ea po11s Fro111 Police Statio11s WASHINGTON (UPI) -Retired !\taj. Gen. Carl C.Turner. forn1crly the Annv's top police official, adn1itlcd today he ~0111 a~ least $2 ,000 worth of confisc:.itcd guns he got from civilian [Xilice departments ;ind pocketed the proceeds. Uut Turnf~l', a balding !i1t!c 1n.'.'111 \\'1111 ,, tiny musta..:he and strong voice, insistt..11 Ile t~id nothing \\"ron g. .. Those were 1ny gl1n~1 " he tu!d mcn1bers of a Senate invc:;t1gat1011s sulr l'Olllmlt!CC. The 56-year-old \\'itness also COl\('Ctled he failed.to pay income tax on the gun tr<1 nsactions and ackno\.\·ledged $6.800 Ill vu n sale income during the p:ist five year£. But he said he never t:onsiderctl 1t a real bus iness -JUSL <1 hobby -and still l'.'as dllubtful it was fair tu ta x hin1 on the incoine. "You buy some. you sell soinc," Turner i aid of his gWl trading. Subcommittee Chairman Abraham A. J{ibicoff announced that the police chiefs of Cnicago and Kansas City, l\-lo., would testify \Ye<.lnesday . Turner ins isted both 1.:h1efs gave him lhc guns for his personal 11.')C and said he never pretended they 11 ,·re !or A1·my purposes. 'lie also c!aiinl':d th:it a ledger book in \1h ich he kept track of h.b: gun dealings had been stolen. The forn1er Army provost marsha l acknow\1.'dged that he !ailed to mention the theft to rhe subcommittee \.\'hen lt :.ubpoenaed his gun records last mon th. Instead. he said, he drew up a new ledge r :ind turned 1t ove r to in Yestigators. lie \Vas nJt asked irn1nediately \.\'hat he 1lid with the proceeds of the gun sales. Subc.'Ommitee Counsel J e r o m e Adlerman noted that the new ledger listed only 100 guns and made no ac- 1.:ounting of at least 600 ,.,.hieh he ad· 4 Age11ts Suspentletl Fatal Shooting Probed By Police in Whittier From \\"ire Ser\·ices A 22·yl':ar-old 'Yhittier man 1ras a\\•akened by a con1motion in a doi\·nstairs apartment earl y last Friday morning, got up carrying his ba by son and went to fin d out what was happeni ng. That was !he last lhlng Heyward JI. Dver ever did. ·'.\1oments later, a .22 culibcr bullet Fron1 a rifle 111ieldcd by a Vernon Policf' Departmen t ~ergeant in ;i n ;1par11nent upstairs crashed through the fl oor and buried itself in Dyer's brain. Californ ia Attof'lltey General Thonias C. t.ynch ordered the suspension of tour stale narcotics agents involved Mond ay. pending a complete investigation or the tragi c case. Preliminary fi ndings so far indicate : -Drinking on stakeout prior tu the doorbuster-type raid. -Intrusion into the 1vrong apa rt1nent clo1rnstairs to begin ..... ilh. as a result of confu sion over the proper a!ldrcs:>. -Questionable tactics \'lh1lc cn:iki11g ar- r ests lnsi{!e the upstai rs apartment ad- jacent to the one the sl ain n1an lcrt to in· vcstiga te the noise 1lowns ta irs. The man 11·ho fired the ratal shot - subject of a coroner's inquest 11ow scheduled for Friday -·was Vernon Police Dc!ective Sgt Frank S\'leeney. He and four Los Angeles County Sher· if f's deputies involved in the raid at the <ipartmenl building on Com stock Avenue in Whittier are reported stlll on du1,v. Stale Bureau of Narcotics Enforcemenl Senior Agent W. G. 1-lille r and Agent Alan r-.t arshall , who were nn the scene of the raid are two o[ those suspended pen- ding the outcom e. Also suspended we re the \1No men in l·hargc, but not present at the time of the error-plagued raid, Acting F i e Id Supe rvisor J. \V. Lea\•Cy and Agent 1'1ichael Kel ly. Investigators said a seven·man team of raiders broke into a downstairs aparL- n1cnt <it the Con1stoc k Avenue address t!uring the prcd<1wn hours last Friday, Thev carried a sea rch \\'arrant, bul ii was "issued only for Lwo upstairs ap:.i rtmenls. No mention 1\·as 111ade in 1hc ~r~1r<:h w;1rrant o[ Dyer or his own particular apcirtrncnt. Initial investigation by Los Angeles Counly District Attorney's n1en rc\ealed th,1t Sgt. S1\•eenC'y, v.•ho fired the tatal shot. 11·as allegedly swir~ing the ri!lc ~l the tin1r . On(' ol Ille n1en present during the raul repo rtl'clly told authorities th(' dcicc\1\"c sergeant \\as 11·icl1!ing !he bull of the 11C'apan as \h(lugh to smash it do11·n on the hand of a suspect. The gun \\'Cnt off, the slug smashed lhroug h the floor, and killed Dyer. also l'ausing him to drop his 22-month-old son on the apar\1nent floor belo\v. The child escaped with a t lll on the head. J111tital lests of at least some or the l;1 wn1e n inl"olve<I in the ra id sho11"ed they had consumed alcohol, but the an1ount or its pot ential erfecl has not been re vealed. W oma11 i11 Buzzsaw Attacl{ !1 S11perinr Court .Judge l\Tonday i~suecl :i ~l0.000 bench \\'arrant for the arrcst of :'Ilaria Lechuga . the SantJ 1\na 11·01n;in t•r<lcred lo face psych1atfir exa1111nat1011 ;1f1f'r police alle~e ~h<' :1tlc1nptcd to S£'X- u:11ly mutilate her hu sb:1nc.L .\lr.~. Lechuga. J.J, con11non-law w1fr nr J:amiro Lechuga, rsc;.iped 1h1nng the 11llkcn d from the p~~t'l11 :1Lri c \1·;.ird o[ Oroi11gr County !\led1tal Crnl1'r. Doc tor.~· repo rts on her 1111·11\;il l'l1Tl· 1:1lio11 \1 rre schcdulC'rl for dcliit•ry r.lon- tlay before Judge Robert <.;:1rd11rr. !\!rs. Lechuga faces l"h.1rges of ass:1111l \' ilh intent lo eomm1t 111u rdcr and <issaulL 1·. ith a dea dly 11·eapon. l'olicc arrested her last Aug . 2! out~1dc 1hl' Lechuga ho ine a!!C'r ~he ;ipparP111ly 11·enl berserk and alle gedly alt:.ickcd hc.r hu~ba nd on three occasio ns. She first 11"ent after hi111 11 ith ;i powC'r sa1v ill an apparenl altcn1pl to sexually 1nutilate him as he \av nude on the bcrt 11·atch.ing television. ihen she a\lacked hirn with a hatchet and Finally stabbed him in the baek \\1ith a carving knife. ·rhe screaming, blood·soa kc d Lcchu~:1 then fl ed from tht': house and sou ght the help of neighbors ..... ·ho held off the 1nad· dencd \.\'Oman until police arri ved. Groppi La,v yc rs Seek F1·eedo1n J\IAD ISON. \\'is. IA P) -J\11.orncys lor !he n ev. J nmcs E. (:roppi went before 1l1e \Visconsin Supreme Court 1od;iy 10 seek freedom for the n1 ilita111 leader 11f \.\'elrare de1nonslralors who sciicd anrt occupied thl': State Assembly C.:han1be rs SC'pt. 2~. Groppi. "·ho 1\·as jailed w1 1hnut tri al by the Assembly, sough t to h;11"e the 121- year-0ld Jal\' unde r l\'h1ch the contempt citation ,,as 11nposcd declared un· conslitut ional. The ~lil .... ·aukre priest's ;i\lorncvs took the c:tsc lo lhc Supren1e court after Circuit Judge W. L. J ackman declined lo Issue an Immediate ruling on a \\'rit of h:1beils corpus. Th(' high roorl \l"as aske d lo take arigin;al jurisdic1ion In 1he case and hc :i r argun1 ents on the consli tulionallly of t h1~ la\11• The ;il\omeys also askt'd the cnurl lo rulr on ,Jackman '.~ refu1;11I lo pern11t (lroppi to be free on bail pl':ndlng dispolii· 11ori of thl': case. • • • Lechuga tol d officers that throughou t the fracas. his \l'ife kepl asking him~ · \\'P.• do you go <1t1t 11·1th other 11"0111en'.• \\'h;1t L5 11 rl•ng 11ith 1ne'.'" l•ol1ce rrport.~ 1ntl icJte the /\1c xican- bnrn 11on1an 1>as acquitted 111 her h'ln1cl:i nd on rharges of kilhng her t 1r~L h.isband. OH1eers s!ate tha t /\·lrs. Lrchu~a ;il~o told of killi ng a second l1u~· band in self.defense. Fresno College Pres id ent Quits In l\iusli.tn Flap FRI·:SNO !UPl)-Fresno State College President Dr. Frede ric \V. Ness, the center of a s!o~;n of contro1·ersy afl er he refused to hire a B I a c k !\1uslim in- ~lt'\1l'tor. announced today he 11·as r(·~1g 11· Ing as soon as an acting prcsitl('nl euultl be nan1rd. :':css, 5fi, 1nade 1hc announccn1':'n1 in a bric! st:i!cinrnl lo thr :ic;:i1!e1nic senate wlu..:h 11 a~ chscussing U11· pres u.len\°s call tor ;:i f:1eu l1y \ o1e rcg <1rd ing his refusal lo hire 1\1:.r rin .J11ck1non as a lecturt'r for thr s<'hoo l"~ c1h nic st11d \es progrnrn. l.;1sl Tl1ur!id:1y Nl'ss rlrr.:li ncli !o <1p- pro11e hiri11g J11ekn1on herausc he said thr c<int!ida tc. also known as r.1 arvi11 X. hl\d 1nadc l'<'rlain 1n isrrprtscnlat1011~ 011 his crnployn1cnt applica!ion and w:;s under fedcr:il indic\n1en t ror draft C\'<tsion . Black and r.1exlean·A1ncrican studen ts harl vo1>·cd lo keep .Jackmon on c:i1npt1s r \·co if lh<'~' had to pay hi m out of their 011•:1 pockets. f'ro111 Pngc J WEDDING. • • Mill pink 1nini-<lres!i for the big occation. She carnl'd a no~<'SEIY of \.\'hllc carne- lions. lulle nnd sn tin ribbons Lon 1\·ore a blue coal. \.\'Jlh a \vhite c:.rn:ition in 1 he bullonhole. and bell· bot· 1.orncd trot1.<;ers. 1\lr . and ~ .. trs. nich:in1~ said la ter lhty lnlen,; lo 11\'e in Corona del ~!:Jr -in an :i prirtn1ent not too far from lhe barber shop. • milted under questioning .... ·erl': given tG him by police departments of Chicago and Kansas City and lJy a provost n1urshal al F'orl Uliss, 1'cx. T11rncr, a bald little mnn, stood ramrod stiff at attention lo be sworn in. Ile s\utk firinly lo his contention thal there was no subterfuge in his acceptance of the guns for personal use, and no harn1 In his decision tu sell some of theni. He acknowledged receiving more than S2 ,000 fro1n a F<1yctteville, N.C. gun shOf). mastly for guns he got from Chicago and Kansas Ci ty police. "I study guns." Turne r testi fied. "lt"s a hobby \.\"ith n1e." He said he used 1nany of the guns in lec~ures to Boy Scout troops, turned others over to a rnili tary police gun museum al Fort (;ordon, Ga .. and broke many others into parts to repa ir guns !or his friends. U.S., Russia Present Treaty For Ar1ns Ban UPI Trlep~Olt Ast1·011a·11t Do1v11 GENEVA IAP) -The United 5tales and tht': Sov iet -Union present ed today a draft treaty to ban nuclear arms and oth er 1 ... eapons of n1ass destruction from the sea bed. The tw o superpo\1•ers agreed no a com· promise join t draft after seven months or bargaining and su bmitted it to the 25·na- tion disarn1nmcnt conference. Ed\v in ;.Buzz" Aldri n. the second 111an on the 1noon. iurnps 1nto the \Va ler ot the Canary Islands lo do so1nc :.ulJ111 ,1nnc f1-l un_g . An1eri· ca 's ~\po!lo 11 a stronauts a re on a round Ill (' \1·or ld good 11 ill tonr. The dr11fl of the lrc;:ity which the ~ovi~t t;nitJn put brforc the i.:on(crcnce on !\larch 16 calletl for a ba n on ;:ill types of \l'CLlpons and military install ;it io ns fr on1 the sea bed. The United States refused to acr.:cpt this because it would ban such defensive dev ices as submarine tracking .stations. The ltuss ian s gal"e way on this po int .'l nd accepted the pro\'l sion of a draft sub- n1itted by the United States t-.1ay 22 in \.\'hich the ban \.\'Ould be reslricled to nucfcar arn1s anti 11·e:11;ons of n1ass des truction. In return, the l..:11i!cd Strites dropped its proposal that !he ban coin<' inlo forc e at 1he thrce·1n1le lin1i~ and accepted the So\iel J2-1n1 le hn1it. This \Vas favored also by most other delegations al U1c con- ference. The United Slates also agreed to Cl Soviet parsigrn ph i11 the preamble saying thr \110 nations ;ire .. conrince{! th;:it the tn::i ty eonst1lutes a Sll'p to1\·ard.~ the ex · clusion of lhe sea bed, the ocran flo:ir ;i nd the subsoil thereof from the arins r;1cc. :ind <ire ck·tr nnu1l'd to cunt 11n1c nf•gotin tions t.;oncC'r1ling further rneasurts leading to thi s end ." The lrcaly 11·oulct coinc 111lo furce af ter r::it1fic:ition by 111c L:nited States, the ;jol"i el L"nion <ind 20 othe r nations. Lad y to ll1arry ll1osle 111 Leader LO\DON 11\Pl -The engagernent o! 1he Aga Khan 10 Lady Ja1nes Cnchton. ~tu.1rt of London ~0ciely 11·;i~ announced tn1la,·. Ti>r• A~:i l\1!:111. <.p1ril11;1I lt.'ad(•r o[ (Ill .-,1ln1:1l1'd 211 111ilho11 l ~1nail 1 1\to~lf•1n~. l•H ' lhc daL1gl1ter nf Col. 0J11d 1\l r~. A1"1hur ! ·rnki'r IJnnle nl l..nnclnn on a sk1111g 110!1· 1!:1y 1·1 S11"1\zcrl:11u.J la<,( 111n!rr Ill' 1:-. .l'l, ... 11 '' ::!.f. l.i1dy Cntll!on·Stu;11·1, the J.,;·111tr Sar;.ih 1-'r<i nccs Croker Poole, 11:i<> 1!1r1·rl-rrl Jro111 her first husband la ·t ; 1·::r She h;1s bcr.:otne :1 i\1oslc111 ;,incc lllCCling her fll\U re husband. 1•'1•0111 MURDER Tl{Y .. ;i stranger, in <in ironic [001110\e to lhc c:1~e. 'pol ice said . .Johnso n said he <l nd l\lasscv :-.Jl do\.\·11 and begun talki ng. noting 111H1 lus l'0111 - panion dwelt on the subjet t or how rnany per~ons have died in Vic.t11r1111. The conversation shifted lo Johnsu1i":-. gun cOlleclion. at v.·hich lin1e \1assey ex - amined a 9 mill111'ielcr Gennan Luger- typ··· auton1alic pi~\ol ;.ind tl1ctt tucked :l i11tt• his 11·;1islcbaud. The 1•1cli1n·.~ \1·1fe .)1':111 .John~on, 111e:in1vh1\c. had gone 1n!o 1he1r bcd r(X1tn lo c~1ange clothes pnor to g111ng 0111 !r1r ;111 errand, according to Officer Dennis llr~sfeld. Johneon lold police tha l i\1asscy lumed !t;e \.\"eapon on he r 1vht':n she emergl':d , at \1hich time he ordered him never to point a loaded gun al :inyonc. ln\'csligator~ \1·r.re told al tha l stage, the ~uspeet onh~rcd r.1r. an1l !\1rs. J1Jhn· son to kn('el, saying he \1'011lil kill their pct dog first. then l'Xccute t11en1. .. Juhnson said Lhe suspcet glant"ed ~1w;iy for a ~ei.:ond, sn lie ju111 ped hi1n." r:•rl;.1111ed C;1pl. lir{'Cn , adding Lhal Ille! 2 El Toro Pilots Die • J ct Craslt Ul Two ;'l\:;rine pilots lron1 E! Torn <lire! ~londay ne::ir El Centro 11hen lhr1r SI Skyha\\k Jr! crashc1t during a 1r:i1n1ni; !light. Tht' nainrs uf ho!h Ull'tl :11 c lir111~ 11·11hhcld pendin g nrit1t1ea\JOn of 1hc1r ne\l of k111 Thr :\t:innr 1 ·nrp~ "Pokr•1n.1n iL! i!u-1·1 Toro .\1 <1r1n« Lurp~ .\1r :-..1:.il1u11!1d,+1 :-..11d llil" 1110 ll11'll \I C'IT l.'<11·r~l11g \•Ill rout111f' bo111h1ng und rrit \..f'i f1r1nF( p1·0~111!urt~ 11iu·11 H1tu-;11r\·r.11t s111:1 .11t•d 111111 1.1r- bl'flUnd. l11q111ries into llir 1 ·,111~1' 1.r ll\(' arr1dr'1:t ;ire being carried uut hy El Centro 111- 1·estigaLors. --.:,_ 'II t Yrn1r O<n#(i'l Sc it.1 d.-5,.,. 1tt .~:;r i.rv 0 OMEGA 1~. •u y .. ~. o~,~· Spt tdm u lor "'•!<~ ~ • t•rr v "'" u lod td ,,.,,i,. out t•y "'od1f1t o! o• I.>' NASA to b. ""''" by o,• """ "' I"• '"'"""· 1', rtC09"•t;Cft, tr.ly o TO• YOUR WATCH~ l ia¥ c1,,,...4 w~;1, 'low Woit FREE • C .. mtd • Oikd • Adj111tM l'iAltS $2 00 ll·5TlUMG '''"' • W I ' d f 0 ? 1 "1'.f rCf , .,. .~., ct ~•t•<i lo bo vt•• '"'''a•iu d Om·~· j ...... 1 .. c;., .. ,. '" -"' I'• f '"doc">•, ? bw!'; '· • ~1a l, Omaoi• S ~oo J111 ,,. !tr chrc.~09 ••p". T'• ,.·, ""old• "ti~ b~ l~I '"'~t o !~.1 l"O••· p,;,, iltL ~~~~ s4as AD ------ llMIJS $3 00 ""'· ,,,. . DIAMONDS $6 00 l lPLACED, ho• • IHGIAVIMli OONI WHILE YOU WAil TllMS A'fAILAILI 11rapo1 1 fired as thr 1-.•n 111en 11'res!led on Iii(' floor. Offu't'!' \\'ayne Jl ~1rhti· 11 .1.~ rin p;11rol in 11 1v I ll'lnity ll'IU.'!1 li•' hl'.li'd .~Ol lll'IOIU' ~1101111ng for polite r~1•'1'd I, thf' :Jrc,1 ;1nd lou11d i\1:1~-,i:'v out 111 tl11.· ~1rcct 1 11 1.1111;; tl!t tnl'!..1.·d ;;ulun11ta '"l'ul 11 UOl\ll , .. hi· 01·dcn·J llt!~scy rtplicd th;11 1l 11 ;1'-tl>l'l.··tl ;11HI (H11et•1 ll ,1rh11· 1'Pl\t··ii • ii Li· oord!•r, .1t 11lu('h tune liit' "11~11111 !..id ti.~, l'llll frfl 1he pa\e1ne111 atul 11,1 plal'1·•l 11111Jtr .ll · !!':! Ut•l1•r111·,. \11!'r\ "f"h,~1111 ,.,11 11 .. ~ ,1.~:-.i:::n· rt.l 1C l11llu u.up 1111c~!1h.1l11111 t 111uu~hu•1t tile pred;111•n hn11r"' ;ind J'la1H11• ! in re. que~t a cu1npl:ii11t ttga1nsl l\l.1 ~:.1'.\ l<ite lo- d;1~· 11r \\1Pdnesd:1~. Auth11rit1es sa1•! ~r.111f' h11"11 n J•Dl1t11·.1! a~rx·ct.~ arc 1n1·111ll'tl 111 ti1• 1 ,1,t·, !)111 r in· not bt.: rckased ,!I th1 1111··. l 'rtJ1r1 I'''~/(" I i\1AllCi I ... lllC' w:1r pl.int and :1g11o1l.•l llH.' p11 he \ l111e. Ji cgarchng tl1e gru11p ·' hu,11111 1.1 .. ncr11:11e 1111h1lra11;d, hr ~.ud " [ rl't'! ) 1\ll rl11 ii .1 l•'l illlll·lll 1 r llTI• 1nc1!1:1\c. flu ~11u 111c.i11 hit•· .1l11 l.p ::.n<I \l llhdr<Jll I" 'I h•· -.1l•·r11·t• (1( 111n t ~l1PI'. 111111 • .1~r,l lh,il i ~ r\Jt•lJ,1· 11h;i1 llH I I" <J~ I :-iv11u·1111f i-1.;; •.. ;, ol 1, q,, 1111t JI ~ .t .. l!Ji·ll I ·.i ,• .1 l'l•it.i but !.lr.1lll1.il1 ,11111: C fl~<lO ,11t/ llit 11,.11 • \ \\ ul 1.1(!1! • \ l.11'1"•· 11" '' • ' 11 I \ I• l.n II' ·.\ ~ Ii< < 1·, !11 •!' I" I i'l.I j , Ii \ ·•·11 \' 'IH I ! 1 .. li,1!)1l1 d ·,.1·11i1 Cna l II .. 1i.u d l:r111° ! 111 .i 111.·111 r IP 1'\111\l_,0\ ' ,, 1 I< •I • •'. '~r.11111.1\1• 1!1:d• 1•I 11.11;<1 111 Lt·lt ~.i11l 1f 1'. 11' ;,. 1111111 ' -.I l",l\ J< •I I I 0111 • ., I ·,1~ I -: ·• \\ r 11,, I (' ,I l'l •:•t\l (' 1, II' I 111111 i•1ll 111 :, 111)(1 i 11i!,.111, ••II lhl' 111. I 11 "I 1.11' 11 l'Ul,I I"' ,1 I 1·!'\ t-;11u1J ITl,oJ\ )I i,,r I I:""' 1 < ,,11n!J ' 'lht 1.1111p•;->adt11)111,:1,i1 1~,ll IJii, 11r)I 11 t :inn1111n('1'(l :1 1 ~1'('1 l'''1 011 th1· 1'r<il:1' 1 to • ~11tt'l'I 1 la~~,,~ .111d d1·1a1 ... ~ ~1.1 tr 11 1t'1 1,,,,. ,. -.. -, // •, ·'-... ·, -' (To the \ moon HuntinC)ton Ct11ttr leach at Edinger HUNTINGTON BEACH and bac:!t Harbor Shopping Center 2300 Hor~cr Civd. COST A ME<~ 892·5501 • 1 .. I r ' I I t I t l 7 I ' t l ' I I ' ' l I • - Huntington Beaeh Today's Final N.Y. Stocks ED I TION * * VOL 62, NO. 240, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, OC'TOBER 7, 1969 TEN CENTS Execution Averted Huntington Man Jailed in Murder Try Abol Gu' Pl>o14 HUNTINGTON BEACH FIREMEN MOP UP AT CHARRED REM'AINS OF COLLEAGUE'S HOUSE Lo5 Angeles Fireman Learns lesson the Hard Way During Fire Prevention Week $18;000 Blaze ' . Ru.in s l<'ircnu1 n's Ho1n c in Bcac ·h A f1rt1n;,i11 rt.!('t'1vrd 111i110r burn~ ~Inn· fia~ afternoon ;is l111ncs !ron1 outboard Jll'Jlnr r11cl ateid~nl;illy ignited and caus· cd $18,000 d:.unuge Lo his lluntington Bc::ii.:h ho1ne. ~LX g::1!1ons of ga~olinc-oil mixture \\'Crc ign1!C'd by the p1l£il hghl of a hot water heater 1n the garage as Lee \I. Busse, a Los Angeles firen1an, aJ.tcn1plcd lo pour the volatile fluid down a v.·ash basin, firemen said. Busse was knocked lo the floor by the resulting blast and suffered first degree burn!: on his ann and second <lci;:rec burns on tho:>: side of lhe fa ce, a('{'{)rd1ng lo firemen. He wa.~ taken to Jluntlnglon .!ntcrcommunity llosp1t;il and J at c r r rk'asl.'d. t'l:i111c s spread tn !hr v•n11dt'n sliinglr" or his ranch-slylc ho1nr nn 16201 Brltnhnl l L;ine, destroying the a!Lic .:ind Hn.1lly tOI· J;1pslng the roof. . Three cng111cs, fine sm•>rkel uni! nnd \"arious o!hrr piccr~ 111 r q111pn1Cnl , d1rf'clrd by l3ntt:il1on Chief Fr:ink K~ll1·.1', .1rri\"rd al the. bl;i7(' al 12 .0~ r 111. nnd contained it 1n 311 1n1nulcs. U.S. an<l Russ ia Present Treaty On N 11 clcar Ban r,E\"E\"i\ f.\J') -'fhc l'111!cd Sl;1tr~ rind !ht' Sol'ir1 l n1on prf'Sf'nlrd 1111!:1y a 1irart tre;llV 10 b:in nu1>h·:+r ;irin~ ;111d <ilhcr \1"('~pQ11s of n1:i ~.!' 11e~1 rui:t1on fro111 the s(';1 bed. Thf' 1110 s11prrpnwl'rs ;igrl'rrl on :i ron1· pron1i s<' Jnin1 <1r;1f! ;if1f'f srvrn n1flnths rif li<lrg;iining and s11bmi1lcd 11. 1n the 2~·nJ· tion d1sannan11'n1 confrrrnrr. The drnl l of thr trci'!IY \1hi eh the ~nvirt l inio n ptlt bcfnrc the confcrcnc(' (111 ~1arch 18 c:t11cd for a ban on ;ill 1yprs of \\·c;ipons <ind military instnllations frorn the sea !)rd. Th!:' United St:1tcs refused to acrept this because it \\"Ollld ban i:t.ll'h ,lefrnsivc dcvicrs as submarine trrick1ng stat inns. The Hus~ian." ga1•e \1•ay on lhi s point ;irirt acc('ple.d Lhe pro111s1on ()f a draf1 su~· 1nitted by the 1,;ni1erl Slates r-.f;iy 2:? 1n \1·hich the ban 11·ould be rcstrictrd to nuclear arrns and weapo ns of mass destruction. ln return, !he United States rlroppcrl i1" pr..:iposal that the ban come into force al 1hr thrcc.-milc 1in1il '1nd accepted 1hr Soviet 12-niile l11n11 . This 11'<JS favorrd also by 1nost other delegations a! 1hr con- ference. Estate 111 Balance Attorney Fails to Move City 011 Biiilding Halt Huntington Beach t1!y cnu11cit1ncn r-.londay night rf'fuS('d to lift a bu1ld1ng moratorium on five blocks of downt own property despite the urgent plea of an at- lorncy that immediate relief v:as needed lo settle an estate. Huntington High District Giv en :n;3,465 in Aid A $3 ,165 grant supplied to 1111' Hu11. t1ngton Brach Union J!igh SchMI J)i~trict ll!l(ler !he Fcdc·r;:il Vocational Ed11c<1tion Art, 11·ill be us~d 10 l'Ond ucl ;i $11r1·ry .1f 1t~.n1rmaking practices 1n the 5Z·sriuarc 11111" di~tritt. Purpo$c of thr sur1C>y. \1·h11·h 11·111 111· t'lt:d" the cit;l'S of Huntington B('fl<'h . \\·('~tn11nster. Stal Bcach ;i11d Fountain \·a nry. j') lo proviUc lcachcrs \\"1th 1n- f"nn:i11011 In bnng honn•1nnk1r\J: ruur~1·~ n11irc> 111 line 11 llh 11 h;it !>.tu<lcnl~ J(•tu Jlly 1 xp1•r1f'!ltT. The ho1nc1nrtk1n~ dcp;1rt1nf'nl i:h~1nnri 1111 1 1nlerv1e11· p;1rc1lt .,. gathl•r111~ 111- lnrP1h1Hln 11•h1r·h m:1y 11!11n1<11cly lt;id IJ J i ·1'1 ~·1on nf ccrt;1in cour~1·s. /'.1111cipat1ng 111 !lie rr11JPCl arc hnrn"ni<1k1ng drpnrtn11·nt f'h:i1rrnrn lrri111 th' f11lln\\·ing .!'chunl~· l.nrn:1 ;\J1!\l'hlrr, Jl11n11ngl(ln Uc;ich l!t(.!h :-.rhool. l'Jtrftl.i ll ;dr, l·:d1,~on H1gli !)chr111I ; r-.lilt' f\pr~, fo11nt<lin \';:illcy High ~chnnl : .!oannr i\·!rDrnnQ(L ,l\1arina 1!\gh ~t·hool: :1n<l i\il;irjorie Herny, \\lcst.n11ns1er It i g h Srhool. I h1nlinf!lon Eanna rk,; :;.i,000 for Sidewalks A total of $5.UOO to build si<lcwalk!i in lhl' area of Edison High School was ap- prov~d Monday night by lhe Hunllngton Brach City Council. ,\bout 7.700 feel nl s1dc.1val k will be put nn undeveloped streets leading to the new schonl. The money \\·as granted after residenls surrounding !he school asked for help to n1akc it safe for students \\"alking lo Edison. Newport Beach al\orncy and rorm<'r r-;ewport councilman Clarence A. '"Chick ll1gbie demanded that the city lift the moratorium on live. lots at 6lh Street and Paci fic Coast Highy,·ay. valued at S!25,000, in order that his client, the ·ralberl estate, could dispose of property. Failing that, Higbie' asked that the city comtemn the land immediately, Councilmen said they \\'Ould make a decision after Oct 28 when a hearing it scheduled on the Top of the Pier Plan u'hich i:alls for acquisition by the city of f)l'e cit .v blocks inland from the highway /r(lnl fi111 11} Lake .!>1rcels for an 1800- :-.pa<.c plirklng facility. C11.r Attorney DOn Bonfa assured coun· cd111cn th:il the mor;itorium wa s a legal prcrui:aU\'f of the clly and col1ld he con· tuiued 11p tn 27 months under the sla te Pln rir11ng Act. 1!1gb1e s:i irl his research showed thal li11s w:i~ not true. bul Bonfa stuck to hlS g1111s and the rounl.'il backed him. The Nl'wport :ittorncy asked, "\Vhat <irf' \\'e supp1;1sed to do, JUSl sit and 1\ a1t ~" ··\Ve '>ill .:in1! \\"a1Led For years for the 1lownt.i11 n properly 011•ncrs to do .... 01n<'th1ng." r-.layor .J ack l.rE't'n rrph('d, ··1 th111k .1·ou can \\•ait a htt1e lonAcr." C.rct'n hl'cHmc angered \\"hen lligbic in· ~1n11'1led that "it sr('mcd odd 1lu1t lhi.q hap1lf'nl'd ;ifter a couple or phone calls by u1v ot fK'C ' ;•\Vhnl ;,ire you 1nsinuat1ng.'1 snapped thr ni ;i~ nr l11 gfne tlrnppc<l the !inc nf questioning. Putt,i11 §{ Glecun In Office r's Eye No1v Against L<1iv Reflections. in the minds of llun· tington Beach pollcemen, are a hln- 1!r;incr to an officer's work -when they l"Ome from mirr()rs. So r-.1onday night the city council took 1tcad aim on mi rror reflections by n1ak- 1ng it illegal fo r any individua l to use a rnir r()r , glass or any ()ther reflective material in such a manner as to interfere \\'ilh an officer in his du ty. 'fhc new ordinance makes such an of· fense punishable by imprisonment for a pr.riod not exceeding six months or a line not exceeding $500. By ART HUR R. VINSEL 01 t~t D•llY l"llol ~ltll A Costa f\1csa gun and combat souvenir collN'tor today told police he was forced to kneel beside his 11•ife exccution·styll! before be'ing shot as lie jumped a Viel· na1n \Var-obsessed drinking partner rather than risk a double mu rder. The pistol-waving suspect in the case 11 ;,is arres ted nt shotgu11 -1}1)int by ;t policC'nlan \1•ho heard hi1n yelling while 0~1 p;.1lrol nearby, \\'hi!c th(' 11·011ndcd n1<.in escaped wi th a shattered arrn. John J. Massey, 2·1, o[ 19822 Brookhurst St , Huntington Beach, \\'as booked in to Cost a r-.1esa City Jail on a "charge of a~sn.ult with in tent to co1nn1 il murder alter lhe 2:15 a .m. shooting. Police did not say \\'hcther he gave his ov:n \"ersio n of what led to the gunplay. Conrad D. J ohnson, 46, of 1767 Orange Ave., C()S!a Mesa. was listed in satisfac· lury condition at Orange County Medical Center, where he was admitted fo r treat· nient. Johnson, \\"ho reported!y has a ('()1 · lection of weaponry and items involving the lore of war, re fused a blood transfus ion at the cou nty facility because of religious re;isons, police said. Po!ice Captain Bob Green, head of lh<:! investigation bureau, sa id lhc vict im and i\1;.isscy rnet late h1onday or c!lrly 1oda.v 111 a !;ivcrn and later left to go to t11c Johnson horne. The Costa t-.1esa truck driver said 3$ thry \\'alkrd into the residence, Massey handed him a screv.·dnv('r he had car· ried, apparenlly for self·defense if need- ed. lie lold Johnson you never know what you may be v.·alking into when you meet a stranger, in an ironic footnote to the case. police said. .J ohnson said he and h1assey sat down and began Lalkina:. noti n& lhal his con1· panion dwelt on the subject ()f how many persons have died in Vietnam. The. conversa tion shifled to Johnson's gun collection, at which time Massey ex- a1nined a 9 millilnetcr Gennan Luger· tyi>(:. automatic pistol and then lLtckcd it inlo his waisteband. The victim's \\'1fe .Jean .Jot1nson, meanv.•hilr, had gone into their bedroom lo change clothes prior lo going out for ;in errand, according lo Officer Dennis I lei:sfeld . Johnson told police that Massey turned lh!:' \\"eapon on her when she c1nerged, at 11 hich time he ordered him never to point a loaded gun at anyone. Investigators were told al that stage, lhc. suspect ordered Mr. and l\lrs. John· Bcacl1 Creates Group to Fig ht Ora nge Frce \va y A $even·1nan cnrnmiltce to lnok out for JlttntlnRlon Bcarh interests 011 the pr n- l)l")~t·1I Orange Frce11·ay was appointed ,\·Jl)nday night hy the city council, Vice ~1 ayor George McCracken \\'as ap- pointed lo cha ir the con1mitteu selected frorn si.~ civic organizations. A 11 mrmhcrs were named to the City Adl'tsory Committee for State Highway 57 (Orange Freeway). The pro!)Oscd Orange Free\\·ay route hrings it from the inland cities dow n. ~c Santa Ana Hi ver to the beach. The ClUes nf Hunt ington Beach, Nc"'f>Orl Beach, Costa f\1esa and Foun tain Valley have been righting to have it terminated at the San Die11:0 Freeway in Fountain Valley. A final route has not yet been adopted. Named to the committee v;ere Bl!! \Vren of tttt? Chamber of Commercf', Lawrence Sallman o[ the Jaycees, Cris C. Cris of the 110f\1E. Council, George J. Galkln of !hr Huntington Beach Boa rd 0£ R~altors, r-.1rs. Ralph \Vicse ()f the League or \Vomen Voter.!' and Larry I... Curran of the Concerned Ci tizens Com· n1it tec. Nancy E. Shea Services Friday Center Site Study Ordered Funeral services for Mrs. Nancy F.. Shea. 40. of 2110 Moin St .. Huntington Bc2ch, who died Sunday, wilt be held Fn· day at J\.1ontrose Baptist Church in Rockville, f\1aryland. Burial will also be in ~iaryland. r.1r~. Shea, th! wire of lluntington Bc:ic h Co. Vice Pr~sident for Lt'ga l f\1at· tcrs .Jerome J. Shea, had suffered an a"thmatic altack in San J.~r;i ncisco ;ind rr.turned to Hunti ngton Beach where she entered \Vc stmlnstcr Comm unity llosp1ta1. f\lrr.. Sheil \v\11 lie in filnte until 9 ~ne!1ght al Sn11Lhg Chapel, Jluntington ~ach. In addi1ion lo hrr l1usband :;he i'! l'urvl~·cd by her son 'f\1ark. 13, nnd ;1 1la11ghtcr Caroline, 8, nnd several rcl;i11ves in ..M,aryland. Councilme1i .Eye Beacli-Atlanta 35-acre Plot By .JACK BROBACK 01 IM Dt<IJ l"lllol ttliff lluntington Beach ·city counci lmen r.1onday ordereri a staff study into the prissibility of the city acqui ring 35 acres al l.kach Bo\11evard and All;inta Alicnue ft)r a future civic center silc. After an executive ~ession. f\·layor .lack C:rern said thnt ··most rouncilmen in· r1ica tert serious interest in the study·• \\•hich \YOUld shlft the civic center from 12 acres on upJ)('r r-.1 ;iin Street opposite llun· ting!Qn Beach Jligh School to the rreewAy anrl br<tch oriented prl)pcrty. Of the 35 acres, recently sold by the 1'11lbert c~la1e lo AmericlJ n h1 ohilc I lQme Corporation for a reportc<l $900 ,000, tile state will take about seven acres for the future Pacific Coast Freeway. ·p Green said lhe staff wou lrl confer wi!h Economic Research Associa tes, a con- sulting firm employed by the city, and 111" civic center nrC'hitects. Consideration of the Beach·Atlanl:i pro· pr.rty began several \\·eeks ago when \he city c-011ncil turned down a requesl by lhc lhcn Owl)('rs. the Talbert Estate, to build ao 828-unlt apartment complex on !ht Jlropcrty. An informal poll or councilmen in· dicated that 11 majori ty wouhl favor the 11r.w .:o;ite breaking the months·long 4·3 stnncc on the uppcir Main Street site. Ncg()lialions for purchase of the 11 acreti from the 11untington Beach Qim- pany are under way but are nol expetced to be consummated before the end ot the ytar. Green said all four councilmen who previously favo rrd the ~fain Street rite - himself and councilm('n Al Coen, Jerry Matt'IE'y and G('()rge McCracke n -all willing lo look at the new site. "The price is right compared to ;7,· pensive downtown pr operty including and ad joining lhc present ci\·ic center," Clrttn !!Aid. The mayor said he hopes the stafr !!ludy will be completed in time for the Oct. 28 meeting on the Top of the Pier downtown redevelopment plan. ,, son to kneel. saying he v.·ould kill their pet dog first, then execute them. ••Johnson said the suspect glanced a1vny for a second, so he jumped him ." f'Xr.lained Capt. Green. adding that th~ weapon fired as the two men v.·restl ed on !he floor. Officer \Vaync Harber "·as on patrol in the 1'ici nity when he heard son1eone shouting for police, raced to the are11 and friund ~l asscy out in the street carrying thr c·ocked 11utuni<1t1c. "i"ut it down,1' he ordered. 1-.1assey replied that it 1vas cocked anrl Officer llarber repealed his order, at \\'hich time !he suspect laid the gun on lhc pavement and was p\;iced unde r ar· Tet i. Detective Gerry Thompson v.1as assign· cd to followup investigation througho ut the prcdawn hours and planned to re. r1ucst a complaint against {".lassey late. to- di1y nr \\'ednesday. Authorities said son1r htzarrc politica l aspects arc involved 1n the case, bul can· not be released at this l1n1c. He's Beal Cut11p Vnlley Man Car ves Out Hu1nor By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI 01 Int D•ll' 'llol $1•11 An innocent, rectangular block of hal sawood can become an object of vilriohc social comment within a matter of hours in the hands of Fountain Valley's Hoss f\1ason. The only tools required are a 69-cent linifr. an inexpensive set or water color:; ~ and, of course, 1hc genius and wit ~h.1rpened Lhrough decades of obscrv:i· tiQn. l'ARJCATURES f\1ason . a public rela tions 1nan at Long Heach Con1munily Hospital, calls the figures he producf's "caricatures in wood." lie m<ikes them in his spare tin1e lor his own enjoyment. Ha rdly anything considered humorous has escaped f\tason's vilifying pe.n knife, nc.t even the woman at the slore, in too tight capri~. fee l bare, pushing a shop- p;ng cart full of cigarettes, liquor and beer. Jookin&: as though !'!he had had a hard night. f\1ason's 11hclves arc hned with dozens of such characters. Some ar! historical like the clandestine monk Jlasputin, or potbellled Herm<inn r.ocring caught red· hand<'d v.·ith a painting slolcn from the Louvre. O!hrr.~ include the DAJLY PJLOT'S n\vr. "Tumbleweeds,"' Phyllis Diller, J·:lt1rl l\oll•rn1a n. a hippie, nursery rhyn1e rharaclcrs, Qu<J.~in1odo ;ind p c a re r!"larcher, and Al C;1pp·s '"l.<'na !he Hyena" \\'hich the \\'ell-known cartoonist rcnue;.;ted fron1 f\1ason. ··1t 's easy to wnrk in bal~a\\·not1:· say!'! (See DOLLS, Page 1) DA IL -r l"ILOT Sit/I 'htl9 CARVING CARI CATURES Foun tain Va lley's Mason Coi111cil Pro1nises Actio11 011 Sli111y Slate1· Cl1a1111el llun1JngtQn Beach city fllrrts haven 't fixrd !'ilatrr Channel yrt but the} "re \1·orking on it. Slater C:hannel is the rl r a 1 n a ~ e wal,er1v;111 that has been m ;i k i n R ni11n1cip<i! \\'aves recently after residents of the Franciscan Voun!<11ns subdiv is ion l'harJ:ed lhat the ditch is a rat-infested. rn11rky swamp. Councilman .Jerry hlatncy reported lo the council f\1onday nigh t that his in· vestigation turned up no rats but he saw !ilth and slime and potentia l hazard in the channel. r-.1atney ip.sked if lhc city could do anything abbut it and was told that plan!'! arc under \\'ay to line the sides with con· r rete, but not for some lime b!cause of lhe cost. ··can it be cleaned?'' he asked . ''We "re 11·orking on something to handle it." replied J im \\lht(!ler, public works director. ··but rig ht no w all we can do is stir up the mud." The channel runs along Slater Avenue rrom Go lden West Street to Springdale Street. City off icials agreed to fence of( one open section where children have been known to enter. Another problem in that area. also brought to light by an article in the "Franciscan Fountain Pen ," a home o"Tlers aasoc iation newspaper, involves dying olive trees, Councilman Donald Shipley a!'lked if the city had an y way of he lping home owners whO are losing their trees. f'ranciscan Foun tain residents had bought their trees from William Lyon s Co .. with a contract lncludint a one-year guarantee on olive tre!.1 pllinted by lhe developer. Many of the trees have died. wil h some bei ng replaced, but others not bccaus! lhey died after the one year guarantee Stork ~larlcet• NE W YO RK t AP) -The stock mar- kers lethargic atlitude persisted as trad· ing moved at a moderate pace la te this afternoon. (Sec quotations, Pa&es IG-11 ). The Do\v .Jones ave raRe of 30 indus- trial!'! at 2 p.m. was off I.OS at IKJ8.34. '· 11·as up. Sh1p!c~· 11nndrrrd v.·hal the city could <lo aboul the prqbl"m. Ile-v.•as, tr1lrl bv Darvl ~inl!h. cily tree supervisor. that -~incc ·Iha! tract 11•as p11l 111. !he city has 11ghlC'11Cd lls rulrs on tl1e J.y pc.~ nf trrts pl:.inlerl 1n dcvl•luprnen1 " and Lhe manner 1n 11·hich they arc han!J!· f'd. But Lhe Franciscan Fountain pred1 c.:i· mcnl is out of r1ly hands, he said, and can only he $Cltled hy the residents anrl the developer. F l'e ighlcr Sink:;, All Aboard 1\1.iiss iug But 1 LONDON !AP f -A Dutch freighh:r sank in th e. North Sea f'arly T11('~ay after a collision \1•ith a West German ship and all but one of its crcwmrn \\'<'re mis~­ ing. the. coasl guard reporlcd. The lost vessel \vas ldent ificd as the IJonau. 3~7 tons. "Sh<' sank llke a stone," !he coast guard said. Orange Coast Weather An()lher Chamber of Com· merce day is ·on the bill for Wednesday With sunny skies and ten1peratures in the u pper !(!venties along the Orange Coast. INSIDE TODAY An nttorne!I will rharge about $1.SO '"' l'ha11qr 11011r '1nn1e. at leosl $2110 fnr 11 d 11J(llf'r. accord- i'lg to gent'rallu accr11rer1 fee schedule. Paflc 12. C ••hlr"I• • Mylu•I , .. ...ti .. <;111n!l!tt .... N•1••n•1 N•w• .. , Ctml~• " O••"" Ctw"I~ • c .. 111"''' • IHrh 1 .. 11 Oot"' Notltu • l!o~• "' ....... 1 .. 11 E••rtrltl ,~~· • ltlt•ll otft " l "'••l•l""''ftt • 1,,,.,,,, • 'ln111<1 lt-11 w,.,,, .. • HtffH OH .. ·~· Ntw1 .., ·~ L..,..,, " W1111111'1 H.WI t)•lt Mtwlu • I I • • 2 DAILY PILOT H General Admits Selling Guns GUN CASE FIGURE M11j. Gan. Turn•r 'lnterce11t' Drops Drug Arrests 30% From ''"Ire Senilet:s Smoking more and enjoying It less? 7'-tarijuana users are finding their v.·ecd adulterated with alfalfa, oregano, nulm<'g and other vegetable materials as the high·grade supply dwindles, clue lo Operation lntercep\, authorities declared today. Drug arrests since the mass/\·r crackdo\.\·n on srr,uggling \.\'ent into efler! have also dropped 30 percent, due lo una\·ailability o! suyplies, a spokesman In Los Angeles added. Authorities also revealed Monday that -i50 pounds of marijuana -one of thr largest seizures to date -was recovered by a Coa5t Guard cutter which spooked •• limuggler off Mexico. A Coast Guard pilot who spoiled ;i motor launch about 400 miles oH the Coast of Baja Ca lifornia beeame con· cerned, lhinking il might be in trouble, and swooped down lo-...•ard it. Crew me:n~rs frantically began dum· ping packages overboard and the vessel roared off, after Y>hich a Coast Gua rd cut~r arrived on the :scene end fished the cargo from the sea. The cont.raband included 100 parcels or marijuana, each containing about two kilograms. or a bit over fou r pounds, of the il!icit weed. A sur•·ey of major drug dislribution rente rs from Santa Rosa south !o San Diego, including city, counl.v and st.'.llc <iulhnrities. shows Opcratil)n Intercept m;_i~t be havuig some int pact. ~-o n1:itrcr what !he contro\'cr~ial pro- cr;i n1 s effect on the r-.·lrxico toliri.~t 111- <lus:ry re sulting from detailed ~c;irches of cars at the border -a cha n~e in the drug use palh•rn ha!i de\"e!(Jpcd. ()cean View Scl1 ools To Rent :: T ra il ers Tn1stcr~ nf lhf.> Oct>an \'1"w School District 'rut>sday appro1 rd 1he ren1al rif l~rre cla~~room 1 r;i1\f'r~ 1ri al"ou! 01rrcro\.\'ding il l Siar \·1r11· !';chool The. f;1c1Jll1e~ 11·111 h(111sr ~1 ur!r nls now .,n doub le sessions un til !hr 11('11' Vis!a \':'-'1r School opc.ns in Sc.ptr1nbrr 1970 Total co:>! rif lhc. tf'm por;ir_v l1ou~i nr; projl'.'ct i~ $5.775 in cluding dcl1•·er y anti electrical hookup. DAltY PILOT OIUNG5 COAST PUIL l~MIN~ COM,-AN't !lob••' N, Wt•d r'•o'Gfrl ~.,.. l'uOltot\rf J1c} fl. Cu•l•y "·~· Prtl"'*~' •"d G~11tr.o1 Wl"JIJfl Tli o ... •• r .... a M•~Jt•~I kO••<>r ;.lh~d W . ~.>101 I< '"""" fO•l~t t-4v.,1ln'J'•ll ln<ll Oftlt e J()' SI~ ~1 ... 1 µ,11:n9 ,Add,1n : P.O. l o• 790, '264 1 Othlr Offk" Ntw1>11•l ll~o<h .111 \\'••' 11••t->• ~"' <1>11cl 0:01•1 '""• ll~ \".(;! 11•1 5""' L •"'~ l .. tn; )lJ flllt~1 jl vt•~• Dl.ILV P ILOr, ,..,rh "'~•th I• «"'b•Md ••t h-1-Pru.a. lo -~~LIU'•' O• • #•J .. ,! ~~~ tilf In 1t1>1•tlt tdlhO~• '"' ~""'"""''~ ee..:h, """"'"'" Vtll•" <o<•a Nr, .. Nrw• µrl 111c1t t rtl L•Qll"• II!"<~. •"O•o ,.,,,. ,_ r1:9>0f'll Id•'•"" O••• ~· ( .. <1 l'ub'""" •~I (.,,,.,,._,_\, pt!M•"O Jl<l n•> ~·••I '111 Wf\I ll•l~Dt 111"0 ,..,..,l'D•1 ~·•1~. "" HO V/f;/ Ill• ~l,rtt, (.01!~ N u a fir~pllon• 111 41 642•4ll1 '''"' w .. ,111h11NT Celt ••0.1220 Clntfffetl A1h •rtl1l119 64 1·5•71 (CH"'"''M' "''· O••"'lt ~&HI "~ftl ,~ ~· C.<J"'N n' J.:e .,.,.., •T•• ••1, """'''•''e"" ~ll<I01lal .... 1 ... Cl llf""'''""''~" ""'' ~ "'"' t" •••OOll<•O .,,,-,, \ .. t lal pl'/t"<I\•.., ,. ((;00,.«Mjl , ....... S.v•<I t i.u -·"'(;• .. d II H•""-f'"'" !l•tt~ ..... (t1!• M<. ... (f "IC,11>0 •,,t.•(•n"C" l o l ~•,.lu u ~ "'e"'~'" J1Y ~,11 '''ti "'°"'~"' ..,)111.o•t 11ull""''~"'· t?C't n~ •~'Y. ' I Obtained Weapons Froni Police Stations WASHINGTON (UPI) -Rellr<d Ma). Gen. Carl C.Turner, formerly the Anny's top police o{ficlal , admilted today be sold at least $2,000 worth of coofiscaled gun:oi he goL from civilian police department s and pocketed the proceeds. But Turner, a halcling l111 le n1an \1•ith ;1 tiny musla\'.he and strong voice , u1s1slcd he did nothing -...orong. "Those were my gtUl.!I !" he told rnernbers of a Senate investigations sub- co mmittee. T!I<' 56-ye;ir-uld -...·1tness also cnnce:lrd h(' f:.iiled to pay Income. lax on the gun transactions and acknowledged $6,800 111 ~un sale Income during the past live years:. Bul. he said he never considered 1t a rea l business -just a hobby -and still wa s doubUul it Vt'as fair to tax h1n1 on the income. "You buy some, you sell some,'' Turner said of hii gw:i trading. Thursday, Friday Subcommittee ' Chairman Abraham A. Rlbicoff announced that the police chJehr of Cnlcago and Kansas City. Mo., would testify Wet.inesda y_ Tumcr insisted both chlrfs gave lun1 1hc guns for his personal use and said he never pretended they 11 ,·1·c f<ir Ariny purposes. Il e al so claimed th at a ledger book in 11111t h he kept track of lus gun dealings had been stolen . The former Army prov ost inarshal ackno,,.,·11'.'dged that he failed to rnention the theft to the subcommittee -...·hen 11 ~ubpocnaed his gun records last month. !nsh'ad, hf' said, he drew up a ne\1' ledger :-incl !urned Jl over to inl'estigators. lie was n.:it asked immediately "''hat he did with the proceeds or the gun sales. Su bcommitee Counsel J c r om c Adlerman noted that Ule new ledgl'.'r lis ted only 100 guM and made no ac- counting o[ at least 600 which he ad- Angela Davis to Give Two Lectures at VCI t;CLA Comn1unist professor Angela Da1·1s \.\'ill not only speak Thursday at UC lr1ine as pre viously anoounced but 11·ill lect ure Friday to a ·course organized and taught by UC! student activists. (Related stories Page 41. /lliss Davis, 25-year-old black instructor barred by regents because of her Con1- inunist Party affiliation from teaching courses for credit, will lecture al UCI on "Polllical Repression in the University." The course, called the Unive rsity in American Culture, was organized by ca1npus SDS leader Donol"an Dorsey and is offered for three unit s of unil"crsity credit. Ch11ncellor Daniel Aldri ch .Jr. support s the rege11ts in their fir ing of tll1ss Da vis. :-.l!ll under appeal. But he Said there is nolhing in regents' policy lo pr event her from speak ing to the lJCl class as a guest lecturer so long as it is a single ap· pearance. ~1iss DaYiS also ·will ch·e a general campus address Thursday noon In the Science Lecture Hall. That appearance is sponsored by the students for a Democratic Socie!y (SDS), the Black Students Union and the New Universi:y Conference of radical professors. Dorsey, a senior in American cult ure, organized the University in American Culture course after olitaining the sponsorship of three professors who act as adv isors. They are Spencer Olin, of !he hi story department: Duran Bell , of th1~ l'.'conoznics depart1nent, and SlephPn Shapiro, teaching his last year while ;iwaiting disn1issal from the. English department. All are assistant professors. Dorsey said the class will be taught frt)!ll a •·radical perspective." r\o tests or pap.!rS are requi red and grades will be based on class partic.ipation a n d discussion. he said , although one faculty advisor said the grading procedure still is unde r study. W oma11 i11 Buzzsa\v Attack Escapes P sycl1i~t1·ic Ward A SuJ)"rior Court Judge t 1onday issu!.'rl a $10,000 bench \.\'arrant for the arrest of ?>1aria Lechuga, the Santa Ana wo1n11n ordered to fa ce psychiatric f'xaminatio11 af!er police allege she attempted to se x- ually mulilate her husband. ~!rs. Lechuga. 34 , con1mon-la w wife or Rami ro Lechuga, escaped during !he Ha y ns1vorth Still Dra'lvs Opposition f 'ro11t Se nnto r.~ \~"ASHJ XGTON {l"Pl! -Cle nient !-" Jl~11·n~11 0r1h .Jr.'s offe r !rt put h1,. ~I n111!1on ~t.nck porlfnl1n 111 t n1~t Ja1lut 1'1 ti;;y to slacken oppos11ion lo his no1n1n.1- 11on to the Suprl'.'mr Cour t. !'!en Birch Bayh, 1 lJ.Jnd .. I ~id hi' ~1 11! rl1d not have a hst o! rl<t\1'.'s he Pons1rlrr~ \ital lo h15 plan tn rhf'<'k r vrry :;tock pllrchasl'.' and sale !la.)'ns1l'orth ha s made si nce !957. That ,,.,·as thr yea• !'rc~idcnt [)lvight D. Eisenho'.'.'l'.'r named Hayns11·orth. n1emhrr of a Green\'ille. S.C., famil y of lawyrrs. to lhe 4th li.S. Ci rcuit Court of Appeals. Bayh said h(' '.'.'anl!.'d to learn 1~hethf'r J!aynS\\'Orth held stock in firms that -...•ere lit igar.1ts before him. Haynsworth's op- ponents havl'.' charged the. Judi;:e was in - sensitive to judicial propr ieties by not disqu aJifying himself from t'.'.'o ca:>t'S. On e involved a vending machi ne com - pany, in whic.h Haynsworth harl a S350.000 int!.'rest. that was doing businrs~ 1-1·ith a t"xUle firm lhat '.'.as e litigan1 in Havn5'\'0rth"s cou rt. The other involl"f'rl lfa,·ns11·orth 's stock purchases in the Bruns,,.,·ick Corp., \\'hich liad a cast' pen - ding in hi.~ courL Haynsworth said hr m11dc 1hr off rr In put his holdings in a 1rus!, agreeable tC'I Congrcs.c: and the Justice Ot>parl1n ent. The \\'hite Ho use said it h11d heer1 in· formed of Haynsworth's offer. allhoui:;h President Nixon probably wa,, not personally aware of it. Press Sec retary Ronald Ziegh•r denied the administrallon asktd or recomm,nded Hayns-...·or1h make the Offer. "Tl's just a lh.ing he want5 to do," Zi,gler said. Recreation Unit To Hear of Progress t.:11y parks and recreation con1- missloners will hea r se•·eral progrrss rrports on park bulld!ng and 11cq11isl lifln al 7~30 p.m. Wednesday in the llunlinglon Bc;ich cily counc il chambers. Also scheduled that evening. 1m- mC'rllalf'ly after th~ mreling, is a soclal al 1hr Uk' Park clubhouse for members of the new youth advisory co1nmlttec ti> lne recreation and parks commission. 1\CCkend frorn the psychia!rlc ward of Orangr County r.·ledical Center. Doctors' reports on her mental con - <litlon were schedu led for delivery fo.lon· day bcfort> Judge Robrrt Gardner. ~!rs. Lcrhuga fa ces charges of assault 1•.'ltll intent to commi t murder and assault wi th a deadly weapon . Police arrested her last Aug. 21 out sirle thr Lechuga home after she apparently 11 c11t bf'r5C'rk and allegedly altacked her llu~brind on three occasions. Shr fi rst we nt alter hin1 11·ith a poll'rr .«111 111 a11 ;ipparent atten1pl to se xually n111tilate him as he lay nud e on the bed 11 ,1!rh111g telev\sinn, thl'n she altacked h1 ;11 11·1th a h<it l'hl"I ;ind finally stnbbrd h1111 111 !he back with a t"an·1ng knife Thi' !'creaming. blood-soaked Lechu~;i !hf'n fled from the house and !'<Ot1ght tl-e h(•lp nr neighbors. \\'hn held off !he mutl - ilrned \\'On1a n until police arrh·l'd . Lei lll1R<1 told nrf1tl'rs that 1hrougho11t 111<' troicas. ht$ -...11e kept asking hull \Vh ~ dn you gri nu1 with olher -...nml'n".' 1111.11 is 11-rong 1\'Jlh me'•" l'nl1rc re.ports 1nd1 c<itr \hi'.' tllex1 can- born "''Oma n \\'as acquitted 111 her \1omeland on charges or killing lier lir!:il l\,1.~b<1nd. Officers state that ~Ir . .;. l.rc!:uR;1 ;i lso tn\d of killing a second hus- band in self-defense. Woodruff Keeps Busy Working For T'vo Cities Assistant Newport Beach City Atlorn!.'y Tom \\'oodru H 1-1·ill be a busy man the next se1·eral wee ks. Here's \l'hy: -He'll be taking over lhe ;oh of part· 11n1c Founlain V11lll'.'y city 11ttorne~'. -Al !hr sa111c 11111(', he'll ('unt1nl1r n ~ Ne11 1)Ur! C11 r Allor n(•y Tully St>y1nn1ir·~ t•h1rf a;..~1~1an1, until his successor is lured . -Slmult:lnCQusly, he'll he lookini:; for oflil'e spa ce to sc.t up a pril"ale practice. \\'oodrufl. lO, \l·as hired as Fountain \"alley's legal counsel fo.!onday. He wa s one of nine app\icant.s for the job, 1·aca1ed when Edwin r-.1ar1in resigned. Marlin quit, he said, because Fountain Valley needed a ful l-Ume attorney. Foun- lain Valley C()uncilmen disagrttd. They said llH! cily v.•a!ln"t read.Y for That, yet. So \'i'oodruff "'as hired on a parl-time basis. Ne1\•porl City Attorney Seymour, -...·tio selccled \\.oodruff as his aide two years a:;n. said· ··To1n will continue 11·orking fl)r u:s at lrasl hRJf.tirn e until wr. can hire Sllmeone tl~. \\rl'.'·re working out some kind of ar- r:ini:-e1nf'n\ now." Ikfore joining th e Newport municipal ~fa ff. \\'oodruff was ci!y prosecutor for l n~lrw('ll)(!. He is a liC Berkt.ley la1-1· Sl'hool graduate . ' milted under quesLii>ning were given lo him by police departments of Chi cago and Kansas City and by .a provost marsha l at Fort .Bliss, Tex . Tllrner. a bald little rn11n , stood ramrod stiff a't attention to be. sworn in. J{e stuck fir1n ly lo his conten tion Lhat there ,.,.as no subterfug e in his acceplance of the guns for persona l use, and no harm in his decision to sell some of them. He ackno-...·!e.dged receiving more tha n $2,000 from a F'a yettevi !le, N,C, gun shop, n1::>stly for guns he got from~Chicago and f\ansas City police. "'I study gu ns,'' Turner tf'stified. "It's .11 hobby -...·ith me ." He said he used many of the guns In lectures to Boy Scout troops, turned others over to a military police gun muse.um at Fort Gordon, Ga., and broke many olhers into parts to repair guns for his friends. Beach Council Battles Over Industry Law • City councilmen fought a brief battle 01·er industry in Huntington Beach Tues· day night, spawned by a proposed ordir,ance -...·hich tightens industrial con- struction ordinances. Councilmen George ?>1c(.'racken, a building contractor, and Ted Bartlet! ex. pressed concern that more ordinances 1vould scare industry out of Jlunlington Be=il'h. The other five councilmen defend- ed the ordinance 1\·hich \\'Ould protect residential homes fro1n encroaching ln- dustf)'. The ordinance in questi on calls for any industrial buildi ng adjac.ent to residential homes to be built a mlnln1um of lO fe('t from its front prop<'rly line and 40 feet lro1n its rear and side property Jines. First re ading of the ordinance \\'as pa.>~l'.'d unan in1ously Mond ay to avoid 11·il:-:ti ng time on reading it in full. buL r..tcC rac kcn promised a baule \~·hen the ord1r.ance coines up for its ~e.cond reading. "It's just another example of creeping bureaucracy," charged l>.1cCra cken. "I al11·ays thought it was the intent of th!.' ci· IJ to a\lrart industry, but we·re getting 1nore and more re strictive." "The Irvine industrial deve\opmenl is al-...•ay.~ given a~ the most de sirable in Orani;:f' County," countered Councilman Donald Shipley , "ye t they ha ve the strictest ru les of any.'' "\Vestm inster ls doing -...·ha t we 're talk· in g about in attracting indlll'i try" con- tinued a dissatisfied r-.1cCracken, "They don't sit down and write a lot of comic book rules for the year 2.000 ." Ccuncilmun J-lcnry KaufmCJn point ed ou! that the city currently ha~ no ordinance lo prevent an industrl<1I building from being constructed nlongside a home. l\'ith no setback frorn the pro· perty line, 2 El Toro Pilots Die in J ct Crasl1 DAIL'( .. llOT Siii/ .. ltt1t Mayor Na111ed News1na1a l-Iuntington Beach ~layor Jack Green receives plaque na1ning hin1 as hon orary newspaperman from DAILY PILOT sta ff men1ber Jack Broback. Plaque 'vas presented to niayor as part o! current obser\·- ance of National Newspaper Week Oct. 5-11 . From Page l VALLEY DOLL CARVER ••• 11ason, 55, -...·ho lh•es at 9400 El Camino Ave, "I just chip away what l don 't '.'.'ant. Sometimes I miss lhough. ~Iy hi:inds are all scarred up. I must have 2$ or thirty cuts already.'' !\E\V ART FOR.\f The unusua! hobby -believed by him to bf. a new art form since he has ne1'er seen anyone else plying sa tire 11·1th ;:i carving knife -began 25 years ago when r.1ason was still in Canada. An Indian kachina doll brought b11 ck from .'.I trip to the An1 crican we st cxti!etl his brother so much that ~'lason bo1ig hl ::i. block of balsa and carved a duplicat e, di 5playing talent s that surprised r1 f'n him. .. Soon after that a descendant or Si r l!enry r-Iorgan, lhe famous pirate, asked inc to produce a figure for him and my career was born." laughed 1'1ason . who ~.as "'·hitlled more than 300 of the foot high statuettes already. SEEKS 'EQUIPi\11::\''r' .. No1v I find myself continuously haun- ling the bubble gum machines," looking ro~ ·eQuipment' t(I put on my characw.rs such as litUe suns, banana!i, gclssors or \.\"hatever." "After J am through carYing l give lhern a coal of while latex, whic h ltardrns And seals the wood , and paint on 1hl..'. fea tures 11·ith nonna l "''a!er colors," rxplJined f.la son ... I mu sl have tried 30 different kinds of bases before I finally l0un d one I could li ve -...·i th ." "I am sort of an early riser 11nd on the weekend, around five or five fifteen. when the fan1ily is still aslee p, 1 sneak: ou~ of the house. tum on my home-built "I see people evrry day !hat l "''anl to carvf'. They t~nd to ca r i c at u r i z e themselves wilhout knowing ii," J\lason says. "I think ni'xl I"m going: to do those pitiful old ladies 1n Lil-" Vegas. \.\ llh .i. ut'ink beside thr111. fred1ng the sJnt rnachines. r\onc of them look like they cJn afford it." Beach to Host County Sol ons Gurss 111ho"s coming lo dinnr.r in llttn· tinglon Beach'.' All of Orange Count;.•s sli!!r ll'J!l slator!i :ind they'll be. the. gl!c~t' Ol the CiLy Council. Co11ncilmcn ilppro1c11 !iie din n r r meeting :\lnnd:iy nii:;ht, '.'.' 1 1 h ar· rangements a~ !o dal e and location lo be rnade later. ll's billed as ii dinner to htinor tht>m for 1hc1r 1\nrk on behalf .,r the local area and to gain information on fugure projects involving the c1Ly on a state level. Councilman Donald Shipley said that h11 felt there. "'·rre a couple of legislator.~ \\"ho cl1dn'~ dc~erl"e any hono rs, but agreed to hrrah hr1,arl 111U1 them any ,,.,·ay. I srael Attacks In Reprisal Move \1·nterfall out in the yard and get going ," he said. By l'ni!rd Pre~~ lntf'rnnt io n;i l ll1s work has bel'n reviewed and ac-Israeli planrs struck milit.1ry b.'.l<.c5 !n claim ed by many ne,,.,·spaper.~. includ1n~ the l>.Inntreal Star, Otta\.\'a Citizen, and J ordan and Egyptian m11it;1ry JX15111011~ f.Ion trcal Standard. nlorg the 11 e5tcrn .~horfl <if tht.' Gulf o! Yet f'\·en though priase has brcn :\11C'Z today in reprisai :it!-arh~ tl\1\ lo!lo1'l'- hc:ipcd on th em from all sides, rclativrly 1 d ·1 ma~sive F 'Pl · d •1 d Two l\lar1ne pilots from El Toro ' · · · ·I'' 1.in 111r r.11 "nn a~· f{'1v people have seen Mason"s nel-I' senrs d I h I h <lied 1\londav near El Centro when thf'ir :in f'J& 1t our~ u ~ L lhng illon,: th!' Suet. S4 Skyha11"k .Jet crashed during a tra1nin~ of ca ri·cari·ings. Can::1 IJ1ghl. HEADY "TO EX HIBIT An Eg~p!1;in 1111111.11"\' '-pt.\H''!T'l;\'1 111 Thr nan1r" of both rnrn arr. being .. They arc il' a1lable for puhlic sho1\·1ng. Cairo ~J1d E'f:~ pll.in i:, 11!nrr~ ~hot \lo11 1 1\1\.hhf'ld pending 11ouf1ca11on of the ir ne\l ;it no cost," hr p<i1nts out. adrhng that hf' nn~ of !he aUac k1ni:: 1 ra\•!i \llttnr •. 11" of kin 11·riuld be plrnsed In place then1 on exhibit lhird aeri;i l hill tln1·11• d h~· l.g,1pt 111 '..'.\ 1"he \lririne Curp~ spoke~inan a! the 1-:1 v.11h any organizat111n lioli r~ !sr,.;rl ~Jlt! nil 1.t 11~ p1un1, ri 1u• ._ Torn ~lar111e Cnrp' Air Stn11on \;u!;i~· ~.11d Only 39 of r..-1,1~on·._ carvings remain 1n rd ~:ifl'ly fro111 ·11:~'·'' J C:;.111,t 1hc :ir~ 1 llll' 1110 rnrn 11·1·re (·arr1ir1J.: tJ11i n,111111!' !h" L"Jllcr\1on. About 270 of them havr rrporlct.! !u lr1111..11.1 11tlo.1 r .111tl r(li.:~rl bn1n h1nE: .11111 rockcl t1.n11g proe ed1irr ~ b~cn given all"a y Ir) friend~. donat ed to :.1 !t•s. 11 l1rn their a1rcrafl ~ina shl.'d intn 1he ch:"ri1y or beconir. door pri7.('S. The C;:i1ro ~pu~r"u11111 -aid lilerc !rlll gruund \'.'ith !he 1rn rld <is h1~ li.tlxira lory, hf' bcr11 rnorr. than Clbhl l1ou1·~ of ~porndic lnriuiries 1111!1 \hr cau:.e of th r ;u·r·1<J"'nt l1ns 1nany subje cts to cir aw on and is nnt b11L hea•·y aru!lciy durl ~ aero;,~ 1 111~ :-.rf' bc\ni:; l'arried out by El Centro 111· too worried about once expanding the col-ct1 n:il, starlu1g ~lon<l:1y n1gl1l and Ctli \· •estig;itors. lect1on. lLnu 1ng this morning. ~~~fr~~~ YOUR WATCH~ • C1Mftff. Oilff • Ad justed WITH s4aa THIS AO rUllS l[-lflUKlo tr ... llNtS SIDD, ,,_ .. DIA MON" llPUCID, fro111 FREE $2.00 $3.00 $6.00 INtlATI N• DOHI WHlll YOU WAIT H•ntinqton Clllter leach l!f Edinger HUNTINGT'ON BEACH ' Your O""t!lfl Salt• & St rv1ct Agtnc~ 0 OMEGA T>t •1•1 ''"'" o,,.,.,. s,,,d"'"'" .... ·~~ • • t1try w •1 u la tful "'""" o•I •"Y r-io~i licot•~• t,. N"SA to "' "'o'" !-~ oo< "''~ ~' lko "eon. T• 1 ,., .. ,.,.;~,. 11.ly • , •• ... • 'J '•' •• ,.1: •• , •. r-o~u ~· "''"" te bo ~Oof ow•loeri1t" o ..... ~~ it""tlor, Co"'t •~ -ot• '~" ~ .• ,J,.,,,,., l bullo~, 4 lli1I, 0"'•1• Sp o1 J,,,,,. h t t h••"•trtph. Tll o .,11 W iit~ Wtf• by l~t "'""ti th1 "'"'"· P•i•• l l tL TOMS AlAILAIU and back Harbor Shoppi nq Contrr 2300 Earbo r Bl•d. COSTA ME~A St;-~11 95 Ill I i: r ' t I I I l r- 1 I' r" .. """'"'""'"""'""""'"'"'"'l!l!'!!'ll'""""l!!ll""'"'""""..,l!l..,..,l'l,...,1!!111!!11.,..,..,.,., ............. lll!llllllllll°',~'~m:'.,~,..,°'''ll!'llP.'l!'"'"''"'"""'"""'"'""""·~ .. o."" .. ~."':,"""!l"•.•,"il·•••e.••·•••••~·'.•~~f"~ .. ""'~"""""".._,. ....... ,..,i. -• • • • t • l I rurst.111, OctobH 7, ]q6~ OAI LV Pll~ ~!f. Long Beach Playhouse Best New Series 'What Did We Do Wrong?' 111 LiI1e fo1· E1nmy Does Most Things Right Nl::\V YOHK IAP ) -The En1n1y uwa rd show next year wi ll l!'.lVC n n e w ra thrr than on the trleca~t. cast. ABS v.ilJ broadcast lh1! F:mmy presrnlat1ons for th1 .9 !)(!<!:-.On JU!\(' 7, nv T0~1 TITUS Cl 1111 OtllY l"llt l It•!! "\\'hal Did \Ve Do \\lrong~·· is yet anothtr in the current rash of generation gap con1· edics, less successful th3n the hilarious "Generation'' bul more impressi\•c than, say. "Half'A'SY Up the Tree." whi ch il more ciosely rcse1 nhles. This latest production ol the LOnR Beach Co m111 un i ty Playhouse is b rig h I en e d beyond the limits of its script l;ly some fine acting, as well as some enlightened direction by Bertra1n Trans\.•:r!l, \1·hose i;plendid ''Ptuladelphio. !·!ere I Come" at the L a g u n a Playhouse sti ll \1arms the n1en1ory. Tans\vell and his cast. head- TURN IN I ! i1:::1! "11 ••11111111111 llAKE SIX ed by the Huntington Beach husband and wife team of Joe and Elizabeth Karbo, rt1n an obstacle course v.·ilh a script thaL son1etitnes threatens lo slop them dead in their tracks, Abstract cliches arc scattered likr. !and 1nines throughout, but the Long Beach com~any e1nerges for the inost part unscathed. Bolh Karbos are in fine fonn as a pa i r of establishment-oriented parents ! the v.·ord "oriented" pops up .,.;hat seems like at least a hundred limes throughout the play) \Vho learn, lo their hor- ror, that their son has been jailed !or leading a college protest march. They react \\'i!h lhc instinct or self preservation -1\·hat v.·ill this do to his business, or ht'r posit ion in society ·~ finally, like the father in "Ha!! .... ·ay Up the Tree," he decides to fight the idealogical battle on his ~on·s hon1e ground. predi c- tably exposing juni<Jr and his gang as, of all t h i n s s , .. imagc-ol"ient cti .·· .Joe Karbu 11as s o 111 e delicious moments as he huffs <1nd puffs through the fir st acl and parades riotously 1n hippie togs in the second, He is an excellent ('omi c. all hough he lacks the authority required in his straighter scenes 1rhen cx- upt ightness is ca lled for. As his .... ·ife , .... ·110 ,,·ou ldn"t make a decision 11·ithout con- sulting \\"oman·s Day or Doc· tor Spock, J-:lizabet h Karbo is superb. Aside from providing a beautiful counterpoint to her husband's more c red j b l c character, she displays a remarkable sen~e of ti n1ing and an en1·iable affinity for line delil'ery. So n1e11·hi\l y,·eaker is Don Allen as their plastic hippie son \.\'ho fails to make a con- "W"AT 010 WI! 00 WllOHO'" A co1nt<1v by l-1en•¥ Denker. ""•ct•d •fl<I deslonod ov 1Ur1fam l onlWlll, oou....:I 1nd 1-tl>tlnt bY It•~•" l>\urphv, ca•Tum•• ov (hl rlOllt $ft11m1n. Prf· stn!ed f•ld•>I 11>(11 ~11ura1v• '"'°"'" Ho•. I •I 1h1 Loni 8•od• (ommunnv Play!•ou••· ~n E. An1M•"" $t , Loni 8!•<1'1. 1111. c.-.s1 W111Pt Ol>'h $'. H•rml OaYi• W1l!er Di vis J r. Senn C•n<IY Wooci, (l•rcnct C1n111 C~•rlo1!1 (1~!1! Joe W:••ba E"1111M•n Klrba Don A.ll1n 11.at'lfly MnHi•on M•""""! Mi lton . Clvor fl. Wiiien G.or~t M•"h1ll Fr•" W1l~ln1 viocing case for his genera- tion . Tlus. however, is done with hilarious apl on1h by Ra n- dy ~1 orrlson . playing a real ··s11·ltched on·• kld who "s been kicked out of i1111u1ncr1ible col· 'FHtl1e1•' Resu111es Tonight c11 tcgory-outsl<1nd111g II f' 11' In another l'hi\ngP. the .series. pre~entatiOn ror I' 11 r i <' I 'f Tltc rha ngc ll'ilS a11nounceJ musical progr an1 s will be ~plit fllund;.iy at a new!) confr rencr. inlo popular and classical by Sryr~ou r i3crns, president categories or the Natron a! Ac;.itle mr 11! The m<l\C to honor the bt~I Tc le1'ision Aris and ScienCes. new srrics could take some of The acad e111y also 11·i\l 1na kr lhe pressurr off !hr Academy lls a\1'ards to t. hr te.chnical for a reform of the a\.\'ards rrnlts at a srparatr r .. oetion.1 _~res. __ _ Wit!~• Repertory Lists Cast For 'Forurn' .,.._ ENOS TONIGHT " ... CAN Heironymus Mtrkin M ERCY Hump•• ever Forget !: ! and find true happiness?'' lcgcs. and. to a more rational R.esun1ing a thrce·\veek enga gcn1 cnt at Ille llC\I' l~azuna-!\loullon P Jay llo u~(' extent. by Clyde B. \\'ilson as toni2 ht is the dran1a "I Never Sung for !\Iv 1:a1h er " In t11 is ~L'CllC 11., F'. South Coast HC'1>ertory has i'.'lnnounccd the cn~t for its u~ ro1ni11g produc11011 ur tilt 11111sical co111cdy "A Funny Thing Happened on lhe Way to tile Fortun .. , Arl Koustik 11•1!1 play the rt)le of Pscudulus, created by Zero ~l ostcl on Broad1ray . ,ilso Vo11n10 lted111111"1'• i11 !he Negro yo11th wh o·d rather .... le \~C•1son (left) and Robert \Vc :1tz (center I face the d1!fic11 lt la .~k OJ selecti ng be studying than picketing. " I a coffin as n1ort1 cian :\Ian· liar\ \l"~i·ts pal1 !'11l y. ~tarianne J'l.lelton, s i le n t _::-::::.:::.:::::_.:::::_::::.:::::::::::::::::::;:c.c_ ___ _,_ __ __.::_ ______________ _ through 1nuch of the first ac t. 'Music Hall of ls1·ael' Ope11s 11 ilh !\like Dougl ass cast as I !)'steriun1. Les lngleduc as Sencs. ~·lartha fllcFarland as Domina and Squire Fridell as ll cro. j "LOVES OF ISADCRA" STARTS WEDNE SDAY Dick ¥011 Ork• i11 l H[ MIRISCH 'SOME PRODUCllO~I COMP!NY ..... KIND Of A ttUT' ... 1,. ''WEST SIDE STORY" provides a breath of fresh air in the second as the son "s fian· cee \.\'ho can't understand why he docsn"t subscribe lo his O\\'n "make lo\·e, not 1\·ar'' credo. A mosl ilnpressiYe young actress, her l'icene \\'ith th e mother is a high spol of !he evening Rounding out the cast are (,eorge Marshall . soinc11'ha t shaky as the fathcr·s stra \t- l:iccti bu~iness parlner . and Fra n \\"atk ins. 1vho creates a n1rn1or;ibl e c<ln1eo ::is 11is s up c r -establishn1ent wil r 11·hosc cn1i rc dialogue is one cLrrnal t lichc . 111 N e\v Y orl{ Despite La,vsuit Oth<'r pri ncipals are Elaine Bankston ils Philia. Heath j Park as l.ycus. Can1eron Vuong as ErronHts and James R;1xrs as the 11·arrior ~1ilc:­ (ilor10~11s Completing the casr iirc 'J'on1 Dhugla'>~. Sand~ 11'.~:o-:o-:'-:::==========~ fl l<>ri110. li.;1th;1rinc I ll'ndrrson,' the grou nds "uch aclton 11·as l\:irrn Hcr1.1j\11<1, l\lary Ann •·100 dra~l ic.'" ("f \llhc, Leslie T:iylor, Larry Ploi yc d on ;.i !Jngh l. well decorat ed .~cl , the sho11· en· C'OUnters fl'"•'> Of lhe Stflging pitfnlls prrscnlrd by earlier offe rings 1n the huge. rec- ta ngular pl:iy1ng area There is little 1norl'mcnt for its 0\1•n :::ake , thHnk.~ to T;i ns11·ell's sure d1reclor\al hand at the heln1 '"\\'hat Did \\"e Do \Vrong1'' 11·ill be staged for fi l"e mor~ 11·eckends. Fr i d a y s and ~arurdi\ys. at the pla yhouse, 5021 E. Anaheim St., Long Beach By WILLIA:-01 GLOVER NE'\' YORK (AP ) -A show 1nvolred in lawsuit , "The !'il'w f\1u3ic Hall of Israel ." h;.1s opl'n ed on schedule a t B 1· oodw;iy's Lunl·Fontannc Theater ;:ind v.·on a clri:rcut audience verdict as spnghtly entertain me nt. \ The le gal t11s5\e cnncrrns .... ·ho is cn!1t!ed to produre it 111 this country. Earlier 1n the day Ju~lict• X;:n ier C l1i1 ·- cobono of ti ll· sta te Supr('1ne Cou rt retused In c.11111111 lhr presentation tcn1 por;1r1 ly 1.u1 lVlarni Nixon to Si11g With Co1111ty S~1111pho11y ~lilrn i starred ~i:o;on , 1vho recrntly in "T11c Sound of The pl:iii1l iff. (;llb('r·Ford· Harbison. Bill ~ti ller and C 1·0~:< ProdtH:\!U!l'\, brnug\1 l ,J :l lllC,~ \\1:1rln/; 11::.-:-:ui t Jg:iinst ;i n1n11;i gcni r1,t 11011 Tl1n111~011 i'< d1rerti ng ,.1,11 1;111:r lie.1c\rd hv 1.ron 11 . l h'~ .~1\1111 , a ~~i~lcd h.v Toni GJlr:rn. clnlniln.~ ri{!.ht <; to thr. Sl1c:11·cr :is 1n11sical director. ~h011· paek.1~r brcausr o! i1 .~ ··1,·nrl1111·· 11 111 open Oct. 21 !0r l!"llii lit"t'.~Cll l :Jll Oll hrrr• llf f_ut1r ',l_l'l'kt•nd~ :it the. Third ·•("·· 1 :'ll ... 1111 f l·r·cl" Steil l ll:•:1l('t", 1827 )';c.11"porl . .i ;.HJC ' usli.: ;i 0 -~ " Uh;d. C<J~lu ~.1l'S<l . The still ~;i1 ci an ;1grc.l'1nc ul \------------ proi·idcd 1h;1t 11 lhe troupe «i,"'ro' ~c•"c co~n •t1GKWU" ~ 1T rrhirncd to !he l'nitctl Stntes 'ir<-~_/- 111th i11 1hl'Cr v~·;i r~. Cuber· ~ 'f 11 J..~ Ford-t;ross 1\·oUlc! h;1ve ftrsl 1:Ut:== • · op por111n1ty lo proliut:e. Tiie loniti 01 •:OO 0,,d 9:50 \ tlt:fCnd•~nt~ ;1s~crt lhc l"urrenl c1111i p;111y is not the one u1· 1 k Le n and Ynh·rd 1n <inv :1grrcn1c.nt and · ,ac . mmo ~11g;::~~t('rl th; di."-putc ~n 1.n '.hr l ather1~~~neu,·e Atnt'11can Arb1lrn11on A.~!'iot 1a-Tl A .1 F I .. "' 11011. o::-" IC prl '00 8 e:::t All !lppl\{'i!l 101\ IS 1JC1ldltl j,; f111• 1"" ,..~"';,' \' . "'.qi' : ,. i !~'; ·.-. lit TIME TOGETHER '"T~•".J·•,C.;~~ ~[{XlJ(~ ~~ Nu111he1· I ~tusic'' at L<iguna Beach's l r1'inc Bo11I. 11·i!l be featu red Oct. 11 and 12 11·1th the Sy1nphony 0 r ch e s I r a of Orange Coun!y in t h e perforinancc of B t n J ;i 111 1 n Bri tten"s ''Lt's ll lu1n1n;:ilii11s" for high voice and string orchestra, Op. 18. tn;il lu -~~ar! i\lond:.y 111 S1111r~u1c ('o ·u ·1. So 111ui·h fur the ! c g :i 1 ~Pt'1·1fi(·~ 1··1·p111 ~p r c l al u r :-1anctpo i111, ··TJi1• i\11w :Vl11.5i ~· l!.1 lr ' hH<: plc111.v tn rt'ron1 11H"lld ll l\llh111 l"Cl"lil lll linlllll 111111 "<. end or 8:00 011lr l'LUS-ltAYI ltiVllWS! '"ACADEMY AWAlltD M,1.TEll:IAL·'-HIT ~.ONG COMPOSlD IY ROD Mc!<UIN NE\V YORK (AP I -r-iBC took f1r sl place and CBS :<ec· ============-~o~o~d'._l'.'place today in the fir!.t Crossword Puzzle ACROSS l P abbl ~ ) Play tfi cl s 'l Sh a•otn109 rl t v1r r l ~ En<11t5tl ~O'l1P)S t1 IS !~et,11: A bl'!•. 1 &Ron;t'~ h~rlt 17 Bontlsr:-a,1 ·~ conctri1 18 Par t or "10 ~' .. 19F e.~lne k • tly 10 Abo '.t J ll otht 1~· 1 wo:ds 22 Ore hes!ra VI P$ 24 Annoy ed: 2 words l b Enamor ed ?1 Disple.Jsure t a Un aspirate 211 Mei l '"' 32 MeJ n 3} Put into actio11 37 Father, Ul lht ,..,,r Ea st 38 C!a ssic~I l a ngua~r ~ Abbi. 111 Win 40 Sctlool bOlf~ members (J Gtnrral styl e ~S Eras 1n~ t.rilS and era $ '' l l ' ' • 4 bKon T 1~i vi as on' 47 fl~rd !1QUOI 4 8 Try 49 i o.;~ c1'r 1ll P;J Jliy ~)Td ~t -........ · Rt s!: ~ 1·.!)•r's 57 Pt sul t of ,1,~p1n~ c., c..d t 's b ~i:~ 5B Fl es t 11i:i1• Ll• Ii 0111d ~ s ~ ~tr at !ord's "it f bl Do c tr\~oi 11 011~ewo1 k C2 Ha 1rdr~sse.r's product 63 C.l ac1al ~n ow field b~ l1np11 dt nc e: Di al. bS M ~k t over 1e<1d~·m adt suit bb All•IC\t d b7 "Of ·-·· ! Sln9'' OOWtl Kind of foo1wt~I 1 Hrm ol construc lion r qulpment J Wt l!I ( Tuneful S Part ol thr h r ~d ti Sh1klng li kr • ··-·: 2 wo rds 7 Fel ine souod 6 Issuing lort11 • '1 T co l 10 Color sligh\I Y lt Censu re 12 Un usu al person: Sl ang 13 Groups of seals 21 Mcnlreal nr New Orleans 23 The vtry br s!; 2 WOl'd5 2S Ch a.rat tor llt nta l ••• 28 ··•• t ommou mull1plt 211 ','!illi~<n, in Eire )0 ~a.n's n1me 31 I.Ia n: ln fo1mal 32 Ap11o•nlm rnt JJ R1v'r of Spa in 14 P<irt or sp't ~li 3b Histor ian cf ;i European counl ry " 10, 7 b'I 38 Kind of 1wrr 2 "110! d ~ 41 Ori r P•l k· 1nq Ul) tile tab 42 --·- C. rrm•nY 43 C<ilend a1 <ihbrt~l a tion 44 Poss,ss l ~r word 48 P;ist. f re s~nl or uture A Q S11bs1an1iale SO Fivt boo k$ of I.loses Sl !rrtgu1 ~r 5Z Slow in t11 lnk in9 SJ Radio employer's 11nlon: Abbr 54 Coo~ in cl!'l"ta in way 55 Prewer Sb Al any ti mt t.C ••• Brunswl~k • Niels ens lH " DJl~))Y.t GOME R·HYJffl,.11 ~-,, .. ,• .. ® nallunn l N1 cl sc11 r;i !1ng~ f1ir the tclc11;;1011 sen so11. ABC.: 11';\S thi rrJ. "The w01·1ti know ~ J\f iss N i.~nn for her lighter roles on r:idio and television, hut f"W rea li7.e her o t he r ;1t:· cornphshn1e11t~. \\l e a I" 1' Th <• prngr:1 n1 11( \ al"l f't.1' r n1crta i11n1rn1 ,1 :.~ed :1 11 (I '==-----c=-c=:o=:==:=o' 111 1hc 70·C1t y ratings - a separate rating for h1 g (·1lic~ -issued Friday, \\'hic h covers 67 percent uf the >ic11·in g puhl1c, l\BC 11·a~ fir;,t, ABC second and CBS third. 801h ratincs are for Sept 22-28 The \"Jr1ilnl"C 1n 1hc r;itir1 e~ reflect s lhr appeal of thr r,e\11·nrk~ tn r\!Hrrr nr 1n;1 rkf'1.' CRS. 11·1th a strong <l f)JH'<ll In srni\l l 1ow11s and rural area~ and lo oldrr pc.nplc. placrd sr · 011d nat ionally but tlurd in lhc 11rl>.1n rat111 1:;~ ,,s r ·s prui::rr1in1111n~ lnq~rlw i5 RC.Hreci t0 yn11 nRrr :111dientr ~ ;inrl its popularity is 111 the c1tic.~ ,\'BC has a v:irictv 0f prgran1s appealing to vari ous at1diences, a!thOtJgh it. alms n1ain!y for the urban audience. fortt1nate to be oiblc to hear her in a O)ore. de1nand1ng rnl r \\'i:~ our own s y m p h o n Y orchestra." director Daniel Lewis said. Other guest soloi~ts lo an- pt•ar wilh Or;111~e Count~'~ S}1nphony Or chestra t h i s ~c a ~on 11111 be crlhst f:Og.ir Lustgnrtrn \\ho 1rill play on the r\o\"e1nher 22·23 pro~nnn . Bonnie Douglas. v10!1n1st and i\lyra l\cs!Pnbaun1. 1 1oh~l. 111 ;1 duu \1ith or·chestn1 1n .!~+nuarY . anrl :0.lanly n r\ee!rv playing. a plnno <'onccrln w1tl1 fu ll orchc:stra 1n f l'brua ry i\lorr to be hea rd in thi~ Saturd;i_v c o n c e r t arc \Vagner's festi\·e overture to Sou in Role SYMPHONY SOLOIST Marni Nixon 111<. np"ra '"!)1e ~1c 1sle r,11111cr'· a11d one or Bt·cthn1 c11 ·.o; lr,~.cr 1•t 1orco~rnphed by .lo11:11h:111 li.ar1non-ll'llo "e1·1·1'd sir11 1loir ly in l!l~7-11a·h1U1•s ~ fnSk) llSSOt'lnlf'!'l (I f gui t:1r-il l"- ('01ll fliHlle<l :-I nger.~. a 11.yr:ir 11hl hlondr w h i7.h il 11 1.; xylnpl•nni·t. :i ch:.o p 11ho 11l:iy, ;; drun1 ll"ith his elbows :u1d e:1;. t 1:i~·1:s gfl h<I !\!:ll'~ lroni ;1 l'<ttk nt 1\·1nc hnt t11·~ You l1kr·1 S1:11uJtJ1'1 111rn.\ ar pro1·1d{'1t by ,\lr11nn1,n11111, 111 ;111 a111at111µ ,1nd 11 111'" <f '~(ll"[lllf'Ut 11 I k!lOl\I\ ~\ ll iphO!lll"~. the 'h<H!•11rgl';•p1 1~ II .th hl' huntb. .11ul (ic-ul.1 t,111. a 1111"\ 1\·11)1 ;1 S~ tnphony IV Ill D Fl:it I 11'• C <:( \ t''I \ 1 \1 lilll't"\ll:11"i1y All p.-1igrJ1n~ l11r t11c•e B lt'<11~~1 111 .di .i r·r llirrc t101•·11 :-.r nt·~ <1 rc hrld 111 t ll c !i.a;·n1011 D:H1Lr r' In :. l.~\!Sh nrl'hr~t r;1·s prrfu1·n1111;..: 111111 . ;1· 0:·1111rnl c•f 1·1i<>tu1nc~ for :1 tll r Chapnurn C o ! I c ~ e pt"ll('('~<.11111 r•! 1•!11 ni<· r11111jl~ uf Aud11 onurn on Nor!h lilassC'!I 1:it11rr ek•n1rn1;1I tcrp~iehu rc. in Or l1ngc, ((1n(crt s bc"l1J.( :<l Tl1c-1nfel'Li ou'. fa st t ~n1p11 A·:JO p Ill Salurdi4Y :i11d '.1 r !11. ll1U.,1cal 1n0od l"l't:\irrrn11y had Su nda y. ~~or lickel inlo rin ation fir st 111gh tr r~ in hnnd cl<1 pp1ni; phone rithcr 54i-6166 or 5li-rhuru s. Steadily p I c ;1 s a n t , f o l·~:OI •I I BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! W INNER6 ACAD!::.'.Y AWARDS! Here arc 1he top 10 na· tiona !ly . \. The Boh Hnpc Spe:cial, NBC. 2. "Laush·in." NBC. and Nac ·s Saturday Night at the Movies . lied. ~-"The Bill Cosby Show," NBC. ::-, The Cha rlie Bro11t'n Special. CBS. 6. ARC Sunday Ni~h~ at th c ~101·ies, 7 Wall Oisne~. NBC. 8. T h e Fhp \\'ilson Sper:ial. /\RC. 9. ··111ercus \\'elhy, !\,.D.," ABC 10. Dean ~lart in. !'/BC. HOLL vwooo 1 uPi l 61 &:> i~'~''~"~'~' ~'"~"~"~'~'~"~sil~'~"~111~·~1.~~0i\'~r1~~[~~~~~ Robert Reiner. son of actor-11=========== director Carl R~iner. will play -'ff/!· -- a key role in "!tall of Anqcr.'' il l!lTIDiol i!: ON THE TUBE For lh• b•'' t "icl1 to wh 1t'1 h•pp•"iRQ o" TV, r••d TV WEEK -di1lrib uit d with. th.1 S1turd1 y tdition of th.t DAILY PILOT. Fco•T••••• """'" SOUTH COAST '""" DX ~LAZA THEATltR CO~POAAllON S•n Dieco Ft4tway at trl1tol • 546-2711 ACRES OF FREE PARKING Box Off let Open1 6:45 -Show St1rl1 at 7:00 p.m. ··coooaYt COLUM1u1· II IOUNO TO II A CiMAT IUCClllr "YOU ARE GOING TO ENJOY 'ALFIE' VERY MUCH.'' r--LIFE M1priM -I NEWl'Oltl 1£.-.Clt • 011.J IJ51) ENDS TONIGHT John W11y11• "TRUE GRIT" Joek lt111111on Wol!•r M-'th11u '" "THE ODD COUPLE" St~rts Wtdne.day "l...u1s 'Bunue4 ~piece of'f.roUca/ A's• "A MAN AND A WOMAN" Ends Tonight "CHITTY CHITTY B.ANG BANG" Also "IF IT'S TUESDAY, THIS MUST BE BELGIUM" St1rts Wtdntsd&y ll:ei..rt Mltcll•111 Ki111 N11.-11ll ,, "THE GOOD GUYS AND BAO GUYS" Al•• BARGAIN MATINEE WEDNE SDAY, 1 P.M. Ad~i11!1111 Sl.00 ''" lt!frfll .. "'""'' 1~·~ '.l..·.~:: ... •.:{ltq ;"cZ~O;I;)' ~w:roi DOCTOR ZHIVAGO 2001 l'LUS "THIS SHOCl(Elt t l. - ' • • lll&CH tlL . •T f.LLlll o, "''· • co•"' MW~ a ""'" 01&00 r...,.,. 11a?·ltllOll • 11\.IH TtN llTON llCAC•1• l •t EXCLUSIVE WEEK PARAMOUNT ltlll'!ES ·~· AMEMlM if .... fN lfRl1!L'lS fll M Cll.UR A PARAMOJNT ~C IURf l!Jo 2nd HIT-In AREA RUN 111llAIY11· 11 IJHU#r rHK HY ''Beqjamin" NOW THRU TUESDAY ~ THE '.'i: ··~ Cilf l' ~I.., )19 ot h t.· :.,~,~.'"!llf ' •·--co-•~ J111f TOP COMIDT" ... "Tll ll#iHr 1lllY RMOfD MlffSICYS" ~­ JASON ROBARDS · BRITT EKLAJI c;;;:@ ntllt.Oll!l'I ............ .. • J!l._DAILV PILOT H • • • • • • • • • $2.1 Milli,011 Bid A 1rurd ctl Ne ,\'s print Up $5 Ton A Costa r.lcsa n1&nul ~t uinng p!anl ha~ rf'i ('J\{'d a ~'2 I n111hon contr!lC't from lllt: l)cpartrncnl of th e Arn1v tor oea rly f1\c mill!on artilllrv fu~f' IJarts SA~ FIV.NCISCO IAP) - (ro1111 Zellerb.'llh Corp an nounted ii S;i a Ion in l rcasl:' 1n standard ne11 sprint cflectn c "1th Jan I mil! sh.Jp- The Je!,1}~d action {Jlu ngcrs for 1he f..I ~5i ,u tilh r\ Ju .. r !\Ill be profh1c-1d bv Z lJ 111£ nts 'The 11~111 price 111 11t stern 111r1t kct111s aic.:.i l.ll:' $147 l 1u1\ tho 11 11! !'rodui l~ 3190 Pullrnari 1\1t , (os1,1 J,unt:. 1W;iv ~I r ~ a, ( ongrLJ~,.11 .• 111 B l !t \ H 1 u:,1u1 ) ::. 1lll Tl1e !m.:tl f ,r111 '" :l 11111"1tJn nf \\'rib \!<1rJll<' In~ ll <Orcl1ni.: to (01npl ~'-111111 LI!, a n n u u n l c 1n c n t l 'I hl' ~~ increa se 11 di <1ppll 10 ii! gr;"ldt:. ol nr11<:pnnt ind 11JtOpr111t t ).;rtpt 11gh!11 e1gllr lo puu11d nc wsprn11 11 l11ch \\J ll i.:u 11p SJ:in lo SJ~;i50 1 lull \I 1sh 111.:tJt1 oceanograpMc fun~ inc, A m!l tual fund investing 1;i the developme nt and use of tt,e oceo1n and its resou rc es Modqole-Distribulors Inc IO e ro•O ~lr•ct New v9r~ N v 10«I• Plea•• •~na m1 • prg•P•<lv• on I~• oc1a'los raph c lv'ld •nc "' HOTEL MANAGER John Gregory Merrill Lynch talks about Tax Exchanges Righ t now 1s the t1n1e for the soph1st1cated investor to consider portfolio sh if ts for tax purposes to take a long. hard look at the securities currently owned for careful cons1 d · erat1 on o f est abl1sh1ng ca pit al g ains-or losse s Don t rniss ou r timely Tax Exchange Forum Tue sday evening October 1 '1 1n the Clipper Room of ~he D ~'boa Boy Cl11 b Newpot' Bca'h 12.2 1 West Coe-st H1ghwa'I ~tort 1ni; c t 7 30 P !r1 s!lorp You II hea r how the t1m1ng of sales or e1ch anges lor tax pur poses can save you mone)I' the rea&on1ng los.ses behind the establishment ol tax the outlook !or the e<:onomy and the stock mar ,,, Ou r Research Department in New York has just comp11ed a comprehensive list of tax ex- change re commendation s This list, designed to aid you 1n determ1n1ng ca pital losses-or gains-withou t disturbing your portfolio bal· ance v11ll be the basrs f or this forum There will be ample time after the meeting for questi ons and 1nd1v1dual att ention There s no charge but seats are limited So ca ll or mail in the coupon below for reservation s Nanlt ---------------------- Address __________________ _ City& Stot\e ____________ z,,, __ _ Phone'---------------------- MERRILL LYNCH, PIERCE, FENNER & SIVllTH INC SEGERSTROM CENlER, SA NTA ANA 92 702 1000 North 1'10111 S1 1ee t iclc phone 547 7272 OVER THE COUNTER AJJl~SCW••w wccw ww = NASO Listing! for Mondey, October 6, 1969 .,,,_.,liv1 l!llt ...... ltr _ .. , .... , •I .,,_.,.d_Mly J a.-,,.,,, IU.SD. ~rkM • -IK..,,.. ,.,,u .,. m•<'~'-rMr11-•• c._...IN.. 1l .. '2'111 !l•k•• 11 • u t:~1:.:1"t •I• ~\, !h rw(k ' '" 6t>ln P • 1 ' B•~mr! Q • l l. llo~l1" 11'• 11 llr~chm 7 , I , llotl~ l•I~ IQ>, II, D••n1 Ind 6 <t l ll•ll(OI 6l 6) > ll.,~ H• O 1 10 B•ll lob •1 1 ~.!llllUP W 13 , u. B•a So11 I? :") 1 lll•I<~< !•9.lllodl.111 31•,•1 l6 !l""u• El l~, 11 Do I ll•• ~ , I l\to!"• C o rn 801 Cl <> l l '• l•. ~.~ ...... ' 17 II' Ill'"'" ,. 6•o 6•• 1111 ,n e. 1 , ''• Buc••v JI JI llv•nup S IJ l •) Bvln~\ " 10•\ 1H1 C•I VJ Sv J l J6 C1mco IP , 17\, Conon I\ •! ~o C111nM B u 11 C1n•oa 'J , 7• C11> Sow in, 11 , C~o ln!A 710 I , C•olt~ 1" 1 Can• 61 10 101. e:·~· {ti c~nlt• C:•n VPS Don't Argue, The Boss (ll•d RI< Cllor! o Cl\m l tt Cll•m!n (II•• Ind Cl\H U I (Ill llt&I (l\dj! s rhr ,, 01 r 1ao• ~r/; 8: ~Can Wrestle 0 1 l"I D•!I' P1IGI ~!•fl A tncndly 1unn<'r \\resthng Cl"~ Ml Cl•Y on Cl n1 t •r ,~1~:,orc.o ro •m r c.o 1111, F Coon Sir C.cmc•I C.om C•r (Q1"1 Ac1 (r>m Intl Con r 11 (cm l•> (er> llU~ <:harn p1on 111ho loves to (OOk ~::; .. P ... • k CmP Cm ! i <'S a SC'Jl'nl!f1c interest in lcmo ,,.., (n1a Mth the S\U<l) of I" y c h 1 t C:ma l•c Con Rn'~ phcnon1cn<1 a nd lists Ei;n p· ~1n~;;~•Q !ology ns a favon!e hobby lS ~,::,;,~"l h I Coro S I c ne111 1nanagcr of \le llotc] C•wlr<I '"" N'I\ Ldguna r•o•• co C ru1<11 II John \\ Gregory sul:'cceds 5~~;:• ,~ Borge Nielsen "ho h as B:~~, 0;: transfer red his attention to the B:~o,""!~ D•! ~"' 1n1po r1 cxpor1 busine ss lie g~ru, ~~ 1111[ n1anagc lh<' Laguna R:: ~~.r oce:infront I 1ndmark fur thc i i·~ ... ~, 11 io. •v f: [JJn1sh An1c11c,1n Hul cl Corp n ~"' c' lo < inc 11h1ch lvok 011r 1ls operation "o •• IOoH• 11 1 r11urf' th;in .1 \f'lr 1g11 ~~.1.Jp; A 1i.1!1 1c of I o n don , ~·,:~ n"o O>, ht1 (,rego1\, :it t11e ,1gc of l!l Fl P•~• r ~ ' I lx'C'a111e the \OUtl"l'St hotC'l lf<on Lb !'> Eoecb S• L.1!c11n~ n1anager 111 England <1r1d Ila:; S!Jl'n\ mo:.t ul lus life ~ 111 the hOl<'I and re~taurant ! '" ·-' Ket1 Fib ,.,, n1. io::.-s cu. 10,11,io::,n1PC • • S ll lnq 8•0 }>~·ll•n~s EI } o t' 1 Kit~ C'o lll !JO Knlo Vol I , ~ ' M:•e •Ir JI , 11 • LM(: 0 •1 1' l4 > Li n<." In l l '1 t1n<11 In "• 11> Leno wa 11 11 La••on II 16 L..., Coal • Ll!lur G IJl, L~vln "'I n ll l •W•• BF JI , lHly Ell I , loOltW " " • 1 , 1•, l o l Cd• I , I LDG E!tn H>. II Lvncn C 11; l~I /'lea GEi ~; r: z::r1'11 1~~ lf o 19'' M~ll~t! • • "' Mvm! As I 5,M•n nM ll '• ?1 , Menor C 11 '' M fl•OWr O o 1•,M1v0tO 16 11 McOuY Jl31M~c H l • IU M•dTrn 11 7' Me!oer 9 9 , M el\ G•n 'I" 1 11 •~ Mldla Ct ~ , 6', Mldlr • ~'• la" Mlaw GT 111, II I Mols r:•• 1'1• II , M!•, VIG 6'• 6•, Mo lh<~ 1 2•o!MOl'lwk II " • IMonrn P~ 8 , 9'• Moo•• P J'1 • Moot'! S 11 II 1 N'olt~ M 37 , ·~ 1 Mo! (lub '' " 'Mu•!., •1'. o >' M 1~f E• ' ~ NAft~q C 1' 71 ll• 8<1<1 • 1 !' 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" • ' " ' • " • I I Market Suffers Slight Setback NEW \ORK (UP I I -Stocks sid e Tuesday 1n noderately finished on lhc \1 cak act ive ti ad1ng Shortly before the close the UPI market1v1de off 0 10 percent on l 559 1ssues cro~s· T h c r e were 671 decli nes and 615 indicator \Vas in~ the tape ad\ances rhc Do\v Jones average of 30 blue c:h1p 1ndus· 11 tals sllo\vcd a loss of 3 17 at 806 23 near the close \ olun1e of around l\londay !j pa ce IO 000 000 !jharcs 11 as ahead OJ A..nal) ::it::. 1nd1catio11 of light C!td1t regarded 1he \\all Str l'Cl s sellin g as a con tinued <.o nce1 n 11 1th 1nnat1011 V1etnu111 lectron1c s 1110\ ed a poi nt 01 be1te1 each d11 cc:tion hul ::.tecls and 111otors 1radcd 111 narro\t Jy 111 cg ul a1 1anges a1 11lnc s 1011 ly and in both a11d a11 c.1 al l s direction" a! .. o ti idcd 0 11s \\CIC' lll JXL"<i t r 1te issues So \\CIC n11n 1ng and con,glnn1 \lun11nun1 1:i :i ucs attracted sonic de111and lol 1011 Ill~ SOlTIC industry pr ICC hike s Pi JCCS c.:h ange in 'vere n11xcd on the 1nodcratc lu1 novc1 \n1c1 itCln Stot k E:-.: T ut~il:f Octobfr 7 1969 H t:l~ll V PILOT l J_ Stock Exchan~e Li st lat e <I 60 l tCO!!Nt I l • •• Jn<t l•mp.,E 12 Tandv C0<p l•OPtn(~ •0 TtrhM• 'lt l•k! 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I)'~ ·~ I'" _, • 91 I t 1 ~ 71 , 15 11 ~ *S'.• ) '', •r • ''. -r• 11 10> 6S 6S -f'o I 61 1 61' ""'-'• "/ 10 , 11>\o 10•0 ., t:::;:: • ' ' . m D !~ ~1 •• •• "6 #.Un(I,. 911 Pt•n lttt • I l I j • • r • ' 2 ()AIL V PI LOT Fees Llstetl Bow 1'1ueh Sll,1er? Now You'll l(now Ike Dollar Fight Victim Cost of Lawyer \\';\SllJNGTON (AP) U.S. Urge d To Abso l'h TV Costs J\'E\V YORK (l.JPIJ-1\n in- rlrpendenL s1udy of campaign !'O.Sls in !hr !ugh-co.st tctcv 1s1on era suggested the ~O\Crnmcn\ huy prime IH11c for prcsidcn· t1a1 ca11d1d.1tr.~. 1'he 20th C!'ntury Fund 's 1·orn1nission r1n r:1n1p:11gn co,i;;I ~ in lhc elcc1n:inu· l'l'a .~a u! 1hc ~O\'Crn111cnt :-!,io11ld pu n.:ha~r the rnmc tune ~It hnlf r:it('.~ ~o <:andidatcs could :ipl)l'.'.lr bcl 11rc the public over e1 try llro:nl· e:i!it and ror11n1un11 v .1nlc11na fac1l11y in th<' L"n1ic1J Stales during the Jij da~ :5 tic for{' the clrct1on. Suc:h progr:11n-. 11uulil rc- <lurc thl' ca nrhdatC''s c<1n1p:11gn 1·1)!i!.~. \1h1t h ro~e frun1 SI 6 1111ll1on Jn 1!156 fur hroa1tcast- 1n!! chargr s h•r pn'"J<h'11t1n t ;inrl 1·1cr JJ'L'!-J•lrnu.tl ca11d1 - (l:Hcs to S21l ·111111\l••n IJ~! \rar It ~11ggr!-1rd ~1-:: :io-m1nu1r l1fl •:](ll'a ~l1' l•P .111111\rrl 111 r ,1n- <llfl;llr!i of 111,11hr p:1r11rs 11 hh h hn1I Jll:h:t'd f ir~I or ,,,,r('nnd 1n 1110 f•[ 1hc 1h1 t•f' prl'l t'll1ng Pleet ton~. 1 TURN IN Turn in at Te xaco fo r so111e real savings-six 12·oz. bottles ol Pepsi for only ~ 55c plus tax (and deposit). You get it with any purchase ... at partici pating Texaco Retailers. But hurry- tlley're going last! So t u rn in a t Te).aco- today. • Sus~sled H~.i11 Pnc~ 0 D - MON. THRU THURS. SPECIAL! FREE WASH WITH ANY FILL UP ALL CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED The have and holders ... a personality analysis Read the personality descriptions and se lect the one that suits you best to f ind the right savings plan for your type. The charts will show you how each one works. We've been matching people to savings plans for 33 years. The kin d of people who want their money to keep its buying power. Who want the value of the ir money to remain steady in an up-an d-down market. Who would rather have their money eam interest than to pay exorbitant carrying or loading charges. Who wa nt the ir money to multiply so they can pay cash fo r things . Who want to be able to get the ir'hands on their money when they need it Saving people, like you-lhe kind who want to HOLD their money and HAVE it earn interest. Come in and let one of our people experts get you started on your personalized-to-your-savings- personality program at Newport Balboa Savings. Are you one of the regular people? PLAN # 1 Regular Mount This plan is for regular people w ith regular salaries wtio have decided to save regular amounts anywhere from SS a week up, but who want their money working for them. They also want it to be some place they c an get their hands on •t If they need 1t 1n a hurry. If they can leave •t alone f or a ye ar or more, it will give them the Big Annua l 5 13 yield, f1E GU LAR MONlHL Y INVESTMENT '" sso """ £fl \ . "·' "' ''" 1 y, ~oe. ,,, \ 233 ;! Y•~. 632 , 264 2 529 J y,,_, 5112 1 946 ::i.892 .II Yrs. ~ ,3J1 7 .662: b 324 5 ','r s, 1 707 J ~lb • 830 ,0 Yrs.. 3900 7,801 , 5.602 15 Yrs. 6 715 , 3,'432 26.!'.64 20 Yr3. 10.3?9 20,662 .ll l,325 J..11 1101t<I;-•• .,i1M I , ~. J i ~ .,. M•-.ti -.,, ............ , <~•-\ ••-I !110 .i ~ 00'!41, ._..-dt11f 1•f ~"• OILOrllrlJ. T•• ~11101 doritlooMI !Ill ••r .._., Ir-b-It h-••d -o!e11 al!O'I t•• '"'"-•t.lr, Mt ••It ~ ..,.,..tto1•111r 1<\« 11'1• , •••• 0 Are you one of the other-people people? PLAN 4 2 Life Income Plan This is for people who have a sum of money they would hke to put aside and receive the interest every month but not touch the principal. Perhaps you intend to leave your money to your heirs. In this plan the original investment •S retained for a lifetime and you have a re gular income every month. 1f your future plans are for your children"s future, then !his savings program may suit you. Liff INCOME PLA.N $12000 "500 20,000 25.000 S-0000 S 50 00 Per Month 60 00 Per Month 113.00 Pe< Month 1 O'I 00 P~ Month 708 00 Per Month Are you one of the retiring people? PLAN #3 Monthly Security Account This is for people Who have a lump sum of money but who know that if they don't put it away somewhere out of sight, they will spend 1t. Perhaps 1hey are look1nq forward to retirement and know 1t would be better to have a certa in amount coming 1n every month over a given penod. Not only will they get back a lot more than they put in . but there w 1!1 be a nestegg to reward themselves for not blowing 1t all at once. !~VEST $!0,000.00 ANO: yo\J rfcl!1ve .and you retain ea(h riioritfi loc iin estate of' s 50 00 10 ;<ears s 8.675 00 s 5000 15 yea•$ s 7.725.00 $ 75 00 10 yea~ $ •.775.00 s 7500 15 years; $ 1,000.00 ~HJO OO 10yeiH$ • 875.00 INVEST $25,000.00 ANO : you receive .,..,d you rel&in t.lCh month lo~ "" eslate of• $100 00 IO yea•s S?S.600 00 $100()() 1S ye.t•s S26,05000 $150 00 10yta•s $17.800.00 $?0000 10years SI0.00000 S25000 10 yl!a•s $ 2.20000 "'•t"!'•ls ......,. thos '4•• .. ~.a to "'• -u .. 1! S-ti.., l lOt ot ... C..hf..,.•• f U\IKill C• ·-•i<• I ...,;•p 1H l•o t DOCllt ....... , oot _._ lb r>,trt I• ..... 1 .... "' ... _,~ .... _ -' """' .. .. ,.,.,,, .. _ ~ aa1i... s..i~,. ... -• .... ., .;iw .... 1 .--~ willow! "1'1 • ,-V. it ... , H till JJ J"''l. Are you one of the patient people? PLAN #4 Guaranteed Annual Rate Account This plan is for patient people who already have a sum of money to invest and are w 1llirig to wait a while for a good return on their money. The minimum deposit is $1 ,000 (mare if you wish, of course), in exchange for which you receive a cert1hcate which guarantees an annual rate of 5.25% for 3, 4 or 5 years. Are you one of the patient ones? Then the GUARANTEED ANNUAL RATE ACCOUNT is for you. lniliar YOU WILL RECEIVE alter •ft•r after ()epMit 3 years '4 y•a11 ~ ye;,r$ s 1,000 $ 1.170 $ !.233 $ , 300 $ S.000 $ S.852 S 6.168 $ 6,500 $10.000 $!1,705 $12,336 $13,001 $15,000 $17,558 $18.SOC $19.50? Are you one of the enterprising people? PLAN i s 3-Year Bonus Account For people who want not on!y the current yield 011 their savings, but would like a sum over and above. In this plan you invest a rn111imum of $1000 which earns you the current yi eld PLUS an extra y,.01o per year al the end of 3 years. Jf you would lik.e to b e enterprising and safe at lhe same lime. then tho 3-year bonus account 1s for you. 'YOU WILL RECCJVE lnolial e!1er ·"~ """' Deposit J y1tars 41 years 5)'e- "000 s \ , t;;!l s l ,23~ s 1.298 »000 s ~ fl46 s n.Hi1 s 6,of93 $l000o $11 693 $12 3':?J $12,987 $15,000 $1 7 540 $18,485 ,19,•SI Main Off.a :~ Vi.t Lido. Nowport Beath, W)~QU\lil 92603 • PhQ!'IC I l ~,'67J·31JO • Coron• Oel Mir OH1cc . fm&n,111 PJua. ~Newport CcnLU Or1Yt • Coriillol dtl Mar, Cal1forn1• 92625 • Phont l1VfM·l461 -· I I vc $ Ii I I da: "'' e<l Be ' \gr he; J.n th< f ir I '"' bu bu "' lnl rel I ol 1,, la1 ,. di " ,. 1 I ( ' rl 0 ti r b ti l ' ,. ti ' ri • • r ' r ' ' I < I ' I I I. ' ' . . ... ....... Fountain * . •, '·'·~·" .. '•'-'"" ..... ~-;. ::;. ' • Valley Today's Final N.Y. Stoeks EDIT I O N VOL 62, NO. 240, 2 SECTION S, 26 PAG ES ORAN GE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, '1969 TEN CENTS Execution Averted Hit11ti11gton Ma11 Jailed in Murder Try .. bol G~• Pllo!I HUNTINGTON BEACH FIREMEN MOP UP AT CHA RRED REMAINS OF COLLEAGUE 'S HOUSE Lo$ Angeles Fireman L.earns Lesson the Ha rd Way During F ire Prevention Week $18,000 Blaze Ru.i11s F.irc1nan 's Honie in BcacJ1 · .4, fi reman rcccivcrl minor burns ~lon­ day afternoon as fumes fron1 ou1board rnotor fuel accidentally ignited and caus- ed $18,000 da1nage to his Huntington Beach horne. Six gallons or gasolin<'-oil nH.~turc were lgnil(l(I by the pilot light of a hot water healrr in the gar<ige <1S l.ce V. BuSSl'. a Los Angeles firc 1nan. atle1n ptecl lo pour the volatile rluaJ down a \\'ash basl11, firemen said. BuSse was knocked to lhe rloor by the resulting blast and suf(ercd first degree bums on his ann and second degree burns on the side of the face, accordi ng to firemen. He was taken lo Huntington JntcrCt1mmunity llospital and I ale r t i.' leased. Flames ;o;prcad to 1hc v.·r101_Jr11 shing!r:i; nf hi.~ ranch·style )1on1e on \6201 Brimhall Lane, df'stroying the aLtic and finally col · lapsing the roo f. . Three cng\n~s. one smorkel unit and ,·arious other pitoces nf cquiprnen1. directed by Battalion Chief F.rank K~ll<'~. drrivcd al the blaze at 12 05 p.m. and contained it 1n 30 minutes. U.S. an<l Russia Present Treaty On N uclcar B a n r.E:-:E VA. IAP) -The r r111 ccl ~1a1c~ and the Sovirt l"n1nn prc~<'ntrd 1octav ii cirafl treaty to b11n nur-11.'ar arm~ :ind other \11.'<'lflOTIS of Jll3SS destnJCllOTI from the se;i bed. The two sup<'rpoll'rr~ agrred on "' com- pron1i sr Juint dr;ilt anrr s~\'rn 1nnnt~1s 11( bargaini ng and su bn11tled 1\ to the 2J·na · lion disarmamrnt con fcrencr.. The drafl of lhr 1reaty \1h1th thr. ~01 irl Union put before the confcrente on r.larch 18 callt"d ror a ban on all types of \1·eapons and military installations frorn the sea bed . The United Stair~ refused to accept this hl'cause it v.·oul.d ban such defensive de\·ices as submarine 1rack1ng itations. The Russians gave way nn thi s point and accepted the provision of a <lraft suh· mlttrd by the United Stales r.·lay 22 in Y.'hich the ba n v.·ould be reslricterl 10 nuclear arms and weapons of 1nass destruction. In return , the United States dropped it.~ proposal that the ban come into forct' at the three·mile limit and accepted the Soviet 12-mile limit. This was fal'orcd also by most other delegation s at the con· fer once. Estate i11 Baln11ct> Attorney Fails to Move City on Building Halt l-lunt1ngton Beach t·i1y r-ount1ln1rn f\1 onday night refused tn l1f1 a bullrhng moratorium on five blocks of do\1'nto11 n proper1y despite 1he llrgent pica of an <11- !orney that immediate relief \\'as needed to settle an estate. Huntington Higli District Give n $3,465 iu Aid A ~J.465 granl ~uppl 1l'cl tn lhc llun· linglon Beach linion High School Uist riC'l under the Federal Vocational Educa!ion Al'', 11•ill be us<'d lo conduct a sur\'l'y 11f hr;memaking practices 1n lhc 52·:.quarc n1ile dist rict. Purpose of !he su r1•ey, 1.1!uch v.·111 111- l'lud(' the cities of llunt111g1on Bcacl1, \•·r~1n11ns.ter, Sea l Beach anrl Founta1 11 \:1\lry, is ln rro11<le lrachcrs \\'llh 111· lrrmation to I.iring liom('111ak1ng ccu1rs•'~ n1orc Jn line 11 ith 1.1hat ~ludcn1 ~ ~·ctu,,i l:;1 i1Cllf'rience, Tl1e hnmrmak1ng dPp;ir\rnrn! ch;11nnr·1 '" 1fl 1n1er11ew parent~. i:athrnni,: 1n - lonnat1on 1\hich may ulllmatcly lrod 1.,. rc\'l!:1on of rerla1 n cour~c~. Participating in the prn1rcl rtrr ho1nrmaking dcpartn1cnt rh:i1rn1rn frn111 th' follo\1·ing schools : Lnrna ~l1tsrhlr,... l\un!1ngton Beach H1Kh 8cli<1111; Pa1ric ·1t1 !lalc, Edison lligh School. r-.lac EE'n.:. fountain Valley ll igh Sch11l)I .. )n;111n'· i\.icDermotL i\lnrina High ~t'hool . <11111 i\lar1one Remy, \Vc~trn1 n.~ter /1 1 g h School. J f uutington Ea nu ark s 85,000 for Sid ewa lks f\ total of $~.000 1o build sidev.·aJks in the area of Edison High School was ap- prov.ed Monda y night by the ~luntington Beach City Council. ,\OOul 7,i OO feet of sidewalk will be put on undevelop<'d streets learling to the new ~chool. The money v.•as. granted after residents surrounding the school asked for help lo make il safe for students 1\·a!king to Edison. :'\t-111xwt Beach ;itlorncy and former Nf'wpart co11nc1lman Clarence A. "Chick lllglJ1c <lcn1an(l<'d that the c1ly lift the inor.:ltorium on five lols at 6th Street aod I ';.H'1fic Cl)a~t !l1gh11·ay. V<.•l ued ;it Sl2.'i.OOO. 111 order th al hi s c\i enl. tile Talbert est.alt, could dispose of property, Failing that. lligbie as\cd thal the city c·onde1nn the land immediately. Councilmen said th<'y ·wou!d make a ~IC't'1s1nn after Oct. 28 wh('n a he;iring 1s !ii·ht'ltuled on tht' Top of the Pier Pla11 \1h1eh rails for ;1c<1u1si1ion by the city or f11·r cl(1• blfl(;)\S inla nd from the h1ghwr1y fron1 6lh to Lake sl reets for an IBOO - ~p:·1<·t-pnrk1ng /:1cilily. C'il\· Attorney l'mn Bvn r:i as~urcd rnun- <'lillH'll lha1 1he 111nr;itoriurn wa.