HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-15 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa7 Sl(ies Not Friendly Over Newport; City May Sue Airlines on Pollutio::. DAILY PILOT * * * 10' * * * WEONESDA Y AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 15, I 9b9 VOL. 62. HO. UI, 4 SECTIONS, •• l"'•GEI On Viet11a111 U11de~ Way 1• .. By Unikd Press lntemalional 1i1e Vietnan1 mo raloriWl) ~tin today. 1n Washington, a ~[ doz t n clem nnstralor!!I spent the night on the Capitol steps. In Nc\v York, lawyer WlHlam Vanden lleuvel read lht first name in the list or Vielnain war dead. And as the day progressed, so did ac- 1iv1ly. The \Vashington ~emonstrators 1'\'Cre c·ontinuing a protest which began Tues- day night in the chamber of the House af Re p rese ntallves. Congressmen sup- porting tile protest tried to hold a~ a.11- night ses1;ion but v.·ere forced to adJOU rn afte; lour hours '~1hen no quorum v.·as Iound. ~veral hu nd red college studenL'> pick· ed up tile protest on the steps outside. The Nc\Y York demonstration .,.,1as held ln front of Trinity Church, site or Alex· 21\ller llami!ton's gra\·e :ind of George \Va~tiinglon·s place (lf \1·orshi p. Va ndc n ll('11vcl read the first name. that <•f Elr!ler Lee Abli>s Jr .. then surrendered the podiun1 to tlli chael Burke, president of the Ne1v York Ya nkees. and lo tll"O \\'all Street in\•estrnent bankers. Throughout the nation other l'ili7;cns partlcipalcd in si 111i~nr _d emonstrati~ns (l csigncd to sho1v their ~ispl~asur.e with . .\rncrican particl p;ition in the Vietnam ·war, ~·hich has claimed nearly 40,000 American lives. 1'he day of obser\"ance began as a cam· ptJs moVement. spread IQ cities and !owns. 'nonpolitical and non s ~ u de nt orga:rii~ations. churches and, finally, lo lite halls of Congress. tn W.ashington, President Nixon \\'orked riuietly In his off ice as rival _bands of pickets marched outside the .\Vhtt~ House gates SUPPOJ'tine: nnd oppnsing his Viet· fSff NATIONAL. Page 2) /' Weather l Tl\i,1e variable cloUdJll . won't be;.~ite so variable Tt¥Jrsd17 as the tcn1perat ure along U1e Orante Coast d1·0~ a rew notch· es to ~72 digreea. · -:. IJtSIDE 'l'ODA Y flDWf d id f/11 Vi1!t1tt1rn. morn· toriam ppt aof11a? Tl~ u11.swer's on Pagt 12 1odoy. HELO HOSTAGE BY ESCA PEE K idn111p Victim .Ander!;Ofl Student Coun cil At OCC Bu chs Leaclers of SDS The Orange Coosl College student council 'Tuesdav ca1ne to the defense of l\\'O Students f0r a Deinocratic Society ISDS) leaders threatened wllh suspension from the Cosla Mesa campus. Before an audience of 200 ~tudenls and after SOS Jeadefs Barry \Veinberg and Jack Vaughn and Dean of StuOcnl Activltith JoseRh Kroll had staled their respective cases, the student council voted: -To oppose the suspensions because of Jack ef communication by Dean Kroll. -To request Dean Kroll tum ttie mat- ter over to the Student Judicial Board for dtclsloo. . • ... ,.:.. ·' '''" . . . . . ·· :F9Uowng,,.·~-at~nny ~dtnt coUoc1r ~eetiJ:ig, Dean ltwu m&. .\fith 'Weinberg'!. and .~n to discuss the .s.uspenslons, for the rest•of the. semmter he hid ~nd .. ·e<fOU\•.1 • )Vten+ard it was annooriceO Kroll • •Id hold til11 decision in abeyance until •nn'traday morning at 9 o'clock "to gi ve. bOUt sldea time tu th ink about It." 1'le suspensions were mct.r.<l 11~t 'because of the unrecogni~ed ClllTIJMIS SOS C:l\apt«ls attem'P,t tb, ... hold '"<1• pi:,Qgr.~m r•a~in,,. UCI radiclll student.s -talking about the Ange la Davis melter. As OCC Student Body fresidenl1 Ton1 . Hubble· tells It: · "A large·crowd gathered lasl Fflday. Tiler• was a microphone and amplifier present tll8l were not supposed to be there. Dean Kroll took I.he microphone and asked everyone. lo disperse. Wein· berg took the microphone. ''There were • .a number of sludenl.! rrom the Irvine: SOS presenl. '111cre we re oU!f.r off<ampus studenlll with a few ;ithletes from OCC who \\·ere opposed tu them. EmotKins .. ·ere heated and there were almost one or two fights." Dean Kroll ch11rged Weinhrri;t and (S« SUSl'ENSIONS, P•g• Ii • Ir ' Scl1ool Aide AJ1ductecl at l(11if e110 i11 t .. S1\:-; LliJS OBISPO (l.PIJ -/\ pretty, li-ye<1r·old nursery school ;issist;:int \vas Jddnaped nl knifepoi nt Tuesday by a n1iin bl.'licil'cd lo be a fug1t11·c wanted by lhC' FBI . Police 1hink 1he gil"l i.~ being hf'ld hos1aj'..!e lo<lil}' to t•nsurc tht' escape ol her alxlu1:lor. J\1rslt>n "J\il!) ·• A n cl c r s on . a r11i11iskir ted lc<ichcr"s airl al the Peter l';in Nursrry S<:hool ot Arroyo Gr;inde, l.J n1ilcs south of hcrr. \\'as abrluctcd by a n1an an•l forced into a stolen car shortly /Jrforc. nt1on. 1\u!horitics s11ic1 thr clesrriplinn or the 111 an. g11"cn by \\\•o olher \\"Olnen at th<' ~l'hool. rn:;t rht'd in almo.\ll exact <le1nil lli;1! nf l111t11•rl A llar\ry, ch:1 rgcrl v.·ith a prr1·if'lu" kidnnpi ni; and serinu" \VOu111.l1ng o! a }l)il lh 111 /\lhuqurrqur, 1'\.:--1. A11 :ill point~ naTion111t!c h11llt•!1n \1;\5 t•~uerl hv the F111 fnr /l;:if\"f'\', who 1r;ilk· <'d r1ut ~if .1 J;11 J ir1 S;1nta ,\.!;1rin. Calif., .Sal urdny night. /\11lhont1es fi;1id l!icy 11f'rr tli·aning out the cells anrl had hrrd- ed all the prisoners into one roo1n ll'hen Harvey ''just :;nrt of \\•alkcd ;'l\\·a.v." The 1n;111 who abducted the hlu('·cvcd, blonde high school s1udcnt wa~ hiding in the nurse ry ll'hen l\-1rs. Beth Pc1 crs, the operator and owner, opened al 1 l a.n1 . lie lier! i11rs. Pclcrs. l11t'.'n i\h!>s /\rKlcrson Qnd a l';)(lk and put lhen1 in a bathroon1 . lie then forced Ilic girl to at·- co1npany him and fled in i\lrs. Peters' car -a green slalion \vagon_ The two ~·01nen, r011nd 111.·o hour." la!rr, gnve police lhe man·s description ;ir;d aulhorities said he clos<'lv resembled l!arvey, JI, \vho was listed as "armed and dangerous .. , tl:arvey v.·as arrested last v:eck by lhc FBI in Los /\n geles. lie \\1as turned ovrr to authorities in Santa ~1aria bccuase he allegedly robbed t\\·o supermarkets there in January. The fBI :;aid H;:irvey WflS wanted for unlawful flight In a ~·oi!I coll· finement and escape. He also was \Vtlllled by authori ties in Albuquerque for !he ki<l- nap of a l9--year-0ld youth an1l hi s parents followin g a grocery rnarket robbery. Harvey and another 1111111, Pnul ,\I, Sh;.1rpe, ·22. wtto n•as captured near ll1L rohbel"y, 111erc charged \vlth kidnaping the ramil~'· Harvey was accuscil of the suhse· q11e11t shooting of lhr. youth, John Parsons. SE RIES ON 'C RASll' CONTINUES INS IDE • The thirrl in a series of rive report~ hy T>AILY PILCYF financia.1 columnist ~ylvia Porter. anal)IZing the 1969 economy 1n con1parison lo the 1929 slock n1nrket t:rt1sh anr:I "'or!d depression 1vhich fot\01\- cd it, \1·il1 he found in today's pajl('r on i'a~c. :'IO. • ' e1ze ' unts ......... on vi ct ,..-.... . -· . ·-... >--;"''' -... -._...,.. ----...... ,~ --::'"'-=----.. -,-.. Rally at lrvine 1 OAILY P'ILOT Sl•ll P'M19 UC IRVI NE STUDENTS TAKE TO THE PICKET LINE TO MAKE THEIR FEELINGS• KNOWN Anti'-''"' Protesters Include (from left ) Stu Kramskv. John Pavrie, Kate Babcock Newpo1·t May St1e Airlines 011 Sl\:y Pollutio11 P1·oblem By .IF.R0;\1E f'. COLLINS 01 I~• O•llY Piiot ~1•11 Thi:' City of Ne\vport Beach may sur. airlinr~ usi ng Orange Counly Airport to lor1:e them to stop polluting I.he skies. I n~'Pi ration [or P!C~ contcmplllled <lCfl1'ln, 1.<1\V under study by City Attorney Tully Sc\•m011r, enmc from the stale of New Jc~.aey"s Department of Public Hea\U1. The department named seven major airlines ~sing Newark Airport as defen- 1l;111ls ill a suit charging them wiU1 air poll11!1on. Thr ail-lines last "'' e e k '-''IPllU)al ed. They a.nnounceri they woul1I equip ali thei r planes \\'llh sn1okel c.ss engines. Cost. of I.he conversion, ln\"olving 3,000 jcl engines, \\'ill be $30 million, according 111 a11ornry!I fnr American, United, En~tl'.rn. Tran.~ \\'orl<l, National, Pied· 1nnnt anrl Nnrlhras\ airlines. Ne\~ Jersey Dt>1;u1y Slate Altornt Y r.eneral Theoduro Schwnrlz said the litigation would be dropped If lhe airlines a.greed to have. all the engines converted tu 1he smokeless kind by October, 1970. 'The airlines said UM!y wo4l.d .make t 'l'.ery . eHort' to do · jtlst that Newport Beach City Cn11ncilman P ati l J . <.lruhe r brought the maltrr lo C-Otlncl\:~ allention this week . He i;a!d he the New Jer!K'y litigation mig ht po int the! way for Newport. "This is something in line with this sta\e"s environmental laws," he soid. ''\Ve 11houkl h11ve our owh legal orfice ~111 rt the !-lame action here, especially "''ith Air Ca l 11nd Air West passing over our city. c;ruber 11airt the jet fuel "fallout" l." quite serious in Newpor1. "There t-1 t\'lden..:e 11l my hou se !hat UM!y 're doing it to mr . 11nd Ir thiv·rr 1lnln~ ii to me, (Ste POLLUTION, Page %) .i Irvine Students Back Protests; But Few Voting Of lh<' UC Irvine st.~.ent1 who bol.htrt:d lo vole in a referendum Mooda Y arid Tuesday a large majority ravor the Vitt· nnm moratorium, sv~porl Angela Dafir an(! disagree with Gov. Ronnld Reagan. 011ly about l,000 out of 5,000 ott studf'nls voted. ~ O,n.lhe question of "Do )IOU suPJtOrl ~. University Moratorium Conuti.Ht.eei" tli• division was 693 yn, 114 no Md 90"' cf~ nioo. Sentiment to "end U1e American In ,·olverrie nt In the Vietnam war now hl Immedi ate and total troop wllhdrawali was not as strong, wiUl 145 \'oUng yes 28~ no arwt 43 no opinion. The same referenfium wa~ held on ..al 1'line UC campuses this week br agrte ment of the student body presidents. ~Cl ~tuctent president F t r n a n tt ' · ''f'crdy" Ml'l11shnino, who has worlct lS.. UCI VOTE, P ... II ' ' • \ 1 i Z DAil Y PILOT s W~ne~ay, Ottobtt 15, 1%'l Survey Shown County Studying Curbs at Airport By TO~t BARLEY OI fh9 O.!IJ P'!•I $1•ff 4, coun ty-wide survey calling for restriction of Oran.ie County Airport operations today is being studied by three lot-1 county officials, County supervisors Tuesday pa11sed the report -prepared by the Orange County (;hamber of Conlmerce -to County Administralivc Officer Robert Thomas, lhe planning department's appointed rejlresenUltive and Airport Director Reibert Bresnahan. No date has been set for submission of lhe1r analysis. But supervisors q11ickly conceded the recommendations contained in the report may well be y.•(irked l n I o the airport study now being prepared by William Pereira Associates, the architectural firm appointed by the board to examine L~e facility"s future. "Subject to cost, of course," Supervisor Da l"id Baker added. "II Perei ra's utiliza. tion of U1is report increases our costs then \1'e shou ld talk about U1is mailer again." 'J'he. chamber report indlcates that nearly two thirds of the businessmen and industrialists operating in close proximity to lhe airport want that facility to stay in Its present location. That saznc survey revealed lh<:tt fewer than half of those questioned wish to see the airport expand. And more than hal' of those who responded to the survey '~·ant its passenger-carrying services to be restricted to short range flights. or 125 businesses and industries solicit- ed by chamber officials 1o1·hen the survey \\'as carried out last spring, only 15 per· cent responded to the questionnaire. POLLUTION. • • they're doing it !o my neighbors.·· ''This is son1ething "'e should very tlefinitely pursue," said Vice Mayor Lind:>ley Parsons. Mayor Doreen fl1 11rshalt said the Orange County counsel's office should be ~dvised of the city 's intent to pursue the issue . Seymour 11·as instructed lo come up v.•ith inforn1ation on what the clty's next step should be. "This is something v•e might want to turn over lo the. al\orney general of Ca liforni1.1."' said Gr uber. "So lt l's move forv.·ard now lo compel the a irlines to adopl different fuels and engines." Seymour indicated he v.•ould report back within a month. Voters Reject 2 School Bonds In Santa ' Ana Santa Ana voters Tuesday turned down , two school bond proposale, one that would have built IS new schools and anolhfr that v.·oukt have replaced 12 old school.s . condemned under the state's earthquake bw. A majority voted for each proposal, but not the two-thirds needed, ' Bond proposition No. 1. for $22.2 : million, would have bui lt 13 schools to : keep pace with student enrolln1ent in· : creases. Jt receivtd ~ percent support. · Bond proposition No. 2, for $11.1 : million, would ha ve replaced the 12 con· : demned schools. It fared better. 59 per- cerit support, but nol good enough. Interest in the bond issue ran fairly high as school issues go 11'ilh 28 percent of the el igible voter11 in Santa Ana Unified School District turning ou!. Campaigners for the bond issue tried the same strategy that Newporl·Mesa Unified earlier this year used so \\•ell -a quiet campaign seeking lo brinf'( parents of school children to the polls 11·ith<>ut stirring up the opposition. lJAll\ PILOT .....,..,.... " ...... ,. ....... ia,........ .........., .. , c..-CAUIOIJllA 014H(;I. C().t.~1 ~V•ll.!.MING (.QM .... lft' •• i..rt "'· w .. .. ~-..... !- Jee• •· c.,1., V<\;,,.,._..._~, .......... r11 ...... x .... il e: ... ... 1~ ..... , A. M.,,tli11• -....... .... -Coll•"""'"' i• ...,.., ltw ll'"l ...._" '"•" 1111 ~' ...... ~ ...... L-h•<•: TH l'-1 A-t1W111119,.n flt~: -Jllll J ..... I Pointing oul that th e low response figure could havf' been raised if lhe reel~ pients had bee n pressed for answl':rs, Arthur E. Brig.ien, chairn1an of the chamber's highway and transportation com mlttet, urged the board to include the survey results in the upcoming se- co.nd phase of the county 's n1aster plan of air transportation. Only 42.1 percent of those responding felt that the airport had pla ye d a major role in their choice of lhat business loca- 1on. But of the 36.79 percent who stated that the airport y.•as not a factor se,•eral <'Vnttded tha t the facility has been of benefit lo them since they comn1enced oper;itions. Briggen told the board lhat 63.16 ~r· cent of those who troubled to answer the question naire felt tha L the airport should renu1in on i!s present si!e. And 42.J per· rent offered the El Toro !\1a rine Corps Air Station as a good interi1n location for a i:ounty regional airport offering long range flighls . Discussion or the locat1on of a regional airport brought out 15.79 percent in favor of an offshore base while J0.53 percent n.imed El Toco as a pennanent location. AP.other 73.68 percent didn"t find the question v.·orth ansv.·ering. Br iggen's questionnaire lits 47.37 per· cent of those ~.Jiclted as being in favor of Orange Coun tr Airporrs expansion and they lay stress on the facility 's tenninal and parking amenities. Afurther 31.58 percent want it to re- main in its present form v.•hile 21.0j per· cent said they favored retrenchln~ and returning of the field to general aviation uses. Many respondents \.\'arned, \l'hile str-.· ing the enhanced property values in· .. ''icinity of the airport. th a t any ex· pansion 1vould have a negati\"e elfrct 0 11 !hose same values. botli properly and commercial. Vietnam V els To Be Welcomed At Disneyland Sixty lJ.S . \elerans of serl'icr in \"i~t­ nam v•ill be honored 111 a '""·clco111e home·· ceremony 1n Oisneyland "s Town ::iquare al 7 p.m. F;iday. Son1e 15,000 guests are expected for lhe r~'ent and ('l'enin~ of entertainment sponsored by the t~reater Los Angele!> Chapter of the Association of the L:nitcd Sta\.e.i Army (AUSA). Honored will be 12 Vietna1n \"Ctcran.s each from the Arm y, ~avy, Air force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard . They 1o1·ill 11ttend a dinner a! !he Blue Bayou Restaurant follov.·ing the brief ceremony. The purpose of the welcome i~ '"lo stimulate public attention and recognition of the services and sacrifices made by all members of the U.S. armed forces in Vietnam," said AUSA board chairman General F. C. ~!encaccy. All tickets to the event have been sold. Russ Space-Ships In Maneuvers At Close Range ~fOSCOW !UPI ) -Tv.·o of Russia"s three orbiting spa ceship.s performed close quarter maneuvers Tuesday, snuggli ng side by side and lhen passing and repass- ing each other lv.·1ce, the news agency Tass reported today. \Vhen Soyuz 7 and Soyuz 8 were less than three miles rrntn each other they waved their solar battery pane ls at r.flch other in greetings, T<iss said. The craft are equipped with two rectangular panels thal jut out from their sides almost like airph1ne \vings. The tlelayed rtport of the ope ration v.•as out of character for the Soviets v.•ho in the current project hove providetl nearly instant reports of the spaceship ;n;ti,·lties. Tass said the rendezvous ol Soyuz 7 and 8 lasted so1ne hours. ··vestcrd:iy \l"as the 1noment y.·hen tht'y i.wilched on !heir rngines and began to (·om~ closer." Tass snid. "\'iktor r.orbatk o ~In Soyuz 71 joy ously clC<:lareU • ·1 see in my side v.·indow a bright spot approaching us.' " Ta~s reporll'd ea rlier the pilots took their ships unde r 1nanual control lor :lome unspecified 111aneu,•ers 1000)'. The disclosure \\'SS made in an interim report on the :-;even·mAn spaceflight. Ear\i('r the agrncy said all 1he cos- n1011auls were "line'' and the ulission ll'il~ cont inuing "successfully.·· "Guiding themselves by the figure~ of navigation meas11rements, co1111nander!\ vf the ships continue maneuvering with the use of manual control,., Tas.s said. Tv.·o of U1e ships -Soyuz 7 and 8 -ari- parenlly were within visual ran11e of e11ch -'· The ne11.·s agency said the crew or Soyuz 3 '"observed the maneuvering and orit n· lation to the sun of the spaceship Soyu1. 7." Tilere was no indication how close was the third ship, Soyuz 6. An earUer dispatch !iaid 1he Cn'!· monauts began their day v.•llh bre.a kh1.-!il, morning exercises and a medl<'il l checkup. There wu speculation that the tpaoemen today would guide their Soyuz apaoe1hlps to a formation ~eded for the ron.struction of Jona·tcrm 1 Jl a c • laboratories. Lester Rides Agoi11 Do\\"n South in ri..1addox country, they are all\•ays looking lor ne1v \vays lo do things, as the Georgia Governor demonstrated as he officially opened a 63-mile section of Jnlerstate 285 today by bursting through a paper barricade \\'hile seated on the front of a car. I\10 mere ril>bon cutler that J\1addox . Bandits Strike At Three Sites In Costll Mesll Bandits struck Tuesday tllght at a Costa tllesa taco takeout. a liquor store, 1:1ki11g $365, and ~pparently tried y.•ithout succes~ lo hold uµ a service station early lcxl;1y, according to police. All three cases are ap p arently llnrelated. A lean1 of 111·0 men stepped Up lo the Olr Taco Box, 2858 Harbor Blvd., at 7: 10 p.m. Tuesday and ordered burritos and laco~. said clerk Ed ward C. Mi lbrandt. Tile youth 11Totc out lhc ticket and l:1 rn ed to hand It to cook f.1ichael B. Jtecd, he told Patrolman \Vi ltiam Bach tel, at which time he heard a /Til'ni.clng click. !\1ilbrandt said one· of Lhe two men wa s poinling what appeared to be a .45 caliber automalic pistol in his r ight hand, braced bcr.ealh his lcrt ann. "(;et over in the corner. tell your buddy lo gel up here loo,"' the gunman snapped , ordering the clerk to dump the shop·.~ money, 1vhich amounted to $235, into the food bag. Mi ibrandt and Reed said they v.·ere forced lo go back into the kitchen and did n<'' hear any car leave th e area and only described the men as 25 to 30. one or the1n with a fresh beard. A fe1v hours later at 10:25 p.m ., clerk D0nald C. Kindig watched the next to last customer leave Llquors By George, 1069 Baker St., Lhen turned' to the remaining mnn. "You see "''hat this is?," the shaggy· haired , 01Jve-co1nplecled customer asked as he flashed a pistol at Kindig . The \'ictim said he shoveled $130 into a bag as the nervous bandit repeatedly urg- ed him to hurry and \vatched the man dart out the door and flee on foot. Kindig said he belie\·ed the man v.·as 1n the store two or three tirnes in the da,·. apparently v.·ailing for a chance lo ptill th'! holdup. Invest igators loday were also probing lhe strange story of a l\"OUld·be bandit ll"ho never displayed a we;ipon but loitered at a Costa Mesa se rvice stati'1n for several hours du ring an alleged rob- her attem pt. Detective.~ were stil l questioning thr alleged vit't1m in the ca~c whl rh occurred in a service station at Del Mar Avenue and Newport Boulevard this morning. Harbor Dist1icl A,vaits Approval On Restoration Orange County 1-Jarbor Dis tr ic t official.s :i re walling for rinal ap~oval rrorn rederal sourc('s for Sl79.000 \ro rth of restoration v.·ork on the L:ppcr ~l.'wport Bay \\aler ski art'a \l"ipcd \Jul by last 1\·inter·s storms. Harbor Distrirt Director Kenneth S11n1pso n told the Joint Marbor Com· n1iltee Tucsclay 1ha t the \1·ork has beton planned all year .. but final approval still has lo come from the federal S01Jrces, Sampson ('mphasized that if the mnney I~ :ippro1'<'d before the ,Jan. 27 deadline, lhr project will involve r('s!orat1on onl~·· FrolH f'Ofle 1 NATIONAL ••• na111 war policy. The scene on lht: Pennsylvania AvemJe side11'alk fron ting the \Vhite House grounds was orderly and the \Vhlte House said no special securily arrangements were ln effect for the moratorium day activities to be climaxed by a march to the \Vhite House tonight. One group carrying signs prolesLing the Yl ar consisted of a group of Quakers. In opposition was a conlingenl from Shelton College al Cape May, N.J., which carried placards reading ''Win the war now " and '·Let's win, not surrender." A~ the nation's ca pital, \\'ashington \\"as a focal point for the count rywide Frorn l'ane 1 UCI VOTE ... v.1th lhe ~loralorlum Cominillee. said: '"\\'e. fel t it y.•ould mean more ii stud!'nts themselves voted lo support the mora torium. This is a un ique campus. and f v.·asn"l entirely sure such backing actually r xistc-d." Other question.11 thought t-0 bt or stu· <Jent interest \Vere included on lhe referendum ballot. The results: -Do yo u believe Angela Da vis IUCLA hlnck Comrnunlsl proefssor ) should be rired? 160 yes, 728 no. 79 no opinion. -A.re you in general agreement 1vith the policies of the ReaRan Adrninistra tion? 134 yes, 7-4& no. 62 no opinion. -Do you believe that the polic ies or the Reag11n Administration have work ed to le.~sen the quality of education in California? 702 ~·es , 131 no, 75 no opinion. -Would the institution of a tuition /or Cttlilornia residents jeapordize your at- !endance at Lhe Uni versity of Califorrua '! 532 yes. 367 no, 31 no opinion. -Do you support such a tull1on? 86 yes. 915 nn. 49 no opinion. 100.00 j•moratorlum on business a.s usual'' organized by an tiwar groups. On the floors of the !louse and Senate, on the Capitol steps, inside and outside government buildings. on CQl!ege cam. puses, in churches and in public parks, !here were spetches appealing for early and com plete U.S. disengagement from lhe war th11t has cost nearly 40.000 An1erican .hvt~s. 1'he orderlini.'SS of the d"ernonstratiun was in conlrast lo a bloody encounter which took pla ce al1nost exactly lwo years ago -on Oct. 21 , 1967 -when an .1n ti1var rally cu lminated in an attempt Lo storm the doors or the Pentagon. Today, tile protestors stayed clear of lhe Pen· tdgon, ne rve center of the U.S. defense £'5tablishmenl. There was a mall skirmish on the cam· pus of American Unive rsity v.•hen a group called "'the U.S. A n t i· Com mu n i s t Congress" tried to exhibit placards at a rally addressed by Sen . George S. ~lcGovern (D·S.D.), but it was quirkly broken up \\'ith no one hurt. 'fhe nalion's capital"s parlil.'ipa!ion in lhe n1oratorium will be climaxed tonight by a mass rally on the \Vashingt(llh tllonu· ment grounds, followed by a candleligl1! march lo Lhe \Yhile House. !\frs. tl111rt1n Luther King Jr. 11•ill Jead the marl"'h. Nixnn has tv.·ice said he would not be affected by lhe day·s activitir.s. bu t 'fue.~· clay Vice President Spiro T. Agnew called on !he leades of Ille moratorium In rep11dia\e support rece i1·ed Tuesday from ilanoi. Agnew said a letter lrnm North Viet- nan1esc officia ls ··10 Ollr Ameri can frlend 11·• \\'as "a ~hoc king intru~ion 1n\o the affairs of the An1erican people by an ene1ny power." From co11sl tn eoasl, From no rth l'l ::outh , protests v.rrr he ld -t:<unpu~ raihl"S. spe<·che~. prayer rn er 1 l n gs , parades an~I \ 1~1ls -to demonstratf' that the lull in anliwar actJ~'ity was at an end . No Antiwari Protesth1g 111 Viet11am SAIGON ! UPI) -The Viel ConJ ;ank: ;i Par.aJT!anian tanker docked al c.atal· Nha Trang today but fa iled in tWo born-, bing attempts In Saigon. Their urglng~1 for antiwar demonstratlons wen t unbeed··· c<l in t!:le war zo ne. .., · 'ililitary spokesman said a commando· mine ripped a IQ.foot hole in the !,~ton t11nker SS Kin \\'ah at Nha Trang tuday, killlng three crrwn1en and two South Vietnnmese dockers. Loaded with corrug;1tcd iron, the 224· foot vessel sank quickly al its berth but not before 26 othe r crcwn1en and twn stevedores had been pulled olf by re~l'Uers. The mine explotled nine feef. below the \1 .iterline, apparently tied to the sh ip by frogmen. Nha Trang is a major allied :.e;iport !88 mites norlheas! of Saigon on the South t:hinci Sea. \\'ith U.S. headquarters reporting fight combat with no An1ericans killed on Vlet. 11an1 n1oratorium day at home, South \ii.:,tnamese citizens appaently were Jg. noring Viet Cong urgings for antiwar pro- tests o! their ov.•n. Allied headquarters reported lhrcl' nther guerrilla bombing plot s, one o[ them killing two South Vietnamese and \\·cunding 10 Tuesday in My Thenh, 48 1niles soulh1vesl of Saigon. The other al· lempts failed . Moments before it v.·as lo explode, police th is morning disarmed a 22-pound charge of explosives in a high school acros£ the street from the presidential palace in downtown Saigon iD one of the incidents. A few blocks away, a plastic charge ex- ploded in the hands of a Viet Cong in· fillrator crossing a street, killing him and w.,unding lwo ci\•ilians. There was no in· dication where the man intended lo plant the bomb. The abortive bomb plots fo!lO\\'Cd last \Yeek's pred1 t"tion by Soulh Vietnam·s prin1e 1niniste1· thal the C(11nmu11 isls \voul d concen trate on terrorist allacks \\"hile resti ng lheir 111ain fnrces for a new oflcnsive fo!lowing the current lull. lntrlligence reports provi ded hy U.S. (lHicials poinled olso to a Viet Cong pro· paganda campaign aimed at winning over J00,000 South Vielnainese before <1n ex· peeled drive in November. SUS PE NS IO NS •• \"aughn by organizinR the unauthorized ~athering had crealcd a c a n1 p u 1 distu rbance. Dtffcrentes bet\1·een Kroll and the SDS flCtivists began earlier in !he week. SOS w::in tcd UCLA Communis t professor Angela Davis to speak on the Junior col · lege campus while she was in the area for her tal k cit UCl. But Kro ll told the m 1t rs ::igainst state Educa tivn Code policy for a Con1munist to appear on a Jun ior col· lcge campus. All but a few or 1he 17 or 18 council n1en1bers present Tuesday be lieved Kroll v.•:is slow in co1nn1un icatins the in· forma tion lo SOS, and perhaps a!so dt:relict in fa iling to personally notify \\.einberg and Va ughn of their subsequent suspensions. SOS attempted lhl" Irvine student pro. gram Friday after learning Angel a Davis co uld not appear. They asked llu!:lble 11 !hi' A:isoc1ated Student Bodv could s1>0n~or the progra m and Hubbl' said he tried but C()uld not find an a\'ailable ca1n· pus facility on i;hort not 1cf' "\\1e won't be devek>ping anything JU''' on 1he Upptr Bay. so Y.'e don't want the persons involved in the Upper Bay ex· c·h:inge to think that we are developing tl1<1t area of the bay. \Ve just want to restore the 11kl area Lhal was destroyed early Uiis year," he sald. Jot.oo 111.M PLAZA PRESENTS SPECIAL SECTION Tei the girl who l~ wha l she wants but oot where 10 find tt.. ~~i lc;h yo ur sr.,le w•nth our many distinctive' designs.. Md i l l: us •boul o ur f•mouJ Orange Blouorn guarMllt:~ South Coasl PIRta Shopping Ctnter ln Co.~ta t11esa prtst nlS a speciRI 16-pe~e au!o and spe-cinl e''ents section in lod•Y s ed ition of lht DAILY PILOT The Plata se-ct!on If filhld with photos or 19i0 auto model lines. det11ll1 on the "Pl11.\·pr of tht tl1onth" contesl for area l1il{h schools and special Plaza features. CONVINl!NT TERMS IAN KAM!RICARD MASTER CHARGE J. C. .J.Ju1n11hriej 'JeweferJ 22 YEARS SAME LOCA !ION • I Ill NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA PHONE 5'8.)401 • l I i! 1. t ' I I ~. I • J -,---------.-~--:,--·~~-~~-..--~-------;;-;-...,.....-_: ,;:• ;·· r -·.,...-··----·~.~·..,., ~,,...,., ;f..,.,,.._ •=-+.., ..... -•.•,•~..,'"'"~'""<-•••,•"i*~.·-~·t;.<""""1'.#\!".;J, ,. '*'>""...-.~~"+9""'"""'" .. ~°"'>" u-~~~-r •-.-' 1 H11ntington Bea~h '/ EDITION N:.Y. Stecks VO[ 62 , NO. 2~7. 4 SECTION S, 84 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1969 TEN CENTS 1 1 Smog Control Council Zeroes In on Huntington I ~ By JACK BROBACK 01 th• r11.11 ,,101 J1~11 Huntington B cat h will trike cc n1 r r !\\age Thursday 1n t!ir i;ruw1ni; l'Otl· u-oversy o\'cr air f)Olluuon. The n1ceting uf the_ slalr En\'1rn11- n1ent.al Qua!lty St u d y Council in tht• ci ty's council c:han1btrs beginnin g ;11 Ill a.m. v.