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1969-10-13 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
17 -,.,,.,,-. --. ·,; .. .......... --. , I You ths~ Beach. Men Save DAILY PILOT 10 • ID Crash~ Fire * * * 10' * * * MONDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 'IJ , 1969 VOL. 62, ftO. 145, S SECTION:S, h ,AOt:S even oviets " oviets Ill Spa~e SOYUZ CREWS -Sovie{ cnsmnna11ts orbiti ng earth in three space. vehicles include (s eated Jrnrn left) \'c:ilcry Kubasov, (~corgy Shonk11 1 \1ladin1ir Shn!<.ilov ;:ind Ale.'i ei \'elisl'ycv :'Ind (Standing fron1 lcl: \lictor Gorbotko, ;\nuto!y F'ilipchcnko and Vlad1slJv \'oikov . Seve11 Russ ia11s Orbiti11g· Eartl1 i11 TJ11·ee Spacesl1ip . ifOSCO\V ((Jp[) -Tl1e So\-if'! 1;ni•Jt1 put a third manned spacecraft in!o earth orbi~ tQday and ,-io\v has a re cord seven men ci rcling the earth In 111rr.e Snyuz :space vehicles -firs1 sta ge of a pr oject to build the first pernianenl space sla· l ion. Tnformed space sourcrs soid no f1Crmanent spare s1nlion v.'il l be cstabllshed now but that a linkup i~ plan- ned between two of the spa cecrafl and probably "·ill include cxpcrimcnts in the first space w('Jdlng. Mo1v('ver, all seven <'·osmonauts are scheduled to return in their own ships, the sources said. Soyuz 8, wilh two experl'nced cosn1n. n1H1ts aboard, roared aloft at I ;28 p.1n. ~lOSCO\V time (3 :2/l a.m. PDTl to J!lln !-,uyuz g, launched Saturday ""ilh hvo l\orlh Viel Prc111icr '.l'o Vi~il ~ov i ct Li nion TOKYO (UPI) -Norlh \11etn11me.5c l 'remicr Pharri Van l)OnJ.t 11•i!J visit lhe ~ov iel Union soon, the ( Norl11J V1eLnarn Nev.·~ Agcocy said Sl1nd:iy-during ;i hroadcast heard in Tokyo. /\ delegation led by Ph11m was expected to stop in t.1nscow en rout~' hon1e from l<:ast c;t'rmany, where the group 101nrrl in a 20th anniver~ry nalional celebration. 1ncn. ;ind Soyuz i. 1vhif'h \1·ent up Sund;'/ 111111 Lhrcc n1en alx1ard. ~1oscC>W observers said the mechanics 111 1he Russian program may becon1e clearer Tuesday 1-•1hen the t h re e sr:iceships begin Uie first joint space maneuvers. The Russians gave almost America n. type lclevision C'Overage of their space first although they ran tapes of the f'vcnls soon after Jaunchlng instcadlng of fj]1ning the launches live, The Ta ss nc,vs agency s<iid that in ~ flition to space research the three ships would be Dsed to complle geological maps flf the earth's surface and oceans. It in· Oica ted the geological-geographic work \vould be COflcentratcd on seeking clues 19 nc1v mineral wealth in the vast, barely explored regions or the Soviet Union. '!'he Cosmonauts p(1t in1o orbit today \\"l'r C space veterans Col. Vladimir Shatalov and Alexei Yeliseyev, a civilian. 11·ho were made heroes or the. Soviet l fnion v.·hcn lhey transferred from Soyuz 5 to Soyuz 4 lasl January. The. Soviet announceinent llllid al l 1'.vstems aboard all three spacecraft were functionin~ normally and that the cos- n1onaut~ were in good health. The announced program neHhcr mn· flrm<!d nor denied the reports ll'le main purpose v.•as experiments in buJ!ding a space. station. Sha'ta!ov v.·as named as commander o( the group flight. Nixon Vows He Won't Let Moratorium Alter Policy Opposition To Protest l 1icrec1si11g B}' Unlled Press International Plans for \Vednesday's nalionwifll! moratoriuin lo protest the Virtnam "'ar solldified today, but so did growing op· position to the demonstration. President Ni:-.:on already has said t.11at 'under no circumstances will I be af· fected v.·hatevcr hy demonstratiQns against the war," lie reaffinned that j)(lSi lion tod ay. tl1ayor John \'. Linds;iy of New York, running in a lough re-election campaign, :;ui d Sunday he v.•as proclaiming \Ved· ncsday a day of observ1ince as part of the rnn raLorium. lie said flags "'ould be flo\vn at half-staff and church bells would IO!I ;.it noon in the nation·s largest city. But Vice President Spiro T. Agnew said "l an1 not. in favor of the moratorium hceausc it is directed as a protest toward the Prsiden!. of the. United States." And Nixon's eomn1unicalions director, 1 !erbcrt Klein, said, "those who plan to dfl111onstrate on \Vednesday would do well if 1hey took a positive look at who stands fnr peace. The President of the. United St<Jtes stands for peace more than anyone on the other side ." /\ Uni Vl'rsity of 1-la"•aii graduate stu- dent planned to go to court today to pre· 1 cnt the university from canceling ar. l:Jrnoon classes Wednesday so the. war l'OU ld be di scussed. At Princeton, Sou th Vietnamese Arnbassador Bui Diem was scheduled to address a group countering t h e rnoralorium. The Undergraduates for a Sl nble America said the President should be free. of undue pressure. in his efforts to bring peace, and urged students to attend classes. Despite the ground S\Vell of opposltion, it appeared that tht! moratorium would •1<1 what its organite.rs hoped -show there is slill a strong. active body of op- (Set MORATORIUM, Page !) More Charges Due Pair Held i11 Huntington After Death Threat, Sl1ots A pair or men were arrested early t~ day ln Fountain Valley, following an allcg<'d mass murder threat and the .shooting of one man during a brawl at a lluntlngton Beach discotheque. Tommy W. Thompson, 22, of 5772 Garden Grove Boulevard. We.st.minster. ;ind Thomas \Vatk!ns, 22. of Garden Grove, V.'ere booked on charges of assaulL '''Jlh intent to coinmit murder. Authorities in Fountain Valley said they \1'ill lodge addilional char)\rs o[ possession of dangerous drugs and ca r. rying a concealed weapon against the pair. Hashish and a .22 caliber plstol were allegedly con fiscaled. Detectives said today that Craig Gihnore, 19, whose 1-lunt ington Beach ad· dress was withheld, is listed in satis!ac· tory condition today at Huntington Jntercommunlty Hospital. He reportedly identified Watkins as lriggennan in the brawl early Sunday outside the Cave, a nightspot .al Adams Avenue and Beach Boulevard. Gilmore -who allegedly jumped one or his attackers when guns were drawn - suffered a .22 caliber bullet wound in the stomach and hand during the predawn encounter. Authorities said tile case. began when Gels Keys to Newark NEWARK, N .• r. (UPI) -Green Beret Capt. Robert 'F. Marasco, fonnerly ac- cused of being the. trigger man in the kill· ing of a Vietnamese civilian. received the keys to the city Sunday in Ne.wark·s 6lst annual Columbus Day Parade. Gilmore, end three pals, Greg Lewis. Dan Newberry and Robert Russe.II all went to the tavern about l a.m. Sunday. Once inside, police said, a fight started involving the four friends and also Thompson and \Yatkins, but bouncers broke up the altercation. The antagonists later met again in the parking lot, about 3:30 a.m .• according to 1he accou nt given detective~. and Watkins and Thompson allegedly drew pistols on the four. /\ fifth witness. an unidentified girl, \V<lS present at this time, when the two gunmen allegedly threatened to massacre all others present. Police said Gilmore -(earing the \\·orst -jumped one of the pistol·packing suspects and was shot by the other, at which time everyone scattered, Gilmore staggered to a nearby service station , where he. was found by police. called lo the. scene. He and other witnesses described the gunmen involved in the shooting and police found a BB pistol near the.. fight scene, but no firearm was found until the car stop in Fountain Valley today. Patrolmen pulled over the vehicle routinely because the rear license plate was not working. No explanation for the original fight \Vhich led to the gunplay and wounding of Gilmore has been given and deteetives. \Vere probing to establish the motive to- day , Complaints on all three charges against Thompson and Watkins were expected to be issued today , wilh arraignment follow· ing in West Orange County Judicial District Court. Will Stocks Crash Again? '69 Similar to '29 But Disaster Slwuldn't Recur Thi.~ i.t l.lu• fir.~t nf fi.ve special report..~ by DAILY PILOT fi1tanciat columnist Sylvia Porter on tlie 30th. 011niversar11 oj the stock market cr(lS/l in 1929. Siie anal11zes the 196.IJ econom.11 i'n light of the '29 crash nnd world deprc.~sio'l u;Ji ir./1 f ollowed ft. BJ SYLVIA .PORTER IT W.AS 40 YEARS ago this month that a \\'Orld crashed. It was on Oct. 4, 1929 that Wall Street was hit by the first of • Uit serlcs ol savage selling attacks which were to culminate In lhe. convulsion of Ocl. 29. It was on lhat infamous "Black 'Tuesday" that billions of dollars of stoc k values just disappeared into nothingness, millionaires became paupers betwetn bre&kfast and lu nch and a whole globe !!tood numb witness to the emergence. of the. most catastrophic depression eve r known to man. Now It 1., another October, +o years later, and <lnce 1galn the stock market has been pounded by tuccusive waves o( ~ s-elling. tens ()f billions or dollars of stock values have been erased, million.'i have watched their paper profits turn Into whoppin~ losses. As in 1929, the average income you ca n ean1 from slockl!I is far below what y<>u c.an earn from hi,11h-gradc bonds -and in fact, the spread between stock and bond yields is at an historic high. AS IN 1829, mo!ley is brutall y tight (much tighter t.han then) and the Federal Reserve System is cleliberatety clamph1g down on credit in an effort to cool the fSef. PORTER. Paae Z) 1 Four Rescue 10 i11 Truck W reek , Blaze Alert passersby braved six-foot high fl ames and a possible explosion in \Vestminster Su nday as th ey pulled three persons from a burning pickup truck and brought to safely six inj'ured children and onC! adult who were thrown out of the \'ehlcle as it rolled over. The pickup traveling southbound on Brookhurst Street coll!ded \.Vt!h a passenger car eastbound on Mcfadden Street at ~:28 p.n1. after apparently run· ning a !:itop light. Seven passengers v.'ere dumped from it s bed and on to the pavement leaving the three other perso!l..5 trapped inside the llurning cab, police said. Jess C. llarris, 17, an<l Bill R. Mann, 17. both of /\nahein1. aided Hunlingt on Beach resi dents Bob Schleicher, of 5201 Brighton SL. anrl Thom as Donahue, 34, of 16401 Serenade Lane, in pulling the vie· tims from lhe intersection and out of the cab. Dragged out of the truck's passenger door were Daniel G. Garcia, 59, of 789:1 Aldrich SI., Huntington Beach, Eva B. Garcia of Lhe· same address and a child, lloberto Rivera, of 9!)32 Talbert Ave., Fountain V;illey. No ages for Mrs. Garcia nor ~-boy. were given by police. Garcia, who suffered extensive burn.~ a\\ over his body, was taken to Or<1ngc' County Medical Center where he is now in the bum facility in critical condilJon. The other nine victims, all passengerll Jn I.he pickup truck, were also taken tD the medical center and treated for in· juries rangin~ From visible cuts to com- lSee BURNING CAR, Page %) Orange Coast Weather Sunny skies will give way lo crisp nights today and Tuesday with increasing clouds in the early hours 1long the Orange. Coast. INSIDE TOBI\ Y The b1Jto1l i.1 poised to· launch tl1e 1969-10 concert seaso-11 il1 Orange Co~.inty, a11<L nnJsic critic Tom Barleu takes a11 advance look. See Entertainme·nt, Page J 8. (•lllffftl• • Cl•tolllllf .... Com1<1 .. C••u.,ffd n ,.,. Nolle•! " f.dlt9r'l1I "" • •~tt•lllftl!llftl " ,lftMC• ,.,, HH'tl (-" A~~ 1--tl " Mtt!Mi • ""tlt11t• " M•vlet .. N•llO!lll .,_ '" o ....... Coy1u-, " '"'"' .... lt·U , ...... 1J·t1 ..... M&rlo.t• .. .. lt...,.hloR .. T~"''" " W•"lltf ' • ...... W~lt9 u- W-t Newt l• - ' • ' . . J % DAILY PILOT s Cong Q11i1< \'iel Con g soldier rai se" hi s hands in surrender as he 15 spotted from l ·.s. obse rYil· tion helicopter \l'hil e atle1npt· ing to cross flooded field in Atekong Delta. Chopper radio- ed man's posi tion to ;?roun d unit \\"hich look h11n pri::.oner. From Page l BUR NING C.i\R p!ainl.5 ol pain. They include Tilly Rive ra, :io, o! 9932 Talbert Are . Fount.11n r a!lry and he r sons and daughters n.ud), 12: RoS<'n1ary. II : Ed"ard, 9: Patricia, II: Ramona . i, Be rtha. J and Roberta. age unkno"·n. Also lrea led for undeierm1ned injuries '"·as Eva B. Garcia "ho \l·as sharing Garcia 's I ront seat. The dr i\'tr o! 1hr 1Jlher \'Chick . J~honda r.. Ribbing, Iii. of 41912 Alcester St . \\'estm1nster "as not in1 ured and damage to he r \•ehiclc \I as minor, police sa.td. ~ pickup truck slid on its side a.flier collidit'\i, ~·1\.h ~lis.s Ribbing's car v•hen liparks i gnited gasolme spilled from lhe lal1k. acetJrding lo "ntncssrs. Garcia 1o1as sti ll 1nsidr thC' truck when the men rolled ii onto its \.\he('ls and suf. ficien tly knoc ked down !he f\an,c s \.\'Ith ;i n automobile rire c.~tingu1sher to pull him frer, poLce said rn righting the rJan1ing trur\.; lxith fl ar· ris anc1 ~lann s11!fercd buni.~ on 1heir arms, ln\-estigator~ sai~. 'Swimmer' Held On Dr112 01aroc L • e Report! of a \\.\lmmrr ~rl11ns for help 11t 10 o clock SattJrd;.i \' night landed a dni!! suspcc: in thr Laguna Beach Clly jair . Resf>O nding. tn ca lls lrom re~1den1~ nf lhe Oak Strt>e\ beach i1tea l!f1·guard Dale 1.hfrr r nlt'rrd the ""tcr anrl rt"~cued ' (;uy Edml.l nd .\lurph). 2.J. of $3~ (.,len· nevre SL The\ \1 ere sa.fcl\ ,.,n 1 h~ bcJth 11 hen a po!ict; unit <1~ri\eci 10 r.:heck t!1c !>l!l1at1on, 11 hereupon :\!urphy broke loose ::111<l <la~h · cd back into the surr, police ~ • .id Ghere loll,.,\.\ed. repca trtl th" · rr5cur" anC turned Uic \-1r11n1 over to J"l(1l1ce. \\hn arrested him on rharges of b.~ing under the influence of drug~ ;ind transported him lo the st.al1on to dry oll. DAILY PILOT ............ II life•._. a..-.... .._.,..., c..- CAUPODIA OLUl'GI CO.Ul f'\ll L 1:.00""Q CO#I......, Rab«t N. W•e4 p,....,i -,.._.,...., J 1ok It. c .. 1 • ., va ,.,~ -~, .. .......,,.. Tli•IMc Ku"il «•• T~'"''' A.. M,,,,~;~, -1 ... fGltcir ...... eai. ~= Dt w .. 1 ..... 11.,,.. ............ a..cJ>: UI I *t1! 6 11t11>1 k•--L-._.,, m F..-u t ..,.,._ ,...111 .... ..,_, :If! $! .. ~ ..... , , Haynsworth Damaged? New ABA Endorseme11t Read Both Ways \\'ASHINGTON !L"PI) -Sen. Birch Bayh (D-tnd.), said today lhe American Bar Association·s less lhan unanimous endorsemelll of Supreme Court oontintt: Clement f. Haynsworth Jr. was damag· ing lO Haymworth's changes or con· lirmalion. But Chairman Jam~ 0 . F.ast land fD- Miss.), of the Sniate Judiciary Com· mitltt, said the ABA's decision to rtaf. fum an earlier endorsement meant "ll is nt"W e\·en mort e'ident" that the South Carolina ]Udge is qualified lo take hU f.fal on the high C"OUrl. Bayh. leading the fight against l laynsworth. said be tholJi,b ll signiJ1canl :hat "at least some of lhe ABA com- n11tte: feel Judge llayns'A·orth has not ex- hibiled thi> high ethical standards established by the ABA canons.·• "In ,·iew of the wide ead public con· «m about I.he inleg y of the Supreme Court, I think an}1 than an unanimous tndorsemmt is aging," Bayh said. Eastland, on lhe -0lher hand, said the ABA 's new weekend endorsement of llayns'A·orth "is a reaffirmation of faith in his ability to serve as an associate ;uavnapw1 and il!i "acti-Ons speak louder tha n wnrd~." Sa~d Eastl and · "II is novr e\•en more C\ 1dent that 11.·e ha\'e m J u d g e Co11gress Doves Assailed For Backing Morato1·i111n \\'.4.SHTNGTON (UPI ) -Congressional supporters of the Vietnam moratorium 11·ere assailed on the House floor today as ··~elf·o:1 ppoinled emissaries of Hanoi'' \1 hi!~ Senate Republican 1 e a de r s c:haHrnged protest backers to dire<:t some c,f their energies to criticizing !he Corn· munists. Any prospect the antJ11·ar speakers \1ould be allo1o,·ed to proceed with a plan. ned alJ.nighl tallcalhon in the House e1·aporated v•hen Rep. \\·ayne L. Ha)S, 1 U-Ohio ), said that il necessary to brtak up their plans. he would cancel a planned lrlp to Brussels as head or the House delegation to a NATO parliamentary con· fl'tence. .. I am debating no1v \\ hether to go ahead and lea \•e 1Tuesday1 as chairman or thl NATO delegation or £lay here and sir.gle handedly break up the designs of a * . , , .. few self.appo inted emissaries of Hanoi to keep the House in session ;ind make it appear the House is on the side of J-tano1." Hays said. Lnder House rules any member can de- r:-i.1 '1d the presence of a quorum and if nrt is not present, the llouse mu.st ad· Jllllm. L'nde r the procedures !hat \\'il l be in effect Tuesday night a quorum is 218 inm.bers or half the membership. Hay5 .!laid h~ \\'as sure half the members \\-ould no: slick around but he \\'as v.·illing. if necesS<!.ry. to stay long enough to fo rce adjou rnment. Rey. Abne r J. \tikva ID·llL). one ol the group planning to take part in !he 1alkathon. de manded v.·hether Havs \\'as accusing him of being an emis.Sary of llanoi. ··!\o, T tb1nk you're ju.st an unw illing loo! 1ust loaning yourself to thei r designs,'' lla;.s replird, UCI Antiwar Stzidents Won't Picket l1idustry AnU\\·ar 5ludenls at LC Ir. ine ha"e (hangffi lheir plans and "ill not marrh \\'rdllf'sday on a local y,·ar industry plant. Studen ts have dectded there is not suf· f1c1ent time 10 organize a successful From Page 1 PORTER • • • busine5s boom. As 1n 1929, the stock n1;1r,.,r t ha ~ bcorn blotc hed by unmistakable ;;igns ol get· rirh~uick gambling. A;:;t as 1n 1929. thPrc ha1 c bee:i disclosures of scn1e shocki ng \fall Strttl scandals -\.l'l\h \\'all Strect"s paperwork explosion coming close in the past 12 months to bJoy,·1ng e\•en som e of the greatest :i:toc k houses aparl. The chilling qu estion na gs u~ CA.'\ IT HAPPE\ AGAI\'~ T11e honest artS\1er \\'Ill not br dV\\ned: OF COL'RSE IT CA:'\! B\Jt rlesp1te the man'' alarmini:: s1m1la ri11es betv.·een ·29 and "69. J .!>Uhm1 I Illa! !T \\'ILL :\OT. This serie5 11·i)I pinpoin t lhe <list1nction! he1.,1ern the 11.10 er.1~ 11h1 t'n e:-.plain my ri';-;~n1 n;i; Dlffi\'.(Tl O~ \0, l ; 110 \\' \lE BL'Y In Oc11)bef 19'~ m.1 ·''Hing 11 1flowpd nlf.othe r had rnl'.I$:. vf her ne~!cgg in stock.~ fY.1 a 10 prrc,,nt 1narg1n -$1.000 of hrr 011n rash behind e1er\· SI0 ,000 of slxk :-!JP ··ov.-ned " As ~toc.k pri ers plunged, she t'ould not ra1st 1hc ca~h to ma1nta1n her margin and she 11·as "SQlcl ou t ·• \11lhoff5 like her also v.ere 1.1·ipcd out arld as their !'IO<'ks 1o1·ere <lum ped their per!-Onat rlisaslers fed upon each other. f'I; T!-flS OCTOBER 1969. my husband and l have a fa t percentage of our ne~trgg In stocks loo hut "'hat we -0·wn. \\'e O\\'\'.. \Ve cannot be sold out. \\'e can he hurt by a stock slump bu t not 1lestroyed. And this I place as one of the mosl basic difference:o: bet v.·ttn the eras. In ·29, borrO\\ings b~· /\'ew York Stock Exchange hnns Jotaled 58 .S billion : to· rla ~'. they're a mere S3.S billion. In '29. there were no ma rgin niles : no"'·· under .i 19-1~ la"" margin requirements are 80 percent and margin transactions are only IS pe rcent -01 tot.al NYSE ,·olume. The market. in short, 1s today restini;: laq~ely on a CASH foundation -and this is a sou nd foun<lation DISTl'."CTIO\'. :'\O. !: \\HO JS BL"Yl'.'\(0 111 1929. the typi cal 1nd11 1du.;! in the ~lock mark et 11 as a gan\bl rr. \\'he1her a little fellov" r1sklng his resnt mont'y or a lytoon playing 1,1·ith millians. he ""'~ above all a gambler 1,1•ho mi.51ook the glll· lcr of that crea·s gOJd.plated prosperity lor 1he real thing. Tod ay. the !)pica! individual In 1hr ma rket is in the mid<l lc·1ncome brackel and has EXTRA monev to in,·es1 In lhe lovter·inrome groups. he is typically an emrtoye of a corp:>raton bl1} 1ng stocks under a payroll plan -meaning he 1s Ln· \'tsting savrngs. If he is trading actively, he is typ1c11lly up per-income · the $25.000- and·Up indi vidual att00nt.s for 47 percent uf al! trading by indh·iduals. A stoc k marke t restini;i: mostly on a cash fQUnd ation and dom1nate<I by in· \'Cstor~ can go into a se,·er .. cle1.:Hne - "''1tness '61 -but I cannot see ii in an un · controllable di\'e, These two distlnciionll alone r;ay lhe markets of 1929 and 19&9 are simply not parallel. march but still are planning other acli\'• 1:1es as part of the nauonwidt morator· ium to protest the Vietnam "·ar. Paruc1pants in the moratorium at L'Cl are planrung altemau .. ·e education class- f'S on the \.\'ar, a 12:30 p.m. ra!ly and a Vietnam dead memorial sen·ice. They \l'ere turned do.,.TI by Chancellor Daniel Aldrich Jr. on Lheir request that all classes be cancelled and L'niversliy ~taff be a1Jo1,1·ed to participate in the mor· atonum wilhout Joss of pay, Some faculty me mbers will not hold <·lasses \\'ednesda~·. bu t nobody kno"·s ex· i1Clly ho1r many. So me professors of bi· olo~y reportedly "''ill speak on lhe effert.i ol biologiral and germ warfa re 1n the rliscussions billed as allerna\j\·e educa· uon. "I think thrre is a lot of sympathy :imong the faculty, but <i s to the number of professors 1,1·ho are going to close elass- ('S I really ha\'e no idea ... said Eric ;\el- !>on of the L'ni ... ersity ~1oratorium Com· 1n1tcl'. Students may be sa1·ing the ma rch on a 11·ar industrv pla nt for later. Should the \1a r s!1ll be ·going !"01'. 15 a \""'o-di1y mor· a:orium is pla nned and so on, \\'Jlh an add1Uona! day each succeeding month. , .. From Page 1 MO RATO RI Ul\l pn-.111on ICI thr •ooduct of the 1rar. \\'h1 ll1 l1r Co 11 cg c , 11herr \'1 xon i.;r<1duuted 35 ye:irs ago , 1ril! be the scene nf an antiwa r rally . Students al Calllom1a Luther an Collcgr in Thousand Oak.s vat· f'd 89.3 perCTnt in fal'or of the n1orator· 1um and closing classes . E1ery college but one in Arkansas - !-;outhrrn Stale of !\l agnoha -was to ha1 c 1noratoriun1 obser\·ances. Jn Lit tle lloc1';. a debate 1,1·as schecluleO be t\\·een progressi \'e Democra ts and the youns Americans for frCt'do n1, a natiOll"''ide campus group opposing the moratorium. !\'ixm1 today reaffi r1ned his dedication to achle \'ing peace in Vietn am but re11Prat<'<l his in1ention not !o br s1,·ayed b\' \Vrtlnc~ay·s anli\\·ar demonstrations . · .. There 1s nothing ne\\' 11·e can learn from the demonstrations:· Ni:i;on said in a lel\e.r to Randy J Dicks. a student of Gf'orgeto...,·n t:niversily. Dicks v.·rotc thr chief execuli..,·e rffently criticizing Nixon's statement at a Srpt 26 ne\\'S conference that 'undrr no e1rcumstaocc~ wh11 \rver "'ill 1 be af- f1>r lr<I by the Oc t 15 V i e t n a m m11r;i1on un1 . "The pol1c1cs l',t are nn1\ fnllo11·111g t<'f lc .. ·1 our O\\n best 1udg~menl. based on exhaustive study of all the a\·ailable e1·idence. or ho\\' to ach•e"' 1 llal goal <of pca~1." Nixon II.Tote Dick.<> "Tn abandon lhat pulicy mer~ly brc<1u.~e. of a public demo nstration \1ou\d thereforr ~ an act of gross Ir· re~ponsibility on my par!." "If a president -any president al]o\I'· eel his course lo be ~el by lhOl'>t \\'hci demonstratt . hr "''ou ld bt'tray lhe trust of ail the rest.'. ~11.:00 said. "\\'hate\'er the issue . lo allo'' go\'ernment policy to be rnade in lhe streets v.•ould des troy the democratic process. "It "·ould give the cloc1sion. not lo the m:ljority. and not to tho!<' \\'it h the •Lrongt'~t 11rgumcn1s but to those \\'ilh the lourlrsl voices. it would reduce stateerafl 10 ~los ans. il \\'ould in\'ite anarchy. lt \\01.1ld all(\\.\' t'1t'ry group 10 tf'Sl its ~trenglh not at the. ballot box but through confront.at.ion In the slreelS." I Hayru:worth a man ~·ho iS profess.ionally and ethically quahfied to take his seat on the L".S. Supreme Court." A 12·member ADA comm.itl.ee on the federal judiciary voted Sunda y to re- new 1t.s support (or Hayns'A·orth. But lhe eomm.illee vote was not unaninious as ll was Sept. 19, when the fi r.it tally was taken. Despi~ six bours of discussion, so1ne or 11 described as "intense debate." lhe eommittee backed down from its original united stand. An unknown number of l'O~nmittee membel"'!I voted a g a ins t l!ayns"'·ort h in the second ballot but enough remained behind him to carry lhe \Ole by a "sub5t.anl.J.al majonty." Traffic Near Nor111al at Border A gai1i TJJUAN . .\, ~1exico (AP) -Traffic arross the in terna tiona l boarder inched closer lo normal today .as lhe t'nited States ease<! antinar{'Otics controls, bu t :\lexican businessmen rl'Orted co~ mercial activity "far below" usual levels. \\'ashington announCNI Friday the !ennina!ion of Operation Intercept . designed to curb the infl ow of narcotics from :\texico. The action followed criticism by L".S. C1lng ressional and i\texican government leaders that !he operation \\'as hanning relations and trade bc1"'·een the t'.ro counlnes. Intercept is being replaced by Opera· tion Cooperation, a [.S.-\texJcan effort to curb narcotics fl o"'· across the border. "!Cs slil! too e<1r ly to say \\-hat eHect Opcratioo Cooperatioo 11·ilt ha,·e on tourism." said :.1anue\ Le~·va , operator of one of Tijuana's largest liquor stores. ··But right now bus iness slill is do"'·n by &Orne 50 percent." This appeared to be the consensus among businessmen 1.:ater 1ng Io American tou rists here and in other ;\lex· 1can border ci ties. Cars "ere stilt being inspected as they crossed the border. although not i1S thoroughly as during Intercept Searche s appeared to be aver aging about 30 ~econds he re Sunday afternoon. t• S. Customs officers at San Ysidro de:lined to disclose traff ic flow figures. i\\ean'"·hi.le, :\tex1c::i"s defense minister said troops d1.sco\·ered and burned an esumated 65 toru of marijuana. 'A'orth around S• milli on on a ISO-acre farm o...,·nrd b\' an unidentifird American. Gen .. \tarcehne Garcia Barragan said Saturday in :\!elico City that the farm. in the st.ate of Guerrero on r-.lexico's south"' est coas!. includccl a landmg strip. Hr said the owne r apparently escaped 10 1he [nited States. Man Dies After V chicle Hits Tln·cc-ton Truck An Orangr man died at the \\htel of hi~ light truck near Jr; ine Lake Sunday night \1'hen the \'ehicle collfdrd "'·ith \\·hat (alifomia Highv.·ay pat rolmen allege "'·as a speeding three·ton L"llck. Ki lled in an impact that a!mo~t 1lcmolished his rehirle \1-as ~1cholas G. Slimak, 36. Officers booked the unhurt dnvfo r of the other reh1cl e on m1sdc · meanor manslaughter charges Held in Or ange Co unty jail is La11"rcnce Leland Edney, 31. also of Orange. J n1·rsllgator~ said the trucks collaled nn Santiago Canyon Hoad atxrut a mile from Irvine Lake. They charged Edney 'I 1th tra"eling at t'xcessi"e ~peed on the \11nding do\\·nhil! stretch of road. DISPLAYING HE R STYLE IN 1943 PHOTO On the Ice, Soniil Melted Hearts Skate Dies Sonja Henie VicLi 111 of Leuke1nia OSLO I [Pl) -\\'ith her cl1mpled sm1ie and h!r flashing ska tes. the I.tile :\orwegian bloode in the fur-tdmmed sktrts helped America forgeL the great de;>r ession. .\fillions knew Sonja llrnie heller for her :;larring roles 1n such mo\ it's as ··o~e ii a .\fillion., and .. Sun \'aJlev ~renade" lhan for her 10 '""rid figure ..;k:itlllg utle.s, J;!l'luding three Olym pic tll lt>S. '·l!ss Henle, 57. died Su nday night ( t leukemia in aspec1al ambulance plane btt'A·een Paris and. her home of Chlo. St-e had bee11 rn Paris with he r third husb 31Kl. 1\1ls Onstad, when her cood1uoo 'ol'tlrsened and doctors decided lo take her home for treatment. Dr. Torjus Moe of Osl-0 said she died of le.i~emia after a vear·s affHC'lion :.tiss Henie 1Yas born in Oslo on Aprtl 8. 1912. and al the age of 8 "''al gil'en a pa ir of ice ~ates for Christmas. The mxt : ea r she won the city of Oslo skating title <l .1d, \\·hen she v.·as II the na tional cham· rJ,Jnfhip. She paid Mr own v.·ay to the 1924 Ol:·m· p:cs and plactd !ast She said la1er the 1:.idges rould oot take her seriousl y because she was only 12. By U!29, she 11·as the \\'Orld champion. ~hP. 11·on every world title unt il 19J7 P1cn turned profess1onal. becoming quern or !he ice extra,·aganz.as. lier first att~n1pt to break lnlo the n;nv1es 1r:is as unsuct't'Ssful as her fir~t ti-:; at bf'CQm1ng an nlympic .skater Para· !"ll'lUnt Pieturrs scoutrd hrr pt'rformance 1n a 1936 :\lad1~ Square G.-rrden 1re ~hll\\' and decided she \\as not n1ean t for the scr('('n. :Olits !!enir \\as determined She \rent t' Los Angele s. rented the po!;i r 1rc nnk :i~d put on he r 011n !ihu11-. 11"1"11 h 11.1:. .~t·1 n u· prfl<l11crr Darr:-I F 7.:in111. ~ de s!g:1ed hrr !(I ;i fn r yt'~1 r <''•nlr;it t :ird the n:i:ne .'lonJi:I Hrn1e J"1n1'ct \l'P:\. FDH. b<>Otlf't:ig!'r and ti:ink n1;!ht :11nr+ni:: lht· t1ot1~·:h(ll d word~ of AnH!rh:a Jn !lit' J~:lfl~_ lier first m0\'J!', "One i:1 <i :'-l1l!1on' ii1 UPI l• .. Pl!ol!t LEUKEMIA CLAIMS STAR Sonj a Hen ie J'l.;'j "'as a ~m:i·~ :,: th(' box office and so "ere the utr.ers -t:ll 1nus1c.fillcd fl ms mvrt' rPnn11r!'IJ f fr thl.'ir hg hthc.arted rI')(Vl th.111 t .. e1r rrnfundl!y, · Ice ~li:ituit: 1~ riul .1lon1> a .~port -it is an ,,rt. iw. ~ht' t'\fl]<11ncd . "'.\011· I dance (In ~~.J:L·" 111:lcJd ,-,f J11~l :;k;1t1nf!." ;-,, J,.,,o, hrr 1,1.1111111w . ''The Court (1: \!11='.h' ! /,,-JI 111 l'Hfl .. nd n'\lrl'<l . s11e <L 11, • i•, .•. 111.111 1111· 1n1rl Hl.~Os ~i'L' Ill•:•, .J l ).i>llf'I !:t'11 ! Tnµpi11 g. 1h<' \, 11 'i •'f~ t";\l d1,1n;1 lfl' sp11rt ;111an, in 1940 :ir1 t hr1 ll\.'~1' d1\1 1n 1•d lrit' "'C':trs l;itrr. .\ .•1 L'<iod 111,!l'rl .. ~i' lu \\'1111hrop 1;urc!1n('r .Ii .il:-.ir r ildnt 111 d11nn·" ''It Looks Real 1 c,·cn hoo,.j \I'll ::Ht1t11<lc 1011a rd ~(ll•r.L•1 f -1111pro\C .'our ".!icl f- 1n1ri;.:C' ' ::i Jl"\Cllo!og1st 1111uld sa~. 1\intl 01 like .i.;r111ng a nc1v ~port:-C'cH' 'i'11,1 kllO\\' the fee ling. Good 011 Y 011'' Tn put 11 . .i1nµt:-. a :-iuil inust ~11 ~our pe1-:.011 a!Jty as '1cll as \Olli' Jlhl'SliJ\le. That's 11hy you ha1·c lo be ll1e 11l11111;t\eauthor ity \1 hen the choice is n1ac\e, \Ve <.:a11 It'll ~ n11 1f 1t h3n~.~ \1·eJI. \\'e 111~~· o!fer ;1n opinion on !he styl e or 11 r c11·c tir eu!or. l\11t only your lll ~\Hlt'l l';\11 !ell \'Oii 1( il's "\'Otl ." How many times ha ve you heard tliat and '''ondered \\'h a t tile sa lesman could p o ss i b I y be thinking of? •.. then it da\,·ns on you thal \1·hat he's thinking o f is separating you from your n1oney. !IOI\' n1any tunes ha \' e you \randered int o a clothing store to brO\\'Se a bil and found your· self "greeted·' by some c harac- ter \\'ho n1akes you try on six sui ts and then a cts insulted and insulting \\'hen you tell him you- ·re not sold on any of them ? It's true tha t some salesmen operate like Lhere·s no tomorro\\'. They J..nO\\' i! you sli p out of their c lutches they·n never see you again . They gi,·e you \\'hat \\'C like to refer to as the "Broad· \vay a nd 42nd Street treat ment." It's based on the prem ise that thcre·s a sucker born e\·ery 1nin- ule and sooner or later most of the1n "ill "·aJk through the front door. ll erc al Bid1\'cll's 11c ope1.ilc a little d ifferently. \\'c 1r) t11 of· fer hone5t ser\·1ce <is \1 ell a~ handso me suils. \\ c t h 1 n k of c1·ery cuslon1er 3 S a friend. :\nd '1e 'rc al \1.'l~S hap py to sec one of our friends drop by to chat. \Ve kno\\-· thci l sooner nr Inter he'll need a suit. :'\t lhat point, ire can help. \re·1·e done son1c thinking on the subjecl. \\'e bclic1·c a suit ~hould be n1orc than JU~t suitable. 1\ ~111 1 1s an extension. a rencction. of :our pcrsonalily. It le 11 s the \1·or ld a lol about )OU . l l can ~o llt'1 'cr lc.t ,\ Our.~ct( \Jc t'alkcd 1111(1 .1 st11 t .1 011 don'l feel right ;i l1011 t -iustinetivel y. .\net rcn1c1n bcr, you tn11 relax ''hen .1·ou 11·alk through 011r front · door. ·red n eed 1nay be lhcrc to greet ~ou . Or l-'clc \Varrrn or ('J1·dt' Reye~ or 1'1111 ~lrc:r;11v. ·rhc) 'ril a ll kno11 lcdhc<1Lilc , pcr- i>n11ablc. soft·spo~cn. l'hrv 'rc all on h.1nd to li1•lp 1·011 r\ot ' h<t rass yuu. ·rh1.~ i.'.>1f t 4ind ~t1·cct . Jack Bid,vell !1:'67 \.in Lido nl !\e\\port llhd .. N<•w1•ort Ueacll ;\enrl~· :J.000 n1iles frt1n1 1'irttt'~ S•1t111rt•. N°01'' 01te11 f'rltln~· ~\·e nln ~s 110111 9 11.111. I I , I 1 • I I , • • fl " !> h 01 V• B p. s n it ti b ,. B B JI 1 • c 8· ti fc v· S• II ,, OI • Ot ti • ti p I. ~ h ( Ii ] f ] I • [ r <I p p ( ( s v s ' I t. t I ' ( ' ( -_______ ...,...,......,.. _______ _.. ____ ,,.,.....,... __ ~.,.....,,~::;:":'"--.. ------~--., ,. ' ·-·~ -....... -~ ' - Hunting1oil Bea~h VO[ 62, NO. 245, 3 SECTIONS, 34 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA MONDAY, OCTOBER ~ 3', '1969 eac ootin .... IO Res~ued From Fire Pulled to Safety After Truck Crashes, Burns Alert passersby braved six-foot high fl ames and a possible t'XplMion in Westminster Sunday as thty pulled three persons from a burning pickup truck and brought to safety six injured children and one adplt who were thrown out of the- vehicle as it rolled over. The pickup traveling southbound on Brookhurst Street collided with a passenger car eastbound on McFadden Street at 3:28 p.m. after apparenUy run- ning a stop light. Seven passengers were dumped from its bed and onto the pavement leaving the three other persons trapped inside the burning cab, police said. Jess C. llarris, 17, and Bill R. ~tann , 17, both of Anaheim, aided Huntington Beach residents Bob Schleicher, of 5201 Brighton St., and Thomas Donahue, 34. of 16401 Serenade Lane, in pulling the vie· Meets Thursday tilll! from the intersection and out or the cab. Dragged out of the truck's passenger door were Daniel G. Garcia, 59, of 7892 Aldrich St., Huntington Beach, Eva B. Garcia of the same address and a child, Roberto Rivera, of 9932 Talbert Ave., Fountain Valley. No ages for Mrs. Garcia nor the boy were given by police. Garcia, who suffered extensive burns all over his body, was taken to Orange County f\ledical Center where he is now in the burn facility in critical condition . The other nine viclims, all passengers in the pickup truck, were also taken to the medical center and treated for in· juries ranging from visible cuts to com· plain13 of pain. They include Tilly Rivera, 30, of 9932 Talbert Ave., Fountain Vall ey and her sons and daughters Rudy, 12 ; Rose mary, State Smog Probe Puts Spotlight on Edison By JACK BROBAa Of Ille Cl•lly 1'1191 Slfll The st.ale. Environmental Quality Study Council, headed by Orac&• Comity Supervisor David L Baker meets in Hun· tington Beach Thursday "to study the cf· feet of the power industry on en· vironmcntal quality." And the spotlight wilt be directly on the Southern California Edison Company's lluntington Beach pla nt. Plans were recently announctd to triple the capacity (lf the facility. The announcement touc~ ed off a fight bC'tween the county, Board ()f Supervisors and Lhe county's air pollu· Uon control office r. Testifying before the council Thursday will be Edison officials as well as those of th e San Diego Gas and Electric Com· pany, the Los Angeles Department of Lighl and Po'>"·cr and the Pacific Gas and io:Jectric Company. Thursday's session. starting at 10 a.m. In Huntin gton Beach Ci!y Council chan11x>rs, v>'h!le coocentraling on pollu· lio n \\'hich may be caused by elec tric Litter Campaign Oimax Nearing L1 Westminster \Vestminster 's three-wee k long ''Fight Litter" cainpaign will end October 2S with a giant Communi ty Trash Disposal Day at two local shopping ce nters. Between 8:30 a.m. and 3 pm. city residents may bring trash, junk , or tlcbris too heavy or bulky for regular pickup either to the Westminster Shop- ping Center. at Westminster Avenue and Golden West Street or the BolsaS hopping Center, at Bolsa Avenue and Magnolia Street. The Civic Beautification Committee will offu cash prizes to students who submit the best posters depicting. the Fight Litter Campaign and Trash Disposal Day. Entries will be judged Thursday and lhe wining posters displayed at the cham· ber of Comm erce booth at the \\l'estminster founder's Day Celebration. genera.tint plant! 11 part of a much broader picture. Council Oiaitman Baker-says: "Now, for the first time, lht public hafi reached the point where it l.'1 ready lo do something about its environment." The expansion of the local Ed ison plant became a heated subject recently when William fitchen, county air pollution con· trol offi cer, stated slatl y that he will deny the Cflmpany a permit to expand its plan1 . 1''1itchen claims lhe larger plant will put 90 tons of oxides of nitrogen into Ui e air a day. He said Uie county now record3 about 147 tons a day of oxides in its at- mosphere, 30 of them from the present Edison plant, 100 from motor vehicles and the remainder fr om varlow other ::ources, fitchen stirred up the ron troversy in :t confidential letter lo thf! rountv Board o( Su pervisors in '>"'nich he sugge:Stcd a clos· ed session on the expansion of the Edison plant. After charges and counter-charges U1e supervisors se t a public hearing for Oct. 22 on the nie advantages of nuclear power plants ver.:;us conventional ones will he discussed during Thursday 's hearing by Assemblyman John V. Briggs IH· Fullerton). Brigg s is chairm11n nr the Join t Legislative Committee on A t o m i c Development & Space. Baker said I.he counc il hopes to present to the slate Legislature "something it can accept and act upon," and ''quite frankly, 1 also intend to use public opinion." One of tbe council members, Dr. A. J. HaagenSmit, o[ Caltech. an authority on smog, has suggested that all conventional power plants be eliminated from the Los Angeles b!lllin area. Gets Keys lo Newark NEWARK, N.J. (UPI ) -Green Beret Capt. Robert F. Marasco, formerly ac. cused of being the trigger man in the kill· i:ig of a Vietnamese civilian. received the keys lo the city Sunday in Newark's 6J i;t annual Columbus Day Parade. 11 : Ed\\•ard, 9; Patricia, 8; Ramona, 7; Bertha, 3 and Roberto, age unknown. Also treated for undetermined injuries was Eva B. Garcia ~·ho was sharing Garcia's front seat. The ririver of the other vehicle, Rhonda G. Ribbing, 16, of 47912 Alcester St., \llestminster v.·as not injured and damage to her vehicle was minor, police said . The pickup truck slid on its side after colliding v.·ith f\1iss Ribbing 's car when sparks ignited gasoline spilled from the tank, according to witnesses. Garcia was still inside the truck when the men rolled it onto its wheels and suf· ficien tly knockl'd down the names with an automobile fire extinguisher t1> pull him free, police said. In rigbtlng the flaming truck both Har- ris and Mann suffered burns on their ar1ns, invesUgators said. Seven Soviets Circling Eai1h In 3 'Ships' ~10SCOW (UPI) -The Soviet Unlon put a third manned spacecraft bi.o earth orbit toda y and no'l9' has a recoi-d seven m'n circling the earth in three SoyuJ space vehicles -first slaie of a project to build lhe first pamanent space sta- llon. Informed :-pace 50UJ'Cf'S sa id no pern1anent space station v,;lll b e established now but that a linku p is plan· ned between two of the spacecraft and probably will incl ude experiments in the first space welding. However, all aeven cosmonauts are schedultd to return in their own ships, the sources said. Soyuz 8, ...,.ith two experinced ('Osmo- nauts aboard, roared aloft at 1 :23 p.m. h-1oscow time (3;28 a.m. POT) to join Soyuz 6, launched Saturday with twG men. and Soyuz 7, v.·hich ...,·ent up Sunday \~ith three men aboard. f\t oscow obse rvers said the mechanics nf t.he. Jlussian program may become clearer Tuesday '>"'hen the th re e spacesh ips begin u}C first joint space. maneuvers. The Russians gave almoot American· type television coverage of the ir space first a!!hough they ran tapes of th e cvenl~ soon after launching insteading of filming the launches live. The Tass news agency said U1at in ad· ftitlon lo space research_ !he three ship~ would be used to comp ile ge<llogical maps of the earth's surface and ocean!>. It in· dicateri the geological-geographic ...,.ork wou lri be concentrated on seeking clues to new mineral weaHh in the vast, barely explored regions of the Soviet Union. The Cosmonauts put into orbit today \\'ere space veterans Col. Vlad imir Shatalov and Alexei Yeliaeyev, a civ ilian, who v.·ere made heroes <lf the Soviet Union when they transferred from Soyu~ S to Soyuz 4 last January. The Sovie\ announcement said all systems aboard all three spacecraft were functioning normally and that the cos· monauls were in good health. The announced program neither con· firmed nor denied the reports the main purpose was experiments in building a sp<1ce staUon. Shalalov was named as commander o( the graup night. Will Stocks Crash Again? '69 Similar to '29 But Di-saster ~lwuldn't Recur This 1.~ 11111 fi rst of Jive ipt:eicl• rtports bu DAILY Pl t;OT 1 financial columnist S111tiia Port,r) on.(the !OCh 011niver$aru nf tJie •tock m~rktt crash in 1929. Sh,. onn/1Jt ei lite 1969 t conomu i'11 lig/I! nf f/1c '29 Cf'ash. and u:orld dt'press1or1 1vltirl1 follo wed it 81 S\'LVIA PORTER IT WAS 41 YEARS ago thh! month that 1 l\'Ofld crashed. It was on Oct. 4. 1929 Lhat Wall Street was hit by the first of the serif.I or aavage aelling attacks which were to culniinate in the convUlJ1on''dl Oct. %9. lt was on that 'infamnai ~ Tuesday" that bill ion!t of dolla rs of stock values just disappeared into nothingne1is, millionaires became paupers betwee n breal<ram. and lunch and a whole globe $\ood numb witnen to the emergence of the most catastrophic depression ever known to man. NOif it is another October, 40 years later. and onee again the stock mRrket bu been pounded by 1uccessive waves or ~llipg, tens .~ ~qtbw of donars ol ltoct nlml~hl!if• b!tO erued, mlllionl have watched tbefr Jllpf:r protill turn Into whopping losses. As in 1929, the avtra~ income you c:i n earn from stocks b: far below what you can earn fri>m high-grade bonds -and In fa ct, the spread between stock and bond yields is at an histarlc high. AS lN 1821, mooey is brutally t.i&h& (much Ughtr.r than then) Rod lbe'Fedenll l~serve System is dellberatily 1dtnJPlnl'. down on c.rl'dlt in an effort to -cool tbe !Set PORTER, P• 11 DISPLAYING HER STYLE IN 1943 PHOTO On the Ice, Sonja Melted Hearts Skate Star Dies Sonja Henie Victirn of Leukemia OSLO {U PI) -\\.'ilh her dimpled smile and her fl ashing skates, the little Norwegian blonde in the fur-trimmed skirts helped America forgel the greal depression. t-.IL )!ions knew SonJa llcnie lx'ttcr for her starring roles in such nl0\'1es as "O~ in a :..1111ion'' and ''Sun Valley Serenade" than for hl'r 10 -...·orld figure :;kating tiUes, inch1d1ng three Olympic titles. \t1ss Henie, 57, died Sunday night of leukemia in aspccial ambulance plane ix'tween Paris and her l1ome of Oslo. She had been in Paris -...·ith her third husband, Nils Onstad, whC'll her coodilJon worsened and doctors decided to lake her home for treatrncnt. Dr. Torjus Moe of Oslo said she died of ll'LJken1ia after a year's aff liction. i\iliss Henic was born in Oslo on April 8. 1012. anrl at the age of 8 wa s given a pa ir of ice skates for Christmas. 1'he next year she won the city of Oslo skating titlf! and, when she was 11 the national cham· pion~hlp. She paid her own way to the 1924 Olym · pies and placed last. She said later the judges C'OUld not take her seriously because she was only 12. By 1929, she wa.~ the world champion. She W(lf[ every world title until 1937 then turned professional, becoming quet'n of the ice extravaganzas. Her first attempt to break into the movies was as unsucressful as her first try at becoming an olympic skater. Para· mount Pictures srouted her performance in a 1936 Madison Square Garden ice ~how and decided she was not 1nean t for the screen. Miss Henie was determined . She went l.o Los Angeles, rented the polar ice rink ;ind put on her own show, which was seen by prod1'i::er D;i.n-yl F. Zanuck. lie signed her to a five year contract 8nd the name Scnja Henie joined WPA, FDR , bootlegger ilnd bank nlght among the household words of America in the J9'JCh_ Her first mov\e, "One In 1 Million" in 1936 'vaa a smash at the bex olfice and so were the other11 -all musie-filled Oms more renowned for their lighthearted mlJOt! than their profu ndity. "Ice. skating i.!l not alone. a.sport -it 111 an art. I~." she eicplalned. "NQ\ll I dan ce on l'ikatcs in ste11d ()f just skating." S11e made her Jasl movie. "The Count of f\lcmte Crlsto," In 1948 and retired. She did ice revu~s unti l the mi<1·1~. She married Daniel Re.id ToJ>plng, the. NeW York milllonaire sportsman. in 19«> iiM they fi'trc dl'vorced fi ve years Jater. • 'A·11t<Xlnd marriage to Winthrop Gardiner Jr. aOO ended in divorce. ,, • ,. ll,,, ....... LEUKEMIA CLAIMS STAR Sonja Heni• I-Jere's Number For Book Drive An article appearing In last ni~~day's f!dition of the DAILY PILOT c~ing a book collecting campaign o( the local DeMl)(ay chapter for aenkemen car· rled an Incorrect telephone number. Residellla who wi!th to donlte•bo9b•to the cafnpatin 'should call ·Brad Brew, campaign chatrrdln· at 116M521 or Bob Kau. at 982-2116. ·The drive ends Saturday. Girl !Shoots Brother CARMEL (UPl)-flve-year--0ld Doooa Stewart was shooting • .22 caliber rtOe at tin e cans when her little brother ran between hl'r and the Larget., police, said. Three-year-old Timotl\y stewi.rt was prounced dea~ on arrival nt Cai:niel Community Hosplt11I 11 shnrt' while later with a bullet wound In th• head. ( •' Today's Final N.Y. Stocks TEN CENTl • air Mass Deatl1 Threat Told After Brawl A pair of men were arrested ~arly to- day in Fountain Valley , followi ng an alleged mass mu rder threat and the JShooting of one man during a brawl at a Jl untington Beach discotheque. Tommy W. Thompson, 22, of S772 Garden Grove Boulevard , Westminster, and Thomas Watk'ins, 22, of Garden Grove, were booked on charges of 8563Ult with intent to commit murder. Authorities in Fountain Valley said they will lodge addi!iona\ charges of possession of dangerous drugs and car· rying a concealed weapon aga~t the pa ir. Hashish and a .22 caliber pistol were allegedly confiscated. Detecti ves said today that CraijC Gilm<lre, 19. whose Hunt ington Beach ad4 dress was -...·ithheld . is listed in satisfac· tory cond it ioo today at Hunt.ington lntercommunity Hospital. He reportedly identified Watkim as triggerman in the brawl early Sunday outside the Cave, a nlghtspot at Adamtl Ave11ue and '&ach Boulevard. Gilmore -who allegedly jumped one or his attackers when guns were drawn - suffered a .22 caliber bullet wound in the stomach and band during lhe predaw11 encounter. Authorities said the case began when Gilmore, and three. pals, Greg Lewis, Dan Newberry and Robert Russell all went to the tavern about t a.m. Sunday. Once inside, police said, a light started Involving the four friends and also Thompson and Watkins, but bouncer• broke up the altercation. The antagonists later met again in tho parking lot, about 3:30 a.rn ., according lo the accoun t given dclcctives, and \Vatkins anri Thompson alleged ly dre\t'. pistols on the four. A fifth witness, an unidenliried girl, was present at this time, when the tw\J gunmen allegedly threatened to massacre all others present. Police said Gilmore -fearing th• worst.-jumped one of the pistol -packing &us~ and was shot by the other, at which time e.veryone scattered. Gilmore staggered to a nearby 1ervice ~at ion . v.·here he was found by police called to the scene. He and other witnes~e::; drscribed the gunmen involved in the shoaling and police found a BB pistol nea r the fight i:.cene. but no firearm was found until the car stop in f ountain Valley today. Patrolmen pulled over the vehicle routinely because the rear li cense plate u'aS not v.·orking , No explanation for the or iginal fight wh ich led to the gunplay and woo nding of Gilmore has been gi 11cn and dctecllves were probing to establish the moti ve to- day. C01npla int.s on all lhrce charges agalnsl Thompson and Walkins we re expected \() he issued today , with arra ignment follow · i n~ in West Orange County Judicial District Court. Slock ltlerkels NEW YORK (AP) -'t'he stock marke~ maintained a good advance in n1oderate trading late this afternoon. (See quola- tiOl'L'I, Pages 20-21 ). The momentum oC a rally Ulat got un· der way Friday carried on <IS ana lysts saw a lift in invest.ocs' spirits as a re· suit of the market's ability to stay abcve the 1969 low late last week. Orange Weather Sunny skies will give way lo crisp nights today and Tuesday with increasing clouds in the urly hours along the Orange Coast. INSWE TODAY The baton i1 poised to laun(:h tM 1969-10 conce rt 1ea1on ilL Orange County. and miulc critic Tom Barley lnkea an adoo1tcc look. Srf E11te rtai11ment, PC!f/C 18. C•Hler11l1 t Cl~uifl... lt.U C•mlc1 1f Cr•u-r11 H Doelll N•li<tl ll l•li.riel '"'' • l111tn1111-It 1'!11 ... CI Jt.JI .... ,.._ " """ l•""'' U Mal'"• ' """''"'' 1J > MI Y-11 Ntllt,..t ........ t•t Dr ..... C-ty ll S.Clel ~ 11·1f s"'" ,,.,, si.c• -·"' "'n ., .... -.i. It ., .... "" 11 Wtl1 ... I t 0111111 1111111• '' W-'I N ... 1 1•11 2 DAil Y PtlOT " MondlJ, Ottobtr lJ, 1%1) .So Does Oppositiort Viet Moratorium Plans Mount By United Pn!11 l11ttnr.1Uonal Plans for \\'edncsday·s nationwide moratorium to protesl the Vietnarn war solidified today, but so did growing op· position lo the demonstration. President Nixon already has said thai 'under no circu rnstances wi ll I be al- fected whatever tJY demonstrations against the war." He reaffirmed that position today. Mayor John V. Lindsay of New York, running in a tough re~lection campaign. i;aid Sunday he v.•as proclaiming \\'ed- ne~ciy a de.y of observance as part of Lhe r,.af fie Near Nor111al lt.t Borde,. A gain TIJUANA. J\texico (AP) -'Traffic Across the international boarder inched closer to normal today as the United !'!ates eased antinarcotics contr<Jls. but '.\lexi can businessm<'n r('Orted com- mercial activity "far below" usual levels. \\'ashington announctd Friday the termination of Operation Intercept. dcslgned to curb the inflow of narcotics from t-.1exico. The action follov.·ed ftilicism by U.S. coogressional and f\fexican government leaders lhat the operation was harming relations and trade between the two countries. J ntercept is being replaced by Oprra· lion Cooperation, a U.S.·Me:xican effort to curb narrotics flow across the border. "It's still too early to say what effect Operation Cooperation v.•ill have on tou rism," said Manuel L.eyva, operator o[ one of Tijuana's largest liquor stores. ··sut right no\Y business still is down by Eome 50 percent." This appeared lo bl' the consensus amang businessmen ~a\ering t n An1erican tourists here and in other !.lex· ican border cities. Cars were still being inspected a! they crossed the border, although not as thoroughly as during Intercept. Searches appeared to be averaging about 30 EoeCOnds here Sunday afternoon. U.S. Custom! officers al San Ysidro dcelined to disclose traffic flow figures. 1'1ean\\·hlle, tvlexico's defense minister i&aid tr~ diSCO\'ered and burned an estimated 6.) Ions of marijuana worth around $4 million on a 250-acre !arm owned by an unidenlilied American. Gt>n. Marceline Garcia Barragan said Saturday in Mexi co City that the farm, in !he state of Guerrero on 1'1exico's southwest coast, included a land ing st rip. He :c.aid the O\\'nCr apparently esca ped lo the United States. Marine Missing In Surf Sougl1t Navy di\"ers today are seeking the body of a r-.1arine belie\'ed to have drowned Saturday v>'hev he tlisappearc<l v.·hile s1••imming in hlgh :c.urr near San Clemente mun1c1pal pier. Camp Pendleton offtccrs rrlt1serl tn Identify the mis~111g ~l arinc pending loca- t1on of the body and nolificat1on or the next of kin. They si1n1lan!y refused to idcnii[y a 21· \·ea r-old J\lar111e v. ho~ body v.:ay pulled lrom the surf ay E5lation Beach Sunde1y ty a fel\01,· scr1 iccn1an A Manne corporal told poli('C Iha\ he !rlt his companion -a priva!e v.ho recen ll)' rel urned frorn ~Cf"\ ice 1n Viet na m -s11·irnming at 1hc 11•a!er·s rdgc u hilr he lcf1 !he bt!ach fur a fc11· n11nutc~. \\'hen he returned, l he corporal said, the n1an'.!i body v.·as noaling facr down in Ll1c ~urf. Atlemp!s by pol ice and onlooker s tn ;i1r ply ?rti!ic.ial re suscllat1011 were unsuc· cessfu l. DAILY PILOT ' (lltANGi CO>.~T f'Ul l !!.HIHG COMllAU'f l ob.ii N. w •• d f'r,.lornl ..,., hbh11'1tt l •t\ II:. Curl•y 'I tt llr(,.<l<N •nd c;,..,,., Mtn1ttr Tho,.,•• Ktt•il E.cMc.c 1 ~o"'"' A. 1A u•p~7r t ~ ""'''"' [ CJ't• .... lh•d W , 1 ~•,, .. uot••I• [O,r~, H~"''"'''R •••II 0111,. J09 ~t h Slro ol M1ili n9 >c'd""! P.O. l o, 1f0, 92 b~I Othlr Ofllc '' ,,.,.,,~o·r fl••'" n11 y,,,, II••~·~ 9,. •c •11 ~ C:o\t1 M-••· nn '"''"' e a• l•·•·• llt\1119 llC•tll. •ll ~C:rt ll "'''~~· ~~· OA1t."!' P ILOT, ......... ~1cn ,, (t"'~""d ••• .., ••• Prru ... ,,.,r.1 .. MG "' • ••••P• '· ... <1•1 'fl .. t>Jnlll Hlo1'<1"• •err Hy•i<"t"•• llt..::11. ~o,.,r•"' Vollfv. Co'I• 1: .... "•'"· r.o-1 l tKh •r.d l •tun• ll•och, • •n• '""'" ·~ ""~11 •dll.o->• c··~· C•• • Pu••,.... ••I C:o.,,~n\' ptonl•"'ll p<ont\ '" •I 1i11 \'>"! E •·[t o 111•"0 Nr,.l"d !!>••<', •"If ... ~ ~"~' Pl•v ~'"''· (etlA ,,..,, . 1,1,, ...... 17141 642-4JJ \ f11111 W11t!M"'tM C•ll SA(l.1 JJO Ci.t.sffl.4 A4Y«tl&I .. ._.2.,6Jt c: ..... ..,, •• '"'· °''"" .t .. 11 '"b' .~~ .• ;;.-···· .,,, -,, ••. ~ •.• "'"'''II"'" ,,.,10, .. 1 ,.,.,11.r,u ,, .. ,,,.,"""" >•"" ,.,..1 .,. '""'-(""'°"'-.,' "°"(o•I ,...,,,..,,O~ .. ·~••"'"' ()••··· -$oura c••~· f 01""'V ~·'<! •t "'"""""II"!~ 1.-.cl ((\'I ,.,.,., (o•••o•r•I ' l a • ''"CJ' I• ••r•!v U lll• .,.,<.·!~ 1. o:.v m"' \' '0 ...-111111 m•\!!••r <1•1 1+0•••""•'• H ('O mt ·• •· • moratorium. He s.a:id nags would be flovm at half-staff and church bells would Loll at noon in the nation's largest city. But Vite President Spiro T. Agnew said •·1 an1 not in favo r of the moratoriunl because it is directed as a prot.est toward U1c Prsii.Jent of the Llnltcd States." And Nixon's conunuriications clirector. l !erbt.•rt Kl ein , said, "those who plan tn fl emonstrate on Wedn<'sda y would du v.·e!l H lhl'Y took a positive look at \Vho stands for peace. 'The President of the United States stands fo r peace more lhnn anyone on the other side." ' -. • ., • ·..-: Congress A University of Hawaii ifaduale stu- dent planned to 10 lo courl today to pre· vent the university fron1 canceling af. lernoon classes \Vrdnesday so the v.·ar could be discussed A1 Princeton, So l1 l h \'ietnamesc .. An1bas~dor Bui Die1n \\'as sched uled lo ~tdt!rt·~s a i.;roup countering t h c n1oratoriu1n. The I 'ndrrgraduates for a ::itab!e Amrrica srikt thl:' Pre5idrnt should be free of undue prrsst1re in his efforts lu bring peace. and urged students to attend classes. Dt:<.ptte the ground swell of opposition, it appeared that the moratoriun1 would ·' . ..... •. Doves Flayed on Floor \YASHlNGTON (UPI) -Congressional supporters of the Vietnam moratorium \\·ere assailed on the House floor today as •·self·appointed emissaries of llanoi'" '''hile Senate Republican I cad c rs challenged protest backers to direct sonic vf their energies to criticizing the Com· 1nunisls. Any prospect the anliv.·ar speakers \l'ould be allowed to proceed with a plan· ned all-night talkathon in the House evaporated when Rep. \Yayne L. Hays, (0-0hie), said that if necessary to break up their plans, he would cancel a planned !rip to Brussels as head of the 11ouse cle!egatioo to a NATO parliamentary con- ference. •'J am debatlng now v.·hcthcr lo go ahead and leave {Tuesday) as chairman of the NATO delegation or ~lay here and sir.gle handedly break up the designs of a Bar Association OKs Ha y11s,vorth; A'ctio11 Disputed \YASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. Birch Bayh (0-lnd.), said today the America11 Bar Associalion·s less than unanimous endorsement of Supreme Court nominee Clement F. l-layns.,.,.orth Jr. 11•as 94mag· ing to llaynSY•orlh ".s (.'hanges of ton· t1rmallon. But Cliairman .Jan1cs 0 Eastland t D· J\l is~.). t•f the .Senate Judiciary Coin· Jni\lce, s;.ud tl1c ABA·s decision to rcaf- f1r1n an earlier cnctorstn1c11~ n1r:1nl ··11 i" now e1•('n more. e1•11le11t'' th;tl the South Carolina JUdge is qualified lo l<.ikc l11 s ticat on U1e high court. Bayh, leading the f1gl1t against lfa,1·nsworth, ·said he though 1t sig111ficanl lhat •'al least sonic. of the AB1\ coin· n1ittC"C feel Judge }laynsworth has not ex· h1bilcd the high cth1c~l standards (•:<.labhshcd by the ADA canons." "In vi ew of the \\'idespread public ron· cern about the integri ty of the Su preme t'ourt, I think anything less than an 111.a~imous cndors-:-1nent is daniag1ng ," a.tyh :c.aid. Eastland. on the other hand. said thr llBA"s new v.·eckcnd endor5fn1en1 of lla_,·nsv•orth "is a reaff1r r11a !lon or faith lli his ab11i1v to ~Pr1•r as an <1ssoc1atc JlliJ\\'lilpUn anti J\S '\l('t)ons Speak louder 1h.1n words." S:i!d Eastland •·11 i~ now c1·rn morr. I I 1dent that \\(' h;11·1· In .) LI d g c HaynS\\'Ort h a 1nan \.lhn is profcssionallv ~ind ethically Qualif1('d tn lake l11s seat on !lir U,S. Supreme C<1Urt." o\ 12-n1c1nber ABA <:nmn;i!lre on the fcdcrn l JLidic·1ar y 101cd Sunday lo re· 11f'll' its ~upport for l1 :1yns\1·orth. But thr , on1mit1ee vole. \vas nol u11anin1ot1s <1~ 11 v.'as Scpl. 19. 11hcn the f!r ~t tally \1·as taken. Despite six hours (If disc ussion. some of 11 described as "intense debate," Ilic l"ommillee backed do\1•n fronl its origin;'!! unl1ed stand. An unknown nuinber of 1."n:nmillee members l'n\211 a g a in s t Haynsworth in the second ballot but cnouih remained behind him lo carry the \Ole by a "substantial majority.'' ~ •' ..:, " Goldiruter Sa y s 1-l ayns 1corth Story· '%&!$ Lie' NE\Y YORK (L'Pll -Se:1. BRr~y (,oldwater said Suriday a story 111 Newsweek claiming he asked Pr esident Nixnn to withdraw the Supren1e Court nomination of Clemente r·. llaynsw(.ll'th v.'as "a goddamn Ue." The junior sena tor from Arizona re-plldiated the purporttd con\·ersal1on \\"Ith NL"<on reported by the. maga zine in ii!! current issue. lto!du•atcr said lhe nrt i· clc is "al>out i\S 111·1stcd arounJ a .!tl.'.lr} a~ I \c ('\•er hea rd ."' Acford ing In i\l'v•s~·ct>k, GoldY,.<llC'r lelrphoned Nixon und ~:ud · ··;-.1r. President , I 11n1 gelt1ng te!ephonr calls from pCople in my state \.\ho .ire upset by the Ha) ns~·orlh norninat1on. Some of them arc w con~r\•ali\'c th1~y thtnk l 'm socinhst. Thev 111ant 1ne to ask 1Q11 (() withdra\9 lhc .111m1na1ion. I..ook . i ·m glad to hAvr a ~lr ict C'onstruction i~t 11n the court, but why must '~<' be cm· barrassed?" few self-appointed emissaries of Hanoi lo keep the House in session and make 11. appear the lfou se is on the side or l hinoi," Hays said. Under !louse rules any member can de· r.1:1n d the presence of a quorum and 1( one is not present, the 11ouse must ad. jnurn. Under the procedures that will be 111 effect Tuesday night a quorun1 is 218 111embcrs or half the membership. Ha ys said he was sure half the members would not stick around bul he was willing, ir necessary, to stay long enough to force adjournment. Rep. Abner J. Mikva (D-111.), one of the g1·oup planning to lake part in the lal kathon, demanded whether Hays wa~ accusing him or being an emissary uf lianoi. '"No. r think you're just an unwittin~ loo! just loaning yourseU to their (]{'signs," J1ays replied. l'rom Page 1 PORTER. • • business boom. As in 1929, the stock market has be!'n blotched by unmistakable signs of get· r ich.quick gambling. And as In 1929, there have been disclosures of some shoc king '\'a ll Street scandals -with \\'all Street's paperwork explosion coming close in the past 12 n1onths to blowing el'en some of !he 8rcatcst stO<,!k h:lUses apart. The chilling question nags us· CAN rr llAPPl::N AGAI N? The hooi.'st answer \VJ!l not be do1l'ned ! OF COL'RSE: IT CAN! B11l <!espile thr rn:111\' ;il.-1rin111~ :-.1111il~iril1rs bc\\1'ern '29 ;ind 'Ii'.!. f !>Uhn11 t th;JI IT \\'ILL i\'OT. This .~rries 1111!1 p1npo1n1 1he 11i ~t1nc·1 1011o; bcl11·1·en the two cr.'ls ll'l11rli explain nir TeaSQ111ng DI STl!\"CTIO:o.l NO. l : lfO'V \\'E BU't' In 0 l'1ohrr lflZ~. 111y yo11 ng \\'idov.1ed n;nthcr had rnosl of her nes!egg 1n stocks On a 10 percent 1n11rg1n -$1,000 of hrr own <'nsh behind evrry SI0.000 of sl:x:k ~h<' '"011nNI ., As stuck prices plunged, she <'OUld not raise the cJsh to maintain h<'r 1narg111 ancl she 11•;1 ~ •·sold out.·· .\hl!ions like hrr ul so werr \1·i pcd out and :is th<'1r SlOl'k'i 11·rrc dun1ped their rcr.~01.,.1 ,J.,,.1,tPr~ fed Ufll•tl 1't1ch other. l.\l THIS OCTORER 1969. nlv hu.;band and I ha i r a Int J'f'r cenlalle nf (IU(" 11r5(r~_g tn ~toC'k~ \()(1 bul \1h;>1 11 r c.11 11. 11e 0\\'N. \\'e <:ann()l ht> s<•ld ou1. \\'cc-an l1f" l1u rl hv a stock sh11nr but not 11t•s1 royed . And this I place as one or !he ino~t h:1 ~1r d1fferrnl·e~ between the f'T<t.~ (n ·z~. borr0\1•1ngs b~· New Ynrk ~\hr\\ E~ch.:in12e firm s lo!alNI SI\.~ b11l1on ; 10- da v. lhf'v·r<' ti merr S.1.5 b1ll1on. In '29, 1 hr· re \Vci·r no m:irg1n rulrs ; n.111-. under :i l!l'.\.I !:111·. 1n<1ri;1n rrqu1rt·111rnt~ arc Hfl perct·nt cind n1nrg1n tr11 nsacllons arr onlv It. pC'r\'Cnl ol 1ola l NYS!:: ,·olumr. The 1n;1rk<'I. 1n short. 1:> tod:.iy rcsl1ng l;iq!el,v trn a CASH lo11nrta!1on -3nd this JS a •nun~ rnondation. OISTJ,\CTI0'.11 JliO. 'l : \\'11 0 IS BUYl;\'G ln 1!129 . the lyp1(·;1! 1nd1\1dua l in the •lock rn:irkct 11·rts 3 ga111b lcr. \\"helher a little fcllo11· ri sking lus re~nt money or a 1.vcoon playing \1'ith mlll1 on~. he was aho1·c all a gan1hler 11ho mistook the gllt· ler of lhal erea's gold·plated prosperity for the re:i l lh1ng . Tod.1y, the typi cal ind11•idual in the market IS 111 the middle-income bracket ;u1t1 has EXTRA n1oney to invesl. In the lo11·er·1ncomc groups. he is typically an ccnlphl)C of a LOrpora\on bu~ing Sloe.ks 111idcr a payroll plan -nic.aning he. is in- 1 c~ting savinss. If hr ls !r<1chng ac\ivcl~·. he is typically upp('r-incorne: the S25,000· :1n(l·11 p intl1\1tl11nl ncroun1s for 47 prrcc nt \if :'Ill trading hy indi1·1du<ils. A slock n1nrkct resting n1nslly on a cash foundation <Jnd 1torninaled by in· \C'Stors can go into a ~ererc decline - \\'il nrss '69 -but I rannot sec it in an lln· <'ontrollab!e. di1·c. These two distinction.~ =11onc say the markrts of 1929 and 196~ arc simply not parallel Hungry Bandits E<rt anci Run Tll"'l .innrd b.1ntlits -\1ho 11·nuldn't 11·nrk until they f1111~hcd lhC'i r food -rnb· h1'1t !he Tncn Bt•H slnn d of $10 :it 9th Strrr\ ;incl Pac1!ic Coast Highway in llun· 1111,i:r11n Beach S11ndny night, Police saitl the p.:ur approached lhc ~!:ind. ortlerrd 1acns. quletly ale 1he111. thrn \1•alk<'d up and ordered a bag full of 1nnney and lt'ft rJrtrrth·rs are lnrcsli,!:aling the rob· bery today. • • do what lt.!1 organizers hoped -show there is still a strong, acti ve body of op- pooltion lo lhe conduct of the war. \Vhitti~r Co 1 I e g r , ·where Nixon gTaduated 35 years ago, will be the scene <1f an antiwar rally. siudents al California Lutheran Coll!'gl': in 1'housand Oaks vot- (!d B!l.3 percen t in favor of t.he morator· ium and closing classes. Evl'ry collesc but one in Arkansas - Southern State of t-.1agnoha -v.·as to have moratoriu1n observances. In Llttle Jtock, a de bate "A'as scheduled be twttn progressive Democrat.s and the yoong: Americans for freedom, a nationwide campus group opposing the moratorium . !\ixon today rcc1fflrmed his dedi cation In achieving peace in Vietna1n but reiterated his inlent1on not to be sv.·ayed h.v \Yednesday's antiv.·ar demonstrations. ··Th('re is noth ing new \\·e can learn from lhc drmonslrations." Nixon said in <i l.:'tler tu Jl andy J. Dicks, a sli...deot o[ Crorgetown University. Dicks wrote lhe chief executive recently criticizing Nixon 's statement at ;i Sept 26 news conference that 'under no circumstance!'; whatever wil l r be af· fected by the Oct. 1.) Viet n am mora torium. "The poHcies we are now fo!lowi ng reflect our own besl judgement, based on exhaustive study of all the available evidence, of huw lo achiel'e that goal (of peace)," riixon v.Tote Dicks. '"To aba ndo n U1at policy merely because of a public demonst ration wou ld lhcrefore be an acl of gross ir- responsibility on my parl. '' "If a pres ident -any president allo1\·· e<l his course to be set by those who demonstrate, he would betray the trust or ail the resl," Nixon said. "Whatever the issue, lG allow government policy to be made in the slreels would destroy l.be democratic process. "Jt would give the decision, not to the majority. and not to those with the strongest argumenls but to those with the loudest voic es. Jl would reduce statecraft IO slogans. It \VOuld invite anarchy. It \\'OU\d .'!llo\v every grou p lo test its s1rrnglh not aL the ballot box but !hrough confron!a!1on in the streets." Gifted Students Course Expanded At Ocean View Increases in the slate allotment for 1ncntally gifted minors have led lo the <'>.:pansion of the program in the Ocean \ 1e1\· School DistricL t-.lany or the children in grades fou r through eight qualified for enrich ment prngrarn s bul 11·ere prevented froin doing :o.o ::1nt•e they lived outside the attendance ~re;1 of the two schools in which these rlrii.sc.'i \.\ere gh·en. ,, $20 increa$e in the state allotment pcr chi ld \1•ill allow the district to include •·enrichment experiences" in regularly assl gned classrooms. The program also v.·11i be cx1ended lo lhe kindergarten :cvel. according lo school superintendent Cla rence Hall. The additional funds have been made tl l"ailable through the passage of AB 606, the state's school finance bill for 1969. Jn.se rvice Day ilf ea11 s 'Holiday' Thcv usr1t to call it "lrachers in:c.ti· t11ll.! ·;ind 11'.s curn.•n1lv knov.·n as '·in· ser\·1ce day ·· but v.·hatfver the term al· larhcd. il cause.<; JUbilat1on among SIU· dents because 1l actually means hoh· day to t.hen1 . Ocean V1c1v ~chool Distrirt studcnl.'i 11111 grt t11e 1r d;iy off Oci. 20 v.·hen al l 1 r:1cht>r~ 1l'il l ht! involved in pro.i;rarn llnproverncnt ac!ivilles. such as \\Titint:! prOJ!'t..:ts. \1·ork1ng on cu rricu!un1 prob· lt·1ns nnd keeping abreast ol education<i l 111no\';:1L1011s. DAILY P'llOT St.If P'"9No FIRE OEPT!S WATTERS CHECKS OUT FIRE BOAT At Huntington Harbou r, the fire Truck Floats Floating Sentinels Tivo Fire Boats Gunrd Harbour ll 11r.tingto11 teac\1 h.1s a llt'C1 ol !110 lire boats guarding w:i!cr fr Qnl prrip· crtirs in ·1·Junt111gton Jlarboul' :i~a11hL fi1 f . 'fhe bo:its arc not lhe large tugs one i1nagines sllppin g past the Stat ue of Liberty to douse a blaze on a great oil tan ker. 'The one boat in service du ring the \Vinte~ is-a harbor s and beaches depart· ment patrol boat. The fi re department shares its use. 11·it h each department placing one man on the boat in round-the. clock shifts. H's a 26·fool craft v.·ith two Inboard t r.gines. The fire department has ln· stalled a pumping tank and two hosel' th at can spray JOO gallons of water per niinut!.' on a shoreline blaze. A similar boat is en1plo yed dunng !he su1nn1er to prol'1dc a dual patrol. \Yhen lirf' breaks ou t they oflen arc the fir st Jjrt-deparlrnent units on lhe SCl'rV:. On Aug . 12 one of the boots \\"as almost completely responsi ble for dousing a $:'6,600 blaze at 16621 Carousel Street in !hr Harbour .. ''\\'e ean maneuver 1hrough the chan· nels and head directly to a fire while the l,i:1(] 1ntck' 111\l~l \1i11d around tric\iv !>t<cr1s," cxpla1us engineer T<iymon~ Teal. 1'hr fir e bnat dil'i~ion 11·a~ launched 111 J·rtH 111th the purch<1 ~1' of two Anny ducks 11 hi Ch were outfitletl and put into teinporary service until better craft were founci . The fire boats cove r 15 iniles or channel \rater, 1,200 people. Expansion of both the scrl'ice and the area 1t covers i' predicted for the ne ar future. James B. Watters, operations offtcer for the fire deparlment, said a ne111 fire boa t is in the making, 11•ilh $40,000 already authorized for its purchase. "\\'e'rc looking for a fast 30 or 35-root <'raft v.·ith a shallow hull that leaves li ttle 11·ake," explained Walters. ··and v.·e are having a sligh t problem finding lt ." A boa t with little wake is wanted lo nvoid making large v.·a1·es and swamping other \'C'ssles on the 11·ay to a fire. The new boa t would also be capable of pum· ping 1,500 gallons per nlinu te on a fire. .. Someday we "ll need ii ," continued \\latlers, ··v.·e expect the Sunset Aquati c Park to 1Jeve]op, pe rhaps v.·ith hole!s or restaurants and a lot of \\'ater front usage .'' Miranda DeniedNewTrial \\'ASHl:\CTO~ IL'PI ) -The Supreme C.;url today drnied a ~ernnd hearing to Ernesto A. t-.l1randa, the Phoenix, Ariz, truck dn\'er v.·hose case 1nade cruninal J;:i\11 hi s1ory in 1966. The brief order lra\·cs ~l anding a Feh. ~. 1969. order by the Arizona Supreme Court affirm\ng his sl'Cond rape con- \'IQ1ion. Alter the high court rel'erse<I his fi rst conv1ctinn. 1'l!randl'I. now 2fl. \.1"'1' con1'irtcd again in 1'larlcopa County Superior Court on Feh . 24. 1967. Tl1e \"ic1im \1·a.~ ~n IB·y1'.1 r·nld Phoenix theatrr c111ployc \l'lifl .JI lhr time of the second tri~I was nlarricc! and tile rno!hrr of 111 0. In the mea ntime ~l iranda has bC'Cn ser\·1ng 2()· to Z>yca r sentence for robbery. The. Supreme Court re\·e~d lhe firi-1 con\·ic1ion nn !he gr;:iund lhal r-.11randa. \l'hf'n 111 custody al the police station, had <'onfesscd \1ithoul being informed of his righl to a lawyrr and 1(1 remain silent. The np1n1on ~11rl u~c al trial of th!~ cOn· f Pssion violated his ronstitut1onal pro· lf'C't ion again~! ~lf-incr1m1 na11on. The rnain 1ssur on the second appc;i l \1-:t:. \1·hether :;iupcrior Court J udge La ~'rence T. '\lren properly admitted the t c~tin;ony on :-.·11r3nda·s r ::im1non law· \\'lfc. T111la lloffm;in, 35, that he had ad· 1n1llNI 1he crime to her when shl' visited l11n1 in Jflil. Thr t•on1·er~;:1t1on took place after the confession barred by the Suprf:nlc Court. ''it Looks Real even boost you attitude toward yourself -improve your "self· in1agt,.. a psychologist wouhf say . Kind of like getting a new sports car. You know the feeling. Good on ;You'' To put it simply, a suit most fi t your personality as well as your physique. That's why Y'OU have to be the ultimate authority when the choice is m a de.. \Ve can b.~I! you 11 it hangs well. \\'c nlay offer an opinion on the style or weave or color. But only your in stinct ca n tell you if It's "you. .. I low many times have yuu beard that and wondered w b a l the salesma n could po s s i b I y be tit.inking-of? ..• then it daWTi s on you tha t what he's thinking of 1s separal1n~ you from your lllOnC'y. l~o\v many t.in1c:; h a v e yCJU Y>an dered into a clothing :-;tore to browse a bit and found your- self "greeted'' by some charac- ter who makes you lry on six suit.s and then acts insulted and insulting 1''hen you tell him you· ·re not sold on any of them~ It's t rue U1a t some salesmen operate like there·s no tomorrow. l'hey kno\v 1£ you slip oul of their clutches they'll never see you agalll. They give you 'vbal we like to refer t.o as the '18road- v.·ay and 42nd Street treatmenL " It's based on the premise lhat there's a sucker born every min· ute a nd sooner or later most of • .. ,.. fbem will walk Lb.rough the front door. Here a t BidweU "s voe operate a litUe dlf.ferently. \\"e try to of- fer honest service as "'ell a s ha ndso1ne suits. \Ve t h i n k of every custon1 cr a s a friend .A..nd u•c're alv.:ays happy to sec one of our friends drop by to chat. We know that sooner or later he'll need a suiL At that point, "'e can help. \Ve've done some t.b.ink.ing on the subjccl We believe a suit should be m or e than just s uitable. A suit is an extension. a reflection, or your personality. It t e I I s lhe world a lot about you. It can So ne,·cr Jct yourself be talked into a s uit you don't feel right about -instincti vely. , And remem ber, you can r elax, when you walk through OUT Cront door. Ted Reed may be there to greet yon. Or Pele Warren or Clyde ~yeo or P!UI McGra•. They're au knowledgeable. per· sona ble. soft-spoken. They're all on hand to help you. Not harass you. This isn't (2nd Streel Jack Bidwell 3487 Via Lido at Ne10-port mvd., Ne••port Bewh Nearly 3 ,CMIO mllH from TlmM Sqaare. Now ope• Friday evenings ••tll 9 p.m. I ,I T '. ~ I I~ Gi T I I '"' D * 6:) 7:D I ~ I I I --. '"'--;-, -----.----~------~~ ..... ~ ...... -..... ---------------------·-· -· .... _ ........ . I I I TUMll.EWEEDS lESSEE ... LEMME SORTA REVIEW THIS SITUATIONU G€TLOST INTHE DESERT AN' RUN MA FOOD'N'WATER -LOOKS LIKE l'M GONNA CASHiN,~ ·l11JRN MY HORSE LOOSE-THIS U'L GIRL COMES l\UlNG, WHO LIVES IN THE DESERT ... MONDAY OCTOBER ll r,r•4,'~(. 1:001J Ila New11 (t) (60) Jeny Dunphy. DIE HulllMJ.hki., (C) (301 0 5'cft Allen Sltow (C) (90) Guests •f9 Loui1 Nye, Joe" South, Boti Einstein ind Wllli1111 Wolf. D "QUO VADIS"-Part I * ROBERT TAYLOR & DEBORAH KERR--Col0<! B Si1 O'Clock lliiiwl1: (C) "Q111 ~i..-Part I tdr1m1) '!ll-Robu1 r.,.1or, Oebonh 11.tir. 0 Did: Vin Dytt !JO) m hJ'on l'!.tt (JOI m st.Ir Trtk (C) (GO) @ (1) lll!M Do.,i11 (C) (90) fD WMf1 fll .. ? (JO) QI l1J CIS ..._. (C) (30) IE n..,. o. ""°°" (301 Q) "--(t) (60) Jx-Hickey. 1:30 D MIC Neinlniet (C) (601 a"' '-,_ (C) 130) Jim Mellrttl tiosts. Guests ltll1 Wte- 1r1 11:111 strlln1, Alejandro Rf7. ind Qiel.-Brvwn. m T1 Ttll Bit Trv\11 (t) (30) fl) NASA ralblf1 (30) fl.I Twlll CllU. lktdll11t (C) (30) a CIJ "'' 11111!11ttf1 (30) Ill Ho~ 34 (C) (60} 6:J N .. (C) (30) 7:00 II Cl! b1n!n1 Ntwt (C) Willer Ctonki\r. fJ WW• Mr lllll? (C) (30') m 1 t-LKJ (lO) tll kit a. a.ct (C) (30) lick N111 llolti. 1:JOBQIC1J tw.'1 L11q1 (C) (30) Luer irrYOlvh !ht •ho11 family In .tiootin1 Ille 11pilli ctn the CGlor1do Rive r. 0 1 .. 1111 in Actilli (Cl (30) Tom· mr Prothro •Nip-es tti. p1111 bt· hirMll tilt UCL.A Brui111 I nd tht CGu11r1 of W.Wnrtan Sht1. m T\I II.I V11Mt (C) (60) '"° D a 00 -n !Cl <30> Goober 11111 lot 1 peti11 dlarmtr, Vloltt, but she humi!itt• him by lumin1 out to lie • Judo 1t pert. Lu1n1 Andtrs 1uuts 15 Viol1t. 0 THE BOB HOPE SPECIAL * stars Jimmy Durante- Barbara McNair-Donald O'Connor·Tom Jones o 1» oo m 11•1c11\ 1 M Mt,. Sho'I' (C) (60) Jimm1 Dur1nt1, Don· •Id O'CGnno1, B1rl>ar1 McPhir ind Tarn .Ion., will }Din Bob Hope Ill 1 11 lut1 to !ht d1rs of ~•lld•'l'illt. f!l Km c... llM .,, (C) (60) Geor11 .ltSlll .. !COIN• comic RMI lluttons, "ll'ho is rust.cl bJ Cwtisl ' Tr1q, Nom Clo.by, Ali• Onke. Sc.otY Mltchlll 1~ Bob Cr1n1. Sin1· trs 0. C. Smitl\ 111cl Slltnl W111i1 l :lO o llll rn m n. -(C) 81ylor lflllh Du11Un'1 raqullt !Of 1 b1nk lotn to S.n\trr1. m ~ frut fitw (C) (60) Ol "-.,,... (60) fD N£T M11al (60) '1.if1 Style.• A lilm bJ llerk•ltr 1ti>denb, •l 111insl 1 b1d 1round ef umput l•Oh. D TONIGHT'S BEST BET! * THE DORIS DAY! earn °'"' D.., 1ci 130) Dtril (~lrJ!lll I MWl)!ftlll l'lftll,• ""'"°"' SkE c;"D IT! PERKINS JUDGE PARKER I'f. s.\M. Dr! YR! l'li\ PlC.K ING DP WS5 SPEIKER! ly Tom K. Ryan TMANKS A LOT, RYAN! .. '1 1. if ' MOON MULLINS SALLY IANANAS By Charles M. Schulz ~-~--~-~ By John Miles By Harold Le Doux J.\!55 'SPEN<.ER: W'I U IE. OIJT JN ._ ~EW MttrlUTB, Ml. PKJVB.! By Ferd Johnson ;IND SOME MADE IT SOf'T,OFA ROUND tic •• •"'1/Shd ll'lllOl'I @m_., ... It> (90) ·•1 ''tt.«1111 cl Ellfln. ~ m ..,., (30) t8(])Trwtll" Co:m~•cat (C)! [11fey 1\11Jt1. i---TRIP ... (JO) I fD c-'1 "-"' (Cl (30) 0 "'" (C) (l O'I TM M1rm. 119 Ml S.lil At SM (C) (30) lml..tmMatc.1 (30) Q) TW Cht (t') (30) '"'° D a CIJ ..., '"""' (C) (60) 7:>0 II QI! Cil 11....W• (Cl (60) Sin111 lobbil IM!trr 1flcl totntdi1n "Oanny." 01t11r·W1nn1n~ Jta Al· SOOl'J' Milchllt aunt-(R-.lltdultd) blrbort pi.ya Di nny W1ISll'I, 1 krY· 1blt old con min, who rt11~1 hi1 °"" tun1r1l, V'!lo Scotti and Scott Bru!y 1lso ru•st. CllEMJ Won.I ind W*9nlt to It (C) (JO) "'Tht Nl1trt th• Hauw Cluitlt fir1.• P\lyijna: 1 di.141 rol1. Wllll1rn Wl"6om aU11 I! Jolin Mon· "" Ind •• Manr1)1't li!'htr In tM lltshbd; Italy al how M1 boyhood sntffl11 bn>111f!l out t1lt town'• lirt d1111rtm1itt. Bobby Rill• """''I 11 )'1)11111 Johll. Dou1il1 V. Fcnr11)' II Monroe'• ir111dp1 i nd Joe Seatr l 11 llM lire Chit!!. 0 stllllfl tll• S"brs (Cl (JO) Mikt Sloliey wlllcom1s IU8Sh Bob CU11'!·1 "'!np , Vin Milts 1nd Robert Cl1ry O@ C!!ID !16CW! Mftd'1 Znd lp«ial {C) {60) Mlbl Cl)'lllW joins 1wat stir Roa M11tl• hi t musicll·comtdJ' ICIOOf of ""Gont wittl tl'I• Wll'ld.· portrl}'S • inixh!l'l'OIJS Gnur, dOM tM auill cl lier "Kid" ch111d.ll' ht di.:uu 1 xhool r~ t1 lll 111d linp -trai conlt!llpor1ry ~ .... om-"' (60) n lHl rn m i-, -·""' (Cl (60) P'tttr K111nw. 0..JM Hickmtn, P1m1l1 Aimil\ Gtry Lodi· wood, ind St1ph1ni1 Powers t11r ill lwo l'tontt •bout 1 kM·hunrry tounlry boy wtio uin'l pt 1 clllt ill lite bll dty t~d I br\del"'Oftl wl!o rtll I doomlob flock IA 11i1 lrlOilth 1111 ~ii llWclln1 ~ilf!l l;J Meil (C) ('OJ ""'c. I Mu1 u1d n.. c ...... nd '°"* rwst- 1!1 P'.,,. ·-(t.O) fl11M"9....., (60) Ill -u.. \!Ill G Mus ic Scene-T. Bennett * J. Collins, Sonny James I D llllffi!ill"'""""-<'l <•5) llny H111kin. Chr!stoph11 Rou, l ity Tamlin, Chrb Bok.no. Onid Sttlnbtr1 "'d Pa ul Rt ill Rol!Mn ~ Guest1 1r1 fCWl"f Benl'lltt.. lM"TY BiltlH. Momt M1bl1T 1111t The Smith Rot); 11oop .Pn rlleir dlt· 1.-int •lnd1 al 111usiul m11ie.. @m Cira! M M.,_ (lO) "ttlO O Mnllo11 $ M<me: "'Sellftfll.. d• In• ~ucltfot.. ~ (dram,a) '61--G.rmll B1kt1, lO:JO Ill U1 Crftll u It ObaridM 00 f11loli Ille.kif. A )'tl11n1 rirl, npeod 11:001Ji 001!1 "-s {C) Oii h• WIJ homt, kMPI lhl I/Ille 111)r}' to h-11. a Alfrwd H+tdic.r.t m Tr.tll or Co"'"!-ut {t) (30 ) 0 l1't Wwll 11.;,1 (C) Sonny Fo1 h!llti. 'u..U art ,lt!hn W1yr1e, Lill· ID IMd fer llM Dlf-(t) (60) bt!h !.o:itt C.r1 Reiner t nd Mn fJ) Tldlltial Con\11 (30) Solhtrn. m [...... Wildtlll .... Mfljjtn'f m Dnr U•ltl Lif• (Jo> li?l rn ~ rn a 00 """ 1c1 m a..dlt " ht• t101 I mm m,.... 1c1 l:001!1£lll.P.l11.('C) (60) S1lut!11111 :JOllQl (])Mwt Crimtl (C) CGlumbu1 o.y, b11 J11:k E. ltarwirdl pil)'S Columbua. 1IM1 Ill 1stTvnluh' D !Di 00 m hliMIJ c..i (C) supplJ Mf111111 1nd 1 dlllnr1-llllt Pttu lawfM II subltltllt• llosL C1r101r. I Dunrtnl k'rrbJ sub• for [ti Me- ll ** .., (la) If JlalJ M1hon, ..C l• M1rv!R, Mo!rt1 Rod:. illllb. torp .ltt11nit c. RtieT. ,.It Klnry l\J'lllt. 11 llwll: .,. ....... (ldllntunl) '47 .. " STEVE ROPER By Saunders and Overgard 111ii•lllimi:l:'leiEe:Y1iirtEiRuEASA<ie.-U~P..\I r wo PRD!lEW.'-nteRFS (),.Ml ,IJ.J4/JS7 DESERTED COl¥TY RO<D, ROD IQJ..DRE'S S1¥EDOMETE~ Afl~HAS CL IWSlD 70.A>/ EF FOlm ES S 3S MPH .' . ' MUTI AND JEFF "1"1415 TIME Oi=" YEAR T6-l.E W ILD DUCKS TAKE. OFF! THEY GO DOYJN SOUl H, JOKEfl.'-ntA.T "-"OE SPOT LP A ~YS: lRLJO(ER NlfEAD ~ERE I ~PASS HIM/ lS IM NO HURRY.' THEN IN Tl-\E SPRING .,,.. 'Tt\EY COME UP NORlH~ f'rl/.~~ ~ ~,, YEH. THEY HAVE THEIR UPS AND DOWN 1 .. '\...' GORDO By Al Smith JTI-iOUGH \T WAS FUNN)' I . By Gus Arriola ml~'j!'I" ... & -"" tC) (; •d11n1 mullc atrn1- lflU'I ltltvrill1 tudt ttlebfiUU IS al111V 0.111 R1n1, comic 11..id Fou:. aln1• WilJon Pidlett, la•tr buketbln tbr Witt C111mberll1n. lln11r }ury Butl•. linaln1 rreuo Tht Bloaoftls, Tht With 103rd SI. Rh)'tllm B11'Hf, linitr li!Ut Dion. ind Jn hH lint •Idell IPptlrllltl, n1W Afrlcln 1111111 L'lft1 M'bulu. I -Dlmiil O'~lf' NM lockhlrt. r-----... ,.. g Slpbr9'll 'Jh1tre (60) m w.rw ,.._ It) <&0) EHi""" rt> (90) us D ll!l (J) m n. ._ ,_,., (C) (45) :11urd11'11.• WM11 T!llll Mlllls It fOUIMI dt1d ri Hit loot al I dltf. "" ,.... ,..1. 11 ..... to dlddt • tutpld Deft S1oMr 11 tvlltJ II mllfllll' •"'-I •· hOll ht It to bl - TUESDAY DAYTIME MOVIES u @mm ..., -(C) S111rtr llJiY (Cntine: adtlf Al'lthony Quinl\. comic Stllllltt' M)'l'Oll M111o delm1n: •rid linltf loi! Wtllltll Ir• ·'"""· tti. tehtdultd ..,..,,, 0 M"'e: (C) "TM 1-·J .. ltcll" (eom1dy) '5~Mlrilyn Min· rot, Tam EWll!. m Mlilll: "1'111111 ... (mJ!ltl)') ·~ -Honrd Dutt, Ida lupillCI, u:oo 11 """= "lritl' ~ (drt· m•J '47 -c.ti. Jolll'llOll, 1:00 ..... -S:lt " , ... (tlll• me) '57-Gi.n fer(. flliO• Fm, BD-ICI eca•••L'fJ .... ._. CC) .... "TllliiM: ......... .... .... (dnl-.} ~ Sllll. &I ~ luf"' (dmM} '50 - G1r1 Cooper, l1ur111 llaiP. m .,. .. • Ctf' (fll'f"lftry) '47- "'•st•lr Slm, Vtl«it Whitt. 11:ao n "Tll 111atit Mu [,.... (111.)'ltlry) ·U -J11M1 Mtton. I 11=-'-~~--~ !J . '' ' C" ..... ' ~ .. . ' . ' . ' . '' MOU:IAJ&- fJIJlOS ,J.fi!E A~S, /;J "' MAJJJo$R OF·-- ~ MAVE SOM.t! SEa<ET l'llF"Olf.MATION ... ·· tJEAICING " -I MA.VOE DE·Cl.ASSIFIED. I I ! ,, ,, . '. .., .. ~ r.iond,.iy, Cctobtr lJ, 1%~ DAIL V PJLDT J. •r Charles lonattl ~--~~~~----, DICK AND DOC -Di ck Martin. le ft . is aghast at ~-ray d iag no sis of a ''verrry interesting" Viennese cl oc•tor. played by Arte Johnson. on "RO\Van and J\larlin's Laugh-In'' tonight at 8 p n1. on Channel 4. TEl,EVISION VIEWS No, I Don't Hate Television ., By RICK OU BROW llOLLYIVOOD IUPI) "--"Jogging's great. !I 'll takes years off you." "'i'c<1h the next 30 .. " I like lhat exchange fr on1 the ne\v CBS-TV sit· uation comedy "The (;overnor and J .J .. " a long· shot entry '>''il h l)an Dailey. I also liked it v.•hen Dadey tol d his secretary : "~1aggie , I can'l read your typing. 'Ille next time~ please write." t•M STARTING OFF on the posi tive side today in response to the usual new-season letters from \'lC\v crs a sking in effect: Isn't there anything you like about video and/or i'Iollywood? The ans\ver, of course, is yes. I live here. for cxan1p\c. It's just that. as somebody said -I think it \\'as either Voltaire or \Va lier \VincheU -cr1tic!i are easy to please but hard to satisfy. l aln·ays 't hink I'm a patsy until the le tters arrive. J i1n Nabors' fans. for in sta nce, noodcd me v.·i th angry notes because I 1na dc a snnplc s tatement o ( fact : tha t his ne\\' CBS-TV variety seru.•s is C!ll· bt.irrassing. PREDICTABLY, the shO\V is an apparent r at- ings hit. But that 1n eBns no1hlng un less you ow n 11el.viork stoc k or son1ething. f'opularity is just A democrat ic l\'ay of judging success. And democracy has no natural linke \Vith quality, as we h ave learn· ed sndly in everything from politics to activism to the mass arts, Ehit don't gel n1c \\'rong, as the fello\v said - there is rnuch I li ke aboul television and Holly\vOOd . J \Vtsh . for instancr. that the superlative F rench songstrC'ss i\l ireil!a J\tfalhieu -\\•ho appeared on the J·:d Sul!iv;in. Toni Jones and John Davidson show~ -1\·as g1,·c.n 1nore of a sho1\"ca se on American \ tdl11J. I al so recommend to you, and network execu- l ives, an incredible nc1v record album produced hy pop music impressar10 Phil Spector v"ith the Check· n1ates. The first t\VO numbers, "Proud Mary'' and "Spanish rrarlem." a re as emotionall y exciting a so1111d a s you v.·i!I hear back-to-back in pop music today. And the solo1sl, Sonny Charles, ranks light up there 1\ 1th flay lhRrles and J oe \Villiams. AS FOR TELEVISION again, l expect to 1vatch t)]e Arn erlcan-Ru ssian amateur boxing meet in Las \'egas on ACC-TV's "Wide \Vorld of Sports" OcL 25. And I cx1H~rt NRC'-TV's ''Today" program 11•111 clra1v much ;rl tent1on \vhcn it offers an hour debate oibou l protrsl against the Vietnam 1var this Vied· ne~d ay, and an hour discussion on sex education 111 schools 'fhursday. And dirl yo\1 kn o1v lh<1! Tom Seaver, p itch in;::: <lCC' of those an1 a zing 1vo r!d series contenders. the f\1e1v York fl lets, ,,·ill sin;::: and dance on NBC-TV's ''Kraft f\11Jsic l·lall" Nov. 5? Detttais the Me1aace ~ I 20 CAIL V PILOT H I /· .,;/. Mond~Y. October l.Z. 1%1'f --- THE 1970 BUG -The differences between the 1969 beetle and the ne\v model may be difficult to spot but th ey Dre there. The ansv.·er is in the engine- il '.s larger, offering more rapid acceleration. .-: ·------. ~ .V.95---.0:• 111 High Gear MORE DOCTORS, DENTISTS, ATIORNEYS, AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE USE Beetle Gets Bigger Engine TAB BECAUSE WE'VE GOT THE ANSWER! FOR .AS LOW AS $14,50 PER MO. CALL IJS NOW FOR INFORMATION ANO A BROCHURE. ~ TELEPHONE -... ab ANSWERING BUREAU 543-2222 I OFFICES TO SERVE AU. OF ORANGE CO. ~ SAFE CC INSURANCE for special GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNTS on your Fomi)y Auto Insurance Bob Paley INSURANCE 474 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA 642-6500 By CARL CA RSTENSEN Volkswagcn's engineers built improved performance and greater comforl and con· venience in!o their new 1970 models. but it's .still pretty toug h to !ell the difference . That's because lhe VW bee· 11e still looks almost the same as the first one tllat c<1111e off lhe assen1bly Ene nearly 25 rears 2go. \\'ith n1osl of this year·s irn- provemenls hidden beneath the car's bug-shaped Sht'll, niuch the san1e is true of the other VW models ln the 1970 lineup. This year's bus-like station wagon, fa stback· and squarchat k sedans also look very similar to their an· cestors. Looks aside, V\V'~ 1970 models ha ve. plenty of '"whars nl'w " about l11cn1. fro1n a s!ight\y larger c1lgine :ind n1orr r;;ipid accele ration for th!.' beetle and l\ar1nann Ch1;1 eo11pes. to sn1oother p1ck·up ;.i nd n1orc luggage spat!' fiir the f11stb;·1eks ;in d square backs. Volksw;_igen's g r o \V i n i:: dealer organization also has a big change for 1970 -in the form of an lndus~ry ''first'' which has turned authorized VW dealer s hip s into automotive diagnosis· centers with the start or the new mode l year. Designed to help owners get I All Makn-All Models AulomobU" -True~• '"Wl-•t• Se•Yi<=• M•ke1 th . Otll•r•"<•'" Oran9• Coun•r '!•"'II'"' le~. Lo1 ,lin1tlt1 ()U) 1110 cu .. 11u1 Dr. HH)S*llllS 'U S. Wt1t11• 1lS·l l 1' maximurn pcrformancP out Qf !heir •ar~ at the least possible Nst, V\V's ne1v diagnosis pro- grarn puts an engine through an electronic examination n1uch like a n1cdical doctor's t"leelrocardiograrn and al~o tesls other vital p<1rts of t11e eor. Ur> to 96 diffcrrnt chtC'ks :in: m<ifle. 1l cpcoding 11pon the n1udtl nnd yt'ar. 4 (:OU PO.\S • Ut1Jers of ncw 1 ~70 \'\\''s receive four coupons good for lree diagnosis services -at 6.000-mi!c intervals. Owners of pre.·1970 ·models n1ay· purchase the same service al nonnal cost. During he comprehensive in· speCtion the eng1ne is given a thorough electronic check-up whilf' the d i agno s tic i a n goes over the rest of the car to lest its transmission. wh~[ nlign111ent, brakes, tires, bat- lcry, Plectrical system and other vittd part s. Jf he .finds something tha l shoultl be. corrected \\'hrthc r by repair of replacc- nl{'nl or a part or parts -he 11utrs il 011 a trst report and gircs a copy to the. rar·s ownrr. l.lutil the. beetle and Karmnnn Ghia models sha re a son1f'll'hnt niore pow e r f u I englnc for 1970-57 horsepower this year compared lo last year's 53. The larger po11•cr· plant provides gr e a t e r response and more rapid ae- SUCCESS?)? We coll It INDEPENDENCE! Your OWN IUSINESS ! Imm"""'• J>••!O"""&f'C• <"OW\ p•oi.1, o• S),OO(I )'~t•ly "" c~•~ inV,otmtn1 o• 11,100. No ~m~lo¥en-No ~·eo,t ,.cured, '""'" "'"'~ -g•1 more! l:Xd"lD•• 1~.0041 "" 15.000 lnY. -110.000 on $11.000 In•. -You ndrr>e 1!. WILLIA MS-714·54S.184l Don't Just Stand There • • • INVEST! Tur" dco'fdrt&ITH l11tei dcoUeirt b'f ltorni119 ,,..,,. abo~I lhl' fouinot• i119 fi•ld af •to! eitotr in•eit"'""'· Meyed to It•• OY1'<09r reol proptr- ty i11wrstor, l'l••r"• tkl' fifth 01111 1101 ..... it1 ol leclurn ptiHl'llltd by lh• DAILY PILOT, Oro119e Cocnr E••11· i119 Cotll'4)t 011d Nirwpeirl Horbo•• Co110 Me-so l oord ol lleolton. li"t free ••• prn.11t•d on fowr Coll· 1ecutiv• l..esdof1. "' 7:30 p."!,, Newpei rt Harbor Hi9h School A11di• torhim, 1 Sth ond lr<!llt, N•wpo1t ...... Real Estate Investment Series Oct, 14 -Don Ward, "Managing Your Investment"; and Cap Blackburn, "Synd ication -More Important Than Ever?" Oct. 21 -Charles H. Calli son {Society of Exchange Counselors ), "Yield Leverage Through Wi s• Financing"; and Brue• How•y, "Invest· ment Advantage' of The Real Estate Exchange." Oct. 21 -J ack Lincoln, ''How to Take Title Advantageously -A Case Study"; and Rendall R. McCardle, "Tailoring Your Real Estate Investment." Ticket lnform.a.tion No admission , but tickets are required. They can bt picked up in ad- vance at the Orange Coa't College campus, or at the Daily Pilot offices in Co,ta Me1a, Newport Beach, Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach. Co-spon1ored by DAILY PILOT ORANGE COAST COLLEGE NEWPORT HARBOR -COSTA MESA BOARD OF REALTORS ccleration. 1'-1aximum an d cruising speed is 81 mph for the beetle and 84 for the Ghia. J\IJ ajor tip-off that a 1970 beetle really is a '70 model, is round on the er,gine com· paMmcnl lid where horizontal air slots provide cooling air ror the new pov.·erplanl. TURN SIGNAL~ Larger Lurn signals and tail· lights also make their bow on 1970 beetles and Karmann Ghia models, and all VW's now are equipped with buzzers· which sound-off. insistently, if the driver's door ls opened before the key is ren1oved froin the ignition lock. The company made an earlier move against car the!Ls last year when a steer· ing column lock became stan- dard on all VW's sold in Iha U.S. Controlled by the ignition key, that device locks the front wheels so that tbey can· no1 be tumed. About the only \Vay· to tell a 1970 beetle from a '69 from the inside is lo look' al the Integral head restraints which VW pioneered on it s pass enger-ca r rront seats two years ago. They ha ve been restyled and made somewhat smaller this year. both in the fastback and squareback sedans, as well as in the bug itself. Both the fastback a n d squ areback were ·lengthened by about four and a half in· ches this year to increase the C'apacity of their front-end trunks. In addition lo in· creasing load space by about 25 percent, this change gave the rear-engined vehicles a .>lf'c ker appcaranC'e. LTV Sells Staco Stock DALLAS. Tex. -LTV Ling Allee .. Inc., ha.~ agreed to sell its majority inl.crest in Staco, Inc .. of Dayton, Ohio, to David G. Ritter and Joseph Sidran nf Dallas for 500.000 shares of r-.·litre Industries, Inc .. the company announced today'. St::ico, lnc,, is a manufac- turer of lransforrn('rs for u~"' in home C'n!ertalnmcnl and other e!C'ctronic systems, and is producer of the Stacos11!\\ch line of miniature switches. f"acilitics are located i n O;i~ton, Ohlo: Richmond . In· dana, and Costa Mesa. During !he first si x month.'> of 19fi9. Starn had consolidated ~;iles of $2,946,()00 and a nel loss of ~1 1 ,000. The $2.946,()(){) in sales repres ented ap· proxim.1lcly 3 1~ perce nt of the $8L()(l(),OOO reported by LTV Ling Allee for the first half of this year. The transaction included ~1 0.277 shares of St.aco in- cluding shares issuable upon conversion of Staco's series A preferred stock, representing approximately 64 percent in- terest. STARS Sydn•v Om•.r ;, e n• of *"'• world'1 9•••+ 111l1olo9,r1. Hi1 (ol11m11 i1 on• of th. DAILY PILOT'S 9•1•t f1 1tu•••· AMC, Ford Complete-Ne'v Give Tips 0 S. · :u~~:" ·:'1'0 n ervice ~~~:·'~ "ll•mE l.OIQ "II Mll!/1 .N DETROIT (AP) Ap-~=~~·1 -1•0 parently tbe automakers are _::~~1t, ~·~ beginning to hear the yelps ~I'."~;~ c~" about high costs of service :i~f:,~0'~~ and repairs. "J 1nov11rl•• .... o ... 1 Two manufacturer!'! now are ::~;.'f~ i~o includinf d()-it-by-yourseff in-~i~~~·d~• .n structions in their owner's ::~gcf.,,·1.~ nianua!s. AlleaL~<I 1 . .0 .. llKiLUd pl l T·hey are Ford, which limits !ilf~c~ l:M its inst.ructions to its new con1-::::~,;:~11 ·:~~ pact Maverick, and American !::::sird 1.:~ ~1otors, while emphaslzin11 !\\if'ft:'.i~D 1te1ns v•h"ich can be. serviced All>ll•PC .lat ' • . """• ' 90 on lls new 1-lornet , says its 1n-Am~l~ug 1 &O ._ . be 1. d AMBAC -~ Su uct1ons can app 1c to "'"'''E• 1 ~a the full AMC line of cars. !~~';;:, 0'~1~ Am•H pl) Ill Both American Motors and AA1•F11t• .11<1 Ford include instructions and !& ... ~1;:1 ".1!: illustrations on how t o !;;:J'dc"1~d1.J tenancc Jobs, which AI\1C in-:C.n'~'i t~i perform more tan 40 main-~~~.~m 1:;2 sist.s can bf: hand led by anyone !t~'S':."~1 1 ::8 possessing "eve n a fair Amlv~n. 1 1s Am 0<<>111 I m~hanical abl!ily." ... 01,1l•I .109 ADu•IVI .l)D Both A~C ai:i~ Ford brag !~~~1~,:'·r:'~~ that "serv1ceab1lity and case "n1 En~• t of malntenanceP are built into !G.~.~~ .';'o0 the Hornet and Maverick. with !~n~~i.t11.7~ an aim of saving the owner ! H~~· P:·~ "both time and money." !;;:1~~:p 1 :~ Things are made easier to !~~~~v 19:'0 ge~ to than in the larger, m.ore !;;:"'~~;1 1 sophisticated automobiles. Am i>no•o .11 AR!•O" 10!1 Step-by-step di rections are "m S••• 1 , ld d ' I d Am!.tolP.60 1nc u e 1n manua s an prac.-A sm.11 1.90 I' II IJ [ h . b .1 AmSoAlt .10 1ca y a o t e JO s are 1. A'!' s10 1 Justrated. !;;:sJ~ .. f,'1~~~ The jobs range from how to !ssuu99•;,ii~2s remove, clean an d replace !;;:sr1r 1_.:g sparkplugs to how to time the -::;,w;:,' f.~ ignition and adjust breaker ~~~~~nC~io points in ~ tuneu p, . ~it,~ ~!: ~" Instructions also are given Aml>l'x cor .. f I , •·• k" ""'""" 2.IO or c caning ..,11..1 repac 1ng Am•~1 .32 [twht I . ·A.,.condlilll ron ee s; rep acing air, Ancl!Hoc~ :ao fue l and oil filters; carburetor !~"Cr.~st~~ cleaning a nd adjustment: !g~~gff"i.•W removing and r e p I a c i n g !~i~ .sS~·~., headlamps and fuses, and the !;f,';,~~~"~·~ lik e. Ari•"• OS .10 ,1 I I 'II . d ArmcoSt l,6G 1• anv o tie 1 ustrat1ons an A•mau• 1.61'1 instruCtlons renilrid one of!~:;;~~: i!2G II th . h . . , "•o Coro .90 lOSI'! at C'ame \\'It JUnJor S Ar~in 1n11 1 k k d " [" · Ailll<! 011 1.l'O noc e '1.>0wn ire engine or """011 ,,n.IO sister's di sassembled bicycle !!~ 0ig•f.1~ at Christmas, bul a good :~1t1i~·r ,·~ many, such as adjustment of :\fn~,~~11\',' ~ the carburetor dashpot, are !H""c'~"p~J11~ much more comp I i c ate d :;::,''l:~~',;,Bfj operations than one ever found •t1•> cor,, • "UfOr• l>I•• in grandpa's model T. .-.~1S1>klr .oe,. · Auton11n In<! Screwdrivers. mo n key "••o c .. 1.:io wrench and pliers art absolute-:~~~ ~J·1031 ly necessary. A socket wrench :;~:I 1~hJo"'° i.~ needed f~r sparkplugs and:~:·,,~· i to some other items. A11~c 011 c.. But the economy-minded, dedicated d~it-yourselfer, can g:r.=~1ii'. \~ save money. For instance, a :::(;0E,,,~l0'.IO Detroit tuneup of a Maverick ~:~!'"v~1,cj6G or Hornet will run $2 4 to $27 at s,.,,gp ,,, 1 • Bon• Tr ).!.I a dealers shop or a rrput.able e,.rhOll ij1• se rvice station. There's an ~:;1, i:C -~ $8.80 hourly charge for labor. g:t!~ ':J.1~·50 plus the retail price of the :::~1~~fl.!<l parts. ::~~~t;: :~ ! ..,,.__-+ __ ,.__...., __ ' l ,.,1-~~-1-~~ Southland Suffers Downturri in Activity LOS ANGELES (AP) Pacific Lighting Corp. said F'riday its two Southern Ca lifornia 8 as distribu!ion subsidia ries are discssing a p:>ssible merger . I SEE BY TODAYS WANT ADS e A li!tle r11.rly yet. hut Ix'!. trr to be prepared, .somr- thlng w11.mi for the colri slOer: Mens fl) 11;ki swf'RI· "r· Tl('\\'. blue pa!terned import, S50. •\\'hat moN! attractlrt op- rortunities C'Ollld he ofr- f'rrd ~ Girt &: card ex· ..-han'i<', Busy rll"f'SS shop in Buena Park, Prt'i;tige 110(' ol u·ii;s h ro~rnr!lc~. or rri !-.,.. n1ore prar!lral, 1na<'h1nr. sll•'P. including property & equ1pn1cn!. e RN'k hnun<l~ rlon't bark, t hry JU~t hunt. good f1nrl: 16'" slal> & h1m ~"" 12 pound luml>ler: rn()!l;t fl('f'· '°~t"Y. al'll:I valuablf:' tool• of ~ trnd('. York Stock List I . I 1~· 1 ~r.~ '"~ ln1u1 .,,.,1. 1 ... 01 !Mee 1'11~' "M IM!f-l In!!-< 1'11' '" IM 11 l f\IM IMPM IOI I !Mt.I 1"1 I l tlll 1~• ~ ''" Intl! !"HI I .ill ! l"l 11 IO!H "' l"!H l "IT I l f\I I Ir.I '"tu '"' ' 1"'"' IOI f I "'~' In'"' l nVI~ I~ E ,, ,,. In"~ 1~ .. ~ l~tO "' "'' '" J•c• J~~~. 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" , " ' •• 1•'T'rl>M 1n ~~E o r.&O o d~C.~o Prices Complete New York 1•141• ....,,,1•"•''"'"'""''"'''''''-•''''"''"'"'"'-"''""''"'"""'''""'""''"'·'''"''''''''"'-""'"''"'·=·"-°'=:::• tllGI I Nfwll l n Cllll (Ill .. ~ !J 11 • I II 0 ·~ J). , " ·~ 1~r; . .. ' ' " . ' " ., ' ,. ' " " • • . .. " ~ /H ' 11 2l ., ' ' " • )1 • 11 II , . " " " ... , " •1 •1 l1.. lt " . " ' " 7 • 11 " " ... . , •l ... . " S,. 11 " , • . ' t •) • •l t 1~:1l,:i 11 ' s \, .j 1 .. • .. '" , " . " '" " . " " " • ,._ .. , 1~ ~ 6 ...... 7 ' ' " l H " 71 . -1, " . .. " " .. • ll 1 • , . ' , ll • 0 ' l\ • ! • 10 JI llto • 11 .. 1 Ji' • • 11 • • ~ J!: ~ " . Jo . t eo 63 6 ~ 171 JI :;>! 0 ' " ' JO JI , 11 ll 6 o 6 6 • 09J> JO o l 6t !1 > S Sl 7ll DJJ' n1 11' 11 n '• , ) l 10 ~ 7 ' 11 11 11 l )lll~ ' ' ' , , , • • • B21 76 l \Stil l• ' " 1 • IJ I 10 5n 1 18 I " . ... I " . ' 1161 •O o ·~ " . " . " " .. ); . l? 11 • 11 7• .. . " ' " ' ' " " " io JO 66 JI lS •I o ·~ 1' ' ,. " , l• 1? ,. ,. "' " u l6 ' ' . 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Blue Chip Pace Market Advance NE\V YO RK (UPI) -Blue chips paced a sharp :stock 1narket advance :t-.tonday tn active trading \naly!>ts noted that \\ ed nesday s V1e tna1n :t-.1ora tori um has bee n a spu1 to ne1v peace hopes 011 \Vall St1cct !Shortly before the clo:.e the UPI ma1ke\111de 1nd1calor \\as up l 40 percent on l 585 issues cross ing the tape \d\Jt ccs lopped dec!Jnes 1001 to 340 The DO\\ Jones avci al!e of JO blue chip 1ndu s 111:.ils :s hO\\ c<l a g.:un or 11 £1 to 818 57 ncai the close cd \olun1e of 1no1e l r1day s pace Steels atll acted lhan 12 500 000 sha1rs ex ceed demand as steel shipments tl"U:5 year are expeC'ted to set a record Ods swung tn both direction! v.1lh some issues Co nglomerates showed moving a point or more considerable slrenglh 1n a number of instances which generally run count But gold m1n1ng sha1 es er to the 1n1rkct s trend \\ere under pressure '\irhnes and aircrafts s\1 eng th but 1 alls sh o \\ e d sc:attc1ect fol lo\\ ed a n11xed path l loney\vel l was an 1mpress1\e elccl1 on1c but JBi\l \\as on lhe \\eak side 1Bi\l reported record thi rd quarter earrungs but the rise 'vas sharply narrower lhan IIl the third period of 1968 Pnces also .Stock Exchange sw ung higher on the American 1n moderately active trading Monday Oetobtr l) }qb~ H Stock Exchange List " . • 0 ~ ~ .. ~ I o <>~E 1 f ~ rr Corp l•cc•nCco •D •ell~ • )) Teo on ~ T•lfll•M l•~dv oil SO T1 «1vn• <> ~ Temoi." 11 T•nneco 1 :12 ten •~ pf! 50 '•••to 1 •o lo•ET n •D l••G••' ,.,. 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' l l ,, •• ,; ff • i l; . ~ " ~ .,. . 91 I 1 ' " tl I 61 ' . ' :l•l •l • n ~91.. 1' lO . ,. .. 10 I 1 ' " " ' 1S IOI '" " " " ' ll 10 . " • • • , 11 • • • 16 I ~ \6 Ji I ) l •lo 16 41 •• 09 ll " " 1110 I! , ". ·~ n l ll •l ' ' ,,., • • ". , .. • " ~ '!!" ... " " ' " . " •• • • ll 1) lJ l ll ?I I 1 JJ .J) J 6 .)) )) JO n~n11 1 Mo 111 11 81 6 !O •9o •• J " 1 ).1 ~'JI l l \ J J6 I >lo 1:!00 jQ "' • 111 3 3'o N 3' l l • , l • 0 JI J l • 1U~ lj ?~ l!, ; ; • I I •3lJ7.ll J • •) • • .. l l 10 10 10 60,. l l l•• llO lOCl 100 100 I llO 10 • 7(1 o 1tl l ll o l1~ll o .I. " l :10. 1 t ~ ii,~ 1i ! ti i: I OAILY PtlOT ff ,.. ..... 1-11t••Ln c._.c.., 12 10 lt • 1• .. -WXYZ- ... Final Stocks In All Home Editions 11 " . ••• Complete Closing Prices -A111erica11 Stoel{ Excha11ge Li st ' . " ' . " • • •I fl • " • • . .. l• 1• _J ,_' l • II UI . ' n .. • .. " • , .. , •• ' , . " " ·~ ] I I• ]) • • ll } • :g n ' " • • , .. • " " '"' ' .. • • .. • " . ... " .. " " . • "' " " " • ' . 11 I , . 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" ,f: ! ,.,,. • t " lil"• -• • • ' ' ll,, • " . , . , + 11 4 .. • + ''" 11~· -' • + • ". +i "+ 11 •• ··-,, .... '" '. P•-l lh -fl• T l "' " + •H'o + ' ". + '1• + ' ... IO>o-._, M•-16 ... , .. - '" l 11 · -I.'? -' !~ ~:; . JI ~ J ' , .. .. •5 • J'tl(i i.1 _, '~ 110 10! Xll~ .. J \ 'l ~ l~l • ' l\ 17\\ -J 60Vt I I -l lolo ,, ,, II> tt t lVI • -"l I --~ .. ~ ... -. /21 OAJl V PILOT r I '--I Sonae Catcli f,,onday, OcloW lJ. l96it Tilak LaJI, president of Costa rilesa-Ne\\'port Har~ bor Lions Club (left ), and \Villard Courtney, presi- dent of Boys' Club of the llarbor Area Board of Directors, admire fish representing Lions' $6,000 contribution to Boys' Club. F unds came from serv- lce organization's annuaJ Fis h f!~ry in Costa fl.1esa. Teachers Now War11i11g 011 Danger of Petting ALBANY, NY. <UPI) Teachers of sex educ:at1on in voluntary public school pro- grams have been advised 10 u·am junior high schoo l pupils of the dangers of n rck1ng, pct- ling and sexual rel ations. The •• cu r ti c u 1 u m sug- i.:esuons" to lhe 11'.achrrs <'amc in state e d u c at in n department guidelines l\'h1ch \1·ere worked out primadly by Or. John Sinacorc, chief of the bureau nf hea lth education. Sinacore said thr guidelines are part of the ment al health section of a five part health education <'urticulum. The material on sex ~·ou ld take Ufl less lhan a "·eek of an is.week course, according to L h e department's suggc.slion.s. One concept to bf' offered the junior high school pupil ls lhal early dating sf'ems 1o he an American phcnn1nenon, u hich may encou rage or restrict new friendships. llowever. !he report ~ug. ~csts tha t teachers trll junior high school students !hat dating "is a socially ac- ceptable practice. hut '.M!Cking, petting and sexual intercourse may lead lo physical, emo. tiona l and social problems." Soine groups have opposed !'C'X education in Ne1v York :>chools as 1ve!1 as in lhose of other states, but Robe ; t \\'elch . ht'ad of lhe John Birch Society -one of the chief op- p<lnents -was not upset ~·hen told of the new guidelines. "I can sre no!hing 11·ro ng 11·i1h the state's nE>w guidrlincs as long as they conl1nl1e lo be \•oluntary," \\'rich said while on a lecture tour in central Nr1v York . The srx education course should he n1adc voluntary, S1nacorc sa id, 1n c<ise a parent did nol ~'ant tus child to take part in cl:i!'sroom discussions for any part of the curriculum. He said schon\s arc in· structcd to !iCl up local panels, includ ing parent~. leachers, and C'le rgymcn, 10 adapt the material to l o ca l re- quirements. Cross \vord Ptrzzle ACRO'i'i l Plant louse '-P lace of Napoleon's e~ile 10 R ool~tal ~ 14 Jos e -···- JS Travel a9en1 's pJ ck age lb Da~I! 17 Propelled 1 t>oa l I! Br1nq ln1o atco•d 2fl A11"11 21 Having e stronQ 1aste 22 'i1nge"r 23 Re!.tltd 2S S.ty \ 2b Bai~rv produri~ 2~ II•.,~ cf ~11r •••• Jl [~prr,s•on i;of ~·ppro\( 3l l(Jnd of mn~•I 2 ... ord ~ 37 USS ~ mounta1'1 rang' lB Contended 3q Jatob'l o!dtJ broth 'r •O Nottd Pa ctf1c Coa~t po•t ~2 Abdoni 1ni l p ~i n •J Mao's n ltl:nl!llt ~4 With w 1~dom 4S f)l1ro•d 4'1 Pl~a ~ant !011nd 50 5ell-r sltel'l1 SI Stretcl! ~)O u! of town 57 Vtssel ~'I Quie tly b(l (Yp!'d ~ bl "What ' .. 2 wor~~ bZ Tat>!ewarr bJ Clot~ sl!el1 ~' b~ Clnwn1s!'I bS US P re ~1d en\ 00 '11'-j l F .r 1 • •':! 1 1'I a1 av '~·1•'1 Q I ~;,el: v" 'l Z•i s' wofe 4 '-North G•tmdn1c I a nqod ~ .. ~ Play•ng S\Jr1.1t!' lor c;om t <;p~tlS Ii ····• A 11 ~'1' US sol!:t~r 7 Soil 8 lo!f' 9 Parl ot the hodv 10 Opinion b~ld 1o be l1ue Jl Plac' 1n a "" ' " C• ~ ' r " 1 r ., l r •Cl L •ell r l •O ~•~If • • ~ r L A 800 ~"' ""l '''[ 1 ~•rt~ o •••I. ~(1 " I V! (,A lf . ' ••'lC C !U •• , ; ~. ~ ~~I~ , : : l ~ ( ~r •1 r o1 'J l l l O~l •C If .. ~[ i ~ • • t : r • i c 'l r I : f .. O " L { I I " I • 1 I O o r L . ' ' . "~ n • ( • 12 B~rh~r'~ '"'~\••,,•rt 13 Uo11~1 1a1 1'1111~<;; \l.1oq 11 r,11-~~1·,n~ ... ~-. ... ~1 21 I.JO:, '·~·111~~ r P~ ';.la 2 ~ p ,1·, 25 Pi 1 .n!i <~• v••,. lb E u~~r>·~~ ~ 7 )l'Jfl <'\" ~ l3 A Ir • 111 ~~~UQ!l l~ HA rt ••- r.rr !a'1t;~\ JO -··· .tn:l 01 t'' 32 Go~rl lnr l!•t~ loi ~ m~r1n.1 33 Stlcool sub1~c t 3 4 Bod~ cl land 35 Scold 10 13 ~q Jb '11 lo~e ···" 1$ llP 'fl~dy 41 Pu! !orJh 42 Un.1 o f rol!<ng s1otk ~~ ··• Ya!-~P!l 45 y ;ul~~ r ~,, 41> \.'p•, ~~-r\ 1·11. 4~ S;il 1 ~n a•t 4 3T~~T •• 2 f/Q!d\ 4-ll hllt oit 51 P ~r lo• fta1u1 t 52 Ac.ht ~~ )ound of S0"0"' 55 Bil of •k l" 1ro11bl t 51> Timf per 1o d 58 Dicken s p~tudoo~!ll 59 Dt crtt EVERYONE'S FAVORITE .., •(11111 ,..,.,,hi, polh, O"• ol th. "'011 p op11l•r O\IWIP•P., f11t11r•• i" Afft•llc• iJ th• Anft L..nd • ., co!w"'"· lt'1 • 41ilf "11911l1r" !ft 111• DAILY PILOT, GI Orders Now: Don't Chase the Enemy WASHINGTON (AP ) -U.S. officials expect new fonnat in- structions given American l'Ommanders in Vietnam will rC'sult in 111uch Jess chasing or enemy troops. Secret.ary of [)(>fense f.!el- vin R. Lai rd sa'd Thursday U.S. commanders have been told to follow new tactics of "protective reaction" and to entphasize Vietnanuz.ation of the war. Officials said the in· structlons leave U.S. com- manders free to strike out at t'nerr1y forces lh:1t threaten Llieir IJ·oops, And Lht: orders do not tell A m er i can com - manders to avoid conlacl with the enemy, nor to fire only if fired on. l:lut, the officials said, !he practical effect should 1nean Jess pursuit of the enemy. manders will be expected to devole much or their effort to sh<1ping up the South Viet- namese forces to replace An1erican troops. These orders, making it un- mistakably clear that "Viet- namiution" of the war has the highest prfority. repla"c three-year-old f orm a I in· st ruclions asserting t h e primary objecLive to be military viclory. Tht f o r m 1 l instructions reaUy reflect what lop U.S commanders already knt'W to be the Nixon admin~tration 's goal in Vietnam. Gen. Creighton Abrams. U.S. com- mander in Vietnam. got the word from the President and Laird early in the new ad- ministration. nam1zat1on mu st lead all the rest 1n U.S. objectives in Viet- nam. Laird's n e w s conference Thursday Wa.! part of a Nixon administration campaign to !'iell the American people on its Vielnamii.ation approach. Al the same time , lhe ad· ministration is trying t o counter rising pressures in Congress and on campus for fas ter wilhdrawals from Viet- nam. The Pentagon is expected to con tinue the campaign nexl \\•eek by calling a news con- feren ce for Gen. Earle G. \\'heeler , chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Wheeler, "ho has just returned from a trip to Vietnam, rarely meet.J "·ith newsmen at the Pen· tagpn, Jru;tead, U.S. f ield com- Pentagon sou rces said "it took some doing" to CQflvince U.S. commanders that Viel· OCTOBER Can't come in? Order your bargains by mall or telephone SELF-IMPROVEMENT BOOKS, 1.49 Q HOW I W!MT PltOfll FA1LU11t: TO $50,000 A l'U.11 IN OlllfCT tifLLUIG, 8y A. L 8roo~ Tl~• on ••llong lo get }Oil •••!Ir big money. P1g1 by Piil•· hund"dl ol lmm1d1etal1 U6t bl1, prolll~Pl!al1n11 a-.c••t• In tl'I• 11! of dynomlo direct Miii ing, Pub. 1t 6.gs Only 1."9 Q THI! TllUIUAY OP SUftl.-FlllE 15f:WNC. TIH.. Bt Cnn. 6. Roth. Owlr 1000 polnlert bt 1 fQP-notch ••It.a pro. P1rr1ct t1tthnloue1 1h1t criact 1'111d..tlo!14od buytir r11l1t111c.e, l/npton llumati t11l.- llonli'llP11 end ln&Ull Ml1·•"811<1nc.. Pub.•' 5.95 0~1, 1.-41 ASSORTED TITLES AT $1.00 EACH n TllUtUll't Of C.ft0ST &TOAlfS: A ltED SKELETON IN YOUll CLOStt. [d. by R. S~el1or>. Illus. Tri color. O.Holltlut colleelio" or 21 •I<>.,•• ebout Ql'loob. I J>OOl<.I end 1P111!1 by O.e1r Wolde, S•~I. W11Mnglo" lfvon~. elt. Appell• to 1dul11 •nd youngs1era •• w1U. 1 " 10. Pub. •t 4.9~ Sele 1.00 0 lH[ POOH PERl"LU. Sy Fted C. Crew1. Illus. by E. H. 6hepud, In tllle bock, It IJ dllCOveted tn1t 1~1 lt11~ meaning o! 1n1 Pooh ~tones le not 11 elmple '" I• believed. Pu1>, 11 Z.I!> Sil• 1.00 fl THE SECRET WAii AGAINST HITLER. By Fabltr> von Sckl1brendo1". For~"ord by John J. J;!eClor. IS por!r10l1 d"""" by Hild• s;mon, Tnle I• 1ne 1lory ol IJ>fl German re.is11nu movtmt nl lrorn !h• very beginning, Jold bJ one or lne lo"' who aurt)vwd. Pub. ot 7.~'J S~le 1.00 Q ARTH~JTl5 AHO FOLK MfOIClNf. By 0. C. J1rvo1. MO. lho no\<1d V11moM phyi1el1" w1ilel ,.,lh •A<ep1ion1l brU/lall(;e and 11...,1, s1111 1boul in. blheto •r>d lo<• or Vt•monl lolk lr\IO!CiM, •c!lt naruculor emp11 .. 11 on 1111 1•e11,..,.n1 ol u1111ttos. Pub •! 2 9~ S•I• t _Qll 0 llOllRT LOUIS tiTEVfNSON: PRA~fRS. Intro. by ...... R. L. S,; d~J:CD'IT•ons I nd talllir~p~f hy '"'d• Seo!!. B11'11o!ully d~1;,;ined volu,..., ol t•m•lt P••~ers ""illen by I'!. l. S ti 1eclut1e V~<I''""· "·• 110,...1 011 • S..mu1n nooun!.,nlop. Pr11ero !or gra~•. 11 mom•n;. tar Sunday, t ic. Pub. 11 2.~\'I S111 1 00 --./ --~ /;111~1~·"' JI '1' ,\ ( 1iN'' I:,•. l. n TMf: CAT HDAOSCOPl I OOIC. By Lil Trt~man, Illus. A "''tty d;u.rt ... ion on m1iltl"$ 10<! .. caf ihect•ng 1n., Pl'"1>nali11 o! yo~• 111!. PuP. •t :;.~O Sal1 1.CQ Q THE 000 HOROSCOl"t: 1001<. B~ L•I lr1od11n, 11111•. A wl!Ty d1 .... rlal•11~ on mal!tl'I :rodiacJI 1nd the ln!l~e ~<•• nn lh• Deroon•i.tY DI you• Del. Pub. 11 3 ~a 6Me 1.00 \J MICKEY 11100N[Y; I.E. AN llJTOBlOGRA,HY. A no-h11ld•·bi•t0d conro ~T~n by n110 o! Jim.~c1'• lor1mo1r •Ollrl.,n••• i nd morion 1>•CtUrt ,,., .. , "•hd I haen O"Qnl11, haa th• !1d>e1 boen ~nl"'· l••d 11'1• &:o!'l'I btil" 11011:11. had lh• goos bten >1nder. hod the <l•Ce !><le" ~otla<" T~" co11ld ,,,.,.. beon 1 one •1nl•n~• sto11: onui upon 1 hme Mocloay R1>oney h""d h•P?Ot '""' en•r, Pi.b. •l •~~ Sale l ()(l fJ Tl'4E cosr OF l OYl NC. By Dr. [~1l1<• Cneose'. Ch1Hen~in~ a:u-Jt ot lo.,. lodoy end 1hloug~ lh• 1q1s, snowing \ht pnc11oc1e1y 111~ !D• ••CP•~• .. lnlllbN•cn•, tal>e 1!htu<le1 10,..11d ••~u•h•y, end In• <••e' ol 1~m11u1 n·~n ••d women ... no oucce•~•d 1n Iha" p~Ol•e ''""" bul roiled ~!F~t1adJ rn lh t lr pe•ton.al 11~1. ln•1 I• ill 1.,port1to! ~I•• !or the lreeoom to lov•. Pl<b. 1\ 4.11~ 0 SONC BIRDS 01' TH! WORLD IN COLOll. By 0. l. Au11!n. J•, Mc•• tnan 300 epacl'--\ ltlu<- !1111d 1n b1•ll11nt rull t olor bv A, S•ng~<. From •oTbl•O• !o w•eo•, In m1 gn•lr1;1n1 foll·~nlo• r>ain:-lng• In li!e(oko 1101t1. A~'U'•I• dn"n to lli1 11<1 mfnutely dot11led l1atl1er. Sc!lbound. Pub. 1! 2 9S Sat~ 1 otl O THOMAS MERT ON READ[lll, (II'. by Thoma• P, McOonnoll Sneeia! "!ttllQns rrom 1~1 wrl!l"~' o! 1~• 1e1oec1td '"d bfilnWt~ Am•rlcon T!!IDlllJI moo~. 1ummrnQ t.I> • QUOt11f crntu1y ol t0l•eL• loon, ''Pl'"'"'"· •od cr1110 .. wo•~. lncl~de• 5ome ~.lh•r•n unnubil•n~d rn1!1•ltl de,..on1!