~ n legal preril1lJ!i1 r of the city and rould be con- l1n11C'd up Jn 27 months under the slate l'l:inning Act. 1111.!blr sa+d his research shawed \h;i t this v.:is n11t true. but Bon(;i stuck to his gun~ ;ind the l'.ouneil backed him. Thr-Newpo rt attorney a~ked. "\\;ha! ;ire 11·e supposed tu do, JUSl sit anct \\ :11!~" "\\'e s:1L and w<11lcd (nr ye:i.rs for !he flttll'nl11\\ 0 rrn[">"fl Y f1Wn('r~ ln fj 0 «0111e\h1ng." ~tayor J.-ick (;reen rrplicd. '"I 1h1n k 1'·111ran 11':i1L;i li1tlc loniier ·· Crtrn b .. 1•<1 n11· an~rrf'd whrn Jfighic in · ~1n11at1·d Iha! "1t srrn1('1l oci1! lh.11 th!~ li:ipJ~nr·l afli·r ,, couple of phone calls by m1• nH1rr" '\\hJl i1rr ~ou 1ns1nua1tng ," snapper! thr n1:iynr !l1gb1c droppC'd the lint ol riuts1 1on1ng. PuJtin.p.· Glet1 ni / u Off i.ce r' s Ii ye No 1v Against uuv nerrections. in the minds or Hun· tlngton Beach policemen, are a hin- (tranee to an officer's wor k -when they co me froni mi rrors. So f\.1onday night the city council took rlrac! aim on mirror reflections by n1a k· ing it illegal for any individual to 11.c;e a mirror, glass or any other reflect!\e material in such a manner as to int<'rfere with an officer in his duty. The new ordinance makes such an of· fcnse punishable by imprisonment for a prriod not exceeding six months or a fine not exceeding $500. By ARTllUR. R. \'INSEL Ot !ho DUlr .. Ill! Sll ll A Costa t\l esa gun and com bal sou1•enir collector today told police he was forced to kneel beside his v.·ife c1Cecution·sty1\! lwfure being shnl as he Jun1pcd a Vi<'l· n11111 \\'nr-obscsscd drinkin g parLncr r:11)1cr than risk a doubl e murde r. The pistol -waving suspect in the case 1\·;1,~ arrested al sholgun·pninl by A po!ice1n<1n who heard hirn yelling 11hile o~ patrol nearby, 11·hilc the wounded n1an escaped v.·ith a shattered arm. John J . ~lassey. 2~. of 19822 Brookhur~t S; , 1-tuntington Beach, \\'as booked inlo Costa MeS<J City J ail on a charge of ass<'ull \~ith intent to co1nn1il n1urder al!rr the 2: !5 a.n1. shooting. Police did !lot say \\•hcther he i:a\'C his own version or whal let! lo the gunplay. Conrad D. Johnson, 46, of 1767 Orange Ave .. Costa fl1esa, "·as listed in satisfac- tory condition at Orange County r-.lcdical Center, v.·hcre he v.•as admitted for lrcal· lllC{lt. .IC1hnson, "'ho reportedly ha!'i. a cnl- 1£''.llon of v.·e<1ponry and items inl'olving the lore of v.·ar, refused a blood transfusion at the county facility because of rf'ligious reasons, police said . Police Captain Bob Green, head of the Jnvcstigal\on bureau, said the victim and !11 a~sey mel late Monday or early today 1n a tavern and later lef t lo go to the Johnson home. The Costa ~lesa truck driver said as they v.•alked into the residence, r.1assey handed him a scre"•drive r he had car- ried, apparently for seH-dc lcnse if need- ed . lie told Johnson vou nevrr kno\v 1vhat ) ou may be v.•alkin~ into v1hen you meet a str;:ingrr, in an ironic footnote to the c:1se, police said. Johnson said -he and Massey sat dow n and began talking. notin&: that his com- panion dwelt oo the subject of how many persons have died in Vietnam. , The conversation shilled to Johnson 11 ~un collection, at wh ic h time 1'1assey e1- ;1 n1ined a 9 millimetC'r (;crman Luger· 1.1'P'' au tomat ic pistol and then tucked :t itit o his wai~teband. The victim's 1\'if<' .Jea n Johnson, n1eanv.·hile, had gone into their bedroom !•) change clothes prior to going out for ;111 errand, according to Off ice r Dennis Jl r~sreld . Johnson told police that l\1assey turner! the "'eapon on her v.·hen she emerged, at v.hich time he ordered him never to point a loaded gun at anyone . Investigators v.·ere lold al that stage, the s.uspect ordered !11r. and !itrs. John· Bea ch Creates Group to Fig ht Ora n ge l<'rcc\\'a y A SP\'en·man comm1Ltce In look oul for llunt1n1!1nn Hearh interests on lhc pro- pnsell Orange F'ree v.·ay v.•as appointed !11onday night by the city council Vice r.tayor Geori::e McCre1ckcn "'asap- po1n!ed IP chair the c<Jminillee selected from ~b; ('ivic or~aniiations. A I I mcrnbers were n<11ne<I lo the C.:lty Advisory Cornrnille<' for Stale Highv.·ay 57 t Orange Freewa y). The proposed Orange Freev.·ay route brings it from the inland cities down. ~he Santa Ana Rh·er to the beach. The cities of Huntington Beach, Ncv.·port Beach, Costa i\1esa and Fountain Valley have been fig hting to have it terminated al the ~an Diego Freeway in f"ountal n Va lley. A fin;:i l rou te has not yet been adopted. . Name(:! to the comm ittee were Bill \\l ren of the Chamber of Commrrce, Lawrence Sallman of the Jaycees. Cris C. Cris of the HOr.lE Counci l, George J. Galkin of the Huntington Beach Board of Rt:altors, Mrs. Ralph \Vicse of the League of \\'omen Voters and Larry L. Curran of the Concerned Citizens Com· mittee. Nancy E. Shea Services Friday Center Site Study Ordered Funeral services for Mrs. Nan<'y E. Shcc;. 40, of 2110 r.tajn St.. Huntington Berich, who died Sunday. v.·ill be held Fri- day at l\1ont rose Baptist Church in Rockvll le. Ma ryl and. Burial ~·ill also be in Maryland. r.frs. Shea, thC wire of Huntington Beach Co. Vice President for Leg<.11 r.1a\. l<'rs Jero1ne J . Sh('a, had suff('red an <1sthmalic attack in San Francisco and relurntd to Huntington Beach where she rntcrcd \Yeslminstcr Com m u n i t y llospi tal. ~t r.:. Shea \\'ill lie in stale until !I loright at Smiths Chapel, flunLington ll<'ach. Jn addillon !<) her ln1~band sh4' i~ :;urvivcd by her )!On r.t;1rk. 13, and .=- Cou1i cil1n e1i Eye B eacli-Atlunta 35-acre Plot By .JACK BROBACK 01 """ p 9f" '°lllf Sti ff , lluntl ngton Beach city eoµnci\mcn Jl.1onday ordered a staff study in to the possibilll y of the city acquiring 35 acrei> al Beach Boulevard and Atlanta Al'enue for a future civic center site, After an e1ccut ivc session. !11ayor Jack. Green said that "mt'lsl councilmen in - ciicat~ serkJus interest in the sturly" ·which vooukl shirt the civic center fro111 12 acres on up~r Main SlrCf'I opposite Hun- lin~t.on Beach lfigh School to the fr rev.·ay and beach flrien1ed property. state will take about s;vto acres for·the future Pacific Coast Freeway. Green said the staff would confer l•llth E:conomic Research A:i;socWltes. a con· sultinR firm employed by the city, and the civic cl'nlcr architects, Consideration o( the Beach-Atlanta pro- perly began several v.·etks ago wb<'n the 1·ity council turned down a request by lhe then ov.·ne rs, the 'falbut E1talc, In build an f!28-unit apartment complex on the 11roperty acrel!i from the Huntington Beach C<im- pany are under.way but are not ex~tced to 1be consummated before the'eod of the )'ear. Green said all four councilmen who previou sly fa vored the ~1ain Street slle - himseU and counci lmen Al Coen, Jerry r.iatney and Gtorge McCracken -all 1\·i11lng to look at the new sile. .. The price is right compared to ex· pen~ive downtown property incl uding and adjoining the present civic center,'' Crrcn said. son to knee l, saying he would kill their pet dog fi rst, then exeC'Ute them. "Johnson said the suspect glanced a1vay for a seCQnd, so he jumped him," e:<r.lained Capt. Green, adding that the weapon fired as the two men wrestled on the floor. Officer \\'ayne Harber was on patro l in the. l'icinity v.·hen he heard oomeone shouting for police, raced lo the area and fnunrl fltassey out in the street carrying the cocked autn1nat1c. .. l,ut it do1\·n;' he ordered. r.1assey replied that it v.·as coc ked and Office r Herber repeated his order, al wh ich lime the suspect laid the gun on the pavement and was placed under ar· res1. Detective Ge rry Thompson 1vas assign· f'd to followup invcstigatifln throughout lhe ptedawn hours and planned to re· quest a complaint against f\1asscy late to- d;iy or \Vednesday. Authorities said so n1e hiiarrc political l!spects are involved in the case, but can- not be released al this time . lle's Real Cutup Y alley· Man Carv es Out H unior By RUDI l\'IEDZIELSKI Ot !llt 0 1!1y ,lllt Sl1ll An innocent, rectangular block of halsawood can become an object of vitriolic social comment within a maUer of hours in the hands of Fountain Valley's Hoss J\1ason. The only toots required arc a 69·ccnt knife, an inexpcnsive set of v.·a!.er colors -and, of course, the. genius and wit sha.~pened through decades of observ a- lion. CARICATURES ~tason. a public relations ma n al Long Beach Community Hospital, calls the figures he produces "caricatures in v.ood." li e makes them in his spare lime for his o\-l·n enjoyment. l·lardly any thing considered humorous has escaped Ma son'S vilifying pen knife;, r:i;t even the wotnan at the store, in loo light capris. feel bare, pushing a shop- p!ng ca rt full of cigarettes. liquor and beer. looking as though she had had a. lia rd night. ti1ason's sheh·es are lined with dozen!'! of such characters. Some are historical like the clandestine monk Rasputin, or f'IOlt.elhcd Hermann Goering caught red· h<1nded with a painting stolen from the LOU \Te . Others include lhe DAILY PJT,01"$ 01-1•r "Tun1ble"'ced.c;," Ph yllis Diller, 1-:thrl r.fcrman, a hippi1.', nursery rhyrne characters, Qu asimodo and pe a c e T!larchcr. and Al Capp's ''Lena the llyena " 11i·hich the 1~-ell·known cartoonist reouesled from Mason. "It's easy to v.•flrk in balsawood," says l~e DOLLS, Page !) DA IL 'f ,!LOT 11•11 ...... CARVING CARICATURES Fountain Valley's Ma1on Cou11cil Promises Actio11 011 Slii11y Slate1· Cl1a11nel llunt1ngtnn Beach c1tv forces haven'l f1~ed Slatrr Channel }ct but they 're "ork1:i~ on ii Sl<1Lcr Cilanncl is U1c d r a i n a g e \1·atcn\·ay 1lial has hccn mak i ng n111nicipal wal'Cli recently <1fter residents of the l'rantisran Fountains subdivision charged th.11 thc ditch ls a ral·inrested. murky swamp. Councilm<1n .Jerry Matney reported to the council ti1onday night that his in· \'P.Stigation tu rned up no rals but he saw rilth and slime and potential hazard in the channel. Matney :Jfcd if the city could do anything about it and was told that plans arc under way t(I line the sides with con- rrelc, but not for some lime because of the cost. "'Can il be ch!aned?" he asked. "\Ye're working on something to handle. H:' replied Jim Wheeler, public works director, "but righ t now all 11i·e can do is stir up the mud ." The channel runs alon g Slat.er Avenue from G<!lden \\'est Street to Springdale Street. City onicials agreed to fence ()ff one open section v.•here children have been known to enter. Another problem in that area, alllO brought to light by an article in the ''Franciscan Fountain Pen:" a home owners association newspaper, involves dying olive trees. Councilman Donald Shipley asked i( the city had any way or helping tt@me.owncrs "·ho are losirlg thei r trees .. Franciscan Fountain residents had bought their trees from William Lyons Co., will'I a contract including a one-year guarantee on olive trees planted by the de1·eloper. Many of the tree!f have died, with &Orne being replacer!, but others not bttause they died after the one year guarantee Sloc k ~larkel• 11·as uri. Shipley won<l<'r<'<l 11 hal the city coold do about the prnh!em . H<' 1o;as told by Dar~•l Smith. ei1y tr~ su perrisor. that sincl' thal !racl v.·a.~ put in. 1he city has tightcnl'd ll." rulrs on the lypcs o[ trees planlcd 1n dr.vf'lopn1ent.'I and the manner in v.·h1ch they are handl- ecl. But the f'ranciscan Fountain pred ica- ment. is oot of city hand~. he .~aid. and can :>nly b(' settled by the rcsidrnts and the dc\·eloper. 1''r e ightc r Sinks, All Ahoarcl 1"1i~sing But 1 J.O NDON (AP) -A Du\('h rreighlrr s:u1k in the North Sea early Tuesday aft er a co llision v.·ith a \\'est German ship and all but one of its crewmen 11i·cre miss- ing, the coasl guard rPported . The IOl!t vessel v.·as idenliried as the Donau , 357 tons. "She ~nk li ke a stone," the coast gua rd said. Orange Coa•t Weal.lier Another Chamber of Com· mel't:e day ii; on the bill ror \Vednesday with sunny skies and temperatures in !he upper sevenlies along the Orange Coast, ·INSWE TOD,\\' A" atfontey rcill cllorge about $1 .tiO l.n chat1{1I' yC)ur 11on11'!, at lerul $280 for n r/iuorcP. accord· i11g to grnernllu acc eplcd Jee &chedule. Paye 12. c:.~ ... ,,,1. ' Mttr~tf ·-" CllHlllM ... Notl,.,.•I -· •• C"'ll'lin " o ...... (Mlflll • '"'""'t • '""' H•11 tt. .. ~ Notllc:H • "'" 1111••• ... ••" lfltili'\11 ··~ • 1'11t•t'"4! " ........ 1"'"'"' • lt'!te•"• • Pl flt Mt It.II W•tltitr • H•r.1<-" W•• "••• ... ••• l ....... , " w ......... , "~ , .. ,, L:d:iughter Carolint, II, and several ves in Maryland. I ' ()( lhc 35 acre!\, recently so ld by ihe T11lhert eslAle to An1rrlcnn f.Iflbi!r llnn1f' Corporation for a reported t900 .000, the An informal poll or council m11n in- dicated thal ;i n1:ijority \vnuld favor lhr new s11r breuking the month~·long 4·3 ;i;l.il"rr on lhr upper r..f;lin Street :iii!e . Nci;otlations for purchase of the 21 ' ' 1·he ma yor said he hope11 the slaff slu1ty will be complet<'d In lime for the Or-t 2a meeti ng on the Top of the Pier downtown redc1·tlop1nent plan. \ NE\Y YOR K IAPJ -The Mock mar- kefs leth11rgic alliturlc persistC1:l A~ trad- ing moved at a mode rate pRce latl!! th is afternoon . (Sft quota tions, Pages !G-11 ). The Dow Joncs average of 30 lndut- trlals at 2 p.m. v.·as off 1.06 at 808.34. .1 Ml¥1tl ' •• • • ... -- 2-DAJL Y P!LDT H Tuesd.ty, October 7, 1%9 General Admits Selling Guns Ul"I l l ltHltl'I GUN CASE FIGURE Mai. Gen. Turner 'h1terce1lt' Drops Dr11 g Arrests 30% From Wire Services Smoking more and en}oy ing it less~ Marijuana users are finding their weed 21dultl'rated with alfalfa. oregano, nutmeg and other vegetable ma terials as the high-grade su pply dwindl es, due lo Operation Intercept, 11uthorltics declared today. Drug arrests si nce the massh·e crackdov•n on smuggling "'ent into erlect ha\•e also dropped 30 percent , due to unavailability o! suiiplies, a spokesman 1n Los Angeles added . Authorities also revealed t.londay that 450 pounds of marijuana - one of thr largest seizures to date - was reco\ered by a Coast Guard cutler which spooked a &mu ggier off Mexico. A Coast Guard pilol who spotted a motor launch about 400 miles off the Coast <lf Baja California became con· cerned, thinking it might be in lroUble, and swooped down toward it. Crew me:-n bers frantically began dum· ping package s overboard and Lhe vesSf'l roared off. after \\'hich a Coast Guard cutter arr1\'ed on th e scene and fished the cargo from Lhe sea. The contraband included 100 parcels or n1ariJuana , each conla1ning about tw ("I kilograms, or a bit over four pound s, of the illici t ll'eed. A sur vey of major drug di!'tribution r rnters from Santa Ros a south to San Dirgo, including city, coun ty and st11tc :iuthorities. shows Operation Intercept mu~t be ha\·ing some impact. !''o ma!1rr \\'hflt Ilic cnnt ro\'rrs1 al pn1· c:r11 n1 s r flei.:t on the tltricico toun'>l in· r!us1r.v rrsulting from rlet11iled f"ll tC"hrs of rars al !ht' border -a rhJns.'C" 1n lh" drug It~" pa11rrn h,1~ de\ r!opcd . ( lcca n \'i<'w Scl1ools To Hc nl :; 'T l'a il c l'~ Trustee~ of 11ir fk'ean \'11'1v Srhfl"'ll ni~trict Tursday ;ippro1·<'d thl' rental nf t.hrct" classroorn t r;'11Jrr~ to aroid orercrOY.'dinR at Star View .Sehnn! The fac\litirs \\"l l! l11111se studrn1~ nn1v nn double scsi;ions unti! thr nl'w \·1s1 a \lie11· Schno! opens 111 .Sepleml:l<'r 19i(}, Total cosl or the temporary hou.~1nE: project is ~5.ii5 1nclud\ng dell\·ery and electr1ca! hookup. DAllY PILOT lt o\:>.rl N. w •• d f'rn •t ,ftt "'"'° ""bl••'><t J 1,lc II. C•u!oy v •c• Prt1.Ce<>I ·~" C.CN•al M•~•~tr T~1,..1 1 K1t•il Cd•kl• Tho..,•• A. Murpht"1 M•ftl.iftl EfilO<' Jd"••I W. w ~1•1 "'*'"'' to11or H•11tl11tt111 k "ti Ofll<• JO' $1" Slr1•l J.41!li11t Add11u : r.o. ••• 790, '1441 Ot11tr Offlc:" N1 -r llet<llt ~;11 w.,1 II•""'' 8ev~v1•4 (C•!1 Mr.o )JO "'t<I lh • .S!r,..1 L•o11,,. 1e.c1>; n1 f ofrll "''~"" ~~~· f)loll .. Y P ILOf. •111> ""<ft •: """° l't<f t~f ,,_._,.,.,.. 1o o:ullh"11•D c... '• ••<f•I ~. r· 4.tY In -·111 ..,,,_, tor '"'""""'''' ••"<"• f OYftl"" \t•llo1, (O.•• '·'""· N<•,. "'' 8•1tn 1rlf L•q""• l!t'<"• •"onD ,.,,., •-rotlc"ll •~"'~I 0•••'9• Cu,1 Pul>h•~· 1rq c;mnptnv P'"''"'° "''"''.,.•I 1111 I'."' 8.tfto1 81Vll . N•w:-C•I ll•a<~, M'lll Jl(I t>'.111 111-!olrtt!, (c1t1 i.·.011. ,,,,, ... _ 1714 1 641·4111 fr1111 WNJJ11ft1r.t Gell 140.1110 Cl•tlOH Ail•f'f tl.iJlf 441·5411 ,,,....,,1,ftl, 1t1t . 0 •1"91 Co111 Pvnl1•" •1 C-ot r • NO "''"'' o Io • •• 1, ''IV"'", ... '"''"''"' "'''!" ;• 1(1~•"'1tm•"" "'" ~ "'I ~ to• t •e•oaut•a -..otNI"' 1~10•I P''"'"'.~" •' ctr .. ,..,., •·••••. )•~"" c••l• r ~l""e' r• /I •• N• '~'' ... ,~ ••~ Ct1!4 """'· (• '<"I -,t.'t• ""' '' tot•l<t IJ :~ '''<.'"I• hV .,.,,I' \II o--tlll ,; .... ht.fl'"''''""'''!"'· l~t~ ..... ·~ •. Obtained W eapo11s Fro111 Police S tatio11 s \VASHJNGTON (UPI) -Reliml ~taj, Gen. Carl C.Turner. formerly the Army's top police. official, admltled today he !<>Id at least $2.000 worth o( confiscated gun5 he got from civilian police departmen ts and pocketed the proceeds. Bul Tur ni•r, a b<llding litllc n1an w ith ~ tiny musta..:he and strong voit·e, 1ns1.sted he did nothlng wrong. "Those we.re 1ny guns!" he told members of a Senate investigations sub· committee. The 56-year-0ld 11·itness also t'onceded he failed to pay income lax on lhe gt1n !ransactions and acknowledged $6.800 u1 gun sale income during the past five years. But he said he ne1·er considered 11 a real business -just a hobby -and still was doubUul it "'as fair to tax hi1n on the income. "You buy some, )'Oll sell some," Turne r :;aid of his gun trading. Thursday, Frldav Subcommittee Chairm an Abraham A. Ribicoff announced that the police chiefs of Cnicago and Kansas City, Moi, would tl'stify Wedn<'Sday. Turner insisted bot h chiefs gave hiin the guns for his prrsonu l use and s;1id he nrver pretended they 11 ~·rr !or Ar1ny purposes. Ile also tlaimed th<it a ledger book in which he kept track of his gun deallngs had been stolen . The former Army provost ma rshal acknowledged tha t he failed lo ment ion the theft to the subcommittee \\"hen it su bpoenaed his gun records last ni onth. lns\('ad. hr s<11d. he dre\\' up a ne1v ledger and turned it O\er to investig;itors. He 1vas nJt asked immediately what he did wit h the proceeds of lhe gun sales. Subcomn1itee Counsel J c r om e Ad!r rman noted tha t U1e ne1v ledger li~ted only 100 guns and made no at"· L'ounling of al least 600 \\'hich he ad · Angela Davis to Give Two Lectures at UCI t ·nA Commun ist professor Angela Oa\'is 11·ilJ not on!y speak Tliursday al ~C Irvine as previously announced but v.•11\ lecture Friday to a course organized and 1:1ught by UCI stud ent act ivists. (Related stories Page 41. :\.oliss Davis , 25-year-0ld black instructor barrrd by regents because of he r Com· munist Party affiliation from teaching courses for credit, will1lecture at UC! on •·Political Repression in the University." l 'he course, call ed the Uni versity in A1nrncan Culture, was organized by cainpus SOS leader Donovan Dorsey and is offered for Lhree units of university credi t. Chancellor Daniel Aldrich J r supports lh!.' regents in their firing of r.llss Davis. :.til l unde r appe:ll. Hut he said there 1s noth ing in regents' policy lo prev ent her fron1 speaking to the UCt class as a guest lecturer so Jong as it is a single ap- pearance. r.tiss Oal'iS al~ \\'lll gi1·e a gt'neral ca1npus address Thursday noon in the Science Lecture Hall. Thal appearance is sponsored by the students for a Democ ratic Society (SDSJ, the Black Students Gnion and the New Universily t:onrerence of rad ical professors. Dorsey, a senior in American culturl', organized the Cnivcrsity in An1erican Culture course after obtaining the ::ponsorship or three 1irofessors who act as adv isors. They are Spencer Olin, of the history department ; Duran Bell, of th1: rcon01nics department , and Stephen Shapiro, tea ching hi s last year while awa iting dismi ssal from the Eng lish depa rtment. All arc assistant professors. Dorsey said the class \\'ill be taught rrom a "radical perspective." No tests or papers are required and grades will be based on class participation a n ct discussion. he said, alt hough nne faculty ad1·isor sairl the grading procedure still is under study. W 01na11 i11 Buzzsaw Attack Escapes P sycl1iat1·ic Wru·d 1' Superior Court Judge f\1{1nday ls~Uf'd 3 i i0,000 bench "·arranl for the arrest of f\lari'a Lechuga , the Santa Ana woman ordered to face psychiatric exa1ninal!on after police al lege she atte1npt ed lo srx- uallv mutilate her husba nd. l'>i°rs. Lechuga , 34, common·law \\'ile nf Hamiro Lechuga, escaped during the ff ll)'llS IVO rllt .S t,ill Dra ivs Oppos itio11 Fr o11i Se 11 utu rs \\"AS!il\"GTO~ 1l:PJ1 -( le1n<>n t F l!~1ns11 nrih Jr:~ otfrr 1rt put h1~ ~I nillhon :.tock purtfuJ1u in tr11-.t t;ulrd 1•• r1ay to slack rn opposition !O his no1n1n<1· lion lo thl' S11preme C.ou rl. ~en . Birch Bayh. (LJ.J11d .1 ~aid hr ~\Ill c11rl not ha1e a h;;l of rlatrc; hf' roo~id fr\ \ital to hi.s plan tri chC'ck f'\ cry ~lo<:k purchas.e and salC' l!ayn~\1·orlh has 111adc si nce 19fl7. That 1ras the }ea: l"rr~idcnt Dw ight D. E1senhO\\"Cr nan1cd l\ayns\\Orlh, memlx'r or a Greenville. S.C., family of lall"yers, lo the 4th U.S. Circuit Cot1rt or Appeals. Bayh s<1id he 11·anted lo learn v.·hcthcr Ha.yTJsworth held stock in fi rms that \\·err litlga.1ts before him. tlarnsworth·s op· ponents have charged lhc judge 1vM in· ~nsitive lo judicial propriet ies by nol disqualifying himself from 111·0 casc5. One in\'oh·ed a 1·ending machint com· pany , in \\·hich Hayns11·orlh had a $350.000 interest, tha t 11o·11s OOing business 11.·ith a trxtile firm that "·as a litigant in flayns~·orth·s court. The o1hr r inrolred llayns"'orth's S!OC:k purc.hasc.s in the Brunswick Corp., ll''hich ha d a cast pen· ding in his court. ifaynS1vorth said he 1narlc the oHt>r to put his holdings in a trust, agreeable to Congress and the Juslice C>tparlml'n \. The \Vhile House said il had been in· formed or l1aynsi.rorth's offer, although Pre!'lident Nixon probably V•a.~ nol personally aware or It. Pre ss Secretary Ron ald Ziegler denied the administration ask'Si or recotn mended Ha,TJs"·orth mak~ the l'lffer. "lt"s just a ·thing he \\'ants to do," Ziegler s•id. R ecr eatio n Unil To J-l ea r of Pro"rcss " Cit y parks and recreation com. missiont rs wlll hear ~1·e r:il progrr~s re ports oo park bu ild ing and acqu1sit1011 at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday 111 Ute Huntington Beach ci1y council chambers. Also scheduled thit l tvening, 1111· 1necliotely arter Lh:? n1eeting. is a socir1I at the Lake P11rk clubhouse for mernbers of Lhf' new youth adYisory r o111millec to lilt: recrealion and parks commission. \1 ::ckcnd from the p.e;yrhia1ric 1~·ard nf Orange Coun ty .~fedical Center. Doctors' reports on her n1enta1 ron· di tion \\'ere scheduled for de livery tllon- day before Judge Robert Gardner. ~f rs. Lechuga faces charges of assaull 1•·1t h intent to commit murder and assaull "ith a deadl y weapon. Police arrested her la st Aug. 21 outside 1he Lechuga home after she appa rent ]'." 11·ent berserk and allegedly attacked her hu~band on three occa.~ions. She first 11ent after hi1n 11·1th a 1KJ11·cr .... 111· 111 an appnrent attempt to :-r"ually 111111ll<1te him as he Ja y 1111de on the bed 1• .1trh1ng telrvi sion, then she attaC"kcd l111 n 11 1\h a hatchet and l1nally st11bbed 11111 1 1n the back 11Jth a rarving knifr. Thf screaming. blood·~oa ked U chuga tht>n flrll frun1 1he hou~f' and sough! tlh· h<'lp u[ neii;hbor.~. "'ho he ld olf the 1nad· 1ll'ned 11oman unt 1! pol1 rr arril'ed. \,erh11ga tnld officl'r.:. that throu~hn11l 1hr fr;icas, his 11·ife kept askin g htn1 '"\\'hy do you gn out with other "on1en'.' \\"hat is 11·rong 11•ith me~"' l'oht'e rrports indicate the tl lex1c;u1· horn "·oman "·as acquilted in hPr 11...,mrland on cha rges of kil ling her f1r:;.t h1.1~band . Officer~ ~late that ~·l re;. Lechu!'?a ale;o told pf killing a ;o;econd hus· band 1n self·defense. W oodruff Keeps Busy Working Fo r T'vo Cities AssistJnl Newport Beach City Attorney Tom \\'oodruff "'ill be a busy man the next se1eral \l'l!r ks. Here"s why : -He'll be laking orer the Job of part· li rn e Foun tain Valley city attornc~·. -At the s<11nc tinlc, hc"ll continue a.s :\rwpor1 City A!lornt'Y Tully Scyn1our'i; chief asi.istan1, until his successor 1s hired . -Si1nultancously, he'll be looking for office space to set up a private praclicr. \\.oodn1rr. 30, "\l'llS hirrd :i.'i Fountain Yalle~ .. s lrgal co11nsel f\•ondl!y. He \\-'ats one of nine applicants for lhe job, \ aca!C'r! 11 lk'n Ed.,.. in ~l 11rt in resigned . !llarl in qu it, he said, because Fountain \'alley nerdl'd a full·time attorney. Foun- tain Valley C<luncil men di~agreed. They i;a1d the rity wasn't rea(ly for that. yet, So \\"oodruff "as hirf'd on a part.time basis. Ne11oi>orl City Atto rney Seymour . \\"ho selected \\'oodruff as !Us aide t"·o years ago. sald: "Tom \\'Ill continue "·orking for us al len'l half·timt-until v.·e can hire someone r lS<.>. \\'e·re 1orork1n g out some kind of ar· ra11grn1rnt nn1~·-"' Refore joining the Nrwport municip;1I ~laff. \l'oodruff 11·as cit.v prosecu!(ir for Jnii:lrwood . li e 1s e t.:C Berkr.!ey law :.t·hool i::racluatr I mltted under questioning were g1\'en lo him by police department~ ol Chicago and Kansas City and by a provost 1narshal al Fort Bliss, Tex. Turn er, a hal d little mA n, stoo<l ramrod slifl at attent ion to be sworn in. lie sturk !1rn1ly to his contention that there was no ~ub\erfuge in his acceptance of the guns for personal use, and no harrn in his decision lo sell some of U1en1. He acknowledged receiving more than $2,0CIO fro m a Fay etteville, N.C. gun shop, m:>stly ror guns he got from Chicago and Kansas City police. •·1 study guns," Turne r testi fied. ''It's ll hobby with me ." lie said he ust'd many of the guns in lectures to Boy Seou l troops, turned olhe rs Ol'er to a military police gun museu m at For t Gordon, Ga., and broke many others into parts lo repair guns for his friends. Beach Council Battles Over mdustry Law Ci ty councilmen fought a brief battle 01·cr indu stry in lluntington Beach Tues· day night, spa"·ned by a proposed ord ir.ance \\'hic h t ightens industrial con· slruclion ord ina nces. Councilmen George ~-lcCracken, a hllilding contrac tor, and Ted Bart lett ex· pressed concern that niore ordinance!'i would scare industry ou t of 11untington Bench. The other five councilmen deff'nd· Pd the ordinance 11·hi ch 1\·ould protec t residrntia! homes from encroaching 111· du~try . 1·he ordinance in question calls for anv industrial building adjacent to residential home~ to be built a ni1nimum of 10 feet fro1n its fr ont property line and 40 feel J 1·on1 its rrar and side propt'rty lines. First reading of l11c ordinance 1vas pa~secl unanimously Monday lo avoid wa~t ing lime on read ing it in lull, but ~lcCrackrn promised a ba ttle "'hen the orc!ir.ance comes up for its :.econd re<lding . "Ifs JUSl ;innther example or cree ping h1ireaucracy," cha rged J\1cCracken, "{ a!"'ilys thought it "'as th e intent of the ci- t:,' to allract industry, but we"re gelling more and more restricti \'e," ··The Irvine industrial deYelopinent i~ al"·ays given as the most desirable. u1 Orange County,'' countered Councilman Donald Shipley . "yet they have the strictest rules of any ." ""\\'cs tm1nstcr is doing "'ha t we·re talk- ing about in attracting industry" C"on- l 1nul'd a dissatisfied tl1cCracken, "Th<>y don·t sit down and \\'rite a lot of comic. b<i<lk rules fur !he year 2,()()():' Counr1lman Henry K;1 uf1n;1n point ed ou1 th;:i t the city currently has no ordinance lo prcvt'nt ;111 indus trial building from being constructed al ong~ida a hon1e. 11·ith no setback lron1 the pro- perty hne. 2 El Toro Pilots Die • J ct Crash Ul T11n tllarine: p1!0L~ from El Toro d1cil ,\!onday near El Cmtro 1\·hcn their :0:4 Skyha11 k Jl't crashed during a training flight. The n:in1r~ of boJlh 1nrn arc lw1ng 1<11.hhrld pending notif1r a1ion or tl1eir ne.\l r•f kin The ,\larinl' C'orp::. spokesm an al !hl' El Toro :0.1.1rin<' t 'orp~ .-\1r :-;t~t1(1n t1ri\1} \<ild lh1· 11111 mrn 11rrr rarrying (HJ! ro11t1ne h<'1111b1n~ :1nd rocket !i r111g prnc:('dures 11 h1111 the tr ;11rcrafl smashed into the grnund. l11q111r1es 111t(l ll1e t au.;c of th r acc1fl<>nt. .1re be ing carried oul by El Centro in· 1 r:-.tig.'.l tors. DAILY l"ILOT Sit t! 1"111'* ltloyor No11aed News1na1i J.l untingt.on Beach ri1ayor J ack Green r eceives plaque na1ning him as honorary newspaperman fro m DAILY PJLOT staff men1ber J ack Broback. Plaque \Vas presented to mayor as part of current observ· ance of National Newspaper \Veek Oct. 5-11 . From Page l VALLEY DOLL CARVER ••• :O.lason, 55. "·ho livl's at !MOO El Camino Ave. "I just chi p away what 1don "l1l'ant. Sometimes I miss lhough. f.ly h;inds are all scarred up . I mllsl hav~ 25 or thirty cuts a!rrtidy." NE \Y ART FOR.\l The un usual hobby -believed by hln1 to bi' a new arl fonn since he ha.<: nevrr seen anyone else pl ying satire \\'Ith a carving knife -began 25 yea rs ago \1-·hcn r-.1asnn was sti ll in Canada . An Indian kachina doll brought h11tk fro111 a trip to the An1erica n west excited 11is broth er ~o much that l\tason boug!it J. block of balsa and carved a dup llcale, displayi ng lale n!s that surprised t'\".'11 hirn. .. Soo n niter lhal a descendant of t.1 r lfc nry l\iorga n, the famous pi rate, asked me lo irroduce a figure for him ;ind my career 11•;1:;. born:· laughed l\lason. who ~.as wbillled more than 300 of the loot h!gh statuettes already. S!:-:Ef\S 'EQUIP~I E.~T ' •·Now I find n1ysel f conlinuou~Jy haun· ling the bubble gum machine.<:." !oo~ing lo~ 'rouipment' to put on my charaeters: such as little guns, bananas, scissors or 11•hatc.ver " ··/\Her I am lhrough carving· I give: thrn1 a coat or whi te la!ex. v.·hich !1artlens and seal~ the ll'oocl, <ind paint on lllC re <1tUres 1-\'i\h n()rn1al \.\'Ll f('f ('O[Ors," e-:pl;iincd ~1ason . "f n1ust have tried :JO 1l1Hercnl kinds of bases before I finally found one I could live 11•ith." "I am sort of an rar!y ri ser and on the \\'Cc kend, around five or fi ve fiftren, 11•bcn the family is stil l asleep, I sneak ou: of the house, turn on tny home.built 11·;1terraJ1 ou t in the yard and gel going:• he !iaid. Hi~ \\ ork has bf.en rcrie\\·ed and ac-- rla1med by many ne\1·~papers, includin~ the i\1ontrea l Star. Ottawa Citizen, and 1\lontrcal Standard. Yet e1·l'n though pria s.c h:i."i ber :i hr:1ped on thcn1 fron1 :.II sidrs, rl'latn{'ly few pe<1p!e have seen i\lason·s new series of can·car.'ings. HEA D)' TO EX HIBIT '"Thl'y are avallahle fnr public shov.1n,e. al no cost." he poin1s 0111. adding Iha! he 1•0Uld be plea.~ed lo place them on exh1b1l "\\1th any orgnn1zat1<111. Only J!l of i\taso11 "s car1·ings rcmA1n 1n the coller t1on. About 2i0 nf 1hrn1 ha1 e b"Ctl g11·rn awily to fne1icls. donated lo tt1;on1y or ~rcon1e door pri zes. \\'Ith lhe v.·orld ;is his laboratory , he hns many subjects to draw on and 1s nol !oo worried about once expanding Lhe col· ·1ce!in11. Yo11 r Om ~g1 Solt 1 & St rtlCf A~e nnt "I see people e\·ery day that I wanl In rarvr. Thev tend lo ca r J ca 1 u r i t P. 1hemse\ves. l'lithout knowing it." Mason .:.ays. • r think next r rn going to do tho~P. pl!ifu! f'l d ladies in Ltts Yl'~as. 11'ilh a 11;·1nk beside 1hr111. !ecd111g the slot 1n:ich1nes. None of thf'ITI look li ke they c;.in affo rtl il ·• Beach lo Host Co1u1t v Solons GL1ess ll'ho·s (:omlng to dinner in llun· tington Beaeh? All of Or<i nge County"s state Jc~1sla1or., and thry·H he: the guests or the City Council Coune1ln1e11 approl"ed lhe 1i i n n e. r meeting '.\lond;,y night. 111 1 I h ar· r;;ngl'n1ents ;is to {!au.· ;inti lvcation lo be 1nade la ter. H-s h1llr<t as a ctinn er In honor them for thl'lr 11·ork on beha lf of the local area and Lo gain infonnation on fugure projects involving the city on a st.ate leve.1. Councilman Dona trl Shi pley s:ud that he fel t Lhere v.·erc a l'ouplC' of legislator., who did nl tiesrrvc ;on_v hnnors, but agrrrd ii;i breai.. hrrild 11·1th them anywa y. I srael Attacks 111 Reprisal Mo ve By l'11itcd Pre~~ Inte rnational h•raell planes ~true~ niil!!al"}' ba~cs In .J ordan and Egyptian milita ry pos1!1on~ ;ilorg the 11 e~trrn ~h11rr of lhc (~ulf ol S11cz today u1 rrpns:ii :i!!:.icks tha! follow. rd a massive Egyp11an air raid ~1011cla.1• nnd ('1gh t hours of ~helling al oog thr Suet. ('an:.1. :\11 E~~·ptia11 rn1!i1,1ry -..po~···1nan 'n Cn1ro ~<11cl Ep:~pt1 ;111 gunners sh<1t do1111 !•11" of 1hc a1tack1ni: lsr:1ch p!Jne~. 11,.· third arnal kill claunt'd by Eg.1 p! 1n ~I hn11 r~. r ~rael said ;ill of 11~ pl~nc ... rel\ll 11· t•il ~ortly fro111 ~111kc'> a~:11n ... 1 the an,' 1 retxirletl lo con!:.i111 rad;.ir and rocket ~1tr ~. The Cairo ~po.k c,..n111 11 :-aHl thl'rc had been mnrr than eight hours ot :;poradJ~ b11l heavy itrlillery dU<'ls across tho canal, starling /\lond11y nigh! ;ind con· tlnuing lh1s tnorning. 0 OMEGA --,_...,.., ... '·~·· . ...... . T\o '"' ,,,... o .. oe• i p11d11'1u !t r w dc~ "• t lf..., .... 1111tltci Wo!'• out ••v .... ditot•h•• l<r NASA lo l.o "'"'" bv "'' ''"" "' !~1 11'1••~· T' ' '"'~'"''''"· 1,_ly ' ,,. ....," ,., •• ,.11,., ... ..... , ...... !r f~ll ~I ~fC l<d le ~. ~o•• .,.1h.,;,." Q.,.,,,. i1,.1lor. Co1:11 i• -•1• • Cleimec! • Oi k4 • Adjvsl><I WITH s4aa THIS AD Wt!H1 Yot Woeir l lN6S s~ 00 S1tlD, ,,..,. ,;), --~- DIAM OMOS $6 00 11ruc10. .... • IN!;lAYIN• DOHI WMlLI YO U WAIT H1111th1CJ1on Cttlltr loath 01 Edln9er +htt ~ •• .i ....... l ~""'"· ~ ;,,1, o,..,., S~oul"'"" lot ~~•D•lt!•p~. Tio t •!f ... ,,~ ..... ~, ,~ ..... . l~· ....... ,,,,. ''''· Tn 1i11 A¥AILAlll HUNTINGTON BEACH and back Harbor Shopping Cenltr 2300 Harbor Bl vd, ,COSTA ME5A Y ~-11"85 II I I I I ( ( lul co rii! Co P'' Ca e!i ,., Jo mi h• di• u·· P< Hi vi ja· a th m ol us ., '" lh 11\, " lh le pr C< as ,,, Tl gr "' ,, Je th h; L ( I " ,, p' ri· ol J< d " ' ol 0 " • p d c • ,. q b ~ " ' h ' ' ' " n c II ' ' • c r."l':"''"":"".""!"--""---------... --......... -......................... ""~!.':'!":'"----..,. ... ~l"'l;!"":"!''."."":""'"-:"7'':""::"---c.--------· ....----~~-r ' · '-•.·.~P;. ~,n .. ,.•,I:",'"•'< .,.,. ·o •--.•'1 '".-..,,._,._ ... ""'' Laguna Bea~h EDITION Today's Flnal N.Y. Stoek.s * * * VOL. 62, NO. 240, 2 SECTION S, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CACIFORNIA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, ·1969 TEN CENTS • • ire UlllS 0 mar Pyne Castle 01u1·cli Use Give11 Okay By BARBAflA KREIBICll 01 1~t 01il1 PHoJ Sl•lf \\'eeks of heated discussion regarding future use of Pyne Castle aµpearcd to come lo a peaceful conclusion Monday night as the Laguna BeaC'h JlJanning Commission voled to recommend ap- proval of a modified plan presented by Calvary Evangelical Free Ch u r ch 1 eliminaling a planned day school. Commissioner:; Fred Briggs, Joseph To."llc:hak, Dr. Robert French and Charles Johnson c.ast yes votes, v.·hile new com- missione r Carl J ohnson abstained. since he had not participated in earlier di~cvssions. Jn conlrasl lo previous meetings before hoth the planning con11nission and the c1- 11· council. no residents of I he r.1';"hborhood were On hand to protesl the ill inn. The ehurch"s request for a cond itional U!.c pcr1nil on Lhe property 1.~1ill return 10 the council for a final decision. \llGOROUS PROTESTS Initital request of the church, '>''hi.ch purchased the 64·room mansion al 770 Hillcrest Drive earlier th is year , dre1v \"igorous protests from owners of ::id· jacml properties when it was revcale<I a Chri!tian day school would be included in the development. The planning com· mission recommended disapproval. Tn an appeal to the city cooncil, church officials withdrew their request for school use. ask ing only that pennission be ~ranted for establishment of a church i;aoctuary in the third floor ballroom o[ lhc mansion, with a preschool for tod· (tiers, church offices and apartments for resident and visiting ministers occupyi ng tl1c rema ind~r of U1e building. '\"eighbors told the counci l they !'till f('a re<I traffic problems might arise fron1 use of the castle as a church, hut these protests \'lere not carried to the Planning Commission Mooday when that body ""·as asked to comment on the modified re- quest. 'f RAFFIC, NOISE Architect Stonn Case, llead of th e con- gregation's building committee, told com- mi5.~ioners members had \•ot4XI to eliminate the school use because it '>''as j ell objections to traffic and rini.~c '>''ere the ma in reason the application originally h;id been !urned do'>'·n. Th<' th ird floor ballroom . he ~aid, \\OUld (Sfe P\'NE, r age 2) 4 Additio11al Occupations OK For Home Zones Four add itional home occupations ac- ceptable in R-1 (single residential) 2onc:i; in Laguna Beach were approve<! by the planning commission Monday night. Pia no tuning (in clienL~' homes), rlcsigning or women's apparel, packag ing or statincry and packaging of "small ob- Jec ls for ma.ii order sale" now <1re in- t·lude<I in th:: cily's approved ho1ne oc- c11o~tion list. The applications were the first of man/ cxpc<:led lo result from a recent mailing of 150 letlers to residents who have t.akcn out business licenses fo r home oc- cupations. Under the city zoning la\\', each occupation must be specifically ap- proved before Jt may legally be con· ducted in a residence. Once an occupatioo flas received the city's okay. other applicants are given automatic approval, provided lbey sign a statement of complianee with re- quirement.a: fOI' the conduct of a-home busi.neM. One applicant ~1onday night, Nelson P. Nios of 969 Skyline Drive, soogllt, but was drnied relie r from a requirement that no slreel address be used in ad\'ertising a home occupation . Nies told commissioners he pack;ig~s .~11 1all objects used in conn'.!c1ion with X- r;iy work and wan ted lo adver)1sing 10 p;cier.tific magazines or vrry limited ci rculation. using his home address lo rivoid the incon\•eniencc of constantly thecking a post office boJi. Arter discussion, commission<'rs agreed that no exccplion should be mfl<le to the ;idvertising regulation. noting that other applicants whose businesses m i g h t ~enerate traffic could request the same C1¥1 ... icleration. Ptl«f< '" Dua"' Mall.oft LIGHTING UP THE NIGHT . FLAMES DESTROY CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY BUILD ING, CAPO'S OLDEST COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE U.S. and Russ ia Prese nt Treaty On Nuclear Ban Ex-Army Provost Admits Gun Sales in Innocence <:E\"EVA (:\P) -Tl1c Lnited State~ and the Sovicl Union presented toda y a dra/I treaty to ban nuclear arms and other weapons of mass destruction from the sea bed . The two superpov.·crs agreed on a com· promise joint draft after seven months 11f bargaining and submitted it to the 25·na· llon disarmament conference. The draft or lhe lrC';ity which the Sovirt Union pul hcfore the conft'rence rin r.1arch 18 called for a ban on all 1)'p!'S of '>''capons and milit:iry 1ris!alla t1ons from !he sea btd. Thr l'n1\r1! St:ilcs rrfu~t'rl 11) accept t)us bt-caus<' 11 would ban surh rlcfensivc de vices as svhmanne tr:id;lng :-!al ions. The Ru~~1an~ ga1·r 11:iy on this point .111!1 af"crpled th•' prol'1~inn ol a 11rart s11b- t1111t('d hv the Cr11lcd Statr5 \1:1v 22 1n 11·h1l'h tile han \1nuld he rL·~tni:led 1.-. n11l'lt';ir <1Tn1s and weapons of 111a.~5 clcstruction. In return. the t:n1trd Slates rlrnppcd 11s proposal tha1 thr ban co1ne into force at the three·mile hm1~ and accepted the Sovie~ 12-milc limit This was favored also by most olher delegations al the con- ference. Laguna Hed Cross Seeks Blood Drivers Dri\·ers t!'I assis1 in drlivcring blood are 11rgcntly ncerJed by the Laguna Beach Hed Cross. The chapter is seck ing volunteers will· ing to give one day a week. or a month , to deliver blood from the Red Cross dep:it in Sa nt.a Ana to hospitals in Orange Coun - ty. F'or further information, call 4!M-6~7. \VASHINGTON (U PI\ -Rrtircd 1\laj. Cen. Carl C Turner, formerly the Army 's top p1J!1tc official. admitted today he sold ;1t ll;.ist $2J.IOO \\'Orth of confiscated gun $ he got from e1\·1han police tlepartm!'nts :ind pocketed the proceeds. B11l 'rurn1•r. a ba!c/Jng Jillie man wi1h a l1n:i-rnusta~he and strong voice. insisted lie (~id nilth1ng wrong. '"Thost> \l'crc iny guns'.'' he lu!d nlrmbers of a Senate invt'stigation.~ suh- C'o1111n1 lt ~. Tt1r 5li·yr11r-0lll "'!lnP~'-S a l~o C"OnC"cdN.J hr Fnilrd to p:i v inroine lax nn !he ~un l r;in~al"'l1on~ .1 nrl :i t•kno11lrdgcd $6.1100 in ~1un ... .:lie 1nt'Olll(I d1in11g thr pa:.L file }L"c11·~ But 111• ~.a1rl he ne1cr tons1d ercd 1t a rC'al l!u~incss -JIL'-1 ;1 hobhy -and ~1 111 was tlr1ub1'.·u1 it 1vas fair to tax !n1n on lh!' 1ncn1nc. "'You buy so1ne. you sell so mr.," Turner said of his gun trading. Subc(imm111ec Chairman Abraham A. Hib1coff announced thal the prilice ehiefs nf Cnicagn and Kansas City, Mo .. would lest1ry Wednesday. Turne t insiste<I bolh chiefs gave him the guns ror his personal use and said he never pretended they \Yrrc for Army purposes. lie aL'IO claimed that a ledger borik in which he kept track of his gun dealings ht1d bcl'n stolen. The former Army provo~t marshill ackr.nwledged !hat he failed tn mention the theft to the subcomm ittee when il subpoenaed his gun records last mrinth. lnstrad. he said, he. drew up a new ledger and turnOO ii over lo inYestigalors. llt' wa:i; n.Jt asked imm'1dialely wha t he did wi!h th~ proceeds of the gun sales. Lectures Th11rsday, Friday UCLA Red Due t"CLA Communist professor Angela Da\'iS will not only spea~ '!'hur:Sday at UC Irvine as previously announced but will lecture Friday In a c()urse organiied and taught by UC! student activists. (Rela1cd stories Page 41 l\fLss Davis, 25-yeo r·old black inst ructnr barred by regents because of he r Com· monist Party affiliation from teaching courses lor credit. v.·111 led.ure at UC I fJn "Political Repression in the University." The course. callOO the UniverSily in American Cu lture. was· organized by campus so...;; leader Donovan Dorsey and is offered (or three unil.s of university credit. Ch;inccllor D.aniel Aldrich. Jr. supports \he regents in their firing of l\1i~~ Davie. i;t.!JI under appeal. Bu l he . said there is no1hing in regents' policy to prevent her fro1n speaking lo the UC! clas.~ ;1.~ a gu<'sl lecturer so long as 11 ls a single ap- 1:icaranrc. t.1i ss Davis alS-O v.•ill gi\'e a genr..r:il campus a1ldress Thursday noon 1n the Science Lecture Hall. That appcar;incc is spnnsorc<l by the sludents for a Democratic Society (SD6J, the Bl;ick Students Union and the NeW Unf ve.rslty Conference of radical profe1~1'S- Dorsey, a 5Cnior tn Ameriefln culturl.', (lrganir.ed the Uni versity Jn American GUN CASE flGURE Maj . Gen. Turner Subcomn1itee Counsel J e r om e 1\dlerman noted that tile ne\v !edger listed only JOO guns and 1nadc no a('· counting of at le;ist 6QO '''h•rh he ad· milted under questioning v.·ere given to him by police departn1ents of Chicago and Kansas City and by a provost marshal at fort Bliss, Tex. at UCI '. $• Cµiture course after obtaining the spob,otlfiip of lhree professors who act as tdvb;Orli.. They arc Sp<:ncc.r Olin, of the history department: Duran Bell , or th1: cconom1cs department . and Slcphrn Shapiro, 1 teacbin&· his lasl year v.·hi!e awaiting dismiual from the. English department. All' are assistant professor~. Dorsey .said the class will be taught frorn a "radical pcr.spcctivc." No tests or papers are required and grede.s will be baal'Cf'" en class participation a n d discussion. he said, although one faculty advisdt' Aid the grading procedure still is under study. _\ 4 Still Jailed In Lagtu1a Beacl1 Robbery, Kidnap f our Gcorgi:in.~ ch;irgcd Jn a Laguna Ae:1rh kidnap-robber}' were ordered back 111 J.1il i\1onday by Judge David Aaron and 111u~t return to Lagw1a Beach r-.1 unu::ipal Court Oct. IJ for a continued prelin1inary hr«1r1ng. Bail for cuch of the four was set at $12,500. In addition lo Lhc original !·hargrs of robbery, one defendant now i_. .11~0 acruscd of possession of dangerous 1lrugs. The four men. who told P<1l1cc they dr'O\f' riut fr om Georgia on the trail of .~/)meone v.·ho allegerJly stole a motorc)•ele p;irl. are l\lclv1n D. ,Jackslln. 24. Clarcn<:e '.'II ~1111\h. 2;,, Billy (;. Pilgrim. JI, and i111rh:1cl IJ. tl1essenger, 22 The narl11t1r~ l'h:J rs::e w:1s a!lr!ed l\lnnday tn tl1c rob- lJi•ry rh;irt:(' against 1\tessrnger ThC'v 1~·cre arrcs!cd Sept. 26. after :1llegt•rJly fvrc1ng l'>''O Laguna Beach 1ncn 111!(• ;1 c;ir at gunpoint and driving them lo Costa l\lesa and back to Laguna . Police believe the accused mistakcnl.v ahducte<l James ll-enry Backus. 24 and hrs roommate, Richard Charles Kimball, 18. from their Bluebird Canyon Road apartment The two were able to m.Jke their plight known tn a service station attendant who alrrlcd Lagu na Beach police . 1\ nun1her or 1reapons and :;;uspccted 1lnngrrou:i; drugs were taken from the ab- rh1cton; at the time of the arresi, police claimed. I srael Attacks 111 Reprisal Move Hy United Pretti Inttm1tlon1I lsraell planes stru ck military bases In Jordan and Egyptian military position! along the western shore of the Gal£ o£ ~net today tri reprisai attacks that follow· ed a massive Egyptian air raid Mooday :ind eight hours of W111.ng·atong fht Suet Canal. An Egyptian · military. ,spokesman In Cairo said E:gyptia~ __...~ ~ nn~ of the attacking bi'ild' plaMt. the third aerial kill cla inied' b;: F,gypt· In 24 hours. Israel i;aid all of its plane!·retum- cd s11fely rrom ~trikes Rgain~t lhe arr:;i rl'fX!rlrd 111 contain radar and rockot ~ilcs. Sloek 1Uarkel• NF:W YORK (AP) -The stock mar· ket 's lethargic attitude persisted as tr ad· Jng moved at a moderate pace late thJs afternoon. (See quotations. Pages 10-11). The Dow Jones average O( 30 Indus- trials all p.m. was off 1.06 at 808.34. J Residents Nearby Evacuated By RICHARD P. NALL 01 the Dl llY Plllt 11111 A hair-million dollar fire razed ~ of San Juan Capistrano's oldest commercial buildings this morning, threatening the downtov.•n business district and forcing evacuation of nearby residents. The bl aze, wbich lighted the sky for miles around, destroyed the 40,000. square.foot building housing Consolidated Supply Company and three tenant busi nesses. Firemen battled the blaze fo r 411 hours. The cause was still under in· vestigation this morning. No injuries v.·crc reported . Constructe<I in 1889, the 80-year-0ld stnicture v.·as owned by Alfonzo Jimenez, 3.1892 Zarzito, Dana Point. In addition to lhe hardware and building supply business, the historic structure at 26iU Vf'rrlugo St. housed Mission Electric , Capistrano Valley Glass Company and Ei Toro Fine Arli. Orignally CQnstructed by ranchers o( the area lo store their grain, the wooct frame and corrugated iron structure had long been a nesting place for swallows of Capistrano famed in song and story. The building was remodeled in 19.1& by Blue Goo5' Packing Company as a storage shed for oranges. It w.as purchas- ed by J imenez in 1957 and converted to busine~ uscs. The fire was reported at 3:25 •.m. County fire fighters reported lhe struc· ture. totally involved in flames when they arrn•ed. He;1 l of the blaze melted windows in l\lexico Lindo restaurant across the strf'i'.l. A fire ph1R nearby was Jn· accessi ble beca us e of intense heat. Fire h::ises snak e<! through the street.• of Sa n J uan depicting the 1own's reserve.• and causing !ow pressure in mains this morning. f ire fighters saved nearby businesses and structures. including the old Santa Fe depot which may beeome a museum. l l is no longer in use. Officials stopped the early morning Santa Fe train wh ich normally passes a few yards from the burned structure. Traffic 10.·as blocked off along Camino Capist rano from the mission to El Adobe Restaurant where President Nixcm dines. Spectators said had a windy condition prevail ed. the fire could have caused the Joss of the entire downtov.'n. fiesidents of t'>''O hisl-Oric adobe struc· lures, Casa rle Garfias and Avila Adobe. 11·erc e\·acuated. The business and res1<lent1al s!.ruc1ures 10.·cre coostructed !See CAPO FIR E, Page: 2:) -'· J..,\ Capo * Reservoir Has Busy Day The terminal reservoir, su pplying the cily witll water, went dry briefly yester~ da y. The intake f r om the Metropolitan Water District line was promptly in· creased .and the reservoir filled, only to be emptied again because of the early 1norning fire that dcs~royed property in dov.'fllown Capistrano. Water district officials have ag ain In· creased the intake although '>''ater sup- plies Vl'ere short t.oday. Orange Coast Weatller Another Chamber of Com- merce day is 0 11 the bill for Wednesday wltfl au nny skies and temperatures in the upper seventies along the Orange Coast. INSIDE TODJ\ V A fl attoNley will c!1orge obortt · $1.'iO tn r l1anr1t 11014r 1aa1nt, nt lea.~t $280 for n divorct, accord· i11g to gc.nrral/y accepted ftt: .schedule. Pone 12, <••t.•111• C•ntil1 .. c ..... 1c1 c ..... ,.,.,4 .... Ntllc~I IE~lt."91 "" •t1tutal,,,_I . ,_. w. ... tt-·-.._, .... " I •t ' .. .. " • • • • 11-11 " " • ·-·~-· " Nltlloo-' ~ " 0••91 '-• '"'" , .. ,. ,,.,., ....... 1•11- Ttlot,lllMI .. T"ffMn • """" • ••• -... ._... .,...... ,,.,. I 2 DAIL V PILOT L Dow11 the Mission Trail Ca po Seeking Name for Sc hool CAPISTRANO VALLI<;Y -\\'ant to play a name i:;a1ne? Anyone can play H ii he's a resident in the Capistrano Unified School Dist rit'L The rules arc ~in1 ple : Just think hard about \vhat v•ou!d be a good name for a school, but name~ of pe ople still living arc out. .__~ The schools ihe hoard of trustees are g'oing to allow citizens to name y.•ill be f'lementary scools in Laguna Niguel, San J uan Capistrano and Mission Viejo and a junior high in Shorecliffs. Entries can be. sent llJ the hoard al Ser· r;i Schaal, 26126 Victoria. Capstrano Beac h or to any individual board l\l <'mber. Name suggestions n1ust be ac· l'01n panicd by a brief explanation for ~electing that particular handle. \Vinners will be chosen by me1nbcrs of the school board. And the prize •vill be the honor of naniing a school, and Lhe secret knowledge of knowing hnw schools get their illustrious names. e An.derson Honored SAN CLEMENTE -Dr. Gordon Anderson. San Clemente physician, has bt"en cited for his outstanding con· tributions to chlldi:en of the Capistrano Unified School District. RecogNtian, in the lonn of an engraved plaque, will~ presen ted to Anderson by the Board of Trustees of the school clistrlcl. e Choice 111 Cafeteria SA.'IJ JlJAN CAP ISTRANO -Finickv gourmels at Forster Junior lligh SchOOl ha\'e won a culinary victory. No longer \Viii they ha ve to !:iniff a! a 11niform h.1nch !ray in 1he cafeteria. Starting next \\'ednesclay, Oct. lfi they \\'il l be given a choice. ''This age group will not eat vegetables and salad s to a ·great extent;• reports :'ltrs. Corrine Green, Foods Supervisor, in ;i memo to Trustees of the Capistrano l;nifled School District. "The entree 1~ eaten and most of the other food goes in· lo the garbage can." Capo Trustees Oka y Citizen's Advisory Group A cjtiun·s advisory committee ha!> he c n appro\'cd bv 1r11s!ees of the Cap1s!rann l;n1fied School Di stric t. Tile ~roup y.·ill study the district"s financial and educational needs. Tht' co1nm1l!('C \fill deeide y.·hether or not to re comm end a tax election in February. Trustee Stan Kelley, speaking at a mee11ng of th£> hoard in Serra School :'llonday, questioned whether tht' com· rn1!\e{' could con1pilc enough inform at ion to make an intell1genl rr-commenda1 ion bv Nov. 17. He optcrt for n1orc time. :-a.ring that a 1ax clcct1on could s1l11 ta ke place in Junr , Superintendent Trun1.1n B c n c d i l' t a~sured K<'lley th.it .10 effrr't1vc 1nter1111 ~:110~· could be niafl" b.v 1hr ni1ddl(' llf '.\01 cmbt·r ~incr a bu dgc1ary ~l udy h ;1 ~ br('n n1adc. in 1h1' p.1~t :-.1;. n111nth~ 11 1111 rr~ulls readily arall;.ibl1· Tn1stres hair been tll lCn lllr jr,\} or rr'C'Ommend1nr;: J5 citizens /or the com· rn1l!cc by Oct. lJ, lhe datf of the first no schQoJ cmployr~ 11 uulc.J bl' i:om m11lt!<' mee!Jng. 1 ~ was decided th.:il no .'ichool ('mployri; \rould be committee membfr.'i. I OAllY PILOT (llAWG~ COAS1 PVlt ISHIJI'~ C.cw.PAN'f ll:ellert N. We14 .,."*""' aflll f'l*tl....., .J.(k 11. c •• r.., Vies t"r•i .... I •llf ()e"'•M Ml,..ttr Thom•' IC"Yil l!dao• Tbo"'"' A. i.i .,, .. ifte ~~···"' l!dlfot ~;th••d '·)loll .. _. '""" c 111 l!a1ior L ..... .._..Offke 21? fe•••f AYI , Mt:liftt Add•e11 ; ,.0, l a "'· •Z•IZ --C-11 tiAua· no #ttt ...... """" H......, -"' :1111 _, ........ ..... ........,... ... ...,,,: -.. ... _;i. 0 1'•L Y l"!lOl •l"' ...+.lefl '' Uf'l'lltl.;., "'t .,....,.. "'~" .. ..,tu-"'~• ••<•' s..... •11 I~ .. u 111 •111.,.., ..... t _. tot.ell. lodol-<l 1t0•, N-1 0-.J'I, ~ ,,.,_ >lu~t;.,.g•.,., •••'~ .,.d '-""' 1111· ....... 011"9~ (OU! POl>lltllit!t ~ .,-lflll... iol...,lo •<• 11 l111 Wiii .. -&I .. ' No,..oott &oiV., 1•.d lJt W11I 111 l !rff!. c~"• Mtu. T...,_.. t714J -4t4·t4'' c:~ .. j ....... 642--4JJ1 C-•lelll, ''"· O••-tout 'uO!I.,..,.. ::-.... "II ,,.,., ,,.,..... •M ... !111-. .~ltf"lll ........ O• """'"IM-ftlO ,,.,..;., "''' W ·--·· .,.._ utUU ..,.,. .,.1 ........ ..,. ..... _._ ~ URt ---............ .., ... cf\ .. cwr. Ml ... C.•l!ent••· ~_..., '" Uf'l'W II.• _,...,,.,., IW ,...11· st• .....,.,., ...UIM,., -~*"" '1• .,_111tr. I Fig1r1•i11g De11sity Planners Eying Change Tl~e advisd01\1ly of calculating density on the basis of probable nurnber of oc· c:upants, ra ther than number of dw elling unit s 1vas pondered ilionday night by Laguna Beach planning commissioners, v.'ho decided It 11·arran!ed rurther con· teinplalion al their Oct. 13 study session. The question was posed when Raymond Hrn ford sought Planning Com1nission ap· pro va l for a plan to increa se density froin e.1ght lo 12 units on R·2 I multiple residcn· tJalJ property at 6lfi \\'ilcox \Vay. Benford s aid he would like to build 12 on~·bed~oom unilS, rather than the eight uruts with two or-thret! bedrooms permit· ted under existing zoning. Rules • Ill of oase:; where h•:o people live in a ('.l'O- bedroon1 ;:ip;ir!n1e11L ., Brnfor d wondered ii lhe com1nission 1\'f1uld co 11~1der a 1 :1r1a nce for nine units :;111~·e llir 17.63-l·~qu;irc·fOOL <1rc<i of hi~ 1110 lots 11•ould r.;u11ll' within a few hun· tired lcet of zoning requirernrnts for that nu1nbt'r of u11i"l s. Charles Benion. owner of :in adjacent properly, suggested a stud.v session to pcrn11! closer t'xain1na!1011 (Jf lhe fact~ Ch;11rn1<111 Fred Briggs agreed {hat l11rthcr study 1rotild be required in vic1v or lhe_ appllc;:int's new pro p o s a! s regarding an alternative of ni ne uni L.; <ilong \\"ilh his pl;:in to widen the strceL and provide a revised turnaround. l'rom Page / PYNE. • • COUNTY FIRE CREWS MOP UP AFTER BATTLING CO By Dawn's Light, Capistrano Landmark Is Just Smold~~~lglgAu~bEl•D•FndlRCE THRROUG~ WMEE HOURS ause ema1 ns ystery The re is a greater need for small, ~o .... ·er rental unilS for "young marrieds" in Laguna. Benford told commissioners ar.d since the smaller units would not be suitable for families with children, the actua l population density would nol be in· cre;:iscd. o:vners of neighboring properties r~g1slered their objections in half a dozen letters citi~g traffic cor.gestion, drainage ~roblems, inadequate parking space , dif· J1culty of access for emergency vehicles and the fact that Wilcox Way residents already are obliged to leave their trash cans on Park· Avenue for pickup, a situa· tit>n which, one neighbor said, has tumed the street into ''garbage can row of Laguna Beach." s~r1 e well a~ a chun:h sa11c1uary until a ncr: tine could be bu!ll on the propert.v <ind «dcqualc parking 1;; av;ii!able on thf' pr~pt'.'r\y. Hr added that arrangt'.'mcnt of dr~v(•wa~·s for ingress and egress was tJe111g workl'd clu1 with the ('ity cngin!!c r"s depart11H't1l :.ind noted thnt ehtldren al . ir.nt!i~g .the pre-school \\'oulil be dropped ulf 1r1tl11n the property, not on the street. 4 Agents Suspended Fatal Shooting Probed By Police in Whittier From "\\'"irt Servicei A 22-year-old \I/hillier man y.·as awakened by a commotion in a down!tairs aparlmenl early last Friday morning, got up carrying his baby son and went to find out what was happening. That '.\'J S the last ihing Hey,vard }!. Dyer ever did. Moments later. a .22 caliber bullet from a rifle vi'ie ldl':d by a Vernon Police Department sergeant in an apartment upstairs crashed through the floor and buried it.self in Dyer's brain. California Attorney General Thomas C. Lynch ordered the suspension of four state. narcotics agerits involved Mondfly, pending a C()mplete ·inve!:iligation of the tragic case. Preliminary findings S1l far indicat e· -Drinking on stakeout prior lo the doorbuster·type raid . -Intrusion in to the \\Tong apartment dOY>•nsta1rs lo begin with. as a result 'Cl[ confusion over the proper addre!S . " , -Questionable tactics wh ile r11aking ar· rests inslde the upstairs apartmt'nt ad· Jacent to the one the slain man lcfL to 111- •estigate the noise downstairs. The man y.·ho fired the fatal shol - subject ·l"lf a <or:.incr"s inquest now i;chedulcd for Friday -\\·as Vernnn Polite Detective Sgt. Frank S1reeney. . He and four Los Angeles County Sher· 1ff's deputies invol\"cd in the raid al Lhc apartment building on Comstock Avenue in \\'bittier are r!"port ed stlll (ln duly. Slate Bure<iu n/ :\<ircnt1cs l'.;n[orcerncn t Senior Agent \\". li. ~·J11ler and Agen t Alan :'ltarshal!. \\."ho \\·ere on the scene of the raid are l\\'O of those suspended pen· ding Lhe outcome. Also suspended \Vere the [\\"O n1en in rhargr. bul not prf'scnt ;ii lilt' t1n1e of the error.plagued r;1al. Acting Fie Id Su pervisor J. \\', Lf'a> cy and ,-\gen ~ lll 1i.:hacl Kelly. ln,·est1~alnrs 5a1d a sl'vcn-m:in learn nf 1<1tders br_o~c into ;1 dow11~ta1rs :ipiirl· rncnt :-it tnc Cu1nstock A1·en11c addrc,s dui'ing the preda,111 hours la~! Frida1. They c;irried J s<.·:lrch \1'nrr:.i11l. b11t it 1• ;i~ 1.~sued only for t .1 o 1lp!}t:t1 rs ;1p;1rllnc11ls. .'\o nient1on 11 :1s rnar!(' 111 lhr scarrh 11arrant of Dyer or his 01\"n par11cul;ir :ipar!n1en1_ 1ni1ial .in\"cstigalion hy Los Angl'lc::; County D1stricl Altorney's n1en reveah!d that Sgt. s,1·eeney, who fired the fatal shot, was allegedly swinging the rine .et the time. One of the nien present during the raid reportedly told authorities the delec!l\e sergeant v.·as 1r1clding the butt o[ the 1-1'r apon as though to sn1ash it do11·n on the hand of a suspect. The gun \1 en t orr, th<' ~Jug sn1ashctl through the floor, Jnd killed Oyer. also causing hin1 lo drop his 22.n1onth·old son on the apartment f!oor bclo1v. The child escaped \\'ith a cul on the .head. lnitilal tests of at least so1ne of the la1vmen involved in the raid showed they had consumed alcohol, but the amount or its potenL1al effect has not been r.evcaled. il1esan Wounded; Police Toltl of Execution Try · Uy ARTHJ.;R Jl. r1 ;-.;s.1::1.. 0! t~f 0 1,1, Polol Sl1fl A Costa !'lfesa gun and combat souven ir colle('tor today told police he y.·as forced l'l kneel beside his v•ife c:<ecution·styl..! before being shot as he jun1pcd a Vlel· nan1 \\'ar-0bsessed drinking partn<'r r:.ther than risk a dot1ble murder. The pistol·\\·aving suspect in the CJ'I' \·,a~ arrested at shotgun·point by i pohceman V.'ho heard hin1 yelling \vlli l!' tl!l patrol nearby, \\'hile the wounded ma11 rscaped with a .sha ttered arm. . John J , J\lassey, 24, ol 19822 Brookhur~t ~i , Hunt ington Beach, v.'as booked 1111 11 Cost a ~lesa City ,fa il on a rhargc 11f nos2u ll v.·1th intent 10 commit TlHHdl'r altt•r the 2 Jj a.111 . .:;hro t1 ng. l'oliee ~id 11ot i;ay '1 hf'thrr ht' g:i1·r lu; ow~ 1·ers1on uf \1·h:it led lo the gunpl;.iy Conr~d o . Johnson . -«I, of l767 Orang,. /l•r . l.nst;i l'll<'sa. 11<1s h . .,lcd 111 ::at1sfa1 ·· ltil'.v cond1tio11 cit Orange Coun ty :-.1ed1c.il ( cnH·r, 11hcre he •1·a~ ad1n j\t('d for t rr~1t• 111r11L .Jol1n~on. \\·ho reportedly bas a col- !~cllon of weaponry and ilen1s involving the lore of \\"ar. refused a blooJ transfusion at the county facility becousc of religious reasons, poli ce said. Lagu11a Lib1·~t1·y F1·ie11d s To See Film Al1011t A1·tist People and place.'i In "Th<' \\'orld nr Andre1v \V.veth" \viii be seen bv thP Friend;; of the Laguna Bl'nt'h J.1br:11:v 111 :i colvr liln1 lo be prescnh•d \i.'ednfsrtav ('Vening al 8 in the Laguna Federal Sa ; . 111g:; and Loan Building. Tile film \\')\I be Introduced bv Dr Clayton Garrison, Laguna Beacl1 re.sidcnl and Dean of the School of Fine Arts at UC Irvine. HI': al~ will conduct a qu es · tion and answer session after lhc screen· ing. Obtained by the Friends from the Art Institute of Chicago. tile \rveth filn1 ex- amines 49 of the artJ5t.'s Paintings and nclude1 actual scwes of lhe Penn.svlvan ia And 1'-Ialoe countrysides \\-'hich he Painted. At a 7:30 p.m. business session before tile program. ll-"h ich is open to thf" publi<'. mem~rs of the library group v. ill elect new directors. ROTC .Dorin Bl aste1l COLLEGE STATION . Te:\'. !APl -A sh;ittering eKplosion at the. ba~e of a tree bctn:een dormitory 2 -lhe !~OTC Corps of Cadets headquarters -and Dormitorv l -4iaU.tte<t 31 wlndo1\'S in r n n ·,. dormitories early today JI Texas A&~! Urilversity. TO DISCUSS WYETH UC lrvin•'s Garrison I J'ron• Poge 1 CAPO FIRE. •• about 17911. r-.1rs: Lecia Watson, 72, Jefl her apart· ment 1n Casa de Garfias. once a hotel in haste after friends alerted her. She later- discovered she had donne'd three bathrobes. One woman wept in the eerie light of the dancing flame s. Another prayed. Nearly 70 fire fight ers battled the in- ferno using si;ir fire trucks and a 75·foot .snorkle to spray Y.'ater from on high. A rescue unit stood by. County firc111en estimated darnage to !he. building <1t S440Jl00. Dan1agc to con- tents \\'as est1m<1ted at an::ill1er $95,000 wllh the tolal loss S535,000. The owner"s '."·rfe said this 1norning 1herc \v;is sonic 1ns11rance but she did not kno\'' how rnuch. She said hrr husband ,.,·as at the scene this morning. ''He was pretty shaken,'' she said. Alf red S. Pratt Private Services Set Wednesday Prh·atc services "'ill be held \\'ed· nc srlay ;it Pacific View memorial Park frir Alfred Stuarl Prritt of 2225 Clenneyre :'\t . 11·1lo rlit'rl S;ilurd;1y <il S(l11\h CoasL Con1n1un1t~' Hospital. Hr. 1\·.1s i3. \!r. 1-'ran is survived by hls 11·idow, nob111, of Lhe home, a son. \\11Jl!am S, P1·att of Br cincrton , \\';i~l 1 : ;i S\i·pson, <:on11nandrr '\"1!11.:i m 11. fiob;n,.on (Jf ?\cv.'porl, /\.l , a brol hcr, L.G. Pratt nf Dover , J\1 a~s.: !11 0 sister~. i11rs, Clifford 1·rull (1f \\'t'St llart[nrd, Conn. <i nd !\!rs.. D;1vis .\I DcB.1rd of Bcr,.,·yn, Pa .; and by c 1~ht grandchildren. :\ na!1ve o! \\"est Nr11'\0n, !\l ass , he had llll'!I 111 C<1l1fornia since 19-16 and 1n 1-hc L~1 g1111a <1 r1•a for llH' p:1~1 12 years. Pr i:ir 1,, his rel lren1rr1t. h(' wa~ ;1 1·eal <'~late broker wilh offK'es 1n Laguna Beach . II <' ;1t1<'ndrd \\'1 1!1;.im ~ Collrgl'. sf'rvei! <1 ~ ,111 ol lit•r r in the .\'o•y in \Vorld \\'ar l ;ind 1n tllr Anny , wllh r;ink uf .\lajor in \\"orlrl \\';ir 11 Hr 11·<1s ;i forrnc>r ('Xeput1 rr ~\·(rr11r\ nJ 1hc !';t~<tdrn;-1 f(ral1 y board .i nrl p1T!>hll'lll 11! 1h1· \J1<1111ond Fo1tn· <lil~ion, a t11;.H·11<.iblc t~u.,l Ba ~k SS l\.\~l !l:\(;Tf>:-i 1L·r r\ :lnu ~r Benford submitted a letter from the Laguna Beach Really Board supporting th e idea of providing more reasonable rentals for young married couples and noted that other neighbors bad offered to help any plan to widen the roadway and provide a cul-de-sac turnaround ... ''Ecorromically, it would be the same for us to put in 8 ty.·o-bedroom units. '.l'hlch v.·e can do y.·ithou t a variance," said Benford, ''but Realtors say there is a need for smaller uniti and there is really not enough space in t h e neighborhood for fam ilies \\'i th children -there 1vould be no play areas. The ac· tua1 density would be about the san1e •l"ilh 12 one-bedroom units." Com111lssioner Carl Johnson said he was not satisfied that the request \\·;;s justified. Charles Johnson fa vored stick· ing y.•ith the ccxle and allowing only eight units." Commissioner Joseph Tomehak pointer! out thal in Laguna Beach "therl': are a Jot Lqunagrlns The existing 12 apartments eventually \1·ould be turned over to church use Case ~aid,_ serving as offices for the p 1 astor, housing for visiting mlnislers seminars: and the like. ' ''\Ve do nDt >w·ant to be in Lhe com- mercial apartment business," he said. Case pointed out that every church In J,aguna Beach no1v is in a residential zone, and about half in R·l (single fami ly residential) zones. Botl1 Lutheran and Unitarian congregations reccntlv ob· 1aintd <1pprol':1! of thurr h sites ;n R·! zone.,, he ilddttl. .. Th'1s is ;i 1·c-ry ~u1table pla ce. on a n:aln lhorougllfnre and ll'ilhin ,1·al king d1st:1ncc of a bus l111r.·• C;ise sai{I. .. \\·c do r1ol wanl lo ha\'C 10 !nf';j\f' llfl ui the h ill.~ 11hr re pl':iple 11111<' t'• dn1c a long \\"[II" ,, '"Thcrr 1~ a lr<Jll1 c problcn1 In Laguna." he agre'.'U. ··But !here 1s also a iooral prohlc111. \\'t! want lh1s church 10 be a ho1ne for young peoplr, where our high school and collrge·<igr· me1nbers can nlCl'(." By Phil lnterlandi D(•1:1rx:r!l!~ 11rn1 (Hl rlt·ord 1n<l::iv for a ~r,c-1;11 SrC'Ufl !y ilI<'rea~c of dl icafl 15 pr r~"cn! fn t,1kr rlfrrt 11111 L1tcr than J)cr. I Pr·r~i drnt K1xon has asked for ;:i 10 pe r· i·vnl n1crea~r. cffec11ve next April I. "Ntver Mind t.,e Painting5 -Pay Atlenl io n Whil e I'm Ba wling You Out!" YOUR --WATCH'~ ---_ ... 'Cltned • OlliMt ll ... Ci.o-1 WllMll '" w.;1 FREE • Adjusttcl PU.11.S $100 s4aa lWTlUN5 ~ WITH llNtS $3.00 THIS SIUD, frM AD ~IAMONOI $6.00 111UCID, fr- n-rr ... &StU• I NG•AVIN• DOWI •ildm di'11tl1 klt~r: Huntington Center Bea ch at Edln9or WHl~I YOU WAIT HUNTINGTON BEACH 892-5501 • YOIJ• Omta(I Solts & Stri;ict Ai;tnc;' 0 OMEGA f ro '''V ''"'" Q.,.•~• s., •• d .. 111.. ....1o~ ... t t n v ,.., u l1<1od "'"·''·" o•' ··~ ,.,od<''''''o" lY ~:AS.A to b• we•• bv O•' "''~ e• lhe moo~. 1~ • lt<Ogftitioft. i!'\Jf1 • ti • wo•<I f .,r ••tt l!1nco, m1k•• w• '''w~ lo b1 .,... ···~··lad o .... , • j•wtl11. Com• i• -••• !~it ~""''"''"· 2 butte•, 4 tli•I, 0111191 S,Mti011 01• !u ch1ell(l9;1p~. T~• oftlf ....It~ ..... "~., tilt"'•" •• #I• -•11. Price llfl. TOMI AVAIL.AIU and back Harbor Shoppin9 Centtr 2300 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 545-9485 Ill l ~· " " n " d d l• " ~ [ ~l""'.""':"' ... """:'"'""" .. !""""'"'" ..................... 11111 .. 11111!"'""""' .... !"' ..................... ~,... ... '!''."".,."'".,.,.""!',..~"'"'::!'~'."':""~"".'~~~~~~~r-_'";--;-:;-:~-.-~r--•-----.·,......_ . '"" ....... , ... . Tut~ay. October 7, 1%9 L DAil V PllOr 3 UCI Mo~k Trial Shows Radi~alislll· ·1 !" ~ n ,: By THOl\IAS FORTUNE 01 !ft• DI!!¥ Pt1111 Jli H A bombastic 1nock lrlal at t:C Irvine t-.tonday showed one thing clearly -anli-' radicalisn1 .!s 110 longer fashionable on campus. Students, faculty and I he ad· m iristratlon were suppotied lo be on trial \Vilh witnesses for the prosecution and defense, But no professo r would step forward to defl'nd tl1e !acuity, and the profeSSQ r who c.ct:used the students li1n itcd his remarks to the activists he said are lhe on!y ones \\'Orth indictini;. About 1,500 students showed up for the hour-long opening day convocation. Asslslant Profe ssor '.l( Philosophy Daniel Dennett called actlvists square for ooly grooving on ...,·hat hlts them bet ween lhc eyes and not expanding their con- sciocsness for n1ore subtle intellectual pursuit. They are cons!rvativt, he said, for wanting to study conten1porary problems, study that v.•il l bf wasted and oul-<>f~ate in three years. He accused them of strategic bungling, and y,•eakening their argun1en1s by ex· .ag<;cration and untruth to make it im· possible for outsiders to join thcrn. •'You·re di s hone s t in your r ighteousness," he told the activists. "Tile truth is life is a co1npromise. You're only in re110l utions so lone as t~ey are glamoroos a nd ego flattering and you can strike poses on the barricades.'' The students \vere defended by Associate Professor of Spanish Richard Barrutja, who 11aid: "The students know their particular conlpromise is a11sailable, but they also know how arrogant it is to be in a COOi· fortable position of not telling it like It is. It is easy to be patient u·hen you have 1visdom, experience and power." As for Dennetl's accusation th11t t he students are timid and conservative, ht !>aid , "These timid student.! have faculties and administrations n1nnlng- ~cared all over the world. They've forced them to reevaluate, sometimes for the first lime." Jerry lloglt', a senior "'hO wore coat and lie. charged the faculty with being snobs toward laymen and sneering at lb~ rest of Orange Count)'. OAILY P ILOT suit l'~Otf STUDENTS, FACULTY CONVENE FOR CONVOCATION OPENING NEW TERM AT UC IRVINE On the Campus, a Bombastic Beg inning to the 1969·70 Academic Year 2 El Toro Pilots Hay11 swo1·tl1's Stock Off e1· • Die in Jet Crash Two '.\Janne p1lo\5 from El Toro cl led illonday nc:ir El Crntro 11'!1en 1hc1r S4 Sk}ha11k.;ct crashed during a trainir,g !light. Fails to Sway Senato1·s The n:11ncs (If hoth 111r n are hcini; v:1thhc\d pending nct,tlc3tion of th eir nc~t -0! kin. The ~!ar1nc Cor p~ spokes n1an at the E! Toro illar1ne Corps Air 5111l1hn tJday ~ai!I t11e two men "·ere carrying out routlllC b<>tnbing and rockc.L 11r1ng prorcdures Y..hen lhcir alrcratl smasl1cd into !he ground. lnQuiries into the cause of the accident are being carried out by El Centro in· \'estigators. \\'AS•i!\'GTO'.'J f\·rn -f lrmcn t F. H~}11~1\orth Jr.'.o; of!c•r to put his Sl rillhon !'tock JXlrHnlln in lr11 •l fa iled !O· rl·i~· 1fl ~IJt:kPn oppnsi!lnn to his non1JnJ· lion to !he Supren1e Court. ~en , Birch Bfl\'h. I D·lnd ) ::;aid hr ~1i11 du! not hare ;i ii~.t of dales ht• con~iders \-Jt ;•l to hi s plan Ln chrck cr,..ry ~loc k ptlr(·hasf.' and sale llJ~ n:-.11 01·1h hJS 111;.idc since 1957. Thill 1vas the Yl';;o Presidrn1 D11·1ght D. Eisenho11•rr narTicd llaynsworih. men1hcr of a Greenville. S.C , f~rnily of l:n1•ver s, to the 4th r .s . Circuit Cou rt of Appeal~ Ba,•h said he 1\·:intcd to lrarn v>hcthrr IIayrJsy.·ortll held stock in firm s that 11·ere \i1i g.~;its before hiin. llayns\\'Orth·s op- ponents have charged the judge v.·as in· ~er.siti1·e to judicial proprieties by not d1.~qu:1l1fy1ng h1m srH frorn t"'·o cases. (lnc involved a vcndin~ n1achiric con1· p11 ny. in which Haynsworth had a $350.000 1nlerC)';1. that was doing btJsiness with a text il e firm 1hat 11'::t s a litigant in Hayns11•ort h's court. The Q\her involved JJ;iyr1sworLh"'s stock purchases in the Brunsll'1rk Cor p., 11·hi<:h had a case pen· ding 111 his court. lla~nsworth said he made the offer lo put his holdings in a trust, agreeable to Congress and the Justice Department. Pilot Marlis "Paroer .Ji.. Week' Paper to Co-spo11.~or Sp"cc Slio1r, 1-§ost OCC Students Open ing 1onij:!J1t nf 1hr fiflh :innua1 ~er1es ot ll r<1I 1·-~\;it r l n\P<.t 1n1•nl" l'1111· fcrenCc3 1s onr of 1l :C' h •g h!1 ~h1:-. of tlir participat1on or the IJ:\IL'f PI(.OT hi ,';a- liona l Newspaper \\leek. B('ft•rr the 11 ci:k is 01·cr, the lJAIL\' Pl L(Jl II 11! -!'ub:1-l1 ~pr1·1:1 I 1n,1\('r1.1l in 1 11~· for111 of ;:iri w!e~. p1r1urcs. 1"i1:nr1nls a11d ~;·n· dicated fealtJres designed Lo rcn11nd DAILY ~11..0T Stoll 1>1'1<11• TONIGHT'S 'RERUN' -Robert N. Weed. DAILY PILOT publisher. greets conferees a t opening of last year's Real Estate l n vestn1ent Con!crence. /·le a nd history \Ifill repeat themselves tonight \vhen \Vccd greet~ student!', \\1Clcomin,1? them lo public s c.r\'icc. cours e. and calling a ttention to celebration o f Nut 1on a l Nev.1spoptr \Veek. r~ad Prs rif \l1c i1npcr1an<:c nf a fr ee J\mr rir;111 prc:-.s. -HnsJ advanced journalism students from tile classes cl Spencer Cru mp, Or;ingc Coast College ;ournalis1n in· i;lrur1or, in the DAILY PILOT nC\l'Stooin. They vdll have the chance bnth tn obsrr\'c staffers al work and to help produce the :icwspaper. -Co-11pQnsor v.·ith the South Coai;t J'laz<'I illerchantS Association a •·space sho"·'' al which visi tors \\'ill he en- C(IUragal t-0 sign an "Astro &roll" \l'ish1 ng the Apollo 12 cte\\' well on their 1·oyage to the moon. The rcal"-!llrstatc course oprns al 7:30 Q'clock tonight in tf.e auditorillm of Nc.,.,·port llartior High School. It y,·ill con- 1inue for rour consecutive Tuesday nights and th e puhlic, on a space available basis, is invited to allend any or all of the tiC:S.S iOIS. The program is presented as part of the Orange Coast College's Eve ning Division curriculum in cooperation with the Nc\\'po rt llarbo r·Costa Mesa Board of llealtors. Ticket!: on a first-come. first.served ba~is will be available at the doar. The "space show '· at SGuth Coast Plaza 111 scheduled For I to 9 p.m. on Friday and II a.n1. to 6 p.m. on Saturday. Jt will feature a cutaway scale model of ''Big Moose," !he. STVB rocket Vt'hlch i~ the thi rd stage of lhe Saturn V "stack" which take.> Apolll) astronauts aloft and, in July. lanrlrd the first men on !ht mcon. The SIVB ts built in Huntington n~ach by the fl.tcDonnell Douglas II! I mnaut>cs Co. Color rrint.s of the phfltogre ph s laken by 1he first moon men -Aslronauts Neil 1\rmt-itrong. ··Buu" Aldrin anrl M!chRf'I Collins -also will be on display at the Soulh Coast Plata sho1v. P holus conlributed by North American Rockwell. PhilccrFord Corp., and Jtughes Aircra rt Co .. 11\I part of the space prcr grom lt>ad ini;:-up 10 next month'!! Apollo 12 fli~ht , will be on display throughout the two.day event. lie also calle4 profes!OC's hypocrites who are pr<Hstabllstunent while preten. ding to be anti-establishment. "There are always publish or perish protests until one gets his tenure.'' he Mid. Senior in 60Clal science Patti Nelson v.·as more vitriolic in condemning the facu lty and admlnlstralion. "ft is time we di-opped the cover - academic life is a , corporate life with so1ne l'ery vicious undertones," she said. "TI1e chief interest of lhe faculty is to remake Irvine in the image of their ou·n gra(!uate schools. The faculty views students as a gigantic bot.her." The adminlstralion, she said • perpetrated fraud ol the highest order by proclaiming when lhe campus first open- 'Intercept' Drops Drug Arrests 30% From Wire Senices Sn1oking more and enjoying it less? 1'11Ar!juana users are finding their ll'eed aC.:uHe:-ated with alfalfa. oregano. nutmeg and other vege table materials as the high·grade supply dwindles, due to Cpcration Inter cept. authoriUes declared today. Drug arrests since the massive crackdown on srr.uggling wenl into effect have also dropped 30 percent, du~ to unav:iilabillty o~ supplies, a spokesman in Los Angeles added. Aulhorities also revealed lttonday th::it 4:10 pounds of marijuana -one or the largest seizures to date -'A'SS recovered by a Coast Guard cutter which ::pooked a s1nugg!er off Mexico. , A Coasl Guard pilot \\'ho spotted a motor launch about 400 miles off the Coas't of Baja California became con· ccrned, thinking it might be in troublt>, and S\\'ooped clown toward il. Crew me:nbers fran tically began dum· ping packages overboa~d and the vessel roared off. after which a Coast Guard cutler arrived cin the scene and fished the car go from the sea . The contraband included 100 parcels of marijuana, each containing about two kilograms, or a bit over lour pounds, ol the illicit weed. A sur1•ey of major drug distribution centers from Santa Rosa south to San Diego. including city, county and state authorities. show~ Operation Interctpt must be having some impact. flto matter u·hat the controversial pro- qram s effec\ on the Mexico tourist in- dus:ry resulting from detailed ~farches of cars at lhe border -" change in Lile drug use pattern has deve!cipcd. Lady to Marry M osle1n Leader LONDON (A Pl -The engagement or !he Aga Kh an to Lady James Crichton· Stua rt of London scciety y,·as announced today. The Aga Khan. spiritual leader of an l'Sl imated 20 mllllon Isma::i f.1oslem&, met the daughter of Col. and ~trs. Arthur Croker Poole of London on a skiing holi- day i!"I Switzerland last' ~·inter. He is 32, ~t.<' i~ 29. Lad}' Crichton·Stua rl, the lonnt:r Sarah Fra nces Croker Poole, v.·as divcrced from her first husband last year She has become a ~loslem since meeting her future husband. l\'losk Speaks at UCI California Supreme Court J ustice Stanley Mosk. formerly sta!e. attorney general, will speak at VC In·lne tonight on ''Education and the Courts." P..losk is one speaker in the UC Ex· tension series on "The Bill of Rights To· day.'' His talk will be at 7 p.m. in 104 Physical Sciences. Co!I will be $4.~. ed that its spirit y,•ould be one of creativi- ty and innovation. The linivt>rsity is not out to OOHd "a moral man . an involved roan," she said, •'it is a sociaUzalion mechanism." She said the administration has not failed, but succeeded in Y<'hat it realty in· tended. "The administration is the sla\'e of the An1crican rule of business and ex. pansion." \1ice Chancellor John Jfo}', ·for the. defense, said he has been st ruck si ace his recent arriv<i l al UC! \\1ith the preoc· cupalion over assessment o[ guilt. "That the Lini1'ersity has placed itself on trial is e healthy sign," he said. .. \Ve have reached the end of an era. A society has grown afraid and repressive," British Are Here he remarked. ';The university l.s a delicate and vulneorable instllulion. The ultimate ~oblem Is not guilt but lilt in- capacity to live.·• Judge Lewis Froman, professor of social science. \l.'a& philosophical in ruling 011 the arguments. "Have the speaken been talking about man as he is or as he should be or as he could be if he wasn't men?" he asked. 1 Then he delivered his sentence : "You are all innocent· by reason of bflng human. And by the sa1ne reason you also are guilty. Your sentence is to sit for 87 days and lhink about what 1t l.'I to be human. And your punishment i5 to include yourself in lhi.s appraisal. "This court now slands adjourned." OAIL'I' PILOT Slltl Plrfl9 Broad\vay Fashion Island ?i·lanager Ralph ?11ac0onald a nd Ne,1·port ?11ayor Doreen J\'larshall (center) inspec t Jack Cairney of Calcdonian Pipe Band of Duarte (left) and Gordon Poppitt of United Kingdon1 Club at Broad,vay's "The British Are Coming'' d isplay. Special pro1notion of British goods, backed officially by Prime ~l ini s t er 1-larold Wilson, continues throug h Oct. 18, at the department store. W oma11 in Buzzsaw Attacl\: Escapes Psyelriat1·ic W ru~d A Superior Court Judge i11onday Issued a f!0,000 bench w11rrant for the arrest of J\1ar ia Lechuga, the Santa Ana woman ordered to face p!ychiatrlc examination after police allege she attempted to sex· ually mutilate her husband. Mrs. Lechuga, 34, common.]a\v \\'ife of Ramiro Lechuga, escaped during the v.·~ckend from the psychiatric u·ard or Orange Cow11y ~1edical Center. Doctors' reports on her mental con· dition \\1ere scheduled for delivery Iilon· day J:x>fore ,Judge Robert Gardner. !\frs. Lechuga faces charges of assault \•:ith intent to commit murder and assault \1·ith a deadly u'eapon. Police arrested her la!:t Aug . 21 outside !hr Ltchuga home after she apparently \l'ent berserk and allegedly attacked her hu~band on three occasions. She first y,·ent after him with a power say.• in all apparent 11tlempl to sexually mutilate him as he lay nude on the bed "'a lching television. then sht attacked him with a hatchet and fina lly ~tabbed him in the back with a carving knife. The screaming, blood·soaked Lechuga then flrd from the house and sought the he lp cf neighbors. who held off the mad· dened woman until police arrived. Indians Coming To Fairgrounds For Fund Raiser The Indians are coming. 'Inc nation's largest Indian celebration is ~ehedu/ed Oct. 18 and 19 at the Orani;:c County fairgrounds, Costa ~lesa, wi th all proceeds going for educational, social, economic and ether needs. .~rts, Crffts. a carnivnl, mtX!cl Indian \·iJ!;ige, tribal dances, rock band~. documentary films and other attractions will be offered at the f.\\·o-day event. Uniquely planned to hfnefit ofl·reserva· tlon American Indians, the first Indian Week three years ago drew more than 50.o~A persons. including representativl's from 100 tribes. ' + • =:::e •&•-.•tev ..... ...........,,,._.,""'4$::S:.., .• •41! 4f ..,...+t 't· so:: ,. :s -s-~...........,... •• ,....,~-~-~--~•~r~•·~•~.)~•~·~•,~~·-·~·~·-·-•~•...,.•-~"...,'"""~~"~",....•-~•r.~•t~-~•~•...,,..,,_,~,-•,.,.,•,...,.>~-,....,~. ••-,...,,~,~.----~~,.."--; ! -; ~ • ~--. ~ ' , . -.... •)> • .. .. --. E~-actor Ron•li;i R1ae•n, now . ~ovemor ol Cali fornia, thi nks to- day's l-to\ly\rOOd f1l n1s arc to ex- plicit. "\Vha t \\'riling does it take lo s1 rnply ha\·e l \1'0 people undress and get into bed7" he said. • fl / rs. Raymaiid Ea.stwood of Albu- rru erqu.e, N.li1., was faced u.ath. a 1·lloiee -PllhPr J1Pr pl't monkey or lirr nine-monlh-old bobu liad to go. .~l rs. Eosrwooct kep t t.111• baby 01id f;ove thr. South A mrrica n spider tnon· /"P!f, wlio prefers f ried chicke11 for n1 co/$, to f.ilt> A.lb11rq14erqlie Zoo. • Bitty McN1ff hooked her man aboard a salmon fishing boat · cruising under the Golden Gate f~ri dge. Betty and Paul W•stndunk, a Ja.year-old geologist, were wed .iooard the 45·foot Skip A Lou by a San Francisco 111ini!ite r. •·\Ve don't plan lo do <Jny fts hing today." \\"e sendunk :.aid a[ter the cere· niony attended by 22 j;uest and a handful of seagulls. lle ,.said the honevmoon \vould be on land in Northern California . • John Ste~h•nt. dropped into ~ lton 1ton . England pub to buy a r1nt of beer. 11e ended up buying the pub. Jfis \Vife said they stopped ;i t !he F'a irn1i1e Inn be ca use "it loo ked .<O r iclllresq11c.'' Then. "f hought rt \r1U1out hesitation.'' said Stephens. • r--. _,,....,.-:--.-------·~e-' ~ C~---~ --• ,_ ' ' I :\ 1111u1 rlt1111pfld n !:ark ol coal ·~ nu th i> nltnr nt St. Barnaba.~ ' t Clp11·ch 111 Do1r11hr11n . F,'ri!Jlrinrl; ' I a11otl1 rr 111011 rli<l /1l,r 11·1sc wirh ~ a tray oJ drinl:s, thi>ll cnme <r ~ 9a rbngr roll n11rl. n /nor! nf /ry1111dry, Thr 1·1rn r dec•dcd lhc 1·;, trad1t1on'll "/l arv~st ftSU V(I/" r/1dt1"t 1urna n1 1rcJ1 .. ~o Irr n~kr<l "' Ii.; po rt'"J11r1>1cr.~ ,I) br111ry tl1r ., h11r1.:est of rl11•1r n11·11 111orl;, or '..f rJie tools of /l1r 1r !rarlr. • Stephen K. Arm1trong, falher of :he first n1an on the 1110011, a cccpt- ~d 011 bchal! al hi s \I ife. Viola, a · ),Jothe r of the \'car" a1vard fron1 lhe Ohio Federation of l\epublican 1ron1en's Clubi; in Colu1nbus. /\rn1- st.rong apologized for his ,,·ife'io absence, explaining that she "has :i baby-sitting job in Texas \\'hile lier son and daughter·1n-la\v tour lhe \\·orld.'' Heavy l ut1d11. fk tobtr 7, 1%• 550 Leave i'iet1aau& Wheeler Warns Of Hasty Pullout SAI GON <UPI) -The U1t1ted Statea ...,.ill ha1'e lo ~eep troops in Vietnam for "some time to come,'" the nation's top military man sald today. More 1han ~M Army reserv1sl!'i and Nationa l Gua rds- men left the war zone. As jet transport planes left fields in South Vietnam·s northern quari.er and near Saigon ·with the departing trOOp11 , China Asks Soviets Help End Dispute HONG KONG IUPI) -Communist China asked the Soviet Union today lo help defuse their potentially explo.11i\'e border dispute, Peking Radio reported . The Red. Chinese proposed a miUtary pu llback 1n key dl1p1.1ttd areas and agrttd to resumption of formal border talks in Peklng by vice foreign mlnl1ters of the two countries, Peking sald. Time of the talks was not .!lated. The broadcast statement was a major step toward easing the Slno-Soviet border dispute which his led to 1 serle11 of .!harp clalhes during the past ytar alon1 Ole Ussuri Ri\'et In the Far East north of Vladivostok ind on the bordtrs of Sinkiang provinc e, si te of China·a nuclear insuillatioru. Peking said its proposal was an outarowtb of the Peking visil by Soviet Premler Alexei N. Kosygin last month when he was flying home from Hanoi and th~ funeral of North Vietnamese Presi· dent }lo Chi Minh. He conferred in Pek· inl with Chinese Premier Chou En-lai. The Chineioe statement said the border dispute was the most serious issue in the long quarrel between t.he t1vo Communist giants. The statement indicated tha t the. in· rreasing te nsion along their 5.000·mile border had made ...,,ar a very real threat. 111e: Chinese also raised the specter of nuclear v.·ar, implying that the Sovi et Lnion v.·as threatening pre\•enli\'e strikeio against strstegie Chinese areas. The ~tatrmenl sairl Chou and Kos ygin met on Stpl. ll in Peking and had an eltchange or \'iew~ on the bounrlarv que~lion and lh,. relalions b('tv.·ren !ht> two countries. The Ch inese statement said Soviet a:<>sertions tha t China v.·a~ threateninl{ "'ar , p:i rt icularly a nuclea r \\'ar, v.·ere "n or ~en~e" and ''ridic·ulou~ ·• But it ;:il~o 11·ar11ed R11 s1a that China "d~s not fc;ir any "'ar, even nuclear 1~·ar." Blonde Ger1nan Beauty to Wed Dr. Barnard JOHAr-;NES SUNG . South Africa ~ l'Pt) -BarbB ra Z~llner. \9-year-old daughter of ;i German-born South African 1n· dustrialist. sa1d toda y she plans to marry ~eart transplant pionet r Dr. Christian B;i rnard The blonde anrl. ~larnorous ;\ll~!: ZJellner f1<1>hed a diamond-and-ruby ('ngagen1ent ring '"hen she made 1he an· noun ccn1ent to reporters at her fa th er's ,f oh1tnne~hurg home. She sail! B11rnard . 44. ga1·e her the ring before he flew to the li ni1ed States last week. t In San Francisco ~fonday, Barnarrl answered "no commenl'' to quei;t1ons about his reported engagement.) Miss Zoel~1er said she l ho u g h t Barnard. divorc ed by his first wile ea rlier this year, was a "sui>er human being." She said no date. for the wedding has been set. Rains • Ill Gen. Earle G. Wheeler, chairman of the U.S, Joint Chiefs of Stalf. left Vietnam after a lhree-day visit. Wheeler said he shared President Nguyen Van Thieu 's hope that most U.S. troops could be withdrawn by the eQd of next year. But he warned against haste . Lea vi ng Vietnam today where the 295th Bmmunit ion Co., of Hastings, Neb., and the !07th Signal Co .. a National Guard unit fro1n East Greenwich , R. I. The ammunition unit left Chu La i in the narlhern quarter and the signal rnmpany left Bien Hoa Air Base near Saigon . t.tilita ry spokesmen said th e last e\t>inents of U1e fi rsl group of S,000 t.l.:ir ines to be. withdrav.·n under the se- cond phase 1vithd ra.,.,•al lefl northern qua rter base~ early today. About 1.000 i\t11rines went to Okina11'a and the olher 4,!lOO to the tinlted Stales. fi~hting v.·as light over lhe past Z4 hot1rs with !be Com1nun i~1s ~helhng 21 ta rgets. Six of tile attacks caused cas11all1e.i; incl uding two Ameri cans wo11nded. \Vheeler left for the Philippines folloy.·. ing a three-day assessment of lhe war and the progress in turning fighting over to the South Vietna mese . ''\Ve v.·ould like to reduce the number or our fo rces ht re as rapidly as we can, "'ith prudence and safety, v.·hi!e main· taining our capability to gain our ob· Jecti\'eli in Soulbeast ,e.sla," \\"heeler said. "The big /r&llem Is making sure we don "t excee -go too fast - for our caj)Obil!ty to supply equipment to absorb the equ ipn1ent and training," he said. "\Ve v.·ould have to continue to support our South Vietnamese allies for some time to come.'' he said. "I v.·::iuld not ven· ture to prognoslic;ile ;it this time to what degree President T!Ueu's hope can be realized ." "r th ink the answer. the solution, will appear within th e months to come,'' fn the war. li.S. infantrymen support!!d by heli copter gun5hips firing machine gun~ and rocket~ fought a Ctrmm unist cnmpany in the jungl ed Ce n Ir a I High lands, military spokesmen said tv- dAy . The fighting v.·ent on for more !han an hour near An Khe, 278 miles northeast of Saigon. v.·ilh troops of the U. S. 4lh Inf an· try Division suffering no ca~ua llies. They killed 19 of the Communist force, mi litary spokesmen said. Missing Men's Wives Told Reds May Give Data \\"ASl\l NG TON (AP ) -The Pentagnn ha~ inlormed abaLJt 3,00Q wil'es a.rKI parents of c.11ptured U S. servicemen that l\·,1rth V1et na 1n ma y respond to private appeals for inl ormnt1on aboul PO\\'s, c.lefense off ici als reporl. Spok.e~men said I ~ armed service s p.:i ssed the v.•orrl la!.l wee k in an effort to keep American fBm llies abreast of ch!\"e[Qpmen ls involving prisoner~ or f'nH~s1ni:: men prt>sun1ed alive in Vietnam. t'orth Vietnam about 1he same. time began 11ccusing the United States of trying lo ,,·hi p up emotions among the rela\1\'es of PO'\\'s a~ a meanii; of pressur· In g rommuni~t del egates at the Paris peac<' lalks OC'fen1e off icials s11y this was not their mo111·e. The Pentai;:on. the y say, \\'11S merel~· csrrying out its responsibl1ty to !hf' fa1nit1es of PO\\"s.or mis.~ing men . An offlrrr ack11owl1?rlge d thll l the 1~en· l:ignn was ll'a\k1n~ a fine line arld leaving 1t.~e1! o!X'n to propiigan<la charges . "But we were jui".t in(orniing people of llanoi's: willingness lo ans,\•er letters fr om re lative!. \\Tiling on Lbeir o"'-n ,'' he said . A~ the Pentagoo understands It. lhe North Vtetnamese in Paris v.•i\l accepl private inquiries and receive. relatives, paios the questio11s on to Hanoi and laler forio;ard any responses to the families. South • Louisiana's Capital Most Street.s Flooded lit CallfoM1fa ltol/lh•"' C.illflf~Llo bt11•ed m11111v tunny 11'11 11;,h!lv w1•mtr w11!1'!f• ltt ln IOlltY. wl!h on•v • "" hltll clov•h 11'd ti.. c~t»Ct 111 .-1 11rl1 mOmln1 tNlll1 lot. l•• """"''' 1...i ..,11 lnl!v r1mt l-wr>nV <Mtpllt 1 ltw hlth clG~d• Thi hllh lodlV Wl l M. TM hoth M0t1d1V If. T~t OYlfh~h! low " ti>. l ht .t.lr 1"111111'"" (OMIOI 011"1<1 t•rt·dlc!.. 11"'1 tmn In lh1 (0111'1 ""''°"' "' !fie bttlll, ltefl\tt l'iad fl!tf" Ill !Ml U9H• 70t. T~ w1t9• Wt• ''· Mtuf'll l" hit"' rl~ed fr.,.,, 4J•IJ o.,er11. -· .... t Ill) In YIM• Yl l- IW\ '"" ,.... tO !~ loNt • ... 111v1. !tittled hlol'• Mo,,.,•Y 1'1<1 1•9c!lc•td ..,..llmu .. -. 16<J~Y •"t'udt l-8••'~ fO.t'I. St "'-'All""• ;s "'· eoJ•b•n• U· pt , M• Wll.sot0 t"·ll. 1'1•,..o~I' 16 r~. lllv1<tloi!. 37 .... ~•'"' S~··•~• ~ •1. 8 •kt r.sf•r Td IU-11, SI" D 1~0 n fl· !•"'' l ••l>e·• 8J·ll i0Uf!ol(l!"I (ALl,OPlllA -'lo•I. •Cit .,,,., c •"l.lo!IMU , ...... ,,., w...,n.,, .,,., l>V' ....... 11 .. ""'n• f 4)! '~· ..... ""' <111• !~-<:!•~ ~'''" ,,..., v1 .. ;.,., ~•Y "'"'"I"" 511,Mtv coa·~· n••· <~•· • T~ul•Y •M '" <l""•t11 ,..., ,,.,,,.,.,a .. t!t Yl!ll Y• "'A"•<f'•Y lO~ t Nr•[l f ~ AP(f -V1• •~" 1111 T1J~!dlY t n!I •••11 VIM -••• ' "II" <'"""''"")' !hreut" V/"'1"'' 1•• DU! mco1•1• IV""" ., .... •oo ......... . °"''"I'"' i.. .. '•"'P"'•t•v•t• 5• I•~· I •JC'>41Y 11 f l<!tll <O!ll•• W1d .... 1do ' 10 "11' (0"1CC:1'1 IOJll t O ,,,~Xl(f'J 1 010(1 -Ll.itl ... 11.e•t w lnlf1 ,.,;91\t Ind ,....,,1,.,,, ~l~t Wt ll 19 ..eu-1! t te !j -...ell !~ tit••-... ,.,......, .... Wfd.nt1d1• il<OI "'OYI"" '" •'-"" tfle _,, lu""''" n~I '"" ~l'IY WHM!MllV ""''"'\II v1•l•ttlt mt h tlMl41r>nt '"•Out~ WKntMllY· 1 1i.1111r CAOlll' t:lt~•. I Coastal H1rr t unthl"* l •t M 1<11t!i'!f&•l~tl~ "''""I "''"' .,.., ''''• ,.,o,nln11 '"" ..,.,, to _,1hwt•I I 1(1 '' ,....,,, •~ ti!