•ill hear tcstirnony un "!he cffct'1 or the r ro\\•th of lht' po11cr 1ncll1stry on en- r1 ronmcntal qua li1y." Southern Californ ia Eth.~on Cni npan)'·s armounced plan lo triple the capacity n[ i!s locnl power ~rneratini: pla nt ~!I ds h1l'<1I .~r1c1:: lo 1l1i' 1H{'l11re, 13ul lhr probh·111~ v.·]11<'11 !l1r ~·n­ \ 1ronn1cntal quali!y grou1J will ~tu1I) gu be.your! jusl 011(' pO\\'f'r pl::int. F'ar reach111g rf'<·on1111e ntJ;il u1n-; 1111! h1· 1nade to the go1t·n1or <111!1 lht• .•Lil" l.Pgi,,/;it11rr on !hr fi nding~ of lhi· ~1 ;11~· ~111dy l)il(I)'. Th(' grut1p w;i ~ rTc.11r•d bi· !Ill' l1·g1sl;i1tire 111 1!16<1a nd1~ ln;1dvd 111111 Jl!'" p!e 11·1th p1111erful influcru:c u1 :-t.1tr· circles. Jnclurlerl in the 1nctnbcrsl11p ilrc 1111' 111r1·rt;n1t"; or the 1:t;ile resources ;ind 1J11~i11C'SS ;i11d transportation agencies, the 1 h;11rnH'll nl tl1c stale v.·atcr resource~ :1111! ;ur 1T,11urccs boards a11tl seven pi>hl11· 1nr'111bcrs including a reprt:scn· l,tlll C 11! J.11·~1 1 !;Ull'l'tln1Cnl. 1 ir:ul •'•' ('llt1t;!v ";t1p::::rvlsor David L. C;d,(·r 1~ !l\l' t 11 _.,. :ind coun tirs rl'prcsen· t n 1 1~i· and \\':J.~ 11an1cd cha1nnan by ( ;ll'.·1·rnor l(r;1ga11 ,\1"11 ~11t111i:: on lhf' bri:ird n.~ non·voting tnt•tnb< I"> an· he;1<b or \ ar1ous ~talc :1gl'nc1cs inclu1 l1 11i; public he a I I h, 0•1~ Y PllOT Sltll ,l>O!t UC IRVINE STUDENTS TPKE TO THE PICKET LINE TO MAKE THEIR FEELINGS K.~OWN Anti'lo·ar P rotesters Include (from left ) Stu Kram1.ky, Jokn P ayne, Kate Babcock Ir vin e Students Buck Protests , But Fe1v Yot i11 g Of the LC Jr,·i11r ~l 11dC'nl.!> whn bri!hl'rf'rl In vote !fl a rf'l1·rendun1 ,\ln11rl:11· l'llirl Tursd:iy a largr 111;1Jorily favfu· thr \'1rl· nan1 mora1orrun1. ~(11>1>0rt i\O!.!f•l ;i n~11 :; anrl disai::rrc 111lh <~01 nCtn:ild !ll';i~:in Only :il}l):i! 1.000 011! o! fl.1i<JO L Cl i;:udcnts v;1tr!l. On (hr r111 r~(111n uf ··nn \/111 ~11np11rt !h" 1"1111·rrsi1v ~l11r:'ltllr111n1 l°d1n1\!t1 11·•'' 111c rlh·i~1on wa~ 6!13 ~'"'· tii no ,1ni.J 9~ n•1 0J11· 111on S('n11111enl lo 'rnd 111r' 1\nn 111 .111 111• \ol1·emrnl 1n 1111' \'1r.ln;un 11 .11 11011 h1· in11nNl 1ritc a11d 1111;11 tr11vp 11 l1lid1·r111Jb" 11·as no t :i~ str,ing. 111th 645 \n(111g yes, 2B9 no and ~~ 110 Oplnl!ir1. The .~an1l' relcrf'nd111n 11 a ~ l11·ltl nn ;i ll nine t,:( can1pusc.~ this 11 rl'k by ;1grl'c- 1ncn! of rhc s1u1lt'n! hnrty rn ·~1t.lt•nr.,. L'GI student rrl'.~Jdrnt F {' r n <1 n d n ''Ferdy" l\la~si1nino. l\'ho h:i s worked 11·ith the i'•lnratoru1111 Co1nnnllCC'. :;;;11d : "\Ve felt il \\OtJld n1ran 1norc if ·~!urlen!S thcm.~l'h'C.~ voled tll suppi1rl the mor:itoriu m. This is a uni(]uc ca1npus. and I wasn 't rnlircly sure sut·h backing 11.ctuallv c)·istcd." Othei questions thought lo bl' nf sl11- rlr.nt intere."t \1·err inrlur!ci l nn lhc refercnri1 un b;illol. The results -Do you bcli t'\'C Angela Da ri~ 1 UCL/\ black Commun is1 proef ss1lr 1 should lie !i red'.' 160 yes. 728 no, 79 no opin\On. -Arc you 111 grncral agrcen1cn! with Ille. policies •lf the R e a Ra n Administration~ 13·1 yes. 7·18 1r.1, 62 nG opinion. -Do you bcl1c\'r lhal the policies or the Reagan Adn1ini.~1ratio11 ha1·e 1vorkcd lo les.<;tn lhc quallly of rclura tlon in California? 702 \'CS. IJJ no, i5 no op1111011 -Would the "inslilution of a lui11on for Cal.Jfornfa residents JC:'\porcli1.c your a!- l~ndance at the University of California? S32 yes, 367 no. 31 no opinion. -Do you su pport such a tuition ~ sri yes, 915 no, 49 no op inion. PLAZA /'RE SEN TS SPEC IAL SECTION South Coast Plaza Shopping Center in Costa ~1 csa prc11rnts a spt'(:.ial lfi·pagc ~ulo iind special evl'nls scc1ion in t°'loy's erlition of the DAILY PILOT The Pla1.a srctlon if filled with photo~ or 1970 auto m(l(lr/ lines. rlr.t;iil~ on the '·Player of the ~lonth " con test f<lr area high schools and special Plaza feat ure!!. Fi1gitive So11gl1t i11 l(illnap. Of P1·etty T ccn1 -age Girl S.\N L L'IS OBI Sl'I) 1l'l'll -1\ pr1111·, )i ,1 car-0!d nursrr~ 0t·h1,1(il a;::~1~l<t'1t 11;i-. l.1(h1nptd il l kn 1frpo111~ Tursd.1~· Ii\ 11 11 1;10 hela·vcd to b1· ,. l11J;1(11r 1rnn1 1·d lo:< 1111· 1,.BI. Pnl1Cf' llHnk thr J,!11"1 1.; l)P1!lg )1rl d !:o~t~1ge lod:l'< 10 l'n~tlrl! llu• f'~Capr uf lil'r .1brh11 !or l\1r.l1•!1 ')\l]j\ ' /It\ d I'! fJ II, :'! 111 1111~~11·1!•11 1<.ltiirr"~ a11I .ii 11,1 Pr\1 r /':1n ;\ur~cry Selii>UI al .\rr11 .1 11 !,r.•ndr 1:1 111Jlt•s ~11111h ol ht'fl', 1-1 ;1<; :ili1hll'\t'tl l1y ,t 1nan ::1111 1 forced 111!0 :1 sio](·n crir 1)horlly befo re noon. Aulhorilics said lhf' (!cscripll :in of the man, gi\'C11 by lwo olher v.·omen at thr. school. matched 111 nlrnost exilC'l 1tr111il thal of Hobert A. Har vey, chnrged v.·1th a previous kidnaping anrl srriou s wounding of a youth in Albuq••crquc, N}tf. An all points naUun1\·ide bulletin was issued by the FBI for H<irVt'y, who walli- C'd out or a Jai l in Santa f\·laria. C:il1f , Saturday night. Au!horlt1cs said they v.·crc t le;ining out the r-eUs and had herd- ed all the prisoners into one rootn when l·larvey "just sort of v:alk~ a"·ay." The n1an who abducted the blur.-cycd, hlflndc J1i11h school s1 udenl was hirhng in lhe nursery when Mrs. Beth Peters. the operator and owner, opened at 11 a.m. 1-le tied Mrs. Peters, then ~tis~ Anderson and a caoli and put lhern in a bathroom. He then forced the girl tn ll C• co1npnny him '<ind fled in f\1rs. Peters' car -a green staliOn wagon. The t .... ·o women , found two houri; latrr. ga1·c j)Olice Lhc man's dC'scrip1ion ;ind authoriric.~ said he clnsely resemblrrl Harvey, 31. 11,·ho 1vas listed as "annrd .:ind rtangerous." Harvey \\'ilS arrested lasl 11'ct'k by tl1f' FB! in Los Angeles. lie was turned over to ,1uthorilics in S:inla t.1aria bceua sc hi'! ;illCl'.!l"dly robbrd two SllpPrm<r rkc!s tllrrc in January. The FBI :;;iid Harvey \\·as 11,•anl crl for 11nl11"·ful flight In a\·nicl ron- fincmenl and escarie. He also was \Vantcrl by au1horit ies in Al b11qverque for 1he kirl- n;:ip of a 19·year-<lld you th and his parents followin~ a grocery market robbrry. Harve.v anrl another m;in. P;uil \\1• ~hRrpc , 22. 11,•ho was tai>turr<I nr;lr the robbery. were charged \V ith k1dr1;ip1nl'.! the family. llarvey was acruscd of I.he ."llh~c­ r;ucn! ~hooting o( the )OUlh, ,Jnhn P~rson~. HELD HOSTAGE BY ESCAPEE f(idn11p Victim Anderson Children Blcunecl In .$11,000 Fire C.:hfldrcn playing \\'ith burn ing crayons Tursd;1y afte rnoon caused a majqr blaze in a llun1ingio n Brath home v.·hich in- Jllrccl onr. lirc1nnn and caused $11,000 1n prnrx·rly 1lr11nagc. <.::1p1. Jc;ry Ashb1er 11,·a.~ taken to llun- l1n,Rton lntcrcumn\unity llospilal and lrc:itcd ror thr first 1lcgrce facial burns tic s11ff<'.rc1t 11 hi!c fighting the fire at t7161 llot1crd:11n L.1nc. Thrrc tirl' cn~inr~. one sno rkel and a r<'~t·ur 1·rh1rle. st;1ffrr1 by 2fi nien under !h(' il1ret !1or'1 of BAttalion Chief Frank Krlly. :1rn1·ed ;iL the blaze al 4·:'17 p.m. l'lnd harl 1t under con!rnl 11,•ithin ten minutes. • agrif'ulture, parks and recreation, fish and garric, conservation , publle "'orks, 1o,•ater resources and housing and com· n111nity development. In the air pollulion field these 1tc\'e lopments ha\·e occurred in recent 11eeks: -Dr . A. J . HaagenSmit , on~ of the public 1nembcrs of the council and a L'alle~h authority oo sn1og, has suggested t11;it all C<lnvenliona l power plants be r liminale<i from the Los Angek!s basin. -Albert Pearlson of Be\'erly Hill!'!, another public member or the council and chainnan of il!'l alr (juality committee, has urged that lht! council use it!'l power to block eipansion of the Huntington Beaci1 Edison plar.t. -Orange County super~·isors last "'eek approved a plan to excll!'le ele mentary and high school students from strenuous indoor and outdoor activities v.•hen the ozone count reach el\ .35 part.s per millin in Orange CoUJlty. -The Edison Company ha..s bought full page advertising space in Southern California ne\\·spapers v.·arning that Southern California could suffff 1 arerlous power crisis if plant building program., are delayed by governmental authorities. -Residents of the Seal Bea.en ~lsure World retirement community are 11ignlng petitions and organizln~ campaigns under th .! name People's Lobby Inc. to fight a.ir pollullon. They argue th at "no one his the righ t to pollute the air, {and and \.\'ater In thls state.'' The stage is set and the batUe lines are drawn. Chairman Baker has warn ed that "the pubU-c wlll have a strong voice in the eventual outcome." National Protest Moratorium Progresses Across U.S. By Uniled r ress lnter1111ional The Vietnam moratorium began today, In \l.1ashington, a half doze o dcmonslralor.s spent the night on the Capitol steps. In New Yorli, Ja"'yer \\lilliam Vanden Heuvel read the first name in the list of Vi etnam war dead. And as the day progressed, so did ac· t ivi ty. The \Vashiogton demonstrators were continuing a protest which began Tues- <iay night in the chamber of the House o! No Protests .4lloived at H igli .St:hools Acti vities In conjunction with today's Vietnam moratorium were not sanctioned nn ru1y of the five campuses in the Hun- linglon Beach Union lJigh School District. A Five.point "statement or position," ratified Tue9day night by district 11·uslC'CS, \\·hi!e not speciflcally forbiddi ng dc1non~trations, provide!'! that "only those progran1s appearing on the school calen· d:ir \\'ill be permit ted'' and that all classC's rnust carry out regularly schedul· cd class activities. The dissemination of propaganda or solititation of membership funds .on cam- pus during the nallonwide 11'a r protest 1\•as also forbidden by the tnistees under artil'le 90\J of the State Education Code. District Superintendent f\lax Forney !laid, hO\\'f'\'er, that those student & "'ho partici pated in off.campus activitie,-s 11·oul1I be ex cused from thei r classes, pro- 1·1•!cd !hey harl pa re:n!al permission. '•\\'r included th is a~ sort of a safely ,·alvc.'' sai<f Dr. Varney. "The norn1al prncrdurc fr>r pupil absence \Vfll be. Jflllowcd ·· J)r .. Joseph Hiha l, the only trustee o,·oti ng •·nny" direc!cd \'Prbal fire ;ig;iinst the stdtf'rncnt, saying "thi~ is an event \1 hich \1·ill rival the landing on the moon in 1cr n1s or soci al significance. \lle"re ig- r.oring a very important part of history unfnlding." lie predicted that there would probably he many students and staff members def,v these regulations today. "I v.·ould not like lo see our students in- rur disciplinary action for parUcipaling i11 this event. There should be nn ~cnalties for exercising one's moral 1i11!ies,·· he said. Trustee President ~latt \Ve. y u k er pointed out to RI b a I that instruction ::ohould not be interrupted every lime a den1onst ral ion is pla r.ned. ''Personally, I would JI k e to see a moratorium on demonstrations,"' said \Veyuker. "I don"t believe the taxpayers should 5uppor\ leniency In a maUer such ;JS I his." "I object to our high schools being used as a breeding ground ror moral discnntent. '' Silent vigils and discussions were plan- ned at several of the district campuses today, according to staff members. A connlerprotest group has been organized on the Westminste r High School campus. Four representatives of lhe organization, called "We the Peoplt" \rere. present at the board meeting, weir· ing American flags In their co1t pocket/I <r nd rcd-wh ite·and blue armbands to underline their position on th e moratorium. "There is nothing lo be gained by dernon.slratioos, ·• charaed one ot the i;tudents, adding that prevent Ive mea~ures 11,·ould be taken by the 10- mtmber group in the event the n1g i:;hould be hauled doy,·n from the \Vestn1lnster campus. The group said ii plarmed to pa11s out litcrature to 8tudents before school but C<Jnfine it to the BJl l of Rights ind the U.S. Conslitutlon to avoid a conlllct with tht ·education code. ,, Re p resentativcs. Coniiressmen i;up- porling the protest tried lo hold .an all· night session but v.'ere (arced to adjourn alter four hours when no quorum was found . Sl!veral hundred college stud~ts pick- ed up the protest on lhe :iteps outside. The Nt111 York demonRtraUon was held In front of Trinity Church, site or Alex· tinder Hamilton's grave and of George \\'ashington'a place of worshJp. Vanden lieuvel read the first name, that of Elmtr Le!! AblP-s Jr., then surrendered the podium to Michael Burke, pruldent of the New York Yankees, and ao tv.·o \\'all Street iovestment bankers. 'r-hroughout the natiorl other citizens participated in similar demonstratk>ns cleslgned to show their displeasure with American participation in the Vietnam y,·ar, Vi'hich has claimed nearly f0,000 American lives. The day of observance began ag a cam· {Stt NATIONAL, Pap I) 500 Rally at GWC Stude11ts Join Yiet Protest ~ tltlma\111 :\00 otudolll! .. Wt! :lw!s. •'111 ohofl h&Jniil, galhor«l.IN!de a·Jo<le· College fo~ to joiil tn the lliU:~ ~V.ltt.- nam protes t today. . The program opened with student.!. Robin Matlhea·s and John ·telser '~&fn1, ant i"'lr soflli to the crowd. · Dr. Jamet; Catanl.llro, a aoclal aclcnoe prolM&Or. tMa delivered .1.bt ktynotc .AIJ. Clres,, "'nils Is ~ a day to have a conflict over lhe war in Vietnam," he sald. "I assume that everyone · ih the United StRle-s belleveg v.•e should be out 0( the ,1·a r." · "'nle· guestion befott UI now Is. how to achieve peace Ind what .does It ·a~ually n1ean..,. Ltberaln, radicals._ conservatives and all e1tremisl3 can all join together in this j>roteat. This is.not a day of polarita· = • tion." other ·speakers during the n \•e-hour Ions protram tnclude' Mike GrodskJ, an Amertc1n Civil Liberties Union attorney; the Rtv. Roger Wilke o! the Costa Mesa Unita:.rlan 'Church: Rick Rowe, a .GWC fdCtJl!y member and Wickie Wrllfit, a Vietnam War veteran. Viet Co11g Blasts Ta11ker; No P1·otests iI1 W ru· Zo11e SAIGON (UPI) -The Viet Cong sank n Pa r.amanian tanker docked 1t coa stal r-.:ha Trang today but ·falltd in t~'O born· bing attempts in Saigon. Their urgings !or ant h\·ar demonstrations \\'en! unhef!d- eU in the t,1·ar zQne. l\filitary s~kesman aaid a comm iindo 1n!ne ripped a JD.foot hole in lht l,2i&O-lon tanker SS Kin \Vah at Nha Trang today, killing three crewmen and t~·o SouU1 Vietnamese dockers. Loaded y,·ith corrugated iron, the %24- foot \•essel sank quickly at its bttth but not before 26 other crey,·men and two ::.tevedores had been pulled off by re£cue rs. The mine exploded nine feet below the v.·~terline, apparently tied to the ship by frogme n. Nha Trang is a major allied seaport 188 miles northeast of Silgan on Iha South China Sea. With U.S. headquaMet1 reporting li&ht combat with no Amerle1ns ki1Jed on Viet· nam moratorium day at home, South \ir.:tnarMSe (:ttiiens appaently .wert: ig- noring Viet Cong urgings for antiwar prC>o tests of their o~·n, Allied htadquartera reported Uwe nther guerrilla bombing plots, one of !hem killing t\.\·o Soulh Vietnamese ·and wounding JO Tueeday in ~fy Thanh, .ta milt• &oulhwe1t of Saigon. The other at- tempts· failed . -Momenta btfore It ,_,as to eiplocte, ponce this morning d1sarmed ,1 22-pound char1e of explosives In 1 high achool acrost the 111.ree.t from the prealdrntl1l SERIES ON 'CRASH' . . CONTINVES ·IN$1DE The third· in a 1trles of fiVe repofts by DA ILY Pl~QT financial colurn11lst Sylvt1 Porter, analyilnr lhe tte't ecorKl'Jl)'.. Jn comparison to the Int stock m•rktt· crash and·world deprwkm which follo .. ·• ed i!, y,·iD be klund ill todly'1 piper on P1gc. JO. . ! palect;: in downtown Saigon In one or the incidents. A few blocks away, R plastic charge f'X- pluded in the hands of a Viet Cong in· fi llrator crossing a street. killing him and 1vvunding two civt llan&. There was no in· dication where the man intended to plant lhe bomb. The abortive bomb plot~ followed lagt week ·s prediction by South Vietnam·s prime minister that the Communisl, "·ould concentrate on terrorist attacks 111chile resting their main for~!! for a new oflenslvt following lhe current lull. Stork Jtlarkets NEW YORK (AP ) -The stock market rally trailed off early this afternoon af. ttt &coring • big gain tn four advanclnc seuiohs. ISee quotat!OM, Pagel'! :J0.31). Orange C.a•t w ...... .,r Those v1rl1ble clouds won't be qulte so .varJ1ble Thurlday 19 the temper1tvre alonr th• Or1nge Coast drops 1 few notch· es to 72 deirees. INSIDE TODAY 1fow dld the Vittnom mora· toriam Qtt Mina? Tht a11.s101r '1 O'tl Page 12 toda11, -. ..... ~... . ... ...,.., ...... . ........ " .... ... °" .... (.-ty • ...... .. :::..-j" Dr.'""""""' 1 1'941; Mtrtl ... » , ....... ,_, ...... . ........... ..... .......... .. I I ' 2 DAil Y PILOT H IJ11expected Revenue School District Approves Raise A 1110 pcri.:ent Ooosl i11 salaries !or the 1eachcrs uf the Huntington Beach r nion lhgh Sthvol 1J1str1cl 11as un anuno usly up· pro red by dJ5tncL trustees Tuesday. The increa~e. re troacltve to July 1, will be fi nanced fru1n new re1 enues 1nadc ;11 ,11l:iblr to lhc Uislnct. larl ~l:iuc1nann, president ol 111e ntstricl EUui::itors Ass0t:1at1fln \ D~i\ l objected lo the boost, ho"·ever. i;1nce agretmen t (ln the booSt ·was no\ first reached by a threc·member review panel. The panel. \\ hu::h \.\·as to ha1·e bcr n composed of a Dl::A rcpn:St'nta t1ve, an :idministration n1cn1 bcr and a third 1l1sint erested parly. \las by apparent hoard directive. first lo have assessed the funds. according to '.\la nernann. "'The money is lhere, 11·hy drag this thing out any longer'!" aaskcd Truster \tatthew \\'c\·ukcr. lie added Ilia\ the board had ap.pro1td the boost at tis June 2~ 111celing of up to two percent H the 111oney should bcl'ome a v :i t l a b I e , tl1rninating the net'<! for a r~v1ew pa n~!. "\\'hy <ire we ar raid ta h<i ve a look at U1e district's lunds?'' c o u 11 t e re d f\1anemann. \Vho reminded the board that lhfy pron1iscd the rC'1icw panel. "It '1'ol1ld bf' :i good excrci~l' lo go 1t1 roug h this and r;ay 11 r !in:i!ly il!Jrced on so1neth1ng .'' An exami nation du ring Tues<lay ·s session of Lile J une 2-t boartl reSfllutlo n providing the salary boost, however, re\'ea!ed that trustees did not establis h the revie1v panel, e1·en though II had been c:-.tC'nSl \'C!y 1.l1scus~d. ··:-.taybc then we've got nothing to go on." said the surprised J\lanernann ... \\·e rhough t the ag('nda propo&al on lht review panel \\as included in the resolu- !Jon .'' .. \\'C''re learning all the ti1ne," he con- cluded. Co1111ty St11<lyi11g Cl1a111be1· Survey Asl{i11g Ai1· Curbs B\' TO'I BARLEY oi t~• oa.11 P•IOI ~i.11 \ count)'·\\'tdc sur1 ey call ing for rr~l riction ol OranJ:e Count y Airpcitt opera1ions today is being s1ud1ecl by three 111~ county off ic:i:ils. County suix•r1·isors Tuesday passed the reporl -prepared b,1<the Orange County Chamber of Commeree -to County J\dministrative Officer Robert Thomas, the planning department's appo inted rc;;resentalil'C and Airport Director Robert Bresnahan, J\'o date has been set for submission of their analysis. But supervisors quickly conceded the TC\'Olnmend;itions cont:iined in the report inay v;ell be worked in I o the ai rport l'i1Lii!y now being prepared by .\\'illiam 1-'f'rcl ra A.'i.soriates. the arr.h1tcrtur<1I !1,tn :i ppoi nted by 1!1r hoard Lo cxannnc 1:1c faC'dit1'r; 1lllurc . .. St1b jeri to co"\. of tour$<'," ~uprrvisor !1;i1·id Baker added . ''If Pt•reira ·s uli\llil- \1011 of thi!\ report incrcasrs ou r co~I ~ t hrn we should tal k aboul this matlcr ;.c.-,in_" Tl1r thJnlhi·r n·1X1rt llllhl'a\ro; th:i L r,carh· 1110 thirds ol the businc~mcn and 1ndt1!.iriali~1s operaling in t:lose proxi mit J 10 the airport v•ant that lacihty to stay 111 its present loca tion. Tl•a l same su r1r y rr.\·ealerl that fe11·rr t}lan half nf thor;e l']Ue'i.tioned \\'1~h to sec the airport expand. And more than half Trial of Lear y Dela ye<l Agait1 In Santa Ana Sel1ins of the Superior Courl trlal or Dr. Timot hy Lt>:iry and his ta1n1ly w:.is '1clayed again tod ay \.\'ith th<' subn11ssion of nictiii:a1 tcsun1ony that :'11 r ~ . HOiemary Leary is still not ~ul t 1c1ent ly rreol't.red lrotn her recent surgery. Bui t-.l r~. Lear,··~ law\'cr nrcd1ctl.'d thJ\ h1~ ~lien! \.\flu!d .. all hrui g 11 rll. be ab:f" 10 L1rf' tnal rorl\· nc:-.t 11t·rk .lutlg£' 5;;mtH I 11rc1zen in1n1lifi3trly ordert'd the tn o 10 apprar in court ~t onday. Uarv. 49. ~Ir'> Lc:irr. 3:\. and Lr:iry·~ ~fin . JU'hn Bush Lc;ir~. l!l L11·1· <"hargt·~ r•f po~css 1on nf n1ar1Ju;1n;1 :ind L!':ll Tort;n··~ tnnt1nu:inrr 11 a~ !he eighth surh clrla!--<1nrr l!l1'rpt1r•n nt 1h•· 4·h;1rgcs The trio 1ras arrested Iler. 2r, in l .agun.i BraC'h An arrC'St1n~ r,tl1crr ~ 1ef>llmony !hat he loun!I the dril~S in tbe familv'~ ~tat1<•n waRnn le<i to 1he1r Ill· .iictffirnl by thr Orange Loun1y GranJ Jur r . . \.onl"' of !he lhrte dt!cn,la111 ~ arpc.i rrd In cvurl lorl11.r. DAILY PILOT P•\.•·I M '••/ •• J r •· ·d• t , or,~ 1n•r J .,~ R, C.,,••·1 1 a F ·U ~f' o•o (<""'•' .. 0·•1•r lho""'' l.'.oo"I I : "' l f t'""I A, I,'. ·r~;n, 0·1~·,t ~·-1 J.l.,~,1 W t .1 •1 ~IJ.OC••'! l ~ te• !'l u ~ll~·I•• lt•t ~ Offltir JO' Sth St·•" l·j• I ~1 >.dd .. 1: r O l e. 790, ~i~•I Oth•1 Olli111 r,•,•e·• ~"""' .. • • f· "' ~· ·-• J cc·'• ·,1• • 1: '·' ,1 fi • •• · l 1Ji.'• Bro ·~ .,/'•Jr'••!'•' ~ -· ·--0-----f')ill 'f Pil()T, "'I• ,,, <h > (C." f O•d ' • •••I r,.u ,, •1·• "'" c• •• • ' . O•Y .. \Hll ••'t oo •,..,, •• , """"~'0 ' ••uh t ou~l•• "A •1 ,, .. , 1 r·• '•'" i:o•I ll ou ll 1'0 ~•ou~• f••t•· ••M "'~ 1,.0 •-e••"•' .~ .. ..,~ o"~Q• ro.-r rJ~ 11 .-, '~"'"''' ···"'·~· f ••••••••• ;: ' ...... , Et ra• t h e ""'"'' ~ ..... ''"' llt v ••• 1 "•• ........ c~i·• ,,., • Ttle,IHln• 17141 641 ·4lll ft• .. Wttt111IR1t•1 Coll s•a.1210 Clel1lf'IH A1htt1l1ln, 64l·S471 (.e .. r-t"'· IHI. O•OI\•• <011• ,., ~l·I"'"' (&"'t •• • •:o 01·•~ • r • • ; • j "U''' •' c-•· ·~······· ........ u "'"''''""""" ..... .. "''°' llll •l"'GC\ltll ~•mo..I •Oft •• Fi •.,.tll'(o~ ~· '~~·· -~· ·~··· Y t ·• c•u• r<I'··• e• t •' ·;,,.,\ .. & .. ,~ I'~ tUlo f.M'tl• t o "·• I •,t!>OI ,, ····~·"'~.., ..... ,,,,... .11·-o .. ,,, _, ,., ... 10•1 on'"•'""'· 1: f'll -·f'"· nf those 1\·ho responded !o 1he r;u r1·C'y 11 ant its passengc r·carryin g ser1 ices !G be restricted to shorl range fl ights. Of 125 businesses ancl industries soLicit- rd by rhamber officials wh en 1he su r1·r v 11 as l'ill'ried out last spring. only Iii pc1 - eent responded lo the qu esl!on naire. Pointing out that the low rcspon~e l1gurr could have been raised if the reci· 1~1\·nts had lx>en pressl'd 1<1r ;inswer~. Arthur E, Briggen, ch:tinnan ol the rhJmber's J11ghw11y and transportation <·omm l!!ee, urged lhe board to 1nrlull c the SlltTey results in lhe upcon11ng Sf'· cond phase of the county 's 1naster pla n 11( <.11 r tr;in8po11ation. Only 42_\ percent of those re~non1J1ng lrlt that the ilirpor\ h,irl pla}rd a 1n.1Jur 1 olc i11 their choice Qf !h;it business loc<i· 1011. Uut of lhe 36.79 percen t 11·ho st<itcd !hat th e ;1irport w;is nol a faclor sc1·eral r.-inccded that the facili ty has been nf benefit lo them since they commenced (l(X'r:itions. llnggen lu!d the bo;ird tl1;il s:i 16 prr· eent of those 11 ho 1ro11bled to ans11·cr ti'r queS\ionna1re frlt 1ha1 the a1rpor1 should remain on ils prC'srnt si1 r 'nil ·12 I prr· tent offered the El Toro \1anne Curps ,\1r Station as a good intcn 111 !o('a\1u n Jnr a county rl'gional airport otfenng long r:ingc. flight s. Disrussion of lhe lllt'.1l1on of ,1 rr~1nn:d airport brou ghl out 15 7!1 prrrr111 111 f:i1or of an offshore ba se while 10 5J prrrc:1l u.uned l!:l Toro as a pc nnanen t loc<1 l1on. Ar.ot he r 73.68 percen1 didn 't find the· question \\'Or th answcrin~. Briggen·s quest1onna11·e lits 4 1.~7 pr1 · ccnl of Lhose solicited as being 111 fa1101' of Or<inge Cou111y Airport's e:ri.pansion nnd they lay stress on the facili ty's tenninal anrl parking amcnilies. Afurthrr 3LfJ8 percrn1 "an[ It lo rr· main 10 i1s presrnt forn1 v.·hile 21 O.'l per· tent :-,aid the_,. f;1vore1t retrl'n<·h111g aur! relu rni ng or the fiel d to gehern l ;n'ia uon tJSf'S. J\lany rl'spondrn!s \\arnrd. 11·hile stre5"· ir1g th e enhancr fi proprr11· 1 <ilue« in the 1 JC'inity nr 1hr :urport. 'r h .1 t .'Irr.· C\· 1"111:-1uo 1111ul1l l1,11t> n 111·i_.;Jt11 t· 1•!ft;t·t on t 1111~e Si~1!1r \:llues, hnth prop<'1l.1· and ro1nmcrc11l. Stud e11 t Co 11 ncil At oc;c Bu c 1.:.~ Leaders of SDS Thr Orange Co.>•1 {'(!l\cgr .•111dc11! r ri111H'1 l T11esd;i \ (';u111• 11, l/le drl rnsr 11{ !'.H1 ~1udcnl:' l ~r a DC'n1oc r:itiC' Sot·u'l\I 1 SDS I lea tiers threall'tlt'<! "' ith li t1Spe ni.i~n trnm the Cosl a 'lesa cnrnpu~. Before an aud1ent'l' of 200 ::.tudcnts and ;rf\cr SOS leaders llarry \\'c1nbcrg anrl JJC'~ r au.i;hn and llc~l n nr ~tuctrnt ~\rti\·1tles J o~cph !\roll had ~lal r.d the ;r rr~Jl('cUre cases, the !>lutleut council \ otecl · -To 1)ppo.~e tnr ~u«pcn~1nn~ hcra11«t of lark ol co mn1una:at 1an hv J)<>an Kroll -To req uest Oe<111 l\roli' tu rn thr m;i t- \cr O\'('r lo the Student Jud1ch1I Boa rd !or dec1s1on. Followng !he stormy ~1 urlcn! C'<l11ncil mr('t •n~. Oean Krnll me1 wilh \\'einbf'rg ;ind r;iughn 10 di ~euo;~ 1hr s11:.1'll'n5in11<; For the res! or the scn1cstcr he hatl hn1nl· rtl nu t. 1\f!t'rwarrl It 1•a~ <1 lln:1UT1CNI Kr oll \1nuld holt! his 1!ec1~iun in abc!·Hn1'e until Th11r"1:1y rnorning 111 9 o'rlock "1o g11·c hnlh :-ides lime lo 1h1nk ;ibout i1" The suspt'n~ions were nleted fl11L berallse al the unreeogn11Pd can1p11 s ~OS l'hapt er'~ ;ittempl tu hold a pro.l!rllm fr:ttur ing L'Cl rad ical $ludcnts talking abnut the Angela 1)1n ts n111nr r 1\s OC:r Slu1lent Body l're~1dl'nl To111 JluOble. tells II: "'A large crri\1·1] gathercc:I l<1st Fri1la1·. There \las a m1l'nlph()1U! anrl a n1phf1rr pre5ent that \rere no1 supposed to be It.er,. Dean Kroll look l.he mic rophone and asked e1•eryollC to 11.isperst. \\'ein· tx-rg too k lht n1ic rophone. "There 11·erc a number of students from lhe tr1•inc SOS present There "·ere o1hcr orf-ct1mp11s .5ludent s with .a fc1v a!hlett~ from OCC "ho \.\CTI' oppo~rrl to 1Mm. Em('ll:ioni \\ere hP-'lrrl ;inrJ there "ere a 1010~1 one or t 11 u t 1~11i_,. · DAILY 1'1LOT l'htlt bJ TtrrY Ct•lllt CnH Do fl untin gton J3each Li ons ·roro i\lukai. Jim DeGuel\e and Bill Schryer 1 fro1 n lell 1 unload son1c 01 99ti nc\V trash cans Lions Club \viii sell 111 ()J'der lo hel p l-lunl1ngton Beach rl'.!s idents comply \Vith city ordi· nance outla\\·ing heavy, bulky tras h conlainers. Lions Cl ub trash cans go for S5 a piece. They \\•ill be sold door·l~door and at 311 Fifth St. 1:ro111 l'ogc l N.<\ TIO NA L ... pus mol'e1nent. spread to citic~ and 1 •. 1>1n~. nonpolilicsl an d n on~ tu d c n t o!·g:inization~. chu rches and, finally. to !:1c hall s uf Cnngrc:.s. In \V:!shington, President Ni xon \l'Orked qu1r tJy 1n hi ~ nfficc as riva l lJands r1f 111r.krts n1a rched outsidr !hr \Vhi1r Hnu 'e gatL'S !>Uppori11 1g and opposing his I'll'(. O:lltl \\ ;ir poJiCI _ Tl1C' ~cent' on.1:1r Pr11ns1 ll :1 ni.1 A1·rnue ~1.JC'11n lh fro11tu1g tl1c · \Vhitc llou~e grn~111dS' was ordcrlv and the \\.hllC' House ~;1111 llh ~pceia1 i-.l'l't:rily :1rr:1n~e1ne11\~ 11r-r1· in tffer t f.,r the 11101';!(nr1 Utll d.'.tV ;p l1 1 •l1r~ 10 be el lrnaxt:d Ii) a 1narch 10 !hr \\'hit~· House tonight. t 1111· grou p t·an) ing ~1gn~ prulc.,nn;: ll1r 11,ir eoo~1:.lcd uf a group of Quakers. In hf11hlSition was a contingcn1 from Shelton Collr~r at Cap~ ~la~·. N J . 1vhich carrird pl.1 l'.irds rC'atling "\\'1n thr \\'3r no·.v" anti · Lr\'~ "1n. not surrender ·· ,\~the: nation's c<1p1tal, \Y.tsh n1~ton 11;is ;i toc<1I polnL fOr the iounlr~ 11 1r!" · mora1oriuin on businrs~ as usual'' !1r,i:~nj7,C'd bv antiwar ,1:roups. 0 ,t the floors <1f the llou~c anrl Sena1r. on IJ1e Capitol steps, ins ide and outside .... . .... Chirago 8 Try 1'o Join M-day I HlC,\(iO 1lPl 1 ~ All e1r:ht 1nrn 'ha r~cd 11 i!h t.ros-.1nl! !-!ale lines tn u1r1t c ;t not 1lurini: the J9!i8 l>en1oi:ra t1c na· l1onal eonvent1011 i.howed un ill 111elr trial today ;ind tned to place \'icl Cong and American f!ags on their rlcff'n~t tahlt 111 1i11'ir 011n obser1a1icc of a 11a11011al V1cL- na1n n1ora\nnum ,\ tlldt~hal 111 l hargl' 1 f 'lTUr 11 \Ii thr 1 u11rt rtJOtn re111(11 f'11 lht• \ 1rl l 1110: 1 1;1~ ;,1 :1·r 1111u1111i:, .1 lug nf 11 ~1r 11 i1h 11.~ft11Hlr11,1 ,\i)\)(,!1 "Abb1('' Jlu[(111<1n , 11!\U lrlt tl lLI 1•r1•1 en t h1111 !rrin1 1;ik111g !hr ldl'Re tlag l l1c p1arshal later rr inal'ed lh t A1ncnca11 flag ancl t:.~. Di~trict r ourL J 11dge .Julius lloffrnan den ied a dclcn•c rcque~! 1(1 perrnlt the 1\l'l'l Ila~~ 011 1111' 1:rri;n~(' 1;iblc In ro111111e1nor:l1f" 1\n1enc a11 and \'1ctnu111esc 11 ;ir dead. Valley Com1cil Select:s 3 Park Con1mi~s ion e rs F:iunlain Valley city t·ou111:iln1en Tufs- rtay night selec1e11 three new Parks ;:inrl J{t't'Teation C'Ornm1ss1011ers 10 repl ace 11ro newl.1·.{']eC'll'd counrilmen and a thircl 111tni:11•r 11h(• rc~1gnl'd :'\::i111~cl to 1he aj.'.cncy \\'f're Bobcrl Tl1!I~. 17186 Santa S11;;11111r A1c. a :-.ales 11,::;11.1ger. 11>1' ;i 111,111111.ir lunng t1r111; l•t'r,rgr.lrosby, !ll!O Heron .