••Hnv tne cornoelung Iott.or 01 • g•e1r •P"lil>•! wrl1t•. •~d ••l••Cllng hol uno~ualy ~·1110<1 1tnlewmeM. w nn imp,.m11ur. Pub. '' !> 75 !'.0!1 1.00 0 THf OIARY OF A llAPISl. Bv f>~n S. Connet!, Jr. Slory of I"'"" lf1d1n1 e~ 0111n.,bly non:111 I"•· "'"''"d w1tn 1 u cur1 01T1e1 job. yot d•iVfft 10 corimol ob••11"1 •1d ~crroty1ng 1cla. Pub. i t • 9S Sale 1 (l(l Q WHAT YOVft HANOI ll~VV.L. By Jo S~erld1n. 1'0 lllu1, Thi arl ol p~l"'lltry lor tu11 o• 1>roM. Siud101 11ow to 9"'n 1 dttnM ln,•gnt on!o 11'1• mon<l•, <~•r.tClll •~d emohcn• ol I~• peool• you f!\101 Pub, 11 2.75 S1!1 1.00 O ll'HEllN. By Ooctot le, Be•l·~tllor~ !•~n~. aome!'"'OI •hQ~~lng, e<1m1>l•IAIY "°"~•!, ln~ld1 1ccoun! ol mn<!ern meditln1 1nd not~llil p•actlr.e. Fretrnl!' gri1>1>1ng r •nure ot hot1>1t1I rc~tine, l"C•tdlb'e MunOe•s. lron!ic lm11•11vl~•he~•. n110.c •~orl•. •le, P~b. Bl ~ 95 Sal1 1.00 ll ~"TA kARI, Bv f.. W119e"ai r. « p~olD5. Ezcotlng f1o!l•1l~d lo<• •tP•y ot ti><! r1ot•n1tlng opY, A •J •'•"'•t.c 1nd ~·sTor\cOI 111'<1Y •••ii~ r••r:ll·befDfO•D"~I ·~•d del••I&. P~b. •I 6 9~ s111 ' 00 IJ J1t[ GOOD AN O 1"0 WE•TIHR. 81 Eainund .!:Ln.att.I. The 11\l•d no••I c;I 1~1 tnlo~~ &to~1 !iJC•• CoutlY. ~·nlou~g 110 m1ny ~md• or to~. llUl!I•~ 101·y 1rd co·rup1;~~. Pt.b, II ~9~ Solt 1 M 0 THE ~Alf AnHUOf:. St Ch•••' W_ f o•Q111DD. U~usu.o! •~d !o~Cln1l•~G hltto-y ~· mal• tnoLght, t li t~<ls$ and t~h•~•O<. w,11'1 P•ytholog,c1I 1tudr ot me c:onlemPQ•ary n>1l1, PYb. •I i; 9~ S•I~ 1.otl l J tHf ltlJMOROUI Mii. LIN COLN. F./ K. W. Je nn,,~n. Wonitl~,.,$. 1et~r11 t nd "''Y CPl!lmentJ. (ol'l1n•lg" !O>I••>. c•rtn~ru . ond ••~··het 1uppl•"'•nt \~1 lr•I, f un. ~.9.~ f>•I• 1 DO Q Al l.Iii F THE PAESIOErHS. llv Cl~n•ld l , C.:io\e. lotl 1i<11J i~ l•ll color, OeoGnr!lon• DI,,_, <1•n1ca1e~ rr~n .. ~O t1rn~ !•om lo~ C•t•o1 1~<1 mon>!rnl i;.,.g•1nlllt•I m•na prov101 en o~I·• ""'""~'n" tv 1nd1oai.nQ pl1ce• 1n<1 ,.,..nlo ''~~•l•t•n\ 1n ear~ Pros1denr1 1Cmln11!rtoon. Pu~. 11 :• ~o 5•'• 1 oo I_; SP IES' THE C~Sf OF ll•CHAllD $0 ~C li. l!y F VI, o~~lln ' G. A, Slo•rv. l 11tl'lorlttll111, t~nllin~ MD•/ nt l,l ~•'nw • ~· J "'~"~' on J•r "" r "n' !" Wo"' ,., "' <I P~b ot 6 o~ Sele 1 00 LJ CHl llLI E CHIPL!~ S SO~: I COULON T SlolOK! flt[ GR~SS OH ltl Y ,AlH[R'S LA ... lf. [l1fply mo.~;. ••11a oinr~ 01 M t ll&t l ('~fl , "''~ ••t~1lea •G• 0$! t> a •"•''r.n,.,•n•, ••d "'" jouil•\I n11o~Q" •~~ _1 ... <1 1~1 11n"d Cl m1•o•u•,• an<t LSO In • •••J'~ lor a PDIOhYI 1rpro1'n lo 11!1, U!uo. ... 1h "'•n• '-"•I .n ,.,.,,1,. 1 •0101 ""P. •t j 9~ ~·1~ t to ~ l'EllTIG. B1 Sci v~ .. c•. " "0'•1 •~out • mon lor .. hem murder bocame • w1y ol Jiit. Fub, 11 ~11S ,..01~ 1 r.o LJ lltE YOUNG ~EN OF PAll•S. A t "l'•I •hnul l.'od•~lt•11i Bv S•er1'•n lcng1T•etT. ColQ•lu1 bi"" g••P""·•I ~•o•)I o• ·~··~·~•1•11• on~ ""5 ,.,._, d~. P10•,•o, l.'oll•••· Cll1c•I\, IJlr!llo. 111 "'"' "' pro1hg11• W•'M ~,.I"• •she v.~i COMftCr~··~ Ip !>,, Ort. P~b. •I~ 9~ Sol* ! 00 ri ANCEL P"Y£ltl(~T. By J. I! r•1~i:.y •~" "'~-" l•mou1 no•el g~I '" lnnd911 •O l'fl•'-ogo In wMol'I 11. l>CUCl lV<li, IMDugn tn. w•my ·~1TaLe ol ill peop\11' DCCUPll•O~s. 11\0lf i-•• .. o~. ""P'I •nd lolly, Pub at6 ~'i Sa" 100 11 •NY GOO WILL 00. R•c~••<I CondOo A .,;.;d atud, nl !~1 !~••"1ty OI l "!lbbltm, end 1 intt lb"' lnd ·ct"'e~I or 11 1~• Y.tl01tJ by on1 o! 1111 mo!t o.,g•n•I ""d ''"'"~'n•I••• ... 111111 o! t onlernoor1iy rict on_ l.'t . Con~•n h 1n1 ~r,1111nt 1utl'l11< cl "Tl>I M•'l<:h~rlon C1ndod•te." Pub. 11 6 95 Si l• 1 00 O lHf: MfHORAll lllEN, s, Ucn1! D1vlCIOfl. O..•m111e, !lmelr nowl ol 1odoy'1 ten•lon·~·c~ed l.llddle rut. et"l•••d •r,.,..n<I lhol kunl 1or • 11,.n bronened ct nd•••llCJr. er gold th•\ ••• 1uo-PD••CIJ 1lolen lro~ Solo'!'on'9 T1,..~I• by Tltu1. A J0"ng Semlllc -Kho!at pll1 h!1 .. 111 eg11...t 1n1 :> 000 Y•" old rny.t•:r, l ftd acme darino end dongo<Ou• an11gQ11"t" Pub. •t S 9S 5111 1.00 ii THl [ASY OR•WI Ci 8001(. By "4oi.t Wl'lllt. Hundttds ot d11,.ln;1. Stao-by..,1fD 11,molet cl fi'Ow lo ma~• tl•1w1ng• ol ,,..., ob)lt!, •ni/n•I•, ~I•. 0111, etc., al1UOnl'Y 1nd In 1cncn. Orig, IC"b. •1; 95 S•lt 1.otl D INOIAN IUllllllf R, fir Joh~ l<nD\ol~•-A •IOfJ •bout .... m.rlc1n t1 .. 11y II!• •n'IDllliSt I~• rleh '"<:I ~"'e<1ul, by on• of •m1•!t1•1 1ble11 )'(l~ng nove111ta, Pub, 11 •.9~ 51,., LOO POOllllOY AT lHE PARf'f. By R<>b.111 Govt•. BtWd~. Dllbpoit.n 110 .. 1 bJ Ill• IUlhOI' ol o .. undrtd 0011., MiJu"der1!1ndlng, Pub .it • f) Sile 1,00 0 THI: CfLLUL010 SACJllftCf: ASPECTS Of Sf)[ IN THI MOYllS. By Al1~1ndar W1lk1r. lr- 11111iglllo n ol G"'•I rnovl• n"o1n11 1nd hoW 11\ey aehl1 .. d IUCCI$&, prcblMll ••P'O~lolty Ille ~xuol •PDe•I ol Oil!rJ~. MM Wed, Ui T1ylor, Garbo, elc, Eiplo•tl 1"9 prob14om1 l1e1n~ lod171 flllll t•n~D"'. M fill pl\0101 from prlvlle coll1c!ionJ. Pub. •l ~.I~ S•I• 1.0ll I 0 WIWA• SKA«f:Sl'U.llf:: THE co•PLnf: WOllKS ..... u 1111t Sllai<aspelfll ... , 'Wtoll . A fl,,._ comp!tl• t dl!lon tollowlng 11"9 1rr1ng•.,.nl ot lhl Firlll Folio ol 1613, •1th "P1ricl1J," 1ri. ~ 1nd IOflnll• epl)9nd<ld. 1100 J>eV-J "'111'1 fll!bon boo-mlrk. Spec!el Import 2.18 ! 0 A •1CTOlllAL M15TOllY CW LOY[, BJ P1ul T•bo•I. A do .. 1lln11 book ~lied wl1h llr•llQI trlbM courting tUJIDmt, 1111 cllllclou1ly 1mo1•I lrollC ol 1h1 G111k gods, tM P1HlDn111 1d111ntu .. 1 of CIMllOVI , '"' uploill ol 11'11 1n11mou1 B<>tgi••. Cll1s1ay bel1a, 1nd 1111 l1"1DUS WO"'•" D!. 111-r•,oul•. AIJD Included er• Z~ 111u11t1t1on1 DI old prlnls, aa1!rle1t Ctrloons, por1r1i1a ol f&moue IDw.-..1 1nd photo;11pl\1 ol p.wwnl day him st1r1. S~1c]1I lmpofl •Sir n IHfltLOCll'. HOLM!S OF IAKtlt sr11t:£T: A LtFf OF THf WOltLO'I ,.llllT CONIULTlll. ?fn!CTl'lf. By w. S. Borln11·Gould. TM dolinltlve 1ccounl ~r lhl Ille or o~• o! lh• wodd'• mosl 0>1r101dlnlty men '"emblod lroin twenly yea11' fl•oorch. lneludeJ "hole 1IOf)' ol Holino1· ni-1 nlng b1Ut1 w11h Prol111or Moriarity, hl1 dang11ou1 br u11'1 '"'th J1c~ 1h1 A•?Plr, •IC. Ori;, Pub. d. ~ otl No,., comol•le td., only 1.98 \ n flG~T AGAIHST F!AllS: A V£1'1Y l"flllSONAL ACCOUNT OF A WOMAN'S l"SYCHOANALYSIS. lrt Luc y F•••man lnUoduc!lon by Or. Gao1g1 S. Sto .. n1on. Tl'I• •'<•mll•C, onlorm111 ... 1ccount 1 o! l'lor own 1n1l~\1, told by o"' or Amo<oc1·1 lo1dil\l1 !IPD•l111 .,ho hid !hi cou11g1 lo wril e ~nder her o .. n name. O•IQ. pub, 1! J !>Cl Ne,., complue ~d. Only ! 69 ! r:"I SOlOlfflS 0' THE CIVIL WAii: THfY WHO FOUOHt N!l't!. BJ 8. \Yl ley end H. Mllholl•fl. 'O,., ~~O !llu1, Th• 1ctual 1111 ol 11>1 conrlic! !<om bolh tJn.on 1nd Con1edc1010 v•e,..pcin!o lol<:I In lhe 1old•u 1• cwri ,.ord1. Mony cont1nipo1111 photo•, 1ng,.v.ngs, tlr1 <1ong1. Pu~. ll 10.00 Only 3 9~ Q A H.lNOBOOll'. OF POPULAR ANTIQUES. 81. 1(1!herln1 Morrison McCllnlo~. For1,.crd by Allee WlnCh•stor. " b•o1d covo11g1 ol loscm~!1ng nlo•mahOn on colltcllng 27 dollerent g•cupo o! an- ljquoo chln•. glou, lln•or•, H1~k1, an•lll bo>.10, bultooJ, p1perwe.gM1, Ile. l'oio11'1 mo•t lhl n 230 Uem1 illu11101ed. SpeCl•I 2 94 0 'ADS, POLLlfS "'ND DELUSIONS OP TH f All!fll!CAN PfOPL!. Bv P. S1on. Owr •otl ll!ut. J'iOctoriol s1ory of 1111 madn1u.o1, crazos •~d cro~·d pllenom•n• o! 1r.1 l1•l t..O yeotJ, lndud1n13 t roon11•, ll1gPol• ''""'· oull1 bo11d1 •~d phony quii 1how1, hu11 hoopa, hipp"" I nd muth, m...cl'I mofl, O•lg. pub, t t 1!1.00 Only •.95 0 YANISHIND JAP.ul. By M'•ton W. Hutllr, t.o1gnlflc-nt !rlb11t1 lo the beauty and m1j9Jty di' J •P•n, In mor• lh•n 100 phctog•1i>1>1. "•t•• eolor1 "'" pencil .~.eteno•. 11 In lull color, tie1e h th• Jap1n n ldom •••n by v!1i1or•, 111r1I 1re11 ..,h1r1 11>1 Did w1y1 ol tit• ''' P''"""cL I ':• 11. Pub. 1! 12.!.0 S1l11.98 0 IS l HI S YOUll OAY? HOW l lOllY'l't/M 1'tELl"S YOU OETf:llM INf YOUll LlFI: CYCL!S, !1:1' i'.ioorgo Thom.,11t, /llu11tllld "'111'1 ch1rt1. Oi .. 1 YOU ll'lo n>oon1 OI dflerm!nln9 your good l "d bid d1yw. IDf 111111. comp11lbl111,, I UCClll J~ bu1ln1JJ. !O<lt tltiOt 111ull1, Orig. p~b. •t 4.g$ Only 1 jg 0 llEO-HOT PIJILIC SP!Al(JNC.. By Ed#. J, Htg1r1y. He"' lo g1'1 your 1po11 ck p•clanlo"11 pollth end o•<•: ~nd, org•nl11 i nd p•e .. nl YD11• m1tt t1a1, •11u•I aods, l'lumP•. 11C. Puc. •I ~.I~ Onty 1.•11 0 TRlASUllY OF WllCHCllAFT. By H. £. Wadatk. 110 photoJ i nd dta•1no1. SD11rc1 boo~ ol lh• "'•glc art1, Including dlwin1llon. a1trology. M trom1ncy, spellJ, ct .. rm1. otcull p11eh<11, "'"~'" cl ... """· t111a, 1tc. Co .. ,.. "''!Chcran Jrom 1arL1111 II/Ml to \I'll p11st nl. Oug, pub, 1! JO.OD ""e•, ..,,.,plete od On!v 2 91 n A lllSTOAY OP SfJ:IJAL CUITO•t. By A. L1,.l..0~1t. ,_. D, Wllh 32 ~·9"* o! P'>otne en<:! 1• dra .. 1 ~1., A hlllory hono ancla"t llmet to tn1 0111en! ol lh• am1:ina •on11y or ''""'s 1c1o..;1y, Include•: lnte~t In Eg1pt, On1n11m, l 11bl1n lo,., CM11111r Glrdl11, Ch1ng1 ot SIJ, MosochoJrn, Ero!om1nl1. ole. Pub. 11 S95 O"ly 1 9a n t:MIAnL[Q CONFEOEAAT[I: AN ILLUSTRAT[O NISTOllY (), $01JTHlllNEAS Ar W•ll. By llio1t lr.11n Wolay. 2'92 lllu•. Comoolad by H, 0 , H1lhollan, Cu•l\or ol Pllo!OQ••Ph•, l lb1 ory or Con· grtsJ. E.•tlling, !actual por11111I or IM Conl•~•••t• PtlD~lo ln act.on. Co'1!!1 th• lllo or !Me Conlo de !lla 1oldie11 bolh 1nli111d min and 01ttt111, Iii• acl'll1,.m•nl1 ol !he Con•ede11I• N1")1, t~1 de,...tlon end loy1ny ol !M Co.,l1d11111 womon, lnlorm11oon on Conlad1r111 <11111, p11!ol1 1nd 11lill11!, much mo•e. Pub. el 111.otl Onl, 3 95 0 lllA IC ANO SUPfRSflTION, By Oougl11 Hiii. TM n11Ut1! hl110"t al "'tn's blliell t nd l'I• f"ll 1nc1 o! m•g•C lllrouohou!. Goe a rrom the < """'"" to th• mo<Mrn "prtmo11,.." Ptl•lorml"' 1•tr1t 11111. crou lng ftng-ora, ovoidlng l1dd1r1. 1ou~1'11nq wood, •le, £nc•osolrg •1wlal•O~I on lh• orig1"• or I UP•!falo!lon 1nd coll•1rool'l1, 1nd "'utll mort . o .. , 200 php\01, 1ng11v1n;J, •O c.<>lor Pl l lea. a,,_ ll l\V.•. Sp.oc\11 lmpQrt 1 S! COOOOOKS, 2.91-3.91 r) ,llU!T l V!G£TABLI! COOl([llY, By MJrguern1 r 111on, o.,.r '100 ~t!~lo1 f11Cloes. mahy "'itll '"'••t•1i"'J v1 da!lon•, Tells wl\1! tn cool< !ho wh ole yeor iound. wan l1rg1 1eotoon on !'>omemeO• <i!ln>.1 ond W'""' lfom wild l!ul\1 i nd "owe•i: w1yw. ot lOf<ing ~nme.gro,.., •••0111J I•~• modi••• ono mulb1rrl1•. £111ern ••ollc1 II~• oos11on !rw1 ond "l•ngo11, Section on nrtllfll1ng, boni.~1 1nd d11p.!••1tin?, •nd much mofl. o .. , 1W aho1oa. :u lull c:al01. Tr1n5)11lon tab~• ol ... elgh\9 end m11IU<ls. t .:. l 1,1~. S1>1tl1I l"'l>Ort 2 9~ 0 Q CAKf ICING ANO OECOllATION. e, Ma•guerttf Pl'l<!n, B<1to1n'1 wo•!d f•,..out coo\ery euth"" l''Ovode• e1t e0Hon•I 1111;~g lo r 11!11 l'land!ll"'" YOIU!T'I, '"•th ~u~d,•dl ol ~lrl• on !~• ln1•lc•I• •rt or Doping t ftd ltlno. o ... r :100 phc101, 25 lull colo'. 1nd m•"'I d11<1lll{ll ~•lln119ni 1"1 •DO-odd 11d~•. ungl110 from deco•tllng w1!l'IDUI iel"O· t~rougll blrt.n<l•Y. CMiJlmts. -..eddlng 1n<l c~rl111ftl1UT c••••i !~ "1.l'tlpon end ~u•lr•li•n docor1llon, •"d much. much mOie. CO"'PO>iJD" t1bl1s ol w1lghll l 'ltl "'~•tu•es. 8'0 o 11y,. Spec11I Import ~ 9a n WOMAN'S OWl'I I OOK 0' CAS5f~0L( C001(f"llY. Bv Jane Beoto". M.e1t. lls~. W?tl•blee, oo~l1ry .. evwr;l~lnq lh.e cook 111edt to ~now 1~out l•lti"~llll? £"SV ca•oerole t oo•••y, ""'"" ,.1?11 u1•IUI t~•"• •"d l1bleo, 1e1<ed too~·"~ tin•. ""d ~~a !eiflnt1"g, e••Y·lo·Jo!lo"' r•t•P•I, lo'l'~'f ollu1. w1!~ 2~0 lnsplrl11g pholol, &O !11 FYll color. 8 • 11 \1. !'.Pod al !mpor1 3,Qa CARS, TRAINS, SHIPS, PLANES, 1.91 ·3,95 n CLASSIC AU'!'OS: TH! •INOI 01' THf llOAO. l!y Ktn W. Pu1dy Ill"'· wltl'I p~clo!. r~•G•hslj111 account of lh• l1bu!ou1 "royal ta,.,1ly" ol aut~moblle•. l 11ctu~•• t111 ~11to'y ""d 1~11w11 ol 1~1 "'••t1r, 0ue .. nberg, Cotd, Jiubu•n. S•e11tey, Sugtn!, Rcllt-1\o)'Ce, t.oe•eod•'· llG. S1u1r, 1,1,.,,,0,,_ H010.ro-S•d•• 11><1 c.1,..,1 tncloH!lng odd ...,...,1-t·klnd <••• i nd aome 11clng 1ecount1. Pub. ti S 95 ,!'olt 1.911 iJ "tOM JfHlfY TO J!T: PtCTOlllAL HISTOllY OP TH'I: WOllLO'S GlllfAT AlftLIHfl. By 0, C. Wogton. O....t 100 lull P•OI f;llDIDI 011 IM gfO*lh ol "'" ~·•nc•. TWA, P•n A"11·lc1n, Luhl'l11111, l(l M, Ouont ... ele. si,..,-... "'trly 1wry typ.o ol commercl11 •lrcron 1lnc1 W.W. I. l \lr " 11. Pub, Sollboul\d 1t $4.00 Ho•dbound Ed. Only 2 91 0 VrTEllAN AHO V!NTAO[ CA.I'll. Bt Pe1•r llloblrta. 30CI larg.e pl'lotos, with 32 n•o•t In loll c"lor, A 11 .. ty l'l(a10!'f ol 1uloinoblll1 l!Ofll 1ullt1! dlyt, lht ln-.niott, d11 .. r1, co11te1IJ. l•d•, cllanllng ""'delt. etc. Spetl•I 2 !II ANIMAL BOOKS.1.98-!5.95 0 0 •NIMALS 01' Tlt! WOllLD: AUSTRALIA. laKI by Whitley, B•odte, Mo<combl I nd l(lr>qh0•"· 0-.1 Dt l~• wtirld'• rn•ID• ...... DI tOO!D<).C ll lh!t•e$!, Auotr1ll1 Pf11Vidt• Ill• 1n1n•111;n~ m•ll•••I lo• t~'" l •~rtrl! vo!mne, o .. , 160 onolos, ~O FUlt COtOR, •ii~ ••dllng to>\ bl.• teem or 1 u>••I • l>'<>•id. I lno rull d••tll~l!c'll cl m1ny c•11turt1 feund """Ill" •I" In t~• ward. 11'\ 11 I!. Special '"'?0'1 '" n II !LWAYS, RAILWAYS, ftA/l'#All:. By H_ l mrloll. Owr 300 11\ut. :12 Pl~H In hill t:ol1>r. U .. J, h111ory rnw r1ng 111 •llPflC!I cl 11>1 '"°'Id'• ,.;1wa)'I: •111+0,..; rolling slot~. 1lgnala; 1111 0•••1 1,..,.. con!lnont1I tlM1; eubwlY": 1t11m, di9MI, •iech lc 1nd g11 1urbln1 IOoC<VllOll\111, e!C. &P1Clot 2.N n WAii IN THE AIA: ,ICTOftlAL HllTOllY OF WW II •tJI fOlllcn 1N c O•hT. Br IJ1J. Ge ... C"urMy. O...r 1,2W rnu1. Tll!llllno comtlll photo•,"'"'' Imm H <'ft g~rn.,•n1 "I~•. ahow , .. ,., 1>!1na uHd b'I' 1n 1ldM d~rlno WW 11,. 1-.ry rn t !Of •ng•11"1ntnl, m1n1 humon lnl1rtJI pl'lo101. Piu. lnlo1m1lhe If.id. av. l 11. Pub. 7.50 vnlr 3.!IS' Q AlllCU'1', AlllCftAfT, AlllCllAFT. Br. J, Teylot, 0¥.r 200 bloc~ I "'""-p!!1>1c1 tr>eludl11g ,.,_..,. r1•1 0"'1 a •"9••>'1"111· 24 pog-o1 tn lu r cato•, A r1~c!nat1n; poc!u" hi!l1>ry l•om lh1 IFme ol lh• 11••ly b1lloo11IJll ro te>d'l''• jlll, l'lelicoplera, •PK• c1pau1t1 1nd IW!'f •111(l cl 1lrt10!1, 81~ l 11. l"'1>ot1 S1><1cf1! 2.111 ' ' 0 .. 0 H•t u11r·s NURSERY: YOUttCi •!"IMIJ.I. Bt J. Holao;:11~. Superb pl'loto boo~ ol n11 u•1'g "'"""' ''n 11nolo• orl~lrd in q••vu1•, 12 1n '"" ~DID'. A1nQ01 1hroup"C•fl [urooe lo c11Cl'I hundr•rl1 111 'Wdd 1 nlmol1 1ucll •• mtf!tn1, bfown ~••• cutt., ,.,1d boo" i.ny IO"Q·••red D'"ll, rot , n~11h1•n ly11" 01\1<$, "'"'"'"'· 111d manr bHd 1p.oc1e1, t ll !n In.Ir n111,. h•bll1t1. '~~ • 12111. Speclal Import '" 0 WOfllO 0, STAAHG! ANIMALS. By V. J. 81.tntk.. ""'•zing pk tu•e 1\u<ly 1'1 ~~c1!e 1nlrn111 ·~· l·r·bly l!lusue•ed "'11~ 1:Ji v~otograpn•. lS In tolor. l~• 1 11•1~•din~•y 1 ~0109r1p~1 , • .,..,,, t••~·· ~•ting bnlno"'n CJl8'U'91 ""d brln~J @~h•la•1l1~g heshroe•• ID t1mo1ta1 Of\111. A 11•91, l'landlo"'' t-oc• t>ound 10 engio~• re1<11•1 or 111 ~9••. Sp<1c11I Import 2Jll ll TH[ Altl ... T!UR N•TUllAL15l '5 HANOIOOK, By Vin'IOn Bro""1, Wol!'I owr :>00 ll!uJ. by Don lfr1•m• l(olly. Tne !1mou•. coinr•ct lltld Qwda, wilh 41~ n•u•• hill ot intDl'm•llon on how lo '"'"g""' foe•• i nn mln111!1; claulty, dll"'C1 and """'' .. ol1n11; e<>llect •~•milt, dfltd or 111111. 1nd ho .. 10 co,. lo< or mouM them; !>o• lo 10,.c1•I c llm111, •~ In '"' p1r1 ol ttM U.S. Ong, 1>vb. at 4.li~ New, c-ol1t1 •d. onlt 1.91 n AM!RICAN WAT!lll t GI.Ml ltllDS. Br "'"t.!1" L ll•nd, With ~DO llhll., lnc!udffllll 130 In oolor. Loutl!ul book p.ww~llAg In word1 I nd plt!utee tl'I• lull wealll'I ot wal1r i nd upl•"d q...,. blrm. ol "'""" "-•le• ..., tMI! ll•bl!L SUppllmtMetl by !ht WDtlll ot 011!1~119 photogr1phlra ll'ld Ui;o M0<:h1'1 lnlmll.l.bll blt d l llh-Mll .•• 12. Pub. II 11.W Only 6.!IS ASSORTED TITLES. 1.Ct-4.tl n Ii LDICOlf CW TMl 'AJITAITICAI.; Ttl9 G\AM NAll•ONlCA. 1tr 111W1 N, .,,.,.Id. More ili•n 100 dr1wl"911 by !I'll l llthot. Unu11111 ¥111,,_, 1 plctin dlCllonary ol .,.. ••It'd _ _.,., d11gons, ··-· Mrtld1, """"'"'L 11~!\e .. holla, •I;, I \/, • 10. M . If 7.M Onlr 1.11 n .You• A.STltOLOCICAL GUICE TO NU.LTM ANO Ot!T. Br Cami• RIQM9f. Tiii •orld'• '""""""' r, .. l'Q aJtro!oglon 1•11• .. ~ti af\.d ""-n -Mould ••t for tootlt.r hl•hh br ~Ilg b ,_ of I J!f'DIQgy, Wi1h JPl'~l•I ,.cipea •nd !11tln1llng lo,.. Pub, .., 4.1$ On!y 1.•1 n f , D.111, T1 xl by AO<llr Burterl>el<I. "'°" 11\•n .00 pilCTo. Mlt<ltd b1 Robert O. Crill' •rod ,..,, r: Ginni . A ..,.....,,,bl• pl'lo!09r1phlc l'lco•d ol 1111 ""''r~1blt e•-• OI fCR !Jc111 t1>1111'9d cl'lllO- llPod In M1de P"k lo 1111 de1!n, W1lh ...::0!1Kllon1 ot go--nl lll•de,.., lri1nd1, 11111 1nd !1rn!t1. ,,., "in•. Pub. 1t 10.00 Onll >." n NltTOin' OF THI PUUJZ II PRrn: PU.YI. Ir Jolln L. ToohneJ. Thi t1""d pwbllclal ol lhe ifietlrl'i g.w&tesl ~ITI PllMnla •nd 1n1i)'fM '' P t!d "'llll'llng Pll J'I, .An l lCIUf'lll wrMlng fl~ll 1 nd D,.f JOO Mrp.o•b 1>/lolos a~ lull.w lo "'9-. lnolde ~01111 ol llro1dway'1 lflOlt _,.,..901.o fftCl!llnlJ. GI.et beMf!d IN KIMI gllmPM• ol •II (2 ptaya. pt(lductron hl1to1I••. oflelrlrol ecilllt otDlllNft14ol, m•Jc• .... 1 .... 11111 l)"ICIDHI, """' much -· Putt. ti 1•.115 Seit 2-1111 0 NIWNll COJlll"Lf:TI Nf:EDLECMFT: A PJIACTICAL AllO COWllllllJlll'll OU10L f 01 ~ ilil begoftnlf 11'14 11100.,.d nHdl•WO"'.t.11. 0.11111 _.., •~t DI 111t•ll•c•1ll illlt111ln&blt, •i!ll '"'.,"' 10 .,..., 1>1tdl1..,or\ P•otl,...,: •lllb•oldtry. "'"'""~'";, De!ClrwOlk, ~nlni,,.., c•och•t, g'"·ll'llkfllli. 11o .... rumlor""9· n>t Mlng, \1b14o ""'~· ete. All JU~•bty t!lu11t1t•d wltl'I toD '11C!M •nd II Pl(IH lf'I lull color. Ch•Dl9fl °"' 11110.1111. ,,.,,., Pltl•rna, ftnlfl!I, •llCI •utl'I """"-11'1 I I~, ~cl1l l111part :),N PROl'ILll IN COUftADll. By Jolin r.1<1n,,.dy, 10 ll1u1tr11lons, Fo.w....,rd by l'oMt! F, 1(,,,,,..,,., tmarkobll , 11+rr1ng l>ccll.. P1t~1d w1!h d11m1, 1u1t11n1e, 111911 l'l''PO"'· ,.•1rd 1nd 11trlbllllo11. roc1111y •b•ldV-d !CH you!\11 t1ad<l11 •• I·!!. Pub . ., a.oo Oflty 1 H TNl'f UVGNID WHEN I UT OOWN: AN INFOA•AL HtlfOllT OP0AD'llllTlttNQ flll WO~OI 0 PICTUllll. By frank Flow•°""'· .tr, O...r :IOD .... ,..ortbll photo.. All 11>1 11n;1oe. 11ogi n1, '"61n11rb, ,,_,,.. I'd t•rnpelg"'I, l>Ublltl1'f atunl1 111 1 !i1iwy. nM111QIO -M 1f011 l1Ctll PIMllM Md P, T. krnulll IOU.. ..,._.n1, I JI "°"· P\lllo,"' 1,)0 °"'1 U1 0 WHAL['""'' AND WH,UNIL By •. c. Church. Th• 1111 100 'f'!l 'I cl No" B1drotd, "''"'· '""' c•nTtt ol 11'11 wt11lln9 lnduttry, 1ulh1ntlcall1 c1plufld In 2(111 pnoloJ. 01<g. PuP. 1t l .&O Ntw, romplt1• ..i. Only 2 !Ill n •MElllCAN HOllSl·DllAWN Vt:HICtES. Br J. 0 , ft i!11n1'oU1•, Owit 111 "'P'Odutllont ol .,,ly .Am1•luin w111on1, buc•boarda, c1rr1.,...1. s ulklat, •ltlgh•. 1111 .. n;IMI•, tlL. wolh d1,.,.11110ne,. IPICOl•c•llOM .,,., bl1t er nost•lg11. I~. 10\~. Oftly 1 Oil 0 •OTOllCYCU: ftACING. 8y P, C..-.lck. 217 ""°'"' lneludinv 2• In hilt color. Thi ~li!ory '"" lhrlll er ll>t niort ii In !Ills '°""""' ••om •1111111 e•""""""1•f d•yw. lo 1M prowr.t. fllll .i ,.,. ec1•on 11lctu"'s fl'o., •II o .. r thol "'Drld. II~~ 11, Its .. 1.,. Only 2 M ll •USIS. Tllou.r:YS ANO "'AllS. e, c. s. Dunbt•. O..r 200 bf1ct a """"' l!PIOll'I I •f'IOT...i,...· lull ~ ln eo!01. G1111 f•-"o.....ira..,, ind C•bl• ce-., l•oll1y, aioom '<'Id l'llpt~1 GIN 19 lilt inodlr" hlg~"'•Y ~• lhro1111no111 n.·wotld,11'\ i II. llf'PQr1 Spo1ci1I '·" ··--·---·-····-·········· Clip t nd m•D thla ad IOdlyf Or c•ll me! NAM,~-------------------AOORESS..--------------~~~-CITV _________ STATF 0 CHARGE 0 CHECK f U• your MHl•r Chlrgti or 81n~Amerlc11rd. Add 5% Tu and 2SJ for poatagc /handiing. B. Dalton, Bookseller zip ____ _ I Falhion ~ Newport e .. ch 92860 (714) 844-0041 (213) 833-2200 I Vt A flar '\le J>"f brc one \'e~ T Bee pas Str· nin s ll• thr· b"' .) 17, Be; Rri 16' l'tl Co~ ~ilj: t in{ feel \ire A Sou }[Ut rec ofl <d rir f 11or T \\'ill 1he pafi Lig i::l e T In ctia uor 1 c ,, l.1 l! \\ 1t Da: a '" "" p ie pin Go! Cer °'' 1 \•:il sut Fi~ Di~ E !he her \\'e ., "1 col fl 1/1 rrr. rt e lfr> • the _________________ ..,.. ............... -----------..------------.., ..... -........ --~--------· ..-·~ r-.. -~ .. -~-.• --~--·...,,.--....--.-.....--...- . . .,, Fountain Valley vor. 62, NO. 245, 3 SECTIONS, 34 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1·969 eac ootin.__ IO Bes~ued Fire Pulled to Safety After Truck Cras hes, Burns Alert passersby brayed six-root high flames and a possible explosion in \Veslminster Sunday as they pulled three pers.J(ls from a burning pickup truck and brought to safety six injured children and one adult who were throv.•n out of lhe \·chicle as it rolled over. The pickup traveling southbound on Brookhurst Street collided \\·ith a passenger car eastbound on ~1cfadden Street at 3:28 p.m. after apparently run· ning a slop light. Sc\"en passengers v.·ere dumped from Us bed and onto the pavement lea\·ing thf: three other persons trapped inside the burrjng cab, police said. Jess C. •larris, 17, and Bill R. ~1ann, 17. both of Anahein1, aided •luntington Beach residents Bob Schleicher, of 5201 Brighton St., and Thomas Donahue, 34, of J6~01 Serenade Laue, in pulling t.he vie- 1'1eets Thursday lims from the intersection and out or the cab. Dragged out or the tn1ck's passenger door v.·ere Daniel G. Garcia, 59, of 7892 Aldrich St., Huntington Beach, Eva 8. Garcia of the same address and a child, Roberto Rivera, of 9932 Talbert Ave., Fountain Valley. No ages for Mrs. Garcia nor the boy were given by police. Garcia, who suffered extensive bums all over bis body, was taken to Orange County Medical Center where he is now in the burn facility in critical condition. The other nine victims, all passenge~ in the pickup truck, were also taken to the medical center and treated for in· juries ranging from visible cuts to con1· plaints of pain. They include Tilly Rivera, 30, of 9932 Talbert Avt.., Fountain Valley and her i:;ons and daughters Rudy, 12; Rosemary, State Smog Probe Puts Spotlight on Edison By JACK BROBACK 01 1M D•l11 1"11•1 St•ff . J>e l5iale Envtr-l·Quallly Stady council, headed by Orange .County .S-.iperv isor David L Baker meets tn Hun· tington Beach Thursday "to study tht. t.f· feet of the pmYer induslry on en- ' 1ronmental quality." And the spotlight Y.'ill be directly on the Southern Califor nia f.dison Company 's }!unlington Beach plant. Plans were rl'C'!nlly announcc-d to triple the capaci ty or the facility. The announcement touch· cd off a light bct11·ren the co1:n ty_. Board -Of Supervisors and the coun~y s aU' pollu· 11011 control officer. Testifying before the council Thursdsiy y,•i\l be Edison offici als as well as those of the San Diego Gas and Electric Com- panv the Los Angeles Dep:irtment or 1.1gh1 ;ind Power and the Pacific. Gas and C:lectric Coznpany. Th ursday·s scs~ion. startinl": al 10 a.m. !11 Huntin5ton Beach City Council ('han\bcrs. 1vh1lt. concentrating on pQll~· t1on 1vhich may ~ caused by e\ectnc Litter Ca111paign Oimax Nearing In Westminster \Vestminster's three-week long ''f ight J.1tter" campaign \~ill cnd October 2a 11 1th a giant t:ommun ily Trash Disposal D;iy at two local shopping centers. Between 8:30 a.m. a nd 3 p.m. city residents may bring trash, junk, or debris too heavy or bulky for regular pickup either to the \~'estminster Shop- ping Ce nter. al \\.'estm1n ster Avenue ~nd Gold en West Street or the BolsaS hoppu~g Center, at Bolsa A 1·coue and ~lagnolia ~!re('t. The Civic Beautification Commitlet \•.'ill o[fer cash prizes lo studenlll \'t'ho submil the best posters depicting the F ight Litter Campaign and Trash Disposal Day. r:ntrics will be judged Thursday and the. wining posters displayed at the cham· her of Commerce boot.h al t h e \'o'estminster Founder's Day Celebration. generating pla-nls ii; part of a much broad.tr picture. Counc.il. <:Mirman 8ak~ U}'S: "NbW, for tht. first timl'. the public has rt.ached ~ point y,'here it i!I ready to d1> aomt.th.ing about its environment.'' The expansion of the Joe.al Edison plant be<:ame a heated :iubject recently when \\fil)iam F itchen, county air pollution con- trol officer. s\;ited slatly that he will deny the co1npany a permit to expand its plar1t. Fitchen claims the larger plant 1vil1 pul 90 tons of oxid~ of nitrogen into the air a day . He aaid the aiunty now record! about 147 lons a day of oxide."i in its a t· mosphere, 30 of them from the present Edison plant, JOO from motor vehicle! and the remainder from various olher ~ources. Fitchen stirred up the controversy in " confidential lell er to the county Boa rd of Supervisors in ""'hich he sugge5ted a clos· eel session on the expansion of the Edison plant. .\lier charges and counter-charges the ~uper1·isors scl a public hearing for Oct. 22 on Ule The advantages or nuclear power p lanlS \•ersus con1·enUQnal ones v.·ill be f11scussed durlng Thursday'!I hearing by Assemblyman John V. Briggs (R· Fullerton). Brlggs i~ chai'rman nf the J oint l .egislative Commlltee on Al o mi c Development & Spact. Baker J1ald the council hopes to present to the stale Legislature "something it CAA accept and act upon," and "quite frankly, I also intend to us' public opinion." One of tht. council members, Dr. A. J . llaagenSmit, of Caltech, an authority on smog. has suggested that ~11 convent ional po'>'·er plants be eliminated from the Los Ange!es basin area. Gels Keys lo Newark NEWARK. N.J. {UPI) -Green Beret Capt. Robert F. ~farasco, formerly ac- cused of being the trigger man in the kill- ing of a Vietnamese civilian. receivt.d the keys to the city Sunday in Newark's 6lst annual ColumbuJ Day Parade. 11: Edward. 9; Patricia, 8: Ramona, 7; Bertha, J and Roberl-0, age unknown . Also treated for undetermined injurie:ii y,·a~ Eva B. Garcia vdm v.·as sharing Garcia's front seal. ~he driver of the other vehlclt., Rhonda G. Ribbing, 16, of 47912 Alcester St., \Vestminster was not injured and damage 10 her ve hicle was nUoor, police said. The pickup truck slid on it.! side after colliding with ~Uss Ribbing's car when sparks ignited gasoline spilled from the tank, according to witnesses. Garcia was still inside the truck when the men rolled it onto lts whee.ls and sut~ ficiently knocked down the names y,·ith an automobile fire ertinguisher lo pull him free, police s aid. In rlghling the flaming truck both Har· ris and ~tann suffered burna on their arms, inYestigators said. Seven Soviets Circling Earth _111 3 'Ships' :'-IOSCO\V lliPl) -The So\·iel Union put a third manned spac.eeraft into earth <1rb it today and nO\V h<U a record 11even men circ.llne lhe urtb tn thrtrt s.yus ~pace vehicles -flf'St staQ.e of a project to build the first pennanent space sta- tion. Informed spact. source! said no permanent space station y,•jlJ b t. established now but that a linkup is plan- ned behi,·een f\1'0 of the spacecraft and probably y,·jlJ include experiments in the fir.~t space welding. •lowever, all seven coomon;iuts a re scheduled to relum in their oY.·n ships, the sources said. SO}'UZ 8, \.\'ith two experinced co,<;mQ• naulc; aboard, roared aloft at I :28 p.1n. !lloscow time (3:28 a.m . PDT) to join Soyuz Ii, launched Saturday with tY.'O men. and Soyuz 7, which v.·ent up Sunday 1rit h lhrtt men aboard. f\;foscow obst.rvers said the mechanics fJf !ht. Russian program may become <'lcart.r Tuf'sday '>''hen the I hr e e spaceships begin Ute fir.st join t space maneu\'ers. Tht. Russi ani; gave almost American- type television co11erage or their space fir st although they ran tapes or the 1('1 cnts soon after launching insteading of f1hnini;: the launches lh'e. The Tass news agency said that in ad· (lilion to space r esearch the three ships y,·ould be used to compile geological maps of th~ t.arth's surface aod ocean!. Jl in· (licaled the geol~ical·geographic ""'ork 1i1·ould be concentrated on seeking clue1 to new mineral wealth in the vast, barely ellplored regions of the So11iet Union . The Cosmonauts put inW orbit today ll:ere space \'eterans Col. VJadimir Shatalov aod Alexei Yeliseyev, a civilian. y,•ho v.·ere made heroes of Ute Soviet t;nior1 v.·hen they transferred from Soym S to Soyuz '4 last January. The Soviet announcement said all !IVSlr.ms aboard all thrt.e spacecraft were flinctioning normally and that the cos- monaulll were in good health. The announct'd program nt.ither con- firmed nor denied the reports the main purpose was experimt.nts in building • splice station. Shatalov was named as commander or the group flight. Will Stocks Crash Again? '69 Si1nilnr to '29 But Disaster Shouldn't Recur Tlti~ i.~ th'-fir.q t nl f ivt JptCiaf r l'ports bu DA ILY Pll~OT /ina1tcial co/11n1nU.:t S11hna r nrtl'r 011 the 30th t11111ive rwrri f'lf !hf! itock markl!t rrn.!11 1u' I9Z9 . Sl1r 011al}Jt fS tht 1969 crono,ny tu lig'it o/ l.lu~ '29 crash ond u;orld drpre!s•on wldch followed it. Dy S\'LVlA PORTER IT 'V AS 40 YEARS ago this rronth lh!ll 11 world cr:i.~htd. It 11·a.~ on Oct. 4, 11129 that \~'all Street was hit hy the t1rst of tht. series of savage st.Uhll attacks which wert. lo cuJminate in the convulsion of Oct. 29. It was on that lnfamoos "Black Tuesday" that billions of dollars of dock values ju.M disappeart.d into nothingness. millionaires became paupus betwt.en brt.akfast and lunch and • whole globe Mood mimb wilM8s to the em~gence of the most catastrnphic depression evt.r kl'IOW!l to man. Now it is anotht.r October, 40 years l11tcr, and once again the 3t.ock market has been poollded by successive wa'!es of 1elling, tens of billionA af dol\1r1 fl stock \•alues hive been .aasect, millions hev• watched their pai)er -pi,ifill turn ioto wtioi>J>l!l1 loos<1._ . A! jn 1129, Ule avet&et fncomt. you ran c11m from itocks ii rar ht.low whit you can earn from h1,,,..gradt. bonds -and In fact, the spread ~een 11tock and bond yields is al an hiJb::lic blgh. AS IN 11!1, money is brutally tight (much ttghter than thM) and tilt Federal Jlescrvt. System it dt.libt.rately clamping d::iv.·n on credit It! ;11n t.ffort lo cool tht. IS.. PORT≪.Pqt 11- DISPLAYING HER STYLE IN 1943 PHOTO On tli1 Ice, Sonja Milted Hearts Skate Stai· Dies Sonja fl enie Y ictirn of Leuke111ia fJ.'iLO (UPI ) -'\"1th her d impled smilt. ::ind her Hasl11og skates, the little Nor\vt.gian blonde in the fur·trimmed skirts hel ped America forget the great depression. !llillions kne '>'' Sonja Jl cn1t. better for her starring roles 1n !iU{"h n10\·1es as "Onc 11 a f..fillion " ;ind "Sun Valley Serenade" than for her 10 world figure :;kaling titles , including three Olympic titles. :O.h s11 Hcnie. 57, diC<] Sunday nigl1L of leukr.nlla 1n aspccial arnbulant·e plane bt•1'"·cen Pari! and her home of Oslo. She had bet>n in Paris with her third husb;ind, J\'ils Ons1ad, when her cond1t19n v.·orscncd and doctors dec1drd to take her home fo r trea!n1e11t. Dr. Torius l\loe of Oslo said she died Qt Leukemia niter a year's aHlictinn. ~fiss Henie v.·as born in Oslo on April 8. 1912. and at th e age <1f 8 was given 3 pair or 1c;e skntes for Christm as. 111c ne~l yt.nr !he won the city of Oslo .!ikating title ;ind. when she was 11 !he nalional cham· pion~hip. She paid her own way to the 1924 O!ym- plc! and placl'd last. She said later lhe judgt..!i could not lake her !;eriously because she was only 12. By 1929, she was the world champion . She y,·on every world title until 19.17 then lurned professional, becoming queen of !he lee extral'aganzas. lter first allempl to break ln!n th(! movies was as unsuccessful as her first try at bec<:iming an olympic ska!er. Para· mount Pictures scoull'd her performance in a 1936 ?-.1adison Square Garden ice show and decided she 1vas not me.ant for the screen. Miss Henit. was determined. She Y.'Cflt to Los Angeles, rented the polar ice rink <ind put on her own show, which was seen by producer Darryl F. zenuclt. Jfe signed her W a five year contract and "the nllme SOnja HP.nie joined WPA, :FDR. bootlegger arid bank' night among the household '<\1ords of America in the 19J0s .. lie; fir5t movil', "One In a Million" in 1936 wa11 a smash al the box offi~ and so "'ere the others -all music.·filled flm!I more rt.nowbed for U}eir lighthearted .mood than their profundity. "~(e ~at tng.)3 not alfl~ a sport -it i~ ari art, too," she exp\aint.d. "Now 1 dance Ot'\ H:aW lnstead1of just skating ... She made her last movie. "Tht. Count of f\lonti Cristo.'' in t!MR ;ind retired. She did kt.-revues until the mid·l950s. She m.arrled Oani'I Reid Topping, the li~w York millionaire sportsman, in IMO and they wcl"e d ivorced flvt. years later. .A second marriage to Winlhrop Gardiner J r. Nin ended In divorce. .. ' u ... , ....... LEUKEMIA CLAIMS STAR Sonja Heni• Herc's Number For Book Drive An article appearing in la sl Thl1I"5Qay's rdition o( the DAILY PILOT concerning. a book collect.ing campaign of ,ttie local DeMolay chapter for servicemt.n' car~ ried an incorrt.et telephone number. Residents who v.·ish to donate books to the canipaign shoLlld call Brad Brew, campaign chairman at 962:-4521 . or Bob Katt. at 952-2196. The drive ends Saturday. Girl Shoots Brother CARr.1EL (UPI\-F ive-year-old Donna Stewart was shooling a .22 caliber rifle al tine cans when her lltlle brotMr ran between her and tht. targets. pcillce s3'd. Three-year-old Timolhy Stewart wa ... prounced rlead on arrival at Carmel Community Jl()spital a .~hort while Jattr with 1 buUcl y,·ound In lhe head, .J Today's Final N.Y. Stoelu TEN CENTS • air Mass Death Threat Told Afte1· Brawl A pair of men y,·ere arrested early ta- day in Fountain Valley. following 1n alleged mass murder threaL and the shooting of one man during a brawl al a 1-luntington Beach discotheque. Tommy W. Thompson, 22, ot 5771 Garden Gro\·e Boulevard, Westminster, aod Thomas Watkins, 22, or Garden Grovt., were booked on charges of assault v.-ith intent to commit murder. Authorities in Fountain Vallt.y said they will lodge additional char1es of possession of dangerous drugs and car· rying a ~aled weapon against the pair. Hashish and a .Z2 cahbt.r pistol were allegedly confl11e1ted. Detectives said today that Crala Gilmore, 19. \\·hose }luntlngton Beach ad· dress y,·es withheld, is li!l.ed in satisfac- tory condition today at lluntington Jntercommunity llospital. He reportedly identified Walkins as triggennan in lhe brav"1 t.arly Sunday oulliide the Cave, a nightspot at Adams Avenue and Beach Boulevard. Gilmort. -who allegedly jumped one ar his auackers y,·hen guns were drawn - suffered a .22 caliber bullet "'·ound in the i;tomach and hand during the predawn encounter. Authorities said the case began when Gilmore, and lhrtt pals, Greg Ln.·i~. Dan Newberry and Robert R.ua&ell all "·ent to the tavern about I a .m. Sunday. Once inside, police said, a light started Involving Ult. four friend! and al.so Thompson and \\lalkins, but bouncers broke up the a!lercalion. The antagonists later met again in the parking lot, about 3:30 am .. according to lhe account gi\'en detccli\'es, and \\1atkins and Thon1pson allegedly dre1• JJis!ols on the four . A fifth wilness, an unidentined girl, ,1·as present at this lime. ·when the two gunmen aUegedty threatened to n1assacre ;ii! others present. Police said Gilmore -fearing the \\'Orst -jumped one of lhe pistol-packing .suspects and wa~ ~hot by the other, at v.·hich lime everyone scattered. Gilmore staggered to a nearby ~·ice station. '>''hr.re he v.·as found by police callc-d lo lhe scene. He and other wi tnesses described the ~unmen involved in lht. shooting and police found ~ BB pistol near tht. fight scene, but no firearm was found until the car stop in Fountain Valley loday. Patrolmen pulled over the vehicle routinely because the rear license plate y,•as not working. No explan11tion for the <1riginal fight "·hich led to thl' gunplay and wounding o( c:ilmore has been Riven and detectives \\'t.re probi ng to establish the motive to- day. Complaints on all Ulre.e eharges again.~t Thomp90n and Wa tkins were expected tC> be issued today. with arraignment follow- ing in West Orange County Judicial District Court. Stock Jtlorkel• NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market maintained a good advance In moderate trading late thir; afternoon. (See quota· lions, Pages 2()..2 1). The momentum of a rally that got un- der way Friday carried on as analystl'i saw a lift in investors' spirits as a re- .!iUIL of the market•s ability lo stay above the 1969 low late lasl week. Orange Coa•t Weather Sunny sk:iei will give way lo crisp nights today and Tut.sday with increasing clouds in the early boors along the Orange Coast. INSWI: TOD.4. Y Tlit. baton is poised to launch the 1969·70 concert .sea.son in OrttnQt! Co&o1nt11. and music critic To1n Barley take.! an advance look. St.e Entt.rloi11 me11t , Page 18. C•~""llt ' ~ ... " (llu.tflllll .... ,..,..,,II -· •• C...,1(1 " ··-,_ " c ........... n S.Cl•I -1).., .... Melk•o " '""' 1)·11 •t111111tl "" ' ·~· .1!11 .... fh ... ,, I!~,..,, •• ....,.., " '''"!'""" " "'~-· .... ,_ ... " "''"''" " . .... , • A~" l .... n " ··--··· " Mii-• • .._.. ,. ... IJ.11 MHll~l'f " > IP I I I I I 11 I ~ DAILY PIL.OT -H .So Does Opposition, Viet Moratorium Plans Mount By Unlttd Prt1s l11len1atlonal Plans for \Vednesday 's nal!o1n11ide moralqrlum to protesL the Vietna1n "'ar fiOi1diffed today, -but so did growing op- position to the demonstration. President Nixon already has said tba~ 'und tr no circumstan.::es \Yill I De af- fected \1·hatever by clemonstrations ;:i,i;ainst the \(af." He reaffirmed that po~1t1on today. !'llayor John V. Lindsay of New '\'ork, running in a tough re~leclion campaign, ~;:iid Sunday he was proclaiming \\led- nc,sd~y a day of observanc~ as part of Uie Traffic Near Nornial cit Border A guilt TJJLA!\A, 1\Jexico (AP) -Tr;.ffic f'!cross' the international boarder inched i:-loser to normal today as the United Slates cased antinarcotics controls, hut )lrxican business1ncn reorlcd coin· 1nercial activity •·fa r below" usual lrve!~. \Yashin!ilon ann ounrcd -Friday Lhe termination of Operation Jnt erC'ept. designed to curb the inflo\v of narcotics (rem t.lexico. The. action follO\\•ed criticisn1 by U.S. r:ongressional and t\lexican government leaders that the operation \\'as harn1ing relations and trade between the two countries. lntercept is being replaced by Orera- tion Cooperation, a U.S.-1\le;(ican effort lo c:urb narcotics flow across the border. "lt'11 still too early t-o say what effett 0p«"ration Cooperation will have on lourlsm," said Manuel Le yva, operator o[ Pne of TlJuana 's largest liqllor stores. "But right no1v business still ls down by ~ome 50 percent." This appeared lo be the consensus Among businessmen catering Io Aml'rican tourists here and in other 1.!ex- ican border ci1ies. Ca rs \\"ere still be.ing inspeC"ted as they cros.'*Cl the border, although not as thoroughly as during Intercept. Searche' ;i ppeared to be averaging about 30 t-econds he re Sunda y afternoon. U.S. Custom~ officers at San Ysidro declined to disrlose traffic f\o\v figures. /\leanwhilc, r.1ex1co's defense minister 1;aid troops discovered and burned an f'stimate.d 65 tons of mariiuana worth ;iround $4 million on a 250-acre farm u\1·ned bv an unidenlified America11. Gen. ~farceline Garcia Barragan said Saturday in l\fexico City that the fann , in 1he stale of Guerrero on r.·1exico's :-0uthwrst coast, included a landing s1 rlp. J!e said th~ o\1'n<'r apparently escaped to \he United State s. Marine Missing In Stu·f Sougl1t Navy divers today arc seeking the hody ril a l\l.arinc bellc1 ed to have <lro11·ned Saturday \1;het' he disappeared \1·hile «\rimming in high surf nea r San Clen1entc municipal pier. Camp Pendleton officer·s rrf11 se<l lo Identify the mi~~ing !'llan[lc pend1 11g !oca· lion of the body and nOl\[1ca11 on of the nex t ol kin . They sin1ilarily re fu~ed to .1dent1fy a 21· 1(•ar-old !11annc 11 ho~r body 11 Jy pulled lrofTI the surf ;:iy E~!t1cion Beach Sund<•.Y \-.y a f('!low ::.cr1 1ccn1an A r.tarine corporal tol~ polu.e tl1.il lie lrft hi.~ companion -;i pril'i-ll e 1d1 0 1cLenll} returne~ from ser11cc 1n \'1Pt uani -swirnm ing al the 11;:i(e r ·~ edge 11hdr he lefl thf b~arh for ,1 (r\\" !n111U1f'>, \lhe11 he returned. the corporal ~aid, th!' rnan·:. body was floating face down 1n tl1e ~u rf. Attempts by police and onloo~ers lo ap• ply crLlflcial rr~uscitation \\'eJ'e unsuc· r~ssful. DAILY PILOT ll ob•rl N , W••" r ru•Mnl o<"d Publ11~r J 1,\ R. C udoy \'•t t ,.rt11o.tol •nO G<ntr•• /~l~lfH Tho,..,1• kt•Yi l Ld•lor l ~e,..1 1 A. tAu,rh:~• """"'''"II l a.:or ... lh·d w . !., ... 1h1Gt•1tt Ed•lor HY"'l"tl•JI h~k Offict 109 !Ith !.lr11t µ,;1:r9 Adclr1u 1 f'.0. lo• 790, t1~4 1 Otlltt ornc11 • ta11•r1••! lk•<" :111 Wr•I llt't •• ~-11•1td <:os•o l.<ou : l)O WCI• !UY ~"'" t.••~u &rd• :n f Q•cl • ... ,-.• c-~' fl•ILY PILOT, ,.,ff\ "'"'<h 11 (om•1"'d t~o "'"' r <C-1'-II ~"Cl<"f\00 01•'• O•(IDI .5' "• 0~11 I" 1e1>1•1•1 •O••>OI'• !or H""•"'9••• lleKf\. r ..... n1'irt V•ll•Y· (<>Jll Alt••· ,. .... to" IUlth 11.d U9...,• llfl(f\, 1 :..,... '"''"' .... ·~o .. n•I (rli!ID"' O·•~g• COl•I f'11bt<1"~ '"'I (ompo"t po"ontl"O p11n10 lft 1! 1711 W1•I t!.1to1 !ll•o ""'"'" Aroth, •"" ~lt l'•l \I "'' !oUrU, (CIT• IAt'>I, Ttl•pflont 11141 642-4121 "'"' W.,,,..,,,..,., Coll $40-1220 Clo1dfltd A4•trtl.i~t '42·1•11 c,,,,.1,h!, 111•. Or1M• (1>1\1 ~orbl"~'"" ~~"'•••• 110 "*"'' 1 tn•;,,, "~1t•11·0~" •~•l«,'1 .,.,.,., ti ~.,•lfhl•"•'"'' ~f<~I~ "·•Y ~ ""'O<l"tto ""'"'°'"Olli"'"' f•'"''""°" e< C~~·"O~O ~ .. , ... $«••" ''"" •·~···.,. •• ~ 01 •l•,.roff fl••'" I '·" (11'1 N"• '""''"' • ' ,.,, •' ' fv '"'''' i >!I) ,..1.•'~ 1. n; ..,,,, ~ ·~ m6,Tftl)I .,.-, .t••f ~ul.nlhO~;, j~(I r""< ' V nloratorium. He iald naas would be fkiwn at half.staff and church bells would toll at noon in the nation's largest city. But Viet President Spiro T. Agnew said •·1 am not in favor of the moratorium because lt is directed as a protest toward the Prsirlfnt of !hi! Lfnited States.'' And Ni.'(on 's con1munic:ations director, Ticr~rt Klcln, said, "those who plan to dr1nonstrate on ·\Vedncsday 11·ould do wL•ll if they took a positive look at ·who !'lands fot· peace. The President of U1c United States stands for peace more lhan anyone on the other side." ... Congress A Unl\·araity of Hawail araduat.e stu- dent planned to so U:> court today to pre· vent the unlversUy from canceUn1 af· ternoon classrs Wednesday so the war t:ould be discussed. At Prinreton, Sou I h Vietnamese An1bassador Bui D1en1 was sclleduJed tD .idd ress a group countering t h c n1or;ileiriu111. The Undergraduates for a Stab!e ,\mcriea .:o;oid the Prl'sident should be frl'r of undu C' prc:>.!.utl' in hi s r.ffor\s lo bring pe<icc, ;ind urged students to atlend classes~ Despit e lhl' grou nd S\'l'ell of oppo~ition, it appcarrd tliat tl1c 1noratoriun1 \\'ould . " .. . .. Doves Flayed on Floor \VASHINGTON (UPI) -Congres~ional supporters of the Vietnam moratorium 1-. ere assailed on the House floor loda y as •·.:-:clf·appointed emissaries of l·lanol'' \\hi le Senate Republican 1 cad er s chnllenged protest backers to direct son1e of t.helr energies to criticizing the Com- n1unists. Any prospect the antiwar speakers \rould be allowed to proceed wi th a plan- ned all-night talkathon in the House cv:.iporated when Rep. Wayne L, Hays, 1 D·Ohio), said that if necessary to break up their plans, he v.·ou!d cancel a p!annrd I rip to Brussels as head of the !louse delegation to a NATO parliamentary con· !cre nce. ··1 am clebatlng nol';r \1'l1ether lo go :ihcad and leave \Tuesday) as ch ainnan of the NATO delegation or stay here and :,ir.gle handedly break up the designs of a Bar Association OKs Hayns,vorth; Actio11 Disputed \\"1\SH!NGTON t UPI) -Sen. Birch Buyh (D.Jnd.), said today I.he An1erican J3ar AssociaLlon·s less than unan imous endorsement ol Supreme Court non1ince llement F. }fayns1vorth Jr. \\'d.S damag- Jng to Hayns\vorth"s <.'hangrs of con· Jir1r.ation. Bill Chair1nan .Ja mes 0. r:os!l;ind ID· J1!1~~-J, of 1i1r 1':irna1e .Jud1l"iarv Coin · 1111ttcr, :;ald tile /\BA":; dec ision "to re:.if· 11 1111 .111 carlJcr rr1d0r!ic111t·nt n11•;111t '"l1 1~ nnw r 1-r11 n1orc c11dent'' th:it lhi' :-iou1l1 l nrol1na JUdgc is quahfird IQ lake his i.CJ1 on the high cour.t. Hayh. leacting the r1;:.lil. against ila>ns11 <1rt l1, s:iid he though 1l ~igntl1t~1n~ :hrd "<i l lt•ast some. of the A13i\ ('<1111· 11111l e~ feel Judge llayns\\"ortll has n1)t ex· h1h11 rd the l1lgh tlhica( sta ndards cs!abhshcd by Ilic ABA canons." ""In view of the widespread puhlic con· r·Prn abOut the intrgri ly of \he Supren1e l'ourt, I Lhink anything lr~~ than an 11r.anlmous cn~orscn1cnt is damaging ,·• Gdvh said . ~:a ~tland. on !hr 01!1er l1anrl, said thr A 13.A's new weekend endorse111enl n( l l<1~·nswor1l1 "1s a rr;iff1rn1:it1011 of fa11h 111 hl> ab ility to 5rr\'e as ;1n nssot1ate .. 11:nv1apu11 ahd Jts. "actions Sl'!Cilk louder 1han 11·ords." "il•d Eastlan\l "!t is 110\~ {'\'en 1norc '11dl'nt rhat 11r 11:1\r 10 Jud g c !l;1r1;~11'orth a rni-111 11 h(I 1~ professional ly ,t nd ethica lly ri11al11\ed l (11 <1 k~ hts scat on 1\1!' t·,s. Supremr CtHirt " \ 12-mrniber Al3A c·on1n1i]ter nn \hr f1·di'ra1 Judiciary \·n1ed :-;t111duy 1o rf'· 111'1\f Its supporl for lla~nswnrtl1. BL1l the <·omrnillee vo1c 11•as nol unan1n1011!\ ;;~. 11 was Sept. 19, 11·hen the fir sl la\l y 11'aS 1;1 lie11. 0€spile six hours of cli~cus~ion. somt n[ 11 described as "intense debatc," the t"t1n1miltec backed down fro1n its original 11111\ed stand. An unkn own nu1nhc r e[ •"fl!'lunittee me1nbers \'OI~ a g <L i ns t Havnsworlh in the second ballot hut ('nOu.11li remainM behind him to tarry tl1e \Ote by a ''substan_tia\ n1ajority:' -'·~ _},, ..... ,., Hayns1 vorth Sto ry '%&!$ Lie' ~E\\' ''ORK tliPl) -Sen . Barrv (~::>ldv<a\cr sold Sunday a s1ory in Nf'\\'SWeek claiming he asked President l\"1 ~on to withdraw lh<' 5upren1e Court nom111alion of C]en1ente r·. Haynsworth 11as "a godd amn lir." The junior sen;itor from Ar17on;i rrpudiated the purported con1·rrsat1<in \1 ith Nixon reported hy the magniine in lls curr('n( 1~.'il.lC. Gold1vater ~aid the arli· ("]C h, "al~11 ;:r~ twisted around a ::.tory as 1·rc c1er hearrl.'' Accord ing to Kc11:sll·eck , Gold11.·utcr tclc1)honed Nixon and ~airJ~ ·.\Ir. Prcs1tlcnt, I am gelling tflephonc cans. fro111 peoplr. in my $late y,·ho are up~cl by Uie H a~·n.~y,·orlh nomination, SoltH~ flf them are f-0 conse.rvallvc thry lhink l"m socialist. They \\'ant me to ask ''OIJ to \1·ithdra1v the. nomination. l.-Ook, i ·m glad tn h:i11r a str1rt roo~1ructioni~t 11n the co11rt , but 11·hy n1u st \1 e be em· barra.ssc{] ;" ,. fe1v self-appointed emissaries of Hanoi lo keep the House in session and make it appear the House is on the side of l lanoi," Hays said. Unde r House rules any member can de- 1;1:i11d the presence of a <[Uorum and if one is not present, the •lou.se must ad- journ. Under the procedures I.hat will be in effect Tuesday night a quorum is 218 n1cmbers or half the 1nembership. •lays :;aid he was sure half the mtmbers would no! slick around but he was· willing, if necessary, to stay long enough to fQrce adjournment. Rep. Abne r J . Mikva (D-111 .), one of the i;coup pl anning to take part in the 1a!kathon, demanded whether Hays \\'as accu~Jng hin1 o( being an emissary of J·lanoi. ··No, I Lhink you're just an un\vitting loo! just loaning yourself lo their designs,'' •Ii'l )'s replied. t 'rolll Page 1 PORTER • • • bt1si ness boom. As in 1929, the stock n1arket has been blo1che<I by unmistakable signs o[ gel· ri ch.quick gambling. And as in 1929, there ha1·e be.en <l1sclosurrs of some shocking \Vall Street :;candals -\\·ith Wall Stree t's paperwork f':>ip!osion coming close in the pa st 12 1nonths to blowing even some of the grl'atesl stock houses apart. The chilling question nags us : CAN IT l!APPEN AGA IN? The hon<'sl ans,vcr will not be do;vncd : or COt:RSE IT CA!j! Aul 1lesp1le lhe 1n;inv :i);1nnln~ ~11nil:1 r1t1e s betw een '2') and '6~. 1 :-ub1n1t tll ,11 IT \\"ILL "!\QT. ·n11s .">C'f'H·s 11·111 p111 po1111 1hr il is!inrl1on)t lxtwcr11 rile tw o cr<1s \1'h1c)1 explain 1ny rr:o<.on1 ng DfSTl1'CTION l\·o. I: Ht)\V \YE BUY ln Oetolirr 192~. 1n.v young \\"ido11·rd n101hrr h<JU n1 o~l ol he r ncstegg Jn stock s 011 a Jfl pi:rtt!nt n1arg1n -S!.000 of hl'r 011·\1 cash licliind every Sl0,000 of ~t:icli. >-he "011 11cd " As :<.lot.:li priers 11lungrd, :>.he could not raise the cash to n1aintain )Irr ni;ir12;in ;ind shr was "~ld 011t .'' ~1 1ll io11s llkr hf'r also ll'erc w·ipcd oul and ,,,.. th r1r ;.t0t:ks 11·ere du111pfd lheir prrson:1 I d1~11 ~1rr~ fe d ll!Xlll ea ch other. l.\i TlllS fX:TOB ER 1969. n1y hu ,ban<l ;ind 1 :-11n·r ;) f.1l J)C'r~t'ntage or our nr~tr12:g in <-!oeks !(}n but "\1·ha t \1·r 01\·11. 1,r O\V.'J, \\'e cannot l)C sol d 011L \\'r can hr l1 l11·t bv a ~tock :<.olurnr but nnt d('Sfr oyc·d, .<\nrl 1h1 s l pl.ice as one of the n111~\ h;;~1c dlffrrt'nces betll'Cl'n !Ile rr.:1 ~ 111 ·2~. U..1rro1ring.; by !\'cw York Stoek !·::-..change f1nns to1alrd ·sa ~ l)1!!1on: to- 1l:iy, they 're a merl'.' &l a b1 1!1on. In '29. 1hPrr 11·ere no m;:irg1n ru les:-now. undcr ;i \!J~.1 law, niaq.~1n rrq11 1rr1nrnt.~ arc 80 l'rrrcnt ;:ind rnargin transactions are only lr. percent of total NYSE \Olu1nr. The 111arliet , 1n short, is 1oda:; rrst1nR largely 0 11 :i C1\Sll !ounda1ion -<ind this is a ~ound fnund ;:i ti on. UISTINCTIO N t\O. 2: \\"HO JS BUYI'.\"G In 1929, lhe typit al indh•idu;i l in the •,toc k morlirl. \Va s a gan1bler. \\'helher a liltlc fell11w ri sking his resnl rnoncy or a lvcoon playing 11·i!h millions. lie was dbove all a gainhlcr 11·110 inistook the gli\· Irr of that ere;:i ·s gold ·plaled prosperlly /or 1hr real thi ng. Todll y, t11e t.vpl cal l11di1·1dual i11 the niarket 1s in the middle-income brac:ket ;ind has EXTRA n1oncy lo invest. In the lo11er·inco1nc groups, he is typically an c111ploye or a corpora1on buying stocks tinder a pa yrol! plan -meaning he is in· 1cstlng savings. II he is trading actively, lie Is typically l1ppcr-inco111e: the $25.000- ;ind-up indi riclual ac counts for 47 percent r.f all trading by lnrlh·icl11als. A slock n1arktt resting n1ostly on a r11 sh foundation and dominated by in· 't'S\ors <'an go in to a sevrre: decline: - \1·itnc~s '69 -but. I cannot see it in an un· t·nnlroll:ihle cli\·e. These 11~·0 distinctions ;done s:iv the mi1rkrts or 1929 and 1969 ;Jre shniily nol parallel. 11 ungr:y Bandits Ellt Hnd Run T11·0 :irmE'd bandits -\vho ·wouldn·t \1·nrk until they fini shed U1e ir food -rob- !J1·c1 tlie Taco Bell stand of $70 at 9th f\!rl't>:I and Pacific Coast Highway in •lun· 11nri.l0n BP<ith Si,ind11y nigh l, l'ol1cr: said lhc pnir approach<'d lhe ~1.und. ordered l aco~. qttil'tly Ate them. tl1f'n 11·alkPd UJ"I and ordered a bag full of rnnnry :ind lcf! J)tlr<'!i vcs are iOl"CSl1ga ting the rob· brr_y lod;Jy. do \•;hat Its oraaniu:rs hoped -3ho1• there ia &Ull a strOl\i, active body of op- posltlon t.o the conduct of the \1·ar. \\'h!Uicr Co 11 e g e, v.·hcrc Nixon graduated 35 years ago, will be the scene of an an thv ar rally. Students at California Lutheran College in Thousand Oaks vot - t:d 89 l percen t in favor of the n1orator· 1un1 and closing classes. Every college "but one in Arka11sas - Southern State of ~1a gnoli a -was to have moratoriu1n obaervances. Jn Lillie Rock. a debate 11'as scheduled bet11.·een progressive Democrats .and the young AmeJ:lcans !or freedom , a nationwide campus group opposing the moratorium . ,'\ixon today rc.:1ffirmed his dedicatlon 111 <1chlcving peate in Vietnam but rcitl"rated his intention nJt to be swayed b;i WeUnesday's anti\\'ar d!'monstrations. "There is nothing new 1••e can learn fro1n the dcinonstrations," Nixon said in ;, letter to Randy J . Dicks, a sti..den l of Georgetown University. Dicks wrote the chie£ executive recen tly criticizing Nixon 's statement at .;i Sept. 26 news conference that 'under no <']rcumstances v.·hatever wi ll t be. af· fetted by the Oct. 15 Vietnam mora torium. "The policies we are now following reflect our OY.'TI best judgement, based on exhaustive study of ail the available evidence, or how to achieve I.hat goal (of peace)," Nixon \~Tote Dicks. "To abandon that policy merely betause of a public demonstration would therefore be an act of gross ir· rc~ponsibility on my part." "If a president -any president allow- ed his course to be set by those who demonstrate, he would betray the lrusl of a:i the rest." Nixon sald. "Whatever the issue, lo allow government policy to be made in the streets would destroy the democratic process. "ft would give the decision, not to the lnajority, and not lo those with the strongest arguments but lo Uiose with the loudest voices. It would reduce statecraft to slogans. It \vould invite anarchy. It 11·ould allow every group to test its .strength not at the ballot box but through confrontation in the streets,"' Gifted Students Course Expanded At Ocean Vie,v Ii~creases in tile state allotment for 1nentally giftrd n1inors have led lo the expansion o[ the program in U1e Ocean \lie\v Sthool District. Many of the children in grades fou r through eight qualilied for enrichment pr<Jgrams but 11·cre preven ted from doing :.o ~jnce they lived outside the attendance ;irea of the two schools in 1\'hich these cln .:;ses 11•cre ,given. A $20 Increase in the sta te Allotment prr child v.·i !l allow the district to include "enrichment experiences" in regularly assigned classrooms. Th!: program al'io v.·ili be <'X tend('d to the kindergarten ~rrr1. according to .school superintendent Cla rence Hall. 1'he additional funds have ~n made ;i vailable through tJie passage of AB 606, the statc·s school finance bill for 1969. Jn-service Day Jlfeans 'Holiday' Tl1ey used lo c:ill it "teachers insti· 1llt r " and 1 r~ currenlly kno"·n as '"in· ~e r\'it e day" but \\'hatere r the term at· 111ched. il causes _jubilation amoog stu· ;Je n\~ because it actually means 'hol1- da v to U1e tn. Ocl"'an Vie1I' School Distrirt studenl or, \11 11 i::rt th r1 r day of! Oct. 20 1vhen all teachers 11·ill be invotl'ed in program 1nlpl"Ol'emenl atl1Vities, such as llTitin~ projects, 11·or kini;: on curriculum prob· lenlS and kel"ping abreast of rducat.iona l innovations. O.lolll' l'lLOr 11lll Pho!I FIRE DEPT.'S WATTERS CHECKS OUT FIRE BOAT At Huntington Harbour, the Fire Truck Floats Floati11g Se11tinels T1vo Fire Boats Guarcl Harbour l!uctington t each ha s :i llrr1 cir 1\l'O fire boats guardi11g' 11atrr front prop- erties in Jluntlnglon l!arbot1r <1ga u1~t I ire. Tht. boats are not Lhe large tug~ one i1nagines slipping past !he Statlie or Liberty to douse a blaze on a great oil tanker. The one boat in ~erv icc during tile \\·intc; is a harbors and bcacl1rs depart· 1nent pat1·0J boat. The fire depart1nrnt :;hares its USP, \rlth rach departm"nt placing one man on the bo<it in round·thc· c!1>ck shifts. Jt's a 26-foot craft v.·ith two inboard engines. The fire dep;irtment has in· ~tailed a pumping lank and tw o hose~ !hat can spray JOO gallons of "''ater per minut'! on a shoreline blaze. A similar boat is employed during the ::.umrne r to provide a dua l patrol. \\'hen lire breaks out they oft<'n are the fir st JirP department units on the scene. On Aug. 12 one of the boats was almosl co1npletefy rc!lponsible for dousing a $?6,600 blaze at 16621 Carousel Street in the Harbour. .. \Ve can n1anct1\'!'r tl1rou~h !.h!' chan· nels and bead directly to a fl.re 11·hi\e tl1c ln:id tn1c\..s 1nu~1 11 ind arnunrl trickv ~trC'ets,'' r.xpla111s-engineer T.:ijmond Teal. Tl1e fire hoat divis-ion 11·as launched ln 1 :)6~ 11 Ith the purcli;i~e of two Army durks 11·hich \1ere oulfitlf'd and put into temporary service until better craft W<'fe found. ·n1c fire bo;1ts rover l.i rnilr~ of chonnrl 11 a(er. 1,200 prople . £xp.'.ln~in11 of bo1ll the :-icr1·ice and 1he area 1l corers l!I predicted for the near future . Jarnes B. \Vatter~. operation ~ olf1rfr !or thr. !ire deparLn1cnt, !)i.lld a 11r·.v lire lioa t is in the 111aklng, 11 ith ~40,000 alrendy authorized for its purrhase. "'\\'e·re looking !or a fast 30 or 35 -foot craft 1vith a shallow hull 111at leaves little 11·ake." explained \Vallers. ''and 11·e are having a slight problem finding it." A boat wit.h little 1voke is \\'anted lo avoid making large waves and s1-1•amplng other ve~~lcs on thr \\'ay to a firr. The new boat would also be capable of puin· ping 1.500 gallons per tninute on a fire. .. So'11eday 11·e"H need 1l," continued \\'atlers, "\\·c expect the Sunsel Aquat ic P.'lrk lo develop, perhaps with hotels or restaurauts and' a lot of 11atcr front usage." Mira11da De11iecl N e'v T1·ial \V,e..SHl:\GTON (UPl t -The ::;uprcm! Court today drnie-d a second hear ing to Ernesto A. !lfiranda, the Phoenix, Ariz., tnick driver v.·hosc. case niade cr1n11nal Jaw tustory in 1966. 111(' brief order l<'<l\ c.~ 5\anding a Feb. Ii, 1969, order by the Ari zona Supreme Court <iHinnini;:: his second rape con · Y1ct1on. Aflrr 1he high rourt r<'1·ersed his first conl"iction, :'1-l1ranfla, no·.v 29. 11·as ('on11~1-ed again in illaric::ipa County Superior Courl on Feb. 2~. 1967. The 1·ictim 11·as an l8-year-0ld Phoen ix !healer employe v:ho at' tl1e tin1e of the second trial ·11'as rnarried and lhe mother of tll'o. In the 1neantin1e l\1ira nda has been .scrl'lng 20· In ZS.year Sfntcnce for robbery. The Supre1ne Court re\•ersed the fir~t con1·ictlon on the ground that :O.firanda \1 hen in r-ustody <i! the police station. had ('Opfessed ll'i lhout being inforn1ecl of hi_, right 10 a lnwycr and to rr1n a1n s!lenl. ThP on1n1011 s;i1d u~e ;it tri;il of tl11.\ c0n- fr ssion \'iola ted his eons11tL111on al pr.:i- !ertlon ag;;iinst self-incrim ination. The n1;!i11 Jss11r on the secnnd appe;il ";;s 11 hrthrr Su p<'ri11r Court .Jurll'e Law rence T. \\'ren properly admitted the ic,~11 n1e>n v nn .'1-liranll;i·:;. rJmmon la w 111fP, Tw il a Jloff1nan, 3j, 1i1n.t he had ad· 1nl ttrrl the crin1c to hrr 11·he1i she \·1si ted h1n1 1n i:11J. Thr con1·crsat1r.n took plar" after the confes sion barred by th!' Supreme Court. ''It Looks Real <"\'en boost you attitude t Oll.'ard yourself -i1nprove your "sel!- in1age ... a psychologist would say. Kind of like getting a new $ports car. You know the fee.ling. , Good on tYou'' ...~ .. ~ To pot it s imply, a sn.Jt must fit your personality as wen as your physique. That's lliby you .• have to be the ultimate authority tlow many times have yoo beard tha t and woodered w h a t the salesman coold po s s i b I y be thinking of~ ... th.en it dawns on you that •'bat be':s thinking of is scparatin~ you from your 1noncy. How many tunes h a v e you wandered into a clothing store to browse a bit and round )·our· ~elf "greeted " by some charac· ter '''ho makes you try on six !'w l s a nd then acts insulted and insulting \l.'hen you tell him you-:re not sold on any of them? Irs true that some salesmen nperate like there's no tomorrow. They l..11ow if you s lip out of their clutches lbey'U never see you again. They give you what we like lo r efer to a s the "Broad- way and 42nd Street lreatmenL .. It's based on the premjse that there's a rucker born every min· ute and sooner or later most or I'" them v ill walk through the Lront door. Here at BidweU's ~'C operate a little dilferenUy. We try to of- fer honest service as ~·ell a s handsom e suits. We t h i n k of C\'ery customer as a friend. :\nd we'r e alwaJs happy lo see one of our friends drop by to chaL We know that sooner or la ter be'U need a su it At that point. \\'e can help. \Ve\·e done son1e thinking on the subjccL \\'e believe a suit should be m ore Lhao just suitable .. A.. !iuit is an extension , a reflection, ot your personality. It t e I 1.s the world a lot about you. It can "'hen the choice is made. \\.'e can t.~11 you iJ it hangs weU. \\'e n1ay offer a n opini on on lhe style or weave or color. But only you.r instinct can tell you if irs •'you. ... So never lcl your scU be t.alkcd into a suit you don"t feel right about -instincUvcly. And remember, you can relax C wh en you "-'alk through our front · doo r. Ted Recd may be there 10 greet you.. OT PetR. \\'arrC1l or Clyde Reyes or Phil McGraw. They're all knowledgeable, per· sonable. sort-spoken. They're a.It on band to help you. Kot harass. you. This isn't 42nd StreeL ~ack Bidwell 3417 Via IJdo at Newport m,,d,, Ne1'1H'rt Beaeh N~arly 3,900 mUe11t from Tim~ Square. Now opea Friday evenings antll 9 p.m. • I m " p< 'c re ,, p< n r v I< f< ti ,. '[ \' ' ( n ' ' ' ' 1 ( ' i ( ' • · ~·,·f-..-... ,+.-•1wo+•r~.,,. ... T"'•""4--•;s•,• ,•.•..,:w;;;;-e+w•••••ae:s ass s us :;w -.. ""'..-.. -,. •,. .... • _,_...., " .. ""'""':' ..,..---,----= • = q ;w a ;c o .•• =· • -·-----· --.. "' .; - Laguna Bea eh EDITION YO[ 62 , NO. 245, 3 SECTIONS, 34 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA: -MONDAY, OCTOBER '13, 1969 • even oviets Moratorium Jells But Protest Won't Sway-, Nixon By United Press International Plans for \Vccfncsday 's nalionv.·idc mur~Lorlum to protest the Vietnam \var solidified Loda y, but so did growing op- position to thr drn1onstratlon . President Nixon already has said th at 'under no circurnstanccs will I be af- fected v.•hatever by demonstrations against the v.•ar." lie reaffirmed that position toda_y . t-.tayor John V. Lindsay (If New York, running in a tough re~lcetion campaign, Do1v11 the Missio11 T1·ail Viejo Parents To See Scl1ools f\IISSION VIEJO -Paret1ls of Missiori Viejo High School students will go "Back to School" Tuesday, ()<;t. 21. Cla~sroom visit.s will begin al 8 p.m., following a PTO meeting during \\'hich the school's nc1v prifl('ipa!, Robert ;·urgcso n and the new su perintendent o[ Tustin ·union ll igh School Distric1, '\''.\Jiam 7,ogg. will be introduced. ,\ltrr l0·1ninutc vi sits 111 each clas.~, rcl r('shn1cnts w i I I be scr\'Cd in 1he cafeteria at 9:30 p.rn. Dunng lhc second n1rn1bcrsh1p:; :1! Sl per ~ld. period, PT A family 1\·1!1 be e Sc/wol l\ighu ,<;l't C/\PISTRMiO -Pt1rcnt.~ gPt thr1r an· nual chance lo go ''back lo school'' this n1 0•1t.h to meet thr chi!dre_n's tc:ichcrs and become acquain led with the educ<1· unn:il program. Tr1Jn1an IJ<'n rdict. .~uJ>('r intcndcnt of 1he r .1r1110tr;:i no UnifiM School District. sa:,·<> rffnrts ha\'e b(:en made to schedule \hr. 1nd 1\',dual schonl ohscrv<111cr~ sn th:i t rarrnl.~ \1'1th chilr!ren in l"anous schools 11·1ll be ::ihlc lo 1·1•1l rach sc hool. Cnncn rd111. Capi str;ino and Las Pahnn .~ Sl'hoo\s \'."il l hold "back to school'' n1,1:ht pro'1r:1rns Or·t. 14. Ole !lilnson, Cro\l.'n \"a l(!'v and H1 rhard Henrv Dana \'.'ill hns l parrrlts Oct, IJ while P;lisades and San J~an School arc scheduled for Oct. 16. Sar. Clcmenle High School's classroom s will be open Oct. 22 and Marco F. Forster Junior High will host parents Oct. 2.1. Th e "back to school nigh~" programs 1'111 "·ill b~gin al 7:JO p.m. e Cub l,eoder• lll eet A training eoursc for cub scout leader~ In El Camino Real Oistrirl "'ill sl<'lrt tnn1Fhl at 7:'.10 in to.larco I< ors tr r .l11n1 or High School. 2.Wll Ca mino dcl 1\vion, San J11an C;1p1s1rlll10, The course is open to cub scoul leaders throughout thr dislri1:l. 11·hich en· con1 passcs Laguna f\e<1ch, South l .. 1g11na, Dana Point. Capistrano Bea ch, San Juan C'.:ipistr ano and San C!en1entt. said Sunday he v.•as proclaiming \\'ed· ncsd<iy a day of observance as part of the nloratorium. Ht' said flags \\"ould be fl c1rn al half-staff anti church bells 1vould toll at noon in the nation's largest city. But Vice Prcsid('nt Spiro T. Agne1v said "I am not in f<1vor of the n1oratorium because it is directed as a protest to1vard the Prsident of the United States." And Nixon 's communications director, l-lerbert Klein, said, "those whc plan to demonstrate on \Vednesday would do \\•ell if they look a positive look at 1vho stands for peace, The President of the United States stands for peace nlore than anyone on tile othe1· side ." A Unive rsity o( Ha1raii graduate stu- dent planned to go to court today to pre· \'ent the uni ve rsity fr om canceling af~ ternoon classes \Yednesday so the v.·ar could be discussed. At Prince ton, Sou l h Vietnamese Ambassador Bui Diem v.·as scheduled to !See rttORATORlUM, Page 1) Market Boy, 18, Robbed Of $110 at Knifepoint An arn1cd robbery suspect 11•as ar- rested in Costa ~'\esa Sunday and turned over to Laguna Beach police afler an IB- ~'car-ald market box boy reported he had been held at knirepoint and robbed aftrr hitching a ride on Pacific Coast llighaay. Joseph Murphy. 18, of Sierra Madre. told police he was iOuthbound on the Sadilleback JC Ope1is; 'Extra' Su1n1ner Ends Silting in the classroom is by nriw old stuH everywhere else, but no\ al Sa<I· rlleback College \'.'here the school )'c11r began loclay. Jusl before !he ~ a.m. start of classes there was a mild traffic tie.up on lhe new can1pus turnoff frorn the San Oirgo Free'A·ay. Dust v•as kicked up as J:tudents \l.'alkcd lo cl asse.~ on still unpaved pathways. Based on registration. enrollment at the collei;e th is fall is ex~tcd IJ be 2, I:lii day and e1·ening studenL~. The tot al lfl· eludes the fir~l sophomores for the l\\'O. ye;ir junior col!egc. Last year , '1'ith fre shmen onlv, S;id· d\ebark grce1cd l,52.5 of wh lc h about 800 11·cre full-lim e day students. La st year the coll('ge operated on an 1n· \cr1 n1 ca mpus off Crown \'allry l'ark\.\ay 1n the ~!Lssion Viejo are;1. This year the ca1npus i~ 1no1·ci1 t:i a pcrmanenl sue ahouL a mile to the south off Rancho Vic· JO Rofld_ The c:a mpu~ now comprises 20 build ings instead of 1'.l with double the c las.~rf)Oin space. All builrlings are pre-fab ricated. The l:J used last year were pieced intrJ nine larger buildings and J 1 new onrs added. One science bu ilding still 'is not ready for use. Opening of lhc school was delayed by strikes this summer of plumbers and heavy equipment operators. Because of the late opening students will return lo class bftwern Christmas and New Year aind aUended school all of June. Stork Markel• NE\V YORK (AP) -The stock n1arkr t maintained a good advance in nioderatc trading late th is ;:ifternoon. (Sec quota· lions, Pages 20·21 ). high\\ay "'hen two men offered him a lift. The men said lhC'y "'anted to stop by a friend 's house before dropping h1urphy off al hls destination, Albertson's r.1arket on SOI.Ith Coast Highway. \Vhen they asked iI he could give lht.m $2 to buy food, lht youlh said be could give them $S if they needed it. M the c81" approached the 1000 block of Park Avenue, onl! of the men, who had moved to the back seat, grabbed Murphy around the neck. held a knife at his throat and demanded all his money, he told police, Murphy said the men took all his money, 5110 in bills. let him out of the car and drove off. lte. \\'as able to supply police with the license number of a vhicle \l."hi("h wns located parked ootside 334 Villn111)1•a Road in Costa Mesa. \\1hcn a youth <'merged and drove off in rhc (":lr, Costa Mesa Sergeant Te11 Curry follo11"ed and placed the driver, John J\lerle J\laze, 18, under arrest. The car 11·a ... Jmpoun<led and a knife fou nd in it tagi;red a~ cvidencC'. The second suspect ha!'I not been lnC"n tcd. nor hiis the $!10. Costa rtl~a r(lhcc said fl.laze had only 25 cents on him 11 hcn arrested. Tunney to Visit Laguna in Bid To Unseat Solon Hl'p .John Tunney 1 n-R11·~rs 1dc) \rill be in Lagtlll tl BC'ach Tht1rsday gathering s11ppqrt for 11n eJtpectt'd a~1c1npt to unseal Hepubl 1ca n Senator G e o r g e J\111rphy. Tunney will be at Hotel Laguna for an open house and oo-host rockta1J hour i:;onsored by the Laguna B e a c h DE>mocratic Club. Patrick Birkett, club president, said !he public 1-1athcring will be from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the hotel's Ri viera Room . Tunney is to make a few commenL'i, greet sup- porters and ans\.\·er questions, Birkett said. The 35-ycar~ld liberal Democrat, son (If former h('avy1A'eight boxing champion C.r.ne Tunney, ou~ted the late Rep11blican Rep. Palrick Minor ~1artin to gain his Congressional seat. In r!oing so he had assistance from the Kennedy family. memlx'rs of the Roosevell family an(! !h<'n Vic(' President Johnso n. SOYUZ CREWS -Sovic.t cosmonauts orbiting earth in three space vehicles include (seated 1ro1n left \ Valery Kubasov. Georgy Shankin, Vladimir Shatalov and . .\.lexei YeUseycv and (standing from leftJ Victor Gorbotko. Anatoly Ftlipchenko a nd Vladislav Volkov. 4 Marines ]ailed After Wild Burglary in Laguna Four ~1ar incs wcnl lo jai l, a crinccrncd pedestrian went to the hospi!al <ind a ruf· fled Laguna Beach police off icPr wound up wHh a badly bent squad car Saturday night folla\l.·ing a residential burglary at. tempi. Piecing logcther the unl lkcly lale, police said the whole thing started when prdcstrian Dietrich Von Dook, 28, or Tustin. "'as v.·a!k in g up North Coast Highway shortly alter 10 pm. and heard a cra~h that saunded like breaking wi n· do1v g\a~. lie ran acros~ the road and c.a llcd police. 1hr:n spotted four men running from a huilding at l5i N. Cuast ll ighway, Jlf exico Closes Tijuana 'Houses' TIJUANA, Mexico (AP) -Shortly after the U.S. government announced Friday that iL11 Operation lntercl'pt to restrict drug traffic ~·ould be replaced by Operalion Cooperalion, all houses of prostilut.ion in Tijuana \\'ere closed. Owners said they were told only that the shuW0\\1n was "bf'<'au:<oe of superior orders." Houses of prostitution do not of4 licially exist in Tijuana and authorities declinerl comn1ent. Ope1 a lion Cooperation w:i., :innounced as a joint U.S.-J\1exican effort to curb narcotic,i; flOY.' across the border, but dr- tails of how J\1exico plans to cooperate ha ve not been announced. ca rrying a !clc\'i~ion set. The men piled into a car. Von Book stepped in front of !he vehicle to try lo stop thern. The y ac· celera tcd knocking him to the pa1•ement, PQlice said, but he had made a mental note of a license numbC'r. Officer Ken Brumace sped in hot pursuit of the runaway11 while Ralph E. Srni!ev. 34, vic.l!m rif lhc burglary, took \'rin Book to Sou1h Coast Community llrisp!tal, where he was treated for br111srs and abrasions of lhr legs_ Al the south city l11n1ts, Brumage spot. tcd his quarry. l•irncd on rl'.'d lighls and 111rrn ;ind signalled lhe driver lo pull ovrr Ill' pulled inlo a lrft !urn lanP at r ard1nal \l.'ay insle:id, said flOlice, with f!r umagc 1nrhe.~ behind . Ill that poinl. rrpor1.~ lhf' rifhcer. rhr dri\'rr threw his r:1r into rr1·er~e. bt1ckcd ~harply into the r<i!icr unit , then resuincd his southerly tra \'el. Lt. Hobert !ll r~l ur ray joined the chase :i ~ thl' suspect s' car S'A'C'rved back and for1h to ker p the police units from pulling up alongside. Al Camel Point. the suspect hit his hrakes sharply and his car 'A'ent into a broadside skid. Brumage's squad car pil4 ed into iL The officers helped the four men from the disabled vehicle and placed them under arre.~t on burglary charges. Booked into Laguna Beach jail were Camp Pl'ndleton ~farines Emmanuel Steffy Hayes, 21 ; Patrick Giles Lewis. 20 : J !mmv U>e Elliott, 20; and Dennis Micha.el Bryant, 21. The tl'levision se!, itlong wi!h a 1ransis!or radio and six ~!!'reo tapes t11krn From the susperts' cat were lagged as evidenct. Brumage's squad car is awaiting repair of a bent ijoor. e l11•lr1u:tor lo Tall' LAGUNA HILLS-William Hos ton, in· structor at Saddleback College will be guest speaker at the Wednesday , Oct 15 mE'Cling of St. Nicholas Council of Catholi c \\'omen. California history v.·ill be the speaker's topic at the 11 p.m. meeting in the Parish Hallo fSt. Nicholas Cathol ic Church in Laguria Hills. Novena services v.·HI take place before the n1ceting. Will Stocks Crash Again? Smiley is awaiting repair of his window which, pcilice say, was smashed with a metal hibathf the burglars apparently picked up in his yard. e \lirjo Tee11• lo lllce ~llSS I ON VIEJO -A scramble for 011:1r11'rs on !hl' bottom of the recrcati(l n r rnlcr·s pool ll'ill churn the waters \\1eclnr~day . Oc-t. !.~. All to.fission Viejo teens are invited In Join the quarter dive from 6:3Q to 9:3U p.'l'l. They 1nay wear crazy bathing s111l!I'. iv be. fully drt'ssed. Guests are weloome bul v. ill be charged 50 t'tnL~, Call lhe recrealion {'(!n\cr at 8Ji·403~ ror r('~istration informa!ion. '69 Similar to '29 But Disaster Shouldn't Recur T/1is i.~ t.h' (ir.,I of five sprc:ial rrport.• bu DAILY PILOT /i11a11c1a l column i.~r. S11lvia Porter nn th!! .10t/l ouniver3ar11 n/ l!it! !:l.ork markrt cro.~/1 i11 1929. S/lr 011ol111e,, !he 1969 economy f11 liglit of th e '29 r:rash anti wo r/(l d.epressio11 u;hic.h followed ir. By SYLVlA PORTER IT WAS fO YEARS ago th is month th at a world crashed. It wall on Oct. 4. 1!129 thal Wall Stre.el was hil by the first of lhe ~rics or savage llelling atlac.ks which \'.'ere to culm lnate 1n the convulsion of Ocl. 29. It was on that infamous ''Black Tuesday'' that billions of dollars of stock values just disappeared into nothingness, millionaire._~ became paupers belwttn breakfast and lunch and a whole globe stood numb witness to the m"tergenc~ of 1he most catastrophic depr~sioo ever known to man. Now it is another Oclober, 40 year!'! later, and once agai n the !'!lock market has been pounded by succesllive w1vrs of sellirtg, lens of bllUcins of dol1'r1 d Jlock values have been rrased, millions ha ve watched their paper profita tum into whopping I0!15Cs. As 1n 1929, the average income you c11n earn from stOCk3 ls far below what you can earn from high-grade OOnds -and in fact. the spread' between stock •nd bond yie.lds is al an· hi,.<;toric high . AS IN lftt,. money iJ brutally tight (much lighter than then) and the Ftderal Reserve System is·deliberately c.lamping down on credit in an effort to cool the businel'ls boom_ Ai In 1929, the stock markct ha11 been blotched by unmistakable signs of get· rich-Quick gambling. And as in ~-. therl' ha ve b«n dl\Closures ol flirte shocking Wall Stret1 scandals -dll Wall Street's paperwork e11:plMton cttriln.it close in tht past 12 (!;re PORTER. f'1ge !) College Seeking Instrumentalists Tnstrumintalisl.S wbo have made ·music c.xperien~ in high sdK>OI. college or'cam. niunily orchestras al1! invited to attend 11 6 o'clock rehearsal of the. Saddle.back Collc.ge Community Orc,hestra tonight. Director Richard Raub says 1ddlUonail talen t is needed for the orchestra, tunlng up for th~ 1969·7tl Academic year. Playcr.!I arc r~ucstod tQ bring their own instrument& to rehearu ls which will meet in bulldng G at the college campU11. 1ocat<'d east of the. San Diego P'reewey 11·ith acce~s by the Rancho Vic.to Road lntcrch11nge. Today's Final N.Y. Stocks TEN CENTS art 2 'Sl1ips' To Li11kup As Station ~IOSCO\V /U PI) -The Soviet Union put a third manned spacecraft into ~arth orbit today and now has a rf'Cord seven men circl ing the enrlh in three Soyu1. space l'ehic!es ~ lirsl staj!e. of a project to build th e fir st pern1anent space sla- lion. Informed spaee sources said no permanent space station v.·iil b e £.'stabllshed now bu! that a linkup is plan- ned between two of the spacecraft and probably v.·ill include expe riments in the first space v.·e!ding. l lowever, all seven cosmonauts arc scheduled to return in their own ships, the sources said. Soyuz 8, \\'ilh two experinced cosmo. nauts aboard, roared aloft at I :28 p.m. ~1oscow time (3:28 a .m. PDTJ to join ~oyuz 6, launched Saturday with two men, and Soyuz 7, which v.·ent up Sunday 11·ith three men aboard. ~lriscov.· observers &'.lid the meC"hanic.~ nf the fhrssian program may become clearer Tuesday when the t h r e e i:ipaceships begin the firsl Joint space 1naneuvers. The Russians ga1·e almost American· type tele vision ("Overage 11f their space first although they ran tapes of the eve nts soon after launching insteadlng o; !il1ning the launches live. The Tass nev.·s agency said that in sd- dition to spact' research the three shipli would be used to com pile. geological rna pi of the earth's surface and oceans. Jt in- dicated the geological.geographic work would be concentrated on seeking clues t.o new mineral wealth in the vast. barely explored regions of the Soviet Union. The Cosmonauts put into orbit today '~·ere space veterans Col. Vladimir Shatalov and Alexei 't'C'liseyev, a civilian, who \\'ere made heroes or the Soviel Union when thC'y transrerred from Soyuz 5 lo Soyuz 4 last January. The Soviet announcement said ii ll systems aboard all thrC'e spacecraft were functi oning normally and thal 1he COS· monauts were in good health. The announrrd pro~ram neither C11n· firnlerl nor denied the r('ports the ma in purpose \l.'as experiments in building a space station. Shatalov "'as named as commander o: the group fl ight. Maru1e Missing In Surf Sought t\a1•y divers today are seeking Lhe body of a Marine believed lo ha1·c dro'A nf'd Sa turday \\'he n he disappeared v.·h1le s\\·1n1m1ng 1n h1J:h surf near San (:lrmcntr mun1c1pal p1rr Camp Pendleton officers rrfuscd lfl idcr1llfy the m1s~i11g 1'.1;irine pending loc<i· t1on of !he body and notification of lhc ne1d of kin. They similarily refused to identify a 21 · ycar--0td ~1arine whose body way pulled from the surf ay [stac1on Beach Sunday by a fellow serviceman. A f\.-farine corporal told police. that he left his companion - a private who recently returned from service in Vi el· nan1 -swimming at the water's edge v.hite he left the beach for a few minul<'.~. \Vhen he returned. the corpciral ~aid. tht'. n1an's body was floating face down in the surf . Attempt, by police and onlookers to ap- ply ;irtificia l resuscitation were unsuc· ccs~ful. Orange Coast Weather SuMy skies will give way to crisp nights today and Tuesday with increasing clouds In the early hours along the Orange Coast. INSIDE TOD,\ Y The bolon is poised t.o Laurwih the 1969-70 co11cert seaso11 in Orangr-Co11nty, and music critic Torn Barltl/ lakes an 11dvo11ce look. See E11ttrtoi11n1ent, Page 11. (•lllerll>o I C:11uHi.d t .. IJ Ceinlfl " (fMtw9N H IN•lll N•ll(•• 11 111,.•l•I f't.. I ln!tr11111-I 11 , .. _. ,..,. 11•"'9<-11 """ L-•t 1J ..... u... ' M .. llnt• I ) ,,........ 11 !<11ll•n1f l<ltWI l•I t1•1111• c11111f'f n '"''' New1 lJ.11 ~"''" ,,.,, llMI M ....... , Jt.tl ltll¥1V911 11 l -'frl II Wtttlltr I 0-Wlllft 1J W-'t Ntwt tt.11 ! 2 DAILY PILOT l De11sity Plea Studied By Planne1·s Laguna Beach planning con1missioncr~ ,1·\ll gi ve furth er attention to a develope r's requesl for increased density on a Wilcox \Vay properly at !heir study ::l'~sion tonight. Raymond Benford is seeking a v;1rlance 1hat would permit him to rons truct 12 o~~t'·bedroom apartments, inst ead of the l'lght larger units jX'rmissible under present zoning al 6J :i \Vilcox Way. The request mel opposition from lletghboring O\l"ners \\'hen it 1\' a s presented at the last regular planning ~e~slon, despite Benford's argumen t 1hat hi:o plan l\'Ould fi ll a need for smaller u:iil" for young married couples and ,1·ou!d aclt1alty result in less population rlensity than l\\'O-or threl'-berdoom units occupil'd b)• families. Planners appea red coo l to his proposal, but decided to refer the n1aller to study 1·;hrn Benford suggested as a thi rd <Jlternative the possibility that he might bP permi tted nine units. for \\'hi ch hi.~ land area lacks only a te1v hundred liqua re feet. He was asked to bring lhc .'.llternat1ve plan to the study session. City Plann er A! Au1ry also expects lo repo rt to comm issioners on a l\londay afternoon meeling on underground he and Director of Public \Vorks J oseph Sweany \rere to hold with rep resentatives of uti li· iy firms. Fron• Pase 1 PORTER ... month~ lo blowing even some of the greatest stock houses apart. The chilling question nag s us: CAN IT HAPPEN AGAIN7 The rn:i~st answer will not ht downed: OF CO URSE IT CAN! But despite !he ma ny alarming ~imilari!ies between '29 and "69, I submit that IT WILL NCYr. This series \vlll pinpoint the distinctions between the two era s whic h exploin my r easoning. DISTINCTION NO. I: now \\'E BUY In October 1929, my young widowed mother had most of her nestegg in stocks on a IO percent margi n -$1.000 of her own cash behind every $10.000 of stock sh• ''owned .'' As stock prices plunged, she could not raise the cash lo maintain her m argin and she \\•as "sold out." t.l illions li ke. her also voere wiped ou t and ;i s their 6tocks were dumped their personal disasters fed upon each other. JN THIS QC:rOBER 1969, my husband ;nd I have a fat percentage of Otl r Jlestegg in stocks too but what "A'e owfl. '-1-"e OWN. We cannot be sold out. We can be hu~t by a stock :stump but not destroyed. And this I place as one of the most basic dirferences betv.•een the eras. In '29, borrow ings by Nev• York Stork Exchange firms totaled $8.5 bilhon; to- c!ay, they're a mere $3.5 bilfion. Jn '29. there were no margin rules: now, under a 1934 Jaw, margin requirements are 80 percent and margin transactions arc only JS percent of total NYSE volume. The market. in short, is today resting largely rin a CASH foundation -and this is a i-:ound foundat ion. DISTINCTION NO. 2: WllO IS BUYING In 1929, the typical ind1vi;ua! in the :;toc k market \\'as a gan1b!er. \Vhether a l1ttle fellow r1skin~ his resnt money or a tycoon playing 11 Jth milliuns. hC' 11·:ts <ibove all .'.l gainbler \\ho rnistook the ghl- ler of tha: t'rca·s E;O!d platrd prosperity lor the real thing. Today, !ht' typi<'al lndl\ 1(Jt111I in !he markrl is H1 lhc middle-1ncon1e bracket '1nd has EXTRA rnoney to invest. In the lo11fr-income group~. he 1s typically an (01ploye of a cnrpor<iton bu~ing stock~ under a pa,\To!I plan -meaning he is 1n- \"esting ~avings . If he i~ trading art1 1·ely, tie 1s typically upper-1ncornc · thr S25.000- <ind-tip indh•1r!ual ;icrount5 for 47 percent of all trading b.v 1ncHv1rlu :1ls. A stock market re:.l1ng mostly on a r ash founda11on 11nd 1lorn in;ited bv in- ''estors can go i11!0 a sr.-erc decl1Tie ~ '11t.ntss '69 -but 1 cannot see ti in an un· ('ontrollable dive. Thrse 1W'D dlsllnc!ion~ alone ~y the markc.1.q of 1929 and 1969 are sim ply not parallel. OAll Y PtlOl Cl»tO~ CO.U1 rvM ISHIM• C.QMl>.\NT ••Mrt N. W••' '"""""' ... ,....~ J•c:\1 •• Crri..., '11(:11 ,,.t...,, .... ""'* .. ""6119"" 111 ..... ~ ic ... i1 EfllOt flio..,•t A. Mw•pl.i~• -.u"...,...(allo• ••~"'••" ,_ N•ll L nlJ'M teocll 'ih• EGllOr L,......_.Oflkt 111 , •••• , ...... Moni~t """''"' P.O .••• '''· t?65Z --a.tll ..,,. .. , m wnr ••., S'""' .........., loH<I>· nu w .. 1 .. _ .... ..,.... ----iuul: Jilt ~Ill ..... -,ri • 0.ttL• ~IL01 ...... """°' " ~-""" ... ..._.,,,... • -1-... 1. •0( .. 1 ~ .... .. _.,_ •ll-.... I -91«1\o l1JA I 0 r-. "'-" --~ (Mt• ,.._ ~ a..o. .,., _, ....... ,. ... ::.=c-al ~1lol\lfit c:-.... ., .. 111""9 ... -i 1!11 ... , ··-. ""'.. .. ~ .,, ""' ......., .... $1twl, c..l• ~- T ....... t71•1 "''-'-''' Qgl .......... Ml-4111 c.rrr-. ..... °'.. c..• ~ .... llll• ... :.-... -....... ,ft ... htf>•~ .. ...,..,,.. -·"" .. .......ti.-1t ..... , .. -.. ·--... 1 ........ -lo• .... .. ........ -.. .... -. ~ ~ .......... " ,...._, ''"" -C..lr ..... (0111-....._, .. i.. ... u m. •• -•iY1 ..,. -11 ,._. --.111 ...a....., _!IN1.,., n • ,....,1t11,. • Monda. Octtbtr lJ, 1 '69 Steam-Cleaned Brakeman enjoying his early 1norning coffee is enveloped by stean1 from F1ying Scotsma n as famed British locomotive chugs out of Boston's So_uth Station. Pulli~g nine-car exhibit of British goods. the 12()..toJl engine began 2,200-mife 1.our of American c ities Sunday. State Aliso Pier Share Approved at $334,560 The state Wildlife Cansf'rvation Board (\VCB) has approved $334,560 as the state's share of the jointly-funded Aliso Brach pier. Construction is to begin early next year and take about six months. The federal government had earlier approved a like <1n1o unt and county funds wer e earmark· cd for the project with August budget ilp- proval. Ray Nesbit, executive officer of tt1e \\'CB, said ,jThe board feels these piers are excellent investments because they Capo Bay Center . To Help Lo,ver Economic Groups A new organization has been forry1t>d lo help IO\\'Cr economic grr1up:. 111 Ilic t;.1pistrano Va llcy. Thr nonprnfit coroporat1on \·:1lled !hr CJpislrano Bay Center has b e e n established to se rve the needs of pc'oplc Jn UJC' area. 'The organiz:ition·s aim i~ lo i'lid pcriplr economically deprived with n1inunum or· portunity and educalion. d11"elli11g 111 :-~ibstandard housing with little or no cn- cour:.gement from c~lstlng institutions to improve thei r status. The purpose of the corporation 11·ill he to gil'e more authority lo the Capistrano l.on1mnni1y Center enabling it to appl y far grants lo petition go\·rrnn1ent agen· r1es and seek donations. according to Ray I:;slrada, president. '"The program and goa!s: of \hr ("Or- poration are to pro1·1de <issistance 1n the <1rea ~ of education. emplo~ ment <ind housing problems 1n the C~p1strC1no !lay aiea,·• he said. Sophie Schuhnan, Pilot Of ficial'I' Mother, Die!; The moU1er or DA!LV PILOT execu111·e Bernard Schulman died 1his morning at Temple Hospital in Los Angeles. She was Mrs. Sophie Schulman, 83. 1vho l1ve<f in L-Os Angeles. Services for l\1rs. Schulman V.'111 br \Yednesday at 11 a.m., in the Home of Peace Mausoleum Chapel, 4334 \Vhittie r Boul evard. Los Angeles. Survivors besides her son. the DAIL V PILOT'S controller. include son! Sidney and George, a daughter. J\1rs. Edit h Ru· doll, a bro\her, Joseph Goldberg. and l\\'O sisters, l\1lss Celia Goldberg and J\lrs. Pauline Glassman , The \\'ednesday ~ervlccs are 1hrected by Groman r-.tortuaries, Los 1\ng~lt's. provide a tremendous amount of recrea· tJon for youngsters and senior citizens. "Surveys have shown thal piers make a definite con tribution in fi ghting juvenile dehnquency by providing a place where you ngsters may enjoy healthy re<:rea - tional pursuits at litUe or no cost." The pier is lo be 500 to 000 feel in length depending on construction costs . Its design ha.'i an innovation. The 6eav.·ard rnd of the 20-foot wide pier will broaden into a diamond shape. Dropline fishing will be av ailable in the center of the diam ond wh ile oth er fishennen cast from its exterior. It has been esti mated that 400 ,000 11nglrrs might use the facili!y annually to lry 1hcir luck at ca tching halibul ralico boss. bonito. perch and other species. The pier 11'111 include sanitary and fish r·le:1n1ng lacililies, drlnkmg w a t er • l1ghl1ng, benches and probably l111e. ba iL 1·1ic South Laguna 1\u.•r 10,.ilf be con· :-t n1c1ed into the occ<in 1ro1n ~-2 acrrs or count y Ol\'nf'd propcr!y th;it will scrl"r as parking rirca. 1\lan Dies After Vehicle Hits 1'hrce·ton Truck i\11 Or:.ngc rnan die.d al the wheel of his light truck near Jr11ine Lake Sunday night \1'hen the vehicle collided 11·i th \\"hat 1 ':1l1fon11:i lhglnl';1y palrolll1en allege was ;1 srred1ng rh1·ff·lon :ru<'k . t\1llf'd in an 11npact th;it al1nost 1lpq1ohshrri h1 ~ \rh1l·lr 11as i'irhola~ G. S11111:ik .. 16 U1li1 rr~ booked 1!11' unhurt rlri,cr 1Jf in\' ulh1'r 1i:h1cll' 1~11 in1st.le· 1nranor m:in:.l;r ugh!rr 1·h;irg1'~. Held in Or:ingr Cou nty Jail 1s La11·rrnre Lrland r:dnry. 31. also of ()r<ingf'. !1 11 c~11gators ~:11(! the. trucks co lhdt'd 11n Santiago Canyon Hr1ad about .1 n11!r lro111 lr1111r Lake. Thry rh:ir~1'd C1i11rv 11"1\il travelint: ;11 rxrr".•l\I' :-p1·r1l on lhr 1\'l11d1ng rlownh1ll S.lrctch of ro:rd i\1orc Pl1ysical Programs Slated .l ogi;in,i:, hri.~kelball. ''O!leyball and ~v.·1mming 11·111 be includcil 1n inrn "s and 1voinen's physical fitne.ss progr;1ms bt'ginning today on Laguna 's i\1a1n Beach. Faciliticsl cf the Boys' Club, 175 N. Coast lligh\\'ay, v.·ill be used for tile pro- grain~. sponsored by the city·s Recrea- 1ion Department. Lock,t!'i and showers \1•tl l be. ava1lallle, acco rding to recrea- llon dircetor George fo\\·Jer. l'rogran1 for ~·arnen i!I scheduled lroin 10 a.111. lo 11 ·10 a.nt . d:iily and for rncn, front t \ .30 a.m. to I p.m. Furlher 1nforn1at1on n1av be obtained h~· rall1ng the Rrcrc<il10n° Deparl1nc111 , 4!14-!124, !::xi. 4J , Laguna T1·ustees to Set Date £01· Hiri11g Ma11age1· Laguna Sf!ach Unified Scbool District trustee! plan to recommend a J11n. IJ date for hiring a new business manag~r lo replace Edwin Hind, 1vbo will be retir- ing from the post. at lht' end of the school year ne.xt Jun,, Superintendent \\'11l1a1n t:ll!'m said today. Al I special session Sttturday morninit. trustees stud ied preparat ion of a JO'o descript ion for the pos t and heard t\\'O ex- perts discus!\ the rel;ilJ\"C value~ of f'mpl oy lng a cm lOtated person or so1111•. one from the field of bu sine i. s m11nage ment . S~akers \\'Cre Roy Barlct1 A. bus1nc~~ n1a nager n( Sacldlch,9ck College .11id ' Au(:usl Goetz, Laguna Beach residtnt \\llh long C'XJ>frience in the business 11·orld . Trustees must consider both business r xpcr1cnct and !he Jaw. in arriving at thtir job <lrscription, Ullom sa.id . Thl' l<1w now provides thal a r.,~t1f1talNI e1nriloyt may hold the hu s1ness nianagf:'r position if he. is cles:gnalcd an assis tant sufl('rintendent ;ind rlC'l"u1r~ haH of his 11me to in· struL t1nnt1I rlullf!S . l'llon1 ~:ud lruslecs are exfX'cled 10 lcn\~ the Jnb dc scripl!on open so th1'L <1111tl1f1ed pt"r5Uf1~ Ill both 1.'.J!C,!!Ot'ie3 may i['['I,\, B52 Strikes Reduced Border Area Hit But Raids Cut 10% SAJGON (UPl )-Eight fl ights of 85.2..s bombed alon1 the Ca.mbodian border Sun.. day night and today despite reports r~residcnt Nixon had ordered a cutbac k in their raids in response. to Lhe lull in Com- n;uni!il allaeks. Off icial sources said Sund::iy Lhe Prc.si· dent ordered a 10 percent reduction in !>lr:itofort strikes lo show the Viet Cong ;111d North V1etnan1 ese that he was will· 1ng lo reciprocale 1n scaling do\\'n the lighting. This is the area \\·he re U.S. military of- f1r1als say the Comn1unists are training r .r more att.acks. The officials said today !he lull could conlinue another month before the guerrillas are re.ady. ··t ie flhe enemy) could and should be in very good shape, particularly if lie f 'rom Page l MORATORIUM add ress a group countering t h e 1noratorium. The Undergradua tes for a St:lb le America said the President should bl" free or und ue pre~ure in his eff orts to bring peace, and urged students to allcnd classes. Despite the ground S1vell of opposition, it appeared that the moratorium \\'Ould rlo wha t its organizers hoped -show lhere is still a strong, active body of o~ position to the conduct of the war. \Vhitti er Co 11 e g c , ·where Nixon gradualed 35 years ago, \Viii be the scene of an antiwar rall y. Students at California Lutheran College in Thousand Oaks vol· ed 89.J percent in favor of the morator- 1um and closing cl asses. Every college but one in Arkansas - Southern State of J\.1agnolia -\Vas to have moratorium observances. In Little nock, a debate '>l'as scheduled between progressil'e Democrats and the young Arncricans for freedom. a nationwide campus group op posing the moratorium. Nixon todoy rcdffi rmed his dedicatio n lo achieving peace in Vietn an1 but re11eratcd his intention not l'o be s1vaved by Wednesday's antiwar demonstratiOns. "There is noihing new we can learn fron1 the demonstr olions."' Nixon said in a letter to Randy J, Dicks, a sli;dent of Georgetown University, Dicks \vrote the chief execuLit·e recently criticizing Nixon's statement at a Sept. 26 news conference that 'under no \·1rcun1stances \\"hatever will I be af- fecl!!d by the Oct. !:> Vie l n am 1noratorium. "The policies \\'e are now follow ing rrflec t our 01vn best judgement, based on exhausti ve study of all the available e\•1dence, of ho\\' to achieve that goal {of j)tace)," Nixon wrote Dicks. '"To abandon lhat policy merely because. of a public demonstration woultl the refore be an art of gross ir- responsibi lity on my part." "If a president -an y president allow- ed his c·ourse lo be se t by those 1~·ho de monstrate, he would betray the trust of a.J the rest," Nix on said. 'S,vimn1er' Held On Druo 01aroe 0 0 r.eport <; nf 11 .,,,·immer yelling for help :it 10 n"r!nck Saturday night landed a tlr 11: Slt-,11eLl u1 the Lagu11e1 Ilearh Cily j ,Ul Hcsponding to calls fr om residents of t h~ Oak Street beach area li feguard Dal{' r ·hf'rr ente red the ~·atc r i!nd ""rtscurd" f .11~· Edn1ond tl1urphy, 23, of :iJ4 Glen- 111·11 r St Tl iC') v.·rre 5;1fcly 011 the beach 11"hrn a p11hrr unit arnl'rd to.check the si\uat1on, \I tic.>rrupon P.lurphy broke loose: and dash· <'(! b;il"k 11110 the :.urf. pohre s;iirl (it1err fol lo1\"Cd. repeated the "rescue" ~11t! tu rned the \1ic1im over to po lice . 11·ho ;1r!·r.,ted hin1 on charges of being under !he inf lurnr.e nf drugs and transported him to tile sl<itio n to drv off. I . bold s orf another 30 day!'i before laun- c·hing his winler·spring offensive," one U.S. Command officer sa id. J\1lJilary spokesmen rep o r I e d 18 O'lemlght shelling allacks but said gro11nd fighting remained light, with 48 guerrillas killed in !our fight s north of Saigon Sunday against no American d{'aths. Trci0ps or the 82nd Airborne Division, schedu led to be sent home by Dec. 15 under President Nixon's second phase pullout plaa, found a cache 25 miles northwesl of Saigon Sunday that con· lained 21 light machine guns, 90 ri fles and mortar ammunition -evidence ol the Communist buildup there. American troop streng th figu res began to reflect the 35,000-man second cutback: a ~ 4,100 Gls lefl lhe war zone last Wetk, dro pping the American commitment to 505,600, \\'ith more scheduled to leave this \\'eek. lieadquarters refused to commen t on thP reported cutback in stratofort raid~ b:1!. suppli ed official figures sho\\·ing 212 852 raid~ over Vietnain in September ccmpared lo 271 in August. \\lhereas the big bombers were averag- ing nearly nine raids a day through August, the number or missions in- Sept ember and so far in October has averaged almos t seven daily, acrordlng to U.S. fi gures. The sources said that if tht' Viel Con g an<1 f'lorth Vietnamese launched a new of- fl·nsive -milit ary rommanders predi ct they \\'ill -then the bombin& \1·ould h ~ ir.creased accordingly. Dad Shoots Son Tll!l"eats Led to Tragic Death 'From Wire Services Eddi e Lira J r., 22, lived in a l'iolent uelghborhood. He was running from a crir into his La Puente home Sunday night to find sa fet y, but instead he found death by his father's hand. The sou nd of running r o o t s t e p s frightened Edward Lira Sr., after two months of threats and violence against the family, so he hurled open the fr ont d·10r and fired out into th e night . "I'm sorry Eddie, I didn't know It was you,'' the bereaved fathe r cried over his san's body, Los Angeles County Sheriff's deput ies said Lira told of being th reatened during a series of gang figh1 s in the neigt!borhood since the Aug . 3 murder of a 23-year-old n1an. Earlier in the even ing. h1·0 carloads or nightridcrs passed the hon1c of John Di· boene, 18 , and fired into the residence. 11·ounding Oiboc ne, who 11'as hi t by a ricocheting sllig. Hf' was tr ea ted at La Puente Com- munity Hospital, where you ng Lira wa .o; dead on arrival and a companion also hit by the e!eder Li ra 's gunfire, Steven Rodriquez. 22, 1vas treated for a minor hand 11·ound. Shortly after the shootings, two olher men showed up at the hospital lo check "" Diboene -without knowing or Llra's l!eal h -and were arrested. Diboene, 'A"ho had listed Lira as a suspect in the shooting into his hoine, ailegeclly identified Roy Rodriquez, 29, and Daniel Soto, 21. as l\.1'0 of the me n in one of the ca rs , They v.•ere booked on charges of 11l- t1'tnpted murder, wh ile the elder Llra 11 as fJUestioned about his son"s accidental slayi ng and re leased . Stole11 IDs Clea1·ecl Up; Mesa Couple Not Robhe1·s A Costa h!esa couple -charaeteriz'd birefl y as a Bonn ie and Clyde bandit team -\\"as cleared of bank robbery charges Sunday "'hen authorities fou nd the suspects in an •1 t,OOO ho ldup were US· ing stolen ideAtification. James E. Hallidy , 27, and his 11•ife Lin- da. 23, ol 180 hlertill Place, \\'ere iden- tified in na!ion11·ide Associated Pres! dispatches as the husband-wife team charged with the Velva, N. 0. stickup Saturday. "It's I.he most amazing thing we ever heard of," said Hallidy when the mistaken identity case resulting from a burglary of lhe couple's car last July ~·as untangled. "I guess I.he persons "'-"ho stole our property were using our 1dentificatin n,"' said the young parcel delivery service claims adjuster. His pretty blonde 11·1fe is a fourth grade teacher at La Vela Eleinentary School in Orange . Discovery that tht> cou ple in cusloclv at il!inot. r\.D. is not l\lr. and l\lrs, Jlallidy still has not establiBhed JUSI 11·ho the ~uspe.cts really are The third one is 1dent1fied as Dat·id C. Bradley Eyes Senate, ~ta le Offi<'er rt aces SAN DIEGO (APJ -Los Angelf's City Council1nan Thon1as Bradley, 1~·ho rfln unsuccessfully for 111ayor, says he's thi nking abou t running for lieutenant governo r or U.S. senator next year. Pooel. 44. of Bittier Tenn .. and all wer r. arraigned Saturda y before U.S. Com- 111issioner Kenneth Knutson following their capture . They art' held in lleu of $30,000 bad each_ Four members of the t.1inot Police Department stop~ a pickup truck on U.S. Route 83 near the Minot bypass and arrested the thrte occlpants \.\i lhin one hour of the stickup. Au thorilies said the arrest~ occurred only one hour after the. People.'s Stale Bank \\'as held up Bonnie-and-Clyde fashion in the litlle town of Velva. Authorities charged the v.·oman only "-'i!h aiding and abe tling a robbery, whil e Poole and the man v.·ho identified himself as Hallidy are charged \\'ith bank rob- bery. "l guess the persons \I ho stole oor property \\"ere using our identifications." Hallidy said Sunday \\'hen the case of 1n1slakcn identity was untangled . The FBI tnld us whoever stolt' 0<.1r cr;edit cards had stolen aDout (i\'e cars si l\Ce they bu rglarized us,·· Ha\lidy odded. He. and his \1.'ife were. on an outing near Rishop last July 15 \\'hen lheir car \\'as :.iroken into and ransacked. Federal authorities \\'ere apparently running just behind the roaming fugJ- ti \'es, \\'ho had been lracerl as far a., Idaho \\hen they \\'OU nd up 1n custody in "North Dakota . Hatlidy said a total of aboul $600 in charges has been made on one or their stolen credit cards since the car clout four months ago. ''It Looks Real even boost you attitude toward yourseli -improve your "sell· image,.. a psychologist WOO)~ say. Kind of like gelling a new sports car. You know the feeling. Good Oil You" To put it simply, 11 ~t mast (jt your personality ~ wen a! your physique. That's why rou have to be the Dltimate authority when the choice is made. We can leU you if it hangs weU. We may offer an opinion on the style or weave or color. But onJy your instinct can tell yon iJ it's "yon. .. f~ow many lime ~ hal'e yo u heard Lh at and wondered w h a t the salesman could p o s s i b I y be thinking of~ . , . then 1t da"·ns nn you tha t "''hat he".; !htnki.ng n ( is scparat1n r,: you fr orn you r money. How many times b a '' c you \11aodered into a clothing store to browse a bit and found your- ~eU "~reeled "' by some c harac· t.er \vho makes you lry on si.x suits and then acts tnsulted and i.nsulting when you tell him you· 're not sold on any of them? It's true that some salesmen operate like there's no tomorrow. They know if you s lip out of their clutches lhey'U never see you again. They give you what we like to refer to as the "Broad- -...·ay and 42nd Street treatment" It's based on the premise that there's .a sucker born every min· u!e and. !looner or later most of , them will walk through lbe !ront door. Here. ~t Bidn-e !J"s we operate a litl!e dl!!ercntly. '-''e try to of~ fer honest :;ervice as \\·ell a s hand some suits.. \\'e th i n k of e\·ery customer as a friend, And •·e·re a111,'ays happy to see one or our friends drop by lo chat We know that sooner or later be'U need a suiL At thal point, we can be1p. We've done some th.inking on I.he subject. \Ve believe a suit should be more than just suitable. A suit is an extension. a reflection, of your personality. It t e 11 s the world a Jot about you. It can So never let yourself be talked into a sui t yoa don't feel right about -instinctively. And remember, yoo can relaz when you Walk through our front door. Ted Reed may be ~ to greet yoo. Or Pete Warren or Clyde Reys ... Plnl McGnw. They' re all knowledeeallle. per· 1;onable, sort~~en... They're al! on band to help u. Not harB.!15 you. This i.sn 't Street Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Lido at llie•·port mvd., !Ii wport llf>aell Nearly :J,000 miles from Tl Stpare. Now npe• Friday eveDlngs n tll 9 p.m. ) ] I j B; B; en Cl• '"' fi r I l\·li m• r~ no c. " II< th. m h•I cc Cc 1111 B< Al ,,, '" ju. th CV lie •n th· ll co "r <'O H' '" va 1 C• E fr la '-0 vi fi n 5, II " ol ,,. r< " "' " " T ,, " w I. " ~ rr h • s ' 1 n h G v• :"! b: c g1 II h· " II ,,. II c A "' 6. p b ,, Haynswortl1 1 Damaged by ABAOkay? WASHINGTON lliPI) -Sen. Birch Bayh (0-Jnd.), said today the American Bar Associalion's less than unanimous· endorsen1ent of S\Jpretne Court nominee Clement F'. Haynsworth Jr. was damag- ing to Haynswor1h 's changes of con- f1rmation. But Chairman James 0. l~aslland (D- ~Jlss.), of the Senate Judiciary Con1- mitlee, said the ABA 's decision to reaf- firm an earlier endorsement meant ''lt is now even more evident" that the South Carolina judge is qualified to take his ticat on the high court. Bayh, leading the figl1t against llaynsworth, said he though it significant I hat "at least some of the ASA com- n11ttee feel Judge Haynsworth has not ex- hlbiled the high ethical standards cstab\lshcd by the ABA canons." .. Jn view of the widespread public con- cern about the integrity o[ the Supreme Court, I think anything less than an t1nanimous endorsement is damaging," B<iyh said. Eastland, on lhe other hand, said the ASA 's new weekend endorsen\cnt of llaynswor!h ''is a reaffirmation of f~ith In his ability to serve as an associate ~ua•viapun and its "actions speak louder than v.·ords." Said Eastland: "lt is now even more evident that we have in J u d g e llaynsworth a man whQ is professionally and ethically qualified to take his seat on the U.S. Supren1e Court." A 12-niember ABA committee on the fed eral judicia ry voted Sunday to re· new ils rc;upporl for Hayns\vor th . But the commiUce vote was not unanimous as it was Sept. 19. y,•hen the first tally •vas taken. Despite six hour~ or diSCUS.<>inn, SOITIC Of It dPscribcd as "intense debatt>," the committee backed down from its orlginal uni1ed s1and. An tinkno\Yn number of rommiltee members voted a g a In s t :Haynsworth in the sf"cond ballot but enough remaint'd behind him to carry the vote by a "substantial majority ... Supterne, Court Denies M irancla Seconcl Hearing \V .. \SH!Nt.TO~ /UP\\ -The S11preme Courl \od;i v rlrnlcd a ~econd h('aring Lo Ernesto A.° fl.iiranda , !he Phoe ni:ii:. Ari1 ... t.ruck driver \\'hose case made criminal Ja1v hi story in 1966. Thf' brief order !raves standin~ a Frb. fi . 1!l69, order by the Arizona Supreme. Court affirming his second rape con· viclion. Af1 cr the high court rr.ver:.:ed hi:-; fir:.:l conviction, Miran<!a, now 211, \Vas C'onvictcd again in Mari copa County Superior Court-on Feb. 24. !967. The victim was an IS·year-old Phoenix lheater employe who at the time of the :-econd trial Y.'as marrled and !he mo1her of two. In the meantime Miranda has been ~rving 20· lo 25-year sentence. for robbery. The Supreme Court reversed the fir't cm1vic1!on on the ground that ?111ran<la. 1vhen in ct1st0<!y at the pnlice ~1.ation . harl confessed 1vlthout being inforn1rd or his r1ghl to a lawyer and 10 rc1na1n s1lrnL The opinion ~;ilrl u ~e a~ trial of lhlS con· fcsslon violated his constilul ional pr .1· lr.ction against se\f-jncrinlination . The main 1ssuc 011 the second appral v:as ..,,•hcther Superior Court .J tJd!!f! Lav.'rence T. Wren pr1Jpe.rly adm11ted 1hr testimony on Miranda 's common la\1' .,..ife, Twila Hoffman, 35, that he had arl· mitted the crime to her when she vislled' him in jail, The conversation took place aft.er the. confession barred by th e Supreme Court. DISPLAYING HER STYLE IN 1943 PHOTO On the Ice, Sonja Melted Hearts SkatiI1g Star So11ja He11ie Dies of leulcemia on Plane OSLO (UP I) -\Vilh her dimpled smi!f'! and her flashing. skates, the little Norv;egian blonde !n the fur·lrimmed i;klrts helped America forget the great depression. fl.1 illlons knew Sonja Jlcnit> be1lrr for her sLarring roles in such movies as "One 1ri a fl.IilHon " and "Sun Valley SC'rcnade'' than for her JO v;orld !1gure :;katUig titles, lneiuding three Olympic titles. :v11ss H!'.'nic, 57, died S11nil;iy nighl of leukemia in aspcclal ambulance plane b..:t11·een Paris and her home of Oslo. She had been in Paris \~·ith her third husband, !\ii,; Onstad , whf'n her condition v:orsenrd ;'Ind doctors decided Lo Lake her home for trea1men t. Or. Torjus t-.1oe of Oslo said she died of l cukemia after a year's affliction, t-.'fiss Henic was horn in Oslo nn Ar>ril 8, 1912, and nl the age of R \\'as given a pair of ice skates for Christmas. The n-::xt year she won the ci!y of Oslo skating !1jle and, \1·hen she was 11 the national cha111- pion~hip. She paid her own v.•ay lo the 1'.121 Olym· pii's and placed J.1st. Sile said later lht> judges could nnt takr . htr srriousl;t hC'r au sr she was only 12. By 192D, sh~ 11•;i.; the world champion. :-lir \von eve ry W<lrld 1i11t 11ntil 1 0.~7 then tu rned profcss1nr1a l. becoming quc c11 f1f t ile 1r·c cxtrJvaganz:t.\, !ll'r fir~t att~rilp1 to break in1o the 11'0\ 1rs 11';i <> ;i s 11ns11r('rs'if11I ;;is hrr t1rsl 1 ry ;it heton11 ng :in 0\.~·111pic skater Par- ,1n1uunt f'1('t11r1'" ~co1.1Led ~er perforrn· <tn~·c In -a l!J36 :'\lad1son Squ ;i re Garden 1rr ~how an d df'Clded she 11•as npt meant !nr lhr. ~<·rreri . :'111ss-Hr.nie 11·a~ (!ct~m1ined . She '''rnl frl Los Angeles. renterl the pola r Ice ri nk ,1nd pul on her own ~how, which v.•as seen by producer Darryl F, Zanuck. He signed her to a five year contract and the name Sonia llenle joined WPA, LEUKEMIA CLAIMS STAR Sonja Henie fDR . boo1ltgg1'r .tnr! h:1nk night am11ng thl' hous~hold ,1·on'.ls of An1cr ica in !he ]~.)fl~. llt'r first 1n0\'1e. '10ne in a ~hllion" in l":Jf, 11 a.~ a sn1a~h a! the hox off l<'e and sn wtrr the ot hr r ~ -all 1nusit·f1llrd fl ms n1 nr~ reno\1'n"<I for their lighthearted n•no~ than their profundi ty. 'Astro Scroll' Sig1iers Blackburn, Ward To Share Podium At Pilot Series Mob Pilot's Space Show "God blei:s all or you . You're making man's oldest drt>ams come true .• :· "Astronauts are my favorilt. heroes • -." "Take Nixon with yoll ... "I have lost three sons in service. May God be with you ... " "Send me your picture •.. " "Send me some moon dusl ••. " They came from aU OVt'i Orange Coun- ty -and beyood -to write their mes- sages to the mo& mt'l'l. Signing the "ASTRO SCROLL" ob- \.'ioosty was the main altrac:tion at the ~pace show staged Friday and Saturday by the DAILY PILOT and the South Coas! Plaza Merchants Association as the grand finale for National Newspaper \Veek. 1969, And from pre·schoo!ers who had to be held up lo reach the scroll (signin~ it 1n rramped. boxy leUers whlle chewing on I heir tongues I to scnlor citizen!> who p<"ered lhrough bifocals y,•hile scrawling their name s, the people of Southern California put their g()()(I wishes for the APQllo J2 crew in writing. The scrol l, more lhan a mile and a quarter Jong and containing an estimated fi.000 names, will be $t"nt·10 AstronauL~ J~t>te Congrad, Dick Gerdon and Al .Bean before their blastoff Nov. l4 for man·s 5econd trip to the surfac~ of the moon. Affixed to the top of lht. more than 6.~00·foot·long roll or paper on which s!io11· vis itors \\'role !heir names and personal notes to the astronauts will be the lC'xt which y,•as displayed at the DAI- LY PILOT exhibit in South Coast Plaza. It read: ··rr the Crew of Apollo 12: ''From Orange County, California. we gend you wann greetings and heartfelt \vishes for a happy landing as you prepare to venture into the vastness of spacl' to place another 15et of American lootprints on the moon. "The courage • .skill and dedication ex· €'mplified by you and the astronauts who "·er.t before you are a 'iource of pride and inspiration to us all. "C'.ood luck and Godspeed."' The ASTRO SCROLL was the focal point of a space sho1v v.·hich included prin1s of pictures made on the moon by Astronauls Neil An11str011g and ''Buzz" Aldrin and in lunar orbit by their fellow crt>.,.,·man of lhe Apollo 11 mission, t.Uchael Collins. It also included exhibits from the Philco-Ford COrp., Mc~ll Douglas Astronautics Co .. North American Rockwell Corp., and the Hug.hes Aircraft C-0 Stewardess gtudenl~ from Orange Coast Co llfge ac:ted as hostesses during the twi>Qay show. C;:ip Blackburn, cne of I.he Harhor Area 's most prominen1 rl'al estalt> men ;ind ont> of the orlhinators of the DAILY PILOT·Orange Co;isl College Real E.!=tatc l11vcstment Con(ertnce. b; on the agenda for Tut>sday nigl1t's session or the 1969 series. Blackburn v.