~-•• •Odt '• t n<I W""n•>dov Hot"' IOdOY II, (0•1•1tl i.nH tt h1t•l ''"" ,,...... 51 •o !I. tn•tr•• tt 'l'l1tt11!11•t t ,,.,., ,,.,._ $1 to H. Wtl" '""'""'""'' ... S""• "''"'"· Thi•• TUIJOAY :rt,,..., h'th J"'"' ,, St<-low J; .. 1,m. I ' WIONllOAY f1.,, ~ie" . . •. ,, '·"' to 1'1<1! i.w ,.,., ... , J•l f l fll. 0,1 St •Ot>ll "''" .......... 111l t ,,.., S1 Sor&>d low ....... 2·1ttJ'n, I.I 511~ riWI •·fl '"'' Ottl I"" ol.m. ~ rhtt J II t i!\, a.-l .IJ1,,,.,, ... I~ ,HKtlll IJ.S. S1nnmar11 l "• '*"''"'" "*• ••·••• oi '""' <OV"" '' 1nlo••<f r••1\tn! '"'''"·" 1oa1v ""' !"'tt n1l1I •1l1t• flood'<! oo•lil>"• Ill llo• •ft1•0• M :<•\\lp"I V•'"¥ M•tt •1, u"O!i•Pt••·l· o•e """'' itnt"· ti •lld ct n•" -• flll td 1! l t1• ltlO" --·· l •-· •• , !Ill 1.,. ... , tf r1 •n llM ltl.r•lftf I t i•-H•~. O•t · ...Ollt -II "'UH -!!ltlll tf ''"'°' Jl&Jtii -11'\tttll•td "·'° lh(~., ,,.., ... , "'' ...... "'' ... fht r1 ~rl llt M r•l"t l lft"I th, ... u ,,,.,, of F1e,1,u , ,~. 110•'"''~ GIN ! '''I"' 1-.d 1~1 !m!O\fllll1t l't t!· lie NiWlh"'''' cen •. H\11\tf t l1v1lloh• tf !f\f Jli<~l+t ft..,tlfled on !ht {folllv 1!~t l~t ~•· 11&11'1 o..,.,_,,11m lew w11 11 t f ,t.11. rno••• (OIO, TM nol•O'l'o !\et ..,.,., ,,,,_., WU ,, ti lut~I~. Tt~ . Temperature• "Ith ltw ,,_,, f l-utt~~• " " ""'-''' " .. ..... ,, .. " " 8ok••111•ta " " M l>tnltt~ " .. ,., :1111~ .. ~ Ol l&n " " lraw..,.vlllt • " (hlt•llO " " ... (ln(lnntll " " .. ,,.,~, " " Dtl Mo.ntt ~ u ....... " .. ,,, "'" ...... u " ,, ... , .... " • ·-· " " ,_,, • " K1• .. 1(1,.. .. " l •i Veen " " t1>1 ,..,..," ,, " MI O"'' .. " M l•n,..POI" .. " "''"' Ot101t11 " " • "l•-v Yo•~ " " N~tt~ Piii" •• ~ O••l1no " " Ofo.1 ,l>~mt ("y .. " " o ...... .. " Perm 5-e•"'• • M ,,14 t cCIU .. ~ ,_,.I~ " ~ ,ll!l lou••h • ~ ' ,Ofll9f'0 .. " 1!11 •d (l!y H " llf<'I llutt ~ • .. ~ " " S•c••,....~•o " " t.111 l•~· , ..... ., ~ ..... oi.,. u " SI• '•t 'l(.IKO " H ~tlll• " " soe11;,,... .. .. TMrmt l " " Wtl~l"floll " .. , ASSISTANT PHILOSOPHY PROFESSOR ANGELA OAVIS FILLS HOUSE AT UCLA Nearly 2,000 Students Jam Royce Hall for Her Lecture on &lack Littr•ture 2,000 Hear Angela Davis Red Teacher Gives First Lecture at UCLA LOS ANGELES CUP!) -Min.i11kirted AnRela Davi s, a black milltanl and an ad- mitted Communist. strode onlo the staa:e at UCLA ·s largest auditoriu m Monday a!ld co nfidently delivered her first non· credit lectllre. Despite a ruli ng that no students at- tending would aet credit. 2,000 persons had aathered In Royce Hall. Miss l{)avis told the students she con· sidered the Board of Regents n11ing agai.n~t her teaching for credit ''an ex· pansion of the tactics singling me out for harassment and expanding it lo the stu· dent body." She said it .... ·as up to !he. students to decide "how 10 deal with ltlis en· croachment on your liberty." ·'. ,., " The a1si!.lanl philoaophy professor lhtn lectured for 45 minutes to "debunk the myth that black people were docllt dur· ing slavery and oppression." After the leeture. the 800 person& who remained in the hall passe<I a three-part resolution by \'olce vote. It urged that Thursday's meetina: of the statewide faculty Academic Senate be open to students, that the Senate should insist the course be gi ven credit, and th11t the Senate should recommend the fa culty refuse to teach witil credits are granted .an•J ~1 iss Davis Is reinstated . ~!iss Da vis v.•as ordered d1smis~ed undt:r a 29-year-old rul e forbidding employment of Communists in the University of California Sy~tem. Pending Reinecke Says UCLA's Young Creating Crisis SACRA1\1ENTO (UP!l -Lt Gov. Ed Reinecke ~av!'> that UCLA Chanc ellor Cha rles E. Y~11ng has genera ted a crisis ol'er Angela ria,·is becaufie he is bitter i'lga inl the Unil'erslty of California Regtnls. Reint ckc . ;i regent, in an ini,r\"iew Tuosday criliciied Young for f11.itin1 to fire oulright the youn g Nl.'gro phi!o.sophy in~tructor who is an admitted Com· muni~t. She teacheio a course called •·recurrin!! ph1losoph1ca! themes in black literature ., ~hss Dai 1.~ recc11·ed "i' o u n g 's pt'fn11ssion l.1 leach lhe course y.·1thout <1cadem1c credit for ~tudent~ <ill~r the r<'gen~ \"01 erl to prohib it hl'r from in· ~1 ri1rt 1ng for credit Reinecke ~t11d s~1e shou\cln 'l be. a1101rcd ln ttach any cotlise. hut al'reed th~l llllJ\'erM!y rules apparcn11y do nnt pro· l11h1t he r Jr on1 leaching a non-crerllt l'U\JrSf' ""·hether ti's bv inlenl or i u~t not underst anrling the p1cturr. he !Young> is generating a cr1s1s here ." Re inecke sald. "He kno11•s what kinds of conlronlations he·~ goina: to generate and he appartntly is willing to stand back and let it happen ju~t out or bittcrnes.11 aa:ain5t th' rc- i Cnt!'i.. '' The Republican J1eu1enant aoveroor said the "bitterness'' apparently was caused by the board 's interYention in the Da\·i~ cast and orderi ng her barred fr on1 teaching for credit because she is a Com· munist. "Really. the regents \"Oltd la fire ht r." he said. referring to the first 11n1e the bo<ird mpt on the issu t "Tha1 ·s v.·hat t rerybody thought \\'e were c101ng. But that's not th e .,.,·ay 'Youn..: interprt te<f the thlnjt .. '" Ht ~a11I the board cxpt.ettd hPr ongin ally "lo be off thr. paj roll and nff the campus." He ~did if !he is~ue ron- t1n•1P:s to "generate trouble, I think the regents are go ing l:l h11re to take i! up again and ar. th<tt point , she ought to be taken off the payroll.'' Maestro hearings on the ma!ter. Donald Kah::.h, chairman of the UCLA philosophy deparl- ment, assigned t.liss Davls to a course. The regents , in emergency ses~ion la:.t week, voted to re\'erse 1he ass1gn1ne11t. Howe ver, the regents' r111lng was n1· terpreted to 1ne iiln ~he could ll!cturc bll t wl!hout credit for the students . Robert Singleton. d1rertor of lh e. Afro'- Aml'rican Sludies Crntcr .1t 1he school , .'it1id 20 blac~ lacully n1cm bers t11d ag1eed not lo g!l'c grarir:-. 1n their classes it 110 credit IS g11cn IOI' ,\\JSS Da\!S' course. The ~tatcwirle a1·:Jdr11111· "c n a ! e assl'ntb\y announc;-ed 1l \I nuld m1;ct S:it11r· clay to reconsider the 19.Jil l)l'l'l(Yl~al ban· nini:: Communists U!l tn11ers1ty or California faculties. Spa1uards Give Space Heroes Wild W elco111e ~l~DnID (t;PI) Jr1u1rlred~ o/ tho~~ands of Spani Jrd.~ nu1nng \h"lr adulation and wa l'1ng tiny llagS. today ga1·e Alni:rica·s t\]Xillo 11 astronau ts the biggest r ~cept1011 accor<led a f •)r'('1 ~nf'f htre since fonner preside nt Dwight D. EisenhO\\'Cr \'islt~d 1n 195~). Astronauts Neil A. Arm~l rong . Edw tn E. Aldrin and ;\·Jichncl Collin~ \..·a,·ed 111 the cheering ihrongs fr om an 0pen bl•Jf! convertible that carried then1 ~]011 1•1 1hrough !he streets fron1 the edge of the cJpJtal lo Cr.ilun1bus Square Thcrr. the exC'l!Pd t-ro11rl 5h111 ed 11~ \I ay throu;;h r·ihcc. cordons 10 grl a closer loo k ot the 5pacc. heroes a<,, th1•v laid a 1\•re1th al the mr>mu1nrnl 111 Christopher Coh11nbus -hailed hv thent ;,i; thr1r rolle<1;uc. in the d15C(l1 :cr} of n(IV 11 or ids The ~trrets.o! the Spanish t.:1pll.1l 11C>re c1eckvd with An1encan arirl ~11a111~h fl:i['" Jpd bl!ln~u;il pa:.1cr~ rx1oll1n~ rh" \·1: 11 r,f the a~!rn11~1J !~ \l hri p111 th" l1r.•t h11n1.in foolpnnts on lhe mouu Ja~i J L!I~ Cl1eere1l Nixon to Prod Solons to Action On His Reforms Stokowski Opens 60tli Semon \\'ASHI NGTON (UPI) -President l\'ixon "'ill &end Congress an un· prtced ented message next Y.'ef'k prodding Jl to art on hi~ Sl31led legislatb·e prG- grain, Rtpublican leaders announced !Go da~·. Senate GOP leader Hugh Scott of Penrt1yl\'an ia and Hous~ Leader Gerald R. Ford of r-.Uchigan said the message wou ld not be partisan but rather ~·ould include a !isling of 1vhat has be.en done and "·hat remains to be do oe. T!'lpping the President's acenda or priority \egi:ilatlon is draft refonn, Scott said. The administration Is 1sking Congrei;s to retnove a prohibition a1aiASt mstituting a draft lottery. St'OU. told new1men follo"•ing Nixon's weekly White lfouse meeting with Republican leaders of the Hoose and Senate Iha\ the President \l'Ould 01ht for his programs dealing Y.'ilh "the cities, crimP, \\'t'l fare. revenue. Shiring, P::iftlel r"'forn1 and ~c1 rr:il other areas in ad· dilion lo lhe draft " "I U1\n k this is the mo~t bold and in· novalive program in years," Scott said Sco11 insi!'i.ted lhi\l the mes!'aj!e \\'Oulrl bC' n0n partl~an. "This is no time for su perparl isnn~hip," he !i<licl. Bu: bOth Scott 11nd f ord marle it rle ar the.v l11ld blame for the slow \eglslatlve pace on Ho11sc and Se1111te Democratic lead t>r~ a.nd Dc1nocratic committee ch3irmcn. ' NEW YORK IAPl -Leopld Stokow1kl opened his 60th season of conductini in Americi f\.1ond1y night ~·Ith a f115h of his old·time temper1ment that brought chctrs from a first-rughl audience at Carnegie Hall . Almo:it 100 bars throuih F'ranz Llszl's 2nd Hun1ar\1n Rhapsody, the !2·year-0ld rna,stro stopped the Amtrican Symphony Orche.slra in midmelody. turned, puiihed one of his famous "magic hand s'' towards an erring player in the bass 1ec- llon, shouted, "out! out!" and llarttd lhe piece agahi. The orchestra responded to his batonleu dl.r1etion and pl1yed up a storm •'Ith the rou1ln1 old w1rhorM of a tune. The Ustentr11 -some had paid '50 for an orchestra 1tat -shouted for an encore and got it. II we!. 1 great rll&ht for m1u1\c k>ver1. provided thty loved Llal'I 2nd Hunaar- ian Rhapsody. Stokowskl's white ha ir w11 ron· i;idtrably t.hlnner thin durlnc the quuter ctntury he. led the Ph ll adelphl1 Orchtatr1. and his well-known strkte to the podium has become more: a haltln1 v.·alk. but the music he. drew from the orchestra ·"'IS as youthfu l and vivid 13 e.1•er. "Through some alchemy. Stokow ski has-found the 11e:=ret of how to atay you ng 1:ire\•er," said Philippe da Seyne1 , U.N'. underserret1ry-1ener1I for economic af· fa irs in 3n intermJ 115Jon 11pel'Ch. The evenina: was billed as a tribute lo tht Unit ed Nat ion1 and the flag11 ol the 1Z6 members hunc from the boxe s. There was no mention of retirement a~d no publ.lc mention thal lhla was U1e 60th anniversary of Stnkow~k1 becom 111c: conductor of the Cincinnati Orchestri in 1909. Health Spa Plan Faces Pla1111ers A proposed "Health Spa'' is onl!' o[ thrtt items srhedulerl for public hearings before. t~ Fountain V.'.i lley Plann int: Coi:nm1351on. at .7:30 p.m .. \\'C'dnesday. 1 "·o apphcat1ons for zone changes _ one. to commer~lal, .one lo single family res1dtnce -w11J fill the other public hearing 11pots . The health 1pa application was l!uh· m1tted by Beverly Anderson for property on ~ northwest side of Magnolia Slref't and Garfield Avenue In a commercial district. Commercial zoning ha~ heen asked for the soulhea&t oorner of t.1ag nolia Street and Htil A\'enue. while Classic Develop- ment Company has rrquested resident1;1l 1.0n1na on lhe norlh"·e~t corner of Hr1t A\'enu: and Nev.•hope Street. Golda !Heir iu Israel Tl:::L AVIV IAP ) -Premie r Gold:i tifelr returned home loday from a lO·dav lrip to !ht t i1\it('\"l ~l::ilr;.. She !(lid 1,1. ficialr. and cliplnmat.~ slJe enjoyerl 1 11~ visit. ~·hich included talks with Pre~!rlrill Nixon and o!htr top offlcia l~. a tour q( l-lnHyv.·ood and ;i ~t'n1in1ental rr1u111 !•i her old hoihc Jn ~ll twau kt-e 1 n f' c " fo 0 c c I' I' 11 I \ a d ' p r l ( ( ( 1 IT r l [ cor I she lov V.'if col brn ~ J:lH 1ln hi I H1(' plu I ,,, sh< .,., .... -":" ........ -..................... ~-... 111••"'"""""""""" .................. .,. ... !"' ............ "'':"!'~~:!".'"'."":"":"---:"'::-:-~';""T.;T,,....---,,,...., ........ -.. ----.....,......-• • •• ,._ ·:,. ••\.. ••• • • • • ~ • 1 f ' • ,,. • FAN CLUB -'.\J r.~. llarrictt Brazier l\.1cCo nnell. star of ''f Never San~ for ~ly Fnlhcr'' being presented in the nc\v La guna-~·loulton 1'hcatcr take s t11n e out lron1 rehearsal to sign an autograph for fans (left lo r1ght J il lrs. Sidn ey r~. fl'lashbi r and C. Sidney Johns· The Lagun a Line ton Jr. 1-ler admirers. both 1ne1nbers of Laguna Committee, Or- a nge ('aunty Philharn1onic Soc:icty, \l'ill sec her performance at a special bcncfrt next Sunday. October Lucky for Sale, Party Fans By JEAN COX O! lht D••" Plklt ~1111 'fhc next IC\~ \\eeks \\'ill be 1an1n1cd packed \•.1th coffee.!'. 1neelings. rum1nage ::.a les, fa shion sho1\'S, parLit:'S <in d other event_.., for <1rca residents. LAGUNA BEACH Ilr<1nch nlcn1hers of the An1erican .i\s:-o- cialion of Universily \Yon1en \Vill be found in 1-lotcl L<Jgu na at 7:3U tonight si pping colfcc before their meeting and prog ran1 at 8. A MEMBERSHIP Coffee is planned tomorro1v at JO a .in fo r a vear-old group \Vhich calls itsel f Laguna Chapter. League of the~ Easter Seal Society for Crippled Children and Adult ~ of Orange (_'ounty and 1"?.eh<1bilitalion Center of Orange County. ThC' coffee \\'ill be hosted by Mrs. llerrnan J-Iaggeman o[ Top of !ht' \Vorld. AMONG GROUPS hus.v staging cvenls next Saturda:y ;i rr 1he \Vo1nan's c·tu b nf San Juan Capistrano and J{ancho \'!C'10 \Voinan'c; rlub. Thr Son .Juan Capi strano g rou p is offe ring its an- nual StC'ak 1:rv in th e \\ n1nan's Clubhouse of San .J11<1n Capis trano from 6 :~0 io 3 :10 r n1. !he Rancho Viejo \vo1n ~n arc prescnt in.c their f,econ d cinnua l t:i.-.lu r n sho\v anrt luncheon 111 the Saddlcbach Inn , Sant o . .\no hrc 11111 in!.! at 1 ! a .111. A HAI R STYLIST 'rill be tl1e guest s peaker 11hct1 ;\li!-.5 1011 \!icjo \Vo1nan's l 'l 11h has lts meeting in the 1'vlission Viejo S1vi rn and Racquel Club at 8 p.111. Tuesd<1y, Oct. 14. The speaker, l\lrs. James Smithson of l\t ission Vic>jo, in ad· dition to a demonstration on styles and fashions in hai r pi eces given \vith the help o_f n1odels,. \Vill c;>Ue~ a question and answer period. \V ornen arc in vited to bring their wigs and falls. Extra attractions for the program planned by Mrs. Thomas R. l\lurphy in clude a new v"ig to be given as a door pri?.e a nd re- fre~h1nents. All won1cn of the Mission Viejo S\vi1n and Racquet Club ar e invited to attend. THERE ARE enough r11n1111age i,alcs th is n1onth lo sa·u~1y U1r 1nost fanatic of bargain hunters. 1'hcy began \Vith the sec- ond annual 'frcasure!'i nnd t;Jo rified .J unk Sale sponsored by South Coosl Comn1unJ1y lfospita! .~uppo rtcrs last 1\·eckcnd on 1--'cstival of Arts grounds. Next g roup j111np1ng on thP bazaar band\\1agon \vill be 1l'0- 1ncn of Neighborhood Congregational Church, Laguna Beach \\'ho 1rill put on the 19th annual l''estival of Bargains in the church \\"cdnesday a nd Thursday, Oct. 15-16. Doors \\•ill open \Vcdnesday at 9 a.m. and c loi,c at 4 p 111. Thursday hours '''ill be 9 a.m. to 3 p.n1 .. and luncheon \\'ill be served both days fro1n 11:30 a .in. to 2 p.1n. SI. Catherine's Cou ncil of rntholic \V•>mcn \Vi lt get into the ;1c 1 \1·ith a run1magc snle 1n the La g\111('1 I3cach \Voman's Club- house fro1n !l a.rn. to 5 p.n1 . Saturdny. Oct. 18. The ~c rni::innun ! ru1nn1 <1~c sa le p11t on by the \Vnrnen's Scr- 1·ic e Gn i1c1 , ('hurc:h of Rehc:ious Science. Laguna Be ach 1vill take pl ilCC' frnrn 9 ~I.Ill . to 5 p.nl . Thut·:-.d.ay ::ind r·riday. Oct . 23-24. [I' !he church at 20062 La guna Canyon l{o.1d .'\n1crican Legion Auxiliary \\'1I J ha \'c its run1n1agc sale frrJn1 9 a.rri . 'lo !i p.111 Th11r ~cl ay and l<'ri day. Ocl. :J0-3 1 in An1cr i- can Le gion llall, .1u:-:.t in c:a ~c anyone l1 a s any money left. AFFILIATES OF IJa guna Beach Art Association Gallery 'viii offer a demonstration by Bennet Bradbury lo the public 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 16. in the gallery. Bradbury's appearan<'e is the second in a series of five d emonstrations offered by the group this season. THE SAME evening Laguna Beach Business and Profes· sional Women's C!ub members will honor their choice for Woman· of-the-year at an annual Civic Participation Dinner in Ben Brown's restaurant a t 6:30. ~men JEAN COX , 494-9466 Tuo<I•~. Oc•oM• 1, 1ht L "••• 1l Theater Pa rty Two Ba ·ckers For Benefit La rtu na Con1 1nlttee. Orange County Phi lharn1on ic Society is banding 'together \\ ith the soci1; ty's 'l'u~ti n .i\uxiliary to present the first benefit perforn1ance lo ta ke pl <:iC C' J!I the nc1\1ly opened Laguna- l\Ioulton Playhouse nexl Sund<1 y. l\-te1nbers and guests of both philharn1onic S l~pport group~ \1·ill take their seats at 4 p.1n . for the West Coast pren1 1ere produc lLon of "I Never Sang for f\1y r~a ther." by Robert Anderson, \vho also au· thored "Tea '!-nd Sympathy." 1'"01\owing the play ~uests and cast members \Viii mingle_ at a festive champagne reception in the playhouse, said ~'l~s. C. Sidney Johnston Jr., publici ty chairman for the Laguna comffil1.tee . • She said Mrs. James B. Keyes. chai1m an or the Laguna coin· mittee, named Mrs. \Vallace W. Walton as benefit chairman. Mrs. \Val ton is assisted by f\'lrs. John H. Lowry, tickets , and Mrs. Edmund L. Va n Deusen, hospitality. f..1em bers of the 1'11 stin auxiliary lendin~ their support include f\'lrs. Dana B. Lynch. benefit chain11a n. and i'.'lrs. Robert J . Braun, vice chairman of 11·;1vs ond n1eans. Other!: arc the J\1mes. J ohn J. Cannon, .Jerry i'vtiller: .fan1es !Jenson. Jlugo Drumn1 and Arthur .J. l lolu b. Directed bv John 1-'crzacca .. '\nder~on's clraina stnrs l~e ne Gar- rison. Robert \\'intz. llarr1ell Brazier 1\-lcCo nnell and Jacfjuie l\1offett. Those \vishing further infor1na·t1on about tickets for the benefit perfor111ance 1nay call the l\·lrnes. l l<.1rold Ives, 494-5520; John If. 101,•ry, 4 00.~594 or Lynch, 637·7721. QUEEN OF HEARTS Guild, Children's llospital of Orange County, has a busy month \\1hich began \Vi th a fashion show and champagne lea in 1.hc Three Arch Bay home of J\1rs. John Kerr last Thursday. The next activity fo r 1.he g roup will be its Affiliate Tea hosted by 1\1r~. l"rancis Fabian .Jr. of Monarch Bny \Vednesday. Oct. 15. To close the 1rionth a llal\o,veen Pcirly, the Goblin Hob Nob. in San C'lcn1rntc Inn Saturday, Oct. 25 . begi nning \Vith a 7 p.1n . cocktail hour, is pl anned. TWO INTRIGUING parties taking place Saturday night, Oct. 18. arc a Clambake sponsored by Coral Key to Child Gu.id· ance Clinic of Orange County and a Luau. sponsored by Tres Osos Guild, Children's Hospital of Orange County, in Lake Forest Beach a nd Tennis Club. Juniors Compare Wines Why IS • DEAR ANN : Today I sat through a TV commercial that really made me furiou~. It glorified "the other woman" because ~he prepared extra special coffee for her Jover. The inference was that lhe dumh wire \\'ho gave her husband ORDINARY "orrce lost him to the sexy blonde \1 ho boughl that certain br:ind . Any company th::it pul e; 0 111 s11i:h ,::arb<Jgc Is on my h!:ickhst. I 11·ou!<ln 't drink their coffee if T \\'Cnl into a cafrcine 111 and lhrirs w<ag the OIJIY coffee around. Please prin1 my Jcllet but don·l n<1rne the brand. /'ti hate lo sec them get the Jllug . -FORT WAYNF: lJF.AR l<',\f.: Oon'I \l orry, I \l'On'l. I •grtt lhe t'Ommt rcial Is a clinker and should bt scutllcd. EVENTS PLANNED during the ren1aining-days of the 111onth include a membership tea pu'l on by Opera League Tues· day, Ocl. 21. (;ennan music and old \vor ld costumes \Viii j!:rcet patrons of El Camino Real .Junior \Vo n1an's Clu b1s "October F'est" in Dana Point Cornn1unity llo11se at 8 p.111. Friday, Oct. 17. P reparing to coinparc 1vines fro zri three different <·ountries arc 1ne1nber~ (left to ri_!?h'!I . r\'lrs. (.'h<1rles l·fayc\rn and i\1rs. llugh Scallon. Tickets n1ay be purchased a t the door or fro1n club,von1cn. Bad Cup of Coffee Good Grounds for Infidelity? ANN LANDERS ~ DEA R ANN LANDERS : I tiave a pro- Llcrn and' don 't know wticre to turn. It concerns my 20.year ·old daughlcr. Belly has becornc very frl<'ndly wilh " \\'Oman l y,·ilJ call J anice. Janice. Is 41. She never married or even tiad 11 boyfriend so far as an yone knou·s. Janice's mothe r was a distanl rclalive of mine and I remc rnbcr her u·eiJ -a <lominecrlng, ovcrbcarl na: person "'ho~ hu sband ran off and !ell her shortly after he· child was born. F'or the past six months Janice has phoneJ here cvrry single morning before Betty goes to work. They ar<! together every evening-either it's bowling or the n1ovies, swimming or just riding. Belly ha s forsaken all of her school friends for .laniec. She claims they dropped tier (not lruc) and lhis oldrr woman is the only per.!!On who really wants her company. This eve ning when Belly announced tha t she and Janice are taking a 10-day trip together I lost my temper. I know I should not have done it, Ann, but l screamed my suspicions that Janice Is a lesbian. It ended in an unholy fight , Would the n<!wspapers allow you to print lhe symptoms of lesblanl'.'\nl'~ I musl know for 1111re if my daughter Is one. The su bject has been taboo in my life an t. I am com pletely ignorant about such thing~. Should I try to get her to a doc- tor:' Please, Ann , help me to do the right thing . I am fr ightened and I ·reel totally inadequate. -HEARTSICK MOTllER OEA R ~fOTHER: I tnnw of no l!iy1nptoms of lesbiani5m "'hlcb mJgbt help yoa dettnnlne "helber or not you r da11gbter 11 one. 1'bt: vuL majorlly Of les· bla11 mllDllge to .keep tbefr tdenUly well concealed. Tttey do not u:lllbU mucv.llne trait.I a1 commoely btUtvcd. l. ZO.year .. td girl wbo ha1 dropped all her 1chool friends and spend11 every even· Ing: with • •1-year-ald woman muy \l'Cll he lnvol \•ed in a lcshi:111 rclaUon ship. And if thl:. \5 lhe way it Is, I hope you will nc- cepl the fuel that shr. cbo1e the life. Tnith·hluab whn are inlcre.•tl'd in deviant sexual bfbavlor find one another. Unless Betty v.·ants professional Mlp It \l'OUld be Uiitle1s to IUJtJtetl II. It alst1 is u!ele~!i to scrtem accu111tlons and turn your home lnto a battle ione. Such scenes will merely widen the «i•P that alrudy 11tparates you lrom your daughter. Some girls lire of the lesbian rtJe. Uoashlp and abandon it. Otbtrt move back and forlh -AC-OC. Still ot.Mr1 find l'Olltenlment In the arrangeml'nt altd wish only lo be !ell alont. U:1sure nf your self on d\lt C!i~ \Vhat·~ right? \Vhal·s wrong '! Should yo1.11 Shouldn't you'! St'nd f<ir Ann Lande r!' llooklet "Dating IJos and Don'ts," cnctos. ing with you r rcquesl 35 cents 111 CQin a11d :t long, self-addressed, stan1pcd envelope. Ann Landers .,.,.ill be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in carr of the DAILY PI LOT. enclosing a sell-add ressed, stamped en velope. • • • I J -~~~~~~~~~~ ..................................................................................................... "!' ... ~""'~"" ... ~'.'"!'""~~""""..~ .. :-:.;-~ .. 1' . -.. ··-·-------. ~ ·-. ~ ' ff Olll V PILOT It's a Crime-'Criminals Are Being Pampered' " .. By J UDY HURST 01 IM 0 1111 PlllOI St11! "Crin1inals arc be i n g pampered and have no lear or lhe law or its consequences." This is the evaluation of John D'Alfonso in his new book ''The Crime Game." Crime may not pay for the criminal but it does pay to inform the public about c..:ri1n('. The book paints a bleak and desolate picture. D'Alfonso pu t.s much bl~me on today's cou rt systcrn 11•hicb often handles crunlnals with kid g!oves. ·'The U.S. Suprc1ne Court is a t,rrea t institution but there is a difference hc!ween it and the Warren court. \\'ar· ren's court didn't interpret the Constitution but rewrote i1." used ! "'The old argun1mt that the Sible says 'thou shall not kill' always is broogl1t forth. But there are other sections in lhe Bible overlooked which say in fact that murderers shall be certainly put to death." An excellent example of the criminals' fear of the death penalty was dramatized by D'Alfonso. "A judge was ques- tioning a bank robber on his use of a toy gun during a rob- bery. The judge informed the robber that the penalty for robbing was the same with or without a gun. The thief replied, 'I didn"t want lo kill someone accidentally and get the death penalty.' "Death is not the only solu· Horoscope tion. Criminals should be rehabilitated," he recom. mended. The small red jacket of his paperback gives the false im· pression that the book is another uni mag i native murder mystery, instead of a documented analysis. "ll's a mystery how many of these things (which I wrote about) were allowed to happen. 'The crime game is a game in which an orderly society has become prey to the farces of Lawlessness and disorder. "A game in which the police forces employed to protect lhe law.abiding ae being neutral· ized and demoralized." To back up his statements D'Allonso offered startling statistics. Listening and registering surprise v.·as hi~ audience, members of the South Coast Alumnae Club of Pi Beta Phi who host the Cel· ebrity Series Book Review. "Many prominent people ad· mit the crime rate Is up but that if s due to the rise in population. However, aince 1960 our population has in· creased only 10 percellC but crime has escalale<I 118" per· cent. In 1967 more Ame ricans were murdered in their homes and on the streets than killed in Vietnam," he claimed with emotional impact. The >A·riler from San Diego continued, "During my hour of talking one person will be murdered, three rapes ccrn· mitted, 120 burglarie!, 80 auto earth. When Jaw ends, tyranny thefls and 13 anned rob-begins." beries." --''---------- He urged citizens lo protect themselves, with guns if necessary. "No gun Is discharged accidentally, some· one has to pull the trigger. Don't hide it In the home, tell the family. But be sure to LEARN bow to use ii,'' he cautioned. D'Alfonso appealed for help in his crusade tG stamp out crime. "The U.S. has survived for 200 years. We are a nation of Jaws and not a utGpia. We must stop being the silent ma· jority and stand up for the laws that exist. "The meek don't inherit the time to get dressed !or fall!~ ' ~ .. ""' According to Sen. Strom Thunnond who wrote the in· troduction. "The Suprem e Court has handcuffed lhe police and has stacked the tards for the criminals." Reporting on the court scene and crime are anything but new to the f o rmer newspaperman, ci ty l1 a I I reporter and r<idio broad· caster. Sagittarius: Advancement Due \." l. "' AUTHOR URGES STAND John 0 ' Alfonso Summer Wedding Spencers ' CHRISTINE SPENCER To Say Vows Tell Troth !\Ir. and ~rs. Eugerie R. Spencer of Newpcrt Beach an· nounced the engagement of their daughter, Christine Spen· cer to Paul A. Gentosi during a dinner party in their home. Among those learning the ne"'s were fl lr. and ~!rs. Al· tilio Gcntosi of Costa ~1es<i, parents or the benedict·elect. The rouple will exchange wedding \'ows in the summer of 1970 in SL Joachim"s Catholic Church. Costa ~1esa . Bolh ~ltss SpenN.'r and hi:>r fiance arc graduates of New· port ll arbor High School and Orange Coast College and a!· tend California Stale College ;at Long Beach. The future bride is studying home e-conomics and her bridegroom-to-be is majoring in industrial technology. "Crin1inal3 fear lhe death penalty," the autl1or con- tinuer!. '"In 1967 the nation's courts, after guil! "·:i s proven. after appeals and after due process of law, passed 7,000 death sentences. Only two 11'ere upheld," he shuddl.'rl'rl. '"The death penalty, say its opponents, is no deterrent. How can ii be. It isn't being DALE DUNLAP Betrothed WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 8 By SYDNEY OMARR l\lercury goes direct in mo· lion; coincides with liine when l'Ommuni<'alion disputes are sellled. Also, mail service is due to i mp rove and tratJsportatioo makes news. Gemini and Virgo individuals figure prominently in events Iha& make &he world go round. Major strike could bt settled or averted. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Get relalions with co-workers, associates on a more friendly level. Assume responsibility far your actions. Don't attempt; to duck basic issues. TAURUS (April 20.May 20): Some of your c r eative energies are put lo con· structive use. Emotions go forward and so does your point of vie\v. \\'hat was an obstacle to progress i s removed. GE!\tINI (l\1ay 21-June 20!: Your pers.onal affairs get boost. You are repaid for past efforts, favo rs. Be original. Stress in d ependence of thought, action. Today you get the mean.s required for special project. CANCER (June 21.July 22): You are cheered by message, call. What you perceived turns out to be accurate. Your self· confidence returns to greater degree. Accent on writing, short trips. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Delay in money transaction is Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines 'fo avoid disappoint111ent. prospective brides are reminded to have their wedding :;tories \\'it h black and \vhi le glossy photo· graphs to the DAIL y· PILOT Society Depart· n1ent prior to ur within one v.•eek after the \Vcdding. only slight. Financial matters get going at faster pace. There are additional opportunities for expansion. Obtain hint from Cancer message. VlRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Your personal affairs are ac- cented. S o m e restrictions become evident. Go with the tide, Proof you r desire is in transit. Fol!o\ving minor loss, you are going to win . LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22 ): What was hidden is likely to be revealed. Be ready for changes. Avoid participaLing in whispering campaign. Stick to facts and discard rumors. SCORPIO (Oct. 2J..Nov. 21): A friend fullills obligation. Ex· cellent for entertaining at home. You should share with family good news which is due by tonight. Financial status iinproves. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21 ): Take care in dealing .,.,.ith those in authority. Be \\'ary of legal loopholc.'i. Get promises. con1mitmcnts in ...,,riling . You can advanct H atlltude is realistic. CAPRICORN \Dec. ~ '.!. • Jan.l9l: Co1nmunicalion frorn one you respect brightens day. Delegates Reporting Be confident. State views and adhere to principles. There is added responsibility, but also greater rewards. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20.Feb. 18): Finish projects. Avoid the superficial. Get facts by mak· ing pertinent inquiries. The mGre persistent you are, the better. Be resourceful. PISCES (Feb. 1g..ftiarch 20): You gain new understanding o[ mate, partner. Give up the limelight. Permit one close to you to take most of credit. Day IG listen, observe and learn. IF TODAY IS YOUR BlRTHDA Y you are !t'nsitive, but practical enough to get the job done. Conditions im· prove, especially in financial area. You set high goals and usually are patient enough to achieve them. "fo ''"o ol/T ......,. 1t.:ut vou•Jell ·~~ l \llOkl~Y. <l'do!t S\'d~•Y Oml""I %- 1>891 toc"'I~!. TP>@ Tru•~ "tou1 .A•!rc· lo~v. ~end 50 ,..,., !c Om~•· Boe>~lf!. l~e OA,I LY P ILOT, Be• J1a(), Gf•r.<I '""''"I Sl1Hon. to w Yer~, N.Y. 10011 Wives Meet ' ' ..... ~' ... ' e ., ~ \\'tves of Atlantic Research ••' ,, Ern ployecs will g11tl1cr next ' Thursday for a month I y • luncheon in ~tission V 1 e J o oµJJ • Country Club. Lec1ur1ng on m1n1ature art and wall groupings vd\J be l!enry Ramirez, an ArgenLin- 1an. The social hour begins at 1401 notih main .•• Gardeners Workshop Presented Histories Recountea December Date Set For engagement announcements it is suggested (hat the. story, also accompanied by a black and \Vhite glossy picture, be su b1nil\C'd early. If the betrothal announce- n1cnL and v.•eodin g date are six 'veeks or Jess apart. only the \Vedding photo will be ac· ccpted. Delegates to the state and 11 :30 a.m. and . reservation:-; santa ana -step out o[ na!ional conventions will gi\'e niay be made with ~1rs. Don your car and into Patricia'~. brief r eports during a meeting =~F~o~sse~l,~83~'~7~-3~0~11~.==========~~~~~~~~~~~~ for Laguna Niguel Republican ! \IJGmen"s Club Federated in ~111narC"h Bt1y Beach C\ubl Thu rsday, Oct. 9. ~trs. f.1aria \\'ilkes will con- iiuct an all-<lay workshop devoted lo planting and cullivaling bulbs ror Laguna Beach Garden Club members and ~sts in Laguna Beach \\"ornan's Clubhuuse beginning at 10 :30 am. Friday, Oct. 10. r-.Irs. Wilkes began pro- fession al I r a i n i n g tn horticulture tn South Afric a and also has studietl in lt.aly and the United States. She is a frllow in the Ro\ al Hortic ulture Socirty and m:iin- ta!ns me m b c r s h 1 p s in American a n d Australian Orchid socir11es as "·e!I as 0thcr spe ci<ilizcd p I a n l societies. She also is a na- tionally accredited master flower show judge. Participants in the v.·orkshop are to bring sack lunches and coffee and cookies will be SE"rved by the tea committee. ~frs. W. H. Alltrhand , chairman, has asked the ).f iSSt?S Hesler Arthurs and Marion Atwood and lhe ~!mes. F:dgar Axtell. Ernest Becker. 1-·rank Benhatn, Frank Bulk;i. and Charles !::. ('. Burnett lo as.~ist her in servi ng. The history of the founding of United Daughters of the Confederacy V•lll be given when the Emma Sansom Chapter meets for dessert next Thursday at I p.m. Presenting the history will be Mis! Christine Brooks, pro- grarf· chairman and chapter historian. Also speaking ""'ill ~ flfiss Gertrude ~1ontgomery, whose mother organized the Emma Sansom Chapter in 1899. A heritage 75th anniversary plate of ruby crystal "'Ith a sterling sih·cr emblem design LS being gi\·en as a national prize tn a chapter or division r or the be s t essay on its history. ~liss Vi rginia Carpenter wtll host the meeting in her Fullerton home. The chapter recently voted to present a memorial gift to the Charlie MontgGmery Stu· dent Loan Fund at Occidental C.Ollege in honor of the late 11-lr. Tarver MontgGmery. For Rites 1·0 heir fill f('ftUJr emcnts on both \\1e<l· ding and engagement stories, forins arc avail· able in all of the DAILY PILOT offices. 1-·urther questi ons \vill be anS\\'ered by Social Notes staff members at 642-4321 or 494-9466. Associates at Posts Dale Dunlap, daughter or the. Rev. and ?<.lrs. Richard J. Dunlap of Costa ~tesa, \\'iii marry Marvin Jeni;en Dec. 20. Posters announcing audi · 17. \\·here auditions also will The betrothed will be mar· lions for the annual f\1usi<" t<ike place on undisclosed tied in the First United F('slJ\·al will n1ade \\'hen Cost a datr~'· J\fethodist Church in c05ta ~1esa Associates, Orange Coun· Area musici ans are urged to J\les a, Y.'here her father is ty Ph ilhannon1c Society has lake advantage of the op· pastor . J!s first nlCCl1ng 1.if th{' new portunl!y to perform al this r-.1iss Dunlap is a graduate of ·'eason in the l!u nl1n~ton IJ.'nC'fJt \\'hich is a fund·ra1s1ng Orange Coast College and the Hcach horn<' of illrs. il1 1chael c1cnt for Orange County University of s 0 u t h e r n Brirk Thursday, Ori. 9 <:1l 10 l'h1lhannon1r SociC'!y. California where she recei\"ed a in . Jn for 111at1011 concerning a BS in social science. Sheaf· The l ~s11 1 al \1d! Ii.Ike pl.ice a\l(litions may he obtained by filia tecl with Pi Beta Phi this year in the l~·ceurn of i:alling ?<.!rs. Earl Treichel, soror1!y. ,-c_·~-'-''-'-''-'-'_1_1~ig~h_s_,_h_oo_I~, _J_a_n. __ ,_,._·_5066_._ Her fiance, son or r-.1r. and r-.trs. Earl f.1. Jensen of Sanger, attendro Fresno State College, did graduate v.·ork at UCLA and will graduate from Los ~eles College 0 r Optometry al USC. He pledged Sigma Alifu. Epsilon. Leaders Convene Presidcnl.;; of all the Follov.•ing a get-acquainted During the ga1heri ng at JO a n1. following coffee al 9:30 a j slate of officers nominated for ! !he coming year '\ill be presented. Further information may be obtained by calling ~!rs. Fred, Briggs, 4!19·2326 or t.Irs. f\eil Barbour, 496-3297. HS Auxili a ry American Legion Auxiliary of Hun11 ngton Beach gathers in the Am erican Legion Hall at I 30 p.m. 1he fi rst Thursday of rach nionth. 011 lhe fou rthl Thursday n1f'n11)(>rs n1ay caJl l ~!rs. Arne Jensen, 536-2777. for location information. Flight Londs For Meeting member clubs of Orange period, discussion \viii crntcr District, California Federation around plans of the district for of Y.'omen·s Clubs, will gather the upcoming year. I for a potluck luncheon Friday, Special gu{'sts 11·iH br ~!rs t)ct. JO, 111 the home of Mrs. James l\1cCall11. Or an g e Daniel T. Chung, president <lf District president. and ~1rs Tustin Area \\'omen's Club. IJerbert Nelson, d is t r i c I Co-hostess for the 10:30 a .111. tiarliamentarian. 1,..,.,.,.,..,N ow AT event ""'ill be ?<.1rs . David ~==========.I Sears Recreat io n Hall Q{ llydc Rukstalis. president of Rancho Park ~lob1\c Eslales. Santa Viejo Woman's Club. LOCAL Ana will bf' 1he ~\ting for the \\'elcomro to the distric t will No oth•r "•""'P'P'' t1 ll1 vou 8 p.m.. meeting next. Thursday ... _ M J k Weber IJ-t ..iore, .... ,,., Jey, 1bcn,1t wllel'• Or Fll·•t 19, uru·ted Slates A,·.. 1..11: rs. K ' pres uoi::u · 1 t' " t o "'' ' I lh I 1---1 1 ............ l''"' •11 " 11• •••• '' '111•• Forcf: Mothers. 0 e new y UlURIW ...... -....... th111 tll• DAILY PILOT. d .__"N~'igu~e~l~W~om"".'~'"~·~·~CJ':"'u~b.:.._ __ !:,====================='I R~ivin~ an awar or merit for oustand1ng service as ways and me8rul chairman was 1>1r&. 1-fatl Ikeda of Garden GrGve. Dance Club Square Riggers Square Da nce Club "swing~ ou!" e\·· cry \Vednc~11y <it 8 p in . 111 the first Methodist Ghur( h, Costa Mesa. Blue Ster Mom• llunlington Beach Blue Sia r i\1others, Chapter 2 slagt meeting5 f'very ~fonday al 1 30 p.m. In Lake Parlr. Clubhouse. Cocwt- MUSIC '.-.M-' ~..,,.,., ,., •TAMAHA P'IANOI & 0-0ANI • ntOMAI OIGANI • IOHUI A CAM"W • ICIMl~U. P1ANOI Harbor at Newport Blvd. (09ta MH• • 6'2·2151 COSTA MESA INTRODUCTORY OPEN MEETINGS WEDNESDAY, OCT. 8th, 9:15 A.M. or 7 P.M. CHARM SCHOO( ROOM-THIRD FlOOR ... __ Call 835-5505 for FREE BROCHU RE __ .. Suit yourself LOOI( WHAT YOU'VE GOT TO CHOOSE FROM : PANTS, SK IRTS A ND TOPS IN SO. NOMA IOO'I', P U ~E V!RGIN WOOL IN gl.ANKET PLA ID AND SOLIDS. COME IN AND St( I~ YOU CAN FIND YOURSELF IN OUR. SPORTSWEA~ DEPARTME NT SIZES 1·18 Ho urn t ;Jo.11 o.a.,. t :l O·t F,iJ ey MAJOI CltDn CAIDl. ITOll CHA••n .t.ND CASH .t.CCmtD IN COSTA MESA IT'S O!.PA .. TM!.HT 9TOA!e - 181' NIWPOIT IOULIYAID PARK CONVENIENTLY JUST A STEP FROM OUR . EAST ENTRANCE \ I l ( ( ii.1 I '" ni; Cc pr c~ r li Tc ,Jo m he d• ,,.. I.I" '" " " ,, II " l• G '" m ol U: ' s: ,, " II !< u p c a q ., ' r ' ( :"''""":"-":"'"""'!'~.~-~.-... '"' ........................ ~"""""" .............................. ----... ----..,.-... --~---~~~--~------.. -· ... ~·~-~r--- ' • Saddleba~k , EDITION Today's Final N.Y. Stocks * * * VOL o2. NO . HO, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1969 TEN CENT S • • ire UlllS 0 an mar Py11 e Castle Clii11·cl1 Use Give11 Ol{ari By BARBARA KREIBICll Ot "" O•lly "''°' 51•11 \\'eeks of heated disc11ss1on regarding f;i turc use of Pyne C;is tle aprx-ared to con1e to a pc.:tcerul conclusion t-.1onday ni~hl as lhe Laguna Beach Planning Commissioo1 voted to recomn1end ap- proval of a modified plan presented by Ca lvary Evangelical Free C h u r ch , f'lim;n<1 ting a planned day school. Comn1issioncr3 FrC'd Briggs, J oseph To,11chak, Dr. Roberl French and Charl es .Johnson casl yes votes, while nc1v com· missioner Ca rl Johnson 11\>slaincd. sint•c hf' had nol particip<1tcd in earlier d i,.cus~ions. In C'Qntrasl to pre~·ious n1rctings before both the planning con1m1s~ion and the Cl· ty council. no residents or I h c n!'ighhorhood 11·::rc on hand to protest the aelion. .,.. The C'hurc!\s r!'qt1cs! for a cond1linn<ll u~c permit on Lhr prop1.•rl ~· 11·1!1 rl·turn to the council for a fi nal deci:iJun. \'IGOROUS PllOTESTS !nitital request of the churrh. '1·hich purchased 1he 64-r(l(lm rnansion al 770 l!illcre st Ori1e ~ar11er tl11 s )ear. drc1v 1 ignrous prole~t s fr om 011·11 ers of ;id· j.;;c:ent properties 11·hcn ii was _re\"ealcd :i Chri~tian day school .,.,.oo\d be included 111 the devcloprnent. TI1e planning com · 1nission reCQmmended disaµproval. In an appeal to the city council. church officials withd rew their req uest for school use , asking only that permission be granted for establishment of a church ~anctuary in the third floor ballroom or t.hc mansion, \1·ith a preschool tor tod· tllers, church offices and apartments .for r esident and visiting ministers occupying t he remainder of the build ing. !lil'ighbors told the co1~nc1\ t~ey s\1\1 feared traffic problems might arise fro1n use of the castle as a ehurch. but th~~e protrsls \rerc not carried lo the Planning Commission ~1onday v•hen that ~y was asked to comment on the mocllftcd re· CjueSt. TRAFFIC. NOISE Arl:hltect Storm CaSt'. head of the con· grcgatioo"s building co1n1ni1tee , !nld com- niis~ioners membfrs had \"Oted ln eliminate the school use because ll was fell ohjec.1ions to traffi c· and n'lii>e . 11·ere thr main ri·rison th e .;;pphcat1on ong1 nally h.:irl bcf'n turned do\1•n. Thr 1hird floor h:illroom. hr ._,ud "·ould j See PY~E, Pa gr Z.J 4 Additional Occ upations OK For Home Zones f our additional home occupations ~c· ceptab!e in B.-1 isingle resident ial) ionr~ in Laguna Beach were approved hy the planning commission r-.tortday night. Piano tuning <in clicnLo;;' homes), designing of '\'Omen· ... apparel, packa ging <1f stalinery .and packaging of "small nh- jccts for mail order sa le" no\1' are in- clurled in the city"s approved home oc· ~upalion list. The applications v.·ere the first of many expecled to result from a recent mailing of _150 letters to residcnls who have taken out business licenses for home Ot· c:upations. Under lhe city zoning law , each occupation must be specifically ap· pro1·cd before it may legally be con- d11c:led in a resi dence. Once an occupation has received the city 's okay. other applicants are given automatic approval, provided they sign a statement or compliance wilh r e· quirements for the conduct o( a home busi ness. One applicant Monday night. Nelson P. Nies of 969 Skyline Drive, sought. but v.·a, denied relief from a requirement lhal no strttt address be used In advertising a home occupation. Nies told commissioners he p~c kages small objects used Jn connection "'Ith x. ray work and v.·anted lo advertislng 1n .!-\cicr.ti ric magailne!! of very limited l'irculalion , using his h<Jme address lll ;i;void the ineonvenience of constantly rheC'king a post office box. After discussion. commissioners agrce-d that no exception s hould be 1nade lo the ad\"l'rtising regulation, noting lh11t oOw r ;ipplicRnls v.·~e businesses m i g h t &;enrrate traffic could r~qocst the same conside ration. /,\,, t • t .,/,\' " ' ..,.. ' I"~-~' Ou•~• M•H•~ LIGHTING UP THE NIGHT, FLAMES DESTROY CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY BUILDING, CAPO'S OLDEST COMMERCIAL STRl.JCTURE U.S . and Russia IJrescnt Treaty 011 Nuclear Ban Ex-Ar1ny Provost Adniits Gitn Sciles i1i lnnocerice <;E\"EVA (.-\!') -Thr Lnt\('11 Sia le~ and the So11et L:n10n prC'5en!ed t(J(l:i~· .1 dr<ift treaty to biln nuclear ar1ns OJ!lil <1thcr we:ipons of mass des(rucllon !ruin lhe S!'a hf<!. The h\'O superpower:; agreed on a l'01 n- pmmisr joint rlra!t afler seven n1on ll1~ of bargaininJt and submitted 11 lo lhe 25-n,1- tion di~arn1;iment t·nnfrrcncr . The draft of the trcatv \l'hi<'h \hr Soi 1r ! Lnton put before Ille ronf('r(•11cr on ~·l a rch 18 called fo r a b.an on all lypf'< :if "·eapons and militar.v inst;-dl<iuon~ from the sea \>f'd . Thr l'n1trr1 S!atr~ rclust'\l 1r1 ;ictept !his bcc:i u~r 1! 11 nuld h;ul .~11<'h <tC"frn ~11 c de1 tees as i.ulun annr t ratt..!n~ stations. The Ru~<;1an" .l(.1 1i> 11:1y nn lh1~ J'll•ll'I :lnd arrrp\l'd lhr 11n•11,11111 !11 ;1 •lrall ~Uh· n1111rd hr thr Cn1tcr! Stair" :-.t;-.1 22 1n \\ h1eh the han would OC rro~I r11·if'1t 111 n11clear ;1rms and weapons v/ rnn~s rlc.~tructicin. Jn return. \hr t:ni1erl Starr.~ rln1ppcd 11~ proprnoaf rha! tht' han rnn1c 1nt(l lnrf'r :lt the th rl'1'·1nllr lunit ;:ind acerpl1·d !hi' Soviet !2-niile limit. Thi~ v<as ra1·orrd ;dso by must olher clelcsat1ons al 1t1c cun· ference. ' taguua Heil Cross ~eeks Hloo1l Drh·ers nri\'ers lo as~ist in delivrring blood are. urgently need('(! by !he Laguna Beach Heil ·Cross. Th<' chapter i~ seek ing volunteers ~·ill· ing lo give one day a week. or a month, lo deli ver blood from the Red Cross depot in Santa /\na to hospitals in Orange Coun- ty. Fur further informal ion, call •94-6557. \\i\Sllli'\l;TON (LJ Pll -Retirrd ~1aj. i;en. Carl C."furncr. form erly the Army's JiJp polict' offici;il. adm1ltcd today he ~o!d .:it 11.ast S2,000 "'Orlh or confisca tt'rl guns he got from c1vil1an police departments ;:i11d jXJ<'kc led the proceeds. B111 Turnrr, a balding lill!e man "'ilh " 1111·. rnu~ta\·hc and ~trong \Oicr. insisted t1r t!1d 1\\1lh1ni;: 11 rong. .. Those \1·cre n1y gllns"' he told 111l·rn brr~ or a ~ena!C' 1h1•est1gation~ sub· l11rnrn1ttrr. 1 !H' :11i ~ r:1r-1Jld 1111nc~s ;il.<;o conccdrd hr f,11lrd !•I p~v Ult"OlllC l.1X on lhe gun 1 ro1n~all1nn" .'lnd nrl.no11lrdge<! SG.800 1n fl!ll ~;ile 1nt:n n1r during lhc p;i!'L t11e \ \';ir· Bui ht• ~aid he nerr r considered Jt <1 r1•a! l)u~1n£'!'.S" -)t1:-il a hobby -an~I :-lilt 11 ;:i~ douh1!ul 11 wa s f<ur to 1a~ h1111 on the in come. "You buy !''>Ill~. ~·nu .~cu stnnr," Turnrr :=;tiid f'f hi~ gun lrading. Sutl('o1nrn11tce Chainn3n Ahrahrun A. ll1h1 tnff annriunccd that 1hr polit:c chirfs nt Cnicago and Kansas Cit}'. ~10 .. ,1·nuld 1esl1fy \Vednesday. Turner insisted bolh chiefs gave him the guns for his person.11 u~e and said he never pretended !hey \\',:>re for Anny purposes. Tie also claim('(! that a IC'dger book in which he kept track of his gun dealings had been stolen. Thr ronner Anny provost marsha l ack1 .owlcdged tha t he failed to mention the theft to the subcommittee whrn it subpoenaed his gun records last month. Instead, he said, he drew up a nev; ledge r and turned it over to investigators. He v•as nvt asked immediately what he did v.·itl1 the proceeds of the gun sales. f_,ectures Thursday, Friday UCLA Red Due t•C.t.A Communi~l profrssor Angela Davis will not only speak Thursday al LC Irvine as previou sly announced but will lecture Friday lo a course organized and taught by UCI student activists. (Related stories Page 41. r-.lis.., Oa vi11. 25·year-old black instroelor barred by regents because of her Com- munist Party affil ia tion frorn leaching cot1n;es for credit. will lecture at UC I on ''Politi cal Repression in the Unlversi l)' ·· 1'hc course. called the Uni ve r!'lity 111 American Culturr., was org;in1icd hy campus SOS leader Donovan Oor~ry :111<1 l,o; offered for three units of univeri;lty credit, Chanrrllor Danit] Aldrich .Jr. suppcn1~ the regenls in {heir firing of r-.tiss Davis, sti ll under appl'al. But he said there i5 nolhing in rligenLs' policy to prevent her from sJ)caki ng lo lhe UCI class as a gue\I lecturer so long as it is a single ap- pearance. Mis~ Davis al!lll .,·ill ~ivc a genf!ral ('ampus address Thursday noon in the. Scir.nce Lecture llall. That iippearancc ;.,. 11pon~rrd by the slur!Cnts for a Democr<it k: Socit>ty ISDS ), !he Black Students Union and !he New University Confrrence of radical profe ssors ..... Oor~t>y. a !l('Uinr in American ruf!urr, orgnnlz<'d thr Universily in America n Ul't Ttlt~~olt GUN CAS E FIGURE Maj. Gen. Turner :'iuhcommitee Adlennan noted Cou11~c\ that the .l c r orn e new ledger lister! only 100 guns and mad<: no ac· counting or al least 600 v.·hich he ad · milted under questi oning were gi\•en lo him by police departmenl~ of Chicago a_nd Kansas City and by a provost marshal at Fort Bliss, Tex. at UCI Culture ('{)Urse alter obtainin~ the spoMOrship of three: professors 91·ho acl all advisors. They .are Spencer Olin, of lbe history d~partment : Duran Bell, of·th1! romomics department, aod Stephen Shapiro. teaching his lll3t year while awalling dismissal from the Eniilish department. All are 111;i;:istant profeuors. Dor.sty .said the class will be taught rrom a "radical perspective." No tests 1Jr P<'pers are requirer! nnd gr1des will •be based on class participation a n d di5tussio11. he said, although one faculty ;idvlsor said the grading procedure still i' under etul1). ' , • 4, Still Jailed In Laguna Beach: Rohbcry, IGdna1l Fou r c;corgi<ins-('hargrd in a L;:ig11na lll';1c.h kldn;ip-robbery 11crc ordered back tu Jail r.1onday by J udge Da vid Aaron and 1n11"t return tn Lagun;i BC'ach Munitipal 1'nt1 rl Oct. 13 for a c11nlinut'd preliminary li1':Jrlllg. /ljJI !or cath 111 lhc four 11as scl al :"12,500. In addH1on \<i the original 1'h.ir.i;<"" of roblx'ry. 1)nC' dcfrndant now is al~n il{'l"ll ~t!d ul possession uf dangernu~ tlrug,. ·n 1r !tJur 1nen . who l<1ld pvl1cr thry tlro1r oul fro1n Gcnrg1a rH1 1he trai t o( $0n1c1Jn1: \\'ho a Jkgcd!y $lot<· ,1 rn otorcyr lc J•;u:, .1f'C' \ll"l\'ITI IJ J:'.l.ek:.1 111. 24. f larcn("" r-,1. S1111th. 2.i. Billy 1;. Pil.i;ru11. 31. nnit J\l11•hnc l 11. :\lr.~srn g1'r, 22 . 'rhc narculH'J=. rh11rgr 11<1" addt'd ,\londav rn the r•ih· bcry l h;1 r~c ;1g:11n~t ~lcsi>1.'ngcr. 1"111 1• 11 r·r(' ;1 rrC'~IL'<I Sl'pl. 26. ;if11'r ;illrgcrll.v f11re1pg twn J.ag11na Beach nicn 1ntr, ii car <IL gt1npoi nl :;ind dr1\'1 ng them 1!! (1J~ta ~h·<.a and b<1ck to Laguna. l'ullr·,, hcl1r•1·r 1hr :icc11sed 1n1stakcnlv i1l~d11r!t'd .J;1n1cs ll ~nry Ra ck11s. 14 anrl loi:. roomr11;-1\r, nichard Charles Kiinhall, If!. fro1n their Bluebird Canyon Hoad :1 p:irtn1rnt . The two were able lo m:i ke lht•ir plight kr;own to a Sl't\"LCe station aucndant who alrrltrl L:iguna llC'ach police. A number nf wea pons and suspected 1!nngcrous rl rugs were ta~;r.n from the ab.. (!acior:; at the tune or the arrest, priHcc. claimed. Israel Attacks In Re]Jrisal Move By U11itcd rres~ tntemational lsraCli planes stnick military ba ses in Jorda n and Egyptian military posilions alo ng the western shore of the Gull or Suez today in reprisai attacks that follow- ed ;, massive Egyptian air raid Monday ;Jnd eight hours of shelling along the Suez Canal. An Egyptian military spokesman in Ca i1·0 said Egypt ian gu nners shot down on'! of the attacking lsriie\i planes, the thi rd aerial kill c;:la imed by Egypl in 24 hours. Israel said all of ll~ planes retun~ c~ safely from str ikes agRinsl lhe area rcpcrted to contain radar and rocket s.ites . NE\Y YORK l /\P ) -The stock m"a r· ket's lrthargic aUiturlc persisted as trad- ing mov ed at a moderate pace late lh1~ afl ernoon. (Ste l'\UOllltion~. Page~ 10-l I). The Dow Jone!'! avrrag e o( :to indus- ll'ials at 2 p.n1. was off 1.06 at 808.34. t Re side11t s Nea1·]Jy Evacuated Dy rtJ CllARD l'. NA f.L 01 lt\1 D1it, 1"1111 S111f A half-million dollar fire razed one ot S<.1n Juan Capistrano's oldest tornmerc1a l buildings this morning. threatening the downto11·n business district and forcin~ evacuation of nearby residents. The bla1.c, which lighted the sky for milrs around, destroyed the 40.000· square-foot btiilding hou sing Consolidated Supply Company and three tenant busin rsscs, Firemen battled the blaze !or •' hnurs. The <::~u se 11 ;1.~ st!I! under In· \'!:.~ligation this morning. No iniurics \1·rre repnrll>ft. Constructed ir1 11\Rfl, !he fl0-1 ear~ld ~\rueture \\·;is nwnrd bv Alfnn~n .i"1mcncz, 33892 Zarzi to, f)ana POint. In addition to !he hard11 arP and bu ilding supply husiness, 1hc h1:;tonc s!ructurC' at 2674.2 Verthig~ St h11u:;e<! ~l iss1on El<'tlrir. Cap1s1ranu \1 11llcy Glass Co111pany and E~ Toro f ine /\rts Orignally cnns1ruc1rd by r<incher~ n~ th e area to 11tnre 1hrir gr:.iin. the 11·f"l00'"1 fr;imc and corrugalc<t iron struclt1re had long hfrn a nesting p!ac·c for swallows of Capistrano fruned In .~oni: anrl i;tnrv. The huild111g v.·as ren1odelcd in ifl:\6 bv Bltie Goose Pa('king Co1npany a.~ a l'!Orilge shrd for nrangcs . It 11·as purchas- i•rl by ,Jimenez ln 1957 ;ind converted to bu$iness uses. The fire v.·as rrportrd at 3 2:> a .in. f'oun!y fire fighter s reporlixl !he slruc· lure totally in1·otved in flarnrs "'hen th!'y arriveiL llr:1l of !hr hln1 r n1ellrd windows in 1'!rx1co Lindo rrsrau rant aero.~s 1he street. A fire plug nearby 1ras 1n- .1cccss1Qle because of intcn.~r. hrnl. Fire h<J~Cs snake<! through the .s!rr.rt~ of San J IJ~n r!rp1c1ing lhl' Town":; rr~rr1r~ and causing lu1v pres:.urc in in;iins thi s n1orn1ng_ Fire figh ters sal"ed nc;Jrby bui;inr!'se, .1ntJ strut:!ure.", inC'luding the old Silnl a Fe depot wtuch 1nay bcco1nc ii museum. It is no longer 111 use. Off icials ~topped Ilic rnrly rnornin ;: Santa f"e train 11·hirh norm.1lly passes :i few yards fron1 the burned slructurc. Trnffic 11·ns bloc ked off .1long Camin11 ('.1p'1~1rano frnm th(' mis~ittn In F'.1 Ad obe Jtestaurant "'here i'resident Nixon dines. Speclators !'.1icf had a l'>"1ndy conc11tio11 flr!'\'aiJcd, !hr fire t:nulrl hal"C C<lllSCd th e lu~~ rir lhe r11l1rc rhiwntfl11n. Hr~1drn!~ nf lwo h1!'!nri r ;Hlohr ~!r111'­ r11rr,~. Cn~;1 1tr (:arfta~ anrl 1\\"i la Ario~ 111'rr f'\,'!rll:iled. Thf' hus inl'"~ anrl rr-.1dt:n!1al :-.tr 11ro!11rr~ wrrr con ~truc1erf iS<'r C,\PO F'IH E, Pai;:e 2! Ca1>0 Rese rvoir 1-Ia~ Busy Day The tcrn11nal r£'s:-r1·01r , ~urpl y1n~ !hr c11;1 t.1'ilh "'a!cr, wen! dry br iefly yest ~r. O<I.\'. The iniake Ir om the ttlet rnpofllan l\":1:er District line v.·as promplly 1n· crC'ascd and 1he reservoir fi lled. only -to be emptied ag:.iln bce:iusc of the e01 rly morning lire thaL destroyr<l properly lI1 dv11·n1ow n Capistrano. \\";iJcr distri ct officials ha\"c again In· crf'ascd I.he in!a ~e althougl1 \va1er sup. plies were shurt I.Oday. Orange <.:oust U'cathcr Anolhl'r Chamber of <.:om · n1crce day is on the bill fo• Wednesday v.·ith sunny ~k lc11 and ten1pcraturcs in the u pper 11eve11tirs along the Orange Cua st. INSIDE TODAY A11 nttorney u:1// ('/1ar9t abolJ t $1.~(l fn cllanar your 11an1c. flt /east $280 Jnr n di vorce:, occorrl· l in(} !(I genrro//11 occepler:J. fee scl1cdule. /10f/C 12. CoM .. ••11 ' "''''~·· l'•Jflit• " C11nlllff ,.,, Nol .... •! NI"'' ... C•.,.k• " O•t~'' CWM, • "("'""'. • '~"'" 16<11 OOllh Nttl(t! • ''"'" ,,. ...... 1•11 f•lNr1~1 , ... • ,,,.~ ...... " '"''''''""""' • '~''"" • l"iftllW.I U•l1 \Ol l llh•• • Mt .. KtM .. ...... Id N1w• •• ... l -.rt .. ..... ......... -~ lJ " ,...~1•1 • ) •• 2 DAILY PI LOT l Dow11 the Missio11 Trail Capo Seeking Name for School CAP ISTRA NO VALLEY ~ \\'an t lo pla}· a name ga1nc'.' Anyone can piny if if he·s a resident in 1he Capist rano C111!1ed Scliool District. 1'he rules .1rc s1111plr. Jll~l thin k hard ;ihou t \rhat \l'Ollld be a goOO nan1c !or a :,chool. but nan1es Qf people slJ!l living .1re out. The sC"hools the OOard o! trustees are ~oing IQ allow citizens to na111e v.·ill he iclen1entary scools in Laguna f\lguel, San Juan Capistrano and t.lission Viejo and a junior high in Shoreclilfs. Entries can be sent to U1c boar<! <ii $er· ra School , '.!6!26 Vicloria, Capstrano Beach or to any individual board 1nembcr. Name suggestions must be ac· companied by a brief explanation lor ~eleMing lhat particular handle. '''Lnners 1~ill be chosen by members of the school board. And the prize 11·ill OC the ho?lor of nan1ing a school, and U1e secret knowledge of know ing haw schools get their illustriolls names, e At1derson Honored SAN Cl,.E.i\1ENTJ:: -Dr. Gordon Anderson , San Clemente physician, has been cited for his outstanding con· tributtons to chHdren of the Capi3trano L"nified School DistricL Recognition, in the fonn of an engraved plaque, will be presented to Anderson.by the Board vf Trustees of the sch6vl d1 ~trict. e Choice In ('nreterla SAi'l JU.l\N CAP ISTRANO -F inicky gounnel! at Forster Junior High School have \\'OTI a culinary victory. No longe.r 11•ill they have to sniff at a un iform lunch tray in the cafeteria. S1a rting next \\'ednes<lay, Oct. I~ they "Jll be given a choice. "Thi:; age group will not eat vegetable~ And salads to a grPal extent," reports !'.Irs. Corrine Green, Foods Su pervisor, in a memo to Trustee.-; of the Caplsirano Unified School District. "The entree is eaten and most of the other food goes in- to the garbage ca n." Capo Trustees Okay Citizen'~ Aclviso1·y Group A cit1zen'!l advisory co1nmittt e ha~ h c_ r n appro\'('d bv trust ees of the rap1stra nti Vntficd School District. The group v.·ill study the district's financial and educational necd5. The Lornmil!ce y,·Jl\ deci de ll'helher nr T1nt lo rrcon1111rnd a ta x election Jn Frbruary. Tn1~tcc Stan Kellry, spertlilng at " n1eet1ng of the board in Serra School ~!ond:i.y, ~uestioncrl 1'.hcther the com- rnq.iee could ca1npile tnough J.nforn1ation tn 1n:tkc :in in!clligrnt reL·om1ncndat100 hy :Xn1· li. li e_ up!cd for n1or1> t1n1r. !'>·•}lllb tha L a lax rle1;t1vn cou ld still lake pl.11.:e 1n J une. :'iuperinte11df'n1 Trl1n1<Hl R r n rd l c t ;>..S."ured Kelley U1<1! an e!"fectJ~e 1nterin1 -.:11r1~· eould l>f' n1flrh.' hy th(;' 1n1<idle or '\01 en1brr ~lll('c <1 butli;.~t..ry ~t 11<!.1 ha~ br1'n 1narlc 1n thr pa~t ~tx 111onths 111111 rr ... 111ts r(•ad1l_1· c11a1l:Jlilc Trustees hal'c been gi r{'n the joh of rc-comn1end 1ng :1.1 cilizrns tor the co1n- 1n1 ttet by Ocl. l:J, the d:itc of the fir st no school en1ploy es 1··nuld be: c:orrunittcr rnreung. It \1·as decided that no schoo l t'J11ploye~ \1·ould be comn1 it1ec m<'mbers. ' OAllY PllOI OUWG~ COM1 PUlllSH!lrtfi ~lrt'f R•ll•rt N. W••' ''" ............... ...., J•cl-R. c,,,1.., ~ '•aloUnl •"" c;.... .. MMitttt T~Of'lll ICHYil (G;lor T~o,..11 A. M11rp1oi~• ....._ •• ,..,. t:a••or ''c~•"' '· t.11!1 ~ ........... .. (ITJ Ed!IO<" L..-a..t.om.. 111 f••••I A.•1. M.;1;~, "'~'"': r.o_ ••• '''· tl65? ~--(Clltt Mew' llO "'"' ''" S''"" ti._.. .-11: 1711 "''" .. _ .... ,.,,.,. ~"""""'* .. ac.ri: -"", ..... • rl1ilL '!' l>!lOI "''"' ... liUI It ~ ~ ....... ,. ...... ""bl•-~~1 '"~' ~ .... •t J I" -1<111 •11""'1 - -9Nc."• l••-<k l tM, N1...,..I ._.,., C..1• .M1t1, >l~•!ll ... i'loo IN<" ................... VII· toy o...,... Ctu l PvWIM.... ~1 IM'lr !•l>t '"'~" '" 11 nu _, a.-111...r ' "'"""'rl •••ell, •rd ,. Mtl .. , ~""'" (otll M•H, • T ....... 1714) 4H·946' c .......... D«flt, ••lo4Jl1 C:O.V•ltlll, ''"· 0•-· c.o..i ""*""-;_..., ................. ·-""'-"-,,,.,.,1,1 .... u ........... 11-•1t1 ...... ... ..... ~ ·-...... •• •ii"°"' _... -.,.1.,.,. .. _.,_._ .. ~-C--'-M IG ol )j1will(ll"'I ... di ._ ,.,.,, ~. t 1"'9'•ll S\lllllcrr.1-.i 17 y,.,., P .00 ,.,..,.fllyo Ir """ U • ,_.,,,, f"lllll•fY _,...,,..,.,. U .M """'~!,. ,.~,,. ~' bu1n1 Mtll•• Figuri119 Denslt,, Planners Eying Change Tt:e advisability of calculating density on the basis of probable numbe r of OC· cup<1nts, rather than nu1nber of dwelli ng unlls was pondered f.fonda y night by Laguna Be11ch pla.nning commissioners, \~ho decided it v.·arranted further con· templati<m at their Oct. 13 study session . ·r11 e qu estion v.·as posed when Raymond Ber.ford .sough t Planning Commission ap- prov.il for a plan to increase density fro1n eight to 12 units on B-2 !n1ultiple re siden- tial) property at 615 Wilco.'\: \\'ay. · Benford said he would like to build 12 one-bedroom units, rather than the eighl units with two or three bedrooms permit- ted under existing zoning. • Ill Rules of oase! \\'here two people live in a lwn- bedroo1n ci.part1nenL" lknford v.•ondercd ir the c1Jmmiss1on 1rould consider <.1. variance for nine wiils, since the 17.,634-square-foot area of his two loLs 1~·ouJd con1c with in a few hu n· dred feet of zoning rcquir!'1ncnts fo r that number of units. Charles Benton, owner of an adjacent property. suggested a study session 10 pern1it closer ex<in1ination of lhe fact s Chairman Fred Briggs agreed tl;at ful'thcr slu1Jy y,·~uld be required in vie1v Qf the. applicant·s ll<'IV p rop o s a J 3 regarding <in alternative of nine units along \l'ilh his plan to y,•Jden !he .'.l!rer l and provide a re vl5ed turnaround. Page J PYNE. • • COUNTY FIR,E C.REWS M.OP UP AFTER BATTLING CONSOLIDATED FIRE THROUGH WEE HOURS By Dawn s Light, Cap1strana La~mark Is Just Smold•ring Rubble and Caus• R•mains Mystery There is a greater need for small. lo'.'.'er rental units for "young m81Tiecls" in Laguna. Benford told commissioners and since the smaller unrts would not be :i:uil.able for !amilies with children, tl\e actual population density would oot be in- creased. Qy,•ner5 of neighboring properties registered their objections in hall a dozen letters citing traffic congestion, drainage problems, inadequate parking. space, dif· ficulty of access for emergency vehicles and the fact that Wilcox Way relllden~ already are obliged 1o leave their trash cans on Park Avenut for pickup, a situa- tion which, one neighbor said, has turned the street into "garbage can row of Laguna Beach.'' ::.~r\·e '1'e!l as a church sanctuary until a nc1Y one could be bullt on the property and adequate parking is avai!abltJ.on th~ property. He added U1at arrangement o( dr~veways for ingress and egress was being \\'Orked out 1vith the city engineer's de partment and noted that children at- tending the pre-school would be dropped off 1\/ithin lhe properly, not on the slittL 4 Agents Suspended Fatal Shooting Probed By Police in Whittier From \\'ire Senices A 22-year-old \Vh ittier man \1·as awakened by a comn1otion 1n 11 downstairs apartment early last F[iday 1norning, got up earrying his baby son and went to find out what v>a s happening. That was the last thing Heyward IL Dyer ever did. Moment! later, a .22 caliber bullet from a rifle wielded by a VernOn Police Department sergeant in an apartment upstairs crashed through the floo r and buried itself in Dyer's brain. California Attorney General Thomas C. Lynch ordered U1e suspension of four state narcotics agents involved Monday, pend ing a complete in1,·esUgiltion of the tragic case. Prehn1lnary lindin~s so far in dlcatc - -Orinking on stakrouL prior 1r:i tl1r riOorbuster-type raid. -Intrusion into the 1\·rong aparlmenr dc)\vnstoirs to begin with. a" a result of L"onfusion over the proper address . --Questionable tactics \Vhilc n1ak ing ar- rests inside the up~taJr!l aparln1ent ad- jacen t to the one tl1e slain man left to in- vestigate the nois<' dov,rnstairs. The man "'ho fired the fatal :;hot - subject of a coroner's inquest now ~chedulcd for Fridav -\l':Js Ver non _Polic e Detective Sgt. Frank Swceni:y. He and four Los Angeles Coun!y St1t'r· !ff's deputies involved Jn the raid at the apartment building on Comstock Avenue in '''hillier are reported still on duty, Stale l:lureau or ,"iorro1ics Enforce1ncnt Senior Agent \V. G. :0.1 illcr and Agent Alan 111arshall. who were on lhc scene of the ra id are two of those suspendetl pen· dinf;1: thr outco me. Also s11sp!'ndC'd 11·err tl11• h1·r> mrn in !·luirgr. bill not prrsrnl .11 Ilic L1n11' of 1he ('rror -plagued ratd , Acting 1·· 1r1 rl Su pervisor ,J. \\'. Lr;il'ey ;1nd Agent lllrchael l\rlly. ln1'CS!ij.i<1\ors ~JJ(! ,1 5C\'ef1·1ll<ll11C<Jni n( raiders broke in to a do1111s1a1rs aprtrt· n1cnt at th~ f o1ns\ock Al'rn11<' add ress durin g the prN1a11·n llCllltS la~t Friday. 1'l1ey tarried ;i ~!'arch \1·;1rran1. bill 11 \1'a'i 1~s11ed on ly for 1110 llJl~\<11rs apart n1ents. r.·n ment ion wa~ 111arlc 111 the sea rrf1 \1arranl ol Dyer or t11s 01111 particular apartrnent. In itial 1nvrsttga11nn b.Y \_.Q~ Ange1r~ Count y District Attornry"s n1e11 rcv!'aled lhat Sgt. Sweeney, who fired the /ata l shot, 11·as allegedly swinging lhe rtfl e at U1e ti1ne. One of the 1n en present during the raid reportedly told authorities lhe detective se rgeanl y,•as \\/ielding the butt or the weapon as though lo sma sh it down on the hand of a suspect. Th e gun 1\·enl off. the slug sn1ashe<l Lhrouglt lhc floor , and killed Dyer. also causing him to drop his 22-month-old so n on the ·apartment floor belm\/. The child escaped \1'ith a cut on the head. lnitital tests of al least some of the Jav.·men involved in the ra1d showed they had consun1ed alcohol. but tl1e ainount Or J!s potent ial elfccl ha s not been revealed. Melilllt Wonnded; Police Told uf t'xecution Tr y l!y ARTHUR rt. \'INSEL Ot tne Ot ilv P>IO! 511!1 A Costa f\1tsa gun and combat SOU \'!'n1r col lector today told police he \\'as forced 1.ri kneel beside his wire execution-s ty le: before being shot as he jumped a Vic_1- nan1 \Var-ob.~essed drinking partn(·r rather than risk a double murder. The pistol-\1·aving suspect in th<' ca ~c_ '1'as arrested al shotgun-point by • polirc111an y,•ho heard him yelling v.·hile o~ patrol nearby. y,·hile the wounded man e ~caped 11-·ith a shallered arm John J. 111assey . 2t of 19822 Brookhur~: ::it . Huntington Brach, y,·as booked inl'l Cosla l\fesa City .Jail on a charge f'f <r ~s:iu ll wilh 11ltent lo commit murde r at1 ~r the 2:15 a .m. shooti ng. Police dtd nnt say 1'/hl'ther he ga\'e h 1~ 01··n \'crsion (lf 1\·hat led lo lhe gunp!ay. (.J,lnrad D. Johnso n. 46, or !767 Orang!" Ave .. Costa /'.tesa. 11·as listed 1n sal.Jsfar- lury condition al Orange County ~1cdic.d Center, \\'here he ,1·;is adnutted for trca!- nicnl .Johnson. 11·ho reportedly ha s a col- lection of \l'rapon ry and items involving the lore of war, refused a blooJ transfusion at the coun ty facility because of religious reasons, police said. Lagu11a Lill1·a1·y F1·ie11ds To See Fil1n About A1·tist People and places In '·The \Vorld fJr Andrew \\'yr1h " \~·i ll be f,l:'E'fl by lht> Friends ol the Laguna Beach Librarv in a <:olor film to be prtsented \\'ednfsday l'vening al 8 in the Laguna Fedrr<it Sav- ing11 and Loan Building. The film will be introdl1Cctl bv Dr . Clayton Garrison , Laguna Brach re.~ident and Dean of the School of f ine Arls at UC Irvine. •le also wlll conduct a que s- tion and answer session after the screen- ing. Obl11ined by the Friends fro1n the Art JnsUtute of Chicago, the Wyeth film ex- amine1 '49 of the arlist's painti ngs and ncludes actual scenes of the Penn:iylvania and Maine countrysides which he pa intffi. At a 7:30 p.m. business S<"SSlon before the: program, which i!1 open to the public, n1t.mhtrs (lf the library group \\'ii! rlect ne1v directors. ROTC Donn Bla ~t ccl COLLEGE STATION. Tex. 1APl -1\ shattering exploslon at the base of a tree between don11itory 2 -the ROTC Corps of Cadets hNidquarter~ -and Dormitory I sha tt ered 31 window~ in f o 11 "r <lormJtorle!I ett rly today At Tcxo~ A&)ol l!nirer:.i1 y. • • l TO DI SCUSS WYETH UC lrvl "('s ,Garri1011 f 'ro111 Page 1 CAPO FIRE. • • about 1790. 111 rs. Lecia Watson, i2, le ft her apart- ment in Casa de Garfias, once a hotel in haste after friends alerted her. She laler <liscovered she had donned t h r c e bathrobes. One \\.·oman wept in t!1e eerie light of the dancing flames. Another prayed. Nearly 70 fire fighters battled the in- ferno using six fire trucks and a 75-foot snorkle to spray water from on high. A resc ue unit stQOd by . Coun!y fire1nen esti1natet! damage to 1he building at $440,000. Da1na ge to con- tents was estimated at art0ther $95,000 \1•1th the total loss $535,000. The owner's wife said this rooming there was some insurance bu~ she did nol know how much. She said her husband 11·as at the scene this morning. "11e was pretty shaken,'' she said . Alfred S. Pratt Private Services Set \V cdnescla y Privatr se rvices will be held \Ved- oe.~dny al \'ac1fic Vi!'w memorial Park l11r Alfred Stuart Pratl of 2225 Glcnncyre :-.1 , 11•!10 died Sa turd a~ at ~outh Coasl Conirnunily Hospital. He 1ras i3. f.l r. Pratt is survi\'rd by hi ' 11·ido\1', Tiob111, of lhe home ; a s0n, \\.'i llian1 S. f'r;ilt f't Bremtrlon, \\'ash : ;1 ~tepson. Coinmandcr \\lilliarn !L Robinson of i\c11·port, R.L; a brother. LC; .. Pratt nl l'>over, J\lass.; !lvo slsters. 1'11rs. C!iHord 'Trull of West Hartford, Conn .. and ~tr!'. Da vis J\l. D!'Rnrd of Berwyn, Pa,; and bv clghl grandchildren • A nativf' of West Ne\\·ton. 111ass .. he had !1\·c_d 1n Cali forni a since 1946 and in lhr Laguna area for the past 12 )'ears. Prior to his retirement. be 11as a real estate hrl'lker \\"ilh (lffire!l in L;:igu na Bea ch. I Ir' 01\trndcrl ,\.i!liams Col!!'gc, ~rr\'ed n~ an office r in the N<ivy in \Vor!d \'l'ar l 1111d in the Arn1y, 11'1Lh rank 01 1\lajor 1n ""r>rld \\':1 r 11 . Ile \\'JS a for111er cx t•cul1r r ~ri·rrtary f'r 111r Pasadc11a Rtally ho:ird ;ind prc,idr11L of the Dian1ond Foun- dation. a tharitable tru~l \\'1\S H !NGTO~ 1t;Pl1 llou s r Benford submitted a letter from the Laguna Beach Realty Board supporting the idea of providing more reasonable rentals for young married couples and noted that other neighbors had offered to help any plan to widen the _roadway and ~rovide a cul-de-sac turnaround ... ;'Economically, it would be the same for us to put in 8 tw~bedroom units. 11'hich we can do without a variance," said Benford, "but Realtors say there is a need for smaller units and there 1s reaUy not enough space in th e neighborhood for families with children -there v.·oold be no play areas. The ac- tual density would be about the same y,·ith 12 one-bedroom units." Commissioner Carl J ohnson ~aid he 11·as not satisfied that the request v.·as justified. Charles Johnson favored stick· ing with the code and allowing only eight units.'' Commissioner Joseph Tomehak pointrrl out that in Laguna Beach "there are a lot Lquno9ri111 The existing 12 apartments eventually 11·~uld be turned over to church use, Cas·c: o:a1d, serving as offices for the pastor, housing for visiting ministers, seminars and the like. .. \Ve do not \v ant to be in the com· mercial apartment business," he said. Case pointed out that every church fn Laguna Beach now is in a residential zone, and about half in R-l (single familv residential) zones. Both Lu theran and Unitarian congregations recently ob- tained approval of church sites in R-l zone~. he added. ··_This is a very suitable place, on a ~ain thoroughfare . an d within walkin~ distance of a bus hnc," Case said. "V.'e do not v.•ant lo have to locate up in the lli!ls \\'here people ha\·e tn drive a long 11·ay." "There is a traffic problem \11 Lag-una ,"' he agre':'d. "'But there is also a rnoral prob!c1n. \\'e 11·ant this church to be a borne for young people, where our high school and college-age n1cmbers can meet." By Phil lnterlandi IJ!'1~Hx:rals went on record todll y for a ~nc1 a l Security 111crea"e of al JeasL 15 percent !o take crtrct not lal!'r than Der. 1 Pre.~1drn1 Nix on has asked for a 10 per- cent increase, effective next AJ)ri! \. "Never Mind th• Paintings -Pay Attention While I 'm 81wling You Out!" YOUR WATCH'~ • ChMllCI • oti..I • Mjwted WITH $488 THIS AD ~ ... , S.lf. -aliP<11wt••.: ----- PllJLS Jl·STlUN• f1•111 ~IH~S SIZED, fr•,. DIAMONDS J,IPU.CID, tr.• _ ... FREE $2.00 $3.00 $6.00 INQU.YIN• ltONI WHILI TOU WAil HU11tinCJton Center Bffch al Edln99r HUNTINGTON IEACH , I Your O.,,.ieQ., .~al,! 4: St r,;l{'t A'enc_. 0 OMEGA Tf., •UY ''"°' O~ot • 1,, •• ~llll•llP WfiC~ "I '''"' ..,,, .. 11eh4 ..,.1,~­ ., .. ! ••v Pflodilit tl·•• t.1 N.o.SA !o bo '"'"'" b~ •-• "''" "'" t~• "'''"· T~ ' "<~toit:•.i, t.ul y • "" .., 1 '~ It• ,,.,llontt. ,...~., ~· ,,,,d !1 ~. •Cv• 1u•h 1tiu' Omt ~• j, .. ,lu. C11111 i" -"' l~i• ~1od1 D!lll, i bullo"· • ~ .• 1. 0,.,.9, s,.,.c'.., ... tu <~''"''''"~· T~• ,,,r, witch"'"" ~1 t~o '"·'" •• ,~ ..... ~. ,,,,, l19l TllMI AYAfU.11.1 and bade Harbor Shopping Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 545.9495 fll ' • l I '1 T CflTi She gtt s hes J{ic s l " cul1 hoc T T 11011 T li ot hra o sl T ("ht !IJ(' L h;i1· n•;1 B Olli' ~ ' 1 \ 1rc; tit: I Ofl! l fl !,'l \' J:l':> t.;N )'Oi i Ent 1·;1 n H c tibJ• <1rg of 1rci the H ol l <Ira r. .. sair chi I 11ne1 lied lnr (' Hr r Ila I r.~rt ~ fl\I "' Cha (.;hil hl'a• ~nu , ! ---·--·-.... ----------··---.~..----.----.-.,..,, .... ,..,.,,..,.,,..,.., ......... -.~-""'··""'·""'··,..,..,...,..--.... ...,. .... --... ,..~ .... ""I""""''"'""----.--~----~----~-.,.,-... , Newport Darhor Today's Final N.Y. Stocks VOL 62, NO. 240, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1969 TEN CENTS General Admits Gun Sale Made $2,000 on SeizedW eapons DA.IL Y PILOT ~t•ll f'ho" COUPLE TAKES VOWS IN TONSORIAL SPLENDOR For Sentimental Reasons, a Barber Shop Wedding llai1·y RoDlan~e Couple ~feet, Wecl in Barber Shop Ry EVELYN SllEH \\'0011 ot In• D••I• P1kll ~tiff Thrl'c yc<lrs ;1,g11. Shl'n 1\ndcrsnn a(". c·ompaniccl he r dad tr1 lhc Coni cs Barbrr Shop in Corona 11el f.lar. Her dJd went to get a h;-urcut. Sher i .~at down cind \11 niied. Jn the t·ln1ir beside her w<1s a )'11ung man, Lon J{ich<trds, \1•:iiling fnr ti ln1ircu1. too. Sheri ;:ind Lon ~l rutk up :1 t·nn11crs;:i!ion. ll 11·as !he blo~snn11ni.: uf H ron1ancc that c1 1lm1n~tcd 'ft1csd:iy lllAh l 111 lhaL saine barber shop. There. Sheri . HI, ;ind l,11n . l!l. were Wf!d. Tod<1y Lile tv.·o arc in !1.'.l ln1 Spr ings llOl\l'}'ITIOOn1ng. The Lndc, d:i11ghtcr nr ~I r. <ind ~l rs. li obrr: 1\ndrr:r;on of c:lf'nd:ilf'. i:; a i;r::idualc uf f;lcnd;1te High N:hooL I.on ii ~tu1[rnt at Corona d1•I l\l :i r l l1gh School. The Hrv. L~1rrn Fl1ek111g~·r of lltP l'nll_v Church of i\rwport Beach. officiated ci t thr unu~ua l n1;1rriage trrr111n11,\·. Lon and !'lhcr1 "anted 111 n1arry in the harh1·r shop li1r oh1 1ous &.·nt1111cn1a! rra~on.s. l~llt rhrv 11rrr \111\ld ;.b1.11l ;1~k1n~ 1hr n1ltll:'IC'r 11 hr.thc r lt 11(1111(! he all righ t with him. So a fam ily fri end, Jame!'! Bradley, v.·as enlisted to make the in- quiry. The Rrv. ?-.fr. Flickinger didn't bal an t'Yf!lash ... If they wanl lo, why no!?" he said. Bradley served as best man In !he c·roy,1dcd barber shop. His wife was n1alron of honor. Mrs. Bradley rlecoratcd the shop. locatl'c! in the rear of a tailor shop al 3637 !';. Coast ltighway. Dccoration:i; included \\•cdding bell~ and white.festooning. A thrcc·tier cakr. placed on a v.·hite- !incn covered manicurist's tabl<?, was scr1'l'd up to wedding guests. Apart from the location. ii \\'<l:<i like n1ost such cercinonics. The bride chose a :-ort pin k mini-Oress for the b~ occasion . She carried a nrn;egay of while carn a- tions. tulle and salin ribOOns. Lon v.·ore a blue coat. with a v.•hitr carnation in the buttonhole, and bell·bol- 1on1c<l trousers. l'\\r. and Mrs. Richards said later !hey intfnV 1o live in Corona de>! f.1ar -in an :1part111cnt not loo far from the barber :-.hO[l. Mesa Allows You11gste1·s To Collect £01· UNICEF 'Voungstrr~ 1n;iy solicit fun ds tnck-nr- IT{'al sl\'le fo r UNICEF, the Co!it<i ~lcsn Cjly council <1)'..!rccd r-.tond::iy, but only riltrr :i note or conlro\'ersy crept inlo <lrlibera1 ions. Vice l'\1ayor Rohcrt ~I. \\'i\son Sllf;- gcstrd placi nf; the samr cond itions on the t:N ICC:F i.:h:1r1ty 1narchcrs imposed un ~ onni; bl:ick s;1lcsn1<'11 for 11 n Y :r; J·:ntcrp riscs. an1! vLhcr Los Angele s-based e:1ndv fir111.~. Flnante Director Robert Oman cook! <:l1cck records for past fees charged and founrl $6 1vas the figure. Councilman Tucker questioned Mrs. Elder and noted thal a $6 donation l() UNICE F v.·ould pro\•ide 600 glasses o( n1ilk lo needy children of other natioos. The matter wa s finally settled with \"ice ~lay:ir Wilson's suggestion that children under 12 stop rnllecting al ~tinsel , in the drive be:ginning Oct. 26, ll'hile children over 12 may conllnue while chaperoned. \\fASHINGTON (UPI) -Retired ~taj. Gen. Ca rl C.Turner, formerly the Army 's 1op police official, admitted today he sold ai k·ast $2,000 worth of confiscated guns he got from civilian police departments and pocketed the proceeds. ~ But Turner, a balding little man with a tiny musta1Che .and strong voice, insisted he rlid nothing wrong. "Those were my guns!" he told members of a Senate invesligalions sub- committee. The 56·year-o\d witness also conceded he fai led to pay income tax on the gun transactions and acl.'l'lowledged $6,600 in gun sale income during the past five VCI Students Plan March Against War A n1arch to Philco-Ford Aeronutroruc, Collins Radio or another war related plant is planned by UC 1rvine students for Oct. 15 as a pr{ltest against the war in Vietnam. i\ntiwar students also will stay away froin classes. form a picket line, hold a war-dead mffllorial service, a noon rally add alternative educalion classes on the 15th. The 100 sludents who met ~tonday to plan the day ~ moratotjum also called on the UCI administration le c~ class« and to allow0fhe l'ampos stiff to ptrt.icipate in the moratorium without Jou or pay. All the.st efforts, il was de(ided will be on behalf ol the group's fundamental de- mand which is Immedi ate withdrawal ot all U.S. troops from Vielnam. The day of moralorium from business as usual will be in conjunctioo with similar peaceful protest nationwide. .Shou ld the war still be going Nov. 15 a !wo-day moratorium is planned and sa on, with an additional day eJtCh suc- ceeding month. The student moratorium group pledged to work v.·ith thl'! Orange Count y Mobiliza- t1on Commillef! v.·hich i! planning ac- li1·Jtics throughout the coonty. Citir.en participation in the UC I activities will bt solicited. Student Body President F c r d y ~la ssimino lost out in his bid to shape the 1.hrection of the Oct. 15 protest. Last 'llo'etk he took the play away from lhe radical students by engineering a una nim:>us &:lu- dent senate resolution support ing a moratorium. But whtn the meeting to plan act1vi1ies came f..tonday radical students sho...,·ed up in the greatest numbers. ~Iassimfno votrd ap;ainst 1he march lo I.he war plant and against the picket llne. Hcgarding the group's goal of immediate ""'ithdrawal, he said: "I feel }"OU need a definition of im- mediate. Do you mean bite your lip and v.·ithdrav:2'' The silence of the others indicated lhal is exacUy what they meant Someone suggested leaflets be handed out at Fashion Island and South Coast Plaia l)ut graduate studtnt Richard Rob- ertson said tht march would be a better tactic. "A large march will be visible UY ough the news media," he .!laid. "It's a sym. bolic action that President NiJ;on can see. It's Nixon who has to do it." Graduate student David Heskett said it the administration canceb: classes "we have a chance for 1,000 out of S,000 a;tudenls on the march. 111.at would be: a very good march for Orange County.'' The campus administration has not yet announced a decision on the request to eancel classes and dismiss staff with pay. llr.did not 1ncnl 1on 1hc l:itlcr by na1nc. Co11nciln,;in f~eorgc A. Tucker sharpl,v nhjcr lrd. saying such ch a r i t ab I c nl'g:inizalions as tile Heart ~~und. March ()f Din1cs and olhers arc generously treated anti UNICEF should be handled the same. Lectures Thursday, Frida11 lie suggested the political implication-" nf the Unilrcl Nation11 mighl he a far1or, c!rawln~ a rep ly lrom Councilman Willard T. Jordan. '"1'1n afraid T dun'I quite understand."' said .Jorrlan, v.·ho had voiced concrro 01•cr children being out after dark, while com- Jflf'n11ing the purpose. "Bless lhem .. Councilman Jnrd:in a<l- 1!rd. '·but I'm opposed to trick-or·lrc<1ling for thr same reai!On. ·· ('onccrnrd ovl'r the brr111ng ll11p, ~-Ir~. Jl rnrv K. Elder. or 118 E. Occi1nfronl, l!alh0a, cxrln1nt'd !hat h\lle UN ICEF col- k·cting ls dnnc nf!er d;1rk by the ~ nungs!Prs. :-.lrs. t::ld<'r is ch~irn1•111 of thr Coasll1nr l 'har1 r r. l!nite<I Nation~ Internat iona l ('l11lclrl'n'.5 l!:m1!rgcnty F11111t ;incl ha~ h(':idt'd !ht' UN ICJ-:1·· <1r1v(' !i 1 n C" e ~ouni:~l rr:r; v;:i!krd 11np11Vf'fl i1)t1ll ~!rrf11~. 1 ::1u';.I 1Jn U\(• n1nu cr 11'.J.li tlcl;1ycd uut1 l .... UCLA Red Due t :cLA Communist professor Angela Da vis wilt. not only speak Thursday at lJC Ir vine as previo usly announced but will lec~u re Friday to a course organi7.ed and taught by UCI student activists. (Related stories Page 4i. ~lis.s Da vis. Z5·year-o1d black. instn1clor harrrd by regents because of her Com- munisl Party affiliation from teaching C'Ourses for credit. will lecture al UCJ on ''l'o!itical Repression in the University." The cou rse, called !he University in American Cullurc, was organized by C'an1pus SOS lcR dcr Donovan Dorsey and Is offered for three unit~ oC university crc<Jit. C!'lanctllor Daniel Aldrich Jr. supports the regenl! in their firin1 of Miss Davis, st!ll under appeal. But he said there is nothing in regents' policy lo prevent her from 1pnking Lo the ,UCI ela~ as ~ guest lecturer so k>ng as it is a sina:le ap- pearance. Miss Davis also will live a ttneral <'ampu!I address Thur9day noon in the Science ~lure Hall. 1bat appearance is sponsored" by the students for a Democratic Society (SOS), the .. Black. Students Unlon and lht New. Univtrslty Conference of radical profes~rs. Dorsey, 1 senior in American culture, organized !he University in American )'ears. But he said he never considered it a real business -just a hobby -and still was doubtful it was fair to lax hirn on the income. "You buy some. you sell so rnc," Turner i;aid of his gun trading. Subcommittee Chairman Abraham A. Ribicoff announced that the polite chiefs of Coicago and Kansas City. ~to., \\'Ould testify Wet.lnesday. Turner insisted both chiefs gave him the guns for his personal use and said he never pretended they W<'re for Army purposes. He also claimed that a ledger book in which he kept !rack of his gun de11l ings had been stolen. City Gets Calls The rorn1e r Anny provost marshal ackr.0111tedged that he failed tn mention the theft lo tile subco1nn1ittee ""'hen it sub))Of'naed his gu n records last month. Instead, he said , J1e drew up a new lcdger- and turned it ovl'r to investigat ors. l le v.•:i s n.:it asked i1nn1ed ialely ""'hat he di rt with lhe proceeds or lhc sun sales. Subt:o1nmilee Co11nsrl J e r om e Atllcrrnan rioted th:it the ncv; ledger · listed only 100 guns and n1111lc no ac· <:ounling of at least liOO v.·hlch he ad- n1ittcd under questioning \l'CtC Sll'en lo him b.v police dcµ;irt1ncnt s or Chicago ;ind Kansas Ci ty 11 rnl hy a provost 1narshal at Fort Bliss, Tex. W. Newport Hot Over Sand Haul By JERO~tE F. COLLll"tS 01 1111 Dl llY .. INll Si.II They're beginning to get a little uneasy In West Newport about the upcom ing all- night-long sandhaul. City Councilman Donald A. ?o.1clnnis, v•ho repre~ents the beachfront district, says he's received several calls from fretful residents. "I tell them that the best we can do is to watch the thing as il progresses," he Aid. "Thtn, II the noi se is too much, maybe there arc alternatives." Wbat f\.1clnnili refers to as .. the thing'' Is a 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. parade of 56-ton earth mover!'J that will be under way each weekd111y starting Nov. I. Jt will double up a daytJme haul of sand and silt from the Santa Ana Ri\'er bed . Preparations for the daylight shift began Monday. Contractors hired by the U.S. Army Corps of. Engineers staked out a beach pathway for the giant rigs, v.'hich will be carriying their load from about JO miles upstream in the riverbed. The daytime hauling is expected lo get under way Ulls week. The entire project may take four or fi\'e months to com4 plc te. And time is runnin~ out. If sand and si lt deposi ted in the ri ver by last spring's hea\'Y rains isn'l cleared awa\'. the banks of the ril'l'f could overflow frnm the v.·ash of the next big storm. tl-1argo Skilli n,i:, presidcnl of the ~est N c \V port l111provcmcnt Association, recognizes the nred to unclog the river. But neither she nor her board of directors is happy aboul the prospect of sleepless nights resulting fro111 lhe ovrm1ght project. "Most of the houses here are duplex· .es," she said. "'It's rxtre:mely difficult to ask anyone lo pay the kind of rent.Ii we get for beachf ronl living witti those machines running all night long." J\1rs. Sk illing said there is a big dif- ference betwren thr current Si.2 million sand haul and thO!ie of th e past. "Before we needed the sand . Now we don 't.'\. Two years ago. the ~ea eroded away the beach right ur 10 -an<f beyond - priva te property Jinc:r;. Severa l patios tumbler! into the surf. The corp:r; (lf engineers. county H;•rbor District and the city 1novc d in v.•ith emergency sandbag- ging crews. th en hauled up fr om Balboa thousands of tons of sand and, finally, in- :r;taUed steel and rock groins to lrap the downcoast drift of the preciou~ stuff. (See SANO, Page 2) Hard on 8th Graders? Parents Voice Concern On Middle School Plan Concern that their sixth graders aren 't emotionally ready to go to school wi!h seventh and eighth graders was voiced J\1onday night by parents attending a middle ~hool panel discussion or Newport-Me!a Unified School District. Six thousand Oler! v.·ere sent home v.·ith i;tudenls but only about 75 parents turned out alona: with perhaps 50 teachers. Among those who attended the panel talk al Eelancia High School were parerits who voiced these worries: "They smoke and take dope in the restrooin. My sixth grader isn't ready for those lqe 13 and 14-year-old girls ." .. Why will this be emotionally ad- vantageous to my three litlle girls?" "There"s been physical harassment of sixth graders who v.·ear Girl Scout uni forms te> tc.hool .'; Panelists answered that it doesn't make much difference whether fiflh at UCI CUiture-Cour&e afler ob(ainlng the aponaorthlp of three professora who act as advisors. They are Spencer Olin, of the hiatory department; Duran Bell, of Ull.1 ecooomlcs department, aod Sl.ephen Shapiro, teaching his last year while awaiUng dismissal from the English department. All are assistant profe.~or:r;. Dorsey said the class will be taught rrom a "radical perspeclive." No tests nr papers are required and grades will be baaed oo e.1184 participation a n d discussion. he Mid, although one faculty advi~or said the cradlng rr~ure still i~ ,under ,;.ucty. > •' i:radcr:r; i;r;iduate lnlil m~ddle school nr sixth graders grarluatc into ju ninr high. they 'll be exposed to the same sort of things. Associate Supt. Nor1nan Loats said Costa Mesa and Newport Beach police tell him fourth and finh graders are us- ing more dope than the current elghth graders and want the schools to teach drug errects in the primary grades. Sixth grade teacher Rnbert Brnwn, of TcWinkle Middle School, said he's known of sixth graders harassing fifth graders v.•ho wear Brownie uniforms. There v.•as some applause when a father suggested a seventh, eighth. niath grouping would be more logical than sixth, seventh, eighth. Loats said the board In decid ing a cou- ple years ago to go to 6 lhrough 8 middle schools steered away from 7 through 9 because thev didn 't want lo have to have a junior athletics program. Midd le 5Choo1 architect Kai Porter sa id their is a naUonal bandwagon effect or · school districts going to middle schools and Pleasanton . Calif., ass is tan t superintendent William Schreck strongly defended them on educational grounds. Schreck gave three arguments: Jn favor of middle schools -smoother lranaition from elemenl:ary to junior hi gh, a chance for treatu e:rploraUon by students, and lhe promised. mere OuibUity. Transilion LI accompHahed, he said, by having students spend about hair lhe day wllh a home room teacher and half the day with su bject specialists. I-le spoke at length about' the need tr> ISee ttfIDDLE, Pait %) S lork ~larkel• NE \V YO RK (APJ -The stock mar- ket's lethargic atliltt<te pe rsisted a.'! trad· ing moved Al a mocterate pace. late this afternoon. (Sec quot11tions, Pagf!.'1 IG-11 l. The Dow Jones ave rage or :m Ind us- trials al 2 p.m. was off 1.06 Rl 808.34. -{ IJl'I TtlnM!w GUN CASE FIGURE Maj . Gen. Turner U.S., Russ ia Prese11t Treaty For Ar111s Ban (:E:i'iEVA (APJ -The Un llc<I Slate\ and the Soviet Uoion presented IOOay I draft treaty to ban nuclear arms and other weapons of mass destruction from lhe sea bed. The two superpo1vers agreed on a com. promise joint draft arter seven n1onths of bargaining and submitted iL lo the 25·na- lion disarmament conference. The draft of the lrca1 y which !he Soviet Union r ut before the t•onfcrcncc <Jn fl1ar rh 18 c.11Jcd fo r a ban on all typl's nf \\'eaf)9ns and military installations frorn Lhe sea bed. The 1;nitcd Statrs rel used to accept this because it ""'ould ba n sur h dcf.en:r;iVe devices as submarine tracking station.~. The Russlaos ga v" 1l'ay nn th1.i; point aJ)(! nccepted the provisinn of a draft sub- mitted by the United s1.11c.~ ~Tay 22 In v.·hich the ban \\'nu!d be restricted tn nuclear arms and \\·eapoos of mas~ de.~truction. In rrlurn. thl' Un ited Slates dropped 1 1 ~ pro posal lha ! the ban come into force Ci t the lhrce·m itc limit and accf'pterl thC' Sovi et 12-milc lim it. This-v.·a.~ favorer! also by most other delcgalions aL lhc con -ference. The l;n11r<1 States al~o :ig rcrd In ,. Sov1 rt p:-Jragraph 1n lhr prran1bll' sayin[: the r .... ·o nnt1ons arr "conv1 ncerl rhal 1he trea !y ronsti l11tes a S(l'p 10\\'ards Lhe e.x- <·lusion of lhe sea hcd , the l>c<'an fl ovr and lhe subsoil the reof Irn1l1 1he armi race. and are dclrr1n1n<'rl 1n l'nnli nue negotiations ron crrn1ni;: further mra sures leading lo this end.'' The treaty woul<I com/' into forr r aflr"r rali~k·ati~ by I.hr Unitf'd States, the So,·1ct Un1Jn and 20 other nations. 'Sex Week' Under Way RENO, Nev . rAPl -"Sf>'<" \Veek" at the University or Nevada al Heno opened Monda y night with a rashio11 show '" which the most daring outfit was a black evening gown with pl ungi ng nt'ck!inc. About 300 wo1nen and JO rncn. mostly stv1lents. !urned out for "sexuahtv 1n f1shion." first event of a week tn 1nClude presentatinns on birth control . premarital sex and communal lh•ing. Orange Coa•t Weather Another Chamber of Com- merte day is on the bill for \Vednesday "'ith sunny skies and temperatures in the upper seventies a.long the Orange Coast. INSIDE TODAY A11 atton1f!t1 tt1iil charoe about SJ50 In rlrn n11r. 11011r 11nn1e, nt lrosf $280 fnr " drvn rrr. n<:cOf'd· 1119 In 11rnp rn //11 <1CCl'p/P(l fe e sclred11/e. Pooi: 12. (lhi-lfrl• 1 MUIYl l f'-1 It (llnll!H H·11 N•l,..,11 l'l•w• ••t ( .... 1(, IJ O••fttt (llllllY I CrfU"'t•f I l>t!f•h , ••• Dol!lt NtllCH I Site~ ,,. .. ~ ... \t.11 ll'f<~rll! I'••• ~ lelev•,.•ft lt 11'nt1tl•l11-nl I Tl•t•ll11 ' 11'111111<1 10." W••l~•t 4 l<Orltctl'f U Wffll ""'' l·t """ t....... 11 W•m .... '1 NtWt lt·ll M•vlu I • 2 DA.IL V PILOT -II Beach ltlan H e ld . ' 'Execution Try Foiled By ARTH L'R R. \ l'\SEL .A, fo~ta \1es;i gun an rl C'Ot11ba1 ~011 \f'lllr r.c llt>c tor 1od<1.1 \\llt! poltrc tic \1 :J<1. !ort<'11 10 kneel besid<' l11s ¥i"ift' e11:ecu t1on·styl.:. btfore being ~1101 as he JUm prd a Viet - nam \\"ar-0bsessed drin king partner rather than risk a double 1nurder. Tf1 ed 11esdci y Parki1ig Ban On 35th Set Nt\'"e.r on \\lednesday. That's a new parking plan Nev.·port Beach city officials \l'lll try out along 3i>th Street in West Ne\\'port. Curb parking \1·ill be banned from Balboa Boulevard to Seashore Drive each \\'ednesday from 9 a.m. to I p.n1. • Ill Mesa The pisto).v.·avlng suspect in the case "as arrested al sholgun ·poinl by 11 policeman 11·ho hear'd li1 n1 ;iclhng w!11I~ 0:1 patrol nearby, 11,)ule the wounded 1n;;n CSC'::tped \\"ll h a sht11tered <inn. John .J. 1'11assey, ~~. of 19822 Brookhurst S; , Huntington Beach, was booked into Costa ~1esa Cl!y J ail on a l'h;irge or ;i~szult v.·ith intenl lo l"Otnn11t 1nur<ll"r alter the 2:15 a .in . ~hoot 1n~. Polite did not say whether he ga\'t hi5 ov. n ,·ersion of what led to the gunplay. Conrad D. Johnson, 46, of 1767 Orange .l\ve ., Costa 1'11esa, v.·a~ listed in satisfac- lory condition at Orange County !lledica \ Center, \\'here he ¥i'as admitted !or treat- ment. Johnson, "'ho reporttdly has a to!- ltclion of v.·eaponry ;:ind items involving the lore of \1·ar, refu sed a blood transfusion at the county fac ility becau~e of rcligiou.~ reasons. police said. !l's an experiment 'ol"hose purpose ls lo see how ·willing neighborhood resident s are to give up curb parking those hours in exchange for a clean strttl. Councilman Donald A. Mclnni~. urgtd on by 13 petition-signers. has arranged the "pilot project'', If it works, it might be tried along other st ret>ls v.