\1·c . n life 111- sur ;1nrc ;!gent. and .Jr rrr Picr.o;on. 1:1030 LA Co!onia Ave . a J\h:Donne ll·Dougla s exer.ut1v~. To<' In a rcplfl.('C r11y t•ouncilmP.n Gcn rge Scolt and r.un Shl·111n1u1, ai\d J\lrs. Jennne :'llo~s. Thr council took !l•\ :li'ltlln on Filling n 1·acA ncy (ln \hr r 11y l'l.1n11i ng rornml!!sion n111clr r11t•11nt \\ht-11 1hc\ re1nu..,ed J&hn ~1ane::u1<l from the po~! l<1sl 11·eek. governm ent bu ild ing~. on collfge cam· pusl'.!!, in churches and in public parks, 1l1ere wl're speeches appealing for early <ind com plete U.S. disengagement from rhc y,·ar that has cost nearly 40,000 ,\rnerican Jives. 'fhe orderliness of lhe demonstration 11 as ln contrast to a bloody encounter ll'hich loo k place almost exactly l\\.'o ~ears ago -on Oct. 21 , 1967 -v.·hen an ;tnli \\'ar rally culminated in an attem pt lo :-.~11rm the doors of the Pentagon. Tod av, I.le protestors stayed clear of the r en. 11gon. nerl'e center or the l .S. defens e t·.,tablishmcnt. There was a mall skirmish on the ca m· 1>11~ of Aml'rican University v.·hen a group 1·;1lltd "the L'.S. Anti-Commun is t Cnngre!!s" tried to exh'1hit placards at a. 111ly addressed by Sen. Geo rge S. '\\c(oQvern (D·S.D.). hut it ll·as quickly llrokcn up 11·ith no (lne hurt. 'fhe nat ion's l'apital's pa rticipation in 1'1.:-n1oratoriu m w!ll be clin1axed tonighl h.\ a inas.s ral!y on tile \\'ashington ~lonu­ incr.t grounds. followed by a candle lighl n1 il rrh to the \\'hite House. Mrs. r.1artin I ulher l\lng Jr. will lead the niarch. \1xon l1,1 s tw iee sa icl he would not be :i!ll'ctcd by the day'~ acti1'illes, but Tucs- dny Vice President Spiro T. Ag new calll'd nn lhc lead er; or the 1noratoriun1 tr, 11·!111d1:itc su ppor t rece-1red Tuesday frorn d,1r.oi. 1\;;nC\\' said a letter fro1n North \'1et- 1 :t111t~c officials "to ou r Amencan ll'irncls·• \\i\5 ··a shocking intn1sion into !ht• ;lffa1rs of the 1\n1erican people by an l ntrny power " F•·em coasl to coa51. from n(lrth lo ;-011\h. protests "'ere held -campus raihcs. speeches, prayer m e e I i n g s , pnrades and ,·ig1ls -to demonstrate tha t Ille 11111 in anU\\'ar acli\'ity was at an end. )00.00 aoo.oo Close iffane11vers 2 Soviet Ships In Space Circus t.lOSCO\V (UPI ) -Two of Russia'!i three orbiting spaceships performed clo!e quarter n1ar1euvers Tuesda y, snuggling side by side and then passing and repass· ing each other twice, the news agcnc·y ·r ass reported today. \\'hen Si,yuz 7 :tnd Soyuz 8 1vcre less lhan three rniles fro1n carh other they 11a1ed their sola r ballery panels al eat·h other in greetings, T<1ss s<11d. The craft ;ire equipped with two reetaogu lar panl'I.~ that ju t out from their sides almusl like airplane wings. The del ayed report of the oper<1tiun \1·as uut of character for the So1•ie ts \1'ho in the current project h<11e nro\•idcd nearly 11u1antt reports of lhc space:.ilip aC'til'ities. Tass sald the rendezvous of Soyuz 7 and 8 lasted so1ne hours. "Yesterday was U1e 1noment "hen lhey Voters Dowu, Bond Issues In Santa Ana San!a Ana voters Tuesday lurned do11·n two school bond proposals. one that woul d have built 13 new schools and anothe r that would have replaced l2 old schools condemned unde r the state's earthquake law. A majority \'Died for each proposal, but not lhe l\\1>-lhird.5 needed, Bond proposition No. 1. for t'-1.'.! million, ·would have built IJ schools to keep pace v.·ith student enrollment in- creases. It received 55 percent support Bond proposition No. 2, for $11 t million, \\·ould ha ve replaced the 12 con- demned schools. It fared better, 59 per· cent support, but not good enough. Interest in lhe bond issue ran falfly high as school issues go with 28 pcr cC>nt (lf the eligible voters in Santa Ana Unified Schou! Di strict turning out. ...:ampaigners for the bond issue I rice! the same strategy that Ne\\·porl·Mesa L'nif ied ea rlier this year used so \\'CH -a quie l ca n1 paign seeking to bring pa rent~ (l f schoo~ children to the po lls withou t stirring up the opposition. Sc h111itz Asks Ban on UC Funds SACRA:'l1ENTO (L:PJ) -Sen. John G. Schrnilt said today if atlinil\ed CDnl· n1~.1i~t ,\ngrla Ua1·1s 1s :1ll0wt'd tn tt'al'h a l L'CLA otht•r can1pusc~ will .~0011 lure facu lly mern bers \1•11h s1n1li ar poli tics. Schn1itz !R·Tust1 n1 . said Univerr;i tr nf (";ilifnrnia rt'gcn1 s shoul1I hnn :'lf1ss 0~11 1 ~ 1Jr 1h<' lrgis!ahirc "111ust 1·11t off the u1111·rrsity's fund.~ 1111111 11 1:lcans llnvse · "ll fl.liss Da vis l'ont1nues to lJ~ re· lalned. \\.:e n1ay sor.;in expect to l1ncl 01>::11 Con1 111un1 ~t organizers ns tcnchcrs 011 c1e f\' ea111pus in the slate. pai d fuJl-t11ne b!-ou r tax 111011cy ." hf' snid. The regents have ruled ,'1 1ss D.11·is c;1 n leach a philosophy co11rsc this ter111 !11r no eretlll 11h1!c hc·r rhstn1~<<1! nppcul 1.; prnt1111,!! Sch1111ll s;i1d thi' :ict10n 11.1, 'ub~urd." · So lung a~ her ~alary cnn\JnU".'' t" I.le paid b~' !hr l:ixpayer.~ of c~l1fonu.1. i::arnts 11J,11 ecl ;ihout ·courc;c credit' arr a ~irk Joke," he said in a prepared ~1;i1i:· 1nrn1 lo I~ girl who knows what she "'~n1 s but not "'·here 10 find •'-' ~l;i l c h you r sty le wtr h (l ur- m•ny dist1nc11ve desi gns. And ;i ~\,; u ~ ~bou l o u r fA mo u1 01.;.nge 8lo~1om gll••uilee. ~"·itched on their t>flginc:; ar:d began lrl: <'om~ r loscr," Tnss sale!. ''Vtktor;: <:urba1ko lin Soyut 71 Joyously dl!<.:lared~: •J sec 111 n1y :;idl' wtndc)\.\ a bright ~po~'.: arpro:ithing us.' ' ::: Ta-;s r('portetl l'<l rl1t r 1hc pi luts lor•IC · lliri r ships under 1nanu;1l con!rol fnr:: :;u1nr. un:.pec·1f1ed n1an1:u 1 cr~ todJy. The. d1:.i:lusure 1•a~ 1n~rlc 111 ;in 1ntrr1111 r1:port un ihe scven·n111n space,fhghL Earlier 1he ag cuey !>aid all 11¥! <'0~- 1nonaut~ 11•rrt' "hnl'" <ind the mii:sion.. 11as i:11111i11u1 11g ··-~uccc~~full~ ·· "Cu11hng !hemsel\e, by th\• ti1urts n(. na1·1gatlon 1nl'aSt1rc111cnts, l'ommandf'rs l•f the ~hips tO:iUlluc inoneuve rlJlg 11·1th . thr use of rnanu al cont rol." Tass said. i11·0 of the ships -Soyuz 7 and 8 -ap- p11rently ll'Cre wi thin v1suul range -0/ each vi lier Thr ne11s ;igency said the (Te11 o/ Soyut. l1 "Obse rl'ed the 1n:1ncuvrr111g a nd nr1,·11· l.it1on lo 1lie sun of tl1f spaceship S'l.l'1rr. , ., Thc1 (• ll':ls nv i11dlcat1on how clo:.r •vas lhe 1l11rd sb1p. Soyuz 6. An earlier dispatch s;iirJ the cos· 111on<iu ls beg::in their day with breakfast. morning exercises and a n1ed ica l checkup. The re 11•as speculation that !he spacemen today would guide !heir Sovui spaceships 10 a formation needed (or ·lhe eonstruction of long·term spa c ~ ]ilboratories. Cou11t y Studies Santa Barbara Beach Access Shoreline eonscrval1on and the pro. ti:cti:in uf µubh(' ;:u.:te~~ lo b€<tche:• and tidelands on !he S{'<ilc pr<1c t1 cc<l in Sant a Barbara County n1ay bt> in 1hc off ing h•r Orange Cou11t.r rC'sJtl C'nls. Super\1sor Oa1 1rl Oa\..C'r sparked \l'h:il; nl<iy be a 11101 t' LO atlopt1011 of sin1ilar nleas1Jres htrc 11 ht'll he won board ap- pro\'al Tll('~d;i~ (If 111~ ~i1g:.:cs\1on th;it the !\anla B~irbara ord1111111re -and tbr possibilitv nf !hf" dra!tir1g here of a ~tm1Jar !a11· -be dt:ll:ited bv !>Uper1 l.~lrs Or t 2!. - Bakl'r nul.-.r l lli.il ~<111t:i 11arliara r nsurcs $huril1n r rir•ltf"1't1011 throu.c.h 7.nn· ing. SlrucLu;es built in what are now pro. h'.'Cte(I <lfCil'i prior tu Jl•l"~it;!I' Of !hr ordinance can remain, hr nole<l. but ;;ll fulure construction in ocran front pro- perty is r!enied or suhJected !o rigorous 1:x:in1in-a11on _ "\\'r shoulrl 1l i,r·n~; !h1~ pro!rrtirm h\ 7<1111n:: pnl11 ~ 111 !!11· 11;.:ht 1,/ 11 li;i1 enuld h:1ppP11 \11 n11r n11n 4i 111!1rs of ~horehne," Tlakrr ~.tlld. "Th r .Sarita B :1 r h ;i r <'I flnlii1:intl' 111.11· nrn\r In Ii" ll1r kind 11[ 11u•:1'lll'f' II(' 111•nil I •'If' d 11 r ,11·r tn 1·11~. ~1·r1(' illr (•:'!'a11 frotll 1'" i.lht\111) h;Hi:.'." l ie.a l'l'od11<·1 · ."i la1ul l.oolcd hv , B11r!dar ' \ burglar 11ho t11rc throu)!h .1 b:i mbrio 1· .111 looter! a Cu!'t.1 ,1r<.1 1rg~t<1hlr ~land nl 1ncrch;1nth'L' '1 \lrth ~~6 Tu cSfl.1\' 1n· • h1d1n~ 10 P')!Ulds t .1rh fl f .1pplt S ':ind pr·1rs ;1r.rl :!5 :11 oc;1dn~ Jn~e A Cl'lrtcs. v11 nrr of Fro1n the F;1rin. 413:) £::_ 1:1h SI , th!-cti\ercd the hrrak-1n 11 hen he :irr1\ r(! frnn1 his San Ju;i11 C:ip1~1r;ino hornr to rqi<·n un shop. 1 •~(IO Z\0.01 Profc•sor KiJls Self O\"e r Ca 111 pus St rife o <;.\I\.\ .r,1pon 1t.:Pl 1 Pr o f. CONVEN IENT TERMS IANK>,ME~ICAR D MASTER CHARIOE J. C. fiu1111 J/,ri l'.S 'JeiveferJ 22 YEARS SAME LOCATION '.\l:i~aiun11 Ttr:ull'! 41i. of O.~:ika Unh·er.!!1· I)' rnmn1\l lecl ~uic1de 1vilh a kltl'hen knife in dr~p1H ~ nver tu~ l:i1l11 re Ill Y!tle a ca n1pt1s di•putP, prilice said Tue$day. ' .. ( 182) NEWPORT AVEN UE COST A MESA PHONE l<i·H OI ,, I 1! ,I Ir ' I t' 1' , j, ' _________,. -···-·----··---·-~--.--............. .,.. ... -......... -·----------·------------------------------------·----- Jr' Ito R ec1ds the Stars For the Stars ? A. l7 ~~ •.,sl ~ ~ (~ .. It's Sydney Omarr And now this arti cula te writer .,.,ho he s been c<"llled the "astrolog er"s astrologer" reads the sta rs for you . Sydney Om<"lr r, lo ngtime personal as tr ologer to ma ny of Hollywood s ond the lite ra ry wor ld's mo~t famous ~tar s. is a DA ILY PILOT c.olumni~f. Omarr's record for accuracy of predictions based on astrological ono lys:s 1: ornllzi ng. Whether you read a>trologic al fore( as ts ior fun or a ~ o ~erious ~tudent of st or -gazing, you ii enjoy Sydney Omarr's daily column in the .... : DAILY PILOT 01'1LY PILOT !f) --- Roltot Yanks Llcl'11ses Art Sho'v SS Tax es Nce clecl Here Co11ie de Computer Pre~e11tecl Fo1· I-Ioi1 se Se1·vic e TOKYO <liPll -J<1pan 's Jl('\\ CSL Lrntfic t·rn1r1 ;uc!gc 1~ a rohol \1'hl('h rnctc.~ out s::11· Leners wHhouL h ca r 1 n g t e~l unony. All \\r.:1 corne before rhc. judge are gu1l 1y. They arc dt·pr11·ed ol llie1r dr1vi.:r,· Jii.:1:11..,cs, caher pl'rn1:lnently ur tcn1por;1r1ly Tht' Judge dors nol pound a ga\'t•I . wi.:ar 1ud1ci;-ll ro1>1·s. ur .'>1\ on a hcnch. i~or 15 the Judge a he or sh<'. 11·s a 1.:u111pulcr. \\"1th authorit ies I r y 1 11 ,::: unsuccessfully to update thei r tra!!1c \10J ations r('l'Ords and (!elcrm11ie 11·ho shouhl not be dr111ng. his honor th<' t·on1· put er was installed 111t h an <ippropriate flick ol a s\\·1\eh a v.rek ur;o. Pilot Victin1 Of Optical Illusion \\'/\Slll:\GTO:l" (C PI\ Evrrything appeared nor n1al as the big a1 rllner eased do1vn for 1!s l:111d1ng al the <..":rea!cr f1nc1nna11 Airport on the night of Nov. 20. 1967. •·Flaps," ordered the pilot. Then 1.:;'Hnc the \Otcc uf the pilo1 and cu·p1!01 running down thr landinb .:heck list. 1·1ie Trans \Vorld Airlines 1l1rb0Jel bt•g:in tu le1·cl otr. Three scro111I~ later 1 h r ;1irl1nrr .~hcarcd off a tree ··;111d 1.:onl1nucd si n king trees along HS Jl 1ght p<i1h l1n:illy rornu1g 10 rcs1 ti.818 lert fro1n thr f'ru l ol 1hc run1\a,\ 11hcre l! u as dt•stro\"t'<I by 1tnp;1ct and !ire."· ii rl'1l11 rt b~· the ,\"al1onal Tranl'portntJun Safely board ::.<Jlfl. ·rhc lrag1r i t·~ult 41f !hr.1 1·r;1)h · iO 1x:r::.0 11~ i!crid, J2 1 .'>llf\ 11 nr~. \\"hnt h:ippC'tlC'J to turn an apparcnll~ r:iut1nc l;1nlhng aµ- aroach 1ntu a f!1~:ister '1 The rrpuri indicalcs the p1lot of thr. Los /\n gclc.;.10. Bus1on l\1ght l'oulJ h<Jvc hcrn a 11clin1 IJ! op11cal 1llu ~1011 In thr darkne~~. !ht n1n11a~ \1gi1ls lrnn1 lh<' h1ll:op a1r pnri :ippcrirt•d lu blend Ullo the lo111·r ligl1ts (ln tht> Oh 1.1 1i111·r \":dll·~ fl oor HlO ft•rl bt•low. To thl.' pilot. 1t 111ay l1;i1·e ::ip- P<'•1r("1I the pl :1111• \1 ;1s ;1\ a l11t:,ht'r ,1lllludc th;,in 1l ::ir!ually \\ :l~. Thr rrport pu: it tlu~ \\JI Th•· p1lo1 rnav ha1 r u.~rd thr !JL!ht.~ 111 th1· f)l110 H11 l'r \";iJ!e1 :1~ a \ l:,.u;il r1•1crr11ce 1•l l'~l.1 hl1sh l11s f111:.il :1pprnat·h :il11t1ult•. Hut th(' r11·rr 1 aJlt'1· 11' ;ic-111 :111~ 400 /crt hf'lo1v 1 11~ ;orporl 11.h1eh •.~ ;Hop an unlighk•d hill ns1ng tror11 the 111llr,\' fl<IOr. \\"1lh lhl.• !lfu,1on. lht• pi lot !l·1rled ~,1f his pl:1ne ~U() fl't\ Ull'f lhe r/IC'r. 1ns!i•<11I of lhe :11rpo1·1. but 11 11, :-.lll! 15 Jccl !)1•11111 lhf' n1111,:r • 'l hr h••.,r1t .. ,1111 !hi' ("n,l.p1I \ OI\.•' fl'• r•rflt·r ltl•!H .l!{'d 1/1" pilot 1 h1·1 ~t·il 111, ;iJ11n1l lrr •• 1 1h1' 1~)1n1 n·.1llt1:tl /Ii, •·r1u1 and ;1U1·111ptl·d Ill i:. .I I II <11!11udr p1 1/1(' ~··1.:nrHh bC'l11r11 hr 111! lhi' t11!h1dl' Tht· ~.1 1<'1 1 l1<1;1rd rt 'l"1rl ;i'~" ~.111! lll t•1r ha1e hr1·n 111 .. prl••r ar, J•!t•111, rt<.: •r t!1l' ~lit· 111 111• ·1 \1 \ i r;,~11 In 1,,1h ,,f 1h .. ,r .1('1 ult n:,, pil•1I~ tl.111n1'd 1111·1 .~.111· tilt• 1'1 11 111,oy l1gl1l:, Jlf\1 bt'IO!"\' !Iii·\' t"r,1.~loctl llllO IJH; l11ll~11lr 1 .. ;~! 11 ct'k, !hi' A11 lu1e :\11\l"lll.\b .'\o. 14) F(JLlt a1r por1 tJne of !he · 111,.,1 r!:1 ng1•r1.11l~ ' 111 Ilic l nl!t'd ~'•'cs. Brai11 Death L<nv Readied LOS A,\"GELES 1 L:PI ~ - Pro1~srd s t a If' legi ~l<il 1on retoj;!n1z1ng ~u-en lled '"br;ii11 death"' is being dr;iftrd hv lhrcf' men1bcr s of lhe t o"s Angeles County dis!nc! <1!- 1orn<'~'s 1 ital org;in transpl anl comn1i1tec 1 If such legis!at1on I ~ rn.1('ted, It 11 ou fd bf' the fir~t l in !he n;i1 1nn recognizing brain death -dc;1lh \\'hen !he brain rcases to function although the heart and respi ration are con- tinued by artificial means. 1"he committee 14-·as formed bc<:ausc it v.·as decided tha t a clear definition of death v.·as nl'cded nov.· bec<1u se hea rt transplants ha ve raised rhe Qtt<'stlon a.~ lo v.•helher the donor 1s 1C("hnically dead or alive at the time his heart 1s lakcn r on ,\nVEnr1~1 N(i J.'I Tl!E: l\'EP.K J·::-.;roEn PllONF. 6~2·432 1 At the samr t1n1c Lhe 11<1· lion's 22.580,000 dr11.·ers of S{'d:tns, bu:o;cs and !ruck~ v.·t're pl11ced undt!r a po1nl den1er1t S) stein. Dri1 <'fS r a u g h t \·iola1111g h1gl111ay la1\S arc a::.sessed ;iny1\hcrc lrom one tu 1:1 points, 1!cpending 011 !he ~eriousness of the infractiun. Kegligent hon1ic1dt• l1r a1vs the rnax1n1un1 nun1bcr of denlerits and lesser points :ire issued fu r drunken t.!ri1 ing. speed in~. 1g11onng traffir sign:.i i.'> t'.l'r ro<1t.! ~igns and illetal pa rking. ,\f!er ea(•h infraction a card bearing tlll.! nurnber (l r de1nerils and the offen<tcr 's nan1e is sent to nat ional police ;;igcucy hr:1dq uartcrs 111 Tokyo and fed into one of four coin· pu1ers. The co111pul er 111C'111oriLrs e1·f'ry bi! of 1nfor11tal 1011 1t 1s fed. If a dnve r·s poi nt total rca<'llf:s 15 1v1lh1n 31i 111ont hs. JI \·01ds !he olfendcr"s driving ]JC'l.'l\!>C. \\'Jth111 one \\'erk lhr t•an· cella\1011 11ot1te will be in the l1:i11ds of !hr dri1•cr and every µo!ic e station in lh{' tOunlr~· It used to t:ikc 1norc 1han one n1onth. !'iuspt.·n~1on of dr11·iug righ1 > up to 90 da~s arr 1nelcd out for 1>0inl IOI.el l~ of s1.~ to I~. d{'jlCnding on lhe nurnbt'r and seriousness of \"H>la t1ons. For twc·time losers the nu1nber of allowablr tlt'1nerils are sl1<1rply rctluccd F!lr l1X· an1 ph'. a drJ\ rr wJ10 IS re· issued a license afl C'r losi ng 1t t!l a previous J~ dt·n1rrll p1·riotl . rn:iy ha1e Jl lakt·n b:1ck for up lo 120 d:l.1 s Jl h1s point t:ltal reaches lour. Su pporters of lhc n1ccha1111.· rd dC'n1crit systern say 11 doc., a\\·ay with 1ncons1s!enc1es u1 handing out pun1:-.h1 11(•nl tu 1raffi1.: offrnders, dclavs 111 disposing of <'a:<cs a11d · 1 unc- co11sun1ing fihng of each or· ft•n sc. Thfy also hopt' that il 11•1!1 rrsult in n1ore al!ent1\"e dr11·. 111~ and fC'wer highway at · t1<11.:nt. which in the first n1n<' rnonths of lhis year killed 11 .622 and injured nearly 620 .000 pt'rsons 111 J;ipan. At Ce11ter A fall fcstiv;il or art \1•ill bf' pl'rsented by the rne1nbers of C!it' Al lisles de la Hue art i;:roup :ind the Fa!!+"lion Island ~ll'rchants Association on the 1nall at F,1sh1on tsl;ind Thurs· day, Frid;iy and Satllrd<iy. I ll1ndreds or original work.~ 11111 b1· prt'~ented by the group 1ut·luding 011 paintings, 11:1!cr 1·olur s, nH1t:i! 1rork . JIO\lery, \IOOd (';!f\"lllg S, and st1tehery. Al so ftla turc<l \v1JJ hl' rct·rnt p<.11r111ngs by John \V, Ortl1. Or;1ngr Cou nty paintrr. This free art sho11.·1ng will be :-11011 n to the pubhc :is :l regular f;dl !'\ ent of lhl' t•ent cr. I lou rs or ~hill\ ing ;ire 10 a ni.·5.30 p.111 , Thursd:.iy and Sa turday, and 1111111 9·3u Friduy night. F:1shion Island i<> located on Paeifi<' Coasl H i g h w ;i y brt\1·een J an1borec a n d ~1ai.:Ar\11ur Hl Newport Beach. lfousewi ves v.ho pay so111cone $atl nr rnore lur hou~ehohl SlT\'1ces Uunnc <iny tnrCc·rnonll1 l·alend:1r quarter n1ust rcpor l lhese pa~ rnent:> <lnd pay the Socia l Security ta xrs due !Q !lie Interna l Hcvenuc Scrvict'. F. S. Sl·hn1 1dt. IRS dire-ctor for Southern Ca!1forr11:i su1d the qu:o·trrly report for Julr. Augus\ and Septenlb('r is du(' O<.·Lo~r JI. The Social Sct·u ri11· lax 1111 household w;t!,:CS 1s 4 8 pi·n:cnt for the 1·111plnyer and 4.11 per- l'ent for en1ploye. \\'hen lhe quarterl y rrpor1 is filed. <1 l'heck or rnonev o r d r r rC'presenl111g 9 6 rC"r1·ent of thr t•ash w;1gr~ reported for lh« period should be int'ludcd 11'1th th(· rt'lurn. Forni 942. P. n1 p 1 o y e r' s Quar1rr!y Tax K('t\Jrn for Jl ousehold En1ployecs. i ~ used to reporl the Social Se(.·uri1 y IJxes due. Alter the first one is filed . a copy of Forni 9,j2 is 1na1!ed to every employer 111 lime for ti1c next <1uarterly !"l'JIUl"\ Sl·h11111!t sa id anyone 11 h!l hires ;,i maid, cle;in1ng won1an, cook . go1er11css, housekeeper, l·arctakcr. gardroer or rh;iuf- /cur will be ll<.il}le tor SOl.:ia l S£Tun1y taxes ir ca~h wage..: of ~ a quarter arc paid to one en1ployc. ~!oney gi\"t'n to ernp lo) es for earl are is to be l"UUlltCd lll 1otal \\;Jces paid. !Jo\.\e\·er. the value of niea ls 1s not included. Olten when rn<lid s or other household ernp!oyes apply for b<'nclns. H rurncs to light that all Social Set·unty taxes h<ne not bt'en paid. Schrn1<1t sau.l. lllS tht'n has 10 sei.:u re delin· flllt'rt l rt'tur ns. Vonns 942, fron1 the en1ployc r. so1nctin1t'S l'O\ er1ng se\·cral ye ars 11•1\h a su bstantial ;imounL of taxes and pcnallirs dur. 1\u taxi's ari' due on iiniounts paid to persons \\ h11 :ire ind ependent con\ractors and nol household cn1ptoye.;;. COLOR TV and COLOR STEREO THEATRES ) ) Aegean Clll$$1C "' 1r1odel 3715 1 ... lets you enjoy the full beauty of music from ... • Glorious Stereo FM • Drift-free Monaural FM • Powerful AM •Your favorite recordings You'll never settle f o r less -onc.c you·.,.e henrd 1he biea1htJ\..1nq ct u11ens1onal rc.ilisn1 .-111d Ion .. ! PUll!Y of a M.1~j!llJVO~ ,t.-.po 50111(.; Stereo Outs!nnd1nq quality leatute~ 11\cludc. 30-wa\1'> und•'>lo1 11>d 111u~11; pOV11'r. two 1 2~ B.1ss Woole1s, two 1,000 cycle E1q)oncnt1.il Treble Hains to proie<.1 thrill1 ny sounc! lron1 !he fr onl arid ~ides o f 1he bcau11ful crcdr.n1.1 ~tyleci line . fu rniture cabinets; the exc1u~1ve 1\ll1cromat1c Player 1ha1 leis your records la::.t a !ile11n1e. ,A nd t heir advanced so\1d -state c1rcu1t1y e ll n1 1nates tubes and heat-assuring super b performance a nd lasting rel1ab1l11y. Each is on concealed swivel casters 10 permit eitsy moving, Why no t t re;it you1self a nd your tamily to the sound of beautiful nius1c - fron1 a magnd1cent Magnavox! Your Choice of three authentic styles Mediterranean n1odel 37 17 NOW ONLY $ 50 TOVATT~S TONT" TOYAlf MAGNAVOX HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Direc~ Factory Dealer BROOKHURST & WARNER Fountain Valley 962-2456 401 MAIN ST. Downtown Huntington 536-7561 ~ ' • ' ' • l ! • • , • ' ' ' ' ' ' ~' J ~ . ' Beach ' • l ' ' l l • • l l ' \ • , I • ---------·---------·--·---------------------... ~-- :JO D.AI L 'f PILOT H Co1nplete-Ne'v York Stock List Your ltloney's Worth : Rules Prevent Repeatof 1929 B) ~'I \I \ l'OllTF R (Third 1n I hr !'art Scnrsl ln 1929 1hrr1 \1 rrc nn ru!l'~ to gu1d<' Hncl rrolt"-t thr ~lOl I.. buying pubhc -nun~ at ;ill \\fl 11 lcv. r~qu1rr1nen1s lhr ~cw '1 111 1.. I Xl hilllt;t had 11t'fl ~o !ou~~I) .id1111n1stcred th:.it \J1rv 111PrP 11 or~1 1h1n nothing 1nac-h1nr~\ 1 rt':J\td Mncr 29 lo prc1ent fra ud and rontro\ 111c1n1pula11on No one p1etends !he mat.:h1 ne ry 1s adequate but !I ex1~t ~ And as Haack says t)ur~ 1s the en1 y of investors lhc y,urld o1 tr n 1s t l n c t 1o n ,, • A" 1rl'oesli lhert ~as a Z! :'llow ll can bt said dur 1ng I ui. IJLl'l ll mrinllls there "as a l le:u and present dangfr th 1l your stock accou nt m1ghL be u11derin111ed bv the e11u • "ul ladures 111 your broker s Lack off 1t r BROADCASTER Charles Neal Neal Join~ Piyil~ nl 1111\:r 1\Qts tl)llhJ 1r1d dJd -111<1n1ptJJa1~ stock" n thcy (OUld unJoact thrin at 1 1 rlll1! u11 greed\ gu!l1blc public SIOi!/.. lOUIS tould - ;ind did -b1 aztnlv spread 1 urnors ~o the1 could ::;end priles so;inng ind then "t'IJ uul lo lht.: <1rnaleu r~ r RLSTEU T' COO:'\S could -ind did -1nake 1n1!lions b\ ~l ting aga1nsl the interests or There 1\ as a l lc 1r an1! prese nt danger that t hr p 1pen1ork explosion 111 \\all Street!; back 0H1ces \.\Ould blu11 so1nc nf the great house<: apart -and set oft a dreaclf ii 1..h 1111 rcact1on through the land Dean Witter •her o \\ n co1 porat1on~ l n s c rupulou~ butnessmen In Lacruna 0 l r11dd -and d d -lie to thl' Plibhc tbout thf' ~tocks th!'\ 111.'re 1:;:;u111g f an1ous , ur porat1ons ~ouh.J Hld t11d - 1 eru~t tu llll tht.:ir 01•.11 "'uc kho!dcr5 01 e 10! 1 about lhe1 r own alfa1rs Bul 11 d1dn I happen T11c re:ison 1s that \Va!! Slrt l'l 11scH beca1ne lnghtened thal 11 110::; rushing to1vard a crisis of 11s own making wluch could destroy the whole structure The organized exchanges and other self regulatory bodies took strong steps to restrict the aci1v1t1es nf f 1 r ms sospec1ed 10 trouble a 11 1de \ ar1ely of corrective measures "ere voluntari ly taken The "hole Wa ll Street community "ent on a collcct1vc spending iiprcr to modernize its opera lions and plug the industry s \1 eak spots Hatl10 corn1nc n1ator Charles \' i\1ed of San Juan L<1 p1s1ra110 l1as iuinetl the Laguna Beach ol f1ce of lJean \\ 11\er &: Co as au account c.ii: It s probably hard for you to beheve but as NYSE pres1 dent Robe rt \V H a a c k rem1n1sced d11r1 ng our talk the other da) Tod:n ~ clabora!<> structure or surveillance and regulation of the s t o c k markets simply did nC1L eiust JO 1929 A ecutive \\ 11l1am according lo J\.1cCready Jr, vice president and manager Neal 15 accredlled by the New York Stock I xc h 1nge and "'lt handle 1ndn1dua! 1n And Iha\ D1suucbon t1ons ~ub1n1t No s ,, Rtgola As a direct result of lht 29 holocast \\C ha\e la\\5 and regulations to m<ike surr that 11 ny price d~cllni ~ 11 il l not b(' ·made "on.c b) 1 I Ir g 1 I man1pu!a\1011 On our st:itu t(' books arc basic protective lav;s Acting as 11atchdog over the 5ecunl1es market s 1s the Securities and E;xchangl' Coin 1n1ss1on and v1g1k1n1 too are other fcdrr:il agencies Al sn 1~ 1 du ct I r(:;ull of 11ir 1929 debacle thr :;tcurities 1n dustr} itself is pol icing 1~elf :is nc1cr before I n rrcCnl vears the i.elf 1egulatory po"Lrs ol thr nr~:inlll'd rx thangt~ 1n1! 1h( \\(f 01(' (O untcr 1n11krl'! h111 br(11 111ogre,.~1\rll 11 ~h111 1 J ind the d1:;uplin 11 ~ p11111 t" ur th• .,rlf regul:itorv :igl nl 1c~ h 1vc. nr1 er bc>t>n tou~hcr 'i ou nr1 d noi 11t1'h \fl\lr .,,av lhrough dull dt 1111, ::.llll1~l 1t !O "IV th 1! ;J I It ii ~ 1ltgu 1rd for \\ 111 ~lr1 cl-<111ct u~-l1l'' in !he. 111'•" nl~s 1111! SILVER NEW I Ull MAllKEf HERE' ATT EWO LECTURE FEATURO<G • H • a•y & Fund•men1au af ~ W• • .o.,w ,,,,..,,1 ar rceM O'••IOa-n1' ,,..,.,."' 'gn~I no eno o! us G<l•I ~·"''''""''" • O••c plfOn <>! un 11ur ""' r >~ n '""'"""" p1,n 10 c,)ll 1a • on ~·· D Olll"l!On ~I >•~ I 00 PM-WED OCT .. THE PAPER\\ORK pro 011 the 11>ay toward blem is i Can The Computer Help You Make Money? ' • L L . • ~ • t I a ~ r. I .. Attend Our Seminar For Investors I,,, t1on 1 atl~tl.mrnt lo \'tl11 r 'rcu11t1t~ rna) ilf'rome co~lh o\, 01 11 , 1.i1~I gt('•\ ;inti b\ p;olly 1nvt 11mrn1 1ncthoi;'' Tl e con1 p Irr J..nn\1S no lr;i r a11~1rt y or' i1n l1orcs I! docsn t ha1t 1(1 ,.1, ", r 't li unro'>(.d 1nl11r1menl,j llll, "\V11y <lidn t I 1r U tJ1a1 ~l "l11t1rn J liad3uch 1 Jat profit ~~ \\ r •1<.e adv10CC'd romputer l echruq11'~ to "'atch 2i00 lislca arid 1111!1,trd ~tocks for our pmlcss1onalh minap:rd arcounls.. The • 1n1putrr nllro hr]p5 11~ ~pot ns1 np; 'oluml" of JS!'ues that m1y Ir nndcr alc·un1nl~lH)n hv prore.\S1onal monl"} managers. Also "e ;11r .:ilrrtt<l lo IS.'1 ~~ th1l 11 rr rc~1sllnJl. 1 do\1nlrrn<l Or Ollf':'I th:il e ri 11pac-1ng tlie ma.1\.:cl E~1xc1all y en1erg1ng ,oung gro"\b llJll Y r~ 1 11l:i1. \(111 [arr tnugh romprl.i11nn from !he pro{r~~1on3J mnnry ~ ~C:tr~ j h,., ;1r 1t r, ati.ive 111 the m11J..ct. \l2uv of ti.cm , 11111lnv 'J..1llrli ;11 ,1)51 ~ ••xl Te§e1 11 /1crs us.ing s.ophtsl.icat~ tech 1 Jfl'"'~ 1!11e.!ihng 1~ a full bme J d1ly 1ob for them 1 IO\\ :1bo11l )011"' <11 r ~rmu1ar ~111 d1:tc1JSS modem 1nvr.~1mcnt l('l hn1q11rs and "IT rrnrr$~!Dl 111 Pi1rtfol10 Afaru1.gemc11t 1111~ Strv1ce rrnploy~ It c ~1 n or financ1.:i l 1naly1ls Md managers \\Ork1ng on your beha\J ) 1 r prrtfol10 u gJ\f"n 111rlividual supenis1on on 1 Iu b:u1~ 111e 1 1~11~1trment mal.:c.)' the 1n,tstmeutJ for yo..1 '011 •re rd1eved of tlriuh 111d('('l\LOn :ind t1"d1oiu rt"~:irch JI vou h;i1 1" s1~ble stock or l ~ 1 ol<linJ:' lh1s 'rr.1cci 1n.:iy be of ~pt'C1al intcre1\ to \O "l 11 (\fl'; cord 1~1ly 1011trd to lillt-nd O!lC of 0111 ~cm1n::tr~ Thrr~ 1~ no f I h~~l1on For t1c~et resiscv.tiom,, call t.iw: ::iylvia Lol.allO 1.v\Jecl at 6~~1080 (An-a 213) October 16, 7 30 PM BALBOA BAY CLUB 1211 \\est ( oasl 1~1 gh\var 'c11 po1l Beach Cal1!0 11ua n l!T:\EH JACJ:.10' & CHAY J\C Mr"'"' •<rl/l •"l "'t -"'~ ,,,_1 ,..,.~l<tld l •r/.,.1• Ii 11 \\est 7th Sb"H't V. A nJt.lei C•l1fomf,. 000 17 1 ii'~ -lltllt'lllllllll!llU ~1:1"' • • -.i f:tlilJ.l,.'::li1!Qt;li.H r. I~ Ill ..,. I 01 ~ lo • I i ; OVER THE COUNTER m!i"T-<79DW• «a•rmww.w •11g1 M t &fam NASO Li stings for Tuesday, October 14 1969 Prod11 .. tio11 Hour NfW VQ~l( C,oP l w~o .... ..a•"<~ N1w YU • )10<~ l•~n•'l\it pt~•> -A- '"'" Mot th• I ti+•~ L101 CLIM Cht ... Dl~l'l'tllld ' O Prpoe . °'""'""'" DomFd ! 0on~.1 •• -D- '" ' ,. ' " " " 'I '"· ... .. " . •• • '" . ,, " . JI J • ' ( 11 • ' " . " . ; .. I• n 100 nv II or • ' ., .. ' " . •• •• " . "' ,., '" " . " . '" ". '" ". •• " . '" ~ " ,. " • .. " . •• • '" " Jl • ' • • • ~· • + • )i • ' " " .. " 11/ • 1 M 1 -) " " , '• 11'!Hl ,, ?6 ~\, • • . " ' aQ ? 71 .0 l! • 11 • 1 1 I) , " " -Er- " " " .. • '" •• ,, . " ' ' • . ' . " . ~ ' • .,, • " " • " ... " ,. • ,, . " " ' '-" " ' • " ' < " • ' .. , " ' '" .. " " ?ti, II l-• l' . • 1, •• " • " " . " . ,, . ' . " " . '. " . ' _, " . " ' • " ,. ' ' '" ' ' ' -'" • " . •• • " " • • ' Yi•~·· '" • \~ • 1, ,. .. -+ • ? • 7• • ,, l1 ' ' ' •! •! ,, • ?• _, ' "' " • . " 11 ]• 1 1" • 1 1' ?\ . " ' .. ' " 111 n · ' •O>, 11 u • • • •1 • 1 ' l• 1r.o '' \I 34 ~J •} ?•1 !l 1 1~ h • • l/. " ' 16 ?O JC! 19 •l •I o 11 )} I•) ll'• 11 11 )SQ •)l . ' . " ' " JOH JI J lO , I 1l ' 11. ?• J1 ?! I& J] ' )\9 71 • 111 Sl 21' 10 \I 90 Ii ' " ' " •1 10 • 10 I) ?j " 11. ' 1l JJ L. 1• 1• ~ 19 , It) I'• )~ • :lo'• <I <I 71 11 ·~ ' '1 ' I 11 .1~.-~ •' •) .. 1 • ,. ?l 7• + ... , " ·~ ' •I . " ,j ~ ' M , 19 11 I~ I •I ' " ' ' '• 71 . u . ' JI Jl , ~,,, 71 7l 7l • -t 10 1 II , -11 ,, • ~I , 11 , ~ 1 • Jt 11 0 o IO o 11 , n , 1• • I ?1 • ?! • l7 • ll 71 • 7} , 5J IO J-1 \1-•I ' eo 6~'• -"• • ' J.61 ~ J(I I lQ o 4 , . ~ B lY 1 ~ ~, " i 71 ? .. 1 0 • ' 11 " . ,. o JI J5 1\0 I• }• . ,, ~ '' ii 10 g; .,, " 111 .i ' ., S I• " JS -J " " " ., .. ,. 19 '~" •• 1?1 I ?' 7(l0 n • 11 1 6 .i •• " " . " . •• mi 11 • 1! ~l ~ \~ l• 1l 1 J l .. " ,, ;e 11 l1 •• '" ,; \ . • I~' l t , ' l• \ ',O 11 ' l• 111 71 1• 1'1 <!" ' ll!•0 1J~ -G- • " " " " . • • " . " . " '" '" ' '" • • " ' ;: • M so '" ' , ' ,, 1• • .. " ?J ' " 1'/Sl•l•• •l•t ?• 16 11 I 1 I ' -1 ~· ~!· 1~· -' •••• t,_ ,. u . • • ii•. ~ 1 IQ o 0 , .~~11 19"' "" •5 •l "' ~IJ•J ,V., 1 •• •• •I I • 11 o I• , 11 ~ ~a -. ii ~· • 91 JI l • o J>'o lfl 11 ,. ~ ?~ "' ~I ~~ • &II 11 • u u,~ "' ". /~· \\ 1~ •• lo '" ~1 :111, )61 4 ' " ' •I • •S , •! , J~ l'l Jl o 4 \ .. , 60 l>!t /)II .. 1 • • ' ll n n, )I 1 I 1 st lo so~-1 • n , 19 11! ?• ?J o 1• • 11 ll 11 o I] 1 ?••I •S •••-l H 8J It II 1 10 ,13 ,1&. ~ lll l••· l• l• • -l•l •l •l . J17Q u 17 . 11 ~ ,_ 1'71 •71 71 " I~ 9\1 11 ~ 19 , " 10 " ?~ ?I 1)0 11 I 11 , + I J •~ 1 o•, 10 6' 611\1 1 •• ' •t " 1$1• l• • l&l ~· 11 • • I< 11 1l 1) 11 • 111 JS '" 7'I \/. l• 51, • .,~ .. JI. •S ... • '" 71•• " . ' " 1 1 n , •• ~1 11 • ]('>! ?• 1 . ' l~I o " " 11 " ' ' 1~ p j • ll I! .. . I 0 '1 ' 10• 1• . ' 1J l• ' .. ?11 ., ' 6 ' 1• • ~o •a ' . " 11 I~ o I JI • JI 11 I Oil !' ., • l\ • 16 0 I 111 )I I IJ o H•• l' a• 7~ ' ' ' JOJ 11 , " . I 0 &O 10• )6 6 lOJ ' " • 6J • '' n , ·" "' ,. • • " " .. • , " " " ... • " . •' . '". " " " " ". '" " "'• " n " " " " " " • , .. \~) . ' " " -H-1- • 31'• JI. • J•l loll'• .. 0 I] o 11 u 71 ?1 ?{I II I ~Jl00,:11 ' .. 7'l 1! ' ll l lS 1 l ! 11n:~6 : ~t 19 19 • 1? l• l• .. 2l l1 1 ~ ~ I' . ' . I I I 18 o 11 ISh 11 ~· 711• 17 ,, J) ,.., ~· !J 11 • Jin 1• 11 , 616 l'O 101, 110 11 11 I X' o 70 .. 11. "' I) l>o I > 1 I l , 1• :l1 . 