•ill be joint>d at the podium by Don Ward. The course, prescnh!d in cooperation "'ith the Newport Harbor·~la Me6a Board of Realtors. i! open free of charge to the general public . Tickets for Tuesday'11 ~ession and for the remaining two in the four-part series will be available at the auditorium door at Newport Harbc.r High School at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Opening Utis, the sec(lnrl session or !hf! series, will be Ward 's lecture on Manag- ing Y()W' Investment." The lt'cture will cover problems of stlf· managemt>nt of rea l estate, costs of prn- fes~ional management and guidelines to help determine whether professional man· ai::ement should be used. Blackburn's lecture. "Svndirallon -~1ore Im portant Than Evrr·~ ... will cover the role syndication can play in acquiring and developing real property. It will emphasize the importance of syndication at a Ume when money is short and in· flalion continues. Blackburn was the original le<'lurer In the real eslate series when it started (I ve years ago. He is a past president of the Hunling\Qn Beach Board of Realtors and was for three yearR a di.rector on the board of the California Real Estate Association. Monday, Octobfr 1), 1%9 l DAIL '1 'llot 3 Protest Backers Hit Q ' < Called 'Self-appointed Emissaries of Hanoi'" WASHINGTON (UP I) -Congressional supporters of the \'letnam moratorium were assailed on the House floor today as "sell-appointed emissaries of Hanoi" \Yhile Senate Republican I f'! a d e r s chall:"nged protest backers to direct some o(_ their f'!nergies lo criticizing the Com- munists. Any prospect the antiwar speakers would be allowed to proceed with a plan- ned all·night talkathon in the House evaporated when Rep. Wayne L. Hays. ([}-()hio), said that if necessary to break up their plans, he would cancel a planned * * * UCI Students Won't Picket Defense Plant Ari:iwar students at UC lrvir/e have changed their plans and \viii not march \Vednesday on a local war industry plant. Studt>nts have decided there is not suf· ficienl time to organize a successful march but still are planning other activ- ities as part of the nationwide n1orator· ium to protest the Vietnam v.·ar. Partici nants in the moratorium at UCl are p\aniiing alternative education class- es on the war, a 12 :30 p.m. rally and a Vietnam dead mt>morial service. They v.·ere turned down by Chancellor Daniel Aldrich Jr. on their request that all classes be cancelled and University staff be allov.'ed to parlicipate in the mor· atorium without Joss of pay. ·some faculty members v.'i!I not hold classes Wednesday, buL nciborly knov•s rx· actly how many. ~ome professors of bi- ology reportedly \\'ill speak on the effects or biological and germ v.·arrari'. in the discu ssions billed as alternative educa· 1111n. "[ think there is a !ot nf ~ympathy among !hr. faculty, but as to the number nf prof~ssors \vhn are going to close class· rs I really have no idea ," said Eri'<' Nr.1- S(ln of the University fl.1oratorium Com- mitee . Sludenl-; may be saving the march on ;\ war industry plant for later. Should the 11·ar sti \1 he going Nov. 15 a 111·0-dav mor- ato rium ls planned and ~n on, 1v1th an additiona l day each succeeding month. Cels ](c,s to Newark ' NE\VARK, N .. J. IUP!l -t.rl'rn Berrl (;inL Robert f . fl.1ara sco. forn1erly ac- cuSed of being the trigger man in the kil!- i:~g of a \lie!n a1ne~e civilian. rerrived the l\(ly.s to the city Sunday in Newark's 6lst ;innua! Columbus Day Parade. lrip to Brussf'!ls as head of the House delegation to a NATO parliamentary con· ferenee. .. f am debat ing now whether to go ahead and leave iTue.sday) as chairman of the NATO de_legation or stay here and sir.gle handedly break up the designs of a few self-appointed emissaries of Hanoi to keep the House in session and make it appear the House is on the side of Hanoi." Hays said. Unde r House rules any member can de- r.tJnd the presence of a quorum and if one is not present, the House must ad- Meets Thursday joum. Under the procedures that will M·t in efft>ct Tuesday night a quorum ill 211 • n1embers or hair the membershlp.'Hays said he was sure half the membf'!rs would not stick around but he was willing. if nectssary. to stay long enough to force. adjourmnent. Rep. Abner J. Mikva (Q.JIJ .), one of lhf'! groo p planning to take part in thf'! talkalhon, demandf'!d whether Hays was accusing him of being an emissary of Hanoi. "No, I think you're just an unwltting too! just loanlng yourself to lheir designs," Hays replied. State Smog Probe Puts Spotlight on Edison C\y JACK BROBACK Of th• D11ly l"llOI 51•11 The state Environmental Quality Study Council, headed by Orange County Supervisor David L Baker meets in Hun· lington Beach Thursday "to study the ef- fe ct of the power industry on en- vironmental quality." And the spotlight will be directly on the Southl'rn California Edison Company's Huntington Beach plant. Plans wt>re recently announced to triple the capacity of the facility. The announcement touch- ed off a light between the county, Board of Supt'rv1sors and the county's air pollu- tion rontrol orficer. Testifying before the rouocil Thursday will be Edison officials as well as tho~e of !he San Diego Gas ;ind Electric Com- pany, the Los Angeles Dcparlmt>nt of J.igh1 and Pov.·er and lhc Paci!ic Gas and Clectric Company. Thursd;iy·s session, starting al 10 a.m. in Huntington _Beach City Council chan11lf'rs. while concentrating on pollu· tion which may be caused by electric generating plants is part of a much bro<1der picture . Ccuncil Chairman Baker savs: "Now, f0r the fir st tin1e. the public h~s reached lhe point \Yhere it is ready to do ,sornrthing abou t its environment." The expansion of the local Edi.<;0n plant tiPcan1e a heated subject recently when \\'1\liam Fitchen, county air polluti(ln con· 1r\\I officer. stated ~latly that he will deny 1h,., company a permit to expand il~ pl:1r,1. FiTchf'n cla lms !h1~ larger plant will put !lO tons of oxides of nitrogen intQ the air a day. lie said the county now record! .about 147 tons a day of oxides in ib at· mosphert, 30 of them from the present. Edison plant. JOO from motor vehicles and the remainder from various other sources. Fitchen stirred up the controversy tn a confidential letter to the ~ty Board of SuperviJors ·in which he suggested a clos· ed session on the expansion of the F.dison plant. Arter charges and counter-charges thf'! supervisors Sf'!t a public hearini for Oct. 22 on the The advantages or nuclear power plants versus convt>ntional Oflf'!I will be rliscussed during Thursday's hearing by Assemblyman John V. Briggg (R· Fullerton). Briggs is chairman of the Joint J ,egislative Committee on A to m I c Development & Spa~. Baker said the council hopes to present to thf'! state Legislature "50mething it can accept an<I ad upon," and ''quite frankly , I also intend to use public opinion." One: of thf'! council members, Dr. A. J . llaagt>nSmit, of Caltech. an authority on i;mog, has suggested that all convf'!ntiooal power plants be eliminated from the LOI! Angeles basin area. Anders, Hickel Speak SACR.Ai'1ENTO (UPI) -Gov. Ronald Reagan's office says Astronaut William Anders and Interior Secretary Waltf'!r J . flickel will be 1mong 75 speakers at next month's conft>re nce on "California's Changing Env'ironment." G COLOR PORTRAITS ~ * LIVING COLOR POl'f~ ~ ... ... > -.J UI ... -< II! I-D! 0 D. !?: 0 .J 0 (J 0 z -> -• ... ANGEL OF A DEAL ' . i I • !\:. FOR THE LITTLE ANGELS! BIG 8'' x 10'' LIVING COLOR . PORTRAIT c ... en * * r" -< -z C> (') 0 6 ::II "II NOW ONLY ,0 .t"'". ::II .... - GENUINE FULL NATURAL COLOR PORTRAITS! Not the old style tintlld or painted black & white photos. SATISFACTION GUARANTtED Plus 50¢ Handling ''" · .•.• ,.t. ""'" FOR ALL AGESl . ~..:; Babiu, children, 1dults. Gr'OIJllS l!llolocrtr.h•d at 1111 addilional 99~ per IUl>jeet. LIMITED OFFER! or your money refunded. One per subject. tM' per family. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT OUANTITIES. This very special offer is presented as an expression of our thanks for yaur ~age. ""'J4'~· 6 DAYS ONLY . ... ::a ,. ~ * WH""'"1"1E 1 MOii., OCT. 13 .. Tiii SAT .. OCT. lltll >; P~OTOGRAPHER'S HOURS: ~OON.t~:.M,MON.thl'll SAT, FRONT J SAN BERNARDINO ~ ONTARIO• COSTA MESA I ! I I r \' I • • 4 DAllY PILOT M~y. Oct.obrr lJ, 1%9 Aru1y Camp~ Chi~ago Under Siege Georgia Gov. Leiter M•ddox is turning out to be a "week" gov· ernor. Gov_ Maddox has proclaim· ed this "Rodeo Week ," "Square Dance Week" "4-H Week," and '-Shrine Bowl GoU Week." Nex t week's week is "Licensed Practi· cal Nurses Week." Also, for "day" buffs. Friday '"'as "Fl\1 Radio Day," and Saturday was "Dr George Drew Conger Day." 0 For Dante Wadlington, a 33().. pound defense tackle for Sotrlh Shore Hi gh School in Chi cago it was his bi~ chance. Dante grabbed a fumble in mid-air and dove t\vo yards for a touchdown to lead his team to a 14-0 v.·in over Gage Park. However t.he t eam's newest offensive star admitted after the game: ••For a second I thought I'd done something wrong." FORT DIX MILITARY POLICEMEN FORCE VIETNAM PEACE DEMONSTRATORS BACK (LEFT) WHILE CHICAGO POLICE ARREST SOS RIOTERS • TMse thrtt bikini-clad btauties art off and rurmina for thl ti!.U "Miss Outir Spact." Rtquirtnunt.1 for tht contestants includts jogging a milt a.s well a.s looki11g good i11 a skimpy .suit. \Vinntt will rece1 vl! an all tI· ptmt paid trip to tM moon -but tht trip U not e.xpected f or anolher 14 '1tflrS. e 8,000 Civilians March on Ft. Dix FT. DIX, N.J . !UPI) -Nearly 8,000 civilian demonstrators stormed Ft. Dix Anny Base Sunday but were repulsed by tear gas and bayonet-wielding military policemen. There were no injuries or arrests ln what one of the organlrers called a ''perfect demonstration." Spokesmen promised a larger demonstration if the Army continued to prosecute soldiers in- volved In a stockade riot last summer. The demonstrators -mostly militant Antismoking Ads To Stay Despite No Commercials WASHINGTIJN (UPI) -The nation's broadcasters served not.ice today they plan to continue antismoklng com- mercials even after radio and television :advertising of cigarettes is discontinued next Sept.ember, college students from Philadelphia and New York representing 29 organizations -protested the arrests of 38 enlisted men charged with masterminding the June 5 stockade riot. Shouting "Power lo the People" and "Free the Ft. Dix 38," hundreds of demonstrators broke through the ranks of some t,000 military policemen to get onto the mammoth post. They were dr iven from the installation \\'ithin half an hour • Lt. Col. A. J . Nealon, post Wormation officer, &aid it was the first time in modern history civilians had invaded a U.S. military installation. T~ demonstrat-Ors marched more than a mile from a Wrightstown coffeehouse. The demonstrators termed the arrested soldiers "political prisoners," and called for an aboLition of the stockade system and an end to the Vietnam War. Organizers called Sunday's confrontation a "perfect demonstration. Nat one punch u·as thro\\11. The only violence was the Army's tear gas," said the organizer. The Army said only 35 soldiers w-ere ar. r ested in the June 5 window-smashing, fumilure-!hrowing incident. or those at• rested, 20 have had their charges dropped and four have been acquitted. * * Israeli Jets Long Paralysis Riddle Jordan For 3rd Ti1ne Faces· SDS Victim By United Press International Israeli v.·arplanes \\'t'nl on the a ttack into Jordan for the third tlme in five clays today, bombing what Tel Aviv described as a guerrilla base within four minutes fl ying time of the capital at Amman. The Israeli announcement said the aerial attack lasted "a rew minutes" against the camp three miles north of Salt, 20 miles inside Jordan. All the raiders returned safely, mi Ii tar y spokesmen said. · Today's raids followed similar strikes Into Egypt by Israeli jets Sunday. They hit along the Suez Canal, where a tern· porary truce was called today so the Israelis could return the bodies of tv.·o Egyptian commandos slain in cross<anal raid.s. The e1:change was the second in six days. Last Wednesday, each side turned over about 100 civilian prisoners to the olhcr in a temporary standdown ar· ranged by the International Red Cros.s. An Egyptian official who rt>Cently returned from North Vietnam 11aid in Cairo Sunday that Hanoi's military com- mander had told him that guerrilla ·wartare was th e way to beat the Israelis. CHICAGO (AP) -An assistant cor· poration counsel injured during a street rampage by a militant faction of the Students for a Democratic Society faces many months of paralysis, doctors say. Charged with alt%pted murder and aggra\·at cd batten· in the attack Satur- day on Richard ·Elrod, 35, v.·as Brain Flanagan, 22, of Soulhampton, N.Y. Official Ref ute..lii General Ttrrner's Gnu Testimony WASHINGTON (UPI) -Chicaga·s police superintendent testified today that reUred J\iaj, Gc.n. Carl C. Turner pleaded v;ilh him to destroy receipts the ge~ral sign«! for confiscated guns v.hicb he sold later for personal profil. "They're out to get me," Superin· tendent James B. Conlisk Jr. quoted TUITl('r as saying. Flanagan was held today in $10,000 bail. Elrod \\'as in1'olved. in a scuffle when members of the Weathennan faction of SOS demonstrated in the downtov.11 Loop area. His neck was broken and his body paralyzed. The march was the culmination of four days of violence at demonstrations called by the Weatherman SOS faction which harl vov•ed to "bring the \\'at home'' lo Chlcago. Organizers predicted 5.000 to 15,000 persons v.·ould take part. No more than 500 took part in any demonstration. Some 25 Opersons \\'ere arrested during the four days, about half of them Satur· day. f\.1ost were charged with mob action, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. The rampage began Wednesday v.·hen demonstralors burst from a rally in Lin· coin Park and stormed through the near Norlh Side, breaking windows and fighting v.·ith police. Some 250 persons were arrested during released from duty Sunday by Gov. Richard B. Og ih·ie, who ordered lhem to stand by after \\'ednesday night'1 villence. Sunday v.·as quiet and police said oul-of· town demonstratcn-s not in jail had left lhe city. Britain'• firllt pub for nudi•ts has opened in Br1cket Wood. The barmaid is 24-year-old M•ur•en Fowler, wearing a minidress. She and her 47-year-0ld husband n1n the 7()().membcr Five Acres Nudist Club. "It's something by husband and I d ecided," she explained. "He dresses when he is cooking. It's no fun when there's hot fat flying a bout." 0 In a seronct setback for the tobacco In- dustry, tlie Supreme Court today left un· touched the federal requirement tha t broadcast cigarette ads be balanced with free air time far messages aganst smok· Ing. The plan to continue the anUsmoldng commercials was dlsclo.sed by Vincent T. Wasilewski, president of the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB). He said they would run for at least anolhcr lour years. Rogers Says Viet War Conlisk, \\'ho said he refused Turner's request, told Senate investigators the former Anny provost marshal made the request alter learning an lnvtstlgaUon of the matter was being made. The American Humanist As· sociation ha.i announced the selt'ct.ion o/ R. BuckmimUr Fuller, the architl'ct and philo- sopher, as its 1989 Humanist of the Year. Last J(ear's U'lnncr wai Dr. Benjamin Spock. May Just 'Fade Away' Conlisk also strongly denied the con- lention by Turner during testimony last v.·ee k that Chicago police gave him the guns fo r his personal C"Cllection, nat for 0 v.1.ntin CNusncu, 20-year-old son of President Nlcol ae Ceausescu of Communist Romania, is studr · ing secrctly at Britian's Imperial College of Science and Technology, the Daily r.1irror says. The 1'.1irror, whlch said young Ceausescu was s tudying physicsr commented: ''The fact tha t cap1lallstic old Lon- don should have been selected for you~ Valentin's education is un- questionably a s nab to Romania's Soviet overlords.'' The Su preme Court, by refusing to ge t into the c1garet1e advertising con· Lrol'ersy, uphold a Novrmber. 1968, ruling by the U.S. Cou rt of Appeals for the District of C.olun1bia that the fed eral government has the r.g!'ll !('I require broadcasters lo provide a "sign ificant a1r.ount of time'' every week for messages on the hazards nf smoking. The NAB decision t1·as a blow to cigarette makrrs. v.·hn hat·e conducted a year of careflll lobbylng to case restric· tior.s. The !ltrategy climaxed July 2Z when J oseph F. Cu\lman 111 . president of the Tobacro Institute, tolrl a Senate 11ub- commlttee that ci garette makers would volunlarily stop all broadcast advertising Dext September. \\'AS HlNGT.O~ (L:Pl) -President J\'i~on has deescalall'd the Vietnam \\':ir and Jlanoi appears to be respondin~. ac· cording to Secretary of State \\'ilham r>. llogers. At the same lime. a negotiated srl· tlc ment of the war is nol foreseen soon nl!hough U.S. policy is directed al rf'mo,·· ing all American troops from Vietnam, Roge rs said. Rogers termed the steps towarrl wind· Ing do\\11 the level of combat in Vietnam "great progress." "And If the enemy ls responding to our deescalatory moves, in the way they &t'em to be, then It is possible that the war would just deescalate until il sort of fades out.," be said. Mercury Dives Below Zero Frigid Air Moves Across Western, Central States C•llfornl• II -IU'WIY ll'd ........ ttir'IMlheul 'Sou"""' C11"°'1'11 foclly l t'tw N rlY ~"-low c:lwal .. foll •leo>t lht .~.. .,..... """'9d ........ 1"9 UIS ......... rWlllool Md lltti. ..,.._tlu<I C: ........ w!!~ 1 1\\1~ of 7' '' Ille civic c ... i.r, -""'""' ·~ ntvl[W Of usawtATKElllUl[lUFOIECAST TO J:lt A.M. lST '0-14· .. Coastal '°'or low r1-In 11>11 n rlT-'"9, bu1 ""O'lllY ..,_.. l" "'' t tlw'-naon. Lltfo! Vtr"'bM ....... lli9111 tnd "'°'"'.,. .....,,., "'""'""' • "' u kl'IOt• II\ ,,,_ _,, tnd .t..-r. Hi.M todav .. ro J'. c.,..1 .. ....._,,,.,.,... ,.._ ,,_., IS •n. 1"1, ... ._,.._.,... -trM1 M ,. 11. ""'"" ,....._. ........... Sun, Moan, I'""'• TUESDAY ,!,.1 llltll ••••••••••• ,,. 11 :001,tn, 1,1 1'1,_I lo* .............. t :JOl,M. I.I S..,.O"d llltll ............ 11 S•o ..... 1 4 $f'(l)tldl0·,.. ...... 11~11 m O I Su• ., ... , 6 <1 o m, S•!l t •lJ o m, Mto(ll rlin I 1' 1 m. S:.11 f,.:) p,m. V.S. Summaru j Temperature• J.lbo.lovt,..,,,. .... ~Ci'>O'fill ,t.Uttl!t 11.~ ... $flelcl 8 1UNrtk .. " ..... 9'-"'vlli. Cll lClfO Clt>1;l.,,..'1 o .... e.. Oet MOI,_ Dttroll f3;.,~ Fort W<lrtfl ··-··-·--iv ... , Cl,., L., VINO M lt"'! Ml.......,111 I'll"' O•IH/'d N-Yorlt NOrtll Pll llt Ot~l-0~1•11-Cl!V °"'''" Ptlm k •lnn p-·~ ,.....,. " 11 l'J()vr ... -·~ lttPlll (:llY ·-Stcr1..-to Stlf L11·1 (:lty St• D•fVO St" ~ .. llCl-lift,..• ~Of>'<""* l•-~,,1 W••lllngTof! Hltfl lAw "'" " " ll • •• .. .. ~ " " " " " " " n H '·'' M " ·~ " .. " • .~ .. ~ •• " .. ... " ~ " " "' " ll " " " ,, ·" .. " '·" " • " " " " " M n ~ " " " ·" " ~ " • ·" " u .u " " " u " • " " " " " " •• " ~ " • " " " ~ " " ~ .. " " ~ " " .. Roge rs· assessment or a do\rnv>ard trend in the Vietnam conflict v;as macle just four d;iys before R nationwide a n· t1v.·ar demonslralion was scheduled to hasten U.S. withdrav•al from Vietna m. Rogers told nev.·smen in a television in· IC'rview (t-.leel The Press -Kl\'BCl lh<it Nixon has changed orders to U.S. troops from a po!iry of maintaining maximum pressure ~ Lhrough search and destroy missions) to pro tective reactio n. "We have no way of kno\\·ing" v.•hether thl" CC1mmunlsts nre responding to U.S. cleescalation. he said. "But 1 think it is in1portant lor the American people to knov.· that Nixon has deescalated the war." llo,l!'rs said the President's policy Is not directed. as some persons ha\'e sug· gested, at leaving 1 certain amount of troops pennanently stationed in Vietnam. The policy , he said "contemplates com- plete removal of the troop!'! in Vietnam. ln!tially, though, it cont em p I ates u·ithdrav.•al of combat troops and the replaCt'ment of American troops by South \'ietnamese troops ." At the same time, Rogers declined !() divulge any time schedule for withdrawal although he W d t.he President does have such a schedule in mlnd. He said the schedule would be altered "by periodically observing the conditions In Vietnam and pragmatically making a decision abaut how to remove Uie troops." lLA Conlisk a lso said Turner did not tell him ?>hen he got the last of four balchC3 of ~ms la5t November that he had since retired from the Army. Conli.~k's testimony before the Senate pcrn1anent in \'estigation subcommittee connicted sharply w;1n statements by Turner Y:hen he testified last Tuesday. Turner insisted that Conlisk knew the guns v.·ere for Turner's personal col· lection. Conl isk denied it and said Turner sollcited lhe guns by claiming he needed the m fur an Army museum at Ft. Gnrdon, Ga. "The guns ~·ere given IQ General Turne r a s custodian for the Uniled States .Army," Conlisk said. "At no time in any or the conversaLion!'l ~·ith General Turner dirl I ~ay, or imply tha t the weapons he s<'lected v.·erc for his pri,·ate use ," ConLisk testified. "It ~·as 1ny f'Xplicit understanding. as rrl1ected in th~ rt'C'eipt Gf'neral Turner signed, that Uiese v.·eapons v.1ere lo he turned over to the l"nited States Army for official pur poses." Conl isk said he first learned something might be amiss when Internal Re"enue Service in,,estigalon questioned him last September about 397 guns which Turner J!ol from the Chicago P o 11 c e Departmenfs collection of weapons Cf'ln- fisc11ted from rioters and crimlnals. Normally, Coollsk said, confiscated guns are de!troyed in blut furnace&. Kills 8 Boy, 6, Taken for Dead Revived LOS ANGELES fUPTI -At fit11t firemen thought the hoy v.·as dead another victim of a roaring prM!awn bl::iz.e that &wept a 40-year-old wooden a partment building Uke Under Sunclny. Out fireman Da vid Smith took a closer look. •·1 llRW A faint chest movement and fflu nd he was brc;llhing fa intly," said Smith. "I gave his mouth·t().mouth rl\'\ltscltaUon in the room and then car. ried him out In the front yard where he could get som~ air," An~hony Porter Jr., 6, lived and i., reported In good ctmditlon at 1 local hos pital. His partnts and 1 younger sister were among the eight ~90nS wha died in the blaze. Seven persons were in jured and 30 \\'ere rescued In the fire officials i;aid was of "suspiciom orlgtn." Arson Investigators said the fire started about 5 111.m. In the bAse.mf!:nt of the three-story building. Flamts rost! rapidly upward and had enguUed all three noor1 by I.he time fltefl&hters ar· r ived. ll equaled the worst residential fire In Los Angeles history. UPITt_.,... 1''hile October Denver mail carrier Eddje Klein m akes hi~ r ounds in five inches oJ fresh snow, the second major snowstorm to hit the Denver area with another four inches on the v.-a y. I • .-.-,··--.,..10~• --~·-~•~f ..... fU~.~·-~•~•~.--~.~-.~<~fMr-~.~·-•-•1 ... p-•,,....,,..,.,.,,..,.,.,., •• ...,, ..... ,,,~f~Qn,...,.,•,,-,p~ .•• RC..,O"'~i101i-~.-. ••. zz-•OR<ZZ~0--"+""www~cs~oR0~1~>~9---· .... 41•--·•-·-,"'l""-~~.,..,...,..__. __ ~ .,.....,..__.,. ~ .,. .. t ~~-·~. ~men JEAN COX, 494-9466 _.,, Ocl9"• II, \Kt L.. ,. ... 11 Help Sought At Tea Party t-.Iusic, talk and the outdoors are three elements boosting the chan- ces for success \l'hcn Opera League presents its Au tumn 1\1embership Tea Tuesday, Oct. 21. 1\lrs. \\Tal cs \Vall ace or Three Arch Bay will host the 2 to 5 p.nl. alfair, and tea v.•ill be ser ved in the gardens of her home v.•hcre guests may enjoy autumn fl oral ar rangements. 1\1usic v.•ill be provided by t-.'liss J udy Kre ft in~. v.1ho \Vas the under- s tudy for A1arn i Nixo n's role in ''The Sound of Music ... Th e mus ical \Vas presented last month in Irvine BO\\'l by Lyric Opera :'\ssociation of Orange Cowrty which the league supports . . f\.U ss Krefting, a soprano. will sing arias from g rand opera and sc- Jections from operettas including old American songs. In addition Mrs. J. Oliver Pyle. ways and means chairman. will speak on the calendar of upcoming events which includes a Gel Acquainted Party in November. Mrs, Jack Lyons, hospitali ty committee chairpia n, is making ar· r angemCflts for the event. Assisting her are tea corrftnittee members the !\1mes. Anthony Orlandella, Ross fo.1cCl ure, Stanley Eichstaedt and Leroy Vineya rd , ~ Pa~! pre sidents pouring tea ,,·ill be the l\lm<'s. Be rn ard G. Anderson, },d\\'ard !\ell, L)10ns, James Gormsen, Tristan E. Krogius a nd \Villiam Hin· \l'OOd . . l\Ictn bcrs and their guests \\·i ll be recei ved by nC\\' offi cers a nd com· SETTING THE STAGE -Opera League member.~ enjoying the Th ree Arch Bay ga rdens of 1'.1rs. \V ales \Vallace where they will have an Autumn Member- shi p Tea are (left to right) the !\1mes. Anthony Or· Jand cll a, C'. Si dney .John.~ton .J r. and l·:d\1·:.11·d Nell. The tea is tak ing p!a r e fron1 2 In ii p 111 ·rurc d~· Oct. 21. n11ltec ~h a irmcn. ·rhey include l\1rs. C .. Sidney Johnston Jr .. president, a_l.ong \\'Jlh the ~J1 nr,c;. Zachary l\'lal a by. Pyle, H. Donal d Out1nans. John C. f\1c hols. \\'illi a1n \\"it lman. Da\·id J . Erikson , Thon1a s Armstrong , George l:lryan1 nn d \\',IL 13 ruggerc. !Jurin)! the Ir a !\1rs. Bryant and !\I r.~. Arm strong \Vil) acc ept new memberships. and dues for the cl ub year \Viii be collected. Republican Gala Celebrities Mingle Amidst Partygoers F amous names will be prominent on the guest list for the 1969 Celebrity Ball hosted by Orange County Republicans. to take place Friday, Oct. 31, in the Anaheim Convention Center. The ball \l'i!I open !he annual meeting of the Republican pa rty o( California. sched- ul ed for Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 1 and 2. l\1ore than 2.000 n cpublicans and their guests. includ ing party leaders. are expect- ed to attend the dance. and an additio nal 500 \\ill attend the \\'Ork sessions the follo\ving tv;o days. • <\. gourmet dinner \1·1l\ be ~crved a t 8: 30 p.m. the night of the ball. (o!l owing the op- ening reception in the convention center's Grande Lobby, and dancing to the music or Les BrO\\!n and his famous IS-piece orchcs· tra will round out the fe stivities. Providing backgroun d 1nusic duri ng the reception will be a four-pi ece en semble. Coordinating plans for the black·tie oP- tional are Robert F. Beaver and Thomas C. Rogers. Tickets for the affair. wh ich will be simi- lar to one hos ted by Orange County Repub- li cans in 1967. are available fron1 th e Orange County Central Committee, 547·8006. League Reads Success • Machine THE MACHINE SPEAKS -.f\. successful yenr ahead ·is '·predicted" by !he r eadini.; machine for Trojan League. l 1niversi ty or Southern California support group. The 65- member league 1vill n1cet for the first tin1e in the current season Tuesda y, Oct. 21. and will hea r a tal k by USC Pro- fei;sor Grayce Jtansom. expert in the rradi ng field . Listen- ing to th e predi ction are f\1rs. Clark Somers tleftl. presi- dent, a nd l\lrs. Robert Hodges, second vice president. Ts it possible lo read bell\'t't'n lht lines of a reading machine~ If so. members of the Troja n League arc reading a successful year ahead for lhe league, a support group for the L'niversity of Sout hern Cal iforn ia. The read ing machine indicates that the first in a group of three meetings wiU take place Tuesday, Oct. 21, with Professor Grayce Ransom , director of t;SC Reading Centers, a.s guest .speaker. i\1 rs. Donald i\fead Tippett of Lido Isle v.·i;l be lhe hostess for the gathcrin-" which will feature presentation of plans for the year. Creeling new and re1urn1ng member~ will be the officers. the i\lmes. Clark Somers. C-Orona dcl i\Iar. president, Richard L. Allen. Fullerton. fi rst vice p,resident, membership: Robert ilodges, Newpori Beach, second vice pres ident. '~•ays arid means : Hans Vogel. Tustin • third vice president. hos pitality, ,.lath cw A. Cox, Corona del i\lar, recording secretary; Rlchard Parker, Sa n Clemente. recording secretary; Norma n Abell Jr .. Orange. treasurer. and \Vil\iam E. f'ortner, Balboa Island, parliamen- tarian. Pro£. Ransom, noted for her "'·ork In the field of machine use in first grade reading and in diagnostic te aching, will bring the group up to da le on advanced reading techniques being researched at the university. A graduate of Kalama1.oo Collegf', Kalamazoo, Mich., Prof. Ransom f'arned her PhD degree at USC. She has served as an assista nt professor f!f education al Cal ifornia State Collegl' at Long Beach and ha!'; publi shed r<'medial books for primary grades. childr,n's poems. book reviev.·s and articles for pro- fe ssional journals. It's a Close Shave, But This Woman's Sti 11 Lqughing DEAR ANN LANDERS ' Why do you advile women with fivH'clock shadow lo have electrolysis? Why not tell them lhe best solution is a cheerful disposition and a good raior, I 11tarkd to .sha ve al 18 and l'v' been at It ever since. In the meantim' I mar- ried a wond e rful man and we hav' a b e autiful family, t.ly husband 11nd I sha\'e tog<'1her every morning. My beard is tougher than his and we joke about ii. When we go ou t in the f'vening I havf' to shave aga in. He doesn't, We joke about th al. loo. Lui summer Wf' drovf' cross-country with the children. I was wearing srack:s and a leather jackeL \\'hen "'' stopped in Tyler, Tel'. for lunch. my husband ,;ug. gest.ed we both go into \he barber i hop ANN LANDERS and get shaved. We did. The barber near· Jy fainted . We joked about that. too. So you see. Ann, a sense of humor can gel a woman through ahnost anything, and I am Jivi ng proof. Sign me -1l!E BEARDED LADY DEAR LADY : -Yeah. A sensr or humor -and 1 good razor. Thanks for wriU ng. DEAR A:'iN LANDERS: This is for "Also Ran" 11nd for all the otht>r biller Wives who think they got a raw dea l. "Also" had had it. ~ht ~·as sick tind tirccl or ca1cring to a selfi sh husband. I felt the sam e \\'ay and l did son1elh1ng aboul it. I got A divorC'C. Now, af1 cr 18 n1onths of Sf111I se;irching 1 knov.· "'ho was reall y to blame . \\'hen I realized my husband was contributing on· ly 25 percent nf his effort to ou r m11rriage I dttided ro give 25 percent, too. Thal left 50 percent that nobody was giving. No marriage ca n survive that much dead ajr. J've had some good talk:; wlth women since ~ divorce -some are happily marr · the major ity are not. I've reacL the conclusion thal most husba only give 25 percent. Th' "'ives who have the successful marriages are giving 75 percent. This is what being a "'ifc means, I hope all you 25 perce nt wives out 1here will see this and wise up. -LE!lNDA LOT VEAR LERNDA : I "·ill undoubkdly be labeltd a traitor to my _sf'l for printing your letter. b11l It's a good on' and I agr'e •ith you. Any woman who lbinlF:1 marriag' Is a 50-59 popo1!Uon Is IF:lddln( ht rstlf. And the beautUul part of yoar theory 11 that the w1ve1 wlto are willing tn give more tb1u1 50 perttnl soon dlscnv,.r that their hu1band1 are wiWnt to up tbe ante al10. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I had lwo telephone calls this morning Crom mothers of ll-year-0ld girls . Both women said the same thing -that I am old- fashioned and out of touch with the times. \\'hy? Because I refuse to all ow my t%- ycar-0ld son to go to boy-girl parties. I am sure the children are not doing nnylhing wrong al these parties. The)< f!ancc anji eat and are home by midnighl. All lhc same I think II· and 12-yea r-olds are loo young for this sort of thing. My son is not mad . He's relieved. The mothers of lhe girls are mad. It seems they just can 't wait for their daughters to grow up and be popu lar. If you say I'm "''rong. Ann , I'll reconsider. but I hope you 'll be on my side. -MUSKEGON MOTHER DEAR MUSKEGON: How I 011 more mo&ben were u "old f1tldooed'' •md "out ef to.cb" •1 you! 1llttt'1 aothla& PCkler Ui•• 11-ud IZ·ye•r-oJd &irlt 1''bose m•mu doU thtm up and push lhem Into the adult world. Don'l bud1t. Lady. You'rt on 1ctlld 1rould. If you have trouble gelli ng along with you r parents , .. if you can't gel them to let ~·ou Ji ve your own life, send for Ann Lande rs' booklet, "Bugged by Parents! llow to Get P.tore freedo m." Send 50 cents in roin with you r ~uest and 1 Jong. self-addressed . stamped envelope. Ann La nde rs will be glad to help yott with your prnblems. Send them to her iQ care ol the DAILY PILOT, enelOlil\I a 1el!-addressed, st.amped envelope. . 11 DAIL y PILOT Mondav, OcloMr ll, 1%9 Horoscope r Gemini: Promotion Possible ,• ·' • • • , , • ' • • • • ' ., • • > , ' ~ ' ! ' < , > l • ! ' ! ! ' • ' • • > ' • WHO WIL L BE KING? -J\Tak..i ng guesses as to v.•ho ,\·il l be King Boss fo r 1969-70, ~s nanied by Orange County )!arbor .i\rca l.t·;::~1J Secret aries .l\ssociation. arc (Jcft to rigllll J an1cs f1. l.-0ughran, Boss-of-the-year for J%8-ti9, .l\lrs .. >\lbert I·:ccl es .. Jr , EASY-CARE "JUST FOR YOU " Sm .t rt f111h ;ons, c~re .lree f.tbr1c ~ fed· fu rinq BARCO !'.I nd other fd mOU \ brdnd n.tme~. M•ny 1tylt1 to choo1e from. sa 98 Somt •1 low as • Cathy's Uniforms I ,, I " presidenl. and Mrs. Dorothy de t.·lalignon. chairman of the even·t. The top boss \viii be na1ned \Ved nes- day, Oct. 15. 1n !he Co.';ta fllesa t:olf and Cotlntry ('hll>. Attorneys 1n Suspense Over Choice of 'King' Suspense 1s b111lc!J11g an d the tiucstion ~non 11 ill be <1:1swcrcd \\ho \\'ill be King Boss for 1969· iU"' and l·ountry Cltih . . Jan1es I,. Loughran , 1968-69 Boss·of-lhe-year \1•ill be in- troduced by 7'1 r~. Albcrl 1-:ccleo;; .J i-. a~ 1naster or l"<'remon1cs. TUESDAY OCTOBER 14 By SYDNEY Of'.IARR Lunar po1itlon favorable for Fllhl111, Planti111. "'ba' appeared to bt: 1ub- terfu1e turns oul to bt huge joke. Nt"1 center• on an ap. pa~nt 1ttret maneuver - which Is mo.st open i>ecret one could !marine. ARIES !f\iarch 21 ·April 19 ): You work best in background , Stet'r clear of al\racting too much attention. There are. details v•hich have yet kl be agreed upon . \Vail unlit agrer. me~t is signed, .s e a I e d , dehvered. TAURUS (April 20-r-.tay 20): Friend3 prove their worth. You gain relax11.tion a n d personal assurance. This can Flamenco Dancers On Stage F'larnenco in Conctrl will be presented for the \\'ednesday Morning Club o( Costa Mesa when members gather for brunch in the Balboa Bay Club \Vednesday, Oct. 22, al 10 :45 a.m. The program , arranged by r..trs. W i 11 a r d Steckbauer, features La Conte de Loyo, Teodor Mor ea and Benito Palacious, Spanish Flamenco dancers y,•ho have appeared in New Orleans, Las Vegas and other cities, The group appears in brigh l costumes and dances to the guitar artistry of Palacios. (ilobetrottrrs, under t h e chairmanship of Mrs . Virgini a Hoyt, will trave l to Busch t;ardens .Friday, Oct. 17, departing aL 10 a.m, and retu rning at 5 p.n1. IARCO 1767 Newport Blvd. I ~~~~~~~-c~·,,.",,.'~M,,.',,.'"~~,,.,,.'4-6,,.-,,.s1_a,,,s~~-'I The tup boss 11·111 be na1nrd hy lhr Orange County Harbor· 1\n.•;i Le gal S r c r c t a r Jc ~ A s s o t" i a I ion when !hr secretaries anrl their bossrs 1neet for dinner \\1ednesday, f)C1 1:.. 1n lhr Costa .\1('sa 1;o!f Lett ers v.·ri t l rn by srcretaric.s. no1n1na t1ng thr1r hosses. arc being Judged by three judgc~ """hose: identities \1·111 be disclosed prior lo the announce1nrn1 or the boss-of· the-year. Thr arts and crafls section \\"ill m«t in the home of fl1rs. H. L. Gibbs at JO a.m. \\'ednesday, Oct. 15. and the <lrarna section, chaired hy fl lrs. :-Oierritt Kevan, will join lhe ar\s and crafts section on Oct. IS. •• S'kipper11dt1 Beauty Salons Coming or going , you 're COLORFUL lA~l u ~ ninkc Lh c ml)"t (>[ y0ur hair : a coiffure lo\"cl y on all :;iJr~. and r olor lo\"t'I )' in e\·cry lii;::hL lNST A"S"T color: our m&,iical f'anci· ! u 11 Ri n~c that tit>cds no per ox idc, no afte r-r inse; that.1hampoosoul v.·hc nt\'er rou v.·ish . th0alcove.n gray, tones bleached hair, refnshe.s dull hair. }·anc i-full colors \Vhile wt tel your hair, to 1:ivc you~ new look of beauty wilhou t an)' extrn \:me! wi th our INSTANT b RO~X PLUS SHAMPOO AND S!T lM•it. tttnr Tli•n .) llont l-l1 it E.1,1\ Aft., 5 p.111. S2.71 RIN~[ 75« 52.50 friclsy, Set•rd..,, Stiit4.., , . , •••• , Sl .00 .,..,..,. ...... Cellf. C1111 w .. ,, Celif . It/ t !11~ SU~1 M11u .r c .. 1 .. c., ... w .... c.ur. C11t1 MM•. C~lf. "" w !tlll ., .... •••<Mitt• • '"~ P''-tl UJ•Jnl )Ill Ill....,, ..... . ""'"'" llMll ...... ,. f'-U•Hll ,_. J6'·Utl .,, .. "' ..... '""'· It.Mi r! , •••• ,_...._ ... ,. ArteMc. c.tlf. 11111 ,.._ f•""'*-Vell•y. C•lif. ,,.,. M-•le f•••hll• W•ll_.... C•Hf. J"I ,,,.,. ... •I l llCIMll v ...... t ...... . In charge or arrangements is Mrs. Dorothy de f\.falignon and assisting her is f\t rs . Mel Packard. Entertainment will consist of a humorous reading by t.1iss Laura Hanrahan and a concert by a quartet of at· torneys from San Diego. Special guests \\"ill b e municipal and superior court judges. Any legal secretary may at· tend if she brings her bos~. and reservations may be made by calling Mrs. John \\'ilcox, 5'!7-81Kl4 . The e\'l'ning y,•ill begin y,·1th a social hour at 6;30 p.m. and dinner at 7, 30. Silve r Sands The firs t and third Tuesda ys at 8 p m. members of Sih·er Sands 286, Nallve Daughters of the Goldrn \re.~t gather for meetings . L:ike Park Clubhouse in II u n L [ n g I o n Beach is the meeting place for the first session, Mrs. Jack \\'ilson, 548-14i9, \\'ill furn ish location information on U1e second meeting dale. Auxiliary Packs Bags For Confab Newport Beach Police Wives Auxiliary is sendin g members to the biannual convention of the Peace Officers \\'ives Clubs Affiliated next \Ved· nesday. l\loney ~·a~ raised from a garage sale last Saturday. The confab will focus on backing legisl ation y,•hich is beneficial to pohce officrrs. the cumu!atlon of a scholar- ship fund for a son or daugh· ter of a policeman and dis· cLl.Ssion of a school program on molestation . Earlirr this Sfason thr aux· 1ha ry planned a niJ.lht heach party \1•1th hu shandi:; and a trip to !he h·ar Theater in Los An~ch.•s t.n see '·You're a Good :.Ian Charlie Bro.,.,·n." Me•• League La Le:che League meets the second Tuesda y at 7:30 p.m. r..frs. II . \V. t.1 oorc . a.s-4359, ~·ill ans~·er q ues tions regarding location . You're 111• Kind Of Woman Who Gen What She Wants ... and that happens to be SUPERB HAIR STYLING ''v malAeJ 1rex1! • Cutt ing • Tinting • Permanent~ •II 1xp1rtly donl by c ut1t1ndin mal1 & l1mal1 st \i,+s MANICUllS r. PlDICUHS mal&e; Wg &Beaul'JSalon '250-0 East 17 th Si . VIVIANE WOODARD Hill9r1n Squ1r• COS ME TICS Co, ta M•s• o, •• ' •• J:JO o.n., Tel. 5<48.]<4 46 TlltJ"·frl. 'Iii I ,,,... • ,....... ·--c ...... ~ ........... ,. o, ..... c.ut UU W, (11-• Yitlff ( ... 1 ... f'-t U'.l•n'I ......... c ....... r~tftf ti! MC I ,. ...... "" .. c.11,. "'<'-·" & ,,_,,. '•'"' c ..... , ...... )'J.1111 ,,..,.. Ul•IM4 WICO • SALES • SlRVICf • STYLINCO bt a fine day-It is up to you. &! willing to share your bopcs and wishes. GEMJNI \fo.lay 2l·June 20): Advancement indi c ated . Promotion is di s t i n c t pos.\ibiUty. Jlome comforts improve. You CQU ld purchase luxury item. Strive to please loved one. You'll be happier. CANCER (June 21-J uly 22): COod lu nar aspect today coin· cides with ch an l.' e to s I r e n gt hen philosophical vie\vs. Ketp cornn1unication lines clear. Success is 111· dicated in v.-riting, su bn1 itt1ng manuscripts. LEO (Joly 23·Aug. 22 \: An important agreement could be transacted. But f i n a n c i a I loophole de se r ves rx· amination. Don't jump at first offer. You are needed. Get what you deserve -not al bargain prices. VIRGO (Aug. 2J..Sept. 22): Lie low. Do more li stening thaA talking. Steer clear of legal dispute. Yo11 don 't get away y,•ilh much I od a y. Adhere to rules. regulations. r..take concession to male, partner. LlBRA (Sept. 23·0c:I. 22 \: You gtl fresh insight lo job, associates. Be \\'llling to change you r mind . A creativr. approach today coul d mean d1rf erence b e t .,.,. e e n success lroin fami ly men1ll\'r and fai lure. !d~sage clear by tonight SCORPIO (0 c t . 23·Nov. 21 1: Creative pu rs uits fa vored-routine changes. Ob· lain hint from Libra mess<J gc. He ready for change , possi ble travel. fo.fembcr or opposite sex pays mc<1ningful com· plimenl. IF TODAY JS \"OL:R BIRTliOA Y you a !' e 1n· qu.isitive. You wanL reason!. You y,•oold rnake ti ne reporter. teacher, photog rapher. Social life has improv ed. Blll you y,•111 soon be engaged 111 ta sk 11ha:h l!n1its outside actl1·1t1es. SAGITTARIUS 1Nov. 22· To 11ftd out "'r.o·~ 1~t•• '" vou '" . 1. moo•• •l>d Jo•o, or<l•r S"I""• Om•rr, Dee. 21 ): Stress pracuca11y. """'"'· "~''''' 111n" ·~· ,.,.,, '"" Element of eonfus1on exists. womon." ~•nc ~•r1n<1•" ~nc ~ <•n11 . •o Om•rr A;lrolnov ~r'"'I· 'n • Y OU arC teJnpted Wllh gel·flCh · [Jo •I• Polo!. Bo< J1f!l G••no! C•nri•I qui ck scheme. But wi se c:uursc1 ~•••on. N• .. .,.,.,~. N • .,. 11 ... P is 10 sl!ck \1•ith t he farniliar-applirs also t o personal invOl\•C111ents. CAPRICORN I Dec. 22.Jan. 19): Short journey n)ay be on agenda. f\lessage or call pro- vides sti1nu!at1on. Ideas are l plenti f111. BuL stick to cou rse1 wbich hrlps build better rrla·' tionship with family. AQUA!tll.:S !Jan. 20·F'eb. 18): Accent on money , Taurus n1essage. Enjoy what1 ~'OU ha\'e -grass is not \ greener across lhe \v a y , 1 Develop sense of appreciation. Defini1e gain is possiblr. P ISCES (I Feb. l9·Jl.larch 20): Cycle is high: you go places and draw favorable at· tcntion. '{ o 11 gai n feeling ot being re\'itahzed. Pleasant surprise is due-could come I G AW ARE Has Coffee With College Students I South Coast Ch a pt er , Hiltunun, i n s l r u c to r in AWARE International, y,•111 psychology and counselor at present its annual scholarship OCC. She serves as chairman corree in a&SOICiation with the of the co mmittee lo select a newly formed f'.1ature Woman reci pient for the scholarship. I Students group of Orange (;ucst speakers 1vi1\ include BE FR EE ... Coast College in the home reciplrnts o I schola rships• economiC'S bullding on the [roin the chapter last year. I OF FACIAL. HAIR. ca rnpus tomorrow <Jt ll a.in . 11 ·11 b •1· · ostesses 11'1 c " JSS f'ran· FOREVER . LC:T us S HOY/ All women over 21 who at-cis Downs from the student tend occ ""d ,,11 "'"·''''" YOU HO\" 'ASY IT,. "" " " ~ gro11p ;intJ fllr<;, fl ay Stewart ' .. ""' worncn interested in con· and l\·1rs. J~ay Tyrone fron1 TO fl EMO VE EXCESS HAl /l tinuing their educ:ation nrc in-A\\'AR E. vltcd to the f11nct1on. A\\'ARE 1;===========~ stands for the As~ociat ion [or \\'01nen 's Ar:t1ve lteturn t-O Edu cation . Special guest, Dr. Rovena .Jaeobson. y,•11! tell students and n)eni bers abo~Jt ... 01nf' of hrr experirnct·s "" a fou nd ing 11u•1nbl>r of A\\/,\llE and :ilso hrr thoughts <tboul rccei\'Lng1 her doctoral degree 1n edu c<1· \ hon adm1n1stralion f rom Uni\'ersity of Sou th er n1 Cal ifornia. A<·ceptlng 11 ~1 h(l1ar«hip t heck will be t.lrs \\'andalvn WEIGHT CONTROL .,, GLANDULAR THERAPY BEN B. THOMPSON , MD C11tl 1111 oppointm~nt •46·0251 Op~" Mondo1 th•v F1idoy 1827 Westcliff Or. Newport Beac li CUT AND CURLED. W JTH MOO ERt; EL ECT ROL YS IS , MEDICALLY APPROVC0 0 ,, SAFE , FA5T , GENTL.E, CONSUL.T W ITH oun L !CENCED TECHNICI AN 1N OUR BEAUT':' SALOH 0 ROBIN SO N'S NEW PORT IN JUST THE RIGHT PLACES FIRST I T \VA5 A \V HI SPEll OF SOFT t XCITE:o1 CST ON THE HAl ll COUTURE HORIZEN 0 NOW , IT'S A FULL-f·L OUNCCO FA SHION FUROR~ A L OOK THAT'S 1r.iP AND ANGEL , PIQUANT , ELEGANT ,,,MAGlCALLY YOURS .,, VIA OUR V ERY O\VN END CURL CUT , 5 .00; AIDED BY AN ARTF.JLLY PLACED HELENE: CURTIS END CU1lL P ERM , AT 15,00. BEAUTY SALON , CONSULT WITH MR, JOHN AND MR, ROBE:RT1 1N OUR HtwPORT BEAUTY SALDN t FOR THE: L ATEST I N HAIR FASHIONS AND THE GREATE:ST IN HAIR T ECHN IQU ES , ROB NSON'S m "' p< "' le ., IX 1 "' lo lo lh Ft T< \I '" ,., m ,. • "' m " I ii [', ,.f '" lli! II I s, P' \': P' Jl II Jl ., ;, ,, .11 ~ H <• n c • ,, •• m c. "' " c. " m • "' " w io p. "' bl lo ···-..~-~-·-- .. . Saddleha~k Today's Final N.Y. Stoeks vor. 62, NO. 245, l SECT IONS, 14 PAG ES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIJ.: MONDAY. OCTOBER I 1, ·1969 TEN CENTS even oviets _art Moratorium Jells But Protest Won't Swa y Nixon B:v United Press International Plan:~ for Wednesday's nationwide moratoriun1 to prolest the Vielnarn 1rar whdificd today. but so did growing op- position to the demonstra tion . President Nixon already has said that 'under no circumstan~cs will I be af- fected \1'hatever by demonstrations against the 11•ar." lie rc<.iffirmed th at position today, Mavor John V. Lindsay o[ Ne1v York, runni.ng in a tough re-<:lcction can1paign, Dow11 the Missio11 .Trail Viejo Parent s 1 To Sec Sc hools MlSS ION VIEJO -Paret1ts o[ 1\1ission 'Viejo .r1gh School students will gn "Back to Sc-hoor• Tuesday, <kl. 21. Classroom visits will begin al R p.m., following a PTO n1ecling during v;hich the school's nc1v principa l, RobcrL Furg('sun and !he ttt'W supcrlntcnd('nl ur Tu.~tin Cnion l!i~h Sthool District, \\:\lian1 Zogg, will be in\roduccd . A!irr JO-n11nute v1sils 1n rach c];i~~. rcfrcshmenls 11· ill l;e .~('r1cd 1n the 1.'.<lfete ria al 9.30 p.n1. During the ~econd mcn1bcrships a! i>I per f:old. pcr1nd, fYfA !;11111ly ll'1ll l>c • Sf'lio t1I '' igl1U .'if'I C.'\P ISTR:\NO -Parent s t;ct tht'lr an· 1111<11 1:)1<1pcc to go "ba i::k lo ~ehool" this rnn11 lh to niccl thr eh1!drc11 ·s te<ic hers ;ind bceo1nl' acqu<il!ltcd 11 1th lhc cdL1ca· t1on<i l program. Tri1rn;in Bt,nt'.'dict. ~u pcrint~nr!ent of the (,Jpi.•lr ano t:nHlrd School l)istncL sa:.<; ,,ff11rls h:ne bcc:i rn;1c!e 1o schcdlllr the indh ;uu:i! sch1~il ohscr\'<Jll<.:\'~ .~o t11;1t pari>nls wi1h eh1ldr('l1 111 \ :irious si.:huols \1 ill be ;iblc to vi sit t:>oJch school- Coni.:ord1:1. Cap1~tr.'l110 and Las Palma~ St'hools \1-Jl l hold "ba ck lo s<•hool" niglit progra111s 01·L 14 _ (Jlr il:_inson. Cro\\'O \'1-.1lley and llichard llcnry [Jcina \1•ill host parruts Oct. 1;i \1'hilc Pcdisadcs and S;in J~1:1n Schonl are sc he<ltllcd for Oct. Hi . S::in Clemente High :lchool's classroon1s 11 ill be oprn Oi:t. 22 and r-.·1arcu F'. Forster Jlinior llil!h will hosl parents Oct-23 . ·rhe "hack to school night" programs llll \\\11 b~g111 al 7:30 p.m. e C11b Lf'nd e r• Meet A 1ralnlng course for cub scouL leaders in El Camino nea l District IYill s1a rl tonif:lhl 111 7-'.\0 in t-.·1ar('O ~~ors t er .Junior High School, 2~1 Can11no clel )'\vinn, San Juan Capistrano. The course is open to cub sco11l leaders th.roughou1 the district, which cn- ('Ompasses Laguna Bc<ich. South Laguna, Dana Point, Capistrano Beach, San .Juan Capistrano anrl San Clemente . said Sunday he 11·as proclaiming \Ved· nesd<iy a day of observance as part or the n1oratoriun1, He said flags "iould be !k,wn at half·slaff and church bells would to!J at noon in the nation's largest city. But Vice President Spiro T. Agnew said '' r a1n not in favor of the moratorium because it is directed as a protest toy,•ard the Prsident of the Uniled SI.ates." And Nixon's communications director, Jl erbt!rt Klein , said, .. those wht plan lo den1unstrat.e on Wednesd ay ·would do \\'Cll if thry look 11 po.~itive look at \\'ho stands for peace. The President of the United Stales stands for peace more lhan anyone on the other side." A Uni\'ersity or Ha\\•aii graduate stu· clenl planned to go to court today lo pre· vent the un iversity from cance'ling af. tC'rnoon classes \VedneS(iay so the war could be discussed. Al Princeton, So u l h Vietnamese A1nbassador Bui Diem was sc heduled lo (See ~IORATORIUM, Page ZJ Market Boy, 18, Robbed Of $110 at l(nifepoint An armed robbery su~pecl t\'as ar· rested in Costa Mesa Sunday and !urned over to Laguna Beach police after an 18· ~car-old market box boy reported he had hf'cn held at Knifepoint and robbed aflt"'r !iit t h1ng a ride on Pacific Coast Highaa y. .Joseph ~turphy, 18, of Sierra f.ladre, lold police he was southbound on the Sq,ddleback JC Op ens; 'Extr a' Surnrn er Er uls Sittlng in the classroo1n is by nov• olrl .~\off evcT)"Where elsr. but not at Sa!t· JJleb:ick College \1·here the school year began today, Just before the II a,111. start or cla.1~es U1ere 11·as a mild traffic lieup on the nl'1Y carnpus turnoff from the San Diego Frcc1vay. Dust was kk•ked up as sludenL~ 1ra!kcd to classes on still unpa1·cd pa thwa ys . Ba,<>ed on registration. enrolln1ent at 1he college this fall is expected to he 2,!35 dav and evening students. The total in· 1·ludes the firsl S<Jpho1nort's for the 111 0- ;. e;i r Junior college. Lasl year. \'.'ith freshmen 01111'. Sa (!· dlchack ·greeted l .525 of v.•hich about 800 11 ~re full·tune day students. l.:ist year the college operate(! nn an i11- icri111 campus of! CrQ11•n \'alll'y Parkw ay 111 the !\l is~ion \'a>jo area Tl1i ~ year tl1r J.:il 111plls JS n1ovcd to a pern1anenl !>Jle ·about a mile lo the wuth off Hancho Vif· Ju Road. The campu s JlOW corn prises 20 building!\ Jn.~lcad QI 13 \\'ll h double the cla ss roo1n space, All bu ildings are pre.fabricated. The 13 used last :,·ear 11.·ere pieced into n1ne larger buildings and 11 new opes add('d _ One science building still is not ready for u~e. Opening of the school was delayed b,v :-;trikes this sun1mer of plumbers and hcal'y equipment opt:rators. Because of the late ope ning students will return to cl11~s ~t\\·e-en Christma s and New Year and attended school all of June. Sloc k JHorke l• i'J EW YORK (AP) -The stock market mainlai~d a good advance in nioderate tn1ding late this afternoon. (See quot.a· lions, Pages 20·21 ). 1Hgh11 ay v.•hen ll\'O men offered him a lift. The men said they wanted kl stop by a rrlcnd·s house-befQre droppi ng r.1urphy orr at his destination, Albertson's ~1arkc\ on South Coast Highway. \Vhen they asked if he could give them $2 to buy foorl, the youth said he could give thcn1 $5 if they needed it. As the car approached the 1@0' block of P._Jfk A venue. one of the meft."'who hid 'rTiO\ied I~ \he back seat, gra&bed Murphy around the neck, held a knife al his throat and clemanded all hi.t money, he told police. l\.fu rphy said the n1en took all hill nioney. Sll O in bills, let him out of the car and drove off. He was able to supply pril1cc 1~·ith the license number of a vhicll' ll'hich "·as located parked out,side 334 Vlllano1·;t /load in Costa Mesa. \Vhen a youth emerged and rll':ive of£ Jn lht' L'<1r. Costa l\.I esa Sergeant Ted Curry fol1011·ed and placed the driver, John ;\·lerle Maze. 18, under arrest. The car \\'::IS impounded and a knile found in it ta gged as l'vidence. The secon<,t suspect has not been located, nor l'ta s the $110 Cosla P.lesa police said /I.faze had only 25 cents on him when arrested. Tunney to Visit Lag una in Bid T o Unsea t Solon llcp .. John Tunney (D-Rivcrside·I 11·i1I he in Lagu na Beach Thursday ga thering !itipport for an expC'Cted attempt lo unscal Republican Senator G e or g e t-.1urphy. 'Tunney 1vill be at Hotel Laguna for an open house and no-host CQ('klail hour ~onsorcd by the Laguna Be a ch i.lf'111ncratic Clu b. Pairick IJirkeU, club presidrnt. said the pubHc gathering will be froin 5:30 to 1 p.m. in the hotel 's Riviera Room . Tunney is 10 make a few comments, greet ~up- porters and ansv.·er questions, Birkctl said. 1"he .13-yea r-old liberal Dt>mocrat, son ·11r former hea\'y\veighl boxing champion Gene Tunney, ousted the late Republican Rep. Patrick Minor Martin to gain hi~ Congressional seal. In doing so he had assistance from the Kennedy family. members of the Rooseve lt family and then Viet. President Johnson. SOYUZ CREWS -Soviet cosmonauts orbiting C'<lrlh in three space vehicles include (seated from left) \1alery Kubasov. Georgy Shonkin. Vladimir Shatalov and Alrxei Yeliseyev and (stand ing fro1n left) Victor Gorbotko .. .\natoly l·'ili pchenko a nd Vladislav Voikov .. 4 Marin es Jailed Afte1· WildBurgla1·y inLaguna Pour r.i arines wen t lo jail. a conccmc\I pedestrian \\·cnt to the hospital and a ruf· fled Lagun<1 Beach police officer 11·ound up \YiU1 a badly bent .squad car Snturday night following a residential burglary at· tempi. Piecing together the unlikely talc. p0lice sa.id the whole thing started \Vhcn p('destrian Dietric~ Von Book. 28, of Tu stin. 1\•as walking up North Coast 1-t1gh\\'ay shortly aflcr JO p,m. and heard ;i trash tl1al sounded like hreak!ng win· do\\' glass. He rao acro.;s the road anrl called police. then spotted four men running lrom a bullding al 157 N .. Coast l!lghwJy, ~1 exico Closes Tijuun a 'Houses' TIJ UANA , /l.1exieo (AP) -Shortly after the U .~. government announc(o'd Friday that its Operation Intercept lo restrict dnig lraffic would be replacrrl by Operation Cooperation, all houses of prostitution in Tijuana were closet!. Owners said they were told only that the shutdown was "because of superior orders." HoUses of prostHution do not 0£. ficially exist in Tijuana and authoritie~ dec lined comment Operation Cooperation \Vas announced as a joint U.S.·Mexican efforl to curb narcotics flow across the border. but dn· tails of how Mexico plaris to cooperate have not been announced. earry1ng .1 tc!evisi:in srt. The mrn piled Jnto li c<1r. Von Book !'ll'pped in front of !he vehicle to try to stop !hem. They ac· cel rratcd knocklng hin1 to the pavemen!, po!Jce sairl, but he had rnade a mental note of a licen se number, Officer !\en Brumage 1ipcd In hot pursuit of the runaways v.'hile Ralph E. Smile;.·. Jt l'ictim of the burglary, took \'on Book to South Const Communi1y Hospital. ·\\•here tie 1vas treated for brui.~f'li 11nd abr;isions of the legs. At the · sou th cily limits, Arumage sp<>t· trd hts q11arr.1·, l11rned on red light s anrf :-1rcn and signalled (he clri vcr to pull (ll'l'r. l!f' pulle\l into a lef t turn lane al ('ardinal \\iny 1n~tca1I, said police. w1!il ltri1n1age inches bchinrl . At that poinl , r~porl ~ 1hc off icrr. thr drl\'cr lhre1\' his r·<ir Into rrver.se, backed shflrply int0 the pnlkr 1111it, then resun1ed his southerly 1r:1\(·l LL Tiohl-rl ;\ft '.'11 urra.v jn1ned the chase ;is the su~pe1'.'.1 s' car s"'erved back and tor th to keep the poli ce un its from pulling up alongside. Al Camel Polo!. 1he suspect hit hi5 hrakcs sharply and his car went into a broadside skld . Brumage's squad car pi!· cd into it. The officers helped the four men from !he disabled vehicle and placed thcrn under arre,q on hurglary charges. Booked into Laguna Beach jail wtre (amp Pendleton Marines Emmanuel Steffy Hayes, 21:. Patrick Giles 'Lew is, 20 ; .Jhnmy Lee Elliott, 20 ; and Denni.t Mi chael Br_yant, 2L The television set, along with a transistor radio and six s1ereo tapes taken from tbe suspects' car were tagged as ev idence. Brumage·s squad car is awaiting repa ir or a bent door. e l11 ~f r11rfo1· to 'l'nll.: LAGUN A HILl-." -\Vllliam 1-lost~n. in· i;tructor at Saclct!eback College "'111 be ~ues1 s~aker ;it the \Vednesday, Oct. -15 me~ting of SL Ni~hola.s ~ouncil ~t Calholic Women. Cahforn1a history \\'111 be lhe speaker's topic at the ~ p.rn. r:1eetin~ in the Parish Hall o ISL Nichola~ Catholic Church in Laguna Hills. Novena servi('('s 11.•ill lake pl:.i ce before the 1neet1ng . Will Stocks Crash Again? Smiley is awaiting repair of hUi window which, police say, was smashed with a me tal hibachi the burglars apparently picked up in his yanl. e \iif'j<I Tf'e11 • lo Di re ~llSS'ION VIE.JO -A scramhle for <iuartrrs on the botto1n or the recreation <'Cntcr's pool wi ll churn lhe waters \Veclne~nv, (kt. 1~. Al! MisSion VieJo teens are invited to join the quarter dive fron1 6:341 to 9:30 p . .,.... They may y,·ear crazy bathing suit:ii; r>r be fully dressed. Guests are welCC1me but \\·ill be charged ~cents. Ca ll Lhe recreatior\I center al 837-4084 for registration information. '69 Similar to '29 But Disaster Shouldn't Recur T/li.( i~ thr fir.~t of fiVP srecial ,·rrort~ by DAILY PILOT /inanc1al CQ/t1niitisf Su/via Port er nn t it~ 30tlt n1n11vc1sa r11 oj 1/IP. ~!or.k market <:rash in 1929. She onal11zes Ille 1969 eco11on111 in liQht of tile '29 crash ati.d world depression whicll followed it By SYLVIA PORTER IT WAS 40 YEARS ago thi s month lh .1t a world crashed. It was on Oct.·4, 1929 that Wall Street was hit by the first Of Uie series of ,savage selling at~acks which were to culminate ln the convulsion of Oct 29. It was on that in!amous "Black Tuesday'' that hill iorn ()f dollars of stock values 1ust disappeared into nothingness, millionaires became paupers between breakfast and lunch and a whole globe stood numb witnesg to the emergence of the most catastrophic depression ever known to man. Now it is another October, 40 years· later, and once· again the stock rnarlre_t has t>cen.pounded by !iUCCessive ~waves o( :"rllin,t, lens of billions of dollars of m>ck . 'lfl'lhlts' have been er.astd ..-mi llloni ha1oe watched their paper Pr-Wt.& tum into y,·hopping losses. As in 19211, the average if!come you can earn from stocks i~ far below what you - can ea rn from high-grade bonds -and in fact, the 5pread between stock and bond yiekf.t i:, at an historic high. AS IN 1121, money is brutally tight (much tighter than then) and the Federal . Reserve System i! deliberately clamping down· on credit in an effort to· cool I.he , businw: ~-, .. , As in l929,. th' stock market ha11 been blotched by unmistakable signs of get· rlch·<luick gambling. . And . a11 i.n . 19'29. there have been (lisdoiures of some shocking Wall StreeL . scandals -wilh' Wall Sk'fft's P9{M!!rwork explosion coming clo~ in the pli.!t 12 (,.. POITER, P11e 11 . ' ~ -;, '· r ' . ~ College Seeking lnstriunentalists Tn.~trumentalisls who have made music expcri.!hce in h~b school, college or com- munity orchestras tv'e invited to attend a 6 'o'clock reh~arsal of the S~lddleback College CommuriUy Orchl!slra !oniclit. Director Richard Raub ~s additional talent is _needed .for the orchestra, tunin& U!l (or lhe 1969-70.academic year. Players arc requested ' to 'bring their OYin insln..imenl<; to rehearsals which w\IJ meet. in buildng G at the college campus, located east of the San Die.co Freeway with access by the Rancho Viejo Road interchange. I 2 'Sl1ip s' To Linkup As Station /l.1 0SCO\V (UPll -The Soviet Union pul a th ird mannerl spacecraft into earth orbit today and now has a record seven men circling the r:irth in three Soyu1. sp<ice. vebiclt'~ -first ~t~ge of a project to build the first permanent space sta- tion. lnforn1crl space sources ::.aid nn permanent space. s!atiOfJ will b e est:ibllshed nO\Y but that a linkup is plan· ned bt>tween two of the spacecraft and probably wi!I include experiments in the first space welding. Howe ver. all seven cosmonauts arc sehedtiled to return in their own ships, the sources said. Soyuz 8, with tll'(l e."<pi:"rinced cosmo- nauts aboard, roa red aloft at 1:23 p.m. r.1oscow time 13:23 a,m. PDT\ to join Soyuz fi, launcherl Saturd ay with two men, and Soyuz 7. \Vhich werit up Sunday \1·it h three men aboard. t-.foscow ob~ervers said the mechanic.~ of the Russian progra1n may become. clearer Tuesday 1\'hrn the I hr e e spaceships begin the first Joint space 111aneuvers. The Russi11.ns gave almost American· type televi sion coverage. of their space fir st although they ran tapes of the f'\'en!s soon after launching lnsl eading ()f filn1ing the launches live. l'he Tass ne\\'S agency i;aid !hat in ad- rlit ion to space research the three ships \1•ou ld be used lu co1npi le geological maps ()f the earth's surface and oceans. Jl in· dicatt!d the geological-geographic. work v.'m1ld ~ e~ncentratM on seeking cl ues to new mineral \\'ealth in the vast, barely explored regi ons of the Soviet Union. The Cosmonauts put info orbit tOOay 11.'ere space veterans Col. Vladimir Shatalov and Alexei Yeliscyev, a civilian, 11·ho 1l'ere made heroes ·of the Soviet l'n1on whf'n they tran.~rcrred from Soyuz 5 to Soyuz 4 last January. The Soviet announcement said all systems aboard all three spacecraft wert func!Joning normally and that lhe cos· monauts were in good health. 'fhl' <innouneed prog ra m neither C"On· firmed nor denied the reports the main purpose was experiments in building a space station. Shalalov was named as comn1aoder or the group flight. Ma rine Missing In Surf So ug ht Navy di\"Crs today arl' sei;king the body <1[ a i\1arine bel ieved to hilvc drowned Satu rd<iy 11.·hen 'he disappeared 11·hil!t sw 1m1ning 1n high surt ocar San CIPrncntc municipal pier. Can1p Pendleton offi cers ref used to identify lhe missing. Marine pending loca· lion of the body and noti fi c;ition of the nexl of kin . They sitnilari1y refused 10 identify a 21 · ~·ca r-0ld Marine whn~e body \vay pulled rrom the surf ;1y Estacion 81:'ach Sunday by a fellow ' serviceman. /\ t-.1arine corpor;1l told police that he left his companion -a private 1\'h('I 1rcenUy returned from service in Virt· nan, -swimming at lhe \\'ate(!! edge "hile he left the beach for a few minutes. \Vhen he returned, the corporal sa1d. the man':-. body \'las flOaling face down in the surf. Attempt5 by police and onlookers to ap- ply f'rtificial resuscita L1on were un5uc· ces~ful. Or ange Coas t Weather Sunny skies will give way I~ crisp nights today anrt Tuesday with increasing clouds in the early hours along the Orange Coast. INSIDE TODAY The baton is poised to lautich tlie 1969·70 con.cert sP.oso11 in Orange Cou1it11. and music critic Tom Barie!! cakt5 <nl adoonc« look, See Eutertai11111ent, Page 18. C•lll0tnl• • ··-" (!•1111 .. HJ! Nl!llln•I trttwt ..• ' Co,.ik• " Ot•Hi CovMY " c, ..... ,. " Wc!•I M1w1 11·1' .... Ntol~·· .. SH th )1,lf •d+r.•11! ,,,. • ·~· l!Urtith ,.,, '""'•rflh'lllMlftl " TtlfYl\IMI " ,+~ ... <• ..... TllMl9n " Mt,.Mwt .. Wtlllllf • jlt,ftftl .... •1 .. ·-WMh " ""'''"" • w-·• lrttw1 11-11 ~tlln•• .. •• \ -~ ,. "" c ,-.-.-" ' .-... --~ ,,. ... -... . - ----,... ,_ ,...-~ ------~·~-------------------------------------------- % Dlll Y PILOT l Density Plea Studied By Pla11ne1·s taguni. Btach planning commiss.loners ''ill give further attention to a de\•eloper's request for 1nt'reased density on a \Vilco1 Way properly at !hell' sludy i:r~sion tonight. Ra~·n1ond Benford Ls seeking a '.'ariance that \l'OUld pern1it him to con.stnict l'l flne·bedroom apartments, instead of the eight larger unlts permissible under present zoning at 615 \Vllcoi Way. The request met opposition from neighboring 011·ners \l'hen it was presented at U1e la st regular planning ~e!'Sion, despite Benford's argument that hl~ plan v.·ould fill a need for smaller ll'.llt~ for young married couples Ojl;Od 11ou!tl actually result in less population <lensitv than t1,1•0-or three·berdoom unlts occupied by familie!I. Planners appeared cool to his proposal, but decided to refer the matter to study -rhen Benford suggested as a third alternati\'e the possibility that he might be permitted nine units, for which h1~ J;ind area lacks only a /r\v hundred ~quare feel. He v.·as asked to bring the al1ernative plan to the study session. Clty Planner Al Autry also expects to report to commissioners on a t-.1onday afternoon meeting on underground he and Director of Public Works Joseph Sweany ,1·ere to hold with representatives ot utili· ly firms. Fron• Page 1 PORTER ... months to blowing t \'en some: of the greatest stock hoose.s apart. The chilling (luestion nags us: CAN TT }IAPPEN AGAI N? The honest ansv;er will not be downed: OF' COURSE IT CAN! But d~pite the many alarmin~ :::imilariti~~ between '29 and '69, I submit that IT WILL NOT. This ser'i~ will pinpoint the clistincllon~ between t.he tv.·o eras V.'hich explain my reasoning. DISTINCTION 1''0. I: RO\V WE BL'Y In October 1929. my youn g widowed mother bad most of her nestegg in stocks on a 10 percent margin -$1.000 of her (1?.'TI cash behind every $10,000 ol tilock she "owned." As stock prices plunged, she could not raise the cash to maintan1 her margin and she v.·as "'S<lld out." r.l\llions like her also \\'ere \\'lped oot arid :t5 their stocks were durnped lhelr personal disasters fed upon each other. IN TIBS OCTOBER 1969, mv husband e nd I have a fat percentaiie of our riestegg in stocks too but "'hat we_ ov.·n. "'-e OWN, We cannot be sold out. \Ve can be hurt by a stock slump but not tlestroY,ed. And this I place as _orte of the tnost basic differences between the eras. tn '29, borrowings by New York Stock F.xchange firms totaled $8.5 billion ; to- fiav. thev 're a mere $3.5 billion. Jn '29. f here were no margin rules: 00\V, Under a J!=l.3~ law, margin requirements are 80 percent and margin transactions are on ly J8 percent of total NY SE volume. The market. in short, is today restin1t la rgely (ln a CASH foundation -and this is a :-ound fQUndation . DISTINCTION NO. 2: \\'RO IS BUVfNG Jn 1929. the typical indfvidual in lhe l'Lock markel V.'as a gambler. '\11ether a J1ttle fellow risklng his resnt money or a i vcoon playlng \I 11h millions. he vn1s ::ibo1'e all a garnbler 1,·ho mistook lh<' gl1t· fer of Lhat erra·s gol<l-plate<l pro~per11y tor the real thing. Tnrl;iy , thr lypi('al inr111·ir1ual in the market is in 1hc 1111ddle-incon1c bracket ;:ind has E:'l.IHA monry lo 1111rst. Jn the 1011-·er-i ncome group~. be is t~·pically an f'n1ploj·e of a C'{lrroraton buying stocks under a pa ~·roll plan -mearung he is in· \'esting sav ings. Jf he is tradi ng actil'rly. tie is typically upper-i ncome · th(' S25.000· ::ind·up 1ndiv1dual arcounts for 47 p€rtent of all trading b_v 1ridl\'idu'1ls. A stock market rts11ng mostlv On a r as h foundat1 Qn and don1inated ·by 111- \Cstors can go into a severe decline - '"'i!ness '69 -but J cannot sec it 1n an un· C'Ontrollable cli\'e. These two dis11nction~ alone say !ht markeL~ of 1929 and 1969 ;ire simply not parallel. DAILY PllOI CllAMG~ C.Ol.SI .. UllllHING> ~NT .. ~ ..... ""•-' .................. IWr J 1t\ 1 . c • .r.., Vlf.I ""'*"' Miii GtMfll M-•r n •••• 91:,,..,;1 .... n.,,.,, A. M_,,\j119 ""'""("' IOiW Jl•chtrl J'. Nill L-leKll C•!'f IOllW Le..-.._. Offtu 1!1 Fe•td A¥1, ~.;u~, Aolol·•ui r.o. ••• •••· tZ&5Z ,,__ Cli!I Ma.: »I -I...,$',,,., ......, .... 11 , 1111 ....... , ··-.......... """""""° ...,.r JI» .Mii U'W' _,a ' IMfL• Pll.01 •"" ... OCll "~ ... ,.._...... .. --.,.~ ........ """ -In-· .. I! ...... ,_ 9"<"-.... ,,.... ... ....., ~ tA•!t .,._, .......... , ... di "'4 f-Nl>I Vt!• lifY. OrMlil ~ "°"'I""" '-..,'1' ......... ...,. -.. m1 w... ••-• ._ .._.. a..cf\, -J.11 ...,.., •• , • .,.., c........... . . '" , •••• 111•1 .... , •• , CINM•• ...... 641-4111 CWwllllW. ..... ~ ,_ ""'" ...... :.--. .... -....... • • .,. .... 1.~ .. ........ --.. _.~"" t14,.1 .. ....... -.. •(-... -l•• -........ _...,._. --.... --M iii ef '""'"'' lft<~ ... '"9lt ...... ~lllO'ftla lllht"•'· .... bl> ___ _.,,., ,, -" n .• .._...,.,, .._, ..,...., .... n.• .... 1111r. Steat11•Cleataed Brakeman enjoying his early mornlng coffee is enveloped by s tean1 J roin F lying Scotsman as famed British locomotive chugs out of 13oston's South Station. Pulling nine-car exhibit of British goods, the 120-ton engine began 2,200.mile 'lour of American cities Sunday. State Aliso Pier Share Approved at $334,560 The state Wildlife Conservation Board ! \\'CB) has approved $334.560 as the state's share of the jointly.funded Al iso Brach pier. Construction is to begin early next year anr1 take about six months. The federal go1 ernment had earlier approved a like amoun t and county lunds were earmark· l'rl for the project with August budget ap- prol'al. Ray Nesbit. e:tecutive officer of tlie '''C B, said "'TI1e board feels these piers are excellent inl'estment.s because they Capo Bay Ce nter .To Help Lo,vcr Economic f;roups /I. nc1v organization hns-hcen fo1Tnc(I to lirlp lO\\'Cr economic gro11]ls In Ilic C:ipisl rano Val ley. Thr nonprofit coropnrat1011 i·::dli:>U !h,. r Jpisltano BHy Crnter h.::is bee n <'<;labLished to ser\'c the needs o/ people in tl1c area. Thr organization's ai1n is In ;i1d pr0pl r {'tonomically d<'pnvcd 11ith n1111unum op- pi;ir\unity and education, d\\'<'lling 111 :c:1bstandard housi ng with Hille or no en· cnur<igrment fr orn existing institutions to irn prove their status. The: purpose of the corporation 11·il1 be ln gjve more authorily to the Capistrano Co1rununi!y Cenler f'nabl ln g lt to apply Jor grants lo petition governrnen t ::igrn- t :cs and seek donations, according to Hay t.;5:trada, president. "The progra1n and goals of the ror- ri:ir~!ion are to pro1·1tJe as~istancc !n the <'i~eas. of educalio11 1 employn1cnt and J1nusing problems in the Capistrano Bay a1ea," he said. Sophie Sc hulman, Pilot Of ficial':o; Mother, Die:s The mother of fJ,\lLY f'IJ,OT tX.f'c·ul11~ Berna rd Schulman dirrl this n1orning at Temple 1-lospital 111 Los Angeles. She was ~frs. Sophie Schulinan. SJ. wt10 ]ired in Los Angelc.'i. Services for ~lrs. Schulmnn will br \Yedneaday al ll .11 .m., in 1he Horne of Peace lofausoleu m Cha pel, 4J.1.J \\'hl!Li£r BouJ1vard, Los Angel es . Survivors besides her son, the DAILY PILOT'S controller, include sons Sidney and George, a daughter, f.1r~. Edilh Jlu· dolf, a brother, Joseph Goldberg, aild two sisttrs. f.fiss Ctlia Goldberg and ~Ir.c., J•auline Glassman. The \Vedntroa v srrvices are direct<'d by Groman f.t oituaries, Lris Angeles .. provide a tremendous amount of recrea· lion for )'OUngsters and senior citizens. "Surveys have sho\vn that piers make a definite contribution in fighting juvenile delinquency by providing a place where youngsters may enjoy healthy recrea· tiona l pursuits at little or no cost." The pier is to be 500 to 600 feet in length depending on construction costs. Its design has an innovation. Th~ seaward end of the 20-foot wide pier will broaden into a diamond shape. Dropline fishing will be available in the center of the diamond \\'hlle other fishennea cast from ils exterior. It has been estimated that 400 ,000 ::inglers might use the facility annual!y to 1ry !heir luck at catc:hin~ halibut calico bas~. honito, perc h and oth<'r species, The pier \\'J!l include sanilJ.rv and fish r·lcil11ini; facilities, drl11kin!: ·\Va I c r , l1ghLlng. benches ;ind probnbly lil'e bait. The Sou1h Lngun a p1rr \lill he eon· :s.1n1ctf'JI into the ocean fran1 4.2 ;icres of { ounty 01vncd property th<Jl 11·1!1 serrc as !HH king ;irea, l\1a n Dies After V c hicle I-lits 'l'hree·ton 1'ruck A11 £Jrangc n1an died at the wheel of !11~ li.t:IH true\.. nr;.1r Irvine Lak e Sun(!:1y night 1rhtn tile l'ehicle colliderl wi1h \1'hnt Callfnrnla High11·ay patrolmen a Hege \\'as i-l ~l){'rrl1ng thrPt'·lOn :rurk. Killed 111 <ill irnpai;;t U1.1l <ilino~t <lf'n1oh::i.llrd l11s \el11cle \1:is N1chola:1 G. ;-.it1rl1ak. :Hi Offircrs hooked lhc unhurl clrirrr of 1he •i\hrr \'eh1c)r 011 int~de· nlcanor 111an;.:l aughli'r ch,1rgr~ Held in Orange Criu nt y J<lil is Law rence Leland t:clne~'. JI. abo uf Orange, !n1 r <,!ig<1tors said 1he lrttck~ collidrrl (Ill Sa1111agri C'<H11·on 1{1.ad <iMut ,1 1111\e lron1 lrl inc Loikf' Thc1 cl1 :11·t~"d r·:unrv 111th tra1Pling ;it f'.~tr~~l\P ~1•<''•1 1 nn lilt' '' 1nd1ng clo11 nh1ll ~t rctch of rvad. l\lo rc flhysical Progran1s Slatccl ,Jogging, haskctball, vollCj'hall arirl s1,,.Jmrning v.1\1 be 1rxh1dcd 111 nicn·-s and \1 01nen's physical fitness progrnn1s bcg111nin.i; tod.1y on L:iguna·s \lain Beach. Facilitirs of lhc Eoy:;' Club, 175 N. Coast High1.1'ay. ~·i!J be used for the pro- gran1.c., sponsored by the cl!J(s Recrea- tion DcparLn1cnt. Lockers and shOll'C!'S \1111 be av:iilablr, ciccordi ng to recrea· t1nn director George Fo\1'ler. 1'rogra1n for \V01nen is schedulrd fr om 10 a.m. to 11 :70 a.nl. d<illy and lor n1en , tron1 11 <10 a.n1. to 1 p.m. Furlhcr information may be obtained hy calling the Recreation Dcparlincnt, 494 -tl:!1, Ext ~;>. Lagu11a T1·ustee s to Set Date £01· lliI·i11g Ma11age1· Laguna Beach Un\fied School D1striet lru ::.tees plan to rC"COmmend a .Jan 13 daic for !tiring a new business n1aoag".'r to rf'place Ed\\'in Hind, who \'l'ill br r('!Jt· ing from the poi;t at the end or the .~\'hool year M~ J une, Superintendent William Ull~ sakl today. At a spt('iB I sesFion Saturday mornir'lg. trusttcs studied prC.pa r,i!lon nf a jo b cJe~cription for the po~t ;ind he:irrl l\l'O rx - perls discuss lhr relntil·c v11lucs 0f tmploying a crrtific:ited pt'r,on nr !0ffi'" one fro1n the flrll'I nf bus I n r-~ ! mt1r1tgl'mcnt . Sptaktrs 11-·~rt! Roy B11.rlet1a. bus1nr.·~ manager nf Sacldlrbark Collrge and August C.octz, L:i;;una Be.al'h re~idrnt vllt h Joni; exp<>rience in t.he businc.ss \IOrld , 'i'ru~tc.cs 1nust consider both hu~ines11 1•x1>erience and the la~'. in arril•ing al their job clescrlp\i0n, Ullom said .. The la\v now prO\'id'es that 11 f'•'l'llfic11trd emplnye may hold the h:1~ints." n1anilgcr posil ion If hr. is ii~;•igna!C'rl an fl~~istan l Slll'lf'ri nt"ndent :i nti dr.votrs htrlf nr his lin1e ro In· ~ln11.Uot1fl! dul!f:-, tll!n 1n said t rli~tef'~ art exp~('l t'd to }('81'<' !hr jnb de~rriplion oprn ~o 1ha t ou;1lified person~ ln boih ("alegories may .-prl::. B52 Strikes Reduced Border Area Hit But Raids Cut 10% SA IGON (UPl)-Eight Olghts of 852s bombed along the Cambodian border Sun- day night and today despite reports President Nixon had ordered .a cutback in their ruids in response to U1e lull ln Coin· rnun ist attacks_ Official sotirees s<ild Sunday the Prr:si- dt-nt onJerccl a 10 percent reduction in :>lr:!.tofort strikes to shO\V the Viet Cong and North Vletnamese that he was will - ing lo reciprocate in scaling down the fi ghting. This is the area where U.S. military of- ficial s say the CommunisU are training f·,r n1orc attacks. The offirials said today !he ll1JI could {'Olllinue another month before the guerrillas are ready. ··Me lthe enemy) could and should be iu \'ery good shape, particularly if he l 'rorn Page 1 MORATORIUM arJJrc.~s 21 group countering t h ~ 1noratorlum. 'fhe Undergraduates for a S.t<ihle An1eaica said the President should be free of Undue pressure in his efforts to bring peace, and urged students to attend classes. Despite the ground sv•el1 of opposition. il appeared that the moratorium would clo \1·hat its organizers hoped -sbow there is still a strong. active body of op- position to the conduct of the v.•ar. \Vhittier Co 11 e g e, v.·here Nixo n ~aduated 35 years ago, will be thP. scene of an antiwar rally . Students at California -Lutheran College in Thousand Oaks vol· icd 89.3 percent in favor of the morator· Jum and closing classes. Every college but one in Arkansas - Southern State of Pifagnolia -was to 11arc moratorium observances. In Lillie Rock, a debate 11·as sched uled betwern progressive Democrats and the young .Americans for freedom . a nationwlde ('arnpus group opposing the moratorium . Nixon today reaffirmed his dedication lo achieving peace l11 Vietnam but reiterated his inten tion not to be sv.·ayed by· \Vetlnesday's antiwar demonstrations. "There ls nothing new v.·e can learn fr·om the demons trations." Nixon said in ::i l~tter lo R<indy J. Dicks, a student of Grorgetown University. Dicks v.·rote the chlef executiye recently criticizing Nixon's slalement at ci SepL 26 nev.·s conference that 'under no c·1rcu1nst<1nce~ \\'hatever will 1 be af· fec!ed by the Oct. 15 Vietnam 1nora1orium. "The policies \1·e are now following reflect our 011-·n best judgement, based on e:othauslive study of all the available e ~·idence, of how to achieve that goal (of 11eaceJ," .Nixon 11Tote Dicks. "To abandon that policy merely because of a public demonstration would lherefore be an act o! gross ·ir· res ponsibili ty on my part.'' "If a president -any president a!low- rd his course to be se~ by those \\'ho 1lemons1.rate, he 1\'ould betray the lru&t of ,1,i tfle rest ," N-ixon said, 'S,vil1rmer' Helcl On Drug Charge RPpor1~ of a ~\vimmer yelling for htlp ;ii 10 o'rlork $;.iturday nigh t landed a dr11,: su~pcct in the Laguna Beach City fill l:r~ponding tn calls from residents of !ii<' Oak Street beach area li feguard Dale t .11erP entered !hi' \l'H ter and "rt'scurd" (:11.v Edn1ond t.lurphy, 23, of 534 Glen· 11• · •'1' S!. TIH", \l'Crl'.' '=:lf<•lv on tlH' bPach "·hrn :i pnl1t.1.: unil arrived. to check the situ:111on, 1\11rre11pon t.lurphy broke loose. and dasl1 · l tl hack 111\u tht' surf. ptihte :r:a,tl Chere follo\red. repeated tl1e "ri'scue" ;inr.! 1urned lhe \'ICli m over to po lice, 1.1ho ;.rr~ -trd him on eharges of being under thr t11 fl11rnce cf drugs and transported 11 1111111 \he sl<ition to rlrv off. 1-. hold~ off anothtr 30 days before laun· ching his "'inter-spring oUensi~·e," one U.S'. Command officer said. f.lilitary spokesmen r r port t d 18 o·;ernight shelling attacks but ~1d gTQund fighting remained light , with -48 guerrillas ki lled in four fights north of Saigon Sunday against no Ainerlcan death!. Troops of the 82nd Airborne Division, scheduled to be sent borne by Dec. 15 under President Nixon's second phase pullout plan, found a caehe 2S miles northwest of Saigon Sunday that con· tained 21 light 1nachine guns, 90 rifles ar.d n1ortar arnmunit ion -evidence of the Comn1unisl buildup there. A~erican troop strength figures begao to reflect the :t5,000·man second cutback as 4,100 G!s left th t war zone last wte~. dropping lhe American t'Ommitmenl t!l 505,600, with more scheduled to leave thts \1Cek. Htadquarters refused lo comment on the reported cutback in slratofort raids b~·r supplied official figures showing 212 8 52 raids over Vietnam in September cornpared to 271 in August. \\'lu~reas the big bon1bers v:ere a\'erag. ing nearly nine raids a day througlt August, the number of missions in- September and so far In Oc!obtr has averaged almost se\'en daily, according tu U.S. fi gures. The sources said that if the Viet Con~ an<' r\orth Vietname~e launched a new or-r~·n.01ve -military commander!! predit•t thev ll'ill -then the bombing wou ld t. · i1:creased accordingly. Dad Shoots Son Threats Led Lo Tragic Death From Wire Scn·icts Eddie Llra J r., 22', lived fn • ,·iolent neighborhood. I-le v.·as running fro1n a car into his La Puente home Sunday night to find saretv, but instead he found death by his father.'s hand. The sound or running footsteps frightened Edv.·ard Lira Sr., after two months of threats and violence against the family, so he hurled open the front Q.1or and fired out into the night. "I'm sorry Eddie, I didn't kno1'i' it \.\'as you," the bereaved father crled over his t.::in's body. Lo~ Angeles Coun!y Sheriff's dtputies said Lira told of being threatened during a series of gang fight s in the neighborhood since the Aug. 3 murder of .ii 23-year·old n1an. Earlier in the evening, two carloads of nightriders passed the home of John DI· boene, 18, and fired into lhe resi'd<'ncr. \rounding Diboene, v.·ho \\'as hit by a ricocheting slug . IJP was treated al La Puente Com - munity Hospital; v.'here young Lira "'a.~ dead on arriv al and a companion also hit by the eleder _Lira 's gunfire, Steven Rod riquez, 22, "'as treated for a minor hand \\·ound. Shortly after the shootings, two othrr nien sho11-·ed up at the hospital to check r>n Diboene -v.·ithout kno1\'ing of Lira's Ccath -and were arrested . Diboene, who t)ad listed Lira as a suspect in the shooting into his home, ;11 legedly identified _Roy Rodriquez, 29, and Danir! Soto, 21, as two of the men in onr o1 the cars. They \\"ere booked nn rhar1:es cf 11!- te1nµ:ed murder. while lhe elder Lir21 \\·as questioned about his son's accidental slaying and released. Stole11 IDs Cleru·ecl UJl; Mesa Couple Not Rol1l1e1·s A Costa t>Iesa couple -characterized birefly as a Bonnie and Clyde b;:indit learn -·was cleared of bank robbt'ry charges Sunday when authorities found lhe suspects in an $11 ,000 holdup were us· ing stolen identification. James E. Hallidy. 27, ancl his wife Lln· da, 23, of 180 ~terrill Place, \\'ere iden· lilied in nationv.·ide Associated Press dispatches as the husband-\rife team eharged \11th the Veh·a, N. D. sUc kup Saturdav. "It's lhe n1ost amazing thing "'e' t \'e r heard of," said ilallldy l'i'he n the rnistaken idenlity case resulting fron1 a burglary of the couple's car last July 11-'8S untangled. "! guess the persons ~·ho stole OLlr proper1y "'ere using our ident ific ation." said the young par~! deli very service claims ad juster. flis pretty blonde wife is a fourth grade te acher at La Veta Elementary School in Orange. Discovery that the cou ple in custody at ?11inot, N.D. is not f.!r. and r-.lrs. Hal\idv ::!ill has not established just 11·ho th€. ~uspe:cts real ly are. The third one is identified as David C. Bradley Eyes Senate, Sla te Officer Races S,\N DI EGO (AP)~ Los Angeles Clly Councilman Thon1as Bradley, "'ho rfln unsuccessfully for mayor, says he's thin king about running for litutenant gove.rnor or U.S. senalor ntxt year. Pooel. 4t of Bittier Tenn .. and all wert arraigned Satu rday before U,S. Com· 111issioner Kenneth Knutson following thei r capture. They art held In lieu of $30,000 bail each. F'our members of the r-.tinot Police Department stopped a pickup lr!Jck on U.S. Rou te 8J near the r-.tinot bypass and arrested the three occlpants "·ithin ont hou r of the stickup. Authorities said the arrests occurred only one hou r afler the People's Stale Bank \l':'.IS he!tl up Bonnie.and.Clyde fashion in the liltle town of Vel\·a. Authorities charged the woman onl.V V.'i!/1 ald ing and abetting a robbery, wtule Poole and the man \\·ho identified himseH as Ha\lidy are charged wilh bank rob- bery. ··r guess the pers.ons . who ~tole our property \1·ere using our identifications," l!allidy said Sunday v.·hen the case of mistake'lt,, identity was untangled. The FSI told us v;hoever stole ou r credit cards had :c;tolen aboot Uve cars :-1n('e they burglarized us ."' llallidy arlr1ed . He and his v.·ife \<;'ere on an outing near Bishop last July !5 v.·hen tJ1eir car was broken into and ransac ked. FcderaJ authorities v.·ere a ppare-ntly running just behind the roamlng fugi- !11·cs. who had b~en traced ::i.~ far a~ Idaho ,,·hen they \1·ound up in cus tody 1n .\'orth Dakota, Ha llldy said 11 Lota l ol about $600 in ('harges has been made on one of th~1r stoltn credit cards since the car clout four months ago. "It Looks Real C\~en boost you attitude toward yourself -improve your &<seu. unage... a psychologist woulct :say. Kind of like getting ;:i new spor~ car. You know tbe feelmg.. Good Oil You~ To put il ~imply, a suit must fit your personality as wen A! your physique. That's why you have lo be the altirnate authority when the choice is made. ?t·e c an telJ you il it hangs well \Ve may offer a.n opinion on the style or weave or cnlor. But only your instinct can tell you if irs ''you.'" ltow many liJTICS IHi\ c )'OU heard that and wondered w h a t the salesman could p o s s i b I y be thinking of! ... then it dau'ns oo you that ,..,hat he's think ing of is separat 1n~ you fro1n your money. I-low many tunes h a \ e you wandered into a c1olhil1g store to hrowse a bit and found your· self "greeted" by !;Orne charac· tcr ~1bo makes y·ou try on si:r sujts and then acts insultt:d and insulting when you tell him you· "re not sold on any of them ? It's true that some salesmen nperate like tti'f:re's no tomorrow. They know i1 you sltp out of their clutches lhey'IJ never see you again. They give you what we like to ~fer to as the "Broad- way and 42nd Street lrNlmenl .. It's based on the prt.mise I.hat there's a sucker born every min· u~ a nd sooner or later most of I the1n "''ill walk through the iront door. liere at B.idwell's we operate a litlle dUlerently. We try to oC- fer honest service as ~'ell as handsome Sllits. Vv'e think (){ e,·ery customer as a friend. ~\ncl 1 "c're always happy to see one of our friend s drop by to chaL Vv't know that sooner or later be·u need a s uil At that point, we can help. \Ve've done some thinking on the subject. \\ e believe a suit should be m ore than just suitable. ,., suit is an e.xtension , a rerlectlon, of your pefso11ality . Tl t e I I s the world a Jot about you. It c:an So neve:r let yourscU be talked into a suit you don't feel right about -instinctively. And remember, you can rtla1. "'hen you wa1k through our front door. Ted Reed m ay be I.here to ~reet yOlL Or Pele Warren or Clyde Reyes or Phil McGr.i:w. They're all knowledgeable, per· sonable, soft-spoten. Tbev're an on hand lo help you. Kot.harass you.. This isn't -ilnd SlreeL Jack Bidwell 3·1117 Via l.ldo at. :\c•·port mvd., l\"e1")10rt Beaeli !\"early 3,000 miles from Times Stpare. Now open Friday "''ealngs anti! 9 p.m. I I ] I MU• ba ,,, we ! Jo: Pi' i n~ I l " ~' " fo m th •L N ., fr ,, .. , ,1 'f ' ,. (I h• ti " c c ti I! " )[ ,. n c ~· ti ti c ~ n p (l A a ,. ,. • c r "· ti ti " c T ,. " b I i' f ,. I' ·-------·-.. -------~---• t Newport Harbor Today's Final N.Y. Stooks VOL'. 62, NO. 245, 3 SECTIONS, 34 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, '1969 TEN CENTS Latest By J ER0~1·~ F. COLLINS 0t ITll 0.1IJ Plltl 11 .. I A porlion of West Coast J{ighy,·ay i~ nudged inland and three bridges span the ba y in the slate 's lalesl designs for the 11dopted Paciric Coast Frecv.·ay route 1vesl of Upper Newport Bay, Newport Beach Public Works Director Joseph T. Devlin said today original plans by stale engineers at the bay cross- ing have been junked. Plan for A full interchange, l1nking Dover Drive the freeway and the highway, had been planned. Bul further studies have In- dicated that "such a connection at lh1s location is not practical," said Devlin. The latest design splits the highway as it crosses the bay into two bridges, one on each side of the free;1'ay bridge. Traf. fie westbound on the highv•ay will travel north of the freeway bridge. Eastbound traff ic will be on the south side. The origina l plan callt-d for one highway bridge. The change. said Devlin, means that the state would probably pick up the tab. for the hl'O highway bridges, inasmuch as t lil'ir construction is dictated by freev•ay de~ign req uirements. They would cost frorn S'l n1iJ1ion lo $3 million each. ··The new desi gn," Devlin explained, •·n1a kes lhe highway crossing part of the DAILY ,.ILOT l!•lf f'"O~ CONTEST JUDGES GARONER, DEVINE APPROACH THEIR TASK IN MOST SERIOUS FASHION ' At Big Corona, Community 8001teri1m i1nd Local Fun Add Up to Ca1tl11 in the Sand Castle1nakers Sho~v Art Weather, Talent Makes Harbor CofC Contest 'Best Ever' BY J OflN VALTERZA OI Ille D9i lf Pli.f S!tll Wilh their waler-filled fly sprayers JWisl\ing and their cupfu ls {)f \~'atered· fl own sand dri bbling, Newport Jlarbor's 'xpert castlemakers displ~ed their art lor 2.000 spectators on Corona de! Mar's nu1in beach Sunday. Bcl\\·een !he sunny, v.·ar n1 "''ealher and the elaborately designed and executed gtructures and sculptures, sponsoring Newport Jfarbor Chamber {)f Commerce t;pokesmen termed the annual contest or I.he battlements the best evtr. Thirty entries were built during the ti'. :l-hour contest period. The styles .... ·ere n1ore diverse U1an e\'c r -ranging from Lhe trad11ionat, elaborate "drip'' vatictics to sculptured tennis 1<hocs (One group went truly avant·i::arde. "f hey made a to1Jct . l But 1t was serious business, despite the 1''h1msica! creations. Tro\1·els, shovels. huckcts , rakes -all "'ert> used in the variety of techniques by <·rews v.-1"10 v.·orked smoothly and silently. \\"hrn thf'y were finished and waitt'd breathlessly for their castles W slay up, 1hree judge.~ picked these winners 1n fif'\•eral "h(>:;l '' categories · l\fasl i\1odrm istic Castle -Opinion f ompany"s Dune D1~gl'r S team; Best Contemporary Pcigoda -Dick Croul; ]{rsl Leasehold <.:asUe N"t>v.•port l larbor-Cosla ~l esa Board of Re<Jltors 4f'am ; Lea.st Likely Casile -NC\\'port llarbor lligh Schoo!·s Ext'cuih·e Council 1l'heir's was the commode); l\tost Disca1nl>ooberaled CasUe -Orange Coa~t YMCA team, sponsored by J ohn ?11acnab Rea ltv; ~1ost Avant-Garde Cas- UC' -BriLish Overseas Airv.·ays Corpora· tion: Bcsl Nonconform ing Castle -The Corona del itar f;i cu!ty, sponsored by NC'o'•port.Balboa Savings and Loan: Best Drip Castle -Todd Kreigh Vand~· Pluym J r.; Special Award Junior Group (a1e~ 5 to 13) -!\1esa Verde Children's Ar1 Workshop. The judgf'!s had it tough time deciding . all admitted. /\liss Newport Ueach Chri~ Rebard, -'· . .. ..... I~. -... ... - DAILY PILOT Sl•lf """"' CLEAN LINES MARK DRAFTING CLASS ENTRY Harbor High Students Offer Artistic Effort film star Andy Devine and Superior Court .Judge Robert Gardner made the selec· tkin11 o( winners . 'The v.·hole 11ffair, .~ponsorcrl hy th~ Commodore·s Club of the Ncv.•port Harbor Chamber or Commerce has a no!her rationale other tha n local fun. ft 's a good way to show lhe cold F.aslt'mer~ what it'~ like-on the sands of Newport Beach in mid·Octobcr. Will Stocks Crash Again? '69 Simil.ar to '29 But Disaster Sliouldn't Recur Thii i.t th'-flr$( "' five s~cial r e-porU by DAfLY PfLOT financial r.of11m11;_,t SylvifJ Pfl rler on t he 30th a1111ivtrroru of !/!.t !lock market crash in 1929. Shf' ano/l/2"f$ the 1969 r connm v f11 ligltl of tht: '29 crash and u;or/d rleprl!.,.~ion 11;/licll f oltowtd it. 8) SYLVIA P~RTER ' IT \\'AS 40 VF.AAS agd lhi5 rnanth thnt R world crashed. Il wa'1 on Oct. 4. 192!1 ihat \Va ll Street v.·as hit by the first of lhe .'lerics of savage selling attacks 9;hich \\•ere to culminate 1n tilt convulsion of OcL 29. It ~·as on fl'lal infamOWJ "Black Tuesday" that billions of dollars of stock \•alues JU!t di3appeared into nothingness, m illionaire!! became p11uprrs f)(tween breakfasl and lunch and a whole e:lobe stood numb witMs3 to the emf'!rgence of the most catastrophic depression ever known to man. Now it is another October, 40 year.'! later, and once again the stock market. has been poundf'!d by successive waves of eelling, tens of billions of dollars of stock values have betn erased, millinJ\.'I have watched their paper profi~ turn Into -,.·hopping losses. As in 1929. the average income you can earn from stock~ is far below u·hat you can earn from high-grade bonds -aod in fact, the spread between stock and bond yields is at an hi!l.oric high. AS IN Int, money is brutally Ught (much tighttr than then) and the Fede.rat Reserve System is deliberately clamping down on credit in an e:ffort lo cool !he busines.:s boom. ft.j in 1929, the stock 1narket has been blotched by unmistakable signs of get· rich~uick gambling. And as in 192!1, U1rre have been d isclosures or some shocking Wall Street iiicandals -with Wall Street's paperWork explosion roining cl~c in the past 12 months to blowing evtn !OO'le 'i)( the greatest i'ilock houses apar1 . The rhil!ing question nags us. CAN IT IJAPPf:N AGAIN? Th<' honest answer will not hr downed: OF" COURSE Ii CAN ! But despite the many alarming similarities between '29 and '69, I submit hetwttn lhe tv.·o eras which explain my that IT 'Vll.t. NOT. , , This serie..~ will pln~fnt lhe ffbt~ ISe-e PORT68..Pue !t ' ' l· Freeway: 3 Bridges freeway system." State engineers' latest plans call for traffic heading west onto the freeway t.o enter from Dover Dri\'e. Eastbound cars enter the freeway from a relocated seg. ment of West Coast Highway in front of the Balboa Bay Club. With the highway shoved inland at that point, the Bay Club, wbich is new owner of commercial propert.ies on the inland side of the present highway, mig hl be able to swing a deal wilh the state. The abandoned portion of the highway could be exchanged Jor the Bay Club pro... perties. The old highway site could then serve the club as a site for expansion, ac. cording to Devlin. lie added that presen•ation of con1· mf rcial properties on !he inland side of U1e present h.igbway ''no longer appears lo be a prlmc design considftat.Jon of !he Male." Devlin emphasized that all planning by lhe Division of Highways JS based on ill• assumption thal Uie frcev.·ay route ""·est of the bay is acceptable to the ci ty or Newport. It is not, he said. And there i.1 litlle likelihood that it ever "·ill be. I-le noted that his staff is even no.,.. preparing new data justifying rerouling oi I.he free"1ay ~veral blocks inland. Moratorium Jells But Protest Won't Sway Nixon By United Prts1 International Plans for Wednesday's nation \\'ide 1noratorium lo protest the Vietnam \\"ar solidifif'!d today. but so did growing op- position to the demonstration. President Ni~on already has said that 'under no circumstances will I be al· fected whatever by de:monstralions against the ~·ar." lie reaffirmed that position today. 1'1ayor John V. Lindsay or New ''ork, running in a tough re-election campaign, Seve11 Soviets Circling Earth In 3 'Ships' MOSCOW !UP!l -The Sovld Union put a third manned spac~an iuto earth orbit today and now has a record aeven me:n circling lht earth in three Soyuz s;pa ce vehicles -first ~ta2e: or a project to build lhe first permanent space: sta· l i:m. Informed space sources said no permanent space stalion Yi'ill be established now but that a linkup is plan· ned between two of the spacecraft and probably will include experiments in the first space welding. 1-lowever, all seven cosmonauts are scheduled to return in their own ships, the sources said. Soyuz 8, v.·ith l\l"O experinced. cosmo· nRu ts aboard, roared aloft at I :28 p.m. l\1oscow lime (3:28 a.m. PDT) lo join Soyuz 6, launched Saturday with two men. and Soyuz 7, which went up Sunday with three men aboard. Mo!ieow observers sa id thf'! mrchanics ()f the nussian program may bct"QTnf'! clr<1rc r Tuesday when U1e L h r e e spaceships begin the fir sl joint space maneuvers. The Russians gave almost Americ:an~ t ype television coverage of lhe1 r space first although they ran tapes of the. C\'enls soon after launching 1nslea<ling {Jf filming the launches li\·e, The Tass ncv.·s agency said that in ad· (t111on to space research the three ships "'"C>tild be usrd to compile geological ma ps of the earth's surface and oceans. It in· dif ated the geological·gl.'Ogra phic Y.'Qrk u'ou ld tie._concenlrated on seeking clues to new m ineral wealth in tl1e vast. barely r xplored regions of the Soviet t;nion. The Cosmonauts put into orbit tod ay 'Were space veteran.!! Col. Vladimir Shatalov and Alexei Yeliseyev, 11 civilian, "'ho were made heroes of the Soviet lJnion whe:n they transferred from Soyuz ~to Soyuz 4 last January. The Soviet announcement said all system! aboard all three spacecraft were functioning normally and that the cos· monauls were in good health. Harbor Schools To Host Parents Through Week Parent.s' back-lo-11Chool nighls v.·ill be held this week at Newport-Mesa elemen- tary ~hool.s. Four i;chools will hold their Clp('n hou.~e tonlgtrt ..... Bay View, Undbergh, Presidio and Whittier. Open houses will be held Tue9Clay night .11t Balearic, California. Canyon, College Park, Corona del l\iar Elementary, lJarpcr, Mesa Verde, Monte Vista, Newport Heights, Paularino, Sonora, Vic· lDria, Woodland and P.1cNally special-' education. ' Thursday night open houSfS will be ~Jd· al AdRms, Bear Street, Hart;ior View. Killyhrookc, Mariner!, Nt"Wport a'hd. f'omcma. WU.Yin School held its back·ll>-11Chool nigbC Sept. II. Most of the programs will begin at 7 or 7:31 p.m. Al some J(:hool! ·ttie. Parent Ttachrr J\ssoci.attn.n ·<PTA)1 or Pareit • Taculty Ora,.anltatkm (,PFO), will mfft ~.to1'0 vloill·wil~ 1-hm. said Sunday he v.·as proclaiming Wed- nescl<1y a day of observaoce as part of the moratorium. He said fl ags would be. flown al half-staff and church bells would toll at noon in the nalion"s largest city. But Vice President Spiro T. Agnew said "I am not in .favor of the moratorium because it Is directed 11s a protest toward the Prsidrnt of the United Sta It's." And Nixon's con1n1unications dirtctor, Jlrrbi•rl Klein, said, "those who plan to <.lcn1onstrate on Wednesday would do "'·ell if they 'oak a posilive look at who r;tand.'1 for peace. The President of the: l;niled Stales !>lands for peace more than anyone on the olher side." A University of 1-lawail graduate r;tu· clent planned to go to court today to pre-- vent the univt<rsity from canceling af· ternoon classes Wednesday so the war could be discussed. Al Princeton, Sou th Vietnamese Ambassador Bui Diem v.•as scheduled t.o (See ~IORATORIUM, Page 2) Car Theft Suspect Wild Shooting Chnse Ends in Newport Arrest Newport Beach pill(! -111\ardiy· 1r· rested a 26-year-old San DielO man on a car stealing charge after a 12-mile:, tw(). city chase during v.·h.ich a patrolman fired a shot at the fleeing vehlcle. Robert Lee Black, who limed hi~ oc- cupation a~ a photographef', remained in police custody today, av.·aiting at· raignment. Officers said th e suspect stole tv.•o cars. The first, a 1962 Corvair belonging to Gerald Peckham ol Newport , was ffriven av.·ay from Lida Shops area shortly before 5 p.m, Two hours later , a<."Cording 1(1 police. the suspect left the Corvair in the Eastbluff Shopping Center and drove awily with a 1970 ltlustang owned by Officials Greet 250 'Cutback' V els at El 1'oro Tv.·o planeloads of troops from the Third ~1arinf' Hegimcnt set down on the El Toro ~!CAS runv.•ay th is morning. home fron1 Vietnam under President Nix.on·s ;innou nced reduction plan. The 250 rt'!umees v.·ere greeted hy t.:n rlersC'C'retary of !hi? /'\avy .John \V. \Varner and Gen . Le"'JS \V. \\'alt. assis· tant ('()mmandan~ of rhe 1;.S. J\1arine (;OflJS. The men Wfte givfn ;a bonus of 20 day!f leaves and those not being discharged fro1n their service: will be l'!lationed at Camp Pendleton, along with others re:tuming later this mooth. Warner told the men in an addrl'~l'! following the lumultous, flag-waving \Velcome, complete with band music, that they could be proud of their Vietnam eervice. He al.5{) said their retum -~ outfit v.·as the first designated by Nixon for removal -is evidence or the Presidenl's willingness to get out of Vietnam. The remainder of the unit, which total.'i 1.200 men, v.•ill arri~e at the air station la ter in the month. heading for the first sl ateside <luty in 16 years of overseas deployment. Col. \Vilbur Simlick, the regiment"! commanding offit'et, exchanged rolors !oday with commanding {)fficers st El Toro during the colorful welcome-home rites. During it! four years of assignm~t in Vif!tnam, the: Third Marine Regiment lost 1,060 troops killed in combat. Bike, Car Craish; Girl, 17, Hur.i · ' ' A 17-year-old Newport Bt:11ch bicyclist. ~uffered a brotten Jeg·a·nd bruises •S;unday afternoon in a crash -of her .cycle 'and a car. Elltabe:th Lee Knox. 1$24 Gala.lie: Drive, wu hurt in the 2:50 p.m. colli.siop ~Highland aod M1rina''1. DriYi •• · The .dri>·tr ol the , .auto. rood Robert S<hlesin~er. 16. JSle. ~1m¥1. -.nol cited, PQlke aakl1 Thomaa JWfelto, alsl) of Newprni. In both cases, the owners of !ht vehicles had left their keys in the car, police said. The high·speed cha~e bf>gan when ruf.' Felio spotted his car being driven av.·ay. Ue called pohce. Patrolman Phil Hall on hi~ way to the !'IC'ene saw the !\tustang pa.~'> him in the opposite direction on J amboree Roart. The Mustang headed for .E. Coast High1vay and turned 1vest. Hall made I U·turn, radioed for assistance and the pursuil was on. Within mlnule.'i, four squad cars an<! A motorcycle officer were chasing the suspect through two red lights at speeds up to 80 miles a n hour. .At the approach to U1e Sanl;i Ana rti vcr bridge, Hall pulled alongside. lhe stolen ~tustanj:!. but it kept on going. 1'he 47-~·ear-o!d patrol man the fired onP shot al the su~pecl"s tar. The b11llrl ~t ruck the r ight side of rhe Must.anir about 12 inches behind the driver"s door. It slowed nobod y down. The P.1ustang, with the police righ t be hind , turnl'd right on Broo khurst Avenue in lh1n!i ngton &acti. left on Atlanta Avt<nue and left again on Surg,. 1.ane near thf Santa i\na Rh·rr, "''here 11 finally stopped. By then th~ suspect Rnd !hl' ~tolen car v.'ere surrounded by police unit.~. B!;ack v:as given a ridr back to Ne wport polir ti headq uarters v.·hcre lie v.·as formall y booked on a grand theft a uto charge. As of this morning, no bail had been "''· Stork Jtlarkels NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market maintained a good advance in n1oderat e trading late thll'I afternoon. jSee quota· Uoos. Pagei 20--21 ). The momentum of a rally that J:Ol un· de.r way Friday carried on as analyst.'! MW a lift in investors' spirits as a re· suit of the market's ability to stay abov• the 1969 low late last week. Ora age (;oast Weather SuMy skies will give way In crisp night.'! today and Tuesday with Increasing c louds in the ea.rly hours along the Orange Co~L INSWf: TOD/\ Y The baton i! poised to launc.la the 1969-10 concert 'eason 1n Orange County. and mi.uic crille 'tom Barley take.~ on odoo11~ look. SePJ E11tertainr11tnt, Popt [8. Ctllltt~,. ' Mtwi., " CIJnlllN .... ... -It ....... '" """'' " ··-'"''"' " ''"'"r4 " l«l•i ·~ l J.11 ..... "'"" .. , .. , .. 1).11 ....... ! ..... • ·--.. "" .. _..,,.,. " ,. .......... .. L":!... .... """" " " -• :r.: .._, " -.... " ... • ._.. ·-''"" ........ " 2 D~ILY PILOT N • Huge State Worker U11it 01\.s St1·ikes SACM'fENTO IAPI -The biggest organiz ation of CaWornia sl..ate employes defied Gov. Rtagan today and \10ted to e!i1n inate its J(}.ycar-old no-strike pledgC'. Bitterly unhappy w1lh the Repu blican .~orernor and his state employe job cut· backg, delegates to the California State En1ployes Association convention drop- ped the pledge by a vote of 630·19Z. "The right to v.•ithhold our serv1ee~ l.~ the diHerr.nce between sl a\'ery find the right to ·be a free man," said !\lax Turchtn of Los Ange·1es, one or those who 11dvocated dropping the pledge. J\fember s of the OrRaniz..ation, v.1hic h represents 111.000 of the state's 160,000 v.·orkers, have been increasingly unhappy v.ith Reagan ever since he began a serie s nf job cutb acks <1nd olher economies ear· Jy in his administration. . At present. Reaga n ls advocating r hminatlng some iOO stale jobs b,Y January 1970. The CSCA ls demanding colle<"livc bargaining wHh the state and \\·ages equal to those paid by private in· duslry for comparable jobs. Opponents charged the organization does not "have the muscle'' to strike. R11t a recent decision of tht 3rd Di stri('t Court of Appeal said public \\'Orkers do not possess that right. There ne\·cr has been a strike of ~latr. public f.'mplo yes in Cal ifnrnia. There ha\·c heen several instan.ces of local en1ployes \l'alking off their jobs. Fred Taylor, a rormer CSF~A prrsident, gaid tho action "will make us lo:ik like a bunch of hooli gans before the publi,c." But Don Gallagher of San Francisco \•oieed the feelings of many delegates 'rhen he said the action does not mean the CSEA \'.'ill strike, but is just a v;ay of preparing for strike action in case ll i:; necessary. From Pnge 1 PORTER ... rl!':a wning. DISTINCTION !\'.O. I: J-10\V \\'E BC)' In Octobe r 1929, niy yoong \\'ido,..·ed 111other had most of her ncstegg in stoc ks on a 10 percenl margin -$1.000 of her O\Vn cash behind every $10,000 of stock ~he "cw.•ned." As stock prices plunged, . .,he could not rai se the cash to maintain her margin and she was "sold out." ~Hllions like her also \l'Crc \\'iped out and 1111 their stocks were dumped their persona! rljs11stt r!I fed upon eath other. IN TmS OCTOB ER 1969. my husbapd :ind 1 have a lat pe rc entage of our nestegg in stocks too but what we own . 11•e OWN. \Ve cannot'be 30ld cut. \Ve can be hu rt by a stock slump but not destroyed .. And this I place as one of the most ba sic differences belv:een the eras. In '29, borrowings by New York Stock f;x.change f1rn1s totaled 53 5 billion ; tn. day, they're a mere $3 .5 billion. In "2~. there were no margi n rules: llO\\', under a 1934 law, margin requirements are .BO percerit and margjn l ran.~actions are only -18 percent of tota l NYSE volume. The market, Jn sho rt , i~ today rcsling largely on a CASH foundation -and this is a ~ound roun<lation. DISTINCTION NO. ?: \\'RO JS BU\'ll\G In 1929, the typical 1ndi\•idua l in the ii.tock market 111as a gambler.. Whet.ber a little fellow rts klng his resnL money or <1 t.vcoon playing \\'ilh millions, he 11-as abo\·c all a ga111bler 11'ho mi.c;took the glit· ter of that erea·s gold-_p!atcd prosperity fo r the real \lu ne:. Today, the typical individua l in the market ls in t he midd!c-1ncome bracket and has EXTR A nioney to invest. Jn tl1e lower0111come groups. he is typH.:<1lly an employe of a corpora lon buying stocks u nd~r a pa>Tol l plan-mean ing he 1s 111- ve.st.Jng savings. If he is trading act1l'cly, he is typically up~r·1ncomc . the $25,00U· an<f·u p in(lividual ac<'Ounto; for 47 percr1lt of all trading by lnd1r1dual~. A stoc k ma rket rc:.tin~ mo~tly on ~ cash founda !ion and do1ninatcd by In· ve stors ca n go .into a sev ere dec!1nr -- \1·:t-ness ·69 -but I c<1 nnot see 11 1n an un, controllable di~·e. These tw.? dis11net1011~ alone say the markets of !!123 :ind 1969 are simply no1 parallel. DAILY PILOI QIAM'I Cl).Ul f'UlllliMINO COW~Y ll:t l.trt N. W••• •rnlRtll •"' P""llthH J1c\ I . Cw rlt'f \/1c.i ll'rtl~lll t !14 G1iAfll l ~ll'llJfl T~1,,,11 1C1tvil E•;io, TI!t ,..11 A Mwr r~I~• -1\ff]ftl (Oltor J o•O fft t f . Coll:111 N-rl lit~~ (llY Ea;To• ~· •ec.,Otnu 221 1 Wtd l1i.11 l11ltw1•4 M1ili119AJl'r••s: r.o. l o• 111s, '26•! OtlilM OftlkM C:ftll Mou: Dt w.,1 air Sl•t t! 1 ....... ._ .. , :111 """'" ............. ~ ..... 11 .. ,. a-ii: .., )Ill '"ut ·- C.llL" •TLOl, •fl'fl """"'° ,. ~Wit ...,._..,._,, n ..,b·f1t1" o••h t •<"9• ~ • ., .. _ .... ed ...... "" "...,.... •fft1t. C:•llo ""-· u..-•• f(JI. .....,. ••••• a-1t 1"4 '°"""'" lft llfr, • ._.""" •-•••• .,."_" o.-c .. n ........,.~ '-'-"' f""",.. .,_, 1n 11 ttll W.ol ••ltlfl ..... ~ .. """'' (ll'K.11, ..... ... ·~ .. ••· ,,1t...,. r;..,,ft .,., .. , f'!'aft FT lf 141 641_.Jt t ca.II ... .WN11' I I 141-WI C-r...... 1-. Ot-Co111 P'*'W.1111 '-~' ... """• tl!Jf'fo. •M"'ltt l-, ........ """" .. ~·-... ~ .,., " ·-.. -.......... -.1a1 --.,, -llJIO _,, ...... ~ .... -..... ~ .. t i ti~_. .... -c.... ,.,.., (1111 .... i.. s..Mc•i.t .... .., ur~a•..._...,,.1 .,.. ,...11u •.....,.,.lf, ""'"'"" ,,_1t111n .... UM """"''· \ . ' ·~ _,,., '... \ ' ' Stea111-Cleane1l B.rake:n;a1: enjo,yi ng lus early n1ornlng coffee 1s enveloped .by steam fl om Flying Sco tsr_nan as ta1ned Bnllsh Jocornotive chugs out of Boston's So_uth Station. Pulling nine-car exhibit of British goods, the 120-ton eng ine began 2.200-mile ~our of American cities Sunday. Pai1· Held i11 Hiintingto11 Af te1~ Death Th1~eat, Shots A pair of men were arrested early t:r flay In Fountain Val!ey, following an alleged mass murder threat and lhe shooting of one man dur ing a bra\1·! at a J!untington Beach discotheque. 'Tom1ny \V. Thompson, 22, or 5172 !;ard en Crave Boulevard, \Vestm1niiler, ;:lnd Thomas '''at.kins, 22. of Carden Grore, \1·err booked on chargl's of assault \\ i!h intent to eomn1it murder. Authorities in Fountain Va ll{'y said they wi!I lodge additional charges o[ po~~ession of dangerous drugs and car· ry1ng a concealed weapon against I.he pa ir. Fullerton Ma1i Saves Bont, But Passe ngers S tvirn A Ful!erlo1i" rnan saved his boat from o:,inkini; Sunda y 1nom1ng after it hit the J·:asL ietty al the Ne11·por~ !!arbor en· lrznc~. Both his passrngers abandoned shi p ;ind $\\'.1m lo ~hore 1.1ihi le Albert E. Barkn1an struggled to free the era!!. Harbor patrol1nen said the incident OC· t:urred at 6:15 a.nl. Backman's 2J.foot cruiser "Saccl" had hi~. lhe rocks and \1•as stuck for a limr. Backman successfully pulled the boa t from the rocks and powered the leaking boat to a boa l yard \1·ithout patrol help. \\leanwhilc>. Connie. Phillips of Laguna Reach and Jerry Archer ol Yorba Linda t>\1 <1111 11shorc i11 Corona d('l i\lar. They rejofned the skipper later at t!Je 1 L1r~c·r Drpartn1rnt docks, pa1 rohnen s:::1d , Thrrc \1'rre nn i111u r\c~. rlam;ige lo the boat 11·ns de:Sc:-1bed ;i:; rcl<it1\ely 111inor. !;ta lc "'or kc r ;; Debate SACRA,lE:-;TO 1 AP\ -Delega tes representing l J 1.000 California state workers r1ebated today ...,,hethcr tn re· hounce t h ,, 1 r rurren1 constitutional pledge no~ lll go ou t on slrtkc. Hashish and a .22 ca liber pistol were Bllegedl y confiscated. .. Detective.!! said today tha t Craig <o1 ln1ore, 19, who.se Huntington Beach ad- rfress was \\•lthheld, is listed in satisfac· tory condit ion today at Huntington lnterco1nmunity Hospital . He rrportedly identified 'Valkins as 1 r1ggern1an in the bra\\·! early Sunday ouls1dr !he C;1vr, a night spot at .o\dan1s Avrnuc and Bc;ich Boule\'ard. Cilinore -\\'ho allegedly 1un1pcd one of hi~ attackers whrn guns \\'ere dra11·n - :-.tlrfered a .22 cciliber bullet wound in the slo1nach and hand during the preda\vn enco unter. Authorities said the case began \vhe1\ f;drnorc, and three pals, Greg l..e\\.'is • Dnn Newberry and Robert Russell all Wf'nt to the taVern about I a.1n. Sunday. Onec inside, police said, a fight started involving thr fou r frirnds and also 1'hon1pso11 and Watk ins, bul bouncers broke up the jllercation. Th e a1_1 tagonists )alrr 1nct agaln in the. parking lnt. about 3:30 a.01,. ac:cordln~ to 1he aecount given detectives. and 'Va!kins and Thompson allegedly dre1v pisto'ls on the fou r. :\ lif1h \1·ilness. an 11nidrn!ific<l girl, 11;i:; present al thi~ tln1e, when the ll\'O gunmen allegedly threatened to mas5acre all others present. Police said Gilmore -fearing !11~ \yorst -jumped one of the pistol-packing :::uspl'c!s and \vas shot by !he other, at \\'hi0h time everyone scattered. Cil1nore staggrrcd to a nearby servic e ~.talion. \\'here he \Vas found by p;>Jice c.1llerl to the scene- He and other witnesses described th e gu11men involved tn the shooting and police found a BB pistol near the right scene, but no fireann \\·as found until the c;ir stop i11 Fountain Valley today. Pat ro\n1rn pulled ove r 1he vehicle ronlinely becau~ the rrnr license plate 1r.1s not \\·orking. t\n explanation for the original figh t \1 h1cll led to the gunplay an<! \\'Ounding of l~i11norr ha s been gh•en and deterlivf'~ 11·rrc pr9blng to establish the motive to· d:t\'. fn1nrl:iinls on all three c11 a·rgrs aga inst. Th:in1pson ;ind \V:itk1 ns 1\'ere expected to r1e is.