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1969-10-14 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
. ' • • • • -t ~oast Olll ites r • • • '" Soviet Sp~~~ships Link U11 in Orbit~ Start Maneuvers Newp~~-Co~~~i-. Ba~ks Pier Fees In Split 'Ballot ( DAILY PILOT * * * 1oc * * * TUESDAY 'AFTERNOON, OCTOBER '14, 1969 VOL. ,?, NO. lU, J SECTIONS, l ' PAGES :• I " . , J Brea ' .. : . ~· . ' • , ... .. ' ,. ; ,I " ·-· Wi11s Beach Brawl ·Clue Sought Mystery Girl Witness • Melee, Shooting Ut A 111ys trry girl -innocrnlly \V<lrned 111,t lo lc:u1 t1g;11nsl a greasc·Srnc:1rcd old lruck and soi l hrr clothes -\\'as ap- p<ircntly the spark that. ignited violence whirh left one m:in shot and \1\"0 jailed , lluntington Bench police indicated lo<lily, Authorities arc searching for !he unidentified girl as a key witness in the rnclcr "'hich erupted outside the Cave, a <l i:>cothcque ;!nd b<1r lll l3e:1ch Boulevard ;ind Adcinis A1•cnuc early Sunday n1orn- ing. Arr,1lgn1ncnl 1\'as scheduled today for 'Fon1my \V, Thompson, 22, of 5772 Garden (Jrovc Boulevard. \\lestininslcr, and Their.as \Valkins. 22, of Carden Grove, on three separate charges each. , Soughl initially on charges or assault '''ith intent to co1nmit murder, the pair 1(.-.~ axresJed by, Fo4ntain Valley PQli~. l!:irly f.1onday morning and booked on ftirther charges nf carrying a concealed 'rear.on and posses sion of a dangerous drug. A quantity of hashish -~xtracted from tire flowering tops or 1narijuana plants- plus a .22 callbcr pistol believed linked to th e shooting of Cr:1ig Gilmore, 19, ""l!re found in the car, police allege. Gilmore, o( Hul)lington Beach, is reported in satisfactory condition today al, l;lul)ljng_l:W\.)ntcrco1nmunity HospilaJ. under treath1Cnt for a .22 caliber-buOe t \Yound in the stomach And hand. Dcleclive Donald Jenkins, 1\'ho in- (Stc GIRL, Page 2J Ne1vport Council Bn cl.:s Tidelands .tissess 1n enl Plan St11cle11ts at F 0111~ Colleges 011 Coast Eye Mo1·ato1·iu111 l\y .JEH0,\11-: .... COl.Ll:'\S 01 lhft D•oly P•IOI S!•fl G1·011ps 0r students in at least four Orange Coast area colleges \.,. i I J ,\ plrin tn in1rnsc lldl'lands use fees l)articipale in \Vcdncsay's nation .... ·ide :iga inst thousands of i\rwporl Harbor inoratoriurn agains: the Vietnam war. p1rr owners remains arJoal tOOay at . The Orange Counly Peace and tluman Newport Beach City Hall. Rights Council ·will hold a memorial City councilmen, ~fter hearing scores serVicc al 7 o"clock tonight al the Hun- lington Beach Pier and the Unitarian of boat owners speak against the proJXl~I UntvCrsalist Cliu rch--in Costa ··Mei1a wwill ;ind one speak for it, voled 4 to 3 Monday he OJlCn froni 9 a.m. to 6.p.m. Wedne~ay night lo direct preparation of the re· for discussion of programs for peace. qui red ordinance. The approval was not final. Councilnian -At Ur. Irvine antiwar sludenlS will Robert She lton . whose ballot kept the r ut classes to attend protest lectures and controversial issue alive, said he wanted hold a memorial service (or war dead. more time to think about it. · -Antiwar -students at Orange Coast But he conceded that he can't sha ke College wlll hold a -sy mbolic march himseH from the principle involved. That across the campus. \1·crc to be firmed up in A nlcCling thi.'J ;iftcrncx:rn. A lime hadn "t. vet been srt for ;1 Vietnan1 dead me1nor.1a l se rvi ce bu t· disc1•~sion groups on the "A'ar arc schedul- ed from 10 a.m. to noon \\"ednesUay and a rally at 12:30 p.m. A march on a war in - dustry plant has been called off. · Russ Spacesliips Dock in Orbit, Start Training f I;e~s Club Pie~ N,etv Queen ' . . principle, as the council majority views · -A five-hour program of s peakers is it, is the right o( lhe general public to ex-planned at Golden West College. ,_ .~t·~e ~9~fj-~ J!,Oifl ,lhe exc.lusive -~nd al South~ Cal_ifornla College in spar::hips Soyuz 7 and Soyuz 8 today MOSCOW (UPI) -The two Sovlet , privale uAe"orpu1ffic·11ifel!irfd s.'"''"" · ~' 'Cosf8·~1e1ll-"!illldet"Jt9'o'wii)...hMd-<'*l,.eaNr ---dockcd•ifl'·-Orbit and are-continuing their A 19-year-old beauty queen rrom !Jrc:t t.1iss Flory. 17., the . CU!"rcn t, t.lis~. As a result of the counc il's action.\ IW!) momin1 vigil to pray for peace. joint flight, i.nformed space sources "'iii rule over the -Orlltl~ ~oonty JJrcsli ·'MCnnaid of· COstrJ l'wfesa. ~w~:n&med" ~ii ii· r:iorc ~ublic hearings will be held A 'T'hc:. ' The de~ 1of stu_d~~ts at Saddlcback repo:1ed. A Lltird sp<iceship, SOyui 6, was Club as Miss one~ du1"~J970, ner ·tip~ ~ti ss ·11atisOn took tAird: spoi. -init. first will be on Oct. 27; the second, 1~ovl College said no act1v1t1e:; arc planned al flying nearby. An Eta ' G · h.::;i !J66.69M' h 'f'";l " · ' -·."• ·::;~'J)O. i.: tfialcarnpus, . n _ yne rj!.~$1as, l "~-•. · .~ss: • 1,.e _in.a .~ ' ~. ~, : ~ '" .. : ", -~'..! Barring a switch in the cotincil ~ign' 1 A cou nter protest is planned with a Jr,(ormed sources had p[edicted earlier Dre&, was t~ ctio-x;e of_ <t c~eb.rit)';slU(i-. : ~1,1~-.,.~orr~~a.,h!~n~-'$l~y,e~ _111 · _;~rnent, the ordinance will be for_lflall~ group of unidenlified persons anonymous-the two spacecraft woukl carry out dock- ded paOeJ ·of fiVe-'Judgesl l\tbnday ..n\~t :.; 1u1glo~,l~ch ·,glrl~4Yit.,¥filha. _ :<n"'doptcd at the Nov. 10 meeting. ~ -1 ly announcing they will assemble al the inJ maneuvers and t.hat the third would after nine fcontestants paraded~ in tlJCir ;trodlt1onal~~~lafion PJ1~~;h.~~,~~ .. -Y, :J., Those voting wit.h Shelton -and -mor~ home 01 UCI Cha ncellor Daniel Aldrich to P:Crr~rm e~rimenti Jn space.welding in s'ilt·im Mis nd ronnal gowns on· 1i.r. .t <llu':>' 't'm~ ., ..zote4l -,-~ '1!11 1 ·~ 1 '~irm\y-committcd to the pro~l· Ian ~ tel l him •·ww.t-they think amt all that· 00~ of evenLual construction ot a flying . a .. , · 7· ~ct'o~cn1'· hu~ ... ~'.!.-.1., ·.r:·', •ii for each foot of boal slip -\vei'~ stuff going on torrioriow." space station , s!age of Ulc Grand Rotcl s\Orf Broadwtt y 1.J~_dges included t.-Tts, l1f'OY .tJ\eetft;i ·£fayor Doreen Marshall, Vice ~1ayo~ Tt\e group calls it.self TIRED (Tax~ \Vest lhea~r in Anaheim. t Lowe' of Ne~w~rt ~ac.,;¥_t~~!(lon Hall '~ :Lindsley Parsons and Counciln1a n Paul ·~, p:tyer11 Indignant about Jtadical:; In to 1;!"aev!o~::V':ct s:!da~!~~it~I~~~;:~~';,! But tbe"J>c;ncil ilHing jud s·tfiad tO..cilJt :and ~;by_ · l=~·ito{ [I~~. g., . flj).l' Gruber . ~; F.tlucalion), according to n telephone during the llnkup.mancuver. back lour ~ntendtts _ t. s"':ramffiat; !f~rnc ... ~~. . 1 0. '. , 1 • .' Voting against the pier tax were Cou. tipster. Do I ' . . r-' , , , ''"'~ rtiasl:er· dr~monl'is. ik· co. -<'ilmen £d llirth Howard n oger!I' a t UC Irvine's war prote s t act ivities Tass news reports tok:I only or the· three M U F ory of 11.untinglon each. Kathy lcctcd by ~1iss Grnn1mas included the nonalrt A. l\1clnni~. They wanted i0·4abie <'rem' P,.actic~ ii'i m·anual handling o( ll'le Jlanson of Anaheim and Pe~gy ll.ya n of ,.0~1 free use or a new automobile for her II · · d ,. ·1 I , .1. ships and various tesls.·One r.....,,.rt said S ta' A bcf II " lh ' I' I ... . . lC ISSUC 1n c 1n1 e y. ~ t• • • . . "I"' • an , na-ore icy n1auc ctr ina year in office. "Sometimes,'' said llirth al.~lhe ,..._.'-'It , , . to> .. , ' • -they...1were..m9"Ylg"ifje!M..~pe)lttifntB;'1n 5eleclion. l\liss Gra~. . currentl}'i.a sopllOR'lore• •of· i~~~hobr' h~8t idg,:.•1t 1akcl "lot 'hi ' :]Ji/ ()llF." OlV ~"C ff.'r(St"J 1 · p~t~raplty. map makliw and methco. . ,, , t.ugli/lt .111". ,1~.Ci,,1~!!Le_..f,~l!l'[JOIJ., .,lll!f'J.iQ "-ci/t!!&~l'.~_l!l.IDi!J!!.''. ¥ . r -biological r"'earch. F 1neasur~s. 37-3-':1"4. S~e enJtiY! ?fflitl1fi7 --HlS';llif'thc fin'~·~ _k_s81' ,,...,..~~~~~,..r~D'AlJ...\I' .. ~ .JlJ-~.~l<ife hl\i:'.C~ .. IJ\.81\Y. 111en.~.'l', ~ranee Official ]{0111 c li11g. writing and skating, woul~ hke to be ~lad chanced his ~ind on maJ_or pohl1c'I .r1LOT.fin anclal corumnist Sylvia Porter. ln !lpace .at ~nee, oibltln~g !he ea•evefyi MOSCOW (UPI) -Forcif.':n r.tinislcr f\laurice Schumann or France left i\loscow today for Paris. ending a fi vc- day visit to the Soviet Union. :i nindel and, eventually, a high sch_ool 1.~~ues 162 \lmcs, Hirth looked 1n Shelton.s analyzing the economy of 1969 in light of 89 n1!nute!l 1n three vehicles. . lrach('r .. She I.~ a former Glenda!~ High fiir~lion as he spoke. 1ffu lllock market cra!".h and \fOrld The news agency ~aid the flight rom- ::ichool hOmccom1ng queen and has ~ap.-After all lhc speakers Jn the overflow dtiircsslon or 1929 apPearll today on mnndcr, Col. Vladimir Shatalov, put hi~ turrrl ~evrra! loc:il ~auly contests since crov.'d \vrrt hcarrl, She lton look ootc o( Pap;e. ::i. ' men through brief phy~ica l e~ams this tnoving to Orange County , (Stt TIDELANDS, Page!) '• (Ste SPACE, Page!) ' ' ~ '• 'I • " l I B·ullet P.asses J Through Car; ( Ma1i Sought · A street corner sniper who shot a liulJ" 1inglon Beach youth -his life possibly s:ived by the slug's p;issage through a car 1loor -was sought by Long Beach pallet today. • flubcn \V. Lucero. 19. of 16071 r.ti1lo~ L:inr, escaped serious injury ~hCfl 1110u11dcd in the side while he and a eonl-- panion drove through the do1vnlown :irea. l,u~ec.o. was. rcJ!Qrli;.d in ~{\ood ._cp~qi_ti~ loday al Long Beach f.tcn1orial llospital,. t.;eilhC'r he nnr the dri ver, Rich Slater. l!l, could offer an y rxplanalion for Uk ~11ipir)g incident shnr!ly b~forc 111"1dnight. ll 111 Lucero said he thinks he saw thf ;1~s;1ilant . Ile said a tall 1nan .~1arid1ni:: at tbr coi-- nt r of Hroad11;1y <1nrl Long Bc;1cfl fltJUlr\ ard point rd \\hat appeared to he a pi~tol al the car .1s the you1hs pttsscd by. Tt1r slug. ll'hi ch 1nvcc;tigntoi-s s;iid a ~ pcarcd to be from a .4~ c;;l iber aul on1att: pistol, crashed thro111;h the car door at 11s in1pacl \Yas consi derably lessened. Thr driver continued on, pulling inloif service sla linn at Broa d\1'ay a n):I Alamitos Avenue, where police were caQ. t•d lO'" rcpoft· th""e--MioOt:ffif.--· --· ~ Witnesses ·contacted .at ~the-scc11c afl.<:,r S\:.1er and Lucero '""7 "'ho said they weft: nol totally certain il \l'as an int e.ntion•I sniping -told o( Stting a l:tll man ~~ frt•m the street comer al the time. Orange "' Coast ' I . 1l'eaQler 'Vcsterly wind s vlill \Vhip up sonic wild weather \Vcdne5<l~y • the Wisc old weatherman we- ports -ah, reports, OthcrwisC, it'll be mostly su nny wilh some n1orning low clouds. ., • INSIDE TODAY ' ' ·\ UC lrvi11e ha.If its /ii-st assis· , lant chancellor jor co n1p1tter :l proorammhty 11!1 t/lr universitu doubles its co1npuli11g OJ')t"Ya-i tio-11!. Page 8. : -. . ·-\ ~ -' c•rfirl" · · · 1• ~M''"'' • • Cl•11fftloll ft•tl MlllUI '"""'' ' lt I Ctm!CI It NU ..... I IOlewo 1·1 ; c ....... ,.. ' o ...... C-tr • J 0.1111 Ntll<ll I ~yl .. 1• Pft'Wr I ' Dl..Orqo , • • ,lllOrll , l••ll 'I hlfti~ll• """"' ~· ,, __ '""'" ....... ~ Tl-11 5ftler1tk'llt\e!U f • TtlWlllM It Fli!ffct 1 .. 11 T .... 19" t MortHtlPI' II Wtl.,,., I t Mii \.fllfffl ll Ol9ol11 Wlll!f 1• , M•lln• ' ... , ... Ntw1 • I I Mll'rl ... Lkt111n I w-. N"" IJ-11 Mfttloltt I ! , • • • ----·-------~-------~------------~----------------------------------------------- Z DAILY PILOT s TUtsday, October 14, 1%q Recall Chief Confident Carpe11te_r Denies A lien Ouster F~iling- Rttall spok~man Paul (aryw'rih•r dtn1ed Monday U1at the movl'ment aimed ii the unseating 0£ Orange County Fifth l)btricl Supervisor Alton E. Allen is no ldnger lxing actively pursued by i\3 undercover organizers. i-ht Cypress Democ rat squelched reports that the campaign is 1n trouble with the comment that .. 3.000 signatures are in thf' bag and \\'e're sure to get the other 6,748 \1·e need 10 put the recall on tbt-books." 2Carpenter noted a month ago that lhe drive had produced 2,800 sign atures of fifth Dis trict \'oters. It would appear, by his calculations, lht voters are flocking to Indians the banner nf the unkri-Own t'f1t'ld1date at the rate of 50 a week . Carpenter, an unsuccessful candidate for Congress and Assembly lloe.als jn past Orange County electiOll!, told the DAlL Y PILOT that persistent reports of the im- pending demise of Uie recall campaign "·ere •·rumors and certainly not based on any facts. "Our peLilion v.·orkers are doing a tremendous job,'' he said. ''\\'e are \'eTY pleased with their efforts and ,1·e are con- ficlen1 that we will have the signatUTes "·e need Joog ~fore the March deadline ," Carpenter again refused to identify the potential candidate for Allen's seal and s~alped? On Warpath Ove r Fairgrounds Fee By ARTllUR R. \'lNSEL 0t "'" Doily P'll•I Slril The Indians are coming lo Costa ?ilesa, but they're on lhe warpath over $5,000 in wampum requirffi for reservation of the Orange County Fairgrounds for a two- day benefit festival. They believe they are getting scalped. Executives of !he 32nd District Agricultural Association <.i:iuld not be reached at the fairgrounds for comment Mooday because of a legal holiday com- memorating Oct. 12, 1492, 1vhen it all began for the Indians. Columbus arrh·ed on the scene and it's been a hassle for the Red ~1an ever since. One chieftain in1·ol\'ed in the staging of All American Indian Y.'eek, Oct. 18 and 19, has written to the Great \\fhite Father fn Sacramento, however, plus thref leg- islators, seeking help. Gov . Ronald Reagan was never loo cor· di.ii to lhe Indians in his role as a cowboy acior before turning politician, but Indian leader N ob 1 e "Kid" Chlssell, of Los Angeles, has intereste<f one influential party. Sen. George E. Danielson (0-Los Angeles) has Wlilten to fair Board President Cecil J. Marks suggesting a change in the rental slrUcture to make it easier on the Indians. "I have been advised 1hal the fee •.• $.jJlOO for the lwo da~·s, is substantially i;;reater than that ""'hlch you charge other civic organizations for the use of facilities:" Danielson "'rote . "Considering lhe nature of the event and the great heritage ""hich "·e owe to the oiginal Americans, I hope that you ,1·ill reconsider ••. ,'' the Los Angeles County legislator continued. Chissell, howeve.r. "'as a bit more b\unl Jn his letter to Gov. Reagan. a ropy of "'hich inspired Sen . Danielson to offer the Fair Board a note in behalf of the Indians. "Once again the Indians arc being taken advantage or -by the 32nd J)istrict Agricultural Association .•. for their All American Indian \l.'ee k and off· reservation fund show," he angrily charges. The pageant expected lo d r a w thousands of participants and spectators to Crista r.tesa provides money for Indian self-help programs off the reservations, scho!_,l s, college schola rships and the like , since federal aid is restricted lo reserva· tions. "Seem!i: that thos e \vho burn, loot and riot are the onts who get the help, but the proud Indian, \\'ho wants to y.·Jn by qualification and behaves himself is al1'·ays being taken advantage of by the hypocrites and bleeding hearts 1vho pr1J- fe ss to \Vant to do something for the minority groups," Chissell told the governor. ''But only those who agitate," he <:on· lin ued, saying the Fair Board's ~5 ,000 ra1e is discriminating. "They have allo"·ed the Junior Chain· ber of Con1merce and the Boy Scouts to use the Fairgrounds; for a token pay- ment," 'he rontinued. A spokesman for the Orange Empire Council of the Boy Scouts of Americ a said r.tonday their rental rate for a re· cent Scout-O·Ram a ~·as "$2,340 for one day. but they handled their own cleanup cost~. Rased on the rate c-harged the Indians, this "·orks: out to $4,780, "•hi!e the rate ch<>rged the Jaycees was less than $200 for use of a bare section of parking lot for a S"\Vap meet. Chissell said another nonprofit Indian bctlrrmt!nl organi7.alion "'as charged four times the rate for a 1967 dairymen's convention and rodeo at the Los Angeles Western Showgrounds. "We are hoping you can do so1ntbln g ti) correct this injustice this time, as we \vent in the hole last time," Chisscll con· eluded. Smog Control Cou11cil Says Beacl1 'Wl1ere Actio11 Is' By JACK BROBACK Of tht 01!1y P'l'-1 Sr-19 The state·~ Environmental Quality SLudy Council \\'ill meet in Huntington Beach Thursday morning "because \\'ego "'her~ the act.ion is."' Council Chainnan David L. Baker said today. The "action" ls obviously the local Southern California Edison Company ~team generallng plant on Pacific Coast Highway, a facility y.•hich the company has announced "·ill triple in capacity. 1111' environmental council w a~ ('Stablished by the Stale Ugis!aturr in 1968 for a lwiryear period and charged "'ith ';developing long range goals and making plans,. to improve the quality of th.: ph}'sica l environment of California y.·hile no decision 1.1·ill be made by the council Thursday, after an all.day hear· DAILY PILOl ........................... 11 ~..... ,...,... ''!"kT c-.- CALIPOl.NIA Oll.W'IGI (o,\51 1'\11.L.ISMtNO (0M"•'-'IY lt•1"rt N. W11d • ..-.. ... l"Vlllllf91 J1clr R.. C-l•'f' va.,_..,.,.-~., Iii•~•"' n-·· 11: .... il .. w Tho1111• A. M•.,lil11e ~l11t1£tli.J -(•It-.: UI _,hr 11,..r'! ..._... ._,,, m1 "'"I h-.... -.. Lt9<IN lffcll: m ,_,, .. _ "...,.,....,, .... : -""' ...... CAIL'I' PrL.01 .... 1111 *"ICfl • ~ - ............... it -It-•In> ~ -.. y Ill -··-R l0 ..... for" C.!e .,., .. _., '-"'-l-•...:to. .. .,...._ •Md> -,._, .... ¥ .. lo,. ·-•"" -... -.-11-<>nnte C..• ~~ (-... "" ............... 1111 .... •·-""'· _..,,..., '"tfl. """" m WU• a., ......_ ( .. ,. llAIM. !:::: l7141 .. , .. ,21 Cl Mttlfl•r I '42·1471 ~ ............ Or-c...a. .......... i.. ,_,.,, • -_..., ~r111tm. "'l•W --• ..... "!-•• ,_...,.. .... ? ............................... -------· lee-(-...... MW"~ ... ct. "°'4 c.ie ...,,.., c. ......... ""totvi.11 ... b a .. w RM _..,,.1 'T-" u.• n••11t11,. ftllllltrt •11Mt-. Jl.11 -1111~. r • inf:, the group is charged \\'ith makin,e: a progress report early next year to the governor and legislature. Baker cmphasizrd that Thursdav·s srs~ion is not specifically directed at ihc hK:al p1Jnl. Representalives or the Edison Com· p.iny, San lJ1ego (;as and Electrjc, the Los Angeles Departn1ent of Light and Power and The Pacifi c Gas and Electric Co1n pany of northern Calilorrua 11·i!J be on hand to testify. Bui following t:losely on the heels of Tl1ursday's hearing \rill be an Orange (,"ounly Board of Suµrrvisors publlc he11r- 1ni,: on the local Edison plant. That session is expected to produce lire11·orks orer lhe dispute between \\'illiam Filchen, county air pollution con· trul officer and Edison officials over the amount or pollutants the plant no1v tl1rusts into the loca l atmosphere and ho1v much i!s expansion prograin "'ill add to lhe pollution. Adding interest lo Thursday's session 1ril! be the appearance of Assembl yman John V. Brfggs !R·Fullcrton) 11·ho is chairman of the legislature's Joint Com· rnittcc on Ato1nic Development and Space. Briggs says there is a need for nuclear energy po\\·er plants in California. "This comm ittee is the only state group 1noving ahead to develop power sources for ap exploding population and r c I ate d technical expansion." Quake Shakes Vp San Diego Area SAN DIEGO (AP) -/\. ligtit earth· Quake shoook a wide section of Southern California today. A women said "it felt like a sonic boom." The tremor hit at 6:20 a .m. and lasted <10 seconds, a seismologist at San Diego State College said . California Institute of Technology al Pasadena said it registered about 4, too light for 5erious damage, on the Richter scale. No aftershock \.\'as f!'lt, but persons from Escondido south almost lo r.1exico =ind v.·est to the coastal cities ft'lephoned newspapers and sherif1°s officers to report H. "It knocked o~·er my barbecue :;ct. an d broke one of the legs," said Lillian Dougherty in La Mesa. ag;iin declined lo slalt" ~·ho is fin<onting a campaign that wlJI, oo conser\'ative estimates. cost someone $30,000. lloth he aOd Anthony Tarantino of 'San Clemente, the self·styled s cu 1 pt or . desig~r who announced the can1pa1gn two months ago. have persistently refus- ed to divulge this information. Tarantino, 451 Calle Miguel, has not been available For comment for the past three weeks. He could not be contacted by a DAILY PlLCYl' reporter ?.fonday. Aller. has annonnced that he wilt again be a candidate for the F ifth Oistrlt t scat under any circumstances, "recall or olherv.'ise." Tropical Storm Perils Atlantic Coastal Cites t.llA.\il (UPI) -Tropical Storm Kara aimed its SO.mile-an-hour winds at Cape J{atteras, N.C., today and \vealhermen warned the storm could skim the coast and head north, threatening poinls as far away as Cape Cod. ''Kara is expected to reach the coastline near Cape Hallcras tonighl about 9 p.m. EDT and proceed on a northeastward course back out to sea \\'ednesday, paralleling the coastline as. far north as Cape Cod .'' the National Hurricane Center said at noon . The cl'tlter said top wind s were 60 miles an hour, but the system could sup- port greater intensity. '•!\Iaximum "'inds 1nay approach hurricane force over a small area," rorecasters said. The center issued gale 1rarnings for the NorU1 Carolina coast from illorchead City to Oregon Inlet , •'Jn the area of 1vaming ... storm tides of four to flve feet above nonna! may be e.~pected and the center will reach the coastline near time of high tlde,'' forecasters ~aid. Small crafl \1'arnings "'ere iss ued for the coast fr om Cape Cod to ('har!eston s.c. ' At noon Kara was located ne ar latitude 32.9 north. l'ro1n Page J SPACE ... 1norning and lhen conducted a session oi .,,,·armup exercises. "Shatalov reported that after the night rest, the cosmonauts arc feeling fine." T;u;s said. •·The costnon:iuts ·started fulfilling the progran1 of the regular dily ol the flight.·· ThC'ir mission is a ~er ies of l'X· prrimcnts, possibly in\"olving space11'.:JIJ.:. ing. to iron out the probl ems fa cing man ln establishing an earth-orbiting space plalforn1 in building a sta:lrway into :·pace. By 8.30 a.in. r.1osco1v time, the three· m3n Soyuz 6 capsule had completed 4:J orLits, th:-twirman Soyuz 7 had done 29 and the t11.'a..man Soyuz 8 had finished 13 following its launching ~·londay_ . P.:irt of the cosmonauts' mission 1va5 1{1 ~nap pictures of earth 11·hich So1·ict S<"H'n· list.;; said could prul"i de thrn1 1r1t h bel tr r data on fish n101·e1nents, <ll"<.::tJ(' 1tr llocs <ind soil cond1\lons. "'fhe. progr am "-ill be fullflled t'ont· pl etrly excellently and irnpt'rr·;1bl~· ·• !'.h;J lalu1· radioed ~l onday night lJrf•irr his 111vn bl'ddcd (lnwn . ·rhere "·as no nffi ci:1l 11 1.1·(! 1 ·1 1 '·''·iv 11 h:i.t !he 111iss1o n 11·ould ent:i d_ .\ll I.I!' cn~monauls arc tr:iined in sp:1c('11 al \..11'g and Soyuz 6 c;irrir.<; 11·eldin~ eqt11 pn 11·111, 1:-ad.ng ln thr conclusion Iha! t11u uf thr ('apsulcs could be connrcted 1n spacl' A'.cxei Yclisevc1-. Shatalo\'·s c11·11i;1•1 ~!iip1nale aboard Soyuz 8, said in ;l t;q1r(i television interl"lc1v i\1 ondav thnt thc·re 11 nu;ct be no transfer of {'rCws frotn rir"le 1·ehlcle to another as 11·as fl one in the Soviets' last manned fligh t in Januar~'· Burn Victii11 , 59, Still Cl'itical llospital officials today reported lhal burn victim Daniel 0 . Garcia. 59, nf 78!!'2 Aldrich SL, Huntington Beach, rrrnains in critical condition at Orange County fllcdica l Center . Garcia 1.1·as trapped inside th(' c<1h 1)£ his burning pickup truck Sunday fol low· ing a collision 11·ilh another automobile at Broo khurst and r.tcF'adden streets in \\lestminstcr. Nine other persons. ol! passl'nJ;rrs in t'.1e Garcia vehicle, 11'cre also injured in the accident. t;5 'Cl/ANGED' INTO 5288 TllEl"T \\"hile the liquor slore clerk was helpin~ ()ne n1an pick up "his change scattered on the floor. another "'as apparently helping tiin1seH to the cash register. Laguna Beach poliet said today ti1 is "'3!! apparently the routine used to distracl cler k Ben ~111d ison al Gill's Li· quor. 2i8 Broadway Sunday. 1'\'0 nien entered. One dropped ~~ in change. \Vhll e r.tadison "'a~ helping rttriel'c it. the other suspect s-coopcrl up S2Vl. The ca.~h discrepant·y 1v as discol'('rcd 1\lond;1y, police s;:ikL ' --------- t • ' . -' • -, • I MEMBERS OF THIRD M~RINE REGIMENT FILE OFF PLANE AT EL TORO AIR sTA'-f1'Qr.r Phor• Flags, Band Music, Joyful Families and • Le•der'1 Declaration of Victory 'We Won Our Share' F1·om l'age l Marine General Claims TIDELA NDS • • • Hirth's statement. Victory in Vietnam War "Sometimes," said ~helton, "lt take.~ more courage not to change your mind." He pointed out that ''even my wife doesn't lhink this is a good irlea ." Hogcrs swnmed u11 ll1c 1.:ouncil The assistant commandant of the U.S. r.1aru1e Corps told troops ju st returned froin Vietnam to El Toro r..ICAS t.1ondc>y !hal they 1,1•on their share of the war. of tl1c war. Gen. Le11·is \V . \\'alt de clared victory <IS far as the first contingent 9f 250 men (If the Third ~1arinc Regitnrnt. -thr. first Lc<.ilherncck unil brought tiornc by Pres1· dt·nt i\lx on -Ls cor1cerned. .. Yoll ha1c defeated the rnemy ln Ins own war,'' ~aid Gen. \Valt during 11·el· corne-home cere monies at the air station. ..You ha ve gi1·en the South Vietnamese people a frl'cd om, a new n·ay of life ..• you ha1·e he lped lhern to ha ve f~1ith 1n tlieir loca l government." lhe Corps' second·in-com1nand said. He \vas joined al lhe cercinony featur. Ing 1raving flags, blaring band inusir and thC" joy of rnothers. lather<;, 11·il'es and d11ldre11 greeting th eir nlen <1gcin, !)y Teacher· Tl'11 ~t cc Conf ronta,tion Slated in Bcaeh Anulher cn11[ro11tatin11 (/\er ~11larit''> hl'lll'ee11 te;i<.:l1er.. rof the I lu11tu1g1ou Beach Cruu n High Sehi.o l Dlslritt <11HJ <l1strirt trustees appears likely to11lgl1 t. Scheduled /or approl'al by trustees ;1l their n1eeting tonight is a l\\'o perce nt ~alary increase n1adc po<;S1blr throu~h Ilic influx O[ ;JdditionaJ fu11ds Ul\O the distri er s bank account. Teachers, l1o"·cvcr, ;ire n11t rl·ady lo acccpl that boo~l , C:irl J\1Hn('n1 lllln , prl'~ldfllt rof \he Dlstr il't EdlH':it.irs A~~or 1;iil11n !f)C AJ. 11·h1eh rf'prt'~enled lt•:Jl l1r·r~ dunng l~l~l :-p1'1!1J;°" 11.1~r· d1~r\11+'. 4·;,nt•·r,,1~ tlia1 tlu· fll!CSL1•1n !lf ;1 b<)OSt \'.;JS fir~\ t() h;l\'l' IX'Cll J'l'I i(•11 C'd by J thn •c-111crn!wr panel. .. 1'11!' board prninl~t·d 1.1 h<1lrl orr on !111..; \lnld ·"''111<' :q.:r1'f'111<'nt lltid t"''''"I rf'n1·l11·d · -i.111rl ~l ancrnunn. ••\\"c 11·l'rt·11·1 rcatlv ll•r tl\;il ~ r1 ,. · 1\t·1'0rcl 1ng In tl1r Ill :\ rl"P '!r!c•11!, lilt• peitil'I. 10 br ('flrnpo<4•\i •II ;1n :id· n11ni.'i!r:i\1fHl r\ prr~\'1\1 .1\1 1 r. ,, tr"1r:h1•r n ·pr L·~1·rt<i1 11c ;1rH I n 1h11'!t 11\l'l!lh•·r 111111u.11iy ;:1grel•d up•rn 11 :)'; 111 ha 1c 111..: boo~t 11 urkl'd 1111! !i1·f(11·r 11ppr 1•1 ,11 b~· till' lfllf,tees. YOUR WATCH'\:. ,T11h f'! \\I, \l'arner, unde rsecretary of the ~-al'y. \\';1rncr told the rc.turnees that Lhere is 1nuch dissent in this country. but insisted 1h:i1 Lhe rnajority of An1ericans are proud llf 11·haL they and their buddies "'ho caine l!oine in <:i.l skets ha11e don!'. Ile added that the fact thev have been rr1.:allCtl to the U.S. is ind.icativc !Ital P1csident Nixon is lrying to end the Viet· n:i1n hostilities. Th11 rc1naindcr of the I ,2QO..man regi· nlt nt. 11·hich has been stationed overseas f11r the past 16 years and \Viii no1v be bas- ed at Camp Pendleton-is due back lat!'r !hi s month. Leaves of 20 da ys' dura1ion are being gi ven 10 the returned r-.l ari nes. 11·hilc :-ornc arc finished "'ilh the ir service and 1',ill be released to civilian life , l·'ro111 Page 1 GIRL ... 1rrvi'e11·ed Gilmore, said 11·hile there n1ight have been some underlying <Jn· t<.igonisrn, the mystery girl apparently t riggered the violence. (;ilmore told authorities the girl leaned against his old truck. used for hauling auto <'n gines. about 3:30 a.m. Sund::iy out~idC' the Cave. in the parking lot. lie 11·arned her not to lean then~. Sereral persons were present. including !we n1en with v.·hom Gihnore and three of his own con1panions tangled inside l11c night spot abou t I a.m., only to be st•p;irulcd by the bouncer. Faci ng each other again 11·i1hin 1hr ee hour~. police said. the l"'O oulnun1bered l:il'rrn custorncrs pulled guns, one a .22 caliber pistol and the other a BB air gun. Perb;ip s unfortuna tely. authorities t•x· pl;iincd. Gilmore jL1mped the 1nan with !111.' rclnlively hannlcss 11•eapon and was .~ht1t by the other. 1rhom he has 1dcntlf1ed ;is 11.ll!k ins. Detr.c\i\·es said at th<it point Ille 1hrce rl'n1zuning bystanders were thre atened 1·.ith dt•atll and they ~ca ttered . as 1he 1,rt1ndcd Gilmore stumbled to a nearby .~rr 11ec. station for help. OJH' D<i1 sy air p1s1ol "'flS round !hro11•u :111·tiv near 1hc scene of the shoo ting and pnl1L"E ttlv rt£·d 111 :u1 area-1\•ide broa dc<l sl rc·rug1111td \\'atkln~ and Thl)tnpson 11·hen lhr'· 11cre ~!oppt•d 1n Fountain \'alle~· lh\<'t;lJg<Hors s;11d the car was pulled 111 e:r because the license pl ale light was 1nl.lpcral1\'t'. but officers realized they \1 Cre wanted in the n1urder attcn1pt case . 'i'o1'r Omr(lfl Sale11 t. Sri·1;irl' Agc nry mir.ority's stand . "l ow11 no 11'illcrfront properfy, 1 llve inl<ind, and yet I consider myself very definitely a full be11e!lciar~ or tidelands use by pier 0111ners. l don't Jeel the waterfront people owe me any reparations. The coun!y's lax assessm('nt pr<i ttites lake care of lh;.iL" S'peaker after speaker, :-.0111e using ch;irts •111<! graph~. tm ph<i~itcd the same polnt. T1dl'la nds u~c f£'('S 1ve re already being c:illcc ted, in effect, through higher laxes on waterfront properties. lhey said. AR\tED \VITI! CHARTS Boatyard 011•ner Blackie Gadarla:i showed up armed with !he hcal'iest col- lec tion of charts. Hand·made on large sl1ects of cardboard. Lhey illustrated pier 0>1•ners contributions to harbor dcl'elop- ment through the yrars. Cadaririo insisted thr city 1ra s 1\iro11g i; i~ fel t thr gcncr<il public alone hail rte\1eloped the h;irbor_ lie s:ud wat erf ront prope rly 01vncrs had dredged out their 01vn channl'ls, built their (l"'n bulkhead~ and kepi their bcat·hcs and 11·atcrs cle1111 al a considerable savings or cost to the {'i1y . Former c0uncd n1en Harvev SomPr.~ and Dee Cook also spoke out a·gainst the plan. "1£ you need more money to administe~ the tidelands," said Somers ... you shoold- 1ncrcase the property tax rate and make everyone pay for 1L," i\0!1 ng that 89 letters of protest ti;;!; been sent the counci l <ind that about 1511 people \.\·ere packrd into the cou ncil {'h<i1nbcrs that night , So1ners !old cour:· cilrnen : !\OT 111\R:'IJFUL ··vou represent \he peop le, and lhe peo· pie don·t want tl11 s." Cook . spc<iking as president nr !ht Corona del il·lar Chninber of Co mmerce. said his "inland" organitalion opposec: tideland s fres hecause the t·1ty's pa~'. 1>0hcy of charging no fees hud not been pro1'e~ a h:irn1ful policy. The council tnilJOrity found su ppor f1'un1 an unlikelv S\1ttr~c -l\a!OO;i !s!an 1 realtor Har1·ey ·o. Pr:i ~l'. Pt·ase. is ;-. long·t1n11· lot• of counc1~ policies on 1'ariou:;-1ssi1 P~,. 111e!urling tht. 1ssua nl'C of pier pC'r11111, In 1r<ilerfron· praprr1.y 011·ncri; f1nl~'. Earlit·r this )'Ca .. Pe:ise thrc·a tt,1rrrt In ~11e the cit1 hec;11J ~f' hl· w;)~ d1•nl!'d ;i 111rr pcrnlit . !!··· !11 t"' 1nlnnd t\11 t11e 1 ~l:irirl "If ~·011 111!hdr nw lilt• 11.'-<' or puli li tidrlan\ls lron1 '111 111<' 1)('1iplc .ind allow 1· to be used extlus11clv hv 11tH' f111zen:· h1.. snid, ••tl1a11 11 h rP;1:i:U11<1.hlt• to expect ihal tllil! 11sc :.houli.J be p;iiJ for " ~ .. ~ . . ~ . '' 0 OMEGA --· T111<r llf•y..,. Frlft'I' •"-·111 • • C:l•1n•d • Oiltd • Adj111led l'EARlS Rl·STRUNG ,,,.,,, $2.00 T~• ••rv ''"'• Om,q• s~~fd ri>11hr Wi it~ Wt c1rry ""'' 1tl•cttd wi•h· oul ~nv modif;c1tion bl' NASA lo bo worn by nvc m•n en I~• moon. T~i1 r1co9niloon, J.uly 1 to• w • r d f o • ••ct lltn<•. ma~u ~· ptcud le 1,. vou• •u•hoii11d Om•q• i•"'tlu. Com t in -•~• th;, h1nd10"''· 1 butlo.,, -t d:t l, Omtgo Spt1dm••· tu chrono gt •P~• Tht onl1 '"•le~ "'crn bv •ht "'"" on +\,. moon. Pri tt Sl,5. from s4aa Chrono1r1ph & Stll· ~iodtrt 11ighU J hightr! RINGS $3 00 S111D. fre• • ------- DIAMONDS $6 00 lll'U.ClD, ffo111 • fNGl.t.VING DONE WHILl YOU WAIT Huntinl)fon Center Beach at Edinger HUNTINGTON BEACH 8 ~2·5501 TIRMS AVAtU.ILl and back Harbor Shoppiog Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 545-9485 • 17 I ' • ' • ' s B " [ s ' 1i h ' I " n \\ < " p g ' I• r l f ( c 1 ( i r I I ' ' . 17 ··-----···-=··· . . • 24 Huntington Bea~h Today's Final N.Y. Stocks VOL 62 . NO. 246, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, OCTOBER ·14, 1969 TEN CENTS • .I Jr"' """' Pho+• MEMBERS OF THIRO MARINE REGIMENT FILE OFF PLANE AT EL TORO AIR STATION Flags, Band Music, Joyful Families and a Leader's Declaration of Victory Sn1og Curb Chief Says Huntington 'Where Action Is' By JACK BROBACK Ol lhr O•I!~ Pi1H Sll!I Th,. slatc·s Environn1cnta ! Quahty Stuc!y Counctl will n1cel 'in Huntington Beach Thursday morning "because \ve go \1·here the action is," Council Chairman David L. Baker said today. The "action"' is obl"ifJusly th' local Southern California Edison Company steam gcncratin~ plan t on Pacific Coast lligh\vay, a racihty 1vhic h the company has announced will triple in capacity. Thi" cnvironmcnl,al council was cstablishcd by lhe State Legislature in " 1968 for a tv•o-year pe riod and charged 1ri1h "dev,loping long range goals and n1aking plans'' to improve the quality of th~ physlcal environment of California. \\lhilc no decision \\"ill Lie made by the counc!l Thursday, aflcr an all·clay hear- ing. the group is charged with making a progress reporl early nexl year lo th' governor and legislature. Baker emphasized that Tl1ursday·~ ~ci;,sion is nol specifically directed at the Joca1 plant. Representatives or the r.:rlison Conl· pdny, San Diego Gas and Electric, the Los Angeles Department or Light and Power and the Pacific Gas and Electric Company of norlhcrn t:alifornia "·ill be on hand to testify. But follo"·ing closcty on the heels of Thursday·s hearing \\'ill be an Orange (:ounly Board or Supcr\'ISOrs public hcar- Jn!; on the local f:dison plant. That session is expected to produce firP\\"orks over the di spule between \\iil!iam f itchen, count y air pollution con· lrol officrr and Edison offi cials O\'er the ;:imount of pnllu!ants the plrinl now lhrusts into the loc;il :itrnosphcrc and how much its exp;ins1on progra1n will add to th e pollution. Adding inlerl'Sl to Tl1urs,t;iy·~ se ssion 1111! be the appearance vi Asse111b!yn1;in .John V. Brig~s tH·Fullcrton) 11·ho \,~ chairman of the lcgisl11Lure·s Joint (;on1 - n1ille1: on Alon1ic Uc\'clopn1enl .:.ind Space. Briggs says th ere is a need for nuclear rnergy po\\'Cr plan ts \n California. "Th\s commiltee is the only slote group mov ing ahead to develop pG\\'er sources for an exploding population and re 1 ate d lcchnical expansion .. , Burn Victim, 59, Still Critical Hospital officials today reporte-d that burn victim Daniel D. Garcia. 59, of 7892 Aldrich St., Hunllngton Beach, remain! in critical condition at Orange County l\.tcdical Cenl,r. Garci a was trapped lnsid' the cab or his burning pickup truck Sunday follo"·- ing a collision with another automobilt at Brookhurst and McFadd'n streets in \\'estminster. Nine other P'rsons, all passengers in t~ Garcia vehicle, werl! also injured in the accident Marine General Claims Victory in V ietna1n War The assistant cominandant or the U.S. ~l arine Corps to!d 1roops just returned fro m Vietnam to El Toro ~1CAS ~1onday th at they won their share of. the \\'ar. Gen. Lewis 'V. \\lalt declared victory a~ far as. the fir st contingent of 250 1ne11 of the Third T\1arine Regiment -the f1rsl Leatherneck unit broughl home by Presi- dent Nixon -is concerned. "You have defeated the: enemy in hi~ o"·n war,"' said Gen. \\'alt during wel- come-home ceremonies at the air station. "You have given the South Vietnamese people a freedom, a new way of life ... ·you have helped them lo have fa ith in their loca l government,., the Corp s· sf'cond·in-command said. He was joined at the ceremony fr.atur- ing "'aving flag s. blar1ng band nHl sic <111d the joy or mothers, fathers, wives and children grecling their inen agan. by ,luJ1r. \\I. \Varner, undersecretary of the Nr11·y. \V arner told th e returnees that there is 1nuc!o dissent in tlHs country, but insisted thnt the maiority of An1cricans are proud of \vh:i! they and th eir buddies who came J101ne 111 caskets have done. !Ir added thal the fact thcv have been recalled to the U.S. is incilcaliv' that President Nixon is trying to end lhe Vi,t· nam hostilitirs. Thr rema inder of the I .200·rnan regi- 1111 nt, 1\·hich has been stat ioned oversea~ for the past 16 years and will now be bas· rd at Camp Pendlr!on-is due back later lh1s 1non1h, LrH\CS {lf 20 d;iv~· dur:'l\lon arc bc1 n~ g11•en tn the re!t1rned Marines, while ~on1e arc finished \1i!h !hrir service ond 111JI he released to civilian life. Beacl1 Teacl1e1·s , Trustees To Clasl1 011 Sala1'y Boo st Aoothe r confr onla1i on over salaries between teacher~ of the Hunt1ngt o11 Brach Un ion ll1gh School Dislrict and dis1rirt trustees appears likely 10111gh\. Scheduled for approval by trustees :il t11e1r meeting tonight is a t\\·n percent .\alary increase made possible throu~h the influx of additional fu nds 1n\1i the f!1stnct's bank ;:1ccoun1 . Teacher,,. hov•cver, arr 11\•t rl"<llly I() <lf'<'CPL lhal boost. Carl ~1ancmann. president of the Oislrfc t Edu cators Associ al1on 1DEA i. which rrpresented teachers <luring \:1sL spring's \\'age dispute, contends thul th~ question o! a boQsl wa s first to have been reviev•cd by ;i three-member panel. "The board promi~ed lo hold off on this unti l some agreement had been reached." said Manemann. "We. weren't ready for that yel." According to the DEA president, the Stock IH•rket• NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market blasted ahead for the second s\raight ses- sion, with an unusually large volume. (See quotations, Pages 10-11). Traders apparently became fired with enthusiasm Monday by rising exfl('cta- tions of Vietnam peace developments an d hope of a r'laxation of n1onc\ary restraints. Harbor panel. to be composed of an ad- min1strat 1on represent1.1l1 \•c, a teacher rC'prc.o;erilalil'c and a thtrrl n1cmbcr r11u1ually tii:r<'<'d upon. wa~ 10 ha1·e !he hof/st wf'lr ked out bcfo!"e appro1 t1I b}' the lniS!('C~ Quake Shakes Up S an Diego Area ~AN lJll~C,O IAf') -/\ li ght rarth· quake ~hoook a wide section nt Southrrn California today. A woman said ''it rell like a sonic boom.·· The tremor hit at 6:20 a.m. and lasted 40 seconds. a seismologi st at San Diego Stale College said. California Institute of . Techno logy al Pasadena said it registered about 4. loo light for serious damage, on the Richter scale. No aftershock was relt. but pcrson:<i from Escondido south almos~ to ~fexito nnd west to the coast.al cities telephoned nev;spapers and sherifrs oUiccrs to report it. "It knocked over my barbecue set. and hrnke one of lhc legs," said Lillian Dougherty in La Mesa. Hearing Beach Youth Shot Police Seeking Mystery Sniper A street corner sniper "'ho shot a Hun- tington Beach youth -his life possibly :o31"Cd by the stug·s passage through a car door -was sought by l..-0ng Beach police tod <"ly. Buben \V. Luce ro . 19. of 16071 Melody l.:inP, esc aped se rious injury V.'hen \l'ottndcd in the side ""hile he and a com- 11an1on drove through the downtown area. LuLCro \vas reported in good condition tooay al Long Beach Memorial llospital. Soviet Ships Linli i11 Orbit, Start Training ~.1 0SCO\V !UPI) -Th' t"'o Soviet spac.: ::1ips Soyuz 7 and Soyuz 8 today docked in orbil and Ar' continuing their joi nt fl igh t, informed space sources repo~ted . A third spaceship, Soyuz 6, was fly in;;: nearby. Tr.formed sources had predicted earlier 111c two spacecraft would carry out dock· In.~ :i1aneuvers and that the third would perform experiments in space welding in hopes of eventual construction of a flying space sta tion. Th e sources said Soyuz 6 v.·as believed to nave served as an orbital ""·orksh<lp" during the linkup maneuver. Tass news reports lold only of the thr'' crews' practice in manual handling of the ships and various tests. One report said lhC'y were making joint eJ;perimenls in photography, map making and medico- biological research. Never befor' havt :ro meny mtn been i11 fpacc at one,. orbiting the earth e._.,ry 89 minutes in. three vehicles. 'The news agency said th' flight com· n1ander. Col. Vladimir Shalalov, put hiJ men through brief physica l exams this rnorning and then conducted a session oi warmup exercises. "Shatalov reported that after the night rest, the cosmona uts are feeling fine," Ta ss 5aid. "The cosmonauts started fulfilling U1e program of the regu lar day of the flight." Their mission is a series o( ex· oerin1ents, possibly in volving 5pacewalk- ing. lo iron out the problems facing man in estJb!ishing an earth<irbiting space platform in building a stairway into ~pace. By 11:30 a.m. f\toscow time, lh' three-m~n Soyuz 6 capsule h::id completed 45 orlii!s. th~ \W(}-man Soyuz 1 had done 29 ;ind the two-man Soyuz 8 had rinishcd 13 folh1\\·ing its launching Monday. P:irt of the cosmonauts' mission was to !'nap pictures of earth which Soviet scien- 11st s said could provide them with better d..11a (In fi sh movements, arctic ice floes ;ind soil cond1t1ons. "The program "'lll be fulfilled com- p\ctt•ly excellently and impe.crab!y.'' ~hatrilov rt1diocd i\1onday night before his n1rn brddf'd do\1•n. There was nfl official word Qn rxaclly 11 liat lhC' rniss1011 would entail. All 1he t•lSinnnauts are trained in ~pacc'>'·alking and Soyuz fi carries welding equipment. 1.:-ading to the conclusion that two ol the capsules C'Ou\d be connected in space. Alexei Yelise yc v. Shalalov's civilian shi pmate abo11rd Soyuz 8. said in a taped tele vision interview Monday that there would be no transfer of crews from one ~·chicle to another as was done in the Soviets' last manned flight in January. !HORE ON 'CRASH' Thc second or fi ve reports by DAILY PILOT financial co·rumn\sl Sylvia Porter, analyzing the e<:onomy of 1969 in li"ght or the stock markc~ cra~h arKI world depiession of 1929, appears today on PaJi:'· 3. Slated Neithe r he nor the driver. Rich Slater, 1 ~. could offer any explanation for the sniping incident shortly before midnight, bul Lucero sa id he thinks he sa1v the ai;,sailant. Ile said a tall man standing at the cor- ner of Broadway and Long Beach Boulevard pointed what appeared to be a pistol at the car as the you ths passed by, The slug. "'hich investigators said ap- peared to be from a .4fl caliber automatic Services Planned Coast's pi~tol. crashed through the car door and its impact was considerably lessened. The driver continued oo , pulling into • !"ervice station at Broadv.·ay an d Alamitos Avenue, v.·herc police were call· ed to reporl the shooting. Wi tnesses contacted al the scene after Sl<;.ter and Lucero -who said they were nul totally certain it was an intentional sniping -told of seeing a tall man ru.n fr0111 the street corner al the lime. Colleges Join Moratorium Groups of slude.nts In at least four Orange Coast area colleges w i I I participate in Wcdnesay ·s nation"·ide moratorium agains~ the Vietnam war. The Orange County Pt?ace and llumnn Rights Council v.·ill hold a nicmorial serv ice at 7 o'clock lonighl at lhe llun- lington Beach Pie r and the Unitarian Universalist Church in Costa Mesa will be open fron1 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. \Vednesday for discussion of programs for peace . -Al UC Irv ine antiwar students will cut classes lo attend protest lectures and hold a memorial service for war dead. -Antiwar students at Orange Coast College will hold a symbolic march a.cross the campu~. -A five -hour proj{ram of speakers is planned at Golden West Coll,ge. -And at Southern California Col\eg' in Costa ~tesa stud,nts will ho ld an early mon1~& vigi l lo pray for peace. Th~ 'Han of students at Saddleback * * * School1nen Meet Over Moratoru1n Principals of Huntington Beach Union High School Distri ct Schools huddled this morning as plans for obSt"rvance of Wednesday's one-day moratorium to pro- test the war in Vietn am appeared to ex- tend beyond local colleges and into secon- dary schools. A staff member al Edison lligh School told the DAILY PILOT that a meeting 1\·as called this morning for 11 a.m. School district employes ind icated !hat •·some of the meeting" might be devoted lo discussion of an official position on stu- dent observance of the moratoriurn . School oHicia!s "'ere unavailable for comment Mystery Girl Sought in Beacl1 Shooting" Brawl A mystery girl -innocently warned not to lean against a grease-smeared old truck and soil her clothes -was ap- parently the spark that ignited violence 11·hirh left one man shot and two jailed, Huntington Beach police indicated today. Authorities are searching for the unidentified girl as a key witness in lhe melee which erupted outside the Cave, a discotheque and bar al Beach BouJe ... ard ~nd Adams Avenu' early Sunday morn· 1ng. Arraignment was scheduled today for Tommy \Y . Thompson, 22, of sm Garden <.trove Boulevard, Westminster, and Themas Watkins, 22, of Garden Grove, on three separate charges each. NATIONWIDE MORATORIUM WRAPUP SEE PAGE 3 Collrge said no act1vilies are planned at that tampus. A counter protest is planned with a. group of unidrntifieG persons anonymous· ly announcing they wlll assemble at the hon1e of UCl Chancellor Daniel Aldr ich to tell him '""'hat they think about all that slufr going on tomorrov.·."' The group calls iL<ielr TIRED (Tax- payers lndignt1nl about Hadical.o; in ~.:ducat1onJ , according lo a telephone tipster. UC lr\'ine·s "'ar p r ote s t activities \\·ere to be firmed up in a meeting this afternoon. A time hadn't yet bern .!iet for a Vietnam dead memorial service but llisc1·~sion groups on the war are schedul- ed fron1 JO am. lo noon Wednesday and a rally at 12:30 p.m. A march on a war in- dustry plant has been ca lled off. Aldrirh ha s rcft1scd Ille antiwar :-turlenl s' rcqul'Sl he cancel classes and gi\'e staff time off with pity for !he inoratorium. UCI students \\'l're voting today on \Vhethe~ to \\'ithdraw immediately troops from Vietnam and on other iss ues. A student referendum electio n at Orange Coast College was discussed J\ilon- rlay by the student council but decidccl ;1gainst because of the short noti ce. But a symbolic march from the auditorium to the kiosk in the central quad is planned by those "'ho oppose the \\'ar. Antiwar studcnt5 111ill speak following the rnarch. Al Golden West College in lluntington Bench a program is planned in the f ree s._,t!ech Center from J t a.n1. unt il 4 p.m. under the. spon sorship of political science instructor ~fargaret Jloltrust. C!a~ses will nol be cancelled by the ad- ministration but some instructors may <lecidc to di smiss cla~ses and student s of other classes may attend the program 1! thr:v choose, ~!rs. Holtrust said. Spe.1 kers 1\•i ll include An1er1{-;10 ('n·il L11.x'rt1es Union attorneys ~l ike Cfrodski 11nd 1\-lrs. Pat. Shapiro, the Rev. Hoger \\'nlkc of Unitarian Uni versahst Church in Costa f\.1esa, anorncy Bill Sinith and a Or. Lion of Cal Stale Lon~ Beach. At Southern California College, Co~\,t ~lcsa. a meeting wilt be held at 9 o'clock to11ight on the theme "The Christian Perspective of the Vietnam War."' Religion professor \Villiam Williams and hii;,tory professors Dr. Dennis r.1cNutt and Lewis Wilson will speak. Students who wish will begin prayini;: for peace in the college chapel al mid· night, Dean of Students Alfred Cawston said. Orange Coast Weatlaer ·westerly winds will wlllp up some wild weather W1!dne8d1y, the wise old weatherman we. ports -all. reports. Otherwise, it'll be mostly sunny with some morning low clouds. Big Walkout a t General Electric Due Supervisors to Debate District Breakup Issue Sought initially on charges of assault \l'llh intent to commit murder, the pair wa~ arrested by Fountain Valley police carly Monday morning and booked on further charges o! carrying a concealed \1'eapon anti possession · of a dangerous drug. A quantity or hashish -extracted from the Uowerlng tops of mart;uana plants- plw a .22 caliber pistol believed linked to the shooti ng of Craig Giimore, 19, were found In the car, police all'B'· INSWE TODA. Y UC lrvinf'! haJ it• jirsC rusis• I.ant chancellor for comput4!r programming a.~ th'. university doubles its computing o~ra· tions. Page 8. NEW YORK (UPI\ -The fir5l total nationwide walkout aginst the Gener-at Electric Co. sine' 1946 a11J>e&red almost certain Monday as unions rejected the company's latest wage offer and ordered their locals to lake strike voles. Contracts involving the roalition of 12 unions r ep r esent l n g approximately I 10,000 employes expire Oct. 26. ~1ore than 1~7.oon workers would be arfrcted by the strike which could begin Oct. 27. Orange County. supervisors today set a pub lie hearing for 10 a. m. Nov_ S to determin' whether an election should be called on dlssoiution of the Harbor District. Action on future fate of the much· debated llarbor Distri ct comes be fore the county board on act.Ion by Ole Loc;i l Agericy F'ormatiOn Commission taken last June 25. At th at time !ht LAF'C, an official arm nf county governn1cnt which rules on an- nri;ations and local government org11nlza. tion, recommended an elcctlon on th• •l;irbor District issue in a 3 to 2 vote. 'The recommet'Klation was forwarded to the Board of Supervisors at that time. Dul in the months since, the qll(!ltion has been dormant. The question resurfaced a ftw days ago wilh a lcl1er lo i<uperv\sors from Hu n- l1ngtnn Beach Mayor Jack Green. acting in his capacity as president of the Orange County division of tt'M? League of Cnlifomia Cities. (:rcrn reminded Lhe county board thot s1:itr l:lw dcmsncls 3 public hearing on the Harbor Olslrict i91A&t. I AM,mblymao John V. Briggs ( R~ Fullerton) also issued a statement threatening to re·introduce state legisla- llon to dissolve lh' Harbor Distrkt should the county board refl4SC to take action. The Harbor District was formed In 1933 as a special taxin& jurisdiction for the dev1:Jopment of Newport Harbor. It later e>.panded Into m11ny coastaJ. function~. in- cluding d'velopmen\ of Dana Point Harbor at the sou1hern end of the county aod Sunset Ariuatic Parll al Huntington !1-eaeb. • I. Gilmor,, of Huntington Beach. Is reported in satisfactory condition today at Huntington lnt,rcomm.unlty Jlospital. under ·treatment fo r a .22 caliber bullet wound In the stomach and hand. Detective Donald Jmldm, who in· t'rvlewed Gilmore, ~pid whll' thue might have been some underlying an· tagonism, !he mystery &]rl eppar,nUy triggered the violence. Gilmore told authorities I.he glrl leaned (SH GIRL. Pal' %) ' I C•IH't..,lt ' """' • Clll1Wl'IM .... ~,,..,.... " ,_~ " MtfltMI "-•• ("11 ... ,.. • o.. .... ~·· • DNllt Netlc• • 1~1¥111 ...... I D!•t«tf, • ...... , .. 11 l'tll!Owllll ·-• ll11d1 ~--1 .. 11 l:....,•lflm.I • T ..... ._.._ " ,,.._, 1•11 T--' -•N " WM-• AM L_,._ " 0-Wltlll ,. M•llM~ • Wtrllf .. , .. , u Mtn'I ... Ll<'"tti I WtlMM Htwt 1).11 M•ellfttt • ____ ,.....,.,. _,, .,,,.---------, -------- -.... - -.... -------------~---~--~~-------,-~--------- 2 OAJLY PILOT K Tuesd~, Otlc.ber 14, 1%9 Recall Chief Confident Carpenter Denies Allen Ouster Failing Recall spoktsman Paul Carpenter clltflied ~1onday that the movement a1n1ed 11\ the unseating of Orange County Fifth District Supervisor A!tori. E. All<'ll is no longer being actively pur5ued by lts undercovtr organizers. The Cypress Democrat squl'lched reports that the campaign is 1n trouble with the comment that "3,000 signatures 2~ in the bag and we're su re to get the other 6,748 we nee d 10 put the recall on !he books." Carpenter noted a month ago that the drive had prod uced 2,800 signatures of fifth District voters. lt 1vould appear .. by hi5 c:i.lculallons, tht voters arc flocking tu the b<1nncr f1 f the unkno11.•n candidate al th:! rate ol' 50 a v:eek . Carpenter. ari unsuccessful carididate for Congress and Assembly st ats in pasl Orange County elections . told the DAI L'{ r1LOT lhal persistent reports of the 1m· pending dtmise of· the recall campaign v:erc "rumors and certainly not based on any l•iCts. "Ou r petition \1·orkers are doing 21: lrcn1endous JUb," he saJd. "\Ve are very plea:;cd 11'ith 1t1ei r C'fforts and we are con· f1cle11! that we wilt have the signatures we nrrd long b:!lure lhf' f'l.larch df'udline." Carpenter again refused to identify the potential candidate for Allen 's seat and again declined to state who is financing a l'<i mpa.lgn that will, on conservative c~t1n1ates . tosl son1eone $30,000. Interviews Set floth he und Anthony Ttlr<.inlino or San Clen1{•rlll', the self-styled s c u I pt or· dC's1gner wtui announced •the ca1Tip<1ign tll'O nionths ago, have P£rsiste ntly re/us· eel lo divulge this information. By Valley Council Ti!r:tnt1no. 451 Calle Mlg url, has not been arailabll• for l'Ol!lrnrnt for tile p:i~L !hrec weeks. He could not be contacted b~· a DAI LY PILOT reportrr fl1on rla.v. .\Iler has announced that he \vill again be <.i candidate for the Fifth District seat undl'r any circurn.:;tanccs, "recall or othe rwise." Applicanls for one vacant seat on the Fountain Valley Planning Commission and three vn the parks commission will be interviewed at 7 o'clock tonight by city councilmen in a closed session. The planning post became avai lable last Y!'etk when the city cou ncil remo\·ed John Mang ano from the tomn1i ssion because he \1'as appointed by a "Janie duck" council prior to the recall election. Several applicants are expected to be Interviewed tonight and J\1angano himself i!I eligible to be reappointed to the con1- rnission. Lions to Sell Plastic Trash Cans in Beach About a thousand new "neighbors" t\'ere delivered next door to the Hun· tington Beach DAILY PILOT at lO a.in. today. They were brought to their new home Pit 311 5th St. by members of the Hun- tington Beach Lions Club \l'ho plan lo use !hem for both a communlty service and a charitable project. There were actually 996 or them delivered. -all trash cans. It's part of~ Lions Club effort lo help }lunlington Beach residents comply with a city ordinance limiting the types o[ con· tainers usable as trash cans. The new containers hol d 32 gallons and fi el; for $5. complete with plastic top .. Lions Club members will launch a door· lo-door campaign Saturday to sell thc1n. Someone will also be stationed at 31 1 F'iflh St. on weekends to sell fron1 the i;tore room. Prolits from the trash can sal e will he used for Lions Club projects. The trash cans are guaranteed for seven years by lhe manufacturer. The city prohibits the use nf large oil drums and other heavy containers for trash cans. Garden Grove GI Dies in Comba l An 82nd Airborne Division paratrooper from Garden Grove has been killed in a mortar attack on an Army ou tpost in \'ietnam , the U.S. Defense Department announced Monday . He was Spec/4 .lames 1-L Graham. son nf r-.1r. and Mrs. Clarence B. Graham, of 14201 Boony Lane, Ga rden Grove. The slain GI \\'as the 325th Or ange County serviceman lo die in Vietnam <1nrl joined the Army right aft er his 1967 grad uation from Balsa Grande 1-ligh School. DAILY PILOT ~ebiod N w •• d 1"•11lftr~• ""c P"b1111ter J 1 c~ It, Cur!o'f Vl(I Prr•,Ot"' 1na C.tn1r1I M1n1tft Thonu• koo •il EG,lor Tho,..•• ,._, µ.,,r~:~, l.'.1n11ir.1 [d•IOt >lf.o•I w_ 1~1., 1'>10<itl1 EO"O• H•"tl11tt•11 lir11cll Offlcir )Q' !Ith Shot! µ,;1;~1 Addt•I" ~.0. 1 0 1 7f0, '26~t Other Olfi(1t 1't'W_.r1 ••Uh. ;;11 W•>I e1•t'• ~•11lt¥ftd (ntp1 "'''"~ JJO Wt•1 lh v ~"'" L11 u,.. 11 .. (.11; Ill f ort>I 1,er,1 l'.IA.!l'I' Pit.OT,"'''" .. n1t11 II c.omt•"•o:! "' "'"'""~I .... oub! .. l><O GI••• ''""l ~L•• C1v In ·~••Tt f'tlltlot,. ror "'""'lna•o• etotl\, f ounl•ln V1ll1y. (Mii li\CH. N<W· ~0'1 etocll 1cd t.~""· ••••"· 110"!1 w,•~ ,,.o •C~<t"•I Cd••:on•. O'°n9f (,..,1 f'ubh\~· '"" (t"'~'"I' prlnll"(I 0:1n" M• 1! 1)!1 W0>I 1i.1r 0, f\"o •i•"<'<>'' !l••<h, 1na JJ~ ~.1,1 1'11• $1•ul, (Olll /1.111, , ... ,i.e .... ,,,, 642-4)21 frir111 W"1t111l"1MI Cell '40-1221 Cl•ttlfl•• Alffrtl1h•t 642·1671 C&Pvr ,1111, "''· O•l"9f t oul Pub!ll.I""' Co,..~•·• '<0 nt *\ I I• f i i " !llv\1<11 _, *O•lo•I•• "'""" "' 1n~1r•ll""'~'' ~"'" .... ,, ~ ••"'e~vct<1.,,,,. .. .,1..t<•~• ,,,,,,,.~..,. Cl tGl"••M ~~ro•. S'<''8 <'"" r o:··~· ,,, ~ •• "'~'~" llOf(,. ··~ , .... 'J<to , ••• , .... \•f'"''!' '" ""'",, e.!l ... , •• ,., ~· ""°'' l' ·~ ""'~'"'" "'''''''" .,.,,,. .. ,, .. ~ .. 11 '<& .... '" ~ , • In renloving tl1angano from lus post, councilmen explained last week thal his ciuaHfications were ii11e, but they ob- JCeted to the way he \1·as appointed. fllangano, in a heated reply to his removal, had charged the council with building a "polilical empire.'' Tonight's selections \~'ill providf' the first test for a new system proposed by J\-1ayor Edward Jusl. Each of the five counciln1cn \1•iH list his top choices and llioS(' recel\'ing the mlist votes will tie n<1med to the cr1n1n11ssions. 111 tile pa.~l t h~ n1ayor 1nade <.111 com1nission ap· pn1nl111enls With approval of the councll. The three p<.irks and rcci:ealion sea!~ beca1ne avu.ilablc with the election ns councilmen of George Scol! and Hon Shenkman and lhe resignation of fl1r~. Jeanne 11oss. /' ,/ / " I :35 'C HANGED' I NTO $288 THEFT \\'riile thr liquo r store cler k \\'as hrlpin g one n1an pick up his change scattered on the floor . another was ap parenlly helping J1in1 sclf to !he cash regis trr. Laguna Beach police said today 1111~ \1·as apparen tly the routine used to tlislr<1ct clt•rk Brn ~1adlson at c;i)J's Li- quor . 278 13roa(lwuy Sunday. T\1'0 1nen entered. One droppri! Sfi in <·hange. \Vhile fl1adlson \\'as helping · r·r trlerr ii. the other sus prcl scooped up 8228. The ca sh di screpancy w a s cliseovrred fl1onday. police sald. " • , ·' .. ,!J"o·''1 • D.O.l lY PILOT ~llfl P~oto SHE 'LL REIGN AS 1970 MISS PRESS CLUB Brea'• Anne Elayne Grammas Wins Crown Brea Lass Wins Pr ess Club Pichs Ne1v Queen A 19-ycar-old be;:iuly 11u11cn rron1 Brea \1111 rule O\'er the Orange County l'ress C:lub as r.1iss ORCOr durin g 1970. Ann El :iyno Grarnn1as. the l!l6B-C9 ~11ss Bre<i, was the choice of a celcbrity·sl ud- clcd panel of live judges ~1onday night alt(·r nine contes1ants paraded in their swiin suits and forn1al go11·ns on tile stage of thr Gra nd 1-lotrl's Off Broadway \\'est thealr.r in Anaheim. But the pencil biting judges had to call back four contenders -fl-1iss Gram1Tia~. Donna Flory of Huntington Beach, Kathy Hanson o! Anaheim and Peggy Byan or Lodge Fli es to Paris NE\V YORK ! AP \ -An1bas~ador llenry Cabot Lodge le ft for Paris today afler reporting to Presiden t Nixon on 1hc \'1ctn:1n1 peacr nt'go!in1 1on~. Lorlge !rft nho:i rd Tr:ins \\lnrld Airv:;;i~·;; Fh11ht 002 due 1n Pari~ :'rt !!·~;, p.n1 .1 J';ortS tu1it· S;i1~\;i An:i -befnre the.v 111'1de their fina l ~tl cttion. · 1\11.<~ r~lory. Ii. lhc currenl J\.1iss ?Ii. nn:11d lif Co•1.t .\lr~.1. 11 :1;; 11an1ed run- lll"l' 11p. ,\ltss l!:Jn~on took third spot in. 1he fin;il ~.I i~;; Flory. ;i blonde blue-eyed Hun· t111gto11 Beach girl. 11alked off with the lr•1di ti<1nnl t•onstJl:1l 1on prizr. 11·hrn Prrss t'1uh n11·n1bers vo1rd hrr · ' ~I is s J'l1C'togenic" or 19i0. .:11dgt's included 11-'lrs. Ruby Keeler J.owt' of Newpo rt Beach, actors Jon Hall f!ttd D:1rUy Hinton of "Danie! Boone" l::nne. Harry B;;ibbi ll of Newport Brach 1 .. ;1~ master of ceremcinies. Prizes col· lectrd by ~1 iss Grammos included the co~t free 11sc of a new automobile for her ) (•a r in office, Y.i~s Gr:11nn1n~. currently <> S(lphoinore r:11gli~h major <11 Cal Slate Fullerton, 111e.1~ures 37-.23-'.14. She ,njo~·s oil pain· 1111g. \Oo'l'iting and skaHng. would like to be ;i nindel ;ind , eventually. a high school 1t·:1chrr. Sh(' i.~ a former G!enrlalc High ~('11001 h011lt'<'Onling queen And has Cap. t11rrr1 SC\'Cral l()('al befluly contests. sinct 11111\ 111~ to Orange Count~. UPI Tl!.PM .. Ta111ti11g itt To111pa \\ihile. U1e \Vea ther around the nation turns cooler. IJebbie Klein. a coe d at the University of South Florida, ca tches up on her studles and catches a fe\v rays fo r tan she hopes \Viii last th rough \V1nt cr Florida Chamber of Commerce hopes so, too. Better Not Do It Yourself Tropical Storn1 Pe1·ils Atlantic Without Building Permit Coastal Cites Homeowners planning to build patio covers, fence extensions, ~arage con- versions and other similar do-it-yourself jobs were warned today by !he Hun- 1ington Beach Building Department that permits are needed. "The most imporlanl reason for -0b- 1nining perniits from the city before con- :;truction is to insure that the structures 11 ill be safe," advised Walter Lipps of the building dcpar!Jnent. Other equally important reasons are fire insur<lnce problcins and tile necesslty 10 remove nc1v projects which do no~ inect the code requi rements. "Patio covers. \l'f' find to::> often after construction is co1Ti plete 1vithout benefit of pern1its. arc bull! of unsuitable and ~ubstandnrd znalerial s \\'lth dangerous electrical wiring," Lipps explained. He said playhouses are another prcr blem. "They often turn oot to be dangerous places for children beeause of substandard material, faulty wiring and other defect! which could have been prevented by talking over plans with the building department ." Garage conversions presenl a special problem because city Jaw requires each house to have a usable two-car garage, which in most cases preclude.o; conversion of the garage to other uses, the bu ilding official \varned . "\Ve arc anxious to see that projects turn out V.'ell, meet city codes and will be sa fe," Lipps said. "!L's oo fun to have to order demolition of a new backyard pro· ject which does not meet city codes." The building department offices are located at ~th Street and Pecan Avenue. r-.11Ai'o11 (UPI ) -Tropical Storm Kara aimed its 60-mile-an·hour winds at Cape }fatteras, N.C., today and weathermen v.·arned the storm could skim the coast and head north. threatening points as far away as Cape Cod. "Kara is expeetcrl to reach the coastline near Cape Hatteras tonight about 9 p.1n. EDT and proceed on a northeash1•ard course back out to sea \Vednesday , paralleling the coastline a~ far n:irth as Cape Cod." lhe Na1ionn! Hurricane Center said at noon. The center said IOI) \vinds were 60 111iles an hour. but !hr system could sup· port greater Intensity. "fl-·1axirnu rn winds may approach hurricane force over a small area," forecasters said . Planne1·s Slate Special The center issued gale warnings for the North Carolina coast from fltor ehead City to Oregon Inlet. "In the area of \Oo'arning ... storin tides of four to five feet above normal may be expected and the. center \\'Ill reach tl1c coastline near tin1e of high title," forecasters said. Sessio11 011 Apa1·t1ne11ts Fountain Valley's p I an n in g com- n11ssioncrs will tackle the apart1nent issue in a special study session at 7:30 p.m., \\'cdnrsday, in city co u n cl 1 chan1Uers. The city is currently operating under ;o.n apartmetit rnoratoriu ni. It was rl<->clared last month by pla nners and is scheduled to run to Nov. 5. The Ne 1.v Line Listed For Drug Use rs II ncll' number has brrn added to JleJp l.111r. a telephone srrvicc for Huntingt on Br;+ch and ::;urround111g cornn1un it1es to ;J1tl niJreoucs users who want to ~lop. llddicts, part-lime users or friends of llnH: users can no1v call 894-424Z for im· 111t·dl~ile hcl1) or counseling concerning clr11i;: abu se. The nld nl1mbcr .. 893-4343, i~ ~till in ser1 ice, giving lwo 24 -hour lines to c;illl'!'S. IJclµ Line 11'as established this past ~t1111n1cr by severa l doctors, la1ryers, 1111ni~1r r;;, educ:itors and interested eit1zens who want to cu! down drug <Jbusc and give 1n1mcd1alc aid to persons l>U lfl'nng from ill efferts of drugs . !\len1bcrs of Help Line don't preach or tc;1cl1 about drug~. they si niply <inswrr rp11·~1 1011:;, Thc::r· a1·e not 1111·otl'cd 11·1th the 11ril 1<<' Tht S\T\ 1!'t' is hnsed ;:il Golde n \\'c ~t Cti!lcgc, :-il!l\uugh not a ft111r t1on or Ille 1·ollrgc . Jt also offers ('ounseling if a 1 jllt1r ~n ti(·~u·c.~ Hoth lltl\l Lu1c nun1brr s v.ill be open r1iu1Hl·t he-clock to answer any 11uestlon in\ !lh-ing drugs or drug u.se and to give ;ld\'il'C'. YOUR moratoriun1 has temporarily brought a hall to apartment proposals, but not to construction already approved. \Vednesday 's session will be a compl ett<: revie\v or the city's gene ral plan as it relates to apartments. The meeting is open to the public, but dJsc ussion will be limited to planners. The planning staff will show slides and dis play collected articles and written reports on apartments. Planners, after discussing the material presented, may set a public hearing for Nov. ::, to consider amendments to the city's g<->ncral plan . Heins they· 11·jJJ discuss Wednesday ir1- clude : -A possible reduction in the tota l area currently allotted for apartn1 ent develop- nlent --Changes in the bu i 1 d t n g code regarding apartment slructurts. -A limitation of high density ( R-4) apartments near residentia l areas. -The ccononlics of apartment building from the developers' standpoint and tile ci ly·s. Life ou !\Jars No t Yet Ruled Out by Caltech PASADE'.'lA lliPI) -A Caltech space scientist said J\.1onday that this year's J\lari ne.r flights pa st !\tars pr oved "no hasi~ for enthusiasn1'' but further ex · plo ration is ne-cessary before ruling out lllr cx1sle11cc of life on the planet. Robert ,/. Parks, assisl~nt director for flighl objects . s11id tht 1noment of truth n1ay come in the 19i3 project v.·hen a (Taft will be landed on the surface of flla rs. --~_,,,..., .1 ..... Yo ur Omi:Qa Sole8 & Serv ice AQ'!'llCI/ 0 OMEGA Small craft warnlngs 11cre issued for the coast from Cape Cod to Charleston, s.c. Al noon Kara 1~·as localed near lal!lude 32.9 north . Fro111 Paf/P -' GIRL. • • against his Old truek. used for hauling auto engin,s, about 3:30 am. Sunday out!"!de the Cat'e. in the p<irk lng lot. Jle \rarned her not l o Iran 1hrrr, Sereral 11rrsons were present, incl uding llrc men \1·ith whom Gil1nol'e and three of h1~ O\\!l comp;in1ons !<Jnglcd insi de thr. nightspot about 1 a ni_, only to be !'>eparatcd b~· the bouncer. Facing each other agnin \l'llhin three huurs. poiice said, t11c two oulnun1bered t<Jvern custo1ners pulled guns. one a .22 caliber pistol and the other a BB air gun, Perhaps unfortunately, authorllies ex- plained, Gilinore jumped the n1an with the relatively hannless \\'eapon and wa~ !>hot by the other. \1•honl he has ide ntified a." \\'atkln s. Dc!Ectivrs said at th a1 point the three remaining bysland€rs 11 rre thre:ltened \'.1th d~ath and thry sc:itlcred. as the 11ounded Gil1norc. stunibled to a nearby l'>Cr1·\cr st:1t1on for ht'lp One Daisy air pislol \l'lls fou nd thrown f!\1·ay 11ear the scene of the shooting and police alerted 1n <111 arr:i-11·ide broadcast recognized \\'atk 1n~ ;111d TIHltnpson v.•hen lhr•1 11ere <topped in Fountai n V.:illev. lr1\·cstigalors said th e car v•as pUl\ed O>'£:r because the license platr light was inop!'rBll\'C, but officers re:ilized they \~·ere 11·antcd in the ni11rder atlcmpt case. I ' ' '·. WATCH'\: Rint• Cl1a11ell FREE ' lh. ~-·· •• ,.,. 0111••· Sp11d11111l1t w1!cli Wt c1rr, w11 1•!1tl1.i w>th- owl ••'f M1.iilic1t;1n bv NASA 11 b• worn by <1vr 1111n o• +ht 11100•. l~;, r1to9nilion, lrw!y I ••· w 1 t.i for ••c1ll1nt1, "'"~'' u• proud lo b1 yout 1utho«l1d o,,,r91 j1w1ltr, C11,,,1 i• -•~• thi1 h1n.l 10,,.t, 2 but+on. • d i1!, 01111,• Sp11dm .,. 111 ch•o•otr1ph. lh• o•l'f w1!th WOfft bv +111 mi n on th1 111•••· P1it1 Sltl. I Cl•aned • Oiled Whlle lo.a Walt • Adjusted PIARlS $2.00 JE·STRUNGt fr•111 s4aa RINGS $3.00 from SIZID, fr1111 DIAMONDS $6.00 RIPLACID. "9• Chronof!'•tb 11 Self· INGl.AYtN• DCNI ~·iodcn 1Ug u, b!1Mr: Huntington Center Beach at Edinger WHILI YOU WAIT HUNTINGTON BEACH ei;-2.5501 ' TllMS .Al.AIU.ILi l and back Harbor Shoppi~g Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 545.9495 • ' ! " j . ... ' ' 1, "' f ' I I r I " I ( ( ,. " ' J ' r " II " II ( ' " ti ll " f1 -~ -----------~ ---~----------·-·----·----··-··==·-···.,..·-·---··-~·-···-· .. ••• ... ····~· ... ..., ... ..,.~ ........ ,...,.,..,. ~~ . •• ' .. "' "' ... , . ' . ' . .. . . . . . , , ,. . 'I•-.,· ,,_: CHECKING •UP• Many Me11 Bi1y Colog11e, Hair Dye By L. J\I. BOYD At last reporl !l1r. n1cn were bt1 y1ng about l1alf as rnuch body cologJit' as the \1'0111e1L \\'J1 ~1t's odd about this is ·a doz1!n yea rs ago 1ncn bought !iO htlle of ;.uch stlllf that Jlobofly even kept statistics on it. That 's not all. Nobody kept stalistl-es a dozen }'('.'.H S :1go ei ther on ho1~ niuell hnlr dve n1en bought. No1v it's knll\~'n !hey spend about 14 1n1111on doll<irs ;1 ye:ir on th~t1, \\'II \' TH E J\I EN >1 ho slu!!Ct' oulnumbt!r the Y.'orn e11 wt10 stutter by five to t111c is another pccuhJrity ~et to til' r·xpla1ncd , .. 1 TELL VOL'. Lhe n1cmbership in the Pn)per Job Club is ex pan ti 1 n g n1iratulously! No1v Dr. D. t\. Root , a dentist in Casper, \\'yo., has been noniinatcd , , , A CASHIEH o[ considerable cxpt•rience says rnen often forget their changr, b ut \\'!1mcn nevrr do , .. Ai\1 ASK- ED HO\V LO/\'G the avcrilge new car buyer keeps hi s automobile before tr<:H!ing iL in. Six yea rs. The aver(Jg c us- ed l'al' buyer keeps his 11101ch inr tiv c ycri.rs . • • SURVEYS SllO\Y inorc 1ncn than \\'Q111cn \vrilc letters lo 1 Ile l'di tor. PLANET l\JA,"J -/\ C~111t:er girl tends to be pr;a:Lir;al JJJ evcrythin~ lJ u l ron1ance. (;ivcn a little experience, she can nianage 1nont·y ::ind de.a( quite properly \1•ilh l\C r fril'llds: ;ind relatives. 13ul when 1l eon1rs to her love life. shP is tiµt l"l'Pratcdly to 1nukc the .s;irnc sad n1i~t<ikc or pil'ku1g lello11 s \l'h{l al't' n1o re 111· 1 crc~l rd in then1sch·e) !h<111 111 htr. Or :-;iJ :-.:1y s uu1· Pl :inet Jll<l n. CUSTO~lER SE RVICE : Q -•·Did the grt><1t S1 rad1vari ever m<.1kc gu1lilf $'!" A. -On- ly onc;c . , •. ll -"\\'HEN A GOOD quarterback throws a pass. about how f:i,sl dOC's the football travel~" A. -Up to 70 rnilt•s an hour . , , Q .. - "WHAT'S tht' 11)0S1 expensive <tnl1nal in the zoo'!" i\, -The gorilla ... C!. -"llOW tllANY PEOPLE have to livl' in ;1 h\\vn hefore i!'s ea!Jcd a city ~" i\. -Tht· census takers say 8.000 .... ti. -"HOW 1-~REQUENTLY do the rnen ~(·\ cu~lody or t•hildren in divorces~" A. -ln aboul on(' uut p[ every 10 cases. IN ADDITION -Our Nan1e G:une rn un recently renortcd 1f1l' 1·:xi~ll•ncc in 1'<1i.lnhalta11 of a c·it1zen named \Va1nbly Bald. Nut detailed in that itern, ho\\·ever, \vas the ract that 1\lr. Bald \l':ls once a feature \1•riter fo r the New York _Posl, and as such was called upon lo i11Lerview that frozen food fcl lo >v, Clarence Birdseye. In !tic course of the conversation, h i.~t ory records, l\1 r. Bn ld in· c1uired. '"\'ours is sueh a11 11nusua l name, 1tr. Birdseye, 1nay I ask how you came by it'!" \Yhy do I n1ake ni ention of thi~ insignificant incident'! No pnrtieul:ir reason. lt nicre· l_v strikes nH! as odd, tl1:1t's ;1!1, !hat a 1nan 11an1ed \Varnbly 13nld 1vo1ild put Sll{'h :1 qut·slion to a n1n11 n:1111E·d Birdseye, Let's say no n1ore ~bout It. RAPlll REPLY: No, si r, 11ever sn1v a while squirrt'I, hu! 111idcrstand such there be . ln fci rt. the town of Olney, Ill., i ~ $;1id Lo be the \l'hite· squirrel c.,•;ipit;il of the \\1orld inas1n11ch ;1 ~ lhl' lillle rl.lst:ais arc all uvcr tlia! place. Yoqr question.~ :ind ro111- 1nenls <1re welcoincd ;111d 11'111 he used 1\'!1erever pos:-.ible 1n "Checkini; Up." Addrc.~s n1 n1 I 10 1 .. 1\1. l:loyd, in c.:are of 0<11J~· ~'ilot. Box_ 1875, Newport llC'ath, Cahl , 92663. "\Va1· Nea•· End' Scic11 .tist Cites F or111ulae STANFORlJ I L"P!l -'!'lir fi gh tini; in Vic1 n1tn1 probab ly \1'ill end ;il111ost ;iny 1non t11 now -acco rrhng \O sonll' :-.(;111st1ca l forn1ul;1" <11' :1 fo1n1tr :-11 an!urd L 11l 1er~1ty rC'scan·hl'r. /"Jr. .John Voci orl~kr. now ;"'l pnv;1le consul1:1 11 1. rl.'11L·ht·~ 1h1[> conc lusion fron1 f'(]!Hllion~ roncerntng b11\t!c t>t;ilic~ lro111 fou r nHiJ or L' ,!.\, (·on 1l1 rL~· 1h1· Civ il \Var, the t\1·0 \\'orliJ \\'11rs an(i ihc l\orl'ao \V<ll'. Vne vf!dsky did .a ~111 rl~· for !hr Nal'y. <:ub1nltl~'[' l'll 11ri:l1 '17. 1'63, pre(LL!'l1r.g t<i~ual:y :n1d 1'1H1cr f igurt·~ (Jn tllr. h.1sis o[ 1hl' eq11 <1t1uns. He ,<;ays his 11n:diet1ons h;\Vf' pr<!vcd al·- l'l1rntc \1'1thin I or 2 ptrcent. "1 "111 11n! :1 ~uolhs:iyr.r," hr ~a.i s-. ''!'111 Ju $( s~1 y1 ni; 11 11<1\ tl1 (· i;-t:111s t1cal 1 re n tl s 111· Ull·;Hc. .. ' \111c.v~lsky":; rharls sugge;.:t holh ~ides of lhe V1 C'ln;1n1 \\':ir 11r111· aric at n point wh err lhry \1 1!1 eillier c,.:ease ho~tilit1 c~ or er11111nencc a tn:lJflr c~l'~lal1011. J•'or tile t:.S., he :;;;iii!, thi s n11ghL 1nr;1n d1111b!ln!: it$ n1ilit.:irv fon:rs in \"i{'ll1an1 to n1ure· th.:u11rne n11ll1un 111e11, State's Collegicins Bzisier Tliu11, .~1ost i,ns /\,\CL::l,~:s ( \!'\ -;11 T1'"~ in :'\ r:ir 1h:i11 fril11Prn i:1·~ nrw ((llic~1:i11 <. nonC:il1lor11 111 :>. 11irwc ~1) th;1n ll1t•.r t·o11 11-Anrl 1hn~!' C~!1forn \a Su11r 1!\r·p;i rt~ :1!'rD,~~ (lir n:1 t1un, .1r f' Cnllrge Fr1>~)11nt•n nf l~!Xl werr .1 l'Ul ~1bn1c thc'1r cuun· 0!11•11 v1r11·e>d ;1-; :-.lurh'nls 111 111 1l'rp<irts, Hi e repnrl ~a11!. .,, 1nnrr. !11rir 10 n1:1rch 1h:111 u~ing tesl re~uits covering li(\n!y ;ind nn incl111al!on lo llo l\nglish, 11:11111·;11 ~ c i c 11 c e. · I 1 ,,. so c ial ~tudies an d JU ~l I t;J , ,.., n1a!11 r.rn:1I i1~s. the Jl r of j I r Not so. ·i;ay~ !he (';'lhforni,·i del!'.'rinincd thr. C:ilifornia n~ ~t31f~ Colleges' Division of had a incan gr ade-p 0 i n t Jn~l itu!1on;iJ nese1irch. ;1ver:.igr. of 2,87-a C·nlus ·in The '·Frcslnnan Prnfilc"' high school comp;ired to n.;i- rf'ltase<l tllontlay by Ch11n-tion:il norrns of 2.58 for com· r·l·llor Glenn S_ J)11n1kc sho11 s pnrable academic 1nst1ll1 t1ons tll~t state r·ol\(;ge freshmen arid 2.76 for universities of· \\'ho enrolled lasl fall ;ire more fering doctorates or sin1ilar l i~ely to \VorK 11<1rl·linle \\'hile degrees. Tuesd<l'!, Octob~r 14, 1969 ~ DAI LY PILOT 7 Peaceful Protest Reaga11 PJ"edicts STAR GAZER ~i<~ No Violence Seen for Moratoriuni Day ••1rs .Hy Ct A Y R.' P0LLAN I ll••" "'.l: 1-1;.~. }I 1:/-Your oo;r1 ,1..,;.,;11 c~:.1. 1:/-I!~~-:1J;,~1 .A.c(orJing lo I~• .5!orr. ~.,.,,,, 1' To dtw!op messoge for Wc-<lr>Mdoy, or r.11 ~ No Stl"ikes SACftAJ\1ENTO {UPl) Califo rnia law enforcement agencles today pr ed i c te d peace_ in the cities a s thousands of demonstrators President's Alma Mater Sets Protest geared for Wednesday's anti-diea\lons in California that Vlelna.m War moratorium. tt'e 're go111g to have any , -11-16·18· <·· 4£1.~.f.3 ~-1 5-29 ~ teod words c:orr("sPQnding Ill nl.lllbeis •1 ~3-Sl--of yOUJ Zlldioc: bi1th ~,~,,_ "lt loots peaceful," said violence,'' said Cot. Anthony SACRAM ENTO (AP) tterbert F. Elli ngwood, Gov. L. Palun1bo, chief of the plans Gov. Reagan says he is sure )Coar:o "' 31 01 t.I Tl•f' oc~.11~ "~ J:I ~,>PPD<f 6l 1o.,,r .. , 11.onald Reagan 's legal aflairs"' and operations branch for the state workers won't strike _ secretary. "There's no reason National Guard. even though leaders of the lo believe there will be any "We're not making any group that represents mos t violence of · .Y kind." special p!ans," reported stare employes have resoun- Demonstrators have planned Jlobert MOOdy, I a \V en· Jingly abandoned a no-st rike n1arehes and speeches at the for('enient eoordinalor for the pledge. cap"itol and in other major disaster office. 'fhe governor said he wa~ cities Wednesday in opposition Reagan's schedule called £or disappointed by tbe California to the war. him lo be 111 \\'ashington, D.C.~ Stnle Employes Associahon ''I don't care how sincere today for an f~iscnhowcr convention 's 630-192 vot e Man- they are in their motives, they College fund raising dinnt'r. d:iy to rlrop the pledge . Tht: are lending aid to the enemy lie plans to return lo Los group represents tJ 1.000 of the and that enemy is killing Angeles WednesdHy for a JG0,000 state \vorkers. ,. :;)) I"<'• 6j l'"""f"'" !IOI. 2! "-3• f"¢!'1• t\.•~1001-17.11)..)6.~' "''"' 35 Bu'"''"' ... ~ lly 71 ·74-M-'!' 6 l""~1 ;'lb ~ld ...0 Poop:. ''"" 31 Or ~I 0"n9 SAGITTAllUS '"~ .:ie p_,i. Oii (ou .. •O•. U fi ~ 9 l ot :l9 f ,.,.j "''Wot orC. 11 ti ·i~ ~'.:'"'1 ...0 P•o!...ionol 70 lo .. 1,..,, 7 1 Y~., 21-24-41-Al 12 S.Ml••T .. iw~ '71 l'<Nmtu<OUI. 65·61-72 l lC~y '"" ;;o.,, CAHC1l 14 Grt •« 7• In (A~ll(OlH ~JUf<f,fll 1sc1-.. ~c,..,rrttn<: .. 7~ l"l•ll OtC. ii /. JUl Y JI 16ijy ·~Co" 76,.,.n• . ct· 11 Pl..,.,;1ol>I• ,.,1,,..,"'J 11 c.,,..,.,r, J,(/i.U '--' -:--:. 12-26-38-49 18 1'., .. 8 o. ,~,.. ' .5-9-J0-~4 cg ,~-~1 -76-79-19 F..,i>"Q .o l····"O /?MoJy 61-68-81 -85 '"l. :m r-'" '-0 c:•.--~o c,...,1,..!en! ... 21 1',;,:j ~, r ,, ~I ~·,,., .r.QU Ak!U~ @JULY )) 7; 1, .,_ ~"F""•ibl• ~l C9,,.,..,1 J ... ~. 1~ ~" :11'1"'.ll! »7 Tc~ e i H"IH•r ;;__«>.:, ;,A.Ui.. 11 J 4 ~p,co ~· l~01'V Ill•+;...,,, Ill. !I ,!,t(\o 75'o"·• ~ "'O'u"!'. youn g Americans," Reagan 1estin1oni a! dinner on behalf vf "I an1 sure," Reagan said in \V H 1 TT 1 ER (APJ said. "They should be asham-Hcpublica n Sen. George a ~Latement , "Lhat n1ost state ed of themselves." fll urphy. eniployes agree with the long -;---1-8-14-18 "' ~•9tt'• 3, 6-19-210; ::-e ''""' ~& '>u<;Q•""""' 1116 1>•01.,,ai«• :¢: 32-AJ..56 ::111 ... .~/ µUI 1111 ""''" 7-61·78 ·";:: :28 l'"<'•?«•t<I ~8 8.:.;,l.«;I ""'"' Students r;f President Nixon 's The governor called the Reagan·s wif{', Nancy, v.·111 l'Stabllshed legal and mora-1 "SCIS "0• ~~ l,<?OI SO ~o!I- JOA 001~'" 90 ~P""' 111. I'(-;,,. 1"/A.~.10 ~""" alma mater, \Vhilticr College, rnoratorium "ill advised," and visit wounded servicen1e11 principle that public em ployes 101 15 _,. plan to light an antiwar said the enemy knov.·s "the on-Wednesdf!y in Le l I e r m a n e;innot and \vlll not engage In "flanie of life " on Vietnain :·f;e\~~:e;t~ ~r~;~~i~~ ~~~en~~ ~:~<~.ra~h~o~~i~~~;rt~~n 1~r~.~~ -----------------------a~~:: a~)~ns!t~~!:e~rle.1::a! @AJv~~ ()~cut"l J..39-~l-~ ' 9-JG-~· inoratorium day Wednesday . in Vietnam." main 'in Sacran1ento today. rea<l to tl1e delegates, it wa~ "ll will burn so Jong as the Ellingwood said the slate lier hospital visit is lo ex· grretf."d by a 1nixture of jeC'rs, ivar continues," Jon Conte, emergency planning council press her ··sup1>0rl and ap-y 'S {£' D ? catcalls, laughter and ap· thainnnn or the student has niet and wi11 meet again preciatio11 ror what n1crnbers Oltltger 0 Olt ru.gs. plausc. before th e rnoraLoriurn to of the U.S. armed forces are The official abandonment or Jlun1an Rights Coinmittee, make plans in case violence doi ng for their country." SAN D'IEGO (AP\ -Staie state1nent that some judge~ lhc n0-strikc pledge will come said Monday. <locs erupt clurlng I h e The vigi l inadvertently got Sen. George Deukmejian said and dis trict attorneys JUintly Y.'hen a majority of the group's He clescribed the flame as clemonstration. an early start 11onday \Vhe11 a 188 local 1.:hapters ratify the B Ell. ood r.Jonday th<it Los Angel es Di~t. IJUl too rnany convicted of-" a constant reminder of those ut 1ngw and officials handfu l of demonstrators l'vnvention's acJion. \Vho have died and are dying of the National Guard , showed up in front of the Alty. Evcllc J. Younger h:is fendt"'rs on proba1ion. The nresident of the CSEA while it burns." Higlnvay Patrol, the state governor's house ahead of bee n lcnienl in prosecu ting Younger has not announcetl !olcl newsn1en after the vole I r police and Slate Disaster Of-sehedule. inarijuana users and peddlers his candidacy but Deukinl'ji an thal •·1 don't think this will The flame wil come r~a fice said there had been no in-Local tnoratorilllll officials bring about a strike by :>late P 't,bl b"l'"e to,ch , ,·ch The Long Beach llc11ubllcan, a1,1iarently has decided the 0 " e '"' · dieation from local poliee in· said the group \vas not part of en1ployes." the ~ludcnt s pl an to displa. on tellige nce sources of any plan-thr.!ir comniitleC. The grotqJ a tandidale for stale auorncy proseeutor will"bc hls c.:hicf op-Tile vole followed three !l1e 2,500-student campus d ned violence . dispersed at the request of the general. identified Younger b~· ponenL for the COi' non1ina-years or feuding with lhe al \':Jrious churches. "There aren't a ny in-n1oratorium leaders. name 1n ;i ne\\'~ tonferenee !inn. Republican governor. Students frorn campusesl--------------------------------------------------'------'------ elsl'wh ::-.re in the nation will be i11vited to li ght similar flames Jron1 the original. Phyllls Case. \1•ife of \Vhit· fir.r 's acting President Harold <:as<'. 1vill toueh off. the "flan1e of life" \n dov,·nlown \Vhitticr \\lednesday after a silent rnarrh from Uie can1pus with students. Dr. Case will be "ou1 of town on a speaking engage· men!," an administration spokesman said. The facU1lv a n d ad - 1ninblr.'.lt ion (J-f !h ls Qu aker· founded co I 1 e g e · voted 01t'rwl1eln1ingl.1• lo c an cc I t'l:i ~Sf'li l nr n1 orzitoriu111 day. i\~f.{'{l hOI\' his student col· ll·:igues 1·1c1v Nixon's handling uf the \1·ar, Conte !iatd : "\~·e c<.inno1 look into his own heart. bu t \Ve are con· v1nced he is not going serious- ly Into the bu siness of getting peace ••• The war is still going on and our friends are <lying.'' U.N. Bars Mrs. Si1·han Fron1 Talk l 'NJTED NATIONS ! !;Pl! -Tl1e mother of S1rh.'.ln B. Sirhan, convicted assassin of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. lral't'led J,000 miles from C:d1forni<1 to address !ht: l'niled Nat ions Gener al A:-sc1nbly. She nearly broke down in tears Monday when :;;h{' 1\'tiS ba rred from the l 'hillllbf'I", i\lrs l\1ary Sirhan had come lo dlJSCUSS the plight ol 1'rJlcs11nian /\rab re rugees, but :1<. ~hC' appro:iched the General Assl'n1blr, :-.he wa s stopped by 'C.011~1;inf111e A. St.avropoulr>s. 11ndr.rsccrf'tary general 1 n i·lla rgr o( gencr.;i l assembly ~1tl:.i1r s. ··SotnC'lhing 1nakes me very .~<td ," said !'l·lrs. Sirhan as le;!I',; \\'P iled in her eyes. "He 1 Stavronoul'os) 1olrl me 1 ca11- 11n1 ~lo I! hy rnysc lr llr told inc the Palestine people have no power." l\1rs. Sirhan \Vas !ol d in· dividuals may not address the r.cneriil .Asscrr11;lly unless they formally represent a nation. Stavropoulos said he would <lrllvrr l\1 r~. Sirhan's message lo Secretary General U 'fhant, • r.1rryi ng a 11111 college load Anrl com)lfl~ite r esults on the <ind have less of an interest in Aincrican College Test -the rxlr:icurricular activities lhnn admission exarnin.;ition cover-===========" l hn~c Qulsillc California. ing the s<1nH' subJe ets -gave'r Speaking of the plight of Palestine Arabs, 1\irs. Sirhan :-aid, "They are su ffe ring for 20 y('ars. They have no home _ .. their children are still Jiv. ing under tents for a roof Rnd ('nld earth for their cradle." You'll lease instead. If you enjoy haggling over th e price of a ca r, this ad js not for you. But ir yo u 'l"ant to forget shopping around (to say nothing c1f that fat d O\Yn JJayment), }·ou'll /eoJc. }''Our 11 c.xt car frurn 1-"'irst \\-'csterr1 Ba nk instead or buying. )'ou"l l <Jri vc <l\\':.JY in th e Ol()c.Jcl 'Of your choice, l:.no'''ing you're taking advantage of the bargaining po,\ler of a $950 111ill ion h:.ink that <locsn't favor one ca r over another. car. And si nce \Ve kno\v \vhich cars retain their value bette r, )'ou'll get the fi11ancial facts straight from us re· gardi ng the best one for you. Bes t of all, our professional and unbiased opinion \von't cos t yot1 a red cent. 'fhr tomparlson al~o shows California Stale Co I I e g e SCHOOLS ll1::i~e California fresh rn en freshmen a 22.3 1ncan score to On e ... .,..,"'P'r tell s yo~ l\'righed lht• quali1y of Ille 19.7 for eornparabl!' L'.S. In-mar•, mare aflen. •ba~t ""h•t facllllv and lhe <11c:iil:ihiti1y of stitutions and 22.1 f o I 9°~• on in locel 1chool1. Yo11'1J ·I ., t It ' · ' · II · h. h fin d l~•I n1w1p•"•r is the Sf>CCl<I courses-111 mo5 Cil\'I· un1ver~11Jes o erin g 1g eri DAILY PILOT. Iv in Sl'lecting a col!ci;c <.ind ~d:•~g~'~"'~·':· -------~'=============='! 1hat, once in. they more likely.- lived at hon1e anil had greater GOP Wo\ucn Rap Boycott FRESNO (/\P) -The cen .. \ral division of the Cal ifornia Federa1('(1 Rl'publican Women is on record as opposing th!' hoycotl of California table grapes. In R sharp1y 11 nrrlcd resolu · t1nn ;idnptcrt ,11 ll s CQn1·cn1ion . 111 Fresn<i 1\1onrJ;iv, thr C:Ol' gro11 11 <lrclar•·d ·lilt• h•1,11·01l ''has clcnir(I th e t1 011srw1ft· lit·r r r1nstit11t1on1 d r1v,h ( ~ n .-1 frer1 !0111 to hu\' \\'h:itcvcr JJo iJ Jtcrns !>lll' dl'~Jrc~." I ............ 0~1v )O\I t now lht a~onitlnf Ptin and lrr!t1Hcn ol hemorrhoid'. Often this condition Is IKfrlvlltd by daHy bowel mov1m1nts. ind 'Oft. stlp1tion 11 1lmost unbt1r1blt. Now, th ere's a tlini~•lly ltlltd for• mv1111on that wor ~s •R1ln11 the ~cubit p•eblem ol htmorrhnids •nd ti 1miri'i'i'IOn: ~~1·1clion COUNTERNOID' "· 1n• le11uph the lr1tt11>11fswtllinf/ p1ln cyc!1: 1. e1u1 p1in of 1or1, 11n1lti~• tiu111: ,, soothes 1no protecta lftll1m1d 11e1 for hour~; J, It iht umt ti mt il 1ol1ens ev1n h1rd ~l ools lo allow foe 1111tr, lt1t 11rild· int PIUlft , How much will you have to shell out per month? IL Jc. pend•. It depends on things like the make and model, Lhe length of lease and the extra stuff you want on your car. Whatever the car, nobody-but nobod y-can lease yo u a car for less than \Ve can. A l\\'O·year lease, for instance, will probably cost you up lo $300 les. from us. The main reason is because we're the source of casl1 -tl1e 1noney factory. This also means you don't have to go th rough a Jca~ing middleman \\lhO \Van ts a pi ece or the action. Are some cars better to lease than othen? Of cour.'<! So1ntlirnes it's eve11 cheaper to Jease a n1ore expensi\'c But suppose you still want to buy a car? You'll still he talking lo th e right people. \Vhe1her you lease a car througl1 a1ly of our 94 branches or borrow the 1noney lo ])uy, \v e'll still give you a free c11ec king acco unt. You see, we really want to hel p th e people who helped us lo become a $950 million bank . First Bancar Lease I 'I ........ ---. -.. -. -..... -------... ---..-........ --~~---------------------....................................................... --...,,.,--....... 'J'•' 8 DAILY PI LOT Fo1· the Meetitags 1 Ut:~D•'f' ll.0!11> (1\11> ol NP .. POr1 ll~ibOI. l•,,I\, Cwn1,. ClvO. 1600 E. {01•1 1t1on .. 1., (OlfllU ~ MIP 0 '.IQ""' ,....,,,..,.,,.,. (l\Jn 110'-... nQ• ,A.,I• r•.i1v•onl. W~•I"'"'""'· • ""' co,!• Ii'••• N~w"°'' "••tJo• I '"'" C-li,ll>, M"a V••o• Coynl!¥ (IUD. (D'!ll """'"' ~ t} n "' lhil><>• 01> L•t111i. l•U"' Vdl~ M'''""' 10.~ 81'1<Qe D"•e, N•N...:>rl b•l<h, / om Sr61 "e1cP l""'"""''"' (IUb. 1~1 Pan<h "°"''· T&:IO P~<"•C '"'"' Hl<;l>w~v. S•1I B••<h. 1 "m .. unhn~'"'' 6•1<n i::1>• Lci<M• r1•• CIUb, aoi Ofr~n l>vr , Hunlrn~IOU B•~<n, J JO pm So<••'• <or !nf Pr-.•••~l lon •r.<I Encou••O•,..•••' 01 B,.,,,,..., ~""" Tut~d~y Octob~r 14, 1%q " 11£RN[V-"\OV(ll, .. or~11 J 76. "I ii. A AVfnio. ~·~·Ila Lo~"'"' ><ti•• ~""Mor. 11 . ll. cl l .. I! (n4moleo. "' """ y,, ~ ~ .... IT .. -l~ llOl!f. Jo"~ P It 01><1 J""11n M . i.. ooon cl lQlJ F••1'h~~1n Lon< (<»•• Mr>• OA .. L[V-0.0NlfV A!c;.,t1 0 Jl •nd ~•no" L , l'9. l>Oth <>' 10ll2 l(~nuel•. Hu~•·""J•~n R•~•n lltllfll ll t"f~ER , A"OU>I H , :it ol l~I Sun••'· Laou"I So on• 0•10 (,°'I L l• ol 703'1 y,.,. co.on. N ... ..,rr II•~<'• OllY~OALE BERGE, \'i•l"•n> l , :10 "' IJll w 8•1t>o.> 111~<1 . tl~wootl !Hoth •"d Donn• !( 'IQ, (ti Jl612 ""Olt> Dtovt. o .. na l'o.n! SE PT. 1• jl,QAMS-CHENOWlH, John II , 21. •"d M••<>••rl tt .. 7S. OOl!l ot lY/f Monro .... , Co•!• Mt>•. c;.,Rlll$0N-LAWHEAO. e.rur• 0 . lD. .;. Ou•rlf! Stn~1no In Am•"(•. (n•I• ".. w;~ N~~::10~m~~"{~~1.""M~·i."'?':'i ot 191 1 "'""'man ano L'no" M . 19, "' wn Sn11l<J1 Onv•. oom o! l-!""''"Otcn ll•~<n HALE-CAMPBELL. M1tll~ 0 , ?$, <>I 1sas 11,noll1oo;od le"•'•· "••Ade~" ana O•l>0r•n, 71, "' JllCJ '"""I Pooni 01<vo. Loauna BPl<h lncon1 c 1'a x om. !,nu!n Coo•• .4r11 .. 7(}:IO Club, v.u~Q• Inn. 171' MM,nt, 6••1JO<I lolon<I, I JO •• l go-M MOOI• Nn 11\1. ·~s r I/In 'M SI ' Co•!• M.-~. I I~ 0 m L.4TH .. M-AA llNllUO, bob fl . 12, •»d Ah <e J , 11 , I><>'" GI JCS lllto ~I , !-lU"• Jono1011 lleacn M00 0¥-MA!TlfEW~. J•~'~ ~ 20, I~<> P•"•CO• L , 19, bell! of 1~ l~<J ~I , H"nt,nQl<>r> fl••rh Rai> Jails 'fu s lin Pail' -Or~ov• Cod'' I\ n." !!'•'"' M•n' Looa•. C.• ~~',':~l~,,_~~d'.O~\ 1~~' W, !•om,11,,.., •·V.'nl•T1'f'<lt• MC'l!•<~I [ .o•Ort'' PQ ... • l'l•\t"'•n>'" •lo'<hl~I " Q ' ~ • I • I C"(ie, Wr\!n"""•' I o"' W(O .. ESOAV Co·•~ Ml!'>•P<•nlK" (6,,;I l "-''' f lun Oo••'>, 111 ~ tlin S• Cu"• 1.,,. ,, I •m B l~• f 1~m• "loo>•"'~''"" (1~0. M• ~ v .. <1. Cwni., C•111>, (o"I~ lo'•• a. I • m. (o.•~ """'~ Ooo"'"" Club. (o•I~ Ill•>' Ge ll """ '""""' C•uO. 1191 C.Gll Ccu•1• Oro••· Cn••• M••~. n nono Hun!tngton &'1<1! E«Nn,.. Club, ~n••dlon IJracn Inn. 11unt,nylo'I I!••<~. IJ ""°" V"••!mo1111•• Oot1m.1! Coub, 1C ln11"• ldbiO R•>louronl, W•1lmon•l•r. IJ C~~M"a llolarv Club, Co•t• '~"• • Golt ano Coontrv Cluu. Cu•I• M•>"' fo:!n=·V&ll~y E•thA"o' Club, r·r~.,_ to1'', 1a1ll Be11ch 111110, Hun!ln9ton ll••<h, 17:1~ 0 "'· Jflarriuge Licenses ~EPT. ?J llAllTMAN-HAWi(INS, H•n<v J, <1, ol 11611 CuHv Orlvt. O<anao 11nd £lion M .. JI. ol 11'11 W . \llh l>•. N•"'""'' Ata<;n l(INT l RUNNIN G, Oe11,d ! II. Ond "'''"fl•n H. •e. bo•h ar •Joi llroll> 0"""· Hun!1nolon 6••<h OOMI Nt(IC-llOSE , Lt wrenc• J. ~. ol 5•)1 w_ Wi•••toa Pl•c•. San•• Ana •nd Sindt• l , 19, ot 10120 McFaa. dtn, WM!min"or. BOYEll-6AR6Ell. Foro•I L .• :n. or 101 Parro! Lano and Jolt•M. n, ot ~" H•"'-L•n•. boll> 01 Fount11n V1!1t V (,AllVIN -N£l50 N, llo<;n11d F . ,S. ot !1$61 6•<><h 61•d, v.~''"''"""' ~nd ~ tm• l , Joi. ol U.Ol G1011eu1e .. , C:.1rd•n Grove MAllllN~ON F![O[ll:l tNG. N•h M. 11. ol IOJG N. PMton. ~Into .4n1 •nfl C:.•1••• I . n. ot l/Sbl ~ant• Mon•k• {"rl•. Fwn•ain V~llo•. ..... ABRV-PIN(H, Robrn T .. ,1 ot loot g l•, Hun!in9lon Bc1c~ and L;nda H, 11, ot 1:160! 111ino,., We••m;n,tor l/tA[l(,(11 (T(M, ["ddt\ YO , ll cl. 17).0 W11nut A•'•, c;";uen Cro~P l "d i;-.,"•l•n Y . t1. ct 1091 Nrwoo•I A••. r "'-'d Mt•~ Pll .. 00 -OUE1-A:lA. John (. 70. ~n<1 ( ...i:oll• •. 20 r.,on .. t 11211 ""~"'" .. Lo• Atn•9" ~dn JUd'1 c,101>!t1no /~011.1-Wll ~l .. MS. Mocha•I tl Jl, ol 1>1~ ~""""'" A~• on<> OQnn,, J -in. 01 111 w. 1l111 SI . ooin ot N•"""'' llt•r n. PAVAN-l 0 Pfl, ll•Cl rdo, 1l, ot Ill'> 111n St , Wtsi1n1n"~' and M•'a" A. 10 01 Sl't s. S•<•mot"e, .s .. n1a Ano, llFEVES-THOMAS. Oennos L. 11, <>I !Oil E Color1ao, F•l•!ie~. C•Uf •nd ~d"d'• J .• II, 01 101 W, 201h ~!., Co"• MH•. SEPT. l t l!URGINGER-.. ICl!,EIT, 11;c~&•O P, ;o, cl !:.Gt A!lanhc Onv•. Len~ B••<h and Marv 1 .• JI, cl 10021 K:~~if~!~~';;i;'ft'.i:~ B.J~~i•• .4 , lS. or 10l91 L• Fu•nle, Fmmta•n Val•ev '"nd M"rv E .. 19. or 9_1;~ Crh•tor<l, sCV!~~-"1i1E':~o·~~. MTcha•t e. 11. ,.1 ~~t S\'.°~bll~.d, o(","J~na~?.~;~1~"'~1."c".~ Co>!• M•\a. NOl(AN(Hl-MULHElllN, EdW•rd M, n. 01 10347 6ol>a Ave., 1nd LindA ~, ??. ul ll.!16 La Pa! Pl•<•· OOlh o! \•1'.::'°f~~~lf~·EMIN, Rol>Ptl l, ll. A"d Ro>e E • 39. 001n 01 19«t McC••r•n Lano, HuMh>ttlon l!eac~. MA RK-LAFFEll:TY , ST•••n· l•. c• 7i.1 We•lmin,.er dnd Ma11een, I!, ol JISI eormuaa. bo!+. of Cosla Me>" l/IUGAR-OEWITT, Bradlei B . 11, o! 11?l) LO>l•V 51 , G•rden Gro•• l 'ld 5u;,1n £. 19, ol 2l61l Oune Mt•<. I.! Toro. /~C OO .. AGH-BLJll:T, Rlch••d fl . 7]. o• 7•1 w. W•l\<ln •nd ICa!hl••n J., 11. cl 7211 !-laroor Blvd., ootn o! c~,1~ Me•• KAHN-WAL LER. JOllrev A . 19, "' 121SI Fo"er l!o.l<l. R.x~m<><>< I nd l(a,rorvn S., If, o! 11/02 Wtmtftov, l o• Al.om•lo• C.ALJOILLO-ll:OSAlllO, Poler I'., 18. •nd S•™'•• M, H bom 01 11101 11:,,,,.,.., Orove, lo• A.•lmo!os. f/ICKLEi NOIN--SAKUMA, P•UI B . 1•, ol _1111 !.o••hO•• Drive. Newoo11 R••<n •n<I Luci!I• N .. 24. o• 11oa omo<rl•I Hionwav, No•w•IK. 