·here garbage and litter collects in gutters because street sweepers are unable to get around parked cars. Police Captain Bob Green, head of 1h!'. investigation bureau. said the \"ict1m and !llassey met late Monday or early today in a tavern and later left to go to the Johnson home. The Cosla Mesa \ru{"k driver said as lh£'y \l'alked into the residtnce . .\·lassl"y handed him a scre1\·dnvrr he hild car· ricd, apparently !or self-defense H need - ed. LIGHTING UP THE NIGHT. FLAMES DESTROY CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY BUILDING, CAPO'S OLDEST COMMERC IAL STRUCTURE Signs notifying parkers of the ban went up ~fonday. What if they're ignored? "11lere won 't be any loYling away,"' i;aid City Traffic Engineer Robert Jaffe. "The cars V.'ill just get courtesy citations. That's in line with usual police practice vn new parking regulations." The hours of !I a.m. to I p,n1. "·ere ~elected, he rxplained, because at t.h:it 11n1c places lo park elsewhere 1n the beach neighborhood can be found. !l.tclnnis asked for the program a!IPr 1he city rounci! received the i3·signature petition. ll complained about the "filthy'' condition of the gutters. ''They are full or !rash, cans. s:ind and mud." said the petition. ''They arc so rloggcd v.·1th refuse that Slagnanl water has become a breeding ground for mosquitos." Woodruff Keeps Busy Working For T,\,.o Cities Assi~lant Ne11.-port Beach Cay At lorney Tom \Vood rulf will be a busy man the next several weeks. Here ·s v.·hy: -He"ll be taking over the Job or part- Ume Fot1ntain Valley city attorney. -At the sa1ne time, he"ll continue as !\ewport City Attorney Tully St>ymour',o; chief assistant, until his successor is hired. -Sin1ultanrously, he'll be looking for office space lo set up a pri~·atc practice . \\"oodruH. ;l{I. \1·as h1rt'd as f ountain \'alley"s legal counsel ~'onday. lie y,·as llllr> nf 111nc ;ippl1cants fl)r the 1ob, \ acated y,·hen Ulwin ~1art1n re signed. .\lart1n quit, he ~aid, because Fountain \"a !Jev needed a full·time attornev. Foun· lain Valley counc1hntn d1SaRrtt.rl. They ~aid lhe r1l.v 11a<m't rrady for that , yet. So \\"oodru fr 11,a~ lured on a part·tlmt' bii$1S. .'\e"'por! ("1tV Allnrnry Sc>\mour, whn sr!ceted \\'oodrulf as hi~ a1dC t"'o vears ago. said · '"Toni v.·il! ronlinur 11 nrk1n~ fnr us :.t lea~t half-time 11ntJI 11 e (<Jn t11re. so1nrone el&e. \\'e"re 11·ork1ns nut ~on1e kind of ar· rangement now." Brforc JOin1ng !hr 1\c"·porl municipal staff. \Voodruff v.·as r1ty pr oSf'cutor for lngle\\·ood. He 1s a CC Berkeley Ja1v school graduate. . ' OAILY PILOT CIUttOI C0&.11 PUlt •IH'I~ C~Al('t aolie•f N. w •• ; •rr11ff..t W ""'"'""' J 1 t~ •-c..r1 • ., VICll' ,,,.,..,ft, •NI c;._., i,ltl\f•H T~,,..., IC•••il 10, ... n,, ... ,, J. Mwt pl>:~, ""'ft'''"' c-1,,.. . Jt••"'• f . Celli"' ,.,......,.., l•tUI C••1 C•""' N••Hrt .... 11 Off11• 121 I W•1I l1lbe1 l ••l1v1•d M1ili"t Aolol••ii: P.O. I•• l l lS, 91,~J o..,. __ c: ........... , lJll ...... , ••• ~1 ... 1 L-...... ,,. 171 ,,,..., ~ ....... . Hlolltlf'91on lffcll: Jl)f )I~ 1.1•f11 r - Ct.I\." •1LOI, •~ w0...:11 ., ~ .... ,.._ ..... , ..... ,._ 81•1• fo( .... s...... .,., .. _, ..... 11 ........... ....,.., loNdt. c-.. -· ~ ·-~. _,"""'9'1 lloNcll .... ,"""'.'" ........ ·-•"" - ··-· H ltio.... 0--{D01I ,_,.,,_ \._,.. ., ........ ,..,,, ••t 01 U11 '#HI ••!bu -·· .. , .. _, ··~. .... .Pl ...,,., ••· ,.,..,, c .. 1 ........ , ........ t7141 641 .. 111 CJ..I ............. , 64l-t671 C-r...,, , ... , O•-• Con• ''*'"'~""' .:.-, ... ....... ........ "'""""'-· • ~ ... , .. _,., Ill! .... ''"'"""'' -·" .... , • ·---... •!-. ·-"-' -......... -'""'" ......... ~ .... --~· .. •f _..,.. 9M(l'o -e..ts -· C•t ..... "'• Mok-""' ,_, ........ .,.. _,.,,,; .... _,. u . -~fl .-illtwy -.11r11111tN. •t.• """" .. "'. He told Johnson you never know ""hat )OU may·be \Vatking into v.·hen you mert a stranger, in an ironic footnote to the Cl'tse, police said, J oh nson said he and 1ilassry sat do11,·n and bfgan talking. noting lh<it his com· panion dwelt on the subject of how m;inv persons ha ve died in Vietnan~. The conversalion shifted to Johnson's gun co!lecUon , at V.'hich lirne ,,_1assey ex· amined a 9 ml!limrtcr Gl"rman Luger- 1Y;:>e au!omatic pistol and U1en lut ked :t Into his waisteband. The victim's wife Je;in Johnson. meanwhile. had gone into their bNroorn lo change clothes prior to going out for <in errand, according to Officer Dennis 11e~sfeld. Johnson told police that t.tassey turner! 11-.e weapon on her 1vhen she emerged. ;1L \\hi ch time he ordered him never to point a loaded gun al anyone. lnvesligators v,·ere told at that stai;_I', the suspect ordered J.1r. and r.t rs. J ohn· son kl kneel , saying he v.·ould kill thr1r pet dog first,. then execute the m. .. Johnson said the suspect glanced away for a second, so he 1umped him," txrlained Capt. Green. adding that th~ weapon fi red as the tw o men wrestled on the floor. Office r \\'ayne Harber l'.as on patrol in the vicinity \\'hen he heard someonr i;houting for polict, raced to the area anr1 found Massey ou t in the street carrying lhc cocked automatic. "Put It down," he ordered. f'llassey replied that 1t wt1s cocked ancl Officer Harber repeated his order, <it v.·hieh Lime the suspect laid the gun on 1he pavement and was placed under ar- rrr1. Detcct1ve Gerry Thompson \1·a~ a~~ign· rJ to fol!o '"UP 111\·e~t1gallon l hrou~ho11l the prcdawn hours and plannrd 101 11 • f]Uest a complaint ag:i1nsl ~!:issey late 10- d,1\ or \re1lne:.d.•). .l.uthon11r~ st11d !'n111C' h1zarrC' pol1t1C'i1 l <lSP<'CIS arc 1n\"ol1ed Jn thr ca!il", but 1·1111· nnt be released at 1h1s !UllC' Astronat1t Do1v11 . Fro11t Pugc 1 MIDDLE ... explore. He said at ;igc !I or 12 chlldren l'mollonall y are trying lo m a Ii e assessments of 1ht1r intercsls ;:ind L":l pab1ht1cs. lie said ll is a good idea 10 ~11 e then1 exposure !o sc1ent1fic concepls in a lahnratory setting, a chancl' l-0 try lhrir \\'Jngs with foreign langu;:iges. t~ p- ing. ho1nc economic.~ !or girb and 11·or~· rng with 1oo)s f::i r bo~s. Ht' ~aid for n1any they'll be nearing their tern1in11l exposure in music and arr. In high school 'ol·hcn they are meeting col- lcgr entrance requirements these are. areas in 11 hic h their kind of kid does not st ud}'. he said. Teacher Dro\1·n :.<.iid in s1.,.th grade ~tudl"nls are '"grasping to be btg, gro"'n up. Thry ha1·e short interest spans, they rhgh1 from one !hi ng lo another and we l<ln cap1tali7.i' on this."' lie sa1r1 n1iddle school llexibill!y v.11! pro1·11lc opponunl!y for mini courses. cx- pa:.ure to a subject for perhaps only a n1onth. Thry ca n .~kim over many thi ngs and i::ee whal they are interes!ed in bC'fore they gel loc ked in \1·1th college prep courses, he said. "In groping for their identity lhry need :<"cim e sur,·css experiences," he ~aid. · 5Ul:CC~s in some fields will ~pill o\'cr. If a. kid j3 constantly lowrr how ca n \\e lllamc h1n1 for q1ullng " This \'rnr i56 sixth grade students out of ;ibou! 2.CKY! 1n 1hc school distri ct arc <11lcnrl1ng <cllool 1rlth Sr\·rnth and C'lghth gr.idrrs ill OavJ<. Kai,.-4."r, l.lnroln and 'fc\r1nklr. The proportion 11·on"L change 1nucn next )<'ar but 1n SC\"eral years v.·nh 1 r1\· bu1!dJnt: thr 1\ht1lr :o-chool district 1~ I:> (b an~!' 01c r. f;dv.·1n "Suzi'' :\ldr1n. t.hP second man 011 t h~ moon , 1u mps into the irater a! the. Canary 1.~1ands lo <lo ~on1c !.11bn1ar1nc f1shi~g .. l\mer i· ca's Apollo 11 a stronauts arr. on ;i rou11d the \\'Orld &Ood v.-1U lour. ' $500,000 Fire Threatens Capo; Forces Evacuation By RICHARD P. NALL 01 !~e Ol llY 'ilol 111!1 A half-million dollar fire razed one of San Juan Capistr;:ino·s oldest commercial buildings this morning, thre;:i tening the do11•ntown busi ness district and forcing r 1·acuation of nenrhy residents. The blaze. v.·hich hghled the sky for n11le s around. destroyed the 41J.OOO- square-foot building housing Consolidated Supply Company and three Lenant businessts. Firemen battled 1he blnze for 4' i hours. The cause v.·as Sill! under in- 1tsl1gat\on llus morning. Ko injuries 11ere rrportcd. Constructed tn 1889, tht 80-year-0ld ...1ruc1ure \\·as ov.·ned hy Alfonzo Jimenez. 33892 Zarzito, Dana Point. In addltion to !he hard"are ;:ind buil ding supply business. the his!onc structure ;:it 26742 \·erdugo St. housed Mission Electric. Ca pistrano Valley Glass Co1npany and El Toro Fine Arts. Orignally constructed hy ra nche rs or 1he area to ~tore t heir grain, the v.•ood frame and corrugated iron structure had long bf'tn ;:i nesting place for swallov.·s of Capistrano famed in song and story. Groppi Utlvyers Seek Freedon1 ~l :\DISO\", \\ts . ( AP l -Atlornc:;s for lhc R"V. Jame~ E. c;ropp! \\"enl before !ht' \\"isconsin Supreme Court today 10 :-c t\.: lrttdom for the mililanl leader of 11f'lfare demnn<;trators \\"hn st izcd and "l"Cupil'd the Slate Assemb ly Ch.1mbers !-.('p\. 29 Gropp1. 11!10 11·0.<: jililed v,·11 hnut tri al by !he A.~~t'mh!y. <:ought To h.1\C the 121- ~r<1 r·o ld J.1 w under "·hich th<' ron1 empt c·11;:i11n11 11;;5 11npo<icd <lcLlarcd un- con~l itu1ional The :'1ih1·aukre priC'st's al\orne~ s ton k I hr case to the Sup re1nc roun aftrr ~·;rcu1l .Judge \\" I. .. Jackn1an decll nf'd to \<1.SUl' an immed1ale niling on a 11·rit of hJbeas corpus. YOUR The building was remodeled in 1936 by Blue Goose Packing Company as a storage shed for oranges. 1t was purchas- ed by J imenez in 1957 and conve rted to husiness uses. The fire 11·as rtported at ~ 2S a n1, County fire fighters reported th e s1rue- 111rt totally involved in !lames u·hen \hC'y arn1·<'d. llct11 ()f the blaze melted \l'Jndo..,, s in f'llcxico Lindo rest<1uranl across 1he street. A fire plug nearby was u1- acc·essib!e because of intense hea t. Fire hoses snaked through the stree1!'l of San .J uan dt>pleung the to,,..·n·s r<'SCr\"l".~ and causing low pressure in m:u ns th1<1. lnom1ng. Fire fighters :;;ned nearby busi neSSf'<1. and s!ructures. 1nclurl1ng the old S:inl:i Fe depol 14•hich may become a museun1. l t Js no longer 1n use Offi cials stopped thr early niornin~ Santa Fe train which normally passes a lrw yards fr om the burned structure. Traffic v.·as hlockcd off along Ca1111no Capi strano from the m1ssi-on lo El Adobe ftestauranl v.·hcrc President Nixon rl1nrs. SPC>clators said had a wlndy condi1ion prevailed, the fire could have caused the loss of the entire downtov.·n. Residents of two hi storic adobe strut:'· tures, Casa de Garfias and Avila Adobe \1·ere evacuated. The business and residential slruttures were constructed about li90. ~trs. Lecia \\'atson. i2. lcH her apart- ment Jn Casa de Garflas, once a hotrl tn haste after friends alerted htr. She later disco\•ered she h,.d donned ! hr e e. bathrobe~. One \\'Oman \\"l'Pl Jn the Cl'rle hghl or the dancing flan1es. Anothrr pra .1 l'<1 .'\l'ar\y 70 f1rr f1ghtl"rs bat tled !he Ill· !rrno u~1ng six fire lrucks ("Ind a ;~l oot :-norklt lo spray 11atcr fron1 on high. 1\ re~rue l1nit stood b) l'l'lun !I' flrcn11•11 1·,un111 t.•d d;i1na~I' :.1 ttw h11Jld1ni.: <t! ~H!I 0(1il l),1p'11!1' 1ri c ri11- 1 ... n1" 11 a\ r ,11n1:11r11 ;11 ,111,11l1rr ~~~ i~) 111•1t 1111· h1lill lo:-~ ~aJ:i.l~IQ. Thi· o"ner"s 11·ilt ~aid l lu~ 111nrn1 n;:: lh!"rr wa s ~ome insurance blll "he 1l1il nrr1 ~111111· how niuch. She i.a1<1 t\er h11 ~b:111tl 11 ;1-, .1t 1ht' ~1·c11r 1h1:. 111n rnin~, '"!Ir l\;15 prelly shaken." i.he ~a 1(l . --T--, .... '••In -·.i 1 Yo11r Ooiit'p'I Saltl &-. .S tti..ltl A;tnc11 0 OMEGA WATCH'\; •1.,.c1 ..... FREE T\, ,,.~ ,.,., 0 ~,~1 ~o•od-"''' '"''''' .,, .... ~ .. ., .. 1.,,., "'··- ~-· '"V ,_o.j'c•T<• t 1 ,.,,~· '& b ...... b1 ••• ............ , • .,1., i•:ri•.! ""· ''-'• • ,,_ w o 1I lcr '"' "''· ...~ .. Cl 110"~ 't ~. VCo ' '"'~11i11d Q-.,,~e 1'""''1". C.u-.o •• -•1• ' Cle11\ed • Oililcf • MjwtN WITH s4as THIS AD Clir ... Jf= Ii S<!lf-1t'i.den IM 1 WPer: Wltlt1 Tet Wtn PU.JU $2.00 ll·SYJU~ ·-llN.S $3.00 llZID, ,,_ DIA.MONDS $6.00 ll'LACID, fl'o• INl)lA.YJNe DONI WHlLI TOU WllT ,,,, ••• ~\ ...... l bM;!,,, • .,.1. o .... ,, s,.,c1,., ... ,., c~•e•o1••P~· T•t ~r. 1 ..... ,.~ """'" b1 ••• ~ •••• t•o "''c~. ,,,ct 11 t i , From Pugc 1 SAND . • • And it's all v.·orked. '·.\"o\v \1·c\·e g:it th e biggest beach in fr ont ol my home (fiOIO \\'. Oceanfront) lhal 11•e.\·c ('\'er had," said I'll rs. Ski lling. ·· !t"s aboLJt three !oot· ball fields v.·ide , ., The groins. ~he n11terl . sern1lo·hc11 01·h· Ing out exceptional!: 11ell. The ne11· sandhaul proJci-t area -from the ri\'er n1oulh lo ;.1bou1 4l!ih :-itrcrt -1 ~ in tl Q rl;ingcr nr bcln;:: \l ;~·!ird ;1\1;1~· •·\\"c knu11. though. that 1h('_1 IJ,11l" \u pit lh;1 l r1 1er s:ind so111cplal't' 1"11t tti t" nn11'd hr :Jll1'rn .J!t\"1:-, ln kt·!'Jl1!).t; u::.-:i"\_o1hc• a!I n1gll1 IQll!_: .. LJ Coun c!l111.1n .\lLli\Oh l•I•: Clrtdlll rh p problr1n 111!1 be thJt b .. d. · II .. rnv 11:1· rll'rstand111g lil"t thr ni::ht h 1•11~ "1\1 lie niad<' ir(Jn1 a d1 ~1;,ntl' ••1 .1110 I•"· •·t 11·•·1 e out fron1 the hntnes. I t"trtJUol:. ll"Pt: v1, <1\ least ·• If lhl" r11n111ling b ~111l I •f"I n1u• h I 1 hr;1 r . .\lclnnis said thcrt• n1:11hl \It I\ br 41thl'r pl:iccs In dt'f'(l~ll thr >.,1nd. · Hui· t1ngton State fl <'<1rh (..;. ot 1 t1111~r . on P. possibi111y .1\nnlher 11 ~1.1-· 1111!!111 lie l'l ~toc kpile the s<1nll 1111 th<' j'.1~1 .•1dl' <lf lh e n1rr. <1111\ JU;,,l le t 1111.' iljtltrr ~lorn1s bring 11 dnwncoas1 " .\Ir:>. Skilling said ~h1· l1kt'd r1:h1·r nne QI lhose ;iltrrnau1e~. ··our ,1 ,·0r1a110:1 11·ould strongly surpnr l any nic;in~ nf ;1l'Oid1ng <t night -and rl,1v ~;1 ndh~11! 1n fr ont of our ho111rs. \\e wi ll rrobahly l'n· cou rJg1· thl" tll .' 10 look Jntri 11 Becau~e this 1hi ng J:. prnng 10 IH:rt 11~ l'tOnomica!I~· . .1 1 11ell a ~ 111c ... k n:.r sleep ·• lo (;enc r a I A iliu!! R e pl ace Chi ef Brazil ' Hiii lJI': .l \\"t-~IRO •Al'I -!,('1 J-nulln C;irr:1~l<llU .\1rd1Ll. ,, h,; 11 ·•f·1iJ1! t .11 .. Ir\ 11fru t·1 I·,, lu 111 t .. 111l'd 11'! 'tJ• - (\·I'd a"11111~ 1'11 .•h knL ,\11lli11 d.• r ,, 11 e ~ 11\.•, Tlr~111 I ... rt1:1nfl 1n11Jl.ir .. r • .: ·1or ",. l lw _,1 :r1·11u•1 ,,) \), tj" I 1\ , 11 l'I " l t·1•·•·t.r1A ul 11ic .1n 11t•1I 1•111 '' l11~h tn11·· 1 ,and \lun{ia v n1gl1l 11 ii 11 .•~ 1111! .111- n11unrr:d 1111111 1l11s )lHq1 •i:i::: \lrdr\'I, (lll'! n1 1111• 11<1!11111' t1111r 1·r~u1n:1! illl1l\ r••r1 · I !di'dC'I'. )1;HI brl'!l 1_tJn~id"P'~I .i ! 1p til•I• 1J.d:1 te Jor lh l" pv~L Huntlo9100 Ct•ttr Dtcch ct Edir.ger HUNTINGTON BEACH end back Mo,bor Shopp i•~ Cent., iJOO Harbor Dlvd. COSI A M~</I 89~·5501 545-9485 ~ a i ''" . ' ,, ,, ''. ! " ~ I \V ly br sk 11r '" bli Cl B< ' DE com1 It, she I lover \1•ife roffe bo11g An s:?,llrb rlnnl 111 ill I 'h the I rl11g DE •@:r~ ~l'lou r ------~---·------~--~--· -----~-----------------------~-----~----~___......--. ....,.._... .... ~ ----,-_-..,. ----- ----. -. -.. ~---.. I ..< -\ <J. o c; '._, . \) "'~¥", ~ .... ,_~~ . ~ .. BEA ANDERSON . Editor ' , ... !1 Invitations Zipping Out .-\nother \1hule year has zi pped by. and n1cn1bers of lhe \Von1en 's f'ellO \\'Shi p of the P ly1nouth (~ongregationa l Church, Ne\vport !~each are asking then1selvcs where th e t1n1e has gone. 'f he 1vo1nen l1ave been zipping about since their last pre-f'hristn1as Boutique 'f cJ. preparing rnore Christn1as deco rations and gifts in anticipation of their second annual s~lc Saturday. Oct. 18 . 'l"he ilcn1s all have been deltv('red to the hon1e of 1\lrs. llt.:bcrl Lucal:i of i\C\\'port l~each. 11·ho \\-ill host tile lea and botr:ique sale. an(! n1en1bers arc zipping around con1pleting the final preparations. Offered during the J to 4 p.111. \1·i1J be a variety of gift it.c1ns. handmade h.v the 1vo1nen duri ng the pa:-;t year. in- cluding stitchery and art. food ite1ns for use no'v and freez- er-ready fo r later use. and ite1ns useful throughout the year. Ser ving ,as chairn1an of the boutique and tea is Mrs . Robert Basinajian, and as her helpers. the f..Imes. David Goode, fcllo1~·ship president : Glen Stilllvell , invitations: Sig- fred Johnson and C. Cha se Burns, tea table: \Vil liam Roller. food: Rachel \Villian1 s and \Villi a n1s Ki!rov. art ; Richa rd J3udd and \·ernon F:dler , stitchery; George \Vcedon, public- i·iy. and Lncas. ho s tes.~. '"'- SANTA'S BAG -\\'ith a sle1gh fttl of ('hrist inas mail. 1\l rs. Keith 1\l alao1n so n ! left l and i\lrs. \V illian1s Kilroy are zipping off to di."· tribute lnvitations to t11e second annual pre-Christn1as Boutique <ind Tea sponsorC'd by the \V omen's F e UoJA'S hip of the Ply mouth c:ongregational Church, Ne\vport Beach. 1\1rs. Robert L11ccis of r..:e\\"port Beach \\'ill host the l to 4 p.1r1. event Saturday. Oct. JR. 1\1ore than 500 in1 it;:itions have been zi pped off by 1\'lrs. Stil!lvell and hrr cn1n1n1ttee nnd fello11 -,hip n1embers are hoping for a very l'\lc.rr.v Ch ristn1a s in Octobe r. Sky's Not the Lim it Survivors Celebrate I lo1v "'ould you !ooh if your ship had be<'n \\'recked and you \1'£'rc 1rashed ;i.shore at B:ilboa " The <H1s11rr 11111 be el"iclent "·hrn \h {' League of the Easler !'cal Society for Crippled Child rrn and Adult s of Orange County hosts Hs annual dinner dance Saturda~·. Oct 11 Partygocrs, 1o carry <Jut the therne Beached in Balboa . will he wearing a ppr o p r i a t e ship"·rcck attire \1·hen they ar- ri1·" at the'Tale of the \\'hale, llalboa, at 7 p.n1 (_;aincs and cockta1ls 1\·ill hcg1n the f'vcning on the upper deck and the ~allC'y 11'il l open ln r dinnC'r at B 30. Fnllo11ini; dinner, d a 11 c e 111 11~1c hy the Re1rngrcss11"C F11r . a gr otip cf bus1ness n1en- 1nu~1c1ans, 11·111 fil l the ii:s!aurant for guest:.· dancing t nJoy ment. Further captivaling interest wi ll be a silent auction to be carried on throughout the eveni ng, fea turing lwo oil seasca pes by Laguna Beach artist fl.tiss Joyce Clark in ad- dition to other items. Chairinan of the event is <,, . ..... ;,,·., ,. -' \Vb en r,oung imaginations ronn1. such a_s .John Foster.'s is doing, the sky _sur~­ ly wont be the limit . 1\1embers of the Friends of the Ne\vport Beach Pubhc IJJ· brary hope 1.hat John and other youths \\·i ll let their imaginations reach the sky and beyond for the ~nnu<i l f<~riends-spo~sored creative writin,g contest no'v under \\"ay fo r childfC'll in third through ei ghth . grades. J o~ n s d ay~reai:ns seem in order for the contest theme. Out o( Thi s \\lor!d. which should 1nsp1 re budding young authors 1o reach new heights. Stories ~re du~ during National Ch ildren's Book \\'eek. Nov. 16-22. and rules a r e available 111 the Newport Beach Library. l\1rs. Kent Powell. a n d ,• assisting her are the 11.fmcs. Clifford Schacl, C h a r I e s Whitehead , E d wa r d Casse lman, Paul Renfree, L. ,f. Wortman Lawrence Mead . L. R. Marsters, Thomas Raf- letto and 1-loward E. Larnard. BEACHED IN BALBOA -fl elp soon \v ii i be on the way for three survivors of a ship1vreck (left to right \ the ~Imes . Thomaf; Raffetto. Charles \Vhi ~e­ had anrl 1--lo\\'<lrd I~. l.flrn<ird. \rho hnvc found thcrn- selves Beached in Balboa. 1'hcy ,,·ill be ta ken, \Vilh oth er "survivors." lo fl ~al n in the' ·r ale of the \Vha lc ne:-.t Sa-lurctay sponsored by the League of 1h e l·:as1er Seal Society for ("ripplrd Children <ind :\dul'i s of Orange Count y. w .hy IS Bad Cup .of c·offee Good Grounds for Infidelity? • DEAR ANN : Today I sat throu gh a TV commercial that reall y made me fur ious. It glorified ''the other woman" because she prepared extra special coffee for her lover. The inference "''as that the dumb ,,·ife who gave her husband ORDINARY ('Offee los t him to the sexy blonde 11·ho bought that certain hrand. Any company that puts out i::urh garbage is on my blacklist. r "'ou!dn't drink thei r coffee if I "'enl in!'"I a ca.Heine tit ;ind l.hrtrs was the only coffee around. l')case print my letter bu1 ~on't n;i.me !hr brand. I'd hate to sec lhtm g<'I. !he plug. -FORT \VA YNE OEAR F'.\V.: Don 't 1rorr)', I \\on'l. I •1ru the ('Oml'(lerriel is • rllnktr and ~hould be sc utt led. ANN LANDERS ~ DEAR ANN LANDERS : fhave a pro-- blem and don·t know \vhere lo lurn. It concerns my 20-year·old daughter. BcUy has become \"ery friend ly with a 1voman I 1o;iill ca ll Janice, Janice is 41. Shi' ne\'cr 1narried or rven h:.id :a hovfricnd so t.1r as anyone kilo"·~. Janicc·s mother 1,1·as a distanl relative of n1inf' an<l l rc tnf'1nber her ""<'II -a donuncerlng, orerbe;:irlng person Y•hose husband ran off and left her shortly after he~ child was born. For the past six months .Janice has phnned here eve ry single mo rning before Betty goes to work. They are together every evening-either it's bowling or the rnovies. swimming or jusl rid ing. Betty ha s forsaken all of her sc hool frie nds for .l:i o1cc. She claims they dropped her (not lrueJ and lhis older woman is the only person who really wants Mr company. This evening when Betty announced that she Md Janice are taking a ltk1ay !rip togelher 1 lost my temper. I know I should not have done il, Ann , but I screamed my suspicions that J an ice is a lesbi an. It ended in an unholy fight. \\!ould lhe newspapers al101v you lo print the sympt.oms of lesblani sn1? I mu3t know for sure if my daughter is one . The. subject has bttn taboo in my life ant, I am completely ignorant about such things. Sho uld I try to get her lo a doc- l or~ Please. Ann. help me to do the right thing . I :im frightened and I fee l totall y inadequale. ~HEARTSICK MO'T'HE R DEAR ~fOTHER: I know of no •)'mptom1 ol lesblani!lm which might help yoa determine wbttller·or not your daupter·U ollie: Tbe vatl majority of les- blau m1nqe. lo keep their Identity well concN.kd: tbcJ do DOI ufilbit masculine trait& a1 commonly believed. A %&-year-old girl wlto bn dropped all her school friends and spe nds e1·ery e1·en- in1t with a 4l·Yt Br-old \\"Oman may ""l'll be involved in a lesbian relationship. And if this is the "·ay it is. I hope you "'ill ac· cept the fact that 1>be chose Lbc lift . lndlvidaals who art interesl<'d in dc1•inn1 sexual behavior' find one another. Unlr ss Belly wants professlonaJ•help it "·oo ld be. nlieles~ to 1uggt!t It. It also 111: useless to scream 1teeu9allons and t11rn yoor home Into a battle :tonr, Such set.net ~·Ill mere ly wtden the 1ap that already 1tpara&e1 yo u from your daug hte r. Some 1irls tire of lhe ltshiaa re.la· tl<H11blp and abandon it. Olhen move back and fort h -AC-OC. Still otlttr~ find roo&entment in the arrangement and "·lsb only lo be lcrt alone. t:nsure of .rourself 011 d;i !es'~ \\"h<i l"• right'.' \\'ha !".~ wrong ': Sho uld yo u! Shouldn't rou" Scud for 1\nn Lander!=.' booklet "D;i1i11g Dos and Don'ts," enclos- ing "'ith your reqiicsl 3~ cents in coin and a long, self-addressed. stamped envelope. Ann Landers "'ill be glad to help you "''ith y()lrr problem~. Send them to h('r in earl' of the DAILY Pl l:.01', ('nclosing a sell-addressed, stan1ped l'n\'e]opt'. • ! . • J 4 DAILY PILOT It's a Crime-'Criminals Are Being Pampered' AUTHOR URGES STAND Jobn O'Alfonso Summer Wedd ing Spencers CHRISTINE SPENCER To Sey Vows Gardeners Workshop Presented )trs. t.laria "\\'ilkes 1\•ill con- tiucl an all-day workshop de\'O!ed to planting a n d lU!tivating bulbs for Laguna [:each Garden Clu b members ;ind guests in Laguna Beach \\'oman's Clubhouse beginning at 10:30 am. Friday, Oct 10. r-.1rs. \\'ilkes began pro- lrssional training 1n horticulture 1n Soulh Afrira ;ind also h11s ~t t 1d 1ed in Italy and the 1;11ited States. !-\he is a fell ow 1n tlle Rov ~l ll orl!cu lturc Sf1r1e1v and m1i1n- 1;11n<> mcmbrr sh ip s in \mcritan a 11 d i\ustr<1li;111 i)rchid .<;QC!cl ICS HS Wl•ll a~ r1ther S(Y.'t ial1zed p I a n l ~oc1etics. She al::.o is a nr1- 11ona!ly accredited maste r f!Ol\'er show judge. Tell Troth !\fr. and ~!rs. Eugt'fle R. Spencer of Nev.·port Beach aI1· nounced lhe engagement nf their daughter, Christine Spen· «r to Paul A. Gentusi during a dinner party in their home. Among those Jeaming the news were Mr. and Mrs. Al· tilio Gentosi of Costa Mesa. parents of the benedict-elect. The couple v.·ill exchange \l'edding vows in the summer of 1970 in Sl. Joachim's Catholic Church, Costa l\1esa . Both Miss Spencer and her fiancr are graduates of Ne11'- port Harbor J-ligh School and Orange Coast College and at· lend California State College at L<>ng Beach. The future bride. is sludying home ~mies and her bridegroom·tcrbe i.o; majoring ln industrial technology. Histories Recounted The history of the found ing of United Daughters of the Confederacy v.•ill be given \\•hen the Emma Sansorn Chapter meets for dessert next Thursday at I p.m. Presenting the history \\"ill be t.1iss Christine Brook.o;, prcr gram chainnan and chapter historian. Also speaking V.'ill be llliss Gertrude t.lontgomery, v.·hose mother organized the Emma Sansom Chapter in !899_ • A. heritage 75th anni\'ersary plille of ruby crystal v.'ith a !-o trrllng Sl l\'Cr ernblem design 1~ being gi ven as a national prill" 1(1 a chapter nr division for the be s l es.say on its hlSIOI'\'. M1sS \11rgin1'1 Carpenter \l'i ll ho~t the nteeting in her Fullerton home. The chapter recently \'Oted lo present a memorial gift to the Cha rlie Montgomery Stu· dent Loan Fund at Occidental College in honor of the late t.lr. Tarver Montgomery. By .!UOY HUllST 01 lh• Dl lh ,llot "•II "Crimin<t ls <t re being pan1pered and have no fear of the law or lts consequences." This is the evaluation of John I)' Alfonso in his new book "The Crirne Gan1e." Crirne may not pay for the crin1ina\ bul il does pay lo 1nfonn the public-aboul criruc. The book painls a bleak and desolate picturl•. D'Alfonso pu ts n1u rh blame on tcxlay's rourt syslein v.·hich often handles cri111111als with kid gloves. ···r!1e U.S. Su preme Cou rt is a great institution blll there is a tlifference bel\\"ecn it and U1e \\'arrcn court. \\':tr- ren's court. didn "t 1ntl:'rprct the Constitution but rewrote it." Acconling to Sen. Strorn Thurmond who wrote the 111· lroduetion. "The Su pre n1 e Court has handcuffed the police antl has stacked the cards for lhe criminals." Reporting on lhe court S(:ene and crime arc anything but new to the for1ncr newspaperman, r·i1y ha 11 reporter and radn1 broad· cash•r. "Criminals fea r the llentli penalty," th e author con- tinued. "In 1967 the nation 's courts, after guill was proven, after appeals and after due process of Jaw. pass rd 7 .000 cleath sentences. Onl y two 11·ere upheld," he shuddcn.'tl "'The death penally. say 1LS opponents, is no 1letcrrt'nl. How can ii bt'. It isn"t IX'ing DALE DUNLAP B•frothed December Date Set For Rites Dale Dun lap, daughter of" the Rev. and lllrs. Richard J. Dunlap of Costa !\lesa, will marry l\tarvin Jen.s<!n Dec. 20, The belr(lthed v.·ill be mar· ried in the First United ~1ethod1st Church in Cost:i l\1esa, v.·here her fat her ls pastor . ;>,tiss Dunlap is a graduate or Orange Coast College and the t:nJ versity of Sou \ h r r 11 California v.·he rc she rl'cel\"l'd a HS in social sr1~ncc . She ;.if- filiated v.·ith !'l Beta Phi :>ornrily. lll'r f1a nce, son of l\1r . and ~1rs. Earl ,\1. Jensen of Sanger. attended Fresno Slate College, did graduate work al UCLA and will graduate from Los Angeles College o f Optometry at USC. He plcdicd Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Partici panl~ in the y.·orkshop 3re lo bring sack lunches and coffee and cookies "'ill be served by the tea committee. !\frs. Yi'. H. A 11 er hand • chainnan, has asked the t.fis.ses Hesler Arthurs and ;Marion Atwood and the l\fmes. Edgar Axtell. Ernest Becker, f rank Benham, Frank Buf\a 11nd Charles E. C. Burnett to assist her in ser\•ing. Leaders Convene Flight Lands For Meeting Presidents of all t h e. member clubs of Orange District, California Federation nf \\'oml'll·s Clubs, will gather lor a potluck luncheon Friday, 0 1:l. 10. in the home of r-.1rs. Uanlcl T. Olung, presidenl of Tustin Area Women's Club. Co.hostess for the 10 :30 a.n1. Following a get.acquainted period, discussion will center around plans of the district for the upco1ning year. Special g\lesls will be t.f rs. .lames ~1 cCalla. 0 r a n g e District prl'sident. and lllrs. lll'rbert Nelson, d \ s tr i c t parliamentarian. r-vrn~ v.'il\ be ll1rs. David r--===----===---"- nct'rca\lon llall nf Hydl' Hu kstatis. president of Rancho Park t-.1ob1 lr i-;stales, ~anta Viejo woman's Club. LOCAL Ana v.•ill be the !iClling for the \\'elcomcd to the district will No ath•r n1w1p1p•r 11 111 you 8 p.m. meeting next Thursday-be J kW be ·d t mo••. ••••v div. 1b<1ut w~•"• nr Flight 19, United Stales Air Mrs. ac e r, presi en t•int en in th• ••••'•r Or•n•• t 'orce Mothers. of lh' newly formed Laguna ,..0111 th in th• DAILY PILOT. Rec,iving an award of meril -~N~;gugu<•".l~W~om~~·~··~·~C~l~u~b~-__ _'.:==========='I ror oustancllng service a~ v.·ays and means chairman was ~!rs. ~1att l keda of Garden Grove.. Dence Club Square Riggers Square Dance: Club "swlng:i; out" t\'· ~rv \Vertnesdav ~I 8 ri 1n. 111 1hC Firi-t !\leihodlst Chu rch. Costa !\lesa. Blu e Sier Mom• llunlington Beach Blut. Sl.ar !\1other11. Chapter Z stag!' meetings every Monday al I .30 pm. in Llike Park Clubhouse. ~a.4i:- MUSIC H•rbor et N•wport Blvd. Coste Meta • 642·2151 used! ''The old argument that the Sible says 'Lhoo shall not kill' <1 lw ays Is bl'Ollght forth. But there are other sections in the Bible overlooked which say in fact that murderers shall be certainly put to death." An excellent exa1nple of the crinlina!s' fear of the death penalty was dramatized by o·Alfonso. "A judge was qucs· tioning a bank robber on his use of a toy gun during a rob- bery. The judge informed the robber that the penally for robbing was the sa1ne with or without a gun. The thil'r replied, 'I didn 't wa nt to kill someone accidentally and gl't the death penalty.' "Death is nol the only solu· Horoscope tiot1. Criminals should be rehabilitated," h e recom· mended. The small red jacket of his paperback gives the false im- presSion that the book is another un i magi native murder mystery, instead of a documented analysis. "It's a mystery how many of these things (which 1 wrote about) were allowed to happen. The crime game is a game in which an orderly society has become prey to t.he forces of lav.·lessness and disorder. "A game in which the police forces employed to protect the law·abiding ae being neultal· tied and demoralized." To back up his .statements D'Alfonso offered .startling statistics. Listening and registering rurprlse v.·as his audience, members of the South Coast Alumnae Club of Pi Beta Phi who host the Cel· ebrity Series Book Review. ''Many prominent people ad· mit the crime rate is up but that it"s due lo the rise in population. However, since 1960 our population has in· creased only JI) percent but crime has escalated 88 per- cent. Jn 1967 more Americans were murdered in their homes and on the streets than killed in Vietnam," he claimed v.·ith emotional impact. The 'v.Titer from San Diego continued, "During my hour of talking one person will be murdered, three r~pes com· miUed, 120 burglaries-, 60 auto earth. When law ends-, tyranny thefts and 13 anned r~ begins." beries." --''---------- lie urged citizens-to protect themselvt$, with guns ii necessary. "No gun is discharged accidentally, !Ome- one has lo pull the trigger. Don 'l hide it in the home, tell the ramily. But be !Ure to LEARN how to use it," he cautioned. O' AUonso appealed for help In . his crusade to stamp out crime. "TI1e U.S. has survh•ed for 200 years. \Ve are a nation of lal'o'S and not a utopia. \Ve must stop being lhe silent ma- jority and stand up for the lav.·s that exisl. "The meek don't inherit the time to get dressed !or fall!\. ' ~ .. olA Sagittarius: Advancement Due WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 8 By SYDNEY O~tARR r\1ercury goes direct in mo· lion: coi ncides with time "'hen communication di sputes are ~etlled. Also, mail service is clue lo i mp rove and transportation make!i ne"·s. Gemini and Virgo indi\•iduals figure prominently in events that make the world go round. l\.tajor strike could be se ttled or averted. ARIES (March 21 ·April 19): Get relations with ccrworkers. associates on a more friendly level. Assume responsibility for your actions. Don ·1 attempt to duck basic issues. TAURUS (April W.!\.fay 20)~ Some of your creative energies are put to con- ~tn1ctivc U!ie. Emotions go forward and so does your point of view. What was an obslacle to progress i s removed. GE~tlNI (l\1ay 21.June 20 ): Your personal affairs get boost. You arc repaid for past efforts, fa vors. Be original. Stress in dependence of thought, action. Today you get the means required for special project. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Yoo are cheered by message, call. \Vhat you perceived turns out to be accurate. Your self· confidence returns to greater degree. Accent on v.·riting, short trips. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Delay in money transaction is Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines To avoid d isappoinl1nrnt . p rospcctl\"e brides are re1ninded to }J'1Ve thei r wedding s tories \vith black and \1·h 1lc glossy pho to· ~raphs to the DAILY PI LO'I' Society Depart. 1nent prior to or \V ithin one 'vcek after the \vcdding. only slight. Financial matters get going at faster pace. There are additional opportunities for expansion. Obtain hint from Cancer message. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22 ): Your personal affairs are ac· cented. Som e reslriction.o; become evident. c:o 11·ith the llde. Proof your desire is in transit. following minor loss, you arc going to v.·in. LIB RA (Sept. 23·0('t. 22): \Vhat was hidden is likely to be revealed. Be ready for changes. Avoid participating in whispering campaign. Stick to facts and discard rumors. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): A friend fulfills obligation. Ex· cellent ror entertaining at home. You should share with family good news which is due ~y tonight. Financial status 11nproves. SAGITIARlliS (Nov. 22· Dee. 21 J: 'fake care in dealing ""i\h tbo~P. in authority. Be ll"<iry of Jrgal loopholes. (;C't prornises. co1n1nitrncnts Hl \Vriting. You can advance if altitude is realistic_ CAPRICOR:-J j DrC'. 2 :! - .Jan.19 f: Con11nun1>i111on lro1n one yo u respect brightens day. Delegates Reporting Be confident Slate views and adl1erc to principles. There is added responsibility, but also greater rewards. AQ UARIUS (Jan. 20·Feb. 18): Jo'inish projects. Avoid the ..,uperficial. Get facts by mak· ing pertinent inquiries. The more persistent you arc, the better. Be resourceful. PISCES (F'eb. l9·!11arch 20): You gain ne1v understanding of mate, partner. Give up the limelight. Permit one close to you to take most of credit. Day to listen, obsen•e and learn. lF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY you are sensitive. but practical enough to get the job done. Conditions im· prove, especially In financial area. You set high goals and u~ua\ly are patient enough to achleve then1. "To ''"" cul .,...,..~ •br,v! vouri•ll •~d 11nolog>, ""''" Svd~...., Om~"' Jot. 1>&9e !XM">"l.i. T"' Tr111~ Arx..,1 Aotro· 10~, ~·nc 50 c•n" 1<1 Om•" ~oo»•1. ,~. o .. ll y PILOT. 6<:1 • JHO, c·~"" C.tn!tal ~llt•on, N•'" Y<11k, N,"l'. 111(111 Wives Meet \Vives of Atlantic Research ' ..... .. , ... Employees v.•ill gather next , Thursday for a monthly • luncheon In t-.1iss1on V 1 e Jo ~ Country Club. l..ecturing on miniature arl and wall groupings v.•111 be Henry Ramirez, an Argentin- ia n. The social hour begtns al 1401 north main •.. 1-~or engagement announcements it 1.~ sugges ted that the story, a!so accompanied by a black and white glossy pic ture, be submJtted early. Jf the betrothal announce· 1nent and 'vC<Jding date arc six \\'Ccks nr less apart. only the \vedding photo \VU! be a c· cepted . Delegates to the state and 11 :30 a .m. and. reservations santa ana _ step out of nationa l conventions will give n;ay be made with Mrs-. Don your car and into Patricia's. brief reports during a meeting ~t~a~s~s~el~,~83~7~-~30~1~1.~====~~~~~~~~~~~~ for Laguna Niguel Republican !r \Vomen"s Club f'ederatcd in i\1onarch B<iy Beach Club Thursday, Oct. 9. To help fill rcquire.rncnts On both \ved· ding and engagement stories, forins are avail· a ble in all of the D1\!LY PILOT offices. f<'urther ques tions "'ill be ans \vcrcd by Soci<il Notes staff n1embers at 642-4321 or 494-9466. Associates Posters announcing audi- t ions for lhe annual tll u51c Festival l'o'i\I made when Costa 1\1esa Associates, Orange Coun· ty Philharmonic Society has 11~ first meeting of the new :;rason HI the Huntington Braf"h home of ,\!rs-. l\licharl Br ick" Thu rsday. ()ct, 9 at 10 a ni. The fesliral will take pl::icr this year 1n t he lyceurn 11f Costa ~·lesa High School, Jan. at Posts 17. ·where audf llnll" 111,.n \\'ill 1.1kc place on undisclosed tlat c~. 1\rf'a musicians arr urgl'd lri l:ike advantage of the np. 1>flrtun1ty lil µt"rforin at l)u~ h•·n1·f1t 11·h1('h ts a !1 111J·r<11~111g ~'\i'nt f .. r Or.ing(' c·,,11nt1 I' hilha nn11nu' Soc1et}. · I 11fo r 111at1nn l'r1nr crnn1~ n11t!il1uns rn:iy h<' olll~lln\'il ll~· 1·alli n~ l\Jr-; l·:,1rl Trr1l'!a•!, 62~·500i>. During the gathering at 10 a.m . fo\Iov.·ing corfee at 9.30 a slate of officers nominated for the coming year will be presented. Further information may be 1 ob~ained by C'alling tllrs. Fred1 Bnggs, 499·2326 or ~irs. Neil Barbour, 49G-J297. HB A uxili er y Ain cncan Legion Auxiiia ry 1 of Huntington Bench gathers 1n Lhe An1crit nn Lrgion lla ll l tit l 30 p.m. thr first Thursday of each nionth. On the fou rth Thursday nicrnbers 1nay ca ll t\lrs Arnt' Jensen. 5J6.2777. for location inforn1a1lon. --NOW AT Sears COSTA MESA INTRODUCTORY OPEN MEETING S WEDNESDAY , OCT. 8th , 9:15 A.M. or 7 P.M. (HARM sq;ooc ROOM-lHIR D FlOOR ._ __ Cal l 835-5505 for FR EE BROCHURE __ .. Suit yourself LOOK WHAT YOU'VE GOT TO CHOOSE FROM: PANTS, SICIRTS AND TOPS IN 50· NOMA 100"4 PU .. E \'lll;GIN WOOL IN 8L..ANKET PLA IO AND SOltOS_ COM( IN >.NO SEE IF 'l'OU CAN FIND YOU~StLF IN OUll S PORTSWEA ~ OEPARl MENT SIZES 1° I 8 H<111n: •~10 .• 0 1\ly •:10-9 Frid•v MAJOI c•EDIT CAIUK, tTO•t CHAlClll AND CASH ACClnlD IN COSTA MESA IT'S O~PAftTMeNT •To ... .e - 1816 NEWPORT IOULEVARD PA RK CONVENI ENll Y JUST A ST~P FROM .OU R. EAST ENTRAN CE I VO! $ • R 11 J Sa1 hu1 flO\ ('\ i 1 Till sq1 Su1 lilli hill Ir! "' { ~qr :lJll !h~ hu Ve Ca To ( thf rr~ lor Ca llh lilC <d bu Co \tll "' f ~ "' •h gu oll n, "; "' \ pr In '· ---·-·--~-~. -·------.. -- -· .. ,,...k .. Costa Mesa Today's Final N.Y. Stocks VOL 62 , NO. HO, 2 SECTION S, 2b PAGES 'ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, OCT0BER 7, 1969 TEN CENTS esa ' _xecution' LIGHTING UP THE NIGHT, FLAMES DESTROY CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY BUILDING, CAPO'S OLDEST COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE $500,000 Fire Ruins Landmark In Capistrano A hall-mLl lton dollar fire razed onr nr San .Juan Capist rano·s oldC'SI tornmerc1al buildings 1 h i~ n1orn1ng, thrcalenin~ 1hr. downto v•n business diSll"lt.:l ;ind rnft'lll); r rarua\1011 ol nl'Arhy rc<;1dcnt ~. The blazr, ·which lightrd 1J1c sky !or rnill'S :1round. ttr~tro~<'!I rhr 411.1)(\il- squarc-foot buill!ing h~ll'il!ll! \'!1nsohrlaterl Supph• Con1pnny arid thrl'e lcnant bu!'1nrsscs. F1rc111en h;111lcd lhc hli:!lC fnr 4' • h•1urli. Tile C'<Hl:ic 11 ;1.; !oillil 11ndrr 111- 1es\Lg:i t1on 11us morning. ~f• 1n;ur1es 11crc rcpurll'd. Const ru cted in 168!J, tl:c 80·vrcir-ol1I !'itruclure ,1·as o\1nr\I by Alfo11zu .rimrnl'1 .. .~Z Zarzi!o, Dana Point. In atlditH)n to lhe hardware and bulilhng supply busn1cs:;, the historic :-.1rueturc at 26742 Vcrduga SL holi~cd 7\1 1:-..~iun l::Jcctn r. Ca 111stranu Valley Glass Co1np.'.lny and El Toro fine Art s. Orignally t.i:instri1clcd by ranchers of 1hc area lo s1orr 1hc1r gr:un, Lile ,1·001 1 fr<1me and corrugn!ed iron sl ruc1urr ha(I long been a nesting place fur swallows of Capistrano famed in song and s_lory. The building was remodeled Jn 19.16 by Blue Goose Packing Co1npany as a storage shed for oranges. It was pnrchas- «'d by .Jimenez in 1957 and converted to business uses. The fire was reported at 3:25 a.m. Count.y fire fighlcrs reported the slru,·· lu re to!ally involved 1n flames ·when they arrived. Police Dump W capons in Sea The Costa ~fesa Pplict Department got r id of 61 potential problems ttt<1nday. Assorted pistols. rifles, shotguo:r;, starter's pistols and even homemade zip gun~ were dumped into Ule sea two miles off Newport Beach. Sgt. Ed Lovein boarded a I/arbor Department launch in Ne~·porl Beach \\•ilh his helpers lo dispose of 1hr 11·eapon.~. turned in by e.A:i.cns as <l prccaulion or seized ln crirn~ Slftrk Markel• NE\Y YORK (API -The stock mar- kers leth.11rgic attitude persisted as trad- ing moved .at a moderate pace late thi~ Bfternoon. (See quo\allons. Pages ID-I I), Thr Dow .Jones average of :lO Indu s· trlals at 2 p,m. was olf 1.06 at 808 .. 1t • Thursday, Frld1Jy Angela Davis to. Give Two Lectures at UCI \"CL·\ Cn1111nunist prQfe~snr Angrla IJ;n'1s ,1·111 nol only ~peak Thursd<iy ::il l'r lr11nr n~ prc1 iously announced b11t 11·1!1 lt'('\t1rr Fri1tfly tn a cn\1rsr organizrd ;ind l:iught by l,;Cl :o;tudcnt act11•1sts. ( RelalC't.J ~torics ra~c 4 l. l\fiss IJ<t~1s, 25·~·ear-olrl hl:ick in~!ruetnr h:irrt>d by rC'gent" bc1,;a usc nf hi'r Con1· 1nunlsl Pt1rty :1Hil1ation froin t cach1n~ <'••llr.~f's for crrd11 . 1~·il\ lr('lure at CCI rin "J'nl 111cal Repression Jn the Lln1l'er s1ty." 1 he course. called the l"ni\"ersity in ,\n1encan Culture, \1·as or~aniicd bv ,·a n1pus SDS !e;idrr Donol"an Dorsey anr! 1." offered ror three units or un1\·crs1!y credit. Sl udrn ls lininn anrl the !\'cw University f'nnfrrcnce of radical professors. · Dorsry, a s:cn1iJr In An1erican cul111rr, flr.ca ni1.cd the Un1'"ersi!y in An1cric:in Culture course after 001ain1ng-the sponsorship of three profe!'l!'lO rs ~·hn :ict <l" ;idvis:nrs:. They arr Spencer Ol in, of the tu~tory departn1rn1 : D11ran Bell. of t11" ('tnnomics drpartrnrni . and Stephen :-;11a p1ro. lrarhinl! his la;.t } eilr \\'hil1· aw.'.llling dismissal from the English <lcoart mcnt. All arc assistant prf")fessors. Dorsry s;i1rl 1he tlass 11111 be taui:;ht frnn·, a "radical pcr.~prcti\'e_·• l\f") !c«ls or papers are required and grades will Ur b;ii:l'tl on class participation ;i nit 11l;;eussion, he said, all11ou~h one. facultv advisor .~aid the grading procedure s1ill is under s1 udy. En1 ergen<·y La\v On Stop ~igns I>a sscd in Mesa ,\n rrneq.::rn<'y onln1:111ce <.«1!hng for 1n· :-!illhll1on of <;lQp signs <ii all f1iur ('!Jrnrrs 1\I the 1nl ersccl1on of <:15lcr an cl 1..·:.itifor1 la s!rccls w:is p;i ssrd /\fOnd<iy hy 1hl' CCl~ta J\1l'sa C1ly CnuntJI. This typ('. of (1rd111<11u·c 111 1\ i.:rl lhr j .. h 1!011r 11 1th1 n ;i l1'W d~~~. 111:-tt·arl uf lilt.: nur n1al ~JX 111't"ll' \\"1rlr111ng iJ1 l.1~lrr :-.lrl'f'1 1ri 1011 r l.l!ll'S · has rcsu ltcfl in hu.:hcr ~peril:-.11111 1n11r" tr;1tflf'. br1ng1ng 1111' 11.~1· r;il1' 11p 111 the ;r1•f'I ref'J1)1Tf'd lorn ff")11r-11;1y \J1J1Jli ,1;1rd 1>[••11. ,\l,.1~or 1\h111 I.. 1·1111.lr.1 nr.ll'd 1h.1t a \1·on1an r:ille(I hun rrcrn1ly 111 ii h1ghlv •'':t:1 tcd state -den1<1n<.hni; a lour·"''" :-lop there -lu·tattM' shi> l1:1d seen a child nearly l11l by a c;1r. The mayor sau1 hr \\'35 unable In ob tai n hrr name or he would have not1f1e(I tirr nf lhe impending rlcc1sion :is .~non ;is lie learned 1l "·as up for action /\londay. Ch:1nccll{lr Daniel Aldrich .Jr. supprir1 l'i the regents in their firing of ~1i~s Uavi.~. st!tl undcr appeal. But he said therr 1s n(IU1ing 111 rcgen\s' polic _v lQ prevent her from speaking lo !he CCI class as ;i i::uesl lecturer so long as it i! a single ap- peara11ct'. Miss Davis als0 \1•1\1 give a ge ne ral rarnpu.~ address Thu rsday noon In the Selrnce Lecture Hall. That .11ppearance ll'l spousorrd by !he students for <t Den1ocratic Society (SDS), the Black Middle Scliool Concern: Cotmeil Juggles Dollars, Days To Aid Taxpayer You can·! subtract apple.~ from oranges, but lhe Costa Mesa City Council juggled some dollars and <lays Monday night lo benefit laxpayers. They trimmed !he cost of a picnic area a! Te Winkle Park and cut costs and i-peeded up the cmnplelion date · for widening of Arlington Drive between Newport Boulevard .and Falrvtew Road1 Originally estimatl!d ·.at.$25,T14, the cost d the park picnic gr'ound1· wal'l cul by $1 ,.100 ~·hen Valley Crest Landscape Inc ., was relieved or a &<klay landscape maintenance period . City workers will handle lhat chore, Ciry Engineer George Madsen tnlrl f:ouncilmcn the bid could be brought \\·ithin the budgelcd amount by cutting .• •kl"'" the site or trees lo be planted in the J>ark . Council man \Vil lard T .. Jordan sui::- ~csted lhc park is rather bare in ap- pearance and it might be pOOr practice to buy less e:ttpenidve tree~. The. nirferen<:e amounts to only 1 f(lw hundred dollars, compart!d to two year1 (Ste COUNCIL, Pagt ZJ •. I 6th Graders Too Young? Concern that their sixth gradt:rs aren't ~motionally ready to go lo school wllh seventh and r:ighlh graders was 1·oiced Mond ay night by parents attending ;t middl e school panel rliscussion or NC"wporl.·Mesa Unifitd School Distrir·t. Six thousand (lie rs \\'ere sent h::ime. ~·ilh students but only about 75 parent~ turned out along with perhaps 50 teachers. Among those who attended the panel talk al Estanci a High School were pa rents who voiced these worries : "They smoke and · lakr:· dope in the re!troom .. My !ixth,gradcr isn't ready for those. large 13 and 14-year-o\d girls.'' "\\'hy will this be em<itionally ad- ''antageous to.my three liUfe gir ls?" "There's been physical 'harassment of ~ixth graders wh() ~·ear Girl Sctlu l uniforms lo sc hool.'' Panelist.'! ans~·ered thlit it doesn't make much difrerence ~·het.her fifth graders graduate in to middle school or l'iix th graders graduate into junior high. . they'll be exposed to the same sort of things. Associate Supt. Norman Loal s said Costa f\.fesa and Newport Beach pol ice tell h1n1 fourth :ind fifth graders arc us· ing more dope than the current eighth jlraders and ~·ant the schools to leach drug effecli in the primary grades. Sixth gradt teacher Robtrt Brown, or TeWinkle Middle School, said he 's known of sixth graders harassing tilth grader! who wear Brownie uniform.~. Ttu.re wall some applause when a father suggested a seventh, eighth, ninth grouping would be more log ica l th;;in sixth, seventh, eighth. Loals said the board in deciding a cou- ple years ago to go to 6 through 8 n1iddle !<Chools steered away frorn 7 through 9 because they didn't want to have to have a junior athletics program. Middle school architect Kai Porter said their is a natiooal bandwagon effect of school disti-icts going to middle schools and Pleasanton, Calif.. a s sis ta n t superintendent Y.'illlam Schreck strongly defended them on educational grounds. Schreck gave three argum enls In favo r of middle schools -smoother transition from elementary to junior high, a chance for greater exploration hy student.s, and the promise of more flexibitlty. Transition is accomplished, he said. by having students spend about half the day with a home room teacher and ha]( the day wilh subject speciallsts. He .~poke al length about U1c need to explore. He said at agt' 11 or !2 children cmollonally arc trying I.'.> ma k r assrssinents of 1heir 1ntcresl .~ and capabilities. lie said it is ::i wood idea to give tjlem exposure to scientific concepl.!! Ml .a laboratory setting, a chance to lry lheir wing~ with forelgn languages, typ- 1Sec tttlDOLE, Po~e ZI " warte Victi1n Hu11 In Sl1ooting; S11spect Held Uy ARTHUR R. \'INSl:::L /\ ('ns!a i\lcsa gun and ton1 bat sou\•cni r c1·llc1"\nr 1od:1.v told police he w;is for1,;C'd t:i knee l beside J1is wife rxctulion-!"lyl~ be.fore being shot as he ju111ped a Vic!- narn \Var-tibscsscd drinking partner rat!1 cr th:in risk a double 1nurdcr. The pistol ·1-1·aving suspect in lhr case \•.;is arrested at shotgun·point by <1. pol icernan 1-1·ho heard hin1 yelling whil'! on patrol nearby, while the wounded ma n esca ped wilh a shattered arm. John ,J. J\1 asscy, 24 , of 19822 Brookhurst S1 , ll untington Beach, "·as booked int<l Costa J\.1esa City Jail on a charge or :l~),;•ult v.·ith intent to comn1il murder af1cr th e 2:15 a.m. shooting. Poliec did not .~uy 'vhcthcr he gave h13 Ol'.'n version of \Vh;.il led lo 1he gunplay . Co nrnd D .• lohnsnn, 46 , of 1767 Orang'!: A1 f' .. Cos1a f.1esa. "·as listed in salisfar- tury condilion at Orange County f.ledicat ( ·l'nter, 11•hcre he 11·as a<ln11 tted for !real· n1rn1 Johnson, who reportedly has a cn\- l<'1~tion of ll'l'aponry and items involving: tbc lore of w<1r. refused a blood t ransfu~ion al the county fa cility becau se of ~1·1igious reasons. police said. Police Captain Bob t:rcen, head of the i111•cst1i::ation burenu. said the vic tim and r.t:issty rnc1 late r.tonday or early toda.v 111 ~ tav~rn and later left lo go to Iha .Johnso n hnn1e. The Co.~ta r.1csa truck driver said a~ they 1valkcd into lhe rcsidenre. f.1assey handed hi1 n ;J srrrwdrivrr he had r;;ir- !!C'd, ;1pp:1rr11tly Jor sclf·dcf<'nse If need- C'rl. lie lold .Johnson vn11 nrvrr knnw 11·hat 1011 m;1y be 11•al kin~ 11110 \Vhrn you n1,.rl .i s11:inE;cr, in an il'onic foolnole to the 1·;1~r·. police !'i.'.tid. . lnhn son i;aid he and r.13ssry snt d{l1rn <+lid beg11n talking. no!ing thnt his co111- 11anion dwelt on the subject of how n1any pf'rsons have died in \'ietnarr:. The conversation ~hif\ed lo .J ohnson·~ ,::;in collection, at 11·hich time Massey ex· ;1rnlncd a 9 millimeter <:erman Luge r- 1 vr .. au\0111a1ic pistol and then tu cked il i1il1• his 11'.1btrband. The vic:t un'.~ 111fr .lc>;i n .Jnhns('n, n11',1n11h1lr, h;id gone 1n!o thr1r brdronn1 lo ('11iirll!" cll'll!lr~ pJ'in r 111 going l'llll 1nr ;111 f'rrand, accord ing 10 Officer Dennis J !1 ·' .,f ('II!, ,l ohr~f")n !l)!rj p<ll1r r lh;i1 l\l:J"5C'V lurnrd IL" 11r;1p11n r1n l1•'r 11hr11 ~he rmf'ri;:cd . ill (St'e 1\J l.;HlJ EH TH\', P1.1gc 2) Mesa Do,vnlolvn Vi sions 1'onight Three consulting linn!'i will air their 'J.~ions of a future do1-1·ntown Costa tt1esa 1n111ght as a !irst step in selecting ;i 1lt·.~ignrr for !he mt1lli1nillion dollar rrdcvc!op1ncn t project. Nn public c()m menL.ary will be allowed during the 7:30 p.m. session. which ~·i ll he cantinued to an identical 1neeting next Tuesday night. ~tayor Alvin L. Pinkley noltd Monda y that all citizens are invited to the ses.~ions and a public hearing will be held later lo allow individuals to offer lheir own ideas on Lhe program. Aid is available under the State Rcde\'elopmcnt Act of l!J47 for the upgrading of an entire block of a ci1y, ilnd officials believe this is the I006t ad- visable method for Cosla Mesa at the present time. Firms to be heard at lonlght"s council session will be limi ted to a maximum 45 minute presentation of ideas. Russell Priebe., of Santa Monica , originally retained by Costa Mesa Tomor- row Inc. to study the area, Is one ol those who will be heard tonight. He I~ a principal ln the ambitio\.J1' Queen's Park development the city of l..ong Beach has begun around the Queen fl.fary maritime mtiaemrt-hotel·landmark comple1t. The other firm~ are lfal C. Tan of Fullerton anrl \Vil.son and Williams of Corona dcl ttlar. Priebe has prrviou~ly oullinl!d plans for the urban redevelopment project for !he old do11•ntO\Vn area, :riaying it will lake :ihout $50,!XlD for 1he inl1ial study, due in ;ibout a year. Under the stale plan. a tax fr!?f:ze could _ he imposed on the area and when the -next rea~!!Cssment hik~s the r.11te, tM ex· cess over the old valuation would go Int() the redevelopment hind. ' GUN CASE FIGURE Mai . Gen. Turner Ge11erul Says He Sold Guns For Profit \\'ASHINC.TON (LiPl) -Rct1rl'd J\.faj. (;.:on. Carl C,T1JTnrr. formr rly the Arn1y'1 tnr policr 0ffici11 I, ad11111ted today lie Sflld 11t ltast $2.000 worth of conJiscatC(/ gu n,, hr gnt fron1 en·ili an poht e departments a11d poclirlcd the proceed.~. But T11rnr1·, 11 balding li!lle man u·i1h ;1 11n.~ musl<i\'hc :111d s1rong 1'01ce, insisted ht· t!id nothing wrong . "'Thnsp wcrr rny g11n~'" he li>ld n1er11bers of a Senate in1estigations sul>- eorn1nittce. Thr ;j6 year-old "11 nrss also conceded he fuiled Ill pay inc-ome taK on the gll n transaclion.~ ;ind ac:kno\1·lcdged $6.800 in J!lln .s.:ilc 1ncon1c (luring the pa~l fh•e _rl'ar~. But he said tie ncl'rr conside red it ;1 ri.:nl business -just ,1 hobby -anr1 :,l1JI 1\a:; d11uh1 ~u! 1! 11 as fair to lax hun on the 1nr')n1r. "Yf'u huy sr.n1r .. 1·ou sell sotnr ... Turner ~u1d "I Ins gun trailing Subrnn1mirtre C:h ainnan Abraham A. Hibienff :111no11nC'cd th:it !he pnlic:e chief~ nf C1'1 c<1~n Bnd l\:.in~as Clly, i\-ln., v.·ould t ~-:1 1fy \~'ednr~d.1_1·. Turn('r 1n.~i;;f('(i both 1 hicfs g.:il'c h1111 the ~uns f,1r his pcrs0nal 11~e anrl :-;11d h,. nc\ er pretended the y 11,•rf' for 1\1·n1y purpn~cs. 1 If' also {'litancd Lhril ;i ledger l>oo~ in 11 111. h !)e kC'pt lrtltk nf his gun dealing! h.Jd hcrn stoll'n. "l hr fflrrnrr Army pro,·nst n1arshal :it'k1.nwlcdgtd 1i11H hC' fn1lcrl In mention the theft lo thr subt·o111mittcc ~·hen it ~uhpoenncd his gun rceurds lasl month. Jns lc<:d. he suul. hr dr('W 11p a new ledger .111<1 tu rned Jl 01 cr In i11vcs11g<1tnrs. llr \\'as n:it .1~ke<l imm:.'dia !c!y 'Yhal he clid \\'ith the procC<'ds or lhc gun !'i.1lr~. Subco1n mit ee Counsel ,/ e r o m~ Atller1nan noted that the TIC\V lcdg rr lii;terl only 100 guns ;ind made no ac-· coun ting •lf at least 600 which he ad- 1nit1cd under questioning were i;tlven In hi1n by Police departments or Chicagn ;ind Kansa.~ City and by a provost n1;irshal at Forl Bl iss, Tex. Turner, a bald litl!e man . stood ramroct stiff at altcntion lo be swom in . He stuck !See GENERAL, Page 2) Orange Coast Weather Anothrr Chan1ber of Com· n1erce day i.!i on the biU for \Ve<lnesday with sunny skits and temperatures in lhe upper !'lcvenlics along the Orangt Coasl. INSIDE TODAY A11 attor11c111vi/l cliargt abo11 t $ / .Sfl In rhr111pr. 11011r 11amt', ot least S2Rn for C1 <f1vorre, ncco r(l- i•1r1 lo gc urrnllu ncc«ptcd Jee ~chrrl11lc. ra(lt:. J!. C"l .. ••11 ' M"lllll ,~,..,., " C!tlllll.-1 )0·11 ru1 .. ~11 N1wo .. [.,nit• " 0 •1n1t ,_. ' [-•·••' • ,..,.,, 1 .. lr 1)0 11~ Noncro ' '*' M-llt 1•11 .,,119•1•1 "~·· • Ttlt¥!-" ll•lfr!fl~l!Mnl • T~tltlrt • ,!nlR(t 11·11 ""''"'" • Htr•oc-" ww• .,_ .. ... l.l t1H•• " w1111 .... ·1 .. _ 11.1t Ml¥ll1 • , j I ~-- 2 DAIL v Pl LOT ____ c ______ ,_,_._,,_.~'·-o_,_,,_,_"_'~·-1_,_.,_ UNICEF Drive Okayed Cou11cil Waives Fee for Clwrity Marchers Youngsters may solicit fund s Irick-or· !real s1yle for UNICEF. the Costa l\tesa C1tv Counci l agrre1f t.londJy , but only afltr a note of i.:untrO\crsy crepl into delibtralions. Vice: Mayor Hobert 111. \\lilson :.ug- ~estM placing the san1e conditions on the l'NICEf charity marchers imposed on yount; black sa!e~n1cn for B oy .~ Enterprises . and other Los Angeles-based c•ndy firm s. He did not mention the latter by nan1c. Councilman George A. Tuc ker sharply object ed, sa} ing such ch 11 r 1 ta b I e organ1iations as lhe Hearl fund, f\.tarch of Dimes and other~ arr-~enerously tredled and U~ICEF should be handled the same. • He suggested the pol!lical impllc1tlon1 of the United Nations might be a fa ctor. drawing a reply from Council man Willard T. J ordan. ··r1n afraid I don 't quite understand ," said Jordan, who had voiced 1.:onccrn over t'hlldren being out after d<1rk , ll'htle co111- n1ending the purpos('. .. Bless 1hen1 '' Counc1l1nan Jordan ad- cle<I , "but I'm opposed to trick-<1r·treat1ng for the sa n1e reason " Concemed over the brewing !lap .. \lrs. Henry K. Elder, of 118 E. Ore;i n/ront. Balboa, eicplained that little UN ICEt-· col- lecting is done after dark by the youngsters. !\·!rs. Elder LS chai rman of the Cor1~1 !111c l:haptcr, Lln1led i\a11ons lntc rn<1ll11na l ChUd rtn'• Ein1r11ncy Fund and has headed the UNICEF drive s i n e e youngsters "'alkrd unpaved local streets. Action on the matt..:r 1vas delayed unti l Ftnance Dircctur Robert Oman could t'hcrk r£'cords for past !ees charged and lound SO was lhc figure. Councilman T1ickcr questioned !\\rs. Elder antl nolffi that a $6 dona tion I() UNICEF would pro1idc 600 glasses of u111k t(I needy children of other na tions. 1 he matter \1as finally settled with \'1re J\layor \\'Jlson 's suggestion tha t 1·h1ldrcn under 12 stop collect ing 11t ~un~l·L 111 the dr1re beginning Oct. 26, while children o' e.r 12 ma y continue \1·h1le 1.:h;ipcronl·d. 4 Age11ts Suspended UCI Students Fatal Shooting Probed Plru1 to Mru·ch By Police in Whittie1· On Area Firn1 A march lo Philco-Ford Aeoronutronic, Collins Radio or another war related plant is planned by UC Irv ine students for Oct. 15 as a protest against lhe. war in Vietnam. f rom \\"ire Services A 22-year-old \\'hittier man \\'a~ awakened by a commotion 1n a downstairs apartment early last Friday morning, got up ca rrying his baby son and went to find out what was happening. That "'as !he last th ing Heyward l!. Dyer ever did . !\-1oments later. a .22 caliber bullet from a rine wielded by a Vernon PolicP. Department sergeant in an apartment upstairs crashtd through the floor and buried jtsell in Dyer's brain. From Page l MIDDLE ... ing, home economics for girls and work- ing with tools 1-::ir boys, He said for many they "ll be nearing !heir terminal expo.sure in n1us1c and ar1. Jn high school "'hen 1hry are n1el'ling col· lf'ge enlrance requireinents these arro areas in ""·hich their kind of kid docs not study, he said. Teacher Bro"' n said in ~ix th grade sLudenls are "grasping lo be big, gro"'" up, They have sho rt inlerest spans. they J11ght from one lhing to another and \\'e can capilalize on ttus." He :;aid middle :;chool flex1b1!11y \!'Ill provide opportunity for n1in1 courses. ex- posure lo a subject for perhaps only a month. They can skim over many things and sec v;hat they are interested in before they gel locked in v.uh colle&e prrp cou rses, he said. ··111 groping for their identity they need some success experiences.·· he said. ''SuC'<'ess in surne fields "'1!1 spill over. !f .t kid JS consl.antly lower how can we blame hin1 /or quiting .'' This year i56 sixth grade >.ludents out rif about 2,00) 1n 1he school district are attending school with seventh and eightli graders at Davis, Kaiser. Lincoln and Te\\'ink1c. The proportion won'l change much next ~·ear but in se\'era! years wiLft new building the 1\·hole :;chool di.5trict 1s to change orer. From Page 1 GE NERAL. • • f.r mly to his con!crition that there "as n'l fUblerfuge JO h1s :icce.plance vr !he gun<; for persona! use, and no harm 1n his d ec1~1on to :-.C"!I some of thl'nl. He acknow lcdg<"d rerr111ng more tha n S2,0(l(I from a Ft1 ye!1e11lle, r-.:.c. gun shop. n1os tly fnr gun~ he got fron1 Chicago and l\ansas Ci ty po!1rc- •·1 ~t udy gun~.'' Turnrr tcct1/1rd. · l!"s ;:. hohhy with nic" He said he ll~('d 111 J11y nf U1e giir1:i;; In !rc•urr.s !n Boy Scniil. tr oops. lurnC'r! l)thers 01·cr to a ni1l11ary pt>hce i:;11n museum at Fort (:ordnn. Ga . and hrokr man.v f'\th£'rS into parl s lo repair guns fll r his friend s. DAILY PllOI t;IV~G5 (.QA~t '°Ul l llHINGI C0¥11A"' l ,Ml"f N. W1•4 .. , ...... •nd "lffllhl'•ff J•c~ l . c.,,.i,., V•(:e "rn l-ll\CI ~•' N l'l11r · 1'1,..11 K11vil f~llOt 1~'"''' A. Mvr11~i•1 Ml~"'"" 1111.., c., .. Wet• 0,.... l lO W11t l1y St,.•I M1Hi"t A4dr11t1 P.O. l o• li•O, 'l 6J6o -°""" "11w-1 f •tc"' 1111 \~Q! l olMo ''""""". Ltlll"" 81«~· m l'tN1' ,,, .. ,, IO!lfllt!'111wo IM<lll Jiit ,5!11 11",tl • Calif·:irnia Attorney Gene ral Thoma s C. Ly nch ordered the suspension of four st ale narcotics agents in\•olved r-.1onday. pending a complete. 1nvcst1gat1on of the tragic case. Preliminary findings so Jar indicate: -Drinking on s!a keout prior to the doorbuster-type raid. -Intrusion into the \\'rong apartment downstairs to begin \\'ith, as a result o( 1.:onlusion ove.r the proper address. -Questionable 1actics \Yhile making ar- resls inside the upsta irs apartment ad - Jacent to the one the slain ma n left to in- vestigate the noise downstairs. The man "'ho /ired the fatal shot - 5Ubject of a coroner "s inquest nolY scheduled for Friday -\\'3S Vernon J~olice Detective Sgt. Frank S\\•eeney. He and four Los Angeles Coun ty Sher · if['s deputies involved in the raid at the apaMment building on Comstock Avenue in Wh ittier are reported still on duty. State Bureau of r>;ircc1tics Enforcement Senior Agent \\.'. G. Miller and Agent Alan l\1arshal1. v.•ho were on !he scene or the raid are tv.•o of those suspended pen- ding the oulcom<'. Also suspended were the two mt>n in charge, but no! present al the time of the error-plagued raid . Acting F ie I ii Supervisor J, \Y. Leavey and Ag<'nt l\Iichae\ Kelly., Investigators said a se\·en·man team of raiders broke into a downstairs apart- ment al the Comstock Avenue address during the predawn hours last Friday. They carried a search warran t, bul It v.·as issued only fur two upftairs apartments. Initial 1nvcstii;:a1ion h.v ]..(ls Ange le~ County Dis!rict Attorney 's rn cn re\'ealed that .Sgt. Sween<'y, \\'ho fired the fata l ~hot, was allegedly Sll'lng1ng the rifle al the tin1e. One of Lhe men present cJuring lhc ra af reportedly told authorities the derect1\·e sergeant \l."as 1,1,•iclcJ1ng the butt of the weapon as though to sznash it do 1,1,'n on the hand of a suspect. The gun lvent off, the slug smashed through the floor. and killed Dyer, also ("ausing him to drop his 22-month-old so11 (In thr: :ipartment floor below. The child es caped \1'1lh a cut on lhf head, ln111t.al ie ~ts of at !east ~oine of the 1;:11,1,1T1en inv:il\•<'d in !he raid sho"'ecl thr v had consu1ncd a!cf.lhol. bu! the an1ounl or 1t~ pol ~nti al effect has not be.en r£'veale1l Ast1·011a11t Do1v1i Antiwar students also will stay away from classes, form a picket line , hold a \\'ar-dead memorial service, a noon rally add alternative education cl asses on the 15th. The 100 students who met Jo.!onday IB plan the day of moratorium also calltd on the UCI administration to canCi!I classes and to allow the campus staff to participate in the moratorium wilhout Joss of p;iy. All these efforts, it was decided will be nn behalf of the group's fundamental de- mand which is immediate withdrawal o( all LJ.S. troops from Vietnam. The d11y of moratorium from business as usual ,1·!1! be in conjunction v:ith similar peacttful protest nationwide . Should the war still be. going Nov . 15 a two-day moratorium is planned and $0 on, with an additional day each suc- ceeding month. The student moratorium group pledged lo "'Ork with the Orange. County Mobifua· I ion Committee v.·hich is plannin g ac- li\'ities throughout the county. Citizen pa rticipation in the UC I activities will be .solicited. Student Body President Ferdy r.1assim1no Jost out in his bid to shape the rlirection of the Oct. 15 protest Last w~k lie took !he play away from the radical studen ls by engineering a una nimous stu- rlc nt ~rnal£' resolution supporting a 1noro lorl11m. !:tut 1rhe.n the meeting tn pl<in al'tivities came i\1onday radical :.li1dr111s showed up in the greatest tl!ltllbl'I'~. r.·1a~:.11111no vol£'d against the ma rch to !he 11'ar planl arid against !he picket line. nrg<"lrd1ng tile group's goal of immecliatl' 1'1thdr;iwal. he said · '"l reel you need a definition of im- 111f'diatc. Do )OU mean bite. ~·our lip and 11 Jthd1"aw 1 '' The sdcr1 ce of the. others indicated I.hat is e:i.actly what they meant. Someone ~uggested le.anets be handed out ;it Fashion Island and South Coa~t Plaza but graduate student Rich ard Rob- rrl~on said the march 11·ou!d be a b!'\!Cr tart JC' 1\ l<1rsc rnr1 rt·h will be ,·j~1bh.• through 1hr ne\\'S media." he sa irl. ··1rs a sym· tmhr action that Pre.'>ident r>ixon can see. It .• :'\'ixon \\"hn has t~ do 11 " l~d\v1 n ''Butz" .t\Jdrin. tht' !=Ccnnct nian l"Jn lhc moon, j umps into the \vater a t t h ~ Cnnar.v 1 ~1<u1ds lo cfo :-on1e ~11bn1ari ne fi shing. An1ert- ca's Apo l10 JJ astronaut ~ arc on a round lhc \\O l'lrt gC'.>0<1 \\riJJ tour. • DAIL'I' PILOT tl1ff llllett Po,ve1·s 01( Ocea11 Floo1· N11cleru· Ba11 CENEVA (AP\ -The LJn1ted S!a1r1 and the Soviet t.:n1on presented today '1 draft !reaty to ban nuc-Je;i r arnis a11(1 other 11•eapons uf m;iss 1lc~lruet io11 lro·n the se.a bed The 1\1·0 su 1R•rpn11rr~ agreed on a eoni· promis e 1oinl drart after ..ieven month.~ fl! bargaining and submitted it In the 2l-n.1 · lion disam1an1ent con£en~n1.:e. Thr draft of !he trc=ily which the Soi ir' l'n1o n put belurc 1hl' L"U11/erer1t·e 111 .\larch t8 ealled for a ban on all ty pe s ••! "·capons and nulitary ini,L;ill;it1ons frn1.1 the >.ea bed. The t.:n1tcd S1 u\l'S rt·rusrrl I 1 accept thi s because it 11 ould ban su(1 defeosive devices as sub1narine trackin ; i;tations. The Russians gave wa}' on lhis poir. and accepted the provision ol a draft su ~ mitted by the. United Slates May 22 l;1 which the ban v.·ould be restricted !Li nuclear arms and weapons of mas. destruction. In return, the United States dropped it . proposal thal the ban come Into force a> the three-mile limit and accepted lh " SovieL 12-mile limit. This was fa von•< also by mos! other delegations at ihe con ference. COUPLE TAKES VOWS IN TONSORIAL SPLENDOR For Sentimental Reasons, • Barber Shop Wedding · The United Stales also agreed tn .~ Soviet paragraph in the preamble sayin;• the two nations are "convinced that th treaty constitutes a step towards tht" ex- clusion of the sea bed. the ocean flo:J: and the subsoil thereof from the arm ; race. and are determined to CQntinuOJ negotiations concerning further measure~ leading to this end." Hairy Ro111an~e Couple Meet, Wed • in Barber Shop The treaty would come into force afl~r ratification by the Unitt'd States, th·~ Soviet Unton and 20 other nations. Dy EVEL VN SllER\\'000 Three. ·years agn. Sheri Anderson ac- companied hl.'r dad to the Contes Barber Shop in Corona de! J\1ar. Her dad "'en! lo gel a haircut. Sheri sat clown and waited. In the chair be.5ide her \\'as a young man, Lon Ri chards, waiting for a haircut, loo. Sheri and Lon stru ck up a conversation. It was the blossoming of a romance 1hat culminattd Tuesday nigbt in that same barber shop. There, Sheri. I!, and Lon. 19, v.·ere wed. Today the two are in Palm Springs honeymooning. The bride. daughter of f\tr. and ~1rs. Robert Anderson of Glendale. is a graduate of Glendale. lligh School. Lon a student al Corona dl.'1 ,\\ar High School. The Rev. Loren Flickinger of the t:ni!y f'hurch of /\'('"'port Hrac h. nffic1a\£'d al 1hr. unu.~u,11 niarriagf' C('r£'n1on~·. Lon and Sh('r1 11·<1nt rd 111 llHHT'V 1n !hi"' barber shop for rib111'\11~ :-i('ni 11nrnt;il re asons. Croppi Law yers Seek Freeclon1 J\IADJSO~·. \\·1~. ! AP) -Atto rn£'ys for tt-e Rev. J ames E. Groppl \l"cnt before lhe. \Visconsin Supre1ne Court today !n sc.ek freedom for lhe niilitant leader of 1rclfare. dcmonstralors "'ho se1led and nccupied !he Stale As~eml>Jy Ch a mber~ Sl'p! 29 t.ropp1. 11 ho 11as ]:Hied 111thou1 1n.:il by the Assembly. sought 10 ha\·e the 121 · :i ear-0ld la"' under 11h1ch the rontcmpt 1·1la1ion "as 1mpnsrd dc(l;irrd un- constitutional 1he r-.1 1J"A·aukce pnesl·s attorneys 1ook 1he case to the Supren1e court af1er Circuit .Judgr \V. L. Jackman declined tn i:;;stle an in1mediate ruling on a "'rt\ of h~bC'<JS COrJlU.<:. YOUR But they \\'ere timid about asking the minister \.\'helher il v;·ould be all rigl1t wiU1 him. So a familv fr iend , ,James Bradley, \\'as enlisted '10 make the in- quiry .. The Rev. ti.fr. Flickinge r didn"t bat an eyelash. "If they \Vant to, v.•hy no!?" he said. Bradley served as best ma n in the crowded barber shop. llis wife was matron of honor. Mrs. Bradley derorattd the shop. located in !he rear or a tailor shop al 3637 E. Coast Highway. DecoraUon! included wedd ing bells and wh.ite festooning. A three-tier cake , placed on a whitc- linen covered manicurist's table, y;•as :;er\·ed up lo \\'edding guests. Apart from the location. it was like n1ost such ceremonies. The brid e chose a soil pink mini-dress for the big occasion. She carried a n06egay or '~hite carna- 11011.~. tul le and satin ribbons, Lon 11·ore. 11 blue coat. \\"ith a \\'hilt rarnalion in the buttonhole, and bell-bo1- to1ned trousers. tl-1r. and iltrs. Richards said later t he~ in ten..; 1o lil'e 1n Curona del f.l11r -1n <111 ;ipart111ent not 1()0 far from the barber f.hop. From Page l COUNCIL ... or more for the. sn1a llt'r trees to reach the size of 1hose "hich 11·1\I nO\\" be purchased. Councilmen als-J appro1 eel a change rn co11:<trucllon plans !or the Ar li ngton Dri'"e project. along 1he Costa r-.le.<:a High School and .\laude B. Davis Intermediate. School campust s. The ba~e for the asphalt roadway will be gravel aggregate instead of solid con- \ rele. a .suhs!1!utiti n of difference ac- 1.:nrd1ng tJ Orange County Road Depart- 111cot s\an<l ar<I~ This brings complct1on date up to early i\o\·einbcr. while if it \\el'e del ayed any longer. "·inter ra ins might really stall the proiecl. Ynu r O"'t0'1 Sai.t• &. Str~-u.• AQt 11f'J f 'rom Page .I MURDER TRY •• t1 hich lin1e he ordered h1n1 tJc\·cr to poir,· a loaded gun at anyone Investigators 11·ere told tit that i;tagr . the suspect ordered t.1r. and !\!rs. John· son to kneel, sayin g he would kill their pet dog first. then execute them. "Johnson said the suspect glanccrf av.·ay for a second. so he JU!n ped him.'' rxplaine.d Capt. Green. adding thal th"! weapon rired as the l\\"O men wrestled on the floor . Officer \Vayne Harber \\'as on patrol I ~ lhe. vicinity \l'hcn he hea rd l'Qml'on" shouting for polic£', rac~ to the area .1nr Jounrl r.1assey oul in the strert t·arr.vur::: tht cocked auton1atJc. '"Put it do"·n," he ortle1 1·rl \1ossey replied thaL it 1\a~ cor~ed and Ot l'ir.c.r Harber r£'j){'a!ed h1~ order, al 1rh1th tirne the .suspe~l laid !hr ~1111 rin the p;iv cinent and 11a:. plaf·r<l \illtl{'r ;i1 . re:;l. Dct£'cllve Gerr.v Tho1np,(111 11 :1·· a-~1.c:~· rd 1c fol lowup un·esllga11011 lhr0ugh0u Ilic preda\\'n hours and planned In rr. 11uest a complaint agai~st J\lasscy L~te. tri day or \Vednesday. Authorities said somr bizarrr pol1!1r~ aspects are. Involved 1n the casr but cari- not be released at this tim<'. Gen eral lo Re pl ace Ailing Brazil Chi c[ R10 DE .J,.\XE IRO t,\/' -Gen Em1l10 G arra~talu ,\led1c!. a li~·~rilr-ol . fdv<.lry officer. has been nan1ed '" ~11r. ceecJ ailing President Ar1h11r d11 t'r1~t.1 r ~1h.1. Brazil"~ ru ling mdlt;ir~ rrgin1e ar 11u1·nced loda: The sele1'l1on of ,\lc'd ll'i 11u< 1Yl<HI\ .1' t'lPeting or the ;,rn1Cd it)rL('< h1!!h r{I'" n1and 1'-1onday n1g l\t b11I '1;1 ~ 1•11t :.r nounced unt il thi s morning ill ed1ci. r111 or the nation·s four rrg1nnal ;1riny 1·11111 mandcrs, had been cons1de 1·ed ci top r111 d!date for thr po;,I. 0 OMEGA fi.t ~··· ..... o .... . ~DOO, .... .,tor ...... •0 ,.,.,,. ...... 1.~1., ...... --.................. , _ .. , WATCH\~ t i ... Ct ...... FREE ••' '"V .,..,,f;oo!'"' ., l\:A~A t• bo ,.,., bv • .. • "''' •• !lo 11'10l n. l >, U <•t •1ti1n. li,.lv • I•· w 1 ,4 ft r ••<tll•,~•. ....1 .. ~· ,,.,, ;, ~. • Clo-. o;1oc1 W\ile T11 Weil ...... , ..... PUIU $2.00 s4aa ll.$TIUNlo ----WITH l llf .. , $3.00 THIS 1100. ,.,,. AD DIAMONDS $6.00 111LACID, "-Clo::::=,• Soil-INflAYIJM DOMI .wtts W&W: Huntington Ctntor Beach al Edlngor WJ.OLI YOU WA" HUNTINGTON BEACH ~··· .......... , 0/1\l (t ; .... 1 ... c.,.. ;. -... ti. •• ~.~ ....... 1 ~~!·•'· 4 ... 1, o .... ,. ,, ........ . h r oirtrt Ntt,.,h. T~t t •i1 .... ,,~ .... .,.Ir,. ..... ~·· •• "'' 11111•. ••<•• lltL l'llMS '''II.AILI and back Harlt~r Sltoppinq Center 2300 Harltor Blvd . COSTA MESA 54S.94P5 !Ill .I ~1 •l 1".1ol; 1 ,111 ,..;l l •il! \•ill ~I· H I\ 11 1• /• .. \ti l \.•\!' l .. 1· ,, I I•,- • l ·r1 f11. p.:t· I " r; l')l 'I . I l~'I ,, . f •'1)1 ~ ,, . :ll"i l I .. ,. ' i ,, I r \' • f I ' l i ~--~~ ---. -.. - Tt1tsd.1y, Octobf'r 7, 1q1;1) • .. UCI Mo,~k Trial Shows Uy TIH)~.IAS FORTU.'\E 0 1 11.e 0~1)• P!iD! ~l:h .\ hon1b:.isl1e nu.> •. 'k trial at I.JC ti·vine ,1.J·tnd1.Jv showrd 0111· t1111111 clt':irlv -anti· r.1d ~(':1i1~1n 1 ~ 1111 l'llll:Cr·~ l<l~ll1uiijb)~ ou \ "1 11p11~ ,..;1t11Jc11ts, l ~rl'ullv <int! I h c t1tl· J 11'r:~tr:ili1jn 11'C!'t~ sUppo::.('tl to be on trial ''· 1ll1 11 itnc~~··~ fur !Le prosecution and ti' l l'.r.!:t.'. flu~ 1111 profe~:-.11r wvul<l ::.tep fonvard lo 11 •[trHl t:ie lat·tilt;·. ;u1d \11;.• firofc::.sor 11·ho ; '~-u~cd 111l' students limited il is ren1arks l'I PK• [u.:tl l'ists he ::..i1d arl' lht• only unes 1 ••I'll\ inditlin1;. l..e h1·ur·l11n1~ !1Pl'il!11g day ('onruca tiun . 1\i,{)l!l l.3UO :tt1dt."11l.-; ~h:.iwc1i l~Jl f0r \~sisl :-:1 1 1 !'r1•fe~~1Jr 11[ l'hilosoph,v JI 11'JLl 1Jt11:11·lt c.1llcd act11isl ~ square for o,ly grooving on wl:;a hi ts then1 between !nc eyes and not e.~panding their con~ sciol!sness for 1norc subtle intellectual purS\111. They are cons~rvath•e, he said, for \ranting lo study conte1nporary probleins, ..;Ludy that will I.le wasted and out·of-<late in three years. 1/(' accused them of strategic bungling, ;;nd \\'Cakcuing their arguments by e;.;- :ig-;eralion and untruth to 1nake il inl· 1:ussilile for outsiders lo join them. "'iou·re di sh onest In your righteousness." he told lh~ activists. ···The truth is life is a compron1 ise. You're onlv in revolutions so long as they <1n.: glarno'i·ous and ego flattering: and yo\l c~n strike posrs -011 the barricades." The slud~nts 1~·cre defended by Asst'<'i:tte Professor ol Spanish Richard D<lrrutia, \•:ho said: "The students kno1v their particular <·ornpromise is assailable, but they' also know how arrogant it is to be in a co1 n- fortable poslUon of not lc.lling iL like it is. It is easy to be patient 11'hen you have 1risdom, experience and pov•er." As for Dennett's accusation that the student~ are timid and cu11servatilc, he !oaid, ''These timid students have !acuities and adn1inistrations ninning sc;ired all arer the \\·arid . 'rhey've forced them to reevaluate, sometimes for the first tin1e." Jerry Hogle, a senior 1vho 1vnre coat and tie, charged the faculty with bein,; .<"nobs to1l'ard layn1en and snce rjng at Lhe rest of Orange County. Pilot Marli.s 'Paper Week' Pa1>er to Co-sponsor Space Shoiv, Host OCC Students 0 rr11 1r~;; (()11 i,;:l1~ i•f the (1ltl1 annu,!I •f'rJC ~ ul !ll'.d L t:-1c lo ll l''!ll~\·n'..~ ( (•ll· f1 r""1l" • !:<. l'l1~· qf l!" l.t~'.iil1~:1l., uf Uit• )1,::'IH lp;o\i":l l'I Il l\• ll\1 !.~· Pll.0'1 111 ~a· t • I ;i i .\~11 ·)1.1p1 r \\l·t·I-. !:t·fPn : the 11t•t•h 1:; (•ll'I'. lile J);\ILY 1 'I !.O'I' I\ !/I ! 'ubli:.h ~pt•c 1 :1\ 11i:ll1·ri:ll in till· for111 1 1 crla.::e-. pii ·H:res. cd1tori<JI.~ <1nd syn- t it·:11ctt l •·:it11 rc~ rtrs ig11cd lo rc1niild 11·;'d1 r;; of l!tc 1111p•1rt:1:1rt· nf a fr ee 1\illl'l'l;''l!1 l'•'L •<;, -I \11. I ;1.: \ .. :tt't·d .J•1u1·1~;1 ii~1n : 1 udt:1I ~ f··,un lilt' l'l.1 .. s~·~ ol !;ij1L~11;.:t•r Cru1np, <1r;111g1' L "1:1~L t'1ilk·gr Jf111rn:1li 111 in· :;n1tli·r·, 1•1 111·~ U\ll .Y !-'\\.(I T newsrooin. They will have the chancl? !10th to ah~cr1\'. s\<1f:t'rs .'It 1rork and Ill J1clp pnJliL;cc the :1c11·~p:1pl·r. -Co-spO!lSOr \':llh the !:iouth Coast J>l:i za ~.l(.'rr:1;111\s A~~oci:1!io11 a ":;pace ~1~0\1" ::l 11!1i<'h \lSitur.~ 11ill br: ~·n· cnur~1gcd to ~tgn an "Aslro Seroll'' \11~l1i11g thr :\polio !2 c:rrw 1\ell on ti1e1 r 1 oyngc to the n1oon . The re<i l (•St•1te cuursc oprns ::it 7 :3~ o'clock tonight in the nuJitorlu111 or !\c11 pnrl I i<Jr!Jor I ligh Sehnol. It 11·ill con- t.;1uc 101· four consctlttil'c Tuesday nigh1s <ind thr public. on a space avai lable bn~is, is in1'itctl to attend any or all of the ~rs.~io·1s. ·~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~ O~ll'l' PILOf 51"~ Pholo Sune•1•!J Dis1•lcry .\Ht·n 11:111 nr>r (rt~hl 1, 1n.1na.!:;er of Br0Rd11·Jy lluntington Ueat:l1 u11·r r t•,. r1li b.-n cull 111t: C!'J'l'n1011ic o: 111 ;1r1\llll! 1lhl' upc11i11g o! .--lepa rt· 1:ll'lll tn i c-~ -1u·1·.:il !1.'u-1',l'l';.. prl',..t·nt..1tH1n UJ Jlr1\i.,lJ c:ral1 ~. Jr\s ~1nd 1•tl"'1 li.!!t~l 11o t' Jl0l11 ,11~ ·:0 .t.:r'\ the prn 1~1ot1onal l0 ffort ,of1 on the. r1 ~ht inn( 11,. 11 111 11 lt·!,1 tl1 111 ,1 11 Inn H1~:1 1·h \1c:e .\J;i.vor (,t·or;:;_l' :.tt(r~ick- 1.11, \1,, :!id!l :t•i· .11 i\(•r J), 1 t•'; .\]( \\'h1 n11r_v ;ind l·'o11nt;11n \'allev \ 11 1" .\J,1\111' ,l,.i1 11 Jt.i i 1! .. 1'. '"l'he 1:r1l.1:->li .\rf' <'01ning·• (·011 t1 n ucs I hi• i.I ·,I I l ! J;l " OAn.v ,1l0T Slt!r P'hO!O ~t'l1 on Tl1ere l\c\·;n Z11;1cl. 2. Hunt in r,!011 Bc:ich cast s "·;iry eye on llfc-<iize model 111 l3r1!1•h ~u<ircis1n:i11 . p;irt of "Hriti .~h 1\rc ('om111g" di/;play at 1.rn:1<111"y IJ•·rl'.lrln1 ent ~tnre 1n 11untin ;:~1<111 lcn!e r. Jlrornotion nf i:ri li<i h .(!_OOd.~. b;H.;~~d (liJ 1C'J:l 1JV hv J3rilis/J rriJne i\Jinis!Ct Jfa rol d \\11 un l'nnt :r1t1l'<; ;·I ~l<>re lhnni ·~h b et 18. • 'fhe progran1 is presented ::is parl of the Ol'ange Coast College'$ Evenint: Di1 ision t'urrir:ulun1 in cooperation \\'ith the Ne·.1•port Harbor-Costa t.1esa Boa rd of }{e;iltors. Ticket-: 011 a firSl·Co1nc, First·serl'('d b<isis 11·ilJ be available at the door. The ":<pace shOI'(' al South Coast P!a1.a is schedt1led for 1 lo 9 p.m. on Friday and JI n.n1. to G p.n1. on Saturday. It 1.,·111 fcal11re a cuta1\'ilY seal!' n1cxlcl of •·Big i\IOO!CC," the SJVB rocket 1i.·hich i.~ the ti1i rtl Sl<ige. of the Sa turn V "stack'' \l"hich takes Apollo astronauts aloft a11d. in Jul\·. landed the first men on tl1e 1110011. ·The SlVB is built in Huntington Beach by the i\lcDonnel! D<luglas /lstronautics Co. Cnlor prints of the photographs taken by the first moon men -Astronauts /\>ell Ar1nstrong, "Buzl" Aklrin and !llichael Collins -also 11·ill be on display at lhe Sout h Coast Plaza sho\\'. Photos conlributed by North A1nerican Jlock1ve!l. Philco-Ford Carp., and Hughes Aircraft Co., all part of the ~pace pro· p:r;.irn leading up to n('X\ month's Apollo 12 flight 1i.·j[] be on display throughout the two-day event. Indians Coming To Fairurounds ti . Fo1· Fu11d Raiser The Ind ians are comi ng. 'J Ill' nation's largest Indian celebration is scheduled Oct. 18 and 19 at the Orange County t 'airgrounds, Costa i\lesa, with all pro<:ccds going for educational, social, cconun1lc and other needs. 1\r1 ~. Crafls. a carni1·al, model Jndi:.n 111l;:gc, !ritia l (lances. rock bands, dottJ1nen!:1rv fihns and other aUr<ictions \I ill tic offcfed at 1he t1ra·day event. L;niquel y planned 10 benefit off·r?Sl'r\·a. lion An1crican Indians. thC' first Indian \\'ee k three years ;igo drc1\' 111orc than 50.IXl'l persons. including representatil'es Jrn111 100 tribes. Adrni~sion to the Cl'ent \1'i!l be S2.50 for .'ld'.J~ts and $1.25 tor children 12 years and under. 11·ith aperati\'C hours 10 a,111. to HI JI 111 .. according tfl the organi1rrs. Last vear. v.·itli a!lrnda11ce at mare 1h<1n JO.Ooo. Sl5,000 1r:1s raised lo hrln In· d1<111 srhools anrl oll11'r ~11rh sclf·htlp prviects by Ameri can Indians. Oil Drun1 1'rash Can Replaec1nent l\ O\\' Available ;'l,·,.11", p!~JS!il' ;-)~.gallnn lr<iSh COll\.lJl1CrS 11 il1 be del il'1~re<! to ;in~· l!untington kcach re~ulcnl ll'ho 11·ants one . Tu crn11ply \\'ith the new city di t t11n1 pr1·1'f·nt111 g (;•I tlr11ms being used as 'r:i sh !'ont.-:iners, tllf' l!unting!on Beach Host Li<ins Ch1h will mokc the ne1v cans 111 ;:ilable :1l $5 per unit. f)11ring tile entire month of October tho::.e nt:eding the containers ma.v phone .l:Hn!'s J. OcGuelle 1536-6561) or Da1·e L. Phillips i :i:J6-!l371 \, indic.'lte that they arc inttrestrd in the Lions trash barrels. and <'Xl:>ett dell\'ery on the following Salur- da~·. Thl' container and lid are locall y manufactured and are guaranteed for se\·C'n yea rs. As an added fe ature. lhe Lions Club ,.,.ill piC'k up and di.~pose of the old con· tainers •Nithout charge. Services Slated For Irby Clark Funeral ser\'ices \\'Ill be conducted \\1::::dnesday for long-time Hunt ington Beach residenl Irby Clark \\'ho died Saturday In La Jolla after a brief illness. lie was 79. ~I r, Clark, a rctirerl rmploye of Stan- dar'1 Oil Con1pany, harl lived in Hu n- t1n~!on Beach for 1nore lhan 50 yea rs. f inal rites will be held \Vednesday at 2 p 1n. at Smilh's !llortuary Chapel. J\1r. Clark 1\·as a member of the :l'l;l~Gnic Lod~e and Elks Lodge and lnitrd i\1ethodlst Church or ll untington l:lenrh. Survivors incl11dr a son, Rnberl (;lark of }<'u11rrton : two riau ghlers. Betty Cl:rrk or Huntington Reach and lllari!yn ll'lllman of San Francisco; am:l seven gr.indchild re n. lnterm'111t will fol101v al \\'es'.1ninster .\'l :.:111orial Park . lie also called professors hypocrilel 11•ho are pro-establish1ncnt 1\'hile prclen· ding to be anti·estab lishmcnt. .. There arc always publish or perish protests untn one gets his tenure," he said. Senior in social science P.'l tti Nelson l\'ilS more 1·itriolie in cund£"n1ni11g the fact1lty and ad1ninistra!ion . "It is lime \\'e dropped the cover - acaden1ic life is a corporate life 1vlth so1ne very vicious unlicrtQnes," she s;.rid . •·The chief interest of the faculty is to ren1ake Irvine in thl' irnage of their 0'.1 n graduate schools. The facul ty \iews :;tudents as a giganlic bother." The administration, she s :i i c! , perpetrated fraud of th\! highest order by proclahning \\'!){'n the ca1npus first O]ll'll· ed that its spirit 11·oultJ lle one uf C"rc::ti1 i- ly and innov<ition The L';;ivcrsll:1 is n11t out ti! llui!tl .. a moral man, an involl·t<l n1;in ," :::1c ~<11J, "il is a socialization n1 ceha11 is1n." She said the. adn11n!str;;ticn h::s 11')\ f;iiled, but succeeded 111 wh :a ii rc:i!lv 111- tendcd . "The adrninis1rat ion is the Sta\·c of the Anierican rul e of business ;;nd ex· p:insion .. , Vi('e ChancL·llor Jolin llnv. f •r Ilic llc fcnse, s.::i tl hl· has bt·t•n struCI: si n;:c his recent arri1·al at L'CI 111!11 l h1~ prcoc· cupation over asses snH'nl llf guilt. "That !lie Liniv('r.;Jty has plaer·tl 1lsrlf on tri;:il is a hr:illll~' s1r(11." he said. "\\"e have rc:ich•·d t11e c1ul of a11 crJ. A ~ocicty l 1a ~ grol'.-·n afra ill and rc1Jress11e,'' Odds A.gffinst T1·ouible lie rcmarkc1l. '·The uni1•ersity ls a d ~licat~ and vi.:l:icTab!c inst1tu11011. Thu u!tlinatl· pn1b!~111 i!J 11ul guilt I.Jut !lit' 11:· c::ipacity to 1:ve." J udge Lewis froinan, prn!essor oI socla l s.:iencc, was philosophical in ru!lnd on the argu n1 ents. "Have the speakers ~en talking about n1J.n as he [s ur as he should be or <.s ht! co11ld be if he wasn't 1nan?" he as~ccl. Ti1en he deli1ered his sent ence: "You ;:re ;ii! i:-in•.~··~r l I.I': rca:;nn nf h2ing t111rn;111 And ll_v the ~.:nH~ re.~.~011 .\OU <i!S(l arl' guilly. Y•nir sc1 :tcnec is to ~·!I for il7 tlay~ and tlunk about what it is to be hum an. A1~rl j'111r pun1~h!ne1n i::. lo u1~1u1!'.' your~£11' in 11 us :1pprai~u !. ·'This court no1v stands adjourned." Tl\'O Las \'egas n1olorcyclc officers sta nd a silent \\'atch Ol'er l<'ren1onl Slrcet. the hc><.11'! of ·lhe c·asi no Center, 11·hi1e violence and loo ti 11 . .: s hatter racial ~oltn iu the city's prcdv;nln:-1::·y ~:cr;ro 1rr ~, .•::'c. Sec s tory, 1~agc !:i. Pilot Log boo I..: Readu1g Police Logllool{ Y oi1 Get Spice of Life Ill' TERBY COVILLE 'or rnc o~"• r 11or si.11 TH Ui\IBl1\JG TllROt.:G ll lhe !luntini;l on Geach polite log can at t11 nes produce a lc1I' h1ddc11 lines of hu1nur. Tt1e lo~ i~ si1npl,1• ;1 brirf li~t1ng of ('illlS -sonic 11·urth11hilr. ~on1e 111/l-IJy l'"~irle11ts ;1skrng fur police ht·lp r\o!~tions by lhc police duty <1ff1ccrs produ ce son ic :.liccs uf life l1~;c these: -:\ rtsidenl rL'porls a bl'1;::;c. \'ulk s11·<1gen clia"'ing a 111otorryclc 11µ and do1rn the ~lrceL -Cnsta i\lesa pulicc ;ire looking fur !.u1neone who 100;.; :ioo (C<'t of !110· inch (1rc hu~e. -STOLf'.:N FllO:\f a rcsuknt's i::irag r -onr plll'plc !;1ro. Fro111 .-ino\ht•r rcsidt'nt -011r purple Ea~Jr inn l1'd1<·:1\1011 1!1:1\ !ht>\r \\rl'I· 1nnt1wcyelc•·1 -ii. young boy c;1Jlc(J tu sny 1:1$ inolhtT \\'<is 1Jreak1ns pnllt:ry 01"l'.'r 111 ~ sis!cr's lte:1d . -A v•on)~111 railed \n !l•ll pnl!c·{' h1T h11~l>and 1 .. ;1.~ b~:1 1inz her l!rr h11s· b;111d \(101; tl1c plH1nc ;ind tole! pnl!tc tu 1·:111c1!tl1e 1·.dl -HF:311JF:.\'T CO\ll'LAJ\f.f) th.it :1 l,.,t1d·111n111h n1ost•·r 1".:i~ l,rP p1111; !hf'n1 ;n1ak.c 111gh1s. An nfl1cc:· i:hecht'd 11:r :1rt',1 :111(! n·ru1 1td b.~rl-. rh . .i the rv<is\t•r had h~·en rc.pnn1.'.lndt·1L -_•\nf'lher !';l't t1011 of 1r111n tn111pl :1111cd :11lout \11·0 1J;1rk1ng di,;::-:. Tl1c li1~ one \J:1rks b.1· 11!RhL ;.Ind lilC' IHllr "nr i1;11 i..~ 11,1 dn;·. rt<id the rr;lnrL -A frantic l't•llSl'lllfl' c;tll<:d 1.ollrl· 10 s:i.v <i t:Qn.~lruct1un {'!'cir 11a~ 1hrcat('11111g to rut do\'.'n her 1rrl'. -The SPC1\ rcque.<;Led a<;s1.<;tnn1 r· \n :1pprrhcnd1ng a coyotr near ;111 clcn1enta ry ~chool. The su.~pl'l't lc;__i1't'., r:l1cn 1he sun corncs up. s:lid the report. -,\ FHAi'\TJC FF.~l .\LE c;illrd !1J )<~IY t!tr• .<;n;ikrs 1i.•erc ~fter her. -An officer 1\·a.~ .'iCnl (9 r·hi•t·~ f•IJ 111ri 0111lr; fl'!l1 ;1l e.'i 11;1lk1ng in <in ;illey, Taxi Fare I-like l-'ron1pt s Study Bv Citv Council " _, l: 1~;ng ! :ix 1 f ;ires !lfn e .~p11rn:d tile ! Jun· 1 11;;tr,n lll'a~h City Cuu11cil lo r:dl lJr a 1 h1.rou~:h ~lt:liy of 1ax1 :-.cr1 1cc and uther p11'.l1c tran,,purl;.i!u.111111t!u111 he t'll)'. ,\!r>tl'l'1\' 111ghl t·r,tu1cil1111·11 rl.'fusrd to !1t~i' ;i riJe:t h: lrJl•111 (',1h ot '.'\t•\•;port U~.111l IO J,!l 'l' JI:. f;.irc~ Ill J11ir1!11:t;t•1U l'.l'Ut'h 'l'tllo1~ C';1IJ l.; i .i1T t1n:ly !lo~ un!y 1,,-,1 ~l'I'\ I t· I ll lhe \'I!~ ;11\d l.<l'I a ~k···t !'J JU111p 11., l.1r(' f1'n111 :-.o :u fill t'l'lll'-:1 nlil··. •·'1111· proi1l:·1 11 1 1 r~l h1l 111" ·· -;;11:1 :'.111yor J:i('k (;rC'en. "11 i1r11 111.v d.iug!J tcr h;id to poy ~2 iU frir :1 onr-11 -1:' rHI(' lri•lll B'•IS;i Al l'r.IAl' ;ual r.uidl'n \\'t~l Strcrt tu J-'11 (' !'ri i11t.:; ~~10:11>11 11! ··~r.lr r Crel'n ;i_,f:t•d t!1:n lh'· \\ll1w C'ah r"· {i:;r : bl' !ln1,1p~d 1ndcfin1lely rrcm ti:e .i1>::·,tJ,1 un:•I \lie ('1 1Y \!d/f t r;uld 1.1<1·~,1 1r;l1I .•: ~:11d~' public tr.111~por1at1"11 prnhk:n~ 111 llH· r1 t;. Ti·•· t:rl l' 11!11•,T puhile tr ;1n~pvrt:1ti on ill t11t· 1 •t\ 1~ .i t,1 ,,_ ··.'!·d .11' b11~ J'11 11 10 Sani.'.l \1' 1 !":' !'•f';:. ,u\11 (,1;1'ii Tran'iit C•l wliirh tr .. ; t·\~ ['J ·.: flunt1:1ct•1ri C'"nl{'r fro:n ii 11 .. · '.• 1, Ii· 1 ;:1 or:il l11•1 r~ (';1 ·1 \'..i •1.•r •'r lh•~ I" '.!1 11~'' .~tl'.!<',1•::\i"(! 1:1" i' 1,:t v· .. r 1.:111·:· (,1\1 ('•111111,11111'' r1. \ "•I .: 1h" I'll~ :'l•"•»f o; ' i ' ' .. • \. a t I -ld c~l'l:J S 1prr n1" ('•11:rt .111.-:111·,. !'' olcl' ;>.J•,~I J._rn \"r1v ~1nt" nl10r11"'' ;:•·1vr.1l. 11111 •;1c;i k ;i\ l 'C' lr1111l' tonight u1~ • Ed1l!'.~l1ri11 J nd th•· ('nurt-: '' He reporl rd back ti1at there 11·1·re thrcr. \Ju t all, each age 3, 11·crc returnNI \u U1eir lllUthers. i\!·1~L; •~ !llH' ~11t':ih•'r +11 lhc l'C Ex- !1·1~ o1r·11 :<'rt1 ~ on "The B1!1 of H1ghts T11· 11:1r." 11 1~ l«!k 11·ill be at 7 p rn . m 101 !!.".:' ... '.:-.-"..,.".:'""''.:-.-"..,. ....... ".:' .... .._.._:_._,.~_.. .... :.. ... ..,. ....... ".:' ... :0:-.... ..,.".:' ... '.:-.~-r h;.' iC';'I Scicnrr.~. Col(\ 11·111 \Je S·l.50. • ' ' I I I ' I '-"'-..__ - - -....... . ... _ ..... -~---~~---:--::-"-=~~~':"""""-----------------------~-.... . ·-... -. ~ OAll.Y PH.OT Tucid11. Ot1obt, 7, l Cfb'J ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . Ex-actor Ronal-:1 Rtag•n. 1101v i:overno r of L rililo~r11..1 , tinnl;s to· f'.:1v's llol!y\1 ooj lillns are lu cx- p l1~1t. '·\\hat II l"l\lll;?. d OC:\ ii t ake '" s1n1ply h n1c t11(l people undrc:i:. ;:in d ~e t 111tu bed " .. he !'J Ji<l . • f./r~ J:a!llltond £aslu:ootl of Albu· i:uerque, r\' .. ll., n·a.~ fi:rrd 1r11l1 a 1 l101ce -l'1tl1 r r l1rr Jlt't 111011kc!I or lier 11n1r·1nonr /J -old babt1 t1ud lo 90. ,\/rs. Ea ~r ·1·rinrl /.;r nt rl•r bab!I ni!d ~;a t•e 1l1r 5011!11 .·\1•1 r ri rr111 sn1d rr J1l~H· i.·r !'· 11;/;o prcfr rs tried cl11rl:c1t ror 111 ct1/~. /(1 /,,,. .\l/i 11 rr)l11·1r11'1' 1.rop 0 Belly McNeff ho:.i kcd tier inan :ibo.:::rd a ~aln1nn 11.,!J 1ng lln;.i t l'.rHl ~ing Ulldl'r l he (;old('ll (;at e }~ri d ge. Betty ;llld Paul Weiendunk, t1 33·1·c<1r-0Jd :.!"OIO!!J~t. 1re rc \1t·rl i'!bC<ll:d the ·4:).foot :-;'1:1p .\ Lou b.v a San Francisco n11n 1 ... te~. ··\\c cton 't plnn lo do any E s hin·~ toda~-.·· \\ c,,endtink ~aid after the {·crc- 1non.v atlrndcd h\' :!2 gut :"!! anrl a handft1l of scar,ul!s l!c ~<iid t ~~c tionP,·1noon \i ould he on land 111 :'\011 i1cr11 \al1forn1a. • John Stephens drorpl'.'d in!o a f'on!ton. I·:ngland p11h to buy a r•i nt ol hrcr. Ile end ed 11r buying 1;1e pub. 1-1 1.~ \\·ifc ~.:i1d they :.topped .11 lllc Fairn1ilc Inn hc ::-:-i u .~e "1t look t•d ~o p1rturc ~qur ." Thtn. "[ hocight i·: 11 Jl hout he!>1la ti on." ~<iHI Stephen· 0 ... -~-. ,\ 11 ''1'1 rl"11·11rrl n ·1""r1 l'\f ("(JIJ/ '4 r>•l rt ,. olT• i r·1 .\ · f.1:1, 11/.Jn~ {."J,1•rrl· l•! {1.,· ,; "I I •1;./11.1//• r , 1i1 n o1 nt l1 <'t ~'''·' 1;•1i /,', a rro!I u/ r .:/ gorUnr,r r "' r1 fl . 1C.J l /\'t ''t cl I ,-. Ji:·n11/rt1. Tl ,-, n, /'oJ<li:1u r:/ · //1 fi1.1~r1r.•1 I pnr • .) J ,. t" 'd • p l.11 ,, 1 •' {' 1ran·,.,r ,,, •·" • 1. " u· • u1 J'1r (1Jul.~ 1 ( :1 I • ' 0 Stephen K. Arrnst rong, l.llhcr 11! nc fir:.r 111.111 (>11 the n11 .. )n .111 tpt· cl 011 lil !i ill uf 11 1.~ 1111 r Viola , ,1 ·:-,101 hP I' ul l ilt \c,11' ,1\1 .1r\l fl CiUl he Oluo 1:e,le1,i1i1it1 \.f 1-i cp11lJ licu 11 11'0111ert"11 ! i11b,, 1n Cotu1n bu,. .. \1111- ~tron~ <J p0!u_g1ll'd Jo r h1 .> \1 ill' 11 :i b~<'nc r . t'.\pln1111 ng. !hat .•Ire ""ha " 1 bab_\"·Sl\l 1n~ 1ob 111 rl .. -.:<l ;; \1 111lc ier ~on and dau;.,h1cr-1n-la111 luu r .:1c 11 orld .. , Heavy 550 J,ef~t·e 'W ietnnui Wl'1eele1~ Of Hasty Pullout SAlGO~ I l"Pl l -The lnltrd SHil C'S II llJ h111·e tO ht l·p [ffll•iJS 111 \',o:lrlitm f(•r "'~on1r tune 10 eon1C', .. thC' 113:1nn·s t ~JJ nul1111ry 1nan s:iHJ ro1.Ja_1 .\lvrr th;'n ;..;;u Anny re!icfl"i~t.> and :'\<1t1on<1! (;0<1rtJ~· 1nrn left the 11•ar zonr. A~ Jt'l tr,1nS[lurt pl<ines left fie!d~ 111 Sf'11th \"u:team·s nor1he rn 1111:.irll·r <•1.d 11ear S;11gon 1" 1il1 1!1e d1·p.irt1n~ trL~j.!>, Chirict Asks Soviets Hel]J E11cl Dispzite llU:\G KO'.\G 1 L'Pl l -Con11nunist Cl1ln<1 askctl the So\'irt t:nion lod<1y to hC'l p defuse thl·ir po!e:itially r.~pl osh c border tlisp,il c, Pe ku1g Rad io rrportcd. 1 hc Hed LhirH'5 C proposed a rnilitar v puilbac k in kry disputed 2rC'as and Oigrred to resun1pti')n of forn1a! border t.1lks 111 Peking by vice forcJgn minis:c~.~ of :he l\\O 1·ountrirs. Pe!ong said. Tim~ of Irie t::lks \1as nol stated. Th" broadcast statement was a 1na1 or step to"·ard C';i~ing the Sino·Sol"i('t bo rder dispute wh1~·h has led to a series of sharp clashes during the past yl.'ar al ong the l "ssuri RJl"er in the Far East north of \'l ad ;vostok and nn the bo rders of ~inklang pru1·ince, site of China·s nucl('ar 1nc!,dla tlons. :-'l'king said its proposal "as an n.11:ru11!h uf Ille Prk1ng 11l!1t 111· S111a·t l'r1.n11 rr :'lt•.\•·1 ~ KcE.1 11111 l;i . .,t 1111111111 11 11cr. he 1r.1.\ fl! 1:1;,: h1•n1P I ro111 l/;i no1 ard t':~ lu11tr:1I 111 :\ortll \"1 l'l11:1111L·~e l'rc,-r· d ~·n'. !In Clli :"llln h. li t' c011 ferr rrl in Prh· lll!i 1r1th C~1 inc·~r P:-t'1n1e r Chou En-l:ii T'1c Ch:n<'~•' ·t;11t·n1l'nt sairt 1hc b:irr!rr il i~putc 11a~ 1l1e lllO~l 'L'rlUU3 l·S UC Ill t:l(• Jo11i' qu:irrcl hlt11<·r:1 !he !ll"o Cu111n1ur:1.1 g1~nt~. Ti~r .