~uro tO(lay. 1vilh cirr;ijgnment follo\\'• 111c in \Vrs;t Orange County Judic.1a l D1stnrt Cotl rt. Interc ept Ease d; Border Traffic Now Near Normal TlJUANA, ~l exico <AP) -Trafric across lhe 1ntemat1onal boarrler inched closer to normal today as the Unlted St.ates eased anl ina rcotics controls, but ?>le;.;ican bl1sinessmen r1"orted coin· JT\er(·ial activity •·far below'' l1sual levels. \Vashinglon announced Friday the. te_r1nination of Operatton Int ercept, de.signed to curb th e lnflo1v of narcotics frnn1 ~1exico. The actinn followed 1;rit1 c:1$m by l '. S, Mexico Cl oses Tijuana 'Houses' TIJUANA. i\Jexieo (AP\ -Shor!ly nrtl'r the. U.S. governn1ent announced Friday t hat ii~ Operation Intercept 10 reslrict drug trartic \\·ould be rerlace<l hy Operation COOperat jon , all houses of prostllulion 1n Tij ua11a "cere closed. (Jwners said lhey "'ere told only that the shutdown ·was "because of superior orders." J1ouset-of prostituti on do not ot. flcially exist in TijuJ'J.na and iiuthor1ties declinrd comment. Operation Cooperalion \1·a~ announced as a joint u.s .. r-.tex.ican effl'lrt to curb narcotlcs fl ow across the borde r. but de· l.iils of how 1'fexico pl:ins to cooperat1 h•ve not been announceJ. congressional 3nd illexican go\'ernment l{'aders tha t the operation v.·as harm ing r<'la1ions and trade bet1v~n the l\\'O c0u111rir.~. ln1 crcepl is beini; rcplaced by Opera· 1ln11 Cooperation. a U.S.-~texlcan effort to cud1 narro11cs 1101\' across the. border. "l!'s still too ea rly to sav \\'hat effect Operation Cooperaiion will h;ive on lnuri~in." '-aid j\1anucl Lryv n. operator of one or TIJtia na 's largest ltqunr :;l ores. "But right now business sti ll is down by sonic 50 prrc£'nl " Th is appeared to bt the <:onsensus a1nong bus inessmen cater ing t o American tou rists here and in olher r-.tex· ican border cities. Cars \Vere still bting inspected as they rrosi;ed the hordrr . a]though not as thoroughly ;:is during Intercept. Searches appeared to be averaging about JO seconds here SundRY afternoon. U.S. Cuslom~ officers al San Y!lirlro declined lo di sclose lra'ffic flow figures. '.llranwhlle_, ~-lexil';i·s defense minister stud troops discovered and burned an f'stima led 65 1 011~ of 111arijuana \l·orlh a i:ou1Jd $~ 1n1l lio11 on a 250-acre larin 011ned lly ;111 uni denlified Arnerican. Cen . ~Jarcel1ne (tarria Barragan said S.11urct:1_\' ni 1\l(':..1ro City tha t the farm, In the state of Guerrero on Mexico's south\\·est coast. included a land,1ng 111rlp. lie ~Aid the O\!.'nt'r apparently escaped to the United .Slates. ,, ------------------------- B52 Strikes Reduced Border Area Hit But Raids Ciit 10% SAJGON (UPl)-Elght flights of B52s bombed along lhe Cambodian borde r Sun- day night and today despite reports President Ni xon had (lrdertd a cutback in thei r raids in response to the lull in Com· n1unist attacks. Official sources !>aid Sunday the Presl· dent ordered a 10 _percent reduclion in stratofort strikes to show lhe Viet Co ng and North Vietna mese that he was wil\· ing to reciprocate in scaling down !he fighting. . This is the area where U.S. military or- f!c:ta ls say the Con11nunisls are training f.,r more attacks. The offi cials sa id today t r.e lu ll could co.ntinue another mon th before the guerrinas are ready. "lie. (the enemy·) could and should be ln \0try sood shape, particularly if he Fron• Page l MORATORIUM address a group countering 1 h e mo ratorium. The Undergraduates for a Stable America said the P resident should be.free of undue pressure in his efforl..!I to bring peace, and urged students to attend classes. Despite the ground swell of opposition, it. appeared that the moratorium would <to what its organizers hoped -.!!how there is still a strong, active bocly of op- posl lion to the conduct ol the war. \Vhittier C o 11 e g e , where Nixon graduated 35 years ago, will be the scene of an antiwar rally. Students at California Lutheran College in 'Thousand Oaks vot- ed 89.3 percent in favor of the morator- ium and closing elai;ses. Every college but one In Arkansas - Southern State of Magnolia -was to have moratorium observances. In Little Rock, a debate was scheduled between progressive Democrats and the young Americans for freedom, a natio nwide Campi.ls group opposing the moratoriu111. Nixon today rcdffirmed his de<lication to achieving peace in Vie tnam but reiterated his inte ntion not to be swayed by 'Vedncsday's antiwar demonstrations. "The re is notl1ing new \\'C can leant fron1 the demonstrations," Nixon said in a letter to Randy J. Dicks, a student of CC'o rge town University. Dicks wrote the chief executive recently criticizing Nixon 's statement at a Sept. 26 ne\\'S conference that 'under no circumstances whatever will I be af- fected by the ()C't. 15 V i etn am inoratorium . "The policies we are now fOllowing .reflect our own best judgement, based on exhaustive study of all the available evidence, of how to achleve lhat ioal (of peace)," Nixon "Tole Dicks. :·To abandon that policy mu.el y becau~ of a public demonstration would therefore be an act or gross ir- re.;pons.ibi lity on my part." "ff a president -any president allow- ('.d his course to be set by those who demonstrate, he "'ould betray the trust of ail the rest," NiJ:on 1aid. Sophie Schulman, Pilot Official's Mother, Dies The molhtr of DAILY PILOT extcutive Bi!rnard Schulman died this mornin g at Temple Hospital in Los Angeles. She wa s Mrs. Sophie Schulma n, 83, v.•ho li1·ed in Los Angeles. Services for Mrs. Schulman will be \\'ednesday at 11 a.m., in the Home of Peace ~1ausoleum Chapel, 4334 Whi ttier Boule\•ard, Los Angeles. Survivors besi des her son, the DAILY P ILOT'S controller, include sons Sidney And George, a daughter, J.1rs. Edith Ru- dolf, a brother, J oseph Goldberg, and two sisters, llfiss Celia Gold berg and Mrs. Pauline Glassman. The \Vednesday service.!! are dirtcted by Gro man Mortuanes, Los Angeles. holds olf another 30 days before laun- chi ng his \\'inter-spring offensive," one U.S. Com1nand officer said. r-lilitary spokesn1en rep or led 18 overnlgh l shelling attacks but said ground nahling remained light, with 48 guerrillas killed in four tights north of Saigon Sunday againsl no Amerlca n deaths. Troops or the 82nd Airborne. Division, scheduled to be sent home by Dec. 15 under Pre sident Nixon's second phase pulluut plan, found a cache 25 miles north1~·e~l of Saigon Sunday lhe t ron- lained 21 light mactiine guns, 90 rifles and mortar ammunition -evidence of the Communist buildup there. American troop i;trength fi gures began to reflect the 35,00(l.man second cutback a~ 4,100 Cl s left \hi' war zone last \l'ttk. dropping the American commitrnent lo 505,600, with 1nore scheduled to le.ave lh i~ v.·eek. Headquarters refused to comm~nl on the reported cutback in stratofort raid., b~•I. supplied official figures sho1ving 212 B52 raids o\'er Vie tnam in Scptenlber ccmpared to 271 in August. \Vhereas the big bombe rs "'ere avcra.c· i:ig nearly nine raids a day throu£tt August, the nu1Tiber of n1lssions in· Septen1 ber and so far i n October ha~· averaged ahnost seven d<11\y, according 1o U.S. figures. Tile sources said tha t H the Viet Con,q ;1;11'1 Norlh V1etnan1ese launched a new of· fl·n~ivc -military commanders pred(ct they \\'ill -then th e bombing would be u:c'."eased accordingly. Dad Shoots Son Threats Led to Tragic Death f'rom Wire Sen·ice11 Eddie Lira J r .. 22, lived in a violent neighborhood . He was runni ng from a car lnto his La Pue~te home Sunday night to fi nd safety, but 1nsteiid he found death by his fa ther's hand. !he sound of running f o o t s t e p s fnghtened Edward Lira Sr., after two months o( th reats and violence agalnst the family, so he hurled open the front d.1or and fired out into the night. "I'm sorry Eddie, I dldn't know it was you," the bereaved father cried over his son's body. Los Angeles County She riff's deputies said Lira told of being threatened duri ng a series of gang fights in the nf.'i gl'!borhood since the Aug. 3 murder of a 23·year-old rpan. Earlier in thf.' evening, l 11·0 carloads nr 11ighfriders passed the hoint. of John Dt· buene, 18, and fi red into the residence, \1·ounding Diboene, who was hit by a ricocheting slug. Ile \\'as treated al La Puen te Com· munily Hospital, where young Lira wa.it dead on arrival and a compa nion also hit by the eleder Lira's gunfire, Ste ven Rodriqu ez, 22, was tre ate d fo r a minor hand \\'ound. Shortly after the shootings, two other men showed up al the hospital to check on Diboene -without knowing of Lira's death -and were arrested. Diboene, who had listed Lira as a suspect in th e shoo ting into his home, ailegedly identifi ed Roy Rodri quez, 29, and Daniel Soto, 21 , as two of the men iD one of the cars. They were booked on charges or at- tempt ed n1urder, 11·hile the elder Lira \1·as que~tioned about his so11·s accidental :;!ayu1g and released. Stolen ID s Cl eru·ed Up; Mesa Couple Not Robbe1·s A Coosla Mesa couple -characterized birefly as a Bonnie and Clyde bandit team -was cleared of bank robbery charges Sunday v.•hen authoritits found lhe suspects in an SI t,000 holdup we re us· ing stolen identification. James E. Hallidy, 27, and his wife Lin· da. 23, of 180 Merrill Place , v.·ere iden· tified in niitionw ide Associated Press dispatches as the husband ·\\'lfe team charged with the Velva, N, D. stickup Saturday. "It's the most amazing thing ...,.e ever heard of," said HaJlidy when the mistaken identity case resulting from a burglary o{ the cou ple's car last J uly wa.!I untangled. "I guess the persons who stole our property v.·ere usi ng our identillcation," said the young parcel delivery service claims adjuster. His pretty blonde wife is a fourth grade teacher al La Veta Elementary School in Orange. Discovery that the couple ln custody at Minot, N.D, is not Mr. and t.frs. Hallidy stil l has not established just who the suspects really are. The third one is identified as David C. Bradley Eyes Senate, Sta le ()ffi cer Races SAN DIEGO (AP) -Los Angeles City Councilmiin Thomas Bradley, "'ho ran unsuccessfully for mayor, says he's thin kin g about running fo r lieutenant governor Qt U.S. senator next year. ·r ooel. 4~, of Bittle,. Tenn., and all ,..·e.rr. arraigned Saturday before U.S. Com- missioner Kenneth Knutson foll o...,·in1 their capturt'. They are held in li eu of $30,000 bail each. four member~ of the t.f inot Police De partment st.op~d a pickup truck on l:.s. Rou te 83 near the Minot bypass and arrested the three occl pants v.·ithin one hour of the stickup. Authorities said the arrests occurred only one hour after the People's State Bank was held up Bonnie-and.Clyde fashion in the little to1vn of Velva. Authorities charged the \\'Oman only 1vith aiding and abetting a robbery, while Poole an d the man \\'ho identified himself as Ha!lldy are charged with bank rob· bery. "I guess the persons \\;ho stole our prope rty were using our identifications," Jlallidy said Sunday v,:he.n the case or mlslaken identity was untangled. The FBI ln\d us \\'hOf>Vl'r stole our credit ca rds ha d stolen about fi \'e car.s :;ince they burglariled us," J-la llidy added. He and his ...,·ife v.·ere on an outing nr.ar Bishop lest July 15 \\'hen their car wa.s broken into and ransacked. Fe<leral authorities \\'ere -'1pp.arently r.unning just behind U1e roan1lng fug1· 11\·e~. \\'ho had b('En Ua ced as fa r a.1 ldaho 11·hen they \\'ound up in custody in North Dakota . Hallidy l)aid a total of about $600 in <'harges bas been rnade on one of their ~lolen credit cards since the car clout fou r months ago. ''It l.-Ooks Real even boo st you etLJtude toward yourself -improve your ••self. image,.. a psychologist would' say. Kind of like getting a new sports car. You know the feeling. Good Oil YOU'' To put it simply, a suit most fit your personality as well as your p hysique:. That 's why yoo · ha\'e to be the nltirnat.e authority whea the choice 1s n1ade. ~re can tell you if it hangs well. V•!e may offer an opinion on the siyle or \,·cave or color .. BLil only your instinct can tell you iI it's "vou.." How many times have you heard that and wondered w b a t the salesman could po ss i b 1 y be thinking or : ... then it dawns on )'OU lh~t "·hat he's thinking Of is separal tn;: )flU !rotn your n1on ey. How n1any l1n1e.-, h <1 \' c you wandered rnto a clothing slore to browse a bit and found your · ~ell •'greeted" by some charac- . ter v.·ho makes you try on s ix suj\.'> and then acts insulted and { iniilting when you tell bim you- :re not sold on any of Lhe:m ; It's true that some salesmen nper ate like there's no tomorrow. They know ii you slip out of lheir clutches they'll never see you again. They give you what ~·e: like to rtfer to as the "Broad- \\·ay and 42nd Street LrealmenL •• !l's hosed on the p remise that there's a sucker born every min· utc Md sooner or later mOS't of them will walk Lb.rough the front door. Here at Bidwell'!\ we opera te a 11tUc d lfferent!y. \\'e try to or- rc.r honest serv ice as \\·rll a s bandso1ne su'its. \.fe th i o l of every customer as a friend. And we're a lways happy to see one of ou r friends drop by to chal We know tha t sooner or laler be:'ll need a suit. At that poiDl, we can he lp. \\le've done some t.b.inting on the subject. We beUe\'e 11 suit shou ld be more than just s uitable.. A suit is an e1tensi~. a reflect.ion. of your personality . It t e 1 1 s the world a lot about you. It can So neve r let yourself be talked into a ... suit you don't feel right about -in s tinclively. t\nd ren1ember, you can relax- when you walk through our front ' door. Ted Reed may be there Lo greet you. Or Pete Warren or Clyde Reyes or Phil McGraw. They're all knowledgeable, per· sonable1 son -spoken. They're a n on ha.no to hefp you. N(lt harasi you. Th.is isn't 4.2nd St.reel Jack Bidwell 3.-t17 Via Lido at Ne1 .. port Bh-d., Newport BelM!b Nearly 3,000 •Des r....,. Tim.., Stpiare. Now opea Fr iday evealng• nntll 9 P·•· ' I I I f g " I i I , I I ( = t •th "" bes a ! I jt, I Tit- h" hu~ 1110 anc th• ... I. wiL """ Tyl £" I: r ---------------- I '"·, '· FUNDS HARVESTED -I-loping to r ake in funds from their lhree- day ci rt exhibit and sale, whi ch opens at South Coast Plaza Thurs- da)r, Oct. 23, are (left to rjght) fl-'irs. \Villiam R. Ludlam Jr. and ---·---------------------~------------ ' Mrs. Kenneth E. Say, members of the s ponsonng organization , the Costa Mesa Art League. . ,, .. . BEA ANDERSON, Editor " ... ,. 11 Art Scholarships Rewards Reaped . .\rter .~owing the seed of philanthropy and cullivat- lng the field of art for budding students, Cos ta Mesa .<\rt League members \Viii harvest fund s for scholar- ships during their annual art sho\v and salr. Setting for the sale is the 1r1all at South C'oa ~t P laza and dales of the event are Thursday, Friday and Sat· urday, Oct. 23, 24 and 25. Oil, watercolor and acrylic paintings \viii be avail· able in large sizes as well as miniatures, and other forms of art offered for public sale include metal sculp- ture, mosaic, \\'OOd carving, batik, papier machc and stitchery. Jn charge of arrangements is fl lrs. C'ar e.v Cow an, league presi dent and handling scholarship details is Dr. \Villiam J . Scott. Recipients of .~chotars hips ,~·ill be talented students from Orange Coas1, Golden \\'est and Cbapn1an col- leges and Cal iforn ia State colleges at Fullerton and Long Beach. l·Jigh school s!11dents from E slancia . Cosla 1\le:-<1 , Ne\rport 1-Iarbor and Co rona de! l\Iar also \~·111 benefit. Republican Gala League Reads Success • Machine Celebrities Mingle Amidst Partygoers l'a111ous 11an1cs ,~·ill be pro1ninent on the ~ucs t li st for the 1969 Celebrity Ball hosted by Orange County Republicans, to take place r-riday, Oct. 31, in the Anaheim Convention Center. The ball \vill oprn the annual meeting o! the Republican par1y ol California. sched· uled for Saturdriy <ind Sunday, Nov. 1 and 2. t lore than 2.000 n epu blicans and their ;:uesls, including: party leaders, a re expect· cd lo attend the d:i nr r . ;ind an additional 500 \\'il l attrnd Lhe \\'Ork sessions the follo\v ing f\\'O days. ;\ .c;ou rn1cl dn111('r \\11 1 br :-rrve<i at 8:'.lO p.n1. Ille nigh·1 of the ball. folJo\1·ing the op- ening reception in Lhe c~nvcntion center's c;rande Lobby. ;ind dancln):! 1o the JTIUSic or Les Bro\\ n and hi s famous 18-picce orchcs- 1ra \\'ill rotind out the fe stivities. Providing backg round music dur1n,g the reception \V iii be a four-piece ensenible. Coordlnaling plans for the black-tie oir- tionaJ are Robert F . Beaver and Thomas C. Ro,gers. Tickets for tbe affair, \l 'h1rh \\'ill be si mi· lar to one hos!ed by Orange County Reputr Jicans in 1967, are available fro111 the Orange County Central Con1n1ittee, 547-8006. THE MACHINE SPEAKS -A successful year ahec:;:I is ''predicted'' by the reading machine for Trojan League. Universi ty of Southern California support group. The 65- member league v.1ill meet for the first ti111e in the current ·season Tuesday, Oct. 21 , and will hear a talk by USC Pro- fessor Grayce Ran som, expert in the reading field. Li sten- ing to the prediction are J\1rs. Clark Somers (leftl. presl· dci1t, and Mr s. Hobert !lodges, second vice president. !.~ JI poss ible lo read bclwren !he line~ of a reading n1ach1ne? If so, me1nbers of the Tro1an Lcai;u!! arc reading a successfu l year ahead for the league, a su pport group for the University of Southern Cali/orn1a. The rt•ading machine indi('ales that the first in a group of three n1!!etings will take place Tuesday, Oct. 21, v.•ith Professo r Grayce Ran w111, director o/ L'SC Reading Cen ters, as guest spe aker. 1\1rs. Donald !\fcad Tip!)<'ll of Lido lslc \Vii i be lhc hostess fnr lhc gathering \l'hich will feature presentation or pla ns for the year. Greeting ne"· and returning mem!x-r<i v.·ill be the officer~. the !\lmrs. Clark Somers, Corona dr! i\1ar. prC's1dcnl ; Ric hard L. Allen. Vullerlon, fi rst vice president, mcmbcr~hip : Bobcrl Hodge~. Newport Beach, second vi er prc~idcnt, ways and 1neans; ll ans Vogel. Tusti n, third vice presirlcn l, hospitality: Mathe w A. Cox. Corona dcl !\1ar, recording :-:ccretary; Hicharrl Parker. S an ('ltmt'ntc. recording secretary: Norman Abell Jr_. Orange. treasurer. and \\lil11am E. f-~ortncr, Balboa Isla nd. parliamcn· tari;in. Prof. Ransom. notc<l for her work In lh.c field of machine use in first grade reading and in diagnostic teaching. will bring the group up to date on advanced reading techniques being researched at the university. A gr;iduate of Kalamazoo College . Ka lamazoo, Mich., Prof. Ran som earned her PhD degree at USC. She has served as an assistant professor or education at California Slate College at IAlng Beach and has published re media l hooks for primary grades, children · . ., poems, book re views and articles for pro- fessional journal s. It's a Close Shave, But This Woman's Sti 11 Laughing DEAR ANN LANDERS: \Vhy do Yl?ll 11dvise women wilh five-o'clock shadow to have electrolysis? \Vhy not tell them tht. besi solution is a cheerfu l di sposition and a good razor . I started to shave al 18 and I"ve been at it ever since. In lhe mC'anlime I mar· riM a "''o n derfu l m:u1 and \\"C have a be au Ii f 11 l faniily. t.1y husband and I i;h:n·e togrther C\'CTY 1norning. My lx>ard 1s Loug~r than his find we joke about it. \Vhen 1ve go out Jn the evening l"have to shave again. He •~sn 't. \.\'e joke aboul lhal, 100. l .11.~t su1nmer we rlrO\lC cross-country with the children . I "·as Wl'.arlng slacks" and a le~ther jacket. Wh<'n we i;topflCd 1n Tyler. Tf'X . for lun ch. my husband SllJ-1:· gest.ed "'e both go into the barber shop :ind get shaved. \\le did . Thr. barber near· ly fainted . \\'e joked abou t that, too. So you see. Ann, a sense of humor can get a woman through almost anything, and I am living proof. Sign me -THE BEARDED LADY OEAR tAOY: -Yeah. A sense of humor -and • good rator. Thanks for writing. DEAR ANN LANDERS : This i.~ for •·Also Ran" and far 1111 I.he olher bltter "'ives who think they got a raw deal. "Also" had had it. Shr. was sick and tired of catering to a selfish husband. I fell the ~me way and 1 did somelh1ng about it. 1 got a dh·orce. Now, after 18 months of :i;oul searching I know who was really lo blame. When I realized my husband was contributing on- ly 25 perl'ffit of his effort to our marriage I decided to give 25 percent, too. That left SO percent that nobody was giving. No marriage can survive that much dead alr. I've had 50me good talk s with women since t11y divorce -some Me happily married, the majority are not. I've reached the conclusion that most husbands only gi ve 25 percent. The vdves who ha \le the successful marriages are giving 7S percent. This is what being a wife means. I hope all you 25 percent ~·ivrs out there \11.'ill see lhi:i. and "'·ise up. -LERNDA LOT DEAR LERNOA: I wi ll nndoubtedly be labtl'd a traitor to my s':c for printing your leUt:r, but ifs a good ont and I ag. ee wllll you. Any woman who thlnk1 marriage 11 a 50-58 poposiUon is kidding heneH. And the beautiful part of your theory 11 that the "rives wbo are wllllng to give more t.hnn SO percent soon discover that their huii'\.*11 are willing to up I.be ante also. DEAR ANN LANDERS : T had two telephone calls this morning from mothers of I I-year-old girls. Both women said the same thing -that t am old- Fashioned and out or touch with the times. \\lhy'? Because I refuse to allow my 12- y!!ar-old son to go to boy-girl parties. I am sure th• children are not dQing anyUung "·rong at these parties. They 1lance and eat and are home by midnight. All the same I think .I I· and 12-year-olds are too you ng for thi s sort or thing. J\1y son is not mad , He's relieved . The mot.hers of the girls are mad. It seems they just can't wail for their daughters to grow up and be popular. If you say I'm ~·rong, Ann, I'll reconsider, but I hope you'll be on my side. -MUSKEGON MOTHER DEAR MUSKEGON: How I wish more mothers were •s "old fasbiontd'' and "out o( tout:h" as you! There·s nothing :i;addtr th"an ll·and J%-year-old girls whose mamas doll them up and push tbem Into I.he adult \\'Orld. Don't budg,, Lady. ,·ou're on Jolid ground. If you hal'C trouble getting along witb. your par ents ... if you can't get them to let you live your own life, send for Ann l~anrlers' boojtlc\, "Hugged by JJa rent.'>~ How to Gil t-.forc Freedom." Send 50 cents in coin with you r request and a long, self·addrcssC(I, stamped en velope. Ann Landers will be glad lo help you ·with your problems. Send them lo her in car~ ol the DAILY PILOT, enclosing a sell-addressed, sUunped envelope. , -·-.------- J 6 DAILY PILOT Monday, October l l, 1~6q Horoscope '· ·-I Gemini: Promotion Possible TUESDAY OCTOBER 14 By .SYDNE Y OMARR Lunar poalllon favorable for f'isbin&, Planting. \\'hat appeared to bt sub- terfuge turns out to be huge joke. News center• oo an ·~ parul secret maneuver - wh.Jcb i! mo1t open secret one could imagine. ARIES (Mar ch 21·April 19): You work best in background . Steer clear of attracting too much attention. There are detail!5 which have yet to be agreed upon . Wait unti l agree- ment is signed, s e a I e d , delivered . TAURUS (Aprll 20-~Iay 20\: Friend<; prove their v.·orth. You gain relaxalion a n d personal assurance. This can . ' I I Flamenco ' ' ' ' :· .·' i .· . ' ; . • ' , ' ' , ; ·: .. ' ' , '• .. ' , . • . i • , ; • • ! • • • • ' . • • < , . WHO WILL BE KING ? -!11akini,: guesses as to \vho \Viii be King: J~o~s for )969-70, as nan1ed by Orange Co unty ll<i rbor .1\rea Legal Secreta ries . <\ssociation. are (!eft to right ) Ja n1es P . LQughrari. Boss-o!-lhe-year Ior 1%8-G9. J\Jr:-. ~\lbcrt r:cclcs. J r., president. and J\trs. Dorothy de Malignon, chai rman nf th e event. Tl1e lop boss \Vill be named \Ve<:lnes- day, Oct. 15, i11 the c:osta fl'tesa Golf and Country t'!u b . Dancers On Stage Flarnenco in Concert will be presented for the Wednesda y !\-loming Clu b of Cos ta fllesa when members galher for brunch in the Balboa Bay Club Wednesday, Oct. 22, al 10:4:> a.m. EASY-CARE U1 1/0 1·11LJ "JUST FOR YOU" Attorneys 1n Suspense The program, arranged by Mrs. W i 11 a rd Steckbauer, features La Conte de Wyo, Teodor hforca and Benito Palacious, Spanish Flamenco dancers who have appeared in New Orleans, Las Vegas and other cities. The grou p appears in bright costumes and dances to the gui tar artistry of Palacios. I Over Choice of 'King' Globetrotters, under I he t ha1rm anship of Mrs. Virginia !-IO)'l. 1vill travel to Busth l;ardens FrlUay, Oc·t. 17, departing al 10 s.m. and re tu rning at 5 p.m. Smart fa\hio11s, tare-free f.'Jb rit1 fea- turing BA RCO and othe r fa mou\ bra ri d na mtn. I Su ~prn~c is hoilding and th C' question soon will be ans\.01ercd \1·ho will be King Boss for 1969- iO·: Mariy Jf yles lo thoose from. sa 98 Some as low •• • The !op boss will be narn('d by the Orange Counly Harbor Arca Lega l Sec r e l a r it s A S!5 o c i a l i on v.·hrn the se cretaries and thei r bosses meet for dinner \Vednesda y, (lc-1 l.'i. 1n the Cosla fliesa c;o'lf Cathy's Uniforms 17 67 N~wpolt llvd. Cos ta M•MI 646-5388 IARCO Be auty Salons Coming or goin g, you're COLORFUL ... , .. ' I~rt u~ ni:ikc the n1 o ~l of you r h:1ir: A coiffure lovely on all side~, and t'olor lovel y in cv('ry light. INST A NT color: our magical l 'anci-!ull Rinse that needs no rieroxicle, no after-r inse , thal sbampoos out wh enever you wi,11h ; thatcovers gray, tones bleached hail', r t frc6bes duH hair. Fanci-!ull colors \vhile ,,.e eel yrn1r h:i.ir, to givr you a new look of beauty -...·i thout :1ny ex tra lime! with our INSTANT a ROUX PLUS SHAM ~O AND SIT I Mot1. th'111 Tli•!t·) !l o"' H•i' E•tr t l "'"" I •·"'· 12.71 RINSl 75, S2.SO frltt.-,, l •hirtler, SutMlcr .•..•••• SJ.00 C••'• w .... Cellf. "' • 111~ '""t Mtr!•I' (..,tor '"'"' l•·U•I C••ttl w ... C•llf. 1Mf Mt.-tMI. 11'.·Mtt'I 'l•I• ,_.....,. Ce1N M .. e. Celif. '" w. lflh 11'11-' 'l•teftll• I lttll ,...,.. ,.,.Jm ,.,,,._, C .. 11. ,1)11 .......... .............. c ... ,., .......... .,. 0 1-.•.C9'if. IU4 W. Ch•o"'"" \lk. ... , ... , •• ,._, lll·ll<I f•u•.,.. Yelley, C•llf • ,,.. M-111 Vlll.,_o (fO't.,.. 'h•~· 'ii""' 1•N A11•. Cellf. "'ell ...... & llt Mt•f '""' ,.,..,. , ........ ,.,.,1 • ..... h, v.11..,. c.ur. 1111 •• ._.. ., .... ,It I V•llW (.,.lo• ,.,.. ... IJl·lflM ;ind Countr~· Club , ,James P. Lougllr<tn, 1%1:-69 Boss-of-lhe-ye<ir v.·ill br in· traduced by !\lrs. Albe rt Eccles .Jr·. as n1aslrr of tr re n1onie~. Le !tt r s 1vril t en by :>ecretarics, .non1i nating their bosses. are being judged by three judges \\'hose idenlities \\'ill be disclooc<l prior lo the annou ncement or the bos.s-of- the-year. In charge or arrangemen l!5 is Mrs . Dorothy de Malignon and assisting her is ~1rs. t.1cl Packa rd. Entertainment will tonsi~t of a humorous reading by Mis.s Laura Hanrahan and a concert by a quartet of al- tomeys from San Diego. Special gues ts will be municipal and superior court judges. Any legal secretary may at- tend if she brings her boss, and reservations may be made by calling Mrs. John \Vi!cox, 54i-88{)4. The evening \\•ill hegin y.·ith a social hour at 6:30 p.m. and dinn er at 7:30. Si lve r Sa n.ds The first and third Tuesda.1·~ <1l 8 pm. me mbers of Sliver Sands 236, Na tive Daughters of the Golden \\'est gather for n1 eeti ng s. Lake P ark Clubhouse in II u n I i n g I o 11 Beach is lhe meeting pla ce for the first session. J\1rs. Jack \\l ilson, 548-1 479. will furnish location information on the second meeting dale. The arts and craft s section v.•ill 1necl in the home of Mrs. B. L. Gibbs al Hl a.riL \\"rdnesday, Oct. JS, and !he <lrama section , t·halrcd by Mrs. Merritt Kevan, will join the arll and crafts section on Oct . 15. Auxiliary Packs Bags For Confab Newport Beach Police Wives Auxilia ry is sending members to the biannual convention of the Peace Offi cers Wives Clubs Affiliated next \\'ed - nesda y. i\loney \\'a!! raised from a garage sale last Saturday. The confab will focus on backing legislation which is bC'neficia l to police officers, rhe cumulation of a scholar- .ship fund for a son or dau gh- ter of a policeman and dis· cussion of a ~chool program on molestaLion . EarliC'r this season the aux- iliary planned a night beach party y.·i\h husbands and a trip 1o the ll"ar 'Thea ter In Los Angeles to see '''i'ou're a l;00<1 ~Ian Charlie Bro\vn." Me•a Leag ue La Leche. Lea'gue meets lhe second Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. ~frs. H. \V. MoorC', 545-4359, \\'ill ansv.·er q u e s t i o n g regarding location. You're Tlte Kind Of Woman Who Gets What She Wants ... and that happens to be SUPERB HAIR STYLING try matAeJ 11 ex 1I • C ut ting • Tint ing • Permane nts ... •II ••r.•rtly don • by out!tandil'I ma • & female i t liit., MANICURES & PEDICURES mathe ~ W~ &Beau t"S alon 2 S0-0 Ea 1t I 7fh St. Hillgr•n Squ•r• Cost• Me1a Tel. 548·14-4 6 VtVIANE WOODARD COSMETI CS O,..i ' te l :JO Delly 11111,,.,,1. 'tll I ,.111. WllO. SALES • SERVICE • STYLINIO Uo;;oo;;;;oo;;;:;oo;;;,......;;;:;oo;;;;oo;;;;oi;;;:;oo;;;;oo;;;;oo;;;:;oo;;;..U be a fine day-ll is up to yoll. Be willing to share your hopes and u•l:ihes. GEMINI (f.1ay 21 -June 201: Advancement i n d 1 c a I e t! • Promotion is d is t inct possibility. Horne con1forts improve . You could purchase luxury item. Strive to please loved one. You"ll be happu~r. CANCER (Ju ne 21-Ju!y 221: difference b c t w c e n success and failure . f\o-le:isage clear by tonigh t SCORPIO (0 e t . 23-Nol". 21): Creative p u r suits fovored-routine changes. Ob- tain hint from Libra n1 essage. Be read y for change, possible travel. Member of oppoi>ite se x pays mearungful con1- pliment. fron1 fan1ily 1ncmbcr. IF TODAY JS \'OUR BIRTHDAY you ar e ln· quisitive. You 11ant reasons. You would make fine reporter, teacher. photographer. Social life has in1 proved. But you 1vill soon be engaged in la!5k v.·hich !units outslde acUvities. Good lunar aspect today coin- cides with c ha nce to s t r e n g t hen phi!oso pllical views, Keep comn1unicalion lines clear. Success is in- dicated in writing, sub1nitli11g manuscripts. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-ro ''"" 001 wh<l"• tuc~v •or vou 1., mon•• 1.-.:I l<ov~. "'~' S\od"ev Om1•r"' Dec. 21 ): Stress practicality. t""'lkl•r. •·s•tr•' Hon" ror Men """ Elen1ent of confusion exists, Women" ~tnd blr1ha11e •"d 50 <en•• 10 °"'"" /.$1,0IOO'f ~e,,.t>. ! ~ • You are ten1pted \1•ith get-rich-oa11v puat, aox n~o, G••"d C•n1ra1 .k h B I . 0 ,,, s11tlon, "'"'"for•. rL "f. IOCll. quit· sc eme. u wi se c u I-=========='-~ LEO (July 23-Aug. 22 ): A11 imporLant agreement cou\tl bf' 1ransacted . Bllt fin a n c i a I loophole d es e r v e s ex- aininal ion. Don't jun1p al fir~t offer. You arc needed. Get wh at you deserve ~ not al bargain prices. VIR GO IAug. 23-Sept. 22): Lie low. Do niore listening than talking. Steer clear or legal dispute. You don't get away with much to day , Adhere to rules. regulations. Make concession to mate, partner. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cL 22): \'ou gel fresh insight to job. ;issociates. Be willing to change your mind. A erea\l\'f'. approach today could mc<in is to slick v.·ith t h e .- familiar-applies o!so t o perso nal invo!ve1nents. I CAPRICORN !Dre . 22-Jan.1 19\: Short journey mny be on agenda. !'llessagc or call pro·, vi des sti111ul<1 l1or1. Ideas are , plenti ful. But stick lo coursc 1 y.•hich helps bui ld helter rel<t- tionship \Vit h farnily, AQ UARI US (Jan. 20-Feb. 18 ): Accent on rn o ne y . Taurus message. Enjoy what vou have -grass is not I i;reener across the \Ya y., De velop sense of appreciation .• Definite gain is possible. I PISCES ( (f eb. 19-fltarch 1 20/: Cy cle is high ; you go 1 places and draw favorable at· lention. Yo u gain feeling of bctng revitalized. Pleasan1 Sllrprisc is due-could come AW ARE Has Coffee With College Students , South Coast Ch a p t C'r, !hllunun, in st r u c t o r in' A \VARE Jntemational, will psychology and counselor at pre~nl its annual scholarship <.'Offee in assoc iation \Vith the OCC. She serves as chairman j of the con1m itlee to select a new ly formed r.-1 ature Woman recipient for the scholarship. Students grou p of Orange 1· k ·11 · t d BE F REE .uesl spea ers \l'J inc u e .•• Coast College in Lhe hon1c · I I t h. . b ·1d· h re cipients 0 SC 10 ars lpS OF F . Cl AL H"I R econonucs ui ing on l c from the chapter last year. ,... campus tomorrow at 11 a m. Hostesses v.·ill be !\-liss Fran-FORE:VE:R. L ET us SH O\'/ All y.•omen over 21 who .at-cis Downs fron1 the student lend OCC and al l mature YOU HOW EASY IT rs . 1 d . group and ~\rs. Rii:-' Stewart y.•omen in eres!e in L'illl· i!!ld illrs, Ilay Tyrone froin • TO REMO VE EXCES S H A I~ tinuing their education are iri-.ti. \VAJlE. v\ted to thr function . AWAREI-============. s1<inds for lhe Association for r \\'omen 's 1\etive Return !O Education . Special guC'sl, Dr. Rovena . Jacobson. will t~ll students and 1nen1ber5 aboul so nic of her cxpcrient:es a.~ a foundi ng me inbcr of A\'.'ARE and a lso 1 her thoughls <ibout receiving lier doctoral degrt!e in educ<i -1 t1on administration r r o m l:nive rsity of ~ou t he r n1 Californi<J. 1\ctcpting ~ ."f·holarship check will be I'lfrs.. \V;indal.1·11 WEIGHT CONTROL ••• GLANDULAR THERAPY BEN B. THOM PSON, MO Call for 11ppointme111 b~6 -0 25\ Op•11 Mo"doy t h1u Fri dor 1827 We$tc.liff Or. New port Beach C UT A N D CURLED. W JTH MOOER r{ ELE CTROLYSIS , MEDICALLY >.PPRO VE:O e •• SAFE 1 F AST , GENTLE • CONSULT WITH OU R LI CEN CEO T ECHNICIA/1 IN OlJ R l!E,-1.UTY SALON • ROB INSON 'S NEW PO RT IN JUST TH E RIGHT PLACES FIR $T IT \VAS A \VH!SPER OF SOl'"T EXCIT EMEN T OM THE HAIR COUTURE: HORIZEN. NOW , IT 1S A FULL -FLOUNCED F>-SHJ ON FUROR : A LOOK THAT1S l tA P ANO ANGEL • PIQUANT , ELEGANT , •• MAGICALLY YOUAS,,,VIA OUR VC::RY O\VN ENO CURL CUT, 5 .00; AIOC:D BY AN ARTFULLY PLACE:O HELt:N C CURTIS END CUR L P ER1'l, AT 15.QQ. l3 E ... UTY SALON. CONSULT WITH MR0 JOH N AND MR. ROBERT, 1N OUR NEWPORT BEAUTY S>.LON t FOR TH E LATEST IN HAIR FASHI ONS AND THC GR EATEST IN HAIR TECHNIQUES . ROB NSON'S ROBINSONS NEV11PC RT • F;\Sn .. :::0J IS~A1\ID • 644-2800 f I -' -----• ----·---·--------~___...---------~~~~~---~c ----------------- f;osia Mesa EDITION Today's Final N.Y. St.oeks VOL'. 62 , NO. 245 , 3 ScCTIONS, 34 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAllFORNIA MONDAY, OCTOBER -13, '1969 TEN CENTS 7 Russians Orbit Earth Moratorium Jells In 3 Sl1ips But Protest Won't Swar, Nixon ~10SCO\V (Uf'J) -The Snviet Unio n pu t a third manned spacecraft into ea rth orbit today and now has a record seven men circling the earth in three Soyuz space vehicles -fi rst stage of a proje(:t to build lhe first permanent space sta- tion. Informed space source!! snld no permanent space sta tion will be eslabHshed TIO\V but that a linkup is plan- ned betv.·een tv•o of the spacecraft and probably \Vill include experiments in the first space welding. HO\\'ever, a!J seven cos1nonauts are stheduled to return 1n their O\\'n ships, the sources said. Soyuz 8, with two experinced cos mo- na uts aboard, roared aloft at 1:28 p.m. t.foscow time 13:28 a.m. PDT) to join Soyu z 6, launched Saturday with two men , and Soyuz 7, wh ich went up Sunda y with three men aboard. Moscow observers said lhe mechanic_,; of the Russi an program may become clearer Tuesday when the thre e spaceships begin lhe first joint space maneuve rs. ~The Russians gave almos t Amerlcan- lype television coverage of their space fl r.~t allho ugh they ra n tapes of the l"venls soo n afler Jauncl1ing instcading of filming the launches live. The Tass nev.'S agency said that in ad- dition to space research the three ships V."OU\d be used to compile geological maps or the earth's surface and oceans. Jt in- dicated the geological-geographic work v.·ould be concentrated on seeking clues to new mineral wealth in thf\ vast, barely explored regions of the Sovitl 1Jnion. The Cosmonauts put inUl orbit tod ay were s pa ce veteran!! Col. Vladimir Shatalov and Alexei Yeliseyev, a civilian. who y,·ere made heroes· of the Soviet Unloo when they transferred from Soyuz 5 lo Soyuz 4 last January. The Soviet announcement said all systems aboard all three spacecraft were functioning norma lly and that the cos· monauts were Tn good health. The announced program neither con- firmed nor denied the reports the main purpose v.·as experiments in building a spare s1ation. Shatalov was nan1ed as con1n1ander of the group flight. ' Bearded Bandits Buy Fudge, Then Steal $57 Cash A ba ndit learn possibly wearing fake beards ordered a bag of fudge ::il a Costa J.lesa 1:andy shop Saturday, lhen bran- (l1shccl a gun at thl' ;istOnlsh rd clerk and filole $57. pol!rc i;;iid 100ay. .Josephine A. Durocher. ernplo)·rd nt llclen Gra ce Ca ndie;;, 2..WO Harbor Blvd, !old au thorities 1he n1C'n harl browsed around the shopping renter for nearly a half hour before entering her store . She tolcl Officer Randy Nutt the men, in lheir mid -twenties, appeared to ha ve fa lse goatees and !.hat one showed her his pistol, then hid it under his coat. J\1rs. Durocher just stared when lhry demanded mone y, so she was ordered again to open the cash regi ster and one bandit scooped up the contents wttile the other kept his eye on the vciil nt. Police did not say if they took along the .. candy. . C1·asl1 With Auto Injures Cyclist A Costa J\lesa 1nolorcyclist was injured Sunday when his machine slammed into a car making a left turn in rront of him, hurling the victim of the seat to the pave- ment. Glenn A. Montgomery. 24. of 22.1 Pomona Ave., was treated at C-Osta Mesa Memorial Hospital for laceraLions and abrasions following the accident at Harbor Boulevard and Wilson Street. Police said James J. Dorrill, 77. of 219! J-larbor Bl vd., was turning left onto 11arbor Boule\•ard from westbound lanes of \Vilson S!rect at 9:4-0 a.m.. when J\1ontgomery hit the car. Stoel< 1Unrkrls NE \V YORK IAP l -The stoc k markrl maintai ned a good advance in nicxkrate trading late thJi; afiernoon. r See quota• lions. Pages 20-21 J. The moo1cntum of !'I rally that gol un- der way Friday carried on as analysL• saw a lift in investors' spirits as a rr. i:ttl t of the markers ability to stay above the 1969 low late last week. ' -· ... ,. '.I. L i' Toting His Tuba By United Pre11 lnlematlonal Plans for Wednesday's nationwide moratorium to protest the Vietnam war l>Olidlfied today, but so tlid growing op- position to the demonstration. President Nixon already has said tha t •under no circumslances will I be af.- fected whatever by demonstrations against the war,'' He reaffinned that position today. Mayor Jotin V. Lindsay of New York, running in a tough re-election campaign, Frightened Dad Kills Son '.After Tln·eats From Wire Strvice" Eddie Lira Jr.1 22, lived in a vlolent neighborhood. He was running from a car into his L<t Puente home Sunday night to find safety, but instead he found death by his father's hand. The sound or running footsteps frightened Edward Lira Sr., after two month& or threats and violence against the family, so he hurled open the front door and fired out into the night. "I'm sorry Edc;tie, I didn't know il wa.s you," the bereaved father cried over his san 's body, Weighted down by tuba, Harry Kohaut, 11, makes his v.·ay home frorn school. 1-larry. 356 Costa Mesa 8l., want1 very badly to play in the Kaiser School band. He ~akes the school tuba home to ;trac- t ice every evening, returns to school with it every morning. He has never had a private m us ic lesson. ~ Angeles Col.Inly Sheriff 's deputies $aid Lira Ulld of being threatened during 11 .. _.,. .r png fi&hts , In the neighborhood since the Aug. J murder of a 23-year-o!d man. Earlier In the evening, lwo carloads o! nightrlderi pa!ised the home of John Di· boene. 18, and fired into the residence, \\·ounding Diboene, who ""·as hit by a ricocheting slug. Latest Coast Freeway Route Would Span ·Bay He was treated at La Puente Com· munity Hospital, where young Li ra \Vas dead on arrival and a companion also hit by !he e!eder Lira·s gunfire, Steven Rodriquez, 22, was treated for a minor hand wound. Shortly after the shoolings. lv.•o otlil'r men showed up at the hos pita l to check on Diboene -without knowin g of Lira's death -and were arrested. By JER0~1E F. COLLINS Ol +~• D•ll' ,lie! SI•!! A portion of \Vest Coast Highway is nudged inland and lhree bridges span the bay in the state's latest designs for the adopted Pacilic Coast Freeway route 1.1•esL or Lpptr NC'wport Bay, Nf'\\'port Bea ch Public \Vorks D 1r~<·!<1r .J oseph T. De1•iin sairl today orig1n;·1! pl;ins by i;tate l'ngin('{'rs at the bay cross- ing have bl."t'n junked. A full interchange, link ing Oo\'er Driv r 1hc freewa.v and the high way, had been p!anne<l . Bu1 further i;tud ie.~ h:ive in· dicaled th:i t "i;uch a connection at th~ Joca!ion Is not practical.'' said !Xvlin. The latest design ~pli!s the highway as il crosses the bay 'into two bridges, one on each side of the freeway bridge. Traf· fie westbo11nd on the highway will trave l nor1h of the freeway bridge. Eastbound traffic wil l be on the south sidC'. The original plan called for ont highway bridge. The change, said Devlin. rnean~ lh<il the state would probably pick up the lab for the two highw<iy bridges. inasn1uch as 1heir construction -is dictated by frcewoy rteslgn requirements. They v.•ould cost from S2 mill ion to $3 million each. "The ne w design ." Dev!Jn explained, "ina krs lhe hig hway crossing part of Ille free\\·ay system." State engineers' latest plans call for l.r;:iFfic heading west onto the freeway to t>nlcr from Dover Drive. Eastbound cars ent er the freeway frmn a relocated seg- n1ent of \Vest Coast Highway in fr ont or the Balboa Bay Club. \Vilh the highway shoved inla nd at th <1t point, the Bay Club, whi ch is new owner of con1me rc1al properties on the inland ~lclc or the present highv.·ay, migh t be_ .~b!e. lo s1v1ng a deal with the stale. The abandoned portion of the highway could be e,,changed for the Bay Club pro- perties. The old highway site could the n ser\•e lhe club as a site for ex pansion, ac· cord ing to De vli n. He added that preservation of com• mcrcial properlles on the inland side of the present highway "no longer appears to be a pr ime design consideration of the state." Devlin emphasized that all planning by Lhe Division of Highways is based on the assumption that the freeway route west of the hay is acceptable to the city of Newport. It is not, he said. And there is li!lle likelihood that it ever will be . He notecl that his staff is even now prepa ring new data justifying re'l'outing of the free wa y several blocks inland. Diboene, who had listed Lira as a suspect. in the shooting into his home, ailcgedly Identified Roy Rodriq uez, 29, and Daniel Soto, 21, as two of the men in one of the cars. They were booked on charge.~ of al- lempted murder, ,vhile lhr elder Lir;t \\·as questioned about his !on"s accidental s laying and released . Court to Rule On 2 War Cases WASl-IINGTON (UPJ) -The newly convened Supreme Court announced to- day it will rule th is term on tw o major case!! involving the selective serv ice right!' cf conscientiou!I cbjectcr!I to the .Vietnam War. The eight justices al so agreed to decide whether states may impose a ceiling on welfare payments to needy families. The court, now preiilded over by Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, indicale1J some or the fields it would rule on by A series of brief order!! accepting and re- jecting appeal!! for hearings of lo""·er court decisions. Will Stocks Crash Again? '69 Similar to '29 But Disaster Shouldn't Recur Th i3 i.~ tlte fir.~I of five specinf ,.eport.~ by DAILY PILOT fi11aneiat col11111 11ist Sylvia Porter on the 40th onniver.~aru of f,hP. .~rock nwrktt crnsh in 192.9 .. Siie a11al11zes thP. 1969 eco11om11 tn tiah l. (If the '29 crash and 1vorl d <lr.pressio11 w/iich f oll.owed. it. By SYLVIA PORTER tT WAS 40 YEARS ago this month \h{tl 11 world crashed . It was on Oct. 4, 1929 that Wall Street wa s hlt by the first of lhe Jieries of iavage selling attacks \\'h1ch were to culminate in th e con(tu].Qion of Oct. 29. It was on that infamous "Black Tuesday" that billions of dollars of stoc k \'aluf:'s just disappeared int.o nothingness, milliona irts became paupers between breakfast and lunch and a whole globe ' I} stood numb tiilnes.!-lo the emergence ot As in 1929, the slock market ha!! been the most catastrophic depre!Sion ever blotched by unmlstllkable signa of get· known Ul man. NOW' it is another October, 40 years rich-quick gambling. later, aod once again the stock market And I!! in 1929, thl're have be.en has been pounded by soccessive waves ti dil'IClosures of !ICll1le shoc king Wall Slreet selling, tens of billions of dollars of stock sc<1ndal!I -with Wall Street's paperwork values ha.ve been erased, mill ions ~ave explosion comin.I{ close in the past 12 \\-'alched their paper profits tum into months to blov.'lng even some of the whopping losses. -"":.greatest ~tock houseii apart. As in 1929, the average income you can -The chilling qnr.stion nags us: CAN IT earn from stocks iJ: far below what yoll-llAPPF.N AGAIN? can earn from high-grade bonds -andjTt ·The honest an!Wer will not be downed: tact, the spread ·bet ween stock and _bond OF COURSE IT Cl\N! yields i!I at an historic high. But despite the many alarming AS IN Im. money Is brutally tiaht similarities between '29 and '69, I !lubn1it (much lighter than then ) and the Federal that IT WILL NOT. Reserve System i!I deliberately clamping This !Series will pinpoint the disllnciion' down on credit in an effort-to cool the between tht two "as which explain my busincs!! boom. (8" PORTER, P111e !J said Sunday he wa s proclaiming Wed- nesd<iy a da y of observance as part of the moratorium. He said flags would be flown at hair-staff and cht1rch bells would loll at noon in the nation's larges t city_ But Vice Presiden t Spiro T. Agnew said ''I am not in fa vor of the moratorium because it is direc ted as a protest toward th e Prsiden t of the United States." And Nixon·s comn1unications dire<:tor. l lerbert Klein, ~aid, •·those ¥:h o plan to demonstrate on Wednesday would do well Cong Q11il• \'iel Co ng-soldier-raises his. hands in surrender as he 1s spotted fron1 U.S. observa· tion heli copte r '"hilc atternpt- ing lo cross flooded fi eld in Mekong Delta. Chopper radio- f'd man's po.<:ilion lo g rou nfl uni! \l"hich look him prisoner. Mesa Girl Hurt In Motorcy<:le Crash Better A Costa ~1 Ps.1 girl in111rrd on Culvrr Road near El Toro Sunday in wha t C.ilifornl;i lligh \\'ay pa!rol1nen described as a freak motorcycle accident is listed :is sJtisfactory today at Jloag Memorial Jlos pita l. Officers said Da wn M. Bankston, 22. or 670 Capitol St. was riding pillion behind lier boyfriend, David Michael Griffith, 22, of the same address when a mattress fell f;om a vehicle immediately ahead of the c:ouplr . Both were thrown from the motorcycle <is Griffith tr ied lo avoid rhe obstacle , or- llcers sa id. Griffith received onl y n1inor <-'Uts and bruises but his girlfriend was rushed to Hoag with whet officers thcught were major injuries. Officers are tryi ng lo trace the driver nf the \'ehicle from which the mattress fell. Mesa Firm Gets Military Order A $2.745 million contract for production of 300 mllllon n1achine gun bell bilks has bee n award ed to a Costa Mesa fim1, Congrcssn1an Jarnes B. Utt (R-Tusti n) announced toda y In Washington. The job was given to Z-D Products, a division of Wells Marine Inc., at 3190 Pu!lman Ave., arcording to the Depar1- mon t of the Army. The weapon ac;ccssory componenti; will he 7.62 caliber and art for the MIJ ma chine.gun . " ·' It they took a positivf' look at who stands ( for peace. The President of the United Stales stands for peace rnore than anyone on th e. other side_'' A University of Ha\\ai i graduate ti!u- dent planned lo go to court today to pre- vent the universi ty fr om canceling af. ternoon classes \\lc<.lnesday so the war could be discussed. At Princeton. S o u th Vietn amese. Ambassador Bu i Dit~m v.'as scheduled io (Set MORATORIUh1, Pagt %J Stole11 IDs F ou11d; l\1esans N<>t Rol1hers A Costa ~fcsa couple -characterized bireny as a Bonnie and Clyde bandit tea m -v.•as cleared of bank robbery charges Sunday when aulhorilies found the suspe<.!ts in an $1 1,000 holdup were us• Ing slolen identification. .James E. Jlall idy. 27. and his wife Lin· rla , 23, of 180 Merril l Plaee, were iden· tiried in nationwide Associated Pres!! dispatchl's as !he husb<111d-\vlfe team charged with the Vel\·a, N. D. stickup Saturd<ry. "lt"s the most amazing thing \\'C tver heard of." said llallidy when th!! mistaken identity ta ~e resulting fro1n It burglary o( lhe coupl e;s car last July was untangled. "I guess th@ persons '\'ho stoic our property were using our identification.'' 8<:1id Ille young parcel deliv ery service claims adjuster. His pretty blonde wife is a fourth grade teacher at La Veta Elementary School in Orange. Discovery lha l the c:ou plc in custody at r.1inot, N.D, is not r.fr. and ~lrs. Hallicl_v slil! has not established just who the suspects reHlly are_ The third one Is identified as David r.. Poocl. 44. of B1l!lrr Tenn., and all "'err. arraigned Saturd<iy before U.8. Cnm- n1!ssioner Kenneth Knulsiin followinR their capture. They are he!d in lie u of $30,000 ba ll each. Four member,q of Lhc flt inot Police rkpartment stopped a pickup truck on U.S. Rou te 83 nea r Lhe. t-.1innt bypass and arrested th e three occlpants wi thi n one hou r of the stickup. Authori ties said thE' arrests occurrrd only one hqu r after tl1f' People's St ale Bank was trelrl llP Bonnie-and-Clyde fashion in the li ttle town of Velva. Aut horities· ch arged the woman nnlv with airllng find ahel!ing a robbery. v.·h1le Poole and the man \~·ho Identified him~elf ;i~ ll allidy are charged wilh bank rob· tx>rv. ,,-r guess the prr!>Qns v.ho i;1ole our proper!>' were 11.~ing our idcnti1JL'.<1 t inn~." Hal!idy i;aid S11nclay v.·hrn 111 .. rase or n1is t;ikrn iden!ity was untangled. The FBI tr1lrl us whoe ver ~tole our credit cards had ~tnlf'n abou t live car.<: since they burglarized us, lla llidy adde<i . He and his wife were on an outing nr;ir Bishop last July J~ when thei r car \l.'<IS broken into snd ransacked. Federa l authorities were 11pparrn1 ly ninning just behind the roan1jng fugi- tives, who had been traced as fa r a,., ldaho when they wound up in custody in North Dakota. Hallidy said a tota l of ;1h11ut $600 in charges has been made on one of their stolen credit cards since the car clout four months ago. Orange Coast Weather Sunny skies \\'ill give way lo crisp nights today and Tuesday with increas ing clouds in the early hours along the Orange Coast. INSIDE TODAY Tl\c baton is poised lo la101rh the 1969-70 COll<:t"rt St"GS01' iri Orange County, nnd music critic Tonl Barle11 tokes a11 aclv1111ce look. Sec E11tcrt(li111ncnl. Page 1'. (lllM>r• .. • "''"''' " ci.n+11H .. ., !'h t .. R•I Nt_, ... co ... 1u " 0••ft99 , ..... ~ " ,, .. , .... ,4 " ..... NtWI u.n ..... lf911cff " ,,,.,,, f )·l ' 11!41te•IOI ..... • '*' Mottth .. .. I •lt rHIRl!l.+11 • Tt1t ... 1~i.t11 " l'ltll"Ct .... T-t" " lttfff(-" Wtll-' """ L..,.'1 " ·--"· " MtlllN• • W"fM!l'I ..... IS.11 Mffll"" " , -----........ -·-----· t DAILY PllOf t Huge ·State W 01·ke1· U 11it Ol{s Strikes SACRAMENTO (/\Pl - The biggest nrganUation or California stale employes defird G<lv. Reagan today .and voted IG <'!1011nate its IO-year-0ld oo-strike plffige . Blllerly unhappy v.·ith lhe Republican CO\'l'r(Klr and his ·state employe job cul· backs, delegates to the CalifomJa State Employes Association coovention drop- ped the pl('dge by a ,·nte of 630·192. "The nghl to v.·!lhho ld our ser\ ices i!'i the differen ce betv.·een slavery iln<l the r ight 10 be a free man," said ~1ax Turchen of Los Angeles, one of those who advoc.ited dropping the pledge. ~1embe.rs of the organizalion. which represt"nls 111.000 ol the state's 160,000 \\'Orkers, ha ve been iocreasingly unhappy -w·ith Reagan ever since he began a series of job cutbacks and o~her economies ear· ly in bh adroinistratioo. Al present. Reagan is advocating <>liminating some 700 state jobs by ,J anuary 1970. The CSEA is demanding collective bargaining with the state and \rages equa l to tho.se ~id by private in · dustry for comparable jobs. Opponents l'hargcd the organiza1ion rloe!i ool .. have the muscle" lo strike. Rut a recent dt'.ci sion of t!ie 3rd Districl Cou rt of Appeal said public workers do not pos'sess that right. There never has bi!en a strike of stale public ~mplO)'CS in California. There have been several inst.ances of loca l employes \r<l!king off their jobs. Fred Taylor, a form er CSEA president. ~a.id the aelKm "will make .us look like a bunch oC hooligans before the public." But Doil Gallagher of San Francisco \'CUCed the feelings of many delegates \vhen he said the action does nol mea n the CSEA \\'ill st rike, but is just a wa y of preparing for strike action in case it is necessary. Fron• Page J PORTER ... reasoning. DISTINCTION ?\O. t : HOW WE em' In Ortober 1929. my young v.·idO\\'ed mother had most of her nestegg in stocks on a 10 percent margin -$1.000 of her own cash behlnd e,·ery $10,000 or stock she •·ov.l\ed." As stock prices plunged. s he could not raise th e cash to maintain her Tnargin and she v.•as "sold out " Millions like her also v.·ere \\'i ped out and ;is tlleir stocks were dun1pcd their personal disasters. fed upon each other. IN TlDS OCTOBER 1969, my husband :ind 1 ha1·c a fat percrntagc of our nestegg. in stocks loo but what v•e own. we OWN. Yf'e cannot be sold out. \Ve can be hurt by a stock slump but .not rfestroyed. And this l place as one of the most baliic differentes between the eras. ln '29, borrowings by New York Stock Exchange firms totaled Ja .5 billion ; to- r1ay, the)•rc. a m<'re S.l a billion. In '29, there v.·ere no margin rules ; now, under a 1934 Jaw. margin requirements ~re 80 percent and margin transactions are only 18 percent of total NYSE volume. The market. in short. is today resting largely on a CASH foundation -and this is a sound foondation. DISTINCTION NO. 2: \\'HO JS BUYING In 1929. the typical ind ividual in the ~toc k markrt v.·as a gam bler. \\'hether a little fellow riski ng his rr.~nt ~oney or a t~coon play1ni; wit h n1illi;lns. he wa s abovt' all a ga mbler who mistook the glit· ter of that rrP11 's gold-plated prosperity for the rea l thin!-! Today. tile 11•p1cal indh•idual in lhe market J!' 1n the middle-income bra cke t and has EXTRA monry to invest. ln thr 10\\·er-income group.~. he 1s typically an employe of .a corparalon buying stock11 tin<lrr a payroll p!an - meaning he is in· vestin,i: savings. If he is trading ac11vrly, he is 1yp1cally upper -income lhc $2.),000- ::i nd-up 1ndi \·1dual account s for 47 perc<'nt of all trad ing b,v individual s, A stock rna rkel re5ting 1nosll y on "' cash foundation and dominated by 1n· vestors can go into a scrcre decline - v11t ness '69 -but I cannot sre it in an un· ronlrollable dive. These h"'J d1st1nct ion~ 11lone say lhe markf't.'> of l929 and 1969 are simply not parallel Ne:rt: Dist i11c tio11 No . .1: "flit in sti· futional itt L·cs ror. DAILY PILOT DVlfGS CQA.\t PUa•w1NCI (,CM, .. .,. ••Wrt N.W•ri •r•~lelnt.,., ~~ J.,~ W. C11~.., V1~ Pl'tllllt~I '"' Gtftt•IOI """"""' r 1i ..... , .; ... 11 Et•lo< Tko,.,11 A M111J~;~, ..... ._.~. l!•i~ c._.. ..... o,.. l l O Wt1t ltY $.httf MtlltAI A4.1101s: P.O. lu. ''''• 'J6J6 --.,....,. ... atlid'' n11 """'' ..... ..., .... ,.. 1. ...... ·-~:?ti·--··-· M••'11 ......... Kii, at J!I> $•1114 Brakeman enjoying his early morning coffee is enveloped by stearn from Flying Scotsn1 an as fained British locomotive chugs out or Boston's South Station. Pulling nine-ca r exhibil o[ British goods, the 1 2~ton engine began 2,200-n1 ile 'lour of f\n1erican cities Sunday. ' Pai1~ Held i11 Hi1ntingto11 After. Death Threat, Shots A pair of men were arrested early to- day in Fountain Valley, following an alleged mass murde r threat and the shooting of one man during a brawl at a J1unlington Beach discotheque. Tommy W_ Thompson, 22, nf 577l f;arden Grove Boulevard. Westminster, ;ind Thomas Watkins. 22, of Garden (;rove, were booked on charges or assault 1\ilh intent to commit murder. Authoritie.5 in Fauntain Valley said th('y will lodge additional charges of possrsi;ion of dangerous drugs and car- rying a con«aled weapon against Lhe pair_ Hashish and a .22 caliber pistol "'ere: allegedly confiscated. Detectives said toda y that Cra ig Cilmore, 19, whose Huntington Beach ad· Harbor Schools To Host Parents Through Week '- Parents' back-lo-school nights will be: held this v.·eek at Newport-Mesa elemen· tary schools. Four schools will hold their open house tonight -Bay View, Lindbergh, Presidio and \Vhittier. Ope n houses will bl' held Tue!oday night at Balearic, Calllornia. Canyon. College Park. Corona del Mar Elementary, Harper. Mesa Verde , Monte Vista, Nrwport Height~. Paularino. Sonora , Vk·· toria. \Voodl antl and ~lcNal!y special education. Th ursday night open houses 1v ill be held ;ii Adams.. Bear Street. Marbor Vil'\\'. K1ltvbrooke, r.1ar1ner!i. i\'ewport and Ponlona. \\'ilson School held it ~ back·to-school night Sept lll, .~l ost or tile. programs wi ll brs1n al 7 or i ~O p rn. At son1e school 5 th" Parent Tc;1 ther Assoc iation (PT A\ nr Parrnt F;irulty f1rsan1z atinn 1 PFOI 11·1[1 mrcl prior t;i the \'ISits "1th teach<'r5. Mc ioia to Select Planner Fron1 10 Prospects The: CJsta i\fesa City Co uncil and ?Jan- ning Commission both meet tonight . the: former in clOSf'd peri>onnel session to pick a new member for the latter. Chances are good the councilmen v.·ill hudd!r \vith prO&ptetive Planning Con1· mission m{mbers until the wee hours, .since 10 \\'in bC' int rr\'icv.•ed. Commissioner Don Hout v.·111 ar- parently be si tt ing in for his final session af!er announcing his resignat ion more than a month a,gu, due lo inc rresed work dvlics . The Newport·Mesa linif1ccl !lchonl Di~ncl curriculum director agreed lo continue until the council could pick hi!! successvr. Thr Planning Con1mission's 7·30 p.m. "gcnda is a relati1•cly light one. v.·it h three pages an<l less than a dozen items of business ShO\\'n. Burglars Pillage Harbor Boys Oub Buralars broke int.a the Temple: Cardens and pillaged the Boyi1 Club or the: Harbor Area . Cost.a i'o·lesa police said today. Only about S00 in small denominations "'"'' la ken from the Temple Gardens. a Chine.se res taurant al 1500 Adams 1\\·e., by inlrudt"rs v.·ho'!-nterf'(f vu a roo r \'ent. Loss al 1t'lt' Boy!! Club's Uprcr Bay hranch. 2131 Tustin Ave., 'v.'85 not e:ii:act!y dt\frmlnf'd, but invol \'ed coins take:n from 1tmm 1ed vending machines. I dress w·as \Vithheld. is llsled in s_atisfac- tory con<l1tion toda y at Huntington ln!crcommunily llospilal. li e rrportedl,v idCT1tifled Wa tkin.~ as lr1ggerin<1n 1n The hr,1v.·I t'arly Sunday rJuts1de the Cave. a nightspot al Adams Arenur and Beach Bo ulevard. Gtlmorc -v.·ho allrgedly Ju mped one Of his attack{'rS v.·hrn guns \.l.'CrC dra\\'n - ~\ifferecl a 22 calibC'r bul lrl ll'Oun d in the i:;tomach and hand during the predawn encou nter. Authorities said tlle case began when Cilmore. and three pals. Grrg Lrwis. Oan Ne1vber ry and Robert Russell all wrnt to .the ta vern about I a.m. Sunday. Onrc inside. police said. a fight started invoh·ing !he four friends an<l also 'Thompson and \\'at kins, but bou ncers broke up the altrrc~t ion. The antagonists later me t again in the parking lot. about 3:30 a.nl.. acrordinJ! to the account given detccti1·es, an1I \\'alkins and Thompson allegedly drc1v pistols on the lou r. A fifth v.·1tne s;;. an unidentified girl. was present at thi s time, v.·hC'n the 111·0 i.:utun ell allegedly threatened In massacre all others present. Po lice said (,Jlmore -fea ri ng the v.·orst -jumped on r of the p1s\ol-pac kin g suspetts and v.·as shot hy the other, al \\'hich time. C\.efl'One scattered. Giimore staggfred to a nearby ser\'ic~ station. where he was found by pohce called to the scene. li e and other \vitncssrs described the gunmen lnvol\'cd in the shooting and pahce found a BB pistol n<'ar the light scene. bul no firearm \Vas round until the car ~l op in Founta in Vallry loday. Patrolmen pulled O\'er 1he vehicle rou ltncl y because the rear license plate wai:; not v.·ork ing. Na explana tion for thr orii.:in;il fight \1·h1ch led lo thr gunplay and ~·ound1ng of <:ilmorc has heen g11 en and clctectivc~ \VCr(' probi ng to ci:;\;ibli~h lhe n10Live to- day. Complaint:; on all thr<'c charges aga inst Thmnpson a11d Wa lkin s were ex pected lo br 1'~11('(1 IOO :i v. ll'llh arraignment fol!o•.1 . 1•1;: !11 \\'r<;f · Or<Jngr Coun11· .J11<l1ci;it J>1~1 r1•t lo1111 i\1an Die s Af tcr Vehicle Hit s .Three·ton 1'1·uck An Orangr nia n <litd at the v.·hcel of his light truck ne.ar Irvine L.Jke Sunday night v.·hen the vehicle colli<led with v.·hat CalHornia Highv.·ay patrolmen allege <y,·as a speeding three-ton truck. l\Jlled in an impact that alinost rleinohshed his vehicle wa s Nif'holas G. Stin1ak. JS. Office:rs booked the unhurt driver of !he oth er vehicle on misdc- n1ra11or n1an~laughtcr charg<'s. Held in Orang<' Cnun1y Jiii l i!i La\1 reru:c Lr tand E1lnc~·. 31 . alsn of Orangr. ln1·estigators :;;;iicl the trucks coll ided on Sanliago Canyon Roar! about ii 1nlle lron1 Irvine Lake. They charged t:.111ey \1·ith lrave:hnR at excessive spcetl r<n lhe \\ inding dO\\'nhill stretch of roart . Elderly Woman Killed in W reek A iS·year-old Long Be.ach v.·oman died In the wreckage of her car Sunday ~·hen, Bue:na Park police said, she ran a stop i;Jan and collided v.·ilh an auto dri\·en by a Wilming\On man. ~!rs. Elsi<' Th ompson 1\•as pronounctd (leAd on arrival at liarbor GcnerAl llospila l. Iler rfaughl er-in·lav.• and J9- month-0Jd Rrandson, both passengers in !hr ca r. were trralerf for 111lnor injuries al !he ~atne hospital and rele11sed. Gcorgr An11el Saylon, 36. the '1 ri\'eT of the other l'ehiclr. \1·;is unhurt in the col - l1s1on. Ills passenger w<is treated ;i t Harbor General fo r culs af)(f brui.ses and r('ll:i!St'd. B52 Stril{es Reduced ~ Border Area Hit But Raids Ciit 10% SAI GON (U Pl)-Eighl flights of B52s bombed along the: Cambod ian border Sun· day night and today despite rrports President Nixon had ordered a cutback in thrir raids in response to the lull in Com· rr.llnisl attacks. Official soorct.s said Sunday tht P~si dent ordered a IO perctnt reduction in !:itratorort strikes to show the Viet Cong :ind North Vietnamese that he wa! will· ing to reciprocate in scaling down the fighting. 'Olis is the area v.·here-U.S. military of- r11.:ials say the CommunislS are training f .r more atlacks, The officials said today the lull could continue another monlh before the gutrrillas: are ready. ··He (the enemy) cou ld and should be in very good shape, particu larly if he From Pagfl 1 MORATORIUM i address a group countering t h e moratorium. The Undergraduates for a S!able America said the President shou ld be free of undue pressure in his efforts to hring peace , and urged students to attend <·lasses. Despite the ground swell of opposition. il appeared that the moratorium would <lo ~·hat its organizers hoped -sho\v there is still a strong, active body of op- position to the conduct of the war. Whittier Co 11 e g e , where Ni:ii:on graduated 3S years ago. will be the !K:ene of an antiwar rally. Students at California Lutheran College in Thousand Oaks vol· ed 89.3 percent in favor of the morator· ium and closing classes. Every college but one in Arkansas - Southern State of P.1agnolia -was to have moratorium observances. In Little Rock, a debate v.·as scheduled betweert progressive: DemocralS and the young American.-; for freedom. a nationwide campus group opposing the mo ratorium. Nixon today rc.iffirmed his dedication to achieving peace in Vietnam but reitrrated his intention not to be swayed b,v \\lednesday 's antiv.•ar demonstrations. "There is nothing new we can learn from the demonstrations." Ni1on said in a letter to Randy J , Dicks, a sli..dent of Georgetown University. Dirks wrote the chie f cxe:cutive recently criticizing Nixon's statement at a Sept. 26 news conference U1at 'under no circumstances whatever will t be af- fected by the OcL ·15 V i el n a m n1oratorium . "The policies we ate now follo~·ing reflec~ our own best judgement, based on f'Xhaustive study of all lhe availah!e f'l'idrnce, of hrnv to achicl'c that goal 1 of praceJ," Nixon 1vrote Dicks ··To abandon that policy merely hrcause ol a public dcmonglratioo WOU):I therefore be an act of gros.s lr- re.~ponsibility on my part." ··if a president -any pre5ident allow- rd his course to be set by lh~ 'vhn c1emonslrate, he v.·ould betray the trust of ;i,! the rest," Nixon said. Sophie Schulman, Pilot Official's Mother, Dies The mother of DAI LY PI LOT l'Xecu!Jl l' Bernard Schulman d!td tllis morning at Temple Hospital in Los Angeles. She was h1ri>. Sophie Sch~lman1 83 , 11ho ]1v<'d .in Los Angeles. Ser\·1ces for i'ol rs. Schulman will bt' \Yednesday at 11 a rn., in the Home of Peace J\fausoleum Chapel, 4JJ4 \\'hillier []nul el'ard. Los Angeles. Survivors br~1dr! he r son. 1hf' DA ILY ?!LOT 'S conlroller, includ e i;ons Sidney ::ind (ieorge, a daughter. ~Ir~. Edith Ru- dolf. a brothtr. ,Joseph Goldberg. and two !'JSters. Miss C<'l1 e Go ldberg and i\1rs. Pauli ne Glassman. Thf' \\'erlne~dav ser1·ices ar<' directed ?Y Groman htortuanes. Los Angeles. hold~ of£ another 30 days before ta un· chlng his \\'inter-spring offensive1" one U.S. Con1n1and officer said. ~1ilitary spokesmen reported II (l'lemight shelling attacks but ~id ground fi1;hting remained light, with 48 guerrillas killed in four fights north of Saigon Sunday again.s t no American dealhs. Troops of the 82nd Airborne Division , scheduled to be sen t home by Dec. i:> under President Ni i on 's second phase: pulluul plan, found a cache 25 mile:i northwest of Saigon Sunday that con- tained 21 light machine guns, 90 rifle:i .and morta r ammunition -eV'idence of lhe Communist buildup there . American troop strength figures began to reflect the 35,000-man second cutback as 4,100 Gls left the war zone last v.·eek. dropping the American rnmmi tment to ~05 ,600, with more scheduled to leav!' this \\'eek. Headquarters refused to comment on !hr reported cutback in stratofort raid:i b'.•l supplied official figures showing 212: 852 raids O\'er Vietnam in September cc:mpared to 271 in August. \Yhereas the big bombers were a\'Crag- ing nearly nine ra ids a day throug!l Augusl. !he number of missions in· September and so far in October ha:i averaged almost seven daily, according h.1 U.S. figures. The so urces said that if the Viel Cong anri North Vie!namese launched a new of- fl'nsive - military commanders prl!:dict !hey will -then the bombing would be ir.rreased accordingly. Car Theft Suspect Wild Shooting Chase Ends in Newport Arrest Newport Beach police Saturday ar- rested a 26-yfllr-Old San Diego man on a car stealing cJiarge after a 12-mile, lwo- city <'hase during which a patrolman fired a shot at the fleeing vehicle. Robert Lee · Black. who listed his OC· cupat.ion as a photographer. remained in police custody today, awaiting ar· raignmenl. Officers said the suspect stole two cars. The first, a 1962 Corvair belonging to Gerald Peckham of Newport, was driven away from Lido Shops area shortly be.fore 5 p.m. Two hours later, according to police, the suspect left the Corvair in 1he Eastb!uff Shopping Cente r and drove away with a 1970 Mu,;tang owned by Thomas Raffetto. also of Newport. In both cases, the owners of the vehicles had left their keys in the car, police said. The high-speed chase began when R.af. fetto spotted his car being driven away. He called police. Patrolman Phil Hall on his way to th• scene saw the f\1ustang pass him in the opposite direction on Jamboree Road. Tht Mustang headed fo r E. Coast Highv.·ay and turned west. Hall mad• :. L··turn, radioed !or assistance a·nd tht pursuit was on. \Vithin minutes, four squad cars and a niotorcycle officer were cha!ing the stispect through two red lights at sP'«fs up to 80 miles an hour. A~ the approach to the Santa Ana Rivu bridge, Hall pulled alongside the !tolen f\luslang, but it kept on going. The 47-year-0 ld patrolman the fired one: shot at the suspecfs car. The bullet struck the right side of the t.fustang about 12 inches behlnd the driver',; door. It slO\\'C'd nobody dow n. The ~1 ustang, 1vit h the p.::iliee right !>€hind, turned right on Brookhurst A\·enuc in Huntington Beach . left on Atlanta Avenue and left again on Surge l.ane near the Santa Ana H.iver, where it finally stopped . By then the suspect and lhe stolen car were surrounded by police unil.3. Black was given a ride back to Newport police headquarters v.·here he was formally booked on a grand lhert auto charge. As of this morning, no bail had been set. Catl1olic Fi1neral Planned Fo1· Young Mesa Cyclist Catholic funeral serv1ct:i have bern r;chedu!ed for a young Costa t-.lesa motor- cyc list killed Friday by a garbage !ruck near the UC Irvine tampus. Rosary for Ky G. Kersten, 18. of 301$ Country Cl ub Drlve. will he al 7:JQ p.m. in the Pac ific Vi cv.• t.lem oria\ Park Chap- el, v.•ilh Requiem r.lass Tuesday at ID am, in St. John the Baptist Cathohc Chu rch. The' 1 ict11n wa.~ fatally 1n1ured at Cul- \'C( Road and Campus Drive: and was pronounced dead at the scene fr0m a crus hed skul l. li e ll'as reported ly m.1k1ng a left turn nfF Campus Drive on!o Culver Road Irr 11 ard !he J:niversily Park homrs de\·e\op- 1ncnt \\'hen struc k from thr rear by the cn1pty garba ge truck. La rry D Brattain, 25, dn\er for I.he: llaul·t\way Company, wa s returning fr om a count~' dump si1r. northbound on Cul- \'t r Road, v.·hen the b1~ vehicle st ruck Kerstcn's cycle, hurlin g him to the pa\•e- ment. Th e virt 1m 1s survi ved b~· his pa rr nts. ~I r. and i\lrs. George Kerstr n. brother~ Kurt and Kit, and sisters Kim, Karen, Kathy and Kay. He .also leaves his maternal grand· mother, 1'1rs. Charlotte Koskey, of' New York. Mesa Garage Leveled by Fire A smoldering lire fla red up early today and leveled an old Cos!a t.fe.s.a garage, damaging a compact car parked nearby. Costa 1"1esa Fire Departme:nt in· \ ('Sl!gator.~ estimated Iot a I damage al Sl.000 fol!o\\'1ng the blaze al 185 E. 181.h St . lisung reil l!Jr R·andy r.l c:Cardle aA Uw nwner·11c11m. ··There 's nothin,1: Ir.Fl ot ii, it's right do11n lo the ground," said Fire lnspec!or J im Richev. Cause o( ~he 5 57 a.m. fir<' is under in - \'!'$tigalion loda}'. but authorities said it r v1dent!y sn1oldt'red for quite. some time l)('fnre l.'rupl1ni: 1n!o flamc.s. "It Looks Real even boost you altitude toward yourself -improve your "sel.f. image... a psychologist would say. Kind of like getting a new ~rt.5 car. \"ou know the feeling. Good Oil YOU'' To put it simply, a suit must fit your personality as wen as your phys ique. That"s l\'hy you have to be the Wtimate aulbontJ ""hen the choice i~ made. \re 1.:an tell you ll ii ha ngs ~·ell. '' e: ma~· offer an opinion oo the. style or \vea\·c or color. But onlv your insti nct can ten you ii il's ;,~;ou. .. How many times have you beard that and wondered • h a t the ~a!esman could p o s !i i b 1 y be t11i11.k1n j! or~ . . then 1l da .... ·ns on }Oil tJ1at 11•hat he'!' thinking of is separating you fronl your 1none.\" llo\v many tune.~ h a \' e you "'·ancierefi into a clolhing !>Lore to browse a bit and found your· i;eU "greeted" by some cha rac- ter who makes you try on six ~uits and then acls insulted and illSulliog when you tell him you· 're not sold on any of them? It's true that some salesmen operate like there'' no tomorrow. They know if you slip out of their cl u~che s they'll never sec you again. They give you wha t "'e like to refer to as the "Broad· v.•ay and 42nd Street treatment" 1rs based on the pre:mJse tha t t here'~ a sucker born every min- ute and sooner or later most oC \ the1n "'·w lll'alli: lhrough the tront door. llere nt Eidwell '!'i 'llloe operate ::1 ll!tlc dUferently. Yi'e try to of· fe r honest s ervic e a~ 'A'ell as handsome suits. \re t h i n t of every customer as a friend. And v.e·re al"'·ays happy to see one (If ou r friends drop by lo chal \\!e know lhat sooner or later he'll need a suiL At that point, we can help. \Ve've dcne some thinking on the subjecl \\o'e believe a suit should be more than just suitable. A suit is a n e xtension, a refieclion, of your personality. It t e 11 s the ll.'Orld a Jot about yoa, It can So ne,·er let you rself be talked lnto a suit you don 't feel right about -inst inc tively. And r emember, you can re.lax when you walk through our front door . Ted Reed m ay be I.here to .izreet )'00.. Or Pete Warren or G1yde Reyes or P'htl McGratr. They're all knowledgeable, per- sonable, soft-sl>Oten. They're all on hand to hefp you. Not harass you.. Tb is isD 't .Ulxf Street Jack Bidwell :1467 Via Lido •t Ne•')>Ort Blvd., Ne•-pon Beaell :'\e11rly 3,000 mUe• from Timeti Sqv.,.e. No .. open Friday evealnl(s ••Ill 9 p.m. • "\ me. r eal )!TU and n Wes dent outs denl mus •·col Ao of l :Viet .... fish '.2 f . Sl Sch< Fan~ big ()cl. Ql ed 1 "'' boP< A \he cont Tl honr plac Hig~ then Fr Hun m .. T R R. •g" Hun Dist be•• I> p.m dedi purJ pan and .. ,., l!ig ') T A wiU offe at r.o;; age cou ''" YM c will l"dU and s Re< An< Hie: mor Chi - ... •• - a ( t d ( ' ---------------------------------·-------~-----·----·-----.-----. ----------_ ... ----... DAil Y PJLOT 3 'Student Government Archaic' GWC Leader Urges Coflege to Develop Neu1 System "What we have now in student govern· ment i5 arclWc and ineffictent with little reaJ bearing on the lives of lhe students, great numben of whom come to campus and leave." That is the opinion ol Frank Cid, 24 , o[ Westminster. the new student. body presi- dent at Golden West College. He is ootspoken and he is convinced that stu- clent government in it! traditional form must be replaced with a new-style "'college governml!nt." According to Cid. a four.year veteran of the Marine Corps with 14 moolhs in :Vietnam, current stud'nt governments 11Ie u passe nf the "Joe College'' gold· fi:sh era and abou.ld be compor;ed of not '2001.' Theme For Oilers' Spirit Week Students on the Huntington Beach High School campus are now preparing a wide Tange oC homecoming acli\•ities for the big game with Santa Ana Jligh School Oct. 25. Queen candiclale elections are schedul- ed Thursday at the h.igh school quad and are intended to narrow the number ol hopefuls down to five. A "Homecoming Spirit \\1(':ek" under lhe theme of "2001" begins Oct. 20 and continues through Oct. 25. The trarlitional homecoming clance, honoring the queen candidates. will take place Oct. 24 at the Huntington Beach High School cafeteria and is under the theme "An Oiler Odyssey." Following the game with Santa Ana, Huntington Beach football alumni will meet at the school cafeteria for a party. ooly reprerntaUves from the student body but also the faculty and I.he ad· ministration. ''We already have this in our College AI!airs C<M.mcil but the council is limited in size and decision-making pow ers," said ad. "Maybe all we need is to enlarge the council and broaden its responsibilities.'' A recent council debate raised the whole questlon of student government and its usefulness. One member, Dr. William F. Shawl, dean of instruction, pointed to poor response in student eJec- tions and activities as indicative of the need for change. Cid and others are now charged with ' ' ,,. ~ ::1i:i~ Steana..Cledned evaluatlng the purpose and objectives of ~udent go verrunent to see what ca.n be done. The proponent of the lri-partite ap- proach to government at the HuOOngton Beach community college was an honor 15tudent at Golden West last year, recording a 4.0 average his first l!iCmesler. He graduated from high school in Bellmore. N.Y., a Long lsland subur·b, went :into the Marines, then came to Golden West. Cid stepped into office this fall from the vire-presidency following Ult resigna· lion of Barry Crawford . New student officers elected last week to serve with hhn are: Ul'I T•lll'Mlf Trustees Facing Routh1e Agenda Routine business ttcms dominate the :11genda foc Tuesday's meeting of the Huntington Beach Union lligh School District board of trustees at dislrict headquarters, 1902 17th St. Brakeman enjoying h is early morning coffee is enveloped by steam from flying Scotsman as famed British locomotive chugs out of Boston's South Station. PuUing nine-car exhibit of British goods, the 120-ton en gine began 2,200-mile tour of American cities Sunday. Discussion or the items begins at 7:30 p.m. Among them are a resolution to dedieate easemeril property for utility purposes to the General Telephone Com- pany at the Ocean View High School sile and review of an engineering stu<ly on ~rthquake proofing at Huntington Beach High School. 'Astro Scroll' Signers Mob Pilot's Space Show 'Y' Offers Chance To Ge t in s,vim A chance lo get in U1e ·winter S\Vim with the Huntington Be;irll Y~lCA will be offered fur eight week s st arting Saturday ::it the Golden West College swin1mn1g pool. Beginners and non-swimmers of al1 ages can lea rn how to register for the course by calling Richard Collato, ex- rruti\'e direct.or of the Huntington Beach Th1CA at 893-4548. Classes for school-age boys and g irl~ will be: held at noon, follrrwed by co- rducational classes for adults at I p.n1. end pre-school t.ots at 2 p,m. Anders, Ilickel Speak SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Gov. Rooald Reagan's office says Astronaul William Anders and Interior Secretary Wa ller J. Hickel will be among 75 speakers at next month's conference on "California's Changing Environment." "Gnd bless all of you . You're making ma.n's olde!it dreams come true ••. " "AstronaulS are my l a v o r i le heroes . _ . " "Take Nixon with you , •. " "I have lost three sons in service. May God be v.'ilh you_._ .• ''Send me your picture , •. " "Send me some moon dust ... " TI1ey came from all ove r Orange Coun- ly -and beyond -to v.·rite lhcir n1es· ,;ages lo the mo0n men . Signing the "ASTRO SCROLL., ob- ''iously \vas the mai n altraction at !hr! ~pace shf)w staged Friday and Saturd:1y hy the DAILY PILOT and the Soulh ("oas: Plaza !\1e rchants Association as the ~rand finale for Na tional l\'ev.·spapc:or \\leek, 1969, A11d from prl'-srhoo!ers v.·ho had lo be held Lip lo reach the scroll isigning il in cr<i mped, boxy letters while chewing on their tongues) lo senior citizens who Pf'Cred through bifocals while scrawling !heir names , the people of Soulh('m California put thei'r good wishes for the Apollo 12 crew in writing. The scroll, more than a mile .11.nd s WERE YOU COUNTED? THE U.S. BUREAU OF TH.E CENSUS JS CO~f PLETING ITS SPECIAi. CENSUS Of HUNTI~TCN BU~, CAUFC.R'.;IA fl I• l"'ponaM 1llu 1h• ''"""' iKlud• all ol 1ha pe<>f>lo wbo "''"" li•in1 in 1hi1 pla(I 0.. 1110 olfici1l .!M• ol tlM can..,• whocb ia 1i ... n helow, If y<>u ,.,...,, li•in11 he'" "" 1bi• dot o and beli..-• tlu1 !'OU ..,.. .. -,.....,.,n1od for 1H ccosus, fill -1M form pu1u11cd b<:low ~ mail ii 10 1be C.ooul ,..,.."1 ...... J;.wldf-loc.i..r btcWffll..-·-------··---.......... ------··•• an•---·······--···· .. --------··--·•·•·· .. .. tNo.,oMt"ttO !NHueftlowQ 11.ufl OJ tACtt P'l~lof WHO$.f U~UAl Pl.ACI Cir .. UUJCllCI 9'AS IN n111 JIOUWIOLD ON CINIUI DATt «-•··-~""" - CVT OUT T\lll lOJ.Jrl AND MAIL TOI Counting Noses •tl ATIONiHIP P r c;Olt>a. ! "' Tl'IS J>[WSOS lO T!IC "" lllAO Of Tiil 1101.'~f ... o• : ll•T"' MOIO Al HiAO, Wlfl, "" "'' WN, •OONDl, IT~ ---=1= --... Gtn1u1 '°""'"'il'(>t' U.S. '&.Ira~ ol 1M C.11.., (ln••t1 1ddrt") JOS 17th f treet lfunt.inp,ton Beach ' ca. 92646 City of Huntington Beach is windin~ up its ~~iaJ census. If f?U Wnk t.he cen!us·lakers passed you by, fJll out this form a nd send it to ad· d res! indicated right away. Purpose of the s;pecial nose-cou nting operation is to bring city official!'> up 'lo d ate on sta t us of population and guarantee that city gets its f-i1ir $hare of state taxes'. quarter Tnng and containing an estimated 6,000 names, will be sent to kltronaul.!1 Pete Congrad, Dick Gordon and AI Bean before thcir blasloff Nov, 14 for man'1 second lrip lo the miriace o( the moon.. Arfixed to the top of the more than 6.~0IJ.foot-long roll of paper on which show vi sitors wrote their names and personal notes to the astronauts will be the lrxl ·which v.·as displayed at the DAI- LY PILOT exhi bit in South Coast Plaza. It read: ''Tr the Crew of Apollo 12 : ''From Orange County, California, we ~end you warm greetings and heartfelt \t!shes for n happy landing as you prepare lo venture into the vastness of space 1.o place another set of American footprints on the moon. ''The courage, skill and dedication ex- emplified by you and lhe a stronauts who went before you are a source of pride and ln.~pi ration to us all. "Good luck and Godspeed." TI1e ASTRO SCROLL was the focal point <>f a space iihow v.·hich included prints of pictures made on the moon by A.~tronau ts Neil Armstrong and "Buzz" Aldrin •nd in lunar orbit by their fello\f crewman of the Apollo 11 mission, ~tichael Collins. It al:w included exhibits from the Philco-Ford Corp., McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co.. North A m e r i c a n Rockwell Corp., and the Hughes Aircraft Co Stewardess students from Orange Coast College acted as hostesses durin& lhil two-day show. Santa Ana Man, Two Sons Found Safe in Sien·as BAKERSFIELD (UPI ) -A Santa Ana man snd his two sons, mlss:itlg overnight on a hunting trip in the Sierra east of here, were found We Sunday afternoon. The Kem County 5heriff's office Jaid J ames Goodman, 45, was llUUering from ex.haustion but his two boys, Davis. 11 • a nd Joey, 8, wet? in good condition. Deputies say the thre1 l'!ft their campground at Shirley Meadow in the Greenhorn Mountain area Saturday and were unable lo make it back lo camp before rtighUall. .. They were spotted from the air by the sheriff's aero squadron about three miles wes t of Shirley Peak. Air per101miel rlirectr!d members of the Kemvllle jeep PQ:s.se lo lhe area. ~ Darryl llobeon and WlUiam G. Witt, both d Huntington Beach, represen- tati ves to the Premdent'• Cabinet. Barbara Bell, Huntington ~ch; Lan- ny Fowle!°, Fountain ·valley ; and Mike Packard, Westminster, re~tives cl the College Affairs Council. Gary Arnold, Garden Grove: Debbie Herman, Cindy Szeneri, Dontlld Marcus, and Rkhard Dillon, all Huntington Beach, division senators. (){fk:en' elected last spring ace Gary DeBolse, Huntington Beach; a n d Elltabeth Stoffa!, 1 Fountain Va 11 e y , represeotaitves to the Council on Cur- ricuJum and Instruction; and James Hubert. Garden Grove, divilloo aenator, Cap ~lackburn On Investment Series Agenda Cap Blackburn, one of the Harbor Area's most prominent real estate men and one of the original.ors of the DAILY PILOT-Orange Coast College Real Estate Investment Conference, is on the agenda for Tuesday night's session of. the 1969 series. Blackbum \Yill be joined at the podium by Don Ward. The course, presented in cooperation with the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Boa.rd of Realtors, is open ftte.clf charge to the general public. Ticket' for Tuesday's session and for the remaining two in the four·part series will be available at the auditorium door at Newport llarOOr High School at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Opening this, the second seMlon of the !eries, will be Ward's lecture on f\fanag. ing Your lnvestmenL" The lecture will cover problems of self· management cf real estate, costs of pro- ressional management and guldelin'-s to help determine whether professional man- agement should be used. Blackburn's iecture, "S}'"Tldication - Jo.tore Important Than Ever?", will rover the rol'-syndication can play in acquiring and developing real property. lt will emphasize the importance of syndication at a time when money is short and in- flation continuel. Blackburn was the original ledurt!T in the real estate series when it started fi ve years ago. ~le is a past pruldent of the Huntington Beach Board of Realtors and was fOf" three ye:RrS a director on the board o{ the California Real Estate Aasoci.s.tion. • l ' . • ' • I • . , • .. ,J · .. .) " • tlJi.!LY PILOT 11111 "1'1tl'I DON KA ISER STOCKS F IREHOUSE REFRIGERATOR In Fountoin Valley, They Hav.n't Burn&d 1 Meal Yet Fired Up Chefs Firem en Know W liat's Cooking By TERRY CO\'ILLE Cl lhf Daltv 'llO! S11U Wha t's cooking at the firehouse? Jn Fountain Valley it might be cornlsh game hen, lobster, lasagna, turkey with trimmings or any one of a dozen other culinary delights. Firemen work 24-hour shifl~ and lhry miss many-a-meal at home, but a quick look at Fountain Valley's fi remen in- dicates they are far from sulfcring at rneal time. Engineer Dave Heffner. \\"ho heads the four-man crew at Fountain Valley'!! Bushard Street statton, says his men cat rather well. "Every man lakes his tum as cook and all are good ones," he says. "Sometimes we cook corn beef and cabbage and other items iliat aren't sweet smelling," admits Heffner, ''but 'A-'e haven't had any complaints.'' Fittmen Don Kaiser is a specialist in Mexican food. Other men can bake a cake, or v.·hip up an old-fashioned pot roast. l-leffner dcligh~ in biscuits. The men spend about $20 a week 011 food and eat a lol of fish caught on days off. "\Ill! do stink up the place and burn our food once in a V.'hile," says Jleffner, ''but \ve"ve never had a lire in the kitchen." The men enjoy a good peach cobbler from time to time, usually when the neighbor's peaches fall in their yard. The nic('st thing ahout heing cook \i; that the dinner guests do the dishes. But even so, Ka iser turned dO\\'ll a proposal by the others to remain as pennanent crok. IL can be a strain v.'ilh other duties. The firen1en don't worry much about being undernourished . For that matter lhey don't \\'Ofl'y much about being ovcmouris.hcd. Enough culioary masterpieces h;ive been lost \\'hen the shril l cry of tht fi re alann cal!s a hall to meallime. G COLOR PORTRAITS ~ * LIVING COLOR PO"~ ~ .. • ~ ANGEL OF A DEAL _. -4 In FOR THE LITTLE ANGELSI ' • *' GENUINE FULL NATURAL COLOR PORTRAITS! BIG 8'' x 10'' LIVING COLOR PORTRAIT NOW ONLY c * I"' < -z C) n' O' ,.., 0 1 ;a ,. -~o ·;~.->: ... I! N , .... Plus f : , :o~ Hand''.;!.fl ~I FOR ALL AGES!''" ,.,.,,r (ii Not tho old atyll tlntod ar pllnled black & """" photos. Babies, children, adults. GroU!>S photogr-..r.hed at en additional 99~ per &ubject. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED LIMITED OFFER! er your money nfunded. . One per subject, twO per family. * WE RESERVE lHE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. This "9JY spodal cf fer Is presented as M expression cl cur thanks fer ycur patmnega. mm WHITE FRONT . 6DAYSONL~ Moa.OCT.13 .. Tml SAT., OCT.11 .. PHOTOGRAPHER'S HOURS: NOON to 8 PM, MON. thru SAT. SAN luli'iifi0 l ONTARIO _• C~!!!l!!!!:J .. ••• - --- ------ -- -----~~~~ ----------------------------------------------- ~ DAILY PILOT -" I' 1, --IN-'JOlfAY'S NEWS . ,_ ".;;:....,., !... "---·· .. .. •• ......, .. _ tCor!'IPI .... DY IN> D•!IJ PllOf i1e111 Georgia Gov. Lester Maddox is turning out to be a "week" gov- ernor. Gov. :r-.1addox has proclaim- ed this "Rodeo \Vefk ," "Square Dance \Veek" "4-H \Veek," and "Sh rine Bowl Gol f \Veck." Next week 's \\'eek is "Licensed Practi- cal Nurses \Veek."" Also. for "doy" buffs, Friday ~·as ''F;\l Radio Day," and Saturday 'v<.is "Dr George Dre\v Conger Day." 0 Mond.iy, October 1.3, 1%9 l ' l S:: _,,, ••s; 'E1 ¥£1 •0 11•. = ti -x 14sm tz •,1 •id' = e .s MK•· .14• g; Mt•• •s•ts •S·. ·•YA·A' ·-A 1 I' For Dante Wadlington, a 330.. pound defense tackle for South Shore High School in Chicago it \Vas his bi~ chance. Dante grabbed a fumble m mld-air and dove t\rO yards for a touchdo\vn to lead his team to a 14--0 win over Gage Park. However the team's newest offensive star admitted a fter the game: "For a second I thought I'd done some·Uting \vrong_" FORT DIX MILITARY POLICEMEN FORCE VIETNAM PEACE DEMONSTRATORS BACK (LEFT) WHILE CHICAGO POLICE ARREST SOS RIOTERS 0 ..--"" ...... 'f:!I ~,-.,, .... , .. ,.,~ .. -.... .,. ,. .. • <;<>-' • • '[/Lese llitee bikini·clad beauties ore off and runn ing for !li e title "J'frss Outer Space!' Rcquire111cnts for the contestants includes joggi11g a mile as well a~ looking good in a skini py suit. \Viunr r ivill rrreive 011 all ex· pense paid trip to the 1noon -but t he trip is not expected f or anolhcr 14 years. 0 Civilians March on Ft. Dix FT. DIX, N.J. fL'Pl) -Nearly 8.000 civilian demonslrntors stormed Ft. Dix Army Base Sunday but \\·ere repu lsed by tear gas and bayonet.v.ielding miht<try police men. There \Vere no injuries or arrests in \\'hnt one of Ille organizers called a ''perfect denv1nstration," Spokesmen promised a lnrgC'r dcn1onstration if the Army conlinued 10 prosecute soldiers in· \'Olverl in a stockade riot last summer .. The dc1nonstrators -n1ostly n1illtant Antismoking Ads To Stay Despite No Conrmercials \\'ASl!J:\'GTO.'l {UPJ) -The nation's broadc.:isters served notice today they plan lo conlin\le Rnlismok ing com· n1ercials C\'f'n :.iftcr r adio nnrl television ;i dvertising of clgarctlcs is discontinued nc-:t Seplemhcr. college students from Philadelphia and New York representing 29 organizations -protested the arrests of 38 enlisted 1ne n charged \l'ith mastc1minding lhe June 5 stockade riot. Shouting ''Power to the People'' and "Free the Ft. Dix 38," hundreds of demonstrators broke through the ranks of some 1,000 military policemen to get ontl) the mammoth post. 1'hey \'>'ere driven from the installation wilhin half an hour . LL Col. A. J. Nealon. post information officer , said it v:as the first time in modern his tory civilians had invaded a U.S. military installation. The demonstrators marched more than a mile from a \Vrightstown coffeehouse. The demonstrators termed the arrested soldiers "political prisoners," and called for an abolition of the stockade system ;ind an end to the Vietnam \Var. Organizers called Sunday's confrontation B :·perfect demonstration. Not one punch \\'as thrown, 'J'he only violrnce was the Army's tear gas," said the organizer. The Army said only 35 soldiers were ar. rcst!'.'d in the June 5 \vindO\v -smashing, furniture-throwing incident. Of those ar- rested. 20 have had I.heir charges dropped <ind four have been acquitted. * 1z Israeli Jets Long Paralysis Ridd'le Jordan For 3rd Time Faces SDS Victim By United Press Internatiooal Israeli warplanes went on the attack into Jordan for the third time in five days today, bombing what Tel Aviv described ;is a guerrilla base \1-'ithin four minutes fl yi ng time of the capital at Amman. The Israeli announcement said the nerial attnck lasted "a few n1inutes'' ;igriinst the camp three m11es north of Salt, 2G niil~s inside Jordan. All the raiders re!Llfned safely, mi 1 l tar y spokesmen said. Today's raids followed similar strikes into Egypt by Israeli jets Sunday. They hit along the Suez Canal, "''here a tem- porary truce was called today so the Israelis could return the bodies of two E ;!yptian comn1andos slain in cross-canal r alds. The exchange \Vas the second in six d~ys. L:i st \Vcdnesday. each side turned Q\'er about 100 civilian prisoners to the other in a temporary standdown ar- r anged by the International Red Cross. An F~gyptian official who recently rrturncd from North Vietnam said in Cairo Sunday that Hanoi's military com· mander had told him that guerrilla \1arfare y,·as the way to beat the Israelis. CHICAGO (AP) -An assistant cor- poration counsel injured during a street rampage by a militant faction of the Students for a Democratic Society faces many months of paralysis, doctors say. Charged "'ith attempted murder and aggravated battery in lhe attack Satur- d;iy on Richard Etrod, 35, was Brain Flanagan, 22, of Southampton, N. Y, ' Official Refute...; General Tm·ner's Gm1 Testimony \VASHINGTON (UPI) -Chicago·s police superintendent testified today that retired tl1aj. C.en. Carl C. Turner pleaded with him to destroy receipts the general signed for confiscated guns l'l'hich he sold l:iter for personal profit. ''They-'re out to get me," Superin· tendent James B. Conlisk Jr. quoted "Iurner as saying. Flanagan \\-'as held today in $10.000 bai1. Elrod 1vas involved in a scurne when members of the \Vea!he;man faction of SOS demonstrated in the. downtown Loop ,area. His neck was broken and his body, paralyzed. The march was the culmination of four rlays or violence at dcmonstr<itions called hy the Weatherman SOS faction which had vowed to "bring the war home" lo Ch icago. Organizers predicted 5.000 lo 15.000 persons would take part. No .more than 500 took part in any rlemonstratiQn. Some 25 Opersons v.-·ere arrested during the four days, aboul half or them Satur. rlay. Most were charged with mob action, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. The rampage began Wednesday when demonstrators burst from a ra.lly in Lin· coin Park and stormed through the near !\iorth Side, breaking windows and fighting \vith police. Some 2~ pc.rsons v.·erc arrested during released fr on1 duty Sunday by Gov. Richard B. Ogil\')e, \vbo ordered them to stand by after \Vednesday night's villence. Sunday \\'as riu iel and police said 011t-or- t0wn demonstrators nol in jail had left the city. Britain's Jirst pub lor nudists has opened in Brickel \\"ood. The barmaid is 2+-year-old Maureen Fowler, wearing a rrunidress . She and her 47-y ear-old husband nin the 700-m ember f'i\·e Acres I\udis t Club. ''It's sorncthing by husband and l de cided," she explained. ''lie dresses \Vhen he is cooking. It's no fun \Vhcn there's hot f~t Dying about.'' 0 -....=~·~--.. -------~ J.;-I In a second setb;ick for the tobacco In· du~try, 1he Supreme Court today left un· t o;1chcd the fcd cr;i l requirement tha t broadcast cigarette <ids be bal:inrcd \l'ith free alr time for message3 aganst smQk· Jn". 'J'hc plan lo continue the antismoking c-0m n1C'rcials 11'as disclosed by Vincent T. \\'asile1vsld, pre~ident of the Nation;il AssociJlion of P.roadcasters {NAD ), Ile :-:ild they 1vould run for at least another fo11r years, Rogers Says Viet War Conlisk. v.•ho -said he refllsed Tumer·s reC'Luest, told Senate investigators the former Army provost marshal made the rcquC'st after learning an investigation of !he matter was being ma~. f Thr Anirric:a n Jlun1anis t As· _ 1 JI sociatico11 Ji n.~ a1111nunced the sclectLan n/ R. Bt1c l;1 ninsicr Fuller, till! l'l rrl11lrrl. rrnd pllilo· .~opher, cis ir.~ J,'l(i9 llun1a11ist of ~ l}H! Yrcr. L1:.~l 11ca r·.s 1c1nn cr u:as i,· Dr. Bcnja1n1n Spock. May Just 'Fade Away' Conlisk also strongly denied the con- 1ention by Turner during testimony last 11·ec ~ Uiat Chicago p.:>lice gave him the gu ns for his personaJ collection, not for !!\ l ..!.......:.--=---==""~ The Sup rcn1c Court, by rrfusing to g('t !r.!o the cic:Jre-1(' a:!1·erns1nt; con· fnJl'<'rsy, 11phuld ;i ~01'r1nh<'r, J!!G8. rul111g b v the l S. ('1n1n of :\ppc;1ls f!ir the Di~lflct 0[ t'O!t11nhia .'ht.~ Ilic fede ral go1·ernmcnt l1:1s the r ,~•ht \n rc<]uire bn'l:idc;istcrs 1n pr()1·lde a •·s1gn1fic :1nt arnriun t of t1n1e" r 1{'ry 11·cek for m r.o;;;ages on !he hJzards (lf smoking. \\'ASlll:-lC'.TQ;'ll (L'Pl\ -rrr sic!ent i\1:-;nn h:is df'escalated the Vieln.:in1 \\'.'.lr :ind Hanoi appears to be respond ing. :ic· cording to Secretary of Stale \Villi:in1 I'. }{ogers. 0 Valen?in Ceausescu, 20-vear-old son of President Nlcolae Ce'ausescv of Comrnunisl Rom;:ini.J, is ~tudv· ing secretly a t f3rilian·s 11npc ri:i t College of Science and Tcchnolo;:::y , the Daily l\lirror S'1.\'S, 1·11e ;\llrro r. \\·hich said y oung Ceausescu \l':-'S studying physics. co1n1ncnlrd~ "The fact tha t c;ipitnlistlc ol d Lon· don shoul d ha \1(' l.J cen selected for young Valentin's education is un· questionabl.v a snub to Ro1nania's Soviet overlords." The NAU clcc1~.on ;1:11> a b!o\v lo c i":!re1te. nitikcr:«, 1·. ho h;r ,·c condL1ctrd n Yl':lr o[ c;ircful lobby ing lo t'asc rcstric· tJ0"5. At the snme lime, a nPgoliated sct- tlrment of the \var is .not foreseen i::non although U.S. policy is directed at rcn10~· ir,g a ll American troops fron1 \1ictnam, Rogers said. Rogers termed the steps toward-\\'ind· lng down the !eve! of combat in Vietnam "!_!rcat progress." The strategy l'lin1.1xc rt J11ly 22 1vhen Jo~i·ph F, Cullm:in 11!. prLS1dcnt of the Tob.'.lcco lnst.itulc, t,1ld a Senate sub- cornmitt~ that cli;arctte makers would \'olunlnrily stop all broat!c:1~t :ioi1·rrtlsing next September. "And lf lhe enemy is responding to our deescalalory moves, in the way they seem to be, then it is possible that the \var u·ould just deescalate until it sort of Jades out," he said. Mercury Dives Below Ze111 0 Frig·icl Air Jlf oves Across Western, Centred States C:olltornl11 II Wll wnnY Bnd Wi'"' !~rou~l>(-U1 Soulh"n C•ll•o•n•e t11<14y t ller ~t•!v mo-rnlr>V low t lO<J<!> '" lo~ •'o~; !~I lmmedl•I• """' llurn..i '"'"¥· l~ lf.>t AnQtTe1 roi~n ~•<! h!liO lem~tr•tu•f c~1ngo wl!ti 1 Mgl> or 79 II 1r.. (!~le Ct•Ttr, c·• <!e9 .. ~ 81\0VI ~""•Y's m1~;mum. l nt prtdk !t<! la " lonioM wa1 56. 6e5cl\e$ were cloud~ vnt~! "'l<lmorn· ~. l"l~n '""'~'~'vru "'"' n wr•I> l~t w1ter tem~r•l~•t !.'. Mount~r,., "'''' • ..,.,., .. Wltft flMdl'191 In tne M•. OeM1rt1 "''"' •~Qn1 Ind plffun!f1 "'''"'· 1-11on1 SUn<la., 1M P•f'dl(tfd "Ton1 lod•Y 11 5-<>ul__,., C1!ilo1nl• l<>tt f1<>n• lntlodr-: LOf"ll 81Kl'I 1J.11. ~""'' Mon-lt1 n.n, eurWnll IO·.O, M•. W•l•nn St·61. P~!..,<l&lf 7~·1', II ~t .. 10t 71 ·o, Ptlm Sprln111 IJ.j.j, 5tn 01'1!~ 7A -,, ~n!f 81rb.llr1 11·1"-t rod !Hint1 An• n .n. SOUTHl!RM C.tillFOllH!A: l/,f!\Tly f1lr ~!.,,, !l'l.-ot>9ft Tutl(llY Ii«! I~''"'''!"• nltM 1rld l••!Y moni nq ''' t"(i kr# CIOll(I• 1'°"9 11\e Ci>llSI, .$. tO/\I· I• w1rmt• '°~"' "r'IOl.lnl&ln1 I nd dt;~·h. LOS ANGE LE$ .tiNO VICINIT Y: MO.!lf l&•r ton 11M lft•DVill'o Tllt'tl~Y b\11 lll(•~•lno n111n! 1nd •~rh' m!'•f>. l"O •oo 1"4 10..-c1CWK11 ll('tr lft• co111. Lltti., tem1>trtl1Jrt , .... ,,_.,.. l c-w l<>-"101!1 !S 1-<r;~ MonQ11 1•1 k>·..-/tMn-••1 nl1M SI. lmi>M!•I ind c .... ,.,.11, v111...,. ,,.,. ~111111rn~ P1••n Sr •fr•· l'~lr ton·o.,t '"'01J111' T ~t<t·~ 5 r'"l• I<'\"-. Ill, "~" l ,.,' ! ;"! •J 10 5! H·G~f Mi;.r.o11 11 IO t,i. Con•tnl l'oo o• ,_ crou<1t In tne t •dV mo,,.._ lr1~. but rno1llY tYnn., In lht •11••· "'"'"· Llthl v•<l•~I• ... 1n<:11 n1o~I •nd ,,_.o,ninv hOOJrl wesl1!•1v I to 15 l<nl'!I Jn ~11e .. ,oon1 1oct11 •'Kl T ~•~. Hll~t t~•v '' to 7•. < ,,1.1 IM >l>tl'llYtU ••nil• lrl'm " to n. 1• •"<! !tm<>1•1tu,..1 tar1111 from S~ 10 ;• I\ ·•~r '~""l>il'Muro 8•. Sr111, /tlt7';•11 4 T UE$011'f r "'' r•1., .. Tides 11 M • ,..,, ~ 1 f ,., 1~,. .............. • Jll •m.1 1 S• 1r1~n 11'<n m"'' s...-.. .._..,, ,, ••• "1""'"' $0IM '"·~1·••'"' ~•'•t ''"" Mlle~ '•nl ~ '/1 lE m. ~~h 6 •On m. JJ.S. Stnnmnl'!I A mtoHIV<' ..-~y~ QI !•l;ld "" rno~~d ~nuthw,,.~ "''"" m~ w•~lnn ~nd cen· ~·A. •:::: .~~:·~h:r~;:~~Q '";on;-· O~nvtr '"""' 1rw trmoer~'"'~ dn:lP In fl>vr ~bow 1ero, !rifl lowe•t •v•r ,.. <' <n~ '""" to• oQ ••rl., In !h~ •••· !;r )1'" ~<>VI°' •l>n~O 0! (h~\'~e<•f, \'Io • ...,.~, Jhe 10.,~11 evr• rKC>r<lt<I CIV• r1 lir!~!•e•, lJt '"'''' \',YO,, w•< ll!o {~1<1~11 IP</! In 1,,,, !\o!l<On ., l~ n, ~w-~fttll! ""~'"'"'\ ,,,,. r~i.,-:1 1, ,.,, <h ~! !ht • ,,fhr n """ " l•,•I (l .. M f'lol1J re·,~.,, h•vr .,~·-"' 1, .. 1 .-11\~•e ~ ''·~'! '" no•l••~t•I II•!-(( 1o,:n -.~w Wl-t folll'i • Tn th• ..,...,,.,. M ,,.1. 11 'JOl'f'I ""II I~ "II' 0 "'' I •••o ~ ,, ~· .... '"' -~"" \'' ,,, ... 1 ~ ''' '" "• Ret•v ,•.ov••l~,·1 ~·d 0:• ., 11 fl 1~ "I Teinperai11re• Albunuernu• An<hG•a11<1 .... ,..,,,. B•l<~r~He(lf e .. morcl< Boll~ 80flOn flro .. fl!Yllll Chlc•to C•11<:ln"3U D•nver On Mclne-t oe1ro11 Fall'b•nl<• f'orl Worth F"''"" H1l- llO<">Cl~IU K1nu< City L•• Vn•• M i•ml M!nnt•DCUI N~w Orleans N-Yo•I< Ncrlh Pl1H1 Oa~lanll O•l~homl Clly o,, ... ,.. l '•lm 511•1nn PJtt> RC>blca pr.con•~ Pl11111v•llh Porlll'ld lll~lt Clly llQnn Satt~-n!o S• 1 L~l e Clf\t S1~ Qil QO S•n f'lnclllOll S~1:tl~ 11 I I \\~\l>lrli,1;1(1 tlllli L•• f'rtc )/ :i.s SS •~ .01 " " ~J Sl 0 " 4\ 71 10 ~1 9J it ltJ ~~ ~I 1.0.S SI 6• " . ·~ 38 tj " " ~ .m .rn .M l• •l l.~J " ~ JI ?l ~l J? l) ~I ~l ;·" " ~ 11 n •1 JJ ·'' M n 10 61 :;1 11 ,1J " ~ " ~ •s 1• !l ~J " ~ n ·~ " ~ 19 •l '" ·" ;, ?I .40 " " " " " " .. .. " '" " " " " " -' ,, " Rogers' assessment of a down\vard 1 rend in the V1rtnam mnflicl ·was made jusl four days before a n:ition1\•ide an· t111·nr demonstration v.·as scheduled to h:istcn U.S. \\•i!hdra\1'al from Vietnam. R(lg ers told nev.-·smen in a television in· l(T v il'\\' tL\1c('( Th e Pres~ -KNBC) that Nixon has changed orders to U.S. troops fro1n a poli cy of maintaining maximum 11re.~ure \through search and destroy ni:~~ions) to protective reac11on, "\'.'e have no wny or knowi ng'' whether thr Cc1n n1unists are r~sponding to U.S. (leescnlation, he said. "But I think it is important for the American people to kno\'1 that Nixon has deescalated the \var." Rogrs s.1id the President's policy Is nnt directed, as some persons have sug- gc~tl·<l, at leaving a certain arnount or troops permanently stationed in Vietnam. The policy, he said "contemplates com· p1C"te removal of the troops in Vietnam. Initially, though, it con t em p I a t es \1•lthdrawal of combat troops and the replacement of American troops by South \'iclnflmesc troops.'' At the same time, Rogers declined to divu lge· any time schedule for withdr:nl'al altbough he said the President does have such a schedule in mind. lie said the schedule \\'ould be allered ''by periodically observing the conditions in Vietnam and pragmatically making a <:erlsio11 aboul how to remove the troop:>.'' :G.fire Conlisk also said Turner did not tell 1-iim when he got the last of £our batches f)f guns last November that he had since rct1nx! fn'lm the 1\rmy, Conlisk's testimony before the Senate permanent inl'estigation subcommittee conflicted sharply w:th statements by Turner "''hen he testified last Tuesday. Turner insisted that Conlisk kmw the ).,'Uns \l'Cre for Turner's personal col- Jcc\ion. Conlisk denied it arid said Turner :;olicltcd the gWlS by claiming he ne(l(fed l hem for an Army museum at Ft, Gordon, Ga. "The guns were given to Gcn('ral Turner as custodian for the United States Armr." Conlisk said. "At no time in any of the conversations 1vith General Turner rlid [gay, or imply that the \\'eapons he selected were for his prlvate use," Conlisk testified. ;'It was 1ny explicit understanding, as reflected in th?-rceeipt General Turner signed, that these weapons were to be turned over to the United States Army for official purposes." Can!isk said he first learned something m ight be amiss when Internal Revenue Ser\'ice investigators questioned him last September about 397 guns which Turner J?Ot from the Chicago Po I i c e Dcparlment's collection of weapons con- fisc11tcd from rioters and criminals. ~ormally, Conlisk said. confiscated guns are destroyed in blast furnaces. Kills 8 Bo;y, 6, T akeri for Dead Revived LOS ANGELES <UPI) -At first firemen thought the boy was dead another victim of a roaring pre-<lawn bl.:izc that s1vept a 40-year~ld wooden apartment buildi ng llke tinder Sunday. P,11t Fireman David Smith took a closer I011k, •·J sa1v a faint chc~l movement and found he was brealhing fa intly," said Sn1 ith. "I (1a ve his mwlh-to-mouLh resuscitatiti n 1n the room and then car- r ied him out in the front yard \\'here he t.:Ollld gl'I S!ll'lt' fllr." Anthony f-orler Jr., 6, li ved and is reported ln good coqdition at a local hospital. •Us parents and a younger sister were among the eight persons who riied in the blai;e. Seven persons were in jured :ind 30 y,·crc rescued in the fire officia'ls s:.iid \l':ls of "suspicious origin." Arson investigators said the fire st;;r!C'd about 5 am. in the basement of tl.e three·story building. Flames rose rapidly upward and had engt11fed all three noors by the time Hre!ighters ar· f ll'Cd. ll f'q1irtled lht' worst residential fire in Los Angeles h!.!tory. L • UPI Ttlt,,... l}'hltc Orlohcr Denver mail carrier Eddie Klein makes his rounds in fi ve inches of fres h snow. d'le second major sno\v stonn to hit the J)enver nrcn \l>ilh anothcir four inchc1> on the \.\·ay. • I r-ou_EEN_IE ___ a-'--y Pl.,_il ~-nler_lcmdi---.· Nixon Asks Congress' He Ip •1x~l.JA'fe3ff 1l!!rJA'r ~::;:.· 1- "'"" ~( .«, . ' ' 5,tt l ~-• '· ~ ·'"(t'.'. ~ ~ -"'l-tr ·' • \VASHli\GTON (AP) President Nixon has asked the l)en1ocr11li..: c u 11 l r u I l c d Congress to put a s l d c partisanship and prcducc a Jegislatlve record v.·hich \vouhl rnake the ad1nini::;trul1ou and lawrnakers proud , In a message airnl'll al quieting the combat that h:is been growing b e t w c e n Republicans aod Democrats over the pace of legislation. Nixon promised lf> m e e I Congress "more than half \\'av" to accomplish wh;it nefds to be done. Senate Dcnlocratic lcadl'r J\fikc Mansfield praisrd ND•· on's staten1cnt as ··tcmp\:ratc, r•·strainrd, undt·rstand1ng. in good l:istc and good funn." But Jlou:-c m::ijoruy Je.:ider C:irl Alb1.•rt s11ii.:cd his l~Jtn mcnl 1,1 1\h :-hr11c p1•p(X'1'v Jihra:-('S i.lCCU~lll/! 1he ;,d- 1n1ni~I r;!li1111 nf b1.·1ng slow to ~··L 1\s il'g1.,Ja111 c J)l\Jl{r:un b1•fntl' Coru,:rl·:.s ;u1d of ha11n1~ d1v1dc1! \ a."11 s on n1;u1~· 1u1- pvrlJnl iSSUt'S. 1'ht• 111c~sagc w :1~ ~rt fn r forn1:il rr:iU1 ng 10 l'ungr•·:-~ l 1r d.1y bul 11 ;i~ fl'lC,b('t.I !1~ 1!11' !1111 . i\1xon 'lr~·~'<'d th<" ulr:i of ;1 11·1<rk111g panntr'll11 p bcl11'{'£'n t11s athniru~tr.111011 "11d Cflngrc:-.o; !n f'11:1l'l " prio· gr:11n 1h:1L w1!1 !:1u11eh ;1 nrw cr:i uf l:iO\'t'f!lfll!'fll rcfonn. "Let us resolve ," he ~;iid, •·to 1naRe ihe legislative J~suc of the 1970 c:1n1pa1g11 the quc:;- 111111 ul" \\h•I dt•St:r\eS lhl' grr.atl·r crc:rl1l /11r Ilic 9l~L Congress',; record uf ;u.:· ("()nlplisllrncn!. 11ut \1 luch of us i::liould be h~ld :u·cou111a!Jlc bcc:.u~t· it did nothing '• r\1-.:on ilckn:.011 ll'<li,:rd thal 1n1rl1s~1ns 111 b•1th n:1 rl1 cs h;11·c l.tt·f'n lr'}Jllf: to l;lan1c t'.'.ICh 11 t h ,. r f u r 11 11 a t ! h c H1·pul lhr;111s. ;it ll·a~t. rrgn rd ;1~ !ill' 11u·ag1·r .:1l'h1c1cnll:nts uf C(JJll.!J'l!~S hi d,\11.'. "Tht~n· n1:lv Iii' m1•ril i11 hnlh t•h;1q.~l·~." Nn:ilq s;11d. ''i\tHhcr tile Uc rn o er a t i c Congress or the ltf'rub!kan 1 adm1n1s1rat1on 1s without fault, for the del.'.ly o( vital lcgisl.'.1·1 lion." \ T!us \I as not the kintl of I ml'ssage the Democrats h~1d l cxiwclt'tl ;ind son1c sharpl y worded repli ::!s that hnd been prepared h;itl to be suf!tneJ. 13ut the House ft·l•ls it has a f.:ir murc irnprrss11 c record soi far tha n th(' Senate ond Alticrt declined tn drop all thc1 ruunlcr-ehargcs he ha di' readied. "Despite thr Prrsidrnfs ('flTllltH'll[S," 1\lbr1l s a I d ·1 "thPrc is a i.:rrat:-r sensr of urgent)' in the Congress th<in in lhC udn1in1slr:ition." Den1 Leacler Sees Truce 111 Vietnan1 Troops V se Gas "I didn't sa~ the. strak was tQQtD, I jnst asked if . Yoo had electric steik .knives." In 11·is1i Violence W. Berline1·s Cheer .4strona1tts at W cill \VASHINCTON (UPI) Senate Democratic Leader r-.1ike Mansfield said Loday tile U l~LF :\ST. ;-..·or!hrrn lrcl:ind Nixon administration m:i~· be (rl'l 1 -Bnu~h iroors firrtl moving towa rd a cease.fire in \i1lll·~s of tc;1r ga~ bo111hs Sun· Viel.natn. rt:i;.i n1gh1 :ind t'Jrlv tod;ly Jn Th<' adminislrrition's policy J•\j~!un~ b:ii·~ 1,0tlU 11111itant of "protec1ive rc;iction·· a ~ outlined last wee k by Defense l1rritrstrin1:; 11•ho hur led bncks Il l::RLIN' IL'Pll -Cro\vd.~ all the v.·ay into the heart o! S{'Cr<'t;:iry r-.tclvi n H. L;iiril, i111110 altr1npts tu n1arch on a C'.>l lmi'Lted by polit e at IS0 .000 the cily fr o1n !hi: airport. Mansfield .said, does not sectn ltrunan Catl1u!1c neighborhood. to 400.000 persons lo d a Y '!'he Apollo astronauts said to different lroin hi~ own chrcrctl tile U.S. Apollo I l Thi' f1~ht1ng bruke out in the · Bonn S""d;y they ho""d repealed suggcs!ions of a •·•sl•"n"U!<·s v;!1n , bllcd thl· 111 1~ _ • ~hn 11k1ul l lio:i<l ;irca. \1•herc a '" " unilateral cease.fire \1·t1cre •• " , :.-, '1)4 .: J~crl1n \\'al l :111cl t'Xpressicd RtjSS1an and L.:.S. s Pace Ainerican troops lire onl.v if ni ~l1t of disorders S:1111rday h I II I 11 ' UPI lolrP~•'o I :inks t icrc \1Crl' no 11·;,i s 1n I rave ers cou < JOJn 1n a fired on. \1·lt tllft'l' d~':11I ;uul G6 1nJ11r1~(t. :,:p;1e<'. coopPratlve cff,irl one day. At a n<'\1·s conference La 1rcl ,,.t111ts 1llf•l'e ,'\o 111i11r1r~ "£'re rrportct! 111 Nc•1I Arn1~\rung;,ind Edwin Chancellflr Kurl Georg said thnt under this poli('y, Ji u· \l•JlCnl:C Sund:l) an1l this Aldrin Jr. fle1v 1n!!1 TC'tnpclhuf l\iesinger told the moo n men stnrttd in August. l'0111b11t 1\rdy L <lJll<l!'l' :.isks .1 111orn1ng. Air port lru111 ltinn :Ind their cxpericrn::cs shov.