'l'l'STli\ -A 'I u s t1r1 t"Uup!e (h<:irl\t'i.l \1•1111 rc1>orting only ull(' tCnllt Of the Hl('U/llt! l111•y ;1llegedly mnde tJuring 11\0 years a!-i t•onstruction ('Orll- pany executives hls been ar- r ested lly lec!t~rll .::igcnts. Jlcnry JL Bya n!, 47, ;ind Goldie J\1. By;ird, 37, of 1Gtl22 Townhouse J)r1vc, surrcndl'red to authorities last Turs(!:iy, U.S. Al!ornl'Y J\·l :iltilcw Uyrnl' announced l:.1t!ay. The p:iir, relcasPd nn S2,:1UO h:t1 I eaC"h. 11·111 be ;1rr111gn<'d before F'cdcr<1l J)1strn.:t Court .ludt:e Albert !.. Sll.'pliens Jr. in Los Augelf'.~, hul no dat ~ h:1s bt.'t'n :-;el fu!' the ap- pearance. A ictlcral gr;:ind Jury ln Los Angele-~ indu.:11•11 lht couple 0 11 l\\O counl~ 111 1n1·111n1· ta:< evasion all<'gcdl.v OC'c·urnng 1tur1ng 196~ :111.t 1%5, 11 hilc uf- fi eers of JVl C11nslru t:lion Corporation. Fontii nu . . . COLVER-SIMPSON. Wlll••m C . /9, o! ~la Clll Ori•• nnd Emil¥ C:. .. 6l. o! ..Ol Mer VI•!• Orlve, 00111 ol N•.,..<><><1 l!••<h. JAMIESON-CLOSE. Mo~welt M , ~!. ot lJ'/72 El Encanto, 08na Po•nl ~~d Ter"'I C .. .16, O! •l2 EmetalO 6,,v, L~aun• 6eacn. l UCICE R-MAYNA.110. Tlmot~v II . ?I • of lP l•v;n. A.v•., Nowoort 6~•·~ ~"" An~ela, :n, o! ll>O Montt V»!d, 'fhc ir1<l1ctn1cnt ~;1ys 1t1c nvar<ls 1n1uh~ SB!l.196,76. v,•h1lc Hiey reported income of only ss .~5l.82, according lo federal authorities. , DEAT ll NOTICES CALLIS w.111.m J_ C411<!. 11115 Co,,.mo""'' l,'~~d. NOWll<l'I Reach. ?d~· p, ... ~.n! ot New<><>rl ll"lbo~ llol•r• Cl«~· a .. i. "' o~.tl~. Ot•otioc 11 Surv.vcd '" w•IO. \'l~~'[~~';:~a.:._PAINF., John W., ?l, nf u~ w Juni""ro and Bille F., 71, or Jl6 vi. Pa,.o de Cri~leQ<!I, 001~ o! ~an Clemen••· Divorces M.r<o"o; lwo >tm•. Jam• •nd ~·~"•<d, DIVORCE~ FILED tlcw?O•I B•~'~' ono oouYM.,, "''" P.•~&rd, o~nnl~ M. v• Ann Mor ie ·rax on the inc·ornr allegedly nol reported h.v 1 he co11pl c a rnount t•d to S31.962.l·L Jnlcrna l Hcv('n11 ~ Sc r v J c r. authorities !>aid. !.'""~ Pf,ft Trmpo, Arl/un•: "''"" GM"-'""· Do•<>ll•v M •• PMl;o (uQt"f ""' l.\d""'"" v,,., ll hvn. nm•he" M.,, w .. r. MMV F. '" J•me• L. r,,,01.n~ c .. 1,,,, bulh o• 5Pr.~g Voll•·•. Jo\>up, M•cv F. "' K•••" >I Easte r Sea I t ~•·lo,m•. Roi•"•· 1 Jll PM 1on 19M. ll:1d•no" M•rv 1>•lon "' cnorlos l-l•n•v ,""'""' Rt-tou•••" Mo». w ... mt•d••· W•l~or. Dorotny .4. W•lkor •• N••• I... ~ AM. born "' ~1. Jo•r~,m·• Cat~ohc ~:~~~·-,..~::'t~ J< J~~~~ol.. ( ~U•cn. lnlermen!, llOIV Senul<h'' C•olz ono, Luot "' Frar.k (or•er l PMI''•" 01f<"<IO<t bv B•llt MQtlu•"• Douoan. Jr., Lind• Loa v• Wllll•m 11•1 ~"~"o" c ... 1. Mc~•. Moo" EATO N Oic!t, Jen .4!ic• "' Rot>ei1 ltw•• ~ ' L-.n•uon, (Ynlh•• lw ~• Ptlricll ,_ •• ,. ~. C:1•on. SU Pool•r S1., 1.1911"• JO. "' FULLERTON -Juh n n_ II•~<". Oa1< o1 Goal~, ()(!. 11. 5.,,. 80<>;r3. Loon.ltd M. "' O•wn M. -.. h h b "'""d bv ~i<ler·ln-1aw, Mr1.. N•nc-. e11cccr•. oonn• De• "' F••n~ C:.oo•a• l'1all' inney ilS t"e n l'ICcted Eo<on, ol (~•c ..... o; an<I ""'" COll•ln,. W-t ll alllt Jine vs At !l>ut l1owatd president O( \he bO:t rd Of !Je,...FCC• ,,,0,0 l>tld tm.J, T0»..a..y, Robt>, ·~lly JH n VI Jo"""' Wo Ul1m It AM .... 1n Rtv. Phlllp e. Grooorv ~r:~: ~ .. 1~k1~1·:~~1·v:·o:.:~·.i:c1.de directors ror !hr Orange. C.:oun- <0!toc1a!lng, Er<1ombm•nl. Pad lk \'l•w Con••d, er>n:c r . v• Mancv c. ty Easter Seal Society. MomorO.! Pa•~ Corocied bt P•cil•• H•llor•n. Mll<l•td A.. 111 Thome• 11. V•ow Mo'1u1r.. ':;j'1l~\~';C~.""'t'1,:arvG~~~am~, ""'''&~ld Besides the 1" u I l c r Inn 1\IEYER (1~~0-;;~~·tind• ~ l(~noe!I'> Httold realtor. olhcrs clct·lcd lo of-~n,•l•V C. M••or. J:oill Ml<:hlgi" Ave , l.tdlord. Doroln• G. v' Wilbut" T. fJC(' ill ;t l"l'C('Ol ~Qt'iCt,· (r.•I• Mt••-Otle o! de•lh, Oc!. 11 , An<!et ion, Ell• II . vs Waldt m(lt o £. !.<>rYtvPd '" hu1ba...:1, 5Mnlev T, M•V-5chv,.,no el, LIUl•n Mo~ vs i:tornard )11CC'ling lnL·lud(' Eu~cnc 'l'ui! rt. d•u9Mtt, Catul Lee ; mo!hor. M". Wcriov. Charolvnn L v~ Will1t<1 V f·"fl'~•• !.co•'"'· WP'1 LO'! Ange1•1: MeG••· Don 1Cen! vs K11~1een Anne of Tusl lil, £1r~l l'ICl' prrsidcnt. h•o<h~•. w,11,..,, S<~~1<-1, ""~""'" r-.. ~ Heloo~on. Clo•;• E. ~• J•me• w. Dr. Le11·i~ L:irr1111rL' (if Y01"11;1 · . .,.,, ,,. • ·· ~'W"'' Su"", m.."'' , Ore'"°,"· 6'~;!,\~.c;W'1r11!'ri:wt;tnu~r' :;•~1n•n L•e l.>"d", , •."'""On<! 1 >!'>' l''·"."><i">ll ''' LN•n l!OV" y,.,.,,,,QO•L ·\I• (\l"'"nQhem, Jt., P•tricla ,lnn YI ''" ·••• •~ •· ""'"I '""or•,. We<l>\f\l!~W 1 P.lh, Wllllom Jello I J di' ,., I\ 1 I' S•h 11 Ii•"' (0,1~ /,,.,,, rn,,p•I 1~1 •• ,,,.nt. C•ol•"' Oo•ouw € ~· HOW•'d ;1n( ti ,.,r LiJ II .• L: llll\ Ho1l)Or R •~• M~"""1 ""'' ~om>1v ~"~;11~.11L~~·i:-,.1;ly :: :~~:~n,.dl\u• r1I S<1nl;.1 Ana. :-•'l'l'l:l:1ry. \""""''' m~'" w•\Mln• To ""'·• ''" _:::::C::-""-CC.:.C..CCCCC... __________________ I 11\0ffOI (COII)bul•Of\•, o•r,,•,e tc~h,Qul• •o '"' A."'""<•" (.inert \o""'' n' '"'"" by OOl!t Murl~M•· 11•1 ~""''" '°'· Co•le Me>.i HE ISCllL <"•••e"(• r f;lo ••cnl ""' n , o• ~(,(.! CU•'"'" ('1; Hunt.nolon 6~och 0•'• ,,, O••"· Qctnt-..• I? ~<<'v>11e<1 t>\o "'''"· l oll•on. (Mtldrf~ Mk~••I ~nd (Ml\~; •ou• b•Olh..t•, Mo"I' Wali.r, LAW· "nt• and """'"I R•"~~•: ,,.1er. 1.1 ... u"ul• S<~·'"'"'' •n~ th••e ~·•"<1-<~ddr~~-S•rv.c•1 '"II !It nelo WO<tn~•r.•v, 10 l>M. ~.n.in, (Ila""' [nloml>- l'"e"'· ~V"""''"'" M•"'lOto•I P•" Lon9 11""<11. 5Motn• M6<1v••w 01 .. c•o•1. S~11Tll V II«!"' ~ ~.,.th. ?J81 W•<!mln•t•t "'"". C.o<,•• /,'••~. ~urovv•O bY ""· ~·•"4'~ :..n. P"""'' w.n, • .., ~"'''"· .,, .• ~ .,. 11 \ ~t•I• nn,,. '" r.>ot•o•. I'~'~"~ •"" <•• l "''O•V. I P"I' Por • v.r .. \ '""~' "'''" "*" f ON~•a • "•·tr 011 .. •• "" '"'""''" "·'t·• • V•v 11~"'<' I •'~·· r ''<"d 'I• p., .... "'"" "''"""" A HJ\L:CKl.E &-SO'-' -1 \\'eslrliH t\lorlu:iry l'.!7 J-.:. Jill• SL. Cost;i t\h·sa 6 16·~8811 • H,\LTZ ~IORTU ArtlES Corona drl 1\lar I IR 3-9150 Costa ;llrsa r.11 6-Z l24 • BEi.i. HHOAO \\'AY l\10BTUAHY J 10 Broad w:iy, Costa l\lesa LI 8-.1433 • DI LO,\ Y BROTllF:TIS lluolington \'alley l\lortuary l i 911 Bracft Bh·ct. lluntinglo11 &ach 8~2-7771 • l!lcCORl\OCK 1.AGU\'A BEACH 1\IORTUARY Ji~ Laguna Ca nyon Hoad Laguna Beach .t91-9415 • P1\C lflC VIEW !\l[,\IORIAL PAHK Cen1etery e l\fortu ury Chapel 3&00 Pacific View Dti\"e f'\ewport Beach, Cullforoi1 644-2790 • PEEK F Al\fll.Y COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 73'11 Bolu Ave. \\\•:&!minster nJ..3S%S • SHEFFER MORTUA RY Laguna Beach .t!f-1535 Sa n Clrml':nte 49!-0lot • S.\1JTllS' J\10RTUARY 627 l\lai• SI. llunlin~lon Reich 536-5$39 Ha1ids Across Sen La\rrcnce J,amb of Pa.sa<le11a (!ell '. :-1 1111 l11c or I rvine, Scotland, delivers plaque fron1 J (o~ .11 llurc:h ol Jrvine lo \ViUia n1 .R . i\la.~on . prc.•.idcnl of Or.111.t;c <.:ou nty's Jrvi nc Comp~n_y. Pla.quc '\as errr ru ~trd to La 1nb during recent v1 s1l to h is n;il11<' 1111111 . :'11111!0 inscribed on it translates thusly: ... l'hc {;ood ('a11sc 'f rlumphs in the End." ' .BIBLE THOUGHTS Other lntellhi ent !cin9s: Htb I 1 •~v• God M4de "WOR LO!'' J<\, I b 1 ~1~101 lk• "SONS OF GOO" <'>•«~n•d •n God'1 preo .. nc•, a~d S&lot1 <•m~ !h~,,.. God ~ •lked him ftom wh•nte h• <~"'•· ond h• repli.d, "-+.om 9 o•n9 +o •"d fro <ft I~• eot!h, and from '""IL111q "" _.,,,d d""'" '" 11." G en. ti :1 •l•le• !ho ' SCNS OF GOO' •~w +he d o 119hl er~ .,f MEN. G•n. )!24 ""d 1, •. b 6 refer lo CHERU BIMS and SERAPHIMS, •pp•r•n!ly lypr• of •"9el1 .Heb. 1:14 show1 thol •n<J•I• a •a "m;,.;,1.,;,.9 ,.,,.,1\' tn htlp Chr "- lo•n1. Ch.pla n I •nd two of H•brew• 1how the 1olo l<>e impor- l•"t• of CHRIST, ANGELS •nd MEN, in thal o•dtr. I ph. to · I 1 l •Y•, "-we wr•1+l• "ol a9•inol fl11h •nd blood ' I."• "'l"'"'I PR.I NCtPAL1TIE S, POWERS, RULERS Of OARKNlSS •nd SPIRI T. UAL WIC KEDNE SS. I F'•I, 5:1 1av1, '"-lh1 d,.;I, •1 • •0~•1n9 lion, W•l ~eth e boul 1eekin9 who"' he "'•Y d ewour.'0 1 C o•. 11 .1 4 ••v•, '"-Sei1n, hir•u•lf ;, lr•n1fo11111d into "" ""'l~I of l11ht," J ,1u1 <•11 DEMONS out o f man. We ••t not ALONl 1n th,, Un,. ..-u1e! Ji ;, •~h.bil•d by inlelli91nl 4nd powe•ful fo•<•• ,..ho "'* nol of • MATERIAL "''"'"·Go In vou• pul•l.c l,b·~•v ond •&ad o f P••1•~!·d•v POLTER GEIST tcl1witv. You m•v ~t ·~·r'<•rd ' God " • SPIRIT. Jn, •:2•. M•n ;, • SPflllT, Ina •ho•iqh ;nl<•b'' in9 • ll••hlv bodv. Ettl. !1:7. G.n. I :26. Ou r lle•htv hod••• n•¥d O!Vlt/f help lo cope .. ;th """ •P'"'"'I lo•C-•• ol •~• U"1•••••· H•w• ¥0" •nl:11,d G od .~d Ch,,,1 .,n vou• ,.d,.1 rl:••d vnut Rob!•. Ob1v God ~~d c ~ .. 11. Cl\ur~h .,f C~""• 217 W . W 1110~ S1. c,,,,. M·1 ~ c ~. '17b17 Computing Chief V CI's Fel£l1nan Fir st to Hol,d Title IRVINE -Prorcssor Julian 1•'eldrnan has bt'C'n nan1cJ assistant ehancellor for co1n- put1n g 10 a reorganization of L'C Irvine 's computer opera- tions. Along wiLh the appointment cun1c the announcernenl that campus con1puting 1>ower has htl'n more lhan d o u b I c tJ tllrough acquisition or ne1v cquiprnent. Fcldn1an remains ch;:iirn1an of Ul'l's Department of 1nforination and Con1puter Seienc_e, providing courses of !>itudy for students in the com· puler field. WJth his new title . lll' <also 111 o v e s 1010 coordinat ing the resea rch sun- port, gcn::-ral t"'dutal1on and bu~1ne~s aspects of the cun1- pulcr prngr<11n or. campus. puling and a $fl00,000 PDP-10 Jor batch i."'OmpuUng. Despite these acquisitions t he $650,000 campus budget for computing has not been in- creased over last year because longer-term fi nancing has been arranged, Feldman !laid. lie rema rked that the new equipment gives more con\· puting pov.·er for lhe dollar. Feldman said that while most universi ties get t he largest computer they can af- ford, Irvine has instead ac- quired two n1ediun1-sized ones tha t better serve its purposes by allowing for a functiona l batch-interactive split. The diffe rence beh\•ecn the !11'0. Fel dman ex plained, J.'l tliat batch computing handles proble ms, complicated phy sics MR.MUM / . ' Fcltln~:in, 38, ls the first 1)('.r:.on at UCJ to l'.arry the ti- tle IJf :.issislant t hancellor. a recognition lhat the computing fuction on campus crosses usual lt"aching, research and business lines. GETS NEW POST UCl's Feldman research for instance. re-i:'~;, qu iring exclusive use of the -~=====================:'.:~ cen tral processor for Jong C :ountv Editor Soc iety JI.cads ANA llE l~1 -Richrd Dovie, n1an:.iging edito r of t~h e Anaheim Bulletin, has bt•r n f'lcetcd c:hairman of t he. Sou thern California United Press Editors (SCUPE ) for 1970. l)oylr succeeds G a r I an d C.rifl1n, managing editor or the Hlverside Enterprise. Basic lo the reorganization of campus compuLer opera. lions is a division of computer facilities bcl11'~n '"batch" and "interactive" co mputi n g methods. n.ollert Gordon. director of the co mputer fa c i I i l y , becomes director of the in- leraclil'e facil it y, and Paul Condon, associate professor ()f physics, takes on the job of dirct·tor of the batch faci lity, One ca1npus computer also is replaced by tv,.o, The IB r.I ~1odel f)() central processor has been replaced by a $1 million Sigma 7 for interactive com- periods of time. Problems to be solved by interactive com- puting require less extensive use of the central processor making it possi ble lo solve <:. numbe r of them simultaneously, Feldman said terminals for the computing system .at one time. about :JO interactive are usa ble Feldman came to UCI in 19&1. from UC Berkeley where he had been an associate pro- fessor of b u sins ad- ministration. Jfe is a noted authority in organizational deeision making and in the simula tion of human thought by computers. Coast W on1an Collects In Sports Car Mi shap SANTA ANA -A Ne\vport Beach woman whose right foo t \\'as maimed \\'he n lhe clulch of her imported ltalian sports ca r exploded has been award· ed $137,500 damages by a Superior Cou rt jury. The panel agreed v,•ith the al legation of ~frs_ Davidge ~{orphy, 38, of lf>OO JJorothy Lane, that 1he c lu tc h mechanism or her !!ltiG Fcrrilri \\'as defective but ruled that there was no r l'idcnc:c or negligence on the part of the defendan ts in sale, 1nanu!ac· ture. inspection or repairs of the vehicle. INTEREST ON YOUR MONEY CAN MAKE THE BIG DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE th e difference betw ee n enjoying ret irement -or just retiring ;J the difference be tw een go in g to see yo ur gra nd children -or ju st yearn· ing t o see them ·th e difference betwe en car efree and carefu l livin g : , enjoy the 7o/o yield on 2 year investment certificates wh en held to maturity ($5 ,000 minimum) ·-._ interest checks mail ed qu ar· terly ~ of course, if you need more flexibil ity, there are oth er plan s fo r Thrift Cu stom ers -such as a Thrift Passbook Account , with 5.50 o/o int eres t. : · swit ch to th e big difference -and let your money gro w. FUNDS RECE IVED BY OCTOB ER 20TH WILL YIELD INTE REST FROM TH E JST. .. ----------Rem ember we pay postagl': both ways ----------- £nclosed i~ m~ thed iii the amount of $ I hitVe marked l~e IVPF of account I would like opened. Plta5e send me a si11nature u 1d 111h1ch I will !ill out and 1elu r11. CAllfORttlA THRIFT & LOAN COSTA MESA DFF1CE 170 [_17th Stiel!, Cosli MW', Cili!orni• 9262/ CALIFORNIA THRIFT&LO.AN t I 5 50"(, l~r;n Fou!Jool (•...,""'"nu 1•:, 2 ,,., ttrl•hnlr l~.ooo 1111n•m•"' 6n0 I tU • <:ft hliCllt S!.illltl '"'"'"'"m ~·~ z ,_., (H!lfou1• l l 000 "''n1mw"' l!dd1n~------------------MEMBElt Of THE AM ERICAN INDUSTRIAL BANKER S ASSOCIATION S olfic.es serving Southern Cali!i)f'T'll~ t 1lf'------------------- ~·, 6 111~nl~ tt<l•h<ol• l~.000 "''"'"'"lft , •• O•r I~ o., O•t ln!•'"'I $l5,(100 .Sl•l~----------'·•·------- • • COSTA MESA OFFICE 170 ( 17th Sllf6l (JCrl>1S Fulltr1on SI. liom 8111 BOfl fle5t1ur1nl) • (114) 646-~04 5 I • .,I County S11mplao11y Marni Falls Sho1·t " •' In Classical Solo " " By TOM BARLEY Of -Oel/y Pllef Sl11/ Whe Miss Marni Nixon • brought the score of Benjamin Britten's "Les lllu1ninalions" before a Chapman College au· <lience Saturday ni8ht she did so, of course , as a concert arti st in the truest sense of the term. And it is as 1nuth, since she so offers herselt, that she must now be judged. For long exposure to scores of somey1hat lighter construction and undoubted gifts in that direction which have '"on her a considerable followi ng are ot credits that can be accepted by the concert hall critic. Now would the charming Miss Nixon, ll-'e are equally sure, wish to dra\Y on that reputation in any analysis or her prowess in the formidable Britten song cycle. Indeed, it \vas made abundantly clear in the program notes that the Orange County Symphony Orchestra's guest artist was no stranger to !he kind of pro. gram of which she v.·as now a ctnlral figure. We are undboutedly hacking intG our review of tJ1e ocso·s hi£hly successful s e a s o n opener but. in the light of what we have to say about ?i.1iss Nixon's "Les Uluminations," it is just as well that the stage tbe set and the facts of Miss Nixon's transition be made perfectly clear. · Much was made in pre-con· cert publicity of her long and considerable experience in the classic medium and of her participation in works well quallfed to rub shoulders with the likes of the challenging BriUen score. All very well, but there is no gain i;aying the fact that Miss Nixon \\'as bridging the "''ide gap from "Sound of ,_1usie" to a com· plex choral 1~·ork that ptat·es tremendous demands upon the soprano whose entire career is spent within its orbit. A gallant effort to captur'e the inherent pathos and moody mysticism of the Britten work, )'es. but not a performance that would lead us to endorse Otto Returns HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Otto Prtmin ger retun1ed to J~oll~"'·ood to complete ··Tell f.1e That You Love tile, Junie f.1oon'' after legal problems involving nude scenes in a graw:yard in New England. any plans that ~liss Nixon might have for amore s us- tained onslaught upon what mu5t be, to her, a more Elysian field. She has a true, clear :;oprano voice, to be sure , but one that is infLntely more suited to the vehicles in \li'ich she has gained her con- siderable fame. We have been ;1mong her adrnirers on those few occasions when we have strayed from the concert hall to lhnt lustier environment that Y.'as Rodgers and }lam· mer.stein but our review con· cerns Benjamin Brileen. Bril\en's score is his mus ical expression of Rimbaud 's glorious poetry and his in· credible ability lo capture the bittersv•eet poignancy of those gilded and epic lines is at once staggering a n d absolutely breathtaking. It is a magnifi· 1.:ent opportunity for I h e soprano worth her salt to in· dulge her artistry in one of the most glo rious song cycles in our concert reperloire. Let it end there. Enough is enough. Nixon v.·as not, in this in· stance, the one. Hy far the n1osl impressi\'e fea ture of a finely balanced prograrn \\'BS the orchestra·s poli s hed delive r y of Beethoven's F o u rt h Syn1· phony, that solid yet un· deniably happy "'Ork that so rarely appears today on our concert pro g r ams . Its absencl', to this crilic, is in· explicable. ~1aestro Daniel Lev.·is led his orchestra in a disciplined a n d utterly commendable reading of this attractive \\'Ork, so full of the bubbling humor that the great master so often injected intG his ntusic and yet so replete with the painstaking scoring lhal is lhe delight of the more t l!<'hnically inclined. \Ve "ere particu larly in1· pressed "'ilh the r r s t niovement, a happily scored adagio-allegro vivace and Y.'ith that resound i n g final movement, an allegro ma non troppo that brought the very best out of Lewis' ensemble. If this concert is to be our criterion, then \l'e are in for a no ther successful s ea son from the Orange County Symphony Orchestra, \l'C shall have much more to say about "''hat is contained in its 1969-70 repertoire in an upcom ing •·o verture"' -one of our long looks at "'hflt lies in store for Orange Cou nt y music lovers. Crossword Pt1nle ACROSS 4S Ht1rt C7 Do bttl!I l "Quitll" than b Shield 48 Lt i 10 Mr. 51 Kind of Garro w1y t~am 14 Weapon SJ e~ ready IS Stylish: '" Sl1n9 54 Cocky lb "Ess~ys ~tis on: of ·-··' words 17 ~colylt's 59 ltile milit 1/ ~n1m a l s lB Pul s on lht bO Lov t 9od fe edb~g bl A \hln11 l'f Peruv1a.n found c oins ~l Sm 11t 2G "Thr ···• herring I ·-·-·": Suck &J Cri!it litS ti ti t : shi rply 2 word s &4 Incited ll Toole:. b5 Diocesan lll tga ltv ct 111ers 23 Oral a lib Part of 1 KO punc h ~armtnl 24 0 I lnfinit t t.7 tee 1plow duration dev eloper 2& c.1 11 ror heir 29 Prrsidentil DOWN nickname JO Atgran 1 Worthl t ss isl and matter ll Caper 2 The Saint's 33 Overbt1rlng symbol louih 37 San one's 3 Prtposit;on 4 Lots and tte shot lots )! Rebuke 5 Otviatlonlst 4G Comrort b Archai; 41 Voided fo,m of ltglsl1\lon endl ess 41 Machine 7 farm an ima l ihop too l 8 Slick 44 Al I great 3 words dislanct I Yes\trday's Puz zlt Solved: • '"' ' ' ' .. ' • " " T 0 U • ' ' • , .. ' ~·~"0"1 ' ·; . G IW T l( .. 0 0 •• 1.U 11 • ' r. 0 N [ S ~ 0 0 • -~ O~• I~ . " I '-5 & U , " :cu•[• COl I c ~ ! • l•j •0 T ". p u ~ • ' ' • " ... ' ' • • "' ' .. • ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' "' .. " ' • "' T ~ l [ • 9 Sys 1,m: Abbr. 10 Naval vessel 11 Cr~1y 1s ..... Z words 12 Abodt 13 Tr ipod's rt lative 21 Bird 22 Oispos~ or al iuctlon 25 Flooring pie ct 2b River l)f Germany 27 ----in ~ lifetime 28 Dane~ movemtnt 32 Dreamers 33 Ofltr al an au ction 34 Fish erman's neC!SSltw 35 Norw•r '• IJI QtS City 10. l ~/b9 ;!> S~ar['I slir •II b~rk !"8 Social 1111<1 j 9 Te nder r.f livestock 4Z "· ·•• chanc e1: Z word~ 43 Confounded: Di d . 45 Not rt fin ed I 4b Boston defrnst11111n 4! Ortssts 49 lnforrntlf 50 Asi an herb SZ Immense 55 Act lislltss!y Sb Theater section s1 on •nr occ as on 58 Relini:iulsh b(J Bib lical vtssel . )"'. . . ~ . . .. , Tut!.day Octob'.r 14 1w,q DAILY •tlaT t Don Grady Says So Acting Stunts Child Star? • fIOLLYWOOD <UPI) Does acting ::tunt :1 child star's growth? Don Grady, a ro-slar in "My Three Sons·• since he was 13 that is the i;l<1nd t Ii a l determines gru\\-th. ''Our growth pallcrn is In- hibited because we lhink short. \Ve act short and \\'e c.:oncentrate on being short.'' years old, says yes. I,============; G1·ady :ia1U lhc lJUblic wuuld be astunished to learn how old some so n1e or the t"hi!li stars ~ire -1nany ye;1rs older than they appear. Ul'I T11tpl\9t1 A bright lad in his 20s now . Grady believes lhe abnorn1al life o! a child star leads to deep psychotogicall disturbances which affect the physiologcal a spects of l growth. Don 1nay be all Wl'l. Then again, he may have a theory! for scientists lo ponder. I Because Don is only 5-fool-71 himself, he is convinced there is validity in hi s thinking. The youthful actor a d m i t s , however, that hereditary fac· tors are an innuence too. ''\Vhen you are playing a younger role as a child performer -and almost all of us do1" he said. "you find you aren't really acting. The child regresses to the <lge he is play ing on stage and off." ~,,.,,~f ~ I 2tOS l est Co .. t Hl1llwoy Coro110 llel Mer-ph. '71·6260 1 ENDS TONIGHT DIC!lt VAN DYl'I in "SOME KIND OF A NUT" -.1\ls0-- "WEST SIDE STORY" * STARTS WIDNISDAY *: ENDS TUESDAY STf.Vf: l't'ICClU[f.N 'f>ULUTT' BALBOA 673-4048 OPEN ,:41 7tf r. lalka lal~ hnln1ula e ENDS TONIGHT e "THE FANTASTIC PLASTIC MACHINE" JAMIS COIUlN "DUFFY" e STAii.TS WEDNEIDAY e '"THE WILDEST &-SEXIEST FILM YET .. -PLAYIOY .. w i ···iruu\11111., MERKIN • evh-/ 111,rf ,\WICY Hum~• .,. 'JUST TAKE WHAT COMES ALONG' Gridder Turned Actor Ro$ey Grier Lot oi Suppo1·t Giant Grier Joins Dcui'Z Don singled out f\tickey nooney, rauy oukr. Judy 1 ~;El.~l~~ai~I Garland. Stanley and Ba rry "lOOO p~~~E RAID" Livingston o( his OY!n show, along \\'ilh most of the niop·l'============'1I N•//ilf</1,,. "'~'"""" 0 AnlhORy Newley ·Joan Collins TECHNICOLOlt By BOB TllO.\IAS ~ti ll catching 11p. \Vhen I started playing pro ball for lhe l!OLLY\\IOOD (AP ) -"\\Iii! New York Giants. I played the I make it as a perfonncr?" role of clown. I did that for the n1uscd big Roosevelt Grier. "I good of the club a11d also to ha1·e no idea. I've never plan-t:O\'t:r up my inadequacies. l .ater, when I moved lo the ned anything in my life. I JUSt Los Angeles Ranis, 1 ~'.arted live my life !J the fullest and t 0 1 a k e 0 n mo re take 1>1·hat comes along." responsibiiltles." Rasey Grier never planned Crier's football career came lo play pro footba ll. But the abruptly to a halt on Sept. I, opportunity carne along and 1967. He \\las chasing Mike ('.arrett in an exhibition game for 13 years his huge frame <i gainst the K;insas City Chiefs struck terror in tl1e hc:.irts o( wh en he suddenly dropped to opposing quartcrbal'ks. the turr. Now his career 1s taking a "I thought I had been clip· different turn. He has been pcd ,'' he said, ··and 1 looked signed as 3 senti regular on the around lo catch the number of1 "'ho did it -I'd pay h11n back "Daniel B oone '' telev ision later 111 the gaine. But no one series, portraying :1 runaway ll'<J!i tht'rc. .slave wh:> Ji ves among the In-"\\'henever T hat! been hurt dians. Not 1n any series st ars in a gan1e before. I always stayed on tht: ground a long would tolerate a supporting tune. That would make the player of Grier's :. i l e. other team think. I v.•;is hurl Fortunately Fess P<lrker is an baci: then they'd c:>me al me inch taller than Roscy's 6 f ee~ the next play and I'd blast S. 'cm. But this time I didn 't get "He 's taller, but J"n1 big-up. I had to signal for the i;er,"' replied \he c x. Lo s lrainer, something I'd never Angeles Rains.' line111an, \vbo lione be/ore " derlineU to reveal his currenL Grier had lorn his Achilles poundage. lcndon. He r ecovered cnoughl Grier, who also heads hi.~ to play again, but decided it 01\'ll television l'<1r1ely show \\'a s ti rne to qui I. ''You'll Joc;il!v. is rnlhu~ru ;iboul n•·· 11evcr gt>t rich. not even ting: ._'J l's Jun 10 11ork 111 111 wealthy, so why continue ?" he the stars and the rest ~r the lo!fl hinise!L lie v:ent into show business cast and to lry lo co1nplen1enl al a time ivhen the cli1nate lhe ir efforts 1vllh a con. \1as good far black tnbuti(ln of your OY.'ll. You do }OUr sh;ire and try to make it r::(~~:1.~;~e ·~~:~~gs are bet· stand up."' "No matter ho1v black a pets "'ho appeared wilh him on the Mickey Mouse Club as f\tousketeers. The premise or \\•hat Don has to say would be ques· lionable at besl were he nol a serious, \vell-cducated young man. He has taken tin1e lo put son1e facl and tho ught to the matter. "! kno\Y , as a "''orking child actor myself, tha t there is a tremendous emotional effect,'' he said. "The pituitary gland malfunctions as a result, and TWO GREAT WINNERS NOW SEE BOTH IN ENGLISH CZ.UiiraunueJ~ Orfasterpiece · i of 'Erotica! ----BEile J de OUR -'""""''-"l/WC( •1tw •u•~"- There is special enjoyn1r nt man is. he has the opportunity for Roscy Grier because of his tn li\'e and act in dignity. No partieuloir background . He wAs lnnger dot's he havr. ro bo\v his une of II children born lo a llcad and say, ''Yeah suh, Ive Sllow Storti 7 P.M. Nc):lro couple of Cllthburt, Ga. boss.' He can earn hi~ ow n Cont. S1111d.y from 2 r .M . Neither of h'1s p;irpnts h;id ~"~'~pc~e1~·~·=======~~~~~~~~~~~~:.1 ~one beyond the fou rth grade, i;= and o[ the JI children. onl.1 Hosey nnrt a bro l he r graduated from l11gh :.choo l and aucndrd collf'ge. "As a child I felt a ~t r11ng desJrc lo co1nmun1cale, but I lt•arcd I w:iuld ne ver know how." he recalled. "I rell my English \Vas poor and my die-, lion was nol good enough, so I was afraid to la!k. That hap-1 pens to a lot of i.ihello kids1 \\·ho are never exposed to 1 anyone less ignorant than lhcy are. . I '"I "''as ill al ease all lllrough college (Penn State) and l'm1 .Odd Couple Cast Set i11 Westminster Casting for the popular Neil Simon comedy "The Odd 1 Couple" has been announcedj' by the Westminster Com· munity Theater whir.h will present the show as its sea&011 <lpener in November. Sa m Brandon will portray the slob sportswriter Oscar and John Moran will play the finicky . F e 11 x in the Westminster production, Lar· ry Trammell is directlng. Enacting the poker players ,.,,Ill be James Brumfield, Dick: Taylor, Roger McBride and l Don Sommers, with Coreen 1 Taylor and Carol Quinlan I playing the girls in a neighbor· Ing apartment. 1 """"' SOUTH COAST F--·- tlMll!AL ox PLAZA THEATNU CDRPOll.lllO,. $an Dita• frHWaJ al l1i1tol • 546°2711 BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 1:30 P.M. TODAY, OCTOBER 14, ONLY ~~~~www;~~ms For the first time on the giant screen in blazing TECHNICOLOR!' MAURICE y JUDITH EVANS ANDERSON 4-•<H\lt """""'" GEORGE SCHAEFER · PHIL C. SAMUEL •-n-. .... ,, .. Tht show "''ill be prt11enled lit F'inlt.y School at Golden IVo<l Sl,e<l and T' a " k 3 PERFORMANCES Avenue, opening Nov 7 for two w .. kends or F',idoy aod 2:00 -5:00 -8:30 P.M. Saturday production. Tic:kct~ may be ""'"d by 'calling Box Office Opens at 1 :30 897-1164 or 968-7156. !, ____________________ .. ) Tonl9~t •! I BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! WINNERS ACADEMY AWARDS! '"°' .. •c ... s. co~••"''~'· -l••·1101 • ""''0' "'""' • 0•1 "'"'""'"or ,.,..,,.., rw• Jrd E xclusive Week :?Ot~ ~~1ur, ro• ro>t lf N1 0.-•l"•''<·•,l:iontn p,oavti,on PLUS , •. LOVE IS THE P'RIME OF EVERY WOMAN THE 'WILD BUNCH n 1wr !hill HOlUIH BORGNINf 1111 PAIU~lllOll ~ TECHNICOLO" t/I rLUS Gleftn Cambell e Kirn De1by '"'TR.LIE GRIT JOHNWAYNE , ' )'ECHNICOLOR ~:~ .. ·~ - •• Stc nc ..... VO "' "'Ll•5 •• "'~' o;Oo5 ! "W• • ••'" "'r.c;o ~wv. •~7-1,16011 • MUN-!ING !Olt •eAi;H NOW THRU TUESDAY "A PICTURE YOU MUST SEE THIS YEAR IS GI . 1 MAICOlM McOOWf ll i.J" ~ CHRISllN[ NOONAN Cll.0! THE CfllY DECEVERS lil,HONr ~11-lfS1 •o• IN•OIM&J.19 ENO!li TONIGHT 11.0IEIT MITCHUM GEORGE l'ENNEDY "THE GOOD GUYS AND BAD GUYS" ALSO KIM NOVA" "THE GR EAT BANK ROBBERY" STARTS WED . BARGAIN MATINEE WED. AT I P.M. FREE 11.!fRESHMENTS WED. ADMISSION ADULTS Sl.00 ~~~~ fXClUSIVf RHfRVfD S£AT ENCAC£MfNT! 'AlA PRfMlfRf TUESDAY OCTOBER 14th ONLY TWO MEN HAVE WALKED ON THE MOON. FOR THE REST Of U~ "1001" IS AS CLOSE AS WE'RE L/Kd Y TO GET. 20Qk .. _ a space ..,..7 -vy CINERAMA f11ll StiNeo""°"lc SOuncl · "'""•~G K[IR DUll(.l • (J"ll:Y LOCJIWOOO -- -----------------..,.......,........,........,........,........,....._..,..._..,.....,..,..,.., ___ ,...,......,..,.,...,...,... ...... ,..... _________ --• J9 CAil'!' PILOf H Oc)GbPr 14 1%9 Talk Scli ctlulctl R. J Sherer cf E F Jlu11u11 & Co, Irk' will addrc~s the Orange County Cha111er 11f lht lliat1onal As:;oc1at1on ul !\1 "" subject Is now U ll the time for an investor to buy? Dean W1tter's Econom1t Pobcv Comm1tl£'f! at its meet1n~ last week look a hard look at today's stock market .ind l xrun1ned the outlook for t.hc eco ncnny and the market in the year ahead 'll1 l conLlu s1ons of lbe Com ~ mitte,--e a re in a report Pnt1r lcd, A Pos1t1\C Jnvcstmcnt f>o!J l'V'"-~a ll J ~sue The rt:port covers such 1mpor!rn1t ques tions :i s •S hould an investor be btl\tng l5C.~urit1c3 at. lh1s lime" • Is the economy h rad1ng fo r a recession? • When will interest ra1 cs decll nc' •Wh at 1s the outl ook for 1nnat ion1 •What are the main factors affL'Ct..mg corpora te profits? • \Vhat arc the chances for a market turnaround 1n Uic tnonths ahead? In addition, the report provides rccommen d at1ons on specific stocks and fix ed income secunt1ea-fo r the prudent as well as the aggregs1\e 1nvcsl(lr No Jn formed investor should be w1lhouL a co py of !his ltmel) :ind 1n depth report. I t s availahlc, free of cha rAe, at anv Dean '\11\ter office S1mplv phone or \JS1t the Dean Witter office nca re:st you and ask for )Our copy of ' A Positive Investment Po!JC) "~ Or, 1£ you prefer, use the coupon below. 55() DEAN WITTER Ii: Co. I NCORPORATED "'•"'b•• Ne• York Slocii D:c;haliae F.:rcntori R Nf'W(lOlt Ci i1t1~1 \ewporl Bc1.1l l1 /)!II c ' ! lhc f 111fl)1(1(tl P la.!:ll -J cltplio11c lJ-1-l 2!92 DEAN WITTER & CO INCO RPORATED Plea11e !lerwf me_ mpvC1e.s) or you r (rce rrprirt enl.itled "A P011Uvc ln' c.1n1cnt Pu.I 1rv:! FaU Issue - '~''----------------- CrtY---------------- State _________ _ Z P'---- \ THERE IS STILL TIME TO PARTICIPATE IN GeoTek's OIL PARTICIPATION l i l ! I I I I PROGRAM CHARTER STREET CORPORATION 31 5 Montgomery St, San Francisco, Calif. 94104 Please send me Prospec tus and more information on GeoTek's Resources Fund Par1 1c1pat1on Program """' CITY, 51AJC. ZJ,. OVER THE COUNTER LF.GAL NO i !CJ:: NOTICE 0 1' ~"-lE Not rt Is lltrob• glvt n Puf\u~nl lo ~~c Io~• :ID/I •nd llin of !lie Civil Coo• o! 1110 St~I· o! Col !orn ~ lht undor1 on•d Mll0i;>(0 l OENNIS w 11 $t I 111 Publ c •un on •! ~·a WO\! Vlc 1o•l11 St•.,.,t Co1t11 M•s6 O••noo Covn!v l"alo!or~I• "' 11 a m on MO"d•• tne 71th d•• ot ouo~r 1969 !he follow ng <1e•cr bod <>•Ol><'•lv !C-w I )9!f Ford I !H•ll Ton P c~vol ~erltl No f'1 0l!Ll016! Locen.e No C•t !0<nla 61 C.~99!5 ~~ld fAle 11 !1>r lh• 1>u•OQ•• DI iallflvlng lltn 1>! In~ unaor• Q~ tor •l1>r1g• D••ed in' ll'tn II•• ol Oclol><'• It~• Mlld'"!I L Oennl• P ubl '""" O•angt (oa•I Otlly Pl!o• ()< ob<'r h 196? 1"11 6t LEGAL NOTICE 8Alt :IOI! ST,t,TE OF CALIFOR "IA FOii: THE COUNTY 0 1' Oll:ANG!" "'" "'u~' NOTICE OF HF"-ltl"G "' '•title" lor P r ob a !t ol Wiii •<Iii tor Lille,. T ll);l~mont•rv iaonll W~!••d n wnu E11010 of LEONA MATTIE ALEX ANDER ~••~>own•• lEONA KEN tl[OY ALE.llANOER ond.,. LE.ONA M ALE)l.ANDE'! ~na MAlT E LEONA ALEXANDER DttfMtd NOl l(E r~ HCllt'.8Y C.!VCN Thol Eu ~• c " £•~•1 Marcum n •' l•l•d n• r " a ~•Ill on tor 1>•otJ11le ol w I! """ 'i•or ••u~'l<• of lr1tt !••tamr'llarv to Pell! 1>nor t 80"!1 w&lvt<t ln w Ill lre•or•nc• II> "'" '" h m•<I• 10< fu thr r n~rtocul••' ~Kl lh•t th• lome """ pl~rr I ol no.., ng 1ne '•me n•• ~.,, :.l!t tor Oc!o~r JI !969 •t t :JO ~ m " !lie <0<>•''"""' I)! D•P••lm•"I 'lo l of '"'" ~0\lf l al 100 Cov c Ctntrr D•lv• W~•I on In• ( '• o! S•nl& a n• Cil !Ot n a Da •O<I oc100., 10 10•• W [$lJ0HN [Du.,lv C.•r•~ l l"lU~l(ETT ANO PLUNKETT •ll Ot!v• "-v• 110• 1•• HuMt~Qton llt•clt C•ll!o•~ • •1'0 ll•I (71 1) SJI JCIJO or U .. I011 A!torn~•• !or P•lll on•r f'IJUI ;n..a Or•ng• Codi! Cl•1lv l>olol Clf•ot• H 11 ?I 1••• 1911 n• THE BEST Roodr"h p po I I 1 pro~• Peo nuh " on• of tho wo Id • mot! popvl•r com c 1h p• Re •d I d& 11 on the DAI LY PILOT OCP 1014 7 •m lo • 30 pm. Bolh WIYI 7 oo 8 30 10 00·11.30 •m 1 00-2 30..t 00·5 30-7 DO 8 30 pm. More on weekenct.. Why worry abOut a reservation ""hen PSA has ovor 160 flights 1 day? Such 110 easy to remember schedule you can carry It arourid 1n your head Why remsmber lowest fares? Or all J&ls 7 Or grest ser<1ce to San Francisco, Oak!and San Diego, and Sacramento? Or lhal k1da under 12 fly PSA {w1lh !hair parents) !or halt fare? Still want a reservation? Just c!!1Eur travel agent or whats tsname •lrl!nes ~ ghtf!I )OU• lift. Complete-Ne,v York Stock List fll bc• w 1 l& lla•r'111T 6S fl&I GE ! 1" fl~•G o!fl• s.ci fl&l!G o•C• llnn1>l'unt !oil "~no" DI } 'l•rl>O • t '" ll11r<t I"(! '~ 110'C l t !J II •-. M'1> ... ~ '"'-' ~.1~1~ 0'7'" ". ~ . ., ~:~:~L(.!'~ 1-.i 11•¥ ~c , 10 !\p"r "' 1 ~-~ ' \ 1 F\~• F'I o! I Board Ask s Ne iv N c11ne The Symbols SILVER Hf"W I Ul L "'1"-lllt,IT Mltlr 4TTl "ICI LECTURE l'f"•TURIHG • >tlstorv & F....a~men•At• o• su~..- • Anfl•ll"M!nl o! •fl:t'nl Of!vfloprnentl mttf\S ~Jg.nolUnG ~"" "' U 5 Govl rolt In 1 !~er,...,~., e Do \Ct Ill""' Of im qu• low ti•\ In vntm.,,t nl•" lfl ~•1>1!1!111 Oil ;ttM ptolh polt'nl e1 In 1llvor I 00 PM -WED OCT " ISLAHO HOUSll FASMIO"I ISi.ANO Hl-Wl"OltT CIEHTf llt l'lf.WPOll!T 8EACN l'ntm I 0 ll'r ... 01 ll tl"9 IWltl '" M1,Arl~11r II~• I i i. Nel Utft.l M!lll L-c-. Cits _.._ J11f1, "'" (Ml.I KIM L.n Ct.M ,,,._ -D- '?'t ir· ! ll'· 1l ll • ~ " 1'-1 jQ ~ 111 n • 719 111 " . I j~ ' a.I l•'• 76~1 + •• " ., '" " . " . "' n .-,,,,_ ,,,, ... 7•'· t ' n t • 76'• -~ •1 • -l 41 .; l l 'l'll .. II , )6 '1-I ' 79 ' + • J7 • + '~ I It \, ' . 19• -... '"' ,, . -. 1:!: t ~ '~" .. '· S6'• + " ··-" + ll'o ~ '• ~~1, + ~: .. ' 77'1 1 . 3''1 1 • ~. + ~ " . ~ '' J.1•1 ... 1., •I + 1 1o ' .. ; " ' n11 • ,, 1l•1 -" il'o ... 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Prices -Complete New York l•lft --lllllllllllll>lll"iiill<::"'""'*llllll1111l:'0"*"''"''"'*'"'''"''"''""''''"'"'*1!'?'!'WlllO•<I"""'"'....,,"'"~ IMO. I Hi ...... tleM U.. 11 .,, ... " ~ U JI 1 ,., » • JI 11,.._ lS ,. • '' 11 • HI 16 'a •10 ,, .. 11 ll i J 0. " 11\ 101 '"" "~· -5--... "' ' ,, " • "' • "' • " " .. • '" " " " .. " "' ' m " • " • "' ' • ., '" •• • ••• " " ~· "' • " "" , • " " "' , .. "' • • "' , • " , , • "' N " " " ,,. ,,~. • " ,,, n '" , .. • ... 11~ • " . ,, " " " .. ff>, • " " . " . ,. '"' '" " ~... " , " , ' '" • ~. ,, ' " , " . " . '" 71\o " •• '" " 71•• " ", , l. '" ff N .. ,. • • ... N O '" ,. 11 ' ~ . " )9 ?• 10 11 , " ' 7• • • " "' • • '" ' • " " " ' . " l. "' ,. .. .. . ' ' •• " . ,... •• " " ,,. '" w . ' . " . " .. " "'• " . • • • " " . ' . ,. ... -.. lJ\l:o +I ' II .o .. • , + •• + n ,-,__ " ,,. " ' ,. • + .. u •• •• .. .. 1J.lo ... " u l~t t 11' " . " ~i~· ......... 7•"' .. 5! -+I .. "' .. • •• • " n· " "' .. ,. l? -I l ,. 1n• .i.-' " . -"' . , . , ~ ,,. ... 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N1•J •~-~~~~~~~~~~~-~~ t•llL I ......... Clol1 (1111 " ' '" ·~ " , " ' '" , •• ni :Ii '" " • ' , .. '' n.~ " . "• " , ' . •• $; m . !~' ... '" . ,,, • " . ~ n " . '" ' " . " 11 •11• ' " 1< d. "' .m ' • , ·~ " » • " , .. " . ... " 1~ ~ 1l J! • . .. !<I ll • . " )Q ... JI 11 . ,. I : ~ • ) l l • 7' \ll IS 17 • J ll ' " , ' . 10~ 11 • ' " l/J JI,_, ,J ~ -T- l •• 71 11 11 " ' .. . 1, ' ~ • .. ' " " •• .. ' '" , ,,. .. ' ". ... • " • ~ " • ll .. '" " "' ,, " ~l . " • "' J!to • '" 111, " " , '" w " " .. ' . , .. " " " , ... .. DOW JONES AVERAGU It 1a " . ' ' .. • 1 • " , 9J n " , ·~1 u . , .. . " . ' l i if· '" " , or. ,, ' " • , . , . " . " ,, " " " " ' ,, . ,, ' O J l , 1() -UV- •ll l • ) l0"- 11 n ll 11 " ~ ' " ... ,, l • , " v:IO l l veoo >< v.O SO o i}I ... 1J tG . ~ 'II u I l'o • s •• m' JUG 101 l'I )th I IU)J .. l •S ' I . ,, l • so soi. , " , .. ,. 11 • ll ~. 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' • ' ' . ---.. ----·----.,--~-~~~~-.-...,._----......-~"""'"'"""""' _______ ____ . . •· r -. ' ( ]AMES C ''l OR "" SHERJD . •. RISON A ,\ DRIVE ' YOUR CITY l . S ' ' .A. 60618 i I ' i l .');.~t 10 · ' , .. , O•orr 0, • JAM F.S C. '!O RRI SON 1765 SJI ERlO.·\\' DR!V E ''OL1R ClT)', l '.S.A. 60618 !£5 c. MORRISO N JA -1\ H,EA!OA ~ DRi \'£ J765 5 y L'.S.A. 60618 YOL'R CIT I Now there's pretty money especially for Orange County. The newest Sketchbook checks have been designed with five of this area's most picturesque scenes ... so your checks can reflect the real beauty of Orange County. These are the checks you can Costa Mesa 230 E. 17th St., 642·1660 write free at Southern California First National Bank ... just by maintainin g a$ JOO minimum balan ce. And when you order your Sketchbook checks, you'll receive et handsome enlarged print of one•of the Orange County scene s. An order of Sketchbook checks • 101 00 .6789 234 5 . --· 101 QQ .6789 I 1 i -~~1 ' ' . , _:_ .. ' ' . j I • I ! i I l ' ' l \ ·-. '+"~-~ .. -· ' ! i \ ' ' l i \ \ i i . \ costs only 7¢ more than an order of standard checks. Get your own pretty money ... especially now that SOUTHERN FOR 'h b d' d CAlJ NIA 1 t as een es1gne for pretty Orange Co unty. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Huntin9ton Beach 17122 Beoch Blvd ., 84 7·9681 8899 Adams Ave .. 962 .)377 17 -·--,,r<:;------~-~~--;c--;;---;;-;c----------c-,-..,o-o,~--.~-~·--~~c~~T~. ~t" .. ~•r.~-~....-. •-c •. "'!.-.... ..:::t:::;:" ... "':'. (. • 7.~~:;:--:-~~-: .---....;;.,;;-.;-.---.:-.~ .._ ~ ,...;:.~ .. ' Fountain Valley VOL 62, NO. 246, 2 SECTIONS , 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY , CA~IFORNIA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1969 Today's Final N.Y. Stoeks TEN CENTS • ' ' Beach Youth Shot 17 Police Seeking Mystery Sniper Ju n< Plt•tt PhG!O ,A, slrert comer sniper who shot a Hun- ti ngton Beach youth -hls life possibly sa1 ed by the slug"s passage through a ca r door -1vas sought by Long Beach police today. Bube n \V Lucero, 19 , of 16071 Melody l ,:ult\ escaped serious in jury when "'"untlcd In 1he slde whlle he and a con1· p11nion drove through the do\1•nto1vn arra. Lul'l'ro was rc1)()rtcd in good condition tou<1y at Long Beach t-.1emorial Hospital. MEMBERS OF THIRD MARINE REGIMENT FILE OFF PLANE AT EL TORO AIR STATION Flags, Band Music, Joyful Families and a Leader's Declaration of Victory Soviet Shi11s Li11J{ i11 Orbit, Start Training Smog Curb Cl1ief Says Huntington 'Where Action I s' By JA CK BROBACK Of lhe O•ily Plkll ~r.I! Th~ slate's Environmental Qualily Study Council \.1·1!1 meet in Hunlington Beach Thursday rnorning ··because we go "·here the acti on is,·· Council Chairm an David L. Baker said today. The ''action·• is obl"iou~ly the loca l Southern Cal ifor nia Edison Con1pany steam generati ng plant on Pacific Coast t!igh\\'ay , a facility \vh ic h the company has announ~d will triple in capacity. Thr i:n viron1nent al co\u1cll "'a s f'stablished by lh€' State Legislature in 1968 for a f\\'o-year period and charged \•;\th "developing long range goal s and m<iking pl ans" to improve the quality o[ th<' physical environment of California . \Vhlle no decision will be made by the coun cil Thursday, after an all -da y hear· ing. the group Ls cha rged with making a progress report early next year lo the governor and legislature. Baker emph:.isizl.'d \hat Thursday ·s sc~s\on is not specifically direcLE'd al the local plant. Represen tatives of the. Edison Com· pany, San Di('go Gas and Electr ic, the Los Angeles {)('parlmcnt of Light and Power and the Pacif ic Gas and El ectric Company of northern Cal ifornia will be on hand to testify . But follo\1'\ng closE'ly on the heels of Thursday's he;1ring will be an Orange County Boa rd of Supervisors pu b!lc· heat· ing on the local Edison pl ant. Thal session is expected lo produce fl rC\\"Ork.~ over the dispu te between \\.'illiam Fitchcn . county ai r pollullon con- trl•I off i{"'('f and Edison offic ials over the :nnou nt of poll utant s the pl ant now U\rusts into the lr1c;1 I ;i!mosphcre and ho\\· much LIS £'xpa ris1o n program Villi ad_d to !he pollution Ad rling interest to Th11rsday's session v:i\I be lhe appe ar<inl'e of Assemblyma n John V. Briggs I R-FuHerton I who is chatrman of the legislature's .Joinl Com· mittee on Atomic Dcvelopmenl and Space. Briggs says there is a need fa'. nuclc~r energy power plants in California. ··1!11s committee is the only slate group n)o v1ng ahead to develop power sources for an exploding population 3nd r e I a t c d lel'hnic.al expansion." Burn Victim, 59, Still Critical J~ospital officials IOOay repor\ed that burn victim Daniel D. Garcia, 59, of 7892 Aldrich St., Hun tington Beach, ren1ains in critical condilion at Orange County Medica l Center. Garcia was trapped inside lhe cab of his burning pickup truck Sunday f~IJO\Oo' ing a collision with another automobile ~l Brookhurst and McFadden streets 111 Westminster. Nine other p<!rsons. all passengers in l!Je Garcia vehiclt . were also in jured in the accident. Big Walkout al Ccucral Elcclric Due Marine General C lai11is ;\lOSCO\V (UPI) -The two Soviet spn ~· hlps Soyuz 7 and Soyuz 8 today dricked in orbit and are continuing the ir Joint flight, informed space sources rcpo:-tcd . A third spaceship, Soyuz 6, was !l.11i1~ nea rby. Victory in Viet:rict1·~1 W a.r Ji,f11rmed so urces had predicted earlier tile Lll"O spacccr~ft would carry out dock- in.: mancti\"ers and thal the third would pcrforin experiments in space welding ln hopes of eventual construcliun of a fl ying lijKlce station. Tl1c a&.>islant com mandant o{ the U,S_ ~larine Corps told troops iusl returned from Vietna m lo El Toro l\f CAS J\tond;iy thJt they won thelr share of the 11•a1-. Gen. Lewis \V. \Vall declared victory "~ f:tr a.~ the first contingent of 250 men of Ilic Third 1'.farine Regimenl -the f 1r~L Le<1 therncck unit brought home by P re~!· dunl Nixon -LS conce rned. ··You have defeated the enrmy in his own \Oo'ar,°' said Gen . \\'-alt <l unng \\'l'l- come·home cerernonlcs al the air station. "You have gil"en the South Vietnamese people a freedom, a nC\\' v.·ay of life ... you have hel ped them to hal"e fa ith in their local government," the Corp s' second-i n-comma nd said. llL was joi ned at thr ceremony fealUr· ing wal'ing fl ags, blaring band mush'.'-;ind the joy of mothers, fa thers, w1\·e~ vnd l"l1ildrrn ~rert11 1~ tl1r>1r 111en ag;:in, by .lnbr. \\. \rilr/ll'J', Llncler:-.ecr("\Jry or lhe ;-.,,\ J . \\'ii!"T\C'r tuld Ill!• trtur nccs tl1al thcrt• i~ 111 L1el~ (it~senl 1•1 111 1' country, but insi~ted il11t the rn:lJOrity of Aincric:ans arc proud ol 11 h::t 1l11:y and thl'lr huddics I\ ho came 1i1,n1(' 1n caskC'l~ havP. c!onr Hr added Lhal thr Jac l they hnvc been ret:~llcd to the U,S. ls indicative that P1es\dcn1 Nixoll is try ing tu l'nd the Viet- n:im hostilitic:), Th" remainder of the 1.200-ma n regi- rn1 n1. \1·hi<'h has been s1ationeU overseas f11r the past 16' years and will 11011• ht has- ('\! :"IL Can1p Pcndl e!on-1s d1 1c back latc:r 1 111~ 1nont h. Lc;11cs nf 20 da\'s' dll r;1!1un are be ing ~11 i~n tn the 1·L•tu rned f.l arincs, whilr ~011H' arc fllHShf·rt II 1tJ1 tht•1r SCl"\"ICC and 1\111br1·t lcased lo civilian hie. The sources said Soyuz 6 was believed to n::ive served as an orbital ''workshop., during the linku p maneuver. Tass nc\vs reports told only of Lhe three crt'w~· practice in manual handling of the ships and various tests. One report said they were making joint experiments in pl1uL(lgraphy , map makin& and medico- biological re!earch. Never before have so many men bttn in l>pacc at once, orbiting \hiut1h ~e.ry .89 minutes in lhree vehicle&. The news agency said the flight com- n1;1ndcr, Col. Vladimir Shata\ov, put his tn('tl through brief physlcal exams this n1or r,i11g and then conducted a session o( \1ar n1up e.'"erclses. Beacl1 Teacl1e1·s, T1·11stees '"Slla lalov reported that after lhe night f\'~t . the cos monauts are feeling fine,'' 'f;15.~ s<iid. "The cos monau~ started f11lfilling 1he program of the regular day nJ the flig ht." Th<'ir inisslon is a seri es of ex· ncnn1e nts. possibly involving s~cewalk- 111 ", to iron out the problems faci ng man 111 b c ~tablishing an earth-orbi.ting s~ce platform in building a stairway into ~pore. To Clasl1 011 Sala1·y Boost By 8:30 a.m. ~1oscow time, the three- n111 11 Sovuz 6 capsule had rompleted 45 nrlJi !~ {he two-man Soyuz 7 'had done 29 ;ind tl;e two-man Soyuz 8 had finished 13 l\1llowini; it::; launching Monday. Another confrontation over ~alar ies betv.·~n leacher_, of the H un!in~on Brach t:nion Hi gh School Distri ct and distr1r t Lruslces appears likely toni ght. S('hetlulPd for approva l by trustee.~ al lt1 eir 1neeti ng tonight is a two pcrcenl iialarv increase made possihlc. thro11 ~l1 thr i.nfl ux of additional funQs 11110 the fl15\n(·r s \Jank account. Teachers, hov.·c\·er , are not ready 1ri accept that boost. Ca rl r.1 ancn1ann, presa!cnt or the District Educators Association (DEA 1. \\'h.Jch represented teachers during la."\ .spring's wage dispute, cOT1tends thal lhe <1ucstion of a boost was first to ha ve been review~d by ,i three-membf'r panel. .. The board promised to hold oH on this until some agreement had been reached ," s;iid Manemann. '"We wcren'L ready for that ye t." According lo t11<' DEA president, 1he Stor/, /Harkrls NEW YORK IAP ) -The stock mark£'t blasted ahead for I.he second straight ses· s1on, with an unusuaUy large volume. (See quotations, Pages 10-11 f. Traders apparently l>ecame fired wi th enthusiasm Monday by rising expecta- ti ons of Vietnam peace. devclofmcnts and hope of a r elaxation o moneta ry restraints . Harbor p:inCol. t11 be con1po~cd oi an ad- n11111s1rat1on repr•'~cn1at1\e. 3 1cachcr r1 •prr<;<'r,t0'.lll\!' <ind a lh!l"d rnem bcr n1u tu;d ~y agn•t·ll 11)1011, \1 .1 ~ tn hal'r the h11nq \1orkc1J (IU\ bt-lurc approv:i l by \ht t l'll~;!('l ~. Quake Shakes Up San Diego Area S.t\N DIEGO IA P1 -A light ea rth- qua ke shofl()k a wide section or So1Jlhern C:i \i fornia today. A \voman said "it felt like a sonic b<Jonl." The tremor hit at 6:20 a.m. and lasted 40 seconds, a seismologi:>l at San Diego Siall' CtJ ll egc saul. Californi a 1 nstitulr of Tt'clinolngy at Pasadena said il regis1ercd about 4. too light for seri uu s d;.11nnge, on the Ric!1tcr scale. ~o Jf\ershnc k \Oo'as felt. but person~ fr om Bscondido south almost to ~lexico :ind wrst to the coastal t•ities telrphoncd ncwspapl'l"S <1nd sheriff's officers to ri'port it. "11 knotkrd ovrr my harbecue set , and hrokc ooc of the leg s,'' said Lil lian Dougherty in La r.lesa. Hearing Pnrt of the cosmonauts' mission was to ~na p pictu res of earth which Sov.let scien- 1 1~t; said could provide them with ~tter 1l.1t.1 on fish muvc.ments, arctic ice floes ;1nrl f.011 L'ond1ttons. ""fbc progr;:iin v.·i11 be r~1lfi1led co~; pletr1y cxcellrn tly an d _impeccably. :'.l1ntalov radioed f\.1onda y nigh t before his mr n bcddrd down. There \\'as no of[icial \Oo'ord on exac1ly \\"hat the m1ss1on would entail. All thr. cosmonallts arc trained in spacev.·a1king .an<I Soyuz fi carries welding equipment . leading to the conclusion that two of the c::ipsulcs could be connected in .spa~e ... A!exei Yeliseyev, Shatalov s c1v1han s'\ipmate aboard Soyuz 8, said in a taped leh'vision interview Monday that there wou ld be no transfer of crews fro~ one vrhicle to anothe r a.~ was done in the Soviets' last manned flight in J<1nuary. JllORE ON 'CRASH' Thr second of five reports by DA !l.Y PILOT financial corumnist Sylvia Porter. analyzing the economy ol 1969 in llght of the stotk market crash and \\'Or1d depreSliion of 1929. appears today on Pa~e-3. Slated Supe~ors to Debate District Breakup Issue ()range County supervisors today set a public hearing ror JO a.m. Nov. ~ to drtermine whether an election should be called on dissolution of the Harhor illSlrict. J-larhor District issue in a 3 to ! vote.. Assemblyman John V, Brigg11 fff-. The reeommrndatlon was fol"'Warded Ill Fullerton) also is11 ued 1 statement tht' Boa rd of Super\lisors at U1at time. threatening lo re·introduCe state ·1egisla· 13ut 111 th e months· since, the que11!ion has tion to dis!W>lve the Harbor District b<'rn dormant, sl\Puld th: county board ref\!$!: to take Th(' qu cst\oo resurfaced a fe1v days ago aCllon. 1vil h a letter to JUperviso rs from lllln• 1'he Harbor District w45Jonrled in 1933 Neither he nor the driver, Rich Slater, TCI, could offer any explanation for the sniping incident shortly before midnight, bul Lucero said he thinks he saw the assnilant. He sa id a tall man standing at the cor- ner of Broadway and Long Beach Br1ulrva rd pointed 11·hat appe;ired to be a p i~tol at the car as the youths passed by . Tli e slug . "•hich investigators said ar- peared to be from a .4:> caliber automatic Sei·vices Pla111ted Coast's pistol. crashed through the car door and it~ impact was cunside rably lessened . The driver continued on. pull ing into a service stat ion at Broadway and Alamitos Avenue, where police v.·ere call· ed to report the shooting. \\litnesses contacted at th e scen e after Sl:.ter and Lucero -.,..·ho said they v,·ere not totally certain it was an Intentional sni ping -told of seeing a !all man run fn1ni the street corner at the time. Colleges Join Moratorium G1·oups of sludcnts in al lea.st four Orange Coasl area colleges w i 11 participate In V.'ednesay·s oal ionwide moratorium agains~ ihe Vietnam \l"ar. The Orange County Peace and Human Rights Council will hold a memorial service at 7 o'clock to11ighl al Lhe Hun- tington Beach Pier •and the Unitarian Univer.salist Church in Costa ~1esa wi\1 be open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. \\'ednesclay for discussion of programs for peace. -At UC Irvine antiwar students will cut classes to attend protest lectures and hold a memorial service for war dead. -Antiwar students at Ora nge Coast College wili hold a symbolic march across the campus. -A fiv~hour program of gpeakers Is planned .at Golden West College. -'And at Southern California College in Costa 1'.feN studenLs •ill hold an early morning vigil to pray for peace . The dean of students at Saddleback 1:r 1:r 1:r Sclioolttten Meet O·ver Jff orator um Principals of Huntington Beach Union fll gh School District Schools huddled this morning as plans for observance of Wednesday's one-day moratori um to pro- test the war in Vietnam appeared lo ex- tend beyond local colleges and into secon· dary schools. A staff member at Edison I ligh School told the DAILY PILOT that a meellng wa s ca!led this morning for 11 a.m. School district employes ind icated that "sn1ne of the meeting '' might be devoted to discuss ion of an official posi tion on stu- dent observance' of the moratorium. S<:hool oHicials 1~·ere unavallable for comment. Mystery Girl Sought in Beach Shooting Brawl A mystery girl -Innocently warn ed not to ·lean against a grease-smeared old truck and soil her clothes -was ap- parenlly the spark that ignited vi?l:ncc which left one man shot and two Jailed, llunlingto n Beach police indicated today. Authorities are searching for the unidentified· girl as a key witness in the n1elef' \vhich erupted outside the Cave , a discotheque and bar at Beach Boulevard <1nd Adams Avenue early Sunda y morn- ing. Arraignment was scheduled today for Tommy W. Thompson, 22, of :>772 Garden Grove Bou levard, Westminster, and Themas Watkins . 22, of Garden Grove, on three separate charges each. Soughl initially on charges of assault with lnt.ent to commit murder. the pair was arrested by Fountain Valley police early Monday momtng and booked on further charges of carrying a concealed weappn and pos.seuJon of &· dangerous drug, . . · A quantity or hashish -extracted from lhe flowering tops of mariJllana .pllntt- plus a .21 caliber pistol belleftd bnked_ lO the shooUng ol Craig Gilm~. Jt, were fO\lod iq \he car, polict allege. . Gilmore, of Huntington Sdicl\. 1s reported -in satisfactory con_dition t~ay at ,Hantingt.On Intercommunity Rosp1tal. under tre!'tment for a .22 ealibei bullet wouPd in ~ stomach and hand. ' NATIONWIDE MORATORIUM WRAPUP SEE PAGE 3 Col1cgr said no acti r1ties are planned at that campus. A counter protest is planned with a group of unidentified persons anonyn1ou~ ly ann<1un clng they \Yi\I assemble at the home of UC! Cha11ce!lor Daniel Aldr ich to tell hin1 "what they think about all that sluff going on tomorrow_·• The group calls it.self TIRE D (Ta:<· payers Indignant about ttadical s in ~ducation ), according lo a telephone l1pstcr. L:C Irvine's war p r o le !I t activitir~ \\·ere to be firmed up in a n1ceti ng 1.h1 i afternoon. A Ume hadn 't yet been set for a Vietnam dead memorial service but disci•~slon groups on the war are schedul· ed from 10 a.m. to noon Wednesday aN a rally at -12 :30 p.m. A rnarch on a ·war in- dustry plant has been called off. A!drir.h has refused the antiwar s!udents' request he ca ncel clas..'i<'s and gi\'C staff tune off \.l'il h pay for the inoratorium. UC! sludents \\'Cr'e 1·otlng toda y on \1 heth cr to 11·ithdraw immediately troops from Virtnam and on other issues. A Stl1dent rC'ferendum election .at Orange Coasl College was discussed Mon- day by the student council :1ut decided <igain~t because of the short notice. But a sy mbQlic march from the auditorium to the ki osk in the central quad is planned b_y those who oppose the war. Antiwar s!udents "'ill sprak following lhc march. Al Golden West College in Hunti ngton P.t'rich a rro~ram is pla nn<'d in the Free S1;cech Center fr om !I. a.m. until 4 p.m. 11nder the sponsorship of rol itlcal sc ienct instructor Margaret Holtrus\. Cta~ses \vill not be cancel led by the ad. m1n istr.al1on but snmc instructors mav Of'Cidr to dismis~ ela~se~ and student~ r{f 11iher cla~ses may attend thr program if thry choo$e, Mrs. Hol trust $aid. Spe;i kcrs will include American Civil Lib('r11es lJnio n attorneys Mike Grodski and f.1rs. Pal Sl1apirn. the Rl'v. Rogr r \Vvl kc of Unitarian Un iversahst Church in Costa f.fesa. attorney Bill Smith and a Dr. Lion of Cal State Long Beach. At Southern California College, Cost~ r>lesa. a meeting 1vill be held at 9 o'clock tonight on the theme ''The Christian Per.;pective of the Vietnam War." Religion professor \V illia1n William s and history professors Dr. Dennis McNutt and Lewis Wilson wi lt speak. Students who wish will begin praying for peace in the CC11lege chapel al mid- night, Dean of Student s Alfred Ca1vston said. Orange Coast Weather \Vesterly winds will wh ip up some wild weather Wed nesday. the wise old weatherman we- ports -ah, reports. Otherwise, it 'll be mostly sunny with some morning low clo uds. L'1SmE TODAY UC lrvinl' hn.~ it~ }irst assis· t-0nt clLancellor jot compute r programming a.tr ti~ 1Jnive"i111 d1ruble,1: rts co1nputi11y opern- 11o ns. Page 8, C1119ml• 1 Cllttlli..I »•?) CtlOllU 1' c .. u .. ,.. ' 0.•111 IO•llk• ' ~1-C" • r;.iM•!•f P•.. t _.., . _,.,, , ....... "'''"""' "'.... +.i 0•...,. ~, • Sy1¥1t '"'"' l '"'" 16-1' Sltcl M•rl ... lf.11 NEW YORK ! UPI) -The first total n;Hionwide walk out 'aginst the General Electric Co . si nce 1946 appeared almost certain f.1onday as unions rejeclt'd the c-ompany's latest waRC offer and ordered their locals to take strike voles. Action on lut ure fate or the mut·h· debaie<l Harbor District comes before thr county OOard on action by the Local Agc11cy formation Commission taken last .lune 25. t 1ngton Beach Mayor Jack Green, acting ;i,$ a ap«ial tadng J° ~ for tht 111 hir. capacity asJJ)rf~ident. ~·~ ~e .Sffltc~ ·o( N _ .. It. lattt ', County divlsioo ·. ef ·tli. LtagM or t~ \n•·minf . •tSJn.. 0et·cctlft; Donald Jeflkins, whO in- teM'lewed 'G!Jmlr:t, said while-th ere milifit hiktit"" tieei,'.~me ·under1ylng an- targwdsrn. :6!'· m1stery &irl ap,:iartnlly t1·1mret1·yl.: violence . 1~···""'-' • "'U"OCI U·ll 1111,..,..;•11' 11 T1 ..... 1oi... If Tloeoll.i"I I '#•11111• II C(}fllracl.s in\'olving the coplition of 12 unions rep r e s en I \ n c approxi matel y 110,000 cmploycs expire OcL 26. !\fore lhan 147.000 \Yorker~ would be affected by the strike wh ich cou ld be gin Oct. 27. Al tha t time the I.AFC. an offiti;i l arm of county governmr.nt 11·h1ch n1lc s on an· nexal1on5 and local government Qrganiza- tion, recommended an election on the. r Cnlifo rnia Citi<'s. 1' clµd\ng de~ 4'~' Polnt (irern reminded lht r,oonty ·bo.tnf ·thnt )\arbor ,at tilt Southern tal ,Of ,_ county 11t:i\c law drm;inds f ~pyb~c -~ on , nd S~aet Aq~tlc r41,k.~ ~lln&lon 1h r Harbor D1strl'ct bsue.. --.-¥l ·-.°~., \ ~t y t .. ,Jo\ ... f ~ -...:... .,. .,. l ·'# ,. "' . , • C'lltnotir ktld auU1orttle~ !hf' girl le3f!t'd IS. OlRL, Pip lJ J jlftft \.•-"' ,, M1!1 .. 1n • M•"ll1111 Lit:-' Mfftll'f• I G-W?ollt 1' -. ..... "''"'' .... Wt-Mt-lloll , . . -.... -. . . . . ·-· --~~ ------:-":------:---~--...,.-~---....... """"'"'"""'""""'"""" _________ -"!! ___ ~ ·- 61 DAil V PILOT H Recall Chief Confident Carpenter Denies Allen Ouster Failing Rtcall spokes1Tia11 l\1ul Carp<'n!C'r rlcnird '!onday that thr n10\e1n('nl :11n1cr! ;it 1he unsealing of Qr;ingr Coun1y F11th IJistr1ct Supervisor Alton !-:. Allc·n 1~ no 1,1ni;er bfing atlii•ely pur~u11tl by its llllderc:over organizers. Tl1e Cypress De1nncr;1t ~q11rlthN rrports thal !he can11)aign 1s in tn1ubl" 1·.1t?l the comrncnt that "3.000 !>1i;na\ul'\"i Rre 10 the bag and .,.,,.·re ~tire to gf'I thf' r,tber 6,748 v.·e need to put the recall 011 lhe books." c;::arpenter noted a month ago that the drl\C had produred 2,800 signatures of 111\h D1str1ct voters. ll v.·ould appear, by l11s i.::dt:ul:.tions. lhl \'otcrs are fl oc king to the banner nf the unknown c:ind idate :it 1 ~1l' rull· ~ii 50 a \1C('k. C11rpentrr, ;1n unsucc'e~s lu! c;inch<late f,,r ConJolress ;ind Asscn1bly s:-;1ts in p;1.st Urangr Counly elecllons. told tllr DAILY !'!LOT that persistent reports of tbc 1111· pend!n g demise of the recall campaign were "rumors and certainly not based on an.v lacts. "Our j)('tit1on 11·urkers are doing a tremendous iob," l1e said. "'\\'e are l'ery pleased v.'tlh thei r efforts and "'e are con· Jidcn1 that \ve will h<Jve tile sign11lures ll'e nr<·d long b~·fore the r.·tarch deat!line." Carrenter again refusC'd to idt•nlify the potenti<1l candida te for Allen "s sca t and ~ii,:ain declined to state who is financing a t·a1n p:i1gn that \1ill, on conservat11 e t•stin1a ll'S. t'o~t so1neUn(' S.J0.000. Interviews Set Buth he a11d An thonv T:ir;in\1110 of ~an <"!ctn<·ntr, the sclf·.\-t)·l<'d ~c u! pt or· lles1g11er 11·hu ;innouni.:t'd !he c:i.1npaign 111 0 months ago. have persistently refu::.· cd to divulge this inforn1alion. By Valley Council 'f;1rant1no, 451 Calle f\.1igucl, has nol heen available for comment for the pa ... t three '"reks. lie could nul be contacted by a DAILY P lLOT reporter t.londay. ,\Iler. has announced that he will again hr a candidate for the. Filth District seat 11nder an.v circun1stanres, .. recall or otherwise." Applicant s for one ,·acant seat on the Fnuntain Vallry Plannini; Co1nmission And three on ll1c p;:irks <'on1n11ss1on 11·tll br: interviewed at 7 o'clock lonighl by city c011nciln1cn 1n a closed session. The pl onning post brc:1111e :i1·nil:1hlr !;:ist 11 crk 11hc11 the i.:11y i.:ounc1l n'1no1·rd John r.-tangano fron1 the con1111i:-.~u111 hccau~c he was i1ppo1111cd b~ :1 "l;irnc duck"' council prior to the rec;ill clcl'!lnn. Several applii.:ants arc expected tn be inte rviewed tonight and r.1angano himsc!I is eligible to be reappointed to the con1· mission. Lwns to Sell Plastic Trash Cans in Beach About a thous.1nd new "neighbor~·· "'er e delJ \'C red 11cxt door to the Hun· l1ngton Beach DAILY PILOT at 10 a n1. today. Th<'y v.·cre brought to their new l1 01ne et 31 1 5th SI. by n1cmbcrs of the Hun- tington Beach Lions Club v.·ho plan In u'iC them for both a communi ty serl"il'C and a rharilab\e project. There \\·crc aclu:llly !Y.lli nl 1hc111 r!ch\crcd -all trash cans. It's parl of the Lions Club elf(lrt to h<'lp \ lunllngton Beach residents co1nµly v.·11h a city ordinance limitin,i: lhc types ol con· t <11ne.rs usable as trash cans. The nc"' containers hold 32 gallons 11 nd crl. fo r ~J. con1ple.tc "·1th plastic top. Lions Club 111cn1bcrs "·111 launch a rioor· 111-door can1paign Saturday to sell thcrn. ~omconc will al.~o be ~talinnerl al :111 r1fth !'it. on weekends to sell fron1 the ~Jore room. ProriTs fr om the lra ~h ran s<ile 11ill be u~d for Lions Club pr1i;cct' The lra~h rans are guaranteed for sevcn yrars by lhr manufacturer. The city prohihil~ !h!' 11~r rif 1argc oil drums and other hc;.i1 y LOn!aincrs f(1r trash cans. Garden Grove GI Dies • Ill An 82nd Airborn(' DI\ 1..,1nn p,,r~11r<M1prr Frum Gardrn Gro1 c h.1s lit:t·n ~illrd 111 .1 nnrtar aUack on an Arin1· nuqlOs! 111 '1rtnam. the L" S. lXh'lb!' 1Jcp.1 rl111c 111 ,"'lllllQUllCCd /llontl;i~ lie Y.'il S Spec14 .Ja1nr" JI Cr,d1;1111, ~nn r1f /'llr . anrf /\I r~. Cl<1r<·ncc II. Gr:ili.ttn, ul l 1201 Bor111y L;i nr, G;irdl'!l Cr111 r The sl<11n Gl was lhr '.l25th Or~ng c Count;• srr1·1ccn1;i11 to d1t' 1n \'1('ln:11n ;ind J<il nt>d tile Arn1y right ;if!cr his l~Gj .i;:raduation fr on1 Oolsa Lrande lJtgli School. DAILY PILOT Rob•·t II w •• ./ "'" "'"' .O.NI r·.~•·•••r J•~~ R. C~·••y \•tt "'!''"'"' •·d C.•~·••• r •• ·1~-• l d<'<t ,.,,,,,,., LtdOf ,.!\,~·· w . 1,,h , ..... ,,, .. .,, td·•~· H~"'l "!Jl•ft leocll Off!<t :09 S•~ Sl<t•t M1:1;,,g Add•tu: P.O. !01 7?0, '26~1 Ottt.1 Olllt•' N,•.r.a·• e••l" :111 ,.,.,, ll•"A' "·~•i.••d ((·1• ~···· lJJ ., .• ,, ft •1 ....... Lo'u"• 6f•(I\. 111 ~011 .1 ••1 '1.• f)•IL V PllOf. "''""''I" , ""'~·Md t•• t!IPWJ PfC~\. " ""bl·!"~ O• • ••I •~! ~ .. ~ ••v '" HPo••I• •••'Ill• ~· t<u""'Q'O ' 8c•<ll. Fou~!J ln V•"''• ••.·••/.'•,;./I•,.· ~o•I llt<~ tr.d l•G""t fl•• " • 0'1 '"'~ ,,.,, '"11 '°""1 •d••••• o ... ,, •~•·• r,~1 ·•· ·~ Com11•nt ~,..,1 •q 1 •• '•·· 11 n11 ,.,., l\otro• 8h•O ti•lO:-t"' ~··•·. ••q 1IO "''Cit "''' ~1••1t. (O"' If<"• Ttt.,h•n• 171•1 641-4ll l f rorit W•1tlftlfltt•r Coll S•0-1 210 c~.iti.4 ""''"11111, ••2·'•'• Cet>w•l9M, 1t1• O••n~• loo• r • •·~• ,....,"··~ ................ , ... , .... . •a"<"•' mot!•• OI •~•"' •"r•" "'·•., ..,., r.. """"OIN<l d •ltl<O• 1 u.tl••I 1 •·~-" ,., 01 Ct""'•M t""'''· ~c••d <IO•I ri·o·•~• r.• ~•I 'I•••••"''''" ""r C<•'• "''" Co>r " • 'I Ir! !• (0•"0 \1 ~ ~1·•• I •;..,.I \,'',.,. > <1 ..-''"1 du '•l o'•O'I. \)I~ ~ • v, 111 1rn1oving r.·tangnno frorn l1is posl, counc1ln1en fXplaincd last WC'C'k that lus <iu:1l1fic:a1 ions 11cre llnl'. llul they ob· J('i"trd to the wa y he \\'as appo1ntctJ. .~!anganl!, 1n a healed l'C'ply to his rrn1ol';1I, h:.id chnrgci.I the t·ounci! ll'ith IJtold1n~ .1 ''f)(llil1 C':1I rn1pirr." Tonight 's ~clel.'.!111ns 1qll providr 1hi' f1r~t l('z,l !or :1 lll'\V systi.'111 prnr<;~f'tl by 1\l:i.vor Edward .l tJSl ~;ich of the f11·c 4·1111n1·1l n1rn will list hts tnr <"hoicc~ anr! t llu~e rt·1Til'1ng th1· 1110~1 1olrs will be 11a1ntd !o the com1n1~s1 011s. ln tl1e pa~t tlu· n1ayor made all commission ap· po11111i1cnt s \l"i\h approval of the council. ThC' three parks .and recr('at1on scats hrc~11nr :Jl'ailablc v.Jth !he clC'c111111 as <'Ounc1lmen uf Georgr Scull and R.011 ~hrnkman and the rcsignauon of t-.trs. Jeanne ~loss. / /' / : __ ;,} 'CflA NGE D' JNTO $288 THEFT \\'hilc 11'ir liquur ~t ore tlerk 11"as hclpin!( nnt· 1n;in pick up his change scattercd 011 11H• !!our . anoth cr 11·as apparently helping h11n ~elt 10 1he f'ash rl'gister. L;lJil111;1 Beach pnl ice said 1od<1y t l11~ 11a~ ;1pparently tile routine used lo il 1str:1ct clerk Ben r.ladison at GUl"s Li· quor. 278 Broad way Sunday. T11·0 1nen entered. One dropped 55 in ch:inge. \Vhile t-.·1adison 11•as helping rctrieve il. the other suspect scooped up S228. The cash discrepancy 11• a s chscovered !\fonday. pohre said. • • ... O,t,I~ Y PILOT $1111 P~!• SHE 'LL REIGN AS 1970 MISS PRESS CLUB Brea '~ Anne Elayne Gramma11 Wins Crown Brea Lass Wi11s Press Club Picks Ne 1v Queen A l9·yea r·cJld brauly <J11tr11 fr"o111 Brr.1 \1111 rule over tile On111gc Cllunly Press t'lub a~ i\li.~s ORCOI' 1luriug 1970. ;\nu l::laynl' Ciramn1a~. Ilic 1%8-69 1\liss r.t·c;,, was the choice of a C'C1lcbr11y-stud· r!r<I puncl or fi1•c judgrs 1\lnnday nighl <Jlt('r nine contestants pan1ded in their ~1¥1111 suits and forn1 al go,,·ns on the ~tdgc of the Grand Hotel's Off Broad way \\est theater 111 Annhe 1111. But the pencil lJ1ting Jlldgc~ had to call hark four contenders -!\1 i~s Gr;.imm as, J)onr;i Flory of llunt1nglon Br;1ch. Kat h~ Hanso n of Anahe in1 and Peggy H) an of Lodµ;c Flies lo Paris f'E\V YORI\ 11\Pl -A 111ha::.~:idor llenry Cabot L(•dge ]~fl fi1 r !';ln.s today :i!lcr repur1111g 10 Prc~irlcnt ;\ixnn ()II the '"1<>tn;:in1 peace 111·gol1alu1n~ LndgC' Ir[! ~1hr1;ird Tr;1ns \\'nrld A1rwa~s l'l1~hl 802 1ha· 111 PJTJs ;it !l 43 11111 , !'ans Ill~ S:i.11l:1 An:i -before they n1adr their f111:1l srlerlion. 111iss i-"lor\·. Ji. the C'l!rrent r.l i~!\ ;-,krn1;1id or "co;;l;1 i\Ics;i. \\'as nan1ed run- 11('r 11p. i\liss J l;inson took third spot in lh(• lina!. !Iii~:> Flory . a blonde blue-eyed Hnn- l1ngtnn Bfaeh girl. \\"alked off 1~ith the 1r,1di1ion:il consolation prize \\'hen Press Clu h n1r111bers \'Oted hrr • ' r-.1 i s s i'hotogcnic"' of 19i0. .:udgcs includcd r.lrs. Ruby Keeler Lo11·c or Ne"·port Beach, actors Jon Hall ;in<l O.irbv Hinton or "Danle l Boone" la111c. Il a fry B:ibb1tl of Nr11 port Bcach 11as inaster of ceren1onies. Pnzes cnl· lcc ted by r-.h~s Gra1nn1as includr!d t.hc ('(!.!ti free U<;e O[ a 11('\V aulOll\ObiJe for her ~car 1n office. ~!!<( Gran1n1as, c·11rrrnrly :'I snphnntorc l·:11gli~h n1a1or at Coil S1;i1r Fullerton, 111c;i~11re~ :'!7·23·34. Shr !'njo~·s 11i l p:i tn· 1 111~. writ ing and .<k,1t1ng. 11·ould like to he. :i 1111Jdrl and. eventui'llly. ;i high school l<'.ichr.r. She is 11 fonncr Glcndalc lligh !->chool l1om ('co1nlnl! 11uec11 :ind hll~ c11p- 1urr.1 Sl'\rrnl loci!! br:n1ty con!e.!11~ ~ince 111,11·1ni; to Orange Coun!y Tan11i11g i11 Tanapa \\'h1lc the \rcathcr <iround the nation turn s cooler, llcbbie Klein. a t·ocd at the University of South !·'lorula . catches up on her studies and catches a fe\\/ rays for tan she hopes \\•ill last through \\ 1111<.:J' Florida Chan1ber of Con1merce hopes so, too. Better lVot Do It Yourself Tropical Storm Perils Atlantic Without Building Permit Coastal Cites lloineowners planning to build patio coi'ers. fence extensions, _jarage con- l'r.rsions and other si1nilar do-it-your self Jobs were warnt•d today by the Hun- 1Jnglo n Beach Building Department that pennits arc net.'{!ed. ··The most important reason lo~ ob· taining permits fron1 the city before con- ~I ructlun JS lo insure that the struetures 11 111 be safe." advised Walter Lipps of the bu ilding department, Oth er equally in1porlant reasons are fire insurance problems and the necessity to remo\·e new projects v.•hich do not 1n!'el the code requirements. "Patio covers. we find tOQ often after C'onstruclion is complete without benefit or permits. arc. built of unsuitable and :-.ubstandard inaterials 1vith dangerous electrical \\·iring," Lipps explained. He said playhouses are another pro- blem. •·They often 1un1 out to be <langerous places for children because of ~ubstandard material, faulty "'i ring and olher defects Vi'hich could have been prevented by talking over plans wilh the building depart111eot .'' Garage conversions present a special problem because city law requires each house to have a usab!e two-car garage. which in mos t cases precludes C<lnversion of the garage to other uses, the building official warned. .. We arc anxious to see thal projects turn out ¥:ell, meet city codes and will be .safe.'' Lipps said. "!l's oo fun to have to order demolition of a nev; backyard pro- JCC! \\'hieh does not meet city codes."' The building department offices are located at 5th Street and Pecan Avenue. ~IJA~ll (UPI) -Tropical Storm J\ara aimed its 60-rnile-an-hottr winds at Cape Hattera $. NC., tod ay arid V.'e11t hermrn warned the ::.lorm could skirn the coa sl and head north, thrtalening points as far a1ray as C;.ipe Cod. '"Kara is expci;lell 111 rr:'lch lhr coastline nt·ar C<1pe Hatteras tonight about 9 p nL EDT and proceed on a northeastward course back out to sea \Vednesday, parallc!Jng the coastline a.<: far north as Cape Cod,'' the Nationa l J-lurricane Center said al noon. The center said lop v.·inds \1·crc fiO miles an hour, but the systen1 t'ould sup- port greater intensity. ··~1a;.;1n1u1n \11nds may approach hurritane forte over a srnall area," forcc;1sters :;;dcl Plan11e1·s Slate Special The center issued gale 11·arnlngs fnr 1hc '.'\orlh Carolina coo st fron1 !\1or<'ht.'Jtl Lity to Oreg')n Inlet. ··111 thr arc:i of 1r;1rn111g ... ::.l unn lidc!'i of four 10 r11•e feet abo1 e !l(lrmal niay b~ c.~pcC'l<'d ;1J1d lhc t·e11!r1· will rcael1 thr. ('OastJ1n(' near t11nr or l11gh IJdl)," fc1recasttrs said Sessio11 011 Apa1·t1nents Fount:i111 \':i llcy's p 1 a n 11 i n g com· 1n1ss1oners 1ril! tackle !Ile i1partment i~~uc 111 a speC'ia l study session at 7 30 p ni, \\"edncsday. 1n c1!y r o u n c 1 J t·han11Jer~. Thr city is current!~· oµc.raung undrr :in apa rtn1C'nt 1noratonum. fl was drl"larccl last mon1h by planners and is ~chcdulcd tl'l run to Nov. :-,. The Ne1v Line Listed For Dru~· Users A n<'11· numbrr hus brrn added to 1-!elp . 1.111('. :i t<'IC'lli1on!' s('r1·icc for Hunting1on Beileh :ind surr11u11d1ng ron11n11ni11es 10 :lid n;ir("Ol!<"S u~rrs whu \\'ant to stop Add1cls, p3rt-ti111e users or friends 11f clruc users ca n no11· call 894 -4242 for im- 1 11t dlat~ l1elp or coun .,eling concerning drug abuse. Th(' old r111tnbC'r. 893-.JJ.JJ, i'i :-till 111 sfrv1cr, giving 111 0 24-liour lines to <'a lie rs. ll rlp Line "'as e <tahli~hed this past ~u11in1er by St'l'<'ral doctors, la11·yer)'. n11n1~1crs, rtlurator< and inlcrC'~ted Lll1zcns 11 ho 11an: 10 rul. do11n drug obu~r i1nd g11·<' 1111mrd1ate <11d 10 persons :-.ulfering fron1 11! rffet ls of drugs ~1ember~ of llC'lp !.in r !1011·1 prrach or t•·:tch :ibout drugs. lhe1· ~1mpl_v <ins11·cr q11e<tio11 s. Thry ;11"1· II<!\ 1n\'ol \ed 1\ith the pi1hrr 111(' ~c·1·1 IC"t' 1 ... li:o' 1•d .-ii Gold('n \\"{'c[ Cu!l1'gc, :ilthou)ih nril .r llu11-l1tJ11 111 lhc- l'ollege IL :il ~(i nffcr~ cnunsehng 1r a r .ill<'r ~n rlr.,1rr ~ Bu1l1 ll i•\11 l.111r n111nlirr~ 11 111 [)(' l•Jl•'n r1J11nd -thr-cl1lc k 111 a11~\\rr ;iny 11ue.-,11on inroll ing drugs or <.lrt1g use and to gi1·e <Ith' ICC. n1oratorium has temporarily brough t 11 halt to apartment proposals. but not to construction already approved. \\'edncsda~··s session will be a complete T"C'\"ie1v of the cily"s general plan as it relates to apartments. The meeting is 1Jpt>n to the publ ic. but discussion 11•i1J be luniteo to pla nners. The planning slaff 1vil1 sho1v slides and 4J1 splay collected articles and written rrports on apartments. Planners. after di scussing the material presented. may set a public htaring for Nov. :'> lo ('Onsider amendments to the c1!y's genrral pl;in Ite ms thry 11·111 discuss \\lednesday in · elude· -A possihlc reduction in the total area curTently allotted for apartn1rnt de l"elop- nicnl -Changes in the bu ilrling cotJe regardin,i: apartment structure s. -A li1nitation or high den~ity (R-4) apart1r1ents near re.~1den1ial ;irea~. -The err1 no1nic~ nf apnr11nent hu1ld1n r:: fron1 thc dc1·clopcrs' st<1ndpo1n\ and til e cny ·s. Life ou i\(ars !\ut Yet Hul cd ()ul hy Ca lt ech P,\S1\0E:'\A IL"PI) -A CaHech spact: .•r1ent1st ~a1rl r.londay th;it this year"s !\lartner lligh!s past ~lars prJ\'ed .. no b;:isis for enthusias1T1 .. but f1irther rx· plural ion is necessary before ruling out thr ex1~tcncr of l1[e on the planet. Hnbert J. Parks, :i~sistanl director for ll1Aht object~. ~;.iid th~ momrnt of truth niay come 111 the 1973 project v.•hf':n a craft will be landed on the surfa ce or !\Tars. Yo1ir Omrgn. Salts & Stri;ic c Agcncu 0 OMEGA • Cle•ntd • Oiled • Adiu1ttd PIARlS lt-5TRUN• fr•• $2.00 from l lNGS SlltD, f,_ $3.00 Small crafL 11·;:irn1ngs l\'C'rc i:-.•u cd for the coasl fro111 Cape cod Hi Charlc:_.ton , s c. At noon Kara \\"<l!i localed nc:i r li1l1tud 1 32.9 north. GIRL. • • against his old !ruck, u~ed for hauling auto engine.,, about J 311 ;:i m. Sunday o\ll~idc the Ca\C. 1n the p{1rklng lot. lie 1rar11ed her not to lean there. Se1-eral persons 11 ere prcscn1. inC'luding 11·.-r n1en w1 !h whorn Cilrnore and three of his own con1p::i11lnns t;ingled inside the n1glltspot about 1 ;i 111 , only to be ~cpara t ed by tl1c ho11nccr. Facing C'ach n111cr ag::i1n 1111h1n threl'.' 111,urt. 11ol1<'C' s:iid. !ht' t11(l out11un1brrerl 1c11·rrn cu:;tomrrs pulled guns, Cinr a .2Z cali!H>r pistol a11<.l thc (llhcr a BB air gun. Pcrh:ips unfortun:1t<"ly. au1ho11t1e~ Pli· pt:iinrrt. C1lmnre jtnTiped tli r rn:in v.·ith the rc !a\1\"C'l.I' harnilt'~s 11·rapon ;in<J v.·a<; :..hot by the other. \I horn he has 1c!cntlfied .1~ \\·:i rkin~ Drtcct11"es :;;.iid a1 that point 1hC' thr('r rrma1111ng b~~!anrh:-r~ 11ere thrralrned 1111h de:ith and thr\' se:1t11•rcrl. :i<i rhr. 11nundrd Ctlmorr ~tun1bled lri .1 nC'arbv :-cr1·iee station for ht.·lp · One D;:ii~y air pi~tol 11 a~ found thrc111 n ;11ray nrar the serne nr thc ~h11nt1ns.: and police alrrtrd 111 ;i11 arP.i 11 !!It• hrn;idca~t 1 rcognizcd \V.1tk1n;; ;111ri Thri11111,on 11 hen tilr" 11·er(' ~I O)l)l('d 111 1 .. ,111il .i l11 \ ;1llr1 ln1·est1ga!ors ~a id thr <'-'"tr \>;;1" p\Jl\rd 01'er be cause 1hc l1crn,,r plrit r l1~ht \\':IS 1nopcrati1·e, bu l olf1errs re,1l1l!'TI they 11ere v.·antr.d 1n the rnunlrr a11r1np t ca~r I ' -........... .. ,., ''to.the , moon DIAMONDS •l,U.CID, ..... $6.00 T1'. v11v 11"'• O'"•fJ • Sp e•dmoli•r .... +th .... c•r•y "''' ••1•t h d w;th. <1 ul •"¥ '"ollifit 1I•<>" b1 NASA lo b• "'"'" by <>Y' ..,," "" '"• moo". Th i1 flt09"0!io". lru ly • r•• Wt t d for o•ct ll1"C•, m 1le1 u• proud to b. you1 1u•harit ed 0"'t9• i•w•lu. C•'"• i~ -1t1 thi1 h1ftd111111 , 2 bu!!oft, 4 lli1!, o,,.,,. Sp11cl,.11•· l1r chr0Ro9•1ph, Th• oftl y wi lt!.""''" bv 1h1 "''" •" th1 11111n. ,rict $1,I. Chronoiraph & Sttr- 1'"iodt'rl 1llchtr, higher: Huntin9ton Center Beach at Edin9er INGlAYING DONI WHlll TOU WAIT HUNTINGTON BEACH 892-5501 '• TllMS AYAIU.l~I and back Harbor Shoppi~9 Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 545-9485 • I ------------------------,---,..---....,.----,-~-TT-~~~----------~~~.,..-"__,~.,,.., " -' .. -4 ... _ _.., ·--·- I Saddlebaek Today's FlnaJ • N.Y. Stocks VOL 62, NO. 246, 2 SECTION S, 26"PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDA Y, OCTOBER 14, 1969 TEN CENTS Cliff Drive ·Marl(ed for Un~erground Wiring Dy BARBARA KHEIBICJI or lh• 0111~ ~'"" s111t The. C\iH Dri ve area adjacent to Heisler Park will be lhe next target in the Laguna Meach progra1n lar un- dergrounding utilities, City Planner Al Autry told plannin~ t"ommiss1oners al a study session l\tonday night. City officials 1nel with reprcscnlat11•e~ of the utilities firms l\tonday afternoon and agreed that a proposed project to w1 - derground poles and wires on the alley running from Glenntyre Slrttl to Laguna Avenue and behind business fronting on S. Coast Highwa y, a total distance of 600 feel. should be dropped down on the priority list since it does not meet criteria est.abllshed by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC). ll v.·as agreed, said Autry, thal the Cliff Drive area from Victor llugo's tmvard Diver's Cove would be morr suitabl<'. The PUC recommends U1at preference in undergrounding be given t.o areas hav· ing \o\'kle pu blic use . affecting the ap- pearance of the co1nn1unity and adjacent to civic or recreation fa cilities. There now is $4~,00J in the Lagu na tund ror undergrounding, Aulry said, and 1t y,·ould be possible to secure an additional on~year allocation of $22,00J in ad•·ance l:ir lhe project. The PUC requires U1e Edi~1n Cornpany to set aside an annual amoun1. est.ablish- ed for each community. toward the undergrounding program. The telC'phOne ro1np.1ny is required to go along "''ilh the program, at ils expense, v.·hen !he elec· lrical facilities go undcrgroulld . Allcndlng the ·'fonda y afternoon mrrl· ing wilh Autry v.·ere Director of .Public \\lorks Joseph Sv.•eany and his assistant Bobbie lngran1. Planning Commissioner Joseph 1'ornehak, City Councilman Roy Jlohn and Clyde Springe. building and p!;inning director. Th<'y met v.·ith representatJ\'<'s of lhe Edison Compan~', Southern Counties Gas Con1pa n)', Genera l Trlephllne and Storer Cable TV. 1'he session. expected to be the first of a series, 1o1•as set up at the re<Juest nr Co1nn1issioner Tomehak in an allen1pt to {tnd \1•ays to speed the undcrgrounding program in Laguna. The planning staff, Au try said, also has obtained and is stutJyi ng underground ulilitit's Qfdinances from se1·cral other communitirs 1o1·ith a vit'v.· to presenting a drafl of a lighter ordinance for Laguna Beach He said the ulllities represen!at1vcs at the meeting \.\'ere un1vi1J1ng to eQmmenl on discussion 1n 1he PU C of a possible re- quirement that ;ill n<'w anti rt•placc111f1 1t uti lities 11·ill. in the futurf' ha re to he in· stalled 11ndergrou111I. Th<'y Indicated, howe\'er. that such a ruling would pla('c 1. "horrendous'' burden on the CQfTl panies, Autry added. Tomehak ohsrrved !hat the 1111tilie~ representati ves apparentl~· had come In tStt UTILITIES, Page %) Absences • Ill Moratorium 'Unexcused,' Says Laguna lbAtL'I' ,!LOT 111!1 1"1111• POLICE CHI EF GIVES SAFETY POINTERS Gary Tnreadgold Cleft }, Doug Bunting Hffd Advic• Dow1a tlae Mission Trail Huma11 Relations Talk-in Slated CAPISTRANO V f\LLEY -A com· mun ity talk-in rocusing on huma~ rela· tions \\'iii be sponsorC'd by the l<1p1slrano 1Jnified Scllool District P1' ,\ Council Thursday. The parent e-ctucat ion mee11n~ \\•ill takr place at 7_311 p.m. 1n the San Clemente J-ligh School little theater. Principal spe:tk('r will be Fred f\a yar· ro. coun!~!or at the high school who wi ll <lcscrlbc tht> ne(!(ls of Mexican A111er1can~ in the school system . Tir11f" !.AC:UN A H\Ll-'i -~ho,1·1ng !heir ~kill Rt fl ipping flap1ack.~ will be men1bers of the El Torn Laguna Hills Exchange Club, Saturday, Oct. 18. The pancake breakfast will l..'lke plar-~ from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. al Topper's StcakhouSt', Toro Center. All you can cal in the way of panckaes, sausage. Juice, coffee and milk \\'ill be offered for $1. e An11one for Rldh1g? MISSlON VIEJO -Opening!i arc i;\ill 11vailable in Orange County's equestrien senior Girl Scout Troop. PT A S1>onsori11 g Top of World Bicycle Rodeo A rree·v.•heeling hik<' rodro. the f1r!>t annua l, ts scheduled Saturd;iy al Lagana's Top of the World Elen1en!.ary School, Sponsored by the PTA. the rodeo w1\I he on lhe school playground, 21601 Tree Top Lane. from 10 a.m. until noon. The young bike rowpokes 111ill gather 11'ith their two-1\•heel steeds to display the:ir sk.ill. Every boy and girl that successfully C'Ompletes both the safely and sklll test v.·iJI be pre~ented a bicycle riders' lictn.~P bv Police Chief Kenneth lluck, v.·ho will bf acting as "chief constable." Quake Shakes V p San Diego Area SA:'-J DIEGO (AP) -A light earth· quake shoook a v•ide scelion of Sol1ther11 California today. A v.·oman said "it frlt llkc a sonic boo1n .. , The tremor hit at 6:20 a.m. and lasled 40 seconds, a seismologist at San Diego Slate College !laid. California Institute of Techoology al Pasadena said it registered about 4. too light for serious damage, on the Rkhter scale, No aftershock v.•as felt. but per300S from Escondido south almost. to Mexico and v.·est lo the coastal cillu: telephoned nev.·spapers and sheriU's offJCers to report it. . ·,.· '\, •• 4 Colleges 1'la1ie11vers Pl.an1ied Russian Ships Mo1·ato1·iu111 ' t ;~oup~ nf .\.tudc11ls in ill lca~l four 01 ;1nge Coa.~l arra coHegrs 1>1 1 11 part1eipa1r. in \\'Ntnesay·s nat1on"'·ide 111oratoriun1 agains'. the Vietnam \\'ar. The Orange Countv Pence and lluman Bights Council v.·ill llold a memorial i;cr,·1ce al 7 o·clo<:k tonight :it the Hull· trnb(an Beach Pier and th<: Uni~ t.;niversalist Church in Costa Mesa Wfll hr l)Pf'n rron1 9 a.n1. [I) 6 fl.n1 . \\'c<h1esrlay ror di scus!lion of progran1s for peace. -At UC Ir\ ine <Jnliv.•ar students will r ul classes to attend protest lectures and hold a 111c111orll'll service for \\'ar dear!. -A11th1•ar :>t11rlents at. Ora11gc Coa~l Colkgt! v.·ili hold a syn1bo!ic mttroh arross the can1pu ~. -A fh·c·hour program of .~peakers is planned at Golden '\lest College. -Anll al Soulh<.'rn California C•Jllege in Costa 11.lesa students will hold an early Link • Ill ~.fUSCO\\I !UPI) -The \u.'o So\'iet :·p;l' :iips Soytiz 7 anrl Sl)y uz 8 1oday docked in orbit and are continuing their Joint flight. in(ormcd space sources reported. A third ipaceship, Soyw: &..was flyin~ nearby. Jr1fvrmed sources had prtdicted earlier the two spacecraft '<l'Ot.dd carry out dock· in.~ n1ancu vers and that the third would perfurm expcrin1en!s in space welding in Ne 1v l ' ork Mets Stun Baltiniorc With 5-0 Victory mon1ing vigil lo pray for peBcc. l'\E\\I YORK <AP\ _ Tommie Ag~e The dean of students at Sadd!eback sl3 rleil Uic scor in~ with a home run and College said no activllies are planned al then made two brilllant defensive plays that campus. behind the four-hi l pitching of Gary Gen- A counter proLE-i;t is planl1f'd \\'!lh a trv and Nolan Ryan as the New York group of un1rlcnlificd persons anon ymous· i\1°e\s: stunned the Baltimore Orioles 5-0 ly announcing the}' 1rill assemble al lhe In today's third game of the World Serie~. home of UC! Cha,1ccllor Daniel Aldricli~o The viclory gave the National League tell hin1 "1.1:hat they think aOOut all tha't-. rhampion ~lets a 2·1 lead over the fa- st urf going on tornorro\\' " r vorcd Orioles in the best-0f-se\•en game Thr i;rour rails: i1.~elf 'f[RED !Tax-S:<'ries \\'hich resu mes Wednesday al Shea I ,,. "~ 1 R d. 1 · Stadiurn . p_aycrs 01J1pnant ........ u a ir:a s in A~ce got thr Mets started as the lrad- t,<lucanonJ , accurduig to a telephone off hiller in the bottoni of he fir~t \~·hen t111stcr_ he hit a J ln1 Palmer pitch over the cen- l'C Irvine's \\ar ll r flt C ~I aclivil1e~ \J>r field fence for his first hit of the \\·ere 10 be finned 11p 111 a met>t1ng this 11cric~. af1crn1J01l. A tune llaon 'I ye t been sc.t for \\.it h a ro;ir1ng cro\'.'d of 56.335 looking 11 V1etna1n 1le<itl me1nnrial :-;ervice but nn 111 1o1·ar111, cloudy weather. the 2J-year- 1hst1•'"s1un gro11ps on the war are sl·herlul· !)Id Gentry, 1n his first series game, rd fr o1n 10 a,m. lu noon \l/ednesday antl a raised the margin lo J.-0 with a two-run rally <:1t 12.JU p.1n . A rnarch on a war in· double in the second . dustry plant has been called off. Jerry Grote doubled home the fourth Aldrirh has refused lhe anliw;ir run in the silrU1 and Ed K.ranepool horn· I 1 _ _. crcd in the eighth. students' request he cance c asses aiKi /\gee's first defensive gem came with give slnff time off with pay for the !he score 3.0 with two out end two on in moratorium. the fourth inning when he made a spark· UC! sludenl! were voling loday nn ling one-handed running catch of Elrod \\•hether to withdraw immediately troops llcndrick's drive to left center field. from Vietnam and on other isst1es. Then, in the seventh after Gentry A student referendum election ;it "'alkcd thrc;,> straljht hlUers and \\'as r"- Orange Coast College was discussed J\.t on-placed by Ryan with lwo oul, Agee made day by the student council )ut decided 11 diving one-handed grab of a llner into (See STUDENTS, Pa1e Z) right center by Paul Blair. Space hop~ of eventual construct.ion or a flying spac'! station. The sources !iaid Soy11r. 6 'vas believed In na \·c se rved as an orbital •·wO'l'kshop" during the linkup maneuver. Tass news reports told only of the thrte crrw&' practice In ml!lnual bandlln& ol the ships and various tests. One report said they u·erc n1aking joint experiments in photvgraphy, map making and medico- biological research. !\'ever before ha ve liO many men brco in ~pace at once, orbiting the earth every 69 n1inutes in three vehicles. The news agf'ncy said the flight rom· rn;in<lrr, Col. Vladi1nir Sh<ttalov, put his nicn through brief physical exams this morning and then conducted a session ol v.•;irmup exercises. "Sh at.Alov reported thal aflcr the nignt res1. thr cosmonallls are feeling fin<'," T<1ss said. "The c:os1nonauts started fulfillini;:-the program or the regular day or tile flight." Their mission is a series or rx- periments, possibly involving space1o1'alk· ing, 19 iron out the problems racing man in establishing an earth-orbiting space :>latform ln buildlng a stair.~1ay inlo ~·pace. By 8:30 a.m. ~1osco1'' time, the lhrrC'· m=in Soyuz 6 capsule had compl<'ted 45 orl1i•s. the two-man Soyuz 7 had dnnr 2q ;ind the 1wo-man Soyuz 8 h;irt finished J.1 f11llowing its laLmching Monday. Capo OKs Funds For 01ristmas Street Lighting It will be a bright Cttri.'Jl.mas after all in San Juan Capistrano thanks to benevolent city falhers. But it seemed for • v.1Jile that the city streets in ()eccmber would be as dark as the disaster that hit Capistrano's firi;t major effort toward llghling tip the dqv.·ntown area. Mrs. Marilyn · Friedrichsmeyer is in rharge of the unique group v.·hich is bas-ro in Misiion Viejo. ~lcmbcrship is open lo girls 15, Iii, or 17 years of age and ownership of a horse is nol required. For further information call the !eadrr- 11l 830-IBHI. Meetings are on \Vednesday evening after the first SattJniay of the month. One Saturday or weekend is spent ridina horses. Lagunans Like It Quiet Not only dld a recent fire burn Coosolidated Supply but it also destroyed th~ ChHmqer of Commerce's hopes for a colorful Yple. All of their newly pu~chas ed Christmas lights were stored in the building. e Acl'flllcs Talk Sel MISSION VIEJO -. Members of the Mission Viejo AS80Ciation of Artists and Craftsmen will rneel Thursday, Oct. 16 at 7:30 p.m. for a demonstration in the use or acrylics. Sam Clayburger will conduct the prn- gram in La Paz lnltrmedlate School. He is an instnJctor at Otis Art T:i!ilitute of Los Angele s County. JllORE ON 'CRASH' The second of rive f'l'port.5 by DAILY PILOT financial CO'i'UfW!is\ Sylvia Porter. ::inaly1.ing the CC('IOOmy of 1969 in hght 1.r the stoc:k m1rkrl crash and world d~prwion ol 1929, appears today on Page. 3. Survey Finds Clirnate, Not Art, Biggest Draiv Jo.tore people move to Laguna Beach for climate. and tranquility than for art and culture. Mark C'.umbiner of the Citizens Advisory Committee told members or the La.guna Coordinating Council Mooday night. Gumbincr, chairman of the 25-fnember CAC. reported to the Coordinating Coun· eil on an exhaustive survey and irtudy of Laguna attitudes which has been developed by the CAC since lhe COin· mittee was fonned by the City Council in Allgust tl 1968. He lllilid of 8,000 copie! of an attitudr llurvey circulnted tn the commtinity. ther~ were 1,'70 •dult respon.!es. "I think this ratio ot retum \\'II~ quitr good and it .r1s pretty r.vtnly distribulM across Ull! community, .. the C001mittce ct\aitman noted . ' Gumbiner rcp:>rled that response!! lo the attitude survey lndicated a strong trend toward "new people" living in the Art (:()Jony. Ninety-two percent of those responding maintain lhelr principal homes in Laguna. Of that number, 20 pE"r cent had Jived in lown less than two years: 46 per cent less than sc.ven years and 70 per cent less than 13 years. Seventy.five per cent or the survry r~pondenl.5 said they came to \..aguna primarily for the clim;itc. Otlw.r leadin.I!. reasons were for U1e tranquil village at· mMphere and oceon views. Only 25 per cent were atlractc<I by ;irt 11r'l(I c11)[ure. Gumb!ner mt,,d, ho1o1•e.vt!r, that rour oot nr rive re~pon.°"'5 on 1Ttrea1Jon11I nt<'d.~ cited u~c:'> lhnt are. ocean 1100 bcuch oriented. TI1e attiiude 11urvcy re.gulls arc now being compiled ror use in developi ng a new cily master plan. "TI1ls is your survey and ytJur CM'I· muni1y," Gumbiner told the Coordinating Council, "all(! unless you !tt thal it is im- plrmented, it will simply be fHcd away and gather duM like so many similar st11diea of the p1111t." In other action at the Coordinating Coul'\cil iession at the Laguna Federal Savings & l.oan building. mcmin;rs adopted a rcaolution supporting im· mediate action toward development of a ne\v public library. The rc!Olutll'ln v.·as prcscntcd hy Librari11n Cli H Cave th r o u g h Coordintling Council Pre111denL Helen Keeley. Bruce Winton and Jerry Gaffney on hehalr of the Chamber made • plea al ~fonday's city council mttting asking the ('l)Uncil to pay $1 ,400 for new Christ.mas lights, the amount the chamber and in· leresled parties expended for the old Oriel!. Peering Into their trr.asury the city rather!! foond th at they had only $650 budgeted for promotional activities. rurther perusal showed they had not spent anything for promoUon ol the city in the past five years. So with smiling face8 and perhaps a bit or early Christmas spirit, the council f'lfeveT' banished the world of Scrooge fro111 their chambers. They voted in fa 11or of this request . Storie /llarl<eu NF:W YORK (AP) -The :oitoct markPl bl11~ted ahead for the l'lccond l'llral,qht ~e! slon, v.·Jth an unu~u•lly large volume. ~Ser. quotHtlons, Page1 10.llJ. B11t 100 To Attend UCI P1·otest By RICllARO P. NALL 01 ti.. D•ol1 ,llOI Sl•!t The. Lagtina Beach Unified School Dis1ricl v.·i!I reward any student'$ rai1urf'! lo attend clas.~1·s '\'ctlncsday-the d;iy ol th;c Vietnam mor<ilorh1n1 -as tl n °'t111eK- l'llsct\ ab!ence" Superintendent \Vil\iam Ullom said loday. Ne\·ertheless. about 100 Laguna Beacl\ High School stude nts are e:1pe1:ted lo lake parl in s car caravan lea11i ng from f/cfslt>r Park al I I :45 a.n1 . lo partici pate 111 orga nized moratorium act1vlties Rt UC lr\·ine . Under state law. Ullo111 explained. only <Jeatl'o in th e 11111nediate fnn11ly, illness or nerd to visit a doctor qualify a student for <HI cxcu11ed ;1bsc11ce. Absence for any orhrr reason, r1·('n H the school is pro- ' 11Jrtl 1vith a no!r. fron1 the paren1, niui;t "' he listed as unexcused. Ab.~cncc for non· n1cdi<'al re asons. and without parental perrni.~sion, is regarded as truancy. \\lhlle no organized group al !he J,;.gtlna high school is sponsoring a stu· denl strike, a mimeographed letter ha! been circulated among students outlinini: planned activities ror those who wish Lo attend. Annou nring th r car111·ao, the lrltrr sl:.\rs, ··AH cititcns 11•1th a moral con· \'ic lion against 1hc war are welcome to J<11n in solem n protest at UC L Studcn111 ri ussing schoo l 1nu.~t ti avf' parents ap· 11ro1·nl <1nd note or f:icc the con~<'qucncc., of tnu1ncy and c1u1scqt1t•nt disci plinary .1et1or. ·· Student body President 1!1)ward llillJ rr11nn1 enled ~·londay ... At lc:1~l lO U.:->. !-,, n;-otors are pnrl1cipn1i11g 111 t~11s protest, nlor1g with rnany rcsponsiblr. nrg:in11a· 1.ion.~. llowcv<'r, the ~tudenl govrrnrncnt h1 s. nothin.11. tn dn \vith the n1oratoriun1 on :1 11 offici;il basis. ll cannot promo!P: pnrlll'ipation in the local 1nass r:illics or ;:;bfence fro1n school on that day." T]1c question or partici pation Is for :-;tudents and parenls to dec ide. !·!ills said. poinling oul that if sludenl!i do participale a note musl be brought from home lo avoid truancy. Gary Norton, Direr.Lor of Student t\cti\·ities at the high school. !iaid the ari- ministration is nnl p~s:iing juc;lgmcnl (Stt ABSENCE, PageZI Orange Coast Weather \Vcst.crly winds will \vh ip up soine wild weather Wednesday, lhe \Vise old we11lher111an wc- ports -ah. reports. Otherwise, it'll be mostly sunny with 1101nc rnorning low clouds. INSIDE TODA l' UC /rl)1n,. l1n., il.T Jir.tt n ~.~i~· /On t cl1nurt>llor for computrr progranim inn a~ lhP 11uivers1ry doubles its con1put1110 opcrn· tio11s. Pnf}c R. CtMIO"'" ' ,...~ ... • (11ol41ft ,.,, Mw1w•• '~' " (tmic• " Nltllflll N••U •• c ... '""'" • Or-c • ....,.1, ' ..... N•llCn • '•""" '''"' ' Dl ... fCH ' 1Pfrh 1 .. 