~1a !C'n1l'-n\ 1rrl1l":l\rol th:i t thr in· !TC:!'ll1t! 1('!l"J'1fl ;i!111~ lh<':r ~ f)()(l 111-l!' br·r :i(r b<id rn:it!e 11 ;,r ;1 'rr• rL':1l 1 1rr.1t Thl' l'hlllt''>l' :ii-"•' r:Jt'-t'll The <pr1•tcr r,f 11 1~,'!t'ar 11;1r inlpl\ 1n;.: lh;1\ !he ~" h•\ t:r1•JJ1 II :I.~ t hr~"i1ll':1 111;: pr Pl 1·111 !I l' ~1r11:1·, :.~:•;r~t ~tri1:0!'.;<" Lhll'f'~" eirra~ T1.r f l.:rment s31d Chou r1nd l\n~1·c111 n1~t on ~rpl. I I in Pe king ;1r.d h;1c! an rxf'hangr of I 1e11·-" \Ill !IH• bu1111d;ir1· fl ll{'<:\ 1011 ;ind 1:v• rrl<1!1 0'1<: b<'l\ll'Cll 1iH' 1110 1;r111 ·1tr It"' 1 lli• Ch1n1·~r ~t1lC'1nen 1 ~.11d St•~ 1rt .1~ser111111~ 1 tat China 11 :1< thr1•att'r.1n 1: ll":lr r;1rtt''lllilrlv ;i n\JC'JC:1r 11.'lf, "'l'l"P ··n .:-""ll~t " ,t nrl 'r1d ,1•u lr111·" fl 11t 11 ;i'-•> 11;:iri11·d 1-i1:-1;1 \h:d r111 n.~ 11 l'~ 111<1 11' tr :in .• 11;11'. C'-C'll nuclr:n· 11.Jr ·· Blond<' Ger111<111 Beuut y lo JTI ed Dr. Burrtartl .rn!l,\\\1':;::.Rl"IH i. c;,iuth ,\l:-11·.1 'I ·1·1 1 -!t1rhr1ra 7.[){'\lnt't . lfl-1 1•.ir-olrt 1':iui:;:h•r !ll 11 ( l'llll;111 1i(l11\ ~•1,1111 \1ri1,1:1 111· 1~1;-lr .1.1 ' f;• •l 111~·11 .1 . l '·,· -!• 11 ... · hf';ir: lrt1!l'Pl,1n: ~:,Jt LLf [!f. L.1ri.:1..:·1 I.: ~·\,l~l· "j t\C lih»Hll' .nil i; ........ 1 ('>j; :'11 ~ ,, tl1,1•11nnd •nr! 1 1!•1 , .. :':. !v.1\• ... '",11_ \', I I tu· l!Hld,· h"' ;111· r.r••1n•~rn :l'11! lo rr 1/\11 lrr.' ;11 hrr f.1!1" rs .Jr>~1:111n•·-hrue, hu 1H' !\l1r ~.1 1rl 1;,1rn 1•·1:. ·It l!iJl f' \1i'r 1hr ring brforr ht' ltr" t" :il\' l"1•>[l'J :-t;\lt'~ 111 ~\ Ill'"~ 1 In Snn Franr1~co ~l vnday , l:l.-irn.1rd ;1'1 <;\1 l'rrd "no i.:flinrn rn! lO qu..:~t,!•11~ :ib1'11! i1is rrp.)rlcd <·11~:.ig•·1nL'nt • :'1!1:.s ZO('ll n~r ~;i1d ~In.: t ho u~ Ii t fl.:irnnrt!. <i11(..rt·et! t'y h1< 111 .<: \\J;l' r.iri1cr tl11~ y1·:1r . 11a-:i ··-~1i1· r !•1111 .111 he111r," Shr ~;1 1tl llJ n11tL ._;r t.11· 1111:d,:1s ha~ been ~cl, Rains 0 ill !ien Enrle r. \'.'heeler, chairma n uf lht- t ~ .loJnl tl1iefs nl Staff. left V1e t11an1 ;ift"r 11 thrce-d:iy 1 isit \'.'lleelf'r s11itl Ii<' sh11red Prr,id~nt \gu~rn \"an Thieu's hope that mo!t U.S 1rnoi1~ t·ou lrt bf' withdrav.·n l>v lhr end of 1.t ... :· ~l"ir r.ut h~· 1111rned agau1~t h:.is!e. Lea1 u1i.: \'ir111::in1 to<lav v.ilere ll"l' 2!151h :i1111 ntu11t".on Co . of JlaSting". 1\cb .. and tht' \Oil !L S1gn;il Cn .. a i\<1 1.011.il l~u 11 n1 l1n1I fn;111 Ea•\ Gr C't':r.1il"h R. I. Ti·~· :11111nun :i1u11111:11 lt:f! L"llu l.:11 1111hr n..i1 t!11>rn quar11:r and llJc i-1 g11<1l co1npan~ Jell Blen Hoa A!r Base near S:ligon . '.\\ilitary sp nl;rsrncn said the lRs: e!rn1en1s of the first group of 5.Cl'JO :"llaril~es to be v.·ithdra"'n ur.dcr tl1e ~e· 1·01111 ph11se withdrawal left nor1hrn1 quarter ba~es early today. About LOOO :'1111 r.ncs 11·ent to Okina1\•a and the other t !'l:JO to thr L'niletl Stall's. F ighl in~ 11 <is light uvrr i11r. p:uit 2·1 h(Jurs 11 111\ lhe Corn1nunis:s shelling 21 H1rgets. Six of 1!1e attacks c;1u~cd casu;ill \rs inciuding lw:i Americ<ins 11'0\IJlded . \\"hee'er Jell for the Philippines fBJJow· ini;: A thrrc-da,\' ;isse5 smcnl o! the wnr ;ind the progr~ss in turning fi gh!lng over to the South V1e1r.nmesr. "\Ve would like lo reduce the number f'f our fo rces here as rapidly as we can. 11 ith prudence and safe!~', 1rhile main· 111 1rii n;: our eapab!li1 1· to 1!'1in our flh· Jecti1·es in Sou!hrast Asia." l\;heclrr said. .. Thi' big pr:>blrm is 1naking sure 11"(' don't rxceed -~o too fast -for our rapabilny to ~upply equipn1ent to ahsorh the Cl'Juipmcnl and !roininR." he said. "\\'e would hJ\'I' 10 co ntinue to support our South \llC'tnamese allies for some tune to come." he ~aid. "I "")uld not v1;n - 11ire to prognosticate at this time to 1\·hat degree President Thieu·s hope can bC' rl'til11cil " ·•[ th ·nk 1hl· an~11 c1« thr solt1t1on . 1,11! :1:1pC'ar 1dthin the n1on ths to cOm C'" In 1111• w:1r. L :-> 111f:1 ntr~·rn('n ~uppnr:crl b.1' l1f·l1l"opter gun~l1 1ps Jinnl! rn achin(• f:t1ns ;:nd roek rls fought a Co1nn1ilnist ( 11111p:-in.v in 1he iung!cd C e n tra l I J1 ~hl:11uls, r111 l11 :iry spoke~rnen saal !J· (:r:·:. 'I hr fi ght 11lg \\'r11t 0n fur rn.Jrc \h;1 n rtn il"'lf nc:ir An t\he . 2J3 miles northca~! of ,,,1!gun. 1;n11 lronr~ o/ lhe t:. S 4l h ln~a n­ :ry 011 1~1on suffrn11.!: no c.1sual!ir s l 'ht·1· /,JIJt·! 19 1111!1c 1·01n1.1u11J.,l fiJrt·r . 1111l11ary spokcsn1en saaJ. l\fi ss ing Men's \\i iycs Told 11ed s !ll1a' Give Data \\.\Sli l\(;70\ 1.\J'\ -Tht' l'•llliH.:"n l1:i' 1nlo111.rt! ;i :11•1t :l.!k•J 1111 (>~ ;1 :1.t p,1r!'11\, iii r:111turell I ~ .<:c•r111·· 111•'11 lh"1t :\.ir1h \111 •1,11:1 111.'l.1· rr·ro1'd JC1 p11 1,•i <' illJ''{'.11., ir:ir 1nforn1.-.t1on .:ilJot:l l'U\',•, d ;Jrn~r n:l1c1a!s ~CjlOrl . Sr"~""lllCtl !'illd lhr ilff'1l'rl "~r1·;('{'<; r.:<;<~'d lhr 11(,lrt[ la'! 11 ('rh Jn iln {'1/(IJ\ to ~··1 11 \1111·fl( c1•1 l.11n1!a·~ ;i:irc:1~t .. f i· 1 rlf\p;ne11t<: 1111 oh tilt; 1or 1~on1•1 ~ ur 1111,~111~ 1nC'n JlfL"!><!n1erl al r:e 111 \1rtna 1n. "\nr\h \"1r111:in1 ;lb•)UI th\' ~Jllll' \1n1~ lu·~:ii. .. tC11.'>u1g tile I r 1lo:1l S!;it<'~ t1 f 1r11•1i; 1r1 1'.lup up t111011on~ ;-11~1vne. the 1 l" ,'ll.\r :; nf J'()\\', "'a fllt';!!l" nr rri ,. ff- l 11: 1 •"ll'"llllllcl dck',::,J !•"'> Jl hlC l'ilfl5 rr.11 1· !alh~ f) !('11~1 ofhl"l.'.11.i ~.ty l h 1;;. II <IS n'·I \11• 11" 1·1.1"1 Tiu' l't'n'.1i,:•n, 111"~ , .... 1-;,, 1:11·rr:.1 1 .in.1111~ t•lll it." !"!.'~l'01,~·lll1•, 1•• 1.1' :.1111il11 '< l•l l'U \\' 11r 1nl'-•lll~ 1;1(•1r ·\11 1.J l11tr 11r~n,,11le1 ~o:.I th,1! t\,,. ]'• 11· !.1~<111 11;1< 11:i!k111g a line l1nr :.i nd ka1111.: 1;.,.lf n111·n to prvp;1'"', nd<i.; l1ar.i,:ts 1: ·t 1;·1' 1'l'r1• Ju'il l•:{111"1111ng f)Cl•plr pf Jla11(11 -· 11dl1~1J:1ll''~ :11 ;·11~11cr I 111·:" lrn111 1·e!au1c~ 1•rll!ng on !h~1 r 011 11,' l.c ~.l •I i1< \l~e Pent:1&u11 undrr~t.ind • 11 1· 1• :°\Prl h \"irtn;in1csc Ill l';1r1.<. 1111! at1:t·p: ! r 11 .ill" 111r11:ir11·~ ;i1al l'crr1re rct:in , I ~' • 1:1c quc•11u11 ~ un 10 Jla11:11 :in•i );i(l l" 1r.r11 a:d an; rl ~jluri~c~ to !he t:.u111lu:~. South • Lu11~~ia11.a's Cupital !1lost Streets Flooded UI Callrornia S•W'"''" Ce•l•t•n11 bo•1••d "'0•"• •u"'' or<d ti•'"' w''"''' .. 111~" 10~'" IO<)IV, "'"" O"IY I !I .. n ~fl (IOI/ell tnd IM <"•tK• OI IOfl'I etrl• "'°'n,n1 (0.1!11 100. Lo• An~flu 1na yltonl'1 •f"m••~•d '"""" dtl~llt • ltW fl•l fl (10U~I. l"t 1>1,fl !001¥ w•1 II. ,,,. ~ •n MGndtY I• Tf\t O•tro>~flt l<lw 11 t'l. Tfl• "'I' P~11wl"o" Control 0'•''''' .... ~,(!.,, hiiM 1"'0. In !ht <Cl "•' M<:tlor11 o• '"' r..••" 8 e1cttfl l'>lf 1>1...i.1 on !fie "DWr lOI, Tl>f" w1'1r w1• U ,~.,..n•••n 1>1•111 •t"9e<I !•Dm U II 09•<•11 -·· "''' Ill '" .......... 1. li'Y~ ano M•• 9'!I In '""" v1 ll1~t ~1!4t!td "V"' MO'>!!~• •"" p1;roc'•1 ...,.,:..-um1 IO<ln• •Mt11a•· 1e-. !"•••~ f0·"2· ~1ni. tlri'•fl 'J'O f .'\•~· • ... ti.I Vl•'I"" L'·11. P•""O' 1 H "". 111~1.,llft n·~~ F'•l"' So• •c• .. "-'· ••k•••f•t ld 11 11. ~" O•IOCl 11.d;. k r'• fl"""'' IJ.PJ S()UlHElltl C ... Ll,.-011~/IA 'J• •• .,., ,,,9., c•woln111 '"'-" "•:3·'"· dtV t><:t l'f'Mll• •wn~• 01•1 Foe • ~ -<01•1 T>11¢•• "' .. " •l'C! ·"''" .,.~ "'Cl""" 'lo•h"• '!"'''' ,, ••• '"'"1 Tu••11• •"II '" C~·"I•• '"" 1nlr •,..tC· 11• "•!l•'YJ Wtdr~;.l • 10~ A'<IGE L E~ Allf.& -Yt•••' '•'~ T~•ldtY 11\11 rtfll-V"o<.,,. • nit!\ ,..,.,.,,1..eu 1 .. r_I\ W•<Jr• ' • C'<J' ..... lly I Uf\f\V tk>I. , o<> ,,..., ''' 1 Q>.~•"'•l>t low '"''l>'l"''"'"' SI I'·"" y,,,,.,~, "· .& tn1•• cool•• 1·,f<l'l't1'1~• POrNf C0H((f'l l0N f (I l"fJ(!( ... ~ t ClllOflt -L l'M v1ro•ell ,..,..,, ""''" '""" ,....nJn.1 •omlnt '"'11 IO '""'"""''' t 10 11 -...,i1 In 1 1tt<r~1 T"tld•Y <l'>d Wl'll'lt<Clt Y Fo4 ...OV!_,,. I~ t i"""' !!If t°"'ll f lif'\dtf f\'t M IM ~o•!v Wl<l"''ll•1 0'"''"·'' v••ltbll • "" •!Oll~'""'I '"'lllllll WtclntWll\'. S111,-,11, (.OO!M ~tYI, • Cna..tnl ><•If S•1n~l\lr>t L•O"l YU'"''''""• v "~' n19•• •'><I t•• • "'"" ··~ y ~' •o '°'"~-~<.! I to I\ •~,., 1~ •"••noon~ •<><>•~ •"O •"•""''"~~ • "0111 lo<!d• 10. (<•• •I lft!'H tt!urr• rl"il• , . .,,.. \I •a ·1. ln!tlWI l<:mO•'l!Ultl '"""' •·c-., ll IO U W11•• llmo"1t\lll 1-1. 1;1111, Mnt>n. J'id"• TUIJDA'I' ... ~ ~ ,. '" ~·<cno '°" 1 '' a m ~ ' I fl o.,. If WIDMllOAV , ....... .. , "' '°"' S• 0"11 "'•h I"~'~ ION \\In <l •~I i <! •"'· ""'""~ ..... , " ..... IM lh ,.,1t1111 ! 't • ... l ~ 1 I l 1 Pt' t • 1 1~.,,, ~1 la n.,. I • I•'• ' ~·' '"· ~lh •(~I'"" f i •. 'it. Srf1nttrtrr!1 T~~ ~·•'l~r~ <r a '""~~ II >'It <''.I' tY '' .lird 11''1'•"! ..... '<' '"" ' , • ty••r"I"" "'"' l'.-..•'r3 llO'h'"' c• 1 • ,. 1• u · · • ~r· """'·r• ~, ... ' '""''''"• ·r•. ~·~ •IN" "' '-•• o'\CI <•<>II' wf 'I 111'"' •' E11t ~··a" "°"""· L.t . 1• ) jO 1...:.,.1 o• '''" •tll dv•I•• I SI•·"""' ~e·~ C•~ ro ,, -11 ""'" no••••~" o• IS•'O" ""'-''' -..-r~•u•Oa 10 ~ '"""•1 ~,,,.., I"' """' """°"· T~"t "'''* lltM ••<r• • "" I"• ''" '°"" gt ,,,,. "'· • -·~· .. , (';-rol F'l1 ~' ~nd ''' ,m..-•o•I'~ "•• • • ·,ort~w••I co••' ,. O"I' ('f;OllDl'I Of 1•0 """" ""'I"~~ C" !~I !~II'• 1<!' f ll 'l ! '" o f"""l~M Jo·,.. "'ll I I .r A • fl'" " (O'O ll•O ''"~~·1 ""' IPOI U!CllQ•Y ,. . ., " •' L .h,.lf', T[J T .. 11111c>rn t 1rrr~ t • ,,.,,, ... ,~, ~ ~"'>' !Oo e, ... 11o• o ........ ~ .. ~ A-'' !!c• "" f\•r"-">'V• .. r .. -,<;? l'"· "'Ill O•»" O•• Moor., O•l•oi! ~ 11·r~.,.,, f ,, .~o ~ti"'' •ool'(:IU!U "'••("~ LOI V•~~ l « ., ... ., '·' -· 1 .... ~~l'""'" '·""'Or ~""' 1; ''Yr·- 11•• ~I o""• L • '•~~ °' ,... "1\1 { " o-...·~ .• '"''"' ~,,,,,.,,. Po•c q~~ t • p~,-·. ""'•>.. ·o~ f(•T.~r~ ' ( '• 1 f Oil'! '" . .. ....., .. ~0' LA••!t'Y ~'' P··~~ ~·~ •••'"<'K~ ~·-" t ~"Q• .,. ,~.,,.,,I Wtl' '''" It••~ lfN , .. <. ~I " .. fl •1 " .. " .. ., " •• .. .. ., " " ,, ,, " .. ' ., " ., " •• • ,, " " ,, ,, ,. ., " " " " " " • " " ' ,, ' .. ., ·' " " .. • • -. " " ,, " " .. ,. • ., " " ,. •• ., " " " ', " " " " " " -, ; " ., ASSISTANT PHILOSOPHY PROFESSOR ANGELA DAVIS FILLS HOUSE AT UCLA t-~early 2,COO Students Jam Royce H•ll for Her Lecture on Black Literature Hear Angela Davis Red Teacher Gives First Lecture at UCL11 I.OS A!\"r:El.ES IL"Pl) -~lini skirl('d ,,r,;::C'lo Dai 1s, a l.Jlack mili tant and an :-id- 1111ltcd Co111111un1st. strocle onlo thr. stage at CCLA ·s l;irgest aud1tonurn ~lonGay :11!d confiden tly rlC'lil"cred he r rirst non- lT1·1i11 lt:ClUl'l' !Jr~p11 c a ntling that no studcn1s <it· lending woul<I gel crrdit. 2,000 persons li~El gathered 111 noycc Jla)I. .\liss Dn1"i.~ told tht' students she con· si •l rred thr Bo;-ird o( Hrgrnts ru ling ll;:1·1~st h"r 1c;u:h1 n~ for C'Tr r!il "on C'X· p'.1~.~•on nf tht· tactic.; ~ingl :n~ inc out for l1:ir .~sincnl a:ict l'.xpund111i; 11 10 the ~lu­ de 11t body " She sa1rt it 11·ns up 1o the studrnt~ to dl'l'lc!C' "huw tu tle 1I 11 1111 this rn· ll<>:lchn1eo1t 011 ~uur liberty·· .-. 'fhr assislant philosophy professor then lc:-turrd for 4~ minutes to "drbunk the 111:-1 h !hat black people \rere docile dur- 111.,; slavery and oppression," After the le cture. the 800 persons who re111ained in the hall passed a three-part re~olution by roice vole. ll urged that Th.irsday·s nieeting of the s:atevdde f:1culty Academic Senate be open to ~i udents. that the Senate should insist the "nurse be gl l'en credil , and lhal the ,:-.;enate should recommend the fa culty reft1sc to teach unt il crl'dits arc granted anr\ l\Usr; Oal'iS is reinstated. :'l liss Da1·is "·as ordered dismissed unJ"r a 29-year~ld rule forbidding rn:ployment of Communists In the L:nil"erslty of California System. Pending Rei11ecke Says UCLA's Young Creating Crisis SAC RA~!EXTO 1 L'PJ) -Lt. Go1· Ed r.<·ir"'~~r ~ays thal LCLA Ci1anC'ellor 1 ,i.11'1 r~ Jo: YJ1111i:. hns gcncralr:d a rr1 s1s (I; l'I' t\r.,ccla J)<J\ IS bel:JUSC he IS b:tti'r :1~<1111l the CnJ1cr~i!y uf Cal!forn:a Hr.i,\t.:nl~ Hr111C'r kr ii n ;:rnt i11 an in1r r1 1r1\· T11r s.day e1 111e1Lcd Young for fa iling In f1rr oulrii,ihl !he ~oun~ \C'i,:ro pllilosc1•hy 111sintrtcr 1\·ho b :in :idtnil\ed Corn · 111tin.~t She !r:i.('hr s a cnursc rnllrrl · fl"L"ll rnni:: ph1losoph!e<1l thrmrs in bla ck 1a~·r:i1 urr ' .\lis~ fl a11s rel·r11 rd \"oun~·s !l• :·11u~~1n;1 IJ traeh tnr courst 1111.1ot1t .ir.11!«:1:1r rrrdit f"r •t11dr nt• a!trr !he l<'L.t•1ol~ ,,.1 ,11 1!• pr .. lubll her lrfl1n 111- H""•1, l>i'J:. 1ur 1. red,! l!r>1nw kr sa1J ~lie ~hollldn'1 br ;illr•ll"('d !n l•«P h ;1111· 1· .. ur-.l' b11 t .il!rC'rd !h.tt 1o1;,· ,-1 -111 r·1i\ -·•'.1p.:i:·r111!~ uo 11•'' 11rn- h1ri1t her iro1n teal·n1ng a n•in-<:red1t 1·n·.1r " \\ ~H'lhcr J! ~ 11;. JTliC'll\ r•r 1110'. 1111t 11 11•11r ·:ir1d111g 111e p1rl\ll"l" he 1\,11111(!• 1s )' 1:(·~.1:1r:: .1 r:-1~ ~ hrrr.' H"lnf'C'kc "airl · lh· firru111> 1111;,! h.nu., ul co111r0n1a:i o11;; l\ixon to Prod he's goina to generate and he app&rently i'i 11·illing to stand back and lt t it h11ppen r.i ~t ou t of bitlerne!'s llialnst 1he re· gt nls " Thr Hep11bl1can lieutenant gol"ernor ~:iid the '"b1tttrne~s·· ;ipp:irrntly was { <iused bl" the boarc1·~ inter,·entlon in the D;111s ca,~e arid ordering her b:irred fron1 1racl1ing for ercdit bcC'au ::e st:r is a Con1· !11\lnJSl. '"Hr:illy . the regent~ 1o!ccl IJ f1rl' her." J·r !'lud. ref erring 10 the Hr!'\ time the hoarrl met on !he 1s~ur "That"s ,1·hat ('\f•r1·boclv \hOU.l!hl \IC 11 rre doing Ilut i·1.'.l :·S not. the way Young inlerpretrd th e t111n,e:. " lie ~a id the boarll e,;pected her f'r.~1nall_\' ··10 ~off the pa~roll And off inr L.'llllptl~ Hr ~.ur! if the 1s •11~ t·f\n· 1 1111 1{'~ 10 ""i!l'IH'rHtc lroublr. I t111nk \he rfr::r nl• :1r(' i::oin;:: 1l hair to t;ikf' 1'. up :•~:i1n <ind <il th;i\ point, she ought to b~ tJ.iil'n olf the payrol l."' Maestro J1~:irir.os on !he 1nnt1l'r 0i>~1l:i Kati.<1•. <·liairtTI:.11 o! ti1" L'CL.\ 1,11'• -11, 01·· dnr:1r,- 111r11i. :1~~1;;11t'd .\!i.,:i lJ,1•:~ 111 <! l ;,ur~l' The rrgents, in 1'1ncr~<-;11·;. 'l'~~l\•11 ];1st 11 cl'k. voted to rc 1·ersc t!n· ;i'~l~lllllC'tl! Howe1·er, the regent~ r111lng 11·ns 1n· te:·9rcted to 111r.an :;:he eot:!d lcc111rc bu t 1\·i~t1out credit for till· ~t11dr:11 ~ Hobert Si nglC'tOn. \Jl/'t'll('i" (ii !l't' 1\fr11- A1n erica 11 SlurlH'S C.:•'1:i i'r :it 1hr ~chool, said 20 bla ck facul11· nH'n1b\'f" hn d ai_:i ced not lo gi1 e gr:icir;; 111 their classes lf no credit is t;ll'L'll lnr .\l J.~s O:.ir1~· course. Tl1c s\at e~·ide a<:<i<~C'l1"dl' }. r n 3 t e assembly announecd 1111 111d1! r:1 C(·t :-::illl~· da~· to rec-on:;icle r the 1 9~~ p1-npn.,;i\ ban· ning Cn111nn1nbt~ on l "1111 Lf~1ty of California fac ult ies. Spaniard!! G iYc Space WiJcl Heroes "' eleo1ne :'ll:'i Dl11D t l 'Pl1 ll1!11rlrr::! nl lho~~;inds of Sp:i'1l3rds r i-;r11·g th~Jr Jrlu!;ition and v.·a1 :ng l!n.1 tl..i;~ t (l;iv $1::1• I' Amc rira·s :\p.;JJ,, l I <i ,:rr1n .111 t ~ l1.e l}igi;rsl l"~~t:!pllon .'t.(..C'111·dr;J J f .n .r,nr ~ ti ~rc sinrc lorn1er 1,re•a!l!li lJ',11i:=1.l !J. LJ!'l'nho~er 1 is ited 111 i~:,y 1'strona1Hs ?."t>ll A. i\r111•tr111r l·.rl 11,:i E. Aldrin and :'llic!1:-it'I l'l'!~1~., 1• .. 1rrl 11i lhc lh~~r in~ thr,1ng:; !~11111 , t1'111 :1 hlt.r cvn1ertlbll' 1u .. 1 1·1rr1l'll h:,,;1 <h111 1• 11ro ugh tile :;!rrC't~ fr. ·~1 t11r edge 1'1 t !~c (Jpllal to t olu1n1;1:, Sq J'lrr ':hert\ lhr e.~r1ied .rn111t ~11,,1ecl 11, 11111• t~r,1ugh poller 1'1J~rlnn-.. t > ~1·1 a l"l11.:.cr lvuk Iii 1t11· '1'"1 •· l.1-rur , :i• \111"1 l:i:rl a 1\•rc.1111 J' t:'I'-n1 ... 1,u1n1111 1 1 < r:r1--~ophcr Cnl.irnt,::<. -h:11:1-;J h~ 1.1~111 ?~ t11c1r collr.1guc> i;, l~11 1.1.,, .• 1 •:•. •I r,l"N \'. 1Jrld~ '!"la· •trrrts nt :rr .' ;i:1··,.11 l q.,i..J 11rre ric ,J..,·,I ·.11:11 ·\:lllT.t.11 .. :,r! ~l'"'"·':l ~l,1 ;;,' ·' i<I h1l1n::l1;,I p' \.'I·•'\' "h: ~ ' • ' I r tilr ;i~! r .0:1.1ul -"1:" 1 ·1,' I • : .r : , , .. : .. 11 fon:p1 in t.\ on the n;·,1.11 l.1~l Ju l. So lon s to Action On His Ref or1ns Stoko1vski Opens 60th Sensnn \r.\Slll:'\GTO'.\ (C P!l -President \t\u!l 11111 send Cuni;ress au un· µ:T~·ti.lenttd nll"~·~:lge nt-xt "erk prodding 1t t:i aet on l1i~ ~uilled lrgis\a tll"e pro- ~r:i•n, l:rpublican lrJi.lC'rs announced lO· d.1.1· !)('1111\r. <:OP leader Hugh Scott or 1'" 1;~~h a1·1:1 .~11tl l\ous~ Leade r Gerald Ii Furct ol :'llich ig;:n :-al1l lhr n1C'~Sa ~e 11 ,1,1!1! nnt be partisan but rather would 111 .. !uilc .1 lislini: of 11 hat has bC'cn done :tin: 11 h:i.t rr111ains to be done . 'l np!1ing thr Prr sidrnt's ag{'nda of r::·1~r :ty lrs isla!ion is dr:irt rrforn1 . Scott said. Thr urlt11inis:ruL1on is ask ing <"011i;:ress lo rt'llll,)1'e a protllbilion aga inst Hl~liluting a drart lollcry. S.·uu told ne.,.smen follow1n~ Nix on's \1 ('('\,Jy \\"hile llousr mrr\ing v.·:th Hcpt1b!1t•,;11 leaders of tl:c House and :'·:n;ite ti1at the Prrsident \\Ould flg~t for h•' rroirams dealing "i1 h "the C'lli":?s, 1 r·'1~f'. \\"t'lfnrc, re1·Cl1ue sharing. postal r•'f,,,·m arid St'1eral othe r art'as in ad· tl.11r>n In 1he dr;i fl."' ·I 1!i:nk I.his 1, 1he lll(•~t hold and in- 1!i1111t11·e prul!rn1n in yrars," Sr.oil ~aid. S1 .. 11 111~i·tcd th·1 1hc 1ne~~<l';c_ "·oulcl [.(' n'l11 p.1r\1 ~;111 "Tius is no lune for _,J:~·rp.ir1 1S:l"~i1ip," hr ~n,,!, n11: r.:i111 Secll an d Ford nvide i1 clr<ir 'l"1 I.rd hl:u11e for t•1r .~lo1r IC'".J~l;i tfl c 1 :l "' nn !1&1°c :ir.rt ~~":":!e Dl'.'ino:r.1t1e i•'.l(~ ~; and l.krnocratie eo1nn1i\lec e:, ,,r::1rn. \ !\E\\' \'O RK (AP) -Leopld Stoko"·sk l opened his l!O th seaaon of conducting in Arneriea i\lond1y night v.·ith a Oash of his old-ti me temperament that brought cheers rrom a llrs1-n1ght audienre at Carnegie Ha ll . A!mO!l 100 bars through Franz Ll!it"s 2nd Hunaarian Rhap!IOdy, tht 82-~·ear-old marslro ~toppeil tht American Srmphony Orchestra in midmelody, turned , pushecl one of his famous "magic handf' lo\\·arrls an erring player in th! bass scc- 1;on. shouted, "out '. ou t'." and started tht p1 ~e agein. The orchestra responded to his ba1onless d l recli~n ;:i.nd pla~·td up a storn1 v, ith the rou sing old v.·arhor11e of a tune. The listeners -some had paid "° for an orchestra seat -shouted !or an encore •nd tot it It was a grent night [or mu~ic lover!, provided they lol"ed Llurs 2od Jtunaar- 1an Rhapsody. Stokowski's v.·hJte hair \las rJn- sidcrably lhinntr than du ring the quarter t rntury he Jed lhe P h 1 l ad el p h I a Orchestra , and hlr; \lo"ell·known stride to thr podium has beromc more a halting 1\ alk , but the music he dre1v from the Qtchcsl ra "!15 as youthful and vi\·Jd as c1 er. "Thrnugh somr lllC'llCrnl', Stokow~ki h:is fot1 nd Ille secrrl of ho1\· to stay yn ung l 're1·rr." sald Phi lippe rle Se/n('s. L: :"I . untlrr~e:.-rcl :ir~·-grnr r:i l for cconon11c at · f,11r~ 111 an 1111ern1ifc~on sprecil The r 1·enl ng "·ns b1l1Cfl as a tribule 10 lhr L"n11cd ria tion.~ and the fl 11g~ n! lhe 1~!\ n1('111hers h11ng frnn1 thr. bo:-.rs. There \\'llS no rnentlnn of relire1nr11t :-.11J no publle n1cnl1011 tha t lh•i "as u1c I fi()th ;inn1 1·trs:i r~· <•! ~·ni-;n11~\;1 ht rllmlng ronrluctor of the C1nc111n:iu Orchesl ra m I.,,, Health Spa Plan Faces Planners A proposed '"Health Sp:i"' i~ nne nf !hree lte1ns schedul '!d for public hearinp.• h;efore_ t!1e FountA1n l":i!!ey l'l:inning Con1m1ss1on at 7:30 p rn . \\'cdne~Jav. ·1110 <ipplications for zonr chanH~S - one to co1nmereial. one to ~inglc fntn ll v re~ldrnce -ll'i!I fill lhc other publ1C hearing SJ)()is. ·1 he he alth spa applicatinn was sub- mi!led by Bevr rly .Anderson fo r proprrty on the north1\·e~t side nf ~lagnolia Street and Gllrfield A1e11ue in a ron1n1erc1al district. Commrrci:.il zoning has been askt-d for the southc.'.!si cornrr nl \1agnall a Street and !l ei! Avenul.'. 11h i!r C'lass1c Oevf'lop- mt•nt Con1pany has rrq t:esled re sidential zonirit: on the northw(~t <·orncr of ilcil A1·enu: and .'\e"·hope Stret'l Golda :H<'ir 111 Israel T!"L ,\VI\' l,\!'1 -P1r1111t·r liold,i :'1:r1r rct11rnr rl ho:n(' !(Illa\ 1r0111 :i 10-11.tv 1np ln l :i· l'n•'c I St:il,.:<: ~1 11· to'd nf· f!ci:1ls And rl1p l(lrno ;s •llC' eni0~r•I !hl!I 1<•.t. 11h1C'h ;:1r luc!ed talk~ v.11h Prl'~id<'Pt :'\"ixon anrl ,1;hcr lop o!liri.11~. 11 l(>1 1r , C llriJly1•.r\"d i>1~d " '"''nii:nrnr.d n·t 1·11 \, he r oi·J h1,1:1ll' !Ii .'lth1 ;iu~ri:- 4 • Tutsd~v. Octobtr 7, 1'6' 0•1L v ~1L•1 a Did Agnew Help? i\losque Arso1tlst Scatte1·ecl Violence· Nixon OKs Funds Co11ti11ues in Vegas l11 sa11e? For Mississippi · L.\S \ fGAS. ~~·:. (.\P ) - :'ca!lered o u t b r e a k !. of 11oll'nt.-e perslsl ril early t'.iday JEHLSA LE~1 ! AP) '-d · II ' \l'•st \\'ASH l~GTO~ ( t:Pl I The :\ 1xo11 ad111i111 ~tra1 1on re~lorctl ll'(!t:ral funtJ L·\lg.h1li- l.\' tu 1110 s t•grcJ.!:1led l\1l,)~l)~i pp1 ~t:huol th~tnt'I\ ~C'1'tral 11't•f'ks <1fll'r \'ice l'rcsidt!nl Sp!l'o 1' .o\•~nt•11· ;111((nly ('har~ed 111•·~· ~h•HilJ nut ht· dcn1t'd Ii u r r 1 c a u c Tilt' l\\O arr H<1y St Luuis n111111c.:1 r u! separflte ~ c h u o I di~tr1<·ts and Stone County St·hools. A ~pokesn1;:in for the lJcp:irtrnent of He<1!th. l::d uc a- l1on and \\'elfare 1llE\\'1 office tor ci1·11 righls SHld Bc4y St. Ldtlls and Stone County bo1h ;ire· beg1 nn111g s!rps I o dc.-cgrcgalr :in<I intf'nd tu <·01nplct e df'segrcGation Oy next fall. ~l issis.~ipp1 h<1s inlunncd lhr l; S. Office of E:ducntion '..!.'> ~chool d1 stnc.:l s 11il! file ap- plication s for disaster aid. T:1l'y ha ve !Kl ch1ys J1·0111 Au g. 21\ lo ~ubn1i1 the11· r•'qUCSI::.. Fc11· ha1·r done ::.u to date. All 1hc districts :ire Deini;: :i ~kcd 10 s11b1nll <ipphca tions·. 11 hethl'r they arc in co111- pl1a11ce (11·ilh lh t' t'i1·il right~ law 1 or noL an d they will be handled the san1t up 10 tile pouit of 1n1yn1ent .'' ~aid a chsa.<:.lcr aid official. ''Then it is uut of our halld~ ., l it· ~;iid !he u lti1na1c tlf'c1 .. 1un pr<ih:ihl.1· 1111uld be 1nadr in the BE\\. eo1nptrul- Jrr·s ul!1ec. An a J 111 1 n J s t r a t i o n ~!l0kt·Sn1;1n ~d1d uci;ntia tions ;dl'l';1dv ;ire undrr wav with 11,o nihcr d1 -;1ncts d1l1nagcd hv llurnl'anc Can1ille I 11c<1~ unc .\lunici pal Separate ~lich iet Dl'nls n~hnn ·! at-un lit~ 01n1nan y, eifo . 1nd Lu 1n b c rt on Linc torney adinllted in court tod<1y .S1dr of 1his c11sino c!ty. blh"' Consolidated. Both have been thal the young Aus1r alian i.:cn,·rally the turbulence of e i11c·ligiblc 101· ledernl funds mJstie set fi re tu the Al Ak~;ih past two nights had a bated. l1£'eause ol ,J nh~on adn1in1s-1'.·lo.c;c1ue on 1\ug. 21 but t'l <1in1-1\llih1Jrl Lics listed nlore lhan 1r;1 tio11 rullngs they 1rere rd he wa~ gui!tll·~s ~cause of JOO Arrests \l;'>nday night, 42 ~cl!rcgatcd. '·n1ent 1:1l illn ess." l11j uric~ -one of the1n serious Shortly after the hurric<1 11c Th'! in~2n1ty pic a 011 !he st'--an<.! property da n1nge in the ~1,rpl ~lis.<.1~s1pp1 's an cl l'Ontl day of th£' tria l 1:1lkd to tens of thousands of doll11rs. Louisian:i"~ Gu lf Coa~t in win a ~u~prnsion of !ht' pro-Yoting bl11t·i,,;s roatned th!': A u::u~1. Agnew crlt1crzed a eeedln gs. The lhret lsr<i!'li arC'a. hurling rocks a n d fede ral thsn! I 'r ;iid off icial's Judges agreed 11 i!'.i tlir pro· f1rl'bo1nbs, sh11tlcr!ng 11 ln- stateinent l11;it school distri cts setiitt:>n llHI\ the hr:iring 11 ~11·s, Jooling a rew stores and 11·hcre federal funds arc h~lted should continue. 01 crturning cars. because of segr£'gatio11 v.·outd l>e len~r a\lornt l' Yit i hak i\' t11e ,·iolcnt.·e spr~ad. not be eligible for federll l Tun ik claiined the '2s-ycar-0ltl SHE EPHERDE R ROHAN SITS BEHIND BULL ET-PROOF GLASS \l:i\or Oran Gragson ilnposed disaster aid. sheepsheerer "suffe red from Austral ian Today Ad mitted Setting F ire to Al A!<sah Mosqve a 7 P 111. lo 6 :i.m. curfe\I'. Agne1\·, who I o o k a mental discase: as 1 rrsuh or <l t ,'larcd a ~late of t n1ergency helicopter tour of the Gulf which hc 11.n~ not in a position ilnd 11skrd Gr.1·. Paul LAx 1llt to Coast. said he was ··more than to be of lucid inind.,. dit tinC'nt" "I t i ~ itnpn~~1l:!r fnr n'1' 1.., 1 "i ,ilc··~ 1"•1 1flt•d 111.1! n oh111. n1ohl1izt 1he N11tiona' Guard. 1nildlv :inno\ed. · "A.• • result of thr nicntal Tiniik dllf r.n1 ~p:-• ,f•: l'•r rr' cal uior r lh:tn I \·;i· 1, ~.i•d 111 .1 dt•1:Hll'd ron.cSl>IUll. !old Thr guartlsn1cn ;i5s~mbl erl "The la~\ -thing in ini· ni ind di sease the accused suffered di~l';i.sc :ind n.•qur~\i«t th;ir ,,111 p ol1l''' lie ~rl 11rr !(l 1hr ;it their armories. but v.·t re 11 b I k 'd'"''." .1,.0,, ,1\ 11\1., ,1;1 ~l1 11·~ ,.d1~l'd I I d 1 ed 11·ou < c.: 0 n\a ·e " .. t during thnt per iod, he t·;1nnot 111rdJo.::1 I t•\;111111:111111 1ird,.,r1·d .h·:'ll\~d'.'lll t11(•.~qur ~.J l' cu rt le not Cf) fly . nn 11 ithholdinl\ assistance to b? puni shed in ;i :.:cnr rlant·e h~ 1hi' rialrl be Ucla~cd in-.\l the op•:ni n~ "1 till· 1'"11 •1lr lur lht• rt•b11iltl1 ng 1hcrr nf The two nights of \'iolence pl·ople who hai·e bee n \l'lped \lith !he c·harges 111 the in -dC'linitrl~·. ~l 11i.cl.1~. ll 1xillt·(' >n;ic·r,u· '!t' ('I SuJ1nH111·~ T~n1ple. 11cre lhe worst city officials nut ba w d on nn ordinance bY.-------'-------------::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:~_;;;;;;;;;;;;;:.:=~====::.-=:.::::::~:::= HE\\'," he said al a ne11·s c.:on-1 _______... fcrent·e. ,,.,,,...-- Si'vcr:1l 1rt~cks later th e two Tllissi s.~i!J]li districts' eliglb!lity for federal tunds are rt stored by the Dept1rtn1en1 of Heal th. Education and \Ve lfare. ll 1r;is learned the matter \\ <1S discussed 11 ith the Presi· den t a! a cabinet meeting .:ot t hr San Clcnlt'n!e ''llitc llou~r shortly after Agnew criticized the l!E\V position.! "~nc11··s olfi cc declined coin·[ 1111·01 . The sr1okcsn1:in said ihe 1J1stnct~ sub1111t1ed acceptable desegregation plans as a result of negotiations 11ith Jl EIV. "The n~11ur11! e1-rnt tha t brought us 1ogcth cr 1ras lhe hu rricane,·· he ~id. J B11uty Is tnly skin deep ... so t;ike good c:He o! your precious skin. Help keep 1t salt and smooth with Peol 0 Mat 1que Clea ted by !farengo of Pa"'· It is a cos metic pro cess that helps to remove layers of dr ie d skin on your face 2nd hands. II cleanses. cond1!1ons and mois turizes 1n tiloee easy steos. 40 aoo l1 ca t1ons . Peel O MaliQue I~ hands. 20.0G Pee l 0 Ma :1que lor l3ce. 20.00 . (.:,~" 111 anj nect ;.Lr. A11t1 r i.'a;en~.-, vr r,11 ~. Le: h11·: a11~.·.cr y · ~r b·~.1~ty q;i r~I Or s. H? 1" 11 l'e nc:c fr~i I ! ::;;:. 1•. ::Uu ti . .,. lh1·•5cta~. Oc tobe: ~. 1·u;i.,~i S;i1u•l!11', Oct:i• ~~r I! 1·1 1'ie C:~-~t c t!e r.1;1-c : o! c..r (,(;:· 1-ll Si:''!, Gree11 Beret Co11fide11t Of i\f iirder Acc1uittal PHOE ~IX , 1\ri z I AP \ ~ r.rrcn Bcr£'t C.1pt John J . \1 rl:ir1h1· .I r ~<ns hP is "ron· ful<'nt I 011111 ht' ·acqu11l t'tf' (\f thr 11111n!rr t"lf a (;unhorh rin :udc 111 \"iclnilrn fnr 11'11ich he ~r>en1 nearly two years 1n con- f1nr1nc11t \lcCa r1 h1· s1:inrd a n1on1h- lQng hur:ir '1ra1 e 111th hi~ farn1- !y ~londay ;illcr his re lrase b.v the Ann~ pending hi s appeal l<t Ilic rourt ol ~1 1lit ar.r H"1'i<'11 1!1· had hl'Cn held at 1hr. 1h~t·ip!1nar~· hnrr:itk" :it VI Lein r1111 orth, K<1 11 . ~111cc Jalltl.'ll"I' 1%11 .~hot nn d the CambOOiar. shin1pc1I. dead. "~1cCartll\ had a .~2-caliber pi~tol an d the pa!hologisl at !hr trial te<:.tified the fel1011· 11::s sh<)t 11ith a .Z2." s::t id i r.11 ar l rs ~!organ Jr .. 1 .\lr\arthy's c11·i1ian attorney. "llis appeal should bf' heard In the next se1·cral n1onth~. "' ha.~ fa ith in the military s1·s\c1n nf jus!ice and expects rO be f11llv rxonerated and cn ;iblrd \'I con11our hi~ life as a prulcs:.ioual soldier." roull recall. There had been. some earUe.r racial unrest at scilools. The lro1.1ble d ~~'eloptd Sun- day night after two Atiro policemen 111.opped • black cab drh·cr for a traffic check: and a cro'ft'd gat.hered. Authorities s11.id U1i~ did l'IOt tri gger I h e dl.sturftances. hov.e1·er. ··There 11ere no r11.c·ial O'.'e rlon~ in the begi nni ng.'.' GrilfilSOll said. "But afte r it ~ot g o I n g, '11o·hltey' "' a s n ' t "·clcome 01·er there." Th!re are about 30.000 ~egroe:;: 11mong the ZMl,000 residents or areater Las VP!as . So111e fir~s broke out Sunday but Ille cro11.·d v.•as dis~rsed . THE BEST 11: •• ,.rihi, , • t 1 t ,,, •• "'••~u l1" io •~• •' fh• ..,,,\,'1 "'011 riepul er t•"''~ 1td ,1. 11;,14' ii ••ily ;~ lhe DAILY PILOT. =' A ~k C'il uh~·lhf'r !hr !lrnppi ng f'f t'hili'j,lt''i a.~:iin ~t t'IJ.!hl Ot!lf'I' 1.:·1•pn l.lcn'I~ arru"''~ nr ~1:11·ing :1 Su1:1h \'1t·1n.11nr•<' ;1c~11t 1nicht h;11 c IPil to Iii~ r. lra~t' .. \ltCr1rl h1· s<i 1d. ··TIH· onl.r p.i1;1lltl 1~ ·1h;1t 11 c all bl•\unt: tn 1hc ~:unt· un it ·· :\ 11el ear Tc•I H•·M·lt cdu lcd 1..\S \"E(;,\S ll.PI\ -1\n t111derground IPc l ol illl 111· trrrned1atc ~ irld n u c I ea r dc:>vicr ha5 hroe n rescheduled hi' t!ir 1\lon1 1r Enrn!:J rClm· 11u~'i1r.n for 'i JO a.111. \\'cd- ni·~da~ u umS' ~\lcCanhl' 11:is cQn\·)c.:lcd b,· <'our t-111urLi:1t 111 Long Hinli. \'ir111:11n ,..f lhr 111urdt·r of Tnrhtn Ha t l.<HH Thf' :11dr 11 .1'> }:l•I 11 h1lt· 111 .1 t".lr u11 ;1 r•i;:d uul:>1.l1· ~ ... 1,.:u11 \l<'l':irll11. \l hfl 11;1~ rid 1ni; 1n 1hr c,1r 1111h l.;,i1n and ,1 (;r('r11 Brrl t :>t't'At'a n'. 111ntcdt·d 11L \lie 1ru1 \ lhat hr 11 a~ huld1n~ ·l .:!~ rah!)~1 r•f'·,11h (·r. (.il'kl·f a nt! lo.1dcd, 1111c11 there 11 a.:. a J~c d Ger1nan l\light Sho,rn r.r<Bl .1~ 1 \P\ l'u1n· 1111111b! l~a~l Ccnnany pa ratl· I''] its ~r.111111g nuli1<1ry 11Hghl through r:a~l ll crl111 todli} to n1ark th<' 20lh ;1111111 1·rs:i~·v 11( !ht• tnuntr~ ·~ So ritt-unri1tcr! Tl'gi1nc The Big Thrf'c \\"r-;t crn :ilhcs rh11rgr:J lhal i',1• p<i rad1• 11111f!1cd l h t· (if'llH htarizcd !>l;itus or 1hC d1 1 idrd c 1ty. 1\ s111 tr1nent 1s~urd hy thr 1"111 \cd Sl11tc~. Hril a1n and Frauce 1 h:i q!t'd that !h" 11rcsencc of Sui 1r1 off1lers al !hr par.1dc ''c l e :irl~· drrnon~tr:i1cs lh;i! 1 h 1 s 1n1l1r:1r;-d1~pl ;i~ 'la• c·onrlnn cd find p1·nn1t1c.:d Iii the Sui 1c! a11r hor111e~ • Soi irl Co1111nun1 ~1 p :i r I .v r hil·f l.A.'on1d I. Brc7hev and n1hrr 11rlll0<lox \\'ars:11r Pact traders stonrl 11 ilh Ea s I Crrrnan leader \\'a I I er l'lbrirlit In 111kt• ~."ll111 cs <is lhc ;1rrny 11111.rchctl b)'. JFJ\ Center Fuudo Okayed \\"i\Slll:\GTO:\' •lPll Congress h:is a u l ho r 1 7. r d :inother $7 j million lo cum· pletr tonstr·uclion of lhe John V. Kennedy Centrr for lhc 1-ierfnrn1ing An s. The St>nate p;.i~std 62 to J and senl 10 !hf' \\h1t'e llousc /\lontJav a bill 1.iat also authorizes ihe Ken·, ncdv l'l'ntrr lru.~tees to borrow 11noihcr S5 1nl!hon fr orn the The .\El' had ong1nal!:. ~1·hPdu \rc1 !he rest for Sept 30 bu! had lo f)(l'"tpone 1t brcause uf 1crhn1r:il rliffirult1r ~-An in- t1·nnrd1:•tc yield 1'.t apon i~ in th" 200 k1 !oton to one mcg<ilon range. --- TURN IN ~:; ""' ""' ·~~ .. _, Turn in at Texaco for son1e real sa ving s-si x l 2·oz. botlles of Pepsi fo r only ""55c plus tax (and deposit). You get 1! v11th any purchase ... at pa rt icipating Texaco Retailers. But hu rry- they're going fast! So t urn In at Texaco - l oday. •sugge~tecl Ret••I Pflce. Trr11.~ury to finance perking·'------------•1 f;_ii;1l1 !1r~. J • ,...__ \ ~ 11 ;} I Ii'•• wondorl1nd of makeup fiom Ellnbelf1 Arden . A masleilu l asso1 l- men l of 18 moheups and p:epaia t1ons lo help you keep pace with face !ilsh1on. Corn~s 111 a hand y, c.~sy·lo-store plastic ma keup kit A 25.00 value . no,,., onl y 15.00. C os11iet 1 c~ Buff urns· NEWPORT CENTE R e #I FASHION IS LAND e 644.22 00 e MONDAY. TH URS DAY, FRI DAY 10,00 Till ,,JO e OTHEP. DAYS 10,00 Till 5,39 • • ' I • • t I ' J ,---:;t,.· .... ,_ •••• _ ' -.... -... ·---·-~·--;-:-;::--:"""":'"--.,;"~~-----------------------------~--...... --. -, -~·-. -----· . ·--.. ~ -.. ~ ' DAILV PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Problem . ri Jounting public concern O\'Cr pollution OI the cn- ''ironn1ent-<lll". \\U!C r and Jand-1~ rel!ci.:tcd 1n Or:1n:~c ( 0 0lllll\' IJv the ~uddl'll outcry a ;:"inSl Southern L':1Ji- i ornia· l:'~cl1:.011 Ct1111pa11y's plan to triplt· tl1t' c;.ip..ic!ly of it s l·l11nti 11g to11 llca1.:h stcan1 plant Last _;\pr1I . fnllo11·ing . a 1nc(·,]11;.: 1111!1 !~{!1~0 11 oft1- cials. iL 1v:.i.-. puhlicly intlicated th<Jl ..i 1nc1jon1\I ol t he J;oard of Supc r\·isur.~ ;111 d lhc county '~ ;1ir pvtlut :o n (·On· t rol offic<.·r. \Vill1n111 J.'1tchc11, t<l\vrrd tile µJcinl txpan- 61011 . 1:1 \chrn 11 ;1-. 11011 rc·1cr!'lrd h·1:i po ~1t iun . Ile !'>JY!» lus earlier "1cntc;<1\c .ippro\·at" 11 :.is bu'icd 011 <t hupe that in1pro1·111 g technology \1011!cl t'l'C<itc f~t\or.ihlc c:ond.1- t io ns fo r co n11·ot1111 :.: pullul anl s by the l11 11C' Lile plnnt 1s read \' in t~'iJ. :\'.0\1 th t· n1o nths latc·1·. he ~avs he sees ll(lthln~ on 1he hor1?11n to indic<.i lc th<lt ~uc·h c ontrols 1rill be ayailnblc. l·';tcl1cn ~<1ys he hos not. lu.111·evcr, s een plans !or the proposed plant t.•xn:.in .... inn. Filt'hcn poin1 :. to 11('1\' .;talc standard~ rccp11r111g :'I rrc;ional appro:1ch co,·er1ng the 1rhole South ('0~1 s1 IJ :!.~1 11 fron1 p:irt of Santa l ~~irbara Cou11t .1· dO\\ n through \\·n· tura, 1,os :\11gcle:.. Urc1n ;,;e, !~1 \ cr~idc and San 1.;cr11ar- dino eountic.~. ·rhc .. \f)l' olil{'l"I lcl'l:> Orcin~e ( ·oun;y 1nighl be ci blc to live 11 ith the J :di.~on C'Xp.1 1i:.,ion 1f the only c·011ct·1·11 \1erc the county. ·rJ1 e rl•,::1 u11 ;1I concept i.:ll;,in~c~ Lh1 .-;. lie has toncludecl-<lnd he i:. prcp:ired lo !1ght, JJ nCl:C!>· S<1 r 1·. .l )C'~pi1l' Ill., po,illUtl luCI;!.\' )l\)llC\l'l', Fitrlic n pl':!J:.i· c s t:d1.:.u11'.:. pa ~\ elfil rt ~ to l'll!l\1·01 nlr pollu!ion. .. J,.rorn a IC'~;'I st<.111dpu1nt. tilC",I' ;1fl' in co111pli~111t·c l\ith f'\'Cry rcquirc•nlt'll l 11 c !1:1\'l' on lilt book!:>·· Ile has ~aid. "F'urtllc:rrnnrr. 11le.1· h<t1 e :-pent 1nill 1on!> of dollars f"\pcr i n1c111in ~ on l1 r111· tu l'un!r'ol their c111is.,ion .~ ... 'fhc cn1npany IJ.i, 11 ill!n :~l.1· lrird 11l·11 J11rls ~ind l!a s s11 itched to 11:1tur.1I {!<1' 11 hen required to ." \\'hi lc L. S. pn11cr neC'ds dou bl e r 1er.1· 10 ~·cur~. l hcv double Cl'C'l'I' {i :i lo i \·cars in Southern c·aliforn1a. If i1e are not t.o .~uftcr Poirer f~1 1h•J'C''i ;.uid rc~ional bro1rn-ouls suc h a!> Ji;1\·c hc1.:n e:..:pcriC'nccrl in the ca ~t. lo.:-;i l re<p1 i rc1ncn1 ~ 11111. .. 1 he rnc'! b.1· :-;otne 1neans. Tlie Dreu111 of Is Regional l''itchcn declares lhat if the llu bllc Utilities Con1- 111ission grAn ls l!-:dison the authority lo expand the plant , he \\'ill deny them a pcr1nit to. build. :\nd if an .::p pcal to the air pollution· hearing board results in a \'Clria ncc, he \l'ill deny .Edison Jl permit to opera te. '!'hat route \\'Ould lead ultin13lely to a court deci· ~ion . no doubt. In •the meantime, the re sllou!d be a11 op- portunity fo r both Filch~n af\d the Edison ·~ompany to do a n1uch better job of explaining the situation for the l.J eru!(il of supervisors and the p ublic, at a public hear- in.~. ·ro this c11d . coun·;y supervisors have 110\V set a 11ubi ic hearing for Oct. 22 111 their hearing roo1n. In recent days, a suggestion has con1e (ron1 l~c\\iS l·'ullcr, head of the l.os Angeles County t\ir Pollution llis;ricl. It \l'ar rar1ts se r ious consideration by the super· ,·isors. F l1ller belle,·es Orange County s hould a sk the St;ite F>o1\1er Siting Con1111ittee to :.tep into the contro· 'crsv and rnali:c the decision. l~ccausc the J·:dison plant issue has becon1c a rt·· ~1t1nal one under ne\\' state la\I'. and not iust an Orange ('ou111y c:onccrn. ccilling for action by this con1n1it tcc \'.'Ould appear to be altogether pe r tinent. Lesson of Fountain Valle y J~ccall or the n1 avor of F'ou utain \1allcv and t\10 vf 11 1:; fc·llo\v city cou11c.iln1cn in a recent :.pCcial electio n earries a lesso n in il for pul)Jic servants cvcry 11'hCrC'. l 'hn1 is thal it is as i111porta11t to avoid the i.lppear- illll'C of ;:i t:onfl icl of intc rc.-.t or other 11·rongdoing a s it is to t1void the offense i·~self. 1·1ircc of Founta in Valley's live city <:ounciJn1rn. pl11s the city atto rney, 1vcre all involved in the rc:1 I c:i- t:itc businc~s. i\nd 1r hen their business interests ;.:o t ~oo clo:.c lo their Ci·:y Council interests. they no longer could retain :lie public confidence necessary to be cf· lccti1·e public servants. Ot hers in govcrnn1cnt 1rould do \1·cll 10 n1akr cer- tain lhe.v a rc free of any <lppearancc of .-.uch conflict ~. ·-· ___ , ..•. -· .... ···. Miglit Bt' Jtlade Po1111lnr by n Fortl11·i9#1t Stnnce . . ~1 ar ryi1i.g· ct. Millio11uir e Dear Gloo111 v (;us: Nixon's 'Middle View' on Vietnam S1fl<''.1;:ilk cor111nrnt~ by a l',11c111rnt 'l<ltl'l .\ ton1111on drt•;:i1n ;1111!111;.:: .\1arrk·;i,1 !irl!I tod:.iy -:ind a1niJ11;.:: many 1·011n:! nen lor th.it 111;1ttrr -I.'} the dr<'o1111 u! 1•arr~ ing a 1111ll1on:l1n" l l11r l\Ol dl'r!> \1h1 But 11 1·1111 ;i~h a )l1J{lr .1nr:.1ng ~1rl !hl' f(:;i~o11 ~h1~'d ll~r Ill J1\,!f· ·\· d q1ilJ1rin:11 rt -a111 n111\101u11rr -'I•" ;11.•k~ at ~ou <.i., d ~utl h;1d go111' d.dl .lllll ·r rl1r~ · Urrnt1~t· ht·.~ ~1111 ;il l tl';\1 1111111~y · ll 1·u11:l' 1·1e tli;i\ ,1 1n1lll1111a1rc 1111~!i t ~1. 'b.J\1' :11'1li'. uk't·r-.-.. ,1thl1•lr··., l•111I .1111] ·1 l';J.<I Ill hi~ l'I !' II 111:d.t•\ Tiil dil il'~! Ill'!'. I I r~ ,,1Jll g•1I ::11 11i:i1 111 .. nt·y. Qj t'Ullr!-!' 11h1"l ;1 Cll'I rlrP<llll' f1I 111:1r· ·;·111:.; a 111!1J1n11:1wr '!w 11!1'!1lizc:-hl111 ;1s "t•ll ;1~ l.1s 1nrJ11P1. !'\lie 1·1111.~1011-. him ;1s :;111. d;irk and h:1nd ·u111,.., .111ung. dC(>ply r"n1ctn lit•. 1u1t'i •c and i;1"u•1'1111• tn " fault. ~he :i;1s 1ht• 11h·;1 11lal 1111• !1r•I 1111111-: l1r "111 clo :ii!rr 111<'1' lc;1 1•· 11ie th1111 ·h 1-. 111 1·i ~c ;i l;;,g 11! µOhl ••I I Ill' .•llot1lilrr ,uid d1111 •:it into 111u pill'., -111~ ;111"1 h1·r.• \\0 SJ\CI·: HI< I I•• "111 t•t11l,1111 lv ~i·1· IH<tl >i1~l1lh 1 .. q,;lr 1.1.>!1 11, I . I 1°!! ll1·r f'tk 1; 'I !1c !;ut\\ \\ 11i1 l)11 ... jlH 11.1 1 I• . '11 I '" 1 ,ol'tll,1 \'.!'II ,ii i.t \h\' ,! .II .•!.;•' l!P[>l•"'"lt I \ nll r 11111 "'till 1nill 11,dli+o11.i11 1 II !1 il!J 1'1Jddl" ,n•••il \ .11·1! lo,,/d ll.1 · ,1 l·nlr I : IHl\'.I• 11 ,111d I. ,di' 1.I\ ll1i1111 1 11 ]H ;-. 11u11\,11l 1111., \\.-HI r •. 1 1 !i1•11 .111tl In .; "IH\tf'\ h~1· ;1 1111111 I I I 1111 Ill'• l,11111·11 I" ' l . 1 ''t i\ I' ;'It!\ Hilll'I 1 "'I ,i.·1" 1:\I 11 I I ' f l~l l!'"~ \)1;1l lllll'l'f',d 111111 lrllt I ;:11· Iii•·:•' 11 1 " li·ll[.;! r S11ppo ... 1 lloi111•\l'I \\1 I· ~till ;11)·11 hr·lf•I'. i IO I till t•111il, 111.11 . 11~,, I '1 111<"1' ( !i.111111!1~. 111· :-p1:r;1\~ It~ .1.1;~ .o11d 111 ~l11-11111•11!1 , 1111u1J lhl' ki11g!h•n1 1r~·i1;: !11 111 ":.;\., l1 prwr 111 a pout' ht:l hront·~l '-il•'~llut.1 1·lad luaJcrPll;1" ;\OT 111 ~1. \l:1l.111g ll!IW1f'\ I ordu1,111h ,'I 1t11l"·CUll~UllH1l,R 11:1'-!'IU!I 111 11,rll \ f/llr \•nhnar\' n11lho11airr has no idle hOl•rs to '['IC'nd iii \ a1n pur~ults. Ask hi1n ii he 1s Tl1a11 k iic;nc:1 tl1;l1 11hen 111y «llil· 1lrt'11 11t•rt· b:1h1t·.~. iJr. Spoc k dllln 't 1111~ in po!i;1cs. If he hrid, as unc 1· lio 1ol lu11l·d 1nu1.:h o( !us ad1·ice. f lltl\I' ll Ot.il d be \'Cry \l'Ol'ri<'lf :ilJ!)11( 111111· 111uch 101 e <.ind respect tlily l1:11c f.ut· our great ,\1:1cn..:a -1. A. Tn,, i~11u•• roflt<.l• t<•dcl~' "1tW1, ~01 ~"'"""If •~o,~ ol '"• •·•"'>P•~tt, ~·~e ~our P<I ot••• 10 Gloe"'' Gw>• 01'11 1'1!0! l11u~u1i:: lor a poor 1111rh1ne: girl ll• 1 narr~-, .1111! hl JI rrply ".\I t' \1111 11\11 nf 1q1 1r 1111nd" 1 ;tlrr:u!v \ Oii' UP• d•·p~·1~1Jt•i1t 1'111 '-U pll'1!'11n;; :_ I 11"11· ·"•1111 l\'h;1 l 1:tr I lll'l'd 11·1lh .11101 h1·r···· '1• t:t•\' l1k ••• tn 1nat" 111th n1onc1· ,\ 11111!1011:"11ri: ~1·1·~ nu tu;,n.::11 rr:l ~un wi1y 1t I 11'1 .i• l',1-1 !or 111111 \r, 111:1rr.1 :1 1'1<'h girl ·-11111, l>:11 l:1~1r~ l.i~ 1 .. n 11nc· -a~ ii 1s tu 1n,1n:, ;, puur' io;1r l 1',ilh n" ~oLJ.il position. . \1:1>. 101· 1l1c l<1fl111g tlrc;,1111-. nl lht' poor 1111rk1n~ ).'1rl But ,111 r1·cn t:n ld1'r-11·:1IC'f Cd t1·uth appl1t·~ '" tll1· p1J1<r ~nuog 111<111 11•ho II :..11L~ to \\'Cd a n1ilhi1110:Ji1 C~!>. E\'E~ IF Tl ll S d1 r,1•11 ~h1111ld C<11nc In•\'. 11 prloh:1blv 1•.ould ll1rn 111 10 .i 111;:hl!Hill'l' I 11r \',iifll ;i rit·h 11·oo11:i11 111ar· 1 1('~ a 1:'1tir 111:111 tr.r t11.; !'l1.1r111 ~he .i.1 to; 1" l,t<,11 1 ol lhr h,1rQ,1111. ~h•· ;.:r1~ h~ 1 l1;1rtH lull 1h;1t 11•1!'!-ll l lllC<ll! hi' ;;t 1" JI' i lllUll '' \ 11•h 1•1·•·.111 1 1111· t•1 111.•r ;i 1.i•11r J ·' .. 111<1 ;1 II h" \\,(l' .I \\.11\·h!Hh lh• h .I I 11!1,,I i·!T\,l ! pt l~<•l•l I' to\ h• I ]Jill"'' 1n: 1", ,,nd 11111 1 h• I.' 111 · r•1h· r11 111-1 I II'!. 111• lh' "l .I I lo\\ \Iii' ~i)(• 111;(1' ~··• l•Jlll iJ brigh t i1c11 ~por1 .1·.ir, hut 1f 1, • .i1111 i:'.\'lhll~ •l1r th111k:-h<· pa~.'> t1,o 11111• I\ ;1tl\'1l l10n tn a11n1ilf't 1111111;111, 111' 1 1'j l 1J.~ 11 b3l k th{' lll':;\ lllllf'lllll,, ,\11d ,jl>' 'I Ii l. 'lhrrt' i~ ;i11011lt·r rc:1so 11 1·.by ]Jl•Or \ •>11 111-, 111CJ1 and 11·u111en :-l11iuld r,;(':l:\C dr1 0111111~ of 11HllT} ing 11111lio11airt'" Th<' 11hjlrli1e of lhe drr;i111 i~ to be ;1hlr lO 11<1• like a 111Jllin11:i irc. J:11l hetause of t:.ixcs ;inti ri ~111g 1•rircs 1·1 pt11th1111ses ;ind ~·a ~·ht~ :ind li1nou,i11c::-. ldll. l 11lilliona11·cs 110 longer can al lord tu !11 c like milliQnairt'S. H \O U \\'ant lo live like a 1nilhun:Urf'. yo11 i1a1·1: io set a highl'r go<i l -<.ind Urr<inl oJ marrying a 1T.ullin1illionairc. News11ie1i Not Fcii1· Ga1ne One Cl• tl1e things t vrry nc1vspaper .•hoi1ld do is t:ikc all necessary steps lu protect lls r111pl•1yc.~ 111 rrt'('l1l yc:1 r~. 1rr h<1vc ~ccn so 111;111)· 111:,\;111t·•'• td 1;cwspapcr photo:!r;1pher!> a1nl r1.·rurlrr~ bei ng sho1 cd, ki<'kcd . hralt•11 and lllovd1rt! 11·hi\c "''ithin lh c scopC' nl thei r nc11 .~­ J.!J lht>ring duties 1hr1t it sonll'lllne~ "C('fll," l\l hc acceplt'll a.i; a !1al:trd Pt tl1c business It may bl'. \Jul 11 ~houhl 1u1t lll" •ilcnt!y accepted O:\E f;\0 DIA\".\ nr11 .._p,q1cr 111ul. lh" 1n Jlia!h·e in \!166 \\li('ll 11 ~u<'d a l11f':1I :-herif( in fl'GC'ral court 11nd1•r lht' l 1111 High1s /let for allr~t II~· r1111 ~111n~ 1111 1111" of i!S re;xirlcrs \lhU 11:1 ~ :ll l<'lll]lllll',: 1(1 1.q);c phologr<1phi; f'I H lr;1l11, .ic·1·uh·t'1 J ht.1 nction resoltt>d in :1 1!1 •t1 ,1<111 h.r 1h1· .'.S. f rdrral Cuul't 111;11 lh<' • 11.,ntl l1,1d . f ... f)rlved th<' nc11 sp:.pcr ;11ul I Ii .. r 1 il"r11·r 1 f':r-rrl< rn of the Prc.,q. 111 lndia narolis la~t 11irn11h. <1 1.1r11.1 n .' 1)1c ~fl('~'l•'"'ay race !rack \.\ t 11n11d 1 •ill~· ;inti fine/I ~:roll for ;.1 >,r;:iult ;:ii nrl hi1 • ! i'\ for dut1 ~1na ;u1 li n!1:i11 :1]11J I'> :-,1;,r o101oi;r:1phl'r 1r1l h l·hc1nic:il !ipr;1y u1 • r I alia1ion for II' hill lhc fircn1an con· ~1ill'rcd to llr ,111 11ncon1plin1cn\<1ry pit'- lurc publi:.hetl the 1l<1y ix'IC1re . TH IS i\IO~Tll . :i ~ceur11 y ~u;1rtl trir 1he J\u Klux l\l;in 11a~ <ll'rc~:tctl on robb<'ry ('11;,i r~C'S :111J J.t1 lcd 1111d<·r :in 1irigi11,1I hu11d l•I ~20.11()(1 tur allt ·:rill~ tllrratc111ng ,, rc-portl'r for 1he F"1 .111kli11 1 ln1 l ) lJ;iil.v Ji..11 rnal ;il ;.;unpu1111 ;ind t<1L1ng his 1 .un.•ra !nnn l1o 111 ;11l"r ,1 l\la11 r.111~ 111 Hro11 11 ('r•un ly It• 11hu h lll'll ,.1llt'll h<.1d h('f'll 1r.1 llC'il. .. \\'..: Lupt• 1lr1 I "lh~r 111•.1 :-~1:1!11·rs :1r:d 1111· n·r<1r11 :·:-11111 r•'.I"\ • 11n1l:1 rly 1f · 111•h .<.1111nt1un, .iri•t' tll 1·011r,,1•, lnl!t,1111\~ 1111'0:1:lh olfl "LI !i 111.~\l· I I~ ll''r>e'-1' r;1t'i. 11 1~. l<111l· C'<11l!'>ti11111 ~ ,:nd 11n11l \·:i-.111 t. hut 1f liir 1111rd ~ Is ;1n1ut1d :-ulh<'tr11lJ.1· !h:!l 11~\'·p:1prrPt' 11 ;irr 11n1 t:i 1r ~::1111c, 1·~11,1/'-" l'l 1!1110: \\I' \111! !-l' ],,,_~ nl II l/oo~irr Sla!r Prr-~ A~\c1•l:i l iun \\'.\SI H:\GTON -It is possible th<i t if ll1l'hnnl i\'ixon \rcr e John Kr.nnecly or Uwight Eisenhower he n1igh t ~ able lo 111<1kc his .. 1niddle view" on Vict11<1n1 a .-.:.i lablc co1n1n0<1ity. Bul the trouble is that the Pfesidenl !ia... so thoroughly exhausted the old politil'i'll tnc:k or being in the 1niddle of tile road that 11hen he docs trv to t<1kc a position -:1s on Viet na rn -·he sounds 11ul ;is thou~h t1c 11·ere serious!~· rcconi· 1neruling a tutirsc of act ion for his coun· lr)rnrn lo folluw but as though he 1~crc !>Coring another point in a cc111111aign llehate. It is tlear. for example. that the Pr<'~I· dl'lll cannot ~upport the proposal or ::=r11 . Charles Goodell (R·N.Y .I lo n1ake the rnd of 1970 thi: dcad!inr. for .-\n1er1ca11 troo ps to 11·ithdra11', HE CANNOT 00 TlllS be<:au~c it irl· IL rlcre~ 11 1th his pl1111 to holrl 1111 111 \'1rt· 11:1n1 11ilh dcerc:i ~i11.g 1·i gor hut 1·.ith dc:cr1n1natlon un1il Han1J1 <1grC~'i 1n 1!1\' J,i11d nt l1 g lrar lie needs a~ the price of Lol al 11·1thdra1rn l . A Kcnned,\· nr an l·:iscnho11er 1n1ght tr O'.lblc tu sell tl1c eountry on lus pl;iu. 11 hich f i\'la nkie.wi cz and Braden is a position. after a!l , th<it n1i ght be rn;iltc popular by a lorihr '~~hl ~t:inl'1' i\lr. Nixon <'hose lo dispute Good2ll hu~ not heatl ·on, as a rnan 1night 11 ho had a pl;111 he \I anted to sell. He tl1<1sc 111~t(';i<I the slippery argu rncnt that the Goodell pl;111 nught prt'\'t'lll hirn lron1 getting thi' lroops out c\·en bcforl' the end of 19i0. It 11a:> a curious tlcbat!ng lnl·k. 1n :cn1lcd tu 1nake the Pr!'Sidcnl sou l'Kt a !1tt lc niurc !Jo11sh than Goorl l'l\. 1\nd ii 11:1s lolh111 1·d ai once by the declaration thHt he \1 ould ::uppor~ the Thifu {l:0Yer11n1rnt. 11J11 ch n1adc h1n1 a ll a.11 k aga111. IT IS AN OL U practice nt A1 nrt1c:i11 polot 1c;111s ru 1lt·11uu1u.:e the e.\d't•1nc!> 0111d :-L·1ze tli r 1nidtllc g1'0lltHI Tl lt•oidnre tiuo.~r1r l! 11<1.'. a l'h:unpion ,11 1he lcl'l111 1· 11ur H111 ii I~ ~lh'('('~sful~:i ... II II :1:-I' 1th liuosc 1~lt -u11J;i· 111\l'n !lie inuJdle jl•)~ll1un actually rcprc:-cc nts a !>lrtiug belief 1 et11·een \lro reill e.\\rc1nes. .\ir. 1'iix!in 11;.is 111~1~1ercd th e teel111i1111r, but not the bl'liefs. Take. tol' e~;i1nple. 111., press l'OIHercn l'c re1n;irk~ on school 1n- Lcg ra11uJ1. "\Vl' need to hair a 111 iddk• er,ur'f' ht•l11tt•n t1\l1 C\lrrn1ts." the r'rc:-ulC'11t ;o;;1 1d. Thc11 lie d1'f111ed 0111: cx1rt1nl' :1~ .. tho:>e \1!iu 11;111L 111sln111 intcgJ";1 t1on" :•iu.l 1 :c otht•t· ns "thcis<' \I ho 11·<111! Sl'grcgntiou 11uT1Tr ·· The Pre1.1dcn1 m:idc it clcJr th:it hc ~L11c:I 111 the 1nidd:e Bui hundreds 11! t i1ou~and~ uf school " r r 1 c 1 a I s 1l:roogho11t the nalion arc 11011 dcpn1 t·1/ of an~· tl1rceuon whatr1'l'r, Ha1·1ng t;ccn t11ld by lht• Su1Jrt•1nc t.:ourt 15 ~cars ;1go th::t 1l1c policy uf the n:i\1011 11·a.; t li'~ti:;n·µat Hin. th1·1· ;irr now 111ld by the l'rt•s1d1•n1 lht1t if !hey 111~1~t 011 nhcy111;; !he la11· t1u•.1 ;ire cxtr<"n11~;~. U.'\ l.'\Fl..\TIU:'\. to• •• t h (' J!rrHdcnt 1·;1 r'<·t1lll~ p;i1ed !1111 ~nH:-IJI lhr ro;1d 111 1•rde1· to p1·cdttcrni1nc 11hcre 1l1c n1 1ddl•~ \\H!d d IJr i\n .-;~·ri1111~ ('(·0110111•~1 h1·lic1·r<> I ll 11 t thr 1•.;1y to h ;J I t 111fh1!k111 IS In J!1ll'h1>1w,' ;i.~ Iii(· J•1·c ~1den! 1le11ncd tile t' • lrt111c. Thcrl.' I~ il :.11.al.Jll· h1icl~ 111 CtlJliltllll~I ~ 11l1Jch bc,lic1cs thal the l'n's1 dc11t t:11111ut l'urc i11ll111io11 bv 1111;1ll'tt11•1· t'\Jlltrol~ ;dune: thnt hr n~u~ 111111k1' · 11·agc anJ pr il'C l'Ontruls. at lra~\ in ~p::c1tie ;ireas. But i\ll•. l\ixun 111;1JC' tt sound as lhuu,.:h the w:iy lo he in the n1Hldlc ol the 1n· llalion ;1rgu111('nl 1~ to rCl·11g111i1' th<: 1111111- 1 ~· ot ~pccch111;\ki11;,:. Jlcrc ;1g<.11u lhl'rt' 1., llu bclu:t silo\'. ing. Sll Tiit.: CUL:i\THY docsn 1 rr:Jl1y l.nu1•. 1•.i1;•t thc Pr1•.,1de111 u~·l •l'I!'• .• iiuul 'chool 1111egrat1on ur 11i1a1 he bellc1ci n!Jout 1111!:111011 Mow !ht•11 1:-\l1r 1:11u111ry lo a,~urnc that he re.ill~ h.1.' ;i lk l11'r about \'1t•1nan1-lh<it he I!> 11•1! 111rrrh· tryiilg tu put h1n1self 111 the 1nlllttlc ,;1 thn1 110 1n;lt ll'r 11 h;11 l1<1pnr11~ 1t 111!1 nut b::: th1.• t;u1h of RiC'hard 1">i\0n~ 't lit' 1111uflt(' ul 111" ru;id 1~ ;1 111\<' pl.11·" hut H~ .l;u11r..,: B. \\'t:J\j·r. r\1·· /'rn1ul•,! c:inrl1d:1tr for l're.~illen1 111 IU'.12 ;u1d 1he tlr~t A111eric1111 [lOlil1r1a11 I·• u.'c ll1e fJilr;i~r·. rL'rna1·!.i:d nt 1!. ··r11r 11«1ul1lr 11il!1 Iii(' 1niddl1' l•f 1he ru;Jd IS th<.il 11ull1111:.: ;;rn-.1;, 1:1cn·.·· l.11 Vr;inh \l:1 11hie11if1 • and To111 l!radcn Some Very Un profound Thoughts \'I l .\ .l".:\E rrc. LES·A \'IL;:\Q:\'. ·rn.\ ~- 1 ·1. lh1~ tr.i11q111l pl:ll.l' i~ 111 lhl· ~·1·c111 h 11r,,•1nrL· 1•1 t•rr,.,t·ncc. •11.:r111ii·d •\It· l <"•l~rly Plf'r lhC' !'l'll11Jr1es hi' th(' Jiu1nan~ \ i-1g•;tl1s. 1'\n~1 and 1\1nt:'ni·~11)• . \o n .. 11t'l'ah!1· 1n:1rk h;i~ lJ~t·ll lrll .. 11 t11,.. pr1pulJ!ion by Ila~ Hon1nn~. \ islg11th~ ;u11t i\n11i;; bt1t the 1\inerican ~. <till! lu " lt•,,:·r '\l1·11t !hf• Bri1l~h. ha\c f>UCCl''.'drd 111 \'1'1\· 11n·r<11ini.; Ilic. kind of l1utcl ~\'1'1 ll•' lilt·y !1~l·. It i~ possihlr. !lirrcf<1 rc, to !11f' 111 lhL' :-1t1nos1)ltcrc of a FrC'nl·h pn11111r1;11 h.111 n 11 hilc en]O}in g lli c atl1•nntaf,!r~ r•f good 11:u1nbing. fa 1:ial ti s;,uc. E11gl1~11 h11;;p1age ncwsptipers. soar. po1;il1le !'11[ Ice and olher i\1111.'rican nccc ssitic". A111eriennization of France ha~ lx·cn 1nuch l1Jrncn1cd and resent ed. 'fhc .c;upcr 1narke1 is marchc-ing along r1'c11 in the :-:111all to11·ns. much to lhe discon1filt1re ur 1he small bulongcrie. charcutcne and bo11chc~·1c O\\'nrrs. Aqua Vch a. !'kin hra<'er. Tide arc all a1·ailable anti srrini:: 11 ~\tcr is b:::ing n1arkrted in large econorny size plastic bottles. lJE GAlLLI'.: SE:"'T our Air FQrcc hon1e, hut not our dctcrgents. Hou;.ing tlc\'<'lopmrnls arc being built a la Anicri· eai11c. including 1011111 houses in tht· 1nul~l of <.'OI\' p.islurrs. Sino~ drills fro1n ill· 1h1~lrial a reas over r.tcdit~rranran fishin!,; \ illagcs, n1any of thrn1 arc being con· 1·c1 tcd into rr~orl to11 n' "·ith llt:'\I' <'us,1·. pay higl, rise aparllnenls 1;ith marble l'll· tr<n1ccs just like i\·lian1i Brach. If Prol'cnce, once the re1rcO:Jt of lilt: French i111pres.~ioni s1 painters -Y<in r.ogh, Cezanne. r.Jatisse c.innol r st::ipc 1\1 nericanir:ation a n cl 1u. dustrializatio11 there i.s not 1nuch hope Joi' anl'1l'hl'fe cl~r . i.lul !he \ ist:is rt·1n<.11n. the t·h,1rn1 IJ:'.'lf r.1·11r~·r I 1~u11lt1 li!ic lo run a11;1y tron1 hn111l· .u1d l1CC1.t11l' " lurp"· hut 111~ 111nthcr 11nn'l let 111c lo; 1111~ 1•.iiat 1hc~· t·rill lhc Gc11rr;1tiou t:a1f' ·'I.\ IJ /\'o 1"1ir 11111tl:l·r h:•' ·••Hr ht·~t 111\"rt' t:.-:it l1":1r! \ ':iu 1 ·, l'll lit• :+ lil!Jll,t' 11;,1:1 <)l'\1(1 111! • Y !I II f ur"~lib<Jt !:110:1 ' t 1 r 'r·r11 lot ~ nl hip· I'll'> l\i'(l lflnhi•d li' If t1ir1• lle!Tll 'l all·1•.1 cd 10 i·r'11:-). 1h(' ,1 rf'~·I I 'I" \•I'\ . .11 d ,11)1•1 (' :ill 1\11• \1~111 II l11C'll 'I l'nl r.111f't'd \,111 r.11;:.li ,._ ~"t 1111:1h1rl'r1 by 1!1,.1) l'\l'l'Pl 1•,.1"'''' li'P l'1••\1·"•"'i ·'ll!l 11111~1p~111't rat('1111' u.1~cu11, pall lron1 il1c , u.'l~l <1 I 1111 rel 11li•r11·:.. U:\E ~l·:.'\SES, 110 \\"I·:\ l~H . (!vii 1hr 111· lil!-iiun of 111n(len111~. u nl1 ~r l'11;it 111 1111· 1:e1n:1.11, ;lntl 1;1e \ 1~1~111h~. 1 ~ " pl'rtna11c11l n1,\' '\'11hi11 l'r0\1•ne1• :1n· t•(•\ 11111\ th•' 2.000 1·c:1r·old rt'n1ai11 ;; •11 t\1{' :in e1ei1t (;;illo·L:i·cck anti Ho1nan ci1y n! 1.!.1.111111 hu t al~o thr· uu1 l'a~e:-t]r 1tan1erc Ill• ndr.•".!011 ,111.t 11il' u:-111c .1to111 .q11l' .. 1 ,i,11 1· .. ul1 -t 1U1r. 11f 111~-Fr1 lll'h .1\111111c 'l'I r;.;1 111·· 1'l11pllll'Ut 111 th·· l\h1111c 1(11 {'!". '1111• ll"tllll Jl,1\1' 'I' 111i'd lilt' l!!lllll:ll(' n1:11lnc~~ to \ :1'l \.<1gh, 11 ho 1•:uuld pro· baUlv l1;,1t· e11\ 1111 IJ\111\ L.H S haJ II .' lni ,;., 11 rhr \i11t11·c 1ali1cr 1ha11 :-l!c111h 1111 Jll \ •\l1t' \11 g11 e 1., ;1 p1'11~111 utr. 'I Ill' :'\:11.1~. thr liu·~l<lll• ;ind !l.c ,\111,,nr.!lh 111·rr <+II l1erc 111 \'ill cneu1·c lf'S· \11~1•1•11 ;11 0111• !q11r 1w ;1notht'f 111 \\'orld \1':1r II. Like !l1c r.on1an s and Visigoth~ ;111d tll'· ~·rr·nl'li 11olul1ty lf!Jlll tl1c N"rlil 111 .. ~· 11!1in1alt•ly 111·11! ;111 a.1. Tllr Popes of t:n1nr . rlr11·cn [r uin 11il' !1•1h· l'1ly. llL'fi' ;il:o hrrr (or 1nurr than ;1 ,·c111t1ry 111 their p:ipal palacr aero:.:. the n 1·er in 1\11gnon. Myste1·y Sto1·y Pleasure A friend of n11nr. 11 ho k11f)\1S my :id· rliction to n1ystcry i:loril'•". •1011dcr~ 11h.r ( don't rca1l and enjo_1· ~L·1r11('e tantasy fit·· !]Oil, II hich he rCJL,.hes Ill hl5 h0Uf'S O[ relaxation. \\'ell. 111 thc pa:.\ I h;11c 1nrtl pick1n;.: 11p lhcse slurics. and I lind th;1 t tliry bother 1norc l h::n ;in1usc rr:r .\ goorl Purv 1nystery is a 11•an11 and htnnan doc11111r11t, e1<1np:1r<'d wi1h \hr arid pn>Jcctions o! ti1c lil'l'.:11cc-t;,nta.~1· sel1oul. .\ly ohjcclioi1 1, not lh;11 ti1r sc :-torirs nrc h)() f;i11t:1~tic, hul lh;i t lhry arc ten l1kl'ly to be [fur. The l'Ohl, 1ncchanic:d p11:tu ·e thl'y ctr;iw abn11t the future sl·e111~ prubal.Jlr c;1cl il ;i1· -:inrl i!'s :1 pic!ut\' 91 :i unil crsr I l'Ot1h! not pu!>:.Jbly Ice! ;it llo1nc in Tilt.: ;\IYSTl•:r:,· ~1 ur1 , 1111 tl\\· uthtr hand , de ab 11 ith lite :l!> 1l 1, l:1111ilar to us. Alii1u11~h 11 111.1,\' U'l'!il 11rd111.1ry n1.:i11 -:r~ ill a11 c.\lrt·tnr :111·t ~h(l(·l-.111;; fa-;hlo11, lhry r..'.no.1 111 bil.~it·ally Ilic t;ihnt t•l uur li1cl;. ,1c:ilou!.), grerd, li·:nut and force - th1.~1' :1rc lhr (·lrn1(•nt.; !h'll t·•infront 11~ l'I rr1· 1!;1~. lu a gre:•trr nr ~n1a llrf 1!('"1'1'..: 1 hry :1r1· !h1• ra-.1 ~lu ll out uf 11 hich hu111 :i11 l'o111!11ct 1~ ; h;ipt·d -anfl. hi.« Terrone<'. 111· r:iu .'a~ ... 1 :ull :1 h11n1:111 ll ·1:1g. a nti thf'IT tUr(' 1ii1t h1n~ hunuin 1~ ;ilic:1 111 1111· ·· Jjl.'T TllE~l': ·'"~" \11111 tlir rrt"'ll h .1rl-i :in•! 11·1· r111111ir1l'1H! 111.1rh111r lirnn.; nrc u11 "·1·1r ali<·11 11) 1111'. And tll1·.1 11rc Sydney J. IJarti~ . . ' n1orr frightening than ;i11y 1nurdr.rcr to11ld be A n111rdcrrr. al\rr ;,111, 1s but an ex· ;ig:;cration of !he l'I i11hal 1s in a.I! of us: the n1cn Qt the hlt1ll'l' arc not r.ven hu1n<:1n cnollf;h to br i11111101'al. ·1 a1n sure 1hnt a largr. par1 of our l'Qll· t~111µorar.v 1111rrst a1ul ;u1 xicty co111rs fro111 Ilic IJ{'r~i~1c.1l lccl1ng that Stil'nt·e is t.1 l.i11g U). \OU l::ir and IOU t~i:.t. :irul th;i t 11 c ;1:·c 1)(11\·rrles~ tu rr~i~t Uur persona.[ iJr.nt!tv £<-c111s bl11rred . 11ur 1 a111r-. Srf'nl lo~t: ·._n~d our ln.~~·tlu111 ul 11ill has 11un1ni~hccl lo ;i p1n·puin1. I;\ 1·111s l.l(;llT, lh" Hl~~l rry ~IOl'Y :-n11111ts n.:frc~hin;:ly 11lil-fn.;l11011ccl. It i'I tile n·eugn i1.abtc IJ:1tl11· brt,1t><:n guc1cl a1•d c1 11. the 11itt1ng of incl ii 1d11:il 11 ill~ a.;:iin• t 1•ach o1ht-f Th·• 111111·1ll'l'l'I' 1n;iy be loul. 1111! he (';111 Ix' h1 0111:ht In JUSticc. \\'h:·t 1 ~i1ud11rr :it 1n the i.~·icnCl"lielir.11 ).10t1c., I). ;1 11·ol'ld 11111h11·h tltt• concept nl J'.l~ia·t· hn~ :111 h1·1 111::·ppf'ar£·d, ar.rl lh" 1 !! tor.~ :.ire 1l1o~t· 11ho t'dn pu~h 11u· niu:l h1111un!> 011 Ila:-n1n I 111:1chinc.;, :i11ch ln11· I ii:"~ 1~ t.1111'lr1•r t11tile 11 •.::.1.1 111 lhc 11~·,t \\,If In g11e Ill\' ;1ry 1·;1 (' Hl 111y C«1:-y 1·l1111r Th'c'y 11!1i111;•lcl) 11{'11! ..1 1· •• ::. aJ.o rct•1r11 111;..: IV l:o111r \O\\ E\"E.\ lJE 11\I 1.1.E i\ ;.:ti1 1• 11 • \1 ti1r pcv1ill· ol !'n1 1 t Ill l n 111.1111 i.-:1u1• 111;! 1•~11 ly 1 r;.:1•t.1hh· . 11 .r .<II 11( I· I .01t r . dt·l 1e1riu.• !not~ a111I nli !011~ 111 th1 1110 l 1r1'.!_rn1•Ht' ;11\d p;1111,L1i.11114 111,"1)1•u! Tlie r111t·" or .\l'i<'' .111t! \.in,., 11i111 r 11 1:..!11•1· p.1~.-rs 1111·r tlir p•'ltpl\: 1i! 1•1111t11t·e hf.ii !Ill' l'li•ll 1n1~tr:1 ! 1dnrls 1r1111i tllr \Ip• .111 11n;1111ul1ihle 1l1 ~co1nl111l 111;11 11ll1111<itL·!y J;Ut'~ 1111 ;11·. l-:('rll.'t'li1;i; upon ;lll lh1 .. whilr l'ln 1111f! on nK1r!s arched h1 1;0.toot pt.1111· lrpr<; 1 s~ca1n(•fC fir b11llo11 1•.ood 1n 1llr A111C'l'll'.in nnnicnel;)\Ul'l' 1 Jll'Oduct:".'I ~01nc 1 Cf}' u11prufo und lhough!s. On1· of t!1r111 IS th;lt ..\1nrnt•:i i• ~o 1 nuni: a11d st 1·011i:: th:1t 1l could hbr a ::.nli1ll \I.Jr :ind !111~ 11ould he IH) mor<' than n pa '-·ln_g inci<ll'lll 100 yc<irs fron1 11011 , or 1l{'rhaµs 10 sear:. lrurn 11011 . Another thought 1s lh;il ar111lt'S anrl J!OI rrnn1enrs ;ind opprr'~Of~ an1I r ' · ploitcrs l'an p.is~ 10 r<1p1d succ<'~s1un '' 1thou1 altcru1g lhe IJasie na!ure u( n people. The :nh ancin:: l'lflricrn lechnology I~ 1nori:' likely tu l'h<l11;,c a11tl perhallS 1111· prove 11·ay.~ of life tllan conquering annics. Crrtainly 1hr life nf l'rorc11ee hu~ b!'rn rh;i11gcd n1or<' hv n111derni\v i11 the p.i~l JO yenrs than the i'\azi.~ or Atnerie01n.~ 11 ere :1n le Lo change il iu llie grealcsl 1r ;1r in histor)', 1'u c~day. October i . 19G9 Tl1c e1.'1ror1111 /'«tic v1 U1c Dnt/y l 'ilut SCf'l.s to 111 lrir111 n1ill s1111L· 11/11t c T("(HIC•S ''!I l'rC'l>£11 lii y !111.t •IC ..t".~l>tP•C I .~ v:111111111s n11<I co,11. l •/f !l/('"1 :• {l•I j() ,jr·s 1.r HllCTC.<t ·11 .. 1 s ·'.)111f1l'f1• r r . hy 111.1r11/n1g a /11r u111 111r fl,r f'rt11 es.•.1nn nf • 111'r 1rr;lir>s 0JJ1u:n113. u11 d &!f I 71rc~,..·J!111g 1l1t dn c1st" v1r 11i . ,,,,,.+!.~ nl 1o1 /0•111rd i,l>S1p1·r·J fl• d •·,111:.c .. »1t11 v )J l u(11t·~ u: 1/,e dr.:1 l :cibcrt N \\r::cd. J 'ul.;1 1.~hcr l y A lu; in a.fl thi )0 l t l Tl· 11·· nil 1•. l \\; rh ii or ll ll< l'h \\" (Iii n th S< • be JK L; •I ht I" Sl '" ut ('( " " " th 11· \\ Ir It .\ I' ' " ' " l I l -------------------------------------------------------~---------~ r -•-• • • • • CHECKING •UP• You1· ,-f empe1·att11~e Affects You1· Wit Uy L. fl!. ROVU Your blidy temµcr<il11r t fluc- t.uatcs during the day. Higher in !he 111orning. low£·r 111 the nfl crnoon. or 1•ice versa. Is this :.1gnifleant".' IL 1s. Thl' "t:il'ncc boys 11011· s•1~· yo11"re :it ~our sharpest 11·hen yuur body te111peraturc is at its hil:hcst. That"s w\1y suinc people do !l·cir h::!<;t 11·ork befort· noon , nlllcrs ,1fter noun. Depends 011 11\icn !heir bodies ;i r c II <1 r1 llCS[ U.\1-: f'l~ANC I AL t-:Xl'E llT rlai111s you're gel a good <lcnl if you p;1y less than 21 pc1·ct•11t of l'Ollr lnconlc for housing IT:S Hf.:l'OltTEJ) a ~Ir.'\. Hcltz, ll'hO di rects <l local ch<rpte1· ot tlic N.,\ A.C.P in 11 \\"esl Texas 1011'11 . nan1ed her 'l:n1gl~ter S~ b1l. .t.:VEBY FOL1J:.Tll 81\NKH L;PTCY in the lnitc1l Slaios is i1led u1 Southern Cali(orni:1. 1or the last 30 years has been 7'~ inches for the ankle. 14 111- ches for the eaH and 19'~ 111- t•hes lor the thigh. LO\'E ANO \\'AB -Und er "Redheads." our Love and \Var nlCUl is filing the follo11 - ing eo1nn1unica1ion fron1 a gcntle1nan in San Francisco: "0011·1 tell n1e about r{'d- h;;ired \\'Omen. I go with onl'. I left her for a half-hour in th1' li:lhhy of the Fairn1011t holrl 1rhile. I went to ge t the e:ir. :•lld ll"hCtl I SOL b;;ck. she had 111 her hand !'1e businc~s cards uf the tnc11 wl10 tried lo 1n· traduce then1selves. This kind ol 1.1iug dnesn·t h;1puc11 tu bn11~r't P'-'. \'or to hlondL·~ ·· Belli Sci11s • Beret 'Missi1io·' . b SAN Fli.ANCISCO I UPI) - Allornl'y t.lcll'in Belli tis asserted thal a Green Bcr••l S:.!rgcant '"di:;a ppcarctl" in Viel111Hn alter !.'ei ng cllargrd by the Arn1y ll'ith a variety of olf(·n~es. Oclli said he h:J~ hcc11 rc- 1n111cd liy i11r~. Grethel U. hcphal'\. Auburn. C;,ilif., 1u represent her son, S g t . 'J'i1nc:h~ (;, Kcpha1 '\. "\Vc\·e d 0 ll c C\Cf~·th111g possible tu locate lutn." !ht' lan1cd trial l.'.1\.\}'l'I' so.11d ?.lun- Ua,\' ''\Ve sent a culllc la~l 1rcck to the ton1n1a ndan1 of lhc (;rct:n Berets 111 Vict11a111 ·· QUEENIE Dy Ph il lnlerlandi .., I. '' •• ~·• ... -, 4 10 7 The <ttlorncy said if he ditl not get a response by the cud or the 1-1·eck he would send Frnnk S\:ulinous. his 1·ok;io "Just a sin1 ple ·1 J u11'L likc 1t' 11·ill cl•>, thank yuu'." law parlnl'f, lo \lietn:.1111 in an -------'------------------- cffon to find l\c,phart. Belli said Kephart wrote his 1no1hcr ht' 11·as arrested 11 h\·n Ii:-rl'1lll'l'Crl 10 Vicl1101111 ;it\cr a lc;ivc i11 Th;iil;111d . li.~·pl\;11'1 I". roll' hi s 1nother hf' 11'<1.'\ ciiar~l'd with in1pl·rsonnt1 ng ;111 offict'r, \'iolat1011 or i111- rl1igr:iliun h11r~. I o r g i 11 g p_111 t·r11n1cnl p[1per·s ancl hu v111;.: ··11nc.~pl<11nctl large an1ounts or !'lll"rl'llC"V. ,. •· 1 [ tiiC'y ;1re gell 1ng l'Oll· fl•Sslon~ fro1n h1n1. c1·cr~·1h111.c: h" :.a1 :. 1:.n't 11·orth n dan1n u11- 1r1 h;. 1s 011101·.cd lo consult coon~cl. ·· l:elh .~uid. '"The ~ouncr they l.11011 that the hel- ter. ' lligl1er Ed11•·atio11 Fer Hilie Uru·ed IJv Advisers ..__.. ·' LOS Ai\"GE LES (1\P1 -The pCUjJI(' II ho ;HI\ '·=t I h r :;01 ernor and legi:.lalurc 011 higher ttJue:\llOn policy ha1 c taken a first step 1011·ard hik- ing fees al the Ltll l"CT:>ily or California by two-th ird:-. and doubling those at :>lalr. col· lege.s. !)ll~I h;i . .; 1JP11U:"t'd r:.i1,rs i11 fl'r~. s:ud ,\lond:iy ll1 glKI" r thu . .:at1u11 f :it:il l tlc~ i11 Caliroriua ";Jrc fal'C<I 1· 1th pro jected gro11 11i n('ed:; 11"l11lh 11111 rc11u1rc ;·111t11t1unal rC\i'nur beyond 1!1<JI lo be 11ro1 i1!cd tru111 ~!a1c ~ourccs. :11111 lrdrrnl l'ffu1a Do1cust uir ~ LOS ,.,_:\'GELES (Uf!l l Vuur state narc()llC~ a gent~. t•u1111ceted 1'lilh a r;1id la~L ~·1'1- cluy on a \Vhittier :1p;ir1n1<'nl 11h11;h ended 111 the Lll ,11 Sel1 rs A slt.s ForCre<lil S.\C!~:\.\ 1 E:\.TO 1 l l'I \ 'rill' Statt lio11rd of Equa!ir.1 lion tu:l::y he~:in ~lud~ 1ng :l r1•quc~t by Se;ir~ HC1eb11t:I. $. C.>. th:11 1l !ihuul <I bt' :i!lu11t•d IOI ilrtlUt'I tron1 it" ~1:11 1• 1111·u11Jt• 1ux Jl\ll'!'CSI 11:11·! ll~ l'll't"l\1!"1'·· on \l!{•ir ' 111~\.ilh111•nl i·tTdll l)\l lTh:1:r · lht' g.nnt llH.'1'1'U IHrll' :111d 111:.1! o:·drr ti1·111 t·11111pl:11111·il ,\•n11[0P.~ 1•r .1 11\ •!I ;qi; r:111f1 1! 11 lu1'., ~11 I·<'•'! 11·,I '.!1 ll<I, 1· \ ~poke ·1n:rn !or 'I I' I I !•l\oi!"llL'I ~l"llt•;·;1I { t.!111·1· .;,·,111 1.10 .. 1 lhl' tour \11uk pi•rt 111 llll' r 1d. II lq1·i1 I l" uil..:d II\ I .,, d••·!lh 111 ll l'lll \' 1)1 L'I', :!.!. OI llio11!,,.1·. Tl\l'I .11 1.:· 1dt·n\1l11•·I a~ ~(·111 ur· .\~t'lll II' (; .\l1!1"r :111.j .ri•rllt 1\l<111 .\!;11 • h ,I! Tli:' <1'ht•1 11111 11cr1.· .I. \\' Ll·;111·1. :111 ,ll't1•1g l1t·lt! SU]Jl'f\l~ur. «IHI .:;.!l"nt :'<11i:harl l\t'lle\. J It• ~a1tl ,, r11n1pl1·tt' 1 epurt "111 1 !lit• '11 ~!.l'l\~"hlll :·11d 1111· ~ ll !iq• l!l('liJ1·1 \ II 111 be 111;11Jt• 1.h•·Jl lu1111:1I <"h ,1r;.:l'~ .ill' ftl<'1I 11 ti1 lhl· :t;1r1· p ,. rs 1111 n t I lr11;1rd '' !1111·.i \ t't" ht• d1·1·i1ned l•l •,,.\ 11h<t1 ll:t· t:hh1'!;1·;, l".\)U!d 1'1 1;1 t l ll~f 11;1, l.1 11•·1! \J1· :1 ~··11! rru1 ;1 :1 11fl1• h•.:111t:. lu·!d h1 I· ,',oul. '\1\ 1·t'1 11·~ . ., \ l'"ri:,11 pnl!t'l' ~\'I ~r':lrl\ \\ 1;•1 \I''' p:ttt ll'll)l'!llli~ U\ Iii•' r .11d T \\1· hulltt ~l.11lltllt'•I 111 .u11gl\ tile lion '" ol lllt' tlO~t:HrS ;ip;11 t 111<"1.I t 1·d ·I rt I, IJ\ 1•1' I'\ I'••· Oi'll V PJL(lf 7 l•i •1•1 !h1 r"~ 2~ n1011\h oh! l1Q:I ··tt!1.·•1tl tl!111ur 1:11·t·r:r11un ~ 1 : t'll !!LC" f;;tlll·r dropped him ;nL1•1 h:.:1ni,: ~t ruck S11t•t.111<·1· Ila~ 1n;uu\;tlru·d t\1,1l 111(' 1·.11 ~· d1scha r~l'd :ic- t"1de11t<11\,1• 111· h :i d ;1r• Ill•' r ,1111 n·:•'lll' ;11ul d(·pu!JCS 0r. Thr ~pukc'!l1<in ~,i 1d llit l tl'•i.1r1111cn! ol J1i-.rwr 1101il1cd 1·1e 0 1h11•(' ··~~l·11c1e~ 11lltl·h !1 ;1c 111~ 11 un tile ~l'"nc -th' 1;111(';1 11 ul \;ir1.:ril1e.; F.nlun·e 1111;11 !. !lu• \lrrnon Policr ;in< !11•• Cu1u11.1 Shcnlf of \lun 1!;11 's '>ll':l [K't1Sl0tl:- itr 'lict dls~·uo;:~on.'i" hor! al~< bt•eri hrl<l 11 ilh I '•' t:o11!ll} 111strit·t al!ur11ry' offit·1· '1111 t crnin•! 1111,-.ibli' 1·r11n111;1I pi \l • !'• 11:1011 . !"lll"lltl\'T \ !ll(jUC't I\;,• "t:lh'tiul1·cl !<Jr F11d;·y to lnol Ul\!l lhr ~h0011'1lJ. F11ncr;1I ~('l"\"ICP>; l\L•re C'Q!l d11etl'(I r·:p·lu ·r lll th~ d·•y 1111 U11'f, ]I(' Is q1r1·11·t•rl hi' !hr in I ·111 ""n :•1ui his ll'id•J11·. 1.lnU 1 .\lu1\C!:1 \' 10 lilt' l)u;1rd 11 l1:it! .------------------------- 1J1 t·r1J:11d ~\U'.!.::ili Ill f l'1i 1' 1·1 1'11:11e 1 :1.x".~ 1•1 l~l£0. l"!il :1nt1 l!:fit ht'1o;Ht~1· 11 1·,;1.~n·1 1r1::•lo":i !ii(' ;o;;111l' :i~ 11\dll llill:il l'l\ ~);1.1·er' by 1l1L" l·'ranL·l11.,t' T;t;.. L:u·1 rd I See by T cd2y' s Want Ads e .l11q in !itnr t'l r •I•·' th,. , , 1.1' , ,, ,I 111fll11 :! "<ill 11•' .1~1 \', l1 k(' <.:01'\SIOl:.lt 'i'lllS -"Of\en a bridcsn1aid but ne1·cr a b:·ide." Vou\·e hc:ird thnt old ::;a~·i11g. It \1•as drean1ed up <rnd poputari:ted by ~1r c;erard Lanilx'rt, the same gentle1na11 \\ hn 111ade ··halitosis" a housrll'old 11u1·d for L1~1crine, his lather's ron1µ:iny . Fron1 ~uch bnght 1dc:is f-1r. Lan1bcrt !he Yolrnser c:rrncd 25 1ni\1ion dollars 111 ::;1>.: !.'hort yc~1rs <lnd retired. :\nd rc1nen1ber, th:it \1 ;:s 111 a tune whrn a 1nan t'Ollkl kcl'p n1o~t or il. IT'S TH UE ~lOR F. ~IE .''\ than 11·01nc.11 willd up 111 car '1Teck:->, but then 1norc. n1en than 1\'0111cn drive. In tcrn1s of n1ilcag<'. 111en gr! inlo 18 p<'r· eent !e11{'r ac{'idcnt-; lh:i n 1ron1cn during the dc:yli~l1t nnd 3 µe rcenl lc1rer aceiden1~ 1h<tn 1\·omen at night. .I\" 'l'JI AT ~lAl"TER of 1•'hich breed of dog has blue ~·~ c:;. a1n told none in\·ariably does so. btll blue eyes do lurn ufi oc:c;1sionally 111 Daltn1111a11s. Auslrali:in ~hcpherds. Sibei 1;111 huskies. and English :.hecp· dogs. The Coordinating Council for r\ot nll on t11l' <·uuncd Se:irs ehargo'\ 1' · prn·i·n\ Pl' 1•u· unpaid b;1l,11K<' v1 :1·1 :11·· t·u111't :1\l•:r J11 <la~; iJ' :, Sl'rl l~T t·harl'•'. Tl1•" 1<; 13 p"r t'l'l\l ;1 lf';ir ,Thr 1n1i11"1d1•:1I 111 1·0111::· ·1:1xp;1~1·r r;iu 1ll·ctiu·r ;1hout Ii pl'rl'•'!l' of lh c 11lll·rc'l llr pa~·s (11\ tht• nuts1;1n1t1u:! h:1 l:u1er n! ht.' 111:.ta!lrncnl pun·ha.,c~ ..1.i1 l."1.!:• flp',\. .. CL'STO:\ll-.:H S EHV IC~: I~. ":\~ tQ \1hy 11·fnlH·n gt•L 1norc dent~! ca1·itics than 111e11 1h;1t"s 'iiinple n1y friend. \\"on1en ha1c b<1bics and the b":IJ1cs 1li1 ei l calciun1 fron1 1t:'C tlt to b11111I bones and. . ·• \. Th;1\ snund' reason: hie n 11 t I\ It ti·11r'' . . ""IHD YOU SAY t ht' ldcal girl's :inl.lc ,houll.I 1.1 pC·n1ea surc 8 i11chr~" · ''· That"s preu y clo:>r. The lluHywood st:indard llA PID REPLY : i'\o. ~!I'. "'h:1t"s needed in a re<1du1g 1'.1111µ is a bulb or al least l:".O 1·:;Hl.i. Thi:l"s 1l~L' 1nosl l'l'l't'lll ;idvisorv fro111 tl1e Dl'pa1·1nH'l1l 01' Agi·iculturc. \\' h y the tlcparl1n1·nt u l <1grivult1,ll'1l nuikcs it 11.s business 10 tell you ll'hat 1v;:1L1<1ge you net:;(! 111 your rc.;iding l<11111J is ;1 111\"~!C'l"I ·y p1/r r1uesr11111~ u.1d cull•· '11('111.\ (Ii'•' II ('/t'OI/!('•/ 1n1i1 1 ·1// /Jr /l!'.J'~/ ii //f'l<'l'l'f llU)- .~,/1/1• i.t ··t'i1C("'·"'~ l '11 '' ,\d1/rc.~.~ 111011 lu t 11. Doud. u1 ca l"r uf LJ.\//.,\~ 1~1LOT. Ho.1 IR75. \'c uputt Be.arh. Calif., 92663. Pays Jn Patcrnit y f;.\(B:\:'<lENT<l ~lilliona11·c s1nµ0r ,J ;1 111 es Brown dl'nics f;1lheri11g lilt' child uf ;i S:icra1neuln 11·on1:i11 . h\Jl h•t.~ agreed 10 pay 1he boy $500 :i tnonlh fo r 20 yc;1rs Sc1llc111ent of the palcr11i1y ~.1 1! ;iµain:.t Brnwn was an- nounr!'d in ;;upcr\or court. I I\' h.'ld bcr11 <it·c·used b.v 1'.li~:. ~!;11·1· Bru1\n, no rL"l.111011. or I [1!ht•nl1" l-1 car old ,\! 1('1\ael neon Bru'7 n ·in a San Fri111· cist•o arra 1no1cl la:.t .rr;i1 l ligher Education on :'<londay ,1grecd. t;C !lcgcn! \\"ilh:11n E orderl·tl lls 5taff to draw up Forhes stiid the council 11;1' ~pecifie proposals for in-1n<iking "too broad :i n as~u1nptio11 ... addinJJ. 11 hadn 1 t:rcased !'tudent ch~r1;c~ Tlir taken into l'nnsidl'r ~H1on lhl' t:Ol1nc1\ 11ill act on 1hrse idt<ts inlpnc1 ur1 eon1 1111111i1y cnllr µc~ v.hcn it 111l'{'ls i11 San Fran-if studC'lltS r<in'l ::f10nl ll!r L·1sco 111·1, rnonths fron1 11011·. 11ni\'Cr.~t1)' and ~l :ite l'Ullcg~' Ta!.in1: tilt' nppt.'al 11•11:e1· ~\!b/lll >> lll!l II ~'.ft• { "h:11rlllilll .loh!\ \\" I 1·nt·h. F1·t•,nu .. u1, lik'l11ht'l"\' !~1ch~1rd ~ t' I I 11 ~. 1•a,~tli•'n;1 ;1n1! 1 :~'<1rg1' ll•\1·~ Still Fr;111L"1~C:O 1\ll ~:i1d 1111·1· had SL":1r' crl'd1; c:1rd!-> Council n1c111hcr.'> said :11 tl1r lees. 1=·------------ 111l'etlng held al the Airport . ·"'. ~t<'lf rt")ltl~t read ·:!ond:l' TURN ON ,\!<trina Hotel thcv \1·ould l:11ur 111d 1en1ed L n 11· t' r s 1 I ,I' ol · '';.il1"fon1i:-lCl'>; ;ire ~li<>l1th TV W~E K ~teP• ye" "•":d an increase. of about 5200 per " " · • ' ' · b ,. ~ In hrlo11· lil(' nnt101i:1l avcr;1gc : !<> "'nol' noi>ce~r n9 e n1~" • .,·1 I l'' "n"ll' 11 ... "' lu<' ~10, ' .. • e .,.,,,,dr ~·•Ill' ""Y lhnnr:h .. , 11·JI. d1~ 111 •t ilo1v~1i· 1 'I 1:1 ••f' !i.11 "11 rll"tl 1 l oln 11. !lilt' I 1·~iil ~ II• l•'!1111:C 11·111 11 ,\ ,,11,, o·t,•, p;1td on ii'•HI j_I" hll'l~. st udent al tht' lni1·ersily r•f . 1 l'uh~ -r.•-v Solu•d~v '" th1 Califor11i;i ;ind ~130 at the <tnd statr l'Ollf'e,l! 11111 ~011:. \('ri· DAILY PILOT C;ili!orni:i sialc. Cu!le~r~. _''~r:o~<~·"~"~'~1d~o~1·".'b~l~y:_t:bo~l~o~"----"-~·=· ='°';;==.cc====o'..:===""-='-""'.'".'"-,======-".'".'".'".'"~======.'" Presc n'iy, university <1nn11nl fl'cs for ~ludents 011 the gener;i] C'n1np11srs a1·r.r:ige <!bout ~330 St:"llc l'Ollei;r~ l"hilrl!C' abot:t ~120 per ;-.tudcnt "fhc council. 11h1ch in thC'I Brig· 'Ope1i flouse' Set The ~clllernt'nl pru1 ldl'S lhal th<' ,.,11ppon for fll ich<iel cnn be: rc\·ised in later years if need· <'d Broll"n ;Jlso ;1grccd 10 p;n· \11ss Brown's l;i11 ycrs $32 .100 111 tees ;:ind cosls lie st ill ctcnics fa lht'rrng the clulr!, and thr hC'ar1ng 11;1~ (":l l!crl off 11·1tll no JUdgn1ent eilhrr 11·;1.1· W hite Hous e\ Job Op en Now! PSJ\ jets every hour on the hour C.\\\f> l'E;\"IJLETO;'-l I 1.\l' I -The .\lar1nc Corps. re spon- ;lini; to new al!egntions of tnnllreat1nrnl, l1:is rri~on<'r oi~rctd IJ reopen the bttse bri,; to nc1r ;1nc11 T11esdn y but Lllldl'l" rigid. ro111hthn1.; \'ew~1nrn \1crc allu11·cd 1u 1uu1· \Ile brig l;i·t rnonth niter !110 na\!On<1l 1n a g a ., i 11 r ~ printed an1..:lr:-. al!rgin~ hrli\ill Hioli11!! • RO\!B,\Y li\T'l -ll111du· trealinl:'nt by gu;ird s. The p1'11• issue of Lile rnag:lz1nc bn,ugl1l fortl1 rnorc allegation'>. :0.1 a j. Cen. D onn J. Hnbcrtson. b<ise cr1n11n:1111lrr, ~a1tl rc~1riet1u:1~ on n!•11~11H'11 i11cludC' ·nci 111tt"r1·icws 11·11)1 pt•r 001•ncl 111 Or <illachcd to the !Jn ~ ·· Such ground rule~ fl1srciuragc mtiny nc11 :-111r11 !ro1n !<'!king 1hc tour. Hoberlsun, 111 tile Life nrll· {'le. denied any ineidents of bnllal 1re<i!rnenl. Brig i.:ondit1ons <1 rr brin~ Hl · \C!>l1i;a1cd by 1hr J1011~e r\1111- l'cl ~cr\1cc~ Con1m lHcr. \\lurk Plu1111 cd Frcc wa v Thr ... 1:1\(' tJ111,Jan or H1gl11 .t1~ ~ t;illed t11r b11I~ to1,l;11 l<i1' J:J nillc~ ul ~uar·drJ il 11or~ on :r ,lfC'l1·h 111 111r S;in Diego 1··r1'c11av hf't11(·en Co.,::i \lc:-;1 and \\"c~ltnins1<:r. The state is nskin!; for a col'tractu1• to rch11ild an1! Ill· .~t all nC'11· i.:u;u•d r:uls \1e\1'.t·cn \l:if'.\rlhur l'.0ulr1,1 rd ;in rl 13ol.~a l"h•ta HHai l. \\'.\$Jl1.\GTO\'" f.·\Pl -.\ ca!il'Jrr1ia 11 0111an lias del'idcrl no! tn keep thr JOb 01 ~upcr1·1 sing housekeeping of the I 3 :! . r o o 1n prc:.1ilent111l 111:in~11in. Peggy C:ir ey. 55. uf Lung J~·:ach. C;Ll\L. ~.11<! the 11101 c hl \\'::i.~h1 ngton \\'Qt1ld he too dif- lwu!t lor la·r (']1!l'fll' ma1hr.r . ~he agreed !ti l:1ke the ;:ill on a 1cn1porar~ ha~1s S.Cp! :1. :'<ligs Carc1· has 0011 return- ed ho1nc 10 fcsun1e her JOh :i' :i regional s u pr r 1· i so r ) housckeepr1· for the Sncratvu llutcl Corp. \!11·.lc1n noun~ J.1~1 1nnllth 1n ---------- \h111l·1l :1llnd . 1 .• p.1.11 :i t l iu 1;1r;1l. cn-.1 :1bo11l ~l.j 1111ll1un 1n 1".,, 1111111-:ri.il pro.luc11nn. 1'ntl(' <1n<l tr.111,p.:r!, th<' ~l i!l• 1 11;1111brr of r o 111 in e r c e c·t1111alt'd TURN IN Turn 1n C1t TcxricO for ~0111c recil sav ings-six 12 oz . bottles o f Pepsi !or unly · S5r. plus tax (and deposit). You rel 11 v11 th t:iny purchase ... II nl participating Texaco Retailers. But hurry- 1 lhcy're going ld sl' So tu rn 1n al Tex.:ico- loday. •Su• ,,,terl flt'ld •f f'n' E njoy the Luxury of Sofl \V aler "ith an Auton1atic Water Softe t1 er ISear·sl Save I ~l oncy on lJ etergenl s and Clothing Less \Vo rk with So ft \V aler ... Eliminates Bath Tub lli ngs, KecflS T hings Clea ner without Effort. Free Estimates on Comf)lcle Installation Sears .\u1on1al i<" ·r<tl\(\" the \Vork Out or SoCttning: \\'ater I'•~·' ,,., ... , I ~r r&1't. l.•~•rl•r h t l~~~ft ,,, ...... ,,,. t '··~~, S~·ar ' '"~11111,: l'h1>"~ fur Fr.1'.G t:i<th11<•lt•'. Ask nhou t Sc<1 r~ Convenient Cr edi t Plans! Sears So. Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St. l'honc j IO ·:J~:~J to San Francisco! ?am to 9 pm . Both ways. 7-8-9-10-11 am-12 noon-1-2-3-4- 5-6-7-8-9 pm . Mor e on weekends. Plus flights ever liour on the alf hour to San Diego!_ 8 :15 am to 10:10 pm. Both ways. 8:15-8:30-9:30-10:30-11:30 am-12:30-1:30-2:30-3:30- 4:30-5:30-6:15-6:30-7:30-8:30-10:10 pm. More on weekends. Why worry about a reservation when PSA has ove r 160 flights a day? Such an easy·IO · remernber schedule you can carry it around in you r head. Why ren1c mber lowesl fares? Or all iets? Or great service to Oakland. San Jose. and Sacran1en to ? Or that kids un der 12 fly PSA {v1ith their parenls) for llalf fa re? Still want a reser-..!!:.ff:U- vat1on? Just rrmernber to cal! you r trav el agenl or \Vh8ts1lsnan1e u11l 1 r~cs. . I'S/\ gin.s )11U H lifl . ·----!-- " ' • 1 ) j • -. • .. f1 DAI L 'f PI LOl Se11ior Citizens' Tax D<tle Nertring· S,\,-.,T:\ .. \~ \ 1 !I ,. rle;idlinC' fur 111111.: 19()~ 1 t.111·1" fnr· St'!\IOr l'i !llf'U~ l'111pf'r11· l:ix Ass1~l allL'l' is Ot·t 1 ·, (.'1~1111!1 111{-d alli'r ll',:t~ 11.11 · \•Ill be de111ert 111\lc.~~ the Ll:11 111an\ h11~ oblain•·d an t'\- lt•ns1u11 ol 111nr to l1lt' fur ,nt'll' 1;i\1•! rc.t ~·n. \l;ir1111 llu11 f\- !"r 11!11r u:laTr HI th•· J'r;u1 (h1sr T.ix llu:1n.l. -;i1d 1n11:i.1 By l:i1ling 10 11 11· 1·1;11111~ 1 .. 1 !his :iss1st;incr n1ao1 :-;<"l1"r' li!izrns arC' 10~1n;: •1·1rr,1I hundred dollar~ t(l 11 h1L·h 111< ~ arc C'nllllcd The !:il'111or Cu izen~ l'rfJIJtTl1 Tax A~s1s1~111ce Progra111 pro· 11d1·s for a rr11u1d 01 :• ptn 11011 ol the prop1;rt.1 l<t'>CS 11a11I h1 prrs;ins 11·ho a1 t• I.ii .1 c;ir, 11111 ur u!dcr .1nd 11 ho ha1 r ;i 11.1111 llll'Ullle- DE. l Tll ,\'01'1Cli.~ HUMMEl.-L l«ioo r..,.,,., ""'"'n•I• A~• 11 r• (.·r~'1·!1 Co<cno u•I Mor D·"• o• "'"'' O<l~J'•' ! 5•irv,.•~I I" nuoo~n!I. ~~· I ' Hu"1tn•ll; >on, ~nbr•o, o• O•~ne , n,,,•QI ••• Mtl B•I'' (,,., "'· <•I f l•I••·-~•. cn<I '°''" ••"n1t"<'"'f~ ~NV.C•o WMn•>!l~V I PM, 8•"1 ._.,,,,,, '.:10 l c•.i>t to ·~,.,a, Co«• n•t I,•• •n1•••,1"nl C:.<>....:I !n~n•••U (• n•:f<> ll~I" '" r ''fr 0.rt<'O·• WOL FE ,.,. l•VN•• ,'.'NIO '"""'" .( ., r·-v •• anr•ll•• v1.,·m,n~•·· ~'''"" ' f' " C~•••I ,., Qror.•r '/,r,tm ., .. ' ........... 1 PM• Mortu••• • "!I (••~-····· MANWAlllNG <>•o~• 0 I~'"'·'''"~ l!Cll I,' ·•• '-', 1.-.· n• ~"'''""" b• "'''' l'l ' < '""· ~oo., O•~n. ol Oroocn r.,;uq •• t,.·,n<• ~..., 5MI> 01 '"" • n1r ,\no "' • O•~nC>O" 5• ~·<~ v .. 11 °'" "•'" ~·~~r.r"°~' I\ ~'-1. Pn '·( V•• '(• ·'"' l•c·•"'""' r " 'I 'J.•' I ' "'CfoAI Pc" 0"•<1"1 D< P·~ !.( \'-t·• M"'!"a" (LI.Jiii( l1t ll (la" ..... II o• 106 l'f >" \' hyn•.rv1on B• '<" 0~ r "' n••' r_tc~., • '-u••.v ra I>• ·,;.n !!'""'' 0 ( "''· Fyllf rtDn. c•uv~<trl B• • J ('A" Hv•:r>o'<' ll•d<~ ''" '•" ( '"" ~~' <' ~n'l•••!• (~h!Qtf' \ ;• ! .-"' Qr•n"(' "''"" ~· • ((' • -!1 •• ···~ ,'.Nln< ,,, 'P'.' '.n• r~ (1".\ .. •I ,,.,,..,,.,, 1r ·n·.n· r l,,fn\O•••I Pen, ~ ... ,.~.Mo·•· .. ,. O·•t<'C" SHEA "•nt• ( S~·• ~Qf •C. "' 111) 1<· n ~' ••un•.naron "•~rn 0•'• cl c• ·' • •T'•\N>f < ! Su· ~--~n ~· ~ul"'na J•• ' ,~n·a .J• 1.vo t~ol<h••. I!,.• 1 ,' (., •• ,., ~"ld'"n '"~•>.? ~. cp· '•<·•· ,.., ("·•• rl ~· .,., •• .,a "" ~· ' '•1· Cl' '~"' n p..,.0,.11° /, ,, ,, • .,,, ·~·'··~· r:.n"'•'"· o .. cc·o<> •1'\0~E MO•E GODO~ DcnMd D C."°!I' J.I'' Ca•" a'',., n· .. S•N·n ~·v~n,1 D•·· ,, r 11• "f <~« I C r"n~'' AnU ""' 1•· ' r ...... ,, (o<D~n COi""""' l.O• ~···· \ .,,,,3 D·, ,. •• Ror>•'. '"' D" ""' 1"1• Oa""" r,iO'l• ""'<I D• F •· r.r•d< !><'~ n• lnd,•n•. ''"' '"' •/'" Dora·"• "'""" r1•.,oe '.'r .. ,., ... l f,.,.,, l•C ,.. • ' f~·nhn P~"•' (onn~C'''•' S"'· '' T,t -~,. '""''' 10 t.•.1 ~"""'' l /-0 ! ~.·,,n 1:01•c·•r• ("""'"' ·~ ·~ ••• o· "•"<rr c• '"• CGn "'"' -• P·· ••• ·" ( • .1"C~ '":rrn t" ' •""a ,,,,,..., •. ' -~. hDb•• ~•rt'•' L~'unt l!•t<" I :;r!u3•• 0 r•• ,. 8 U MB~DA IG•n h !--.,,_.-' •"1 • • • ' <. I io: •> ~,.,. ~' • -• • .. , ,. • Ct ·<" -~ .. •, -...... • • -., s. . .. •.. ""0"•· ,. ..• ~• .·• ,-, ,-... ., c .-·. ~·· ( . .,~ <'0 ~..---c•n '•• ~· •· ~:· ••L >au,..• S•••" =· ~· · •·.:, • lO :>y.. a ,o~··- -• -' O ~\· On!" <' ~ .•..• .::• ...... c·~· -, ............ . ~. ....... ·'' """"'' .,., l •0' "' ~•oCn M<ll'•u••• 0,.~. tit•"'' I"• •Q• •• f \·o• · "'"'=< -'q· •• , !:.•· .. ' :,-~.~-.. --~ .. . .. . <l~·-"" -,.,..... . ·~ .,,,.,, .,..,..,. ,I.., •. "' ... •• -••• 11-••'•" I• • ;.•• ··, •• •on ...... , ~, •• ,,. •••. " ,,. • •• Q • ., "\' ~"' . ! ~-~·· ~ ..... ...,.,.t "' . • . .. c ...... "· • -..·., .J. J~"· •" : r , . ., -· r-,. 'tr .... t •n ,.. . • .... ·~ ,,,,, •• !.I '" W •L~~ r ,,... r •: • o• ., •' ·•i [ ••• ,. ,. n'·•• ·~'It ·<~ C :r + \ v•~ •, >'" ~' nn•• ~ •n 1"<><'•u• •• I 0 g C ·q>·r-•"f•('\ 1 •I ~ • . ,.,,. '" "'' -r ...... ,..,,, s,,,,,~, I or•~••> ! ' • tlCY\. AA~GR"OEq .. ··~ ,.,, ··~q· ,~, ~"'<'" r. .. ••; •! •·<"<'·•• C• • ''or·· • • ·" :I·! AHBL"Cf\LE I.: so~ \\'r~1t•lif( l\lorllHITY _, 1:!7 E. 1;1h St.. Costa .\l ,~a 6i6-lS88 • 1;\1:11. \H 11:rc,r:rrs f nrnna t1rl ,\lar OH :i-91.i O ··co~ta ~Je-.:i ,\JI 6-'!l:!I '· • l:EI l. 1\11tf\0\\ \Y \lflllTl'\1 :\ 110 l)r11J1h1 .1.r . l'n)ta .\l r~;l LI jl..;i;; • lJll.lf \ \ lllitH HEit:-, ll nnlii1 ~H1n \ ;11l1•y \lurl11:11·1 Jj~Jl l lh•arh Bild. ll11nlini:tnn l\1•al·h 81.:!· ;;; 1 • .\h·l'lln \llCI\ L\f:I '.,\ CE\l"ll \ltll!TL:\l!V 1;9:1 J.a~u11<1 I an111n Hoad L;1~11n:i 1\rac·h 491-911 .i • I' \CIF!l \"IE\\ ,\\E\IOltl,\L p,\ltl\ t.:c1neter\• e 1\lortulir.r \I Cbuptl . T•• l,(' i·IJglhk• lur St•1n 111 l Jl1fr11" l'r nprrl y T;1-; .\~•l,t:ll\{'(', l'iilllll <l11lS 11\LJ~l be 011 er t;~ ~ ~·:~!'' o( ~1gc ;is tJf J ;111 . 1, l!lfi!l. 11 1u~1 u11n and oct·upy tht'l1 uwn hon11'. rnust hill'e pn111 !ht· prnp .. rl~ Hl.\t'S. un lhr honit•. ;ind 11 '1LI~l l1n1·r a to1al h:l~L~l'IHil tl llll'll llll' ul ll'S~ I h,111 ~;l ,::, ) Q;1hf1rd 1nd111d11;il~ l'<ln oh· T:''llrl 1·l1111n t or111~ froni llll\' ot- litr nl !hi' Fra11l·h1~r 'ra.~ !it :ird "r b1 11T111ng tn ~en1or 1'1!1zrn~ l1fo11rn.1· T;.~ A~:c:rs- 1r111<·r . I' 0 llu~ J.'iflS S;tL'!'.I· rll('ll\n. (.';1h1ur111:l. 95807 llu1r ~aul qu<ihtic-d :.('n1ur ('ltll.l.'ll'i :lr1· 1•ntJ1led 10 hulh !he ~JO 1>:1.1 n1ent 1u11ler t:l" I l.11111·011 nt'rs Propt•rt}' T .l'i H••l1d !.:11' ;uu! th<' ~rnuw ('1!11<'11• f'1 op1·rt\' Til'i 1\~~I'•· l:llH 't' Hll !hr Ill.\" fldid Ill (')\('l'.'·~ 1'f !he ~10 To Tf'l'l'll'f' Srn1or L'llll('n s f'rnpert y T;lx ,\<;~1~­ t:11w<· •111 the l:lX JlOHl !1'1 e'it'l'!'~ ,,r til e SiO ·rn rrt·e11·r Sl·n11 r t.:111~1·11s l'ro11f'1·1,\· To1 x Assi1">· i'ill'h year wi!t1 th r Fr0111,.h !-" lanl·r. :1 c:la11n 1nust !Je ld~d Ta x l30:1rtl. Hull ::.aitJ. City Facing Libel Suit LOS AL . .\.\JIT()S ·\ ftlrlllt r Los .i\lanH!OS polil'C' OI· 111.:er ha' "ued 1h;11 rit~ 11~ r1· 1y 1n<111..1gi'r ;ind tht' 1)Qlitc lll'U!t•11;111; lor d;1111;1gr'i" 1ut:il- i11·~ ~9.11.000 11! a Superior Court HIJ\ ch.1n~u1~ the tlele11- d:u11 ~ 11·i1h libel. liuher! ~leliiol. 10, San1a .\1\a , ;JcC'us:cs C:it:-· .\lan:iger .l:1n1<'' S1111th and (_' ;i p I \'.1111.ou II A11.,t1n a "t·r·g<',11'\ ;1! 1he 111nr 1of \1,'!hnt 'i finng -111!1\ J~~lll!l:! '' d {·llan111\01.1• <latr111en1 ..,·· ;,h1Jt1 I hiul fll'IOI' tu l11 :> t.11,1111,,;1 I \le1ho1 11a:;-li rl'd OC'L 2. 19li8. ll1s 11n11g w;1s uphrld !Jy ci f)Cr~uuncl l>uJrd and !ht: l'Jly -.ubst'qul'n:l.v r r J r c Ir d a ~l~.1100 cl;iun !:led ll;. 11u: t':..- ullicer .\ntiquc Cars Tu Tour Hauc h JR\ l \F. -.\•1 r~un1atltl 7~1 an11que :iul!i o'.111cr~ will tu111· 111,• frt inc H~1ncl1 l)('!. 19 111 th1·1 r hor~eless c11rn:1gc ,_ T"cn1:.-fil c of 1h1: v111!.1ce au1on1oh1les It ill ehug alu11g low r:1nt·h roaU:-. e;;irry1ng c;11· liuil' dn·-.~rd In µc rind 1 '" 111111e The to u1· 11111 start at 10 'm. THI SllANG( WOILO ~ MR.MUM • FOl\'I) '' FOUNDATION I 1 J~ ~o ---~-~--;-:"'.:-:;'.''"'.'""."-:--:~~~-~---------------------~---. . . . . . . ~ . . ... Rencl1i11g j'or P1·ess Club '\'lu.:se Orn nge Cc:."ls t girls arc co1npeting !or :\Ji ~<> Ur~nge C'ou11l y J'rcs5 Cl ui) ('l'Ol':n. l·'roin left urc . Julie Zipkin. 17. llunti11g ton J:i(·ach : \ il'ki \'o;il-. 17. ' OAIL 'f PILOT St•I! ~ho!o Crotcn Costu !\le.,~\: f'111 dy 8c·ll 1n ~r1'. ID. ('oro11a del :\hir . ;i ncl JJ11n11 ;1 Flory. 17 1-'ou nt:iin \';1llc). Ac1v prl'~:-. l·lt1 !J qlltl'll 1·.111 h<' 1·r·c11\'l1Pd Oct. J:l. l11~ta11t o~atlt Chopper Cuts Bu ~s Qnick 11(\'l:'\f. -Sain 1·11ulllll" and !u s pa rdllr e;1u du Jiu· "OJ k ul l'1~hl Clune~c 111 u11l' Retarded J(id s' l•'islt Thr (Jr .. ni;e CO\ltl!_I' A-. ..,Ot:l.I 11011 1or Hi·tardc:t! Lh1 lt1rl·n 11111 hotd 1t ;. !11th ;111111101 11~1111 .. ~ 1lcriJ~1 Ot·t 26 <it li:ilbo;1. l\l'11·1~"JJ'I Ut•<H·h ;tud S :i JI C I c rn <' n ! c ~purt!1 ~hl r1g l..1n· ding.'. All 1iroc1:f'ds lr0111 ;1;1clc" fares through the day at . It thrre Ja11tlir~s 11·11! f!u tu 1 · a~s:oc:1at1on 's trc<i,ury t u r l'·~nl·fit pro1ett). Anglt>rs fish1 ni: th;!I 1!t1 .v 11 Ii! he eligible ror sr1 l'r;il p1·1y1·~. Jneluding a perpclu;il trop!i~ ,<\.~si~ncd .!iportfishi11g h<u11" 11·il l lea\·c al 6 1l.ni. and relun1 Jnr fi sh 11"CiJ:!l1-ins :it ~ p 111. ;11 :\1·!'.~ Loinding 111 B;1Jb11:1. [);111·y·s Ln('~.l'r in !\ti'. purl. ;1 11 11 Sa n C I r 111 e 11 t cc .. :-'por1 fisl1 i11g. San Cll'n1c111c. l11t·•lly ·lo111 l~l u[ the l1111 c. but ,1•1u d 11cc<l .1 tune 111::11:h11u· 10 p11t 1h1·1n out :if 11url. 'fli,1111.'.b .uHl In, [;l'!l rl1up· Pl'!' 011 nr'! liy I\ c ::. l t' r n Hel1l'Optrr,. uf H1;J llu, :.pr<t.'" l'l'UIJ.' \l!lh lil'''l\ !.lllill i\ o'litl\ p i1i1il1, il'l ill~" i i'\ .II!" J:;111t ii. St·1 l'11:y uf '1~lil \\<Hild 11 ~~'<i!'S ,1go. il IC:J l•I Ct11nt·~e 11u1kn1t11 I l! IJ . I :id ~ii Ill ll 111 Ii.!·)., tn,.,;1:,'n'! 1h 111\n1 l11r 1~ l 1P:rs r1'r d;1\' 111 ."p!'.il' 11u .-:;1 11c ill ;1•.rt·~ (~('\ l'llljl ll'' I l Thr 1:1rtp.•. Ill tlJC I ,I 11 rt·111.<. 111:11 pti5c ,1 tlirr;n 1" lTHll~ \Ill thl' 1,l tJLll 1:111.,\ [1 ;11[, 1 1u:~al!' bl' )..11\·:I. hul\('IC/' I" I'll< l!'f' 111 a :I. I 111 ll !II pn t :1a I J • +I _I 'I 1!' 11\J' h HUI\ do1111].! th.d • t;1":?.i1lll:11~ ~il'•l'llv brlUI"(' d:lll I -i111I hb ·1 1<·:!111<· 111.J\Jld hu·~· P.,IC lllL' 111111tb vi l1lu.,C 1•.1!11 tolled 111 lliL· (J!'<fll~t' L'Jull!i l1t•hh :J !ull l1tclJ1llC Cl~U. l!o1'l'r111g r11L•r !hr ru11 s !• grlL'tl 1t•gct:~blcs <ti 11i11 l•;v('I, r :1u1n;ll> lr1_1 .. tlu11n 111 . f'l ouus 1•1 J1·ti1:il Cygon, 11lu•·li c l11ni11.1le~ lilt.' p1·~1s. Leuken1ia 1-fend Nan1 ed lrvi1ie Rc11ic1i Us i1i g· Dictlo111ctceoits Ec1rtl1 2 \Vriters Join Course 1Jo11f!l1on pe1· participant 1: "10. Hr .~ l' r \'ii l 1o11 s ;ire llt:('Cl>SD!"J, Co11fcrcncc For ' I .lll5! 2~ 1n1n11h•s ];;Irr. !hr .Jn :irfl' JOb II hil'h O!l~'l' IUU~ c1;;ht n1en 12' hours is !lunr LET'S BE FRIENDLY For County 11H.\\CE II Sl·huuh~ r. regional 1 H.'l' prt''>I· drnt ot lninn Ba nk he r<', 11111 ~f'r 1·e ;1s 1·h:11rin;i11 fur Ilic !. I' II !; (' 111 I ;1 "' ,\rnc:ru:a ·s ilUl'.ll !U·dlJ Jr 1.lr11 r ip l lr:1111:1' ('ountl . Sl:irl :pg tile 11rt"L ·:·!1d o f \u1 crnber R • !l. "L1•11f.,.111ld SOc H·ty Sur,d:i1·.·· !huu ~and~ ol ,1(!ult 1 J lun!et r::> 11 !II he;::11· 1·Jll111g upon 1ht1r neii1,hbor <> thr r111ghnul Orangt· ( \u111:: l11r l IJll!l"l\JUllUll.S 111 ,11d hi \11c L~hl ilL::llll'l J l LI~ l' 111 1 ,, , S1.·h1111li\ '-' '><lld Fund.~ e1.1111 11!iu'r1I 11 111 .u.J 1he Ll'll~l·1n1a Soc1et~ " !o><.:1t·11· t1t1t· rc~t·.irC'h prograll'I, 11 ~ pa· l;('nt ~t1ppnr1 II~ lUll· 1 1n1 nn1~ puh!1t 1nl 111111.111un ti· 111n~ Tl1l' \.t'l1hl'1 111.1 So.1r11 .r A1nc11c:1 h ,1 11 :1 t Ju n ii I 1ol11n\ct•r t1eahh org:in1za t11111 \111 h ehrtp1cr.s t!11·,111gt1uu1 !I\~ l'0<1ntry. The tirgnn11..111011 e1,11· ITll\i·;1(CS ;di i.I 11., !'1''!/11 • 1 t 1•11 !hr .'1nglr 1•r11IJl",11 111 ],•11k('11\1.1. ll S f frll \l"t,J ;111d f , · e111ual eradieat 11111. IH\'1.\'E to111at..1t•s ;ire lJe111;: gn,\\11 un !iO at·11•, al lhr Jr ;i111· H:1nt l1, hlll ~0\1'11 !U'\('!' k11C1·,r 111 1• dll· il'rcnt l' ;i ltrr tl:c> ·n· 11;.1~,1cd 11tr I ) I .111)1 'l\:Jl't'LHI ' t'.irlh ll\Uth Ill llclll'h \'01111.'~ fl'l'lll \I ll' l.0111p11t• ;,11" 111 f ',.:1 11 ,11 1".1i11on1 1.1 -'' l'1•1111;u::.ed 111 \th' ch~1lkv 1•.11111• n•111ii11l> "! h 1ll1011~ 1<1 1u1y, p1·e111.~tJ1'1l . .<•,1 un,~.1111~111,, L',•s 111('hak l1l1t·r 1n:.: .111d punt1cri!1nn of sui;nr . ~y1·up. .t\,·ohtJI . anl1hiotH.>. '>1Jl•l'I"' I i•nd •111111n1111g po:il 11:1\c~ 111\!lc· 111~ :1 lilltr 111 tlll', !Jnt ~. Jin.1h'un1 p;iprr Jnd p,111 ! [J\n.lllll\(· ;111:1 H11lhj1o1 11 a!!io 11.11r d1;1!:11 11.11~·11u., 1·.,1l1! :" ;i l'O!llj)()l\l:'lll Th<' lr1111e i· o 111p .111 \' hJ\\l'ICf, h:i.~ 111'\h'!t d t~U't l lleatl ~ (:;1111 ·er Li nil 'I LSTJ\ -\'.1lli :1111 i" \'"II< 11:!1. l\111~' 1;n:1d '.\••11 j\<11'1 H1'il \ Ii 11;1-. h1'1'tl I iLC'll,I 1··~.r. "jlJ prt•-;1d1tl\ ul !ill' 1\11H·11t·;,•1 (.;;111('1 r Sct:1t'i,1, ur..111 gt ~ 11~1 1 1) Br.111l'h Dr \lt'l.111 ~!nll111.1n 1:1122 .\'111purt Hh <l., TlhLn. 1 lirst l!C'C vre.sidl'lll: \lr~ I J·:ugt'n1· Tut!. l:xJ I \'1-..-.011 Tu~:111 ~ero11ct ''iri.' prt .1i• cl'. :'<lr ~ .L il;., Englrh:inl: ·ii11! f •• uu!( n 11r1; •'. r · !'11•.,1 \]. ! tl1i1d \I(,· jll1 1\h ill 1<.1 1r111!1,1 (: 1\1.,_1 , .: -, I lloi 111:,,1 1; ••. I. \ , :1" ! • l!t ,II I If· : .•. I, d "i I l ~. 11 ' :-,, I ! l 1.! ) 1111 \',I' i \!.,I 11 0•;1 ·111 ! f I • " "' (II ,1· "' I 11,,1 .. ' 1111 IH1lo •·I 1 1111· I II 111 •II (I I 1 I• • ::, ) ' 11 ", 1,~ I 11.1 I I \ I \1• I f,' ,1 I' I !11; _'I , h ,,, It· ,1 1 I d : ' 1! <-I IP I, • I 1,Jol ,, :,1111 I \ ,\!" 11 ' .:'; !·'I .. ,, '!' ·~:1 II !I I , < I 1111 , \ fl .I I\! I I'' I', I< ' , '. " c 1·011 p .\:11111'. ( :li a n ~·c .' .- ,\\\ll!·.l\l -'l hr I J1:i111:· ( ' 111u: .I I 111: 11, 1] '111 i. , 11 l HlUt:ti:lt.ull.' .u1d l l LI 1\1 ;ill I :c~ourcl'~ h;i:< rh;p•g1 d 11. 11:1111c and l'st;1lllisl1l'd ;1 11111 utiicc here. S f1l'J\ 1·(! lllll\<I l!!l'~ U\ (•!" ,,, I Hit' rlJlllUll;.; IJIT\ i'Pl tlH Ill Jro~11 gcll111g \t11\IJlffl1l'il l 11J1kl' th1· lt•IJ'd1111i"1\)l(' t111n;itu, l1i11\1'll'I'. 1 ~1c g:1rtlr:1 1:11J\'l.1 lur11s 10 :lill· .. ••r:11a~e !11" j \ ('ll II ii1t1• II lib 0 1l'l 1'\· p11'(U r1· l1• !In· :,11n' r:1:!·, .u. .>ll'iiil rd 1l1r p1·(1p~·r rrd. ·r11f'y l'.!~llv 11a ..,h1·d 11:1 rLJite ta11111n~ lut11.in 1 ~ • ,\· pl'cle1l tu 1nl·rc:i.~<' the ru.-y tun1nto 1.r.1p b~· 2.J prrCTl'l1 IH\'1.\'I·'. -l'ulit1e1• Pr11r I' !ll:U r \':1lli :11l1 l1•gt• i.Jtld 1\r.1;1f'l1l\ ,\.,1.01·d 11innrr S!1rl· in::; S1lli 1lh :1nt ha1c bc•:n added 10 tht: li"'l uf 11r1t e r~ ~chedukJ fur tht• sClUllcl ~ !1Jll~.'l"('llt:e r111 "Uu~int·:'~ A sp<' t' t :-. lur \\.nlers·· to hl' contlur lctl b.v 1 L Exrc11s1 1111 .11 Jr1·1nt· tJt·t. :;;! T\u· rH11fcr1·111 '" ::ccurtl111~ lri 11:: corirdi11;11or!', l\'an'.la :111CI !~oh<'l'I I. D1111<"all. lc;1turr> tll"rll·t· t'.~t;ibl1shl'U wntrrs 11ho 11 !II p r o vi de profc.~-;1on:i l i.:u1deli ncs lor s ll l' c es s l u l 1narkcti11g for 11·rit<'r~ A~.\!l i':!.\l -A !11·e·d:t\ 1 contcr1·nct' ou l'het11ist r11 :ind SJX'('\rnseopy will df<l \'o: 2,000 :<c 1r•11t1 ~1 .s to the D 1snr~·la11d 1 I lottl 111 :\11;iiie11i1 bt!ginu1ng .\luntlay. I ,\l<irJu rie r . C\1 ~cr10. L::igu11:1 HCrll'h l"l'Sldl'n\. \\ liu l :- ;1~su~·i:1l e pr o I r ~!; o r 111 i·iit·1111stry oil i ·r l1·,•i11t', l· progr.1111 1·ha1r111'1n lor 1111·1 A1nrrll':'.l11 lhrn11r;"JI Sne1e\.1', If ) 011 h 11\'(' llC'IY llC'i~llbtJIT ur k110\\' ot nn)u!l r 1no1·111;; to 011r .i rr·a. plca~r lcll U> .so 1t1;1 t 11c ni11y C".'1;1Cnd .11 t1·ic11dly 11rll'un1c and hel p 111<':11 Jn lwr·r.nlf' urri1n1intr<J 111 th1·i r nl'w ~111Tn1111rl1n;;s. So. Coast Vi1itor 49 4.0579 494·9368 l'O·'jlOn~ors ot lhc confl.'rt'l1Cl'' Harbor V1's1'tor 11i th 1hc Socie!y /o r Apptlrd1 Spcl'! rosr·opy. I ~11\11\1111\111\111\111\111\111\111\111\111\11111~ Dr.James Crow: father of his country's whis . OLD CROW !f~' .. ,;,;1 .. ' .. '1 .. • . . .. '/,' ;• . l"lf/,lf"Af STR!1IGllT BOU RBO~ W HISK EY :/. {C . .. ( .:iw .. ·----~ ... .... , ........... ' ........ .. ........ ., .. '"' , .. , ... ,. --- James Crow developed th e fir st quJli ty-control d istilling p ro cc ss~and created sn1o ot!1cr , 111 ctlo,\·cr O ld Crow. Nothing finer has h appened to Bourbon in seven gen eration s. Old Crow. , I. " f;J!, f'di J1il1 1110 ··11 ii! 1 I °' 1 ·1~ "'" by' .~ur Cc ~Ill (fll l'I;: Ill~ ll ! ,J ' 'Tu I so ·1 2 fo1 (a 1 'I ' at RE th• tu t o L " <. ., . ; .. . . ,, " 11 " " 31 J; ::~lO Parlfic Vlt"11· f)ri1 r i\c11 purl Ueach. C<ililornia Iii 1-!i(lll • Toda)"s Stocks Todu)· Thi• org~un1.1tin11 11111 ht• 1i 11u1111 a~ 11i .. 11 ·· ,·111 1:.·t.1 I Lu11~ Couucil of l)r.111~e Cnu11 1 ~· 11 ~ ulfil·1·, 11111 bt• ,11 J\J,. IV. Billi [;u;11I. " •J, I ,j f'!I " " ,, " l 'EE~ FA:\11 1.\' t:OLU\1<\I. l'L1~l'~ll ,\L 11 0\lf;; ;5111 l\11lsa i'.1r. \\e~t n1inster • SHl::i'l'Elt ,\IOllTl..'!.llV l.aguna lltar h 4!11-15~5 San Clemenlt 49:!-UIOO • S.,UTllS' ,\lllRTl.\llY 6.!i l\lain SL. lluntineton ltr 11rl1 5::&.6.i::' S iar Gazer' l'lau :llccling VCl'.:\A P.o\HI\ -Educa· 1 iunt1! ;1stro\og_v ut Orant;r c;u,t nlv 11ill hold 1t~ 1nonlhh·1 n1cc11i1g h"tc Oct.I~ al COl'.!:1 .. ~1 Hc~t;Jt1r;u11 1t 11·ill IJt'J!in 111 th! ;1 :.oc1a l ho ur <it 6 ta p.111. lollo11ed by dinner. 0 P'f0 J\1ETRIS1' J. P. Connole 0.0. e EYES EXAMINED e CONT ACT LENSES e PRESCRIPTIONS FILLEO e BROADWAY CHARGE AVAILABLE OFFICES In Tho BROADWAY, FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENTER, NEWPORT BEACH 64'·1212 EXT. 301 Hunting ton Beach Ollice : " \ ~ I ! •\ii l Located al 97 J-luntingLon Center ) \ ' at Edin ger Al'C. & Bea ch Bl vd , ~ adjoining Lh c San Diego I rcc1VJ)', 111 I luntingLon Bea ch. MAIN or•1Cf 91~ ' 1•1 •.lo' >r~•'n · 1:1 ···1 Or"" •l!l<t•• WILSHll'I{ 0~'1Cl :;1 .. 1 w, ,, .,. e,,r. ·:ea :•, L A. CIVIC C(Nlt•· ;~~ ~ B•o•··•·• • ~••-•·n ~ TA P/AN~ 1~;~1 \<~l'l fi~C ••• SA~T• ~0,.ICA I '! '.'I '~''" Elttd • '9~-~ '< S•N -~0110• 1c·~ ~ "•~·· e • &~· ,--11 W($f COVIHA· • IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD ••• Huntington Beach Offi ce of Coast & Southern Federa l Savings, ivhere your account is SAFm •CONVENIENT• AVAILABLE 1.'arke~ 11uc:uat1c'ls don'! 1\orry C;i;ist and Soulh1rn s1 vcr~ !hCh c11 p!lal is •lw1p riting In l'&lue. And rou'r• su1e 01 tne h•ghcs1 e?.r111"g' cons•slcr.t wl1n safety when you save al Coast and Sou!hern. ForO'TIO~t assur,1nca of trese benet11s is lhe out1t11od1ng l•n:cnc;.al s1ren9tn ma1nt111ned lh•oug:i the ye1H1 by the man· agct':'l rn1 o! Coasl arid Sou!ticnn feC:erel Savin gs. INSURANCE TO llS.000/R£SOURCES OVER 800 MllllON '•'IO~t.'1 4 CIT ~ HIGHEST PREVAILING RATES 5.003 5.133 5.393 CO'JPOVt.:0£0 0"1lV DIVIDENDS TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL \•" '·~1• r"; ·&fl: .. LO"I C ll[ACH .~;: .. "' COAST · J : ''· .. l~&• •l ·•J 1'•~· >~ND SOUTHERN F'EDERAL SAVINGS . S•'lt • AN• tO•N &E"VIC! •(ltNCV· '~" .. ~ ·-~ .... ,, . ' ,,~\ '.n M••" ~I • 1H • ~'1 ~f\1 " ' --..... .. ------~---. --~--------------~----·----------~-------~----· . ---. ----. - Long Beach Playl1ouse 'What Did We Do Wro11g?' l!1 Li11c f 01· E?nn1y Does Most Tliings Rig1it NEl\I YOHJ\ r.>\f'l -'fl11• l~111111y ;1•1:1rd ~11•111· 11rx1 yl'ar \1 i I I 11 '1 1 1· 11 n c 11• rntl1£r lh.'.ln on the lek'ca ~t. l':JSL 1\US ll'ill br11ad1·::!t 1he l·>-11111y pr,;~1:n1.111ons !or this !'.l'H~Oll J1111r 7 Bv T0 '.\-1 T!Tt.:S 0! ! ... Dl ilJ PllOI ST1ft "\\'hat D1d \\'c Dn \\'rong?" 13 yet <1nothcr l11 tile current rash of generation 1Jap co1n- ••rlll'S, less successful thc:in lhe J11lilrious "Generation" but 111rire u11pn·s.<;l1e 1111111. ~<1v, "l!;illwa) Cp the Tn:l'." 1vhith ii 111ore cio~i~ly re:>l'111ble~. Thi s l;.1lc~t µrodu ctiun of the Inn~ Hl':JC'h Co Ill Ill Uni I y l 'layhouse is b rightened bvvond lhc li1nit s ol its script b:,.; .~oinc fine ac11ng , JS well as Sl•llH' cnligh1enert direction hy ~ Bcrtran1 Tr<in .