·ed that leade rs can seek out and at· 1-louslon judge to <ll\'Ci!'d :-i111p1'rs f1tt•rl ),por:uhl:n!h · .tt ill1{'hncl Cnll1ns arrl l'Cd frorn no 1na n 1s master ()( the tack cone<'nlralions or encrny 11;1' 1 n1"'11~. Thr ~nl<h<·r:-htid Cc nna. Italy. Julurc, \oops that threaten thern her S26 lll!llion ;:is ht'!' 'lil•·rs 10 !I!'•' 11 f1rrri11pun but mcnt ro rn 1ni ss ion In· \ cstlgnt1n~ thl! 1\ugust riots 1ha1 1-.:i ll ed to pl·r~uns :i11d 111· JUl"f'il hundrrds. Pri n1t il-11ni.~1er .J ;i n1 C's Chit·licstcr·Cl:irk Sunda y ap· pc<ilcd to Pr:ltcstanls 10 end lhe strt•cl lighting and sought 10 case !heir l"Onecrn over lhc proposed <1bulition of the B· speci11 I polirc. l\1osl Favor Ni.-xon Plan 'fht•V l:1it! a 11 rc;ilh ;it ii ~h<1rC Of C:0Jl\J\1UlldV ll"lll' of th1· ~lllJll'I'' L1HLhl IJC nionufnC'nt al th:-11·rill at property froni lier \f)til! lur·o1c.d. ROST(l;.J IVP ll -A nalion· U1·rna ucr SlrasSt' v.·l1crc fi\ c Fa1n1· 1y A ·e ea1· 1· (!i\·orc:e fronl oiltnan The lT·llld of l'ro\i•stan\<; \\'J(!C SUf l't',V, taken h~ the Opt· rrlugcts diC'd c~ap1ng, r~· I I \\. I [(n\-J !'d Lee. C'\i.1n\•"I Suld1ero; 11111'" :inti 111t)11 l!c"ic:lr<·h {'orp. and nia1ne11 u·1th their head s bo\1·· · llrltl~h ;1!'111v i.;11 l1111nr ''' rel\·:1S\·rl Su nd;1y night. ),ho11ct..! cd loir a n1i11ut~· Lnc;i 1nou111 r"! 'l lh· 11 '1\Tr't'd t11 tih' t;flf) A1ncrH·ans, hy a ·l·l 1nargin, a p1auurrn lo look 11110 i:::i~i So it Gi'ves Bri'dc A I.VU). p:1r;Jtro11ps !1111\n 111 :5und:iy 111 favor Prcs1 rient Nixon 's pro· l3t·r:J11. p N • pil l !!111111 lh•· dt·111011str;1L1on~. pos:il In put \\'elf.'.lre rC<'ipk·nts L.c.IJins !iaicl tlicy \1'rrc glad J."O• IXOll 11 l1tc:h bruughl to n1orl' th:u1 tn 11•ork. it is not rossiblc lo build \1·alls BROOl\Ll.'lE, ~1ass. (AP) her husband 's death. r.1111t1 1!1'· n111nhl'r of Bri\l';h The q11rstinn 11sk cd of 1,015; in Silatc :ind 1h:i! hr hnpcd -Ele1'cn of Julhi O'Ncil's 12 J)iane Ncssar of Bos trin, lh(' \\'ASHJ NGTO~ IA!') -A 1roop;.. o:t~1\1u11cd 111 Northern i11 l'.:B U.S. l.'tlics 1\'flS ''lhe " Id 11•'" ,·,, ., I 11·,•l •1111 l'r .. ,.,·,l·••l I•··•" p•opo'·"d !halo 111an OnC' uriv 'l'OU .. • childN'n allendcd her \1'ed· lasl of the JO O'Neil daughlC'rs J!rlJU[I or ;1hou1 II)(} -.tu< en::. ' ' ... ~ .... " ' "" u·orlt \l'Hhotit "'rills. Tin· 111·• k1•1,,1 \I :> 1 f' n l' c Congn•ss rcquil'e :ill !><'rson~ h f d·,1,. l>••l •1 o " l of her ~" to •>1accy. 11·as 1n::11run 11f , ... , •• _, 111° l1 °11t1'd <':111111\·~ ;111d f II 1 1 1· 00 ••···Ila·•· ···l•o .·i•e ,·ibl•• tu \\'c,l ecrl1n1·rs ga1 ere< "' ,_ ~ ' u '' 0 " 11 011 f'< l lt' g111'<•rn1n1·1t ~ an· ... • " • ... along lhl' r 0 u I c of th<' grandthildrc.n stayed hon1c. honor. Daniel O'NC'it, li. the ;in cru.:uurag111g li~ll'gr a111 !r .. rn nuuntrinrul th:it Nnrlhern 11•.irk. 1nclud1 ni::, rnothers of :1~1roiaut :.' 111otorcade ;:in hour A 1vidow for JO years, r-..irs. youngest child, and only one i'rt•!Htlcnt Nt;o.uJJ r11;1r~·ht•d n111c lr'!'lnnd'.s Hov;1l l ' l s t f' r schnoJ.agP (·h1ldrc11. 10 (k> ::;o. bi•fnrt their ~1rri1'<1 L Collin<; o ·Ncil 111.irricd Joseph P. living al hon1e. ga1r ht~ hlo<:ks from n£'ar th« \\'h1!1· ('t•11~ldbt1l:iry 1.!ll lC1 \1·ouhl be ArL' Y(lll 111 favor ()f this pro·1 sriid :he !>plrit of 1\po!lo and \\'::ilsh 011 Sunday ::it SL !\tary's mother av.'i1y. The oldest child Hlluse 10 the Lllu:oln J\lcnior i.i! d 1 s a r 1n (' d ;1 n d ! h e po.;al or opf)Osed 10 it." .Uerlit \l't'fe lhc same -is 38. prL"dn1nin:u1tly pru1c.~lt1nl B· E1~hl pl·rcf'nl of thuse po\lf'd Or lhe Ass11m1iUon church. .Sunday in sup1)(lrt <if ll1t· Ht!-I I d th I 1 II p•opo·"I frc<'t.Jun and indrpcndence. "The 1,1•hole bun('h of us felt ·'fH.'t"1;1 r£'~•'r\C po 1c1.' even· s.~1 cv <11·orC< 1e • ·'" · .. v111 are aniong lricnd,;. \\'a!sh n10\'Cd lnlo I h c like 111others of the bride. but 1n111i~trat1nn 's eflorls 10 v.111 tuall.v wnuld he ahohsllt'd. 15 pcrcCnt ~:11d thry \\rrc or · li ere." siiid Schuetz. •·1 an1 boarding house she opened to no one cried.'' said £1'elyn •·pt;icc v.•1th frccU:.i1n 111 Vk,1· Tiit· ch:1nE:es l\l'rr· rc1·ou1· po~1'd and five percent had n::i ('l'rlat• tha t you ;ibo h;i1·c .~l~>0~lp:_c<~u1~1po~_:_rt~h~er:.:_f'~m~;1!y~a~f~te~r-~K~;1~oy~·~a~d~o~ug~l~11~er~.-----~"~"~"~' __________ m::::.r~rn~le<~lc..::l'~'~"::...c'~f"~''~··~al'-'"~°'~''~'-"-· .....:"~"~'"-'°~"~·------- many f ricntls 1n the eastern pa rt~ the cit)." Mcrl'11·rs \\'tllcd. C'hcerrd a nd a1pla11d<.'Ci the asl ronauts IMTRODUCING FROG LOVERS TO CHOPIN! l'ARENTS, DON'T WAIT UNTI L YOUR CHILO IS. OUT Of THE FRO(.; LOVEPS .6.GE IEFORE YOU GIVE THEM THE GlfT Of MUSIC-YOU WAIT AND IT MAY IE TOO LATE! Childrt" j" the fr o9 lo•in9 1to9e f 4.a I ore the perfe<:t a<J• for l•ar"i111J music.. Yamoho, otter yeori of r.uorc.h de1i911ed t+ie Y o "' o h a M111lc Course to 1;u111re tho! 011 childr" con learn music:. MillioM of Yomalto 9rod11ote1 fronl all over tho world tt1tify 0 the 111cc.~1 of the YAMAHA USIC COURSE. 011 do 1101 ho•e to liuy a11 111· 11ment. 1he1e i1 110 ho111e stud' r,1111 Iott of fun for yo11r rld1e11 white they l!!'Ofll nu.sic.. illN'T DENY YOUR CHILD THE ~AN Cf YOU M.6.Y HAYE MQD IN YOUR CHILDHO?D. CIDllS ore IHIW .. roll i1111 - won' you plircn• 9i•ir 111 a coll 011d ,., u d1ow yo11 tlM wflolo 1tort4 tti. YAMAHA MUSIC cou•1 YOUR GE~T REWARD WILL If Wlil YOUR FROG LOYflf LOOKSll' AT YO U ANO TELLS YOU .... I GAVE MY FROG A NlW N.lilE, BEETHOVEN." Don'telay-CaU Today 42-1844 Y\MAHA MUSC SCHOOL IN COTA.MESA LOSE INCHES NO'V ••• BEFORE THANKSGIVING! Starting Monday, Oct. 13 at 9 AM through 4 PM Saturday, Oct. 18, all Gloria Marsball Jocations in the State of California, are holding a ~~ Price Sale on !)pot Reducing for either hipfi or waist. This special price is for h ips and wais L only nn<l is in conjunction with Gloria Marshall's regular l'rograrn. ..• If you 3re one of the millions of American women with a "bi~' J1ip problem ... or, if the tummy needs inching back to give you that youthJu l ~lender appearance, don't miss this offer. lt saves you -Yi the price on hips or v.·ni~t rccltlcing an<l, of course, Gloria Marshill's prices are always less , •• much less .,. than charged !Jy <.Jny other system of slenderizing salons for women. Call us and come in for a Hample Yisit ••• n o charge or obligation, nctuaUy uae. t bc special reducing macJ1i.11es <luring' your sample visit. WE ARE NOT A GYM! Gloria Marshall direcror of the WORLD'S LARGEST owned and operated Figure Control System says: "LOSE WEIGHT & PAY B)' THE INCH!" Why buy a years membership in a Gym to try and lose weight through strenuous exercise when you can buy effortless weight reduction and pay by the inch at Gloria Marnhall's ..• patrons, based on ·actual rccordi:-, ca n aehiC'vc their coal in as little as 4 to 6 weeks and ••• LOSE 10 INCHES WITHIN FIRST 10 VISITS RESULTS GUARANTEED in writing '°l'ell us the dress size you want to we!lr, and we'll tell you how many visita it will take and guarantee in writing that you will reach your goaJ .. In fact, !O absolote1y positive are we that you will obtain your objective, that as staled in our guarantee, Vi'e will even let you have FREE OF CHARGE, any and all further visits, until you reach your goal It'• positive· assurance that we back up our cuanntee 100 %. /~ Star1 Now for your new fall figure! ' -I - Come in. comfortable casual clothes, disrobing unnecessary, Private playroom faciliti£s for small children. 430 Pacific Coast Hwy. 642-3630 11 lloc•• lent of lalboe hy Cl•b I SANTA ANA 1140 WEST 17tti ST., 54).94 57 ANl\ME1M. tl EVt'l:LY MILLS, (;:,'JIN.\. CllE"ISHAW, OOW'-I EY. GLEt<OA Lf , LAK EWOOO, l ONO BEA CH, NEWP0 "1f llEACH, NOll TH llDLLVWOQD, 0NfAlllO, PASADENA, SAN DIEGO. SANT .. l\NA. )•NTI\ f\AllllAl!li, SU NLllNO, TAll14"1A, WH ITTIEll, ~·ton• II ... •~ f llESNO, St.CllAMENTO, S~N JOSE, SUN>1'l''o1,l.LE, w .. L .. .il t ll Elill.. • u 0 Carltons Costa Mesa's Finest Men's Store must close its doer forever due to the passing cf Mr. Carlton. We must sell all our fine stock of nationally ad· vertised brands in men's clot h- • 1ng, sportcoats, slacks, and in fine f u r n i s hi n 9 s of shirts, sweaters & knits. In o r~e r to clear all our obligations all our prices have been marked down 30°/o to 60°/o. Come prepared to buy, this is Orange County's biggest going out cf business sale. SUITS OUR R•G. $I 00.00 SUITS OUR RF.G. $49.00 COATS PERM. PRESS SLACKS Vol. $7 .00 $5 NAT. ADV. SLACKS Vol. to $17.00 $12 SUITS OUR R~G . 2 PANTS SUITS VUt< K~b . $59.00 COATS PF.RM . PRESS NAT. ADV. SLACKS $650 NAT. ADV. CUS TOM SLACKS s1 4. SUITS OUR RFG . $150.00 SUITS COATS FLARES & BELLS Vol. to Sl 6.00 $8 IMPORTED FA BRIC HANO TAILOR Vol. to $35.00 $20 "' ••. -·· .. . .. ....... " .. --'J.., '" .... ·";'ti. ~%"!' ::.. ; ..... KNITS e SWEATERS . . ; . . . . ' . -..,-... ~ .... _.,~ ......... i..:.~-rf··· ,,, SHIRTS e SPQRl'SHIRTS . .. . . ALL OUR NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS REDUCED DRASTICAll Y CARLTONS 270 E. 17th ST .. HILGREN SQ. COSTA MESA OPEN DAILY 10-9 -SAT. 1 0-6 OPEN :,UNOA \' FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! 12 to S ··-n\aS.till' Cl\afgt ,, • • • DARY PROT EDITORIAL P/\GE A Boost for Negro students in record numbers have been admit· ted to colleges and universities in the nation this fall. As has been the case at UC lrv1ne, many of them have gained entrance through special admissions programs 1or minority !ludents. More 1'1exican-American students have been gel· ting into universities the same way but not in as large -numbers. Last year 31 black but only 12 Chicanos were admitted to UC!; an additional 40 blacks and 38 Chicanos began studies t his fall. But UCJ appears to be changing its recruiting policy \\lilh the effect that someday Mexican-Americans may outnumber blacks in its minority special admissions program. Chicanos \Vho have been pushing for greater rep- resentation have a strong a rgument for more repre- sentation. They point out that 12 percent of Orange County residents are Mexican-American and only one percent black. Criticism, therefore. was hardly surprising this summer when Negro Tim Knowles was appointed to head the Educational Opportunity Program. Chicanos felt one of their own should have been given the post. After dispatching a scc:ithing letter to Chancellor Daniel Aldrich Jr., f\1exican-American leader Ralph Echave came up with a constructive suggestion - henceforth priority in EOP admission be given to Orange Cou nty residents. Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs John Hoy agrees with Echave. He said, ''Jl's natural for us to be con~ cerned particularly for students in our area. We will be intensifying our efforts to recruit more in our own back- yard. We won't have quotas but. we will look harder." If prime recruitment is done in Orange County. chances are Mexican-Americans would make up the greater proportion of EOP students. That \vould be entirely appropriate. OU1er Univers- ity of California campuses are better situa·ted to offer Unemployed l1i the Midst Of Inflation WASHINGTON -The Trea s ury Department's elation over the rising rate of unemployment comes close to that line between comedy and tragedy for whicb great novelists strive, The tragedy lies in the !tatements of 6Uch responsible figures as Treasury Secretary Da vid Kenned y and -his prin· cipal aide -both of whom <ire on re<:ord that an increase in joblessness proves the ::;uccess of the Nixon Adrninistrallon's ef- fort to control inflation by monetary and fiscal means. Their l'itatements are tragic not merely because on the evidence so far they are wrong, but because they reveal all the understanding and sympathy about peo. pie out of work which might have been displayed by Marie Antoinette transform· td to t)le 2oth century. THE COl\1EDY Ues In tlle puppet sho\v aspect of the scenario -the strings pull· ed by the President and \hr actors ut- tering hopeful 19th-century banaliUes. The trouble with the "'hole plot is that !he tragedy outweighs the cornffiY -and as Victor llugo once said, "The best tragedy ends in farce ," In fact, what is pro,·ed by l~ ri~ini;: unemployment figures is that ~nomist John Galbraith -a much despised sym · bol in Washington -and his fellow economis~ are right : "You can ha l'e both unemployment and inflalion if you rely on monetary and fiscal policies to Dear Gloomy Gus: lmpea<:h Earl \Varren, Jr.! -H.J. B. T~I• 11•11,>rf ••'*" r•Ht"' v11,.1, 11t1 ft•(•H•rllr ,,..,. ti flll n1V.-l,IHf. , .... r•wr "' _.,.. .. 0"9m., ,II, .. Dtlb' ,Ii.I. get there." That is what tl1r. Nixon and Secretary Kennedy are doing. • * • GALBRAITH has been calling loudly for wage and. pr ice controls in those areas where wages and pr ices are l!lkyrockeUng. ln a ~ent letter to the Wall Street Journal, Galbraith asked particularly for price controls in housing, steel, automobiles and other basics, and for \.\'age controls in those same areas, particularly in housing. There, the building trades unior..s have recently won wage demands which -if they continue any further -will make it im~sible for !he ordinary housewlfe to call a plumber \vithout first running to lhe bank. But to ask for price and wage controls would force Mr. Nixon out of his cbosen "middle of the road" JX!Sition -one which he ha.s deUned as bounded by the two extremes of "Jawboning" and )e'lting innation take its course. The reason it wi ll be po~ib\e to have both runaway inflation and jncreasin c: unt:'mployment, so economists argue. is tl1at unemploym ent mus! be extreme - 1nust reach a point Atnericans may not be '''\\ling to bear -before it hits the highly paid. organl'7.ed work'r who can pay the higher prices inflation demands. Jn 1950, a poor man with a wife and two children \\'as a man ca.ming le ss than ~2.600 per year. ln 1964, the lipe was S3,300. Today, it is $3.600, and at the present pace of inflation it will be about $6,000 ,,·ithin the next JO years. ~li:~t of us can remember when our lathers tho11ght they "''ere t,1.•ell off to bring home-that much money. .Happiness? What ls It? The tint precondition for that elusive et.ale known as "happine11s" iJ never to think about il. • • • Hypocrites learn too late, Ir at all, the truth of Gide's remark that "It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not." * • • A family T know are concerned because their teen-ag e boy refuses to return to -prep school and wants desperalely to be an auto mechanic; whereas 1 think. they m:hould be grateful for the fact thJil he wants to be. something at !hat generally umnotivated age, and should tllC'Ourage hiJ mechanical interest. rather than trying to th~·art it .. * • * EVERYBODY e1tracts from "history•• thou lessons he wants the rest of the world to know, while comfortably ig· noring those eventa that contradict hls own neat theory of c•use and effect. • * * All dOiJDatlsm is tnvo1ved in seU-con- tr1diction, like th• man who •a.id: .----By George ---, Dear George : How long does il take lo get • divorce in Jllinois? ANON Dear Anon: seventetn years, three months 9nd five d6ys. II realize that sounds 1 bit off; however. I hive dnublec hftcked It per so nal ty with my chief researcher , who Is 'frmn Chic1110. In fact. his ell·Wife 1tJJI hv'g ii:iere.) "Never use the word n'ver." * • * One melancholy def ini tion of "civilization" is that it is a process of going from a st.ate where doors are left unlatched and valuables lying around ioosely, to a stale where doors are bolted and valuables placed in vaults. • * • Jf nuclear energy proves too dangerous to handle, one line ot'hopt for the world't future enero·nteds lies In "gravitation- al energy" coming to us from outer space; lf il can be harnessed, there is JOO times as much sravitational enera in the universe as nuclear entr&Y. • • • Our progress in .sclenc• 1nd technology has Nme because we have increasingly understood the force. ()f nature; bt1t we have made little procress In serving the deeper needs of man because we "have refused lo understand the intrle1tt and subtle workinJs of mind arw:I s:pirlt. * • • Speaking ()f these netds, John H. Br1d· ley, in his book. "Patterni cf Survival," ~ ge ne ration ago, oi.erved: .. Self.c:Jlrect· ed evoluUon la Ule 0nt treat adventure in living that no species has ever tried .•. Should we ever sucteed Jn dl rktlng CJUr own evolutlon toward some ration11J and mora l goal, man would inauiurate • Ps:ychozo1c Era which mlght we~ ~ fundamentally dilferfllt from all era• that have passed." Minorities opportunity to blacks. The EOP record thus far is good. One EOP stµdent transferred and one dropped out because of health rea· sons, but nOQe flunked out last year. All the res t return· eel this year to a program that requires them to per· fonn to the same academic standards as other slu· dents. Only six are on probation and several achieved better than B averages. 'This is a gratifying record for those who did the recruiting aand provided the counseling and tutoring. And it is a tribute to the drive and motiv(ilion of the EOP students themselves; evidence of their commit· ment to pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps. 'fhe substantial increase in total minority group special admissions likewise is evidence of UC l's strong con'l· mitment. Sex: Omnipresent Topic While school districts debate the rightness and wrongness Qf sex education courses: -A Yale University physician claims he has de-- veloped an effective "morning after" contraceptive for women. -The government of Sweden indicates that wiUtin three years traditional wedding ceremonies will not be required, that couples will legally be pen'nitted to voluntarily cohabit. -A South Carolinian \Vho changed sex from male to female by an operation claims to have given birth to a daughter in what she termed "a miracle." Not backyard, over-the-fence yarns these, but news stories reported dispassionately by the press of the \vorld. It would appear that sex education is a public matter, whether or not the public .schorils are given the responsibility. 'Gee whiz! It's just my unbiaJJed opinion that ine should not cut ' the ou depletion allowance.' Daily Pilot Pretnise lt'rong? Fair Board's Attitudes Def ended To the Edltor: As one who has been closely associated u·Jth the Orange CounJy Fair, I believe that son1e comments are in order regarding your Sept. 30 editorial "Fair- grounds Ql1estions." The implications of your editorial (on) future changes regarding !he fair prop- erty are correct; your premises I believe are wrong. There wHI be three new member~ on the board next January, and they will be Republicans -but they will not be selected by "GOP bos.!!I Carpenter." They wlll be appointed by the Governor on the joint recommendations of the two state Senators and four Assemblymen from Orange County. I HA\'E CONFIDENCE that their recommendations will resuh in three very able appointments, men qualified to make the be!t decisions about utilization of a multi-million dollar trusteeship. The DAILY PILOT may have a par~ chial concept about the responsibilities of a fair director. He is responsible to the citizens of all Orange County for pro-- viding an agricultural fair, and he is responsib le to all the citizens of the state in the proper management of state pro- perty. He is n.:it responsible to pro,iide the citirens of Costa i'.1e.sa With parks and cil'ic centers. He is not responsible to the County of Orange to provide c911rt· houses. He is not responsible -if he permits over $10 million or state assets io lie fallow merely to acrommodate local pride and amb itions. I am proud to have been th!!: firs.I l.o bring this situation to light durin.i<: mY tenure on the fair board, and I ;im greatly pleased that dir~tors Rogers and Bowie are aggressively pursuing the mat· ter. I AJ\1 VERY confident that Orange County taxpayers will appla\l(i a board that has the courage to put a flve-Oay fair on less expensive land and to return to the taxpayers several mUlion dollars o( frozen land assets. l am equally confident that the citizens of Costa Mesa, when presented with the alternative of 1 state-financed civic center or • potential property-tax return of $3 milUon or more through private development (I( one of the most fabulous locatloru in Orana:e County, will not hesitate in their choi«. GORDON BISHOP E•tnUlf Mo,,le• To the Editor: li'or several weekends, my husband and J have been kx>king forward to laking rur young child to a drive-in movie. And, for several weekends, each of the drlve.ln theaters has been showing restricted (R) movie&. Three theaters stipulated no CJne under II would be admitted, etc., and the other two theaters rated tbelr fare to be for adults only. This past weekend. only two movitJ bt>lng .~hown in the OrAnge County area wert raled fo r family entertalnmenl, while four were rated for general au- diences, leaving 17 movies "·ith either the restricted or mature label. NONE OF TJIE productions rated for family or general audience were shov.'ing at the drive-In theaters, yet U1tse theaters stress the fact that. they cater to family trade -they admJt children under 12 frtt o( charge. Tell me, if you ca n, what responsible p&rent would take their youna:sters to see t~e overly«>phlsUcated , ~metimes violent. and oftrn unsavory films? It seems our only thoice is to tither .st1bmit. our child ren to shock or stay al home. So. untll v.•e see some con structire <:hinges. thi1 family will ~ay at horne. MRS. LOIS WEl..S ll • -~. '"'' -·~ Science Fiction To the Editor: I fee! obllgated to comment on the arti· cle by Sydney J . Harris, "~lystery Story Pleasure." in the Oct , 7 editorial page, wherein science fiction v:as somewhat n1isrepresented. · tlfr . Harris was quite correct in staling that the mystery story deals with life as it is familiar to us while science fiction deals with a picture of the universe one could not feel at home in. The important basic point he seems not to understand is that science fiction, "good" science fic- tion that is, is really only a superb vehi· cle for developing and expanding an ex- citing idea , a new cosmology, or rome glimpse of intuitive insight concerning UM: ultimate reality of the universe. TJIE REACH CJf imagination ls UMhackled by the limited knowledge of man and the ldea is enabled (tol mature \\'ithin the framework of any conceivable circumstances. \l.'hile in co!Jege. my profess(lr or creative \\T!ting went to great heights to install in our young minds that. "fiction'' "''as in rea lity the conveyer {)f "truth,'' truth in its purest fonn. Although distu rbed by my as sertion that science fiction must then represent ultimate truth. H \~as finally agreed it ju~t might be an acceptable litrrary form. Science fiction at i!s best goes be· yond the every day world of our experi· ence and striv's to satisfy the need of those who ask themselves, "Just v.·hat is the meaning of this life '!" Anyone who has ever wondered - ''\Vhy am I here?" "What is the purpose behind all this?" "How can life have any ineaning 'in a upiverse of s u ch t1nimaginable reaches?" -can explore the excitement of creative imaginatian and dlsrovcr possible reasons or at leas~ stimulating food fer thought. TRUE, UX>Se who are comfortable in the familiarity of the world around them' and v.·Jw . are unconcerned about tht meaning of ultimate reality see scienct fiction only as spaceman cov"boys and In- dians. Unfortuna tely, a lot of science fie· lion amounts to just that. As a fonner nuclear physi cist, con· scious developm ent of the lmaginatlon was important. It Jed , however, to pure philosophy; first to cosmology, in particular the origin of the universe, then · to ontology, the science of being. Great science, fiction represents a usefql tool to expound upon ideas and possibilities, following them to their ultimate con- clusion, meanwhile weaving the idea into' a good tale like any· "good" story teller. The finest of all science fiction stories dea l with the reality of the mind . Religion it.sell is an attempt to eff~tively dea l u·ith ontology, to give some meaning to our existence. 1\1r. Harrls shudders at the science-fic- tlon \.\'Or!d v•here justice has all bllt disa ppeared . Science fiction is more apt to explore the "meaning" of Justice and how it ('Qtlld disappear , His comfortable: and familiar world is more likely to make 1t disappear. BAILEY 11. SQ\ilER Follow Uawall To the Editor: \Vhy can't our beaches hC' llkr !h(ISe of Ha,,.,·aii~ Californians escape from lheir strains and pressures to relax and enjoy the at- mosphere of t~ir imaginary beaches. A place of freedo1n, relaxation and teauty? Not Jn reality! California beaches are owned . fenced a 11 d guarded. c. I u b s charge ridiculous dues for tbe privilege o( sil.ljng on •·their'' beaches. Fences are crnstantly built to charge people to enter t.lie won - derla nd of cigarette butts, tralh, and anything else so1ne uninteresteJ visitor forgot to put in one of the hute trash cans provided. Guards, locks, md keys Jceep out the friendly ''isitors from "private beaches" belonging to the special residcnt.s living in the acea. Why do the people in Hav.·all ~tall the real beaches:' The An1e:ricans ~hould try the Ha>l'aii:'ln·\\'ay Instead of runing our beaches the American-\\'ay ~ OONN A HARRIS Fear Jlliss Da11is? To the Ed i\..'>r· All through school I vt'as told Cial Com· munlst leaders \\'ould not let their pwplc learn of democracy because .. t be grass would took greener.'' No\v our students \\'ho vo'ish to see the other side are being refused. Angela O::ivis is being repressed by a few alarmists who believe she will p.:1iso11 the 1ninds of our studenlS. ls this frecdo1n of expression? Or academic fre«lo1n? i)Qes the Board of Reg ent.! think Angela Davis will makr. her :o,ludenl s all Cominu nists? Is !ht' Board o~ Regents really "protecting" th e student"' irom learning the dreaded phi losophy of Communist government~ STEVEN C. LAUBLY Dynamic 01' Whatshisname \VASHINGTON Afte r e I g ht whirlwind months in office·. the dynamic- Nixon Administration h.as turned lhf!i staid old town upside down. Never in the. memory of veteran Washington observers has the air so crackled with eli:cite1nent and verve. Typical. perhaps, of the flamboyant new leaders is one of the best-known members of i\lr. Nixon's cabinet, Secretary of Commerce Mauri~ Stans (or ''Gans," as he is sometimes mistakenly called ). Eliht months ago, Mr. Graus V.'as an unknown . Indeed,. v.'hen ~Ir. Nixon in- troduced his new cabinet memtM-rs on na· t\onwlde televisio n, he forgot to mention his name. Today, of course, 1'ilaurice Fans ia a household y,·ord. P .\RT OF THE credit must go to the new secretary's hard-hitting publicity campaign. What newspaper re ader will ever forget the photograph of. Secretary Karns that appeared in several n1ajor dailies fr om coast·lo'('.oas t only severa l months ago? But mlich of th e lionizing of f\tr . Stam~ in Washi ngton is due to the sensitive nature of his all·JX!'A'erful position. "The Secretary of Commerce ," as one keen analyst h11& put It, "Is no job for 1 mere publicity seeker." By all accuunts. Mr. Fr11m~ hti~ h1ndl· cd himse lf with pride and humi lity in this tough spot. An outgoing introvert by nature-. he stands v.·ell over fi ve fcrt tall and weighs co nsiderably n1ore than 100 pounds. His physique is usu;illy described by Washio11t-0nians as either "Lln· colnesque" or "Napoleonr.sque," depen· dJng on thrlr \•icwpolnt. Known llffl!t:lionatcly to his fr1cnds as Art: llop~r I •• ''\llhat.."hisface" and to his loyal staU as "i'ofr. Secretary," he is fond of such clothes as shirts, ties, suits, socks and shoes. And he has a penchant for homespun expressions like "yes," "no" and "maybe.'' On laklng office, the quiet, unassuming human dynamo reportedly demanded im· mediate answers to questions that had been troublin g the nation for yea rs. the first being: "\Vhat does the Department of Commerce do?'' TmS llAS LED, of course. to Ult kind of sweeping changes in the department that are the hallmark of the NiJ;on Adnlinistra!ion -unforgettable changes that have so shattered the calm of blast: \Vashlngt9n. 'fo get a list of these s1veeping changes, I called up one of Mr. Stflng's aides. He immediately cited l\vo sweeping changes. (I J The Secretary's success in keeping the census mandatory as it ha s been in the past and (2) his trade missions abroad lo talk about the U.S. "being in serlOllS troublt on bal1111('e of payments" -as ii has betn for years. Afte r a moment's silence, he added : ''\Veil. the. big changes have been ad· miniSlJ::~tive -you kno1v. identifying deparfmental prog rams for re • i n· vlgorating in !he future. But \Vt "re con- fi~ent these ~tudie<1 ~·ill lead to I.he bc~t department since J-lerbcrt J-Jool'tr hart it. IT'S THIS KIND of "'hirlwind activity by the new administr~tion that haS so ex• l1austed official Washington. Jl.1any here are already compAring Mr. Nixon 's first eight nronths: in office to the entire eight yea rs of the EisenhO\\'er Admi'nislration. Others. however, say it seems longer. But fame is the spur. In power-mad \\lash1ngton it is the burning desire ol ~ach Cabinet officer to etch his name, fa ce and policies on the minds of every voter. And y,·hile he may not be winMc outright. it's safe to say that Ccmmm:e Secretary tl'larvin Frang is holding ~ill Q\vn 'l\'j\h, to name a few. th~ Secret•ry nf Agriculture, the Secretary nr Labor and the Postml.l!ter General. ---- Monday, October fa, 1969 Tltt editorial page 01 th1 Dall11 Pilnt setk1 to inform and 1tim- ulote rtaders b~ prt1tntino thi1 n~wspaper'1 opinions and com- mtntary on topic1: of jnttr1a£ and siQnificanct:. bv protridlng a forum for th• txpr1sricm cit our readers' opinlons. and by prt sentitw th• dlu1r1t vtew· p<ii11ts of informtd obserotr1 0'1ld spokesmtn on topics ol tft• dou. Robert N. Wted , Publisher w " h; " (.'; " d• si k B ., ti °' " b s E rr ti p h ir a ,. ( 0 ' b [ a a s ~ " ' " ,. ( y " q c ·--····-·--··--·------·--------.. -·------~ -.... ------------·-·-----------------.,..,---- DAI LY PILOT 7 CHECKING •UP• 1 iew 00 that isSllt." not take parl because it had maln c:om1ni1tees, ht !Sptaks NITED NATIONS N y Nicaragua, Nigeria, Portugal :;aid'! n1 0 ·ss es th•t dir ectlr U ' · · "It wou ld really bf' a •waste Portugal, whose A fr I t a n JUS t elected 1 new govern-o Y n J u (AP) So thought '·t •·d South Afr ica , Spain and Toao. · t•· ta "'' ol r ho's •ato·o· -me ,,. 0 or time to air uur view! on posse&s101111 are ,,., r" ment. toncc n " "· been said already. So me 11ot "'It is not, after all, an Vietnam, Ute Mldd~ E11 sl and perennial <1tlack fron1 lhe "Besides, our nev.• prime There ha1·e been proposiill~ ti red of returning sniper fire. obli1at100 for a l]Btion to such subjects when scores of black na 1ions, refused 1u speak ininistt r, Kofi Busia, expects that the wordage in U.N. · · · k " s a ·, d Ambassador othe•s have aiven their Gpi-fo r niuch the same reason. b 1 . .,. Others jusl kept their Op1n1ons spe11 • e· to come here later this month debate ~ cut Y 1m1 1ng G II L l N. nions." "Jt is not the habit of 1ny h II b 1 k · to themselves. ui ermo ang o 1caragua. 1 h to address lhe assembl)'. He spcec es on a u ey issues '"' k ., South Alrica kept sitenl for delegation lo rep Y to eac to oeogrophical areas. That's why II of lhe 126 "We just didn 't uun 1 was k th t k n ar . . th ·• e a dil!uent reason. spea er II me es u w -will give our v1ey,·s en. Thus o n e reprcsenta\i\'t member! of the United Na-necessary this year. "We see no reason tor reply-ranted allegations." 5 a j d Some s m a' l I delegations wou ld speak for the 21 .nation lions declll'ltd to 1 .... ak in the "If the Communist cffic ials ing to these repeated al\e ga-Portuguese representative F. . b th 1 I""' B_ de Mi randa. ··Nor does my don't participate ecause ey Latin An1erica11 b oc and one annual policy debate that of Cuba had chosen to renew tion.s oJ l!ipartheid," said South . . h I k U do nol have enough members. for the 38 Afrlcan states. Thi:i; ·• th G I •--·mbly some or theo'r char ges th al we African spokesman J. V. delegation WIS o ta c ie . h ._ . d 1 Tl1e Pill Deepen s A Woman's Voice Many U.N. Members Say It's All Said By L. 1\1. BOYO T~fE PILL -\Vhen a \Voman lakes The Pill, her voice. deepens. Al least lhal has happened lo sopranos a couple ol limes. Among th e cast of the .Royal Danish theater in Copenhagen. The doctor who takes care of thosf': singers reports two of them lost lheir two llighest notes. But then got said notes back i!fter the ladies knocked off the da ily dosages. openo:u e enera ~ time or General As&embly by Often their chief represen-practice as ""en carne ou seshon. The 11 days of oratory ""·ere helping loh m ~unl ant in· Delp:irt. ''Our viey,·s on this goo' no ·onto d•ta'ols ol ·,,, posi-talive is also his nation's am· in some instantes, such as ex -d W dn... ,·~t · · t t , •• coun ,.. ar• clear. All !hat remain~ to "" .. 1 d r v.·owi up e uuay n &" · vas1on aga1ns .. ~ • lion,., bassador lo \\'ashington and. pressions o con o ence over were letters in his girlf riend 's Not participating were y,•e ·.vould have spoken quickly be dea!l with is South \\'est k 1 unoble to keep up with debi te the death of a prominent B h · t Alric;. and our mini ster did in· Ghana's spo ·esman. .ucas name. Bul one lad with a girt .. -~Dah~o~m£•~Y~·~G~am~~bi~a~, ~G~hio~n~a·~~'~"°~ug~h~. ~"~u~t~·~· ~y~~JU~s~t ~re~pe~,:._~_'.'.'.'"2:....1':'."'~...."'....!!'..'.:'.....:~:._2,~ty~':' ·~"~,·~d~h~is:..'.d~•~le~g~ot~io~o:.,::d~ld:..._~;n::_:th:•:..::":"'::::m:b~IY:.._:':":'~lt:'~':':v:'"::..__':"_l:e_•m_a_n. ______ _ called EHzabetll couldn't cut G u a t e ma I a , t<,f al aw i. what so many others have tervene briefl y to give our IT HAS BEEN determined only one out of every five :-;ecretaries invariably eats breakfast • _ . THAT TV SHOW called "Then Came Bronson" looks like a pro- motional pastoral produced by the motorcycle association to play dow n the "Hcll·s Angels" image .. _ THE STA0f lSTICS indicate those tiliieus most apt to gel arrested are IS. \·ear-olds .•. AllGilltlENT CONTINUES over why the o!dtime builders constructed covers over bridges. I kne1Y, but forget • . _ IN JIARD DO LLARS, the New York Jets are now worth about !6 times as much as they were worth six years ago. NA:\fE GAl\IE -Did our Name Came man ever make mention nf how so ine gi rls call ed Elizabeth came lo bt nicknamed Betty? It was in a young men's drinking club at Oxford a couple nl hundred years ago. Every Saturday night. each inembcr \\'as re- quired to drink as n1any !:lasses of 1\'hatever as there Help So ug ht In Getting Gls' Names it. So the boys dubbed her Bet- ty in order that he mi1ht keep up. ls this story true? Indeed. lt's in the record. CUSTOMER SERVICE, Q. "You know those kissing fish '! Do the males only kiss the !emales and vice versa?'" A. No, young lady. ther' l'ni:t it up in a pretly confusinf manher . . . Q. "WHAT oo You think about requiring an autopsy on everybody who dies? A. Have no opini on on that notion, sir. Kncnv the Soviet Union makes autopsies mandatory, but right no1v hereabouts fewer than one in three deaths are so in· vesligatcd. BEEN SI'ITING H E RE reading a scientific pamphlet 1vhich says it has been exactly 59 years since Halley's Comet spread her tail across half the v.•orld. Interesting. Miss Mae \Vest was just 18 years old the n • , , THOSE YOUNG LADIES born under the sign of Taurus tend to start dating early. Too early. That is the opi nion or our Planet man. In <:omparing them to some cars, he says they're apt to develop great acceleration, but get a little expensive to keep up. RESTA URANTS -If the 11·aitrcss doesn't take your order within JO minutes after you sit do1vn, vou don 't have io pay the dinrler check. Sand glasses un each t able time your wait exactly. Such is the policy of lhe cafe at the Hotel Arany Bika in Debrecen, Hungary. Ex cellent. Over cof- fee a few mi nutes ago I tried 10 list some local restaurants that might benefit from this cunning de1•ice to improve the ~crvicc, but only could think of l 13. r o itr q11c stions and com· 1nc11t~ tire. welcomed and trill br 11sP<l wereveT pos· sibte i11 ··c ltecking Up." Address 111ail to L. M. If Blanche Lakish doe!'in'l have "rilcr's cramp, it·s only Boyd, 111 care of P. 0. Bo:r. a matter of time. 1875 , Nervporl Beach, The Dearborn He ights , iiiicii·oiil~i/~·;9;2;6;60;·;;;;;;;;;;,;iiiiiiiiiiilil i\fich. '"oman is enlisting !he aid of Orange Coasl reside nts Gef the most on in getting hor names ond INSURED SAYINGS ! rnailing addresses of service1nen stationed abroac!. KEYSTONE So'" -as ol Sept. t5 ac· SAVINGS rording In her Jetter to Casta .o.riD to•tt ...ssoc1•11or1 r-.1e sa C'11y Clerk c. K. •s:c.;,~,ii"'""5-·,'3'"9e-~ ,E~ ''Charlie" Priest -she has S'fCllLRIU,lAll • A•H1uM personally 11Tittcn to 5,280 servicemen. "l'l'c drained n1 y ov.·n are<i and now J ain t:on1 bJng all pa.rts of the C'Oun!ry lor others," she ex1ilalr1cd. \"'-· .~ l Look your best with a Sue Cory 'Festival' wave! 8.95 Includes fashion style cul Sciuor Wizard Cut, 1.88 ••m.mb.ri W• 1p.ci111l1e in th• 11:aN of fMhion wi,... USE YOUR PENNEY CHA•GE CARD- NO APPOINTMENT NICISSARY l'Ull••l ON Ot.,'t'f!t l• ,..,, .. W 11-. U1 tld HUNlU••f Oll 11,t,(H "'""'""""' ~ J,,. ueu. n>ml MIWl'OllT llAC ll """"" h ll ... 1N 11..,, IUH1t f f . ··•' D D -------....... --- (FANTASTIC VALUES, EVEN FOR PENNEYS!J Save 15% on draperies made to your measure and decorator fabrics by-the-yard! Thru Saturday only! ; i ' ! ' ' . ' ., I · 11 ' ' ' CHOOSE FROM HUNDREDS OF FABULOUS FABRICS ... AND DO IT NOW WHEN YOU SAVE ON FABRICS AND LABOR, TOO! Take a "'inut1 right now to eye your room scene ••• w indows, cha irs, sofa , Wont it transformed for holiday gueists? Act now! Get Penneys fa mous custom workman5hip, p erfect detailing and all tne fashiotMitht colors ond te.dures tho t mok1t everyone sit vp and toke notice! Come in today ,,. ond go.- for-booutllul aU ti.rough tloo houso. COME IN OR SHOP AT HOME Phan• (714152U511 BRING YOUR WINDOW MEASUREMENTS AND COME CHOOSE YOUR FAllllC TOMORROW! AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE ' I ... ~ ~ .... 8 DAIL¥ PI LO T ~~-Alioto, Unruli To Use GOP 'Rule' Dy GEORGE SKELTON SAC£lA,\IENTf.) t UPI ) - Assernbly i\11uority L<'adl·r Jess Unruh and San F'ranct)jto ~layor Joseph Aliutu ll•n·e t;:icitly agreed not to wage a hitter 1111n1e callin g ca111p;ugn against each other during !l~cir t'Xf)('cted rucc tor lht' J) em o cratic gubernator1;il non11nat1on. Stale Braces l<,or Protest S1\:'\ FH/1:'\C l~C<> 1GPI 1 - (';d1forn1:i 1s hrar1•d tor a 111Js~1 1'!! and hroatl l.1-lla!-il•d ,111· 11-\1.<r protl'~t 1H'.\l \l'ctl~ Jl!"Sda.1·. •·r ile reason is Ob\"ious," ~ays :1 source t·!usr to Cnruh. "The target i~ nol another Lk.·1nocr;it. Tht.' lflrgt:'I is Guv. JI e_ a g an. Dl'mocral1e ean- du.l;ites up and Uo11-·n the lll"kt't 1 arc not going to bcn<'fJt :ii all 1f Unruh 3\lacks Alioto and Alioto ::illat ks L"nruh. '' 1lic I nglewood a.~· s"n11Jl yman and the S a n Franr1sco mayor h1Jpe to a, .. tun1plish f(Jr !he Dc111ocrat1c p:1rty nt:'xl year \\"hill the ··cl l'1'Cnlh cornnuindn1en1·• l11d f.,r California Ht>publiC'ans 111 1~161i. The "eu1nrnandn1cnt'' -thou shall speak no 11! or :1 11v Hcpubli(·an -is 1.:reditl'd 11 1th ht'lp1ng 10 prc:;.er1 e COP .~· 111111.1• find l·le1.:t Ho 11 a l d ~ Ht"':ig:i n. •_I=::::::::::::::::::::=~===~:::=~====== '1'11111 ~:in1t :i e;tr a b:ire krui'l"klcs jln1n:1ry s c r a p between lor111cr (;ov. Edrnunct -College ::.lutlcnls. public vf- f1t 1als, and various e111e :ind 1in1 atr groups -son1e of ti1en1 hlut• t'h1p es1:ibli ~hmt•nl s -;1rr i;upport111g lhe V1(•tna111 !\lor;.itorlun1 Day pro~rarns. C. Bruw11 :ind Los Angeles t11ny0r S;1mul'l Yori\'. \Vhich 11it' in cunihent v.·on · hv Gnlv :li4.000 vote~. helped Splin\£;r Ille Democratic p;utr. Hippie Theft Ring Raided ~ • ' • ' ' Valley area. The ;int i-wa r dcmo11s1r:i· !jr,n ·~ sta!(•d goa l 1s '·nu businc~s as usu:i l" \\"f'd· 11l'silay, in orr!er to p:H1Se anr1 reflt>Cl on lhl' V1etn;1m \\'or :inti thr hopes for pca el'. l:11rul1 and Alinlo ·ha1e not lorn1alll-' agreed the\' will not J\lack Cal'h other. aides sav. Bul bo1h have decided on that policy ·within their individual camps. 'l'f{ONA 1 /\Pl -Thirteen la1\' officrrs c::i rricd out the sct:ond succcs~fu! raid Sun· da y agai11St \\'ha t authorities called a h.ippie ca r Lhcft ring operating lrom a fort·:ried position in rugged Death Sheriffs deputies said six men and five wo1nen were ar- rested in a rocky canyon in Death Canvon 20 m i I e g northeast of-Trona and booked for Inves tigation of car lhefL ll.nne111 AUTl)CENTER CLOSEOUT! FOREMOST® B. R.W. 4 PLY NYLON CORD TIRE 27 MONTHS GUARANTEE WITH 14 MONTHS FREE REPLACEMENT FOREMOST TIRE GUARANTEE Gu•ro•I•• •t•j••' l••ool w•o•ou!· If Y""' 1;,. """'' 0.,1 d u1;n9 I~• ~''' I.oil ol !ho Q""'""'•• ~o ,,od, r1!u•• i! wi"' you< 9uo1on!" <••~~<oft ond '"""•Y• ,..;11 •1ploc1 your ,;,. w.ih • """ Int , cho•9Pn11 you 'O'!<. l1u •hoo I~•""'""' 1ol1io; p•i<• ;,..luding lod11ol (><011 To•. ii your lit• WIOI\ o..I d"""O 1h1 11tonol h<>ll, yo" poy 2~~ '"' !looo 11'.e """'"' •• 11 •• , ,,: •• ;n.rudong f1d1•ol Li.:.. r ••. GU0•<>•1oo <19••~•! fe,lwt•· If ... r•pl<><• lh• I;,. d.,,r g I~• I••• ••pleto,..••I p••ooJ. th111 ;. "" <ha•90: ,f •• ,.clo<t rt.e !>•• .,h o• lh• f•o .. •• ,i ....... ,1 , ••• od. ""~ '"' "°' ... 7,,.1 ... '""~ rho <u•r•~I 10111~; p<0..1 GI !he lln :oclwdong Fodtrol r .. ;,. l o•. c.,.,,.. • .,,"I Uu · yi,;, ti~"'""'"' ;. •o;d """•·• P""""V " ''''' '"" y\od o• !<u(~•. ll•ld 101 b.i1in111, o • d•.,•• a .or JC.000 ,..1., ,. e " oo·. He re'' how your si uoronle e W'o1k1 ei;ain~t failure~ Ent;1e guarootl.'e pe1iod ... , .. 27 month~ Frei.' re placement period .,, ... 1 ~ moolfa 50 t}ii off period ... , .. , ... 15-21 mo111h1 75 '}o olf period ...... ,,,. 22·27 moo lh ~ BLAC KWALL TUBELESS SIZE FED. TAX 650.13 •................•.••••• 1.79 695.14 •••.....• ······•••·····• l .96 Now $16 •'·'"'·"' .nd old'"• BLACKWALL TUBELESS SIZE FED. TAX 735-1 4 ...... ' ' ' •.. ' ...•.•.•..• 2.07 775.J.( .. ' •....•....•••••••.•• '2.70 775.15 •...•.•...... ••······• 7.21 Now $19 •'·"·'·'" •nJ alG lot• BLACKWALL TUBELESS SIZE FED. TAX 875· 1' .•.•.•••.. ' ..•.••••••..• '2.36 855-1.( ....•.••.......•.•.....• 7.!17 815-15 •. , ..........•.•.•.••..• 2.38 845. 15 ......•...•.•.••••...•.• 2.57 WHITEWALLS ONLY $2 MORI! Tire lifesaver special 3 days only! ••• 8.88 SERVICE INCLUDES • Wheel alignment • Brake adiustment • Balance 4 wheels , l I '; ; BUENA PARK (0 •:;i::":i'.":") CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA DOWNEY FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH 'MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA Lennon Suspect Kills Self ~fan Found Shot; Gun Matclies Murder Weapon SONORA, Calif. (AP) - Tuolumrie County sheriff's in· \•estigaf'ors have identified a body found in a ear trunk as that of a man sought in the slaying of the faU1er of the singing Lennon Sister~. Marvin Jl.1ajor, 38, had shot himself with a rifl e after trying unsuccessfully to com- mit suicide by carbon n1ono:ii:- ide poisoning, She riff 1\tiller Sardella said. Major, a former mental patient, once wrote a Jetter to Peggy Lennon pro- posing marriage. The Los Angeles police department had issued a first degree murder warrant for hirn JO days after \Villiam tlerbtrt Lennon, :>4, \\'as shot and killed al the Jl.1 arina Del Rey Golf Range Au g. 12. The car containing the body Y:as spotted Saturday by two hunters in a patch ol brush off a logging road 24 miles east of here. Identification was completed Sunday through a fingerprint check. Papers found in Major's car included a letter to Peggy Lennon and a large number of newspaper and magazine clip· pings about the Ltnnon Sisters and members of their faniily, Coroner ~y A nton i n i reported. Among papers found \\'as a letler addressed "lo whom 11 may concern" in which Jl.tajor said "he shot Bill Lennoo,'' Antonini added. Sheriff Sardella said Major apparently climbed inlo the trunk and committed suic ide a week ago, probably Oct. 5, the date of the last letter. The name Chet W. It. Young of Alameda Y:as found on the dead man'a driver's license. Major was known to hal-'e used Ula aliases Chet Young and C. W. Young. Sardella said p I c t u r e s furnished by Los Angeles check on the r!nc used in !hi'.! police aided in the iden-suicide t·stablished it as !lie tif1ca1ion, and a baUlStics weapon usOO to shoot Lcnnou. 'Political Test' Vote Urged by UC Faculty SAN FllANC ISCO (AP) - The Unil-'ersity of California Academic As:embly has taken ::i stand against political tests in faculty appointments and \\'ill submit the issue lo a vole of 6,100 fa culty members on Lhc nine UC campuses. In a closed meeling lasting more than fivl' hours Saturday at the UC Medical Center here. the 52-mcmbc r assernb!y reversed a facu lty stand taken in 1950 whi ch banned Con1· 1nunists party menlbers from UC faculty positions. The new action resulted from a votl' by liC r<'gen!s l:Jst w('('k to hJr Angela Oa\·1s, an assistant protessor o! philosophy at UCLA, fro1n tt'.'aching eour se.s !or l"recht because she h an admi tted Con1munist party n1t·n1her, !)r. Francis A. Sooy . o,~scn1bly chflirr11<111 . ~:ud t h~ vott'.' :igainst any llo\1\ical lrsls for facully appolutn1cnl tJr dismissal y1as unanimnus and the vote to di savow the 1!1511 resolu tion ll'aS 42-2. The !ll"u dissentt'.'rs \\'ere not nan1rd. ~,,,,,,~ ---.-ll--ait . - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " Save at El Rancho ••• where the price is right! FRESH SQUEEZED! \ FROM/ FINER FRUIT! , ·) l ' \ BREAKFAST DELIGHT! ,'\r·1·r u·rl1·irr.rs 11 ,1 11 / 1 rs/1 () rnn.r11· .I 11 •rr n rr rr11 /ly s1u·riol! l'l I'.a11 cho Vn ((l;u •.. 1,1 •••. 4 .. i~ IPDDIB JuicB ~~·: ·.1~'. 49 u Drink a glass of sunshine •.• every day •.. hut make it Pure J uice •.. fre:::h from E l nancho ~ Bisquick . .. . .. . . . . . .. . 43¢ ~·or the lightest ever)i.h ing : ... 10 oz. pl.i:. Clamato Juice .. . . .. . .. ...... 39¢ Lord 1.Iolt'11 •.• fl a\TOT that zings! ••. qt. Diet Instant Breakfast ........ 49¢ Instant Rice ...................... 59¢ Choice of f our great flavors! ••• six pack }.WB .•. :!1 oz. pl;g .... c.:roks up pl'rfttth : L b Ch LARGE $119 SMALL am ops ... L.01~... LB.· •• ~91~ ... Fresh'. .•• and young, and tender ! 'Trimmed J~I Rantho ~tylc for more Y;tlur '. Lamb Loaf ................ .: ... 49~ Ground Lamb ......... ... . . 49;, Fresh ground • , , delightfully seasoned! l:ea.l!y fresh ... perfect for Lan1b11rgers : Fresh Ground Round ................................ ,.... . . 79:b Precision ground to retain all the juicy, flavorful lcndcrncs! you expect! Prir"8 in rffecl i\f on .. Tur.'f .. 1Vcd .. Orl. JJ, J ~, 1;. 'A·o Sales lo Dcalc 1·s. ~ '1 I ' .,, ~I tl tj q " ' I '1 ~· . I ~1 rl n .. I l . ' ;; II •• I i ., I j l ! 'l ' I ' 1 ~ ! ' . '' • I I t " · 1 ' i ! L l'lc/c Up Your Super· Shopper Recipes at Our Meat Counter! ---------n Hew su.,,..lses with Orange Juice . . • add them lo your recipe file! Four 1·ecipes that invite you to rreatr so1nrth ing i1e\v ... rliffcr~11~ .... nnd lhr im11ginativc uses for orange juice are sure to chal!e nge your appetite for taste t1.tl\·r.r.tu1 ~ .. : ARCADIA: 5-1 IOd .. lflllfir""""lll .. an Dr. ~ llllc!lo en~ PASADDIA: 3ZO West C<londo Blvd, ";. SOUTH PASADEllA: fr.....,t and IWnlinllon Dr. ffUllTllHlTO• BUCH: Worror and~ (llolnhd Cll1lml NEWPDa'T IEACll: 2727 Newport Bi.I . ...i 2555 Wtbluff Dr. (lastblafl Villtfl em.ii • J I I Everyone • In Act on Viet War WASHINGTON CAP) President Nixon's call for a united front behind tbe war ef- fort is bec<Jming a lonesome moan in a blizzard o f Vietnam-inspired resoluUons in Congress. There were enougb resolu- fions around by today to move Rep. Lawrence G. Williams (R-Pa.) to suggest a reso- lution ''lo end, at least for the moment, the flow of resolutions on 'what lo do about Vietnam'." But instead of tailing off, the resolutions and dissent in- creased, fueled by such things 11s Sena te GOP Leader Hugh Scot's suggestion that everyone backing the Presi- dent turn on his car lights Oct. 15, the day of nationwide rallies, de1nonstrations and doorbell-ringing against the war. Also for the eve of the "moratorium'' two 11 o u se members, Reps. Benjamin Rosenthal, New York and Andrews Jacobs, Indiana, both Democrats, are trying fCI' ex- tended war debate in their chamber throughout the night. Here is a pony on a disunited front : -Fourteen representatives and three senators introduced a joint resolutioo Thur3day calling for u lmmtdiate withdrawal. CJ( U.S. troops lromVl<lnom. -Rep. John B. Anderson IR· ru.), chairman of the House GOP Cmference has ordered a three-man eomm..IUee to dr11w a re.solution supporting Nixon entirely and have it ready by Oct. 15. -Jacobs has joined Allard Lowenstein (0-N. Y.)1 Don Edwards (D-Calif.), and Lester Woll£ {D-N.Y.), in a resolution that would create a Joint Committee on Oversight in Vietnam. -Nothin g came ol a pro- posed GOP conference re5olu- tion to diMociate House Republicans from three of their number who joined 45 Democratic representatives and 17 senators in a Jetter ol support to the Oct. 15 steering committee Thursday. -Rep. Paul Findley (R-111.), has 106 cospoosors for his resolution to support the President on hls conduct o( the war and peace effort to date. -Reps. Donald W. ~igle of Michigan and Paul N . ?\-1cClookey of California, both Republican.'J. have in the hop- per a resolution which would tenninate the Tonkin Gull Resolution on Dee. ao, 1970. -A resoluUon by Sens. Thomas F. Eagleton (D-Mo.), and Ha rold E. Hughes ( D- lowa), called lhe "shape up or we ship out resolution," calls for U.S. withd rawal in 60 days ii the Vietnamese government does not introduce refonns and broadly based represen- tation in government. -Sens. Frank Church (0. Idaho), and Mark HaUield (R- Ore. ), have their resol ution which urges a speedup of U.S. withdrawal, bu~ on no time- table. -A pioneer in the field is Sen. Charle3 E. Goodell wbo does not have a resolution, but has introduced an· amend- ment to a fOTeign assistance bill which cal!.s for U.S. withdrawal or disengagement by Dec. 1, 1970. Mrs. Nixon To Honor Westminster Mrs. Richard M. Nixon will present a cerUncat.e of merlt to the City of Westminster Ocl 15 for outstanding Iand .sc aplng at the WestmlJL!ter CivJc Center. The award will be made during an Ameri ca n Association o! Nur1tr)'lnen- sponsored luncheon at the SlaUer }iilton Hotel, Washing· ton, D.C. City Administrator Robert J . Huntley v.'lll represent the city during the aw a rd ceremonies. •·Tue ccrlificate or merit, while not a first place award, is a high tribute to the excell- ent landscaping contributing to good community and busioes.! relations," said Robert F. Lederer, exeeutlve vi ce-preside nt or the nurserymen's association. M•11111M::•' --------· --------- -. ·----·--·--. ----. -.. --.. -..... -.. -.......... -. -. --. ----· MonllaY, Octobtr lJ. 1969 DAit Y l'lll!T 9 (AND YOU'VE GOT THE TIME TO READ THE NEWSPAPER?) • • Furniture Sale! Through Saturday only! CANOGA PARK DOWNEY SAVE ON THESE TWO FASHION MANOR LIVING ROOM PIECES! "MODERN" SffiE SOFA AND LOVE SEAT ... The simple look of elegance '" today'• styles. Kiln dried hardwood frame b double doweled, nair.d, and giiod at ,,,_ poillll. Both en mailable lo blod: look af leather ,,. vinyL Sofa -101 "x 34•:.:27'" $179 REG. '199 ••••• NOW i ... s ... -$]52 72'"x34"x%'r R!O. U69, • , , ,NOW 1€ -------1 King and Queen Size Sale! FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH Sleep sets reduced through Saturday! LAKEWOOD lUXUIY QUllTED WITH PC>AM INNlllSl'llNG MAT· TRESS AND MA TCHINO aox 5'11NO. n.. ...... I o"d MK qirinQI featu"' ,o~ '-~ •d podding for • -'om!N aleepino ..t-9ld -...... riryOll domolk coftr. Delun eoil ••••Ml Wftlll ... P-r fdve-11i" p1""" of .io. ..,...,._ KtNosmsn ••• uo.12". NOW •249 DIWXI! QUILTED EmA PIRM MAma5 AND MATCHING IOX SPRING. btr• h -n-1 1 _. ._ IPMt• t.oturi1t1 d.lv-. fllllti1 -W ........... ._ • tl!IOOth, fll'M dHpln9 ..... lily.-.... ,.. ..... ..... to a polyvr.t'-fMWI pod. ~ ............ _. ~I f'911r11•y ~ for lldit ..,,,.,,. KIND lfD sn ... uo. 12••. NOW•219 DRUXI QUILTED SUPll 'IRM MATTUSS AND MA TCHINO IOX Sf'llNO. Thlt ...t.rt yw .... • .... prl<• yov <llft oHonf. CoU lrlM,.,.. Ullltl a4 ,__, tdttil ouur• 111'111, d11n1bl• .,..ort 9ltd ~ llft. .,,,._ MG111w11 and bo• 1prlnvi feotvre fuU ,....._,. ""-.I....._ -4 l11xur101o11 lmpol1td "'JOfl 4a.mk ...,_ KtN011u1n ... uo.120, NOW •199 avmlllD lllG. '1lf, -$179 -llD ..... 17',- $139 USI PINNll'11IMI PAT~ l'IANI NEWPORT BEACH MONTCLAIR VENTURA --------------------------------------.. ---. JO DAI LY PILOT Bahia, Voyagers 91 Battle Fluky Winds N1nly-0ne IXl<il ~ in I~ Cli1s~cs bra \ed \11ld fluky \1 1nds on S:iturduy in the comb111cd fall regalia of B;:tua <.:nnn!tu:in ~nd ,.oyapcr~ Yacht Cl ub. l\ 1nds i•n Sunday 11·Prr std I lluk.v but much !1 ghtrr. Final 11.:sult~: LEC.AL r\OTJCE T·Ol!I 'UPEll•Oll COURT or THE ~1.0 T E OF C.OLlfOll Nl.6 f Oll THE COUl>ITY or Oii.ONGE NO, A U lll NOTI([ OJ' HEAlllNG Of P (TITIOl>I FOii Pll06•TE OF Will Al>I O FOii Outside Classes PllHF (171 -tll \Vind Chdd, Lee Ar mstrong. VYC; ~21 No name, Kenny Kcnagan, BCYC; Blucfin, Duffy Du r. /Jeld, OCYC: (4 ) Adelante, Barry Fenn, VYC. SYRF-tiJORP \4) -(l l L;ussez Faire, R o d n e y Schapcl. BCYC; fAL-28 1:'.ll -Loki l layden & Savillr, BCYC: Cr\L-25 !61-Bebo Too, Bob D<.1rnell. VYC. EN DEAVOR (81 (ll l[fT Ell~ TE~TAMENTAl!Y 'o.===========,I f_ ""'' ot THEllON P. ~AG[ILI.• n., •••• <f I NOTICE IS H{ll FllY G IV[N l "~! f•·:~'•Tr £ ~"""'~~-!·"!I""'"" •i .,,, ''"" lnr P•o1>•I• ot """ ""d •o-'""""<" o• L"'"'' r,..,.,..,,.,,..,,. '" 1>1•, r<! 1'"""' ••!e••o<• '" "·"'<h '' "'•"" lo• I t "'""' "-'"Ctjla•~· •n~ m•I 1n• '""'" •"~ "'''~ "' ''"•.""" '"" ,.,,.,. "·~ Deon ••• ''' Qrtob~r JI. l9M, •' • 10 • "'. '" '"" '"'"!•C>Om OI Qei,.!ln,,nt Ho ) QI '~'~ '"~•!, '"' 100 (.-.c (~'>l~r Ori•• Wf •I ,,0,,,..~·1v ,..~,1 Ei~~"' s1 .. e11 ... 1~1 c.1, "' ~~"'" An•. c,.1,10"• •. O.tll'<I O.:•o~· •. 1~1• WE STJOHN . (auntV Cl~•~ f!"'SflT AHO Pll lHCf U Ol 1A\l...V• .. , .... s1•r1. Su•to 11140 c~n llt•Y Cl1y '-"• ,.,.,,,,,,, c1i.1, m u l1l.0!1llf 111-llOJ Al!ornl n 101 P.e11t<•nor ""~"'~-.! Or ~n~~ to•'' Oa 1, "''nl. ,,,,obfo• 11. 1J, 1~. 1'1~• 19(18.69 Tho Orange Coast's Most Complete PRINTING SERVICE Phone 642--4321 '"ii·'''M'"mi De uce. John Owe n, BCYC; t2) Stormy, Russ E as t m a n , BCYC. LUOERS-16 13)-Prt.Empt, Terry Sputher land, VYC. CAL-25 (5) -r.1ischief, Jack Cannon, SSSC. Inside Classes LID0-11 A (6) -ti) Ole Pokey 11, f.iarty Lockney, LIYC. LIDQ..14 B (8) (I) Tackle~s . Du dley Johnson, BCYC; (2) Mirsidh, Doris Kirst. VYC. FLYING JR (6) -No na1ne, King Humann, BYC. SAVOT A (4) -(I) Blue Angel, Mark Gaudio, NHYC : SABOT B (6 ) -Becky II , Skip Beck, BYC. SABOT c (7) -Purr, Greg Row land , BCYC. ON THE TUBE For th1 beat 9uid1 to wh11'1 h1 pp111i~9 on TV, re1d TY WEE K -d t.1rib11t1d .... ;o, the S1turd1v itdilio" of the DAILY PILOT. Is Your Business Conducted Under A FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME? IF SO IT IS MANDATORY UNDER THE LAWS OF CALI- FORNIA THAT THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE BE COMPLIED WITH' LAW ON PUBLICATION OF CERTIFICATES OF BUSINESS, FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME (Civil Code Section 2~9) Sec. 2466.-Except as otherwise provided in the next section every person transacting business In thi' State under a fictitious name and every partnership transa cting business in this State under a fictitious name, or a designation not showing the name of the person interested as partner in such business, must file with the clerk of the county in which his or its principal pl ace of business is situated, a certifi cate subscribed and acknowledged in the manner pro· vided in Section 2468 of the Civil Code, stating the name in full and the pl ace of residence of such person and stating the name in full of a ll the members of such partnership and their pl a ces of residence. Such subscribed and acknowledged certificate must be published s ubsequent to the fi ling thereof with the county clerk pursuant to Government Code Section 6064, in a news· paper published in the county, if there be one, and if there be none in suc h county, then in a newspaper in an adjoining county. An affidavit showing the publication of such certifi. cale as in this section provided sha ll be filed with the county clerk within 30 days after the completion of such publication, but in no event shall such publication be made prior to the fil ing of such certificate with the county clerk. 2468. -The certificate filed with the clerk as provided in section twenty.four hundred and sixty-six must be signed by the person therein referred to, or by the partners, as the case may be, and acknowledge before some officer, .a uthor- ized lo lake the acknow ledgement of conveyances of real property ..•. Where a business is hereafter commenced by a person under a fictit ious name or a partnership is hereafter formed, the certificate must be filed and the publication designated in that section must be made within one month after the commencement of such business, or a fter the forma· lion of the partnership, or within one month from the time designated in the .agreement of its members for the com- mencement of th e partnership. Where the bus iness has been heretofore conducted under a fictitious name or where the partne rship has been heretofore formed, the certific11te must be filed a nd the publication made within six months after the passage of this act, No person doing business under a fict itious name or his assignee or assignee, nor any per- son doing bus iness as partners contrary to the provisions of this article, or their assiqnee or assignees, shall maintain in the courts of the State of California . Sec. 2469-0n EVERY change in the members of a part- nership transacting business in this state under a fictitious name or a designation which does not show the name of the persons interested as partners in its business •••• a new publication made as required by this article on the formation of such partnership. If you have neglected this procedure, you should realiz1 that the name of your firm is not protected and that you are not entitled to maintain suits for collection, or for other purposes <Jny action upon or on account of any contract or contracts t heir partnership name, in any court of this stat• until the certificate has been filed and the publication has been mad• as herein required. Take care of this important matter now, by having th• DAILY PILOT, an adjudicated lctgal newspaper for Orang• County and distributed in COSTA MESA, FOUNTAIN VALLEY, HUNTINGTON BEACH, LAGUNA BEACH, SEAL BEACH, NEWPORT BEACH, IRVINE, publish your certifi· cate. The cost is small but the filing •nd pub Ii c •ti on is something which should not IM overlooked. Forms for Fictitious Firm Names and Cerllficate of Abandonment of Flett.. tious Firm Names can be obtained FREE from any of the DAILY PILOT offices shown below : JJO West Bay Street, Costa Mesa 92627 2211 West Balboa Boul1vard, Newport Beach 92660 309 Sth StrHt, Huntington Beach 92646 222 Forest Av1nue, Laguna Beach 92651 DAILY PILOT 642-4321 Navigators Separated BySeco11ds Thr first throe plat't'S In Balboa Power Squadron's an- nual Navigators Log race were only seconds apart. The v.·inner was Chuck Phelan in Rainbow 's End with an error of 58 seconds. Bud Mil ler \vas the skipper. Second place went lo Jat k Honey aboa rd t.o!Ucn Girl , pi loted by George Bc rcnsan, \\'ith an error of 60 SCl'Onds, and third 1vas Doug Chalmers on the Salem with Betty Chalmers al the controls. Their error was one 1ninutc and JS seconds. Predicted log chai rm11n Bob Becker explained that lhe Naviga tor"s Log Race is d!l- fcrcnt from most races in th ;it no fixed markers arc used . Only the cour.;c and the run- ning tin1e are given to the con- testants. RPM must be selected by the navigo.tor and held con- stant on a ll legs of the race pattern except the las t. Then. theoretically. all boalS shoo ld cross the finish line at the same time, regardl ess of the speed differences of the con- lestants, ' ' v 1 / Prcd1 tled log races arc jusl one of the n1<1ny boating <IC· livllies the squadron engages in. Boating education. offe red free lo the pub lic is the main function of t he Bal b o a Squadron. A 13-week course in basic boating is offered to the publ ic three times a year :-;tarting in January, June and September. UpoA tompletioo or this basic course, participants may be invited lo join the squadron and ;::o no to tnore advanced (;ourses ava ilable to members onl y. The s e Jn c lud e se a m a n s h i p, advanced piloting, engine maintcnentt, sailing, marine electronics. \VCalher and celestial navi ga. lion. for further information co n- !oict !·!al Swensen, squadron public. relations officer 1.1t (714) 646·501 1. SCOR Championship Wind Gods Kind To Sundowner Tiie Soul he r n California Ocean Racing championship Saturday \lo'as docided by the wind gods. At times during the sudden· cleath race off Newport yachts tha l were leading foun d themselves in last place v.'hile tail.enders move1t up fronl. Jl all depended on the capricious winds ""·hich within minutes shifted from one points of the cornpass to another vdth lilllc or no "'arn· ing. When the 20·mile race \Va1' over, Ed Sundberg's Cal.JG Su ndowner fron1 Culifom ia Yacht Club was the corretled time \vinncr. The 19 entries in the race \\'Cre takrn fro n1 the lop scorers in season long series conducted by yathl clubs front San Diego to Santa Barbara. Sundowner qualified for the championship go-a round by placing fourth in Los Angeles Yacht Club's \Vhitncy Series. Hunner-up was C h a r I e s llatha\\·ay 's Columbia-50 Gern, also from eve, which at one time during the race looked as if she couldn't be beaten. Gem was the fourth place winner in California Yacht CI u b' ~ Overton Series out of h1arina de! Rey . The fi rst fi ve finishers: on corrected time: (I) Sun- flowncr: (2) Ge1n: (3) Con- <1uesl, Bill Polly. Long Bcacy YC ; !4) Gypsy, JI ar r y i\lo!oschco, I.B Y C: cs i Chin1acra, Fred Liebhardt, SOY<.:. Coin Flip_ Settles It Bill J\1cCord of Balboa YBcht Club won lf untington 11arbour Yaeht Club's Lido-1 4 Invita- tional Ticgal\a Sunday by !he fl ip of a coin. f\1eCord ""ound up in n point lie 1-1·ith Harry \Vood of Al<1mi!.os Bay Yaeht Club. 'l\vE!nty-nine boats turned out forlhe r cga t l a . F ina l Results: C LASS A (IS) -(I) Ditto, Bill f\!Cord, BYC : ( 2) \\'oodwind, Harry \V o o d , ABYC; (3) f\1argarita, Doile Berkihisc r. ABYC: ~4 1 Roja Cal ido, Steve Smith, ABYC. Cats First To Race at Vail Lake Ninety-four llobie Cat-14s ln- au guraltd sail racing on Va il Lake Saturday In the first In· vilalional regatla. n)e flecl was di vided 'nlo three divisions with three races each. Women sailors also took over the 14-footers in boats borrowed from their husband s. Santa Ana wind condition.'! provided .some lively sailing on Sa turday when the northeaster gusted up to 25 knots. Final Results : CLA5.5 A (22) -(I) R. Paul Allen, BCYC, 7 pts.; (1) Hobie Alter. DPYC, 14¥ .. ; (3) Geoff Prindle , Laguna Beach, 18 ; (4) Keith J<'ullcr. Oceanside, 2.1~~; (51 Ted Hendrickson . Corona de! ~1ar, 25. CLASS B (26) L. J acobson. Corona de! t.1ar, 17: (2) G . Birch, Dana Point, J7: 13) T. La zarus. Corona de! Mar, 18; (4) J, Robertson, Poche. 18:~; (:..> D. Tubbs, Newport Beach, 20~1. CLASS C -t i) R. Evan~. Newport Beach. J0°'h; (2) L. Evans, Newpcrl Beach, 14; (3) D. Hatf ield , Ri verside, 22 : 14) K. \Vyche , Laguna, 28; (S~ T. J\1cCJ\1urtrie, Ne wpo r t Beath, 29. ~: ' ,, . 1 ,, .I Sometimes you can buy good health Your gift can help proVid'e health se riices\ fo r those in need-the young· and old , the siCk' and troubl ed. Giv e hea lth.'. Give ge n erous ly~ One Gift Works Many Wonders/GIVE THE UNITED WAY Support Tlw Ca111paig11 • Y oiir Co11i111unity 111 I l I ' I I J ..... --· -·--·------·----------------------------------------- 1tJal.:i11!1 Yot1r 01v11 .~ 111nntl':hinc ~til l is on d isplay nl lhc ,\gricultural Jf;:i_IJ of 1:~1111c 1n l\a nsas t~ity. K;i nsas. 1'hc still was C'f)11fi ~1.:~1 tcd fron1 1nonnsh1ncrs in Georgia. Joseph l\l1c rr1ri1n, a 111c1nlicr of the stalf. examines the still \1 h1ch can 11roducc abou t 100 gallons of \Vhiskey a day, Yarn Dila11idatcd Dornis Rapped ~pccial lo the DAILY PILOT \\'IJllyrlER -H 1.1 mo red 1 .1L~ and ..,cori illllS 111fcst one .,( 1l1r n1cn' d11rin1torics lll J 'n'.'~1denl ;\ l'\L>il s A I n1 .'.l ;\!.1trr, 11·h1if' 111hcr ~1·1111 con- 111111111~ 1n:ikc I• n -(' ;1111 pus r1·~1d encc :1 rall1cr dark .itl1·cnturc. Tl.e: horror :-!r>nc<> «hout "01llC fl'_,JdC!ll'C h:1l lS ;,t \\'hil· lier CoHcge arc cont:1ined in l~c current rdi1 ion of the school ne\vspapcr, Qu a k e r Cnmpus. F reshmen residents consider on1! 1nen·s facility, College tl all. :i n a\l.woodcn lire hazard l<1Ck1ng: doorknobs. lo c k s , lightin g ;ind clogged plutnbing, ;in ohsolale structure which should rightly be condemned. ll \\'as merely given a paint! job for the fall semester. Classic Shirts and Jeans ... Requiremenls for the Fall Semester 1'he fall rcrm begins ti.·i th a PER.1'.fA. PRES'f" Ivy style ~hirt wi1h placket f ro nt, •. 1:1.peltd and ta.ils. Che<ks and Tarter<alls 1n blue, green, gold color. S 10 X L. 399 ~·e~rern·srvlc PER.J\LA.PRI ST• ieans in slinl, lrim cue. Low rise. narrow c.uff. Jess bottoms, 3coop front pockets. \li'beac or green, 512es 30 to JG. A ScaNl \'alue at L".':l r. ~ea rs Re,·olving Charge Dfll l Y PILOT J j ... Finch Pays Price • Ill Going to Capital \VASlllNGTON (APJ take an equal toll : Less lime have less priority than they Finch clcsrrihes ... tatc pro \1011 lr\·c·ls A11rl 1"111 rC'alh 11°.1 Robert H. f inch has paid a for teruiis and famil y; cam-have.'' ble111s as 1nore 111<1nageublf' :-a\1~1 .. -11 ,!I IL•· l.111il .. 1 d.d' price in his <1sce1Jl lro1 11 p'aign workers frorn iis Car How ha s his life c·han;;ed U1an !he nation.i i un~" J ru g"Hllll: !· 111• h ~.•.' lleu ten<in t gov c r nor of back as the !960 presidential since leaving Ca!iforn1r1•1 F1neh sa1~ .. , \1urk fror u I::\'~· 11 t h l' p u 11 i·' California lo national pro-campaign Finch managed who "Ob~·:ously the p~1cc l'i 7 JO tu 7 Jl.i hl're 11hc·rc 11 w.,~ bre<ikthr.1ui.:hs, he 1111,,r\'<:~. mi nence as a trusted Ni xon seek patronage jobs and am-quicker and the hours longer," abouL 9 lo 6 o·c.:lock ui h;11·c p.iy1i!ls for 111 llh· 1u111n· cabinet officer. ba ss a d orships; time-con· "The whole thrust now is California. "Tlu·rl··.., ;i l11l 111 ~:111~L1l'!1nn ' He finds the Washington sLJnling an<! often repetitive admlnislrattve whil e i.I S "There's an 11b>lrncti o11 111 out of the fael we got ;i pace freniied and the quest.loning by congressional lieutenant governor you're the federal level I ne\'f!r fell at pn!sidcntla! 111c'.~.rgc o tt paperwork overwhelming. The committee members. presiding over the Senate and the state level ,'' he says. "l popul:.i!1011 fur Ill(' fir:>! linlt' 111 patronage den1ands and "There's definitely a fatigue making an impact on legisl<i· could visualize aln1o~t any on•· histor\'.'' F111eh ::~,\~ ... l\11t 11•' political pressures are heavy. f.'.lc:tor in all this." Finch said lion by working the floor. of the problems in a \~·ay I dnn't ·hrivc .'.I o;y:-.tt;!11 th:H r ;1n · · · t d • f d h f 1· can't do here. rc•lll \' tl'll 1011 IB111 nta!l) The national problems in his in an 1nterv1ew. " ten ' spe:: muc o niy 1n1!" corner are abstract and slow t1.1wards probably a slightly no1v before congressional corn-··111 n1an~' en-l's now 1 Hl 1.:h1ldrcu you d1tl1 1't !1<11·~· liuni "F11r another 1l11ng. tf lh1! l,inul~ ;1,~1·,\;111•·" \\l'll.11 1' pli.11\ l•«rl' f)<iS:-t'U tu1nurrow \.\'C \1·ouldn l kno11 !11r 10 yci!l''i wh ctf1cr it h;.i.~ the ~octa l 1nl· jJli(nt 1011s \IP h!ipc,'' he says. FOH ,\f)\IEHTISlNC I'.'/ T!l!·; \'11-:E l\E,\'Ul~n l'llU.\JI·: 64:!..fJ'I to yield solution. shorter fu se And r1n 111· 1111l!ccs .. <\nd the pnper v.·ork look111g nt Illes 11h('ther ;ihuul .. But hop•·l11ll v 111• I! ~<'(•,a Jn short, u1e affable yet shy: -~to~l~e~rn~n~t~o~l~th~i~n~g~s -l~ll~11~11~k~I ~"~' ...:'i"~l~il~is'.:::~d~e~p~'-"~"-"~··_" __ " __ "_'-_:'·~n~1l_'."•~1,~·l~11~s~co~1~"~P~h~11~•>e~c-,'.'.'.'.''~":'"~I _t'~lc~c~h~n:'e~·~n_":b~n·~11':..,..".::d:"~"~"~''~':'·~"~"_·":===========~ 44-year-old s ec r etary of 1 being pushed into lhal should cred1btr." aHd drugs problem5 nr r.i1lla· but that s n·,111~· d1111 n'l1 t•:11n 1 Heallh, Education and Welfare has a slighl case or frayed 11erves. But forget the headaches, Finch shrugs, "the job is far mo re exciting than I had ever hoped." Naine the controversy and Finch is into it -school desegregation, dirty air, con- sumer proteclion, w e I f a r e rcforn1, food and drug SC1[ety, sludenl unrest. The. California politician and old buddy of President Nixon can claln1 several notable vie· tori e s in adm inistration skirrnishes. They include the r::ir-reaching income guarantee "·clfa re plan and the restrain· ed White House position on rollcgc upheavals. But Pinch look his lumps in the aborted appointmenl of Dr . John Knowles as the na - tion's chief health officer and in the administralion's revised school desegregation policies. The n1inor irritations of government service, he says, HAL AEBISCHER HEARING AIDS Cu1tom Aur•I Ampliffc•tlon NO SALESMEN 3409 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR For Appolntmr-nt 675·3833 ·lo'-.ii:•:" -,,._ •• ~"- -~~~~~~~-=-~-""~· ""-"-''--~--i Sears .·. Practically, Ends Stairway Wcar·a\1·ay . Sears Acrilan~ carpeting withstands even th e heaviest traffic .A.n i ngCTii ou~ drrvirt" '<lr''<']of)f'd i11 th(' t>;"LJly !~t h ('~·11l11r\· pn-ul 111·l'rl "X quisi1e. r ;lfJ1t•l..c: ,,r r xtra tl1irkn f'.~_, :ind dural \1 l1t1·. ·ri•1~;11·. or1 l1· Sr·.11 \.\'l':1ve,.., .1 c:1rprl h.Y t.hi.<t l.in1('-1·onsi1111in,!?' prr~ "~"'.I tut \I•· k1111111 11 ·.., \\'t"!! worth iL ('u . ..;ton1Pr.<t rl <Jn·l h:ive lo worry ;dJulll 1111:1ll t:1t·l 1\ ,. 1·:1rp(•\ .,.,_.c:.1r on st.air.:;. Ur-ahoul 11. new t"arpel lookin~ old with in a f(•11· .1·r;1r:- '1'ough Ac ril:in'111 acr .vlic pill' r veo sland.<t ti p tu chi ldren·~ rou,!?'h pl.11·: And rrsisls i;oiling and staiuing. too! l·:le.(!'.'lnl!.v p:1t !11111f'd, il l·i1 n1r~ in 10 rit h rolors .ind blends. Ask About Scars Convenient Credit Plans Floor Tile SALE! SAVE 5/o ••• 43/o I c to ea. 1·ou can't begin to see selection in vinyl tile nnlil rou dis- co ver Scars! And Sears hM all the nccP~s;:i.ry in5Gillatinn tools a nd adhcsi\'CS fo r l hc dcr-1l-yoursclfer. Or lcl u;; in::.l all it : '7e '"Flagstone'" country-•t •: look Il l~. 9:ot9·1n .•• __ .... 1 k '"SI ILl'glo," .mooth 17 t l 11tone look. 12xl2-ln ... ltl-r ''l::mtios-1 Mtlrble'" 17• regal tile. J2x12·IJI .... t.'Ml. ••Yant.Ally," modllrn 17• llnd brighL l b l:l-1.n ... 2& .. Casa \'iva" 1 2x1 2-in~ A Spanish mood ..................... 1 lc Discontinued St.rl e~. Pattern!" Slashed 40% to 70% Off regular low price Your Choice ('arpet and Floor 1'ile also Available a l Sears .\ppBancc and l "alalog :;1ores , _________________________________________________ , I --lAa.4400,~)0 Jl~Gl ~ltl l k"'GllAOfHl ~n ~1011\~""'f·~··· • '''I r.:oWll•l?" ~,.(, .... A~r r~l.A~»#l I C»IOG.l.r-~0661 ~OIS-1004',Q,f.#lt O....C&s.oto ...... l-!i111 :.0.."""'"''1; ··1 """'~•:!,1 1 I ~ME6-"91..l«l-S" -..-HOf·!•ll ~6J7-2100 I I :J•n•f"~-" "',. i ''"~'O J S•b',tt'-l:nO I a:MoM ""°'" ......._.Ol .. )l)I ~.e1.J211. ''l-'11' Sears ~IU ~e ..... \f . ~--,, l'l •-"O'll I'\ •·1•11 , _________ --------------·. .--· ---------------____ , -S 1'1&111181•·1 1clor ... M I ;lade• w·-"Z•• Sbop6Nghte.MondaytfMIDughSotwdc;iy9'.JOA.M.to9'.30P.M. ' • ' I ' ' l • • ' ' ,_ -• --·· -------------------------------------------···-··----. Na111ln g Juris t s Pres ide nt For got His jlf ain Purpose ··~o Ont questions his bonf"S· ty or integrity: i;ume qu estion his judgment" -St n a 1 r ()en1ocralic Uadt'r ~I i I. t ~l ans£ield. Uy STE\'E GEHSTI::L l\'ASHJ!'\CTON (l'Pll -Jn his d1ligcn1 search fur a t•ha~! ius11ce. President Nixon cvn- ~alt•red it vital!~ 1rnport;1111 It) fi nd a jur1£t \\ho could 11 111 .'ien:.i1c appro1·a\ \I' 1th o 11 1 11olcnt conl ro1·l'rsy a11d 11nh a -;trong. t'll'n d not unJru n1uu~. votc . In \\'arrcn E Burger. 1101r presid ing n1 l'r Ille h 1 g 11 1ribunal. !'\1 xon tound that 111an. The no1n1na11on arc•usffi no controvcr~·v a! ;1IJ and lhc Scnale 1otc 1ias a rcsountl1ng i 4 10 3. IF ~ixon 11a ntl'd a sin11la r c:andldate for thl' St"cond vacancv on !he cou rt "10 his ad- nunist r-aiion 11nd t h l' <1ssumptlon is he did -the !'resident l'hOSc the 1•:ro11g person In Cle1nent furn1an J\ayns11·orth Jr. \'IOLEJ\'T DISP IJTE The nomination of the 56- year old chief judge of the 4th C.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has stirred a controversy or lhc niosl \'iolenl so rt and con - fir1nation -if indeed he 1r1ns Senate approval -c:in coine only by the slimmest and most embarrassing margin. l-l:ivns1,1·or1h·s nomination to l\1c Court has deeply di vided Senate Republicans and added lo the strain of their \Vhitc !louse relations. The appointment rcne"·ed Dernocratic charges of a Nix- on "southern s tratt·g~•· and assumptions of a pre.election payoff prom ise to Sen. Strom Thurn1ond of South Carolina, the president"s best known link with the South. It also causrd !>om c Rl·publicans to qu('stion how thoroughly Attorne y lien('ral John N. 1-litchel! and the .Justice Depart1nent chcc.kc<l Haynsworth"s background or how 1nuch of the infonnatlun "as provid ed ?\1xon before he announced the non11n;1!ion, The Senate Judn:1ary t.:01n- mit1ee Thursday <ippro,·td l!:iyns1,1·orth 10 to 7. AVERT DEFEAT But indicatiGn!> an• op- pGSlllon to the nom1natJon 1n 1he Senate is stronger thln u1 tumrn1ttee ;ind only ;1 111thd rawal or lh(' appo1nt1nent 1·:1n S<l\'f' Jlay11s11 11rlh lrr1n1 t!('fcat or conf1rmatinn ll} a handfu l of 1otes 11 hen the i~sue is decided 111 a few 11 cc ks. J ni1ned1a tely after the cn111- 1nillce \'o\e, the 1\rncrit"an Bar 1\ssoriation sai d 11 planned 10 re-e x amine H a~ns\\·ort h"s r:ualil1cat1ons L a 11· re n c e cha!rman of the ABA 's stnnd- JTlg tvffllTI!I\~ on 1he feder;.i \ JUlltr1:1ry ~aid h1;; p<1 11cl 11 vtlld 1ncc ~ 1h1s 11·crk. Th e Chicago Loun<.11 of La" 1 rrs sent ~1xon ~1 tcll'gram urPiing \\'1thdr<11-1 a! qt lhc nominat100 . In a statemenl I ale Tl111rs- d.!\". Clar k ,\lolll'nhoff. \\'h11r l!11u~r deputy counsC'L said thJri.:c~ 1>l t(lnll1l't of 1ntf-rl'~t tiroubhl b~ St·n B tr~h 13<1~ h 1li-!nd 1. ag;.i1n't l!:1yn~1111rlh 111 •re '"fh!•l"Ut1ghlJ :ib~urd . 1-::iC'h of !hl'~·· l:.'.IS('~ II 1!1 hr rl1 ;1h 111th 1n det<11l 111 thc da)s .. 11c:.1d. · ~1o!lenhoif said. '.\IXO~ REFL:SES To dale . de~pllc thr urgings 11f t11 gh-rank1ng Sc n a t c /\('pubhean5 such as !\largart"t (.h.'.1.<.l' Smith uf r.1 a i ne, Ln:urman of lhe GOP policy cu innllttce. and Unbtin P. l,1"1 11\n of i\lichig an. th e ass1 ~ 1;111L rn1no ritv leader, Nixon has rl'fused "to pull back the nomination. And the judge told Jan1es 0 . Eastland, (l}-~l1ss.1. 1·ha1rmari. of the jUdiciary t·umrn1ttct~ that under "no 1·1n.:un1stances'' "·ould he ask I\ u:on lo do so. t:nless f"ixon or llayns11-orth change thei r minds. t he nominalion is destined for a brutal and biller floo r tight th<it ""ill leave scars on the court, the administration and the Senat('. Clement Furman Hayn:r;- 11orth J r. seems the most improbable 1·ortex of a ra~- 1ng controversy in t.he Sen- ate or any"·hcre else. An average-looking man, ar- llicled "'ith a life-long stut\cr, J·laynsworth is a Southern ari.stocral with an an cient l!neage that could qualify hin1 for a role in "Gone With U1e \\'ind " Why tlM'n ha s this gentle JUdge. appointed to tl1r circuit l:Ull f\ Of apJ"K'a)s 12 years ago .u1d nan1ed t·hiC'f judge in 1964. 1.H.·1.:01nr llll' cen!er of a dispute n1 aling that \1hich en gulfed Abe F'ortas and fo rced his rei;ignilt1011 [rorn I.he Supre1ne tourt '.' llE,ATJ-: SCARRED Pararnount is the climat e in 11tl1ch the non1ination was 111nde. Llc1dly i;carred by the ,\be Fon:i s affair, so1nl' i-l'nators nu11· dernand ~t1ch lugh C'th1cal standards for Jl1l11c ial appo1nt1nenls th al tl1t·re is son1e question if :1nyone cou ld survive the .'tTUt1ny being applied Lo JJ:.1yns1-1-orth. Or. as Sen Charles H. Percy I B-l!L ), put it. '"an ap- pointmrnt rnust be absolutely 1n1peceable and cleaner than a hound's tooth .'' Jt is into th is arena that Nix · on dispatched South Carolinian Jl:ivns\1·or1h. already suspect am"ong Northern Ii be r a I s beeause of his decisio ns in the /ield uf civil rights and labor. Yrt the liberals, disturbed as they mighl be by having l laynsworth"s philosophy on the coun , could not oppose him strictly on that basis. As dedicated a liberal as Sen. Philip A. J-lart (0-Mich. ). has repeatedly said a Presi· dent has the right to make his Supreme Court appointments :.i nd that he could not vole aga inst then1 stric tly on that basis of ideology. But a much deeper liability surfaced af\rr the nomination 11·as made and during and :1fter the confirmation hear- ings. It splits into two parts. J>ARTICULAR JSSUE One involves the Carolina \1end-A-Matic Co., of "'hich l!ayns"·orth \\'as a founder and 11·hich included among its customers mills 01,1·ned by su bsidiaries of D e e r i n g - 1'1lltiken Corp. One Deer in g-1'1illiken subsidiary. Fa r lingto n ~lanufaeturing Co.. cam e before llavns11·orth 's court in " landmafk dispul(' \vil.h the Textile '\"orkers Lruon. The union charged 1he mill closed Uo11 n as an ;1ntilabor devu::e . ll :ivnsworth 's opposition in-:,1~ted he should have dis- qua11 f1ed hin1sel f because of hi s connecl1on "·ith Carolina V e n d -A -'.'11 a I i c. But I layns1rorth. backed by the J1JSt1 ce Drpvrlrni:nt and the An1rrlcan U a r As.soci:itlon said 11 "as a "third-party" connettion and did not con- :.l!lute conflic.1 of interest. Then, 1hc groY. ing opposition \11 rncd to five eases in which !l ayns11·or1h ruled from the bench 11here he 011'n('d stock in a litigant company in a case before the coun. They said it 1ras a violation of SC\"eral scc- t1on,;. of 1hc ADA Canons of J udicial Ethics. \'ice President Spiro T. Ag· ne"· called lhe attac ker s ··l·hara1;!£'r assassins.·• Alt hough llayns11·orth sup- pC1rtcrs insist opponent s are u,,1ng the tonflict-of·1nter('st t.h;.irgrs as eamou f\age for HIC'Qlog1cal and poht1cal op- posnion to the nomination. the upposiuon has steadily gro11·n. llUESTIOI'\S J UDG!\1ENT Senale Drmocratic leader l\11ke r.tansfield, one of the 1nost respected senators, said '"no nnc questions his honesty or intl'grity : some question his judgment." Senate Republican leader flugh Scott c i I e d r.lansfield ":r; statement as an objC<'ti1·e analysis. Reflecting the dilemma the llaynsworth nomin ation poses for Hepublican senators is Griffin th e newl y-ele<:led assistant minority leader. Griffin had reluctantly en- dorsed the nomination and 1\·ent on the Senal c J udiciary Ccunmittee ;il the personal behest of 1-litchcll. w ho 1ranted a sure 1·ote fo r Jl ayns1,1·orLh . Rul Griffin finally backe<i ofL II(' notified Nixon he could not support Haynsworth an<l :-aid in a statement '"I believe .Judge J-fayns1-1•orlh lo be an hones! man and a learned man, but legitimate :1nd substantial doubt has been sensitivity to I.he high clh~cal standards demanded of lh(' bench."' During his he a r I n g , Haynsworth told the com· nuttee " ... if there is subslan· tial dou bt about the propriety of what I did . J hope lht- 5<.-nate "'ill resoh·(' lhe doubt against me." The senate might. For Top Sports Cove ra ge Read the DAILY PILOT Sears l l MOMll G1 J .J9\ I - ....1 .. _, . 1Zig-Zag Console with Hassock Chair R egular '101.95 e Overcast;:, ~at in !l itrhc~. fell·s on butlons., make5 l>u llonh o le~, 111o noi:ran1s and more e f'ront-muu n1ed bohLi11 ll iuJcr "ith a atomati~ Mll- orf when bobLin is full ·•Walnut fini~h console, Fi nnd;itcd 1lr;11••·r \•itl1 br-.w p lateJ pull e Ha~~ock keeps all y11ur ·1·\.\ini: nerd~ i11 o ue plare CUT $70! 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INOION t ll) 001' Sears .. ,. I a"! ,,. I.•• "' ···< '" '"I ' . " For Tl1e Record r :-~-:::-::::r:c·:o..~ ~-~-=.-.-,, Meeti119s MONDAY if'nOor (i'''~"' Club ol Hu~''"Q'"" Br•d>, Pl'k 1'10 O'•c•••llQf' llulk11.,,,. 11th """ 0•¥1Mf S!rttl\, Hunl<1>91on llt.odi, !O o.r!I li•rtor ~nlor (11!1~n1 c1u11, ~'"'OI" (ltl/HIJ (lutf\wor, ISi!\ ~10 -.1 An~ Irvine ,O..vtnuf, Nrwpart llrKll, 10 •m N~"'"°'' c~1 ... It"•~"'" Club. J<"•t'• ""''""'•"'· 11n E coo't t119"•0•. C1><0t1a M\ M ... 11 noon. '"''•"'•\!•'• "10~.in>•>1t1·;. Cor•I 11,..1 A"'tour .. nt, 11>11 Horbor lllvd , Co;1• .\'t•~. I P m l•Plo•.r ~{r,t·. B o~<<><• fl•<"<>r"l'. l.•P'Offr P(I" llo !~•. 11•1><<><~ f~{ ,,,,..;.,, ;~J H•ftio<" lllv<!, (O•!o Mr•o, 7 1~ p m 0•.,.r•~• "~"' ·~••n B~•t'1 C~t<>••r. •\,,on c lom11J.. >G.1 L•kr "'", •l•m· I ~~·o~ 8 °~c~ I .Ml<> <n r ., ,.,,,, l/d• •• Jun<" '"""'""' or ("'"'~''"' '••"•tol "'""IW""'•• C"• " 1 1<."JG ~ ou A•r , rQo.;~laon v.r.-/jllo• c-,,,~. c~~,1 '"" c1 .. <. i.•1,·r•" L ~· "' :'1C~ OG•~< O• ''· t,.•PClll "'•»" l>~P"' (1>·10 M••~ l<or""'P• L<>d·• '•O ;I. 0:1<1 I "II""'~ Hill ;•16 '·'•Ill 1 B•v::. t~.1,, II••~· 9 , '" .,f .'V Ne -101. v • w H•I•. Y<iHcwn A<1·11u~. H"nhN;11~n 9t..cn, 8 P '" ,.,..., <•~ !>Cl''"'"'" •n o FouN. •ti<>•, O•onn<' (~~r'• U>•c•!'<, U11•'"ll Fu1Ml JI "'•'II, 11•!1 ~•an•o•o ,.,.,, C.o<d<'ll C.•~•<'· lUEIOAV (a·•· I.I··· ( ~ l , .. ,1~·" c~•on ,1 > •'C""'I' 111 W. 19111 ~! 1.0,10 /,'•·~· "" ( '"''' "°' '' ·-f •u.,v~• C•v~. V"I• ~"c'<I'"• :;J~ 1 Co.HT 1-<>0h.,I•, t orond "''' MM !l noon C~ Id M">d E•tn.111"' Cl,m (or,>I R•rl, 1'41 fl•tl>O<" Blvd , CO>I.• M,1~. ll "00" Hun1,.,g<on Bta,n No•lh l •o-r1• CllJ~ M•adowl1<k toun!" (IVD. l&l&l G••h•tn, HuntingTon e <'•><-1' 11 noan (~•en• d~I Mor ,;,..,.n;, (IUD. V•<I• ~"'"°~"· Jl-16 E Coa,1 1<,q~w47, Cor""a de! Ma•. 12·10 ""'· ~'u"lloQton B•~(h Ro'MV Cl~b -llotth, Fout Wmd• 11.,1~u'~"'· IMJ1 fl ol>d (noca, Hcnh"troo fltat", I~ I~ . '" l 1unl10\;lo11 Bl-&•~ '(I"•"" (•u~ .• .,,~ I n9Tcn S•A<lo!• CNn1'' C lvb :iWO P41m A•t , Huo1.n9:o<> Eltdtl'o, ll:l~ . "' l/•NDD:-f H ~•bD• Qpr,,.,,., r1ub v. d /,\a•.oa, !OJI B~V\•D• OrovP ~"•O<llt l>•~<n. 11.11 ""' Co\'~ M•<o .:,,.~"·> Cl"b Co'•A II•·• ''"" dl'<I Countn (lu~. Co••d '·'''•'· 121S c m. Divorces t.<.S V£.G •5 ti•• -/.'•• •~• 1,,.,,., 1-...u"d h••~ nfluO• f<ICIC ~·S l l:.CEY -~rt! l?. Ro<>•l<I R•v H1<-i. lS, 1''><1 tl•n<t A•·~ !o'octv. 71, both of Co~·~ /\\t\~, G£1'0·H.O~Al0 ~to! 10 J"•n ••a-old G•no. It. o! S•• Ped•~ •' u Lo·• M Har,,1~ •l, ol w~""'"" '"' (A~TRCP ·(l_ARK ( -O,! 1. Coo•!•< 1','. Co•T<co. ·'· •~'! D•""a P "' ~ t<•n • J•, bO•n tol Hunhnq!cn n.-o,n P .OR"([P ~II.OP!' -Oct J. C!ouOt l'«nM~ Po•O.or, J? ol Hun!,nQlon fl!>f(fl, 1n~ C•,r 1t1n• Yvonn• Knacc, ?J, UI P•(O·li'v"rA (OtlAPOSCHAEF(R--0C1 i , ll•n"' G ("'1.uU, IJ, ~nd •ud••Y Sornot e <.n~elt" 6S, bQlh o< Co•n"• <l<'I ff•'· ~>!ERM.O N·Dt: V/111 -Oc l ), >tow•·~ J "" ~"e•m.•n, Jl '! Co<on" a•I M•'• ~nd Jo1nutlvnt (111011 OtN'"· ~' ol ~dV"•10 11.0Jtl: ICIR l l •'ID n.:• !. R t•Ma 1-(o.d''a Ha,,.•I. 71. ~"~ (mm1 J~ann& l(,rt:ana, ,S, t;cl~ er l<u"tn9lon B••<" 1(ER8 E R·P.OY !.Q~ -Oct l V111J,1P1 R O:•ri>tr. •5, o• ~·" D·m•~· anu '"' w Pav'""· •l. o• H•""'""O" 8•.&"-" TOZIEll ·COMSTOC~ -O<;t • Te<t N To•lPI, 1•. ct Co"• l.'e1.i. ~"" a~··• J••" Com1trxk. ?•. DI 0o .. ,. •• (lQNG-TllUJ ILlO 0<1 •, V""'"" I<. 00f>ll, le. IOft~ P .irolol O•ln lr~o•loO, .JS, bolfl ot ,.unl\r.qt°" 9 •aUI llDoll~OlilA"l-tlollE NEOE1 TD -O<! •. Cfl•\es E. BDd<drnal\. 10, ol ~''"""'' BPIM:il. •n<I .Odel1na Oo8enecr1ta, ;O, OI ~n Clfmenl•. DEATH NOTICES MEYER \h•dt1 (. M•YPf. llt'? MoC~o~an Avf , (o••• Mt1d. D••• "' """'"· OClollf• II '•V•vlv..., ll• hu•ll~n~. S!onl•• 1 Mt'•t•, ~·u~Mer. (1,01 Lt t mMM•<. M•~ G•~<· 0•1' scoa~~. I'll •! LO\ An~tl•o: D•ol~•·. W >lli1m ~'<><110>, M&loll<J, •~o f"ll'~' It" ROl>ti l Sum•nt <\, C<"9C>n, .V•• lO,.o llo•!<', W61""'Vlon, Fvn•ra • 1•·· Vite>, \\/l'(!n•>d•V· ; PM 81111 (h•o•I, l/'1 SvP"""'· Co1•~ "'"'" ln!ffm•nT. "•rbOr R<'ll Mfmori11 1'1<~ Ball! /Ao•lu1,-y. Dl<o:<:•oq MC AUlfY 1-;•lfn G Mc l ul•v 11? VI• l'~l<d, ti•"'· OOf l 0•oon AQf /?; Oa!f o/ dO•tn, 0"<>-; .. , ll Su'"\'o•e<f ~• "Y•band. Le•A»a ( 1.•.c.O ul•v. ""' (ol Jo1eon F Jewtl! IV """9"'"" "'""'' J \~ol! o• N•v.~"'' I!••<"• aod r ••• 9•~ndtnlld'"n s.,.,ct1. Tu•'41y, II AM, 81117 (."•POI 11'1 ~"oorlor ,.,.,. '~rR'sT EM '"v c..,..0,. IC""'"" lOIS Covntr> C•un O•,.e. (o>I• N'•1• Oat• ot o••'"· Ono-"'' 10. SUfV•lll'd b11 o•rtnt1, M• 11'<1 1~~~ 1~"°'1.1~; ~;'1:.~;.,.'."'~1m~'".1:::~~. ••'"It ai>d >=••· molftn•I 9•fn<lmo1~· ( ~A•l<>t!t' 0::l>'lo •v, ot N•N Yn•> <;le• '· "'"'""'' Mo,.,,.v, 7 JO Pll "'''' r V r., ',~o~I "-""'' ""' II••<, I .r<w•• 0 ;. •• Jc~n ·~• e10!•\1 (•'•· < L""~ ""'''" y ,.., Mo•lu~'·· 0.,..,.1~·~ LAMlfltl ,.,,,...,.., I l•"'~'' ~I >l C1 r ,,,,., I •;•"" H<lh Date<>' O•alt\, 0 ' ''' ~t ; \·><! by wi"e G idv> '°" 0• • l I L 1-l>I'". F<'l.On!Aln Vl ll<'y; I•• ''" • '""~' ot Wolla w o• • wa11r• <'•!•· ""· .a~'8 Fp, Npw M•"(0: ••JI•• "" •' •~" F r~>~D ~~a two ~-o..,,.n1 ..i-.~ " ~·(•• w••• ~•Id !<.Oa• "'O"d8,, 1 o' I ,,~..,,~ C~v''~ o< 1•~ Ctr\• l • • • • ><lllO, E:ntorn!>mtnl, P~c.lo< V "" !~• .,. , ~· Pa ·~-o""'"" b1 P•<+f ( .,.,.,, l~~•!oarv .<\llBUCKLl-~ & so~ \\'e~trl iff !'llortuary 4 ~7 E. lith St., Cost:i i\le~a 645-4883 • BALTZ !'llORTUARIE.." C()ron:1 del !'ll11r OR l ·H:iG Cost:1 !'llesa P.11 6-%.u.4 • BELL BROAD?i'AV i\IO RT UARV 110 Broarlway, Costa i\lesa LI 8-3433 • DILDAY BROTllEllS lluntini::ton \'allry J\lortu:iry 1791 1 Bcal·b Hh rt. lluolington Rcarb 114?-rr; I • i\tcCOR~OCK LAGLJNA BEACll MORTUA.RY 1795 Laguna Can)·on Road Laguna Beach 49'1·9~15 • f',\CIF IC \'IE\V :'llE.\IUr!I AL l'.\lll\ Cemetery e i\lortuary Chapel 3500 Pacific View Dri\·e r-;c,\·port Beach, Ca llloml• &4•-t700 • PEEi\ FA:'l lll.'' COLO:\IAL f'U~ERAt. 110:\IE ~l Bolsa A\·e. \Vestmlnsttr 19~ • SHEFFER !'ltORTUARV Laguna Beach 4!14·15!5 San Clemente •n--0100 • S:\UTllS' !'llORTUARY 6%7 i\laln St. f111nUnatoo Beach 536-6$39 DAILV PILOT _J_:!_ Voting Systems Justice Council Under Fire · Group Reports H)' T01'1 BAll l.f.Y Of !~• D••IJ Polvt ~111! :-i ANl'A A'.'-lA -E1 1::hL J>agr , of bitter crHll'1srn in ;i rt·1lf1r! \>.hK'h woulrl appear lu 11 1 thcate the ir11n11nrn1 brt•:1\..up of Orange Count~ 's 1nf:i 111 Crirn1 n<1l JustlCl' t'•1lu11·1I will be durnpt:d 1'11t•sd;iy 1111 tlu· dc~ks of county !:>UfX'T\ 1~nr:; .. 1 .. t lll'rC JUlhurl£l'tl 1111 1111·d1.1l~lv af\t>r th" J~.Sllt' ut 1, 11ucr Prcs1dt!nt L~ ndon U .lun11~1111 ~ [fllllt' l U!l\IUl\~1011 !'l'jl(lf! Cou nlYI because of Lh~ !ti!· lllt.\5 1)1str1r l Allorncy C <' t' i ! lllr ks IS <0halrnia11 uf ,, Cr1n11n.'ll Jusl!t·e C nu n l' 1 I 1~h1ch 111 turn 1~ re'>ponsihl1· for :ind rc \·1cws !he <'fl Orts. 01 e1gl11 "to ~k lort:es·· 11 11hin lh" (·uunl_l'·s rnrn1na! J 11 s I 1 i' t :,1 Stl'lll 1Jr1ng nc ur!y $200 .00U in fi.:dl·r;1 l tunds to Orange ounty -1J tl11 I \l!'rl' J i-Jl'fl.1\t•ll . SA'.'JTA ANA Orange r oun1y's \'oting Syste1ns Task Force will report to county ~upcrv1~rs 'fucsday that the I0-1ncn1ber. board-<1ppointcd c::in1n1iuee has rompJeted its inll~igatlon of eight voting ::.:r~tcms offered for u s c in rounty elections. The syste1n :zpprnved by thl' <.'Otlnty board will be ~eared lo the needs of an est1n1ated 600,000 \•oters It is possible, St John s<11d, 1ha!: I.he Coleman c01npany will pro\'idc the balance. of the <'quipmcnt needed. But it c:in 1)t1!y do s::i ii Lhc task force rcl:<lrds U1e Coll•rnan dC\l'CS as superior to those of sc\eu L:Ofnpt'ti tors, "It is their cholL'c," said St John. "I arn in no 11·a1· Jn· \'Oh'ed in any process lci°ldcn~ to their Jecision." Building Sol•l The 1hree-story r..1 :.1 t 1· •1 Building, located at 881 Uu1 1•r llr11c in '.'l:e\\'µQrt Be:ach, h11~ been so!d t:> Or;ing(' Cou nly d c v e Io pt' r Leun L}t111. Ei.:ecut1vc Oflict·r l\•·J!l1 L Cunew111011 is the author uf ,111 ;1nalysis wluch e o 11 d ~· rl\ n -; f.'cdcr<1l-St:11c f:illur{' 111 al'\ '"I lhl' ~-as\ n1a1ur11y of 187 1iru- po~a l:i I u r ( nnh:·hf..hl11 l! ~u nd s Thu~c lunlh 1,1•r1• 1n:1d" ;11 a1!ablc by thl· J t' d r r :i I govC'rnntcnl for p r o ~ r a 111 .-. 11·h1ch 1111gh1 hl'lp 10 ~1e111 1h1· r:.i11ully 1110111111ni:: 1.:rl!Til' r:ilt! .\1·!lnn 11.1:: 11\di·1·d hC'('tl Liktn 11n ·1(1 of tlt1· propusal" 1 'nr.1 IHlr'Ull 1111!1·~ I h•n1:1f uf i<tlltJ~ \i,1~ 1TlCJlll \ii\' l'lld •Jf lhr f q,:LJ f11I' ;i(I uf lhl' !<t1ggl'Stl'll J<1\1;:rart~1'. Alld n(l 11{·l11111 !1:i) hi><·n t:ikl·ll 110 :iny of Or:ul~l' L"ouni~ • !ut1r pntpOsal, •\ppl1ca rH~ :1~ 11l'.ll 11'-pr11- ~1'•'1'!JI •' ,I !J p i 1 ~·,I ll!~ :11'1• 111.,1 ·1~11:11,cd and f1·u.-1r:.i ll'd l'l \tlrlr r<·qul'~I fur funding.' t 'vr:cannon ~ta lt's "'I a~h lurer :nt·1nbers hine rh.1t .:tltt'rnl£·ll n·,·pnt l!lt'l'llllK~ 1111 {)range · An1011g prnjte!~ l'"i <11111n('rl hi' thl' group. su111e •1f \\ hiC'li Lire included ir1 !hr cnu nt·11 , requests for fl'dcr.11 funtJ~. ;ire nut rontrol ICl'nh1qu1·~. ;>utu111at 1on ()[ 1·0t1rt pru lt•durl'~. cu 111 pu ! l' r i t.i·d cnn11nal 1ndclt.rs and ~per1a l 11.· etJ police offL t·rr tr::i 1n1ng Four pruJt:c-ts rCL't'11tly 1·vn1 m11l1·d tu paper by Conc:1nnon would Uut iu11d1111; ui .+t·liurt g fdl'I 17111 11,,.s a!s h:-t s b<'r n 1 11·~l1g1hle.'' Conr:1 r1nQr1 ei 1rn pl:11rr• · :>unir tlf !he prnpo~:il s 111111' lli'l'll p1•11rl1 n11 "lr11T .\!a_'J tlf !his-.I l';lf " l°lJllL:H111Hll ;1h11 {'U!llpl:iljl:; 1t1 at ''f'nmmunh ·:H!011 1Je11~r,.t1 th\' \;!rJOUS ~t'!i11lf'l\l ~ vr l~I' l'll!Hll'd f ;t;itf' !'O(l!l('d , [()O;.I! ra~k ful'l'l.'S • .-.1:11·· 1.1-k f1•r1·1 und llJt·ol l·ounr1!' 1 h .1~ bt.'<·11 norH'Xt~ll'nt ur J1.1" 1i~ ~·11 p<1u1 · i.'r1t1r;1I ck•;idlirw .. h CJ 1 c hl'tn l·~tablL~hctl lu rnt•ct t·1·r- lu111 t 1 n1 {· fr.11111'~ by I hr lctJer;il ;ind .sla!r 1.!l•\rrnmcut .; for rrg1nn.; ;111d ~Jb-r1•g1un~ .. Hut, supt>rvisors wi!! learn. th c· hanicst task is now being LicPd by the grou p -analysis of all eight \'oting operations ;ind cquipn1ent and the task force's determination of v.·h1ch s~str:n \\Jll best suit Orange County. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thi' \~"page report swn- rn ariLes the work or lhe task fure<· through 22 meetings J 111111 its formation in Sep- tcn1ber. 1968. Representati\ es of eight manufacturers of \'Oling l'quipn1ent have ap- peared at Sl·veral of those inec!ings to demonstrate their h<1rdw<ire anJ place cost and operation st.'.lllstits before U1t' co1nn11ure. Several co111m1ltec me1nbers h<ivc m;1de field trips within and bc\·ond California and ha\·e rl'Portcd lo their fellow n1e1nbcrs on the operation in olher areas of much of the ('(Juipn1ent that has been <lcinoost ratcd before the task forc·e Faring the lask force at it~ future n1cetings is the cotn· parisoR of those eight systems in the light of a 26-poinl table Qf criteria rceen!ly con1pletl'd by the group. There is no in- dication of v.-hen that analys1~ 1vill be c.-ompll'ted and the fi nal rCCQmmendation offered to the supervisors, County Clerk '\'i\liam E. Sl .John explained Friday that the Colernan Electronic Vote Tally Svstcm-currently being used 1.i;· Orange County -\1·il l re- nuiln intact as the core of the new \'Ole re cording systc'11 whutevc r <lt't'Jsion \ht! task Ju1·c·c n11ght re:.ich. Supervisors askNI the co1n - mil1 re to study \ o ti n~ n1 t'<'.hJni sms aftt'r noting 111:11 thf' L'nletn<in pr0l'C$S onll· {_iJ\rrC'J for ;;OO ,()()j voters T'vo W 01nen Sentenced For Thefts SA:\TA ANA -Tu·o \\·om, ' \1·ho admiltcd they look goods 1aJucd at more than Sl.000 from Fashion Island stores l1avc bren sentencrd to iJ :-.·car each 1n Orange County Jail. Superior Court Judge Robert nardner ordered that tenn for Palncia Leona ~lcRae, t6, and Sunny Irene Webb, 27, both of Santa ~lonica 13n!h women. "·ho rec('ntl y pleaded gu ilty 1n Jh1rbor D 1 s ! r 1 c l mun11.:1pal C'Ourt, 11·rrr placed on f,1·c :-c·:irs probation. I Hoth won1<'n 1rrre arrc:.lcd ut Fa~h1on i~!and I.1st Sept 12 ll nb111~un·~ f'mph1~1 ~ rnllo11· cJ 1ht• pair and 11 ~1t clu·d them tl:llU\(• drc5.1.,cs and rcpl'1lC thr• c1n\1tY ha11~1~r, on thr r,u·k~. A tht'C'k or ll1e1r re nted l .1r Uy µ11l1et· produced \\10 p 111 o ,.,. c<iSt''> bulging \1 1th t ln\h1ni; taken !rnm "i('\ rral \ •Inn·~ 111 the '.\e111>11rt eom" pl1'\ 1;nt l1 11(1m1·11 f.J«" lri:i1 on s1n111 Jr 1 h,1rgl'~ 11l1·d 111 E~con· didn Ttlry <in• .~1·t·\l~rr1 of "ite.iling goods 1 .-tluPd 01t 55.000 1ron1 stores In th at area. 5 Beauties Seek Press Club Croivn 1\:\AllEL\I -Five Orange r~1!'t brauties v•itl be :lmong th(' !O f1n:ilist~ tonight in 1hr Or;in11r [(•l!nty Press Cluh C'.,n!e~! lo detern11ne who will e:1r the· .\1 1s~ Orcop crown in l ~iO. .Judg ing i~ scht'dulcd for i JO p.m. Jn Ilic Off Broadway \Vest theater of the Grano Jl otel in Anaheim, All five Orange Coast candidates hll\'C i'll'en s1)0nsored in the contest by ;1 rca businessmen and urr;in1za11ons. Among them <1re Susa,n \Vflllace. of Laguna Beach. ":\1ii;s Salt Creek Hood ," :ind the entry of the ''Save Salt Creek" i;:roup; Vicki Yoak of (<1s\a ~lesa. sponsored b~ nrian Cameron's ~11 r r or . Gazette of that cit}': Cindy Belhnger of Coron<i del \1ar. the rnlry <1f i'ewport Beach rca1lllr John :\!acnab: Juha Zipkin of Huntington Beach . sponsored by Carat Clot.hing ol Cos\J )le5a and DoMa Flor)' or Fountain Valley . 1hc cur- f<'nl ··:i.nss 1'1erma id" of Costa )1rsa . l'rizes scheduled ror presen- tation to the new :\iiss ORCOP lncludl'. the use of a brand new :;:iharu ;iuto1noh1lc for tilt full ) C'tir of her rt1gn. . ~-. -· . -· '~ ' ' t.: ",. '·. ") Stanl7 l 0 -in. Trike 69 L3-in. 'J'rike 897 All Hrl- 1n om To)'J I! lrro.·e,1 rr•.-~' A!I P<Un Tnf~ n: 1 0~11 f't Kel ~n~r Ideal'• :t..eriod Robot11 396 Rrmco'• 1'nm- l1l i n~ l 'o n1bcry I l o I I 1197 All ~.'T\Co T, ~· a1 i_,.,,., 'I i'r•fC \ ll•rliq Bah1 Ch ecrinl 'frarfnl ]99 1 ~ .. adL Dr1nl• 1.nd .. ett. T , 1'riLt'"' 11 1 l nwn ! \.ti "' t'~l O)l PJ.,_koal Tyk• Bike 4.88 Tiny Tonk• fo"an Bugy--68e l'1rker Brothen Monopoly J.4'l Hoppily Ho <:: .94 ldr:a l Battlini Topt "'22 Ti n M•n Roho 0.96 Bill Haal Datnp Truck.__4.94. .· ' '" .. ;." -, -··· ,- !'tl all f'l°ll f)n11ccrina Uoll ] 1 .9:; A' I ,\14'" ., ,, .\• l · ,,,, l'r" ! '· l 1fral'.11 I 71,2.in. <:.-; •• , IJn ll 8 91 /\ I 1 .~ .. ,1 1 .... Jf 1., ... e•t f>r«e~ at \la u"I 'l'aJkin1 llurLie Uoll 11,9·£ A .\l.onr l • •; ' " "''"'' 1· ... e1 . T ' 1(, 'd . :-itt Toy Price& in own ' ."!¥ ,,. T•llU11.« <;.I. Jo• At 1ron11ul 4""' ,\II H,,;..,o ·rnf• .i J .,•e•I l'rnr1 l\1atte1'1 r ranu l• U.l'l111ne 6 9·L ... u .\UntJ 1·or• Jt l n•~r l'r:cn Fuul l·'.l .. rtrie '\FL J:Of•I hall P.odt"J " rb Jou c.: U t.ca. 1\1~ 1:r,.ig ht \\'ith 1..t.t~ Car 1592 All Ma,. Tori ar l.O..TiC r-ic" Lowest Toy Prices in Town! Kenner J.:ary IJn k.., u, r."11 3rn ,I I N-!inlrf J '-'Y' ~t l.ll ... CU l'-\e- TopJJ'W' Hine• 'n 1'hinp 9 9•L A11 TIJIPJ>er Tnr., at l ·, ... ~( l'ricm r P rtct·s in ·r uwn ' Lo we'-t o v ldf'11l'1 R;1ng B() 97 Fi.,!Jrr Price Cliaucr Phone l.87 lrle11l ~·larblc u .. a 3.44 ldr:a l 'foM Acn>S! 6.97 ~lilto n Ur:1~llry ll~'TI."tmit' Shae · ".~t~ ~l..e tc h-1\-Tun .?-\ l~i lt-·llritr: .9-1 --------------------------------------------------, :..JL'ltl C.OA~f 1L~lA 541),J:JJJ • ltlJ9o'A r~ll'IC TA 11·4•00. !./1-l $JO u ~tllf Gt J.J911 CANOGA, r"'1f l 400t.lt l r,ttM>A.1.1 ~ S-1001, Cl •·•611 I COMP'l'Of-1 N£ 6·7~s1. Nt 7 !.161 t'OlLYWooo ~to 9-l9~1 COVHA 966~1 1 niotrwooo OR 8-1311 IOl"G ll •f" ill .5 01 :'I ct•,.•I( i ~\JIU .l~/ a.~2\J c,1 1>1C-t OJ/ 1\Ci(.J '~'D(l,.t, 081 311 1, J~T l :i!I , ______________________ _ "Sal isf action Guaranteed or Y9vr Money Back" • ,_.,~ .. ~ L) J 11 4}, Ill• 1'·~16 !, YU 6.67~1 rlCO WE B-4161 l •JITI, ANI, JI 7.JJ11 ~•NIA If !.'flt.JG~ 9,(4·8011 ll,lfl.t. MON!C4 IX 4·0711 1V•lANCt 342·1311 I V•IHY l'O J 8.t61, 913~·2210 I V!t,o,(0.-.1 Pl 9·191 1 -____________________ , u .. u,•01 •~~ .. 1<11w. Shop 6 Nights Mor1day through Sa turday 9,JO AM . to 9:30 P.M. < .• --------------------------------------------------------· -.. I ·I DAILY PILOT Orange Coast Area Vital Statistics 8v6d. Ci ro! A, ¥1 Gt•l'la'" l .: • ., H"""••G Arll•ur J• .,,. K1flllttO , 6r<r,.nltt, c.,.·•n •• Adtowf A<I• J, "' R-1 Linn l'>om., f d..,1•0 •• P1rr1 t , /!Ult lUl\f-nl \ti Rovmond I •f l~'"'''" W1nd1 l e<...,. Gto••• W1•r1n l»om"°"' M••<I• Ju...,"' J1c1t; J•• Ero.. Vltolnl1 l . ••A, lloo<O* >1.,..,11, Ello M •• (1'11ri.-. R l>'·O<lr> ltow 8 "' ll:obr•I J H•n>1n, C .... VI .It., •• Ao ... r ,,, ... II. JOlln t: •> JI"" [ ~1> .. 11r, Vlr.IOlll I ti V> D1•.G Prl•• ~c1>1nor. °"'"'"" A YI MltClll A )n•l1n. Vtrt Ml•lt "I Flobftl l\n(Cln ,, WolCll. N1nn C1•0• VI Allw-•• 11.1.monG 01.,,,1r, Gr1<• Jo vo Oon1!d D f' MC>. S,,\ty L VI ROl\tld Ot• MoolP. H•le~ 01•·>~ Y• A•""\d Llo><f Fo,,, '.14<> ll••U< « •> W•lll•m tl HI •ut.,lt. Jf"V LOtO> •> ""''"'• LDftl0A M~•tl•. M••• M "' ltua• t."1>•1• l!OllTW•lon1, DoYIO wavne YI EIOllOllll '"" c:,,,.., Donn• J••n Y• StfY"11 (n••lr• cnonttl••· J•nt• "•• Y> c. .... r~•"' Woll\tr, l!oDblP Jo v• Rv1>rll ll•ut• r-.i••· V•onnt M •• l ou•f'll Auon Jtfar1•i.age Licenses M ARlllAGf l !CrN~[\ l~~UtD , .. ORA!"IC.f COU>llY D ~{1'1 10 lt()Ot.E llS·P (R[Z Ao"•ld (; :• n• 19/J(l Kon~"'"''"' I ~n• ~"" ''"''"'1• D . 11. "' ~Ill Mol•o•. nor~ ot •« '""'"''' ll•1<n l"!OOGSON·BEl<G l~Om•> S , o <1! >1'9 r PO.Ml ... a MJ<I~•·· A ' , .• D• l• C·'~"•· ""'" o• ~"" '""" \!• o LEA~.,. ~.us.:r1< '·"'"''" J ·' ~I I H1ll<r•'I 0""'" l '''""' 11• ""d J(l.i" t , 71 o• 11!1) \•" .,.~' ' v.••ln•m•I•• ~·[A OOwS ><Alll!.."""' ,.,.,1 . .,~ r N l!~ll A•1d••• F'"" ;,,,,,., ,,, C•P"''""" ,•o'lll J""' I• « llt~ s ... o .... 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D .... a M, ·~ no .'JI f. '''" ~t L~n<t !\•,•<'' ,o,,<I .Yoo,1 J 1; N Rli: l •I~"' Av•, ,., """''"'" "~"'" PATl fR~C'N PA1 !fl"'iOk/ r.-.v,•1 I . "JJJ• >• ,,, .• ,, ll"'""''" ""'" 1 "' """ 0('• D . •>, ~· l~I~ Or.Inn• Cn>ld MP-.> l,',11 OfH4gflf '!-~01 T D•,•><I V , ~·· r• e101 ~I•! .\•, We'1n·•~•l•r ·•·•d "''·"r''"" ! ]J ~· ~~11 ~'" ""~· .. , ... ,,,,~,~~ ~·-" G.>.<l(l LON IHl '!lT l'•f'!l~•·t• ~ '~' "' ,1 '° Ld ~~""'~ $Q, ·~I·""'""~"" M•I·""' )I ~· !WI Prll·~·c·· l~"·· N°''"'"' l\r~<"- ~········~ ......................................... . ~ YOUR PROBLEM: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ? • You want to sell some item that you no longer need but someone else can use for NOT ? OVER ? ? • • $50 ? ? • YOUR ANSWER: You call THE DAILY PILOT. cl ~k for Classified Advertising, and plact a ··- -- PILOT PENNY PINCHER CLASSIFIED AO AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE 3 LINES 2 TIMES 2 DOLLA~S : • • • • • • • • t • • • • • • • • • • t • • • • • • • • • • • • • ANO YOUR CRED IT IS GOOD ! ! DIAL NOW DIRECT : • • : 642 5678 : • • it !Toll ftM NoMll Co~11ry 5•0-1 22 0) • • • ................................................. ~ You'll wonder where the ·--tallow , went!. • • U11 \\0nled r,11:1 1 •Slit>~ m: . ~frE'il:> les~1y ond t p,,~l~ •l l·., J,,o. ,,I ,;JJ rod•ont cilornor.:>l'~ 0"~ ~o!."<1·,.::··C ·~ ,• ::i rrr : IJ .~ ..'.\ i_-;:.., I' ; (i" d 1;'',,f!. le-:>' -ia f..\ony wonien k1se St>\t'~1~' 1..:1,•'lC~ 1:·1.i i1l('l r>s 1he very firs! 1rec1rnen1 Sur 1e·11ember , ...,e,.;'11 loss c r-;e so've ~ onl y one l•gure pr('lbten1 ood (litt>l'l ccuses o:r:er~ l ei ~llOOt' Shor;~s l''Vtlt'r'v CC''llOllf, 1r•1n_ rnc'd s 1'11 red~1•e ulld build os r~Jtd 10 !,;;sh~,:in tr.e p.;r.nr sh.:::;;€ for ye;,; l rome and bone srruc1ure . It's whal .... e do hr~: S"OCoe St:upoes 15 d f:,--1.'nl. Co~e 111 fl1r yrl1r ··pr ~l.:c:-!' r. 'l01~·s•5 todov c•1d srr :cf \'O\'r~e'i 1 FALL FIGURE SALE 20 TREATMENTS $20 LIMITED OFF ER Total nun1ber ot trc,1 tmcn ts nccessJ rv to correct your 1nd1v1dual l1gu1c IJults Jrc determined by COMPUTER CARD at the 11111c cl your FREE SHAPE ANALYSIS, wh ere a personal ~S HAPING PROGRAM " is designed ex clusively tor you ... There's no mystery, you'll J..now the exact cost cf your new shape! FIGURJHiBAPING SALONS Births l<OAG MEMOltl"L HOSl"!lAl • • .,,_, 11 /\'• "o"' """ M•Ch••' I ·•Imo••· '111 '"N~ •n• Co>l8 MMa, IMlY ""' ,w<I Mo , Do•• to1l1n>. 1al'9! ~h•>••. r,,.,,.,~,,, 11a11~1 ""' Mi •n<I M" Ra•><l•I (~r.ltn ... n. 2100 Prter-.n. Co>1a Mfll. t;o• M• an<! M " Drnnh O'Ht•n, l-0 !.'., l&I", CO•!• M"'•· lw•n D•'i> Septu'lb•• Jl No• •nd M " F•"'I O•e,.l<r•, 61 < ~ ~u<I•••"· Sonlo An,., 111•1 Mt ~n'\ M'' llot .. dr<! l•~Pll\Ct>ll, 61• U"""'"" Coron• <1rl M~r. 11<1• Mo ond Ml> JOI' M.itnOrt 51Zb W. H.u • .,<I ~''"'" •n•. g11 I Ml """ M ... ~•ChO•<I Hffl, 1o0ll /\\•l<~I• l M><I, """""~•on ll«l<t• "''" /\'o .nd ~\•1 C.rl G•OO~<" \)9 \'•• V"\' "" Nrw~~'I 11•.•<h, "'" Al• ~"" M•• Jo,.nn C•"o ... 101:1 y.,, .. ,., (,,ti• """' flllto'n B•.i<n '"" Mt ~..U M" l(,ul AllU"'"' ISoll C,,., ··~ , ••••• "'"''"""\' .. '· bO• I>'• ""a Mr, l(""""'h II L•~'"'"• 1911 W~llA•r, Co>I• M•>o. lxl• ,,,, dn<I """ I(""''"'" II LP<ll11., \, IYll Wall•r•. C<t>t. M•••· too• ,,., And !..\" TronQu11h"" PMl•ll•. J•I l>"1'1 ~t . (O\l<I M">d Uof l ~ept•mM• n /,,, ~nd M•> Gto111r Ft,...IOI\, 11 )1 :.l~h·' Huut.nyton l!•ACl1 ~"I A• """ A\t• JO>" MOl .. o'lll. 1011 ~ ~.r~"'°'" ~·M~ An~. DoV ~·· •nl1 /\oll • R•Chor<I ( R><h••O>. lth ~'" ~I N•,.o>o•I 6•~< ... bO< 0 '"'a M'> A"""' f~toY•· 7'7~ (, ..... a. No·wo>oo• ll••<n. !Ml• M• •nd M•> llict""" rr..o"'''" 71l61 'I<'•• l~, ttunhn9!on 8rael\. 91rJ fll• ""~ M" Ntl!O<I MC N•llY, 1111 M.t<l1•1! luol1n, 9ltl Mr •nO M" Fron~ Wornrt. tl6 II o<oll•, 0•1n11•, vl•I Mt •nd Mr> L•rr• H1millOt1, 161"6 o •• ..,,. M<»lOfl Vleio. l>OV t.~, •nd M" D••od CunninQl\am, 1116 .. M1[~~'11':i'""J'rf1'~!~~!a~nA:;~~·~ .. ~h /.•~,~~',;'<1~1Mr~ew~;~,~~·~~~~'r'. 1U12 llu;o Ln, HunlH>Ol<tn B•acn, l>fl• S•Pltm"-r 21 Mr """ Mr> F••n~ w .. , ..... IJ.6 No. t\OU> SI. Oron~r. oif l /,I• .ind M" Jn~nn•• {.oaui, 71J FJ"W•V l'I C<!>!~ MM"' gill ,.,... J"O """ r-~ .. MCI 611rko, 11 9 •6•h ~·. Nt'"'l'O<I l\t•&cl> q,,I SoPltmb ... 11 M• 3na Mr> Jo/1'1 C<>t"r•"• 506 Gia"•"•· N"wp.or! ll••cn. l>Ov Mo nnd M,.. wn.-.. DaY••· 7•!0 N•Wl>Otl 111•<1 Co•IA M•••· l>Ov Mr dll<I Ml>. l(rrm•I PA .. I. 1111 Pem• ~·.,.,-· l~n•, N•"'"'"' ll•och, bo~ Mr •nd Mr~. LH l••~DH, llll H•tn••••· SAn•~ An•, bo• s •• , ........ " Mr and Mr>. Milch•ll B"'r"', lJCI W •• Dr , Co•t• M ... •. ai•I fl-.• ond Mr>. G•••l<I I( Willi•"'•· 1~11 Mu••\le• 0< • Huntlnalon B••cn. l>O~ '-" o1n<1 "'" Fr•n• Hu,.tlc, <ll W. fl•• ~·. No. 10. Co•t• ,...,A. 9ot0 A" JnO '-'" Gol>Pf';•I Jim~.,, ~6 H•it•<la•, Sont• An•, t>ov f.\• 0'10 M•• JOm"-W Bu•n, 191•~ T r.Otn! L•nd. Kvnl!nq!Otl 6•o1ch. '"'\ Air ""d MO Jl>>OOll H M<C•W. lie~. E•rtll'H A Cl•, H.,<1t.ngton 8 t och, O<r1 A" •'>d M" "'ll>o!•I Chl<b-,, 16~1 O•nv Pl . Coua Mr ... al<! I.I• •O\<I M•> '°'"'m•n Hod~-'"• 7?J v,. Ouolo. N•w11<1rl BPACh. 9ocl Al• •net M••. l lmgth• Shl1>i•Y, ~bll O••~a• A••. C"'M M"1• aorr ,.,.. an<1 M" A.I"'" Millr< 17~1 LI (•~·!•"· ~1>un•••n Voll••· l>O• Seit1tm1Hf lll /" ••d M" '"'"'•> Jehn<on, 0r.i s.,,h•<d. Hu""""'"" e ..... :n, 9"' f,\• •nd f~•> l(...,orfl> Moll°". ,)lJ Or•qon. Co\I• M•I• ~011 /.' """ M'> M~rvin Ande•,On. 'lll7 Fir•! Lon• H•'"!onoton 6Pa<n. llO• Oc•-·, /,V •nd M". 1""' ll•o•m . 19'8 M•>••, (0>!• Me>o. Q"I ""' ... ~ M"' ""•rh••I Dor••. !•0 w. W •••~n. r ... ,. MM• ""• M• ~"" M ... Joe Stapp, 1116 C•o••n • Crula M•>A, llO• M• """ M•>. Mlchaol Ch'OP<1••, 11>66? Nile C••tl<. HunllnQli>n H"<n, llO• Divorces INlERLOCUTORV DECREES F~""'~''· J•""' ,, ll••all Htn•• A'.""'"• D"'" •• F•I" L C•muti<-11. Jll<I• II v• Jo,.,f1 l o"''"""· Moruv• Jeon'' 11.ctH-•t D 6•..,,~''· Oo•ol•• C !•·n~ •• Cl1Yt "•'"'"' Moll•• [lotJNt~ PMoY Y\ P1v1 J1m•1 Col•m on. f lTWOO<I lN>n •• Vo'o McF•d•n, C••oo,n Mirot "' D<nn,, 11•1<1'"·" P ·~•«l> l ou•• >l ~• ll•tt~ J•~" ><·~" Jc.o•" "'""G••• v' "'~''"" E1<1on IVl\•h"9· E<I•'" N "' "-••d .. .. .,., \.o""' •• """''"' ;('"""'· P•'1 C • M•• Y• ll•!"t II•• 11.,~~·11>Dn. Jlolt M•••• •> l\•n"fl" ( ,,1 I ""•· t.'•"• ·~ "owooo """~' C"'ol F••"CM •I ~!·~""' (, I("'""' S~n~'" I(,,. •• Jon"'"' [ ,,~ ... to.""~"'" f. •• W•ll·~m "''" M1L oroY. (•n!h11 "'""" v• B*'"''" [~n# ~'Ir"~· (IO•n A ~I Oc>n•ld c: F~11.,,.... M•~ .. f •1 (.,,,.,., [ NOW SHAPING ] COSTA MESA & ANAHEIM, TOO! /' ,_ ' ' l '9 A.M.·'9 P.M. DAllT, '9 A.M. S r.M. SAf ., CH ILD CAii 1-l ANAHllM COSTA MIU 635-0271 642-7032 SANTA MOKICA MISSION IULLS 393-0064 361-1714 (.All TOOAT ••• INFOIMA TIOJI WISl U . 477-1122 NOITHllOGI IUllAtll 349 -4788 842-0877 (<IC> J•1n fl_O)Ot" Vt JOl ll LOU>\• Jv• l••t>o<:k. J•n·P•te• Yt c;.0,1,11, Me"'· II°""'! l Yt c ... ,.,.I l I(""'"· Ma,,1vn L. •• ll ltnor!I " !.ll•l!on. J<1no lO\i v> Grorge Fr9<1u•t'<, W•"en, El•u~ Y) 11.o<l\•t<I I<, l'•<tora, Lonao o_ '"Po•"• M. ~dnQ"'"· Cu•t.• S. y' L"'" F. H.>•Jin", John H •> lo+. 0 i'(•!•~v. Cvt-lr n ~ v• Ro l~n R R.,,,, Lvnn E, •> Eow.o.r<I !Or• (~<•er. Co•OI Anne"' Th0tn.O.> EllOn Ooll!n•. Lyn.no Armovr Y> Rlth••d VP<11lp Ca•n<nu, 0""' " l(olhl..,, Allen. Millon l•l~•I •• H•rrl'I Anno (Ol•m•n. M<1•lh1 An• ~• ll irn0<d Thom•• Cl~r •, J~hnn" Mop,.., John .0.lt>fr! Ooc•••, Lew'1 M Y\ Robyn J_ M•tcn.ii. Jdm•1 B •• "'""o"" r l no..,, E11'1..ie "~ '1«b•rt w O•n1'•o<I. llvb•n B Y\ l.ond<1 0. I •« R.1~ "'~"· "' ll.on.01<1 A \/<1n 11!1•~··~ It•••" S "' llobrrl l JOI!•"· Son<1r• Rocllr hr "' ll OW•T Jon~ OO!il•n, RO>! L""""'" ,., ~n ,.1rv M<I""' luclo.~'. Ge<>rqe A Y> lr•n• M Motm•o>•, A<1<1 B. v> Cl•f"11<• H. F1rnc11. Pl!>'U,s Joon "'Jenn l ommOfl> B.,!I, ll•tt• J "' Jonn C . w nn ..... ~a. !.ne•wooa l 111<1~~r "' ~\,orcelvn• H.lm.11• ... "'''""' f'l•ol Y> Alic• l ov·•· l.<1 V~He.. Gokl>e (l\<1tllffie •> 11.o<h••d l ....... ,._, Mrn!gomorr, MefllYn L•e "' R o~" GPOl'gr P•ocnn~"' M<1•• J, V> Budd• G lPt"o"". llobr<I• L•ntt!r Y• l•'*""<• Antno.w M<t<.k.,, Olj• T "' 8ertn1 J. 0111>, Altha Y• l..U (11<rv. Maria nne Groce v1 Cll•!C" Lvnn II""'" Con>l<1nc~ ,A . .,, l<ugn I<. lawn"'~· William A. "' NO<"mo F. HOOg••. Oonn• M, "' llol>rrl [ AIDripnl. JAn"1 II Y• llao'lll• L•• Soil, James Paul "' OP•• Lo,,aln1 M"•I•, llot><-r! Vdn Y> J<lntT 11.,tn Ton ... l!.i•v J•an "' llol1n<1 Frr<IP<•t• Po,,.., l(olnren ., llov Ea'""'" ... Pin••lon. Lind• l •• Y\ (hdrl•• G•" Hurt, Julli> M V> Vr rn"" Gomol, l'd,.ltia Glnt1• "' G&r• J Cooke, l in<ra II•• "' lllcn~<d Goroon John•IOn, ~.na•a J "' lloWr! P H,.fltv. Mutlel ™"'"'" •• llOY C~lbo" Sm.th, Doane P. vs Gt••IO A\ee~. Sam T . .,, 5tlirle• Ac~•ftlo. S,,mmie II. •• A~<l••w T. Roth..,y, 1'<1trlci• Ann "' Alan Ross liv•t19, Borbaro Ann YS Jo~n l. MtNan. l!ober1 F. "' M•rv P, ll••n<:n, a .. na. J "' llogrr L C•...,•<11, Jo "-n"e Y. "' Ga•v Glen t<•st•no" Waite• wa.,en vs E1;1a.l>elh L l~e" Sano• C. >'1 Rlcno•d Hon, Jn A11vn• sw~~lt v1 Frink Euoen• HoMn~•. Donna 0 . YI Oav1!1 l . ..,,.,,.,, flO«'"C~ Mlt•t '" lll>'m<ln<I AllO•d. DO<" (atoll~ "' J1m .. l H l oo••·Dt V•na•o••· E vorni1 M1r•t "' A\v~n> Cu•li" o ... olhY Mari• "' De"" L0<tl1 P•rl<•r. Modl••lf D. "' llot>rr1 E. L •ol11>e v, Jovt• Made "' JiY Ott l!u,n, M•rt1a<ol Eli1a~lh YI Sl>tntet W1n•n c , 8"'""''" "' D•n c Slo••n•, J~n T •1 Ma,. E M•no! Anna (lrcnrnt.nr "' ChHlfr Arlhur I •«nu. H~n'" M•ci.. Y• Paohn• fkl•~ C"""'"onam, Je•I Kav v• JafT'tl N•l~•n T.,d•I•. Emma J•an •• J11ci.. L.,th~r ll•nk. Jant F. "'Garv I<. Whf'l"IH. W•tliam D. Y• M.,1. l. aoa1. s~n• ltarhlt ,;n ~• R-c! lla1 ll•lmont, Madt)ol E "' Jo•~1>n s. ll•mir~z . Irma E. '' AtTnyt M Rowrnnor,,, Snlrltv lff Soren><>n "' Cn••• Hu~•'' lt'<Nfll•, Jl;h~•o Mov•lne 111 H1rrv llobe•I Or~•IPI. F r..ierici.. l. Y> J anPI M. Jon.-, Vygnn• •I D•Yid •llon v. ""'· M.cn••I !( Y> ROiia R Sinn~. Wl rn"' F YI >l~'"'""""" C. Wllwn, J°"" H YI Jl/<ll!~ AM ll•own, Lvnne M•rle •• ROiie r! E Jr. llo .. , GllllP•I l . YI llt!t~ l. O•vl1, M••lotle Je•n •• llonJ•fT'!n W l(..nof. O•vlO L_, •• El,,•O.t~ ll•lh H"">m1· !al><l•I vi N01mln Ill. Pu•tell, Sh•r<lll ll•e •I Allrt<I O'(ld f n, Jun M . •• Jol>n J Paoe, Pamela 0 . "' Oaw ld G Hu•-· Elltel J. YS wn1i.m R O•mtn1k, Sus~nn• "' Jllch•f<I Jo••P~ ln9r•m. Louett• vs Cl11•le> fl. Allono, H~nrv•ll• M, YO AnllM>n• •. l•rtl nl, EllLObt111 M. Y> 110'< C., Jr. JUOOMl!NTS Fel~enn•ve•, N1ncv Eiieen vs Nell Lan• lann.,lmr nl) Giii, ffunold lH Y' Lind• l olls l•n· nu lmtn!l. McMolW!n, v.,.n• It•• Y$ How••d W IAnnulmtn!! \'o!gl\I, llo~d A "' Jton K fan. nulmH\l l. c:o .... •d!. Pn,11;s "'~' Y• llo(fto•d Woll.om l•nnuim•M! U•bel. Pavl r~rr"I., Dorl• Je•n (on· (~nnulmlffitl W011<11o1MO. E<1w1n f , •• Dcro1nv E (o""'ulmrntf cnopm1n. Pam.,• Ann .,, 11,cnua J<1m•> C•t\f\u•mtnll Mencnac•, Golbt'•t Y> frO<]• L (1n- nulmonO N•u•n••..,. T•"'"'" ft "' o • .,., ·~ Wood. [. l Y• D £ t•nnutmen1) FIN•l OECREES l(uf'Cftl•'-N•R<• llu"' "' Con<&d Gu.i•Ye Voq•n111. 11•11• J1ne "' 11.cnoro Bfttkl•• H l•<~m"''· El~ot llo•bo•I Y> VICIOI Wllll<1m llo""no. M••Y J•~ "' F••nth How1td Miiier, Su'"""' M. Yl M•rvln E. WU>On, R;cno•d F .... P•trlcl~ L. &ll<I"'' {.0<]t9lo J. "I ll~rt Edo•• .