11 E""''l1I I"••• • St..:11 M1rllth 1tll E11ltrUl11,,...,l • Ttl..,l!ltft .. •i11111t• If-\ I T~•Oltfl • Ntrt><•" " *••Ill•• • """ l 1""'" " 019M W~lf9 " Molll>e< • Wtrlf "'"'" •·• Mo,.la<itt \.Wl'fll .. I ··-· ·~ 1)·1) .... _ ' ,_. • . --• . -. • -• -• . . -. -----------------...--:-~~~~~':':"~".'~~~ ... ":" ... ~ ... '!"''!"''!"' ... ~ .......... !'9"'!~" ....... "' .. """'1111111!11111111111111"""'"'"'"""""'"' ... """'"""""""'"'"'""'"'"""" .......... ., ........ z Dl.ILY PILOT l Fightinp /\'ear Citf1· "Saigon Troops To Stop Protests SAIGO~ rUPll -Fighting flared 15 mill's from S111.i;r.in today on 1.hc ere of.thr \"1etnarn n1orator1un1 111 the United Stat.es. Sou1h V1 et111;in deployed tr~ps 111a1n!>i possible anti"'ar demonstrations h<'re. Saigon police :.ources ~aid Vil'l Cun~ AEents had ~lippf'd into the capital an1t distrihuted pa1nphlc1.~ 111 !he centr.'11 111ar~el talhng for the South V1ctnan1_esr to hold their own demonstrations against tht! v:ar \Vcdncsda~'· In response. go~·ernment sotdirrs u1 full 1·rotr& J•ogc 1 ABSENCE ... either way v. ith regard l(l lhe protests. ··Those students v.·ho are not 1n school \\'rdnesday will count the same as any <•lhcr ilbsence,'' he ~aid, "If a note 1s brougllL frorn the hon1c. 1L \VII! _go on record as an unexcused absence, :-;1ncc 1l i ~ not a_ n1cdical excuse. Those student~ \\·ho Join the protest but do not have any nutc from home will be dealt v•ilh as t.ruant." Al San Clen1ente High School. principa l f)l!rrell Taylor said he had heard of no plan!> for ~tudent part11.:ipat1on in 1nor;1tonum :icti\"il!e~. .. Bu t of course l dou·t I.now or C\crything that goes on," he added. _ Like other school officials, Taylor said any nonmedical absl'nce from classes \1·ould have to be classified as unexcused, r\·cn '' ith parenta l permission. In most instance!'. he ~aid, unexcused absenc<'s l'l'f)Uestcd by pa rents siinply involve making up n11ssC'd \1·ork. .. But f'\·en in tmancy i:ases,'' Taylor f"\pla\ncd, "1\'C try to deal \l'ith each slu· dent as an individual. \\'here one truancy r.1ight llll'Oh e an assign1ne'.1l 10 c~11- 1111u31io11 ~ct1ool b<'cnusc 1t i.~ tne culm1nalion of a long seri es nf problems, ;inotht>r might well be soll'ed \\ ith a .~11nplc counseling session. The re JS no h;ird and fast rule ." A spokesman ;it /'.l1ss1nn \11C'jo Hii.:h Schoo! h<1d not heard '"one 11!tle thing·· ;1round the school about s l u d c n t participation in the 1noratoriun1 and said no n1easurcs \\·ere being 1<iken to Jn- tiri pa te such ;ir·11on '·lf student~ mi ss classes or r·nur~r . 11·r. h;.1·c no al ternali\'r but to call 1l an Liil"\· cusEd absence ,'' the spokrsman added. Carpenter Sa ys Pollutio11 Tops Protest Iss ue Fri1m "\\'irr S~n iee~ FRES:\0 -Campus rlisorder;; 1na_y bl"' 11 passing ph£1non1enon, hut pollu1ion :<nd ronservation arc r1ol -anrl !hey are fasl ~J1psing thr. former as p.1litical issues in Californ ia. This \\·as th~ asscssmenl 0f Newport Beach's Ot>n nis C:irprnter, chairman ()f 1he California Republican Stale Central Commit!N', al a speech before GO!' \\·omen hert' r-.londa y_ Carpenter told the Cal11orn1a Fe<leratf'rl Republican \\'omen's central division au- dience 1ha\ thcSf' cn,·1ronn1cn1a1 eri~.~ are dra\\·1ng morr and more \Hi er reac- tion. "Air anrl 11;i\cr pollution and pr<'~er1a l1on of forc sis arc rlos111g rrtp1dly nn ran1J>Us riots as !hr in<1Jnr prohl<'n1s 111 f'alifornia."' he :-.aHt. but hr wa~ ()11· t1m 1sl!c about rnore :,0l1dly pol 1tit•al n1;it- ters. 1\c prNl1eted !hr GOl' 11uukl kri'p ('011- trol of the [,.('.(lL~l:tltllC 111 lhr 1970 rlrr- !1on. <lur111g \1 h1<·h hr ~ct·s 1\ssen1hly ~lilhlr1ty Lrader ,Je!".~I' l'nn1h 10~1ng to 111- c·t1mbt>nl GO\'C'rnor ltnnald Ht>agnn. lie sairl ltC11JoJan ·s popular11.v 11 il l ('(111· l1nue to cli1nb <1t a r:ilC" Cnnil1 11111 nol hr able ro o,·ercom r. al!hough C<irrlCnlrr .id· <led t!1a t he \1ould prefer 1n :;ee J_jJ' Ange les ~1.1)01 Sain Yony fll!! 011 1111' Ocrno ticket. DAiil PILOI ...... , "'· w ••• l'ru lifttll 8"11 l'vtj11t.u J•<\: •. c~,1.,. Vo<f ••~"e<nl 1no C..M••• "'""'"' T~o,,,1 1 Kt t•il (l>•IO• _ 1~""''" A. Mv•p~;"' AAo""'"' (GllO• ~:<~•"' '· Nill ~ ....... ···~~ (II• r.e;11w I. .. ••• ..... OUlc e JJ1 f,.,,,, ...... M1ili•1 Add ttn : ,.0 . I •• '''· 'Ji SZ. --(Ml• 'MM :UO Wul 8av ~""'' "'"""'''If•<" 1111 wno 1•11••~ 8"'·'tvlf4 tl-l"llM 0tK "· JOI $!~ 5"U I ()All. 'I' ~llOI •olll *'-oCll .. c-.b•ft" l'>f 11 .... ~''" 'I '°""""""' N •I• f1<0ol S"" • ., Ill _,, .. _.,,i.,, ... I _. ... <"• ~ ., .. , "--· ....... '"'" ,.,,._., H~ ·-" t r• f -t•1'o Y•I· .. ,. °'..... ,.... ~11'111nt '-'~' .,..trotl>lti ......,,. • ., 11 7111 w .. t ,,,_ 11""·• fft..,....S lo~, ••4 UI W•I .. t .... C.I• ,,,,..,. Tiii;' I 11141 4•4-,416 Oc ........ ..,. . 441-4Jl1 C-lflll. t•. 0.-l -1 """''"""" --11• IQ "''"" ,,..,.,, ••in,,tllOft>. ;..i,.,i.1 -""' "" ......... ~~" flatt! .. ..... .. ·-"' OSll"OU' _ .. , ... ...in••-""'-· ~ , __ ,.... ..... •' "··-... ,,. -_ c .. u ,,,,...,, (flllOfl\I• Jut>w;r,.11.,. ... combat gear took up stations at polt'n!ial rrouble spots \Yith orders to t<1ke •·strong ineasures" against any rlemo11strators. i·he lilting voice or llan;ii I lan- nah, monitored in Saigon said th e rnora toriwn \\'as giving !>resident Nixon a "taste of the same medicine'' that <1ro\'C lor n1er President Lynd on B. Johnson fr om o/f1cc. 1'he fighting JJ n11lcs northwt'st or Sa1goJ1 broke out '-londay and continue d today, "''ith one U.S. Army helicopter shot do\\'ll. One Ame rican crc\•:man suffered "'ounds. ~I ilitary spokl'Sn1 e11 stud South Viel - nan1ese troops reported having killed IJ guerrillas in the outbreak -one of thf' closest to Saigon since the beginning or the battle lull Sep. 17. Four government trooPfi have died. Other clashes 11·erc reported north or Sai gon and just below 1he dC'1nilitarizetl zone (D~fZ l lllond<1y, \1'i!h U.S. n1r po11 cr killing n1ost or lhc i4 Viel Cong and l\'o rth Victna1ncse .slai n. One Amer ican \\•as killed and four \l'erc wounded. Headquarters said the biggest nut- hreak occurred during the night 85 rnil e.:ci North of Saigon \\'hen searchlight-<:ar- r.l'ing helicopters lit 1he \\'ay for ai r torce .:;unshi ps barrages that killed 28 gucr· r1 l!;:is. All of the Arncrican Josi.es in lhc~r fla reu ps-ca111e in a battle lhal ki lled four No rth Vietnamese fi ve 1niles ~outh of the Dfo.IZ in an area being abandoned by <Jeparting U.S. i\.1arincs. Guerrilla terrorists at the same tiine bombf'd a r-.1ekong Della center for Corn - mu nisl defectors and Uici r fan1ilics, kill· ing one person and \1·ounding 48, m;iny or them 11·omcn and children, allied 1nilitary .~pokcsmcn ~a id . U.S. 852 bon1bcrs kept up thclf raid ~ <1gainst Cornmunlst bJl'Ouacs along the Cambodian !>ord er in ~e1·en cvernight raids bu t hi t no other targ ets . apporenlly 1n krepi11g \l"llh a \\11ile J-louse-0rdered f'Utbatk . Vi c! Cong and North Vietnamese gun· ners earri~<l cul nine sl1clling attack.~ <hiring the night. sp<>kesn1C'n said .. One cll'ilian wa s killed and slx \\"l'rc "".)Undr<I in a b:irrage into Lons Dinh, 36 miles soulh of Saigo11. Hcadriu arters reported 11 helicopt er rra~h from fltonday. apparently due 1u C'n~ine fili!urC', in \l hich three An1erican.~ ;111d a South \'ietnan1esc "'Oman died .1bout 48 miles ~1ithcast <if !laigon on a medical evacuation mission. S5 'C llANGED' I NTO $288 THEFT \\'hile !he liqu.or store. C'!erk \\'as helping one man pick up hi.~ change scattcrP.d on the floor, another 11·as apparently help ing himself to the cash register. Laguna Beach pohcc said today th 1~ 11 a.~ apparently the routine used to distract clerk Ben illad ison at Gill's Li· quor, 278 Broad\\·ay Sunda y. T"·o men entered. One droppc1I $5 in change. \Vhil e i\.1adison "'as helping retriel'c it, thr. other suspect scooped up S228. The cash discrepancy \Va s disco\'ered i\1 onday, police said. Ju"' f'ltt<I P~t!• Recall Not Fizzling, Says 01ief Recall spokesman Paul Carpcn1er denltd Monday lh11l thc niov cment aimed at the unsealing of Orange County Fifth District Super visor Alton E. Allen is no longer being actively pursued by its undercover organizers. Thf: Cypress De1noc ral ~quelcherl reports that the cam paign 1s in tronbl!!: 1•.ilh the eom1nrnt tha t "'3,000 signalur<'.~ .are in the bag and "'e're ~ure to get 1hi> oih.er 6,748 \\'e need to put the recall on lhe books." Carpenter noted a 1nonth ago that the drh·e had produced 2,800 signatures of fifth Oislrict voters. II would 1ppear. by his calculations. tht voters i\[t, flocking lo the banner of the unknown -c1ndldale al the rate of 50 a \\'eek. MEMBERS OF THIRD MARINE REGIMENT FILE OFF PLANE AT EL TORO AIR STATION Flags, Band Music, Joyful Families and a Leadtr's Ceclaratlon of Victory Carpenter, an unsuccessful candida lr for Congress and Assembly seats in pa.~t Orange County elections. told lhe DAILY rtLOT that persistent reports of the im- pending demise of Lhc recall ca1npa1gn \\'ere "run1ors and certainly not based 011 any facts. f 'rorrl 1•1•11e I STUDENTS • • • against becau se of lhe shorl notice. But a sy mbolic march fr om the aud itoriun1 Ill !he kiosk in tl1e tcntral qu<1d is planned hv those \\'ho oppose the 11·ar. Anti>1 al' ~tudents 1\·ill speak following the 1narch. At Golden \\'est College in llun tingto11 Berich a progra1n is planned in the Free Si;l•ech Center from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. under the sponsorship of polilical science ins tructor Margaret Holtrust. Ctas.ses \rill nol be cancelled by the <id· n11nistration but so1ne instructors niay <iecidc to disn11s;; cla.~scs and student~ of ()lher classes rnay attend the progrant 1f thev choose, \!rs. llnltrust !'aid. ~Pca kcrs \l'ili include A111eril'an Civi l Liberties Union attorneys J\l ikc Grodsk i and J\1rs. Pal Shapiro, the Rev. Rogrr \\'alkc of Unitarian Univrrs~list Church i11 Costa Mesa, ;itlorney Bill Smith and a Dr. Lion of Cal Stale Long Beath. At Southern Ca\lfornia Colle ge. I ·n.'lla ?l\es<i. a n1ecting \\"i!! be held at 9 o'clnl'k tonight 011 the thernc "The C:hr is!1 an Pt'rspcc\ive of lhe V1etnan1 \Var ... RL·ligion professor \\'i!lian1 \Villiums and h i~tory professors J)r_ Denn is McNutl and Lewis \Vilson 11,ill speak. Students v;ho \Vish "'i!I begu1 pr<1.1 inr: for peace in lhr co llegr chaprl :i f 111id- 111gll t, Dean of Student ~ Alfred Ca11 ~ton ~aid. Marine Ge1ieral Claims V icto1·y in Vietnani War The <1:-~1stanl con1111an<lanl of the U.S. r-.tar ine Corps !old troops just retu rned from Vietnan1 to El Toro l\JCAS T\.lond:iy that they won their share of the \\'ar. (;en. Lr11is \V. \Va ll declared vic tory as f'l r a~ lhe l1rsl eonl i11gcnt of 250 1nen or lhc Third .\turine lleg1mcnt -the fir!'l Lc;.ilhcrncck unit brought hon1c by Pre51- 1lcnl l\"1.~011 -i.~ conce rned . "Voll ha1·c defeated the enemy in h i~ c11111 w:i r,·• said Gen. \\'all during wel- £.'01nc·liornc cercn1onics at lhe air sta tion. "You h1t1e given the Sriu 1h Vietna1nese people a fr cedon1, a ne1v wa y or life _ yo11 have helped thrm to have fai1h in thr1r Jocn! J:::Ol'ernn1cnt," the Co rps' srcond-i n·1.:on1111a1id s<11d. I f{ was joined at the errcn1nny lc<itur- iug 1\·;i,·ini:: fl ags, blaring band music and the joy of 1n0thers, fathers. \l'ives and child re n j!!"f'eling !heir tncn :ig.in. by .lo''r. \\'. \\'arncr. un<ler;.ccrctary of !he l\1'1 y. \':<irnrr told 1hr returnees that there is mut'h dissent in this country, but insisted that the majo rity of Ame ricans are proud of what they and their buddies who came home in caskets have done. Huxle)· Book Oka.yed for Use At Tustin Higli Alrlous Hux!ey·s book "Brave N~w \\'orld" \Vas approved ~tonday night for continuer! use in Tustin Un1on High School District. Trust('(!S accepted th~ reeommendation or a staff rc1·ie1y comtnittee that the book. rcn1ain an 11ppro\'cd tex t in "Fiction of the Future" classes at r-.lission Viejo, Tustin and Foothill high schools. "Our petition workers are doing :1 lremendous job," he said. "We are very pl~ased with their efforls and we are con· lident that 1ve 1vi ll have the signatures \l'C- need long before the r-.tarch deadline." Ca rpenter again refused to identify the potential candidate for All~n's seat. and again declined to state \\'ho IS flna;nc1n~ a campaign that will, on conservative estimates, cost someone $30,000. Both he and Anthony Taranti no of Sa n Clemente, the self.styled s cu Ip t o. r - designer v.·ho announ<::ed the campaign two months ago. have persistently refus- ed to divulge lhis information. TArantino. 451 Calle J\tiguel. has nnl been available for comment for the past three weeks . He could not be contactcC by a DAILY PILOT reporttr J\tonday. Aller. has announced that he will again be a candidate for the Filth District sea! under any circumstances, "rec all ()I otherv.·ise." Fro111 Page 1 UTILITIES ... the meeting prrpared only lo disc uss IJ11 alternate Cliff Dr i\'e pl<Ln for the nex1 project, rather lhan to delve into a Joni; rar,ge program. Lass Wi11s /\ dispute over the book arose Sep t. 15 ,,·ht>n Be rni e \Villiam son of Tustin threatened !he scMol dist.rict "'ith a SL 1111lhon damage suit on behaU of his daughter unless the book 11·as banned. He railed thr book pornographic rilth 1111d said the shock of hi s daughter being <issi gnt'd to read it caused his \life to bt placed under sedation. "I asked if they are coordin:i.ting an] effort to meel \\'ilh the 1ne.1·1labillly of un dergrounding utilities," he s;11d. "ant they said no, they had no pl<111 to 1n1tiau any progr<im." Ho1\·ever. he add rd, "11 1vas not a h;ic nieeting for a start."' Press Club Picks Ne1v Que en The following day \Vi 11 i a ms() n 's daughter \\'as 1110\'ed to an other elKt.i Yt cl;i~s. Conclusion or the planning ~ta !f. s.ai1 Autry, was that a draft ordinance shoulc be prepared by the city and presented ti tl1<: µtiliti es representa!ivrs al lhr n_r:r 1ne~g to obtain their rcacllon . "I lh1nl they \l'ill res.pond on!y to an ordinance',' thf:: planner explained. A !~-,·ea r-old beauty ouren fro1n Hrr.l 11 111 ruic over the Of;1n gc Coun1y i'rc:,s. Club as r-.·li ss ORCOP during 1970. Ann Elayne Grammas, tl1e 1968-69 r.11~s 01'f:ii, 1ras tl1c rhoice. of a rclcbrity-~!ud cled panel of five judges lllonday night alter nine contestants pa rodrd in !heir s11i 111 :<uils ;ind ronnal go1\·11.~ on !hr- ~111gc of the Grand Hoters Off liroadw<Jy \V est theater in Anahei1n . But the pencil biting judges h;:id lo c:il! bt1l'I. lour l'Onlendcrs -r.li!"'s Cranim<1~. Done:. Flory of Huntington Bcarh. Kathy Hanson of Anah ein1 and Peggy Ryon or :"\.1r:l;1 1\na -bcfor('_ !hey n1adc their final sclettion. l\liss Flor)'. lj. the c11r1ent ill1s~ l\h.:rinrud o! Cn~1;i l\les;i . 1\·as 11a11H:d ru11- --ll1L'r up. ~1 1ss Ha nson took thi rd spoL in the linaL r-.li~s 1~1ory, ;i hlondc blllc·cred llun- linglon Beach llirl. \1·alkcd off \•:ith tl1C" lr:.idilional con.~olation prize \\"hen Pre ss Club metnbers \'Oted her ' · :0.1 is s I1 hotogenic"' of 19i0. Judges incluJed il1rs. Rtiby Kee le r Lo1ve of ;-,·cwpor t Beach, actor!' Jon llall and Darby llunon of "Da111<'l Boone ' f11rnc. Jl :irry Babbitt of Kc"•port Bc<1ch 11·11• n1.1ster of cereinonies. Pri1es col· lecle<I by ill!ss (;t'an1n1:is 1ncludrd 1he 1'41~! I rec Ul\(' O[ <l t1e\V ;lll10mObl!e for hrr ~·r:ir in officr 1\1 1:<~ Cram1na~. turrenilv a snpl1nmore F11!:h!"h 1n:i 1or at Cal s!.11!' Fullerton, 111(1;1~ure~ Ji-ZJ-:\4 :"\hr t'l\)(1.1 s oil pa1n- 1 1n~. \1•r11ing and r-k.111ng, wou ld like lil bf' ;i 111ot!el and. c1c11 1uall11. ;i h1gh school IC':1('hrr. Sile is ;; fnrn1Cr l;lcndalr ll1gh :-;rt1ool hn1n<'c.:01ning •111i;en nnd h;;s r~r- 1,irf'r! sc1·cral local be au ty {:ontcsts su1cc 1111ivlng lo Orange County . YOUR The ~rhool boi!rd /'i11 hscquenlly ordered 11 rr11e1v of the book by princi pal.'i and :ila ff 1nt>n1bC'rs, wh., ha ve found the book to be not objectionable. Servi ces Slatccl For Mi ss Eaton Fun<'riil ~er\·1c<'5 1yrrt' he ld today for r.t:iry S. E::iton, a Jong·tune Laguna Beach resident t-11ss Eaton. 88. of 5!4 Poplar St., died Salurday at hrr hon1e. She had been a rr~irlC'nt of Laguna Beach for 21 years. A rct1re1I ~l'hoo\ lcarhcr, t'l1i!'s Eaton h<id t·iugb! 111 the public ~chools of Dttroit, l>l1rh. ior 2:) year s. Ser\ ices \Vere conducted by Re v. Phi hp 'E r;rrgory 0f !hr Congrcgat ionn! Church ,"\r1i:;hborhood or L:igun:1 Beach . They \1t-re h{'l tl 111 Pacific Vic1v J\1emori:1l l 'i.!rk ·~ rhapel. Entomb111ent 1\·a.~ ln 1';1rlf1c \'1cw i\1 ;iu~olcum. Surrivor~ include ;; sister·in·la1v, r.1rs. f\:incy Eaton of Chicago and thrt'e t'ousins. Your 011ttg(1 Sal t5 & s,.rcice Agt 11cy To111chak e~pres~ci! <'onecrn lr.~t 111r n be a rt'pctilion of !;1st yl'ar·~ 1nM<ill;1 t101 of king·size uli!ity poles on 'rh ali;i S1rert "11 seems nobody knew the pole~ 11rr1 goin6 in until the dam ned thinJ;s 11C'n up," he said. "though I 11ndcrsla11d !'01nt of the utilities pe<iplr would h:irc bee t 1rilling to go underground there."' Autry c..-:ptained that the cornp:•nic: had been requi red lo ob!o1in nnly 1 routir,e excavation permit to install nr11 poles in their easement. 11· 1th o u discussion or the size or the poles, "The real problem," he !''\fl\<1ined "11·as that there ,1·as no \1·ay to obh~1 people to hook up to undergrou nd ut1h!1r~ so they 11·ou!d still ha,·r hnd 10 prnv1d• pules for those "·ho did not 11Jnt !his l'~ pense." One help to thr prograni, Autr;.· ohr,er\' ed, \\OUld be the approach u~ed by 1h• t:nior. Oil Company whi ch is putti n.-; ;ii ()tl site utilities undcrgrounrf <ii JI!'. nr~ stalion al Broadway and S C'1:1<: Highway. 11 i!h prori~i0n 111 llouk 1111• :ibo\"c-ground lines until the en tire arc;< 11 undergrounded . •·r hts greatly rrduc11., !Ii• number of unslightly \\ires, at lr;i~t i<t the site,'' ht' said. 0 OMEGA Thi vt •y ••m• O"'t•• s"'''"'••I•• .... 1ch .,... Cl "Y we1 1tl•ch' w;th- o~I '"'I' meo!l ifi<1t:e11 i.., NASA f• 6.1 war" ~y evr --H•r...,...,, •ll~r ••lu 'TO r WATCH'\:. a1.,.c1-41 FREE "''" "" th• "'••"· Th;, r1<09ftilioft, truly • t•• w , fol I, t •~t•U1n ct, """~'' 111 prouol le ~. your •u'h11tioeol Om••• i1w1l•r. Cam• ;" -••• thit ll1ne'11m•, J eutt•"· ~ oli1I, 0 1t1•t• Sp114m10 • 111 chrenet ••,h. Th• ••l'I' ... ,,,., "'''" ..... th• "''" •" th1 moan. '•ic• Slfl- • Cl•1ned • Oiled Whi11 Y1• Welt • Ad jv1ttd ---,EAJtLS $2.00 Jt[.STll:UN6 fr•"' s4aa •tNGS $3.00 from SIZ:ID, fr•M DIAMONDS $6.00 ll,LACID. fre,. rhronor r•ph Ji Self· ENGµflNG DONI "iedert 1JlgbCl1 bl(her: 0 HuntinC)ton Center Beach at Edin9er ~LI YOU WAIT HUNTINGTON BEACH 892-5501 TllNS AYAILAILI and bac:k Harbor Shoppin9 C•nt•r 2300 Harbor Blvd . COSTA MESA , ....................... ,, ., _ .. ., ..... 11>1¥• ... 1111.,., -·lnl•-., .. ,.,..,..,,,_ SHE 'Ll REIGN AS 19 70 MIS S PRESS CLUB Bree's Ann• El ... yn• Grarnnia' W ins Crown 545-9485 • \ ' • • ' ' • ·' 7 7 ~~~~~--~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~ ....... ..-. .,...,. . .,..,...,.. •• ~~~•-~-~=~·~•--•c .. -.~ .... ~""-"'."",..'c~o~..,..,.~,.=•r-=~,..,.,,~,.....,,,"""'1"'""~'""'"'~~~7;"=~-=~,-,,~~-~·••~·~-~·~-··7.•~~o::c .. • ' .. ~~-~· ----··-·-, .. ---.---- Laguna Bea~h Today's Final -N.Y. Steeb .. -VOL 62, NO. 246, 2 SECTIONS. 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1969 TEN CENT! Cliff Drive Marl{ed for Underground Wiring By BARBARA KREIBICH Ot th• 0111y P11111 Sl1!1 Th' Cliff Drh'P area arlJacent tn Heisler Park wtll be the nrxt target 1n the Laguna Beach progran1 for un - derground1ng utilities, C11y Planner Al Aut.ry told planning to1nmiss1oners at a 5ludy session ~1onday night. City officials met w1U1 representati ves of the utilities firms Monday afternoon ;ind agreed thal a proposed proJC,,!\ to un- dergrOl.Jnd poles and wires on the alley running from Gtenneyre Street to Laguna Avenue and behind business !rooting on S. Coast Highway, a total distance of 600 reet, shou ld be dropped down on the priority list since it does not mecl criteria established by the Public Utilities Commi ssion (PUC). It was a1,'Teed. said Aut.ry, th at the Cliff Drive area from Victor Hugo's towa rd Diver's CQvr v.·Quld be more suitable. The PUC recommends thal preference in undergrounding be given to areas ha\'• D-'IL Y l'ILOT Slall l'M1t POLICE CHIEF GIVES SAFETY POINTERS Gary Thr•adgold (l•ft), Doug Buntin1 Heed Advice Dow1a tlae Missio11 Trail Human Relations Talk-in Slated CAPISTRANO VALL E:Y -/\ cn1Tl· munity talk-in lrl(;US1ng v1\ numan rcl<1- t1on~ wilt be .~ponsor('1t hy the Ca pistrann ljnjfied Sthool District l'Ti\ Council Thursday. The p;:irenl (-ch1cat1 on meC'llng v.·ill takC' place at 7 :to p in in the San Clemente Jlii.:h School little thc.:i trr. Principal CJ)f'!lkCr will l1r frf'd Na\ar- ro. counselor at the h1.l!h sc hool who '1 111 rle~ribc the nrots nf Mexican 1\1nericans in the school s~·.:.t Cnl. 9 1i·s l'11111·t1l.:c 'l 'ittll' l,AGUT\A Hl!.JA<; -Sho11·1n i;: !heir ~k il l "1 fhpping fl;ipioicks 11·111 hr nie1nhcrs o! the El Toro Laguna H1Us Exchange Cluh, Saturday, Oct. 18. The pancake breaklasl w1\I take plare from 7 a.1Tl. to 11 a.rn at Topper's .S\eakh<>use, Toro Crnter. All you can cat in the way of panckaell, sausage. JU!CI', coffee and milk \\'Ill be offered for ~I. e A"""'"' for Ridh19? f.11SSION VIEJO -Open ings ;ire ~t ill availa ble in Orange County's equestrien 1enior Girl Scout Troop. PT A Sponsoring Top of World Bicycle Rodeo A rree-\vheeling bikr rodeo, lhe fir~! annu!ll, 1s scheduled Satu rday a t Laguna's Top of the World Elementary School. Sponsored by the PT A, the rodeo v.·111 he on the school playground, 21601 Tree Top Lane, from 10 a.m. until noon. The young bike cov.'pokes "'ill gather \\·ith their two-v.·heel steeds lo display their skill. l::\.ery boy and girl thal successfully completes both the safety and skill test "·ill bf.' presented e bicycle riders' licen.sf' by Police Chief Kenneth !fuck, who will be acting as "chief constable." Quake Shakes Up Sa n Diego Area SAN Dl l:GO (AP) -/\ light earLh- qua~c shoook a "'·idc sect ion of Southern C:i !ifornia today . ,\ "'01nan said "it fe1~ like a sonic boom." The tremor hit at 6:20 a .m. and lasted 40 seconds, a seismologist at San Diqo State College said. Californ ia Institute of Technology at Pasadena said it registered abotJt 4, too light for serious damage, on the Richter scale. rio aflershock was felt, but persons from Escond ido wulh almost to Mexico :ind west to the coastal cities lelephoned newspapers and sheriff's office.r1 to report it. ing wide publ ic uSi', affecting the aJ>- pea rance o{ the corninunity and adjacent to civic or recreation faci lities. There now. is $44.000 in the Laguna fund for undergrounding, Autry said, an<l 11 would be po$Sible to secure an adtlition;d one-year allocation of $22,000 in atl\'ance for the project. The PUC requires U1e Edison Con1pany to set aside an annual amount, est;iblish- ed for each communl!y, tO\\'ard the undergrounding program. The telephone ('{)mpany is required to go along with the progran1. at its expense, ·when the elet· 1rical facilities go underground. Attending the Monday afternoon meet- ing with Autry were Director of Public \Yorks Joseph Sweany and his assista nt Bobbie Ingram, Planning Commissioner Joseph TotTichak , Cily Councilman Roy Hohn and Clyde Springe. building and pla nning director. They mel \vith rC'presentath•es of the Edison Company, Sou1hem Counties Gas Con1 pany, General Telephone and Slorer Cable TV. The session, expected to be the fir st of a series, was set up at the request of Commissioner Tomehak in an attempt lo find ways to speed the un<.tergrOllnding program in Laguna. The pl anning staff. Aulry said, also has obtained and is studying underground utilities ordinances from several other communities with a view to presenting a draFl of a tighter ordinance for Laguna Beach. He said the utilities representative1 .a the meeting were unwilling to com men on discussion in the PUC of a possible rr- quirement thal all new amt reptacemen utilities will, in !he future have lo be in stalled undergrou nd. They indicated however. that such a ruling would place 1 "horrendous" burden on the companie! Autry added. Tomehak ohserved that U1e utilitie: representatives apparently had come ti (Ste UTIUTIES, Page %) Absences • Ill Moratorium 'Unexcused,' Says Laguna 4 Colleges Obse1·ving Mo1·atoriu1n C1otrps of slt1df'n!s in al least (our Orange Coa~t area colleges w i l I part1c1pale 1n \\'e<'lnc s<:i_\'·s nallonl'.lde mQratorium agains'. the Vietnam war. 1'he Orange Cou ntv Peaee and Human Jlights Council \\"ill hold a memorial si;:r\•icc al 7 o'clock 1on1gllt at thr llur1· tington Beach Pier ;ind the: Un1tar1an l,;nivl•rsaHst Church in Cosla l\1 esa \\·ill bf.' open fr on1 9 a.tn. lo 6 p.111. \Vednestlay for discussion of progr<1ms for pcacC'. -At UC Irvine ant1\\';ir sluUent s \Vlll cut classes to attentl prote.st lecltJrcs antl hold a mem orial serl'icc for wnr dead . -Antiwar students a! Orange Coa~t College "'iii hold a sy n1bol ic march across the campus. -A five-hour program of speakers is planned <it Golden \Vest Co ll ege. -And at Southern California ()".J!lcge in Costa J\lesa students will hold an early moruing vigil to pray fo r peace. The dean of students al Sadrlleback College said no activities arc planned at that campus A counlcr protest is planned v.•ith " group o( unJdcntifiL'ti persons anonymous- ly annotJnclng ttiry \1'111 assen1ble. al the homl' of UC! Cha.1ccllor J)anicl /\ldrich to tell hi m "what they think about all lhat stuff going on ton1orrov. ' The grou11 calls 1l ~(·I F TIHF:J) rTax· payers 111d1gn;in1 ;1hOtll Harhcals in J·:du cal!Onl, according lo a lrleph<utc llp~lf'r UC lrvinr ·~ \1 ar p r n t cs t :ich\'111r~ v.·cre to be f1rn1rd up 1n a meeting 1h1c; 11tll'r110011. A 11mc hfldn 'I. vtt. been set for a V1rtn;in1 drad 1ncmnrial service b11L di ~c1•0!iion groups on the "'tH arc iit·hcrlul- rd fr on1 10 a.in. to nnon \Vcdn~·sday and a rally at 12. JO p.m. A niarch on a war in· duslry plant has been called off . Aldrirh has refused the antiwar students' re<iuest he cancel classes ;ind give staff time off with pay for the mo ratorium. UCI students \vere vot ing today on '\\•hether lo \Oo·ithdraw immediately troop!': from Vietnam and on othe r issues. A student referendum election al Orange Coast College was discussed f.1on- day by the student council '.Jut decided (See STUDENTS, Pagt Z) Jffaneuvers Plataned Russian Ships Link • Ill i\10SCOW (U PI ) -The l..,.,·o Soviet ~p<H : ~iips Soyuz 7 and Soyuz 8 today .-tocked in <Jrbil and are continuing their Joint flight. in formed space sources repo:ied. A third spaceship, Soyuz 6, wa s flyi ng nearby. Jr;furmed source~ had predicted earlie r the 111·0 spacecraft would carry out dock· in,; n1C1netJvers and that the third \\'ould perform e;.;periments in space "'elding ln Ne1,v York Mets Stun Balti1nore With 5-0 Victory NF,\V YORK (AP) -Tommie A;:ee ~t11 rted the scoring with It home run and then made tv.'o brillian t defensive plays behind the four-hit pitching of Gary Gen- 1ry and Nolan Ryan as the New York l\lets stunned the Baltimore Orioles $--0 in loday 's third game of the World Series. The victory gave the National League champion r..tcl~ a 2·1 lead over the fa· vo rcd Orioles in the best-Of·seven game ~enrs which r£'sumes Wednes<iay at Shea .Stadium. Agee got lh£' Mei s started as the ](lad· off hit1cr in the. bottom of he first ..,.,..hl'n hr hit a JJnl Palmer pitch over the ren- 1C"r field fence for his first hit of I.he S(lrlf'~. \Vilh :i rnriring crowd nf 56.335 looking- fln ir1 warm, cloudy Wl'a ther, the 23-year- olrl Gentry, in his firsL series game, ra ised the margin to 3-0 with a !1110-run do11ble in the seCQnd. .Jerry Grote doubled home the four1h run in the sixth and Ed Kranepool hon1· cred in the eig hth. /\gee's rlrst defensive. gem came ·with the score 3-(1 with two out and two on in the fourth Inning when he made a spark· ling <Jnc-handed running catch of Elrod ll£"ndrick'li drive to left center field. Then, in the seventh after Gentry w;ilked lhrtt strai~ht hitters and was re-- placed by Ryan with two out, Ager made a diving one-handed grab of a liner into right center by Paul Blair. .. Space hopes of e\'entu al construction of a nylng space station. The sources said' Soyuz I war; believed lo nave servtd as an orbital "worlshop" during the Unkup maneuver. Tass news re.ports told only of the three crews' practice in manual handlin& Gf the ships and various tests. One report said they were making joint experiments · in ph11IC1gr<1phy, map making and medico- biological research. f'.'e\'cr before hC11•e so many men bf.'en in space at once, orbillng the earth every 8~ minutes in three vehicles. 'The news agency said the fl ight com· m;:indcr, Col. Vladimir Shatalov, pu t his men through brief physica l exams this morning and then conducted a session o( warn1up exercises. ''Sha talov reported that after the night rest, the cosmona uts are feeling fine," ·ras~ s;iid. "The cosmonauts started fulfilling the program of th e regular day or lhe flight." Thelr mi~ion is a series of ex· pe.riments, possibly involving spacewalk· ini;, to iron out the problems fa cing man in t st.ablishing an earth-orbiting space platform in building a stairwa y into !'pace. By 8;30 a .m. f.losco1v time, the threr· m11n Soyuz 6 capsule had completed 45 or\,its, the two-man Soyuz 7 had done 29 a ncl the two-m;in Soyui B harl finished 13 following its launching f..t onday. Capo OKs Funds For Ch1·istmas Street Ligl1ting It wi ll be a bright Christmas after all In San Juan Capistrano thanks to benevolent city fatheNi . But it seemed for a while that the city strerts in December would be as dark as the disa!ler that hit Capistrano's first major effort toward lighting up the downtown area. ButlOO To Attend UCI Protest By RICHARD r . NA LL OI I~• Diii~ r1i.t Sl•ll The Laguna Beach Unified Schoo District \viii reward any student's fa ilurt to attend classes Wednesday-the day ft the Vietnam moratorium -a~ an "unex C\lsed absence'' Superintendent \YillilllJ Ullom said today . Nevertheless, about 100 Laguna Beacl Jligh School: students are expected to tak1 part in a car carav;in lea\'ing frort l·fcisler Park at 11 :45 a.m. to pnrticipati ln organized moratorium aclivities at U( Jrvine. Under stale la..,.,·, Ullom explaiocd, on!~ <lralh in the imrn ediale fan1ily, il lness"' need to vi.sit a doctor qu11lify a studen for an excused :ibsence. Absence for ani other reason, even if the school is pro v1ded with a note from the parent, mus: be listed as unexc.i.ised. Absence for nol'J medical reasons, and without parent.a permission, is regarded as trua11cy. \Vhile rm organized group at th1 lAiguna high school is sponsoring a stu dent strike , a mimeographed letter ha: been circulated among student~ outlini111 planned acli\'ilies for those who wish 11 attend. Announcing the carava n, the lettCl st<ltes, "All citizens with a mora l con \'iction against the war are welcome U Join in solemn prole!!t al UC !. Student: n1issing school mus1 have parent~ ap proval and note or face the conscquencCJ of truancy and consequent d1sciplinar) acfior1." Student body President lln"·ard 11 111! eorr11nented 1\londay, "At trast 10 U.S Senators are participating in this protest along with n1a11y reSfXlnsible organil.a !ions. Howe\'er. the student governrner1 h3S not hing to do with the moratorium o~ <111 official basi~. It cannot promott participation ir'I the local mass rallies tfl ab~ence from school oo that day." The question of participation Is f0t students and parents to decide, Hills said poinling out that if students de participate a note must be brought fron home to avoid truancy. Gary Norton. Director of Studenl Activities at the high school, said the ad ministration is not passing judgme.nl (Stt ABSENCE, PagtZ I Orange Coast f.frs. f.farilyn Frledrichsmeyer is in charge of tht> unique group wh ich is ba s- ed in f.1i ssion Viejo. Membership 1s open to girls 15. 16, or 17 years of age and ownership Qf a horse is not required. For further Information call the leader at 830-1816. Meetings are on Wed nesday evening after t~ first Saturd;iy of tl1e mooth. One Saturday or weekend is spent riding horses. Lagunans Like It Quiet Nol only dld a recent fire burn Consolidated Supply but it also destroyed the Chamber of Commerce's hopes for a colorful Yule . All cK their newly purchas- ed Christmas lights were slored in lhe bu ilding. Weatber e Arrullr• Tall< Sri f..fJSSION VIEJO -f.1embers of lhP Mission Viejo Association of Artists and Craflllmen wilt meel Thu rsday, Oct. 16 al 7:30 p.m. for a demonstration in the use of acrylics Sam Clayburger will ronducl the pro- gram in La Paz Intermediate School. He i~ an instructor at Otis Arl 1'.'lsti!ute of Los Angeles Counly. 'fl'IORE o.rv 'CRA SH' Tbr-second of ri vt reports by DAILY PILOT financial corumnist Sylvia Potter, analyzing the economy of 1969 in light 11F the slock mar ket cr11sh and world rl Ppression o( l!l29, appears tod;iy on P,11gc. 3. Survey Finds Clirnaie, Not Art,, Biggest Drau; More people mo ve to Laguna Bet1ch for climate and tranquility than for art and culture. Mark Gumbiner nf the Citizrns Advisory Committee told members of the Laguna Coordinating Council Monday night. Gumbiner. chairman of the 25-membcr CAC. rrported to tile. CoordJnating Coun· ell on an exhaustive aurvey and study <Jf Laguna attitudes which ha.'! been <levelope.d by the CAC sin~ the com- mittee "as f<Jrmcd by the City Council in Augw;t of 1968. He said of 8,000 copies of an attitude .<;urve.y circulattd in the e<>mmunily, thtre were 2.370 adult responses. "I lhi nk lhii ratio of return wa.~ Qu ite good and it was prd.ly rvtnly di stributed ecross the community," the committee ('hairman notffi. ,_ Gumb1ner reporter! that response~ In the attit1ule survey indicated a strong 1rend toward "new pe<:>ple'' living in the Art Colony. Nincty·tv.•o percent of tho~e responding maintain their principa l homes in Laguna. Of that number, 20 P<'r cent had lived In town less than two .yea rs: 46 per eenL less than seven year:> and 70 per cent les.c; than 13 years. Seventy-five per ce n t of the survey r espondents said they cl\me to Laguna primarily for lhe climate. Othrr leading reason11 were for Lile tranquil ,rllla ge al - m~pherf' and ocran views. Only 25 per ccnl y,•ere attraded by art and cullure, Gu1nbiner noted, however, tha1 fmtr oul nf rive re.~pon~1' on recr<"ation:il neerl~ cited uses tha l arc ocoan and beach ,, orien ted . The allilude 1urvey results are. now being compiler! for use in developing a new city master pla n. ··This Is your su rvey and your com· munily," Gum biner told the Coo rdinating Council, "and unless you see that It is im- plemented. it wlll slmply be Hied away and ga1he.r du.'rt Uke '° many similar studies of the paM." In other action at the Coordinallng Council ses,,ion at the Laguna Federal Snvings &. Loan bWlding, members adopll'd a re!!Olulion supporting im· mediate action toward development of a new public library, The re~lutinn \Vas pre~nt~ by lJibrarlan Cllff C~ve through C(M'lrclin11t1ng Council President Helen Keeley. • Bn1ce Winton and Jerry Gaffney on behalf of the Chamber made a. plea at Monday 's city council meeting asking the council lo pay $1,400 for new Christmas lights, the amount the chamber and in· terested parties expended for the old ones. Peering into their treasury the city fathers found that they had only ll6SO budgeted f o r promotJonal actlv lies. Further perusal showed they had not 11pent anything for promotion of the city in the pt1st fi ve years. So with smlllng facea •nd perhaps a bit of early Christmas spirit, t.he council forever baniihed Uie WOrld Of Scrooge from their chambers. They voted in favor of Uiis requtst. Sterle ltl•rket• NF.W YORK i AP ) -The ,,tock market blat\tcd ahead for Uie ~econd straight se&- ~ion,, with an unusually IArge volume. (See quotaUons, P"1c11 10-11 ), W stcrly winds will whip up !': wild weather Wednesday. wise old weatherman we- -ah. reports, Othe:rwl~e. 1 ~e n1ostly sunny with some morn~ow clouds., INSIDE TODi\ Y UC Irvin1 110.~ it.~ }ir.~t n5sls- lont cli<JllCtllor /or co1nputrr progra1n mi11g n.~ t./i r 11nivtrsit11 doublt.:t i!.t con1p11ti11g opera- tion1 . Paac 8. (lllM,,... , cia..11• •u ,._ .. CrMt........ t ~I'll HtlltM I Olwn:tt I '"'-'"'' ,.... ' ... , ..... ",....., . , ... ~. 1•11 -" """ LatlllltA It Mtl"'91 • M•rol.I ... Lk-I "'"'""" . • " .. • ' 1a.u 1 .. 11 .. • • " .. 1J.11 r · .. . ' 2 DA.IL Y rtLOT L Tutsllay, Gctobff 14, 1%11 Fighling Near City Saigon Troops To Stop Protests SAIGON i UPI) -~'1ght111g ilarc-d 15 miles Jro1n Saigon lorl;1y 011thr'1•1r o( lh<' Virtnrim 111or<1tun11111 111 tl1t l,n1tl·d SL.1tcs. South \'1C't n:i1n lleploycd 1ro11p~ against possible antiwar 1ll'lllOnstrut1 011' hcrr Saigon police sourrt'S s:11d \ 1ct Cvni: ;agents had sllpfK.'!I 1nlu 11\r l'<ip1toil ;HHI distributed pan1phll'ls 111 th(' l'Cn1ra1 market railing lur tlH' Suu1l1 \'1t.·tna1nl'M' to hold their own dcn1onstral1ons ag;i11t.q lhe ~·a r \\'edncsda\. in response. go1 rrnn1cnl s0Jd1cr~ Ul hill t 'rom Page I ABSENCE ... either 1~ay w1Lh regard lo lhe protest~ ··Those stL1dcnt s who arc not in school \\"~dnesday will counl the sanu.'. .1 ~ ;in~' colhcr ab>;Cll('C."' he saa!, ··11 :1 nutt• JS br0ught frorn tl1c 1101111" it ll'ill gu 1•n record as :111 unf'XCU~Cd :ibSC'TlCC', Slllfl' IL i~ not ;1 1nPdic::ll rxt'llSf'. 'fho~C' students \11:ln Join the protest but do not h:ivc illlY no1e from ho tnc will be denlt with ;ts truant.'' Al San Clemente High School. pr1ncip;1l 0;.rrcl! Tavlor suid he had hC'ard o[ no plans for. student part1c1pal10n 111 n1r.ra toriu1n ;1cti\"illC'">. ··But of course I 1!nn't know <if r 1·rrything that £0t'S on."' he addccl. Like other school offlcia!s, T<iylor said any nonmedical absence lro1n classrs 11·0uld ha \'e to be classified as unexcused. rvcn 1vith parental perinission. In mo!'l 111stanccs, hr said, 11nc.1n·uscd ;1hscnct~ rl'qucsted by parrnl ~ simply u11nl1c 111:ik111g up n11ssrd 11nr\.. "But c1·en in t1·ut1nl'y CJ~('~." Tayl1Jr rxpla111ed, "v.·e try to deal with each stu- tlc nt as <lll indi vidual. \\'here one truanl·y rnigh! Jnvolre <1n :i ~s1gnrnrnt 111 con - l1nua tion :-chool hctau.~c 11 i"i Ille culmina tion of a long s(•ne~ <•I problem<;, ;inolher might well he ~ohc·d with ;:i :;i1nple counseling srssion. Thcrr is 110 ha rd and fl'lst rult'" A spokesm:in :it /l\1:-s1<n1 \'1CJL1 !11gl1 Scl1ool h<ld not heard ""one little tl11nt:' ;iro11 nd the school about .~ t 11 den t pa rt icipation in !he 1nor;1lor1u1n ;ind ~•ild no measure~ 11·l'r<' hc1n;; 1:1~cn tu ;>11· lltipate ~urh ;iet1011 "II studrnls rn1 ss cla~~rs nf 1·011r 1• 11r h;,.1·e no ;1lterna1 11·r bul lo c:ill 1t .111 11110 \· cus'd absence,·• lhc ~pokcsn1a11 adtlr1!. Carpenter Says Pollution 1'ops Protes t Iss ue From \\'irr Srr1 ice~ FRESNO -Ca1npus d 1~orders 1nay l•I' 11 pa ssing phenon1cnon , b11l pol11 1l 1on 111nl conservation ::ire nol -;111rl thrv :1rr la~! ecli psinR Lhe lonncr a ~ p:il!t1cni issues 111 Calirorn i11 . This was the :i sscss1nent ,)[ i\c11 port Beach's Dennis Ca l"["IC'ntcr. chairman ,,1 111(' California Hepuhl1c;1n Slate Centra l Co1nmillrc, a1 a ~pcctl1 t;c,lurc \,01• ''omen here ~l onda~ Carpenter told !hr Ca hlorn1.i fr1lcr:1tf"<l Republican \\'oml'n's cenlr<it di\ l'liJn a•l· dienee th:t! !ht•.<:r r •11·1rnn1nrnt.il l TI~· :ire drall"ing n:or r am! :nn:t .11:1 r it.1 lion "Air and 11a1cr poll11 t1,1n :i nd 11rr~r1 .. l1nn nf forrst~ ;1rr 1•lo\u1:: 1,1rndll· o <•ampu s riots :is !hf' niainr pr()f'O!rm~ !"\ fa)JfOtnlil." hr ~;t iff hi ll ho• \\,I• "i'" t1m1st1r about n1<1r<' ~!1!11111 p .. ;11a.1I n1 .1:- trrs. llr 11rNl1l'!rd 1hr r;n1• 11·,.,1id ~1·rp i11 1rol of tt1c l.1 ·g1,1.i1111•· 111 11,. 1:1in ··1"' 11011. fll!rlll~ II litth Ill' '··~" i\~"ell1!1l'o' :\11rt:1rl\\' Lrarlrr .ll'~"-r l nn11l l11-111~ lo 11 , cumbcrif Gn1 rrnor l!nnf!ld 111•.J;.:an He SR1<l H eaga11·~ pn1111b1t1t1 ·.1 111 l'o!' i1nue to (')in1b at a r;i1~· l'nr111l will 1101 h" able 10 ovrrc<unr, ;1hhn11Qh Ca r11rn1rr .1<1 1!ed that hr 11 ould pn•f,•r In ~r" Lo Ani;i:elc~ /l!ayor S;Jn1 Yorlv run 1111 tho• lkmo t1ckrl. DAILY PllOI Ro~••I N. W•1i l'ruoknl •"' l'vbh•fttr Jot~ It . Cv•l•v V<U 1'1n •Of•I • ..., t.<"t••< M1n19" T ~on-•• K11•il lO•lot T~o,.,•• A. """'!l~i•• Rit~••il '" tJ1ll l ll Uftl ,,.., .. (1!1 C•~•r L•.-•• t..c• Onie• 222 f ot0 1I A•t . )..11il'i'n9 Allil•tu: P 0 . l o• ••6. "Ii,~? Otlte• 0tnc11 (Mii o,\~\I" ll~ W•1! ft••~·,.....! ,__, ae0-t" )Ill "'"" '"'""'" ~o-.. ~rr111 tlv,..in110n lr•t~ JO'! lm ~ll'ltl l),ldl .. l'll01 *'"' ... ~ .... " •""'"'"'d o~. -"'"' " ..,!II,_ o100 • •otr1t S•"' ,._., 11'1 -r1i. •II-.. , I ...,.. ..... , .. , Sl..,ld>l<t 1t11. N-1 Otot~. C1••• M-. H""llnl .... IHC" ••d Foun!•.n ...... .. V 0tl,,,.. (NII l' ... 11 ... "'9 (-•·~~ ..-1'<!1"' •I~.... l tt 11 TJll Wt" lflllOI l ho<I • "1tW96•1 II><~. 1•.d l» ..... I l•I Sif .. I, (Mii MHf, T111,·1•· 1714J 494.9444 ~ hflt. 44J-4Jll C-rlfftl, 1,... O•-• l111! ""'Ol\11ln1 :-.... .. v ,.. ....... , '"''"'· ,,,..o,1"0"•· .~, ..... 1 -'"' ., ..,.,,,,., ...... 11 ftf " " .... , .. ·--"· .... 1,,..i '\M<;Ol l .... ... 111 ...... <•••lfll• -·· .0( .... (1111 -··" ........ 11....-. IJtl(" rombat gea r look up s!ations Rt po1enlia l 1rou ble spots \1'1lh of!il•rs tn t;ike ··stroJJg ill l.'d!.llrt•s'" ;ig;iubl :111} 1k·111tJ11str:i.tor". Tht· Idling voice nf llc1nci1 Han- nah . 1non1torC'd 1n S;u~on said t he rnuratoriun1 11•as glving !-'resident Nixon a "taste of 1he sa1ne nif'd1cine" !hat rlrn11• Jurnier /'rl's1d1 ·11t I.} ndon B. ,Jolu1so11 fn)n1 o!lit·C Tht• Jighli11g 1;, niilc~ norlh1\'l'St uf :-.:ugo11 broke ou t t-.l ond11y and continue1I IQday, 11·1th one lJ S. Arn1y helicopter :-;hol rtn\\'ll One A1ncncan crr1,1.·111a11 suffered 11ounds. :\lilitar~· spokc~n1cn saul South \1 1et- 11an1rse lroops reported ha\'ing killed l:I guerrillas in the outbreak -one of the 1·losC'st IO St11gon since thr beginning or !he ba!\Je lull Sep. Ji. Four government troops have died. Otllil'r ~·la'ihl'S wrrl' repur1f'd north nf S:o1gon ."t1lfl Jll.'>l bl'lu\\' llit• ilf'111il1 t<inlell 'IOllf" ! D.\1Z\ J\lnnd;oy, w1lll LS. n1r pDll'Cr klll111g 111ost of Ilic 7·1 Vie t Cong and :\urlh Vu·l11J111l'SI.! .~l:11n. One An1cr1c:a11 11;1~ kill ed <u1d four wc!'r wo1J11ded . He<tdqua rters said !lie biggest oul- l1reak oceurrcd during the night 85 rnilr.~ i'\orth of Saigon when sc~rchlighL-t"ar. r~ing helicop!ers !it lhc 11·a,v for ;iir for ce guns/up.~ barrages th:1t killed 23 gurr· i1 ll :t'<. All of the A111l'ritan lossrs in lhC'sc flareups cJ111e 111 :1 baulc that killer! tour I\orth \"1etna1nesc five miles south of the IJ~'I Z 111 ;1n ureil being abandoned by 1lcpartin~ U.S .. \larines. Gue rrilla terrorisls ;it the san1e tinH' hu:11bcc! a !\-lekung Llclt;1 cenlcr for Corn· rnunisl flL"frr1ors and 1hcir fa 1111lirs, kll l- 111::: (•Ill' pe r~ori an1l v.•nu11d1ng ·Ill. 1111111~' of 11u·n1 1·.omcn ;intl eluldrl'n. :ilht•tl n11!1lary -'fl:'l~:1'~1n1•n .'-aHI. I S B5:.! boin lirr~ hrpt up lhcir r;.i1d~ .1f;.i111!'! f'()1n11111111:-t li11nuac . .;; ,1!ong the C::unbod1:111 bord('r 111 1't·1·1·n overnight 1 <iJds hut 1111 nn otlirr !;1rgct s. app:t rco!l.v In f:ceping 1111h .1 ll'l11 tc Hou se-ordered l ul h:ick. \'1c·1 Cong ;ind Nor1h V1clnan1cse g1 1n· 111'1'<> <'ill'T'll'd out nine shelling illtacks 1!11r1ng 1hc> n1i:h1. spokc.~111cn s•11rl. 011c '11il1;q1 11 :1.~ \..1111 •1! :-111!1 ~IX \ll'!"C 11 Jundr.{J 111 :1 h;1rr:1gf' 11110 l.nng 1)11111, :16 n1ilrs :-,•11:!h Pl .... :tll?\011. I l1·.11i1111;u·trrs rcp11rtL·d <l helicopl cr 't o h lnlln i\lnncLty . apparently due lo 4·nc111c 1:11lrl1"•', 111 11 hi<'lt thrcf' Atnf•rirans , "d ,1 '1•U!h \"wtn.1n1t~t· ll 01n;in 1l1rd :1h·u•I .;:; 1111lt·~ ~1 111\h4 •a!>I nl S:t1gon 011 11 n1rrJ1c:il e\·i1t'u:tt11111 1n1ssion. s:; "C HANGED' I NTO $2 88 TllEFT \\'lulr lhr l1q11or ~lorc clerk was hel pin,1: ~1n1• ni;1n 1Hl k up 111-, (·ha11gt• sc·a[l(•rrd 011 thr II u1r .11111tlh r 11 ;1~ apparcn!I~· l1clp1ng li1111-r)f 10 1hP 1;~1 ,11 register. J.;iguna Be:11 !1 p\1l1t e ~aid lod;1y llu~ 1• :i•. ;1pp;i rtn1J.11 11\r• rouunc tJ.~cd II> d1.-lr:1Lt tit'rk Ben 1\l;Hl1 so11 <ii Gill's Li· q1Ju1·, 2;3 B1·011rl11fl ,I' S1111day. Tl\'LI lllf'll ··ntercd. On!' drnppcd s;) i11 < l1 ;i ngt'. \\'hilc ~1 :1d1 ~on 11 .:is helping r1·1ric1·r i1 . thr 111her s11.o;pec·1 ~coopc<I 11p !-~20. Tl1" t:1 ~1l 1h~crrp;inry 11• as 1!1scrl\·rrrd :\1onday. pol1cr ~aid . --·--• I • • , . .. --·---·· .. Jt•rY "l1rc1 "holt Recal l Not FizzliI1g, Says Cl1ief Recall spokcsn1an Pa ul C,1 1·penter (icn:<'d i\.lond;iy that 1hr 11101rn1c:11l a11nr d nt the unsc:Hi11g ol Or<inge (:(l urtlY Fitlh lJ1strlct Supcr11sor A!tun I:::. Allen is no longrr being activ<·ly pur~ued by its underco\'el' urganiZl'!'~. The Cypr~~s Dl·1nocral ~qucltbed rt·ports that the t·a1111n1ig11 1s 111 trnubl:? 1•.it!1 th(' con1n1rnl tli;11 ··3_{)1)(1 ~1g11a1urc~ ;ire in the bag and ""'re ~ure lu get the othe r 6.7~8 11·e nerd lo put 1hl' reea!I on !he books.'' Carpenter noted a n1onth ago that the dril'c had produced 2,800 signatures of Jifth Distril't voters. It would a ppear, by his caleulal1uns. thl l'oters a~1 f!oc k1ng to the banner of the unknov.•n clfldJd ale al lh:· rate of 50 a week . MEMBERS OF THIRD MARINE REGIMENT FILE OFF PLANE AT EL TORO AIR STATION Flags, Band Music, J oyful Families and • leader's Declaration of Victory Carpenter. an unsuccessfu l candida!e for Congress and Assembly seals 1n past Orange County l'lections. told the DAlLY rlLOT that persistent reports of the im· pending d(·n1 1sr of \ht' r('call ca1npaigr1 11·c•re "ru111ors and ctrlninly nu\ based 011 <.iny Jacts. ,.~ •• ,,, • ., l"11ye I STUDENTS • • • ag;iinsL because of lhe short notice. But a :;yn1bolii: n1arch from Ille audi toriu in to Ilic kios k in the central quad 1s plannrd hy those who oppose 1he 1l'ar. Ant1v.ar :.t u<lcJJ(~ will spea k following the nlarch. A! Golden \\'est College in Huntington Beach a prograrn is pl11nned in !he Free S1.cech Center from JI a.m. until 4 p.m . under the sponsorship of polilicul science instructor Margaret Holtrust. Chi~ses 1rill not be cancelled by the ad- 1n111is!r:ition hut some instructors may u1 t·1dr to tltsn11~s classes and st11drn1 ~ nr other classes 1nay attend the progra111 if t h~·,,. cl1oosr. !\1rs llo!tru~t said. Speakers will include 1\rncri('a11 <.:11'1! LIUerties Union attorneys J\1ike Grodski anc! tll rs. Pat Shapiro, the Rev. Roge r \Valkc of Un itarian Universa li st Church in Cost;1 ~1es<l, allornry Bill Smil h and a U1·. Lion of Cal State Lon g Beach. AL Sot1thern California College, Co.<.ta r.lesa, a meeting \Vil! be held at 9 o·cloe k tonight on the thenir "The. Chris1lan !'t•rspccti1-c of the VielnHnl \Var " 1:l'l1gio11 profc~sor \\'illi;in1 \\'1llia111s and history profl'~sors Dr. lJcnz:iis McN \11 1 and Lc11·is \\lilson 11 ill speak. S111de11!s who wi sh will begin pr:i~Ul~ rou-pcac(' 1n lhr co\lrgc chaprl nr 1111cl- J11gh1, !Jc;in nf Sludcn1~ 1\lfrrd C;o11 ,1n11 ~;utl . Marine General Claims Victory in Vietnam War The ass1~t:int con1111andant of the U.S. ~1arine Corps 1okl troops just returned from \"ietnam to El Toro r.!CAS r.tonday !hat they "'on thei r share of the v.•ar. f;cu. Ll'll'is \\'.\\'al l declared victory as f 11' <1' !he fir~L l"onlingenl of 2:xl 1ne11 or !hr Thll"d illarinr-Hegun('nt -the first l,1.·;iLherncck u111l brought hon1e by Prc s1 - Lir u1 Nixon -is conce rned. "You have defeated the cnem}' in hi~ <111·0 v.·ar, ·• said Cen. \\'alt dur ing v.·el- co1nr-hon1c e;crc1non1<>s at the air station. ··You l\:Jl'C given tile Sout h Vietnames' people a fr ecdo1n, a new v.·ay of life ..• .\OU have helped tlie n1 to ha\'C fai th in llu·ir lnc:t l govern1nf'nt."' the Corps' ~rro11d-in-cu111n1a11d ~;11d f11 wns jo111rd al the ccrc1nony featl1r- i11r; 11a 1·1ng fl CJgs. blaring b;.ind rnusic and thc> JOY of 111others. fathe rs, ll'il'es ar.d r h1 lrlrr11 grrcting 1heir n1r11 agan, by .111°•1~ \\' \\",1rner. undcrsrrrctal'y or the :\.01 I l\"arner toltl thr returnee~ tha! 1here is much dissent in th is country, but insisted lhat the majorit y of Americans are proud of \\'hat lhey and their buddies who came home in casket s have done , H uxle)· Book Okayecl for Use At Tustin High Aldous Huxley·s book ''Brave New \Vorld " v.•as appro\'ed h1onday night for continue:<! use in Tu stin Union lligh School District. Trustees accepted the recommendation of a staff rrvie1\' committee th11t the book re1nai n an appro\'ed texl in "f iction of ll:c Ful ure'' classes at /ltission Vic10, Tustin and Foothill high schools. "Our petition worker." are doi ng :t l re1nendo us job." h(' ~aicl. "\\'c are very pleased with their efforts and we arc co11· fiden1 that we \\'\11 have the slgnalurcs we need long bf!forc the t.1 arch deadline." C11rpenter again re fused to Identify th~ potential candidate for All~n·s. seat_ and again declined to slate v.·ho 1s financing a campaign tha t v.'ilL on conservative estimates. cost somronC' $30,000. Both he and Anthony Tarantino of San Clemente, the self-styled s cu I pt or · designer 1\·ho announced the cainpaign tv.·o months ago, have persistently refus· ed to divulge this i11formation. Tarantino. 451 Calle ~liguel. has no1 becn a\'ailab!e for co1nment for the pafl three v.·eeks. I-le t•ould not be contacteC by a DAILY PILOT reporter t.londay, . Aller'. has announced th<il he v.•1!1 aga1r, be a cand idat e for the Filth District seal under any circ:u1nstances, "recall Cl otherwise." Fl'om Page 1 UT ILITI ES ... the me'eting preparc'd 0111,v lo disruss th! alternate Clilf Drive plan far the nl'>-1 project. rather tl1 an to delve 11110 a loni: rar.gc progran1. Brea Lass Wi11s A dispute o\'cr the book arose Sept. 1:i 1\·hcn Bernie \Villi111nson of ·ruslin 1hrea1cned the school district v.·ith a $! 1111111011 damage suit on behalf of his daughter unless th e book was banned. He called lhl' book pornographic filth and said the shoc k of his daughter being .1.!.signed to read it caused his v.·ife lo be placed under sedation. "I asked if the y arc <'OOrdinaling an1 rffor l to tl)t'C't 1\llh !hl' 1nl•\11:ib1hty of urt 1lrrground1ng u\ll1l1t•\," hr ,,ud. "'Jill they said no, they had no pl:ui to 1111t1a t1 any program." Hov.·evcr. he added. "ii 11 ;1:i not <l b;ic n1t•cting for a l'l:ir! ' Press Club Pi cks Ne 1v Qu ee n The 101!01\ing day \V i 11ia111 son· s <laugh ter v•as 11101·ed 10 another clcctil'c cl<i!'.~. Conclu sion ot lhc p!:.inning ~ta(f. sai1 Autrv, 11·as !hat t1 draft ordinance shoulc he pi·cpa red by thc city and presented 11 li1" tllili tic ~ represcnl<1!11r~ ;1\ lhr nex 11\C'Cting tn obtain th r1r re:1cl 1ot1 .. I 111111\ !hey \\'ill respond unl _v 10 an ord inancr,' tl1L pln1111cr explained. ·\ l!.1-1 r;1r-old beauty qurcn fro1n grr.1 11ill rule 01e r ti1r 01';tnge Counly l're:.s Cluh :1.~ :O.l 1~s OfiCO P dur111g 1910. ,\nn Elayne CrJ111n1as, the 1968-69 i'ol i~s r.rr;,, 11·Js !!le choice of a celcbri!y-sliJd - 111 tJ p.1ncl uf li11c Judges /l'\ond<iy 111i;hl .iltl'r ninc> co11leslants par:tded 111 the ir ~1111P suits and fnrm11 I go1l'ns on thc 'l<•gf' of the (;r;ind llolL·l"s Off Broadw.1y \\ c~t theater in An<1hei1n. Bui the pencil biting judges had lo call h irk fn11 r c·ontcnder~ -i\1 1~s (;ra1nma~. Ponr;i Flory of Hunti ngton Beach, Ka !hy llan.<;c,n of Anahcirn And Peggy Hyt1n of :-i;11:1:1 Anil -before lhry n1adr their final ~e l ection. 1\·!1s" f'lor~·. !/. the current ~li~s /l!vrr11;1u! of Costa 1\les;:i. 1vas nan1ed run- ncr up J\·li~s Han son took third ~pot in ihl' tinal. o\·11~;; Flory. <l blonde blue-eyed l!un· 11ng!on Be11ch girl. 11alked off v.·1th the 1r.1d1!1ona l consolation prize when Pres~ C!ub 111e111bers 1·01ed her ' · i\f i s s Photogrnic" of 1970. .rudgr~ 1nrludf'd ~lrs Huby Kcc!rr Lowe n1 ~ev.·port Brari1, actors Jon Ha\I ;111d Darby Hinton of ··Daniel Boone ' 1a111l· l!arry B:1bh11t of Nev•port Beach 11 ;ic master of crre1non1cs Prizes col- lrl'!Cd bv ~IJ.~~ 1;r;in1mas included the , u• 1 lrl't; 11sc ut a new ;1u1omobllr for h~r ~rar 111 off1cr \11<;<; Gr:.1111n1as. <.'u rrenlly ;i s(lphomore 1':11~l1~h 111a 1<w :1l Cal ~t .• tc Fullerton. 1nt:1~111·r~ ~7-2.1~11 ~ht' L'llJl•.\S •HI pain- \111g. 11ri!1ng ;.11111~k~olln~,11·ould \1 kc lo bl' a 111odr.I ;ind, c1e11lu<dly .• 1 t11gh ~choo l tL··11.:l11·1·. !)hr i-,, fonncr Glr11dalc lligh :-.eliooll ho1ncco1n111g queen ;ind has !'tip· ttlP'rl SCl"Cral Inca! beauty contcsls since 111uv1 ng to Orange Counl y. The ~·t·hoo! hoard subscq\1cn1ly order('d n rr1·1cw of lhc book by pri ncipals :ind "1;1 lf 1ncn1 bers. v.·ho have found the book to be nC1t objcc\1 onablc. Slated Services For Miss Eaton Funeral ser\'iCcs 1rcr' held toda y for \l;1ry S. Eaton, a long·tilne Laguna Brach resident tlliss Eaton. BB. of Sli Poplar St, died Sa!urd:ty at her hon1e. She had been a rr~1drnl of Laguna Beach for 21 yea rs. A rr!1r1>d St'hool teacher. ~1iss E:alon had ta1;gh! 111 the public ~ehools of Dct ro11, 1\l1rh lnr :!j years. Srr1 ices 1rerc conducled by Rev Philip I·:. (;regal}' of 1he Congregational Church i'\e1;::hbnrhnod of LilRuna Brach. Thev 11cre hrld 1n Par1f1c \"1e1v ~'lr111onal J';ffk'~ chapel Enlorn bmcnt 11 os 111 /',,c1J1t View i\h1usoleun1. S11r1 ivors include a sist c r·in-la~·. Mr;, l"ancy Eaton of Chicago and three cousins. Your OmtQlt Sales & S~ri;1cf! Agenc11 Tu111eh:tk cxprrssetl t'(lllt't·r·n ](·.,t thi'i"I h11 a rrp~l1l 1on ot l;i~I .1 c11r·., 111 ... tall;1l101 (11 \;1ng.s1zr utility p11lr . ., on Tl1<1!1:1 S11·eet ··11 scen1s nob<Jdy knew the pole~ 1\rn going in until the d<11nnl'd th111.c,s 11r1·1 un:' he said, .. I hough ! 1111drr:-l:111d !ion11 r:i !11( u\iltt1e;; people would h:11·e ber1 ll'illing to go llndcr~round therr ' Autry cxplainC'd th.i t !he <"Ompnnic: )1;1d been rcqu1rt'd 1u oht;1111 only J H)u:u;c excavnuon pcrinil lo ins1;1ll nc~ pul es 111 thc1r 1•(1sc1nl'nl I\' 1 I ho u di~CUSSIOI\ nf thr ~IZ(' tll !lu· polr~. "lhr rc:il problen1. ' he c.~pl.11n('f1 "11:1~ lh;il tht>1e 1\a~ no 11;1y to obhR• pcC1 p!r to honk up to undl'rground ll\Lllt\1': s0 lhcv 11011111 ... tilt hair h:1d 111 pro1"1d• pulC'" f(lr those 11hn did 11111 11.1nt rh1~ ex pcn~c ." Ont· hl'lp tn thr progr;q11 1\t11 rv nb~cr1· rd. 1•.ould bt: l11c :1ppro;oeli 11~1,<I by ti\• I 111or 01\ Co1111priny 11 h1ch 11; putt111i:; .-ii on i:11c 111111!1•'~ 11ndPrgn1111u! :ii 11~ nrY ~1 ~11011 ;11 liro;1d11·;1\' ;111d s t'nri~ fl 1gl111a.1·. 11 1!11 [li"Oll~ll'll !'I l1'"'k 11111 ;1\Jo1e-grounU lines 11nltl llll' 1•11l11'f' .11(',1 11 u;1dergroundcd "This grr:o(h r11duc:r ; 111• nun1bcr of unslightly 111rl"5. :ii lc;,i~I 111 li1e silc,'" he said. ' ...... 0 OMEGA To · the moon YOUR WATCH\" • Cl•aMd • Oi ~ • Ad ju1t•d --,....,...., .... '"*" lhHJ5 C\ .. ned Whil• "•• W•lt P'!AllS lE-STltUNG fr•111 """'HI ' FREE $2.00 frorn llNGS SlllD, fr-$3.00 l~1 ~"' 11m1 O moqt S"11dm11!1r wi tch ""' Cl trY Wit 11l1chd with- ""' 1n1 ,.,.odific 1lion bv NASA 11 b1 wo•n bv our "''" on 1h1 "'oon. Th;t 11co~nilion, tr uly • ••· w 1 1 d Io• 1•ct ll1nc1, m1k11 u• "1oud lo be your 1u•hori11d 0f'lt9• j1,.1l1r. C ome in -••• th11 h1nd1•m•. 2 bulton, ~ di11, 0111191 Sp11dm11- +1r c~rono9•1ph. Thi only welcll wttft by tho meft o~ th1 "'oon. '•ict Slfl. DIA ... OHDS llP'LACID, fr1111 $6.00 Chroooiraplt & StLl· \I iodtrs 1ll1bU1 lll1M:r: INGlAYING DOHI WHILI TOU WAIT Hunti ngton Center Beach at Edinger HUNTINGTON BEACH 892-5501 TllMI AYAIL.Alll and back Harbor Shoppiog Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA .,. (.loto -... C10Motn•I i..oe<.r••i.n b~ '"""'" n.• ,,,_1,.1y1 1y ,.,.11 n.• ..-lflly1 ""1119..., -1i..o1...._ U.11 ,,_1111y, SHE 'LL REIGN AS 1970 MISS PRESS CLU B Brea '~ Anne Elayne Gran1rnas Wins Crown 545-9485 ~ ' • I j .. 'Toil and Trouble Cauldrons Bubbl e' Goblins Going to Hob Nob !11 I I '1 I "Double. double, toil and trouble." That certainly is necessary if a dinner dance is Lo be proper· Jy planned and presen ted. Therefore members of Queen of ll eart s Guild, Chil dren's I lospitaJ of Orange County, have been gathered round their boi l- ing cauldron many a night conjuring up ideas for their upcoming JJallo1veen party Saturday, Oct. 25, 1'hc dinner dance. kno\\'TI as a Goblin ~lob Nob , \Vill take place in the San Clemente Inn. The cocktail hour 1vill begin at 7 p.m. Costun1e judgi ng is at 8 and dinner, follo1ved by boneratll* ing dances, \vii i be served al 9. i\l rs. J.'rancis G. l•'abian Jr. of l\l onarch Bay, Queen of llearts president. has desig nated 1\lrs. l\lacauley Ropp in charge of the event. J\'l rs. Ropp in turn has assembled a bl ue ribbon con1* n1itlee ol \l'Orke rs wh o proi nise a delightfully eerie party. Among them are patron co·chairme n l\1rs . \Vil ll ain G'vin n and Mrs. llobert Patterson assisted by 1\·Irs. J ack Carney and J\1rs. Alfred P <.1yne. INV ITATIONS SE NT t\ busy grotip of 1vo1nen in charge of invita tion s and printing include the iVTn1es. Earl S·tecr. Ropp , J:>abia n, LeGran d Daly, !·!or· <1cc 1:ritz. ))avid Graf. llal Stra tton. ri.-lon te \\!arr. IL P. \\'illets. llarold \\'ire, l,.rank \Virs1g, llic:hard \\"orthington and Arlhur Zin1· n1ern1an. The hrii:;ht pumpkin-color('d invilations produced und e r their coinbined effort s 1verc n1ailed the first of the n1onth . \\lhen the long·a1\'aited 11·iteh1ng hour finall y arrives gu csls \\'111 grope their 1vay do\vn a dark and \\•inding stalrway int o a 11•itch's grott o. a veri1abie lla!101vecn horror \vhcre Jeering pun1p- kins glow and skeletons pop out uninvl·tcd fron1 behind closcl doors. \\'ork1n g tog ether 10 send shiv ers do\vn the hacks of n1errv- 111aker s are J\Irs. Dougla s Kenaston and i\Jrs. George c;t1de \l'iih the spirited assistance of the J\olmes. Da1'id Alrnon. Stanley Eich· s1aedl. 1·!01\·ard ll inrichs, Larry Hunt , Neil Nel son . ('h<irl C!> Hob· crts, Robert Ru ssell. \Vil!ia n1 Thomas and Jan1cs To11 nscnd . HOSTESSE S \\lclco1ning guests lo a 11·itches bre1v in the forn1 of cocktail s 1vill be hos1esscs J\'lrs. C.n . ll ulst and J\1lrs. f.J ern1 an Rocsti. C:o1n- mittee men1bcrs a.~si s ting thcn1 11·ill be> the l\1mes. \Villia n1 BPC'k . Verne Dail.v . .Jack r~ron1n1, Ray . .\ndcrson, Ifenry North, Roy J\ldrcon1 and D1\"1ght S1nith. \\'h en tllr clock s1 r1krs ei ght. r;1r111n. ''mon ster of ccrc· n1011ic:-.'' \1111 .:issrn1blc the n1ob of gho!)t~ and goblins for co stun1 c JU<\gl ng . 1iL~-.-~ ;' . .\nythin g goes. and it is l\'hispered around thal eve rything 'viii be goi ng this Jl alto1veen ho do1vn . including men of many lands and wo1nen of various reputati ons," confided 1'lrs. Thomas B. Fleming, spokesman ol the group . speaking of costun1cs plan· ned by members and guesls. J UDGING COSTUMES ,Jud ges \\•ill be l\lrs . .J ohn Leeds Kerr, l\frs. Robert L. Tu rn· er, Robert Cosgrove, Gade and Brig. Gen. (USMC. rel.) Frank IL \Virs1g. The person 1vearing the strangest costun1e of all 111ill receive th e roveted grand prize -a case of champagne donated by Gale Pike of the Beach I1ouse Inn . Five other prizes are gifts fro1n Arch Bay Liquor Store, J<'arrar Je1velers, Laguna 11each llardwarc, Rene Boutique and \\'arren Imports. !\Jrs .. Jarnes Delaney and J\1rs. Clarence Ca rson 11·ere in charge of ack1101r- ledging the donations. \Vhen the dinn er hour arrives. 1-lalloweeners \\'iii be served repa sts from a boiling caul dron. At their 1a ble places guests \.\•ill find progran1s deco rated 1vil11 a silhouette of CliOCO, the chil- dren 's hospital bear, riding a broo1n behind the \Vicke d \Vlt ch of the \Vest. i\lrs. Jack Snipes is the creator. Reservat ion s, limited 'lo 200. arc being ta ken by i\'lrs. Pi ke and l\1rs. l'renticc ·raylor. l\lrs. Tristan Krogiu s. n1can1l'hile. is \1•aiting to snat ch eath check as it ~irrivl's . She is getting logether all proceeds fron1 this spirited affair for the hospital. Of the 14 \~·oinen 's gui lds \vhich su pport th e hospital. Queen ol !!earls 1ras 1969's leading conlributor reported 1'Ir, F leming. CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL 'fh e ho spital is a pri vate. nonprofit special ized pediatr.ic cen- 1cr for chil dren of a ll ra ces, creeds and econ01ni c levels, It is the only such hospi·tal bet 1\·een Los :\ngeles and San Die,go. Since it \\'as opeued in 1964 , rnore lhan 17.000 patients have been cared fol' and 1nore than 100.000 out pa tie nt vislts recorded. In add itio n to offerfng care and trca t1nent on the 1ncdical center level. the hospital also is an educational and resea rch in- stltule. Jl c re in terns and residents from Orange County Medical Center and C;i1iforn ia Co llege of i\1edicine at UC I receive advance i:;raduate training. In add ition. nursin g students from Orange Coast Coll ege and F'ul lerlon .Jun ior Coll ege rotate through the hos· pita! 11 ith a progra1n coordinated through Sister Jlita r-redcttc. director of nursing services. .'\lso. thanks to the hospital. all physiciani; in the coun lv have an opportuni :y lo iln prove their kno\vledge and skill 111 car·e ;ind trcatn1en1 o! thildren by means of leachi ng rounds, sc1ni- nars. conferences and planned postcou rses. Club Honoring Mrs. Rob.ert Peacock L;iguna Bc:at•h Lius1ncss and Prnf('ssinn.>I \\'01n£'n \ Club 1ncmbcrs h;1vr cho<:en l\1rs. Jfohert l'ccicock 10 lake \Von1an-of-1hc-,\car h<Jnnrs at l h c1r a n~u;iJ Cf \'lC l'artici p;Hion Dinnrr ne xt Thu rsday , it \1'3S learned recently. The Emerald Bav rrs1dcnt 11·i!J be r rrsented '>':ilh a Niki statuc!le and all tirr friends <tl"C invited 10 aUend the nn- nual afft11r 11•hich will take place in Ben B r o 1v n ' s rcstauran1 . '.ll r5. 1-'cacock Is hi' in i:: :icknnll'lt·rlged rnr her lntcrc~l :ind p:1r11cip:1t1 on 111 co1n- 11111n1tv affairs 1\11 :u'IJ\'C n1rn1h1'r of .\1 r r rn :1 1 d s, \\nn1cn ·~ r)11·1~1on In L;i1;un;i Beach Cha rnber of Commerce. she has been ch:iirman of the g ro u11 's bca ul1fication pro. gram si nce its inception. J\lrs. \h11rlcs Prtt_v and 1\·lrs. Lee AH1son are co-<:hair1 ng the impor1:int a n n u a I arll \"ity. Assisting thrrn are co rnmittce n1embc rs the J\l1nes. Hnb(·rt l:ill. J·'lorin i\1ar1in , .John Bun1- 1Jcr:i, Bell y J\l~crs. Ber 1 Lovcl:idy, Al Cornel ius and \ I •, .... 1, !vlarjoric Luuern1a n. , ~. . .. . Festivities \l'ill begin with a « , I' ~t \ \ . social hour at 6.30 p.m. and dl nncr wil! be served at 7:30 ..... .,;\., Reservations may be obtained by calli ng Mrs. Petty or J\1rs. J\1eyers in the Laguna Beach Cha111brr of Commerce olfice, 494-1018. j ~ '1, .l~\ ~ ·'• ·'.\:' , , '•~t ''J'.' :-;I ' ~-.;:;i[~'l4h~~~J,*~ ;. 1, :::i:'.~~~,~~·!if;;~,i~ • 1/o'.', r,~;\1/!/•~~//I' '.". ,,,\ .._ ',l/1 'Jt., OJJ/ ,f;'JJ,1v. ' ·~··~ i .,.,,, ,.,,,. , ~~;Jl •I \Jj '''·~i fjl \ 1!1i;,;·:'' :.1,111~1·:i1J. .~ 'I; 1 'i.\.,.:,/:~ ,,,'flt I ' ..... ~., ••• j ... 1 I -. ' JEAN COX, 494.9466 T11oodov. Oc!ol>t• 11, l!tl L """' II Laguna Niguel Involvement Subject Of Guest Speaker To be ftl\'Ol \'C'd i...; thr nan1e of a spect•h ~I r:.. Tho1n<1s n. l loude t1•ill del1\·er 1vhen Laguna Nig uel \\101nan's Cl 11b has ti:. second n1ecllng 10 r-.Jon- arch 8ay 13cach Club ill B p.n1. Thursday, Ocl. ~J . \Vi le of ;1n lll1no1s st<.1\c represcnla1J\·e. ~l t s. ll o11ch.' hcrs('lf is n<1l1ona l «ha1 r1nan of 1he t'0111111Ulll (Y llllprovement rt'ngr:.1 111 !o r (;('neraJ J•'edera• ti on ot \Vomcn 's Clubs·Se:.irs n oebuck J."oundation. 'fhe gue!>l speaker ha s trav eled throui;hout 4i :-.l3tes and I l countries \\'Ork111g 11·ith \\·ornc:n ·.~ clu b:.. ~he ro-u11th1n·cd a booh . "U{ the 1.-'eople" and ha.s been listed 111 "\\!ho':, \\iho i\1n o11 g An1er11.:an \Vo1nc11 ·· Special guests ut the n1ce11ng 1vill be 'l\110 on1cer ~ o! ('al1forn1a Fed. erat1on of \\lon1en ',<; Club.~. Or:inge Oi:-;lri c:l. ·rhc.v are i\·Jr~. l'lcrncns 1'~rom lalh, c:ominunity 11n prove1nent cha1rn1an. anll i\'lrs. Jan1cs J\·lcCal!a. prcsi- den l. During the 1nce11ng-l\,lrs. \\11!11a1n ('rnrn. cha1rm<1n of line arts and cultu re. and r.1rs. ('oli n Rl'YJio lds , chair1nan of 5oci<1I affairs. 1v ill disC U!is plans ro r a Christn1 as party for underprivileged chil drl'll in December. Other upcoming evenls include a weeding party in f·ler1nosa Park, which was established last sumn1cr in La guna Niguel and \Viii be main- tained by lhe \\'On1an 's club until the first of the year. Also on the cl ub rneeting agenda is the .\ale of tickt!l 1' !or the auclion pa rty planned in El Nigue l Count ry Cluh Nov. 22. l'lie ·1hcn1c of the party is At 'r'our Servlcl' and Lh e evening "ill include a san d\\lch buffe t, danci ng and a silent as "'ell as a live auction. The dinner is one ol !he rna· jor acti vities or the club whic h is being led th rough 1969·70 season by J\1rs. Ma rt i n . Business 1neetings take place Lhe first Thursday of every month. an d the fou rth Thurs· day is rese rved for dinner IMAGE CLEAR -Gazin g into a crystal bal l Mrs. Irene Martin (center) thinks she sees the face of l\·Irs. Robert Peacock, named to receive Wom an- of-the-year honors by LagWla Beach Bu siness and Charter men1bership to the group, a ne'v nonprofit organization \vhich is a member of California F'ederalion of \\/omen's Clubs, Orange Di.s- tr ict, is still open to all won1cn living in the t,aguna Ni guel or i\ilonarch Bay areai;. Further information may be ob tained by callin,!? l\trs. Ronald Merk· er, membership cha irman, 495-5292. gatherings. Profe ssional Women's Club. She is joined by (left) JVJrs. Lee Allison and (right ) Mrs. Charles Petty. 'Hear No Evil, Speak No Evi .I,' Pledges Secret DEA R ANN LANDERS: I'd like to sit In yn·1r chair for a few minute.s and say a Jew word s to all the v.·omcn who are mad at a friend because she said this or thal and it got back. And some of the facts weren't ri ght and a friendship was lost. DEAR EVERYW0~1AN : All I want is II) enjoy your company. I don't want to kr.ow your personal business 90 please don't tell me. I hal'e other rricods beside ~·ou and ""'hen wornen get together they 1.:ilk. So1nctln1cs it's hard lo remember \~hal yo11 n.~ked rrte not lo repeat. I value your friend ship and I'd hate to pas.s on !-nmrthing ynu asked me not to. So, plra:-e don't trust me "ith your sccrr ls anr.I 1 \1 un'1 ha1·c 10 remember \\'hat to ANN LANDERS J;ecp to my&elf and you won '• have to worry about whether I do or not. If you're having troubl e wi th your hus· band , discuss ii v.•ith you r clergyman or write to Ann Landers. If your neighbor '11 l5-ycar--0ld daughter Is p.g., or your, in· laws arc a pain in the ne<:k, or your bos!I is cheating on his incQme tax, 1 don"t '4·anl lo knov.· about 11. And H you 11re ha\•ing an affair, I don'l want to know about THAT either. \Vhat I'm trying to say is I'm not a receptacle for dirt. I just wa nt to be your friend. Thanks. Ann Landers, for leUing me sit In your cha ir. I hope rtadt'f'll got my message. -THE LADY NEXT OOO!l DEAR I.ADV : I'm 11ure they got it. Du come sil in my rhai r again 11ome limt.. • 0£.<\R ANN l.ANDERS I :11n a ii· • ycar·old wheat farmer wht> has been reading your column in the Topeka paper lor r. good many yea rs. I've ne ver had any problems to write in about but I have a :story to tell that might be v.•orth listening to. In June I was taken lo the hospital and put in an oxygen tent. They thought I had 11 heart allack although 1 tried to tell !hem it was too much bratw urst. The ramily gathererl around my bed and I could hear them maloling funera l ar· r:ingemenls. They were argu ing about whether to buy 11 $2000 ca.!lkel like they buried my brother in, or a cheaper one. Tl1is made n1e. mad. I sat straigh t up in bc<l and told them l had no lntcntion of dying and to clear out, Thty looked i;hncked and somewhat disappoin ted. Please tell your readers that jast because a person is in a hospital bed does not mean he is unconsc ious and dying and to plea.se watch their language. -STILL KICKING DEAR STILL: I'm glad you're still kicking and I'm happy tn paJs on yo11r good ad\•lce about pt0ple in hoapltal beds. I'm alJo gnlng to take It eaBy on the bratwur~t. DEAR ANN LANDERS· Our daughlC'r wa~ mRrned in a hea1111ful chu rch ceremon y la~t "'rck A woman who work.~ in 1ny hushand's olftce has a love ly voice Shirker and we asked he r lo sing a few numbers. Her renditions added n1uch to tht ccremoiiy . !low can we thank hcr?-THE Bs . DEAR 81 : Try money. Drinking .m11y be ''in " to lhe kids you run with ~but it cnn put you "out" for keeps. You cnn cool it and stay popular. Rl'ad "Boozr <1nd You -F'or Teenager• Only." Send 35 cents 111 coin and a long, self-:1ddressrd , s1.:in1pcd envelope wilh your rrque st. i\nn L11n1lcrs will bl' g:l;1d to help you with ynu r prnhlerns. Send them to ht'r In c;i rc or 1he DAILY PILOT, eoclosina; a ~clf·arldrcsscd, stnmpe<i envelope. " ) -· • - '• -4 . . ' • • ' • • , ' --t.f :' , " ' • '' -I • " . .......,.-. -.,. _--,..,.,. ---. Festivities Upstage New Thespian Group • The Newpo~t ('on)tnunity '!'heater \1111 IJc launchccl and l'hri~tencd \1·1th a ceremony 111 the EbcH Clubhouse. Ualboa, Sunday, Oct. 19, <it Ii p.n1. 1-"'ollowing the formal cercn1ony and festivities the fir st in a se1ies of play reviews \Vii i be presen•ted. ' . The theater is co-sponsored by the :\fc1\'port Beach Parks and Recre- ation Department and the Nev•port-Costa JVlesa Branch of A1ncrican .1\sso- ciation of Unj\'ersity \V on1en. . It will offer s ix play re\·ie1vs <.ind currently ls spon soring \VOrk ~ho ps 111 thea_t~r fundamentals and appret.:1<.1t1011, direction and production, crca- 11ve \vr1Ung and dance and exercise. In add itioll , the<.1ter presentations arc planned for next season and a casting file no\\' is being m ade for the productions . Directing the cn1bryonic thea1er group are \Vi llian1 .J . Fucik. theater director noted in lhe /·!arbor Area. l·loUy\vood and the East, and .i\lrs. Elea- nor Petersen, first president of Children's Theater Guild. Others lending their support are organizations including the IC:bc!I Club of Ne,vport Beach. Ne1\'port !!arbor Chamber of Comn1ercc and Nc\V· port Beach Friends of the Library and the i\1essrs. and l\·In1es .. John J\'Ic- Kerren, John Kerr. l;~van Prichard. Daniel \Vecl man. K. Stanley Belt , liar· vey Pease. John l·loy t. Kalin<in Spe!Jetich. L. JI. l\lc Urid e and Stanley Le Lievre. Also ass isting the ne11· theater group arc the fllrncs. \Vi!lian1 1, . Perei~a, Cl<iyton T~1 01n pson, E. A. l~iches. l''rank f:aines. fia!ph Ta ndo11•· s ky, I!.. Morgan Quinn. \1ernacc J\1organ Rhoda Linder, Robert \Vahl e r. E. Te~rance ~1<?ra n, \Valter \Vhite. J\lli ldred Dingler, Jack l\'larshall, Charles F'a1nter. Lad1 sla1v Rcday and C. Gr;:ih<im I·~delb!trte . Anyone \vishing furlher 1nforn1 a1ion on the pl<.1y re\ 1c 1\ s JtHI 11 ork- shops may call the Chan1ber of Con11nerce, 675-6:102. " . -~---·~ Birthday Observed Early Bazaar Catches Christmas Shoppers MRS_ CHARLES G. FREI Ill Montana Hon•ymoon Frei-Swank Performed A honryinoon trip In l'llon· 1ana follov.e<l the 11·C'tldin~ nf Sally Swank and Cha rles c;. .Frei Ill of Co.~ta !'llc~;i The ('Ollplc f'Kchanjlcd 11·Pd· ding \'01\'S ;ind rill[!~ ;11 1111· ;iltar •Jf Sl. A nd r ,, w .. l'resby!rri:in ('h11rr !1 111 .i l"e re1nony rcrlun n1'd hi' tlw He v. D1·. Ha~ 1nur11.J I. Brah11n1s. SHERYLE BR ENT F ebrua ry Bride Betrothal Anno unced At Luau Thr r n;:..1 ~r1n£!'l ,,r ~11,,r1 '" .l1•;1nnr B11•nt .11 1d ,l.11 11•' \I L \' .. 1 ha-. hc1·11 :11.r.111111< l"I t)\ ~Ir :il1d ill r~. Art hur S l\r1"1' J!.1rt•nts ~·f th!' h1"1d1• 1 I•'••' Th r ne11 s 11 a ~ n"1 11nletJ In 80 rfl;;111·es 11nd Rtu·~\~ d11r111g ,1 hi:iu taking pkire "Ii tl11• p;1t lo ;ind de<:k nf thf.' Hrrnl~' !11011· t1ni:atnn l::11bo11r ho 111r. Th£ brid r-!o-l)C 1 ~ :.i 11r;11.Ju;111· nf ln1nla\'t1l:.itr Hr:1n High Schoo!, l!iill~ 1,r~id and Or.111gr C"oa.~t Co!lrgr Shr 11011• i~ a 1>eoiur at C;di for111 ;i St;itr Collrgr al Long Beach 11 here !=hr J~ rnaJnnng tn ar1 and 1~ a n1rrnbcr of Gamma Phi Br ta !"ornrit~·. llrr ft;incr . ~on of \Ir. :ind l\l r~ Anlhunv J \\1·\"av of Putsburgh, Pa. a t 1 r n d rd srhonh in Pr11n~r1 1·:1n1a pnnr 1n 11101111g to I luntinJ!.\un llrarh 1' he ri' Iii· 11· .1 ~ r,r<tduated frorn ~lun n;i 1!1gl1 Srhonl a11d QC(· Th r C'nu plr pl ;:in lo he n1ar· ried 111 F1·bru;11 ;.. Topic Set A sperth lhn l co1 rr~ j11sl ;ihout r1·pryth1ng, 1·:1111rnn- mrnt. Hr-a lth. \\"f'rk ;111d l'lav v.·ill be g11 en by \\"11\1;1111 Allee 1turing ;i n1rr 11ng 11! T;1•1 T,1u Q1apter, Beta ~1g111;1 1'111 toni11ht in Lai;?una Fedrr:il Sa1·ings and Loan t\~s<x:1;111on. lkta S1gn1a PIH 1nrn1IK'rs nl.'W to the. area are 11111tf'd 10 obtain more informatrun aOOut lhe chapter by t•a!hng .'llr~. \\'illiam Corles, pre~iden1. ~'.II· S!Ht B'nai B'rith Orange toast Chnpttr of n nat B'rith \\"ome n J.(<1!hcr U1c l1r~l Thursd:i_\~ nl II p.rn 111 fllcrt ury S<1\'111g~ U:.u1k, J!un- t111gton Bent 11. • Ceremony 1n Newport Paren ts or the bridc are !\Ir. and 1\lrs. Richard D. Sv.·ank u[ \!Ila P;irh. and parents of tl1f' bridcgroon1 are illrs. Lout~c l·'rt'I of Costa !\·lesa and tile J.11c !\·lr. Charles Frei <:11-cn 111 111arn3g(' li.1' hrr L!l ht•r. thc hridc ehnsr <• lonf! gu11i\ of ll'll\'lian Frcn<.11 lal'C ,ind ;1 !Joor h:ng11i niantill:i . ,\ huuqul't 1Jf ll'l1i!r ro5e!i <t nd g;il'dcni as tlln1p le1nen1 ecl J1cr blJll /1. \1;~1ron 11r liunnr \l':J~ the hndt·.; si,tt'r. ill r ~. ;\obl1· \\ ;1rrt1111 uf 1\l"ewpcr1 Bea eh and )LU11nr br1tlt'Sn1a1d v.'as h1•r 11u•r1·, .\!1s< Lis.i \\"arrun1. 'flit 1· 11 nr1• l.1ng inns~ ~rrf'n go111h and r:1rnt·t: bu1111ue!s ur l.11! .. n1.111 ro,r•. l·:t111:1rd \1r11.g:ir i.f Lido 1~ lr ,1\'urnerl tll1• cJu!J1·~ uf br~t 111un and gue\ls 111;rr .~eal11d hi' l'ctC' Antista and Hai L\u - • ii1111 of .'\ev.·pof1 fltarh l\nbt'rt Handa l! pru1 ided the \1<'dd111g !l\USlt" 1\ g;inlc·n r1·1·1'pt1u11 ;it lhr bl'1dt• s p;irenl~ 110111\' lt!llu111·d lhl' l"l'f('!lllJfl_I' 11 h ('re 17;1 ).;lll'S!s -.1gnt·d 11ir rc gi~tC'r <'lrC'U l:1trc! by .'llJS~ ,JiJd.1· Fn·1 , ·'•~l1·r ol thP hndf'gr1101n ,\,~1.,t1ng 111tli -;er1·1ng 11 ('r " \Ir' \ (•ri.r• \\"!lk111son ;111d :O.lt'o.. !><111 :1111 11 l\0;1k. Tl1t• lll'l11\11rds 11111 rrsidr in Cos1:i ,\lt;a ;_;f1r1· rctt1n11ni; lrom thr1r honey1noon tnp Tl1c hridr 11·as ~ra c!uat('d rr .. tn :\n1.on,1 :-.1:i!e l '1111rr-.i!1• 11!H1rc 'hr 11;1') prr)1ctrnt r;f llt1lta c;am111.1 ~ornru1 :ind thr bndc·~rno111 is a t:T<ldualr '•I ~la!rr l)r1 thi:h Schnnt. Hr 1• ;i h11·1111•,•nlitn 111 !hr \1•11 port Br:h h :1r1"1 Auxiliary Convenes r1r ;ind ,\1 r~. H n~~rl\ Jr . .;<;11p 11f Tu~t 1n 11·dl !1ost !ht' ;1111111;-1] 111f'1nb<>r-.111p brunrh lor lllr \\11men·~ .~u xll1:irv to Ilic l /r:l rtl.'.C Cnunty J)tni:it Society. Thr1 r g;1nl rn~ 11·111 br thl' party ~cl11ng Thursday, Ocl. 16 \lrs. Hobert \1 llaucl; of :"ewport Be11rh 1s ("ha1rm11n .and \lrs. Rich11rrl Gub ler of Orange i~ ass1.~ting. l\mong the hostes5es are l'llrs. Lyle B. Grrenv.·ay nf Fountain Valley and ~\rs .. J:>hn Forte of Hun- tington Beach. Talk Turns To Travel Tra1·1·I wil l br lhC' topic or ton1·1'r~:1t1on when rncmbcrs o! 1"\rwpo rt ll a r bor P11nh!'l lrnic 1ner1 In I he rccrefl tio11 roon1 of !)01·er \"illagc. NC11'pt1t1 Ar ;1 f h 1omnrro1\' ;1\ 10:30 a ni . ~:dv.·ard C Snyder. Orange County Lullhansa rcpresen- 1al i\r 11 111 present a liln1, a!cng \\'Ith general lra\'el in· format.inn. A sa lad Junchron and bridge v.·1 11 ronclude the meeting wi1h l hc ~1mes. Roy HallbC'rg, IL \\" \\"alc-hll, .John Blaich. Holx>rl Lawson. G r o r ~ e c:l11hne ;1rtd illiss Betty ,\lhri,::ht scrl'ing as hOSlf•SSE'S. Yr<1rh11n k s 11·111 hr r!1 1nln11i·d by mt•111bcr~h111 ( li;urincn ,\lrs. l.111~·rrnc·1• 1\11- !lr :ind '.'11r'. liar\ Jlick 111:1n. l 'l.1 n~ fnr 111r i\·n1 I~ tn• .. 1111g 11 111 l)r ;1n11ou nt·1·1 !. Horoscope Leo: Checl< Documents WEDNE SDAY OC TOBER 15 By SYDNEY 0:\1ARR r 1s111r-;c. PLA!\'TI:"G t·nn. rinur to be larurcd by lunar position. CR00.\1t.\'r. ·r1 P: 1: r L ~)l'~rs ~hintd : 11ay p :irli~·ul;ir ;il h'n!ion lo SOl'kS, hosirr)'· All!ES l.'llci rcl1 '.!1-r\pri l 1~1· 1\l'l'jl cunf1d1•n1:f' ... line 11 hn 1·011fidc s secn:I dt•prnds !nutl1 11pon your good will. You :.1·(· 111 con1n1un1ta rn r n1ood . Uut don"l It'll ;111. IJl~lTl'l lllll l'i lx-tter part of 1 .i!or 1nd;11 TAL'HUS !~'prll 20-~l a~; Z01: Acc1•nt on how tu ub1:i1n ~pe<'l<•I f<1vo r. You du ~o by 1•n!ert:11n1ni: at hn1nl'. Hr 1n t:1m1 ilar surr•1u1111ing~. llon t pl ay nthe r p111 .. 0n ' i:.1n1t'. Avoid lcndcnt"\ lo ~Jl· 01l'rTun- l1dcn1 . l;E~ll '.'..l 1 ~1:il' ~1-./un" 2fl 1· Surnco11\' 111;1)' IJl' 111 t•lrnll1ng 111 ~rnnt 1ou .in honor f:t• cr;11·1n1h \1 ,11111n111 ~1·11~r of hu1nur. Du l g11 ,,nl.1 ~u l a r . Dis play faC't that you 11•rrr n(lt horn yesterday. f\1essogc clear hy ton ight (;\\'CER (June 21-Jul v 22)· \\h;11 ::.ccrncd nebul ous -lakes lunn. You re c e ive con1- nlu111cation which clarifies situation. Your basic abil itie.-. 1· u 111 e t o [ o r c . Y nu flcrnonstratc \\'Orth-<.l 11d 1! \ plenty. LEO !'July 23·All;::. 22 1: Check documents relittrd I<> l<iX!'S. est<ilcs, legar·trs. 0 <)11 1 lfrlay 1nauc r~ 11'h1cl1 l1;11c been )cit hanging. i\1eans vnu eould con1pound error · bv refusing lo r c cog n i z C l!Ct"i'SSillC~ \"IHGO ! Au~ ~:1-Srpt 22 J 1\ )1('11. tl:ir1ng Sll'I) 1:-. Ill· d1ca1cd-coulcl include r11;1r- r1:igr nr 5Jlf'Cial p;1r1ne rship. 1\cct·nt on h'"' p11bl1c re~i:•nnd~ 1u )Ol1r effort'. Hr ong111<1[ <ind adhe re lo 1111 n l1tf' ~!)Ir l.IB RA t!:icpt 23-0ct. 22 1: \l;1ny :ire willing to ~ha n.' kno\vlr(!gc. Be rrcepti1·r . Fine for sct·togcther with co- 11·orkers. Your natural charm 1s illu1ninated. You g a 1 n Music Lovers Begin New Season Tunefully Brg1n111nJ.( a nr w ~('tir u[ lund·ra1s1ng projf't·t ~ ;1 11 fl 1nu~1t al progr:i111s for !hr 1\lt a llah1a 1q1rk 1ng comn11ucr of l h r <•r a ng e C oun t y Ph1lhannon11.: Sf'ICif'lv \nil br .t , nt1C'Crl b.Y 1•1;1111st Andrea Lynn .'11.lrt111 :O.lrs. ll ayrnond C !)<1"!:1 11 ill ! 11 t tl1c n1u~1c:il 1n hf'r i\e1\po!"t Bcnt·h ho1n<> nt·~l Thu r:;day ;it 10 a ni. 1•l!h th•· )1t11r~. Ted i\1 :1rt 111. Jolin \\ l}Jna!d~un. Cr1·s.sv It ~l 11n;1v ;ind C"harlrs l\C'.lly ;i~:-.1~t 1 11g 1• 1!!1 t1ostc~s dut 1e:-.. 1\l i~s J\lart 1n, a srn1or :1t Kr v.·port Harbor l li ~h Schoul. 11 ill present a progr:1111 of llrr1ho1"cn, Sc:1rlntt1 , l:iart nk. Chopin i:lnd Debussy. She h:is ~111 ct1 rrl f11r lij ~ca r s undrr Arnold Juda and has pcrforrn· ed in many sC'hool concrrts. Leading the group during the year \\"Jll be the fllmcs. \Vi11iam ~I. La in~. chairman : f.larlin, l'ice chairman; John P. l\.cnue~·. re c ording SC'cn:~tary; Paul Que yrel, cor- rC'sponding: secretary. and Da1·id Chan1bers, treasurer. i\cw cha irn1rn ;i re 11ie ~ltnes. Kenn!.'th !:iinith. \\il\'S ;u1t! n1 r an s: Et/11·:ir.d Schumaeher, pre v 1 l' v.· s : Thon1 as Baumr, continuanee fund. Allen !;t•e, tr lcphonr: ll1l'h;1rd Franklin. progr;u11s . Prrry (;. (;1!1. p11bl 1eit y. ard illurray, publicity eo- cha1rman. illcrtings 1akr pl :!CC' the th ird Thursday of ra('h n1on!h. Anyone 11·ishin,i:: further in· forination 1nay call J\lrs. Laing, 67:)-5033. Bonfire Lights To Clambake Way Setting On surculcnt cherrystonr c\a1ns and lobster t ;i l I s • steamed in pots 11nd sl'r1·1'<l on th:-beach nt Salt Crt>ek, South Lagunn along 11·i1h snvor y cl111n broth, sv.·crt potator5 and cor11 on lhe rob. sound ;.111}onc·~ :ippe11tr ;1l ;1n11~ Cor:il t\f'I". a $llpfri1rt group for Child Guidance C£nter of Orangr County hopes they flo since this is the n1cnu planned Silver Expert Tells History A talk on the lilstnr~· nntl Ron1ance or Sil ver 11111 he presented for the mC'mbers or the \\'omAn 's Auxih:iry to the A m e r i c a n Society or r.lcchanicnl Engineers 1.os for their upcoming llambake and Ship11-re<:k Party nexl Saturday evening. Aft er sipping cockt;iils and sampling hors d"oruvrcs fron1 5 to 7 p.1n. around a glnwing bonfire. mcn1l>ers :i11d gUC'SIS \lo'il l $1\ ()11 tnats .11 11111· l.:iblcs on Uie sand and dinr "shi)l\lo'reck style.'' Guilnrist Arie Rozebooni v.·i ll add In f'verybody·s f:.-clin~s of 1·on- ten1n1en! 11·ith ~ongs in inan,1· lani;1ui:lg£s. Thr purpose or the e1·r11L in adthlion lo re laxation ;i nd lun , i~ the raising of funds tn ~up plrn1cnt thC' group's Thrift Shop earnings 11·hich surporl the guida nce ccnlr r. sa1isfa clion. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-j-;ov. 21 \: Cood lun;1r aspect today coin· l'ldes 11 il h r o 111 a n c r, 1·x- t:lll'1nent of cl i s co v e r y . Creative pursuits are favored. ~11·c of yourself Dnd you al$O rrceivr. Bre;1k through red Lipe. SAG ITTARI L:S (/',"01· 22 · l)t.•(·. 21 ): 13c a 1v are of st;111stil'"· Don '1 fight the odds. S11rk !11 rhc facts. Ut1l1zc p:1 ~t c.,penencc. /'lay it safe. This is nn t11ric to r isk security. t:A l'll lCOHN (Dec. 22·Jan. 111 1 J'ul ideas to use. Don l '-{ ;111cr l'fforts. Br gr;iciou~ tn 1n la11 ~. Onr you IC'asl s11.~prrt h.1s ~·ou r best 1 ntere~ls <it hc:irt 1;i1·{' other~ a eh:incc to rt1ulh k11011· ~uu i\tlUAH ICS 1J;1n tO-f 1•h. 18 ). lle;iu urut o b Jr c 1 ~ . per~tins. rould t'nlcr vou r 1111' tnday. Don't he .ii ra1d In spcn!l n11 11u:1l11y -:i ppJir-; especial ly to beautif}·1ng you r horne. Be a hit selfish abo ut your comforts. PISCES (Feb. t9-f\1arch 20 ): Clrcuin stances continue in your f.ivor. But don"! expect perfection. Son1e of your philosophical \·iews arc sub- jecl to chnnge. You become aware tha t sorn c are taking advantage or your generos it y. IF TODAY JS Y 0 U H BIRTllDAY you love beautiful things and could be a collrclur of art objects. Your ~peaking voice is unusual. Dra1riatic ability is indicatrd and so 1s talent along musir al l ine~ ThP change ynu h;il"e been seeking is on honzon. Fnuudrrs D:1y \1·1 ll IJ e C'Clebrah·d b~· 1nrn1 bcrs of i'.rta T:iu Alpha sorority fr on1 .-d i O\"l•r Orange County and Long l3c;ich ;it a lun£heon next Tuesd<iy in the (; ;i l a x y re~ta urant. Srt nl;i Ana . Th e sorority 1ras fou nded Oct 15. 1098. In Farmvi lle.\ a. :ind nu11· is a n a ti on a I organ1z;1llon. Follo111ni:: the 11 a n1 . lllnche<in a 1ot1r ,,f Bo11 crs tl\uscurn . :::ia1:La 1\na 1.1. ph111· ncd. fl le111brrs 11·iJI \Jew Ille exhibits ho11o n11g the Sant:• Ana Ccnt<·11n1111 and C;ilifor111a BK·r ntl·nr11;1I. !Jn~t1ng thr aff:1 ir 11111 IX' the i'i orthcrn Oran ge' C o u n 1 y Al urn nac Ch;1ptcr, rtnd spreii.il J,!l!e,ls 11·111 be rnrinbcrs of thr Snu rh l'ua ~l and Long B£<1l'h <1lu1nnac chapters, 1nt·!ud111~ 111·1r 11re<o1dt·nt~. ~Ir~ l':ilrii'k :'lk·Oun;1!d and .\I r~ .. t;i111r~ i\lcCar~ '. Anvr111c v. 1~h1 n.i: rcserv;1\ 1nn<: 1n;1~' 1 :ill i\1r~. tl!cDon ald, 893· ;-i22. Convention Report Due A eon1·rntion rrport "'ill hi ghlight the first fall meeting nf Alpha Delta Pi Alun1nae of Orange County. The group 1viJ1 gather <J I l l.30 a.m. Thursday, Ocl. lli, in the Fisherman restaurant. lluntington Be;ich pier. tllrs. Jferbert T. ~lorri~. whn at t1>ndrd rhr 1 !Bth cnn- \£'nlinn in Phoeni x la st June, v. ill be the speaker. SL !'ll:iry"s Epi sc opal Church11·on1en of L ;1 g u n a Be:i.ch have been se11·ing. pasting . knitting and baking in r ager prepar;ilion for their fnurth ;1nnu:d C h r i s t m a s Bazaar 1..,hich 11·il l lake plarc i11 !hr church Frid;1v and !':in tu rday. l'\ov, 'i·8 JrUn1 Ill a ni. to 1 p 1n . J\lrs. lloberL S Burnside is coordinating 1hc efforts of the rnany workers busy p!anul ng a s11rce~slu! h:izaar. A ~sisli11g her arc the ~lrnr~. .1 \\' Dow nc r, ~c11 ing <.:h<11rn1an , Fr;)nk Nau , 11 nrk~liop <·h:11nn<1n : J.1 man Ki ni;. der·oratio ns rhainna n: Hohcl"l F. Sel1n1lzrr . food lx1nll1 r.lrnn I Bu;:z::rd , t r e a s u rer; J o~lJlh H. Day in Cou rt Secretaries Or,111ge l l1u11ty ;1tt1wnc~<: "ill ha1·e lo sla y 111 the off ice 111''<1 Thursrhiy and type tl!cir n11 n lr!tcr~ bC'Cilu ~<· their srcretaries 1vill be spending the day 1n court. 111e annual Srcretaril's Day in Court has been proe!;ii1ncd by \V. J. Phillips. board of supcrl"isors n1en1b rr, County of Orangr. RC'gistr;ition at 8 a.m. in tl1r judges' lounge 111 thC' nr11· 1·ounty courthouse building in Santa Ana 11·ill begi n the da y·s activit ies. 11 hi ch 11•ill incl ude ;i tour of 1hc courthouse and clc rk"s officr. \'i~its to courtrooms and attendance al trials. Thr Dav in Court \1·as established· al thr fifth annual Fairbank~. secretary. 8 n rl F.n1il~· H:iy111ond. puhllC'ity. r-.1e111 bers of thr ~c11·1ni:: group arc th<> :O.lrnes. George \\'. 13a rnrr. 1\. F.. F.ricsson. .Joh n i\lct\enzie. C. E. i\\:itk, l lco;ter II J\1oorr. Henry S. \\"eh('\', ~\'ello Z:i1:i , ./ 111. St~1111p<.•r .. J Pauline ~nnth. Oh1·e 1.andsd11lt· ;111d 1he l\!i~se~ Edith !{edit <ind Lilly \\'ri~ht. \~·orkshop mrn1btrs include the ~1m es. Do11glas Adam, Donald Ar1 nld. Baird Cnf fin , F<iirb :1nk s. Edinunrl t·';11rcllild, B.C, (/ayft r, Jl . \"r l'nn n Har· ri,<. R \V. ]-\('l l'.'nngila1n, 1.yn1 an Ki ng. Ad<i P;1rn1cn1er, P.obc1·t F Stl1nitlcr, El ~.1 l\frLrod. V L . Y o h e and Dorotl1y Hodson. Step Out f('ll\'('n i.n n nr t 1(' ~.11ion.1l As ~o 1·1 ;i 1 1011 1.1 Legal ~C'crr!;1nc,, in l~:i6 11 0 .. 1111~ and 11rll'n1n1ns: 01 ... SC't.:rr!01nrs 1111[ be San1uel li1 t•11e11, pr£~1d1 ng Judge of thl!: Su perior Court, and \\"dh;im \\" ·n1on1p~on. presiding judge' of tbC' ~lun1l'1po l Co1irt. All lega l sr.c n>!:irics and ;i11ynnr 111tr n·o;tcd 1n becorn111i:: a lega l ~cc-rrt ar_v are 1n1•1trr! ~u ;,Uei:d !he e1rn1. OC Single Bees ThC' ~eronrl and fourt h Fri- day of th£ n1onl h Orar.ge C1111n11· S1nclr Ber~ ~athPr 111 l'1onl'<'r Tov.·n. S:1n1a Ana .A.ct111t1es begin ;;• II p m. t\nJ.(eles Section n£xt Thursda y ;!( 11 a rn. 1 h.1rl•'" s r h 111 I d t .. r Commillcc men1bers plan· nin~ lhe parly inc lude lhc f\1n1cs. Da1·id I\ a 1v ;, s a k 1 , \V1lli11n1 i\loffa11. .J a m r s \\'hilrhrad. John Oav 1dson , .Joh n f>unn. Janie~ ll:uncr, Hobert l'll:igil! anrl .J;i1ns ,\Jan· 11 lllj{, Leag ue Celebrates Opening Night Jl;i<;;uh:n:i. an!1qut· s 1 I ve r 1lra!rr. v.1:1 ~pr:ik h.:1 fl)re t11e ~;.ilhrn nl.'. 111 San ;>.lanno. tu !1r l1u-.teil lly :-Olt ~. \\1r1Lhrll ;>.I. l'ar,.,uns. fl1's1'fl'<ll l1'11~ !l1DV ht• 111;1dt' h1 t.1lll11!l \11·~ ~l ·•H;Jti . hJ.'i- ·l2:1i nr ,\I r.;:-. J l ~unt•r . ~!12 1111ir. b~ lqn1nrrn\1. \,..,i .. t,1ncc l 1t':l~U (' nf 1.1 ,;!l!!l ~l P.r.1rh i$ pla nni ng DI\ !1pPn111g n1 Qhl part y 111 th<' 111•1\' (;oi ri.1 n ·~ r('~t;iuranl. ) rl!.!lltl.1 0'1 ,C!U(') for 1TI C!l)bt'r~ ;-ind J,:UC'S\S S,l!U l'd<ty n1;.J11, ()ct. 18. l 'l;.111 11 111~ fc,111·i1 H'" to int·l udc rock· 1 :111 ~. f1 i)Ollrn1C"l dinn er <i nd d:111c1ng lo the rnu<>1c r•f ' ----------- 1:-rnnk1<' Ortr ~a and t11s or chestr:i. ;i re I left In rii.:h'l ~.I r:;. l lrlln1u lh l!Jnnrina n. pa rt ,v rlla1rn1:in: .\t r~. lho1n:is II . .J o n e~. pre~1dPnt . <inrl l~rrnflrcl (;nrrlon r rc:.1;iu rrint 01\ ner. i\'lrs. 1ln1ra rd :\rlnn1~ .1n(! r.1 r~: l-'1'L·dcric:k Jlug hcs ~•re n s~i~l ing: )Jr~. H:innrn1:i n. Newport Harbor VOL 62, NO. 246, 2 SECTION S, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, OCTOBER ·14, I 969 • I s I I ax ti M-day Countdown 1 What's in Store for Harbo1· Schools? Schools in the Nc11·porl·~lrsa Unified School Distric t are aeting -or not acting -on an individual ba sis 1n planning for Wldnesdav's Moratorium tu protest the Vietna1n \var. Said J-larbor High School Principal Charles Godshall : "The primary ob· Jeclive is to keep the kids on campus and provide a platform on which lhey can discuss the issues. "I th ink it 's important that people realize that as a school, we are not taking Further Inland ::-ny st and on the issue 1 ol tlie Vu;otna1n \\'arJ. II the students cut school lomor· ro\1-·. they face the norn1al con· sequences." he said. •·No oulside speakers or personnel nf any kind" \\'ill be permitted lo SJlEak CJn Jlarbor High 's campus, Godshall said. Tl'le studenl discussions will lake place during the lunch period, v1hich lasts 3:l minutes. "It may be that on a voluntary basis there will be some discussions in the afternoon," said GOO shall. Newport Wants Freeway Rerouted Once Agai1i r\e"'PDrt Beach city councilmen decid* ed t.londay to ask the slate once again lo consider rerouting the Pacific Coasl F'reeway west of the Upper Bay. They want it farther inland. But not so far inland that it reaches Costa Mesa. The city staff told counci lmen that. ir the state's present shoreline-hugging a lignment isn't chang~, it will mean: -A ''Chinese \Vall " in We st Newport. -Destruction of valuable business pro- perties along 1.lariners J.tile. -Ruina tion of hopes for an inland marina development beh ind Newport Shores. Councilmen responder! by unanimou.~l y approving a 1notion lo d1rerl Mayo r Doreen Marshall, the coun cil's frrev•a.v comm iUee .:ind the i;Laff to request reconsi derallon of the adopted roote by Russ Spaces hips Do ck in Orbit, Sturt Training ~.10SCO\V !\;Pll -The lll'o So\irt i;pa :11ps Soyuz 7 and Soyuz 8 loclay (lnckt'd in orbit an d arc con11ouini; thrir J01nt f11i;h1, HJformC"d sf)ace ~urces rrported. A t!Urd spaceship, Soyuz 6. v.·as flyin;:i nearby. Jr.formed sources had prerllc!rd earlier lhe two sp.1cecraft \\'ould carry ollt dock· i11~ n1aneuvers and tha t the third would perform expcrlments in space "'C'\ding in hopes of e\'entual construction of a flyin g space station. The sources said Soyuz 6 wa10 hclieved In nave served as an orbital .. ...,,orkshop '' <l uring the linkup maneuver. Tass nel\'S reports tokl only of the lhree (·re...,·s' practice in manual handl ing of the ships and \'ariou!I tests. One report said tiley \\'ere making joint experiinents in phtitc..graphy. map making and medico· biological research. Ne,•er before have so niany meo bcrn ln ~pace <ii once. orbiting th e e<1rth every 89 minules in three vehicle.<i. The news agency said the flight con1- mander. Col. Vladim ir Shatalov. put h1!1 n1en through brief physical exams tl11s morning and then conducted a session oi ",\·armup exercises. the stare liigh"ay Commission as soon as possible . "We·ve got to act on this now;• sa)(t Vice Mayor Lindsley Parsons, "'ho n1ade !he motion. "Wh:itcver route is fina lly decided upon v>'i!J be with us iar a thousand years." The slatr sho\\·td councilmen various altcmative rout e~. all of which swung north behind /loag ~l emoria l Hospital and tied in \Vi\h the Corona del f\1ar seg- ment of the free\vay at the Coast Hig hv.·ay bay cro.<ising. Council me n ag rC'ed it. \\'Ould be polflically imrossible ta "·in approl'al 11f any new alignment if it invaded Cos!;:i ille~a territory. Those roulcs were ordered st ruc k from consideration . Newport lleight~. south of Cl ay· Srrcet , v.·as thus left as the only area through 1'.·hich an inland free v.·ay could be cut. Councilmen reached their d{'('1sion after Public Works Director J oseph T. Devlin reported that more coastal land 1\·ould be gobbled up by the adopted alignment than had bren originally plan· ned by the slate. Division of High wa ys l'ngineers, he said, ha\te junked an eighl· lan e freeway concept in ra vor of a lO·lane design. EARTHERS Fil.I, Planning Director Larry \V1lson up::;<'l eoonc1lmen eve n f\lr lher by po1nt1ng out that curren t sta te plans call for an rar!hen fill lo support !he fr ec11·a\·. slarting at a poinl JU:<! t-ast or th(' Sant.1 Ana River cros~ing . The fill l\'OUld rL~<' ::;teadily fr om ground ll'l't'I to a hl'1gh1 of :10 feet. That \1 ou lrl carry it lo the bluffs in the area of Suf}Cri or Avenue. "'The ex istenrc of a fill of !hat heighl <ind nature prob<1bly merits tenrilng 1t a Chinese Wall ," !iairl Wilson. "It v.·ill ccr- lain!y have a psychoklgical 1mpacl on that part of town." He said !he monster barricadt would <'ffectivPly divide people living south of it from the northern part or lhe. community. The beach residents. he said. v.·oukl be left exposed to !he impact of all the noise and traffic grncraled by the freeway. The stair. he noted. plans to relocate \\'est Coast lligh11:ay north of \he "C.11inc.se_ \\';ill.'' A porlion of the freeway Hsclf would be built along the Pacific Electric righl·of-11•ay. 