11 • ?J ' n• 1 1 JI Jl•o 1~ 101 tO? I )• :» ~ )I 1 iJ & I• 11 131 1 I ll n 1 "' • " 1• 11 • 1• 1l'l " • 11 16'1.1 .JOl l• JC) ~' ' ll I )J • 1\ 1111l •n l l 1 •6 • ],. JI )I l •1 " ~ '~ I• 1> )J ! " I •t l .. ·~ " Ul ~110< 11 > • I ~' n .,. 1• , ,, .. ., < • 11 •r ' ' .. " • " . .. -. "' . . " JI ' ~ ~ -... " ,,. ,. '" " ' ..... ~ '" " ., ' " ". '" "' " •• " ' ' " " " " " 1\\o It" '" " . " . .. '~ • • . ' ,, .. • " . 15) -•• " " . , .. " "' • ,,. " .. " " " " • " '" if,. • ., • •• '~ ,• ' ' ' • ll -l1 l' • -,, ~ --11 • \ " ' " " ' •• ~ ' IS ~ ~ 4 31 o I 0 • l@lo ~ •• ... j; ' ~ l: ' . . '• 11 • '• 13;, -• 71 • lo )6l -·· 11" ... • 7l • -'• 19 •• i.., " j "' l'O -•• 16 . .. /\, ... .. ,, ... \,,, " " " ' " ' 1~~ • 1 .... Oil 11\ 11 ' '· 1' ~I •6 , I• " h 11•, -'• l l ,,, ,. ' 1l '-· ' . !U.. 1 " •• 1• • ' 1· " . .,. .. c "' ... ". • ,, .. ,, !1 :: I • '• f' •• 11. \Jh . I ,. I I I I ·-------------------------------------·------------------------------------------~~-----..,....-------- Wednesday's Closing .... .. -----------· Ol*.I Nl1ll Lt'll C ~M <•1 -HI-STDa LEADERS 111.-lol M m"' ·~"" '"'" .... '"""' "·~ ""' l~:jg SS n ~ • ,. !GS 0 uo " '" 121 . • fl • "" " 2#2 21~ ,, • ld I 1 11\o •l s• it ~ 1 34>. ).I\:. 13' ).I l )J\.o !Jl ·~c 1;\ ... S01l 1 1 ' lf ' JI > I ' 1 !t " 11 ,, 71 (I • ' • 2 ll o :U o -N- "I ,. ' " " .. ' ' " " " .. n " " " ,. ~ " *' "' " n• ". " •110 • tJ~ "' •• ' '" " ~ •• "" .. M !\., • "' ' '" ". '" u • .: '"' . "" ,. " ~ tJ 3' H~ ,. . " Prices-Complete New York ••t.• INl.I 1411~ low •••11 ....................................................... 1 c1o .. c 111 ' . . '~ . ". i'" ~' .. " 7ri p~ TI ~~ JI' 1: ,~· ll . ~ IJ ~ +\lo '. . \~ flt: ! ~ u ~ 1'1\la.., ' 1' -• • ' 1 .. •• u " u• ... 41 • ~ .i.. .. " e ,. , . I -'°"" •• -11 • .. 16 1 114•+ 67 ... • , • .. + -S- JOJ 71o 1•~ 6l l!o "• 10 ' .. 11 • ~; !, ~ ~:: li71'll o ~J ~l ~ ~·". ,~ ]I • ' .. ""' .... , ll•·,1·. .so 1n, ~ ~ .J 41 'lJ 1• 1• • 111S)o ~ 11 I I o n~ ~,,. = 11• ,. • • ' " ,. :n .. 711 l • ' " ' ' . 61 l • l• ,· lh 3011 ,. '~:·~:· .. •• ll • l 9Q ' • ' ' . . 11 :JT I Jl>O IJ)lt .... "'I'''' lS l :)6>.4 '" 61 • ,, lSI JD 'lll !7 JJ J Jl ''> • 76 l l l~ ! .5011 I l-i ' JI • Jl ,, '8 1 7 ?J o ll • !' " .l t Sl t i lb '.U~ l ' " ' ' I , f/'29lo • 51 16 l l• • li • II •S O•o •t f ' ~I ll~ ,., .. h 71 J •• ··~ I 1''• :It o • ).j 3J • 106 ~-Jt .. I I t• I ti ••• .. . • 1• • " . l ?10... ' " n i• s i; ; ,.l Jl HJ '6 rl ;ri. u ... '°' ' . Profit Taking Nips 2 Strong Advances NEW YORK (UPI) -Stock market averages f1n1shed m both direct.ons Wednesday as profit taking restrained d e m a n d alter two stro ng advances Shortly before the close the UPI marke-tw1de 1nd1cator was up 0 37 percent on l 605 issues cross 1.ng the tape There were 607 g1ms and 589 losses The Dow Jone s average of 30 blue chip 1ndus tnals wa s off 2 70 at 829 73 near the close Volume approached 15 000 shares versus more thin 19 000 shares at a comparable penod Tuesday Among the most active issues v. ere Sunbeam Corp on lh e strength of an early block of 411 700 shares \\luch changed hands at 27 1n a cross trans action Lum s Inc which moved to the big board \Vedne sday from the over the cou nter market and Gulf 01! \Vh1 ch traded an early bloc k of 100 000 shares at 33 3/4 v. ere o!i 1/8 i\l so heavily tra ded \\e1e Xerox SC~I Corp Goodyear and Po!aro1d Electroni cs \Vtth a nun1be1 higher '\ere moving 1n point plus bolh d1rect1on s po1nt1ng of S\Yl ngers A1rhnes rails and aircrafts generally traded 1n fraction s and on bolh side s of pre\ 1ous sessions Chemicals "ere on the \Veak side and motors 1noved 1n s1nall ranges whil e steels Oils and co ngl 01nerates \I ere mixed Prices \Vere firm on the American Stock Ex change 1n bnsk turnover Vl1dnt$d11 0~1.0btr 15 19'~ 11 Stock Exchange List To £1 d •D l•~o N• l d v na l•"PIE' 1 Tond Co" T IPP1n(a 0 "'""" n T"" an ' l f .a ... l o.01 a!lSG T~\fd ll•P • lomple 11 7S Tonnno 1 l1 T enn•t all ;o l••l(O 60 looET II 00 TeoG••l •I TooG• pf Sil T• G~ul 60 11x•1 Ind l b Tt•u 1 liO l e•O G• 01 l 1•i> ld •St le~U 11 l t• on •o Tt•"PI" l •• n P •0 T~o•o .o /\ftmBo 01 Tl\o.., M •O T~ tvO IQ l 'nt ~ l •Oo ~"' "" 1-------------Ula.I "'• .... C .... (kl " " ' " ,. " " ' . ' " " ' 710 I ~· . J H I • • •1 20 l I JS • )J t7 llt J •• l) ll l l ' " ll! 17 l1 JJ loll) JJ I '~ ~. ' " U6 JG 1} ~~ 1. :f • • • "° •• l Co1nplete Closing Prices -An1erica11 Stock Exchange Li~t 51 eo 1""'1 IH ... -A II- " 0. 11 I~ ~ l ~ l I 1 I• I • ~ o ' 11\t . " II l .. ' " 7 I 11 ll •I ~~ 1~ • 1)01 " ' ' ' . " " 111 n , 1lJ 4Ii: ' ' 0 " • 11 ' ' ! • I ) lJ71 '>7l •, ., 0 • 10 I 11•1 1' ' lt 1 1 • 11 11 .n~ 11 I , J ' • 6'• • ' ' ! ' 10 ~ I s l •'lo 00 l4 S• ~ 1,. l:. ~ 1! t 11 ; I J t l ,, I ... 1 "' • u .. ~ 4'11 11 ~ ~ J~ IOo 'ri 3: I r: 11 »'• l t • ' . . l 1~. 0 . I I ,. f'' *' , .. 1 ... • u . • • 1~ ,.. 4 ~ .51!> rJ" I •o ~ •,·· ~ • " l . ',J '''' : J ! '~ l' f ' I i u ' '~ 6 ,,, m: ~:H ·ri . • 1 11~ " • ~ ~ " • 'l! • • .. ' ' ' "' " ,. " ,. ' • ' • ' • ' " • • • " " • ' " . ~· • " • • • : ~i " 90 Jl " " . " u ' . ~ Ir • • • 3' ' ~ .. H 71 . ' J\ l ! ~ •• ' " . ;,: ~, IJ ' " "' ~] ,, " ' • • ' " ' ' " • " .. • •• ' '"' ~ ~ '" . 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'Pl "'l'11, P!S 1Jl•1 1rt 1~• I~ ,1 lj" 1~: u • • ~ B i~ • 1f.? 1lOll lS :W ~ w. ,, .. " l" " . I 1t l~'t l 11 11 11•l Ji 1"1 1 ?f'1 '" " . ~ ti"" Jla ll ~ ~ ~ . J I• ' I U t : '~~ ' .. .. " I ... '" " .~. . " .. ' .. ' .. . " " ' ' , ' f:: ~ J . " ) . -. ~. . ,. ' ,.. ' '" ~.-' . " ". 10 , .... 1~. -• !J I -1 ~ " ~~!ti " ' l •h t • • • • •• a 11 7'-l-1 ~' fl ' ' ... 1\1t 6 i i :::r l1 •• ,~. n,_ 1 !D • t 1 ?t~i-1' !'''''~+ 4 U U.I U o- JO • • ' l 11 7 ... , .. -OJ l/"o )6 O ii I -1 ,,, .... ! • 3 1 11> J ) t l 6 • • .. 1t I lo 6 ti Ol .)8 )31- l• I I .. '' t t JI 1 .1 , ... IJ?l)~l'" ''I u .. + ) l JI • 11 I JI !I Sol .... Jlo -'1~ 1'Cl:ll llo•1J1 +•-"''•1l ,,_ •lJ llo .ll't -~o II 't )f 1 lt -• 10 1 ''''t ' 66 1 1 I o ,,, ,,,,.\+?. ' I ! 1 f o -11 1 •• l ltl -t• t>, fl 11•- ' )O G 1tl - ;) Ill \.n,J ~,..'~,.'; l JO JI I :I' ' l J l • t 00 0 1 10 Jtl H ?1 1 l l 1111 .r>o + i • • • + 1l '.>1•l • • t I " I l ) l 1 , 1-1 t 1 •• II 1 + ...... • • ,.\ " •• 0 • ' ' " ~•t i ' ~. l, -11.t I t • • '" '" t ' ?I ) ' -... ••~JO ll •j 1 I I T' • l]J 30,1, > ~ 7r ; t1'• 1 l u ... I t f fJ 01 11 1) l7 1 t s• n. n n .-.... S ji, I 1 \-J~ :: :~ l: 1 JI JI l6 -1 I H U > I 10 to - 10 1 II•- ' o I o t o lei • lO o JO o + OS tl•S o 611 •11•''•+ 3 li: ?! .. ?!!+. nl"1 lr<1o1t •+• 11 ...... ,_ llS 71 1'111> 1 o +I '60 110 ... 10. ~: J ... ~ :; ::: II l ll\U.o t > 3'11 •·11 • l I I• .,+ s ,. lJ) 1J\~- !6 I t I"'" t nJ ~· '°. ':·t lf 14 I• lf I f7fo?t l"•-• "11•, 1 11\-31 20 ' lt '>+ IU .. t M II -1 ••••••• .aS 11 0 U•l? ' 3'.' • • ·~· ~l l:r, n "" 1 ' 1 • 1 ! 10 • 11 1 j; I fl\ + • 11l •2l l'll•-· 1'11 1 11••1 +·· ,.,,,,,_ .. "' . . . . ri )tM! ?t: ~ t : H It lt••, >O 1• ........ ~ t " ,.,...,,,.,...,1, llf :'. 1: 1r ... , • I IJ ' II J '> + '• 1j j J •J • Ult olo -• •1l~tl2?\t Jl j f ot\'i tl l I ' • -;1 :~. " . l' ');! • " • .. .~ .. ' • • ' ' • • ,l~ ' "' .. " :t·: .. ... ,.. '"' ! .. . "' " " 4 ~: ::1 " " 1ll +> ~ _,. IG"-lO'o I 1 f !Jo -IJ IS • II\ '4 1 -\lol)O-• IS t 1µ,, ... •1 " • tt'i t .. u•, '"', • l •• " ,,. --f I f ~ I 1>1• 0 • t ·~--­!l • S"•+\'! 1 • , ' ----···-------------~------~---,-----.,....,..,.~~--- ... ._ DAI L V PI LOT \Vtdl\!~d.iy OtU•blr l'i. 1%1\1 ~----------- ~T l1P lltnuniinns' It's Co11ti11Ltation, Not Sec!t1 el Fil111 Bv ll(ll\ T ll0~1AS l.lHL.-E, l!a11a11 1A l1 \ '"Thal ':. 111 1' i.:t,1r1tltl.:iddy hang- ing O\'t'r 11ie f 1 r r fl I ;1 c I' . ' ' !'t•1n;irkCil C!'1;1rlt1111 l lc~ltJn, pnint111g <tl 111r 011 pnr1 n11t. ··1rs ~ll!JIX.1.-cd 1v be Hti:hard H:11·ris. h11! I ~ "•'111 to d1·tcct a ~11gl11 rr.,t'111bl:1111.:c lo IJ;1rr) J l'_ Zanu1 h. ·• Jle~IOn 11:1... 11 .. 11 Ill~ ;1 Jlolh•11 ood 11~1111r ;iboul !hr l•eni\1·rg 111111:,1· •• 1 rl·1n:1rh.oiblt· tl irf}11 U<Lt'k h1 llu• ~ug,1r pliu1- l;1t1on rr;1 of t 11· 1-.tancl nf l\a11ai. Tl11.~ '·' lh1' 111anur hi \\!up .''\u).11 vnh. 11l101n llt•:.llH1 portr:l} ~ 1n · Thr H;i11 :iu;in~. ·• ..,.1 scqut·l-0011~-t·i 1n1 111u;i11on of lhe Ja111rs :\l!l·hc11cr ~age of '.~"l lav.·:iii .·' ~. The J\hrisch peo11lr. 1\ho arr :·.;1r::1ducini; ''Thi· Jl;111a1 1an~.·· •bristle a l anv 111c111ion of a sr- t 1uel, arg111r1i: tllnl tlic new K ~iua i t:i llhn !he 11HlJUr por- 11(111 of th<' nio111e. lntlud ed in thl' burnin~ nf t/1t' Honolulu Ch1na101vn. fur 11·h1ch a S:JOO,!XXI rt'produc:Hon has been built. "The riln1ing has been R01ng r1111lr smooth I~, and that's guutl." c~pou11dcd r.11ic veteran lll'slon . lie explained lh:it he \1 ;1.s inlenS<'ly interested in the ('f f1eil'ncy or big-butlgcl pro-- ductiuns. ;incl 11Jt lllf'rrly hrcau~f' he 1s pr<'s1dcnt of lhc Sen:f'n Atlurs Guild. "I! ·s 11111)('Jrlant fur an aetor not to br associated \l't1h big J1JSt'r~:· ht> sa id . •·\\'hen you 're 1n a p1c1ure that is budgeted :i1 i 1 • nii!lion and cuines in al nine or JO. thal me:.ins a h~·llu1·a lvl of diflen.>nt•e 1n 11·bal you ha1·c to bring 1n ;1l l11c bux office. Ta pay otf a 7 1 ~ 1nillion picture requires a I~ indlion grvss, and I can tell 1 ou !ht•re arc d<t111n few pie· ·lurrs that dr~w 15 niill ion. Tlte Boili119 Point f{. 1.-. Stcvl'11i,o n (left) I urns nn h is aged father IRohci:~ \V ~t~lz) i.n this c!1mac:«lc ·"ccnc fron1 1lH' <lr ;1Jnri ··r Never San,~ for f\1y f'athcr. g iving it s clos 1n ~ per· forn1anccs tonight through Saturday al the Lagunn-i\roulton Playhouse 111 La - guna Beach. Fili-SOUTH COAST ~::~L PLAZA THEATRI! 0 It s tu a: e CCillPNllllN S•n Die&O FrttwiJ al Biistol • 546-271 l '.f .B.' 1st U OPEN 6 ,45-SHOW STARTS 7 P.M.' For OCC If Winner .. J . " .... A "" ;i,, 'd 3 Acade, .. ,,.JJlY Awards r.!a c Le is h's n1odern ~ "" dramatization or lhe book or BEST ACTRESS -Katharine Hepburn Job, will be the fi r~l pro· '" duction or the season ror the 1 WINNER-"BEST PICTURE~~.!.~~ .. ~,~~~~ Orange Coast College drarn:i ~~(__Lf\iNt.-.N1,o.vcorMwro1LM depactmrnt. opemng Ott. 22 p-.o:TER ~ VA'JHARINE for £our evenings I ~ l' nl" The pl<1y \\'ill I>!'. ~l:.i,i:cd in OLE HEPBURN '"• ace '°"""''""' "' "'' O'TO ·'"""'""" each evening. e.~tept for open-LION IN WINTER -ing night 1vhen the. curt<1in will lHE I' ~~~~,~·~·~::io"Y<~ii rise a hall hour early to RESERVED SEATS HOW AT IOX OFFICE OR BY MAil! ""rn1it a syn1posium on the 1i 1 s. "~1 $t ~ I I~ClUSIYC ORAtlGE 11,1111 "" "'° 01 s.. t•'"""" ,.,,,.to. · p I a y fo 11 0 w I n ~ t 1 e COU NTY RESERVIO ~·I Oolwl"" '"'''I "''"'"" I--• .... c-llJ-lt1·11'1 performa nce. I SEAT INGAGEMINT ., IH 111 no1 ,., ,. .. """" 1i1v1wo1 11''"' 111"""" pa rt i c i pa t i n g in the ALSO tl1scussio11 on stage \\'ill be "THE PRODUCERS" director Bill Purk iss, 11!.!WI\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ head or the OCC tlran1a departn1cnt. and g u r s t s ~1ich<iel Finnegan, 0 CC English instructor; J e r r Y Pickering, drama instructor at Cal Stall' Fullerton, ;ind the Ttev. Ed1vard Allen. ca111pus interfaith chapl;iin aL UC , Irvine. 1 ido NIW,0 11 l [A(H -•I ••• •"''""'" •• ••~•Ion lHlo h lo -or. J-1310 Don't Miss This Exclusive Double Action Show :-illrn is p;irl of the c:o111inuin~ ~Hwy th:11 was l1rst f1ln1cd 11illl Julie 1\11tl rcw.~ .. \l;1x \1011 '1)ylow and Hic·h:1 rd llarris a~ :~tars. "·Jlaw:i11" depicted tlic :. (jvent or the 111issionarir-., ·''The 1!~111:iiians" CO\'f:'rs !lie "Anr.l if you <ire the sl<ir of :t --------------------------------------picture lha t lays a big bon1 h. Playlng the ce111n~l rol e or .J .B ., a pro s p erou s businessman who I o s e s everything he possesses. \\'ill be Alci.:ander Golson or Costa i\·lesa. llis \\'ire. Sarah. will be ' portrayed by Macve Robinso n of Ne11'porl Beach . I 1'.11!.0T•-- ' . . • Clunrsc 1n1n11gration. : Thus llcston is por\ra~•ing 1hr grandson of sc:i captain : narer Nnxv•or!h. II ho "';ts , llarris in the !1r5t lil 111 the : por1r:.i1l rt' s c 111 h I a n 1: r In t Zanuck 1:-: rxphl·:iblc. Thi· ; l.<:cnh<'ri: h.)11.~r 11·as a happy • fin r1 for the llo'\11 orth hc<td· i ou ;1rl1-rs : 1! 11,t ~ literally 1i:.if'kc1I ou! uf the Jungle "The t;1nulv lh.Jt u11nt•d 1t ,11 :1s u11belil•1;1hll• r11·h ,'' ~:rid lle~lon. "Thr\· 1! 1 st' .-1 r cl t' d ho11 .. 1·~ lhr.1 ;1:1_\ -.u:11r uf 11s lhrnw ;111;1y 111(1 ~1111• COl!H' ~1·c 1h1' ·· l\1· ~llu11cd Iii(· 1 1~11or .; ,1 r h 1n1nl'_v l'u1·crril " 11 .111 g11:1rl1·11 I UH' ~ll'lll'i , 'Thi· j_ti;, 11holr hou ... c 11 ;i~ .<u t:O\t·r·rd. -'F;inr! 11 h:td ht'cn 1·iri.;01!rn hy ~j ;ilrnn~t C ll,'l'~on~· hul :J tnvr v Ji! 11f h:ppt(·~. 11 110 !i;ir! ~ct lip ~ huusrk1'c'p1ng 111 11 Thr I l/l{'.'o ;11)ri h1p p1t'S \\'Cf r rxprllr1I. i11H I H'! decor;it ors ~ J11/>lallc11 ::o !vns 11! f11rn1sh1ni:~ ~~~i1npor1ed r r o 111 l l111!.1·11fHul ;~.\f!rr fnt1r 11 c•1 :.,.., 1111 ~!<1\11 . th•· .. ~1 1ri·rh , "1 1111.1111 1n1111·i! tf'! Elvis •I 0 110 11 S tiOlO: -(•y , '"""'' ~,.e •""" •••n ., '" ''" ''"""" •r~ _ ~" ~·~ .,.,,. > "'" "" ·~·•" Il e -0 ., wdh I"'' "'; ('"" o• ~D~I'""~' • !'r ~ '·'~"' •• r• I'• •.1n· .. no """1' ,,,.,,., • ,..;1<,~"•I•• '" I•·, •T JO -•n~ ~ •,• "' .en ... ,,., "'"" , " < i J;y ,\l,\l!Y C:\\ll'llELL ( L.\S \'El,1\S 1Al'1 -!.'.:hi<;, i l'rr•:)r.> i;;H1;1 1rrt·!I nn 111 the thnt's when your tollur gets tight. The bank ers start saying, ·oh. yes. he's Uir. guy in the picture that lost all Lh<it n1oncy.'" It appears lhat ' ' T h r I l<twaiians' 1s avoiding 1\\r rrror" and excesses that push- ed "ll<11raii" lar 01·er budgrt .autl thre;ilcned to 11-rcck ihc .\1insch 1n1•cstrncnt. In thr end. t!1e vasl popularit} (I f Ul1' 1\l1chcncr n:i1·l'.I and of ~\1 1.,s :\ndre '.4.S gal'{' "flawa11 " ;1 SZ.-l 1nilli11n gros~. drspi!c cri!ir.a ! pann1ngs. l!cn<·c !hf' seq11cl 1·011l1nual101L Directing tllr nt·w lil1n 1~ !u11gh-n11nded, uu!spol;cn TV 1•etcra11 Torn Gries. 1vhn prc1ious!.v il1reclCd llr st!111 111 "\\'di Penny " <•nd "Nu1ntJ1·r Onr .'' Bare chr~ted "'ilh ~ha1·­ rd hr.ad, hc was ovcr~eein:.: a ~tene Jn thl' re•tr of !he llo:-.- wor1h ho11)r· t1•1th Chint''!' t:ic;1uty Ti11<1 Chr :11111 J<1p1111r~1' a::-tnr i\l:iko, Osr;ir nn1nu1L'!~ lrw "The i'\;1nd Pebbles.'' Thc.v partr,1.1· thr rnunlirrs nf ;i tin;1nr1<1I dyn;i.>ly 11[ Clunc~c J/a11·au;1n:; . tJ1~ sta~c In !he bir.: h1 111·t ~huwr1.10111, <i i:nn r11r111ng ;1 11d i:;o1ng, ~la i;r hglil' rcllrtling lrnm ;ill 1hc d1;unonds 111 hi s 11 Id'..' •.1 (•dding rinic lie lt;idp t br.rn Hl fr11n1 nf (I lhc au dience 1n r ight yl':ir.; f)Olckrd with 1no1·1cn1<1klnf:, Cross,vord Puzzle ' I I • I' l d I 'I ' '" ,,, . r-··h ~ l /I f.,," rr· · ·• ·~ l hr 1'•· •lr ""~\~r-- 41' f,(111 hr ~,.,,,.,• f1tCl'S'>t'V l J • " .o , ,. ~ ' -,. " J8 ' " .. Ii I ' ,. " " '" " ll • " " ~ ~1 c~r1~.,, !•~!>')" 11 I '? ~'>~ilr -, ~ ~ \'Ir,,, I" 11 "' ' .... ,d; '', t .11" u!~r ,·nnr~v,~· -l ': \',,; II I ~"''' /\~~· f: f! I' I .•1 ·' ' .,· P 11 , tl 11 t • l H: riv -· (.' '" <;f ;1!< "' ,T t . ) '·' .~rl ' • ,,.,. "'· . i -, " "•"!" ' ,, :iv ' +• 'II , Ir•,. 'l I "• I ''!!; \ ,> i,IH!'I '\ Prrr~•t ~ I ~"'' 7'0 he ~ DO.'.'"! ; r .. ~., ... { ~I< ·•II ' '·1" 1 c.~:dorr• ~ ~ .. 111'1" ... , I Lr .n 1.,·11 ' A· k Ii T •I + ~'' o ll+r rr ; \', ... ,, uu(.r ~i•n ~ '''"<:!\'~"',. 3 ' T l•r E " ""d"" ~11t l101 's • " " " . , ,, " " l " ' ,, JO ,, •• ,, "' so l l ' " ., ' ' •. " ' , " . ·' ... ! -. ': '' "' ' • 1' . ' . · .. ; . '· ,, 1t f I 'f ~ I - . -.11 '1 f''~ ' I~ Hr 1 I •, 111r C11, '" l j ~., .. '., (,,, ·~·~ IS l!1 ',IJ ••, ·, •, ll Trr• ('> ~1 n~rr ~1 ~'.rrrl1~·oil «t ('/ M ·!~" • ;. + .1llr P l•• ' ~, 0 1 ·.l~;!·~· ·,1 T 1r r1~~:•1r• )3 r~r .,1111 • llM"" 3~ l 11>0t'• "\ B•o1"1_s )Ii 1"1.l<J" J7 s1 ~11 1v n •g~\•Vf 1a r orm•1 (.!~ '9 ~'t'll 111ad~ '3 USU Of RC.IJ ' , ., ' " . ,· 16 ' -.,,,., " " ·~ • " ,•(' " " ~\. " " ... ,_ ,, S• ' 6J .. .. " ' ll ' lS ' 1: 15 l1 /,~ '.it rt' fl ~ii I·" .... - ~ .• • I 'I ·I ' ' -"' ' ~i: R"•r •: . rr" (., •1 '<'ori•it r 1 ~' r·. !i ei.-·,, 1r · ... p <.I ;.!111 ~ •1•nr "t )b [.IPv~l•M 1l 1f11 l,l' !Ori ')/ \,eur••I r!l rt~!•c·1 ~1\ Car~I"··· )'• ·-·-r-11·~· t.O ".ov• hr"' r,I" r 111 r l~[P b?lla~r. ~t•nf!~ql r,1tl • i)UI ~· ~4 r.~1pl r ')t !lll<. &6 Cll•rr fer !ht tcrc~ti l)I bO lnstr um t nL I 11for rn a I h~ Lrni;th 11n 1I " " ' " - 1;: ~jj i.:'•:,P . ' ·, . SS " " . l(o11it's 'ln<liat1 s' l1111}re ss ive BiilE J dE OUR C)' .l,\CI\ (;\\/ER NF.\V YOl!I\ tl,"J'l l -The rnnd11ay St';l~nn r1n;:i l!y .ic- quircd a ~p1ntcd and e11gn1~s­ ing dran1.1 l\lond<Jy nigh t 11 11h !hr. prc:::rni:i1lon ol Arthur l\opi!'~ "Indian~·· ;1\ the Brooks At~1n:o.on Then!cr ll 1s ;·1 pre~{'1 11:it it1n nf f'~­ lr;n•;i~;u1z;i propur!Juc" 1h«t P~p!•r11y <'(llllhi!l<'~ 111 it 11 ,\' l'l('incnl~ nl ll1<'<1lrr tJndrr lilr 'lll"I' rl1rcct1v11 11! t: enc Vrankrl. "J11d1an," nl~u f111;1llv 1111·1i, 1hr spolli1~ll! hilly on 1e1·s;1t1le S1;1cy l\c;1cll. wllo cn1crge~ ;i~ ;1 ~:t a r· On thr :-:11rf:u·f· lhr pl;1y i" :111 ironic ~l;ile111cnl •if 11 hr1! !he 11i1l1e 111:111 did l<1 I h c A1nrr1 ra11 lnd i;111 in !;1J;in.~ •11·er rh1s toun1r1·. 011r h;i~ tu ht•!1C\'f' th:it Kojiit l!lltnd~ !11' i11tl1c!n1c111 !n ;1pply to :ill rlhn1c 1n1u~t1re~. ;inti h(• ~i11(l 1;1lt'1 hi' w:i<> 11nr- nctl "l1ethr r l!i.'i1p)~· 11011Jd )II,•• 11111) or f111<1 h 1111 tliill'!I. Th r ;i11· dicnt1· 11 as 11·1111tl('1·1ng 11 !11 .. v 11 rrr ~0111i; H1 ~re lhr "11Jd Eh 1h" or .-;(1n1t·th1n~ 11~11, Th r) ~;:1y the ''uld Cll 1 ~ ... "r 11r;irl.r. II<' iv.is sli11)111er, a( J !, 111(' bah.11 f:1l gont•. 11Taring ,1 11:11·.11 suit cu t like u karate 11nilorm. nut ~1~ lonl;r(l a ~ ~oung <IS r.~cr, ancl h:inds<1111i:o Iii.~ hrull'n h;11r, ~.1ul l" hr i:ray1n~. 11 ,1" d) eel blur-hl!lrk .ind c·ut 1•1 a rnod1 f1Cit l1<tn .. r 1!1(' 111<1 rJa th1.1 1I. :ind h:: -.11 11 l11"i,l·d l1 ~.1· iu 'd hr ttl•ll 1' ;11 hun1c dn·. tni,: a 1r11rl; Ill.in do1 ns ~01111·ti1111~ i.1n,·1 Th t'\' al-11 hr;1rd 111• 'nJ,j 1.11.,· -(''(f'l'Jll 11i:i1 h<· \\;p, p1.111r.11ncing ht' l'.••/,1, 11l;1111r ,.nd f••f ~!'I ll" ff',1'1111 II II.I'> r11<1rr nn11t r-:il1h• lh.il ht' 11.t<I .1 plr~1o;111g 11 )11'r '·HJ.LE Sl E ll!': SltoES'' 111~ ~tr.ill Jn ("llhr 'l.1;::r 1·n111plrtrd. 11·11111!111 l;111l;1rr nr 11lt1!"lfJ1J\'[H111 'llill('h11fiv l1a11d. ··:I h11n :in <l('!J1 1~11 <· g1111.1r l!c ·'l '111d 11•111! 11 ;i (i ·w ~ctn11d,,, l~J\ini.; the c11 ui 1<'nrr n1urr l1n1c lri ll'Unrl:or 11 l1a 1 11 11;.is gri init to hear. Th en he ~t:1rlrd lo sing -one of the tx's! J;nnwn of the r.ld nncs -"lllue Svf'de ~hnr.s·· -;ind n i:;ht on int<1 1norr nf !hr ~1,ni::~ he matlc l11t.;: Ill th•· l,-iOs . "LO\'C ~'!!· Trnclrr.'' "1A1n·1 Rr ('ruc1.'' 'llrnrlhrr:ik 1/nlrl," ''A I I Shnok L'r.'' "J;11lhn11sc floe);.'' And ht• r11d ll'h;c! hr al1\'<l)'S tl ul ll'hrn ht" -.;int: 1ho."c son.cs 1n lhf' -~ .... : hr )>hnnk <ill 01·cr. ll'l!h :i rhy1 hn111·. 1 iolc nt vibra- 111111 Ile rot:i1rd his rirll'i.~ cind h1.~ gui1ar. Hr 11rnt !ln11n Qn 1111r J;n ~r. fl t1hrr111~l.v cuddlrd arn11nd lh r J.:lli!ar. Hr Jrrkrd and k1C'krrt h1~ lrft lrg . lle p11nc111atcd thr t!11;d no!t· of ~ .~ong b~· gi1·ing lhr J;"llilar ;i big .~idcway!I l11tli;!(' K!v1s' h;irln't rh:i11i:rd nHJ!'h !l11! hi s a11dicnrr h11l1 (•hanged a lol . Mo.~t of thc1n "'rre old rnnugh to h:nr hal ri/ him IJ year~ a.1to. tlnd snmr rif lhcn1 atlmill cd lh11t P1ry had . Now. !hey .1 pplaudf'd "'tldly ;is r.arh snn,i: st,1rl('d ancl mnrc :it lhr rnd. \\"otnf'11 r11shr.I 111 ~tagcs1dc. tnok off l!lOIC'S and halfshris ;uul h;1nrlrd lhr1n uri 10 El\'i.~ 10 "'IX' ht~ ·""'''a11· lnrrht";1d -ant i l'i£"rr:11ne1t 11 h~n he 1!ul In IQ.'1'i, 1h•· 11·ar l 're~)"I' burst 111 111 puhl lt' nollr r. 11;. was called "f:h 1., !hr Jlrfl 1s " Hr rn11ld 111."J hair hr·cn t·all•'rl 111r f!llhrr nl roe~ ·n' r11ll :11111 1hc d,\·ru1nuH·1 nf lhc ~rnrra· The people, protagonist, is Buff;ilo nr <ill Bill-Col. \~'1!1i:irn Cr,rly. A~ thr grl't1l huffaln hunter, f'1nplnycil by the r;ul roads to slaughtrr lhc hisnn In ff'Cd the 111cn lavin);' lhe rails across th,. \\'e.~lern nlain<;, he rcali~c~ that he h:i" h;1tl 1nuch lo dn with n1:.i k1n~ 1t i1npu.~~1blr for lhe lnd1 11 n~ l•i l11·c nff the land. ! le tries 1n gl'( the guvernn1cnt to takf' proprr care nf the lnl!1ans ;.inti dOP.<:11 l h:.ive 111ucl1 SUl'l'r,S. 1'hal is !ht• skck·ton of 1h1· pl:iy. The flcsl1 is ..-upplied by thr 11n1quc l'OllCc plinn uf r rcscn1a!ion, sornc l'loqucnt 11'ri!ing in crrta1n ~ectinn~. 1he ar·t1ng and a i·ornplctc tl cd1c;1- 1ion In bravura thealrr lh;il lrt" rhr rll111" fa ll 1\·hcre lhrv Hlil\'-;•nd don'! \l<l l'r\' ,1ho1 1t 11ir i1i. The n1·rrall r1tel-1 1~ the 11ung. 1\1<1 <. 11rnt 111111 f1,r 111111 :\11111(, dr 1t·.1ed l11rn. :\!'lei i•I tll1>m thn11gh \ he 11;1 ~ \'lll,i:;:ir ;111d ulJ<.rrnr ;"111d 111~ lll\l~lr 11 ri-. 1111ndlC'.".' •HH I t11 11cJess. Al11·r ;i c(l11plc 1)f TV ;ip- 1):::;1r;in[T~. during 11 h1 l'll 111.~ "SU/J,j.(C~Jil ~ 1>h11);1ng " t".Jll~Cd r1onlf!•l'f'f~I' .111 n1rr !he ('illln- 11'1', !hr 'i:t1 Sulli1·nn ~hq11· 1r.h·1·1'-L'd !11111 lrom thr 11·,11!il \'I) on ly. In 1:169. 1ht• 1wl v1~ 1-.11·1 ~1 i ll- 1•d ."Jnd n1•11htT is lhl' ;1dula- 11nn But !hr (''lntrOl'l'f'\I 1~. '11ung pt•nplc h;11 e 111,ccl l11n1 n~hl ;ilong, i;i11ng lo h1~ 111<1111·-.. wateh1n.c his T\I 11rr·i:il~. hu} 1ng his rCl'ord~. l\1d<> 11ho 1\t're b,1b1r~ 111 l!l."16 11~(' i'rr,lc•1· 11011 ll o.t.•k ha.~ !l\"r11 1h rrJ11~h :i 1111 ot ph;i ~1·s ;•nil "11( 1• .1ga1n. f•.r lhr ~1rt~. J'1•''h·1 ·, 10,·~ i., 11hr r" 11 ·.~ ;it. r.11 1 1111\' hrn c (ldu!!~. 11n1·c :11111 l 'n•~IPI', br•enn1P I.i n~'' Fou r Newport Ha rbor High School students ll n b' The action !ouches on n1nny Haskell, Debbie Recd. r:ddic, of the aclual events of the Purkiss and Kathy Dcritt -1 pcno<l-lt:c buffalo killing, 1i·ill be seen as the children., Custer's dcfrat. Sitting Bull's l)ther cast members include! ~u rrcndcr and later eniplny-Bill Cochran, J\1ark Tyler. Larry Cohen, R i ch a rd n1rn1 in Cody's sho1v ;ind lhe lloilll.1 nd, Elizabl'th Gluyas, Indian Je::1drr'." ll SS.1,,~1n:i1ion, J\'ancy Patterson. Jan c:alway, ;.in(! Ilic rna ~.~acrc of the Sioux Linda King, Kathlcl'n Farrell, ;11 \l'uunded Knee. Rea Sch;"Jefcr, Tirn S!am- Tlic5r. il ern_s, not necess<1rily baugh. Clark Banner! and Dan 111 l'hro11ological Sl'{]uencc, a!'c t.lc\\'esL I hlrnded into a fotsl·movi ng There 11·111 be no ;id'.n.i~sio11 1 r11t1:rtainn1cnl 111 w!11ch tl1r. ··l1argr for thr. pl<i,\'. rickc1s : aulhur ncl'er let" you tor~et may be obtained at Ilic college !Ill' point ht' lS 1n;:ik1ng, It is by bookstore . far thr best ll'ork Kopit h;:is -"----------- dunr. Hi." only prc1·ious clni 1n I•• :illrntion 11·;1s lh;i t oddity, ··011 !Jnd. l'oor 0:1d, r-.1arn· r11:1·s l lun,i: \'nu in thf' Closet. ;ind r 111 f ctl111' So Sad," in l!ili2 · l nd1<in~" i ~ C'1·r1;unlv nnr to ''t'l' 1'1r 11 ~ ~hrcr theati-1ea!i!y, II n•1l/11nt;: clsr Gap f<'I <l!'\'t'pt Prrslry during 111~ 111 11 ,1r-:1r.~ Ill the Allll_I', l!l.'>3- lill. 11hen be scr1cd 11•ithovt :1,);1nl! for ~pcci:il favors and p:1~ .c•d up an l'nterta111n1c11t ;i~-.1~11ment. lie 1lrol'e a iccp 111 t;cnn:111y and ro~c lrom pri1 :11c lo sergec1111. BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! WINNER6 ACADEMY AWAADSI [Jv1~ cnn1c uul or the Arm~'. ph1ng.~r1 inlil rn nkini.: rno1·icsl-....::::::::::::::::====--- ;int! rolle r! 01 er :12 pi{·l u re~ -,.,.,. ,.cmc coM'!' -.,.~,.!.,..mt n all rnaking n1nney, all loa del1 ~- 11·1th ~'nngs. Sun1~ ol the plots JJ. I 1·.1'rc so thin :ind .~nrnc of t he 1 ~ • J ~1ing~ and reasons fnr singing "IEIJ.lfOU•I l'(IUitS Prnen1s th,111 SJ inane 1h:it Prf'~ley :-:;iys· "Son1!'!1n1es r fell hke l II .. I II it ~ Sl11J;Ul~ lo J tt.r r . I I ll'd like tn rn<1kc n1011ie s 111111 ~1n1ru;rr plot-:, lak111g 1l r.un:it1r parl 111 11·hich he 1IOt:"l'! ~JnI; An1I lir w;1nled It> ~r1 h.1 rk in fn•n! nf a lne au-or-~ tl1enr•' :i-. .1 hrra); irnn1 thr 11 hace. • · • ~S~ 11101 u·~ He'd 111-,r 111 do n1nrr 1111• '1r.g1ng ",\ftrr <i 11 . pt•rf(lr1111n.t: lur pruplr ls h1)1~· w.11.:....L-t."'f.l..to;1tr MAN HAS CONQUERED THE MOON WITH THE EPIC APOLLO 11 FLIGHT! NOW TAKE ~MOTHER MOMENTOUS JOURNEY! , ,. ~·~'"9C'Jf l'OCl\}IP( v,1,,~( fl','11 fi ~lN.111,. f• ··•·t-... -~···~· I ·~····-.... :-::;::;:-;::](g_3i FOR ALL YOUNG LOVERS WHEREVER YOU ARE (~Y'- ' E ve . Show St<11 rt' 7 p.m. CONTINUOUS SHOW Sal. f,orn 5 Su". from Z IARG.AIN MATIHll WED. 1 P.111. Al50 IN TECHNICOLOR ['1 r.'!"1' <;,1V<; •·Thry !r ;,u-r.rrl P11'\' r .111 nlo\c around lihc ) L11 11"1 ., l"lrx·J.i n111~1e 11(1 hinger g.1 r" 1·11l1 11r;il shnck Iv t!n: 1n1ddh'- •1~rd. Anr! n('1lhcr docs Eh 1~ 11 :ill ~11r\Pd." hr -..11rL ''l\r ... ~cru1"'Y~ws.- rr,1llv rn1s~:·d 11 H bt·r:11nc !===~~=='.,,,=:,:~==='!;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~ h;1rr!(:r ;1111! h;1 rdl'r lCI prrf1)rn1 j1 fur ;:i 111011c ~::in1rr;1 Tile 1n- ~·p1ra11un wasn't U1crc '' 1'1·rslrr. l'rcsle y ~til l 111:1kr~ :!jO ~llLLI ON RECOROS 1 h u ~ c ' 's 11 .'\ ,i:: 1' s 1 1 1• ·~ ' ' Presley has sold 1norc than 1n ovemrnts. Bl1t 1ht.' ~htlrli in,i:: 2.·)o m1llio11 rcmrds all 01·cr lhc nf 19f.6 ca.n be lhe nostalgic of 11·<1rld anrl HCA Vielor record s 196!1. el;1ims that he ha~ bcrn he.ird An1t Prcslry·~ p r r ~on a 1 hv rnore p<"Ople 1n the 1rorld r1>p111a11on ha~n·t hurt hin1 1l1a11 ;iny nthrr singer in the 11·ith !he n\·cr·.10.~. Tb r r r h1..-tory of rro1rd1ng. I havt'n -t hl'fn nn y s1 orie" of 11<' ha.s 58 go ld records; 11 of scandals 11·ith girl.~. or boys. or lus long-play1n~ rt'<'ords ha1·e 1lriok111i;. or drugs. sold more than SI rn1lhon l Instead of bf'con11ng a hippie 11·ho\esale. and ~7 of his singles nr a r<'1 olutionary, Presley h:irc sold mort' than a million h.is enjoyed a. 11fr or pros· t•upif's. "Hound i)Ug '' :o;old peril~'. spending h:iH the year niorr than s~l'r.n million. But 1n Hollywood, v.'hcrc his home l:itcl11. l.P.; of song.~ from lhe , is on the movie star n1a p~. a.nd n1ovics ha1·cn't been selling al h:ilf al Grat'cla nd. a ~I -million million . niansion and grounds nea r "\\'hen vo11 i;r.t 10 Silngs in :i ~1 cmphis. Hr. sold ;i farm in 1novit'. yn-u t·a11·1 ha ve all good ;\lissjssippl because he scldnn1 songs. rnan," !he singer says. I 1'i.'>it~ it, and mored the Pre~lrv hacl a million-selling horses lo Gr;1celand. rrconl this s111nmer. "In lhe Preslry 11·as horn in Tupelo. Ghcttn," which v.·asn 't fron1 a 1\iiss .. but has been li \•ing ln movie. and his new single , t.1rmphis since he v.·11s 13. "Su~picious ~l inds,'' also not NO PARTY BOY from " movie, was f)nc or the HI so ngs in his Las Vegas lie docsn't go lo llrlllywood show. parlirs. 1rhit•h h<' sars he Preslev i nsist~ that he didn'l ncrcr has liked. lie m;ikes no1 return ·10 lirt pt>r!Ofming polltic:i11 cn~lnrscments . an< hecau~e inovit box off ice r ;i r r. y gives 1ntPrv1cws. eipl s were down . though his 11·11 is qturk cnoui:h\\-"'-"~'-''-'·~·=========-.11 fnr answering: questions; hr 11uu•1ly makes a goorl publir 11n11r:o~~1on by .<:ta~·ing: lari;e ly i"•ul of thr public r~·r. ~111t'(' l9G7 tic h;is bl'cn 1nar- fi('d 10 :1 f>t'lill:' blu<'-c~·ed hn111cllc n ,, 111 r <I Pr1~1lln r1;1u1:h1cr of an Air Force of· (1rr r frflm .\lrn1ph1~. ·wh11n1 hf 1nr1 1n Grrn1any. They ha1c ~ .. GOODIYI, COlUMIUS" • , '~d Hn• "t•tw•• b«1by , L 1~.1. w11~ J•c• ltrnme~ Thr older gr.nrr.1!ion br13an L-----------" "THI .All'•ll ,OOlS" WARNER BROS. Prt se11ls An El Y LANOAU·BRYAN FORBES Produtlioft KATHARINE HEPBURN H ''THE MADWOMAN DF CHAILLOT" CHARLES BOYER . CIAUO[ DAUPHIN EDITH l\IANS •JOHN GAVI N •PAUL HENREID •OSCAR HOMOLKA •MARGARET LEIGHTON •GIULIETTA MASIN.A NANETTE NEWMAN 1~d R!Cfl ARO CHA MBl P:LAI ~ YUL BRYNNER ~~ C~111111~n •DONALD PLEAS ENCE;~ ~~peel~ a.llll DANNY KAYE •s Thi ft19111('r• ·Based on i play wrltlen by JEJ\N GIRAUOOUX and ad.tp!ed 11110 Engli~ by MAURICE VALENCY • Screenolily by EDWARD ANHALT • Executive Producer HENRY T. WEINSTE IN • P1oduc&d by ELY LANDAU• Oi1etted by BRYAN FORBES• TECHNICOLOR• NEWPORT CENTER WORLD PREMIERE RUN ••• •• 0 • • NOW EX<:LUSIVEL Y I e P[P.~O RMANCE: !>CHE DULE e WEEKNIGHTS -7,15 & 9,45 SATUR DAYS - i ,15 .4,45 .7,15.9,45 SUNDAY - 1,00 . 3,30 . 6:00 . 1,30 ,, 1. I I' ' I ,, ' I I'' ' -• .._ •;;:o L"!' -- Fountain Valley Today's Final N.Y. Stoclul voe b2, NO. 247 , 4 SECTIONS, 84 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 19bq TEN c~s Smog Control Council Zeroes In on Huntington By JACK BROBACK Of Ille D•ll• '!lei 1!