•t:•"•''· Jock Oean"' H1l~n lrt~ \'1n Ill"''""'' P•!rlCi• Ann YI llO• lla•mol><I Holl. Jr •• llobf'r1 Wotrtn YI Adrlrnne MAt98t'-I Swif!, lh•lm1 C VI Gu• Wll Hun•, Gwtn Y Y> KYie M. •~•vward, latfY H. •• Sindt• (""l•v, Jo•ce Ann"' JMn Wllt1r!I C.1anlnt1. Mo•• M. "' J~ Watnit~. J1m•1 lllbe•! v1 P1!rlcla Jl:•r All<Tn•on, ttenn"n C. •• Erne•llne M. Ponrter. llar><IOl<MI "'Dona Elaine Vlelcn, A~9•11k• Ooratno v• Jo/1n Gt1•<10t\ • tr°"''' Jr .. F••nc•• YI Mtr.v E. '!1Ck"''· Jr , Doro!h• M, v• Albert J. f or+ev, Kllnerlne Day v• JorntJ >=~ Cl••k. Lind• c "' Ronold L. Vi"'~I. H. lnte< "' 8•1!¥ J. Avlla. Prudfncio II v• Am~lo• H. D•w•on, l(&v Ann "I Don&kl Ca•I Co'l•tn1't. Judlln A. YI Paltldt ltt MD<"leV. P1hlt lA Ann "' Erne•! (;tt)rgf WlnnlnQ, ~hl•I•• MIY •• O•"id Li 11.oy r,,...,.,, E•n•' •• Jo>l' A'""" 8•own, 00fl•kl II ."' Su<on L"" Del W1ll.cf. Di•n• M •> •11>1'•1 H, Boillot. Shft•Ofl I "' Denni> l . Dodd. llOSlllln<I •S 0 11D M t.'fi1v.::· ~~: ~~rl;dl:. J w.11 ..... Al><lrrw M~ent..itr, H•lo~ v> Jom"' M, Messh-. lluth H. Yl Jt~PPh Mooff, JVOY L. "\ (~id~ l. Rodrlguei. Ca.rmtn l , YI ll~m;ro Uf'Ckor, C••ol lvnn "' l"°"'"' Edward F1110, 11.~<I D. "' llt11lne Ila• wo1..,m•n. 11•111• Ja"" •>Earl L • l lvnttoot. Df'Qlti c. v• JOiin R C.utnl,,.,r, C••ot Ann "' llon•kl Lr• Wll!lamoon. Vt•• I .. ("••'" R Buttttwoolh, J~cQuehnr R •1 J""I Fl•mlno. \/lrglni~ E "' Jenn .. lien D1vl•1. P•lf;tl• A, "' H•rrv .,. 6esll•l><I, ~lncllir Frint•• •• ~•e1tn Ma•g•rtt l(lel1», Sal><I•~ D. V1 MM\frl'd r< O•f,;nt>ouoh. C1•olt E. •> Nell F • l(,;n!, P•t A. Y• (;alf N Cama, Genl a.. y' l~"v C. . O'Nttl, Clarr Oh•• ., Ernlo l ••OY Gu~ll•do, Ann• II, v• ll 11<1o•Ph ""''· Avd•fV R, ~· Ro~rl w. Crow•. Wln•lrfd Merle vo Wdll•m Mttks Cl••~. Em•I• vs W•lli•m J Coil••· ln•1' r •• lo"• \I "T•nnY$On, D~9"" I •> Don•ld G ~a~vldong, El••~· Jf•~ •> Ar!"u• l!ov McC~f11•, Lo'""" Ea· .. ~ra ., Fiov Ann Sears Kh>!I, lt1ll'l~n "' lflMIT EG..,l<d W1kl•n. Cu ol•n lhn .. "' J1>u1>n Joi· •••• Enjoy the Luxury of Soft Water with an Automatic Water Softener Sears Save Money on Detergents and Clothing :===-~ Less Work with Soft Water ... Eliminates Bath 'll!b Rings, Keeps Things Cleaner without Effort. Free Estimates on Complete Installation Sears Autnma tic Take:<: 1 he Work Out of ~ftening Water 4 .....,, lnsblll1~ l'll<>M lot •"t( Kt~ t;slimat~! As!{ about Sears Convenient Credit Plans! I Sears I Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St. Ph()nC 5 I0-3~3~ i_;.., Sean Revoh·ing Ornr~c ~cars flas Everyt)1ing \"ot1 Nrr1l In :\otio ns., .J\"eedlc~. Thr1·a1f. Ru rto n,:0, Zipper:-> :1 11tl lots n1orr! , ______________ _ --------------- ___________________ , I I 9Li(NA PAtt; i l MONlE c .. NOGA. P~~~ GllNOAll CQ,\',Pi ON COVIi>.:.\ HOllYWOOO INGlfWOOO l ONG 9fA04 OlY,...,,K & ~TO O•ANG£ PA$AOENA , ______________________ _ • .. Satisfaction G~1011teed Of YOVt" MoMyBock" _jSearsl--- l'OMONA SOUTH COAST Pl.AZA. I SANTA ANA TORRANCE SANTA ff !,J>t!NGS VAl\(Y I SANTA MONICA VERMONT a' Slou1G11 _ ________________ , PKOa1 ..,,._,. ..... ~ .. a.-.. . ---.... ------·----·--·~~-~~-~~--------~-~---..---..--------.---·--·----·--··..--··---.--~~--------.. ---------......-----·-.. -·------ ---------. KEYED TO WORLD HARMONY -Strumming a happy chord to announce White Tag Day Saturday, Oct. 18, are Joan Lamphier (left) and Alison Southern. Marina High School students support- ing tile American Field Service scholarship program. l\t iss South· .. ·--------, . • ... -.. " ' ' .. ern, an exchange student from Au stralia. is residing: \Vith l\Ir. and Mrs. Jan1es c;oodwin in Seal Beach. !\•fore than 190 area mer- chants ~·ill offer discoun'ls to tag holders in support of A1'.,S. , I JODEAN HASTINGS, 642-4321 • '"'" II White Tags Going, Gone c;o1ng, goiug a nd a!n1ost gone is the opportunity to purch<i se \Vh ilc Tags before area n1crchanls recognize 1\merican 1'le!d Service Day in lluntington \'alley. On Saturday, Clrt. 18 . n1ore than 190 merchants in lfuntington Beach, 1''011nta in Valley and Seal Beach \viii offer <i 10 percent di s· count on all but sale or fair-trade iten1s in support of the AFS schol· arship progran1 . Selling \\lhile Tags. at $1 each. are adul t chapter 1ne1nbers and students fron1 l'Ylarina , J-lunt ington llcach, Edj son and l;-o unlain Valley J-l igh schools. In addition to obtaining discounts in area stores, \Vhite Ta~ holders \\•ill be eligi!e to enter a contest for a 1969 car dooa'!ed by Bill ~1axey Toyota, In c., and five cla ssical guitars donated by the 1-iuntington Center fvlcrchanls' Assoc iation. Prizes \Viii be awarded at 2 p.111. Saturday, Ocl. 25, in the lluntington Center l\1 ;i lt and the \vinncr 1nust be present to c1ualify. 1\ll proceeds lroin the lag sales a re used lo provide fund s for the 1\FS prog ram. In each of th e past 'l\1•0 sales. n1ore than $4000 \\'as raised and di stributed equally ;,unong the pa rt ici pating hi gh schools. i'1onp rofit and nnnscctari.'.Ul , th e organ1za t1on annually brin~s n1orc than 3000 studcn1s fro1n 61 countries 1o live and stud y here and sends n1orc than 1400 An1crican !ccns ·to 44 countries overseas. 1\ltcnding f."ount<lin Vcillry and living 1v1 th !\-Ir. and l\•lrs .. nobert l\l oss is PrJsit 'l'ongsavai. 'fhail and. J\'lurina has t'vo ex change stu - dents. i'vli ss Alison Southern of A11 s1r<1\ia, \vho is residing \Vith J\•tr. <lnd I\lrs . .Jumcs (;nod\\•i11, Seal 13cJch, and J\•liss Azenegash l·lail u, Ethi- opia, livin g ~·i lh l\1r. and J\lrs. San1 1::n1cr o! l·luntington l3cach. A'tlcnding llun!ington Beach and li ving \\'ilh th e flollo \Vests 1s J\liss Ingrid \Vcse1nann , from Gcr1nany. ----.-~ Republican Gala League Reads Success • 1n Machine Celebrities Mingle Amidst Partygoers Famous names 'vii i be prominent on the guest list for the 1969 Celebrity Ball ho sted by Orange County Republicans, to take place Friday, Oct. 31, in the Anaheim Convention Center. The ball will open the annual meeting of the Republican party of California. sched- uled for Saturday and Sunday, Nov. I and 2. More than 2.000 Rrpublicans and their guests, including party leaders. are expect- ed to attend the danC'e, and an additional 500 v.1ill attend the \\'Ork sessions the following t""·o days. A gourmet dinner ,1·111 be served at 8:30 p.m. the ni ght of the ball. fo!lo\ving the op- ening reception in the convenllon ccnter'lf Grande Lobby, and danci ng to the music of Les Brown and his famous 13-piece orches- tra will round out the festivities. Providing background music during the r eception will be a four-piece en semble. Coordinating pl ans for the black-tie o~ tional are Robert F. Beaver and Thomas C. Rogers. Ti ckets for the affnir. \t•lli ch \\'ill br. simi- lar to one hosted by Oran~e County Repub- licans in 1967. are available frorn the Orange County Central Conuniltee, 547-8006. THE MACHI NE SPEAKS -A successful year ahead is •·predicted" by the readin~ machine for Trojan League, l.1niversity of Soulhern C<ilifornia su pport group. The 65- 1nember league v.·ilJ 1neet for the first time in the current season Tuesday, Oct. 21, and will hear a talk by USC Pro- fessor Grayce Ransom, expert in the rending field. Li sten- ing to the prediction are i\1rs. Clark So1ners /left). presi- dent, and ~Irs. Robert !lod ges, second vice president. Is 11-pos~iblr In rear! brlwecn the lines of a reading machine ? If so. Hll'mbcr,.; of the Trojan League arc reading a ~uccrssful year ahead for the ]('ague, :i supporl group for the U11ivrrsJ!y of Southern Ca l1furnia. The reading m;i chinc inditalc.~ that the first in a group of three meetings will take place Tuesda y, Oct. 21. \\'ith J~roff:'S.!ior Grayce Hansom. director of USC J{eading Centers. a.!i guest speaker. l\lrs. Donald Mead Tippett of Lido Isle wi:! br .1hc hostess for the ga thcrin~ \1·l11ch \.\'Ill fcaL urc prcscnlation of plan.s fur the ycnr. (:reeling ne\.\' <ind rrturn1ng members \.\'ill be the office rs. tt1c r.-lme.~. Clark Somcr.!i, Corona drt l\·lar. prcs1dl'nt; J{icllard L. Allen, Fullert<Jn. fi rst vice preside nt , rnc1nbcrshi p: Hobert Hodges, Nry,•port Beach, second vice prcsu1ent, ways and means; Hans Vogel. Tustin, third vice pr esi den t. hospi tality : l\1athc1v /\. Cox. Co rona del l\1ar . rrcordin~ :;ecrctary; f{ichard Park er, S an Clc1ncntc, recording secretary : Nnrma11 Alx·ll .Jr., Orange. treasurer, ;ind \Villiarn I':. 1:nrtner, Balboa Island, p<1rllamcn· t:rr i;in Prof. Ransom, noted for her work In the fiel d of machine use in first grade reading and in diagnostic leaching. v.•ilt hring the group up to date on ad vanced reading techniques being researched at the university, /\ gr::i<l11atc of Ka!ama7.oo College. Kalamazoo, f\.1ieh.. Prof. Ransom c;1r11cd her PhD degree at USC. ~he ha~ served as an assis tant professor of educati on at California Slate College at Long Beach and has published remedial books for prlm<iry grades. children '.! poems. book reviews and articles for pro- fessional journals. It's a Close Shave, But This Woman's Sti 11 Laughing DEAR ANN LANDERS : \\'hy do you adv!H. y,·omen with five-o'clock shadow lo ha ve electrolysis~ Why oot tell them the bed. solution is a cheerfu1 disposition and a good razor. J started to sMve at 18 end T've betn at It ever sin«. In lhe meantime I mar- ried a "onderful mllll and y,•e hav1 a beautiful family. My hu'Sband and I shave together every morning. My beard is tougher than his and we joke about it. When we go out in the evening I have to shave again. He doesn't We joke about that, loo. Last summer we drove cross-country with the children. I was wearing slacks and a leather jacket. When v.·e stopped in Tyler, Tex. for lunch, my husband r;ug- gest.ed we both go into the barber sh-Op ANN LANDERS and gel shaved. We did . The b:irbcr near· ly fainted. We joked about lhat. too. So you see, Ann . a sense of humor can get a woman through almost anything, and I am living proof. Sl~n me -TI-IE BEARDED LADY DEA R LADY: -'\'eah. A sense of humor -and • g(IOd razor, Thao ks lor wrtlillg_ DEAR ANN LANDERS: This is for .. Also Ran '' and for all 1he other hiller wives wOO lhink they got a raw de01. "Also" had had it. She was sick and tired of catering lo a selfish husband . I felt the i;amc way and l did son1ethlng about it I gol a divorce. Now, after 18 months of soul searching J know who was really to blame. When I realized my husband was contributing on· ly 25 percent of his effort to our marria~c I decided to give 25 percent, too. That left rlO percent !hat nobody was giving. No marriage can survive that much dead air. r ve had some iood talks y,•ith women since my married, reached di vorce -some arc happily the majority are nol. l'\'e lhe contlusion lhal most husbands only gi ve 25 percent The wi ves v.·ho have the successful marriages arc giving 75 percent. Th is is what being a wife means. I hope all you 25 percent wives out there will see !his and wise ur. -LERNDA LOT DEAR LERN OA: I v.·111 undf'lubtedl y be labeled a tra1tor lo my sex for printing )'O!f letter, but If s a good one and l Hgree with you. Any woma n who thinks marriage Is a 50-50 poposltlon Is kiddln~ hf:r~elf. And t~ hea utiful part of your theory 11 that the y,·l\•e1 who are "·111.ing to gl\•e mQre than 50 percent ~oon di~CQVf'r that o,eir husbands &re willing to up the ante also. DEAR ANN LANDERS: T had !11>·0 telephone c:ills this morn ing fron1 molhers of I I-year-old girls. Both won1cn .!iairt the sa1ne thing -that I am old- fashioncd an1l out of touch with the tirnes. • \Vhy? Because I refuse lo allow n1y 12· )'ear-old son to go lo boy-girl parties. I am sure the chlldren arc not doing :inylh ing wrong al these parties. They 1lance and C'at and are home by mir!night. All lhc s11me I think 11-and 12·ycar-olds arc loo young for this sort of thing. l\iy son is not mad. lle's reli eved. The molhcrs of the girls are mad. It sccm11 they just can't wail for their daughters to grow up and be popular. If you say I'm 11·rong. Ann. I'll reconsider. but I hope you'll be on my side. -f\t US KEGON ~10'TMEft DEAR MUSKEGON: How I wish more mothers w•ere as "old fa shioned" and "out of touch" as you! Tberc'1 notbln!: 1adder lban ll·and 12-ye•f-o1d glr\11 y,·hose mamas doll them up and push them Into the adult world. Don·t budge, Lady. Vou·re on solid ground. IF you have lroublc getting along with your parents ... if you can't gel them Lo let you Jive your own life, send for Ann Lander s' booklet, "Bugged by Parents? llow lo Gel l\>lore Freedom ." Send 50 cents in coin with your requ est and a long, self-add ressed, stamped envelope. /Inn Landers will be glad lo help ynu y,•i!h your problem.~. Srnd them to her in care of the DAILY PILOT. enclosing a scif.addres.!ied, stamped envelope, f~_DA!LY PILOT F r Horoscope " l le ·-l ~ j t: ~ I . .::_ L Gemini: Promotion Possible I I . I TUESDAY OCTOBER 14 Dy SYDNEY OMARR Luoar posiUon f11;vorable for Fishing, Planting. \\'bat appeared lo be 111tr terf111e lurns out to ht huge joke. News centers on an ap- parent !lecrct maneuver - which Is most optn secret one could imagine. ARIES (!\larch 21-April 19): You work best in background . Steer t•lear of a\lraeting too much altention. There are details which have yet to be agreed upon. \Yait until agree- 1nent is signed, s ea I e d , delivered. TAURUS (Apri l 20-May 201: Friends pro ve their \\"Orth. You gain rel axat ion and personal assurance. This can Flamenco Dancers On Stage Flamenco in Concert will be presented for the \Yednesdav Morning Club o[ Costa Mesa when members gather for brunch in the Balboa Bay Club \Yednesday, Oct. 22, al 10:45 a.m. WHO WILL BE KING? -t>.laking guesses as to \1/10 1111! be King Hoss fo r l~ti9-70 . JS: named by {lr.in.\!e ('oun!y l!:trbor \re~l l..,('g,\I Secretaries /\~:-iot:1:i lio11 ;1ri.:: (il'll 111 r·1ghl1 ./~1111e~ Jl LJ;ughran. Bo:-.:-.·0J·tl1c·y car lor l!JUH-ti!J .. \·Jr ~. :\Jbert Eccles .. Jr p!'esident. and rvlrs. Dorothy de Malignon, chai rman of !he e ve11'l. 1·hc top boss 1vill be na1ned \Vednes- d ay Ocl. 15. 111 lhe Costa IV!csa <_;o\f and Country ('Jub. The program, arranged by J\trs. W i 11 a rd Steckbauer, features La Conte de U:Jyo, Teodo r ~l orra and Benit() Palacious, Spanis h Flamenco <lancers i,vho have appeared in Ne w Orleans, Las Vegas and other cities. EASY-CARE "JUST FOR YOU" Attorneys 1n Suspense Over Choice of 'King' 'fhe group appears ln bright costumes and dances to the guitar artistry of Palacios. Globetrotters, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Virginia Jl:)yt . will tra1·cJ to Busch G<.1rdt•ns Fnday, Oct. 17, departing at JO a_m, ;ind ri:turning at 5 p.m .. Smd1I f<'l ~li;ons , care-free fdbrics f e~ l 11r.11 9 BA RCO <t r<d olh r r famous br<tnd n.ime~. Su spcnst· ls building and t11r question soo n 11111 be an s11crctl 11'ho will be King Boss for 196!!- iO'' Ma ny style 1 to thoo1t from. sa 98 Some ii low as • Cathy's Uniforms 1767 Newport Blvd. Cos'o Mesa 646°5388 BAR CO The top bns~ will br 11<in1rtl by ll 1t· i)rci11ge t(1Utlly 1!:1rbor Arc<.1 Li:gnl Sr c rt' t n r 1 t' ~ Ass or 1 a t i on ll'hcn the serrel<Jril'S 3nd !heir bosses n1cet lor dinner \\'rdnesday. ~..,..,..,..,.., ... ----"-'"-""-"-""'--... __,,..._ ·---"_-... ..,~~l~l"rl Li, 1_,,_l_IH_' _1·_,,_::1_,,_,_k_>_,,_1_;_01: Be au t y Salons Coming or going, yo u're COLORFUL L· t. us 11n1ke I he n1oi;l cf yeiur 11ai r; :i Lcdf urr love ly on all sidrg, and i rdnr ]01·cly in e1·r ry light. 1~ST1\ ~~T 11)lor: IJllt" m:igic:il ]·'anci·full Rin:;1c th.1l necdli no pero.xide, 110 aflcr·rinsr. l Ital i:.h ;11npoos out \\•hencvrr you v•i'.'h . th1d t()\•rrs gr:ir, tones hlearhcd hair, with our INSTANT • ROUX r"frr~hr'I dul\ ha ir. Fnnci-full color~ \l'hile 'LUS SH.t.1111•00 .AND SfT IM011. rh'u Tll11r1.I I",..~' t~1 ur• ha ir, lo p;i1·e you a nl"11· look ol b1';,11\y 11·1 thout any.('xtr:t t1m1· ~ 1tew,1rt heitk. Ce lil, !111 lft-'1 •l•G ~·".i ....... I•~•" ,._ ,, .. ,.1t c~u ....... c.111. 111 f , 11111 $1r•tl M•"(l•Or C ... lot ....... , _, ... ,IH Aft•t S '·"'· SJ.JS Fridlfl'. Sorurdoy, S1i11tdoy , .. , , •. , Sl.00 C•thl M••· C.tlf. l MI )l•f'Mr It~•. l(·M•fl ,!U• ,._,.,.. ... u c.,,. ""-· c.i1f. ,._ w. 1tll'I """' ''"t ... tl• • lffl> ,._,ft·IJ'lf .-_,._1 •. c.11t. 11111 ,._ O•••••· CelU • i\1' w ,~ .... ~ , .... ..,. ve11.,, c.ur. 11•,. M••"''" ,. .. ,. •••· c.ut. ,,.,,..,.., l IUMtrC ""'"' (...,,., P.:111119'1 v.11..,, Cetlf, 1n1 ·--11 1...:116 Y•ll<"o' C..,,,., "'""'" ...... , , ... u. f'llt~t Ml•MH v ..... '·'"'"' '"•~· 1n.ut1 YO!•••• C•ftl~• ,._ •• llt•llOI ' .......... J.1'11 , ..... lll·llft ;in(! «r•1111try l 'luh .J;n11L·~ !'. Lough,-.in, l!Jli8·69 Russ·uf-the.ycar 11111 be ln- lrodurr.d b\ ,\·lrs. 111\Jcrt Ecclti\ .Ir. ;1s 1 11<1 ~l('r (if l'l'rl'mon11·~ Lrttr r~ 11·1·it1c n by <:;ctret<ir1i:~. 11on11n:.il111g their bosses. are being judged by 1l1n•1• JUrlgc» 11hnsc 1tl('nl11ies 11111 be di sclosed prior tn th e ;u1nounccmcnt of lhc boss-of- lhe-year, In ch;irgr. or arrangements i~ Mrs. Dorothy de ~lalignon i10d assisting her is J\lrs. ~'!cl Packard. t:ntertainment will consist of a humorous reading by 11tiss Laura Hanrahan and a concert by a quartet of al· lorneys from San Diego. Special guests 11·i ll b e municip;:il and superior court judges. Any lcgt1I s<'crc tary rnay at· tend if she brings her boss, and reservations rnay be n1<1dc by calling J\1rs. Joh n \Vi lcox. 547·8M4 . The fvening will begin ll'i\h a sor1al hour at 6.30 pm. and dinner ·at '1 30. Silver Sands The first <ind 1h1rd Tuesdays ;;it 8 p,m n1cmb crs of Si l~·er Sands 286. !\at1vc Daughters of the Golden \\'c;;L gather for 111 e e l 1 11 g s. La ke Park Clubhou se 1n JI u n t J n g t o n Brach is lhc ineeting place fo r tht' t1 rst sess 1<1n. J\1rs . .Jack 'Vi lson, 548-1 ~79, 11'iil furnish location information on the second meeting date. The arls and crafts section "'Ill n1eet in the home of r .. trs. B. L. Gibbs at 10 a.111. \\'cdnesday. Oct. 15, and tl1 c dra1na section. chaired by r.trs. 1lerritl Ke 1•an, vdll join the arts and crafts section on OrL !5. Auxiliary Packs Bags For Confab Ne1rporl Beach Police \Vives Auxiliary is send ing members to the biannual convention of th e Peace Officers Wives Clubs Aff ilia ted neJtt \\'ed· nesda y. J\l oney \\'as raised from a garage sale last Saturday. The conf<ib 1\·ill focus on backlog legislation which is beneficial to polic e officers, the cu mulation of a scholar- ship fund for a son or daugh- ter of a policeman arid dis· russion of a school program on molestation. Earlier this seaso n the aux· iliary pla nned a niiiht beach party v.'1th hu~bands and a tri p to the Ivar Tl1eaLer in Los Angeles to see "You're a liood ~Ian Charlie Bro\1·n." Mesa League La Lechc League meets the second Tuesday at 7;30 p.m. r.·lrs. IL \V, Moore, 545-4359. wi\1 ansv.,er questions regarding location. You're The Kind Of Woman Who Gets What She Wants ... ond that happens to be SUPERB HAIR STYLING /,.';/ 1f/IJa/£eJ nexlf • Cutting • Tinting • Perrnanenti .tll expertly done by oul\l•ndit'I mele & feme le \I lists MANICURES & PEDICURES malAe~ W~ & Beaut';! Salon 250-D E•st 17th St . Hil!gr en Sqv•r• Coste Me1e Tel. 548.)446 VIVIANE WOODARD COSMETICS 01Mt1 9 ti 5:JO Delly Thurr.-f,I. •t11 I '·"'·· WIG • S.lLES ·SERVICE • STYLING be a fine day-II is up to )'OU , Be willing to share your hope:; and wishes. GEMlNI IJ\lay 21 -June 20 f: Advancement i n d ii: a led . Promotion ts di s t i net possibility. Home eoinforts in1prove. You could pur,·hase luxury item. St rive to please loved one. You 'll be happier. CANCER (June 21.July 22): difference bet we e n suctess and tailu1·e_ f\.-lessage clear by tonight. SCORPIO (0 r t . 23 ·Nov. 21 1: Creat ive pur s uits favored-routine changes. Ob- tain hlnt from Libra n1essa~e. He ready for change, possible travel. Member of opposite sex pays meaningful coin· pl irnent. fron1 fa1nlly n1e1nber. It" TODAY IS YOUR BJH'fHDA Y you a re in- qu isit ive, You want reasons. You would rnake fine reporttr, teacher, photographer. Social life has i111proved, But you v.·il l soon be engaged in task whith llrnits outside actiY ities. Good lunar aspect today coin- t•ides \\'ilh c ha n c e to st r e n g ! he n philosophical vie\\'S. Keep cninmuniration lines clear. Success ls in- di cated in writing , submilllng manuscripts. SAGITTARI US (Nov. 22· To ''"" ""' wr.o·. '"""• '"' vou 1,. -~~· •'Id IO••. ord~< Svonev On'lrr'> Dec. 21 ): Stress pratt.icality. coo~i.1, "S~<rr1 Hlfti. 1or M•" .,,o Eleinent of confusion exists. wom~n " ~eno bl<lnd•I• •no .so c~n,. to Orn•rc A"rOl.,..v Soete!s, ! ~ • You are ten1pted wilh get-rich· O••I• P110•. 110• J?•o. Grano Cen•r•t Ck he e B I . 0 C0U "C S!••,on, Ne'" Yor~. N, Y. 10017, qui sr m . u w1s .s 1-============; LEO (July 23·Aug. 221 :· An iniportant agreernent could be transacted . But fin a n t' i a I loophole d es e r v e s ex- amination . Don't jump at fi rst offer. You <irf' needed. Get what you deserve -nol at b"!ain prices . V RGO ~Aug. 23·Sepl. 22l: Lie low. Do n1ore listening than talking. Steer clear of legal di spulc . You don 't gel away i,vith n1uch Io da y. Adhere to rules. regulations. h1ake concession lo 1n;;tc. partner. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22 ): )'ou get fresh insight 10 job, associates. Be willing lo ch ange your mind . A creati ve approach today cvuld niean is Lo stick with t h c .- personal involvemen ts. fa miliar-applies <i!so t ol CAPRICORN tDcc. 22-Jan. 19 ): Short journey n1ay be on agenda. J\lessage or cal! pro· vides stimulation. Ideas are µlent i[ul, But st ick to course 1vhich helps build better rela· lionship 11·ith family. AQU ARI US (Jan. 20·Feb. !8 1: Accent on money , Taurus message. Enjoy \\'hat you have -grass is nol greener across the w a y. Develop sense of appreciation. Defi nite gain is poss ible. PISC ES ! 1 Feb. 19-March : 20 J: Cycle is high ~ you go' p!ares and dr;iw favorable al·' tention . You gain feeling oC being revllalized. Pleasant ! surprise is due-could co1ne AW ARE Has Coffee With College Students Sou th Coast C h apt er , lliltunun, i n s tr u cl o r in ' AWARE lnLemation<i l, will psychology and counselor at present its annual scholarship occ. Sh~ se rl'es as chairman ! coffee in associa tion wit h the of the conlmittee to select a ' newly formed J\1a!urc \\'oman recipient for the scholarship. Students group of Orange Guest speakers \\'ill include Coasl College in the ho1ne reeipients 0 r scholarships economics building on the from the chapte r last year. campus tomorrow at 11 a.m. Hostesses ivill be Miss Fran· All women ove r 21 V.'ho at· cis Downs from the student lend ace t1nd all Jnalure g1·oup and ,\·lrs. Ray Stewart won1en in terested in con-cind !llrs. H';iy Tyrone fro1n \' tinuing the ir education arc in· AIV ARL. vited to the function. A\VAR EI-===========, ~lands for the Association for r \Von1en ·~ 1\clire Helurri lo Education . Special guest, Dr. Rovcna 1 Jacobson. will tell students and mcn1bcrs abot1t so111e of , her experiences as a founding , 1ni;>n1bcr of A\\IAHE and also 1 her !houghts about receiving her doctoral (legrce 111 edur<i · Lion adrninistr;i tio n fro m' Uni versity of Sou I her nl' Ca lifornia . llccept1ng a scholarship chec k will be ~!rs. 'Vandalyn ' WEIGHT CONTROL '"' GLANDULAR THERAPY BEN B. THOMPSON , MD Call for appoin1ma~t 444-0251 Optn Manday rh•v F•iday 1827 Westcliff Or. Newport Beach CUT AND CURLED. BE FREE ... OF FACIAL HAIR: FOREVER, L ET US SHOW YOU HOW EASY I T IS TO'REMOVE: EXCESS HAIR WITH MODERN ELECTROL YS IS, MEOtCALLY "PPAOV(O, 0 , S"FE 1 FAST0 GENTLE. CONSULT W ITH OUR LI CEN CEO TECHNICl"N IN OUR BEA UTY S ALON • ROBIN SO N'S NEWPORT IN JUST THE RIGHT PLACES FIRST IT WAS A WHI SPER Of SOFT EXCITEMENT ON THE H"lR COUTURE HOR !ZEN• NO\V, IT1S A FULL-FLOUNCED FASHIOlll FUROR: A L OOK THAT1S IMP "NO ANGEL. PIQUANT, ELEG ANT ,. ,MAG ICALLY YOURS ,,, VIA OUR VERY O\VN END CURL CUT 0 5 .00; AI DED BY AN ARTFU LLY PLACED HELEN C CURTIS END CURL PER'-1 , AT 15.QQ. BEAUTY SALON• CONSULT WITH MR. JOHN ANO MR. ROBERT 0 IN OUR NEWPORT BEAUTY SALONe FOR THE LATEST IN H"IR FASHIONS AND THE GREATEST IN HAIR TECHNIQUES . ROBINSON'S • ROBINSON'S NEWFORT • FASH1:JN ISLAND • 644-2800 J ( ( Ch La nu <:h Rr Or· p.c Sh ch .all t·h by ' ho lao IU) '" ba av ho ed 1- 1 : I r I I I I I I ,_ L - Gui ld Te ll s Sale Spot Chapters For Fall Make Plans Activities Women's Scr\'lt e Gui Id, rhurth or Hd1g1ous Sc1cn<'r. Laguna ncri1:h IS h:.m11g Its se- miannual rummage sale 111 the t·hurch, 20062 Laguna Cnnyo11 noad Thursday and l"riday, Oct. 23-24, frum 9 a.m. to 5 pm. Accordrng to Mrs. Christel Sharp of Laguna Beach, ~ales <:h::iirm<1n. funds t;u::;elf will be allocated lo needs of proposed church improvements fur use by the youth . Clothing for all a g es. household articles such as lamps and cooking equipment. luggage, draperies, jewelry and gifts will be sold. Fre~h baked goods also will be available. L u n c h c o n , r c aturing homecooked food, will be serv- ed beginning at t I a.m. l'art1c1pation in a bouLique and council meeling next month and election of a Valen- tine princess will be on the agenda when Xi Xi Pi chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, meet s Wednesday, Ocl. 15. Hosti ng the meeting will be Mrs. Henry Kelly, Santa Ana, who also will present a pro- gram on the End of Life . The Valenline princess will represent the. Fountain Valley group during the West Grove Area Council's annual Valen- tJne Ball. Mrs. Eldon Dvorak is president or the chapter. Della Beta Epsilon chaptt>r is making plans for its major lund-raising project of the year, a spaghetti dinner tak- ing place between 6 and 8 p.m . Friday. Oct. 17, in the Peek 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS $1.00 tar lnch11llll Moy be used on envelopes os return address labels. Also very handy as ide ntifica tion labels fo r marking personal items such os books, records. photos, etc. Labels stick on gla ss ond moy be used for marking home conned food items. All labels are printed with styli sh Vogue type on fine quality white gummed poper and packed in reusable magic seol top container. Mrs. Christine Brown %9 Post Road Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626 ,--- ---------- ---, I Fill i" this coupon, clip •nd me il with $1.00 fo: I Pil ot Print ing, Lebel Div., Boie 18 75, I Newport Buch, Calif, 9 l66l I I I -··-·························-··-··········--·-··-·-··· I I I ·-·---····-·····-·--·--···---··--···-··---------···-··· I I I I ·······-················-·-··········--·-···-····-···--· I I Be sure to u11 your Zip Code I '------1""'1'111111--------' '--------------' FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LA BELS W E WILL INCLUDE FREE SET OF PACKAG E MAILING LABELS. From To Retun. fostoge GuarcmtHd Famtly Colonial T e r r a c e Room. Mrs. Kenneth Sulton, ways and means chairman, is being assisted by Mrs. Stephen Vida. Tickets of $1.50 for adults and 75 cents for children wlll purchase spaghetti with meat sauce. salad, garlic bread, cof- fee, punch and dessert. Additional infonnation may be obtained by calling Mrs. Sulton, 847-2152. Food Dollar Stretched In Series Stretching Your Food Dollar is the title of a four-part lec- ture series starting next Wednesday. Orange Coast Evening College is presenting Mrs. Dorothy Wenck of t h e University of C a I i f o r n i a Agricultural Extension Service in Orange County. The discussions will take place from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the Costa Mesa High School lyceum. Management as You Shop will be the program next Wednesday; Making the Most of Your Meat Dollar, Oct. 22; Fruits and Vegetables: The Vitamin Team, Oct. 29, and Rounding Out the Menu, But Not You, Nov. 5. Britons Invited Members or the Brig 'o Doon Chapter of t h e Daughters of the British Empire will gather in the home of Mrs. James McLeod, Laguna Hills. next Wednesday at 8 p.m. The meeting is open lo all women of British background and new members from the Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel and Mission Viejo areas will be welcomed. Mrs. Robert S t at ha m . regent, will preside. Anyone wishrng further information may call Mrs. Statham, 830· 2129. Dress Art Reviewed The Art of Dress and Jewelry will comprise the prcr gram when Gamma Alpha N11 Chapter. Beta Sigma Phi meets at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 15, in the Fountain Valley home of Mrs. John Bowers. Mrs. Ross Copper and Mrs. Robert Ross are in charge or program arrangements and Mrs. Rex McDonald will assisL with refreshments. Plans for a ritual of jewels next month wiU be discussed. Gr~ndmothers At noon every second Thurs- day the Newport Harbor Grandmothers' Club meets in the Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club. FALL FESTl"\l ~:::~ r VALUES! JOYCE Ladies SHOES Regularly $14 to $20 ..... . $)290 EDWARDS Childrens SHOES Regularly $390 $8 to $13 ....... . GERBERICH Boys & YounCJ Mens SHOES Regularly $ 510 $ 790 $990 $1 4 to $18 . . ... BEAUTY MIST HOSIERY Reg. 69~ $1.00 & $1.1 s GOODRICH CANVAS SHOES $5 !·~·10 $390 $590 M .... w ....... & cr.r1c1,... COMPARABLE REDUCTIONS ON HANDBAGS & MANY OTHER ITEMSI All Sales Final. 225 E. 17th St. Mesa Center COSTA MESA l Scallops Galore r;f)U.ta, j '.._,"-~_,J \ \ \ \ \ l \ I \ \-1 \61839 \ '.\ Lachasse ~ I \ "'LI ) ' ,f c Lachasse of London cleverly uses scallops alon g the hem and bodice to create a darling party dress. The squarish neck is roll!1d ed at t~e co~ners. the bodice detail adds a n emptre look. Zipper 1s set in center back seam. The general shaping is A - very slimming. . Ideal in brocade, peau de soie, velvet, satin - for wanner climates try pique, raw silk and cot- tpn. 61839 is cut in Misses sizes 8-16. Size 12 requires approxiJ1nalely 1 3/4 yards fabric. To . order 61839: state size. include name, address and zip code. Send orders for books and pat.terns lo SPADEA. Box N. Dept. CX-15 Milford, N.J . 08848. 25th Anniversary Newport Couple Feted One hundred f r l e n d s gathered in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald I. Huddleston of Newport Beach to help them celebrate their 25th wed- ding anniversary. Dinner and dancing to the music of the Hal Foreman Orche.slra were included in the evening's festivities, w i t h music from the 20s and 30s featured. Aroong the guests were the couple's daughters, Miss Peg- gy Huddleston and Miss Pally Huddleston; Mrs. L. M . Schwartz, Mrs. Huddleslon's sister of Paola, Kan., and her husband; and L. W. Hud- dleston, of Prairie Village, Kan., Huddleston 's brother. Also attending were Wayne Weber of Anaheim, Mrs. Hud- dleston·s brother, and Dr. and Mrs. Marlrn Jenkins and Dr. and 1;irs. Marvin Jenkins, cousins of Huddleston, of Los Angeles. Sch wartz was master of cereroonies, relating amusing incidents of the eouple 's mar· riage in Osawatomie, Kan .. on Sept. 17, 1944. Huddleston is treasurer of the Harbor Area Boys Club, pasi president of Kiwanis Club, cider of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church and a member of the Seafaring Masonic Lodge. Mrs. Huddleston ls treasurer of Freedoms Foundation of Valley Forge and a member of Children's Harne Society and St. Andrew's. Ind ian Lore Programmed Author Booked Conservationist and author Wesley Marx will speak \\hen the Newport -Costa Mesa Branch of Amencan Associa- tion of University W o m e n meets next Wednesday at 7: 30 p.m. Marx. au thor of ''The Frail Ocean," which received the James o_ Phelan award as lhc Monday, October lJ, 1%9 DAILY PILOT J 7 Archaeo logy Discussed Mrs. Fre<J Garcelon will share h e r archaeological pursuits with Three Arch Ray Women's Association mem· hers and their husbands dur. 1ng a meeting in Three Arch Bay Community Clubhouse next Thursday night at 8. During Mrs. Garcelon's ex- cavations in Panama she un· covered graves of chiefs of preColumbian civilization and found artifacls of gold , pot- tery, jade and pearls_ She and her husband, a retired Manne Corps captain. have llvetl in Three Arch Bay since 1945. CM Au xi liary The first Thursday of the month members or t h e American Legion Auxiliary, Costa Mesa Unit 455 gather in the American Legion Hall, at 8 p.m. outstanding , 1onfi ct ion book int;:;;.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::;:=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:; C<1liforn1a in 19611. will speak on This Beleaguered Earth - Can Man Survi\'C '! The author of numerous articles on publil' affairs, con· servation and ecology, Marx currently is l'Ot1tlucting <1 course on the Feature Artkle 1 al California State College at I F1tll!!rton . ll1s articles have appeared in the Atlantic and 1 American Heritage. Marx also supports the 1 Tucker Wi ldlife Society which operates the Tucker Bird ' Sa11ctuary in Modj eska Can- i on. The meeting will lake place in the Newport R i vi e r a Lounge, Costa Mc));l, t111d guests are welcome. Objectives ~;.~g~A~~~9.guna l Ileach home will be Lhe setting for a board of management meeting of Cavalier Chapter, Colonial Dames XV II Century tomorrow at 10 a.m. Mrs. Beatrice Crist will 1 preside over a discussion of, national and stale objectives and the chapter's plans for participation in area civic pro- JCrts. Members unable to attend 1 arr urged to notify Mrs. Ax· tell. 494-5205 or Mrs. Lowry Gallinger, 494-7350. Coffee Hosted By President Mrs. W i 11 i a m O'Connell, prrsictenl of Capistrano Bay l.uild, Symphony Association of Ornnge Counl.y. will open hrr Mi:;sion V1CJO bome for al membership 1: of f cc Wed- nesday, Oct. 15, at !0:30 a.m. All wnmen interested in sup- porting the symphony associa lion are invited to attend. Ht•servalions may be obtained by calling Mrs. O'Connell , 830- 4024. M eetings End Topic for th e fourth ·and final meeting in a seri'esl !>ponsored by the Costa Mesa Chapter of La Leche League1 will be Nutnlion and Weaning! of the Baby. Mr s. Paul Bernhart will , open her Newport Beach home' Tuesday, Oct. 14, for the 7: 45 p.m. meeting. Those wishing fQ attend may obtain f u r th e r information from Mrs. Bernhart, 644-0410. FAIR 1 Fa\I, feir, feclual. Tho1• I three wordi 1um up factors in J operation o" the DAIL'( Pl LOT THE BEAUTY SALON 'S DUART NOVEMBER SALE We're starting early to get you ready for the hol idays. Avoid the rush and take advantage of our great Duart permanent specials. ChQose your style ••• soft and casual, bounc y and curly or smoothly sophisticated. We do them all. SALON SPECIAi r 17.50 perm, 8.75 20.00 perm, 10.00 25.00 perm, 12.50 STUDIO SPCCl/\l 30.00 perm, 15.00 35 .00 perm, 17.50 All complete wi th the latest in st )•ling and cuts! While you're in, visit our fun botique! ' Phone: Anaheim, 535-912 1, Hunlin9to" Buch, 89'2 ·) J) l, Newport, 64'4-1 211 Th• Beouty Se Ion, 60 I, Tract Life Examined Indian lore, expressions of •ditoriol peg• •Yery dav_. __ .j philosophy and topics o f -:;:::;===~;::~~~;;;;:;;:;;;;;;=:;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;:~;;;;;;;;;;~:;:;;;;;;=;;;~~~~ historical interest will be The Affluent Wasteland. a look at the average tract com- munity. wUI be presented by Miss-Claudia Moholy -Nagy when lhP. Huntington Beach Branch, American Association of University Women, meets at 8 p.m. Wedn esday. Oct. 15. The meeting will take place in the Mercury S a v i n g s building, Huntington Beach. Voters Ca I led presented when the Hun- tington Beach Woman's Club meets at noon tomorrow in the clubhouse. Stephen Jones Jr., a Sioux, will appear in native costume for the program, according to Mrs. Earl Dettra, president. Emblem Club Gathering for b u s i n e s s sessions and programs are The Electoral College and members of Newport Harbor the State's Role in Housing Emblem Club every second will be discussed when Laguna Tuesday at 8 p.m. In the Elks Beach members, League of_Lod_g_e_, _N_ewpo __ rt_Be_a_ch_. __ Women Voters of Orange ..---....-.....,,,,.-..,.."°,..._,.__._.... Coast meet in the Catalina Street home of Mrs. Richard Stryker al 9: 15 a.m. tomor- row. Another meeting. to discuss Foreign Aid and Trade, will be hosted by Mrs. J. R. Campbell of South Laguna at 9: 15 a.m. Tuesday. Oct. 28. All women who a r e registered voters are invited to attend. Further information about the group may be ob- tained by calling Mrs. SLryker, 497-1122. · Is· the;e ·a·• .. · · weight control J - program that 11,.,., really works? ·: 1 WEIGHT@. WATCHERS~ ~ Somt ta lking, some llsl~nlng and • program that wor.ks. IM 'IEE llOCHUIU-CAll 135-5505 ~tork Visits You For Your Complete Meter"itv Wardrobt t f reuonebl• price• .•• CATHY'S MATERNITY SHOP AUTOGRAPH AND WINE TASTING PARTY W ITH BOB BALZER ... next Saturday, Oct. 18 at Bullock's Santa Ana• Second Floor • Book Sho p ... Mr. Balzer, well kn own wine and food merchant, restaura- teur, foreign corresrJOndent, photographer, columnist and profes- sional bon vivant ... will discuss his new book "Adventures in Wine'' and will serve holiday punch rrerared from one of his recipes in his new book ... plan to spend the aflernonn with us (12:30 until 4:00). Mr. Balzer's other books are "Beyond Conflict'' an d ''Pleasures of Wine." --------------------------------------- J8 DAILY PILOT Monday, Oct<tbtr lJ, 1969 :~~~:.:::;:,t>.~~F';;:::;,;.;;~,.~,;,n;:; .. ;;G;;tQ;;XW;;;,.:_:;;:._;;;:~=~""-';;;:'.;;;, ~--; Overture L\ge 5 M11 sical Feast Paper Rip s Si11atra Beacli, Yuungs ter's Movie un TV <Ill rlcchcated lo the 11se of the Due £01· Count)1 By TOM BARLEY Of tM 0 1il'y l'llDI Sll ll \\'hen maestro I-Jans \Vallat raises his batoo 'Tuesday night a t UCl's Campus l1 al1 he 'Nill be ush- ering 111 the 16tl1 season ol the Orange County Phil- harmonic Society. J>rog rams and performances are, of course. {\~·o different things but the Society's 1969-70 sea- son should -on paper, at teasl -provide Oran~e County's music love rs "'ilh a feast of good music from an admirably \Vide-ranging repertoi re and a muster of conductors and artists 'that reflects im- mense credit on this ambitious organization. \Vallat and his NOR Symphony Orchestra of Hamburg will be the d istinguished forerunners to a seven-<:oncert season that will bring to t he Or- ang~ Coast ne\v faces and old friends both on the podium and at the concert piano. This writer was particularly delighted to sec that Rafael Fn1hbeck De Burgos will be an10ng their number. This is the German-born conductor from Spain who made such a tremendous impres- sion in Campus Hall last season and who went on 'Lo delight concert audiences throughout the nation. BEST IN COUNTY His refreshing direction of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra in a rousing rendition nf l\1anuel de Falla's "Three Cornered Hat" suite is still fresh in our memory. He was, for our money. the best conductor brought to our county in the 1968-69 season and his reappearance here \\ill be eagerly awaited by many of those who watch ed hin1 a t Campus Hall early this year. This is not to relegate second class status con- ductors of the caliber of Daniel Barenboim, (;er- many's great Hans Schmidt-lsserstedt or -\vho else?-the deeply revered Zubin l\'fehta. 'f he last named, the orchestra's music director, \viii be on the podium for t hree of the seven concerts-Jan. 3, l\1arch 7 and the final concert. April 12. We \\•ere told last year by a regular .rc:ider of our r eviews that we gave .;Zoobie" a ra1v deal and 've could only assume that this was because \\'C did not resort to giggling frenzy and run burbling t o our typrwriter immediately after his last curtain call. J\.1ehta is a great co11d11 ctor and 1vc C.811 sec nothing in past revie,vs to indic<'.ltc that \\'C ha1 c ex· pressed any contrary opinion. lie has. ;is have ~n many conductors, certai11 fa ults and failings lh;1t have , admittedly, put him in our hne of fire on se\·- eral occasions. PERSONAL VIEW This is a personal opinion based on n1any pa!>t performances. It does not diminish by one 1\•hit ou r desire to again see this fine musician at the head o[ his orchestra on 1hose three concert.:-in the con1in,r:: season. \Ve are not, d ear lady, anti-J\.1ehta; we are, to be sure, pro-perfection. Our concert keyboard \Viii be in distinguished hands for l\1·0 of those seven concerts with the ap· pea.ranee in the Orange Coast College auditorium Jan. 3 of pianist Byron Janis-a date 10 be care· fully noted in the conccrtgoer 's diary. Jt \viii be back to C'a1npus I/all for the next con· c ert, F eb. 7. and a \isit by one of the \\Orld 's fore- most keyboard artists-Andre \\'a lts, the 22·ycar· old vtrtuoso \\'hose every appearance \VOUld seem t.o produce rave revicv.1s. And, on lhc streng-U1 of \Vhat 1vc have seen and !1card. 111 ~11fiahl.v ~r). We h ave an intrigui n;:: prog ra1n ;i11.111in~ 11s 't)Iesday ni ght and one thnl. 11·ilJ, \l'C' arc surC', con· ~1derably whet our appetites for the 1rnprc.~s11·r SCA· son to come. A Gluck overture, 8Cf'lho\'C'll's 1;·ir:.,!. Egk's r~rcnch Suite ;:ifler J~<1n1eri11-it 1rill be 1n!rr· e s1ing to hear ho\v n1a estro \Va!lat inlC'rprrt:; th 1~ and Robert Schumann's Uelovcd j\'o. 4 in V 1ninor SEASON SLATE . Jfcre is \l'hat II'(' hal'C' to Joo!\ fon.1·nrcJ !O in \l'hal ,.;hou!d be ':I i:;lilteri!1g Hilb sca ~on for the Orange County P!~1lharn1on 1c So ci ety. \\ r l\'oul rl sug,gcst that you clip out th!' schcdulr and file 1n your purse or ~ket hook for future referencl'-.}'O U're sure to need 1t. -Oct. 14, Campus llall, UCL 1\0R S\'mphon1· Orchestra of llamburg. conduclor 1fa11s \\'Ji· lat. -i\ov .. 22, Campus !!all , J..(l.~ Angele." P hilhar· manic Orchestra, Ra fa e J Fnlhbeck de Burges. ~ursl conduc1nr. -Dec. 13~ OCC aud1tor1u1n. l,-0s Angeles P hil· harmonic Orchestra, llanic\ Barenboim. ,t?urst conduC'tor -.l a~. :l. 1£170. Of'(' aud1tn1·11 1n1 , f ,0 ;: <\n gclrs Phtlharmo111c On·hcstr<l . Zulun l\lel1ta con- d,uclor, Brrr111 .J<1ni s. pJ1n1 .,t. ' -J·cb .. 7, Ca n1pus lla!J. Los An~l:C'le.io: P hilhar· 1110111c Orchc:l'tra, 1·/ans Schn1idt·l ... serst.ed t i::uesl cond!1clor. Andre \Vat1s. pianist. ' -j\farrh 7, ( an1 pus I/all. Los Angeles P hilhar· n101~1c O rche.~lrJ. Zubin J\Jehla conrluctnr -:\pr1! 12. OCC' aud itorium. TJos 'Angele.~ Phil- harmonic Orchestra, Zubin l\.Jchta, conduclor. 'A esop' Pu11pet Sliow S et at Golcle1i W est A s!udenl -11•rittcn and pro- duced puppet lc1ntasy for children "·ill be :;;laged Ocl. 2S on the Golden \Vrsl College. campus. "Misadventures of Arsnp," "'ill be schedu!C'd [(1!' 2 p rn in the Actor's Playbox nff lhc Gothard Street en l ra n c c . Admission is free. Tile show was written by drama studenl.s Don lf3yps and Diane B1ty with lhc ~corc by Harold Keeney. Renala F lorin will direct the 4j. minute pJ.y. litlc rote. \\1ill be prC'sC'nlcd hy the drama <lcp~rlmcnt in December. Blues Band Concert Set John l\fayall, 1.1 35-year old blues performer and an lrn· rortanl figure in modern British ffillSic . ...,·I ll brtng h i s fnur·miln band 1() Cal State Fullerton Saturday at 8 p.m. fnr a rock concert in the CSF ~mnasium. 'Marriage' Cast Liste d For Rancho 'fhe Ra nc ho Community Players have announced the cast for their first production of the season, Leslie Stevens' <:omedy ''The fl lurriai;C Go Houn d.'' Jack J\ielson. ll'ho appea rer! in •·Nighl of January 16th" anrl "A Thousa nd Clowns" last seuson. will play the IC'ading rolC' o[ Professor Pa u I [)elvil!e. l!is equully pro· f1 ·:isi11na! ll'i fe will be r<irtr ayed by Gloria Neton, 11ho took majo r roles in Hancho·s ''The Cruc:iblc'' and "Once Upon a flluttrrss ." Diane Lysia k will appear as the benutifu! Ka lrin Svcg. a rlelectible Swedish morsel who threatens the professor's hap- py homC'. Complelinl:! the cast is Ross Stanfield as the family friC'nd who tries to keep sanity in the family. Directing the comedy will be F:de Sabo, a ne11·comcr to the fllission Viejo group from Grand Rapids. !11ic h., \1·here he staged productions or ··oc<1th of ;, Salf"sman" and ''ThC' t.lu~ie r.!an " l!C' also has hrl·n :i writer and director for telt-vi s1on. 0'Thc ~la rriagC' Go Round" 11•111 open Nov. 6 for .::,c1·en pcrfnnnnnccs, r u n n i n g l·~ndays .nn d S:ilurdays allcr !he opening \l'C'ekend until 1\ov. 22 ;1t the ~·1ission Vieio l!ii:h School little 1hcatrr. Tu·ket. infnrm:ition may be ob· 1a1ned by cal!1ng 837·li53. NY Producti on LAS VEGAS (liPJ ) -The Las Vegas Rc\·iC\l.'-Journal has described Fr<111k Sinatra as a "h,1lding middlr -aged croon· er" and attacked the s!ngc r ~_. C'ditorially for reportedly rorc. t_,r-------· ing a "St.rip'' hotel lo withhold ~=-· -=t ad\'Crtising fr om the paper. __ The editoria l said 1haL • _.. ~~ · Sinatra tv•ice for ced the Sands lfotel not to advertise his ai:t YOUNG ACTOR: in the paper before Howard ___ E_,_;_,_w....:.;d~o~m....:.•~n....:. __ Hughes took it over and !hat tlus year he forced Caesar's Palace to withho ld ils ad· \'ertising. Spcl'ial Da nces HOLLY\\'OOD t L:P I) -A )!roup Qf ~ou ni; lr1~h rner1 ;1n\! \1n1nC'n 11ere taughl ~pct11~! d:1ncc rcrls for ;i scene. 111 11 h1l'h they play Scotti~h na· "To poin t out ho\v childish Sinatra actually is,'' l h c editorial said, ''lo order h1.~ ads out of the state's largcsL ne\\'Spapcr, c<1n only be com· pared lo the way he idolizes t1~·cs i11 J\1Gl\I"!) ··coLultt)' 11ndcrworld figures. lie gave __!)ancc'' on 1oc:r1linn i~~bli~ up a gambling licPnse rathcr l~~~~~ijj~ii~~~~ than break off a frirndship ll \l'ilh Chicago gangland fllafia l boss Sam Gianeana.'' The paper also said that lhc persons 11,ho \VOrk in hotels \1•here Sinatra performs are. I.ii;;;;;;;;;;;; always tense , "T h e y never ! '"""";;;.;..:;.:"".:!~.::;:::,::::,:::::;· kno1v "'hat his tempcramen1 \l'ill be like on any given dav " ' Sinatr<i, \1·ho ended a ·22.' flay engagement at Caesar":. Palace Thursday night, could not be reached for cornmC'nt. •r:;e.i•.1 ~ ... MITCHUM KENNl:'.DY.1 TBEHDDIDTI llDTBEllDIDTS "Sinatra. a fonner bobby sox idol \Vho never did mature 1vilh the same pace or his rans in the 40s. ror the third time in four years forced a hotel not I In adve rtise his act in the J{evicw-Journal because or ,011,mo• ,,,,.,, b 1 h' b D rA"IAV1S10,..,.11c"N1cot01• .. n 1 ,, en a Otl 11n y esO ,,o.,WAINtt•~os St~tNolllSWo l'ditor Don Digilio," the 400·1 AL s o 1vord editorial contin ued. ,..----==- "Slnatrn·s cffccl on 111is 61 newspaper can onl v he corn-1 GREAT :num· p<1rcd !o ;i child fighting \he ' Ml\BEJa Chica go fire with <1 .... ater P'""'.'' ;, "id. I filIBO M03IT1 111c paper also :;aid ~i nat r:i i~ no biggC'r a d r .'l 1v in 1.:;s \'er.as t11an Tom Jones, Denn l\lartin or Andv \\'illiarns nnd ;iddcd that ·Elvis Pre~le~ ··f"as1!y ou1drr•.v the ~1ngrr "' EIM NOl'.lK ~ : HCINl&OHlll PlNI Ewt. Show S1artl 1 ,.M. Ca"ti""o'" Show So1 .. •day f rom 5 ,.M.-5w11doy From 2 TlOLL't'\VOOD (LiPl)-"ThC' \ihen he played lhe lnlcrna 1.andlard," starring U ea u ~1~;o~n~a;1 ~l~lo~le~I~.'~' =====~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rrult;es and Lee Grant, \\'as 1;:. S'hOl 111 its entirety in l'iew 'nrk for the r.tirisch Corn. 1 1 pany. TWO GREAT WINNERS NOW SEE BOTH IN ENGLISH 'Luis 'BunU<ll l M•""pieco d 'Erolica! ----BEiLE J dE OUR ~,Paw;f ~· 2905 Ecitl Co11ut Hl"lhwoy Corona def MaT-ph. 67l·62lt0 '--'"-"'-"'"-'~ • l.llRISl'i PiCIURIS ""'So!"''"°" P~~~YIS'O~ nc~~ICOlO~ ........... l•<o 11 .. 1r~A'1,.11 IT'S NEW ••. EXCL US IVE AR EA SHOW IN G THE MIRISCH PRODUCTION CoM PANY COMMIT YOURSELF! Plf>!"I• DICK VANDYKE ANGIE DICKINSON \ WHICH SID( '. Ofl,.t !•Cr .~(VQU ON' ' :soME KINDOFA (llUT' EXClUSIVE R!nRV!O SEAi !NGAGEMENI! Ul~ PREMIERE TUESDAY OCTOBER 14th ONLY TWO MEN HAVE WA LKED ON THE MOON. FOR THE REST OF Uf/, '"200 1 .. IS AS CLOSE AS WE"RE l/K<L Y TO GET. ' ""' ·,i'.o , •• • .. Gltf ...,u•" t STAJrll(Y KU8111tK PllOOUC110Jrl 2001: a space OC:.lyssey CINERAMA '""'*-·-· .,.,._k£1R DQLL(A ·GARY lOC~WOOD M~ Appea ring "'ilh Mayall will t>f' Sout/l...,'1nd, a relatively new roe\.: hllnd 0:1t of Los Angele!. Complete ·with an organist, l(•!r»PV• •• STl"lllY ~U BlllCM ·~o lllTHU!I c CLJ•K E tv.n guitarL'ts and a drummer, __.. . ...,. SUP[• PANlVISION .. nltl [TROCOlOA! ... ' <-·1h h c... "---• fl'1 19ox ofll.:. • lctr.~tt • oo r-;C'1gbbors or the David FourU1 !Leich. Under thc stern \Videmans of 16552 Thaincs superv1~ion or actor 1 lans Lane. Jluntinbton Beach, \r11! Conried hC' will be seen t!Jrow · sec a familia r race on tl1e ing a hand grenade'. trle\'ision screen Tue s cl ~1 y A l~n ~t::irrinJ: in the comedy night .. nri.: Kt•n Barry, Eva (;nbur Tt1e fa cf' helong~ to 5·yc<ir· <Hld Jim B<ickus. old Eric \Videman \'.'ho 1\•ill op· The Su11v1e1v first-grader pt>ar in Movie or the \Ve('l\0<; bt<i;on his acung career 11•1th "\V <1kc t.h· \\lhrn The \V,'l r is the St·recn Ctuldren 's Guild 01•cr" at 8 30 p.rn 011 Ch:.innc!I ___ ---- 7. . I~""""°"" <Om ~"j)_!.,.~ n. He \\iJl port ray lleinric:h, a ~ ,:ili;I ~'oun;; pupil in a school ~·--j~ Ton1~~I •! I BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! WlNNER6 ACADEMY AWARDS! IACK AGAIN-BY DEMAND! 'ACADEMY AWARD WINNER •1•T 0 1111.CTCMl-Mlltl! NICHOi.Si JOSEPH E. LEVINE .. , ..... ,~ M IKE NICHOLS LAWRENCE TURMAN .._,~~ THE GRADUATE J,~ 4/CO !VH~SS'! fll~ COLOR •• "' ,,w .... ·~·"""' ..... ~ [i1J COlOA .~i.t. •e ~n•1tdA•r.11'i ,, ALL SEATS -$1.50 The PllIDWOPllln ofGHl\ILLOT The motion picture designed to save the world from ~onily. m The [Yll\DWOMM\ ofGHHILLOT EX_CL\,l.SI V E EN G A G E M ENT IGl 5u1:19nted 101 General Audlenctl W~'"•' Sro•. 1'1111•"!1 •"!Iv lond • .,.f:•v•• l'or~r • p,,,d uc••c ~ k1l~or •ne H.ob~tn "'"!Hf 1.1 11tiVl('l l.lt>!~ 0~ CHAILLOT ' Chodt < Bov~ .. Clourlr O~· r~" [.I,," f·voo•·John Govin P8vl Hent<!_d Q,,., l lcmol~o.M ~·r,#t1·l l ' .,1 • .,~.(;,.,lj,Ho M 0 ,~n o r~one +in r.~~ -'" ~·•rl n r.~~1d Cho"'b•·'•" Yl)L B ~Y ~JNf,R "I the Choo1mon DO~IAl('l PlfA ~[!-JC[ 01 the Pro1oe,lor ~od 0,.~I"<'( to:A 't'( "' tl·e Rnqp;tl.•, Bo•ed on o olov ""';11 .,, bv Jc•" G ,i-udc"• ~nd od ool•d i"!o En(ll\1h bv M1 urite Vol•"<V Sc·~~n~lov by ~,j .,~,,j A~h ~l l l1c<>•1;,. Po c:d"t~r Henry T. We in1 •~i n Produted by f:ly l•nd~~·Du et +rd by B•v1n l·orbt• Exc lu$i Ve Ornnge County Enga;iern('nl STARTS WEDNESDAY F COST•..,.._. "ATl()H~l SOUTH COAST G!M!~Al ox PLAZ A T HEATRE CO~FGRIJION San Oie&o freeway it Bt1$tOI • 546-27 11 BOX OF FI CE OPENS AT 1.JO P.M. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 ONLY ~..,_---·-..--.. -· _ _. , For the fir st time on the ~1 ;i11 t scrrc11 111 hl ~zin;; 'fECI J:\'ICOLOR!' ~t\URICE BTAJ~S /, ~~ ' JUDITH AND ERSON .... .., .. ,....,_ .... GEORGE SCHAEFER· PHIL C SAMUEL ·-~··- "Aesop'' Is the produd of ~UaboraUon bet"''ee:n t h e Murnmeri. a Golden West drema dub, and I h e Scheherazade Players. a group of hlsh school and college i;ludent!I who hsve fonnf!d a touring chlldren 's theater lfOU p. An 3daptatlon o! Lewis Cl.Ir· roJl '1 •·Alice In \Yondcrland," with Mindy Middough In the -wmn "=" comp"ed ·-·w•-"""""'""•oo ~'""'"rJll'O'~ l ro:'.1~0'-" to Uet>danee Clearwater Al so in Color •r noo,,, ~ r1co;:E:1 s J PER FO ~"ANCES R . I r . f or "'0Ull c•n1••1 •II "m t\'J\"a Or pa ying honest JAMES MASON n1..:o .. n1 2 mut"!' tributt L.> rock·s basic roo1s.I J AM ES COBURN '~~:f2· ~: ,, ,1 =:!~1~.•,\:,,· ••. : 2 00 country m'"" a"d hhors.' "DUFFY" ==-= :::-::::= .... : -5:00 -8:30 P.M. "'hile matntaining a t'l1yle uf lls own. l· _______ .......Jll----------------Box Office Opens at l :30 <--_____ :.__ ____ ~ 1\genC'y at tlw :igt· of tll'O. II!! h.i ~ oµµe.1 1t:J 111 .. f'J n1ily A[· f;1u·" as 11cll :is cnrnmercials l0r Sw1[l's l'rcin1urn Bacon. Nabisco C rackers <1nd flletropoltt:tn Lile Insurance. T HE WILD BUNCH R.IJlll 111ITT1 HOlOlN BOHGNINf p l u s Glenn Cum!Jcl! • Jl im Darby . 'l!\UE GF{IT JOHN WAYNE / · TECHNICOLOR {!}Db C~ 3rd Excl usive Week PLUS , •• LOVE IS THE PR.l~E CF [V£R'f WOMAN , ..• ,., • ., ,,.,.,,~w••• ~~~··~· .. ~u• G•••l' ~'o" '••• o.iGo 1•1' END S TUESDAY ~TL\'[ i'JLCUf.CN 'z:-ULLITT' ma • • "'~C " n~~o '" ~·~•:'ll • • .,~, C<>•s• .. w~ • ,. • .,, """0 ....... . 84/·9aOO • IHJ NTINOTO"' •E: ... <.:H NOW THRU TUESDAY "A PI CTURE ,YOU MUST SEE THIS YEAR IS ~·J JI .... r .. ' WWJ,M Mr.IXIMll IE<> • ~ ' CllR~lill[ lroiiN tllll 2nd Popul•r Feature ~ ! I l I ' I 1 • 7 7 I I I -·--------______ .......,.._..,._,.._..~ ............. _...____.....TT~·...-.-.-------·........_,.....,_.._...,._.,.._,~...,...--Tr--~..---·---_.-------.. .,--.--------•-•_...----.---•----------·-• ·~· -- -.. • - --·---- TUMBLEWEEDS LESSEE ... LEMME SORTA REVIEW THIS SITUATIONU GET lDST IN THE DESERT AN' RU N OUTA FOOD 'N'WATER -LOOKS LIKE l'M GONNA CASH·IN,SO ~TURN MY HORSE LOOSE -TIHS U'L GIRL COMES ALONG, WHO UVES IN THE DESERT .•. t TV ·DAILY Loa· !"""'~'><"·'· . .,,,,, . L.~· ··~··~·") .. $,(' -~-·._ ~---~·~"·J.-.jl\; •. MONDAY OCTOBER 13 r v r N 1 'J 1. 6:00 IJ Bf& Nm (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy, 0 €D Huntley·Btlnklry (C) (30l 0 Stave Allen Show (C) (90) Guests are Louis Nye, Joe South, Bob E.lnstein and Wiiiiam Woll. 0 "QUO VADIS"-Part I * ROBERT TAYLOR & DEBORAH KERR-Color! O Si1 O'Clock Movie: (C) "Quo Yldls" Part t (drama) '53-Roberl Taylor, Deborah Kerr. 0 DI~ Vin Dyb (30) m Perton Place (30) a:30 0 3 (IJ Hwe'a hey (C) (30) Lucy ·involves the whole family In shoo11n1 the np1ds on the Colorado River. 0 Bruins 1n Action (C) (30) Tom· my Prothro analyzes the aame be· tween the UCLA Bruins and the Cougm of Washinilon State. ID Thi Bi& V1lley (C) (60) 9:00 f) a (]) Mayblny RfD (C) (30) Goober falls for 1 petite charmer, Violet, but she humiliates him by turning out to be 1 judo expert. Luana Anders guests as Violet. 0 THE BOB HOPE SPECIAL * stars Jimmy Durante- Barbara McNair-Donald O'Connor-Tom Jones 0 @@ €D I shc1Ab I Bob Ho!>• Show (C) (60) Jimmy Durante, Don· PEANUTS PERKINS JUDGE PARKER By Tom K. Ryan TMANKS A LOT, RYAN! '1 !· i' SHE Rf PORTEO Mi TO THE HEAP 8EA6Lf ! r'M OOOMEP ! !l SALLY BANANAS By Harold Le Doux ID St.Ir Trek (C) (60) 117)@ Mike Douglas (C) (90) ID What's New? (30) aid O'Connor. Barbara McNafr ind ta"'9=-.-.--~~llD:mlllll'lrPW .-----,_~,..._.._ Tom Jones will join Bob Hope in a ulute to the days of vaudeville. 0 Hut Cella the Sll1' (C) (60) George Jessel welcomes comic Red Buttons, who is roasted by Curtiss & Tracy, Norm Crosby, Alan Drake, Scoey Mitchlll and Bob Crane. Sin&· ers 0. C. Smith and Shani Walli! MISS Sf'EMCER WtU 8E our , .. ~ FEW Mt~UES, ~PltV'ER! I'll WAI T' F04i! n ®J ({) CBS Nws (C) (30) @1i) fttmpo de Ptnlon (JO) (!) N~ (C) (60) Jae~ Hickey, 6:30 0 llHBC Newserv1ce (C) (60) O The G1ma llMe (C) (30) Jlml J.1cKrell hosts. Guelts this w~ek !re Kaye Stevens. Alejandro Rey. and Chelsea Brown. m To Tt41 the Truth (t) (JO) U) NASA fe.ature (30) fl!) Twin Circle HMdlint (C) (30) 1 a~ ( 8) Thi M unsten-( 30) eil Hoticiero 34 (C) (60) €D Hews (C) (JO) al!>O iUest. 0 @ CV m Thi Suoivors (C) Baylor arants Duncan's request 101 a bank loan to Santerr•. ID David Frest Sllow (C) (60) fE Hor1t Opera (60) 7:00 f) CBS Eminf Hews (C) (JO) ID NET Journal (60) "Lile Style." Waller Cronkite. A film by Berkeley students. set ()What's Mr Lint? (C) ( 30) against • b•chround of campui I riots. ID I lm Lucy (30) 9:30 ~rzB~~st~• Clod CC) ClO) J~ckl 0 TONIGHT'S BEST BE.Tl EE Commodity/Stock Report * THE DORIS DAY! i2:l m Mollday Show (C) (90) "A 0 'l~ (')Doris Day (C) (JO) Doris f.at~ertog ol Eagles.· < ~mns 1 'woman hater.· Anthony ID Ahorl! (30) r isley £UfSIS. l29l (!) Tnrtll or CA>ntequencu (C) 0 HtwS (C) (30) Ted Meyers. (JO) m Ht Said, Siie S11• (C) (30) I m c.san w0f1d cc> <Jo) , €fil Rtvista M11iu1 (30) CE Tllit Clrt (C) (30) 10:00 f) ~ (J) Carol Burnett (C) (60) 7:JO f) ®:~I 6un1mokt (C) (60) ~1nger Bo0bi1 Gentry 1rld comedian ''Danny," Osca1 winning Jar.k Al· Stoey Mitthlll guut (Rescheduled) hert:ion pl11ys Danny Wilson, 1 lov i'ble old coo rnan, who slages hi> 0 ~ (6) m I 5,(CIAl I Mitzr1 !'IA SAIA ~V6 ~ TIA PlCklWG UP t.\155 SPfNC.ER! MOON MULLINS 10 i; HE~ INSIDE! }- 4.. •. By Ferd Johnson 11wo lun•ral. Vito Scotti and Scol1 2nd Sped1l (C) (60) Mit?I Gaynor Brddy also guest. 101ns 1uest star Ross M1rtfn in 1 llllililWlillo""-'-miil~..J..-U..-------:: 0 €D My World 1nd Wt1com1 to nusical-comedy spoof of "Gone with It (C) (30) "The Night the House the Wind," portrays 1 mischievous C:.l11~ht fire" Playing 1 dual role.I Gypsy, doos the 1ui1e of her "Kid" W1.ham Windom s-tars as John Mon character to discuss a school re- r~t ~nd ~s Monroe's falher in tht r1tal And sings sev&ral c()fltemponry ll~shback sto1y of how his boyhood son~ ~n11fles brought out the town's lrre dell<'!rtmenl. Bobby Riha guests! a~ young John, Douglas V. Fowley! as Monroe's grandpa and Joe Besml As the lire ctuef. O S1Ump tht St.rs (C) (JO) Mike Stok"Y welcomes guests Bob Cum mmgl, Vera Miles and Robert Clary. 0 ID """ (C) (60) 0 (!7) ffi ffi ...... All!lftcan st111 (C) (60) Peter Kastner, Dwayne k1ckm.en1 Pamela Austin, Gary look· wood, and Stephanie Powers star in \vt<> stories about 1 love-hungry rountry boy who tan't get 1 date in the big city 1nd a bridegroom wtio ~eh a doorknob slue~ 1n his mou1h on h" wedding ni~ht. 0 Della! (C) (60) BO'fte & Hert and Thi aevehnd Gospel e-ue.st. G) l'ttrJ Mason (60) ff) Rmldt Roundup (60) m nrlni Lilll (60) 0 Music Scene-T. Bennett * J. Collins. Sonny James I 0 rr'f, f31 al Tht Music Sc.tne (C) 14'>) I arry Han~1n. Christopher R~ ' I ·ty 1omr1n. Chus Bohno, David • trmberg And Paul Reid Roman1 hn11 Guesh art T Olly Bennett. f l•rry Butler Mom' Mabley and The •,.,11~ Rork rro11p so1n lh~;r d1f lr110~ ~1n1h of rn11s•r al magic. al ~rat dt Mui er ts (JOI "Cu o . . de lnei Lauderos." O M1lliM S Movie: "Something Wiid" ldramA) '61 C.moll Ba~er 10:30 eIJ Un Grito tn 11 Ohsturid1d (30) fi~1ph Meeker A younr. RHI. rape~ 11:00 fJ 0 0 ID Nn s (C) on htr '113y hnme, k~ps the trailC slory to hmell. 0 Alfrtd Hitchcock ID Truth or Constquene.s (C) (30) 0 The Movie G1mt (C) '.:onny Fox he»ts Gues1s ue John Wayne. Lin· ID Judd fOl tllt Defense (C) (60) beth ScotL Carl Rei~r and Ann U) Tecllnical Corner (30) al) Eastern Wisdom •nd Modern Lile (30) Sothern ID Outer Li1111ts 01)@ Q) (6 J ® ra, Nein (C) aJ Chucho ti Roto ( 10) eIJ €D ffi Ntws (C) 1:00 0 EI) l1ugh·ln (C) (60\ ~aluting 11:30 f) ~ (f) Merv Grilfin (C) Columbu& Dav big Jae.le ( Leonard plays Columhus, 81!>0 an astronauts' 0 ea (6J m Johnnr Canon (C) supply sergeant and 1 chorus·flne. Pater Lawford is substitute host. danr.er. Durward Kirby iubs for Cd Mc· Mahon. and lee Marvin, Monti Rock, 0 Jad BtftOJ (301 George Jessel Jeannit C. Riley. Pal Henry luttt, auests. • 0 Mnlt: "T·Mtn" (adventure) '47 m I sm!:1A~ I M ••• ' Bt1ut1ful" -Dennis O'Ketfe, June Loc~hut. (C) (60) An ewllng music exlrava ' ganra featuring such r.elebrities u 0 ~ (3) al Joey Bishop (C) ~1nger Della Reese. comic Redd Singer Biiiy Etksllne, actor Anthony ro~(. singer Wilson Pickett. Laker Quinn. C6111ic Stanley Myron Htn· basketball star Wilt Chamberlain, delman: ind singer Lois Walden singer Jerry Bu11er, sin11inr aroup are 1mon11 the :schll<luled guests, The Blossoms, The Watts 103rd St ()Movie: (C) "The S1nn-J11r Rhythm Band. singer Little Dion. I Itch" (comedy) 'SS-Marilyn Mon· and rn her first video appearance roe, Tom [well. "'w ~fncan singer L'eth M bulu. I (D Mmt: "Juniflf" (mystery) 'S.J fl) Sagebrush Tlltatre (60) -Howard Dull, Ids Lupino. fI1) World Prns (C) (60) U:OO ID Movi.: ''l riel Enco1111ter" (dr•· m Hl1 hfldt (C) (90) I ml) '47 -c.111 Johnson. 1:15 fJ @m a> Tiit New Ptoplt (C) 1:00 I) ~ON'. "l;lO tt J vm1" (d!I· STEVE ROPER By Saunders and Overgard ---a!~~~~;:;;-;'.~ r NO ~OSlEM/-THEl2E'S ~EY.'-·IT ~TA LOOl<ED LIKE SOMETkll.IG JOlTED OFF HIS RIG.' -BETTER START RIDIN' THE PEDAL.' 0t AN Al.MOST DESERTED CotJlfTY ROAD, ROO KAl..ORE'S SPEEOOMETER AR!iOW H.A.5 CLIMBED 70 .AJI EFFORnES5 ~S '4/'H .' MUTT AND JEFF T+-1.IS 'TIME OF" YEAR 'T~E .__ ._ ._ ~ WILD DUCKS TAKE OFF! ,.._ /I THEY GO DOWN SOUT~, 1-t-\EN tN Tt-\E SPRING ~ Tt\EY COME UP NORT+I! ~ ... ~ ., ,.,_-~ GORDO WIDE SPoT UP A WAYS ~RE 1 CN-1 PASS HIM.' YEl-4.THEY 1-\AVE T+-\EIR UPS AND oowN.' MOtK./Al&- ~IRD5 ~Re APBS, 11..J A MAAINliR Of:'· .. By Gus Arriola · 6/iAk.ING ~' ((5) "Murderer." When Tom Mlllrsl m1) 57-Gltnn rord, fettaa Fur. 18 found dead •t the foot of • cllfl. DO""" (C) .. ...,. ____ _ the New People have to decide ii suspect Dan Stoner Is gul lty ol 0 Conununity lullttht l11rd (C) murder and. If so, how he IS to be m Actio11 T1111tr1: "Hulldrtd-Hovr punished. I H11nf' (dr1ma) 'JS-Anthony StMI. TUESDAY DAYTIME MOVIES O "Brirllt Lur (dr1m1) '50 - Gary Cooper, uuren 81c.11f. m ""4tt IM CfJ" (m~tery) '47- Alutlir Sim. Y1ltrie White. 12:00 8 "Tiii Nip! H11 £1•" (mystery) 'U-James Muon. 'J.00 O ''Uttlt Wom111'' p8rt II (tfr1ma) Z:lO 0 ."lenbtl'' (dr1m1) 'JS-Bette '4'.}-f l11ab,llt Taylor, June Allyson.I D~v1s, G10ra1 Brent. Pe!M LAw1oid I ~;30 O (Cl "Joe lluttarfty' l<"llmedy) 9:l0 n MCovlf G111'' (tomad'() '44 -'51-Audlt Murphy, Burce~ Mtr .. AA• ~~vwnrth l:tnt lt•1'11 111111 MISS PEACH ~~THUli: VOU A"E OOIN<S VERY P~L.'1 IN YOU~ woiU(. S TRIC.Tl.'/ BETWEEN 'IOU AND ME, t AM CDNSl~~ING TAICINO 'YOU OUT OF •,c:x .. Ht CL.ASS. :: HAVE S OME 6EC.JlET INF"Oll.MAllON ·--I MAY OE DE· CLASSIFIED. DAILY PILOT J9 By Charles BanottJ I ' DICK AND DOC -Dick Marlin left is aghast at x-ray diagnosis of a "verrry 111tercsting" Vienne sC' doctor, played by .'\rte Johnson , on "Rowan and !\l artin's Laugh-In" tonight at 8 p.m. on Channel 4. TEIJ~VISION VIE\VS No, I Don"t Hate Television By RICK OU BROW llOLLYWOOU IUPI) -... Jogging·s great. Jl 'll takec;-yea rs off you ." "Yeah the next 30 . ·• T like that exchange from the new CBS-TV ~it· uation comedy ''The C:overnor and .LJ.." a long- shot entry with Dan Dailey. L also liked it \\·hen Dalley told l11S secretary: "l\lagg1e , I card reo.d your typing. The rwxt tune. please wnte .. , l'M STARTING OFF on the posi tive side lod ,1y ill respon st• to the u~uu l new-seaso n letters Jrn1n 'l~\H'rs ti~k111g 1n effect : Isn't 'there anything yo11 ltke about video and/or llollywoo<l~ The answer. of course. 1s yes. l Jive here, for r xamrlr. It's JU St that. as somebody said -1 lh111k 11 w<1!) ei ther Voltaire or Walter Winchell -crit1c.c; are easy to please but hard to satisfy. 1 always 1hink l'm a patsy until the Jctl('l's arrivr. Jim Nabors' fans, for in..,tanr e. flooded me w1lh angry note.'\ becau!>e r mack a i;1mplc !->l;:itement ot fact: .that his new !'US-TV ' .. muty :ii:ncs is C'lll- barrassi ng_ PREDICTABLY, the !-ilrow is an apparent ral- ing.s htt. Bul that 1ncans n<rl ll111g unless you O\\ 11 network stock or ~onielhing. Popularity is just a democratic way of .1udg111g ~ut·c·c::.s . And clemocral'V has no natural linke with qualll.v, as we have learn- ed sadly in everything from pol1l1cs lo activism ~o the mass arts. But don't get. me wrong, as the fellow said - there is much l like about television and Hollywood. J wish, for instance. that lhe superlative French ~ongslrcss 1\llrcilfa l\Iathieu -who appeared on lhe Jo~cl Sullivan. Tom .l<1nes ao<I .Jo hll 0 ;1v1dso11 show ~ -"U'-given more of <1 ::.l)O\\ c·,i -;r on t\mcncun VJdCP. I abo rcco1nmend lo yoi1. nnd network C'XC'Cll· fives. an incred1blc new rcc0rd <llb11m produced h.v pop music impressano Phil Spector \\ 1th the rheck- mates. 11w first two numbers. "Proud Marv'' an<l ''Spanish Harlem," Cl re as emotionally exc.1ti ng ti so unrl <1<; v111 1 wilt hcar hack-to-hack 111 pop m11 sw t11cl<n. And tile solo1.'I . Sonny Clrnrlr ~ n-rnkc; righ1 up thPrc "1th 11ilv Charles nnd .Jo(' \\itlltamc;, AS FOR TELEV ISION <1ga111, I P:<:pect to \1'3lc·h llH' /\111cr1c;1 11-H11..,,1J n a mate11r b0x1nt: mcel in L~'' \'egas on /\IH'-TV's "Wide \Vorld of Sports'' Ocl 2!>. And I C"<Pt<'I. NBC-TV's "Today" progra m "ill draw much allenlron when it offers an ho11r dehatr about protest aga1nc;t the Viclnflrn war th i<> \Verf - ncsday, and nn hour discuss ion on sex education 111 schools Th1trMlay. And d1(f you kno1v th :-i t Torn Srnvrr. pitchinc nrr of thosr amm:ing world S('l'IC':-<·011tr.nrlcrs, the Nf'w York Mets, will !i tnl! and dance on ;-.JBC-TV's ''Kraft M11.sir Jlall" Nov. 5"' Den1ais tlae Me11aec • ' • " " • , '. . ' " ' " '· ' • -' ' " . ., ,, • • ' ' ' ' " -· • 20 OAILY PILOT Monrl11y, Ocloh~r 13. l"lb"l i ( - THE 1970 BUG -'rhe differences be~w.een the 19G!J beetle and the llC\V rnodet may be d1ff1cult -10 spol -~ \) hill JI 's " \. they <ire there. Jnrgcr, offering l.,J ~ ~ 'fhe ans\ver is in the engine- n1ore rapid acceleration. ... ------, •m:..IKL In lllgh Gear MORE DOCTORS, DENTISTS, ATTORNEYS, AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL Beetle Gets Bigger Engine PEOPLE USE TAB BECAUSE WE'VE GOT THE ANSWER! FOR /IS LOW AS $14,50 PER MO. CALL US NOW FOR INFORMATION AND A BROCHURE. ~ TElEPHONE ~ ab ANSWERING BUREAU 543-2222 9 OFFICES TO SERVE ALL OF ORANGE CO. ~ SAFECO INSURANCE for special GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNTS on your Family Auto lnsurt"Jncc and Associates INSURANCE 474 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA 642-6500 By CAJtL CARSTENSE:'ll VolkS\\'agl'n 's engineers buill ln1 provcd prrfnrn1ance :.intl gn·alcr et1111lorl _ aot! con- iTnlente into 1he1r new 1~170 n1ode!s. but IL's still prrt1y tough to tell lilt' different:!'. Jh;il ·s bC'causr the V\V brr· tic :-!ill looks ;illnost !he s<i111P ;1s the Jirst one lh<Jt tarnc 1Jlf the ;1Ss(·rnhly !inc nearly :!:i y{';ifs <'!gfl. \V1th n1nst or !his yc;1r's in1· prn verncnts hidrlc11 hcqP;ith llle ca r's bug-shaped shrll, n1uch 1hc san1c is true of Ille 0!11 rr V\V rnodcls In the 1!170 Jine11p. Thi.~ year's bus-like 1i\;1t1on \\'agon, faslb:irk ;ind sqLiarchaek scd:ins al:;n ln::ik vrry si n11!<1r to lhl'lr :1n· cc.~tors. Lnoks :1s1dr, V1v·s 1!170 1nodr.!s havr pl1·nl ,Y of ··whars nrw" ;1biJut tlic111. fron1 a slightly Jil rgc r i'11g1nc ;1nil more ril p1d acl'elrrdllu11 tor rile hcetle ~ind Karrn<1nn c;111a co11pcs, lo s1nu11lhl'r p1rk·1q1 ;1nd 1nore luggage sp<J t:L' l1u· t he f as tb ack :; ;i nd squ<Jrcbacks. Vol ks11.·ageh·s g r n win ~ 1l caler organ1zati'nn also _ha;-; <l big cha nge for t970 ~ 111 tht• fonn nf an indus:ry ''f1rs1·• \l'hich h<1s lurnf'I! authonled V\V d t a I 1~ r s h i p s ul!o ilt1\ornn11vc lf1:ig11nsis 1·c111t•rs \l'ilh the stnrl of lhl' ne w n1odel yeJr. l)rs1gncd to lil'lr 111vners ge t ll;:=::..:::::===--=;1 @jJ&. All Makes-All Model• A.•tom•bi!tl -TfU<~I "Whet• S"!viGe M~ke1 !h• Dillere nGe" Oronqt coun!Y •HO C•m1>11• or. NOWl>Ct•I ecn. (IU) ,~o,Jla l o1 An911n •H s. Wo1!rrn (lll\ 1J~·U1' 111;1xin1u1n pl'rfonnance 011! 11f 1h<:1r c.1rs ;.it the le11sl pos~ihle c:i~t, V\'V'.~ new fli :ignosis pro· grain puts an l·ng1n1~ through II II ('i('C[ronic ('.XillTlllHltH)ll n1uch !1ke a 111 edical doctor 's i'IC'ct roc.•ardiograrn and alsn lc!";!S other vi tal parts of the r <l r. Un to !)Ii dirfercn l checks ;;rP nu1dc, depending upon the Jno11rl and year. 4 couro"s ll11ycrs ot !ll'IV l!Jil) V\V 's receive four coupons good for frei;-di agnosis services ~ al fi ,(llJO.rnilc 1nll'rvals. Owners o[ pre-1970 models n1ay purthase. lhl' S<tme :;ervice at norm;i( co<,l. During he comprehensi ve in- .~pcc(1on !ht· enginr.. ts given a thorough electr0nie t'heck-up \Vhf!c lhe rl i a gno s tic I an goes over the rest of the car to t t<.f !ls 1ransmisslon, wheel 11 ]1gn1nen:. brakes. tires, ba1 · rcrv. (•lcetrical systc1n and 011lcr ';ilal parts. If he f111t!s son1cthing thal should be corrected wht>lher by repair of rcplnrc· 1n cnt 'llf a part or parts -lie nr.IP,<; lL Un :i test report anrl ~JVt':-i <1 copy Lo the car's (IWl)(•r. ll!J!h 111r beetle an rl J\,1rn1ann Ghli1 n·1od t•ls sharf' a son)f'IVll;il rnorc p o w c r f 11 l t'ng1ne for 1!)70-57 horsrpow1'r !l11s vcar con1 p;:i rc•I lo la't vc<ir 'S 5:\. The lorg(:r power· Plan t provides g r r a t r r rrsp(lll.~C ant! rnorc rapid <1c· SUCCESS777 ,, INDE PENDENCE! Your OWN IUSINESS! '"'"'"d'"'" '"''o'""6"<e '"O"'} n•vl11; ot ~?.IXXl ~e~riy o~ t~~~ '"Yc-l•ment ~I ~1 .10a, No fmoloye~•-ND ~rl!!I•! •rcu•!'d '"''r" more ~el mort l E'.•am~I~ i B.000 on s~,000 Inv, -S7().()00 on S l~.000 !no. -You n~me 1!, WILLIAMS-714·545 ·1843 Don't Just Stand There • • • INVEST! 1 Ur11 doyd•eomt 11110 doUo,,. by teor11in9 more obowt ti.it ''"'ino•· &.J::>:~P~"-:~='Si;r inig field of reol 1t1tole in't'1nrioe11,. lleyed to rhe O't'lfl091f reol pr~ptr ly inwestor. he•e'• the fihh onnual •eries ol leGlurci p•1tllf10ted by the DAILY 1'1LOT. OroMJe Coo11 E't'e n• i"9 Colle9e 011d Newport Harbor• Cosio M1t1G 8oord of lleol rori. ff• lrn • , • prestnlf'cl 011 four COii• 111<11tive T11e1cloy1 GI 7,30 p.m., Newport Horbo1 Hiqh School Audi· t~rium, 1 S1h 011cl lrvi11e, Newport '"~"· Real Estate Investment Series Oct. 14 -Don Ward, "Managing Your Investment"; and Cap Blackburn, "Syndication -More Importa nt Than Ever?" Oct. '21 _Charles H. Callison (Society of E x;change Counselors );,1 'Yie1d Leverag• Through Wise Financing"; and Bruce Howey, Invest- ment Advantages of The Real Estate Exchange." Oct. 28 -Jack Lincoln, "How to Take Title Advantageously - A Case Study"; and Randi.I ll R. McC ardle, "Tailoring Your Re a l Estate Investment." Ticket lnfonnnti.on No admission, but tickets o111re required. They can be p~cked. up in _ ad- vance at the Orange Coast Colleg• campus, or at the Dally Pilot offices in Costo111 Mesa, Newpor t Beach, Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach. Co-sponsored by DAILY PILOT ORANGE COAST COLLEGE NEWPORT HARBOR -COSTA MESA BOARD OF REALTORS ccl rri'lti~n. J\1aximum an rl rru1sing spe ed is 81 1T1ph for the hcetlc and 84 for the Ghia. J\LlJOr tip-off that a !9'.0 hee!le really is a '70 mode!, is fo 11n!! on the engine cum· partn1ent lld where horizontal air slots provide cooling air for the new powerplant. 'fUHN SIGiXALS L<1rger turn signals and tail- lights also moke their bow on 1970 hcel!es and Karmann Ghia model s, and all VW"s now are equipped with buzzers which sound-0ff, insistently, if the driver's door is opened hefore the key is removed from 1he ignition lock. The company made an earlier move against tar thefts last year when a steer· ing column lock became stan· dard on all VW's sold in the U.S. Controlled by the ignition key, that device locks the front wheels so that they can- not be turned. About the only way to tell a 1!'170 beetle from a '69 from the inside is to look at the integra l head restraints which VW pioneered on its passenger"(ar front. seats two years ago. Thev have been restvlr.d and 1nade somewhat sm'11ler this year. both in the fa stback and squarcback sedans, as well as In the bug itself_ Both the f.1stbac:k a n d .~riuarcbal·k 1\·erc lengthened by <il:tout four and a half in· chcs this year to increase the e<i pacily o[ lhe lr front-end trunks. In addition lo lJl· creasing load space by about 25 percent, this change gave !he rear-engined vehicles a sleeker appearance. LTV Sta co Sells Stock DALLAS. 1'cx . -LTV J.lni:: Altec, Inc., has <igrcrd 1n se(I ii ~ 111::ijority intcrcsl in S\aco, lnc .. of Dayton. Ohio, tn David (:. Bitter and Joseph Sidran nf l)allas for 500,000 shares of t-1itre Industries. Inc., the company announced today. Siaco, ·inc., is a manufac- lurl'I" uf transfonner~ for use 1n ho1nc en1 crtainn1rnt and nthcr elcc1 ron1r system s. and is producer ni the Staco~\1'1t ch line nf 1Tiin1ature switches. Fai:ili!1e:; arc loca ted 1 n )Jayton. Ohio; Richmond, In· dHna. ;ind Cos lr1 J\l c~<l. Duri ng the. fir~t six rnonths of 1969. St<1 co tiad consol1daled sa!rs of $2.946,000 ;1nd a net loss nf SI l.000. The S2.!Mli,QOO in s:ilcs r r p r r s c n t c d ap- pro:x1n1a1f'ly .11~ pt•rcrn1 of the ~!H,000.000 repl)rlcd by LTV Ling Allee fnr th(' first hal f of this ~·car . The. t ransaction included ~l0 .27 7 sharei; (1( St aco in- cluding shares issuable. ,upon conversion nf Slaco's senes A prefcrrr.d stock, representi.ng ;1pproximatcly 64 percent in· !crest. STARS !.vdnt'{ Omarr i1 one of ihe wodd'1 qre•l ••lrolo9er1. Hi1 column ;, on• of th• DAILY PILOT'S <J•••I f•alur•I. , A.l\'IC, Ford Give Tips On Service DE1'RO IT (AP) A~ parently the automakers are beginning to hear the yelps about high costs of service and repairs. Two manufacturers now are includin,e do-it-by-yourself in- structions in their owner "s mar.:.ia ls. 1·ney are Ford, which lin1its its instructions lo its new t..'0!!1· pact r-.1averick, and American J\fo tors. while emphasi~ing items which can be serviced on its new Hornet, says its in- :<>lructions can be applied to the full AMC line of cars. Both American Motors and Ford include instructions and i!Justrations on how t o ll'nance JObs, which AMC in· pcrforn1 more tan 40 main· sists can be handled by anyone possessing "even a fair mecl1anical ability.'' Both AJ\tC anc! Ford bras that .. serviceability <1nd ease of maintenance" arc built into the Horn et and J\1averick, with an aim of saving the owner "both Lime and n1oncy ." Things are n1adc easier lo gel to than in the larger, more sophisticated automobiles. Step-by-step directions are included in manuals and prac- tically all of the jobs are il- lustrated. The jobs range from how to remove, clean and replace sparkplugs to how to time the ignition and adjust breaker points in a tuneup. Instructions also are given for cleaning and repacking front wheels; replacing ai r, fuel and oil filters; carburc!or cleaning a n d adjustment; removing and repl acing headlamps alid fuses, and the like. J\·lanv of Lhc illllst rations and in slruCtions remind one of !hose lhat can1e with junior's knocked-dfYWn fire engine or sister 's rlisasscrnbled bicycle at Chris1mas, but a good niany. such as adjustment of the carburetor dashpot, are much more com p I i ca t e d operations than one ever foun d in grandpa's 1nodel T_ Screwdrivers, mo n k e y 11•rench and pli ers are obsolutc- Jy nece.~sary. A sockel v.'rench is ncedC'r! for sparkp!ugs and sorne other items. But the economy-minded, dedicated d<>-it-yaurselfer, can save money. For instance, a Detroit tuneup of a Maverick or Hornet will run $24 to $27 al a dealcr·s shop or a rr.pu table service station. There's an $8.80 hourly charge for labor, plus the rclail pr ice or the parts. :-1 Finance Briefs NEW YORK I UPl) American Sugar Co. says the U.S. foreign claims settlement commission has fo rm a 11 y evaluated its claim [or the ex· propriation of its s~g_ar la~ in Cuha at $81 . I m1l11on. This is a mere appraisal and will not res ull in iiny payment to A1ncrican Sugar. MI L\VAUKEE (UPI) Allls-Chalrncrs Manufacturing Co. has formally entered the consumer appliance business \1'ith a line o[ refrigerators for selective markets, including n1obile home manufacturers. The refrigerators cornc in slzes or two·and one·hall lo 12 cubic feel. BOISE (UPI) -Morrison Knudsen Co. of Boise and American General Insurance Co. of Houston agreed in prin· clp!c 1111 a joint venture to develop indus trial real estate in the ,veslern United States a11d Canada. The first projects \\•ill be on the Pacific Coast. CLEVELAND (UPI) Standard Oil Co. /Ohio) has postponed i t s stockholders n1eeting set for Oct. 9 in order to make a decision before the 1neeting on what legal steps to take in anticipation of Justice Department mo1·es In b!ock the me r g er with BP Petroleu1n U.S ., Inc. The com- pany said it definitely will go ahead v"ith the merger unle~s enjoined by the courts. NE\V YORK (UPI) Skiatron E I e c I r o n i cs & Television Co rp. has filed suit in New York Federal Court to cancel a contract w it h Subscription Television, Inc., obligating STV to u .:; c Sikatron's system of pay cable telev1sion. The original con. tract b e.came inoperative when a California referendum electJon, later voided by the courts, upset STV's operations with the Skiatron system in Los Ange.Jes and San Fran· cisco. The sui t said that now !hat the federa l Corn- 1nunir.n!ions Commission has decided to license pay TV on a pe.rmanent b a s is . Skiatron 11·ants lo be free of the pre\'ious deal.. NF:\V YORK (UPI) -The JJ\1 Co. has announced a new pre-entry lock system with an electron alann for use on any type of non-glass door!! in hon1es. apartments or offices. It con:i-ists of a dead bolt lock and chain coupled '.l'ith an electronic alarm that goes off nt any alte1npt to pick or force the lock. .,,, _ _.1 __ ~--1--t--r- ' ~ ~--'1 --+---r--• ; t i.o\--+-- Southla11d Suffers Dow11turn in Activity LOS ANGELES (AP) - Pacific Li ghting Corp. said Friday its two So u the r n California gas di strihution subsidiaries are <liscssing a 1X1ssible merger. I SEE BY TODAYS I WANT ADS e A little C'<lliy yC'I, blll bc1- 1Pr to be p1'C'pa1-e{l. son1r- 111ing ,1·arrn for the f'Olrt skier: Men,-. (I J ski swt•RI· rr. ne\1'. blue r>alterncd i111riort. $50. e \\'hilt nvn•e 11tr racth'!' Of'+ i><•1'l11ni!iP~ could be olf- f'ri'IJ ? Gift & ca1·d ex- 1•hang<', Busy dtvss shop in Buena P11rk, PfC's1ige lint' oC wli;s & coi<n11'tl('i<, or 10 be! OlOfl" prat ti\'ltl. 1nal'hinr ~hOP. Jn('l11ding pi'11)t'.'r\Y & f't'ju1pm('nl. • Rock houfl(J~ don'! bark, thf'y jus1 1111111, i;:oo..t ri11d: 16" i;lsib .~. trini ~1"'· 12 fl<lllnd 111n1hlrr: n1n~t rwc· f'«'Vlr)', 1Hwl valu11hlr t11ols of 1h~ tr11r1r. Together. Southern Califor- nia Gas Co. and Southern Counties Co. of Cali fornia serve more than 3, I million customers in 12 counties. Southern California Ga s sc:.rves Lo s Angeles and most of l..os Angeles County, while Southern Counties' service ;:irea includes all of Orange. Ventura. Santa Barbara and San Luis Obi spo counties and part of Los Angeles County. Paul A. J\1iHer, president of Pacific Li ghting. said merger studies are being conducted . He noted, hu1ve vrr, that any nierger would have to be ap- proved by the parent company and the state l'ublic UIUities C.'lmmission. Southern California's f i r s t business dO\\'nlurn in six monlhs has been reported by 0 . C. Adams. manager of Security Pacific N a t i on a I Bank 's Cns ta Mesa branch. Septcrnbcr a c: I i v i t y Is estim:itecl al 199.8 on !he bank·s index ( 1!1:'17-59--IOOl. Dow n from a record high of 203.0 in August and below the 200 level for the first lime since r\pril . !he. economy non('lhclrss ill 11p nearly 10 percent from a year ago. THE1 NEEDLE IS MIGHTIER THAN THE PEN And the man wlio knows ;u.st how to turn tht phra&e to get the most out of the barb is DAILY PILOT column- ist Sydney Harris. 11e has been called the modern -day llenry Mencken . If you're ready for his use of thl.' acid ad;ective and thou ght· provoking prose to give you the t1eedle .•• if you want to find something to think about in what you read . , . if you have a sense of humor, you belong uiith reader.! wl10 delight in telling others what "Syd ;<;aid" i"n. one of tht tiation's most · qtioted columns, Some Sample Barbs Recently Thrown By Sydney Harris: ''One of the highest paid job1 In Amerlc1 consists of 1t1nding up Jn front of a mic· rophone Mp1rating the good records from th~ bad ones -and playing the bad ones." "1t's !ad but true that \\'hile alcoholi cs are the best argument !or abstinence, so nlany abstainers are equaUy effective ar· gument for a little drink now and then.'' "Most of tf-1• 10-ca lled 'incompatibility' in m1rriage springs from th• fact that to most men, sex is an 1ct; whilt to 111 women, it is an •motion. And this differ· tnce In attitud• can be bridged only by love." "The sole difference bet.ween a 'dedica- ted crusader' and a 'nosy reformer' con- sists in our agreement or disagreement \\"itb his objectives." "The most •xplo1lv• combination In the world con1i1ts of sincerity o111dded to ignorance." ''\Vhenever I am the recipient of an ex. cessively hearly handshake, 1 suspect Jolr. ~luscles is trylng: lo sell something:, bide something, or prov e something," Ch' eek The Editorial Page For This Signature It'll Help You Find The Latest Quotables Created By 'The Needler' For His Col- umn, the A Regular Feature of DAILY PILOT - Your Hom•town Dilly Newspaper '/ -, 'r -~.,-----~-· ---~---. ........ -----,.-~-. ............... -~-~,.....-.-·~--~--~-----..,.._-------------·~-~----~--- DUTCH TRE f ~f' , . • •• .. .. " ' ' ) ' '. . \ ' 4-' I "' • . ' • r . • NO MATIER WHAT they're in the market for, our readers find the DA ILY PILOT is the best place to put the bite on bargains. And they "do it with the same gusto as the gourmet here showing how much he appreciates the wares of the famed Al kma er Cheese Market in The Nethe rlands. You don 't have to travel so far to find good things to eat, nice things to wear, new appliances at bargain prices , " rea l car buy-or even a chunk of cheese. Just shop the "armchair market," the one our adverti•ers deliver to your door every day. -~·- I • DAILY PILOT I ! I • ' l ! ! • ' ' ' • . . ~ • .. %% DAILY PI LOT r I i' I ·--' Sotne Cntcli Tilak Lal l. president of Co:.la !\lesa.Ne1vport Har· bor Lions t;lill.> 1ll'll ), and \Villard Courtney, prcsi· den t of Boys' ("lub ot llle lla1·1Jor 1\rca Board of lJi reclors, ndn1ire f1~h rcpl'csenllng Lions' ~6,000 contribution In 1-lov s' C'lub. tt unds cn11'lC frorn se rv· ice organization's ·a11n11 al !•'it.II J·'ry in Cos La lVIesa. Teachers Now Warning On Da11ger of Petti11g ALBANY. N \'_ IUP!l Teachers of sex cduc.1rion 111 'otuntary puhlic St'hoo1 pro· ~rams have Ix-en ad1 1scd 10 11·arn junior high school pupil<; of the danger~ of ncrk111g, pct- llng an d scxu:il rtk1l1on~. The •' cu r r i c 11 I u 111 su.i;- i;:e!il1ons" to 1l1e h'~cht·rs c:ime in stale t' d u c ;i ti o n rl cpartment guidclint'.~ 1o;hirll 1vcre work ed <Jll l. pr1rn11rily by Dr. John Si11acorc. <'llltf nf the bureau or henlth educ:it1on. Sinacore said !he i::uidclines :ire part or the n1(.'llllll heal th secti on of ;i five part /1ealth education curn('u!urn. The malerinl nn ~ex 1~ould take on lrss lhan a wcl·k of an IR·ll'tl'k cour sf', <1cconl1ng 1r, th~ drp::ir1n1r.nl 's SU1'.!.1!('"110ni'. One C•)nN'p\ In br nller<'d lhr Junior high i>chntJI pupil 1.; 1hal e;1rly d:1ting ~<·<•rn~ lo bl.' ;in An1erican p!u·noincuon. \1•hich may ent'Qur;lge. ur restnrt 111'.W lnendsh1p~. llowevrr, the rrpnrt sug· gests that teacher ~ t•'!l jun11)r high ~honl students th at <!.~ting ''is a socially ac- cepl;lhle pracuce. but 'lecking, pclt111g ;u1d ~cxual 1ntcrcourse n1ay lead to physical, emo- tion<J! and social problems." Snn1e groups have opposed Sl'X t'tluc<1!1on in New Vurk ~cbn{ll s ;:is well ;;s in !hose of .it!1rr st;itr~. !Jul Bobe,. t l\\·lch. hc:icl or the John Birch S•it'Jl'ty -one 0f the thief op- pr111~n1i; -was r1nt upset v•hen told of the ne11· guidelines. "! can ~l'f' nothing 11·rong 11!1h lhe sl:itt's new g11ldelines as long a') ~hey C'ontinlJC to hr voluntar~t," \\'c leh !'"<tid 1o;hile on a lcr lurc 1uur in central Nt'11• York. ThJ· srx l'(1i 1(·;,1u·n1 roursr s !1uo kl I.Jr rn:t(!(' \'!/lt1ntary, S1n;u:orc s;1ul. 111 rll~l"1:1 ptt rent 1.hd nnl 11'.1nt his child to li"!kr parl 1n cl;.1!.~roorn disl'ussinns fur ;iny p;1 rl o[ the curriculun1 lie sai d Sl'hooli; are in· ~\ructcd to set up loci11 panels. including p:irl'nts, teachers, and cl~rgyn1cn, lo adapt the m;itcnal to I o ca I re· c1u1 rl'1ncnLs. Cro ss wo1·d P1tzzle I P l~~\ loo~~ Ii Pl~c' of N ~pt>lto n'l t~ll~ JO Roo1s t~l~ 14 J OSI! ..... 15 Tr~v~I ~gt11I'~ Jl~Cir~g ~ l& D ~\h 17 Prontt1e d ~ b03! 18 B11 ng •11to 3C.Co<d 'O A,1m l l tli'l~•ng I ~trt>nri laslf 2? S•n~~r 23 Rrl~l!d 1) iay~ l & ea1p1y r •od>0t!•. ?'I Hem~ c t ~on a•~\ 31 [•pres~•Ol'I o! s11r~l>Ot 32K1nd ol moliP I' 2 wnrd\ 3 7 U )5f\ mounl •l'l rJnge J8 C.on1rndtd 3'1 Jauib'i olrlr• brotl'ler 40 Noted Pacdlc C.t>a ~t port 4l A bdomin~I pii>n •l Man's nitknim• ' ' • ~4 Vl 1th w o~dO~I ~5 o.srord 49 f'!t~!>~r1\ ·~11111\ 50 5~!!.rsterm ~l ~l rr!r.h ~3 O~t Qf 1own ~1 Ve~srl .'i 'I Ou•cl:ly bO ( • p•rts &l "Whrt ? "; ] w~·lf5 ~? l •ht~wait oJ <.it<!~ •.• ~, .... f.~ (ll'IW1ll~li 'IY f S . ' "' • " " ' " ' ' ' " • • • " r " 1 r " " ,. " " ' " • . ., "" • " ' ' . ' r l s o • " ' ~ [ II~ • ' ' " • ' ' .. 1 • I ' ' ' ' " . • • ,. r, I • • .. ' . " • ' '• " ' • ' -~ • "' • " ' ' ' • ' • ' • " ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' . . • . ' ' " " ..!'' ' " " • '" ' ' " . t,." .. ' 0 ' ' ' '· " ' ' ' • ' n r ! • 1(1 13 &'I os u; Fr•·, ~ .. ~l 12 e~r~~··· ~~ "! Love-··" . ~ R~Tedy l I .. , " • ' •• ,'h ' l•1,'w1l t /," •(>1 (,r1"'d111: 11, ~111ql' ', P1,,1,.l•1 •• 11 lir ~ r ... , I'\-.• ~nnrl~ A ll~": !IS • ~l~1 Pr 7 ~~d • !11tr• ' r ,,, ol \hf t>nn ~ lO 01)rn•~'l !·,.l<'I to 1•r !•1,, 11 Pl,1tr In I '°" ' • " " " l2 " " 7 19 ,, t l Urn1~ ... 1r t'HllQ\, ~IM'U !i r r-1,~Af>'lQ "',,,, .. ,1 71 115 l1.1•111r n !!'I'll ' t ~! ~ ;'·I P ot111 2) Pol nl(O C,ffV1t P ?~ E.!'•llpt 1'1 71 '5'11 1 rl r1111( . 3 "h1c 111 ~ r .1n11rl 7q H ~rl ~· rrtt~l•!ll1S )0 \ •••. dlld Cl•ll'' JZ G11rul J11c.it.on for ~ "1,1•11•~ 33 Sthool 51lllJPtl 34 Body of land 35 Scold I 9 ,, " " n " lO " @' " ~ ''" ,, " 41 P11t lottn ~2 Uo•I! of rot11ng ~1nct 4,1 ... Vat·st n ~l i.' ~· «1e ' .h 4 ~ \; P"f St•nil ' "' 47 Sol •t anl'lt!. 48 T t!~t .-s 2 wo•d\ ~~ L •tt le P" SI Patio• f!'~\UfC '..2 Ache 54 So1md of <;OtrOW ~5 Bit ot •kin h outile ~& Tom e p1>r iod ~e, Oickrns pseudon~m ~~ Dt(rer 11 ll " " " " " " EVERYONE'S FAVORITE l y •c lu•I 1t•d•rtliip poll., O"• o l th• "'o•t r np11l •r ~•-•P•P•• l••lu••• 1• A"'••lt • i• th• A11n Ltnde" ,ol11'""· tt'1 1 deit-, "rt911l1•" I~ th• DAllY PILOl. ----~-~------·-··---------·-... ·~·-··--.·--·-·---.. ~· --~ .. ·--... GI Orders Now: Don't Chase the Enemy \YASlllNGTON !AP) -t: S. officials expect new formal 1n- slruclions given An1crt can 1;ommanders in Vietnam w111 result in much less chasing of enemy troops. St:cretary of Dclt·nse J\1C'I· vin R. Laird sa1d Thursday U.S. cornrnanders have been told to follow new taclics of "protective re11ct1nn" and lo emphasize Viclna1niz:1t1on of the wa r. ' ! Off1c1als ~aid I he 1n- s1ruclions leave U S rorn· n1a11dcrs free Lo ~tnke 01.1L at encrny for..:cs lhat threa\Cn their troops. And the orders do not tell A1nerican com- manders to a~·oid contact with the enemy, nor to fire only if fired on. But, the officials said, !he practical effect should mean Je~s pur~u1t of !he pnerny. n1ander:!i will be t>xpected to devote much of thei r effort to shaping up the South Vit:l· narne:re forces to replace American troops. These orders, making it un. mistakably clear that "Viel· namizatlon'' of the war has th e highest priority, replace three-year-0ld Io r ma I in- strucliQns asserting l h e 11rimary objective. lo be n1ilitary victory. The f o r m a 1 instrucl1ons really reflect what top U .S commanders already knew to be the Nixon administration 's goal in Vietnam. Gen. Creighton Abrams, U.S. com- mander in Viel.nam, got the word from the President and Laird early in the new ad- ministration. namiiation must lead all the rest In U.S. objectivet in Viet- nam. Laird11 n f w 1 conference Thursday wais part ol. a Niion administration campaign to sell the American people oo its Vletnamlzation approach. At the same Ume, the ad· ministration is trying t o count.er rising pressures in Congress and on campus for faster withdrawals from Viel· nam. 1'he Pentagon is rxpected to continue the campalgn next week by calling a news ctm· ference for Gen. Earle. G. Wheeler, chairman of th• Joint Chiefs of Stalf. Wheeler, who has just returned from a trip to Vietnam, rarely meet.I -with newsmen at the Pen- tagon. Instead, U.S. f1elrl corn· Pentagon sou rces said ''ll took some doing" to convince U.S. commanders that Viet- OCTOBER Can't come in? Order your bargains by mall or telephone SELJ.IMPROVEMENT BOOKS, 1.49 n HOW I WIKT fROll fAILURf. Td U0,000 A 'f'IEAll IN DllltCT SEL.L!HO. It)' A'. l . Brooll't. TlP'I on ••lhn; to ;el yoll 11111\f big monrt. P1;1 by p1g1, hundr•d1 ol lmm•dlltet~ u•t bl•, proht-1pl11Ung ••c,.le In 1119 •" 01 dynam!o dlr1ct nlllng. Pub. I t 8.~ Only 1.48 Q TH! TRU.SUllY Of SURE·flllE IRLING TIPS. fl1 Chi .. 8. Roll!, OV.r 1000 po\nte11 by I top. norch u le• pro. Petlecl !ech11lqus1 lh1t c•1ck hard·boll1d bll)'e• •••l1l1net, lmprova hul!llll 1.i1-l1on1hlpe end Jn&1lll n ll·tstu•ance. Put>. 11 &.SS 011!1 1 49 ASSORTED TITLES AT $1 .00 EACH n TllEAaURY Of GHOST STORIES: A !!ED SKELfTON IN 'l'OUll CLOlrf. Ed. by R. S~•lton. lllua. Tn ,olor. O•lighltul collection ol 21 .lll orles 1bout 0110111, 1pcot1 1Ml 1pirll1 by Ou;ar Wiid•. Saki, Wo•hlnglon 1r.-ing. etc. Appell• to t du1t1 1nd young1lera 11 well. 1 >1 10. Pub. el t ,95 S11e 1.00 0 THE POOH PlRPLlX. By Frtd C. Crews. lllua, by E. H. Sl\Gp1td. 1n 11111 book. II II dlsco...,red 111~1 th1 tru• "'e1nlng ol lhe Pach 1\o•les Is 11<11 11 11mp1e 11 11 belle¥11d. Pub. •t 2.9~ S.l• 1,0D Q THE SECRET WAii AGAINST HITLEll. By f1bl1n .-on Schl1b11ndo.n. Foreword by John J. McCloy. 1S p0•1'1Tt1 dt1wn 1>y Hiide Simon. lhle +s 1h1 1!ory ot lh<I Germ1n •e11slan<:40 mowment 1rom !he "'"I beginning, told by a"" at Ila l•w who 1urvlvod. Pub. 1t 7.f>(l Sole 1.00 0 ARTHR ITIS ANO FOLK MEOICIH(. Dy 0. C. Jarv1a, M.0 . 1111 noled Vt•mant physlcl1n wrl!•I w.1n e•cepllonal brilllenct 1nd 11...,ly 1!yl1 ~bout 1h~ b•l••1• and lore ol Vermont talk m•dlclno, "''111 n••ll~ulor emp11og1s on 1ne lr•t1'11ant of ar!hr1!1r. Pub1 ti 295 Si le 1.00 0 llOBERf LOUIS STEVENSON: PllAYEMS. lnl•o. by M11, ~t L. S.: de~ottlione tlld ce\llgr~pl\y by ~llld• Scott, 8eout1lully dee(gned volume ot tomllt ll"Yltl w"nen by R. l. S. U 11cluoed Vaihma, his home 011 e Somoen mountllntop. P11y•r• lof gr•~•. II mo•nln~. tor Sund1y, •I'. Pllb. 11 2.5<1 S1l1 1.M ... ... :1 ...... ~ ~ /1111 ;11•/lt llir/1 ,\ 1 (;(JI!/• /:111!• _ .... ----···"' O THI CIT NORoscon •oOk. lty l lr T•es\11111, lllu11-A \o'llly dlH1rlll!o11 011 m1 il1r1 tcdi1t tl 1!l1chng 11><1 per1on1hly ol your 1111. Pub, II 3.r.<l Si i• 1.00 0 THI. 000 HOROSCOPE BOOK. 61 Liz T11111(1,.. tllu1. A wlfly dl1Mrl11ion fln m11lett 1odl1C40I 111d 1n1 in!lu1nces on !nl per&ontlily o! your pel. Pub. a13Ml 5111 1.00 0 MICKEY flOONO': I.E. AH AUTOlllOGAAPHY. A no-l\ol(l1·l>t f11d conle111on by ane r>I Am•rle1'1 tortmo1t 1n\e'1•ln~"" •nd motion p1~1ure 1t1<1. 0'H1rt I b11n orl~M11. hid lh• l1di~5 b11 n gan!l1•. tied tl\1 Scolcll bten w1•~•'· hod 111• gcrt1 t>e•~ k1Mler, htd 1111 diet bee~ holler." T~I• could """" b•tn 1 one w nl1nc1 1!ory; ont t upon 1 11m1 Mlc~•1 Roon•)' llv•d l\1pp1ly ,.,,., 1!11r. Pub. •t•95 S•l•100 1J THE CO&T OF LOVING. By Or. Eu5tat1 Ch•latt. C~ill•nglng 1!udy ol 10¥1 todoy •nd through 1~1 •O•• 1how1ng ti\• price aocoely u•y• lot ••c~••IO'I 1nhlb1llon~. t1la1 1lll!"de• tovo •d 1e~u1h1y, i nd 1h1 'c1w1 ol t1mou1 mtn end "'omen who 1ucoeed1d In !~lit l>Ublic '&reer1 but talled ••iglc10ly 1n tht lr peraon•I 11...er, Tni1 It •n lmpotU!lt pit• tor !ht lr••dom lo lo..,. Pl!b. 1! 4,9S Silt 1 Oil Cl SONO BlllDS OF TH[ WORLD IN COLOll. flt 0. L Auolln. Jr. Mort •h&n 300 5pecl11 llluo• liale<I In b"lllant lull t Ol<>r by A.. Sm9or. fro m ~n!lllrd~ lo w•an\, In m1qn,11ce~1 TUll·colo• i>1fn•- lng1 In lo!ell~e posoa. Accurate down H• ti,. l••I m1nul1ly d1!11l1d ltelhtr. So!ICnund. Pub. 1t ~ 9S S~le 1,00 0 THOMAS MEllTOH RUDEA. t<I, by Thom•• P. McDonnell. Specl~I atl1ctlon1 !rom lh• w1!!lng• <>! lht reapec;lod 1ni1 balovo<I Ame•it•n l•aopl•l man~. ••>"•ming uu • ([Uo•ler c•nlury ol ••lleC• lion. 1•11erl1nc1. end ttt•l!Vf war~. !ncludet •ome h•lherto U'ID~bli\~ed fll~•••l•I d1mon1lro!ln~ ttie comfl'lllln~ ro•ce ot , u1~1t ~pl•!hLal ,.role•, 1nd 11!11Cllng "'' un•qualt cre11lv• •<hi•.em1nt. Wl!h lmp!lm11ur. Pub. I ! ~.7~ S•le 1 00 O TH! Dl•ll'f' Of A llAP IST. fly Ev•n S. Connell, Jr. Slory c! • m•n l11ding •n o•!•n•ibly normol Iii•. m8'\"d wolll 1 "''"'• ""''' 10~. ~1l dnWln 10 commol 0Ca.e.11Tve 1nd "onllylng •<la. Pub, 1t 1 11~ SoelOO 0 WHAT 'f'Ol.111 HAl<!OS 11£Y[AL. lly Jo Shedden. 1•0 lllUI. Tile"! of 1>1lmf1lry lof tun or p1ol1I. !i!udots llow to g•ln 1 d•6111r m1lghl into !he m1nd1. cll1r1c11r a nd ,mo!lon1 ol Ill• 1>1cpl1 )D~ m•ot. Pub. 1r2.7~ S1l1 1.00 rJ INTER N, By Occlo• X. flft ll·llll•ng l11n~. 1om•l01n•• 1hDC~1 n;, COf!'Dleloly hone1t, !n•id• 1ccoun1 of modsrn medicine 1nd ha$pl1al p1ocrit1. Presen11 • y,"llP••ll poolu11 ol 1\0101!1! rouLme, tJc~~;.b~• H~~'/.0B';·s1.'~~~9~".:;~~-"::1~an':.'1~~--E~~.1i~~r~~·1~:~d 1:f:· ,~~.; 11:1 .~:~.~c~~Hng 1oy. A. •i•lem•l•G 1nd h•1to1ic1I •h.dy, "';;n novor t1lo1c-~~~\.:.J11d de!1ol1. Pub . .c 5.~~ Soft 1,00 1·1 THE GOOO ANO ll~D WOlHEll. By Edmund SthoO<lel. l ht third novel ol Ill• !!!logy abeut '-uc•• County. 1•o!aring 111 m1ny ~ond• 0110...,., llum1<1 lolly •nd C01'Uplir>n. Pub. ot 5.95 S•I• 1 00 O THE MALE ATTITUO[. Sf Cll•''"s I,~ ftrgu1on. Unu•""' end l••t•n~llng lli•lory ot mil• 1/\nhgM, •t101uda• •nd t>eha•lor. w,tn P•~thDID~IC1I atud1 or 111• cont•l!lllOfl'Y m•l•. Pub. •t fi S~ Solo !,00 ll THE HUlolOROUa MR. l lNCOll>I, By I(, W, Jt nnl•nn 'l/1t1lcl1..,1, r~'Dr!J ind "'"I eomm1nt1. C..•mpa•Q" Pn>I~·•. t~rTnnn1, •nd o>.olcnos oupplom•nl 11\~ 1••r, P~b. 4 95 Sale 1,lXI f I ATLAS OF THE PR£•10£NTS. B~ Don1ld f Cpo,e. mo 111u1 In lull color. Oe~tl•(ltlon1 ol lhe n~d1talcd rron """ •ama ''~'" "'" <.•b"'" •od men~'""' tl>O~•••·lllcol m•o& ru11v1<11 ""••I<• """'en•lon by i~d•t"hng ~l•t•• 1nd •••nls •oQn,11~•nl In ••th Prn••d•n!'1 •d'Tlln .. 111t1on, Pub. IL :: ~o Seit 1 oo u SPIES , THE CAS[ OF AICHAl'!D SORCE. av f w o~n-.1n ' G. /l, :;1~"f· Aulll1>•1l•llV<1, l/\tlll1 ng 1oory o! '-'1>•t""'.' ~~v-m•~I"' In J•n•n 0"'" In l'ln1llt l'I•• 11, r>ut>. "' ~ 00 ~•it I Oil (] Cl1ARLIE CHAP LIN'S SON: I COULDN'T SMOKE 111[ CRASS ON MV f ATHEll'S LAWN. Otenty n•nvlng, hue "'"Y al M't/\Hol C/\oolon wnn •·~~lled 1~~•~$1 his env.rQn't!onl, enu lol• lou•n•) lh•~uq/\ I~• tw<i<Qh! wotl<I nl m1r•NRn1 •nd lSU In • ~·•<'n lo•• posoiove •nprc1cn lo hit. lllu•. w1lh "'~ny Cn•~lon '""''ly phclo•. P«I>. 11 ~ 9~ ~•'ft 1 ~n r J FE~TIG, By Sol V"uck. A no•el t boul • min lo! w~o"' murder b1c1m1 • w1y rit lile, Pub, 1t !,95 T.,1,, 1 00 fj THE YOUNG MEN Of Pfl~IS. fl nn""I wbout MndlQl•~nl flV ~l•nnen tcngiJ<fOtf. Colorfol blO· 11r1qhir,tl ~•c1y c l ~odjQh•"' ~nn "·• /ner•d>. r.cOo•o, ~Al'"'· Cl>•Q~P. Ullollo,tlf w11 •• p1oll•g111 V.•ih ~,.loo~~' hn "'" r,nns~crhlOd to ~·~ 1rt, P~b •I 695 S•t• I 00 r1 ANG El PA~fMfNT. ll~ J B. P"esny His mo~!'"'"'~''" ~ov~I set ln LonQ'oP 10 yeor1 190 In w~lr.ll f,9 petc•l>'WI, •llrouijh lh• 111my •~•I•'' o! 11• l'lopl••' ocr.up111on1, 1n1n p1&.,on, hop• 1n~ folly. p,.b, at 6.9~ S~le 1 00 n •NY GOD WILL 00. P.1th~rd Condon A vi•ld ~•udv nt lhe ln•1nTTy ol onnbbl1m, •nd • mar..1b11 frid,c•m~nl of t~l~e v••ut s ~V on1 of 1/\e onn•I crig,no! i nd lmogln1\lvf w,,1011 ol conl•mwruy t•ct.on. Mr. Cnn~nn is •~1 l>"llianl 1u•lltir o! "Th• M~ncl>utltn CAnd1dO!t," P .. b. •t ~ 9~ Seit 1 00 0 TH! MENORAH MEH. By Llon•I Oo•lfl•On. Or~m~1•C, 11-ly f!Ovel ot lo~oy's lenslon·pt c<ed Mlddlt E•5t, cer1•ered araund till ti un1 !ct • 11..,n bront.~•rl r.1nrlleuick or gold that w11 t uo-- po1edlY o!o\@n tram <;olomon'• Temple by 111111. J. )'!>Ung Sntnollc !M:holtr p1t1 hit ... 111 ~gairltt 111• :>.000 1'91' ola mvste•r ond rome <1•r1ng ind d•flijor!lue 1n•1oon"11. Pub. 11 Sll5 8111 1 00 n tHt EASY DllAW!NG IOOK. By Pelt! Wilolt. Hund•t dl of d11wln91. S1op.l>y·t110 1x1mpl11 of liOw to m1<• rlrAw•ng~ ot '"''Y obi.cl, 1nlm1ls, p1opl1, c111, tie., 11tllonort 1nd In 1tllon. Qoig. 1'."b. 11 2 ~~ Sale 1 00 CJ tNOIAN IUMMEll. Dv Joil1' Knowles, A l tory 1bO\/I ~/f\ftrlc1n fttnl!y lilt 1mong1t th1 rich l fld ~""'eitul, bY one ct ~me•\c.-a 1bles1 yo..ng noveh111. Pub. Al 4.9~ 6111 1 OD POOlllO'f' Al THE PAflT'f'. fly l'lober\ Gf!.e! 8Awd1, out111<1k9n l'0¥11 Dt lh• I U!hor ef Ont und11d 001!11 Mi•un(lnrst1ndln11. Pub. 1t 4.9~ Salt 1.00 ANIMAL BOOKS. 1.911·5.95 0 ANIMAll Of lH! WORLD: AUSTRALIA. 1•>1 by Wl>it11y. BtodOI, Morccml>t end l(lnghorn. Ont cf ltle WO!fd'• m~ior '""' ot zoalog•ul lnte••tl, Auslr•llt proilde1 lhe •nlh11l!ln11 m1ttrl1! for 1h•• •lo~t•b vctum1. O.er 160 1>~01'». ~O fUlL COlOR, with ••c•l»1g lorl by • le1m or ••Ptlrll provid- ing lull de1t1lptlon1 el m1n1 , .. 110111 found nDWhe" elt1 ifl I~ world, I Y, a tt. SPt'lll Imper! '" 1-J NATURE'S NURSEllY: YOUNG ANlMAl.S. fly J. Hol1c11t. SUIMl•b phDlo br>ok <ti nt\Ufl't yount:i. ~10 p1ro101 p1Jr11~d In {1''"""· ii Jn 1~!1 color. R1ngt1 lhroughoul Europt lo e1tch hul'ld..,dl ol W•ld •~•m1l1 such •• mo11en1, brown l>ttr i:ub1, wl!d boor, !Tny long-•1rtd owl•. '°'· nortbttn lyn•, ollt r1, h1m.i.,1, •nd m•nJ bn(l op•cl••, 111 lft lh<lir n111,. h1bll1l11-9~ 1121(1 . Spoclal Import "' [J WOlllO or ITllAHGf. ANl!rl~LI. fly .... J Sl9nelt. Am1tlng .,1,,.,,. 1tudy of ..... uc 1nlm1l1 Ill• rorPly illu.i•~ltd w11h 139 pho1011·•~h1. 15 In r.olo•. Thi 1x!r1o•dln•rY phctog11p11y rtWol1 11J'•- n8ring un~no"n e•ftA11t•11 ~nd bring• e•h01•0Hng l1Alhfte11 lo l1mU11t on11. A l8rg<!, h•l!d•Om• tioo~ l!cun~ lo engro'" •nad~'" ot 111 eg11. Sotcl1l !mroll 2.!18 0 THE AlolATlUR l'IATUA~UST"I H•NOB00K. 6y Vln•nn Brown. Wi!h over 200 Illus. hy Don Crt•-Ki lly. Tl\1 t1mcu1, com~tf.I li•ld O••~•. wllh 475 PIO•• lull ot !nlo•m11lcn on how to •~cngn1t8 •ot~I ~nd mon•r111: Cl••~ITy. (t f••,cl I nd pre'""' Pl•nlo: collect 1nlm•l1, da1d ar •hY&, 1nd haw 10 car• tor or mounl mam: ho"' to lortt 11t fl llm1t1, 1te.. In •")' p•rl of Ill• U.S. 0 .,Q. pub, •I 4.95 N•w, complele •d. only 1 98 n AME.lllCAN WATEll & GAMf. BlllOI, B~ Au11ln L ~•nd, With 200 111111., lneludlng 130 In Olllor. 1'll 1L11nul boo~ p•e1entinp 1n word1 ond D1~1ure1 ltl• !~II "''Ith ril w1ter ond upl1nd g8mt bird• of North Am•"tl •nd 11\tilr h•blt•. Supp!emen!ed by 1ht woo Ir.a or au!1l1ndl1111 pllologflphtrt 1nd Ugo Mochl'• ln1mlllbll bl•d 11lhoue1te•. 9 112. Pub. 1! 11.r.<l Only ~.9S ASSORTED TrrLfS, 1.41-4.tl n ., LDlCOM Of TH[ fANTASTIC~L' TllE GUii HJ.lllrlONICA. fly B••btrl N. lly!lt ld, Mo11 iii1n 100 d11wing1 by 1h1 eulllO•. l.lnul••I vcl1tm1, 1 plt!ur• dlcllon111 ot Lht w1 l1d -to1'1rtfl, d•1Qons, cron11, her1ld1, h1rml!1 l11clltl1, l•alll ttc. I I< JI 10. Pub. II 7.9~ Only 1.llS IJ 'DUii ASTROLOGICAL GUIOf. 'ro HEALTH AND Oln. BJ Correll Rlgh!9!. Tiit world'• 10 .. most h•lng 11lrclog11n ri ll• "'"•I 1na ""hlll •t 11\ould 111 I<>< be!lt r htl llfl bl' obMrvln; Ille ltW'I ol .,uology. w,,,. ll>ICJll rot•L>tl ond 101cln1tlng ""'· PYb. M 4.1~ Only 1,41 0 •. o. "· l••l by Roo•r Bullfll .. ld. MOii lh1n 400 PhOIDI ••lt(ted "Y Aol>trl 0 . Grall .,.a"°"" £: (llnn1. A m1mo,.bl1 pho1ogr1plllc rtcora r>I the 11m11~1bl• c11Mr o! f OR lrorn ohtlttr•d cl\llO. toood 1n Hyd• P11~ t<> "'" do•m. Witfl !lltoll•cllon1 or g,,,.,.,....~t lttdtt1, fll•"dl 11111 111\d 111!1111 II~. 1no. Pub. II 10.00 Onl! 1,N • • D HllTOllY O• THE PUUTZ fl Plllll" PU.Vt. BJ Jolin t. l ODhneJ. T1'e l1rntd publlcltl el 1M ifit11,.·1 11rt•l•tl hll• "''"'"!' I nd tnllJ,.1 42 1-.11d *Inning pl1)'1. An l•CIU!'OQ 'fl'rltlflO tly"-l "d o .. r JOO 1uperO pl!Ot<>I add lutlft to lhtM ln1ldt 1ID•!n cf BrD9dw1y'1 meet 1••11no<11bll "'omtMll-Glw1 l>th\nd 1111 t etnet g!lml*I• ol t it t 2 pl•)'I, prod11ellon hlllat11t, 0111111111 Kii"' comflt ft,.I, m11<>• rt-.!•••. full •ynDPMI. 1nd m11ell mof9. Pvb. ,. 14.15 S1l1 2..tB D NfWMU c;OMPLETE NElOUCllAn: Ii PRACTICAL AHO COMPlllHlltll'll OUIDl.. fOI' kit! ffi1 beginner i nd a111on1d ne1dltw0fll•n. O.ltlll 1wrr 1~ DI needllcrtll lm19INlbllt, war. e ftOWt!I lo '"''Y ntedlt"'orO 11•obl11!t: •mbronjer~, drtur111"1111 , p .. chwork, knl!llng. "ochl•. 11<fl·m1111111. k<><M lurnl11>1ng. mtl'ld•ng, ltbl• llntft. etG. AU 1u111rblt lll111t•1!ed wm1 200 ptio101 '"d 18 p1g11 If! tull color. C."•P1ttl 1111 ltllOrl!\O, P•P.• Ptl!trfll, t11l11g, Ind tNH:h -r-. 1MI I ltl"". ~c1111mwn 3.11!1 PllO•tUI IN CO\JllAOl. 11, Joll" f . K1nntdy, 10 1lh11!r1tlon1, ,,,,.,...ofd by ll()ben f , kt_d,. m1r~1blt, tll f1!ng boo~. Paoood wnfl rl rt"'tl, •~•11t1n1e, htgh purpoM, ,.w11d 1MI ,.ltl b\lllQ". «:cl•JIY •b,ldpt d 10• lou"g r11d•11 •v•• 11-t!, Pub. •I I oo On1, 1.N lHlY LAUOHlO WH N I SAT DOWN: AN IN,OllMAL Ml9TO~Y o• AOYlltTlllNG IN WOJ11tt. 0 PICTUllfl . By ffln~ Row1a .... , J•. Ovir XIII "'"moflblt p[lo109, All 11>1 1•111111•, tlo~l"t, !•1dem11l1, 11mou1 ·~ c o.,,p11gn1, ~ubllclty 1!uM1 In t ~•OrY, "01lllOIC ac:oo~nt fl'Oll! L)'dll "'"•Mm t nd P. T. lllflllfft lo lht PlllMnl .•• 11\lo. ,....,, II r.i.o On!J l.M I 0 Tiii! Cl!U.ULOIO U.CRlflCI: A"lCTI # •D llf TMI MOfTIL ly l.rn.ndtr W1lkar. I"" Y11ilg11Jon DI Uflll "'ovil htr11h•N Ind ..... 1...., ,,1111 .. 11 II![-, prolofllf ··~•cl•llY tl'>lo N IU•I 1ppe1I pf Olllrlch, M• Weal. Lii T1)'1or. 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T~ dennltl.,. eccount af 1111 Ille ol .,,.. ol U11 world'& llOotl ••lr1ordln11y """ .t.11•mbl•d lrom tw•nly .,., .... !llMlfCI\. lnt;ludlt 'fl'llOI• 11ory of Holme•' ru,,. nlng b1ttlti wltll ProltUOI MDl11tUy. 1111 d1llQ9•-bluah wllh J1'k 11>1 fllppor, 1tc. Orl!J. Pub. If. ~.DO N1w, comple11 •d. onlY 1.81 \ n flGKT AGAIHIT •uiit1; A YlllY Pllll<*AL ACCOUNT Of'" WOfllAN'I nYCHOliNALYlll. '-/ Lucy Fre•mtn. lntroductto11 t>y Or. G1or111 S. Slewn1on. T~ dr1m•tic, lntorm1llw •tccunt 0 Mr OWi\ .... 1,..11, told by Ofll ot Am1flc1'1 ll•dlng f9PCrlltl who h•d 11'19 COUfl~ lo ···"' ~nder he, o-.n n1me. Orig, pub, •I 3.$(). N1w, comp1111 ed. OnlJ 1.'9 n IOLOl!RI o• THI CIVIL WAR: THEY WHO fOUOKT 11111(. fly II. Wllty 1nd H. M1111olll1'. 'ir¥1f 2SO lllu1. Tht 1ctu11 IMI ol I~ conftlct frcrn both U"IQft Ind Con!ldt'lle vl1wpe!nl1 !old In Ill• 1oldlert' o"'n word11-M1n1 conllmperlf)' pholot. 1ng<'alfl119t. dr1wlng1, P11b. t i 10.0G Only 3.95 n A HANDIOOIC OP POf'UU.R AKTIQUU. 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Newport Beec:b l2MO (714) &44-0CM1 (213) 1133-2200 t ' I ul wi \\'• ri~ 11< B' "1 "" br ] ] lh L d lo 2'i ci • " '" w SI s. 2· c r' n h b fr A tc • • fi c n 0 II g • c II b r • p • ' l } s s s • (, • r ' l f ' • ' r r I 11 r • ' • ' • 0 r ' • ( 5 AL Teams Better NEW YORK (AP) - Frank Robinson or the! Baltimore Orioles insists that he will play in Tuesday's third game. of U1e World Series despite a badly bruised t ight instep. "It's very painful now, but l'l1 play," Hobinson said before lhe Orioles left Raltimore on a train ride to New York. "This is n<> time to be silting on the bench ... Robinson was injured by his own foul ball in batting practice prior t-0 Sunday's game, which the Mets won 2-1 and tied the series at 1-1. J im Palmer, will starl for Baltimore in the third game. Gary Gentry is expeded Lo hurl for the Mets. During Baltimore's scheduled workout today in Shea Stadium, where the Series resumes Tuesday, Robinson was to undergo whirlpool treatments. The foot will bi:,.bandaged w~ he plays. lfVhill. Robinson was undergoing ice pack Lrealments Sunday night, his com- ments continued to stir up heated con- troversy. ''I think we have a belt.er ball club than the Mets," the Baltimore outfielder said. "In fact, I think .Detroit, Boswn and Min- nesota in our league, and maybe Oakland. stack up better than the Mets. "But the important thing is. the Mets are in the Series and we have to beaL them." Previously. Robinson's >--observations abouL Lhe lack of enthusiasm on the Mets' Dow11-to-tlie-Wire Triumph Rams Had Plenty of Guts In 27-21 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -"Please say this te am just had a lol of guts," exulted Los Angeles Ram coach George Allen. The unbeaten National Football League club also had its fourth and, by far, its toughest victory of the 1969 campaign - 27-21 over winless but stubborn San Fran- cisco. Victory-Allen "ll 's a true lest or a champion when you co~ from eight points behind and beat a good lear,n like the 49ers," Allen said. "And we didn't play oqe of our besl games." But Ram quarterback Roman Gabriel played one of his most heroic to keep Los Angeles well ahead of lhe rest of lhe Coastal Division. He may have to duplicate his performance this Sunday when the Rams host the resu rgent Green Bay Packers, 3· l and co-leaders of the rough Central Division. 26-24 Loss to lJSC lt was a matter of momentum for the Rams, who trailed 21-13 with six minutes left in the game. Gabriel -with the help of the San Francisco defense which was slapped with a pair o( pass interference calls -led Los Angeles 78 yards to the 49er one-yard line, then plunged over. Tag Ralston With Tribe's Heartbreaking Def eat The 49ers, with less than five minutes remaining. defied the percentages at this point by electing to ha ve John Brodie, who threw three touchdown passes, take lo the air rather than try lo run out the clock by slaying 011 the ground. 1f Southern Cal's football team would have thought of it in time, it probably would have awarded the game ball to Stanford University coach John Ralston Saturday night following the Trojans' 26- 21 conquest of Ralston's Indians at the Coliseum. But if Stanford die-hards had any say In the matter, they'd probably give nalston a lighted bomb with a short fuse. In lieu of such drastic action, they might be induced w settle for the Tribe coach's immediate resignation and exile to Saudi Arabia. Or perhaps that would still be too close to The Farm. As one staggered Indian rooter said after his team had lost to SC on a 35-yard 1t•AAlt•HDA•An WHITE WASH ****•·········· field goal with no time remaining in the contest, ''Ralston? He's just a nice guy." He's also a fine :1ftcr dinner speaker. But thal's where his magnificence runs Qllt, as far as this corner is concerned. Il's about time Stanford quits hiring great speakers and finds a coach who can J!llide the Indians to the Rose Bowl once every five years or so. The\ ·ve necn once since 1941 -a n<l that \~a~ 17 yN1rs ago. This was In hi.I ve h1'E'li their great chance at m11king the Pasadena New Year's classic. After watching SC, Stanford and UCLA, it's ap- parent that Ralston has the finesL talent of the lot. But what's he got w show for it? A 2-2 season record and that staggering loss to \JSC -a defeat wh ich I blame on :Hal!'lon. And there were a lot of vociferou! Stanford faithful who were echoing that sentiment after that unbelievable debacle Saturday. The Tribe made a number of error! which you could perhaps blame the coach for. Three of the most serious, however. were worth tou chdowns in each instance. The first came when a receiver tried to field a punt with a horde of Trojans at point blank range. The ball was fumbled, use recovered, and promptly marched for a touchdown to trim Stanford's ad· vantage to 12-7. Then jackass strategy of the century ensued. With 50 seconds left in the half and bottled up deep in its own side of the reservation, Stanford started passing. Sol,llhem Cal tntercepled, returned it for a touchdown and ran off the field at halftime with a 14-12 lead instead of trail· ing 12-0, which would have been the just result. Then in the closing minutes or the game following the field goal that had put the Tribe on top, 24-23, you might im- agine USC would be passing since il was Santa Anan Dies WILMINGTON -Kenneth Kotalic, 28, or Santa Ana, was killed Sunday when his motorcycle slammed into a guard rail at the Lions ' Drag Strip art.er being clocked al 128 miles per hour. Ill" was pronounced dead at Harbor General Hospital In Torrance. 85 yards away from the Stanford goal. However, Ralston's troops did not pressure the passer. giving him ample time to wait for a receiver to get open. Consequenlly SC swiftly moved to within field goal range, then made the kick that booted the Indians out of a deserved vie· tory, and the Rose Bowl. If that hasn't cost' Ralston his job, then Slanrord is apparently no longer in- terested in having a championship foot- ball program. As for Ralston, perhaps he'll get a nice junior high school or high school post. And then after 15 or 20 years of seasoning <'l that. level he may move on to Hum- b0ldl Slate, Catawba or other such 111· stitution of higher learning and low pressure football. Kings Ripped, 5-1 MONTREAL (AP) -It was a less lhan auspicious debut by coach Hal Laycoe and the Los Angeles Kings. The Kings. opening their l969 campaign u:ider their new coach, were swamped 5-t Saturday night by the Montreal Cana· diens, defending Stanley Cup champions. TI1e Kings are idle until Wednesd~1y night. when they travel Lo St. Louis lo face the Blues. The strategy backfired as Brodie's first three passes went incomplete, setting up the kick that spelled the 49ers 'doom. Tom my Davis goL off a 32-yard punt that Alvin Haymond grabbed at his own 48 and carried back lo the 49ers' 12 before he was hau led down from behind. Tommy Mason later scored from the one, putting the Rams ahead w stay. Nolan look the blame for the passing strategy himse lf, saying: "We were in a position where I felt we had to throw to gel out of there." . Neither Gabriel nor Brodie had an rspecially good pass10g day with Brodie hilting on 20 of 51 tosses for 254 yards and three interceptions while t he Ram quarterback connected on 18 oI 40 for 198 ya rds. Both teams had trouble hearing signals because of the aroused crowd of 45,995 that once held up the game for several minutes because the Rams couldn't hear through the din after a pass interference call against the 49ers. Clifton McNeil, who caught one touchdow n pass while rooki e Gene \\'ash1ngton sn:iggcd two. saicl twice in lhe first hnlf he missed hearing Brodie call audibles altogether. "We missed a couple of passes we should have got. 'I'hey hit us right in the hands," he moan- ed. Ul'I T1'"""9 THE AGONY AND THE ECSTASY -This picture of Stanford 's grief-stricken .Jim Kauffman and the jubliant USC players and fans in the background tells the story of Saturday night's key Pac-8 game at the Coliseum. Kauffman epitomizes the shock of Stanford. whlch lost a 26-24 decision oo a last-second field goal by Ron Ayala. Mo11day, October 1'. 