'NOT ACCEPTABLE' "I don't think pulling a freeway over the PE property ...,.ill be any more ac· r.eptable to the people in \\'est Newport (~e FREEWAY, Page%) · \\'e\e bc('11 vrry irn prrsscrl \1•1th lhe ract that our students wa nt lo discuss the issue~ h<'rc ," said the principal. "They tlon'l watit to rally or protest or anything outside . "'e feel that opportunity should be afforded them ." On the other side or the dis tr it;t, at Costa fl.1 esa High, Frank A. Lopes Jr., the principal, had no plans for any observance, and added, "We have no (See SCHOOLS, Page %) -tr -tr u Coast Colleges Joi11 Forces 011 I\1loratori11111 (ii"oups of student.~ in <1l !east four 01 ange CoasL area colleges w i 11 par1 1c1pnle in \\'ednesay·s r1a!1onv.·1de rnoratoriu m agains'. the Vietnam \~<Ir. Thi:' Orange Cou 111 y Pe;1ce and Murnan Hights Counci l \1 11\ hold a 111c1norial SC'r l'icc al 7 o'clock tonight at the Hun- lini;:ton Beach Pie r and the Unitarian Univcrsalist Church in t:os1 a fllcsa "·ill he open frnm 9 a.m. to 6 p.n1 . \Vcdnesday for rli scussion of progran1s for peaec. -At UC Jr1 inc anlhrar slU<lents will cu t <'iasses to at!C"nt! prole.~t lec tures and l1old a mernon a! ser\'icc for war dead. -Antiw:ir ~llH'l~·n1 s ;it Orani;.:c Co;i~! Col!t>Sc wili hold a sy1nbolic march acros.<i the campus -A five-hotir prograrn of .~peakcr:; is planned a l Golden \Vest Collegr. -l\rnl at Southl'rn C<t!iforni;i C"llll'g<' 1n Cos1a ~lesa s1t1dents will hold an early morning vig il lo pray for pcacf'. A counter protest L~ planned "ilh 11 group or unidentified pcrSQns anonymous- NATIONWIOE MORATORIUM WRAPUP SEE PAGE 3 ly announcing they wilJ assemb le al the home of UCI Chanccll(IT D<111iel Alflrich In trll hin1 "what they think aboul al! that s\11 fr goi ng on tomorrov.·. '' The group calls 1tsrlf TlHED 1Ta x- pa~·rrs Jntlignant about lladit:a l.~ 1n Eclura11on 1, accord111& lo a telc11honc 1J11~1rr LC lr\1ne's 1>1ar pr o t es I acltl'il1cs 11·rre lo be ftrml'd up in a nireting thJ.<i attrr110011 A tun"' hac1n 'l yet been S(!t for a V1ct nn1n dr;id mcn1onal se rvice but 111.~f'l"!>1on groups on the v.ar arc schedul- f'f! fr on1 10 a.rn . lo nf'IOn \Vednesday aod a rally <1l 12.30 p.n1, A march on a war in- du stry pl anl has been called off. Aldrirh has refused the an tiwar st11den1s' rrquf'SI he cancel clas.o;cs and gi\'c slaff time off with pay for the mnrato1 ium. UCI students were \'Oting today on whether lo withdraw immediately lroops from Virtna m and on other issues. A studen t referendum election at Orange Coast College 1vas discussed Mon- day by the student council J ut decid ed against because of the short notice. Bui a sy1nbo hc march fr om the auditorium to the kiosk in the central quad is plann ed Cy !hose 1o1•ho oppose the war. Anli1o1•ar .i;ludenls will speak following the march. Al Golden \\'est College in Hunti ng ton Beach a program is planned in the t'ree (See STUDENTS, Page %) "Shatalov reported that after the night rest, the cosmonauts are feeling fine." Ta.'S said. "T,he cosmonauts started fulfilling the program of the regular day of the flight ' Ton1111ie Agee Bero OAILY PILOT Pht!I br Joh• V1ll1n• VICE MAYOR PARSONS, MRS. MARSHALL LISTEN Boat Owners Whip Up Angry Wave of P rotest OAILY ,ILOT $lat! .. M!t 'I T TAKES COURAGE' Councilman Shelton Harbor District Future Set for Public Hearing Orange. Coun ty l'\u~r,·isors tnday se.t ~ public hraring for JO am. f\ov. !i 10 dete?·mine \\·hcther an election shoulrl be r.1IJcd on dissolution of th~ Harbor Dis!rict. Action on future fate of the mu ch· deba1ed Harhor District comes before !he county boa rd on acti on by the Local Agenc y Forma\ion Commission taken last Ju11e 2!i. i\t lhat lime the LAFC. an official ann of county government which rules on an- nexations and local government or,!!aniza· lion. recommended an election on the _Harbor District issue in a 3 to 2 vote. France Official Horne f\10SCO\V IUPJ) -Foreign f.-Hnislc r 1.laurice Schumann of France left 1.lnscow today for Paris, er'iding a five- day visit lo the Soviet Union. The recommendation \\as ronrarded to t h~ Board of Su~rvisor.~ at that lime. But In the months since, tl1c question has been dormant. The queslion resurfaced a few days ago with a letter lo supervisor!\ from Hun- l1n gton Beach Mayor Jack Green, acting in his capacity as president of lhe Orange County division of the Le ague or California Cities. Green reminded the county board !hat 11late law demands a public hearing on the Harbor District issue . A.~semblyman John V. Brigg~ 1 R· Fullerlon) also issued a slatemcnt threatening to re-introduce state legisla· lion to disso lve the Harbor Ois1rict should th:! county board refuse to take aclion. Their mission Is a series or ex· pcriments, possibly involving spacewa lk· ing, to iron out the problems facing man in establishing an earth'(lrbiting space ~laUorm in building a stairway into rpacc. Mets Blast Birds, 5~0 The Harbor District was formed in 1!'133 a~ a specia l taxing jurisdiction for the devc\opmcnt of Newport. llarbor. It later c:i.panded into many coastal functions. in- clud!ng development of Dana Point Harbor at the southern end of the county an d Sunset Aquatic Park at Huntington Bf'nc h. Garden Grove GI Dies iii Combat By 11 :30 ri .m. ri.toscow timr, the lhr<'t'· man Soyuz fi capsule had rompleted 4S orLit!'i. the twQ-rnan Soyur. 7 had rlone 2'.l ;ind th!': l\\·o-man Soyuz 8 had finished !J follow ing it.s launching J.t onday. JllORE ON 'C RASI/' The second of fi ve rl'porls by DA tL Y PILOT fin ancia l co111mnist Sylvia Porter, analyzing the economy ol 1969 in lig ht uf lh~ stocl market crash and world rlr pres3ion of 1929, appea r! today on l'l'lllf'. J. ' NE\V YORK fAP) -Tommie Agee s.'lved five runs wit h two sensational acrobatic catches after hitting a 400-fool le1dv(f home run Tuesday and the Ne1v ''ork ~icts took the World Series lead \ri th .a 5.-0 victory over Baltimore in the third game. The Amazing MeLs no\v lead 2.1 in games. Gary Gentry, a 11-year'(lld rookil'.', bJan ked the favored Orioles ~·llh three hits before he struck a wild streak in the ~.:!Vmlh and turned over lhe job to Nola n Byan 'vith the bases loarled and two out. nyan. cuttin:; loose with hi~ blazing ra~t ball. took it the rest of lhe v.·ay "'ilh the help of Agee, despite a ninlh-innlng Oriole th real. A standing room crowd of '51i,JJ5 lit Shea Stadium r05e in a mighlS cheer when Agee racer! into right center ancf n1ade a belly-flopping div ing catch o( J'aul Blair's drive the( had double or tri .. pie wrilten all over it with the bases load· t'd in the !ie\•enth inning, In the fourth inn ing the sivn.e Mr. Ager. "·ho once "'ent O • for * J4 .during j a sad ::.trelch 1n J96R, rattd fa r into left .centtr ffl culch Ellie Hendrick's smash with men 1111 fi rst and third basr. Agee jusl got the b:ill in thr. \\'t'h of hi!'\ glove and1thei jlilit ha :! lin1e to brncc hilnself as he crashtd Into !be wall at the :196-foot mark. Two runs 1o1·ould have ~cored if he hadn't been able to bold the ball. The Met s' victoey on a cloudy af- ft>rnoon wilh lhP. floodlight!! turned on put them into the driver'11 seat in thl11 best-of· seven serie11. The nexl lwo gamn; will be played al Shea and the National l.eague ci1amps have a chance to end it all at homr. "t.1aMgcr Gil llod.ge11 has Tom Seaver, his fS-game "'inning acc. rt!ady to face fltike Cuell ar. the Orioles' big 23-game v. in!X'r. in \\'ednesday'!\ fourth gan1e. ()ll('llar beat Sl!:sver 4-t· itf Ult opener at B<iltimore Sllturday. An 82nd Airbor ne Division pa'ratrooper fnim Garden Grove has been killed in a morUlr allack on an Army outpopt In Vietnam. the U.S. Defense Dtpart\'ntnt cinnounced Monday. llr was Spec/4 James H. Graham. son or f\tr . and Mrs. Clarence B. Graham, or 14201 Booay Lant. Garden Grove. The slain GI was the 3l50i Orange County serviceman to die in Vi,tnam and JOiOC'(J the Army right after his 1067 gr-adiJaUon from Bols11 Grande HJgh School. . , Today's Final N.Y. Stocks TEN CENTS - Bob Sl1elton Holds l(ey To Passage By .IERO:\IE F. COLLINS Of Int 0•111 '•It! $1•1! A plan to impose tidelands use fees ~i;ainst thousands of Newport Harbor pier CJ"'ncrs remains afloat lcxlay at Ne"·port Beach City I-fall. City councilmen, after hearing !Cores of boat owners speak against the proP.Q&al and one speak for it', voted 4 lo 3 Mondar, night to direct preparation of the re- quired ordinancr. The approval was not final. Councilman Robert Shelton, "·hose balklt kept the controversial issue a\i\'e, said he wanted more time to think aboul it. But he conceded tha t ht can't shAke himself from the princi ple invo lved. That pr inc iple. as the council majority views ii, is thl' righl of !he j:!('ne ral public to e:-c* peel s.ome benef it lron1 the exclusive private 11.~e of puhlic tidelands. As a resull or lhe council's acLion, two more pub lic hearings will be held, The first will be on Oct. 27 ; the second. Nov. 10. Barring a sv.·itch in the council align- ment, the ordinan ce will be formally sdopted at the Nnv. !O meeting. Those voting with Shelton -and more firmly committed to the proposed levy of $1 for each foot of ·boat slip -were Mavor Doreen Marshall . Vice MayM' Lin.dsley Parsons and Councilman Paul J_ Gruber. Voting again~t the pier tax were Coun- cilmen Ed Hirth, Howard Rogers and Donald A. ~tclnnis. They wanted to tablt the issue indefinitely . "Somet imes." said Hirth al the outset of the 2'i·hour hearing , "It takes a Jot of courage to change you r mind." f!e said the la te Sen . Everett Di rkse n had c!t..1ngrd his mind on major political i.~sues 16211mcs. Jllrth looked in Shelton '.s: direction as he spnkf'. After all the ~~aker!( in UH• overflow crO\\'d were heard, Shellon took note of Hirth's statement. "Sometime!!,'' said Shelton, "it lake! more courage not lo change you r mind .'' He pointed out that "even my wife docsn'!. Lhink Lhis is a good idea." Roger~ sun11ned up the counci l n1i nority's stand. ··r own no waterfront property, I li\·e inland, and yet I con.sidtr rnv.o.clf \'ery rlefinitelv a full beneficiary or ' tidr!ands use hy Pier owners. I don't frel the "·atcrfront people owe me any reparations. The county's tax assessment practicf's take care of that." Sppaker ;iftcr .<ip<:aker . .!iOme usinq charts and graphs. emphasized the same point. Tidelands use Ices were already ht1ng ('{)llt'elcd. 1n effect, through highe r ta:-;es on waterfront propl'r11 es, they said. Bo.1tyard owner Blackie Gadar1an sho\\·ed up armed w\th the heaviest col- lection or charts. Hand-made on large sh~ts of cardboard, they illustrated pier owners contributions to harbor de\·e]o~ ment through the years. Gadarian insis ted th e city was wrong tr i! fell the general public alone had fStt PIER. Page !) Stork lllarkel• NEW YORK 1AP J -The stock market. blasted ahead for the secon<I straight ses· sion, with an unusua lly large volume. CSee quotations, Pages 10-11 ). Orange Coa•t Weather \Ve!'iterly winds will whip up some wild weather Wednesday, the wise old weatherman we. ports -ah, reports. Otherwise, it'll be mostly sunny with some morning low clouds. INSWE TODAY UC Irvin, l1a& ii.~ first nssis· lont chancellor f or comprthfr programn1i11f1 o.t 1111' flniuersi l!I doubles its con1p11 ti11g opera- tions. ,P.age 8. CtM.....,1-' .... " •• cra.uKIM Jt·H MOI~ ,.,,,,. -(-IC• " ,.., ..... ·~ •• c .... _,., • ··-c-•r • -· "'""'" • .,,. .. ,.,, .. > D l ... r(H • ·-, .. ,. . ,. ..... , ..... • '-·~ '•" ·-•l~-1 • T""I"""' •• ,..,_, M·ll ,,_,.. • ·--" ·--• ...... "''""" " o""~ w.tt. " ..-...... • •••141 -•• M•rtW.0 lie-• M ... "'9o I ·-H-t>lt I -p----------------~ -. --·---·-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .......................................................................................................................................................... ~ ! DAIL V PILDf II Vtt Annou1ace1nent ILS for Airport Nearly Complete Technical construction by th~ manufat .. turcr is nearly con1plct·e on a long· ;;walled .lnslruinent Landing Systt1n rlestined for Or ange Coun1 y Airport , now the four1h busiest in the n;illOn . The Fedcr;il Aviation A<hninis\ration "''ill commission Lhc ILS package on Oct. 23 after 1\s compl~tion by Airborne ln~iNJmenls Labo ratory, a dl\1ision or Cutler-Hamtner . Inc .. New York. r.cp. Jan1es I!. l"ll 1 R-Tustln I 1nade the ~nnQuncrment 111 \\"<1 ~h1ngton today, after recei ving v.•ord lr.:in1 FAA \\'estcrn RC'Alnnal Director Arvin 0. Basnight. The JLS package Is part oI a na- 1ionv.·icle nety.·ork of land ing and naviga~ tional aicls aimed at Improvi ng air safety and traffic conlrol by direct guidance to lhe runway's end. Com prised of three VliF radio beams, lhc system establishes a glide slope a.o; \\'e.11 as middle pa!h anrl outtr path guide niarkers. al!ov.·ing a pilot to kn:iw v.·here he is in relation lo the runway. 1\lthough final detcrn1lnation whether lo land is made on the basis of visu;il ap- proach, the ILS dra stically in1proves safety factors in bad weather !anding!. Authorities clamored for installation or the l LS at Orange Count y Airport - nften rogbound in wint er months - following the crasl1 ol a comnn1ter airliner last year on a l<ind1ng approach ki lling all aboard. The plane carrying passengers from Costa ~1 esa. l ... tguna Reach and se\"~ra! other commun ities :.lammed onto the Ne1\•porl FreC\l":'.lY 111 hea\'y f IJ g , cartv.•heclcd O\·er the side. and burned to rubble_ A system will also be installed al El Toro Marine Corps Air Station in the near future, since President Ni1on will be landing. there frequenlly in Air Force One. El Toro will ~ the first such litarine base equipped with an !LS guidance package , but it harxlles a large volume of commercial jetliner traffic returning from Southeast Asia. t 'rom Pnge 1 PIER FEES APPROVED • • • de1·eloped the harbor. lie said waterfront property ov.·ners had dredged out their oy.·n channels. built thei r ov.·n bulkheads ~nd kept their beaches and waters clean. at a considerable savings or cost to the city. Fonner councilmen Harvey Somers and-Dee Cook also spoke out against the plan. "If you need more money lo administer ihe tidelands,'' said Somers, "you should ;increase lhe property tax rate and make everyone pay for it .. Noting that 89 letters of protest h.:id been sent the counc!l anri that about l~ j:ltople "''ere packed into the counci l chambers thaL night. Soiners told coun- Cilmen : "You represent the people, and the peo- tile don"t want this." Cook, speaking as president of the Corona del ?11ar Chamber of Commerce. fiaid his '"inland" organization opposed tidelands fees because the city's past policy of charging no fees had not be en proved a harniful policy . The council n1ajority found support from an unlikely source -Balboa Island fea!tor Harvey 0 . Pease. . Pease is a long.time foe of council policies on various issues, including the issuance of pier prrm1ts to \\'aterfro n\ property owners only. Earlier this y~ii r Pease threatened 10 sue !he . city because he wa s denied a pier permit. l~e li\!es inland on the isla nd . '"If you 11·1thdraw the USC or publi_c tidelands from all the people and <1110111 1t Lo be usecl exclusively by one citizen," he r.aid. •·than it is reasona ble 10 expect that that use should be paid for ·• He said a tidelands use fre is "long overdue.·· Pease received no applause \\•hen he had finished. ··t hanks a lot,·• son1cone saicl lo him as he ~a t dov.n . Almost everybody else recci\'ed ol"a· tions for lheir talks. \\ h1 ch \\'ere suppo~ed IJl be hmited t::i ill"c minute~ rach. but •weren't. A Fi\·e-minutc alann r\ock m3in · tained by the city clerk rang a\\ night long. Apart from thP applause. 1\"hich nettled Councilman Gruber 10 the point \1•hcre he threatened to ask 1hat lhe l'Ounc1I chambers be cleared, the crov.·d and 1L> i;prikesmrn 11ere orrlrrl~·. H1r1h had pleaded for drcorum al 1ht> ()U\:.ct . ··\\·r ha\·r t(l make Qur dee1s1on ba~ on lacls. not cn1:ition." he. sai(l. \\'hen that deci~1on -though pcrhap.'I ten tall\"<' -11·as rr.ar-hr d. ~ fpw 10 \he .a11· cl iencc grumbled aloud Bu!. Hl the 1n<11n, Quake Jars :;au Di ego SAN DIEGO ( 1\P\ -/\ light e<1rt h- fJUllke hit the .San 01rgo art•.a toclay at 6.20 a.m. Sheriff's officers ~aid se~·er;il persons ea st of lh r c1!y telephone<! to say they felt il. Xo dan1agc v.·as reported. DAILY PILOT nl..ltu•• Cl)..l.51 PU,l 15HIWll COM"'"'" ••h1•l H. W••• •r>t!Mnl -J>"llhtllH J tc~ R. Cwrl1y Viet '•u•llr•' •nO c:;..•t• .. ~ttl Th•"'•' W:1t •;I t4•IO• r~ ..... , ,., ~ .. , .. ~;"' _,,,,int (aolCt • Je••"'• f , C o!lift1 ,.._..,,, 1••<11 c"' '-'!!or tw._,.,, ..... Offl•• 121 I w,,,+ ldb•• l1ul••t•.I Mtill"t Allllllr1111 P.O. lo• tl 7S, ,J,6J. ---c .. ,. MfM: lJO """' 111 $Ir.-! lt•1int ikk": 111 F..,..11 A-u• """'' ..... "°ldl' lOll Jtft '""I they listened poLite\y as Mayor Marshall and the other council men explained their vote. t-.frs. Marshall summed up her position this way : '"It is a fundamental ethical principle thal a reasonable fee should be ch arged for the private u.se of public property ..• The suggested fee formula i s quite simpl e and relatively easy lo ad· 1ninister." She emphasized that pier installations on public tidelands fronting homes is f;ome what unique in Ne1vport Harbor, •·and wc·ft' proud of it." .. f or 1his reason,'' she said. "\\"C sup- port the prest'nl policy of lrlllng adjacent upl:ind o"'ners use the publ ic tideland s. It has resulled Jn greater general benefits 10 the city and the public. even though il has precluded beach walking, swiinm!ng and use of small boats in the same 1\'alers. ·• She concluded by say ing her supp:>rt or tidelands use fees "is an extremely un- popular point of view to take. But this is an issue that has bothered us for a long time. and v.·e should carry this view through.'' On hand to help the council screw up i1 ~ courage was former Grand J ury foreman J. Leslie Steffensen. He did nol say precisely how he felt about tidelands use fees, but he did caution the council to ronsider the 22,000 voters in the city. •·There are only 157 prople here tonight, J counted them," he noted. •·I have great faith in this council.'' he ~aid. '"I'm sure you 'll do lhe be~t thing for those 22.000 voter5 , Jess the. 157." After lhe council voted on Vice ri1ayor Parsons' motion, the crowd slowly streamed out of the council chambers. l\lany \\'CfC plainly unhappy. · Said one dis gruntled boat-Owner: "\l,'e 1vere nice tonight. Now \Ye 're going lo gel roHen. '' Said another: ''Thtre goes their ne1v ci· Iv hall·· t ' •• ;t,-1 I' , .. .,.,. ~ ' .. -{l,J . ~ ~'1 ' ' ' ··{ ~ ! ~ J tt~ ~-. ,, -."'¥. ~ -·-- i .. ..• .. ;;, '1\-l· - Ju,., ,.flr<I .. lltll Recall Not Fizzlii1g, Says .01ief Recall spokes man Paul Carpenter denied Monday that the movement aimed at the unseating of Orange County Filth Di str ict Super visor Alton E. Allen is no lungr.r being <tcllvely pursued by its underco\'Cr org anizers. 'The Cypress Ot·1norrat ~quelchrrl reports thal the can1paign 1s 1n troubl 3 1vlth the co m1nen t that '"J O()(J s1gnatur 1'~ are in the bag and .,.,.e're SL1rr to get thr other 6,i48 we need to put the recall un the book s." Carpenter noted ;i n1unth ago 1ha1 1hr drive had produced 2,800 signatures o[ fifth District ''ote rs. It ""1Jul d iippcar. b.'1 his calculations. tht \!Olers are flock ing to the banner of the unknown candidate al the rate of 50 a week . MEMBERS OF THIRD MARINE REGIMENT FILE OFF PLANE AT El TORO AIR STATION Flags, Band Music, Joyful Families and a Leader's Declaration of Victory Car~n\.er, an unsuccessful candidatr for Congress and Assembly seaL'l in past Orange County eltttioni;. told the DAILY 1-~1 LOT that persistent reports of the im- pending demise of the recall carnpai1111 \\"ere "rumors an d certainly not based on an y fa cts. From Page 1 STUDENTS • • • Si;eech Center from II a.m. until 4 p.m under the sponsorship of politica l scicnCl' instructor lilargaret Jfo!trust. Cla~ses 11·ill not be cancelled by the ad· minislration but some instructors may decide to dismiss classes and students of other classes may aUend the program if they choose, Mrs. Holtrust said. Speakers will Include American Civil Liberties Union attorneys ?-.like Grodski and Mrs. Pat Shapiro, the Rev. Roger \\'alke or Unitarian Universalist Church in Cosla l\·lesa, attorney Bill S1ni th and ii Dr. Lion of Cal State Long Bea cli. Al Southern California College, Cost ;i fllcs,1, a mcrting \\"ill be held at 9 o'clock lo11ight on th e theme '"The Christia 11 Perspective or th e Vietnain \Var." Religion professor William Williams and history professors Or. Dennis McNutt and Lev.·is \Vilson ·will speak. Students v.·ho wish will begin prayin~ for peace ·in the college chapel at 1nid· night, Dean of Students Alfred Ca1\·~ton said. Marine General Claims Victory in Vietnam War The assistant t:ommandant of the U.S. J\Tar inc Corps told troops just returned fr om Vietn<lm to El Toro J\·JCAS i\1onday that they \\.'On the ir sha re of the v.·ar. Gen. Lew is \V. \Va ll declared victory as far as the fir st contingent of 250 men of 1hc Third r-.farine Reg iment -the first Le;itherneck unit brought home by Prcsi- dPnl Nixon -is concerned . "You have defeated the ene1ny in his 011n \1•a r,'' saHl Gen. \\"alt during wel- co111e·hon1e eercn1on1es at the air station, '"You have given the South Vietnamese people a freedom, a ne11' wa.v of life . ~ 011 hrll e hcJpr.d thcn1 to ha\·c faith in 1nr1 r local gov cr11n1c11!," tl1e Corps' second-in-command said. He was joined at the ceremony featur- ing ""<l\"in~ flags. blaring band niusic and tlic joy of mothe rs. fathers, \1•ives and C'hiJdrrn greeting their men agan, by .1orr. \\'. \\'arner, undersecretary of the N;i\"~- \\"arnt"r told 1he returnees lhat there ts murh dissent i!l this country, t>ut insisted that the majority of Americarls are proud of whal they and their buddic~ who came home in caskets have don~. He added that the fact they have been recalled to the U.S. is indicative that President Ni xon is trying to end the Viet- na1n hostiliti<'s. Th!" remainder of the 1.200-man regi- n1£ 11t. 11"hich has been stat ioned overseas for the pa~t !6 years and v.·il\ now be bas- ed at C<11np Pendleton-is due back later this 1nonth. Le;n es of 20 d 3~·s' duration are being given 10 the returned /\farines. while soni c are finished v.·ith their service and 1d l! be released t.o civilian hfe. l'rom l'age J SCHOOLS ... a lert that anything is going to occu r.'' Lopes said U1at !o his kno\1•\edge. nn teachers planned special discussions on lhc V1etna1n question. "Our pcti!ion 1Yorkcrs arc doing :1 tre1nendous JOb," he said. "\Vc are very ple:lsed with thei r efforts :ind wr arc con- fide11! t!J at "'c 1\·ill h::i1·e !hi' s1g11aturl's \\'f' need long before the ~'l;irch d"adlinc." Ca rpenter again refused to id entify th!' potential candidate for Allen's seat and again declined lo sta le \\"ho IS rinan e111g .1 campaign thal 11 111. on conservative cstimatt>s, cost son1eon<' S30,000. Both he and Anthony Tarantino of San Clemente, the se!f-slyled s cu J p Io r · designer who announced the campaign tv.•o months ago, have persistently re!us· eel to divulge this information. Tarantino. 4~1 Calle ~1iguel , has not been available for comment for the past !hree \\'eeks. He could not be contacted bv a DAILY PILOT reporter tll onday. ·Aller. has announ ced that he will ag<iln be a candidate for lhe Fifth District seal undrr any circun1stances. "recall nr otherv:ise. ·· From Pnge .I FREEWAY ... than turnin,:! the !anti in10 a p;irk1ng lnl," he prcdictc<1 . Wilson also disclosed tha t Dh·!sH>n or Highy.•ays' frcewiiy plans '"preclu~c·· opening up Banning lowlands beh1nd Nev.·port Shores lo marina de\'e\opnlenl Brea Lass Wi11s "Teachrr·s pla ns. Ha radical departure frJrn les5Cln plans, should be cleared v .. 1th me ," Lopes said. It v.·ould also, he said. prevent Cos\.'1 !-·lesa from e'•er de\·eloping a rnarina ad· jaeent to the Santa Ana Ri\!er upstream. Bot h cities ha\·(' IC1ng enlcrta ined hope'.'; of making new \\"ater\1·ays nut of land along the rh·er. Press Club Picks Ne1v Queen C1Jro11a del ~tar lllgh School ad- ministrators said an assembly has been planned fcrr the student body, and gue:it speake rs invited '"from both sides" to <!iscuss the Vietnam issues. Devlin intensified the counci!"s reSQh r. by noting that the state, in i t ~ .current free\va y pl:inning. is no longer giving con· sideration to preserving con1mrrc1al prfl- perties on the inla nd side uf \Vcsl ~asl High"'ay. The v.·idcr free\1•ay and rea li~n· ment of port ions of the highway make ~uch consideration in1possible , he in- dicated . A J!l.year·old beauty quern froin Brc;1 l'.'ill rule over the Orange County Pre~s Club as f\tiss ORCOP during 19i0. Ann Elayne Grammas, lhe 1968-69 l\1is~ Brea, v.·as the choice of a celebrity.stud- ded panel nf five judges l-.1onday night alter nine contestants paraded in their swirr1 suits and formal gowns on !Iii" stage nf the Grand Hote!"s Off Broadway \Vest tht>ater in Anaheim. But the pencil biting judges had tn rail 'I b.ir k four contenders -~liss Gram1na;.-, Donn11 Flory of Huntington Beach, Ka thy Hanson of An<1hein1 ;ind Peggy Ryan of S:i1~la Anil -before lhPy n1adc their Fina l :.clrc!ion. r.·liss Flory. 17. the c:11rrent tlliss f\!ennaid of Cost<1 f\1esii, 1vas uamed run - ner 11p. /\liss Hanson took third spot in tile final. i\ilis~ Flory. a blnnclc blue·eyecl llun- l 1ngtun B('JCh girt. \1·:ilked off 11·ith the 1 raditional ronsolation prize when Prr.>.s C!ub m('mbcrs ,·oted her ' ' !II i s s J~hotogcnic'' of l!liO. Judges included ~l rs. n uby l\erlf'r T.ov.·c of f\'e1~·porl Br :ich, actors Jon Hall and Darby Hin!on nf "Danie l Boone"' f:1n1c. ll:irry Bahbill of Nt'\~·port Bt'iich \\,1~ rn a.<,te r of cc.rrmonics. Prizes col· lrr1cd hy ~1 1ss Gr:immas inrludf'd the l'O~t free use of a nc\Y automobile for he r year 111 office !l\1 cs Gr.irnm:i s. currPntl~ a sophon1ore F:11gl1.<:h n1aJor cl Cal Sta le Fuller tnn, nir·a-'>ures Ji·23·34. She tnjoys oil paln- 11ng. 11·riling and ~kating, 1Yould ll kr to lw ;i niodcl and, rvenlually, a high school 1r:1cher. She is a former Glendale Hi gh School homecom ing queen and has car- lurrrl se\·erat local beauty contests sinee nioving lo Orange County, YOUR The studcnl body asseinhly fea turing three speakers has been scheduled for 1.v.·o \1•eeks. according to Princi pa l Leon llfecks. The even1 v.·111 feature a war cor- respondent speaking u1 fa vor of the li .S, role in Vie tnam. a Quaker history pro- fcssor from Cal State Fullerton speaking on his faith's moral and ethical viewpoint flf the conflict. and an Oceanside resident v.·h(l v.·ill explain the pol itical history of )1Qw America l'.'aS drav.'11 into the \va r. E~lancia High School's Principal Floyd G. Harryman said a l!'l-mcn1ber student commite"e would ;:ittend Corona del t.tar lli ~h School's assembly program. and 1h:it 1:1 students h;ne Ix-en ··released h\' p11rent pl'rm1.;..~ion·· to go to i,;C lr1'ine rOr 1:1at campus· 1noratorium sessions \\"cdnesdar. · Thr V1rtnan1 question ha s Ix-e n discusserl Jn soci al studies classrs for the pa~t .,.,eek,·· said Harr)·man. \\'hcther the discussions rontinu e, said 1 larr)nian, "'dcprnds on whether the :.tu<lcnls continue them ." S11me of the :;tudcnL'i, he said, "seem lo he deeply concerned and ha ve deep fetl· ings about it. ··I think it's imporl..1nl to honor their requests 10 go to UCL"' ,_ ...... 1'1llnllf -'"'" """ 'II • Your Omega Sal t S" & Strvice A.Q't:l\C\I 0 OMEGA Councilmen sremed op11m1stic abo11 t the sta te.Ii response lo 1hc1 r request. "Tl1crc ne1·er h.:is been a lligh11":lY Con1- mlss1on that h<1s looked at the coinmun1\y benefits of a free\\·ay ro ute ;is much ;is the present commission." s:ud t:oune!l- n1an Paul J . Gruber. Before any change is: volc<I upon by the comnl1ssi::in, there 11111st be a ~t udv hy the Di\"is1on of H1ghwa.rs and public he<1 r- ings. !t m~y take until next spring beforr U1e issue is settled. l'I!~ <11tl1'' s:utl. i\ortli Yi ct", Premi er Visiting \Vith J~o syg in ri-tOSCO\\' 1 t.:Pl \ -Prrin1er rh;im Van OQng of r>orth V1etn:irn arr11·c1I ~1on<1av on a.1 ofl1cla l v1s1t to cunlcr 11·1th Sui tr! Premier Alf'Xei N. l\os)g111 Dong flew 1n from East Berlin. wt1r rr he had taken part in the 20th annl\'ersary celebration of East Germany. WATCH'\:. Ri11111CIHt1M FREE T~t v uy 1tmt 0"'1t• Sp1t clm t 1lt• .. ,+,h .,... Ct •fy Wfl tttt(hill .,..,j~. aul 1nv mtdilic tlie" by NA5A. la bt wor~ b, our ""'" o~ 1~. ,,.o,~. r~;. ••~Ot";li•"· truly • I•· w •,cl I• r •~c•tl•~~•. m•k•• "' pr•"lll lo be your t~l~ori1tcl 0111191 i•wtlt r, c.m. tn -... tlii1 li•flill ••m•, ? bullo11, • clit!, o,,,,,, Spt•dm11• It• th••"•tr•pli. Th• 011lt wtlch wor" hy th • m•11 on lht 1110011. ,,,,, SltS. • Cle1n.d • Oiied Whi11 l e11 Welt • Adj111ttd 'lARLS $2.00 ll0STIUM6 ·-s4aa •INtS $3.00 from Sl?ID, f•- DIAMONDS $6.00 111U.CID. tr1111 O rono1rapll &i Stll· INGIAVING OONI v.·i!Kler• 11l1ht11 blrhtr: Huntington Center Beach at Edin9er WHILI l"OU WAIT HUNTINGTON BEACH 892-5501 I \ and back Harbor Shoppin9 Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA SHE 'LL REIGN AS 1970 MISS PRESS CLUB Brea 's Anne Elayne G rammas Wins Crown 545-9485 • '· ·' ' • I • ... -.. -------~--------------------------------------------,·-------------..... ___ .,.. _____ .•. -....... -......... -· ,. • ,,_4 t t . • ,,. r. -If.' ' • • -~ ... ... ~men BEA ANOE RSON , Ed ito r • ..... ,, Haunted House Horribly Full l>oo rs nre creaking orcn ... 1nonslC'rs are riecring aro11nrl co mers \111ctie .'> a rc stealthiJy tt yi ng thruugh the sky. Skeletons arc beginning 10 rnllle th eir bones . .'\nd l·/<1rbor :\re;1 chi ldren arc bC'co1ning 1vidc·ercct a nd .~!le nt 11'hen lhc strani.:c noises are heard. \\lhy'! Because Jlallo1,·een is co111111g .•. and thf·.Y kno11· thnt "lhe goblin s 11·ill gel yo l1 -if you don't 11'a lch ou t '' \\'here 11 ill all nf the ghosts. gobl ins and other a ssorted horrors be \1·hen the creepy night ot li<1 llo11·cen rolls nround ~ 1'hey'll be safely locked up in l hc l·launted ~louse being: created by Punch and Jucly Guild of Chil· dren·s f-lospital of Orange County. (;uild nlen1bers, each Jiallo\veen for the pas t three yea rs. have c oerced all the v.·eird characters they could find into coining into the haunt· ed house and have kept then1 under lock and key so the children could trick-or.treat in peace on J-lallo\veen ni ght. So. the bravest of c·hild ren and parents. grandparents. aunts. uncles or cousins can venture to the l·launted !louse on the Orange County Fair· grounds and, for a charge ol 50 cents, venture inside to sec the ho rribl e sights. \\"itches (guild inr1nbcrs in d isg11i.~<') \1'ill guide the children through 1he hou se of horrors and a gianl gorilla \l'ilt bid lhcn1 a horrendous fare- \vel l. nurin,C' the lou r. si.i::h!s too terrible •lo describe \\·il l be seen. includ· ing a laboratory \1'1th a n1ad scientis t sin1ilar lo Frankenstein pcrfonning his n1nd expcrin1ents. a. dining roon1 11·ith a \1·itch s~rving C"reepy cra\\·ler sand,viches. a jailbird. sick roon1, open casket, spiders. b<:ts . n1onsters, ghosts Hnd tnurn1nie.~. VAMPIRA LURKS -Can s he be dreaining. Kristin Andreae. 4. asks herself. as she sres a form lurking b.Y the 1ornbstones of \l;i n1pirf' and JaC'k the RrppC'r. ·rhe 1-!aunterl !·louse under th e proprietorshi p of Ille Punch and Judy Guild oi Children's Jl ospllal of Orange ('ounty is nearby. so anything is possible (especially \rit h lla ll cnv ecn around the corner). J:>inch yourself. Kristin -it's 11111 \'a n1p1r<1. It 's really l\'lrs. \.crald Graham, harmless guild 1ncn1ber pr<icticing for the Oct. 29 opening of the J.launted !louse. The doors ol the haunted hou se \\'ill creak open \Vednesday, Oct. 29 at 3 p.n1 . a11 d \1'~11 ren1ain open unlll 6 thal day. On 1'hursday the ghosts and n1onstcrs \\'ill be on \•ie11' fron1 ~ lo 8 and on lial!o1vecn itself fro1n ~ to 9. 1'he final day of haunting ·,,'ill be Saturday, Nov. 1. [ron1 10 a.m . to 9 p.m. 'fickets '''ill be available at the door. Damas ·de Caridad Masque a Bene/ it Plannin,t! ahead ha s been the successful forn1ula fol!o \ved by Uainas de Caridad year after year for th eir annual !~al f\lasque. . r\lthough .\larC'h J.J . the da te liCl for their fl oral headdrc:.li cxtra\'a.c:anza , n1ay seen1 a lon.c: \\'<JY off lo most . to planners of the St. .Jude llospital be nefit the Un1c \vill fly as thry 'vork out the rnrriad cl cta1ls. f.Jla ns already fi nalized include the sc!CC'· t ion o! the tl1cn1 c, Hal i\lasquc Carnaval : Ille date : !he pl ace. ,r\nahe1m Convention ('cnler; the co1irdu1<1tor, Carl Schmit, and the orchestra, Barney Sorkin. .r\lso selected arc lTiilnnef]uins \\·ho \l'ill 1nodcl the lavish headgear. Among the 10 1nodels \\'ill be i\lrs. \\'arren Bradford of 13alboa . Other county "'on1 cn arc the i\ln1es. c;on:lon Ca1nribcll. \\'illian1 l\'i cGa rvcy, rhar les JJeltzcr, rn rl Jlar,·ey. A. \. Bona, Robc11 \Velis. l fO\\'Drrl JJeJLi er, I. 11 . \Vilhen1· sen and \\'illia n1 Cun11111n p:s. i\ ext on I he a,gcndn '\'ill he the naming nr competing florists and th e drav.'ing of mannequins' na mes by the fl orists at the an- nual l\Tannequin·florist d inner later thi!'I month. Individual florist themes \\'ill be re- vealed at this lime. Then a rigorous training session will be- ~in for models \\'ho \\'ill be instructed in routines by a La Jla bra dance teacher. \ I i ... -/. ' . : -~,/ ,. _/ I ' Autumn Heralded Brighl hu('s of fall wi ll driminatc decor in the Balboa Bay Club Sunday, Oct. 26, 1vhen Irvin e 1' e rr a c • JJ h i J h arn1onir Association present s its ninth annual Aulu1nn Soiree . The gounncl buffrt dinner. at 6:30 p.rn .,..·111 be preceded by a social hour and folJoy,·ing .,..,ill be dancing to the music of the Hc>trogressive Five Plus Three 1\lrs. CI au de-Jiatterson, as!"Ot:1ation ch a r r man an· nouncccl proceeds \l'ill benefit Thr Orange Co unty J'tulh;1rmon1c Society. Cha irn1an of the gala 111 to.Tr.~. Cora Peggy \\'allace. ;i nd .,...ork1ni:: on hrr committee arc lhe i\ln1es. Albert 1\1axted, Lloycl t\ u be r 1 . 1'.larguerile l\ncen. Rnbcr t Lang. Charle~ ~!evens. l\1illicenl Salisbury, f:cJ .,..·anl f\·1:.iyo, Lyman Bet1., Robert H<Jinsay, 1\1. A. r\.'l<ttidcrbach. Syd11ey Ba rtletl, Vincent Arena, Harold But· tcr1r0rth, Orville Bell, Edward llarknes.~ and Mary Graham. Sponsors and others ar· ranging tables are t he f\lrnes. Jack Groth, \\'alter lle~naull. Norman Huff, Jule Axelson, Vincent De Rosa. \Villiam Ma 1 o u r , Ala n SLonen1an. Wil(red Berts, Ball proceeds \vill be co ntributed l.o lhe Ladies of Charity's pledge of $120,000 for the purchase of a Linear Accelerator. an elec· Ironic machine used in the treallne nt of cancer patients. ATTUNED TO FUND RAIS ING -Condu ctin~ Irvine Terrace Philhar111onic Association men1bers through their annual fun din g event, ,\utumn Soiree is i\lrs. Claude Patterson, chair1nan. In harmony \vith the projec t are con1n1ittce mcn1bers (left to right). f\'fr s. Lyman Betz and i\l rs. i\1ary Graha1n. Balboa Ua y Cluh \I'll! be the selling for lhc Oct. 26 gala. John Condon, Thomas Riley, Neill Davis, George Fanner, \Vil!i am Ouimette, Ce c i I Shir<1r, Ben ~·rees. Bertine Treal. John Waters. Peter Yoo ni;:. Bert Bre"'·er. Alan Cruhb, Robert J . Lawson and A. C. English . 'Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil,' Pledges Secret Shirker DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'd like to sit In yo:ir chair for a few minutes and say a few words to au the women \.\'ho are mad at a friend because she said this or that Hnd it got hack . And some or the facts v:ercn't right and a friendship \.\'as lost. DEAR EVERY\VOMAN: All I want \s In enjoy your company. I don 'L wa nt to kno1v your personal business sn plea~c 1lnn't lell me. I have olhrr fr iends beside \nu anrl ll'hen 11·ome n gel logrthc r th('y talk . So1nct11nes it's hard lo remember "·hat you as k!.'d me nnt to repc;1l. I va lue yotJr friend ship and I'd hate to pass Qn :;omcthing you askrd me not to. So, plr::asc don't trust me .,..Jth )<Ou r scrret!'I 4ilnd I \von'l ha~·c to rrmcn1hcr \1h,"Lt In • ANN LANDERS keep to n1yse lf and you won't ha ve to worry about whether I do or not. If you're having trouble wi1 h your hus· band. discuss it with your clergyman or \\Tile lo Ann Landers. H your neighbor '!! 15-year·old daughter is p.g., or your in· lav.•s are a pa in in the ne<.'k , or your bos!I is cheating on his income tax. I don't \\'anl lo kno1v abou t tl. And 1f you arn h.iving ."In affair, t don 't wnnt to kn ow aboul TllAT eit her. \Vhil~ I'm tryl ng 1.0 say is l'tn nnl a rr.crpt;1clc for dirt. I just w<cnt lo he your lrirnd. Thanks. Ann Lan1k>rs. for 1et1ing me ~it in .\'nur chair 1 hope rcadrrs g•1t my n1css age -THE LADY NEXT f)QQrt llEA R LAO\': I'm sure Ibey i:nt it. l)n c:ome sil in my chair Again some limt. year-old wheat farmer who has bc<-n reading your column in the Topeka paper for a good many years. I've ne\·er had any problem s to write in about hut I ha1·e a story lo tell tha l might be \.\'Orth listening to. In June I 1vas taken In the ho spital nnd put ln an oxygen tenl. They thought I had a heart attack although I tried lo te11 them it 1\•as too much bratwurst. The family gathered around my bC'd and I cnukl hear them n1aking funeral ar· rangtments. They '~·ere arguing alxH1t \.\'hether to buy a $2000 casket like they buried 1ny brother in, or a cheaper one, This 1n:ule me mnrf. I sat ~lraight up in hcd and told then1 I had no intentinn or dying and to clear out. They looked shotked and somewhat disappointed. Please tell your readers that ju~t because a person is in a hospital bed does not mean he is unconscious and dying and lo please .,..·atch their language. -STILL KICKING OF:All STILL: I'm glad )'tl\1're ~1 111 kirking and I'm happ,v to p11ss on you r good Od\'iCt a bout ~Opie tn hospllAI ~ds. I'm olso going to take It t••Y on the bratv.·ursl. l>EAH ANN LAN DERS· Our clln1ghlcr \I'll ~ mnrric<l in a beautiful churth ccrC'mriny Inst 11·cC'k. A 11·0man \.\'hn work!! in my husband 's office ha~ ;i lnvely vo1cr and v.·e asked her to si ng a few numben. Her T~ndilions .added much to th e ceremor,y. llo1v can we thank her?-TIIE B' UEAR Bs : Try monty. Drink ing rnoy be "in'' lo thr. kid11 you run with -but il Ciln put you "out" iC keep~ You can coo l it and stay popula r. J{l'ad "Uooze and You -For Teenagers 011!v." S<'nd 35 (·ents in coin and a Jong, scl(addressed, stamped cn\'Clope with your request. 1\nn Landers will he glad lo help you 11 ith 1·our problems. ~f'nd them to her in rnrc 'or thr DAILY PILOT, enclosinJ I ~elf-uddrcsic<I, sln1nped cnvelopt . • - .. ' -----~-~~---::-----~------------------' - -· • .. • • I! I I I I I I • l '• '· • .. MRS. CHARLES G. FREI Ill Montana Ho neymoon Frei-Swank Performed A hnnc.\'moon lrip In .\Ion· !ana folto .... ·e<J the wedding nr fially S11ank and Charles G. , Frei !II of Costa i'df'si"l. The couple exchanged 11Td· ding \'Ows and rings ;it tilt• altnr of St. Andre11··~ Pre 5bytrrian Churl'h 111 ;i crrr.1non.v fl{'rforn1rd hv tilt• R r v. Dr. li:1 ~ rn nnd I. Br;ihams. SHERYLE BRENT F ebruary Bride Betro tha l Anno unced At Luau 11. Tht' rng;1grr11rnl flf :-ihrr r '.'!rannr lln.'n! ;ind .l ,:i111• • .\lc\':1v h:1 .. ht•1•n .111111H1111·L·rl h1 \Jr. ;1fid fl1r <> ,.\11l111r s Hrr>t!' 11;1rent ... nr th" t;rrth 't ..... Thr 11r11 s 11 n 1t 1·1·:11\ ct 1" ~.i rrl.::1111·~ :1ni1 j:lll'"'" d111 l11c ,, h1;iu taking pl:1lr 1111 lhr p:1 >1<• .:ind derk iii 1l1r 1\11111~· 11111 11ng!nn !l;1t'b(1Ur h11111r Thr br1clr-IO·bc I'' :1 ~r.1d11111" nr ln1maculnte llc;1rt Jl1gh ~cho01. 1 lolly\1 ood ;ind Orange Coa!'! Collrgr She now i ~ ;f 1<(.'n1or :-it C;i)1fnrni<1 :-;1;1lc f ollegc ill Long Beach \1 hrrc she is n1aJoring in ;i r1 and is a me mher of Ga1nrna Phi Beta i;ornri1 \·. lll'r hnncr. son of ~l r ancl i\frs. 1\nt hon~ ,J ~lc \'av of P1ttsbur1'(h. 1>a . n l t r n rJ r d :r;chools 1n l'l'nri'"~ h·:in1:1 prior 1n 11101111.J.! 1n llu11l111,i:tun Bl'arh 11htri· h•· 11 .1.., rradu:1!rrl frn111 ~l:u·111a Jlll!h Schoo l :ind()('(' Th,. er111pli· plci11 111 br n1 .. r· rird 1n Fl'br.1.11 ~. Topic Set A Spe€Ch Iha! rn1 rr~ J1i<! ahout even ·thinj:!. ~:11v1ri)n· !Til"nt. Jlralth, \\ork auci l'l:ll' 11·1!1 be gh·cn hy \\'ilh;u11 \llf'f' <luring a ml'et1ng ul T<iu T<i11 Chapter, ll<'ta Sign1:1 Phi tonight in l.agw1a Feclcr:d Sa1·in,i:s and Loan AsSOC'1al1011 . Bcla Sigm<t l'h1 m<'n1h1 ·r~ nPW In !he <irca are inv 11rd 1n nl>la1n more u1lnr111:it1on abn111 the chap1~r h~· t"atlrn p; ~1 r~. \\"1 ih<tm Carlci;, prcs1drnl. ~!H· 59~4. B'no i B'rith Ora n~c Co::r <:t Chapl~r o( 8 na1 B'r11h \\'omrn gathl'r thr l1rsl Thtlr~<l:i vs at 8 p.n1 111 r.-!rrcury ~nvi ngs !lank, Jltill· t1nglun BcaLh . Ceremony 1n Newport rnrr nt~ or the bridr arc i\tr. anJ tllr~. H1ehard D. S'A·an~: of \'ili a P;irk and parents of the hridcgrootn arc J\·lrs. L()l1l~c Frc1 of Custa J\lesa and the lair ~Ir. Charles Frei. Gil en in marriage by hrr fathrr. lhr bride chose ;i long g1111·n nf venetian French Ince and ::r lloor length 1nan1illa. A bouque t of .,..·hi1e roses 1111d g;1rdcrUas complemen ted her go11·n. :\l:1lron of honci r 1\':is 1he hnd('.~ .~isl(•r , .'-'\r s. l'ioble \\":trru111 of Ncll'f)Orl lir!lt h ;u1d 1u n1i'lr brir.Jr~rna1d \1·;i~ he r n1ec·t', i\1 1~~ Lisa l\'arrurn. 'fh(·.v \\On:-long rno~s grt>t•n go1vns and rarrit'.'t! bouquets of 1 ;1l1~n1;1n rV~l'~. ~;cJ\\·a rd :-.1etlgar of Lido I~· le assumed the duties of besl man and guests \\"ere ~ea\ed by Pelc Antista and Ra y Luc· chini of Ne"'porl Beach. Hobert Randal! provided the "'edding music. A garden reception rit the bride's parents' home follo11·cd ihl' ceremonv \\"here li5 ~uests signc.d the register ('l rcu !ated by r.1 iss Judy Frei, !:i1ster of the brideg roo1n. Ass isting \l'i!h ser1·ing 11'rrr r.1r~. Vcr ne \\'ilkinson an<l J\1r~ Dona ld R .. Boals. The ne\1·Jy11·cds 1vill resiflr in Co~ta r-.lesa after rcturn1nl{ ll'on1 their honey1noon trip. The bride 11'as Rradua ted fron1 Arizona State l!nivcrsity 11·here she 1vas prrs1dent or 11f'ha c;amn1a soron!y, :ind 111~~ bridegroom is a Rraduatc "f ;\later Dci !tigh Schnol. Hr 1 ~ a bus1ne~sman 111 !he :'-\·1rport Beach area. Auxiliary Convenes I 1r ;111d :\Ir '' 11.u~~rll .!c·,~11p nl T11s1 ui 11111 ho:;l lhe ;innu,!I 111e1nlJersh1 ;> br1 111t•h 10r lh•· \\omen 's Auxiliary lo the Urangr Cou nty flental Society. Their garden.~ ~·ill be th e party selt.ing Thursday, Oct. 16. t-.lrs. Robert r.t. J~auck nr Nc11•port Beach JS chairman and Mrs. Richard Gubler of Orange is assisting. Among the host esses are t-.1rs. Lvle D. C.reen way of Fou ntain Vnlley and ~lrs. John Forte of Hun· tington Reach. Talk Turns To Travel ·r1 .• 1t'l 11 11! be 1he lnp1e or ('0111<-rs;1\1011 when 1ncrnb<'r!! n l >:ewporl ll<irb or l'.1 11hrllf'n1c n1eet 1n the rrr rc:111<1n roo1n of Dove r \'ill;icf'. l\e11"porl B ca c h l11nlnrr1i11' at 10 :30 3.111. Ec.!w;ird G. Sn)'der, Oranpe I oun1y Luhhansa represen· 1:it11 c 11·1Jl presenl a film , :1lnng \I 1th general !rave l in· lurrnal1on ,\ l':ilt1 d luncheon and brid,itc 11 :II 1 •nc\udc the meeting \l'Jln I r ~lrnr~ Hoy Ha llberg. It \\ \\,1lrhll, John Blaich. l!uhtrl Lawson, G co r g e < •Ulr•rl" and ~liss Be I I y Albri ght ~erving as hostesses. Yc.1rb11 ok5 11.·111 be d.~lr1ln1LC'd hy n1t'•1nbl'rsh11~ el1111rinrn :\\rs. L<:111--rr nce Kit· Ile ~1111 ~l rs. 1\:1rt Hickrnan. !'1;111~ for Ille !\nl". I ~ 1nee1.ng 11111 bf• ;innounccrl. -~·-~·=·~,,,,,,~,~':=:::'.."~\+!:J&EL•=:lE~<~<•~•~•=:lAC:~-,;:::·::::=•~tt:JIM"" .. """""""' Festivities New Thespian Group ~ 11 '!'he NC\\'port Community Theater \\'ill be launched and christened 1vith ;;i ce.rcn1ony 111 the £bell Clubhouse. UaJ boa, Sunday, Ocl. 19, a t 6 p .m . l·'ollu"' lng the fo rmal cereinony a nd fcstiv1lics, the first in a series of play reviCl'.'S \1•il l be presen·ted. 1'he thcatr r 1.s C'O·sponsorcd by the Ne11•port Beach Parks and Recre- :llion Uepa rtn1cnt and the Ne1Nport-Costa .l\1csa Branch of An1erican Asso- t:iallo11 of University \Vomcn. It \\'ill offer :.ix play revieY.'S and l'urrently is sponsorin g workshops in t hca.l~r f11ncl a1ncntals and a pprecial1011, direc:-lion and production, crea- 11\"C \Vr1L1ng l!nd dant:e a nd exercise. In addillon. theater presenta tions a re planned for next season and .i <"a .s ling file 1101v is being n1adc for tl1e productjons. Direc ting the en1bryonic theater group are \Villia1n J. Fucik, theater director noted in the !~ar bor Area. HollY'l'Ood a nd the East, and Mrs. Elea- nor J.>etersen, first president of Children's Theater Guild. ~ ll ~ I ij Ll ~ '1 !1 Others lend ing their support are organizations including the Ebel! ('lub of i"-:c1vpo~t !~each, Newr.ort Harbor Chamber of Commerce and New- port Beach Friends of the Library and the r...tess rs. a nd f\'hnes. J ohn Mc- Kcrren. J ohn Kerr. I-:van Prichard, Daniel \Vedman. K. Stanley Bell , Har- vey l'ease, J ohn lloyt, Kalman Spelletich, L. H. f\'l cBride and Stanley Le Licvre . .<\lsn a ssis lin~ the ne\v theater group a rc the i ·tmcs. \Villiam L. Perei~a. l"layton T~on1pson , E . A. Riches. Frank Gaines, Ralph Ta ndo\v- ~ky, !· .. r-.1organ Qu1n11 , Vernace Morgan. Rhoda Linde r, Robert \Vahle r E. 'l'erra ncc l\1oran. \Valter \Vhite, l'viildred Dingl er J ack 1\-larshall Chai-Jes t: , I ~ r FOR BAZAAR'S SAKE -St. l\I ary's Episcopal Churchwomen of Laguna Beach sho\v off some of 1he items ,~·hi c h \Vil\ be sold at the fourth annual c·h ristma s Bazaar Nov. 7·8. They are (left to right ) the J\lmes. Elsa l\IcLeod, Henry S. \Veber and f<"'. L. Yohe. 1>ainter. Ladisla1v Reday and C. Graham Edelb!u'lc'. ' ~· Anyone \vishing further information on lhc play revicv•s and \vork- shops n1 ay call the Chan1ber of Commerce, 675-6302. -· ..... ---~-,_, Horos cope Leo: Check Documents WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 15 By SYDNEY O.\tARR FISlllNG, PLAr'<il l!\'G con- linur to be fa1ored hy lunar posi1ion. CR00.\11\"G TIP: (;rt shoes shined; pa y p:1rticul:1r .a tt ention to sucks, ho~irry. ARIES (~'1;1reh 21 -April l!l l: l\1•e p cunfidenres. Ont 11 lia eoufidcs secret clrpcnd.~ much 11µon your good will. You arc '111 rom r1111nicat1vr rnMd . Rut <ltJn't !ell all. IJ1scrl'l1011 1s bt•ltl'r f)ill"l or \.'l lor today . TAUltUS i:\prll 20·f\la.v 201: Arcrnl on hov1 10 obtain sprt·1a l frivor. You do so hv 1·11t1•r1a1n1ng ;it hornr. Hr 111 l;11111li<1r ~urroundings. !Jon·t play other person 's game. Avoid tenclenry to be <lvrrcon- fident. GE.\llNJ 1~1ay 21.June 20): So1neone may be pretending to ,i:rant ~·ou an honor. Bl' gracious t-.1aintain se11se o[ hurnor. Bu t {lo only so f a r. Display fa ct that you were not ho rn yesterday, Message clear by ttJnighl. CANCER (June 21.July 22): \Vhat seemed nebulou s takes form . You re ce ive com· munication 11·hich clarifie!I situation. Your basic abilities come to f or e . You clcn1o nstrate 11'orth-and it"s plenty. LEO /July 23-Aug. 22): Check documents rel<.Jletl !u li.lxcs, estates, legacies. Don"l lielay matter~ 1vhich have beC'n left h<Jnging. fl.leans you 1·ould compound rrror bv r1'fus1ng to r I' cog n i t C nrcl'~Silies. \l lllGO !Aug. 23·Scpt 22)· A new. daring step is in· d1ra !l'd-could incluclr mnr· n age or sp(•C1:tl p:.ir!ncr~h1p. Ac~f'nt on !10,1· pub!u: respnnd-.: lo your efforts. Be original and adhere to ow n life style. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cl. 22 ): f\l any are willing to share kn owledge. Be receptivr.. Fine for get-logether with co- 'l'Orkcrs. Your natural charm is illuminated. You g ain Music Lovers Begin New Season Tunefully Beginning a ne11• ye<1r or rund·raising projects a n d 111usieal progran1s For the Alta Bahia 11·ork ing commltlee of thr O r ange Coun t y l'h1lhannonic Society will be a l oncert by pianist Andrea Lynn r-.1ar11n. illrs. Ray1 nond C. Dosta 11-·111 ll(l~l the musical in her 1'\e'A·port ncach homr next Thursday ill 10 ~· n1. with lhc il1n1es. Ted ~l <ir!in. John \.\' Dvnald!>-On. Crrssv R. ill:.irrar ;ind Charlr~ Krl!y ass1~11ng 1111h hostess clLit1c ~. i\l 1s.~ J\1an1n, a senior at Nc•vport llarbor High Sthool. wd l present a progn1n1 of Bl'elhovcn, Scarlotti, Bartok. Chopin and Debussy. She has ~t11dierl for 10 years under An1old Juda and bas perform· rd in many school concerts. Leading !he group during the yea r "·ill be lhe 1\1n1es. \\'11lian1 J\1. J.aing. ch<1irman : r.tartin, vice chairman; John P. Kenney. record i ng secretary: Paul Qu cyrcl, cor· responding secretary. and David Chambers. treasurer. Ne11-· chairmen :ire the J\ltnes. Kenneth Srnith, ways and 111 ea n s : Ed w a rd Schumacher. preview s: Thoma!! Baumc. continuance ltind: Allen (;ce, telephone ; Hichard Franklin. prograrns : Perry <;. (;ill. publici ty, anrl i\!urray, puhli ci ty CO· eha1nnan . illeetings takr place !he 1h1rd Thursday of c:ich 1nonth . An)·Onc "'ish1ng fur lher 111- lnrn1atio11 may c;ill t-.lrs. Laing, 67$-5033. Bonfire Lights To Clambake Way Setting Do succulent cherryslone clarns and lobster ta i I s • :.tcan1cd 111 pots and serve<! on th-:: bc<1ch al Salt Creek. South l.;igllna along 11·ith savory f l:1n1 broth, ~wecl prit:itoe~ :111d 1·1n·n un 1ht• t:ub. $OUl1d a111"one."s appetite ;i\ari11 .. (;or;1\ Ke~, ri support gro11p for Child I ;uid;incc <.:en1er o! Orange County hopes they do since th is is \he menu planned Silver Expert Tells History for their upcoming Clambakt: and Ship'A·reck Party ne;ict S;i!urday evening. .<\ftrr ."ii pping cock!ails and !'an1 pling hors d'ocurres fron1 5 to 7 pm. ;1rnunt! a glowing bo11'1r<'. mc111her" nnd guests 11·il! s1t (in ni ;1!s at low !ables on !hl' s::ind ;ind din1' "shipwreek style."' Guilari.~t Arie Rozcboon1 \\'ill add 1.11 cverybody"s f!:'eling5 of con· lentment 11•ith SQngs in n1an;v languages. The purpose of 1he e\'rnl. in :idcl1!ion to relaxation and fun, i~ the raising or funds In 11up· p!ement !he group·~ Thrift Shop earning!! \\•hich ~upport the guidance center. satisfa ction. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Good lunar aspect today coin· cides with romance, ex· citement of di sc overy . Creative pursuits are fav ored. Give of yourself and you also recei ve . Break through red tape. SAGITT AR IUS ~Nov. 22· Del'. 21 1: Be a w a re of st<1tis1ics. Don't fight thl' odds. Stick to the facts. Util ize past <'Xperiencc Play it safe. This is no l11nc to ri sk .~ecurity. (.'Al'Hl(.'011~ I DCC'. 22·Jan. 191· Put 1r.Jt·:is to usc. Don·t .~r;11l1•r rl forl s. l3e gr<H'HIUS 111 111·1<1\\'S. One you least suspect h:i <: ro111· br<:t interc<;I<: ill hr an r :1\'f• olht·r~ a t:h:Jnl·e to rf· 111.1 knoll' you AijUAFlJLiS tJan. 20.Feh . 181: BeaulLful obje c t s . persons. coul d enter you r life today. Don 't be afraid to spend on quality -applies especia lly lo beau tifying your ho1nc. Be a bit selfish about your com forts. P ISC ES 1Feb. 19-~la rch 20 l: Ci rcurnstances continue in ~our f:iv or. But don't expecl prrfection. Sonic of your philosophica l l'icws arc sub- je,·t to change. You beco1ne ;iw;ire that so1ne are taking ;11Jv11ntaRr of your ~cncros1ty. IF TOlli\Y IS Y 0 U R lllHTHUAV you love beautiful 1h1ngs and could be a collector ol ;irt objects. You r speaking 1·oice is unusual. Drarnatic ;ib1l1ty is indicated and Sil is t:i!ent along musical lines. The change you ha\"e been seeking is on horizon. Birthday Observed l-'oun ders Day 11·ill be relebrated by rnembcrs of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority from all over Orange County and Long Beach at a luncheon nt'Xt Tuesday in the Ga I ax y restaurant, Santa Ana. The wrnri!y was founded Oct. 15, 1898, In Farmville, \'a. and now is a nati on a I organization. Follo11·ing the 11 a . m . luncheon a tour of 8 01\ers r-.1useum, Santa Ana is plan · ned. Memhers 1vill l'ie11' the c-xhibils honoring thr Santa Ana Cent en111al and Cal ifornia Bice ntennial. Hosting the ;dfair 1-.11! be lhr Nortl1ern Or:i11ge Co u n t y Alurnnac Chapter. ant.I spr{'1;il guests 11·ill bl' 1nen1bcr5 of tl1e South Coast and Long Beach ;i!un1nac l'haplers. 1 nclur!1n~ !heir prrs1drnts, ~!rs. Patnck ~ltDonald and ~!rs. Ja111rs :r.-fc:-Carey. Anyone wishing reservalion<: may call Mrs. f\olcDone ld, 893- 7422. Convention Report Due A con1·en!ion report ,1·ill highlight the fi rst fall mectin,i:: of Alpha Delta Pi Alumnae of Orange County. The group \\"ill gather al 1!:30 a.in. Thursday, Oct. 16 , i11 the Fisherman restaur ant, Huntington Beach pier. f.lrs. llerbert T. f\lorris. ";ho attended the 118th coo· \"ention in Phoenix last Junr. v.·ill be the speaker, Early Bazaar Catches Christmas Shoppers St. ~lary"s E pi s cop ;i 1 Churchwomen of Lag u n a Beach have been sewing, pas ting, knitting and baking 111 eager prepa ration for their fourth annual Ch r i ,c; I rn a s Bazaa r \vhich wil l take ptaee in th e church Fridav and Sa turday, Nov. i ·B fi:om JO a.m. to 1 p.m. t'.lrs. Robert S. Burnside is coordinating the effor!s or !he many 11-·orkers busy planning a success fu l bazaar. Assisting her are the tllmes. .l .\V. Downer. :r;ell'1ng chairman; Fran k Na u , 11·orkshop rhairm<Jn: Ll'rna n King. decoratinns c:ha1r.1nan : l\obrrt F. Schni!zrr. IOfld booth: Clenn I. Bu zz:irrl. t reasurer; Joseph I!. Day in Court Secretaries Orani;c (.'nunt~· ;il!ot'nry" 11•i!I l1,11·c lo '-lily ~n thr olf1•·e ncx t Thursday and !~'pr th1'11· n11n letters becausr 1hr1r ~ecrrta rics \\ill be spend1n~ thr d;1y ltl COUI 1, The ;innual Seerct;ir1es [):1\" in CourL hn~ bcrn prot'lai111crl b~1 II' .. I, Ph1 1l1p~. ho,1 rd , f sl1prr11~ors n1r111h-.:r, l 01:111y of Or;ingt'. Hrg1str:i1io n a! 8 :i tn in tl1r jud,i::ts' lounge in rhr ne'.I' l'nunty courthou~f' built!1ng 111 S:in!<i Ana will begin !he d;i~ ·; ac!h1t1es. 11 hich \"ill 1ncl uclc i rour or thr rou11 hou~e and clerk ·s flfri cr, 1·r.~11 s 1 n enurtroo rn."" and a11enda ntc al tn :1 I~. Thr n 'lv in r o11rl w.1~ t sl:.ibhshcd. at the fifth 3nnuJl F:iirbanks. secretary. 11 n d En11 ly H:.iyn1ond. publicity. 111rmbers or the sewing ~roup arc the t-.llnes. Geor!!a \V. Barner, A. E. Ericsson, John f\l cKent.ie, C. E. 1\1ack, l!es!r.r H. f.loorr. llcnry ::;_ \\"cbcr. f\elln Za\'a, J.t-.·1. Sta111per. J. Pauline SnUth, Oh1e 1.andsdalr and lhr. 1\lisscs Edith Redit and Lilly \'.'right. \\'orkshop members include 1he il lmes. Douglas Adam , Do nald Arv old. B::iird Coffin , Fa1rb.1nks, Ed1nl1nd Fairchild , B,C. G11yf('r, J-1. Vf'rnnn Har· ris, H . IV. Ketteringhani, l.y1nan King, Ada P11rrncnter, ll 1.bcrl F. ~ehnit1.cr. Els<l 1'.irl.•·nd Jc L . Yoh c and IJ11rntl1y Hodson. Step Out r on1·rn!il111 fl( 1'1r :\,1!i11n;"1! ,\s soc 1:i l 111 11 111 Legal !lrcrrtat1"" lit 1!1,·,r.. !10~1 1ug :1nJ 111·)("n111ing the srcrct .1ric~ 11 ill be Samuel I )rr111'11 , prr'-1d111g Judge of the :-=11pcnor 1·n11rt, and \\"illia m \\ Thornpso rL presiding JUdge· n1 11ic "\fun1l·1p11I court. \11 lt•i;.d ~rt·rt'1.1rtl'S :ind: ;inyc1nr inte1·r~tcd 1n bcrom111~ ;1 Ji·c_:i 1 ~r>ITl'T ,11 ~· i1f(' In\ II cd: t.11 ;,\lend thr r1 rnt. OC Sin gle Be es "fhr ~econd and lou rlh Fr!· ciay ol the n1onth Oran!!e t nunr~· Singtr Brf>.~ {!a!hrr 1n Plonl'rr To11·11. Sa nia 1\n ;i At ll11t1r.s begin at d 11 m. A tiilk on 1he History and Romance of S11\·cr \1·111 he presented for the rnembl'rs of !he \\'111nan·s Aux1 1J<1ry lo the Amrr ic an Socirty (If :llcch[1nica l Eng1nf'Prs Los 1\ngeles Sectiun next Thursciay ;it 1 l a 111. Ch:irlcs Schin idt <lf Committee membfr!I pl;in. 111ng the party include 1hr ~Imes. David K a w a s a k i . ""ilham i'o1 offa\I, J a m r s \l'hitehcad. John Da \'1dson, .John Dunn. Jame~ ll 11n1r r, Jtobtrt ~fag ill and Jams t-.lao- 111111;. Lea gue Celebrates Opening Night P,1~adena. <:1ntiqur s i Iv tr <lr alrr. will spr;1k heforr thr ~nthf'nn" 1n San !\1;'lnnn. to hr bo~1 rd by :-011 :i. \\ 11\t;hC!l i\I. ] ';!l'SOll S, Rci<PTYatinns niay br 111acl r h1· c-.1ll111ii: ~lr~. !llof!.11!. -111;,. 42/t; nr i\l r~. ll11n1cr. 4f12,li!li3 by t11n(lr rv11. -'\ssil'tance Leagu e of I.ai::un a fJeach l ~ planning 01n opC'n1ng night pa rl y 111 the 11c1v Gorrl;1n's restaurant. 1.aguna Nlgllcl for 1nembcrs and i;:ue::.ts Saturday ni ght, Oct. 18. Pl<lnn1ng fr sti1·it1es. lo inc\udC cock· 1.111 ~. ;i gnur111ct" dinner and. dancing to the lllU SIC of Frankie. Ortei:;a and his orchro;tr<1. ;i r(' llrft tn ri'"'ht ) ~Ir:-:. llcllmuih Jlonn rn1:"..n. pt1rt .1· \h<11r1nan : fir ~. 1 hon1as If. .Jonrs. prc ~1dent. :lnd r.1·r11.1rct l.orclrin rt>.~l nu rant 011 nrr. ;\Ir~. J!n11arrl \r!v.111~ t1nd \!rs' 1-"rec!eric.k l l ug hc ~ are t1 <i:•1,•t:n,;:: :"I r~ ll:u1nrn;,111 .' ... -: --·-----------.. ------.-.--.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-------~--------""' --....-..--,......,.....-or.=.-~-~---- Costa Mesa Today's Flnal VOL b2 , NO. 24b, 2 SECTI ONS, 2b PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TU ESDAY , OCTOBER 14, 19b9 TEN CENT S Mesa Braces for M-day Higli Schools Ponder: 'To Act or Not toAct' FIREMEN SNUFF OUT LAST OF MESA BLAZE Helpful Fireman Retrieves Heart Medicin• Meslt Fire111a11 Retrieves Medicine, Bills i11 Blaze A Costa illesa f1rc1n r n rntrrC'd a ~inohy residence during an Sl!,000 blaze !vlondily night to rrlriev t' badly nt'erler! heart n1edicine fur !he :-:h:1kr11 h01ne<J11'11r r \l'atc hing oul~ide, p!lls ~evrrril hundred dollars in cash The act bv F1rcn1:1:1 H1rh:•rd O'Cnnnor 11·;;is JllSt Par·\ ol h•s J!lb -nolh111 g <lramat ic -~:ud B <1lt~•l 11 n1 Chtrf Hob!'rl Beaucl1an1r !ocl<.1y 111 recnun t111g 111e S 18 p.1n. blazr Some 1;.pr nr t'0n1buslh1\r 1nillc n;1I i;tored near a wale r hea tt:r (•ll 1hc s1 111 lndia11s porth nf the Lesler Landers home at 24ll Norse Ave., v:a~ app:i rcnlly !hC sourC'l' of thr fire. Chirf Bca ucha1n p said firenien \\'hn ar- ri\Cd on the scene quickly hosed (lv11·n tl:i n1cs licking at the s1ructure _ al \1 l11ch 11111r I.anders s::11d be had left h1s hea rt 1nrdic:itio1t 1ns1dc. L)a1nage tn the structure ilstlf ll'a~ c1:-,!1111<1tcd 11 !ilO.OIK). \l'llilc fan1il,V pos~e~~ions inside received aboul Sl,000 cJa111age, accord ing to inv estiga tors. s~alped:J On WarpotJ1 Orer Fairgrounds Fee By ARTll Ull R. \ 1:-\SEL ThP. l nd1ans :ire coming to Co~ta ~l e~.1. but they're on 1t1r warpalh nrrr *~.()(){) 111 ll'a1npu1n rrql1ir'.'rl li;ir re srr1·a1 ion of ti1 r Orange Counl ~ F;i1rgrol1n ds for a 1110 day benefit fest11·:il. Tiley bel1l're 1!1t•y .irl' grl ll!'i: sc;1lp:-d E\rru111·e~ •1! tht' ;~~nrl D1~\nr •! . .\~ri( ul!ur:.il A~:.111 ·1Jti111 1 t·o11ld not b" r~;whrrl :H thr. l w11·~ro11nrlS" (or r·(11111n1 ll~ \]!)nd<i\' h(•(';111~.-fif a lt'j.;:•I l111lod.11 r·,)tll 1nr1110r.<1T1ng Ori I ~. l·!~ll . when' JL ;il l IJrg<rr: f(lr thr l nd1;111~ Co!u1n ln1s arr1\'11il u11 1:\1' 'ITl1!\ ;111r! l' ' hC"en a h.'.JSS\c r11r ti1e. lil'(I ,\J1u1 t_\t'r ~111< r (Jnc cliif'fta1n !11111h ~d In thr ."-L1A1ng !•f All ,\mcr\can !n<!l:i n \\°rf•k, (ltt . 18 and I~. ha" Wrll \Cll 10 lhl' (;rc,1l \\'hjl r l·-:>1hr r ln Sacra1ncnto. hnw1·vcr, plus three leg- islators. seek1 nA help. (;nv. Honald Hrag;1n was nrvrr loo r11r- 1l1al ln thr Indian s 1n hi" rolr as <1 cnwhr1y ;ir!nr brforr t11rn1ng pol1l1r 1<1n, l1u1 ln(i1a11 lead er N n h l r "!\id" C.:hi s:-e\I , 11f L11~ ,\n,<.:elcs. ha~ 111trresh'd one 1nll u1:11t1;il p~r1,1·. ~f'11. GrorgP 1:: Dan1l'.l~11n r f> \ ,••~ ,\ngrlrsl hns wr ittrn l!'I F;i1r l:n;1rd l 'rt~'iidcnt Cecil ,J i\l ari..~ .sugge~!t11)!. :1 1·h3nge in !he rl'nlal ~tn1tlu re in 111,i k_• il C'ilsier on tlie Indi ans. "'1 hair heen ad\·1sed lh<il lh<' fer ~.i .llOO for the lwo day s, is substan\l:illv J!re;.i tcr than that \Vhich you chargr ulilf•I' 1·11·1c orga111z<i lions for 1he u ~e ci! f;ir.ilitir!l ... Dan:elson \1•rolr. ~rl f·hC'IJ'l proi::ram ~ 11ff the reservn t1(!nS, schnvls. collegr schol:i rshi ps and the likt', 'i"1;ice lt:t.lcral aid js restricted to rrserra- l1on~- "Sri;m~ tha t thn,,c wh11 hurn. luol ;i r:d 111,1 :!I'!' thrones wh o grt 1.hr help. hul thr prntrd Ind ian. 11 110 11:.int~ to win 1.J~· r.i1a lil1t·;ili1)11 ;ind hrl1nvr·~ hun~elf 1~ .ilw:i~·s h~1 ni: tilJ\C'n ad \'iln ta i.:r of hy 1l1r lil[liotritr'i" .•lld hlr\·din~ hrart s 111111 pr••- 1 1''~ tn wa111 1n do :,(lm('th1ng lrrr 111t' 11111111rr1v groups.' Ch1:,scll Lo\d t.1c ;: +\ ('! 11Hf. f\11t 11111 \' t lin~<' whn ;J"!13lr " h<' r·1111 - !1nuf'd, ~<1;·111 g rl1c. F;11 r,..l3or11·d\ ~:i 1111() r:11e is 1liscr11ni1111t1ng "Tl1f'v hal'e <iiloll'ect !hr ,l11n1nr 41l1:11n- hrr or (_'on1mrrcc antl thr l,:(1\' S<_·pu(~ !n 11sc the Fairgrounds fur a ·token p;iy- 111ent.'' l;e tont1nu ed A ~po kesman for th(' Orange Emp1rr ('r•lint,:i l of lhe Boy Seoul.~ of A1nrra-.1 sa1ct J\1nnda.v their re nta l rail' for a rr- ,.,.;1t Sro11t -O.£la1n,1 was $2.l40 f11r one d;i1. b1!\ they h<indl rd thei r own cleanup l nst>. r::·>:c<l nn 1hr ra1c rh:irged 1he Indi ans, 1 111~ 11 ork~ out ln ~4 ,7110, 11,hllc the ra1r , 1l·\rged 1hr .J11ycee5 ll'il.' lr~s than 5200 !111" 11~r of a b;irc section of parking lcil f,11· a ~ll'ap n1f·rl ("h,ssell said :inother nonprofit lnd ia11 1"1~·l1 rrn1~nl org;in1zation l'.'<.1S charged four 111nes lhe rate for a 1!167 dairymen 's ron1ent ion and rodeo al the Los Angeles \\"cstrrn Showgrounds. '"\\le are hopi ng ~·ou can JI} somthing Lo tnrreel this injustice lh1.'; t1mr, ;is we wrn t in the h<ile last lime." Chissell con- cluded. Schools in the Newporl·i\lesa Unif ied Scl1ool Di~1ritl arr acting -or not acting -on :in 1nd1vid ual b.1s1s In pl~11n1ng for \\'ednesrla,1·'s J\lnratonum to prolesl thr Vir!oa1n \\'ar S;i id Jl <t rbur l!igh Schoo l Pr111t 1p:il Charlt'S (;odshnll -"Tl1c pr11n:iry •lh· ll'Clive ls to kr!'p lhe k1Us nn ca1npus and provide a pl<itfo nn on ll'hlt'h they can discuss the 1~s11es. ··r think il 's 11npcirt:1nt lll;i t pcop lr rr:1lize thal as a school. 11·e arc not t:ik ing any stann on the issue (of the Vietnam \\'ar ). rr the students cut school \on1ot• row. Lile~· f:i c·c the normal con- ~cqu(·nces." ht: said. "Nn 011lsidc .~IX"~kC'rs nr persl)nnr l o[ :11 1,1· kir1d" will he pern1illcd to .~prak on 1!;1rho1· ll1gh·s t·a1npus. Godsh;i ll said. The studC'tlt discussions 1~·ill tak e pla(·t during thr h1nt h period . \~·hich l;i~ts ~J 1n 11111IL'S. "ll rna.1' be that on a voluntary h.1 ~is thrrr 1vil1 be soine discussions in the afternoon," said Godshall. lfli11te11ve1•s Pla111ied Russian Ships Link • Ill ;.\OSCO\\' (L:Pl) -The 1wo 50l'l<'l ~pa :li ps Soyuz 7 and Soy11z a toda y docked in orbi t :ind cire continui ng ti1clr JOHl l fl ight , 1nfonncd spnce source:; rr po~ted . A third spaceship, Soy uz 6, \\'il.~ !l,11nii nearby, li•!ormed so urecs had predicted e<1rlier ti1e t11·0 spacecraft would earl)' out doc:k - in,; maneuvers .1nd that the thi rd would perform experiments in spa ce \\'e\ding in hopes of eventual construction ol a flyin g spa ri'. station. Th ~ r;ources said Soyu7. fl was hcl1e\'rl'I 1,1 na1 r served n::: an orbital "\vor ksl1op '' <luring the linkup maneu ver. Tass news reports told only nf the lhrec erews· practice in rnanual ha11dl in11 of the :-~11 ps anfl 1·;1r111us lcsts. One repo rt S<Jid 1i1ey were n1a king J91!1l l'Xpe rin1ents 111 Council lo Meet 'Vith Four Firnu; On l\fesa Revamp Fo11 r morr consull 1ng llr111 ~ wit h hopr::: fnr <1ssrgn111cnl t!"l re-engineer the (lowntown Costa ilfes<i of the 1980s will be Jntr rl'ie11·e1l lly lhc Cit y Council tonighl Til1• pulll1r 15 i1111lrrl tr1 the 7 p 1n. :.f'<is1on. L.1~1 Tuesday " s1 n11lilr sess ion '":i~ held 11·11h llirct" ntlH'r f1r1n.~ wnirl1 l•l1111nrd 1l1l'!r ('Xprnl'ncr :i1H I h:i.\lr rt ,lcvclop1 nent eoncPpti; fl 11r of thr ('n11,q1ltt1111 s !'..r·hrdu lrd 1•1 ~pr;1 k tr1n1ght in tl1e 45-rn11111 1e l1n11L prr.1(·111~1tl<Jn~ l'i f11f11lf'r cv~1a ;'o.1 r'.'>a ('1!y ,\l;1n:1gt'r Hobrr1 l"ng t r. 11'110 now r.pr ra(f's 111.• n11n prrvalr f1r111. Lnder the Sltili'. Hcdcrclop111rnt Act ol 1 9~i. thl' r1 ly plan~ to rsl:i hl1sh a t;ix trl'eze on the area eventually de1erin1nc<I l11r rrvamping, 11·hich 11·ill finance the 11lr1111nte progran1. The county-e ollec:tc<l lax v.·1!1 reinain the .;ame as when fro1.cn, but ;:rs <Jssessmen\s increase, the excess wi ll ~tl 11110 the rc<levelopment fund, which mJ y rcqu irr more th;in $2 milli:in. ·tonsullant s said Jasl week the projert could t;ike 15 ye;irs to co mplete. Nl::\V YORI\ (APl -The slock mark t'l bla~ted ahead for the sr.conrl straight ses- sion. v.'ith an unusually large volun1e. (See quotations. Pages 10-ll l. Traders apparently became fired with enthusiasm Monday by rising expecta· tio11s of Vietnam peace developments and hope of a relaxation of monetary restraints. Space pho!ograpli y, n1 ap n1ak1ng and medic(}. b1 olngi('3] rese<irch. ~eve r before have so 111any rnen been 111 ~p3ce at once, orbiting th e earth ev ery 8:J n1 lnutes in three vehicles. The llC\\'s agency said lhe flight com- inander, Col. Vladimir Shatalov, put his men through brief physical exams this rnorn ing and Lhen conducted a session oi' -.varinup exercises. ··shatalov reported Lhat afler the night rc<.I, the cos monauts are feeling llnr." Tass said_ "The cosinonauts started f11llilling lh~ program ol [he regular day of the ll1ghL." Thei r niissinn i.~ a serirs of r.~· perin1enL~. poss ibly invn lving spacewalf:. 11;1;, to iron out the problen1s facing man Jn r~tablishing an earth-0rbiling space '.)l.1tfor111 in bui lding a stairway into :·p;ice. By 8 . .10 a,n1 l\1oscow lin)e, the threr- 111~1 1 Soyu z 6 capsule had co1npletcd t'1 111·),jt5 , th e two-man Soyuz 7 had done 2'J ;ind the two-man Soyuz 8 had finished 13 Jollowing its launching J\1onday . "The program will be fulfilled con1- pletrl y excellently and ln1peceahly."' Shatalov radioed J\1onday night before hi s n1rn bc<ldtd Jo1vn . There 1va~ no official wor<I on exaclly 111la L the inis:rinn \VOuld entail. All thl' C1)~n1on11uts are trained in spatewalk in i;: ;ind So y11z fi tarries \VClding equi pment. 1:-;~d ing to the conclusion thal two of the r;1 p~11l es could be connected in spa ce.. ,\'cxf·1 Ycl1seyev, Sh:lla lov·s civilian •-l1ipn1 ;i te ;1bo;ird ~oy11z 8. said in a tapc"d i"l+ 11~io11 1n1t'r1·1ew J\londay tha L there 11'>:1:r\ hr nil tra nsfer of cre"·s from one 1 rh1rlr 10 am1thrr ~~ v.·as done in tile S•J\ u't ~' lnsL nianned flight in January. Mesa Water Unit Okays New Well Directo r$ of the Costa Mesa Coun1y \Vatrr IJistricl (CJ\.tCWDI ha ve agreed Lo a reeoinrnendation by their consulting cni::i neers that a new v.·e1J to be. drilled 11•ithin 1hc month be increased io size. The .J.1mes J\.f. Montgomery Inc. con- s11l1ing rngi neers cmpany saict thal the 11'cll 10 bt• loc;ited at Sunflower Av('n ue ;1r.d F;.i 1rv1rw Road should be Increased frn n1 Hi tn 20 inehe3 v.·ide. Th is '"'ill increase the price of the 11·rll fron1 $7Q,OOO to $7~.000, but will provide 10,000 n1ore gallons per minute of flow, 1nak1ng the rate l5,000 gallons per n1inute . The well is one of three lo be drilled eventually in the·northwesl section of the city and supplements one shut off in 1968 by a San Diego County-centered earth- quake. "Considering the nature of 1he e\rnt :ind lhe great herilage which \\'C O\VC !o the oiginal Ainericans. I hope that ,\'Oll "·il l reconsider • , .. " the Los Angeles L'oun ty leglslalor continued. Chissell, however, WBS a bit more blun t in his letter to Gpv. Reagan. a copy nf 1,·hich inspi red Sen. Danielson to offer lhe Fair Board a note in behalf of 1he JndiAns. To11111tie Agee Hero "Once aga in the Indians are brin iz 111ken a<lvant age o[ -by \hr :l2nri ]))strict Agricul1un1l As!"ocia1inn .. , f"r lheir All A111rric<1n fndi:in \Vr.:-k and lllf- rcsrr\'atlon fund ~how," he <ingrily ~·h;i rges. The pagean t cxpc1·tcrl In 11 1· a '" 1 hn11 san<I ~ of par!ici panl.~ and .~pcc:tah1r~ to Cnsia l\fesa pro1•irlC'S rnoney for ln<han 11f0RE ON 'C RASll' The second of fi ve reports by DAILY rJLOT fin ancial l"O'tlimn ist Sylvia Porter. ana lyzing lhe economy CJf 1969 in lighl ,,r 1i1r "Stock market crash and world d1:poess ion of 192!1, a ppe;ir~ tod ay on f',1.cr 3. Mets Blast !\E\V YORK (AP\ -Tommie Agee .~:1ved f1l'e runs \\'ith h\'O sensational <11..'.robatic catches after hitting a 400-fool lf''.1dclf home nin Tuesday and the Ne w \"ork Me.ls took the \Vorld Serie::: lead \vitb a 5..0 viclory over Baltimore in the third game. The Am11zing Mets now lead 2-1 in games. Gary (ientry, a ?3-year-old rookie. h!;1nked the favored Orioles with three hils before he ;o;truck a wild streak in the ~rventh and turned over the job to Nolan f!l'an \\'i!h the bases loaded and two out n; ;i n, c1111ing lno:::e "'ith ti is bla1.ing f.l~t ba ll, tuok il Lhe rest of the way v.•ith the help of Ager. despite a ninth-inning Oriole. th real. A standing room crov.·d of 56,l.15 al Shea Stad1u111 rosr. in a mighty che er \\'hen Agee ra ced 111lo right center and ni.-.dc a bell y-flopping diving catch of l'aul Blair's dr ive thal had double or In· pie \Vrittcn all over it with the bases load- ed tn the seventh inning . ln the rourlh inning th e same Mr. Agee, who once wenl O -for -:14 during a sad !ilrctch in 19611. racrd far into lert center to catch Ellie Hendrick's smash \~1ilh men nn first ~nd th\rd b;\Se. Aget just got the. h:ill in 1hr wrb or h1~ ji:lovr and then ju.~t haC tin1e to brace hirrlsclf as he crashed • 5-0 inlo the wall at the .196-foot. mark. TwCI runs would have scored if he hadn 't bern able to hold the ball. The Mets' victory on a cloudy af- lrrnoon wilh lhe floodlights turned on pvt lhcm into the driver's seat in thls best-of· seven series. The next two games will be playtd at Shea ind the National Leag ue cilnmps have a cbanct!: to end it all at home . Manager Gil Hodges has Tom Seaver, his 2.~-i;iame v.•inning act, ready to face i\fikc Cuellar, the Orioles' big 23-game \\inner. in \Vedncs<lay 's fourth game. f ·ut>ll ar hc11l Sca1·f'r 4·1 in the opener at D:lll i1nore Saturday "\\'e've bepn very i1npressed \\'Ith lhP. fact that our studen1.s want to discu ss the issurs hcrr." said the i>rincip:il. "They don 't 11·a11t lo rally or protest or anyt hin g ou1s1dc. \\\1 ferl 1liat (lpportunity ~hould he ;1fforrled rheni." On the othrr ~ide of l11r district. :'.It Costa \lesa ll tg h, Frank A. Lope~ Jr., tl1e principal. had no pla ns fn!' any ob.~rr1·ance. <t tHI ;iddrd. "\\'e ha1·e no ;ilert t11at Jnythi ng is gou1g to octtlr." DAILY PILOT Sllll '~011 FILLS EMPTY SEAT N•w Commissioner Leonhardt J olui Leonhardt Na111e<l Planner For CostlL Mesn Lr:rnglune Costa l\'lrsa businessrnan a11d r il·ie leader .lohn C. Leonhardt was ap- pointed to the city Pl anning Commission ~1 ond~1y n1gli t af1r r ri!y c·ouncil in· !ervicws of JO ;ipplicants. Lc()111l:1nlt, 2!"116 Vas~ar Pl aec. tan for the cHy co11ncil unsut rcssfu!ly fo11r rear~ ago and ha.~ heen :lt t1,·c in a v:1rirly of eorn1nun i1y acli1·1!1es The Coast Draperies anfl Sou thern Count ies Distributors 01\'!lcr 1v1 ll replace rdu cator Do n Hout. whose duti es v.·llh 111 ,. i\e1rporl -\lcsn Unified St"hool IJ1 s.lrirl h;n·r rxpanrl ed through pro1not1 on. 'I don"t think we could hal'c gone \\·rong wi 1h any nf them ," s<iul i\.fayor Al- \ 111 L, Pinkl ey af!rr the ro1u1ril j}C'rsonn rl session ended at 1l p.m. with Lconhard l'!i appointment I le said he has rarely :;een such 3 quallfird Field of candid ates and ari- pllcations by the remaining nine n1C'n will he plaC'ed on file for reference in the e1•r nl of future vacancies. Lconhardt's resume submitlcd v.·hc n hr ;ipplied to replac e Hout conta ins a li~l of four interesL<; anrl priorities in term~ of future eornrnut)Jly development · -Establishment of a major civic ccn1 rr <inr! public use around the existing c11y hall and police faclli1 y, -Deve lop1ncnt of the old city hall al l\Hh StreeL .1 nd f'o111011a Avenue, 11.1w housing a private remedial school, into smne type of corn1nunity center . -Institulion of an entire west side and downtown area sludy, geared to possible redev elopment and urban rene\val plans. -Expanded park d eve I o p me n t lhroughout the city, with more tennis courts and public swimming pools. Leonhardt is a 1935 graduate of Slip- pery Rock. Pa .. Township High School an d served eight years as local n1agistrate for lhe township before mov· in~ west. . He is active in the Costa J\1esa Cha1nber of Commerce, both as a direc· tor :ind on va rious committees; the Uni led Fund ; Costa Mesa Beautification Commillce: Orange Coast C o 11 e g e Advisory Board ; Orange Coast Lions Club and the Masonic Lodge. Leonhardt is also a charter member or the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant. serveri as a deacon for lhree years and is a n1cmber of the church's planning com· miUre. JlJ;o; background scholasticalt, include~ chemistry, engineering, business ad- ministration, crim inal and civil law. plus real estate and interior decoration. He said in his application lhat he is fam i!i11r \\'1th pl onning coinmission ac· Ji vities through prior experirnce anrl tiln rearrange his business hours to fulfill the r11le as a rom1nissioner. ' .. Lopes said th;:it Lo hi s knowledge, nn teachers planned specia l discussion~ en !hr Vic.tnan1 quesl1on. "Tracher 's plans. H ;i r~dieal departure fr ::i1n lesson plans, should be. cleared with n1e," Lopes snid , Corona de) l\l;ir lligh School ad- n11nistrators .~aid an a ~seinbly has beea planned for !he stud C'nl body, and gue<:l speakers 1n1·itrd '"fro n1 both sides'' ti) !See SCllOOLS, Page 2) . '. " Coast Colleges Join Forces 0111\'loratorium Gco11ps nf ~tudrn t s in .:1L least four Or:ingc Coast <1rC'a colleges w i 1 I partieipal e in \V rtlnes;iy's nationwide 1noratoriu n1 ag :i ins· the Vie tnam \var. The Orange Counly Peace ;ind Human fl igl1ts Counci l \rill hold a memorial serl'iee al 7 o'rl<K'k tonight at 1he ll un- l1nglon Be<ieh Pit T and the Unitarian Unil·er~alisl Church in Costa l\1esa will he open fr on1 9 a.111. to 6 p.m. Wednesday for discus~ion of progra1ns for peace. -Al UC Irvine antiw<ir students will C'1 1t. c1asses to altend protesl lectures and hold a n1emorlal service for war dead. -Anliwar students at. Orange Coast Colleg e \viii holtl a symbolic march across the cainpus. -A five-hour progr:im nf speaker s is pla nned at Goldrn \Vest College. -And al Sou\hrrn California C1J\lege in Cnsla r..IL'sa st udents v.·Hl hold an early 1nnr11lng \'\gil to pray [or peace. A rounter prntest i~ planned with ll group of unidentified pe rsons anonymous- NATIONWIDE MORATORIUM WRAPUP SEE PAGE 3 ly Announc ing thry \1·i ll a~semble al the l101nr of UC! Ch.:i.1cc llor Daniel Aldrich tn tell hin1 "whnl they th ink ;iboul alt that slul f go1 n,i:: on tomorrow." The grou p calls Jt.~rlf TIRED /Tax- payers Indignant ahout .Radicals in Edur·alion;, acco rding to a telephone t ip.~r cr_ liC Irvine',: 11'ar prote s t :ictlv itie,, 'l"rre to be firmed up in a n1eeling this ;1fLernoo11. A tin1e hadn 't yet been set for ;i Vir.tnatn denrl nie1norial se rvice hut clisci•0sion grcJu ps on lhe w;ir are schrdul- rd fron1 10 a n1 . to noon \VednC'sday and ~ ra lly at 12·30 pm. A 111arch C1n a 1var in· du stry plant l1:is lwf'n c;illed orL Aldr i(h t1as rrfuJ:C'd lhe anti1var .sT11rlcnt:-.' rrq11r.~l IH' r;111cel r las.,es and 1;11l' :;!<i ff !1n1 r (•if 1rith pay for the 1nnr:itor11ttn L"CI :·ludcn!s \\ere ,·otini; 1()(J.1y on \1 h"11l«r 10 wi1l1dr<rw 11nme1l 1<1lrly troo ps lrnrn Vrf•1nan1 and on other 1ss11es.. 1\ ~ti 1drnl refi•rt>nd11111 election ;i L f\ranr,e Coas! Co llege Y.'ilS discussed Mnn- d:iv bv the ~tudent. cnuneil '.)ut, <lecid<'d ng-ain ~t hce<iuse of the s hn rt nolice. But a sy1nbol11: ma rch fr0m thr audi torium In 1i1e kiosk in the central quact is plannrd t-y those who oppose Lhe war. An tiwar studen ts v.·ill speak follnwing the march. Al 1_;ol den \Vest Ccillege in llunlin~ton Beach <t prog r<in1 is pla nned in the Free ~i.:l'cch Cr nler from It a.m. un ti l 4 p.111. 1111drr lhe sponsorship of political science l11~1n 1r1 nr J\largarel lloltrust Cla ~sc~ 1\·111 not be cancelled by tl1c ad- 11111~!stralion but sorne instructors rn ;iy (it·r u!c to i:li,>n1iss cl asses and slltdents or Ol li rr ('l<1sscs mil y Httend the program U ISee STUDENTS, Page 21 Ornnge Coa•t Weather 'Vesterly winds will "'hip up some wild weather \Vednesday, the wise old weathern1an \\'C· pottli -ah. reports. Otherwise, it'll be n1ostly sunny with so1ne morning low rloud~. INSIDE TODA l ' UC' T rvi ~u· l1n.~ if,t fi r~t n~sis· rri uf chanccl.lo r f or ton11n11r.r 11rnara1nn1111g n.~ I/J r universd!I double.~ Ir.~ cun1pu t1 ug opera· l io ns. Pflgc 8 C•l+ll•no• 1 Cl•ll"tH ~·1S Comlt• !f c .. u~•• • Do•!~ "IOllCU • OIYO"I' • f~l11Pr!~I J'l9t ' EnHtlolnmenl t ~lnonct , .. ,, Ht .. ><OIM II Anft L1n41t• ll M1ill>9• 6 M•ttl•tt Ll(tn\H I M~ttlntl I M OYIU t Mu!v.11 'llf!lf• II 1"~11911•1 l'lt•fl t •J O••ll'lt C1unly I Sy1¥1• ,lllff l s~rh 11•11 S!O<-M1t111ll 11•11 t,lolYlllM I' 'T~...... t WtlTl!U 6 oi-Wll!l1P 11 w •• ., l'llW1 4.1 Wt1'1111f Htwl 1).U • -.... ~.--. -----~-~-----~~o:-"!'"!"'!-____________________ r:- 2 DAILY PILOT c Watats It l1ala11d --· .. -~-.... •· . ~ .. Recall Not . . ... • "Newport Rejects I Route i~ . Fizzli.J.1g, Says Cl1ief > .. Freeway ... ' -New port Bearh city rouncilmrn dC'tid- ~ ~tonday to a ~k thr stale once again to <1>nsider rerouting the Patillc Co<1sl Freeway 11est of the UpJ)('f Ba~. Thl'Y 11·ant 11 far ther inl<1nd. But not so far inland that IL rc11 ches Cost:i :'l\esa. The eJty staff told councilmen th at. if !h<' state's present shoreli ne-hugg in g ;,ihgnmrnt isn't changed , ll "'ill mean · - . .\ •·Ch1ne~e \\'all '' in \\'e~l '.\'e1i.·port -Destrucllon of 1 aluabll' bus1ne~s pro- perties along i'otannrrs '.'.tilr . -Ruination of hopes for an inland 1nari.na flc1·elopment behind Newpo rt Shores. Councihnrn rf'spondrd by unanirnnusly appro\'l.llg a rnot1on lo direct iltayor Doreen r-.Iarshall. the council'.'> freewa y committee and the staff to request recon~idE-r11t 1on of the adopted route by the state Highwa y Comnussion as soo n as pos:<ibll' "\rc.•1r g,)l 10 iltl on !hi~ now." s<ird Vice .\\;11or L1ndslc1· Parsons. 11·ho n1arlc 1hr motion . "\\'ha tcver route is fin ally rlccided upon will be ll'ith us f :ir a thou sand \'ears " 1l1r slri.11 ~hawed eQuncil mt'n vririous altl'rnitl11·c routes, all of v.·hich Sll"ung Carpenter Says Pollution Tops Protest I ss ue from \\.Ire Sen•lccs f RESi\0 -Campus d1s0rde rs may hr ;i passmg phenomenon. bul pollution and ('onser\ ation are nol -anrl !hey are fast rclipsing !he !ormC'r as p:ilitical issues in California. This wa s the :issess111enl of l\ewpor! r.each's Den nis Carpenter. cha11"111an ol 111c California !1epu bl1can Stale Central Committee. ;it a speech before COi' \1·omen here 1\1ond ::ty. Carpenter to!d the California Federated nepublican \\'omen's central division au- rlience that lhese environmental crises ;ire drawini; more and more voter reac- tion. ''Air and 1,1.·atcr pollution and preserva- llon of fore sts are closing rapidly on <'ampu s r iots as the major probll.'ms in (_ahfornia:• he said. but he \\·as op~ t1mistic about more solidly political mat- ters. He predicted the COP 1,1.·ould keep con- 1 rol of the Leg islature in lhe 19i0 elcc- 11on. during whic h he st-es Assembly ~Tinor1ty ~ader Jes~e lnruh lo~ing to Ln· l'Umbrnt Governor Ronald Reagan. He said Reagan's popula rit y ""ill con- llhue to climb at a rate Unruh \1•111 not be able to overcorne. although Carpen1er ad- r!ed that he 1i.ou!d pr efer to see T.-0~ Angeles r.lt1 Jor Sain Yorly run on lhe Demo ticket. Planners Oust Mesa Billboard Inve1tment in an outdoor billboard can be a gan1ble. Harold Soper lea rned again .\londay. The C05la 1\lesa Plannin~ Co1nmiss1011 rf'C ommended den ial by a 3-10 Z 1ote of a i.one exception lo allow Sliver tu cnntinur oJ)l'rahon of a bi llb:iard al 1310-1586 :\"ewport Boule1 ard, despite lhc tact J\ •~ .;]ready til ere. He argued that 11 cost, ~1a.00o to pnr rine up and el~ht ~rats' rl'nlal to at lta~t lrt a man bre1:1 k e1 rn. b111 los1 out 10 <1 n rmerg1ng ant1-b11lboard campaign.· Com1nis~1onr>rs J;ick Han1me\I ao rl II ,J "Jimmie'' \\'ood 101ea rn the m1nuri!I . noting that the Gltndale outdoor ad· 1 erll~1ng agency r:.:eculil"e should he i<Jlo wed to ge1 his H'll'estmrnt back. Hammen an<! \rood noted tJ1e con1 mission originally recorn1nended denia l ol Soper·s app lication and !00 did the Ci1 y Council. but he appealed the m;itter and rou ncH men reversed thPn1sel res. OAllY PILOT ~·~•" N. w••' """"'"' ••t l"utl••n•• J o <~ ~ Cu,l•t .,..., 1, .. ,.,.n1 t no C.tnt•1• ~· .... "' T~1..,1 1 l:11Y•I l t•'O' T~o"'"' A. ),,,(,,.~,,,, Ml1'111"4 ''""' c .... w...oMM )JO Wt1I 111 $1!111 Mt;:;,,, Allltlrtn: P.O. 111 15•0, '2•1• o ........... He-'....,., 7lll WU! .. ltlo• ••u>e~t•• ~t .... nl lit«l'I' JH I'.,.., """""'' MUlllllll'-'I IMcll: lM jt~ ll!lll i;u1•l'I •1Lo•. ,. . .., '"""~ •• ,.,.t,,...e ""• f<••t l •IU . '\ ... lt'<ON8 fl•" !K ffl '-"' .. , ... -···· tt.11-'-' '"'' ....... "-' tHt~. l "-Y"" let<~. H""I'"'•~ ::~.1·~:.;~:0'." ~.:~7'c~i;.t "::i~ .• ·.;; · (-"'I 11'•"'1"' 1!1Mo l fl II Ull WH' loltfl l r.t , How-I ftll (I!, -J» O'l"U t lor l Ut1I, (O•ll Mn 1. ,...,.._ 111•1 M1""1Jl1 Cl_.... ...,..,,. ... , 641·1671 (-•lfl"I, IW , 0--t .. .r ~ulll!-" ... ~-"'* ........ ier..... . • .,,, •• ,_. fta.191 ....... ., -H-• ......... -~ (lit •# WPJ<M •;--leO "' ............ CWo"o•• -· ... ( .... tl•t1 -·-..... ,, ...,_.., ... dill -c ...... -, c..n1.,",. S-.•llf"-' "'-.,.,,..., n.• _.t" ..,. -11 u.• -"""'' .......... •HM! .... "" -"-'1'· • north behind Hoag tilemorial liospilal and tied in "'Ith the Corona deJ tl-lar seg. nien L of the free\\IJ}' al the Co<Jst High wa y hay cross1n1,; Counc1ln1t'll agreed ll would be po!Jtically inipossfble I::> win appro1:.I ol any nrw alignrnent if 1t inv fldcd Cost~ i'>lesa te rri tory. 1'hose routes 1vere urdered struck lron1 consideration. t>.'e1\·port Height s. south of Clay Slrerl . was thus left as the only area throu gh 11·h~ch an inland free1\·av <:01ild be cut. Councilmen reached their decision afler Public Works Direelor Joseph T. Devlin reported that more coastal land 11·ould be gobbled up by the adopted alignment than had been origin11lly plan- ned by the slate. Divis ion of llighwa ys engineers, he said, have junked an eight- lane frccwa_y concept in fa1•or of a 10-lane design. Planning Director Larry \\'ilson upset t-ouncilmen even fu rther by pointing otil tha t currC'nt stale pl;1o s call for an earthen fill lo su pport the freeway. starting al a poini just cast of lhe San!.11 .A.na River crossing. The fill 11•ould rise steadily from ground lev el to a height or .10 fN't. That v.·ouki carry it to the bluffs in the area of Superior Avenue. ''The existence of a fill of tha! height and nature probably rnerils terrning it a Chinese \Va ll," said Wilson. "ll \.\'Ill cer- tainly have a psychological impact on lhat part of town ." He said the monster barricade would effeclively divide people living south of it from the northern part of the community. The beach residents, he said, would be left exposed to the impact of all the noise and traffic generated by the frce"·ay. The state. he noted. plans to relocate '\'est Coast Highway north of the "Chinese Wall." A portion of the free1i.·ay ilself \\·ould be built along the Pacif ic Electric right-of-"·ay. "[ don't think putt ini;: a freeway o\·er the PE property \\·ill be any more ac- {'r ptablc to the people in \Vest Newport than tu rn ing the land into a pa rking !01,·• he predicted. \\'ilson also disc losed that Division of Highways· freeway plans "preclud e" opening up Benning lowlands beh.lnd Nrw port Shores to marina development. It would also, he said, prevenl Costa !ltesa fr om ever developing a marina ad- Jacenl lo the Santa Ana River upstream. Both cit ies ha ve long entertained hope.~ of making new 1i.·atcr1i.·ays out of land along the river. De••li n intensified the c.-ouncil"s resoh·e by noting that the ~late.', 111 i1s currf'nl lrceway planning. is no longer g1v1ng con - ~:derauon to preserving co1nn1erciat pro- pcn ics on !he inland s:irlc of \\'es1 Cnasl H1gh11 i<,\'. Th<' wider lrer.11:11· ;ind rr <1l1).\11- menl ot por11oos of tll1· h1glll~a.11 rn.i ke such considerati;:in 11n1,ussible, !:e m· d1ca ted . Counc1l111e11 sern1cd 0p1 1111t~l 11· «bo1;t Jhr slate 's rc~ponsr l'l (he r 1 cq11cs!. 'There ne\er has been a Migh\\•ay Cor11- 1111~s1on thal has loo~eil ;1l the co111111111111,v henefits of a frer11ay ro111c ilS ni11ch as 1hc present con1111 1ss1on," saa/ Counc il- n1<1n Paul J. Gruber. Be fore any change is 'oted upon by Ille comm ission, there niu st be a Sllldy by the Division of High.,..·a~s and public hear- ings. lt may lake unt il next spri ng before the issue is srtlltd. clly aides said. Ju" ~ll•n •~••• necall spokesn1an Paul Carpenter denied Monday that the 1no1•emenl aln1ed at the unsealing of Orange Co11n ty Fifth D1~tr1ct .Supervisor Allon !-:. Allen is no longP.r being actively pursued by l!s undercover organizers. The Cy press Democrat squelched reporls that the carnpaign is in trouble with the comn1ent lhat ''3,000 signature:ii are in the bag and we're sure to gel the other 6.7.S we need to put the recall on the books ." ~arpenter noted a mon th ago that !hf' drive had produced 2,800 signatures of fifth District voters. It 1,1.·ould appear, by his calculations, tht voters arc flocking lo the banner or the unknown candidate at the rate of 50 a week . MEMBERS OF THIRD MARINE REGIMENT FILE OFF PLANE AT EL TORO AIR STATION Flag•, Band Music, Joyful Fam ili es •nd • L•ader'1 Oec1 arati0n of Vi~Jory Carpenter, an unsuccessful candidate for Congress and Assembly s~ats in past Orang!.' County elections . told the DAILY PILOT tha t persi!.:lent t'Cports of the Im· pending dernise of thC' recall campaign 11·ere .. rumors and certaully not based 011 ~~~~~~-------~ l'rotn Page · 1 STUDENTS. • • the.v cl1oose, r.-Trs. Holtrust said . Speakers "'iii include A1neric:an Cil'il Lib<'rties Union attorneys ~like Grodski anC !\trs. Pat Shapiro. the Rev. Roger \\'alkc of Unitarian Uni versalist Church in Costa Mesa, attorney Bill Smith and a Dr. Lion of Cal State Long Beach. At Southern California College, Costa 'f.lesa. a meeting will be held at 9 o'clock tonight on lhe theme .. The Christian Perspective · of the Viclnarn \\'ar." Religion professor \\'illiam \Villiams and hb tory professors Dr. Dennis f\lcNult and Le\1'is \Vilson 11•ill speak . Studen1s \1 ho 1vish w!ll begin praying for pract' in 1he colle{!e chapel at 1nid-- nigh1, Dea n of Studen1s .o\tfred Ca11"5ton ~aid . !\orth Viet's Prcn1ier Vi s iting With Kosygin 'f.·IOSCOW /UPI) -Premier Pham Van Dong of North Vietnam arrived 'f.Ionday on a;i official visit to confer 1,1.·ith Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosygin. Dong flew in from Easl Berlin. 1,1.·here he had t8ken part in the 20th annive rsary celebration of East Germany. Marine General Claims Victory in Vietnam War The assistant commandant of the U.S. f\1ar ine Corps told Lroops just returned from Vietnam to El Toro 'f.1CAS f\1onday that they won thei r sha re or the \.l'ar. Gen. Le1vis \Y. \Vall declared victory as f::tr as the rirsl contingent of 250 men of the Third !llarine Reg irnent -lhe first Le~therneck un1l broughl home by Presi- dent l\·i:.:on -1s concerned. '·You have clefea tcd the enemy in his f)l\11 i1·ar,'' s:1id CCJ1. \\"alt during \\(']· c·omr·home C('ren1onics at the air stat ion. ''You have given the South Vietna1n ese people a freedom. a new way of life .. _ you have helped them to have fail h in 111eir local government ," the Corps' second·in·command said. He was joined at the rere111ony featur- ing wavi ng flags. blaring band music and the joy of mothers, fathers, wives and children greeting their men agan, by .!ohr. W. Warner, undersecretary of the Navy. \Varner told the returnees that there is much dissent In this country, but insisted that the majority of Americans are proud of what theY and their buddies who came home in caskets have done. He added that the fact they have been tr:t alled to the U.S. is indicative that President Nixon is trying to end the Viet- 11an1 hostitilies. 1·11 ... rrn1aindcr of !he 1.ZOO·man regi - mt nl . 11h1ch h;1s bren .~t :i l ioned 01 er~cas fnr 1hc pa &t 16 ~rars ;ind 11 111 no1v be h!!s- rd al C;1111 p J>cndltton-1~ due bac k l:11cr this n1011Ll1. LC'it\'C'S of 20 Uay.s' durolion are bring g11en 10 111<? rr t11r nc d r.larinc~. l'.l1 ile ~nrne arc fini:.;J1crl 11 1l h their ~Cr\·1ce antl 1·. ill be rcleast>d to civilian lil r.. Page 1 SCHOOLS ... dl.'i'llSS lhc Vietnam issue~. any fa<.:ts. · ··our petition wor ker:<: :ire <loi ng ::t lre1ncndous job." hr. said . "\\'c are very pleased with their e[forls and we :ire con- fident that we will ha ve the signalures we need long b!fore the March deadline." Ca rpenter again refused to identify lhe potential candidate for Allen 's seat and again declined to state who is finan cing a campaign that will. on conservative estimates, cost someone $30,000. Both he and Anthony Tarantino or San Clemente, the se!f·styled s cu I pt or • designer v.·ho announced the campaign l\\'O months ago. have persistently refus· ed to divulge this infortnation. T::trantino, 4.'il Calle MigurL has n(lt hccn available for con1ment for the pa~t three 1i.·eeks. He could not br con!actcd by ;:i DAILY PILOT rrpor1rr .\1rindily . .\l~cr h:i..: ;inn0u11c"d 1h,11 hr \l lll .1gJi:1 hr ~ 1and1rl;11r lor 1h<' l'ilth n1 .. 11 ir ! :'ie3 t 11·1r.!rr f!ll \' c1rcu111.~lJ1 1t:l;,, 'rc1 all nr otht,r1ri.~r " Palisades Road Sn1ash11p Injures Three Near Mesa Brea Lass Wins The student body asseinbly featuring three speakers has been scheduled for 111·0 1vccks, ;icco rding to Principal Leon i\teeks. The el'ent "'ill fea ture a 1var cor- rC'spondent speaking 1n favor of 1he U.S. role 10 Vietnam. a Qua krr hi story pro- !cssor from Cal Stale Fullerton speaking on hi s faith's moral and ~thi c81 vie\\·point 11t thr conflict. and an Ocf'an~ide resident 11ho 11111 explain the pn!it1cal h1storv of how 1\111erl{:;i 11 ;is 4Jr;11111 n1to !he wa1:. Five persons "'ere iniure<I. l"·o of thrm :<::ert:;iuslv. in a l1i.o-tnr 4·01!1sion on the Costa r.-fesa border near Orange County Airport i\1onday n1ghl The !I 13 p m. <iccidcn1 11rt 11rred on Palisades Road JllSl C'ast ()/ lied Hill A1c11ur. '1t'C'ord1ng 111 1h<· California ll1ghv.•ay Patrol. Press l 'lub Picks Ne 1v Q11.ee 11 Arno ld £. l\ohn;;11. 2~. Y11rb;i J.1nfia. w;i~ r-a stho11nd <,11 l';1l 1 ~Jdl':· Hc>a(I ;,11d ("JliHlt:iJ \l1!h il ,'.l'!'Jllil Ill' 11:•11111d (;,if ~lri1·cn hy )lr~ . .J r:1nnr .\h \nl·11y, ~:!. fJ{ 2369 Ba llo w Lane, Cos1a i'>\r. .... 1 A 19·year-old beauty que~o fr on1 Brl'a 11 ii! rule over the Orang(' County Press t 'lub as ti-fiss ORCOP during 1970. Ann E:layne Grammas, the 1968·69 ~ti s.~ 13rcti. wa s the choice of a celebrity·stud- (lt'cl r<1nrl of five judges r.1onday night n11e1· nine contestants paraded in the ir swirr1 suits and forn1al go.,..·ns on the slagc of the Grand Haters Off Broadway \Vest thealt'!' In Anah eim . But the pencil biting judges had to cal l ,. ' ' ••• DAILY "ILOT sttlt ''""• b.1ck four contenders -~11ss Gran1mai:;, J)onr;i flory of Hunt ington Beach. Kathy llnnson of Anahe1n1 an d Peggy Ryan of :)anta Ana -before they made their Jina[ ~rlf'clion. J\1iss Flory, li. th e cur rent i\lis.~ tileimaid of Cos ta tifcsa. wa5 named run - ner up. J\1iss Hanson took third spot 1n the final. ~1iE5 Flory, a blonde blue-eyed Hun- tington Beach girl , \.l'al ked off 1,1.·ith the traditional consolalion prize "•hen Press Club members •·oted her ' ' r-.-1 i s s Photogenic" of 1970. Judges included ~1 rs. Ruby Kee ler T.011·r of t>.'e1i.·port Beach. actors Jrin Hall ::ind Dai by Hinton of .. Daniel Boone' 1;11111· H:irry Rabbi!! of Ke\\·port Beac11 11,1c ma ,!;tCr of cprcmonil's Prizrs col. lrch·d by f\l i~s Gramma~ included th!' , v~1 free use of a ne1i.· auton1obilc for her • ' rar 111 olf1ce. .\'liss Gramn1ils. currently a ~opnon1ore t·:11glis h n1ajor at Cat Stale Fullerton . 1nta~ures 37-23·3~. She enjoys 011 pain· 1 111~. 