•11 ttu'ntlngto11 8 e a c h will take center 1tage Thursday in lhe growing con- troversy over air pollution. The meeting of the i;latc Environ· mental Quality' Study Council in the c ity 's coilncil chambers beginning at 10 a.m. will hear testimony on "the effect of the grawth or the power industry on en· vironmental quality." Southern California Edison Company's announced plan to triple the capacity or its local power generating plant adds locRl 1pice to the picture. But the problems "'hich the rn· \'lrorfTncntal qua"llty group will study go beyond just one p<l\\'er plant. f'ar reaching recommendations will be made to the governor and the state Legislature on the findings of the state study body. The group was created by the leg islature in 1968 and is loaded with pro. pie with powerful influence in state circles_ included in the membership are lhe secretaries of the glate resources and business and transportation agencies, the chairmen of the state wat.er resources and air resources boards and seven public members including a represef)- talive of local government. Orange Cowity SuperviSClr Da..,id L. Baker is the city and counties rep~n­ lative and was name<! chairman by Governor Reagan. Also silting on the board as non-voting members are heads of various state agencies including public h e a I t h , UC IRVINE STUDENTS TAKE TO THE PICKET LINE TO MAKE THEIR FEELINGS KNOWN Anti'lf'ilr Prote1ter1 Include (from lift) Stu Kr•msky, John P•yne, K•t• B•bcc.ck Irvine Students Back Protests, But F eiv Voting Of I.he UC Irvine sturit'nls \vho hotherc.rl tn vote in a referendum ?.1onday and Tuesday a large majorily fa vor the Virt- tiam rhoratorlum. support Angela Davis anrl clisagrrc \Vith Gov . Rona lei Tleagan Only about 1,000 oul or 5.000 LCI 1.rudents voted. On thP question nf ''r>o you ~upport the l'nivcrslty ;\1orator1um Comtnittee:'" the division "-'as 693 yes, 174 no and 95 no op1. nion . Sentiment lo ''enrl the Amt>rican in . volv ement in the Vietnam war now b.v immediate ancl total troop \11ithdrawa!s'' •·as not RS strong. with 64 5 voling ye!, 289 oo and 43 no opin ion. The same referendum wa s he ld on all ninr UC campuses this week by agree· men! of the student body prrsidents. ua i;tudenl president Fern a n do "Ferdy" Massimino. who has worked with the ~1oratorium Cofnmittee, sakl : "We felt it would mean more If students themselves voted to support the moratorium . This is a unique campus. and I "'asn't ent irely su re such backing actually existed." Other questions thoughl lo be of stu- dent inlere~t were included on the referendum ballot. The results: -Do you believe Angela Davis <UCLA black Communist proefssor) should be fired'! 160 yes, 728 no. 79 no opinion. -ATe you in general agreemenl with the policies of the R e a g a n Administration~ 134 yes, 748 no, 63 no opinion. -Do you believe that the policies of Hie Reagan Administration have worked to Je_,sen the quality of education In California! 702 yes:. 131 no, 7$ no opinion . -Would the institution of a tuition for California resident.'! jeepordiie your at- tendance at the University of California? 532 yes, 367 no. 31 no opinion. -, Do you su pport rnch a tuition? B6 yes, 9JS no, 49 no opinion. PLAZA. PRESENTS SPECIAL SECTION South Coast Plaza Shopping ~nter In Co6t.I Mesa presents a special !&-page auto and specia l evenlli :iiection in today'1 edition of ttlc DAILY PILOT The Plaza sec1 fon if filled with photO!I nf 1970 auto mode.I lint's, detail.~ on the ''Player of the Mooth" con test for area high !Chool1 Ind special Plaza featur~. Fugitive Sought n1 l{idnap, ' Of Pretty Teen-age Girl SAN LUIS OBISPO (UPI) -A preUy, 17-year-0ld nursery .school assis1 ant v.-a.~ kidnaped al knifepoint Tuesday by a man belit\'ed to be a Jugitive wanted by tl1e FBI. Police. think the girl is being held hostage today lo ensure the escape of her abductor. Kirsten "Kitty'' Anders n n , 11 miniskirted teacher's aid at the Peter Pan Nursery &hoot at Arroyo Grandi', 15 mileii. south of he re, was abducted by a man and forced into a stolen car shortly before noon. Authorities said the descriptkln or the man, given by two other women at the school, matched in almost exact detail that of Robert A. Harvey, charged with a previous kidnaping and serioos wounding ol 1 youLh in Albuquerque, N .M. An all pointa naUonw~ bulleWt fia• 1Sll..ll!id by the FBI for Harvey, who w1tk- ed out of a jail in Santa Maria, Calif.. Saturday night Authorities .said they were cleaning out the cells and had herd- ed all lhe prisoners into one room when Harvey "Just D1. of walked away." The man who abducted the blue-eyed. blonde high school student wa!I hiding in the nurHI")' when Mrs. Beth Peters, the operator and owner, opened al ti a.m. He tied Mn. Peter!, then Miu Andenon and a cook and put them in a bathroom. He then forced the girl to ac· company him and fle<:I in Mrs. Peter•' car -a green at.ation wagon. The two women. found two hoors later , gave police the man's description and authorities .said he closely re~mbled Harvey. 31, who was listed as "armed and dangerous." J~arvey was arrested last week by the FBI in Los An~les. He was turned over to authorities In Santa Maria becuase he allegedty robbed two supennarket.a there in January. The FBI sakl Harvey was wanted for unlawful flight to avoid con- finement and e1eape. He also was wanted by authorities In Albuquerque for the kid- nap cf a it-year-Gld yootb and hl1 parents following• grocery market robbery. llarvey and another man. Paul W. Sharpe, 22, ~·ho \l'&S captured near the robbery, were chargl!d "·ith kidnaplng U1t family. Harvey wa11 accu!td of U1e subse- quent Moot.int of the youlh, John Panons. U,.I T""""I• HE~D HOSTAGE BY ESCAPEE Kidnap Victim Anderson Children Blamed In $11,000 Fire Children playing with burning crayons Tuesd ay afternoon caused a major bla ze in a Huntington Beach home which in- jured one fireman and caused fll,000 in property damage. Capt. Jerry A11hbier was taken lo •lu!l- lington lntercommun.il.Y ltospltal and treated for the first dtigree faci al burmi 1te suffered whill!: fi&hUng the fire at 17181 Rotterdam Lane. Thret fi re engines, one snor~I and 11 rescue vehicle, l'ltaffed by 2S men uodt.r lhe direction of Battalion Chier Frank Kelly, arrived at. the blaie at 4:S7 p.n1. end had It under control with.In ten minutes. agriculture, parks and recreat ion , fish and game , conservation. public v.·ork.~. \\'aler resource:; and housing and con1- n1unity development. In the air pollution field these developments ha ve occurred in re.cent weeks: -Dr. A .• J. HaagenSmit , one or the public members of the council and a Calte..:h authority on smog, has suggested that all co nventional power plant! be eliminated from the Los Angeles basin . -Albert Pcarlson of Beverly Hilll!, another public member of the council and ('hairman of its air quality committee, ha s urged that the council use ils power to block expansion of U1e Huntington Bea<'.1 Edison plant. -Or<inge County supervisors last wcrk approved a plan to excuse elementary and high school students from strenuous intloor and outdoor activities ~·hen the ozone coun t re a c h e s .35 parts per millin in Orange County. -The Edison Company has bought full page adverti sing space in SOuthern California newspapers warning that Southern California ('()uld suffer a seriou~ power crisis if planl building program! are delayed by governmental authorities. -Resi den ts °' the Seat Bear.n Leisure \Yorld retirement community are signing petil ions and organizing campaigns under th..: name People's Lobby Inc. to fight air pollution. They argue that "no one ha~ the right to jXlllute the air, land and water in this &late." The stage is set and the baltle line! are drawn. Chairman Baker has warned that ''the public will have a strong voice in the ~ventual outcome." National Protest Moratorium Progresses Across U.S. By United Press International The Vietnam moratorium began today. In \Vashington, a half d ozen demonstrators :spen t the night on the Cap;tol steps. In New York, lawyer William Vanden Heuvel read the first name in the list of Vielllam war dead. And as the day progressed , so did ac- ti vity. The Washington demonstrators were continuing a protest which bt'gan Tues- da/ night in the chamber of the House or fr No Protests Allowed at High ~chools Activities in coajuoct1on with today's Vietnam moratorium were not sanctioned on an y of Lhe. five campuses in the Hun- tington Beach Union l:ligh School District. A five· point ';sta tement of posiUon," ratiried Tuesday night by district ln1stecs, ll'hile not specifi cal ly forbidding <1cmonst rations. provides that "only those programs appearing on the school ca.Jen· dar Y•i!l be permitted'' and that all classes must carry nut regularly schedul- ed class activities. The dissemination of propaganda or solicitation of membership funds on cam· pus during the nationwitle war protPst \1•as also forbidden by the trustees under article 9013 of the State Education Cocle. District Superintendent i\1ax Forney said, however. that those students who parlici paled in off-<".irnpus activities "'ould be excused from their classes. pro- ''lded they had parental permission. '"\Ye included this as sort of a safely va lve," saicl Dr. Forney. "The normal procedure for pupil absence will be followed." Dr. Joseph Riba l, the only trust.ee voting "nay" directed verbal fire against the statement. s:iying "this is an t'vent wh ich will rival ·the lan<ling on the moon in terms of S<K:ial signi fi cance. \\'e're ig- noring a ve ry important part of history unfolding." He pred)c led that I.here would probably hr many students and staff members defy these regulations today. "I wou ld not like to see our students in- cur disciplinary action for participating in this event. There should be" no penalties for exercising one's mora l duties,'' he said. Trustee Presiclenl Matt Wt' y u kc r pointed out to R i b a I that instnicUon should not be interrupted every time a dPmonstralion is plar.ned. "Personally, I would JI ke to see .11 moratorium on demoMlrations," said Weyuker. "I don't believe the taxpayers should support leniency In a matte r guch as thi s." "I object to t'IW' high school~ being used a11 a breedi ng ground for moral di~ntent" Sile nt vigi ls and discussions were plan· ned at several of the district campuses today, according to staff members. A counterprotest group has been organized on the Westminster High Schoo l campus. Four representatives of !he organization, called •·we the People" were present et the board meeting. wear· ing An1erican na gs in !heir coet pockets and red-white-and bl ue armbands lo underline their position on t h e mf ·1rium. ·e is: nMhing: to be gained by den .. rst.rations.'' ch~rged nne of the stude nts, adding lhel p r e v e·n t Ive mc;:asures would be taken by the 10- member group in the rvenc. the flag 1thould be hau.led down from the Wc.<ilminster campus.. The group sald It planned lo' pa11s out literature. to gtudent.a before school but con rtne it lo lht Bill or Rlghb and the U.S. Const.ution t& 1void 1 conrtict with the educaUon code. ' •• H e p resentatives. Congressmen sup- pori 1ng the protest tried lo hold an all- oighl session but were forced to adjourn alte:-four hours when no quorum was l'ound . Several hundred college students pi ck· ed up the protest on the steps outside. The New York demonstration was held in front or 'I'rinity Church, site of Alex- andf'r Ham ilton 's grave and of George \\'ashington's place of worship. Vanden Heuvel read the first name, that of Elmer Lee Ablf'.s Jr., th en surrendered th e podium to l\1ichael Burke, president of the New York Yankees, and to two '\'all Street investment bankers. Throughout the nation other ci tizeM participated in similar demonstrations designed to show their displeasure with American participation in the Vietnam ~·ar, which has claimed nearly 40,'*t America n lives. l "he day of observance began as a cam- (See NATIONAL, Page 1) 500 Bally at GWC Students Join Viet Protest An estimated 500 students. both long and short haired, gathered inslcfe a large College forum to join In the national Viet- na rn prote't today. The program opened '>1-"ith sludentl Robin Matthews &.11d John Yeiser singinl an!iwar sonjll to the crowd. Dr. Jamts Catanzaro, a socia l science professor, then delivered the keynote ad· dress. "Thi.'> Iii. not a day to have a conflict O\'cr !he war in Vietnam ," he said. "l assume that everyone in the United St.ile'> believes y,·c should be out of the v.·ar. ·· ·(.{ "The que.~tion before us now I! how to achieve peace and what does it actually mean 1 Liberals, radicals, conservative.! and all e:c tremlsls can all join together in this protest. Thia is not a day of polariza. tJOn. ·• Othf'r speakers during tile five-hour Jong program include l\1ike Grodski, an i'.mcrlcan Civil Liberties Union attorney; the Rev. Roge[ Wa lke of the Costa Mesa Unilari1:1n Church; Rick Rowe. a.. GWC faculty member and Wickie Wright, a. Vi etnam War veteran. Viet Co11g Blasts Tanker; No P1·otests i11 W a1· Zone SAIGON fUPI) -The Viet Cong sank a Panamanian lanker docked al coastal Nha Trang today but failed in tv.·o born· bing a\lcmplli in Saigon. Thelr urgings for antiwar demonstrations went unheed - ed in the war zone. \1i litary spokesma n 5aid a commando mine rippe d a IO-root hole in the 1.260-ton lan ker SS Kin \I/ah at Nha ·rrang today. killing three crewmen and two SouU1 Vieln'l mese dockers. Loaded with corrugated iron, the 22~­ foot vessel sa nk quickly al its berth but nol before 26 other crewmen and two stevedores had been pulled off by re~cuers. The mine ex ploded nine feet below the waterlioe, apparently tied to the ship by frogmen . Nha Trang is a major allied seaport 188 miles northeast of Saigon on the South China Sea. With U.S. headquart.e rs rep:>rting light con1bat wilh no Americans killed on Viel· nam moratorium day at home , South \ ietnamese citizens appaently were ig· noring Viet Cong urgings ror antiwar pra- te.s is of their own. Allied headquarters reported three other guerrilla bombing plots, one of tht>m killing two South Vietnamese and wounding 10 Tuesday in My Thanh, 48 miles southwest of Saigon. The other at· te mp ts failed. Moments before it was to e1plodt, po lice this morning disarmed a 22-pound charge of explosives in a high IChool acTOM: the street from the presidential SERIES ON 'CRA.SW CONTINUES llVSlDE The th ird fn • series of five reports by DAltV PILOT financial eolumnJst Sylvia Porter. analyzing the 1919 econ0riiy in rompari:'!Ofl to t~ 1929 stock market cra~h and world depression which follow- ed II , wW be found in tod1y's paper on P:igc 30. ' I ' palace In do"·ntov.'n Saigon in OM of the incidents. A few blocks av.·ay, a plastic charge ,r. plt}ded in lhe hands of a Viet Cong in· (iltrator crossing a street. killing him and w0unding 111.·o civilians. There was no in· dication where the man intended to plan! 1J1e bomb. TI~ abortive bomb plots followed lasl "'Pek"s prediction by South Vielnanl's prime minister th at the Commun ists would concentrate on terrorist attacks whi le resting their main rocces for a new oftensive following the current lull . Stock M•rket• NEW YORK (AP) -The stock markrl rally trailed off ~rly this afternoon al· ter scoring a big gain ln four advancinf ressions. (See quotations, Page.'! 30·31 ), Orange Cout Wea tiler Those variable clouds won"t be quite so va riable Thurg<fay as the temperature along th• Orange Coast dropg a few notch· es to 72 degrees. INSmE TODAY How did t fui Vietnam mora• toriam aei aoina1 Tile answer's on Page 12 today. -H (lllf'9nllol , Cl,_ (INtf" 1t ("""""' ., ... C-k t t1 c--"' n OM .. •le• I DIVW1:M I ·-ltWi.t ,...,. • ·~'""'''"-' 11·» P'+,..M• Jt·ll "-" . A•" Lt-. • ... _ . Ma ....... l k-• • --------. ----------------------~-------------··· -·- J DAILY PILOT H 'NtdrieM111, Ottobtr 15, 19''! Vnex~cted Revenue School District Approves Raise A two percent boosl ln salaries for the 1eacher s of lhe Huntington 8cach t:nlon High School Dislrict was una nimously BP· proved by district trustees Tuesday. The inctta!e, retroactive to July 1, will be financed frt>m new revenue,, made a\•ailable to the district . Ca rl ti.1 anemann , prtsi<lent of the District Educators Association (DE:AI objected to the boost, hoo,~;ever, since agreement on the boost v•as not fir st reached by a lhree·mtmber review panel. The panel, which was lo have been composed of a DE A represcntat.lve, an administration member and a third disinterested party, was by apparent board directive, first to have assessed the funds, according to Manemann. ''The money is there, v;hy drag this thing out any longer'?" aasked Trustee Matthew V!'eyuker. He added that the board bad approved the boost at its June 24 meeting of U? lo two percent if !he money shou ld become a v a 1 ! a b \ e , climinatlng lhe need for a review panel. "\Vhy are we afraid to hal'C a look at the district'!! funds?" co u n l e red f\.tanema nn, who reminded the board th at they promised the rev iew pan el. "It \\·ould be a good exercise to go through this and say l\C finally agreed on sorn et.hing.'' An examination during Tu esd ay's session of the June 2~ board resolution providing the .salary boost, however, revealed that trustees did not establisll the review panel, even though it had been extensively discussed. •·r-.1aybe then \Ve've got nothing to go on," said the surprised r-.tanemann. "\Ile thought the agenda proposal on tlie re1•iew panel 1Yas included in the resolu· lion." . .J "\Ve're ([arnlng all the time," he con· eluded. Cou11ty Studying Cl1runbe1· SuryeY, Asking . Ah· Curbs By TO'.\I BARLEY ot Ill• 01oly "llol St1U .'. county.wide survey calling fo r restriction of Orange County Airport operations today is being studied by three lo.,t county officials. County supervisors Tuesday pas sed the report -prepared by the Orange County Chamber of Commerce -to County, Administrative Oll ice r Robert Thomas, the planning department's appointed representative and Airport Director Robert Bre!llahan. No da te has been se t loc submission of their analysis. • But supervisors qui ckly conceded the rerommendations contained in the report may v.·en be y,·orked into the a_irport study now belng prepared by . Wilham Pereira Associate s, lhe arch11ectural fir m appoint.ed by the board to examine the facility's fu ture . "Su bject to cost, of course.''. Supcr~'~sor David Baker added. "If Pere1ra·s ullhz.a. hon of this report increases our cost s then ·we should talk about this matter agai n." 'The chamber report indicates lhat nearly l\\"o thirds of the businessmen and industriali&ts operating in close proximity to the airport v.·ant that fac ility to ilay in its present location. That same survey reveal ed that f!'we r than half of those questioned wish lo see the airport expand. And more than half Trial of Leary Dela ycd Again In Santa Ana Selling of the Superior Court trial of Dr. T\moUty Leary and his family was rltlayed again today y,•ith tht suhm1ss1on or medical testimony thal ~! r .... Ro&tma ry Leary is still not su!ficiently recovered from her recent ~urgery_ But r-.lrs. Leary's la11 ycr predicted 1hal "his client ,1·ould. ;ill being ll'ell. he ab l!' 1n face trial early ne'.\t wr!'k. JudgP Sa111url J)re1ien 1mmedietrly ordered the trio to ;ippear in court ri1 onrlay. Lear~·. 4!1, r..l r~. Lear1, :i:i. ;ind \..<.'ary'«. ron. John Bush Lear1·, 19, !:'Ice 1·hargcs (If possession of ma.ri1uana anrl 1,:-;n. 1"oda~··s continuance .,.,;i ... the r.1ghth su1..h <le!ay since Jncept1on of !hr 1·hargts Tht tiio .... ·as arreslffi Dcc. 26 i11 L1gllila Beach. An arresting off icer·.., testimony that he found lhe rlrugs in the family 's statiQn wagon led to U1e1r 111· rlictmenl by lhe Orange County Grand J urv. N·one of !he three defenda11l3 appea red In court tod ay. DAILY Pll01 •~b··· ti w.,, r n.,a1n1 ~Ad PL~l,.Mf Ja~~ IL Cu•l•y Vl(t )11/f>•Clf•\I •~d C.t~orol ~'tnltff l~o ... 11 1Ct1•il l C 'O< T;.o.,t• ~. M~·p~:~• 1, • .,v.r~ (G••GI ,.1.lb''' w ...... ••-i.lo L~·l9< Htllri .... 11 h etk Offl'• 30t Ith 5trt•I µ,;J;"'J Alltlrtn: p,Q. l e• 7,0, '?&4 t Othn OfllcH p.,'11>.M rl !!ti{" :;11 \\"«! 9• r•t ,, '"••d c~1· h"'" u~ ~.c•i "•v ~.,,., L•t• 1 11•'"· i:l f or1>I •••-• rlAIL'I' Pll0f, .. ,,~ '""l~I'< .. ~c..-~·"d "• H...,1 ,.,..,,. 15 ""th-•.••"• •><rot ~ - •tY loll -1"11• M ltiam W """''"''"' ... ell. F-"',. \'lllt y, (~It Miu. IH""-,_tt ••t<l'I ... .-llotll!'• lt•tJ'I .• :_ .... ~ '"'° u11let11I t>111i...1. Ot•nOf c .. " rutll·•~· ... C.-P••r l'fln!I~ btl nlo "'' 11 7711 w .. ,, 1 11to-l lvd . ,..,_.~,, fle•lll. Ir.cl llO "'•~I 1111'1 $1•1tl. (011• NrH. ,,..,.. ... t1141 442"4121 '""' w-t111l111ttt Ctll ~40·1 111 C ... tlflM A~IN"' 64t·l6fl (-•i•"'" 1fft, °''"'' .t~··· .. ~"'""'~" C.-11'• NI "'"'' •II•''' "'"·"''•I" .-w111 ..,,ow, ., •d""rl!~m•• • ~ • ., ~ -• ·-"""'" •llt.o;.1 ''"''' ,, .... •l Go'! .. ~ .. ,, ........... . SW"'* c110 •e1'•1" ,... ... •' 111• .... "'"'" ... d cu•1 ~u . C•l >t•~ • ~~''" •· c ~ r • , .... u.oo -"'"': 1>¥ ..,.11 , ... 11.&.•~ ... 19111""'"' tlnflo 11 ... --. "t1 t't ""'"'Illy. Q( those ,,·ho responded lo the survey \\'ant ils passenger-carrying services to be restricted lo short range flights. Of 125 businesse~ and industries solicit· rd by chamber o[ficials when the survry \.\oas carried out las t spring , only 15 per· cenl responded to the questionnaire. Pointing out that the lovf response figure could have been raised if the reci· pients h11d been pressed for ans.,.,·ers, Arthur E. Briggen, ch airman or the eh:imber"s highway and transportat ion committee, urged the board to include the sun•ey results in the upcoming se· cond phase of the county 's master plan o[ air lransportat ion. Only 42.1 percent of those respondin~ fell tha t the airport J1ad played a 1naj or role in lhl.'ir choice of th:it business lnca- 1on. But or the 36 .79 percent who stated that the airport was not a factor several c.)nceded that the facilit y has been of benefit lo them since they co mmenctd op<"rations. Briggen told the board lhat 6J_l6 prr· cent of those v.•ho troubled to answer tl1r questionnaire felt that the airport should remain on its present site, And 42,t per· cent offered 1he El Toro i\1arine Corps Air Station as a good interim location for a county regional airpor t offering long r;inge flights. Discussion or the location of a regional airport brought out 15.i9 percent 111 favor or an offshore hase .,.,·hile JO.bl percent nJmed El Toro as a permanent location . Another 73.68 percent didn't find thr ques tion v.·orth .answering. Briggen ·s questio nnuir<' his 4i".J7 p<'r· r.rnt of those solic1led as being In hn•or or Orange Cout1ty Airporl"s expansion and thry lay stress on th.e facility's terminal and parking a1nenitics. Afurthcr 3\.58 pei'crnt wan! it 10 rr· main in its present form ·wh ile 21.0il pcr- ctnl said !hey f:i\'nrffi retrenc.hin p; ;n1d returning of the field to general a\•iatiou uses. Many respondents war ned. while stress- ing !he <'nhancl'rl propc ri ,r 1·:iluc~ 1n the \·ici'nily of !ll!' ::iirf)Ort . ! ha L any 1'\- pansion "'Ot1i(l hair a nrga111 r rift-ct on ti1ose sainr. \"alur s. both prnpcr1y i\nd comme rcisl. Student l 'ouncil .4t OCC Backs Leaders of SDS The Orangr Coast Collegt studc n1 c·01111ci1 TurS<!av rame lo the defensr 11[ two :-itudenL'I for a Democratic Socirtv tSDSl leaders threatenro with suspens10n from the CO!ta Mesa campus. Before an audience of 200 students and ::irter SOS Je;:ider! Barry \Veinber; and J~ck \'augh11 and Dean or Studl'nl AC'tivilics Jo!eph Kroll l1ad slated their respective cases, the student counC'il \'Oled : -To O))pGSt' tht suspensions becau~e of lack of con1n111nication hy Dean Kroll. -To request Dean Krnlf tum the ma1. !er over lo the Student Jud ici al Board for dttision. Follov.'ng the stormy student council meeting . Dean Kroll met with \Veinberg ;;i.nd Vaughn to discus.~ the suspen!lons for the rest of the semester he had hand- ed out. Aftel""'3rd It v.·as anoonnced Kroll \\·ould hold his decision in :ibevanre until Th1rrsd ay inorning at 9 o'e!OCk "lo gl1c both side.<; time lo tlunk about i1 ·• The suspensions "''rrc meted <•111 because of the unrecogniied ramptis sns chapttr'~ alle1npt to hold a progr::im !taturin11 UCI radic al students talking about the Angela Davis .matter As OCC Student Body President 'Tom Hubble tells it: "A large crowd ga thered last Frida y. There ·was a microphone and amplifier prtsent that ware not stippogcd to be !here . Dean Kroll look lht. mirropht1nr and asked 6\·e.ryollt' to disperse. \\'r111- berg took the microphone. ''There were ii nun1bcr or s1uden1~ fl'Oln the Jr1·1n<' SOS present. There wrrr other off-campu.!. sludents with a frw alhlelts from OCC who wer,, opJ)()iitd to !hem. Emot.ions were heatl"d ·and lhere v.·ere almost one or two fights.·• Ca11 Do l·luntington Beach Lions 'foro il1ukai, Jim DeGuelle and Bill Schryer t (rom left) unload so1nc of 99ti ne\v trash cans Lions Club will seU 111 order lo h_elp l~unlington Beach residents comply with city ordi· nance outla\v1ng heavy, bulky tra.~h containers. Lions Cl ub trash cans go fo r $5 apiece. Th£.>y will be sol d door-to-door and at 311 Fifth St. t "rom Pnge 1 NAT IONAL ... pus mov ement, spread to citie~ and towns, nonpolitical and non st u den t n~g;inizations, ch urches and, finally , Ill lhc ht11ls of Congress. 111 Washi ngt on, President Nixon worked quietly in his office as rival bands of pi ckets n1a rthed outside the. \l/hite llou~e gates su pport ing and opposing /us Vici· 11a111 ""'ilr policy. The scene on Inc Pennsylv<1ni;i A\'cnue ~itlc\ralk fronti ng the While House grounds was orderly and the White House s;i1d no special sl'Curily arrangczncnts 11 cre in effect for ttie moralorium tlay ac1 1vit1es to be <:limaxro by a march to the \\'hitc House tonight. One grou p carrying signs protesting Ilic ll':lr consis ted of a group of Quakers. In opposition ll'as a con lingent from Shelton College al Cape May. N .• J., which carriE"d placa rds reading "\\1in thE' war now" and ·Let's 1vin. not surrender." A!! the nation's capital , \Va shing1on was a focal point for the country1r\de · moratorium on business as usual'' ori:tanized by antiwar group$ On !hr floors or the Hou~e ::ind Scnatr. on the Capitol steps, lnside and outside ·,.~: Chicago 8 Try To Join M-day CHICAGO (L"Pl ) -AH t ight mrn rhar~ed ,vi th crossn1J1; i;la te ltn!'s lo inc1 le ~ ririt during the. 196R Den1ocrat'tc. na- llonal convention sho11·ed up nt their trial 1rxlay and tned to place Viel Cong and American flags on !heir dtfenst table 1n 1hr1r 01~n observance of a national Viel· nam moratortum. A m.1rshal 1n rhari:;r or :'\rcurity in tht f'flurlroom remored lhf' Vlf'L Cong llag :11!,,r winning a IUJ: of v.·ar 11 ilh defendant Abboll '"Abbie'' Hoffman, 11·ho tried to prevent him from taking Lhe large flag The m11r~h11! ln1er re1noved thr A1ner1ca11 flag and t;.S. D1sl r1cl Cou rt .J udge J ulills Hoifman denied a defense 1eoqlH'SI to permit the l\1 0 £lags on the 1!Pfcn4' tablr to comrnemoratc American and Vu:tnan1esc war dead, Valley Council Selects 3 Park Co1n111issioncrs F:>un!ain Valley ci1y collJ'lrilmen Tues- rl;iy night selecled three ney,· Park s and Rec reation comm1ssioner5 lo re place l\l o newl~·-elecled c:ouncilmf'n and a lhird 1ncml>er who resigned. Named to the :igency "''tre Rohtrl Tull.v, 17 186 Santa S11sanne Ave., a sales llHLnagcr for a 1nanufactur\ng firm · (;l'orge Cro.~b~·. 9110 Heron Ave., a llfe in~ ~11r;i11cl' agent. and Jrrrc Picr~on. 190.10 I.a Co!onia /\l'e.., a ~1c0onnell·Douglas l'X!'LUlllT. '!hr trio rl'pL11·(' tily rounc.1hnrn Ceorge Scott and Ron Shcn1nan. and f\.trs. Jeanne !\toss. The counr..i1 look nn at'hon on filling a \'aeancy on the city Planning Commission made vacant v.·he n !hey removed Jobn ri tangano from the post last wttk. government buildings , on college cam· pusf's, in churches and in public parks, there were speeches appealing for early and complet~ U.S. di sen gagement from the war that has cost nearly .W,000 American lil'es. The orderliness of the demonstration \Yas in contrasl to a bloody encounte r 1Yhich took place almosl exactly two years ago -on Oct. 21 , 1967 -V>'hen an antiwar rally culminated in an attempt to storm the doo rs of the Pentagon. Today, lhe protestors 3layed clear of lhe Pen. tagon. nerve center of the U.S. defense establishment. Th<"re 1vas a mall skirmish on the cam· pus of American University when a grou? ralled ''the U.S. An t i ·C ommunis t Congress" tried to exhibi t placards at a rally addressed by Sen. George S, ~lcGovern (D-S.D.), but it was quickly broken up "'ilh no one hurt. The nation':<! capital'!'! participation in !l1c. morator1u1n will be clim axed tonigh~ by a m:is.~ rally on the Washington Monu- 1nc1)l grounds. followed by a candlelight n1art h to lhr 'Vhi1e House. r-.1rs. t.lartin LulhC'r King ,Jr. 11 ill !('ad thr 1narc.;h. .\'ixon has lw1 ct sai d he 1vould not be affectf'd by the day·s activities, but Tuf's- day Vice Presidtnt Spiro T. Agne1v called nn the lrar1cs of the moratorium to rrpud1ale support rec<"ived Tuesday fro1n 1fano1. ,\gncw $aid a letter from North Viet- 11.1n1csf' officials ''lo ou r American lri<'nds" 1ras •·a ~horking intrusion Into 1hc affair~ of The An1rr1t an people by an l'nemy po1,1,·er." F•·om coast lo coast. from north In ~outh. prote sts \\-'ere. held -campus ralli es, speeches. prayer in e e l i n g s • parades and vigil~ -to demonstrate !hil t !he lull in antiwar aC'l1~·i1y \\"as al an end. 100.04 Jot.00 Close /tfa1ie1ivers . . . 