• wrll, who5r .:;rilcnrHd ''l-'l11l adclpl•1i.1. Here 1 Corne" at the L <t g una l 'layl1011se ~lill 11arn1s lhi! 1nemnr~ Tan ~w(•IJ and hi~ t'J~l. head· iJURN IN 1 Tu rn 1n at Texaco for ) so111e real savin gs-six ·1 2-oz. bottles of Pepsi for on ly -, 55~ pl~JS fa x (and depo51 t). You get it wrth afiy purch3se. at pa rt1c1pating Texa co Reta1 lc:rs . But hurry- t l1 cy·r·r. going fa st! So turn tn a t Texaco- ! oday _ "'::illgtest~ Ret a.i Pr.'"· -. = •' ~· . " " , UIT£RTAl~ENT .. ~I _..._.i.,_ •• -· --·- ~'d \Jy t!1e Hun tington Beoch li li.sband and wife 1e:.11n of Joe and El1zahc1h !\orbo. r1111 an c,b~tacl l' course \l"ilh a .~r.ript th~t soineti1nes !!11·r;ite11s !u s1op lh('n1 dc:ld Ill thei r tracks. Abs.lr1ict clichr~ a:·(' scal!cred likr lnnd 111incs throughout , but the Lon,(: Beach co1npD11~· r1Ticrge.~ fur the rnost part UllSC<l \!k·(I, Beth l\:irbos art• in line forn1 us il pair ol csl ablisluncnt-oricnted parents r!he word ··oriented"' pop~ LllJ 1\·h;ll seems like at Jc:ist a h1111tlred thncs throughou t the phi~ ) 1rho lcn rn. to their hor- ror. that 'their son hns been Jt1iled lor lc!idlng ;i college protest rnarch. They react 11o·ith Lhe instinct uf i;elf prrs~r\'11 !ion -wh ;it will this do 10 his business, or hrr posi tion in society·:· f'inally, like 1hc f;1tber in "!lJlflr;i~· L'p the Tree .. , he dee id l's lo fight the idralngical battle un his son's hon1e ground. predit·· tabi ~' exposing junior <111d h1~ gang JS. of :il l t h i 11 g s , "11n:1ge-01·1c111cti."' .!or l\arbo 1n1s s u 111 e delicious mon1ents as he llufl~ and puifs through !he first act and parades riot ously in hippie togs 1n the second. 1 !e is ~n e.XL't:llrnt cnrnic. al 1hough hr l flck~ thr author j\~1 req11ired 111 l1is st r ni.o;htrr scenes ll"hcn e.x· uplighlne:os i.~ callf'd for. As ll1s ll'ilc, 11o·ho 1vouldr>'l n1a!-.c ;i dcci~lon 11·i1hout eon · !'Liiting \\'ornan ·s O:iy or Doc- tor Snotk. Eliz;1b('lh Karbo is Sllp('[b, Asid e frQ1TI providing a bcau 1i f1il roun1crpn1nt lo her husband·~ n1ore c.: red i b 1 c ehar::ic1cr. shl' d15nlavs a rcrnarkoble sense of \iin ing find :in cn1·1abJ(' a!fini ty for line dt \iverv. So11H'11ha1· 11'e:1kcr ii; Don Allen as !heir pl aSliC hippie son who fails to 1nakc " con- "Wl1AT DID Wt DD WllDHO"" A t0"10<lY ~v H•nrv °'"""'· dl••Cl•d ana df ,:on•1 ~'< B•rl•om l •n•~Oll, •">Jnd ~nu l'O'lh'10 !>• l(~v ln MurPhV, ''"""'~' MY (~MIO''e ~-.un,on, Pft· """•rt Fr 0'•• or~ ~··"<I~·" lhfOUq~ "O• I 11 '"" ~ono "••t" '''""'~";,,. 1''-¥'>Qu••• son ~ "'''"t•rn 5!, Lonv e~•CM VI•""' rio, "• '· 01 (( ~<nil ( .,~, 1 'ocav OW" ~". o •. ,,, Dov.,, J,. (:,,,.,,,, .. (.~,11 ('•rlollr (~hotl Jc• 11~,t>G f ! ;o~f1 n l("~o o"' "'""" "•"~1 Mrrrl•On /l •,.•1\r• '•'<l•oti ''"'" e w'""" G<"•~• M•"""I! F•on 1'1ol•·n• 11nci11!! case fur \11s !~('nrra­ !1o:i. Tl11s. hol\'c.:1tr. i.~ dn~1e '"l1!l hil ariou~ 2nlo111b by Han- dy :\1ol'rison. p!1•.·ing a rct1I ··sll'ilehed 0•1"' kit.! 11·ho's been kicked OU\ uf in11un1crabll' COi· h:2es. ;·ind. to t1 n1tu-e r;"JtionHI f'.~t ent. by Clyde n . \\'ilso11 as !hr iliegro you th \l'ilo'd ratl1tr Lr studying tha n pitkct 111g ~·larinnne l\·lelton. s '1 le n l through mu ch of l11r fir.<:! <it!. prOl'ldcs 8 brcolt: of fresh air 1n the second as thl' son ·~ li~n­ cPe who t an'[ undcr«:tand 11·hy he <loc<>n't s11b~enbe to hi ~ own ''111akf' lov(', 1101 1\'J!'"' c:i-cdo . /\ n1ost l1npressi1·e you ng actress. her'scent' 11·1 th lhc n1othcr JS a high spot or Lhc t>Vening. lto1111d1n!( out the ca~\ ;ire C1:orgc ;\lnrsh~l l . so1ne11ha1 .-11nkv as ll1e l:ilhcr's strait· l:i<'ed bu~inc~s pan 11er. and Frnn \'.'a!kins. wl111 rreale~ R 111e111or;1blc c.:iunl"o as his ~ ll per· e!'lahlish1n('fl\ 1".He 1-.t1csc c:it ire dialogue is ont· ctrrnal clic-he Played on a bngl1t. well <lrtoralcd 5('1. the sho1v en- counters rl'W of tl1e staging pitlalls prt·scntcli b_v c.irller offerings 111 the huge. rec- t:ingular pla~·in!! ~rra. There is little n101 rn1r•11 for J\.~ n\\ll ~ake, thank~ ;u T:1111i11·ell's ~urt· d1rrttc1rial hand al the he l1n .. \\'hat Oid l\'r no \\"rong ~" 11·\ll bl' stugrd f(lr !he more 11·rrkrnd~. F r 1 d a y ~ and Salurd;:iys . at 1he playho11sr. 5021 E. :\11ahc11n ~I , Long Be:i(h "Fatlier' Res11111es n e 11 In anolhcr l'1 1;u1gt'. l h~ ~l'l'i l.'S-. prC~('O\alion (Or I ii r I e I .V Tltr (l1;111gt· 1\as ;:innounced 111u,1ca ! prO<:?T"<111l'i 111!1 hP. ~pl1t ;\!un(Ju ~· al ;\ ncll's t·un fcr cnt·c into flll~til ar anti cli:.s.~ical by ~('~·111our Llt•rn~. pre:.1dent t·<11cgoncs. Df th<• N11t:•a1al 1\l";trJi.:n1,\' uf 'f ht· n101't' to llu"ur thr t>c:;t 'J'1·lr1 ision 1\r!s and St'l rn~·cs. 11r11' ;;l'ne:; l'111rld !<1k1• so rne u{ Tlil ;1t:1d~·rn~ .~l~u \\',II 111;d{(' the prr~s111'l' ofi !ht' 1\l•ade1111• ti s a1111 rtl~ tu t 11 c tL·cll111··~il IOr :1 rrforn1 nf 1h!" :1-.1·:1rds I l • I 1 t 0t"''T·1t11·e ,, tr;1 I' ;1 :.i ~t·pa1 ,i,1 111 l' "'1~ fL--'-'"='="==----=------'=I Repertory Lists l 'nsl F 'F ' or 'oru.1n I ~ii~:• ....__ ENDS TONIGHT , , CA N Heironymu1 Merk in t-.i ERCY Humpe• ever Forget and find tru e happiness?" r1 estuni11g a th1 r.:c-11·cek cn'-'a"entent r t t1H' 1a·\1' 1.;:r "11t:1-.\l u11 .u n F'!.~.• l1 \1 11 ~l' toni~~ht is l11e d1 <1u 1<1 ·I i\~\"!~r Sc1ng tnr ~Iv 1·;i1l't'1' In 1111" '-t'\'lll' ll . !;'. Slt'\"Cll SOll (ll•ft) and n nht!l \\enll tccntc11 l<ll'C the d1 !!1l\,!l l:1 ~ u! :--l'l el'li11:~ a co ff;n as 1nor11c1an :\Ian l!a1 t 11 .11 l~ p:1l1e11 tlv. Soulh C'u;·~l Hr1>c1·1o rv J1:1~ :111nou11eed thl' ru~t lor It ~ 11p· 1 01nin~ pro:Jutl\011 ul 11 w 111usic:d eon1c dy '"<\ Funn) '1'hi11g Hnppcncd on thr \V;ty 10 t.11~ Forum_., 1\rt Kou sli\.:. \rill µloiy llir role u~ P~eu<lolus, r:reated by /.rro J\lostcl on Bro<idway .' ,,·i(h ~li ke !lougl11ss cust as l lystcri1 1111. Les I rlglf'dll(' a.< ~Cnes. J\1artha :-.·!(·F:irlnncl ;1.~ llo1nina anr1 Sqll!I'!' Fridell 11~ I lrro_ /ho Yo1>!!ttO Rerlo;rrovl" ;., "LOVES OF ISADORA" ~lA.ltlS WIDNISDA.Y Pick \'oft Dylt.o 11> 'Music Hc1ll of l s5'i:tel' 01lc11 s O:lu•r prine1p:ils :ire.: F:l11i11c ll:111kston ;1s l'hilia , Heath l';1r~ a1> l.yt·us. C;11ncrun Y<111ng as Erronius :111<! .J:inH\'- 1::1""' ;·~ 1ht' w;1rri nr :i,;11,,., !:lonu~\\~. C'trnpll'l ing th1, t:i~I 'lnl M1~1SC" P~rJ~~,cr c·i C0'1Wl1;1l •.. SIJME KINDOFA fllUT ' By l\'ILLIA~I GLO\'ER i\"E\\I YOHI\ 1.-\P1 -1\ ~how 1111·01\·ed in lri11·sui\, "Tl:r New l\1usic llall or lsrnl.'I .'' 11:1~ opened 011 sc:hedult' n t I3 r oatl11·a~'~ L11111-l'ont a1111(' The:-lrr and 1111n il cie<•rcul audience verdtct as sprightly CTl!l' t'I nill111l'lll. Tile lr·~;ll tus.-lr c(•J1tTrn' 111111 ts •·nt:t't'!.l to p1·n,h11'l' 11 In thi~ coun1rv. E111·11rr 111 1111· d:.v ,J 11slitl· X1111t•r (' H11 (•obono 111 L11f• s\;il« St1p1·1·1111' Co11rl /'t'lll ,Ctl ln (',Ill!!.\ Ii"' presen\,i\:on \l'l11j)<1r;1r1ly u11 J\ilar11 i Nixo11 lo Si11 g: With Co1111ty S~'1111ihu ny ~I •• r11i :.tJrrrd K1:.;un. wl10 l'f"crn!lv in "Ilic Sound o[ ..... "WEST SIDE STORY " :11<' '['0111 Jl,.·rgl:•"''· S;111'I) l::===========~:c; 'l;i1'1111>. h :1!h;111n1: l lt'!'(it·r~o11, r \hi' ~'nn111d:, 1 11ch <r ctn111 11:1s ' 100 d1·;.~ Iii.' h.11T11 J:cr:.1g1::1 \l:1r~ ,\1111 ( 'li11he. Li.:sl1 c Tayh1r. Lan} ) l;11·i11 ,)II, 1:11 1 .\!11 11'1' <111d .J. 1111 ·' \\':\I'll!/'> l\01) 'li111 t1l.·\lll h lht· ..,11,11· •. :1 1..~1~1ed d1rcc.:1111g hi' Toni Ti: .. pl<.i11tilf _ 1:11b"1-1··11rtl- r, ll~·· l'.,•1:u1·l1!•1l~. l)rr111gi't 1:· ,;q (: ~~;1i11.'t :1 l\1:1n·:~t·n1(•11 l t"" :l\•11· hr:lrll·d 11 1 L: :1 11 11 t :11, 'ti cl:iiin int: 1.1;:1i 1 ~ to [ht• :-!:~·:1 1 1·:· :i~· 111u.<.1c;~I tlirl',lur ~11 1,·v p;;l'l,;i~r ti:-·c·.iu•r of it ~ p,•1111~1 '11111 oi;en Oet 21 fur l<1ur 11Pt·l,,•1 1ds ;1\ lhc Tl1i1"1! 11 ;; l'l'l'>1.11l;11 :(J11 11 .. 1·0· ul . . I\' JI \I ]<,' I" ~1 .il lh'-!1:1·1". 1n21 .\l'll\)Or\ lo ;;II( .ll\ll' :l UI .1:;~· l :l\tl' ( ll~i;I .\lt'\(l Th(· 11,t • nd ;111 ;1;.:1·1,t·nit-1111---- 11•·0,it'~d 1'1t ! 11 tl10• l•·r:1111c co•~1•·••nnc cc•!'T HIOKW•~' ~"' n it•1 q:·n1·cl l!l 1~'." \ llll~'d ;-;11 1(.,._ t~,-~_---.. ~llJ!liJl/{ .. _' ~p---:~ 1"1111111 1111't••• ,, :1r~_ r,11her--~ __ % 'tl -~ Ford-\;10~~ wo \llc l 1·,:1\'C li1·s1 clJ 1j , • • j "!1\JOIOl\ll+l.1 I" p1011uct•_ Thi· 1~t':~nd.111 l:. .1~~t·1 t \Lv l't:rr~·nl ( 1:1~p:•111, I~ l!••t jl•I,' Oil\' 111- \U\\'f'ri 1n ;1n1· ;·t;nf•IJh'lll :ind ~·ll'!!t''lt'(I t:11• (li ~\)ll [f• ~I\ T•I lho• 1\1nenc:1n 1\1'h1 t1 :.111111 Assoc1.i- 11 •ll. .lack L<:-mmon and ('a therine Dcneu\'e are "l 'hc April l'ools" ~ .... ...... ~ .. ,:;, •. •O•"' • c· ·• ,, • '"~~· .. , .• ., "'""' ,.,. n•,, M ,, '""'" "' ,. ••••• ~o OM 1,1 TIME TOGETHER :·· ~· .. ~~,·~ NBC Nu111be1· I l\lusi t "' ;1l I.:1 ~1111:1 lli.:<:rli'~ 11·\·inr l~o1rl , 11·ill he f,,:Jt11r·rd {)rt. 11 <ind 12 11·;tl1 the Syinpho;iy 0 r t Ii e s t r· :i ol Orange County 111 the pcrforn1a ncc or Br n J ;i tn I !1 Bril!rn·~ ''Le~ J l l ll n1111;11iin~·· 1or high 1oirr :1:id ~tnng orc.:h£>st 1«1. Op 18 \11 ,1f•)'lit':oi11111 i" P"ll(l1 n;~ f.,1 I 11,il lu :,I::: 1 \11 11 1!J:I) 111 ~.!I ,'11.l" r 111 •1 ~,... n111L·h Ir r· tllr• 1 ('ca I '-:-J1•1· fie• }''n1n\ '" !\ 1· 1 I :1 1 u 1 ~1.1ndp,,111~. ''Tl I' :'\'r'I\' 11111·.ir 11 :111 ' 11;1~ plC't1i 1• 111 H'l'll/Tl- lll''!lll 11 \\ 1(!:111 ( \'l'l:illl 1111111:1 ... and 01 8:00 P'LU\-".t.Vl 11;.v11wsr "A.CAD!MY AWA.RD MATElllAL"-HIT !i0N6' COM1"05ED IT ROD Mc~UEN CBS Second NEIV YORI\ (AP 1 -NBC too k first pl:ire and CBS ~rr­ :-------:---:-===:'__011r1 pl ;u:c 1oday u1 !11r 1.r~t . . ' . ' Cross,vord Puzzle A CRO~S P;,;bb lt Pl.l/ lr1 r' ~ 't ~1,~~nr111 . J (ltV 1 t ~ : 1 Eng r1~·) {~m.,·~~· 1) i.' , •• 1 . f.b~r • ~ r,~rt;, '• 1_, rl~ 17 Eo11d ':-,1.,'s C~f\t("I :s r ,11 t a1 "JO rt I l /l'"rrllr \ I:'•) ~J /1110 .r~ ctl1 r 1 ,. z ~:(i/()~ Z2 ilrr t~~.:r~ \I Ps :~ /\1~1oy~ !. 2 wo::ls 2b [naino:rd l 7 D•spl ed ;11r t ;a U11J$fl1r 3\c. 21 r.1, n 1 ( 11l 32 t.le~n 35 Put •n~o ~c1io;i ';7 Falher, •n thr Ne,,r E.l s\ ; 3 C la:.s •~~I languJgt ' Abbr. 3 ~ \'[111 ~o sc11 ~~1 ho ar d merr l1 t>rs 43 Gener al st1·lt> 45 Eras anri era'. and r.r :i s ' l J ' • ' llO ' " ~;;'t -':' ~~ ', {<"~ .'t>. l lJ • l7 ,, . " • " . . ' " " " " " " . ;o ,.;~11 T ,~, "· ~s 01\r 47 !!~r d l1Q JOI All TI/ ~q Teo \ c•1e1 il lroally 5 .li~ke · -·-····" R e:.L 2 1·.o rd$ 3 i R es11l t r f \l ~eo.i~i:i t 11 011c's b~c' :.e Re~e1 ·.a+r ':r I ri1i.d$ 'q Sl•Jtio10'~ I .'C" bi Do certa•·I 1·~11~~w o~~ ~2 rl•,;t/:~~~fr'i r•o~1r.t b} GI~: u! ~r.011 f1t :il b4 IMp11 d~l1tt. D•al. Oj ),\J~C 0·1 ~r rr~(ly-m.ide ~ ii l b~ Allra ct ~~ b7 "O! ...• I '!)1n 9" t:1nd of !oO\W('iH 2 ll t>r.1 of ro 11~trin:too11 ~qt1i ornent 3 l'ltld .i Tone fitl s PJrt or t'1 t' head b Sba~1ng r. ~e .... -; 2 word; 7 Felioe ~ound 0 l~s11in; for!ll ,~~ .. ) • ;(,f" ~ " " ·~· " ii l ' ._ ' ... O L i S . ' > l I~ l ? Tc; I lJ C~·c.r ~1,~,.1 I !I (e 1S'rt 12 lJ •t1S1oal Jlf' :;01' .• s: ~" ~ J 3 I,,~ OLIJJ~ of s e~I s 21 Mon t:e~I or tl!11 Q1l e ~"5 23 Til e ·1ery he~t: 2 1-.on.I> 2) C ~M ~~ 1.,;r~ rienta I wor k 2a •··· C01Hl'Or! mo lliplf 21 \'/ill• a ;1, i 11 Eire 30 M::n's r1a mt JI /.lan: 1i1fo1mal 32' Appc 1r1llfl !1\t 33 R i~tr of ~p~ If\ }~ Pail of .. reech 3b H 15!0r1~fl a f ~ Einonea • co11nl1y ' ' ,•. ~"'" " I ' " . -" 1, lO c ' 10 7 i q J8 I\ 11·rl cf I " ' J 1• crd < .I! 0 ,~ P•tl I.,~ \Ill T I~ t~J ,, c .-.·~·.1 ny ~3 c.1lenrj .1r ~ll~r PV 1J1 •Cfl 44 Po 5>t~s1 ve WC' .I .\.) PJ ~I 1Hr.,e•1l or 11.h.1 ~ ~ q s .. bs!~nti a1e 5'0 F:.,·t b"Jc t s ol ~!0$~~ Sl lr1cgul,ir S2 Slow"' 111111~ing 53 Racil o e;rployte'$ un •on: Abbr ~~ CQ?k In l t1 l~111 wai ~S Pce·1;~t 5'l A I aoy \1~1t bV --Br 1111sw•c• ' " ,, .,~"A'' jt .. ,c•, JO " ~-;_ ,of·· " -M, 36 Jt : ' li! ' " ~· ,, ~ . :-; .• ,, . ... .,:: ' .. _~ " " ,, " " ' " .. i: " .";>)_ ' ~ .. 1: .. " • LIL Nielsens )l;ll 1011a! .\1rl;,r n rcil1n;;~ rnr 1l1r 1 r!c11~1on ~c:ison. :\UC \\ iJS !h1rd . In the 70-c11v ra1 i11<~~ -' se:p:•rate r:_it1ng !ur IJI ~ t'1l1L'> -1ssur.d Frida)', 11·hicli corers 67 perr·r111 of th!' 1·1r11 i11..:: pulllic, :~BG. 11 as !1rs1 , 1\l>C s~cond and C:US third Bol h rJtings arc for Sept. 22-28. The 1 ;inaner in thr r~1t1 n~s r(·flrcl~ 111" o<ppral or n·w nciworks 10 different n1nr krt s CHS . 1n1h a stron~ anpcnl to :'n1;:ill 101111s :ind rural <irras ;111<1 t11 older pc.:oplc. placed ~c­ ond naLinn;dh· bul thir d in Ille urb;i11 nll1nJ.!i ARr'., prof!t".1nn111ng l~irgrh· i ~ ge <1red to .rounl!'cr aud1C'11c·1'~ :-ind its popu\11ruy is 111 thr l'll ICS :"BC l1.i.~ a 1,1r,c11 l)f pt'_gr;1 n1s Jpjl!·.'.llJnf! tu 1 <t!'IO\I.~ ;n1dir-ncro<, ;1it ho•1gl1 11 ;i11ns 111ni nly 1or the 11rba11 a11diencr. · Thr 1vo1·ltJ knri\1·~ ,\1 i:.:s ~ixon Ii.Jr hr r Jlg!1lrr 1·11l cs "11 r:1dir1 ,1n<l [\·!cl'1 ~hu 1, \Jul f"w rc:1ii·1,r her n I h r r ;·~· c·on1pl1~hn1,'111 ~ \\'r ;1 r c fot Luna te tn Ui' ohlr t11 l1c:1r hrr 1n ;1 1norr denu111d111g r,.lo, \1 i:!1 our r1\\ n s y n1 p hf\ n .v 01·chcsl ra." director Uanicl Lewis said . ()ther itUC."l sn loi~t~ 10 ap- pC':i r wi lh l"lrangc Cnunl) ·, Sy111pho11y Orcliestra ! 111 s !l::~1so11 11ill ht' t cl lisl 1-)lg;+r· J.11.~\~l:lrltll 11 ho 11'1\I pl ~.v un tile No1 ern brr 22 -2:1 prngr;i111 _ H<1nnir Dc1ugla;;. \ :ol 1n1~t and r..hT;t l<estr nbaun1 1·i01 l1· l. 111 ;i' d11u l\'i!h on·l11·~11:1 111 Ja11u<11 y: .ind ;\!.1.1ly11 :-.:l·rlr_y plf1.\'111 i:: ;o piano ('nnccr111 hill orcl11·~1r;1 111 Frbru;+1: lll[il jl.lorr 111 IX' hc:ird 111 1111~ S:1t1irtl.11 l' 11nl'r1·1 "'" \\";ign('1' s fr'!i th'(· 0rcl'n 1r t 111 ~Oil Ill Hole SYMPHO NY SOLOI ST M"lrni NIKon 1 ..... "I I 1' )I' 11!'1'. 111 Hi \ .tl'l!'I I •'••II'! t.111111)"111 I .!'.I'd ;1 11 d ~ iitll'C'0;:1 ;, ph1·d 111 .1011;, I h;1111 l\;11·111011 -1111 •1 '!'T"ll'd "111111:11"-1 11· Ill l~fl/-l!itll1de' ,1 l!t~ky \l~'-Ol1pp•· t u I ;,:111 \;•r-;·i· \"0111;1~·11 u·•! '111,1-;C'r" a IO-y1·:1r old lolon'h• \I h I ·1 h ;1 II ~ '\\ ln:1:1 11t>I' I ;1 "ii ' n I' h •1 pl;1,1 ·~ :'I dn 1111111th h 1~ elho11 .~ ;111rl r-:· 11 , .~ 1:!,-1'11 lt111t'" f1111n ;1 r.u·k ul v, 1~11· h·iltlt· You Ill·."'' SI 'i>d ,\,I lill'l1 • ;11 p101 11 lrrl l hi~ 1lp"1a . /!11' '.llr t1'r .H~l 1 1,1 \II ,,111 11,ll\• 11 ,111 .. 1•1,1/1111! :1nt1 n11r of Cl·f1L 1•1 •'11.,, I• •r ,1'"1 1111:1 .•·1i1·i111r 11t 1•1 known ~1 iiiphoilh'<. 1 Ii ,. 1,,11 1,11• i:1.qil1, 1· ,111 Iii~ 11:111!1~.1 "'I ( •t 111, 1 I , 1 I\ ;1 11)1 .~ \\ii I\ ;1 !'>~111pl1011~ J\' 111 13 f·l;.1 II • t I I 1'1' ! ! 1' 11111' {'ll):•ril,1" l \I I p1r'lµ,;11n -: .. r I 11'" 1·,, 1 i 11 .ill :•:1· 11111·:· dr111 '1l1 '''i •1": ;,1' h1 Iii Ill I 1. .. h ':II ' 'i I ).<ll' ... : ' Ill ,, 1111 l~d •1r1 1ir~1·:·' p!'i'i .. 111 111 •" I .i i ;;~'<"lllrll'I 11! 1 li111!1J'' !11 1 ,I I !'Ir· ( 11 ,111111:111 j u I I 1' i; •• p1 ·II i" , •II lll (·:1J II 1'•111)!1' o: Auti1l 111·111 111 <11 ,\q•il1 i .i.1.~t'll I .. 1 r•:•·111P11t I l1·11i•1l1:•n1' J 111 l)r:;1u·.~· !'1111t 1·1'l' hL·11~ 11: ·1;,,. 11;1"t l1,>u•. l,1\lt1·111pn 11 :\n fl 1~• S:'!'lrrlil\ .11111 :: I' 111 1!111 '' 1! 1110,11.i I! ,•rr1·er1tl~ h;1JI :-:111d<1) For lH'k1·t i1ilu1111:11:11•1 111 I 111 lt':< 11\ 1~11•1 l'l:ippll"' \)llfltl(; 1·1tlll'f iH/-Ul(i(i 01 :1t7 t !1111u ' :-IL;;,IJl.v p It·;,~· IJ ll l .: f!crc an· the top 10 n;.i- 1in11all_1 . I Tli(' Bob l!opr Spct1;11. l!OLLY\\'000 ( l :!•! I blti5 1 :.tl·i•r 111;111 sc11~,!luJ11;1I. I ?\BC 2. '"La11gh --1n :· i\BC. and :YBC's Sa:11rday Ni~IH <ii 111<' )101·trs. lier!. 4 ·'Tl1r 8 i11 Cosb1· ~how." P\'Elf' ~1 Tl1c Ch:!r'lie Bro1rn Spcein!. CBS. 6. ,\f3C Sundav Ni _!!:hl at l h (' ~.!01 ir.~. 7 \\·~11 n is1;('1·, i'H~C 3. The Flifl \\'ilson Sp~ci<lL i' .. uc. !1 \1 arcl1~ \\'elhy, ~! D .. " ABC. 10 . Dean i\laft1n. !\BC _ Hobert Heinrr. ~on o! ~1ctnr-f___ --•·-~------------·. director Carl 1:e1ner. 1•ill µl~•Y •,' ... .'·• -.;-;.~:::. I a\\ryrole in~·~~~At~~· • 'Jl l!l]Ji>;@ TI ON THE TUBE l N [.,,'PO~T8[A('.I !. OP J'j ,, Fe• \ht be1l 9uid1 lo wh•!'1 ho~~*"'"'J on TV. r•od T'I W EE K -d.,1 ri bu!1~ wi :h th~ S1 turd 1 y 1di1:on of 1h1 DA ILY PILOT. 1 ""'"" Fi~ix· M .. SOUTH COAST OlNtRll PLAZA THEATRE tORPORlllON S;in Di•&D Freew.iy at Bristol • 546-271 l ACRES OF FREE PARKING Sox Of fi ce Opens 6:45 -Show St•rt1 at 7:00 p.m. Also "'GOODBYE. COLUMllJS' IS BOUND TO IE A ClllEAT 11?.u"l.~!2 r,E!'laj.:~ I •Jta• ·-··-~ "YOU ARE GOING TO ENJOY 'ALFIE' VERY MUCH." -LIFC M1i~1int ' ENDS TONIGHT "Tr.~E GRIT" A.ls o Jo•~ l C'ITll"Oft \'laitC'f Ma1thau ;, "THE ODD COUPLE" Sta rts Wedne sday _. ............... . B(LLE J d£ OUR _,,~ If\"' .,.1 '" ' •" I'"•' "··-·'·"" "A MA :--~ At~O A WOM AN " E:-:ds Tonl:;ht ''CHITTY CHITT Y OM:G BA~G" /11'.o ":F IT 'S T U ~SDAY , THIS /,~t J ST EE G!::LGtUM" Starts VVednesd ay li,~)<rrt Mit'h~m J'.:m Uovck ;, "THE GOO D GUYS MID BAD GUYS" A l•o BARGAIN MAT l 1"1~~ V'l EDNE SOl\Y, I P.r.t A':fml>1;011 ~1 .CO :i. ................ ._ .... ,. .. ~ ....... i'"1'1'11'1'i"i'i'1'""""•'''1'11111"" r,~ v-• 1 .~, ·-•" "-.. 1 ' I"-~( ••• -":'ffl. 8A."'' t>Li.-.Y~ ...... -· Jc,:. 1' .. :i.f r.t":O. · ;o ~ ... , ,,,,. ~, .. ,,.,,. ~ l','"'"'lt R'>r.-•• ~ ._,,. ~J~:~;o~-~~1.1 ::.:~;'.'.'<• "'Q"JP O•ICCun\, C•" .... '·,;" l JJOCTOR Zlli\~\GO c:~,~ ... ,, ... i ,-,/,,\ .-t Rrst rv'd .'·<~/ 1-.'n~~!!'"'"'I GALA P~El,11Enf ~S DAY ,OCT . 1~\h , 2001 ··· .. " • '"' < • ~. •I V>C•"''"'° 'l '•O. I•! ~'(1" •" " • '" ,.,.~ EXCL USIVE AREA. •UN '~ THE ··'""' . , c ·n· I~.~'.,..!.~ Ct_~IV~ PLUS TH IS SH0Ct1£R 1st EXC LUSIVE WEEK 1'\RAMIJJNl ~ClURES .• , A MEMOf:l/:I llMR111iSb fll M CUlUR A l'AHAl.!OUNI ~CIURt l!Jo TJ/f 8'A•r ff I• J##tJCEIT rOfK 101 ''Benjamin" "THE 11/GHTTHEY • RRIDED MINSK'fS" . : JASON RO!AROS · BRITI l!lAN0: .. --~ W.ft • '""'' '''"" .. •. ' • . " ., . !.'! OA IL V PH O't 111t1d~Y. Octobtr 7, l %<J S2.1 111 illi u11 Nc\vs print &iMM .. ,JLtA WW > &IALDW IJllMNW amu s& Bid A 1r"rdet! Li p Ton OVER THE COUNTER \lt•~,I It' lllllf I( l\:J:> r1 I .I ( d " S,\:'\ L ru11 n l'HANCJSCO IAP ) -~ Zc!lcrbach Corp an· • .,.. ... -~~ ... 't;.~ ·~ NASO Listings for Monday, October 6, 1969 ~i I !llli!llltl tl•ll1r 11 ! llttlll 111r pf t 111• \1 111~ I 1•1° IJi•p,U [lllLlll 11t>:i1 Iv !11 ~ 11uu11c•·1I :1 ~5 ,. tun 111- , rL.1~t· 111 :>!t111d .ird 11r11spr1nl Llfetl11 t 1•1l hJ.in I 1n1ll s!•1p 11ull1011 fu ~f' p.1t t' Tlfl dl 1,1\ I I ,I( llOll plllll I 1 ~ 1'11 1' Ill\\ p1 1ee Jn lhe v J!I 101 11ill !ht' "' \l ! 17 .11 I il lt 1.1 pl 1"h1t ··d bl ...:1'1t1 l'uil11 1111 111' z 11 11l'l~r11 111:1tk\t1ng area IJl' ~l !7 n 1<.:11 l'rodUll· t osta •.i J.11nrs B (' < ,I t 11 1 Ii •\\' ' \111,,t l ~~lll.Jll I U::.!1111 ;11d I hC' !':i 111LfL'.tSe 11 !IJ ,1)11)\\' 10 ,111 gr idl's of r11•1\~11rint and l( lupnnl rxeept h):ll:t1~e 1ght I) pn11nd rr11spr1 11t 11h1ch 11111 I." up~-, :xi 111 Sl55 50 a ton tu j I~ 'J lu !u, .1! t.1111 1~ ' \', t 11, \ 1 .. 1 J'lt' " 1111dt<1g lu lHll!Jlt•~lll.111 I• ,I ll ll U 11 11 ~ t 111 t' 11 I I I h ill \\ .hl•111gl:i:1 occanograpl1ic fun~ 111c. A rnuh.121fund1nves11ng in 1~1e develo;iment anJ use of tne ocean ar.d its re sources -----------MidgCl'te DlnriburorJ, l ~t •D Bro.u ~l,.d Nfw vorll N v >~llO• Pled•e ~f~d me a p•c•pet•~• ori Ire oce~""'i'"'PtHt !uto:I In~ c.1, HOTEL John MANAGER Gregory Merrill Lynch talks about Tax Exchanges Right now is the time for the soph1st1cated investor to consider portfol10 sh ifts for tax purposes to take a long hard look at the securities cu rrently ovvned for ca reful cons1d erat1 on o f est abli sh in g ca pi t al gains-or losses Don t rn1ss ou r timely Tax ~Kchonge Fo;um Tues.day evening, Octobl'r 14 i" the C l:pp:r Room of the B:ilboo Boy Club Newport Eeoch 127.l Wcs.t Cocst H1qhwoy s.tort1ng at 7 30 P M 5harp You ii hoa r how \he t1n11ng of s.1les or exchange s. for tax pur- poses can s.a ve you mone~ the reasoning losses behind the es.tabl1shm ent ol tax lhe outlook 101 the economt and the stock mar· ,,, Our Research Depart1nent 1n New York has just compiled a comprehensive list of tax ex- change recomrnendat1ons This list. designed to aid you 1n deter1n1n1ng capital losses-or ga1ns-\v1 thout di sturbing your portfolio bal· ance, \viii be the ba sis for this forum There will be an1ple time after the meeting for question s and 1nd1v1 dual at tention Th ere's no charge, but sea l s ar e l1m1ted So cal l or 1nad 1n the coupon below for reservations rla1nc ______________________ _ Address-------------------- City & State--------------'''--- PhonC -------------------- 9 MERRILL LYNCH, PIERCE, FENNER & SMITH SEGER STRO M CE/'l t ER. S/lt'lTA ANA ~2702 INC "' " .. •' •• ' n ,. Tel(phone· 547 7272 n• "~ t O~f~ r.,";ly J ~ ~ I •"' tc ~ ", 11.,r ..... 1~"·· IM ...... ,., <11>0t.ol11n1 •• lp,,o .. "'•ttly ' ... M ...... ""'D Pr+<• .. nol ln(l..01 111111 or n111r~up mork•w" ... tommlHMlll o • ., r~• Coo"Tr• Al•• In( rllf/\~ r~Po'!.~n~A:.~ Ah<O L<ld 4nd 1 e<I r qc~I~ Al.~ ~r• ! ons '~Prl•td 111 Allq "'~ I'. N£1lonJI ..... o;I Al'd A•'r<> Jl•Dn o! S•uirtur AllrfO l n OcJI•" Inc art Ahlo C•u • oT .1e1u11 '"'"'~< Am ac I• on; I a« '"" "'"' Cv o r<·e~ o• •• lnlr< A ll 1,1, C•ol~• ptlc.,, o• " Am [,p ~l>rO~lm~!lv Arn I ~r" ~ m r t wli!cn 10•1• A Grt~• "<Cuto t.•• (O~l<t f,o,m II• ft ~ii;~•" ~:;,~~)""~.I ~"\. 1;'i ·ol~ (biol I• I ' Am I ·~I ~,;~~:. ;;i~~·~··I ~· ;,, 'c;, <>I Ir~ dav ""<~ "~' r • ~ ~,.' ""' .~~~~·~~~l~~~nrt •,•, :.:;::,~i~"'" or <orn i::::·:"-r6 A A .. Enr ?l 71 • Ar(~• U ALt (orp I .. I\.< n~ '" APt 5 7' ?~ Atd•n II All ~ 1.,. 11 , ". Aro•n n AV .I Co 11'. I?'• l\r~ MCP "'rm• El 9', lt"• """'' H Arm• Vfl: l <1• t~' Arv.d~ "'rt Ho<o 7J 7• ;.. re Bt• Ar ln•h• •, ' "'"" 5!1 ... l•b•n F ll'o 11'•t"'•' •o l\lbtt H I'' I , tl~bl> II Albor!> 10'• 11 1• l'ls"d "'' ... '" I) • 16 '. > " ' . . ii', I" " " 10 .. 11 . ' "' ,,. " . •I ' '"II 1~ • H 19 )U • 1'' ·~ ::. l• , II " . . " l • \j• II !1' 6£'0 6J. ' . . -1 31 ,, ' 1r 1 "• , ' .. II 17<, ll ·~ l& 16' , , ' I~ 11' I ~· • ' ' 10 101• -"k~r I P"ln! '"' ,, c ~ " , """ 1'1• 1'1• " l"Q •I cot r r~ Ha 1•'1 L~b l•llJ<>• " '•'II Son '" <h< ii'<~ HI 5~1°8.~1 'OOlll• ( ro, Can "' ~"'' G ,)rw~ Ar I" I• 6 0 6~( (. ~Y" "~ ~ II~"'"' r (•I II ~­(~m<o (~, D~ II Cilnll\I II (,,..,.,, c.10 ~" • '"' 'olA (,.Ul en C11 • Bl C~r !c Go r; c ~.G Con!o• f<n VPS Cn~•I l>A Dun't Argne, Boss The r,,.,, o (IHn l•~ (~•ml<I (hO• IN! C~es U!lt en, 11161 C• , , r ; C"' • t o! r 1,·1e1 c '1 u "' ( 1' U II Cun Wrestle ... Cl~•• 1-A! I (l•V'O" (Hui M•• Cl non 0 1Cto11 (<> (>If'" ! C ollln• F folcn Sir Com<rl Com Cit B}' B\RRAR.\ KllEllllCll cc"' "'1 01 t~• Oall1 l'•lot Stan ~~';: ~·~~ 1\ f11cndly 1urn1t•r 11·1 cstllng 1 ~r,~ ~.~·~ I I I k I Cnrn P•v t iamp1011 \I 10 OICS lo <:OU 1 r~n•o A. (mu C n l:ikcs a scif'n\tl!C interest 111 ltmu •~d lc ""' ,,,., the :;tu1tv o l II s) c h 1 c Cmo T•c ' 1 fi"~~~;~ phcnon1cna and li st::. l .g\Jl·1c 0,,,,,~ I r I I h ICon!r~n toogy ns a .t\OlllC 10 ) \' IS 1C00<>•• L (010 ~ the 11e11 rnanagc r of the llotcl r'"''a lc .. ~r>~ L,l'.!Ul1'1 (1<.' en ~ I Cr ltn II. J I II ' d' (" ""' c u1n ... rr egorv !:iU<:t ct :s10,,,,1. '" Burge N1c-l sr11 11ho h .t s g;~~' 0;~ I IJ,,. M l' 11 .lll!.lcrrf'd hi s nllcnt1un to lhc Decor in C•!."n< 11nport export businrs~ I le ~;:~. ~~ 11111 1n:i11.ii,c the L.1g1111.1 l g~: ~~~1 r I ID v "''" oc.:!'l n runl l:indn1,ll k lor t 1c fJ•v Ano I /l•W•~ F J)a111!:ih An1cr1c.111 llolrl Crur lo '~' (, 01" l 'l~ 1•J11l h !uol, <11rr 11 s opc1.1l1i.111 g~~1~•e~,0 n1orc tli.111 ri _1c,n ,(g 1i l~~: .. 1g; A n:itnc ol L o nclon ,1 g~~~ ... "~ 1 n 1 '~" at the :igc of J9, f~ ,P:.;>' IX't.1n1c lhe )uungcst hotel talering rnan,iger 111 England and h,i~ spent n1o~l of hi s hfC>\ 111 the hotel antl 1 estau1 ant ft~n l D Ed;tb S1 l~,, J~, iE<jut S•• ll 11 1L1 I ~-E l !? IJ (I N•t~ I B lrl I ~( ' .. l~lll<~• 11 I~ i:d'("s•~ I; I" f I 0 1 !ti I II:' NC<lvl , ~ E , e c~» , ,, [n1~5 on I~ ,1• 1..-.,.,~, C ~ En••~ lie ~' ·~ E:i~>r'!B J! ~7 I• ~o ,.,.~ '-" u ,, , r ~~I 01! I. I • ff< I E •~••n I. • B ( to 1, r: ll•I lW ! 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O::t Market Closes On Mixed Note N E\\I :\londay \ORK (U PI) -Stock s f1 n1shc d in rnode1 ate turnover n11xed Shor tly befo1e 1hc close lhe UPI n1arkel\\1de 1nd1c,1l or \\a:s up 0 03 percent on J 574 issues on the t ipe There \1 ere 658 declines and 646 advances r hc lJO\IJ J ones dVCrage Of 30 blue Chip Indus t1 1;il:-; shov. ed a g;un of O 59 at 80fl near the close J'urnover of around 9 000 000 shares t1a1lcd I 11day s pace by !hi ee million shares I ight n1oney and 1nflat1on continued to restric t dcn1and although son1e 1n111al enlhus1a s1n sten1 n1ed f101n :l stat en1ent by South \11etnan1 s Pres1 dC'nt i\gu~en \<1n fh1eu th a t hl' t<; dctern1111ed to icpl<ice the 111 ,1 101 portion of US fi gh ting unit s bv lht: C'nd of 1970 ' •• •• " " • ~ .. nu~ID , ' • ' . ' ' •\ 1 10, 1 <Y \Y I 11 I l •7 <U l• •I • • I l~ 7 'l I? • . " ' " " ' "' . " ' ' '" " " _j/ 1• ' " " ' ' ' " ... ., ' ' . 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" ' " ' "" u " .. • ,. .. ' " , " " " ,. ,.. " " • ' ~ ' .. ., .. • • " n • • " -T l- JI J11 10 91 I l JJ . " " . ' .. 11n 1 ' " ,. '" , " . " ' .. 11 6~ " • • • ., " .. '" " ... " •• .. ' " " " • ' ' " I ' • ' • I • • , ' ' ' ' • • • • ' .. " ' .. • " ' . ' • • , " ' "' " .. " '"' ' .. • ' ' ,. • ' ' ' • •• " " " " " " " •• " " ' •oo . " " I " ~ " • " " " ' .. ., " • " ' " .. " . ' ' ' • " " ,,. " Final Stocks /n All Home Editions c ' • -. ' • " ' • I I I . • • • • 'I j • ' I • ' ---------·------------------------- 2 DAJ\ Y PILOT Tutsdar Oc.to~ 7 }%q _______ _:._::__~:c___:._::c_ Fee s l,ls ted Dow Mue l1 Sli ver ? N ow Y ou'll Know Ike Dolla r Fi ght Victi11i Co st of Lawyer !Joor under procedures re- Qu1ring a l\rO-th1rds m<irgin for passage, no o.uncndincnts ;u1d lirnitcd dcbute. Tex. I, said he no .... · \1·i\1 seek regu lar c:learant:l' of the bill !rum the J louse Rules Corn· m111ce. But e1•en proponen ts agree that n1cct111g the Ot'I. 14 dJle ls now practicnlly 1111· possibll" lJ .S. Li rg:cd 1'o _,\h ~o rh '.'\E\\. \"(1BK l l I 'I 1-1\n in· cll p1·1111rni -.aJdy ol l·:i111pa1gn '11~t~ 111 tilt• ti1g lt-<·u~1 u.•!c11s1on rra ~IJ,:~· ''.rd 1h1· go1 l-rnn1cnt b111· prHn•· !11nc f1.1r prt·~1dcn­ ~:n l ! :ini!i !.ll1.' ·1 iw :!IJth 1 ~'nlitry F11nd ·~ r·11n11111 ~~111n 011 1 .1n 1p.11~11 t 11.~1 '" 111 l 1• t l~·-·1 ro '1l1· t'l':l !-.,11d th• j...·•I 1 r·nni+ Ill -~,uu!r! I Un.h;1-•· : It' )l!"illll" 11111\• IH h:ilf r:1i1 " ~o ' 1r.010.1I•:· , . .,,,hi ,q1pr .ir h1•furi 1 I•' jJ1J!,;,,. "\, r 1 • t'r\ !11 q,ul· I l'' ,1!1ff \'\•I I 11 l11f1.Ji , .!ll'\ 1;11.1 I" 1111 ~· Ill 1111· l 11 11! ii .')l,1h·~ 11uring tlit• :l,i 11,, .• lit l••rl' :h~ l ll'~·t +on . Su~h I ru~J,1111, \\11uld n•· •iuc,· \~lt t . nt!\11,t:~· i:.i 111p.11~n ! •I.'-. II hi "I II'''' lr1 Ul ~1 fi m11!1un J 1 ''."iii 1.,r l1rl•.1d1 <••1 111 ,.. i •1 ,~ _;, ! •r p~• -uh'n1 ... 1 ,, ! i~. .1 •. '" '' I ' ,I! ii ' l i.i ' • • ':II : ' • • 1 ·' \' ,r lt ~ 1~ .•· ,, l -. ' .:11 n11n111" l•: '·', 1· 111 '" 11'• I : 1 < .111· 11+!1 1 1 " II I J 1! I' 11)'1 I ~"I 1•:,1, • I , .r ' r .. , ·1 \ ,n : ,\ • 'ii • ,, ;'11 •' 1•" l'l l'fl1t1:.; f i•···;,.,n TURN IN ... ~ r;c .. --•· Turn i n at 'J c x.ac o for !:>O fllC r e._i l !>CI VJ l1g~-SIZ l 2-0L botllt·s of Pep si l or only '"'!;~<: plus tax j (1J11d depc~I!). You EC:I 1! with any pu rchase ... at pa rt1c1µot1ng rcxaco Reta1lc·rs. B u t hurry - they · re eo1np, fas t! So turn in at Texa co- t oday. •soe~esced RC'!Jll Pri<.e 0 0 The hill got a 2o..'>·1"18 rna· jur1ty on the final vole. short uf tile 1wlrth1rds necessar y. Thcrl' wrrl' 86 Bcpub!1cans and . ti2 Democrats 111 op- 1){)~it 1u11 B a n k i n g Co n1 1n ittee Ch.'.l1rnH111 \\"right JJaL1nan (D- Hep. J;.1tncs A fl !~·Cli irc i 11- ld.:iho>. is preiiaring to fi ght fur 40 pcrct•nt ~Ll1l'I' 1·ontent 111 lhe coin 11he11 lt1c Lull tonics MON. THRU THURS. SPECIAL! FREE WASH WITH ANY FILL UP ALL CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED The have and holders ... a personality analysis Read the personality descriptions and select the one that suits you best to find the r ight savings plan for your type. The charts w ill show you how each one works. We've been matching people to savings plans for 33 years. The kind of people who want their money to keep its buying power. Who want the value of their money to remain steady in an up-a nd-down market. Who would rather have their money earn interest than to pay exorbitant carrying or loading charges. Who wa nt the ir money to mulbply so they can pay cash for th ings. Who want to be able to get the ir hands on their money when they need it. Saving people. like you-the kind who want to HOLD th eir money and HAVE it earn intere st. Come in and Jet one of our people experts get you started on your personalized -to-your-sav1J1gs- personality program at Newport Balboa Savings. Are you one of the regular people? PLAN :: I Regular A ccount This plan is for regular people with regular salanes who have .decided to save regula r amounts anyw here from ~S a week up. but who w ant their money working for them. They also want it to be some place the y can get their hands on 1t it they need 111n a hurry. H they can lea"e •I alone tor a year or niore, •I will 91ve them the Big Annual 5.13 y ield. REGULAR MO Nll"IL Y INVESTMENT S2~ SS-0 $100 fi \'{.~ -.. ~ 101. GnB '. -:011 615 1 133 ] V •o f. 3? , 164 ::> 51G J v .... o,' 19'6 :J 897 '-Y·"<. ~ ,_j I :1667 ~ )74 !> "f ... · ;o r ,:\'-!'> 6830 10 Yrs. 3 "'° "''' 15 602 1S. V•s. E 11 S. . 3 432 ,.,,... 20 '{1s. io Jn 20.662 1,: 3?5 .... 1'"•14<h ............ , 1 : j ' " .. . ,...,-.i oil •nt •<1 ''"" •• ••• Cun••! ••~u•I .. 1. •l ~ !Kl'"t,. t-pa;;o:ltd d.,+r ••t f "d ••••lo!••• , ......... 1 d .. •<lf•d •ti• .. ... ••" ho'"' '''"' to 1•-..... """•lo<o •fl"\ I•• "'""t<I "~1• l>wl ••M Mii ••bs~"l'r f llor IM ,, •• , 0 Are you one of the other-people people? PLAN :: 2 Life Income Plan Th is is for people who have a sum of money they would !1 k e to put aside and receive the interest every month but not touch the onncipal. Perhaps you intend to leave your money to your he1 •s. In 1h1s p!an the original investment is retained fof a l1fet1me and you have a regular income every month If your fut ure plans are fo r your children's future, I hen this savings program may su•t you. LIFE INCOME PLAN $12000 • 4 S()() 10 000 '5000 50000 $ ~O 00 Pe' Mo"1i. 60 00 Per Month 8J 00 Per Mc.>nlh 1 °" 00 Per t.1on1l'> 108 00 Per Mon!h Are you one of the retiring people? PLAN ,::J Monthly Security Account This is for people who have a lump sum o f money but who know that 11 they don't put 1t away somewhere out of sight, they will spend it. Perhaps they are looking forward to retirement and know 11 would be belter to have a certain amount coming in e"ery month over a g1v en period. Not only will they get back a lot more than they put 1n. b ut there will be a nestegg to reward themselves for not blowing 1t all at once. INVEST $1 0.000.00 ANO: \'Oll rece•v& each monlh s ;ooo s ~o oo s 75 00 s 75 00 $100 00 lo' a"d yOIJ •etil111 <Jn estate ol" 10 yl!.J•S :s ye<l'<; 10 \'1'3•S 15 vea's 10 yea•s S B 675.00 s 7.725 00 S 4 77 SOO $ 1000 00 S 67S 00 INVE ST S25.000 00 ANO: vou 1ece1ve e<ich rroon!h $10000 $10000 $1 so 00 $100 00 $250 00 ,..,d you retain in• an es1ate of• 1 O 'l"il' \ S75.600 00 'Sye<i··, S2£05000 I0 ·1ea·~ S17 .80000 1 0ye<J•~ $10.00000 \Oyea•s $ 2.200.00 • ,,,....~h ""."' llo'1 ,1&0 ..,~ M -.--•i•• el s.1>-!HU _. tt.. C1111.,. .. f,,,. .. ,,1 Codo oodt< ..,;o o ....,, .. '""' lM• 11wc101,.,. "'"1' , .... , .. '" ri(lot t• '°"""' •J IO '" ,. ... I~• OOUCI ot illl""! 19 ••IM••• "-( Bolboo s .... ll ~ .. _, "'"" wltJodro•ol •-'!uul ...-Plly •illlt.lt HI., ., •-II" )• •u• .. i;,. ll ,_,,. Are you one of the patient people? PLAN :: 4 Guaranteed Annual Rate A ccount 1h1s plan is for patient people who already have a sum of money to invest and are willing to wait a while for a good return on their money The rn1n1mum deposit is $1.000 (more 1f you wish, of course), in exchange for which you receive a cert1f1cate which guarantees an annual rate of 5 25% for 3, 4 or 5 years. Are you one of the pai1ent ones? Then the GUARANTEED ANNUAL RATE ACCOUNT is for you. lrilli aol Oepot1t ~ \.000 $ 5.000 s10.ooo $15.000 YOU WILL RECEIVE <1fter al'lr• after 3 ye••~ <I years 5 )'t .lrl s 1170 s 1.233 s 1 300 s 5,852 s 6 168 s 6500 $11 .705 SI;> 336 SIJOOI $17.558 $18.504 $19.SO] Are you one of the enterprising people? PLAN =S 3-Year Bonus Account For people who want not only the current yield on their sa ... 1ngs. but would like a sum over and above. In 1h1s plan you invest a n11n1mum of $ 1000 v1h1ch 0arns you the current yield PLUS an extra !.:0/0 per year at the end of 3 years. )f you would like to be ente1pr+s1ng and safe at the s arrie t1n1e, then the 3-ye;:ir bonus account 1s for you. YOU Will RECEIVE l~•ti al ahrr a her ahrr Orpot<t 3 yrars <I yrars S years ~ I 1(1/) S I 1r,'1 s l .'J:! s \ ;"'}$ ' ' ()()('! 1 <. s~" .S f. . f, I s 6 ~91 ~1 n ooo SI, 69J ~llJJJ $1~96{ $1 .. 0CJJ .$17!>40 SIS,435 l l9,4il l ~ftQ!!!PD.~.!,.~!!!~.,~.: .. ~avings9 6' Mam Of(.u; J.x6 y.,. Lido. Ne#j)O(t &.aUt. Calilorn..J .&UiOJ • F'tlono 7i .. 1673.JIJO • C0<onil dcl Milr OUia:: f1nM1clat Pl.ua, ~O Ne·,..port Center Dr ove • C~1-.nol del Mi11, Ca11forni a 92625 • Pnone 1l4Jt144-l401 I c ' ' c t ' t I I • ------... 6men JOOEAN HASTINGS, 642-4321 T-.1, Oc-1, IN' S ,._ 11 Gol,f-a-thon Scores Funds Everyone \\'iii score \Yhen area golfers and members of Ti ara de Ninos Au xiliary of the Chi ldren's llome Society co1nbine efforts during a Golf-a-thon taking place on fi ve courses Saturday and Sun- d ay, Oct. 11 and 12. Golfers will be in vi ted lo take a cha nce and test their a ccuracy at \Villowick and Rancho San Joaquin Country Cl ubs , Santa Ana ; r.·1esa Verde and Costa l\'lesa Country Clubs, Costa tt1esa, and i1ea- do\Ylark Country Club, li untington Beach. Pros at each c1ub \Viii draw a JS.foot circle around a sel ected hole. Interes ted golfers will be offered an opportunity to plac e their ball \\•iUiin thi s area for prize s. There will be a charge of 50 cerrls for one s hot and $1 for three. Ir the p layer's ball lands in the circle, he wins new balls, and there \Yill be a special award of $25 to anyone niaking a hole-in-one. The contest ,.,..ill begin at 7:30 a .n1. and continue until 3:30 p .m . both d ays. a nd a u x.iliary m embers each "''ill work four-hour shifts d uring that tim e. Serving as c ha irmen of the Colf-a-thon are f\·Irs. Rober t K nox a nd l\,lrs. Robert Forte. All p roceeds from the benefit will aid the Children's Hoine So- c iety, a privately supported adoption agency founded in 1891 . It pro- vides help to na tural p a rents and loving homes to all children re- ga rdless of race or c reed. The next fund-raisin g project planned by the auxiliary \\•i ll be a fa s ~~n shO\Y and brunch taking place next m onth in Bullock's, Lake\v®d. Fall Festival ... __ ..,.. - --· ·~ • ~· ; •• t, ·~7· • j '• . )" ..:.. :.i _.!...:,:_ ' ., ---· . :..-· I 'J ; ,::. I "'· ' J. • ' . -~ ' ·.--- I • r • • ' '.~ .tt.. . ' •• r ;' / ,, . ' ... t ., , • • TIP-TOP SHOT -\Vhilc J\l rs . Robert Ohland (left) \\•ishcs her luck. i\Irs. Richa rd Olson tries for a hole-i n-one in prepa ra tion for the fifth annual Golf-a-thon s ponsored by T iara de Ni nos :\uxil- iary, Children's llomc Society. F i,·c golf courses 11·ill pa r:icipate " ' -·--- ., ---·---l • • • .-.... - • " • ' . ' in the benefit \Vhich takes place Saturday and Sunday. Oct. 11 a nd 12. be l\\'een 7:30 am. a nd 3:30 p.n1 . .'\ll proceed s \viii aid the privately supported adoption a gency. Surf Sounds I l I I I I ! i _,. -------· -~--·--~ .-.~--.. _,,....- Colors Scene • .. ~ .... " .. Books, Games Aid Hospitals Art Park l\lembers of the Huntington Beach Art League a re planning to take advantage o( the beautiful October weathe r ,,..·hen they combine thei r talents for a Fall Festival ta k- i ng p lace Saturday a nd Sunday, Oct. 18 and 19. l\len1bers a rc invited to set up their e x· hibi ts a long the l\1ain Street frontage in Lake l'ark both days between 10 a.m. and 5 p .m . llccause the clubhouse is not available, art- ists ,,·ill be r equired lo remove their \\·orks overni~h t. :\mple parking is offered, a nd a catering t ruck ,~·ill provide coffee a nd sa nd\\1iches for arli.s'ls and visito rs to the display. On Satu rday , exhibitors \\'ill observ e \\"hite Tag Day a nd. al ong \\i lh othe r a rea merchanL-;, oiler a 10 percent dJ scount on all 1nerchandise in support of the American t 'ield Ser\.i ce program . T he league began its sponsorship or the s tud ent exhange program in 1962 and has col- lected funds for AFS s ince that time. During a recent board meeting of t he league it \Yas decided llJ add another art schO'larship for the new Edison High School, making a total o{ three which will be award- ed next June. A non-profit organization, all funds acquired by the art league are used for youth projects. The group was formed in August, 1962 with a membership of 67 and now has grown lo more than 200 dues-paying members. The league meets at 7:30 p .m . the first 1'.londay of each m onth in the Huntington Beach Recreation Cell'ler. , •I ' . I I ; I ! I JACK FROST'S RIVALS -l\1 embe rs of the Huntington Beach Art League will a dd addi- tional color to Lake Park when the group sponsors a Fall F esti val Saturday a nd Sun- day, Oct. 18 and 19. Painting leaves are l\1rs. > i R. R. (Cheryl) White. /foreground) l\·Trs. O ra Brim er and Mrs. Ellen Quigley llcft to right) .. l\rts a nd c ra f.s \Vill be 0n display be- t \Veen JO a.m. a nd 5 p. m. By JOOEA:--1 HASTl:'\'GS Of the Ually P ilot Slaff BOOKS ANO GA.\IES. usrd toys an d unused grocery cou pons arc bei ng collected by members of the South Coast Junior \\'oman's Club of Foun- tain V:ill<')". The itcn.s Y.'tl1 be dori;itcd lo the city's Boys Club. Fairvicv; and other slate hospitals. ;ind anyone \1·ishing to co111nbutc n1ay contacl 1-il rs. Hobert f\larten and arrange to have U1e article" picked up The iunior grou p :ilso \I 111 hi' selling Cnn!:t1n;1" card-. !111~ year and all procl·er.ls v.·il l be used to fina nce the Yout h Employment Service Y.'hich is operated in thr Huntington Vallry circa for all ~tudents in- teres ted in su1n1n cr cmploy- n1cnl. As an extra bon us the cJuli is offering a 20 percent dis· C'Ollnl lo all customers with a free one-line engravi ng. ~!rs. Dua ne Ulrich is serving as chainnan. !\IRS. RALPH TAN· DO"'SKY of Newport Beach will explain lhc act.ivili es or the women's organiza ti ons v1hich suppo rt the Orange Coun ty Philharmonic Society during a membe rship luncheon being sponsored by the ~t arina Group or the Huntington llarbour Philhannonic Co m· nHttce la king place at noor Thursday. Oct. 9, in the horn• of !\.1rs. Frank Buckne r. ;\IR. ANO ~IRS. AL\10:"\r L_ f!ust of Huntington Beact 11·ill be honored Y.'ith an opc r hot1sc nex t Sunday in celebr.• lion nf their SO th 1l'cddi11g an n11·crsary. Hosting !he re c c pti o 1 b('t ween 2 and 5 p.rn. "'ill ht J\l aJ and ~Ir.~. Bl01inc A. Rusi of Hiversidc ;ind !\.Ir. and J\lr~ f\1(k ~ltrandon. JI er mos 1 Beach The ~cnior Ru~ls \\'ere mar f'l('d 111 S;1lt Lake C11 y anc 1no1 ed to Cahfnrnia more th;i r 20 years ago . Since his retireo n1cnt tl1(•y have rnacle thci t home on Coven try Lane, llull' tington Beach FLYl~G OFF to Las Vega1 11·hcrc they excha nged \\'f'V ding \'O"'s in !he Frontic1 Hotel 11erc i'o!rs. Vi Peebles 1 ~ Huntin gton llarbour and H an ~ Van Ree of Fountain Valley The couple were acco1n pa nicC by Dr. and J\.1 rs. GI e 1 f>.fahoncy. A BRIDGE GROUP forme~ by the Huntington Beaci Junior \\'oman's Club still it looking for substi tute players. Anyone interested is invited tc c;i ll r.irs. Jerry Kenefick. 84Z. 587<1. The group meets once 1 rnonth and there is a charge ol 50 cents per player. Why IS Bad Cup of Coffee Good Grounds for Infidelity? • DEAR ANN: Today I sat thrrugh a TV commercial th.at really made me furious. It glorified "the other woman" because she prepared extra special coffee tor hrr lover. The inference wu Lhat the dumb wife who gave her husband ORDINARY coffee Jost him to the sexy blonde who bought I.hat certain brand. Any company that pull out such garbage is on my blacklisl 1 woukln't drink thtir coffee if I went into a caUeine fit and theirs was the only corf~ around. Please print my letter but don't name the brand. I'd hale to see them gel the plug. -FORT WAYNE DEAR F.W.: OM't ..-orry, I wori'L I •grre the C1>mmerclaJ 11 • cllnkr:r and should be aculUtd. I. ANN LANDERS ~ DEAR ANN LANDERS: I bavr: a pro- blem and don't know where to tum. It concr:rns my 20-year-old daughter. Betty has be<:omr: very friendly with a woman I will call Janice. Janicr: is 41. She: nr:ver married or even had a boyfriend so far as anyone knoY.·s. Janice's mother "'as a distant relative of mint: and l remembr:r her well -a domineering, overbearing person v.·hoS(" husband ran ofl and left her shortly ancr he:-child was born. For the past six months Janice h:i!i phoned here every single mornin g before Betty goes lo work. They are together r:very evening-either il's bowling or !he movies, swimming or just riding. Brlly has forsaken alt or her school fr iends for Janice. She claims they dropped her (not true) and this older \1·01nan is the only person "'ho really "'ant!. hl'r company. This evening when Belly announced that she and Janice arc laking a l!klay trip together I lost my tcinper. I know I should not ha ve done it. Ann. but I screamt'd my suspicions that ,Janice j.o; a lesbian . It end ed in an unholy right. Wou ld the newspapers allow you to pri nt the symptoms of lesbianism? I must know for sure if my daughter is one. The rubjcct has been taboo tn my life :1n<. I am compl etely ignoran t about such things. Should I try lo get her to a doc- lor7 Please, Ann, help n1c to do the right l hing. J a1n (r1ghtened ancl t fee l tota ll y 1nadc<iualC>. -ll EABTSlf K 1-.IOTll Ell IJEAR 1\IOTHEH : I kn ow of nn !>} n1pton1s of lesbia,nisn1 "hh:h n1i~hl help you det.ermlnr: whr:lltl!':r or not }'our d1u1bter 11 ODI!':. TIM: vast majority o( ~s­ blans m1nqe lo ker:p lltrir ldtnllly well concealed. 'Ibey do not exhibit m11cullne traits 11 commonly bellr:ved. A Zt-year-()ld girl •·ho has dropped 111 btr school frtends and 1pend1 every l!':\'l!':n- ing with a 41-year-old woman may well hr: invol\•ed In a lesbian relallons•lp. And If th is 11 lhr: "'ay it Is. I hope you will ac. cept the fact that she cbosr: the Ille. Jttdlvlduals who art lntert1led·1a dr:vlant se~ual btoha,·ior find one anotbtr. Unless Belly "·anti pr0fe11lonal hr:lp it would bt usele!l!I IO suggest It. It al~ is usr:le!ll lo scream &eCu!lallon1 and lurn ~·our hon1e into a bat~lr: zone. Such set.ne1 will merTly "'ldr:n lltr: gap lhal alrr:ady Rparatrs )'OU from your daug.bter. Some girl~ tire of thr: lesbiaa reJa. lionshlp and abandon ii. Olher1 move back and forth -AC OC. SUll others find contentment in the arrangcmr:nt and wisb only to be lefl aloar:. t.;nsur~ of yourself on da les? Whal.'1 right'.' \\'hat's "·rnn~~ Should you? Shouldn 't you~ Send for Ann La nders' booklel "Da ting Dos and Don'ts," enck>s· ing with yoor request 35 cents in coin and a long. self-addressed, stamped envr:lope. Ann t.anders will be glad lo help you 1nth your problems. Send thern to her in !'arc of the D1\ILY PILOT , enclosing a sr!f-addressc<l, starnpcd ('nvelopc. . i ' • • , i . ' . It's a Crime-'Criminals Are Being Pampered' B,· J LDY HLRST oi -Do9off ...... ''"' ··Cnm1Nil5 art' b f! 1 n g pamper-ed and h.a1 i: nv Ii:.u vr !ht law or its <.""VOSeQl.l(_>Xe5 •• nus 1.s the f!\aluauoo oI John D"Alfons.v In ~.JS ]')('·~· book -·rne Crime Game Cri~e Tiidy flOl pay for the cnmina! W n OOH p;.y tu uUorm Lhe pu blic <sbout crune. ~ book patnt..s a bleak and desolate JW.-1W't'. D'Allonso pu:.,, much bla:ne v.?. toda~ ·s C'OIJf\ s:-S?.em ... n.t~ citefl h~ndles cr 1m1n.<ils 11>1:.h ~JO glO'\e.s ··~ L" S. Supreme Cwrt il a great UWJtUtion bu: tnere ..;o a dlfitrence bl'.tv.tt:i 1: and \i>e \l."c.rreo coo..'1. \\:.r· rt-n .s C'OW1. c11dn·: interprei lbe Coru:l:ll:ion bul re111'!"ote 1:." AC'.'("'Of"'{fng io S<'n. Strom TI'.unrxY.Xi v•OO \llTOLe the 10- uoduct:on. "h S u p r e m e roun ha.o; harxkuffed the f'.1l1c:-e o.nd ha.5 st.scked t.t.e c.ard~ for tile c.Timinal! " P.eport:ng on :...'le coort s.ct-:-.f' <!:-rd C!"L-nt are a.-;~ thing b.Jt r;e~· 10 ~ne !Jrm tr nev.sp<sperma:i, e1'.y n a 11 rt·porte:-ond r;ic.o brc.ac· C.lS!t'~ AUTHOR URGES STAND John O'Alfon~o "Cr1:n1n:.l! fear t.'1e oe:.::-, pe:-.aJ1y." I.he a:l'..;'lOr t"Y.'l· ;:nJed. ··J:i l96i :..~ n.auon ·~ ("O'.:r..;.. a!~er gu1h 111·.u pro·.·tn. after appeals and after due process of Ia 111·. p<s~ i J.00 oea:..h !>E'~tenc~. cr.1.J~· t111 0 11>er!' up!"lt'kl." he shuddered Su mme r Wedd ing "The aea :n ~.alt~. sa:. 1:5 r•p;Yf.len:.._<:. is no de:trrt"!".t. H(!W car .. : :.ie. 1: is:-i t oe!:J!] Spence rs Tell Troth CHRIST INE SP ENCER To St!ly Vow~ Gardeners \¥orl<sh op Pre sente d . , ... ' .. -:__ ••• l ~.· ' ·-·1 -... ;~ - ,. ' ' . ' . ' . ·' '•· •· "\..~ .. ·· . ',',, )! ' . . ···~.t-d . ., .. \!.or ion A\.1 ·..d ,.:l(l !ht .\t 1 '"· '[ !~ar .\xt!'.!!. Er:"·-: Bc-r \ •: r~ank B•·nh.G·,, fr,1r1. B.1 ~<> 2· j 1 ·;,r'•·\ 1.: r ~~rne~· I , r.s.su.t 'l"r 1: · ... -· 1~.f Fligh t Land s For Mee ting r -r·:' • Pari, \' 1b,1~ o , I ,,, 1.-'J h -. i\N.o ~1:1 t',,. :!" ""r: ~~JI ' ,, pm. m1·1·t, ... c 11">..' Tl".1.r~·1:1 r.' f l1 5!ht .~· L nued Sl<i:r( \,r }'ortt ~l0thers. '.'.-.,~,d ~!:"" E1ge::e R. ";,.·-.cl-t •1f ~t-Y>Vr. Pr.4<.':l a:i- r,..Ji..:i<.'t"':l L"lt: t-:rgageme::t (If : ~-t 1; di>'.!gn!er, Chr..s:J!"lt 5pe:}- l '!" !•• t-'<iul A . Gt.<!lt(.1!;1 ou:--.r.g -. c1r.ro('r ~~~ 1:: t.-iei: ~"- _l.r~, rg l~.Jst: lt~rruns 1;,e r<.:\4 , 11>t'!"i: 'II:-:.·.d \!;;;, A:- Ll1 I G•r.!<~1 f i (!~<; ~.!es.a, J>:.:•·".:: \.I'. :"le ::o<-it:e .<::-t.e1;t. T.1~· cw; .. t "' .. : l'.\t :.ange ,,. ;-;,_.: ;• 11 : 1:--t:if'. S<.::TI:7'!".r ·,7,, J •<>l-.!::. ~ 1 "' • ( -..·<·: 1 r-:~ !'-l e-ii L .-, \'...:! .-.~;·~ctr 2~.::: her : _. ,. <.:"" .,:"''":'.M cl :'.\e:.1- tr•:-: li~::Y.1: f-i .En Sclxir1\ c .. nd <1:on•t-r-...•t (r1Ht.:e and at- •. -1 _.. ~ a :-:_:'! C 1~'t1;t ·1."~ L' _, . .. :~ .. rl 'r.o• .-·· -.C::· .. (• -, ' _,_,,, ~,d flt"" • _; ,_.-.-'..r:R ,. Ind)OI'" .. -.;: 1-. l" •• >.:.~. ~'::C:.!1:!'.1g: .• Hi stories Reco unted --;. of t·,e !oonr~ ··.:; r ; -,·,j JJ;.~::1ttr" of ;!,~ ·r ._, ..... ,,,1 Ir> ;1.•:i °I"" 1r,,. E:nma S;.n.<,oim "<:;..·r-· ~!"'t":.S f·,-oesser. .. -.: Tn.::.da~· <:.\ I lJ m . l '-'*"'L'lg tr1t-~.sto~ "''1 j,. \1.-, <1.~i.'>Lne Brook~. pro- t .... , . ., ... · :r :.1.1!'.g " .. ! be ~Lt"' r .1;-:-\:-.. oe t.lvni~c.:n~·:-::·. .... h1!M! •r,,:~ ,.: ~1r01a:".<7.!:"J the Emm;1 : .r ..... r:-1·:-• .-:;;1< r Jfl l8'.rJ_ \ '" • :.,:;oo• :::.·n <i ru'"l."•t'r•Jr: ~ . .;.:• 1! r c.:r. 1 r~•:;:,l ¥.11:1 a -.. ~'.o r r;1 .bltm (,;(•,,gn /,. .· t: .,1 .c;; ,,\ ;, nat11Jn,11 • • ·, ,, < • ,1 :1 ' r1r c1• ..... 1'•:1 :-'t•l" bl~ t 1·\·i'>~ "'1 JL~ ;.J<O~ ;.11:,i, \ 1rg1:--,:1 I ..:rpen \Pr .... : I I "·t tr'" rnet.-ling in llt'f 1 ... :' rl••n h1i~nc-. r-... f :.ap:er r rt(''l\:y .. r1\erl · · I ;·-~"fl! ;, t:i"'ll'•ri'-'I s.;1{1 to ,.,1 < n.:.tht.-\111ntgo:nr·~> ~tu- 1;1 ,: l.J,on Fund at <kc1Crr::;.I 1 1cr1· 1n hr:inor vi 1hr J;,:c ~!r. Tar\ er .\!\Jntg01ner~. DALE DUNLAP S.'rott'ted December Date Set For Rites 11 .. 1l' LJur:!<ip. Jaugnter c.( \"'" !-~c". and 7'!r~. H.ichard J .. ::.:.:---:. \~J;-'. ::'I Je:-:scn Dec. 20 . T-,t' bt<1r .. :!1C'd ·.r. 111 be mar- r ,1 ! ,, Ht-t 1rs1 L n11ed \li::-r•!J·t C;,_;r '1 in Costa ··'· '· '"'ht-:e r.e: fa:.her ,s I•" . ,~ 'l.-!1J1.~:>1•J gradua'.eof ~i-,-_, ,.,.,,~: <.1 ··~:.ie and L"'lr 1 r .• \i:r-,;y ui ~nuthr rn < ,,·1•,,~-ia 11ht•rt "·'X' re~1\M ;, B-. ,., :·.0::1;.I ~r1eni.r . She al- l, 11't j v.J:.1 !-'! fie\a f'h l ii• r 1.an£"c. ""'1 ol ~1r. <lnd \l· l~ar l \l Je:isefl of ..... , . .:· r ;.ne:vJed } rtsno State 1 •·lle,i!r. dKl groduale "·c..r k at LCL:\ <ind ..... 111 t;raduatc from Lu; .\ngtles Coll~ of <lo:omt·:ry· at LSC. l~e pledged :'):.,;:na 1\lpha l::pstlon. Leaders Convene J're~>l)L'fll' Lrf dll t °hf' mtmbt:r cl:.i ~ of Orangt [1,~·r 1r1 ra:i!orl'ia Fr·derauun "I \\'o:-r.c:-i., Clubs ...... :I s::auier !r>r a /-';tluck Juncneoo fr1da~. (Jll. 10. Jn t~e nome of !'-\rs. 1Jan1el T. Chung. pn.-s1dent of Tustin Atta \\'omen·s Club. Q..hr)~1c~~ !or the 10 .30 a m. r 1!1\J ll lng a gt-I-acquainted I ;it nod, d1~t'USS1on will center ar •U:-id pl;1ns of the dLStrict f0r J l:lr upcvm1ng ~ear. ."'ptaal j!Ul'Sls 11>111 be .\Ir• I ,J,_,m(~ ~lcta ll,1. 0 r i'.l n g e1 D1,;,r 1d pre~1dt·nt. and !'-11 ~ Hertiert .\"elson, d Is Ir I c I parharnentanan. l·'.<-nl ..-,11 t>I' !'-lrs. D<i\"ld ;::cc..:=---'=--.;::'---'"- l<uksta l1' ptl •1den~ ui lt;incho Vi•·.ro \\'rim<in !> Club. LOCAL \\(']("l!TI!'(J l" lh<" d:slTIC t v.·1J1 No o·~~· ~t"'IP fl>'' 1~11, you be \-\rs. Jack \\l•bl.'r. pr esident '"'0 '•· •·••• do~. •bout ... ~.! • ••I 1nr llt'lll\.· funn ed Lagona to·~9 o~ 'n +1, G•11t1r 0•1n91 .,a,1t thi n tl.1 DAILY PILOT. .\ 1guel \\"om;;n ·s'...'.:C~lo~b~. __ _'.=o===================='I Hect'l\1nl.' an av.·ard 11f mto1 .t fr,r 00~1and 1r,2 "-E"r. Jce a• 11 ;,\'I :.'1:1 mca~s th:t1rrri,:.n 111 11 '.'r , ~ ;\ldt\ 1;..eaa<.ol 1;;.rdt'f1 1;r '··· \ .l...J Dan e• Club I Squ.arr k gger! ~uarr ! Dance Club · ~.,.,1ngs c.u: , •. cry \l.'l"<inl'!dd~ ,1L 8 p rn 111 t lol" F .r•t ',!e'.hodlS: (.JI ,ri h ~ta .\\1 o:>. Blue Sia r Mom • H,f l'Un~~ I 1ery 1 )') p rn. in tlubhoo.~-'!. Ccru.t- MUSIC Harbor •f Newpor-t Bl vd. Costa MHa • 642-2851 ...,,., . · rne old argu:nent tnat the B.ble ~~s 1hw W.U r>lll lull' d) ... <;~ ~ I~ broog_hl forth . Rut t~rf" are otr.er s.ec11oru In the 8 1 tile O\ e-r looked 'll'!Ucb say in lac: tna! murderers shall be ctrta1n!~· put 10 death. ., An eicell~ examp!e of lt)f' (·rurunal.;" !tar uf the death ~hy was dram.a:ued by D'AHOOSI) ··_t, jUdge ,_·as ques- ttoning a bank robber oo hls use Qf a 10~ gun dunng a rob- bery. lne jUdge informed the robber that the penalty for robbmg was the same 111-nh or 111 11hout a gun. Tbe truef replied. 'I duto't ll'a."?l to k.ll1 ~ accidentally and get VII.' de:.:.1 Pffiahy.' ··Dea'-'! LS OOl the ooly soW- Horoscope uon. Cr tm1nal.s Should be rehabilitated," h e recom- meni.ct. The !mall rt:d jact t: ol h:~ paperback gJ\'CS the fa lse llll· pres.sum th.al tht booi lS allXber u n 1 m a g1n at i ,.e murder myS!.er)'. tnStead al. a docmnented ana.Jyru. ··I!'s a mysierv how manv al \I)ese things '1 "ilich I ,.Tote about 1 ,.-~e a!Jo.·ed to h.appe:-i. The C'Time game i.s a g~ tn 11·tuch an ordertv .sotln\' has become Pft"Y 10 • L~ ior-Ces or i.awlt>ssnes! and d.lSOl"der. •· . .\ game m 11fuch the poUce forces employed lo protttt ~ law·ab)dipg ae bemg De\ltn.l- W>d and democaliud.. ., To back up h15 S°..J'.rmt'!!ts D'Allcmo oC'e:ed S'..ar..lir..g .:.:aw.ucs. Ll.s:.erung d n d T"tj!Js'.erlDE, .s.irprise 111·a.s h:s a.JOJence, rnembn-s {;f the S.:-Jth Coast AJuw..na~ r 1ub 1_,f P1 Be:.a Pili 11·ho hos! the Cel· ehr.:y Series Book Re,·ie~-. ·· ~I any proounent people iid· r:-:.l tne c:1me rat.e is up but L'l..'.i.: JI s dut to the rise in p-J;it.131 100. Ho11·e,·er, sinc:e i 960 cr..ir populo.lion ha.I. in· C'tea.secf only 10 pert"l"T\l but C'rime ha~ escalated &a per- C't'"r.1 ! n l 967 more Americans 111ere mW"dered in thetr homes and 00 the Stret'tS U•..an lulled ltl \'i~nam." he claimed "Jtn e.'OOtioo.al imp.oe: Th'°' 111 rner f!"C!rn Sdn Doe;?fl C'~'.l!lued. ··Dt.:.:1ng m) hollf Of Lilo::..'lg Clnl' pe r50!1 l\'lll be ~i...."Ce:"tti, three rapes cDln- m1ltttl, J2tJ h11r~Jt1r1e~. llU 1.uto t·:1rth . \\'hen la w eodl, tyranny theft~ uotl JJ 11r111t ll rob-1.-t·gln.." 1*r1t~" ------------ lie 11r1-:1·d 1·1!ll'.''1t., tu pro!•·i·I tht'1fl!>t'lllt:ll , \\ 11!1 ji•Jllll jJ nelc~~:i ry ":'\u gun I JI <1Jsch.11r~etl acc11lc11t;1 Uy •. ..01nt- ont ha~ to pull !hr. tr1,i,:g1·r. Don't hide It In lhr hu1111·, t"ll the raml!y . U11L lir ~1ir1· ltl LEARN how l(1 u~c 11 ," he c:1u110ntd. D"AUon!>O :tr>fll:ulcd lvr help in his <:rUSi.U.lt: lu i-.llHUJI t1Ul t·rin1e "Tiu~ l' S li;J, ~ur111,.d f,,r 200 year ~. \\11· ;1rt: 11 11 .1\H1n 111 J;.ws i.llltl 11ut 11 utr1111<1 \\ •· rnust !>Wfi t.1·1ng t h1~ .~ilf'nt m<1·I Jtirily and ~tantl lll ' tor thi ·I laws th..11 rxist "The 1neek don'l 1nht:ril I.ht t i me to gel dre!'l!ed 1' or f u ll!" i ... .., .# ~J ... Due ,J '· ·~ Sagittarius: Advancement WEDNESDA Y OCTOBE R S By S'fD\EY O~l.\RR ~1trcur~' g°" dirttt in mo- lioa : coincidts •-iu. time 11-ht:a t"Ommuicalioa dllp:ile-1 are ~ukd. . .\ho. mail seni a: is due l.o i mpro '·' ud trus-ponatiom mllM aen. G-em.ia.i a11d \-rrgo i.ndh·idaaJs figure prominently DI f"\eALs that maU the •orld 1:0 roa.ad. ~ta}or strike C"Ollld bt ~tUed or ai\·erted. ARI.ES t ~fa.rch ?!·Ao:-il 19 1: Gel rtlations vnw ro.-Work.er.s.. as.soct..alf-3 on a mo:-e fntnd!y ~·eL A.s.sume re..<:ponsJb!hty for your actions. Don"t anempi lo duck bas.le issues. TAt:Rl'S fApril 21).!'o!ay 20 >'. Some of ~our crealJ\·e energ>es a:-e p:it. to con· ~tructJ\·e use. Erne.lions flO forll·ard ar.d so docs \"Uur pool1 of \'lell'. \\'hat "·aS an Wstacle to progre.!os J s remo,·M. GE.\11'\l 1!'-tay 11 .Junc ?!'.l 1· Your personal affairs gt t boost. You are re-paid for past efforts. fa\•ors. Be original. Stress ind ep t:ndtnce of thought. acuoo. Toda} ~ oo get the means requirM for spec1:.l project. CA..'\CER <JUI"lt' 21.J ulv ?2 +: l 'ou are cheered by meSsagr, calJ. \\l\at you percen·M 1ums out to be accuratt. Your 5f:l1- ronf1denct: rewms lo g:-eater degree. Accent on llTILr:g, snort !rips. LEO 1July 23-Aug. 22 1: Delay in money trans.action Js Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines To 3\ 01 d d 1~a ppo,ntment p:-o~pl'{'t J\ e ti: 1dt':i :J r!.' rl'm!nded io ha\·e t11e1 :-\\ c-dd1n;. ,,tories v.1 tn bl.ack nnd \\·hae 6'.0:::; phoi.r1· ;;raph ~ to the D:\I L ·y PILOT Socie!y Depa:l- 1nen1 pnor :o or \\ 1th1n one \1 eek af:er the \1edd1ng. o~ .. y ~.1&r.1. f 1:.anc1;.l malier:. gi:I g01ng at f.:-:.~~er paCT Tnere a;e .c.dd::1on;;J opportunH!l''> lei:-e>;pa!1E1or: Ob1a1n hini lro::i Caottr ::-ie,,.a_;c- \'IRGO /Aug. 2J.-Stpt. 22 •: l 'vJ: persona! affwrs .are ac- C't'~ted. Som e re.:.'1nctions becomt-e(idef!t. G".J \\Ith 1he t1ae. l'roc.f \Wr oes:re 15 in t~.c.n~.L Foll0\\1r,g rrunor lo>.£, )o...t ar e guiq; tu \r!n LIBR..\ tSept. ?..1-0ct. 2:! •: \~ha; "a.s hidden is !1ke!r to b<> rt\ ealed. Be rt'ady .. for c-na11ge~ .. J.·•Gid p<inK1pa1:n ~ in ;1 :.1~;:.c:-::'!g ca.mpa.g!l S:ier; trJ !ac:.: and d.Jscard rumors. SCO RPIO !Oct. 23-.\"o\". 21 I: A friend f!;J .. ,5 vbhga tlDn. E1- C"t"!](nl for entertaining ;.1 hQr:-,e . Yo>J ~h'lllld £~are "·nh f:.irr11~~ t.i:.rx:l r.t'.1 ~ \\h.c~ J( du!' b~· t J:-.J&:l t. f mancial ~tatllS unpro·.cs. SAGITTARIL'S r~\01;. 22· Dec. 2l 1: Ta.ke care 1n dealing ""lth t.hose in .;,utnori\\', Be \\ ary ol leg2t loopholeS. Get prur.ases. rommitments 1n 11 -1!1r:;"' Yr•J c,,, ad1:.;iN! !'. C.\PRICOR.\ •Dt,. J;,:._l9 1· (l)mm:;r.1C"Jl!D:i f:,-,:n one yoo respec-t brightens cia '.>. De legates Reporting l~<' conJ1denl. ~l<ih· \'1t:11 \ and adhere to prinr·iples. Thcrf' I\ added respon~i b11ity, but also greater rew<Jrd~. AQCA!ll l.:S 1Jan. 20·FC·h 181. F1111.'lh projects. Avoid lhc ~uperfici a l. Get la<:ls hy m<tk· ing pertinent inquiries. Thr more pers1s1ent you are, tht bt!lcr. Ee resourceful. PISCt:S I Feb. 19-~larch 20.1: l 'ou i:<Un new underst<lndu1g of male, portner. Give up the hmehght. Permit one close to 'ou lo 1akr mo.st of eredit. ba\· lo h~ten, obsrrvc and ](afn. If T 0 IJ A Y IS Y 0 U R RIRTllDAY ~-ou a re sen.sit111r , but prac:.1e;.I rnou gh to ~f't tr.e job done. CondJt1ons 1m- pro1e. especially Jll l1n;incial ;,rea You st-t t11gh goals and i;suallv are patient cnoogh to acnJe\".e lhe1n. r, • -~ e-." >"O'~ et.<:u• v(.1<~1 1 •M , .,,:,. ",.' t•d~·· o·~•", .s(. •·~?' !>:00 •1• 1~, T•v1" ,<.~1 "'"''0· -· ~'>:! J.O Ce'" !O Om•" Boo;>r• • ..._. C:~ILV Pl\.Cl. B~• j)~. G•o"<I C.t>""•• $'•''°'' l".r,. Ye•<, N.Y. 10011 ... ' ..... c,,. ~~ \\'1\es of Atian11c Research ••' ~« Wives Meet F.T1i)lO\(~~ v.1:1 J:[.il~er nf'Xl , ;~~~~\ ,~~~\!1~1~~ o \n:;; ~ oµ t "" ,• (IJi{t. lv:.1n~n C!~b \ -~ L{'(':~ring on n11n1a:ure ;irl 'Ji , a•d 11a1l tlrOJj).ngs ;1·!11 be-' """' 1 !enry Ra:-rurez. an . .\rgl'flt1n I r·or engagement announcements 1t is suggested that the story, alw accomparued by a black: and \\·hite glossy picture. be ~ubmitted ea rlv. If th e betrothal announce- n1ent and v. ooding d ate are six \!.·eeks or le ~s apart. only the \i>'edd!ng photo \1·111 be ac- cepted. 1an. The social hour begins at 140 1 north main, .. Delega:es to the stair a:-:l 11 :J.l a n1. and . r~r\at 1ons 1santa ana _ sl("p out o! national cotn·entions 11 111 &!If ma~ be made 1~1th ~tr.s. Don your c:a r and into Patricia s. bnef re;xirt.s duri ng a meeur.g ,_ f a....-.el ~~-1 __ ~ __ _ To he!p t 1:1 req w re1nents on both v. ed· d1n;i and e n~agernen t stone ~. Jorms are avall - abic in a ll of the O:\IL \' PILOT offices. Further questions u·111 be ans1,1.·ercd by Social .'\ates staif members at 642-4321 or 49+9466 . Associates Posters announcin~ a.od 1· t:tir.s fo r the a:inual !'-1:.isic f est.\al v.·1:1 madt-.... tie-:i Costa _\lee.a .-'ssocia'.e0• Ora:i~e Co-Jn- 1:.-l'h1lnarmflruc Soc.irty nas 1t.s :.rst mh·\1~,g of t~ rw111· "l'J.YJ:i 1., t 1e-Hu:1t!:ti;ton Brac:i home of ~l rs. ~!:c~ae l Br tc/.: Thur:.day. (){\ 9 ct !Q • en Tne fest t\!:i l t.1 dl t .. ke p:""' t'.H.s ~edr in L'le lyce:.im •.r! Costa ~lesa High School. Jan. at Posts 17. "-:-i~rt aJd1uo:is al'"'l \\Jll take p!acr un u;,c!1:.c:u:.ed Ca:es. Area m;is!(1ar,5 are uril.ed tn taf:!' ad\J;;!a~r r~ L1e ';>- p.>rtunny I'> pe r' ..r-n ai ti",• l:r:r:efit "hic:i is a '~:x! r:il!;r.( l ,£;t lur Ot":>~l' Coun!" l'n.lh.<rmon1c So::iC:y. . I r.for ma11t11 c0:-.<e:r,1n~ a:1cniu~.s 1nay oe nbta:rx:-d b1· calhr.g ~l rs. Earl Tre1c.."it-i. 624·5066. for Laguna ~1,&'J l.'1 Repu bl1ca:i \\"omen 's Club Federated iri ."l<.>narch E<sy Bea ch 1_·1 .. ti Th.1rsday, Oct. 9. D:iring lht f;at~ering .c.1 JO a m. fo!!Oll·ing coffee at 9 3IJ a s'.a:e of offictrs norruna~M L,: i ~e eorning ~ear "'-iii bC' prescr,11."d. f urthtr irJonnat1on may b< o'::J:amed by caihng !'-l rs. frcO: Bnggs. 499-2326 or >lr s .\l. Barbour. 496-3297. H B Auxili ary .\:r.£ncan Lc.o:·on A'.l x::,.;r. <' H.;-,t1ni;1on Beach !;aHTf ... 11 l~ ... Americ an Le o;ion I!;. l at I 30 p m ihe flr<t Thur~'l;,I of ca :li month _ On the fou;-1;, Tllur!>day r:'le::--:lxrs ma ~ l.tl' ~!rs Arne JC'nsen. ;;J&-2777 for loc-atlct:i informal.J on. -NOW AT Sears COSTA MESA INTROD UCT OR Y OPEN MEET IN GS \VEDNESDAY, OCT. 8th, 9: 15 A.M. or 7 P.M CriMM SCHOOL f''.)O,\'.-T H'1~ FLOOR , Call 835-5505 for FREE BRO CHU RE __ _, Suit yourself LOOK WHAT YOU''IE GOT TO CH005l fRQM_ PANTS, SKI RTS AND TOPS lN SO- NOMA 100·. PURE VIRG IN WOOL fN BLANKET PLAID AND SOLIDS. COMl !N AND SE~ If YOU C._N f 1ND YOU R SE l~ 1 ~1 OUR ~PO~TSW~._R DE.PART Mt.NT SIZES 1·11 H au 'I ~ 4 ,Jo.4 D1ilv •:10.9 Ftid1v MA,JOll: CltfDIT CAiil:DS, STOJtl CHAJtGIS AND CASH ACCIPTIO IN COST A MESA IM DEPA"TMENT aTQl\~- 1816 NEWPORT IOULEVARD PA RK CONVENIENTLY JUST A STEP FROM OUR EAST ENTRANCE f I I 6,00 T.00 7.30 0 * ,, 1.00 I .JO D * I 9:0! t .3t \, ------ ·---- TUESDAY OCTOBER 7 rvr N ING . 6.00 I) T111 l i1 Nrw1 (C) (60) Jen~ Dun~hy. 0 m Huntle1-Brinkle1 (C) (JC) O Stevr Allen Sho .. (C) i90) J rr Backus. lhe Inner D1alo~, l11~c~G!' H. \\'h1le ~nd lied SmoG1 i ut<I O Su O'Clocll Mov1t; "Thr Rtd· l\e1d and 1h1 Cowboy" (1om~nrt ) ''i l---Glenn lo•d, 111\ond~ fltm•rt E~tnond 0 B1ien. ~.1~11 ~t~d r~~" lhe end ct the c .. +I v.11. a co,..bc1 tills 1n love w11~ 1 r..i!e eMe1hmr1 v.l\o 1s 1 Conlf1:1erole spy [ l:J Dick Yin DJ\1 (;'-') W Pryton Place I JIJI @ Shr Trrll tCI (601 lJ, (3 M•kr Dou1l1J (C) t9J) ff) 'fl'hill's Nhl! {.J) 'll1S'.G:1 C' Ccms" ·.--_.r?l 9 , R CBS NtwJ \C) (]~) (!J T1empo de P11dQ11 (l(J CD News (C) lbOJ fack h1L~!). Ntw) t•Picre1 lhr e.ond1\1on o! tn • Un1lrd Sh leJ 11 11 " no•. 1nJ lc1rco11~ v.h1t m•y bt exp~tled 1n IM. nr~! decade. 0 Win Wil~ !ht Stars (C) \30) llost1 Allen Ludden weltom!s l.J!51 pane h1!s l!ene Jb•n and Crri Mou rs, 0 I]'[~-. ffi Mov\1 of lht Wul !C! "!ht Ovcr-lh•·Hill G1n1" {com· edy Wes1un) '69-Pat 0'811tn. W~I· 1e1 B"nn;in, Chill Wilis, Fdps1 But~Jn<.n A live ly ~poof cl 1ht v.es:ern genie &bou t ~n aged quill· let ol lo1mcr Texe1 R1ni(e1s. ffi D1v1d f101t (C) 190) Sui~nnt Chaony. l u 7si Gobo1. P1 m!l1 r.:.~.1~. lloo'lf laws. IJll"n G•th. Viu~tm Mon1~e ar.d pholo&r•phcr- des12 ner Cfc1I Beaton gurs!. (D Ille 811 V1ll rJ (C) (£0) €IJ The frtnch Chtl tJO) Ju:i1 Ch1IJ O!eDJtr5 chicken h1c1s. 9:00 0 ShoWCIJf 5 (C) 160) "I !Jre;im !.! 111m," s1arr1ng T11n1 lo~e~ v.iis l1lmtd .11 the l'la!dork.t.st?fl1 m ~ew Yor~ thos past June_ Ei} Hone DIHll (6a) ffi NEl F1111v1I (C) (60) 'J~11 ti l•ngle,,.ood." ro1~s1ngH Judy (;(ii. 111s and l~e Oen [t!.s O:d1tslr• oerlo1m •I lhe 1968 Ber~~h1re Ii~- I €IJ Hoy! (JO) 6:JO 0 KNBC NewJervice (C) {tO, 0 Thi C1me lhm1 (C) (30) )o'!' 9:30 f) ;f9 'a) NEW SEASON CIS MocK1ell hosls. I Pliyhoust (C) (90) "Appalac~ia~ W To Tell 1he Truth (C) (JC) ~Tumn" Ao or1iina l dnma by L1rl ffi NASA re1turr ()Of ~~ ,6 Hunllry-B11nlll1y jCJ (30) ffi Mui.tum Open Houi! (30) '~ Coniernpo!ary Collection:· 'N :'._8.J Tht Munsten (lOJ @D Notit1efo 34 (C) (f.;CI) ffi Nrws (C) <JO) 1;00 0 CBS lvenon~ N....,1 (Cl (30/ \Va:tf1 C1on'l1lt. 0 Wh1f 1 My l int! (C) (30) ffi I LOVI l uCJ (JQ) ffi Bui !tit Clod1 (C) tlOJ ffl Comrnod1ty/Stot'I Rtpot1 (~iJJ .1;t. 6 Brirnded (C) (3CJ ffi Ahor1! (30) rl9 '_§_,Truth or Coo1eqo1 nct1 (C) (30) €!) l!l.indi 10 the Sun \CJ C10 f CE! ThJt Gi!I {C) (JO~ 7:30 I) .l?. ,a l 1nc1r (C) (60) Johnny l ~ncu ~PPtd 11 lo berorr• 11i. h>1td gunm~n lo r ~ houh ~d ltfn ~~ft who 11 LJJnv,nr:e~ h11 !a\!1e1 "il"I mu1dertd 0 I DREAM OF JEANN IE * Tony risks his head to save Jeannie from an impending marriage 0 :;i:f 6 m 1 On1m al Jr1nn1t (C) (30) "Gueu Who's Go1n2 tc 8e • Bodt" (;()nrlu:110", Tony 1! ai.1,s 11ia!. de~p1te a11 ct Ur"·" "uheman'1 !gue1t Jac~ie tooRar cfli('n'ry he •1 m lollt ,.11h le,nn·1 and wanl: !o fll•1'1 h., 0 Stump Hit Stirs !C) !301 M1,• ~l~~tv hG~I~ Gut~l'. ploy"\ I, !~t "'''~ a•~ Don M~r 5h~ll Ol· l.~~:ne~Jn and O!ann~ I •.rd A' lrGm The l~nd of 1he L11nlJ !<'!11•• 0 .11 l:i ~ ff) "'od Squid (Cl (6Q\ ·An Ive tor ~fl fve '· C•~I r;,,., I Hornnei 1.tl aga1n~L lhe bac~ground ol lh t eccnom•Cilly dep res.1ed coal m1nini ;11e1 of Appal&ch11 in We~! V1121n1a. S!a111na; 1n the d1;im1 a11 Arthur lienned1. Tertst WriRh!, f51 tlle Wrn·,.,ood. Ph1lo;t Altiod and 8el1nda Montgomery. l:J Newt (C) (30) l ed Meye11. ID H1 Slid, She S.id (C) (30) 10:00 0 ID Htw1 fCJ (60) 0 ill: (i) ffi Mutus Welby, M.fl. (C) !&OJ "Ocn't ti;nore 1l1e M1ra- cle1 '• Cld1re Burw1tk. p111n1n! tor !ht 111st time at 42. le;irns !he1 her hu5b1nd h11 bttn ieeint 1nother v.ornan, Julot Ad~n;s 1ue~l1. l:J Delli ! (Cl (601 fred Smoo\, lh1 f.l~d L~d1. Hoyt ~Ion &Ue51. ID l'rrry Masan (501 UJ R1wl!idt lloundup (60) ff) l'REMIEll[ Homewood (Cl (t0) I !OOl!d 8~1n\!tln'1 OCt! i , "f IGU~I! 1n fal >It," 11 oreitnle-d €Il Cu cel dt Mujuel (Joi I !G:30 rn Un Goto en 11 ObKurid1d (3~) 0 l illy '"M'" Cr~udt !C) B Tht Mw1t G1111e (C) Sonnv fo1 hosl1 Je\541 Whrl ~. ~nnt Ba1\r1, ~rlrot Oal.I, Pat O'Brien aues1. m A Mow1blt S'rnt: Rob~r1 t.11:th· ·1m noir4l!S folm ~rob1n11. you1h1ul •c.,1meolat1on .,.,1r. halluCiflOi~n1c d•Uf \. 17 , l 13 o ~ I _ News (C) !(,ye !01 "trtON Lt/ Wta~er m 1 ~'1 lJ;JO f)•:Kt 9,M1rY 'nf!m (C) lt!t 1~t ~tdnap<OR !M~e1 o! 1• OM I 0 ~j 6 m Johnny C1rson IC) 1.-,1.r £·10~ Nonly Carr.~ gu•·,,~ 1 • ~r ~edulrd iUt!IJ include l,llro n II• (m.i~ (pl o1y ... <1gh1 1. b ye I' MQI· ~·" :Si.am l'>'a!!,, and ~nt~~.y O Millio n $ Mollof' "(lephJnl Wilk" ldta~•l ·~4-! 11,~be111 r.y lnr. Oa n1 ~ndlP N\ m lrul~ ot Conw12utnct1 \C l /){, ffi 'u~d !or \ht De1ense (CJ ft.v ffi Jechn1c1I Corntr J]Ol ffi Thi City Wt1Ch!ll (Cl !• n1 EIJ Chutllo t i Ra1o (!C 1 0 17 J 1 G) Jor1 l11~p (C) ~,,.~•d•J'~d 11ues1 s 1•clude Cl<ll R?l1•··~1n Boots l!annclp~. J·mrnr D•an Cannonball Adderly and \ ~ua, l:J Mov11~ "H•a;ll /'loo n .. (dram~) ~~-GirV Coooe•, (;rare Ktlly, ID Ouler lu'"111 ID Mov11' "111 Heuw, U.S .. ~." !dr,.,.A\ ~!>--Sr'J~~i•d, Cra ... tord 1.00 0 1l 6 EE 01bbtt RfJnold~ (C) 1 J. I Mo•1ttd \f,e (~n A.I.,,, Ge• .. on,~ e t.•;:1"\ n-~~· o~ v. d1ni p·~n~ w h,~ a l•<•I T• kn ·~··, p o~·o" ""' l•H 1-11 -,~t 1nd J 11 ~,. nr! offl"d 11 r.111ng.( 12 .00 O Ca111'"~•11t, Bulleton l o1;d (C) () J1tl, Benny I •l.J) Pl'lll4r! Ci~ t ' ffi Qu1•n 1ur 1 01i (() f J,.I rn Sa~bru!h lhe.11,. 1t1.•• ffi 01~flllhe11ue 1 Co·Go (C) \~~' I .JO fl Red Sl.tll~,, (C! !h•) Jar~ ~1 hPtl>vn I mm~I,~• llinry, G.1, l'o:<k•l1 ~nd It.• ll~1~n f.i p ~,•II In !lit '1!Pn! \pcl. ~ktlion P •Y 1 iummer 1tsort showoll. IZ ,JO ffi HQllyw.ood'1 F ~es l. Int In· torn t' I 00 0 Mn••!: "M1nh1ndltd" PllfS t~iyl '49 -Doro\~y t~rnG,i' O•~ lk ry•d 0 0 Hew1 (CJ ID Action Tllt1tt1 : "~~ lu•n Qu•!· hi•"" (comfdy) '4 5--W111!~'"1 Btn· d•t. Jo~n Blondtll. 0 EASTERN AI RLI NES pre-* sents PAUL NEWP..,AN, 12 NBC ne wsmen "From + 2:00 m All-N1(ht Show: "!he ~.1lon­Here to Che Seventies" 11~c.1 l-l~~rt" "Nyo~~ Ind 11\e lost 0 .il 6 @D tJ!!1!ill f 'om .l,,1, ot H1opoc"l'i.' Jn~ ilrt Ht:• to the Sevenl!tt (Cl (11.~-h11 P<•ll Nt,..men OJ 1u•d l I\ llB( Bit BluH ., WEDNESDAY . DAYTIME MOVIES ID "Thi l1\1 'tOrfl Apler" (com- 'Oy) '47-Rooald Colman. Van~s~1 8ro•n. 12:00 0 "lh1 l•• ~. l illJ l~t Kldn I ,,.~,tern) '54-5i.'ll Brad)", Bi1:i sr Jot,n. 9:00 D "CO!ldbyt My f1 ocf' (dr~rnl) 2.lO a "A Shlth ID l•m•" (• ome1y) ~J-~11 Cr~,,.lord lloberl Y~un1 I bJ -/101rn1n \'/1sil~m Jeaocl!t 1:30 O "Dtsirt" lm~~\t11) 'Jei-ti•1~ l:oop'r Mo •l'n' [)1i:i~ •, l:J "l1tl11101 ol H111\s" (rtmant~) 'SS-H1rdy ll1u1ei. ~yl~•i s,ms. I 4:10 I) "A"z.! r1c1" fdr~r.H ) 'Sl- R,~r1! '-111,,.hcm, fotn S!mmcr.1, Ht1but Mo11\.h~t:. Mone lr;em10. W ah·h for th e full \reek \; 1'. V. li stin gs in Sa turd a y':s edition of the DAILY PILOT. ------------------·-~-·-. • .. -r -~--·----• PEANUTS By Charl•s M. Schulz ~------~ IF "":'i-.i;::c w=~= A He~o o.= .;;'.:..Si31T5nC.4~.r.G1H1S W:....f .. PERKINS JUDGE PARKER MOON MULLINS TUMBLEWEEDS LOOK, Ll'l GIRL ... l'M LOST IN THIS DESERT' I HAVEN'T HAD NO WATER OR FOOD FOR 2 DAYS' . ..1-1 FEEL LIKE l'M GONNA PASS OUT' ... POOR , A CCNIWI . Tl-1Ai'5 1/oJTERE5tl»6'. TI·llS PAUL """l'Eff Vl~ITEO W!Tl-1 g~ FOt' W UT T'o't'RITY Mlliill/TES .. AND 6i017V'S EATI »G AUAllJ • AND APPA ,fNTlV VE((V C.OOPC-iATI VE ~ -~,;­(P~:J ~ -- TAKE MY HAND AND Ill LEAD YOU TO MY HOUSE AND GIVE YOU SOME WATER AND NURSE YOU BACK TO HEALTH!_ l'M A VERY GOOD NURSE I ... By John Miles '~-·····.-., ' ''''" ' ' ' ' ' -' . ' By Harold Le Doux By Ferd Johnson BUT II=" You WoN1T f,A.KC .A1~ 1.0.U. FOR )'OUR \..\'A~t;.5 ) Wt:'LL- F-Ji>JD OUT. By Tom K. Ryon YOU'D BE SURPRISED AT HOW MANY TIMES J1VE PULLED MY DOLLY TH ROUGH I ~:v~-~.St! ~(\ _/ ,_ I • O ( f1,1~'r--.,---l '' IV ~,;, .. I ft; ;:, tt ~ ,¥(-; . ..:£ ~!:,. ~~ti.;­•,.._, MUTI AND JEFF EVERY MAN H AS ATRt;\.\ENDOLoS POTENTlA!.-1N LIF="E 1 JEl="t;" ITS ABOL.JT "TIME YOU DECIDED WHAT YOi.f RE GOING TO MAKE OF ~: °'!-., YOU~SELF 1 (: 1 •;-. " -· • :: ""..} 1. ~' . '~"·· :::) .\~·~--­....z:, I ., L~ GORDO MISS PEACH .,. ., TilAT1S WHAT l SAY.' YJl-lATIS TH!:; r:'IF'Ff::RENU? F"Af'\IC.lWE, WHEN WE G"OW UP, WILL you tA ~RRY M.c: 7 ' I I , I .. ..-, ~. MUTT, ITS NOT WHAT ONE MAKES OF ONESELF- l AM ! Di.I, Al.l-t(IGHT ! PAR.T OF-OJIZ \IJ!;;.5T CClAST ·~"" A'OIJ NTAIN STANDAl=<:.D TIME ·-TH~ Ke:ST rs ON CF.NJ RAL- Tt,\\E .. -ANC' l'M ON ALL THE TIMo/ ·-. By Al Smith IT S WHAT T+11S ROTTEN WORLD MAKES OF )'t)U! By Mell f'M SO".lt!, Aft.THU~, I AM A eRO\V"'1-f.YED flOfC Gi~NE 1 IC. lfEA50NS 8~NeTTf WIT H LON<;, you ANO I CAN NEVER. STRAIGHT HA 1ir< AND GET MAR~t ED. CL4551C FEAT!.4RES, WMILo ~N T~f DTHER HAND, you :''...--;_RE A OOPi:, \~~ '>--~ .)' '(1 (\. ,.u.-(\..1 . ! <f1 • f" I ' 01\ll Y MLOT J ,j ORAMA STARS -:\rthur Kennedy 11111\ 1'crc~a \\'righl star as J n 11nen1ployed coal 1n1ncr and 111.~ \l'i(c 11,·in t: in J)CJ\Crlv 111 "1\pp:i!ac:Jua11 .\utun1n. or1 c:1nal 9U-n1illlllc ctr-a1n:1 tonu.::ht ;,t 9 :'.~0 p.n1. on Ch;1nnc! 2. 1·1ir pin.'· is the lir,,\ "(·l:"i l)l ayh(l11~c"' production of th e seaso n. Doris Day':s ln1a ge Better Ey CYNTHIA LOWR Y NE\V \'ORK (:\I.,) -'f he !Joris C.i.y o ~ n11 n1~r­ o:ts hil 1novics is begi nning to cn1erge 111 ··1 he !Juris Day Sho,•:.'' 'ihc CJ3S situation con1edy th2't undcr\\'c nt racl ital -and needed -repairs O\ er ti1c su1nn1 cr. l\liss Day is \1 caring ~n1a r1 .ci o1hc s. getting i~- 1·01,·ed in ur\Jan .... ituntion<;, e:il1ng lohslcr lhern11- dor nnd stecrini! L'.l car ol the barn and the chicken yard that loorncd so large i11 the :-;e ric5 las t sea son. 'fhe actress is an excellent co1nedien11c and g1,·en half a chance tnuld pull oft an an1u si ng st•ries. But if 1\londay's sho1v 1s any in~ication. she could use so1ne n1ore in1agin<1t ive \1 r iling. THE STORY h:1d Doris. no1v the sccrcte1ry o( a n1agcizine 1rrilcr -he d.irtates \1-h<it sound like high school the111cs -. hel p1n ::: her. !Jos .~ ~sc.~apc a prcdatorv 1rnn1a11 . ·r111 s !cads Lu sill.I' ;.,lpl f. tn cl11~l­ in" havil1rr 111111 introduce J.lori s ns hls 11"ifr. 1·111 ~ ' 0 k' d I . ' I lc•11d s lo n1uc!i :,nr a ·111::: aroun our lero111c s ar1n hon1c. lt is al! ver.v innocent and far-fe!cherl but perhnps the rcn1odclcd series is ~till on its .'illakc- do11·11 crui se. NETWORK tele1·ision to11i 2h t c:on li:lins an e:xan1ple ol a pro:.,:r<1n1n1in~ practice \11at depriv<'S and inh1 ri<.1te s the :;er 1011s YiC\\·er anli C:lf\'CS up lh<' at:dienccs ench net11·ork seek.~. noth ('RS and !\'BC' h:l\'C' in1port a1rt special.~ scheduled in con- flicting periods -the first "l BS Pl<l )'house'' dran1a of the seJson and the f\P.(' Ne11·s Llcoart 111cn~·s 11 1~-hour recapitulation of the df'cacle :.Oon to end. Since rerdly ~peci al rrogran1s do uot co111e alon:! c1·crv ni~ht. it is h~1rd to l1nclersta11<1 11·hy lhcv coul d no, be sc heduled so that ·vie\vers could sec both. "APPALACHIAN AUTUMN ," !hr c·1_;.;; special . j) EJrl IJ .:i1nncr's 90-1ni1111\e original trlC'\'ision plav nbou1 an \n1rril'.1n po' ert.v po::'ket <111d <i fl!"OlJd. clo:;e-knit f;,J n1i!.\· trying to ~11 rvi\'P in ;i11 area 11 ho~e one 1nd11str.v, co.'.1! n1i11i11g. has clostfi (IOl':n. ·r1ir c!ran1a , srcn i11 o pre1·il'11·. prcsenl s a 11•,1r1n pnrlrt1it n! !hf' !l nrper clan: 1·11c prou d tn iPrr f.11hcr \1·ho rrf11 i..cs re.lief n1oncy but in .~t en d risk.'i hisc lifr> !'e r~ichi11!! coal Jrorn <n1 nba11do11f'rl n1inc; hi ;-; :iff('c!ion:ite 1111d p::itierit 1ri fc . and children i11- cl11din:,: a tolcntcd son 1\il il a special fccllng for 11 (•t cl:J.\', lt ~f'!s inlo lr;iu blC' 1rhr>n 1h e char<l'C !r>rs fir" 1101·(·11 i11 10 1hc plot. <\ \'JS"fA 1rorker -a bearded L'.r.tl rt·e s:uden! 11 ho 1:-:rlks hin ;i1Hl cti rrir.; a J:!ui tar :i1T11·es In I ry 10 hr!;J thC rr•!1n11 . I le ,,ei1es on 11 11'.!h l l:irpcr·~ ... k1ll 111th a po11 l·r\· 11·hcel nnd .-i ·1 rls In h;i1·e l l u.1J 1 nr.i.;:1n i7c n cn tlJ '!r cernn1ic 111· du."11·y to put the con1111unily 011 l.s 1111 <Jncia l feet. SO FAR , ... n ~o:id . hul !hen Jl11 rh'" in1•oll'ernrnt 11 ith n lnr:il ~1rl 1n1k r ' h•n1 :i bnn clnn lil f' pl<111 for ;-111 1·111r>r~f'll C'V 1n.rrr1n;!r I! 11 ;1~ ln1rrl to decicte iu.~t 1rhal l/;•1nnC'I' 11.1..; !'t .J1·in~ alJOtH rcl1c1·1n!:: grlnrl11ig- r11 11 ('r1y 111 !-.tirh pince ... \I~(", •·r•1ri1 11 lf»rc tri ·thf' Sf'1'r·nt1f•· ... " R.30-11 l'r1·r. 1.1kc" .1 l<>ol; ~1 ni:1111' ol the stirr111g illld 11·:i,1ir· c1·f'pt.; (11 l hP rece nt !11rh11l cnt l't'ars 11·itl1 ('1)1111nen1 ::iric·s bv ~t ;i ff 11c1··.~n1 e11 011 11'a r, pear·c 111111111\1·;1lk 'i . f1 'i ... ,~~111:i 1 1n11'\ <1 11d dissrnl De11ui." tire if'le1111ce ~­!"·- -~----- Nea rl y Everyone Li stens to Lan<lcrs • ' I • • • ' • • • ' ' 'I .fi1 I • J ~G OAIL Y PI LOT Orioles, ('Dazzled Tl1e111, '.:J'he11 Got 1(0,' " '"Sa ys Rol>i11so11 ' . I ~1L\'.\'EA1'01 .JS -:-T 1APl - I· ''1\nla1.1n1.1"'. l-'.;,i1 I \', ('.1\ !'I' " ",111<·1 a:)l;11.111c'' Jl(' ll'lJS1l 0I. liilk111g /11 "1~ nb11u1 l h~' :\l11 Y<1rt l\"cn 1Tr. t'lithr:1(1111:, th!· I-' r c· d l r· ~ l tn111111.1h ,.f :1 l~·yr:ir 111 :inag1:1·ia\ c;•1'el r l1 1:1t didi: l li rt l!\I' lug li!llt' t1t1lil kl~\ ~l1111- 111l'I". p.1 1<! hoar~e-1·n1c·ell triln111• In 111.~ 1::1ll J1nnrr Onu]•·s \!ond:1.1 ;1fl,·1· 11~··11· t, ll1 r<'C·.!!:i1r(' blilt nf ~1111n!•l\0l ;1 in 1':" ii · A1nerira11 Ll'ag1w·.; lir~t <'L:1nq11,,11,i1111 f jll:1yfJlf srnrs (. llc C1Juld ;iflnnJ !h1• 111\lll'I nr l fll'l~lil~ : b ;i(.:k bl't<Jll'l~' (!J(• ()!';•\!(", \\ !111 li:od hr111J 1\• •· r·d tilt· Twi 1 1.~ II -'.! !01111',1 11\t: .1p.11r1\I !'ii.· \t \:·a-inning eliH-l1anger:,, h:u l pltnty !·f "'· t1n1r In \1 0rr~· ;1hu11t 111 -·.1' llj)((J1n1;"~ "' "'orlrl Srries :-:ln'l11·clown :1ga111...,1 i\i·w ' Ynr!t J(!().1 . ...,11 .. 1 Jll•\<;, .. \\'c_ jUSl r;in 11UI 11( pilt:ill'I'~." :,;1 ld 'I' '1'11111s pilot Bill.I' ,\l:wl!n, barl'I~ l)l :1.~hi1·;; t 111~ drro d1~;1pro1n l111c111. · 1\111 1·111 1·tr;t l' r rou d of n1.v kids. 11 (:tJll ]d J1;11•t· tJ1'1·11 a ,{!illrr(·n( ~IUI'~ ii \\t•'d \\Pl) tr111 tt' 111 •• Ill ' t J:alti111orr or 1·1t•11 the !I r~( 11:\1•, \\1• • J1;iU th<en1:1:1d11\• ILl lhcn1 i;1•l u11 ~1y." I ll.\ZZLEJ) ·rllE'I I l'r;1nk RulJ111:,LJ11 pnt it :\111Jll 1cr 11 a1 ·_ '"'\l'l' rl<i:tl lt'd 1111·1:1 ,,1111 our Jvol11·vrk 1n ' the tirst 1wo," l1r ~.i1d . "Th:·n 11t k110l'kl·•! llil'rn 0111 ., .. Belorr 1hi' f:H·t'd U<J lt 11nun• .c;k111rci', ".1·11u t111nr in r1r~l alter 11l2 gan1c.~ and yo11 1•.er'r 1n the. )<'.'rll'S, Thi~ 1illl(' \'IHI h:'.ld 111 1\1.'(·p l\'l11- 11ing. 11 111111ny,, 11111111111( 1\1;d lt'l 11 i11 thrt'\' 111 ~ ro\I' Is an1niiic~ 10 111'!. ll ~hu11 s 1111<•1 .1 )~rt·at b:-ill club this \s ·· Thr Oriol rs. 11·1ln h:.ieked J1111 l'alinr·r -~ !nck ·Llfl pitchin g 1"ilh :i barr<i gr ol 18 l11 ls -l'n1J I Bl t~ir and LJ0:1 l~ul1 1rd ro1nhin111<..t fnr hall of thcrn -11 ill h<ll'l' !(l\11' rla• ·' ;u ~ rc~l'ouµ b~:111't' l:1!.:1ng nn 1111· :'\ntiun.il l League ch<1n1p1011 ~\t·ts S;1lurd;1y :i t I301hin1orr 'I For so111r or 1hcn1. lhc 11'<1 11 II 111 hr \fol'I 1on'l' r.· ·'\\'011 ld 1n11 br!ir1·1~ fo11r ~:+rnr:i'' \\'rH1ld yn•1 brl1cv"e srl'cn 111 <.I ro11 "" ~;11d Frflnk • J1obif1S01l If In a 1norl' ~cnol1~ 1·r111 . 1ht P.all l1nore .. sh1ggl'f conrcdtd hr b('\1c1·C'd the .\let' v:1'rc nol I() he t;1kt•n lightl y. "I nt'\'l'r '' t11Hlert'.'s1in1<1lt• :1nv Ix.ill c·li1 ii ., h1· :-:aid •-\\'r tlun k 111 • 1·111i lw ol lht111. !;ul l'.!''r-r • go111g to g11 t' 1/ic:n l!h.•ff dv!'. •• ., <;or TO ur: noori '·1'hvl \(' ~n! 1•1 h~· 1~·1011 I•• 11·10 lll";r d111:.111,; ;111d 1l1e11 (.1k1' tl 1n·1· .-.;r ~ni;lil fr1•111 1:1r Dr:11 !'" · I «I ;.;1IL' ,, tl1,· ~ :in .1(11 1•ri-:i1·.v :1 " \\'1•;11 L'r ~1d1,1:d ~!cl ~ 11111 11, ;h \',q/'\111 :1n,1 bod) 1 ... 1 l' laced , "I rt:+lll' 1!011 '! k11••11 if 1111·1 'rr 101· rPa l." wa; Bong l'o11 l.ir~ ~1111i -1;11 qf !I•· (1riolr~ st'rl•"' np1.or.cnl " · llol 11 .<11· ... ~lll"l! 1 .. !oild 11.:t " 1 ,\llt'r 111,, 111 1ulv, lll!'P1 'd 'IH1t\"'-1d:1 .1 1 •. flil l_,l;n1 " 1~1 11 111n1ng .•(Ila l'l l' 1)11111 :ind l- 11 on l 'un ,\lull1111':-p.1.1·i1 ~111gl•· 111 1 u• !11h. )'0111'11;1d1111iL'<l110.. (! bn•:1thr (;1 .-!'! ]1 ·,1 1· \\l'I \\ nll! :ind :.t,l!';·d l\J n:n_, 111 !11, .. tu '1 111111111.:.·· 11 t.i,.1, \ht• I ,;i• t I J11 i' "II Ll1.itl 1\•" 11111 • 11 .-re· 1111111~ \\ 11 111:1 : 111 111111111d 1<~·;i 11·' 1, l;ub \ldll't' 11?'•1 n! •1·1 1•11 \1111111·-11! 1 I 11 ! ' :1('1'" '11 I 11 'lt11+l1I" I 1 L'.i •••! '. j\pi.i lll~lll l :111d 1-:11,,;1 ll 1·11dll1k pi ll· 111+• t: H'l'Oll\I !JI l'.11l111d ~ t hi'l'P •IHl.,ll'~ \..1•\1lt .i ., \l11'l'C r;1n 11111 I t· '\l'lr '1'1111\s 1.1'ILI' f \ •1\I 11·1! •• --------------~ .......... ;--·~----·-----~--~--:------..... ----------;-.,-·---;:-, ----~~--------- Mets Ope11 .W orld Series Saturday MO B OF METS MAN IA -S111•)ll1rl t•1 ~ of ll>t• '.\i \1 'Yo1·\: \l l'IS S\'.,ll•' itl l O\'l'I' Shea Stad111111 :o ct!t brulP t i1c !'l\i11 , -;-.\ 11,111r·• 1"•• .\i .... 1 + .\lo11d:1y \\hich gfl\'e Jt \he .A<Jtiul l~il l .(1;,l~l o(' n .. ~.· Jn 1:1c1 r ! °'il0!I :·.11: 1'oug l1 Batlle <.. Fo 1· rl'u i•·l'ated Ol1io State? t_:1· '""l('i;i!t•f] l 'rt·)>~ T!1' ('ili:u :-.: .. ·r, 1 ;11~ h"• 1·~. ~till ~. 1! 11 11'";;~·1'' Iii 'I ii:' .'1~·l •('t;1l ••I 1--'r~~~-1n:1J•ll' 1«1111'):;/' f• 1fl•:11I p11ll Ill'~! t<1J..l' fll1 \J1i'l11g. It ~l ;li!' (11 1•"<111 Thl d g;.i \t' tl11·111 1111·1r ;11111r h1 t 1 .. ,111c dun 11g :111 1111· 11"1"'11' 'I l ~!i:: '. •'I' 'I h" I ;lH'J..•·: t:". 1• 11'• I .11 I .i I 11 11 fl 1, f'< 11 ii i;1•1 :.1•,.-,11 , 1 111·11111111~ .i i\11~1: 11.,111 ·r 11111·111 "\ ··:• >;.111" ,U" II I ;tln •·r·1it;1, ;11'"(• 'h'r ill l)(";ll il1t· 1·)·,1!'\U'I.•. ti lJ 1ill 'ILd'I Sliil'' 1'.l\IJ ;J ~I l <'•U''d, 1 ~ 1:111 :,ul 1:•111 1:11\ I !'ill ,.,,,,,, " "' " ' 'l '" "' ; . .. , }' " .. -• .,_, I ,. .. " 'J. f' "" .... . ' . ,. •• ••• % ' • ' ,,, . • l....fl ·~ j.,-(,. ') •,,.t.:: ' ' . . . ; 1.'PI Tf'•"liOlf \l• :s f:111 •~ 111· ij,,• 1111 1• !lh thrl'e bR:.cs. l1 nn1(' pl;r1c <lnrl 1!1c p ,:1:!i111~ r111>- l.:•1' 11 \1 '\ \ 11,:, \\II <, llH'. \\<>ri d SC!'l('!'i. 1!1l'y·11 pro!J.iiily h:t\'C 10 ,.,._ i1 t,i!d IJ ,d, l'f '~:l '.\I ~td(~!li ,11 . ,. -'~ 'Nobody Can Sto11 Us Now,' Says NY Ace • 1\"E\~· YOHK 1AP 1 -i\1aylie !he gr.:i f- r1t1 :-t-ra!l'hed inlo the center Jield 1rall .<;l!id ii hf'!il ".1·1r.t Po>1·rr" i\lc.ybc 0111fit lc1cr 1x,,[ Cleon Jones said it "\\'~,·re 1hc j!re;.itesl teain in Lile 11·orlrl ri;;ht now, Nobody cil n stop us . 1\!· 1:1ntn. B;iltin1orc ... nobody. \Vc·re g'1111t11 win il all _" . . . :1·1~1 vbc 1llC' s1atrst1cs sn1r! ti h~t · Th;C'" c1in~Pr.ut11·c vic.:torirs ovrr Atl .q11· !:1 hv !!.; •. 11 ·~. ;in d 7-4 st:ores .. 17 hils, ~7 !'lot\~" 6 l\Otlll'!'$, i\'\1110 ·1 1•r u1· 11·hatc1 er i.u1d ii best. !lie i'lcrcd1hlc i111plauslhl<'. in1['!o!>sihle t-.11·:~ of i\rw Yol'k h;1 1·~ u·;1111plcd 1\!l11nta ln tllrf'C' str;:11~IH on l111• 11 a:: to lhc Natinn:il l.~ai.-ur pe11n;1111 ;ind q1 1P1ifir"t to 1n eP.l 1ht' B;dl!111orc ()rioles in thl' \\'orld Ser1t• . .; ::.1 ;·11·1;11g S;H11rda) Tha t lbrrt 11'ill be a lour·c!ay )a~'Of i' bcft.rc th..: rcstunpllun of pla.v for a ll•a111 lillll bc;;ins in e1·crv 11·ay lo appear 111· \'illf'iblr l'n11 0111,v ~cr 1·c lt1 lcn1;icr !lie fl'tlings ol li1o:;c 1rho rr1rlcd in i\londay'.i gln1·i uus n1on1r1 1t ~. rA:-.S (;(J '\'ILi) Thfy include the g:ilaxy of i\lct he rN':. 11·ho lrl'fl' dro1111e1J in ti1e ch11 1npaig11c sho11 c1· in llll' J:!n1·packed d:-cssing roo111, l1u1111.:r hi!ters i\'aync Garrell. ·ron1 111y t\'!f't: Jnd Kr 11 R1iswcl1 and pi tcher Nol;1n li~«111. who liinitc(t the Bra1 cs to thre(' hils in ~cvrn innings. 1\1,d till'\' inrludc the gal<ixy of !\11'!s fa•1~ who o)ourl'd n11 t of lhe s1 ands in f111! !ore:: lullvll'i 11i; lhe final 011t <ind <1 ga111 :;t(!lr· cicrything 1n ~lg l1t to 1ake hoinc :i ~ :.nurrnirs -sod, hu1ne plate, lhe pli- rlu·:·'s rub!Jcr, lhc bases. ll'hy they did it is si1nplc. c·:-:plaincd onr yo11nt; fan. !7-)'e<lr·old Gt'.'orgr Defazio of J1alC'h(1!!Ur. i'\ y _ "\\'c di ll 1l hccause 1rr 1rf!nl part of thr r>.l el :; -ht'!:ausc J\ir i\lcLs arc thr. i:rc<11t·.~1 ." Only t!ic Orioll's t:nll qu<irrcJ with lh:'l t 11011. ,\nd 111:i~·br 110i r.,·en lhc leain 11 11h Fr:ink Hob111so1i. l.loog /'01l'el1 and Brooks Hobi1i.~on. who roinpcd past illinncso\<i in 1hrr•.· !'itraiglit. will be able to y.•[n t ilt: :ir _ilf11('1ll. 1\IETS 111\\'E IT ALL r·or ;I\ lhl~ 1110lll l'll! i11 h1s1ory, aft rr ~l'll'll yc:ir:-. ilunng 11•hirh 1hey 11rrl! ti11· 1111(T1111nci l t·lo1111 prince::. of basc!Jall , the p11 ·\un: ha~ 11Te1·oc;1bly th<1ngcd. TJ.,.sr '.\Iris h<11e pitching .. t\nd 11•hrn t)1ry don 't h<i1e µ1 tcliing, they h.11·c h1t- lln~~· They proved during the rcg11la r !'il'<l ·<•11 lhrv hal'(' the former in aces Tnnt Sr.~1 t·r a1;d Jerr.r Koo~n1an and thr.v pro1Td in 1he pln .1·01f St'.'ries !hey h:id ~11? l.1:1·r Sv;11 r r· to1ild11-t gn the d1stnn~'r. J\o(•S111:1n couldn't go tile d1sl;111ce. And ;linnd:iy \.;1r.1· lrr111ry couldn 't go the d1s!:111er. It d1d11·1 n1::1tler. ,\ ,327 t1'ani b;1t.i11 i: n1·crugr look t'are ol c1·erylhing '\l'iH·n Y.l' slilr! h1t!i11g like that," ~;11rl K n1~:011H11L "ll1t•rc's no 1ray anyone 11 goilig 1n br a! us." Aa ron Convinced l\'Ic t~ for Real Nl·:\I' 'J"ii/11\ 1AP1 ~ 11 d11i11 't t;ike .1 threr-g;i1111· ~11·f·p frir !hf· '.\'1'11 York '.\h•;,, t" rDn1·i11(·C ,\1l1111l;i';, !lank Aaron !hilt the ,\ll,ls 1rcrr for rc~d '·J\c :ih1 ::i1s bel!C\t:I\ ·~111 ., i\:1rfltl .~<lid . "C1r1· ~llll'C they 11ad thusr (110 g11~:; St';11cr and l\oosn1;in " • ; ' l Pebble B cftc l1 Gets 011e1 1,:, !101\L'l l'r. ll 11•11s n'\ the !11·0 r-iP11' Ynrk p:tl'hi11g ~l:Jr): -To1n Scarer anr. .lt'IT'I h 1111,1n<111 111:0 ':11<k All;1111:.1 '.s hopr~ (1 ( wi11ni111.: tllr :-i11t11111 o<l l ,r.1~ur pcnna111 It \\'<IS PUii ('!' -,\h.'l !K!ll t r unf(l!'St'.'('11 by ;.111 nnr ·'·it 11;1s h111 l1 1111 ;1.-p1l rh111g :1g:1111~t po1rrr h1111t 1\;;s jll~t ~111gg1ng , n1o~tly by the ,\let~:· :.n ttl i\<ir<\n. who . .;:n1:1shrd 1.11r1·c honier., lo no ;Jva1! as !he Bravt :i drnppcd tlin'.c s1r:1ight. ,, ' • Cri1 s<1,cl <'r s Cc1Jtcel Se<ts o11 ;oil::\\" Yl)I<!\ --l i1r p,;:,: l' ~ np,·11 (;1J\f Cha 111p1r·11~hip 111:1 h~ p!:1;1·<I .111 .,. 1:1 IR at Pi>.bhle l\(\!th 1il1• l S lioH ;\,,,11r la- l1on annuunc<>d 1n,l;1\. t Th (· Open 11 as l:i.st pla~ l'd in C:.il.fnr·111:1 , In \:itlti ll'l11:n llilh <'Li~prr di 11 ::1 ·ii ' Arn<il(I f':1 l11HT ill;.! 1'1:1.1011 ;1( lhr Olylll · f p1r: ('otn1tr1· Ch1!J 111 ~111 F1 .11•1·1•('11 •• r._ \rOHl ESTEll. ~L1·• Tl:r Hull· t Cross Jvot[)nl l ~··:i'on 1 '1l!H' lo an abnqJl ~11alt ~l ond:i1· \\iu·n 11 11.1:--flJ>:r!l\rrod !ll;il ,. . ;-•the enlJrc i5·1 11<.in ,qu:id l:::d c·ontr<1t1 cd -:'°!nftctiou~ l1t·p:i11t1 · {;. For 22 ('r11~a;kr ~1'nl••i·:: :111d ;i n"11• ~'.head co;1l'li, £.:111 \\"htlt"n. tin· 1u·1rs 11 .1~ i!'JUSI .. hi1 rn•)l'I ' d11!11~11i 1 I•\ ~11:dl{\\I'. j.r' ''I don 'I !loillk :l!l,\•1nc l'lc!' ri vrt~C'l\t•d ::=;1 10~· Cru~s-l11011Ja ll \)(•lt t:I' than yuu." r.\\ihilton 1uld h·~ sqi::u! 1n <i 1in11l mct'l in~ ~!that 11·11s nol dt111al ul lt':1r , "~·1.v oplu1u:1 ,_..(If you ha~ nl\1 ·•" ~ \}(.•(·n high . l'vr nc1 ('r •:. ell trcd ii.·• · • L1\S VEGAS ~ < ,11111)('lit1on u1 the ~<t0.000 llO\\<lftl llli~hcs tlpcn Tc11111~ t 1 ·1 111pion~hi ps !tun~ ... rri111:s Tur~d:iy f .:~11111ng ~londu~ "s t'1•l1 IJni~ Chnllc11gl' ~ 11 11 Classic p!11y on tilt F rontier llo!t:l ... \l rlS 1 < lr1 isio n Star llin<:1h Sh••rr 1c;.in1erl J i1n ll '•d l ,;11 rr In dcfc.11 "Ill!"!' l'orntliv ,.l~1tGUl1'1' and J;'ri 111;.in1<Jn U.i\1-; t'uppr r 1 li<e '.\' i• I.~·~ 11 ~ t:)ll!Lil I .;1·. 1 r fii\!Oll'":I I" lup "t':'dt•d ]11 \ht• \••\1!')'1 I , hi .\u~l r:ill...tns Tull) l'.'•l'h" i<t ld .J vho 1\('\1ro1nhr. ,\1'\l11H' ,\-It•' 11[ 1;1t i1- 11111:1d. \ ;1. ,11a: ll 11ll;1pi1 s T<1111 1 l~lq·1· • {(q :,,\1 .1 ,1 ~. {)1'l' -.'\Jill)' Ill 111•11' PlL''l ;~11d six wo11:c11 11t•r1l1·d 1•11ly ~ l 1111 1.•1!'. s 11\ find Ort>J;ul\ S\:111' t •1111 rrs~lv l•lo'.b:ill t:uach IJ~<· ,\n(:ro~ 11111r.(·l•11 1 •'! a th 11nk~:1 Ur11·i11g cii,1rg.' ,\;1,n:la,\, 1~1111!·1)S bl11111t•tl "i·:--1rcrn(' IJ\i'jltc" fnr 1iie lrr;itit· Jr111ng thnt ll'd lo 111:, ;1n':'.•I Aru!r,,s lcstil1cd lhal he :<J'll'lll Ille ('1 r:: ing 11ith :i gronp 11f Pl'!'~~CJ11 ~ •ll a rL.' .wt ;11~d h·~·I 11111 dl'lnko; br:•,rc• d1:rrC'r · :"trl \11<) llK'll'. 111 llll' C()!ll'O:C uJ the l \' ll!P'. l.i'S .<\(:El.ES -1t \\'H" hardh· :1 ~·I('• f'"~' fu l Los A11gel1·~ dch111 IOr 1·11;it·h ,;,, • {\\11ll:ict•1· nnd !J~l' I!!{;~! Lakl'rs. 'j'l1i: ~·a11 Diego f1u('k1 ·L~ ~lowlv e' 1'"!1 1hr ~:ip. look t:ir !c;1d r:1rll· in tlu· 1t111"il 1p1:i!'l1't' ;11\d .~1 l'adll~ 11ull1·1I ;111;1~ t11 111n 1:12.117 • Al -1 (Jl'Jl 'l'A, l'a, ~ The 1.o~ 1\Jlj: 11'~ . ~t;11·s c~pi111!i 1rd 011 pno1· !0~11 ~h°'1111•t• 1,~· Pi!!~hur~h :inrt h<1nd1•d rhl' J)in<'r~ IJir•r fri11r1 h ~l l',!1')11 1\1ner1r:111 1\,1,1;., lh;dl /1.~~11(_·1at 1n:i l".~l11h1!11Jn ll"rt•;it 11:1,1 night. ! ' ,, \\'El WITH JCY -~ :1 '.'1 111·1 '~'il" 11r11 r~ r 1f !11" I !': ('l'•'ll" j1d <'u I .!.1!1 I, ~(ji! !' ,\ 'I' : '[ 't' • ..: ii~ t i1,11l ~j l',1 1: .ll .., 1 1(' l,·1·11 1•1t· .'•~Ill '·',) ,1 ' " .. ' "I' ti, I\' ·~1IJ\ll r 1o 1· '\ \I l'l\t . ii I .~· U'I l!'•~h~to ::11· \•·1('r1c;111 1 11,1••1 e IJl.'1 ltl<.tl1! 'ihc l".,'Y 111 Oil 11-2 I llto;·y . ~l;in·1g1'r L1111u111 Harri:; 111 ,\!l;inta s:11(! hi: Jll~t ditln't kno1v what happened to h1~ 1r;1 i11 ·.~ pi1 ehing. Ile :;;iiil things 1111ght have gern t1 1r- fl'rrnt had vrtcran Ho.vl \\'ilheli n. the .j6- }r:1r·11 ld k111u;kleballrr who contribiJ!t·\I hcn1 ily to the Bra .'es' Septe1nbcr s!rclcll flr11 c in 1hl' \\'es t Dh'i.sinn . hcr.n eligible fpr thr: p!:l)offs_ 1".ilhf'hn 11·;.is oht :11ncd 01111·rii1 crs fron1 tl1I' C:1liforni~ Angels aflcr th e Scµ\. L dcatJ\int . l[ow lo (;cl Tick cb Tirkr!s for Saturrl;i:r night's kry South Coa.~l Couterence football gan1e bet·wer.11 11-.(1 undefeated teflnlS -Orange Coa~t nnd Fu ll t•r1on Collr;!rs at 1\nahei111 Stucl\11111. 11·iH l>c available to the gcner;1 l pub:ic only at !he box office of the Big 1\ t11r nigh1 of the g;unr.. Tl1c. box office 11·!11 orcn nl 6:45 p.m. and tic~cts are $2. R a :r1 Oi1t of Gas--Ralston Sr\'i F!:.\\11"!(\ !\1'1 ('II I' 11 .!11:.,1 l::d ;o 1111 1 ,, 11. 1 -~ "'l 1 • 1' 1 I .. ' , f '11!,1• 1 I 1 'I • , '. 11 :·1 ·ri' ·ii ('O;u·l1 , 111 11 1 1; ,,·1·1~ nnd .\1 1ke l.i•• l 1i.h~'I' uf o .. J ga11 1f'S. \l'ill~i:y said Iii~ defcn~l' .Sl·r1nrd l'lat a,:ninst !lire 111 a gain(~ lhc D\"a1·s dii ::f l \\Ill until thr. final m ln11 lt. 1, 'I •j , I' \1•·)1 ,} 1lr ' lo 1-;1\'o, .. \'lil I ••:') I d'; ~l~+I'~ l_ol,' II! j ;'I, ,, \, 1\r •I Ii.-:, •l l I ·'1!~ P I I'• : ,f I ' 'I\(', '.i 11 ... 1 : .. +11 .1·11.11 1. I,, 1,1 1 1\·1 .··II· 1\.:1.:1 111 I• ii \+11 '11 fl! !' 'II h 'I \• '1!Ct 'i•1. ·1· \ ' 1 .I ' I \ " I' I• I 1' 1· JllL I ' It f ,I • I <1:1 111 • 1 t•I !l1r 11, I '1 111:• 1,1~( ~ +\~f 1 .. I' \' j,, II " ' " " " I' I '.1 ' ·' f'I I II \I~ ( ,/ 11 jl ' " 'i' I i " ! fl I ' I '' ,1 " '' ··" ,I ,,. I L \! r ' ; ll ::· ' ' "" . '· d " ' ,. ! rhlnk the (' "' 1 •'t l Ii ,~·1•1· of '"ill · I'<: Ii J' I \'.ii' 1·1 'II \'i ···I :1 _t dl , r1·t'n +'lC 11 oil.•~' 111 11l!rf' Tlrl' \t rilrr~ n:unr1! l1er1 t·a~!cl:1111'!11 rir 1!;1\11:ird Still!' .1s b:1 Ck nf lhr 11('1•k au•I 1::"1d BPrg,,11·111 :1 u! l'<1tll1!' .t, ll..t·1n ;1n 1.r rhr 11erl, 1 ·:i~lr·t.1ril•lli ,-'t'Clrcd tl11'("(' h111\·IHl(!l111,.-;n a 2J 21 1 lt•ln1·y l'il'C'I' ~.1n Fr:111rbrtJ S1;i;~ 11 li1 '(• Ht'r~~lrnn1 pl'rlnr111c;.rl 11rll .. 1 1l~:r 11~11 r rncl in lhc Tig<'r.,' ·111 ·~1 11(t111 ;1 11,, :' Fr l·~nri St:ttc ' I f I I I I ii ( I I fv, I« 11~ " al th· pl ,,.I Cc ca "' 74 Ir Ri \\'i '" ga ,, " •• " '" VO Oo W• "' " w> " M• " "' " A~ ., II " " '" ,. w< "' •• ... '" G• v. V• .. G• "' •• Co ,, W! •# t1C ~ !d' wt ,, ' " ' ,, ,, " '" \. l-11 "' " ~ II II --------~ .. -~-·· ---~-~ .. ----' . I Getti11g That He11i11ied i11 Feeli1tg J\1i ssion Viejo High School quarterback Ed Gray ( 12) tries to pass- through l•'oothill defenders Rick Haugen (50) and Bob Speicher (3-1 l \Vhile Diablo teammate Bill Davis (55) 1rie~ to block. Foothill cnlised • DAILY' l"ILOf Stoll 1"~011 to a 49-0 halfti me lead and settled for a 55-0 victory. The Diablos h<l\C not scored lhis year. · · Saddleback Coast Aren Football Sta.tistics Leading JC Football Stats Saddleback College's high-gear offens- ive machine built around (jt1artcrback Rod Gr:ives. tailback Toby \\'hippie and tight end l\1arc llardy domina trs the area·s junior college football statistics ef1er the firsl three \Veeks oE play. Saddleback players le<id in all major categories e>:crpt the !'coring colu1nn where Orange Coa st'~ riuarlerback l\1ikc Tamiyasu is the leader \1·Hh .)O points on five touehdo\1·ns. Graves ls sN.'ond \\'ilh 24 points and is the area passing lc<1drr 11·ith 26 cont· plelions out of 46 attempts for 41 5 yards. His favorite ·receiver has been }lardy, \'.'ho has 17 grabs, nearly twice as many as his closest con1pcl1lor. Orange Coa st's Robert Castillo. H01rtl y's 17 catc:l1cs hare been g01.KI for 2;i9 yards and a pair of scorl'S. 111 thc ru.~hing colu1nn. \\'hipplc has a 74.yard bulge on oc·c;·:-; nay n1crirr.!11. \Vhippl c l1as r·nun1ed out .136 yards ll'h1le Ricardo has 262. Graves i.; third in the rushi ng drr!Jy ·with 17~ ya rds. one more than Goldf'n \Vest's Tony Bonwell, v.·ho missed one game. R<t&rdn 1a..,1v~~u M t Vt.' corw•n Pion V~!i,..1Qlit Ou•~"'~ YJ-.~~8 Havn .. 80'""'" Corn,,.,e 8utkl~nd 5n•de• Wi!li<~ ~,.,..;non 8. J01'U Fls<hMi:~ (Mldtrs Grlt!lth V1lb~eM Vtll>u!"• !lon~ll Griffith Hamlll°" Wh1ool• G•••e• "' Fletch•• : S••tlbOrO 8 Tnc-mon Hovi 011,11.JolGI! COAST lhnhlng le y~ vi no! td ,, 'I' 16 111 1 JJ 1 1 ~ 111 .I JI 110 ' 116 1 •'1160 1 JS 0 \\ ~ ? I 0 T 0 ? ~ I • l 0 J1 !11 lll JISOllO ,.., .. ". f'• pc pl yd1 Id pct •1 1C 1 1•1 l •!J J I 1 1 I .JJJ Haupert, ~later Dci High School's onc·t1vo punch of haJ'fhack f\·1<Jrk Dunn and quarterback Bob HauperL has taken over the firsl hvo places in the Orange Coast area rushing statistics after lhe third >M'eek of Lhe season. Dunn rushed for 127 yards In leading !11alcr Dci !O a 34{i rout of Lakewood Fri· day lo take over the No. I spot while ll<iupcr\'s !17 yards against Lake1vood puts hi1n in second. Haupc>rt leads the area in total yards g<iined running and passing ¥:ith 422 yards. And. he's tied for the scoring lead with 16 counters wI1h h1arina's Tony Ven· timig!ia and Laguna Beach's !11ikc Ah· bey. \\'e.<:!m instcr's t::ddie Bane continues first in the passing department in 101 :~1 )3rdage \\"ilh 3!J5 after hilting 11 nr 23 Sa1urday against \Vestern for 19fi yards. Ne\\'port llarbor's Bill Shedd follow~ l'!oscly v.·ilh 353 yards after ripping Santa Ana·s secondary Friday for 205 yards cnroute to a 34·13 v.•in over the Saints. TOP 10 R111h l"'1 1, Dunn (M•t'' Oe\) ?, H•ur>er! IM•tet 0.11 l. '"Pntimi111• (Marin•) '· MO•le< Edl•01') S. Wi•e !Hu01l•"11!0n) 6. WOii ((~to Mt .. l 7, Jolin\On lESl8"t;•} I. (Prd• ~Hun!h•g!Of') o. Oi•on (NeWl>Or1l 10. Abblly (L•~un•l f'OHi1'1 I, l!lant 1w.,1mlm1,r) 1. Shedd !NtWOOrtl 3. 5•em•n \M•rlna\ •. H•ur>etl Ml!tr Dtll 5. Onmer {LllQunal S<orl"9 I, H~uPl•I !MOL Ventlmlolia (Marina!. Abt>ev ~~~~u~~· (::~~; t'.;~a. (rJJ1. M.J:i'1~~' (~~·0s~~ !NHL 5•"'utl1 ~nd Sal& ((dM l. Mani• ICM), H•<hllelO (FVl. John1on •nd "Thom&\ lEstl 11 f8(h. "''"'" S•mU4Pll ~Iller r110m11 Sol• JU(fi!h CORONA DEL MAii U·ll R111hl"1 IC9 "YI 1v1 jlt1 JI I< 1.J ~ 1~ IJ •-.I U 7'> 10 1.l 0 1i'9•,ID • l l •.I 11 I 19 J.6 1 $10,000 Purse Set For OCIR Event Slock championships are on tap Satur· day night at Orange County Internation- al Raceway with a $10,000 purse dang. Jing as bait. Leading the eastern funny cars mak· ing their first western appearance ;1re Pat 'hfinick's "Chl·Town Hustler" (C hi· cago). Terry lledrick's "Super Shaker" 1Dctroit1, Dick Loehr !Lansing, h1ich.J , To1n Grove (Dctrolt1 and Jim Liberman t \Vest Chester, Pa.). All have covered the quarter·mile in Jess than 7.4 seconds at speeds in excess or 200 MPH. J\1iniok narrowly missed the magic six second barrier last week in Wlsconl"in with a rernar·kablc 7.02 -209.30 clock· inii:. Quillifying begins al 3 p.m. roHowcd hy fenture racing fr om 8 to !0:30 p.n1. Dunn Set Pace Mo" I' "rcon~n Krohn M•l le• S~mut's Wolf Man,•- 0~•11 11.~lllV N~vlor l'•ul Vloll Ad..i1on Rlt•,Oo K•llv Ao•••on W~<' !•~I~ ,,. ..... Mo''"• Fun~• w~~n Fu~• P•,..,ond K!oo•" IC•norO•• l!~lcti H ,~o,ov R•v.,,or.d lo ho·~" 11~.~l l/11)mA\ V/~Qt"r ::Othv"l JoY<• ST•wo•~ :>chlllong Shor'' 11>ome< JO.Ct Joi>"'°" Sltw&rd !