11•nting and skating, 11·ould !i kc to be ;; mndel and, el"cntua lly, a high school ll'acher. She is a rormcr Glendale High School homecoming queen and has cap- h1rcrt i;cveral loca l beauty contests since rnovlng lo Orange County. J::stancia ll1gh S{'hoo l's Principal Floyd r.. Harryman said a l5·member student c0n1mi1ee would at1end Corona deJ i\l ar High School's assc1nbly progr;1n1. and rh;1t 15 ~l udt•nts 1la1c bl'rn "released hy pal'enl pcnnission" lo go to tiC lr1·ine for that campus' moratoriu1n sessions \Vednesdav. "The Vletn01rn question ha<; been discussed 1n soc ial studies classes fo r Lhe past we<'k," said Harryman. \Vhether the discussions continue. said Harryman. "depe nds on \.l hethe1· the :>l udenls cont inue thrrn.'' Some of !he sl odt'nt~. he ~aid. "~ccm 1o be deeply c:incrrned :'ind ha1·c deep feel- tn.I{.~ ;:ibout II "I think it"s in1portant lo honor lhl.'1r rf'qur~ts In go to Lll ·· 'S11nlcnts who don ·t know 1i.hr re '1et- na m is 11·oulcl r nd up do" 11 at thr beach:' :-;ial J !:trr.1111:111 . Quake J a rs Sau Diego ~ .. \~ Dl ~:GO r AP) -A light rarth- <Juake hll the San Diego area trxlay at ti 20 a m. Sheriff's officers said several persons east of the city telephoned to say they felt 1\. No damage \.\"SS reported. Kolman suffered a fractured lrg and I{ l1sltrt in i;ood e11nd1 t1011 1 0:!;1 ~' 1011011111~ ~urgery al c11~l<1 '.\]l'~<I )\r1111.rial 1!osp1tal. 11 llel'e llh' 1 1hi.:r dnvcr s teen· age daughter was also tak en CJalre H 1\l c Anrne~. !8, or lhr !".<1 111e a:ldre~.~. is also list('(] in ~OO<I (·011t!1\u>11. s11ffering fro111 lacerat1011s. lier 1nother 11·as treated and released 'f11·0 additional passengrr~ in l\olman·~ t ar. Enn10 V. Hacl ncl h. 31. <1nd his \\'1fe Susan. 2t Anahein1. were trcalcd at the ~:ime hospi!al and releasen 1hc <iccidenl \l'<I~ ~111! under Ir.· 1 e~l1gi1 l1f1u by Cl\!-' ufl1l·~1 • 1i1'.],11. ~e n . ~··l1111il i ~l a l cd A~ C U.\ BT :-ipeakcr Stillf' Scn;il or Juhn \; S,·h1n1!1. 1R- Tustin1 11tll bl' the ft'."Jluri>d :-pr.1ker Thursday al tl1c tlt•!vbr1· t111'rt11-.; !\I the C1t1lens !!:irbnr /\rr>;i R r~r,11Th Tt'a:11 1CHARTJ al the Co:.ta ;>lrsa (~Ollnl rv Club. . The !egislat11·r year in 5.tcramento ....,II be Sthmitz's !op1c fl urir1g the i .10 a in . session WATCH & JEWELRY Yn 1•r Omtgn Sn/r~ & .'\trtac t A"e11c11 •·. ., ' . ·'· REPAIRS! All WORK fUll Y f.U AiANTffD 1 II-\ r ---... ~ ..; ' ·~"' ,\ .r I· 1 1'· ~·\~:it:: . YOUR WATCH\',( --.,........,. .. ,, .. , I Cl•ened • Oiled •AdlutlOd fron1 RllllJI C'""°"' Whil1 Y111 Walt rlARlS ll0STRUN5 f,..,.. RINGS 51110. fr1111 ~ ... FREE $2.00 $3.00 ---DIAMONDS RIPU.CIO. flo191 $6.00 Chrono1 r1ph lo Stlf- \\ i11tftr11ll1htly hlrher: ENGRAVING ooir11 WHllE YOU WAIT Huntin9ton Center Beach at Edin9er HUNTINCiTON BEACH 892-5501 0 OMEGA l~. ~u v ''"'' 0,.,1;• S11t1cim u l1r "''''" """ Cl ffy '""II tt lt Clt " "'dh- "v! 1ny ..,.,4,fic1!0on bv NASA lo b1 '"'"'" by "~' ..,.,. en th1 "'"""· Th,, 1tco9nition, lrvly 1 ••· "'If ti f o • 1•e1ll1nco, ""'~"' 111 pfoud lo b1 your 1u•ho•ilttl 01'\191 j1.,.1ltr. Con11 in -tit f~t1 h1ntl10111 t , 1 b uUon, 4 11,11, 0 ... 191 Sp•1dll'I••· h r clHono9<1ph. lh. ""Iv ..... ,~ '"'"'" bv th• .... ~ ~" th1 "'e"~· '"'" S1•5. l l !IM S AYA l ~Al~I To the moon and bat!: Harbor Snoppi~q Cente r 2300 Harbor Bl vd . COSTA MESA SH['LL REIGN AS 1170 MISS PRESS CLUB Brea 's Ann• Elayn• Gramm•• Wins Crown 545-9485 • I ....... ~.··-·-····· I Nixon and Vietnam: WA!HfNCTON (U?I) -Pres1dent Nixon "shares the anb'lliSh" of antiwar proL .. slers over A1ncrica11s wh1J have ditxl Jn Vifln<inl <1 nd ult11nate!y "will end this war," Re publican congressional leaders siiid after a White House meeting today. Declaring, hol'lcvcr, that lhe President C'annot make policy based on demonstra- !lons such as planned Wednesday in the nationwide Vietnam moratorium, the CO P leaders said "There can only be one quarterback" and Ni:>:un is it. "We have a good quarterback and we believe he is 011 the right course and we \l'ill win,'' Houst• GOP Leader Gerald R. Ford told reporters. Senate GOP Leader tlugh Scott acknowledged that !here was discussion of the moratorium and said, "The Presi- dent shares the anguish of spirit which will be exhibited ton1orrow fOr those who have fallen." Both Scott and Ford expressed hope the demonstrations would be peaceful , saying that any violence devekiping in the pro- tests v;ould damage Nixon's efforts to end the war. Ford said, "Today would have been President Eisenhower's 79th birlhd ay, and remembering back, P r e s i d e n t Eisenhower ended the v.·ar in Korea - and President Nixon will end this war." Scott said if anybody had a plan better than Nixon's for ending the war, "ob- viously everybody wanls to hear it but the President has to be the one to .im· . plement It," Scott said peaceful demonstrations would not delay or impede a settlement and said he accepted the siJlC('rily o[ those who organized the moratorium in their rxpresSed desire for nonviolent demonstrations. Nixon will m~ke a broadcast report to the nation on the war Nov. 3, a year after President Lyndon 8. Johnson halted all bomb1.ng of North Vietnam. Presumably, the Nixon speech will be in prime evening time on te levision a.nd radio, as in the case of_ his first war report on May 14 in which he outlined his eighl·point plan for breaking the impasse in the Paris talks. The White House announced plans for Ul'I rtltP~OIO \Vearing formal attire, members of National Sym- phony Orchestra picket in dov:nto\vn \Vashington, D.C. Orchestra 's opening concert scheduled for to- night was cancelled when National Symphony As- sociation and musicians failed to reach agreement in labor di spute. Institutional Investors Change Market Picture Hy S\'LVIA PORTER {Sl'cond of Five·p:irt Series) Of ALL 'fl!E lc chnlcal distinctions bet>ree n '29 and '69, I think the most fiin· r!nmental ie; thl' growth o( lhe in- :;lilu!ional inve:;tor to a position of drnninnnt power in the stock market. In October 1929. 1here were no giant pen.sion fun<1s rc•g11la rly buying stocks for the long·tcrm ; there were no pension fund~. In Oclob!'r 1%9. 1l1;>sc funl'ls 11lonc holrl $58 billion of tl1e stocks \isled on the NC\\' )'ork Stock Exchange. In OetC\lx:r 1929, Lhere were nfl giant m1J111 <1J funds buyin,i.; anrl s e 11 in g enonno11~ blocks of stocks: the in· t·estrncnt corpp:iny was in its Infancy :ind It. was lo be all but dcs1roycd in the '2!1· 'J2 crasli. Tn Oetuhrr l ~'.l. 1n11(11:i1 fund~ :ilone h\lid $37 billiQn or H.'-!1·U Mocks illld nn1rr h'IX'~ !'>f inve~!mt·nL ti:nnp:init'"' n\1·11 annlher $5 !i billl 6n /\nr! more ten:. Q( billi on~ nf 1!ol!ar.s of storks <ire in th~ 1>0rtfolios nf insurance companies. hank Jl('rson;i l LrUSI .1 cco1u1l!:i, college un~ university cndow111cnts , foun· Racial Strife dallon.,, saving~ banks. etc. ON Tl:IlS DAY in the b!arkcst month in Wall s:~eet·s history it v.·as the individual \\/ho don1inated the. stock market -big or s111:i.ll, invest1Jr or speculator, pro- fessional or am<1tcur. On this dny 40 ycnrs liller, ii ls the in- stitutional investor \\/ho d n rn i n a t es . lnstllutional investors accou nted for 51 percent of all trading on the NYSE in the first quarter of '69 against praclicillly zcrl) in '29. Institutional investors lasl year bought $12.6 blllion n1ore shares than th1.·y sold. As a group, they now own 22 1; percent fl f I.he tot:i.1 NYSE stocks. "Thrv are on b:ilance a stabtlizing forc e-iil the market.'' RDbcrt \V. Haack , presidl'n l cf the Ne1Y Yor k Stock l~x· c/1ange ans\\·ercd \.•:hen I queried him on thl'i r role. "\Vhilc lhf're ha vf' been cnses whe re ;ill have triC'd t•) .<iC'll th(" s;11nc st()('k .:it thr. sarnl' 1imr, the hcS!·milnagerl 1nst1tut1on~ buy and sell in a culm, order· ly f:1shir>n." J.J<iacli ·s conclus ion: ''They :l r(' ironing 1)111. ~nml' cl the flu cili;.itions which r h.1n1r'ltr1zcd l/1c n1arlict 111 earli er (.'l':l> ., ,)11r1 .15 l!J" ln.~l1!.ulin11al inYc:;tor rt'"Ul<u'ly in vr·.~ls C<t~h 11 1th a rhythm \\ht ch l1clps st:ibJl17.C prices, Fo lhe in· di\ 1dt111I in the stock market ls investing with a new "rhythm" too. Rocky Arrives: Officer Delivers Wl1ile Dad Runs They're calling !lie healthy six-pound, six-ounce baby boy Rocky and that's not a bad idea considering the tough time he had corning into the \VOrld today. Jlocky was making his presence felt in no uncertain terms "'hile ~1rs. Irene ~fartinez was being rushed to the hospi tal at 5 a.m. lier fr antic hu sband , Henry, finally pulled in to the downtown Santa Ana police deparl1nent building. Officer Larry Borja forgot any ideas he might have hnd about re rnaining at his po~t on station duty and dashed oul to the !\lartinez car. I-le got lo \\'Ork while the frantic Henry, by his own admission, just rJf1 around in C'irclcs. That 11·.:i s al 5:13 a.m. At 5 ·1 ~. the newly arrivrd Rocky was on h1~ w:i:-,i to the Orange County Medical Ccn1cr v.•hcre he and ~1on1 are both doing W(·ll. The publiclty·shy officer Borja, himself a family man, has only one comment to offer: "lley, that's the first time I anything like that." ever did DAIL V l*ILOT ::; He's the Quarter hack the speech Monday evening -~tting no time although indicating It would originate from the White House. The an· OQl.lnCfment followed a heavy echedule for lhe President devoted largely to Viet-. own. In late momlng MOnday, Press Se<::retary Ronald Ziegler made public an unus'.lal letter from Nlxon to a college student, Randy J . Dicks, a sophomore at Georgetown University. The letter real· firmed Nl1on 's Insistence he will not be swayed b)' Wednesday 's nationwide an-- tiwar demonstratiom. Young Dicks had written Nllon -one of numerous letten he has written over the years to presidents, cabinet mem· bers, foreign chlels of state and others. The Canfield, Ohio, student objectt:d to Nixon's Sept. 26 news conference sta te- menl that "under oo circumstances will I be affeeted whatever" by the Vietnam moratorium. Nixon eougbt to stress that he would "listen'' to the message from the demonstrations, but added lha! "to be swayed by public demonstratlons is another thing.'' The President wrote, "To allow govern- ment policy to be made In the streets would destroy the democr:itic process. It would gi'le the decision .•. to those with the loudest voices. • .It would invite anarcny." After releasing the letter to Dicks, Nix· on met later in lhe day for an hour, 27 mlnu~s with hla Parts negotiating team -Ambassador Henry (:ab<it Lodge and Lodge's deputy, Philip Z. Habib. After that meeting, Ziegler announced the plans for the Nov·. 3 speech, saying Nixon had planned it for !IO~ time. He r;aid Nixon felt it would be an appropriate time to report to the nation since it would be one year ago Nov. l that Johnson halted Lhe North "Vietnamese air raids as a peace effort that so far has failed. In his spee<'h to lhe nation exactly fi ve months ago ton ight, Nixon outlined what he called a generous peace program, in· eluding a willin gness lo di scuss Hanoi 's hardtine demands. But there has so far been no evidence of any progrcM in Paris. *** *** *** Nation Ready for M-day Pro, Con Activities Planned 01i War Moratorium From Wire Services ltere is a roundup of worldwide reac- tion and activities on the eve of the pro- posed moratorium in'lo!ving the Vietnam war. WASIIINGTON -Eighteen House members, attacked by one of their col· Jeagues as "emissaries of Hanoi," will try lo keep the Hou se in session all night tonight to usher in the nationwide Viet-. nam moratorium. The eighteen went ahead with their plans despite the realization that any other House member could shut the session off by demanding a quorum rail, and a threat from one member to do just that. Rep. Benjamin Rosenthal (D·N.Y.),one of the planners a[ the all·night debate. said only tolerance on the part of his col· leagues would keep the effort alive. Other members were reported trying to ar· range a compromise for debate to st.art late in the afternoon and run late into the evening, after which adjournment could be ordered without acrimony. On the House floor Monday, Rep. \Vayne Hays (D-Ohio), said he would , if l"lt.cesslu"y, "singlehandedly break up the designs of a few self-appointed emissari es of Hanoi to keep the House in session and make it appear the House is on the side of Hanoi." Congressional supporters of Wed· nesday's Vietnam Moratorium warned t~ day against violence In the nationwide antiwar observance. They condemned _ "senseless de structi on" in Chicago during demonstrations by young radicals last week. Eleven Senators and 26 R o u s e members, in joint statement said that as supporters of the moratorium "we. strongly cond emn the recent violence in Chicago." SACRAMENTO-Gov. Ronald Reagan of Ca lifornia said he didn't support the moratorium, and .said those who participated_ "should be ashamed of themselves" for "lending aid to the enemy." But it appeared that parades by day and night, prayer sessions, campus raf. lies with students and professors, and reading~ of the name of Americans kill- ed ir. Vietnam would take place across the nation. DULUTll. MINN. -Fonner Vice President Hubert IJ. Humphrey said Monday he feels an j mm e d I a le withdrawal r;if all American forces from Vietnam is "impossible." "l l took a long time to get those troops in there," tlumphrey told a university au· dience. "It's going to take some time Lo get them out. "I don·t think you want It on you r con· sciences that we withdrew our rorces so rapidly that we lefl ZS,000 Americans to be trapped and massacred in another Dien Bi en Phu," Hu mphrey said. SAIGON -Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker returned from e m011lh's va cation today saying the moratorium Wednesday in the United States does not "help the 'Hold It. I'• jult a cnot, 1ot a •••c•·•lk!' situation" Jn Vietnam. '11 think not everybody may agree with this. but I think in general that President Nixon has pretty good support for the course he's taking," Bunker told newsmen at Tan Son Nhut Airport. The ambassador met Nixon before r eturning to the war zone and said be comes back to S~igon "feeling, too, that our policy here ls succeeding and we are going in the right direction." NEW YORK -W. Averell Harriman, in an emotional statement Monday, declared hi.! support of Wednesday's "moratorium'' but simullaneou!sly ell"- pressed approval for .some aspects of President Nixon's Vietnam war policies. The former chief U.S. neg otiatar at the Paris talks told a news conference the Teachers to Voice Opinions on Union SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -The Board of Education has voted to pol! teachers on whether I.hey wanl the Teachers Unio n as their exclusive wllect.ive bargaining agent. The board 8Uppor1.ed the demand of the Teacher's Union in a 5-2 vote Monday night, but Lhe board vetoed the second demand of the union by turning down a 2 percent salary hike. planned moratorlum wa" "a mov~ toward peact," adding, however, that Nixon's troop withdrawals were "a move in the right direction" which might lead to meaningful talks in Paris. The 77·year-old diplomat, who negotiated with Lhe North Vietnamese during lhe Johnson administration, coup!,. ed his praise with criticism. Harriman said that Nixon should have scaled down the fi ghting last January in response to a similar move by the North Vietnamese. STATE, CITY and c.ampus pollrt of.. ficials say they expect little trouble from ant.i'war protests set for Wednesday. Some cities will have extra police on trat.< fie duty, but m~ily it will be "business as usual." "f am most concerned with the traffie problem if they are going to do this thing <luring rush hour," Cleveland Police Chief Patrick L. Gerity said of the moratorium day protests. He said there wou1d be no special mobilization. In Albuquerque. N.M., Pollce Chief Paul Shaver said, "We are increasing our force Wednesday just like we would ~hen there is a regular parade. We don't ex· peel any problems from the group.'' But 250 New Mexico state policemen will be on standby alert from tonight un- til midnight Wednesday, Chief Joe Black said. Pollce Chief Ray Dehner of Sacrame~ to, Calif., said, "We're cooperating with them as mu ch as we can. We will give them. all .the assistance we can and hope that it \\.'JI! be a peaceful demonstration." JACKSON\'ILLE, N.C. -The wife of a Marine fight ing in Vietnam set out on foot ~fonday to carry an American flag 150 miles to lhe capital in Raleigh and present it to Gov. "Bob ScoLt on the day o{_ the Vietnam moratorium. "There should be more Amerlcans pro- claiming support for the figh1ing man in· stead of joinlng organized anti~Vietnam protest demonstrations," said f\irs. Don· na Long, 26. SAIGON -A number of American civilian vol unteer workers plan a peacefu l protest against the Vietnam war Wednesday morning al the U.S. Embassy to coincide wilh nationwide antiwar demonstrators will try to enter the em- A spokesman for lhe group notified news agencies today that abo11t W.30 dem onstrators wi)J try to en er tho em· bassy and present a brirf statrment to U.S, Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker. 2 in Draft Plot Face Sentencing LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A 21·year-old fonner draft board clerk in Pasad ena and tY;o men will be se ntencecl Nov. 18 in U.S. district court for taking part in a plot to alter a Selective Service classification. Diane "Dee Dee" Daniel and Gary s. Langley, 20, were found guilty Monday by Judge Warren J. Ferguson of one count each of conspiracy to make fal se statements to Langley's draft board . Anthony ~f. Azad ia.n, ll1is! Daniel's boyfriend, \\•as convicted of aiding and abetting the solicit:ilion of a $2,000 bribe. A federal grand Jury indictn1ent charg· ed !hem with plclting to ha1'e Lan~ley'a draft classification changed frcm l·A. The jlldge found Azadian innocent of a con· sniracy charge and also acqu i!lcd Aza- dian and Lan gley on a charge of making fa lse statements to the draft boa rd . Mis~ Daniel and Langley were found Innocen t of bribery. '' Ooses Schools There really \1·asn't any pattern in stock buying in HJ29. It was uninformed, erratic. on the thinnest of margins. Jt \l'as exceedingly emotiona l, hysterical, as the market roared toward .its Oct. 29 climax. SAN BERNARD lNO (AP) -Feuding factions blamed each other today as Negro students pressed their boycott of two San Bernardino high schools in the v.·ake of last week's racial violcncl' that jnjured 32 persons. And Donald I-I, Simpson, president of the San Bernardino Teachers Associalion, declared: "The causes of t h e disturbances lie not cnlirc]y on campus, but within the com1nuni ty." ~fore than hal f the 2,350 students at San Bernardino 1-figh North stayed ;:iy,•ay fr()fn classes Mon<lay on the firs!. day of a boycott by Negroe!:i, aft er the school w;is closed Friday durini; racial disturbances. Ha;r the Negro students al San Gor gonia High School also walked out in sympalhy Monday with Lho&e al lhe other high school. More than 150 parents of black students had agreed at • wttkend meeting to ~eep their children oot of school after the fighting between blacks and whites. Some parents of black student! said \'."hit& students were simply reacting to \1·hat U1eir parents had taught them. ''Pattntt ere behind the whole thing." said Mrs. Queen E. Fergumn, a Negra wllost two children attend high school. "Parenti art not doln& their duty and are Afraid " A •hJt1 studem cou ntered that It w11s 111 f11ull 1 I •t. scl)QOI &dministration, Uflj h ' ~ µecU1fd the blKks for Jona \'1tbool 'tachin.11 oem respect . ., There is a pattcrr. in individual buying today. TO ILLUSTRATE. of 20 ,120 ,00 0 stockholders counted in lhe 1965 Census, 3,600,000 \\.'ere empl oyes buying Shares l.t.rough employe stock purchase plans. More than one-quarter or all new stockholders in this decade have begun b11~ing through these plans. More miWons of today 's 27 mill ion stockholders are buying. under programs Which stress systematic month·after- monlh buying. Whether they are buying mutua\ fund shares or highesl ·grade stocks, the basic angle is that they are deliberate long·term buyers. And increasing totals of stocks are going into the hnnds of children via state Jay,·s which make it easy lo give these gifL'i. Are the!!(! regular buyers Jlkely lo pan ic? Are th ese thr types of stock· holders likely to dump their securities'. They could panic -if they become bit. ter!y dl~Hlusioned about our economy's prosprcts_ They might dump stocks if, as Dr. Willlam C. Freund, vice president of the NYSE, puts ii. they became frighten- ~ that we would "stumble into anolher ecooomlc cataclysm." But, adds Freund, "While it is always possible we coold make some colossal M· tional blunder, If I were in your slwes, l would not bank on it." Nor wou ld I. Nert.: Dlltinction No. S: ReguUJ,. li·PIS. • If you're self-employed you can still take another tooth out of the tax bite. Up to 10 % of your income per year, or $2,500 whlchever is less, is tax deductible when you talce ad vantage of the Keogh Retirement Plan. This money and the interest it cares are not taxable until retiro- mcnt, and then only as the income is received. You have a choice of a number of a:cellcnt Keogh Retirement Plans at Manufacturers Life. One., for example, features "Elastic Premium Deposits". If your earnings vary from year to year you can stretch or contract your Premium payments accorctingly. Whatever your choice is you will have one of the more successful investment teams in the busincs,, working for you and your future. Uncle Sam won't mind you pulling that tooth from his "tax tigcr"-call the Manufacturers Life Mao; he'll make it painless. MAIDFACTORERS Llr~ INSUllANCE COMPANY • L S. QI lbruth A1ency As:soc19t• HUNTINGTON BEA.CY JI.!; 547-5621 • -------------.........,..,.,.........._.........., ____________________ .....,. 4 OlllV PILOT Comptroller Mario A. Prouc- cino, the Democrar..ic candidate to unseat Mayor John V. Lindsay, marched in the Columbus Day parade in l\C\\I '\·ork this \veekend -three tin1es. "Once for the Pin· la, once for the Nina, and once for th e Santa Ma riec ," Procaccino said \\'ilh a grin .. >\fler each 1narch up }''1flh ,!\ve nue past 1.he reviewing ~l and , Procaccino \VOuld jump into <1 can1pal.[!n cn r and ci rcle dO\Vll· 1011•11, to rejoin the parade. • Claudia Ziegel of Sheridan, \Vyo. Is proud of he r 2.2 ratio. It \\'Oil for Claudia the contest to detern1ine the Sheridan Coll ege coed 11'ilh the shortest 1n inis kirt. .Judging was ba~ed on a ratio bet1veen i{lches from knoc to hemline and il'!ches fro1n fl oor to knee. Clyde Smith, president of Circle K, the campus organization \Vhich sponsored the contest. sa id the ratio was neces· s ary t o equaJjze judging among tall and short girls. • ' .'V,;;~ ,..::.~ Qucc11 A 11·11e-f!l ar1e Df GT c c c ~ (r1ryl1,t) 9/t·ps 11 Toyal 11'elco nie to lter sisr.e r l'r1ncc~s Sophia 111 Romrt. aj tct Soph ia arrived 1ro1n f\ladrid, T iie pri ncess lS ll1e u·1Je of Spa111 's Juaa Carlos uj Buu1 buu. • luncrican rn ill1onaire Franklyn l . Blower has solved t he problen1 of ,,·hat lo buy his f riends for Christmas. lle 's giving cnch a Lori- don taxi-a total of 32 cars. And a ~pccial friend wi ll receive a 1932 Lond on fire engine. co1n plcle with be lls and ladde rs. Derek Hawkins, O\\'ner of a London moto r business \\•ho sold the C<Jbs, said: "DIO\\'ef paid u ~ J c a ll \vhen he \\'as ove r r ecently I o o k i n g for unusual Ch ri5ln1a s present5." • f Til l' /Ve.iv JerSC!I J.1b1·a 0 r: A~~ ~; I'.. sor111!1r111 /1 a <: endnrsect the i· V i c r 11a111, .f!forator1 um nud \ r>a-~~rd n r rsq/11Un n .~urport/11g f 1 f n1e111bf'r$' t'/flli1 s lo obse rve. til t ~ I pro t(!~t ··1c1Uio1(t fear of repr1s· · nl ·• f\f nny of tl1e con11f"11 tio11eer.t ~· .. u·ro'" lnrirl h111·1111s hcnr11i!J tJ11; f 1t 11nrb11r .121 .'I Tl•!' l111!1rc: 1.<: 1111' r' f)f'U'I"/ Drc1111rrl Sy~1e ,,, 1111mbrr f11r /!firrrry bnriks nn rrprese11tt1· j1 Lrl'r tlr111i.1·rar)I. . -:.::.-::...::..._-_:::;;---.--__.--.T 'tz:: • • 13r11 1~h Overseas .i\i r,~ays Cor- poralion fBO/\C) has introduced t rous('rs for 1t~ stc\vardcsses -on r'Ond1t1on 1hcy slip into m in iskirts r ig ht ;:i ft c r ta ke-off. ''\\le have found me n l ike lo :<iCC a bit or leg "·hi!e h£'lng ser\'ed," said a 801\C s pokesman. Topcoat Pull All Troops Two Ask Repeal Of Tonkin Edict WASHINGTON IUPH -Sens. Ja<Ob K. Javlls (R·N.Y.), and Cbilbome Pell (0.R.1.). propl'Med today repeal of the so· called Tonkin Gull resolution and Haynsworth Still Backed By President WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix· on was described by Republican COO· gres.sional leaders today as "finnly and unequivocally" behind the nomination of J udge Clement F, Haynsv.·orth J r. to the Supreme Court. Senate Republican Leader fiugh Scott o[ Penn sylvania and House GOP Leader Gerald It Ford of Michigan said the l-la ynsworth nomination was one of several topics discussed at lhe weekly m~ling wiUt the President. Scott declined to say how he intends l!l \•ole when the nomination is acted on bu t said he believes it would receive Senate .;ipproval. Charging a conflict oi interest.. some Congreu members and others apposing the judge's nomination have urged the President to withdraw it. But Scott r epeated several times that Nixon is "firmly and unequivocally" behind U1e nominalion. On other subjects, Ford said the Presi· clent would velcl the federal employes pay bill l"!QW before Congrf!!s if It rcaehes the \Vhite House in its current farm. The bill ready for lfouse action would raise postal pay immediately, provide another pay raise in January and authorize semi· ati tomalic raises thereafter. Ford said also that Nixon believes the nalion has "turned the comer" in ils ef- forts to combat inflation. "The policies this administraUon has taken have turned the comer," Ford said. "V.'e have taken a big step. l n a month or two you will see changes that \~:ill benefit lhe hoU.!lewife." On the planned moratorium Wed· 11esday, the Republican leader said there is no doubt that from the President on dov.·n every citizen in the United Slates, everyone, want! peace . •·But there can be only an e qu.:irterback," said· Ford, using football as an analogy. "Elstnhower ended the v.·ar in Korea and Presidq1t Nixon's plan v.·i!l end the war in Vietnam. We have a gooci quarterback and 1 believe be will do ihe job. wilhdrawal of all U.S. combat lr00(>3 from Vietnam by the end ol 1970. The senators, botb membeni of the Senate Foreign Relatkm Commitl.ee, also said the United Statu should provide asylwn for South Vietnamel!ie endangered by an American withdrawal. The proposed resolution is a followup of Qne by Stn. Char les E. Goodell (R-N.Y.) callin'g for a pullout of all American troops by Dec. l, 1970. The Goodell resolution would cut off funds after that lo maintain U.S. troop!! in Vietnain. 'The Javils·Pe!l resolution w o u 1 d terminate. Lhe Tonkin Gulf resolution - approved by Congress in 1964 after North \'ietnamese gunboats were said to ha ve <illacked some American ships in the Tonkin Gulf. It authori~ the President to ••take a!J necessaary measures to repel any armed attack against tl}e forces or the United States and to prevent further aggression." 1'he resolution was cited by President Lyndon B. Johnson and other government officials as authorization for Ute major U.S. inter vention in Vietnam. After Dec. 31, 1970, under the Javits- Pe!l measUTe, President Nillon would have no congressional auth<lrity for com· bat operations. But Javit.s said "I.here would be no change with re9J>Eci. to p r o v i d i n g assistance, training and Joglsllcal support to the Sooth Vietnamese forces." In a prepared !lpeech. J avits also said the United States had a moral obligation to provide politic.al asylum for South Vietnamese who might be endllflgered by a U.S. pullout. J av its said it Is necessary to let the Saigon government know ' · i n un· mistakable terms that it must rely oo itself for combat and must deci~ to seek a compromise political settlement with the Viet Cong. "The moment of truth with the Saigon government has arrived," J avits said. He said the Thieu regime must recognize that the United St.ates will not continue to fight the war "in the same old way for the same old objecti~·e of a military vl<:· tory." Pell said the resolution states that after the end of 1970, remaining American nomcombat for~s should also be v.·ithdrawn from Vietam ''in a reasonable time." Sen. Edward f\f. Kennedy (0-Ma.ss. ). assistant Democratic floor leader. was cool to both the Goodell and Javits·Pell resoluUon.s. He questioned the wisdom of bringing them up when prospetls oC adoption were doubUul. •crusoes~ Saved Pair Rescued Front Tropical Isle KA LAUPAPA, Hawaii (UPI) -Gordon "\lelhus and ft1ark Spilman stood in their undershor~ and waved to the plane overhead. The plane dipped its wings and r.1elhus' he art skipped a beat. "I 11as ~o happy I couldn't believe it," fif' 5;aid ~londav v.·hen rescuers found h1n1 three days after his plane crashed off a lonrly roasll ine. Pil clhus, 34. a fonncr commercial airlinc pilot. and Spilman, 24, v.·ere on a 200·mile flight from llonolu!u to tht: isl:ind of Hawaii Friday \1•hen the rle\·at.or control Qn their rented Piper Cherokee locli:ed and the plane. headed for the water. At 150 m.p.h. I.he single engine aircraft bounced across the waves, flipped ty,ice. and sank t .... ·o miles from I.he rocky coastllne on the island of t-.toJokai, which is Z6 miles from Honolulu. Despit.e • broken n06e, a couple of broken ribs and severe head cuts , Melhus managed to swim to shore with Spilman, 1vhQ was nol injured. On shore they discovered they were al th e entrance to a desert-'<1 valley ac· cessib)e only by water or helic-opter. They Jived on berries. shellfish and spring \\'at£r a nd at night could see a distant ligh thouse beac!}n. "That was frustrating."' Me.lhus said. ''i\'e cou ld see that !lghthouse but v.·e couldn't get to it." /\ statewide air search was under way \\1onday when the pilot of a light plane spotted the pair beside an international dis tress signal, which they laid out using or ange cloth strips. Shortly afterward, a helicopter landed nearby and the ordeal was ovf'.r. "\\re picked up a couple of very lucky me.n," one of the rescuers said. Time on Plains lt1ercur:y Do1 vn to 4 at Denver, Snow Up to 9 lnc1ies FAIR F11t, ftit, ftt l111 I. 111011 f11r 11 .-orch f U'" up l1clot1 i11 op1r1tt11n 011 th1 O,ltY PILO r 1dito•itl p•9• •v••y div. I MOl!IV 1..,,...V b'f II '·"'· Llel!l ¥1rlo 1blt w 111111 nlt>M 111d fl'Ql'n!nt "°"''' btco"'!"t soul......,! to _, I M lJ ~ ~~h <lurl"' ,,..,_ llwrt ""-" Wedrw:»IY. "'''" 1!>111¥ ~·' ... Co.o•t1! ltm11tr1lllr• ,,,,... fr°"' .U to n. l•••fld lt !'f!H•t l11rt • ''"'' l•om ~ lo 11 Wt ltr l• ... -••11•1 "' .S11n1 Moo•. TU•SOA'f" ~"~""' ~1111 • " I >r\! lnN Titles 11:••'"'·'·' J tlO • "'· ,,. ~~<f•O low I 11 o.m . ~I WIOHISOAY ~ .... ~ ..... l!J.1<1 ,..J t ~.,..,,,., Mg~ .,, •• .,., •.• ----.Sr<~·~,_ .............. 1 ltrm. O• !l'C0•"1 1,,.,. , , , , , ' 3' •,ITI. 0 I t~• "'"'I j1 1 m S .. f I X\~m. M.-'"'' 10 J• 1,m, St!I l .U 1>,m. U.S. s--.. "ttor ........ klMI tolt fllnllflVff N .,.1 .......... ·-·""'"' ""' ltll 11>1 R0<kl1t tnf G,...t Pit ! ... d\lrl"' ll>t ............ t no mtrcu..., 1llt 1>tcl to 11 1! l ll- lln11, MoM.. '"" 10 !" .Scor1.t1111H, NICI., I Ml ,_ '"'onll for 11 H <IV lllrfltllHWI'. ,. ... M!ltn'I ... _ .. ~I .... WI' fwr ""'-., .,.,..... wf!l(h .... ....,, nlnt h•<"" ti lll<lw Oii !Ill ''°"""· U~11wtll1 ltlllel OttUf\tr JO•tvolltd .iont '"' ,rr.11111llc l••""••d. "'O>\'o••r • told 1•6"1 ~ met¥.., ln•e •i-. 110•1.,. •t t! ... 1'11 •"-'" In IMllO.., 1'>\1"<11'· ro\lorn pgrl.on <>I Ille <<>uni,., ~1,..lnt •II-or ll•Olll>ed ,JI 1n,ne1 fl rt l11 11 1 111101, Min l l!• "'''on'! t i MttOll. "'· remper•t1&re• ... .. AllW~uerQu• M " ~nt~Ol'IO• " " All1~t1 " " ltk1 .. 1i.1• ~ " 111""1ra " " '"" " " l~Slo" " K l'tlw~•vl!lt " ~ C~lc.110 " " Cl"'l~"•tl " " Ottivor " .. Ot• Mol"" • " DllP'ftlt u .. F•lrMnlo1 .. " ,,, ...... " • Ht'-"• " " .. 0 .... 111111 " " ~tn..,1.C I,., • " l•• v..,,., " " l.Ot An1tl11 " % Ml1ml " " Ml-•.,.!11 ., " Ntw O•IN~I .. • NtwYortl .. " N«ltl P!l !!t » ~ 0.MI"""' " " Okl1,..,.,.. Cl!-, " " """"' " " "•I"' $1>•ln91 " " "''° Aobltl " " ..~1>9"1• " " "'"'by''~ u ,, PO"ll•...i • " lh ol<I Cit~ " " ··~ " " .S•t••"'"''' "' " .St U l .. t t 1tv " " .S•~ oir .... " ,, Son "rt <l<IKO " • Set nit " ~ .s-.... • " ,.,,~ ...... 1 " ,. W11hl"'lon M .. ·" ·" ... ·" , .. -~ •GET AWAY WITH THOSE MOON GERMS• W•ndy Smith, 2, R•ject1 Nell Armstrong's Kits Tired Apollo Astronauts Visit London on Tour LONDON (UPI) - Tired and hoarse, America's Apollo II astronauts flew into London-from West Berlin today, shov.·ing the effects' of their grueling v.·orld tour. Thirty spectator.~ cheered and wn1·ert as thE" astronauts stepped off thC'tr presidential jet at London AtrpQrt for their 22·hou r \•isit to Britain. A U.S. Embassy spokesman said lhe first men on the moon ''arc l1nn~ rapidly" onty hn!fway through thcir 22- nati on, 38-day tour. "The l;ist word 1s that there i ~ a gortd chance the as1\"onauts will not be able to go through lvith television interviews here in London," Lhe spokesman said. Soviets Se t Off Largest Nuclear Blast in Arctic STOCKHOL~f ( UF I) -The SovieL Un ion tod ay set off what appeared to be the most powerfu l underground nuclrar blast cve,r detonated, lhc Stockhohn l!niversity of Technology said. Prof. Arne Dierhammar said the Soviet test on Novasa Zcmlya Island 1n the Arctic Sea appf'iJred to be ar611nrl rive megatons. The 1nosl powerful 11n- dergrou nd test up to now had been the explosion the L'niletl States carried out in A la~ka Oct. 2. The Uppsala Sei smological l nst1tute said the blast rncasurcd 6 3 on the Jlichter Scale a t 1 l p.111. PDT. Bjerhamma r !:if!CC'ltlatf'd thn t Jll(\;pJ'.; lest might h11 1·e somrthing to do 1v11h ihr Russian s.pace ships c1rcl1n~ the glob!>. "ll might br lhat the J{ussians want lhc.ir ce>srnonau!s to try lo 'lclecl !ht' trsl a nd measure for cxan1 plc the 1nfran:d rays from the explosion," Bjerhan1mn!' ~::iid . 11e said hi s ~<"1entist s c\'alualcd !he ir r ecording based on figures received fron1 U.S. underground tests. "'The.re are difficult1cs in makl~ thcsC' comparisons but nur C.\'aluation Is that today's test could range from 5 Ufl to 10 megatons. A conservative estiniate is 5,'' Bjerhammar s aid. Uppsala recordl'd s11n1lar tests in the same area Oct. 27, 1966, Oct. 21, 1007, Nov. 7, 1968. "It depends entirely on how the astronauts fee l. They arc tired a nd on the \'erge of laryngitis," he said. The. astronauts were scheduled lo meet Qu(•en Elizabeth later tod ay, then later attend a rC'<'C'plon and din ne r g1\'en by Prime t-,luuster Harol d \Vilson. They have visited i\lexico, Colombia, Argentina. Brazil, Spain, r~rance, !he Nf'therla nds, Bl'lg1un1 , Norv.·ay a nd \\'est Germa ny. The astronauls arr lvcd in London [ram a triumphant v1s1t lo \Vest Berlin whe re they praised the people of I h e Communist·surrounded city for their ('ouragr. Nf'i! Armstrong, J\lichaf'I Collins and Er!v.·1n Ald rin \1·ere greeled by thousands at Cologne and Lhe Wesl German capital 11[ Bonn before their arrival in \Vest Berlin, 1vherc Berliners sho1vcred them 11 ith confe\li. The astronaut~ signed the c 1ly gurst hook an<! 1·1s1tcd the Berli n \Vall where Collins said, •·1 thank God the Com- rnunists are not able to build wa!ls in ou1er space." The astronauts lai<I a 1~rcath at a 1noriuml'nt at the Berlin \'Vall where five East Germans 1~ere killed trying to l'Scapc. Arn1strong said the ' 'c o u r a g e , perseverance and selflessness of \Vest Berliners to rcser\·e this city as an island or frel'dom is also a historic evcnl." "lt will not be forgotlen," he said. B eret Captai1i Will Quit Arnt)' \VASHINGTON 'AP) -C:i p1. n oberl J-'" M<1rasco. once accused by lhe Army of k1ll1nf! a Sn1Hh V1e1namrse rto11ble agent, ,s quitllnl'.l the Arn1y, the Pentagon an· nounc<'d tr:idvy. i\1arasco. Pll(' or eight Green Beret~ ~1rig1na ll y un·oll'<.'rl 1n the con trorersial case. y,•ill be rclraserl from the Arn1y al his rcqur~t by the end of this month , a spokesman sai1t f\lara!"co applied for '' i m m e d i at c release fron1 acti1e duty" last \Ycd· ncsday. The Bloomfie ld, N.J .. man had gotten new orders to report for du!y \\'ith the 24lh Infantry Division at Ft. Riley, Kan .• 1n early November. Those orders have been rescinded , the Pentagon said. Signing G11n Receipts High Court Eyes Voting Restrictions WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Supreme Court, taking on a stack of cases dealing with student unresl, crime, welfare and the draft, turned its attention today Lo one of the problems of a mobile society -laws wh ich sometimes restrict new residents from voling. Today's arguments before the court in· volved an appeal by Richard V. Hall , a Colorado Sprin gs, Colo., lawyer, and his wife. The Halls were deni ed the right h> vole in 1968 because. they had not lived in the state for six monlhs as the stale law al that Ume required. The Halls claimed the law, which has since been changed to two montils residency, discriminated against new residents. Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, who has succeeded retired Chief Juslice Earl Warren, presided over arguments for thl!' fir~t time Monday. 'J'he eight·man tribunal heard pleas that juveniles be guaranleed a jury trial; that welfare recipients continue to receive aid while appealing a cutoff of. their benefits; and that Negroes be ordered admitted lo community recreation facilities. Welfare cases are coming to the high court in increasing numbers because of suits filed for the poor through neighborhood legal services programs funded by the Office of Economic Op· portunily. The court accepted two appeals challenging New York State's 1969 welfare cutbacks and in a Maryland case the right of states to set maximun1 welfare grant..s. In a Connecticut case the court ti eld that a state may not withhold a.id to needy children on the basis or a step- fa!her's income if he is not legally obligated to support them. The court acted abruptly, without h e a r i n g argwnents. It merely cited its J une 17, l!l68 decision v.•hich struck down Alabama's practice of with ho Id in g bcnents from fatherless children if the mother was engaging in extra-marital relations. Jn a case involving Tennessee A. & r. State Universit y at Nashville the court ;;greed to rule on the claim of a student th::it he should ha ve been given a more formal hearing before he v.'as suspended. Six former students al Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore also won a hear- ing on their complaint that their disorderly conducl convic1ion stemmed from their disturbance of others with "unpu pular ideas." Trade Improves As Drug Hunts On Border Eased A1ncrican tourism is improving, ac· cord ing to Mexican businessmen, as U.S. drug searches at the Mexican border are bei ng relaxed. Howe\•er, Tijuana and other border city businessmen maintain thal althougll business IS rising, it is far from what it v.·as before lhe U.S. government's Opera· tion Intercept y,·as la unched. Operation lntercl'pt's successor, Opera. lion Coopera!icn, lets cars flow througll bordrr checkpoints i,\'lth only 25 percent longer waits than before the anti-smug~ i;ling crackdown \vas started Sept. 21. "Helaxerl inS"pe<'tion procedures at border slations brought delays in C'Tl)SS- ing bai.:k to ne ar no nnal levels."' a 'I'rea~u ry Depa rtment spokesman said at the operation's Los Angeles head· quarters. The ne111 procedures for Operation Coope ra tion were v.·orked out hetv.·een l . S. and ~1cx ican officials in \l/ashington last week, In a mov e apparcnlly rela ted t') J\fexico's ne vi' part in OpcraLion C'ooperation. TiJt1 ana au thori!ies closf'd dow•n all Uie border city·s houses of pro- sti tution. /\ poli<'e spokesman said the shutdow" w·as "because. of superior orders.,. The nouses, which flourished despite an or· ficial policy against them . were shut down during lnt..ercepl and have nol been reopened. Turner Says He Did Wrong WASHINGTON (AP) -Look ing back on It, the Army's former top pol icf'incm conced"es he. did wrong in signing a receipt saying som!! guns he received from Chicago authcrilies were for Army "'"" Retired 1'1aj. Gen. Carl C. T1~rncr, fonncr provost genera! of the Ann}', gave the testimony J.londay ;;bout weapons 'A'hich he has said he took !or his own u~ after signing the recei pts, "Did you think as a general you did lhc right thing ?" asked Sen. Karl Mu nd! 1 R· S.D.). ''You ~new you signed w n1ethlng petently fa lse, \VAsn't it v.·rong?" "This i11 hindsight." said Turner. "You're r ight." The senators sill h:il'rn't ques tioned Turner abou\ allegallons hi' \Vhilewashed an in vestigation inlo grail at noncommi.~s1011ed 1Jftic~rs cl ul)s. During two 1vc<'k~ of trsti1nonv Y.lt· nesses ha\·e tohl the $enator:i< :i1>i)u1 1hr. i-kimm in g of thousands of (lol111rs fron1 the. service cluh slot rn~rh1 ne~ 1n Germany and kickbacks to c I u b managers In Vietnam. Now it vdll be late in Ule month before the senators can probe that area. The hearing y,•as recessed after Monday's ression for two v.·eeks because or other co1nmitmenls by the senators. The questioning ~1onday sv.·itc.hed back and for!h from the senators to Turner and Chicago Police Supt. James B. Conlisk Jr. Turner denied or did not recall many critical accusations made agaln.~t him. The retired general said Conlisk knew the \\·eapons 1vere for persnnal use. Separately. Turner said some of the '''eapons h<ld been solrl . Sens. Abraharn Ribicoff (0--Conn.), <18ked Conlisk. ''Did Turner tell you t.))(se \l'!'tf' not for the Army?'' "•le did not sir," Conlisk answered. Conlisk al.so denied he had I.old the i:;rneral, 11s Turner had testified earlier, "\\'rll, this is the .,.,,ay v.·c clear our records" referring to 6igning t he receipts. ' I "His statement ls incorrect,'' Conliak said. Turner was asked if he wanted to change his tesUmony. Turner answered that C o n 11 s k ' 1 tesUmony "is highly inaccurale." In another exchange, Conlisk &aid 'J'umer had ca lled him l w\ce aft tr Jnlemlll · Revenue Service agents had looked into the. gun receipts and "asked that I order the receipts af the transrer of t.hc \Veaporu to him destroyed. 1 Informed Gen. Turner that this would n<>t ht> done.·• Pilundl asked Turner, "did you 11.sk him specifically lo destroy the recelpt..s1 " "l do not recall specifically esklna " de.11troy rettlpls," 'J'umer answered. " ••. You do not want to say tht superintendent is v.·rong?" Mundt asked. "Nor could T confirm II," Turner sJ\d. "It would ht in your interest to dert1 ii." Mundt !laid • "Sir. I'm under oath,'' Turner sa.id t. laughter. \ ----------------------------------------- - ---· -- U.S . Hints Troop Slaslifor l(orea 1'0K YO l UPI) -A l'Utb;ick of the 50,000 L'S. tn~1ps 111 South Korea fo!lu11 ing .111 ::ud program of rnure 111:.in Sl billion to the Kurean .:irn1f'd forces is being considctl'<l by U.S. defense officials, in- formed Arncrlcan sources s:ud today. t.:ndcr the pl;111, lhc South Korean arn1y and navy would be furnished \.\'ilh large £]uan- titics of m1lJtary cquipn1::nt by the t1nited States, befnre tak-·{.-* ·t; S. Korea l11i:: OIC'f lu\I rL'SPOll~!b1!Hv for tht· ton~ t·ntl111\<1l (h•it'11se L•f their· C"ll!l{J'_v. The Unill'tl St<1lt'.S 1vuu ld rn:i111!:11n its t'01111111trne11t liJ dC'fC>nd SuuUi l\url'a 1u event vf 1.u ts.i(k• ;J!tllck , a!ltJ would kccp .'iuuth Kore:i 1111d1•r 1 t .s "nLltlca r shtt:ld," the :;ources s~ud. If <ippro1ed hy font::rl'S~. the pl 11n could not bl: re.Jilled for ~el'~ral yc,\rs. Ut'!en.sc of. f1c1als :.irt· th111~ing 111 terms of 1hc 1~71 L'.S. /,ud gt•l lor an in· H1a l :1ppropl'l.1!1011 tor up· dat ing !lir 11 capons in the h:inds of tlie :-:iriul11 Koreans. llih1C\t'r. Jl \1'ould he in line \l'it h 1'1·f·:-1Uen t Nixon's "Gua1n J)(_•cJ:ir;Jt1U11'' 1h:1t A~ian na- !HJ11~ 111u~t a:;.-;unie a greater ~!!:ire ul' the burdc11 of !hC'ir '" ,'J\ \•' '( ' ·.~: );, ~ ' ., " t. ~'3 <L~. • A>.<• .... October iii P111·is T11tsday, Octobtr 1'1, 1%., DAIL'( PI LOT !; Suez Fights Flare Egy ptians Atu1ck Israeli Positions United Presa lnttrnatlonal Egyptian c o nt rn a n d Q s stru(·k acr05s the Suez Can11l early today and attacked . Israeli positions in the Kabrit area with rockets, Cairo Iladjo r reported. - An Egypt l a n spokesman said direct hit's '\\•e re scored, inflicting "t,'l'eat losses'' in tanks, weapons and personnel on the Israelis. He als(l said two Jsraeli annored vehicles were destroyed when they hit n1ines planted by !he com- n1andos on roads leading to the Israeli positions on the cast bank or the canal. No Egyptian casuallics \\'ere reported. l\abrit is in the area of the Biller Lakes, about midway between Jsn1allia an<l Port Suez. Waterway, Cairo said. In the Egyptia11 capllal. 11ri Arab guerriUa broadcast said that an aide to Presldenl Nix· on had arrived in Beirut to plead for a crackdown on Arall guerrillas striking Ir om Lebanon lntri fsrael. The voice of Al Fatah did not identify the diplo1na t hut described his visit as "sudden and unoffit·ial " -srnacking. it said, or a plot against "the Palestine revolL11ion and the Lebanese inass es.'' J .~raeli's dC'puty µ r i m e minister, Yigu l Allon, ~;11d t>londay t h <1 t Palestini;in Arabs rnay 1ry to reestablish thei r own St.'.lte and Jsrarl evacuation helicopter killing should be prepnn 1 Lo cver)·one abo;:ird, mi Ii ta r Y neguliatc such dc1nanlis. spokesmen in Cairo said. Allon told newsmen that "if Sinl{s Refl Vll'n dc,fc11:;c, ;ind th:.it the U,S. JnjurC'd person s cturin g a battle bet1veen club-s1vinging P aris riot police and \1'i::.lics to :1\101d direct use or rock thro1rin g shopkeepers receive aid follo\.vin g the \VOrst rioting in Paris in it s n1vn Irr.up:-, Jn till' fL11urc , JH rnnnths. 1\t Jeu.c.,t 25 11·crc arrested dL1r1ng U1e protest of government finan· \V1l!1drawa l of !11(• two cici! poli cies. The reported raid roUowed a cross-canal RU!l duel during v>hich Egyptian gunners shot down an Israeli medica l The helicopter had ("1}me in the lime is ripe'' for such a to pick up \Vounded Israeli state, Palestinl;in Arabs can ~oldiers on the rast b.'.lnk of ask f{lr it any time. the canal after the l:~gyptlans The Palestinians flerl before opened up after dark r.londay the advancing Israeli troops 1n G111il1oat /\n1C'ric:in divisions stationed ----------------------------------- 111 ;;ou th 1\orca 1•·ould give It's True, Says Prcvin night on lsr11eli h u n k e r • 1!148. Ever since, they ha\'e building teams, Cairo s11id. \\'aged an often violent cain· SEOUi; (t:PI) J\ South Korc::J11 des!roycr anti dive bombers sank a heavil,v armed North Kore<ln gunbont todav in a sl'a batlle that kill- ed a·)l 25 crell'n1cn on the Com- m1tnist vess<·l. lt \\•as th e :::econrl N11r!l1 Korean ship sunk o!f ~::iuth Korea in a 1nonth. The South Kore;:in Counlrr· Espion<1ge Command s:iid the 75--ton North l\orean bo:.it - the largest ever slghted in South Korean \1-·atcrs. -Wn5 spotted cruising off K nrc;1 's west coast 330 n11les southwest ()f Seoul. The 3.000-ton South Korca 11 Clestroyer Chungmu-llan1 tall- ed In riir force F5A JCts :tnrl attacked. The Comn1u ni~t ~1i11·i \vas armed v:ith .recoilless ri- fle, two rocket laLJnther~, lll'n antiaircraft guns and l 5 machine guns. 1\ti!itary ~pokes1ncn Silid lhc gunboat fl ed after th t~ Ch ungmu-Ha111 spotted it <111\I a running battle developed . The gunboat s:ink IJ(J n1iJc<; southwest of Sch u].; s and tJ Island . On Sept. 20, a South Knrr.'.lrt navy patrol boot .sank a 50-to11 North Knrcan infiltr;ition ho.it manned by a crt'.'\\' of 15, Tht•re "ere no survivor.s. Nixous Lcail Tribute l o ) kc WASHI NGTO'l f\TrJI President and fl1r-._ Ni:o11111 will lead "the 1ribute o[ il gra!c!ul naLion" tonight ::.t. a rnnn;1[ dinner honorl11g D11·ight D. Eisenhov.·er on \l'h.11 11'ould hal'e been his 79lh blrthd:1y. The dinner also 1$ being sponsored and financed by Elsenho\ver College <JI. Scne('a Falls, N. Y. to retni nd pe upli'. that the forn1er presid1,nt \I h~ died In ~1:irch, 11'.:J nt t d Ille school lo con l i n u e SUL· cessful ly. by Leary .:-1 .... -~ .... -.... President Park Chun~ Her's tfoors sole rcsponslb\Jity fur guarding the :IBth p;:i r:illc l ;-i gainsl inlillr:ition by Com· nuinist North Korea. Arnrrien n n1ilitnry me>n frr l the Kore.:in :.inny's ('{]uipme nl Js "prctly' old,'' 1\"i lh .f\1-J rifles ;i nd jt•Pns that go back ~dn1fl~t to !he time uf the Korl'all \\';\r. 'rhe Con1n1un1 st lroops that f:'.ltl' ~r1uth Knrra across the !Jcn11lilarized Zone or lhe 31lth p<irnl!rl ;ire btlil'ved 1n b1.• subst:.nti:illy better t'fJLllppcU in 1nany rcspct:ts. :\1nrr·ican fo1Tes 110\v f,'11ard a lnrge sec I 11111 or t b c lJcmilitaritcri Zone tha t 11:is separated Nort h :ind South Korc.'.I :<111cc th e C'11U o[ lhc Kortnn \l'ar. An1 cric:1n ofli<'i:il tl1inki11g is 1]1.-it ;1t ~ome point there \l'ii l hnvc lo be a reduct 1r.n in 1hc U.S. forcf'~ in KorcJ, the ::.ourccs said, R c£l Cli inn Fr ee s 3r£l Journalist 11 0:./(; KnNr: (AP) -A T~n\1 ,ti j111irn.'.ll1~l 11 ho worl-.rli lur !lw f'hinc~e Co1n1nun1sts 1 1Tosscd th e hordf'r into !long I J\ong 1od:1 y \\'ith his 11·Hc <i tid l•l-ycar-u!d .~on after 2 :l 1nont hs of ck·lcnti ou in n cd j Ch111<.1, J~rir (ion!t111, 11i~ \l'ifr i\1'1ri\' ;ind ~nn K1111 1)1·uu ght :ilunF: I st·l'c r:1! \1ondcn (r;iles \1·i1 irh 1 Iii' ~.11d 1·nnl.;1iur() l h c i r rrr~on:1 l pn· ;r\~inn'>, ~111nrl ('lothi11g ;:ind ;1 few l!t!tbthuld I ~ffect~. "\Ve :1r<' verv g!:id 1ri lY' nu! rif Chln,:i ." f;onJnn !uld .11ring1 l\0ng 11nn11g1'<1l1on off1c1<.ib. "\\c 11 01-(t b(' t;vini; IJal'k." Bish ops Hit t•opc t>o,rcr ) \r\Tl(',\\' r1TY il 'l'll -/\ \li<i lr:in ilul·11n1 .. n! ~•n·••ll,).( 1h1• suprrnll'. po11f"r L•f ll1L' PPP<' 01 l'r 111:1t ol ](11rn:1n r :1llh1l1!' ti1 l111p'-c:111H' undt r )11•;11 v :11 l·•1'k ltld.i\' Ii) ll1t.: \\Oddil id( :-1 !Hi.I .,f li1~h•1r1:-. I i!:11·· i :i ri11n ii 11 ,\rnr·d !11:11 111111•·_., I '1>)~' ! ';111! \ I ;1gr4'1'~ \ri 1·1111.,uit bt~l1r1p,, 111 l1i1Hr1,: "01< .i;:i·r11111·; J~'"'lh''' h('furr 1Ju· ; 1\1~ r ~.~11'h~H't11~\.1}i~ ~J~ 1/~~ c~;l'~i~~ i h1 0: 1:11;f; 1'ncycl1L'.n l nga1n:,t 1 ;_.i•1lflr1;1 ! h1rth t·onlrJl. I Tht ::l:1lt1ncnl wa s m:idc byJ lndonc~Jan C.'.lrdina l Ju:o;tinu:- J)arn101uwonn, a l(':tdcr ofl1 libera l !orces in the church . --~ ---- ANNUAL FURNACE CLEANING SPECIAL At p•r rec:ommendatioit of lotol Fire Dept. HERE'S WHAT WE DO:- Adj. Pilot Limi t C'onfrol Clean Pilo t Fan Control Test Th ermocouple Filter Adj. Burner Oil Motor Te~! Transformer Blower Wheel Regulator Wirin g Ma in Valve Th ermo\lal Saf@ty Valve Vac uum Furna ce FREE WASHABLE FILTER WITH THE ABOVE SERVICE SERVICE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY ALSO SAVE $7.50 NOW THE EARL'S PLUMBING HEATING & A IR CONDITIONING 642-1753 Troo1ls Bust Ba1·ricadcs In Belfast TIE:LFAST, Northern Jrcl;:intl (UP!) -Hnlish troops 1odny srn<Jsl1ed b<Jrric.:idl'S Lhrown up Ly ProtcsLant mi lit;:inls in a neighborhood \Vhcrc \\'eekend \'iolrnce· killed tllrcc persons. They <irreslcd three stone· throwing residents. One so 1 d i e r necidrntatly £1isehargcd hi s rif le !11 lhc b;1rk (lf a !rt1ck tar!.\' today <inti cri tically \1 oundeli J. Bcliast \voman. The bullet hit the! truck, !ihatlcred and a fr::i grncnt ~trurk ~lrs. Corn1·tia Fulton, :ia, ln the chest 111 Bcifasrs 1~rotrstan~ Li1ncstone J{oad };tel ion. Count Girl, 6, Lc f t B ehind 13f.Tl!LEllE~1. Pa. /UPI) - '\.'hen six-year-old S h a r o n SIQ\'C'r C<llllC OU[ (Jf Ilic bathroo1n at a service :>Lallo11 v.·hcrc her parents had stop~d on the \Vay honlc from th e, auto r<.1ccs al Vliinghornt·, l'a, she found lhc car gone. Sharon, dressed In blue :-hort s and a pink·flo1vercd blouse, \1·ent Lil-the door of Stel!a \Vurst, a llel!ertown pos t;il clerk, and knocked. \\'hen l\lrs. \Vurst cun1c, she explained the fan1ily auto ''wC'nt th at w.iy." !\!rs. \Vu rst red ·sh:iron and gci1·e her a place to sleep. Fellon and Louise Slover :ind their five other children tnadc it all lhe \1•ay home to J\'aplcs, N.Y., without noticing Sharon \1'asn'l in lhe car. "\Ve didn't miss her," ex· pl:iincd a sheepish Slover later. "\Ve forgot to count licads. Either we al l do it. or L)on. our eldesl boy, 15, does it. llut lie 11·as kinda fooling around 11,ith the guys in the car behind us." W!1en they arrived home a policeman was \'1aitlng lo tell th err1 Lhey'd left someone bi'hind. Slover. hls \Vifc and the other five child ren turned right around and drove back for Sharon. All in al! it was a 600-mile trip for them and took 24 hours. The anoounce1nent said U1e paign to take back their aircraft commander find all former home territory. occupanis of the copter \vcre "\\'e don't exclude the killed but did not say how possibility that, 011·lng to the many there were. long struggle against Israel LONDON (UPI) _ Cori· Israeli troops In addition and Zionism, the sufferings in duet 0 r. c oinposer Andre suffered hea\'Y casualties in the refugee camps and the J'revin, 40, has cor\firmed that lhe artillery duel which raged rnyths lhe Arabs are pro- he and actress rvlia Farrow nenr El Shalt. mid w a y clueing. \\'e are witnessing a are expecting a child, pro-between Port Suez and the Palestine-Arab national entity bably in late winter. Bitter Lakes on the 102-milc in the n1aking," Allon said. Previn's state1nrnt Monday i----------------------- nighl followed a news release issued in New York earlier by his public relations spokesn1an Larry Eisenberg. Coct..!>i:- l\1iss Farrow, 23. \\'as In seclusion in Ne1v York and \v;is not available for coin· n1e1.1t but her mother, actress Mau r e en O'Sullivan, con· firmed her d aug h t~r 's pregnancy. lt1iss O'Sullivan expressed surprise !ha t "so n1any people are even In· lerested in this sort of thing:• MUSIC "Something like this is so personal , isn't it?" she asked. r "The important thing is that the baby is going to have lov- ing parents." Harbor at Newport Blvd. Co1t1 Mesa • 64~·2851 asaesman one or an answer, Most people who sell by telephone are consid- erat e, but on ce in awhile you'll get a call from so4one who's overly aggressive. If you're not inter ested in what the caller is selling and have told him so politely, but he rudely persists, then you should simply hang up. If the caller continues t.o bother you, let us know right away. We want your telephone to be a convenience-@1' . not an annoyanre. Pacific 1elephone We're-here to help. , ' .C DMLV PILOT EDITORIAL PA.GE 'Mohe' Bene£ its Hanoi Most peopl&-including the mllilary-would like lo be rid of the Vietnam war as quickly as possible. The quest ion is, will the so-called Peace rvtobiliza· tion scheduled for \Vednesday around the nation v.1ell or ill serve the na tional interest? It is possible tha t the demonstration could influence Saigon and \Vashington to accelerate slightly the wi lh· drawal of .Anlerican troops. But it is equally likely th at by encouraging Lhe Communists in Paris to toughen thei r stand, it negates major troop \Vitbdrawal pros· pects. The primary beneficiary of the peace mobilization unquestionably is J-lanoi. By undercutting the U. S. po- sition at the Paris negotiation, it says to the Comn1u· nists. ''Don't negotia'le--<'.onti nue your intransigence." The Communist negotiators directly and publicly ackno\vledged that last week \\'hen they refused to even discuss new Allied proposals and instead appealed to the American public to join in tomorrow's protest . :rvtobs usually are bad vehicles for arriving at ra· tional poLicy determinations. There is nothing to lndi· cate that tomorro,v's "mobe,'' es its organizers call it, bas any better promise. Attacking Drug Sources \Vhatever its cost in inconvenience to border trav· elers, Operation Intercept and Operation Cooperation, the much-discussed crackdow n on the narcotics flo1v from Mexico into the United States. probably has had some eUect on the marijuana traffic. The crackdO\\'n undoubtedly has been effective in reducing pot shiJr ments northward. Virtually the entire target of Operation Intercept was marijuana. Federal agencies involved apparently were un willing or unable to focus their attention on heroin and the so-called ''dangerous drugs" that con· stitute far more of a problem to the U.S. than does 1narijuana. The United States drug industry annually ships to J\lexican points far, far more stimulants, depressants and other long-proved dangerous drugs than ever would be sold or used in Mexico. These drugs, usually in the form of pills, now back over the border into the Un ited States literally by the millions. Because they are small and easy to hide, they are seldom uncovered in border searches. These dangerous drugs have taken their toll right here a't home. The Orange County Coroner's office re- .ports that since Jan. 1. 51 persons have died from over· doses or misuse of dn1gs. J\Iore than half of the deaths ,~·ere among young people . By indirection, fede ral, officials have admitted their inability to cope \Vilh the 11roblem a t the border so the question na'lurally arises: Can they be shut off at the source? · Co ngressman James B, Utt (R. 'I'ustin) has intro- duc ed a bill 'vhich \\'OUld make it unlavrful to export narcotics, depressant or ~mul ant drugs "\vhich are likely lo be unlawfuUy re-exported to the U.S., or other· \rise employed in illicit trade .. , '' C'ertainly the bill '"arrants seriou s consideration. The drug industry cannot continue to Jean on the c rutch of "free enterprise" ,.and d isclaim responsibiilty for its role in a problem of ever·gro\ving s eriousness to the youth of America. Even. if t~e l'.tt bill is consi~ered too broad in scope, some leg1slat1on ts overdue. As it no\v stands, American dr~g manufactu~ers stand accused of closing their eyes v.1h1le they contribute to drug deaths and psychological scars of grave proportions. V.S. Cities a Sad Contrast With France Senator Calls Planning Urgently Needed CAHORS, Franct -The French have a ~ay of life which some Americans love ll"ld others can leave alone. But there can )e. no denying their lively sense of >reserving what they have and improving l.!i appearance. Frenchmen ha\"e been restoring ruins, ~\anting trees. developing parks. beauti- 'ying r oads, illuminating and dolling.up :heir environment for centuries. This plentitude of pret1iness , beau ty tnd grandeur arouses feelings of envy tod remorse in the breast of the l\me.rican traveller 11·hose me1norv of HI· :ered roadsides, urban spra11:l and :arbage strr:wn gheUos in his O"'n coun· cr"Y is brought painfully alive by contrasts ~ be seen in provincial F rance. Forget Paris. The \1'or!d'~ most ~autiful city will not soon be dupli cated, flJ ink instead about "·hat could be done J'1 lhe U.S. lo"·ns of .IO, 20, 50,000 to T1ake them come alive as do hundreds of French cities and tO\ITlS beyond Paris. SOUTtrn'F.STERN France is lilied with •llies like Cahors, Amboise, Poitiers, Perigueux·, Ango uleme -each, of course, 1'"ilh it.s c<1thedral anrl-0r chateau to be 1•if:,\'f:d by tourists in alternating attitudes >! enchantment or boredom. Each clty rtas its cruel h.islorv. its loca l wine, and its envelopin£, sonletimes strangling an· liquity. There. is more. It i.5 th e life or the peo- ole lo \\"horn the cathed rals and chateau x lrf: familiar landmarks and symbols parely noticed in their daily rounds. The ' Richard Wilson " life of the people brings U1em into t h e streets and squares and markets of lhr:ir JjU.[e cities. The French use their cities as Amr:ricans do no longer. Cahors and Sarlat on a Saturday are festi vals or s hopping and c hattering. Sunday morning in lillle Amboise is a promenade. TltESE LITILE TOWNS are as all1'e and pulsating as Paris and London, the great cities "'hich also are used by the people v.·ho inhabit them. Then one thinks of lhe deadly pall which falls upon si;> many American cities, large a nd small, v.·hen day is doile and night begins lo fall. Ghostly Washington. Menacing Cleveland and Chicago, Who walks about the hearts <1f those cities in the gathering twilight! 'Vbo uses Central Park in r.fanhattan as the Thames embankment of St. James' f'ark are used in London"! It is not ('nnugh to say thal !lie a utomobile has taken Americans out o( their cities 1,1·hen thr:ir day'~ work is done. \\'e get away from lhe hr:arts of our cities because "'e cannot bear them for a full 24 hours. \Ye Cllnnot bear their lilt.er and bad air. Americans are afraid of their cities al night. 111ry are ashan1ed of ur· ban squ:ilor and po\'eriy~ There is li ttle to allract Americans to ~ the hearts of their cities on pleasant Sun· day evenings as Londoners are dra.,.,·n to The Stra~d and Trafalgar Square, and evr:n hlpple·swarmlng Picadilly. It may be too late for anything like !his ever again In the largest American cities. If the. great citir s are doomed to be work· ing l1ives o[ glass and stone, ringed by poverty, squalor and crirne, suffocating in no xious fumes and the rising urbar1 clangor. then surely there must be some hope lelt for the smaller tO\\'TIS and cities. THE OPPORTUNITY of the century v.•as lost when the post-1var housing, s uper highway, and shopping center ex· pansion ran amok and produced around the cities the ungainly and ugly sprawls of suburban life. Properly planned this enormous construction could have be.en a Jeweled diadem around the deca.ving cities. This should be lesson enough that noth· ing but careful plaruling can preserve and develop the smaller lowna and ciUr:s \\'hich are becoming satellik's of the huge urban centers. These smaller place.'! don't need a French chate.au or 1nedie\'al ca thedr::rl. They ner:d most zealous public i;upport of planned develop1nent. strict 7.oning, local pride and interest in evr:n !he smallest 'beautification project.'!. The same goes for the beautification of !he road& and countryside, severe restric· lion on litter. ·air pollution CQntaminat!on of any and all kinds. In short. the kind of control Americans dnn·t like but their great grandchildren will thank them for. Memories of El Morocco NEW YORK CIT Y-The kid ~ now call it, flippantly, Elmer's. B u l the kids now2dBys arc nQl the ones to lra l'e faith in, and reverence for. th:.> grcal in· .Ut.utions patronized hy their par£'Tlls. El t-.torocro, "'hich \l"aS reee nlly described by New York r-.-lagazin e as "a Jiving waxworks," was no flippant mall er ln the days of my youU1. Ylitll the. Sto rk Club, El J\forocco \1·a~ one of the two great capitals o( iomethlng Called Cafe Satiety. Cafe Society \.1;as a hangover -'in more 1en!es than 011e -of the Prohil>iLlon er:i . It consisted of a IOl or gu ys and girls who li~ed to drink and <lance, often in din ner clothes, out.side their homes. 1llE XEWSPAPERS took Hal\ serious· ly. thanks in no small parl to a suc· ctssion of talented gents who served a~ prtss agents for both places. lf you had t:ie price of admission. and were presen- table, you could become Society, of a kind. even if there was a fe.lon or t11•0 in .You r \ineagf!. If you had somf! talent, as lhe singer Morton Downey did, you mol"· ed with ea9C and assurance among the ------ Tuesday, October 14 , 1969 The tdUorlal puge of the Daily Pilot attb to inform t111d stim- uloU rtaden by pre!!enting this htwipo~r'• opinio-ns and com· ment.ru on ropict of i11tert st and itgntflconc~. bV providing a forum f or tile exprtssio11 r•f our rtodtrl' ojJinlo11s. a11d b;1 prtstnting the diverse t:ir u.>· point.I of l.1tformt:d ob.!r.r1Jr r., and apoke.tmtn on topic• of lht day. Robert N. Weed, Publisher 01arles l\f cCabe (\1~hings, and tl1e Aur.hin<:lossc~. and Ille Cuttings, and the various Vanderbilts. El ~lorocco's habitues were a gild"d cind fa vored ]ol indeed. There 11·as young J;ick Kennedy, and young Alexander Cushing, and young Jack Vietor. \\'ho in- her itl'd a private. railroad car on his 2\~t birthday a nd "·as spending 11·hal !hey called imporiant money on the amtnities -champagne and girls. ~1r. Vietor now· runs a San Francisco 1nagazint and sports a grey beard. I DIDN'T SEE very 1nuch of lhr: inside of E:l t-.forocC"O in It s great days, on ac· count you didn't go that rou te on a reporter's salary of $2:i a 1,1•eek . But I did have a few useful friends, who \~ould lr:t me tag alon g several times a year. t-.1y feelings, "'hen in lhc place, were a curious mixture. I cannot recall wheth- er my admiration \Vas exceeded by my r.nvy, or lhe other \\'ay around. I was thrilled lo be sitting in the same r oom ~·IU1 guys who had been tapped by Hasty Pudding or the Triangle Club ; bul there "·as aJ\\·ays the nagging feeling that they -and their pretty dates-weren't social- ly useful. '\'hen I used lo see Jack Kenne-- t!y there, il never occurrt'd Iii nie tht1t his name would rver appear ·in the con- text ol social usefulne.5 s. ABOUT TRE GIRLS. my feeling ~·a., one of almost unmixed adoration. ~lost of t!'ern wert young, pretty aod rich and hnd adorable fatherJ and brothers who pl.'.lyed on Ivy League footb3\J te:1ms. 11iey had e verything, and a Jot of them \l'l're generou~ with it One of the prettiest of the girls Wll-' J a(·k Kenncdy"s sister , Kit. '''ho would one day becorne the Ducht'~~ of Jftvonshirr if she had not been kil!fd In a \\•arlimr air l'r<':;h. lier J;rand£athrr was a Boaton Nloon owner, 'l'ttlicb shO\Ved llome of us how fast things could happen in Ult: homr: of the free. A pillar of the J\1orocco scene ~·as Lucius Beebe, v.·ho v.·as not only a part of i1, hu t chronicled it in his column in Thr. 1 lcrald·Trlbune. You had a fcelini; he 111ight have ll]cpt in his t.1il:i. and top hal, and splendid rcd·line<l opera cal>'.:, He 11 :is usually ac c ompan i ed by photcgrapher Jerome Zcrix'. \\'hl'I did a great deal lo popularize the plai;e. ~ TROSE DAYS you knc\\' ,1·ho 1,1' a11 rich. The. "'at brough t a n end lo that lovely and precise dislincuon; and \\"hell it "·ent, El ~1orocco Y>ent too. Anybody could become rich. -A great many did, They lonnd better things to clo with their n1oney than be photographed against. the famed zebra-covered banquettes ~·ith a dish d0\\11 from Smith. Against !he background or t h e Depression, the great days of El i\loroc:·c<> \\•ere an insult lQ the con.science. Every night wa.s an orgy of conspicuous waste. Ye1 it served a purpose not unlike those marvelous Warner Brothers gangster movies and Busby Berkeley musicals. lt kept our minds off the bread lines and the men sellinf apples. Deal" Gloomy Gus: Cheers to Pacific Lighting Co., the Soothtrn Callfomia Gas Co. and fl1 her11 for !heir impendin~ con1·er· slon lo natural ga.~ i11 their truck flttts. G;1rlic to the oil <1n d ;111tn i nrlu~lries for thei r feet dragging on U1e i::mog problenL -L. T. V. T~I• l•••vre ••tlOo<lt ... ~ • .,· ~""'"' Ml 11tcu11rt1, "'-•• •• •~• ,., ..... , .. ,, '•~• ,..,, "' -"" • ...... , 0.... M iit' l1'11M. For Boost in Security Pay • • j \\'ASHl1'"GTON -A determined effort V»ill ~efinltely be made to incl ude a prcr \·ision for a 15 percent Social Security in· crr:asc in t.he House-passed lax reform bill now pending in the Senate Finance Commit lee. Sen. Vancr: Hartke, 0-lnd ., lnnuential member of the committee, is all sel to do that. He has prepared an amendment \vhich he wlU offer when the committtt begins "writing up'' the mea..<;ure in a few days, The committee Is operating under a com· mltment lo submit a completed bill to the S..:nate by Oct. 20, Jtartke's proposal 1\·i ll call for 3 tj pe r· i.:enl increase. in Social S e c u r i I v payments, \Vilh a $100 min.imun1 , to go JCT. to effect next Jan. L PRESIDENT NlXON has recom· mended a 10 percent increase and a cost· of-living ctause to automatically hike Social &curity payments in the future by J percent. this for1nula \rou ld go into operation April I. Hartke will demand a rol\call vote on bis provision Jn the committee. lf it 'is turned down there. he intends lo aiain raise the issue in the fu ll Senate, The contention tha t Social Securi!.v legislation must or igi11ate in the House i·i:: bn1sq11ely rejected by Hartke as •·11ilhout :;ubstance."' I-le fla tly .as5erts the Sen/lie is 1vith!n its right to incorporate. a Soclal Security increa.se. in the pending House· passed tax reform measure. •·That bill is rr:venue le,!!;islatiun that origi nated in t\lc Hou:;c," says J-tarlke. ":111d it is 1101v in the Senate. Social :-)ccuri!y is a lso revenue le.iislaliOn, so I fail to see the irnproprit>ty of 11Titing a Social Security provision int o tl1c tax bill. Both are rr:\·cnue measures, so \\hat's 11roni; 11ith co111bining them? "IT IS i\IY underslanding tll::it the House \Va~·s and r.leans Co1nmiltee plans '" start the ball rolling: on a Social Security increase so rnetime late lhis mon!h. That"s fiTir . T'm he<1rt ilv in fa vor of it. They can pass a Social se'curlty bill and we can do so, too. Then lhe two cnn go lo t onftrence and differences, lr any, can be .ironed out there. "ll's all very reasonable ancl simple :ind I fail to sec "·here any constit11tional or any other extrane<1u s issues are in· ''olved. The important thing is lo spce<I up the enactment of an incre<1sc in Soci al Security payments. Tha t's long O\'crdue, That should have b<orn done nionths ago. Less Uian three month.~ arc no\v re. main1ng in this year, and unless 11·e get busy and do something right :l\1'ay, it \\'ill he: another half ye<1r before lhe needy ag· ed get thr:. relief thl>y should have had }ong ago." Also forcefully pointed out by Hartke is the racl that more lhan a score of bills are pending in both U1e I-louse and Senate f~ social Security increases ranging from 7Y.: to 15 percr:nt. "JUST ABOUT C\'eryoric in Con grtss is for an inrreast," dC'Clarrd Hartke, ;'but 50mehow or.other nothing has been done tihout it. I want to put ao end to n10re fumblinR and bumbling. Thal"s 1\'hY I In· tc-nd to offr r 111y a1nendrnent in the 1-'inancc Comn1it1ee ·and to force ;i i;howdown on il there .. And if I don 't sue· <'f'ed therr, I \\'ill resubmit. it in 1he full Senate 11'hrn the tax bill is before it.·• By Roberts·. Allt11 and Job.a A. Gold•milD 0 0 'Ho, Boy! Ju.st what I needed.'. Good Pedagogy, Bad Journalism 'The editor of one of the. newspapers r unning tl1is column sent me a terse. little note following a recent '·11·orrl-ftuiz·• col- 111nn, '·Please -no more of these tests \1·it houl ans11·ers,·• he requested, And quite a fe\v readers have rnade the sarne objection to the quizzes. Perhaps I ain Y.Tong. but I don't supply the ans wrrs to these le.sis because I want to provoke enough interest for readers to look up the ans.,.,·ers themselves. It i.~ good pedagogy, though Jt may bt bad jou.rnalism. J LIK E TO START a chain of in- formation that the reader can complete for hin1self. \\'e are mentally lazy obo ut 90 percenl of the time. and want to be handed ans\1·ers O•l a silver tray. or s tu f- fed \Vith lnforn1:.1L1on thal ,1·e have not bothered to chew and digest for ourselves. This litunan tendency is what makes it i;>asy for propaga ndists uf ;ill type s to beguile and vlctin1 ite us. Unless 1f e 1\.·d.nt to find out the fa cts for oursr:Jvcs. "·e run the risk of absorbing ''facts'' that do not square \\'ith reality, fl·ly task, as J have set it for myself over the years, is not to pass out tasty tidl>its ()f inforination. or e1·en to plead a ca~e so ))('r~uasil·ety that readers are sv.·cp\ into agreement \\'ith my 'ie1\ s. IT IS, RATHER, to make people 11·ant Syd .. ey J. Harris lo stretch their intellectul muscles , to -shake them out of cornplacency, to start !hem rr·examining \1·ords and phrases and labels thev have Jong cherished or abon1inatcd 11 hhou t bothering to think about lhl'nl very niuch. Even when the. question is a 111inor one, 1 am ~urc H is better to nave a hundred 111teres1ed read ers looking it up t an11 thereby learning something about ll1e whole subject ) than to have 10 million accept the answer wi thout any effor t on their pa rt. EDUCATION IS !\OT a process of receiving kno1r!edge. but of going out to meel it halfway. \\'h;iL is \1'rong wi1 h n1ost tetiching is th at it discou rages-in· dependent rese:irch on the pa rt of the.> stud ent, by sin1pl y stuff ing him 1~ith fat!.~ he can .scribble in a notebook and then forget. to.Ty refusal to give the '\'Ord.quiz ans1vers "'as neither negligence or in· te!lectual snobbery on n1y part, but so1nething quite 1hr. cont rary -an ar- dent desirr: lhat readers use their God· given hrnins and sense of curiosity Lo fin<;f out niore than a ne1>spaper colun1n can tell then1. Utt Opposes Allen Recall To the l'..!i 11rir . I hal'c been reading \1 ith considerable disn111y· the actlvtties of the Alton All en Recall Cr1111n1Htr.c. Recalls may 1,w; ;1 nr>cf'~:'::Jj'! 1:1'il 1n son1e. c;i sr.s, but surely not 11hcn they arc based solely 011 1vh;;t 111 1ght be te1111ed an "error Qf juclg· 1nr.11t," The ti1ning nf lhis recall activity lends it.self to suspicious rn oti\'CS, If Suprrvisor Allen r uns for re-electlon, as he has an· nounc ed, the people of t.he Flfth District v.ill hal"e a u opporlu1Li ly lo vote fur or against hin1 within the nc;.;t ·seven months. 'The recall n1 oyc111cnt 11·ould appear !o bt init iated a nd prosecuted by some political discontcnLs "'ho arc creating a strll \\111ari 11hich L!1ey hope: to koock down. nei.:t year, prior to the regular elections. THETIE ARE SO:\TE things lhnt Superrisor Allen has don(' of \1 hich I disapprore, and I a rn certain ihere a re mn11y th ings I.hut I have done that he· and others \\'Ould have done differen liy. But. rr he has erred, it has b<'en a matter of judgn1cnl. and not grounds for recall. The Fifth District has had the most ac· til"e gro\\·th of all the fi ve rl islricls: as lvitnesscd by the construction o( new high schools, cind new junior colle&es, the creation of Dana Point Harbor. erosion tontrol. the bringing into the district cit one of the. graetest defense. plant.~ in the ('QUOlry, the devr:lopment of Leisure \Vorld at Laguna Hills. the development of ~fission Viejo, and th!'! dt'!\'elopment ot Laguna Nlguel. These ha\'c prOOuccd eoo ugh problems b.v the ""'ay of roads. fl ood control, public ut ilities, a nrl all the rest. to lax the abll· ity ;incl c;:ipaci!y of any intHvid1111I. ·11. '\OU)d be intcrt-stir1)( lo co1npare 1he cil'ic cnntribulion.~ of tho..5e rarnrodding the rec111I. as t1gainst the ~rr1·ices renderrd by Su pcrvi~nr Alton All t'n. I .JAi11 J;;S B. t:TT fllembrr of Congre~s .... ~failhox I .I Lellers frorn reader.! art tvelcomr, Norn1al/y tvriters shou ld convey their m.essages ht 300 words or less. The ,./glt t to conde11se letters to fit space or e!i111ii1o;e li bel IS reserved. All let-- te ~-s n:11s f 1nclndc ~i9noi11re and 111ail· ing addre ss, but 11amcs 111ay be with· held Oil rf.'que~t i.f s11J/irir11l rea soii is appa re nt. '.'l11•t Be n Great l,ndy' To !he Ed itor I usually don 't read !he editorial page. b11t \\'<JS caught visually by the lcller "Llnfairness lo Youth "' by t.lrs. L. Dradshaw. A \1·01n;1n 11•ho goes all lhe \\'O}' as to question the ·n1anage.r about the 2iign (not permitting teenagers to sit at lhe tables in :i doughnut shop ) and v.•riting to the editor about it must be a great lady, I \\'Ould like lo thank you. I wol.Jld also like I() find fhe doughnut shop that posts the sign so I can lake the sign down in order to prevent templation or ang('r by another teenager that may cause further d<1mage because of it. DENNIS Pi\1.J LI. Age 17 •---Bu George --~ Dear George . \Vhat can you do aOOul a v.oman v.·ho at age 3fl wanls lo go out (\TI I.over's lant-' al hrr agr and park in U1c moonlight c1·ery night? ,J J. Dr11r J.J.: Very li!1lr _ .n1y 1\lfC watches me like a hawk . -. T11tsday Octobtr 14 lru~11 ________ _:_DAILY PILOT 7 CHECKING Peaceful Protest· QUEENIE By Phil lnt erlandi Reao-an ~ ·-.. ---. •UP• No Yiole11ce Seen for Moratori1t11i Day Predict s ·,' No Strilies Mru1y Me11 B11y Colog11e, Hair Dye lly L. 1\1. 80\'D S .-\CJlA~IEN'fO 1UPI) California law enforce1nent agencies today pr e d fc I e cl peace in lhe eilies a !I lhousands of drmonstrators ' , ~ President's Alma Mater Se ts Protest geared for Wednesday 's anl1-d1t a11ons 1n Cahforu1a that Vi etnain \Var moratorium. "·e're going to have any "It looks peaceful," said violP.11e:e," .said Col. Anthony S \CRA\1F.:-JTO fl ecbe rt F Ellt'ngwood Go L. Pah11nbo. chiel or the plans · ' · •· r AP) • , 1·. (;u1 . Hcaga11 sa1,'s he 1s sure Ronald Reagan's legal afta1· s and U""'rntions branch !or the r •·-!'late workrr!i won 't strike -secret "Th · Nuti ona l Guard. ary. ere s no reaso11 t•\'cri though lt>adi'rs of !hr 10 belie'le there will be any "\Ve're not In <iking a ny group that rt•presenls mosi violence of any kind.'' s peci11 \ plans,'' r c p orted !'l<l lf' t"Tnploves have resouri Demonstrators have µtanned Jlobert ~1oocly, I a \V en-1l1ngly abando11ell a nv-slrik(' marches and speeches at thl' rorL·cme nt coordinator for th1· pledge. capitol and in other rnajor disaster office. 'l'lie govcrnvr said he "';l ~ cities Wednesday in opposition Heagan's schrdule called lnr U1sappo1nted lty 1t1e Californi.1 10 the war. him to be in \\'ashington, DJ;, State En1ployrs Associ<1t 1an "f don't care how sincere today for an t:isenho"'t'r 1·o n1·f'n!1un 's 6.1U-192 vote 1\1011, they are in their motl ves, they Colh:ge fund raising du1n C'r. duy lo t.lrop the pledge. 'l'hr are lending aid to the enemy lie plans to retu rn to Los i.:rnllp rt•prcsl'nt~ 111 ,000 of U1r and that enemy is killing Angeles \\'ednr~day for a JSIJ.000 slalr l'o (u ker~. young Americans," Re1:1 gan teslirnonial dinner on bl'hal r or ' I a1n surr," Rl'agan ~ai1! !11 Al last report lh(' 1nen ll'erc bu ~ ing aboul 11..ilf 01i, 1nuch body cologne as th!! worncn. \Vhal 's odd about t!u:. 1s a dozrn ye<1.rs ngo n1cn bought ~O l1!tlc of :.Ut:h 11lul! !hal nobody even kl'J'll stat1s1n·s on it. That's not <ill. Nobody hcµl ~lalisth:s a dozen yr:1 rs 11go either on hO\\' niuch h<11r tlve men bought. Now 1t's knu~·n tht>y ~pend about 14 1n1ll1on clollilrs il year on th 11l Gl)OD quarterback thro"s a pa~.~. about how fa~t d\'l(•s the football travel·· • A, -Up 111 iO n1 ilcs an hou r .. (}. - "\\'llA'r·s the r11ost l'~pcnsivr :1n1nl:il in the loo?'' A. -The gunlla ..• Q. -··1tO\Y !\l..\/li Y l'EOPLE ha\e to ll\l' 1n a 1011 n Ix> fore 1t " c:1!led a <.:11y1 " A. -The census lakers ~ay 8.1.)()() ... Q. -"110 \\' f'ltE(lUt:STLY dn the men get l'Ustody of ·children 1n 'd "T"· h Jd b h Re1"1bll can Sen. Li e or g c 1 r I ' ti \\' 111 TT 1 ER (AP) sa1 . ut:y s ou e as am· ,,¥ a ,, a erne11 . · 1a1 111ost :.lri11· ed of themselves," ~turphy. 1•1nplol'es agrrl' wllh the lone Students of President Nixon·s The governor called the Reagan's y.•ife, Nancy, \1ill es1abl1sht>d ll·gal and mor;1! al1n;i. n1ater, \\'h.itlier College, moratorium "ill advised," and visit \~· o u n d e d servicernen pr1nt.:i r1le that pu bhl l'rnp!oy1'. pllff to light an antiwar said the enemy knows "the on· \\lednesday in Le t t e rm <i n "''"''J ,., ... ··-.. ~ rannol anrl will not engage 111 ''flanie of life" on Vie tnam ly 11•ay he can win is here 111 General Hospital in San Fran-of society·s valurs." B ~trike against Ilic people .'' \\'ll Y Tll E ~lt:.~ 11h11 ~lul1rr outnurnbl'r the 11u11li'l1 \1ho sll1tler by f1vr to u11c is <1nothrr pcculi:1rit.v 1l'l 111 lie.: c';.;pl;olncd ••. J TELL YOL:, Ille mcn1bcrshlp ln the Pruµer Job Club is t·xµand1n~ n1ir;iculously'. Nu11' J)r lJ I\. J{oo t, ;i dcn!ii,t 111 Casper, \\"yo .. has been non1in nled ... A CASl ll ER of ('Ons1deralilc experience says men nflcn forgcl their change. h LI t "omen never do ... A:\I ASK- ED llOW LO/\'.G the <i\'eragt• ne1v car bu~er keeps hi ~ automobile: before trading tl in. Six: years. The a\'er;igc u~ cd car buyer keeps his machine fi\'e 1 eil r~ . ll llorces·•'0 :\. -In ;iboul 011(' uul 111 t'\-t•ry 10 ea~1·~, the. streets of Americ11 and not c1sco. She 1s expected to re--------------------"-----'--\\'h~r1 111:. staH·rncnt ll'a~ n1oratori um d11y \Ycdnesd;iy. in Vietnam." main in Sacramento today. rr,1d tft lht' 1lell'i.:a tcs. 1l 11 ;i~ I.\" AUDJTl <JN -Our r\amr c:arne rnan recently repor\f'd 11\(' fX!Sll'!lCC' Ill t\1~1n h<1 lt <lll or a l'LtlZt.'11 na1ncd \Van1bl y llald. Not detailed in thi1t ilen1. howr\·er. 1\'a<; the fact !h;Jt j\l r. Bald 11·:is once <1 fe;1lurc l\rtter lor the Ne"' York Post. ;:ind as such "'as c;;llcd upon lo iu1cr1·iew thal frozrn food fr!lo11•. Clarence Birdseye. 111 lhc course of the tOnl'ersation. his tory records. ~Ir, Bald in· quired. "Yours is such an unusual nan1c. ~Ir. Birdseye. rnay I ask hov.· you carne b~· it?'' \\'hy do I n1ake mention of !his insignificant incident'~ i\o particular rt'ason. It 111crt'· l~ ~trik('s rnc .1s odd. !hat 'c;: ;1!1. tli<il <1 n;:Jn n:unrd \V~unbl y B~1ld l\UUld pul ~uch :1 qLH'~!IO!I t11 ;1 111;Jll 11a1111•(l Hi rtbt'.~'1•. I.ct':-:,;1y no 111ort' ;ibout 11. 'It will 1Jur11 so long as the Elllng\vood said the stale Her hospital visit is to ('.~-jjrccll·d by ;1 n11xturc of jeers, war continues.'' Jun Conti'. emergency planning t'Ounc1 I prt·s,s ht'r "supporl and ap· YOll./l ger 'S(Jf l,' Ull. Dt'll f)"t.!,? <':11l'al h, 1.n1gh1cr and ap 1.hairman nr the s 111 d r 11 t has 1nct and l\'ill meel again prcciatio11 for \\'hat mernber.s ~., Jllau ~c. before the moratoriun1 1u of !he U.S arn1ed for1·es <1rc 'IT11· off icial <1ba11donmc11 t 01 llunian nights Co1n1nitlcr, n1ake plans 111 case violent·c doing for their country." ~AN D!E<.:O IAPl -Slhl f' ~ta ll!!ll~·1 1t 111~1 1 su1ne juJjg,•-1; tl1t· 110-s lrikc plc·tlgc will curn t• ~;ud /'ll unt1;1y. does erupt during I h e The vigil 1nadvc rte11t ly got Sl•n. (;curgc [)cukinejian s<1td Hild tiistnct attorneys JO!nlll 11'hcn a maJorit_\' or the gruur·~ lie ·'es·c .. ibe·' the Jl"me as dernonstralion. nn early .start i\londay when a d 1 1 1 11)3 h)('u) chiJ [Jters ratify tile v • v .. il1on ay l 1:lt .os Ang e cs JJ i,l. pul tuu 1n;inr eu111·11.:ted o!- ":i consL:ln t reminder of those But Elling'l\'ood and officials hantlful of dcrnonstratnr.s i'll O\l'nt1ori's acl!un . r lh N t. l ,, d I d I 1 of th Al!,v. l::vt!llc .I. Younger ha<. fenders on 11robutio11. Th d f h c 1· 11·ho hal'e died and are dying o I' a 1ona .... u a r , s 1011·c up 111 ron e . e presi cnl o t e ::; ~:\ ii·hi!e il bums." Highway Patrol, the state f.JO\'l'rnor's house ahead of been !eni('nt in prusccut111g Vuunger has not aru1ou11.·t":I 1uld n<·1vsrnC'n aftt'r tile 101r I I f police and State Disaster 01-schedule. n1arijuana ust'r~ and peddh·r~ h1 ~ e<indidacy but Ucukrnt•J l;111 thnl "l don't !h111k 1111~ will 'l'he !aine "'11 l'oine roni a f1cc said there had been no 1n-Local 1noratorium officials linn' ''''°''t ;1 ~1·1ke by ,., .. ,, t bl h I t h h. 1 The Long: Beaeh Rt•pub!lt·.111. ap1n1rl'ntly l1a.' dl't'ltll'd \1 11' ~' u por ll e ti anc orr 11' Je 1 dication frorn local police in· said the ~roup v.·as not part of e1nployes." lhl' students plan 10 display on telligence sources of any plan-lhr.ir cOt'!!mittec. Thr. group a L·andidatc [or slalr al!orn,·:'t' prust"culor 1t 1ll hr lu~ cli1cf op· Thi! VOiP folla"·c•l thrrr !he 2,500-student c11mpus and ned violence. di spersed at the request of 1he gencr::il . iclentilir.d Younger hy 11(1neot lor the. (;OP non11n<i-:-.cars of feuding iiitb tll!· at various churches. "There aren'l an y in· moratorium leaders. name in a ne1\'S conference 11011. fll'publican gOl'l'rnor. Stuclrnts front campu srs l-----------'--------------------------------------------'-----"-----~ SUR VE\'S SllO\\' 111orc ll)rll lhan 11·orncn 111·1tc !etll'r• 10 the edllor. l'LANET :\Ii\,'\ -A l'.incf'r ~1rl tends to bt~ prac!li:;1I 111 cvcrytl11ng' but n:11n:1nc·c. <-~i\:Cn a little t'xperic11t.·1'. ~ht' can n1an:igc mon!'y and tlci.1 1 quite properly with her lrit'nds ;ind r elatives. But wht111 1r t orn('s lo her lu1e l11l·. !--!ll' 1-; apt repeatedly !u 111;11-e Ila' ~•nnc $<Jd 1111:.t<.1~•· 11f pit~il ll! fcllov.s 11 ho ;,re 11 11\1'{' 111. lereslcd ir1 lht·111:.eh1·~ 1h.1n 111 lier. Or :.o :.:J_I~ our l'l.11u't n1an. CUSTO~l ER ~trtVICE : (~ -•·Did the i;:re;IL Stradi vari r \er make gu11:irs~·· A. -On- ly once , • , Ji -"\\HEN A ll.Al'l[J REPL\': 1"\u. :.1r. n~ver ~;1w a white ~quirrel, hut untle1·stand such there be. ln f;irl. the town of Olney, HI., 1~ <>~1 id 10 be the 1vhite squirrel 1\ipit.+l o! the 11·nrld inasmuch "" th!' li ttle r;i ,,cals <1ri1 :ill 11\1·r 1l1;ol plac<'_ \'our 11uestion> arid !111r rnt11!~ ;or(' y.•elcu1111·d :i11d 11tll tw used 11·here' r r p0'-"1blf' 111 "Checking Up.'' Addrr~s 111:111 to L. :-01. Hoyd, in care of IJ.11\.1 1'1!ot. Bo:-. 1875, F\C11 poi L Beach, Calli, 92663. "\Va1· ~ea1· End" Scientist Cites F or11111lae ST 1\i\FORn rl I'll -ThC' fi ~hting 111 \ ir·tn.1111 p1·1ilJ;1hly 1r1ll end ;111110~1 .111,1 n1011th 1111w -;Ji.;(·11rdl11~ Ill ~ IJllP l!(;ili~t ll:.il l1\l'llllll:!r' 11f :. fr•rnH·r ."t :inl11nl l 11110·1·,11.1 r!'SC<lf l'il t'T. !Jr .. Juhll \'or•1 11d,~_1' 11u11 ,1 p!'lv;ile 1 •1i11~ullt1n1. 11';.1rh1 thl~ tr1nch1~1on frVln C'flll.Jl!r111-, roncrrnini: batth~ ~l;itic~ lrn111 fuu r n1aior l'.S. l'!•nflH:t' 1!11· ('1 11! \\'~r . lht· 11111 \l orhl \\.ir_; <1 nd th!' Kort•.111 \\'ar. \'or l'odskr (lid ;i ~1 1dr I •r tlu• \;n 1. •ulu111ll1•1 .\l,11• lo .:7. 1%8, pr0cd1i.t1n;: t,1 ,.1 .. 11ly ;ind 1Jlhrr f1gurt·~ un 1l1t· basis of tlir r(J U.1t 1on ~, llf' .,.1.1~ hts 1i11·dll'll1•11.;, IJi.1\l' prol,'il <lt· llll'il!IJ 11 Ull1 11 l Pl' 2 pvn:L"nl · I 111 n•il ,1 ""11 II ,,11 rr " !11" . ,I\'· 'J 111 JU 'l ;.;,,\ 1'11~ 11 !1,1 t l!lt' .I Jlh!JL.d I I 1' ll ii :; Ill· !)u·.11 .. ' \ 1•!'1nd~k1 ·, th.in~ ~ui.:~1''! !i111h ~l<le~ of lih· \ ll'tna111 \\,or 111111' ,1.r1' :l l .i po11t! 11hrrt! 1ht·1· 111 11 Cl1 hl'r {'t';.hl· h(!\till!l\'S 11.1' 1••!111 11\'IK'•' ,l ltlilJ1'1 1'•1·.11.i ll•Jll, \·,1r 1!1r l S , 111• ~ 11•1. !hi~ 1111::ht lljl ';\11 1lt>11hJ11 ,! tl' ••1111 !.11 1 h •l 1 ~·.~ in \'1011,.,111 lu rnu1 t' ni.J11 unt' r111lho.1n 11lC'1l. Stl1 te ' s C<Jl /e !!.·i.l111 s L Bitsier Tltltll .~fu .'il else1\'h:?re in the nation "'Ill be 1111·1tcd to light si1nilar flames frorn the original. f'hylhs Ca:.e. 11 ite of \\'hit · l1•·r's •H·l111g l'rcs1denl Harold cci ,t·. 11 111 hHll'h off 1he "rla111c ol 11[1.-• 10 tlu11·ntu11·11 \\'h1tticr l\'1•r111l'sdr1y ;l1(1·r a silent 111C1 rch lron1 the ca111pus with ~lut!ents. Dr . Case will be "out of town on a speaking engai;i-e· ment," a n administration spokesman said. The faculty a n d ad· 11unis1r:llion of th is Quaker- f.,untll'<I c· n I l r gr \Oted 1111,r11 l11•li111n~l_1 1.i <:an c el 1'l.1 ,s{'~ li>1' 1nor;1tur1u 111 d.1~. 1\~kl'LI llUll' his :SlUdl'nt t'tll· l1';1~uc~ v1c11• ~1xon's ha11Lllu1g v! the 11•aJ', Conti' sa1d ; ''\\'e Lann11t look into hi~ 1H1·11 b~an but \\'e arc eon- \ 1nced he 1,.; not goi ng serious- ly in to the busincs~ n[ g('tt1ng f*ac c , .. The 11<1r is still going 011 and our friends are 1ly1ng · U.N. Bars Mrs. Sirha11 From 'fa1k t \!TED NATIO:\S 1L l'l 1 --'J'hc 1nother of Sirhan fl ~irhan. convicted assass10 n( ~t·11 Robert F . Kenned\'. 1ra1(•lt·d 3.000 miles lroi11 ('.111lorn1:.i lo address thr I n1tt·d .'\ations G e n<' r ;i I \-.,rrnhl} She nearly broke 1tri1111 1n lCll rs ~londay v.'hcn ~ht• 1•.1~ barred Crom U1e t h:1111hl'1· ~Ir~ ~l.u y Sirhan had comr 1" ih"1 \h,~ the plight 01 l':ile~11111:1n Arab refugees, bu1 "·"lit• .1pflr11:1L·hed the General .1\"'~<·n1hll. ~ht• 1\·as stopped b}' ( 1o11 1.11111nf' 1\. Stavropoulos, 111uh·1 ._,,, rt·tnr.v J.!l'nernl 1 n ··t1anc 0• <,! Al'ncral asscmbl) 1.0." /\\I .El.I-.~ '11·1 - ' nltt :;i.111 .. ;,11:11r • :i1•·'"" tr1 :i 1"r 1,,~n 1 k · .'>otll<'\ li ng 111;1 ·t'1' nir 1 cry .. .'.1lllf/fll1a ' 111·11 nrmCaluornld~. ,,1d."' .:.aid 1\lr.,. Sirhan al> n1orc. ~o l!1.i11 llt!!I' <""'·· And thn•c C;.rl1for•n1.i ~late 1cars 11·ellcd in her eyes. ''He I I I I C1ilkgr fn·~h11\!'llr>[ l'lli811 1•rr 1S1:11 rotl"'''''" i"ld me 1 ... ~,,. t'fJXJr s :il'rili.~ t 1r n:1 Jo•n. :1r1• ., ~", :1 !'111 ;ihn11· tlor11· 1·111111· nn1 do ii l.i.v 111.vscll'. Ile told often v1t•11cd ;1~ ~lud••nl '> 11)1 1\ I I 1i'rp;1rl:'. I H' rep(lrt 'tLt( in c 1hc Palestine people ha vr mor<' lime to m11r('h than Using test results ('(;ve ring no poii·er." 51ud.v and an 111cl1n;.111011 lo tln Eng!ish. nalural 't 1 r 11 (' e . r-.lr.s. Sirhan \1·as told in· ju ~t thJt. ·.s s n c 1 a I st u ti I e s Jn d 1h~1duals may nol address lhe Aot :-:n. s.11~ tllf' ('.1hlorn1;1 m:1lhrm :1tics. lhe pro I I I e f;pnf't;:i l Assrmbly unles~ they I . f dt'tet1n1nf'd lhr ra!1forn 1ans /u1·01·•1iy ,·c p•eSC"t 3 "at1'on. ~lalr Co lcgc5 ' D111~1on .... .. • " " , 1 " h had il mean J; rad e -P n i n l ~t, .. vr""""los '· ai'd h• "·ould l11~l1tulr::ina nc.5ear( . ·~" ,.,,~,.. " a1 1•rage r1f 2 8i·il C·pht~·in deliver Mrs Sirhan's rnessage The 0 ·Fre~hrnan Profile'' J J h J cd Ill'! 1 sc ov compar lo na· 10 Secre1ary Genrral U Thant. relf'ased ,\tu11d<1.v by Chan-tional norms of 2.58 for com-Spt'aking or the pHghl or rc!lor Glenn S Oumkc sho11 ;; bl 1 · · 1·1 r para e aca1 e1n1c ins J u ions P:llestine Arab~. illrs. Sirhan lh<>J :-1a1c coll,..,e frrsh1nt'n ~od 2 -,, fo• uo1·"e•s1t1es of ~o " ,., • ' · said. '"They :1rr suffering foe "ho enrol lrd l:ist fall arc 111orc. t d to r · ·1 cr1ng ()<: ra cs or sirn1 ar 20 .rears. They hal'e no home likrl y to 1vork part-time 11 hile degrees. . .. their children arc still Ii\'· e;irrfing a lull collrge load Anti comf)()site results on the ing under tents for a roof and ;ind hal'<' lc~s or Rn 1ntt·re"t 111 1\1ncrica n Collt>ge Tf'st -the •'nld earth ior Llll'Jr cradle.'' r xtracurric11 lar ilct!l'i\ies than admission examinat ion cover·,;============~ lhosc outside Cali forn ia. ing the sarnc subject<> -gave'G The co1npariso11 also sho1\s Callforn1a St:llt' Co! I e g c SC HOOLS those Californ1;i £ r e s h m c n lreshn1cn a 22.3 mean store to O"' "'"''P•Ji•• 1.11, vau writ::llrd thr quality of 1hr 1!1.7 for <:omparablc C.S. ir· m1H1, mo r• ol1e~. 1bout w~•I larully and the :_ivai lah1l1ty of st1tulions ;1nd 22,l f o..\ 9_0~' on in loc •I 1<~0011 .. Yo~'ll special cour~es in rnos1 hcnl'I· u11\versi tics offering htgher1 1•~d th~t "'"'''""'' 01 '~' II I , DAllY PllOT. ly in selecting a f'O e~t· :111tl0 __::':'g~'='=':'~· --------~============='! 1hal , once in. they 111orr lik ely lived al home and had greater GOP \Vo111en Rap Boy cott FRESNO (AP) -TI1c f'Cn · 1 tral divisi~ ol Lhe Calirorni;i ! Frdcrate<1 Republican \\'01nen l JS :in record ,, .. <ipposing lhc /)Ql'COU of C<1lif1)f'fl!(l table _i::r:1pes. I O·'t ~'v ~~¢"' t~e 1ioni11n£ p1in llld u u~t.on ol lltmon l\o•d~ Olle" 11111 condlt•Oft •1 l£(t1•1le l by d1111 btl .. 11 /llOYtm1nt~. ind CC'l- SlJpil•Ol'I is almos1 untic1r10le Ne•, lh~re's 1 c!ifti,Jlty hlltd !11r- muli1t.Dn 111.ll works 111,nst l~e dGuble p!Ob'tm or hemo1rll111d11nd' lomrni11~n. lmee·,.~•·lt!ion COUNT£RNOIO " ,n. ltriupl1 !h.ll l11rt1on, swe1lm; Pl•~ ty~1e· 1 e1se~ N•" o! 1or1. 1nn101, ... tou ut 2 \OOlht\ 1nd PID1fth inft•mtd n tl tar ~nur~; 3 1t th, 11me 1•,,.! 1t 'ollt~I fYt n h'1~ '"Ol1 lo 1llow !01 tll•U, le11 1111111- 1·~ N lllff. ~0'111~:!