2 Soviet Ships -In Space Ciifcua . . --. . ·= . :: f\10SCO\V (UPI ) -Two ilr Rllssla 's lhree orbiting spaceships performed close <1uarter rnancuvrrs T11esd<1y, lmuggllng side by side·an<l then passing and repa~s· ing each other twice, the new s agcr1ey 'Tass reported today_ \\'hen Soyuz 7 and Soyuz 8 wtre less than three miles from each other they 11'avf'd their solar bait.try panels at each uther 1n greetings, Tass said. The cralt are equipped "'ith two rectangular panels that jut ou t from their sides almost like airp!iiue wing s. The. delayed report or the operation \1•as out of character for the Soviets who in lhe current project have providerl nearly inslllnt reports of the spaceshl p activ ities. Tass said the rende:.i.vous of Soyu z 7 and 8 lasted somr hours. "Yesterday was the 1noment when lhry V oLers Doiv1i Bond Issues In Santa Ana Santa Ana voters Tuesday turf'led down lwo school bond proposals, one that would have built 13 new schools and another that would have re.placed 12 old school! condemned under tile st.ale's earthquake law. A majority voted for each ptoposal. but not the two-thirds needed . · Bond proposition No. t , for $22 .Z mill ion, would have built 13 schools to keep pace with student enrollment in· creases. It received SS percent support. Bood proposition No. 2, for $11.l million, would have replaced the 12 con· demoed schools. It fared better. 59 per· cent su pport, but not good enough. Interest in the bond issue ran fai rly high as sc.hool issues go with 28 percent of lhe eligible voters In Santa Ana Unified School District turning out . ...:ampaigners for the bond Issue tried the same strategy that Newport-Mesa Unified earlier this year used so well -a quiet campaign ~king to brin g parents of school children to the polls without stirring up the opposition. Schmitz Asks Ban on UC Furuls • ' SACRM1 ENTO (VP I) -Sen . John G. Schmltr; said today if admitted Com· m!l:'list Angela Davis is allowed \CJ tr::ich at l;CL.\. other ca1npuses will soon hire !acui ty meinbcrs 1\·ith si mHar politics. Srhm i!T. (R-Tustinl, said Univer!ity of California regent s should han r-.ti~s D;:11-1s lir !he !egislaturr ··111ust cu t olf the u11i1·crsity's fund s until it clc:ins house." "If Miss Davis continues to ~ rr- laill('d, we may soon expect to fiod ope n Cominunist organizers as teachrrs 011 r\•e1 y ca1npus in lhe state. paid full·tlmc by our tax rnoney,'' he said. The regents ha\'e ruled r-.1is.~ Davis can leach a philosophy cour se this term lnr n11 ercdil 11"hi!e her dismi~sal apreal 1s pending. Sch rnilz said th is artlon 1ras "absurd."' ··:-;o 1011g as her salary conti nues lo b<' p:url by the ta .~payrr;; of C;il1forn1a, gainci. plal'erl about ·cour~r credil' ;irr a i;ick Jokr ,'' hr said in a prepared slate· menl . To th-r g1r! who knov.-s what t'1e w.ints bu r "ot whe1e to find ,ij ~I.it c h your 1t1le witb OU'l mMfY d'IStinctiw: designs. Md 11 sk os •boat ouf f11rno us ()ga .. Ncwom l'Slf ·~. ~Witched on thtir en~nes and f>eaant 1 ~: com~ 'closer,'' Ta5S said . ~•·Vlkl'oi'°! Corbatko (in Soyuz 71 joyously cl('(;'l!!!red,:: 'I see 1n my side window a brigh~ spoC: approaching us.' " , · .. : Ta~s reported earlier !he pilots 0\00~~ their .!ii1ips under 1nanua l control -fol: some Un.specified maneu\'crs \odav. 1 : The disclosure was n1adc in an .intcriTn:: report on the seven-man spaceflight~: Earlier the agency said all th~ co~..:: 1nonal1ls \verc ''line" and the ml.5S:iori': \\'as l'Unlinuing "successfuJly," • "Gu!ding:_them selves by the figurC'S n(.: navigation measurements, com~wder.t": uf the ships continue maneuvering wll.Ji ; the u~e of manual conlrol ," Tass said. :: T11·0 ur Uie ships -Soyuz 7 aod 8-ap-:: p<irently v.·ere y,•Jthin vii;ual range of each:· otller. · The news agency said the crew o! Soyuz 8 ''.obserl'ed the 1nancuvering and orien- 1a_l1on to the sun of the spaceship Soyuz 7. ' There "'as no indication how close-- \Vas the third ship, Soyuz 6. : An earlier dispatch said the cOI!: · monauts began their day with breekfas1·· morning exercises and a medicai checkup. There WM speculation that thi spacem~n today would guide their ~{ spaceships to a formation needed for ~ construction of long-term $ p a c ~ laboratories. County Studies _ Santa Barbara Bcacl1 Access Shoreline conservatlon and the pro- te<:tion of public access lo beaches and tidelands on the scale pr acticed in Santa Barbara County may be in the offing for Orange Count y residents. · - Supervisor David Baker sparked wha tt... may be a move to ado ption of similar measures here when he \.l'On board ap· proval Tuesday of his suggestion that the Santa Barbara ordinance -and the possibility of the drafting here of :i. :sltnilar law -be debated by superviSllrs OcL 2L Baker noted that Santa Barbara ensures shoreline protection Ulrough uin- ing. Structures built in what are now pro- tected areas prior to passage of th<' ordinance can remain, he noted, but all future cQllstruction in ocean front pro- perty is denied or subjected lo rigorous examination. "We sho11ld discuss this proll'ction by_ 7oning poltcy 1n the li~ht of what could ilappen to our own ~3 n1lles or shorelinf'" Oakcr said. "The Santa 8 a r b a r' ;i nrdinancc m.1y pro\"e to h<' thr kind nf tnen~11rc \\'C need hC"rc if \\'C arc to l'~P· bl'r\·r lhc ocean front we already h:ive."' ~l e.a Produce ~land Looted by Burglar A burglar 1vho tort' through a bambo-t wJ ll looted a Costa i\lesa vegetable stand or ri:'-erchandise 11·orth $26 Tue sday, in· clu<hng JO pounds each of appll.'s nnd pears and 35 avocados . Jo~c /\. Cortrs, o.,.,·ner of From UH•. Farn1. 485 .E. 17th St., dJ.~CO\·ercd thr hreak·tn 11·hen hl' arr!\'Cd £rom his San .J11an Cap1slr:ino home lt'l open up shop. • 1•1.oe JJO.ot Professor ](ills Self O"er Can1pus Strife (1",,\ti \, ~ .l;ipan t t:PI t -Pr o r. CONVENIENT TERMS BANKAMERICARO MASTER CHARGE J. C. _JJu1n1JlzrieJ 'J~cue ferJ , 22 YEA RS SAME LOCAT ION ~\3sa1.un11 Terada. 46, ol Oseka Un1versi· ly r.omm11\('(f suicide 11'1fh 1 kitchen knife In <1espair ol'er hi• failu re 10 !!title a campu5 d!.~pu!e, police ~a id Tuesday. 1823 NE:WPORT AVENUE: COSTA MESA PHONE 541-340 I I • I Ii .. 11 • I I " I I Ir I " 'II 'i I • I Bea eh EDITION vor. 62, NO. 247, ~ SECTIONS, 84 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER IS, '1969 oratorium Se~ond Time Arou11d Sputli Lagunan to Become American Citizen Again By BARBARA KREIBICH Of lh1 1>41Hy l'ilOI $tall The long road .home to Arrierica ended tody in a Sant.a Aria courtroom for 87· yut-olc! Horace Emery of South Laguna. At 1 :30 p.m. Emery stood before Judge Samuel Drei;.~en with fellow "new Americans" to take the oath of allegiance in cilizenship ceremonies. Bui for him, 1ht: day was just a little different. "l was bom an American, and I want lo die an America n.'' he explains. The .sprightly gentleman with twinkl· lng--,ryes and a merry sense or humor no• lives with his aunt, Mrs. Louise Thofne at Table Rock, but he has spent only about half his loog life in his nalive land, and along the way he gave up the citizenship that will be retUllled. Born In La Crosse, Wisc. of American parents this father's ancestors came over from England in 1hc 1680s), Emery. then 35, joined the Canadian Arm.v in 1916 in order to "do his bit" in World \Var I. FELL IN LOVE Gravely wounded, he was sent front France to recuperate in a British hos- pital, fell in Jove v.·ith his English nurse and became engaged to marry her. "The day I got out of the hospital," he recalls. "I v.•atched the fir st contingent of Americans arriving in London." Unable to resume military service, he accepted a position with the British government to help a food production plant utilizing cultivating machinery. He \\o'aS just the expert they needed, having worked extensively on Ole production and opec:.ation of the earllesl Caterpillar trac~ '°''· After the war, now married and the father of three English-born sons, Emery remained overseas, working as a "11sine!S management advisor "doc- &oring·• ailing flrms. The JOb took him throughout Europe, tM. ~1iddle East ind .llrica, whlle his sons grew up In 0.1.ILY l'ILOT Stall Pl>o19 REGAINS CITIZENSHIP Soutli Lagv'1a's Emery England . Bul ht himself had never gi\'en up his U.S. cilizenshlp. By 19J8, \\'orld \Var II v.•as looming and his SOM were nearing military service age, One applied lo lhe British Royal Navy buL was rejected because bis father was an "alien." Another boy had the same ex- periet1fe when he M>Ught to enter a Merchant Marine program. .UOder threat of war, regulaUoru; were Supervisors' Move Next In Salt Creek Maneuvers By TOM BARLEY OI lfl• D•ll'r ~lit! Sl~ll A new move in the Salt Creek Road rhess game has dumped a king-size d1!emma in the laps of co u n t y i:Upcrvisor~. They ll'erc asked Tuesday by the Capistrano Bay P1:1rk and Recreation Di strict to authorize !he Capistrano Beach organization's plans for initiatJon of tminent domain action in the Sal l t:reek area. 1'he district's plans envisage "slrecl· ~tl access'' to lhc Sall Creek ocean area. a procedure outlined in a feasibility study prese11ted to the board. But supervisors il'IUSI approve thr seizure of land now helri by the Lagun.:i Niguel Corporation and from v.·hieh the public is currently barred. T!ley rC'rused tn n1ake a dcci~ion either v.·ay Tuesday, Instead. lhe bourd set Ocl. 2!I as the date on 11.:hich they will he.ar a reporl from a cornmillee of two -Coun· .. • ty Counacl Adr ian Kuyper and Slanl ey Krause, the count> 's diroctor of real pro- perly services. Admitting that !heir plans lo pre~crvt: a pathway lo the ocean a1 Salt Cr~e.k are ··very limitf"I in scope''. the three distrirt officers signing th£' req11C'st ask supcrl'1S· ors to recognize Vie fact that "strr·cl·C'nd acceS'S is better than none in mectlng Lhe con..-tituliooal guaranlec of publi c access to the tidelands." The board is also asked 10 note that • ''slrC'Ct~nd access cxlsl s ... all along the· Orange Coast. A!l Orange Coast c1t1r~ have points of street~nd access and so do ~ome county areas," the letter adds . Board approval, the Capistrano grou p adds, would be consistent with recently expressed <..'Ounty policy on preservation and acquisition oC shorclioe. areas. The letter notes the board's recent ad option of a policy calling for public access to the tidelands "consistent wit h the State Con&UtuUon." strict. Emery hi1nsclf found he could not enter his own engineering plant without a police escort. Reluctantly he took the necessary Sll'll and applied for British cilizenship. ll \\'as no problem. Emery had been decorated b.V King Getirge V for hi.i; service in \Vorld \\'ar I and his Lalents again were needed by the g:>vcrnment. His three son~ en!ered the servicCs and he became a p;u-t of the British military intelligoocc network. After the war he returned lo the United States a number of limes on business 11 ips. He wanted to regain his cilizenship bu't was advised it could only be ac- con1ptished by the procedure set out for t1l1 immigrants: five years of residence. investigation by the lmmigration and Naturalization Department and passing th•! citizenship examination. LONG TREK HOME When his wife died in 1!160. Emery rame. lo live. with hi.<; relatives in South Laguna and begari'"the long trek home. Iii." residence was interrupted by trips to ,·1slt his sons in England, and by riuls of ll!ness. but he finally completed all the requirements and passed his examination ·without missing a question." All tha l nn1v remains is the oath of allegiance. Emery is anticipating the ceremony happily. It will be a red letter day in a career that has not lacked excitement. ){,,calling dales with precl.se accuracy he tells about working on the· building of lhe {:atun Dam in the Panama Canal in 1908. Thi~ was fA\l owed by a strttch as n1en&ger of a banana plantation Pl Costa rtica, where ~ contr.Kted a wieus tropical i!lne9S but "falltd to die." · He remembers demonstrating the ne\I Caterpillar tractor et an early Fresno lair. "t v.·ould drive it up a 45-0egrtt: rsmp lhat led nov.·here and balance 1l !See CrruEN. Pase%) Freelvay May Be Scenic Higl1way Laguna Beach councilmen tonight wil l consider a request I.hat the adopt.ed l.:iguna Canyon Freeway route become a $!ate Scenic Highway. Suth a designation. if made by the slate. would qualify the future freeway fur rertain landscapinR funds and ;1rchitcctural controls, according to cily olf1cials . The reque.~t to councilmen is from The C11 i1..en~ Cornm lttee for the Laguna t:reenbell , SE RIES ON 'CRASIP CONTI NUES I NS IDE The third 1n a series nl five rPpnrts hy DAILY PILOT financial columnist Sylvia Porter, analyzing the 1969 econorny in con1pari90n to lhe 1929 stock markel crash and world depression which follow- ed it. will be found in today's paper on Page 30. OAll. Y PILOT lllff ,..;tll SAFA~l 'QFFICIALS STUDY WAYS TO MAKE ORANGE COUNTY SAFE FOR LIONS R1y Bown1, Ed Blakt Jr., Harry Shutler (from ltftl Look lo Summer Open1nt • ace UIC UCI STUDENTS PREPARE 'PATHWAY OF MOURNING' A Symbolic Ent ry to Vietnam Moratorium Students at Lagu11a High Join Moratorium Rally By FRf.0 SCHOE~1 EJIL 01 rht OlllY Pi!OI s11ff Nearly JOO Laguna Beach lligh Sch0\"11 students JOined tOO ay with the national 1noratorlum against the \1-"ilr 1n Vietnam. A rally was held in Jlcislcr Park late th is motn ing to honor I.hose v.·hn have ~n killed ln the Vietnam c:onnict. A few faculty members al so look part In the Ceremony, Black arm band.i; 1vrrc fli~trihulccl to the sludents. One l!Jrl alrrady Pill· hroidcred her arm band wu h ''blc~sr1I ::ire The meek ·· F'irst teacbr.r hi ilTfl\',.. wn s nr, En1· 111anucl CalJrnaro. hr.'!rl (I[ thr !ugh s..:hool'.i; languai.tr flrparl inen!. "I felt an elcn1ent of modrral1on \\Oulcl be hclpfu,: rm against !he 11.';)r, but l frcJ 1hc drmonstralion \\1111 he more cffrctivc Jf militancy is kept 0111. It shou ld be sinct'rr and peaceful,'' he 1leclarrd C11lam;ira cha!tcd \\'Ith i\1rs. Any Hnlm, \1·ifr of L:i gun;i Councilman Hny llnlm. 11ho atlendc(t v.•ith their d.111ghtcr. Peggy. ;:i l ... aguna Beach hi,i:h :<.c·hnol ~cn1or Thr. Holm s also ha ve a son v.·ho 1s a frc~hman al UC! Among otl1er farllll.V mcmhrrs al· trndini;i v.·cre English tr;icticr Cha rlrs Schiller, and Dan Fosler history teacher :ind adviser Lo the progressi ve Education Club. Students skipping classes lo attend the rally were regarded as absent v.·ithOIJL ex· cuse :ind v.·quld have to present notes rro111 !heir p<irents Lo avoid being marked truanl. r-itost of the s!udenls at the rally said thrlr parents had given them permission to attend and \\'Ould v.Tile excuse notes. The studen1s s;it Q11ic1ly in thr sunshine (See LAGUNA, Page%) .Mets Take 3-1 Le£1tl in Series NEW YORK (AP) -Relief pitcher Pelt' Hichert's \\'lld throw to first Lhat hit pinch·hiltcr J. C. ~1artin ga1•e the New Ynrk i\1t'!~ a 2·1 triumph in the 10th In· nin.i: ovrr thl' hcfuddled Baltimore Orioles \\'cctnrsr!av .1nd mn1,,..d the i\Tl't.~ to within one vlctorY of their first \VOrld champion- i;hin. Turn Scavrr. the majors' lop winner dunng the rt'gular season v.·ith 2.1 victor- irs. \\•on hi.~ fir~t Series game wi th a six- hittrr 10 Jlr1 revrngc for his opening game dcfei1t by Mike Cuellar. Not Safa.ri Clianges Golf Course Jargon ... By nrCHARll P. NALL Of 1119 O•HY Pl\" Hiii Golfers al Laguna Hills Leisure \Vorld sl.rolled in I.be sun.shine Tuesday. Nol far away big earth movers bt'gan t),e task of creating an African \'cld \vherc tawny lions also will stroll in the sunshine. The first earth was moved for Lion Country Safari , being constructed by Na· ti(lnal Leisure, Inc. on 500 acres of land lea~e<l from the Irvine Company. J·larry Shuster. president of Lion Cnun· try Safari \\'hich already ha~ a ga1ne preserve in F lorida, said the first phase o( I.he Laguna !tills preserve will open by mid-summer next year. Shus ter eiitimated the phase v.·111 cosl $11 .S 'milllon. He estimated also that during the first year of operation three million person~ may drive through the game preserve (() h~ve a look al the microco.'lm or the AJrlcan Veldt . .. \\'c are. buihhnG an Afri can VC'ldt,'' said Shuster. "The conception is lilal the 11nllllll ls (500 of lhem) will be a~ they 11re in Africa. roarn.i11:1 free Pod' we must simulate the habitat." Thi~ means African type trees and ' plar1l!'i. ''\Ve bought a nursery ,'' said Snustcr. J~c said lhe trees will be arriving next week. llo1v do you keep lions off the nearby San Die_l!o Freeway or its Valencia off. r::imp? This ls done by fencing, said Shustrr, and the trees anrl brush help hide the fC'ncc . Thr concept of complel.e reproduct.ion · of Africa ha:> a difference. The animal!! .1r:! to be fed flt the Laguna lHll.s Lion Country Sa far i. Shuster said 150 lions eal about 1590 pounds of meat daily. There will be re/rigeratgon facilities on the premises, he said. Shustf'r said it v.·ill take sight-seers 11bout I ~ hours lo drive through the presrrve which v.•ill have game wardens. Tile special.ors stay in their car!· and are 1old lo lr;eep the windows rolled up . "\V c've never hRd an accident," said Shus1er. 01her annnals !isled for the preserve include elrphant<'I. zebras, w hi I e r111noct'ros, chimpanzees, ostriches and giraffe~. Shuster ,;aicl later pha:oies of the work (See LIONS, Pa1e %) • .... ·-·-~ .. Today's Final N.Y. Stoek.8 TEN CENTS ens U.S. Protest Activities Widespread By United Press lnl.trnatlonal The Vietnam moratorium began today, In Wa shington. a half dozen dcn1onstrators spent the night on the Capitol steps. In New York, lawyer \Villiam Vanden Heu vel read the first name in l!ie list of Vietnam war dead. And as the day progressed, so dld ac- tivity. The Washington demonstrators were cootinuing a protest which began Tues- day nighl in tile chamber of the House of WAR MORATORIUM ROUNDUP ON PAGE 3 }{ e p rcsentalives. Congressmen 1;i1p- porting the protest tried to hold an all- night session but we.re forced to adjourn after four hours when no quorum was found. !:leveral hundred college sludenl.s pick· ed up the protest on the steps outside. The New York demonstration was held In front of Trinity Church, site of Ale::1· r..nder J1amilton's grave and of Grorge \Vashington's place of worship. Vanden Heuvel read the first name, that of 1-:lmer Lee Ables Jr .• then surrendered the pod ium to t.tichael Burke. president of the New York Yankees, and to two \Vall Stret'l investment bankers. 'fhroughout lhe nation other citizens participated. in similar demonstration!! <iesigned to show their displeasure with American participation in the Vietnam war. which has claimed nearly 40,000 Am erican lives. 1'he day or observance began as a cam- pus movemerit. spread io cities and towns, 001\poliUcal and n o n s t u d e n t organizations, churches and, finally, to the halls or Congres11~ In \lt'ashlngton. Pmident Nixon worked Quietly In his offire as rival bands of pickets marched oul~idc the White House gates supporting and op~ing his Viel· nanl war policy. The scene on the Pennsylvania Avenue sidewalk fronting the White House grounds was orderly and the White House said no special securily arrangemen~ were in effect for the moratorium day acth'ities to be climaxed by a march to the White House tonight. One group carrying signs protc.o;ting the \\'ar consisted of a group of Quakers. In npposition was a contingent from Shf!lton College al Cap:! ~1ay, N.J., which carried placards reading "\Vin the war now" and "Let's win, not surrender." As the nation·s capital. \Vashington v.•a.s :1 focal point for the countrywide •·moratorium on business es usual" organized by antiwar groups. On the noors of the House and Scnatr.. nn the Capitol steps. inside and outside government buildings. on college cam· puses, in churches and in public parks, there were speeches appealing for early and complete U.S. disengagement from the v.·ar that has cost nearlv 40,000 (See NATIONAL, Pai:e Z) Stock Markets NE\V YORK (AP) -The stock markrt rally trailed off early this afternoon af~ ter scoring a big gain in four advancing sessions. (See quotatiom, Pages 30-:ll l. At noon the Dow Jones average of JO Industrials, v.'hich spurted on l.1onday and Tuesday, shomd a I~ of 3.43 to 82!!.00 . Orange C:oeat Weather Those variable. clouds won 't be quite so v1r)able Thursday as the temperature •long the Orange Coast d'rops a few notch- es to 72 degrees. INSJ,DE TODA. Y How did &h, Vil!hiam mora- toriam Oet 11oina? The a1uwer'1 on Paa• 12 today. ...l"I H c.......... 1 C•._ c.,..,. 11 CltaltlH 11·-C•"'I(' 11 C"91W91'11 ll OiNtlll ,...,11.. • -" . .-., .. , ...... . ·~lff1•1,,_I ftolJ ""'•fie• •11 M--.C:4" JI At111 Ll'IMI•" .e M1lllle• ' MafT .... Llf"'M1 I • t . . O DAIL V ll'ILOT -L Close Marumvers 2 Soviet Ships In Space Circus t-.tOSCO\V (UPI ) -Tu·O of Russia's three orbiting spaceships performed close quarler 1naneuvers Tucs<lay, snuggling fiidc by side and then passlng and repass- ing each other tW i<"t, the news agency f ass reported tQday. \\'hen Soyuz 7 and Soyuz 8 were l™ lhan three n1iles from each other they fvaved thrir solar ba ttery panels al each olher in greetings, T<1ss. sa\d . The era!~ <ire equlppcd "'ilh twn rccJangular pa~ls that jut out from their sides almost like airplane wings. Dow1i the I I !Mission Trail Apartment Foes Pick Conunittec J.tJSSION VIEJO -Apartment pro- lesters have elected a steering committee represening all parts of the community lo take their fight to the Orange County Board of Supervisors. Leading the group 'o\'iH be Boh Brennan, Dick Niederhauser, Dorin Lucas. John Dowd, Burdette Sanders and Gary Buss. The commitee will present petitions v>'ith more than 600 signatures to the Board of Supervisors in their effort lo persuad'! them not to pass the fourth revision of ftli11s.ion Viejo master plan. The committee also will investigate i.;·a~s to ketp Mission Viejo a suburban residential community. e Teen Fun Offered L.4.KE FOREST -Teenagers who reside in Lake Forest are invited tQ come t the teen area at tile Beach and Tennis ub on 1t1ondays, Wednesdays and ridays from 3 to ~:30 p.m. and all day turday from 10 a.m. to S p.m. 1'he teen coun~lor is busy setting up ' pool and ping pong tournament s, llorseback riding exhibHions. dances, hayrides, ska ting trips aod swim parties. F'or further information call the club al SJ7·6100. e Sludenls ha Fil111 CAPISTRANO -Studen~ from San :Jemente High School and Crown V-.Jley Elemenlllry in Laguna Nigue l ~oon will be seen on screens in movie bou:ies nationwid e. The student! appear in a documentary rilm highlighting major breakthroughs in 'cesoog.raphy by industry end the U.S. ~avy. The docurnentar?o'. financed by ~lcoa and produced by Jerry Fairbank:i Production s. also \I'll! be shown on leh•1·ision and made .avai lable to schools. The high school and elementary 'tudents are shown foraging through tidepools al Dana Harbor and then back in cl11.ss examining the ir specimens, e G11itar Clau Sel MISSIO:-l VIEJO -Guttar enthusiasts ~,.ho would lik e lo refine their strumming may sign up for gllilar lesson5 starting ~tonday. Oct. :W al the recreation center. Fees for the eighl·\ree~ course j() take place on t.londays v.·il! be $10 for member~ and $\8 for nonmembers. For Jnf(lrmation contact I.he center at 8J7- f084. DAil Y Pii 01 The delayed report ()f the operation was .Jut of character for the Soviets \vho in the current project have provided nearly instant reports of the spaceship activities_ Tass said the rendezvous of Soyuz 7 and 8 lasted &<lme hours. "Yesterday was the 1noment when they sv.•itched on their eagines and began to com'! closer," Tass said. "Vik tor Gor·batko On Soyuz 7) joyously declared. 'I see in my i;ide window a hright spot approaching us.' " TatiS reported rarlier lhe pilots took their shipll under manua l control for some unspecified maneuvers today. T·he disclosure was made in an interim report on lhe seven-man spaceflight. Earlier the agency sald all the cos· monauts were "fine" and the mission was continu1ng "successfully." "'Guiding themselves by the figures of navigation measurement!, commanders of the ships continue maneuvering wllh the u.se Of manual control," Tas.s said . Two of the ships -Soyuz 1 and 8 -ap- parently Vr'ere with.in visual range of each other. The news agency said the crew of So}'l.11 8 ·~observed the maneuvering and oritn- tat1on to the sun of the. spaceship Soyuz 7." There v.·as no indication how close was the third ship, Soyuz 6. An earlier dispatch sa1d the cos· n1on auts began their day with breakfast. morning ei:ercises and a medical checkup. There Wa! speculation that the spacemen today would guide their Soyuz spaceships to a formation needed for the construction of Jong-term space laboratorie:'!. Laguna Niguel, Rancho Bernardo Merger Pending A merger is pending between Orange Cotm!y's Laguna Niguel Corporation dnd San Diego County's Rancho Bernardo Inc. If the financ ial juncture takes place, it is expected lhal JL would speed-11p de \ielopn1ent of Laguna Niguel v,·hith is 1naster planned for 80,000 persons. r\iguel holdings include v a I u ab I e beachfront property bt>l\Veen Monarch Bay to Dana Point. II! mosL recent la11d acquisition cost more than SIO n1lllion and iocluded lands surrounding con - troverslal Salt Cree k Hoad, con!rovcrsial t>ecause the public road ll'aS nba11doncd t.l 1hc corporation. Rancho Bernardo, a vigorOlJS dcselop· Jnent firm , is a subsidiary of Avco Corporati()n. Laguna Nigue l 'corporation i~ largely o 1v n e d by Cabot, Cabot & Forbts Company, a Boston real estate developer. Ayco officials said an agrtemcnt has been readied in principal for the pro· posed merger. It is subject to completion of a definitive agreemerit and approval by directors of l.agunt Niguel, certain regulatory agencies and the company's creditors. Avco said Rancho Bernardo's name l\'::>uld be changed to Avco Community Developers. The company would bt rr.capitalized on a basis similar to Lagu na Nigurl. Avco Con1m unity Dc l'elopers would of- fer lo rxchange .6 share of lls common :-tock plus $3.75 in cash f()r each of Laguna Niguel's 2.7 n11llion shares ouls!anding. A!$0 holders of 252,000 Laguna Niguel w:;rrants \vould be offered an opportunity to e~change. each \1·arrant .for .6 Avco Community Developers. warrant. Each 1\.'arranl Y•ould enti tle the holder lo purchase nne share of A1·Co Com- n1unlty Developers sloe~ f()r SJ.7fi through Dec. 16, !973. A pro~pectu~ cov!'rin,o: tenn~ o( I.he of· fer is to he filed 1•dth U1e Securities ;:ind Exchange Commission. Completion of U1e 1nerger would be contingent on tM tender or at least 81 percent of Laguna Nigue1'1 shares. ---..---.-------,-~---------...... ----------~--------·--.. - HE~O HOSTAGE BY ESCAPEE l<idn1p Victim And•r1on Pretty Girl, 17, Seized; FBI inHunt SAN LUIS OBISPO (UPI) -A pretty, t7·year-old nursery school assistant was kidnaped at knifepoint Tuesday by a man believed to be a fugitive. wanted by the FBI. Police think the girl is being held hostage today to ensure the escape of her abductor. Kirsten "Killy" A n de rs on , a miniskirted teacher's aid at the Peter Pan Nursery School at Arroyo Grande, 15 miles .south of here, Was abduCted by a man and forced into a stolen car shortly before noon. Authorities said the description of the man, given by two other women at the school , matched in almost exact detail that of Robtrt A. Harvey, charged with a previous ki-dnaping and serious wounding of a youth in Albuquerque. N.M. An a!I points nationwide bulletin was issued by the FBI for Harvey, v.·ho walk· ed out of a jail in Santa Maria, Calif., Saturday night. Authorities said they u·ere cleaning out lhe cells and had herd· ed all the prisoners into one room when }larvey "just sort of walked away.'' 111e man who abducted the blut-eyerl, hlond¢ high school student v.•as hiding in the nursery \1•hen r.irs. Beth Peters, the o)l<'rator and owner, opened al 11 a.m. He tied Mrs. Peters. then f.fiss Andl'rsQn ;ind a c.'