~•w Ml>O'" H•rl•f<@ld G , V1IDtl•m• Preiev~o H~•Oin Mc!(•""" M&rlln SvoDo<H Gola Mdlo"r H&n•on ArlderM>n G. V•lb~,r.I M&lont S•ObOCI• WIOe e. cero1 Jol~&I t.lovd (r<><~•U Z~llOl~.V MOfO M cCorO H•nu MO.I> "PMv "fl"' Schml!r P•lm" Flal'>;v• $ml!~ ProtK on..,er li1ln1 on mer V•n!i,..1<11'• O'Here l•1~·~ t.•cv Soem•n WI!! Allb01! 5ttrlltn Ovnn 118Ul>et l ... G•U~• M Ut>l t Jftc>,on ll"ioon N•n•v F l\Tnnl~h Gtn111t 1111 ~~­l 1 0 1 ~ 0 0 0 D 1 ' " COST.t. Mf:SA fl.;, 3 Q 1~ •1~ \Q ; IOI .Jll llw>Mng EOl.101' !O·l·O ll11>ht~ le~ "l"I •vg It .. ., ' 1 81 ,i'OO ~ .. l ll .61~ 1l 03l!l)OO I C 0 D ,OCPO I<~ ,,,q 1vg P" <))11•>" 11 •I ~I ! I 11 J I 0 ' 1' l ~ 0 ~ 1) 1& 0 1 ) ·1 0 0 i Q •-•0 D D 0 0 0 6 !(9 nvo •·~ ~" J• " , lll •17 I I D J.I l.O(;D l\TANC1.t. ll·l •ll Ru•Mn9 ...... ,,. I(~ nv~ I VQ ~" ~\ 1.i • I 11 110))~0 "11 A l D 1) 0 l6 .1.1 0 f I~ 7 I 0 • 0 DD 0 I 0 0.0 0 D 0 O.O 0 0 0 0 1tb nyg avg pi. 16 9 Q 10 l.~J 11 • l 51 _?·~ 10 0 0 .000 f'OUNT•tN V,11.ll..EY tl.1? O O ·'""' l'lvll>l"I ltb nyg •vq Of\ II IOI J.I 0 1? I I •,1 ~ ,. , ••. o 11 3< ll 1.0 I o l• J I 1 l15 S.~O ~ ' 1.8 (l l I 7,6 0 J , 1.1 0 l &l.00 ~ 6 0.6 (I 1 6 3.00 2 1 1.0 0 lt b "YI 1v1 ph U IJO ,)JJ 110 10 .116 I 0 1 I ,l)l)O tlUNTINOTON •lAC.H U·lJ .. .,.,..,,,. kb nr1 •vt oh •! 191 •.I I• 3, 161 j ' lt 17 1111 1 0 II 10 l .I 0 • l 1.1 • I l J.O ~ l I 1 D 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 o.o J o o a.o 1 ltb "YI •""I ph t.AOUNA al,11.CH( .. J)S 9 i I• .:1611 Rlllhl"' l<P nyf ••1 pO 16 lll S.1 II 9 10 ).1 0 ' "' 19.0 0 I 71 J,I 0 I • •.0 0 I I 1.0 0 ' 0 o.o 0 l l -XI ·O 6 o 0 0 0.0 ) nv1 ••t '" 501\f •l 1t 11162.00 10217.10 ~ 11 II 6 I ·l •0,6 0 noo.0 1 Q 0 0,0 1 l'•nh1' 01 0C '4 Ydl pc! ., 11 1 18& ·"' MAllJI 011 ()<IJ lcl "Yf •Wf ott o6 1)1 J ,I 11 ~ ns •,1 u 21 •I 1.1 0 2 11 J.66 1 • ·-~ 0 ' ' 1.1 n j J l 0 0 I 1 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 on o.O • H•un••I "-OPllTon ov,,n (•!IQ M"1nn HOl"1e$ t?i~r.on Mo,•no G••v M"''"' ovnc~ Vlot~•n;on Hilhard G••v .,.,.,,. •n•On Oull(h l) .. ~n W•ll•<1 ~.1~ ~n1<1~ ~milti 11e~1e• Bl•nc~•rd Ow•n Herr•~Q ><~nd•,,hOT .£~~ c.-~~-, llfP"" P•~·• Plow~•" G•h<P" MO"" M'N•m•r• Kei"V Ol'>wnJno 8ohe .. ~ Mii~~ Mad<lot~• Wllll1m• M(t.&ug~lln AldrldQt , .. !\ !O ' ' ' . MISSION "llJI) ll.111htn' (Q.,! P•n•nt l<D nv• •vq ph JO 06 • O 0 I \ II 4 I O 2Jl~71 0 • Tl l 0 0 .1 10 ]]0 1 6 1 a o 1~ .I 0 l 0 0 l 0 I O 1 11 11.a o T 0 0 0 0 2 0 D 0 f P• PC pl yd. •le 16 I 1 BJ .lOO 10 ~ l \,1 1C~ >?J 14 .•00 l'llWl'OllT 1'1-fl!IO~ CJ.II llo1llln' !<b ny9 ••W p11 'I II• In ~ nn1•'•1 11 11 17 1 ;oi •?llll 6 ]\ l 1 • 11 I~ 1 • 0 \ 16 l l 0 i 1, 1 ~ n I I I 0 1 n o no • o o no 6 D G 0 0 6 O• Pt pl ~d• P<I ]O 70 I J'l .I'• lO OO .OCO S,11.N t l eMENTE ll·ll Ru1MnQ I(~ "VQ •vq pl• )I fl 1 ~ II 11 61 ' I lo 11 II • ! n l 1l • l 0 ! II II 0 ~ 1 I J J ~ 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 D 0 6 •• OC '4 ydo lt(t IJ • I ~l .)01 1 01 0.1)(10 W!SfM!N,T!R !1·11 R;y1~• ... JC 1<9 ~~• •v9 pit Jl 119 J .9 17 18111 •.3 0 ,. •1 '·' g 113~;.to • 16 ~ . .I 0 l I I 1'.0 0 n oo.011 000.0} ROCKY FLEJCHER Saddltb•ck Twnday, Ottobtr 7, J%q DAILY Pilot. ,lZ Recalling Upset: Tars 7, Anaheim 0 By GLENN \VIDTE 01 !fie Dtll'f l'ltet ltttl It was late October and coming up y,•as one of the football mismatches of the decade-Newport Harbor a g a i n s t Anaheim. 1'he latter was ranked No. I in Southern California, had mowed down five straight foes and was such a prohibitive favorite that odds·makers failed to come up with a point spread. This v.Titer referred to it as the modern day Custer's I a s l .stand in pre-game tilories. Newport had a 2·3 record, including a 40.6 slapping by Sflnla Ana the previous "'eek. Anaheim had lrimn1ed Santa Ana 14·7, earlier in the season. Adding to Newport's v.·oes 'va~ a district ruling which prohitibed the Tars from playing Thursday night-the only night Anaheizn could use its home Stadium. So the tilt had to be played at Nev.•port on a Friday with Anaheim serving si n1ply as host school. That matter was doubtlessly used to fire up the Colonists by physco\ogical warfar e n1aster Clare VanHoorebeke, But'. son1elhing strange happened. Like Newport winning the game, 7·0. Prop\e phoning the DAILY PILOT for re s u lt s v.'ould not believe that we >M'ercn't joking when we said Newport had ·won. It still ranks as the greatest upset in thr. school's 38-year history, How did it happen? \Vayne Hughes,, then head coach and now athletic director at Estancia High in Costa h1esa, recalls it vividly. "\Ve adjusted _our 1lefense from a straight Oklahoma to a 6-1·1-3. We had a licebacker (\\'ade Pearson) behind a linebacker (John Weber) and our fou r in· side men up front were shooting the gap and jumping around. "They lined up dHferently each time. So v.·e were abl!!. to mess up their tAnaMim's) trap blocking and let thes. guys (Steve Powers, Mark Chapman, Darrel Metzger and Mi ke Ober) clean up, which they did admirably," Hughes recalls. "We (the coaching staff) felt surt\ Anaheim would adjust to our defense a t the half. But they never did." Anaheim v.·as shoved a r o u n d ha ndsomely as they vaunted Colonists were limited to J.f yards net rushing lor the night. Newport's touchdo\vn came late in the first half after Powers had smacked an Anaheim ball carrier. forcing a fumble at the Colony five . PO\\'ers also recovered and three plays later Ober had knifed of f tackle for the touchdov•n. \Veber ran for lhe extra point. "The kids were so emotionally in volved I knew we 1•:ere going to win it," Hughes r elates. "Even when Anaheim had first and goal a\ our rUne (in the third quarter) I wasn't too concerned .. \V• threw them for' fou r straight losses and took over ort our 31." · Anaheim made one last gasp in th• closing minutes. The Colony passed to tha Newport 25. But two ensuing lo.,ses, a knocked dov.•n pass and then Todd He s• deflected a throw v;hich Chapman in- tercepted. Now, si:t years later Newport hat anotlier shot at the Colonists, who art again home· team and ranked No. 2 in the CIF. And }!ughes says he'll ht at La Palma Stadium Saturday night to watcll tho duel. Most of Ne~·port's team thi1 year played Bee football under Hughes. "If Anaheim plays like it did against Hunlington last week, Newport might have a· pretty good shot. But if Anahi:im plays lik~ it did against Redlands, it'll,b• tough," he concludes. Scl1ille1· Tabs Fulle1·ton To Sl1oot Dow11 Pirates By JOF.L SCHWARZ Of I~• D•ilv l'!ltl $!11! In 111'0 weeks of football. Cypre~s College coach Car! Schiller says he's been hit 1•:ith everything hut the kitchen sink. And hc·s right. All he v.·a~ asked lo do tn his first two games was play Fullerton and Orange Coast co\leg~s. the second and fi [lh ranked teams in the stale. Those h1·0 just happen to col lide Satur· day night at the Big A as the South Coast Conference seas('Jn opens and Schiller ii the logical man to compare the ty;·o J)O\.\'erhouscs. Ho\\·ever, \'.'hen a man has been run over by tv.·o auto1nobiles, he doesn't W('Jr· rv alxl11!. 11·hich one hit him harder, he JLls! figures he·s lucky lo still he aH1·e. And Schiller is in that fix after seeing his team absorb a 5.'l·O drubbing from Fullerton and a 23·6 whipping from Orange Coast lle's loalh to make c:ompa· risons. "'It's difficult to judge the tv.·o teams. ''But if I was a beting man, and I'm not, I'll bet on Fullerton." Schiller bases his opinion Qn three fac· tors. depth, a 1~inning tradition and a quarterback named ~1arv Ov.·ens. "Fullerton just has more depth. There isn't much differences \\'hen they take one man out for anothrr . They just don 't tail oH and Jn some positions thty are t hree deep," he says. "And they have that winning momen· tun1 going for them and that's ahvays a big factor ." Schiller savs quarterback o....·ens has impressed h·im more than a ny othe r player. "Everytirne he goes back to pass they also have a running play in the works: He tan re ally run and if his receivers ar.e ('ovcred or there's a busted play, its Katie bar the door. the way he runs." On Orange Coasl's plus side .of .the ledger is the Pirates' ad vantage 1n size, according to the Cypre:ss boss. "\Ve played those teams under entirely different conditions. "Our game 11·ith Fullerton Is a big rivalry, just like lhe 0 range Coas\,-Golden \\'est game. \Ve played Fullerton in an opening game and then faced Orange Coast whel) they ·had one game under their belt. Stars GEORGE FOLLETT Or•ng• Coast oi .. \Ve changed our style of play quite a bit for Orange Coast and added a fe1f "'rinkles. to our attack v.•e thought woul4 help. Unfortunately they didn 't." "I just can't measure one team against another. It's like comparing score.!. There are too many variables to be t.akl!ll in account,'' Schiller says. ''\Ve played better in our second game against Orange Coast. But it was a cas1 of knowing what errors y,•e had alread• made and correcting some of them, ,not because Orange Coast was a lesur team." The Fullerton·Orange Coast gam1 should be a great one. I'm only sorry w• have a game the same night ~ause J'd like to sec the one in the Big A,'' he 3lY"- Orange Coast 5th, Saclcllehack 4th Undefeated Orange Coast College \·au!led five notches into fifth place in th• latest r Mkit1gs of the state's large junior colleges as compiled by the Juniot College Athletic Bureau. And in the small college rankings, Sad· dleback, which won its second straight game, moved up one spot to fourth, .A.head of Orange Coast in the lar,1:a school poll arr, in order. East Loll Angeles, F'ullerton, American River and Bakersfield. The Pirates could challenge East Loi Angeles. \\'hich has a bye this v.·eek, fot the lead if they can get by FuHerto" Saturday night in the top junior co!leae game in the slate. Orange Coast, already has knocked on9 of the previous top five rated learns ou• of the rankings. Harbor College was flftll last week. but the Pirates' 21·20 victorr dumped it out of the top 10. UIOI ICMOOt.S IMAll.. ICNOOt.I 1. EaSI l A Cl ·Ol 1. Col. o! RedW<l0<!3 13.df 1. Full•""" 1:i.01 1. R••dler ti~a J_ A"'ll!rlt•• "tlV~~ (J.0) :;, Yue. ().~ •. B•ke.,11•\d tl.01 '· SeddleC•Clf. !:l·IJ ~. Or•nll" Cc.st I J·OI ). lionco<k 11·lt I. VtnNtl Cl.0) '-Ml. Slln J1clnlo C?·ll 1, Mod~•• IJ.Ol 1. G1vlll• !1·1) '· Rlv.,,1159 (.J.01 I. 1-ltl \lllleY 11·'1 ~ C•<fi!O• (2·GI l, N•Pt (!.\) JG. f'1s.Oent (1-111 lG. !Ml Cu.,.!t !,,,, Mlrt Cool• (1 ·11 Week I . ____ , NOEL PAULSON Gokl•n W••t ' j ' • ·-~------.... --------...-------------------------------------------.... - J 8 DAil V PILOT Pilot Pigskin PICKEROO Co-Sponsored by DAILY PILOT BE A PROPHET FOR PROFIT In Cash For Each Week's First Place Winner 10 Voit Footballs (or ather Sports Equipment l each week Be a pigskin prophet. Pl•y the DAILY PILOT Pickeroo game for weekly prit es. W inne r e"c.h week receives $1 0 cc'lsh a nd a Vo it Collegiate footb.iill !suggested retail price, $10.95) or prize picked irom list of other Vo it quality sporting goods (no prize under $10 re- tail value !. Watch for this pl11yer's form each week ITuesdil ys o11 nd Wednes d"y~) in the DAI LY PILOT Sports Sec- tio n. Circle t he team s yo u think will win in the list of 20 g ames and send in the pl•yer's form or reason- a ble fa csi mile. Then watch t he DAILY PILOT sports pages for each week's list of 10 wiri ners. RULES l , S11bmi! 111•1 enlrv bl•n• er a rt5;0n•I>•• !"<i•m•I< 10 ~nlor !hr <Onlr>I. J. ~en~ to· PllOT PIG~l(l>j l'l(l(f:llOO CONTE ~r. ~'10th ~Plrtmrfl!, P 0 , BO.( 1$00, (Cl'• M~'~' (d ~C:.i. ~' fntto" mu•! be ctrl°""'"° /tlf m•<I c• •1 P*'>Cn IC Ot..ILY PILOT Ollo(e l>V ~ II m T hu<>d•r. S w. J V<;;.t Qu'""' C"I> ~"d C•K Y PllOT ,..,~CV~ •r.d !~rir ;,..,. 111· 1111(.ll(Ell dnO CllOlt6 OF Pll'llE D.!I~•> musl br l+llt<I In ~r , ••••••••••••••••••• ! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -• • • • • • • • • • • Circle teor111 y1>u thl11k will wi11 tlii• Wffk'1 qo111e1 lho111e reain 11 MCand 011• li1tecll Rams vs San Francisco Purdue vs Michigan Standford vs USC LSU vs Miami (Fla. l Oklahoma vs Texas Orange Coast vs Fullerton Saddleback vs Col. of Desert Golden West vs Santa Barbara Newport vs Anaheim Mater Dei vs LB Wilson Laguna Beach vs Foothill Santa Ana vs Westminster Huntington Beach vs La Quinta Corana del Mar vs FtlL Valley Loara vs Costa Mesa San Clemente vs Villa Park Magnolia vs Estancia Mission Vieja vs Orange SA Valley vs Ed ison Marina vs Western • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8 11( l;ll i:.l'-(Q -/o,' \iofll c~ !lot 1010 t>U",•r cl P~·"'• 1<c•e-s • • NAME • • ADDlt[SS • • CITY • "' PHO NE SEl . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"'-~~ a C HOICE O F Pltll £ ! Check 011e, circlt' swi"' rh11l1el • [l Sw1111 Fl111 I ~ Eier<l1e Iii! • S M ML l XL !: Tether loll r ' Fcotboll I 1 l at.kttball • • • • • • • • • • • ii•••••••••• w •••••a a al W 01nan Wins Ne t Title J\fary Radabaugh of Hun· tingtoo Be a e 11 successrutly defended her \\'estcrn U.S. harcourt tennis championship in the women's single division last Sunu;!y in Las Vegas. She defeated Eve I y n Jlousemr1n of Los Angeles in straigl1 t sets, 6·1. 6-4, on the courts ;it the Frontier Hotel in the ch:.1n1piunship match. AUTO-MAN TRANSMISSION & ENGINE s•PECIALISTS COMPLETE MINOR SERVICE Che .... fluid, Adjust bendt. S.t link .... ci .. n t ump .. KrMn, ,.._ P•" •••kel Rep!K<I fHUr. ftoed '"' & 36--pOl"t chKk 10,000-MILE GUARANTEE .•. $24.95 TRANSMISSION LEAKING? ln•t•ll ri.w Mal (front or •M r) $13 95 with NOlltfec:tor)' 1w1hln• .• , , • • f•.. ,....,Coll MITO·MM COSTA llllSA JIJI --&4>-0900 I FULLERTON C2lll~27-5456 m < .. ,.,...__ l26-6697 ,.. OCC, Tars U11derdogs ~ Prep Grid Stars of Week Blair Top CIF Team, Wins, 60-8 Saturdav •' ' 'J1lere are onlv two un· defeated football ie:ims left 1n the Orange Const area - Orange Coa!.1: College and Nc"'port Harbor High School -and if the odds on this \\'eek's gan1es are acturate there will be none after Satur- day night. Uoth area teams head up lo Anahein1 for key Saturday night gan1es and both will 1nakc the tr!p as underdogs. Orange Coast 1neet.s un· defealc<l Fullerton J uni or C-Ol!ege in Anahci1n Stadiun1 <Jnd U1e Pirates \viii be on the short side of the spread of six points. Nc"A'l>Ort 11.'.l rbor, nieanwhile \1·1JI be at La Palma Sl;1diun1 in Anahcin1 facing unbeaten Anjhcun High. The Colony is a nint.'·point choice. In the 011ly inter.area game of t!1c w~l'k Corona del ttlar aud Fountain Valley clash Jn ;111 Ir vine League g a n1 e . Curona de\ Mar is a one-point cluiit t:. The odds. 11•n" c••< ~•" r <•nc»cc n1 IJ P vravl! D.,. Ml(h<g.t" D• I l..l~C cvrr '.>••"'c•O by i LSU O••t Ml•ml bY t. l•••' cuer Okl•"Om1 b• 1) F ullr•!"" ovrr O••ll!I• C03>1 bv • ~ft<l<llMl1Ck cvft (Ollf!\lf cl lh• Dr•rrt b• 10 Go~n Wo~t OVft !.1nt1 B1tb<l<1 by " An1hrom O••• NfWl>Cr! b• 9 Foo1Mll c•er L1gvn1 Bfd(h b• 1~ Wr•tmln,I•• c••• S•nT.t An• b• o Hu"11,....1on Bo•cn c•01 L• Qvin1• bv '° Coron• Dtl Mir ever Fountoln Vlll•v "' ' LOJl•I ov•r Co1t1 Mr1• by t Voll• P•rk ovrr S•n Clemon!• bY 12 M1onoh1 ovrr ("1n'1• by l O••nvt cVf• M<"lon Yorio hy )9 '.>1n1& Ano Yllll'Y O•fr Ea.1c" b• l We1!rrn o>'lf• M'""" by l Newport Ra1U{S 4th 111 Co1111t v • The orlicial list o[ the 1ori 10 Orange County prep foJ\b~1 !1 tea ms has little ch:inge \\1th al l of last 11·eek 's entries fl'· 1nn!ning on the roster Only Garden Grove-li>~t. nnd thnt a tough 18..tl ~ct hnck tw l...oyola, d r o p p 1 11 g !ht• Argonau ts fron1 th ir(! 10 !'il Xlll Jn The poll. Ne1,1•port Harbor nio1 cd into fourth after il'l nin1·inc1ng 34- I:I 1vin over Santa Ana aod t•oothill took 01°er l'ighth aft- f'r a 55-0 blasting uf l\lL~!.11111 \"icjo. The ranking~ figure to be shufflcc! lo sonic cxt rnt next 11•cck 1vi1t1 No. 1 Anal1f'i111 hosting No, 4 New1>0rt Sntur- d;1y night. Coach \Vade \Valls' Sailor<; arc nine-point unden!ogs 1n a game !hat rould dccJ1le the Sunset l.A!ague cha1npt-:)nship to.1aLcr Dei n1ov<'d in1<1 filth :ifter ripping L..1ke11·00tt. 3·1 fi, 1:-ist week but must C•Jme h:irk "'ilh ~in cncountrr 111\h [_.(Inf'. Beach \V 1lson Fr1<Lny al lt1c Bruins' fi eld. Loara·s No. 2 r:it,.,-1 S1x0n~ eoul<t Uc 111 hut 11 <ltf·r 111!1 1 up~tart Custa ~l l':-,a Friday night at Newport. TOP 10 1. Anahei1n !3·0J ~·1 ~. IA1:ir,1 <J·fll -17 :!. 1'rl•V (:J-0\ ;;J 4. Nl'\\ port 1!:1rh(1r 1 :1.01 '.!'.l 5. J\1 Jl t'r Oe1 !2-l l 2 I fl . Gardr·o Gr11vc !2 I 1 2r) 7. K:ilella (3..()l 1:1 8. Fooihill !3·0) i:i H. Servile (3·0 ! II JO. Sonora 13-0J 4 , KEITH SAMUELS Corona del Mar BlLL CHAMPION Fountain Valley PAT HERNANDEZ 1\l:iter Oci Casev Wi11 s F ur \\ C(·t,, • the s(·cond slraighl fl nt· entrJ.nl pick('(! !8 1\ 1nnt·rs lur :l rlc:ir-tt1l victory in the DAILY l'!LOT's Pigskin i'ICkl'rOO fwtllall c_'1)n1l'SL ·1•n1n C<1St:.)' o[ Corona dt•l ;'1!;1r 11·t1 ~ thr· w·1nnc r (lf lhc SlO t<Jsli pr!lf' :ind a \'01l sports produrt <ii l11s choice. Ile is ~J.:;o th<' f 1r~t \\lnncr fron1 u111 ~1dc 11( Costa ~lcsa. ·rh<' 40 tcan1s 1n\'olved in th e third t\"l"t:k t'Qntest scored 762 points . :\ 1 .. uil nr 12 p:.irl 1r1pan1s JJll'li(•1l 17 \\'1nnt'f" 11·1(h place· l!H'tll II\ !hi· !01) JU dCll'nniried !iv .1 1l1fft•rc·ntJal bctv.•cen 1~1inl~ :-.L·111•t•1 I ;ind po inls hlH'~"td !•11 1hc rntr; blank. llth1 ·r 11 ;111 u·r~ 111clutlt'<I · ltay I) Ai.:o~ti110 1CurunJ 4!1·l '.\l ari, 1 'hr1 ... r\Ul'f t .'\r•.1 port 11.irbor I, \unt1 U11ruck1 l I. .1 g u n .1 H•:irh \, Bob n(1ri:. 1Cos1:1· i\14 •,.,11 , J):1<(' ill ,1 r ! ins on I P,,i\1)11;1 l ~];ll\fl I. S :;J II d l i'.l l"~·:1rl.1ntl 1Lagu11a Beach1, l.l"oi 1'.+':;;1•1 1 Costa ;\lcsa), San· dy lJ;,iv1s 1 Co~!a r.1c!':l) and J{os" l'a111t o11 (Cos ta J\1csa) . PACIFIC INDOOR l aa1 ,AMERICA'S BEST FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT ... :,:".i· ~r~~o ~:.~,r ••1 •_'; .::•, ;.._ •• :: ; • ::; ... :.:= .. ~ : .... TICKETS ON SALE NOW!! •••· & iii., I p.n>, s .. n., 1 • 1 pm. O•~. 11~m. 11.00: Ill••· 11.001 ll.!O/t4.00/l,.OO. u ""a U!Hle• '• P'""' •II "'"· T1<tt11 ., v. c. ll1nt 1 In Otlllft ro~nty1M~!U•I Tl<l ol Ag1nc~1Co.,,pll<ltl/C­ .,..,111>n ,..,, .... fl<~•I OIUt•· IU ·>COCI, Of ·-... "-••n-. 1Un>~ Mv1IOl>f ""d cJ>Mlc I• lllOOlO, 100 W. K_.TlLLA, AltA• lfl!IM '""1. THIS FRIDAY /SATURDAY /SUNDAY ~~~ • q E.'I&• CONVE NTI O N 't?.'l-,,~ rmCENTER 1 1·1·1t·li·l.l 1·1W I I l·Ii!\i(·l,I ,11, I KIM WOLF Costa J\Ie1a FRANK HANSS Huntington Beach BILL SHEDD /\"e \.\'port 1-larbor ROCKY WHAN Edison STEVE PALMER Laguna Beach MIKE COJT San Clemente DAVE JOHNSON Eli tan cl a ...... ~ ........ _.... ..... • STEVE MONAHAN Marina MARK WILBUR Weslminster Anaheim High School was knocked out or first place in the CIF AAAA Top 10 football p o 11 fCJlf' the rirst Ume this ye a r, despite winning, as Blair'i high.scoring machine took over fir.it place following its 60-8 massacre of lowly Bur· roughs. Mater Oei and Newport 11arbor, despite e I c e 11 en t showings, did not crack the top 10 list. The Monarchs r I p p e d Lakewood. 34-6, but were only acco rded 12 poirrls -good for 12th place behind vanquished Lakewood. And Newport Harbor's 34-13 win o\'er Santa Ana ap- parently went unnoticed, with the Sailors picking up on ly two points, good for a tie for 16th. """" 1. !lll lf !l-01 11~ 2 • .....,.nrlm (:J.0) 1 1~ J. 51. Poul !:H'I) ICI ~. L<>volt Cl·Ol !S s. Loo•• !l-01 51 6. $Mil• Bare..or• tl.Ol 51 1. 81•mP A,,.,.I (3-0) JO l. P1•adene 43.0) '' t . El R1"cl>C (2·11 19 10. Arl'tlYC (J-0) 11 Ome•3: Lt kewood 16, M•l•r O•I 17, co ... 01"" '' Lc"ll !lt1cn Poly 7, R•mono &, Leng !l~ach Wll>Ctl. Mllltltan e t>d NewPCr! Ht tbct 1. (tntt n"ll l El Mctllt '"° Tho<N'~<l 0 1k1 1. ... 1. Sot/th P•••dena !J..Ol 1:\o l. Rolll"ll Hiii• (:Mil ir~ 3.. Foolhlll (:J.(t) f l ~ Excelolor !2.0-11 64 5. Bonll• fl-0) 6? 6. Gar~en Grcvl 17·11 51 7. 5!. Jolin ll"""o f1·1l ~' ~. Ttm"6 Cltv tJ•I) 3.~ "I. L•wen !3.01 V 10. Glrn!lora ()·0-ll 1<; Ol~ers: wrn Co~lnt 14, Monttlt lr 1', C•btlllc 10, Gonnn1 J, Nett t nd Trev Oilers Run Past Edison Jack McQuown led the Hun- tington Beach Oilers to a 24·33 cross country victory over Edison Monda y in a non- league dual meet on the Chargers' course. ~1cQuov.·n finished far ahead of the fi eld in 10: 16. 'The ne~I man to hit the tape v.•as also from Huntington, Joh n J\luliin~ in 10 :51. CdM Poloists Win 9tl1 Tilt ~l ike Donovan, 10:54, John Wes ton, 10:58 and fll i k e Alvarez 10:59 ran three, four <ind fi\'e for Barry Lcigh'i Chargers. Hy STEVE Ai\"DREWS Ot I~ OoilY Pilot Slit! Corona del l\tar's unbcnlcn Sea l\lngs stopped vis1t1n~ An r1hein1, IO-;>. ;ind Esl;inc1 a bowed lo Bolsa Grande, 8-6. in non·lraguc \l'<Jlcr polo action J\1 ond;iy. L:orona, v.·inncr of nine spree in the final stanza ;1g::ii11st Bolsa Grande and subset1uen!ly Jost the game. The Eagles and J\l aladors h:ittlcd on even t c rm s throughoul the first three quarters. The two schools scored t\\'o in first, one in the second and blanked each other in the thi rd. However, Bolsa Grande took advantage of the Eagles in the l::i sl quarter, ou tscoring them, ~J . \\'ard Saunders, L a r r y Granzella and Larry Blat· lcrman each scored two for Estancia. Other finishers v.·ere: Stan Davenport 1HB), 11 :00, Dana Babin (1-lB). 11:05, Man! l\1itchell, (1!8)1 11 :08, Dod Bateman (EJ, 11:09, Joe \Vheele r (118), 11 :21, Phil McGee (HBJ, 11 :27, John fl1 C'Clure (E), 11 :29, llarry l!inton (E ), 11 : 40 and Chri' Poage (E), 12:47. !ilr;1ight th is season, put in ------------------- ft1·e goals in the fin al period to gain the \'icto ry . All 1hi s ac· livi ty came after the Colonists had tightened the score at S·J \\'llh one period left. Scott Ncv.'con1bc was the leading scor!'r for the Sea Kings. tallying five times Bret Ucrr1ard punched in three ~oals \\'11h Bra d Jackson ond Bruce Dl<tck adding o n!' opictc. N<'x t on th e hsl for coach Cliff lloopl'r"s <•quan1cn 1s IJowncy . The Sea K1nl!s tr:ntl lo the Viking pool "'1th ga1111• tune slated for 3 :1~1. llosl l·:siancia f111i~hcd on 1hc short end 1n t he c<:coring TURN IN Turn in at Texaco f or some rea l savin gs-six: 12-oz. boltles of Pepsi for only * 55¢ plus t ax (and deposit). You get it with any purchase .• , at pa rticipating Texaco Retailers. But hu rry- they 're going fa st~ So turn in at Texaco- t od ay. •suggeYed Retail Price. .. • Now! Buy Seagram's 7 Crown half -gallons and save $1.10. i ' I I From Oct 1 through Nov.30, 1969 1 you pay only $11.39 for :.·1 each ~·gallon of 7 CrOW'I · instead of $12.49 • Oon't miss this big saving on America's favorite whiskey. -............. ~ ... . Say Seagram's and Be Sure. ' . •• d"t! ' 0~1. llllOl '" ''"" .,ftO• I~ I S ' ,, ,., M•te Oo Nola 1>ertt ~~e"" "•m• ''n'" in. 1 IOF P NOT I •o " '" "" D•l• ... t ir11• l>rlol; l• ~u• 1>t 1l li ly<J~ 111$~~ ,., c ' ·u•t <our! l y or Oo· .ll lC 11!1 S{iull T••: Aflot •• Sooir r,r D•~•· "' ',,.;:11 1•111 • "' ,.,,,~ r• mo " . vouc~ ,,, H Co•cr 911~1 undt• 10• • ""~! no•;c 0• "'' ,~, JOI I ,.,., T•I: A!!Of '"' ~·ote l •6t '"' ~Ullo• ·~i. J i r ·~' p ~t r• '" •o ! •• 51.1~ Oo "vCh •no-, " " " ~.,,.1 "" (•I" ••• . . " , .. " ' '". •• "'" "' "' l 11! , . . ,b\ ',. _.N[ ""' "'" '"' o .... '" !,•I' ""' "" " 0 l"nh '" ST•! '"' ,, <· ,, ,. ' ,, , .. "~· LEGAL NOTICE --- LEGAL J\OT!Cl:: NOT IC I! lO CREDITORS SUPEltlDll COUlllT OF THE STATE OF CALt/'OllN!,11. FOii THE COUNTY OF Ol.t.NOE (Sliltt of D•-••••d No, A·U llt WILLIAM W lA,YlOR, Jll! tlOTI([ IS H ERE!V G!V[N 1o tnt rrr~llor\ or I~• •<love ri•m•<I de«•a .. ~1 1t11t •II p•,sm» ri1v1n9 clil•m• •9••n~! me ~•.<! <1•c•<1•d "" •toulrea to Ill• 1n•m Wo!!'I In• n•<•'l•'> voucn•" '" In• olllcP M •ne cl"~ o! •ne abo<v• t nr.11e<1 courl er lo P•P>to! 1"•m, vil!n in• n•c•'.'l•Y ~"""'"" to me undt,.loned "' tnr cthc• ot HAH~I & HAHN, /l!lornrvc. ~0! E1• I Co<o""" l!eul••••<:I Po11<1•no, C~l11o•n·~ ~·1~1 W~IC~" lro• DI•<• <I t>u• n•' ol 111• •·~d"""'"ed 1n .i1 men•n ~~''•lnlnn lo I~• ••lol• ol •~Id d'<•d•"I, W•!tlln lour '"'"'"' •"" I~! II>;! oubhc11Ton ol l~lf .. ol•(• Oa!ed SeQtorrt•r l< 1111 1, ••~·H•I Aa1mo f,•ylor f r e.u;,,, of 1n1 w111 o• !ti• ~~ve nom~ Oe<!d•r• MilMN & Miltll't ii» Rl<~ortl G i'l1~n JOI 1111 C:1lor1do l lvtl P n1tlen1, Ctlf"'r~lt '11~1 T11 nui 1•• tin .ill!orn•v• !0< E•o<u!r" P~blo"1•d Or1r~· (~-'! Olli• ~1lol. ~·0!1mbor JO 1ra Oc!ot•r 1. 1• n. l06t ltU '9 LEG AL NOTICE Li::GAL NOTICE ''• (on,.n!s-<>~ fAPl''1 AU1>u'1 Jl, 1971 Puo11,~ .. d Oran~• Co•.i D•nv Pill'! S•Pt~mDrr JO O>ld OtitDn 7, I•, 11, !Ht ll!lt9 LEGAL 1'0TlCE LEGAL NOTI CE LEGAL !'\OTICE p,,,, l!!I u CElfl ~ICAT f 0~ l \HIH I SS . " VW Stlll High Toy otci Goes Up lri Auto l1nports DETROIT /AP) and C11 lf Cua~ls, which he :;r11rl Ger11H111y'li Volkswagen, stilt l auscd a sales t!!'Oll ot 2:>,000 easily 1hc bC'St sc>ll1ng for<'1gn Volk:;>1agcns !or tl1c 11ua1 trr rar 111 the L111ted St11t c~. ha s IJ\ th!! 11 111£• llu' cu1 r~11t hlld a :;ales s!un1p <ind 1,1ccs n1udcl )c111· l'11(h u11 Ot! lti . s l i [ f c r i.:un11it.•t1!io11 11 Otll H.1iltun prcdiclcd. \'\\ snh.;s <lU[tJfll,lkCTS lil Jt1pa11 ulld II tlJ 11llll11X'r <Jb<IU( "1.!7 000 - Uctioll. inure tlian l,!IOO f1bo1c 1l1c 1Jun 111: !he tlr~t nine n1un1h~ lt11nparablc Pl'111Kl !Jsl 1eai of 1969, Japan's 'royo!a has 111 Lu~t ~cu r \'oll:,111111cn 1n- crc,i~cd its US sales by ~~ trl>!.!ucerl as 111·11· l!nl'> 111 pcrtrnt uit•r the :;an1e period Septcrnbci ;ind c•talll1:-.hcd a tn J9'.i8 \\"Hh 93 .~~7 salt> .... It rClord ol :)lli20 u1111 ... ales l1«•re1t into the No 2 po1iLl1on lntrodlll'liun 11( 1lt·11 hnes lor :unong i rn po r ! s , rc pla{'111i; Volks11·agc11 llt1~ ,\'c,ir 1 s General .\Joto1~· G c r m a n -:;cllcdulrd Jor n11U-Oc1nb~r inade Ope!. Sa far this 1t-.1r l ar 11n1101·1 ~ Anoth~r Japall<'se 1na1->e. _ includ111g Opel. Fiat. \ul111, Datsun, hac1 an est11n;H~1 58 :\!crcedes Beuz. H r n ::i u I L , percent 1nt·1c.i~r tu s:J.709 Bl\!\\', S1nlc:1, S.1nh 1111c! vthc:1·, :sa!f's and took Ol'Cr th11 No ~ _ li:11r .1c•u~111t\•d JiJr 8'.!7 ~OU spot 11 llll'h hilt! belonged tti ~alt'S 1n 1\111?nca 1 .. 1 ~1 1 r ar Hrit1~h Lcvli:111d 1narkcters uf thn>ugh Sc)ltlll1hi·1 :;.ilcs 11crc 1\IG, Au~tln, Jaguar. H111·er iti7 700 and Trl111nph 'I hc l1npor1 s :l l to1111lcd !l)r tJf th\' lut.il J 1t1H'~ Hyan. 'I uyol<.t"~ ass:~-1 t K [Jcrl't'r1\ lnn l n<1l1on:il sales n1:1n?.gcr 111 Arner1e,1n s1Jles llu s year evin· the L'n1tett Stairs .• ~;ud the pared to llJ 9 a vcar agn 1111111hcr flf de;:ilers handll11g Hcie's how sul:!s ot !hr l\lp TuJolns Ila~ 111crc11scd lr<11n cs e.1rs and tnn f1,rel ,.r11 128 on Oct 1968. lo i52 on ni~kC'~ cninparf'd dur111g th(' Oct I. l!l!i9 lilnri: 11npol'tlln1. l1rsl nine 1ll111nths ul l!Hi!l :ind he adds. tilt nu1nb"r (1! 191i~ dealers handl1nli To111t.~s only r:t•nt·r.11 '.\\utJr~ 3,32ll.2J9 111 has gunc 110111 .129 !.1 406 19!i9 and .I ~29.tiJ'! 111 HIG.~ T11 0 An1rric;in "11to111okers Fnrd, l.i19,060 :ind 1 690,612 arc now market in~ cars prit·fd Chri. slf'r. 1 o 7 o , s 3 J and under $2.000. Forti'5 /lla1:-nck 1,160.328: \·0Jks1,ragcn. 396.993 has a rnanulncturrr's s!I,:!· and 1Ji.2UR . ,\rnf'rican '.\lotors. ges!e<! retail pr ice of $\,99S 185.i9l and !~IS 226 : To\'ota, ilnd Amrr1can 1\lolor~· Hornet 93.427 ;ind 48 13~ OprL 77.52~ IS J)flCec! <ll 5)991. and 6:.,904 , 0,l!S\111 Toyota's Corolla filurdoo r Jestunaled l 6'!'jlJ9 and 404.12 sect.in h;is iln a1cragc LS. Briti sh Le.1land. S1 Bi:l and pntr or $1.ifl() 46 418 F1:H 31306 :ind 23.992 The a1·erai:c nH111uf ... ctu1er s \nho 27 .607 and 29.62:'> p1 1cc for a tour -d oor sedon u1 , ____ _ To) o ! a'~ bread-and-huller ~er lf'~. the Corona, is ~2.0C6 T]le pl lLC {11 .1 SliHJtl,lld Vol~s11·,1ge 11 B1 cllr 111 Ne11 \'111k I~ Sl.i!ID . ----···· Tu!sdJY. Octobtr 7, l CJe,'"J (/ !I'll tTI ANC.I WOlll> • MR.MUM ' '.::;, .. ., ..... ..._ DAILY PILOT J~ OJ F ire Lo ss Drop11i1i g· Biit Not • lit GOSTON l.Jesp1 te :111 1J1en1ll drll\l 111 the nuinl.X'r o! l u\'~ 111 lhc Lni lrtl Sl<1tcli 111 l!Hill. rire~ at S('hools :tntl CCll- k·gl's rose sharp[\· the ;'\a- 11011.11 f'lre Protec!1011 Assoc1.1- 11u11 \!\FP A\ announced today 111 Its annual report The assoc111l 1on said 1n- t·t·11d1;ins1n "·as "a sub~tanti:il l.'l1'10r ' Ii.I the 10Crt:::'1Se u( ~lhoul fire~. of \1h1ch rhrre lll'l t: ll 200 1n l9fl8 eompa1cd 1111h ~.700 111 196i. The cost ol '<l'hnol t1rrs ro~e fro1n 548 " n1 lll1on in 1967 to ~51 O 1nill!on Scliool s 111 l!Hin School lircs 11r1e an r:i;- 1·cp1!on l!> a ~l'nr1 '11 trend. ho11c1·l'r. whith sho11cd the L'n1\ed St<11es ··1toinl! ,,lightly be!le1 than holding 11 ~ OI\ 11" 1n prc1en11ng fires, the a SSQ(;L3· lton :;:ud. Total ltres deercascd 1.2 pet'ten1. flam to 2 363.000 and fire falal1\1es 11ere do11n by JOO lron1 a 1967 LOt<ll of 12.200 1t1·cs lost Total property Joss throul,(h lire, ho11·e1rr. rose 6 6 percent to $2 25;) bilhon \•olks11,1gc11 s;1l1•s slipped h~ 9 2 percent durint; 1ht' IJr r;t nine n1011lh~ of the )'Car to 391.i .~93 ton1r,.i1~d 111th 437.203 111 1!168 1\tlh\lr R.ailton. \'ic~ president of \'t1lks11agrn nl A111cnt 1. :;111'1 the firm's share r,f 1utal L1 S c:1r sales has ~incr hec11 :-1cad1lv incrcss1ng 111 /\IH!\1~1 Of !!US ye<lr, he ~aid . \'\'.' l :lpture,i ~1~ percent nl t~r 101al l: S mi.lrh('! Look what you get when you open 1ta11lo11 noh"<I th:ll 1hr fir<.! <1unr ll'r or lir c·ur renl niodel \car 11as inarketl bl' lu11~ dock Strikes on the L" S r::a~lcrn Mails Plan (.;rac kdo\111 .'I nrw C"rat kdo11n 011 ul fcnsr~ 1111 oll'1ng tl·r L <:; p11-;[;:i! ~y~1 c111 n11d lhe n1:111 ~ ha-; b<'rn .11111ou11ced, 11J1h ;ip I po1ntn1ent (Jr a nc11 .1s.s1st11•;1 chlt·f u1£pcclor for crl1ni11o l 111 j \ r~11g:it1011~ Ile is Claullr \ '.\h11Jihr\:, ~.! 11 ho 1r1ll be r1gh1 h:i nd 111.111 !or Chicl lnspcc1u1 \\' J . ('•ll Ir r. ;iccot rhn::i: 111 \\ 1111011 .\1 Ulount. pn•tn1,1-1rr grn<'rlil The ;ippo1nt n1l·lll ... 1gn.1 I~ tlir fh ,t ~lt'p 11! ,1 IH a J 0 I' 1eorg:ini1:11uin of thr Bur<':lll of Ilic f'hlrl ll\\fll'1 lur, 1~l!h ~r1 cr.1 I ·pcc111I ~-peel~ nt tl1e 1 \\il l 011 pn\t ;1l-l111ktd cnn1r I NOT!(s O« 1 1• II l'CRO·Y tlO. Oec-•IOI !IGl r~•'<\r~• , • 11)11 u ( () a savings account of ssoo or more at Union Bank: ro ui.....t y01 1 > .,... __ .. 1: ,._ \_ ·~· -·· «:~·"-..-:.·;,-' A ' .• -' ,.~--3 'I 8d' ,c;,..-Jg ~ L ~ ll!cr.· ! r ,,. ·' '. ~ 1 f ',.,,, (! '" , ',, li~r:; ar1.01i11L L1 'h01 \':uy. ~ou gc.1 1hr: v ... iy u ~.,,l n ba ni-, :...a nr!J<: e:lu1::.; \, 111 a cct1"'c.to1 .1 11 ~·n 1 you !I \'/t11 1t to t 1 ra~LI·" no t;r 1tr-r !1111r thu11 1 n .. to :..la1l :iuur ;,dV11·g_, p;og1.:irn - to H1r•r 1 yo ur n c:1v1 duul nccc.: .. -at Union 8 .:::1 "'· H191 1i: ,1 0,1 1,,.:: 1,dc.s, cl d11y 1;·,1 c 1 c .! con .po unac.d n t.uy. and a '-1.idO Do II \oC~t i' ton1orro\v ·s ba nk toda / ., 1{;l C .... 1.r :" MC•11c,: a 1-~·.;v C OtJn',c GJtinly 0 1 .... ' 1 ,i/, ,. . " .. ........ . ...... " "-~!L.; .&<>·C.«·g• '"' ... f I • ~ • I ' ""'*1 ·~ ··-:'~' ... " ... .;~;: ·: I": • .,j • • ~ • ... .., .. I Uflil<i) lJ.IOthr I, }<)Q'] -- 1 ·~~....:.:..:. _--~fj.:...~ ' .. ~~ ... !1ML;."'2 HOUSES FOR SALE _H_o_u_s_E_S_FO_R_s.A __ L_E __ H_o_u_s_E_S_F_O_R_SA_LE __ ,HOUSES FOR SALE 'HOUSES FOR SAL E l;G;;;;";";';";l;;;;,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1;0;00;, Costa Mesa___ 1 IOOGeneral I 000 1 <?.e_~~r~I__ 1000 , General 1000 filnff ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLV D. 546·6640 ~ Open Ev enin qs till 8:30 Here's Your Doll Hou se $18,950 i ~ r >·' t ~!1•,,1 I Ii:• i' 11.f' (Iii "•( h<i\l•O' <il ·llllld, If Ii,!• ;.II 11r·11 •"1> 11··11'1i; !111••11·:'1 .. 11•' 11 ' 111 I il•ll ''·Ill I on.I• 11 .. 11 Ji.111111 I 111•11lc· .111.I '111 1, ('•>tllh•l";1lil·· li1111,.; 1 .. ,.,111"11h 111 wh 1111 ;• ,, 111,• ii\\ 11 I' Ii I• :..: "" ,, I •11 I lr·ll 1\ ',1Lo1:11 ,,, ,,., il L•Klt.1. 3 Bedroom 2 Bath $22,500 /'111< ('\I t'llllpl!tdl\ I .1'1 1,.-11 ,,,,,\\ hull I•· I• ['11• •"I r .r ln:,111•1!1;1 ,.. .. ti•·. 11 .. !''1'11!< .11 /' !111' I• •1 11" l'VI"')' d<>l>tl I• I I\ I" 1\1 \I , 11 LI. .. 111 1 ... 1n.11 .... 1~. 11i. 01\l l>'":• I• .ol\', 111• .IT!d .''"! •HI,• c I I 1 \,.11 •< :f I ' ,l I h ,,.1 , .II 11. .1 .. 11 I :" Ne1'(llort Keigl1ts View! r'i lo •I' i" I(' 11: ·" •"I I "' a I " l 1' "Ill: ' I ~I ' II 1111 dnl , 11.f I. •IO' I Th· "I. \\ I ' il I \\ I • 111 I. 11 ! ! nj" 11 11' 11 !11 I " l•\.11' ;idol• I" \I I •' 11 ' : • , I • ! a 1111!< • I ' "' ,.. 11 " 1 ·11· I 111.1 "1 t!I ', "· ., I 11 I 1n lo" h ') '• I ,, I ' "" '" ". I" -111·d I" \. "•\!• ,11\d I I 1~'1 :'1• 4 Bedroom Fixer Upper 1'1 (',, 'I \)>•I , I) I>' j,j '"" "' I d(I< 11 .I' I 1 • j, 1 d I 1• I 111 ( ,,111 !1· I',, " Ill I 1 ' '. 1•11 0 ''I ii \I'l l I ,,,n .1\ • 17,' 1•"• "· 11,. •0\\11 ,. I' ,1( '' ,.i ·' I· 1•1· ''" ,,.,1 J, 11!1 •11 •'• •· '' ""'11]• ~ 11 . .<. I•" • I h• 1' 1 ''' 1 I Ii.' • I·.•· <I •I<' •' ' ... i: -• I I' Bc•chccir.b ers Oe lig:;t ·' " " ',,," "' ,l Le;:se Gpticn Ccean View ~275 Mo. I~· '\I'.! l :: ! ' ·.I • •!11 I " . II .•·.1«' ,, ,: '"" I , . I: '·~ .• i' .,. 111'1 [1 h.1• ,1 .,!to ,, -,n '1< '" Th" '"' ~·· Ii •< pu14·h,,.,.·,1 ""' :11 i ii '" ;1n-I 11 ,•II'• " ·1t<1ll "" Thi• "111' ( ',.ij i\.1 \\ Unbelievab le! Ocean View $23,950 TIH" h.i• 1·> 11,· tlir 11•11'1'• • hu111<' vii lh•· 111.(11,\·I II ~ ft ~hl<q> : l)f'dl\oOUl ~ !i,1lh ho111e "1111 li1ri;" , ... 1, , ,•.I riat10 :11111 r,..,,,. .1·nnt ~111> tlrrk 1t hH~ a Ill 11>:.; ;11 l'" nl 1(;'_)\ Ml IT .in.i ·' 1,.,111 t ilul <t•>11111,.l1l1• 1 ... 111 11' ·1·'1 • .. You ""n ! Iii !1l'I• it uo11l }1111 ,...,. 11· ORAN CH COUNTY'S LAR&UT 2629 HARBOR BLVD. S~6 -B6~0 Open E't'e11in9s t ill 8:30 PANORAMIC VIEW OF \·(~l~\~1'~.~l~~~J.~'tt,~~.-.i~1~11 1 I $750 DOWN NEWPORT HARBOR 11•111 s1":ri1 1h111n1r11 "'" FIL\ !I~ 1. ' I .. , -, , 1 I I' ,,, ,)(l '111 ~ I 11 < (,.,1 I J:o• !';t'Llllllf\il .~h :1\,.c roof. S 111g le !'itor.\· :-; J)Cd l'OOll l, ·I li:.1/1 \\'citcrlrunt J1 on1e on /J;_iy~i dc lJri\·c. Fro111 ~ on £'C-.ct·llc 111 ~1\·11n1nin;..: beach. i\·e 11 ly rrtlccoratcd. Spat 111u-. p~1 1 10 11 Ith ruonl for puol. J·r1ccd ::il i:o GOO. :!OU! !~J.\:c.Jdc 1Jr11 c . ' ' illllHl:1 .r.11!' 11:1 11. ,in··. 1-:11 "\ II••' ~ l1.i 1'111 ~ 1,,,, .. 11· ,11 1•:11d11 '·'·';.! !'<l!l>I'!;, j. IJ~lh 1i<J1Yu' 111 1·,1,1·1 11,·~a. .• 1·1:~1·1111 1lr;11w, 111 l:Jr. 1 11\ •'1•'1' 111 i1 1 ,~111 1 '..' llHJll' 1.:1<!.'.r· ~:11·11 lully rn~·!1.-.. ,1. :->na1· )'llh .~;1 •'t'I l';i\1111'111• l'lli• <'itl''',\' lnlh•'. J.11\UI ~Jti') 1111 '11•1•• 011 1·)11!111'" I •U< ,·1111.v lti 1.1n1bl11\" Iii oil~ I .~ I II :O!I J n101t:r•t11 "' ! 11.1..... 1$\~.i\)J 1,1 TIJ • ::.o .\I l<1,;<l I By Aopointment Only I 1"\ 1111,:1 111 kth lio•!I J 'I lol\f' Newport al Bill Grundy, 67S·l210 Li nda Isle Development Co. 1080 Bayside Dr., Nev1port Be<1ch Vi ctor ia 646·8811 (anytime) FORF.ST E. 1 Once In li:~1 l!.1d~" Bh·rt ;11 .\d.un~ '[1.!!191 0 LS 0 N 111· J:. ,,11" G.1 . f lNANC[ D T r\'1 1 OVf~ 6"1 I cl "· r11 " l.lt!ll I I 11 ,.1•r ( 111 "' ', , , • ,.'r1 I :1:.:, •·I 1' Ii. ' : ti! ") ~ •::, J<:•I' I • ' \ till• l! •\ Id 1.· ,'\., I '' I 1)1f, 11 ' '" !• "' I' ' !111 .'I~ •·I ~~10) 11• .111' I)• ' Ir, 1 ... 1u · , .... 1111·.tucl··~ IJ111l1 I Ill• :'-l11t1r' llP'l'ta '·', (;lll)i!.- 1 11•11 • !i · 11 ~I, I • ~ •i ( . •11•-• , Io' ·•111 1 1,.,.1.! ., 11 L u111;1 >1111•· n• 1-·hl~,, \l111·1J. n1<>r<' l'rn-"1 t 1., I n .. 11·• (lnll ~.·~.Jt.O 111,11 I j,, I 1,: 1·1 :·;: 645-0303 I 11 11 '"'" l 1•1.1. I 'l.11 '· 'I I :1 1" \ ' WOULD YOU nELIEVE TH IS? I : lh/1 '" 1 , h ot li "" "' • t I! t· ' I 1'1 ,j I ,,. \.' I ~" ti I \I • • 11, \\ p h , I <' ''Ii" :11 d.1 1 1"·~···-~11111 I•' • ,,i,. ( IP:.r1 !. , . .,._.,. '.\I ' !• d ~ I I 11< l"i' .. :1 ;:1·p •ii 1•11• " IH ' " 1: •. 111 / 11{",, l1·lu1~ /llU'· ' COATS & WALLACE REAL ':"ORS --546.4141 -- IOpen Evening i) 1 !;I 11'. \! \1 I I '.\I I:\\ \ \' ,\1• I ·I · I 1: •. •1•'1 111 ~ .. ' ' ( '" J• ·~ ' 1 • 11: •• I\ r \ ll« 1!11 I: l 11 1>1 .: I'' 11 1 l I'll , 1'\('I,·, 11:1 ' I ii 11 I 3 •! .. • I· I 11:1 I I I:· S7J,500 ')12144'.l~c:Rcal~ . 546-5990 " ' ' WONDERFut \VEST CLIFF " ,, "' 'Ii' '" "' \ .. 1 I lo 546.2313 NEAR HAR BOR HI ,, • I• I 1(1 I,, I ,' I 10 ol I• "' •-I 1••11 1.,1 l•o ·•l'l 'I ' j. /, ·I I .. (• h1·n, i1 ,. li11 , •• !!··•, 1· • I ('I•" ~ ,\ 1' ',>! !• 11 j NEA R OC.EAN " 11., I ! .... ' " _ 1 I :11,,, 1\1111 1 "" I ~ ::: :\'11 11 1'-•' CAYWOOD RE AL TY ,,,,,,, 11 . 1 .... 1 11,._, 0 548.1290 • Elegance '"•.!, I 1leo• .\ •pl1·nil1d I I\ .I • 1 flij' pall,·\ 11 li1 ,11•tl I\ \\ I . ,,;i \\ 1 ,1.. I ,,,,, 111 I \1i1 \'I' "h•>1 . ~ I 1:1 : ; 11.1 I 'I.I . ..:. Roy J . Ward 11 :1 !;,d ii \1' 111 i.~·;.J.uf) 1:1· \l T1rL'L (',1rj .... 1 ... t p;1t\.. 111•1111;: 11\r\l!illl lh1" ''"''" l•lnn !:1111 1111 hulllr ·t .\- 11 ·1• Uh I 1111-1 11-,\ 111111!':-l 1 11•••t , ·1hu\•'1' 111 l.11 I',\ I •".d .~· lol II k lil;l.,I II\ 11:1 !10 , :: •\I~·· lul \ l.Ur!lo 1!1•~ !•I I!" I·' 111,11!·'1 <'o lllh ~ I 11· !'1 1. "' 1,,.d1 ·~1; •1 '. d 1111" · d,·• ,, II• I .·.11 , .. ,. "l·I• .1 "I'd d o ""1 1, ·li"I' lot '••' I· •I liil" ll"lu11 111 .t ll ('o •ll '" •I • I\, •. did I·' !.ii ·..: !•··ii 1,,, I> •,H HI' !1'.'11"('1 Ir 11 lo·1· , :•·' ·'""' .~111,1 1 IJ)' 1ll'1•.i1.11 •,I an l l'li'll,i!«d 1!1•1,\' IHdllll:!lll· 1 I !11 Ill: iii 1111 ~ll l':l "ll I I• I j N k I" ,11lu11 .inti 1J1ll.1· .~J~.:,(fl' "I '." \ \\ ,., L:11:- C ~lest!G r!h y & Ca. ! r. L' ~~~7 INDUSTRIAL · COMMERCIAL I I !II l jl" !. 1,: .. <ti 1'1' !'1 1"1'\ 'JI·'.\ J;L.'J"I "·" r)fll'll ·1 i: 'I I':\! NEWPORT GE.A.C H SPECIAL 'RARE F1NO L Home C.M. 5 Units EASTS I DE l .. 11 ;.\I' ~ J;I: J 1111111 !i,!llH' \\1th I ::111·~1 hut!"' 1 • ~ l~I :. 1 li:ill1 11111 1.-< rn1 h('alllllul l'11''1"1ilt' ~ lioli'tPl , ~ lt,l llo. ),f tJ\\llt'I' \\II[ L\11'1)' J;.L 1'.111• 1,,,.,1, ll1vplio·(•, ;1 p.ill Tl) lo q\1:d1fi,·,J l,!lj"''· t 11, ii 111111:..: 1·1.1111 11 .\ • 1111 1•!: · I••: I •I fl• I ~. •\ 10 11 <'1,1• ptdiu I '' , 1;11·1 l;i 111·1~ .. l <'L'(''' Jvr Ii• ti 1l. '""·'ll .. SZ4,995 Newpor t •• Vittoria 646·88 l I Anytime 6ac!c B.:iy Vi ew Hon-,c : 1:r1!1 ~1,11'. '.!'. !:.1111._ V.1u1- 1I.' l: '"Ill. I .;111;11 • $10 l>l (1. Newport Hr ig!lts j :, <Ii '• Ii II', ,•· 'J>O•l o Io' d I/Ill)'! ' 1" ::,1,,. ~·· • II 011·~;. 11 .. p .... 1 •11<1 \'/~s tcliff -Pool 11 ,•, I ' I ', ,I I.,, o:+· I 11 "I" ' 11 I: "I .il •'ol, $;,t, Jlll. ]:.J', 1111 .1 " lachenmyer Realtor lSG.~ ;\c11·pori Bh'll. C:\I CALL 646.3928 DOVER SHORES rru· r\ul.'I' i1tl!hU.1I_ li;t lh~, f!I ti•' ·1ll'11llr <l<•1"UI. ai1',( l\U•U.' .\II .1a'.'.11L1:· 1·un· 'tnw11 .. 11 10 1,1!«· ;11h ,1111 .1·:r •11 111;i•:n1/u ,.111 h:i.1 .\ ""''"!! I ·''"·· r.!11111~ 1<11,fl! I• llfl 111•1 1,,,, • .1e•··1:11111<i.l.1l r< 111111.10 (f 1 1 ~l I .' Io '1>·! 1i>1\ 11 Ii I 111;: 1 ·1ll'111, f.,1·i.1,,; 11 11111··~ 1,10;111. :; C.ii· ;~'-,I \''' .~~~-~1(11 f ohn mac:nab (7 14) 642·8235 l>J!'>l'l:ll'"I' ~fH~i ... 111,11 <' ll"11• College Park '.'l'I lJ 111•r D111•1· .. ''11<1<' ]~'rt , I I ' Hl !II.I iHdl!•°' I d "' '::, 8 UNITS l,11d.I 1 ~I' 1 .. ·1111.1 q,.·d .i~ :1' ! l:o 11 •> .,, -.: l:'.ll" ~. p l''lt'•IJJI.~ I •jl ,. • i!.' .·d 'I•' ;.,,.:,. 111 •1 11\'I'~ (j ... 1111•1., • 1 ('"''":' 1•1.d 11q·~ Th.«•· p11 1 ,1 .... 1 ... ·~ _,1 .. :.,~·· l<MH '>I ~~I ALL WITt-1 VIEW ::: 1 ::. 11:·;,.'I ;1:::'.'~ '''11·;'.,P;\1;~'[ ~iii~~: 1;.::::'.·i ~"\~• h ';1 .~r.11 :1~:.'. , »11!•:1 '1•1, ld:1d, i.1pp I :OI' I ~4G·2313 • 64b·i'171 I;•"·'· 11 Iii l u 11:.1, ! o•h 0111 ,,.,;, 1.-11·.,•·! \ ~l · lj \I!' .I: 1 ·1, \.\I 'l:\1 ; \ '\ 111 :\l.1:1·y '.T .... r~:.:.111 J ,\I' ;1", '. l .ii\ (, .11 11 T ired of Apartn1!!nls? j Th"! ,, '" 1 111~ 11, .. 1111 1,., •\"I 1.1 h 1'"'11 111• Iii"· 1·1·111 ,11 ''''I)' ~I' I P· 1• '11('111 h I' 11~ I 1',•'• : •I'•« I >11~ h, lo rno1\I ' J I +I Ii• 1 ;lr-11u1n:.: 11\1:1 1 \dl(JIJ ! : no1: . ..; ,,1111 111•• h , "!' r. \',,.II 1 .. 11,dl 11 • 1'1 • 1111 1.•111 1:1 11.1' I' !.I l'l.111 \ \11 1011• ""''.I• •11 .1• ·1' I .' H d< 'I 1'',11 l ' : I • • ! ; • "' J I d,j I IH\I•! 11 I .. _1 .. 11 .' t ·1 ' , I• 1 1\L\ '-' .. I ,,• l.u\\ ;• •''"" I I VI E SELL A HOME F..Vi::.RY 31 f,"dNUIES ~Valker & Lee -•"II , 1:i1•I .d \.11n1· 1'" '1., (111," 1111 'I I'll GI r.~sale I' ':,. '" ' I' ( '1 I " ... \ ,1 rlill' • ' \•1 11, "'I I' ,I !1"1" •Iii , .... :1"1 f ! ii•" 111•1 •1 ~."I I• 1t I, ", > I ,1, 'II' I 11 !' 111 1 I" ,, ' ' \ • I 't' t "'" "I I ( ora:' 1.r "'•'•'Ir\ LLEG E REALTY I •1"1 ~~.tin~~! h~rDoi,W,1 ' • >!·•. ·~· -. h.l,111 ! ,, • d•'111 L'""" '"" M'l!''"ll<•ol p.11<11 ••lt I.II< h1-.1 f:o;:: I• '!• ,.d I ll(H,:t ,\,,1~11 ~-II \ !•II' \1l\0 \'\ \..;,..:,\ ll \l:l/:1 ... 111°111,,. • ;ii! I"'" !•111 , '11\I 11-C !" 111·1 ' " T Ii I• >\I I • \ I"'< 111!•·1 ,,,1 ~1 1<1 r· .•. 1111. 111.. h -~ 1)!.111 1:11.1. ~-\111.1'.Y 1:1',,l1nr I 1~1_2··1 .\n111'"" L11o.:":1;G 1 ROOM FOr? Tl-IE IN-LAWS J,. I. , .... 1. l: • 1 :o• "fl:•.•' h•r I •1 < " ' ( ·, ii t 11 u t11 I I I•"' ·I 111<'-"lh· ~~1 > •! (,,I low •HIJll ! • "I 1)1, .• ,, I.ti•• !!!\II• 1'•h '"''1 ru: .1, :.:u··,1 I. •~t -i>t• I" I"•:"•' \', :1!!;0•1-,~ J .<'1' \I ! ,"I Ill(' I I 1·1io11 I• " •!1l,·1r 1, ! 1 1, 1 IH 11 « I ,, I\/ IJ I •I Ill." 642·1771 iiARBOR VIEW HILLS L US K " I '" ... " ., ••.n . ' 'HI I'• • I 1°1 @e:e,,,,r,,,. Colc!v1cll , Banker & Co. .-,.·~(I \(llplH t ( l'll\ ,-!lr. .\. .. 1 l"•t1 l.1·~1l'h l ~lit. 33:;.0100 6~4·2430 :?A~~C H O S.'n Luis R ~y \• 11 •. 1 I 1, .. '· ,, " " ... ~ I 1"\ "' J ' I• Iii I·• ' .ii I 0 ,\ I i.1 -. ,1 11. 11.. { ·:, ·~· lri ~ ,11 J: . • .. 11 .\ l.\l'l l.111. l\\'I ·I 111 .:\1 111.l'r 545.9451 ASSUME S27,300 5 314~~ LOAN 11 .. r ;11 .-.1 ~:: ·.:r: l OCEAN VIEW ·,· ·· I >!;I I '1 11! ,. I~ 'Ii • ., • ' 1 .< • +1 I • \ I ''\\ "I I 11 ') I \ '1111 'I'll'.· .1- I 11 !.\ !d.!"\·; I, ,,., I I " '" 1, •' I 1.h •I 1 • ,,,1·1 l· \ i" .. ,, 1 I , , \VE ~E ll A HQf,iE EVERY 31 MINUT ES ~.~a Ik er ~1 tee ·' J; \' I ',, ~~ 11 l~VIN:: AVE . ' 'o.<»d 1·r111oi.1 .11 1 .. r 111.1\'· 1 \ I ill •' ,.:,11• ! 'I h'"(I i•I ll)lll!\ I" 1\ ,ii'\, I (•l'I\ \ .• Cu 1.,1 •1>1 1,~. ,,j,· llo111 !1t:.i·~lw,1ut;J11I :i;,.1 .'II< ti.di! I hll ,l•'>I n,1,,J, '-'~ lU 11,~ ''" 1 \\/e lls·McC .ardlc, Rltrs, Red Carpet Re;i tty I !~!() ;..,.,.,11,,11 Uh.I.(. :\I. 'I'• \\ L: .I\., 1. \ :; 1;:-,_,;flr.1 :1 !\.7;2~ ,111111:1~1· 5 BEDRf...\. + PO':'l 3 Bat~ S26,950! j:, .. I ••tlll,1 .. h•Jlllo• ;•! p11«1' I 1 lo: ~n<.1 !111d ;1"1' V1r .,,1 I' .,I .I r 1 :~1 .1 1.• ''"11u1.I< I: 11· I! Y./E 'RE S,WAMPED '' • f' • [11 · .. t~ lh· '1 Jl"•fll '1 •II'·' \\ ,, I' .,, I I"! lt1;;" I" + l'lll ,\ In "'I!, I '\r:1•<' , .1 1 u~ 1 .. , .. 1 qu .. ·:.. , 1111 11,• .. y ;1pJH.11,,.l \·"I ! 1•,•111'1111~. h.111tbo>1lll' \\',• ll 11 /, l'I l'I 1 ""' BUP.R \VHIT~ 1:r·:1t.Tf)I". 1., • .11;1,>• I l1:1r I :!1 "«1\I [i »··1 I' If.'' '\ 11])111:: C'\ .. lllf',IJ';J h:(' .ii T,1,• 111 I</' •111 l••llol,I ~ 1n<l1"· 1 I I, •1 ~1 (1' 1 ;'.'ll Gov 'i. Repo TARBELL z95s H"bo• "THE BLUFFS" --------- i·1 t ·,.1:1 '\!.·'"· 1··1111 pn ... OCEAN VIEW . $27 000 l r· I· I Re~tal I " \I ~ l•i' F .1111 .,.11l· ~ l1dr 111 .' , ' "1111J (lr.1 lu1 n-l1rr . f:1l 1.11 · · • • 1'1·,.~11·~·· :i""·' 1··:11· r .i-:1"011 c,.11.0 ~11111 11u111 \'1111 s1;,, 111 .. i. .. 1\, 1~"·1•1• D ·l\\ll 11 111·".'11'1 1.-!.ind.'\ .... 1,1 •:1, 1,1n ~·1 :«d I 1-~ ~Hill · l ,l(\11 I.""' Oh u11 ~· 1.111 "' :111.1111"' •· • 1,..d1·w1u •. ~ !1,1 111~ E\fl ("~1rr ' 11\'I p,1,\~ •'l<'!\lh ll1 ·~. l .i,!1 I ••II•! lL'I''\ .111' !i "'{I ~"':' l~nz • '1"n 1 d•·1 ~·1•.1 '111 TARBELL 29SS Harb r ' .d! l\.1l !11'1'1larr 1:~·:1 11-.~,;1 1 (' Balboa 1 Sl<1 nd-~ I VA REPO SllSO COWN !J (l'tl\'. ,\ ii 'II Ill ll l•'l'rt:H• -------------I 1.'.lllt1n .Ji••1 1li •tl"''1r111n l\1ESA V E/~iJE f 111111 1:.1, t'1·.:11· r:,,-k ~:1 1\l FAMI LY RI\\· S24 950 Fulle r Rltv. 546•081 4 r 1 1111~ 111 C,<;,1 \In 1::: 1't h:o!h• F fl ~·-i 1.11. I !111 ' I I '1 ltll •",II ,I l'llll' , , • • ' (l .n•1· 11 111 'finiti·o·' ~II ;;n1 1 ~f'··' ! 10111 ••', J:••1•1·, .. u~ !'•' !~.·r~i'l1 I:, 1111 (;''.'· .• ,'I\' ~<It'd IJ •l •\•11ll~. ' h <1 1~ LOW COST! \I 1 I• II I ·\ ,, .. !" ' .'L,\ : I :r: t' _, t,,, p., ,1 11'><>1' 1fl,Ull!•'ll,1!\ ••. \:'J.~IOJ . ( ·>r~lo ·'" hltl Graham Riiy. 646·2414 ·'''.II ,'\;1 'j)H P J'u•t 11111 \' \t '.\.\ 'f •. \,,n 1w r 11 \ I."" In! !11 .. n. t' .. il ·•I'll \.'. J•~1 :·1'$~'..·~.; (~1111 1,J•c~ _'ll!i l:<'\11 v :-.1 . :-.\. 11 ~(>. ... '" . ... \ I DAVIDSON Rcaity ·,fl, ·, ·,, t OC~ANFRONT I• 0111• .. 11 C\11 Iii 11! 111• " II ~ 'I "·11 George V/il lio!1 1TJson I: I· •. 11. H 11: I " '' 111.I r.:::· f11111t.1· , ..... 11. llur•' 11\u:: l:! I" 1'-' I '•Ill, lnud-.Jlllf' 111 «1111 .. 1· .l1°1<·1 1o1 "'Pi11•. ·• 1:1:. I ,I \",\. F i!\ lf'll.!11<111;; ,,\,1 11 n., ii·-11111 r ... , \·,,.1, 11111'.<' .. ·h!.· ;·"' 1121• !:•1n I' I ~luo iln i• I• l ·, 1 !Ii~~ ····r. •• ;qi' ,1 '" '·• ti I ·11 •!r i· I I• . .,,., r •. , 11 ,I, I' "·'" TARBEL L 295S Harbor :: UI: .' H \, t.1:1•11y 1111 1'1111 •lC•"I' J 1r "I ,-\1111 •'Vl\il ~:,.'')II 1~·:;•! l•h I'! Lil. HI :. {l\ll\•1 1,•0; i:i ... C\ •• : 7,, I 1 ,,1 1 I,,• ,11 •11 ,:111111••111 .":I.,,;.::~ I" •, " 1,,,p, \' fl{1 "" 11 ~' i' 1 ! " II ...... 111 I 11 1:. ,,,,.,, I 11 I "'•¥' HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSF.S FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE --~~~~----~ 1000 ~ington &each ~Huntington B,.acl1 140:> ---~---~ General Huntington Harbour 140S ACRE I.'\ :\ l<ll'POllT Bl::_\(.'JI 111)1 111 liu111r [:11u1ly 1·..,1,111 ,1 <o!!11 '". l!ul'.~l',. 0 !\. \'1t',1 . J EAN SMITH, Realtor ti lG·::~1.·,,, Costa Mesa 1100 Open House nrnr ,,y ·:t''i.: \l·11h,,u11 .\\"('. !';\I .''c,-a 111 ... fu ,11111 nr,1 ,, h:li·1u h•i11u· 111 c·1· '.:l'\10 ~41 !1 1111·!ud1111: r:.1111111 1uon1 l,J1d1l'l1 r~1111;; a :1':1. J,)\;;_,: ''11~10111 11nu1, nr11· ,•h,1~ e.11·· IM'ls 1t11 u11;.:liou1 \ J t:a111 8.. 1<·.1tly 10 111o>r ~lllv. :-\1luHI! ~.JUI' 11•1111s. Own1•1· jJli·S:!lG SIS,500 Fixer Upper :! Bl:. I I:.\ huu ,r 1llJl1• ''ill' ('\"l'llr11, a 1«'"· !\:·l'ds h;;;111): 111:111 11:un1r.·. -~~·:l'U d()',1 11. ·"•"'' ::.J I .l la;.;nuliH , LO~la ~1 ... ,.1. 1 :.\s'l's1Ll1·:-:-."~l~-:; 1111. :! Ill: lo;iu~<'. l;1 r;~·. f•'ill'l'd ~;u·d, al!f'y Ill !'f'ar. sr .-,,ooo. :.!I I Ui;lc U11ncr/,\gcnl. ~i1S~SC·l2 , ___ _ UY 011 ncr: ~ t-:f~. 2 ba!h, tlrtac:l1cd ~curhu sl10r. pa110, le fl'nc1•d .1d. rl"a1i<'ll(! s1. Clo~~ tu S\:hoot". \\l'S!l·l1f1 l'l 11;1 <-11r;i. til~-:.~9 1 ~ 1ii::uRcXJ.\1~1:1r~c co1:;;c[· lt>I. ;; 1:a1· ;.::ir:i~r. i;,· 011'1'\l::R. • j 1.-.. 0001 =--==----- Mesa Verde 111 0 f ,\,\T.\."TfC I~ r: P \.,; [: L ! C JIU~,]]·; 111 nh~ohll" jk.'o·lt·L·I ,\- ~11arJd l n•;,: 1·on1hllui1. \ l;,r·~r l·iin11~. :: balh<. 101·111;il 1hn· i:1;: 1uo1n, .~r·p;ual r f:1111i1 1· 1°10111 .... ht1;:-r 111 a ~ 1 <' ·!' hr.ln l'J111. ~hn1111u111 11p:;," p, .1:11 rl lw:1 1111f1il l; 1~11 b<"l)1'·•I. I '011111<11• 111•1di•I 11 111 1 .~ (;nr ;::.r;1!(r. IJ•'~l lnr 11\r IH(/11•'1 al $l'i.:J.-,lJ. 1".d l :>1.;-Sl~l :'..11111\ l\~''' f~··~I !·:~1a1r 1 .'\!'(>l:Y 11u1r1· ~·1r.-l~!-l"J~ ~ H.\. ,,,,,, r.11, 1-.;i ll.-d. lill"I ' ii" J•IOJ! I •11( "11 l'"t'llt'1· fu\ J11.i10. ,.,, !1"ht.-. !~<:; 1 .. ,1 11.,1 IJ1 .11·;-~".'" ! ~~~9~-~d~~ 1115 • • 8.\fH, \[\ • • lh1 I r.I lo h\ 11 u11 t:"I 11;1111~ l•1 -.•It In, h11 o•h .: 1:1. 1.1111iJ~ I I~! litu II", I • , IJ,I, ( l'p l , li-111 · ••o! I'(' 'I' Id \' llh l••+l ••I '.•' 111·; •i!ih 1~:;.li(J (':ill l•o11ul t 'j l'I '" J )··n• r 'la 11 ,\. ( "'- ! .'J:: 1 :!l:H.i(h~. J.11 •, 1.!1.:1 ';"U-:!l"" FAST MOVE IN Ne1v ho tnc~. ready to n1ov e in . 2 to 5 bed· rvon1s, 2 to 3 baths. 1,:! n1i lc fron1 beach. J•'ir:;t pay1nenl up to 60 days aftc1· 1110\·e 111 . VA/FHA Terms. From $23,990 The Beach (on Brookhur1t 1 miht South of Adams) 962. 1353 Corona de/ M•r 1250 Huntington Be•ch 1400 ------- Rustic Charm Chai nun:::'.! ~IOI}' iann hu11•r. will! <'l•'l')'lhu1~. 111d11,!u1:,,: p-..'g~<'d lia1tlwood Luui·s 10 1110dera b11iJ1.111 k1tth<•11 P1·1. \;1~·y (lll fr\'! !.11; I, ~vutli uf Ii\(' )!1·11 .t.\ _ ;: bt".ll',1Ulll. b·.ih !a1~r fau11I,> !'OtHll. s 10.:r3. VIEW-POOL-DEN $19,SOO 3 sr: ~ 1.,,111, ti .1 r,u-.~ ,,Id. r'r1·111~· bl!ilt·l11 1,1ngr. u11·11, di-ih1".a.~hr 1·. !il l ~q. ft. Ii'.'' 100· !rn<T.t l•>I. C;it']l.'T~ li. •ln1pcs, F1\ hr;1I , tul t'J'!'d fJ•d i(J, Joublr 1:.11·a;;r, J;u·:,,:c ~.p;.11":11c fa111ily 11>v11 1 vr lk11, :\[·1~Sll'l' \\a !Ji-ill tJO . .,C'!. Tu '.;r•s $~COO do11 n, lull' )"l) · n1c·111. l f Dlfl4iilW1t1 •62-4471 l ::;:: I 10l OREGON BOUND :\lu'$! sci! ~ !ilory ho111r. :; b:in 11 <, ~ hath,; taro;r ~"fl' arai~ 1ccrr:iuun t'OJlll. 111(c·1·. VACANT 0.1rnL :; eal ;:.1r<1f;{'. Dtll. 1 "' • rn:111y rx1ras. E .\1.:CJ. 101 ''"-0:1ly S:.S .. iOO • ~u b11i11 011 1rr111~. \\'ill r·01L~1uci il'..i'l' or IC-:1 ~" or111011 . Harbour Riiy. 846-1311 Fountain_ v~~eL~•..!..O \'/HY PAY RENT? Yr. old Spanish Sl)'ll', ,\s--1 S\lllll' 5;;,'' }']IA loan. J Bl: . paliJ, gHQ. blln« .. \ttj, 1" ~vi/ l'OUl':if', pool, .t!G.9..>I) CORBIN-MARTIN r.E.\LTOr..s ti'i:-rlGG~ ~(}3ij £. COJ~I 1111')'.. Cd:\I CU1'\VU. .llt1s1 ~;;If~.:. Lonus 1111, :: ear i;<tr. Sll.IOO ,;.-:iwn & a~~u111r loan . T1'a1Jc tor bo<,1 u1· 1·a.r. il la~' lcasr l llfh O)l\il)ll. il~. !lti:!-03~1 --------- 1620 \'.\C.\'\'T, Ill 111 r cl i ,1 I c po~~C'~~IO ll, :.\ Bl: & 1IC'IL I h11·:·· 1:1111 1·1111),11 .. l1('ll ~11 ... ~ 1• J.I'~ l hll.lOUI. i\1:111)' 1r~1 lur.-. :;1111 ncighho1·hnod . VIL\ lo;,111. ~lo. 11)-.11:11~ S1 91 111els al!. 111 Su. \I · 1111• SI Ill' Eu1·1id ,fl.: .'(rl-'<11ldrn. Oµru house :;.:; P).I c1·cry· 1iav or l•r apµL :: :\l;,is 1cr-»11.rd brdruu111s plus sunkt·n cu111·e1 s11l1011 ~1 c;1 ad1I lip to "~!\.,;ST ~EE" Ill C.1rnro !-'h:irr~ ~·r,·iutt~ •r lll-r offt•t·s q u l c k oc<·upanc·y. Si~ • .Jt:O . Hal P inchin & Assoc. 170S <·.Jill ~.,stLnl rlu·uout S.· 11r11 Lagunl Beach c;tt"pt'ls. Lill~(' r o:! .. tr-~a•:l ·-~----------­ ::~J ~:. CCM"! 11".· b~.1· BEST BUY! Vacant R·2 l ot $23,500 Delancy Real Estate ~·~::?s t:. Co~•~! 1111 .1., L\l.'I 67J.J770 BAY VIEW·- 6 l/40/o LOAN I 'nju.I J,lp Ill llii~ Ii.I,\ I I(''." h•Hl\I", I 81:. I "11 1,11. ~1J IJ:1 D111. 1'111. ,: l'.11 : C.\1~· \I;!·:. Cheshire R '!al Esfo!te 6/5,1503 1T \.o;-.::;-T .\'!-:-:\1-,-.11JJ:: OCF_\:\. :; !~I:. ::1• J:.1 ,;. 1. tpk iiut 1 o! ;,11vthr1 l•"llt>' !111 :II· •l~I" .. 11 !•_• l<1I '•llt\" I I f'\ \I' l."111·11 ,\ ~llC>j'"· !, J, 1 , 1:;::-~.11 0 DUPLEX r n:11 ... · .' e Ii·"· hu !lo· 11l1t ~ t:,· :.pl l ,.-I h1·.1 I. Ii J•• .. 111111.•, ••!:1 ~ ··111·· t l~• .• 1~1. 1n1,;..·c1: to!:"1-!l•·· 1;,,,\Ct!Sll H. •iJ IJ ,1,1 . 1'•111!· l•11 l;"1[,lr '.! Gi l111111r 1111il<'1' ~ 111.1100. U 11 111 1/1;1,1 1,7 .. -.:~ 1. lol . HC'!tcr srr 1'.u\;. oHr 1:•111: MUTUAL REAL TY 842-1418 Anytime --PoOl t 1SxJ6' L.\r.Gr: ~ eor:.11 ldC'<l J) l.il h'11\•n 11 b:t lhl u1111 ~1'.'C''· 1111 in;.: 1)..J;inl & J,i. \'llZ/1, Cui·. p11:0. r·1 1.1 Ul t..l ~:'.:.:.!\'. 3 t•.•I ;11ra. IL\J·J·"U.\1. r:t~.\LTY S I~-'. il:i LUIJ Ju~t-;.,;;i:1--1~1~ :1n.1n1"t'r '. ll rrC"·~ ;111 01·ca11 I I('\\ ll\/li\1' J l1lli 10 l,::0:1d1, : IJ('d1•1.1v111,, rlc 11. l\c11 {T /"'• !11 P•, I.I I pJ,·, !11 1'111, cii n I tll , C.11! r.11ru"1" ;•::-1. ".\rl": :1_.;.1.;::;~ r" S ij.;:.J t'.I Fine Added Family Rm 4 BR 51.'!ah.aven Hom!.'! Lost of Floor Space enly $25,900 r.ex L. Hodges Rltr. MUST SELL .~ \;'!1 d l ! I, t hOill(' \\ ,J!. IO ;:v'f t'UUI"':" ~c;1~:,1 (:;.JUtl 11111111 . lil\;L' <lit I 1;1 IU.tll, The Redl Esta te Mart 847·8531 S BR in G iganti-,-- fairmo th Heme OCEAN VIE\\! 1-10:\JE I \:L.'\T \·ct loan a ":>lln1p11on .J Int. 1·a1r •11 !! not 1ncreu..,..,:: r:r. 2 Ela . ll/11 •1·p1~. f1 •nlt:. (:or lot: l"On1pl pn1·a t•y. ,\n.\lOIW-Sllbn111 . Full prier ~11.~JO'l PL.\CE l~E.\LTY ·1~4·9iQ.1 -.:IANDYMAN 'S-- :'pr,·1:il' ,1 l11<·0111r uni t.~ 1:'0 \ck. I 1 IJf J.{'h. /';:ilo~. (]ri.;I;~ i1 Ot''' U! I ic11·. ;\d<. plllll(.' r1(·_ !":1oulrl ;;1'0"<: S'l.COo :.1· I P1', .~G!'!.!'!G'J. Con·1d<>r 11·adrs .\IL'•',:10'\' !~E.\LTY ·l~!·OO:;l ls{) Dl·:t_;r:Ei::v·1r;:1\•-L0T- ul 111111c 1.a1er &· f'O;•stlnr. ~n1:oll hut lei cl. ~7.9.i'} "llh .~1 ,oco ,•.,11·11, bal al ss:i mo. All dur :; yr~. l~J;.1J:;7 Ol' _______ , RENTALS Houses Furnished \',ILL ~han• !ll) ~ r.r. "! Eia ho11a· 111 lh" \·illllge. !l'\'HW ,. ;:1"'11·\ ::tl _ d Sl()fl 1110. Cdll J10-i, .. i( o rl :-..;~~'titil.l \;· \:'-.T . ~nl rw1"-011 1•Wf::1ct'*::j J~I: 11;1!. 011 h~:ich tn S o•\\ J>ul!, 61~· 1'.lS~ No.wport Be a.c~---~~ !.(;J : lullh,11 l•1I. 1'1nu.'1"w -----~---O'VC("<ll,~ 11111•-1'1·11 I'.•· T \1,1. en· •. :: 11ir c 1 1.1J."~; I:!' 11 ~.lv•ljl.Z.1·r 11!111 "II llK r .\I ·'" Ne wport Beach 2200 EAST Bl UF F 1:c,1ltt•r G~~·20HJ ----WE 'RE SWAMPED r, 11('1111 1.1ri-l111<·1.'1 I, .. 111 . .1pl< l.111· 1'1 : I:•: ; li.o. ,\ I 11~ 1 I : r 111 • 1' il I -. ! )'.I II 't I"''~ lll'lp Ji!\ 1llf'<', 121:,,1,ll!) PROPERTIES WEST 675·4130 675·1642 .. Ill' 1 lul1il<1l1•T f<'lllil' •'! :. l'•••I 1,.,_,,,•/01111 .. 11. ti I!· 1 "'.l l ! I ; .. :,i,:;, .\.10:11' lion··· :· ·~ C01ll!< 11~ .. 1. .\-.:,nH: Si'.l.JIJU /' h 11 11 (' 1:;::-{.II:~ fr11· <'ll •j'I Lido Isle 1151 New Bayfrorit l ic!o \'.'h1I ~ I•' (,.J "''" ·' ,,;\\' I:,._, L. I! 1 · 1.::: ti\\' 1·. <,j! ·11111:..:» /<11' : J:. ,,J l.~l ;1l,• ,..: iJ,·"111''1 Ill ll\11' 1'•",I 11•1 It!'. L·al f,.,. ;1fl1'i)n ll 111• 111 R. D. Sl ates. Realtors S16·8801 li•I\." ! 1;1~ ~. i_:,, .1 .11.1·------------· f II 111 r\11 « \uU "' J-ul: .~ .. " l·r <1\111•. ,, DI:, t'j1u." 1~ ,1••111' '\' U\',' !.,_ .. ,. 1:lr•1 .\1.11 !,.,,,.:, J.11 I -, , ,1 Ion • l•••lh•, o I.,· '" o•-:10 ,>_ .\l··rr i·I" 111~ 1han J•i 'IJ)lf", 11,.~, \I r-r~rd l1>:1n:;~ In 1 ~111 ~ !<1 '"11. PJc;1~c r.tll lh 1·>1· .1 ''II·"'-· 1··111rtr.,:_, ap1i1 d l~.tl .1 \.1· CUR~"1 \VH11E I 1:1·:_\LTU!: :·.11 1 ,,('\\ fl'1 o"1 f;}I d . :\ i;, i;;,-, !S:~·· I l l.l,~IJl\Tl.1 1(•t· ... iur~ I 1;: .... ' [,,\, !1111 l •ll. ipl 1'\J:h 1' ! : . -: I.! I.I\ I I \. ''"I I''"'· ~· ". ·l 'I R. C. GREER, Realty \ •1 , \ '·' 1. .• 1., 1i;_,.!.,_.1 n ' " 11 ,, • • I • , ' \'I~ 1 h111~· ~- ~ h ti (l fl' '1 ,. . ~ ... J ~·i:-1 ,, • '1•1 • .;1 p-1>11-111• ~-.:;,,, 'I ',".lltJ(I dn. 1 .. 1.1,~ fll ... •·'' ! J i! 11 • \ ;•1 I ,\ ( ,., ,. '., "ii· I. 1 a 1 !>. o 11 1 ' '''"II I ! \ j. C.'. I -N-,w-p;;,-S-h-o-.--,-~1 -1-20 I 0 1:1 ;1t ('1.1 1 \\1 1.11• I ' .' >I' 1 I 10 ·II .i '·I'<' • I I 11 1 I\ "'"'" 1111~ !>Ill'' I... 1.1 I 'II 1'111~ J•·,• p.':·11' I I I l\1· ;; 1; 1 . l,11•'1! 1111·11; 11 I \I'" 1t1 l,1-;1 .. l1 . I·'<' -1:11 11!<· ~11;,;,11 ! l:•!lll!) SI )..>I II •. I]<(~ 1·1111• i.:rr l1"1tlr e t 11\';o.. I·.!~ 1, 'li-iS 1:1• Dover Shores 12 27 -------~E N CHANT ING VIE\\I l 11 1h-1n1o•1ro! 1: '.' ,l \[111 \'I ' • 111•1•1 '"" l),.k1• 111 "f)t,I \',".w !I" ! •11111 1' "' ft . , OHl1'1 llt"J,\!:y, f'' · hr 'f· .1• h" '' I" 1 r:?:. " 1:. \ 111·.,,t. t;I• <. Ith• I l<•r <-Ill"!" l.1111'~1 . ..: 1-: .. ..,1 '1hlf!I. 1111111('(! un;·U1) .. ~1~~.•" l .\ _, 'U Ill I' G•'· lu.~n. I~•).\ llN~ Z..C :1'. : '1!! --------University Park 1237 Fresh As Spring Rain j , '< Ill' ' ,',• I ,'_.;1111, I •I inl;r •Ii.TC;!,\\,. 11."r .1011 I ~""" .1· •·'.!'1111:11.,.. :: U c.~ Ii;<, .~ 11•11 l.11"11i..:11. 011n~:· rr~l',IC'1'1'<'J. .\ ha1 ,.,111 a t ~:::',:10!>. • Red Hill Realty l.:1111 . ['11:1, Cl'lll('I, 11·1111c c~o11 '''1.' !i111r s~::.r'l.~·o 1240 !'\I.I·:. Lra~" L•I' l!"t•('/f•))!l•1n ~ h:l1111•. I , h·11 h • I 1n1 1l.1 1~··" ~::-i .. ~;i1. ~ ,; ::-.~ J,, 0 1:1;..,ij• :\ -------------12SO c .11:1 1r1.1...;;1. 1:-11 1h1· ~"n• •i\1111·· l'l01r' 2 r~1: lv 11'11" l ~r .' r.t:. '.' 1: I .1p1 ;::1w~t ·•i'I .: <'•I' : , I , ;1 11 I'!\ ii 111 !1'1 I••' 1' hl:,, 10 l"'.1(11 ,, .. 1i"!'lllil'• ' ,\ () 11 ·1 .... I!,, I' 11" ' 1·111\1'1' II) I f!•· l!•. ;.l'J1 l'. ("~! 1J1 11.o~, c111r •7~u i!O ..,., 2 REAL BUYS! ' '' n 1 'I, ,II 1' ~ ' !, . ,/ I 11 , ~ f 01: 1 I ' ' I Jn'·. ~ LIDO REAL TY INC. ,,-,, j ·"~ BAYFRONT 1111 rr l > •!". I .11f1· .. 111 11•"1" \ 1:J! i' • .' .{ -:1 " I". 1· d f1u'll \l '',II,' II ilh•olll j•W+ .v · l•P. I. t !'i,'~JI' \'l a l!;cr Rl ry . 675·5200 -~~::t• 1·;:1 l.1·!" :-·1~ I l,1•" ."'11 11 . Huntington Beach 1400 • 1:1·:DL;CEI> Pr.TC!:: • -1 !~!:, ~ 13.\. '! rir "!" v· rile "' hllu,.., S:_IL;:~t. ;,• 1', 10:1~1. \t::::. ,,.,~,~ 1110. !'.J.T.J. 1•1·1n (lttl;' ··1;-'ilJi,; -:--..::..=-~---~~- .\ r1 ••. \4"Tl\'l. 1111 ··I'•' I .. i:I:, J !;.1, tit· 11 "h il ( ·., 1•;1!• I" I•" i I "! ,' 1'1 " ]' ''Iii l!t{!"ll \~,I,'' •I, ! , \ I ·' ~:1•l;··~1<1\ j•\ ,.,,,,, (',J,\'I};) : 1:1: 11;11'. I' hal li, I I ( II ' ::..'.' (, I\ ,I 1:1:, ~ •i•1r, I•,\ ... llil"l "'j .~:::.l~1l1, ,<",;,,,II 1: I !I \Ill'!-.;! '<l H1•nl1ngton Harbour ·--·-·---140S EASY LIVING ' /•i1· "Ill IOU\ ti j1 I I LJ 11 . i i-q-;1 \' .\Ti.l:J-J:(f\l . r:.1 .• ~1: ll<'ll ~ !1 ril, .. t! hi. -111 1': il · .. I 1/,:1 " 111,. I .'+'I ;:,,1.; 1 · 1t1J<• 1 • .r , .I I ' ·::~·I i . I !' "' ~1 :!!.\ I" 1 u~" :;~ 1:,, 1'·11 1, ... ,.~/•>1Jl·q11 ~.r.o. 'I". •:j >-: -~) ,'.1•11 ii'' 1111 11. .~ J :1 :. ~' I; \ llllf•r'l il•q1lr\ \'1'"1:-,\'!~·· -"·"Ii" •,Ill). • 1:7·:.''I~~ 8 Jlbo<1 2300 .~r;:1 \\ 1111rr h·;i~" l'rn1n,uta ! '01nt. sn.1c10·1 ~ 2 r:1-. Cnll nr Gene ral 2000General 2000Generail 2000 So!tJf! a. Simp!t Scra.m blf!d Word Puz::!t for a. Chucku! 0 r.eorrori"1• le!11111 of th• 1our Kromblt d word1 be · low ro torm lout 1•m?le word1. IRALCAN I I I I I I' I I I Is 1 NE A · I I' I IHIBPOS · I 1 • I ' I I' The girl who got th e 1ob. She fo iled the 1ypin11 1e5t blJt possed th e -. 0 10 • T Comolere rh, chuc~I• q ~otid by l1!hn~ 1n lh1 tn•u •n"1 word citvelco from iteo No. J be:o·"'· ' I' • • _a_··_., __ ,,._ .. .,_, 1•_•11_''L .... l _l._l ...... l-'-...._I J ,-~ .......... ~ ... . Ci '''° 1•• w,~, ... ,, ,, ... ,.., t"< SCFlAM-LETS ANSWER IN CLASSlfiCATION 8200 .. .. • KOi !l!:; :;'Es1 1,EL$l ;r.. ... •o\Ll ... lo\YI I"" "'" liE~; !!'II\ 'f:'" I o\t J • o\$1 lflVU 1 10111 lo\tl .Eo\• I·~~ "' '" oo• '" "" .. O•• ~ ... .. , "' ""' ji 1Eo\; ~oo• .,. So\ Ht Ollo\I I US1 •O• &N ill l '!LY "' LillGI I~~· "' t""" 10 i11N Co\11 ! OtE. ,., ~IYI •Oo <O• oo• ... llEI I '" '" COSl MES llES COl..I ... , .. NEV, .. , 00< . .. UNI\ '" Eo\~· IRVI ~OR '" 1,10( ••• '" SAS '" '" '" '°" "' l0"-1 o .. '" \'/CS "'o ,., <O• "' "' "" .. , ,., , .. o.- l!IYI ,., '"" <O' ""' RE I ,,. <O• /,\E! ME! <OC "' •NE ~ '" '" "°' ',VE! '"' " , •Rll , co~ . ·::~ uo "" ' N(I ' '1 lJ! '"' •oc j~:; oo, "' •• "" 4~~~ :lt~~r ''&F . ( "'' I "'' <O• '"" '"' RE " :o: ; ~u;. 1NE '"' ... :IF.. "" .. ~,. <O .. .. '" ,. '" ,0 '" _, ,. ,. ., '" ;1111 " '" <O " " •• ••• o• " '.O ~I " <o ., " " " .. " .. .. <O •• •• "' .. '" •o Sf,. co o• .. •• M• .. •• " <O " " .. , ••• .. RI " ,0, ~r: ,. 00 ',1() ;o " I';( I ------------------------------------------------------·--· .. O.t.ll 'f PIL OT :! I ' DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED INDEX DIAL DIREC'l' 612-56711 MOUSES FOR SALE I ~~:11~~~5 plt·:~i ... L f.Ni.11.AI. 'TA MESA . £S"' DEL ,...,,,. .. l.l.l!GE PAlllC , lllM UFFlCl llE1i1.&I. ',',", IN OUSTltl"'L PllOPEllTY " I :OMMEllCl.t.L ' '",', INOUSl 1t l•L llENT"'L ,. 1 OTS R i<ii AL) j Houses Furnl1htd _ I Lido Isle 13.S 1 ~" ~· •013 1 _______ _ 1NE\\'L Y l"u111h,hrJ '1 lilt 4 Bii, 11.va1I Now. \I iuh•r 111 lor1-.:l'1 121 ;•1 ili!l~,u9 '-'' !::'r;I \'j::'..{ilJ!I~ It fu1 n 4 6h, ..: I~\ l'u11- tcn1p, 1lt'11ly lir1'. 510(\ .\1:itl MUI\. \'1:,111,y. 17)11 b4:'-l--7Jir.J ... -- 1·.111 •11tt 1 ;inun.a Beach 1705 f.E$.& VE•OE .. EWPOll l •l.&CH , llEWPOltl Hl;IG M1' '"'LI O.t. COVES "EW,Oltl SHORE$ l.t.YClllH T lltl ~.&NCHIS l1ll CITRUS GllOVES 1?\I f,C9EAG ll l1lt ,_•KE ELSINORE 110•1 ~11~ OCl::ANSIDL, \'I<\\ :. HI~ & ,, , &1f' 01~11, ! J;,. \'.,1:.•1~1/(JJ,\(T, l '-"YSHOllE ~ t(IVEll SHORES ··ESTCLIFF • Ill) RESO RT PllOPfllTV ~~S OR.&l<IG E CO P.OPl"llTY U~ OUT OF ST.t.TE PR OI" 1111 d~h11 ~l11 ~\,UI Ut l rlu 11 · · :;;! Ju11r S2JU 1110 I ,, f' l..j,,1,111011 MIGHL,,,NOS INIVEltStlY io.t.ltlt 1r ... ~1:e1A Y ''~'fll.UFF .. /t!V!NE TERR,,,CE IORON& OEl MAit I.ALIDA PElltl<ISULA I EACON l•Y l .&Y 151..ANOS 100 ISLE ALI DA ISl•NO UNll NGTON IEACH UNltNGTOH l<~R BOUR I OUNl,,,IN VALLEY E•L a E•CH UNSET I E.&CI< "'ROEN GROVE ONG .E,,,(N "'ltEWOOO , ;bll ANGll COUNTY , !PUT OF COUNTY •. tl Ul OF ST.&TE , \i"TANlON ~ES1MINST ER 11)5 ~~"11"'~~~;1~~ ~:~~ltT ;~~ lEAl ES TAT E ~E ll V!CE 0 41 ! EE E;~~~=~E g;~ BUSINESS .and USO FINANCIAL • , llOI 111} 1150 1 lSl ll>S 1401 HOS 14\0 10 ) lUS U IS i,oo "" ·~ !&OS "" \111 1611 lilll llUEINESS 0PPO•TUl<111ES llU\lflESS WANTEO IHVE STMEN T OD.,Ort<Jnlht• INVESTMENT W.&NTED MONE Y TO LO•N PERON,•l LOAl<I! JkWElllY l0•'"1S COLLAT E~Al l OAl<I, REAi. ISTAT E lO,,,NS MOR TC"'GES Trull Ottd• MONEY WANTi:D ANNOUNCEMENTS .and NOTICES FOUND CF•H •d1) LOST , tOW•Y lllY AN1.A .&NA , -· • U?O PERSONAlS Al<l!IOUHCE ~l!NTS l lltlHS FUNEl>AlS SANT"' •N• NGTS, ORANGE ....... 16. t lU :illUl ~I ~;H, llLNT,\I . .i :~:;1 l'.1/l~f'd :; !11•1 UI rll'll • I" tiis 191--68::.; Tuc~o.lay s. •n~l tHt! \\('~~·Sll;\y ______ _ 1 1 BH, 31 ~ Ulks tu bt:h, 01;·r.111· \1""· <.'ll1np 1 c1lt~. avail to !~~~1 (<.1n11ly or prufe•$1un.Us til &Joi J uly 1, \970 ~22j lUU :;?j',; !~~I C<.1J011 •1!l l-6S:-,S .-11 --,~,0 SlVI) 1u1·11 hsc l rd r c 4 63~1 1 l;dl 111·, 11;ill; Cu hf'.11 h. \\,Ill :;::I un1 1l J •1l1• 1~1 1'll-18:.S l lSI ! RENTALS Hous.,s U nfurni~hed ::~:.Gener.al 3000 14G5 •t!I 6611 141' :lli!W:ltij•m RENTA L> IR6NTALS Apts. Furnlsht~ _ Apts. Unfurni•hed _ ,. ""th ~200 Costa Me•• ...SIOO RENTALS Ho1,11n UnfurnishMI 3150 -.~ •• ":'•". .11 .. cl~ IUl!t ;'>.1 IJ.iy, !)1 llh'SWO 1,; ,_, ~1, VI']' 1-!}i;J FA~ULOUS VIEW HARBOR GREENS RENTALS ..,..,,~ Vl'lfurni .. ~td --· 5250 1 r:n, \ 1c1\ tJf h11~. ro child 1cn. 1dc<1J ro1 r.r11 } I' ("rl~ •>').0 "•:11 r .\ \I' r En1ire h.11'1l01' ,(. Jlll_Y <'11 U,1lll <'. J Cl:,:; C\, '11111,d U (Ull l,.:lltU\U, )I < lt.J•1' ~1•.> 11\0 '.!i.'i OttJll J;hcJ. Ol'L \;\ • ·~i~:\ !'~1, :; OJ-6 \ClfE I OP. \Jllloi! 11 t 1 o 1 1 _::.i i\!, f'l'l'~ fj~":-~~2 ; 1111J ll J.\i"'l~1 • r:J::'<[',\L, I $110 Abo Ml .ill I -:. l-31:l B::, ! hu Uupl<':o. I stc..1,1·. t. • .1_!L~l _01_:._:~_· _":cc1.;'--:-- .: lk!111i.s 111111·: 1'0u1u, llu1111" hi,: 'i('.)S BJ1111 J JCdl<'d flJ'1l~. l h!ld ' ('pl~, 1Jrjh, l)]!-111 .. , \I 1!, ~!7.i IUVlll, klll'h('ll('llC', ] '. bath~ L:11/u111 \ 1'ly C.;ll !,j,;..t;Jj,[) l1111l1Cd O(:o.;> f1.>1Ky ~ J.~b!-.:~-.16.:, I.,: ,)::J~ 01~ /01 l"J ll, ll'd!ICL, c:1 ~2JJ 1110 lii.r2U2J 1 i.. :. 1;1.,-11.11 1],t untui·n apis. ·1 1.•.11 c .. -enL1·1, .,,!J lJ !> .uppu1t: 1st'. :.":.rs \\ ati'rfi-0111 D· l '<••I : o 1 l11ltl.cn or flCIS. :;n P"1"· _ '0, _ IL1ti ~ B ti!t.H6GI :!iOil Prlrrwr: \\ ~\ Balboa 5 300 ~ Co~la i.!r~a "10-!1~;0 LH .l.l.!\l 1"'11•1 3 81~. '! B\ ----l f~l1. :.! &.o 11nr \c,.11y :Sli::i Fairway Villa Apts I_:_;·_,.,_,~_-:'_,:,_'_,:,_~_-:_{:_'.'_'·_'_' 1.1 n1( l 1'~""f1 orv ;\c, putt r .• ,1.1: Ti7~-.!017 .\\!only ~I\;, :.' JJJ: l>i)Lbl' ~l:-00 \i~o. \ L:i I '.'\l!e U1..r11111.,at Eal lK'IUI' :'\f''.•1 Dl'<ll,,r Cu ,\upu1r f.: B.alboai lsl•nd ••I'( i fUllll»ht•ol t .~1:0 t;!:'-J_•.,1 LC'! \•t~·:~ onl~ :CI..!.! 5355 ~1 .. .:1--0 0, ~9 1-9~j Ll.\ti"l~-i:-;111 1 ~;r.. 01"_01_ ::'<l 11La .\11" A1c. ;jJ~.:O;riu CJl\ll\I J.\l;_'.!_1~1::--1-~ fl,,•11 "'·l!. 1fl/!:i :o;:;w ----------- :;Lo\f' 1p1:1.. ti1·p~. Ull"ili :\u -,\U.' "l'J·'lOIC' Dt• f J __ l_~Af I I"'" "" o:-.,,,, CRLEANS APTS • ~Ci>l:\l -h·;;-;::-~/pool -1N•wpart Hgts. 4210 p!1!lOl'allll{ \IC'\\ lll'l\, -~-----1 :; C!~ a\ ... ! .\dlJls uni: •. 0:-i G1<111d Can .. !. DrhL\f' :. lil! I l.1atn, 11atc1 l1on! \111h h(1.1! tlucJ.. :'\~11.; ~1 ly l••t1•r i'\o c hihht•n 01 prls, Tu ~CC' tall 111 .nc1 Gi.:-<r;o7 Huntinaton d ei!ch 5400 be,1d1e:; .\;;.-·11 t;~~-!'.'"21 1 . * Clr,111 I 01 :.! 1.;i: tr ---------t\11u11 ~ 110 11cl•, :1-'1 I. k1U1 17\I 1u 1.1•, Cv.,1<1 \f,..,1 Hunting ton Beac~ _34_0_0 1 _:-.• S~u} 11~0 ur1 t;1u.1 i'iG1 J, '.\l~i. ~.J,,, Lai un, t L~L ll '.! E!cdroo11• .! b,l\11 <Pl", .. __ 11 ,.,1.c', litul! ir1~. l :f·~i lo',, •I J-:1! IJ111. ILll 11\td cl1n, ·Back Bay 4'240 , t •o:i. l Lill,; tu i l'u1111 ,,luH'» 1·p1--lr11 •--. l.t11,J,,( }Juq. ~ 11'.Ull ,\\,•tl 1 & ~Cl~ :-pt;> :S110 11p l-u1111~h<'d & u11 t 1n~lu1t Lll'!>i 11\J1\r ,s:.190 J\~t J:F.ALLY QU H~r.CLE.\.\: '_!. lJt'IU ·'' 1• '•r S. o \I' n. Jui n1sl1c.J Ii 1 :! -,: SJ J 01 Gl ... -411 ·1 Ci 11 _ r::i Pool, auuht l 111·h1"111" t I D. f't1• J'ool .t 81'..'-~.;o,, 1101 1:.:111~ .\pr D .: J.1, '""''·ti"•''· th·1~ ·I ~1'Jil, :!.:I ll :;,.ii.a .\nail ;::.1 , •·111 pU ,\1h1l! \11111::; i * BE-ACH BL-UFF-* ,.,_ ij\ !".X;n ]\I \'ll•ll•l \\•', 111('\\\t("ll a1•11<>1111111r1u I:~ .\LJ.Y ~,.11f'l -! r:!~ · '.'. •.pi -, lJa)s"t;l:!-:.-IUI, ('\----~ cd au . u:oh11.clu ~. p.1 .. 0, * * * * * Whaiddya Wint? Wh1ddy1 Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Special Rate 5 Lin•s -5 tim•s -5 buck1 llUl E l -•G A'U~I 1Nt1 uc~ •-W~ll 10u Rt.t 10 U •oe -1"/ll•t t~U "'•"' !~ f ro"'"- )-. fCUA incr. er ltl Dt •CD•• ,I ...... 'n•. •I "'' •"·••na. S--1/0THlllG l"OR S,ll e -"11.&Di:.~ C!lL YI PHONE 6-42-S671 To Pl•<• Your Tr•der's Par.adi1• /A.d * I I I ~t .. ir.:11· a11po1 1 rr1l1 a nr~ P1'\lp \"au111!. 11111" (''..', 3C.~)J sq 11 J•11t"e ~l :i~.o.Jll ! le•· \ 0J("(pt"1, /"ul' ranC'h, b,1}t1ont 01 : 0 11ni tii.:li6J1 I l ndll.-' 11ll'tl111e on Plal'c ntlal \\ l' Sl 50 OC-0 T!'ade ! 3 for 1 ·l~~t;d at"<'a ho111" or dll • p:r', clta1· r;.-,l 1ncC' TD. 01 U11nf'1· ~~s-1;H2 \',.intctl 10 1xl'11a11;:(', c11u11y Ill l.11;;r J,.hC'l!unl lu!, L'l<" .. l' Lakr, :-;., L'.1l1r. IJ~ c.qu11y 1•1 :=-o. c ... Jir. pr· r :. ~-li.;.,_j, ,9 L.> J~·cp-CJ:,, \""6, flO!t-top l'.i\!!1'1111 r Ii" 1 1111~ pos1· 1:a c:11011 R !I, 1()1lha;, hubs.\ s~wu \.il, 1radc seoo f"<l1J 1.1 clin1per o!' S1 \\ &J:. 1)1~-\Q~(j JU STIN 1011TH TUSTIN f,NAH EIM SILVERAOO CA.HYON L"'GU N"' 1-HLLS L"'GUl<I.& l\EACh ltlS llU U•I lt!O u u P•10 OlllTUAR Y FU NERAi Ol lt ECTOllS FLORISTS CAllD OF fHA'"1K S !N MEMORl-~I CEMET ERY LOTS C!;:l\ETEl!Y CRYPTS CEMETE RY CltYPTS :REMATOR I[~ ~EMOll lAl P•l!l(l •UCTIONS tll l &•U 1•1J 141t '4\J Ull "H RENTAl FINDERS IH(XPENSM "GUAUHl((D Call !JG.:-/'iJiS IOI' LUlvl' L .,.. __ " I ll"l l.>ul ,(·I 11.11r 111 ',J·•r Xr1, '..' & :; RI: 2 1~.\. l-v1.: ----J,\ r\ 1u!, I nf 51.w, l 1n :,1..:;--0;1-1 pvoL 11e11 l r. :! 1 10.~ L_•_gu_~B __ uc_h ____ 3705 Sl <.J !:;ll) !'i:111\a An a , --\\'ulh 10 5 J'ol11t ~:wps. l.i i•H P·'Vl, .; n i' ! r: '· f, VI. 1 a c1c Cuunhy E.~tale 3 Br.1' ----t;!.r-"!'.':: \"I·:r:.\ llH'C' '..' LJ:. 2 G.1, 11/11 iii~ :,9;1; 1111.lcioi t.::::Q, L",!\! 111; ;1 ~· i;,, J'<\:;t) pool horse~ or l.&Gl!N.& l<ll GUEL. , I MISS ION VI EJO .. ~,t.N CLEMENT E "" \IC~ 1101 ,,. 11\0 lllO 11)1 I RUIDOOIAL -I USIN£5S Al'T ·ROCIM\An SlRYI(( SLI L:i~u ll' ('l1~h)IH oh ~·I ~ ---t I IJ!~, dl 11~. Ul111~ :'\r11 ]I' ---o• pc r fJl' l:-I 111~ ~-'Ju:J lllll 1~ l\'\f f'Q IJ \\'anl bea(;h tid1·111.l '.liu1li t;U!'~l l'OOili Coron•del Mar A250 de. ll nll, to ~hop;.:: &I L\l~t.!~:.. _!JI:,:! 1;.1,lrri1~~1 -.,1.11 :;1_'"1~11,111 !:11. p.up "', I ::;~ 4JS W lttll,C••l•Mto•,"4Wl1l J11ll~l<il' hri1 11r, llllfUltl S•IUU\" i\f','\ Or.:C 'Jg 1 lll rnl,,.r ~\l'l,!TllU \l~O llC\I ~-=-:-B (.'.,),6rJ••L\!1!J ChilH'1".i....liti;6 S.&N JUA.N c•PI STllANO t•PISTllAtO 9 lACH DAN• POINT k .t.llLSllA D 11·0 ll•t 1150 111~ l Vl.t.TION SERVICE Tl!AVEl ~~111 -.-n -em·-~rl lud1•d ~pr{ !,u•ula1 {Jl('.lfl COZY ! f,1l, r l I (' 11 l I t ('. \ '..!~~J I lC'lldl',,! Ill ,\pt ,, I 1 r:J:·Sl ~tl i'\(',<I 0< c.1!1, fl! I 11' \Di-. p oh'(' I • :;,~1--PO_O_L_&c V-I EW--=:::_ \1l'11 J;i1~r l 1111br:11'1.'tJ lut t.1 uuncJ tlc:o1 '-·· ~1·orn,n~ ~i\J-..>121 , c.l~1l, ~"r ~'<12il 1 11 n. 1,,1;, ,,.,·,1, .. _,1 11ll i· •• ·~1'1,:,~. ,\I~ \\ill l1';1J.? rquily lll 4 &-d- i -·~ 1 1!) Ii"' 1-'1 ' ~ lOJn F.:-;J>.u111· ... hou-e 1n •,•,,'', ! eH. ~BA, t'Oll\l'it tl r•n l1 '.1~c :>:.:,o "'.ii<' Sl-,,000 01 S\';3 L-1-1-!"I' 'I -.~.o-' ,.,-•:S 11uil ;:•o ,i ill\" Sv::llO \a!. 1,, .. ,1, "•"""lo•·." n".l •fU·I OCEANSIDE SAN OIEGO ll lVEllSIOE COUNTY MOU SES TO llE MOVED CO NDOMINIUM OUPLCXES FOR 5.&LE •PAllTME NTS FOii SAL E "" nrr .&Ill TltANSl"Oltl•TtOH .&UTO 1P.•NSPOllT•Tl01i l £G AI. NOTIC ES GERM"'!< & TUl Oll lNG , .. s1 f,111 11 I d in & fa111, _. JpJ ', -• .:JV ___ -_ J>i"•f'I.''· c .. i rri~. ncn· :-;a il:C\V Lu:-;:cr:Y 1 S. 2 Er: 5-Jj,l)..\J Ti·;tdl" 1J;i, ilk". pt·up, I.l ent,'-"':·. d u"'I<'> or ? lu•sl offo• t1·:r,:;? 1«1 A•c. ''A Hal P1n1•lu>>' '""' ,;, •·,o,_, 1 \i ,l. · , '' :-1a 1 r• ~ ''"""" "' "' ::~: C0\'0(l fllli1l, s.: .. 1 1Hu1nt:l L:i~Ul11l,!1l!l l!J'3-_'0:ii l BR-t:.\r,\~E Co.1st l'la.-.1.0CC.t J':Un1o P\TIOS&J;,\I CIJ.\ll:.5 i.1.rl \\;iH,f'1 ;~u b'v'i!l>t S..:;;:J•S aC,c1 ,!p,11 llENTALS lt~O lliS UIO pu,11 lll !U~1 i\Ll p rrs. ;\:.:I ~:>--I I!~ !•:\cs alt:; Ol .\Dlil.r L.Vl!'\G ~c~~u~~~N~ DIRECTORX~, J U.'\L \~1~~1~,li J.l .. .iu1 Laigun.a Niguel 3707 ----~~~.i! 111 1,t>nd~ .il>-lo'lS 8~l'!:-;,~;/l~n~!~E Cl l.\l~~~~2SO!l ~~f1 ;~~;1· ,\'.tli:; ~ ";:ld~~ .. n~~ ~~~;·~~1~n:1~:~~:i1;~'.1 ~~~~e I.:\ ~N~WEll!l<IG SF.Il l/ICE •lOt ---LUXlil:IOUS r:::-.ct"\111\(" L oll .. 3-00 •'1 '..' i:. :; E l~ 11ur~ h nn1 ~1:,0 ;\f.tlll ::,;1, ::-an!a An.. Tr.. 1nC01TI(" or 1r.dus1r1al propcr-APPl.IAN CE llEP,,,lRS. P•r11 '1Mi'.\IC'I ' clean >'t':i1ly ,,-, ... c 1 ..,,., B.a lbaa ~ -·• El' l:pl < rhp" hll in~ ~ "·~ I 1D ~ ... , "'I • ASPHALT.Olh &l?tl" -' ' v,,_ OUl •l" 1011lf",; Loi•,.! 8 \ !O ~i 1[l IHO :\lr~a .-\C'I ~!ar -'• ' '• -'~JU,\J\o-..Cqly OJ" '101 •'• t) .,abvan!l.yPl-op,2300 i GENER"'L 1oaG "'uTo ll EPA!RS 1110 l'u11,111~)-:1 Bc d100111 :. 101 IC',i ~c St'i n<'I ,11o CLE:o\N B 1 1 A Apl" 9~~ F.I C1nu110 0 1· 1 ~ai .. ;;,1• Cio~l" 10 bcoeh, E.,1 .i lO lilliJ \', f;alboa, i\'"B 1i13-7t;0 1 ~~~Tl•A ~E!~ SHAllE ;~~ :~:~s1~~·1·N~·u1, 1•PI EiC i1:~1~ r:,11h \lo11 1h 10 \lu11ll1 J•l[j.,;j!)2 nllr! .-. (l\J o\ll I ac ~c ;~-pts. C.:\I .i lli-Oi.il . . ' p1c1, -hop~. t"l O.:. <!O.} S!h !"ii " * * ~ .. *I MES.& OEI. M.&11 llC5 llO•T MAl•TF.N•NCE 'llS f:Pl'<Lfll.Jhlr• 1'1'111 fo11 11\C -------U(I ll!C .J \ljl --~I J(J ~\i'-ll i ' !~~~!!!!!'i!~!!!~!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!i"~!!!!!!!!l!!~ .. ~!!!!!!!!!~I t\t:SA VER0!;1llt a~tC I( MA>ON RY ••c ,s1•1.iil,\ C.llJ l\i!lkri• .I. L•"'• LGC IJrlu:-.e. Ot'f'11l \It'll, ! ·;1i I:: Balboa Cl\11 I [:)~, 11/1,, flip~, ~,ll, po..1! ' -•'o·------ Houses Furn1 ~h ed COLLEGE '"'RI( ,111 1us1NEss s1?11v1cE~ '''1 , .. ... Bl~. •'"n 2 Bo\ s~ou n10 rit s ,\LBOo\ 6'i.:-9;iJ-,, l "1il r'I. a!luli-. 111) nrL~ -\V,\IL 0~·1 l:i!h 1\ri\ I 2 &: REAL ESlArE 1 REAL ESTATE ) NEWl"Olll I E.&CH lltO I UILOF.llS 4111 , X!_-_11.. I . '·'I' pl "'I' " I' t/EWl'OR l HG1 S 7110 (.&fFlllNG Ill! ---1 ~r l')!l-1.:H, ~il'i-ijijJ D-\l'lll'.LOI', ,\pl. "'''' ,,_,u-~\.!J-SJJll JS~l '! 0 !) I 0 \I a .., u -" ~ '-) ~ "1 ~. ' •• ,,,, •Ho11 Es n10 ! " l 'I · 1. , I' I 1 ,, ,, , .. , •1.··, P'" ,,,0 Gen•ral G•n•r•I " [All!N ETM.&K ING 1111 . --·· .tJ\, \ ., .1 - , I 1111 \(" ~ " ~ • ---'---'--------I IAY SNOll E~ )]1! C•RPF.tfTE ll lNG 1•11 1110l11h J11 r l11d 11111 'l !'iy .: -,,. '1""0 DovE• sH011Es 1•11 , , , ,•,,, 1111 lill1h pati•J, 110J, c wu-_,,i,, Ro lo R t '995 I p t 6000 .'''' .,,, ,,,, c t::M N on<ro1• Condom•'no'um 3950 only G"iJ-.i::l:!"i:G-3101 L\P. r: 1 kr: :..h .;1p'I------------oms r en J ncom• ropuy ~ CH•LD CAllE. l1<<ftW1I . '1''\ Ch1l11i1>11 1,cJcv1nc Bk 1 1 Cl' f I d 1 J J • + 1RVINE n :1 CARPET CLfAN1Nc. "'! lilj....(1111 , .1n r1 .1rnl C P l ~c '1'0 SIW 1.10 is l & lllsl i·cq! P.00\I turn·s hed i::~.,tlcman BEACH UNITS UH1VE1t StTY P.t.llK n ll CONTltACTo,s '"' IJCl "\:\'FT!O'\T \'' 1 l l1.1pr·, C;:irpc1• nr;o :)(), '' C''ll'f'• Y Cll{rCl\I'"' I E•S1 t lUFF 11•1 c.&1tPET LAYING & RE,•111 u 11 1S'"I" 1 1•1 ~-... ,, 1,1,1, 1,10 LE,\~t: Or tcnl '.'.Cr l 'r E:i, 1:-l<; 1~:! Cr.tr apts. l•urn. 0'1"'1 a~·1· ~ ~ .. 1110 ~· l'IGI pl'Clerrcd. Call aftrr Ii. IRVlNE TERll,.CE , . n•~ Ol!APE1t1ES 11i~ -·.J , • °' · • 1 ru '! ll11hl1\ll /JI: P0<ol tiO;-(;"-liO E.iol,rr : \:::1 (.ill Jh1-J01!l ~ --.~ ___ * 611-209:' * SALE OR TRADE ~~~~~: oEt-M•1t ~~: OFMOL1 T101<1 int i fr•ntol 1d Ch1ltl1r n & flC'I" 110,,.. 111 ~lklPI.: 1:.:. !>thool ls•r,-; ~: ::ur-t n~ f•,,ul, :.' t:Ol~\I, :.! C1', p\'t pai.o. .:, \dJacrnr Duplr .cs i100 ISLE ~ii~ ~~:;;~~c°.~E11v1c E ::i: 0 h l~k• ·,;)-(j'l.'\O 'd~1 ~Jl»<;-J61fl Huntington b•ach 44001 blln-. 11/11, din" F.11111h & I c.i!r .l, Poul, \1 a~l1C'r hool. I 1.or:\1 k1r Eaf"nl'lo1 ~11c, 2. 3 Bt-tlroon1ii T ! Eath.3 ::~~bs;·,~~:ND 1lll ~~~~~~~iNT ll (N TAlS ::;~~l!)l! ;1::1, Ill lUlll) '-'l'llf --------·-·--l·1nl prl Oi..:.P.kr::i;;l.-ti~ ... I) unX~-S'l!)l PlLf'lll!'.tl~lh,r :-..ccl loe;a .! . .?Eecli oon1~·:...1 1~Balh3 ;:~~:~~F~ ~~;~ FLon11 1 ui.~ Ll1 1\11ll 11 O h C1o kl'1 RENTALS QUIET& BEAUTIFUL ;\V \IL\I LI" n,.,,1.--,r.on,! ~-Li~ l"nl'lo!!C'fl pa11o, _,,_,_,_,._.,_·l_C:!~nllci 7 P,\l ~GtOCO a•cK 11•Y Jl4C ~~=~~r'J'1t:F1tPl':•~1;;111~·~ ''711 li l-.-U lll Apt5 Furnished ~ r:r,, pool. utd ~rl_. A~ult·1 (LJ)I ', d~il": 1,1111;,. •!H"flOLl'I 11 .i~h111~ f<tlll \tll1lts onl~ R(JO~I i'Of: HF~NT 111 Costa G.6r ~ TD A~~un1ab\~ HUNT 11iGTON11 EACH 1•~• &R EFINISHING ~n~,.,J-.1 .---:,,, ,, 1 ,. o•1: '.\u __ Ji:_1,,, Jd,,,G L.lill· ,,1,,11 ... , .. 1, .. ,,,,-.,-.,-,,,, •,1::.i ~\i-'if.'i.! 'l·'~R Quiet&.:. Ill" .. h'l llC Cal! i\h 1"1-:.tu!cr or FOUNT••N V.&LlEY l'1e C:AllD ENING ... , , __ ,, .• ~1 • L.o(( uUI'' \ u.JI General 4000 ... , ~ "u . v" v SEAL 1E.t.c11 ios~ CE NFR•l sE-vici:s u .. nl fiplr-, 1:1u. thJ!d!Lll oh ('L''ll. ~), .1 .,,, 1 --------i============ \~1.rl .. 1n< prrson Ct~-1'i~4 ~11. Fcr:::u ~on I LONG IE.I.CH l!Oll G'Af'llN(i OISCtl<G i'5 ---! DJ":, bll Ul~, ~l :.i 11<'1 J1,0 T • 0 ----·rJI!.: f:£.\L 1:..:51',\l'l::r.3 ORA NGE COUNTY a011 GlA SS ' :ltti Bt.1 . .-~:l-{j'.)\Q Th,.<:01:r;11n.;:-:,... :-.t·.\P. hr..11 h 11c1.l y ('' d ' \ ust1n 564 L\f:GF. flY.111111ith !Jalh '"-NT"' •Nl 1611 • M I I I £ I I j p ~ ri1~. p I 10 0 pc1~. --------'--5~5.2::1:: i;11o;E N oHU a ,,,, VAL D'IS ERE !t(·o1alc 1 .1c 1c u1 31)! \I It " ,, '""'" \\0.'.•1 .... ~ll .. I l'IESTMINSTE ' lHl .-.. , '"'' '''' -------' • ll ~ r1111\ • :;JV" 'fll'' ,\,Of'f,''< c l Y lUI ...... -~--\l~1 ""L' 1110 U11I .... . . . --i:. ' ,,. 1'.li-, M1ow"'Y t . ~:!:,',',",cLu1s ....... ,",',',I Costa Me•a 3100 ·-~ , ••. ,\\II • • SANT AANAHE1GHTs ~;~~ ..,,.., ..:111'=:l-I ti~~b~.~i..:.".•un r .:.::G-'.!:ii!'l ! 1.:1:, 1 111~. 11111<. Ul!n ij1Jl. J._ 1 1"11 -"1 •1 ,.1... / 1 1 'B · R 1 1 060 toASTAL HOuSECLE.&t1 1NG t1l!, ------, 1 , 1 I" ,1--1 1, • 1 l T11"1111~ 1ur~l1'"•" a<hhr•s , ' ·'"'up I\" ,l ll.'.r-11.1 u•1nes1 •n • 6 LAGu N• ll EACH lla1 .,, 0, , 0, •• ,,-.. 11111.1. ,1 •n, ~1.11"'"~ , C 1 1 1 1 1 flt. -~•-. 011 , .. u ,, ~. 0 , 11 ,... . I '' ,,0, 'N • I f'I C "' " •ll•" f:I' • 11 ., 1t10 .,111~ ''>r' • l Ill(/ 11,f' 1n1.1r ill \l (~, n .. 1• •. 1!).._G2-, '.•GS·l·,•o \I Ii I 1 S.,. , 11.~ 61\l( 0 fl l•1 -u•ti I l .&G\/N.& tllGU ,.,,, INCOME lA ~ '"0 -''• <> " 1" ~ ' " ~. 1 11('1 l)l\' .\,; I• fM', l~BQ~ u ., • t U \\in:;;, ll'l pC '> Q M!SS!ONVIEJO . ino 1110N O•••menl•l,£•t u1a1~1011 ,1•111~. 11 olph d ~,1 '.!!l('O ]'.,.l••'•~ l~tJ t.l'.'.1'uOO prl· ~ll1 111! tr!1I. l)2 o --------:..h.•'! 1,JJ'j'f"> -~c:__'.~fi<lll r;hd. :..t8-3ii5 ;r'l~iCt.:dC'~\ /.; t\1llll-S furn . ~~~~~!~~~~~S TRANO 17ll :~~1~~~~•NG '!" 1 11n,.: 11dulls urll) l Lill,-------1lC'111L11;tr r ~;:~-1 1111 1 1 :-..t\\' Luii·1•1 ..! l~I: ~ L;·;, 'lu«d ,di·conti.llOl1lll;:; ,r,·inn'"!\JOl1l !or c l1lp:ri\rd .;<-J 11cr n10 C. C. Dojle, DANA 'OINT 710f tNVE5T1GJITl'"1G O.,ocl!vr •'In -----.\d\1 1 ~ .\1.11! 11011'. fil'OkCl -'1" -'1 '1 1"' lpl IO Sl1l 1 ,\1!ul1c 11,\ !lt"I' l \[j ~G2!J ~ "' (•P•~TRANO IEACH )llO IN~UllANC E :,~; -.J.1.,1~ :')\ ~) -.11-11~0 ISl 10 l 1:1 j ',•11 1,lrtc11 tt1111 :;--1·1·-;-r,-,--I -11 I (h h11a.hr1, r 11 ('!I I .~' c' L:nf..:1 111~hrtl 1r • .. l, Co.> .. l :\I ~~" C.:all tit !-_r.ltr :;_:11-llt;S I ll:IVEll S•DE COUNlY ?MO J.t.lllTO~!•l 611G 1 GI~. 2 !~\ d1"' "Jlllf' 1•1 ·-1J111 poo \\,I' •rr 100. \1j). bJ _: ------C)1\11l.1~IUJ1l~ 8. ~:J.ll11'l~ o:::;;i J;Ll lL[Jl :'\t.: Sll\l11.ble 1 01 v•CA1 10N ll ENT•LS llla JE WElltY l!El"•11t, E!( •,·',',I "Ill (.otll P:.:r P.iif.; '''"·' lo1~d'lll '1(,~-~:l~1 1P~\T:TL\• IU !ll ~ r,1', a.null« \11<.11o11lCl\IS 110111 $1 P\l store, Ol!l"f', rl• .IOUMME lt RENTALS 1'1G LA '"1 o;r.,.PING I • SI I' ' • I ' I \"Q 1' CO NOOMINIUM ;•:o OCKSMI TH 60 ') 51.il) llU} "~ :-!,2.'t! I ~ "'" ,]< ' i"<]' Ull pu --~----. '' \,I; "::tl1!;'1 \ni <\\C Fut 11lfOJ 111a tion r::,i-titj,',7 Motels. Trlr. Cris.. 5997 r1'S-6~r~o ouP Lt:xes ~u RH ,,u 11o•10 NP Y.1111 1c K 1110 -----,1, o ,,hr11•1111•; r.1-.1 Or.ang_o_C_o u n_ty 4600 b~.:-~!111 fi r.-~.1.:~.i;2 REAL ES-T•-1.r. --------RENTALS MOVING I STOR .&GIE 6'•0 Slf..J-'l'\C,itllrna1.-,1ll\ll~1 I 1,n\i) __ 1 ~• U f h PA.11<111NG, P•P••h•n11n1 n •ol J ' •• • I Gonorol 1P.'llLE r:. SP\CYS Housel n urn1s ed PA 1Nr 1NC,s1'"' ,1i1 1 1•1~ •1 11~.pii\:tl") -l·•\1.-• I -------~l.'\•,LJ: \1)111•,;: ac1u11~. \:.l:-.· ------------~:,O PEf::\IOXTJ ( Offic• Rental 6070 GEN~'•l Joeo 'Al10s ''6!'1 \du1 1~. n.1 ll•'I• liii · " · '-: .! Lli. :. 1·• Cvi'dJ J:i:c ui ~ ,.:,.1dru :i.ii:· 1,11 in/Newport Beach 5200[ " ' cosT• MES • l1co PN01 0G ll"''"'v '"" -,---.--1 1.11. ~1 .. ~ •• n-~•I Rentiils Wante~ S990 ---~-til•:r!::i31 * "'Es• DEl M.&lt llC\ "'L•STER •NG P•I<~, ll••••r u10 I li:lo n, lo•" , , 1, I " .,6 • 1••1"11!•1'1 1.1c1l11tr_« .~ 1•,•l•t· EASTBLUFF I ------LAGUNA BEACti MES"' VE ROE Jl lQ PLl'Mt11Nr. 11'1 1'' .~,..-·'-'J ---~ ----\'.L1"J :£.\• 1a!C:S ~.'J I.ad ; COLLEGE PAPI( J11S PET(il!OOMING •ttO, foi,ct'(i ~ .. I ( I oll•llld! --~--;:-:::;:___ ~ plolt' Jll 'I ""'· "nuth '"'}. r.1.';PO;'\,!BLr:: J-:n111lu)C'd :r•Hcl :':::01 :\'c11rv-•1 I :C::lvJ, A ir Conditione d NE ... POllT IE.t.CH llto POCL SERV ICJ" ''10 ' ,J •. " \ i c • ( luh ,,pts." lil ~ 0 -.;, '1 :! ti 1,1 ·11· ~ ha, l ~·1 ~' .. ~ (l\; roi:t:sr A'·c.:-.:tc ''w'D.' 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J?ll sc •s~o11 s SHAl!f'E" •tS' .: UI~ '2 1l \, \~JJ .. 1 .. 1 1 .. 1 1•,11 1,11" 1 -~ '!' in 1 :Ito Yi·I~ lfv l\11 ~·u;iHi!, 1 .. ,_, ,\n" STOJ~. ;::~1 .1i;:r, 111atl f11ll)' ,iPV•Nf TERR~CE l"•I si:w1 NG •"'I hi• , 1,.,1 , , •, , , 1 1 ,1 •11, 1 1 11 L 1 tic111, \p1 ;, C\1 cnt l 3:::0 1110 21,;:, l-Jdcn t;oned. !Aipcl"•i, hc.1utiiut1 cOR0'"1• oE l M•-' 3•10 SEWING M..&CHINC ,EP~IR! ''11 1 '' '' ' ~1· 1 t l•,1 •1 I 1 '"1 :or ,, r vu ::iL\G nun~ t • 1~ ti\ '7S 1050 --r11ll\11:·.r~. l 1u11t::i.C!~ 0 1' l,BALBO• llllt ~E~T IC TANKS. Stw•tl• 51<, 1•0• l11' Ji1•1'! fol..!-.!112() • l j.il ( •r'"l ,1 r a1 ,1J \Ill :_01<IC11 tl"I~ I"" ti>UI\ • \,Qj:J..:J:\t.-Cot1j)Je, 1lr~)1 $. ,\1r ';er \1"1' .I.pl Ii, C.~I ., !"'Y isl•>tos ii~ T.t.•LO~ING u1• ---• L1 ' , ' ;,1 ' I ' 11 ~ --Fo,e::;t \1 c, lf"<l1 leads 10 l !DO tSL E l"l1 Tf RMtl E C0'"1 TR OL ''11 ~)LIU 2 r.1 11! ,, J 1 . I (' ". •Jll 1. 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IMMEOIATE ,. 1 I I 'I I I 'I 1 •o 11 • d ' ERY Et 1 • ,-111 . 11•1v ll'IY ar.~ 0 NEW D"-LUXE 8 \' \;o.;T to "h1l" ho111." •. h.1\rl '.l •lt:". 'h· _l-'1"'n~·r~ '.J. ·''"a -"-' ~q ... ir con, SE.&L I E•CH ~"0 MA HIN . <.. ::~.~· 1.1 ,.. 'L .•• Ii •. I It' ! s h . A " .0'"1G 1EAC1< .so~ .UMI EJt 1 O C CUPANCY 184 Ana •tm ve. ~ 1,, .. _,. 1,,, , .. 1 1,,, i~~·~I Q• 11 f•1r11 ,\ C...:h11•1111,1 \,dent, I \!) i'\ :'i'1icl 1J1', cl'p!~. rlrps :;1S-6761 . I }JtANGE coutit'I' •60~iTO,AC:E 11a ~:i1•••"''··''S-i.1.i:1101 Cfl ;q · '" ,. ~-.. ~ 1 I G.t.AOEN GROV E UlO ~~~~~!NG M.&TCl!ll LS :;::• ,,j-)_; 1; l.>i\IH'\' :;.1 .. !cn ,1p~1tn1f'lll~ . 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Unfum .'""'"",-J'Jf/flG LOHG•t:ACN ........ :Sit~ A!RCR.t.FT '!et ( Fu~placc~ I rn,1 p"l1ri:;i: t ·\i.711-IJ 011 ... NGE COUNTY .. " UH FLYING llSIONS tilt 1 Rr, 2 r.1, Ga'..'h :\l:lld sc~ I T I ,._I 'I Bkl I .,.~ .. GAltOl'N CllOVIE . ... . . .. Ult "'Ollli. HOM[I !":~ • Pou s ('Jl!l s . .._.,n Ill '. ~.#,..,.. WE!1M1NSTl!ll . ~ .. sin MOTO• HO,..i.S '1'1 \!Cr TV .t po.) !);:Q !ra l~•llt', (1J:\I lill·~61 1 C"'NCll I ~~~~:y A~i;Y ~;: :tc,Yc'1l-11t:1~ , ... 111 .. !U: TIME FOR THE BA YC LIFF JUST COMPLmNG '\lac.\1 thur 111 Coa !l1 111111 ! .... A J.;,,! 1· '"'NT"' •N• HEIG HTS J• f MtHI 11KES !'111 -y\...._ flJSTIN W O ~OTOllCYCLk S f!e.1 J"!J 1''. i\'('ll)"Jl l Bl\iJ, -"i;-J'<-JvLf ,, co ... i TAL sioo MOT0111coot~R1 ,:it QUICK CAS'.J 6 ,r,.;:~u.:. H •rbor Heights Four BRANDt~EVll--;::: _s. 9.71.291 l .t.OU N,,,at:ACH , J11S Au1oi111v1c E s &io~1tTS •i~~ ~, 2G:.3Rr:u;.;11 .::, "It "I -• 1 c 1 "'31-~6-201'[ L•OUNA NICUt:L . Jlf1 "'UTO 100ll .. tCIVt~. tlil I & ~ 1 :1~-Bac'•clur A"l• ,, ,., ..•• a. uup c:-;_ ph • . SJ>H CLEMENTE Silt r•AtllElt, TR•VE.l .. ·~11 ,. 1111111\h f11rplal'l'S, rl1'P(l, hltns P1·1v p;1l10, (")\ LIO 1.t.N JU"'N CAPISTll.t.NO l"l~ tRAll,llS, llftlfh ... UU l\1!-TV-Pool -~laul '\"c1 S::..) dlsh11a1>hc1~ ,t, ! bal1,s, Q 11' ,.,. I' 0~ J~IY l l •"'""' '0'"' Jiit CAMPl:ll' ........ 9!1' THROUGH A 1 , 1 • ):'RI , iO:i l't'lu, ... J er ···-'--•"·' ,,, REAL ESTATE, TR UCKS . •Jt1 1'"' 11 1.; t,, up. 11 1 :I f:';,\ f:r n1aJ :'-lnn11;:rr -,\lonch, )C1t1l~. -::.-~~ JEEPS ,,,. ~1 .• N 1'11p! 1:l\rl GiG-!)G>:l i\l <'! . -''2~4 59~ G•nerail c.a.MPf1t 11rN1"'t' ... 'n ~. -- - --1 1 ~ iris:irth'rn ''! 1050 _·'!•",9.n._1~·aJ1 r111PLEa, ••~. s"" ouNE 1uoa1t:1 •u : DAILY PILOT S \JI. Jn11 '''•IC'I, di\ 1 111~. 3117-A C inn11mon A ve. • CONOOM INIUi.! :Sl5t 1MPOllT'O •VTOS .. ,,J, 111('~ $1 Hl , ... $1:!0 tllO. c I M VI I(<() •r;11T•LI w•"T"o .. 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O:to ber 7. 19b'l liE.>.L ESTAT-E BUSINESS .-.d I ANNOUNCEMENTS Gen~rol FINANCIAL a nd NOTICES -';ommsrcl1I 6015 Bus. OpportunitiM 6~00 Lolt 640 1 LIVE UPST AIRS WORK DOWNSTAI RS '· ... ....... • ~·1t• "~r1l 1,1 I, '1"11 ~ll'Ul'I" ! , I~'" ··l il;:, 1•11 <:·11,. i :1 i:.;J! .. v1 '" " !.;,. ' llp!, ~I 1\•', C···1·1 '" 11~rd .. ,,, I BURR WHITE \ LITE MANUFACTURING nrrd~ ii~•oL·i.111' 1111/1 n1a :i<1~r- flio'lll ;i.1\rJ -f'I' l'!l[!ill(:r1'1 11,;; l. \O!f.:> "·allrt. \'JC Ccntrr S1. C.\I or ::rel .<\vr., L:i;::una Bc.1,11. l·'r1 ~,I. \'a lua\Jlr pa fl c r 1'. R~\\'11.!'CI. ~9'J...'~J9 ah, ii. 1:1·.lJ ! .. t::IH:tlc tlu;.: 1.1tl1 1111111'. I When You Want it done right ... r .,. ' \ 'j !'l<'l 1 .,1 .u··.-,,,._ '1 ·.- l:l• .. \LT1 ·:' .. _,,,.,' 1;:. :., -' ni':i·~6:Jf• :i.n·>.~1'),1ntl, ;\iouur:1•·lt11t·r L'll'\'ll':s un no.•c &: fr!'I, Lnn~ 111 ('l'V'.:l'J.!,11 r .. 1· n.u a,r111 t11 ··r "<il"S, n'd 1·1-111:.r .~ 11,,:i. vo1-I l''l "l'l '" 1·1;11 ..... ,. ·, •· l• I . · ' - -· '~ •. 'I bl', An~. I\) !'t'lli"1'. llt'I\ 11 ""!! pl.1~ rqual ::h.11 • nl I :i ll,i-l~i:,7 "' "'· tiJi-1 1~0 .i ... v~ · P ',"1 11~ I ' "('Iii'.' p~1·1.1 \\1!111""7,-.:--•• ,-, --.-• 5!.' .. •IJtl ""~!\ .. ~llvu!,I <'a~il.' t f.'.\IALI. l~.1·1.!lJ._ pupp~. I.in 11•·• ,, •·+·1rrt paJ'h .s.:.i,0001 11f11'h11c ll"!'I>. 1·1r R:ik r1• .t Call one of the experts listed below!! ----'""""""-'"'""""iiOl 11r•t .,,. toi Jr"l'~o;11.J 1111 ('1' llat·l.x.i1· l' .. \L It r 11a1 •l . Investo r!. Attention ! 1·w11,' ·~JI ill-Si!-.:'.•~.: 1::i.1 :,.i(t..(1.i:i2 _ SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY • 1 • I 1.1;1-: .. 'I I l) "·I I .\If' (, J'\J i L:\!J'l."::i \l'il!t'h. ~1h·cr. \I(', I --1 -----------~ 111 11 1111111~·11111 C1 ·111 ·J1 10 11111 EN_C_O ____ '.\1 :11 1 nc1"~ 1•;1rk & !'11\·-0n I Asplialt, Oils 6520 G1rd•nin9 6680 ' oil\J I'• lo'l.tl 1,u1lrl111~ in !'•'.<I , i)l'iJgS. (&\(_) 5-18-l9J6 ~(fll"I' - , · 1 .)1 .. 1 1n11nl i1 lr .i.1un•i ;,:~O Sl•::\LJI\(; s .. l'.\TC!ll:"\C Tr.EE Srr1u'l', i;('ncraJ yat'd I ,.•I p:'1•·1•, ~-:,,.(11~1 11111111\Jl(' Oil .t· J;,•1111.11;: ('0 .• •J:c"1dr11twl ·Indus -Co111;-'l ~·lt.tnu[l . J:otol1Jl & "pnnk!cr ,I' \1·1:.i..: :-!~u1:1 .~ !:J: \LTY I Ji.i> 11 r:l h . ..-,\1•'•1 ,,,,1.1 i. ,, 1 :.1• l.<·i~:~'Otl.;;.1~11.31~-for .11~f1• 01.1 I Cu111p! n•;is "!'\'1' C111Tc 111Jy :,CrV. l>Hi-~>."!·18 ..,, 't. J,_1, '-~ !:-.~;"."~ '''''' ,,,,,,1.-,1>1,. ''' ''·'•'·' ··'''''·' dn1 k IJ i., .. n . lliJ1lt:,l /Bu i. c11ga~cd liv C11v "l c _:IJ. fur ,--,-,-----Lu ,, · 11 Cll I 11'11 • • ('111 .I.: t::d,c Lct11n ' I 111o.'~ .. a Cl' Illa e Cd I.Ill(' SI!'('('( J'l'S!Ot'a\1"11. . ,1 11111'>'111«:11 J'<'11111n1 111 ~,\S.J ~!l.!l . ·o ,."o,, :'lla1 11lc11;.incl", Lu,:cnsctJ 111v". !J;1tl<"'"'"· :1<Tl'~~u1'11•s . ----:\:\1 L I.! ;:,.1~-1li0~(11'.l-l9'J I 11[\ •I Industrial Rent1I 6090 i;.,,ulin" ur 111"101. Gi t 1111111 . L(1"1 ~t Brr11~1'U 1·1t: Pnik r:r-Ct•n'I Con1rart•11·s t;;;s.;:.s1sl ---·--- ----~-11 11 ! r 11ilrCI, ,)-18·('1~~. 61G·72.i3, 63j. -Jl ~I S Gardc1un6 & lawn •!'"·" fl .• ~)(7.,,,.,1111 ;1·pa,1 s 3 ut11t1ri;. ·.qu111-.t I' C ... ~, ~q " ~ v 1n•·n1 rcnt;d ;01•;.iJulll(' 10 :l:i<o. Babysitting 6550 niaui rnaiu_'t:'. -,,cs. " Coni· (',i.1·1 '"''·'· !!U<il 1l11·d ,11d111du:d, Ff1r i11. FE.\l:\LI·~ COLLIE I 1nr1-rial . * ;,11).!3J7 e !(\) -q, ft. 4 nil\<~. ~ 1 .. 1·111;.11011, •. di H1l 11·,,od flG 1·97 [\l'OCLO l1kr pla\IUHll.' IOr G ---.----- rl1.i 'C' !1U11ro'. s;J\J 1 111,,I "' __ '-.• -·, niy JH'l'·sc!il :•hi!d 111.•I eneral Service' 6682 , ,.r,. \I . ..,, d.1,1., ~;;~.t)~lil J<1Ts ,\: llL C'k· ~ .. l·.H7[1. S !v J p111 '\Jlln·F n • ,... , · . . . . . . le \,,11J I<! l.1H 10 "I fl 11•'11 ----!.l"} ! !-Cni;1Jc lr1"1 ."1:t!rr :i \0-171.X! [' .-I (' I ~ ~-. ~ (•11·!~ .) I 1·9.J!li, --,-.. -. -.-----_.--. --1 •' r \\ p 0 I l / r '1 J j ~ i.l d I G,\f:ACL Duu r:< Ser\ 11.;rtl ,(, . . c . L d w h I -. ,-.. I <l'fliL!l'l'\. oCJl{'l';i llousc lr;1·~:11! 111wlc i <'"!l~ll.i«:l·rl1 01n aun ry as ers 11)/.•/!i~I \•1(·_ ;\1·oc<tro & \rJJ ! 1.1 , . L\I· SlO · Lc1'>l .1 '.l !t~a 1 .'lJ 1,1111, I.ii(· J~ """I' 1 11,,.:1 ' ~·ai n lcii_ ~~iG---ti~9 1 ,_, '" 1}:-.1tr 111,v 1...cl.\J 1 ,11111. . 111111. ti7:,_;,::g 1, I r 1' :0.1111 1111.,·li;11 11<· .. 1 11,11d.I 1v,nr. auy :-.111 ! (((<-1,1~. nlle:; r ' 'I.' 11 I' I .,,·,,ll ii' P!l l\' 1· l1"'1''1 -url>)l hc11<·c•!;ir'.r;,~un;,JJIC. Hauling 6730 .o w11 ... 11>.' .,.,,i..rl -,1 'J • ' •v <> ,i_ OS \ 1 ·-· ·c .. C1J>lf< ;,,_~:• 1,1_•.1 ·.,-.1 11 ... ~11rr.;, 7 t111·(p1v1,,-. l;o!l' !\ Personals c;4 / ny '1.::!l' 1·h1 d. 61.>-G!>U.1 -------------Y1\flD Gar_ t" I (' an 1111 . 'l'()U --,1-q-11--~:--1-1 I 111u1 1«J, .\JI l%ti, ·°'"1· !hc111 JJ,\HYSJT'J !;"\t_; 111y llu1u1· $" r: dirl. !of!' -, ... ) l('O)<, :illcl "11011 lt!!\ollOll ACTING dail). Eve~ & s~ilS ul\. ,('nlO\'(' ll'('I'~. ll")'. b,1. l ••l 1<·1·,•ti· 11h ·-l1 p 1•111-,. l)\I . lractnr bac khoe, i;r adc ~!o'l(<-,l<J!1 .J I . lliC•f' -1'1t•<' ,.,11 \\ \" J Jt< . "l 1 I 1 .. .,111--•. 1111 J:.q111p1 11~·111. ln1' U» _i cni ll':inT 10 Ile ;i lull t:m(' L:1:..;lll1<1 l'.1·n. C~.JJ 11~l!-~'.J 1U ,..,.,.,_g-,4_., I 1·r· 1' l " 11 11 Jv,' • i!l'rln.o !Ji·. 11 q1·1.l:1::: 111•1 fr~.<1on11I~ Dn 11·1LLha!).1s1!-!or .l_1"7(,1J'" ~~~=-------1"11· 11111 "'-'1"' (" FlJ(''I C-l1f -,,--.... , CLJ·:.\J\'l!"P,~l ltc111G1in;; ,·1111:,111·1. Cu•lii \!•'-'>·I· .~r. ,_ 11 1 "11· "' · "-·r'~"" _1 ou h.~1·(• t:•f' ~!'If tl1sc1pl 11~r 111 111_1· :'l!esn del :'ll<Jr llUJll\'. ~ Tn?C .f_ ;:,IH'Ub ren1111al, '· "lll-~.D. f1""·'"~• (I .••. l:L:,L-\CHA.'\'J' .'I u d r I' n lu culiJ::'I'( \. Ollr~rlf 1,1 ,1 rig--1 ~:>l{f-(HOI; ' ~=~~ r.ca1:.011a1Jlr. ·i 1!J-J',.1!l ;,iqiori ;--,10-1:.t~.. 1 111,:1111,1' 1•011 ~cr1ln'..; J11 •11·l! 1·! i.:1·111~!1 rr:t1ni11~.r1U1'.~<' S.: B,\8YSllrrli\'l;. !llYJiOinc, ,·, ··· ----d1n11('r ;111d 1·,nlld :··1·1r l 1lw a1·11~11c 111:111111\y lo a('-,_1,,,~ "~I ,,_,,. Ai<y ~"~ CLEA::-L:p <J nd liglil 1110\'-:'{J.IV Jnr!\11:.lr.,11 Cli ioi~ 1.-.r '" u. "b' c I! D I l"= .., -1 1 '"l 1.1,•;,h lil~1 Sr:•1s ;,11, ~11•1"~ ri·pl 1n1•1111• rvl r~ until 1111·. 11 ,,1,,.111r c! -,1b ·;oo·, I in~ a ,,','~'l'.' _ t\1•r. ~.IV\I sq, J._ '"' l. LJ. I I I I I ' " * ' 1'9 * ~,-.j, p1·011t. 11111 r.i11 , ••1·, 11:111111\" pr11u1 1!,' \01l1p.r1r ---~ ,,.,., .... _" l :'ll•Jl1i'01·1;1, C~L D13-!l01~, "' 1 :\Pl !'I' VJ"" \I ''' 11 •-------~Lill. prl' 11\0, 1'<'1\1 Tvi;d rr '" TllL l.l,l:\l>U:\' L\-1 .... i;.. L -U 0 \I Ill I Clean u., And Haul IJlil'J :)Q."°t·r .. 11r ll;,r\Jo1· &1 1 pi·H·i· ~10.~i()O. Call ··Tli« CC:"\.\ .\L'·rons \\On!\. ha\Jy~1t, 111.i-ho1n1 !111·~1 i,Jel I SI" .. 1.: 11 ,.1., .. ,-~8 1-fi_:"lk('r, C.~.1. ,\1a1!. :•_' 1•111·r.. '.1101' '''''''' "c --lilc 1,, ,, .. ,11 '\lar i.J!('<t :i1h-lG~1J 1 ' "_ v_·1 u u -1 -r.e:1I f·:~tv.tcr:.·· ;"h lu1• Vnn .. " n ~ _ 1 ~L LI.JV:\~ .1 ICl-l-t!~ tj J1~.jJ71 _____ I .1 011_ ,'>ll Ju\'1·1ou" rxpc1·1c~1l'.e I \\ILL B.1h~ .. -;-luy~ <irby ' Housecleaning 6735 1 6100 Tl:.\VEL .\Gl:'.\·c r loi· s: . .J~.1l 1h'LT s 11'.I-', n•• agr lia•Tl!'r. hour. llot h1nd1es, fenced ILots I in j,;c,,·port Ecadi. in:ll .\Jpn1l,.·J'-~ uf this e.xdus!\:C I y:il'd. li46-J:,:,1 e \\'INOO\VS DlfiTY? {'~(:,IJl l~lird, r 'i c r 11e111 1 ~11:.u11 \\•II 011!.1· hr fHTt';1trrl LICE:'\'S!::o-Dal' t::ir(', \lf'Ck Frc,~ <'SI, JJ )i'J.l'S l'Xfl, BA YfRONT 1'< fllll[t11011 . il\1Jd~ all ;_q1-1 t1j"l(Jt1 a ~11t1~ra1·1t11)' pCT~n11:d da1·,: infant ll;i·u ;-; ii·~. ,<.:rJ. I ,Johnny Dunn C·l2-2::6 ! I 1 1t"lllil1C!l1 ~. 01\'nCr~ 1110\'l:J~. llflPl'll''I'.' \\llh 1 11'~ dii·c~·tor. co' ·, PlaL· . I'' '!~ID"'' I' \\OL.LD Y11u llehe\-{' I II 11 Cn111111c1·~'1<il [.,,1 I -(' II ) I l IJ I I • ''" ' '1 '1 lll, v '" 1 1\,11 , '·,.,-,,,~!."" UO • S~~.000. jl 1/i!7::-171!' ('\'f'''· '' 1. Oi' app, -~-:;----· •·lct111 your honic for £Jue ., "-I .! Cll!l.D. II Ill·>~. 11·a11 t C'I ' _ :--,·r11Jl0rl Bll'd. I LOSE 1il<1)·n1J!t', 11 ·~0 n1os. Good _.11p :->1;1111 ps'!__'.!.'.17-7J;,i:_1 __ Eullihf'arlt rl Investment Oppor. 631C I 1 .. 1·1n;.: carr. c;,r, li l~-.~8~1~ B.~Y & Beach Clra11111g Scrv. l'1lt'"ri undrr SLJ . ...:q. r1 !!,\VE lr:iikr p;irk l•'<>d.v 1,,' J;~\BYS/l"l'l.\'.L;, 111y ltunic, Cnrpct.-, 11111l1011·s, floor", .\I""" ,1,.1 _,1,,, ,,.,,.,, e lt', Hrs .~· Con111H·'l 616·1 !0 1 htnld, Jf;O .~pHt<'.'< rlu1\u!n1'.l1 WEIGHT '"" ----/111110. :•n·n,,; fioni ~,,,1 .. 1 , ~1J:>-fil~:, C,\J!l'ETS, \\'111do11·.'<, !'11·s. I t·!c. r:rs or Coine'I. Xl111 J':<'gion;Li ,.:;l1flp p1n-: Crn1t•1· /,· 111 ~1i ~,·11oc1J , ri t!hi l Brick,Maso11ry,etc. 11 orl' r:cas; l~rr~. -:,4~.4 11 1 . 1itJ11 n1nw1•! If ,\tlll 11•a111 ~\l'; I ,. ,1111 1n 11.1,11•·11 1•, 11,, ;11 r' llj 6560 1 i[()t_;-:._ l:'. CLE :\ r>.' I :--,:G,~ ,pc·11dr.l.:r 011 any :1 "'1011111 .. rl r •ii11irls •u' nivl'I' 01't'n1r1;..:lll l :r11nr:1 I .\l;i1nll'l1J11(·1'. Ctdl I «h llll JV SIOO.f\JO, Lall tu i .. kl'.' 1•,;l l 1n gr.nip 11l'i~ll1 i.;t;ILD. r:.rillodcl. i't.'p!!lr. ar1y!1111r, i,:ood 1·e(,;, rrd~: I Br11·k. lil or:k. c<J1:c1·c tr, '6"S I l.l<11d. Gj~-1!1.'h'i Ju~~ 111\/i;r.1111 1.i ~pc,·1 d1.:rd &I -'"' 1 , _ ---· -_ irdiiiin:::: .\]] lllflllll'lr< ,.,11. rn 11w~111·1 , 110 juU too sni;ill. -~-======== Att~ntio.:' Bu:lder~ . I Money to Loan ~320 1 '.1dr;'.~.:·1_l. ·~-k for :'Ill s. T!1u,i1. 1 ~.ic . Con ti. '.16:!--ii!l~~' Ironing 675~ ror:o:-;,, u1.1, :.1 .r: .. rd.1 1 ~~ ,,, .. -,111.. I -~-------1~.·.' 1 .. 1,-1 !,11~ C'-l' ' 11\' ·i 2nd TD Loan 1 1 Business Service 6562 • l 1'<111i11~. r\pr-rirncrd O:w ',\ l!h 1,)11~1· ., f;d1·111 I •_\\.\[ .~. ( 'cirJ r:raf 111·•. ' . . ' • -S\.:.'"• di) lio111· )l.,•nr"•:llliil !'·i··i!llL'u ... ,t . _ 1'.d111r £-.lirl11 on 111:111,v r~P l\l,Ill:"S "Jr ctr1c. L:d i!lG·Ell: I Ill 1 , , •• 1, I P1·,n1nt. 1·tin[ir,r111rol ~r,.1 0•,-' 111i.1l ~'r-. J·11ll v lied. Opr11 1 ~«~t . r•"'-'"· .,1·e 111 a1r 11 ,11.1_ -J ---.. 1'\_.,. -,, I " I ' .· ~·~·I I'·. 11ill 1111, ... llll l·,1.11 l 'l'\'l'l'C 642·2171 54S.061 T l <1:11 ly lU a111-lOp1n. 1\!;!.nusrr1pi·~. 1 11.-.,1~. tr1111.. , .~11 • Xl,ll ..... .-' ·' ' I •]" .. -,.,-,I 'JIO I' \ ' ··-"' . I c)l lH 111l l(' _,, r•(\r "-,-, • ,. ,-, ,"-l'1 'l•1"ll •1 •~l';\J'f';1 ~''•~ .• -l .. /t,1.-.•-·-·. I \IHI· pi:prr ... i.1.>-1,,,l7;,(th)1ll • ' ., 1111 "I,,. .. 11.. ,..... " I . 1.~ ,._, ul!-.,,,, ,---, Sattler Mortgage Co, t 1<T J)lnl. l.~ !];,hr,1. :\c·d ,--;---1----.---- ' . -:::\1: I<. 1-;-111 .-:1 11 r 1 l<J L.1lf.d11',L 1.,,i)I> 11111 1r·;;trr. C"rpentering 6590 _ . IRONING ---.- Citrus Grovel 61 75 ,--------:;-.