~~~D~~ 1 ~· •• '"'~ 1 .... I ,,, ''"'"''-.,·11 L You'll lease instead. ]f yo u CITJ OY ha ggling over the price 0£ 3 car, thi' ad is not fur yr1t1 . fiut jf )·ou \\';till \() forge t sl1opping around (t o sa y noth ing of that fat do,,·n r_)a y1n ent), yo u'll /eo,\t: you r next ca r fro1n .. ~irs t \\'estcrrt Bank instead of l)uying. Yo11'll <lri1·c •t,,·;iy in the 1nodcl of yo ur choi ce, lno\,·ing yo u~rc takin g <1.clvantage of lhe bargaining poy,·cr <Jf a S950 1nillio n bank 1h al <loe~u·t fa vor o ne 1.:a r over anoth er. How much will you have to shell out per month? It de- pend .. It depends on things like 1he make and model, !he length of lease and the extra stu£f you ,,·unt on yo ur car. \Vhatcver the c a r, nobody-but nobody-can lease yo u a ca r for Jess th an \\IC can. A l\\lo-year lc<ise, for instance, will probably cos t you up to $300 less from us. The main reason is because \vc're tl1 c: source of c·Jsl1 -the rn oney fa ctory. This al.so mean~ you don'I ha ve to go th rough a leasing middlerna n \vho wants a piece of the acti<1n. Are some cars better to lease than others? Of cou,,c! Sometimes it's even ch c~pcr ''' lease a 111orc cx 1lcnsi~e • ca r. And sin ce \re kno\v \vhicl1 ca rs retain tl1ei r \'alu e l_)cttcr 1 you'll ge t the finan cial f;.icts straight fro m us re- garding th e llcst one for yot1. Best of ;.ill, our professional <1n<l t1n biasc d op ini on '''on1t cost you a reel cenl. But suppose you still want to buy a car? You'll ;Ji ll he talki ng to 1hc right people. \Vhethcc yo u lease a c.r thr<>u gh any of o ur 94 brancl1es or borro\v the 111oncy lo IJu)', '''e111 still give you a free cli ecL:.in g acc;<?unt. You see, '"e reall y \Vd nt l(> help the jl toplc "ho l1clJ>cd us lo become a $950 mill io n bank. First Bancar Lease In a ~h.1rpl.~ 11 ordl'd resolu.1 t1on arlopl1·1! ti t 11:! ronvrn11nn . 111 Fre~110 r-.111n1!ar. !lw l;f)f ' Jtroup d1 •1.:1.it'C'd 11·r lio1.·11tl '·ha~ r!rn1Nl tlic ht•U\,f•111fr 1111' t'l1n:.t1lul1on:-d r1g!11 iJ 11 fl (rrcclon1 lu h1 11· 11 11:11c1 cr !J\lil ilrms .c-llr dr.~1r1·~ .. ; 1-------------------------1---------------------------------------------------------------- .\ " ·1 ·1 I I 1 • + •••• --• ----·~~~ ..... ,,~~~~~~~ ............ '."'~ ...... ~.":'."'"""""""" .............................................. 11! ............................................................................. ... . . I DAll Y PILPT ' For the Jtleetings TUIESOAY 11~:,:"~.~1,:.r1~"t1 c~:~ra111~~.~~ CO•Oll• di-I f"'•t. t ·lO pm T ...... ,,,.,,p,. Club. n cF, Ki ... , l•o•t rrs11uran1, We"m•n•I••· 1 ~ m Co(~b. M~~~~N"V~a:. ~t:.;~y 1c11~~ Ct>l,. Me11. I ='~ 1>.M. B•lt>M lllv LIOn' C1uo. Vllll "'1rln1. lGO 8n>id~ Drive, Ntwl>O•! II••~"· I om !Ir•• 9eecn 1 o,o>eno1>1~•\ Club. ICI llancn Hou>•. 1600 l'a"!I( Ccicl Hv~W~::~~· \°'."~<~ea{~k/ r~'''· E "\ Record J • ' l 1EllNF:Y-M0Yt lt. NorDI'•' J . I•. <>I l)._A "'v1n•OI ~•"•"•· l •au"• !till• •nd M•rv A . ~l. ct 1 .. 11 (1>•m•lf•, Mlh•M Yle•O. ~~l!TH-LA 80111':, John P . II. •n<I Jua1tto M. "· 00111 ot JCJll r ... 1n111n L••·•· Cr.on :,',••• ().ANLEY-0 ... NLEY. A!t>t•I 0 . JI l r>d SiOnara t-. 19, D<olh cf 10131 Konuele. Hu~!•/lole.n ll•&ell, lt EJlEll -ll lNl(ER. Auou.i H . 7'. al ()~ ?5•~"~11'1c'w''\)'~~. 8~:1c,:;., ·~~w~•': !\~~"' ORY~OALE!-llE RGE. Wl lll1m E, 10 o! IJJI W ll•ID<o• Ill_,!, N!W!><lr! nen(I• 1no Donn~ I( , 1Q, cl lJU2 l<Oble> Dt<Vf. D•n• Pnl~T. ~El"T. U AOAMS-CH£N0WTH, Jo/In ~, ?l, In~ M••a••" H.. 15, UOlh al 101• Ma"rovoa, Ca.i• M•••· C.lul>. JC• Ott~n A•~, Hunll~;lpn ll••<h. I lQ 1> rn. . . ~:~~,~~.::.: .... ~:-;r••r.~t'.~n ~~~: Ou8tlPI S•no•nG ,., '""'dca. Co·,la M••• <haPl•r, Collroe Pa<• Sthnol, 7lt0 NoH• D•m•. (Oii,. M•i•. 7 0 GAl'llt150N-LAWHEAO. 8fUtt D . lO • ot 1911 N•wman 1na Llnaa M .• It, 01 oon Sll••I~• 0.-1••· llOlh o! HuMt...,10" Be<IC/I om, SD<Jlll c ..... Ad lv• ?().')O C•ul>. Vll!~Q· ;. ;:.::;, 11' M•••""• B•I"°"' !Slarw!. I JO "L O.OM M-N<>. ll!JI, •~SC. 11111 ~· , COIT• MO\~, I 15 Pm 0 •8110C Cea'! ll'fl'' ft"i:b Mr~> lO(IO•, • Temol• ~""'°"' ~11 w. 1<1m1 no~. Co"• M•\&, 1-0\ Pn'I, V••••mm•I•• M•d;<•I E•1>io••" p"'" V'•\lm)n""' Ha,<rol~I. H O • Pi I • I Circle, W"'!min•itr, I P.m. WEDNESDAY Co•+a MP••-Or1nge (°"';! looo~ (•u~. Oa1~'>. !II £_ !Jiii 51., (O>I• Mt~~. I "" e•~• Fla••" l oa51mall•" (lyb. I~• • y_,o, CD<Jnlrv Club, Ca<'• Mt•I' I c t,.·,~'"MOJa Oallml>t Club. Col!& Ill•·• Goll ana Covni..-Ctub. 1/01 Colt CO\J"• Orlv~. (o;tt M0>0. 11 """" t;un!1n11011 8"'•<h E u,,.11~ Clue. ~he<•IOt> lleac11 l•n. liunl1n~1on ,.,.!,~~1~·si~7, "°6..i1m1~1 c.,.,11, 1<101·, l •bl<: R"'lauranl, W"!mon~<••· 12 -· (It'!~ M•s• ll:Q!ary Clu1>, (o>t• M• I Go~ • ..., (OUfllfY (lul>, (<>•II Mt.•. t~11/~"V•llev E•<~•no~· Club. l"r~n· co,,·. 111>• ll••<h llivo,, li<1nt1n~lt>'I 8a.,n, 1:1:1} P.m. Marriage Licenses ~f_,T. 15 liARl M ... N-HAWKI N~. Henr~ J ' •1. ol 1J.tl7 Cullv D•l•e. Dr1nne one! ~~~~·&r~n.01 ua w. 1~11> ~1 .. ICINl Z-ltUNNING, 0 1vld E , U. •nd 1(•1n~l•n Ii., 18. 1>om cf IJ61 llel!lv D•;vc. HvnlinQ!Dn ee•cn, DDMINICK-llDSE. Lawroncr J .. 70. ol 5.01 w. Wl•l••I• Pl•ce. ~•nT• An• an<I S•n<lr• L., \,, at 10110 /VICFid-e8~~ R":'._"~~7iig~u: F-or•~' L. ??. "' 101 PlffOI L•n• and Jol1vn~. 71. ~! s1• Hawk l•no, Dot~ of Founlaln Vallev. C.AllY1N-NELSON, lllc~a•d F •• 4$. Qt 111161 8•1cll 81~d., W"C!mln5te• •nd l'•m• L . lot, cl 11U 2 C.rov•«•W• G~r(le" GtOYO MAllT IN~ON -FIEDERLING, Nel• M, 71. ct JOJCI N, P•rlon, 5oni. An~ •~d G!s•i• 1 .. 11. ol ll~S .Sin!• Mon•~• (orflp, Foonleln Vl llP¥. M"'llRY -P INCli, llob.,I T., 17 ol 10Df ;i., 1iun1ing1a" II~••" •"4 Llna1 Ii., 11. ot 13'01 lllltlCll., Wu!mfn.,., CC1LVEll-SI MPSON, W•111•"1 C., ll, nf 'lll Cl!! Orlvt •nd Emlhl G., 63. ~I l>Cl Ma• Vlst• O•i•&. bOf~ of Nt .. UOl l B••c~. DEATH NOTICES CALLIS Wdll•m J, Calli~. 10!S Commo<lo'" Ro,od, N-l>Or! B•acn. P••! Prn la•nl o• Now1><1rl ll&lbO• RoluV Club. D••t 11t de•lll. Cklo~or 12. Survlvl!'d bV wit•• t<th~-~~1~':.!aLL'Je't.~~~ 9,;,,!~.:i: arwi Ot DO•an. 11. ot Jl'.Hn C~m•I Pooni O•lve. Laaun• 61•cl> ~ATHAM-AAllN llUD. SoD II , 12. I/Id Aile• J .. n. t>oin at JO~ 1.in S1. li11J'I. lmo1cn B~•<"-MOODT-MA TTH EWS. Jeut ~. 70. •nd P•Tr•ci• L . IY, 00111 ot no 21'<1 ~I , HunUtl(tton llt•elO. lHACl(Ell-ETEM, C~a•lo1 W , 6l Qt. •?!~? Walnut A•f . G••o•n C.•Ov• •"a llo•dlYn Y., 62. of !i'/I Ne""°'' Ave . Co;la M~>8. /'~ADO-DUE ZADA, John C. 70, ond Luclll• A,. 10. both ol J 71?1 Av •11IU• Lo• Amlos. Son JYIO (epl1!rona, /AOl'll~W llllAMS, Mlt ... •I N,, 11. of HJ! Suoerlo• "'v~ ond Donn• J , 10. ot ~2• W. 15111 51., DOI" o4 Nrwpart B•o<n. PA"fAN -LDPEZ, llic•,,lo. ll. ol /HS lit" SI . Weolmln•'tr ~nd M••ule "'· 10. or !'.it s. Sv<•more. Soni• Ana. REEVES.-THOMA S. O.nn!< L , 11. ol lOO E. Color6do. F11t1101a. cai.t a~d S•l!dtl J., 11, 01 XJI W. 20•~ St., CO!.I• "''"'•· SE ,T. lt BURGINGEJl-N!CKETT. 11 .c1>1rd ~. 70. 01 IJC4 Allinllt Onv•. ton~ l!e~cn .,.., Marv ' • 11, OI U611 B~rtl<1T, Hun•ln<1lot1 Bt•cll. K ... N ... GY-GENTILE, Oou~1es .... , 11. o• 10191 L• F11en1e. Foun!illn Ynll•v and Marv E •• 19, ol 95;4 Crawford~ Ad•Tt, Wl<ean<ln. l!UYS~E-llE N DE ll, MIC~1el 6 ., 11, al I!? Sr>eWD•r<I. liunl lno1pn Ilea'" ond Vi~i L, 16, ot 115 Yl•glnl1 P!a,1, Co.:.H M•••· llOl<AN Clil---MULHFl'ltN, Edw"'d M., ?J. ol 10361 B<lh• A•t., 11111 Lindi S , 12. of 1ll76 l • P11 Ploco. 1X>1n or Wt•lmln,rtt. VIATS-ON-OllEMIM, Roblrrf L , Sl, one! llos~ E .. Jf, DQlll ol 19 .. l MCCl•r•n Lant, liv1111no1on lle1cn. MAllX-LAFFEllTY. Sttven. It. al 1"1 We•lmlnsttr 1"4 M1rlttn, II. ol Jiii Sermua•. l>o!~ o! Co"• Mt••· MUGAll:-OEWITT , 8r1dl ev 8 ., 22. of inn Le.lev St., Garlltn G•o•• ancl Su<•n E., 19, of nu2 Dunt Mr•r, E:I Tora. McOONAGH-6Ulll, FliclO"•d 11.1 13. al 2•1 w. WH.on ~nd l(allllt en J .. ri, of 1111 H1r110r Olva., D<olh ol Co11a Me~t. KAHH-WAlLElt. JellreY ..... 19, g! 121!1 Fo>lt r Rood, lloS>mOO• ond Kall!•«•!. .• !9, ol I I/al Wt"1Dlev, LO• Alomol<Y. CAUOILLO-ll OSAlllO, P~1er F .• 11, on~ ~andr• M., l< bo!M ol 11101 11 • ....,., o,.ve, Lo\ A•lrnl•e<>. /,\~l(lENOI N-SAl<UMA. Paul II . 14, ~• ~Ill Se••l>O,. Dll•t, Ne....,orl Beach 1nd LUCillt N., 1•. ot 1101t lmpor!al liia"wav. Norwftl-. JAll.\IES-ON-CLOSE. M••'"•ll M., II. cl llm El En<•nlo. 01n• Pain• •~d Ttrt~I C .. !\<\. ot •l1 Emt r•l<I ll•v, LOQUnft ll•a<ll. l UCl(Ell-MAYNAll:D, l imo!hY R . l t. ~f lll Irvin• Ave ,. "lew1>0•t ll•ftth A"d ... ngrlA, ll. of 11><1 MOnlt Yl•T•, (a;Ta Me!.•. WA TE.llMllN-P•INE. Joi\" W., "·a! ~~ ~-JP'.~~r":i,•nt,;~11~~ej;·bo;~ ~l 5•" cfernen!r, Divorces Income Tax Rap Jails 1'ustin I=»air MM1orl•; , ... o '°"~· Jonn ... ,, llichora. OIVOllCl!:S FIL(D "'"""°'! IH•cn; °"" o•u~n1e" Mn. etalrd. o ennu M. vi Ann 1~1•i• Su•~n Prict . TemP•· ""'ano; ... ,~.. c. ... ;..,.,, DG•olllV M V\ Pll•ll D Cuue•·· "'''· M•rior•r V•n 11nvn, molnrr, /,\rs. w.,_,1, M••v F. vs Ja"'"' L, Cotol•r>e. C•l!is, twi•n of Spring Y•llev, J•~~up, I.I•'• F. vs ..::er•n H. C•hlcrn11, Ro•arv, J•JCI PM lonl~1!1, llidl""'· M1rv h •lln V• C1>1rl•s H•nrv lu••d•v. R""uiem M•I" Wodnc1a1v, WalJoer. O..romv A. W•I••• "' Ne•I L. Easter Sc:il ' AM. r.o1n "' S!. Jo.cn\m's Colnollc Sancnn . S•,,.,•• J. vs .Julio cnu•cll, ln!e•ment. liolv Sepulcher f";:,~~~·,!1f ... ~· ;:,' ~,0!~f"c~ri•r c ..... t lerv. Olree1..a bv B•I!' Mortul •Y· [)ouQ8n. Jr_, Lindi L•• •• Willl•1n Chief Na111cd 110 ·superior. Co.T• Mt:ll. Moo•• EATON o;,1,, Jon "lie•"' 11oi-t L...,;, Lvn•uoh, Cvnlhi• LO\J ·~ f'1lrlcl F J I R M1N $. Eo!o~. SU Pool•• ~,,. l..1evn1 Jo;.ron ULLERTON -• o in ' ll~•Ch. Dal• ol <l••!h, De!. !1. Su,. 8 <><!••d, LNnl•d f•L v• 01wn M. ~1 I · h b I I d voved by sh•er-ln·ll w, M ... N1n<v 8U<<~I•, dann1 Ote v~ Frank G~c•nt ll aV.' 11110CY <IS C'e O i'. CC {' Ei ton. at O.ic.vo: and lnrH cou1in•. lli•D•r. f!enle J~n• vs "'"""r llaw~'~ president of ll1c bo;ird of Servktl wert f>tld locl•v. Tu••<MIV, ~abb. Bfl1Y J~~n "' Jamr• WiJll•m ,, AM, w;1n Rev. Ph!ll• E. GrtGO•V ~rftn:: ~.~~rc1~1r:!~1• ..... o.w~~~~·11vd1 direclors ror Lhr Ornnge Coun· of!;c11nn~. En1am1>mont. P1<i!I< Yl•W COf\•ld, Brue• T. v• N•n<v c ty Easter Seal Society. """""'''"! Pa•~. Doretled by P aco!•• H1lla•1n. Mlldrrd A. •• Tl'>oml • ~- Voe., Mor1uorv. ~.1:~~·,c~.11·•tn.~arvG.~.~·m~~ IO.r (!)~~i4 Besid es the F u I J e r I 0 n !\!EVER C••'"•ore1 realtor. (lthers elected to of· snirlit C. Mever. HOl AA1cllig1n Ave., Clernon5, Lind• ws Kenn•!" Hlfpld c os1• M .. ~. Dair 01 <1f•11n. ort. 11. ~~!n.~lf~n&.C:;. "~.'1d!'.'i:~". 1c lice .it a recenl society su .... 1va<1 11v h~<l>an<I. S•aniev T. r~~v· scn .... noe1. Lllll•n M•• v' 1u c111rd meeti ng include Eugene 'TuU '" daugn!f " Carol t.e~; motllt L Mr-. Wo•lt» Cll u alvnn L v• WTll•ra V C.N••·• ~caale•. W••I l o< "'nue1e11 McG~•. Oon l(en1 v• Ko!lllttn lv'n• of Tustin , first VlCC president: b•a•ner, V/llli~rn Sc~lr•. Mo llD~: tv,p liel;••On. Glori• E. '" ;•mt'SLW. Dr. Lewis Larn1orc or Yorba '"ter.•. M". lla~en s~mmt•s. oroqon; 61;r:1t;,.c.Wliu!'~"t;t11.;; ""·~'~n •• '°"'' Lo•t n Bo~e,, W11n,nwton. Fu-c un ninaham. Jr., Pi lr(clt ... nn vJ Linda, second Vite president, """I o ... ·Yl<e>. We<1nu<11v. 7 PM, Wlllll m Jolln d J d C I · P "--J ·di !'•IH Cnj!O Mell Cll•P•I tnlrrmenl, Ceolln, 0..folnY f". v• !-1owo•d ;i n U SC a VIJl . ,X lffil ,.,,-, ''" M•mo•l•I P ork. Famllv "-'•"•II. ~"M..Y< Riu iora nf Soni" 'na 'Ct'•Cla•~ •u~;;·11, 1no•e w1.111no lo m~~· ...... _>om:::_''"c·c'c°'o"":..:: """'-"c.;.":..::'o'~cc"-'-'-"c"c' ___ " __ "_"_" __ ._· _' __ ,_·--·I metial cnntrlbu tlon1, a!eooe t onlrlbu•• •o !nr 1>.m••;<1n Con<•• soeot !Y. O•· •~<led bv Boll> M<>rlu•.v, 11•1 S~pt r· fo" Co11' MM~. REISCHi. f l1rt nce F , Reo«lll AQO ••. al •'61 Durn~"' O•, liUnlon~ton St•<~ D11r n! ae~rn, O(!~r 11 S~rvivtd DY "'I", l •!!,in. <llilOten, Mocnorl """ C .. lllv: l<rur br<rll\"'" MorrJs. Wilttr, Low• ·•~CP inO '1rrl>trl ll•"><hl: ••••••· Mr\. lU •ulo Sr~~e1er: •~d 1n•e• <1•1nd· '~""'""· Se<virn will ~ l\pla Wt<!t>tl· <11v. JC A r~. Srnl'"' ("""el. En1cmt>-'"'~1, so~~V~i<I~ M•mD•l"I Par~. Long, lie•<~. ~ ...... 1~, Mo•l"~rv Ooreolor>, S1\tl1'11 1•· 1111rr F ~'"''"· 13~) Wr••m•nl!•' ... v~. Co•I• M·~·-~"""""" l>v w lo, i. ... ~IA '""· Rnbrrl -~1!i<MT1 ~"'"~· "'I'~ ,.,, t.t ~ Stolf 0'1>1 '" Po'"""· Pnla_,,, ~e.-Yi(P' 1 Mu"~'·· J PM. P•'''" v 1 • ...-Cn•a•I "''"II•• Ed,r,re•d C. '!"'" """ dhna !~'''"'•"' P•~•' < """ Mr,.,or.ol P~r~. Qn~lr<I bl P•t,jo( IJ,~_, f,\Ofluo•t. ARBUCKLE & SO:"/ \\·estclifl 1\lort uary ·127 E. 17th SL. Costa i\lcsa 6~6-48$8 • BA!. TZ J\IORTUARIES Corona del ritar Oil 3-94511 Costa f\lesa IHI S-2G4 • BEl.L RllOADWAY 1\fORTUARV l lt Broadway, Costa a1esa LI 1-3.Q • DILD• V BROTl!ERS Huntingto• VaJlty 1\lortnary 17911 Beach Bl\'d . llurilingtoa Btacb IC-1771 • fllcCORMJCK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 111$ Lagari• Cany011 Road Lagun• Beacll 494-1115 • PACIFIC VlEW J\IEMORIAL PARK Ctmetery e ~1ortaary Chapel 350t Plldflc Vtew Drive Newport Be•cli, Callfonli• '44-27tt • PEEK F Al\tTL \' COLONIAL FUNERAL DOME 'iSOt Bol1• Avt. Westmillster 193-35%5 • SHEFFER MORTUARY i..rn• Buell <1ff..1m Su Oemn&e •ft.flOt • S~ll1llS' MORTUARY 1%7 Ttfala SI. Duntlnrton Beaclll 5ZMS31 Hands Across Sea Lawrence T.amb of Pasadena (left), a n:it'1ve of J rvine. ScoUanrl , del ivers pl aque from Royal Bt1rgh of Irvine to \Vill ian1 R. 1\1aso n. presld!)nl of Orange County's Jrvine Co1npany. Plaque ,,·as entrusted to Lamb durin~ recent vi sit to hi s nativf' to\vn. !\lotto inscribed on it translates thusly : "The Good Ca use Triumphs in the End." BIBLE THOUGHTS Other lntelll9l'llt l eln91; Hob. I :7 111v• God m1de "WORLDS." J n b 1,1,,.1 ,1~1 ~, !It• "SO~S O F-GOO" convened ;,. G od'• prt•1nce , ·~d s~+,.n c~mt lhe11. G od 11kod him from whenc r h• c•mt , t "d h1 ''f>!ied, "-ho"' 9 oiMI lo a nd fro in !ht 11 rlh, a nd from w1lkin9 "f' •nd d own in it."' G1 ... 6 :2 •'•'"' tha "SONS O f GOO" 11w lht cl1uqhl1n ol MEN. G en. ):14 e nd t. •. li :li r•fr r lo CHERUBIMS e nd SERAf>HIMS, app1rr 11tly type• of 1n9tl1 .Heb. I :14 1how1 thtl en9t l1 1r1 •·..,;,,;,1.,;119 •oir th " IQ ltalf> C~,;,. ti•n•. Ch1pl •" I a nd two o f Htbraw• of.ow !ht ,~1 .1;vt impo,. tanct gf CHRIST, ANGELS 1nod M EN. in th•! o•dtr. fph, li:l2 1•y1, "-• W•ltll1 not 19•ln1I fl t1h 111d blood ." b ut a1J•i111 ! P RINCIPALITIES, POWERS, RULERS OF DARKNESS a nd S PIRIT- UAL WICKEDNESS. 1 Pt+. 5:1 ••v•, "-th1 d.vil. "' • ro 1r:n9 lion ..... J ~1th a bout t•1kin9 whom h1 ma y davow•," 2 Cor. I 1;14 ••v•, "-Sal•n. him11ll i1 tr1n1fo•m1d inlo an •n91I of 1i9ht," J 1,ut ,,11 DEMO NS owl ol ,.,,ft. w., 1 rt not ALON E '" thi1 Un•· v1ro1! It it inha bited by i11t1!fig1 nl and po w1rful fQft 11 who ''" 1101 of • MAlfRIAL t1•lur1. G o to 'f'Owr pub lic lib rary 1nd •••d ef prt11n1 .d1y PO LTERGEIST activity. Yo• m•v b1 1urpr.11d! God ;, t SPllllT, J11. 4:2~. Mon ;, • SPIRIT, too. t"ou9h 111h1 b•I· in9 • fle1hly body, Eccl. 11 :7. G t n, 1:21i. O u1 l!r1h!y bod ie1 ~11d DIVINE halp 11 cop" with ••jl 1piriiu.,I lo•<~• o l tho Unov•11•. H1v1 yOU f!nl .. !td 6-od l"d Cl,,;,t o n YOU• t •d1 7 lt•1d VC Uf l ;b!1 , Obay G ad .nd C"r:1r. Chur~h of C~r.,!, 28 7 W . w .t,011 ~'" C oit• M••• C •. '21i11 I Computing Chief UCl's Feld1na11 First to Hold Title INTEREST ON YOUR MONEY about 30 interactive are usable ---- Coast Woman Collects In Sports Car Mishap CAN MAKE THE BIG DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE . , the difference between enjoying retirement -or just retiring 12 the difference between going to see your grandchildren -or just yearn· ing to see them :, ; the difference between carefree and careful living :><; enjoy the 7°,lo yield on 2 year investment certificates when held to maturity ($5,000 minimum) i.t.i interest checks mailed quar· terly .'r. of course, if you need more flexibility, there are other plans for Thrift Customers -such as a Thrift Passbook Account, with 5.50 °,lo interest.::~ switch to the big difference -and let your money grow. FUNDS RECEIVED BY OCTOBER 20TH WILL YIELD INTEREST FROM THE !ST. ·-----------Rl!!member we p.lY postage both Wilys ----------- [ntlosed is rn1 chic~ in lilt amount ol S I h1v1 m1rli:td th• t~pe of iccounl I would lik• opentd. Plt1s1 !ltnd mt 1 sia:nalure ca1d yjhich I will fill out and 1etur11. CALIFORNIA l HRln & LO.vt COSTA M[SA OffltE 170 E.17th Strtet. Cost1 Me~. C:alilornia 92627 C.LUIFO.RNIA THRIFT&> LOAN • • .. 0 ' .. fJ ~.~O'lio l~•I!! 1"1nltool (1111 •-~I) !J 7~& 2 ,... u •lll<ttlo s~.000 ... ;.1"'""' MEMBE" OF THE AME,.ICAN INDUST,.IAL IANKERS ASSOCIATIOWt~ l I ti,_ 1,._,,..-1<1itt1rSl.OOO •lft1"'',. I .I ti~O 2 .,..., torlillu!1 SI ,OOC 1tdnl...,111 11 ti '!I. ti """'Ill c-rtiliur. l~.000 .,lfti- U Iii% Df1 i•·D•' .. , 11i.ns1 •zs.ooo Add11'~------------------ Clt:J'•------------------ ···~--------..Z••~----- --------~------------------------------ I 5 offices serving Southern Calltomt• ~ • COSTA MESA OFFICE 170 £. 11111 St11et (•cross fulltft!lft St. lrO!!I Bl& Boy's Rtslau1 a111} • (71'> &46.SO•~ , ------------------------------------------------------------·---··-... ·---. --.... -.. -------..... . Cotinty Sytnphony • ,_ .. Mar11i Falls Sl101·t • .. " ,, In Clas sical Solo " By TOfl.t BARI.EV OI IM tl•lll' "1191 Sl•U .. Whe Miss Marni Nixon •hroughl the !!Core of Benjamin ~;Britten 's "Les Illuminations"· • before a Chapman College au- <lience Saturday night she did so, of course, as a concert " ~-artist in the truest sense of the ··term. And it is as much, since she so offers herscll , Lhat she n1ust no w be judged. for Joni:: exposure . to scores of somewhat li~htcr constr11ct1on a nd undoubted gifls in Jhat direction which h<1ve won her ·a considerable following are ot --credits that can be accepted by the concert hall critic. Now would the charming 1'.tiss Nilton, we are equally sure, \\'ish lo draw on that reputation in any analysis of her prowess in the forn1idable Britten song cycle. Indeed, it \1·as made abundantly clear in the program notes that the Orange County S y m p h o n y ,,. Orchestra's guest artist was no stranger to the kind of pro- .. gram of which she was now a <:e ntra1 figure. ... We are undboutedly backing ,, into our review of the OCSO's highly successful s e a s o n opener but. in the light of V.'hal \\•e have to say about Mi ss •n Nixon's "Les Illuminations," it ls just a s well that the stage tbc set and the fa crs pf 'Miss Nixon's transition be made perfectly clear. l\1uch was made in pre-con- cert publicity o! her Jong and considerable experience in the classic medium and of hrr participation in Y:orks welt qualifed to rub shoulders with the likes of the challenging: Britten score. All \/Cry \VCll, but there is no gain sa~ing the fact that Jl.liss Nixon was bridging the \vide gap from ''Sound of Music" to a com- plex choral work that places tremendous demands upon the soprano \\'hose entire career is spent "''ilhin its orbit. A gallant effort to capture the inherent pathos and moody mysticism of the Britten \Vork, yes, bul not a performance that would lead us ~o endorse Otto Returns J-IOLLYWOO D !CPI) Otto PremlngPT t etun1t'd to l-lo\lywood to complete ''Tell ~fe That You Love !lie. Junie t.1oon" after legal problems involving nude scenes in a graveyard in New England. any pl.ins that ~Ji~s Ni:ton 111ighl have for an1ore su_S· ta1ned onslaught upon what rnusl be, to. her, a niore t:l)'Sian field. She l1as a true, l'lear soprano voice, to be sure, but one that is infintely more suited to the vehicles in v.·ich she has gainl'd her con- siderable fame. \Ve have been an1ong her admirers on those lt.•\v occasions v.·hen \\'C have stn1 ycd frorn the concert hall to that lustier enrironment t hat was Rodgers and llam- 1ncrstein but our review con- Ct.'rns Hcnjarnin Britccn. Britten's score is his 1nusica! expression of R i rn b a u d ' s glorious poetry and his in- credible ability to capture the b11tcrsv•eet poignancy of those gilded and epic tines is at once staggering a n d absolutely breathtaking. It is a magnifi- l'cnt opportunity for t he soprano wonh her sa lt lo in- dulge her artistry in one of the n1osl glorious song cycles in our concert repertoire. Let it end there. Enough is enough. Nixon \\'as not, in this in· $lance, the one. By fJr the most impressive feature of a finely balanced program \\'as lhe orchestra·s p o li s hed deliver y of Beethoven's F ou r l h Sy1n- phony, that solid yet un· deniably happy v.·ork that !so rarely appears today on our ('Oncert progra1ns. Its absence. to this critic, is in· explicable. r.·laestro Daniel Lewis led his orchestra in a di~ci p!incd a n d utterly coinmendable reading of this attractive \vork, so full o( the bubbling humor that the great master so of1cn injected into his music an d yet .so replete with the painstaking scoring tha t is the delight o/ the more technically inclined. \Ve were particu larly irn· ' pressed with lhr r r s t mo\'en1cnt, a happily scored adagio-allegro vivace and "''i lh th<rt r eso unding final n1ovemcnt, an allegro ma non troppo that brought the very bt'S\ oul of L~v.·is' ensemble. If this coneert is to be our criterion, then \l'e, are in for another successful season from the Orang'e County Syn1phony Orchestra. we shall have much more to say about \\'hat is contained in its 1969·70 repertoire in an upcoming "Overture " -flne of our long looks at \\'hat lies in store for Orange County 1nusic lovers, Crossword P11zzle ACROSS 1 "Quirt 1" b Stiirld 10 Mr. Garroway ]( Weapon 15 Stylish: Slang lb "Essays of····' 17 Acolyte's m!l it 11 ll Puls on ll or ft rd bag 19 Ptruvian coin~ 20 "Tht ··-- 1 ----": e uck 11 ti e: 2 word s 2l Took ill egal ly 123 Deal a KO punth 124 Of in!l11itt durat ion 211 ca 11 for htlr 29 President ia 11ickname 30 Ae gran island JI Caprr )3 Overbearing tough )7 Sank ont's tee shot 38 Re bukr (0 Comfort 41 Voidrd lrglstaticn (3 Machine shcp tool 44 At a grr at dis tar.e r 45 Htar! 47 Oo brlltr than 4S Lr• 51K+ndof ,.~am 53 et ready for 5~ Cocky ptrs o": 2 words 59 M.tlr 1n1ma1 , bO Love QOd bl A thin~ tound b2 Small htr11ng &3 Critici ze\ ~l1arply 64 lo1r.1!td b5 Ooocesari c.:rnters fib l'arl of a gar111t11t & 7 Steel plow devr loprr DOWN I Worthless ma!ttr 2. The Saint's symbol 3 Prtpositicn 4 Lots and lots 5 Oevlallonisl b Archai; form of r ndless 1 Farm 1ni11ul R Stitk 3 words Yes\rrday's Pulzle Solved: o r ~\5 El~• I •• u • co 'r ll ~ El • O •'fO ~·~"'0 "1 ',O O l C.lU 1 1[ '1 00 ••1'1 ull(~S t ~ I 'I I ~~·~·~· /O 'IT 'Tl 9 ~VSl~m ; Abb r 10 'l av~I ~t~srl 11 l">azv as 2 word ~ l Z Abodt: 13 Tripod's rtl~l!vt 2.l Bird 2Z Dispose or a1 auct•on 25 Floo1 1n g pitct lb River or Gr rmany 27 • ··• in a lile tlmt 2& Dance niovtmtnl 32 Drtamtr!i. 3J Olftr at ao a1.1tt1011 )~ Fisherma11's necessity 35 Norw Br" larges c i1 y 10 1~ b~ ::& ~h arp sht oi l har~· 1 8 Scro ~I on1J Jq T enr!Pr of lo vtstock ~2 ... --- • hante': 2 word.lo 43 Con!oundrd: Dial. 45 Not re iin td I 4!. Btiston defensrman 48 Dresses 49 Informed 50 Asian he1b S2 Immense SS A ct listltssly 56 Th ea!e1 stc1ion 57 On any tlCC aS!O!l 5& Rtllni:iulsh t.O Bihllc~I vessel Ul'I T1l•~~ol1 'J UST TAKE WHAT COMES ALONG' Gridder Turned Actor Ro$ey Grier Lot or S1111po1·t Giant Grier Joins Dan'l By BOB Tll0 1,IAS still c;itching: up. \\'hen I :<t<i rted pJ;iying pro ball for the l!OLLY \\'000 (/\Jl) -"Will New York Giants. I played the I rnake it as a pcrforn1er'!" role of clown. I did that for lhe 1nused big Roosevelt Grier. "I i;ood of the club and also to ha\'e no idea. I've never pl:in-eover up n1y inadequacies. Latl'r, '\'hen I moved to the ned anything in nly life. I JUSl Los Angeles Rams, I started li ve my life ta the fullest and l 0 r a k e on n1 o re take "''li:lt comes along.'' responsibilities." B.osey Gril'r nevl'r plannt•d (.;rier's football career camel to play pro football. But t11e Hbruptly lo a halt on Sept. I, opr)()rtunity eamc along an ti 1967. lie \\'as chasing Mike G:irrett in an exhibition game for 13 ye ars his huge fra1ne against the Kansas City Chiefs struck terror in the hearts of \Vl1cn he suddenly dropped to opposing quarterb;icks. the turf. Now his c arCl'r is taking a •·1 thought T hacl been cl ip· different turn. He has loccn pcd," he said, •·and I looked ;1round tu catch the n111nber of signed as a scrniregu!ar on the \!Jho did it _ rd pay hini back ''Daniel Boon c'' television later in the gaine. Bul no one ~cries, portraying a runaway \VAS there. slave \\'hCI lives an1ong the In-"Y.'hencver I had been hurt dians. Not inany series stars in a ga1ne before, I always ~tayed on the ground a long \11ould tlilcra\c. a supporting llnie.. 'J'hat would ni ake the player of Grier's s 1 t r . t.ilhcr tean1 think I was hurt Fo11unately Fess l'arker is .i n bad : then they'd l'Ome at inc inch taller than Rosey·s 6 feel the next play and r11 blast 5. "ein. liut this time I didn'L get "lle's taller, b11t I'm big-uµ. I had lo signal for th~ ger," replied the l'X·Los trainer, something I'd never Angeles Rams' lineinan, who Utine belore." declined to reveal his currenL c.:ricr had torn his Achilles poundage. tendon. He recovered enough Grier. \\ho also llc:ids Ins to play again, but derided it 11· as tin1e to qui l. ''You'll ov.·n television \'aril'ty ~how never get rich, not even l11cally, is cnthusl'.'d uboul He· I • 1 •. · 1 \1•e.-illh.v. so wh" continue~" he ting . " ls un lu 1\'0l'~ 11·111 " lhc stars and the resl -of Ille told himself. lfe \\'l'nt into s!ll1w bu siness rast and to try lo complenil'nt at a time when the clitnate thl'lr effo rts 1vllh a li"•n• \1•ns good 1-:>r b I a c k tribulion of your U\\'n. Yo11 do OU ha • and ]"" 1 m"kC ,1 performers. "Things ar~ bet· v r s r 'Jo .. Stand up." ter no1v,'' he said. "No matter how hl;ick a There is special enjoyment man is, he has the opptlrtunily ru~day, Octobfr 14, 1%9 Don Grady Says So Acting Stunts Child Star? ltOLLY\VOOD (UPI ) Does acting stunt a child sli1r's growlh? Don Grady, a co-star in "My Three Soru" since he was IJ that Is the gland determines gro\\lh. t h a I "Our growll1 p<illi:r/\ is io- hiblted because we think short. \Ve act short and we years old, says yes. I.============. A bright lad Jn his 20s now, ~· f Grady beUeves the abnormal ~ ... '1111 life of a child star leads to iftr.TJ'I de e p p sych ologic al ~- disturbances which affect lhe l9DS t:•t c ... , Hl1hw•y ptiysiologcal a s pec ts of C•r••• •et M•r-pti. •7l-•260 growlh. t:HDS TONIGHT DIClt YAN DYWE i1t D:'.". 1nay be all wet. Then "SOME KIND again, he niay ha\'e a theory OF A NUT'" for scientists to ponder. -A ls~ . Because Don is only 5-foot·7 "WEST SIDE STORY " himself, he is convinced there * STAITS WEDNISDAY tt is validity in his thinking. The youthful actor a d 1n i t s , hov.·ever, that hereditary fac- tors are an innuence too. •·\Vhen you are playing a younger role as a child perfoi'1ner -and almost all of us do," he said, "you find you aren't really acting. The child regresses to the age he is playing on stage and off." ALSO "1000 PLANE RAID" Don singled out Mickey Tiooney, Patty Duke, Judy f;arland, Stanley a nd Barry Livingston of his own show, along \l'ith mosl of the mop.l'============'ll pets \l'ho a ppeared \\'ilh him on the ~1ickry t.louse Club as t.<lousketeers. The premise of what Don has to say would be ques· tionable at best were he not a serious, \Vell·educated young man. Ile has taken time to put some facl and thought to the n1atter. .. I kno,v , as a v.·orking child actor 1nyself, that there is a tremendous emotional effect," he said. ''The pituitary gland malfuuctions as a result, and TWO GREAT WINNERS NOW SEE BOTH IN ENGLISH 'LWs'&in,.;\ ~pi= l ol'Erolia! ----BdlE ' dE ' ,JouR 1~1•11•ae. -~"'".,"" • 1u .AND THI ACADIMY AWARD WIHNIR ; BEST PICTURE IF THE YEAR! WINNERS ACADEMY AWARDSI •KOO"' MlA,.S. COit• M!I•. •ttQNP '"·llOl .............. -· ., .. '""'" ....... I .......... 3rd Exclusive Week ;>()I~ !boolut)I DO D"f"'""' ai1 11111111 llCllll ~ i ~ t'l• \l~n,e1 [Jllrc~ P1<><1ye.1,o~ " "SllllCllE" • ., ....... ,_ ............ ~ 00 concentrate on being short " Grady said the public would be ;i~luuishcJ lu lcaru h11w 11IJ some some of the i:hild stars are -m:iny )'t!ars older than they appear. ENDS TUESDAY STl'.V[ l"JCOUf.fN 'f,ULUTT' :1At~U[llN1 !l!Sfl tNP~~ 2ND BIG HIT ftllll ltlllll ffDlD[H 8Dfl6HINE RI n.umiot <::.:•TECHNICOLOR • f' LU S Gle1t1t Co"'beU • kl111 Dor by IR.UE GRIT JDHNWAYNE A ""'-'"'~ JECHNICOLOR c::r-·····- NOW THRU TUESDAY "A PICTURE VOUMUST SEE THIS YEAR IS Feature J DAIL V l'ILOT 'a "'"" •.4S BALBOA! 673-4048 7ff r. lalkl hlk. Pr1tlntul• e ENDS TONIGHT e "THE FANTASTIC PLASTIC MACHINE" JAMIS COIUlN "DUFFY" e STAlTS WfDNESDAT e "'THE WILDEST & SEXIEST FILM TfT"-f'l.A YIOT ·· ... m I ~-if'Oll\11111~ MERIUll · .ver fi111rf MiJICI' Humppo • -1 /;,.,J-"-"'""' "! Anlhony Ne•ley ·Joan Collins W TECHNICOLOR * IEST CANNES tllJIU»lll !l t·1''1 ro• IOODl.Ull9 ENDS TONIG ... T ~OBERT MITCHUM GEORGE t<ENNEDY "THE GOOD GUYS AND BAD GUYS" AL"0 l':IM NOVA!' "THE GREAT BANK ROBBERY " SlARTS WED. BARGAIN MATINEE WED. AT I P.M. FREE RIFRE~HMEN TS WED. ADMISSION ADULlS S1 .00 fnr ltosey (;ricr beca11~e or his to live and act in d ignity. No partirular background. He wa~ longer does he have 10 bow his one of l 1 children horn to a head <i.nd say, "Yeah suh, !\egro couple of Culhb11 rt , C;1, boss.' H<: <:an earn his own ~~11!""'11!""'~~ Neither of his paren1s hntl ~"~'~pc~ct~."~'=======J~~~~~~ gone beyond lhe fourth grade.,;:: and of 1he 11 children. only Jl.osrv and A brother gradUated lrom high ~i:hooll anti attcn<led college. "'As a cluld 1 !ell ;i ~I ron~ r!es1 re to communicate, b11L I tearrd I 11a11ld ne1Jer kno.,., how.'' hc recalled. "I felt 1ny English w;i5 poor ancl my dic:- t1011 \1·as not good enough, so II \\'a.~ afraid to Lalk. Th<iL har>· pens to a lo~ of ghetto kids who are never e>:posed 10 anyone less ignorant lhan they are. "I was 111 at eas~ all through college (Penn State) and I'm Odd Couple Cast Set in Westminster Casting for the popular Neil Simon C.'Qmedy "The Odd Couple.'' has been announced by the Westminster Com- munity Theater which will present the show as its season opener in November. S a m Brandon will portray lhc slob sportswriter Oscar and John r.to ran will play the finicky F e I i x in the Weslminster production. Lar- ry Trammell is dlrecting. Enacting the poker players •will be James Bn1mficld, Dick Taylor, Roger l\1cBride ond Don Sommers. with Coreen Taylor and Carol Qu inl an playing the girls in a neighbor· ing apartment. .. ,,, .. \ FfixsoUTH COAST GfNERAt. .. LAZA THl&ATRI! ClJRPO~&JIOll S•n Oitl;o frftWIJ 1t Bliltol • 546-2711 BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 1,30 P.M. TODAY, OCTOBER 14, ONLY •'<"'~..l~t81f.~:~~~ For the fir st time on the giant screen in bl azing TECHNICOLOR!• MAURICE EVANS -~ .. . - ~JU DITH ANDERSON ·-~ ... .... 1• The sho1' ~·ill be presented 1 a1 Finley School at Gold en West "'"'' and T'"' k 3 PERFORMANCES Avenue, opening Nov 7 rorl ll\'o weekends or Frid:iy and 1 2:00 -5:00 -8:30 P.M. ::i11\urday producllon. Tickets "''Y "' "'""d by ""mg[ Box Office Opens at 1 :30 897·1164 or 968·7155. '--------------------' • ------------- EXClUSIVE RfHRVfD SEAT INGAGfMENT! GAlA PREMIERE TUESDAY OCTOBER 14th llOlll ....-u11u • STAltt.C't' 11.tJllllCI! '110DUCTIOJlf 20Qk .. ~ a space-1 ,._,1 CINERAMA '"""·-~""""'. "'""'"c KUii DULl(A ·GARV LOCKWOOD ·~•1••'<"1• $TAlll['t' KUlll1CK •~o AlllHUll C CLAllll.£ SIJPfll PAHAVISION··~llC TllOCOlOll ... n , 0 0 0• C1lllc1 '1t ·~i I I ~}tfi~-~l ~i1~' • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " ·----·--_.,,--~~~----------......... ~ .......... 11191 ................................... ----~~-- s Tutsd~)'. Octobtt 14 Is now the time for an investor to buy? Dean Wit.Ler's EoonomicPoliey Committee at its meeting last week took a hard look a t todaf• stock market and examined the outlook for the economy and the market in the year ahead. The conclusions of the Com· Jruttee are 1n a report ~nt1tled. "'A Pos1t1ve Investment Policy4t-Fall Issue.." The report c::owm stdi llilportant. question<s as· • Sbonld an i nvest.or be bu)'Ulg sccur1t.Jcs at this time? • Is the economy heading for a recession' • When WJU mt..erest rates decline' • What is the ouUook for 1nfiation" • What. are the mam factois a1Iectmg corporate profits? • What are the dianres for a market turnaround m the months ahead'> In addition, the report pl'OYldes recommen.. dat.ions on spec:ific stocks and fixed·mcome 8l!Cllrities-for the prndent as well as the aggrese.ive investor No W ormed 1n...tor should be withoot a copy of this timely and in-depth report. It's available, free of charge. a t a ny Dean Witter office. Srmp}y pbooe or visi t the Dean Witter office nearest you. 211d ask for your copy of •A POSltive Investment Policy.,.. Or, il you prefe<. ..,. the mupon below. DEAN WITTER «.Co. lNCDJlPORIJED ........... 'Jod;stma.~ 19M LEG AL NOTICE , ___ _ t<OTIC E OF ~All t10"'" : h""'Y 9ov~n '""•u•nl "" ~ """) JO)l •"" JON ar lhP (1~U Cad• al 1fle ~'•IP a• C1!•!or"1" In• 11n11 .. 11e~ IA ll OlltO l OENNIS ,.,JI :oll QI 1>ulll« ~"~'on •t ~ W~•l V1U""~ SI"'"' Ca•I• Mr s 0•••9• Coont1 C1tllornl1 •I JI • m or; \1-•V •nt 21!11 a•• or O<tobe" 10•t l'I• 1ono .. 1n~ 11o~crow11 "'"'''"'"· 10 .... 19!><1 ~r•d<lr E ""'"" 'io J619'1 (Whllo i A•I~•~ Llc•nlr No l •••• IYIA Soll!·""'' to• lh~ ourP<>1• al 1at"lyon9 I on al mt unll.,•lgnM !or 11<>r~v• O•IM ohl• ll!h <MY ol Odobtt, 196' Mlldrod L Ornn" Puttll•hl'd Or•"l!P Co••I 01111 PllOI Oc•otwr H 1'169 !9'16-19 550 Brenton R Ogden , Vice President Nt wport Cen rcr Drive 1n the F1nnnc1al Plaza Newport Beach -Telephone 644 2292 DUN Wli IER l CO. INCORPORATED !"-Rad..., mpy(ies) of your fr-ee report e'Dlided. •A Pomtne l irve::itment Policy4; Pall Issue ~ Slat<---------Z<P---- THERE IS STILL TIME TO PARTICIPATE IN GeoTek's PARTICIPATION PROGRAM ..... _ .. _.,, ..... ~ ... _ . ..,,,,__., ... ,,,.,,,,, ............. ,,.,,,,.,,, .... ..i,., ... ,...,,_, I I I I "' ~ ~1.;. <1'1-I. '""~' r e Pi'' -='-"'-"->(, :, =~ CHARTER STREET CORPORATION 315 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Calif. 94104 PSmse send me Pro spectus and more information on GeoTek's Resources Fund Part1cipat1on Program. • JTATt.ZIP' Now!PSA d•etsevery 9 minulesto San Jose! 7 1m to I 30 pm. Both ••Yt· 7 .01).1 .30·10 OG-11 30 i m-1 00.2.31).4 00..5:31). 7 .DO.B.30 pm. Mor9 on •eekends. Why worry about a reservation when PSA has over 160 lllgh\s • day? Such an easy-to-remember schedule you can carry It around In your head. Why remember lowest fores? Or all jels? Or great •ervlc. lo Stn Francltco. Oakland, Sen Diogo, and Sacramenlo? Or lhat kids under 12 fly PSA (with thelr parents) for hall fere? SllU want" reserv11 tlon? Ju st c~iy~ur travel agent or wha!s1tan11m1 alrUnes, 1'5'\giw.:,...•~ SILVER NEW llJl.L MAllKIT tU!llf.r AlTl ND 1.I CTUlllE FE .. TUltlNO e 1111 orv & Fund~rne1>Ml1 11• So!vt• e Aut"!...,.nl o! •Hent <lGv,!opmtl'll ..... n~ dqn1!1onq .,,.,, or u s Govl rot• In •II••• m&rl<ol • Ot.trlP""n OI un <IUI !Ow ti•• In vt,tMen! p!1n ta tlPll~lllt O>'I (ltM I prolol PQttn'l•I In 111v,, I 00 PM -WED. OCT " ISLANO HOUSI l'ASH10N ISLAN D NIWPOllT CENT Ell NI Wl"OllT ll f.~CN ~rom $ O ''" .• ,., drov• Sou!h o~ M1<Ar1~ur l!Yd York Stoel{ Li st -D-• 1 I li .. " . ' 11', " ,. . ),l , ..... , n , • '• j;:' ~ " . }, . l6 ll ' . ~ 1~9 5U <. • • )l , • • • •J 10 .. , ... 111 ". " '" 11l. JO "'* • •~v, ~' ' 70'. ~ '. 11 ~'• I • o 61'. ; .. I 6/ ' ~ I• ' ~ " . " " . " . " . ••• jJJ'IO 76 . l61t 1•, I/ 11 I~ l . -. ' . " " llf I )I, 11 l l -E>- 710 ~1 , , . ,19 11 • 'I 7-• ~a '1' • I 70 • l , ... I :~ ~! it ' " .. 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" ,, •l 1 l ., Prices-Complete New York Blue Chip Pace Market Advance NEW YORK (UPI) -Blue chips paced a sharp stock market advance Monday 1n act1ve trading Analysts noted that Wednesday's Vietnam 11ora tonum' bas IV all Street been a spur to ne\v peace hopes on Shortly before the close the UP I markel\v 1de indicator was up l 40 pen:ent on J 585 issues cross ing the tape Advances topped declines 1 002 to 340 The Do\v J ones average of 30 blue chip Indu s trials showed a gain of 11 61 to 818 57 near the close Volume of more than 12 500 000 shares exceed ed Friday s pace Steels attracted demand as steel shipments this year are expected to set a record Oils s\vung 1n both directions \V1th some issues Cong,Iomerate.s shO'\~ ed. moving a point or more considerable strength in a number of instances But gold rrurung shares which generaIJy run count er to the market s trend were under pressure Airlmes and aircrafts sh o \Ve d scattered strength. but rails foUo\ved a mixed path Honeywell "as an IBM was on the weak impressive electroru c but I Bl\l reported record side third quarter earrungs but the n se was sharply narrower than in the third penod of 1968 Pnces also sw ung higl1er on the American Stock Exchange in moderately active trading Otto~r '"'' StoclC Exchange List T•! 8 <I 60 T1 CO N I T• •v n<1 r ........ e n ,,_ 1~· l ll>Pl n o •O t:t~~. ll! Tt ldvn1 ,.~ .. pf] Sii T11edv"" pl 6 ll'mp I n ?J T1nnl'Co l J1 r...,...c .. n so t~~~<.f n1 ~•o T1•G1sT I "8 T1•G• I>! SO t:~:ulnJ60o To••• n1! 10 T1•0 Gs 05 lt•P Lo •So To•U 1 U T•~ on 'ICI Tt•ncf".101 T1•nc •g Th°""' o10 T....,,,,81 Qj Thom Ind •O Th !VO 60 T "'' n I tO.. Tlr.,1>M < J.O T mk!IB !0 T 1h II V l6" fO<f<IS hD 11'0 Tc MEd l.O Too ll;o .Cb T '"' Co 10 T 1n>Un t T nWA ~ SO.. T nW" o!? l 1nWF I• tn1"' J.OD T t nscon Ml T ""'< Inv Tr1n1 on T IVI • & 10 flV l 1D!1 f (l)tlJ~o T Con or; SO T an n 1 l!<I TVW In<. TkW ot• SO ~i ri ~ ,, ' oj l1 I ,. . ,, 1J • . " 11 70 ·~. "' ' w• " , .... m 1•,,. " ~ ., ll ' 7ll l M lJ o 7' ls.>o • ., '" ' .. ' " " ' " " • .. '" ' ' '" 11 ~; " ... • ·~ .. " ~··~ ... " "" , .. " ,, ., . " ' n 11 • " . . " • • 11 11 " . " ' ••• l l• • l~ 61 , . " " " n 12111 16 ' " . " Ill Ol ' " ' ' 1' • jJ n " ' " ' " • • lD~ '1 _,, 117 '" " ' " ... l! ' . rl'JO lo> JI Jf ' 1~ 11 • l•..S ld~ 1 ll • 1l I ' . " 17 • ' ,, 10 ,, 6(1 l• 'o 1o;e lOCI , .. 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U DAILY PILOT --. --·----. ·------· ----·~·-·--·-·-------~._._.._.___..... ___ ~--------------------------------~- , I ' i I • r YOU R CITY, U.S.A. 60618 f , ... , 10 , IHI 0 1011 OF 1- JAMES C ~10R '"' SHfRio~~· 0 RI SO N · RIVE: YOL1R CITY , ' L .S.A. 60618 JAil'IF.S C. ~10RRISON l 7fi" Sll ERIDAX DRIVE ''Ol 'R CITY, L".S.A. 60618 , ... , 10 _i~"~=co• __ A~!F.S c. MORRISO N J ·H fR !Dt\~ DRI VE 1765 ~ CJTY L'.5.t\. 60618 fOl'R I . . ' Now there's pretty inoney especially for Orange County. The newest Sketchbook checks hav e been designed with five of thi s area 's most picturesque scenes ... so yo ur checks can reflect the real beauty of Orange County. write free at Southern California Fir st National Bank .... just by n1aintainin g a $100 minimum balance . These are the checks you can Co1ta Mesa 230 E. 17th St .. 642 -16 60 And when you order your Sketchbook checks, you'll receive a hand so me enlarged print of one of the Oran ge County sce nes. An order of Sketchbook checks 101 1 '""" •"'U' : ~ ' " { ») ! '4 ... -• I • i ' i • ' . • ' ' , costs only 7¢ more than an order of standard checks. Get your own pretty money ... especially now that . • 80UTHERN CALIFORNIA 1 t has been designed for pretty Orange County. FIRST NATIONAL llANK Huntin9ton Beach I 7122 Beach Blvd., 84 7 -9681 8899 Adamo Ave., 962-3377 • .......... -....... ··---~-~------..·--------------- ~men JODEAN HASTINGS, 642-4321 • • , ... 1l Family Life Given Boost )2 ·801 S·1\4 ... ·~"l~'\l~" Charter officers will preside when the lluntington Beach auxil- iary of the Famil)l Service Association meets at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 21, in the home of Mrs. James Kasparek. Speaking during rt.he meeting ,viJl be William l·I. Votavv of Santa Ana, past president of tile board of the FSA of Orange Co unty and the Salvation Army board. He has served on the executive board of Boy Scouts of America and \vas named young l\.1an-of-the-year by the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce in 1956. He is fonner vice chairman of the Orange County Juvenile Justice Commission and a 1nember of the Californ'ia Parole and Correctional Association. New officers who were elected during last month's meeting in- clude the Mmes. William Gager, president: Walter Charamza, first vice president; R. Dudley Boyce, second vice president; Kasparek, recording secretary; Thomas Harlow. corresponding secretary; Owen .l\liUer, parliamentarian, and Miss Florence .Boozey, treasurer. One ol the first group activities of the new auxilia:-y \Viii be to serve a s hostesses during a social hour prior to the presentation of the Crisis in the Family series of Plays for the Living which begin on Thursday, Oct. 30. . Active niembership in the group will be limited to 30, but a sso- ciate members and patrons also are needed. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the counseling office, 963-5938. J\1eetings take place the third Tuesday of each month, and the primary object of the auxiliary will ·be to inform the community o'f the facilities available to help troubled families and individuals. Em· phasis w'il! be on education and service rather than funding proje<:ts. A nonprofit organization, FSA is funded by United Fund and Conimunity Chest and provides social work cowiselors for families under stress. HAPPINESS IS HELPING -Opening doors 'ln ~111yonc 1vi1h per- sonal problems that are interfering \Vilh cl a .v-to-d•1y llv1ng .ire members of the recently forrncd tluntington Bct1ch :1 ,!!Cll{'.Y of t!1e.. f'anlily Service Association of Orange County. Charlcr 1nc111bc1:.. of the o.r~aniz<i~i~n . 1vhi ch .1vill be lin1ilcd to 30. are (lef't •lo right) i\lr:-:. \V1ll1a111 t.e1gcr, president; l'vlrs. 01vcn l\'lillcr and f\'lrs. Ed· 1111rd Strickler. 1\Jrs. s rrickler. president of the Anahei1n F'SA i1 J 11c11' rc .~iclent in l!unt1ugton !!arbour. ' Living Plays Seek Answers Plays for the Living, depicting fan1ily and community problems in theatrical pres- entation, wi!l be co-sponsored by Golden \Vest College and the Family Service Asso- ciation. Crisis in the Family. the fourth series of social dran1as to be produced, \Vill open with "Lady on the Rocks" at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 30. t\11 pe rformances ~'iii take place in the college center and are open to the public 1,1;ithout charge. ··Lady on the Rocks" portrays the suf- fering of a wife and n1other who is recogniz- ed a s an alcoholic by everyone but herself. "Fences," to be presented Thursday, Nov. 6, concerns school integration. and "\Va r of \Vords," scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 13, s hows the effects of continual pa· rental quarrelin~ on children. The series will conclude \vith 'The Man Nobody Saw," on Nov. 20. "Fences" and "The Man Nobody Sa,v" arc being repeated from last spring's series which also was presented under the 5ponsor- ship of the college and FSA. Each play will be followed by g r o u p discussions conducted by FSA counselors and other social workers. The drama series is produced by the na- tional FSA division for schools, churches and civic groups, and is a part of. the col- lege evening school program. For his work in developing series for· mats and arranging plays, Thomas Osborne was presented \Vith a special service award by the Orange Co unty FSA. He left the eve- ning school directorship to complete work on a PhD, and succeeding him is Or. Loren Moll. Ghosts and Gobl ins Haun t the Members of Delta Alpha Phl chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, wiJI go a-haunting at 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 25, when Afr. and Mrs. Tim Conner open their Hunting- ton Beach home to a collection oi witches1 ghosts Ci ty and goblins. 1-ireparin;:! lnr 1bc Jlnllo\vrrn c·ri:.111111r pa rty arc 1lcft to right) 1\Jrs. nichard SJ1lor, i\lr),. \Vaync Updike and l\lrs. Charles lliglcr. Fall Festival In the Wind '!'hrcc dnys of old·fn:-h1011ed fun \1•il l be offered during th e (u urth 11ru1ual fcsliv:.11 sponsored by Sl. Bonaventure Cnthol1c Chu rch n1 IJ unling ton Beach. J."i11.:1l pl ans hJve been to1nplcted for lhe fund- raisin ).! cvcnl 1vhich 1vil l bct;in ~t 3 p.n1. f<'riday, Oc l. J7, on 'lhc church grounds , and contin ue fron1 noon until 9 p.n1. on Saturday and Sunday. Sorneth1ng: for ('Vl'ryonc is pron1ised by Bob O'('onncr. general chnirn1an 01 ·t he event sponsored by the 111rn's and 11'0Jnl'll·s guilds. l,.o t' the c hild ren lh<'re \\'iii be eve ryone 's lav· or1tc cnrn1v~1 I rides 1ncludin;! a ferris "'heel and p:irnchutr. i--·or !ht~ \\'On1C'n t)H're 11 ill be a "lute elrphanl hr'rll h . (JO)) [)(lO\h and .if~ 111u;..t'lllll. \lc1v 1.his year \1111 IJL· ;1 bO\llHJlll.' \lhi<re :111.1.~~o rlrncrit nf gift item! 1n;1y be found. and <.1. co u111ry store 1vill !cature hani, !J;1c\)ll nncf other n1~11nr 1!e1ns. 1\ b~1kc boolh \\'ill of· frr ,1 collection of lrc:-h, ho1ncn1ade pies , cake! i11HI c:onl.;ie.~. ·r"u r thr nicn !here• 11•111 tie ~aincs nf skill. "" (11111k1ng IJoo th and ·tile friendliness of "Duffy's "J't1 vcr11 ,·• l,.avoritc foods fron1 hot dogs to colton candy \viii be available each cloy at reasonable prices, nnd l'an11ly dinn£'l'S 1vill be fealurcd each evening. F'is h \\'ill be served l·'riday and spaghetti Sal· 11rday bcl\\·ccn 5 ;_ind 7 p.1n., and chicken will be oflcred Sunday beginning ;_11 4 p .111 . Prizes <:1l so \\•ill be awarded during lhe evenl 1v1t h lhe first prize to be a station wagon and the se1..:ond prize a week'!' trip for t\VO to 1-lawaii. Nc1v nfficcrs of lhc \Von1en's Cou nc il \vho are c ·oopcratin~ 11 ith Jcstiva! arrangements incl ude 1hc ,\l111cs .. Jarnc s J\'lcCor1nack. president; Wallace De J\lers. first vice president ; Robert Aufderheide. .'ef'ond vice president ; M. R. Sandel secretary and l;orank Zastrow, treasurer. ' ' 'Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil,' Pledges Secret Shirker DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'd like to sit In yo·Jr chair fot a few m.iDut.ca and aay a few words to all the women who..ve mad at a friend because ahe said this or that and it got back. And 110me of the facts weren't right and a friendship was lost. DEAR EVERYWOMAN : All I wafit ts lo enjoy your company. I don't want to know your personal business so please don't tell me. I have other friend! beside you and when women get together they lelk. Sometimes It 's hatd to remember y.•hat you asked me not to repeat. l value your friendship and rd hate to pass on 1omething you asked me not to. So, please don·t trust me with your ~ecrets and J woo 'l have to remember Y.'hat to ANN LANDERS keep to myself and you won 't have to worry about whtther I do or nol. lf yoo 're having trouble with your hus- band, discuss it with yG\.lr clergyman or write to Ann Landers. lf your neighbor's !$-year.old daughter is p.g., or you r in· laws are a pain Jn lhe neck. or your bos!'I is cheating on his lnco1ne lax, I don 't want to know about It. And If you are ha vln!! an affair, I don't y.·::int to know about THAT either. \Vhat I'm trying to say i~ I'm not a receptacle for dirl. I just want to be your friend. Thanks. Ann Landers, for 1ettlng1me sit In yOll"I"" chair. I hope readers got my message. -THE LADY NEXT OOOlt DEAR LADY: l"m sure they got It. Do come sil ID my chair again sorne timr. DEAR ANN LANDERS : J am a 71· year-old y.•hcat rarn1cr wlin h:is h1'j'rt reading you r colun1n In th{' Topcl-.:1 paper tor a good many yc;irs. I've 111;Vl·r had any prob lems to write in about bul r have a story to tell lhal n1ight be worth listening to. In June I was taken In the hospital :ind put in an oxygen tent. They lhough1 I hall a heart at1:1ck although I tried to 1ell them it was too much brat1\•urst. The family gathered aroun1! my bL-rl and I could hear them making funeral ar· rRngement s. They "'ere ::irgu1ng about "'helher lo buy a $2000 ca!\ket like tllcy buried rny brcthcr in , nr a cheaper 011(' This n1at!c n1c ma(.] I s:i l f:tr:iigh1 up in bed and told thc1n I had 1u1 u1lc11tion {lf 1l,1•i11g nnrl lo r lr:ir out They looked :;hocked nnd son1cwhat disappolnt.ed . l'lC'asc tell your readers lhal just bcc:iusr a pi:rsnn is in a hospital bed d~i-; not me an he is unconscious an d dying and to pll'asr wa tch th eir language. -STILL KICKING OF.All STILi,: I'm glad you're still kicking and I'm happy to pass on ynur ~ood advict about pcoplt In ho!lpltal btds. 1'1n :i lso g"ing l(l takt It r.asy on Ute hr:i twursl. IH·'.A It 1\NN l.A NIJEHS: Our daughter ,1·;1~ rn<JtTird 111 ;i bcat1l iful church '·crcrnony la.qt wrrk A '.l·DrTian who works In rny husb11nd's office h11s a love ly voice and we asked her to sing a few number.I. lfer renditions added much to the ceremony. How can we thank her?-Til~ Bs DEAR Bs: Try mon,y . Drinking may be "in " lo the kids you run with -but it co n pul you "out" Im: kC'cps . You can cool it and stay popular. Read "Booze and You -for Teenagers Only." Send 35 cents in coin and a Jong, ~II-addressed , slampcd envelope wllh your rr11ue.~t. 1\nn Landl•rs will he glad tn help yoo with your problt'1ns . St>nd thcn1 to he r in t:11·e flf the DAILY PILOT, enclosing a sclf-addrcsse<.J, st:unpcd en\'Clopc. L ................ -----------~---~~--------------------------..... --"' 1'ufSdiY, Oclober 14, 1%11 . -.. -· .. f · ._ . ·d#iE : :::;::z ::•m.1r t ct: ::O:t;11py rvy;7;y••;--1 ... M I .. s. ·'"· '*·· ,I ) J '."' Festiv ,ities Upstage New Thespian Group I' . • ~ .. -.-~,... i I , ! . . . . ... -. --The Newport Community Theater \Viii be launched and christened \Vi th a ceremony in the Ebell CluQhouse, Balboa, Sunday, Oct. 19, at 6 p.m. I .. ' . ~ " • • \ t. , ' -~ .. ~ .. .. " • ' . ' ... -,-"t .,1M.' '.~ .. ~,~ ·.;, ... ( '.I ' • • r: "'' t: • ~· -~1 .' , .. :rt~_,. . d~ 1.. _..,i . ••• ' \· I ... ~. .. ... .,.. ~ " . . 'J ; f ~~-. ~ . ] " . .. MRS . CHARLES G. FREI Ill Montana Honeymoon ' Frei-Swank .. Performed , A honeymoon trip tn )Jon- ' tana follo\1Cd !ht' 11 (•dtl111~ nf : 'Sally S\\"an k ;i nd Charil's 1;. •Frei II! of Cosla ~lesa _ -The couple £'Xrhanged 1rf'd· cling \"Ows and ring" ;it lilt' al1ar of St. A n d r r 11 " Prrsbytl'rian Churi:h In .'.l (:eremony JK'.rfu1 rnrd b1· 1!11.: ~Rev. Dr. Ha~1nond L Brahams. C.u~ l'noto SHERYLE BRENT February Bride Betrothal Anno unced At Luau 1'hr rn~;1g!'!llfll\ (11 !-i!1l'f\ :r .lrann•· Br•·n t .11 cl .J.un1·-. \Ir \ :1\ h;1 ° ht'("1 :1nnn1111t·r•I !1\' \1r. and l\1 r< Ar1hu r !'i ~1Tt\1, pari'11L, of tht• liraic-l'lt·('I Thr· P1 '\\~ 11 a \ reit•illf·d to P.O lt'l~itl'·l~ ,H,J llll1'H~ 1111'11 ~,I l1t:1u t...il.1r:g pi,K'<' 11n 1ilr p;1·" "nd d('c k nf !he H rrnL~· lh.i,. t 1n~tnn fl nr bl111r hl•tn1' Thr bridr·ln bc '" ;1 ~rad11 :i11 · r1f ln11nac:1la1c J IC'nr t 1l1gll School. /lolly\.\ood and Or:ingc roar.;:. Collrgr Shr now 1s a ~C'n1or al Ca\1f.,rnia S1 :11c College ;it Long Drach 1fhere ~he 15 ma;nnn~ in ;1r! and 1s a mcn1br r of l;rirnn1 ;i Phi Beta ~rori1.1. lier h:tnrr . ~nn or l\lr, :ind \!rs. Ant hon y .J. rilc\"ay of 1 ·1 u~tiur~h . l':i . a 11 r n d r rl "chools in Pen115yh·an1a prior lo 1no\"ing to Hunllngton Beach 11 here he 11· a s ~radualed lron1 r.larina !11gh Srhool and OCC Thr ro11plt' pl.in 10 bt• niar· rietl in Fcllru.ir~. '• Topic Set A 5pctrh that eO\rrs j 11~t ·about e11ery!h ini::, En\'lrlln· n1ent, llc.:il!h. \\"nrk anti l'la.v ~·UI be $;i\'en hy \\11l11an1 Allee clurin~ a me<>!ing of Tau T:i11 ~. Chapter. Beta Sig1n<I Phi lonif!hl in Laguna . r~Nleral ~. Savi ngs and Loan i\ssocialion. Bela S1g1na ·Phi 1nr.mbc r' n<>W I:> the area are u1vited to obtain n1orc 1nformat1on ;ii.lout the chapter by calling \Ir~. ;' V.'illiam Carl~s. president. 494· Si«. .. B'noi B'rith Orangr [OiJSt [h.1ptcr or T\"nai B'rit h Wo1nen ,i::alh<'r 1hr first Thur~days a! 8 11.1n i11 1-tercurv Savi ngs Cank, Jilin· tington 'Beach . Ceremony Newport in l':irents of the bride are /\lr. :intl·\lrs. Richard D. Swank of \"1ll:i P~rk and parents of the bridcgro01n are /\1rs. Lou1.~e Frl'i of Costa t.lesa and the JJ tc \!r. Charles Frei. t;11·en 1n marriage by her L!lher. the bride chose a long i.;011 n ol \"C netian French lace and a floor length mactilla. fl. bouquet of 11·hite roses and gartle11.1as coinplemented her t,011"11. \l:i;ron nf hono r 11·as !he hndc"s si~ter. \! r <;. l'\uble \\ .'1rrurn of .\"C'll"pOrt ll!'ar h :ind JUnior hndcs111:lltl w;is her nlCl"t'. ~llss Lisa \\"3rrun1. ·rhey y,·ore lo ng moss i;r<>en ~01~ns and carried bou11uct~ u( talismau ro~f's. 1·:d11:ird r.tetzgar of Lir!n 1 ~· lr a:-;surncd lhe duties ut be~I n1a11 and guests \o;cr<' . ..;catcd bv Pett• Ant1s1:i and Ha\· Lu r- l'ii1nl of Ncw pOr\ i~each , Hobert Handall pro1·idrd the 1H·ddu1g ·mu.\olt". \ garden r1:rrpt1011 :it 1hr hridl"" µ;1ren1s · hon1e lollu11·c rt th<' ccren1011v \\ h c r c 1;:i ,L'l!'~t" ~i~nic.tl tile r('gish·r , ll"l"l1la!t·d h\ .\11Ss .Jutlv' Frei , :-1~tc1· ol .the bT1dt·°gr .. ru11 t\~~l\lini.: 11 1th ~rrving 11f'!"l' . \Ir\. \ ernr i\'il kinson ;ind \Ir,. f>unald R. Bn:ils. The nr11 lyweds 11·1\l rcsitlr in f'o.~1a l\ll'Sa aflrr re turning frn111 thei r 11oncyinuon !rip. The bri de 11·as graduated frorn ,\ri1.on.1 ~i:itc Lni1 crsitv 11 her<> shr 11.1s rrrs1dcnt of IK-lta <;an1111a ~oruruy. ;tnd Ilic hndegroon1 1~ .i ~radu:11r. rif \lal<>t Oc1 lliJ!h &houl. llt' i~ .i b1L"'1111·-..~n1an 111 111•· \c11 port H{·ach ;irea. Auxiliary Convenes J 1r .ind \I r~ Hus~rll .Jc ~.~11;1 1l 'l11q111111\I hr1~l llH.' ;1111111,d 1ni:1nlx·r\h1p br\111~·11 fr1r tl•i: \\n111r•n 'o; :\11\il1ary lu tl1!' !lr,111_e1' Coun t\ D1·11t.1I ~nrir1~ Thc!T ~:in1cn~ 11·111 h<' thr p~rty ~citing Thlirsd;iy, Oct. 16 . \lrs. Hubert )I. !lau~·k n( N"t·11·port Beach 1s chair111;111 and :\lrs. Bich;ird Gubler of Or:lngr is assisting. Among the hostc,,sc~ are :\1rs. Ll"lr 11. GrC\.'n\\·oiv ,,f Fountain Vallf'11 :ind :\!rs.' J{)hn Forte of llui1· Ullb'lon Beach. Talk To Turns Travel Tr;11l·l wil l he the tnpir nf con1 crsauon 11 hen n1r1nt>1:rs oi Ne wp or 1 /1 <1rb o r l'anhcl!<>nic 1neel 10 t he rrcrc:it1on roo1n of Dovt'r \"tll:igc. ~<'"·port n ca c h lon1orrow a1 10:30 a.i n. Edw:ird ·G_ Snyder. Orange Coun!y Lufthansa rcprescn- tath·e 11•ill present a fl hn . along \\1th general tra\•cl Ill· form a11on . fl. !'3lad luncheon and brid~e \rill C'Jnt·lodP lhC' m<>etin g \\'ilh lhc ill ines. Hoy ·11allberg. It \\' \\'alchli , John Hla1ch, BobC'M Lav:500. G c o r g e (;uthric and !\liss B l' It y /\]bright ser\•ing as holilC'Sses. Y ear hoo k s u 1\I bf 1!1:;.tr ibult'd hy mrn~hl'r~h1 p c h;urnH'!l 1\-lrs. I ... 111•ren c:e Kit· llr and .\tr~. llart ll1ckman. l'l:ins f11r !h~ l'\ol". 19 1ncctm g will ~ announced. Following the formaJ ceren1ony and festivities, the first in a series of play reviews will be presen'led . The theater is co-sponsored by the Newport Beach Parks and R.cc re- ation Department a nd the Newport-Costa Mesa Branch of Arncrican Asso- ciation of University \Vom en. It \Viii offer six play revie\.\'S and currently is sponsoring \l.'Orkshops in theate r fundamentals and appreciation, direction and production, crea· live writing a nd dance and exercise. In ciddition, thea ter presentations are planned for next sea son and a casting file nov1 is being made for the productions. Directing the embryonic theater group are \Vil lia 1n J. F ucik, theater director noted in the Harbor .i\rea. Hollywood and the East, and l\'lrs. Elea- no r Petersen, first presidl!nt of Children's 'I'heater Guild. Others lending their support a re organizations including the Ebell Club of Ne\vport Beach, Ne\vport Harbor Chamber of Comn1crcc and Nc\V· port Beach Friends of tile Library and the J\tessrs. and l\1ines. John J\Ic- Kerren. John Kerr. Evan Prichard, Daniel \\lcdman. K. Stanley Bell. Har· vey Pease, John Hoyt, Kalman Spelletich , L. H. IVlcBride and Stanley Le Lievre. Also assisting the new theater group are the ~1mes. \Villiam L. Pereira, Clayton 'rhom pson, E . A. Riches, Frank Gaines, Ralph Tando1v- sky. E. Morgan Quinn, Vemace l\1organ, Rhoda Linder. Robert \Vallier, E . Terrance J\1oran, Walter \Vhite, f\'IUd red Dingler, Jack Marshall, Charles Jlainter. Ladislaw Reday and C. Graham Edelblute. \.1 l: An yone \Vishing further infonnation on the play rcviC\\"S and \vork- shops n1ay call the Chamber of Commerce, 675-6302 . -~----~ Horoscope ... Birthday Observed Leo: Check Documents WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 15 Uy SYDNEY O~IARR 'FI SHING. PLA~'TING con· tinue to be fa11ored by lunar position. GR00.\11/'\G TIP: Ge t shoes shined; pay particular allenlion lo socks, hosiery. ARIES (!\larch Zl·April HI): KL•cp confi dences. One 11·ho ronfid<>s secret depends much llJ.l()n .rour good wilL Ynu arc i11 con1mu nicati\"!' mood. 8 11t c!n11 "t 1ell nll. Discrt>l!O ll IS beHC'r p~rt of v:tlor tod~J . TA UltlJS \f\.prll 20·f\l :iy 20 ): Accent on how to obtain s1>t'cia l favo r. You do so hy entertaining al h()ml'. Bl' in /;imiliar surroundings. Don·l play othe r . person·s gaine. Avo id lendfncy to be ovcrcon· fident. ~~UNI LJ-i1~y 21.Juae Wl: Someone ma1 . ..t>e prclelldiflg lO gran t yito an honor. Be i;:rac1ous. tllainle_i_n sen~ of hun1or . But.~g. oRly so fa r . . ' .. Display fact that you \\"ere not born yesterday. Message clear by tonight. CANCER fJune 21-July 22): \Vhat seemed nebulous takes form. You rec e i 11 e com· municati on ~·hich clarifies situation. Your basic abilities come to f o re. You <lemonslrate \VOrlh-;ind it 's plenty. LEO (July 23·Aug . 22 ): Check documents related to taxes, estat~s. l<>gaeies. Don 't delay maltcrs which ha11c been lcfl ha ngin~. t.1ea ns you {"Quid t ompound error Uy refusing l•) r cc u g n i '..: C 11ercssit1e~ \'JftGO !Aug. 2:!-Srpt 22): i\ ne\\', daring st<>p is in· dicatcd-could include mar· nage or special partnership . Act:ent on how pubhc responds to you r elforts. Be original and adhere to own life stYle. LfBRA ~Sept. 2J..Oct. 22 ): J\!any .ar.e willing to share knowledge. Be receptive. Fine · 1.or · get·together 111ith co- 11•ork<>rs. Your nalural charm is illuminated. You gain Music Lovers Begin Tunefully New Season Beginning a llC\v year of rund·ra1sinl: ' projects a n d 1nusical prograrns for th<> Alta Bahia "·Orking co1n1n1ttee of t he Ora nge Cou nt y l'h1lharmon1c Soc iety \1·il! he a 1..·oncerl by pianist Andrea L\ nn l\lar\\n. 0i\lrs. H:iymond C Dosia "'di ho~t the 1nusical 111 her ;\c"·port B<'ach hon1e nl'XI Thursda\" at 10 a 111. 111th the ;\ln11:s. i't>d '.\larl1n, Joh n \\". 1Jon:i!dso11, Cr<>ssy R. ;\lurray and Charles Kelly ass1stin!: 111\h hostf'~S dul1 cs, \fiss i\lartJn. a senior ;1l :-;-r11•port H:i rh ur High School. 11"11\ pre sent a progra n1 of f\1•cthovf."11. ~c;i rlotti. Hartok, Chopin :ind J)('bussy. She has studied for 10 yr::irs under i\rno!d Juda and has perform· cd in 1nany school concerts. Leading the grou p du ring the year \rill be the K1 n1cs. \\'illiam !I!. La ing, cha1 rn1an : t-.larun, vice chairman; J ohn I'. Kenney. r e co r ding .secrct:iry: Paul Qucyrrl. co1 .. responding secre\;iry. an d Dal"id Chambers. treasurer i\('11· cha1rn1rn ar(' lhc \h-nes. 1\rnncth Smi th, '' J\"S and m c ans : E d "'a .f d Srhum acher. p re v i e 11· s : Thon1as Baumf'. continuance fund . Allen Gel', !<>lephonl·: H1chard Fr;\nklin, progra1ns: Prrr.1 Ci. CilL publlci t,1, and \lurray, pub l ic ity CO· ch a1rn1an . ~!<>clings IJke place tile 1h1rd Thu rsday,,[ r ach month. Anyone \\'ish1ng fur1hcr in· formation may call !\1rs. Laing. 675·5033. Bonfire Lights Clambake To Way Setting Do !>lll't'ulcnl cherrystone cla1ns and lobster t a i I s , stea1ned in pots and s<>r1·ed 011 ih~· beach .11 Sall Creek, South 1,;1f:lllla alung \\"ilh sa1·ory t·l:un broth. ~11eel polatO<'S :ind 1·or11 on th<' C'Ob. sound ;1111·onr ·s appl't tli! alarn1 ?. l"or:il Kt'~. a s1ip1>0rt group !or Chil d Guidance Ccnt<>r o[ Orange County hopes they do su1cc tl11s is the 1nenu planned Silv er Expert 1 ells History lnr their upcorn1ng Clam bake :~nd Ship1\retk !'arty nex l Sh turday evening. Aflcr sipping cocktail s and !'.ampling hors d"ocu1·rcs fro1n 5 lo 7 p.!n. ~round a glowing bonfire, 1n('n1hcrs ~ind gut'sts will sit on mats nl low l:tblrs on U1e sanli and dine "shipu·reck style ." Guitarist Arie Rozeboorn u·ill add lo everybody's f::-cl ings of con· lcntn1ent \1•ith soni::s in 111an.v J;,1 n!!uages, Thr purpos<> of the c1·rn1 , iu add ition lo re lax ation and fun. i~ the raisi ng of hinds lo sup- pletnent the group's Thrift Shop eanungs which support the ~uidance cen ter. s:itisfaction. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-No11. 21 ): Good lunar aspect tod ay coin· cides y,•ith r om a n c e. ex· citeme11t or di s covery. Creativ<> pursuits are fa vored. Give of yoursell and you also receive. Break through r<>d tape. .. SAGJT'TARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21 ): Be aw a re of ~tatJst ics. Don't fight the odd s. Stick to the facts. Utilize past experi<>nce. Play 11 safe. Th is i5 no time lo risk s<>curity. CA PHICOR.\' 1Dec. 22·J;in . 19 1· Put ide:is to u"c Don -t ~c:11tcr efforts. B(' gracious to 1n ·lav•s. One you leasl susp<>ct has you r be!>l 1nt('rests at hc;1rt. li11{· others :i th;ince to J"l•atl.v know yuu AQ UAHI US 1J<in. 20·Fcb. 18\: Beautiful ob j ccl s , persons, could enter your "life today. Dun "t be' llfraid to spend on quality -applies especially to beautifying your ho1ne. Be a bit selfish about your comforts. PISCES (Feb. J!J.i\1arch 20): Circum stances continue in }our favor. 13 ut don't <>Xpctt pl'rfcction. Son1e of your ph ilosophical vie~s arc suh· ject to chang<>. You become aware that some arc taking ad\"antage of your generosity If TODAY IS YOUR BIHTllDA Y you IO\"l' beautiful things and cou ld be a collector of art objC'cls. Your spea king 1·oice is unusual. Dramatic :ibility 1s indicated ;ind so is talent along musical lin <>s. Th<> chnnge you have been see king is on horizon. ..o "" Founders Dt1y \\ ill he r-ek·b rated by n1embC'r.~ of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority froin <il1 u\"cr Orange County and J.oug Beach at a luncheon nex t 'fu<>sday in the G a l ax y rl'~t;_iurant, Santa Ana . Tile !:.Orori!y 11•:is fou n1l<'d ()ti 15, 1898, !n Fann\'illl', \'a. ;ind now is a n alior1a l organtLation. VuJloy,·1ng: t11c lllnl·hro n a tou r 11 or Bo11crs ;..:usl'lllli. S:in l:i Ana 1 ~ pli1n· nl'd. t'll <>n1bcrs 11·\l l 1 icw the l·xhibits honoring the Santa Ann Cr11tenn1al and C<1hlorn1a liitl'nlC'IUll:l I. fl osting th<> ;1ffa1r 11111 be tile ~orthrrn OrJogc C l• u 11 Ly AlunHl<IC Chapter. a11d .~JR't'l,1! guest s 11 Ill be n1<>1nbcrs 11! thl' South Coa sl and Long Heach <1lu1nn:ie rhnptcr~. 1nclud1nr: tl:r1r pre:.1tlC'nt~. i\1 ~~-l';1t11tk .-.1l·IJonald and \I r.~. JJints t.lcCarey. Anyone \\"1shi ng rcs<>rv at1ons , may call Mrs. ?>tcDonald , 893· 7422. Convention Report Due A con\"ention report ,1·ill h1gl11ighl the £irsl fal l 1neeling nf Al pha Delta Pi Alumnae of Orange County. 'fhe grou p \rill gnther at 11:30 a .m. T·hursd:iy, Oct. 16, in the Fisherman rcstau ranl, ll ulltington Beach pier. ri!rs. Herbert T \!orris. \1·ho ;ittend<>d the I 18th con· vPntioo in PhOf'nix la st June. \1·111 be the speaker. Early Bazaar Catches • Christmas Shoppers St. \l Jry'.~ E p i ~ c n p ;i I Chllrl'hwomrn of L .'.l g II n a Hench h31·e b<>en S('\1'in~. p;1 s!ing, 1-nlll ing ;1ntl baking 111 eage r preparation fo r their Fourth annual Ch r j st m a s Bazaa r \1•hich y,•ill take place in the church F nd:~y 3nd ~a turday. !\ov. 7·U Irvin JO a in . to I p.n1. r-.1rs. Jlobert S. Burn~idc is c;iordinnting the rff1 11;~ of the n1;inr 11·or k('rs busy p!::uuung a .),,Uccess ful bazaa r. Assisting h<>r :ire th<> i\1 1nC'~. .J \\'. DO \.\'tl rr , ~('\\l llJ; 1·l1;1inna11; Fr;ink N .:i u , 1rorkshop ch11innan: Lyman !\1 11.c;, dc('orations ch a1r111an: Hobert t'. Schnitzer. foorl hoo1h , 1;J<>nn I. Buzz:irrl. t rea s ur er; J oseph JI . Doy J 11 Cc url Secre taries 0ranr,e ('"un11· ;innrn"Y~ 1>.ill h:i1r to ~in~ 111 !hr ui11t1~ 11e!lt Thur!(cJ;,y :ind t; pe their 1111 n letters because thei r ~<'<'rCt.1r1r.~ "ill be spe1~d1ng lhC cl;1y 111 ("Olli'!. ·1 l;r :.111111;d ;-;\ t·r11;11",r. I l.+\' in ("r1urt Ila~ l'tC'fl prt•l'l.+1''1 "rl by \\'. J . Phillip~, buard i.f :-.upcr1'1sors n1cmb cr, Cuunt,1 11f ur:inge . J{t>gistration ;it 8 a 111. in lhl' judge~· lounge in the nl'IY c·ounly rou rthou~e h11 ildinR 111 Sanl;1 An:i v.·ill hrgin the d;1y's ac1111t1rs. 11·hlch 111\l 1ncludc n lour n{ thr cuurlnn:.i~I' .in I !'!erk'~ office, \ l\llS in cour1roorns ;ind :iucndancc Jt I ri:i!-.. Tiu· n:iv in ('11111 I 1~ .l\ cstabi15hed· rit the fifth ann\.1 :11 Fairbanks. srl'rct:iry. n-n d E11111 ~· H~ymund. publicity. "'l<'n1hl'rs of the ~c11 in;; grou p arc th<> J\1nlcs . Ccor~e \\'. l!amcr. fl.. J-:. Eriesson, .John f\·lcK<>nzie, C. ~~-r.tnck, Hcst<>r ll. f\loore, Mcnry S. \\'f'bcr. Nl..'llo Znra. J \I. Sta1np<>r. J . Pauline S1n11 h, Ul1\ e J.;ind~d :i!r ar.d the ~lissrs Etlith Jicdit and Lilly \'.'right. ll"orkshop n1en1bcrs i11clude the il·lmrs. Do11 '\ln~ Ad:i n1 , J)nn~ild Ar1·old. B::urd Coffin,. F?.11·bank~. Edm und l'n1rcl11ld, B C. (;a\'fcr , ! I. VC'n11111 Har· ris. B '. \V . K«th·nn~h;i1n , L~;1n rin King, Ada P.1n11t•11tcr, R()hC'rt r·. Sc hnitzer. 1-:1.~a r-.lcLt·od. F . L . Yo h r and L)()rotl1y llotl~on. Step Out COl1\"t>nt 1on nf the t\at1onal .-\~!i ue1 11t1un of Les<l l Scc.rl't,111· s 111 l!J'1G. l!o~t1ng <i nd 11 l·lcom ing U1c .!>t'cri:t:ir 1es 11 ill be S.:1111t1el l/1'C1%e11, prl'<o1u111~ i11dgc nf the ."'11u'r1or l 1n1rt, ;ind \\"1!11an1 \I ·n 1un1p~o11 . 11rc!-.1d111g judge-· !if l~1e .\l11n1c1pnl Court. .. ,.\II h·g11! setrctJri:'!s an~: :111:•.,11' 1 n1t·1t'~1cd 111 bcron11n~ ;1 kg;1I ~('{"ITttiry ;ire lll\'l\Cct to tillcnd the c1ent. c· " OC Single Bees Tile rcc11nd aad fourth Fri.i..· 1!:iv of the 111on1h Or:ing( <"nl1nt~ S11u::le Ber~ gather ire l'111•1e1r 101111. Snr11 a i\n;i ~ Att11·1ucs begin at 8 r rn. A 1al k on lhr JHstory and RonlJnl'r of S1hrr "ill br prestn!cd lot lhc n1cn1bcrs o( lhc \\'otnan·s i\ux1hary to the A ni e r i c a n Society of !\\cchan ic al f:ngincers Los Angc lt s Sectio n nelt Thursday a! 11 s.m. \h;;ir1es S c h rn i cl I of Co1n1ni!lce lll<'m her~ plan· ning thr p:itl\" include the l\ln1es. Da \1d I\ J 11· a s a k i. \\"ilham t.loHatt, .J a rn cs \\'hitchead. John U111 idson , John Dun n, .lames l!amer. Hobert J\lag1JI and Jam~ J\la11· niri ~. Leogue Celebrates Opening Night l'fl~ndrna. :intu1ur 5 1 I 1· r r 1lenlf't. wil l .~p('~k hrlor<' lhc i;::11hrrin~ 111 San J\l~r1110. lo ~c hosl<'t l by 1\lr::.. \l"1nchell i\I. J 'a rsons, H r.~rrvaun1lS 1n:i,. hr 11111dr b\ calllnf: :-.1 r~ :-.1.1rr .. u ·l'.!:1· 427~ nr \I r~. JI J111~·r . -192·J(){i3 by ton1orro11 . .•\.~si~t an cr J.cai::uc of l ~l!u nn nea rh i~ plannini:: <in 11pPn1n" 111 ~hr partv in !ht' 11c11• r.0rdan·~ rc .,taur.111 1. l.;1(!1111; ,\i [gucl foT-1ncn1bc rs :ind guc ~t ;o; S .. 1turday 111.1::/1!, Oc1. 18. P lnnning ic~t1vit1c~ 10 JllL·luc!c cock· t .. ul ~, ::i gour1nct dinner and dancn1~ to the n1us1c of -------- F rankie flrl cga ;inrl his orchrs t ra . :'I re Ile!! lo righ1) :'llr~. lfclln1uth l!annc1nan. pnrt ~· chairmEir1: fl l rs. 1'ho111:i!1 I!. J on e.•. prcs1dcnL n.11d UC'rn:i rd r;ordon, rc5 taurant O\\"ncr. j\Jrs. l!n11 nrd :\darns nnrt l\Tr !. 1.-rcdcrlck ll ughcs arc J 5:.ist1ng .\!rs. l!:in11l'n1Jn, Allorcl..Curry Rites Sf.11,t.a Barbara i! the . h o m • for Edwin Gregoey Allord Qd hil bridt, tbe• fonnt:r Unda Larraine Curry, · ••ho e:1chan(td w e d d I n g pledps tn an early afternooo cuemony solemnized by \he Ith'. Dr. Phillip G. Murray. The Community Con- cn:11Uonal C h u r c h of Corui1 del Mar was decoraled with clusters of daisies and streamers along the aisles and an1t11eme.nl! of matching nowm at the altar for lhe rll.ol. Pnsent for the \'OW e1- chqe were the b r I d a I ('()Uple'a parent!, Mr. and P.irs. CttU Eugene Curry o f Newport Beach and Mr. and J.'1'9. Edwin Danforth Allord el Balboa 131.and. The bride selected 1n em- pire or1anu gO'A'D dtsigned wUh a chapel train, and an elbow ltngth Illusion veil for the double ring ceremony. Her bouquet wu formed of white aod. yellow ro9tbud3 with baby's breath. Mrs. Scott MacCluer of San- t.a Barb.Ira was matron of henor ·and ~.fiss t.eslit Dixon of San Marino ttrvtd u maid QC Wives Pre1ld ing ovtt the Lawyen' Wives mttting in the GolMn Pheasant reftautant, Anaheim will be Mn. Welsh Morningstar. 1lle Oranie County group will gathtt at 11 a.m. for a 90dal hour and luncheon Thunday, Oct. IS. Lawrence Depart, com• munlealions consultant for an oil company, w:ill discuss the Ma(ic ol Words. He is a MRS. EDWIN ALFORD E xch•nt-• 'kws nr honor. Completing the bridal party were the Misses "'.ickie Alford of Bal~ Island, lister of the , bridegroom, Assemble former president of th e Authors Club of Los Angeles and a past chairman of the Speakers Bureau of the United Fund. ~frs. nc.t ~1artens. first vice president, will introduce the speaker. Mrs. Noel Conway, social chairman, is taking raserva- lions and guests will b. welcomed by Mrs. Hayward Le Crone. ho1pitality chairman and her committee. "MIATT1116S TO 90 llATin IH': .. HAWAIIAN SHOPS J' .....,_ w.-1 • Ne•pert IMdl e 644·H22 OrlN IUNOAYS Elizabeth Arden face treatment ii much more than just a facial ' An l!IDlllth A*" expert In Mnns' l!ecl Doar Trallltnt Room will help you ~ deHtlllflll·beu!>'secrets. Yoo' II (IM I flCI ••llrlnt lftd•e.ce Willl I lllXllioUS llW llliallP IS well n 1 lldlant flelial-CGllllllll --~with Mlieap,11;• Bnuty Sludio. llpl:u•, .... , •• fldllt• etatljsis Buftums· Program Cooked By Juniors New Organized Alumnae Bid If yciQ .... MW nefahbofl « know d anyone movln1 ta our UM. please tall us IO that W9 may e:dncl a fl1endll' welcome and b•1P them to kcome acqualnted 1n their MW wrrounc!lqa. So. C11sl VlsBor 4'4-0l7' PUT Wit II YOUR POCIO &n umrantal 1tem.1 Y<-1th a DAn.Y PILOT Cluollled Ad. PHONI 642-5671 !aM.:llO'llCS . . . . . L --' ------·~ ---- --.. ----... ----------·-----~------------------------------------------------~--- S oa1·iny A yni1ist tlie Engle s Bnltin1orc·s nav l..,c rkins ~rerriingly fl oats through the air ;i!tt'r g1:<Jbh1ng ;J .J ohnny l.;1utas_ pass . '~r~ lng to bring Perkins b;ick tn (·nr!h 1s Ph1 ladelph1a ~ I rv Cross. l3alt1n1ore \\'On the National J,cag uc game, 24-20, !11onday night. Ruining thl" Ga111 e Clu rrisy O ff ic iatirig Hits Orang·eC01t1ityFoo tba ll C'lun1.<y orfici:iting is h<'ro1ning S-O r'11n - 1nr>n[lloce 1hill 11 1~ l<1k1nl! 111uch of lhe pl!•<:1!:-tll'C uut of Jllcndini; f(11)\lJ<11\ g<11nes tin 1hr Orange Count.v t11gh school lr\'el 1·nu begin 1<1 think that lnsing track r,r do11·ns, n1arch1nM off .s1~ y;;rd.'i 1nsll'Jd of 1ht' rcqu1rl'd fil'r tor off ~1dC$. 111iit ·k whlStles :ind other g(oofs :1re tht! r11lc rather than the P:<C~'pt11111. Coaches arc l.iking 15-:.U"rl pcnalt1c ~ for blov.1ng lhc1r gasket:; o \ 1'r unu~ually poor calls. Onr ('oaeh ~a~~ :in crruntous l'lipping ca ll ;iga1nsl 111:1 !('<11 '1 pl;i~etl a 1•rotninLnl role in tl1c !o~s 111 .1 key gn1nc lo An:ihtim . \\"inning coaclu·c; ii ~ \\L·ll :l!. the \r.-..c r~ \1111 confc~:r> that f>fftt•1.1t1ng hi!~ be<!n p<o0r 1! ,·uu prom1~c 1(•u \''"' 1 'lunl1 · 1hr,...1 You !cc, dc!.JIJI!' 111c 11u1ucn(!o~ that of· Gl.E~!O WHHE "'HITE \VASii .,.,.,,...,... ..... ,,.,.,,.. .... ,,.. .. 1 1cials rnay be bl11 1d t l11 ·~ a pp.111'11\!1 l:ln read 1xw ~11ap<'1 , And they ~ce tl1t1r !ir1 1hrrn r;i pp1·1! .liy c('rt:i111 c1i;1Ll ll'~. tl11'1 fan rt 'lallatt• bv -:-.imply !1l'\'Cr g11111~ 1hr <"ril1r !he hcne!lt 0of the d1:ubt on m;1r~1n;d Ci111~ that an~f' 11·hcn tht'Y h;ippPr1 tu llC' l\Ork1ng one of 11\hat coach's g:lnn·s. • Commrssiuner of (lr;ingr (.'011nt\' rrr~ .John 1'-h:Donougl1 ~:1~~ 1n1~1a f..i·<. .. re human -"doctur~ bur\ their~.'' he ehid t..'S. A1,rttt111g "llh ~lclX•nouo:h. this· ~,·nunly has thr most hu111an oll1t1;1!s ~·ou ~1·011ld hopt• lo find llO\l'C\'er. I 111u~1 ;uhn1I lh:1l 1hl' r rcw 1\0rk1ni.: Liu.· liSC-SLanford g.11nP S.1t unl;1\" 'night \\as ghast\v. Thl' nl lli •tal ~ ~·:dl1·d rll1~hly rl1 brilahlr> p:i.ss i n 1 r r f r r i · n cc pcn;ilL1rs .;igainst t.:SC Thl·v ~"~! :-l· a . yard on a crucia l 1hJ11 n by nrit 11111 1111~ 1t1c 'ball at the f:1r tl1ci l po1n\ ul ad\';1 nt:t:l1lt'ni by the runner, : They took an oh1·1ous in1t•1·l·1·pt1on ,a11 :iv fr om Lhc Trojans, ~a) 111g lhl' SC m:in h:1d trapped rather th;1n cau~lil the bti ll. Otherwise, offit tilllnG ":.i~ ne:it. tha t one of l11c onrushing Sailors actu ally hit the kicker and did n1il touch the ball , thus the penalty. :'11 aybe Sgobba is t on1r<"n.<;.-t\1ng for the frustratiCJns he has as an unsucce ssful b:i~cball eo;ich. * * * .. 1'1ll"bi gan took a n1ujor stride toward a Rose ·Ru"·J bid by bealini; f'urdu.t. 31-?6. ,\la1·bt'. A close 1•hr·rk of remaining ~ames sho"·s the \\'ol \'e rints "Ith only une toui:;bie lef t -Ohio St<it e. Pu rdue, seemingly the only othtr coo- lt ndrr for the trip lo Pasadena must also play Olaio Sla te and assuming each loses, i\lichigar'I would still ha\'t the btttr.r record or \he t"n iOhio Slate is iJ:Jeligiblt lo re turn lo thr Rose Bo"ll. Hut, scrutin y nl !ht' schedule showJ 1hat Ind iana ma\' indrrd be tht Bi~ Te n 1·h\Jiee 1or PasaJ1'na and co uld ~bare the t·fr•·uit litle with {lhio Sta te. Indiana h a~ a lceh11• schrrlnk in the rnnh:rence. playing host to lllinoi~. lo\l a arid f'lirdut "'hilr tral'!·lin~ 1ri Ill inois, 1\nrlhwl'slrrn and i\li,·higa n Stat1•. Only l'urdue loon1s as a th reat -ITil'aninli( one Ju~~ ;ii 11orsl. ~l ichigan ,;oi·~ to i\tit·hiJ!.Rn St11tr , l\lin· 1icsol11 . lllinuis and lown \11hi\e t'n· l<'rlnining \\"i~l'011~in anrl Ohio St11t1•. Tah the \-\'ol11f'Ti11ts to ho" tn Ohio Stolt . Ont loss for sure. Purd ue. is ho1nr lo h•11a. Korth1orestcrn :ind r.t icbigo n Sli!lt "hi le journ~yin,; IQ IJtinoiR, Ohio St.ate and Indiana. Purdue "ill loSt: to OSU ;ind maybe to Indiana. One sure 10!!5 looms for the Boilerm akers and tht')''lo'e already had one re1·ersal. So they're about out of it. Ri gney i11 Li11e For T'vi11s Post l\,IN"°EAPOLIS.ST. ~AU L IA Pl - Hilly M:::rtin ac.kn owledges he stepped on some toes to get his job done: Trojans Third, Bruins Eighth 111 Grid Polls Ohio State , Texas and USC are the top collegiate football learns in the nation, by agreement of the United Press lnterna· t1onal and Associated Press polls. And, UCLA has attained its highest r ating nf the sea.~on, holding do1vn eighlh in the hl·o poll.s. Like the top three, UCLA is undefeated. Ohio Statt ce1nented its No. I billing by cleaning the field with f.1ich igan State, 52- 21. This week the Buckeyes are at t-.1 1n- 11esota -no test there. Tcx<is, in1pressive in its 27-17 11'in over too gh Oklahoma. has a bye. And Southern (\'.I !, supr isingly the sho\v place entry afier its 26-24 verdic t ove r Stanford, treks lu Notre Dame. t.;CL1\ hosts Cal at the Coliseum afler st1nun1ng \\'ashington Slate, 46-1~. .''P Poll T••"' WOn·lOlt "''"!• , o~•o ~·a11 ,,, ,,, l r•o• • 0 .. ' s.o~1n~" ' ' . ' "' ' ArO~c ' •• "' ' rrn" \,I "t •• •n • M•~•91''' •• .·11 I '""""' '·~· • • "' ' UCLA '0 " • L~u'''"~• ! '"'" "' "' " F IO"OA •• '" 11. N<1tro D~'"• " ,. " (;~1ono~•o " "' " M•cn'o''" " " Gt0r9,. J.1 " " Avbv•n " " " Wyom,.10 " Pu.,:IVll " ,, " ~tonford " ~ " M'\•in/<11>: "' ~ ~ AIO D>Jm.I ,, " Ol!le•~ •.C~owl'IQ vo1n , h•!Pd "ll)ll•behc•ll1: Colito•nl~. tnO•on~, K•n•~• ~•o!t. Mi1m1 l{Jn•OJ. ioyroc..,.e. ToltOo. W..•t V!r9!ftie. UPI Poll ltam W ... ·L•ol ... 1 .. h " ~,. Stolt ,. ., , T~•~• •• m l . Soull'ltrn Ct l. .. ,. • '~" S•o•~ .. ~· }. Mil >OU'• •• .., 1.11 ... ,. .... ~ '" ' r.·~""''~· ,, '" I, VCL.A .. '" t . Lou1'i.n• Sltlt .. .. 10. Nolrt O•m• " • " Ol<!f,,.,tn• '" " 17. W'J'{lmlnQ •• " " Fler;d• ~ ,, !•. ITltl) Gtf!rgit " " Mlcl!og•~ " " " ll"~n••• 5,.,. "' ' '" I T·~I Au~U'" '' ' C.•Hlotnil "' " 19. !llr l Pv•dut "' • M•n1'1l~O• ,, ~l~ntOfll "' ColOr•do '" ' . . ' Mets' Cowboy Draws On Orioles' Cowboy NEW YORK (AP) -Gary Gentry of the New York Melli stiU weara dungaree.a and cowboy boots -leftovera from h\a Arizona upbringinlJ,. Ht: 1ol aoolher reminder of hia western heritage today when ht: faced Jim Palmer in the lhlrd game of the 1969 Workl Series. Palmer and Gentry grew up near each other -the Baltimore right-hander in Scottsdale, Ariz. and the Met burler io Phoenix. "We were like crosstown rivals," said Gentry, "but 1 never faced him head to head. I think he ¥o'a5 about a year ahead of me ." Paln1er gradualed to the majors in 1966 Y ellli1g Fans W 011't Bother Birds-Weaver NEW YORK (AP) -Manager Earl Weaver of the Baltimore Orioles ii more concerned about the screaming fast ball of New Yor k pitchers than he is about screaming Mets' fllll.'I. The chant, "Lt:l's go }.1.ets," is ex· peeled to reverberate lhrough Shea Stadium today as the Amal.in' Mets play host lo the Bad Guy5 from Baltim«e in the third game of lhe World Series. "I don't think any amount of yelling is going lo bother our guy! one little bil ," \Veave r said. "I wouldn 't even care if the fans threw lhings at ua. if the New York pitcher didn 't have anything and gave up 15 run5 ()r so." Visiting player5 haven 't been born· barded from the stands at Shea Stadium. but some over-zealous rowdies swiped patches of turf, base5 and even home plate during the celebrations fol!owing Ne-w York's di\'ision and pennant clin· chers. "I understand there are gl"fmlim hanging around Utis park," Wea ver said ~1onday as the Orioles conducted a v.·orkout at Shea Stadium on an off-day following_ a 1·1 split in Baltimore. \Vhat i! lhe parti58n New York fans try to nUlke olf with the Baltimore m.nager as part of their postgame loot? "If no one stops them," Weaver said, "I guess I'd have lo go where they take me.'' During Atonday's workout, several youngsters jumped out of the stands and entered the dugout to chat with Weaver and shake his hand. "Good luck, Earl." one ol them said as someone came to chase the unauthorized visi tors. "TI1ank you, boys," Weaver :iaid, "Here come the poUct." Baltin1ore is favored for the third s!raight time in the Series, but that's I.ht kind of odds the Mets have been battling all season. ··we love them because they Al"! rhallcngcrs who came from behind lo beat the odds with a combination of skill, spirit and daring," New York Mayor J ohn V. Lindsay said. "They've wlited tl.!, brough t us together and given w all ,.. melhing to cheer about" when he wu 20 and became thl younptt pitcher In hlstor)' to hurl a Wor)d Serl• shut.out when ht blanked the L.-: AftCtler· Dodsers lo the claMlc that year. "That's qu1tt an accomplilhment," said Gentry "You halve to ltff him credit." Gentry made It to the majofW thil .eaaon and won IS 1am11 fer the MN u the No. 3 starter behind Tom Seaver and Jerry Koosman. ··ifs always a ehallenp to keep up with thole two," said Gentry, "but I en- joy it." It wu the failure ol bMh Met .ces In lhe NalionaJ Le:aiue plly<ifa q ant Sports In Brief • AIWlta that G<!ltry helleva o-....i lda perffll'lnlnCt q ainat the Braves. "I WU ovtr-relued q:U. thl! Braves. I wasn't concint.r1Un1 properly." he Aid. AIWl!.t knocked G<ntry Giit oarly ju.t u they had Savtr &nd Koomwi b\lt the. Meta won all three 11nw:1 anyway • Gentry aald he wasn't u nervous u he would've liked acalnlt the BrmvM becauae ol the attu.aUon. The Meta bid ... the nm two ,,,_ « the plllyeff and No. J WU not a must for thent. Ala6 the Brave,, bd N U.red Ktl!OllMft ud Seaver. Ref Kicked to Death; Lakers Dumped Again MONTEVIDEO -A 10CCU referee Wall kicked and beaten to death Sunday by an enragtd player who dlla(l'Md "1th one of his rulin.p, pollct Nld Mond•y. The blCident occurred durin1 a same betwttn two local teams, El Oriental and Flamengo, in the small town ol Pando, aome 20 milu weat ot Montevideo. Police said a Flamengo player, lsrael Olivera Marline?, became e.nragt:d when he was penalized by rderee Oscar Maid· ana and, encouraged by Flamenjo fln5, attacked the rt:fertt, fat.ally inJuri.ni him. Martinez was arruttd by police. • SALT LAKE CITY -It was a rouah presea:son for the l..h5 Angeles Lalcera and new coach Joe Mullaney -and from now on the games will count. The Lakmi, defending W e a t e r 11 Division champions in the N11tiooal Basketball A5110Cialion, managed only four victories in 11 exhibitlon games. Los Afl&t:les opena regular season play Friday night in Philadelphia againlt the 76<rs. Mul\aney'a men dropped their final prest:a90ft game Monday nicht, 11~112, to the Phoenll Swts, paced by former Laktt Gail Goodrich who acored 28 point:;. Wilt Chamberlain scored 28 f« Los Anceles. • SAN DIEGO -"I'm just plain tind,'' sighed Phil Woolpert, ~. twice tbe na· tion'a No. 1 b&a.ketbaU ct11Ch, a.JJ be quit the coaching ranks alttr a quarter of a century. \Voolpert gave: tension and declinin& in- terest in the sport as he announced" his immediate reslgnatkln Monday as athletic director and head coach at the University or San Diego. He rose to national prominence a5 coach ol the Bill Rua$eJ l-1ed UnJvt rsity of San Francisco tum!'! wh1cb won national titles in I~ and 1956, • ROVNO, U.S.S.R. darchuk, JO.year-<11d dent, tbreW' the hammer 244-Ut'iS Men· day, ""l'O"!ni the llJt<d •«Id.-.! '1 four inchta. • TOKYO -J-pll M. Quinn. d.,..iy mayor ot Los Anpl•, aaJd Monday ht has obtained the support « five Aaian mt:mbers ot the lttltmlUorial Olympic Committee: for h1a city's bid to bott the It7C summer oey..mple&. Beside:s two IOC delt1ate1 from Japi11., Quinn told a P'f31 ccrderaice the olJwra wert rtpneentativa from South Xena. lndone~a and '.Ille Ph!Upptn ... • COLO!IADO SPRINGS -The Loo An1etes Stars broke cut of a halftime deadlock and went en to mwh the Dtnvu Jtock.t:t.5 121-108 Monday n1ifit in an American Bukttball A.seodlUon eJ:· hibit.ion game. • ONTARIO, Calif. -A five-yev acree- rnent "·~ announced MGnd1y for mi an- nual drq: rldnl claal1e to be held at the Ontario Mot« Spee<lway llarling Nov. U, 1!!70. To ht-called the ••supetnaUonalt," the annual race la upectf!d to have a leta1 purse: of more than sm,ooo . • LOS ANGELES -Weltenrt:ilbt b&xing champion JOM Napo8 of Mtxleo City and challenger Emile Griffith of New Yotk, wbt> batUe for the tJtle P'rklay nlght at the Forum, Meh predided knockout victories Monday. "I expect to tlop him becalute J ha.,.. the advantage in aty1e and never fllt bdo- ter," Napoles declared. · He ft:tls bis pret11n1 atyle WM't Ii• t1't: chs.Uenger punchin& ""'"'· . Griffith, who hekt the wtlk!r UUe en thr~ occaakN and the midclltn11!it cmwn twta:, aays he will haw no trtllblt maklnl tho 147..,..,,.S W<l&ht aNI lhat !do nperitoct: fillWinl" ht.avier lloltra di work to hia .avant.at. ~-c..· "d Y;?11"·'I~'"""""""""""""''"'-""'"'""'"",. .................... ,., ............ , •' .. " ~ ~ 3 1. :l ,! " 1 Fans FANS PROTEST FIRING Biiiy Martin ,__ Riled by Firing Griffith Hanged in Effigy t.llN NEAPOLIS.ST. PAUL (AP) -A Urtivenity ol ~finne:Sota fraternity hanl· rd ritinnesola Twins' President Calvin GrlffJth in effigy Monday night, high.ll11'1.lin1 an outpouring of Jan reaction against the dlsm!Mal of BUly M•r11n as the tc:am'1 manager, The ne\4·1 media In the 'Twin Cities wen flooded by that reacticln whkh M.1tn shortly after Griffith fired the popular rookie pilot who had led lhe 1969 Twins to the American Ltague West Division crown. One caller saJd, "Let me re:ad you aomethi111. Jt'a my letter cancellinc my four se1500 Uckets lo the Twins forever, Let Grlfflth buy hia own • , • peanul!I." Other people were more calm but a aarnpUng aathtnd from rad io talk Rhow&, bani, reports from the Twins' he.adquarttra and an auto company parking lot indJ· cate Martin's firing may ha\·t a sharply nqaUve effect en ticket salta nei:t ytar. One wlion man said, "Wt:'U IO aiee the Vlkinp, the North Stars and th• Gophers, but the: hell with those: bueb9ll buma. They took away one ol us and will put in a country cJubber who doesn't ,ive a damn about the Jana.'' "I repreaent a union that bu)'l IOO Ucketa a year," a caller told a Twin.s spokea- man. "We won't be back neii:t year." Another told the aame man, "We'~ fGinc to boycott yoo." An employe « tbe 3M Co. ln. Minneapolis told the A9IOl!i1ted Presa U11t 2S people In hl5 departlMnt have a,reed "never to buy ano&be:r Twinl lickf.1 ••• lAI Cal suffer with hi5 Uttle idlosyncrute:11." The SL Paul Dllpatch and Pioneer Preu Ind MimeapoUs Star and Tribune reported heavy pbont'calls runrtinr about 16-1 in Martin's favor. Most of the people wanted Grlffilh'• number ln New York whwe he ii att.MJd.. lng the World Serles: One man 1ot Irate when a new11'9pennan wouJdn't Jlva out Grlfflth'a number and cancelled h1a: aubecrlptJon to the r>ewtp9per. • • Speak.In.I: of that g:Hnl'. l>y the 11 ay. tht' • progra1n had 111 0 rrrors 011 na1nr.s ol · 1tarters -Jind ll{1th boo-boos in volved •Orange Coa,;I are:1 kid s. TM. program ..U1ted two Rtdd ini:s as i tartu1. Tbert l5 ooe -Bill, the ex-Orange Coa5t College ber9 .u no• play! l'('nlt:t for use. And by doing so, ht> kno1vs 1l led parUy to his tli smlssal Monday a11 manager o[ Ille Minnesota Twins d~ilt: leAdlng them to the \Vest Di1·ision tiUe of lhc Amtfican League in his rookie ~ason. Ca lvin Griffith , Twins president, . en· nounced in Ne w York that he had fired r-.tartio for defying front office "pol!cy and guidelines." Notre Dame Noise New Test for Jones Alld. it 111\ed 11andy Yl'llliams 3~ "":Aartloc f11111ker for StonfOTd . Actually ll t•• Randy \laLDha. the formtr <'.olden West CeUece •bl1 "ho oJM!nrd at lbat pooilleo. i * * * -PS on the rap of ()fricin l' · kfluckle~. 4 1\like Sgobba uf fu11er ton JC Pllil<'d lhe 1henhousc call o( lhe ~\on "·hen lu.> r:ip· pcd Newport for rougJ1ing the ki1•\,f't The pun t was blocked on lhf' pl:i~ H11! ,sgobba 's illlaL!ng obscr\'al1oris dct~icd Grirflt h kno\\·5 "''hat he has lo do next, hire hi.• fourth manager in four years. Top candidaW!5 reportedly inc.Jude Hank Bauer. cuSJOO Oakland manager ; Dtne Bristol. fired Cincinnati manager;. Billy Hunte r. a coach '4'ith the Baltimore Orioles. and Bill Higney. former manager of the California Angels. ri.111rtm 's !'!ply from ~1inncsota "as simple. "I dtd 01e job at nly end, That's all I \Yil~ asked lo do.'' Fh'r players rcporl rd!.v l\'f'MI In r.rif. f1th, :i·111rtin t;ald, 11n<I <'nn1pla1ned thry dlii not like the "'II)' tlK' Clul) ~;is bel ng m:inagcd. LOS ANGELES CAP ) -Soothern California's sophomore quarterback Jim- my Jones faces SC>mething new Saturday 11t South Bend, the noise in the Notre D~me stadium. "Notre DamC' is the loughest place to hear in college. font ball," l.:SC roach John ~1cKay told Soulhe m California football writers t.londay. "The cro"·d ma kt:5 a lot of rarket " ~1c l\ay said J<mes ""ill be in:r>lru1~tt:d no1 lo call his signals until the cro"'d qu1r1 s down -stepping back lr1Jm t11s J)0!\1 lio11 Ix-hind CE'n!t.r llS ofl<'ll a.~ necessary to gain some measure. of quiet. • "We might be back there tlvtt: wtekl, .. McKay quipped. While the wxlefeated Trojans play 1 noncooferince foe, the Golden Bear5 of CaUfomla invade Loa Angele1 to battle UCLA in Saturday's regionally telt\•ised game:. "Right now I.here are three I.ta.ms undefeated in the Rose Bowl race and after Saturday there will be just two," s .. Jd UCLA C-Oach Tommy Prothro. "I hope one wi ll be u8.'' California IOl'll quarterback Steve Cur1 is "'ilh a broken collarbone as It be.At \\"ashington 44 -JJ in the teams' Pacific .. -lat lle-y, Ovmll, lhe e.n st.and 3-1, with the vetet.n Randy Humphriu moviq baci into t h e quarterbtck spot. Asked what eff«t he thought lhe injury to CUrtia might haYe, Prothro pointed l!Ut that Humphries wu at quarterback last year when tbe Bun beat the Brulna »- 15. "Thls la Uw best CaUfornl a learn l 'vt 11een 11lnce J'\•e bffrl al UCLA by fat," said Prothro whole club st1ndR S-6 in lhi5, his fifth M:aton •• head OC>Kh ol the Bruim. He report9d that Mickey CUreton, Ul~ ~ -lnJw.d • -duTlna ~ 4'-14 victory .,.,. WlllllnctOo St.tit. should bt n111111n1 at fU1I lpeed •all• to. day. ll<>n Ayala, wbo booted the Sf.yard flold roal eo tht llnll play .. USC but ~ ford Jf.24 .,, . ., named I.he univef'lllf plt.ytr4 ·tbt week b) writ.era. I• the final 116 -<I the game, lllo Trojam droft fl"tlm thei,r IS to Stadcrcl IT to Mt up the Otkt &oal kick. · "Jones kept his cool and we havt vei-y 1ood line pr-,'' Nld McKay <I lht advance. Walt 'Tll Next Year Pirate-Hornet Thriller Better Than '68 Contest Aller the wild spectacle Orange Coast knd Fullerton put on in the Big A Satur· tlay night, you ha ve lo wonder what .they'll do for an encore in 1970. · Nobody can prcdicL what wil l happen when they meet in a rematch at Orange Coast in 1970, but it will lake some kind of football ga1nc to equal the last two. • Before Saturday night it would have be<'n i1npossible tu say that the 1969 con· I.est \voulcl have n1orc drama and ticartbreaku1g 1no1nents for both teams lhan the 1968 game. But it did . ' The Pirates' great defense slopped F ullerton at the Orange Coast fi ve, and then blocked a field goal allempt. !\finutes later OCC 's !\like Tamiyasu JOEL SCHWAH.Z **************"* lofted a sure touchdO\.\'n pass lo Robert Casllllo, who \Yas wi1le open at the Fullerton 30. But Castillo coultln 'l hold _the ball. All of that happened in the first .µ minutes of action. · In the seconrt period the Pirates held Fullerton on a crucial fourth down al the Orange Coasl 23. six inches short of a first dov.'n . • • E·:en 'A'ith that. lhc Pirates had to be a :d 1::.heartene1I tcarn at halftune as they .1ra1led 6--0 on a six-yard scoring pas<; by ·•;F1.llerton's talented but ho b b I i n g Jt]Uarterback. r.1arv Ov.·ens. Things 'A'ent from bad lo 'vorse for ,Orange Coast in the third quarter after it ~harl la.ken a 7-6 lead. •4 Fu!lrrton exploded for !l\'O touchdo,vns in 9:> scronds and the second TD came in lypical Hornet fashion as they took ad· vanlage of a mistake Inn intercept ion ). But JUS\ as in the l!lfi.11 game. one big 'otrcak turned t h e contest around. Last .. year, Orange Coast lost a 17·7 lead in the final mJnutes when it failed to field a free kick . This time it was a penalty nullifying a long Fullerton pass completion that turn· cd the tide. Orange Coast went on to score twice after an interception and a poor punt lo take the lead and then sweated 1out a missed fi eld goal attempt by the HOrneLs in the final seconds. Strangely enough, it was the second straight week the Pirates had been pena lized in lhe last minule of play, put- ting the ball deep in lheir own territory and giving the opposition a chance lo "'in. But neitbcr Fullerton or LA Harbor could do it. Despite Orange Coast's 4-0 record, crit.ics are saying the Pirates are lucky and probably 'A"OUld ha,·e been ·2·2 if Golden West would ha ve had Tony Bonwell fo;· its opener and if Fullerton had Owens in the second half. Talk lik e that rankles Pirate coach Dick Tucker who says his team would have beaten Golden \Vest regardless o( who was quarterbacking the Rustlers. As for the Fullerton game. Tucker pointed out in the dressing room Satur· d<iy night the Hornets only scored once with Owens and t1•dcc without him. Fro•n ll1e ~lullbog Listen J oe : I perfonn my job at occ·s footba ll games as a public service and can do \\'ithout such slanderous attacks as you printed in the newspaper (Wednesday) . Such ingrates as yourself I can rlo ,,·:thoul because 1 am sure most people 11·ho have gone to OCC games through the past years think 1 do an adequate job al the mike. As for mispronouncing the fello1vs' names it's false for you to accuse me of that because I check before the games with people who know the boys, Joe. Come on and just take it easy on an old guy who loves the game and in some way wants to take part OK~ John Owens "Prep Football Stats Edison's Moxley Grabs Coast Area Rusl1ii1g Lea{l .Jim ~1oxley or Edison High School, after running for 239 yards and scoring thr{'C touchdoy.•ns en route to leading his ,J;1atcs to a convincing 33-0 rout of Santa Ana Va lley Salurtlay night, has moved in-.'.ID lhe No. I spot in the rushing dcpart- ·1nenl of lhe Orange Coast area football "statistics. . And . he's taken over first in scoring \vhh 32 points. Estancia lligh 's Da ve J ohnson ad- ,vanced to second pl ace after piling up 2~7 yarrls rushing against ri.1agnolia and the ~later Dci tandc1n of ~1ark Dunn and Bob ·i-\aupert hold down the third and fourth ,spots. ., T~""''' .Jny<• J~~""'" ~···•rd 0 (r•ll!IJ•n1 .... 1.,,,• ~vobadt W•u "'•I (•·~· LklYtl TO" 1' lllUSl!ING ... "' "' m ... " " " .. " " ' II ll "' " '" " " " " " _,, " ' • • "" '" '" om ~ " " . " ' ' ' . ' ·11 • • • • P1111..,. 