.IOk anrl put lhe1n in a bathroon1. Ile then forced the girl to at- con1pany him a11d fled in Mrs. Peters' car -a green station wagon. l 'roin Page 1 CITIZEN ... Festival Ba~ks Chorale ' Directors Say Concert Donatio11s Won't Be Needed ln a magnanimoua mood, Festival of Arts dittctora decided Tue.sdly that th• Festival Chorale no longer need ask doriaUona for its conctrl.3, but can count on full support from the Festi val after its next iCheduled presentation, 11 folk song festival Nov. 1. Director Helen Keeley said the cultural committee would like a board policy rul· ing on the question of requesting dona- t.ion1 at Chorale concerts, explaining Lhe custOm had been established hy Doris Seilds to defray expenses when Lhe Chorale wu startin&. Thia )'tar, Mrs. Keeley said, 'donations had amounted to $422 in January and $61 in J\1ay. These amounl.a were received a• eontrihutioils to the budget allocated by the board for support of the Chorale. In ;iddition, she said, the Chorale h'ad given a lund·ra isi ng heneflt for the Playbou~e. "Personally I feel there should be no d:>nations taken if the Festival is sup. porting the Chorale as a community :;ervice," said Mrs, Keeley. "Unless of course, it is a question of a benefit for a .,.,·orthy cause." Director Stuart DUrkee pi4., .M ~: der1tood thtre •re two views on:1tt1e au~ jecl, one that t1'e ChotaTe shQuJd jtand oti- ils own two feet, the other that 1 • shouto-: be supported hy the Festival aa a cont' muniey ser\'ice ... I have no objectlpn ta: continuing the ~pport , so they dop 'I havi:: to take up a cn!lection,"' he Said. '1 :: Directors apprOved a motio.n that !hi( Chorale stop asking donations after i(c .next, already advertised appea1'0nce, eV ccpl with board ;:ipproval, and tbat slfe.b! approval be given only for ' beoef• periormances. • -tri:t -tr -:r-:ru 'Expenses 011ly' Fee Pla11 f 'rom Page J NATIONAL • • • ·. Proposed for Irvine Bowl Ainerk:an !ires. '· T1ie orderlineS;S of the demonstraUrui: was in contr:ast to a bloody encount~: \vhich took place almost exactly two~ years ago -on Oct. 21, 1967 -when aft ; an!iwar rally culminated in an attempt t~ · siorm the doors of the Pentagon, Today, 1ilr protestors stayed clear of lhe P.f!n· tagon, nerve center or the U.S. defense estab!ishmt>n(. festival of Arts directors indicated Tuesday that they m.ight look with favor nn a proposal to abolish all fees except CIUt·of·pocket expenses for non-prollt groups using Festival facilities at Irvine Bowl. The proposal was made by director Fro,. Page 1 LIONS. • • v:ill include a tree·top restaurant from \vhich diners may look out on giraffes and jungle. He said there v,•ill be v,•aterways for boat trips among the animals -"a jungle. ri ver ride-including one through a "free flight aviary". It is to be enclosed and about 100 yards Jong, 60 or 70 feet high and about 100 feet wide. LioJ'I Country Safari "will totally change the topography ()f the area," said Shuster. He said also it will employ a great many local peop¥,.He estimat(!d thnt employment in the summers n1ight run as much as l.&00 pe rsoas. Shuster said later phases of work will include addition of hotels, a shopping plaza and other tourist attractions. He said a promotional campaign will be launched as opening day approcahes but will be done :somewhat ginger'ly at first to evaluate the effect of the crowds on traf· fit. Traffic at tht Florida fa cility Shuster ~aid, \\.'SS ()nee backed up several miles. Shuster said Orange County officials have been helpful in launching the fac ili· ly, The only disappointment, he said, was t!le recent denial of big sign. Looking acrO!a the landscape from a point near the San Diego Freeway's Valencia off-ramp, Shuster said. "\Ve've never had an accident. We want to be good neighbors." Artists Boosting Spirit for Ganie Stuart Durkee who noted that a special J'ee. schedule had been set up for groups using t~e Festival's new Forum, but in fact the board has been waiving such fees for most of ihe organizations using Festival facilities in recent years. I fe cited the Lyric Opera As.90Ciation, high school, Civic Ballet and many charitable groups. "How would the board feel about total dedication of the facilities lo community service?" Durkee asked. "It probably v,·ould amount to $5,000 or $10,000 a year, but 1 think we should do that." Durkee said he would suggest that the groups pay for such direct expenses as light bills, custodial help and the like, but be charged no flat rental fee for either the theater or individual pieces o( equip. ment like microphones. Ile noted that the plan would require c·lty approval, since rental fees are split with the city. Ex officio board memher Mayor Glenn Vedder said he thought the t·ily would be "very glad to go along" \1·ith the community service proposaL Board chainnan William D. Martin i;aid he realized many worthwhile groups cannot afford to pay a $25-a-Oay rental fee. "I'm certainly sympa thetic if it tomes within the realm of possibility to make this contribution to the communi· ty," he said. Directors voted to a'-k (he fa cility usage committee to prepare figures nn probable· cost of the proposal for con· J;;]derat1on b,v llie city council and J•estival hoard. ' 'J Bolvl Remodeling Bid Accepted There was a mall s~lrmish on the can).: pus of A1nerican University v,.·hen a grouf: C'alled "the U.S. An l i·C om mun i it: Congress" tried to ex:hihit placards at I..: rally addressed hy Sen. George S:.: McGovern <?·S.D.), but it was quickl,Y.: IJroken up with oo one hurl. : · 1'he nation 's capital 's participalion 1~'. the moratorium will be climaxed tonight: by a mass rally on the Washington Jli.10.11U: ment grounds, followed by Ii l°and lelight '. march to the White House. t.1rs. Martin Luther King Jr, will lead the marth. . .Ni.xon has twice said he would. not bi: ;iffected by the day's activilies, but Tue~: day Vice President Spiro T. Agnew call~ on the Jeades or the moratorium to repudiate support received Tuesday from Jlanoi. Agm\v said a leller from North Viel· tia1nrse. officials "lo our American frlends" \\'as "a shocking intrusion into lhe affairs of the America n people by an enemy pov.·rr. ·• From coast to coast. from north t() :0011\h, protests were held -cam plJS . rallies, speeche~. prayer m e et in gs; parades and vigils -to demon strate !hat !he lull in antlv•ar aclivlly 1vas at an end. Froin Page J LAGUNA ... nn the ~assy bluff.~ overlrioking th• Pacific, chating and joining in S()ng led by student Jolie Bernstein. Sen ior student borly president Howard BMch Construction Company's low bid /!ill.~ told them, "Our governmenl ha' of Sl9,J~4.70 for remodeling the entra{l("e committed a crime in Vietnam and we·- 10 lr\.'ln e Bov,'l \1•as accept ed by the. !1a\'E' to do something about it. This i~ noi:, Fes!ival of Ari s board Tue.sda.r. The hid resi.~tence, not hatred. not destruction. ll'as S6,00J under Qrig1nal estimates. "ll i~ 01.11 ol creati ve luvc· for the mrn . Pageant producer Don \\til!Jan1son, who \\'ho have died." v.as instructed to prepare a contract for Pointing lo the nearby war memoriat . the project, said it could bc. cnmpl('tcd by :-;haft. Hill ~aid, "\favhe wr can make H. \\/hi.I J be Feb. 1. if work begins 11•lthin a \\•eek. :OQ rhcy really t:hd nol die in vain and use e Pans are ing made to top their spi rit to guide us S(l that whaL they ·. back and forth on top, then back down-TusLin at the football gaine Friday nigh!, had 1Q go through will stop now." 1 ~at \1•as quite a crowd gett(!r !" he LagU1la High is preparing two days of PL •z • PRESENTS As students prrpared to leave in a ca(' chuckles. spirit aclivily. /1 rt. rara van for the UC! cam pus. Hills told' He is concerned about today's young Thursday has bten officially dubbed them that v,.·hile the y \Vanl.ed onl.v a people and the failure of the schools to '8'Dress _Doll wbeo Db•1Y':_at the higlhh Schook!. SPEC/A.L .SECTlO.~ prarrful demonst ration, there might be a._ give them pride in their country. o,l'S V.'l a e w escape e soc S· confronta tion 11·1th Unive rsity p:ilice or "\\'he11 I ll'C'llt to school they taught us ivlth-sandals rules and girl s ""111 be able South Coast P!a1a Shopping Center in \l'ith other students opposing l ht I' be good An1cricans. \Vr believed ":hat lo wear capris even if H isn 't raining. C t '1 t . I rnoralorlum. " Th d ·11 I be h t d · h 11 os a 1• esa presen s a spec1a 16-pa~e \\Chad \\':ls wor th lighting for. I was so u~ ay WI a so a a ay. \l"l t a aulo and special events section in today ·~ "If this happens, do f'.xact!y as the ' con~·ioced I eve n jumped the gun and \tiyal Art isls wearing hats with slogans to ed iti on of the DA ILY PILOT polict;!-1e!1 you . Dnn·t gel into any ~ v•cnt ahead to fight. for iL \\'ar is hor· go i\ith the game Friday night. Tlic Plaza section ff filled v.·ith photo.~ argurncnts . Reine1nber ~'OU are. on a. rible. l\·e been through l\10, but at least F'riday v.·ill also be another day of dif· nf 1970 auto model lines. details on the creative mission -a miss.ion of love.'' ,,e believed in v,·hat we were doing . ferent dress as all :students are asked to "Player of the ftfonth" contest for area Al UC!, the Laguna student.s planned to ' ··1·vc been to so n1any countries and wrar maroon and whilf', the school col· high schools and specla l Plaza features. jJin in special classes concerning the :-!"en ho1v other people live. I only \\'ish ~";';'·==============================~V~te~t~"~m;;i~ssu~e~l~h~is~a~f~te~'~n~oo~o~.====­i:>Ome of these youni;: people could see for jr themselves so they v,·ould appreciate 11·!1al thev havr here. ·'::-(i1nelimes I think the only 11·ay lo 1 rc.:illy appreclat~ America is to be away Jrom ii and then come back.'' Today Horace En1ery came back - offici ally. The next time he goes to visit his f;nglish sons, he'll be traveling on a grefn passport lhat says citizen of the Ul'li~ed St.ates and hiS sons once n1ore will have an American father. fl:•M.t N. W1H PtHifo~I ,,,. l"llOllJ"'I J•ci. l , C11rl.., l/ltl '•UlHftl 1"9 iktllf .. Mt ... tll T~•"''' 91:,,..;i IEllilOI' lhtl'l'ltt >.. M•r1111ii~t ""•-i ... '""" J ;•h1'4 P. Nill , __ Young Men, Marijuana Netted in Laguna Raid ) ... 00 '''·" ,,,, •• 11 ... ---111 F•••d loot. M1 iHft ' "''••nc P.O. I••'''· ,2,52 -·-C~•I• ""'"' J)O ~nt I•• i•_,.1 ~'"'""I••(" 71\l N .. t llltle• l•·llYl<I .. ,~,,,..,,. 1••1~ • J!~ llrnt In a Fairywood Walk raid Tuesday night. Laguna Beach narcotics dete<:tives alleae they sei..zed about 41,, pounds of marijuana, three young men and 172 \l'hite capsules suspected of being LSD. The stake-0ut a rresL~ involved the. chase of one suspect inlo the woods of the 1·uslic are;.i orf Lagu na Canyon Road, said Lt. John 7.elko . Arrested on marijuana possf':ssion ch11.rges werf': .Robert Louis r.la rs. 19, an arUst's model ; Roy James Satterfield, 22, ummployed, both ol 1214 Fairywood \Valk; and mu sician Charles Thomas McFarland, Jr., 24 of Santa Ana. Detective Sergeant Norm Babcock aaid the capsules, ii LSD, would probably tell for about $3 each. He placed no value on the marlju.na. Reports of its illicit value. vary widely !Ince Operation Intercept \\'a!; put into t'ffcct along the Americ11n · Me~ican border. Babcock and Det!X:tlvc Nri l Purer.II made the 11rrest shortly after 8 pm. al the F'arry11·ood Walk address, U . Zelko said the. nlarljuena In two lJe eknges was place<! ne.r the police or· ffters by ~fcfarland as they waited in tht rtark . \ As Purcell moved to arrest McFarland, sa id Zelko, the suspect kicked ilnd struck at the officer and fled into the woods shouting, "It's the police." Purcell pursued and arrester!, said Zelko. The polict lieulen<int ~air! the de.tee· 1i1 es uocovered tinother ~111all quantity of 1narijl1&na and the 11 hitc capsules under <' v,·heelbarrow in the l'ard of the residence. " Babcock s.iid loday he believed the 1narijuana was probably grown in the U.S. because of its type and UJe way It had been processed. He said the three suspects would probably be arraitned in municipal court today. fn another rnarljuana arrest Tuelday, two men were seized on charJes or possessing about 30 grams of merljuan•. Officers l.arr.v \\'arren t1nd John Saporito arrested Peter F rank ProMt. 2t, rt tran~irnr ; and ~lile5 Ed11·ln Roiholt, 37, of South Gate. Rogholt 1\'a~ arre~ted in the 600 block of South Coai;t Hig)'l\\•ay. Zelko said Saporito chaseod Prob~! onto rhc beach and tr· rested hirn as War ren guarded Ult other IU~pttl. CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE J00.00 To the girl who krtoe)W5 w~t she W&nlS DtJt ftO( whett-to find il. Mitch yo-.r •tyle •ilia OU" m.t"Y cS.ftnc!Me designs. Altd1 ask •s about our falllOeS ()Qngt Blouom gu-ant11 JIO.M J. C. J.lt1111Jhrie.1 'JeweferJ 1821 NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA 22 YEARS SAM E LOCATION PHONE S41.J<OI \ I ' . • • . ' ' j " :Ji ' I Ii • ,;;. ' . • ,, ' ; I ' I l I ' I I I,, ill ' ' , I I I ---------~--......---·---··--~ --··--- Yltdnt1d.ty, Octobfr 15, 1?61 OAIL V PI LOT 5 Soviets Pull Out ubcek Faces Arrest Of Mediterranean Resig11.s Front Czecli 'lmrnunity' Post LONDON IUPll -The Soviet Union, in a new surprise mo1•e, ha:s pulled the bulk of Its warships from the M e di t e r r anean, defense sources said today. 'l'hc Soviet fleet, which had been buill up to an un- precedented s t r e n g l h of between 55 and 60 uni l.S only a few weeks ago. h;as suddenly bef!n reduced lo a mere token pres<!nce in the ~rategic area, the defense sourt"CS said. No reason \\'as given nor any 'Rcgulal'' Police Back In Ireland PRAGUE {UPI ) -Deposed armouncement n1ade by the reform leader Alexand <'r Russians. 1'he mol'e was car· ried out quietly, hut has bct>n Dubcek resigned u nder shadowed by allied air and pressure today frum the naval units. federal parliament in a step \Veslc rn de!ense experts that :itri pped him . of his said tJ1ey assumed that ftussia parliamentary immunity front \\'as pulling the ships back to arrest and tri<il. Soviet ports , perhaps for th e Du bcek's resignation from ,. \\'int.er months, unless lhey are ~econd and more influrnLia l being shi fted 11'1 other, un-C'-s • z po..o;t _ that of chairn1<1n nf disclosed deslinations,"possibly u.l y ig r·tec parlia ment -was expec~ed in the Far East. S(IOn, possibly today. The wi thdra11·al <1pparcnt1y For Jlfl•S;,.al The officia l news asenc-y i;ignifi<'d thal the Soviet~ ap-Cl .,..._. CTK reporter! that Dubcek, parently are nol rating the ,Jost'f Smrknvsky aod si x olher ?11iddle East s i tu a l ion NE\V YORK (AP) -A liberals resigned when the dangerously explosive :i t Broadv.•ay producer says he lower house of parliament met present, defense sources said. to begin a ty.·n-d<iy session. has signed Cassius Clay, the Soviet na l'al 0,0, .• , l>a>·c Smrko\·sky al:i;o rr:i;igned as ~. undefco ted bul u n frock e d become some.thin<> of a c-hairman of th e }louse ()f the " world heal'ywrighl b ox in g n1ystery for \Y es te r n ,__ People anrl r.1aric Mikol'a, champion, to Ul.'COmt' a son~ h 1·•-I · d d;pJomalic obserl'ers. . ,,_ anot er JUt'ra , quit as eputy and dance man during uie But :i;ince Russia pushed inlo chairman of lhe house. nexl theatrical Sf'asori. the r.tediterranean it has A meeting lasl month of the n1 a i n la i n e d consi derable The producer, Zen Bu rman. rent ral commil\t'C of the Ul'I T•lt911o .. OFFICIALLY OUT Alexander Dubcek day or Thu r:idlly. Parliament members have immunity against arrest. Gustav Hwmk. Dubcek'~ successor as fir!t M!tretary o( thP party, had pn>"'ised thenir will be no· political trials. But Stefan Vsadovsky, f i r' t secretary of tbc Slova k Party, said Salurday therP may b11: trials If so1ne former leaders broke the law. ThP. CTK 11 nnounrem1>nt dropped lhe pretense that the cen!ral committee had only '· r e comme n d e d ' ' th<? Smrkovsky-r.tikova ouster~. It !'aid thP. two chairmen \\"rre fired "by decisioni:; of !he St>plember plenum of the cen· Ira! committee." ~ixon Confers \Vilh Prince strength there, partly 10 i:;aid ~1onday that Clay -who Czechoslovak Communist Par· BELFAST, Northern lrelilnd underSt·ore its ncv.·Jy \\'On ro:c look t/1e narne Muh an1rnad Ah ty harl "recommended'' that l)ubcek and Srnrkol'sk.v amon~ \VASlllNGTON (UPI) (U PI) _ Jl.oman Catholic in the area ancl partly to back \\·hen he joined the Black tiuhcek, Smrko\'sky and Mi ss dcpullei:; v. ho had "asked to be President Nixon and Prioce leaders agreed today to let lhe Arabs against Israel _ as ~fus lims -\l'ould :i;t;:ir in a r.tikova be purged frorn their rrlicvC'd of their fl1nC'ti')ns." Fuad fbn Abdel Aziz of Saucli regular police patrols back in· "'cl\ as lo intiinidate Israel_ n1usical version of ''Big Time parliamentary leadership posi-It 1\·as hrli!'ved Dubeck v.·as Arabia held a "private" 45 to their area of the city for the defense sources said. Buck \Vhitc '' opening Dec. l at lions. flroprcd fron1 n1crnbcrship in minu te discussion TueSC"lay. fi rst time si nce Ca lholic· l..atcst reports said th a l the c;rorge Abbott lheater. The central C('lmmittee had !he House of lhr l'rople first The prince was accompanied Protestant rioting broke out Ru!lsia now has about JO 11'1 12 Burman said the cont ract not suggested lhat the three bec1tuse it met fir~!. An· hy Saudi Foreign !\1inister there two months ago. v.·arships left in !he !\lcditf'r -guaranlees 1he boxer two leave parliament altogclher. nouncr1nent of hi!!i ouster as 0 m a r Sa q q a f • Sa u d I The a,1?reen1enl was a bright rane<in, apparently one of th~ "'eeks off dt1ring the run of I.he But sources here had sa id that chairman c1f parliamenL was Ambass<idor ll>rahim A c;· :-pot in <'[forts to restore peace smallest concr.ntrations there show for a title bout j[ one conserl'<itives 11·cre pushing: expcc1cd lri follov,. a full So 1v a y Ye I an fl U · S • 1.n Northern Ireland. However. in recent times. materializes. this point and CTK listrd ~ession of the parliament to-Ambassador Hennan F. Ei!L~. Northe rn Ireland police v.·ere ir===================================~======:::::::::::::::::::::::;::::;::::;:::::::::;::::;:::;~:::::::::;:::::::::;============:::, ~lississippi Blaze Fi remen battle huge , bilJO\\'ing namrs fron1 a hu,ec gasoline .storilgc tank i11 tlleridian, !\liss., after 'I.he 100-gallon tank exploded. ·rhree homes '"ere burned and dozens evacuated, but no i n j u r i e s \Ve re reported. Nixo11 Sciys Major Proble1ns Will Ease 'WASH INGTON President Nixon hclicvrs 1hr. major prob!en1s f;icing thr. na- tion today -the Vielnam war , ' j,( Aid Rcforn1 Drive Opens \VASHINGTON IAPJ -The Nixon adrninis1ra t1on '1f){'ned its dri\'e in Congress loday rnr massi\'e welfare rcrorn1 by .call ing the proposed f:unily :1 ssi~1ance progra m "the best vehicle for this nation to help break the poverty cycle." Secretary Robert I!. Finrh flf the Oepar!mrnt nf !lcallh, Education 11nrl \\'clf<ire, lhr <idministra!lon·s I ea d -o f r "·itness before 1he Hnu~e Ways ;ind ~ie<ins Com1nit1r", said !he first ye;ir cosls of thr Presidenl"s \\'C!fare rrf'lnn package have brr11 rrvi ~cd 11pwards from $~ bill ion 10 $4.1 billion. inflatinn anrl crime -'1 ill all be cased by lhe t ime his pre~cnt 1crm in office £nds in 1972. Thr: drc~s President plans an ad- nn in!la!ion later this v:rck, drtails nf v.·hich \\'Cre Fnrthcnn1i ng soon fro1n the \\lhi !e llousc. l\ixon·s ()\"Crall opti1nist1c 1·1c1r of his next few years 11·as ,lll\"Cn at the \\'bite llouse Sun- day n1ghl during a dinner for the As5ocialcd Press board of direct ors. 'fhe transcript v.·;is made pubhc Tuesday. Nixon said : "Inflation ... \\"il l have been checked hecause \1·c v.·enl in al 1hC' heart or lhe problem and J(l(lk our hard knocks no1v rind l:ilcr !his v. inter in nrder Lh~t 1\'r ('Ollld have s1noothcr sail- i11;; l;i!rr." -"Crin1r ll'il l ha1·r hrrn t·hrckcd bec;iu~e 1hc Congress 11,1~ Jn pa~s 1h1· ('fin1r bills .. Thr Con:;1·cs~ cnn be politic;il ;ibout Cl"l'ry thing else, but thi.~ one area v. ill co me up to .•• " in a mild state of rt•bcllion - they refused to exchange thf'ir bottle green unifor1ns for the blue of Brili.~h bobbies lo change their image from a paramilitary unit to that or a cil'i\ peace keeping force. The noman Catholic agree· menl cam<' ill a meeting hr>twccn Sir Arthur Y(lung. general of the Hoyal Ulster n e "'I y appointed inspector Cnn~tabulary, ilnd members of !he Cen tra l Citizens Dcf<'nse Comm ittee , the group \l'hich rc prescnL~ 75 .000 Catholics liv- ing: in the Falls Road area. "firgular police palrol.~ 'vill be rcsun1ed t hi~ Friday,'' a spokesman for lhe com1ni ttec ~;ild aftrr the meeting. "Police patrols will join the n1i!ita ry police in lhc area. Bi~hop t;hccu nc~i!!n ~ Po~L v noc11ESTE Jl , N. Y. (U PI ) -Bi.~hop Fulton J. Sheen . one I of lhe best knov.•n preachers\ and e1·a ngelists in the Romani Ca tholic church, announced to- da y he has rcsiJ:nf'rl 11s head of the di~sc of H.oche:i;ter. N.Y.I Sheen, b11.hop 11£ llnchcslt'ri since 1'366. ~aid hr h<id ;:i~ked to be reliered fl[ his duties hrra11~r nl his ;i~c. l!r is i4. In Hon1<', Popr Paul \"I named tl 1sgr. ,)Q~rnt1 l.l0yd ll l'lg;in. :-~1. p;islor of SL tllarg;irrt tllc1·c·y Church 111 Rochrslrr, to .~Ill'· recd Shl'<'Jl and l r;n1~ferrcd 1 th(' b1 <;l1op In lh{' honorary po~t nr titular arthbishop or Newpor~. 01vncr JVa nts to Live • 'flick To 1v11.' PODlii\'I\ r r·;~Tl:ll, l11v.;1 Fn111 !. \1hfl 11a.~ o:ir of lhrrc i1.·· .-hr ~;ud '"\\'h;il \1•1rn rr (UPIJ -Thr epitome of i;n1;11I h1ddrr:. 011 t h~1 nrnrn111111 y. ;111d I arr 1no~I ronrc rncd ' to11·n America Ji"" nc~llrd l'rnm J'nrlllnh. 11 1 ~ 11111,. al)flut i" gru1ng Pfl<l11nk the, <1moni; grrrn aerr~ "f ini1rs 1'1 lh{' nr:ire"l (·nni-r1gh1 kind of an u11cn~-r." I f;irmland an1I a n 110.:e;1~1n11,d 111111i1 1y r.( .1ny :'Jtf', H•1L. tl!r~ ~1 1~s ~"r1n1.I ... ;11d 1n :. lr!!rr highway. ll" lhr k1nrl nl pla1 r \\, ,,i,,, ;-.;1irl. thrrc 1s i;rr:il ,1rro111p<111y1n~ h<'r hid tt1;it :i;hr !h<'y c:ill ;i ··hick tn1111." :.:1· .. 111111! pto!r11t1;il frir Podunk l1;irl 11·nr~e•t for th<' ,,,1inr cnn1 ' The 1011·11 1:i; l'11d1111k t 'rl)IPr. br1 :111.-l' 11 i~ :•i111alril <1L the p:1ny for nrarly 27 ;r.1rs and lowll. a111l on TL1c.~day 1L w.is J11nrl1<J11 11[ h1·11 high11;1ys. l1ar1 been ::ill ril 11nc ~1nct• hcrl purchased -hy 11 lady trn111 Th<' f;Jlc of flodunh ;ii ·h1te1 rd f;11hrr died about 10 m0nthsl the £;isl who s;i;s .!Ohl' ahl'a,\"' 11a1fr,11al p11bliri1y 11 i1rn ~1r ;.1go. v.·an!f'd lo l1i·c Jn a "hick ;111fl l\1r:i;. \\'rcks nHrr0 rt it fnr "r v.oulrl !1kr ~n1111'flay 111 : l(lv.·n." salr. ~l rs. \Vee.ks ~aid she 1::. lil"r u1 a widr·orcn plate likei Podi1 nk l:ikcs 1111 only 011" i11 ;i 11·a~·. ~lad to final!y be rid T'ridunk. J\·e <ilv.•ays 1\·an!ed lo ;icre of land, and El~1c M. of !he ll),,.11 , rrtirc !o a hick lov.·n," she frinzl of Clev('l:.incl, C)hio, bi_d "Biil ,1.c·rc ;;:l'ling lo mi:.s i:;ai d. -' y ' ! $1 2,500 for th~ \!)\I'll. II s _ ~ _ _ _ _ --~ former nv.·ncrs. ~1r. anrl Mrs .1~•••••••• ...... •••• ... ••••,....••• .... ••••_._.... ......... l~omer \\l('r k ... , s;iirl l'odun~ is : YOUR PROBLEM· • ~. a good bu.1· ;it anv price .• • : becau~e the area is beautiful ! • I • ,_ an<! nei Rhhors arc friendly. • You Wint to 1ell some item :1 ~ Podunk Cenlcr eon:i;1sts 0£ a 1 ttiat you no longer need but : 1 · · F,eneral slorf'. ~ervire ~1.1tion ! som.one el1e can use for • ·. and cafe -all uniter 'ln r rnt1r 1• N 0 T 0 y ER $ 5 0 f '-' • -and a fo11r·roon1 Jll()\cl. Its ! f ·"'"'" *'"' ...... .--~· ..... ,.. ..... ·----~ ...... ~ .. --......... _ ...... ,. .... __ .,,, ... ~-........ ..:t populalion is Zf'fO. ! ? ? ? ? ? ? •; The \Vcrks lamilv l11·C{f in • • • • % Podunk brtwcrn l'.16°! :i nd 1968,: YOUR ANSWER :! but finally decided it v.·a~ just ~ : •: too much 11·ork for lhrm In • You c1ll THE DAILY PILOT, ask for i 1 kc;-p Po rl u n k 's bt1sincsses : Clas1ified Advertising, •nd pl1ce • • &01ng. • i · So !hey dodrled to >ell lhc • PILOT ." Centr11l low'a lown. And sell ! ~ ;VI!'-;1 l.hry did. Terry Tluggins of • ~ -i Ka,,... c ;1y, Mo., P";d 110,000 ! .. -. . • . PENNY I for the t{J\l·n, readvrrtised and i ~ · !i i flnally 'old PO<lunk to M;ss * ~ ... -·-~'-~ PINCHER I , Get tbe most on ! -~~ CLASSIFIED AD i: ~~~¥~~~! i AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE !1 ~~'-J{!~~.~ ~ 3 LIN~S 2 TIMES 2 DOLLARS i' ...... , ... 5 38~". • ( t i S'ftl&l llDS P\lll • ArHiu"' .: ANO YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I +-1 .. i.....tp0Kfro,.. ""'•l,...,µ • : .-.. , .. , ... ,,.,,,., •• ., • DIAL NOW DIRECT! : r•cc lST•OlO,ICAlfD•ltAST • 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 •• 1011 YOUll su;Nt .. 1ov sr111-vo ... .,. • ii Sometimes you can buy good health' ·Your gift can help·proviae health se rY'ices· ro r th ose in need -the youn g and old, th e sick and troubled . Gi ve hea lth . Give ge nerou sly .. • One Gift Works Many Wonders/GIVE THE UNITED.WAY. • Your Community Support The Campaign lll • !Tell ft. .. Nerth Cevttty 540-11101 i i "''~'"" .• .,""" ~ .y,.,.,,. ... 1.. 1 ,. , ................................. ***** ............. ~~-~~~~-~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~- --:~0----------------------------------• DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE County's tt wO\ild appear that a little bending will have to be done before Laguna's sorely needed lib rary becomes a reality. The city proposed to acquire Third Street property and build a library faci!Jty through the non·profit cor- poralion procedure used for the new fire stations. That plan has run into opposition at the county level. Rent that would have to be paid f or use of the building as a county branch library is out of line with county standards, the city was told. And the city budget won't accommodate an alter- nate proposal under which the city would buy the land directly and the county finance the building. The cash just isn't there. Meanwhile Laguna's tiny library (2,205 1quare feetl Is bul ging at the seams and its patrons are getting Je:ss than the service they deserve. This is ironic, because it happens Legunans are the county's most diligent library users. According to county statistics, the Laguna branch issues more cards per capita and there is more activity per card here than ln any other comn1unity. Additionally, because of its high assessed valuation, Laguna makes a heavy contribution. through taxes, to support of the county library system, getting compari· tively little in return. or Laguna's need for a new library, just as soon as possible, there is no doubt. Because of this obvious, and Jong-standing need, lt might be well for the county to look again at the ci1y's proposal for financing a new facility. Perhaps the coun- ty should add up the library taxes that Lagunans have paid over the year s. There is no hard and fast rule regarding the amount of rent to be paid for a county library branch. A re. Mixing the Elements of 'Play,' 'Work' lt Is not until we begin to grow up that we are forced to accept the dlfference between "play'' and "work in the world: and It is not untn \\'e have ripened Into \Yisdom that we learn to put back an ele- ment of play Into our work. At fir11t, es very small children, all life Is a game -taking off a prosaic shoe can bt as much fun as putting on a fantastic hat. Then, with school, we grudgingly begin to separate the thing! we have to do lrom the lhlngs we like to do. IT IS NOT UNTIL we have passed the <'rest of maturity, however, that we learn -and s.ome never do -to mlx these clements together; for no job ls long en- durable If you can't somehow make a game of it. I know an attractive couple with two f;mall children. The children are given ''play limes " by the parents. For an hour or so a day, the father and mother romp with the children: for the rest of the day, the parents are what 1night be called "businesslike'' around the howe. THEY CAt'o.'NOT understand, they recently told me, why children do not respond more ardently to thi1 pattern. Tbe reason, I was bold enough to suggest, Dear Gloomy Gw: Perhaps a mlnl-coune ln the meaning of traffic lights would be appropriate at Laguna high . May. be, thou&h, some lraffic citations for kids wslklng against the red Ught would be more effective. - Mrs. A. C. Tlllf hll'v,. Nl'IM" '""•rt" ¥Im , ,,., ~lrllY l'-N ti Ille fttwUI"'· Ifft" 11'11r , .... ff 119 G ..... , •u1, D1llY Pit.I. Is that the partnls are falsely 15eparatlng the categories of ''duty" Md "pleas· ure." A child, It seem1 to me, must bt played with all the lime -and most of all when he Is being •·wor ked with." Smiles and songs and l.ea3es and little games must accompany all the ordinary everyday duties that the child Is asked to perfonn. Thls Is not to uy, of course, that parent.& can always be in a good humor. But the general atmo1pbere they have to create Is one In which the chJld can &llp from pleasure to duty and back again and hardly ever notice the transition. SETrJNG UP a "playtime" for a child ts foolish and fatuous, and is reminiscent of the men who work grimly all da y long and then lry to re.la1 furiously for an hour. The. human personality cannot be divided into lhese emoUanally airtight compartments. If a grownup puts no element of play into hl1 labor, he IOOn forgets how t-0 play -and, indeed, he can only play with laborious inl.en&lly. Child·rearing, like the most of life, 11 essentially the art of combining op- posites. Reassessing 'Intercept' Now that crlllc11 In the U.S. and f.1ex!cG have moderated their in!t!a\ furious reac. lion to Operation Intercept, some ad· dltlonal observations are Jn order. Frankly, we don't know, and nelther do the crltics, whether the drive to stop the now of illicit narcotics from r-.1e1lco to the U.S. will prove to be worth the. effort. It may well be that by driving the cost of marijuana out of the re ach of all but & handful of even today'a relativ ely affluent youngsters. the campaign will prove self· defeating by driving them to heroin, amphetamines, etc. It may even be that cutting o!f the marijuana supply from Mexlcti will merely lead to increased growth of it tn the U.S. Birr NEITHER OF those argument! strikes us as be-ing particula rl y pe.rsur.slve. A youngster 1'.'ho smokrs pot for ''kirks" -and surveys disclose that this embraces al least two-thirds of those who experiment vtith lt -would not be as likely to trip-o ut on more dangerous and addiclive dnigs. ."i.nd whereas marijuana is being grown In the U.S., ii is l)f dcc.idedly inferior quality -and U.S. officl:il s arc nol llkely to take the tolerant attitude to,,.,·11rrl marl· juana harvests that Mexican officials do. This we th ink. 1i; one or the th ings about Operation Intercept v.h1rh has been 1cnerally overlooked: the ndminis!ratlon 11 almost as anxio11s to 1mpre&s t-.lexican authorities with its coocem over the widespread availabili ty of pot from Mel;· teo as it ls lo fr ighlen U,S. youngsters away from using it. GRANTED, THE lengthy bord<'r delay~ have had an untortunatP impact on !he economlelof Nogales, Tijuana, and other border towm. But the .admin istrati on no doubt feels 1101T1elhtnc must be done to bring home to Mc1lcan onlcials !he awful dimensions of our problem. And empty pocketbook.I and cash register~. v.