1 %9 CAfl V PILOT 2.'l Than Mets-Robinson bench drew a return comment from New York managdt Gil Hodges. The Mets bunched thr~ of their six hits with two ouls in the ninth iMing Sun- day, with the tie-breaking run scoring on a soft liner by Al Weis, • .215 hitter dur- ing the regular seasun. ''It's not how you score. but how many times," Robinson said. "I respect the Met.s, but f still think we have the better team.·· The loss was the first in postseason play for the Oriole~. who swept the 1966 World Series in four straight, took three more the Minnesota rn the recent American League playoffs, and the opener of the current Scnes, The heavy-hitting Orioles, held to six hits while beating Tom Seaver In the lirst game, made only two singles off Jerry Koosman Sunday. "We hit Koosman as hard as Seaver," Baltimore manager Earl Weave1· :.aid, ''but lhl' b<ill kept going right at the f11•ld1Jrs .. We:i\'er s:i1cJ the g:imcs thus fClr have gunt• about the way he expected. "We knew from our scout111g rrport~ that it wou kJ be tough t11 score on New York, and believe me 1t has been," he said. Baltimore's top four slug!lers -Frank nobmson, Boog Powell , Paul •tat r and Brooks Rob inson -h:ive made onlv three singles m 29 llmes at bat. · UPI TtltPho!o MAN IN THE MIDDLE -Umpire R alph Morcroft finds himself trapped in the middle of the aclion as San Francisco full back Ken WiJlard ( 40) battles for a first down and Ram Jack Pardee (32) moves in for U1e slop. Los An geles won, 27-21. with a final period rally and then halted a Inst minute San Francisco drive. --------------------------------------·------- SC at Notre Daine Bruin-Cal Game Tops PAC-8 Gri.d Schedule By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Pacific-8 Conference reaches the halfway mark in its football schedule Saturday with three schools unbeaten in league play and two of those, Califomia and UCLA clashing in a nationally televised game at Me1norial Coliseum. Southern California, which kept it,s slate clean on a Jast.-second field go11l at the Coliseum Saturday in beating Stan- ford 26-24, travels lo Notre Dame. Washington, lookin g for its first victory 111 four starts. entertains Oregon Stal('. Washington State is at Stanford and Oregon's Ducks fly with the Air force Arademv Falcons al Colorado Springs. The USC-Stanford thriller was the con- versation piece for the Pac-8 Monday morni ng quarterbacks today . The loss was a heartb reaker for the Jn. ui!ln~ who got off to a 12--0 lead and held a 24-23 edge when Steve Horowi tz kicked a 37·yard field goal with 1 :03 remaining. But instead of seeing Stanford whip the 'T'rojans for the first time sine'! 1957, llw 82,812 fans saw Ron Ayala boot a 34-yard field goal which made it through the uprights by about half a foot with the clock showing 0:00. It was a wild fourth quarter as the lead changed four times on three field goals. An Ayala JO.yard field goal with 3:2.1 re- maining put Southern Cal ahead 23-21, then the Indians 11larched back and Steve 11.1rowitz put Stanford into the lead 24-23 with a field goal al 1 :03. "I watched the ball lhe whole way, "Ayala said of his winning boot. "I saw the baJI going to the left and then it made it by about half a foot," Jimmy Jones said .. UCLA, which llas a ~ over-all record to Southern Cal's 4·0, and which has scored the most total points and allowed the fewest of any Pac-8 team. crushed Washington State at Spokane 46-14. Halfback Greg Jones scored three Druin touchdowns, two on passes from Dennis Dummil, in hnnding the Cougars their second conference se tback. California, 3-1 overall, picked up its first Pac-8 victory by t h 11 m p i n i; Washington 44-13 at Berkeley. It was the J lusk1es' fourth lo~s in as many ~tart:;, in- cluding two in lh<' loop. Uul the Golden nears lost their new qu~rtcrback star, Steve Curtis, \.\>ho suf- fered a broken clav1clc when hr WflS tackled in the second quarter. Ile will be out ~l least six wee ks. CllARLES DEFEATS, PRAISES Ll1,TLER VIRGINIA WATER, England (AP) - Bob Charles, the world's leading left. handed goli player from New Zealand, joined Arnold Palmer and G<!ry Player on the Piccadilly World Match Play Golf Championship role of honor and then said today: "I reckon Gene Littler must rate with the greatest match players iii the world." Charles defeated Littler, from La Jolla, (In the 37th green in Saturday's final over Wentworth's 6,997-yard, par 36-38-74 course. 1'1Iets Usher First Scouted Hero Koos1na11 NE W YORK (A P l -'I'lie wonderfully whacky New Yor k Mets were the lnughing stock of the Nation<II League wtwn Jerry Koosman firsl hea rd about lhrm. "I don·t remember whal it was," said l\oosma11, who beat Baltimore 2-1 in the second game. tyi ng the 1969 World Series at l ·I Sundtty. "We had the television on :•nd somebody said 'Watch this,' when they slarkd lo report the stondings of the Nalional League teams. "Thrrc were the Mets on lhe bottom. 'I'hcv "ere 40 games behind, [ think. l \1011dcred lo mysl'lr. how a tcnm C'nuld tw thi·t b11d. I IH'\l'I thou gh t lh<m lh:.it I ti 11111d up p1trl11ng tor tlwm · What Koo~rn;in cltrtn'I know lll1•n w ;1<; that th e New York scou1111;; ~~stem slop \1 tth lhl' men paid tu do tht1l Juh. didn 't slop wilh the men putd to do thal job. l·:vcry employc in lhP org:in1u1t1011 was constantly on the lookout for tal ent in those dim . dark davs when thr Mrt" "'ere baseuall's lo•:1ngc~1 losers. And tlw t goes [or the ushers. t0<1. "I was pitching 111 the Army al Fort Bliss, Tex .. when th e scouts started com- ing around,'' said Koosman. Among them was the man from the Mets-sent by. of all people, a Shea Stadium usher. Koosman's Army catcher had sent a leUer home. telling all about th e left· hander. And the catcher 's father, John Luchese, happened lo be an usher al Shea. He lold the club ·s minor Jea gul! department about the letter and scout Red Murff was dispatched to check Koos out. "I signed with the Mets because I figured they needed the most help and that I'd have a shot at getting to the ma- jors raster with them," said Koosman. Minnesota Bounces Martin MINNEAPOLIS -ST. PAUL (AP) - Billy Martin, apparently admitting he won't return as manager of the Min· nesota Twins, still waited today for the New York telephone call that would really lell him whether or not he will return as the club's 1970 skipper. Calv in Griffith, Twins president, was to call Martin th.is morning to discuss the managerial position, held by Martin this past season when the Twins jumped from seventh place w the West Division title of the American League. "When I call Martin Monday it won't be lo tell him that he will be manager of the Twins next year." Griffith said Sun- day night. Martin said: ''H's pretty clear isn't It 1 I have no comment. He Griffith led me to believe he would tell me personally. If that's his way of doing it, fine." r :1e early morning telephone call llhould end the assdrtmenl of speculation, which has ranged from Marlin being fired or quitting to accepting the manag- ing post or anoU1er team or agreeing to a new contract. Martin and Griffith, In New York for lhe World Series, had said just last Satur- day that nothing had been decided and wouldn't be until today's telephone discussion. "This entire thing has gotten out of hand," Griffith sa id. "I had planned to wait unti l after the Series. but now I w1rnt lo get this thlng settled ... IL's noL healthy lo have il drag out any longer." Martin Is extremely popular In the Minnesota public 's eyes, and Griffith said his fan appeal was a primary reason for hiring the o u t s p o k e n , hot-tempered Martin. The specu lation about Martin's foh began ci rculating ;ifter the Twins losL three straight ga mes, two in extra in- nings, to tne Ballimore Orioles in the playoffs. Griffith reportedly was displeased about the losses ar.d Martin's choice of right-h<Indcr Bob Miller as the starting pitcher rather limn left-hander Jim Kaat in O:iltimore's 11-2, >hird-game victt>ry. c ;, if(ith also ordered Martin lo tum oft I\ record player on the team's flight back from Baltimore after the Recond game loss. --------~-------------------------------~ --- ----------------~--~-----~-------------------------------- 2 -f DA1l 'I' PI LOT OCC Follow s Im pro bab le Script, Wins, 20-19 ll~ JOEL SCll\l -\R 7. or oho o~·•• r .. o, ~t••I !'t1c ~rripl 11·A~ 11n pr .. i1,~ble. (,,11 1ii .. 11 .r takes nn unprub11blo-· ~tT1p1 l" l)l>;it 1-u1\('r!on ,lur1ior \'olk f(' 111 .1 t1111:\i;1ll gan1P. Or;ingl" ('0:1.,t ("11llf'g" •f1r1111"1I 111nn• p£'nb 111;111 J';a1!:111• t'\1·1· '\\k.'ll«:IL'1•i.l Ill l hf" i.ilt·nL rnu1::·~ ~~1111nl:iy 111gh1 111 _o\niJhe1n1 SI ,, r! 1 \J "I b,•f11n· I:' 5117 t ran~·fi.~\'d s1.11:cl :1l\lt ' !1J 11l11p thl' Jlo1 1u•1, ::O·HI. It 11:1~ iinly thr· ~t·io11d Jo ,~ 11, ~I \ ye.:irs lur F.Jl'. Jt 11.1\ nr.1111:1· r ,,;,,1, 'L·i ·,11111 -·r .. ,l!i1t Cllll'·i'li.•lrll I I• \1•1"1 •• nd '''('•l!hl l.'(ll)~l'L llll\ ,. L"(•n1f'SL th;1l 11t'11t th111·11 lu Ille f111::il :.ceund~ \\.hen 1111~ !'L'tl du~t l1ad finally Sl'lllcd at . . It ' tlif' Big A the Pirates had won thC'ir big !'-1 111!!1 ~()~!::.l Cunlt're11ce opener <iga1n:-t ::•(' n:1 t:cn's iop r.'.111kcd Junior col:cgc 11.::Jl•I. ll:;,111-.s tu :.Ofll{' 1·c111..1rkablt· luurli1- 1;1:;1f!t•r J 1erotc~. 1'11v ,·;i .;1 nf !'it:irs for Or:111gl! Cu~u;\ in- ' :ud•~I qu,1rtl'rb;itk ~11kc Tantiy:isu 11/10 )1't~.-"d !or 11\'o lu11f'l1tlown:s and ran f!Jf I fl,· third . !lob li_vdcr. wh!1 kicked ;1 pair •. 1 1 ,t;,! ~\I ra J-.OH1t:;: Bob Curry whu 111- l•·rt'Cptt·d liirl'e llJSSL'S: Georgl' Follette. 11 hn llloc·kl"d <i fi eld go~ll <1nrl an <'xtra point. ;.in offcnsJ1·c line llial 1no1ed F 11llP rl 1111 11hen Ful \t-rll·n had 111 be 111111- t d <11h1 11 dl'h.'llSl' l11a! .._·:11111.' up 111 lli llw !11~ pl11.r 11i·hen the big play 'rus Jll'll'SS:Jf\. 't "~ Orung~ CuasL 11 enL int(I Ll1t final qL1ar- GAKER~S ON THE GRIDDLE -!•'11 11·1: 111';; t :il f·nll'd ~pill r 11 d J L·f f J;iJ l\•'r ;_Li' t1'.11-tllll(1d b\' Ur~111,.:l' t ''.I I dl•!Clldl'!'.) J{1ri... St>illl'J'l (3 ! I SWEATI NG tT OUT -Cii l'rrl e:ldcr Debby ·rrottcr of OrHngc 1 ·oa~t nlirrors 11~1· 1rn ~ion n( Ille f nl<il inin utes (•f Saturday's (lrange Coa~t F'ullcr t()n J~dll~c <ti An.:ihL•1111 :-i::1di1un. l )rnnge Const \\'On the gain l'. ::!0-19, hut •J ill \' nJtcr bring rl1ar).'.!'d I\ rth .1 ('rll! 1.11 fucp n1;i ;;ki11r.: pc11- :1l 1v ;.1nd 11:1·. •n:.: l,.ollcr\011 int:-'> ;i 11clrl gl,i;il ;1!1 1·n1pt all 111 !he fi n.ti n11 nute of pl.i~. Dail)'· Pilot Photos D Y ltielutrd l\ol'hlt•r • Irr trailing 19-7 and r.:ith~r clf'n1oralized ;,Jlt'1· Fulll'rlun had dr111•11 86 .)arc!s !01· 1;1lc tUlh.hdu\\·11 .111J tl.c11 llllL'I LL'PLL-<l .. ]''1'-!S !() ~CL up <llH.llher '" UV'ftUIIIC ii short -lived 7-t; !'ira te lead \\'hen Fulle rt on got th (· hnll ;igain rpi;1f!t•rh~1rk 1;ary \Vann hit Jf'ff L\akf'r witli :1 13 ·~·:i rd pas5 to the OCC 21!, hut UH· pk1y w11 ~ rallet.1 b.1ck because tht· l!urncts h.'!d ;1n illC'g:i! rceciver do1111f1 rld . Th;1 t rail turnrJ 1hl· g<une aruunJ ;ind on •lhc lll·Xt play Curry i11tcrccptet! u \\ <1n11 loss und fl'lllr11ed 1t to llit• Jl l'>rr11. t 1·l Thn.:• play5 la ter T<.1n11.v<1~u rollt:ct 11\il lrtJnl the 11vu and Hyder atldcU tht' e1n1- \cr~1on !()make it 19·14. Fullerton was rorced to punt ;iftL•r t!w kickoff and \\'ann·s bool only tra11elr.J 111nr _yarrls lo th~ Hornet 23. 1\!1t•r Hay Hican!o pickC"d up 12 )'ards i11 !v.u !rit:s. T<-11niv<1st1 lufll'<l <111 ll·vord TD pilS'l lo Hobert.Castillo tu 1nake It 20- 1~. Hyt!l'r's kil'k wns wid e. \Vilb 8:33 left 1-'ullt'r!on hall threC" more ch::inces to :;eon•. The rir::;l ti1nc it w:i s forc-cd to p11nl and ;inotht·r Curry interception kill- i·d tlil' setunrt. The !ast ~Iii!\ canie 11 ith 52 seconds in 1hc ga1ne when \\'ann !nl·d to pa:;s fron1 1 hL· Pirate 49. Bob Ezzell intercepted the b;i!J hul 11Hl Piralt:~ 111•rl' IJt'llalizcd fo1· gr;ilih!!1~ the f;;tl' J!liJ ~k and Fullcrlun J1;1d ;1 fir~! do 11 n :n thr I~ Tllrcc \\'a1111 passes fell 1nromplele and n11 fcur111 dc11111 K1:n ll it:kl'rsun tried ., g:1111c-11·111n1n;:: IJL'IJ gu<ll !ron1 the 26, ba1 , ' his boot 11,•as short and vo'ide lo the right .onJ Orange Cuast !'all out the last 2ti ;i.1.:cu11~ls of vl;,y. Fullerton con1p!elely dominated !he t1rst h:ilf, but only had ;i 6-0 lead lo show for its 11•ork. 'f'he points came on a fivc- y:ird pass from i\·lar11 0 we n s to Boli Hogcrs. capping 75·_v<ir d rlrivc. Or;ingc Coast bounced back by takin~ 1lte second l1;ilf kirkoff and marching 78 \'arc!~. The f1n;il I ~ 11·e re covered on a Pass from Tam1.va~u tn Coe MeyC"r, Gill.IE )JATl~llC~ "' ' r "•' '10 ... ~' '"'"'"0 • • f "" ~a""• ~o • .-n'J ' ' F'"' o~"'"' ,,.ndO••• ' ' Tc'&I I"" do"'"• " " v ... o, '"'~, .. ~ 1,J .., V•ro1 ~~;,.ny •• , .. y ,.o, l°'I " " /hi ,.,,~ . ~~" ..-'" '" Punr.l.l~er•o• dl••&<>c• t /'2 4 . "' P~'ldl!1e-o/Y••O> pth•I"~ 1111 .. ,. f wrnDle•IFumt•~• '"' ,,, .. xo-r1 "' Ow•rl•r• O••<l<l• (g~>t • • ' ll -1'J l'~ll••IO'I • " Q -19 PU~HI N G Ofitn9e Coa11 "' YO n .. ~ •. II ft•do " " ' ., /, ~~., " " • " 1~rn,1••u " " " " .... ,,, m,.,,,, , " • " l Olal• • ... " " ~~11rr10~ R09•'• ,, • • " ~UlllVO<I " " • . ' o-.en• ' • " .,, Hau~nn ' ' • ••• c ""' ' • , ·" fgl~ll • "' " " f<AS~ING O«n~I Coe..! " " '"' YO ""' T ~1n1 , '>U " ' ' •• . .. lll<d•On ' • , • .~ f ~llcr1on ""'~"' " , • "' . \~J ....... ., " • ' " ••• ;11HI Boh \\"ickcr.~h~1n1 1:?3f <iftrr c;i!C'hing a lh1rd-pcr1nd p;1 ,s. L\;oik cr cuught fi ve passes, including unc -10-yardcr for a touchdo1\ 11. Gc1111 e Was N eve1· i11 Do t11Jt , 111 ~ 11!·11r :;hir: ·,1;.~ 1 L)\ .;-rt ! -,1·11h s1•c<.l ;ind 11··hll~h o r:;I 11lll'r• !11~ J11hol 1;1rt p• ,. t /'~ )l:id h11gg~d hilll, 1\1 ~ \O!l'l' l 'f:J\ ~· f~l 11 i1h hnar~c·11L'S!". h111 ()1·:1ng1· Cu;1· I l '<.111•~,, looth.111 t'(•:uli 111('k Tll<'krr 11 ;• n li<ipp\' ni:in . ;1 dt· 1r:"l1'1\· h:1ppy 1n:111. 111 l '11 :i1l" !1ad J.i~1 i..n .. 1 k1•rl 0(1ih1·111•- 11 .. ·1" I '!) r.1\\'d ]Hill"\' 1 ·11(lf1~1 e lr•:11·1 S:1lu1«L1; 111gl1I. Ft.JI• l'l"fl ~I) 1!1 .. ,1i,i ·1 u1·!,,•1 1· ;i~ 1•n11111:u.! Iii~ 11r ' v.111 11 11 r LI" IJ '1'11• :,, ,,ltll'C 1\163 "It 11;1 ... 11•'"'1" in d1111h'," !•r 1 r:H-i-.1 ol f.11·f'l111t1'l.1· :1~ !1c t11 ;::1·1 111 11n11·1nil frnn1 1h,• nr•l'\'\'-r:wk111~ giilll<' 1lnt1 11r111 d•111'11 l 11 lhi• fill;>i ~l'<'' :1d,, "Jl \1;1, th•·!)~--.! \\it\ J'\t' li,111 '1111'" II " \\I'll 1111' .l .inn•r 1:11"' 1:, 11 1 Pl 1'1f'.1, '.\111 ,, 1.tlll'I' ~llll'l' tllt•!J r.in t:ulllPlllL' tu 1l, · lj•' 1:i;1:d. \\'iii' 1 :1,~i~1.1 11t C'•i.!cli ll:1l1• \\.11n11ac1 1! !';•11d "! 1:uuldn l rl'l<ix unlll the 1111<11 ::1; secot:d ~." Tuck1'r 11 ent 111111 Qin; f111·ih1r <J nd ad1ll•J •·!Jell. I cuulUn't rcl :1x pe.r i•~I." Thl' J'1r;1h• ho~ . .; l1tid l'\('rv n:as~111 lo IJ .. n11 1•d!'('. b1.·1·;111>e 1l l-l'Cllll'.d fall' 11,1.; ;1g11ins1 his !('allL Thr l'1r;11r' :i11pan•11tl'! l1;1d lhr g.1rnr s:1 lt1.•d aw:iy 11 1111 !'12 seconds to g11 ll'lil''l Bob E:zzell intereeptl'c! ,1 pas~ but Or:u1 ge Coast \1'HS p<·naliz1'd lnr fa crrn;1.<;k1n~·. ~i\•ing Fullerton a first do11·n at tht.' Buel>' l!l. "\Vhr11 \\'I' "<Jt th;1 t pl'nnlf 1'. T thnur.l'l ti1r·n· 11 ,1~ 1111 11,iy 11L' l'ould 11 in, Tucf.t 1· ·'·!Id Fulk n1111 nn ... ~l'd llir .. 1' ~tra1ght pas.'""' and tried tor a 36)ard field gool 1111 fo11rth do1111. "1\I th ~il lllOTTIL'!lt 1 11 .·1ul1!n'I h;11r h('\ tilt ',l''d 1n1~' !hi' k:l'k. I tl111ught f1.•r ~ur,• )•,.'1! k11•k thr b3ll ou! of tlil' strtd1un1 ;ind ~l r:11ght a~ an Hrrow ." But F11llcrton's Kl'n ll1ckcrsnn. whn ;Jlrr:n!y h:1rf one firlcl go:i l ;ind ;1 P111nt - ;1f1cr-tourhdown blockct.I. rdong 11·ith nH~'ln i:: a sccnnd PAT. rl 1dn"t k 1~k th;• i.~111 o\lt nf A11ah,.in1 S1:idi1un. He tii<in't e1·(•1J kil'k thC' ball ;15 f:1r :1s the ,go;il pn~t. "It's fl ~trangr thinr." l'ur~er saul. ''frnin our 5cnuting report~ Wt' fi(!lll'I' thr kicking g;un<' 11·;is one of F'ull <'rt nn·~ i:trl'ti!-"'.th~ ll1J! ii turnf'd nut 1har 11 11·;1s11'1 ;ind th<'ir kicking g:imc dcl'id('(! i1 "I! 11 :1s a g.1111(' of brr;:ik~ .1ncl we rnaii(' :'I 11"11 of rni~t<1k1's in the fir s1 hn lf. hut 1!1rv rnar!c !hr n•i~1 ;1kl's in lhr sct:ond h:'llf ' I d 1"' I\ 111;: d l d1t!1t I >J I I w11~ l1;ipp1 l' ;11 I \I If'\ i {ii' t ii' II .)•,11 ! 111 the g:irnr. 1 !lw '"1't"1d l::ilf." ·r1wk1T .. ud 11ht·r1 :i~t1·1 " jf f""U!J i.'f!Oll \V(IS hurl hv !\ii.' \11~5 n[ i t~ :-t;.irtin!: qu:irtcrb:ick ;it' the end of thr fir~! hnlf. ··oun'L fo rget . though. the:-only scored nnrr 11 1!h Owens 111 there and t111cr 1•, 1th11u1 IH:Jl. · !11" l'ir:.!l' coach :iddcU, SCURRY CURRY -Orange Const College defensive halfback Bob t'11rrv is about lo run out of bollnd .~ after he picked off hi s third inter- Le pti'on Sallt rday nig ht \l'ith l :'.31left111 the ~;:in1c. Curry's first theft 111 the enrl zone at the end of th e first period stopped a I-'ul lrrt0n d11\·e <>ncl his second 1ntcrccption sp arked a fourth-period rally by Orange {'oa::.t. A TIME FOR JO Y -lt ';; e;i!'y 1o t ell \rho \\'Oil .':1\l1rr!:1y ni ghl'.~ Sot1!h (('las! r onfcrcnce opener l)r1111•r11 u1Hielc<lt rrl p o11 c r~ FullPrton anrl Or<inr.;e ! •'.t t liy thf' li;ipp,v C \]ll'('~·inn on Ille fcicr of P ir1:1 te coach l)ick Tucker. Tucker \Vho \\·as mobbed by hi s players :nid f<in s . .sa 11• hi s team defeat Ful· lrrton for thr !1r;;t 'li1nr si nce his Junior Rose Bov.11 lean1 of 196.1 111rnecl the trick. • ( ' r ' ( ' , ( h t " ' ' I " " " ,. I ; t ,. ' 'I I ' ' I I r r r r I I ' ( ' t ~ ' I ' l ( ' r l l l I ' t ' I ) ' ' _. ....... --•r-• ---~-..._.._._...,._____.. -· ~ ----..... -·-------~~ -----·-------·+-----· .. ..., ___ -------~, -~--- DAILY PILOT Photo by Ltt P1yne NEWPORT'S JEFF BLANCHARD { 12) A TIEMPTS TO PASS WHILE MATE BOB TRIPP BLOCKS AN ANAHEIM DEFENDER. Battling; Ne1vport Succu1nbs to Analieim, 28-16 As Usual, Colony Rallies for Win By ROGER CARLSON Of lht D•1IV Pilot Sl•ll \\'hen vrteran observer<> of Orange County prep lootbnll sit down ;ind d1.,e11ss 1h" possibilities of Anahc11n lligll School losing a !)unset Ll'aguc· crucial -the debate 1o; alw<J~ s short and to the point. You never ever bet agai11-.t Anaheim. The Colonists und<:r c0<1ch Clare Van lloorebel-.1· have had, clo ha\'C ond pro· bably alw~1ys wil l ha' r thr unbeliev:ihle :ib1litv In COtnl' through in the C:·iutd 1 ;111d eap1tallze on br!'riks 111 a \I .iv that simply defies llil· 11ll· J gination. They did it ;;igain Saturday night with a 2lH6 \\in <1v1•r 11pstart J\ewport Harbor. a 1eam th at "'eemed tu hJ\ e t'Ve rything going fur 1l tiun11g lhe firsL hail. The Sailors of couch W;1dr· Walls had ripped up and um~n the field in deva~Lating lush1\ln wi th a ground g,11nr th.11 seemed un :-lopµ;ible l1ri1il Jill' Tars got inside the An.1hc1m 10 Thrn. howen•r, ll w;1 s :i ci1f. krr·nt ~lorv :\'1•\ crthPh'!'-", An:ilw1111 1 r.iil· rd 9.7 <it Lhc h..i!f ... ..inti 11 ,1:0, fortunate lo escape \\'1th only a Colonists got their final break frustrating night ror Newport, t 1w-poinl deficit. -a piling on penalty -good considering how well the i\c\\'port had driven to the for 15 yards, a f'lrsl down and Sailors pl ayed -parl1cularly An<1hc1111 two-yard lmc. 13ul the impetus to keep the dnve without an effcdive passing f11ur con~ecut 1\ e tncs through going. game. lfw Anahr11n front wall nelled F ive plays later tai lback Newport stun ned tile 1111' Sailors nolhmg. Tiin Thorn crashed over from overflow crowd of J0,000 at La ln~trad of possibly a Jfi.7 the one capping the 77-,vard Palma Stadium when Al len lead ol tl11· half it was the dm·e and Anaheim was home \\allace raced 35 yards for a sl-.unpy '.J.7 margin . frer. touchdown in the first period. An aheim went to work It was an c s p e c i a 11 y Alvin White produced a field goal from 25 yards ou t in the second quarter. An ahcim 's pass111g game. meanwhile, was tremendous \1 ith Fraser hilt mg his b:.icks <ind ends with bullets. I le net· ted 185 y:irds on 14 com· pletions. Nrwport settled [or 17 yards on three strikc•s. q11ickly 111 the iliird period, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~rnblll'd an 11n~1des kick in 1 aalr da1.1lt-fu~hion and pro- t'eeded to blitz 4G y:.irds in JO pl•1)'i for the go-ahead lourhJown. Th<' tnlly cnmc on a l'ourth <ind J9 s1tu;.1t1on. An:iht'1m scored again later in l11t' 1h1rd period ~md with a :LI .rr lc·:id it looked like curtains fur ;\c\1 poi t <.1nd 11s legion ol hJrd·runnrng batk'. l>nt ~ll·,·e Fish got the S:.i rlors ~rt·mingly back in the g.1mt• \rtlh <1 spnrkling flJ .y::ird punt 1 durn lor ;.i touchdown ;11ul l\1·11rort rrailC'd. 21 -16. 1'. l'\I port l'O'lllllllL'd l rC'men- d(1(l.; drl(•n!-111• p!Jy and µro- <'l'('drd tn me~ lip qu<1 rlnb:1ck < ;1 .. )ri.;r· F1 il"'r [nr <l •;i-:-~ <1rd Ju.-. 11n ;1 ll11rd ,111d -.o: pl,1~. l11i.1 n "', 1l" here lh,1L lht Watts Cite~ 2 I\.cv Pia vs Whal 's left [or the l\rwporl Harbor 131ucptkl'ls alter th; agon1z mg 28-I 6 lo!>s t. o Anaheim Saturd ay 111ghl al La Palma St<1dium. "We still have l.hC' bc::.t tr:im I've c~er had here. What's lt'fl is possibly an 8-1 record and :l possible tie for the rrown. If not a tie. we're still hopdul nl making the CIF playoffs as <• runnerup in thr S 11 n "r t. League," s;:iys coach Wad e W;itts. "We're verv inlereslrd in seeing whal k.md of character our learn has. I lhink we·rc still capable of winning a lot or ball games. ''l hav::-n't given up on thr kids al all. l hope we'll be " ~trongrr team now bec:iusc of the lesson \.\ e le<1rned. ·• Walts called the tur11111;! points of the game his kam·s inability to punch 1t over from the Anaheim two-~nrd line on four tries just before the tind of the first half and Anahe1 m·s successful on-sides k r c k o f f recovery al the start of th e third period. "We went to our stl'on~ ::.1dc blocking on fourth d o w n behind Bob Tripp and J><ll'l' Martin. "They did their bloc~ing Jnh well but our runnrr ran mto Lhe quarterb;:ick. ''TI1e thing thtll gelc; me 1i: the rirst three tm•<; whrn \\ <' ('ouldn'I gel O\<'I' \\<• ~prnl .1 lot of lime on rns1de thr fM'.· y<ird linr silu<1t1011~ "It's the mo~t dislir.1rtl'n- ing f:!<11nc s1nc·r l \ r lH'l"1 ;11 ~ewport . . . no doubt :ihnut thal .. ' \\',• d.d1i'1 1ilay il .'ls well as 11r· rnllld .. :1H didn't do thr Jr>h I ha t "r·re c:ipahlc of doing. It was JllS I one ol those r':1,1· ••. surmised the Sailor bw s. '!hr h1ggc~1 ~et back to Xcv. port 1\a~ the lack o{ a consistrnl passing game. 'Nothmg \\ent right. Our pas~l'r didn't do ilie JOb and nril hrr cl id our receivers," summed up \V<1tls. •I • _.I_ GAME STATISTICS OUR RICKERS CAN MOVE right quick when need be. But that's not too often in Jack Daniel Hollow. NH A For I cjovm< rwh ~q 10 10 J-·r l-. fif'lt1f"lr. f)(J$<d'!Q t 10 I rel f1()Wl'\S pen11U1e..s 1 1 T _,1,q fH t..t d"NnS l) /2 Yolrt1\ rush1nq: ?i-8 18• Y "'"'" r> ·~•"9 11 18S y d·ds IU~I lo JA You see, we pride ourselves 011 the time we take to make a batch of Jack Daniel's. Every drop is seeped r;.1 v• •d• QMn~cs ?IJq 3•0 ~:·:~I~~"~·~~· n~~~~~;: ~ :~e ~ :'·5 1 for days through ten feet of hard maple charcoal F ombfr~~ F,1mt>le~ to·t.t I 10 31 I Score by Ou.trier~ b C • A d h. 1 T ~~:::.~ HarbO• ~ ~ 1~ i-~~, e1ore aging. n t is s ow cnnessee process, RUSHING j NtwPOrl ,~:r";. yl •••• called charcoal mellowing gives Shrrlrt I 4() 0 ) I I ' F •>'1 8 SA S 6 1 h k cl ~,:~~" 1~ :! ~ ~~! our w is ey its rareness an Rer<~r 1 14 O 7 O ~~·;\Mrt i : : -~~. taste. Down through the 1oloh Jq 208 10 '•; F .. ~,•r Tl10«• Po ,, 1v•1 1,..: ... MtOq•"'" TnialJ f ,,.,,,, M t( ""V 1 01111~ An•n&im , :~ : 1: ~~ years, we ve learned that I 1 0 1.1 J~ 1~! l~ HI hurrying only harms good PASSING I N~:p0r!~ .. ·~' Y• "''· whiskey. And, so far as we're 1~nth~lm ' 11 '?)O I ; ~: ,: ::~ :Bi concerned, it doesn't help people 1nuch either. P .. cp l1'oothall CHARCOAL MELLOWED 6 DROP 6 BY DROP Sa t11rday·11 Score \1 1mp'on rn. C.ardcn r.rovr I t TlNNESSct WHI SKEY • 90 PR OO f· BY CHOIC£ 0 1969,JKkD1n1olD"''""'·l•mM011ow,P10,.,lnc. OISllLLEO ANO BOTTLtD SY JACK DANIEL DISTILLERY • LYNCHBURG (POP. 384), rrnN. Monday, October 13, 1 %9 DAILY PILOT 25 Sears Scars Battery Guarantee f ree rcplan·ml'nt wi1hin 1>0 dJy~ of pun:h~c ii · h.mcry proves ddet11 vc. Al 1rr •)U Jays, we replace the h.111ery, if <lcfcClivc ;1nd 1 lrnr~c you only lor 1 fie rcrioJ ot ownership, h.LwJon lhc re,i:ula.rpnlc Jt.,~ 1r:1Je-in at 1he time ol rc1urn, pro rntcJ over numbl·r of months ol ,l(Uar.llllCC. Y' I 11:-.pcrL Master Cvlin<lr.r Y' I 1~z;pecl :ind A<lju&t Parkin~ Brake& Y' HonJeu Linings In· ~ta lied on 4 Wheel8 Y' Hleed AJI Lines and Add Fluid Y' Rebuild All Wheel Cvlinders Y' J r~~p.-ct Grr.a~e Seah Y' .\rr. \.rind Brake Shoes "Repa<'k Front Wheel Bearings v Resurface All 4 Brake Drums v J n:;pect Brake Hos.-s V Inspect A II Brn J.. •· H ardware V Free Adjustment for Life of Linings ~ Hoa<l Test for Brake Reliability Regular $22.99 Trade-in Price With Trade·ill 1\os. I ~-4-:ll-% Don 't Ki:.k a Dead Battery With che Rainy Season J usr Ahe:i J ... Ask for a FREE Bat· tcry Check-up at Sears Now No Oblig:nron! }'a·ee Battery Installation. Laker's nasketball 'Shoes :: fMlll (;('1 Pl,,~ p:1V1J IM I It! F ohici1I 1 '~N l1J<-~1·1b~1 1 sli"'' will l•c itn •·11 10 th" 11[\I ),()1)11 '""'• J (, 1 t•if"\ l1f ~/:'C ;1nJ lJnder •h1•ri1l11 l! rhc Li~ l'M • ~ ( l11r H'•> ALL 4 WHEELS ONLY 88* Al I American & VolL::swagcn Cars \\hen You Pay Too Littl~ }~or A Brake Job .•• You «;rt TOO LITTLE! Sears will not give you <l -roo I.ittleN Brake Job ar any pri\c! Your driving SAFETY 1~ too important. Sean will price your Brake Job as reasonably as possiblt ... consistent with SAFETY. Sears Brake Jobs provide ..,hat you should have to make your brakes work best and last longer. Under no conditions will Sean do less than a .,First Qualiry" Brake J ob. lf you want ··enras· theyce available at enra cosL You have Scan assur- ance of "Satisfacrion Guara.nrero or Your Money Back.· Don't wait! Lee Sears inspect your brakes for r.afety .•. at no charge. •Chrysler products having 6 wheel cylinders and cars with disc brakes slightly hi~her. Any necessary add itional parts and labor available at Sean low. low price. Satisfaction Guaranteed rs:=i Shop tlood•y th~ Sat•N•: or Your Money Back ~ 9::JO AJf. 1e ~:30 P.I. DAIS. ao011c.: AHD co. 28 DAIL V PILOT Backfield Stars Rally Golden West To45-23Triumph By RON EVA:-.iS 01 llMI ti.lit Pl"' l19ff SANT A BARBARA -A spirited second hall rally v.•ith the S.Boys of Golden West 111 commar:d. ga\'e coach Ra y Sllackleford's Rustlers a 4S-23 victory fl\'er previously undefeated S ant a Barbara College Saturday night. The Rustlers trailed al the halftime in- tcrmISs1on, 17-14, and couldn't take com- 1uand to stay until 50 seronds remained Jn the third quarter. Tony Ilon\\·ctl again directed the attack and 1n addition to carrying the ball 12 llrTW'S, completed 8 of 15 passe.s for 76 ~ ards. Golden \Vest will take a breather this \lel•k before opening conference action 111th Easl Lo s Angeles on Sa turday, Oct. 2:,. The resl and added time to prepare for the No . I Lca1n in the state will be Wf'lcome. sa~·s Shackleford . ··\Ve Just didn 't play \'ery good defense in the first half." Schackleford says. "We \l f're rnuch heller in the second half. "Regardless of \\'hat JOU ha ve heard, San ta Barbara is a preuy good football lC:'.ln1 and they prov f'(J it to us. '"1Tony1 Bon"ell threw well against tl.en1. I flon ·t ca re how many passes he lhro1\'S. All l care about IS how many points we p!Jt on the SCGreboard and ho~ many the opposition scores. Tilis is the thing that wins football games, not stalistics." Shackleford praised Buell.land and Bonwell along with the Rustler oflcns1ve line. The scoring \\'ent like this· Santa Barbara had 10 in the Urst period on a field goal and a 50-yard pass from Oa\•e SoOOlewski to Rick Renz . Charlie Buckland, the first year ~ilback from Westminster 1-ligh, had his biggest night of the season as the Rustlers v.'on their third straight \'i<.1ory to tic a school mark in this respect. Buckland carried on 31 occasions rur 220 yards and scored four of the six Golden West touchdowns. Hi.s 31 carries was one short of the schoo l mark for a single game held by Steve Cashdollar of the firat GWC eleven four years back. Bob Bess now has 16 :straight con- versions and adds to his school rccurd "'ith each new success. He also scored a field goal of 33 yard:s giving him one in each of the last three games. Buckland scored a pair in the second quarter from S and 10 yards out 11•ith Bess converting both times. The Va - queros we re aided by a 44·yard pass interference penalty for the ir second l.Juchdown to make the halftime score read 17-14. Bon11o.·ell and Buckland scored 1n lh~ third period with Buckland and OolJ °""""going.,"'" •h• 1ourth "'"'" Lioia (Football Type) on the Prowl for the victory_ F un1bl es Spell 20-19 Reversal G.f.M[ iT .. TltTICi \\"estininstcr l·li gh's Deano Aldridge (77) goes after Santa .Ana liigh qu a r terback Bob tl lcGuckin, I 12) \vhile Sa int teammate !vla rk liart- n1an tries to block" out the on rushing Lion defender. Westminster stop- ped the night. Saints, 31-23, and 1nust !ace tough !\e\\'porl !!arbor I-'riday For Estancia By Jlf.1 CARNITr 01 hi• Daily "!let 11111 Th ree rnstly fumbles spelled !he dif- f,'rencr between 1 tctory and defeat as the !'stancia J::agl rs dropped a heartbreaking ~.}!!I foot ball decision to !11agnolia Salur- tJ;;y night at Ne\\·port Harbor Jllgh. \Yith I : 13 left in the pulsating contest th~ Eagles h;id the ba ll on the fi.lagoolia luur·~·ard line "'i!h a second and goa l ~1tuat1on . Fullback Dave Johnson hit the l1:•e, but had the foo tball jarrt>d from hi5 possession. r..1agno!ia recovered, 3Jld that \1 :1~ the ball gom('_ .Johnson 11as nothing shorl of Sptt· l.Jtular 1n thr gan1e. ho1re1er. The ha rd drivini; JIU·pound lullhack carried l4 1 irnes for a phenomenal 259 yards rushing. He scored two touchdowns. one coming nn a 53-yard scamper in lhe firs t quarter .1nd the St'Cond on a 73-yard run in these· \"OJ1d stanza. "JohnS()n did a great job for us out lhert: tonight. but 11o.'e 1ust killed ourselves 1dth fumble s," whispe red a dejected Phil L~ro"'n, Ea gle head coach. "TI1e kids wanted to v.·in this one so bJdly and "·e dese rved it," he added, 1\ssistant coach, Gary Carr agreed. '\Ve've got nothing to be ashamed of," he )o,,iid. The Eagles pushed the \•isllors all over 1:1c field. rac king up 364 JWt yards to \!agnolia·s 169. bul 1l "·as Uie fumbles \11<1 t did lhem in . Two of the bobbles result~ in ~lagnol ia 1i 11t!:do"·ns and the third stopped what. . •ipr.u·td In be lhe v;inni.ng dnve, on the ! •. ,r-\<"lrd ma rker. Th;, first Eagle lumble camr late in the rir<l f]uarter 1111h F.stancia o~·ning a 7-0 1, ;111 •• lohnS1Jn fu1nbled Qn his own five : .. ·l t11u p!a~·s IJter lht Sentinels had 1 .. 11 r f1r~1 ~c1ire on Lh•· buar<l - Latr 111 thl' fJr!it half 111lh lllr stnrt': l:l- )~. 111 fa1cir nl the Eaglr~. Bub Kaiser •ir(Jpped a punt on his 011n 20 <Jnd eight p.ay" l<iter the Sentinels p11nched 11 over \f\ 1ak1• a 20·13 halftime le:1d. The E:agles scored the second time they p.ot the ball. Estancia wenl iJ ya rds in 11-.·e pla ys. the bi~gest chunk of that com- J11g on Johnson·s ;J..1 ya rd sroring rw1. The f:11gle lullhack hit righl tackle , dragged a <l\"'lens1ve li neman fi\·e vards then broke Joo~e and 11·as off to the. races Chuck Sch11!1ng spli t the uprights to i;1\·c lhe hosls a i..(l l~·ad. :\·1agnoha rnadl' it i·6 alter picking up Juhnson·s fumble at the four. .\1agnoli a took a 12·7 edge early in the second quart.er on quart erback Ken Pani- GUc·s :n vard scoring dash, but Johnson 111.11 the Eagles back on top sci.:onds later J,1-12. as he hit !he line, ;ippcared to be stcipperl then re\"crsed his field and raced i 3 vards for the score. ·rhe Sentinels It'd 20·13 in the fourth period . but Eogll' quarterback Cu11 Tho mas l'lecled lo throw on a fourth and 2fl situ ation and hit end Bob Kaiser 11·ith a 53 yard scoring pass '' ilh :1 ~ lefL The lry for U1e two-point con,•erSJon foiled and E:otancia ~railed 20·19, F "I' do_,, •u•~lnq """ .......... P<ll•"" l'"\t OOWtU <>*l'•llo .. Tot•I lln l °""'"' Y•rOI ronfO'"' Y••d• .,.,.1no Y-r"Cll 11>11 ""'' y••d• ,.~ [ll. " ' • ,, '" ., " •• ,, ....... , .......... g. "1!t"(t P"""!tl<rolY•r<I• ~~•111•<1 Fumbln 1FUl'l•IH,. "'" J ll. k•rt "'a... .... " . ,, ' . •US"IHO l >ll ntlO "' " • • M 11. ' ' • ' ' " " • "' ... ... .. . " I -10 Ji>'ln•fl.• ·-· ~""''" ti::o~•c..- "' " • .. '" • Y I_ .t"11 ' " !I ' I !Gta!J Po .... o\lf ,_, Goo• OM~ To:oll • , • , ,., " " ,. 'j ' , ll 111 P'AlllN~ .1 .. j • •• 0 )I f l • • • • • " " " " " ···-"-.. "' . ' M •tflotl" ""1 y. I >' '" "" " ' .,. Fir•I "°"'"' rus~•"'it nr~• '"°""" ~Hl"9 F•ot dQ""'' pe;>•ltt<' Toll! t••I• doWnl v.,~. •u•r.1n11 Y~r<h pa"5in1! Va•o• 1001 Ne~ Y••d~ 9•0rn!d PunhlAVOf3~· di•l&n<:• Po'l• 1!1•1/V ard1 i>e"MIUd F11mCIU/Fvm~lft ICI ' Sn r• ,, ou1m .. GW< " ' • " "' " • .. l ll 0 ''" , .. .. , , ' " "' I" " "' J 11 l J,a " GOl~on Wo>t 0 I• U l•nl& l••Wr• 10 I • )1 -•\ 0 -ll '!luc•io...a l!on~tl .!>n1d•• \•/It' ic ~ Cornu>.• Jon•• l•1•1> >1,,rin.., s.,,.. ..... s~t ~ .. ,,..,. p;"" "1~••...ie• Sel~t; lo!•I~ l <l'>wt fl ltU1Hl'°Cj: Gfiftn Wnt "' " " • , • ' ,, '•ftt• •• ,..,.,. " YCI YL m • . " " . • • " , • • , .. ~ ,, .... ~. ,. .. " .. 11.~ .. '. " 1Q ll ·• ' IQ l I I '\ 0 1J 0 I n ft 0 0 1 ' 0 1 0 .0 l•! 71 I I ".0.\~l"G CO•-Weil ,.., ,.C "'°' Yao ll l l1' '·~·· ...... ,. ll n "' Pct. ••• .m ewe POT,OI STS lf'I N TO V RNA 1l1 EN T Golden \\'est College 's waler polo tc a111 breezed to three straight victories and the team cham pionship in its o\\·n in v1tational tournament Saturday. 'l'he Husllers of Torn Hermstad bli tz~ three foes 43-7 en rou te to lhe tille. (ioldl'n \\'est ripped Cypress. 19-2, as Al Jtojas had four g(Ja]s. Then the Rustlers beat Rh·ersidr. 3.4, as Harry l\oah hrecl 1n three seonng shots and in !hi' final game they blasll'1\ Uls Ansl'les Valley, 16·1. Lance Norns, Rojas and Kris Swenson •ach scored three in that Oil!:. Diablos Score First TD, Su ff er 50-6 Drubbing By DAVE CEARLEY OI ""-Dl ll'Y Ptlef Sl•fl l11e r.1 ission Viejo football squad seems lo be in a very deep rut -getting clob- bered every weekend. Saturday night v.·as no c:tception as the CJrangc Panthers haJlded t.1ission Viejo i!!> foo rlh straight loss by mauling the Di.ab!os. ~. at F:1 '°1odena. Diablo coach Ray Dodge put it apt ly v.·hen he said, "\\'c just cant put an_vthing together." Some consola tion to fan s was that th(' D1ablos notchtd their first touehdo.,..n of 1iit season. and also picked up 231 total ~ ard5, their high for the year. But as Dodge said, "JI O\\' C'Jn you c;1ll t'iat improvement v.·hcn )'ou gel beat 50· 6'·" The Diablos scored their first TD of thr sc<:son \\'ilh just one second showing on the clock on a 51·yard hcil \'e fro1n Ed Gray to halfback Doug Citro. Citro·s c~ tra point attempt \\'ll S "·idc to lhe left As in its last con!t,st \1ith n1igl1!~· Foothi ll, r.tission Viejo \1·as ne ve r in the g:ime from the opening kickoff. l11c losers began the game'5 orwning picked up only three yards in the sl'rie~ :::ite\'C llilliard 's nine.yard punt again~t !ht: v.·ind gave Orange a !irst dov.·n on lhe 23 On the Panthers' fir st offen.si\'e play. (i\larterback J.1 ike Churchward skirted lett end and scampered 23 yards un- touched into the end zone. Churchw ard later added \\,·o more !cores, both on roll outs. 11a1fbacks Paul Sandford and Larry Schell and fullba ck Tom Nalion all added i:Nring jaunts. Orange safetyman Dennis \\"ccl ker also pi cked off one of Gray·s passes JU~! before the iialf, and returned JI fl~ yards for a touchdov•n. The Oia blos launched on!y one sus- t:iined dri1·r. that 1n the fourth quarter, \I.hen they marched from thei r 14 to the Orange three. Ru1 till' drivl' s1a lll'd as Cilro took a pitch out and v.·as smothered al the five .11111 Andre Holmes was stnpped at lhe llll l"C' on fourth dowr-. G.t.Mf ST .t.lliTICS •<~'· '""''"q "'"" o•u.oo no'" prn~lto• H I • I dQ••••» ·" ·~ ""'Q ·•a\ P" 1•n~ • , a' rn 1 · r ¥•'a' ~""'"" • u '" "''"'"~' <t11t•n•~ ""1~111t> Y••d• oe~•I ,.,, '11"'g1•.,F~mb•os 1<>01 icoro Dy Ou•r•rn "' ' ' " •• • "' '' !S I ,, • " ~· • ' '" l .1? 0 "' '' ··~~ \1,110 0 0 c ,,~. ,, i• " • 1 . -. 0 -j() .. ' " ,,., .... B••11t" ( U'<'""~'d <>eb•n>o' '••a•ald s,~.11 'l M "" b••"<" T~1•I• C~u•ft\"'·'·<'I ~<~rll To•OI• ll!Ui"ll<G M<H._., Vlo!• TCI YQ YI. II .M 6 ll •l l 6 11 0 " . • • ~ 1l Q •J Hl t " , • • ...... " " " " " " " " .. " • .. 0 11 • • • .. • " . " •I 30• '"SSl"G M iu Gn v,.,. B ~ Q . " . .. . " . .. • .. "" "' ,. .. I YG i J l It . ' . • J l •• O••nq• ' . , ' ' ' • • • • • • _It's Moxley Mowi11g Down SA Valley as Cl1ru·ger s Ro1n1} to 33-0 Co11cfll es t By 110\\'ARD t . llA1"0\' 0 1 I~• D •llJ ,.llet St•fl Erl1son lligh Schoo l won its first e\'rr football game, hatt•ring Santa Ana \·al- lay SaLurdav rught, 33--0. The nC\\·Cst h unlingtun Beach l-ligh School entered action w•ith an 0-2-! recorr! but it wa s apparent froin the outset that co.ic:h Bill \lairs charges had con1c. lo pl a~·. The victory \1•as a tean1 affair \1'1U1 the Chargers tackling \\'ilh authority and blocking "'ith precision. But lhe pl<H1rl1ls "'Cnt to a junior halfback who wore Ko. 2~ on his back. Young .Jim !lloxlcy carried the. ball 26 tiines fnr 239 yards, an average gain ol 9,2 yards per try. He scorrd three t1n1chdo\\·ns on runs ol 8, 69 and 40 yard.~ and on the fir st crucial Charger dr11·e in the opt'ning minules, carried the first eight tinles Edison had the ball. t::dison look ovl'r on its 26-yard line early 1n the first period and J.f oxley personalJy advanced it lo lhe Valley 11. Thl' ha rd-charging young halfback then ga1·e \vay to a bit of razzle-Oaz.zle as r,u arterback Jerry Hinojosa reversed lo Lyle Raymond, ran to his le.fl and took a pass at the hne of scrimmagl' and ' .. , .. G-'MIE \l.t.lt!TICS ~"·' no"'"' •U•~l"Q T'"' 001¥<1' ""'"'"q f ir>~ do .. n• l>f"~11,u 10101 ••••• lk>Mn1 Vora• •u•~·ng "'••O\ POl1'"9 YAfO• IOO! "1~! ~·'~I qAI""" Pu"h'•••r•Q• d l1tan<• Ptn•l!ln/v••d~ ~"tll1!'1l Fumolu /Fumbl .. 11»1 • ' " , .. " • "' • 11 a IQ 13 " Seo•• tty Ou•"'" ~d•1a" 6 O U ~l"lf ""' V•l:~y D 0 0 ~·0<1•1 '~· Hl ... )O•• l!;lc:pe· O••l>ood N•rln1> Toltll llUS l(ING ~11000 "' h ' " '" " • • " ' " "' S'""' .t.1>1 Vtl-.Y ' " , " '" ' • • " " . . " ! '" ~ '. " H -l l . -. Yl ltvq. . " . " . . ' . " ' " . ,. . " • • Dr ~·•~v• (,~n:·• ftlJ1•0 Ronro~ " • J• " 1l n " " " " " To'•'' H\MIO.• R•y-~n Or•~OO':I TOl•ll l i•nd " M " P"SS l'"G 1:0111" P~ ,.C. ,.HI ,. " " " " . ' . ' . , . . ' . I•"'" llnl V1l,.y 11 j } " '" ~ "'' '"' '" '" s:innte<I inlo the end zone for the score. Fol\ow·ing th e game, V:iH 11·as askl'd about ~1oxl('y's performan ce and all he enold say \v as, ''he's greot.'' The se e m i n g I y victory·inloxlcated roach tl1cn ru.~hed away to eonsole Valley enach Bi ll fl.l!lls and \\'as carried off on the shoulder.~ of his dc!lnoL1s team 11 h1\e a niul!;tude of rans pour ed nnlo lhc fil'ld. \V hile J\1oxley did everything nskcd of hinl, 1t 11·asn'l until the ltnl,L] three 1in1l'S h~ carrird tl1at he !>Cured. Bu l lhe lhrce tuuchdov.·ns came in rapid fire success ion (JnC'e the fl eet-fooled ba!J earner fi rst la.sled pa y dirt. Hinojosa directed lhr atlack 11·1th prec1s1on and .seorrd !he otller 1110 toucru\011·ns. !!is fina l tally t•an1c on a bl'aut1ful fake to >loxlcy goi ng into the- l1n~. Hinojosa then 11al1zcd arolnd righ t er.d uninolsted froin four ~ards out. Terry Kipper set up thl' final touchdO\\'n ~·Jth a par.s 1n:crcc pl1on :it !he 50 which he retu rned to the Falcon four before being caught fro1n behind, Rustl er Runne rs Def ea t East LA Golden '\"c!'t CoJlcge \\'on it.s Sl'COn(r Southe rn Cahforn 1:1 Cr>11fe1'l'11~·1' t"f(l~s country m('('l \n thrrc oulln gs Friday, bul Orange Coast firopp<'d its Lh1rf1 straight South Coast Conference test the same day. Golden \\'esl edged East Lfls 1\n~eles on the Hustler coursr. Z.l32. as Terry ~:cKeO\\'n. Doug SC'hmcnk and Victnr ~1artinez finished onl'·two-three for the \"il'lors. ~lcKeown·.~ '''inning t i1~ \1·as 2o·:rt over the four-mile cou rse Schmeok had a 20 :Ki tune \\·hi\e ~1art1nez was clocked in 21· P. Other finishers frir the Ru~t lers were Craig Smigh. sevi>nth 1n 22.16 and Ste,·e Be.l'lor, 10th in 22.42 . Orange Coast's Dan t.l'lO ney srl a P1 ra1e record on the school":; nc"' course 1rilh ::i 20 ·57 timr. ht•\ he w a~ seco nd lo 7'-lt ~an Antc.nio·s Dan Ilraddox "'ho J1n1~hed in 20·46. .\I!. SAC won the 1neet. 2.'l.J:I. Graves Paces Gauchos' 28-7 Win By JAV OAVID 01 .... Dally Pltotl !lilt PAL"I DESERT -Saddleback College made a believer out of il5 coaC'h, Grorge llartman, here Saturday nigtit "!llh a eonvinc.ing 23-7 \·icto ry O\'er College of Ille Oe~rt 1n the Gauchos' Orser! Conference opener. "I feel we art ROing lo be a ti tle con- tende!'" JJQW," said a hippy Hartman alter his club had notched it,:s third straight victory. "The only thing lhal lx>thered me wa~ our l&ek of anlmll Instinct \\'e had a 21· point lead in thl' fourth period aod It ! up. "'e can't afford to do that and Hw lrl- down prtVl'ntcd mt from u5iBR some ol our ruerve1 late in lhl' gamr " !\everthcless Har1man hacl pll'l11\ tn hf' happy about. llis team ran oH a total of 83 0Hens1ve plays. 34 more tha n College of the Desert, and the Gauchos netted 467 yards in total offen5e .. ~lo~t of that ya rdage came lhrough the air v.·hcrc f]Uarterback Rod Gra\'l'S con1- ple1cd 22 of 40 p11sscs fQr 308 ya rds and thrre louchcto\\·ns He al~ ran for the Gauchos· fourth ~re. "ll \ras tota l team ef forl ," Hartman ~ilirl. "Our offe nsi\·e line did a ~ood Job blockinc allht•ugh "'e didn 't mo\'e on the ~l"l.Jund llkl' 1-1 e h:11e hf>cn 1159 vards). The line did an excrlll'nt JOb Or pass blockinA lnr C.ra1·es. "\\'e hAr1 a fine rlC'frn~il·r effort and hrld thcn1 lO ~ven first doll'nS. \\e only n1:irl!:' one mistake. liul It cost us ser!'n fYIJll~." ' Toby \\'hippie v.·en l over the 100-}·ard 1nark ru shing for the third straight game, ch :ilk ing up J 15 yard s in 26 toles. College of the Desert primrd its defense to stop Saddlehack's brui sing ground gaml', but ll'K! Gauchos ground out their fi rst tonchdo~·n v.·lth the run before taking lo the air for three. :ienal score s. Jn lhr hr.'>I pcrlocl C.ravcs srorrtl hi~ fifth TD of the season on a four-yard s\\·eep a nd .lohn Ste11.·ar1 booted the l'Xl ra point. :.1 thr srcnn1! q11a-,·tcr Gr:1ves hit Harrly and \\'hippie \\'i!h 20 ;ind 5-~·11r~ pas~." for 111 0 1norr l<1u chdo11ns and Stewart's l11•1 kicks m.1dc It 21 ·0, Desert narrO\red the count tn 21 ·7 \1hcn \'1c :'11oreno took a short ch~k o!f pa~' and sped 91 yards Ill tJ1e start Of tJic final period. S11ddleback hO\\'evcr, bounced ri~ht back and added sever. mnre points . The touchrlo\\'n came on a 12-ynrd Gra\ cs pass to Uard' G.t.Ntf 1fAflSf t(\ lo'-11 !.••I ogwm Ne1 '"'"' g11n•" P•••I"" Yt•n• porn••,1..:I Fu,.,~1,, Fum~•~• lo" Sftrl by Du••I••• "'"n~•r~•·• 1 I• co.1eog1 ol Dftrrl o a ~USlll"'G \•Ol!lll>o<k .. " ., "~ .. • • '" ' '" . " ,, , -. I -> f(I 'fG YL •.1 (-' ... , r"''~'' ''"'"'"'' "' ~· 1' ~ • • ii ,, ' " •J !~I Pi,i~l °'G ~·~~lfb•'C~ l'\ PC ,.,_, VG <1 110 )()1 • t •I I • • • " " ,. '" ,. - Vik.es Lack Pa ss Defe11se, In 30-20 Loss By STE\'E ANORE\'t'S Ot !M 0 •11, "il•I 31111 If Salurd<i~' e1·ening was any ind ic ation , the ~!;:rina Vikings had belll'r sho re-up their pass defense be.fore facing any mo re ace passers. \\'l'stern 's Bob ~liller shredded the Vik- ings' secondary and Jed the Pioneers to a touchdown in every quarter to dump i\1arina , 30·20, in a Sunset League football ga n1e nn \\'estcrn's turf Sa turday. The senior quarterback hit 14 times in 22 tries for 150 )•ards. All lhe Pioneer .-;corl's ca n1e vi a the air route. Coach Jim Coon·s rushing defense gave up only 64 y<trds but the deep men failed to h(lld on !he big third dO\\'n pla ys. As a r~su lt. U1e Pioneers totaled JO first downs passing com pared to three on the ground. t-.larina qua rterback. Ric k Saeman alSfl had a big night. but he \\'asn·t as con- sistent as the Pionrl'r flinger. Sacman completed nine of 17 passes for 150 yards and l\'."O touciido\\'ns llo'.\t\ C'r, Sacman had three aerials ln- lt•rrc•p1ed. 1wo late in !he game to th"·art 1!rt1f'.~, Santa Anr1·s secondary had better I><' rr;idy tor the Sae1nan to 5teve ilflnahan i:ombin<.i lion . The duo made good oo four passl's f0r Ii!} yards and one scori ni; slrike. Coon frequently called on this pair 111 key si tua tions 1\'J\h the results re11 ardJng. Coon hopes lo have ace halfback Joc VenLimig lia ba ck for the Saint cncounler . lf he does he \\'ill have 10 find a place for Hl'nry Lazcano. Should both play in the s<i mc b:ickfield. the Vikings v.·ill have a formid able ground game based on the Jl<'rformance of Lazcano. Lazcano. lhe replacement ror Ven· timiglia who was on the sidelines with an injurrd ankle, put on quite a show car- rying the ball 21 limes for 120 of the Vik- ings' 133 yard s. r..larina outdistanced the Pioneers In total offense. 269 yards to 214, oulrushed lhetn, 133 to i9. bur failffi on t1Yo el!:1ra point tinles and didn"t score in the third period, the onl y one they missed. The Vikings scored on a six-yard run by Lazcano and tou chdown passes from Saeman to r.tinahan for nine -yards and a J7-yarder to ligh~ end Bob Witt. -~ * -tI G,t,MI! STATISTtti ~·•·' daw~' •11~~'"0 ~,;,! <low..~ P<'U lfl!I r,,.~! OQWC) M "ill•(' Tot•t tint "'°""'~ Y•rO\ r111n1"9 M • • • " "' ·~ Y•rd' P•••lng YudJ IOU N•1 v•rd• g•1,,.., P""h.l -'v•r•91 Oll ltN• l'ft>1IHu/'f1•d• 11en•l01tc1 ~u~ln Fum~!tl toil " , .. ·~ "' ,,, ··•••i"I ··tJtf "l [I .... ~ ~ ....... ~ L•1 *"° l'l~•fS lo••I• l '.•tlt r ""~' Wll'O~ c .. •~•·• Yo:!"t 101•'' l.",11•1 Seo" D~ Ou••U,.. • • • ' I 0 llUUO"'G M•r_,fCJ, TO YI. ' , . . ' . 1/r&t"n 11 11.l J ' . ' JO Ill 14 " ' • I ' " . " II ' " ' , . " . n " '''U'°G M•rlno "" ,.C ""' YO IT • l 1!>0 ! 0 0 0 •• ' I BO Wn!t•~ 11 I• •• w I " • " " IY " "' • 1 • .,. ··-· " . .. " .,. .. .. .. " " .. " ••• • Tars, Lion s Gonzalez Wins Top Week's A rwther ChaP,ter Grid Menu Or the C limnx? N('wport llar'bo r High School Is in lhe Orange Coast area football spotlight for ihe lhird week in a row as the Tars bat~ Ue surprising Westminster in a Sunset Ltague crucial Fri· day night. \Ve s hninsler, undefcatrd after two Sunset oulings. brings its sophomore and junior studdt'd tearn into Newport and Uie Sailors must \11n ir they are to stay in con. tention for the Sunset crown after dropping a 2S-16 verdict to Anahein1 Saturday night. \Veslminster is fresh from a sturuung 31-2.3 win over Sanla Ana. The fina l outcome isn't even close lo indicating the i;trength of \\'estminster, 1'he Lions Jed al one point. 31-7, and fun1b!ed on the Saintf one. fltater Dci and Servile, two old rivals in Angelus Leaglle comp<>tition, start the \\·eek or football off \1·ith a Thursday night encounter at Santa Ana Stadiurn . Bo!h teams arc 3-1 in non-league games. Cost.a hlesa ls in a battle of survival Saturday night wllh invading Fountain Valley afll'r !he latter punished Corona drl ~far, 12-0. The Fountain Val!Pv clefen~e allo1ved no first downs ta Coro.na del f.lar rushing or passin!.!. Coach B r u c e Pickford"s Barons are 2--0 in league play and victory against Costa hlesa would put lhen1 in serious contention for the Irvine League crov.·n. It LAS VEGAS IAP) cooldn"l have been a more magnificent climax to a brilliant tennis carttr -Ol' was it just another chapter? Pancho Conzalez ol P.1alibu, l he veteran pro and ctoY>'d pleaser, looked at his $l2.500 prize and l~stened to the cheers of the crowd al the 1'~ronlier Hotel. ''I know some people won't believe me," the i l-year-0ld said of the. retirement he had announced weeks ago. "All 1 can say is just y,·ait and stt." But y,•hen pressed lo make it definite, Conzalez hacked off a bit. "Let's say I'm going to think it over,'' he said. He had good reason for sec- ond thoughts. After saying several weeks ago he \\'OU\d retire. Conze!ez won the Pa- cific Southv.•est Open Tennis Championships in Los Angeles. But that was on!y prelude t·:> v.•hal he said would be his last tournament the $ a.o. 0 0 0 Hoy,·ard Hughes Open. He won that one loo in grand style, combining his usual searing serve with steady r eturns and a \\•ell~paced run- ning game to v.·a!Jop Arthu r Ashe of Richmond, Va .. U.S. Davis Cupper and possibly the. nation"s best player, 6--0, 6-2, 6· •• "It 's too bad Ashe didn't get moving earlier," Con z a I e z said of his foe, who picked up the '5.000 runner-up prize. The ladies staged an upset Eagles, Lio11 s, Marii1a Chall{ Up Polo Victori es By STEVE ANDRE\\'S Of 1twi D•;lw Pllet J!•!t Estancia, \\'eslminster and r.1arina chalked up \'ictories \1 hile Anaheim dov;nl'd Costa ~lcsa in y,•ater polo action Fri- da y, Estancia scored tv.·o goals in the second, third and fourt h periods to down Foothill , 6-3, 1n the Eagles' pool. \\'ard Saunders "·as Estan. cia's leading scorer v.·ith t \·u ~oals. Trailing on the list \\ere Dan Jlerf eran, Sieve \\'ebster. Dan Zanelt.a a11d Larry Blat· lerman \\'ith one each. l:;;iglc goalie Doug \\'eiler p11t on ql1ile a di splay of net- minding. blocking 12 of L7 shot attempts. period goals to take a 6-4 decision rom Co~ta f.le sa. Da1·e Bannon scored on a penalty shot and hfike Beal added one from the field in the lasL quarter, but it \\'asn'L enough for the host t.lustangs. Bannon scored ty,·o goals for 1-fesa, \\'hich is no\\' 0-1 in Sunset League pla.v. Beal and Ron ~lisiolek tallied on e apiece. lr\'inc League competilion begins Tuesday \\'ilh three area games on tap. Costa ~fesa visits Fountain Val!e y, Estancia hosts Santa Ana Valley and Edison journe}'S to Corona de! Mar for 3:15 en# counters. of their oy,·n as Nancy Ri rhe:y of San Angelo, Tex., rallied lo defeat Biiiie J ean King of Long Beach 2-6, 6-4, 6-1 , for the women's !ilngles title and the J:],000 priu. Football SUNSfT ll:.t.CUI w ' • "" , .. W•1•,...ln1l•r An•n•lm .. :>• OJt"P<irl H•'l>OJ' IV••IO•n t<un••nolon lie•<!> ,., .. , ... • ' '7 ~] . .. J6 ll S•n11 ,.,,.,. • • • ' " ~ " U •S Sll"rcl•r"• ScorH •~nheim ?I, Ne"'go" H1rbor U Wt11un JG, M•ri,.. 70 Prl<11,•1 C1mt We~rrni,,sl..,. 11 l\le>•'<•:irl H•rbor S•ll'•d•r '• 01mH HuntlnQIM 8e•~h •I w e;1ern M•rln• •! S•n!o Ano \llLVINf_ LIAOUf w ' Foun•1 ln V1lltY lo••• ' ' ' • "" , ... " . <II 1t Cnron1 rt•I M•r (0111 M t11 ,, 17 Ed ISO<! MIGr>Olll £011nc:l1 ' ' • • J• ?t ll It • ' ' '~ JI 16 \I S1n11 An1 V1ll ry . " S'1urdlr"J 'corn c;a;,.., JJ, Sf n!o Ana V1llev o M1gnollo ~. E1!1nd 1 lt ,., .... , .• c;,.., .. Fd•$01! ~~ LOI•• 11 l 1 Palmi [•!Ancl• v• Son11 •no Volley ot S1n11 Anl Sled.um SOIU•do~-. Com11 (o;on1 del M•• "' Movnoll1 01 l o P•lmo CllLl!ST"l"!"# LIEAGUf w L T ,.,. ,. .. FCl()tf\•11 1 o 0 tJ 0 Or•"!I• 1 t II 1' t:1n (l~ni. I O I J} Vlll1 p.,~ 1 O 1 •l Tu\!;., I I 0 " l •OU"' 8to<l1 D J I • "'"'(lt'O ...... 1o 0 , 0 ' El l..G<len• o lJ S""rdor'1 Sto<r• O<•nv• !oil. Mi.,lon v leio ' l'tl~IY'I Gom•• 1 "'''" •• L1o~n• Bo•on O'onot o! Son Clomt nlt ll•nlon Vl"'o OI f l M<>dt nl VIII• Pe·~ •• l'oct~ltl SOUTN CO.t.ST CON,l•Lntct • " .. " .. '" " w l ,., ,. .. O•onot Co••' t o l'O 1' Cerr1!01 1 o 11 '' S~n D,<110 Me" 0 ll U S•n O'too o D 0 Fullt •!on o 1t ?O S•~•n• o 1 11 ll Mt. S•n A~IO"iO 0 0 U '' Sl l\ltdlY'I !<•rt• o .... ~ .. c""" 1\l. Fu,.e•ton 1t Si" Oltoo 1.1.,1 71, Soni• ,t.n1 \I r ,,,,!oJ u . Mt SAC 1' Son Dlt9o. bvt SOl.,rd•V'I G1mt1 S1nl1 An• •• Orang• Co•~I Son Dieoo •! 'ullorton Cerriln• '' S•n Ol•o" M•,. Df.i EllLl CON,EllLE'-!Cf w l ,., ,, !OdGleba<~ P~IO v .. a .. M;r1 (Oii• Vlct<>< V•ll<Y e 111 .. •-0 lmoe,,11 Y•ll•v o ce11eo• of '"' or. .. 1 o 0 71 ' 0 " ~, • • •I 14 • • '~ '' " ' .. " S11U•~1r·• scorH ~adGltl>.IC~ )I. (Oii. 01 1nr Dtl~rt 1 P•lo Vt rde !7, !11r>tc "' ?• Miro (0\11 j l, lmo!d l l Volin' I' S1tur,.v·1 Gomo1 Vino• V•ll•¥ ~ •. S•dOl•O•<~ ol M·•· 110., v .t lo H1on Cnlll!-91 el int D•"" '' Ml, ~an J••ln!o 81ri10,.. •I lmptd •I VllltY Goalie Bob \\'ealher\y of \\'est minster led hi s 1n11\es to a 7-0 shutout or La Quinta. Weatherly stopped a penally shot in 1he thir d period to preserve a whi1ewash !or the ))os!ing Lions. Lio11s ~ Mari11a, .MD Ken Davis paced the Lions scoring with three goals \1'hlle Chuck Setzer, ty,·o, Chris Ohre and Bruce Baron one l'ach, ad- dt!d the rrmaining points. hfarina played the best gam" nf !ht' yr11r according to coach Chuck r.1orri:r; in the i-4 \1•in over visiting Edison. ~1or r 1s terml.'d it as an outstanding team crrort \v11h excellent derensive work coming from RO<tlie Charlie Shiosaka and forward Chip Davies . TI1c VikinR'.S broke the g:ime open in the fourtl1 period $<'or- 1ng t\ro poin1 s. Steve ~1eCon r.aughcy ga l'r the Vikcs a three-point lead 1o1'ilh t110 penalty throv.·s. r.1cConnaughey and Chuck Tlollo\\'3Y led the scoring col- 11mn \\'ilh three goals apiece v.·ith John r.talt by adding one. n1ore. Dan F.drty la\licd tilnes for the Chargers Tom Liodas once. three "d Anahei m put in three last SOFT SELL SAM .. ~ .. PARKJ >J(i l#l "l"f.:-.:.:-:.·:. ----r.-- Win i11 Cross Cou11tr v \\lcstminster and ~farina logged Sunset League .,.,;ns and ;\fate:r Dei nipped St. Anthony in cross country dual meets Friday. Ne:v.·port Harbor captured .11 second in the Santa Barbara Invitational he ld Saturday. \Vrstminster raced lo its se- tond s1 raight Sunset dua l meet \rin y,•ith the 19-40 romp o\'er Santa Ana . f)l"ln Diston ~t a Lion coursl! record. v11nning in 9:59. The o!d mark \\'as ~t in 1966 by Neil Sybert. who no w performs for UCLA. Steve Va rga finished second for Jack Hedges' harriers in 10:06 and \Vayne Ak iyama 11•as 1.hird in 10:20. Other Lions to hit the t1pe were Ted ~1autcr, sixth. Ke\'i n C ol e ma n, seventh. Ke:n Hurst, ninlh and Rod Wooley, tenth. By Marvin Myers h!arina won its first meet dumping \Vestern, on th~ Pionetr c:ourse, ~ lonp 19-37. l)a\·e Lockman, 10.08. and D a\' e l!enderson. 10 .32, crossed the finish line: one· lwo for !he V1kini:s. Folloy,•. ing .,.,. ere Dob Phillips. a fourth in 10 36, Rob r-;e_ilson , fift h in 10 53, Ken J\fartyn . sc\·r.nth in 10 57 and !\ir k Jones \\'ii~ tenth in 11 li ,\lark Col lins paced i\latrr Oci lo 1J 21 -36 Angelus win on the fl.Jonarch track. Collins' time was 10:23. Collins \\·a~ lrail{'(t by Ri ck Jl'nning~. 10:28 for seCQnd, Bob Lean7.a, fourth in 10.37 , Steve Jlore~tme_vcr. sixlh 111 I I :02 ~l ark l..ean1.a, ei~hth in 11 :10, Toby Cleary, 11 ·15 ror 11inth a11d Pal Feeney was 11th in 12: 19. There werl' rour races in !he Santa Barbara meet \1·ith points based on performances in all races combined . Craig Clark finished second in the freshman race in \0 ·36, J ohn Holcomb 111as eighth in the sophomore heat in 11:03, fuck Fleming wound up fift h in the junior race in 10:4i and Chris BenUey was the lOp Tar in the senior division in 10:35. r-."ewport trailed Lon1poc in the point standing!;. Co~la lHcsa }(it By New Injury Costa Afesa High School's 1t1ustangs I 1-3) took another se\'ere blo\v y,•hen it \\'as learned that halfback Dave Dies has been sidelined for the balance of the football season afte.r .suffl'ring a torn ligamenl and car1ilage against Loara Friday night. That compl etes the loss of lhe enl ire ~1esa de£ensi ve SE'Condary. 11f HAVF MY OOVBTS ABDVT /HIS LOf ··-• Kent Paul. safety, suffered a rr11ctured elbow Jn the se<:ond game of the !leason and ag11inst E11ta ncla it "''as Dave na11i' dropping oul v.·ith a broken a.rm. ' l\1cLaren Praises CM Racer By OD\E llOUl.GATE Of Ill• D•o!J ,i19t Sl11t ~!ONTEREY Br u ce P.1cLaren was lavish in his praise Sunday f:1r the: Costa hl esa race car making its debut 1n the Laguna Scca •.:Jrand Prix. In his post-race inter\•ie:w ~lcl.aren saki : "I think it was remarkable what Pet e r Bryant and his c:rcw have done. They bli1lt a straight forward race car and brought it to the race. and they fini~h cd their first timi' out. "The car ran \'ery \\'l'll in- deed. lt"s a tribute to the tea1n and lo the drh·cr (Jackie Olh•er of England) that 11 bt:-111 all those-n1ult.i -million dollar teams that were going 10 con1e out he r" and blow us off."' The ~lesa-built racer finis hed 13th. !'11cL;:iren had just \\'On the Laguna Seca Can-Am, his fifrb vict::>ry in nine sta rts 11'hcn ht• turned his altention to the car that provided mosl of the weekend drama hert.". Arriving at the. track late Friday afternoon, the ear 11•as not ready for Oli\'er to drive until Saturday n1orning·s prac- tice period. He encountered an assort- men t of sorting out proble1ns. !he most serious of which were a sticking throttle and fuel surge. "I got seasic k out the.re.'' "I'd lurch forv•ard and then bang my head back oo the roll bar four times a lap. Because or that I couldn't really go all oul. Costa ~lesan Dan Curncv cost himscll sorne valuabl{. early time for rnaking whal officials said \\'as an illeg:il pass during the pace lap. He was black-flagged and eal!e:d in tor a reprimand. Gurney broke a connecting rod and fai led to finish \he r11ee. McLaren finished two t·ar lengths ahead or tca1nn1a1 c Dennis Hul1ne. C h a r 1 c ~ Parsons and ~lario Andrct\1 lo!Jo.,.,·ed. College Football WE Sf ~1~r~trn C•ll!<)rnl• Jt. -~'""'Ord :1 C•t.•orn•• ,., Wl••~i•n•on !J UCLA Ob. Wos~ln~"''' ~t 11 5•n JO•e SI l6. °''""~ 3' l!T•~ 1•, A•i•ona 51 1l evu "· >1ew M•"(" 15 l'l>"Gm•oo l/, UT E l Po'o • (~101~0G S! JI, UT•~ 51 ll "le••OA u Jl H •v~'•rG ~·. )! Mo<ll•"• l•. ldaM t 1. •V~"'" 11, Pomo"" o '1""l1nd• '5, ("1 PGIV Pe>mon• a ,,.,11·, l•. S•n!o 8"~"" o >In A"''"'A :-0, l • 5 !"~ 1f ~~>ola U. Ot~IO•Mol II M IDWEST '"'r~;••n Jl, f'~'o"' 10 o~ a 51. 54, MT~Mg~~ ~'-11 h•dl•n• 17. Mln,,...CI• 1 Colo••Oo II, •ow· SI, 0 O:on•&• St_ )6, l{oo•o• '1 ~fo·•~"'"'~'" 10. 1111 ...... ' l.'•••ov•i p """'""'" 1 Wl>tonoin ll, looo 11 SOUT>f \'. u;om a.,._.,,.., 11, C·•~c!•i 1{ So (•101;,,. n . No c.,,,, ... SI 11 A"bu•n ,., Clem'°"~ T""""''"' 16. G.0..,11 l ee/\ I r 101.c1~ ''· r v11~• 11 ... "IU<•• I , V"~in" l~~. j Ou>• ?1' Wo~• Fo••'1 ?0 S•r•c~•· n. M~" ''"" • ". ~"'"" ?G. NO"" C•tol'"' •o \11fq.;., :1 VMI 10 'I I"" opl S! 1', Sov•~-•n MIS! 10 0~\lld•on l7, 11 .~~"'0"G I Mll'iulool lS. G.o•O•• 11 \DUTHW[Sf ''''""'' 71 @;,'M 1 l••1• lor'> •l, l•••' A~ I!• S•n D•~<>o ~, 1•, Wo•! Te•03 I• ,,.,~, JI. o~i.nom• 11 Norin r •••• ST lS. Webllr SI 11 £A!f lln!•f D~,,.,. •.I A""' l~ P·H•W•vh '6, •1ovv 19 l•~Ton •1, 11 u•ou' I Pri1><t1on 11, Co•ot ll I' .-~,.,.••d •1 . Colv,,.,~·• o D•rtmoutn •1, P•nn O "'"'' JI, 8•own !l M••1•t~v~•"' l<. flo•IQ~ \/ ' P"'n s1. )II, Viti! v1 .. 1n<1 t Pro Gric1 Sta11din gs No! .. "11 Lo1 ... , l!ono"' (OfOl111nc• ("'"""' Di\ll•lool Clt •tll"'1 Ille'" Yo•..._ Sl. LO<J" Pihn~•on Wlf "cl,.t<D, l l O ISlllOlll l I 0 ,,Sil j) I! 1 1 1 _~.,., IJO .ISO M tl C•p!t-1 Dlwii!"" 01111• • 0 c l.Ol!O '~' •• Wuni.,o!on , 1 I .t61 ,. 11 Pnil&O•!?hll 1 1 0 .lJl U •? Ntw Orlrfn' 0 • 0 000 JI I!~ Wen ..,.., Conl•••nc1 Ctnltll 01 Yllloft G·•~n 1!1v .1 l 0 l'Jll l.\irit\OI• ~ ... :. C/\•tl'I• J l DJSO ))0 500 0 •0000 ( ... 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II/ OAILV PIL~,27 Sears l .. aker·~ Ra>kclball ::ihoes !i,IHMI ! tlj 1'11'\-, i.:ro(.J h'f 110 I 1,1•.c JI 1.,1,,, 1''"- •r•l.,11 >/,..-,, .• "''I! h( ~'"''l'I 111 !11•· IH\! ',\~I\) """• J ' '.' ,p, I•' •L,<-' ~JlJ '"•..i er, •'h •1J•1•i: tho !.1i..-" t h" J ....... :-urr :i l .:.i1ninalf'1! l .:1)crs 1 1r~pt:,1 .i! Rub)l\.rs Furrn :1 '"'.th:tw" Darr lt•r" 'J h.11 l'ro- I CLIS 'L 'our ·r1tL" tnim o .. n.t.:e ruus t\ir Lo,s A 11 Lo111 a l icall y SE ALS 1\ai l 1'1111t llll"('S • , GUARANTEED 10MONTHS NATIONWIDE •• -~-~ ;:=,..,,~----.--"i!i.-s --- :1 3'/a'i'o OFF RE(;Li L.\R T RAIJE-1:'11 PR ICE -SA \.E '12 TO 'l!I l'ER T I RE Buy Your Tires Now and Save ... Ask About Sears Convenient Credit Plans ........................... , •..•....... , ....... ~ ~1 1.f:l'IT 4;1,.\11 f) ~E .. \ I .A !\'f 110-\I I l-1-..·r1 I j :11,\ff .\i\'f~;~; ·r,.,..,11.;r,. 1;0 ..... .,1 .... r.,,~"""'"'t ~,.,,,.,. 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C OU~TV oc OR.loNC.E .. .. 0~ Seo!•mC" II , It••. ti.•:•1 ""'· !•• ''"""' •l•nH , • ND!••• P ub+" '" '""" In• •••<I County •nd Stat•, "'"""""' e o "'"'""HELEN C•UlHEll.S, '"""'" '" "'' lo ttf lh1 Ptt""" Wl\0>0 n0tT'• 11 •Ub\<tll>o •d lo llto wllh!n ln1l•vm•ol •"4 t<~nowlt<latd Iii.•• 1M •¥tculod '"' .,..,, WI TNE~S "'" h••d """ on \<111 , ••• tOFFICllL SEAL ~ lG•I ft _ HoDb1 loo!•rv P uDll<-(l l•ln•n•t P fl'l(IPl l Olli<!. In Or anP t Covnl> ,., (n"'"'""'" I '"•"' F•D.,,.o•v 1" ''n STAT£ OF C:AL l ~OR,.IA ... LEGAL NOTlCE Dt •IY p,1~1. a. ll. n~• UO\..ot LEGAL NOTI CE NOTICE 0, lltUSf(f'' S•l l NI, •·111 LEGAL NOTICB JOSEPH E OAY!S Nol1•v Publlc·C1lllorni1 Prlncl1>11 Oii.co In Or1n9e Counly My Comml)IH!ft EAPI"' Junt ll lf/O Publ•!hM Or1n1t CMol D1•lv ~i10!, S•11tml>u 19 1no 0<:101>1r 1, lJ, 10, lt.!I I 1fl·'91 ~~~~~~~~~-1 ' "' COUNTY 0 ~ Ol'IA NCE l o" 1~1, i.1n O•• ot .,•o•om~1r I"? i..10,, ,,,. Df'•~onallv '""°"~ Cl;A l>lf~ H"l'I TE L, ~nown IC mt '1> ti• l~I <'O'\oi wl'K>o• n1mt lo oubtc•·-to tno !•rf"'lo•n~ In•''""'""'· •nO 1cllnowleOV!<I fhl 1 no , .. t <J••d •ft• .,,m. I WITNESS mv n1nd t no \tol J A ME~ G 11ou•~E No!arv Public "•'• o• C111•o•n'" P rln<•<>l l Ott lco 1~ O•ano• County o" Noy•mt« 1, IUO. •! •O (IO "M M v (~mm'ulon E.o,rt• A A A INSUl!AN(E S[JtiJ ICl;:r •• dvl• ~•pt 1•. lUt ~o00.nll!<! ''"'"' Un<>" •no ov,,v•nt '" JAMft •· ftOUftltl , D••d 01 <•v>I O•'•~ t.lov•mb•' I, 1011 •~· ROUlt "'E I HOL lltOOlt, !<ut"<I ~y FllAN"' J JANCEO: and ,lltl•,..,••• •I L•w. rL•lAllET~ • J AN(fl(, ""'"'"" '"" c-tK·Clll1 ... ••n-'"''. .... ,,,, """ •K o•D•D Nov•m t>o• IS. 1'11 ...... N ............ S•ll• n 1. on-I•, No. 109U, '" -•l'JJ, .... 11. 01 ,,~t• ..... C•lit. ... 11. "'" Qj1•to.i "-~'"'"' '" "'•"""•CPI ttw Co...,. Pub111~~ o,.,,.,, C,,.,1t 0••11 Poro•, i. "•<O"'"' of Oron~e Countv, C•lllo•nlo. S•""""M ' 1• •n<I OctoM• a, n , 7~. Nill .SELL AT PVllLlC ... v c rroN TO U H 1"9.,!t "'(';"FSl Alnoer:t FOR (ASH !o•v•bl•1::::... ______ -c:-:::::-::::----11 ~I llM • of '"'' "' l,1w1 u1 Mon•v tr! ·~• LEGAL NOTICE u~"•<> ~l•ltll al ta No•!ft ll•ooawav,'1------,.c--ccc:C--::O-:::::c:-:-;;-;;ll .S•~•• Ana , (•llfo<nlO Ill fi~M. 1111• O!l<I "'"'•II co~Vt't•O to •"'1 no"' IU'IO bY >t NOTICE 0, PUIL!C "l El ft IN 0 """"' ··6•<1 O••a "' Irv" \n "'" ,,........... llEJOllE THE PL•NNI NG COM· I -.uoolM 011 In• <..<>UMV o1 Oroti9 •, Sl.,p o< MIS SION Clf' THE (!fY OJ "OUN• (•"'n•no.• <l•irrll>"" ,,. T •IH V•LLEY L <I' 1• Tr ocl •!<\,, &I .... ...,,o NOllCE ts H f;~( BV ...... ,, ,., .. on •·«>•<I·<! In II-''J. ,, ..... , 1l ~ml 11 o• \.,. .. ,., .. ,, •• fl<_!O~•· 11. 191'4, •I' 10 P.M .• M"t•l•onl'OU• "'''""'· Rl'Co•<I• "' O•tfl<" on !I,. Cwnrol C1'•"""'' (•ty H•ll, 10~ On S•ol.,n l>•• II. lfel, brlcro "'" ti•! Covnr,. C•ll!Ofnoo 51~••• Av•nv• Founl~•" V •I I I V· •maet\•GnHI. • N01''Y Pybl•< •n on~ •o• s~ia ,,.1, .,.111 "' "'""" bu! .,..,1...,v! (•lllo•"'•· 1n• Pl•nn1n1 Con>m•"lon will •••a Covntv ~"" Sta!•, l>f' ~n~I'> '"' <"~'".,'' 0, wo .. •ntv. ••P••H "' lmpll"<I, ~old pul>lfc ~••dng on Int !1>111>"'!"' ,,.. """'"" ~ALlV M HORNSBY.~'"'""" lo r"<l~•<lln~ 1•!1•, "~'''""'""' nt rn· 1>llco11nn m~ lo b<. 1"• l>C""" """"" r•m~ 11 cumbr~n<•'•' ,0 pov If\• ,.,,.~ln1nq p rln• (1\ c ... .i1;e., Utt ~t<mll Nt . n . ••· •vtt!C<I""" lo Ille "'''"'" •n•trum•nt •nd < P•I l<Jm Of "" .,01• '"'"'"" bl' ••ia clot.••111'1 ·•ullm!!!"" b1 1•'1•t ll•V•• •<~...,w~qlld ln•I '"" ••e<u'."' ti'tfo ••m•. ~••d o! T'u•I, to·wo! IJ .. Hlll,l?. wi!~ ;n. 011~ P~ll'• "'••1~u• l'ood D'-1"" ""' l lllNESS mv ~ • ..., On<:! olf,<l•l ... 1. 1,,.,1 P DM Oclobe• 1!, ""'· "' ;" ~•Id ••If b"e• wilt> food •1i.bl"llm•n• on IO~Fl(l.ll SE•LI ,.0,. o•oviaed. t Dvinctl, 11 1nv. 11~0" •~• u•oP•'" 11,,:.lM •••' ot NewNM StrH I Loi< R, Hobb'I torrr-> of ,1111 0.lld cl Tru•1 , '""" ·~••11•• botv.••n L""" 1na Ed'""'' "-••nUt·• '~ "'Ol••v Puh'1<(111r•uo ..., f>l>"n•e• 111 '"' ''"'ltt and 11! Tilt ti>• C• O"l••'-'· P"ncl•tl OU·~• '" 1~~\h e<r•le<I av w ld O•tll ~I l •ll'o' l~•· mMtr• '' boln• Dl'1)(tl~•ll cu•1v•"I Oi•.,.• (O<Jn!V 1 ~, r.-"•ll<l~•v "''''"' ,1;a oera at to '"" P ll n'll•c L""'' ot "'" St••• ol M• Comm·!.lo<" E-•P·•t• 1,.,,1, b>' '""'°" ot • b"••h "' ~"'•ull c:a1,•o•nl• 1 co~••nm•nl Coa• 65,DOO •I Fl'tlfUltV 1•. !ti! '" Iii• ob!,go11<ln\ •.•<u•td lh•rt~Y, ••<> f """ Ill• r,,.,nll•~ V•ll•Y l ont'lq I 'TATE OF (ALll'Ol!NI• I n••etclo<• e.••<u"<I i na a•oi~o<•d lo ti>• O•dl•onc• T"t ?oni.,. O•<linan<t, Zoni"~' I 1~. 111•<1e1••"'" • "''!!!an Oeclar•llO• "' MOPI , l'IG1 ,,, .... •n<I f~t\lblh ••• 0" ,~. CC.LINTY OF 0 11 .. NGE I Or!•ull ina O•m•O'lt! fer S•I•, oftd wd!!•" tn 1n• Pl1nnl"' OtP••tm•n! and t " On Sf.PlemD"' \I, 111•. "''"" m., !'I• no•kf 04 ""''" on<I n! •••~!Ion !o c•u•t •v•ll•bl• !er oubllC '"'Dil(llon •nd t•·' 1JncMr1'1ne<1, • Noto•v av~h< \" •nd lo< I~• ""d'"'qn•<! 10 1rll •••O ofDO•rtv to •mlna!io" I •aid County 1na SI•'"· ""'"'n•l!o •• .,.11,rv ••Id cbli•••1o·~. on(I "'"~"''"'· "" 111r150 ~"ldno I~ l n!I!, In '"""" or In ,, ...... MAftG.lRET L. (lf lLLY .......... Julv 1, lff'· "'" un<:l.,ll•n•a Chi\~ iolo ~-Ilion lo '"'' .... u .. 1 and Ot0G0)•11 lo me 19 be '"' ""'I" ... ~,. nomr " ...,toe• 01 b••0<" ond c• rle<-l•Ofl 10 Do woll ti!. •lvr" •" 00P01lunlty •o <10 '"· H •uC.c•lbM to ltit wl•ni" I"•''""'""' """ ••etta...i I" boo)>. 11(111. ""'" 711. of tl•O furu .. , 1t1lor..,•llon II at1Jttd. •ou mt•I ocl<""""IWH<I Iii.of '"" ••tulH In• >•'Ill, OnldOI ftK Otctl c""IOcl "'". P lon•lno Otc••lm•"I •' ff)·, Wll"ll!SS m• MnO and o!Htofl HOI. OiH: Ocl-' •• 1'6• 1•11 oM r1•e• to C-ollcn•I UH P@rmil cOl",1(111,l SEALI A A ,11 '"'U''"'' ~•..,let No s• Lolt ft.. 11cDCK ,, >old Trul'I• ' •. Pl •NNING COMMISSION 01' NOl•rY P utlllC·Calltorn,• C~o•l•n• Gil! T~ll" CITY OF P•ln(IP•1 O!llc1 I" S..;t0ll" f OUNl.l!N VALLEV Or .... , (OUfllv 'PJ 2U1t )!•n1-v II, M~••ll•ld, MV Comm!uton E•P<t•• PubllO~•ll Oton1• Coo•! D1<11 •lltt+, Pionnlnq Olro<lc• 1nd ,..,u • .., i~. un °"'°"'' 111 10, i1. "6' 11•• ·• ~•t•etarv 1e t~• J IAl E. 01' C ... Ll,Oft.N IA l ounlt 1" V1lltlv l"l•M·ro~ 1 ss. LEGAL NOT ICt: <""'""1"10<\ COVNTY 01' OflANGE J '----------~~----Plltll11ft•<t 0'""' (0011 Ot>lt P1i..t o.. S-1...,Mr 11, 1 .. •, bfota•e "''· •h•I Oc11111 .. I), lt6' 11,..,, .....ae<'l .. IMd, 1 HGI•.., PUblo< '" 1!'od ''" LaCll NOflCa l·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ••Ill C_,tr -Sl•I•, PPtM>n1llv OD• NOllC E IS H(ft EllV GtVf " t!\o! !i"ofo P••re<I CH ... llLE.S .... MATll'll:WS. --" fGllo"'I"' """""' 10""0 o• ••••II D•o1>1r+v 1a "'' I• bo: f!'<f "'""" """"" n•,.,• 1~ ~••• t>o•n """' ~. "'" Polle• o~i>•·'"'~"' •ull•CtlbM 19 '"' wl"'I" in•"vm1rot •nlil ~ 11'• City ol Co•'• M•<a ID• • o•rlcd ff\ •<~,,., ......... 11\ol l>I ''"'"'" ""' \Ami, e~c.u flf 11lro••• ttO I <I••· WflNl!SS .... ""'"° '"" a111,111 ,,,,, ll:•co•d ....... •M ,.~ ~·t••" 10 Jfl.;.1AL SE ... Ll 140 TICE ·~ l'Ull T!l(R G•vr '! '~•1 •I Lol1 II. HOl>b• "~ ""''"f 1oot4•\ ~~a ~·Cl'<•> ~·· Not••• Pwtttlc·COl••o•~. ~"'""''"iD a• '"' <t01>rt'" ""~I~ V••" Pn n,1101 Otll« '" •I) 11•1' fQllG"'I"" I~• Pu1'lif1tl(ltl "' tt\lo 0••"91' c-r• ,...,.,.,, ,.,, fin•'''"''• h•u ve•I '" 111• MY (""'mlU -(:~""'' l>lltso•·. It ll>f'•t tot M( O• In t~o (n• al ~ •b 1l, "" c ..... M• .... '" """''" ' •• '"' ........... I J I.lo !( 0 .. (,llLl,OltNI.. .•.111 t:• "'"t i D11ttllc •'<110~ •!. llm• ~S •"<I ""'' lo D• ••n...,nc•a. <CuNtv or 0 11..,,Nc.E ~ I 0•1ro Oc1a~· IJ ,,., l,ln S•o!•m lJ<!r !I, I .. •. ""'"'' "''· tf\• ft [ Nff" ••~"·•~•tl'lta. ""''<>"••r• • p ~ • • • • J 11t f• .. , "' Pni•~,. l '•JtYLEJ:: MAITHE_WS (H I I'M I N Pv~l,.h•O l'l•.o"a• ~C•HI 0 «1• l"oA! BOAT BUFFS" A!Mc• lct~•b•v ;, !110 anlv 1.,11.1,.,.. bo tti~, tel/ta• .. ,,,~;"9 0,, •"" ""'"'•P•P•• I" O r1ft9 • Cou"ly, Hi1 ooct.,,; ... t ovo1190 of b<>•f•"9 ••cl yochlin9 """'' ;, 1 11 .a. ftotu•• 1>f tht OAllY '1LQT •riv•'" "' .... 1e r... lh• ~, • ..w "'~n .. 1o:,~·:-::''...:'~'c·c':''."'.... ________ ,~~"'.'~·~·-----=----'==---===== ' I'm The Kind Of Woman Who Gets What She Wants ·. •,, ••• .... . ,.· .... .'.• ·.~:. · .. •.;-· ;:;.· .. ' ' Because I'm The Kind Of Woman .Who's Smart Enough To Use DAILY. Pll.OT Classified Advertising Believe me , there's nothing .tround our home anymore that isn't being used -because the minute I discover something is no longer needed, I sell it, while it still has maximum value, through an inexpensive DAILY PILOT Classified Ad. That way, instead of a clutter of things we don't use, I have the extra cash that lets me have the newer things •.. the "extra" things my whole family enioys. Here's what I mean. The cash I got fo, the good clothes and to ys the child'<n tied outgrown bought me the decorator lamp I'd been wanting. The musical instrument no one played pa id for a big part of our portable stereo unit. The power tools redecorated our daughter's room. And, just for the fun of it, the good chair that just didn't match 1nythin9 •nymore took my husband find me out for a fabulous dinner at the fanciest restaurant in town. Go through your home. Mike • list of all the wodhwhile thin gs you find that •ren't being used. (You 'll be surprised •t the number you turn up the first time.} Then, dial 642-5678 ony time between 8 a.m . and 5 p.m. ond give your rist to a friendly, experienced Ad Writer. That's in there is to it. It's inexpensive too! It e1n cost you as r.ttle " PENNIES A DAY! Well, now that you know my secret -isn 't it time you got started toward better, e•sier, happier living with DAILY PILOT Clouified Ad,7 Start being tho kind of woman who gets wh•t she wants tod•y! Call Now 642-5678 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 1000 2629 HARBOR ILVD. 546·86'10 Op• Evninqs till 1:30 3 Bedroom Bargain $19,850 This Is ft houSt' hunter.; drl'nm •l'ilh :I good sized bedroom~. The O\\'Tl<'r has gone of! and Jell it va- cant, so it'!> resdy for you to rn o\'e in today. You belier n1ove fast of this one! This House Is A Mess it's dirly, \l needs paint, the luwn needs ro be ll'<t!C'l'Cd . llOhod y l11·1·~ lhrl'r 11·s •«1{';.111t. 1l1r 111•1 ~hbul'hOod Is nice ;rnr\ clt'an though, i\'s ;;o! e\l'rylhini::: you nel'rl 10 n1akr 1! a ho111r ~ uu II 'lie proud of, ~ 01:; be(l rocuns, 2 baths, bu ilt in kitchen and ~o forth. sleal ii! a~su n1c 51.:,;, loan al 178.00 1no. Buy At The Beach $26,500 thls Is a sharp, li harp beach house, h\'O a trium patio~. big lx'drooms and two balhs, only £1:< years old 1\1th the most un· bel1rv<1blc !crms you've rvcr heat·d of. T~ ownrr h11 \•rry an:.:1ous and \\·ill cRrry tlw financing, sub· mil dO•\'ll payment lh;\t u. ill suit your budl:'rl 11 nd slctfl 10 rhr sound or the !>Ul'i. Live A Little in lt11s IK-autiful 4 bedroom r.~ecut 1vc home \V!lh a spectRcular OC'<'an \•ic,1•. J 1 · s 111 r. . .;cc.!Jenl condit ion insidP and out, professionally landscaf>{'d courlYard r n11-y oilrrs you Ci:iuntry pri\·a.cy. Tr~ vaca111 ,1nrt thr n11nrr "ant~ II sold for S:lB.500 which 1~ 11ay below market value. Mesa Verde 4 Bedroom $24,950 this i! r.tesa Ve.rde'-s best buy, it's a nice and clean i bel:lroom 2 bath hon1e in r.teM Verde with built in kitchen. double garage, ex N'llf'11t ne1ghhorhood 11nrl lhr owner IS an:-.IOU.'. 1rv 10', do11 n a"'1 a t lhlS p1i cc you'd better hurry: 5 Bedroom Fixer Upper Eastside Costa Mesa no do1~·11 to ve1s, put sc.mr <'lbc)\v gTTaac in10 th11 hou~ and you'll come on\ on tup. u·~ pri~ ro sell becnu~ it'i'i vacant "nd lhc ov•ncr must M:ll. Thi~ is a 1tal hed~ agai11s1 111· !la tlon. Stt lt~ -Farr& · ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HAHOR llVD. S46·1640 Opett lv•llMJ' till 8:10 HOUSES FOR SALE 1000 CREAM PUFF! OC'c;i~ionally in resale homes onr l'On1er; alooi: thal's in fabulous UKJ:: .'l.E:\V CONDITION !.· \1r havf" 11. ·IT'S JU.ST DEl::.N' LISTED & ii·~ an li\l;\tACUL.ATE: large 3 bdnn ho1ne In a prime arra. Oose to pa rk & play~'l-ot1ncl. Be11.11tlfullv n1anicu1-e-d lawn, \VT lh sprink!rrs.. Pnh11ncr the eKteri.or & ins.id1~ youlJ rind lovely rar)X'ts 1hroui;hout & lai·g~ kilchrn with JS· J.1\NO HA:\GF. TOP t. rl1sh11 ashr r. SO li N 0 :>;JCt::~ IT IS .& IT'S 0:0.'LY S:!8.9.;i(). Y.\ BElTErt llURR\'~! • COATS & WALLACE REALTORS ---.546-1141- (0pen Evenings) / Safe at First 51ai'I ll'ilh ii LEASE: OPTIQ'\ /Ind t•irclr the hases to 01111· cr~hip 11·ith EQUITY BUI.L O· 1'.'lG PA Y~IENTS. See 1 h1 ~ three brl1-n1., den, , ..... b.'l t.1 home. Over.;i2r double j!:<1r· agr , block wall & chain Ji n;c r~ncing. F'N!shly decoratr I .-1,1 fn1· ~CJ lJ • Nice t 1'CT 1111 · r rl strl'l'I f liLL r!{IC:J: n;.;1.v s:n.o~. Evf'ninG,s Call 673~11 6 $18,lOO FULL PRICE. HORSES O.K • <t ntl )'OU have your OI\ ., OP...\i\CE: GROVE on out f,I tins wudd value only 1 ·J hour lro1n 11lc-hrn.1·t nl Orange County. JllOUNT,\1'.'.I VIE\\'~ Sµacious bedroc11u and Jamily ~ized kitcho'IL ' Clean a~ ii pin adult OC'• 1t· pied! Fabulous terni~ 11·11:1 a,o; l1lllc as. 11)'0 do\l.'11 ail\J lo!nl ~1~2 prr 111onth. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee :'i9() Harbor Bl vd. a t Adan1 ~ :;1;,.9-191 Opc-n ul 9 P i\! 1''*•141 Ch icago Bound Owners have oppor!un. iry in Chicago: so you havr opportunity herr. :; good slzed bdm1s. 2 ballis, ! or m .IL I living i-0:1111. Beautiful sha-::; 1 oom & laf1!l' family ('a r 11 e I s. i'\e.:i r golf rourse. f\J;k111o; S:!7.5CO •\ ilh 1-·11A VA terms. CuUahu~1lc '. 1t)l~csCi\ ~r~~ ')l\· u1 ti.1 . 546-5990 SllSO DOWN '.1.101 e ,vou nghr in thi~ b"droom hcnnf' payment 1.J n1•lv $1 h0 n1on1h includr~ • B•ck B•y Barg•in l W1 m, 11 J u .• rh llX!'r Ull· r~i· on ~f··lu<li'd C'Ul-dr-i; '"· ;-'n~l!l't'Nl play arrs "" l;i1 ;t s'J'Jr>•> loL ,\~lung SZD,:;orJ. Barrell Really 1600 \\'e~!f'hf1 Dr. :.. 13. 642·l200 BOAT-OWNERS H!"re·s a dandy -Side yarc with ~.'Al g3!(' and COV'f'r r t patio make5 thi! HB 3 bed room 2 bath redecoratr~ homr :in outsltuiding buy a' Just S~ii.!)JO. 546-2313 1-0 THE REAL "-ESTATERS '. . . Perfect ''Plan Cu~1nn1 flr~!tn<'d h/ f\/ft.I \l't•llo. • •lt1 1U,•d into a(lu,! ~l'C(IOll ,I',: <.'.hildl'C'n'' Y.1111: C111nplr1rd 1,i •t •1'N'k . ftl',,•I :ihlr 110h · Sl il.~.Cf.'l. Roy .t \\orr1 ll::J (.,.)]d.\y or 6' '6·1.1,".0 -----l T':O: r~·~•l"h lll'J\J~f' lllTII" R 1~ l?P~I <;rlr .. l 1(ln r 1rr : &r lh• OAILY Pll.l)T \\'ANT AOQ -- l:! G ,, I 3 > r ' ' ' ' ' r I ' " [ ' • • T - tlOUSIS FOR SALE Gener•I Assume $18,000 6o/. Annual G.I. loan At $1:12 per monlh TOTAL: Lovely i.hukl' root homl" 11.•ith J Jari:c lk-d11.o<>r11s and 2 vullJ1l&l hat.hs. \\'a!k to P;,rkt Ca rpets aDd Drapes. ALL E LJ:..CTR IC KITCHEN & DISllWASHt:R. Lovt!IY l·usiom hrephice and be&nl {'C1!1ng family room~ Crt1.c- 1011~ back yard wi!h OJV· ERED PATIO and block wal l ll'ncing. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 768'.! F,dingrr 8 l:!-1 lil Opl'n F.vt>~. EASTSIDE 1)1kc & Colgrove spal'iO\L~ 4 BR ::! b;11h honil'. Shake roof. Bring paint bn.1$h, lawn 1nowrr & cllel'k hook. $26,450 (try 10o/• Down ) Newport •• Victoria 646-8811 (anytime) TODAY'S BEST BUY GI Resale Tak<' ovc1· :;~;·~ GI loan~ ;\"cat 4 + tl1nini; rn1, An· •hony Pool hunt,-. on corner. Q\1•11er n1ust si•ll -o·;inslrr- rrd 1\"I 5-ilt Lakr, Tcnns opc11. FuH price $11,950. 546·5880 fntilrCilltlTl,J \~) LLEGE REALTY l!O) ~ atKlrbor,CM. SANDPIPER house Palm DcSl"11, ale. compl('!('\y !urn. 'l Br. ronvt. d('n, 2 Ba, pool, µutting green. Price S:\0.000: 6',ii loan, 67J-9J72 01· fi7;.,.{)3Ki. SAYE £ASH! Read The DAILY PILOT c L A s s I F I E D llEST llllYS! --~~-·-~------------------------------------~-------------·--·-------·---·--~ .. HOUSES FOR SALE e :Olaid sqrvict: a\all. • lJay, week & :\Jonth ~::76 Newport Bl\·d. 5-'8·97~ Sl20 I mo. De!u.1e mobile horn~. Htd pool. Adults'. No pets. 4 Sca.'>Ons r.I o b Esiatrs. 23;19 Ne wport . C II A Jl ~1 I NG Occanbl.lnt ~l32. Newport •• Victoria I -~-L•gun• Niguel 1707 Dover Shores 1227 Huntington Be•ch 14001--------- ----------Laguna Niguel Terr, home. l BR, ~Jl;lC l1v nn --cScH7A~RCP~02-e=R ___ , w If r p I l·. Roomy ki1 22&1 l\Taple by \\'ilson, 11·/bluns. Avocado 5 ha g l\lodi•r n lurn11ure. Poot ~~etaba~R~ r ~1~111: l. loc.Pa~~ No pe!s. Sl55 mon1h. 6 BEDROOMS 646-1111 Anytim• *ENCHANTING VIEW Young Executive Home Ne1v 2500 Ml. 11. 3.4 ,t:-;, Br Superb Bay & r.Hn vu most 4 Quttn Size liedrooms, homes 111 (l('f'llll VI"'"' art'a. rms Uniqul" "Old \\'ortot" "Sl>pa ra1r Forn1al Dining Carp('tcd, front Ja ndsc<1prd , conttmporaf)', E'X('t:Utivr lux-Room", i:::orgeous Jiv1ng roo m 11"1th !.p11nklerli; bltns, self- Ul)' home . 5000 sq. ft. ·I BR, 1' 1111 hu11C' rl.on1an1 1c Fin.'· cleaning ovrn: J car garage. ~\~BA i-1naids qtrs. Jtleal ploer . LluneJ;c rlecor. \\'ha1 $58.T;iO To SG1.9JC!. Ex1~eu~nt l\lgr. Long!i11 • 6·16-697t schls. SlJO mo/)'rly. 121J11 --.,.,=ooi';--:o~c=~-69!L36ZI W INTER RATES . , !'lJHN". 8'\Cll APT SllO VIE\\·, Large 1-oon1s, i:arpt~. ! BR AP'TS Stio rlrap;>s, stove, r r Ir 1 g . El"' ,_. • ·.,,,: El" __.. "F'or A \Vise Buy" Colesworthy & Co. Gl'eat l::in1ily hon1e with 1vann Spanish design 111 ta.~hionablc Baycrest. Family ioom, large formal dinlng room playroom-dog ruo Costa Mesa 1100 !or enlc1·caln1ng. Easy niuln, a beautiful ":IS' Anthony l inuncin~ with d~!cl1n1og 1n- J1nn1cd oei.:up. furnisht'd, Pool" 1n s<'f'Jratr side yard leres1 1'11.!c lron1 7\, '.0 to ~178,CKXJ. As.~11me s.,.;,<;O Joan. "''ith "Dressing ltoon1" a.nd ti~l.',ii. Box \li3:! NB. S.IS-7249 lhc 1vorks. Pu1 )'Ou r n1onry Lagune Niguel Corp. r I 2 8 1 ut'n i:.a~t ,,pt!i,, • ,.J .. en irepaet', C( r in!, A\'r .'-rel\lgr At 6 C.;\I breakfast roon1 , clOS(' ~o · · r · · · lloracc Ensign and Newport AVAJL. Oct !-5, I BR nc.w. Hi Schls, Opt'!! Sat & Su n beaut. !lirn. $123". Couple, no 543-2394 cl1ild rcn. no pe!s, lo assis1 DELJG!rrFIJI. \\'atC'rh'OUI 4 nii::r. l\IUST qualify. Z20 1010 OAK to 11 01·k ou lhis ··~1~~ii an· ~~l:!l-1 ~17-7761 Evcrythin::; for 11. bib family. As5ul"ne S;.14 •/. Loan! Spotless J BR + Family, 2 ba, covered patio, sundeck, fruit trccs, l'le, \Vould you bclitve J2J,9~! University P•rk 1237 nu11I J'ate" F.H.,\. Joan w1!h total payn1cn1 of $250 IX'r Duplex•• For Silt 1975 mon1h. Beauuful private ~-- area. \\'e'll ~ho\v 11 10 you ! 2 Un11s near Ot.'t'1u1 "'-Bay in F.ldl'n. &1.>-12:11 S l~S.000. BALBOA BAY PROP. 673·7"20 ANYTll\IE Haven For Children NEAR GRF:E.-..BELT. TOT LOT, POOL. AND Sl-!OP- PING. ~ Br. 21~ ba, Large lot. air conditioned. Q\11\C.f 11.nxinus lor s:olr. Sll,cnJ. SPANISH HACIENDA Co111pll'I C 11 ilh red lilc roof <uid 1' \\',\LLED YARD flit utmost pnvacy in the pa· tin arra ~. Thi<11 nC"ar !l{'W IM:au1y features l\1ASSfV E SPA:\'ISJI f>~IREPLACE, C'IC'· ganl ELECTRIC hlTCIIEN, REAL TORS BY OWNER- INCOME PROPERTY t:!l 1 BR hous!'s + 5 gar- ages. Income $280 rno. Roon1 for one 1nore unit. J?l,800. Call .lJ0.3207; arr 5, S.C!·2013 e Red Hill Realty 4 unusually large bcdroon1s. 6 73•4400 :! b:l !hs. "Br('akup" priet'!.11 :::::::::::::::~:::;::::;:: L ' ' -. ' . '"' '' Pool Home-Sl/4,-. S29,500. 3 BR, lam rm, 2 Ba, OPEN DAILY 2303 Redland5 at s:H.:«l! S·l.999 pays to I• EX ISTl l\G F.H.A. Loan As. SU~IABLE by \'OU at LO\V :i~. ',. Tl'ade in your ~n1allrr hon1r: Ioli 2'.ird St.l drps. crp1s, n1any xtras. )IO\'e in on en"cht approval. Lon!.lonben'Y Ln. nr Fair- Beautiful 3 BR & -r 2 balhs vle11·. Call 6·'6--8661 or 53$-593.3 1240 $29,993. O\\'NER. Custom. J BR. 21.: BA. Elcc. kitchen. 1'ew carpers. din. 1·111. ram. rm. frplc. rlec gar-age dr. Open llousC' 'lil sold 2'l lJ An- nivet'Snry Ln, NB 5-l8-9.J09 WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 201:1 \Vestcl1ff Dr. 646-7711 Open Eves DOVER SHORES For those v"hO den1and the unusual. :l Bedroom ~. 2'~ bath~. profc~s1onally d<"cot- ated home. AU angular ccn- strucuon tn lakr advaiu;.gt' of n1acn1f1<;1'n! bay & ocean l'irw. Family roon1 11·i1f1 11·rt bar at·con1n1odate~ bi!!ial'd tahll'. Strp-c:town l1\·1ng roon1. lo1·n1al dining room. :; Cal.' gara:;.c •..••. ~S7,:i00. john macnab ( 714 I 642·82JS 9'·! Do\·cr Drivr, .Sul1c i~'ll Ne11110rt Beach DOVER SHORES VIEW ~ BR.~, Jargr f<ln J. rm. Swim· rning pool. Panoramic view nl hills and ba(·k bar. Chvn· er must leavr area. Si2.JOO. Cathryn Tcnrulle + ran1ily roon1, :.11 rl<'r1rie . kitchcr1, good l:pts/drps clbl. 4 Br. 2 Ba. l~e. fa mily m1, ' drps &. cfl)llng, expensive garage. heavy shaka roof. l rid ' & r \\' Owner anxious $34,ZiOO, a scap1ng pa 10. as a nuxlel hon1e. Cool O("Ctln Lochen my er Realtor 1S60 Newport Blvd., C~I CALL 646-3928 breezes, 190J sq It S-,j1,000. 546-2993 $11,SOO Fixer Upper 2 BR , 1 BA hoUS<", dble gar, e.xcellent art"a, N<'eds handy n1a n I painter. S2500 dowo. ~~!Kl SC'C'. Jj.1 1'.lagnolia, Costa EASTSIDE 3 BR. i\l e~a . H-2 sn1ull 3 Br, 11,'f'. lot fenced. Lo1v <lO\\'n. S'.l:i mo 11K·I. laxes. 2001 Charle Needs a little fi.l(in & T.L.C. 548--504·1 Large lo\ 11·1th alley t>_ntr.12~B"E0D=Rc00~>-l.-LM-,-,-,.-,oc-, P,o::i111 for bn~t or trailer. lot. :i cflr garage. Priced t!,ghl at BY O\VNER *54:>-W:'ll 523,500 . '42-1 771 Anytime NEWPORT BEACH FHA or VA E•stbluff 1242 RARE HOME B rini; n1opey in~ Buy h;nutl. ft1! 3 13R, :! bath F:as!bluU home. Condition bc!lcr lhan new. f inancing a1·allable. Onty S::!l.500. CORBIN· MARTIN REALTORS 673-1662 3036 E. Coast Hwy. Cdl\1 Corona del Mar 1250 OWNER WILL FINANCE AT 7°/. Coron.1 dl'l :O.·lar. Charin 11·i1h a mini \•le11\ Sparious 2 br.!.1- room and den with :t rlclif:h1 · ful CO\lt't('d paho. ~U [!Oints, no fees. no 1n1pound account. no payoff penalty -Call u.s quick. \-0' THE REAL \"-ESTATERS ·. . ''" LIVE IN COM FOR $100 MO. . .• A~c 6~,, con1rat1 on !hi! So. of Hwy, 3 BR. duplex. Apply rental c1cdJt & yo1ir !\rat. clean J Bedroon1 a /PW steps fl"om \\'estclHI Shoppin g, -Bi;; yard 11•1th lruH trees S28.9Zi0. 646-7171 Coldwell, Banker & Co. $2 ,000 On. -$210 Mo. ""' ""'"'' " uod" 1100 SSO Newport Center Or. n10. Call for deta.11~. Newport Beach, Calif. Jnclu!.le! Pt & taxrs. :l Hal Pinchin & Assoc. 833--0700 644-2430 I oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio l BeJ1wm, 2 bath, ramily 390o f::. Co.1st l!wy. 673--t:.'"l·J IRVINE AVE • room. HiOO sq. IL hon1e in Room for Real Living rxcrllent cond. Bltns, 2 -1 OPEN HOUSE C b It ho I Some dlmi ml0>tio; ""'" u!tom u1 me. arge en. frplcs, sprinklers, et e . ., . . cloY'd coui1yarrl for mll.l!i· ChiTlt'r. * S-19-2374 \1 ill l·1kr pr1 c 1n O\\'n1n::; mum pri\•ac:,r. r.tany extras 1hi~ ron1Ior1ablr Broadm01•r SUNDAY 1-5 in th!~ bcautilul 3 Bdr bomc. Jan .. 2 BA. family room, home, B:iy view, 4 BII, fa.nl 1343 M . D . S!T,."IOO. 2 rlreplact"s, S29.000 rm. din rm, J·c::ir gar. ar1ners r:1ve BY O\\'NER 673--8213 ~"s.·.'-. ,.,,· •,·, to.""· I I bdrm B Wells-McCardle, Rltrs, *" "~' ~· mmaC\J ate 3 aycrcst Cheshira Real E state home Y.i lh beamed ceilings, lSlO Nei\•port Blvd., C,;\1. Newport Beach 1200 J llrC"plat·rs, '1Ua.lity con-:-~18-7729 anytime 675-2503 !'tr11(·1io11 by 11·an \\'rlli>.I•"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!! ...... !!!!!!!!'!!• •BY 0\Vl!ER • KIDS WANTED FlPxihlc trrms, ~uick pos. WE'RE SWAMPED A condort::ihle h o in e, TCI fol l this !i;ic. ~ Br., f~-n . session, JERRY FREUD CHAS, ARNOLD :SS E. li!h SI,, C )I. 61S.-7T:» :-.forr <·lien!~ than prope11 H'S! move-in cnnd. Co n1 p . r m . Jormal <1 111 , 1TI1. Bmad- \\r nred l 1~!1ngs -lo rcnt & rcdecor. ln & ou1. J BR. 2 nlflO!' llOtlH.'. \.'ar;111t, quick io ~rll. PlC'qsl' call u., far "' Ba. l!dwd. firs.. plas1er pos~rss. Our or !n1'TI owner qu1('k, eoUrl""Y appraisal. ,1·alls 50 x 128 Corner Jo1 s;1ys, •·.;ell" ~6.i.:.co \\'c 11v1k t\'Cry d~Y-tyou 011•11 111. 1'e1vpor1 Delancy R eal Estate BURR WHITE Hi::hL<1:., close to school! "' 2~~ F.. CQ<l~t lf"·Y. 673-::7iO R~;ALTOR ARE YOU LAZY? :!Xii r-;ey,·port Blvd., N.B. :,~1~~~'.ngPn~P~; ogno! ~ ~ DUPLEX On 2 lots. lnri::e Ownrr/hrokrr 616--'."Jm pa110, 3 rar 11;aragC', Sj;),fr{'-0 tr so rlnn't look at this me~•y ____ £T~4630 ___ _ r;i.sh. AdJarcn! lnt al•o Newport I 1land ava1lablr S26.00J ca..~h. By irirl<"\. I! ha~ h<'en sa!.lly $26 ,950 ~~'.i.500' A1n117ing, but tn ir. Owner. 673.:;l)i l n<'1:lf'1:1r<1 ii}' <•UI v f the arc11 S BEDRM-3 BA,TH 01,·ner say.« •·&I!". li e irill LGE. hilHop lot . Perm. v1r·v ow1l1"1·1;. :"\rt'ds p;unl. l'lt'an-SWIM POOL 1ng & j1,x1n'-'. Cvuld br a rt'al 111nnC'r because of n1e,. noor Jllri n a.fl(] ]O<'at1on. l\l akc oHC'r-\\'hy not ~t star11'rl on your future now? lirlp finaner. 1 \62C\ o! ocean & lull~. Pri\•acy. Red Carpet Realty .!Q:S \\'. Balboa, NB 67~ $21,500 "Seilboats & Sunset,'' S11 <'<"riini:; \icw of Cat11lina • rv"r:'o''1·hcre you look. a ";e11', Bu1H-in kitchen. brC'akfast 1'00nl, f;unlly room. formal din111g room. P1iccd below 1na1 \;('{~ !'>10.1720. Tarbell 2955 H•r bor Cambridge E5tete5 Beautifully cared for 3 BR ·t-lam, cpls/dn>s, panelling .t· many more feat11res, As· !Umt' exi~Hni: 51',,'/n loan. DAVIDSON Realty :l46·j 160 E\'t"ll. ~9-.IQ)S BEACH BARGAIN J RR, 2 00, 8 yrs youni;. Nrar ocean . Only $12,900. lO""o Down. CAYWOOD REAL TY 6306 \V. Coa..~ Hwy., N.B. • -1290 • I Minute to Hiw•yl from prime residential area (\\'l's!clHH • 4 BR, J Ba, pan/den, 81 kll, brltfst rm, i;·am auracuons. $69.aOD. R. C, GREER Rulty ;)li:'I vu, Lido 673-9300 M••a Verde--$25,950 Big F•mily Room! King !'itl'd bcdroo111s. 2 hal hs, llne~t built-in kl lchrn. ;.;1rr patio. 5<10-l72fl. T •rb.11 295.5 Harbor 3 BR 2 BA, l"mlly rm. Prof cll!COr. 11'• yr old-xlnt cond. C2,SOO. 1m2 Fleet Ln, lfB. Ownt'r 646-4318 CllArtGF: TT! S.par11"111s 11on11· 1>11 .J!'. E.o;. PROPERTIES WEST r.ral!or 673-2010 tatr g1ound~. UJvrly r ich 675-4130 67S-164l lc========== ''nod paneli n::;, han(i!OQme b•••kfasl b.u·, fU"eplacc VIF:\V o r JIOOI. cha1m1ng l '" · An. 2 BA condo. Lge p.-.!io. a.w-1 120. Tarbell 2955 Harbor !~~;2$4<XX> doii-n. Bkr BUILDERS REPO Bilbo• Peninsula 1300 J BR Peninsula home $-1J.~. Wiii trade ''ac. lanrl. Fnink i'llarshall Riiy 510 \V . Balboa. 675-4600. Lido Isl• 1351 8 R~al shorp 2 BR 1 bath INCO~fE UNITS. N e 'v I y painted, bl1-ln oven It rang· "'· cpt.s/drp!!, carport park· ing. Laundry room ex tra "Corner'' with Income. IJ'OllS lU.000.. price Ne11r Npt. Posl Ofc. 646-2114 "Boat Gate" $9'1,000. As!{Ufne High G.I. Loon Y.'i!h Fuller Rlty. 546-0814 FIXER upper. Lol lli5x90' 3 total paymenU ot Sl98 pt'r oiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiO j BR house, rec room, pool month. Huge Bedrooms, plus OCEANFRONT lot! of good llvlnr on lhcu-Separate "Den". Beautiful spacious grounds. E.-<istl11g Gold "Shar;:." carpers 11·iLh J BR hom(' on ~xcellent mong. al fi.S<;I,, can be i.r mlltchlng !.lrape5,, A mosf beach; ~.950. sumf'd with I i 1 l I e eas~l. modem kitclK'n Y.ith lo!~ ol Georg• Wllli•mson 6 \5-2692 l'Xtra ctin11cnlcnce!l.. You HEAL :OR _ should 11ce !he "Pantry$'" 67J...43j() F~vc11, 67J..15&1 Newport Shor•a 1220 Tllo eo1•<'red patios. Submit • South Coast Real Esla,!1? your1 rlo11·n puyment. i! ~king 5\ICCCM ful profeg.. •REDUCED $5,(0)e ytE SELL A HOME !llon11t real f'S\ate Mltsmrn. If you rK'("(! a great fan1Jv · •'lERY 31 MINUTES t:.'treptlonal btnt!fits. Plt11....., horn~. stt this one! Lge. liv. w lk & L rail for app(lintmcn1 5'1;-,.8421 rm. pl us lgt'. party .rm .:.~ a er ee Sou lll Cuut, P.ral!or.~. 13t. '.l Ba .. kllch. blt·1ns. l l llAVF: buytn!, NCI?<! Ad· Bila. lo beach. f~ !imple. rll!1'1n11! profl"rtv io ~u Jlli.500 Equity }W,iiOO, Ji.18.)' "" R A N K i\1 A. R ,c; H" A L con1dcler trade. n r.ALTY 415 :!0th SI, SlO \\'. •OWNER 646--7849e Th1lhna ~7:M600, Dl~I fi42·!"1f178 ror RF:!'Ul .. TS 7~2 Edlni;rr ~,1244;}5 Open Eves. DIAL d1 reC't &12-36iS, COOrc-e ~'Olir 11d, 1hrn ~ll bl\ck •rod 1 1~'"" to !hr pho~ rlnl!:' WE SELL A HOME \\'est f'ewport. Priced belo1v EVERY 31 MINUTES n1arket. 01vner 11·ill finance. W I k & L \1 1lla Park Realty 637-0634 a er ee OJ' 111\niJs 61;i.J l35 . 7GS~ F.dingrr ~ 1'.?-l l:iJ Open Evrs. Apartment' For Sillle 1980 '---= SPACIOUS Br. ii BA, pool. tennis r.rt. =====~===== s~o~, mo. Steps to bch. N B h 63S-6106 or 644-2838 alt :i ewport eac 4200 p111. Nt'Y.'PQrt Brach llA T<BO!t Jlighlandii l BR , GRANO OPENING '! BA, crpL~. <11·ps, bltins. IMMEDIATE adull ~, r.o pPts. U:as .... sm OCCUPANCY rn~-,,~~"''.', gardr11er. 51S·6&\0 Lu.\ul.1' g:1r!.len apal'tn1ents o. :i,>l·lJ l6 olfrr1n~ ("nn1 rilr tc privacy. """'BLUFFS LEASES: brau11ru1 !;i r1t!s<«1ping & 11n- 2, J, & ~ Br.·~. cp1s. di·r~. rarallclcrl T'l'<'l'c:':l!ion;i l facll. dbl. g11ragt"s, Pool s, ei c. s::2;;.. lli!!s 1n a nn1n1r.v eluh at· S~25. EA.STBLUf1'' REALTY n1osphCrc. ~uw teasllli; in 6H-11.1l. Ne\1•po11 Beach. 7 U1ut apt'. !i.xl.'r uppr.r, block ChrC'k lh\'.'r. fca\un-s: l~ugr. 10 bC'111·h. f.in1at-t1c °'-"Can f:unily roon1 wi lh wc.t b::ir. 1·1cw. ~10.l.CO do1'11, .assun1e !orn1al din1n~ roon1, I;:irdcn 6',;, J~t TD 1•ilh liberal kitchen, huge master bdrn1 1ern1s on 2nd TD. ·1!)4--7152 sultr, 3 ba!hi;, 3 pa lios & -~ --l'.\l;\JEDIATE Occ. 2 sto1,-4 large yanl all bloc:k fenectl RENTALS BR, 31: BA, fain rn1, fpl. Vurnished or un(urn1~~ed l\!odl•ls open 9 an1 to 9 pm l\lan.v. n1any rus101n fea1ur: House• Furni1hed cpl~. drps, bit-ins. $ti5. es. If you arc. Jookin::; for 20 S 11·/or 11·1thout o ri ti o n . OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS son1r.:hin::; extra ni ce, sec Rent1ls to Shire 0 , _>_1_6-_>_1_•_1 ------- Hiis On~. S II AP. E Il l y c I el: an t ~27:i YRLY li;1:. Back Bay, ~ MUTUAL REAL TY ll'atcrfront hunic w/do..:k. BR, I·'• BA, lliOO :o;q 11. no 1i00 16th SI reel 842-1418 Anytime l\·Jiui 3.i in 60 yrs. SlJO n1o. pets, rcls rrquin·d 833-:l l:lO. 71 1: £·1'2·8170 Duplex: With-High 1 _::6~i5-4c...::r~·i~t ------3 Bdnnll, den, for111al d1n1ng, $30 WEEK & UP F .H.A . Loan \VANT 3rd person for nitc J lamily al~o '1 Bdrms, family J 13r 2 B · Bacl 1'.la1d u r· Assun1c F'llA Joan wilh S3000 BR apt, on beach ill lron1 S:IOO &li;...4114 \'ll'e'_ TV 1,~ pool'.· 1 Down_ llav(' 1ndcp1•nclrn!~C Nc11·po11. 673-j J02 THE BAYCLIFF and Jet your tenant p.1y }our "-'='--===~ Newport Shorn 3220 l\'ay. Gf't Sn1itrt~ Tola! pa}-Costa Mesa 2100 ment nr Sl!IB 1nc!ud ... ~ all Grear Hunt1ng1on Bearh W: BA~!l t:::LOR or bal'helorcltc. ca!ion Call~ Priva te large I roon1 . Qu1C'I WE. SELL A HOME oo.u~r, nicrl~ lun1i~hc~l 11·ith EVERY ll MINUTES I u1Ll1.11cs $GJ 1110. Garngc W lk & L :111a1l. ex~ra. v:1c1H1! Suntlay. a er ee ,)8(] Ham1l1 on St .. C.~ 76ll'.! Edingrr Newport Beach 2200 ~ C-4 l:i5 0f)f'n Ev('~. WE'RE SWAMPED 4 BEDROOMS ;..lore clients than p1"opc1•LJe!! ""~umc $23,000 loan p11y11hlt \\'e nrcd 11~hngs _ to rent ,r.., S20-1 Pt'r month 1ncl11d111g 'to ~rn Pl•'ase call u~ for a lfl.\rs .t-. insuroncr , 11~.0 St], quick.· ruui·1r sy appraisal. rr .. 11•."•lcarpr1:o; & c!r.if)('s \Ve 11·o1"k r very clay, l h~rughout _ Ve1,-<·lean. f>'ul\ BURR WHITE pri re $28.9.lO -11:ubm1t down payn1en1. P.EALTUll 2'J01 N~·wport Blvd., N.G. l,!111~-\Yl~T ER ~~~~L. '/. Bit -run hnuY. flf'ar beach, $JJ.j BELOW MARKETI + u!il. 67:r20J2. 21!00 sq f1 or spacious beauty QC!'.;AN rro11t oouse. '/. BR, 1 in 1\IEREDITJI GARDENS SA. Drh1,r, yar1I &. palln. area offering family rooni S2~i0 11·in1rr. Gi3-80S.I: l.J.:i ,"( Nc11·por1 Blvd, Ll·.A:-.E or ript10n to sell. 2 6~6-326:i Mory •I bdrtu 21 1 lr olhs !t·in 'db ' 51:>..t;LE: Young Adults Lux. cpt s/drp!, b J '·,·, k 1 I 1u·y garden aptii; ,1•l!h C'Ou:l· g:ira~e. Pool. OC 0 h·y i:luh 111111osphcre 11 nrl heurh A\·a1l l n1 n1 c d , 64z_:i2~2 nin111lr!c pnvary. SOUTI ! BAY CLL'B /\PTS, lrvine al Corona del M•r 32so 16th, Nl"llJiOl't [W11H'h . 171~1 &1:..--0:i:"JO :: BR, l 8 1\ upstrs ..;, l BR, l l\'ATl'..."TIFRONT, r.; c \\'pt . BA dnstr:s. St:·para1r ent. lslan1I. li<'<i111. l;;:r. rlup!r.x. Lgr p:.i1 10. 1 b!k beach. 11'<.'\ lli.or. ln1try, 1::111:". boat Adul!s, $,\!)(}. ti7l-02fE1 <lvek. \\'uit i'r or longer. J sn, 2 bath, ni(·r & cle<1n. A1h1lt ~. nn P"'~· b~~7861 or S:t:'..0. leas..'. So. ol Hwy. (80Ji ~."-=-,°',''c'l~~~~ "Con1e a Runn1n! \\'on't 8 EA U T I F Li L L Y furn last•" 1)7'.).:'.COO !Spanish\ 'J BOR apt near 2 BR, rlhl ){ara1-:e. lg yard, I lo;i~ llo~pl!al Sut,.Jea.~c OK ror boat, !railer. l·lc. S210 nin. lnq. 42Ul l!ilarla ~'JjiJ mo. 67 3-20'Jj \l'ay 6·1:!-l:un. -=========== 11 13LK from Ocean-Bachelor Lido Isle 3351 & l 1:n ;ip! 11·/sw1mn1ing =:::.:..;.:::,: ____ ~::::.:I 1>001. Sl:.:0 & Sl:J.I mo. Call 2 BR 2 h.11/1, 1trn, s!ove & n•1nJ,!, dbl i::1n•1;<' s21:;1mo. 6!::.5001 or r7J ·I! 51.i-9i20 5'1~11 32 hclorc 5 or aft Ii "' & formal dminl'!' room at!~========== Joy,· pru·c of S~2.000. 5AIL Inn '1'111'1, rll-; rn1!', Huntington Beach 3400 {'V\tplcs. $l\O 10 5120 mo 2 35 I ·.:.:_:_:,,,:;:;;...:.:.:.:;;._:_;;::I t'ont hrkisl, n1 a l d 1erv 3 lx!r 2 baths 11J1h 1111111!y1 _0_7:_,_1'_·1_1~----- l'"KJn1 -11re11 new painl. BEAUT 2 BR upper, 1vnll !n dr11pes, 11/w crpt s, Pl'l'!<!ii:" 11';;11 crpts, 1!q1~. bllln«, area <"lose 1n "C'h0t1ls. Sl;iQ pnr1ly furn. litt! paid. $\!j.'> Lido l5le Pacll1c Shvrrs Rrahy 536-8.S!)I ~:ves. -:i31i·32JO NE\YLY Furi11shcd 4 BP., 1 £,,, avail NolV'. \\'inlrr nr longer. !Zl:ll 7S9·9~69 or t:ll'.ll 4i:...-O!i92 in'l. R<'I~. ill6·:1.ii:J 1:'12-l{i:{J. Have opening• for • Real E1tat• Salesmen in our new office. Cell for appointment. R. D. Slates, Re•ltors 5~1 \\INTER Rrntal 3 Bf. flln, 4 ,\1•a1l now. !'hone 673-837~ 01· ~2131 691 -1932. BR larn. ronnal din, 3 UR, 2 !31\, .1 blk lroin i:pts/!.lrps. J a n d s c. llun· bcilch. Yl'arly. t•nR1on Crest from S290 Agt Call 6i3--115.i * Furn 1 1:51t, J BA. Coo- "'""""!!'!!""""""""""""~ IPMlp, !lf'11•ty (l!'C. $40C'. Avail &16-4-114 3 BP., JI~ B1\, bl tl ns, crpts. d1•ps . $220 per n10. IQ3j2 RE::"TAI..S PROPERTIES \VEST 67:-,...1&12 PRESTIGE 00 •· y""' fll" ""- 1109 2705 Kukui Dr. II B fl62-36\0_ -,-R"R-,,-,-,-.-0",-,-~-,-.,-.-,0,c!O~p<', Laquna Beach · 2 story ~ bdn11 2 ba hun1r.1~--'""'-"-"-'""-----I 3410 n10 )Tly l'11I pd. No pets \\';ilk to ~t. l3nnavcn1urcs & $200 furn h.'Sf'. r,. de C'. 4 F '"o"uc"c1_'c1"c_V.:.::•c11:•"Y-_:.:__ I::l'.? \'.'. l?;a!ohn 131\'d. 1'1arlna 1!1 . fil t-!!A 01\. lxl rnv;. walk to )'.r a<:h . Ava il 2200 !<IJ ft J BR~ b11th.~. larJ:'r ~ f'ltONT 'l & 3 bd· The Real E~tale Mart u111il J uly ls! 49-1---6'\~8 upsta1r~ bonus ronn1 . \\alk rni!. \\'IN!'t~r. RE;'l:TAL. ll.17.S.i:ll RENTALS 10 l'.Jc1ncnta1·y & 111 s~hool !i71 ~1~1; Two Repo55e5sion1 Houi•• Unfurnished Fa111il irs uni}· $'.!75/lno. ,\i;;t I ur. llupl<'.\. 1 blk ocf'an 2000 • 2400 Sq. Ft, G-16-4141 ,\dulls. 3il l \V. Dalbna ;\'f'11ly pa 1n1C'd, Ch""se n,.1,· General 3000 Rl11d. $12j u1C'I u!il. &12-1172 rp!.• P1111,1,.. ('n1iiri· hl™·k'°""';,:...c;. _____ _;;.;,c L19un1 Niguel 3707 il ... r.::io C/\Cl!E:.:LOr. apt, u111 fPll t'f' ~111·111klr1~. B"~t 11 1·r.i., 0 lllllMilf·iilJtl LUXUHIOUS Exef'Ul•\IP Gol r pd. Crpls. drps, blt1ru;, pool. HAFFOAL REALTY I~ RENT.AL flNDE.R S Cou1-se honir 3 81~. :! Bi\ 1:123 Pl;11·rn_1_,._, ----- 842-4405 11HO:PfNSIV( ... Gt.IAlANTU} 1.-.r lr~Sf'. S-l1:i prr n10 .. DELt.rx~~ Vu rn 3 BR, 2 BA YOU .ru ~l t·an·r l111fl l lH·~·e ,_ 1 •f.StOlNTIAl -ILISlflltsS ·1~)-.'.1702 allrr j P;'c'---unit, f)"r.1nfrnn1, !\C'11'(>0rt anyn1nrC'! H,.r,.·s :in ocean An .-·IOOMMATI SflVKE 3708 Bl'ilt'h. fi7.'h~047 A:'lt on!y 1•iew ho111e 1 l1lk t'l hcar.h.M ;;_''c'c'~'-"_v_;c•~i'---'-~ J,,\JlG!·; l -Br. il pls .. nicely 2 hf'tlroom~. drn. /\e11• crp1~. 4n w. lfffl. Coo+•Moto,MS.01 11 drps, lirrplc, /iv rm, rlin 0-ll, '"' u .., en =-BEAt:Tlt.liL v 1r11•, :1t-!urn Nr h;iy. $1•10-Sl ~A] 11·ac11vr I yr old 2 BR.]'~ ff75.7Si6 nr 491.97:i.l C1tll 011·nrr I ;ii:t ... Art"; $200 4 Ur. f1TI rn1. 11'/Y.', t;,\. F'l'Pl<:, hllin OOokeascs. 536--~5..lS or 8·17-lj\9 hllns. Childrf'n & Pf'!S O.K. TRIPLEX Brok"r &l5--0l l l fully rtl)ld, drp!I. $240 mo. Newport Hgts. lse. 2:1771 CR.l ie Hoi;:ur . 4210 S?Zj. 3 BR, 2 Ba. lrpJc, RIO. ~ho11•n by appt only. Call * Oean 1 or 2 BR * Do II B 8 3 \\'/w. Ch1ldr<'n .rt pel:s O.K. s.»-6118. ,\dulU, no pell!, W l E. 16th \1·ntown . . yt>ai;;, f;l kr. 534--6980 S•. $135 mo. up. &l&JSOI block.! lo ocean R-4 zone. -----"'------C · t 372S'~====='=====I Rrdu«-11 10 S.11 :'ioo. ST.JO. 4 & fain r n1. 1'a110, apis reno 'I P•ul Jone~ Reelty fenced yd. Kirls OK. Al"ail CHAR..\llNG SpanL~h Casitas Bick 8•Y •240 8·17-12fi6 l::vr. 5.'\6.6.t"iS 11-1. Bkr :(1-1-6980 3 txlnns, 2\:1 ba, bit.ins. P.EALL'i QU!t:T·CLEAN 2 $l:'i0. 2 Br dupl<'x. Patio, pool. Crpls, rlrps. $28J mo Br. l l{i Ra. Pool, adultA .'l Aft t-a!.l dt•d f>-A:'lllLY R/0, \l'/\V. Will consider l5e.Mr.Young547-9571 days, $l!l0. 2310 Santa Ana ROO;\I GARA r.r.: & \\'ORK-sn1I, pcl. Bkr. 1.':1-6980 or 493-l252 C\"t'S. 64'.>-2911 SHOP on alley. 00\VN· 4 BR. 2 b.1. 'l VI"!\ old. BfJ.lns, TO\\'N area. $2~.750. lease s1~·, n1~. Rex L. Hodges, Rltr. !J1.v1s Rlt}'. 612-7000 141.2525 r=~~======= _ COit• Me1a 3100 NE\V Exe-c\1 !1ve I. u .1 u r y home, 4/J BR'j;, 3 Ba. 3 l'ar 2 BR, i;;ar, pauo. cl')'lts, drps, gar. Assun1c GI ; no pain!.~. sto1'r., rl•f11:,:. Trnp1~al ~el· 1 11·cck escro\v. 8·17..(JJ(}."'i 11ni;, adults only. l blk 2 STORY 3 BR 2 1~ bitth 1,;'c"_01c",;·,;5c1,;:..oc._'_'1_'1"'_780c' __ _ Dutch 1111\'e. By 011•her. Cor, $16.i SPAC, ln11nac, dlx. '/. Br, lot attach. i:;ari1ge. large TPC cpl.~. tlrps, pnvaey, 2 fl'1!ios. room. i\lnny rxtras. 842-727'2 Adults, no JM'li;, 673-VG!I :: BR. 2 BA. $2:t0. rtmm for Legunil Hilla 1700 korscs In llf' bo.:ii'ded. Sl10wn FOR Sille bv O\''ner. New''-""'-'c1c''c"_•c1c2-c20;;;.20:.. __ _ Vslenr.i!l-1..tl;uno \Vo r I d, 2 BR, Sll"1 mu. (l't>IS. rlt'P.\, ~futunl 2:i. 83()...ti90!l. rangr, privnt•' patiO. Also l BR furn. 67'.',..71711 L•guna Beach 170~ Eastsidr, 2 bilr &. family RENTALS Apta. Furnished Coron• del Mar 42SO General 4000 S90. tum baeh. Qu1r1, ~£'r to =.:::;;:.:.::;_ ______ :.:;::1 appree. BUlllllCSS Ill.Ill. IJll] Sl.W. 1 Br. decorated. &IJ0111 nr town. Newly pd. No cooking. £7.Hl! .() Adults. Broker COZY 2 Br. ~llrg, I hlk, lo $150. l Br,, l'i blk beach. ~.OJ l\lar g ar il e . fron1 6i3-2892 or 67:::-46!11. 4300 ocean. Child O.K. c"c'c"=·="=m='=·"='="'='".::::c"°'.:..--IB•lboa $125. Lnri:c l'Br garasc apt. CLEAN BacMlor Apts. ,\JI util incl $>'(• u11 315 E. Balboa Bh·rl. diahwhr, 1l~k. new "'/W. Bkr 534-6980 J & 2 BOR:\I ·~ \ilk frorn .,'.t 1-BDR~I BACll APT -:t hcach S\51J.S1 75 Garage & 4100 BALBOA 6i3--~tl Costa Meta Ulll . p11id "X('f'p! litt'!i util i11el fiT.?--3107. Adults. ~ mn :1 !ll·2~~ 1992 ffARBOR BLVD C.:\T. Lido Isle 4351 1------- HANDYMAN'S n~im. h•n(•f'rl ynrd, garage. BEAUTlf'Ul..LY t·uni'I/ 5.'.H·4Sj9, 531.ft!(lj z BR. Pool . Adill!!!, no pel.s. 320 NORD Rf.ACll A PT~. Special : 4 Income uni(! 12() ---Nr1v ftffn, Gan11:e. $200-·d 1 beach P;1iios dt'<.'k.~ $100; 2 Ur. s1nl. lcncW yard. $155. 2'l7l l\t11ole SI,, i\111. A. S?2:i . J2:'.IO ino. n 4 / 53:-,.{,6!)6 ~. ~~n vlti~· Nd ' paint ii:arb. Chilrl ok. 4 2 4 -A 548-0157 or 642-~ro Di:'ton .. e1tc. Should i;:rl>s11 J~.OOo yr. lhinii lton. &IG--298.". • Na&Mu Palms • P r. $69,900, Consider tradl'S. 'l hdr nc11 ly rcmodled, lm• J a. 2 BR. Pool Balboa l51and ~lfSSION REALTY 49.1.IJi:ll ml'lll<1 lr occupano..")'. Call 177 E. 2lnrl SI. &12-36451---------- ·I Rl:tr ~ b11 l')rriu1 vir:7"v ~19.1 :,11 _______ 2 BR, 2 BA fun1. Ne1v palnt. Joanie's cx..<Ca niCat11hn~ SJ~.90)-'!-IX!rrn un fu1•n, 110 ynrrl 2 Nr l'hpng 1..-en!t•r. No ln!'I ap1 rcntal5 .t ~11 aps, owner 491-9'2:}2 ('h 1h.h<rn '1k. r;o riel•. $13S+ children or pea . ~ HanleMty R~111 f-:.~to1e 4355 Is Your Ad in o u r J:iQ drp. 611j,·~";"'~'7--~--I SUS-CASITAS--• +:i1~1Kiiii • <'ias~l:led~? Someone will he. T ll ~: QUT h1';n YOU CALL. Furn J BR 11pt. 7110 NtY.'J>Ort DAILY PILOT CliwlnC'd lnnki11tt for ti. DIAi f;4~·'.i67R ·nu~ QUICK ~:R YOU SF.LL Blvd. l\Jecl11 l!lon by 1-lolpolnt s~tlon NO\V' _o_ __ ;:,;..._;.:;:=-.:...:::.c:c:,;;__;;;;;,:;,_.:;_.c;.""'-~' ·: · .. ·-,.--. "; ...------ :J D.'ll V PILOT •,A L~ Apt1. Furnish.cl * * * * Apt1. Unfurnished RENTALS RENTALS * Apt~. Vnfu r ni1hed Huntington 8each 4400 Costa Mesa 5100 East Bluff 5242 Rentals Wanted 5990 QUIET & BEAUTIFUL :.' BR, pool, ufil pd, $200 mo Adults onlv No P"1S 17ti76 Ca1nr1<o11, 8i7-2l!:i. • I & ;.: Bit 2 BA, nr bi•al'h. Jltd r.co!. r(.'c rn1. Blln~. Avail now. ,\tlulls only, 00 p1'I.~. :;:z:; l~!h St., !'>~3 1 !f1 1Br111ob1le Jion1f', ailults, no fX'IS. $125 lll<'I u!!I. S~:J I clr.anini:; fr·r. J3G..-I674 ~ Bit, 2 BA, pn palio. lllrl rxiol. 11·ashl'r hook up. $\Sj 11\lllllh 962--8994, Garden Grove 4610 SINGLE You11r,: Adults Lu:..- ury gardr.u ;'.if)\S 11·Hh tU\ln· try club atn1osnhcrc :-ind (·ornplc11• priv11ry. SOUTM 81\l ' CLUB APTS l.';100 Chapman a1T'., Gar Jc n Grove <7141 636-:;Q::O. Sl~GLt: Young a•tult:-;, lu..:- ury ~ardcn ~.pts, 11 /lull rrt·i"C"a!ton fa1·-1!1tic:-; ,t t«l111- plr1e privaf'y. ~1111h Bay Cluh Apts. :!77 5 o, Brouk!itirsl, Anaheun (il•l'f 7i2-4:il0. Laguna Beach 4705 Fairway Villa Apts Nrar Or11np-e Co Airpor! & UC!. -4.d..:!•s only. ~'QlZ.! ::\anta 1\ria A\'l'. 5-10-2796 ORLEANS APTS. 3 BR avail. Adults only. e NEW DELU XE e ? Br. 21 • ba .11pl. !ur Jca~r lricl. spa<'. 111as1r. :.u1l1·. 1lu1 r 1n. &. dhl. gai·;ii;.,, ;iu!n, door O/lt'ner 111"a1l. Pr«JI .~· n'e. 81'<'1' Nr. f.,,1th(1l1~ Churr·h. Adulls, no f:ll'I~. e ONLY S~l:1 e Sti.1 Amlg•lS \\';ty. NB. DELUXE 3 BR, 2 BA. r1,,·l g11r. 7:"i2 AtHi~os \I fly. $3~. f){'r 1no. 67!'"r.·i033 Corona del Mar 5250 1711 Tu~Lin, Costa r.1 ... sa l ~iiiiiiiii;;iii;li;li;iiiiiiiiiiii~ l\li;r. J.lrs. Carson, 6tl-4&ll :'\0\1' .\\'all l & :.' Bit ap!s. O.·lu:-.e 1·nngc & o v c n, rl1~hll'sh1-. CID. <'II'. Pool & l!HI'. urd pd. Adult living 2·1! 1r11son Avr. ( hf't wPc n Harbor & F;11rv1e11·1_ filer. ,\pt J. Uays (i.12-~lOl, eve :.~J\-()7.1;; VILLA MESA APTS ~ Bit 11nfur11. pn 1w110s, hid f10o1!. '.! cat· rnc.!'d gar. Chi!- rl•'•'ll ll'rh1lnH.'. no r r 1 s ph'.1Sc~ SlGO. Also run1 $1Sj, i'\9 \\'. \\'1l;;o.i11 . 6 16-l~Jl irS~'!~~-- ON TEN ACRC:S 1 & 2 BR. rurn & Un/urn Firrrilacrs I priv. p11.lios I 1~'-"J!S. Tennis. Conl11l'I Bkf~t. 900 Sea L<ine, Cdl\I 6 11·2611 ll\TacArtbur r1r Coasl lhvy) Ct1HNE!t Duple~ '.:! UH, pal!o C'l{•('t. S\0\'C & r I' r r I g. gal'Ul{C, l :xl'cl. 1·011rl. Pl'rfer 1ru!'k1u;; r;(•uplC. No i:h1Jdn:-11 or p1•tt;. ~~17-S6-IU lwf 8 A:'ll or ;i!T 6 Pi>t OJltOLlDO Apt, '.!Br wttur11. $180 & ur. 1\duJts. LUXUH IOUS 2 131{. all cll"c., fl'J11.~, lfrps, (.jt: kilch. pine h·t~s. f'll('l'd i.:ar. 11r b•is Sl10 Adults. J\li;r. l:l l E. 67.! .. i:lii! RE,\llr :! Br.'.! Ba. o<'f';u1frt , 2Utl1. s::oo. 871·1100 or 800-0l:i.1 JJl·:A.~D 11c1v l~ :.I Br, 2 Bn. eves. & ,1.kf'n<ls. :.I BR unfurn, llt'W Gohl ~!('d . <'i·pt~. dt·ps , hlln,~, , icw. ~32J 1 ~2='-'T.i'-----''-----1 l)ltins. No f'lllh!re>!l. 2fiS2 '10 1·-·1 '""'I RENTALS '' · ,,,._,_,,_ru~. ~~---!'nnta Ana Ave., Apl l C:\! k t-rpt!O, e •••Relined i;enlleman fl''ll~1on1~r 1van!s h o m e y ii>t11u ol' J>hure apt. l lavt 1·:1r. P.O. Btix 712, Santa Ana ~2'i(rl eeee -=--~~-~ UN~·un ap1 or small house l or 2 HRs, i;;i ra.sc & 300 sq fl ur 111c11\' 1'll'<1n roon1 for :'l.S.."<'111hly ol small mCKlcls. \\'il l 11a1nt inside. ~·10.1793 Rooms for Rent 5995 When You Want it done right .•• Call one of the experts listed below!! 1 BB. )(1lehcneth?s, S:cc-pi11g nn~. llcatc1t pool. r.lairl Sl'1v1rl'. S::O per wk & up, ~lO V1t"toria Whaddya Want? Whaddya Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Special Rate S Lines -S times -5 bucks RUlES -AD MUST INCl UDE ~RVICE DIRECTORY I SERVICE DIRECTORY Asphalt~ Oils 6520 Gardening 6680 I SERVICE DIRECTORY Paperhanging Painting __ :__ _____ I ROO~t & hath, pool. t ·urn or unfurn. Nr Htrport. Fen1ale. :..iiHi.l'.IO 1•v.-•s. 1-w~•t "'°" n•v• !'Cl tr•IM. ~"•' ,..,., w1nt .., ,,,.,._ SEALING &. PATOIING Residential • Indus • Come'! Conipl rc!l.!! scrv. Currcnlly engag:cd by City oI C.i'lt. Joi· street restoration. )-YOUR P"°"9 •""/°' 1aa,...L "-5 nnn oil 1avtt1i,1n~ 9-NOTH!NG FOJt 5.r.Le: -TR.&OE$ OHLYI 1 UH hui 11/hath, pl'l\' C'rl· tran.:e, $70 n10. PHONE 642·5671 To Place Your Trad•r's Paradise Ad * 675-0771 l!Mi6 ford Ranch \Vagon, all l'\lCE l.1ra11 roo rn for pwr_ V.'llh air. \Vil! trade •'n1rloycd rHun. Costa '°'l"sa. for la1e model piekup. Ca!! al1~·r 12 l'~I. &12-79'10 6!'.?-8·100 da}'S 518-0797 eves. $1;, \\IK & up 11•/ l-.tlCh<'n .1----------- .S::O. \\'k s!u1!iu apt. :l376 TownhOUS(' 3 Br, :!~~ Ba. Ne11'fl0r! Blv(I. ;14g....97j5. Beaut appt'd, Priv. palfo, FUllNJSllED 1-00111s. \Vork· pool: nr lxly, \'al. $32,500. Ing Pl'rson, Non·drutkcr. EQ!y for TD, Ja1c n1CK1rl l'\on·s1n111ier, Ci•\f,....(j()JO ~ar, camper. 01vner 646-6654 l!J.19 Chevrolet Pi1·kup, 1-a- Motel1. Trlr. Crts. 5997 tlio, J('() anip a1tcrna1or, ~ \l'EEl\LY rates Sea Lal'li ballCl'h's, Jf.78 Poly~lass j\Julcl, 2'.:0l Nc•1·port Blvd., tu-es. boat rack, 110 v·ac. Coslri ii\•'~;• for V\V bug. 646-7076 f'l.2, small 3 Br houSC', val. 116,500. loan bal. SSOOJ. $95 110. 1neJ ra.'i'l'S . Trade for 1st rD. 2001 Charle ~r. Cl\t. rncome $1'10. 548-501'1 NA1'0 CORP. Cen'J Co11tractors 6.18·::.SIS 6550 R-1 Jols Paln1 Springs. clear BABYSl'ITf.NG & lu'.1cl1t'~. J ne ar lf'nnis c.:lub rio,ooo: ~1cki_1p lro111 schl nr1 .IP.VI. 01her 1rindless ;u-ea $10,000. F l'll'; d yd, co n1 pan 1 u n . Trade for eqly in uni !s or1_>_l8-_,,,_7_·1 ______ _ conun"l. 111 C.ilt. or N.B. WILL babysit 4 or 5 yr old Bkr. 616··114·1 in my i\lcsa dcl !11ar home. \Viii trade four new f1.re·1 ~"'cJi.-OIOG~-"--~---- slo11C' tiff's 64.> x 14 !or por· \\.'ILL babysit 1ny humc tab:e TV, od painting or days. Rig fenc'd bk yd. C.)!. anything of equal value. Call &16-3.1•17. ANTHONY'S 644-4860 TI1c n es t. co~ts no n1nrr~ l::XJK'ncnced !11llintcn11nc.:c J3udi.:el Landscapuig C.ra.dt1ate llor!irultul'1St AL'S Gardening & La1111 J\1;1in!cruu1cl'. <.:onunercial, industrial & n'.~ide11tiaf. * 6Hi-3fi~") * --COMPLETE "\'tird tlla111t. Clra!lllfl !{pas. 9f.8.J!)'l8/61G·82-17 l::xp'd Japant!!'il:' Gan!ener. Co111plc1c yard srrvict', free csti111<1tc. ~~Ul-1332 Cut & Edi::c Lawn J\la.inten:ini:'C·, l .iccn~erl :~1s-4S081:.1!!-19:1-1 aft ~ 6BSO NEED PAINTING? Call us: lti.:llablc Scivil'I' 11'/ (Juallly <it i1.s bt•st, al the 1uosl fl'l.4S(ll1!1l.Jlc pru:es. r·rl'1• l'~t1n1a1rs. :i-111-600:! *It\ T£1\ivil EXTER!O!: * 1'a1nt111i::: -Papcrhang1nf: 1.,,., It~-.. Guaranlc1'd Harris l'a1n11111: fM2~~ SL'BLl'H ll.\N Painlinr.;1 Th'i: l·:.,p(·1·1 Cuar:1nlet:'d \\'ork l·'r1.•c t•sL Nu Joh too !nq,;e VI' hJO small. 49-1-JIOO PA11'TJNG Int & Ext Lov.'('~1 con!ractcd pr'i{'t's. Fully ins. Satisf:'lction gua.1. Free es1. .:iu11 \\'eek>; 643-1100 A t Unfurnish-.J 2 P.H. sulldec ·, lrplc, p S. i:ru .~I7j. drp~. .!>IO\'t'. Avatl Generil 5000 2 BR. bltins, sru pr•r n10. ti73-~12'l8. 1Ull7. Guest Homes 5998 Lake fsalle~a 6 u~rum ~en rentals; .S•l.>,OOQ F P, .Sll.oo:J GT.r2Dtl 4-19 Seaward Rd., LICENSED Day care 11·t'ck Corona de! illar. clays, infant 1hru ~1 ;rs. So. TRADE '66 :!.;:Ir Continl't} Coa!il P laza art'a. ~19--ol03!! JE\l'S Ganlening & l:111•n P.\l:'\'Tl:'\'.G, J-:.\'t • lnl. 18 .l-r~ ''"II· Ins. Lil'. Free e.~1. f\1'UUS1. ('1'1l11iKS ~H8-5:'.!J. PAINTlNG, Paperini; 16 yrs. in llarlior a.rca. Lie. & hondell. P.cfs. !urn. &12-2356 . EXT/Int. pntt:. Aver rn1. 320 ·I-i::•>.Jd pa·1nt. neat \rorli, loc rt•f:1. llny, R-17-1~. VEN DOME Ii\!MACULATE APTS! ADULT & FAJ\·IILY SECTIONS ,\VAILABLF. Close to shopping, Park • Spacious 3 Br's, 2 &1 • 2 Bedrooms * Swim Pool, Put/green * F'rp!, Jndiv/lnrlry lac'ls 1845 Anaheim Ave. COSTA !llESA 6'12·:'824 • RENT • 3 Rooms Furnitur• $25 & UP !lfonth-To-~Tonth Rentals \\'JDE SELECl'JON llf/lC furni!1n·e Rentals 517 \\'. l!lth. C~I 51S-31Sl SJ7j. 2 Br dt>ln.'i'I.' 1111,rr ·1-plr:... t'rplc, y,•/v.•, T:lo. Bkr. ~.J l-69F'.O Sl30. 2 Br. w/w, s!ol'i'. Childrt'n & :.ml pct 01\. Bkr 5,'.H-6!l80 s1:i:i. Spa r1ous :; Br. 2 Ba. Crpl~. drp~. nlfl Ch1ldl'cn wl'lt-omr_ Ukr. &r,..-0111 $10.i Br. adult~. A1111! Ii 1.J..(1111. Co1ta Mesa l';)(ll. H 0. 11011'. Drolier SIOO CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLETING Harber Heights Four 2 & :: BR UNITS all 1vilh rirep!arcs, cl1shll'ashcrs & 2 bat~s. r-~cntal ~lanagcr - l\frs. ChrisLicnscn 3117-A C innamon Ave. Costa Mesa Ptione 546-1034 HARBOR GREENS- 6,\CJlE:LOR unrurn I r om S!.lfl. AJc,, avall I . '.? !..· 3 Bdr.i1. !!caled pool~. ch1!cl rarr (('n\cr, adj lo shupping. No !>('(~. 2700 Prtrrso11 \\'f•Y MARTINIQUE GARDEN APTS. F\rr:J .. nr, p111'~·l1kr <;lffround. 111r:s frir a111~1s orJly. :'\c<i.r S)J(>Jlfolll!;. l'O>•l. 1, 2 & :: Bit AP·r . .:: lii7 ~,1 nl'1. f\n.1, Art lll C11>-:i~1 l:l or Iii'.! 1 :~:, CH, pri p,itlO. al! •·!et., Crpts, <lrp,, t•;1rpor1 . No f"'!S .. r 1'hlldrrn, l'l.'"J)f)n-;1blc l1dul1, e>nl.1·. sti : .. [1\~-1 32'.! $1flll. S BH, frplr, pal!n, f'T'p1r1, drptl, -;:arn~1 ·, adul!s. ~~ {)glr, ('_ ~I. 714: :118-8301 or 21'.l: ~i!fi-:'i:/~7 f or Daily Pilot \rant Atls D1al bt.!·56il:I Crpts, c!1•ps, patio. No pets. I,========== LOV~LY, quiet room in !:'<I. \VANT: Coastal a re a priva!e honic f 0 r am-home or Condo. Ch1•ner. bulatory. l~OOll me a ls , ITI<lJ 376-2677. lal, '67 Ca1na1'-l (one 01 brlth) for TD"s, Property, e tc. '\IHI pay 1.:ash d iffer cn<'f'. 675.38ro. LOvlNG "°"' lo" yo " -1 l 1na1nlenance. Rl'~. & Con1· ..... ", u,u1 an up 10 3. \I'll-day-hr. Harbor ,,m='0'0"=.'='·=*="=~=·=l'1.l=·='=== Adults only. a.tS-2900 :! BR. llpl, blt1ns, ('rpts .t, drps, Gar. Aclul1s. no peL~. 227(1 Pon1onll. 61U-:":11.il. 1 BP., 1-;<11·, rrf!·ii;. SI'.!\ 2:'89 Or.UlJ:<'. 