01 •• " ' " . ' ' ' ' lOIMIN fl ·l·ll lllu•,,;,.. ,,,..1". '" n " • ' • 1 , ,. • .. ,. J! 16 ' ' ' ' !ST.O.NCl.I. 11·,•ll 1111•hl111 tel> .. " " " ' • ' • " • " ' ' ' • "' "' " " " " " ' ·> ,, • " ' • • ... "' " " " " 0 • • • • , ....... r: fo ·: 1' • l ' . . ' . . l'OUNTAIN Vlr.l l(Y U ·ll ltuW!l"I ,. .... ~. !Cl "Yt' ,, 115 l' \U ).1 ,,, l• JS . " " • • ' ' " ' ' • ' • • ' • • • ' • .. '\ ~; ~ "' ' 1 . " MUf'ITINOTON IEACH 11.u•hl ... "' ,, " " " U·I> "" "' 'M ,,, " "' "' '" '" '" ~ '" ... "' "" '" "' '" . ' " " " .. " •v• •h ) 1 6 " " " ,. " " "' .. '" "' " • " " • ' ' " ' '" .l\I ·'" ... •" " . • 0 1l " . " . .. . " . " . " . .. . ... II 0 H 0.0 ' "' '" '" • " '" ~ .~ .>"' ... '"' ... 'l J' " ' " . '" . " . " . '" . • 1 II II -~ l l) .. . ... •• " " '" "' '"" ' "" '"' tr+• ~ ' ,. i ' 11 ' ' . ,. . " " .. 0 .. . .. . g,~ ~ lil " • • ·~ " " " " " " ' . ,. !I " .. " 00 OM .. " • ... " • • ' l • • ' • g " ' ... '" .1'~ ... ..... . .. •I H " . • ! I) " . C•ot••ll 1 ... ,,.~. "-S!ut>l>i"' Srpwn Moro B•~•r MO•'• McCord Ii•"" ... b~Y Al'•n Polm•• Sc~m1•1 Fl•"'~• Smith PrQC~ w-on .. ,., .,., ... V•Mim•o• • l•><•"O 0 'HOrl LOCY 8"••• Sl!•m•" W ilt M&-•~•n l n•n"' ADOQ•I Dunn H•uood ••• c,,,,, •• J ><~- !!••·~~~ Nonrv "•!'onltn G•nlll• (,ire MolmM ll'·••on C.••• Wil- Wilkt ll!Oll "'" Mot- N e•Hn Ou Uc II HilU1rd (i.•IY Wli>•n- Oulitll W•ll•tt o .. on F•!ll "'"' "'~"' ~ml!ll 8l1n(ll1rd o· ... t n l-l•.,ln1 Wlii!o l-l•n<1er11!ol ,,_ (;odd•• fl•awn lh .. • ToMl•I P "1wd.., GiD_, M()rrll Mcfl1m111 l(flUY P1'1'r• fl•lr• Oownl.,. flono Mi"'• Mld<;lo~~\ Y/llll8ml """' G••nDou.11 Mt l •Wlllill AIG.;091 l\ a 1' 1 IJ 1 S ; ,. l s ' 11 I I 0 a I 1 ll ' 1 '0 , ., ·i 0 o n oo 0 0 0 0 0 (I 0 0 ''"''"' • " • • • • .i • ' •• •< •I •• JI ' ' ' . L.._GUH .. l !ACH lt-0 1t ~1M"' f'M•!nt l<b "'' Jlo Ill " . " . ' " ' ' ' ' ' 0 ' ·• •1 ·Sol • • ... "'' • 0 ·~ " " " . •• • .. . " . .. . •• 0 0 -1 J 0 .. ' .. ~ • • '" .JIS MA lt!l•U, 11·!·11 '" • " " • ' " • 0 " • nYt 1>'1 •'• 111 ' l \~ Hf ' I ~ d , 0 0 11 1 I 6 1 -lo n ·'0 -1)' 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 ft ~ ... ... '''""' •• .... .i •"' "'' 1• ., s •l& .<.Jot Milli DEi (J·ll "A SSl~G lcb ~•• •' lll JI T.'I " .. !• 11 ' " ' . ' ' 0 • ... ,,, Io 1' . . ,. " . l. ,, ., . " " " . " . " . .. . •• •t ... '" ' °" .... JS If ' • MIS"O~ \ll(JO II·•) ''" ll•t ••• .JI !ll • I J• u 1' I~ rt ' ! 11 'Ill 1.1 ' ?• l • • ' ' ' ' .. K 1 I 11 " ' • • ?l l 1 17 l,O . " ' " ' " . .. -; ~ ' " " ... • • • • • • • • 0 " • ... .!1' .... .Jll Naw,,o•t HAltlO• (J.I) llullll111 ' P111ln1 .. • ' IAN (LIMENTI ll1l111119 lllH!"9 '" " " " " " ' ' ' • • • 'i'J .!, 171 '·' l&I • I 11 I 6 ll 1 1 JJ < I 11 11 l I J 6 ' " . .. . .. 0 o.o '" .. • " " • • • • • ' • ... ,,;, .... lti. llYI I H pl• $1 UQ JI II •1 tl 11 I 11 JI <.I 0 10 :If l t 0 i 11 •I 0 I II Ill o l ' , J • , 1 1' ' n o oo 0 • 0 0 ·~. ,.., .. , ' . . ... .. • k> .l!O ... W(JT .... ll<UTllt U·JI llwllllft9 '" • " " " ' • ' ' • • jT, "' .. • " " ' • • • '·" ,,, l . 11 ' I II " . " . " ' " . " . .. . 0 0 ,, .. . '" ·'" Tutsd~J. Octobtr 14, 1969 DAILY PI LOT J 7 Coast Area Prep Players of Week •• ,. ~ RICK HARTSFIELD fountain \'allfy BOB WITT ~tarina JIM MILLER Estancia JACK KALOTA San Cltmfnte H untingto11 Man Captul'cs 4tl1 Weekly Pickcroo Bill Casey of Huntington Beach won the fourth week of !he DAILY PILOT Pigskin Pickeroo !oolball conlesl hy picking 18 winners out of a possible 19 (one game ended in a tie I. Casey (no relation to last week"s win- ner fr om Corona del Mar by the same last name I is the winner of the 110 cash prize and a. Voit sports producl of hi!! choice. The other nine winners will receive a Voit sports product. Other "inners included : Rick Warner fNc1A·port Beach~. Gregg Miller (Newport Bcachi . Jrrrv \Vvall (Costa P.1esa l, Lar- ry Ciolli 1coSta ~lesa), Dirk Zirbel lllun- tington Beach). Wayne Jones !Costa Mesa), Chuck Doherty (founlain Valley). In grid Rowland !Corona dcl Mar i and Karl Spinner (Costa ~!csa). BILL MARTIN Corona dt'I J\111r ANDRE HOLMES l'llission Viejo ' • DAN MOATS lfuntington Btach JOHN BAIZE \\'estmiB5ter CRAIG MORTENSEN DICK FERRYMAN Edison Costa Mes• Buckland Leads Scorers Saddleback Trio Tops Jaycee Grid Statistics The Saddlcback trio of Rod Craves, Toby \Vhipp!c and ~1arc Hardy contin ue s \f) dominate the are11"s junior C"O!lege football statistic.\ but Colden \\'est's Charles Buckland has grabbed the scor- ing lead \\1,ith 42 points. Graves is still the passing k>ader wilh 723 yards and five touchdowns on 48 com- pletions. Hardy has been his chief target with 23 reception! for J.10 yards and four scor es. Whipple is the top n1sher with 4:.1 yards while Orange Coast's Ray Rica rdo and Buckland are second and third with 355 and 326 yards. ltlur'"l!o -~· l •mlvt 1u Ht•nM V•ntlml•lit "M c.i.r ... 1~ Our~nfo W•o.111!<> Ttml>I HM Wt1~kn ltlttr<!O l onwoll V1ltou-n1 Grtlll!ll Htm<lfOf' OllAHGI COAST l'-1"' • l ' ' .. "' '" '" " " " " • " " ~ 11 J~S ••• tg 1~ . " . " ' . ' ·• " . ,. ... "' j l n • ... , .. .. ' " • ' ' ' ' . ' ltktlvl"" • • r: • ' ... " " " " " ' • l • • • • 0 • • • ' ' 0 • • • • ' ' ' • g • • • • ' w~,r~1· Gr•VO\ (O,< r l••c~·• lli•c~mrn ~·"<lbo•Q Mov• Hpcfo• !!'·•··· Ht<IOr "'~·~ Fo•v•••n "" Bo<>~•" Wlllpol~ ltUPl r SACIDLE IACI( 1t~1~ln1 re wt •l ••l 60 1JI II !OA II I I . .. ' " ' ' ' . " " •• • • " • 1 "" ,,, "' 'N " " " ' _, .. ' ' ' • " 0 • • .. ~ I~ '' 'I ,,. 1'11 ..:I. ' ' lll'toivl,,. • Ill I SU • 1J 0 .Jll " " " ' ~ • ~ift !<II ,. . 111 0 " . '1 a .. ' ~ . Arca Sports Calendar TlllH'ltly F.,..11>411 -Str¥1,.. •• M•!t• 0.1 11 1-n!t Ant s•~dlum !I pm). ,,.,':,~''~~1~1£d~~(:.~~c:1 t,1l~f' 11 Coron• c1.r Cron UKmlr• -Fo"nt•ln V1llt1 11 Co.It Mt'•• E"•"<lf 11 $8nl1 "'1'111 Vtll••• Ul.1111 II Liii""" B~•cll, Or1np1 •I Son Cltmttnto. Coron• d.i Ill•• •I M~0110ll1, 6'11-ti LNr•, Mlulon Vlrlo 11 El MCldt na. tlwntl"'ll!Oll I"<" II Wts1•rn l•fl II J :lS). "' .. ' Fm>!l>t!I -Y1nH~ 11 l"-l•1c~. Wf$1ml"'lff II Ntw-1 1-1•·-· Edi ...... "' l.etr• II l • l'llmf , Ort not II Stn (1,.,,.,n!f, E•11ncl• "' S.nl• ...,,.. \ltll•• .. k n!I A ... Sltellwm, Miiiion \/ltfo I I f:I Modt ... !•II 11 I a.m .l Cron c-••• -SO M•I• u OCC. Mir• Cost• t i $o<lclltl>t<-J Golden W••1 •t!d L"' H1•bc>r 11 l lO l-IOfl· 'l::.i:~1 ~11. i:.."'::1111w:;'h:::~~~!' 1"!r1"':':1:"u~"11' •1 W•t~ m>le -Ml. s~c ., occ Gotffn Wiii ., UCLA F•0111 fbo1~ •I J.Xll. Foo111(11 .. C..11 -""ts• . F"""lo ln V•lf•v el Mvnr ••111on I t•<"· Sotvllt 11 e!:~::· 1~~1"~7" l.,~r.c"uC' .~r..;'"~7'1.:r~u~·~.n:'. -nt 11 UC ll.lvtt110t. . .... ~ . .,. Foolb•ll -Mtrlnt v• St•lt Ant 11 Si n!• "'"' $1o>d•ll"'· F<>11~ltl~ \/tlll'1 VI (<I'l l• M"I •• NtWl'Orl, (orl>l\jt d1I M~r "' MtgllOtfl ., Lt ,.., ...... tlvnlh'ICllOn 8otc" 11 w .. 1r rn, Sonlt An.t Co!~ ti O••"V' Cou!. Vlclo< V1lltv vi St<kl ltbtc~ 11 Minion Vit i• ..,lali 1111 11 ta,.., I. W1!1 r nolo -Galdt " Wotl 11 F1111or!M "'"'lll"'"nt, U(t II All·UC IOl/t.,.y tf UC ltlvt"IO~. (•011 t""Mry -Oronvo Coun11 Dtta cl\o.,.._ a ;on1ll1n1 It l•••ttl Ptr\ If o.m.j, BART TABOR Laguna Beach STEVE FISH NC"M'port Harbor TOM GRZECKA l\lattr Del St. Paul Pick In Rugged A11gelus Loo11 -I l ·, ' The Angelu.~ League, with unbeliev able strength, starts prep football warfare Thursday night -'A'hich means it"1 time to pick a predicted champion, It is a near-impossible task . ClF AAAA ce>-c.hampion St. Paul 11 undefeated an<l lV is Bishop Ama t, wino ner over Loyola . Right behind are Orange County team1 1-fater Dei and Se rvile, with 3-1 reco rds after going through rugged schedules. Htre's the DAlLY PILOT predictions: 1. SL Paul -Swordsmen have ripped to loor straighl and are led by ~lark Paredes, an ambidexlrous quarterback. Pat McPartland termed the best fullbac• in the league to give St. Paul an awesome offensive attack. %. Bishop Amat -Lancers have sol id nucleus back lrom the team lhat tied St, Paul last year, 14-14, and have been able to do what no one else could this year - defeat Loyola. \\'ill host Mal.er Dei. 3. Maler Otl -Best Mater Dei team irt three years and is coming on strong witb two victories over Moore League powers • The tandem of quarterback Bob Haupert and halfb.ack P.lark Dunn could be the in- gredient lo do it. 4. Servile -Friars have been im- pressh·c in non-league wins but are against tr,mendous oppo1ition. Could move up one notch. 5. SL A•iltoaY -Saini.! and No. I team Pius X ar' the ooly fairly sure JMcb in this league. They don 't stack up to the first four -but still represent a 1ood 110lid squad. I. Pla1 X -Same clas!!iflcallon a3 M. Anthony. Not enough in any department lo stay "''ilh the big four. I • . , • ~ , r . . . . .. ---"'<-.-:-:--.. --,...,.~.,.---,.-.,.---,.....,.....,_...,_ __ -.""""!"'!"_.,.....,..,. __________ __ . . . . . . . }8 DAILY PILOT Tu~s:fay, Octob~r 14, 1%9 Pilot Pigskin Blair Hold s· 'JC · 2 Key Tilt s A~e sll F C Friars Have Tlieir Usual PICKEROO . or ou11ty Grid Elite First Place 111 Ratings tLa11ded Cl a ssy Football Product Co-Sponsored by DAILY PILOT BE A PROPHET FOR PROFIT 10. In Cash For Each Week's First Place Winner Voit Footbolls (or other Sports Equipment I each week This week's schedule of games appears lo 1)ul little in the \Vay of opposition lo Uie CIF's llst of 10 best football teams after minor reshuffling. There were. no nt>w teams Jistcd in the eli!c with only loser Loyola dropp ing f ron1 fourth to 10th alter suffering a 27-1~ rev ersal lo Bishop Amat. Amat took Loyola's plal'e at fourth. Anaheim and I.oara remain the only Orange County teams with seco nd and fifth places - the same as last week. The only tough game nex t \~·eek for a ranked tea m is the El Rancho-LakCY.'ood f\1oore League. npenrr. Another major reshuffling job was required in the official Orange County 'fop 10 poll after four of the ranked tean1s fron1 lasl wee k v.·ere beaten. Newport Harbor, Garden f:rove, Ka!ella a n d Servlte .,.,.ere dealt losses -bul only Katclla dropped out of the Top 10. 8\' ROGER CARL.SOS ·01 tn~ O•lly P1l~I ~toll One 11{ Ornnge Coun!y"s finest !u gh school rtlfalries eomcs 11llo focus Thursday nigh t al Sant;i Ana Stadiu1n 111hcn Angelus League powers J\1aler Dt·J and Sc•rvite clush 111 their le:iguc opener. Both !cams are 3·1 af11>r non·lengui' tussles and Servile presents :u101her well-eoachcd. disciplined football !> q u a d Newport tost to Anahcirn, 28. against .\Inter Dci. 16, and dropped froin fourth to The Friars v.·on three in a ro\v hl'forc stu1nb l1ng against seventh and Garden Grove Moore Ll'ague po11·er Long kepi its si.\"th rating despite a Ew.ach l'oly last \1•eek 1vhen l!J-14 defeat to AAAA powe r the J ;1r.:krabb~lc; l1H1k all · Compton. viinta gl· of Rn intr rcep11on and scrrite dro pped a notch 10 kh:korf r1 •turn for touchdo\vns. 10th after fall ing lo Long Coal·h George Dcnn's ou1fi t lli'ach Poly. is !he sn1allc~t in years at \Vc.~!niinster 1 !igh barged Se.r1 tle 111thout a 200-poundcr into !lit' lop 10 ror th~ fir!<t' 111 the ~t:1r\\n).{ IJneup . performances from our llefcnsive unit and our passing garnc has <kine well in the clutch.'' says Dena. "\Ve"re really pleased with the defense but it may be dif· f1rult to stay with a real good team because of our lack of :.izc or speed." he adds. Dena's ju nior qu::irte.rback, Bru ce Emard , has had good succes.c; in hitting passing t;irgels Jinl Dunn and Mike llol'zar. The Friars operate out or their fam iliar full house T ronnation \vith a split end. Leading rusher is J.J.aynes with a 4.8 yards per carry average and t h ree touchdowns. Other backs who've been in· stnanental in the Friars' suc- cess ate fullback Bill Baggott and reserve back ~like Van Deale. B::iggoL has compiled 1~ yards in 31 carries and one TD while Van Deale has racked up J.0 yards in 18 carries in· <!luding a 76-yard touchdow n run against Pacific. Emard has be<-ri highly suc- cessful at quarterback, com· p\eting 17 of 34 for SO percent and 274 ya rds. Dena says his club mast contain the quarterback opti1t11 play of t-.1ater Oei 's if th\! Friars are to hold back Ute !llonarchs machine. ''We hav e to stop !he belly option play. '!'he pressure \\'ill be on our defensive ends to stop it," says Dena. OPTOMETRIS1' Be it pigskin prophet. P1ity the DA ILY PILOT Pic.keroo ga me for weekly pri1es. W inner e<1 ch week receives $10 cash a nd a Voi t C olfe9iale football (suggested retail price. $10.951 or pri1e pic ked \rom list of other Vo it qu.,lity sporting 9ood1 .lno p rize under $10 re• tail Ya lue ). El ·n ancho is ratc·d f'1~hth Y:ith a 3-! rnnrk aft er dropping :i 1:1-8 dcci si~\n lo third ranked St. P;:iu[ 1n the opening £:31ne (If the scnson. BOB CURR Y O range Coast tune this yea r after losing its And , f>cn;1 ;.;:iys his elub only firsl 111'0 non-league ganies. hn.s lair speL'll 11·1th halfback J p c n I 0 D '!'lie Liuns arc rated one step Ken ll::iynes pruba!Jly the • • on 0 e • • Lakewood, also J.J, is rank- ed 13th. behind Newport. fastest or the baeks with 3 Hl.6 e EYES EXAMINED e CONTACT LENSES Th is \\leek's key games will clockin~ in the t(){! yai·d d:.ish. Watch for t his player's f orm each week '!Tuesdays and W ednesdays) in t he DAILY PILOT Sports Sec• tion, Circl1 the t eams you t hink will win in the list of 20 games e nd send in the pla yer's form or re ason· able facsimile. Then wa tch the DAILY PILO T sports pages for eech week's list of 10 winners. Foothill <ind Gtirden C rove are rnnkcd in the AAA ratings "'ith the Knights hnldinJ: on to thi rd arter belling Laguna Beach, 42-0, and Garden Grove stayed Ln the top JO with a tie despi te ownin~ the v.·orsl record (2·2) of any ranked team. pit four of the ran ked teams 1' h os c s tat s aren't e PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED ngainst each other w j th particul;irly i1nprcssivc. giving e BROADWAY CHARGE AVAILABLE Nc1vport hosting \Vcstn1instcr one c:i u~~· 10 wonder Ju st how OFFICES In The BROADWAY, FASHION ISLAND Friday night and M<iter De.i's: Servile !1a.~ n1:1nagcd three fou rth-ranked M 0 n a re h s lvins agninst Clark IL as NEWPORT CENTER, NEWPORT BEACH playing host to Servile llOth) Vcgasl, 1':1cilic and Cathedral! 644-1212 EXT. 301 RULES at Santa Ana Stadium Thurs-11:=l=i;~gh~s~ch~'~"'~ls~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ day. "\Ve'vc receive.ct ex cellent Anaheim's No. 1 team journeys out of the county 1. Su1>mol 1h11 '""Y b!•nt o• • ,,a.on.able Mc""'''" lo e.n"r 1ne. (0!>1e.T, 1. S•"" to: PJLOT PIGSKl l'f PICKEllOO COl'fTE~T, !ipor1• ~p.orlmenl, P. 0. SOX I~. CO>!~ M'"'· C~. 97676. J. Onl1 o~• tnl•Y per po"on e•<TI w•e~. '·En!•;•• mu•t "'° lltl;v•re<I lb~ mall or In P'"Ofl) !O OA IL'r' PILOT olllce by~ p m. lnunci.1. J. W. J. Voil llubt>er Corp. Ind OAILY PILOT t mPIOYU t~.tl ln•f~ ;.,.... "'••li•I• 11m111u no! •hg/OI• to tnler. l . llE Bll:E.t.KEll: •nd CHOICE OF PRIZE 0111nks m111! ~ fllltd In or ..,1r1 I> vo>CI, 1•··················1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ENTRY BL.4.1VK Circle f.a!M YO• thh1k wit! win 'his wnll's 90111n lhom• tit0m is ..c.ond ont listed) Green Bay vs Roms Cal vs UCLA USC vs Notre Dome Penn Stote vs Syracuse Colorodo vs Oklohoma Tennessee vs Alabama Michigon vs Michigan State Santa Ano vs Orange Coast Victor Valley vs Soddlebock Servite vs Mater Dei Westminster vs Newport Edison vs Loara Tustin vs Laguna Beoch Oronge vs San Clemente Estancio vs SA Volley Mission Viejo vs El Modena Morina vs Santa Ana Fountain Volley vs Costa Mesa Huntington Beach vs Western Corona del Mar vs Maqnolio • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • l l!: Blli:l>ICLP -Mv g~•·• on "'' 101~1 ""'""". r1 1 .. ,., '·•f'll • • h ~II 7C g~'"lfl Tl1•rd •boVf " • NA Mf • • ADDRfSS • • CITY ZIP • • rHONI "' • CHOICE Of PRIZE !Chtdi one. c:irc:le swim fi111i"'l • 0 Swi111 Fins I: Eierc:iw kit n Foolball • S M ML L XL t-: TttHr loll 0 loskerboU -· •••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • .. ' Blair's high-scoring machine should have little trouble "'ith Foothill Le ague foe (;Jendale and St Paul and Bishop A1nat figu re to have things easy wit h Angelus League opoonents St. Anthony and Pius X. TO" 10 AAAA Pl•t• Sclloot Po;"!l l. B•1lr U-0! \)I 1. An•neom U·Ol 111 l. 51, P"ul (•-01 ,,, •. llls~O<> Am•! (• 01 107 S. l.9A•" !•·OJ <• 6. P•1•<1•n• JI .J! 16 7. 5•nl• B••t•r• (I 01 A. H. f.I l!"'><:"o r) O) ,, 9, t..nQ~O I •·II• J/ 10 L~~o•• (J .11 lo 011..-c, ""I•. "''"''' !)ri ~n1 "''"''" i ; P'''"'"~ 11, r n,,.,.,1.,,, ~"rt I ~•• •.·,~rt 1 ~. l"n"'""~ CJ••·• •••<l (•M lrn•11~1 3, ~.inl• IAOn.cJ l. [ f l~~"'r I ... 1. So111n P•~~<len• i•Ol 111 7. llCll•n9 Hiii' l•.OJ IJ• J. roa1~111 (•01 116 •. (At~l"o' 11 .a,, ~ s. Boni!• !1·01 II 6. TemDI' Clh ll I) )~ 1. llt<>m (< 01 \} I. Gl•n<lo•• ()D J\ ;s •. !hrl W~•' (o,.r • •J·I\ 11 IO C.••<lrn Grovo 1?·1• 11 Otn•" C•Odllo U '•"" 11. Gin'"'" 1\ {~!>" (ltv IO I• Pu'"'" I. l'fO•ll>V•Pw I l.J1"1n<1 ~crt LA C~n•<I~ 6, P•I~ v .. n .... ~"" 11'·11 C ••<I•"~ ~ ~ ·•l• , ~·o••<'•" •~a • ·~•, #-•"• <, MOrnl'1!1$IO• 1 n~ 8,•t•I• HUI\ l • Shot Gun l~ool Shooler :ige HI !-.110\ in th<.' dirl'l'[)nn of ht~ cor11p:in1on ot .!ican· 111111. l'clll'l~ !'ilrul'k the vu.:111n c.i11U l1osp1t:il11.cd liin1 . Shoolt'r thougl1 t that at a rli~l=ince of 50 lo 1110 y:irds the shot would 11ol 1·c;1t'h the vlc· ti n1 . CHARLES BUCKLAND Golden West ROD GRAVES Saddle back Saturday nigh t to me c t Bakersfield while Loara {No. 2 ) is a tor>-heavy fa vorite to (tiSpose or Edison in Irvine League action Friday. TOP JO Place Teani I. Anaheim (·l·O) 2. Loara (4-0) :J. ·rroy (4-0) 4. r-.t :it er nci 13·1) ~. Foothi ll 44·0~ Ii. C;1rde11 (;rove <2·2) Poinl s1 39 "I 31 " " ,, 7. Nc1vport ltarbor i3·1) II. \Vestn1ir1stcr 12·2) 17 11 !l. t.ns i\lan1itos (4·0) JO. Servile 13·!) 3 Otht•rs: Fountain Valley 2, Kennedy J. Lio11s, FV, l\'Iater Dei Favor ed After going in to two of its J!::Jn1es <IS an 11nderdog and a I 1hinl ;is (in ly ;i nnr-po!nt favorite. Oran~c ('o:ist Cn11Pg£' has f1n<Jlly rnndc bi.'lievers out of the odds1nakers: th is \Ve ek !lie PirLltf'~ are " solid choirr 10 \1·i11 their fifth straigh t I game. Lightw eight Foot)Jall The r iratc foothall !cnm io;; a l~-pcunt choice over Snnta , An;1 Cnllc'g(' S:iturday nlghl. 1 The DAILY PILOT (.776 on 1h1· Sl';Json \vlth a !"J!).!i-4 1·1·e nrdl :il s o 1;1b s 1 \\'e~1 11 1111:-lt'r. l•'ount;1111 \ .'.lllrv ;ind ~lall'r 1Je1 ul i111porl<11it ant.I_ 1.:lose high s~hool games.. 1 "•II~"'"" r ~'·'' Mp\~ 0 ' 1' ?' ·~ ~··""~ 00~"~ 1 'u<ll<IO••"' f •r•O'\• i;.oul'"• • , ~~·Qe•. O..~~ '"°"'"'"'"· t Aot•·· """8 P .. T (h"''•A'l (~~., l•t"" l:~IJ'l•d •.•• ' ... u 1• .. ' " •/ Tpr~unn l[Sl>P'n,1•1~ •••' L•nn•• f'<i I II°~ T \ i:i~MI ' i1 o •.I. !"kl"" C.•I "~' Ir~, r~ "•r••1· o P r ·•"·" , ''' ~ I l ·~• l~!>.'1 \ ,.,,~ ~r" • . . •• . ,, ~' ""' '' ojt"\ •'>I••""• lpn" n~•I; t•~1 (•11~ 1 ''""' ,,,,,,. ~ ... ' ,.,,. r.~• '"' ,.p,.' ' • I '' I', I j 1 < •,.,,,,,~·1 \/•li'~" 'I 1,,, ~w~c "'"''' H"~"nuc .. r.1• • M"• '"" l 1•"1~•. Bo9~r(I P~! lu101A (ry/11 '"'''""~ <1•0 ''~• I ~ ~ ~ • """'"'" "·'"'' " ' 0 lC"!J"·<Xi'"" 1rv 1 ~'o~•Vta• ~Ol"'y !F'fl 1e~"' r 1•••C•A ~ e l'~gn~llA 0 0 ''""'""""" \••"· •lomu•• '""'' <,rn~ecw~·· 10\•t ' • ' T~ ·-. . " ·-. ' ''' t " ~'01'' l'I ·~· I ·' l f"« ,~ 1, 1· •• ·-" ~ .::, .. ~· ... ~ ~ . " " • .1 "0" 'f ' •d In ' ! •• , "'' • ,, " . • • 1 .. • ' " .. ·' ' • . . . " c ... ·······~ ~ a '"'t" n ''·''d""" 11 "1'"'''""1 I ·•~ ''•"'r n1, '-''I•~ Po•• "·" ,,, we,i.•" • • • • ' • 0 • 0 • , • • r 11 . ' , . .. t "' I •·Q • • • I' -"'· ' ' . .. , " ••.• ,. •'d· ' 0 • • • ' . '"' ' " ' . Q-17 \\cslm1nstcr IS a one-point ptrk over Ne\\·port Harbor in a banle !or sccond·place in the Sunset l.ca.(!ue. F nunl:J L!l Vallry, undrft'.'<1\Clt 1 ~~u~~I~~~~-~ li~·~~~~c;1~~10~;1111~.\~ 1 , 01·rr reeling Costa r-.-H:s:L And 1'11 ater Dei is a SC\"rn· 1x11nt pick to open its An~e lus Lc<1gue slate "'ilh a vi('tory n1·cr Serv ile Thursday ni ght. ll •m• ~""' G'""" BOY bv 6 l•C lA ov~• Nol<• Oom' b• l ll~C ov•• •~otro Qom• ov l ""~" Slot• OYH Sv••c.i~e l)y ' l)kl•~om• ov•• ColOt•<IO bv I l enn~nrt over Al•b0"1f bY 11 M'<h•gon ov•• MlcMQ•n Slot~ b~? O••nve Co••! o•t• Sonta An• b• !I ~fadl•b•'~ """' Vlctoc V•llev by u M•I•• 0•1 OV•• Se•vll• bY I W!1!mln•lt • ovec N•wr<er! OV I ~~~I~~~~, ~:~i~.bL,1:,n bY 1 Or~n•>e ov•• ~an (l..m•ft!• by ~ E•t1nclo """ Son1• """ V•l•tY b• 1 Q•~"''" ~ • n " El MO<l""o over Min ion Vl•10 by I /;'1u•°" V '+0 o I n C I ~On1• """over Morino bv ' • • ' ' '""ch<M>...-n· o l •l•o ~°""'•1n 'J~+t•v ""'' C01!a i.··~~ bv 4 n n •6 P"T (! Lt•'9 l r , Hunl!nvton D••C" o•,,-W•.te•n bV I 0 _, 1 __ , _ "" M•Q"""" ,,.,.., C"'on• <lei M•c bY • . " ' 0 ' 0 ~······················~··········-....... ; ... ~ • • Rangers Rip Rival, 6-1 , ....... """ :=~1 i YOUR PROBLEM: : The Coast Rangers seek John Forde had two apiece. ::' .. G. 0 ""'•' "w"'" " " ~'i You want to sell so rTie item ! their third Pacific Socc<!r Stewart Burgess ;1nd \11c M·"'"" vr"o • 1 A 1~ ,.. that you no longer need but • C U,,,· polled 0 c ) l wrh""''""· C ''O' G"Unowatf•, * ii League v.'in in as many starts o "~ 11 n c;it 1. 1·~'""'"" I! someone e lse can use for • v.·hen they invade P a n Ii"'_,_,_,_,_, _____________ _, ! N o T o y E R $ 5 o i American Park in L o n g : ? ? ? ? ? ? : Beach I SEE BY TODAYS • • • • • • • • Sunday thry tackle Dinubia. • YOUR ANSWER • Reserves also play. sta rting al WANT ADS ,; : : 12 :30, '"•Ith the feature at· : You ca ll THE DAILY PILOT, ask for ! t racUon following at 2:30. ·; Clas~i f ied Advertising, and place a t Last Sunday the Rangers • !'in1ar1 1110\'r · 1,!ik r ('nllfll·· ! t I II 6 h.1 "1sh lo rnJOY !h1• i::ol<f"ll ·--.!!lammed Be I ower, ·l.\v le ' ! .. PILOT % ltangers subs "'ere dc.l eating yt"ars in " ml•hll·· 11or1ir . ,.. ~ . ., the same team's rtserves, JJ. i·rnt11·11tlnfll~)n: l··!'swor~. i!• ~/ 1):, -' PENNY •.• like '1 )t'Hr roll/kl 1'al"lll1<1I!. , 0, at Bellflower High School. ,.. .,. i..;1 Wcmo;d r;ppNI ;, lhree i .... -·· ,I~ PINCHER ! or the Range r goals v.•hite e Fl"f'nt Ill<' r>lrl n1:1nle 11\'f'. ~ ., • I •. CLASSIFIED AD •.· Hans Reu ther bagged I wo and 1 C<1·rr popu ar -lounk tw:-.i~ Cambell Tait had ont>. "11h ladd1·1·. tft-!'>k. ih111r, •,• AT OU R SPECIAL LOW RATE : Tiie Rangrrs led 2.0 at •l nun 111hlr, Dut!'h '"''" 1.1. ,.. .., halftime bul Bellflower trirn· l1lf', 1.1 IOfl ir, ni1nn1i·•I ! 3 2 2 ! med the gap to 2-1 in th e "'8th Uress1ng latJlc 11 11 h ~k1rt. ! Ll~4ES TIMES DOLLARS ! minute. llo"·cvtr, Reuther and ! ! Tall put ln :i;;hol'! lo put coach e l-".1r n i;:11y 111\0 n"t'1l ~ 11 Inf • AND YO UR CREDIT IS GOOD ! • Brian ~1cCaughty"s gr op •>I h111 ;11r "11h 1 11~ !1 ~111 • ._ ! 0 I A l N 0 W D I R E C T ! ! a.head !or good. r.1111rJr1" ni.,v,..t'n ;11.-rl,llt•nr • • And-Cous1·· ,,·,~ tl•c •et •, 6 4 2 .. 5 6 7 8 •. '" " r ·" " Sl'! \\"llh Spt•1·1:d !!'ll1il'. • POLYESTER CORO BODY 2 lull plies lor ~lrfn[:lh and tonl ru nn1n;; • FIBERGLASS CORO BELTTwi11piy belt under [Pe 11rau tor lnni: rn1 leap,c e TWIMSTRIPE WHITEWALL SJme •.lr~i.. ~ty1. mg louml on ne"' 1970 c~is • WI DE. DEEP TREAD DESIGN For h•i;h·pcr· rorrnance tracloofl and 11~ndling slzt ~EC . --___ P~IC{ [Ii I( Sii . ., 1» ~' l~l.!1 H~lf JED.Cl. P~ICC __ -"m 1:1 so l?.11 fll-1• r 11 is ~II IS Hll 1! 1!1U li'll 161 iS--Sll.U "" ~ • ., ...... ~ ~! ·, ''"-'l• --··· ,,,.,~ ......... . ,.. n""" """"" ' ''1 '"' ""'" '"0•><><" '•"''""""•I ....... ,,, ........ ' ....... , .. '.-..... . 0 ) •»On t"Ord ••dl11 ~llU lor "'""'l•I• ""o nondll~g o l·plv "Ion <o•d boll ~ndtr •~• !!••O lo• •"•n;H• •nd l""g ml!oo•y• ~·,...:11 •oc1 t•"T••·•"ll'''' "'"""" ""·•-"" <)<• ••• , .... <""'O">n•o .... p"'<H b 0<••0 " .,,,.,,, 1 ..... . EXHAUST SYSTEM SA FETY CH ECK [~perts. chec~ cnlire <'-ha ust !tystem for clangerous lea ks, loose or broken moun11ngs i!Od t1tt1ngs. JATO SUPER-1 00 GOLF BALLS • Duralon cover for long. cul·lt eP Ille • [nerglied "'PS " cenle1 gives great d•stance 1 U!lr3·h1gh·lensoon w1nd•ng AVERY GENERAL TIRE SERVICE 16941 B11ch Blvd. Huntington BMch 147·S!SO • Toy~h 0Yro;on• lr1 1d 1ubbef IGr l""'i' mll11~ • F1"'0"" d"1H11oll"" 1ro..t deolpn lor h1rldllng ""• c:a•Mrl"9 cop1bllM1. ~ $850 Mo1t U.S. C.1rs IM#i·Md!IJ SPORT AND MAG WHEELS ··' Popular detp-dish design, briilht nickel, mirror-polish chrome finish. Top.qual ity all·steel wtiee1. GENERAL TIRE SERVICE 1222 E. 4th S.1nt1 An• 54J .. 326 DON SWEDLUND COAST GENERAL TIRE 515 w. lffh Co1t.1 Me1.1 S40-5710--646·50ll rnr fi ve goals; in thr reserve ! ITell ''" Ncr1 h Co11111., 540.12201 • ! win . ti-fates Jloy IWbl'l"!i :ind 1 '..••·········•••tt-•••;.••••'"t••·--·········•·tt•~ .MEMBER AUIO INOUSTRIES HIGHWAY SAFETY COMMITTE!. '--~~~T,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --. - --------·----~-------------------------------------·-. --------· -----. - TUMBLEWEEDS LOOl<,KID •• OUR ONLI' CttANCE TO GET RESCUED IS W START WALKIN'!-IF WE STM HERE, NC60DY1LL EVER FIND US! OK,cn\IWY! CAN WE TAKE MY DOLLY WIT~ .US? ... SHE'D J UST LOVE TO COME ALDNG! •• SHED BE AWFUL LONESOME IF WE LEFT 1, HER HERE BY HERSELF! i ;~ TUESDAY OCTOBER 14 rvrr-.1Nr. . I 6:00 6 111 Ntws (C) (&0) Jerry Dunph~. .. D m HunUe1-BrinkltJ (C) (30) 0 St.le Allen Show (C) (90) Gus Bivona, Norm Cro sby, Stu Gilliam, Joe Williams and Bill Morrison fUt~L '.D .. QUO VADIS .. -Part II ,\It ROBERT TAYLOR & DEBORAH KERR-Color! ~ 0 Sir O'Clock Movie: (C) "Quo Y1dis" Part II (drama) 'SZ-Roberr Tavlot, Deborall Kerr. The triumph- 1nt WafllOf Martus Vlnlcius re!urns lo Rome with his legions ~ki"ni "• the pleasures of the city, 0 Did: Vin Dyk1 (30) m l'!yton P11c1 (30) m Star Trek (C) (60) @(])Mike DourJ11 (C) {90) fr) What'' N•? (30) "How Coin' Al1 Made .N ~ (jJ CBS Nm: (C) (30) al Tlempo de Perdon (30) CD """' (C) (60) Jack Hic~ey. . l :JO 0 KNBC NIWMtYict (C) (60) D Tht C11111 G1111e (C) {30) ID To Telt thr Truth (C) (lO) £{}"ASA fealurt (30) @ fjJ HuntJey-Bfi nklty (C) (30) ED Mwieu111 Opert Mouie (30) "Al Sp~nish Gallery." ®: (!)Th1 J,!unst1n 130) EI! Noliri«o 3-4 ('C) (~O) m """ cc> (3o, , 7:00 0 CBS Evmin1 Hm (C) Waltef Cronkilt. 0 Wh1t'1 My LiM"! (C) (lO) m I Lowe LllCJ (30» m 1t•t t111 tlocl cci (JO> El) Colrtlll0dity/S10tk Report (30)' t;) (6) Branded (C) (30) ED Ahor1! {JO) IS 00 Trwth • Cormq-.cn (tl m Islands ill lht Sun (C) (30) '1) That Girt (C) (JI)) 7:30 e ®;cu I iPltlAl I Hllionill Geographit SOtiety (C) (60) '1he Myslery of Animal Behalllor."' T~e 1 lus t of this season't tour tOtiona!) Geographl~ Six:i~y tolor Jpecialsl ii resents an •~citint study of ~trinae animal rituals as observed h1 wor ld-rtnowntd "il dlife cinem1- tc1r1phe1 and 1utur1hst Heinz Sill!· mann. .. \' 0 @ ffi CE Movie 11 th1 W•k: (C) ''W1k·1 M1 Wh1n tht W1r II Owfl" (comedy) '69 -llen Berry, (~ll Gabor, Werner Kl1mperer, Oa. n[elle OeMelI. A bumbllng U.S. Army lieu tenant i$ re51:u1d flom German ~ands by 1n 1n!i·Na~i wid· cw during World War 11 and is !ricked into b!llNing he is slitt in enemy territory lont allef lh1 ton· tlict has ended. W Dftid frost (CJ (90) Comedy writer Selma Diamond, actor Ray Wals1on. folksinger-aclor Theodore B•kel. TV &<:tor Alejan~to Rey ~I '"fhe Fly1n1 Nun" 3.Cfits 1M 1cto1 £11iot Gould 1uest. m TM l it Y1lllJ (Cl (60) ffi DEBUT llll:trflce (C) (30) ''The Parlt· Air Show-1969 (Part I)." 6Il l'rtmitrt! (l hr) 9;00 0 fa· C6l @n Twesd1p Hia:bl rl thr Movies: (Cl ''Tht Ti1t1 •~d th• PuUJtlt" (oomedy) '67-Yrt· Iorio Gas.sman. Eleotnor Paiter, Ann· Martret. A suae:isrul busin~srnan, ladna th e emotional shoe~ cf td· vancint age, encounteis 1omanc1, 1:30 D Showc1M 5 (C) (60) Julie Lon· don and Tht Serendipit)' Sinaers. fE Kor1I Oper1 (60) ED fin festival (C) (90) •·Ha Pre!.tn1s Miss Peggy lee."' A be- hind lhe scents look 1\ htr prepa- 1a!ions lor 1n important nighlclub i tt, 0 NEW COMEDY HIT! ·* THE GOVERNOR & J . J. ROCK TH E CAPIT Al WITH LAUGHTER 0 Qt; (j) Thi Gll'Wtmor ind JJ, (C) (30) Gove.-nor Drinkwater furs that J.J.'s romance with 1 hotnd· ~mt · movie stir, pl1yed bJ guest Lyle W1a2cner. ma1 have turned her ~ead ... h~n she suddenly lenes for ~o!lywOQd. 0 fltwl (C) (JO) l ed Meyert. III H1 S.id, Slit S1id (C) (30) 10:00 IJ ~ ([J W Mi~Mtel (C) {EO) TMa monthly news edition t~turn Sen. [i.Jgen1 McCarth1 d;scusslng US. lnvohement I" V~tn1rn ; ton- d1tio"s al "The Brig 1! <Amp Ptn· dle1oo"; i nd "'The Crowtlurst Si!i[a.'' an t.tplonltlon of !ht d•Y llptlf· 1nc1 ol 1 &tti5'1 pchbmlci in * myst.-y, om""' <t1 (601 0 @(J)'GJ lllma W'tlbJ, M.D. {C) (60) "Silken ThrNdS .ind S/tvtr Hook1.· Lucas Cabot starti filmin1 1 TV documentary on his 1ct1m· ,,,11'1 rl!C(lverv lrorn 1 stroke. Bar· b1r1 Rush, Ale~ander Seourby cunt. 0 tltlla! (C) (60) Ii.sac H1ye1 guests. ID hlrJ Mnon (60) fE Rntidt Ra.ndup {60) O ~@ rn!I Dream ~I Jtalmi1110:30fD Ko111tw0ed (C) (60) "Tht Bal· (C) (JO) •Jeannit and the Be1uty tie of the Bands.~ ID U1 li:rtt."' la Oblcwrid1d (30) Cream.'' Je1nni• use3 ~tf m:aglc lo t ieate t beauty cream !hat causes seda!1 Amanda ([mmaline Henry) Ip turn 1nto 1 yuuna: beauty. 11:00 0 0 III@!! GJ Min (C) O Stu mp tllt SUrs (C) (.lO) Mille Stokey hosts. Guest plareu ICH" file "eek are Bob Cummin(.I, \'ara Miles and Robert Clary. 0 @@ ffi Mod Squtd (C) (60) "Ride 1he M~n Oo"n.~ Pde l1nds h1m~ll a hGmiride sus;iec:t. wilhout ~n alibi. Ric~ard Anderson, lorn Cole, Brenda Sc.oil g11e~L 0 Attrllf Hit r.ltcodi O Th e Moivit G1m1 (C) Sonny fot hosts. Cid Reiner , Lllabeth Sc~tl, John W~yne and An11 Sothern gue:>t. m l!!!filD rloftrl ol Darknna (30) Nanal~d by Paul Newm1 n. this tilm lrael!s th• history 1nd development of hard narcotics. 0 MilliOll $ Mov1t: (Cl "Tht P•rtr l:irt"' (dramal '58-llobert 11:15 0 "13 C?»J rn """ (CJ laylor, Cy d Ctia ri:.st. In Cti1ca20 ll:lO f) iS'f (!) Mtr. li:iiflin (t) dur ing the 19lO's, ii br•lhanl lawyer 0 MOYit: "fh199 Men in 1 1011" (Gomedy) '56 -Laurence H~rve1. Martit1 Hi.ml "orli.inr tor a ,,.,~ster, enccunten m Trvtll « Con"'!Ut11Ct$ (C) (30) m Judd lor tht Delrt1M (C) (60) I fE TttMitlf Comer (10) ED Tiie City W1tdlen (C) (60) IE Cltlfdlo 11 Roto (JOj I 1:00 0 Q) (}) rn Dlbbil RtJno!ds (CJ I (30) "A Presenl for Jim." IN 01d11 I lo re1rievt 1 birthday pre5ent I~ Jim. Debbi• der.id~ to l1 k1 , 1 bur1l1ry. 0 lick l tnnJ {30) m 0a'"' '" • n,, cc1 <Jo) fB Slrtbrusfl Th11tr1 (60) ED CllwcH aw111net (CJ (30) 0 @(]J m *' l isllop (C} Comte Woody Woodbury and Buddy Hackett 111est. 0 Morie: "Ca11b11nw" (drama) '43 -Ingrid Bergman, Humph1e1 Bogart. mon. li111its III Mo.ii: "Try and Ctt Mt" (rey5. lery) '51--lrank Lowtjoy, Lloyd Bnd11s. m fNhlrl (30} -~hdu1ai.:' .I. look II I~ lmpc1m1 Meerukshi 11tnpl1 -Madurai-in South India, 11:450 ID CV m Jollnwf c.iw1 fCI Substitute host is ~-Lawford. Desmond Molfis, M11ty Allen, N•I Bonet tuts!. 1;30 IJ o9 Cil Rid s.;111on (C) (60) lZ:»m Ill.vi•: ''Tltln11' Hitfiw•J" (dr,. ~artl\1 fbiy1 tnd lne VogurtS guest. m1) '.49-Ricl\ard Conte, Lee J. 0 ID@ m Juli• (C) {30) "Two"s Cobb. 1 fa mil y-Three's 1 Crowd ... Jutl1 disap?!Jints so n Corey wh1n ~is "new brother'' turns o\11. lo bt 1 6-year-0ld ti ll (Kri1ti Taylor), 0 Witll Wttti tflt Stan (C) (301 Host Alli n Ludden welcomes rues! penelists Ju~e L0tkll1rt 111d Riehud , ..... 1;00 E M"il: (C) "P1irt .! Colr (d ra ma) 'SS-Richard Widma1k, Mal Z.ellerllnr. 0 Co111a1111ly lullltl• 1H1d (C) 0 JlltwS (C) m ~Oii TlMrltft! "Jlltktd I Mn" (~teiy) 'S&-WilLud Parktt, M1r1 Cord11, PEANUTS l(Ol) D!D !T !! YOU REfDRTED St¥Xi"I 10 THE ~EAD BEA6LE ! PERKINS .··· .......... . .. ' .. . ...... . . ' . ' . -·= .. --~ ..• ::_ JUDGE PARKER MOON MULLINS I1M A LITTLE LATE I GETTING HOM !' fRDM'THI' IAVcRN> ' l>l',AR. . ® STEVE ROPER 600D EVEt.llN6, GORDO MISS PEACH By Tom K. Ryan SALLY BANANAS /Ltvl'I. O'<-<.t ' :o w Ant.l.w..-.' By Charles M. Sehulz ~---------, IT WAS Hl5' OJ.JN FAULT ! 1-1E NEVfR" WAt-ITED TO 60 RABBIT CHASING WITH ME! . • ... me UP7URJEO STEfl E06€ KlllFE5 THRa.J6H BOTH FllONT TIRES SIMJ.11.TANEaJSLY."··· "TEDDY 'THOUGHT AS HIS PARTNER I SHOULD FAMILIARIZc MYSELF WITWTHE STOCI<. •' '' .. !J ' J By John Miles .-. :·· ..... ' " " . . . ' . ' . .. :~:.:.:. : ... :.~ 15 'THERE ANY UFT? ,, By Saunders and Overgard 17:C::::=:'.:C"""..,,,.,.,...,.7C'-,-~----l N CJ PEM T "LL Y. WHY I "THOll<*IT IT MIGHT W'WILJ-1 fEMIMQS NIE, WOl!LP HE SHOULD DIDtfT 'fOI' WAH T TO po VOW. GOOP TO (,ff TMEl?'E SE AtN Cl-IA!.IC.E TO W:ET 8C .t.'1:0\llol D MAYE PSliftWI: HERE!~ AW.f.Y ~OM 'YOtli: nlAT FELLOW PAllL IAATEi:E~ SOMEWHERE' ~TVJl6E fiJEJW5! 1~ l "P UtE TO TAU:: 10 HIM '. LET Mf Cl-IECI: WELL •..• I SEE )'Ou VARN ISHED \HE FLOOR.' TJIAT's .. .. WHY WE i:r J..IVMMJJ.JG~ .. SIRos , " HUM. ,, '! '1 ~l r ------"'\ WlfH .W<f.. J.l.Sf'R'. By Al Smith YOU NOTICED! By Gus Arriola YCU -· PJ.).&1ARIZIJVG ,..._,.... 6##!! -)/,()CK.f~~IRDS WO(.}J..D STf:AJ-YCV °"" LYRICS! P!A6tARIZJAJb •#~.'! )f0CXIN0BIR[)S ,-~ IVO()J...D STEAL. ~ OUR J,VR/CSf ......~-~-'""'~ ~·-~tf!i ', ,,,., -'--~:.i- By Mell -AND 901 WE WtL.L. HAVE A . • 1-tALLOWEEN COSTUME f'ARTY r " -ANO I 'LL DllESS" U P L.f\c:E A WEDNESDAY : t DAYTIME MOVIES . t :OO O (C) "Sitt! TOW!!" {drama) ;52 -flnn Sherida n, John Lund. . t :JO 0 "0111J11 Girl" ldum~) '4& - Beto Huttori. Mtcdon11d C.rtr. fJ (C) "Btllts 111 Tllllr TM ... (corned~) '52-Je1nn1 Cr1ifl. Jt!lrtJ Hun!ar. m ''flllfll A111tl"' (dr1m1) '4S- 01n1 Andr1wt, Allee F1yt, 12:00 0 "Clttlnl Crit'1 Clltltr"" (com- edy) '4s--M11it MeDo111ld, 8111}' Sulllvtn. 2:l0 0 "Df<n ""'' Dirt Shtb" (myst1ry) 's-4-tlrodetkk Cr1wlord, Ru!h Roman . 4:JO 1J ~Midni1ht llolJ"' (myt1~ry) '~1 -TCl'\1 Curt1s, Ma1\U P•~•n. " ON THE. .31 !".! ! GOODY! I 'LL COME AS ; M AIZIE ANTOl>IE.TTE ! • !1.L oi;:e:ss UP LIKE A Ji PIRATE! I' l F tt.Tl4Y 1 St.DB '..1 SUCZE, W14Y KNOCK "'l'~U ~SE LF O UT ..• OAIL V PILOT J!I -------------------~ By Charles Barsotti =,,...---, .. j)=..-!:.--.--;;;-'J C¢'1.•IU/t ,,t._,J,f .._ kt ~' 3~u.j. ~ -lk<i..1~.u. r"'wr..J ~·· :-~\: ··-.4'1 ''P LAY IT AGAIN, SAM!" -l~um phrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman drown the \Vartin1e blues in chatnpagne as Sam. pl ayed by an unidentified ac· tor. plays on in ''Casablanca." airirig toniglit i.lt 11.30 p.m. on Channel 9. The film \VOn three 1\ca- demy /\\\lards, Tl>LE\l l SION \'I ll\l'S T he Ne 'v Li fe Of a Sta rlet By RIC K DU BROW !IOLL\'\VOOD (UPI) -'rhe Jlol ly,vood starle L is a di sa ppearing instilutlon. Tin1es have changed. \'oun g actresses today are n1ore likely lo ::;ound off on Vietnan1 or the pill, or boa st ho\v lhey are defy· ing respectability with open lo\•e alfairs. 111 short, they are very, very dull. 'l'he nlost beautiful starlet 1 ever n1et \\'8:"1 Sandra Giles. She \va::; the acknO\l'ledged queen 9f the field. She looked like a softer, n1orc ta::;lcful .Jayne Mansfield. of n1ore sensible, e legant propor- tions. And she \Vas a lovely young \VO!nan. born in Oklahoina and brought up 1n San Ant onio , 'fex. SOME E X.STARLETS become pat!1e!ic hBng- crs·on 1n the industr,v . But you could tell tl'llss (;)Jes 1vould be different. She tactfully lefl lier publicity ~Ja.y s behind her an d began to \vo rk at 11'hil l she \ranted to be : an <lCtress. She appea red in televi· :-1011's '"The Rogue.5." "l)r. Kildare," and the Danny I\. aye sho\v. an1ong others. f{ecentl y she \\'as set for roles in ABC·TV'!; "Tile FBI '' and "L<1n d of the Giants,'' and did a 1novie 11'ilh l'tac1qel \Velc:h called. '"Flareup.'' And I \\'as 1vondering ho\v s he had turned out personally \\'l1 e.n. by chance. I ran into her a·t the counter of a Beverly Ir ills store . From a beautiful starlet, she has beco n1e a beautiful \\'Olnan, She didn"t go the route lhal others go: the crurnn1y . .Bohen1ian pad in the l~olJy,1·ood J·lll!s or lll ereabouts. She li ves Jn a con1fortable.. s paciou s .npartn1ent in an elegant are<i near UC'l.,/\'s carnpus, I lei· clothes and rnaKcup bear the touc.:h ol the lo1rn's 1nore lityl 1sh shop::;, She look,.:.; like a young ~oc:J ety bC'a uty, "IF YOU CAN'T be prou d of your life, U1 erc's no use Ji\i1ng it,., she said . "!" dn11't go out n1url1 1101v except for a fe\V friend s. I stay hon1 c. and study tit 11i [!l1 L TL lclkcs a lot of d iscipl ine. "It 's tough to get a good agent 1f 11ou 'vc bcf'll ;1 starlet. J,ut I h;ive a good one 11 011 . )rol~ h;:ive 10 :;llo1v people .vou 're serious. Acting is :-ion1 ething I like. and I 1vant to be good a t it.'' She takes singing. dancing, Hct.in g and dit tion lesson s. She recently \VDS honored by a 111Djor ccle· brlty ::;ociety for her help in their \VOt'k for en10- tiont1lly disturbed children. She has becon1e a 1vhrz; a~ tennis, p ing·pon~ and. presurnably. bill ia rds, since she a has a pool table, no less. In her apart- n1ent. • I I ! i ' ' ~ De1111is tlie ltle11ace -.~ I 1 I I .. DUTC • "' •• ... ' ·/ f ' < '«;,<"·~ ... ,,. ... ;,_ • • '' . " " ,,, .I ' NO MATTER WHAT they're in the marke t for , o ur readers find the DAILY PILOT is the be st place lo put the bite o n bargains. And the y d o ii with the some gusto as the gourme t here showing how much he appreciates the wares o f the lamed Alkmaar Cheese Mark e t in The Netherlands. You don't have lo travel so for lo fi nd good things lo eat, nice things lo wear, new appl ianc es at bargain pri ces , a re al ca r Ouy-or even a c hu nk of c he ese. Just shop the "armchair mar ke t." the one our adve rtisers deli ve r to your door every day. <··-·· ~ • ' DAILY PILOT T11tsd11, Octobtr 14, 1%11 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FDR SALE Ge.,...•I 1000 Gener•I 1000 Gener•I 1000 Generail i;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~l~~CO~M~M=ER=c1=AL=B=L=DG~.:l·.=ill=,=M,~~w~J:~i;,.,~R=td=~;;;;to l 1000 General 1000 General 1000 Dover Shores 1227 Huntington Be1ch 1400Huntlngton Be•ch 1400 OIANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 262' HAHOR ILVD . 546-1640 Open EvenilMJS rlll 1:30 3 Bedroom Bargain $19,850 This is 11. house hunteN; dream .. vith J good sized bedrooms. The owner has li:One oft and left it va- cant, so it's ready for you to move in today. You better move fast of this ooel This House Is A Mess it's d irty, it needs paint, the Ja1vn needs lo be watered, nobody lives there it's vacant, the neighborhood is nice and clean though. it's got everything you need to make it a home you'll be proud of, 4 big bedrooms, 2 baths, built in kitchen and so forth. s1ea.I it! assume 51,ii'/O loan at 178.fJO mo. qualified buyer on this beau. & 2 BR HOME t1ful l BR 2 bath home. Compk"ty ""''~'""'· j():-;JiiQ' comr.r lot ne:d to Dept. or i\lo!or Vehicles. $390 pot.'! in<:omc. \\'ill trade lor 4 lo 6 unlis. $38,000 ---. REALTY COMPANY * 642-1771 Anytime* 2WO UNITS $24,500 Live in $harp 2 BR unit in Iron! & J'('n[ OU! real' 1 BR to help pay YOUR \VAY. Lo. cated on quiet cu!-dc·S<IC street near Costa l\lesa Goll Course, Terms available. Newport •• Victoria 64&-8111 (anytime) OWNER TRANSFERRED Price reductid nearly $.3000 for quick sale and O\vner \\•ill help finance. cu~tom buil t view home on upper bay. Three. big bedrooms, ~\~ baUis, family room, 2 fil 1'places. Lovely lanai over- lwk~ secluded back yard. $·17,000 \vi!h only $6000 do1vn to qualilied buyer. l1llrry. 646-7171 '\tO THE REAL ~ESTATERS ' I '. ' 'I\ I ' large Hvini; room with firt'· plft(_'('. Also recrt'at.ion room bl'auti!ully panelled. Garage doors built for camJ>('r. Ex· tra 20x20' bldg, 1dt>al for sn1all bu.sines.!, Prlct>d under rnarket \'alue. lachenmyer Re.iltor 1860 Ne1vport Blvd., CM CALL 546-3928 Eve~. &H-16.JJ 6·16-2290 Large Commercial Pnme location near Or- ange County Airport with 82'i' frunlage on Palisades Road. 0 Id hon1e & storage garages provide p1~sen1 1ncon1e of S.375 J>('r month. Full prir-e $59.000. ~COATS ~WAtLAC! REALTORS --.:54 ... ·6-4141- (()pen EwninpJ I -------- & BEDROOMS Great family home 1~·1th warm Spanish design 1(1 fashionable Baycres!. Family room, large formal dining roon1 playl'oom-<iog run Everything for a big family. $1·15,0C(I. $1 DOWN TOT AL HURRY • """'h """'' R'otl E""" 5 BEDROOM.$ \Valking dis~ to shopping l5 3eekine suecesstut proles- Y?u Vet5 must see this large sclloob &: coll e 2 block~ sionaJ real estate salesmen. single story. 2 bath home 1 eg · , Exceptional benefits. Please ·th NEW J ·I ld to reeway_ 3 bedroom. l~ ""aU for appointn1ent 545-8424 ~,__ G , ll· ow gol '" m,,r-ba~h. large patio and easy-Sou!h Coast Rrallo1·~ pe..,,. e away rom .1e to.n1ain1a 'n rd $'.!€ 000 , .. hustle and busUe ol the city Fl IA & ~A ti~~ ncing ~ail }!AVE buye!'S, Nci!d ad· and enjoy i1s J\IOUNTAIN a~ a a • ditional propcl·ty hi seU. VIE\V and ~pacious country . }>'RAN K :\I A R S 11 A L atmosphere! BIG FA.\IJ LY REALTY 41 J ::C~~ St. 510 \V, AND DtNING AREA. \~'am1 Balboa 67~600. c ustom brick fireplace! .i\lod. ern as tomorrow built.Jn kite.hen 1v1th DISHWA SHER, ALL for ONLY $25,9;.0 and seller pays all costs. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2790 tlarbor Blvd . a! Adams S.15-0465- 0pen 'ti! 9 P(l-1 FOREST E. OLSON Jr\Cl_ RealtOMi PRICED $2,000 BELOW FHA Fl1A appraisal on this quaJ • ity built 3 bedroom, 2 bath home is $27,950, Olvncr says sell now! At Sla,950. Just a few years young. Large fan1. ily roo1n. Big R-4 lot. Room for more units. SeUer left frw th(' cast. Don't hurry - RUSJ-f~ ~ Dial no1v 645-0303 at HarOOr Center ?299 1-farbor Bl vd ., C.i\f. DOUBLE PLAY "For A \Vise Bu"" Colesworthy &-Co. &fl.7777 COLONIAL MANSION 5 big: bedroon1s, l bath.~ in secluded, quiet Bal·k Bay location. \Valk in rlosels and a delightful kitchen for i\10111, Lai-gt' \\'Ork.shop and elec· tronic garage door for Dad. Extra cleep l\'alled yard for the kids and pets A big fan1. ily llf}('Cial at $44 ,950 and you can trade ln your small- er home for a dO\vn! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2CHl \Vestc!if( DI'. 646· 7TIJ Open Eve!!. 2WO STORY DELUXE DUPLEX. T\VO BEDROOMS EACH UNIT. Dining room, forced air heat and bullt-in el~u·ic kitchen. FIXER UPPER All. ne1v ca~ts, complete\~ on a large C'Ornt>r lot in Upper r:oeco!'~ted 111 and out, Di-Bay area, overlookin&' goU vick'd single garagrs, v.·eU coursl', Big family special. landscaped front yard, sep. Vacant & ready n()v.• arate rear yam~. TOP VAL. $27 SQQ · UE AT $27,lOO. NO 00\VN 1 VETERANS • Low down F .H.A. 3 BR 2 BA, lan1lly rm. Pror det.'tlr. l' ~ )'r old-xlnt cond. $32,500. 12382 Fleet Ln, HB. Olvner 6.J&-4328 Co1t11 Mesa 1100 FHA RJ;SALE Looking for 5·'1 ':ii Joan? Ogle t his 4 bdr111 & fan1ily roon1 br>auiy, Only l years ol d, g <1.11.!e11 kltchl'n, d ish1v~5ncr, sppinklcrs, larg-e let IVith separate play yard. 1800 5q ft ., shake roof &: bl'ick fire- rilace. Ont' lo1v nion1hly pay. n1ent of S2Ul pays every- lhing. Call Heritage R1•al l:s!ate 5-ID-1151 (open eves). BY OWNER INCOME PROPERTY Cll 1 BR bouses -!-5 gar· age~. Inconlti $~mo. Roon1 lor one more unit, S22,800. Call 536-3207: art 5. 842·2015 4 Br, 2 Ba, lgl'. tan1i ly rn1, drp! & crpti11g. exJ>('nsive landscaping & patio. \\'as a model home. Cool ocean l:.J'C'ezes. 191)) IQ f(. $34,900. 5-16-2~3 $18,500 Fixer Upper 2 BR, I BA house. dble gar, xlnt area. Needs handy man/ painter. $2500 down See: 354 t.1agnolia, Costa !llesa. R-2 s1nalt 3 Br, lgn. lot fenced. Lo1v down. S9J mo incl. ta-;es. 2001 Charle 5-li\-50 14 2 BEDROO~t. Large corner lot. 3 car gar;ige. BY O\VNER. *5~~001 M esa Verde 1110 *ENCHANTING VIEW Superb Bay & Mtn VU most rnis. Uniq ue ''Old \Vorld" conte1nporary, executive lux- ury hon1l', 5000 sq , ft. 4 BR, 4~ BA + 1na1ds qtrs. Ideal for <>n1erta!ning. Eosy mn1n, ln1med occup, }>'urnlshl'd. $1711,000. Assume 6~SO Joan. Box !632 NB. S-18·72·19 University Park 1237 O wner Tran sferred Vac:int 4 Bt. 2\~ b<t. Popular flr..;>1• plan. f'P S31.9JO. M11ke offer. e Red Hill Realty l ' " I , r ' • • ' '. ' Back Bay 1240 SZ9.!l93. O\\INER. Custon1. l BR. 2' ~ BA. El!'.'C, kitchen. Ne1v carpet"(!, din. rn1. lan1. r n1, frplc, (']P.c garage dr. Open I-louse 'Lil ~Id z-215' An. n11·crsary Ln, NB S.1/l.!)40!! Eaistbluff 1242 RARE HOME Bring 111oney Jn! Buy bcaull· fill 3 ER, :! bath Ea~tblufl ho111C', C\lllditlon belier than new_ Financing available. Only $39,!100. CORBIN · MARTIN REALTORS 67~·16(;2 3006 E . Coast lfv.'Y, Cd!\'l BY 0\VNER-2 n10 old 2 Bedroo111, 2 bath , split level, cal'peled, !ireplace, auto garage doo r. Nr. te nnis club & rnurKet. Tcrn1J1 oprn. 133,500. &14-J!l69 or (213) IM&-7076. Corona d•I Mar 1250 Buy At The Beach $2 6' 50 0 II iiiiiiPiiiciiikiiiediiiiiiRiiied"'uc"'e"'d iiiiii NEAR NE\V-bcautiJuJ f'oun· tain Valley home. Owner says, ... \1y loss ill ;.·oor gain.":'! bdrms :: baths. new upgraded carpets & dr11p- r.1 ·ics throughout. Co1nf'r lut • boot area, Priced at $31,500, but Jet's try ~~19.500. Lo1v dov.·n to large loan. NE\V -NEW. NEW. ASSUMiCv:A-:-LOA N- a t Jess than S140 per mont.h TOT AL, A tnll.v d1-e am home of 3 bedrooins and gleammg HARD\VOOD FLOORS in ex. cellent neighborhood of cus- Newport at Victoria 646-8811 (ainytime) FANTASTIC RE;PUBLIC t!Oil!E lll absolute p('rlcct & sparkllni; rondilion. 4 large bdrn1~. 3 baths, for mal d\n. ing roo1n , ~cparate !amily room & hugr mai;tr.r bcdroom. 1'1lnimum upke('p, yard beautilully landscaped. Pcpular modrl 1vith 3 car garage. Best for Ille moriey al $47,950. Cal! 54:>-8424 Soulh Coas! Real Esl11te LIVE IN "STORYBOOK " LAND Only a couple or blOl'ks ft"Qm Col'ona Beach 1hi~ thul'mer 11·l1h pegged hartlwood floors. modern kih.:hl'n ond 3 hi'tl- roon1s, 2 ba1hs and Ian1ily room -$47,j()(), &73-8550 this is 11 sharp, sharp beach house, two a trlu1n patios, b"ig bcdroon1s and tv.·o balh:-1, only six years old with the most u n· belitivablc l('rm:c; you've ever heard of. Tile ownC"r Is very anxious and 1v1ll carry thf' Una.ncini;:, sub- mit do1111 payment that will suit your budget and ~lerp 10 the sound of tile ~Ul·[. Live A Little 111 1!11111 beau1iful 4 bedroon1 executive ho1ni? ""·ith a spectacular OC'ean v\e,v. It's in e.'lcellent C'Ondition inside and out, professionally landscaped courtyard entry oUers you country privacy. l t':c; vacant and the 01\·ner S•6·S!8G (Mlrtintma Ir.flt) LLEGE REALTY L5Cll Adams It Hafbor,CI& DREAM NO MORE CO:'IIFORT & LUXURY 11·i!J ~ yours in this heaunfully cared for CA.\IBRIDGL Es. TATE home. l bd1111s, pan- elled ramily room & a kitch· en beyond h<'lief. even v•ith seU (;leaning OYl'n. Call to-- day. DAVIDSON Realty 546-546(1 Eves, ;tt!}.-J().)8 tom homes. Cozy living room Assum9 $18,000-6•/. 1vith 1lel'~ shag ca rpets. La rgr cupboard lines BUIL r.1 ,.iiiEiiiiv.iiioiiiin~g~•iiiCaliiiiiit iiti46-iiiilii0ii0ii-iiii•f Annual G .I. Loan JN KITCHEN! Total price I " At $152 per montl1 TOTAL: $19,9jl} .,.,·ith LO\V 00\VN'. 6 BDRM. BEAUTY Lovely shake roof hoin~ 11'ith WE SELL A HOME Nm elbotv room ! Thls idtia1 3 lar ge berlroom s a nd :? EVERY 31 M INUTES family home hM over 2-WO pu!Jman baths. \Valk to Wa Iker & Lee sq ft or living area! lmmac. Park! Carpic1s 11nd Orape1. cond. inside & out. liig'.1 ALL ELECTRIC KJTCHEN 2790 Harbor Blvd . at Adams 54).9491 Open 'ril 9 P71r -M~ES~A VERDE MANOR 1\~·o story • Shake roof . 4 bcdroon1 _ family room den • 3 bath. Atrium like garden off living rooni. Shake root patio with Bi l BBQ. Sprink. Jei•s Ft R. Deep shag carpets 1hruoui-. Quiel • 100';~ p1·itic of O\l'Mf'l'Shlp sJQIV traf!IC: al'ea. $3S.9:,0. grade ne1v w/w cpts & drps, & DlSJ-IWASJIER. Lot·e!y 3 baths. Great Joe. P rof custo1n fi replace and tiean1 landsc. pool s1lCd yd. Sprink. ceiling family i'OOm~ Grae· lers. Patio, Only $37,l)OO EZ iolls back yard with COV· lcrn1s. EHED PATJO and block ~. waif fencing. ~till E~~;;~~ ~l~~~is 1091 ... .,. c.M. ,.._, .. ,Walker & Lee 7GS:? Edint;'er 8~Z4J.}.) Open Eves. Highly D•1lrable BAYCREST Sl;,o;. On this h igh F'llA loan, pay1s. $160, PIT!; Qexiblc tenns. 3 BH. Z Ba. ~pai·khng cond. Eves. 838-CJ~l Bkr. J BH, 2 BA, farni!y nxim, 2 firepl11t:t's, $29,000 BY O\'v'NE R 673-8213 BEST BUY! Vacan t R-2 Lot $23,500 Dela ncy R•al Esta te ~828 E. Coast H11)'., Crlilf 613-3 110 Room For Real L iving Take pride in 01vning this ron1 rorud1le Br o ad m o or hon1r.. Bay vie1v, 4 Br .. fa111 . r n1 .. dh1. rm. ~ Car garttge. :'lti~,;JIWJ, 6~.i ';Ii Loan. CHI:;SJIJRE RJ.:AL ESTATE 675-2;)(),l Newport Beach 1200 I -"B7L"O"C~K~T"o-B=E~A~C7H~ GUEST HOUSE l..a!'ge farnlly 4 bedl'w n1/den \Vilh 11\lnltlllllll C<ll'(' y111iJ Cool. ('!car Ne1vpon Heigh ts and JO\\' Pl'ICI' 11.t $47.900 and • ldeaJ home for couple, 11'1!h you 011.ri tl1r land! honu~ gue~r apL in ii:-ar. Hal Pinchin & A•soc. Comple1e 11·ith k1ti:he n and ~!JOO f:, Co;isi Hwy, 67:5·~392 bath, S2J,_OOJ. - 646-71 71 DUPLI:;X Ou 2 lot.<;, lar,::c 11·an!.~ It l!old for $3!'!.500 I I•..,..,..,...,..,,..,_--~ wh1rh 1.~ 11a.y bf'low $17,500 FULL -PR ICE 54&-2313 Big enough to hOusr lllr 1110~! pa!lo, ~ rllr garage, l.i5,0CNJ 4 Bdnn!I plus 3 baths, plu! a <'llVP. /;;1nily, 4 bd1 n 1~. ~ c.:ash. Adjacent jµ( a l.-.o market 1 ;Jue. for 2 bC'droom, l King S1~r. Mesa Verde 4 Bedroom - $24,950 this ls i\fesa Verdf''s hl'~l buy, !!'$ a nict and elenn 4 bedroom 2 bath horrie in ~lesa Verde 11•ilh built in kitchrn, double garage. e :-: ce\lent neighborhood and !hf' 01vntir is an.~ious. ery 10'.i> down and a1 tl\1& price you 'd bt:tter hurt)'! 5 Bedroom Fixer Upper Eastside Costa Mesa no down lo vets, pu! y .mc elbow gr-eaae into 1his house 1nicl you'll come out on top. It's priced to sen because it'& vacllnl and the 01vner m ust sell. This i!I ll real hedge agains1 in· nation. Sr.e it! ORAN CH COUNTY'S LAlGIST Townhousr 11·lt h hrau11 rul ht1ck ri1·eplaec.'. Enrlo.~cd pa. 110 and ~rvice poJ'f's. As- sum!' gl'e:<it Joan al .\120 per month tha! pay.~ all. Hurry! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 27W 1!11rbor Blvd. al Adam5 ;i.1:..91~1 Open 'lU 9 P i\i OWNER MAKES-- DRASTIC REDUCTION 546·2313 • 646·7171 GOOD NEWS Travels f;i s\ siJ hun1.-~ As· ~un1c ~27,00J. :;•~..-; lci;in, Joni:: with CQIO~~a] 8DR '~. J la rge bU1hs, ronn~I rlirHng t0on1 and j)anel('(I den wilh firepla rr Entl'i-ta1 n around l~.x·IO ht-0all'd, fillc.rerl pool. For ;ippointmcnt to see, call Dan LC" 540-1151 5 Be(lroom Eastside just a few s1eps fron1 Back Bay • attractice $fOnr fi repluce -I ~:;::;;::;;:;;:~;::;;;::;;;;:;~~ garage convertr.d to :!Ox24 playroom. JO~ do11'11. ;;1 :i~f> assumab!f' loan av11i111hle. TH E REAL ESTATERS 646-TITI .'J \6.2313 JUST LISTED! DOVER SHORES Elegant 3 bdnn home 11·ith view or Back Bay. gan:lcn m• family room, spacious liv. Ing roon1, oversized pool .. ~·it h €':i.:tensive surrounding ten·1u·c. DeecraH:cl in e.'lquis- ite taste. Reduced 10 $117,;,(l(), Call /or ap!J(lintrncnL 29(6 Rechvood _ t.te.sa VPrd(' This 4 BR., ~ ba. \\'ith lots of r.'ltras plus nl'ar ne1v sha~ c;u,.,rt • imn1aculatc! On large cul-df'·soc lol. "'·500 john mac:nab Graham Rlty. 646-2414 (ll4) 642-8235 Near N('v;port Post Office 901 Dover IY11ve. Sui~ 120 Perfect Pla n Ne<A'porl Beach Custom designed by Ivan I '!!'~~~~~~~~'!!':" \Veil!! • divided in10 •dull BRING YOUR HORSE I section k childl'tn's wing. Locatt'd on Oflf'_ of !he largest Compleh~ J11st \.\ttk · avwl· lots in the back bay area, a able no1v ! $103.CXXl. Roy J. q\1aint 2 !x-droom house, \\'ar<i 1t30 Glllaxy Dr. llui;:r run1pus room >''ilh fire. 616-1::.::.0. placr, BBQ, pool l11h!e, bar. THE "BLUFF S''-Over11ized pool wlth all ce. $27,500 ment decking, double 11:ar· age pl us, entr; for boat ator. Prestige arta. Newport. King agr. All lhi, &nd :uined for sized bedrooms. 2 halhs, E.'1-hol"S('$ to boot. At 0 n I y qulsitely split. level. Owner .,. ooo • W I ..,J, ' ow desperate. 5't(}.1720 Red Carpet R•alty TAR9ELL ~SS Hairbor W.J w. Biilboa, NB 675--6000 BEACH BARGAIN $25,950 l BR , 2 bil, I )'1'5 young. S".4 •;. LOAN lal'ge /an1. rm., in1press1\'l' halh.~ & lovl'ty ~rp:d'al •' 11v,.1 J1,1,1 ... SW,000 i,;a:;h, Uy living rooni , plus unique r11m ily roon1 npr.11i11i;: '"I IQ 0 \1111'1· 61:;.:J/Jl' I hill~ide loca1ion. Offered at r·ovri·ed patio & l'll'1111t1111lly --~~==~---ILGE. h1l!to[J lu1.-r-,-,.-.,-,,-,-"-" S·lfi.951.l, 2726 Can:lina.l. landscaped ya.rrl. S67.~ TRADERS o• OL'/';111 & hill~. Prhaf'y, ~)1:•~'"\:·;~\·)\,,; T·· 546-5990 Barrett Realty ~ Own{'r has s22.roo "fl"l!y ill n caltor fi73-201() 160.3 \\.'es1cl1!f Dr Kil ' nc,•: bi>;1rh d11plr-~. 1<'ants Balboa Peninsula 1300 ' more unlt.11 l lil·C) 642-5200 ~""' PROPERTIES WEST Develope r's Duplex NEWPORT BEACH FHA or VA DOVER SHORES i"ra{, clt>an 3 Be.lroon1 11 VIEW fe1~· s teps !com \\'estcliff . Shoppu1g, -Big }'ard with 4 ~Rs. large film. rm. Sw 1m- fl'uit l.rtts S28.950, n11ng JX>Qi. Panoramic view 646-7171 of hill.~ and back hay. 0.•'TI· \oTHEREAL '"'-ESTATERS -. '"' <, '•I ' '"" IRVINE AVE. Pr n1ust lceve area . $72,500. Cathryn ·rcnniUc Coldwell, Bonker & Co. Cu stom built home, large r.n-550 Newport Center Dr. cloR'd rourtyard for maxi· Newport Be•ch, Calif. mum pdvacy, J\1any exlras 83l-0700 644-2430 ln this beautllul 3 Bdr home.1 ":-=:-=-==-=1l1l~:-===~: S41,;100. I' Wells·McCardl•, Rltr1. JOB TRANSFER 1810 Nl'v.'port Blvd .. C.M. ~lS-7729 anytinJI' Owner n1us1 ~ell 5 BR home in convenient loc. nr schools """"""""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""I & shops. Vac. & waiting. $26,950 1900 sq fl. Lg ccdarwood 5 BEORM-3 BATH closet.~. custorn drp~ &: 'v/w SWIM POOL cpts. 25x l6' llv rm w/stonc frplc, Terrific kitch w/blt·lns Spacious home on Jr, Es-6: dish111asher, 2 ha, Ii bd· talc grounds. l..o\1cly rich l'l'111. Price $33,T;iO, wood paneling, handsom e breakfn.st bar. rireplace. ~1720. I' \I I • \\ 111 11 ~4 \H\\/I\\ !< ' I l I \ • " 675-4130 675-1642 Thtee bcdmo111 upper two hedr(l<:Jlll lowrr, in v111·y i::wl r,•nt:.1 11rco No11· full ,v Jra~. r d Good g1'Uw1l1 llflll'nlial. $-19,."iXi. Vl t::\V Of riool. chnnn111g 2 BR. 2 BA t'ondo. Li,:c palio, $27,9::.0/$4000 down. Bkl' 64~732 BLUFl>'S BAY VJE\V-Cus . J BR. 3 BA on wide ~cenhc\l . R rlfucr-d SfiOOO lnr qu ick i;3Je! ;·12.500, 6'14->l'.!li~•. WF.STCLIFF J Bdrm 2 B11 lh Beautiful pool & ynrd. Dy owner $36,500. ~ll-.12lil. Bluffs p!'ln1r. on Bay !ocalion, 2 bdrs, S.19,500 Cnll 61•1-2259 eves/wkellds. Newport Heights 1210 FIXER upper. Lot 165x90' 3 BR house, rec roon1, pool Jots of good liv\rig on U1r~c spacious grounds. E:-;1stlng BURR WHITE REALTOR 29'11 NC\l'JlOl°I Blvd., N,E . 675-4630 612·215.1 Eves, P a rk View Charmar Dc!ighrft1l t•o!tage faring parl< on Peninsula P oint. T\l'O hcd. room.~. onr l);i th. 11·aUed gardrn and ~u mfrck. Ownt'r \l'i•l lr~1d1>, S.19,!150 BURR WHITE REAt:rort 2(}(1! Nc11·110rl Blvd., N.B, 6i~.4G.l[) 6-12-22.33 Eves. Lido Isle 1351 mortg. 11t 6.67n can he ~J-A LOVELY HOME sun1cd with Ji 1 t I P. cas!1, Nothing-spared hcrt', 4 BO, &15-:169'l •l Ba. 1!111 rm, Sunny patio, 3 BDRM $~21~.~000~-I l•kl' nt·1v, $1l5.000. Chl'ner will And spaeiotL~. family rm, r ru'J1' ·ro . Call us! Stone trpl, w/iv cplJI. over R. C. GREER, Realty· Hw flOOr5 , Park>. Clel'ln & 3'.lii Via Lirlo 67J-.9300 sharp! Olff Haven a~•. BAYFRONT OWNER/Bkr. 646-2414 Thi'"" lo ~ix bedroom homtis wllh p1rr k slip. P r•lr-M Tarbell 29SS Harbor Will Le111e or Leas• Option Newport Shor•• 1220 fro111 S1 ~9.~00. \\'ithout pier 1093 Baker, C.M. 546-5440 & sl111, Sll ~,000. i""~'!!"!~~~'!!"!'!"'O-[ •REDUCED s;;,oooe Walke r Rlty. 675-5200 BAYCREST OCEANFRONT If yuu need a great family J~3fi Viri Lido, NB. Opr'n Sun, home, see thla one! Lge, liv. 4 BR fam rm, fonn&l dining 3 BR homt! on excellent rm. $3000 optton, l1!ll5e S~9.i bt'ach; $54,950. per mo. J P.en Smith Realtor George Wllllam 1on &16-3255 REALTOR 8 Real sharp 2 BR l bath 673-4350 Eves. 673-1564 Two Fine E.xl'<°utivf' Honi.es rm. plus Jge. party rm.: ~ RQth 2 Storie11 Br. 3 Ba., kllch. Olt-tns. J1.!I Blks. 10 beach. Fee simple, Both wi th ronnal dlnin1t $16.500 Equity S49.500. May &th 11·i1h f1mlly room consirler trade. Pnccd iu lower S8o M'it eoWNER &tG-7S49e LIDO REALTY INC. DIAL d!te('t 642-5678. Chargt> 3~77 Vlu l ido 573.7300 FAST MOVE IN Ne\V homes. ready to move in. 2 to 5 bed- rooms, 2 to 3 baths. 1h mile from beach. FirJSl payment up to 60 days after 1nove in. VA/FHA Terms. From $23,990 The Beach (on Brookhurst 1 mile South of Adami) 962. 1353 Huntington Beach 1400 Laguna H ills 1700 Young E xecutive Home 4 QUL'li'n Sl'lC! hf'drooms, "Separate: Forrnal Dining Roo11i''. gurgeous Jiving !'90ffi \l'ith huge f:on1anpc Firr.· plal't'. Chinese c!i:':cor. \Vhat a beauu!ul ":~s· An lhony Pool" in sepan1I(' ~1cle ya1tj 1vhl1 "Dressing lloon1" and lhc works. Put you!' money to work 011 this ":i1,.;:o;c an· nnal ra1C"' F.!LA. Joan \Vilh 1otal p<1y111ent or $2:>0 per month 8eautilul private are11. \Vc'H sho1v l! to you! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 76Si Edinger 8•12-4455 Open Eves. SPACIOUS Chl"Ck these lctttures: Huge fan1ily roon1 wi th wer bur. !01·1na1 dining roorn, garden k llchen, l1ugc inastcr txfr1n suil(', 3 baths, 3 patioll .~ t"1·gc yarcl all block f('lJccd. i\!any, many cus1on1 featur- l'S, !I you Rl'r. looking for ,.;on1r.thi11g cxt1·a nlcr, see thi$ 01)('. MUTUAL REALTY 842·1418 Anytime Duplex With H~;~g'h- . F .H.A. Loan Assun1e FHA Joan with $3000 Down. ll11ve intlependepce and let your tenant pay your \V11y. Get Smart! Tota! pay. 11H•nt or S\98 includes all. Gi'cat Huntu1glon Beach Lo. cation. Call! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 7682 Edinge r 8·l2·4~j:) Open Eves. ELEGANT 2SOO sq f!, 4 bdrn1 s, 3 b111hs, pane~J.>d rl cn w11h b:1r & gun e aS<'. llon1an <il'.•ign hcall'd J'l(llJI ''1th Jar uizi & slide. Fn1•1nal dining roon1. w/w carpets, drapes, S47,950 t uU pril'I'. -----~----- Have opening• for 4 Real E s tate Sa lesmen in our new office. Call for appointment. R . D. S lates, Realtors 536-8801 YOU .lust can't Hnrl lhe~r. <1nymore! Here·s an 0<.·c11n '1cw home I blk to bca('h. '.: !w\11'00111.~. \!en . !'Jew ('l'Jits, d1'p', !1rrpl.,;, !Iv )'111 , rl1n 1·111, Ci~U (l\\'llCI' I 11.g\. ''Art": ::i.:ti l:J::.<) or S 17-'.:."1 \:1 TRIPLEX Out>.'11(ow11 H B. 8 yr<.11·~. ~ IJ:vcks· 111 Ol'f•<1n, ft.! l ()llC, l1rdu»1'rl Tn SJJ.:-,oo P <'lu l J ones Rea lty 817·l~tiG !::ve, ;i;Jij.63,JS LO/LO DOWN Repossession! 4 Bdrms/~ Story New cpl/paint. Cul-dc.·snc: HAFFDAY REALTY 842-4405 --cH7'A'"'NDY _ M_A_N_ ll'ilnted ro tinish convl'1·t)ng :! 011 lot to triplex in zoo n1lng dO\.\'lllOWll Brach ll.ITa OU bii< ){.J lot tlCiU' ocean Terry Rlty. AnyUml' 53&.1459 --,.COrner" with __ "Boat Gal•" Assume 11 \g h G.I. f.JJan v.·i th to tal paynll?nts or $1!18 per month. Huge ~drooms, plus Scparit!l' "Den ". Beautiful Gold .. Shag" carpets \1'ilh maleh in~ drapes. A most modern ki!ehcn 11·i1h lo!.~ of e.'llr• ronvenienc1's. Y01.1 shoutd sr.I' the "Pantry~"' Tuo covered PA1lO,q, Submit yoor down payment. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 71\82 Edingc•r 842·445.> Opr.1\ Evf'~. 5 BR In G igantiC Fairmant Home TAKE OVER the GI LOAN, Rtial p;howpl&ce with all tile extr1u:, Re.'! L. Hodge~. Rltr. S47·2525 DOWNTOWN FOR S!lle by own!'.'r. New Valenc.:1a-Le1 flure \Vo r I d, l\l utual 25, 830-6909. Laguna B•ach 1705 FOB. S,\LE By 01\'ner- S a c r 1 f i ce. leaving fot Europe i 111 rn rd l atel y . Custom built 1vood & gla~s ho11~r-. Ocran & canyon view. \Vall ro 1v&l l carpeting, ti u i I I • i n 1 & fireplace. 2 Bedroom. 2 Baths. Unique construction. OPEN HOU!"E Sat & Sun 11-'.'i, 11·eekdays alter 6. 934 fl l 1ran1ar , Lag Bch. <199-3066 ' HANDYMAN'S Special! 4 Inconie· units m yrls. to beach. Patios, decks \v /ocean view. Nd~; paint, ~re. Should gross S9.00o yr. Pr. $69,900. Consider trades. f.11SSION REALTY 494-0731 180 DEGREE VIE\V LOT or ll'h!te 11·11!er & coastline, :o;n1all but levf'I. S7,9j(l with 51.000 do11•n. b11I at $85 mo. All due l yn;, Broker 4!)7-1210 497-1021 4 Brl1', 2 ba, beaut view occa11/('a1allna .. $3~.900. Owner 4!»-9232 Leguna Niguel 1707 La guna N iguel Te rr. New 2500 sq, ft. 3.4 & 5 Br. hon1es in ocean view area. C111'f)eterl, front landscaped, 1vilh sprlnkler.1: bltn~. self- l'l~flninl:' oven: 3 ear ga rage. S:>.tiri<J To $61.950. ExceUen1 financing '1'1th declining in- 1Cl'<'S-t rale fro1n 7\4'7'!> to 6·'<. '::~' Laguna N igu•I Corp. 4~·J3,H 547-n61 '?uplexes For Sale 1975 2 Units near Ocean & Bay In \\lcBt Ne1~·port. l)ricffi below 1n ar kcl .. (Jwncr will finance. Vtlla Park Rr.11lty 637~34 or 11·knds ,l)T:r3~3~. Apart ments For Sale 1910 7 U111 t art. fixer upper, block to bc11cl1. fanta~!lc oce&n v1e1v. $1 0,000 do1vn, l!St;ume 6'/o ls\ TD witll llheral !cr1n~ Qn 2nr1 TD. 4M-7152 RENTALS Hous•s Fur nished Rentals to Share 2005 S llA R E i\.1y el eg an t 11·fl.tcrrront hon1ti w/dock. 71·1an 35 10 60 yrs, $150 mo. 67.°i--'1331 Newpo rt Beach 2200 OCEA N Front house. 2 BR. 2 B1\. lJclu.\e, y11rr! & patio. $2;J() \.\Inter. 6il-80S8 NE\\'LY Furnished 4 BR, 4 13H. av11U 1'ow. ~~·1nti>r or Jong<'!'. •2131 7S~9J6~ or (2131 ·172-609:! Lido l1le 2351 * f'11rn 4 BR, J BA. Con· lc1np, newly dl'l'. Blrns. Avail now. Yearly. 17l 4J 6~4-7109 NE\~ LY Der-, cheerful. 3 Blt, 21 ~ Cr\. Fun1. \Vinter rental. 121 ::1 6!ll-Hl:l2 Lag una Bea<h 2705 $200 /urn hsc. red e c, 4 \Jd1m~. \\'alk lo heat•h. Avail until .July lsT '1!}1-61!.'>ll Kt:NTALS Houses Unfurni1h.ed G•neral 3000 RENTAL FINDERS INDl'OOM • • • GUWlfTffl lllSIODfTIAl -IUSINW llT.-IOOMMAn Sm'ICI 4A W. lM ,C-eot• M•.-.14-tllf ·n n u no u e er $200 4 Br, 1111 rn1. w/w, t>l rns. Children &: pe1s 0 .K. Rroker 645--0111 $125. 3 BR, 2 Ba , frplc, RIO. \\'/1v. ChHdrt'n & pets 0 .1'. Bkr, 534-6980 $250. 4 .Ii fa 111 rni. Pa110. !f't)('erl )'d. Kids OK. Avllil 11-1. Bier 534-6~ ~150. 2 Br rluplcX'. P11.l ifl, RIO, \\'l\'I, \\'ill cons!dcl' ~1111. pet. Bkr .. 5.~1--6~ NoRnr Tu&ti11. lmme('l1atc poss. 4 Dr. 2 1 ~ Bn. 2100 ... fr. $35(1 per nio. :.-11~~'6 262' HAHOR ILVD. 546-1640 Nrar ocr-ari Tl''l:fls ~1z('(l IV'c:lmr.m-. llll'!!:f' Only S2?,~1· 10'., Doii1'l . ('{lvcrcd p~tlo. f'HA loan 11 INCOME UNITS. Newl y SANDPJPER hou&t Pfl.lm painted. blt·in oven & rang. ~scrt. a le, C()mpletely ""· cpts/d~. carport pnrk· f11rn. 2 Sr, L'onvt. den, 2 Ba, ini:. LaunJry 1wn1 ei.:t1·:t PQQI, pultini: l!l'een, Prict intf>mr-• gros~ $13,000-priee S30.m<l: 6% loa11. 673-9572 or your Ml, lhf'n p;il b11ck anrl lis1~n to the phone ring! Now~ Hun tington Beach 1400 BIG ROOil1 Y 3 Bcln11 old er i1nmacul11te hon1r on R·3 hl\ near oc~an , (h1·n1'r 11·1JI c·:t l'• ry fitu1nelt1i on ea.,y ,crms. 4 BR, Z ba, 2 yl'S old. BU-in11, leRse S2Ri n10. 011.,.1~ Rl!y. t»l:!--7000 Op.,. Ew.,.ln9• tlR 1 :30 CAYWOOD REALTY ;;·•f -;~, annual l'lf't'<;{'ntagf' ra1' 6300 \V. Coa~ Jl""'Y·· N.8. rio11• on proJ)('rty. Large lot, • 548-1290 • ~1(}17:20 SOCK rr TO 'E\I! TARBELL 2955 H arbor $92,000. li7:MJ:'.ll~. Fuller Rlty. 546-0ll4 1~r~H=E~Q~U~IC~K~-E~R~Y~OU CALL. i)Afi-:\'Pll.OT \VANT ADS! TllE QUICl\"'BR YOU SELL DIA/, direct &12·~7~. Cl1arg1• your ad, then 11\t hnl'k and l\~ten to the phone r1u11:! NE\\' E.>;l't U111·i: Lu .x 11 r y hon1e, 4/5 BR'i;, 3 Ba. 3 cllr ~ar. Assurne GI; no 1JQlnti;, 1 "'ef'k ('s!'ruw. R.11-0l!::: TERRY REALTY IT'S Beach houSf' !ln1c. Bi~· i:f!!SI selecOun ever! see th<' DAILY PILOT Oaulrled .9'.:t1on NO\\'! ---------------~--~-------------------------------------------~ L --------·---....... ~ ----------------------------------------------------.. --...----.. 2! OAIL Y PI LOT •cN IALS -~K7.E'°'N"'T"A'°L'S~-----,R"E'°NTALS RENTALS ~ENTALS /RENTALS HouMS Unfurnisshed Hous•• Unfurnlsshed Apts. furnished Apta. Furnithecf Apls. l.rnfurnished Apts. Unfur.nishecf ------··--l--'-------1 Cost• Mes• 3100 S•nta An• Heights 3630 Newport Be•ch 4200 Huntington a.ach 4400 Costa Mes• 5100 Huntington Be•ch 5400 * * * * * * 'Uili.te g 1-IGS_S_P_A_C_, -'"-,.-,,,-,-. -d,-,_-,-U~r, EXEC. home 5 DR. 3 Ba. BE A LIT If UL LY furn. QUIET & BEAUTIFUL H bo H ._.. F 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, cpts, cpl~. dllJS, prt\'tH'Y, 2 l'lll•fJs. tpt~. flrps., t<Jec. bl!-iru. (Sparu.sh) 2 BDR apt nea.r 2 BR. PoOl. util pd, S200 mo. ar r •1r•11 our drapt>S, built-ins, Be5t luca. Adults, no P"'IS, L7~rl~j'J $3:i0 Incl. i:;ardener 546-6740 Jloag Hospitlll. SIJl).le~ AduJts only, No pels_ 17676 (ONSJRUCJION lion. l blk lo 5 Point stores. $210 mo. Jnq. 4201 Jl ilar!a C..ameron, 847·2125. $140. up. J.-urnished & w1-~ DR, 2 BA. S~~. P.ounl tor N ' I 3707 \\'ay, 6~1-43ll7. furnished 6 4 2-2 8 J 5 or horses to be OOanlcU. Si11J\\ll Lagunl igue JUSJ (OMPLOJNG 84' 00"' 7 BEACON BAY. Cozy Orange County 4600 ..........,..701£UisApl D by appt &ll-2\J:?O LUXU RIOUS E:-:ecillive Goll t)actwlor apt w I kitchen * BEACH BLUFF * LC 1 BR, rl<'w t·n1ts. frplc. Course l101ne. 3 BR, 2 BA facilities. Lri.: patio, priv SINGLE l 'oung adults, lux-2 &.: 3 BR UNITS New 2 & 3 BR. 2 RA. Fur,... $1'25 mo .. o\I~ ,,.1<-.. pini; 1·111. tor \cu:.1·. $12:.. 1"-'1' 1ilu.. UW l ,, ·' ,_ ury ~ardcn ap\s, \V/lull all \Vl th lireplaccs, I f'ntf.lJl('C. IX . nvau UI ('( air, d.sh1l'Shrs, p;1l10, Einpl a<h1!1s. ~IH;!J.~ 1 ~"="'""=· 03700~2="='="="='=p='='-=== 7~1 $l05 mo. 673-7535 recrcation lacilitics & cont· dishwashers & 2 bathll, pool, VIC'.'.'. 1 & 1 story. • • E 'd ., 'I & f·•·•lly 1 • plete privacy, South Bay R£>ntal tlfanag0< -IV lk 5 · · asts1 £>, "' r '" 3703 l HLK 1ron1 Ocean-Bachelor a lo Point Shops. h)Om. !<."need y;ird, i;arage. Mission Viejo Club Apts. 277 S o . J\!rs. ChrisUenscn 847.3957 ~-- " ,,.9 ,,1,.,,,-. & l BR <1pt 'v/swimming Brookhurst, Anaheim 17l ·ll 3117-A Clnn1mon Ave. •-==:-c=='""'"~=~ ...,!......,., • ""-u..;,.., BEAUT[FUL v le w , al· pool. $130 & SIS5 mo. Call 772-4500. -1 NE'V LUXURY 1 & 2 BR WhaddyA Want? Whaddya Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Speci1I Rate '1 bdr newly rr111~•11i:d !in· tractive 1 yr old 2 BR, 1'3 :HS-1132 bclore 5 or alt 81-----------Costa Mesa PATIOS & BAI..CON IES rr1("fhitlt.' occup.1111'Y· Call B,,, frplc, bll1n bmkcuse~. pn1. Phone ~1034 ADULT L;VJNG ;i1;).J571 fully .-nitd, di'P~· $2·10 n10. TRAILER rurn. adult park. Garden Grove 4610 SUH.FSIOE CJlALE'l' '! hdrrn unlurn, no _,.;iril '..' l<t'. 2:!77 1 Calle I l-loi.:c"a1'1· Pool, v.atcr & gas _(laid. S<NGLE Young Adults LU1'· HARBOR GREENS ,82£2 Atlanta, 536-211_ Oil I I, k , St"+ ~h11wri by '''pt on y, • c-~ ·1· $100 , B r 11 ui-en o , nq IX' s. .._... s:~·r-6\ lS. .,.-111or ('J 1i£>n. tno. ury garden apls \l'ith coun-I~, cneJ_osccl pa t 1 o, 5 Lines -5 times -S bucks RULES -A.0 MUST O~ClUOE 1-w ... 1 YOll nt~e 1,. 1r10it. :a-w11111 v<>u "'""' 1~ tr11d•. S:IO d<'[l. 6-16-5637 5-l;i..-0110 nr &-16-114!1 try ('luh atnlo~pherc and BACHELOR u~furn I r om \v~sluni:: lac1 l. Adults only. 3725 NE\V fll on tic e 11 o eon-eOJi1ple11! privacy. SOUTH SL1Cl. Also avail 1 • 2 & 3 $135. 8~7-6G92 3-'l'OIJA PllDM enel/or IQQ~s. .....s llM• Ql 11av•rtL~•nv. ~NOlH ING FOR SALE -!'RACES ONLY I 311 o cCc•.cPc;'c1c'c'-nco______ do1ninlLun. 2 Br, 2 Ba, vt·ry BA y CLUB Al'TS 13100 Bdnn: J !eaten . pool.s, child z BR. c.:liilrlrcn & pct ok. nirely furn. $215 n1 o. Chapman ave., G a rd e n c;ire t.:enter, adJ to shuppiut;. Crp1s, drr1s, r;ingc, t;ar. PHONE 642-5678 To Place Your Trader's Paradise Ad Mesa Verde l~1711ACl-LATI:::: r.H. 2 B!'I, Jan11!y rooni. ., f11'('11laces, 1l1.,l,11"~1'wr. r••r1 1•r1·rl p.:it10. S:!~ 1no. CJll for ap- p<•1ntmf'n1. :<iJ;-i00-1. CHAH;\lfNG Spa11ts~1 Ca.,1tas 3 lA!rins, :!'~ ha, lilt-ins, pool. Crp1 ~. drp~. $?.~5 n10 bf'_ )1r. Young-~17-9:.71 days, or 493-1252 eves. 540-H\21. Grove ~714! 636-3030. No Pt'!S. $135 mo 962-7637 2700 Peterson \\'ay co0 " ~c'::::-c:-:-.;,.-.,.--.,--, e 4 X 8 POOL TABLE \l•ilh acce~oriC"s TRADt:: FOR console TV or Relrigenltor, n.-1 1-0t;. P.d111 ;::pring.~. rlr•ar_ l nr<tr 11·11n1s t·luh $'.!1),1)110. Otht•r 11•111tU··~~ an•11 SI0,000. 'J'r;.idp !11r f'qly ui u1111s or 1·omm'l, 111 C.i\1. or N.B . Hkr .. 6'16-·ll•l r _'l'_ll_A_D_Jo:~'fci6~'.'--d0,-~c-w-H0i<0>0-<> l;t!, 'U7 Cnn1a1u (i;m• vi b<'1!h! f•il' 'fD's, Prvp•'l'ty, p!C. \Viti p11y <:ash Jdit>r <'11r p. 67~,_::;8(C. RENTALS Apts. ~urnished 3200 SAIL Inn Moll'!. rll..~ r n1s, cou ples. $Ll tl to $120 mo. Cont hl'klsl, 111 a 1 d scrv. ti7S-l&ll Newport Beacli [.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;·G __ •_n•_,_,_, ______ 4_o_oo s1 :.-0. 2 nr .. J ~~ blk from •K:ean. Cl11ld O.K. Avail l)r>11·. Bmker :ll-1---6980 Bl::AUT 2 BR upper, v.•a\J to 1va.JJ crpts, drps, bHins, partly furn. Util paid. $165 612-1659. B/B T/11\'NllOU::.1: ,\11111\.; ,,nJy, :.! l:dnns, ~ h'11h~. !'J•!ll-ll'vrl. ;\va!l, Ort. l.i!h. $:!2:i Pt'I' 711011111. Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 901 Do\'t'I' Dr. J\'B S:u11p J2{i G lj-~/{){l(l E1·rs $--18-6'.''66 $110. l Br. nr town. Ne\\'IY d1'corat<'d. Adults. Broker 6 J:).Oll l SI 2:i. L;trge 1 Br garage apt. disl1'1 hr. ll r ck, new \I)\\'. Bkr ~34--89.~ RENTAL.5 P ROP J::RTIES 'l'Esr GiS-16'12 J BR bachelor apt. fl!rn only. S65. rno. 132 \\'est \\'ilson, Costa J\lcsa. OCEAf-4 FRONT 2 & J lxJ. rn1s. \\'INTER RENTAL. 673-&(])8 C H ,\ n ;\J 1 NG Qpe;infi-;Jn1 Costiil Mesa 4100 S\37.50 BACl-IELOH. apt. ulil pd. Crp1s. rlrps, bltins, pool. 1525 Pla(:enlla. hon1r. 3 B!1, spae l1v rrn \\' I t r p I r. . lloo1ny kit 11 /bltu1s. ,\\·oeado ::, Ii ;i g ('rpr th runut. JJ:t1ro 11'/l'ab;:ina. lrl1•:il Joe. nr srllls. S3:i0 ino/yrly, (21::;) ti98-3ii27 VJE\V, L;i n::o f\IO!ll~. l'<l.rpts. clraprs, :;10\'C, re Ir 11;, f•l'Ppl<it•e, :: Bedrn1s, hr••11k!a~l 1·ooni. 1·lo~c 1n llor.1('(' Ensign ;111r! Ne1qXl/'l 111 Scllls, op_.n Solt & Slln 5'!~239~ ---=-------DELIGJ rrruL \Vah'!'f!'lllll 4 ----------$30.00 Wk. Up • !'turllo & 1 Br Apt!;. • Ki!cht'n & TV incl. • Phnnc Se n1iee & Pool e i'lla1J service av;iiJ, • Day, \1·eck & J\1onth J)J'.:LUXE Furn 3 BR, 2 BA 11111\. Oceanfront. Ne11'Jl0r1 Beach. 673----Sl}.17 Al\1 only 4210 Newport Hgts. '--'----2:li6 Nf'll'f)()r1 Bll'd, 518-9i.ij .-o canlor 2BR * Sl~O I 1nu. Deluxe mobile hoine. H id pool. At!ulls. No Adults, no pe ts, 2·121 E. 16th S!. Sl3.'J n10. up. 6-16--1801 pPls. 4 Seasons i'.I n b I============== Estate.~. '.!:\59 N c \\'po r I , :r1s-ro32. Back Bay 4240 REALLY QUIET·CLEAN 2 Bi·. 1 '.~ Da. Pool, adults SJ!)(), 2310 Santa A 11 a &!;)'-2933 Co 1 r-.te S~!i 0370 2 BR unflu·n apt. Drps, crpt, Laguna Beach 4705 s a . sa · ' bltins. Lease. --'----------11 Brt, \V /w, drps, g:ir, poul. * 5.16-454fi * Coll * 89--l-13!.13 • BEA!Jr 2 Dr 2 Ba ocranfrt. Util pd, adults, no pcls.I=========== SJOO. sn-1ioo o;-S70-0.J53 Sl25-SJ:io 5'!8--0336 Tustin 5640 evl's, & 1\'kl'n<ls. Sll5 Per mo . 2 BR. J srna!ll ------·------1 ---------- Dana Point t:hild OK. No pets. Illl-ins, 4740 erpls. drps. 538-9-162. Aft 5. ----------I BR 11·/pool. L easl'. children. $15.5. No Newport Beach * 499-2055 * EASTBLUFF 5200 RENTALS New 2 hdrr11. 2 ba, Cpts., Apts. Unfurnished dl'ps., bltns. Ovei'look111f: --''---------1 back bay. Xlnt Joe. nr. shop. TllE /\SPENS I '."!652 \Villiain St. Tustin's pres tige address Adult living, no pets Shag carpels •rotal air conllltlonini; Unlurnis hcd Gymnasiunis & Saunas Apartrncnls fron1 $150 F or information 8.15-6687 5000 cntr., churches, schools, c1 c. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.[ 816 An1ii::os \Vay, $:.?35 Per • Mo Yrly. Laguna Beach 5705 VEN DOME ,, 175°40!0 0 LU>,"lJRY all elect 2 b<fr. 2 Jf\I!'.TACULATE APTS! -'M'ff"'ll lia. prime loc No. Lat:una. ,\DULT & FAMILY CL,.. Adulls, no pe!s. Cal l SECTIONS AVAILABLE NE\VPORT BEACJI Villa 49-1-z:l!'lJ. Close to shopping, Park Apt. F.Xclusive section, lux.l'0=,=n=a=P=o=;=n=t ====S=7=4=0 * Spacious 3 Br's, 2 Ba ury living; large healed;-----------* 2 Bedrooms pool, Pcn1house V i c \V • DELUA"F. 2 BR, 2 B/\, occ:>n * Swim Pool, Put/gl't'cn Spacious 2 BR, 2 BA, \l'C1 vicll'. Hid pool. Lease, Reis. * Frpl, lndiv/Jndry fac'ls har, lrplc, all elcc, crpts. $165. 199-205:) 1845 Anaheim Ave. drps. Adults, no pets. SJ25 . COSTA MESA 642-282-1 nio. \Vestclilf Villas, No, 8. REAL ESl A rE Phone &-l~-2·196 for appt. General • RENT • 3 Rooms Furniture $25 & UP --------DELUXE 2 & 3 HR 4-PLEX Rentals Wanted APTS. ~180 tn S2:l0 1110. 5990 I\ rl u J I ~. 1\lcditrn·!Jnc;in \\'OP.KING Couple, clean & Vi l la g c {ne a r Jloa g quil'I, \I'. apt. rais ed !llon1h-To-l\oion!h Re ntals· llospitalJ 1201 lHlaria \Vay, (Obed-trained) dog \l'ishes 1 \\'[D'f~ SELECTION ND. &12-4387 or 2 br. unfun1 h~c. or apt. !!AVE: Cosla i\!csa Cotll· mrt'rial SJS.000, TfllllJI:': $14,{XX) equity for 4 to 6 units Orange Cou11ty. P erron Realty 6,12-Im 1 Br., 2 Ba, marble li!e r nt, ! sty. intercon1, liri:;plae~ :.•r1 Fl-li\, $27,00Q s-:21 pa}:i aU ~U,Q(X) eq, Jor 3 Br. con. :In Inc, or '? owner 96&-692.J H.B. Ha,_~,;, aLTCS Nr. duck Club, San J oaquin Vallr.y. S350o 11-ca & 1:!r. \Van1 du. plex. C111 or HB area. Davis Realty 6·12-7000. 500 sq. ft. cahin on 21,~ at'l"-'S in Yucca Valley, S2100 cq1y. \Vat!'r & clec., l;urane t<tllk, Trade for c.:ar txia t any. thing of value-'. 6'12--4~16 l..i1ke Jsalx:lla, 6 urtfu.rn 2 BR 1-.:ntal~; S45,0CXJ FP. S~.!XXJ eq. \Vant: Coastal ~rca hon1e or C.Ondu, Own.- .!f (7J~) :;76-2677 T1'll'IL' Laguna Bl'aeh J\11st1c '.! lidrrn hou~,~ Irl'l' .i· <'l<·~u· fu1· 1u•n•agc hi 01·c,::on, \\'1U t•OusalPr other groll'H1 ;trc;,s, or ? PrinC" only l91-S170. 'j2' CJ'u1st'I' T11·i11 D, ;,u10 r.ilot. n111r;l' 1200 1ni; rrcent sur1·t•y· S-10.\1. \\'ill consider !rust ·d£>ed or ~111;dlt'r bo<1l. 0".\111Cl' (7 1•!) i'.:~/-:;.)IJ() TR.·\DE: Equity 111 lot ill A.\'TE:LOPE \'1\'LLL·:Y for :\'(I(] JUI" n10!l(·J .. ar or IV]Ud J1.ivc vou".' '? • C;ill 6·1G.S:i10 --~~•l:;· .\lal!he11s 19ti5 Utlu:-.e Flying Brirlgc s<;-d:in. Tt'lld.:: /01· ~n1a!!cr bo.Jt, ;1 i1·pl:HI<', t:at, house or?'??, $46-8030 r .xt -nl. ·--------- 11r. ::; 81\, fJ\lfll. lenn1s 1·11. s~r:1 mo. ~Irr~ 10 tict1. 6:JS---6106 or &I !·2S..i8 a(l :i p111. SHARP 2 BR 22G-I J\laple by \Vilson. i\hJ(\er11 furni1ure. Pool. NCI JK'lS, Sl55 111onth. !\l!(r. Loni:: tin . G 16--697~ AV,\!L. Oct \;,, 1 Bil 11£>11', l\C'au!. furn, S12i Couplr. no t·hildrcn, no pets, 10 a55ist n15r. fllUST qllalily. 220 Elden. &l:)-12.'il llFRC Furniture Rentals HONEYi\.YOON ::ipt. "'p 111 i~ Nc1,110rt _ Bc~ch. IPrrf: 42 so 517 \V. 19th. C;\f 5'1S.:MS1 lc\'el, 1irt'place, v 1,, \V ,I Nuv. 1) Sik>-$1.:0. 512-3716 Corona del Mar " r ' k ' -----------1$175. 2 Br deluxe Jov.•l!I' clC'gouil eat-pets, 1!r.iix•s. a lcr ·'·or w enus. :::a.hi n Cniisrr scdan 11.6 :nclcrs, Chrysler Roy a I ~ng., solid & turn key rl';i(ly, f1·adc fur \ale nltx!el Cad, ·:1n1pcr, 1nubilc hori1c or ': !!AV[: I Bil & den hOnH• un 1.i;c lor, El 71Jont<'. S13 ,:.0Q elcar. T1·adc !01· sn1al l hn1n<' Costa lllcs:i. or I !untinglon Bcai.:h. J'('1'1"0n Hlty 642-liT! Int!ust. inr·ome on P!at:L•n\1a 1\1·,-., Sljf),l'(l(J, T1·:ille i/J f(!r •·.~·:ir Orang,· Cu;.1s1 prop• .. 'l'- ly. Balaner T.D. or Q llAIU30R H1;;hla11ds ,, Bl!. ~' BA, crp!s, 1lrps, hlr111s, infnnt Q ,I\., 110 fll'1 ~. Lt •asr, ~·:9() rnn. ind gardener. j !,~-(;GIO or :i'.i7-J:\46 ~---.=~-BLUFFS LcASEs , : .. ,, ,~· ·! BP.-:-;, <')ll~. drps, rlbl. g;11·;1~P~. Pouls, r!l'. :s;1:;:;_ SI:?:.. E.\ST8Lliff REAL.!'Y Ii! 1.11 ~::. l.\T \ll-:Dl 1\Tl·~ 0•'1". 2 i;1.,1y 4 Bfl, :::''l BA, r.-1111 rni, !pl, <'Ill,, 1!q1~. l)ll·lllS-S2'1j, 11 /nr 1111)1uut option. !)!fl-·! 1~·! S:?i:i Yr:LY lsr, fl :it·k Bt1y. 3 Bit J , Bi\, lliOO ~'l 11, 110 Jlf'ls. n·L~ rrqul1't·rl -~33-34'.lO. BEAUTJFULLY t 'liR:-< :? UR. Pno l. /\dulti;. 110 pcis. S!~1~1. 22i2 :-.Japle ~I., Apt. A. ~illi·Ol:l7 or fr12-:l~J~'O ;.._ 1-BDf{711 DACH APT ;'.;; \..'!ii _ p;i'1d (',Xecpt Ji1rs Arlu!1s, s~:; 1110 :i.1s-is2& l~~ llARBOR BLVD C.fl-1. SUS CASITAS f111'n 1 OR apl. 21l0 Newport BJ,·rt . J\lrrlulhon b.I' Ho1 poin1. 2 BR fu!'n. Hdt pool, ga.n1c rm. 1\dl1lts only, no pcls. f,16-5,Q;2~ S90. furn barh. Qui£>t. See to npprec. Business nian. Uttl pd. No cooking. 67:'i-4&"19 COZY 2 Br, i;::an;. I blk. Jo lJf'arh. 304 i\I a r ga 1· i 1 c . 67;1-2.Q;~1 or 673--16~[. Sl·t i i\10/YP.LY. Garugc apt 1 BR furn. Adul ts, no pets. 117.J...-0307 \~'/garage. COHOLIDO Ap!s 2 Br studio /urn. S210. 673-3378 COZY 2 Bi·.. lrpl. Ground floor . Nr shopping. $1SO Hal Pinchin & ,,ssoc. 67:r•l392 Balboa 4300 N __ •_wc.p_or_f_S_h_o_,_., __ 3_2_20 Newport Be1ch I CLEAN Bachelor Apls, 4200 All u\il incl $."'1 up 1 ::1.'i E. Balhoa Bl\·ll. L!'A!'!.: n1· 1.r1w1n 1 .. :-:•·!I. 2 :;tnr,v 4 U..h·1n '.?'1 l •;t1l 1~. ('f'l(.~/dn•s. l11\.1n.~.. rl 11 J i::/j.r;tr:c. J'r.r-,1. l l•l r')('k t•J h<'il('h ;\1·ail i 111 n1 c (J . f;l'.?-3:!.I'.! !----------- Corona del Mar 3250 2 RP ..... la11 1, :;.,, n( 111\'y, !\•'II' r rts. S.'35 i'llo. Jlll'l. 11til. 5,..,r11r Pn•p. (ii:">-?°•126 2 HR, dbl g:-tl'a)!C. Jg yrtrd, 01\ for llri;1!, tr~1llcr, etc. $2:l1) n1n. 117~-2~2> hunir pr1ri1'l~11\\11· 1 ·"II ', p r 1 v. N°('11Tlflrl Cr<.1,·h GRAND OPENING IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY LU'\\Jry garden apartn1enls .,[(cring eo1npl1·tc pl'lvacy, l)('11ut1ful lilndsc.aping & un· pa1·v.1Jrlet! re('l'C'(ll1onal fJ cil. lt!f's in a N1untry cluh <i1- n1o~pl1l'rl'. No1v lea~ing: in :\ell'prirl Bcarh. Furnished or unlurnls~1cd 711odrl~ op('11 !l a n1 10 !l pm OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS [l,,LRUI\ !ii3-~'.)f1 ·-OCF~i\NFflONT 4 BR. S2:;.Q u111111c~ included. \\11n1cr. * li7:.:-.472 I OCEAN }'ronl, 1 & :! Bn !urn rip1~. \\lint••r, 507 t.:. U.1.lboa Blvr!. tl7J-f,.t;S() Bkr. 1 .i:c 2 BTJRi\I 1 ~ hlk lron1 IJC'ach Sl;:{l-S17'.i Garage & ulil incl 67:>--3107. Lido Isle 4351 ~2il NORD 13EACJI /\PTS. Nc'I' 1l1rn. G<1n1gJ?. SZOO· s-:2.; -s~:io 1110. 114 / 5:;:.-66% Ji1xo11, _ 4-p!ex. Frplc, \1•/w, Rio. $250. ~~l8-<l3~l alt 6 P:-.·1 All e LANDLORDS e Jfi2-!l6'17 011·nP1' :.1s.1;~12 Bkr. ;13,\-b'9SO day S.:11 & Sun. 2001'~ l\ing:o; FREE HENTAL SERVICE Cocoa, florlda 3 BR llous(', $130. 2 Br, \\'/w, stove. Rd. NB. Broker ~4-6982 ~lliciency apt + po11l & Dr;1111a1w ;:, Bil Lk Arru11- liP'1d ~1'.~~ :'II. Pr1n1c "C" 1111 ~.'1~1 .\I. 620 ai.:. Utah $100 nc. CL~::..\1{, 'f1,:r: bcal·h prop or a1rpla11e, t71 I) 4S9.:::ll>3 Ch1ldn;n&s1nlpelOl\.Bkr2 Bl{, 2 BA, CID, pa1io. RENTAL SERVICE fl'p!c. $21,500. 51:;';1.> FHA , [J:C:·!--8980 rrrih:, rli.«h\rhr. Nr \\'cstr.11[[ t'RE:E: TO L/\NDLORDS 19tro cq. \\'111 1rarlc lip fur SJ ~,;,, SJ1;1cious :1 Bi·, 2 Ba. Pl'I., l G6~ I rvin<-. ;~oo. * Blu,·Beacon 6·1:1-0.111 * 1!.E. hon1c. llltl'. S:l-J.j;:11 Crp!s, drp.~. Tl/0. Chi!drc11 /\rlL1lts! r nr Appl 6'!2-0239 UN~'lil~ apl ur ~1nall IHJU!';e l .. * * * * * \\'elcnme. Bkr. &1:...011 L 2 BJ{ 11pprr, crpts. drps, or :l BRs, gar age & :;oo sq ft ~!l!llll!~~~~lll!lll!lll!lll!!!'!~!l!l!!'!~~~"lll!lll!lll! SlO:. 1 Br. Pool, R 0 .~Inv(' & rcrrlg. SlW yrly. 01· n1ore rlean roorn fut' .:; __ .:irltilt,. A\·ail noiv. Brokl'~ 673-1'108/i a sscn1bly ol 111nall 1nO(le!s, RE'AL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 6ri-Oll1. ~ DR, 21, nti, !-.tudiu. l bl k \\'ill paint ins1d<'. 5,J0-1793 General Genera l frorn hC'a<.:h. l 'cal'ly, Call OLDER couple \\'ishes to Co1ta Mesi 5100 G'i3--21~:i. rcn! 1nohile horne \1·Jlh op· -----------2 BR, ] '~ B~i. +J+ pa1io, nr lion lv buy. G-12---0!)!'17. MARTINIQUE ~hoppinq, adults, 110 JK'lS. GARDEN APTS. ~"~"~·-'"~'-~'~"'~'~~~=1 Rooms tor Rent Excellent, par k-like surround-~OLD flt f:DALLIO~. 2 BR. I BR ki1chenctics, slcrping: ini;s for adults only. Near 2 B~. ~ID, ::~1 n,s, ,u!uHs no r n1s. Hl.'at£>d pool. J\Iaid st1opp1ng. Pool. pl'!~. L~e $1..' J'IS-J7o~. SCTVlCI!. $:JO per \l'k & up, 450 S995 -1, 2 ,i;,. 3 BR ,,P'fS j Viclona 1777 .'-.1n1ci An;i, tip1 113 East Bluff 5242 1;5o-;1~.o-;.8o-;,,~,1~N~-~------=,.--.,.--""' ,. ? , ? • ,,-. -1 (, l'l1l~ $30 11k, 1 G--16-J:iL 01 &1.-J .!6" O NEW DELUXE e .BR w/k11rht•n1·11r s.r; \l'k. Fairway Villa Apts Kr~r Orange Co /\irport & UCL Ad i..:.!rs only. 20li2 &inla Ana Ave, $-10-'.?7~ ORLEANS APTS. ::: BR a\'a1l. /\dull.> only, ' Br. '.P7 ba apl. for lease lle;:it!'d pool. 7llt11d service. Inc.:1. spae. n1astr. ~uilc, din 4.'iO Virtori11. 111· l!a.rlxlr. r1n. & rlhl. garagl', auto. B/\C!IELOIU':TTt:-1 Irr; Br. door opener a\'ail. Pool & full ha. P1·1v ,-.111ranee. xlnt l'l'C-;:1rP.:1 . Nr. Catholic loc. 673-1023 alte 7 any1i111e. (11Ul't h, Arlults, nn pPlS. LOVELY iurn. 1'00111 & bath, e ONLY S2l:l e Sflacious closP\S, garg. pool, ~i;~ Am1hos \Vay, N.B. DCC ,o-, 1• ., nC'ar . "·' mo .. ~ ,,...],\_!. DELUXl-~ 3 BR, 2 HA. F,nrl ROO\I , ,_ h ,_. ·-z •. 11• S??c • ,..,_uat,pool.rurnor !:'Ir, /,! 11n11gns fj~'· ,>,).1, r N L. ~I -i;-· JI]"~ un urn. T airport. "rm..uc. prr 111(1, IJ-"" -~~l6--6l30 l.'\lt'S. - Corona del Mar B·usiness Rental 6060 R. E. Wanted C0711711ERCl/\L Uldg .• pnnH• loC'al10n, tk111·nto\1'n C.71!. ';(i' lronta;:c. S.100 1110. ~8-3.\0J Office Rentiill 6070 LAGUNA BEACH Air Conditioned NOTICE BUSINESS and FINANCIAL Bus. Opportunitie1. 6~00 0:-1 FORESf AVENUE Dr~k rpacr avall.1hlc in nl'\,-C'~t ofli1'!' b1;iJd1ng ;d pr'irne lor11tion in do\1 tH011 n Lngu11:.1 Bearh. 1\1r L'nnrli· tiont(!, carJ)(!lt•d, lie;lulif11I f'11tra11cPs: Fronta.r:;~' en Forrst Avr. .. rear le:ids to J\l unci ri.i11 parkin;; lot~. S50 pr r n10111h for :-pare. Desk FAMOUS and chuirs <ivailnlile lor s:i. BRAND NAME Business hours ansll'erint; C1\:-..1DY fiOUTES ~1'1'\'ice a\'ailJ.hll! fur ~10. :"\'01v <iva1l.itJlr 1n Cost.1 illr,<..~ All u11lil It's paid exct•p! ,i;_ 111an~· othrr 1011·11~ in this tcleplinn!'. <ll"•'1l, 1\11 lot:,111ons ;ire r r.111. U1\ILY PILOT 111<•1·t•1.d "I' fne!ury, \'t'l'Y ::'.'12 FOHEST A \'ENl:iE h1,::h t'ill'llH;J:.:;. 1X1 srllin~ in- LAG UNA BE:AC!I V<J•V<'d. To fJlh1i 1f,\• ;.,1111 11111~1 Balboa lll11nd 43S5 1 ~=~~--~~-=--... -SF• \\'I\ & un 11/ );1tthrn. 10.1-~"J.!66 i.,. 1-.,J1.il1lc & ll.111· I lu• 11 -----------NOIV i\v11il I & :! Bl~ ;iris (Sb"' .~:10. ''k i;turlio apt. ~3iL 1\IOUl!:RN' Air condilirim~d fi,1y i>parc 1111)" td:i.;.~ .,,. };II(\ ]6!h :'-i1T1'1 i) 1 Ii 12-11100 l11•;u·lu·~ .\);(')l! f,T,:-2'.!:.!l Hunti nglon Bei<h 3400 I ~$~3-0-W"-cE:,,E:..K=&-U-P Joanl'e's Dcluxr ranl"e & u vcn, " ort• "'""'f'l0!'1 Bl\'d, ;)'\S-'.'li:,:;_ rv1•~1 . ,. ~u 1!!', 17!h Street. Cos1n .. lffl r :! 1 .,1111~ 11 ,1 h 1·n·11n -.. rL ,1 nr11 l:q)ll:} p; 111 ~1 , 1 J'.r1 '.! Hr, H11ch, ,\].od sc-r. 111 •', 'l'V .~· f~lOI. ]fl!\ "Pl rcn1 .1ls ,i, ~11·~q,s. cl1sll\\'shr. C/J), c1e. Poul .~ O" Vl'l{Nl :-illl:'.D .IUl'lns \\"ork· r>lcsa. O\'er 700 squ;irP lrct, ~l:!l~J 111 ';~.'~) ftEQur1;1.;n 1.· i;:.1r. ttlil ....-1 Arlult J1\1no;,: 211 -~TC'.>< ACR!<:~ I' ,. I k lnq11u·t• ;1l111u11,111· "f)'(·(· h 11ll1~: Jl.'1.!)lrsty flr:1\ r5l~1lr l'u .. 111).; rr~on. "()n-r rln ·er. S2·10 per n1on!h. P:irkini:; - r!i'ilP•'"· " 11· • •I'''. [l1~1s1 •i'"' ."11·· J ( i.,.,, 1 .. '·' 11.1 .. 1 ~. !12:.0IJ 111n 1 :,-.1, '.ii;-': ,; , THE BA YCLIFF • iiT:h'.!!l~li e \\'1lson /\1·c fhe11\'('< 11 l & '.?UR, Fu1·11 & l."nh!l'O Np n-.~incikf'r, (ilfi-GO\O t'O!rf'c ltl'.lln J:<ntl(lr l'lllit' pl,u1", :\!.,lil' )"lll' Ill l!al'll"!' "" F!llr\'l\'\I I ,\lr•r Fi1'llfll;11·1·s I pl'iv , p<il i•JS I ~========== I iii•" Slll'lll•' 1111\1 II>,,, r•11111 -.1 l:ll. J'_ l;,\, lil l111 ... 1 l'pl..,, 111')•"-~--'IJ !"'I' 101n. 103:!2 l\11f;u1 ! w. 11 ll •v;:l-::llJO. Fountain Va lle y 34t0 '..'1"l0 ~q !\ .:; L:J~ :! !1,1\hs, J;1q.:e up~t111r.~ honu~ roo111. \Vulk to 1-'.IP1nP1ll<•'Y ,~· J1 1 School Fnn11l1rs only S:!7J/mo. Agt :;11;-11 \l l BR. \\/W t'<l l'P\'T111g, bllns, "·;iler J'il1., 111· shp'g centC'rs. ~l ~J. ~H~'i-li.'l;-, ).•.• ;:..·, ;:..1·11 f)<;ll'I B!l'd. 6 lfi-J:ti.J " nit. " Bii apl, l()U' frun1 l'l'a! h. ~2~:, ~'early Je::ise lii:>-:1'.11)7 ~L.E Yt:;'°u11;:: .Ad11il s Lil\· -"--~========o 111·y ~<lrdrn ii fl'-" "1!11 <·011r1· Huntington Beach 4400 !ry <'lllh ;itn1 .. ~1•htTr and 1•0111p]Plr pr11·a1·y. SQl,."['1 I TIAY CLUB ,\f'T:-i. Irvine. ;ii l61h, N••wpon 8i•nr h. (/ll1 n~: .... o:,:.o \\'/\TERF!lONT, Ne\\' r I . Jslund. 8~;1111. l~f'. dupl1·x. \\£>! bar. lntlry, i:;._,rJ.'., ho;i t dock. \Vinll•r or longer. Adulls, no J'il'IS. 67J-7861 vr 1so:i1 fi~i-~~·I I .!;: 2 GR, 1 BA. nr ll<'ach , l\1d [JOl'JI. n ·r rn1. Bltns, ,\1;i1) 11•'11•. /\1h1l\~ 11nly. no r• t.<_ .'.;2.11 1111 SI., 536·.111.l 2 !Jr n1oh1JC' hon1r., adults, no fll'!$. S\2j i11<'I ulil. .52:-i 1·\l';i11ing f~'r. :,:;f,-1fl'j.I 2 BR. 2 BA. prl pa!lo. Hid pool, \~;ishrr hook up. SISJ llll'lll!h Xi2-89~1. General 3000 Gene,.al 3000General 3000 $©\\JU~ -1' 'BtfS" Solve a Simple Scrambled Word Puzzle for a Chuckle O Reorronge letters cf the f01Jr scrambled words ~ 1 low to form four !timple 'WOl'ds. ISULSEN ' I' I I I I DOTIT I I I' r HEPES I I' I •. ' "' -.. A chatterbox: She has a clironlc speech impedimen~. Her doctor colls it palpitation rH-,-,,-G-N,-l-D- 1 -- 1 --j'--,I o;=:," the c:~lld:le quoted h't' f111irtg In th• m1$$ing word. yoo develop jfl)ITI step No. 3 belc::w. & PR~~!>~~~~~~s LEmRS IN 11 11 Ii I' I' r I .,. UN \CPA MSI' ABOVE ""'" I 1 · I I I I U 70 GfT AN!IWER SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 9300 · -:-cr\·1ce rill ul1l 1l1cs in· Apt :1. Da)·~; u12-::.ro1. i·vc rool.~. Tl'nnis. Contnt'l 13kf~1. Motels. Trlr. Crt•. 5997 s J::.t•hri"·"1 ra1 .. <I .'\ .. 111,\lt.•I cluder!. Phone 1\!r. !{1fr• ,.. '. t'-o·, 1·., ~llO !'Ca J ~.1nr., Cd.\l !i 11-2611 1___________ 1 n f•".w 111""' 1n1 n·1 11,,11n•• -~,, s 1::-!~i1;ci VILLA MESA APfS \i\lar.,\rth11r r.r Co11~t lh1·yl \\'F:l-:l\LY ra tr~ S<·i\ 1 ... 1i'k __ --------.'•"lid 11,1;111· ..• d1io'1 .. , .\, pli"ri" 0 I 711011·1. ~7.01 Nrll'pOl't Cl\'(!, D!:.LL'XE .; 1'uo1t1 ,1(1 ir'i' -.u1l1' !\•i !u /lOL:r1°: 01 '.!'f, I' n -13R unfurn. rn pn!ios. !1!t 1 DH rl'Br htHL~f'. Sto,·P, (\-,,1,1 /l!t·~a in Corona dr l :>!;11·. Pl'!'Sl1 p;!· ~:n~ .-,~ [•u111 ,.r111, c·;d1f !!l lfi~' poo 1 t 1 ca 1 r enrl'd ).'Ill'. Chi!-rPlrig_ & nc\v carpels. 1-==="-c·-====== J1 .. wa1u1n .. !':11wlh•d, 11" w Afliliah• r rrll ,'1'!' '.~inlr·, 110 P" '.." 2 Bil. 2 ba · jlJsl •'flniplrird Guest Homes 5998 carr"'t~ .~. llr:opr.~. flt'l\'all' COLLECTORS ~l:·<1s~-~!60. Al~o h.1~11 SlliJ. C;1rp., rlr~1/ll'$, (lish11 t1~ll\•r, pa1·k1n:.:. geaJuno1n1'"s C.:or11. ii.I\\, \\il ~ui. li·l6-J2J! bll -1ns, LOVELY. 11uu:t rootn 1n ti'j~,...ti'jflO WANTED LUXURIOUS 2 Bl{, all clP~', 3 BTt. 1 11a. Brantl Ill''\'. nl11n pri\'all· 11111111• f o r an1-(.l!•"F lCES J:rli,,i,J,, lll•'ll ·~ \'.'tllll"ll, r \· crp1s, drps, GE kl1ch, pine r!1sl1washer, cpl ~, dra1ic~. hulri.lrirv,, 1)001! 1n r 11 l s, 1·• lli •nL r:irnnu.;s, Full ,\: p,ltl I' I b I 1. S<•t·re1\i!'l;d lu11<' av;ij;11hl£>, ( lJ:i.v~ f.'_ !recs, enc { i,:ar, 11r us P<1110. p l' a s an I ~urrn~1tl\ 111;:!:" 3:;13 Kcii'Jllll'I B!v<l., ~.r;. N \I P. $140 Adu!ls. i\lgl', J:l·I J.;, Don r·r;111klil\ Rllr. 1;7~-22~2 1\\•1111 11111nrdia1ely. Call t)'j:,....JGQl ''l'Pnmg~.I 1· '1 ~i· 111t! d'- :!O!h. ::Ol8---475J l1lln1g .~-;~r•Jlt•rt1n~ rn111w~ 3 BR, 1 hnth, bH1ns: :.! yr old.l===========-ICOSTA i'l-lcsa orricC:«. A/C, (1·0111 1'0111 ilfl•'r;1lpd d1Sfll'll· OCEAN Brt<r1,c Apt.«; Lgt' 3 1700 ft 1011'"r tlupl<'x 1111it crpts, i!i-Ps. Parklni;. \'l'iy ~·Ts 111 1\1•11 por! Bca.1•11 .r ... RR. l "f BA. blllns. Grpts. \\'o lk to beach. shoppirn:<, Misc. Rentiilll 5999 llitc olli'-"'s. i ~::i Bo.k..:r, !>lll'l'GtlnJtn~ i!l'Cc1. Con1 p;iny th·ps. no pc1s. $160. n10 sclloc>I. Gas. 1vatcr. i.::arden-~"" ~1 , · 1 C-16--IS"" ; .. u1>tll1ed Joea11ons (!11111dlt·s 'I" 321" fl , · [ [ y ~~u n 0. S('para l' .sing c ~ "" .~ ;>--;,. a ., pn1. 1ng-. epts/c rps inc. 1· . C .,.1_, 6 0 =~=~~~---~-n a ni e h1·1u111 ·canclv A lease, S300 mo. ~ Acacia. i.:.:i ragc. or .•. '"·: range, DELUXE of!h:r. in Costa k 1 '~ 1111 . 2 BR unfurn, nc'v (;olcl J'l('f[ .. 67c .... ,~_,, t:o~ta flli's;:i. !>4S-O.i2'.l r>Jesa. Jj()(I sq i1. Air cond, ST!;l(' ·~. 1.,;~1 <'.isl1 Jt•· bl tins. No rhildrrn. 2G&2 ..... ,.,..,, flllll'llrl. F"or 1icrsonal 1ntr1c k===-=---,-""°'°'"-cc 1::rrits, clri>s. ~.18-6761. ~1nta /\na Ave., Apt I C;\I COflNEll Duplex 2 BR. patio v1e1v in 1t11s :ll'<'tL, ~r1;.f Sl75. l!leC't. sto\·c ,l'.c re f r i i;. Income Property 6000 Industrial Rentil 6090 na111r , ad•fr~·ss & phn11e 2 BR, t:pls. drps, bllins. gara~e. Excel. eontl. 1.'refcr 4 HOUSES $33 950 ---· n1i111brr 10 ;ilulti·Sla!p Di~I ,, rrfrig., ruitio. gas riaid. \\'ork1ng ~upl1•. No ('h1ldff'n • , ,1000 sq IL, J ol/1c'<'S, and loll-In\',_ !'1(17~ E.'., lnipt'ri:i l l!\1-y., '' I ·17 °610 •·-f " 'It I C I Do11'n!'y, Calif '.·~~.'I.'. <21'.,I Free l!IT1ry rm, adult~. no or !'(' s . .J' -o · u<: ,, '" ly. on(·t'Pli\ ti ~-up con· N . !JC!S. 282 A. l61h St. C;il or a ft 6 f'i'll lt('nls $.110 I 1110, • ~1:),f)()t) s11·u1·t1on, ~.l[J. thl'("r. ph11~ 1 -"°~·-t._fl~<l_l_~--~~- llGO. 3 Bll, lrplc, pal iv, Nl::\V l:irgc :; Bit 2 Ji,\. rriu1ty -want 10 lradc 11p f11)11C1'. I 111111 rd 1 a r ,. (l,,_ Ladies Appa re l Shop •·-1· hi f ,,.,., I ""> I .. ,,._ "t<p"n")'. C'"··1·,, \, fn~''· N·•·. L k t I · rrp!tl, rlrpd, ~ar;igr. arlul!s. Virw, ,,,,an\ Ci'I 1ni;s. l1ns, or " -~. 1"" c or (' r . •"' u-~ " '-'-~ 1 ·r o 1i11·n your 1n1n l!l.'I· 289 Qg!c, c. 111. 71,1: 5-!8...S:.Ol cpl:-;, (\l'ps , h1·sl arc a . niit .. 71!;1,v add e<1~h. i::n11Jey N1111t-S.O, ln1J'S, 0 . C. 11i>.<s~ ll1'i'(''s 11 rl;•I njli•.,r- 6 • ., -1 l'I<·. 616-~"", 6·12-'"·.>1 <11rtJOr1. 5-la-4.S!l~ ' I I QI' 21:): 592-5227 1 .. 1---6""' • ' """" "' ---~-~-----1u11 Y o 011n _your own !-.'10Jl 2 BR, bltlns, Sl :G IJ('r 1110. COROL!DO i\pts. 2 Br 8 500 SQ. FT. BLDG. 1'11h <t sn1nll Hl\'!'.'~\n11'11t for c,·pts, drp.~. nrdio. l'\o n.•ls. slOrl ios, sonl(' "'/[rples. s1so u NITS E. 17th SL. co~ta f\J!'S.1 , Z'.'0 fix1u1Y'S .Ill th,-. f'ounlatn \ lll· •·-,.-• •t t s·~ El••, ""'"n~. • "'il'hl' '""V. l"Y ilt\'il. 1\1] 111.::1Th,111d1~c Adults only. ~18-2':)()() •"· up. "~ !)('!l! lOUW ~ ... v. ~,__ '~'"'' "'" 1•v Pool ,t: palios. 67.1-3378 (4 D I E 'd I 1 ~1. SS.) ,\lrin!h. 675-6700 1.~ 011 •·onsl~r11ncnl . Xo In. 2 DR 11pt, hll111s, c1111s t.·1---~-~~~~--up exes astsi e vci:r111<'1H · 111 n1rrrh11i1d1~1·. drps. Gar. Adulls, no pets. CHARflllNG 2 BR. I BA. li9.SOO. l\Io. ineomr S97Q. \\'/\NT~;o: :-i1l0 i::q. f!., one Pll.Y ;iflrr II is .<-old. \\.'(' tr:iin 2270 Poinnna. 616-3164. Crpts, drp~. No Jl('!s. Perron Rlty., 642-177' ninn niaeh-shop. Vtc 1-!ntg you & 1<!tf'l('rvtsc ~·oh at nn Its. m• C•ll 67"77~" Reh or t:l n11n tl'u\·el. 127' 3 "• + .. ,, h•• P-1, _.:_~'--"· __ .. __ .~ __ ·"-"-r~prnse. Fol' l11n1pll'lr 111fnr- :>. "' g:ul'. ..._, ""'I " "" "'''' ">"i"I, ,,.,.,., ntr' ,, 21"/t"7 °"-.LV "v... " ., '' • 1 -ou.Lv. n11111on, \II'!!,-. or rli0nc !-' l .. l)lln.~. \V/\I', drps. Faniily S.:i------·-----1 ~1v1n1n1ing rooL For {lel;,11.~ t -B7L_O_G_. -,,-,-1-r_ill_'<"-.-,-,-.OCO--,-,-. -It, Ti•'l'llt'y, './\.':O Nnr!h Jlr,lty. :i;n1I pr l 0 .1\. Rkr ~1-Hi9SO Balboa 5300 \\Tile; illr. Fr11 neis ~I . .Property 00' x :)()()'. 61'.'-.-!J."\3 11·11od \\':;y, JlUi'bitl1k. C'dlil. AVAILABLE 110\1·, 2 l1DRl\1, Valrn1, 18~9 ~·. ;\lotel Dr., I " ·~ 910 V I' 71 l'rprs. (lrps , hllin:i;, rnrport. BACll. Bayfr1. solci ~!I. ~'rr~no, Cnlil. 9.'l72&. r nvs, E1Ts. o-lZ-1~•;1, \. /1on1• ! .11 S-1~·13111. Allul!s. No pe1~. 5'1$-1;769 Pa1 10. ~d. \\'/\\' cpt~. U!il • c1 0 7 0 <'_»_· 7 C_, 7 1_. __ ~~-~-t -CO-U-Pf-,E---\\'Af..:TEiJ!o · ' pil. $100. ti7:.\-6'j6J l'rofcss.1-----------NE\l/ Jr1rt11srr1al Bldgs f(1r npen1!t• i<n1A ll c-:if~·h•n:1 111 SllO. 2 BR upfJ('.r. siovr, Jl''f:<(J!l only Bu1in•11 Property 6050 ll"aSe. Z>OO sq. rt. !le IL lfi-19 prnfr:"~IOnH I bldi:;. 11111.-t Ill' •ti l2-:i37:'i* 2 DIL 2 Ba. uni. \'rllrly $17J r>lonrovia,· i'.1. ,,73---~l . "-'~.01\ rdi;:.ab!P .t· dcsir{' l~t rclr !g. Util incl'1I. -~-~------,iiiiP,~~,.~~ij(im,iiio J ~~~~~~~~,~~~;;;:--;; '·-· I ''lo. ~10,·c & 1•efrii;. J'\1· Black Knight Rest. 1.(ll'YJ SQ, ~-r .. nr. llarhor & rl11ss 11p('ra11nn. Cnn!,H·T )Ir 'l BR, J 131\, bll1n.~. ff!ll i;-N1· bny/beach. 6";3;-:'i;o:: .,,0 f" l lll St C 'I B:ikrr, C.1\I, Avail. ;i t nnr,-., Tt'l'111patr1. S.~7-2'.170 ··~! .\1 !, ~hops. /\dull~. $160. 51~·27!)8.t------~----I .,,, ~ 1 ' " ", ~I ll LIV""N 'IO 11 ..... \\'urltl Tri>nds f3ld1:, L.;:1;::111111 "'l~ C 0 I " l!.-1nd ,r;, Bldg I ~ '' "1 ·' -"" 1 1111~ ~.. ~ ·~ :"l, Tl It: ~WN NEVF.R s1--;r s 0n 2 BH. C[>1S, 1lrps, 1\1111~. U!il pd. S!."'(1. /\rtul!.~. no pc1s ?"rl'.\-2fi27. !lfi.~1740 n 11 r I lRE~:-i-:-'>llC•P. ~\li--..lt.·-0-Dn.''. husy Rnf'nll l'nrk .. 1•ra 011 nr1" ~11.:1'.l-16, f.17 ':::\~7 BUSINESS >nd I F INANC IAL -----Bu$. Opportunities 6300 FRIGIDIARE JET ACTION Frigidaire ·11' 11\in. wash. Fast .. st in !he tndllsrry. :W. 18 ntJn ll'llslles "'lit d() the \l'Ot·k of~:.;. '.lo 111111 v.·ashes. Fl'llGID!i\HE OU'f::."I'AND· !Nt;' LOC:\'flONS: La f.ftr~· da JllUJUI' .~h11pptni:; c_:('n(C'r. (~,1rden Cn:n'I' & Buena P<i.l'k. Coin-0-Matic Equipment, Inc. '..!J:l-1'1~ \V. V .... Jcncl<i F'ull<'r\orl 714: :U;-)-783~ 'l'RtiVEL AGWCY lot sale, ; u1 Nl'WfJ<n·t lkuch, \\Cll c~JalJl1shL•d , c xcc l len t r •·put;.il 1f1r1. l!olds all ap-· 11011111u1•111-;. 01vn1·1~ niov1n~. S:!.~.ooo. 7!,t/tii;;-111~ i·,·rs. GIFTS & CAilDS \\'ilh Ulll([lH' ('Xt:h:l nr,r · Uu.~1n1·s~. No 1•1u r1pt·l1t1nn, : Jt,•al H.1q:;<J 111! G·l-1-1~W all fi • p111 tlr wknds. ------· L!11'l.l•: G(Ji(I !