~=-----II 11.1.-1'i°1 ··~II ;1 8,.. i)nr io -1 r:r,,<:<.n1.1l1l1' s9 ,.,_,._,o !Mortgages, T.D.'s 6345 , 11 .. l'11" .,,.1nth 1 i1t'n1herl!h111~ CARPENTRY ..... ------~·'' fl(J\\''.\, s~ l'r:1: _,l(J' ~·~i:1: ----Ill llol11l,iy ll caltll Sp L, j\JINOr: 1.:i::P.\lflS. No Job Janitorial 6790 J·lLl. J'JUC!·., !il l \~ llJ CU."ST':ccr10:..: J\lu1:r,>i CH~ia .\lc.sa ,fr;_in1 r111',ll(' TIX' Sn1;d l. C.1binrt ill I::lf·l sr \f'tl'IF 1> l• ''Iv 111 1<'" 111 :'Q_ !11 l.';1\.ollnlle f,,r 11•r,-•111r· p1·•11 <+"r·s x_ o t her c~binci~ · · , .•• _i.nl•11 •' \\'in- C'llr11f, I:, --;;", I\ .:11/ ~I ,I 1h1~1n;: prGprrty Fr11·r11:11 ,i:_ p111'I). I 11 !-:'--"'"'1 j;.J.S1i:) if t10 :iri.~wdr lca1·; dr11v •.'lrnn1:i~ .'<'rv. l\1n- 1. \ ·~';"1 r,_·~ ,f(•:.' I il••'n<'•IK· \I''"'· \nr'tt'"'-'1 '.:'...'.. ·" 1 .. ·1 Glr"~-,, 11 0 ! 1in11.•·. •c~•d. 1·<111u·L c·1<11~1 . ' · E l1L~~ a ""-~•-· · ' ('!<' · I · 'W~ 'l(i9l _I r: .. 111"'· Sliup111111!, Cr11l<'I'' I Alt rac~1-~e -xpe,rl fln;kt•(l ll I · .. ·l•.11 •1' ·1f'•• <'~! .. I --' ' ---------()fl11·•' /:111]!11 ·1.-., ~(Jl\,, \10\1,\N ---------· 1 j)l.j lLJl \!·111 1 ~1·r1 t'l'I'' R. E. Wanted 6'240 1 .\n:i rt,Jif"tl1< ,.,,. 11·,'1n"'. 1. d't'h'<'J' 11111 ft• «'ii \'111 ;i!I l:l·:;'.\11::", ,\l.TEf:'.\,\Tl0.'\'il J'lli" II.' ': .. ,111'.,' :,,,111 w -----------. ,. ' • ' ' I.I • . c \f,I\'!"l' I l O• I .. 1. ,..,. u 1 ,-,,11 I •!Ir 1:1";1 l1 _v ,\· l,11r"1 '"'P'-C<Jll .\1·i!r"l . ' • · ' ~ · ri.v ~1'"'. J·1.~ •• 11n~l1n1..:. !liuT)' ,;,n fif'1ncn MORE CASH .'11~\1r<Hl"" Cfln1n:1n.1, :oi:;' "1; 11·1":'."l-:OP.\I -~·-1 .'.!::'. .ih-~.J .1 ;.::;-1 ·i0sifn(J ;111<;(';,i1;,ft::. L L11·~ 1; u 11 d . IJ ·~' r.1r,n -s 1NGER-S-W RITERS-IQCALIJ \'. l!cra ws -Aller; .. J.. . .;T,\'11·7:,J~Trrr Sri7v FOR YOUR i11;:!1a1n .\l11h:"111•1 ,,,,_:11;. r:11·11 . I(.',, io; ~r.11d1111:::: 1•11' 111111~ .... i'\c1v ror~t .,by huur Hrn101·;1! S.· !1·i•nn1i11<;t,:, fr r<? l'tu111'' 1'.!Q:11 2:,1:7,~,1~. __ i 1111,, 1, :· ,,.,,,1rrlin;;. ;,is.~:;::i:; _"!.:.. l•,nl1".1t·t. CIG-.. 11. r~linH•1c. :1111 :i n-noli~. EQUITY i.7 1111H1 JS-I' ·11 1 un 11 ,0(~I ~·I ;d ,,. 11·1·111. ,l:LP.\JI;, Parl1!1ous !-i111;_ill ------ 1\l :r11ic-10 ·1·n i l11T~;11•11 1 r,·1· 11 1111rk t'011101rr<·. Ill\!;.:.. 1n \\'.\'.\T-1,1 ,\\arr 1._i.,.l 1;{·n1~ll··.1 "1 1· \11 .. or,.101<1), Landscaping 6810 1: HI' p1J 1'1·'1·1<.1ni:: 11• 1•·· 111 Or;.n~r Co11111.'. •111 lung I '.\,,111 ,11.\ir"i ,n'l':i 1 0 l.C'Cl'< C;d l hi'\ .JO-llii l I ri1·:.r1cr L'nt1n1~ ~·'"•"' \-I I• r n l1'11'f'•! h•nrl. l':i)«hli· i';"'"~'''"" ~. di•)'-· Cnll ':::::.__;:::::::------~-, * l 1r 'cl .l:ir1.onco.r !Jnds111pc .v )·I!\ r•l'•·'JI "· L'.1 .! ar\,1 . o;:;:,11 1110, 111rl J!l',, all th•r ~. tl·~-~'\{i' I Cement, Concr1tte 6600 1 l' u n \ 1 ,, <: l "l . I a 1' 11:; !<11' .. ~:1 ' .. /I ,~ !:i--1oi;i l Ill•. S"'lllU 11\U., ---~p1 1 nl.lr1 ~. [ldllil'. "'"· :u , diqn11•11 J:i"l,•r 1·-\\'L •,1•1.i ! hlln'"'d dn'· e rn:-;c1:I::I F 111•rk nil lG0-::1r;7 3US!NESS <'I nd .\~ 170\J I Ll'' \I\ 11llr1·'l111• 111 l\dl .. 1.i fl P' ~ )'n"I •klk~ ,(.;. i.;l.l.~ni.1111 ! 1 :-;!,!)!"! ;,.;; "11 1 FINANC IAL ----'-•--:ff ' 1'11 1 lu n I' 11" i'I) f'u\ l Ill 11"·1.,.'I I l.L,>.; ,'\. ]-./ I'l l ••11 \\h1!<' \" ', ll\h ,,11 1 •• i1 tHr ull .,_1,1~ -, , . --.-.~-1 ~p1•c1.oll• i\r\I )<':•r~ 1,1111 1 "' I ll 11 ! 11;.H1\1 J \II -------'--* CO:\LJ,Lr~. r l r,,.c ~. 1•111 bu 1111:'i<{'' C:r·i pl\l· Bus. Opportunitie$ 63 00 ,~ ,, ,1 .,1 ~,;11 .1;',, lnrl ,;. •II ,\l.(\1JIULIC!' r\HOll)i!lOll~ I ;•,11111~. r1, r:.e.1~un;1llll', C,i.J !el'lion Tlf'\I • (',11! 4:1.·1.(l<\11 -------,111,.: .i· ''"· l.'·, 1J,.:.,,u1,; I Pho11e :i l~-j~1 7 O• ,1·1·11r 10 1 l\nn , hl ',,11 1 ' II' ·'· &R:~~oNu;ME 1 :1:1 1]~! IC 1:q .11::j P tl. 1; .. " 1 ::-~·: t .,,t::. ~!"''" ~~========! Ma$Onry.-B r ~k 6830 -1 Carpet Cleani ng 6625 ------- ,\ ':. ,f,, ,., ! i \!J I""' I ,, .. I t I ,, l'I ',I " ANNOUNCEMENTS a nd NOTICES i Announceme nt!> 6410 • UJ.\\i():"\11~ ;irr-rn"a~tir~d RICHAl\0 ALLEN Custon1 & S?ani$h Ma5onry A Specialty! Bloc~. Brick, Concre t ~ Free E~t. 633-2343 11.; <111,.11 , :nr 'I• ' !H\\]11\!1 \'\IO'LT i'IJ \\i·,J:...: I j~-] .]"i ;ill\101\(', Grand Opening SERVICE DIRECTORY Paperhanging P1lntin9 6850 NEED PAINTING? C111l us: P.cl1alllc ::er111cc 1v/ Quality <ll ll~ bl'.'st. dl Tile 111ost 11.'a.SO!l<l.hlc prirr;>, F"t'C rs1in1:'1 e~. ;)\f!.60('~ SUDL'!U:li\N Paintlng1Dcc F.xpcrl Gtnu·a11tcrd \Vorlt free es l. Nu ju\J 100 large or loo .sn1all. 49'1<H90 L'.;·r & 1;:x1.. 111'cragr ~ h1· h.~.~. l:ibur 1inly ~127.:,0 tifl-0~:1:i af!cr ::; p.111. PA11\mc Int $· Ext Lol\'e'S1 l'(J!'IJ'aclc1! p,.i,.e!. fully ins. Sutisfflct!o n gll:'ll . Fn.>e est. Jin1 \Vccks 673-1106 \l'ALLP,\1-'l::!l.lN!_; & PAl:\- Tli~t;, 1(1 YHS 1n <1!'ea . Hc.1sonahl« rates. &1~-0ll7 PAii\Tl:XG & pnpcrh[ln_gin,:. Rcasonablr. 2J ~'f~ exp. Gcr111an ~liill ~. fM2 -1:!:l2 ---~~--~--JJ,\lNT!~'.";' l'apcnn;; 16 )'I'!'. in !J;1 t'l•Gl' arc«. Lie. & l>undrd. r~i:fs. 1urn. G.Jt-'.!J:iti, e von 1:c11cr }-11int in~. in· trri"r ,(, e>.:le1·ior. acoustic 1•eilins.:s . 6-16-4077 & ;:,.iJ.J502 C .t· S Painters. Jnt-Exl. House & apls. No job too ~1na ll. f ;:,.295j a.fr :i. Pla$tering, Repair 6880 e P 11 TC I-! PL,,STERJNC;, All r.1 P<'~-fl'C'e es1in1atc. r nll .i l0--68:.1.J Plui:nbing 6890 PJ..!,.\\BL'\G HF:P:\11"! ,' l) J(i!J too ~111ci l! • bt'!·:;12s • ---·--- Rem_o~:~' .. -~epa_;,_._6_9_40 nurLl), R('n1odcl. T:cpalr Crid;, \Jlock. co 11 c r e! e , 1·1·p11t ry, no JOh 100 sn1a!I L1r Ccn1r. !!62-694;, J :i:-~10 ... D!::Ll1'\'G, Carpcn- lf"1 l11R. l>lf<~lrr !.: <Ir~· 11:.i ll p;1 1,..11111f~. Ca ll lJ1r~ 6-12-li!lT Sewlnq 6960 • Dr('<;~n1 :d;in.: -.l\l lrrauo11~ ~pcr1:1! nn l1rn1~. .. 616·6·1 \'~ • Alteralfu.M -64~2~-S~8~47S :--,·ra l. 1u·cura1e. 2[) ye11r,.; r.~fl. TILE, Ceramic 6974 * VrrP«. Ti1<' Tilr ;\l~n + lt1~1. 11•irk J n~lnl! & 1·1•p;1ir_;, l\o JOLI !C'O ~n1all. PI~slr1· r~1 tl'IJ. I r· Jl" 11'. J.c:ok11H'. ~ h 0 I\' L' I' S l'i · l'.1:11/S i\i·O~Gli Tree Service 6990 --------- Irr(·~ I sl1n1iJ[J'i',I' 1•r111,,1 ... I, 11 liu111rd, ll au!•:d a 11 il y ;,::.1.1:::,:i n1 :11 .\r:~~· · l•1·r:O:i IPll/10 lc1T lflll-. J:"1·rr f'~1 .\P,\' Tl'('(' ~<'I'\ it'f'. J..:u--::9:?0 Jlqll:! Uphol$tery 6990 ----CZYl\OS!~l'S Cll~L Uph'IL E:uinprfll1 Cn11 1~nliJl1sh1{) 101!' ~ 111.' Cl2-J.1:,i J <;,;:I ;.< r 11 jl<l!'t P.l ., t _,I. ' 11 r 1 1,,11,I' b11~ <; 111 il l'\ih:\l'<'l'~ 1• •1 I ,1d i11 llir CJ;1''·if1l'd :\d.•. Clip(·\; 1lw111 11011' _.:___--"-"'=~~~-== t r'L. \;\/\'l'.\t: lt1 ninvc" 'i'ou'H f111•I ~n :un1111n.: 11•1111h('1 or h•1111•• 111 IQl\it.~ ~ f b1~~1hcd \rl • r 1,,.,,I< 111"111 noll'. 644-4860 Tii~ H1·~!. f.'O~I.~ llu 1>1or1'' .l'....\p;-, 1('11l'o.'tl ,;\Jf1111tr11:11K·c Gufl~rt J,11nd~ra111 11~ (; 1·adualc I lorlit'ultur1~1 Ci. I:: ,\I\· Lip SPEC J 1\1. ! .'i~ I ~.[01: in~. cr!::in;:._ ~rl ~~Us. , J.r:1~onal1lr .. 1~~-!){l,~J 1 ---i\F\\ 1 . .-1\\tlS r•'-trcil111g PILOT Cu1npltle 1111111 rn1e, 1·lc.111 [ 1111 liy JOb (Ir u1on1 '1. fire 0 1\ILY PILOT n I \11·; · ,\ · L/.'I'.::' Y!lll 1·;01 11~1' !lv-rn WANT AD 642-5678 f•11' JU•! IK'll nlr~ I (lay. L11.1! 1 1 •••••••• Gt.1-;Jfij ~ a I ··:_'.11~1 "•._ r-~ SHi-o:i~:.i __ , ,\[.. S G111dro111J.: .1. !.a-.111 \ln1111r11nril'r. (<)1111nr1Tlul, 1rnh1~lr1:.I ,'\, I l'flth.'1\tial. l .. \n'd J1,11:u1r~r 1::on:t'!" r. 1 •il\i I· :(1 ~:0 111 ~<'r1i~·e. f1·rr• f"•1i111:1tl'_ :,J(l.J ~.Tl 'it E xpt r t-J a pan1se rr:--,·1:c.:r 1ro1:K 645.r':;~i NO MATTER WHAT IT IS • • • YOU CAN SELL WITH IT A DAILY PILOT WANT AD Fo r Fast Service & Expert A~sistanct DIAL 642-5678 DIRECT -------.JOBS & EMPLOYMENli JOBS & EMPLOYMENT SAY ti t~ASH! Read The DAILY PILOT c L A 5 5 I F I E D lllI S11 1111\YS! 1Job W anted, Met1 7000 1 J obs-Men, Wom. 71 00 I 1-----HH~I! St·hool &n101·, 1 1e:1rs BABYSITTE.J:· ,, ... t'(j '"\Ill\' dndilng, ,\\'a1l 1-b P'\J ·\1011. l:1dy lc1 (';•I'" !or 111·w liurn k day !hn. ~~riday. :1 :S-i)'.!l8. 1..,;tdlcr M011 thn1 SAL L11 ": 8-'.J A:'ll. & :,...7 P :'ll h:skp1.:. 01111 lra1u;·p nl'1·dt'!L I --------~-S'.!">IJ Jlf'r nlo La~una Brad\ • Job Wanted, ~~.ws:: _ Women 7020 13AU\'Sl'l'J'EI:. 111;1 ho111r. (l;.is, _llon-t··1•1, :'>l !\u1· \0th. \'OUNG \\on1au nrtds part !nfanl ,t ij ~ 1·. LI hswk, 01· full ti111c Gliil·e 11ork. J l(µi!Ol EJCp $;>(·1-etar1al (lt1t 1«< :. lite ·hookkl'rp1n;;. ~·lll-:'14'.!7 B.\B\'~l'rrEi:. rel1a\JI;· lady --· ---In 1·;u'<' tc1r h;1rnblr :l II'. Oh!1. l\'O:-.!AN \\'ants li\'('-in CQlll· 1 111 111 v o1'ranfro111 hoin~ . .\1201 p11111u11 11ork for wnnH111 ino. iJj.,..;1;1:: i·i·r~ _ alone. \\'rill' p , 0 . Uo:-, 67."1 ----I L.ao;;u11:1 nco1·h. l'.alif, '.f~l):it 13ABY.'il'l'Tt:I:. 1\ly honir. :'' 1·1i;ldl'<'ll. :'llilll . tllru rn . --£-;1;-r-HN {f1>;tl'I''> I _ , . 1);::0-1 P;11ilarirw;i sl'hW 1 111 wl; 111 Di•,; GI.hr~'. A/1:'~. :11:rSSili 11!1rr ,, ~ 1•:\1111_ Refs. Sll;...4S:.!1 -----------' -. --BABYSfTTEI:. ne-C'd"rt Turs t::k1H·-~c1:. Thru P&L & Thul'.~ s :;o ~m • 12 ~30. i'\o 1 lJ .Vl'S. r''P· '1ou·r11Tk . frl!i--1410 Bar k! -'"7"S 11 .... s _ ......,. -~' Ba)-• EXPE/i.. In d~~ncsU•',,.'1o~kj BABY ~IT!'ER _ llousekcrpo·~· ', \\'rd. onl~. Call 8:,.>-IG•O . \ii'\' In ot' oul . ~school boys. al!r1· 6 P :'ll 011•11 ll".tll~porlallon. C ;1 I I :,i:!.~1~1 r1:i1·s or 96~-l(l22 Evr Jobi-Men, Wom. 7100 ---·-------------------1BABYSJ'!I EP.. 2 d11y~/wk ~ · for :! thild1·en. !\ly hu111e. abilities cinlimiteo agenc y Qunl1ty l'o~it1011s \or Qua!IJirrJ Applicants 48.S E'.. 17th St., Sliite 2'.24 Cost~ i\lesa 6\:!.J170 ACCOUNTING -CLERK- ;\lu~t 11 av r arcoun11ng bar•kgr\Junrl, pl'rtr!'ahly 111 ai.:coun1s paya\Jl,. 1ntli ~0111c knor.ll'Ugc or 18:11 I\ r y 11 u n 1· l1 E.x('cllent fri11i;;c benefits'. Cadillac Controls Tur\11' T!ock·lr1·1 rn'. s;;;;.Z!).1:! BABY::>J'!-rE~J I \' r -I n . noon1 ,(. l>0:1rd in \\'atrr!ront 11pt 1 sn1nll !'111ld _ Gi::-49;18 BABYSITTER--:-litr hskpi:;. '..' cluJdrr11 5 ,\, 4, 5 clay wk .1- 01\'Tl tra nsp. 963--16'.!0. Banking l::.\pcnrnccd COMMERCIAL -TELLER - UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK " ;;09 ~lairl :'!1•rct 11unti11:;1 0:i r.ral'h, Ca.hf. 'JJG.881 I DiYision of Ex-Ct>llo Corp. E'lU.'11 opp.,;i·1 u1\lly r.mployC'r 1866 Whittier Ave. Costa Mela 8anking Nc11·porl ;-..·ational Bank 646-2491 i::.~•·ro11 Off icrr .!o.11 cqu;;il opopdunily Call >Tr. Ca\'trr ,..111plo~c1_·_~--9.;), 612-3111 ACCOUNTANTS l"s~.,cr7:;.c1.7\~ID7,~,~, -01. pt 1in1r. IRVINE COMPLEX nl,,:hts. tiood sal;iry. Apply $800 to $1200 MO. t!al'.•: .13i; t:. Ji\11. C.:ll. Require~ Accounun~ dc;::1·,.r . :i1S-:El19 Prefrr :! ~T~ r\prncncc. l:.i-1ifE-.-,u-·-T-1-c-r.-,-,-5-.-,-,-,.-,,-,1-c-_ ~,0 1 k1·a l•.1nplo\'111ru1 ,\::.;.:nrJ _ , I . l'"'I 'I -\.I . "I d· 1 11 ork f:\'<'11111)-:S & :-it111llay!> 111 nt.,u1.:ir .1\1\ll LJ\,C ,1 . 1 .. 1 '' ""1 \B '10 6""0 0~1 :1 'e~ri s J ll ~lC ~ ., · ti I" _,, , ' ~ ;i · .,, · I 0 ~-~~~-~-1 pop11!ar· pnt·cd ,,;; on. P· e :\ I It L' HA FT (; .\ ·"I portunily f•Jl' 1op r;;rnin:::~ !"lEL!:.J:S • l"ul! 111111'. l'\·1 11·/p:11 1I 1·arnt1u11. App 1 ~ r:e.11cnrl'd,. ind-. 11·!; r·:id-;. :\lgr. CtTJ'.\'.11.1ic~ 1:'lor: Er~u· ~.:-;p. t!r!C'l lllines ~<i i . OC,\. Iv S;1lon, .'67 £. ldh :ii .. 80'1: :ll--6 1S Tllr o~ily Pilot I (·'\I * AMs1T·1ou s-l-'-B;.c· .-'-·.-u-1y~S-a710-n"""R-.-,p"'17.-* WOMEN 1 :"\.B 11 ret1 \,, o rr1c~ skil l ~ .\r:r: YO\: '.'.JU::>.i::::--:;-r nee .'111-1 lfr l1?nr!~hle. :::-37 IJ~_)J\),'\':-l f:.\1 1\t, hi '~ 11 !;, t er: 1·c11111J •. \!so Irr e T,\~<. e Pl;1,:1(·;-,1 job . .;_ I l:r;1J F·t~lr e Clo1 h111~1 .\!~ILlflE,.; • Cv~1nr11<-.: l ''.\.l.l:lllTED . .\Cl·;:-;·cy .\1'r ~nu 1111r11'<lt'd in 111•1r"! -\,<;3 1: Jjlil ~I , SUI!" ~2~ 111vn·.1· 111lh ll'J 1•ullrcl11•C·,f\•~IJ \lo'<;l ti l:Z·l470 pa1·11<'S ur dcl11·"r)''.' Cai B-! I\ 1---:...; 1 c. .. rnia1dfd11.nct"r. ner(Jrd, _~1.1111:_ rvcn in~s prc·1 Full ur p:ir\,fin1e. Costa !r~·:·~-.)~!·~ •.io_ :llr. i.n .. ~y--:.lei.a AMBITIOUS WOMAN I 6!G-~:m1 :\auou:tl <\)lllf!nnv 111 b1'1d11l1' 1n.11'1;r t, nr td< ~ .11('1! ;.(l'OfH11· BOOKKEEPING I ' rd lldlll.ill II It h '_)il1C ~n lr,, r \p ~~ "1vn11:.,:("r 1111incc GENERAL OfflCEI f lC\1h1'• hi". <.0n1r r1·r.~ 111·r. I'll, P;n· nr~·-:\c1 p:11·1ir-. (·.111. FOR I 1·;i-.,111:;•Jrd,,J,,.,,-1,« Upp 1» NEWPORT BEACH . do11t1lc rarni11;rs, t'c1•· 111·1,, ADVERTISING duc101·y 111l•'rvit•1, Cal! :IJ1• AGENCY 1 f:11Tl!i }I J.$,j;,(l, ;\,'\TJQUI:: Elanl;cl ch r ~ t Post double en t r y , $!:ii. 71 ~! yd~ :.1111 hr1~,. payable / receivabl1, <'l'flt 11·/111hlorr p<1d s1:.o. 2-1 XI \\ 1rJ1h hcii:;r rlr:q>"I)' s:iO , '.:' billing, type SQ, nf. II I. r I I oo. o, ty. Call Ba rbara. ~n;;n1 ;: olc 1 ~lures. r;ir 1 ~~:, Ro1111rl 1s·· T1·a1('<1111r I 642 -3910 roil"!' l<ihl,. ~l()J. "1 e _B_O_A_T_C_•_R_P_E_N_T_E_R_s-1\· fi•'.:-•i:!b\j ~ --·-· ------•L:>.f)<?t'l"lll'•'r! l.a 1·~" .-u~t~n1 \i.~•111hJ;:r• '("1'1~11·111·1 , "' T11r "·•::r• H U G H E S NEWPORT BEACH COMMERC IAL ELECTRONICS DIVISION EXPERIENCED HYBRID & INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ASSEMBLERS ;::" 111011111• or nir11 r 1.r 1·f-.·<'111 f'\'fl<'l'IC!lCr I<; l'<'flllU rd ill 111' fotl "ll'ill: n1'rns: !hii·k·f1l111 sold•·nn:;. 11 lff' chip n1oun1in;:. !lpru111i::,s aic u:i ::nd ~hlft~. HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH SOO Superior Avenue Newpor t Beach, Calif. F.qu;i\ OPl'-0\'ltlilll.v r111plo,1rr. :II & f As11·mblers. Bond.-s Electronic Technicians Ex11r1·icn~·cll ~ .. 1.~ry onrn. .\Pl'LY I:\ PLf:~ON r:;uli,, .'f1c1·,>("!ccr,'ll n1,·~ l'ol'fl. ::!:10 Pull111~11 :'I. Cu:.ta ,\lr~:1. ;,1u.2::~1 \\-]l.l..\lll l f:O \T \\c.ri-;s 12~i:. 1:.11,,.,. :''. c:.1 BOOKKEEPER i·' C i1.,1c! r \p, hrl;\ful, ~t.1111• t•\ '>tJ 1' I . i\J I .'ii 1,11r . \ ]f'i'• 1 , ,, 'h I '• .J\t•r-! .\;r-ur_1, I I -·' : l\'r•t1"!1(1 J )JJI 1', .\ I;,, 1: \ , ';7n I BOYS 10 • 14-- c,11i 1c1 r.ou1cs Open 1111' L.~::u1 oi P.rllch. So. 1.a~una I' D.\11.Y r'l LOT r t: I!-!~2 1 I e 1:1 ·,,fi\)Y<: . e UL~IJl\',\~llLr.S f Ft1ll '"i'r (J1r1· lq ;,,~a t Ii app~:ii.111c(', .lpply "1 P<'r~on BOB 'S BIG BOY Li l I-. lilh :-:r, C<.1~1" ~le~;, ----CHl.\'.l::.St: 1.1(111. ll11111rstic. Prnn:111r111 i::X[X'!'trt1cr1 !. F11r E<i ~t ,\.:rne_v f,~'.l-BiO.~ C!L\LL EXC i:1: \',\C I! T- 111 r,, 11n·1· llinnr:-r , fl · r!. "•l'l>r111r l'~. ~In<~ nlt'n ;.ri• I fr!l'"l11•'1l j '·1 ll <'I"' "21 S''J ' " -,, ,, -,,.,_ I ··ollrrt. I c LE R 1""c-,-A'L -_ ~F 1~N~A~N=cdE L~atl :::1.I ,,,,111rr. :'llin ln1u111' 1 .1 <·111· l111:1nrr {'n, r!-:[l"r. XJnt ~1Hrlln:: 'diary, i; 11 1.ll'kln'~ eon(! (':ill :\Ir, L:ln~rhc for np111 , ;,)6.Jl 11) Fortune F inancial Ca. (',•llri;r Cr ni ('r :•;:,o I !arbor Blvd., cc.~1,1 :'l!csa --~-CLEl~t.;-TYPJ.,T: GooU, ;i~·· l'lll':ol \'_ ('.JlllTll1 ]O(', pd \'ii<' 111r di, al l)cnrlits, Stnr1 ~ 1:.0'. L':•ll 1-:1111,-. nrck, jJ~tiQ::O.i COAST AL AGENCY ,\ Ill• »1hrr ur "11r ll111'! r • ."nclling ]1 \r, :1j~,1 I ln1·1-.,r Iii . Co.•\l! ~rr~a I ------------------------- -Mo OIO - JOBS Jobr Clt•ricc PAl ~lod• .inv1t • Apt1 e L\lal 9 A d ; iul! . ('CS~ I (.1:)\1 11 r-.1u; .TR. • Fin• , 1vl1c AN : 9 r-.1u~ ski I r1c1 ta ti • \\11\1 era· e N«e abl;. TE J Equal CLE At l'C'l1ab Prcfc! lran~E co i\1 tcnan• Work. ~Jay NE\VI NI S C Cooks Top I~ e~t, a dilion~ restaL pm,, c, ' ~isur, • • Ph. 5-1 COOK or ho adults Pilol COOK- Livt• hoUSI'' COOK 9: 30-2 1,1,'clch ~HO 5 J>;.·1. COOl\- 11igh1s f'.a ci!1 coo: -41·1 1" ~ c o s l F,or ( "'-c COl!:-1- P"flrr ']~>3~ CUslol'! l;\ti\1!:.: m'" r.hlslri worki fringe shar11 Moldi C.l"ll. DELIC time. ry •. J[j DENT. .,,,,,,, tinl<'. Di ------------·-·-----~--------·· --. DAIL V PILOT' .23 ~====~-- For Your Convenience -All Positions Offered ARE LISTED ALPHABETICALLY IN 'NOW! CLASSIFICATION #7100 HELP WANTED <Men and Women) NEW! • More flelp Wa11fed 011 Previous l'age JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT ~ & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMP~~Y~!;_"!! JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Jobs--Men. Wom. 7100Job.-Men. Worn. 7100 Jobi-Men. Wom, 7100Jobs-Men. Worn. 7100 Jobs-Men, Worn , 7100 Job.-Men, Worn. 7100 Job1--Men, Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men. Worn. 7100 General JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Job5-Men . Wom. 7100 Cl('ril'a! J . C. PENNEY COMPANY Fashion Jsland -Ney,rport Beach MACHINISTS (Mu't be experienced) PAYROLL CLERK Has Full & Part Time Positions Open For Mill Operators Sr. l\lodern, conb'l.'nial oHire ,invites candidates 'vith: • Ap1itude for figurcs 9 f\la1urc ~1-s.:inali1y 9 A desire to p1-.:-p.;tr~ pay. ·roll reeords [or data rwo- '. ccssi n~ and 11sslst in ac- ' o'.:\)Unting. COOK e BUSBOYS e WAITRESSES e Grinder Operator Sr. Drill Press Operator Lathe Operators Sr. ti !\lust he Jl.S. i;rad .TRANSCRIBING TYPIST \Vith some experience and v.'illing to learn. Top working conditions & environ· me nt. Competitive \Yages plus nieal s & tips, and ou tstanding benefits includ ing ho spitalization and profit sharing. CADILLAC CONTROLS « F 111t> oppor1Uni!y for ~al ''"ho l1k1·s to 1y~ and typ<,.• Ai'iD typ£'! Apply in person 10 AM to 9 P1'1, 1'londay thru Saturday Division of Ex.Cello Corp. 1866 Whittier Ave .. Costa ri1esa 646-2491 9 1\lu~t h<n•e :-.Int 1ypinl! !ikills to 1r;1n.o.i'J"1h(l :1 va- riety of suhj<'cls frv1n U1c. taUng equl1u111:111, PENNEY'S FASHION ISLANO E qual Opportunity Employe r .All studen t positions are filled. An equal opportunity employer B.LUEPRINT CLERK 1PAR'I' Tl~l EJ Jobs-M~ w :m .-71 00 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men. Worn. 7IOO --· . . ASSEMBLERS Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 J\llODE:LS \VANTED Women-l\tcn-Children ot all ages to do T.V. Com· mercio.ls. Trace 11 h o w s . Grand Openings, Magazine layouts. Fa 11 h i o n und General Photography of all kinds. Th~re is no fee in volvcd and we are not a school. \\"e are in the advertising and marketing busincS5. Part time "'·ork. Excellent pay. Ph one 63!>-2920 Anaheim e \Viii traiu ;:llcn gal lo op.. era!e blueprllit niaelline. e Need •I hrs ;J day, 111'Cft•r- a bly in Uic A.l\1. TEC!IN!OJLOR, INC. 1300 1'"rawley Dr. Cns!a l\l;•sa Equal oppunun1ry <'lTiploy<'r CLEANING lady. EfficiC'.nl, n-hable lnr 1 dny a \I k. Prefl'r l\I on day. 011·n 1r • .u1sporlat1on 6-12·2.17·1 aft 4 CO l\1 B l NAT I ON Il1:i1n- tenant.-e & d111lng Yi'Ork. l\TalC", 21 Ur 5--day/Y>'k. gd pay. NE\VPORT BEACH NJS CLUB 6·1+-0l.'10 FRY COOKS roon1 01•<"r. C:1H Tl::N- Tup \vai;cs, prrma11rnt. hon· e~I, a11d ;.:vod \v11rkin:.: 1"':Q11- ditions iJ1 area's ll'..idint: re~taurant, Apply 9 ru1 L lu 5 pm for intc1vic,1· at MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP 2--lOll F..J Toro P.d. L(isurc \Vorld Laguna Hills 837-1014 t;ooks \\'anled !\1/F. Non ~n1okt'r~ e RELIEF COOK • r:VENING coo1.;: Ph. :rl6-1Z2:l ,i;. a!'k fr>r Na!'h coo1..: .. llOUSEl\l·:~PER, or houscm:in, 1:\1111) for 2 adults. N'R. \\'rite Daily P1lol Bn;.: P 001. * DRIVERS * No Experience Necessary! r.tust ha\'e clean California driving record. An[lly YELLOW CAB CO. lS6 E. 16th SL Costa J\!esa DOMESTIC Part time, 4 hrs a day 5 days a \\'f'f'k, 01111 I ran~. Short.'cl1ff, C d !'II. G7:r3802 ESTABLlSHED Insuranc-e • Leads avail, N.B. office. Cl'\r{'Cr opp!. 675--fil&J Expcricnc<'O 1n single needle and ovf'r\oclt. Good piece work prices, steady work. EDDY r.1oss 14042 Locust St., \Vestmin<;!er; 534-8738 FACTORY TrJ.incc and ship- 1ni:: clerk, driys. Shift rnta- l1on \1·ork. } .. E P.P..0 CORP. 1''iberi.:lass l liv1si10n. 188ll F\ben;lass Rd .. l ll1nt .. Bch. F L EXO\VRITER opC"rator n{'{'(!ed in1n1Mla!l'ly. IWill !rain inh'"'"''~d girl) Call H.'.i rha ra, G-l:Hl 1 !l I FRY <.:001<. parl r1n1e. :0.1.1!" l~ \NCllO SAN JOA· QUIN C:olJ Course. 18021 Culv,-.r Rd., nr. U.C.J. Ask fnr \\'aynr, Pl!; R.":;; .. -0112 e FRY COOK e *EXPERIENCED APPLY COO!\:-Di11:1crs & 11kt:t1ris. THE RIGGER LiVC' in nr oul, 11 o hoUSl'\l'l'lrk. 67?.--187~) # lG F'ash\tln l ~l;ind J\"c1\p<lrt ll<'ach COOi< 111:'.LPEH, l\ton-Fr1, 9;30-2:30. Ap ply to Thoma.~ \\'elch. COUNTRY DAY ~H OOL, 811-'"'5 !rom 9 lo 1 --F-R_Y_C_O~O~K-- 5 P~t. COOK-EXP'!), Days i.1 r Young Fry Cook nigh1s. Apply:: Oche's. 1100 Or Kitchen Tra inee ~ac1 f1r Co.•sl Jh"''Y·· N.0 . Full 1iml', nrat ;ipf)(';irini;:, COOl\-FE;"\IALl<-:1.IALI:: O\·,~r IB Ch;inrf' :or a1hancc.. S\\'J~...; Cl!,\Ll::T n1l'nt ;\1;ply 1n pi•rson. ~1 1 N. Ne\\ll"rt. llh·it, Nil Bob's B ig Boy 1~ .. 1 F.. 17th Coa.;r :l.lr!':l C 0 S 1\1 E TlCIAN /salrs!ady· I~-~-~-~--- F;or 111·u~ ~tc1rc>. r::1:pcnc11c-Foreign Ca r M ech anic' ed. (',.,11 ~ •. 'lf .. :.!701 Good co. bcn<'f1ts, incl p31J vacation, i::rnllfl !n.;, lll11. CQU'.\!TEH. l~ I r:. L • ('X· form~ furni~hrrl [rr,,, Gmd ~nrn~~·1 I. Appl ~· in P"ro;l)rl: ro'11m. schrilul('. A~k for ·1:.J1 Nr11porT ni1·1I. {'\1 .!or l\IOl'lrc i'h. ;1\l'\.176~ .. Cttstocl1an t ·ULL--Tlmc maids, resort 1Ml\1£D. orwninJ.; for rrli ~hlc ho!el , Lagun~ B";H·h. man 11'1lh 1irr1·1011s in-4!!.1-11'.iG dusrrlal Jtt111tori;i.I C'>jl. '.\1111 =,_-- working '-"'n(L, g11. p:1y & all GARDENER'S fringe tJl'n1 ·f11~ Incl. prrif 1~ ASSISTANT shar1ni::. C<1l1 f. I n J e c t ion Moldiog, 200 Hr1ggs /\ve, NEWPORTER INN C.l\I. ;i.1G-4·IGO DEL!CATE::iSE!'I J\IA:-l . Full Con1act l\lr Lin~ey Stocks time, s1cady work. Sec Tei'· 6\.1·1700 ry • .;95 £. 17th, C.~I. G1\llOENING. Boy or n)an LI B-139 1 for li!c v.•c c ding , han-D_E_NT_A_L_A=,=s·=.,-1,-0-1,-,~,,,-,-,,-,-<1,-.I rl)"\Ylrk, hourly basis. experienet-d. Phonr any.1 ,.",.3-,."".,.'iiiiiOiiOiiOiiOiiOiiiiO tirn<-, 96.~:ii82 I 1 DISHWASHER Experienced , Apply in per$on SURF & SIRLOIN ~930 Pac. Cst. Hwy. Newport Bea~ DISTRICT Ci r e u 1 at io n Managt>r trainee, a bl'J::in· ning in !he ne\\'S paper business. Opportunity for 11 ~IJ groomC"d high sehool graduate 1vho has Cfim11lcted hll military obligu tion 1111d is looking for a care~·r in a stablr., gro\vinc: organ1ZD· Uon. Rl'gul:ir niisrs anti ex- cellent fringes ineluding the ~nal U!'lf' of a con1p.1ny car. Contact G<'n r gc Hardiflit. c1rrul111inn 1lepart· rornt, DAILY PILOT. :'..10 \Vest Bay StrC<'I. Co;,la Mesa. DRAPERY Opernror.1 Ex'prl. Top pay, vacations. Cllll'lsir Drnper1e~. 3 8 j 3 Qlreh SI. NB. 54&-1431 * Gcncl";'IJ J. C. Pcnnry Co. Fashion Island Nr11·pon Beat·h * 11,\S r uu .. ,\ND PART Tl~ff: PO,<:;ITIONS OPl:.::-l FOlt e STOCKMAN e JANITORIAL: MAINTENANCE H yuu h:i.ve l"f'C{'n! \\"ork r io:J'l"ril'ncr in thr areas or stock & janilorial main- !cnan('f, and a de!llre to gro1v with a rapidly E'X· parl!h ng, nanonnl or'i!lVl- im tion orfrr1ng cxcrlll'nt hrllf'fils and top mall- q:emenL A.PPLY J'.11 PERSON ~fon .... Sat, JO am to 9 pm I. C. Penney Co. 24 F ash ion Island Newport Beach, Calif. Keypunch Operators FemsJ,-. 1·<1<1y & l ·SY•ing shift, Tues. e Prerer rrel'nt !a(·101y exp. lhn1 Sat. 2 yrs, exp. req 'd. • Work includes movie pro-on 029 & ffi9 . jector assembly CONYROL e :\1nt 'Mlrkirig conditions, DATA CORP. pay & benefits, 3:i19 \\'. \l'arl"l('r, S.A. MACH INE OPERATORS j7141 a.io.2820 F:qual opportunity en1ployrr • • • Female LADJES 19 lo 70 earn S25 to • Pro<tuc!lon 11 ork on lat hrs, SIOO 1~CC'kly Ca t t a n i mills & ~1nall p-.nch pn~ss. l~ingrric. Equal op p o r t . "~. ('!(:. en1ptoycr. \Ve train ~&-3508 ~e~~~~j~:~rs are In· *MAINTENANCE e P refer factory work exp. MAN TEClTN!COLOR, TNC. 13CO Frawley Dr. Cos1a l\·Jcsa Equal opjXlr1unity eTnfJ\oye.r CONTACT IN PER.SO~ REUBEN E. LEE GENERAL WORKER 151 E. Coast ll11y . l\lOTEL l\1AID COLONIAL t.fDTEL 1967 Nc\\·porl Blvd., Cl\f * MOTEL MAID * 536-:1543 newpolt . personnel .. agency !'llaintcnance to S48:i.OO per-N<'wpor1 I3Pil.Ch Professional Service n111nen1 po:o.1tion fVr de p1•nd. !'llAC!!tNrST ii·antt'd 1· 52' for the employer ahlc man. opportunity 10 ad· exr>. prcrcrred. Call for appl and the applicant vanre, call Ann, l\1ercha.nts 548-42U 3 to 5 P'.\I arrj 7 to PtTSOrm.~1 Age n c y, 2043 9 P~l 833 Dover Dr., N .B. \\'estcli!f Drive, N.B. 645-17701=~·-·~------1 642·3870 549·2743 hfa('h1111~ts ====~-~---GEN f~ RA L 0 f Ii c r. e Punch P ress & NEWSPAPER A.l\1. auto Sho1·1hand, r y p 1 n g , dir. e Multislide Opri. route. 7 day 11·cck. Xlnt ta1lhor.w l'Xfl, for ron-To S 132 per ii·eck. Apply part-time income. Need struchon ofc. ltlll'!'~chon Tony Durhi. rt>Sponsible, mature person. Jambort'e ,t San Jo;1qu1n \\'ll..C.'O TOOL & DIE Call bcforl' noon, !>10-3006 Hills P.d. N.B. Salar)• or11:n. 31.!lo Pullnian Lanr NIGHT r.tanagl'rs !or 1notcl. 6--14-4461 Costa '.\ll'sa. 5-I0.5·132 Couple only, salary &. apt. 4~1961 GENERAL OFFICE :\!AIDS Top co. neC'ds gal 11·ith r.1 p1nµ FULL-Time, resort hotel, and ordf'r skills 10 S·I00.00, Laguna Beach. 494-1196 ca;] Lor;ilnc J\1creh<ln1~ Pt•r. sonnl'I Agc~Y. '..10 1~ \\·est. MAN . \\'antt.'CI, f)f'nnanrnt rli/f Dri\'r, N,B 61;}.:!TiO JUlrf time, lo flvcrat,:c 2 hl'S. -~~--~=-· --daily for early n1orn1ng • General Office e ne1vspapcr (lclivcry t o Girl \\•ao!f'd Juli Unic. l\1u.~t hornes in Nc\1'port Beach. enjoy draling 11•ith 1hc put).. s,:zoo. nvcrage prr n1onl h. lie, Typing cs~'n !iaJ. !I.fin. Mt1st have la le JTitlflel, big- 2·1 yrs. old. Apply in ?{'l'SOn car and txo dependable, Call T ues-Fri. L.A. Tlmcs &12·4800 THE PENN'l.S,\ VEP. --- 1545 Ne1vptJrt llll'd., c.~f. MANAGEMENT GIRL FRIDAY TRAINEE (~tl'no CIC"rk l $6000 + CAR ALLOW. $--lil.-$565. NEEDF.O NOW! COASTAL AREA NO EXPERIENCE -CITY OF -LAGUNA BEACH NECESSARY Purchasing & l''•Vt\J~ kcr!)-HIGH SCHOOL •n-:: PiYf'd. Dull~ u1cludc . . DIPLOMA 1yp1n~. lHr shorthiul!I ,t., PBX R11·1cra Employml'nt Acy, Tnc J"{']1ef. Apply l)«pt ,..,f Puhhr KiGi t.1ac Arthur Blvrl, S1r 201 \\'ork~. Clly H.~ll. !'it).~. Fores! N.B J.10-0~70 Ave., LaRun.1 B.•,u·h. M a nagement Trainee GIRL F riday r11r :11;!.;'f('lj~IV.. :O.lust h111'l' de£:ITC', 1111!1!11ry romputrr puh!irat1nn Co. mmp:~tc or a<'l'f'f)tahle lY, ;.;""'port J.Je11rh. Ty·p1nb, P!'f'fer mArriM. call Ann, shor1hancl, Salary n p C' n . ~1erchants J">(!r.;onnrl Agrn· Cfl l1(:1rl Jan(' Cralll)I!; al ry. 2043 \\'cstcltfl Dnvr, fiT.>-f,_'JOO N R. 645-m(l GROUNOSMEN/ GARDENER $510 to $620 per month CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH tl1ECHANIC f0r :::.Crv Sta. T11nl'up & li!e n1echa111ca l S('rvices. Cr! pay, hrs anrt l':orkinr; rond's. Comna drl Mar Shell &rv. 2'\01 F:. C03st Hwy. at Goldenrod. 67~>--05.11 ~1 ECl1 ANIC, t:.,.p'd in brake & alignment. Sata1y ln- ltcquin-s s1:.;: n1ontlli ('X· ccnlivr. IN'e hosp. & life pericnce In nursery, gar· ins. paid vac. See Bob riC'ning, grounds mAinr,-.n-f\asham, 482 (}c(oan Ave, al'ICC work. Applications Lag-una Bch. I====-.,,....,....,-..,. ar<,_'t'plcrl until 5 p.m., ~1 ECll1\NIC. N('Pd immcd. r·riday, Oclober 10, 1969. Isl class. Top salary. r.1obil, Apply Personnel OUirc, 1500 W, BalbM Blvd, NB. 3300 Ne1\'J)OI1. Blvrt., Nrw· ~1EDlCAL, c x per i c n c e port Bearh, Calilomia. · · I ..____kk \71~, 673-<i63.1 N.'«pl1on1s t vuv ttper. ~~~==-·~~---! A~e 35 +. \V rile Box P 430 II A I R S T Y L I S T, young Ditily Pilot. talented, eager lo IC'arn loloM--'--------- assumc existing clientrle in p'"ACKER HANDLER est Nc1l'port Bch. salon. • t.1rs. Gill days :HS-6375; e Gren! Joh for ambitious f'VL'S &12-2241 l l.S. gracl. HOUSEKEEPER, live in for elderly couple. t.l at ure SHIPPING· wonian Pl"t!fC'rTed . 642--0661 RECEIVING HOUSEKEEPER. Live In, e Fine lenming and growth l\lotherlcss hon1e, Bench t · f 1-1 s d area, 2 teenager!!. Pref. oppor unity .or . , i!~ ., Nllrs1ng RN or LVN California lie,. 1210 8, APPLY IN PEfiSON Huntington Bench Convalcseent llnsp1111t 1S792 [k>Ja"'arr SI., ILB, Nurses LVN 7 am to 3 pm fllll lime. & 11 pm lo 7 am part time. NURSES A.IDES 11 pm to 7 am Park Liclo Convale5C<'nl Center, 466 flagship Rd, Ne"'P'· Beach KUR.SES AIDES Exp'rl. 2d & ::;d. shifts. lnq. personnel dept. Hoag 1'rlemorial Hosp, N.B. NURSE, LVN' or RN. top !'.llal)'. Sunlight Con v a I Hosp'I, &l&-7764. OUice Temporary WORK WHEN & WHERE YOU WANT On tC'.rn porary assignments e SECRETARIES e TYPI STS e BKKPRS. e PBX OPERS. e GEN'L OFFICE Holiday & Vacation Plan APPLY NOW VOLT INSTANT PERSONNEL NEWPORT BEACH 3848 Campus Dr, Suite 106 546-4741 Equal opportun1ty employer under 4'i. P H: 531-1•150 In good physical cond10on, wOHng 10 wnrk for ad· HOUSEKEF;p'ER Or hcll>('r vancemcn. ---------- for \\·ldoM!r. Call mornings. e Mu.!t have good dri~ * 847-2•129 * record. HOUSEKEEPER, Part tin1c °"Tl !rans. Vic of 64lh TECIINTCOLOR, INC. Sr., N. ij. 64.'Hl(:m 1300 Fra\\·!ry Dr. ====;:::..,.,..--,;:--,-Collla l\1csa HO~SEKEE.Pl:R., live • Jn. Equal opporlunity rmploycr Pr1v, rm & bath. 2 chlldren.1---~-----­ Ftn. Vall. g.u...7254 _ PLANNING to move? You'll J ANITOR Work part lime find an amazing number o( <'V£'S, Jlusband & v.•\fe: learn horncs In today'1 Classlficd Co c.ll'a n offire bldg. in Ads. Oicck tllE!m now. NC'wpnrt. Apply afternoons ---------- Oftl~. f.fANAGER \VANTED FOR Laguna Bch Mole!. ~v. exp. req'd. 5 day ~·k. ind wkendll:. 949-8521 D~Ai\I Joh -Keep your irwor1an1 job 11s wife & rnelhcr & earn a wkly Pl• y ch e c k . 5 4 4 -311 5 4 ~!\87. TI-It; SUN NEVER SETS on /\n Equal Opporhtnlfy IT'S Bench hou !'le llmc. Bl1:· Cla..'\slf!cd 's 11clion pov.'t'r. 123 N. Olive, Orange TIME FOR 9UICK CASH THROUGH A -DAILY PILOT WANT AD )RIVER & i::t:n'l hrl11rr l:.inpluyrr 1.:<'s! ~rlrr!lon f'ver! N>r. !hr For an ad 10 R"ll IU'OUnd Uie Over 21, know!! On11111r * * IJA ILY PILOT Ottss1 hcd clock. ell&! S4J.!i678. C'.C11mly, own trnm-. 5'11WW91 """"""""""""""""""~1_:~::_:1:;00:'..'.N:O~W:::_I _____ ":__ ________ _ Premier AGENCY PERSONNEL 445 r .. t ''" s~ Cost9 M- '4'·05l1 1104 lmt 17tt. S!Twt ......" i47-t721 MALE Fff Paid Draftsme n Jr & I ntermed to $600 Scvr.r.tl openings in ee.ch C'a!cgnry. II you have oome c!raCring e<111c11 t lon Qr {'(l\J("a- tion Plus <'XpC"ricnce, corne and. see us. Test Aisemblcr Trnee $475 Elect r i c a t I mechant. cal background, will trdin. Office Manager Trainee $650 No finance or sales. Entry lcvt"l on road to in national company, requires degree, Applicant pays fee Inside Sale, Yrnee $500 C-rl)O{! phone voirr, flCal, clean cut, post orders, Jots of delail \\'ork. Car Jockey to $350 'l'oung man to gro1v 11·ith con1 pllny, 11'\ll he dclivt>ring J'\C\I' and used car.1. gcnerdl cleanup. !\lust I)(' 21 & over. Research Helper Trainee $550 Some education in t:ht'mi.~­ try & math. Top romJlanY orfcr1; intcrl -tins opporturr >ty. OH ice EARN MORE WITH US! • Typists • Secretaries • Acctg Clerks • PBX Opers • Bkkprs • Keypunch Oprs • General Ofc Work when and where you want I Interim Personnel Ser1ice 44S E. 17fh St. Co,ta Mesa, Calif. 642·7Sl3 Restaurant Ancient Mariner no1v taking applit:a.t1ons for Full & part ti1nc, day & t'11·~ ~h1fts. 0 KITCHEN HELP e OISHWASHER e BUSBOYS Apply in Jlf'ri;on 2607 W. Coa31 Hwy. NC'.1vport Beach Restaurant *BUSBOYS * DISHWASHERS Nights and \1'cekends Apply in person S~ACK SHOP # 9 J.J.JG E .. Coas1 1 lwy, Corona dl'l r.1a1• Set~ Bcll.Y Bruce at mtM Gxec Agent·y tor Career Cids 410 IV Coast H11·y., N.B. Ily appoii!I. 6-l&.3939 lntcrvie1ving Mon. thru Fti. -~--g Al\! to 5 PM SAILBOAT l:.J1ld11,i; shop Equal opportunity cniployer loren1a11 1\•/lop bkgrnd in -~~~-~~~~-I lhe industrirs. Unus. opp. ••• OPERATORS ••• 12131 321-.8323 Collect. Experienced ln ..Ingle needle Sales and ovt'rlocks. Good pie<:e F t. I" I work prices. steady work, * an as IC. EDDY l\'IOSS l•ICJ.12 Locusl St., \\.'estminstcr: 534-8738. is 1he word for !his national company's nc1v proi::-ram for ORDERLTES -\Viii train. Sou1 hcm California! \Ve 1st & 2nd . shills. Jnq. need personnel dept 11 o a g -DISffiIBUTORS r.temorial llosp .• N.B. -?.1ANAGERS -----~----1 ....-SALES~1EN PAYROLL CLERK -S,\LES'\VOl'>'fEN TO $SlS -REPHESENTATIVES COSTA MESA -T RA IN EES Prefer experi<'nl'<! on JilJ\.f .. TI1ls is a real ground flnor ho11•rvcr 11•111 lral11. f'rofil oppor1u11ity \1•ith a solid au!o. sharing plus good benefits . n1atlc clcc!ron!c equipment Riviera Einployn1cnt 111111 that offrr~ Agency, Inc. HIGH 4667 l\lacArthur Blvd, Suite 201 Nev.'port Bca<·h 5~0-li370 PARTS COUNTERMAN S!i.ll'S Immediate Earnings 546-3050 Sales I)Q You Takr I SALESMEN WANTED I 11•ith a gr11ln of ;;ult ? C.1n'I say that l blti n11• yo u, I l•1l lOl\'Cd a 11111· m) Sl'lf on.ly 111 IX> disapPOinted. Tiie J1•l1 SC'klo111 lnl.'d up to th,. cla1n1s 111 !he .1d. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR! A:'>JD EXPLORE THIS ONE! IF you 11•ould like to mak<' $250. pt"r 11'l'P k 11n111rd1atrly \\li!f1 au opportunlly for n1uch n1U1l' 111 1hr. Ju lure. I would tlkC' tn !fl lk to you. It your q1w.IJ[il'i1!1ons niatc!i ollr rt"qu1ren1cnls, 1hls rou!d be !he carrl'r you've b('c 11 k>oiking frit', C.111 for iw.rsonitJ i1111:r1,..1e1v bC'I. 10 A:'>! & 3 P:'l'l (71.11 53-1-1701 or 4!}'!.8700 Sales ESCROW OFFICER Outstandtng oppo1•runlty for exp'd. sa.es escro1v officer 1n \\'Ork in our 11('\V Mission Viejo, Savings .t. Lo.1n ofr icc. !\lust be c:ipabl(' of handling sales cSCfO\\'S Jor convention- al loans. Xlnt \vorklng cvnd, & oppOJ.1unity for growth. Con lac! 00\\INEY SAVIN\.S & LOAN ASSOCIATION 837-191 ! Sal~ WE ARE LOOKING FOR MEN WHO ARE LOOKING AHEAD Let us train you for 11 career in insuraix·c. An op1XJrtu111ty to learn the business & earn extra inoncy 011 a pnrt tin1e bt1~1s, IX'forc Jca1·lng: yo11r present job, Beron1c a full time -agent \l'hcn qualified 11'i th a minimum guarunlccd per n1on!h. Farmers Ins. Group Ed Lani 540...1834 &Les Electrical IMPORTS MUTUAL FUND SALES TRAINEE T roubleihooter ruu time, Good CO, benefits. to $6SO Pleasant \\'Orkin(; ron1l111on. 23 yr. old prornotlunal adver. usin~ /1rm rieetls younp; nirn. W. listed on 2 s1ock t'X· l'hange.~, nanonwnlc TV, fl you fire eu.rning il'SS than SlSO 11·k. call for lntervicw. \'Ion 9·5: Tues 9·9, 5·1 l-0Ci9·1 SALES. t·t ur pt 11rnc, and have fun 11·hll c yu11 work. You crui fix your n11n hours and earn a.~ inuch a!I you 1l'an1 by sh1'1\'!11g our lo\'rly je1vrlry. Nn 1 n v rs I ' m I , :-:69.l!J'.l:l or alt 4:30 pn1. 5'1() .. fi193 SALES~E~:x~·c=·c=o=,..~,=v=E=s~,=11=,.•.1 ;, lll«lt.'I'.! 1mn1cd. Adver11s- 1ni; nr sales exp. hcJp rul. l~romot cd or out 1\•ithin fiO days. Unlimited po!cnhal. Dra1v avail. SU N DAY !>1 1\IL, INC. !\tr. Larrabee. i:.11.'ll 691-8116 Apply in person. 1966 liar· Trcn.11,Jleshoot for proi;ressi\'C bor. C.Osla Mesa. Ex11. hcenS<'d 1\lulllal f und C'Qmp;.1.ny. Comn1erc1al or. 1 --0=====~~~ ~csmC'.n {:ll for one of the )c.nted nia11ufacturer ~11n-PRODUCTION h1bhcst pr01tuc1n!:' areas in imun1 2 years r lc>ctriCal ell-WORKER So. Calif. 1.A·1.~u"-' \Vorld. \Ve glnecrinG required. nit•11n ir whl'n 11'e sny: Jr Food Service Manager to $600 Divrrsiricd lradct 1n food li<'ld. Food ~rvice or re- lalt-d exJ)('rienec rcqllired, Janitor $370. 93 Kf)()'lv jani1orial "'Ork, v.;JI dnve fork lift tnick, r."·eep, and clean factory. General Factory Holp. $38J .07 \\'ill train m<'n 1\'ilh some factory cxpcnence to be troubleshootr.rs. Dar kroom Tech to $606.67 r.rust bt· cllpcrK"ncerl , h11ve ROO'I JIClf'lfoho, 1\·tll work in clarl<:roonl. FEMALE Fee p ll id & Negotiable Exec Secty $650 up Tt)p J;('cr'CtftrHtl skills, :\ ;vl'urs n11 nin1um C''ll)l"rlf'nCT in AAle~ \\'11 11 rii:ulrinal cu. /\hl,-. to work uridcr pl'Cs· SUI'('. ( / Bkkp' F /C to $SSO GOOfl bkkpj:: & acrnu111ing harkg1u1100 ur rc<·rnt acctg f'dtl("atioo, will lrain Jn Uicir i;ysll'm. Copywriter to $750 Clirnl agency experience or dirf'Ct ma.U experience. • Bkkpr/Gen Ofc $450 up A/P & AIR. i>O!!I to gellcral ledger, thru trial balarn::e. Applicant pays fee Insurance Agent to $650 Ahl{' to work day.~ nr nigh ts, will be trained, prefer sal· es experience or profes. 1donal \\'Omen. Delivery Girl $1.75 hr. I.lie delivery in COnlpany V.\V. Front OHie• Medical $400 up Spanl!ih !Jl>ellking lor front olflcc medical, know Insur .. ance torm11, will be filing rf!port!I on the phone, type 45. Dict•phone Typist $400 If you Rn! an atturate typlsl &: rnjoy the dicta· phone and tran.~ribln1, !his Ls for you. Clerk Typist $400 Accu1t1 te typl!t, know 10. key &cklcr. WU! typt' pur- chMe onien: & train on te'.e!ype or 1WIX, excel-- lent 01>f!Orlunity, Clerk Typist Trnn $3SS C:rl'al opportu11Hy for YQUng: girl just out of 11<:hool that """ tvn ... 50 11r·r11rntr\y. \Vnn1en For lland & r.1 tu'hin,-. ":\lore l!oads & potrnllal Produc1ion \\'ork than we r·an h<1n<IJe". Our 4.) Pl.rasant e-0nclitions yr_ nld P11!'1f1c Coast mem· brr l1rn1s o/lice is located in Apply In Person THE HARTLEY CO, J987 Placentia Ave. Costa Meia Professtanal Employment Assistance COASTAL AGENCY !he t1eart ol Ll'isurC' \\'ur.d 11•hrrc !he business is hf'1ng dnn1•. Our. hi!,;'hly qlHl lifit•d clirnls 111il! n11t i-;rn!'.'rally do husincss with ffr111s out side LelsuJ"c:' \\1orl•I. Top produc· crs only. \\le Rl'C p;1111cular!y intcrrstc<l 111 111c-n 11•11h rnnn- 1ti;er11ll 11bihty & ambition. Call i\fi·. \\1r1ght A memher of (714) 830.lSlS Sl'l('lling & Snelling, lnc. ____ _ ?7'90 Hnrbor Bl. 0.1 51().605:i Sal ---~~~-~~-" PUBLIC SPEAKERS EXCELLENT If yo u can recruit & train. or OPPORTUNITY ii you ha1·e "1'1'r h;\tl " ;o.rajor natton.'.11 \If~· insuranec mursc in publ1r sprak1ni:, t'tl. "1th mutual funrl brok· there m11y bra. pl::i~c for )'QU f'f dea!t•r is <' . ..:panrl1ng ils "'1th our Nat I Co. ,\look Nc11 port office. Coniplrte !'lfoo.-1, <136 \V. 6th St., Tus· pcrsuna.1zl'd 1ra1ning, in\ n!v. tin. 5-14·230'1 1n{: hol h f'Sta le cn.:at1on ,r,, R ECEPTIONIST 1.'0n.'\f'1'Va11on Suhstan11a l in. :"f':CP.ET,\RY \'l'Sl1nc11t ".;II be n1adf' b.11 \\'care looking for a n1a!urr. C.r. in qu11lif ird upplirant wa rm, ;in1h1Uous you n L-: lietwren 21 & 45 with college SALESMEN $800-$ 1000 + conim Orange County Territo ry Numhrr n·1c g ro\\·th industry. ].){·1:~, 2 yt!ars sales c.,til't'. l~1,•1r1~l Employml'lll ,\~f'lll')' i lll' 4&67 :'ll.1c/\r!ht1r Bh·d, Suur 201, ;\:,,\\·port lkarl1 510-G370 woman wl!h :1 neat ap· b:1ckgrol1nd. \\'rite !J3iJy SALES Sa111t\ Cu\'rnlry ha,~ pcaraorc and c x C' r. u 11 v e PiloL Uox l\I ~HI. openings for fl or ill t1 n1P abilities "ho is wi!l 1n;: 10f•·'"'-~-"-"-""-•~. """""'"""""'I Xn111s ~:i lcs. P 1 r a ~ a o I. h~arn a highly ~pcci<ilizerl Sak•s (ligniticd. 1vork \l'/no 111· profession. \Ve arc a )'OUng So You \\'ant To l:lc ThC'. vf'~t , r o 11 c c r in 11 s or a~wes.~ivc fast mo v 1 n ~ Boss·! You can be top n1an dcl1v<'ric.'I. Choose your own firm, opening a ne1v office in yo11r O>''n b~sinC"ss, you hrs. i\!1n. <Jg~ 21. For intv. on October 201h in Co~ta cnn bu1lrl rapLdly lo <'X· rail ;;.!o.--061•1 St !lfi2·51i\)3 l\.1 es a . p I ea 11 e ~ <' n d ccllcnt income, I am i I y SALl:.:S~l,\N ': &rv St;i. f l111 hand\1•ri1tcn resume to Box s<"curity & early rcllrcment, t1 mr, s1v1ng shift. !\lust bl· ~Daily Pilot right fron1 your 01\'n hon1e. neat in appearance. See R t $375 ~647,.,,, __ n_______ J in1, 25!1() Ncy,;port, C.1\1. ee? Sal" '[' SALES -Dim ·money w\th Lovely Costa l\.1esa o C<'S. 1 l E:LP, L ad l e s. S a r a h ' ___. no investment. S 3 r a h Good typist pre f'r • ... ,.,.. Co\'C'.TI\ry needs ladies to ABILITIES V.'Ork 6 hrs a \\'t'e:k. Gd. Coventry needs full .~ UNL['l!TED AGEN~' parl-tlll\C hPlp. No drhvrry; • " 1.. ~ paychecks, prizf's & training ~ F.. 17th St., Sui1e ?24 class. 5J6..61:1\0 or 5411-7122 ·we train. l'or interview call Cos1 a :\·lt>sa 642·1 470 -'="~,_.--='"'=-~~===c f S!l.lcs ~ -- RECPT $400 HA VE Fun! ?.lake morl(!y }!lore I-l elp \Vanted Lovely oUiccs, beach eity. too. Ge a "Tri-Chcn1" ill' Olt N ext Page Friendly atmosphere, Xlnt ••~ln~•;«~o~'·=ro~:i..;""'""°':=o===.'..z=z:z:::==z::=~::::z::=:=o l Company, = - JASON BEST Job...-Men, Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Employment Ag'ncy 2120 So. Main, Santa Ana e RECEIVING CLERK Excellent benf.'firs Apply ln person, Penonnel Dept. J. W. ROBINSON Fashion Island, N.B. *DISHWASHERS ~ :.~s:~~,s I Part time fWl time APPLY l N PERSON REUBEN E. LEE 151 E. Coa1t t4wy. Newport B.1ech Re~!Rt.rant 1~slaura.i1t: PaM time: help "''8ntcd, mature p er 11 on , $2 00 hr/ M5--!lfl63 SALIS Ever think you'd he good at selling life insurance? Mutual ftmds? Investment cotmseling'? Or did you ever wish you could sell all three? \Ve're one nf the f('\V who Is no1v In all three. And I'm reedy 10 offer the right man an C'.:X.C'Cutlve. 11ale1 opporlunity. Scll1n)::' brood·S]'l('l'trum flnan· rial planning tn lndlvldua~s .and hu~l nrsses. Hcprc .. r;enting fl firsl·ratc $3-h1\hun CQTI\Jl(lny, \Vlth a trAlning sa!ory up to PO n m!'!nlh pl us oppor1u· nltJrs for nrldillonnl l;;r ome. And prosp{'Cls high In \Ile flvc-f11:11rr r:in'"c. Tr this sou.nils lit e your cur nf l('{I, rft!l me a t ~42·:'ifi2.1, "!XI . :~:tl or wrHc Box ?.lf-86, Dally Pilot. J'd like to hear from you. ·--------1. - ------------------.. ------,y-,.----....------..----------~-~ ----r -• --•• --"T •• -·,.--T-•--"" -~--• ~ ----·- 2-1 DAILY PllOT r~tsdar.,Octobtt 7, l9bq IJOBS & EMPLOYMENT jJOBS & EMPLOYMENT MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDISI '011 SALE ANO TRAD! I -SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE Jobt--M1n, Wom. 7100 I Jobs--Men, Wom . 71001-.::::::::::..:::.:.:::.-.:..:::::::.:.....::.::.::.:...:::_;::_::::::::.::...._ --·-Furnitur• IOOO Si.ALES, full-t1:nt~. llu.-.iery &ITy ping :.0:----Pl•not & Or9erui llSO h.irn:ll'KQ;s. ;,;:u uri' \',-01na11. MTST / MTSC OPE RA- i..eM'i> !'hoe S:ore, SO. C".>Mt TOR WANTED, NEW- Phiui. Cc.rits.ct ::'111-. Pl+~·J~ PT. BEACH GRAP- ~t Er.rvi.incrt Cuu11.;elors HICS FI RM. PERM. IJ1:~ ran"'~ f'"'~,-,_ l1ll POSITION. ;\l 1J1;{!~ .. ,· .j.iil;.f\4Ul \f.J11-Fn 'J-~ 714/ ~670 SECRETARY \\'0'.111-:N:W-ork tn 01vn hon1e. - -""' :·,,~ ""·-•wo. wk. "'rt SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN MARKETING DEPT. t1mf', atll'l'ttisl ng salC's. r m Sh R Fl S I I Fa~: ~1 1.,\\1ng ('011~u1 nf'i' pn-:.. .101rn; 11, w c<1n )-"U. Call ow oom • oor amp es· Factory C oseouls dUl't 1na11uf;ic'ure1· i:reds J C'an1fl(', 9 lo 11 Ai>l, Mon, girl 11·111) tn11 ~kill,.. for rt·· Turs, \\<;>rl. 6:'.6--0173 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE $389. s[lOnsih!e Sl:'•:r"!ana.I D•>-1· WAITRESS e S pc. authentic Spanish Bdrm. set, e 96 11on. Sborthaild lC~t 11riii1,. in. quilted sofa with 56 in. matching love l_•·rr 7() 1111111, )l u~t ha1·e ;n. h 11 rn.t1 ~-c. l\rw hidg., Jn·ini· EXPERIENCED sea!, or c air • S pc. Sp•nish Dinette, oak Jndustr1<1l Cui11ple~. E~·l'rl· table top• J heavy Mediterr•nean matching !t'rP r·nn1p;)Jly IJ.•ni.<!irs, CJ! Apply in Person tabl es, top d ur•bht enough for Fl amenco for <ijlflT. SURF & SIRLOIN D <ino:ing. Will sell pieces individually. POL YOPTICS 5930 Pac. Cst. Hwy. , 1 Newport Beach Shop Fir$t ! The n See Our Unbeliev.,ble Buys! INC. 11. \l'C "E~"·' 1 .• .-, ,., , . 1 .i 1001 ether items with terrific savings! -. , ..... --.-; .xir.ri.n'" o11 B· k 1'-S' . Cl ol ·t Cl "~ti-1~.-;J <I inner hou~r p.:u·i O,iH' ,\·I un ern1s .01 e 1argc 1 a.s er iarge 31:.:CP.ETAHY. lronl o!!K~·i f~ll.11~1:r l:'._I T~'.'()(°;o ,f('. ,1~!11 nankAmcrica rd All .-\cc:epted \\'E }IA VE PIANOS! You may plU'ctlase or renl and credit al! n1onies paid toward purchase. HOUSE OF HARMONY 48 Fashion Island Nt·l\'purt Beach * 644·0391 !'"REE ORGAN CLASSES ~londay nites 7:3(). 8:30 pro GOULD MUSIC CO. :10-!5 N. !\fain, S.A. 547-0681 PIA.1110, small Ho Wa rd Upright & bench. light oak. xln! lone. SJOO. 548-3660 PP.JVATE PARTY \VANTS TO BUY P IANO 1''0R CASH. 5-12-5().15 Radio 8200 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS fJt•, • ...(}aa1 11y & .afljX'~rarw•'-1..::.:'Ln 1 11 8 .. p.«Jll" 816-.16.;G J Si1orth;1nd .r.. At:•·u _r a 1 ~·1 \\·a1l rt •:-s. ··XfK'rH·11,.,,,,:. t:•an s{·riptlon r e 'l u 1 r •' d s1r1~..; CH ,\Ll:,1 St~1r1111s;; ..;,l;try S .';i IJ l! ·11 I ,"\. :-·,-.11T>(IJ'1, ~r. Tf''.C'f'.hone fnr in rt' r\')c 1'j\\',\JTE:JtS, \~r e ssc s, fi~b-02.J~ BL:i(·kourn Co. , 21~1 E. Coast H1iv. Cc! i\l. APPROVED FURNITURE 2159 HARBOR, COSTA MESA Carnal -Pudgy -An1Se - B1shvp -P!I YS !C/\L The g1rJ \l'ho got the job: Sile f<tilcd thi· typing 1est but passrd the PHYSICAL. I!. \l'<tf.' _-,1111>' "J.(11/il ~Jill• "\\l ll'I" A!oha-l\ewport L<inrl Co I f' ~ p r ·,I \ I ·,,,., 11· I D · • ·'c"c'cw:c'c"ccn:cc· ·cc"c1c1 c' _. -' c"c"c:c'" D•ily 9.9 e Sunday 10-S e 548-9660 ~ ., f'S!C df l'., '.\< \l'J"ll'rl -, Beach. \\'O.\![.'; -Exp'11. ~1·11 ingl==========~~=========~ SECTY JR $ l11<11'h1cc opcrs. 10 learn · 410 ~!I,,..: r,.,pH1r ll';ull'.'. !'.11'1111.1· Furniture 8000 Musical Inst. 8125 Bc-J;.il stn1,1<1r.-li:1~~. !.<12una L;c-.oo oppty fol' g1d 11·'1ite J_'.''> . A:'\'THO~\":.:, SHOE ESPANO'l IN QUALITY :'l!ARTL"I ALTO Sax 1v1th 'k!l:S C"-11 .. "1· · 110 :->J~r:\ ... IOI E. ( ~!. Jhi y., Mod I H F ·1 . · " r.a:•. ~1-o·J Crl'.\I. 67~H'Q-\1. . . e o~e, ~rn1 ure :.;anu;onite case, good ci:in. JASON BEST . _ ::.av1ngs to ~J'r, \·ery "asy {111100, S25Q, 213-430--0742 E1nployn1e n! ,\gency \\O'.\lF.~ -Not sca red rn J.;('1 11r~a 11i.:111g. :; ,.·u111plete roon1s c1·t•n1ngs. '..'120 So, ~!11111, Sant a Ana lhr 1r l1an(I» d11·1~. for ~hu111i..• ol 1teco1·a(ors :.ly!ed Spanish "OcLcDcS..-'A'·,,-Hc.a-,-,-.,dco-,-. ~1c.,"-n-,re-t SECT'Y, mtri 4 yrs c.~p .. g:d_ and cheeking out »lioes. \\i~I furn1 turr.. Consisting 1.lr th.: 111lh nc1v raM-. Sl~O. J\cnt skills. interesting \'<.1r1crl teach. ~tcarl.v JOb. Al\-fanhttis eus!on1 qlJ:\ltly J\Ja, ('lee guitar, new eonll. Good du!1es \\-·ith sailboat nilg. r !IQN\"S( Slll~F. ~:;~;-\il'id l11·ing roon1 group. The for be;-:111ncr SSJ. $-18-130\/ firn1 . Call f\lrs. StuHrt 401 E. ~t. iiy., .· · origin;.! El P1"rsitk'n1e spae-1~--~-------~11)..7070. li7HCJ.l1. ions 111as1cr king sizr b,..o. f!..\.\1;\\0ND BC organ, 2 --~-------roon1 ~ui te i!nd the 11uthcn11c Lies.lie ~pkJ";S. \\'orth nver SECURITY GUARDS · w Paz ii•rougl.l iron c!inct!c s:-:ouo, .\lu!o.t &-ll SHiOO. Nc11·po1'! area. 637-30i0 Schools-Instruction 7600 .~els. Liniitf!cl :;tock • Sl88: 6'1~1531 A.,\1, SERVICF. SI'ATI ON 11ccc!s e xperienced man , Pormanent. Good ,1·orking conditions. Days. Union Oil, 393 17th St., Costa i\!csa. PUTER lli!mll!ou St1owroon1. [)9~8 COM \\'r.~tn1in~!er 1\1·c, ll'C'stn11nS- PROGRAMMING l c'~"c.,· ~"~'-~'·"~"-~-~ Wanted 6 Men Flill :>..!TURJ:; ,'~ cal1111r1s like Bundy sa:-o;ophone & case, C'.'<t..-cllenl conc!i1ion. sur.. :ri6-5.394 aft 4 pm Tfl ~TART CLA~S you h<11·c !lC\"Lr seen i.Jt p · & 0 8130 1anos rgans Teley"ision 8205 Lf>ilsc Color TV or Black & \Vh1!e. Option to buy. Free se1·vlce. No deposit A-Active TV Rental Co. ilJ 5'.?'i-1153 21" Zen ith Portable S:IO 21"' RCA Color TV $135 213: 923-4710 ZENIT1"1 TY portable, 14", including s1and. Xlnt cond. i'l ll". Thon1as (714) 521-6588 Hi-Fi & Stereo 8210 ;o.1 Q~D1\Y , QC!'. :..'O!h ,\111cl")('a 's lal'gr~t .~ n1ost The /1nr~t progran1 oflcr1ng u11usu;1I 11n/1n1~h<'ri JurrHlut c ,SERVJCf: ~!a!1on af!rndan!. 1111• nrll'esl cqu1pml'tll .';, ~lore. Cor J~cdh1JI S.-S;;nl;• "* Pl,\·NO TI~:NTAL :-il'ECIALISTS IF you or anyone you knO\V are looking for a good buy on ;t Stereo, T have several 1%9 Com(X>nr.11\ & Deluxe ('Onsole morlels that I an1 li- qu idating to raise need'!d cash. No reasonable olfer \viii he refused. Terms can be an·angeii. fil'l--728..!}. .\1ARANTZ 25 rc cc i v er , Bozak 302 n speaker S-Y SI e Ill S. dual 101.9 turntable. $700 or brf'l oUer. 6-1'2-9838 before 4 P'.\·! I Good 11·ork in1; rond11 1on~-m'J~t 11, 0 rt r r n filcil1tirs Ana F11y, T11~t1n. l ,1111 Su. Permanen!. Day~. Apply avatlahlr' .Joi n 1hr leader! 1 of l\c111XJrl .F11 y. Opt:n ::li2 ! Arlan Chevron, :;i90 Harbor. Academy of <111 ~·~ PL'r) r. !•I l-:-i-110. ;\o l1n1r l1n11t. Rl'n1al applies !n p11rrhasr \1·1th1n ll. yrar. i\ !-:\\' & CSED PIANOS & or~c,\:\S. Bcsl drals in Or'il!lgc Colln1,y. \I'll'{ ., e 1 o. w ovo::.rhcnd • deal C~I. Computer Technology· BLL't·; ,1.: f!<Jld 1J1\lra!Je L'o11t'h SERVICE stalion sal,.,smpn, C.1!1 ~ol1·~H71 & Jn:llrhin:.:: l'ha 1r. :.! ~·nd . exper. Oppor tunity for good fl arn lo ~ pni 1a/11i· ,\.: 111ff r 1• lablr, rln rk GENl:.:RAL Electric stereo. ,\'.\! ; F,\I, :SlOO or best off· {']'_ 5~~~ ! man, older 1na n I 1 n t' .JOIN T!!E FIEL[) 11 rl()(l 11' ' :"\"r'\ r·rrna r flnl~h. C' he v r o n. Adams & \\.ITJI A FlJTCRE! All f(lt' S60. fi lli-::62~1 li1 rcclly 1rHh !he o'J•1·ner & sa1·r con1n1lssi0n. "'e l(lkc 11·;.irlr~. Bank 1ern1s. O[X'n ;\Jon ,\,. Fri c1'rs. Sun 12 to 'I. ;o.1agnoha. HR., Agi' rdur;>.tion no barnct'! t:SEU D11111sh i_;l'f'f'll ~:nf;1 ,\, SERVICE Sta'.ion. t•xp'rl, /Lill l.<'t us hr!p you q11a\1f~·. chall' SU~. O;_n11sh 1·ha1r. hluc tiinc, permancn1, ~:ilary E.: T.'\'.\Kt:J::Pl'.RS l.'\STITUTE ~ll'lj~~ 512. The J-'aclor~, Nmm. !Y.KI E. Coast Hwy, 1:-.·rEP..~ATIONAL ~d"i-:;.J~l :\r1rporT Bi>ach. '.\!1'.J\C! fl <llcl/Apt i\lgmt Sehl ,7,c".cl)~,-,-1~.--. -1---11-,\ D!VTS!O~ OF '-;~'·· ; •l'C'!ll 11 '."~ ':•ll•' '" SERVICE Sta , A It n d n ' t . A:-.'Tl!O:\Y ~Cl!OOL::: .. i J>r', 11 <1lnu1 S:..8. l :111· <11 }::xp. nee:. N>e !l!ike ill 1017 .'. l1 P.OOKl!UP.~"r h•nJ~1' . .-in_:ll('r t"1)~1:d,, t:11 h AI RPORT TEX . .\CO. 4f.7X AX.\!IEJ.\l, Ci\L!~·oR.'\J,\ Sl'l. fhf' tnr1nry, .>IS-.,1,,l Campus Dr. Nc\\·,....,r1 B""i:h ~ --• -I ~,, -,-,... Lia.~~, .. ~ 1<J!W <>\"(TY werk lju;,hly k11l\.'. ird-1111 IL''. SF:RVICE Slation Attndn'I, PHO>:E: Fon APPT. :::on1r!•'l1·-111n1sf'd S\OJ, lll"lf!I ) !IA:>·lil!O:\D in CORONA DEL l\1AR 2~.",.1 E. Cr.>ast llll"y 67:l-S!130 ••YAMAHA PIANOS & ORGANS ~"" 1hr ron1ple tr Jin .. al : COAST MUSIC Tape Recorders 8220 TAPE RECORDER $10 strreo head phones, SlO 2 JI)'' Speakers, $7.;icl ea. CaU John RHf'r 6 P~1 6-!5-0397 Expcru.>:nL~d. 1\pply: 1914 1\~k fpr B"P:V 'j'7(;.,j.~O(l ~2.JO .\ft:, ,I:, 11krul~ .l:l~·G:,3fi I Harbor, Costa !'l!l'sa. AT'T~:.,;1·10'. 1.0 V!Nc·, l'AR-. Pl:>.-J~<·1rl;11rc ,~1ci.:1nc l\E\\'POllT & HARBOR -· -· " COSTA J\11:::.".-\ * 6 !2.~.i::;~1 Cameras & Equip. 8300 1:JOm1n PENTA..\'. Takomar lrn.~, SS~. 50rnn1 TES8Af{ Jens. PE~TAX mounr, $20. \)Qn1m \VOLLENSAK enl!Ul:- ing RAJ"'TAR lens, $~0. 16 x 20 YAi\IATAit Binoculars, $:!5, Ca.II Joh n aft er 6 PZ'>f. J'\Cl\'f'Ol"l Blvd, l\".Il. Learn ro f'peak ll"CU, rnunci· CotJ\h S~. T~iicli !"lllt-'•" SI(\. WOW! full 40 inch pi.,no SE\\'ERS, f'XJX'rienerd. Ap· <ii•'. pmje{'!, ll flr_r school & BJY1ilf"r ~ .. :-;,,ndl~•\ sr; C:i lJ console for only .• $699 ply 525 Fnresl A\·e .. Laguna f~1tunlay~. Priv~te ur LIJS:. ,( 1111111 1T~:-Siil fi l!-O:'f.7 This 1f' u11r sp<'elal huy Int' tjJ;-,...0~97 /s~ERVICE Sta\1on Atc1ida111. E:\T,..;! YOVTll ~·J'EECH s1r,~r. rn110 i·l!ork. :-.ln\. Can Oiwn 10-6 f''ri 10-9 Sun .12·:i pr('fer cxp'd ohlr1• rnan. 3001 \l'ORK"110P. Agr~ 7 to 17. d!'li1Tr Sl:i. t).!f..-2;1 \Z Beach. 497-1131 ratP~_ '!~~$7!):1 Or1nhr1· • t:rl ).'ours no•v. iii! SE\\"l:\G J\lath1rw oper;•l\H"S. VOCA L T"ch. & :><1t1t: in· . finisl,rs. Buy a,5 cheaply as Sporting Goods 8500 Gd. na.v -;-. hoinl!s. slrarly trrprl'\a•IO!L nf't:lnll"rf' lhru Offtc e Furniture 1301 0 a l"f'll!aL ··· ' · GOULD MUSIC c;OLt" CLUBS, I ad it> s \1·ork. air coll(l111011 -!raill('f'S arfl·an,..M. 4!'1·1-.11·10 af1 6 RETURNED FROM ....•• I \ La F ·r o Srau !rli n;: £:..:O?cuiiv{' \l.004"1~. a .<.o_ ~. wsl~-~P. ra11 l'r. l<LHA NDISE FOR P.t.:"IT.\L 1,1 L1cl i\l<t r Ral"c.I ~0 1 "1 N. i\1arn, ::;,\ :-"l.f7.0(>l!l lllniost new. Bargain at SW. 4(1'.ll B11!h SI, :\<'iipoi1 sc::rh SALE AND TRADE 1r:1r k, l\'n,11! ,\:. ~!l·rl desks, Xtnr.n·n t a Baldw111 p1.,1111 inear OC airport & ::.an r·lnlr~ l1lr~ i;, l<thl•·" I 1 I t f l''OO fr1G-51:)1};ifL6p,n1. D'-o F1\""1 F "t 8000 . .. ', "· ••r :riur (' 11 ' fJr -· SU RE.BO\ROS 9'"" llob1° ,_,, , · urn1 ura McMAHAN S 772-8450 11•" r k. Prnle~sional in. ' · · ~ '" SE\ll"'G I \Voody, 12' Quigg Tandem, . " mar11nr OTJ''ra1or!<. OVER _ STOC•ED 1~::0 :-i, An<1ht'ltn Bl1d., 111 :-.lrurt1on available . re~ul l s E "d I l d -~ I both for $58. 673--06.12 · .xp , top pa>'• I' ea crin . /\n.ihP+in !i1 011.;;;irte S, •\. guar:intrf'rl. Shup f' v cr y ----------- 1'.J89 ll-lonrov1a, C.'.\L !r•" 11;1y <i ( Ka lrllal n1i::ht ,t :o;unrl~1v <iflcrncio11, ' SHIPPING AND MUST SELL! \\ACD'S BALDI\'" STUOIO ll!l!I ~''II jY1r1, C :>!. 612-S.\!M Miscellaneous 8600 ;..c __ _c.:.;c RECEIVING Office Equipment 8011 BLUE" ' Id b d h :.'riv OCd": T\1nc ~[l'l.1n. "GEE, MOM, IT'S A-· . go rora c couc Q r .1 .• 1 &· 111atrh\n;:: rhair. 2 end i'oung man IQr Sh1pp1ng a11d l1"t't'1vini; Dcr1. J\1 u~l 011-11 rlPpen<labl,. 11·anSfl'Jt"!at1r,n GPnrral J1lailt in111ntcnancr ('If'• day :-,hlft , ;\pply UI J)('C. :-on ~ il m 10 ~ pn1 POLYOPTICS INC. ll••·11$ S~~ . .-,o, Full Si:J:,n. TY E\I l!I -:11.. 1\fld. n1arh. WURLITZER!" T I I " I tablr~ & c:oHl'C lab!•~. dl<rk 11 1"5 S.1~.0,fl, lllJl.I' gu,;l"ll c;1 C"ll ii!Or. vPry ro·.-i~OD'1b t. ).J,·•d"I I !IYJ 1,ilh ."h:t lXJ<.Jn1'. \ICV>tl II' ' ;\f'Vr>rm;ir filli~h , KlnJ: ~' ~Prl'llrl~ SlJ ~.\ fl ~1111 (.'CJr11-I. 1<:1!~:!\:'~. I 0 1lr•I 111d11ut '.\h•(l11r1ran!'a11. ' ' o· •· O lk All for S5(l. fi1r.,..;;G:'!l ~t.. :1 .. J. ,~,.,,v. P"-rornl"r L ·p r""''· 11)' S79.i 1c~_c,'=';:_~,..;.~~=~ a1'r.1ng,_ rhn1t 1' nf ,.1,.~ 1.,.,~ S I 8022 !~l:\• ;,~:1::.,n GIBSON ES 335 TD S~JO, nnw SJ:,'.1 iO. lh atllnvl~: Gar_acg,• __ •...c•----'-2 nir.kurs. )Qn" neck. --ltAi\-Jil·IONJ>. Ste111wa.y -Ya· ,, " ~+ncs, si-., Qu«e11s SI ~ ;,o, AssorrrED C!111h1n;: in/f, nia!F\ -ne1v & used pianos Solid hod.v. nJatchle~s. ~ii.I ~Jn ,~\ Tii·Jn~ ~,t:J.J_ d rar~.,, '''"· h"bv f11rn, hi>~. ol all makes .. Brst buys in Gl'l-':"!!6 Evenings Tru11rll" Sf'I~ Idun r 1srr1 " 1 hh 11 i._:, l:i~ip.~. I i.lb!~·~. SQ, (';ilif. ri,;h! hrrc. ..~: r.L'G!'.:R m:-ig_ Both cyL 1;;15 F::, l rtrnrg1<', ~-'· li\n>'r ... pnn::;-n1i•!1. f<'~, Sll\l. rh111.,,, lrni'rl pH·tuiT~. :; SC:l !'.\lfDT J\lllS.JC CO., <111'1 leath•'r. n111y nnc hoX of r: .. tllf'"IJ '.°\f•W"f>"l1 ~-11-y, .~-11'111' S"i!<:,n. H•1ll-i1·\\'d,I' hrd.• 11.ill li!'i•IP! .. l1h~ 11('\\ .:;. J!XJ7 N. i'll'1 lll , :-h,,11~ f1r(·d 1hr-oui:;h 1\. $~. RMh1ll•. ~ n! \r.,rnrr 11• tf)n ~-r111r1r: n1;itt. 1·ri<:· ni\ir•h 111~11,1,, ,~i_;;\ Fl"''"I'. San1a An::i fi11i-\!ISS SliR\lf_:;y hoy, Hl·11', ~1.7.lhr $:.•;,il, 11"11 S:l'.J~oO. Can<lpy "\l Tl · 11· c1111 'I'" 1 0 -~ !"'I 1 $1!'.J " S~'.J'' ' i111~ 1.11 ,, , • .Jv-~T HY ,'\c C!:irk p1:1no _.__ t·nn1n1, --honl '< ,\flrr , '.., "'~. . .oil, tl•"I'' '.:N. pnl , ·,t~tii~I) sol,., xlnt ro11r!_ g;~KJ. l"(J!l" ~URP Lt;S Factory rlrcss fabrics & n•111nants. Sold to :lit' pllhllc s-1. l\londay lhru ~at 1~20 i\lonrnv1a, C.!'11. ~~hool &: i1).;r11rl~. J:.u~uH".' F i11I -1 •.. •l•'"fl . ~'lfil J'l'g, ---.~~~---m1ndt<l )-.oyi; only. Should S~J!j,.'~•. l)o\\' SJfl'.l ~1. C"hri~I-F 1l I:.,,. ITC 1: J·:, !;1111ps. 1 _____ ,_;._·"_''-"-'---- ha\·e 1ran.,p. 67;)-.i\JJ all {, n1.1' l;iy·il\\';,~.., 11""· Sl t:STA !1i,..yrlr-, n1111il11k••. t 1rr~. G'2 'for inter\Jrl\'_ ~Lt:L·:l' ~l!QP, J'.127 H nrt~w 1:11111l1h•r Sl;i. \\':ii;. J\1 1~('. Jll'::;JEST 1nark,.,tplo r<' in ~----------1 Bhc! .. l:'ll fi l.1-:?~60 daily 10· J-,1"<'~. ~;i!·Sun. Ot:T. 3-\_2. rn11n The J),\!LY l'JLOT Techniciam 'l s~1 .~un l!l-6, :!';)!)'.) 1-:ll<'Slll(•n• C.-H'!--1%~ Cl~s~1fierf sC't:llon. S a v c HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH COMMERCIAL ELECTRONICS DIVISION nC'CtlS rnonr:v. tin1e & r.U<Jrt. Look 20 PC. ''MADRID'' CARPt"3.1 , ~ha~,' hi.Jo ~E\V llO\\'!!! S4 sq . 'rL .. !)6 Hamilton. 3 Room Group C.!\I. Sal.(1rday only. , _________ _ I S 1·ou n AD IN CLASSIFIED~ Son1rnne \\'ti! '"' looking for 1 t.. Dial &12· 5Gi8 }~ROi\! t.IODEL JIO'.\IES h1cl11tlcs: Quilted sofa and Appliances 8100 (."ha1r -'2 cn,J tables & col· , . . le\: lalol!:' -2 lamps -dress· r:,:R·',·,E'"ZEr'.,1;cralnr ....... ~:1 rt• -ni111ur -headboard -~ ~ • ~ ; · · .. · · ·• · ·" · '"~ 11uil\er! mx spring & nla!l-GF: 11 a~hf'r rlry 1•n1n1 . .,,, . Sl~ rc.~s -5 pc, din ing rooin; RCA Consol{', c~\lor 1V, Sl1l! PL,\:\NIL\G to n10\·c ? You'll find an :unazini; number of hon1cs in today·,; Classified llrls. 01,.,ck them no\v. THE SUN NEVF:R SETS on Class1lierr.li ac1ion power. For an ad tn sell around Uie clo1:k, dial 6•12·56/B. PRODUCTION & TEST ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS l<rhlr & 4 lii·bark chairs. !::°('C al: CO:.!PARE AT S7,19.!l:i DUNLAP'S $399 lSl:i Nc11·port Blvd., C.:<.t, PATRONS S48-7788 Nri dn1vn-i-'mts on!y $16 mo.1----.::..:.:c.c:::_ __ _ WELK'S WA \VA.SHER ,t dryer, in·ocodn, REHOUSE $125. R<f<ig-frn,1 '""' l ll5. }~rc<'zc.r $65. 5"10-1095 6\:(l \V. •Ith St., Santa Anal =-C,_=c,~"--'--""-~-Ofl('n Datly 9.9 SPECD Q\let:n auto \1•ash~r, F'or rnmponenls 1"~! 1<_11rl pm. Ni.I _ 9..6 .~un l l·G :a~{' modrl ._.-.;lnt~ conr!. $;;(), lluctmn support . A m1n1m un1 OLD , . ·-. . c""~&-86::0::0'0:'~·,..:"'=:o'-'~1~"==== of one ycar of N>rcnt indus. . 01111 l<tblt? Sti:i. rattan ::; lriaJ <:.XJ'('tienc(' is J'f'(IL!irNI. i:it~ hcd, c:hff;1r ~ cnd t~I. Antiques 8110 A kno11:ledi;" or fiDhtl slate SJO, ;:rrc11 h!dC'-~·bcd S-1:>: ~~~-.------ ARE URGED TO REPORT ANY DIME· A· LINE IRREGULARITIES THEY FIND JN PRICING OR MERCHANDISING circuitry ls desirable oc~as . ..:hair $1J; drei;Sf'r ANTrQLES. Cut glass & I I · .~!;,; 1\ht. dbl. bednn set, hand prun\00 china. f>;C'\\' l0pening~ .arc on 1st and ~nd dN'S&r, rnirror $12:l; studio •16&1 locomotive \1•ith cars & 'I shifts. ~ & holslen; S'..'O: lamp ae~~ss. 1n;1.de in Japan. TO THE S16: \\.onder Hon;!:' Slfl: rare. 6-\G-R?.tm Ple<l.M' apply in P!'rwn to: hfl:ncl blocked linen care cur· AR).!OI~Rcl:c.5~--.---A=R=r , 1;itn~. 4 pr $'20; table ~. OllrE:-JTAL * Sih·cr/g\ass 673-16'1~. 4-6.P.nl. RACK DOOR li\1POHTS HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH I 500.S"'perior Avenue Newport Beach, Calif. ' FURNrTURE ri:tun1cd Jro1n J<;t96 H11rlinr, (tit frl'!·T;i'6 dtsplay studios. nlodt'l lt0m· cs, dl.'rorntor~ callC('\la tion. Sewing Machines 8120 Spri ni!lh ~-i\11:d11crr;111r111l Pie, . RD FURNITURE i:iG~ ~tNt:Er: \1·1bf'a111 11·111 ronoolc & i 1i:::-z.iu::. iltakr~ 1844 New~rt B~~d., CM hut19n 11.-..1,.,!':. n\·rrr11~1~ .. ;,I Equal 'JPIJQl1\llli1y rvrry night 11\ !'I \"r11 r r.:u~u·. t'ull Jll1f'e SJS.24 emplnyc1· • ;-1 !. r \\'rd, Sal. & !'1111. 'til 6 nt $71.:l(i n10. 526-f/i16 ypl~t "'1-IITL A11t1qued bedroom . I i/\r.curatf' typist ir.i nte1I. \Vill ~~· ('(Jn1 ph.'t". illake oflrr. Mus1c•I ln1t. 8125 I I 1nin to opcratr 1•utwh«I li7.>-31\.)ll; allt:r 6 f)ni GIBSON ES 335 TD 1 I tape lypellTitr.r. I' r I Ill " USED a pr.. an\Jrjllt' \\h1lr 1. f'l("'kllp<, J,;n,:; n··rk Nf,.,'IXH1. Beach. Ca 11 txlrrn M'I drluxr. $'.17. Tiic Roli.J hor!y, ma!«hl,.,~s. &rbant. #>1~19 1 Farlory, :~1s-:11~1 1:-1:-..1'.'lli ~:vr n1n~5 • DAILY PILOT WARNING! Advertising not conforming to our Dime· A-Line re9uration5 may be in violation of both Cay and Stale Board of Equalization codes! Are You Letting Cash Slip Through Your Fingers See If You Have Any Of These Things A DAILY PILOT . ·:.. WANT-AD 1. Sto.,. 2. Gvltar 3. Beby Crib 4. Elec:tric Saw 5. Cam•r• 6. Wash•r 7. Outbo1rd Motor I . Ster•o S•t 9. Couch 10. ClarlMt 11. Refrig1r1tor 12. Pickup Truck 13. Sewing Machine 14. Surfbo1rd 15. Machin• Tools 16. Dishwasher 17. Puppy 18. Cabin Cruiser 19. Golf Cart 20. Barometer 21 . Stemp Collection 22. Dinette Set 23. Pl1y Pen 24. Bowling Ball 25. W1ter Skis 26. Fr-.ier 27. Sultcas• 28: Clock Will Sell Fast! 29. Bicycle 30. Typewriter 31 . Botr Stools 32. Enc:yclopedia 33. Vacuum Cleaner 34. Tropical Fish 35. Hot Rod Equipm't 36. File Cabinet 37. Goll Clubs 38. Sterllng . SilYer 39. Victorl1n Mirror 40. Bedroom Set 41 . Slide Projector 42. lawn Mower 43. Pool Tab~ 44. Tires 45. Piano 46. Fur Co.t 47. Drapes 48. linens 49. Hor•• 50. Airplane ST . Organ 52. Exercycle 53. R•r• Bookt S4. Ski Boon 55. High Chair 56. Coint 57 . Electric Train 58. Kitten 59. Clauic Auto ~o. Coffee T1bl• 61. Motorcycl• 61. Accordion 63. Skis 64. TV Set 65. WorklMnch 66. Diamond Witch 67. Go-K•rt 68. 1roner 69. Camping Trailer 70. Antique Furniture 71. Tape Recorder 72. Sailboat 73. Sports Cer 74. Mattrets, Box Spgs 7S. lnbo1rd Speedbo1t 76. Shotgun 77. Saddl• 78. Dart G.tme 79. Punching 819 80. Baby C1rri1ge 81 . Drums 8l. Rifle 83. Desk 84. SCUBA Gur These or any otlier extra thln«Js around the house may be turned into cash with a DAILY PILOT WANT-AD so ••• Don't Just Sit There! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 (YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD> in "'' ., •E:I\' laslt ini;:~ n1c11 C:oa: ~97- G" Pem "1 0 ,., IRI atta •f< )!I S3!J.t Cre• ~ qO> <'OM! bag Gill 9:30 lDL ('ha lblc- tcn~ 613· NI' ·tact '"" Ang fer! "RIC size- & I .... c "' Iron "' like "" Xl n "' off I' .:!\tor "'"' AV c\inl iror -675- c Xt; "dia1 S~7: 67~ LY A:'.f "'" 962· R roll dou .u AD "'" , ... ,,, JC '"' ~" Dt "'' mo ' o• _, rr ""' •Pl (l( ""' "°' p ~ "I c =-=---=-------------------·-------------.. -···-... _____ , __ _ Tut!o(lay, Octobfr 7, 1%'1 DAILY PILOf 25 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPOR TATION"' TllANSPORTATIOH TllANSPOR'.f A TION EllC~NOIS! ·f'OR ALE AND TRADE 1600 lmpetrt,::' Autot 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Auto Le .. lng 9110 U1ed C•r• '900 U1H Can 9900 2,~i:;.~Ailo';;!':~•~~Y ':',~ ''1Cl.ASOl-ARC i t o"o•. CONDOR lll •t~,. 6, IW!y DAl1UN VOLKSWAGEN V LEASE V C:OU•A• 9215 FREE TO YOU &oets & Yachts 9000 Motor Horneie * AUCTION * ie-((l(!ker comb. HB Gd lor lnl>oard-OUI~. 120 Aterc. equipped ~ • '&! cadillac Coupe dt VUll, ,=-~-~:".:'.:-..,.-- older children, had rabies Qula;er with power jet "l =-•""•111-1'112._~==--== ·0AAN01 cOUNTVi 'I VW .1u1.1y equipped. '111 ""· ·• c....,,.... """11r. lt youwillse!Uor buy 11hot1, Wil l deliver pl'>'ol."tt trim. Full cover. ' NO' 69 LTI> cpe, ..,, Pl1 n , .. tru ... ll .... ,... gl\'e \Vindy • try 893-I!ML Ready to enjoy. A 11,,Ml-!-•"1 .. l_ •• 1_ ... ____ 92_75 DATIUN 'DIA'lll radlo, $100 Qtll, '°' lllO w ,...,... llWI Aucllona Frida,y 7:30 p.m, l0/6 rna.lnlen1U1ce n.."COnh. l i ~ • •• • ., Atf t•otJlfh;o.r, 4 ~pd. dlr, '65 El !no, S11l. Hl•ITJ..m• " indy 's Auction Barn KITTEN "Bou Boo" wnr:r.K16-4444 MrkJ-bllte, l'*P· RebUJJt DOT DATSUN =='! H_, tirt1m ext .. SOUTH C T daughtP.r ot C.oo Coo ftipr) ..,.. CABIN eru· ~ · Weit let-' en1ine. $7J. !"" "·ocb Bl·~. Walll Utt. take am.all C 'EAllND DOffl ·Behind 'fony'1 Bid&. Mat'l and .., 1~r, Na97 645-18-16 """"' -...., dOW _,.A 1 -1 • Jl.2 Ne CM 64&8686 }~OO t~oo (Slamest) hull, in.Qrr.l e11g. ju & I lllUltllillC.. Bttatl " or .. _.,.. ........ w, OIV 300 \V. Cit 11.,,, HB 66-31.11 rwds love and a home. IShe ril&u1'd. JU.Tftl • S&Mll pyrnnts. VKn90LB. call •· w ,67 DOOOI 'ILL one I o look.s Hke pop -a little ~ Jla.dit 1 •,n _k' ~torml~ _ .HOO,, --· <IJCl • ~ 4::!49713 er :>15-0634. Us.cl Cal"I .aM. DA"-T t\rcl1't' month mf'mbcl'$hip liger.) 546-4478 10/9 1 • IJVl'ft, liea ' sin • l<.'"e ,.....,.... ~ •• • -• • IN•UIH .OID "'"'9' White wtl:JI vinyl t.p, air con. 111 Holiday Health Spa. chnt. alftpl 2, ftlu.sl sell, »EU. ME I.MET 't5 VYi. J door, 4 . speed, "68 SPORTS llllan U 'JOO d!~ auto. trana., J10Wo ~~;;~. )teMt, trom private ?i~F.;a ~w~OO::Ua ~~~ ~16""',,,--;;~~"'~"'=·~~~t~ ... µio~~=,~-roo-m-y Call J-hrt~fter g P r-t J:ANGE ~O~jf;.1 ~.:,;,~U~al~~~u~~ mi.,~~· fNoT., ~!' i..,. T., ~u1st •ll. S~ f:.&r~ Call 837-4239 friendty 2 Yr. 00! smal l mix boat. 35 ph J:vinrude eng., l-=-:--,64;,5--0:--;:397=-,,=-VOLUME ENGLISH Cul• Met. Co. Inc., lS.U condition. 494-l;lJ.2,. ina! miles, Call 637""1.56 -f~\V 4 n "a,. I y 11 e w !:~:is~;;~ children $995. Pdartn. Punes sllp A·l, Honda 50, Xlnt rorJd.. FORD DEALER Harber, C.W .. 6~24113. BUICK Ort&;lnal owner. DUNTON FORD 2240 I . Main 546-7076 ... ·~ ... $595 4 lll••r Jitlr,f••· V8, •ulo- m•lic lr•"•mi11;0", power tl1 er!"f· r•dio, ho•lor, AM FM r•dio 1!c. IGU 867 f1tshion.11 at e:u:eptionaJ. uv-:.,;,:,oo=::c:o,,::::c:::.:.:___ aee oUlce. lo\\' mtlt'a(:l'. Sl-IO SALES. SERVICE "62 V\V Campt;r SllOO or FORD J 1Ji;AUTIJ1JL semi·krn& •,.., • ~ " k ff G 1111:~! Jtagpickei: C-onslrn-haired liflll•N, S whl old. __, ·tui .r• lnten.-eptor Call 5-t .. im '6~ il.IODEL.S :~11~ ;ber~ cond, ndl '69 Buick Riviera, PIS, -----,._0,,1.,•Y· Auh>. 11 ... ,..,,.. n1e11t JloutiquC', · 1751 S. WtlMd • hou8tbtkn. i Cll'I' J/Ot many e:rtru, must 1 "'68~KA~w-..,.-k~i~t20~...,-,7.~J<"°OO lmn1edtate delivery · P/W a ir L'Ond. Sti-at bench 2 '69 Jo'ORD y;agoru, J.o miles. ,;0,., l•ct. ••r condil ianinq. '63 MERCURY $695 Cnast }fwy. La 1 u 11 & • 4 wht, l Wlc I: wltlt. M\lil ..UI ~-· Call all 5 f ,'d original miles,. 1harp! after LARGE SELECTION '£,6 VW, sunrf, R&H, 11tereo, seat, Landau lop. $4475 Bt'low blue book' for lut 00.,...r ,1 ~e,;n9, 00..,,, 491'-!895 11 n d ho m 1 1m·mt41 · li,...JllrED;li>O.V'iil~;;::::-;;;::;;:;-l i:'~'30c,;P~M"">tS-7-~""'67,,-=--::;::: Theodore Pirellis, ski rack, chains. i2ll l ?7S-78!ll !il41 ~{}-{)782 salt": 10.pasngr LTD v."<li:on, b••k••. ••tlio, ~••'••, Lie 1!3-2791 lOIT sfllPRA Y flC!l'gla.u dini)', '68 HONDA Trail ro x.lnt ROBINS FORD r-.1ust sel!. ~ 5.l-12. BUICK No. ?"..J. 11 a s J().pasngr Gala."t1e ~dun XNH 'i-"----= ff. &iltl&fld. ll m :i.~ ~~· stttrl~ "33'h411• cond. $250. 'fill Honda 50 $85. 2060 Harbor Blvd. 1968 VW. aulo, r/h, coco evuythlng~ ~P·1•8gun, Both fa1:t air, P/S, 'MF°ORD $S95 Jihtphtnl, mix. T ino.r\"'8. ..... ,'"\>11• ....,e new . ...._. Lo miles. 962-4018 Costa Mesa 642-0010 ma!s. r.take oller. Pvt. pty, BARGAIN! • e>;tras. &16--0281, or c .. itDfTI soo '4 O•. i•d•n, Dort 1'9lNd. male, Wft l8ifidN WhlLJer. Diesel. ~·, 1-... --KA=.-, A-SA""'K~l -lJ() ___ s;: ____ ,,~0, ___ ..,.,...,..,,....,.. s.17-6206 fi..12-2252 afler 6 PM eves: 838-7140. Ve, •'·~~ 1~il•. r •diD, he• 1. lut U>ot It btg yard. Llkes mwit 1ell "50 or oHe.r, Bes1 Offer. 521 \V. Ctnter aH '66 V\V Snrf, bell'! w/blk Int. '63 Buick Riviera. au', u,1_ 1\16VING OL'.t ol st.ale. '66 er, whott .. elh. L•c, WPO JRBY acuum t: •JWr wl other peta A Ch i Id re n l~-.., __ .,_,t"'""'==== 6. 2950 Ha rbor, 0 1 9.6. FERRARI lt/H. Por:;:he rlma, Xlnt r.tAClJLATE, loadtd. Buick conve.rt. \VUdcal. Air, Sc:l~•~~~~~== attach • Poli&Mr. Xlnl tDnd '4T-e! 1011 I====="===== FERRARI cond. $1350. 548-Z116 $1I 7j. 494-4053 full pwr., 111t 11tcer . wheel, '66 FAIALANE $149~ & i;uaranteM. Pay oft tMJ of ilYl'W, o .. han i.:fi,, .• ..c,.. llllbo.c;.• ..... ____ 90:..:.1;..:0 Trucks 9500 1==========1 mag ~·he-el.s. Like new, Sq .. ir. ll•lion '"'•<JD", "'".,.; '"' 6N\> ·-N-Im-"• Ud ....._ '68 V\V, ;.JOO, radio/heater, ,1~· A'""' '"" ~ $39.67 ar Wr;e over pymnta. II"· --··•·na, , •• o••·r 1-------------,....·· ..... ~ · VI" CADILLAC 64>-327~ •• l . ....,..,, '" Jo onl $5(1, "190" VS, •u ~D"'•';" tr•n•· -,..,,._ "" ...... Lil<J; Ne'AI S J,.11h11n1• 30 .x 60 * VANS An" "-·-+..' ~n1.. ,.___ white \\'/red lnl, 20,000 mi. . Credit dept 535-'f11D ct.II I ~liens ..-.·ant .ameone 1~ * .,e ..........,..,..., • "''Y au ...... ~ 1---'---"'-"C=:..:.::___ rn iu iol'. power •t •et1 n9, t•· walnut deskl '""llh le111hcr ized deale.r. Sl550. 673-7824, 644--4633 I--;-..-;-.,---=~--ciio. he•l•r, lu99•9• , •• ~. 'ANTED Ladies • Girls tlt iow, 847-65.51 10/1 fllltah torrnq lops. 2 Exec. SALES-SERV1C£.PARTS l$.l VW. BLACK '&S Cadillac El Don.do, 18 '6' f•lcon futura E•c•ption•ll v ,.,~.. Lie. quality used clothirc on we W.-e deserted. N'.ett m.irs. 3 ~ ann rha.irs, • 10 to ~ from 3100 w. Coast Hwy. $50 GOO co moe 111nce purchased rww, Fully factory equipped, Dlr. TFA 17) ron!ii£'mnent. Fun, hats, home together. me Utter all uphol . In gold. t Sccl'y • Pnces start a~ SSSS Newport Beach ~!)IJ ~I p~r~Y 28,lnl mi. Xlnt condition. $695. ,68 GAL. 500 $2495 h<1gs. casuals, shoe!\, rte. box, George & Clarence. (9 chair, ohve uphol. USf:d ie!li * Some \.\ith V-8 & auto 642-9405 540-1764 ------~-~-Complete •xtraii. Priv prty, Phone &12-60'13 Call 5"1·1-9~11 , Tues thru Sat, ""'k. old kittens) 549-!846 l0/9 than 6 11106, Sac. l 573 cash. e .3 O ub Wagons e Authorized Ferrari Dea.1er '66 BUS, rcblt eng, radio, $5500, Call 1ron1 g to 6, 714 : .67 FORD GaJaxL.. SOO. 4 •r, f 11tb.,k. "l90" va, f•c· • '" KUSTOM MOTORS t I t -• •1 t un '>C'>n ""' ""' IDIY 1ir conciiliDn;n9 , pow-9:3() to 5::'..... 673-6!!1'J new ire~. J; n couu. "us ~ or a.Uer 6, 213: 390 eng, PIS , P/B, auto IODE!l:-.l" \1·alnu! tble & 6 COCK-A-POO, l\lale, 3 yrs. ==~~~~~---1845 Baker St., 0.f 5-11).5915 FIAT sell. 67;,...2sn or 537-4875. 697-4821 trarui. fact air, plus e>;lrll.5. e,,',1'',"c",'',',•,;c•d.!;;,..,Kh•:;,191;'· old. H.sebroken; pref. for SN IPE, lbrgl ht1!I, dacrn A c 111 dJr "I 9 ' rha1rs S70, 2 Lane 1\·aJ. ~nd adults. Lovable & obedient. sail.~. ~Int r-.i.cin" cone!. Sre U!io · · . • open t1 '68 V\\'. ~L500. In excellent '66 CAD convt, fully eqp'd Xlnt cone!. 673-4482 ,67 MUSTANG $l 695 11 "'0 1 · h 0 '68 l'~iat .1 24, spt cpe, r&b, dill ,_ t "d cl t 1 es ,,. , sc11,•1ng mac · 54&-5144 10/9 al Bahia Corln lhian Yacht ·;i1 t"onl h Ton, racing air, mag wheels. con on. a...-, I el'l!'O, 1ttv.1 , ean. Xlnl '66 FORD XL. Orig. owr>er. ve, •ulo..iitic tr •n•rn in ion, tcnsion9 adj nttdl.'d $20. FREE Th 0 r 0 u 1 h bred Cub, llDQ. tnel trlr ,r., rover. slicks, cust uphol, cher· -19-l~J2S e\·es. Pl!: 675-3286 ~.834 Pvt pty. Days 28,000 l\li. Loaded~ Still .:, c o~4l lli•"i "<J· pow,, 6i3-:Z:H • Siamese female unaltered. <n.ner James r.1aul. !213) ry body, Good runn1n1;. l-1at 196.J V\\'. a-1,0CXI mllell. Good ; eves & 11,·kend.s under WllITB.nty $16 2 5, ''**'i"l ' r1di1, he•'•'• l ie 'i'.'ITTI G Machine w/al-Des i r e a good home 3 3 2 -1 315 , eves 1213) 1 ,,h,.•~··~·-V~-~'-· _SJ~25~·~•-17_-_5:-_~_9= KARMANN GHIA t"Onditi<>n, Take ov er 63J...0079 847-2195 WVT 7 1 tach. Almost JYW. Beauleau 494-2146 1019 llZ-7911. '02 f'onl •ton P.V. nc1~· paint, payments. Call 842--7369 1968 CAOILI.AC Con v er I '65 Gaiaxie XL Conver! 390 "65 frllUITANG $1095 ran1cra RI6 Ir. m 010 r · t"REE adorable k i 1 t en s , INTE~ 5--0-5. Xlnt l'Olld, All 10,00'.l mi • ne1v t~ng. $600. 2.·5~ KAR,\IANN G h i 11. s, '!iii V\\', one owner, Ar.f/FM, Coupe. Gold. Air, Ar.ftFM, 4 ~pd, AM/FM ~dio'. 2 dr. hirtll•p. 6 .. ~1.. •ul11 · Angca n1au Zoom. Make ol-mother Siamese, Box-train-I i ber g I as & ro11struction I ~>!&-~~'"='~~----~ Good transportaHon Cat"!! or w11w, top condition. 673-M06 leleS:.COIM'. \.\'heel. ~tras. PS/PB, \Vlde tires, I.lust rn iti, tr•n1rni11 ion. r•dio. fer! 67~1_1'5_____ f'd. ~. Mafu, jib & 1 p i n n a k er '63 CORVA!It 1• a 111 (ls 1 de hug!Q' material. $175 & $250. alter 4:30 pn1. St595. hke new. Pnvate. sell ! 646-8510 h••+er, Lie. POE 995 'RICID "RE R I . opt w/trapoze r ig. Boat 1rlr & PIV .. ~""' Phone 64~262:1. ,.;,,,~~"""-~=-=...,-4~2593 'tl-.OlTIN• $1495 JU e ng, AKC re1llter;d fie.,Je, 9 • ...,..,. '68 V\V Sunroof, Dlaup1DJa•1~~=~~~~~--I '59 Ford Wagon "' ,... sizr S60. Naugahyde couch , .. a_, .. r.-"· ~co1 '=ot~l-"'="~tp=·~'~"~"·-"~7---"'°--=====""=·'=S38==== A~l/F?.f, Coco ma ts , mint '66 CAD DeVille, like new, or w enc. GT. 2 ci r.~ 1p1•d, r•d;.,, & l tal Prov cottee tbl $lll0. monu .. 1m1, ~. ,., CW, 122' FffiERGLASS s I 0 0 p . MERCEDES BENZ rond! r.tust sell, !'-lake-*'-! full pwr, air, leather, Lan-""l~""~a h11i1r, "'i"vl roof. buc.~•I stlOd with ehildnn. IT~ ~· _ ,.,... 4%-3038 be! noon or eve1. PLEAif aaw m• ~ tlwt Efll'iign No. MS. 311 hp out-Oun• Buggies 9525 49.l-68!13 ~~,000 ml. $ 13 I Iii . iii 1'ord Torino, LO&a'td ii 1e•h· Lie WXR. 985 ~;i~t ;~:; ~~ ~~ = ~~!,. °'~ P'Y· &6~1887. ~~~n, !!ih~c7~~~~ Tanqerine Manx ·~as~Co~:ibt;:~,~~~lex· '69 CA D ru:nwOOo ~~7's: ok,e._t ~~· · Mlllt ~: :.~~!~~ "3s ~~':.~. trum S.l.5o up + my labor, ,.,... BR.AND NEW * Call 546-5278 * BROUOHAM ,82 Jl'ORD OJ rt1 bi-1 .. to rn1tic t•e"•·· f11c.to rv 90c ptr yard. !16U910 BROWN' J\abb!t. 23• STAR no. 3387, 3 Srts ol Loaded ""ith goodies ,66 VW ~baok 1-1-09--,-.,~ 9500 mUn 4ff.6182 -· i-. nve .,.. Rur11 •ir conclitio11 i"q, pow•' 67>7513 ._._ ""i u-.. ...., tf1•ri"f· po wot d!1c br••••· urt faporting f.1ach+cue sails &: trailer, Drafted, Must ·"'c. larger car or truck. Camper '63 Cadillac Corwtrt. Whl * N&-303l • r•4llo, .,.111,, wltit• w•ll ::,ro':7' ,;;:·~~~';!i CRAY, ttli;;d ca~. 2 : ~ _.~fo~;~~te~~~ JAJ~s:sL TO _,_,,,._,,_i_n_o_. _lt39-< __ 23_· 7----1 :'~.l ~1a:~.~ut 1M rortf W~on, id motor, t1'11· Lie XH"t' 661 Xlni, phone ITMlill old, Mtd1 a aood hcmt. -1n:1111. 158.f Newport Blvd. 642-0CHO '69 VW Deluxe 7 pas!i bul.l==-..:-"°'""'""'.,.,l Id· body, ttrH, l'\l.1'11 wtll. 'II FORD $9'5 ,.._11 ., •• _..., 10-9 xlnt cond. i\lany >;tru. C O Sll5 or ol'.r. 6tl--0842 Countrv Se<I•"· fl p•u •••· Barber Shop cha.In, make ......., -17' O'DAY Daysa1ler PERFECT for Dune Buggy. 1960 lt1ercedes 190. Oelll, $2600. ~8-l533 AMAR tion w•<J ., \II , •~lo. tr•"'·· offer. Mu!it go. l 11 0 SIAMESE Manx mother c•I Demo $1750 -Used S\350 '61 V\V chas.-.is k !rans v:le. new Ureii. $7"JO 1 i r m , UNCOLN it•••• at•••i'"J , r•d•o, *'••I· l'ltonrovla, C.l\{. ( F lam 11: I.: 3 kitten. I wks old. 14' O'Day llScd .... s;.oo $175 ti.rm 673--ffi'.l!I 642-4432 eves. l\I USI' Sel_I '66 V\V <;am~r '68 Camuo ur. Jlt.!1, Piii ••· Lie l lOl 11 room! 5'8-4740 JG-8 P'\lll ~e Boat Co. Ba!boal -=========oc lully E'<Juipl, low mi, A·! R.H. Auto . .a. Knmi II. Otl:::'.""-.,.,-·-----'66 MUl1ANG $1495 ::::+ 1 I I rtocl A t 9600 Beiit ol! 64.2-1636 rve!i 645-2991 •"'· WW tn.dt. 1915 Cl&ul.a l,,lnmln C.On-AVEN PORT, Beds, lampa. SAMOYED, ' mot old. s.r..A :scou t l! desperaiely mpo u 01 MG t•-n•-' -~--.~ u 1 ••. lrt1 rdte ,. va, •u•om•· ~.1 .,.. ';,9 VW Custom e11mper bul. .. .. 1a1 ........i ,......, rn e1, dinin.,. eet. a I r candiOoner, ftexis., Al(C all lhota, house ~ a MAIN iiail tor ~ 4 ~~ J 1· ,_ tic h •n1mi11ion, pow•• ·• -LBA s ALPINE Al\!IF'i\l radio. i\lust aaU ! CHEVIOLIT .,,.,ow ntw &t me 1.,..,1, iron paUo furn. 548--0273 or trained. ~9988 10-9 ruu• A TROS . I 1 1-. _,_ •'•••l1t9, r•lll lo, he1t1r. Lie fi..12.-Sl6!1 !\ G 494-0Til •c-., ...,. oond, tull leaJber 11 67:)-j2().l F'REE Adorable black pup-"'=~~-~~-~~ ,61 ALPl/'i'E Sal<'~. Serv1Ct'. Parts l!lm VOLKS\VAGEN ,66 CHJ:VJltOLIT Ca-..t interior mlnt oond. Private :•,U I l $l8' 5 ROSS top R c f r i i:., p~•. 6 '"·ks. 548-4;.63, 2210 lJSED Balboa 20 hxrd keel !n1n1cdiate Delivery, ,..._ __ ,., wt•• "ant-· ~ n-• Gru pe 6 FORD 'lhoa "··'d New tires & top. Extras~ L'L • .,. 'NE\V El\'TRAS v i"' ., .. ,... .,. l)I ...._... d c0 · auton1:itic drtrosL Exe. ~. Orange, C.M. 10/7 sa1 1: ......w n't 1cU from $400 5-IS--;nl AU l'llodels Sl99S U'U.o • ' GiJ.Ml l 24.{Q) mllel, hai all power + Rft. 17~ eve1. ••11-.ie 500. l· oor n Ip. The !louse in Back 4.Jj E. LO M T .1 540-4389 l0/6 ne11,•. Immaculate! $:\050. -~~=~~~~--,--I •Ir --•ittonlnr. A"··l .. ,.ly llid LINCOru Cootl-o•-• VI, 1uto. "•"'·· f•c. •''· 171h, &12-!11~1 . A ' op !Wll Call t.l on. 1hru Fri, &12~782 -68 V\V Sed. X!nt cond. t"· -,1·,~·-•t 0_ t-n .:...-. convert. Gd ~K .. , low·-m,.':",, power ll•er., 1•dic, h1•le •. J.,~P~l'~O~"::C:,2~rni':-:-c~d:-c:-==t~ I PETS and LIVESTOCK KITE _ excellent cnnrlilion AUSTIN HEALEY Al\1-Fl\f Special r xhaust '"" ... ~ '"' ....... ~c"" or be•t < •• ~;,,,70 .... ~a. w•ll tire•. ~i nyl 100!. '-·'-· "" sq >' s carpe • 646-3800 bt'lore :t .l1m Slemons Merced e !1 1 =-=====-=~=·="=== l i,. No. UKH 71 I. 1•·/under maltuJi'. $2/!IQ yd. Pets, Gener•I 8100 $6JO. Shore mooring $15 per UST N ER C Benz, 120 \\'.\Varner, Santa i· \\"(111h a lot more. Call 8 month. 6r~2916 A I Atv1 1 A Ana. 546-4114 MERCURY '67 OPEL $1095 A.\1·10 Ar.I any day. 642-7925 GERBIL P.lOUM'! 14·anted or --Kl=.,-00-. -i~u'-,-.1-,-,1-1,-Nt.le.11, Stor.·ie<'. Paris :uoo \V, Coast Hwy, N.B. VOLVO K•d1t. 4 1p1ed , h••1•1• · I ho t b'·'· o-1 -• 0 t 6·'"-"·'05 <•0 1·,54 -----------, '65 Chevelle Malibu SS, 327, 4 Hurry o" thi1 on t. l ie. Ho. B"LL H""I~ 1n o. on w o o ~ .... ,. )Ont cond. "~"" mm~-u1a1e e ivcry u"" _,.,,,. '68 fl.IERCURY 'I t "' ~.i:..• 834--5730 <W<N AuthoMzed MG Dealer llpd, Hunt l!nkage, new "on e i o UOU 444 $25 67~982 All r.Iodels VOLVO 1lrcs & bnkes. new mu[. wagon, 16,500 ml., l-1,000 mi '66 MERCURY S169S Call John .. 8!'.!! 6 P .:\t. Cats 1820 P ENO"UIN u.ilboat 11 ~i ' PORSCHE flen A: rebll motor. Xlnt xlwarrt '"ty,. F~l.,ewr64. ~~1.!!· cv~lo"• G.l . l dr. H.T., 1/8, ,f,===,;";~:.,;o:::.:.".,.,---::~I w/all & trailer. Top con-CLEARANCE NOWI cone!. l'l1Llllt &acrifiCE! $1375. n con · .. ~. .,........,,, •uto'"•llc, lie .• 1,, pow•• XQUISITE Sapphl~ and PERSIAN Cameo kitte.n $25 .• d~l_tlon.;,._~142'~·~"'="''-8~599~---I 142-144 -145. 164 or best offer. 8-3 da,ys avail Del. JJth. itee r., pow•• b••~e" buc· diamond ring. Apprai-1 at 5 months old Cameo PttsiM SABOTS 'S8 Porsche 912• 4 speed, TIIE LO\VEST PRICES 84&-zut CLl:.:A:'J '67 Colony Park \.1 1••"· Lie. TSA ei J h t --•--'I ho'-I lttcAfee 1\hr<'lli, n1any ex-o. t U SS75. V.'W seU for muc eu. nl&K, .., s -O'l'C I New ind aa.i:1 6-l;).{t172 )'OUR BEST DEAl.-'i 6.1 Belaire Sta. \\'ag, 9 pa.as. v.·agon. L>C"ll o er takes. '67 FAIRLANE $1,95 _ .. ,, .. _ •~R ..... -• 3100 W, Coe.51 H11,-y., N.B. tras C.<G ~~... 6'" -673-i"i'i8-I ""™"'"..,...........,....,, HOBIE CAT $1000 642-9405 540-li64 $4950 · 673-fr60t ARE STILL AT 327 V-8. ~·erglide PIS & .,..,,...,..D~ or ..........,.,~.. 500 2 door h•rdlop, Vs , LYl\fPICTVCoFllOla1t1reo-Krn'ENS TOR. Sill, I * 41K-OIJ7 ,.. Authorized f\1G Dealer DEAN LEWIS rear window Fae, air Lug· •ulo, tr•n•., pow•r 1l1e• .. A:\l /F'?.I, Lci1vrey e>rsan w/ wk*, Abyulnlan, .., ,.,.... I::::=:::====== '5~ PORSCHE c 0 u Pc • gllie rack. ·>Jrrt conci $89.). MUSTANG r•dio, .,e•'*" .... ~it•w •ll XI , •c ...... ....,. ·~"1 A r-l fF'~I. chrome 11·heels, Own 644-4648 1;re1, UPS 555 "'96-.n~~,·,·, Both nt, .. c. .... ..... f!WI , ::te..-o'l\I ..... c ... 1.... 90"0 CORTINA d ·-·-· to l!l66~H~·~ho~•~'.:c~':o1._,~·~·-="~''f ii7a"'iE\'1.;;j;;J,;"32i~;;;d. ,.,,. .-" tune CX nnUSt, prl<.-ru :::: .67 OIEV Impala 327""4 l'ipd. '65 fl.1USTANG Con v, r t , sell. Eves. 495-4579 VOLVO '&i, n 1ns good, \RPET installer ha1 one ......._ •-• CRUllON 11' C.abtn cruisel' 67 FORD CORTINA Immaculate• 29000 ml See cocoa. new lr1U'U5., good con· lo t -.... .... __.,n-1.. •-• * '65 CONVERT * S293. to Appreclaie. ~take 0Uer!' dition. one o..,,·ner, SICB5. roll, a1·ocsdo ny n carpe • 1-..;;--------· I .........,,.,. .. , motor li tr.... Sport r..... 4 ~M. Radio, C"'I •lttr 6, 548-2585 s-'"7 d-•b!o Jut• booked. WW Mil -. .._ '-"t"' Xl nt corid. All xtr&!I. nu pnt. 548-3613 or 548-8632 all ~. ,........., 0 after 6. "" :::::;::::;:;::::::=:=:=== heaft'T. ~lust -~ to apprei:i-,1 u '·'" ·-· all or port, 13/yml, ""''"' p, tori. · ust se · ......,..u,,.. '66 lm··'-"•,, V-8, taot '67 _r.1UsrA.JVG convertible a1e, Lie UTY;.:?S, A Special .,,.... -.. ADF.C oll•c t lon .llermt UD'f'i•J ... tM.lnten•nce 9033 At '62.3 P o r s c he 1700 cc, Antiques, Cla11ln 9615 air, PfS, P/B, radio, new w/air, P /S, new 1\·idc tires, sophis!icated Hema, 10me rj S1299 lf'a lh int, all arccss. 33,000 Ure1. One 011,•ner, $1.350. mag wheels. \l/UJ conside r specimen stone8 6 cabs. Mam• ta l pur9-bred Lt.lJra.. FKZE ht repair est. n1 1. S2TJ(I ~9251 t-ve * • ·:11 J\.lorgan + 4 .. f":(-837~. 83&-7479 !rade. $li!f.J. 675-00TII. 613-5089 dot' JlWiever ()'911crw); Pao 1'n.llft' your boat to lbe ~ "6S Porse'he Targa, lo m1, xlnt ce~lent cond. Slf,00. hnn~ '66 OfEVELl..E "300" 2 dr. 6. '69 l'l1ll.!llang 250, IC •. ·, .. ~--~ 9.4• ut1 :;c: ...... • T? bl.It he can lup NWt, fal:test boat !iCrvice c ~ eond 1"/ :\le Afrec rims. 842-3n s alt 5· all da. Stick. Runii '"°" 1 6 50 3-specd. Xl nt. cond. "' ""4-1"•....._u ~ \..aJ' .... lll h ..,.. Let us make ~ · ~ k/6~ ~2 wk,.nds. 121~ o.o "' k 110 W t It I'" -11 ._ h••h ff!notl In a &~ • $5800. 673-il~l ..... uc '""'"" ~~~======~ 673-7413164&-4563 . ...,, .............,91 r;ir f' IU ...,, .., ....., .. )'C'llt boat Wee ne\1' (no jnb o ~ s;.o. 616-1~ bound! Th• puppies are Ml~ too amall). \\'c also sell s Autos Wanted 9700 '63 CA~1ARO 327 R.S, PIS. '66 ?tluslang V-8, autom, one -0 POT · d ·r derful chUdr.m'i dol'I S1 r1•-1 li o · ,0 ,, ROVER -'-'-------R/J-T. Aulo. ""I Kno' s r.. C'I o..,,·ner. Lo\v mLles, Pv, pty. LOS auto \\"ln ow ;u apircf'. Cnll afler 6. 96&'.7935 . ,.,rg a.ss !UPP es, i>Cn ' -- ornd, 11.0C'I BTU, used 6 dys/wk. ~" WE PAY , &15-Z9!ll cvrs. \\'ill trade. _&~12~-4~-~·'~'=,-.,~--~~ DUE ' I di ~ mu•t ·5·, P.OV£R """"'. Extrrmrly s ·· ;i:::;::::.:c.::::..c.::.;:.:::;..:_.::,;:::;--[ r111d a ~ lM>mc for a l'!'T)' t737 5 clean. 20,(Q) !Tl\. Pl'rfect !rrr __ _. • V-8 .,~ '·--•-• •~ mrn;. S125. : .. 1&--04~,~ rve~ 0 new an Oiu \\'l:'\'D AN' SEA ~""'1 CA H '6..i Chevy Jn1palt1 2 Dr. Good TlrREE 196.'l l\lustangs, fully Q'''l •. ,Y k•n"' bod-<•lllllr\1 upr.rior 1 ·1 ,1... ft gvnq. a.I.Ito. , ,.._,.,, --.i, ....,.,.,, "' fril'flffly 2 }T. old sma!J nii.>; ,..~•-~1 6,, 7607 young am1 y. 1 ..,.,e o er. _ ... 71 "-•·•t 0000290 rnplcrf'-unused SlQj, '"'Orth ......,....,. "esa. '•·-549-lClll E~t. 66 or 67 "~"° u•-.....,.... __, Shepherd, Loves all children Pr!. Pty. 546-.>.:>•o. $:;;(! Aft 5 & wknds 8-12-6536 dul S36-S6n 1970 !iARBOR BLVD. l7riiR5'i-Fcii11';-T';Ri?c'i•''"' ;;;;;:;,,.,11;1"';;: l'e;""~'~".:"C.· ~~'..'..,,--Bolt lllp Mooring 9036 ===CO=ST=A=~=E=SA===-I SPRITE • 1"'1'('7.1' "" AKC Registered German - Bedroom !'!'\, $50. Call lor Shflphrn:I piips for sale. 1 NEED: 41' boat ~hp r-'B -------- for med cal'!I & trucks J'llll call llll tor fnoe tstlmale. GROTH CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE appt. :-i:l&-1944 mah!. &. 1 11."male $65.00 and a~a.. "'rite Daily P1lol, Box DATSUN '&l A JI. Sprlt" S 125. C.Oll'i!r OOD Bellone &. Zr.n ith $40.00 839-5944 1\1 510 ----------1 st11rlent lllUlil Si'll. Call Mk for Sa.In M anAift 1!211 Be:arh Blvd. Huntlnrtrm Beacb hr.:iring aides In perfect • M I N f AT u RE SLtl'I Ttl" rent IS to 3.'i, '64 PICK Up 64·1-2."6'.l C'(lnrlilion, $j() each. 642·3228 S OINAUZF.RS, champion Newport Harbor. 112 \V. .65 Impala s.s '66 ot.os Liaht craY CuUa&s: auiom MH p18 Conwrt. P/I 6 P/B. $1375. f irewood For S •le stock, AKC reg., eves. Coll~ Hwy, N.B. 5'!8-:~';1\ 54().!:IAA7 49~15i9 NEED l'OOOl'ing or rlork for Pr. larl ie~ sz 8 Bofl:Tlt'r ski PART timf' home JWeded !or pant!\ S20 each. 646-STZO St. Bernard in Cdl'.1 area. ~~A~CTV""~s""'&;-~.~"""=;;1,~,;;.,:--.;: I 675-7488 mi!ic, plant!I We. J74 E. 4T host tor Oct. lm-5706 Boet0Vatht Ch•rters 'l ;)th St .. CM lac. W1nted 1610 WE BUYS $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES 5 Cute puppies to itJOd home, 90Jt Peke -a-poo b r eed SAIL CAL 24 $25 ,per day. 673-4643 l 0/4 Cal M, MO ptr day. Sllept SCHNAUZERS, ?.fin. AKC S. n ...... 2957. pups. Show or pets, Stud servi{"(". 83J.-0361 Mobile HOnMI BEAGLES. female!, AKC --.---HA--R-8-0-R-- rtt. ll wks, Trl<"Olor, ~I • 5J6.60l9 * Melllt. Home Sales t,j, Ton. good running rondi- lion, red ext, orig int., dlr, 11.ill take trade or small 11011.·n, fine flrvT prty. F ull price i m. LBVEZ521, call Jame1 494-9173 or 54~. MOTOlt HOMES ftll Kl >-3331 • J..aui * ~I p~ Mi-OMS Wf PAY CASH '64 M&l1bil ii, auto, Jtr.H. PLYMOUTH Pvt ptr, llO'J, or oiler. --------- Egg whi'<, 1"'1mn rod Int., FOR YOIJR CAR l13-iOll '65 "'LYMOUTH • ""I. die toc,,,ly ownod. •ii rm •. vl iJ!. I ar HT .. Excellent cond. Blue book CONNELL auto. RIK, P/I, P/B. f'ac. l&t•UI", 2 dr, HT, bucket f1.Z7 3. Full Price $11YJO., will •ir "'95. Pr1v Pty 642-9913 ••ll. fact •Ir, pwr 1IMrillf, fine pn•t prly, NRUAALB. CHEVROLET dlr. Hu had exceptional Ca.1J Phil, 4M-97T.: or !)45.®4. 2828 Harbor Blvd. '64 IMPALA 81, l'/8, PIB, cert. lifUtt eell before 1hl auto, J1lnl corw.t. 1815. WW 10th, WIU nnc PM '"1. t& '66 TRIUMPH TR 4 -,""~i6ii"'Mi;i'"'"';;~~~=~··1~tn4t:;.:::-:::::::.·;.,,';96l-40:'.;::::"~rl NPUllOf, Call X..n, tHolm • Rood oondition * IMPORTS °"''ANTED '60IU. llaL~Mbl• 548-<224 ~.-""""""' CHlYS' -1-0 -· --.~·ii==,,...--........ ~. -..n 6f P LYMOU'ffi '89 TRIUMPJ-I Spitfire, xlnt TOP 1 BUYER !TICK S. llfO rooo.. 7500 mu... P,-iv BILL MAXEY TOYOTA '87 CHRYSLER e .... l!OI e O\.\'Tlt'r. Call ~3065 a.ft 4. U881 Beach Blvd. TRIUMPH '65 SPITFIRE '67 FORD $1995 R1nch w19on. Ve, •ulo,.,,•· tic, f•c .• ;,, powtr •'••• .. pow•• b t •~•t. lu99•9• ••ci;. L;c, l\10 !01 '67 COUIOAR $2295 H1rdtop .VI , r•dio, h••ler. pow1r 1tt1 r., pow•r dhc b1•~11, f•~ 1ir cond., ..... ii• will tir11, "'"YI lop, f;)f wh1e1. L;,. USO l7l. '65 FORD 5795 G.l.•i• SOO. Conv11tibl1. VI . 1ulo.,,•hc , p .. r. •••••., r•dio, h••ler. Ut . UY~ 1~2 '65 FORD $1295 LTD 1-door H.T., I/I , •Ylo ., fe,lory 1ir. pow •• 1!t•d"'I· ,.,..., br1i;•1 . r1d io, h••I· or, Lie. ATA ll.5 '66 GALAXIE $995 500 4-door 1•d•n. VI, •wto lr•n1., r•d io, lie. •ir c.o!><I' w .. ile wi ll tire1, Lie.. SHI< "' '67 FORD $1395 Cu1tom .500 2 dr~ VI , •u· lom1tl~. pow•r 1l11r., ••· ciio, he1l1r. Lie. lJM 91.6 '66 FOlD $169S Co~nfry Squ i••· 10 p•n ., va, ... 1om1lic , pwr. 11 •• ,., pw,. br••••. 11d io, "••I••, 1"99•9• r•c~. Lie. UT6 79S '67 •iLlil $149S 100 C.ll'l•rtl•le, V8, 1ufo .. ftllll., ,....., tteeri"t· , •. ol!o, ltft,, wftlto w•ll tir••· l..i1111•ul1t1. Lit . TFC 3,J 1if MACH I $26'5 Cobr• Jel l1ttl .. , 4 •p•oci, powtr 1te1p., r..iio, *'••lt1 , hl11t •••It .... ~•h, poly Color TV-'i111•-St1r1M 1 ,,_., .......... CASH I• II Ml•ln'D • 541-4531 • CAa Loma Roll . II way • DAOISHUNDS, &how quali~ lha'ltoti Manor . Homette • Red, !Nck .6: tan, Champion Kii • Prtltl&e • Sahara llnd. J Main. '44-0227 4LL SIZES MOW ON DISPLAY Henee ... tm e.m St., Costa Me• 114 YR.. old aq nu, QlO or ~block Eut or Harbor BJYd. H. &acb. Pb. 847-- TOYOTA Will Buy MOO" HA"OTO, PONTIAC 11" ""'· u .. YXR •07 -:-:~=~---ti fOl1N6 $19t5 v.a. &utomaUc. tactoey llil, ·- bat ott.r. Cwt& Mt.u. <7141 540-M'JO -GREENLEAF PARk FURft(ITUR! IMALL lhllilnd, c: b 11 d tn clear, clean, cool ee.ta & APflillANCll Woke, daple lf'ltT fr1. MN&. New-9'.! SJ!ftce ••Wt WANTIDI M5-M2I JU4r. Models A. Sales omct * CAIH + I========:! ...,,,.. &t Pm. o.,n 9...., WE PAY CASH s.ti In JO m lnu .... far IOO('I, LIWlfoek 1140 tD I PM. used fumltlll'i', TV, ,__ ACCENT ~tOBILE apptiancf'I. IT'S FUN TO IOAl.D HOME SALES 147·57'22 Your hOrv at TALLY ·HO ol.j!JO 'Vh.lttier Ave. TOP MON PAID FARA-IS. Box it.ill i65 per Costa Mt>aa TI4: 64l-1llO for fumltuN • eppUanceL mo. Mrtal •h&dld l!M'al• itJY mJ home $4195 total. (&11 J ANIS. IN-111' 145 Plr mo. AutomaUe WI· Must -.orifice. :i BR lOx.56, 'lki"EEi;;iD.::;,brtclm;;=:"'°-':::'::"'::1o'""iooo"". I ttr, I-4 dffned daily. with 94dtd <1n room. Comp. ~alll'.lnably pMcrd. 6#-461'7 1\6 acre1 llPt.1 artna, R t-up ht s Star Puk. FREE TO YOU training ring, River trail ac-\\'ekends or after 6 \.\'ltdaya tt!S, Expert Engil!h &: 89'J..I9-i•I \Yes!ern in!I ruct!on. Tally I T,;-::-.;c-:;"";:--""',--= Ho t'arm~. 1126'.r! Ntwhope. IO x 46. 2 BR, wlU ron!flder Vall .... camper. I~ Tr a 11 tr lovable heRlttiy Caltco kll-1 =~='~··~"'~t~·=="'T· =r-~-1 Park, lpt.ct. 11, 525 ralrfu tcl'll, s we4;>k1 nefdt aood TIU.NSPOitTATION nr., c.M. •ft 4110 PM. hclmf', 542.-7095 2 rou: bid&, 30.111 hot WI• Whi!• ll:lller.1 rn&I• ' ... ,. & Yachts fOC' tlT •Mi·$ll(0.1MD Me•"4t. 1tml.le. 842.-3227 lD/9 I N B 0 A RO/Oulbaard 11' Sp. No. l. C.M. Tame White Rim filhtna or •kl hoe t. TJfE SUH PmVEft nTS on ~7613 548-66ll DAILY PILOT WANT ADSI ' FOR llDTDRHOMU • -.if 1W AU lllW DODGE "OPLORER" ""-'"'" ...... ... ... lie. ,.. ""' ........ . --- TOYOTA SPECTACULAR YEAR END SALE ALL MODELS YOUR BEST DEALS ARE STJU. AT DEAN LEWIS 1166 l!arbor, C.M. 616-9303 '61 Toyota Coron• J[a.l'l'.ltop, auto, al't'llc white.. MllYbe we 're crazy but Sl39'J buy, it lhi-5 we-tk at: KUS TOM MOTORS 845 Baker St .. CM 51G-591S 0J>f'n 'tll 9 P~1 BIO: MAXt:t: ~IP@)!JAI 1111 BEACH ILVO. HUnt. le•ch 147..US 3 ml N. of Olt.11 Hwy. on Bch ,.,.., 1te111nr. Pt1'ftf' ft 'fT Lil MAIC!I Conv. Wht, le 2·4e•r Jit,,;1.,, ''l'O" VI, Your Volkswqen or Ponetw ilt1, ndMJ • heater, J.rmm,. rnl. Nkll. IMt oUtr. !vq, tll•\ thlft, ra4io. "••'••, & P&7 top dollAn. Pal.d b c:ulalt. (lfDE 743l, ln-;o;-'i;;;;' '°""";r;-;--= •utMM lll•rler, Lie, ICS or ool Call RAiph $2295 JIU iONilEVItti, -I ii~,''0-11-.T"'.t"'ll°'D...--,=o. 67l-0900 oond. C.U aft 1 prri. ot week-$1295 WE PAY TOP ATLAS Ind.I, IU-(lll6, 'VI, ••l•rrttll• ft•~• .. r1 dlo. lrt••for, ful1 '••er, f•cl•ry DOLLAR 163 liONtiAC dftlJ1d Prilli, 1lr. LJ•. Y•D 11• tar good, clean used cva, Ml powu, 11,000 ml. 9bJ 't' OOD• all makes. See George RQ CHRYSLER. -PLYMOUTH euh. 531-8111 alt I wtrdyt. • ~ Rob!n1 Ford 2929 HARBOR BLVD. 2c.iO Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA ~L!B4 C.M. 642-«llO Open Dllily 'tU 10 p.m. T-llRD '69 CHRYSLER W a gon , SHARP '6' T.a!nf )ft ~uto le••lng 9110 P/S, P /B, P/\V, air, lo mill!a, Below blut ~ tor ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:==-! mUn. like new. Must 11tt 10 tut ..ia: f&et air, lpttd LEASE • RENT apprwciate! llG-?eeT conm,i, ltlno tape, '°ll of ORDER YOUR 'Iii &;;lOP WI&. l di' . ..-. Mbst •11 "lo _, S•1t1011 w., •• ,. p1t1 .. I W· ••111•tl• lt•rtt., r•dio, lt••I· 1r,e••tr. U1. f UF 464 ·i '4lD Lfb $19t5 4·4•tr, Vt, •11!0, lr 1111 .. f•c. •Ir ••~4, ,.wer •I•••., ,,.w•• 41te tr•••••, r1dio, lrt•1t1r, •hll• w1 ll 1, "i~vl ,,,f, TSU 171 1970 TODAY asking $DI. Call kiter 6 pm 646--0284, Eveti: 838--7140 FOR EARLIEST 847-4036 'fill T-BIRD • L!u1d!lu, 1200) DUNTON DELIVERY miles. f'ull pwr, alr, 1tcM!'Q, AD popitu mu... Fon! CORY.all Excollent oond • ...._ au~ lluUW IQ'Nm.1 ______ .. _,;..;..,_ •\/!If 6 wknM FORD en Olr ComJWtfftw Ra ... ·n COAVAIR "-· Nill ·m f.atrd, Nbit •rw. Q cam. T1111i11rt Midi """11:, 1100, I ''*°'' ll!Q9, ., Nit tit, IOllNS FORD '*-13'9 AN •. "":'.~'""'°-....,......,.., 2240 I .... _._ '* IWtls JU9d 'IO HT run Pl'WfT' aJr, xlnt I -n a.ta Ml!M. .tumo TiiE QUICKDt YOU CAU.. on e eond. ~ 648-4.W or 546 7076 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,.1THE QUlCKER YOU SELL 673-741J ._ ___ • ___ -'! ' l : I --·· --·-·----· .. -·-----.... --···-·-···-··---·--·----·---·---------------------------·--·- %1 DA!l'I' 'l'ltOT • PRICES EFFECTIVE: OCT. 8-14 WEONESDA Y thru TUESDAY . USDA ~,,. .. ,··GRADE A ·'"'' .... ' .. ;WHOLE .. ~ .. , .;. i;!: '"BODY . . -. ' . ~~~-' I ,. USDA CHOICE or FAD "TENDERFUL''. CHUCK FIRST ROAST CUT FRESH e DEPENDABLE QUALITY GROUND BEEF LEAN FIRST QUALITY e SLICED FAD I LB. PKG. BACON DRY FAil FLOWERS 11 DISCOUNT e STRAWFLOWER c lb c lb c aououn . &Be • DECORATIVE STARROWER bunch "'LUS OAIC LEAVES t. 'E UCA1.Yl'TU1, SJ'A OATS, CAnit.ils .... llTICH01<E PUFJI Kin, ETC. • iscoun FAD FEATURES U.S.D.A. CHOICE STEER BEEF AT DISCOUNT PRICES . . . featuring our own "TENDERFUL", guaranteed tender and full of flavor USDA CHOICE or FAD "TENDERFU L" 7 7 ( RUMP ROAST T~~b~R LB. BEEF 0 S AHORJ RIBS 3 7~ FARMER JOH N e EASTERN QUALITY e FRESH 47~ PORK ROAST ·~;~,'~ FARME R JOHN e EASTERN QUALITY e SLICED 79~ . PORK LOIN FAMI LY PACK NORBEST e GRADE A HEN TURKEYS 49~. HEAT AND SERVE -FISH STICKS 39~. USDA CHOICE OR FAD "TENDERFUL" OVE N READY 79c STUFFED EYE of BELL PEPPERS lb. ROUND SllCED • 1 ·LB. PACKAGE LAZY MAPLE 89c ROAST BACON 39 l ·LB. PACKAGE (·0URM (T"$ 119 FAVORITE JONES LINK LB. SAUSAGES ND STAMPS • NO GAMES • NO GIMMICKS J!IST LOW EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICES! plus 4 STAR SPECIALS MANHATTAN BR AND ALL 5 OUNCE VAR IETIES LUNCH 29c MEATS • 4-STAR SPECIALS ARE EXTRA SAVINGS MADE POSSIBLE BY SPECIAL PURCHASES FROM THE MANUFACTUR· ERS AND PASSED ON TO YOU. REFRIGERAT ER • 8 OUNCE TUBE • REGULAR OR BUT'!ERMILK · R£GULAR fl .15 PILLSBURY gc u 0uNce , ~ ECONOMY SlZf BISCUITS J l -.i'~dly":;.ar·4 , FLEISCHMANN'S • 1 ·LB. CTN. ,.~. ':-;~ ' • j ~~RTG~~l1E 42c -~~ ,_. . '?!>' ~I REGULAR s1 .oo 3.QUNCE PKG .• SLICED ~ . -'.3 ouNci GALLO 49c ., · A96sot'c~ SALAMI A•ll , ... 6 OUNCE PACKAGE 89C 1-IRY _. '~; Y Off 'j• ' ; PE N AND QU ILL BRANO • a.oz. PIMENTO 47c SPREAD STORE HOURS: DAILY 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SAT. & SUN. 10 A .M. TO 7 P.M. ~M'.=:===I . I\~ ... ·~1;·1'"'<"' • 'Wt.1111 . ,.:'wifh~~-·!~\t-~<' .•. ~ •, ..... , .... ·i· ~iir·, • , .-1" .,~, -it .... ;:-.... Jflu " _, • . -· ,. ' , j i I """ ... " ,;, [> ' I l B ned que be thal ami K lhe ""' cus. crir E f\la! ed l!ou unc or r .Ed! M ncd T Sho "'°' .. , '"" T >nd ch• . ,, ti on