1·i·pts, ~10l'f', Quiet adulls. ;,1g.....13GQ. S:?IJ. 3 Br + i:ucst hSC". Pool. bllns, 11·/11" (]rps. F';imi!y & sn1I pet O.K. Bkr '.°)3t-69SO AVAILABLL 11011'. 2 BDR~t. crp!s, clrps, b!tins, carport. ,Adu11s. No pets. $18-Giii!l :Sl~(l. 2 Bl<. U[l[ICl'. S!uvc, re!rii;. Uti! lnr:l'd. * 6-12-337:1 .. LARGE Bachelor, c r flt !'>. clrps, hltu1s. No pet:;. ZRSJ ?llcndoza Dr. C.J\I. ~-C,...;rJ21 2 BR. J BA, bllin.,, Jrple. Nr shops. Adults. $160. 543.2;!1.i, 293 C Ogtr SI. Balboa 5300 ;,: 13H. 2 13a. i1nL Y1e;1rly $1 7:1 1\lo. STOVl' .t... rcfrig, l\'r. l•a.1•/bt•11,'li. Gi3-:nu:1 p 1ea sa n1 s1u-roundin~s Strategic airpo1t entrance Avail in11ncdi;11cly, Call prop. Vacant, ionc C·2, r,,is--11;1:: :i0.620 sq fl. Piicc .S\52.000 Huntington Beach 5400 Income Property clear. A sleeper. For ranth, 6000 ha;,.i1"0nt or ? Chvnr 67J.f,63j e 4 X 8 POOL TABLE wilh 2 P.<'droo111, 2 bath, ep1s, dra[IC's, hulit·ins. Best loca- 11011. l blk lo 5 Point i;1on•s. ~J :IQ. U[I. f ·urnlshcrl & .. Ull· furni~hcd 642-2S3 J or 81~11.10~ 7701 Elli.~ Apl D * BEACH BLUFF * N<'\V 2 & 3 BR. 2 RA. Fure· cd au·, dsh,1•shrs, paJo, pool. 1·1cv." l & 2 story. \l'alk 10 5 Point Shops. s.11.3n~1 NE\\/ LUXURY 1 & 2 TlR J,1\TIQS & llALCON l ~:S ADU LT L:VING SU l~fSIDI:: CJIALl:."T ft2G2 A!lanta, 5.".G-~00 32 UNIT_ APT..,. ac«ssotics TRADE lo"Olt Und~r construction. 75 _.o loan console TV or Relrigerator. t.> year!t. Annual income Call S::.S,5GO. \Vill deliver fully • 894-4393 * r l'nlcd. INDUSTRIAL BLDG. HAVf:=: Cc;,sta ~tcsa Con;· 15,600 ~'1 r1 under con~truc-mcrcinJ S~.OCJO. TRAD!:.: non Annu;i\ 1nconic S2Z,.1Ci0. SI 1.0CKJ cquuy fo r ~ lo 6 9 1c.11an1s. (.jood Jma.ncinc & 1~nits Orange County. tax sh('ltcr. fen-on Rf'alty &12.1m OFFICE BLDG. Dran1at1c 5 BR Lk Arrow- ' head $12i M Prime "C" lot To~ location_~c1vport Beach. $55 fl-I. 620 aC, Utah $IOO ac:. Sl.i0.000 • 1:> ~ do,vn. Owncr[CLEAR . Trd: beach prop or 111H c.:arry tst TD. aiqi!an<'. (7141 •l:i9-3JO:; C P.llhi'rl Na !re ss Realtor ! Bi· .. t Ba, marble !ilc en!, • t ;;Q £. 17th Street ! 5ly. in!(·rcon1, ~il'eplacc & &kC'r, C~L 51~J-1387 Trade Laguna Dl'ach Rustic Brick, Masonry, etc. 2 bdr111 ho1L~I' r1·ce & clear 6560 Jor ar 1"C"agr in Oi·cgon. \ViU 1---------.;c:.:C consider other g1"0wth areas, BUILD, Ren10dcl, repair. or ? Prine only 49-l-S170. Brick, block, roncrctc, 72' C11liser l\vin D, auto ~nlry, IJO job too small. pilot. range 1200 mi: re~nt Lie. Contr. 962-69'15 survey S·IOi\I. \Viii ronsider I.rust deed oL· smaller boat. Business Service 6562 Owner (il•h 729.3400 General Services C&A Dcsir.n: l::l. Pkt:, J\!J'<.:IL, Prod tJ<·l'l, 6'11-{1780 1~.,1. Box lrvin('_ 6682 E/M. i<lf'!I. AD GARAGE Doors Scrv1c1·d & R.l'paiJ'C'd. Genl•ral !louse J\laint. $10. rn1n. ti7~J-J3S-I. Hauling 6730 SMILEY'S 'fRJ\DE: Equity 1n lot in YAl~D/Gar_ c 1 r a n 11 n. ANTELOPE VALLEY ror Business Services Rc1no ... e 1recs. ivy. u1rt. :ootl late-model Ca.I or \\'hat rrac101· bu«khuc, gr a Jc .l·~v,, ,~,1?? 962 g-4-..... " Ta. .. cs, C.P.A. bookkrl'pini;, 1 c:::c-c'c·c'~~----- ___ ea_1_1 _6_1_~_8._;1_0 ___ 1 mutual funds, insuranc•'. !lAULJ NG, C1t•anup, 101s l'IC. 43' J\Iatthcv.•s 1965 deluxe Rl'itl EsHc1e Pie. F'RF:t: llandyn1an any11111P you call Flying Bridge scd&n, Trad.! quol!•s. &l&.9f166. 642-222 1 * * 642-3."lH!l t-* ror s1nallcr boat, a irplane. TYPING IB!lf Sc I e c 1r1 c Clean Up And Ha ul car, house 01· ? ? ? • 546-8030 Fa.~!. rr.;;~. a cc u r a 1 c: SlO a J11a1 I 6 lfi·'.!52.Q f'Xl 4~~. J\-lnnuscr1pl s, 1hc:-is, 1crn1 papers. 61:>-6017 alt ti p111 Housecleaning 6735 •FOR J:cttcr 1~aintinr,:, in· ll•nor .~ ('\'lcrior. aco11~lil' cc1l111i:~. 6liJ..-l077 & 5-l\.3502 C & :-.; 1~<11nters. Jnt-ExL l!l'1U"f' .!',;-apts. No job too snialt. f.7~.-:!9jJ al! 5. --\VALLPAPE::R!NG & PAl1'- TlNG, JO YRS in an'a. Rca~onahlr r :i1es. &12-0427 P1\INTlNl~ & papcrhangin;;:. Rt•a.snnabll:'. 2~ yrs exp. Ccrinan skills. lil2-l322 INTl~RIOR .~ ext. Avel"agt' :: hr. hsc. labor unly $127.'.Al Cull ~~18-l:YIG Plastering, Repair 6880 0 PAT C II PLASTERING. All !ypcs. t'rec eslimate. Call :~10-6S?..J 2 Br.. cp1~. rir[I.~. blh1s. U11I pd. SJ:1:>. Adults, no pets 5-1~2G27. XS-17·10 :! Bl{. l'llls , drp~. i;aragr. Close tu [l<X•I. p1t'r, shops, etc. 40J l BR. '' lw, dr[)S, 1<nr, U!ll pd, arilil!s, 11u Sl2J-.S150 :,1R-03'.lti hl!·lll$, hcarh, 8111 S1, C'n"til i\lrsa 6-12-1-ISj _,i , Fill\, S27,000 St.!1 pa)s _ .... ..,_;,.iiiiiiiii;;;;;i; ..... -all $11,000 cq. for 3 Br. run- 8 UNITS .lo Inc. or ~ Oll'ne.r 96&-692.:i lf.B. JIAVE: 1 BR &. d!.'n hon1r on lgc lot, El i\lontc. $1 3.500 clear, Tradt• Jor sma!l hon1c Cos!a "lcsa, or l!unling!on Beach. Prn·on Rlty &12-1771 Carpentering 6590 CARPENTRY ll OUSECLEANit..;C.1;, Cenrral l\J:1 in1cn;111re, C~l Plumbing 6890 ;inylimc, gooJ rc:fs , rcas! Pl~\i)\BING rtEPAlR pc1s.1 "lcl""°:,,·"'ll3-'-2c-cllcC'_'_~-- :! BR, 1.:h1ldrcu & ocl ok. (4 Duplexes Eastside) $79,:ior.J. 1\lo. 11\l'Omr $9iO. llavc 2'i acres NI'. 1!ut:k l nclus1. inconie on Placentia MINOR REPAffiS. No Job Club, San Joaquin Valley. Avr., Sl :J0,000, Tr-..itlr. 1/3 ior Too Small, Cabinet in gar· S3:.0U ft~'r & l'lr. \V;;n1 •l u-t•lea1• Orang,. Coast proper-ai;:es ,!;,-. o I her cabinc1s. 64G-60~4 !''o job !no sniall CAH.Pl-~IS, \\'irn.Ju11;;, llr5;. e ll12-J128 e Newport Beach S200 EASTBLUFF Nr'v 2 bl'!11n. 2 lia. Cpt~ .. rlrps.. hltns. Ovcrlo1Jk1n~ baek bay, Xl111 Joe. nr. shop. l'ntr., churth1~.~. sthnols, Pie. ~IG Amigos \V;iy, $23.:J Per fllo, Yrly, • • ns.10~0 o -1yysm1 Cl.,lllC. DELUXE 2 & 3 Bit ·I-PLEA APT$. SlSO to $220 1no. A •1 u It~. \'i !la~c l nrar lloa g llosp1talJ 420 1 llilaria \\'ay, NIJ. &12-1::87 llONEYJ\IOON opt. s pl 1 t l('VC'l, J1rrpla('!', ,. i ,, \\', elegant e~rpt'I~. drnpes. S2::.IJ. ;,\S-2:::D~ 111! (. f'.11 All rl;1y S~I! & .Sun. ~001 1 ~ h'.ings P.cl. /\13. 2 BR. 2 BA. CID. r;1110. lrplc, <hs\111 hr. !\r \\'f:,h>l1ff l'l1 .. JI.oil.-, l rv1nr S~!O. Arlul1~~ FIJI' 1\ppT li·l:l--O:!::!l YEAI~ round llfl~lalr>; ;; 1:1~. 2 BA. ~nr. '" blk frorn ~11rf. A1 a1l r-·ov. 1. S'.?llO. 1:11 '; :!7th. ~,1 ;i 1 :r.:>-211::>. s1.,1;LE: <1p1. '11·11, 1.111.:e 1~lfl1n , r1n ·11!al.,., :-; 1o1,.. rrfng. (·:irrl<'I. 111'/lfll'" Sl ;,(), C<ill ;if.t<'r 6 l':>.1 :,1).\...:1~~1 ----2 Bil upprr, rrp!~, i lrp~. s1ove ,<:,_ J«'lng. SltiO .1rly, 6!;;-~8 ,j UH, 2' 3 11,\, ~11ulin. J h11> lro111 tirrich. Y rarJ~" (;ill 6i3-Zri:1. '.!DH. l'.1 Hn, pat11\ /lf shopping. adult!<-, 110 i>C'lS. $13:i. 6 12-'ll~!). GOLD J\IEDALLION. 2 Bfl. '! BH. CtD. hl1ns, a'1ulls no pt:ts. L~e .SIS:i. ~IS-3i0S. DAILY PILOT \"''ANT AIJS! C1·pts, drps, 1·;;ng • ., r;•r. $133. ino. 962-1637 af! :i P~I ' liR. 1•11clu:,NI fl a ! 1 n , \l;ashini:: lat·1L Achllts only. $l3J. )\.17-6692 2 Bit unrurn a1,1. Drp:,, t.:rpl, bl!ins. L1':1~r. • ;,:;i)-4·,~6 * P e rron Rlty., 642-1771 pll!x. Clll or HS area. Davis ly, Balance T.D. Qr ? 5'15.Sl 75, U no ans\\'l'r leave Realty (i;l2-70CO. Owllcr j.18-l:i.12 ms::: at 64&-2Ji2. 11. 0. :.'Q Linlt motel. hv1ni; qtrs & 1_A_o_d_"-'°-'------- sw1mmu1i:: pool. For tlcla1ls .. * 1i * * * QUA LITY Repairs -Altera· 'vritc-: f\lr. t-rancis ~1.\~!!!!!!!!t'!~~!'J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!~~~!!'l!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\ lion~ -Ne1v ronst. by J1our Valrnt. 18~!1 N. illotcl Dr .. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS •no or Contract. &16-34•12 Frrsno. Calif. 937~. Generil FINANCIAL REPAI R. Partitions Srna!l Remodf'I, ell'. Nile or dny, Busines1 Property 6050 R 1 6 090 R • c II KEN "'0-16-9 Tu1tin 5640 Industrial ent1 Bus. Opportuniti1s 6300 <'as. a '" ' c1c-. itt's or c;o111c'I Xl nt ---- 11•ork Hc:is~ r:,•rs:...~·l'<~I~ R"emodel, Repair, 6940 e \\-lNDO\\'S OlllTY? Frf.'e ~·st. l~ ~t'ill'S 1'\JJ, Joh11ny Dun11 t1:l-:!'.':G \ \\'OUl.D You bl'ii<"v•· I 11111 ··lca11 yotir honir for Blut• <.:h1r Stamrs~ ~~7-7:~.-.o J\loving? Sellin;:~ llcu11ng'.' Call Rcntnl Read1rr BUILD, RrmCKlcl, P.rpa\r Bnrk, block. co nc r et e , 1·rpn111·. no JOb too sm:i!l Lie:. Contr. !!62-69-1.i ~· you 11t:{'ll n•tno<lrlini;: 1 •1ur11in~ ,,,. 1i·pairs. Call l"llf'k , Gl'.!-1197. Tl If: A~rf_-.r--;-·s-;.:_" = C G T S Bl::~ K K~I ,.H RE T .• ll iO sq. rr. ~16.i/month ~>l!l--3!l2·1 Cement, Concrete 6600 Very r"asonahli' Sewing 6960 1."oGJ2 \\'1ll1a1n SI . ._,.,(IE. I 1!11 :-t .. C.tll. C"~ta ~!c<a FAMOUS T11s11n's r1'l'.st1i;r. a1 111. ~l .. 1nd t.· B!di:.1 "'' · · . BRAND NAME OCONCRETE \\·ork a ll Ironing 675~ • 3HKI '"' ft 4 nrf1c~s 3 p I d k & I ccc_;:.,:__ ____ _c_.c e Dn·s~n1a\..1nt: -Al!cralions ;\tlull living, no 1"--'I' r.y n"nr·r i'l•1: 6•12.fi200 ' ~-, .. · ? • • CANOY P.OUTES types. oo cc s cusom. -Sha~ cal'[ll'ls F11\I ;,'·, 1•nmrn. 111 ni t hkr~. pl1n.~e flOY.C"r, $Jl0 I mo. Now ava\lahle in Costa i\-[e"'~ Call 548-I324 \\'ILL do 11·011111{; !ipri:w.l 011 hcn\s. T;;\;:i! air l'und;!111n111~; Unfurnished Costa J\lesa. . ~·· 1-----------;\!on. & Tut:s * 6·16·6416 * • 17:..0 to 15,""" u. fl _,,v &: many other to1vns in this • CONCRETE FI o ors C,·11 '· 102.·,-,, ~--~---~~=~ IMI ~. ·~· All local n re · · -~"=======-== Alterations -642-5845 Office Rent1I 6070 lrasing, under construction area. 111 s 11. com-p;\lios Pl <' Reasonab!(' Call :: __ _:_ __ _.. ___ :.::.;..; C n1!.'rcial or Jactory. Very Don 6-t:.!-!!5!4 · l'\1'a!. a"curalP. 21) years c.'i'fl. Gymnasi111ns !.· S:1una<; Apartn1en1s f1llm Sl.d F or 1nfortna1ion l!:l:'J.til.ii!7 LAGUNA BEACH usta .:'llesa. hiJ;"h earnings, no selling in· .:.o=~·==·====== Janitorial 6790 Air Conditioned C. Roht't1 Naltrcss Realtor \'olved: To qualify you must Carpet Cleaning 6625 SPARKLE Jani!or1al & \\'in-TILE, Ceramic 0:-1 FORF:ST AV ENUE' Cost;1 "1<'~ 612-1185 be reliable &· have 1 hr 3'1--'------"----1lo1v cleaninf: &•rv. \Vin- 6974 REAL ESTATE General o k l clay spare time (days or * DIA J\tONDS are n1C'a~ul"('d I I I cs -s.par~ avai_l-1~ e In 4!IOO S(I II.. 3 oUiL"t"s, <!.l'ltl Job. ) 1 011·s, l'l'Sll., con1t· . con~t. r ! rr r I Id t l'.'Vc~ · by 1111ali!y, SO an'.' we? Clc1111up . Frt·e C'"L 00!-:-2G91. nl'_w ·" o ~ e . 1111 ing-a by, C11n1~1~1c li!c-u p ron· $121:(} to $J3~i0 TIF.QUIRED DJA;\IQNO CARPET 'It V1•1·n<'. The Till.' "lan * r11~1. \\{!l'k. ln~t&ll & l'C'pll!!'.'i. l'\n Jvb 111(1 s1nalL Plaster R __ e_n_l_•_l_•_W_•_n_t_ed ___ 5_9_9_0 11r1mc lor~!1U11 in do~•nto11·n .~t111c11011, ~ 10. tJir~e • phase Inquire about our "free bonu.~ CLF.ANEHS 6-13·1317 anyl\n1e Dl.iTC}I !ltn1nt :-ier\'. crpL Lai::una I r .. i·h Air C'Qr.ich· pu1ver. Im 111 e di at <' n c. I " ~1 k P.ESPONSIHLF. En1ph'yf'rl 1 101~11. 1•:1rprr~rl, hcnul1fl1l l'Upancy. Costa ~tcsa. !l:r. route P an · • 11 c your Ju. CAtt.Pt.."T & Furn clcnnin .. · l·lni;:, flr wax\11g, 11 jndt•ll' p11t1·h. Lf'11ki ni:: ~how er "·a~hi ni::. llarry v.1n Bcynen -''-''-·'-"-·._s_i;_i_o_:,_il_&_JIHl_:ioG ___ 1 11flillnn 11·1th sn:nll l'\'!<-fl'lll~I-<'ll!l"inrrs· t mnl"'' O" turc secure l\'ith us, a, Dunn fo• 1 •l·y '·'"'',.;, & q .. ,1,"1y· L' ' , '1 ·d " N\\·pt-S.ll. fn~ys. 0. C. & B d t f'd N t I ' " "' ~ '' " hl c d(lg 0Jn11Jn11111n n".-..i~ r OIT'~t nvr .. rrnr r.i s '.O a ir rt ;:..!0--4S9.i · ra sti'\'C rai _ '" io~a v.·ork, call Strrlin,!; Jor :JJ7-J:iOS if n11 anc; 1·.11l aft ::. ~111.itl unfu1·111~hcrl h1'll~l·. l\Tunei pa\ parklliJ:' lot~. s,,o __ ro Co. For mon:' 1nfo1TT1at1on b h , &1241-20 i=:s·rATE ;\lair:t Tree Sr rv ()o't'UJin nry by Nrov . prr 111011 1!\ fur sp:icc. Dt'"k BLI)(; for lcasr. 11.000srt.11. send name, Addrc!l.S & phone rtl{ lnr.~s. ·' Removal & t rimm ing~. [rce 5"H~J !llu, Q,·,.up:1nt, l'i~:l Ana. ;inJ cha11·::. :.v111!ablc for $J_ Prnpcrl.v ~· X 301'.J'. 6·1'. .... 11 '.':3 no. In: ROUTP. DEPT, P. 0 , Electrical 6640 ~";';";'~"~"·~·~--~·n~ll~'.·~11=-llO,;;';'·== hrlill. AfJ1 3, c.~l . e 11.,1Til'SS ho11r< <Ill.~\\Tri ng <l :~y~. l~1·('J>, 6·12-1479. 940 \\I, Ho\'~!-~ Po1nonn, Calif. !l171i9 -----------' fl\11•'1 . II ~ :'lj)f I' ,1 I•!' d 1ohr1!-h·a111,.d1 doi: 11 1~1oc, 1 or 2 hr. unf1:1•n l~.r. 111• :opt p\ J\l'11por1 !.ii•:H h, l!'lo f Nnv. 11 ~11·.-$1 ~0. Sl:.'-::Tlti ;d11•r :1. nr wk('lld~. ;\!•;j•;f ) I h•;,11 lll11'1!'!1 2 [~I' h•1•. ''/i;n r. hc[1,r(' t\01., 1~1 T"" 1p11r1 r<'~11011s1hle urlultl> HJ l1 l ll!'~, ·~· pt•!..;. 1;ri11 nin ('<111~1dr-r lpa~e 101.11 l'Jti.-:'i9i3 nr fl1~..002;1, 0 T "AND--LO_R_D_S_O_ FIU::;i::; HENT,\L :-;.F.l:V1CE Brokrr 5.14·6~1~2 _R_E_N_T-AL SERVICE ~i ,rvwc :11·;11L1hlt> for SJQ_ li!l1 .. C ~I. FRIGJDJARE llOUSE 'l'lrini:;, Ill'\\' ,'\,; old. Landscapi ng \II r 1 d No ,tvlJ too small nr 100 6810 • 11 111"'~ flll L'XCrpl i\'EIV ln(h1:<>lr1a l Rld!!S for JET ACTION •· G'" 1--• • Lic'd Jap:1nc<;<' hltf'hull" ,--I' "-JI ]"'g llll'"J:. ,-rf'c <'SIS nr ·1,_ l.111d,1·;1['f' ) .J I\ (l ~ f' t 1:. ll.\ll.Y PILOT lrasc. JVU ~q. •· ~"" · -'" F nt11fa1r<' ]~ n11n. l\':l~h. - -~.:~ ~·or:J·.:-i A\'E'.'IUE :0,1,.nro,1.1, t.:\I 117J-!l017. Fa1>1.,-;1 1n 11ir 1ndustJ')'. :.:n, Floorll t_\L;l':-.;,, n~:,\Cll 1.000 SQ. rT .. ur. HarlM"1r & J.~ n11n ll'ashr-. 11U1 do tile 6665 ~pnnklrr~. ~>f}-;1!~7 J•lJ1 I••-'· • B k C •1 • ·1 1 11·o rk of 4.1, .'.lO n11n 11·;:ish"S. C1\RPl-'T Vl~YL TILE .1:1.1 '.! \G6 .1 er. -·" . ,.,·a1. a llTI!'f'. =~=~~-"---~--l su1 ! !V \N' ~do-t1z.l FHIGJDIAH~: OUTSTAl'-:D· Fr{·(' t'~1. L1(. l'Ol11r. J.\l)..j~G2, Masonry, B_riclc: 6830 .\l0 1Jt:.:!:N A 1 r eund11h1ncd' . ~ '' ING LOCATJOr-;.~: J...a ~l i ra .. i-Hi-i•li~ :___-=.;::.: suitr, 171h Sl rcct, Costa 6200 <la niaJOt s!lvfll>lllc.> ccnicr,1-='='======== RICHARD ALLEN J\lt' . ..:1. Q\·er 700 squnrc fr-ct, Acreage .. Gar<frn G1ul'c &. Buena Gardening 6680 S~IO per n1r>n!h. ~~:irk ing -3 37 ACP.ES Sl·I q9·,. I\' Park. 1 - t"O ffN: 1,11,111 i a n 1 l 0 r .. . V ii' ' .. , . r.ir Coin .. O-Matic CLEAN-U r SPECIALIST! M·r11t·c all ul il11les in-Vtclor A cy j('\ airport. ~.Jo111ni::. cd;;1ng, odd jobs. 1·lu1lcil. Phone l\lr r,,·fn Rrkr . LloyLI Lei\ornian.t Equ;pment, Inc. R bl '18 °9--. ~ " -'791 casonn c. ;,i-.... , •• i.1 to1:!-!1'li!i0 ,J'l.>-· 2:;J l'.11 IV, Vulcnc-ia .7'C,,.'°"'c---,o----i\IOUNTAIN RECH EA TION Fullcr!on 711: :: :'iEP.\R1\T\:: .,ff1<·rs, l'Jeh 1----==~-_;__;_.;;: LA ND 400 or 2286 :ic nr. [NCO c:1rpcleJI, "'1th n•1•cption. 11h11nc ans11·eru1i.;, Xrt"OX, & Cctlar City, Utah. $lj() acre. BUSINESS and Sl'Cn:'larial Sl'IVll'f!. l n 1='="=-80=1='=· =======' I FINANCIAL Humbl~ Oil &.· Refining Co.1----------- Custom & Spanish M asonry A Specialty ! Block, Brick, Concrete Free Est. 633-2343 BUSINESS and FINANCIAL ---- Tree-Service 6980 cr.::-:r.:·s Tr:. E F: SF.RV: ln·r·s sl.1'ohl)f'i)' 1'f'n1ovctl. 1r1n1111f'd, hll.ult-'J a"'' a y :1 1\1 r ;.,•1 5f:I\' o\HE c-, -, -1-,,-,b-br-,.--, .,-,,-,-I tin•;ok 1uunrl ncirins. Frrr ""' i\11y Tr1·c 51.·i'I 1c.:c. ~.';:J'lO l lflll'~ TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD ANNOUNCEMENTS and NOTICES FRT-:f; TO LANDLORDS * Blue B•'atvn 615·011 1 * llarbor l.alV J:ldJ:;. ~19 E . ]';th St., $:.0 to ~L2U. &12-6747 R. E . Wanted 6240 has 11·clJ located sc1vil:f! sta. Bus. Wanted 6305 Mortgages, T .D.'s 6345 Per1onals 6405 Newport Beach 5200 Newport Beach 5200 Newport B~":._':._h __ 5:._2:._0.c0 lion 11.vailable tn Costa ~lesa. '-------------------1 i!ays. NOTICE No 1nves1111rn1 rcquirl'd in DI'\' Cl p 1 CO Altractive E xpert S©~lA-"£trS9 Solve a Simplf: Scrambled Wonl Punle faro Chuckle ·-"""' cl .... four xrot'lbi.d word1 b.- low lo form four simple wcwdt.. ILIMISE I' I I I I I' e ~~l~~E~~E~nE.tS r r 1 1 r r r i' I I I I,. L [I . I. l SCRAM-LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 'I: J)ELUXE:: nlQni nlfil'C' ~ll i!e I ires, ba!lcnr.~ :h;i·cssorirs .~ crinin~-rr~s :, !QI'. t>-'ST!>UCTION J\I or. c Y in Corunn d•'l ~1,ir, f'res1i~c gasuHnc or 1110'tor oil 111 : N1•11•pnrt 13c h. l.~-:ii:::u11:1 l31•h nvailablc fo1· 1rrn111c pro-YfH ING 11'0.\li\N lnclllion. l 'ilnclll'rt, n e \V ti you h:ive A J 01· 4 hMroom blc pa}'S" all utlli!ics ·_Eq 1~11 pr'l't Prlv prty. l 2 I :J) tlu~ing pro!J"rly. Vorcign ,t, rl;i1l{'t'1' \\'ill teach YOll all ca......,ts ,!',; rtr;i 1~,. ,,.,, .• , 1n home for sale nr for rent. ' ~ uiJ)-fil2 ''77:\ 1lon1rsli('. j\Jntr!s, N11rsing l.ili.'~l ~!r ps. Call A1~11'11 .,~ "" n1enl 1't'n(al :il'ailablc IOI='=-=··=·======= 21:: ~{!1·1"38 l·lO 1'~1 pnrkini:. Jlealonon1il'S Corp. call us today. \\'e IY'prPscnt qualiricd individual. For in· llo1nl'S, Shopp111;: Ccn1C'rs, 6T.!-6i{)O the en1ployccs of ii ln fJle rorniation, call Bill \\'O<Jd Money to Loin 6320 0 fr i e e Bui I rl 1 n gs . firm 1nov1ng to lhe Ha l'llOr rla)'s S::6-ti661, J::vcs & \\CCk· 1\portn1C'nfs, ctr.. \\'rite or orr!CES Area and they 111\ISl ha\'e 2 d TD L ll T'll n lly , <---1,., .. ,, cnrts S.J.).95'lti. n oa n cn l e t'a . """"''" ' · housini.;'. All ('ash if dcs'ired. l nsur(lncr: Cnmp:iny, 2\:i \\'ANT 1,.. :<ti.ire r 1 ct c Ne11·1)(Jrl·~lcs.1 a!'l'a t " P:isoulrna, a days. Call G12-$S7 ~3\J Nt"T"'lrl Rlvtl., N.B. Call rarNJ\V 5-16·86 10 TRAVEL AGl::l\'CY for salr Cl;irk ll u i ! din!.:, Birn1- fj1;..,.11;n1 B-USINESS and ,·,1 " l "· I . Pron1nt. •'Onlir:cn!i~I scrvi1•n Announ"emenl• 6410 ., ""'11Xlr 0<'fl<_· 1, well ' irigham. A1:1ha11111 :;:i~03 ... COSTA i\1c>s11 nff1(•1·~. A/C . FINANCIAL e~1abli~ll{'(!, c x cc I Jc n t 642-2171 545-0611 Phnne 120:i1 2·,1-:.:.Thli. ---------'--0.:1 I k • p 1 ,. II I I II Sr-1'\·.111" llnrbr.or tl.l't'il 21) .11 ,,-. c d 0 ' t•rp!~. rlrJI~. '·11 Ill_\;:. \'cry ----·' u a Jon. ocs a ap. .. A NNOUNC EMENTS--ran pen1ng nlt·r ollic~·s. JjjJ Bo.kcr, B_us. Opportunities 6lOO po1nhne.nts. 01vncl"S nlov1ng. Sattler Mortgage Co, d CES :'16.IS!lO $28.000. 71 4/6T'..-171S eves. l.16 E. li lh Sti'f'l'I an NOTI DELUXE orrirP in Co.sta AU llia!c i\1('sa. 1500 i;q ft Air cond. COLLECTORS rrrit~. <!rps. &IS-6761. WANTED ===========I Rel li1\1le n1cn & 11·omco, PX· Commercial 608S LIVE UPSTAIRS WORK DOWNSTAIRS \\r h11vr .i suhstanlinl, 1rcl1 1·rins1111rr.-.d ~torr !.JlilR. for ~air n1 ll.-ilboa 1\llh a li.:;c. apl. nbn\'f', Could he u~rd l11r a vnr1cty nf pu1'Jl(l~f'~. CM•11f'1' n11((h! rn11si11<'r Jca.:;e BURR WHITE l:f:,\l.TOR 21ol :'\i'\\ f"ll I Blvd .. NB. 67:,.1630 Ill!·: Ql 'lt1'f:f~ YOU CALL. '1'111: QUIC1'Ell YOlJ SF'.!.L - ('l'llrnl cnrnini::s. Fu11 ,t, part 111nr avail11blc. {Day~ & 1•1T11ings.I No scllinR! Rr. li!l1ng &, i..'Ollrr1i~ mol"lt'Y fllln1 coin operalCff rli.<pe~ srr~ In Ncv.·port Bcarh I: SU!'f'!'•Ullding an'a. Con1f'lllnY su pp]1{'(! locations. Ulandlrs n 11 ni ,.. hr11n£f candy t bllfl<"k"l. $!5i5.fl0 ('ilSh )'f'· f!Hll~I for perw na l lnlrr· view 111 this area, sc1.rJ n.1 n1r. ndlll'·~s S: phone nun1 t1rr tn ~h1ll1-~1.11" D1~L. Inc. OOTJ F: ln11l<'rii•I !lll'y,. f)o11nc~', Cai1/, !Xt'·I..:. 121::1 Sfi l,O..~i1 Clf~TS & CARDS Mortgages, T .D.'s 6345 \•111h un1que e x c h 11. n gt:' ---"--"--'----- husiness. No compctl!iun 1 ST d 2N DS Real &rga \n! &l·l-2·120 atl fi an p111 or ll'knds. '' Cl/I t.• • So. r ;1lif. T.D's. Tnr 1 A . Ni:. Shop, O\\'ll C r'!~J :1 llG-11:!3 Cal/ Cri!l!'r! re1 1nng. Pro1>c rt y $:1 , ... equipment. 6-12-£'601 0 r 2IJ ,., DlSCOUN I 5t8-l261 Sfit,000 Isl TD on ll,000 sq It -~~~~-------1 bnt k tu111n1r1\·1a l hu1ld111i:. BEAUTY Mlon for sa'C'. ~l l•a.~nhlr S7;1()/n10. J11chnhn~ st11tions. Newly dcCTJratC'1:1 . JO'~. All l'hlf' 3 years. t)ri :_i:; 673-:!&ti. Alt 5. &IG-1608. l'c11 r lrn~1·d land. H1'11t;1l Jn. }'JS!! & CHIPS SHOP ('Oil\<' S:.?,.l00/1nn. Jdr:il lor 1·ouplc. 4~\-8100 or 4!'1;}-1";.V. f.1·r~ ~-~ &1·1·29~• 2~0 'fi)l"1nrnr illr11Y or DRESS ~hop, .\todc-0-Dll}'. f":irson. 71; ', . All 1l11r Ii ~ 1·~. husy Burna P1ork 11rca. $30 in.: 1111 . L>1i.1t 'J.'i'r, 01111.-.r: ~i'.!i-:~16. Si·l-~27 83)<-()(i'.':fi --------- P@r1onals t405 PAl~~f & Card P.c11dl11i;:, Advire & l1rlp nn nlally n1n11r•1"S. F111!y lic'1I. Orx-n dai l y lOi1 1n-!Opn1. 21316~i-!l27~. 210 \\'. \\'hll· tirr Blvd. L1I \lahL\1. l'\1'\"I lo Lnlf(1i}rn \ralk 1n 1h<'iih'f'. LICENSED ~piritual Rc<1tl1n~~. :irl1 ;, ... 011 nil 11i11t(l'r~. ~1 ~ N .. l·,l Canlil1<l ft,.nl, S.1n ('lt·n1Cl\IC' -1~~'.!'11~1;, I~)(; !(il1 ·~-c'°cc'\.\J 10 1'.\T Al .(TI!!(H.IC:o;-Aru.1~s Phone 5'12-i217 01 \1r1!c to P•I f'.n'f 1221rn~•a l\l,.~;i. t ·or D'llly J'llt•J \\Ril l ,Aris ]'11:11 r,;~.:,r,;!-: Academy of Phy sio Theropy s.1unn .t: n1as'i.l!;f', !) rcn1a](' ll•\'11. 111 nn1-12 ni1<ln 1,:::ht 7 d;i~~. ::.;~ Th11li.1. ~:Jilc C, ~n:t Br:-tt('h_ ·19.1.1~1~ Legal Notices 6450 I A.\I no lung1·r a.'\.<;O('iutcd llilh l11r1rr !';1111f'f' nr~rarctl (·,, :":If)() \'1 ,lh11,-~1011,. Or t"\I ,\!.1y 19611. :-11;1·p1u 1 ( il':';•l~ r \I'll.I. I~•! fjt• l'C:l[l(ln~ihl(• fri1• :'!"v dr•h!s <•lhrr lha11 niy "\111 .J.,1111 s )!11.:hacJ t'ux 1 ,\\1 IM'll l'('"l"'llMhlf' f!11· ~ 1l1•fit..; otlir'r 111 .. u niy Q\\'n r:w1111r"! f{lflfl"ll !' j • l -----------------------·-------·-·---------·---------------· ANllOUNCIMINTS and NOTICES JOll.& IM,LOYMINT JOIS & EMPLOYMINT JOIS & EMPLOYMENT JOSS & EMPLOYMENT Monday, Oe tobtf' 13, 1969 DAILY PILOT RA. JOIS & EM,LOYMINT JOBS & IMPLOYMENT JOIS & EMPLOYMENT JOIS & IMl'LOYMI -----. Job.a-Men, Wom. 7100 Jobi-Min. Wom. 7100 Job•••-"Mla'9n1 Worn. 1100 lobs--Men. Wom. 7100 Jobe ~n. Wom: 7100Joba-Men. Wom. 7100 Jobe--Men, Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom, 7100 Found (frw Ads) 6400 LJTfLE OtJlhl\n Annie i~ alive & h v1ng Al ti31 V1rg1n1a Park Way, Laguna Beach. PleR.SC uwnt'rs, cume & el11.in1 your lovt'ly, lung- tiaircd Calico female cat. In fact, c:omc & claun tier evt'n if you aren't he!' real owneri. She lll?Cds a good home. Call 494-9-166 on weekdays. Call 194 -2 6 j 2 rvl'nings & Wl'f'kcnds. LARCE Colllr, vh: Los Jardincs &. Sla1rr. GrPen Valley a r l' a r oll n I a i n Vnl!ey. Call to id('n\ify. 962-{)2().4 GREY Puodlf', 1nale, :.01'C' front paw. Vh: St. f\ndre1"'s &Edcn.\Ye stminstc r. 894--16.'16 M/\'LE-,-,-.,-,,-",-,,~,.-,-,-,,-~--.-o-ld-. gff•Y/"•ht . found a1 DCC Agrlc. Bldg. 6~1i-73-19 alter 5. SLATE ~rry cal, 6 1110s. old. Vic. l \ol\day & Santiago, N .B. 645-2763 BLK pood1r fyfl" clog, n1ulC', 1<ear\ng jc"·cled L'11llnr. CaU 645-2762 GREY rabbi\. 549-3883 Lost 54&-5146 or 6401 PLEASE Help us f I n d "Heidi" 11·ho disappeared lrom hoine on Tuc-s. She's a beautiful, gcn1Jc Alaskan i\lnlemu1e·Husky. Rcw11.rtl if returu<'il. 49l~t8.J L \DIES \Vl\lll'l Vic Center SI, Ci\1 or 3rd Ave., Laguna Beach, 1'-l'l 8/1. Valuable p a p e r s. Reward. 499-2369 aff. 6. GREEN Ladies \\'allct, at \\'estcl\lf Plaza on 9/21. Please keep money & return o!hrr contents lo P. O. BOX 151il, Ne1vpl. Bch. CAT, hlk & \\"ht, collar: Vic Los Jardines, f .V. Reward! 968-SOl l SMALL Tan Co c k · a -Po o lshaggyl black ears. Corona de! J'l.fru'. 673-66&1 Person•I• 640S ACTING A CCO Mp A NlST: !>1usl· BOYS 10 • 14 ci».n • Accompanillt needed Carrier Routet Open !or Newport Harbor High for Choral Dept., 5 days per Laguna Beach, So. Laguna wk., 4-6 hrs. per day. Call DAILY PILOT ..,..,,, t.1rs, Reyno.Ids 548-llll lor 1-~~=o;;:=';;;,.==~ 11.ud1tioo CABINET MAKiR Acctg Clerk to $450 with rumiture txperience. Lovely oliiCt>s, .stable com· Good oppo~ity pany. l.agtltla. Call Kay, J orgensen Furruture CJ. !"1-16-5-UO 786 Newton W1ty, CM 645-0310 "~~~~ .. ~ ~:,;,,, Cashier I Bkkpr $403 2120 So. Main, Santa Ana Au!oinotive MONTGOMERY WARD NEEDS A FULL TIME TIRE MOUNTER .A/n, ~harp, good oppty? Independent Personnetl Agency 1717 Orang(' Avt., 5uh C c.~1. 6t2.oo26. 5.15 0079 <.:ASJ IIER Xlntfi1rn. hhcllf'fils~nclu~ing Neal appearanl'r , eve!' lS. Pl\J s aring . .,.~up I~ .. Full t1n1e. Apply 1n person ern ployee discount, reUrt'· ment and many other.;. APPLY IN PER.SO N 1 to 3 pm, J'l.1on. thru Fri. 1777 EDINGER. IITG. BCJf. Automotlve BOB'S BIG BOY 154 E. 17th, C.i'tl. CH INESE li11e-in. Domestic. Permanent. Experien~. Fer Ea.I'll Agency 642-87f)l New Car Mechanic Heavy Duty Mech•nic OericaJ SEE ~!R. HINMAN SECRETARY Shar!hand i!O wp m, type so. on electric. Engi/\e('ring ex. perience, secret clcanull."e desired. ROY CARVER PONTIAC 29~·::; l-larbor Blvd., C.r-.r. Ambitious Women Attractive, good personality. VI>{' of c.:ur, uvcr 21 Some MATERIAL evenings pref. AV\'.'r.ti:e par! CLE Rk 1in1e, $59 \Ilk., lull ti1ne, r.t idnight to 8:30 Ai.\f, 3 days $12t No exr1. 11cc. For a "'eek. pmn1pt inlrod, in1rrview. call i\lr. !\fills, 3-1 1-8550. KEYPUNCH BABY S ITTER,i\taturc OPERATOR wo1nan, 2\,1: days wk. 1 in-One year experie nce desired, fant, 2 i;chool-age boys. Mon. UU'U Fri .• 4:30 pm to Back Bay area. 548-SlT:i ] am. BABYSITTER, 5 day ,1·k. Responsible w/good referencrs. 3 Small girls ages 5 mos., 2 yrs &: 4 yrs. \Vould considC'r I i v e -i n . 54&--7672 aft 6. COLLINS RADIO CO. BABYSITTER ,v a n 1 e d . 19700 Jamborff ROid reliable. kind, ror 2 young Newport B•ach children. Daytime. in n1y home or yours. tlfcsa de l fil er area. 546-4867 An equal oppotfunl1y emplo~r BABYSJITER -l n my Qerical homr. Thurn-r.-ron. 6 : 3 ·o Ruth Ryan Agency a.m.-4 p.111. l ('hild. Will Employer Pays Fee provide trans. 646-S"l-13. aft. Executive Secy .... to $650 4:30 p.m. Applicant Pays Fee BABYSTITER 3 to 5 days a Ass't ~k~pr ... ·•••••• $400 \.\'eek, !lavs. ages 11 ~ yrs t. P..CCi'pt1on1st •··•··•··· l368 •'I n...1 · ho. GC'neral Ofc ...... , • to $411 , yrs. ,-,. .. er your me. Sl!'C SI ' 1 I 7. C.d.!1-f. 675-7316 Call after 5 ~ · y-no -. '' · ·' · · • 0 ~. a k nd Secy-~fkrtg ............ $520 &, wee c s. Ruth Ryan Agency BABYSITTER, niy home. l i93 Ne\\'flOrt Blvd, O t rlas, flton-Fri. St Nov. lOlh. fii6-4S:J.4 Infant & 6 yr. Ll hswk. 11931 Beach Blvd, llB !~0-&101 847·961 7 Dept. l!ltatt J . W. ROBINSON I lu operufl& in MEN'S SHOE DEPT. (Experienee preferred\ ruu time, excellent b!'nefits. Apply 1n pEl'iOll, Per!iOnnel Dept. FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEAO £ DISHWASHER Experienced Apply In person SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 Pac. Cit. Hwy. N•wport Beach Db pl11y sales *PART TIME* NOW HIRING Large, oalional con1pany, t .S· paneling in Orange Counry. "'e need part time n1en 10 work e\·en111gs 6:JO to 10:30 p.m. TOP STARTING PAY No eXPE'rience necessary. For interview call !t1on. & Tues, n4-7251 Display Trainees IMMEDIATE HELP WANTED DIVISION EXPANSJON IN ORANGE COUNTY Factory Stores WarehouwlMn Experience rtqu1red In 11or- es &ctjvlry in preclsklo m~ chanicol eom;poncnts, \\ith knowledge cl Karde~ a.nd ability to read blueprlnli. 45 hr m!n, work week Pruflt Sharln.,; J. C. Carter Co. 671 W. 17th St. Costa Mes• 543421 An equal opportunity {'tllp:Oyer FILE CLERK -M>r1 x.r a.y films. Days. l nq. pt'rsonnel 1lept. Hoag Memorial llosp. N.B. e FRY COOK e * EXPERIENCED APPLY IN PERSON' THE RIGGER -# 16 Fuhton Island Newport Beach FRY COOK n 11 :i ir I I •; I J 11 I:~ * * Housewives and Mothers *CHRISTMAS* J. C. Penney Company F1ahJon lsl•nd -fr-lewport Beach Has positions open In * Sales * Slock * Santa's Helper * Credit interviews * Gift ••rap~ing * Merchandise records *PBX Sched_ule~ including aflernoons, evenings and combmal1on of both. Finest condit_ion~ -Top supervision -Ex· cellent benefits including discount priv ilege. * Apply Now * JO A.M . to 9 P .fA., Monday thru Frid1y. J. C. Penney Company #24 Fashion l1land Newport Beach, Californl• Provides immcdiatf! employ. Young Fry C~k n1ent for residents cl the Or Kitchen Trainee * area. Experience isn't nece&-Full time. neat appearing, I ~~~~'~' LI ~I~:: ~·~·~IJI~'§' ~~~~'§'~IJi~'~' ~§ * sary as company tr aining over 18. Chance for advance. . . , is furnished. ment. Apply in person. J b· u_ W 7 START Bob's Bi;i Bay 0 .-tn9n. om. 100 Jobs-Men. Worn. 7100 AT l.>t E. 11th Coast fllesa $480 PER MONTH FRY COOK, part time. If qualified and aettptrd, go MB.le. RANCltO SAN JOA· on payroll this week. QUIN Gol f Course. 18021 lUGll SCHOOL GRADUATE Culver Rd., nr. u.c.r. As.k AGES 20 TO 40 for \Vayne, PH; 83J--Oll2 l YEAR RESIDENT F . C . IN AREA ore1gn ar Mechanics ' Good eo. benefits. incl paid CALI.. l\.1on . or Turs. 774-llil vacation, group ins, uni- forms furnished free. Good DJSH\YASHER. Full time, 4 comm. schedule. Ask for to 12 PM. Apply after 2 PM , Joe Moore Ph. 540-1764. Don The Beac.hromber, 3901 1 --~F~u~ll~C=h-a-rg_e __ _ E. COAst lilvy .. Cd!ll. Bookkeeper F /C $500 able to do financial * DISHWASHER ""'menU;. Call Lorai ... , NIGHTS !11crchantl'I Personnel A~ll c.:y. 2(}13 WestclW Or., N.B. 64.S-2710. HOUSEKEEPER, C o o k Companion for elderly lady'. Live in or out. Rm, boarcC sal. No smoking or drinking. Perm. 8.10-41.95 l[OUSEKEEPER, Babysit, pl-lime , dally 1-5 . School-age children, tlfature woman, must have transp. 8-11-6547 eves. HOUSEKEEPER, Uve in, pvt 11pt. 2 school agel'll. 675--0310 or 54&--7191 HSKPR & child care, \i11e in. 51Ai days priv rm & bath. Refs. $50 wk. S.l0-9212 HOUSEKEEPER, live . in. Priv. rm & bath. 2 children. 18 years or older. Part time F'ull time Ccll('ral Ftn. Vall. 842-7254 - APPLY lN PERSON REUBEN E. LEE 151 E. Coa1t Hwy, Nswport Beach ffiITEE SHOP H 0 USEKEEPER, livt-in. DINING ROOt.f and Room & Board, TV~ $100 COCKTAii. \'VAITRESSES mo. 642-2732, 642-1249 DISHWASHERS Immediate Openings BUSBOYS FOR TWO Call af!rr 10 A:'>f: 776-1910 Real Estate salt'llmen, exper. fo:xt. 180_ Ask !or Mr. ienced nr no!. ] .,,.·ell localed J ohnson or ?.!rs. 1'1oor-offices with excellE'nt profit MACHINISTS DAYS Brol'.11 & Shal'pe &: mulll- spindle. ~tup llI1d operate. i\l in. 3 yrs_ exp. PRECISION GRINDING MACHINE OPERATOR Surface grinding of \ntrlca!e forms. tlfinlmum live yrs. exp, Overtime llnd rrina:e b!'ne. fits. Apply at SHUR·LOK CORP., 1300 E. Normandy Pl., Santa Ana II blk N of tlfcFadden, ~~ blk, \V, · of Grand.) MISS EXEC AGENCY 4.10 \V. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 6.\6-3939 Traffic/ Adv Typing. figure \I/Ork Mtail followup, presl'lUre. ' ' Exec Secty Orange. To V.P. Marketin:;:. Eio;ec or Admin exprr_ Top skills. Personnel Seely -MAID~ OW~ Temporary l"'UU...11me, resort hotel. LqW\I. Beach. 494-ll98 MANAGEMENT TRAINEE $6000 + CAR ALLOW COASTAL AREA WORK WHEN & WHERE YOU WANT On temporary aulpmenll No experience necessary, high achool diploma.. Riviera EmplnymeOI A&eocy, Joe .• SECRETARIES 4667 MacArthur Blvd,, Suite 200, Newport Be11.ch. 540-6370 MANAGEMENT TRAINEE $6000 + CAR ALLOW. COASTAL AREA NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA Rlvltra Employment Agy, Inc 4667 tllac Arthur Blvd, Ste 201 N.B. .>10-6370 e TYPISTS 0 BKKPRS. e PBX OPERS. e GEN'L OFFICE Holiday & V•cation Plan APP;..Y NO\Y VOLT tl1ANAGE:\1ENT p o s 1 t i on \\'llh Ulter manulacturer of 1\·a ter & wasle fleld. Broad 11pectnun of duties: Equip- ment Eng!ntering, Purchas- ing. Draf tin g&. insidt Se.le5, En1phsis ~ing able to \\'Ork on ~·our own pro-INSTANT PERSONNEL J<el< from "~' lo fW.h. ~!ary. 642-:..:12::7:.2 _~- Menagement Development NEWPORT BEACH 3848 CampUll Dr. Suite 106 S<U-4741 Equal opportunll}' employer to $675.00, degree, stable, top 1;ompany, pays lee, call Ann, J\1crchants Personnel Agen.1=0u~it-,--------1 cy, 2043 \VestclW Dr., N.B, 645-2770 (also fee Joh!I. J\IANAGtR, Ne1v Hall Size Shop, Hunt. Bc.h. Cent'r. Older \lloman w/dre!~ shop mgmt l;lkgrnd. 646-9'l35 ~.JECHANIC for Se1v Sta. Tuneup & lite mechanical services. Gd pay, hrl and \\"Orking cond's. Corona de! tl'far Shell Serv. 2801 E. Coast Hwy. at Goldenrod. 675--0533. e MECHANIC e Exp'd. Good salary !or good skills. Ph. for interview 644-4131 Medical Gen. Ofc. $375 for trainee $395 I! some experience. J\lust ~ a;ood typist. Independent Personnel Agency 1n1 Orange Avt., Suite. C CM 6.\2-0026 . .>1~79 MEDICAL FRONT OFFICE TO $525 Attractive, familiar with medical terminology -dlc- laphone • kno\v insuranCf!. Rivitra Employment Agtll- cy, Inc. 4667 MacArthur Blvd., Suit"' 20'1, NC\\·port Beach, 540-6J7D tl'tFG . Girl part limr for CaJ!h- ier, PBX Relief and rt!· ing, Hour& flex. P~l. 10-l pm. 5 days a wetk, Ask for Mni. Brant "41>'6.10 Johnson & Son Lincoln Mercury 2626 Harbor Blvd. Cost• Mes• newport., personnel agency 8.13 DOVER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH 642.3810 Secty/Bkkpr to $600 EPF * Ability fo handle almple 1et of books. Sh 90, typing 6.i. F /C Bkkpr to $500 APF Expcritncc in Mndllng sev- eral SCI~ of books for CPA otlict', \11ith CPA experience more ~$. Leg•I Secty to $526 APF Do you "'an! tribe a lull time 'vorkinc prof('S~\onal ? Do you havf" thl' s<!lf discipline to subject. yoursclt 11) a rig. id BritiJm t raining roursc & the ;u1 istic humili!y 10 ac- e.er! minor rol<'ll until lh(' training roerio..t is eon1plete? Jr so Tl IE LONDON LA- "GUN,\ ACTORS \VORK- S!IOP might be abl<' IQ help you. No previous expe.rienct! nc«'ssary, no age barrier. i\lrmbers of this exclu5ivc group ~vi.II only be ACCE'p! .. '<I upon a ~'ltlsfactory J>'?rsonal intel"VlC\V with Uie director. Cti.!I 4944401 ror ;q1p1. BABY51TTEP., lilr tlSkpg. 2 CLERK 'T'YPJST: Goorl ac· children 5 & 4, 5 day wk. curate. Convrin. loc, pc1'var, 01'.'n transp. 968-1620. medical benelils. Sta.rt S~SO. i-----------1 croft. sharing plan. can 536-8894 R.A\IAN"DA INN for <.'(]nfidentlal appointment. Asst to director, txpeMt~e necessary_ Shld & lyplng, shari> & Rexible. /' progreuive manufac- •urina: company, with rx- cellent \vorking eonchtions and lrlnge be nelits has im- m~di11te openings Jor- C<i.hl. legal exper rirete1'tlbly in corporate, dic t.aphone, Mt, aecura1e typing. PBX to $450 APF Cord board, type 4~. prefer l'Ome personnel backaound, lovely o!fk'E's. LOSE WEIGHT BABYSIITER Call Billie Beck, ~0-6055 rill-3230 ca.II all fi COASTAL AGENCY FounJain Valley arri\. A memht-r or Snellinli & Snelling Inc. BADYSITIER \Vanlerl In my 279(} Harbor Bl. Costa !'llr home. Sl.00 hour. tllonday · SI\ mornings. C.D.tlf. fo.\4-WJj tcCOCh"TAIL \VAITRESSES . * BAR TENDER BABY!ilTTER ~Va ntrrl: my Apply in person 2500 \V. home. tlfon-F'ri. Prefe r Coast H11'Y. N.B. &1G-999t niature 1voman. ~~1-1821 COMBINATION. Sharp Bar Banking J\Ialds & Go Go 011.ncers. Ne11'port Natiri nal Bank EscMv Oflic.cr Top 1\•agrs. Phone tor ln- call t-.fr. Carter tervicw. Sassy Lllssy, 2001 !-!arbor, C./'11. I want 10 v.·omen who are 10 ______ "-_5~·-64_'-_3l_ll --~------- d · ht Bankin..,. Computer Optirator1 poun s or more ovr!"'lyr1g ,.. 2 yt>ars expt>ricnce on IBM to tak(' p.1rt in group \\'f'ight EXP'D NOTE TELLER lllfl, 08J Sllrtrr & 514 IX'Pro- loss program nf sfl('Cialized Newport National Bank rt'duc1 ng, All inquiries coll-Call ~Ir. Carter duction. Teletype bk grnd. beneficial. !1rlcntial. Ask for Mr.1. Thom. 9-5 642-3111 CONTROL ='='='='='·="='='-====== 11 -'B~A~RlM.CA~I~D~;~O-o-,-.-,-,~im-,-. OAT A CCR p. Contractors 6620 Formica Fabricating fully loflied f;u·tory in C:OSta !tfesa. Sink !np.~ cabinf'!s • ,cWitom forming_ 1 01 10,000. Raw n1a1C'ria!s to rhr public & help you plan. f''a~t cour- toous. bid.~ on s.n1I & i.c JObs. ·Onrn M T 111')1 , Hardin Enterprises 8l:i \V. 18!h St., C.l\I. .. &12-2."~2 • CUSTOM Corstrul·tion. Gold · J\lednll ion Honie~. D . H .. r~enrler. 213-8117-!!344 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Job Wanted, Women 7020 At-.1BITIOUS, personable •you ng woman \\'an1s girl Friday or dralting job, 646-2134 night'!. Good salary. Apply 3519 lV. Wal"n"r, S,A. days: 436 E. l'i"lll. C.l\I. 1n41 S.l0-2820 c":::.8-~9'Jl=9-~-----Equal opportunity f'mployl'r BEAUTICl~NS, temale, ~o CLERK Typist. IO key arl- work e1'en1n~s k Sundays in din~ mach . .1\pt11udC! with Cmla ?11e~ i'I b us 1est, Jigurt's:. hie t ypin g-, populii; priced salon. _Op-responsible person. 5-1fl..-0377. portunity for lop earnmgs \\'/piJid vac_at1on. APP I Y CLEANING lady \\'anted. 1'.lgr. Cro\\•n1ng Glory Beau-rehablr. 4 hour.. nn F'r1dayJ1. t.v Salon, ~7 E. 17\h St.. c .0 . ~-64,1~®():1 C.:'ll Cooks ·~--- 0 I KIN I BHnTiald/dancer. Full or part-time. Costa ?.lesa 646-7301 BOOKKEEPER M/F Approx. 2 days per wk . Steady work, increasing to luJI time as CO. gro~'S. Dip in constii.iction desi~d. Belanc•Flo Inc, 6(2.5700 BOOKKEEPER, part time, FRY COOKS Top """gel!, permanent, hnn· esl, and good working con• dilions in area's leadin~ restaurant. Apply 9 am to 5 pm for interview at MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP for mfg. co .• thrn P&L. Call 2-WJl El Toro Rd. ,-,-,-B-kp-,-_,.-,.-T_h_ru_P_&_L--I Jane 64 5 -O11 O, Wes1 Leilure World Lairuna Hilll 15 yn. c:1.-p. Newport 837-1014 536-724S BOAT CARPENTERS * COOK-..JCperiencecl ANO MECHANICS Ex~llenr ~·orklng condltiofUI Jobt--Men, Wom. 7100 Accounting ACCOUNTING -CLERK- 'I'W"o years experienre, clericaJ accounting, ac· Ol)Un{J: pa,yable or receiv- 11bl.e, or job cosl. Type ' 50 wpm electric, Call Personnel Dept. (7141 494-MOl TELONIC ENGINEERING CO. Laguna Bt1ch Experienced, Large custom APPLY JN 'PERSON - coruitn.iction. Top wages. SNACK SHOP #9 \Vl u.ARD BOAT WORKS 1295 Baker St., C.M. 3+46 E. Coast Hwy. BOOKKEEPER Corona deJ MILi" IRVINE COMPLEX COOKS.RELIEF-1\1/F TO $500 Non llft'loken Will <."Onsidcr girl \vith col· 4 days a wetk lrge accounting _instead or Fri & Sat _ mornlng11 experience. Riviera Em-Sun" Mon_ dinner pl.oyme nt Agency, Inc. 4667 Ph. 541-1221 Ai Mk for NsRh MacArthur Blvd., Suite 201. * COOKS.MALE Newport &sch. 540-6370 Apply: FLYING BlITLER Bick pr/ Rec pt to $SOO 3101 Nnrport Blwl., N e. Experienced, light typing. COUNTER SALES: .ele . Some accta: background, . c. lous .........,, LoYCiy tron1c componenl11, min 1 yr ma_r.•r .,..,.,,,. e~per. Salary open_ Refirtd oilice.1_, _, 1 or aemi-~t. a~eplable. Call nuepenaen 646-5037 fnr inlervlew. Oreo Personnel Agtncy Elet:tronicl'l 1677 superior 1111 Orange A~., SUite C Cilf C.M. &r.!-00.ai. 54&-0979 Cu!todian Root. cover man . lMMED. opening for n!li.l ble EXP D or 1pprenllce boat man 'fith previous In· cnvlPI' ma n. Bu:ler A: duitrial janltm"f.al exp. Xlnt Cicero. Inc. 642-1238 worklne cond., &d-fllll' •·all BUSIEST marketplace ln frinae brene.llta lncl. prollt town. The DA !LY Pltm 11haring, Ca.Ur. I n j e c t I o n Cla.ulliM Aec.Uon. Save Moldlna. 200 Brigs Ave, money, time 'effort. Look _c~·~M~·c,......""-_460~---- now! !.! ls Your Ad In o u r THE SUN NEVER SETS oo cl1S11!ll1!ds'!' SomenM wtll be Eq111d nppnr111nfly ~mriloyr.r I DAILY. PILOT WA NT ADS! looklni; lor 11. Dial 642-5678 Dept. ~dort J . W. ROBINSON ](f)() W. Katells Ave. Anaheim. Calif. JANITOR Work part lime "'.:'.::;::-:::-::-------1 eves. Husband & \\"ife team Gardener !!as opt:oning for a. CORSETIERE (ExprrirnCE'd\ Full lime. excellent ilf'nefit~ Apply in pcri'IDn, Personnel Ofc. FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH OC'lltal AMt for Orthodontic. practi~. Chairslde & Ja b. SPRINKLER MECHANIC NEWPORT BEACH Dental exp retj , Ortho exp \Ve are one of Orange Coun- pt"f'f. Age 19-30. Top sa!1ll)'. ties lllrgest land owneni and 64Z-~6 we are sr-eldng an auloma- tic ~pl'inkler n1echanic. Oraftsman-lntsrmed r-.-t1nimum three years exper· ,600 ience wilh al lefts! o~ Ftt paid. Career oppty, top COW'Se in sprinkler repair. no1eh co. some ~llege & Excellent worlnng conditions exp reQ. All benefits. Also and benefits. lee jobs. Call Arman, ~5410 Please call 642-0.125 from ~ JASON BEST am t~ 5 pm J\1onday 1hn1 Employment Agency Friday. ' 2120 So. J\1ain, Santa Ana * DRIVERS * No Experience Necessary! Gardener GROUNDSMAN NEWPORT BEACH Mu5t have clean CalilomJi1 driving record. Apply YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th SL Diversified land rlcvelopmt'nl Costa Mem ro111pa.ny fs seckln.:: .some. I ===~~~~~--"I one lo assis! in maintenance DRfVER, Men !or 11tock of t'Qmmerr.i1d proprrttes , ship ping & r ~ c e iv l n g • .fob <Ju ties ~·ill include rli>an. rlel ivrry. lnflUr>trlal Office up of outside area!! 11.nd gen- Supply, 1360·C, campus Dr., era! gardenin&: assistance. N.B. ESTABLISHED lnrurance • No experience required. Ex. Leads avail, N.B, oUice. cellent lxlneflls \lli!h grow- Career oppt 675--6383 ing com paoy. Experienced 111 single needle Call JIM BALLENGER and ovet1ock. Good piece work prieff, stearly work. at &tl-0325, From EDDY MOSS 14042 Locu1t1--•--1o_.~5._M_o_nd __ a~y-~f~M~d~•~Y- Sl. Westminster: 534-8138 GENERAL OFFICE to $425.00, rood typinr g)ciJJs F L O 0 R LA D Y , I u 11 mature &table ptrwon, ~ach charg~portswear m I gr · area, call Loraine. Mer- Gd pay. Steady. 642-~ chanlJ: Personntl Agency, FlciOt;' ITI JABSCO TURR~T LATHE setup & operate MILL & DRILL Ntup & operete TOOL. DIE & MO~D MAKER All ~llion11 regulre aome experience. LIBERAL FRJNGE BENEFIT PROGRAM Alrillry to ~'Ork from blu<.?- prlnts hi essential. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 1~ Dale Way Coats MeM, Cali(. (714) 545-8251 2043 WestcliU Dr., N.8 , 6'>mo ** DELICATESSEN Jl,1AN Full lime w&rk. Stt Terry. 4'5 E. l71h C.J',f. LT 8·93 14 GAL FRIOAV $450 Excellent oppty. plt!uanl working cond . Top benelill. Call Diane, 546--5410 JASON BEST Employment Aaency 2l20 So. Ma.In, Santa Ana HAIR Scyl11t.1 -Be•uty ()peraton:, Hunrtn1t111n Beach &: Sant• AM. Busy Mlons-gocl(f JMY. Phone 542--0452, 968--M>BO, or eves 56--3440 HERITAGE mod ified four· JlOStf r bed. chest o I dnn•el'5, bed1ide t a b I e • Sl25; two charming tn!lll· chini;: .;ha.in, S:ZS each; small ekes!. matching mir- ror, $18; double bed bnx gprlngs, m~ttttss, S 2 5: 2001 \), Kings Road. ~23.!W. Sftt.Sun . .\ EVf'I. DIAL du-eel &t.2-:-iG'ill. Charge DON'T gtve it away, 1tt your ad, lhen ail back a.nd qulrk c•llh tor with a li&ten to the phone ring! Dally Pilot want Ad. lo clean oUice bldg. in Nc,,..'J)Ort. Apply afternoons 123 N. Olive, Orange JAN1TORS, titan & wife. pt. lime evei;, Hunt B ch. • J11nltor's Servil'f' I 2 1 3 \ :l.57-7317. 217 N. fl1adison Av, l •. A. JOB Openings"? Jl,lachinist. min 6 yrs exp. on lathes, turt'tt5, and mills. Shlpping & Receiving clerk, min 2 )-Ts expt!rif'nl"I!'. TAPMATIC CORP. 1145 \V. 16th SI. Nel'.'J!Ort Beach 548-3404 LA DIES 19 to 7D earn S25 !o $100 \\"Cfkly Catt a n i Lingerie. Eriual opp o r t , employer, \\'e train ~6-3508 LA NDSC APE Foreman Labl1rer. Experienced. Call :;t.17-00:.?6 1..ANDSCAPF. SALESMAN. Experlenred. Orange Coun- ty 11rea. <2131 3'16-7543 Le9al Secretary Sharp skills with &e:~ral year~ l'xp!rit~e, top oUice hcach area. Call Ann, t-.1er- i:hanls Pef80noel Agency, 64~2TIQ. J',Jachlni.s t HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH lfa.s UJ'l'!nt requlnments for EXPERllNCED BROWN & SHARPE SET UP MEN Eiq>eTlence must Include use of Bnwm & Sharpe inc. chuckl!T dngle-po1nl thn!ld· Inc-Opens are on 11' k Znd. 1hlft&. Mode"1 facWtitt. Very pltuant 1tmoq>here, excel- lmt frh'lte b!'nelits. Plase apply ln person to: HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH SOO Superior Avenue • Newport lludt, Collf. EqUAl opportunity e.mP'loyPr • M Ir f' . Secretary IBM Executivt exi>f!r. Lite sl'ltd, arc-hitrc!ural back- ground good, prestige co. S.cretary Engr bkgrnd, good &kills. for engrs & drahsmen. Leadill&: "'· Gener•I Office Good figu,... aptitude, hotel or 11pt bkgrnd ~. typin&; & figure work. Collection Clerk EXfl('rief11.-e neces5ary, good typi1t, .'<Int L'O. in beautiful a rea. Acctg. Clerk A-Traub auto. s c r' w machine operators, three years experience. B-Experienced hand Jlc.re.111 niachine operatoni !or se- L"Ond operation work . App!y al Sta Fa.'!t Inc. 6'1D S. Santa Fe St. Santa Ana Mgmt Trnee $450 Fr.e paid. High school grad, servicr com p!_ Also tee jobs. Seely to $ll5 EPF Sh, & typing with stronr en- ~lnecr1ne: background. l n- te-rcsting R&D co. Secty ta $500 ERF lonstrUctlon background, 1h SO pl us, ryping 65 plus. F /C Bkkpr to $6l0 ERF Dcgrte dcsirahle, abllily to hanrlle 11everal Stts of books lhn1 financial &t111emt-ntl. Oppty for growth for intelll· i;Cnt young woman. Acct• Payable Clk $400 Split Good figure Bplitude, sta!is. tica.l typing, 11).key adder. Bookkeeper Thn.1 Trial Balance, A/P, A, R, no p;tyroll , li.11;ht typ. in~. co. loca!erl on bay_ ;\lACHlNisr wan!ed 2· 52' c~p. preferred_ Call for appl 548-4211 J to 5 PM and 7 ro 9 Pill. Independent Personnel Agency lil6 Orange Ave.., Sui1t C CM 642-0026, 54~0979 Cood figure aptitudt, llOme EDP knawlffigc, 11).key alKI e de.sire to team and advance . ln1 Agcy Girl to $750 • • MT· ST i\lar h1n1sts • Punch Prsss & • Multislide Opri. To $132 Pf'r week. Apply Tony Duch.I. \~'ILCO TOOi. & DIE 319o Pullman Lane Costa Mell&. 541).5432 ~1AN Wan1l'd. perma ni:-nt part time, to avtraaP. 2 hn. dally for early morning newHpaPtr dellv~ry t o homes tn Newport Beach. $'ll0. average per month. ti-lust have late model, bi" car and be rlepenclable. Call L.A. Time!! 642-4DI ---DIAL direct 642·5678. Charae your ad, then 111 back and lisl~n lo thP. pltone ring! 2 ytllJ"ll experience APPLY J.519 \V. Warner, S.A. ( 71 ·0 5'1)..1.820 Eqllal opponunity employer • • • ~101'1\ERS Helper, :? teenage children Prefer over 4.j, 4 !lay!, Lldo Isle, 12-8 pm . 011t·n transp. Aft 1 pm , 615-4914. NIGHT Mana&;•l'5 for mote!. Couple only, u.lary & apt. 4:.r'.l-1961 NURSE AIDE TRAINING. A hral1h career opp. 2 wks. course. Emplmt. oUered. Inq. peraonnel dept. Hoag J'l.1emorial H05p. N. B, OlARGE ft1 Jobs-Men. Wom. 7100 Job.--M9n. Wom. 7100 , ' MACHINISTS I Eiperlmental I High School education or completion of recognized apprenticeship plus e i' g h t years shop experience in manufacturing preci&ion part&. Mu•t heve experience ct.Ing precision work on large mllllnt mechlne. Some Hydrotel r9qulred. Exper'9Me r. 111 bore, rotery table, prototype1 too s and fixtures preferred. Call or •pply to Bert Mills (714) SIUOIO, Ext. lU Minne Syallltll DM1lCM1 ATUNTIC RESEARCH COPl'OMnON ADlvllfonolll1e m Su.quehanna COrp. .fC!:' EPF GOLDEN OPPORn.JNJ'TY must ha\'t minimum S yrs exp, underwriter for all com. men::ial pept>r, 1mow:c<1gt ot 1\·11rkmans comp. rating help. f\d not necessary. Sant.a Ana area. *EPF, employsr pay1 fff * APF, applicant pays fee *ERF, com~any rslmburses fe• • • , OPERATORS ••• Experitriced in ,.!ngl~ need].~ and overlocks. G«>d piece 1vork prices, s!early work. E DDY MOSS 14042 U>euat St., Westmin11ter: 5.14-11733. Part or Full Time position now avail llYT several 11.mbitious rTlt'n, 20-4D. rtex· ible hn, somt eves. pref. Car nee. Prestiae v.-ork with a b o v e avarqe earnings. Oppty for Manager pos. We train f'or l"ntrod. interview call ~tr. Lacey 544-8550. PARTS COUNTERMAN IMPOlllTS F411 time. Good co. li.netits. Pleasant ~·orlcing condlt!M. Apply in ptMIOO.. 1986 Har- tior. Costa MeSll. PBX RECEPTIOlllST }~OUN 8 ~ to 4:ti pm Pen10~ble yvung cil'f with front oil.ice •pptannct. Pt.11.nnt 1urroundl111ir, ll1ht typing ~ previous PBX tXJt, r.qulred. Xlnl benelltl. ~ la.ct Ptl"l'Onne.I $40-40'lO CHARTPAK ROTEX 2520 S, Su san SI.. S.nta Ana (nt•r Harbor A W•rner) PLASTICS injection moldinf Openings fot" experienc.t ar rnJnee•. pref. aver :ZS, on the followinti: lhlfll: Nnd 1 on da.y Ahift, l·~Mnc. J. pveyard. App!y 11 to' pm. ORANGE COAS'T' PLASTICS (f)(l W. l81h St., (:.M. ~-,Whl"'"'~~~ti""'••~ha""'•b~l=-~1 .·-: -Jr:; r .: ~ '= r '::,. i ~r z ·:·r,---,•:-;: r ~r-:--:rr:--""T -..---~·.,rr.•.,....•--,-r,••1r·-....,--...,--,.--..,--------·----~.,..--...,,-,,....,....,-... ----------•...- 3:&_0All V PILOT f.1 onday, Ottobrr 13. J C!f,IJ 'Jo)S & •MPLUTMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDISI! FOR SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE :• Men. Wom. 7100 Join-Men. Worn. 7100 Jobt-Men, Worn. 7100i-F==..;..;.=-'-"'-'.:C:C-..:..:;:;:...:_.c.:.:c...:.:==o::-- urnltu,.. IOOOFurnltu... IODO e e WAITRESSES --···-'-----'-'"'-'-'-==---= POLICEMAN ~lea S667. ro '8(B a n"IOnlll t:Qu1111ble Lire Assurance _ ~1e1l't)' of the Un ited St.ales, Ali:f' ~I lo 31. up 10 ~:; v.'•lh 1~ ollrr1ng a lwo year appi\"l\'f'd t',; r t r 1" n r ~ ll'a1nlri;.: proi::ra111. Con1n1. JIElt.>lfT: :,· h' n11nunu1n. and sala1-y ptcnlial UJ <'X· \\'l:.H.OH ['; 111 piupo1·uon 10 (·ess of $1:',!JOO. Busi nc.~s and bPlgh!. p II Y s I c A L RE-se.lrs lJaekgmund rwMed. QL IREJ.1ENT:": Hli-;h Si·hool Ronald A. Smith grartuate, \liJid CahL opt>r-Call today 877-~ a1ors Jwr11.<.t\ U.S rit1zcn. r:qi1~1I opp rn1p]()y~r l\'l/F' file appl1rn11011 ill City J lall, s,,1"" 11:'?J \\lr~t111111stt'r Ave., \\lr~1-THE NEW JUDY LEE nnustrr, C'ahl. lit'[on• Oct. ~!. J9ti9 !.i.00 r~J. \\'ri!!<'ll 1s pro!1tahle, fun & r xcillng, rxam Nov. J ~t. l~'..l. (71·11 Earn $:>(1 • $100 f)Ct'" 1v1.'f•k SS3-til l f;~t 2ffi. lull or parl-ll1nr. Oioosi! PUBLIC SPEAKERS yuut• 011'n t1ours. No 1!.-livr ry nt' t'Uiirt"Ung, 110 Ul\!CSlll!l'!lf II you c11n l'C•·ru 11 !· 1ra u1, or 10 :.tart. lnim~d. prolits 4 1! ~OU ha\'r ri·er h;orl a 11 r Train Phon(' S IJ·~O:ili. l'OUl"SI"! Ill Jll!hlu· ~pi'.1k1ni:.1~,,.,=~·=~----,,, There n1<oy !Jr a pl:'l!"C Lur you SALI::S -l'"Alm IOl)ll~y "''ith 11 ilh our Nlll'I (.:o. ~1uol; 110 1nvestmrnl. s a r ah I i°l'I00tl, 4::6 \V. liih St., Tus· Covcnlry need~ lull ,v 1111. 51·1-i:'JW pa1·t-1t111c help .• ~o dt'livt'ry: Hf'slaU1"11111 WORKING MANAGER 11'!' 1ra1n. For u1tervic1v caU 51J...{i100 SALESLADY "uh 11tning b.1ckground in With Restaurant Exp. s..~ll 1ni; wn11tc-d klr local On" 11ho 1•·1shcs to hve in Jl'11t'lry s!o1~'. Bay arra. Gl'.Jl\I ~alary lo Apply 1n P'"r"SOn D1·an1at11', exciting. new con- ("<'f'I 1n waltrt'Ss en1ploy1nenl prOJ:ntrn. You~. a11racllvc • 1\on1rn, opportunity lo cam good !UOLlt'y Lil busy (.'Oltee ~ll'.lll. Fllljulou.o\ Uo1111s plan, /iHL" ni!'.'dical roverage, thru union, aulon1a lic pay Jn-""""· m'"''· ''""'"'1 ,,,,.. SPANISH MEDITEllllANEAN rourwhn~s. ~..:.~p·d . and un-Show Room ~ Floor Samples -Factory Clos.auts f'.\ll'd. SpCe1aJ !ra1n1nc: pl"O· ~1'111"11. Appl y only durl711t follo1vinc hours: r.l on.. \\'ed.. i'~ri., f.:tt . '2 p111 10 4 pin; Tues. & Thur~. 8 prn ro 9 phi. S<'e t.tnr1:c G1•..1yson, Kona Lanes, ilil~ I !arbor. Costa !\lcsa 1ri r"·l':.utl. !\u phunt> <'alls. AP. ll•Y IJr1or to Oct. Z'lnd. WAITllESS EXPERIENCED Apply in Person SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 Pac. Cst. Hwy. Newport Be~ch 3 llOOMS OF FUllNITUllE $389. • S' pc. authentic Sp.iinish Bdrm. set, e 96 in. quilted sofa with 56 in. matching love seat, or chair e 5 pt, Spanish Dinette, oek table top e 3 heavy Mediterranean matching tables, top durable enough for Flame11co Dancing. W ill sell pieces individually. Shop First! Then See Our Unbelievab1• Buys! 1001 other items with terrific saving&! Bank Terms Slore Charge Master Charge BankAmericard All Accepted .... ...• .. ; ... MERCHANDISE FOR MEltCHANDISI l'Olt SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE -------- Fumiture 8000Fumlture IOOO Two Days Only! FURNITURE SALE Furniture and accessories from five luxuri- ous model apartments'. Outstanding values on decorator-selected Items from all over the \\'Orld. UP TO SO°/o OFF Everything must go! Sectionals. chairs, bed- room sets. dinnerware, ashtrays, towels ..• everything! Bring cash ... and bring home a beautiful furniture bargain. Sales times: Thursday Friday 10 a .m. !Oct. 91 !Oct. 101 to 5 p.m. Sal@ must end Friday at SI Don't miss thi& chance. BIXBY GllEEN APAllTMENT VIUAGE 6868 Lampson Ave. (near Knott) in Garden Grove DIRECTCONS: Take Garden Grove Free· \Vay to Knott Ave. turnoff. Drive north under free\vay to La1npson Ave. Look for the wind- mill. the sign of Bi.xby Green. MERCHANDISE FOii SALE AND TRADE Lumber 8750 E>a. white paint, raJ •• ;2.!Q I x 12 Shelving, a It •• $,O'J 4 x 8 Panell!n,g . •• • • • Sl.9'J I 1i 6'6 a ntnnlnJ!: foot .• $.05 COSTA MESA BUILDERS SUPPLY 1700 Slipcrior, Cl\t 5-18<.!826 FREE TO YOU IT'S A n1111ler or l1!r or dl'ath. It this lovely Jen1alt.', Jong·haired, gentle, loving, i;orxl-naturerl C11 i](,'O ca I d0!!sn·1 find a IJQtne, she rnust be sent lo the ASPCA where certain dcu 1h u1 lhP g;is cha111t.oer a1va ils h•'r, She d1'St'1-ves lo J1vr ! ! She will bnng: happ iOf'$S, \\'arinlh & beauty i11 you1• home. Save a life. Call 4\.l l-9'Hi6 on "·rrkdays or 194-26.32 ~ven111i::s & 1vo.>ekencb. 10/1•1 f'JU:E To good h o n1 e . Yoi·ksh1re fcn1ale lcrn<'r , J!ood 1vith kids, also Yorksl111"C·OQx1e puppy, 3 n1os . old f c rnall'. 968-8070 1011'1 PETS and LIVESTOCK 1. Cop .. ,,1; f\.fania is a pu1'C-hf'f'd Labra· . dor ftr1rir1·f'r !yrtlou·); Pa- pa 1s a ''? bul he can Jc;in high fences Ill a suig!1• bound! The pup111cs are \\'Oil. derful l.'h lldtt'n's dogs. $10 ap1i•cr. Call !if!i~r 6. 96.'!-71135 AKC REG. COLLIE PUPPIES La!i:.-11.• J\la1·king:~. :;how or pet. l:i&lile ;:, tl'i-coloJ'<•1!. I lad flUPJ!Y shu1 ,t ll'Orl n"d· t-rt1s1 s1'1• io app1-c1·1;1t(• Al1>0 Stu!! &•t"VI L"I'. AKC \\1h1lr Farlor LUll1<·. Ch, lilf)(l(/ [Hll' . 91)2.Jif.!7, 2()1J.!I l\1ur1na 1.n. llu111 ingto11 B1.•;1t·h. SO~t i'~ONf; 1\•ants us, "'ho '.' \\'~ like to slily 1ns1dc, U:.t' liltrr box. (;l'Ql"J:t' &· Oarencc \k11tc11s1 5 19-1~46 JOI ,-; :.111rt. an rxcC'llrn! opportun· KIRK JEWELERS llY Jor ll1ture. ~·lus t attend 2:lOO Harbor Blvd. C~l 2.4 11~cks M.:hool 11'1th pa~. SALES Sar,1h Coventry has ;\lu~t nav.c J!OOd J"f'fercnccs. OPt.•nings !ur fl or pt tune S11zler .~ Stt•ak l lousrs Xtnas sales. p Jr a .~ a 11 I , Call r..h·. Strw;u·i for appuln!-cHgn1ficd 11•ork w/110 1n- 11u.'nl. 616-816~1. vest., c:o ll ections or \\'AITRESS t:xpe1·len('i? [Qr dinner hou~e pa1'\ linie & hill timl'. El Toro Ca le. 4!Xll \\";.oi•ner H.B., phone 8-1&-~J6 \V,\ITF.'HS, \Va I tre sses' 2121 J::. Coast 1-lwy. Cd r-.1. -B_"~';"°~Y~·iiP~reosvl.Vce'ii>~pA'dN. _A;"~"'~'.'' IF .~"~'-"~;l~u~,~·~----~8~000= Garage Sale * S/\LES\VOMAN * 8022 .\IATL'RE Part lime. Young i\lalr.r111 ty Shops So Coasl Phru1. P:vl 's only OVER -STOCKED O'KEEF!-; & l'l!erritt s!o,:e \\'11h gridtJ!I" 011 {OJI $45, Pianos & Organs 81 JO Mi1ce!laneou1 8600 121 All black 7 n1011ths kit· tens. \Vilh sinall children they are very good? 5411--7671 alter 6 pm or aU dny &1 turrluy 10/13 GERiH.AN Sl1ephl·rd pup, 3 PIANOS &. ORGANS NE\V & USED tt Yamaha P ianos & otgans • Thomas Organs • Kimball Pianos Grand Opening SALE! P~mco tanks ~ flsh • access 'TIS TROPICAL l•ISH 9030 Edinger (@ Magnolia) Fntn Valley e 842"'1530 CAC.~rus suL·cull'nts. C<·nrury plants, Unnana pl u 11 t ~ , trop1c;1I. \-uu 11ii;:. 201 11 l1npcn ;1t Covo: L.Ju., llnlg Heh. 962·7:!11 1011:; \\'El!\IARANI::R P uppi e s J\KC, shoL~. Urand cham- ruons. ·~714• 892-2~2:1 • DAC!ISHUN iJ.LJKC •. x!n! 11•Jth ~h1ld1"l"[0\, •I II' k s . ~9-36-!'4 all J, anyli1ne Sat, f{<'staur11111 dt•liveries. Choose your O\l'n MUST SELL! }'ti.c:!daire ~·nshcrs, runs, Fr;:u1c:hi~rl Dealer !{IRBY Vacuum cleaner v.'ith Rl'staurant: Part linie help hr~. J'llin. age 21. For intv. 1rantN:!. n1aturc fl c r s o I\· C'all: S.10-0614 & 962-016\.13 YNC:. \Von1an, drs1i.:11 & !.E.'11 'tl'1nJ01v shadf's, f l 11111r. CUITTO.\I SHADE SHOP, 3635 E. O;t Hwy. Cd ~1. good. $45. Gas lawn mo"'·ct, COAST MUSIC attach & polisher. Xlnt cond like new $40. Odds & ends in NE\VPdRT & ilARBOR N I I I.. S'9 "" < guaranteed. Pay off bal of l.'IY irr s: \1ng .JU, dou ble beds. Books & Costa Mesa • &t!-2851 Q"' ".. 18' rn }' 11 $ 19 ·.n $39.67 or take over pymnts. " r . ..; ·.JU, u ' ·""'• record. Old K itchen table. Open 10-6 Fri 11).9 Sun 12-5 $2.oo hr! 54a-98G3 SCHOOL GIRL Recpt/Typist $375. tor house11-ork, 01rn trans. Lovely Costa ~lesa 0U1C'rs, Vir. &llh St., N.B. 64.>-0et:9 g n•at opportunity !(ir ad· T · "" 50 1··" Credit dept 535-TI.89 wins ......,. . w.iy guarn. 864 Cot1.,....ss between Vic-,... 1 $13 9-" '-''~ HAM?tfOND ·Steinway -Ya-I ~°""""'°"'"'"'""'"""''"'~-= Schools-Instruction 7600 r.i ng sz srireat s · J, '" loria & \Vilson ofl Placentia. maha _ new & used planos DINETTE Set, fonnica, 42" I :>7., S9.9J. Nc1v 9 pr_ con1er Alt day Sat-Sun. round, 16" filler, 4 chairs, vanccmr n1! ABILITIES liNLl:OllTEO AfiENCY 4SS l::. 17th St., ~ulte 2:!4 ("osta J\lesa 612-1470 Receptionist S 100. Good opportunity , t~rp.. lng skill~. attracl1\lf', call Loraine ?-ferl'hanls Person- nel Agency, 6·1:..2770. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Jobl-Men, Wom. 7100 ResraurHnt * BUSBOYS * DISHWASHERS Nights and wcckrnds Apply in per.son SNACK SHOP ;= 9 ;;.\46 F: Co..1~1 1111·~·. Coron,. <lei ~Jar Do You Takr !SALESMEN WANTEDl IY!lh a gf1'111n OI Sa.JI ? C:1n't say 1hal I bla1nr you, I Joi- lowed a !e1<• n1.vsclf only lo be d1sappointc!I. T!Jc .i1JtJ Si'ldom 11\oed up 10 I h c claims in 1hfo :id, DO YOUllSELF A FAVOll! AND EXPLOllE THIS ONE! II ~ou 11oulrl Joke 11.) n1~kr 5!:io. per ll'Cl'k un m~'rllatrly , \\'1\h a n 011r>ur!urii!y for rnuc-h 1uore 111 !he ruturr, I 11 ould hkr Ill talk !O you. If )our quaillica11on5 ma !('~ our rcqu1rrrnent s. 1his rould I)(' the carrrr )OU'vc llct'n look ine lnr. Call lnr [ll'r.<Ona l 1ntf'r•.rw br(. 10 Ai\! f..· ~ l'~I 171\l :..~1.JiOI ••r 4G'l-SIOO s.a.IC'S SECllETAllY Varian Dara J\lachines, located in the Irvine lncl uslfial Complex ha:o; 1n1mediate opening for a secrcla.ry in our engineer- ing department. Rr.quircmenls ln('Jude three IQ live year;i rcccn! :<;eel'!'· tana.l cxpe.rincr, 1vlth good ~hortha11d and typing skills. !\lust have the ahiliTy to pl'r. fc11·1n a vaiirty of !<Ct't'l'.'tarial and adminii:;trat1vc duties. Excrllent slarting salary and benelil prograni in cluding !ll'<'lV<' days vaeation during l1rs! year or l'mployn1enl plus an annual holiday vaca. 11on from Christma.~ lo Ne"'' \'ears and a stock purchase program. varian data machines A VAP.lAN SUBSIDIARY ~i2~ J\Th·hrl,;on Drh·e ($aJ1 D1eg(I .fwy. ,,, J arnbortt o/! ran1p ! blk :-=:. to ;\IJl'hcl,;on Dr.) Irvine, Ca!ir. !1~'661 An F;qu11l Oppo1·tu111ty E111ploy"r t.1.1,f' .N rw~p11rw r nC'r.Us Part Time Secretary to I · I of B.11 makes. Best buus in JQ[N TllE FIELD ;u·rang. c U)IC<' o ctrs. reg. ...,,. S•IO. China, service for 12, $'r•n !1 .. 9 "" I' b GlltLS bike, \Vestn1instcr So. C1J if. ri;::hl here. \\'!TH A FUTURt:! """"• now :> ··"'· ~cad rds: $2J. Large modem shadO\V ,. . 1,,.,,0 .. SI' Q··-"• $l? ~" rloo r chime», luggage, dog SOIMIDT 1tUSIC CO., bo.• $'5. Call.,, _,3 A:;c/education no ur.rricr! .. ~. ~. u ... ~.... -·""• .~ ~. ~ "··" $10 = T•••"< s• n~ house, dishes (serviu Jor 1907 N, Main, • 'I .. , help '"" qualiry. .,...... ·""'· " .~. Sa SURPLUS F I d l'N~N·KEu EPERS INSTITUTE Trundle srls (duo riser) w/ 121, new 12x24 avocado rug, nta Ana ac ory ress JNTERNATIONA L inner spring matt. reg. Sl~. "'oincn's clothes sz 8-12, FREE ORGAN a..ASSES fabrics & remnants, Sold lo Motel/Hotel/Apt 1,1gmt Sehl now $79.50. Roll·a·\\'ay beds "'igs, many items. 1'1ust i;cll MorlClay nite11 1:30 . 8:30 pm ~-~~cl\18:'nro~~~t.1~ A DIVlSJON OF' iv I inn. :o;pring man. reg. Sat. 9611 Kensington Dr., GOULD MUSIC CO. ANTHONY SCJIOOLS S59.~. no1v $39.~. Canopy directly behind 96U Adams, 20-15 N. ?t1ain, S.A. 547-™1 CROSS top Re fr i £"., lTI7 s. BROOl(lfURST bed~ !'rf;, $1 19.50, no1v S89.5ll. HB 96'2-01 •14 Piano Jor sale, Janssen up. aulomatlc defrost Exe. $65. ANAHEJr.I, CALJfORNIA F11JJ s·t. ~lt•cr • sofa reg. \\'ASHER $20 DilK'lle sets r iglil apt ~ l'iil.e in Xlnt The I-louse in Back 445 E. C.1as:it'S lurni e\'Cl-Y ,1eck $239.:iO, now $169.50. Clirist-$7-$12. Ref $40. ?t1od lov . 17th. 642·5741 . I SIESTA ~ cond, Ant1qu~ finish, sacri-1 '='"°'=....,~--=~~ PHONE FOR APPT. nlllS ay.aways now. seal Sl.i. 22 eu fl. 2 dr Ref. fice $3.:"iO. 673-4393 FOH Sale !4l new t~ircstone Ask Jor Betty 776-5800 SL!-;EJ> Sl-IOP, 1!127 Barbot· 1·xcellcnt. $135. Lots rllore! tires 615x14 $50. 4 4 9 ~-==~~==~~~! Blvd., C;\I 64~2760 daily JO-The House-ln B.1ck ol 445 £. 51\tALL Upright Piano & Seaivartl Rd. Corona dcl ATTENTION LOVING PAR-9 S;it-Sun 10-6 lJth. C.t.f. &12-5741 bench. Xlnt coil(], 2000 Beryl ENTS' YOUTH SPEECH . Lane, N.B. 54~3660 J\Iar \ 0 VOR1(s11or. Agt!! 7 to 17. ESPANO'L IN QUALITY LEAVING Stale! Con1plete. * 675-2022 * Learn to speak well, cnunci-Model Home Furniture house full of lum iturc. IlRfVATE PARTY WANTS ate, project. After school & S.'lvings 1o 8:-i!J~. Very easy Rcfrig. 2 TV's King bed. 1 'fO BUY PIANO i''OR .Saturdays. Private or c:lass financing. J complete rooms doubles, 5 singles, blankets, 1 ,==~C_AcS-"H=·~"c'-·60~45--- rates. 49-l-S2!J:i of decorator~ styled Spanish n1g. Dining room s e I, STORY & Clark plano \IOCAL Tech. & :song in-furnllurc. Consisting or th~ dishes, etc1 etc. 968-7127 sole, xlnt cond. $500. terprecation. Beginners tlll'U famous custon1 quality ~la-• PATIO SALE * 67:H31:18 adl'ancrd. 49-1-9340 aft 6 clrtd living room group. The 614 Orchid, Cdl\1 Couch, orii;inal El Presidcnte spac-<"hnil', double bed, quality BE A MAN ious n1aster king size bed· clothes 10-12 _ 14 shoes GET A MAN'S JOB ruom suite and the authcn11c i::alore. e!c. OPERATING La Paz "''rought iron dinetle ,~==~~---~~~I l!EAVY ~:QUU•r.IENT rets. L1n1itcd stock • $488, NEEDED: ~k1-5now i;uit'll lor Televiaion 1205 NEEDED: Ski-snow sui1s for toddler liZ 3, 4, or 5. Alw in- suOOry 1nittcn~. ~I c . 968-7935. CARPET Installer has oflt' roll. avocado nylon carpel, double jute-hacked. \Vlll sell all or part $3/yard. 540--72·15 ROCK HOUNDS-16" slab & trim SR\\! $2JO l2 lb tumhlcr, $30. 6 lh tumblrr . $22.50. Train NO\V to opcratr llatnilton Sho\\·room, 5948 loddlcr sz. 3, ~.or 5. Also 1n. earth-moving BULLDOZ· w 1 A w · sundry m i t t r. n s , etc. ~;Rs, BACK l!Ot:S, CHAD· es11n1ns er ve, e!ltmlflS. 9G8-7935. ER S. DBAG LINES. CLA l\ll-1~"~·~·~'4~-44-3'_,~-~~-I o:o==~..,--..,-,.,-"°"'= SH.ELLS and SCHAPEHS. 17 Pc. Kinn Size CARPET, shag, hi-lo NEW Th• Con1tructlon lndu1try ":I $4 sq. yd. 396 Hamilton, I 1i92l Altamirano La., 11.B. I ~071.~Y7,~IPOl~C~TV=~eoc~-~k-,7,,7_CCC -=========== A?>l /Fl\I, Lo11·rey Organ w/ Hi -Fi & Stereo 1210 bench. Both Xlnt, 5ac! Lease Color TV or Black & \\'hlte. Option to buy, :Free service. No deposit A·Activt TV R.enW Co. I J) 522-11:;,J i1 Booming! ~ou can rarn Bedroom C.l\t. Saturday only. top mon•Y in this fa~t . nioving. action -packl."d l..'U'J:C 9 rlra~er drrs~r. n:1 r. • GARAGE SALE * r icld ~ KecrJ pn·.o:;~·nt job 1nr. 2 bcds1rlc :-:tands, kuig SJO Sl ur~eon, CM and train a l hon1f· in your ~i1.c hPIHlboan:I. lrame, quilt. !:i40-2.'i62 !<!Jare lime foll1,11'rd by rd n1;i1tress, sheels, blank· Res1de.nt Trni11in ~ in 1ht' els, ri1·, 1100 t.1ARANTZ Z> re cei v e r . Bozak 302 B 1peak f'r s ys1c m1, dual 10!9 t urnt.ible. $700 or best oUe.r. &12-9S38 before 4 PM GENERAL Elec:hic slercn, AJ\I I F~I. i 100 ot best oU-;iclual o~rR tion of . h"avy Choice ol Span i~h carlh-muv_1n;: (·q.u!prrll'l11 or r.1odC'r11 ~!yle under proJCl'l cont.l1llons flf All F $Z G ,. 1 . 1 1~~ er 5-1~0895 ••.•. l'l' ngera or .• •• •• • ""'!=========== our :-:Chon! Ol\'fl('.rl fll(•i1 11ir·~ Or 49 11Pf!!' MIAMI, FLORIDA. I i\"n11on1~idc r inploymr nt a.::i~islant:i•. For FllEF: 111- furmation fill out coupon and rnall today ~ Nn d[111·n l'nits, unly $9 n10. WELK 'S WAREHOUSE GE Po1t Color 'J'\', like nu ................ $1 48 GE 1rasher/dry combn. $16l! RCA Console. color TV. $1 78 CE '2 door re frig .•••..•• i i IS DUNLAP'S Tape Recordera 8220 AK:\! X3GO t:ipt recorder st't in 11·ood. Brand nc1v. Tapes incl. f't11ly automatic. $400. 673-7:'>47 962-8595 STERLING sih•er co f f r c srr v ie ~. + L1rge tray. .~lodcm desi~. $100. See to 11pprecinte! 5-18--0012 Carpet layer has Iii Lo nylons Sl.99 yd. Sha~~ l:rom SJ.So up + my labor, 90c per yard. 9GS-ti910 t.IEN's IL) :;kt S"'"C<il••r, new, im!XJrted, hlue 1v/paltern, $50. Alter G, 5-·18-filiO Vice • PN'sid('ril f or prompt rrply '1T1t" to ,t· Gr.ueral t.lanag•'r tllO \\', 41h St., Sanlil Ana Opi:n Daily 9 . 9 ~a!. 9-6 Sun. ll~ 1SI5 Nev.•port Blvd., C.i\I. 548-7788 \\",\LNUT drsk. 4 drawers. :SRO. 1723 Plaza dcl Sur, Balboa. \\'ho •·an lake shorthand 100 \ !Nl\'F:f\SAL l!F:AVY 11·p1n hko;>s variely and fig. CQ:\"STHUC11 0 :-l • 1 00 ,_11 . , SCHOOi .. <.;, I.\'C. u 1..,..~. YlX' 11'pm or,,,_. <'1 , Oi'pt . 1 20~ ~litny l~1n1pany hrncf1t~ ~u,·h p 0. Rox ·l'i(O 11~ p .. ul ''11ca11vn.~. " 1 r k El Toro, Cahf. 9:.!G:;O !r:n .... p;ud 111tJ1ett l hlltl l1rr l•1s1uanrr. crrrlu u1Jl(1r1, pen.. ~an1~· . FUl tNlTURE: returned from G.E. auro "''asher, Ho!po1nt display studios, rnodrl ho1n-ga:-1 dryer. Both late model, r~. rleco1·ators cancellation. xlnt cond., $IL. J•1G-8672 or Sp:uush S.: ~leditcrranean Pie. &-ll-St t;:. II D FUllNITUllE i:"E·"'·'"1o'"R"'>': ""11"'·,",1",,,c-:,-. =c,; 1844 Newpor t Blv d ,, CM I •l1')rr. tioth lor SI o O. C1mer1s & Equip. 8300 r DTRON Electronic camera 'tl'lth cast'. $175 or niake of- f .. r. 67'.>-0376 aft 1 P~I 1101'\l::Y\\'ELL Pcnta.x. Spu!- n1111ir. Black body, 3:1 nm1, 2 lens. 515-5123 ARTISTS! E;.;hib1t "·ork al Bal Tsl Shop lree oI charge 536-769o 4 l\f1ch('l\n Radial 915xl5 !iff'S, hkr nell'. Call 6·11-1:)2.J GO C.\l~T. good cond1uo11 mos. old. Good w i t h children, to good horn<'. 6-12-4340 10/lJ KJTIENS, 2 gray, 2 Ulack, 2 gry/1vhl, white, g r ay. 96S-7952 10122 Cynthia Or, li.B. -.~,.,.---.,.,----,-3 Washing n1achincs, run but need 1ninor repairs. 2229 Balboo, bet\\·een 9th & 10th Avalon, Cl\f 5'19-2100 10/13 TO Goo d h om e . Shepherd/Collie mix, n1alc. 8 months, all i;ho ts , 5-t&-56n io111 ~!ALE kittens 2 mos old. TrairJCd to "J ohnnie ho:ii:" 1202 \V. Santa Ana Bl vd. Santa Ana 10/13 Sun. ' AKC Registered Gcr111a11 Sht'pherd pups for sale. 1 male .i;,. 1 fcniale $65.00 amJ S-10.00 839-59-1'1 . B!::AGLl::S. f P 111 a I c s, 12 \\'eeks, lri-<:olor , AKC rei;, $35. ·~19 • POODLE Pups, tiny toy & toy, all l'O!Ors, AKC, lop . quality. Stud scr. 81.13-971!1 5 Cute puppies lo good hon1c. Pekc-a -p o o br ef'1I 673-4643 10/4 DACHSHUND PUPS 8 11·ks old S25. 6·12-5i0.I FEMALE Beagle. s n1 a ! l Horses 883J adult dog, good "' i t h children, 1n u I t i -co lo r, SMALL SheUand, c h 11 d 962-0429 10/14 broke, daple grey $15. JI\' 2 adorahle kittens, 8 ;>'fr :-,S28 IVC<'ks , 1 Calico &. l grey & ·.cSo-,-,,.--A-,-,-ct-. -,-,-,-,-.,-,,-linr;I 11·hite, also calico Jong haired Good hol'.Sf' for teenager. s1riped 6 mo:<;. 5"12·7196 $125. ~)·llJ.3769 1 , NEED good home !or lovable male cockf:'rfdoxic mix. l Livestock 1840• yr. old, loves older chilrlrl'n. -----------C 846-3818 10113 IT'S FUN TO BOARD l \'our horse at TALLY JI O BLACK ki!ten, lo\•ablc, l F/\Rl\iS. Box st<J!s ~J,) J){'r mon!h old, housetraiocd, mo. r••lctaJ shaded roiTaLJ free lo good h ome . ' ·15 pr r 1no. Au!omatic "'3.· 642-1121 10/IJ l<'r, Iced & <'leaned dally. rREE lo good ho1ne, black l '~ acres lighted a rena. frmal,-pup, 8 1nos. uld . traininc: ring. River lrail ac-f' 968-4644 10/13 ccss. Expert J-:nglish &·o l LIV ELY 6 year old niale \\'esrern 111slruction. TaJ!yi dog, very lricnllly. 549-12111 !lo Farm.~. !7'2'62 Nrwhop1;.t nl!cr 5 PM lO/l:I Foun!a 1n Vallry, 54;,..!15.'\7 t'A.~llLY of 5 1:u1nra pigs 1o TRANSPORTATION I' ;:oo<l home. S37-ID19 allr r 6 B P.~1 10113 oats & Yachts 9000f 3 Little ki11ens, attractively '61·~,~-=~~-0"l;'Jl .• :d•. •120a t !I~~,.·,, marked, hea11hy. s we c t "lAJ""'" ... ......... " .... disPQs11ion. 646-2388 10/13 Cru1i:;er \l'il h pcwer j••t & ' power !rin1. rulJ L'OVCr. i St Berue1rd n1•tl(' J 1 ~ yrs !O Ready !o enjoy. A 11 ; J:\"JOCI IKinir. Shots & PflflCl'S maintcaance records. J 5-IO.SS14 brt11·C{'n ;..5 P,l\·J. 01 .. ncr. Kl 6-44·14 1 GER~IAN Shcplwni, 6 mos 19' T-BUtD '66. 140 hJi ,\Jl'rct old, J e1nale pl1fl , C · 110 T , I ru1st•r . r!r -.-s11a1'0, 8·12-5073 l0/14 2 sets skis. n11sc xtra."J. CUTE nun11 ies, frr(', 6 "ks Fish or ~ki boat SZ-JOO. j old. Varied parly colors. :149-2S!l4 afT 6 pm. 6-12-7:,78 I 160 hp Ford Interceptor CUTE f('111;Jc l'OCkC'r nnx 1/0, n1any extra.~. n111sl puppy, 9 111<~. o Id sell! $~1:J(). Call art 5 Pl\Ii" %2-!lb-l:i 10/1·1 5lf>-J!ll0 * Fantastic! ~l<)n 11la11, ••u•. C.:1H t11r A~r • DAILY PJLOT f••r :in a~ 1s the 11 orrl for th\~ n:111on11l JIOlnhnrnr. 612-1.121 and ;;;Jc Addrri-s ~vl'ry nu:::ht '111 9 \\'rd , Sar .. ~· ~un. 'ti! 6 DON 'T t';i..-<' up' You 111ay hud 1! at An1rr1ca's lari::rsl. 11111>.t un11.~uaJ 1111!1n1shNI !1u·n 1turc ~!orr. Cur. P.cdhtl! ,t, S11n1a A1u1 ~·11 ~·. Tustin. l 1111 So, of f\t•11 port F'Wv. Op,.,11 ~.6".l clays per y·r. j l 1-:117(1 fiu!i ranll'l'd & 1lcl1\"crcd. ~' 16-8612 f'i' ~M7-~11 ::i R ~~ 'f{ JG I-]{ A TORc.">":-,-e-e~I . ,..ond. Cros~-top IT'f'ez,..r $2:i. 2011 K in~s IW. !\U Jl-nvo11 Sat '.l lR-2.1!}.I Sporting Goods 8500 $10. Call 61G-01•t"i _:7"0·Y=""0'0"_11c~ 7°_1°'7. 7 7·c'"6 __ l_Oicl··l 2r lslan(l"r ~loop r . G. lnb. ' 3 Pup11irs. 2 fl'n1:1lr .V 1 ="=="=======~!· male. Black shorl 11airl'd ~· Sailboats 90 ~ JIJ Cal. i\11 carh1ne \\'/.~l'Op<'. \VANTEIJ: Goolf hon1r ror a11 >1. Pull)"t. hrad gallry. E~f'{'llrnl :o;hopr. SIOO !'"inn. "'hire lrnui!e S1an1{'se t•111, hil11:c pump Full rovC'r; A ('()111pany's 11\»V prnr.r.11n f0r lnr :'Ill's r:re<•nn1ari. l"lly . :-;nu1Ji,..1n ca11rorn1.1! \\'r St:1~1cr..: ST,,TTON SALES. .. S tat". n•'N1 Full 11r11 .... ~I u~t br n,•u t in _z"''-' --..,-.r.'•''~'-"---1 -IJl~Rl.BUl'OI:~ M E N 11ppi•nr~1 tlt"f', ~i.·f' Jun, 2.-,9(! -:'ll A:\Ar.Efl.") L}• , i\'e1qX1rt. c.;.1. -:',\ ,:;:'I! l~i\ -~/\IJ·,,':\\'Q;\fEN SERVICE S T/\ 1' l 0 N it\· -J·:El'Rl~.'iENTATI\'t:S 1p11da1ll. Exprnrnr•'d, Apply \\',, lJl1 li .1 111 yo11 nu'~ lur' pay up t.i \\'115'!1!-:R .V dt)l'I". a1•ot·adn, ~121. Hclrii.:.-frnst f1 'l'C $100. Freezer SG:'i. ~10-ll!~;, E A SY. C Q111 b 1nal1 (J n GOLF CLUBS, ladi"S Spaulchng ESecutive 11'oods. Alrno~t nc1\', Bargain a t ~- 1i16-5'1J6 alt. 6 p.m. SU llFBOARDS 9"2" llub1c \.\'oody, 12' Quigg-Tandcn1, ho1h fo r SSS. 673-06:12 61;.-276.J af1 4 P '.\1. 1'2 ~r~ l)]d, 6 )(,...(,~17 10/l:i ('USIHnnR Sl('l'PS ·1. $3!1.J:· YOL'NG i\lalr :'1.1rnr~,.. t1J 711-Rli-1:'.\l l.~l ::!'.!\ v.k , ''uality ki n~ tic;:l-r1uil!c1! ..,. ,. hon1C' 1• / Ir:; bal'k ;rnr11. .day~ ·r Complr1e-unused s 10:1, 11·ort h S2.>o. Art 5 & ll'k11cl5 g42.fi::.3li Call ~i [r2~>2!i 191~·\ l:\"TI~R .. '>-o.;i. Xln! \'Qlld. All i l\l'rrENS. C11tc f.· t·udtJly. f I b r r ~ I .1 Rs ronstn1r11on UPRIGHT RCA ~·rrc1.rr S7J. · -T!'.AINI::ES 111 p.-r~nn 2li00 \\I. Co;1st $·1 ::1 pnr hr ll,<; \IEAV\' J :Q U 1f'~11~NT Ol'l·:ltATOrl.S !TALIAN 1\lorlr,J rn1111d J:;irne oe Ui111nr; tahlr, 4ll'" cl1»1n. S washer-•J1-yC'r, J:?ood COil· i =========== Fn>r lo ,ood ho1ne. Ca ll i\!.iiri, J1t1 &· ~ r 1 n n a k,.. 1' Ik<lroon1 set. $50. can k1r •PP!. 536-1944 :i~r,.,::1;:,c, 10'1•1 11'/ll'ilP''Zl' ru!". Hon\ t1·lr t. Thi~ i~ a rt><1I ~ro11 nrl rlnor 1!11)". N.B. opponuo11y w1!h a :solid au lo. ~ERV'1"c"·t~~,c.,-,-1.,-,-, -0-,-,,-,-.-,-nl. m11lic clC'C1 ro111c CllUllJLllcnl ·~.>1p. Jl{'C. &e :'ll1k{', 4678 hrm that offrrs Citn1p11s Di". N.13. HIGH :)l·~llVICE Station Attndn'I. Immediate Expcrienred. Apply: 19-14 E • Harbor. Co~la f\lcs:t. arftJftCJS SC:\\'EltS. expcrirnc:ed. Ap-546 .. ]050 ply 525 F'ol'l'~f Ave., L.1 gu11a SALES REP B<'ach. 497-11 31 SIOO to SI 000 (; ri t' r a t o r s 1-5'-amstrl's Orange County w/c:ii:p. on flO\l'<'r machines, S l::\VING ~1 A C ll I N E Territory w;"1111l'tl fur i;e1v1ng \\'0111Cn$ :-iumbcr 1 grow1h industry, rC'ady-I0-\1-ear, for small .rt'C('nt d<'gr-"r plu'I :! :trars Laguna Beach t.1fg:r .. ti. or s;Jes r xperiencf'. part lin1('. Call 49-1-1-1 18 Riviera E1nployml'nt Acy, T ncl~----~--~-~ ·1661 f.lacAnhurBlvd, ~te 101 SINGERS·WRITERS N.B :l-IO-b370 Record Co. 1'! !il'arching f?r -. ,· . tall'l11 for rCl:Ol'diJlG'.. 5'18-23:;,J SAU:::S. (·xp fl. tllrf'ct . sales aflf'r noon. pcroonnrl for n1aTkrhni:: 01 1~~=~~----- v.•igs ~ .. rosni~IH:s. PITsli~c SIITl::R \\l_iu1rct1, 18 ~· over line. pai·i or full tlinc. for oc.·casLonal l'V~~1ng: & 836-5'1·11, JI)-(;. "·k. ends, Bal. Isl. 6(3-8687 · SllTER, 12 noon-8 pn1 5 dy~ Sales or llvc 111; 2 yr nld; Slater & EXCELLENT Bc>nch, JI B. 847-8434 OPPORTUNITY Tcchniclan Major national !if~ insurallC1! Teat Assembler, Jr co. wllh 111utu.a1 fund brok· to $500 C'r/dl'a~r i8 .expanding its Ftt pnirl . Xlnt Qppty, good Ne\\·pon. o f f 1 c. t'_. Co~plc-te C11, 1 yr coll f'ngr . mcch 11~· pe1'!!0nahzcd lra1n1ng, 1nvo!v. scmhly helpful call Arman ing both _c1tat~ creat~on . & S.16-5-110 · ' ronseiva!IOfl. Subsuintial 1B-JASON BEST ttlll.me nt will be marlc h}' Co. in q ualiricd a pplic11n1 between 2-4 ~ 4:i with collr g<' b3cqtound. \\'rile IJa1l)· Pilot Box ltf 519. F.mnloyment Agency 2120 So. l\1aln, Sanr11 Ana -TOOL & DIE MAKER DAYS f,.,....,.., .. ,....,,...,.._ ... IOprnrlun1li<'~ for tool & die SALES Clerli: fur 11t.11tion1:1·y m;Jk""'· r \perien•:elt 1n pr'O- •!ort, 40 hounri. no n1~hl ~re.ss1vt' 1ir1d draw dleit. Ap. work. ~ DaYfi inr luding: Sal. ply al S!IUR-1.0 1' CORP., Call for 11ppt. 642-<IJGJ 1300 ~ Nonnandy Pl.. Sllll\a • Your Ail in our An14, 11 blk, N. of fll1't'f\rl· daf!lilierl8! SonM!One wt\/ he ~· '·~ bl k. W. of~) lookin~ for IL Dial 642-5678 ~K IT TO 'EM! I th1ion $9~i. 5-1&-803·1 Sl"'lll s 6. l'ede~tal hll"C', heaut <'O nd. SJOO. li!l7 Anita SI. Sewing Machine& 8120 thr runs1rur!1on 1111.!uslry. 1...a.c,. Orh. 49 1-92:):! Plcn!y of work for skilled 1969 SINGER ,,·tbeaut ·wal h<'a1·y cqu1 pn1r.nl ope racor. USE~ Danish green sofa & <:ansole & ;:ig-zag. J\Takf's \\'c-!rain you on DOZERS • rhan· $62· Danish chair, blue hutton holes, overca.s\s. 5 GRADERS LOADEllS • ~lri pe $l2· The !'"actor)., \'car guar. }'u\J price $38.24 Jll!'ll[ opportun1l1cs are 111 SCRAPERS : CARR\'·ALLS ~iJ.'(.:lo!SI or $5.26 mo. 52&-f.61G • 'fH.AC'TORS and ATTACll· Upholstf:'rt'd rorner ~up =c .. ========- l\1ENTS, No nccrl to. intrr-l'Qn1·crts into 2 t1\'i n beds. 1 Pienos & Org1n1 1130 rupt your prescnl Jub or C'QSI $4:i() Sac S'.17,i nr b.'sl · -"-'---- schooling. SI.ii.rt al hornr in orf<'r. 612-n\9 t>l'es/wkeOO~ FACTORY .spar(" .1u11e: Then ¥~1 rwo Usi::o J\10flern l\"OOl/ dirll'l\e, CLEARANCE I 11·cl'kS 1'f's1drnt tra1n1ng at 5 pc 11-aJnut S:.S p ·r or Factory oi'Cler.i cll'al'Atlef' of Braidi\'OO('I, , Ill .. Burl Cr t ln iTip~. unibcr rry.~trit 1 both a ll overage, demonstrators, terms. Nat1on1\•1de , p\11.cr. $19. The Faciory, 5-JS-3481 floor ITlfXlr.!s. studio & re- n1rnt 11.~s1s1a11c('. This lniin· -1urr1ctl Pianos & Organs. ing ran be your li1-s1 strp U~ED 5 fl\'. anli<111e \vhite Real savings up to 30',;,. 10 en1ployn11•nt 111 the l lf'l\vy bdrin i;cl deluxe, $!17. The EV('rything guaran1ecd \Ike Equirn1rn1 l1 ~lusr ry \\'rile F11ctory, ~8-3-!Sl 11<'W. Salr Jiniiled to ~pccific for iilu.~ll'alr.d fol1lc-r.' Quall!y king bed-quiltccL stock • so hurry! No rnoncy M.\IL COUPON Complete-unused $105, worth .-!own 01\C, 5 yean; to pay. NO ODLIG/\TION $2;KI. Aft 5 & wknds 842.t'i36 This great sale only at: --- - -----Sl.\J:\IONS ll idc~-111'1! sol;i, \VAR.D'S BALO\VIN STUDIO NO RTlf\VEsr SCllOOl-'\, Seo!chgimrd orange flower ll!l.9 1'4e\1·poi1, C.J\f. 642·8484 Heavy Equipn1en1 Traina", pMnL S7:i [)46-5429 Open Every Ni!c Dep1 . H0-17 ( & Sunday Af1crnoon Box i\1 762 Daily P ilot SOlO *PIANO RENTAL Office Furniture Nan1e •.•.•.••...•.•••...• Adllress .................. .. Cily .............. Zip ....•. STt~EI, Fil\n~ e11binel. 4 drn1\·f'r , Jei:lli size. luU sus!X"nsion. $.j(). 847-6319 Office Equipment 1011 S!alr .......... Ac:c •.••.... I"'--.--"'--'------ NC'areM Phone •••.•.•.•.•... ELECTRO~ATIC photocop. irr, Aw ('{• Sul)('r:;tat. Like Hri;. \Vkrl,,_ Ji-om .... to . .. . rtr11•. ni.ikrs '!;Int ropies, ~;-;;::=:::-::-:o:-:,,.-:=-=--1 Co111t•s \\"11h 1000 Sht'('tS pho- MtRCHANDISE FOR lucopy paper, C11~1 Sl ·IOO: SALE AND TR:•DE 11.<klng Sfi1.i . 611·.~~ \1·l'Ck· rtay~: 53 1.fil !.S Wl'l'kcmls Furniture 8000 · TYl'E\VBITl':TI., 1\<l(I. niuc:h. t-IAPLF: TRhl". 1·h;111'S. bu!· t11lcul1ttor. Vrry ren~nablc. /Pl. hu!Ph, rod t:ihl,.:-1. quf'rn Xl n!, Cnnd. K92-2t23 ~111· ))r1!, si11izl" h " r1 • Retitu)nablc. 10032 Paulllll' THE QU!Chr:n YOU CALL, Ln. HR !lf.~710!1 THE QUl.CKF.R \'OU Sf.LL SPECIALISTS No time lin1it. Rcn!al applit's to purchase \\·ithin a yrar . NE\V & USED P IANOS & ORGANS. &sl dritls in Orange Counly. \Ve l!\ke trades. B.1nk tt'rn1s. Open ?llon & Fri ev~s. sun l2 10 (. l!Al\l~IOND In CORONA DEL r.1AR 2R-~ f~. Cnasl 11wy. £173-8930 WOW! Top Brand N•m•' full <40 inc h pi•no console for only . . ...... $'1'99 TI1is is our ~pc<'ial huy for 0 1.'!0l'.lf'r . gel ;yours no1v. 11.ll Jinlsh"S. GOULD MUSIC 20\:i N. r-.tain, ~A 517-W':l DAILY PILOT \VANT ADS! Mi1cellaneou1 1600 ~~-=-=="""'"'°""'---1 <:111 "(!Ulp .. ~J.i(JO. 8·11-2})fi{) -e SlMPLEX e 5 Adorabh• b11ntly rahhitR. rrrc to ~oo1 t10111c. T!ir.•r Ji' O'DAY Day.sailer Tl1\1E CLOCK $100. I D $1-" u d $1''" 67~42 \1•reks o d. 6lfi-639:1 10/14 rn10 1."' • sc ·""' *AUCTION* U you will Rli or bey give \Vindy a I L)' Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. Windy's Auction Barn Behind Tony's Sidi;. ?.fal1. 205~ Nell.1>011, CM 646-8686 ~10Tlf F.:R-in-L111v moving in, n111sl ~..,11 her li\<i.n,1; & dining --;===,----SURFBOARD GOOD CONDITION ;l4&-2932 f'venings. LEATIIER tools, l\ke llt'll". 4J pif'~S ll'ilh case l 4 5 . 548-36i2. Fir1wood For Sal• 540-9887 furniture, c hord organ, pnr I=========== ''\ncial vanity roll a 1vay bed. lamps. f:'!c. &i t !hru \Ved 10-6. 2().il l Krlvin,,-O\'C IJJn. 11B 4 Season's Traek. !Xi2-16CS RELOADING 12 ~augc emp- ty shotgu n shelJR -others. Antique guns, ll''ork i;lov~·s 2 p(lir for 3::.C:, sel of 4 alu1n i;tcak pla11ers, used pipe lit· linl(s, rainblrd ~r.rlnklcrs. Sci::o paln1s. Rifle 3 O 6 \Vr.11!hc1·by $125. 54a-J2'29, Misc. W•nted 1610 $WE BUY$ $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES Color TVt-Pi•no1-S11,101 1 Pl.c• •r Ho ... Fill CASH IN JI MINUTfS • 541-4531 • WE PAY CASH FURNITURE & APPLIANCES WANTED I *CASH* :,2 1N T ERN ATIONAL * pil'kll!l. comn..ercial lirensc $12:i . 60 Datsun Sedan, nut"i vrod. r('itl r ronomy $175. F:lec. lroner $12. Tools, misc 962-19.i7. J0079 San Pablo Cash in JO minute~ for 1tood. use-ii furniture. 1'V, i;lcl"co, appilance.~. Cl. f".V. 547.5722 P11in!C'r.t Equip: Binks Jow- hny t-01nprt"SM)r, 2 o1hers., ~o· f'Xlenslon Ja{kl..,r, 2 20' laddcnr. s i;:;il pot, 2 gn l p:it:o;, \\'Al'ti'ED for Duck hunting, misc i;:unR & hoses, OcVilbes \\uoden or glaSI! rn"'·boot, !'lirlcs.<;, 642-014 1 after 5 any cond, mu8t floa t. Need by Ot1 16. 833-1206 NE\V & n "a r I y n ,.. w --==,-·===-==~-ra!>'lilon~ at P.l1~'f'ptional sav-TOP f\tONEY PAID in~~? n 11r;pk•ker Consign. for furniture ~ appllant.'cs. n1c11t Rouliiiue, li:il S. Cflll JANIS, f!9.l-181S Co.i~I lhvy, La g u n a , Nl'.:l'.:D hricks one lo 1000, 4117-189:1 ~80llllbly priced. 644-4687 NO n1allrr what It is, you IT'S Beach house l1mr. Bi1t- cnn sell ii \\'ith a DAIL\' gest selection evrr! Set' !llt- PILOT \VANT AD~! fr12-:i678 DAILY PILOT \\'/\NT ADS! Tame \\'hire !lats 1·1' O'Day u~cd .•.. S'iOO j.IS-7613 Fnn 7.nnc Boot Co. Balhoa THREE cute (Daisy typel SABOTS puppic~. 49-1-7990 10/l•I New incl sail. S249. 615-01!:.' .. ~llXl-:D Puppy !o good h0n1c. PENGUIN s;iilboat 11 'la ·1 ~8-1429. 10/14 \\"/!"ai l & 11-;iiler. Top con-I PETS ar.d LIVESTOCK dilion $1!;. 8.17-8:-m 8800 OCELOT. Ideal lamily J>C\. Docllr &. plnylul. $300. 493-1252 or 6'7:>-6010 Dogs PUPPY, mi\11'. mi.xr.d breed 616-8GS7 182S 6 1no. smnll s h c It i ('. 10/13 CHAi\IPION Sired bro11•n toy poodle, t'. Pup.'I S tu d &rvlre, &16-:l'l6j COl.UJ\l BJA 12. clc-a n, out- board, 111an.v r'l:1r,1s. 812-fi(l!l7 Power CnJi&er& 9020 CRUIZON 16' Cabin cn1isr.r 1wod/fbgls, motor & tr!r. ~.l!Xl. 545-4588 Boat Sllp Mooring 9036 \VANTED: Sl ip or bnuy 1hfll 11·ill !akr 2G' ~ d!h.,:11 C111l <In.vs 6-1-1-1.~00 ext :.1: f'""~ 8:\S-2&1."i 11.sk ror Attila Moalle Homes 9200 BAY HARBOR TEACUP Toy Poodle p11ps. Al 11tud, Tiny 2 lb. Poodlf's, Yorlries or Maltese !).6.2100 SCHNAUZERS, ?t1in. AKC pups. Show or pets, Stud service, &33--0361 Mobile Home Sal•• ____ ·-~--~ Casa Loma Roll . A\1·:1y • StLKY Terrier. n1nlc pups. 5 ."heralon t.lanor . lfomr ltc . 11·k5. Al\C. Adora blt hell.llhy Kil . Prc~ll;:e . ~a hara & .'!hots. SI~(). &14--l&Xi Al.L Sl7.J~S AKC, Toy Poodlf's, I n1a lr. I NO\V ON DISPL,\Y femnlt', shots. Sllvrr, 6 \1·ks. 1425 B11krr S1 .. CQ.s1a Mesa 5.16-7870 t'VCS t,, "knd~. 1 ~ block Ea~t of Harbor Blvd S''K:;; .. \:;;'E"'-,T'"E~R~R~l~E~R;-~A~K""'Cc,· 1 f""n~ra "1''!\.'I 1711\ SID-9-170 chan1p sircrl frmalr pup, 2;~ GREENLEAF PARK nio'I. RenJI. ;).19-T.~7 in 1·lcar, cle.~n. t'OOI C'·1~!a ADORABLf.: ~ha11:gy Lha.~n :'lfr-<\a :\"rw 92 ~r<•"" .i dlll l Apso-Poorlle p11ps, ~:J.j. llur· r1:1rk, .\lo!lrl~ ,f.t. N1lr~ l")ff!~" l"Y! -l!n-21:'8 lnt'lll"d :H Pnrk Opr11 9 Aill tv G l'\1 l_Vh_l_te_clrPl1n'•~11s"!-D~.m-,-.• -.~li-oo \\'h1IP t'lf'phnl'l'lll! Dinlf'·ll· llnr DAILY P ILOT \VANT ADS! AC'C1·::-o;r ~1onr1 .1·; 11(),\11•: ~AL~.!\ Ji.·,o \\'li 11!11•r 1\1r , Cnsht ~IPs11 71 4: li4Z.1:;)(1 ·1 J ·' ' c J. ' ., c I' ( 1 " " 1 :1 ·;; .I .c .• TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION 'Mobile Homes 9200 Imported Auto• 9600 ~VE Thow>lllids o v e r , ttplacement t'Olil ol 2<D61' . Go.Iden \\'est, 40' ICtt'ened : f.IOl'Ch, plus mnny extras. 5.16-2845 FUU. beds, 30 &al hot v:a. te-r lank $1.800. 1640 Newport. Sp. No. 3. C.M. 2 Full beds, 30 gal hot w11.ter tllnk $1800. 1&40 Newport. Sp. No. 3. c.,.1. Motorcycl" 9300 '67 CAD Sedan de. VUk>, $3500. Has everything! A Beauty! Days 84Z-818l, eves ~146.5 r 500 cc Sui. Png1nl;' new us- «! !or 1Jnly 10 1nll1·s. sac. S300 or best offer, 962-4116 or !l30-5829 '69 \' AMAJIA :l5o I·:i1duro Lo miles -like n(•w. $6!!0. ~18-527'J ~--'67 HONDA 305 Chopper. JI.lust Sell,~ or ix'sl offer. :»is-4050 60 JiP YA~lAllA, Lots ol f'.'ttras. S140. \l'i1!1 helmet. PM: 5-10.T.162 NEW Bi\1\V helow whOlesalc c'O..~I R--60, 600 CC'' !YIS-282fi '68 YAMAHA 100. Extras. 450 or1~ miles. Eves. 549--0438 lIONDA l~ Good mec:h cond. $1 50. * &16-545(; * Auto Services & P1rts 9400 BEAOI Auto Supply Wholesale Prices lo All Complete 1\1achine Shop SPEED EQUIPMENT REBUILT ENGI.NES 1 t:.?> ViclOtia, Ci\1 5'18-6550 l83!H Beach Blvd, HB S,17-0091 * OPEN 1 DAYS * trucks 9SOO GMC TRUCKS Orange County S.:1ll's Service J-leadquartC\rs. NE\V _ USED UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE :.!8:j() Harbor B!\'d. Costa f\lrsa 540.96·10 '"' 1969 FORD· Econoline Super V a n ,\u!omatic, radio, h{'atrr. 11ir conditioned. L1r. # llOO:,iO. $2599 SUNSET FORD 544() Garden Grove Blvd. ,ll'cslJTlins!er 1714) 6.":6-4010 1965 Ford V1 Ton Pick Up V 18, 8 foot bed, automatlr. Full t"l'fUippcd. lJic, # 5-l.'il72 ' SUNSET FORD 5440 Gan1en Grove Ulvrl. ,\YPstm1ns1cr ~ 7141 6:16--'1010 , 5l Ford ·''.I Ton, racing slicks, cust uphol, chrr- ; ry body, Good running_ F'lat head, V-8, $325. &17-~~ ~~~Ton 1949 Gi\1C tn.11::k \\l!h hydraulic, tail gate lif1, clec. boom Iii!, n1ns gd. · $425, '!\Ion thru t'ri &12--87R2 '61 CHEVY 11.i T. ti cy!, needs 'pain!. $625. call a/!cr 5 pin. /W7-7742 lij CHEV. Lont: I}('(!. New ·pain!, all ne w int, Best of- JPr. 6~2-SQ.l\7 -------19&1 F 100 Pick up, cab high camper shell, g1JO<I tlrt's & mcch. $750. 6.tfl .. ;'6.17 GRA ND OPENING CAR SALE Tustin Auto C linic OBA Lido Motol'S 1300 W. Co•s+ Hwy. N. B. 642-6762 Tustin Auto Olnic~ opened a Branch 111 Ne,vport du1ng JAGUAR '62 J19~r XKE C.overllhle. Chron1e w I re wheels. A heau1y. t0AA2T2J $179S STIL\Vl::LL'S ~ SPORT CAR CITY 851 N, Anahehn Blvd. Anahc1n1 KE !">.21!5 busitll'ss undC'r the nam(' KARMANN GHIA Udo "°"'"· !JOO W, Coa" --------Jlwy, This location \\'ill re-2-'59 KAR;\tANN Ghia s, Good transporta\ion cars or bugcy material $175 & $250. Pho~ 6'1:'>-2621. MERCEDES BENZ pair & :Sell 11nported cars. TI)('y a~ v.·cl! known as 1he rar doctors in the On1ng{' County area for 8 yrs, Sole owrk•r for holh repair shops & sales is \Vilhelm Pi.ch. 1'U.~11n Auto Clinic's main 10-1---------- ratlon is Jj :) \V. 1st St in lllERCEDES BC'nz DIESEL Tus11n. L1<lo ?.fl'.Jloi-s 1,5 a SALF: \\'(' havl' s1•v<'n in Bra11ch. s\CJ(•k for l~i~ ro 1%:1 some \11itt1 air and au1omat1rs or 4 '63 Porsl'hf' Cn11pc Super !XI in xlnt cond. S27ffi. '59 Por.;chc Coupe 1600 Su- per. completely restored s1m. '6 1 V\V Sc]ba!'k \Vagon, cng. e1vcrhaulc1! $990. '62 V\V, gOOd cng, ne\~ paint job $875. '59 KatTnann Giha, gd, cond. $650. '60 QlC.\')' SLation \Vagon, new eng. & paint ~ '61 Fial Roadster convt., gd. eng. $·175. AUSTIN HEALEY AUSTIN AME.RICA- sa.ies, Service, Parts ln1mcdiate Deli\·cry AJJ Models J1ru11.1orr 311111.1orrs 3100 \V, Coast Hwy., N.B. 642-9-100 540-1764 Authorized ?.IG Dealer 1960 Austin Healy Sec at 4.15 Lugonia, Nc11'port Beach S8.'i0 COOPER r.·11Nl Cooper 1002, 997cc, ~ni:: just reblt, S1n1\h's tach, new hat!ery, red \\'/ blck top. Sl 150. 673-91&.1 alt 6. spe..'d. Big ltdu(._1i!)r1 in priL·e this wr.t·kt•nd fo r flllick sal<' Bank I" i na n c 1 ng Available. J un S I e 111 on s fl'lt'rccdes &nz, l:.l(J \\I. \Vanler, Sa111a Ana 54f.-1ll·l 1%7 J\·lERCEDES E e n 7. :!50Sf; O:luJX' VJGOS3 Special l\1etnllc Red \1•1th parch- ment il'alht•r in1<'rio1· all power + nir only $67!1:>.00 J in1 Slemons :\lc r cc rles Benz, 120 W, \\'arner, Santa Ana, ~16-4.U·I hea!l:'r, air con· dil1oning prcl!y blu1• with nu &'at covt•rs {Stir. No. Pl\I 621 only $795.00. J 1 m Slc1nons i\lcrcedcs Benz, l20 \V. \\larncr, S;:1n1a Ana ~ ... l&-411·1 1'.l60 l\lERCEDES Benz 2205 Old body stylr T-'PK6:'1. A nlcr :=;tralgh! old car almo:o;l a c!;1ssu:, le;i lht'r inl l'rioi· ln i,."1)()(1 shape_• only Si!)5:.0(l J 1n1 !'ill"n1ons fll crced1•s Be111, l~'tl \V. \\·arncr, ~nta AnJ ~:>16-411~ CORTINA l!J&.I! 1\1ERCEDES li<'11/. :c.os VZV338 Beautiful i\lilln1tc 1967 CORTINA -GT Blue 1mn1arulato• co11d111un 2: dr. 4 speed. We, # TPN-only S4~JJ.OO J1111 ~lo·1n~·11~ -ll7. ~lr~crdC's. B<'n1 l ~U II'. $1099 l\'arnrr San1;i Ana :.1\i-'1114 SUNSET FORD 1960 '""""" 1,,. o""· !">l-t[I G;inlcn Grove Blvd. ne1v l\res. $T.,O I I r m . fi42--'1'1~12 eves. IVes1m1nstcr l714 ) 636-4010 ========== DATSUN ORANGE COUNTY'S NO. 1 DATSUN OEALER DOT DATSUN l SSlJ Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach s.t!-7781 or ~142 ENGLISH FORD ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORO DEALER SALES· SERVICE '6!! Il1 0DELS l rnmcdiak delivery LA.JtGE SEC£CTION Theodore ROBINS FORD 2000 llarbar Blvd, MG i\Tr. Sales. St-1"\'l{'l', rans Jrnmcd111\e [)coh\'CI)', /ill f\!od rls J1rtuport 311nports :1100 \V, Coast J!1~y , N 11. 6-L'-9405 :i10-I 7G4 AulhQrilC'fl ~Tr. lJl•alrr OPEL 1967 OPEL Oelu>e e Station Wagon -I spcC'i'.I, radio, hearer. Lie. # UQT-to'l $11 99 SUNSET FORD 5MO Garden Grnvc Bh'd. Costa. !11csa 642-00lO n·esirnlnsh'r 171 ·0 li36-40l0 FERRARI ·i;.~ 0rK"I Slallon \Vagon, This \I rrk Sl·l:f1. al KUSTOM MOTORS FERRARI >IO Bakoc St .. CM. >1•5915 Newport lmport.1 Ltd. Qro.. Open '111 !:I P 111. ange Count)"• only author· ========== !zed dC'ale r, SA.LES-S ERVlCE:-P ARTS PORSCHE PORSCHE VOLKSWAGEN Porsche '60 Coupe $1795 -------- Y" LEASE Y" _c_H_EVR_o_LET __ 1 __ FO_RD __ '68 MALIBU. Auto. P/1. 1969 FOR0-10 Pa11. Low n1iles,, $2300. Call eves Country Sedan Sta1lon Wag- ~2 on. Factory air concUtioned, '66 Chev Impala HT, V-3, V8, automalie, radio. heater, stk:k, dlr, bl bk Sl275 Wee power steerlna:. Lie # XTA· DUNTON FORD Coco brown w/bJack in1er. 1964 VOLKSWAGEN Fully equip. Good condilion Dclwee Camper. Fully pqulp.. thruout. Weekend Special ped w!lh lct" box, cablnet!I, .!1rtuport Jlinports 3100 \\!, Coast if11')' .. N.B. &12-9"1CO 5'10-176·1 Authorized :'>IG [)pafer '64 Porsche Coupe Chrome l\hl'l.!ls, radio, heat. er. A ~au1y, i \VJC797) $295-0 STILY.'El.L'S S PORT CAR CITY li31 N. Anahl•1n1 Rl\'rl. A1tah(•in1 1\1'; 5-21\J Porsche '67 912 Targa St~<' & drive to helif'V<', Sig· nal n>d ~·/black inl•'r. :i Spt._'ed, A:\l/f"'i\1 & Aincrt..:an ma~!: Impeccable in cve1y detail, J1rluport 31t111.1orts 3100 \\'.Coast lh1·y ., N .B. 6-t!-9-ID;l 540-176~ Aulhorizcd f\1G Dealer '66 Porsche 912 Bahama yellow, 5 spcC'd, chrome 11•hccls ( ROK 666J $39SO STIL\\'t:LL'S SPORT CAR CITY 851 N. Anaheim Blvd, Anahe1n1 KE 5-2lJ5 SUBARU SUBARU * 1100 MODELS* *VANS* Imn1C'rl1a11• di;'li\'Cl'Y a1: KUS TOM MOTORS Slj Bali1'r SI. (';\f .'.;10-:091~ 011''11 ·111 '.) J'~·! SUNBEAM bunks, etc. Lie. # OPU·397 $1S99 SUNSET FORD 5-J.lo Garden Grove Blvd. \\'es uninster ~ TI4 l 636-4010 '68 vw Air condit1011er, 4 s?l-1. dlr, loaded! Jloncy c11'a111 ext .. plush black int Take sm::ill down or tradC". Lo~", low pyn1n1s. VHF890LB . call Krn •19..._9773 or :>15-063~. 1964 Volkswagen f)l'llL"!C ~ rloor. Radio, hcJler. Lie # VKM-5!1 I. $899 SUNSET FORD 5440 Garden Gmve Blvd. IVestmins!er (71·1 t ti:l&-1010 1957 VOLKS\VAGEN J<arinann Ghia Coup(• n111s good needs paint o n l y S·l95.00 Jim SI en• on s l\1erc:cclr.s Benz, J20 IV. \Varner. Sanla Ann, 546-1114 '69 V.\V. Bus A l\t IF l\I Sunroof, exit cond. ~lust .sell lhis 1vcek $~00 rquity 11ocl assume payments or oner. 67:'>-2756 '63 Volkswagen Bua F.x(·cllen! condition! 100':" Warra nty .. , at KUSTOM MOTORS S-13 Baker St., CM 5"10.5915 Opl'n '!il 9 Pl\f 'fi6 V\V 1•1,000 miles, sunroof, RS.·ll, log & backup Jiles, pop out \Vindo\Vl'i. front vents, f1·rr t>~hfl ll~1 . <!!lrk bl'l'i'n. s1:1:io. (;7:)-67-1~ 'ljJ V\\'. 2 {)()(lr, ·I s111.·C'd. r11rl10, henter. bt'au11lul rr d and sh:irp, l'.l'.i\I 140, Sl O!IJ. Carl's f\lotor Cu. Inc., l!).Jl 11.'lrhor. C.l\f., 6'12-0.IJ:l. 'G~ V\V Sunroo!, Bl11upunkt 1\i\I Fl\I, Coro ni:tts, n11 n1 c·,1nil' ,,\lust sell, J\lake oHer: l~•l-G~!"t:; l'M;1 \f\\', BLAC'I..: Sti.iO. 1.00 [) COf\U, '69 LTD Ford C'OUpe, air, pwr strg & brakes radio $10'J mo. '68 Country Squire, air, pwr s trg & brakes. radio $87 mo. •()S Cad!Jlae Coupe de Ville, lul!y equrp1>1.'(j •.•• S129 mo. 'fill Cad El Dorado coupe, fnUy equipped .... $199 mo. '69 Cadlllac Coupe de Ville fully .-..1u1ppcd ..•. $169 mo. '£'.) Chev Camaro, pl\'r strg & brakrs, air .......• $92 mo. SOUTH COAST CAR LEASING ~00 \V. Cn H'>I)', NB 6-\>21&2 LEASE . RENT ORDER YOUR 1970 TODAY FOR EARLIEST DELIVERY r\ll popular niakes. Ford <Hllhoriztod leasing t;ystem. Get Our Competitive Rates Theodor• ROBINS FORD 2000 llarbor Rlvd. Costa l\feu. 642-0010 LEASE ANY MAKE OR MODEL Let our Jeasc experts show you the bes1 plan !or your personal needs 1vithout obli. gation. UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE 2Sj{J Harbor Bh·d. Costa r.tesa fd!)..9640 U19d C1n 9900 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS ~in11lr -Style -Labor - Sh.agf,'Y -ALL-GIRL ··say, "'h!"'re did you learn lu kiss l1k1• !hat?" "! \J S1'd 10 hr ;i. trombone pla_vt'r 111 <ill ALL-G IHL or- 1·h('stra " 'GS ::>l'OHTS sedan, 13.700 111i, ;.iir. pwr., l'lll}'t to.,. Top oond 111011. ·19-l·:l:.'.:t!. BUICK 1!)6;1 SUNBJ·:A;\I /\Ip 111,. __ ,_·i:_H;~·:_'l_C,_Pv_t...cp._·"_1>~· Roarl.~ter, au!w ~hill. c1 ~11.l 't,S V\\I. Sl~,00. Jn l':-.Cl'!Jent 0·011!1. A~k1ni; S'.X)n. ~Jt,:.1-7~/\i l. condition. '6 1 BU/CJ..: 1 .• f'S<ibre Convert -<1ir condl!1011 ·I-rower ac· TRIUMPH 1967 TRIUMPH Spitl1re 1\lark II llarcltop 4 SflC'l'd. Conipll'tP 11'Hh \l"ll'e 11·hr<'IS, i3caut1fi.JI starbui·.~t pink n111t;1ll1<' "1lh J,!ai.:k 1n- trr1<.r, L1r. # T.SP·TD:.>, $1399 SUNSET FORD !'>1·1(1 G.ird"n 1.r,..,\'i' Bl vd. \\'i·~tnunsh!r 1il 11 636-llllO '65 SPITFIRE '!;~ V\\' :-;rJ. •I spr-1. ratlin. rllx 1111. I! tilue, 22.UOO 11\l, Sl IT.1. fd:l-7T19 ..:... ____ _ 't~j V\\" S..•11:011. :.?f1.('IU nu. Vrry i::ovd (tind. \·luny • \· 1ras. S!27J. 612-:i;~'·l 'f,fi V\V Sqln1ck $1(11):) HI' 11·arlP lar~cr rar r>i· 1111/'k. Can1pcr :-.l1"U SI !II. iG'.l-1,:.-;7~~- :\Tt ·~-r ~ 11 ·r~; VI\' Ca111111·r Cnllv f'fllllpl. IOI\' 1111, A-': Bi·~t 0rr 01'.:!-l!i::li ri t·~ VOLVO E>:i:: \1,'hllc, Jt ;1l1a11 red in!, ---------- 4 :;pct, dlr, k>c<illy u\1·r1rd LXL't'llcnt l·ond, BIUf' lx-.1k SI2i:l-Full !'nrr SJO.)(J. 11 11! Juic 11rv1 p1·1y_ Nf{f:'·•~"LU Cd! I 1/11 1. 1fl I !}771 nr ;11-,.,. .. ~ I. '6:! Tlt!U:\11-'H !'p11fur., :--fO"i cond., 7 ilO 11111""· !'11v O\\'ner. Call fr!f,....,ll)I;:, :dt 1 DAUG1rrE1t·s-·7il TR1~ Rfl f, nc1v brak\'S. ~ t·•f'S. S9:i0. 531-S102 brforr 1 pill. TOYOTA TOYOTA SPECTACULAR YEAR END SALE ALL MODELS YOU R BEST DEALS ARF: STll.L AT DEAN LEWIS VOLVO CLEA R ANCE N OW I 142 -144 -145 -164 Tl!I·; J.01\'J·; .... -r f'f\ICl·.S Y(lll!t BE . ..;T IJ~:ALS -'~I(!•; ~T ll.1. ,VJ' DEAN LEWIS l'lf,(i H:uhu1, r \1. 196(VOLVO 2 rlr. hardtop. Fac1ory air ciJnd>11oncd, automatic, ra. d1<l, hC'alcL Red 1v11h black interior, Lil". # VOU-211 $SAVE SUNSET FORD !'H-10 Gi\rde:i Gruvc Bll!d. \\"c·.~1rn1ns1rr In ll S.',6.-1010 Antiq ues, Cl11•ics 9615 CCSSCll:"l(•s. A lllCC o!ct 1:ar in good N'l11<h11on only S~5.00 ./ln1 SIP!itf'nS :\1 r r c I:' d cs Bcnl. 12U \\'. \l'tirncr, Santa iln<1 :>!fHll·I 'Cl• Buick H1v1rra. PIS. P/\V ;;11· conrl, Slrat bf'nch ~<'ul, f.;l11d1111 !Q[l, $·M7.} t2l 31 77J-'iS!J J 171~1 !",1()...07>':! BUICK ;\"o, If as e"('ryUun~' 111\P.G.\I:\': f.-12-2'2::i:l alter 6 Pi\! '61 Bu1t·k H1v1•·ra, alr, l:'>t- !>l,\CU L1\TI::, lo1.1drd. $111\ 49·J-'1053 CADILLAC '67 Sedan De Vill e F11l' fllll\l'I", J,1nd.:i11 lop, ll'.'at!1.- t'I' llJ(f'l"l(Pf', ;)If. ['lfV'flllll\UIJl I ll'!'~ L1kv Ill'\\", (0r'J'. No. 1c:...~1 $3395 ."TILi\ ELL'~ SPORT CAR CITY 8:Jl N. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim KE 5-2115 '63 ~dan de Ville, low mllea.i;:e, xlnl tond. Full p\\'1', l;;ctnt)' ai r. Private pr- ly n1u~t ~ell . $1 lSO. 5-l~i822 '69 CAD t"LEE.l\VOOD BROUGllAi\I !l:ilXI mi!t•.s 49".s8R2 '69 Fleetwood Brougham Best offer over $6000 C;ill 4~1-1-&~!\2 $1075. WQD582. 545-0034 5SL $3S99 SUNSET FORD '62 4 Or. Chevy Impala. P/a, P/b. Radial tires. Xlnl eond. S65ll :>!~2654 S44{l Gan:len Grove Blvd. '64 SUPER Sport, irnmac., Westminster 1n4) 636-4010 auto shift, gold. SI095 1963 FORD Ranchero 642·7374 VII, automatic. Bright red &: ·~tEV \V£ll.:On. New t\r\!s, ready to go. Llc. # VEY··1 trans. valve ;ob. Clean $JOU. 843. ~-H1.JO $799 ·ssc,,.,,. 1mpa1. 2 o,. Good SUNSET FORD cond. Au lo, V-11, $1DJ. 544() Garden Grove Blvd. 675-6.S78 West.minster !71 4) 631H010 '6S CAi\lARO 311 R.S, PIS. "67 FORD XL 2 dr hdlp - R/1-1, Au to. 284 Knox St., D'1 UIU392 Beautiful metallic 6~5-2991 eves. Will trade. paint and vinyl roof air • CHRYSLER '67 CHRYSLER .steer -v.·i ndows all poWi'r only $2195.00 J im Slemons Mercedes &nz. 120 W. \Varner, Santa Ana 546-4114 1.966 Ford Econollne Falcon 2-DOOR HARDTOP Oub \Vagon. Big 6 w/ 3rd .seat (8-10), very clean, good V-8, automa~c. iactory a!r, mechan, 49-1-5972 ('Ves. po1ver 11t::1er1ng, power bra-1.c.....c=._.;c..cc_c..c_c__ kes, radio & hC'ater. lmma-'64 Country Squire Wagon All culale. (UDE7~31 Xtra! ~995. $2295' 401-700._:_l -- 1968 Ford fairlane SOO sta- tion wagon. R&.H, pb &: ps, ATLAS ,;,~""· 11775· .... ,.,1 1969 Ford Torino, Loaded 428 CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTii Cobra -jet, Air, Minll 2929 HARBOR BLVD. 644-1784 Days. SJS(IO. COSTA 1\1ESA 546-l!ll4 , ~ D il 't'l JO 62 FORD (l)nvertlble. Runs "'t"'" a y 1 p.m. good, S29S. '68 Chrysler Newport. Im· * 846-3031 * mac. Sacrifice leaving for , Ens!. Mus! sell. \\'ill take 59 Ford, :Z door, needs motor lrade. ltl Melody Ln, CM. \\"Ork, niake offer. 4~ pm. 64&-7971 2240 5. Main 546·7076 '65 CORVAIR $"5 H•rdtop "140" 1tlclr 1hlft, redio, h11!1" Lie. RPU91 '63 MONTIRT $4'5 M•rcwry 4 iii" \II, •wtorn•• tic tr•n1rni11ioP1, power 1le1rin,, redio, heet1r. Lie... PBHIOJ '63 MHC Comet $4'5 !> cyl., •wlomelic tr1111rni1- 1io"• r•dio, h1•l1r. Lie, IGDl b1 '6S MUSTANG. $12'5 VI, '4 1p1ed, fectory 1ir c:oftditioninq, pow1r 1t•••· inq, 11dio, h11 l1r. Lie... OZF 7ll '65 G.alaxlo XL $12'5 VI, •ulom1lic lr1n1rnin ion, pow•• 1t11rinq , r1dio, ~111· er, bucket 111 h. Lie, POD '" '67 MUSTANG. $1H5 VI, 1wtomeli<'. tr1n1fftit1i1,111, •ir conditionin11. power 1+111 inq, r1dio, h•1l1r, Uc WVT 712 '65 CADILLAC $19'5 Fectory •ir con.litionin•, lull power, 11dio, h11t1r. l ie, ATB521 '66 PONT COTO $14'5 H1 rdlop. VI, 1wtorn•llc tr1n1rnin ie", r1cl io, h11t•r. Lie. \llT024 '68 CHEVY $2H5 '69 CHRYSLER \Va go n, LINCOLN ' p111en,1r St1tion W11en PIS, PIB, Pl\\', air, 101----------ll VI , awlornetic trtn1oni11io", miles, like new, fl.lust !t'e to '&I LINCOLN Continrntal f•cler't i ir condition i"t• · 962 ""657 pow1 r 1le1rinq, pow1r apprecia!e! ·1 HIF633 Air + all power -briki1. redio, h1•t1r, lw•· '59 CHRYSLER conver t . low mileage nice car only t•'J• rac:lr, etc. Lie VTP4)9 Splendid condition thru out. $1495.00 J im S 1 em on s '66 FORD $1195 4 near new tires. $175. Mercedes Benz, 12ll W. Country S1d1n, 6 p••• 11•· S:l&S&l6. \Varner, S.A 546-4114 !lo" w•t·• VI , •uto. tr1P1•~ '66 CONTINENTAL, 2 cir, power 1!11rinf, r1dlo, h11f· COMET Extras. f.M95. or trade ••· Lie TlOl 11 1.,,=.....,==11:='"'=n=1=:""':== II '66 MUSTANG $1495 '62 COl\IET Station Wagon,1; 2 cir. herdtop. VS, 1wto'"'' gd. condition. MERCURY tie tr1n1rni11ion, pew1r ===='="=·3=!=45==="' 1----------ll •l••ri"•• r•dio, h•1l1r, Uc .;; 1965 MERCURY TRU 313 Factory air conditioned, V8, '67 FORD $1H5 a11tomatic. radio, heater, G1l•11i1 500, ,.dt>or hdtp. power st~ring. Complete \19, 1ulo, Irani .. f•c. 1lr, \\'ilh h1ndau top. Lie. # pow•r 1te1r., r1dio, he••••· CONTINENTAL '67 Cont Coupe, pcrf rond, /\ttorncy '"ill sacrifice personal car. S2.995. ~Ir. Tucker. 835--2200 weekdays. CORVAIR VGY-995. whit1 wt ll tir11, vinyl roof. $I099 Lie. Ne. UKH 71 6 SUNSET FORD '69 Falrlano 500 $ZH5 2 dr. h1r1hop. VI, 1wtern•· 544o Garden Grove Blvd. ti• tr1n1rniu ion, factory '60 car.VAIR. needs 1,1-'0rk Westminster (TI4J 636-4010 ,;, cendilioPlintj. r•dio, S75. CLEAN •67 Colony Park h1et1r. Lie. 20TOO I 6~2-i374 1vngon. Best oller takes. '66 MERCURY $1695 ============I 54&-3481 or 646-6922 Cyclone G.T. 2 cir. H.T~ VI, CORVETTE 1964 MERCU~ •ulorn1lic, fee. ei•, pe-r •'•••·· power brak11, buc· Colony P1rk .,, 11,h. Lie, TSA IZl '64 Veit, 100% factory, nevf"r S!ation Wagon. V8, aufomB· ,67 FAIRLANE $19'5 r at·cd. wpcr t!ght. $2100 tic, radio, heater, power 67.".-3408.. steering, Lie, # IEZ.339. 500 2 de or h•rdlep, VI, $999 1wlo. fran1., power 1t•1r,, CORVE'ITE '6.'3 hardtop, 327 ,1dio, heel••, whitew1U '>1 1111 363 hp. 4 sprl. rsdial~. SUNSET FORD ti•••· UPS 555 Ai\t/fi\I. must sell, 968-4053 5'140 Garden Grove Blvd. '67 FORD $19'5 Westminster CTI~) 63&-4010" Ranch w19on. \I I , •wtom•- - __ C_O_U_G_A_R ___ 1·54 r.larauder. au!o, pwr, bkt lie, fee, 1ir, pow1r 1te1r,. ?<!s, CB radio, JOO eng. $800 pow1r br1k11, lu•••t• 1967 MERCURY 83.1-2S7S alt 6. ri ck. Lie, TVO 101 Coug>' I .==::::=o::.c====·ll '67 COUG.AR $ZZt5 2 Dr. Hardtop. V8, automa-MUSTANG H1rdtop .VI, radit>, h11l1r, tir, radlo, hcatrr, power pow1r 1l•1r., pow•r cli1c 5teenng, ~:xtra Sharp. Llc: .. 69 ~tACH I ll.OOO mi., P/S, br1k11, fee:. •it co"*'·· white # TZG-41:.i. P/D/B, slereo tape, 4 wi ll lit11, vin~I top, tilt $2199 speed, 351 Ram air, !!till wh11!. Lie:. USO )Jl . SUNSET FORD warrao1'd, Imm". Be•l ol· '65 FORD $7'5 5'140 Garden Grove Fllvd. lr.r over $2800. 499-3627. G1l111i• 1500. Conv1rtiblt. VI, 1ulorn1lic. pwr. 1f11r., \Ve~Tmin5tl'r i714) 6..16-4010 '65 f\tUsrANG Conve r t, r•d•o, heiti r. Lie. UYk 292 '68 Couga r $2•195-:r;dio, air, cocoa, new trans., good ron-,65 MUSTAN<i $12'S C'Xlrn.\I". Sec at Reeds Tex-clillon. one owner, $1095. VI . 1wloon1lic fl an1rn i11io11, aco, 2920 \\'. f';e'>l'{>Or t Blvd.. 673-6070 aftf'r 6. r•dio, he•l•r, ,..;nyl •ool, Nil 67J..-O:t9.I '67 l\1U5TANG fasthack, a~ chrctrn• whe1I. Lie. OYW DODGE f.Olulely n~ rorid., a ir. 172 $2195. Owner 642·7'374. ~'6"Sc-7'M"'U~S"TA=N°'G.-,-$1°'Z"t"5' I '67 OODGE DART T~ffiEE 1969 f\lustan11s. iully \II, i ulom•lic lr•n1mP11le", 9510 'Zl<l l\1il ita.ry typt:' 4 wl'K'rl .dri\•e in top rond! 196.') Scout A-1 Al"<O $1100 rarh. CA.ii 646-5637 2"118 Plac!!nl.ta, 3100 \V. Coa;c;t l-il\y, Nev.'port Beach 64.2-940.'i 540..1764 Aurhon;i;f'<I F('rrari ~!er PORSCHE·; 'li:t !';111><'r ;JO. l!lli6 J:elilf. cl>;.:. Xlnl 1·orul. S2f.A~l_ Chrin "hl.~. A :\I/ fo" ... 1 Ha rhor, C :-01.. &16-9.10.1 1967 TOYOTA D e luxe 4-0 r , '57 /\lon;an .:... 4, l'XCT'l:!.'11! ('.<)nd. Slf.00_ ll 12·3716 all ~. '61 Cad Sr/1110 Ill' V!llr. 33.iOO. Has cvrrythlng1 A lkauty! !Jays 8-12-R l.ill, {'\"CS 8·16-1·16:) ioaderl. $2500. ,.dio, he1 t,r, con1o l1. Ut. \Vh ite 11•i lh vinyl top, air ron-Contact 5.Yl--5290 PENJ 7Z d1!1un1n,11:. auto. trans., po'>1'··1~======='=='11 '•676~G."'A~LAX-.,.,~l"Ec--;$;;;9'o.5 rr sreering, radio and heater. OLDSMOBILE 500 "-door ied•n. VI , 1wt1. lllu~ sell. Sli95. 35.f'OO orig-----------11 h i nt ., r•dio, l•c. eir cond .. :.1!>-l !ll'l * '65 CONVERT * C.1\1. 1----------FIAT JEEP Willys ·~,:>, ~ 'vhJ (Ir. rehlt eni::. xtra.s. Gd c:ond .,1~95. 646--5568 pvt pry, :X1nt cone!. All xTra.~. nu pnl, 1968 FIAT-124 Coupe to[l. !\·l u.~I srll. 6,lf~l231 4 sP"Cd, radio & heater, Com-=-'--~~-~~~-~ pletc 1v1th !'rl ichltn tirr.s. '!i~ Pnrsr hr 91 2, 4 sp<I. Red w11h hl;ir k llin}·l in!cr-!'.lcAfcr "'hct·ls, n1;u1y cx- Campers 9lW ior. Lie # XCH-026. lras. Sl9'.il. 6T.l-6tif11 $2499 '66 PoT"Sche 911. 5 :r.pd, l!'i67 :1, Ton Ford Rangl'r C11m pcr Sprcial, auln, p1vr brakes, radio, air cond., Jn.ooo mi. ;zs95. or hcsl nr- [('r. 2867 Jlil:"kory Pl, Apt J~. CM 5-16-79'Jil SUNSET FORD, A;\l/1-':\l rrul10, rn;iny TI\(•!'e ,1r;i~. xlnt rnnt!. $1 riO. fiJ IO r.urdcn Grove Blvd. 61:.!-l(i 19 ·!ifo Chrv Ch/\~s•s mnun1ed. . PIS--PIB. Air. SCOO mi. _Open Road. 646-115% \Vc:-:tmi11s!Pr \714' 636--4010 JAGUAR • '61! h'hr:, imm11.culat('. con- dition, lo~· m11cai;:e . I !"'PUlM '~tro•g<>!"" J "'°'"'"II'• ''"" 6T.J-62'.?6 JI°"""~ 61 0.. J2 "'"''"" t;] Allolr\ Jl Pont 6) ........ J l l><ry M w,,,.. '.i!l l 'or~chr c;onv-U. HCCt'S. new 1·11r:. Cherry conrt. !"i3fr-.".SO.i, !'lfi:Z-.-1;121 ·52.:J Por sr·hr 1700 N:. ll~alh lrll, a ll ;iPCf'SS 33,000 ni1 . S27SO 511l-!ll'il rvC. ... ' !I 'l'o;r . '""" J~for 6S Bow 36 p,_., 66 ...... ......._ l"""""''-"'4 Jin....,, t>Tro" ' ·~~ 'II l"""'°'klo 101w....., 11 I! 12 lod<!y " ... '' r,,... l ~F""""' 16 Moltt .. '"" 1 8~ 19A"00""11'"S\ ,,,_ ,,_ '2lln>~t '23 S1.,...qe ']l Ab•I,! .... 25Yt'Ut 76 P /)., """"' ""' 19 r .. "'"'"' Jfl T-~ bit Ccntrocll J9--691'« <t0 114' 70 Pralilt ... , Dcn't 71 P<u.•b1-... 2To nPGM,bl1 <1J ~mg 11 r ....... •• ... ''°""'""""' <l~Coo.r# 75 .Todoy 46 o+t 7~ Md'I A7 ~iod 71 JI.,.... 4S l<Meh 71 C.0.- ... 9 0t 79And 50!'•"""'"' 80To 51 1.,.., Bl~ 57 ""'• 82 e. 5lSk<o~ 8)Y"" !il LO<>l Bl Ard 5~ llO{Wl!y 8~ ~·~W.O ~ ~" M Ho<>PR" ::,10... 81Ao·-~A w,11 88 rnr•.,~·~oroo 59 l•••lv 89CMg'" 60 W.ll 90 Ar•..,.,.oQ 10114 .AQUUIUS JAii. 10 ....:G 1t1'. "·~~·· "-.S.10·24 •. 31-41-7.. ~ PtKIS ftl . " " .. ........ 10< ~ 3-6-17.19 •. -29~~ Race Cira, Rods 9620 '67 El Dorado. Lo mi. Xln! Au!om:i1u-. radio, h!"'al<'r. t,1r. # UQ:\-818 1'ond. f';('w lires. Loaded. Sll99 '3.1 FORD :J \1·1nclo1v Cpc . S.1100 pr1v pt!y. &M-426.i (.'hopfll'd ehanncl!rrl Olds ~===~=====I inal mile~. Call 637-056 -63 OUJS F .gs DcLuxe Sta whit• wi ll lir1t. l ie. $HK Original o~·ner. w~n. P/S-P/B. Lug 12 1 SUNSET FORD "!lli(' .• ~1 rram" haskct iob. :>-1-10 r.urdf'o Grovr Blvd. Sl:il/OrfPr. 6~2--0filfi \Vrs1min~trr 47111 6:16-4(}10 "'========= BILL MAX EY _A_u1_ •• _w_ •• _1e<1 __ 9_1_00 JT [Q]l!fQj[@ 18881 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. Beach 847-8555 l mi N, of Coast llwy, on Bch VOLKSWAGEN '68 V\\1, r/h, xlnt rond. pty, $1600. &12-1719 Pvt. '66 V\Y Snrf, beige w/blk int, Rill. Por!cbc rims, Xlnt cond. S-1:150. 5-1~2716 '68 V\I'. 1500. racliolheatt·r. v.h11c "'/n"•l in!., 20.000 mi. $1;{"(1. 673-782-1. 64-1-4633 '66 \'nlks\\'ll(;en, Good COO· dJtion. Sl!l:10. * f>IS-1~17 • &1 VOLKS\VAGEN. Excellent (.'Ondition. S900 or Best oiler . ~'46-29·~'"'~· =~--== '65 V\V, R/H. 4 fipeed. 51.600 mi. Very good cond. $950 . Call 1147·07<:6. '68 V\V Bug. nc\v brakes & lrn>~. i::d . cond .• aulo Irons. $16.iO. Aflcr ~1 pm, &12-6312 j959 V\V Hus .,,,., '62 ('nl!, n1L'f', $·1~.0. ::22 t:lth St, i\f11 3, !ID '6·1 BUU j\JANY l::XTHAS! 61~2"7 '66 V\V, xlnt co1lfl. on~. pvl O\\'nPr, !';lust se.ll immcd "7J.-i6.i!I fo""or D:uly Pilo! \\'llnl Ads D1<1I Jil2·~ifi7:-1 \YE P1\Y . . CASH tor u.o;cd cars &. trucks just call us for rree estimate. GROTH CHEVROIIT Mk for Sales fl.1Mllier 182ll Bearh Blvd. Huntington Beach Kl 9--33.'U WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd. Cn!ta Mesa 546--1200 WE P.AY TOP DOLLAR for good, clelln used c::IU'I, all maker;, ~e George Ray Theodore Robinll }'onl 2060 Jlarbor Blvd. C.!\t, 642-0CllO L\1POHTS \\'ANTED Onuige r.ountit.s TOP S BUYER Bll.L f.L\XEY TOY OT A 18881 Beach Bll'd. U. Beach. Ph 8'17-11555 Will Buy Ynur Vnlk.!'.vagen ;Jr P(lrsrhc k pny top d<1l1nno. Paid tor or not. c.in Rlllph 673-0!IOO CAMARO 1968 Dodge Monaco rack. Good condilion $500. '.6~7"'°'FO=R"D,._.--..,$"1l"'t'"5 '6~ Ciimnro Z28 BILL Thon1a.'> Susp., Koni's, pPlyglll.~, mll l\Jr, Comp. l•c·l.s ·T ni'lre. 1~.000 mi. Never ract:1!, but ready. s11n~. 67.1-Yi:a :? door hardtop. V8. auloma-646-7615 Cw.torn 500 2 cir., VI, •w- hc, Jac!ory alr roncl1t1on1ng, '63 QU,b Startltt, black, xlnl tornalit, power ll11r .• ••- !ult power. A real luxury cond,\newly painted, new dio, h1el1r. l ie. TJ M 966 car. Ser.# 8906. lirer; $700 545-3855 '66 FORD $1695 $2199 , . QI Countrv Squi••· t O p•n., SUNSET FORD $1~. "' ,, ...... "1-. .,, '"""" o;ov VI, 1ulom•!ic, pw r. II•••·· 5-140 Garden Grove Blvd. \Vclltminster ITI41 636-4010 PLYMOUTH CHEVROLET FALCON '68 PLY!\t QUTI{ Setell!te 1966 CHEVROLET eonvert WFF055 full pov.'er Convertible 1965 Falcon Futurn Hardtop + air cond. A rttJ. steal al pwr. brak11, r1d ie, h11!1r. iu9q191 rick. l ie. UTI 795 '67 G.ALAXIE $1495 500 Conwerlibl1, VI, •wlo., lren1,, pow•• 1t1erinq. r1· dio, ~It .. wh il1 will lire!, lr11mecwl 1te. Lie. TFC J9] Suprr Sport. VB, auromatic, Coupe. auto trans, fl"T air, only $2195.00. Jim Slemol'UI •odt•, hoot•·. -we• 51_,_ V-8 ('.ng. Orig owner. Very Merc«lea Benz, 131 W. , d ' " ' "" ' "'-005 73 7851 Cobr1 Jet Engi"'• •P•• , '"". L,·, # Tf"R-107. clean. SI . 6 • \Varner, ~nlit Ana, 546-4114 d' h 1 '69 MACH I $Z695 '"" power 1t11 r .. re 10, •• ••, $1399 '62 FALCON s:m whi!e, new 1964 VALIANT WAG O N , hlth b1clr bwc:••ti, poly SUNSET FORD Ian upholstery. 3007 Setting Black, red interior. Orlglnal 9111 ti•••· l ie. YXA: 607 sun Dr .• Cdl\f 64-1-2562 owner . Good eond, clean. '61 TORINO $1H5 51-IO G11n1cn Grove Blvd. ti k tth.lt. Da '68 Falcon \Vag M, full pwr, R/lf, I c l YI ?·door h•rdtop, "l•O" VI. 1\'rstmins~('r (71 ·1l 631HOIO ,,.,,,, l 74 air, !OW mileage T.0 .Pymb, 54().....-. ex • ev e s 1llck 1hift, redio, h11l1•, '6fl CHEVHOLET Ciiprice. ~ 644-2Z24 cutl<>l"I int1riet. Uc. ICS One owrn.·r car \\'ilh only. c68C..:.~P~lym-'-oo-l~h-w-/~J83~-,-,-g. 001 24.000 milell, has all power + FORD Auto, P IS, P/B (dlskJ. '65 T·llRD $1295 air conditioning, AbllOlutely :P=o~•~l-~t.=P,=;=p=IY=·=64=&-=>1~56==ll VI , 111tornilic tr1n1., r1dio, the clennesl ooo in town, I II f t '68 F 0 RD Country sedan h•<1l1r, u power, •c ory J im Slemoru; Me r cedes · LI YR0 776 Wag, full fJ\\T, air. 9 pa1111, PONTIAC •ir. '· Benz, 120 w. Warner, Santa beaut rond. $2700. (n4l __ _;,_c;.:.;;.:.,::___ '62 DODGE $4'5 Ana, 546--1111 962-86TI eves &. 1,1-•knda, day1 ,63 Pont Bonnevl.Ue 2 dr, Pwr 67 11\!PALA, 327 4 1p. Erson <213) 32().8300. S&B air R.&H auto trans Cam, headers·hl·rise, 456 '66 Felcon-Fufur• whl~ int,' pr! ply, $625. ea.ti posi 3.70. New motor + lrD.ns, not raced. Mag'll. Fully (11.c:tory equipped. Dlr. 846-1152 ~lake orrer. 548-3613 days, S6S5.· c68.c..flcc..R~E-B-lRD--<OO-.-~--. &18-68~2 wk:nrl!>: Phone 642-Wl3 turbo hydro, stereo F?t1, FORD '66 Gala:de 500, 4 dr best otter. fi73..6870 63 Brlairc Sia. 1v,.R, 9 p&M. .=:;:=;:;;;=::==:=::=== 327 V-11. Powl'l1!1ide PI S & M'dan, r /h, p/h, pis, ale. ~ xlnt cond thruout. Mu1t sell ~ar window. t""ac. air. Lug-lhlll wk. !!62-llS4 RAMBLER r,:ai;r ra1·k .• 'Xlnt rond, Own . ..:::::::..:::::c::.::..:.::: ___ _ er 6-11··11Hll. '67 t'OH.O Galll)(iC ::.00, 4-<lr, 1966 RAMBLER }'QR Sale: 1X4 Chcvcllc 390 eng, P /s, P/b. au\o Marlin Fastb•ck l\lalibu Chev., V-11, 4 door. !r~n!'I, lact ;iir, rlu11 exrra&. VS, automatic, rnd lo, healer. Low mi. ou!oma!ic. Leisure Xlnl collCf. Sl495. 673-4482 pc.wer 1teer1ng. Benu!ltul in \Vorltl ownrr. Cnll Kl7-7!1:-.G. 1116'2 Fof'li ralcon Sllltlon evtry WAY. Llr: # VWN-ITI St 1tie" W1q o", 9 peu., •u· tern1tie lr•n1., radio, h••I· ''• pow1•. lie. VUF 464 '67 FORD LTD $1H5 4-door, \I I, 1ulo. tr•n•., fie . 1ir concl .. pow•r 1t1•r., power di1c br1\f1, re.Ii•, h1•l•r, white w1ll1, •i"yl 1oof, TSU 775 DUNTON FORD '&t-Chr''Y lmJ)lllll. Con\·er1 \\'agor1. Xln!r ondltion . $1199 rhlt rng. lo.ir!rrl, r11r. take l\1AKE OFFER. ~I0-4f:A5l SUNSET FORD 2240 S. Main lol'Pil?n rl\r In l ra d e . 'SS FORD 2 DR M40 Ganien Cro,•e Blvd. 546 7076 XV7.7~'6 4~1·!'1771 $125. 54!1-1690 \Vest.minster 1714) f).~40tO . ._ ____ • ____ .. -~-------------------------------------------·--····-. Back your local air pollu· tion authorities, for one thing. Know what causes smog, for another. In Los Angeles County, for example, motor vehicles cause nearly 90% of the total tonnage of air pollutants. In contrast, Edison power plants now account for less than 1%. It's taken 15 years of research and millions of dollars for special equipment and cleaner-burning fuels to achieve this result. But to our way of thinking, it's money well spent.Because it involves you Motor Vehicles 87.7'.I; and your environment. To us, that's important. And you can count on Edison to continue to wage our war on air pollution wherever we build or operate a power plant. But what can be done about the auto? Fortunately, 1970 models sold in California will be equipped with n1orc complete, more advanced emission control syste111s. That's a new California law. It's far stricter than the Federal law. ' Even with better smog control devices, it will still take at least ten years to replace our present cars with newer n1odels. In the mean- time, are there s01ne things all of us can do? Yes. Anything that destroys your auto's engine also destroys the air we breathe. This includes dirty spark plugs, incomplete combustion, overflowing carbu- retor, faulty ignition system. Su : I. Keep your engine tuned. 2 . Don't gun your motor. ' Don't idle it unneccssa1·ily. And turn it off im mediately whenever you park your car. 3. Make sure the 'mog control equipment on }'Our auto is fL;.nc- tioning properly. I-la ve it ch c ck~d ever}' 8,GOO 111i lcs-<)r a,-, r t-t::tJtn- tncnc:c d by the 1na11uf.1ctwc r. S,...,... . 1 V ~-' ' (I . I • • f t" :1 '· ' ,. .• ., • ,, '. (': • 7 , ' 1 f, " i ' • i ~'ii Ch I Br de• nrt ... ,,, w. I ba De "' Sa IC[ F I t-.1; "' da