\1 111~ Jnj' 'f'll</ in ~,.'\, i rirlu~ll'i;d Calr, ::;lir1rt J11Hll's , :-t101·t a J I •' \l Li ! /l . Ll•i 1~1· ~!(~~~ ... 1wrlrrs: l ; (I 0 ti ' i'llAl'lJJNl:.; Shop, ow 11 (' !' f(•t1dng. r~_rnprrty & ('qt1ipn1ent. ll-12-:ZOOl o t' ;}1s..:r.11i1 ~~~-c-. BE/\UTY ~alu11 Jur l>alc. 5 <;!al1ons. Nc11·Jy •!i'..'f'Oratcd. 67.1-28'.i:>, all '.1. 6·16-4608. ---------FISH .!\:. CHIP8 ~HOP Jdc:tl for rouplc. * &H·'.':M•I * Bus. Wanted 6305 DHY CIL·~<1111tg-Pn'.-~ ·shop. N l'\l'plll'! fk·l1, l.agun:1 B('h pl'l·L l'nv prly. l 21::) 7S'.1-:·:77~ Money to Loan 6320 2nd TD Loan P romnt, ('(ln!it:cnti.~l sr1vfPe 642-2171 545-0611 S<'r1·ir1~ !/;n·hor ;'.lrea 20 yrs. Sattler Mortgage Co. :;36 E. 17th ;-;i trl'et l t5,000 r,,,. ~O(lll rr;1l <''-late loan. V:i.(':.llll 01<. i'llr. Adams, 8J'cl~('l' * 4~-2130 l ST TU on \I l11tc \\'alcr vil'W Jn1 111 L<i.:u11a Ct •at:!l. $6,000 at SGO 1110. ind. '.l';. All due 3 .)1"11·~. 12';, D 1scollnt 1:1:u1z 1-:r~ '1'.ll-!ilOO 2NIJ 'f_lJ_ 1!01111• 111 cily fll C,ir son. 7'., ',;. J\ll due 6 ~Ts. · s:i(l. HlC Jnl, Dis,,:( 2:;~~. s::o-rG::s SA\'E t~ASH! Read The DAILY PILOT c L A s s I F I E D . I 0 ' ), ,, ). •· " • " '" ~. ' ll , .. •' ' . \, : G • " ,, ,. & ,, '. i. "' '" ) 0 1 " I 30 '" JO " "' ,, •• • BUSINESS and _,_ FINANCIAL ------ Tutt~Y, JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMEN 1 Job.-Men, Wom. 7100 Jobi-Men, Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Mortg.ges, T.0 .'1 6345 CONSTllUCI'ION f,J o n e y aval!able tor ir.co1ne pro- dll::ing property. Foreign &. domcs!lc. /l.lolt>ls, Nun;!ng Homes, Shopping Cen!l'rs, (J ffice Bui l d i ngs , Apar tments, etc. \Vrite or call Title Realty & Insurance Company, 215 Clark Building, Bhm· Ingham, Alabarna 25Zl:l3 Phcne (w:i) !.!5t-52S6. 1S IQ ftE1'UJ!N $5~.000 &asonc<l L~I TD. pays\.J!e ~500 1110. sr,(., du!! in l I months. Sold :ii $10-1,000 v.·1th ~:J0,000 down: on 5 i\crc~ 1nai;nlf:c{'nt ocean \'lC:'.V Sa. Laguna land. 10',0 Dis!';ount. Broker 1ST and 2NDS :XO. C.11.iL T.D's Inc. ZEN !Tit 2-6063 • Toll Free ANNOUNCEMENTS and NOTICES Found (fr" Ad5) 6400 ( J SERVICE DIRECTORY Asphalt, Oils 6520 8E1\LINC & PATCHING Rcsldt't1t 1;i l • /tlflU:> • Comc'l C1u11pl 1·~•;,,;; ~··1·1. Curr\"ntly cngag._~t t•.v C11y ul C .. \L tor blrt·!'l l'<'S!('>r;it1on. 1'1\TO CORP. CP11·1 Cl•1!11·aclof!' 638-SSJS Babysitting 6550 Cl!!LD Care -inuthcr or toll- ,11,,1· will ~11 <l:iys, prefer _ages 6 n1os • 2 yrs, n1y BULL T~·rrler. l"onihinatlon. hon1r, Crl;',1. 675-72$1 Black & bro11'n 111ode!ctl BABYSITTING & lun<.:hr.s. \l'/Whilc points & i;\Uh tail. Pickup fron1 sch! a.f l 3 PM. Choke chain '1·/Hc. & Jll'a }~enc'LI yd, companion. rollar. Call afler 4. All day lo"7.'&.~5'~7~'~-cc~-~~ Sat & Sun. 646-1009 \\ilLL babysil .; or 5 vr old LARGE Collie, vie Lo:; in n1y l\lesa dcl l\1a~ ho1ne. Jardines & Slater, Green 546-&106 Valley are a I" o u n ta in I cWcJ=LoLC::.Cb_•cby-,c!i--m-)-,--0-10~ Val:cy. Call to idcntif;,i. days. Big Jcnc'd b!< yd. C.!lf. ( I I Wher;i Yoo Want it done right ••• Call one of the experts listed below!! SERVICE DIRECTORY Gardening 6680 SERVICE DIRECTORY Land1caping 6810 CL£1\N-UP SPECIALIST! l\towing, edging, odtl jobs. H.easonab!e. S.\O-<i9~{1 Gardening ANTHONY'S 644-4860 6680 * Lic'd Japanese landscape c o ntrac t or; lawns spnnldcrs, patios, t: t c . 83U-3037 LIC'D J apanese landscape 1:ontraccor, Lawns, :sprklrs, paUos. etc. ~7 Ma~s~o_n_ry'"-,_B_d_c~k~~6~830 RICHARD ALLEN Custom & Spanish Masonry A Specialty I ACCOUNTING -CLERK- Two years experience, cler1cal accountini.;:, ac· counts payable or rect"iv- able, or jQb rost. Type 50 wpm electric. Call Personn1I Dept. (714) 494"9401 TEL ON IC ENGINEERING CO. Laguna Beach The Ilest, ccsts no more! Ex~ricnced !Ylain!cnance Budget Landscaping Graduate llorHcuHurist AL'S Gardening &-L<i11'n l\lainti:-na11cc. Cor111nercial, indL!slri:il & fi"Sidential. Block, Brick, Concrete Equal cpportun!ty employer * &16-3629 * COMPLETE Yard Maln!. Cleanup Reat. !163-19'28/&1&-82·17 Exp'd Japanese Gardener. ==F=•=•=•=Eo-o''=·=63=3-=2=34=J=' I ~\sscmbly Paperhanging Painting 6850 NEED PAINTING? ITT JABSCO ASSEMBLY FOREMAN -· --·--- BOOKKEEPER IRVINE COMPLEX TO $500 \\'UJ cunsider g\11 1vhh eul- lege BCCOLlnting ins tC'1td of experienet>, Riviera E 1n- ploym.,1~c At:t•111:y, Inc. 466i MacArthur Blvd., Suite 201, Newpon Beaeh. 540.6370 Boat cover· n'llln EXP'D or appl"t'nlfCf' boot <-'Over m a n. Baxter & Clctro, Inc, 642-7238 BOYS 10 • 14 Carrier Routes Opea '" l.a;Wla. Beach, So. Laguna DISHWASHER Experienced Apply In person SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 Pac. Cst. Hwy, Newport Beach D('pt. .$1(lre J. W. ROBINSON J Ins npl'nlng for a CORSETIERE ( f.:.'\'pi_'rit'!K't'd) Full nn1c, £'Xct•llcnt h<'neflts. Apply in p1Tsun. f'ersotUJel Ofc, Ft\Sll!ON JSLi\;'1.'D N£\\'POHT IJE,\CI r DAILY PIWr 642-4321 D .. ntaL Asst fol' Orth1Jdon1Jc CABINET MAKER p111t'llL'L'-C'halr.>irle & Jail. wlth furnllure iexperience. [!1·n1uJ rxp 1Y·q. Oi1hu 1·~ri G<xxJ oppor1un1ty prrf ,\~,,. l!J..~O. TQp ~aL1r)- Jorgcn~':!n Furnilure Co. &12-26'26 786 Ncwont \Vay, Ci\'! 6~:>-0310 --,.~~,..-~---lk11Tal 1\ss1~11:1111 Cashier /Bkkpr $403 "'""''d', ""'"''"~" Pt1nnc anytime 9G8-;,7B2 AIR. ~harp, good opp!y! Independent Personnel! Agency 1717 Orange A1'e., Suit C c "'' 642-00'16. 5~5 007!1 CASHIEJi Neat np]'X'!!.rdllee, nvr.r JS. Full linie. Apply 111 person BOB 'S BIG BOY 154 E. l71h, C_l\1. Draftsman-I ntermed $600 Fee paid, C11rrt1· orpty, Cop nntl'h ~·o, son10 college & ""11 r('{\. 1\ll b<'nrtit:i:. l'l!~n lt'1.' johs. Ca ll Arman, ~'16·"5-110 JASON BEST En1ployn1enl Agt>11cy '.llZI) Sn. l\lnin. San!n Ana DRAFTSMAr;r- Auton1ot1ve I truck body or con1parablC" e~perlenre nee .. "'S~·•r,v. Bill I•) n1aierials, CJllNE!'E live-in Domestic hi1u·p1·1nt, t'lr, Salary i:Llrn- tlctobt, 14, 1961) DAILY P!LOT .!3 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Jobs-Men. Wom. _7_100 Join-Men. Wom. 7100 §§:-~-'"I " "11" "11 ~--= * * House\vives and Mothers E arn extra money for *CHRISTMAS* J. C. Penney Company Fashion Isla nd -Newport Beacf\ Has positions open in * Sale~ * Stoc:k * Santa's I~el per * Credit inter vie\VS * Gift \Vr.:ipping * !1-terchandisc records * PBX Sche<l.ule.~ including afternoons, evenings anj con1b1nat1on of both. F'incst condi!_ions -Top su pervision -Ex- ce llent benefits including discount privilege. * Apply Now 10 A.M. to 9 P.M., Monday thru Friday. J. C. Penney Company ¢24 Fashion lslan'd Newport Beach, California 962-0204 Call &1&-:):)~7. BLACK poodle, 111 a I c , I cA"Llc.-cd,-y-0-,-,cll-,-,-,-,ch~oof-, -n-,y iv/jeweled <--'Ollar, vie. ~.A. home E-sidt: CM. 2 yrs or Heights, 1 \\'eek a!: o. over please. 642-tlSG Complete yard srrvlcc, free estimate. 5·10-1332 Cut & Edge Lawn Maintenance, Licensed 548-4SO!l/549-19S4 aft 4 Call us! Reliable Service \VI Quality at its hest, at Ilic ni.os t rcasonahlc price'!;. f'ree estimates. 548-6002 *INTERIOR EXTERIOR* Painting" -Paperhanging Company has an immedi· ale opening lor a pro- du<.:tion assembly fore· n1an. Minin1un1 o[ two yea.rs related exper_ Pre- fer son1e college. Libcr· al fl'inge bcne[it p~ gran1. Salary commensu· rate 1vlth education & ex· pcricnce. Prnnan('nt. Exi~rienced. · n1c11sura rc wllh a htl!Ly, 0 1'- F11r East Agl'ncy 642-870.1 nng(' OJ\lnty locallon. * •COCh'.TATL \\'AITRESSES Explorer Motor Homes =::ii I ·.-. * 6'1:>---2762 1 c:o:.;~~""C:..~'......~ Llc. l ns. Guaranteed I1arris Painting 642-4l.58 SUBURBAN Paintingr Dec Expert Guaranteed \Vork Free est. No job 100 lrui;c (iJ4\ 5~&-:IJOO ~. * BAR TENDER =c~-- LICENSED Day care, v•eek BLACK & white long-haired clays, infant thru 5 yr.;. So. w/black spot under chin. Coast Plaza area. 549-1038 Vi!". Broadway, C . i\f. 5'18-1206 LOVING care for ycur infant up to 3. \Vk-day-hr. Harbor GREY Poodle, 111ale, so1·c & Baker, C;<.1. 5'\S-13S7 front paw. Vic Sl. A11dre1vs I'======="=== & Eden, \V estm ins t er . 8~1656 Brick, Masonry, etc. 6560 BUI.LO, Remode l, r eruir Brick, b!xk. ccncrete, carpr.ntry, no job loo !'>mall. Lie. Contr. $2--0!).15 FOUND Vic. 1st & Acac11.1 St, CdM yoong male ca!, \\'hite \\'/black spots. 673-6169 BLACK male O>ck _ a • poo puppy, brown collar, vie of Del Jl,1.ar St. 64&-0034 Carpenterin~ 546-5146 or GREY rabbit. ""-""' 6590 Lost 6401 CARPENTRY MINOR P..EPAffiS. No J ob Too Sr.1all. Cabinet in g.:i_r. nr,es & ot her cabinets. BLACK and 1vhitc and g:r~1y S.1~115, U no answel' leave altered male cat, lost \c!~( msi at 64&-237Z. 11. O. Thurs or Fri in Old Newpurl "'A;";'c"~w;::"~~---~ vic. Clay & Orange .Sts. RE!'AIR. Partitions Sn,all \\'caring clear !lea coHnr, Hi>n1odrl, etc. Nil€-or dtiy, chllct's pct, Rew'ri. &15--2629 I~t';1~' Ca". KEN 5,JQ .. 167!) Jli\l'S Ga.rden1ng & luwn nu11n!enanc:c. Res. & Com- mercial, * 540-48:;7 * Expert Japanese FlNES'f 'VORl\: 646-038.t Genera) Services 6682 er too small. <194-31!Kl P AINT!NG Int & Ext Lo\1•est contrnctcd prices. i-~uuy ins. Satisfaction guru. Free est. C&A Desigr.: El. Pkg, l\lcch.. Prot' de.vi. &1!~0780 Pi\1, Box Irvine. J ini Weeks 673-ll~ E/tll. 1 ~~--~~----facil. PAINTING, Papering 16 yrs. A D in llarbor area . Lie. & GARAGF: Doors :;ervicccl & Repain:-d. Gencr;1l House l\t'a1nl. $HJ. n11n. G7a-538·1. bonded. Refs. furn. 642-2356. l:XT/lut. pntg. Aver rm. $20 ·I-good paint, neat work, Joe rers. Roy, 847-1~. •FOR l5etter Painting, in- terior & rxterio r, acoustic TOP Dollar for old Hcn1s ceiling~. &l6-'1077 & S4l..J50'2 yo ur garage , wil l C & S Paln!l•rs, 111t-Ext. stol'f'/arnl/or n1cvc, Let a lloUAf' & apts. I'Jo job too s1nall busin<-ssman pay a t· ~1na ll. C.75-295.:i aft 5. lrnllon to your needs. Jolui. '11''',7\LLP~~A~P"Ec.n°.1"_N7Go-'=&-J7>A7f-N· Hauling 6730 536-6126 TING, 10 YP.S in area. ·y AP.Dl Gar. c J e a 1, up. Reasonable rates. &12-0477 Ren10\'e !:-er.:<;, i .')', dirt, PAINTING & papcrhangln~. lractor ba ckhoe, i:r ad c Reasonable. 25 yrs exp. ~2-87,15 ('.erman skills. 642-1:122 C.LCAN UP & Tr1 111m111i.: Tree & shrub removal. f;'l.'TERIOR & ext. Average 3 hr, h&', labor cnly $127.50 Call :.>1'!-15.\6 EQUAL OPF'ORTUNITY El\1PLOYER l·IS.i Dale \\"ay . Costa l\lesa, Calif. (TI4 ) 545-8251 Ambitious Women Attractive, good personality. Use of car, over 21 . Some eveningi; pref. A\'erage part time, S59 \.\'k., lull tlme. $124. No exp. nee. For prompt introd. inlervie1v, caU Mr. Mills. 54-J-S.150, BABY S ITTER. i'\'lature v.·oman, 21i <lays wk. 1 in- let nt. 2 school-age OOys. Back Bay area. S.18----817:, BABYSITTER, 5 day \.\'k. Apply '" """"" 2500 w. * DRIVERS * Coast lflvy. N.B. S.16-99!1\ N E COl\tBrNATJON. Sharp Bar o xperience r..1a1ds & Go Go Dancers. Necessary! Tofl wages. Phone for in· !\lust have clean Califor nia terview. Sassy Lassy, 2901 driving record. Apply Harbor, C.ill. YELLOW CAB CO. CLERK Typist, 10 kf'y ad-186 !':. 16th St. r!i ng n1ach. Aptl(lldtl \1;1th Costa !\1esa !igurr.~. _ l11c I Y PI n ~. DRIVER, Men for :-;rork ~t·spons1ble pe_:son. $.l!J..-0377, shipping ,t r e cc i v i 11 g • CLE1\NL\IG lady 1vantt•d. df'liVery, !ndu~tria[ Offll'(' reliablr., 4 hnurs on Fridays. Supply, 4360-C, Can1pus Dr .. c .D. ill. 64,l---0903 CN.c·"::.'c_~----- Cooks ESTABLISHED l nsuranre Leads avail, N.B. oU:i~. FRY COOKS r.:11·1·cr oppt. 67:-HiJS.1 E:1;pt>r1cncei:1 1n 31ng_le needle find Oi""•·lurl< <"~·" µ'•"' Top v.·agcs, pernuinent, hon· _· · "'"R' •le est, and good working con-\~Ork prices, steuc~y 11·o rk _ ' ,,. · -· I f' F.DOY l'v!OSS 140.12 Loi·us! < 1 ions m areas l'<l( 1ng 51 \\' 1 . '34---873 restaurilnt, App!y !I am to J ., es m1ns!cr; .~ S pm Ior interview at ~~ L 0 0 ll L A DY , f H 11 ('l1tl t').';C'-~)lllr!s11 e:ir Ill r t; I". MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP r;d p11y, ~1,.ad_1·. 1~1~-2f't.f. f ac·triry Rcspon si blf' w/good 210.11 El Toro JUI . ITI JABSCO r elen'nce5. 3 Small girls Leisure \Vorld Laguna llills uges ~· n1()~ .. 2 yrs & 4 yrs.1 _____ 8c3_7_.JcO_l4 ___ _ \Vould CQnsirler l iv e -in. * COOK~xperienced 548-7672 a ft G. Excellrnt 11·orking 1il1Jdl!1Dns (,()Sf; Lrg l:Jlk a!l r red male CA~l'ENTRY, Ca b f n er s cflt ,.,., clear rod rtea collar, Ucn1ort Ni) jol:J too sm111I, vie Laguna Niguel Firr Sta. qual .ty 11'(lrk. Call 646-2:,16. Children's pct. Rei1·~ Plt'lse QUALI1 Y Rt'(1alrs -Al1 era- eall ~9.'>--4073 lions -New oonst. by hour L \DIES 1\•allet. Vic Center or Contrnct. 646-34·12 St, Cl\1 or 3rd Ave., L.a!,'llna REPAm. Partitions SmaJ! Beach, Fri 8/1. Va!ualile Remodel. etc, Ni!e or day, Reasorablr. :}1g...135~ CLF::\N-Up and bght lllO\I· ing. Cal! Dave: Plastering, Repair 6880 BABYSIITER -Jn nlY APPLY JN PERSON - hon1c. Thurs-Mon. 6 : 30 SNACK SHOP -=t9 TURRET LATHE setup & operate * 893--1295 * p a p e r s. Reward. 49')..2369 TU:>as! CaJJ KEN 540-467~ alt. 6. Clean Up And Ha ul ~HI a load f1-lf"'r232~ e PATC H PLASTERING. a.m .-1 p.n1. 1 <'hild . \V iii e stltnate. pmvidP trans, &16-8243, aft. ,\JI lypt's. Frre Cati :H0-682:1 3·MG !'.:. Coa~! 1!1\y, Cnt'Ona rlrl ~·1111· MILL & DRILL setup & opera te $65 LOST h<'twrl'n i\la111 & I Cement, Concrete 6600 SI, Balboa P('rnn~ula Hou .. cleanlng 6735 Pl b' 6890 e CONCRETE 11·ork a I I • C:C.:.::::O.C:::C:.::""---:::.:: ~':"··~c'"c9,_ ___ _:.c.;_; 711: 67:,..7:,7!) ---!ypcs. Pool decks & custom. BA\'&· &arh Cleaning Si>rv. 1~1.CJ :'-181!\"G REPAJR Call 518---1324 Carpels. 11·int!o11•$, floor~. /' o job too small Personals 6405 ----------*CONCRETE F l o ors , t>Ce. Res & Commc 'I e 6-12·312S e patios, t'1r. flc11.sonable. Cail ~"~"c·c"'o'c'~~~~~-~ ======o=-'-"=== ACTING Don, 642-851~ Hou s i: c LE A N 1 NG & R_!'model, Repair. 6940 Do you 1\·ant 10 be a lul l tin1c ~===00='-====== Genera.I r .. taintcnancc. Call k. f J' Do Co t t 6620 BUILD. Remodel. Repal• 1vor 1ng pro ess1onil . n rac or1 anytim{',, good refs, reas! you have 1 hc s~·lf d •sc1phnc 64!H.i084 Brick, block, co n c r e t e , to subjC<'t yourself lo a rig-Formica Fabricating "'C.:C"'""-=~--~-crpntr)', no job too small '" B , h , n .-. ......... & Fully tooler! facto'"" in Costa CARPETS, \Vind ov.·s, firs, Lie. Contr. 962-6945 1u ri is ra1rn g ~o"''"" •J c1c. Res or (om(•'I. Xlnt the a n istic hurn1Jlty to ac-flll'S.1, Sink tops . cabinr.!s -ivork Rea."! Refs. 548411 1. * IF you nt'cd J'C'!ncxlcling cep! minoc roll!s until 1hr custom !onning 1 or10.0CKl. pa inting-or repairs. Call training period is. complrtc7 Ra11· ina1eria1~ lo lhl' puhl1<: • \\'lNDO\\'S DIRTY? Dick, 6·12-li:li. If M Tl-IE LONDON L1\-& help you plan, Fast cour· r~~ rst, 1:0. yefl~ f'Xp. (;UNA ACTORS IVOftl\. ltvtlS bids on sntl &. lge jobs, Johnny Dunn G-12-2361 Sewing 6960 S!lOP might he ahlr !{• 11rlp 0f)('n SAT am. \\'OU LD You bf:he1·e I will you. l\o pi-e1·io1L<; cxpl'r1<'11C•' Hardin Enterprises C'lean yollr home lor Blue • l)ressmakJtll:-· Altrratlons nt'l'e~u·y, 110 age h;irr1cr, SJ~ \\". J.~th ~L1 C.r>-1. Chip scanips? 8!!7~73.')() Sfl'C'Cial nn h(•rns. LOSE my Tree Service 6980 i\1emlx'rs or 1h1s ex1·lu~11' * !H2-28~2 * l\lol'tn~? .~'llini:? Rf"ntln~? * &l&-6446 * ~roup 11'111 nnly t>c a cccp!<:-rl CJ.JI Rcn!al Rcarticr 'STITCHERY CLASSES U""O a s•tisfa,~nry nri-sonal l ~Cc•~,~~~tUC;;;:l•~o~n:l~n!::;;:6~6~2~5J~~~~::;;:~~=;:;~~ Scv•ing. Hein l'>'ilh Chrlstm~~ ,--· " '" ,. r-~ t'ry n:-::isonnh!r. 54Q-..".:J2~ '' ..., 1ntrrv1rw \1'ith 1hr d1rcrtor. 1tlf'as. &IF>-1400 C'.flll ~~·1·+101 fnr apfl1, * DIA:\fONDS ;ire mrliSlJrrd I-~-'-'~----~-by quality, !<(> arc 1i·c! Ironing 6755 Altera tions -642-5845 UIAJ\IO~'D C,\RPCT Neat, accural<'. 20 years exp_ CLEANERS 61:i-1~1 7 anytinie \\'ILL do ironing 1n J1ornc. IX aplel'(', CAHPET ,!',,_ Furn. cleaning: * 646-70~2 * WEIGHT lnr 1 day service & quahty. \~·ork-. c;ill Slerhn;: f{)r hnghtne.~s~ 64:?-852() Janitorial 6790 GLNE'S T R !'.: E: SERV; :.:.c...c:.:.c::.... ___ _:::..:.:: trt:'Cs I shruhbcry rt.1noved, Electrical f \vnnt lo \1·omrn 11·hn are 10 6640 Si'ATU{LE Janitorial &: \Vin-trimmed, hauled away do\v cleaning Scrv. \Vin-1 75-l=~cl035=9~~~~--- dows, rcsid., c:Qmcl, con~t. BE\VARE: ~ Rubber trees Cleanup. F'ree ('St. !JG8-2ml. break fountlalicns. Free est. ro11nds or mQtc ovcrwrig ht lo rakr part in group 11'£'ight loss program nf -~11r-cia!ized N'ducing. Alt inf]utrics 1"0n- fidcn1ial. Ask for Mr. Ken- nedy 537-~12. PALM & Card Rending. Ad vice & help on many mailers. Fully lic'rl. Open ELECTRICAL Sc r v & llrp:ilr :!1 hours/7 days. No job 100 stnall. P.C?mod & arl- di!inns. Jr its cleclrical 11·e fL;'\; 11 ! 646-4772 F.LECTRlCCAN: Licrnsed, bondctl, small jobs, n1aint & rr f)airs. 5-15-52}3 DUTQ-l i"laint Serv, crpt clng, nr \\'axing, \l'indow \\'ashing. Harry van Beynen 537-1508 ii no an~ call aft J. ESTATE Main! Tree Serv Removal & trimming~, free eslimare, cat! 541-0088. daily l0am-10pm. Floon 6665 21.1/697-!lm. 210 \V. \Vhit-DAILY PILOT DI r.1 E. A. Any Tree Service. ;,30--3920 Do"g Upholstery 6990 CZYKOSKl'S Cust. Uphol. European Craftsmanship 100% -Fin! 642-1454 1831 Newport Bl., C.M. tier Blvd, La IJabra. Next CARPET VJN'fL TILE LINES. \'ou can use I.hem to LBJ-labra walk in theatre. Free est. Lie. contr. 540-7262, for just pennies a day. Dial 11fE QUTCKER YOU CALL, <1:30 pm. BABYSITIF.n 3 to 5 days a (OOKS.RF.Lll-:F-i\I ~· \1·eek, days, ages l '~ yrs & Non s;nokrrs 4 '~ yrs. _Ph'fcr your home. 4 du.ys a \1·crk C.d.\I. 67:0-7.~76 Call after 5 fo-rl & Sut -111or111ngs & "erkcrw.ls. Sun .t !'>Ion -rlinncr BABYSITTER, my home, Ph. ;tl6-1223 & ask for Nnl'h d as,. !'>ton-Fri. St Nov. 10th. . .. COOK .. , f!Sll,,. lnfant & 6 ;)-T. Lt hswk. <ll:•n 10 start at $2.75 JlC'I' hr :l'!0-6401 J.~xnencnttd $~.00 per hr BABYS11TER my Jo', V , Call h<'t\vccn D & 11 A."\f horn<', days, 2 Children 5 & 673--0~18 3, Day;; 63&-1330, a ft 6, 1----------- 962-3916 * COOK~l\·lALE TOOL , DIE & MOLD MAKER A~l rosilJnn_~ fPQU!l'1' s.:11nc l'.\pc"nrnc:e. \.18F:RAL 'FRL\'r.f·: OE:-,rJ::FJT PROCfl A:\I Ah1l1 ly tr:i 11-ork fnlm h!Ltc- prin!~ is <·~:;t•1111a!. t;QL',\L <}P!Y>RTUN ITY E\IPLO\'ER BABYSJITEH., lite hskpg. 2 Apply~ FLYING BUTLER children 5 & 1. S day ivk. 3101 NPwport Bl1'd ., N,13. 1 L~j D~J,, \\';1y 0 1\'n l,,n~n ""~)621) c.~1~1 j\~,.,~:1, C"<ihf, -=.c.:c.::;:~·~·~··~"~'~~~C' ---1 Cns!ot!ian .... 17111 :)r1 .. Q2.J1 BA BYSTITER lill t.IED. onrn1ng for rrhnhlr ------------ 5:11-3230 ("all aft 6 111on \l'ilh prl'v1ous ln - -'-"-""-"-1'.1 _v_,_l!ey arPa, dustrial janitorial 0xp. Xlnl BABYSJITErt 1\·11.11ted in n1y \1·nrking eonrl .. grf. p11y fl all hOmP. SLOO hou r. ~l()ndny frtni;c bem:>.fits incl. pruf1! mornings, C D.<11. &14-JnO:i sh11ro ng. Cal\L I 11 j e c I 1 on BABYSl'n"£R \\';ult r<I : !T\Y Mnld111i;-. 200 Bri ~gs A1·c h0mr. i\1on·Fr1. Pre f e r1_cc'c'cL_'1;.::ti-4c..:·lcf-O;_ ___ _ nialurr won1an. im.\-18~1 B11rik1n1< Ncwf)')rl National Bank Escrow Officer Ban kin~ Call l\1r. Carler 9-5, 642-31 l.1 EXP'D NOTE TELLER Nev.'port N11Honal B&nk Call f<-!r~ Carter fl.S &12-.1111 BAR.l\1/UD; 0 or pt time, f'lights. Good &alary. Apply days: <136 E. 17th, C.M. Data Proc{'ssin~ ITT JABSCO KEYPUNCH OPERATOR TB1\T alpha and numrrl· c11l. Verily and some re· lated clerical d ll l I es, Good working conditions and benefits. e FRY COOK e * EXPERIENCED THE RIGGER # H; f"11shi,1n lsl:1nrl Nr•\\'IXH't Orurh FRY COOJ\, p.i r! llmc. ill;il<', f:.ANCJJ() :"AN ,JOA- QUIN (jnlf C'our,'\C', 18021 C1111'r1· r.11,. nr. ~I J" r Ask tilt' \\l".1yn<'. Pl!: 8:13--0112 Foreign Car Mechanics Gnnrl co. bcflC'fits, incl p11 1rl 548-9!}49 BEAUTICIANS, tcmale, tlJ EQUAf, OPPORTUNITY vnl'alion, group Ins, 11ni. EMPLOYER fonn.~ furnished frc,., Gmel \\'Ork evenings&: Sundays In con1m. ~chrduli>, Ask for Costa Mesa's busiest . 1~83 Dale \Vay Jnc J'lloorr Ph, ;,1{).176l popular priced 5alon. Op-Costa M<'Sa, Cal lJ. portunit.y Jor top earnings Gcn ... ral w/n~id va'"aLion. App f y " ~ COF'F'EE SHOP ,,_ ... (1141 545-o.,,,• Of Mgr. Crowning Glory Beau· NING HOO:'l'f and !y Salon, 267 E. 17th St., __________ COC:l\1'1\IL \\'A[TRESSGS DISJ l\\'ASlJEHS LICENSED 1-546-4478 _ 642-5678 T~lE QUICKER YOU SELL Spiritual Readings, advice on all matters. 312 N, El Cami:z~~~· 5:~~~;nentc ANNOUNCEMENTS JOBS & EMPLOYMENT I JOBS & EMPLOYMENT n c::!:::K.cl_N_l_&nna __ ld~/d7a-,-ccr. Deptj .5~~e ROBINSON 10 Af.1' JO PM and NOTICES ----Full or part-time. Costa Has opening ln C.111 . BUSBOYS 01IJ arlrr 10 Ai\f! j76./910 Ext. ISO, Ask !01· r•lr. .Jnhnson or !llrs. l\toor- croll. · Job Wanted, Jobt---Men, Wom. 7100 MKa MEN'S SHOE DEPT. REFINED gentleman seeks Announcements 6410 Women 7020 ·--1 lady companion & home for AC C 0 MP A NIS'T: Mu5J. &t&-7?ll (Experience pn:-fcrred) mutual happiness. You G d 0 • AJ\.lBITIOUS, personable cian • Accon1panl11t needed BOOKKEEPER Full lime, excellent benefits. drive my car. Will pay $200 ran penrng youni.: won1an \l.'ants girl for Nc1vport Harbor High Full charge, !hru TB. tor Apply in person, P ersonnel mo. 536--4157 Friday or drafting job. Choral Dept., 5 days per boat. sale9 busi~!I. Min 2 ~p~ ASH ON ISLA P.A!l-lANDA TNN lOCiO \V. Katclla Ave, Annhcim, Calif- Attractive Expert YOUNG WOMAN dancer 1vill teach you alt late11t strps. Call Ardell Zt1: 591 -4538 1-10 PM SINGERS.WRITERS Record Co. is l!t'&rehlng for talent for recanting. 548-2353 aflrr noon. BACHELOR Looking for girl trnnil'l playt>r in 30's - nying, clc. Write Box M847 Dally Pilot \\'ANT to share Newport-i\tesa 11.JTa P11sadcna. 5 d1Jys. 642--9887 t' i d (' "' Calf ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Phone 542·7Z17 01· writ~ to f\O. Bolf 1223 Q:r.l:fA Mesa. Academy &16-Zl34 11·k., 4-6 h~. per day. Call yrs exper: woman 25-35. Ac-I ·-ND f Ph · Th ACCOUNTING Mrs. Reynolds 518-1121 for c:urate. ~at, ambitioui;. Pe-r. NEWPORT BEACH o ys10 erapy audition manent posiUon. Xlnt salary Small Sets of Boob ----------& ~,"1.,,. ""Sm. M'. Gar. DISHWASHER. Full time, 4 Sauna & massage, 6 female 1-.ty home. !J.W-2'211 eves, '-"' ' "' -•. ..., 12 PM A I I 2: !ech. 10 ani-12 midnight 7 Acctg Clerk to $450 cia. · to · PP Ya ter PM. days, Z)S Tllal.ia, Suite C, Fie Bkpr-1>ec. Thru P&L Lovely offices. stable com· I ~='---------Don The Beachcomher, 3901 t.ai:una Beach. 4M--1:113 15 yn. eKJl. pany. Laguna. Call l\ay, BOOKKEEPER M/F l"'-E'-.,,_c __ oa_~_:.»_•"-Y-'"~C--d_M::.· __ 5.16-7248 !>46-5410 Approx. 2 days per wk. Cemetery Lots 6411 'H7Q~U~SE=.CL"°E~A~N"l~N~G~b-y-d-,.,.-. JASON BEST Steady work. increai;ing to Gardcricr SPRINKLER MECHANIC NEWPORT BEACH ----'-------Fridays. Experienced, refs. Employment Agency full time 11s CO. 1trow~. Exp FOR SALE by owner, 6 Pa-transp. 642-0238 2120 So. Main, Sanla Ana in con~!nict\on desi red, \l.'c arc one "r Orange Coun-c1fic View e~tery lots.1::::::::::::::::::==== Automotive Balanc•Flo Inc. 18 years or older, t1P11 J1•rg1·st land owi1ef't\ and * DISHWASHER NIGHTS Call ~5-6960. New Car Mechanic 1----~64~2-5700 Part time we !\re sreking an 11utoma- Jobs--Men. W~_m_. ?~ Heavy Duty Mechanic Full liine tir ~prinklrr mrch1111ir. 6450 Legal Notlffs ALT..-Around malntenanC1! & J \VJLL not lw!. rcgponsihle kennel help. Dcpendablr, for any debts n!11er th11n n1y fl)St &-lhomugh. Exp'd own, Jnm<'s l\tlcharl Fox p1tl"d hut not nee. Ph. J lo 5 IT'S Beach houw time. Bis::-1 =P~'c'c' ="'~>-~384=3=~==~ irest ~rlertlon ev~~I:_ Tl-I ~ QUICKER YOU CALI~ DAILY PH.OT \\'1\ .• ns! TifE QUICKE R ''Ot; SELL SEE MR. HINMAN BOAT CARPENTERS <11lninH1m three y1·1u11 ellper- ROY CARVER ANO MECHANICS APPL'' JN PERSON ienrf' with :it leas! o~ PONTIAC Experienced, Large custom REUBEN E LEE NJIJ~<" In s[lrinklrr repair. conslniction. Top waf:_es, • J·: . ..,rrlll'll( wnrking conrl illuns 2925 llar!)or Blvrl .. C,1\-J, \VII.I.ARD BOAT \VOflKS "nil henPf!t.ot, DON'T give It nway, get 1295 Bilker Sl., C.M. 151 E . Coast Hwy. p,{'~"' r.1 tl 547.rr.125 from ~ quil'k cash for it \\1th a 1--"-'"-"-C::...:.:::...:.::c__ Newport Beach llm 10 5 pm, !\lonll11y lhru Dnily Pilot "Yant Ad , ,DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! f'Mda}'. ~'-~~~.:....:.~~~~~~'..:..:.:'.2'._~-''-- Jobs-~e~Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Gardener GROUNDSMAN NEWPORT BEACH Div('r!'<ifie11 land dr\'e!opnicnt rrin1r,111y Is sc_•rku1~ some. cne l•l <1s~fa1 In n1alnlcnance •lf r->1n1mrrr1ill PNJX'rtirs Job dut111s 1vill 1nelurlc .. te::in- up of olJ1si1le ctl"f':tS anc! grn- cral garck•ni11g a:,s1stancc No f"'i:[)f'n~n<·r· rcriui1'(>d . Ex- 1·el!<>n1 t_,._.11c!l!s wilh &f01\'. 1ng ,·,.n1pa11y, C'Jll Jli\·l BALLENGER Ill tilL-1)3'.,I,-,, r1"n1 ~ 1n 5, J\lr1nday-Fr1dny ;-;-Dl·;-LrCAT"f:s...::1.;,'J :\l,\N F111l 11111<· work . &•e Tcrrv, 1!1" !•:. 17111 C :'II • I.! ;-: ~nl I GAL -FRIDAY silo -- 1·:\f'••lli'tll "fll!1,1, lfi•'i\Sil!l! 11,1)·f.in~ cei11d_ Tnp hrnef!tJ>, Cull D1 '1tlt'. ,i l!J,j.!10 JASON BEST Enlpluyn1cn1 A~enr·y _:.tllQ So. i'lln1n. Ninl:1 J\11<1_ llr\IP. S1.~1 1sc~ -Hr-;u11y Or,.•1-.1tor~. Hunt i 11 f'. 1 n n l\<',lCh .\: ~anla Ann Bu.~.v s:ilr,n~·l!'"lO'f rciJ', P h n n r :-.1::-111·,~. '.!G.'l-811.~n. or <'I'<-·~ ;,.j~,_~ \JO ----!!OSP!T1\l..!TY Jlf)t::Tr.::.:~ IS ln6k1n~ fnr rnalure 11·nn1r 11 to 11 rlro1nr r1r11'r11mrrs 10 lhl' {'On11nunll_y. i'llu~L hn1·1, ly1it•11r1!1:r, c:i1·, :ir1d I.;_• l'Oll· d,1i.1e. Apply 2:r1 r:. 1\·!~1111, S1111,. 1, Tu,.;11n. ('.a J 1 f . ~·1·1-li!IZ.• f11l : Tin1e HOUSEKEEPER i\ppiy 1n person I [\1nt1n(!fon fkilrh r·.,111 ,o \1"'1'"'1! l I•' 1 •1!,o) 1 ~7~2 p,,J;pi :u·,, ~!..JI ll --I H II Sl•:l\!,}.J'I I\, t •nu I; , ('n1np ;1•11qn f1.1', 1r!••tlv I.id;,, L1\'l' 111 or n.i!. !~!11. -l~•rir.i. .•nl 0'w ·1nnk,,1~ •'I: drH1k111 ' 1'1·r'n1 >;';11-1111.J .,--c-o--111 11 s r·.!\f.:J·:l't .!{. P.ab.v~-\t. p I -I 1 1n " , •I :i 1 I y 1 -5, Srt1onl~ai;r !'h1lrlrrn. '.'-1.1l itrc 1rri1nnn. rnu~l h:1v1• t1>:1nsp. i;: 17---65'17 1-'\"('S. ~~--l ll1lita·;1.;1c:1~Pl:.ft. L1\'1· 1:1: '.: (']1:1r1ri1ng l'h1!!h'<·n. {\.!2~:11;o2 ~rhnoJ-:11:e s1:-0 i\lonlh, HOIJ.<:;EKEl-~PEH. I.iv<" in, p\'t :>.ril. 2 Sl"hflf.J ui::ers. fi7~HJ.'l1() or ~rl'l-7!'.17 -- l!SKPR & child cute, Ii\<' in, ~1 ~ rlilys priv rn1 & \Jath. f{rL<. $50 11'k. ~1().921 :1 11\)USF.l<E:EPEH, live . in. Priv. nn & bath. 2 children. Fin. Vnll. S12-i2:~i -----II 0 L'~El<.F.EPER, live-in. Room & 13oo.rrl, TV . $100 n1ri_ 6<12-2232, 642-12·19 e INSPECTOR. !or 11ua!i1y con 1 rol. ncertert im- mediately, McGregor Yar.ht Corp, 1&11 Placcnti.-i, C.ll'L JAt-.'ITOR: :'11ar1 ove r 3.'i, honest, t!c pcndable, OOn- dahle: For janitor \vork 7 to 12 Mf. ~ clays per 11k. at JANITORS, l\fan & \vHe. pt. lune C'VCS, f[unt fl C h. Janitor'i; Service ( 21 3) 387-7317. 217 N. Madison Av. L.A. J013 OpPnini;s? l\lachinist min 6 yrs exp. en lathes: turrets. and mil15. Shipping & Hccciving clerk, min 2 )-'rs CX[JCl'll'JlCC. TAPMATIC CORP, ·R1'1 \V . 16th Si. Nr1vport Beach ~S--3404 laborers t..:nskllled, 1vill train Interim Personnel Service 642·7523 Li\DJES 19 to 70 l'1tm ~25 tlJ SlOO weekly Ca t la n i Lingerie. F,q1u1J o pp o r t . rmplOl'Pr, \Ve train 546-3508 LAN O::>CAPE Foren1an &. L:1 l)for1"1·. Exp,,ncnccd. Call R-17--(l!lZlj LA:-JDSCc,c\P0f0,:--S-A_L_E_S_"_fA-N. E~prnc1wcrl Ora1u:e Coun- ty arva. 1 ~1:;1 3·16-7543 HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH !1:1:-. uq:i•n[ rrquiremen!s for EXPERIENCED BROWN & SHARPE SET UP MEN r:xrrricnt'l' must inc:lude use of llrown & Sharpe inc. ( h111·kcr single-point thrr.ad- in ~· Opens .:ire on ls! & ~nd. ~111fl,;. f.icililii:>.~. r1'·:.~:1r11 11tnl1Y.<phcn:-, l+·nl fnn ~t' bcrwflls. HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH SOO Superior Avenue Newport Beach, Calif. E1J11 al Qppvrtunity employer • l\I & F MACHINISTS DAYS Qr1111·n & Sharre & multi· spinrflc, Sct11p and operate. ;',.-tin. :1 .vrs. ex11. PRECISION GRINDING MACHINE OPERATOR Surfaee grinding ol inr.rica!e rorms. J\1lnim um five yrs. ('.'ip, Overtime and fringe bene- fit~. App:y ai SHUR-LOK CTJRP .. 1300 E, Normandy Pl., Santa Ana (1 blk N, cf il1cF11drlt•n, ~J tilk, \\'. of Grand.) tllACIH NJ ST wanted 2" 52' rxp, preferred. Call for app! 518-·12ll 3 to 5 PM and 7 to 9 P:Of. S3.00 pt'r hr. Call 673-0533 ill:ir•hlni~ls hch\'C'Cn 8-lO A1'f • Punch Press & JANITOR WorJ( part time e Multislide Opr1. eves. 'Husband & 11'\lr. tcan1 To S.\32 per 1v~k. Apply !o clean olfice bldg. In Tony Duch!. ·Newport. Apply 111tcmoons \\'ILCO TOOL & DIE 12~ N. 01\vt'. Ornn~e :1190 Pullman Lane D ••••• 9. Q =~C•cc•fac,,-..M-'"7''_5-J0.=>13.::2:__ il!AN \\'ltnletl, permanent TIME FOR Cj)UICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD ••••••••• part lime, to average 2 hrs. d<tily !or early morning nev.'spnpcr delivery I o homes ln Newport Bea.ch. $200. ll\1'rtige per month. :\lus! have late n1odel. big '""rand he dependable. Call l..i\, Times 6'12-4~ jloJ,\111~ f ULl,.-Time. resort hotel, l~1~un11 Beach. 494-1196 }'or D11_ily Pi101 Want Adil r1i11l 642-5678 L if. DAI LY PILOT l u,1da1 Octobtr l 4, 1%1 S & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TllADI! SALE AND TRADE MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDIS! FOR SALE ANDc.....;T.cRA=D;;;E_....;S;;;A,;:;L;.:E;_A:.;:ND TRAD! MERCHANDISE FOR SAL! AND TllADI JJoo!!b~1=M~"'!!:"· Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom . 71 00 Jobt--#Mn. Wom. 7100 Jobt-M•n, Wom. 7100 ~ Furniture~,=----~·=D:*:D~F~u~"''.'.!!lt~""':!..~-~~-~~~00 Ot~f'ICE ~irl !or lor11.I S&lcs SERVICE STATION SALES. ·--_ Furnltur• IOOOFurn,ture IOOO MANAGEMENT TRAINEE ~+CAR ALLOW COASTAL AR EA No expe11ent'f' nct-e5.'ial")'. htgh M.'huol d111lon111. Riviera Employment ,~ency, Inc -1667 l\t11cArthur Blvd., suue 201 , NcwporL Brach. ~6370 l\IANAGEi'.IF.NT fl 0 s I t Io 11 Wllll filler n1anu facturt'r nl 11'1l!C'r .i:. wastr field. B1u.1d spec1ru111 of du1u;s;· Equ1r- 1ncnt E ngtnc('ring, Purrhas- ing, D ra l11ng & 111.sldc Sales. En1phs1s bc111g a ble 10 •1ork on your n11•n pro- jrc:1s ln11n i;1;1rl 10 /1n1i;h. S;i!3ry, lil2·1211 ~IA/\'.\GEn. 72 un11s. C:'ll. l\lan & \\ ile. Expcth.'nce re- qu1rt'd. l\u l"hild rrn nr pets. Apt ,t, !.a lary. C:all 646-6774 :0.1ANAGt.11, N1•1v Half $1ir Shop. 1111111. Bch. Crnt'r . Olrl1'r 11·n1 nan 11 /rirt'!'S shop n1gn1t hkJ::rnfl. 6-1&-'.•2.'l.'1 :\I ECH1\NIC 1or &orv Sta. Tunruµ & Ille mechanical s1•r. 1el'!<. (;rl pay. hrs and 11·0'l·k1ni:; •'0nd's. Corona del ~1 ar ~hrll Srrv. 2801 E. Coa~I l!wy. at Goldenrod. f,j).-0533. e !\lECllA!\IC e I:: x p ' d. Good salary fnr cood skills. Ph. !Qr 1n1rrview 6-1·1--4131 :\JF:O ·IANIC, lull !1n1e. 2 par1 r1n1r a11rndan1 s. )lobil, l axl \V Ba!hoa, N.B. ------MEDICAL FRONT OFFICE TO $525 Al!racliv~. lamll1ar 11·ith med1ral iermlnology -rl 1c- 1aphone . koo11• 1nsurance. R1v1cra Employn1rnt AJ!en- cy, Int· $7 :\Iaci\rthur Rh·d. Suu,. :!Di, Newport (3(>11ch. 5ID-6Jill J;>wl'lry r.1ore, 'XP· 1n 4200 * F t •. I _full ttn:ae, Mw;t be ~81 111 !',{>(l('S NCR machine. Apply an as IC. ap~arance. See Jim, 2500 111 Jll"fSOn Kirk Je1~·elers, ' Newport, C.1\t. ZJOO Harbor Blvd, (_;\J ts rile' v.·otrl for !his nationallSE"RVJCE ST 'I' I 0 N l'tlmpany's nt'W progra1n !or ; '' at· • . . OPERATORS •• , Sourhe rn Calilornla! We tendanl. Exper1eoc1:d. Apply Experit'need in .Jngle flt'edle rlff'<'I 10 pl'J'SUll 2800 \'I. Coa.i;t .a.nd overlocks. Good piece -DrSTR IBUTORS l ,C,H~wy~·~N~.B'-',,. ------ work prices, steady work. -f.1ANAGERS SERVICE Station Allendanr , I::DDY MOSS J~Otl Locus1 -SALESMEN full time days. J64.'i Adam s, St, \Vestminster; 53-4-8738. -SALES\VOME N Costa f.losa. 540-1206 P a rt or Full Time -llEPRE~NTATIVES SERVICE Sta tion attenrlanl. po:.;ition 110\~' avatl for sev('ra! -:-T~lAJNt~ES C'>.'p. nee. Sec t•1!lk(', 1678 an1lii1totl5 n1en, 21).40. FlC'X· This is ~ rt>a_l g round floor 'CamfJU.5 Dr, N.R. b!I' hr5 on1e eves pre!. oppo rtunity 1vllh 11. solid auto. ~ ~ . 1 : ' ~ . .:... · h ma tic elci:l1'0nic: cqu1pa1enl SERVICE ~lal.1011 Attndn l. Car JK'I . P1'1.'S11g(' i101 n .1v11 lirm that off('rs Expcr1cn('e{I. Apply: 1!!4·1 a !, o v c a1•crage earnings Harbor, Costa r.le5a. Oppt,y lvr M::u1agcr pos. \Ve HIGH , .. tr·un For introrl uito!rview SE\VJ::RS, cxpcrlcnCl'<l. Ap--c~ll ~Ir. t.acey ~14-S:NO. Immediate ply 525 Forest Ave., Lai:;una p,\RT-T1111e n1ale , 1~ s .. ()\'CT. ASSIS. l\lgr. lraHl1"f'. A;1ply 1'aco &II, 695 So. Coa.sl /l"'Y, I..ag. Br h. Beac h. <197-1131 Earnin9s s E ,.., 1 N c l\I Ac H 1 N t: 546-3050 (,r e r a t o r s 1-Seain~tres 11•/exp. on po11er ma('hln<.'s,, 1\·an1ed for se1\•1ng womens 1 PLASTICS -Sa.Ws ready-lo--wear. for :>mall inj e ction molding UNUSUAL Laguna &ach l\1fgr., U. or Oprn1ng s for rxpenenced or part llml'. Call 491-1·118 lrai nees. lcmale, pref. ovt'r • Sl"rTER \\lan!C'd, 18 & •1\'CI" 2j, on 1hc follo11•ins i;h1fls: OppOrlUnlfy for occasi<>nal r vening & Need I on day i;hif!, l-.s1\1n!o': 1vk. ends, Bal. Isl. 67:\-8687 '.! grave)•.ml, Apply 8 to 4 ()Ill The Jnd rrx>ntlent Ordr r ol Tri·llnician Oll1\NG £ COAST PLASTICS Forcs1er.; have opened a T t A bl J 0~ 11• ·sot s1 c '' . 0 es ssem er, r "''" . ~ 1 ., ·' . 1u.•w office 111 ;,1.11gc Coun-$500 Professional ly. Req uire inh:>lligcnt man F ·r1 t~I l 1 d Employm.nt 25 • :'I!.!. Collegr no! U('C· ee pa1 .• n opp y, goo I , I co 1 .Yr coll C'ngr . meeh as- A's'·stance eK"/\ry. S h 0 11 " iave e.'(. · bl h I f Call \ · · ti bl" i;rm v c p uJ · .rman, COASTAL AGENCY p~ncncr 1~ rnec ng P~ ic. 5·1G-5~io . A member of ~11;n1_f1l'd hfe umc pos1t1011. JASON BEST J-.arn1ng <.'Ommenccs 1111n1rd- Snc1J ing & Sn('\l ing. Inc. i11 1t•J.v~ Shotild be in l':<Ces.s 2i9J Ma 1·hor Bl. Of :i40-fi055 of $130 l\Cekly. l:~n1ployn1ent Agency '..1120 .'So. 1'11ain, S.'.lnta Ana TOOL & DIE MAKER 'fclt•phtu1r brt11<'C n 10 am . 4 DAYS pn1. i\Jon. thru f ri .• for a p-Opportunilies fol' 100! & riic POLICEMAN SG67. to $800 a n1onth pointmrnt. 53-1-1701 or South makers. experienced in pro- Age 21 to 31. up lo 3:) "·ith Coast end of the count;y, grcsi;ive and draw dies. Ar>- appro\·ed ex pe ri e n ce 4 ,,.., p HEIGHT : 5' 8" minin1um. 9'2.SiOO. p!y at SMUR-LOK CvR ·• l'::::f:::::i:::i::::::::::::~::::::::::l:::::/ 1300 E. Normandy Pl., S;inta \\'EIGHT: in proportion IOI• Ana. il b!k. N. of l\leF'ad· height. Plf YS I CA L RE-QUIRF.:l\IENTS: High .schOol Sales rlr n, 12 blk. \V. of Grand.) graduat(', valid Calif. orcr-EXCELLENT Typist a ton; J1cens,.. u:s ririzrn. OPPORTUNITY NE\VPORT p,£,\Cll F1lr applicatiOn at City Hall, i'.lajot national life insurance Accurate typist req'd 1mn1<'d. 8200 \\'estminster Ave .• \\'rsr. co. 1l'ifh mutual fund brok-for gen. ole, \1·ork in 5 girl n11nstcr, Cal if, bl'fore Ot:L rr!di.'alcr ts e."panding Ifs ofJiec. SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN Show Room· Floor Samples. Factory Closeouts 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE $389. ~ 5 P~· authentic Spanish Bdrm. set, e 96 in. quilted sofa w ith 56 in. matching fov• seat, or chair • S pc. Spanish Dinette, oak table top • 3 heavy Mediterranean matching table•, top durable enough for Flamenco Dancing. Will se:ll pieces individually. Shop First ! T~en See ~ur Un~e.ti eYable Buys! 1001 other items with terr1f1c savings I Bank Terms Sto re Ch a rge M a s ter Charge BankAmericard All Accepted . ' .. • ; •'I Furniture __ _::80::00:: Furnitur e OVER -STOCKED -20 PC. "MADRID" MUST SELL! t-.'i•\1' ll('rt-:: l\111g !trl9.50, Qul't'ns S.~!l.50, Full :S !9,;)Q, T•1•ins s:19.5lJ, (ully guarn. i-:'tng '!'''-spreads $13.9.J, fl. ~z. S9.!l:i. Ne•v 9 pc. corner 11rrang. chniec of elrs. N'g. S230, no1v $159.50. llcadhrd.s: Kings, Sl5, Queens S12.50. Full SI O.:iQ, T1vins $4.93. T1 t1ndle SC'ls friuo r iset'I '"/ 111nC'r spring n1at1. reg. $106, llOIV $i!J.:-iQ, H.ull-a·11•ay bf'ds 11• I inn. spr ing n1att. n.'.i;. $;')9 50, no1v $.19.50. Cann):Jy hcrls t'('i;. SI 19.50, no1v $89.50. Full ~z. slr-rp • sofa reg. 3 Room Group r~ROi'.I MODEL HOMES l ncludcs: Quilted sofa and eha1r -2 rnd tables & col· fee table -2 Jan1ps -dress.. er -1n1n'Or -heac!board - quilled box spring & n1att· re!IS -5 pr, rhning room; table & 4 hi-back chairs. aJMP1\RE AT $7J9.9j $399 No do1\11-~nlls onlv SI& mo. WELK'S WAREHOUSE tiOO \V. 4t~ St., Santa Ana Open Daily 9-9 Sat. 9-6 Sun 11-6 Two Day• Only! FURNITURE SALE Furn iture a nd accessories fro m f iv e luxuri· ous mode l a partme nts. Outs tanding values on decorator.s elected item s Crom aU over Lbe \\·orld . UP TO SOo/o OFF Eve rything mus t go! S ec tionals, chairs, bed· roon1 s e ts , dinne r ware , a s htrays , towels ••• everything! Br ing cash ••• a nd bring ho n1c a beautiful furniture ba r gain. Sal•• t ime&: Thunday Friday 10 a.m. IOct. 91 IOct. 101 to 5 p.m. Sale must end Friday at SI Don't miss this chance. BIXBY GREEN APARTMENT VILLAGE 6868 Lampson Ave. (near Knott) in Garden Grov e DlnECTIONS : ·ra ke c;arden Grove Free· \\·ay to Knotl Ave. t urnoff. Drive north u nder freeway lo L a mpso n Ave. Look for t h e \Vind· 1n ill, the sign or Bixby Green . Sewing Machines 8120 Sporting Goods 8500 SE\\llNG ~lAClnNE GOLF CLUBS, I ad if! s SINGER Spaulding Executive \\food s. TOUCH and SEW AJ1nost new. Bargain at $65. 1 ~&~16-54~·~'i6"7•~lt~.~6~p~,m:::C,.~C'C~ Sl1r,l1tly used, in stylish t:a h .. SURFBOARDS 9.2 ... Hobie inr l. Docs ~vccrylh\ni;. No attat:h lo b11y. slant need le, Yioody, 12' Quigg Tandem, S<'lf wind bobb111, etc. 5 year I ~""='="='0°'="=·'=·=lm=-<16:=="=== p;u·ts & ~r1•v1eC' guBrarrtcr. FULL PRICE $62.20 or pay $6.22 d11·n & ~ mo pyints of S6.22. No inTcrcsl 1•hg, F'or no obligation, fr'N! h'linp drmo . call crt'dtt mgr '111 9 pnl. 634-5621 M iscellaneous 8600 GOLF' Club5, bag, cart & shoes. 12 lb ho11·1ing ball , bag & shOPs. Tricycle. Ac· cordian door r m d ivider & track. '66 6(1 CC Yamaha. clean, lo mi. Ladies beUcr !!!!!!!!"'""!!!""!!!!!!!!!"'"'"'"'"'I rlothrs size 16--18. 540--2562 1969 SINl;ER 11·/beaur 1\•al r onsole & zig-zag. i\lakci; Painters Equip: B inks lo1v. bulton hol('S. O\"ercasts. 5 boy coinpressor. 2 others. Yrar guar. Full pncc S38.2·I 40' extension ladde r, 2 20' or $j.2ti nio. 52fi..{i6l6 ladd.-1·s, 5 gal pot. 2 gal pots. misc gun.<; & hoses. DeVilbes *AUCTION* U you will aeli or buy g1\'e \Vindy a lry Auctiolll Friday 7:30 p.m . Windy 's Aucfion Barn Behind Tony'1 Bldi. Mat'l. 70731,j Ne"'PDr1, CM 646-86116 ESTATE SALE • l\lerlical rq\11p. llosp. bed· pa1ienl lift ; 11'alker; allcr. pressure pad; 1rapczc b;~r. Sold st"pa rately or collccl1ve!y. f'\ubrn1t bids 1n 1vriling 10 United Ca lif. Bank, Al!n. Darla D. Hol11}y, Bo:< JTJ!I, Sanla Ana 92702 RELOADING 12 gat1gc rn1 r· ly .shoigun 5hclls -01hc1-s. Anrique ~uns. wnl'k glo1•cs 2 pair tor 3.'X-. sci of ~ alu111 steak plallers, w;cct pipe fllo linwi, rainhird .sprinklers, &go pa lms. Rifle 3 0 Ii \\lcathrrby $125. 54~122'.I. j2 J NTE11NAT 1 0NAI. pickup. <'On1merc1al hcen.c;e $125_ 60 Da!sun Serlan, 111ns J;:ood, rt?al t•cunon1y $17.i. Elec. ironer $12. Tools. misc 962--49:!7. J 0079 San Pablo Ct. F.V. Misc. Wanted 1610 SWE BUYS $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES Color TV1-Pi•nc1-Sl•r•o1 1 Place or Ho-full CASH IN lO MINllTfl • 541-453 I • WE PAY CASH *FURNITURE & APPLIANCES WANTED! *CASH* Cash in 30 minu1rs /or good, USC"d. furniture. TV, stereo, appha11ces. :'.!OTHERS I/r iper. 'J. lecnage children Prel<'r Ol'rr 4:i, 4 days, Lido !sir. 12-S pm. <)11·n !ransp. Aft. 7 pnl, 6i:>-491 I. ;:!_ 1969 5:00 P'.11. \\lr1ttcn Newport o r I i c r. Complelc exant Nov. Jsr. 1969. (71-l l personalizetl training, invoJ\'. J 0 H N BA R n Y & $:!:19.:.0, nQ11• .~\69.50. Chrl.~t. FUP.~JTURE 1-eturned frorn display slud1os, inodcl hor n- c-s. ric-eo1•<1!or.~ c<inl·clla!ion. Spani~h .t-,\leditl'rranc;in etc. Musical Inst. 812S airlC's..;. &\2-01 41 af1cr 5 NE\V ,i;, ne a r l y n e1Y fashions at cxr•e ptional sav- in~~! Ragpit kec Consig n- 1ncnt Boutiqur. 1751 S. Cruist Hwy, Lagun a . ~!17-1S9j 547-5722 TOP !>!ONEY PAID newport . personnei ... agency Professional Service for the employer and the applicant 833 Dover Or., N .B. 1'9J4511 E~!. tlli. 1ng hoth <'Slate ereation &: AS.<:;OC!ATES PUBLIC SPEAKERS conse1vatlon: Substannal in-li7:r3Nl II you can 1'('crt11 t & train. or vrstni!'nt 11'11.1 be niad~ by e e WAITRESSES if )OU h.'.I\"(' rvcr had a Cn. 111 nualill:r' apphcant Dra1nat1c ('.-..:ci ting ne1v i:on- rr,iursc in public speaki ng, Ix-tween 24 & '1J 11'.lth t'Olle_gl! crpl in 1~ai1 rrs <'l;1 rloyn1i:nt background. \Vn te Daily , s . tlu·rc m<1y l>r a place for you P i! Box !'>I 519_ prngraln. \oung, a1 1rar(1Vl' 11•11h our Nat'! OJ. to.look ot 11on1cn. opportunity to c<irn J\tood, 13G \\', 6th sr., Tu.s-got"il 111onry in busy cofl Pc r1n. 5l-l-~30'1 Sales ."hop. F;iliulous bonus plrin . Receptionist 642-3870 S4lJ.2743 ,\ttractil·e. lite typing Eriui!ablc Lill' Al>'surance line n1criical l'nvrragc, 1h1·u Socic!y of the Uniteri S1;:i.tcs. un1-0n. a 11loma11e p:iy 1n- l"i offering a two year cn-a~rs, n1eals, pleas;in1 sur. t1·ai nin~ progran1. Cornm. rounding~. E;.;p'ri cinrt un- anrl IVll;uy ptcn!fal in E'.'(· r.xp'd. Sprc1a! h·aining pro- N.'SS of S\2.CMXJ. Buxinrsi; and f:i'an1. :\IGHT :O.!anagers for n1otel. Interim c nuplr only, i;a!ary & apt I P e rsonne l Service ~99--1!'161 I 642· 1523 ;'7,!;~:; ~::;;:,r:;~'','~~. : W0°RKrNG MANAGER sale's b:i.rki:ro11nd ncedl'I!. 1\pply t1n lv 1l 1u·1 11.i:: fol1011·1n; Ronald A. Smith huur~: to.Ion .. \\'ed.. rn. ~I. 2 11111 10 I p111: Tues~ .i:. Thurs. 8 pm to 9 pm. ~c<' i\largl' Gi.'"dyson. r:ona Lanes, 2599 Harbor. Costa l\lrsa 111 pers-0 n. No phonC' calls. Ar>- piy prior !n Ot l. 2'.:'nd. CCIW~. Ernpln11 l'Hrred. Jnq. pl'rsClllflPI 1lrp1. llnag ).1emorial Jln~ro. N B. 1\urses: RN, part !1n1e; 1.:.1. 3--11. 11-i LVN. lull !1mr: -;-.:. P:irk Lid•' Cnnl'a l,.scrnt Cr>ntPr. ~r.n f\11£?~h1p r.d. ;\"r\\pnrt Bra1'h 1\124\ll.ll ~UR SE RY SC H OOL l!ELPF:l1 REPLY BOX r j6~, DAlLY PILOT OU1ce Temporary WORK WHEN & WHERE YOU WANT On temporary a~sign1nents O SECRET,\RIES • TYPISTS e BKKPRS. e PBX OPERS. e GEN'L OFFICE Holiday & Vaca tion Plan ,\f'l'LV !\'O\\' VOLT IN STANT PERSONNEL NEWPORT BEACH 384S Campus Dr. SUl le 106 546-4741 Equal opportunity employer Off ice EARN MORE WITH US! • Typists • Secretaries • Acctq Clerks • PBX Opers • Bkkprs • Keypunch Oprs • General Ofc Work when •nd where you want I Interim Persennel Service 445 E. 17th St. Cosla Mt••· Calif. 642·752l lntl!'tvle11·l ng Mon. thru F'rl. 8 AM llJ 5 Pt.f Call today 827·i!l00 F.qunl opp employr>r i'.1/F W ith Restaurant E x p. Sa!C's e \VA ITRESS e one 11·1io 11·1shes to live. 1n THE NEW JUDY LEE Bay ai.,,a. COOd salary lo is prof11ahlC', fnn f.· excitini;:. st<111 . .in exceUenT np[lllrtUn· Earn S50 • SIOO per \\"eek l!y for fU!UJ;'('. !\lust attcnrl run or pHr1 -llnlP. Choosr 2-4 11"erks srhoo l 11•i1h p;.y. yf)ur nwn hnu r~. No deli\'PI)' l>J U!-,1 havr g"'Jr! n-lrrt'ncrs. or ro\l"!'t111;:, no in1·ri;!n1rn! JS lo 3~. neat 11p['IC'ill"lllh. f'111! S1ii!er "i; Strak HrJuSl's 10 ~t<trl. r1nnird. pro!Jls . 11111c nights. Apply 111 fK'i'S{Jll Call lllr S!ewart for a ppoH1t-"" tn11n. Phone .>5-20:!,6. ITI"ll! ftt&.8.ffi!l. ,.:.._:_:.:.:.:..:::.:.. _____ ISA LES Si.l rah Coventry h..1i; H~·stat.ranl openings for fl 01· pt tin1e BOB'S BIG BOY 1;,.1 E, 17th. C .. \'I. P.r~1auran!: Par1 lin1e l;rlp Xn1as ~ales. PI ca s a n t ··l---~~~=~~-- 11·antl'd, maturr T• c r s o 11 . 01l(ni!1cd 11ork 11•/oo in· WAITRESS ~l 00 hr/ 5'l:>-~S63 \'C'S [.. (' 0 I 1 e c I l 0 11 -~ C•r EXPERIENCED Recpt/Typist $375 . dt·!iverics. Choose your O'-''t1 Ll:il'rly Costa :\ff'sa o[rlCf's, hr.<. l\l tn. 11gc 21. 1-·or intv. grPat oppor!uniry for ad·i-"-'c"c' c'c'cll-00.:.:.1_4_&_..,. __ 56_93 __ \'aflCcmrnl! ABILITIES U:\Lli'.lITED ,\GENCY <!-~.~ E. 171h SI., ~1te 2:1 C'o-;ta J\lesa 612-1470 !{rsta1iran1 * BUSBOYS * DISHWASHERS Nights anrl 1•rrkcods 1\pply ;n prrson SNACK SHOP = 9 ;;iv; 1·:. rri~st !illJ', ("'11•1na d<'! i'.l11r SECRETARY \'anan Dala 1'>1a!·hinl's, lnc-a ted in the Irvine lndus1ria1 CJ'Jmplrx has 11nn1edia1e opcnin~ fo r Apply in Pers on SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 Pac. Cst. Hwy. N e_wport Beach \\'AITRESSES. Exp ' rt .JJ1p- nrr. N('IV rl innrr Hoo:«>. V-.rcla"·~ RPsL1uran1, •")r- ner flf Cro1rn V 11 11 •' y Pai k,1ay & Co..•~l l b1~>, Laguna Nu::url. a !'f'crct11ry 1n l)!lt" r ng1necr- 111g depa11mcnt. \VATTERS, \\'a 1 t re s:-r .~, RrqoJ111'mrnt~ inc!lldC' 1h1"f'r 2121 E. Coast lh1·~· C rl l'rl. 10 fl1c ~ra.1·~ rr•crn1 llr<T<'· Busboy. Pref. r;>.:p rl. A ppl~· t.1r1;il f'\"[lf'r1n rr, w1 1h ~nod * .<;ALJ-:~\\'():\1 •\'< * ~!l"r\h:ind ;111rl 1.vp111.:; ski ll s ;l'tATCli ~; l'11r1 t1111c. !\l u~1 h:11•r the. 11htl11)' !'1 11"1"-y r,11111: ~!il!crn1t~· ;ihnp~ fnrin a v:inrty or .~C'("l"1'!;1n,1l ~ ("n;\~1 Pl;\1.1 , l'~r~ •on lv and adm1nistrat1\'r du lies. I ~-========== Hf,STAURAf'\T, L<Jily. full nr parl 1in1r, mature. S2 per Ei'l(:rl11·111 slart1 ng 5;11.11)' an•! hr. :H~r~llli~ h1;nrf1 1 p1·oi;:r11n1 i11rlur1111c: oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio I t 111 •I v r tlays va c ;i I ion dur1 n" fl rsl y1·~r of cn1rloy111cnl pl11s nn :in1111a1 holiday \"aca. 11011 lro1n Olr1stmas to Nr1\• 'iC'ars and a 11tock pun:hase program. Schools-lnstructioo 7600 .JOIN THE YlF.l.J"l \I 11'lf 1\. .FIJTL"Rl·'.' 1\;;r cthw011n}11 no b?··ri1·r~ ."fop Betty Bruce at miJJ Gxec ,\genry for Career Girls 4\0 \V Coost Hwy., N.B. By appoint. 6•1&-3939 SALES REP SSDO to $1000 Orange County Territory r-iumbcr l grow!h industry, varian data machines A VARIAN ~UBSIOI ARY 1 ... •1 11~ hrlp you 'llla!1!.v lNNKt~~:PERS INSTITUTE: INTERNATION,\L :\Totrl1llntr\1 Ap1 '.\<lgn1 l Sehl A DIV ISION Of A:'\'Tl!ONY SCHOOLS lil7 :;, BROOKllURIT AN,\111:'.!l\I. CALJfl)RNl/I Clas'\f'S fonn evr1y 11·,.e.k PHONE fOR APPT. A~k i or Betty Ti6-~ ATIENTION i.OV INfi PAR· r('("('fll rlrgree plus :? years :!7'!2 r-.lirhclson Drive • t~NT~! YOUTH SPEECH \\'ORl~HOP , A~e-" 7 to 17. Learn to speak 11·cll, Pn11nci- 11te, proj('Cf. All er bchool ,r,, ~~;i lurd;iy.". Pn\·a tc or class ra!ri;. '19~·8'.lS:J sal_cs e:..:perien<'f'. (San Di<'go r 1vy. to J ambol"<'e. R1\'1cra Employment Agy. Inc off ramp \ blk S. to 4667 1\lacArlhur Blvrl , S!e 201 l\llchclson Dr.) N.B. :H0-6370 SALES. cxp'd. direr! sales It-vine, Ca1ir. !12'66 1 pen;o:inoel for marketing of An Equal Opport11nl!y VOCAL Trt'h. & snni; in- terpr~tation. Beginners thru Rd\"ancerl. 494--93'W 01lt 6 wi;n; & C'OSflletics. P resllgt! EmplnY'!r l\1& F' litlC.. par! or full time. Secretary SALE AND TRADE 'olERCHANDISE FOR 1!36-~Jl, 10-6. Nr1vspaper nrrdi> SALES -Earn money ,vith Part T ime no invl?!'ilment. S 8 ra h Secretary Furniture 8000 Cownl.ry needs full & 10 rmrt-llme he.Ip. No del: \\'l' Vice -Pl""SHk>nl "-1APLE 11pholslr.N'd rockrr. train. For int. ph. 545--6100 & GC1nr1·al i\11tnagf'r $32. Used Ho1 point Ct!P- SALES:LADV. exp"rl . f o r \Vho ca~ t11.ke l~rtha nd JOO perlorw. 1"f'fn r.:. $.89. The je\\'elry slorP. full time. wprn, hkes v11r1ery anti !1g-Fac tory, ~3-$81 5-18-340.1 llrt'!i, type fiCI \111m or helter. • '-f11ny company be-nr ri~ i<uch L 0 0 K I N,, G I n r o 1 cl TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 11.s pllld vac1Hions. ~ i ~ k mA~gany i\t:iss1\'e llCA lrav('. paid mediral and \lf(' ('a b1~t $600. Bulle! S200. insuraJlC't'. crt'dil unkin, pen-c"c·1c-<;s;::::.:•::_ ______ _ .o.1on plan. Pl('. Call Ill<' DELUXE Bn $('t 1nrl 1lhl DAILY PILOT !or an AP-hf'!!. spr1n"s/ma!lf'f'Sf, rttil pointmen1 , 642-4321 a rid ask drrs.~r>r. t1H1ng r11111'tlr, 11111.• for ~In-. Grernman. sine!, like nrv.• Sl:j}. ;..10.Titi.<\ S•cretary to $500 U11holstrrc<I cornrr ~r>•U11 Xlnt oppty! Co. loe;i r('(f Ir-,,1nl't'rt~ 1n1n 2 11v1 n hrr!~ vint Cl)tnplc.'I: P0&1tJon avatl ('(1~1 S~:ll Sa•· S11.i nr 111'~1 Ni>v. I&! offer 61:!·!219 ('Vr~/11·krnds AB ILITIES liNLIMITED AGl:~NCV 4S.S E. 17th St ., Suit,. 2'1 1 Equal oppor1unHy f'mployer '-----------\..Nil l! '-TP.~ 6·12-1470 IT'S Br11rh hou~r 11111r. 131~ J;est srlPrl1on <'1Tr' !'t',. (t1r D1\ILY PILOT \\"ANT /\Of'' n1as lriy.a11•:i.1·s no11·. f'\lt:S'TA SLE ~~p ~!IO r, 1 ~:!7 !!arbor fll vd., C:\I Gl:>-2760 daily 10· 9 :-:a r-Sun lf).fi. RD FURNITURE ES PANO'L IN QUALITY 11844 Ne wpo_rt B!vd., CM Model Home Furniture .,(·vci"'! night 111 ? Sa1•ing'> to 85~0. V<·ry ea~y \\Cd .•. '>.11, & Sun. 111 6 ACCOR D IO~ • An1p!ified Floi·lno S:.!00. Also pro- lr~siona l Sonola S 3 0 0 . 962·:i618. Pianos & Organs 8130 financing. :1 corn r1lr tc rocnns RETURNED FROM...... FACTORY or d~rora k•rs s!ylf'd Spani'!'h n£NTAL to Del :'l!ur Have CLEARANCE! furni1\U'(•. ConstSlHlj: or l h~ 11"at•k \\'ood & ."Ire! desks. f ;:ictory Ol'dl'rs clr11ranec of fan1cu~x cus1on1 ri1nl.11ry to.Ia-1·ha11·~. f1)J'~ & t;i l:tlr.~. all overa~c. (iC'n1on~trniors, J lr~d liv1 n~ roon1. i,!r'oup. The McMAHAN'S 772-B4SO flooi· 1no(i('IJ1;, s1ud10 & rc- "f!~Jna l El Prt:s1dl'J1Tl• sP.'.IC· lli30 ~-An;•hc:un Dl11d . 1n t11rnrd P1;~nos & On:ans. IOU.\ lllil:~ll'r ~1111~ !'rt~ br<I-1\n;ihr1m (alun~s1dc !:), i\ Rriil i;iiv1ng.~ up 1'1 ~0'."i .. roon1 -~u11c an t l" .iut icnpc: [rrr,1-.~y at r:atrllal · l'.:l'rry1h1n1: ,i;u.11·an1ccd like La Paz 11Tou;:!,. iron d1nrltl' . . c-., I I I sets. Lirnlted stock . S1Sll_ Mov ing To Florida nrw .,.i.i• inii!ec to ~/H't•11c -· ~l'lo·I< . ~n t111rry: No monry llan11ltfln SJ1011 M01n. ~~~8 t ~l"f'E.'ll .".: ;:old so/a, rna-'>!rr h 1!.)\\"ll O.\C, !'1 )C<l r.~ 10 pay. \\lestminstr r ,\vc. \\"cstn11ns-t· au-. folding ~!'f'eo. t'r. This i;rr111 salt' only a1. tc1. S!l4-<l 13•1 P rul'. !ables, 11·hi te & gold \\'AH D S n,\l.D\\'!N ~TUDIO A HEAL SALE al Crn1u1y liimps, d•·<·or HC'ms. £.\eel-1819 Jllr11 por!. C ,\\, 6-l2·1MS~ HouliC i\11t1<1ur~. H nu 11 d lC"nt con<11uon. 897 Center, 0/)f'n EvP1·y /\'llf' rnag Ible . 2 lravrs. S3!1, "I ~C='o'=· ='o'=' ='·c"='"='=·'=T0 12=== & Stinday Allrrnoon n1:11eh. rh1~ .• s:io. lh.10!;1ers Office Furniture 8010 --,-1.,lAr-.()"i{t:N"rAL t:ah.. -~'.);1, drrs:-.c-r S:!::l. ~ srF.CIAl.ISTS 1 a h I rs. c h 1· :-. . r I l'. E:\I::Cl "TTVE rll'."k 11 11h ~1rir No t1Jnc lunl!. Rrnlal arplir.~ DISCOVt l1 f'r1111J1)' llousr ,1rn1 $12:i. ,\d1ust. !~[lf'\ll"\l•'r cu purc-h:i."<' 11·1lhin a .~c<i r. 11·hrr~ lll"H'('S ;u·r l>esl ,t> .~tk l"hair S2J. fl;u·k !o,iOr11~I' har NE\V .~· USED PI ANOS ,I',. L• P,\{'i!1nµ. Look fnr thr Si'lh' ';<Ill. fil-1-~!l hrh1. !) 8.-:;, onr.ANS. B(•St fl,.als in sign 111 :!nrl hlk. p;i~t B<1y SrEEL Filing l"ahin<'!. ,1 Ora11~1' Counly. \Ve take ~I . "rnn::: North •)ll N('W"')l"1 O " 1" d1·;1wcr. ]l'E!a! ~1zr, full 1 r;id .. i;. Bank I C.rn1.~. prn Bl~·i1 l 'ns1.i !\!r<;";1 21 ~1 siisprn.,1011 $.10. R-17-6.\Pl to.Ion&. ~·n r •·f'~. Sun 12 ~o 4. Nr-11 porl lll1·d .. 11 A.\l -:JI=========== llA\1:\10:-Jri ~ . Office Equipment 8011 in c o n.ON A i.JE L ll!AR ~n1.1n 111ap!" h11nk bl'rl.~ 2iiY. I•;. Coa."I llwy. 673-l!!l30 11/taddrr .${).\ F'la~l1c 1np ELEC fRO!'TAT!C phohlCTIP· WQWI T B d N . o p ran a mes ~n•·••hoh• niplr drsk $6:1. irr, Apeto Sup<-rstal. Like k I full 40 inc h pia no coniole f"'ln1h hack 1nplr di·~k 1·hair nr•1·. ma cs .x nt rop1c~. s1:, J)uh•h hnx niple 1;ihlc Conics\' llh l flOO ~br-els phi)-fo r only S6qq S!i .ill. fi1>1uu! 1lnun 111plc toropy pnprr Co~: Sl-litl: This :~ our spri·ia\ huy fpr t11h1r Sl7 :fl ;\l1rror top a);k1n; $62:1. 6·11-S6<XI wrck-OC'ttlh~-r -:::ct yours 110•1 . all dfl'!'.~!11~ t,1h)r 11 /~k1rl Sl:i. •la.v~. ;;::t-611,'\ llf'•'kenrls. f1 n1shr~ 1·1,,.11·.\ lfl•1t•"1n' lll'ru·h s.-i0 ITYPb\\"r.l'fLJ: IB:\1 <'Irr-GOULO MUSIC fi !l-:!.~fi'."l. ,.;. ll"ll". f'lllr I.If"'. l"'l'IPCl 21).1,", N ;\lain. ~A .·,11.00.~1 ll I·: 1: J r~\-1 ; I·. \j hr! I I 1" l'Ot!d . Ill.;,. n1•11. I l J 0 . 1'1 1\:"it)S ,'I: ~JHGANS J•"11 . 1~··'-"'r t.,.11, 'hr•! .. r I .ii.::;.;~.:\ NE\\' .~. l fSt:lJ 1lr 111~ t '· 1 ... ,!"ll" • ,, h I r . TY1'•1.;1r1":7.1T0r.e=.=.-. -Ac<c"cl.-,,,-,-,.c,,·. I e Y.1n1:1ha P1;1 nos & Organs ~1 2.•. t"" • t1.11111111r: 1·hall'!<. 1·:1lr11l:ilor. Vr:-1:1 rr:lS'lnable. e 'rh<l!llil~ ()r,:;ans s:·, '·11·)1 , '-ll1nll 1"111'<;1. :\!111 ('nnd. ).~2-2 1".!'.l • h:i 111htdl l'l.in'l' n1nlrh111:.; iu1n· .. r. !01~ dn11-1-"1·,111.·ht'<"d J"1C"11h'1' 111 • l~'rl I"'' $.f'l'"t\!~, 111.il · Garage Sale 8022 COAST MUSIC In·'-'-, ~:!.1. :!0111 1 • 1\111).'~ N"t,\VPQHT l.· I L\fl.13f)R 1:n;1rl. ~,p;.:z::rn ~n1 .• s11n . .t O"KF.Er1:: ,t,. \\r11·1t t s1n1·r ('nsv1 :\lri;..1 * 6 1 ~-~.~j l (0:\rs,, --------11 1lii g1r,d(!ll.' <ll) IOp S!."1. (Jp;'n 1()..6 1-'1'1 10-9 ~\!tl 12-:J -Fr1;.;1il«H'r 11a,~heN;, runx. f11J;\"T 1.11·r 11111 Ynu niay 11•\'l'fO"D 5, .. ,~ .. ·~y \'• 1'()0(1. Sl.1 f;:1s la.11n n10>1!'I". · · ' " · • ""n" · · l''''I 11 at 11,11i'rlcn·~ lnr"'P~I. ,,,.,,, •• , .. & ,,.,, , •. ,._, " l1k•' l\t'\I" $411 Oriti." ,.:, rnris 111 "" " • "' • ·• " '"'"' ,,,,,,1 1111 11~ual 1111f1r11~hr-rJ nr oi l m·,k•• B""i '""' I• 11iiulllr l ~·(ls, Rooks .~· ' '· · ... ., .,..., " 1,,,.,,,,,,,., <i<)n•. C•1r R\•t1h!ll So "-1,·r ,., .• ,,, to•o• t'r>('l)1~l (lid f.:11l'hrn !;ih)r ·"" · ., ' •· ,V Si\11!3 ,\11:1 l-'1'.'· !"11~1111. J SCl lM fD'r 'lll<IC CO Sfl l (flnt;1·rss hr111·r('ll Vii::-1 '' '· ., ' •,1 :>-nl /\'Pll"'Jr1 t»1 ". 1007 N 'loo• ' .... ,.. ~ tflnn ~· \\ 1lson nlf Plat:ent1a . · "' "• f)pcn '.Iii~ dn)~ pt•r )r. San!a 1\na ~\.\.j4/0 All 1ln_v S.11.Sun N ~:t:OED: Ski-s0011' ~111ts l'lr FREE; ORGAN CL\!'i.';l:.S T\\'O 111 1n hf'<!~. Hoo·k i\larlc. Z\Jo11day nitrs 7·Jo. ~:30 pin 11·11h ~pnntt" too n1a1 -toddlrr sz. 3· -1. or s. Also in. GOULD MUSIC CO. !'\ltlrlry m i I 1 c n s . C'IC. 1rrsst'"l $30 rnrh. :O.l:i1rhlng '.!Q I. N i\l s \ $.17.f'6ST four rl!"a,\cr 1•hrs! $3). Or ~llfiS-7!13.;, -·1 ' · ' ~In. • ·' · ,;•c"c::''c'c'o'c::i.:..:c;ic'"'l....::"':::..'-~--1 CARPET. !!hag. hi-lo NE\V Piano f(lr i;alr, .J11n.~.~en up· -S·I '"'· y•d. 396 llamilton, riglJ1 apr h.o;c !'11.r in Xtnt GAS •1 hurnrr Sl(ll'<'. rlcan, ~, t \ f · t •l<l. ""'''' ,,,_.11rrnuK'all C.!11. Saturday only. t1:-r11. 'n!lquc 1111~ '· .sacri-.... oo.: L'"I• l('r Sl:iO. li73-l:m 2.T' t\1lor TV, $2."iO. T11·in sizr hookc.isc hcadbourd. Appliences 8100 .S;\IALL Upru;:hl P iano &. Slll. :i1:~2.'.l6 G.E. au1o i1'ashrr k rlcr ~nrh. Xlnr ron<l. 2000 Beryl ...,I}(', N.B. ~~18-3660 FLORAL print 1-orrM.'r ~rn11p <lryrr. Both SOO. !"~lfi.-8672 or PRIVATF: PAR'fv"-\\~'A~N~'T_S_ l'nn1 pl£'1r . 2 '!'fllas & t;ihle 1\17--Sl lj 11/rovr~ & holsl "r~. S!17. TO BUY P IANO f OR l\IAYTAG \Vashrr, ·I yeal"S CASH '12o"'· G<lld plastir s" l\C'I rofkl'r · .~ . ...,..a old. Running concl. S:,O. s·J·1 Thi• r111·1n1-y. 5\.Q:.,14<\\ * 6-1G-2107i * STORY & Clark piano con- o1 NErrt: Sci, n1o<lrrn 5--pr. sole, x-lnt cond. S.iOO. \\'ASHER & dryrr, 11v0f'arln, 67'· 'I'° f11rn1ie:1. lavr nd1'r lahlr. •I ;...., ,,... SJ2:'i. Rcfril(-frns! lrcr $100. ('UShl(ln 1·ht.irl'I ~i'J. 67.J-i8i!I f'J'{'('"M'r $fi.~. &10-lrr.l:'l 11 f1r r :;;:;n Hi.Fi & SterM 8210 MAR1\NT7. 2.'i r e c e i v er , Grand Opening SALE I Pcmco tanks • fish . acc.?ss 'TIS TROPICAL FJSJI 9080 Edinger ((j/I i'.lagnolia) t"n!n Valley e 842-4530 l\:JHB Y V·acuum c le11ncr with attac:h & pol1sh('r. Xlnl cond & ~uararilecd. Pay oil bal of $39.67 or take over pymnts. Crc•rl1 ! d('p\ 535-7289 DINf:TfE Set. forn11ca. 42" round. 16" ftl!('I', 4 chair:., SIO. China, sr1v1ce for 12, S25. Large modem shado1\' bos $25. Call 642-32-13 SURPLUS Factory dress fabrics & remnants. Sold to 1hc public 8-4 :O.londay thru !'\at 1820 l\lonrov1a, C.i\T. TREE Swet!t Val('ricia, 20 pounds Sl. 1918 Dover Dr1vr. Newporl B e a c h 6 16-~1!14 CROSS top Ref r ig •• autom11tic dclros t. ·E.xr. $671. Th;? !louse in Back 4•15 E. li1h, &12-:>7·11 . FOR Sale ~•I l new fires/one tires ~;J.x l4 Sj(I. 4 4 9 Sca11·ard Rd. Corona del * 6i:J.2022 * JO"" CraHsman bench sa1v & motor, SJOO. Bar-b-Quc S.l. ti pc hme o:ik Bedroom set S?OO. ::.1~7~2j NEEDED: Ski-~no1v suit5 for for furni~u1-e & appl iances, Call JAN!S, 894-1818 NEED bricks one to 1000 reasonahly pricer!. 644-4687' Lumb11r 8750 Ext, white pa1111 , .i;!il •• $2.!lfJ I x 12 Sl1t>lvlng, a ft •• S.09 1 x 8 Panell ing ..... , ~1.9~ 1 x 6"s a runnin,e: fnq! .• $.05 COSTA MESA BUILDERS SUPPLY 1700 fo:uprrior. C:\1 5·1S-2S2ti FREE TO YOU f REE To good ho m c . Yorkshuv fcmRle 1crr1er, gnod 11·1th kids, a l s o York.shln.'-DQ\"ie puppy, : nio ~ old f ctnale . !liB-8JiO 10/1•1 FREE To gnofl h<>mr, young a ltt'red 1nalr, [l;.1~y lype dog, 11 r•ll l>Ph11vc{!, i;ood with r hllrlrrn <111'1 01he1· a11in1als. I l.~hrkn. 8 16-.\ltl .~ 10116 lf/ILl.O\VEEN Hop e f u 1 : Blark rna lr cal. f1 ninni hs olr!. nrcds kind hon1r ~lti---OZ'i~ 10116 S~IALL Grrman ,<.;hC'rhrrrl puppy. tllu!>1 hi1ve good h oJn l' w-ch il d r r>n 67>-2529 10116 3 Liltlc ki tt('n.~. a11racl1vely n1i,;rkcd, hc11l!hy, "11· e e t d isposilion. 6-lf.-7.!88 10/16 Couehrs .~ ch.airs 6-16-4."~IO tnddler sz 3. 4. or J. Al SQ in-1 ~-;coc-~~~~~...:.'°c'c:" i;11rxl ry ni itlens. e t C . A KC A L /I S i.; A N ~7!13.'i. ~l1\LEi\1UTF: 4 yr~ oltl. Af1 CARPET Ir1~tallcr has one 6 pm. ~1S-11 11i 10/16 roll, a1·ocado n~ 11111 c:11 rprt. double JUlc·hat•k,.d. \\'ill i;r!I Hll or par! S.'l/yarri, ~1()..724:> Of,Y;\IPIC TV Cnnsolc slerco- Ai\1/fi\T. l.cJ11'n>Y Organ 11·/ brnrh. Bolh 'Xlnt, sac~ 962..1159.l C;i rpcl layr r has H1 l...n 11ylor1s $1.99 ~·d. Sh;igi; f1t1n1 S.1.:() up ·I-my labor. 90c per y11r<l. !168-6910 ARTISTS! E:<h1bit 11·ork at Bal 1.~1 Shop fr~ of charge ;1.)6.i69o C'l"TE kiTTrns. !01" h~hrk". lookin;: lur 67 .• 1-1 IR2 r>"011lr, hr1111ri;. 10/ lli SI f3p1·n~rd m;ilc I'; yr~ 10 gr~--,rl hom1•. S/101~ ll p;iprrs .JJ~"'~l I bc!wcrn :>-6 P.i\l. .FHJ::J·: f\ITTL:"<S ~\ 16--074:\ CElt:\1/IN Shf'phrrr!, 6 rnll~ nld. f cn1nlr p u r R·l2-50i3 JO/J l HALLO\VEE:'N K 1 t ! c n s lleal1hy, lrce lo guod hrunr : 962-1 !62 10/.16 4 i'.llchelin Rad1al 915x15 tirrs. like ni:11•, Call 6~2_152) CUTE pupp1es, Irr", olrl. Vaned pai-1y 30 Cal. i\11 carbine 11"/srope. &12-7:J78 6 111ks l.'Olors. F.::o.:("('llent shape. SlOO firm. f;.1:J..27G;, aft 4 Pl\T. FREE KJtlcns, 1nale. or fe111alr. 7 11ks o l ri . Qua.lily king hcd--quil!ed S>IZ-3227 \0/16 Con1plcte-unused S105, worth "'=~~-~---.::::~ szj(), Aft :; & ivknd! 842-65.36 CUTt: Fro1al~ r'f'lf'krr mi." puppy. !I 11·ks. o I t1 . UPRIGHT HCA F'rec7.er $75. !162-!Wi4:i t0/14 Bedroom set, $SO. Call Ior appt_ 536-.1944 3 l'upp1cs, 2 fPtnalr & 1 ni:ilc. Bl<1rk ~hnrt h1t1rrri & J . C. HIGGINS boy's Stan· very ~n11111. 616--7~ 1911,1 rlard bicyc.le, I new ti re, SlO. 540-7768 \\'ANTED: Gnofl hon1c for 11hfte ren1ale Si11n1rsc cal. • Sl"IPLE.'( • 1 1 ~ yn;. old. 6~~117 10/1!'1 Tito.TE CLOCK $100. ,.0 67:>-6.YI:! UNG i\1alr. Siamese !o :\IODEHN ~rren ci1van "°' Appliances ('hair. GOO<'! cond . $38. Pr nf 1-~--------8100 Bo1.ak :\02 B i< p t? a k e r --su=R=f'BO==A=R=o---hon11' 1v/ trg hack yard, Call : .... 1:...2.·,29 10/14 l'ITTENS. c-;;i;' & curlrilY. F'rec lo .i;ood honi~. Call 5."\&-31:i6 1nn4 5 Adorabl,. hunny t11hbitg. fl'N' le> i::oort hon1r . Thr~ 11·ttloi old. 6·16-6..nl 10/14 l!f'lrl J;unpi;, ho th $1. Jhc Factory :i48-34iill '-fARBLE Table. 4 11.·al11ut Du.'(. r h1t11-,;. Fine cond. f\.11-\>146 fl lrr>f 4::.0. i\IODERN dinclle. Jlo11rrro prln1 rhaifl'I , :1 pc $35. The Farlory, 5-18-J.l~l THtli\tPET. Sc.h11·111n bikr. O,n1(1n ironer. 111-0 fi' snf11.s. 111\1·11 mo1•·rr. Pllflnr ·191-8'."l.)4 BEAITTlfUL E~tate C1nen!11l nu1:. ~ ~ 12: hnri:ain S·l!i. rrtv'r rty. '..1r .... 11r,1 al! G l.~Sf.IJ :1 pc• nntir111r will!" h(lrm ~r! drtu)l;r, $97. The F'11r1nry. ~IS-'.H!H Rrfrii;cra tors .... fron1 $.18. GE Port Cl1lor TV . . l ike nu ................ Sl48 GE 11·ashi•r /rh3• ("()nllio • Sl6R RC.1\ Oinsole, color TV • $178 GE \\"a.sher1cl11-'<'r pair Canary ~·rllo1\' .... , • $148. DUNLAP'S l.Q:IJ Ne.11•po1•t Blvd., C.:'11. 548-778' COLO~POT N:'fri'1:/l n'~cr, ideal for ~ar;. $65. Kenmore R:.1S rlothc~ dryrr $<17,. G.E:, <11110. l\Mhf'r S1'>. Xlnt co!KI fi\.1-7869 hl'hYC'f'n !I .t· :1. ;>.10 r1 E;L 6()1 l''-.'nn1nn · \\tti;hrr . xlnt ro1\\I. :1 lf...~i2 nr ~-17-S\\j l\ntn $1.• Q11alily k1 11~ t>rr1-11u1l1f'd. \\,\~llER & di)rt·, 111oc11rl11, Cnn1pl1·1i--u11uscrl ~lO:i. 11or1h s12:1 R rfrh:·fro.~• rrrr $100. s2.·l() 1\!1 ;; .t-wknrl~ 1112-fi,\lfi ! F'r,,r1rr"io:. si;:.. ;,111. Jl'Y.l:i s y ste m 11. dtial 1019 GOOD CONDITION l urnt1tble. S700 or bc~l oUcr. 546--2932 evenings. &12-9!1.38 be.forr ~ Pi\1 LEATHER tools. like new, 43 GLNERA.L F.leetric: s!crco, plrces with case s 4 5 . A~f I f'M. $100 or bl>st oU-~3672. r r 5<1;,.001 1 -'-'--"'"'-~-~=---SUrtboaNl 7'2'' 5-1:; Call 536-2836 Tape Recorders 8220 AK,\! X'JtiO tapc fl'rnrrlcr ~ct Firewood For S•le I" wood. Br11 nd 11('\V. Ti!Pf'~ 541)-~7 inrl. fully nulomal 1c. $-100. tii3-7."tl7 USED \\"asher & dr)·rr Sj(): ~~C~---~-~~-1 white me lal patio furn .. >t TA Pt:: lte<'Onlrr·Non-lco prs. $70. All 6 pm. 644-.?6.17 ~terro. 3 1;1)('('(1. Si:•. * !lG2~7~1 .-OXYGEN :icctylrllt' 11·r ld111g ~t con1plr !r S~ri11I t11ble C1mer•s & Equip. 8300 FOT RON Elrctronic r11mrr:i 111lh ra~r $J 7;a or ni11kc of- fr r fi7:"""°]jfi ;if! 1 P~I I ill(·lu<lerl. fJG-9611 aft 5 p m. NO m1111cr l\'hAt It i ~. yrn1 t·11 n M>ll tr 11 1th 8 DAll~'l' PILOT \VANT AD:1 642-:'671! 2 AOORABLE grr--Y,-nuny kitcens. 1 wk11. old . i\lRle &· fr1n:ilr . 1)114-\0')j 10/16 Tanic V.'hur R8ts ~)Ut-7613 TllRF.F: cu!r> I01tit.y tyJll") puppil"S. '1'.\.l-jmrJ 1i.l.J.4 ~l!XF.O Puppy to i!Xld hon1e:. 7'4~1·12!1 1011 1 m::Ar't-:'· -.~-,,7'h7it-,--.,-h"h-ll ;,.i~:,;n 1n11s Fur D111ly P\l'lt \\'11 nt Ad~ I n111 I fi 12-51i~.ll ' 2 5 ' • I I, " •• ), 0 " " " " 0 :'I' " 16 " '· 16 "' "' " 16 ly •I " 16 .fl 16 •. ' " 10 " " " JI '· .. 16 ,, ~. « l. J6 .,. •I. '15 lo 11. 14 ly "' ,, ... "' ·u !fy & '\6 ~1 ~· "· ... '16 -.. -·-·-· -~-----·~----------~------------~~~------------ w FREE TO YOU TRANSPORTATION l~"'"'"'"""&"-'-Y"'l<ll"'l>~_c..9000 TRANSPORTATION ---Motorcycl.. 9300 _1_m~po-•_tod_A_u_l•_• __ 9600_ lmpart.d AutN TRANSPORTATION TRAN SPORTAT ION 9600 TRANSPORTATION 9600 Imported AutOI Tursd.iy, Oclobtr 14, 19f/J OAILV PILOT 2.'"; TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ~~O RTATION I UMll Ci1n 9900 Uted Car• 9900 U sed Cars t900 YOUNG Bcll8111 coc k Ir , bealth.Y, I 0 v 1 b I• eurl.y '6'=" Gl.ASrPAR C I t at Ion. llONDA Scrambler l !.i 0. DATSUN p J u rn e l&l.J, bouRbrolr.en, lnbatzd.outboud. 120 Mere. Shl.rp! 1..Dt.1 of Chmaie. ---------- PORSCHE VOLKSWAGEN YW BUGS 13 SPORTS ""'"" 13,700 COUGAR mt., air, pwr., VlflYI to,.. Top•l--------- oondltion. 4St-J232. '68 Cougar $24!(1, radio, lll.r, DUNTON FORD 1ove1 children, ~ food Cn.Ll.er wUh PClwtT icl a; 1215. ORANGE COUNTY 'S home. 846-31118 JOn& JlO'l'tl' trtm. l'llll cowi:r •. =~•~C&J~I -"~>--""'~-·=~ NO. I Porsche> '60 Coupe $1795 Coro brown y,·/blaclr ln!,r. ~Ully .ciulp, Good cond.iuon thruout. Weekend ~ci&l, extras. Stt at Rttds Tex· ~10TIIEH. Ca 1. beautiful RMdJ '° e@J. A I I 'fl CAD s.dan de VWe, DATSUN DEALl!R II n... maJnteoance rea:ird&. 1 ~'1<;M. Hu e\'e""'thi .. o! A DOT DATSUN -oM BUICK •ro. 292ll w. Newport BlwJ., r,,. NB 673--0395 )'Oll.fli:" .--.orailln w/OuUy Kl II! AA~A ,,......... •.1 .... OY'ner. ~ Bea..-t)'I Dl.)'1 Ml-8181, eves laLI, and 5 lltilly kitltll!, aU I--~=~=':.;.,=~--I 18835 Beach Btvd. $399 ... p """k RM~. ..."!•: DODGE n e e d 1 ood hom<"s . BOAT WANTED M&-U-~ 10119 Priva.t.e: part)'. 30 to 35' T-s: I "•e:-,-,,C.,-,-flOC<=""1n=--=re..i=-:good::: Huntlneton Beach J1rtupor1 Jl111pn11 :; /W air cond. Strat .,.,.._~, GOOD SILICTION '"!. L"""" IDp. S<f1>11--------2240 S. Main 546-7076 a la ,_ -...,.6., "2-TlBl or Ml).(\ffJ Bl':Aumtl'L Adult ma11 ..,..llll, wa.,.. ,_...,, no ... ,. tD5 Ot make oiler. ~_,,::~;,;::_:;c,.:..::..:;=._ t2131 Tll-78'Jl 1n41 54().-07!2 '67 DODGE DART dMlen pltue, To Slfl,DOO. ~ 's.9 PICKUP with camper A !!Iver platlmun mWat\lN Phone ~1 1========== v.•llte rim&. Bat otter. BUICK No. 225. 11a 1 White with vinyl top, air con. poodle, fr'M to rood hom1. e'f5..S755 Loves can l older children. li' T-BUU> 'ti, 140 llp Mere Auto S.rv"'9 3100 W, Cout Hwy., N.B. 00.!Mffi 540-1 ™ Authorized MG Deall'r C ~ everything.! d iliontrc, auto. tran.S., pow· ~ HA.RGAIN! er steering, radio and healer. , 0 ~so ' __ .... _,,,_2_,_11o_,_6_P_M __ 1 New tires. ll595. 35.CXXJ orig· '65 CORVAlR $6f5 84&--3818 10/16 Cruiser I/0. Trlr + 1pare, & Parts 9400 2 1ets lkis. mile :ztru. liii~~~ijijiiiiiiiiiiiiiio ENGLISH FORD inaI ntiles. call 637-4156 H.•dtop "1>10" ,1:,1. 1hift, J(JTrENS, 2 gray, 2 black, 2 Fi1h or 1kt bmt '2llOO. m& •'Y/Wht, whil•. «•Y . "4~2119hlt6pm. Auto Supply '64 Por1che Coupe Chrome wheel•, radio, heat. ~" '63 Buick HlVll'ra, &ll', IM· O.-i .. inalFAowLn<C•·ON r1dio, h•a!e r, U¢. RPLJ'11 MACULATE, luadcd. 10000·=~=======11 ----$ll75_ .1g.1 •. 1053J· '63 MONTERY $4f5 ~7952 10122 (.)ntbia Dr, H.B. lllO hp ford Interceptor Me•c.u1v " d•. V!, 1ulom•· lie. lran•m;u ion, pow., 1/0, n1any extras, must 1 Blk & whl. kittens; shotii, sell: $2"50. Call aft 5 PM Wholesale \vearied, l111lt1C1I, "Sybil" & ~\&-Y.JHl ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORO DEALER SALES -SERVICE er. A beauty, (WJC797> $29SO STIL\VE:LL"S SPORT CAR CITY .'!51 N. Anaheim Blvd. ~19. 3031 Ext. 6li or 67 1970 HARBOR BLVD. 1965 Falcon f'utura Hardtop 1teerin9, ••d•o, !oie1t••· L•c. C PlJH80J '67 Sedan Oe Ville oupe. auto .trans. pwr str, CADILLAC "Alll\r.."v l'ilurV1!I" '!M-9840 1 ~========= au 5. 10116 9010 F'J::'.\1AL!:: Adult Da1•hsund, good 11.·lth oldrr rhildren, :N' Ill.la nder &loop f'. G. inb. !rrc to good h 0 m r . aux. Pulpet, ~ad galley, 642-2278 10116 bilge punlp. Full coven and rushion1. Slf!'f!ps 4, $3995. J r.1oL old part Samoyed ll.J-&3-1311 Ext 221 ~·k m;tle pup, all shota & lil"elW, hsbrkn, ~ \Yllh days childrTn. 962-&:ll 10/18 INTER. ~. Xlnt cond. All I I be r g I as 11 l'Onstn.ictlon t'Er.tA.1.E Beagle. s rn a 11 J\faln, jib & spin n a k e r adult dog, i::ood "'' i I h "''/tra!)f'ze rig. Boat trlr & ch1!dn-n, mu I l i -co Jnr. all equip. $1500. 847-2860 962--0-129 10/141 -'-,.;,.C,:,,,.:,.~,,.:..-~-17' O'DAY Daysatler \'ARD lull of lovely Dahlias Demo $1750. Used Sl350 arc going to \Vasle. Come I: 0 o •= 14' · ay \/9ed •••• .,.,..,., help yuursclf. 241 E. 21st .Fun Zone Boat Co. Balboa SL, C.M. 10116 SABOTS PETS 1nd LIVESTOCI( Pets, General 8800 POODLE Pupple1: Toya, AKC, c ha m p . l i ne, beautilul, he~thy. r.1ust be !i e e n bt then persona!J.y dtst·uss rcu. terms not New Incl 1&IJ. 1249. 645-022'2 PENGUIN tallboat 11 ""• W/U.il • traUtr. Top CIOft. dlllon -131- FIBERGLAS OiJl&hy 6' long 40 !bl, '6(1. 675-49M after 7 PM 9020 given ove r phone, 496-9306 Power CrulMrs OCELOT. Ideal f11.m1l.y pet. Docile & playful. $3()0, CRUIZON 16' Cabin crul.ser 493-J2;,2 or 67:>-6010 wood/fblll, motor & trlr. $5!l0. 545-4588 Dogs 1125 Merine Equip. 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. BRITISH SeaKUll outboard 9035 PuppieJ i\1ama is a pun!-brf!'rt !..a.hr•· dor Relrh!ver (ycllow); Pa- pa is a 1? but he can leap high fences in a 1ini le bound! The puppies ar(' won. dcrful children's dogs SIO apirce. Call alter 6, ~7935 AKC REG. COLLIE PUPPIES La,,,sk._ J\lark1ngs. Sh ow or pct. Sable 6 tri-colored. lfad puppy shot &· \1•ormed, l\Iust see to appreciate Also Stud Se:rvi(·e. AKC WhH1 Factor C.Oll ie. Ch. blood line. 96".1-1091. 200l1 ll1arina I..n, Huntin(lon Beach. 1, TOY collie pup1, 6 1>1'ks. old. Falhf!r wa.<; a blk poodle: s;i. 640-Jll.1, 914 Capital, Cll1 GEfL\IAN Shephf!rd AKC, top 11 ual1ly puppicll, 2 1noll old. Xh1t Jlil fX'rs. * 8..'l'l-1.';()8 \VJ~l;\IARANER r 11 p ri 1 rs AKC, l>h01s. Gra11d t·han1· p1011s. • r 71 ·I) ~92-2·123 • DACI ISHUNDS. A!\C, xlnl \\"Ith children, 4 \V ks. 5'19-:l&l4. alt 5, anytin1c Sat, Sun. AKC Registered Grrman Shepl'wrd pups !or salr. 1 m11l(' &. 1 female Sfij.00 a nd S-10.00 8.'\9-59-14 BEAGLt:S. I c n1 a I "'~. 12 \I re ks, ln-color, At\C n.~g. $2.J. • 536-601 9 ... BF:AGLF..'. female~ 1~ 11k;:o , ,\KC Re;;. 11 pnre S:!.1 5:'h-0010 '~-~~~--CllA'.\TPION S1 rerl hri11>1n !Oy fli"!'"!lr, 1''. Pups ::. ! u rJ Si"rv1r~. 6-16-.\16'.; n :ACliP 'f0y l'!'lf\\JI" rivr~. At .~l u(I, Tiny:! th. Pif><tl•·.•. Yurkl!'~ 0r Mah,..sc 5.1;,.~li'IO BASJ::N.H \l11lc . 1 yr ulil. 'l2·1 S. Gunlht•r, S A. \lous-:: b<.,hfn(t ?!fi SCl-!NAUZERS. Min. pups. Show or pc1s, service, 83J..-0361 Al\C Stud el\(. t.11nus 40. 1 V.. hp, $50. 646.2105 1011 Slip Mooring 9036 \VANTED: Slip or bouy tho! 1\·ill 1ake 26' t Jllboat, Call days 64~-4300 ext ~. eve& 838-2G4a ask !Qr Attila Mobile Homes 9200 :~~l Jim ~:~ Cooper TRAILER SALIS "Buy from • m•n whe live• In one I" \VE SERVICE \\'HAT WE SELL! 324 So, Harbor, Santa Ana l Blck So. of Bolu ft.lI-1006 BAY HARSOR Mobile Hom• l•I•• Cua Loma Roll • Awq • Sheraton Manor -Homette • Kit • Prestige • Sahara ALL SIZES NO\V ON DISPLAY 14Z'i Baktr St.. Costa t-.Icsa 1 ~ block East of Ha1·bor Blvd. Costa l\1csa liJ4) 540.9470 Many Mobil Homes Family & adult parks Prired Righi! Call :i:J0.8869 or 636-:191 Broker GREENLEAF PARK in clear, clean, cool Costa l\tcsa. New 92 space adult park, \\Jodcls & Sa.!rs nl/1cr Jn.·arc>d at Park. Open 9 A.\I to 6 P:\I J'CCEl\'1 r-.lOBlLE JlfJ:\11:: SALL:> 17;;11 \\'hittier A\'P Co~la ~lf'~a 11~· 6~2-1.1."ll) 20xSS J Bl'tlroom 2 batJ1. All f''tl ras. Fan11l y Park. Call JJG.,~ ~J:·l.-LL tif'J~. ::;I] 1.':tl !l"T 11a. Irr t:ink ~l~l(I 1&!01'.'rwport. Sp. t'o. t C.;\I. -~~---2 1"1111 IJf'd~. JO 1:~1 IK1! 11:.il1•r l1111k Sl."00. lf.10 i'>!'11·r)(lr1. sp, ;-..•o, .~. c.~1 12x60 Front & Rear All t'.\lras. f"11.mily park, Call :~'lli~il>li:I, 636-32':11 Broker. 9300 BEAUTIFUL A_K_'C_M-.. -,,-co~l· Motorcycles '" """";" W>lh ""'". C)'C -SC--R~A_M_·_L_E_T_S_, rrrtlfll'ah's. &12-~&12 SILi\\'. T('IT\f'C, n1<1lc pt1ps. :; "'k"'. 111\C. Adorable healthy ANSWERS & ~hnts. s1 :io. 6'11-4306 Pnccs to All c .. n11•h·1e r.tnt hine Shl:•p SPEE[) EQUIPMENT Rt.:BUILT ENGlNE:S 1125 Victo.ia, 0 1 !>-Hl·li:-X'10 1839.l Beach Blvd, JIB 8-t7.fu91 t OPEN7DAYS t Holley Spark Plugs lligh perfoimaocl' for all lyfll'S of cars. $5 .89 Nation al Speed Center :.'llO S. JlrirWr, Costa r.·tesa fi.16-6700 Open 'Ill 9. 6 on Sat. NC':i! to Mr. 'T' 'Ci3 Ford rairlano partS, 2i!9 ('11g & auto. tran~. xln! cond. )'.125. }'~ive 700xll !ires ~25, m isc. parts r eason ah le 847-4538 lmn1ediate dchvl'ry LAftGE SELECTION Theodore ROBINS FORD 20CiO Harbor Blvd. Costa ?ttesa 6~2-0010 FERRARI FERRARI AnatK'im Kt: 5-2: 15 '68 PorSt'he !!l:l, ·I ~r·I. !\le,\(1"f' whN'ls. ma11y ~·.\· 11-,.1.s, $1950. Ci73.ai01 SPRITE '62 Sprite l\[K II. cmtom ex· hausr, radials $600. 67!)..6319 SUBARU Ne\\1>0rt Jn1ports Ltd. Or----------- ange County's unly author- ized dl'a!er. SALES-SERVICE-PARTS 3100 \V. Coast H11·y, Newport Brnt·h 642·9'105 5,10-1764 Authonzf'fI Ferr,iri Dc>alf'r FIAT SUBA!tU * 1100 MODELS -/tr: * VANS * ln1n1e<11ate rlr.l1vl'ry al: COSTA ~!ES..\ '68 vw Ai,. t-ond1Honer. 4 spd, dlr, loaded! llonet rream ext_, plush black lnt. Take small do"·n or TrRJI'. Low, low pyn1nls. Vll t!IOOLB. call Ken 494-9n3 or 5-a5-0i.14, '69 V.\V. Bus Ar.t/FM Sunroof, t•xlt cond. r.lust seU this \1·eek $400 equity and a~sume payments or oUer. 675-27:,6 VOLVO f0LVO • , v.s eng. Ong owner, Very '63 MERC Comet $4f5 f ul'._po.,,,"'.r, landau lop, _Jeath.. clean. $1005. 673-7851 6 c.vL, •wlo..,.t.c ''~n1..,r1 . er inlcrior, air. pren11mun1 iion, ,1 dio, he1t1r. Lot. tires. Like new. {Ser. No. '68 Falcon Wagon, full pwr, IGD 162 .,. OOS31 a ir, tow mileage T.O,Pymts. $3395 !l3Wi'11 '65 MUSTANG $1295 118,' 4 1p11d, f1clorv 11• ST:IL\\'ELL'S ~ SPORT C C FORD co11<1ilioflin9, power 1!e~r AR ITV in9. r1dio, "••'•"Lie. o: 851 N. A.naheim Blvd. 1----111 Anaheim KE S..2115 '66 Falcon Futura -,6~5-G-o~la-,~1.-X~L-$~l~2~9~5 '63 °-• d Vil! 1 Fully factory equipped, Dlr. .cA."'t.18.ll C C, OW VB. eutom11ic hen1"'i"ion, mileage, "Int coral. 1''ull S695. ,owtr 1te1,ing . •1dio, h11I· I · Phone fi.12.filTlJ pwr, actory 111r. Private pr-·l==~=~~-.C:..--·11 er, buc.l.et a11h. l ie. POD ty must sell. $J150. 5-15-7822 FORD '66 Gala'lie 500, 4 dr 055 '69 CAD 1'"LEET\V000 .sedan, r/h, p/b, pis, ale,. c6~7~M~U~S~T"A"N7G~$"1"6"9"'5 BROUGHAM "1?l cond lhnioul. r-.!usl seU VS, iu!omalic trt1>1m i11io1>, CLEARANCE NOW! 961-()319 . Xlnt cond. $1495. 673-4i\S2 Faetorv ~i# "'nditionin<J. Trucks 9500 -------- KUSTOM MOTORS 8'15 Bake[ SI., C'.\t 5~0.5915 Open 't1l 9 Pl\! 9500 miles 494-6882 this wk. 962-1184 air cc,..dilionin9, pow•• '66 CAD. Sedan DeVillc; low '67 FORD Galaxie 5CX), 4-dr, 1l11rin9, ,.dio, h11l1r, l ie mile., Guardian ma In 1. 3!Kl eng, P~s, P/b, auto ~W~V~T~7~lil="""'"""" siilCe nC'w. $3l9S. Pr Ply. trans, faC't all'. plus extrru>. 1 '65 CAMU.AC $19f5 142 • 144. 14S _ 164 '69 Fleetwood .1966 Ford Econollne Falcon full Pr'•"•"'•'.1 rM ... h1ater. B h Club \Vagon. Big 6 w/ 3rd1 ·"~··~•:::.::=::;,..,=~== 11-IE LOl\'l'.:S'f PRICES ••ug •m - GMC TRUCKS Orange County Sa!rs Servi~ llcadquartf'rs. NE\V . USED UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE :!s.30 llo.rbor Bl\•d. Costa fllcsa """'' 1965 Ford l/2 Ton Pick Up V/S, 8 foot bcrl, automatic. .run l'Quippe<J. L1r. # s.1~112 SUNSET FORD 1%8 FIAT, 124 N>d<1n, litr bluP. 1100 nu. Sl3!l.i. or $7!l:; • ~-T 0 .1' G·Hi-7:..~ l .~-~ ·i;~ ~·1 ,\T ~:~1 :;pydcr. Blue. s1~00. * Afl Ii, ~lfi.J;:;2li * JAGUAR '62 J aguar XKE Co\'t'rt ibll'. Ch1T1mc 1\' i r @ 'lht'<'!s. A hcriu!~·. tOAA:1i:!1 $1795 STIL\Vl:'.LL '.'i SPORT CAR CITY TRIUMPH seat (8-10), ve•·u clean. good '66 •-£TO $149S YOUR BE!'I' DEALS B t ff 1:.1:1\11111 '" .-vn• • ARE STILL AT es 0 er over_.,.... n1£>Ch11n. 494-~72 eves. H~rdtcp. VI, 1utom1lic E Call 494·6882 1968 Ford f'airlane ~ Sta· lr•111mi11ion, r•dic, ~ •• ter . D AN LEWIS '67 El °?rado. Lo mi. Xlnt lion "''Rgon. R&H, pb & ps, ="~··~V~l~T~07~·=~-== 196;; SUNBl::A;\l Al Pin r cond. New tu-es. Loaded. air-coral. $1775. 646-2-191 HEYY $26f5 1:oadslt'r. ;iu1o sh1 lt , good 1966 lfarhor, c.~1. 646-9303 $4 850 priv prty 614-4265 '68 c rond. Asking $000. 962-726'1. -===='=='==== ' · -'62 FORD Convertible. Runs 9 pau1n9 1r Slition Wi gon CAD '69 Sed De Ville, e.'tlraS good. $295. VI, 1ulom1lic h1n1mi11io.,, Antiques, Classic• 9615 fact. air, -orig. owner, * M6-303l * l•clory eir conditionin<J. pcrfrcl (TI4l 494-8794 power 1l•1rin9. po .. er 1930 FOno t.todcl A -'SS FORD 2 OR br1k11, rtdio, "••'••. lu<_1- SUNBEAM ltoadster !ully r,. s Io red, S11J. 549-1690 1 9•9• r1 c~. el<. Lie VTP"l'1 n1int t'Untl. $2600. 371A CAMARO •1195 I · I -'Pl c 1962 l-'ORD Station \Vagon. '66 FORD • \O<Xla11u .. :'II. l----------i V s > 6 1 ery ~ condition. &sl Ccunlrv 1c 1n. p•ll 1 •-'65 SPITFIRE :H40 Garden I.rove Blvd. S31 N. Anaheun Bll'd. \Vestmin~!cr 171 II 6.l6-WHI Anahein1 hr.: ~2115 Egg \\'hito, Italian red int., 1929 FORD lliodel A '69 Camaro Z28 of!Pr. &;2-7374 lio n w19., VI, •ulo. '''"'" 4 sprl, dlr, Jocal!y owned. Roadster Pirk Up. ~' ra~ Bill Thomas Susp., Koni'i;,1:::::::::::::::::=====11 power 1!e1ring. r1dic, "•••- Excellent cond. Bl11t• book B. enginr, hcarlr1·s & dual polyglas, roll bar, Comp. •r. Lie TJDJ!8 $1275. Full Jlrice Slfr:l(I., .,,,·ill rarhs. 15" \\'heels, hydraulic bell$ + n1ore. 12.0CO ml. LINCOLN '66 MUSTANG $1495 llnc pnlt prTY. NIUSOSl.B. brakes. SJOOO. &1 1-()720 Never ral'ed, bu! rcady.1----------·il 2 d•. h1rdtop. VB, 1ulome- Call Phll, ·1!J.1.9n3 or 545-~4. 1 -.,-,-,-,-,-.. ~,-,,-,-.,-. ~,~x~,,.,-,-,,-,, c"="='~· ="=J..~565='3:..._ ____ 1 'li6 CONTINENTAL, z dr, ;;, ti en1,,,i11io11, power l'il Ton '19-19 G.\lC !rut.1k 1v1!h hydraulic, !all go1e 11/1, tli:oc. booin lift. 1i.111s 1-:d. ~-!'.!..l. '.\lon 11\l'U Fri &1:1-8782 'I)~ D,\TSUN P1ckur with C111n [)f'r .t xlras. Lrav1ng slalr. Best offer. 67~>-·{i75;, 19&1 F 100 P ick up, cab high ran1prr shell, ~ood !ires & mcC'h. ST:>O. Ci-H;.!"£l7 KARMANN GHIA '69 Tll!UMPH :.;p1H1rc, .\1111 l'ornl. S1 600, S !2·3716 aft 5.1 __________ ExTrns. $2495. or trade tl•e•in9, rtdic, ~•~l•r. Li< i.:ond ., 7;iO(J 1n\J{'~. Priv ;>Jl day 11kr11d~. 646-!IR71 evenings c"~U~l~7l~=---c"'= 2·'jiJ KAR~l1\~:-J G h i a~. Goor! tr<1nsp()rl;.t!lon car~ or h11gt:"y malrrinl. $175 & $250. Phnne 64~ ... ~'G2l. 01vni;r. Call 6·15-:l065 all 1. CHEVROLET '67 FORD $18f5 Di\UGllTER'S '6! TR 4, red, Rice Cars, Rods 96201 --_=::_::.:::.:_:=_:::;__.I----------G1l1~i• 500, 2.doo• ~dip. R/H, new brako>s, 2 tops. ----'---'--~:: '66 CHEVROLET C11pric,. MERCURY va, •uto. lr•n•., lie. eir. :s9:io. s.1i.i;nro l>C'lnr<' 1 pni. '33 FORD :l \1 i11<'low Cpe. One 01Yncr car \.•:ith only P<>""•r •teer., ,.die,"••'''· TOYOTA Choprc<l channrll cd Olds 24,0CXI n1iles, has a!l power+ '64 t.laraut\C'r. auto, P"'r, bkt whit• wi ll tirt •. ~inyl roof. rng. 32 lra1nr hasket job. a ir conditioning. Absolutely ~ts. CB radio, 390 cng. $800 Lie.. Ng. UKH 71b $150/0ller. &12-()6(Mi the c leanest one in lo\.'.·n. 833-2575 aft 6. '69 Folrlane 500 $29'5 ·5~ r.tt.htaf)' !ypc 4 dn\'e 1n lop cond' 1965 SNut 4 \\"hi dri\·r, buc.kel !;Cats A·I Also SllllO <'a•·h. TOYOTA Autos Wanted 9700 \VE PAY . CASH Call 6.U).;,(i37 2'178 Plat'i.'nl1a, I ::'.:::'.~::::::::::=::;::=::::: C.M. SPECTACULAR YEAR END SALE ALL MODELS YOUR BF.ST D~~Al.S ,\ftE STILL !aT DEAN LEWIS for used cars & trucks ju.st :::al\ us for tree estimate. '51 Ford '~ Tori. ra cing alicks. cust uphol. chcr· ry body. GM<1 runn1ni::. Fial 11,..ad. V-~. S:'.~.t. Sl7-!i~9 Si\LE P.c·lilt ,H'll1.v J•·• I' ',1~ t'onl V-f!. New hall ,\· 111'•'" Nrw lr<•l1!' k p'(lras :fr..-~7;:'J 1960 r.l!'rcctlcs; l:J(J. Clean, ""'"' t;res. S~JIJ f irm. 1 o1~-1r;2 ['\I.'" J EEP· 1946 cJ2,,-.-"-,.,-~rs11.ccl MG l 11·e~. clean. 981 Prc~1clo !)r.1 ·--------- C.~l. \\111lys ·~,\ <I ll'hl dr, r1•(1lt en~. ;xtra~. Cd i.:ond S\395. 6-16·~-'6~ pvt fll}'· fvlG ~Je1, Service. Part.a lrn mcd1atc Dl'l1very, All r-Iodl'ls 1966 1-larbor, c .~I. 6-IG.9303 BILL MAXEY J!]lo~v@!@ 18881 BEACH BLVD. Hunt, Beach 847-8555 :; ml N. of Coa1t Hwy. on Bcih VOLKIWAGIN GROTH CHEVROIIT Ask for Sales t.fan~r mu Bearh Bll"d. llunlington Beach Kl 9-1131 WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR CON NILL CHl!VIOLU '63 Volkswagen Bus 2828 Harbor Blvd. Excellent condil1on! 100% Costa t.1ellA 54f>.1200 lmport•d .. ~utos 9600 Y.'arn.nly . at 1 --:0w"=i~•~•~y~~:,:::.- KUSTOM' MOTOIU .,. TOP J2rtuport ihnport ._, GRAND OPENING 141 ""'" '1 .• CM 1<!>611'1 DO~LAll CAR SALE :noo IV. Coast H~-y, N.B. Open 'tU 9 PM tar rood, cl1an used cars, Ci l~·!ll()5 :>0-17M ~-...::.,;.::::_.::..;..:..:::.___ all makrL IN George Flay Tustin Auto c :inic ,\uthorlzed ?>tG ~aler 'M vw, 2 door, 4 •pied, Theodor1 ltabln1 Ford r1dlo, he1ttr, besutitul .,.d 2080 Harbor l.lvd . OB A Lido Motor.s MGB •nd 1harp, RUM 140. $1C85. C.M. &42..oolO 1300 W . Coast Hwy. 1---------Cul'1 Motor Co. lnc., 1N1 lMPORT» WANTED \l l'~...,. "'•JI '61 \J"B Harbor, C.M .. &tl--0413. "'---"~-"'- N' B. b42 -b762 ' _,, '<= •ar:,,"" ' Vlllllfi" ,..,....,u._. ..,,.,,, '68 V'.V Sunroof, Blaupunkr TOP s BUYER T11~11n Aufo n 1nw nprnrr! 11 li7:>-03J'l A:'IT11'"'.\1, Cor{) m11t~. mint Rll.L MAXEY TOYOTA A1·;1r11·11 1n l\'•'11'["1rl f101n-:o [ c========== conrl! '.\lust sell, :i111ke oUer1 twl Bffch Blvd. h11q nr•• und•'t 11or 11' 111 OPEL 4!H·6893 fl Btaclt. P'tl. M'l.alllll L1rln ;\ln!OI'\, 1:00 II l'H.1·1 ·~1 '"Vb •'I·' " " "'· '"'" ~ "m"'' Wiii Buy l!wy Thi'\ !nr· •t 1•111 11 •IJ ro·· ·io-1 OpC'l Stilion \\'agon. Thi! rom p \\'/camplni;: ctxras. rmw '-~•'II 1111p.-.rt1·d• 1 ;1r~ 11 ,.f'k 11495, el : S2200/h<'s! ol/1.'r. B 0 b They lll"l' 11••11 klfli,111 ~~ lh•' KUS TOM MOTORS :>-16-5835 11.ftr r Ii Your Volkswagen or Porsche r:11· dn!·lp1·-I in tho• Qr,1nl!" Sl.'i ll.ik<r ~'·· (" ,\T , 5-!0.a915 1 ~-VIV 81 •CK & p;iy tor dollan, Pald !Dr rnonTY •il'•\L l.,l' .~ }I'~ ,<;.,Ir "'''1 • .,. ,.,_, 1 l""fl ·111 'I ! • r.t •c.o.n "'OOD COND or not . ......,1 Rlllph o'vnc-r ror ho111 r'('pn 'r ~l\r·r~ ,., "'k"'·" · 111-0llOO Jlm Slemons r.T er cedes 1 dr. h.rdtop. VB, •ulom•· Benz, 120 \V. \Varner, Santa MUSTANG lie tr1n1mi•1•on, l•cfcry Ana, 546-411 4 __ ;:.:.:_::.c.::.c.:.:_c:_ __ ll ,;, c.ondition•n9. r•dic, ht•I••· Lie.. ZDTOO! 1966 CHI::VY l1 npal1t '1 Dr. G:> illUSTANG Con v t . HT. Pl~. RIH. 1011· m1lr. I B!ue/\\hitc top. RJH . 4 ~p. '66 MERCURY S1695 0\\'11('r, lik<-ne1Y $14'.)5, Prv trans. Rally Pack Con.•.o!c. Cvdone G.T. l dr. H.T .. VI , prly, 833-13?.!. 5:!.QOO mi. Good c 0 n d . •ulo..,ttic, fie. eir, pow•• 6-12-ti718 11111., pow•• br•ke1, buc· '6:1 EL CA:\1111<0 327 r11 ir1,1,:;;";cC;.;O;,-.,.-,-,-;;;;;;-=-,"'° kel •••h. Llc. TSA 821 x.int running-rond. ~eros '69 t.lACll I IJ,CXXJ mi .. P/S. ,67 FAIRLANE S1 9f5 new bed. ;s,)j() or besl oHer P/DIB, strreo 111pe, 4 67:J..-3762t speed. 3.'il Ram air, sli\l ~00 2 door h•rdlop, V8, warranted, l mmac. Best ol-t ulo, lr•n1., power 1t11r.. 'ti4 Chr1y Jn1pllla Convrrl r•d;0, he1le•, .. ~.ttw•ll bl I I d II k !er ovC'r $2800. 4~1-3li27. r t cng, roe c , ~ r, ta e =~=,.:,.=~-=---II 1;,,., UPS 5!>5 '67 FORO $1995 foreign cHr in trade . '6j 1'\USl'ANG Con vcr t, XYZ756 ~!l l-07il cocu(l, new trans., good ron-R1"ch w•<JOfl. 118. •u!o"'a· '66 Chev ltllprtl;o llT, V-8, dltio11. one owner, $1095. lie. fac.. •ir. po'"'e' de1r., ~tl1'k, rtlr, bl l)k S1"27'."i !akr IJ7.l-60IO RffC'r 6· po..ie• b·•k••, lu9919t ~107.l. 1\·~1u:>11~. :1 1.-.. 1}1,i.1 ! THR!-.:r: l!Xill ~!u5l<>ngs, lullyll o"~'~',',.;.-',.','~D='°-'.,;-;;;;,-Ill '62 4 Dr. Chevy Impala. Pli:;, loaded. S~. '67 COUGAR $2295 P/b. Radlai llre1. Xlnt C.Ontaet ~ H•,d!op ,VB, r•dio, healer, cand. -54a.-tl!M power 1lt t r., i:iowtt di1c '64 SUPf R §port. lrn niac.. OLDSMOllU br1lo;11, lee. 1ir cond .. while w11! It•••, vinv1 top, lil t auto ahlfl, gold. rt.lust st.>e l OLDS 442 1~, 1 w~ •• 1. Lie. USO l7l. 642-7374 """· per ect cond., , Below book. By owner. Very '65 FORD $795 'M ChEV:tlLE 300 Deluxe, )ow Qown paymt. 320 l\lvrtle G111i;1 SOD. Conve dibl1. 2 dr, V·I , auto, fl/I. 1100 81., L&g, Bellch. 49-1-t4!AJ Va , 1~!om 1tlc, P"'" •lier., over wholeu Je 17~TM n x1 •--' r1dio. he t l•r. Lie.. UYR 1~1 _ · '"" u ds S.a...-1ire, black, xlnt ·sa CHEY Waao11. r-lew tire1, cond, nev.·ly paintl'tl, new '65 MU5TANG $1295 Irani . v~ve }ob. Clean $300. lire• 1700. 54S--3115.J V&, •~lome lic fr 1n1m.11io11, Mll·lllOO •----;&f-OJd'-1-.• ~d-,---11 radio, h11 !er. vinyl •ool, 65 C I ' or ,.,_.., c.~r11111 whttl. l ''· OYW ' twvy mp&la · UUU11 11~ 519-lli!JO 17 2 cond. Ault!, V-1, SUOO. .~~==r.:r---;c;o;;o; """" '65 MUSTANG $1295 '118 KtALIBU. Au1o. P/11. PLYMOUTH va. ·~!omtlic ···"""""iOft, I r •d;o. h11l1r, $on1ol1. Lo<. l.01\' mile s. $2200_ Call rve1 1£164 VALIANT \VA G 0 N. PENl72 Ml-M-42 Black, red in1erior. Or11~in1U ,,676c-cG"'A'L"A"X~l~i--s~+~9-.5 'U CAMARO 321 RS_ r 11. awner. Good ronr!, c!e~n. 500 ~·door ••'•~· \18, eulo, n lll. Auto. 284 Knox SI .. CM R/H, 111ck sh!(l. Days 11 .. ._ •• ,. I 71 Ira~•., rad>o, I••·••• cond ., 64~29!11 ev,s. WI trade. ,,,. ....... ex '· e v c s whftt well +i•••· t.~. SHK CHRYSLER '87 CHRYSLER 644-2224 I 2 8 '6fl Plymo11U1 w/383 rng. '•4°'7~ji(!~"R~Do----$"l"J"9"5 .4.utn, PIS, P/B (d1~k1. c .. itom 600 2 •r .. VS,•~· ,P~o;,•;,1-~t.~P~rl"='p~Jy:,,.="'="'="=·"='=cl l 'om e!P~. pow1r ,iee', ••· "' dio, h1tl1r. lie, TJ M 9611 & salr:; 1<;. \\'1!1w!J11 P1r h 1----------I "-~~=·c.::~1':....:Pv..;..:l_pae;::rl~Y;__ I========== Tu."'11n Auto Clin1c':c; main In-PORSCHE '68 VIV. $1500. Jn excellent Auto lea•lng 9810 2·DOOR HARDTOP ration is 155 \\'. 1sr St 1n 1 __________ condition. v• 10 tl I 1 •-Country ~11•••· 10 p111 .. PONTIAC 'H FORD $1695 T L I \I '1>, au m.a e, ac ory au·, ''"'11 PONTIAC GTO ust1n. 1co ; 0101·s 1s fl Porsche ,67 912 Targa Pl!: 6'5.:1286 1 ~ LEASE 1 ~ pawtr •ll•rlni. powtr bra· " . . Va, •ulo..,•lic, pwr. ••••r., Branch. N•" & rlnv•· ff) l><•lieve. :-:1g. '68 VIV Sed. 4 i;pd, radio, dlx ,,,-~ ke1, radio & h1:at11', lmma· '4.0'.IO act\l~I miles. Likr ™'.w· pwr. bre~••, r-"io, ~••11'· 1 11 22 000 -"-I•. !UDE 7•Jl r•ctor)' a ir •. po1vrr stcenng lu1J9 •9A •••"'· Uc. UTB 795 '6J Porsche Co1Jrr Slip('!" !IO in x:lnt ro1}rl. S~7!ri. '5!1 Porsche O:iupe lf.00 Su. per. complct,..!y restored n;il r:-r! ,1 hi 1l·k int.er . 5 inl. 1 J ll C', • zni. $l47i '(i9 LTD Ford l'OUpe, alr, pwr vw.e $2295. 6 brakn, \'lrtYI roof, '67 GALlXtl $14f5 1'Pl-~·J. A \1 'F'~f ,r.,, l\mcnran 6!2-771!1 slrg & brakes radio $109 mo. 500 Coftverti•I•, va, •ulc .. m:t'?"''. ! lnlJ>f'l•rablc in C\"<'ry '61) V\V So'>d11.n. 2ti.OOO mi. '6~ Country Squire air pwr dr1ail. V l · ' tr1n1., power tf1Arin9. ••· SKrE TERRIER AK c. •·li.unp sn't'd lemalr. pup, 2 ~~ 111'1:'<. Jtc>a.~. ~~2547 Unless -Dillo -Shl'f'p -S 1!00. flrwpon Jh11por1s rry g00< cond . l\l11ny E!i<· iitrg & br11kes, radio 137 mo. ATLAS dio, litr., wtiilt wilt tirti. lras. $12'7'.). &12-l'JS.1 '&! cadUlac Coupe de VW1, lmmtcul•lt . Lif. TFC J'1J '(,6 V\V St1back $10CD or lradr, fully equipped .... $ll9 mo. '69 MAC'H l $2695 llidiog -TONGUE '61 VIV Sqbark \\'<it;on, r n;. A r)Ja!lerbo:c She hu a uverhouled $990. ;,J.;c Champion sllVl'r m in ponc:llr pUfJS s;i(J. N !IO l toy ~G.-,' ~ o3!).Z-"l'l4~~""'---A 1xHtA BLr:: Miniature chronic ~peech impediment. '62 V\\', good cng, new Pillnt l Irr doc1or rails it palpitation job s~r. .. or lhC' TONGUE. '59 Kam1ann Giha, gd. cond. ~--,-.~~------! 16511. 19ITT llt11~uA 160 SCHllUZERS. AKC Rrg. SC'RAJ\lBLER '60 ChC'\')' Sta t1on Wagon, nc.o.Y rng & pain t $595. Call l"\'CI", 1!!'>-4579 POODLE Pups, tiny toy & tny. 11JI t'Olors, AKC. fop 1111ality. Stud scr. 89J.-9719 Elrl'. starter, 800 orig, m l. '(ii Fiat 17.oadslC'r convt., gt!. S·IOQ. eng, $17J. Horses 8830 GENTLE Mal'1', gr! l:d horse. for 1~nager. CAii Shrryl a.fl 3 pn1, & wknds s.ta-6851 SMALi.. Shetland, c h 11 d broke, daplc grey $75. !).15-5K21! Livestock 1840 1:167 l\!1\TOll.E~ !>l'OCC GSSO Srra111blcr. For U1c purist. $6.'lll, 1967 TRIUMPl-f T-lOOC 500 CC. Vr ry clt>an. S!<IO. JAMES LTD I584 Nr.wport Blvrl , 612·0040 '67 HONDA ;j();, Chopper. i\lu.~t Sell. $650 or best oUcr, 548--!050 NF,:\\' BM\V below "·holcsa.le rn!f Jt..60. 600 cc. ~"'"~ HONDA J;;Q IT'S FUN TO BOARD Good mcch Mnd. $1~'°· Your hol'S(' at TALLY 110 .-&16-~:xi t rARMS. &x 1l&lls $f;i) per lMI TRJVMPH J50 0:. Xlnt mo M@W 11\aded corTals cond. 3.Cn> ml. SSW. w· per mo Automalk wa· ; MS-'m' * ter, Im! ,; cltaned daily. 0H~O~N=o7A.:;ll5,;;::;,Sawn=:...;;bl"°er-,-,"".., l n. 1tct'l!I lll:hl.d ertna, llr-.i. iproclM!tt, plpa. Xlnt lralning rl rc. ftlV?r frail ac· cond. $375. 54~2157 ceu . Expert Engli1h & ~:;::::°"'iii-i::':'-;c,.-,-,,,.,.~ \Ve1tem lnl'ln1rt1on, Tally 1961i liO CC Yamaha. Lot11 of H'o F11rms, lr.?62 Nt'whopc, t>x!rn~ Sll.'"1 with hcln1el. F'ounta ln VA.Jley. 545-!1!'1!7 ~l'l(}..2.'Wi2 AUSTIN HEALEY AUSTIN AMERICA Sales, Service, Parts lrnn1cdiatll Of'livcry All lllodcls J2rluport 31111 orts :noo1v. coa.~111"'Y .. N.11. &12-9'100 ~~().1761 AuUtarizC"d '.\IG DcaJrr '65 AUAtin Healey Spnte Ex. eond., saoo. $.SM2, allu 4 PM. COOl'll t.frNJ Cooper 1962. 9!17C'c, cnp; jUll1 reblt, Smith's tarh. l'K'w batlr.ry. l'f'd w/ hlt k tor. $1l:iG. li1J.-!ll83 111! fi. • larJ?cr c;i r or !rur.k. Cam,....r '69 Caci El Dorado coupe:. 00\YILER -rLYB.fOUTll .__ I 1 • •-fl.illy equipped •••• '199 mo. "29 HARBOR BLVD. <;. ... , Ji! •t ••· " •1>•e<1, ahell $110. &39-4237 69 Cad"ll C.O iU CO~A AIESA 546-W:W ,..,, '''''·• radio, h1•t•r. flfl!ST Sell 'Qi VW Campl'r ·, U I .•c d ""' ldl'69v· e n.....n Dally 'Iii Jo p.m. hi9h 1. .... buckeh, poly U Y cqu1ppc • .. · mo. v1n; 9Ja1 tir e•. l ie . YXR 1107 3100 \V. Coast lh\')' .• N.ll. fully equipt. low mi, !a-l~ '69 Chev C.amaro, pwr strg & '6!1 CllRYSLEH \Va 1.: 0 n . TORINO $l 9'5 Ci l:1·~·1ff1 $-10.11&1 Best off 642-1636 e"cs briikes, air ........ $92 mo. p 549-3031 Ext. 66 or 67 '68 Au11mri7.rd ;\fG Dealer '"·68-vw--1-h--1-,--_,-p-,-I SOUTH COAST PIS. P/B, /W, lilr, 10 •o7fl HARBOR BLVD. 241101 h1rdtop. "1'10" va. . r , x n ro .. u. v, milr~. J!kr. n1w, Mu1t ... to .,, ~ I '66 Porsche 912 ply. 116DJJ. CAR LEASING · 1 > -100r COSTA ME.SA 111•• 1 11• ,,d;o, heilir. -"="="='~="='·=~==~=::;::=o l -,,...,;:::;:.;;:==::;;;:,;;.:,,,..,;:,-,,:I cw1t1fll lnterlpr. Lie, /CS BaJ1am<t y('IJ1)\V, ii ~pl'l'.'d, 642-171!1 ]00 \V. C~1 Hwy, NB 1)45.1182 -·iJ Pon! Bonn.ville 2 dr, Pwr OCIJ chrun1L• 1i·h,..<'!~ (ROK GGGJ 'fili VIV Snrf, beige \v/blk int. COMET SA:B air R&iH 1uta tra.n• ;;,~==oc--""'"""' $3950 LEASE_ RENT __ _;c_:_.cc.;;;.;_ __ 1 · · ' · · 'H T-1110 $1295 S. T.'l.Wl'.'l,J.·.c: Jt/11. Porsche rims, Xlnt whit• Int, Pri Pb'. M2.'i. C..U \II, iuttfllitic freni., radic, cond. $1350. 548--2716 ORDER YOUR '62 COi\1F.T Station \V•*"n, 8*-1152 I 1 t II f 1 SPORT CAR CITY 0 _.. •• ''· y po .. •r, ., 11ry 'fi.11 V\V, 1500, nidinlhi•atrr, 1970 T DAY gd. condition. •ii Tlft.EBIRD 400, po'lm', 111. Lie. YllD 776 llil N. i\n1Jhelm BIYd, white w/n'd int., 20,000 mi. FOR EARLIEST ===='="~·'=''"====I turbo hydm, 11ltno ~, '62 DOD•E $495 An11hrim KE $-2115 · •"" $15.'J(). fi73-7824, &14-4633 DELIVERY 1.,;be;;•=l~afl='='·="=~=====-~ l!tlion Wit on,' piu., 1u. PORSf'!lf•: •,-,7 S~sler. '66 Volkswagen. Good con· All popular makes. Ford CONTININTAL 1· tern11ic lr•n1., ,,d;o, h11I· "Int ('ond, m•"·h pcrr: Best dition. $lD50. ail!honzed lea.sing gyiitem. STUDllAKIR ''· powtr. Uc. VUF "114 oflr·r uvcr S200J. a.t2-;,2()!J * 54S-lSl7 * Get Our Competitive Rates '67 Cont Coupe, pert cond. '67 FO•D LTD $1tf5 Pvrs 64 VOLKS\VAGEN. Excellent Theodore AUorney will I a c r I l Ice '64 Shldebaker C.Ommandcr 4.J oor, VI, t uln, '''~'·· PORSCJ-11:: ·q. Super 00. ('Ondition, $900 or Best offer . ROBINS FORD po:!r.sonal ca.r. S2·995· J\.lr. nice car, needs motor \1,1o~k fit. t ir co~d .. pow1r ,,,,,., Ri:hlr , cni:-. Xlnt cnnd. ~. 5-16-:!93_.~2~·-----= 20&1 Harbor Rlvd. Tucker. 835-2200 weekda)'ll. $125. 847-4538 pow•• disc brt~'" r1dio, ('hrt11 whls. A .\I I r "' '"' Cosla l\tesa &l2-0010 1=========== II h ........ kit1 w1 ll1, vinyl s 1r ... 1?Pl '6.'. vw. Riil 4 lifll'Cd . ;,1.600 ' .. ,,......,,,.................... CORYETIE T·BIRD •oof, TSU 175 m1. Ven' ~ood cond. $950. 1' + '6S CONVERT * Call 8·17-0705. LEASE ANY MAKE Xln t cond. All xtru, nu pnt, ,68 VW ..... MW braJl'.1:a & top. '-fusl sell. 646-1234 ._ c 9 tt.tt~. gd. cond., 1uto tram. '66 Pol'ICnr. lJ, 5 11pd, S.1650. Aller 5 pm, Ni.GU Allf/f'~f radio, many mon -· •!riv., :dnt oond. $4150. l9!'l9 VW Bus w/ '62 Inf, 642-0349 nlC'l'. S150. tTS &ar.h hou:ie nme. Big· i;r,r ~Jccr 1011 e\•cr! Sec !he I OAll.Y /'lLOr \VANT ADS'. 322 13th SI. Apt :\, HB '(>4 BUG l\IANY F.'XTR.AS! &12-8267 ---------- OR MODIL 11.t our Jta.se experts llhow :rou the bnt pt.n f« your ~f'IOnal Mld.1 wltlmout oblJ. cation. UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE 285(1 Harbor Blvd. CnstA r-.trsa 5'1().9640 I '~ _1:~1l, 1001. 1actlloh"it I '!'~ 'M CUltDrn Town IA.ndl.u, r-.~. 11rper I · ..,......, tuU equfpmtnt, red1nin& f73..HJI.. trait ••t. .... thin M.OIXI OORYrm: 'll "*"''°'· :m nil. Llke new. orfllnol with 985 hp, 4 irpd, n.dlalt, O'M'lfl', $2. 7'), Ho U'ldn. AMITTI, mu1t eell. 968-40!13 fin..lOl9 1 S Y 0 UR AD I N . .,"~7,_;;,,T:_-"8~1-r-d~.-~3---,-p"dll CLAS..o:;lf'IED~ Someone w\11 w/overdrlvc, 312 V -R, be looking for It. Dini &12· Pnr1holrs, S.?,000. J J l 0 DUNTON FORD 2240 S. Main 546-7076 ~7!1 Dl.-eanrront. NH I ~~~~~~'!-~~~~-·~~~~~~~ • -----------~---------- -·-.+-..• -~-··-·--·-···-----·--M-+ -----·----~--------------------- JC DAil V PILOT Tutsday, Dctobtr 14, I96<l FARMER JOHN • EASTERN QUALITY • PICNIC STYlE FRESH PORK ROAST FARMER JOHN ·• EASTERN QUALITY, WESTERN FlAVOR SMOKED PICNIC FARMER JOHN • EASTERN QUAtlTY, WESTERN FLAVOR SLICED PORK LOINS MANY VA~:[l!ES TO CHOO!>f . MUMS', DAHLIAS, NONYS (Al lAllS, ANO MANY MORE "SSOl'ITED COLORED PLASTIC ,~ FLOWERS C~ GOOD OCT. 15-21 USO" CHOICE OR FAO 'TENOE!FIFUL' ;siloii 37c 'RIBS lb, USO" CH OIC E 0 " FAO "TENOERF"UL'' EYE -OF-THE- ROUND ROAST ~Cilii('"' w'g"'"" FL8Avo• ( CHOPS lb. MeCOY'S • l l'l l!H !I R ANO c:;~~·ed 79c BEEF lb, D!"ENOA!I LE QUALITY 6~~;;.d49' BEEF lb. SAVE MORE WITH ECONOMY SIZE PRODUCE I JUICY OR/ NGES 8 ;:0 97c iiusser POTATOES 20 :.:. 97c 10 LO. ••• ari· iiirl".wliiEiss FAVORITE &9c i"Mi1RiciilMsillciD"ciiiis£"0 · & gc siinz. oR'EssiiosES::U:R::,~D 5 7c I USDA GRAD! A WHot.E BODY FRYING 33c ~ CHICK~S i~. USDA CHOICE OR FAD "TENDERFUl" OVEN TENDER. BONELESS ROAST SHOULDER37t . CLOD 111 ·: FAD • PACKAGE OF 8 •SAVE 10c FRESH APPLE BUNS 19' 35' 33c FRESH •CRUMB, SUGAR OR ASSORTED • SAVE 4c FAD DUNKETTES 35c 37' SPRINGFIELD • 24-0UNCE BOTILE • SAVE 4c SALAD Oil 303 CAN • WHOLE KERNEL OR CREAM STYtE • SAVE 3c 19' DEL MONTE CORN FLAIR MELAMINE DINNERWARE 45-PIECE SERVICE FOR 8 • SE T INCLUDES: 8 DECORATED DINNER PLA TES • 8 CUPS • 8 SAUCERS • 8 SALADS • 8 DESSE RT /CEREAt • 1 CHO P PtATTER • 1 SERVING BOWL $999 • 1 CREAMER • ONE SUGAR BOWL WITH LID. CHOOSE FROM A VARIETY Of FLORAL DESIGNS ANO COLORS. lfG, 12.9' 5-0UNCE BOTTLE • LOTION, LIQUID 7 8 OR ORY • REGULAR 98c ( ENDEN SHAMPOO 13-0UNCE HAIRSPRAY • REGULAR SUPER OR HARD • REGULAR 99 , AQUA NET FAMILY SIZE IPANA TOOTHPASTE Reg. 2'100 99t ea, ~ 7