·h1le Un· fortunate, are c!fecUve reminders. Furthermore, aomethlng must be done t() curtail the accessiblllty of marijuana, which Is maklng frlghtenlna; Inroads among our young populaUon. We deeply 1ympathlze with the plight of the Mexican ctimmun!Uea affected by OperaUon Intercept. Yet there are sign• that }1exlcan officials are begtnning to appreciate our problem. FOR EXAMPLE, Me1lcan c I v I c leader• have modified Operation Dignity (their answer tG Intercept ), ao that It no longer amounts to a frontal assault on the U.S government And officials of the U.S.·Mexico Border Cities Association ap- proved a resoluUon uklng lhelr respec- tive governmenl.'I lo establish a joint commission to develop programs to dry up the source or drugs. More import.ant, one o( Nog1te1'1 most widely clrculated d•lly newspapers, El Noreste, hu editorially supported Opera· tlon Intercept, notln1 that the U.S. 11 at- tempttn1 to care for ita youth by preven· ting the spread of marljusn1. ''We ~~ould join the U.S. In fighting martJuana growtrs •• , Instead of boycotting U.S. st.ores," I.he ed\t.orial 1aid. "Tlie Mexican government should enact new l1w1 clam· ping down ()n usera, pushers, and growers vf marijuana." "'°E UNDERSTAND the cr!Uclsm of Operalion Jnle.rcept. and we credit the good will of those who Insist I.hat this is the wrone way to go about 1alvlng the problem. But we bel ieve that, since nothing el$1! has worked , it ~hould be given every opportunity to prove Its worth. Tbe Arlioaa ftepublle Opposition examlnation of all the facts might convince the county that thls would be a good time to revise iti sights up. ward ln the interest of meeting a real and urgent need. The Friends of the Library justifiably ''deplore" the fact that this project drags on with the solution oU in some dim future. That a community like Laguna should be expected to make do with as sad an excuse for a library as the existing one is a disgrace. Laguna's Mini-courses !...aguna's school trustees are understandably Inter- ested in the unique "mini-courses" started by the stu· dents at the high school this year. \Ve hope their invesligaUon of the project will be reassuring and they will see fit lo encourage its pr~ gress. \Vith too many youngsters "sitting through" their high school years, it is encouraging to see that the kids have come up with something that really rings a bell, even \Vith othenvise apparently disinterested stu· dents. In addition to learning a little about subjects that Intrigue them-like Yo8:a. air pollution, jazz and Zen- the participants also Wl11 get some lessons in the art ot education. Faculty supervisors screen the materials present· ed, but it is up to the students 1.o round up and evaluate fil ms and other visual aids, along with \Vritte n materials and guest speakers for the mini·sessions. In so doing, they must decide \\'hat will best satisfy the curiosity and hold the interest of fellow teens-and that's a lesson it Itself. L ,, fl ' JUNGLE BALLET • "Racism Charges Are Mere Excuses' Angela Davis' Communist To the Edllor, UC Board of Regents have been con- fronted with charges of racism and viola· tlon of academic freedom over the recent dismissal of philosophy professor Angela Davis because of her membership in the Communist Party. I f~I that t h es e two charges are merely ex-cuses by the people y:ho sup. port Angela Davis when t.he main con· cern is that she is a member of the Com· munlst Party. The 19~9 resolution is paraphrased in the "Handbook for Fac. ully ~fembers of the University of Cali· fornla," as slating "that no member of the Communist Party shall be employed by the university." THIS JS A~O stated in a 1958 UCLA facul ty resoluUon. Democracy Is the foundation of our ln- atltutions in society and Angela Davis says she cannot and will not refrain fron1 stating her philosophy on Communist theory whi ch advocates d e s t r o y i n g religion and overthr ow of free democratic government. I do not feel that she should be given this opportunity to unduly in- fluence those within her charge with the destructive Communist doctrine. DARCY PARRIOTI 'Slatat' as n Tool To the Editor: The word "slant" may appear as just another word but It descrJbe1 a very Im· porlant tool that is used by politician!!, writers, ph ilosopher!, etc. To slant. is to write or tell something in such a manner as to express a particular bias or al· tltude. Thus. one y,•ho has a. bia!I will 11tudy a group of facts about an oc· currence and by accentuating the fa cts that will support his or her bias may un- justly sway opinion. NOW, ONE \\'HO teaches v.•ould discus5 all the facl-3 about an occurrence with hil'I (Ir her students and let the. facts determ ine the conclusion. Jn other words, a teacher is one who teaches his or her students how to ferret out truth. Thu!. a teacher who has a bias will ac· centuate facts that will support his or he r own bias and cannot be considered a teacher. Now, any teacher \lo"ho admit.'.'! to being a member of the Communist Party has a bias and should not be alloy,·ed lo leach. HARRY B. r.1c00NALD, JR. Wont. Precl•e Dnlo TG the Editor: SOS -Please save your public from any futurt ''Pilot Logbook·• edllor!als slmJlar to that which appeared Oct. 9, written by Thomas Fortune under !he head linP, "Profs Really To Blame for UC 'Credibility Gap'." Apa.rt from the lack of clarlty and cumbersome journalistic style, r..rr. fortune's reasoning is a curiou~ blend or ...---B11 Geor9e --~ Dear Gecrge: I noticed an apparently approving remark In your column concerning beer. Alcohol wlll never make y()ll healthy, but vinegar and honey wlil. The correct mix-ture of vinegar and honey taken at regular lntttvals will give you a whole new life. T,U, Dear T.U.: Yeah, and I'm going to ne~ a whole new life. I v.·ent acros!I the stree t and asked lhe bartender for ii double shot of vinegar and hOl'ley and now he won't let me back In the saloon . f Send ynur prohlr.m!I lo r.cnrge and remember . Neatness counl.~.) ' ' -· Mailbox Letters from readers ore welcome. Normally wri!er1 should convey their messages in 300 words or less. The r ight to condense Letters to f it space or eliminate libel is reserved, Ali let· l ers-must inch«le signature and 1nait- ing address, but naml'!s may be with.· held on rl'!quest if sufiicient reason is oppartnt. prejudice, glittering generalities, ir· relevant quotes, and non sequitur con. clusloru. Fortune may be right or wrong. but before reaM>nable people will accept any of hl!i; blanket concluslon5 they must be furnished with some precise data. \Vhat comes off the lop of Fortune's head ls not good enough any more for the Pilot's ne\v readership. YOUR READERS will sink fast \Vhc n they are told t-0 swallow the following points without one shred of factua l evidence offered to support his generalizations: 1. UC has lost the public trust. 2. Professor!! groove on fights over academic freedom. 3. Professors haven't changed as much as students. 4. ProfesM>rs In humanities and social i;clences spay,·n the radicals and tr ouble makers. 5. The mad scientist is not a fear , but the mad anarchist professor is. I believe the DAILY PIWT can be gomething more than a small town daily ad\"e rtiser if it v.·ill demand sharp, clear reasoni ng rrom Its wr iters expressed Jn a logical , coherent style. JOHN L. JENSEN J\'1110 Simone'• fforllll111 To the Editor : A prominent article in the Enter· talnmen t Gulde of the Friday , Oct. 8 DA[LY PILOT lured me to UCI to hear the "multi·talented spellbinder", Nina Simone, "in concert" Instead of a musical perfonnanct by a talented chanteuse, the audience was treated to a vociferous \'OCal tire.de as l\l iss Simone proceedtd with lengthy emotlone.1 variations on the white cruelt y themt. When she took it upon herself t.o inrorm her largely youthful audience that "you r parent~ are a~ l'lick of you as you are of them.'' that "they lhink thE<y've ha rt t>nough of you and your ne1v thing,'' that "they keep telling you how much they've done for you," I began lo hsve a few rioubls about her "fie rce integrity and ex- treme sensitivity toward any injustice or c.:n1elty ". Her enti re progran1, save for one final beautiful song which displayed a \-'ihrant and stirring voca l talent, deliberately and skillfully played upon resentment and hosllllty. f resent th is misrepresentation. Aglt:i tors should not be disguised as serious musicians; an attack on Eioclety should not be. publicized as a ~ncert. PATRICIA L. ANDREWS Rnllnnallrnllon To the Editor: r>-fany people are opposM to leg"lizins aborUon, t;lallng moral ''lews against kll llng-be the victim unborn or no. In most cases, no amount ()f in· fonnation -such ::is 'vhy a ,,·nrn.,n \.\'!Shes an ab()r\iOn-<"han~es !hl'Jr :;:ln ntl. No, they are firm. And whether or not they directly quote the commandments, thls is their point; Thou shall not kill. I APPLAUD these stalw11rt ci!izens, but am a blt dismayed \Vhen some turn right around and support the war in Viel· nam, capital punishment or the manufac- ture of ''advanced v.·eapons" whose sole purpose is to take human life. In othe r words. it is a mere ra- tionalization of a Jaw: "'Thou shalt not kill. except 'A-'hen ... " Bad enough to obey a Jaw only when it suits thei r mood, hut ho\v mu ch worse to preach v.·hat they don't practice. ERIN BLACKWELL lligh School Student lVh11 Yo11119 Cr11 'Pl11' To the Edilor : It used to dlsgusl me In hear a cop call· ed a pig. I used to qu('slion any person I heard using that tC·r·m toward~ cops on the moral ground~ of Io v e a o d brotherhood. Thal 111as unti l I grew my hair long and discovered Lhal justice is NOT blind. Okay, ri.-tr. Oran ge County, J'l! tel! you wh y 111y brothers call cops pigs. Cops are "pigs'' because they have C:t· treme lv sloppy mannrrs toward my peer group. IL is un·Amer ican fo r any citizen A Little Tired Pres~ Cornrnents . • ' ' Litchfield , r>-linn ., Independent Rerie"·: "1'he American p<:ople want more and more govl'rnment ser\·ice each year and lhe.y ha \'e the idea the go1·ernr11en1 can do e\'Crything fr om brlgh!cn1ng up shun ..-ireas lo feeding the slar1 Ing people in other countries. As Am r.ricans v.•e seem to think thal Un cle S:irn is so111c 1n. dlvldLJal thal has t1nllmiled funds \\"hich co111c lron1 so1ne 11nknown source. t-.lost (If us seem to forget lhe only place lTncle Sam can get funds is right from Ul'I. We seem to rorget the 1nore \Ye de1nand the more we ere required to pay. Ra ther than complaining about the amount we pay perhaps It would be wise lo take stock of y,•hat we are doing and cut down in many areas. Our governing bodies are i;uilty of li stening loo much to the demands of !he 'have nots' and those that 'have' are gelling a llltle tired of footing the bill." Boonville, Ind., Enquirer: "(~·Ir .) \Valier Brov.·n. prominent American tele vision cxccul ive. and former State Department official, writing a special :o;rries Qf ::irticles .•. wrote of his flight to f.1oscow on an A111erlcan airliner (Pan Ameri can): 'When the Pan American captain announces , "We are now over tile Sol'iet Union" th ere con1 es a feeling bordering on In security which stays With the visitor as Jong as ht. Is behind the Iron Curtain' ... Now that an American airline is Oying An1ericans Into lhis vast land, and Russians In Ameri C"a. a proces!I which has just begun, the hope of think· ing citizens 1nust be for clos~r contact and a better acquaintance with e11t•h othe r, v.·hich v.·ill tend eventually to remo\'e mi1Jtrust and fear -and, hopefully, help ln bringing a gr'ster measure of freedom lo the citizens of Rus sia.·• Cuero, Te1u, R«onf: "The free enterprise sy5tem. as we know in America. I~ preferabh!! l() othtr forms of E!OVerT1ment -11s hl11tory has shown. llov.•e\'C'r . one l.11 ":!,! lackinR In patrio11 sm or Americanism lo realize It i11 not perfect and can be improved upon.'' Doctrine, to have to v.·alk the streets in constant fear of being stopped, questioned and harassed. YET TIOS militaristic tactic is being ·used e1,ery day here in Newpprt. Beach lo ..clear tl1c town" of young people such as mysel f (longhairs, hippies, etc . } Regardless of your personal feeling:. tn1i;•ards my preference Qf :ippcarance, [ am ju~t as much Ameri can ;is you anrt should be entitled to the san1e rights 8Ild liberties. There Is a verv obvious reason for us young crying "+}ig.'' \\'e're getting our heads and civil li berties beaten dov.•n. [ am only asking for law and order. Help! E. D. EU.IOTI Wro119 f'ro111. To the Editor: Sinc e Sept. 21, •·operation Intercept'• has been Jn effecl. A statemen t from Berkeley police sta te~ that this new pro- gram is doing very Jillie. They give two reasons for this : I. There are large quaa- tities of marijuana already in this coun• try. 2. The big smuggle rs arc not getting caught. Does the government really think !hat drugs will continue lo be brought across the borders with the v.·ay il is now? They 111ay be concentrating on the wrong front! TllE ~fEXICAN gnverntnent has said that th is program 1s hampering their lourist trade and tha t if t hi~ continues it may bring internat io nal problems. Frn1n the re sults tha! the ~01·ernment is gcltini;: now it may not be quite so prosperous il'I the near future. If they continue loo long it may be too late to undo v.·ha t has already been don e! STEVE J\10NGEn High School Student St'r c; •1cst Edl!oriaf. -Editor Q11otes Cobey Dorfman, Hollywood -"I believe ll is possible to l()ve your country. be a friend to Jackie Robi nson and be a fan of John Wa yne and Dustin Hoffman. lsn't that v.·hat this country is supposed to be about ?" J\T . ~1. 1\toatgomery, Saa Francl1co - "Those who have se riously investigated 1he situatlon know the grape boycott is a national hoax, an unconscionable fraud." Dr. Louis Kuplan, S.F. retirement plao- nlng consultant -"If we continue lo ig· nore some 20 million Americans over &5, 41 we shall force the elderly Into becoming • ~ highly milllaol, revolutionary factor in our society." ----~~ \Vednesday, October 15, 1969 Tile editorial pagt 01 t1'.1 Daftf Pilot 1ttk1 to ln/01111 and 1tim. ulat• rtader1 by prtiimting thia 11ew1paper's opinion.a ond com.· me11tary on t~c:s of fnttre1£ and 1ignificM1ct, tiv providing o forum f or the t:rprt1.tion nf our reader1' op4nWm. and bu prcsenttng the dl1'trit vlew- pointa of fnfonned ub1erwr1 tl!td 1pokeimcn on lopk1 of th4 day. Robert N, W•ed. PubUsher \ '\ ' i I ~·~='""" ..... ""!~ .................. _. ... _.._ .... _. ____ ~--~~--~--~--~~--~~~ .... ~--~~~-~~~~~-.. ------·------------.... " ' L DML Y ~ILOT J 9 • • I I> ' ANTl·PERSPIRAllT -·,.: .. Deodorant " Seper Dry formula -•• { far Everyone' 1.11 69c 5 Ol. Size PRE-SOAK }:. "Biz" .1; s ;-o. {.iv" • ~'': • DETERGENT _{ "' "- ' " _,,: .,,:· ' • >< ,\ .• 4 'f ,,,,. :<_> FABRIC SOFTENER for a Satter, W~lter, fresher Wash ! KING SIZE "All" for AUTOMATIC DISHWASHERS , ::;; :{v. ,_ s, ' . ' with NEW WhiteniR( Power! 5 Qt. Size "Style" HAIR SPRAY Cho1s1 from 3 FormuliS -1ives JDI a soft touch look JOHNSON & JOHNSON BAND· AID ARDEN or CARNATION Y2 GALLON SQUARES . Hand SAY·ON DELUXE Packed 1'1 Flnm 35c Pt. '>t> Soaks Out Taughist Dirt & Stains ·21 -~ with "built-in" Spot thill StilYS pat. iiftf Size .// . -. . .., ' . ;;;,: ··::::·. '¥ sac di .. ·-;-·· ·''-""' ':'; •.. , SIAGIAlifS "7 Crown" WALKER'S!BPnol "Ten High" STRAIGHT IOURBON WHISKEY Remover WAS 10.35 SAVE 5Dt - 9.85 ~ = = ~ ----------~ "Kamchatka" ~ u • ·USA WISl.19 a= .. a.e II . . . SAVE •le ;; _!_!_D_K_A_8_.8_8 I ~ WAS 11.65 ~ SMOOTH & fUWUSS SAVE 116 i VODKA 10 49· ~ llPr11f • ~ "Smirnoff" ----------~ "MacKinnon's" wAs uB ~ SAVE I.OD ~ scoicif 8.88 ~ . ilill•tDllllllMWIOWWW..OllllHi 16 "· Size ·SERVICE · So all white tablets look ah~e lo vou~ lhere are many difference~ -diller. ences f.hich our pharmadsls ).now about. And when the d1Jfere~ce 10 1 ~ quality. ~ou mav be cnnfldent tha\ 0.,1 p~armiteists d1sptm,e onl~ lop qual!ly meo1catio11. 6.75 I Z .• filmiiy Siz1 COUGH SYRUP wilh ggc wild Cherry flavor ! }-,,.1.49 4 IZ. Size ------1 "Cepacol" '::::.\ ANTI BACTERIAL -.• , MOUTHWASH Jnd gee Fl "h" t p A GARGLE . aVI IS _ ' 1.41 20 11. Sin CAPSULE S lor ieliel or 1 98 cold sniffles 14 Caps • Norwich ASPIRIN U.S.P. - 5 Grain. 99c 250's I !~~~,0!~bN!, T1ti. & &1ms COSTUMES Assorted ''Monster'" llld basic chat'aclers l~at will thrill the tids in !lame retardant rayon with multi·color bold ink ly SQUIBB - Quick, ientle, up and down action gets teeth really clean, leaves mouth tipgling. #2502 13.88 A..V k• -~~l'Oi'• ''""1' I ~.,,.,.,__..,.,,...,.._~ _,._.,-""'i .o ~ ~~~ 1U.&I-t.'~.!l...r'l!3'IOIV DI'& .•. _.,,, ---- GILLETTE "F II oamy SUlf.SPIA y SHAVE CREAM 79 with· crisp oceaa 111111 C aroma. 1.19 11 IL Sia designs.rull.facevinylmasks 1 69 1'W•l:l"'ll:~ t~at "glows" in the da1k. •~r!ll ~,,...1,,.l' _______ _ Children's 4 to 14 s12es. e1. • \ 16" Pumpkin "LOISI hck" for •II 99c your . "ttlck or treat" goodies. Devil's" Fork "Pepsodent" TOOTHBRUSHES 69c Adult with har~ .,.,. ium or soft bristles. Sample size toothjlasll iaciuded. Flavihist EXTRA STRENGTH i:~~:i.. 1 88 ~~~ ~11!~~c co\~r. orange 29C -.-~:~~;~we .,_.,..,.~~,... ···~-w·-M "Di-Gel" ouths' 1Aetns-u111iaps 1as Masks in slomach lhat uuses ' C 11. Silt • -:::;1·-.i1sl . 9, 1.85I OO·s • "Di-t;el" Flavihist ' ---~ -· ·--::.- Vlslp1 ~-_,I DECONGESTANT ~:::I 1 49 20 cc Siz e • Visine EYE DROPS Soothei; ard comlorts ir· 1 09 11tated el~~! 1/2 oz . tze • Of-OH l lQl,ll D .... , .. h t ... ~ • LIQUID -Slops gassi· acid indigestion fast! lf 1.39 ~t11JP,~eph CHILDREN 31 C 1 y, Cr. lie 36's Romilar CF l ·Ho1r C111h f1rmuf1 ••• non· narcolic. 1 19 1.51 J Ol. Siz1 • "Myadec" Pacquin LOTION • Vi11mi• Formal• with for EXTRA DR Y llii 3-_ Mi1er1ls. 1 SKIN rl'th Di '· 79 .~·~ \...:.;,; 30 Free 4 9 tieosei . LOI C ~?1rnt•ithtOO's 8 10 1/z oz. Sile T , :Ref. &.•9 • ! Desi tin , --· "Abdo I" OINTMENT IGI !iiii re .... w/Ml~ERALS a d•ily d1dper ra.ti, ·1¥f uppleme,nt. 30 Fr11 mmor b••r 73 . -withlOOs 1 98 1.09 2~~o1. C -;.: Ref. 2.91 Sue · · • -Th M "Pala~ac" ., . eragran-•;.:..,,. __ ~ _ .· Y1~1mu1 f1r•al1 wf ~able vitamin tablets. : . ~ i ~~'F~~~s. 6 88 lllillH!~~r1e:a·s 1 98 ~~ .• with 100 s. • ·ter. 2.19 • "Unicap" Cff!WIBL! MULTIVITA- -:>al MINS with Orange Uav· or'21FrH 2 49 wi~lOl's R11.111 • 2 super ways to treat your skin with "P M . " ore ag1c .. 1, ., MAX FACTOR lhree dimensional strles i11 ass't color· 1u1 scyl" 43c ... "Hershey-els" Junior bags of assorl · ed milk thoco!ate, candy caated. ••101n 79c Jr. Baby Ruth CURTISS-Bag of in· div1dually l'l!apped del1cmus bars. .• ,,,___-,11101 21 53c Butterfingers CURTISS -Bag ol m- di vidual1~ wrapped junior bars. 53c B11of 18 DOtlble-Buhble 5UM -Bag of incli- vlduallywrapped pieces for"IM-53 ing." c 81111 II 5th Ave. Bars LUOEN'S -Crnnchy peanut butter cen:er topped with almonds, ctocolafl covered. lhL .. l 63C WIGS' "Living" GLOVES • wilh FREE Exua ~git Hand flame reLlrdant material 49c Glove. Cotbln lined with long i11 assorted colorful cu1fs ••• flOl-sllp irip. styles. '"· Ass't cokn II ladies' stzes. HATS! •• ,. 1.19 Chooselrom "Derb(' 29 or "Tramp" :i!yles. C ... STOVE & Hot-Plate Mats 1 Qt Follil' 2 Qt Hot 1 Qt. 1 Qt Ill! P1r1 llqic sa,11 111111 Sen• .•. iuit lht ~;nd of deep down cleansing action 1 ski11 need:. ••• 3Md it's ienUy medicaled la llelp heal blemislles. DRUG STORES f111i1i11 W1t1r f111ta i1 l1t1r8tttl1 SJri111 lottlr s111111 1111 SJriop 3.69 3.29 3.49 4~19 OPEN 9 AM to 10 PM-7 DAYS A WUIC "Glad Hand" Gloves P1r1 Maife s.,... Ski• Clrl Stick ••• an instant medicalotl facial in a handy stick form. It moisturizes. tones and ti11gleS ill Gne sweu swoop. HUNTINGTON llACH-.t.._ .... lrHlltwrat Oeldxe lined walerproof tateic 2 50 HUNTIN•TON llACH -s,rt .. d•I• ..... 1111.....-llousehold gloves with long 119 cutls, nnn.slip trip. Colo1s 1n 1.31 UCN • NlwtORT 11AcH -1020 lrriiM, h1 w"tc.llff ,._ ~ S.M·l. Size • .. 3.00 -111111--!""'lllll __ ..... fe:JJJ!!ilDll&iiillbiMIMiiUftlllrillffbffflMHlllOiliMMMO .. _____________ .. ~~f!JJ.fJ~~'~e~~~sZ•~e~~~·~·~•~~~ ' . - • •""'~~or ..... -·· --··-· ----·-·-···-·------·----... ---~-----------------------------·· .. ~f" ·~;._;--._·, . ., -.·•,--, • ,· , 1 • I , #0 DAIL V PILOT 1'1odeling Gla1norou s But Hard •'f••'Y""" ••Y' "'" 1 ........ ,..,,a •••r>Cl.S..,....,f'<' n • bllw •ffu1 •I•'· .0.11 •~• •••1 •Do.JI 11 bK.olnl.,. o ...odol, w~~' a•• -c~•r>e" to be<.o,,,. 1 tOP modrll" By JOYCE LAIN /\. -Slim as mo~l of the dolls in the cl o the s p in busines!. Let's "hi i by the plus points of modelin~ since 1nost aspiring Cinderellas know plenty aboul t he glamour side of it. But ho"' n111ny hopefuls fu lly realize the hard labor and intense com- petition involved? FAC ING IT. Good looks alone aren't enough. Even if your facial planes ar e phot{lgenic and your body s!ructure is right, you're sti ll up against thousands and "' I J ~ thousands or gorgeous rivals \\·ho may ha ve more to oHer, surh as: A "silent actre!.S" talent to convey a mood in an instanl. The stamina to stay on screaming feel for hours, or hold un('{lmfortablc positions under bright studio lights. The personality to impress and trmperamcnt to get alon g \.1-'ilh prima donnas in the fashion \\Or ld. Su perb grooming and rasy poise. Dogged determina· t1on. A professional attitude - a mlX!el's head may be ready lo fall off, but her face can't show it. Self-discipline (no late nights, no rich foods, no drink- ing, no drugs) because. models can"t W'Ork looking like nine miles of bad road. Sn1art chicks know that modeling is about as .•• ~TEAOY AS A HUl\I- ?llJNGBIRD, and I ea r n shorthand and typing, or other n1arkelable skills. to r;u rvi\'C between jobs. Many {If an esti mated 50,000 models work only part time, and fr ee lan cers can be without book- ings for voeeks or months. Age 15 or 16 isn't too soon to begin, and over 23 is usually too late. A m~l's "'orking life is about eight years, and she 'i:; often considered to be an {lid bag by 28 ; however, 10 a limited ex tent, some rmployrrs prefer ma tu r e models as well a.~ lhosc who can wear particular 1ypes of clothes -short, tall, stout. And a recent development is more use m reaJ·life types and "/unny faces." PIVOT of the modeling ~crnc ls New ''ork. Other ma· jnr crnters are At lant a . Chica go, Detroit, Houslo n. Los Angeles, Miami and San Fran- ci~o. althnugh all urban arras ha\"e S()me opportunity for r.mployment. f.lodrls mainly \1·ork in f ashions or photography but some po~ for ar11.<.ts and sc:ulpUJrs, or riemonstrale products at tradr :;.how~. in fi!fTl.'5 or on Irle· \'1:;.ion. rHOTOGRAPllR 'S ?<!(J OEL.<; are <'mployf'rl - primarily through model ing <1,J.?.f'ni;l~ -for ad\"ert1s1ng t1nd rditorial p u r pose s '·t>nerally, a lens lass is both h1i.:l1rr paid and m o r e ~poradic.ally employed tha n a ra.~h1on model. Employe's in- c I 11 de photographers. ad - \'ert1s1ng agencies, magazines ;ind catalor: studio:-. Two key point.~: Read fas hi n n 1nagai.1nes UJ becon1e pro- fessional al appl~·ing niake-up ; a model's portfolio of piclures is her most important .sellng tool :-o be prepared lo invest monE'y in good pit1u res of yourSf'tf. How <:an you find oul if you"re pipedreaming? Ask :t free-lan<:e photographer (or !ie.\'eral) for an hone.s t <If>" praisal of yourself as a po- tential model. FASHJON t.10DELS fre- quently ,.,·ork full time , hut some only do special fashion shov.':'I'.. Employers: apparel desil'lner11. manUfacturers and "'holesale•s: <lepar1m('nl slore~. custom salons "'nd olhe r retail and specialty i>hops. Yoo 'll often ha v e clerical duti es in slack seasons \\"hen you work for manurac. ture:rs or •·holesalers. EDUCATION. No formal re- quirements for many jobti bur some ~!i rrquirc hi8h school or a little <',,11,ge. /\rt. fipeech, drama, daneing and ~alesmanship courses a re useful. 1bt quallty of mode]. ing for charm or finishing \ schools v.1ries from gOOd to iilch. Steer clea r of tho~e ma It in g eslrava.'1""'"' pro· m ises: itOrM estab lishments are run by Of!portu nists "·ho ~ you ol\ly as an opportun. ity. WHERE TO WR ITE : For 1 tifodell ng Aasoriation o r American pam phlet which in- cludes 1 brief suggested rradin g list. 11tnd mr. ;J !1amped. k if·addreMtd long . \l"hilc envelope al I h l ~ new~paper. Write "r-.tf>d<·I ' nn ouUlde tO\'Clope an1t a!lo\\ sevt ral wteb for del itcry. Vi'tdn tsd11, October 15, 1969 \Vtdnt~ll'f, Octobf, 15, 1%q PILOT-AOvtRTISER 3 \' e ZlJ I. 17th St., C11i. M-Stt.ppl"f C..tff, C.st. M- O 1014J IC1t1ll1 Aft ... l111lhl-41rff11l11111cl Sllopplllf C111t1r G<:ndn G10" e t6•1 Cll9!'•• Aw. et lto•lllu1rs-0101t91 C111.rr Phmi:, G1111dt11 Gr1•1 e 14•0 W. l4 ..... -.iil lri•,ol $t.-ldl119..-C.ot.,, S.1t1 A•• '2" Women's Nightvowns or . Pa1amas YOUlt CHOICE $22! Tailored J>lill!IU with m>broid«r trim and all mer p.ti.llts. Wala a: Jong gowns trimmed with lace and ruffles. Flora.I prints 100% cottcn fl.toncl<ue. Men's Short SIHve Sport Shirts ;:-s2aa New ~lnl'll coll.Ii' Yit.b double tnck 1titcbir.i Oil coll&r. IDP, U!lllU ond pocht. N~ ~ ttyle with Wis. In chtl kt and Itri Sizes S.M·L-~ Power Net e 17t04 M.,..11, St • ., t•btH't-VUI ... C.11t.,.., ... 111N!11 Y1ll11 • Inch & ldlitt•' llwd.-H111111"'1t•11 hoch Shoppl11g C•11 r1r, Mt111tl .. ._ leocli e JlOO Ha,ber ll•ct-H1rli1r Shoppl"'I F•11ler, CM!• Mn1 e Zl 11 1 hoch l lfd. et Att..t-H11111l..,to1 hoch e 11122 l1oollh11rtl It. ot w .. tml111111-Wtstbro1k C111t11, Gorden Gr••• e 6827 Wntmh11t11 al Go1d111 W11t, Wn1mi11lt1r e It t• I VetJ.., View 1t Chapma11 A•e.-lntt.tt Pim.a, Go•M11 Grov1 37• 3 In 1 OH ~,~"''....... .. . .. ' ..... 24' $)7' Kit A t w WITH •1:s• u 0 ax· UPUCATOR ···,···· $1'' Glo~ Rug Sham,oo o~:" •.147 39'';': Malory Batter1es·~~2 i 29• CORD 14" 30 Gallon GalYanlud s ... 1 Trash Cans Reg. 59• to 894 Electrical Accessories $6'5 Value! Metal $293 ii YOut •· ~ CHOICI f'T" Value! Rybutol OD.UCAPS Multiple Vitamins $288 Ywo ..,,., ef J6S A~ Lot ti• am· wns full ,a.r1 •ap~. Fnel Bottle of 30 Reg. •1 49 Colorful Magic Turbans x .. ,,,..,. ""'..in"' el 19 pl •c• Uik fDCl aleep. • ·No dips ar puu rieas- llrf· Whit. mid mlon. 91:. Bag of 350 Curlty Cotton Balls SofL ""°"""L 1""1 2 F s1 for &p -A: l'l!OO't'· 0 jn,11: ~p. BCJ 2 ll Nat•~96c- •3" Value! Metal Steerable Tnicks "1 H""ley. Dri~ ·~1 e299 Srm ·an Jlland the cnr-9 ncr ! AxlkcLioo atccrin&- OtcMcc of lt}'lcs. SJOO Value! Snoopy 7" Plastic Doll I.c .. hl• '"""" '""" '"" e197 :Pr:.111 0.11 comic 1tripl 9 WftlJ btlmrt end gog. ~~ Reg. $11 11 Ucllco Elec. Can Opener With •• , ..... _.. e891 Lid Lifter, (atd ·~ • Proita..itt duome pMl- ol. 13t1 to 15u Yaluesl Decorator Shelving $2~ ·-Walnut Pmnaneer finish with 1il ver finish. 2. 3 or o4 foot lcngtht, 8 inches wide. St. ... rlt & lrecbh Slc .. $1.JI flocked Velour Decorator Pieces Enoht rnlon ;n anltt· 88" pietd of la.nging strings ,. cf "'cgetlbles (lf ftni1, J.dd a dCOJrstor ICCCDt I 99' 100% Plastic Playing Carcls 1••• W.in& dmhl<. 5 I Ill G!'J' to dean. J.tpltce-,. incnt guan.a~ by ml.D- 'llf~ctum ! · 69:. Moel Tablets or Envelopes BuY 2, uvc 69C. Qutlity papu ia mod colon. 2i69¢ •2 Value! Pack of 25 Christmas Carcls T""""'""' ~Im;~ ... 57· ~ roodero. tnditioo. 1' ·~ n!Ligi~ OQ qoality """"· $2" Value! Sponge Ylnyl Shave Kit Lwh" I~> ""''· I uy $199 to wo rk lipper. Perfect. for tnnl! Cristy Automatic Table Ughter ""•tifollr d .. 1,.,d, $198 fully 1utom&11C. (;re I t for gifts ! Fanfolllc Vario!)' af ....... ...... Halloween Costumes • Qellt Swffdiel • Cidio T•JI& • P111h Th""lll ....... • 11".., .. CoNs • NIH Llahts • M9N Includes G.L Ind Pa. c.ific E.lcctriauL Choice of ailors. 1491 Value! Bucket Style Bed Rest $3'' Multi<0lor flor· a.l.p fiat1,lca.11 bade , •• 1nugw J!\c into .,,.,,P around l11i ur7. x,pok: filltd. Olcl Fashioned Woocl Tone Plaques R'Pli" of p~dmth"'• el 98 "WOOd scoop with colmful • miniature fruits 1ad Tegcublcs. •JS• Value! Tiffany Ice Creem Soda lugs W hlre "°'"'"" T ;th 99" grem ~ml •·c:oa. G:ila'' ~ deront.Joa. $16" Value! Rom<o Tin Man Robot ••OM THI WIIARD o• en ~:"':,~·.'.~':!~::~'~ $10'6 ktd. B•"'r" '" ''""~ , .. , ... ~ .... '""''""~'"""'""· 'I" Yalutl Hasbro lite-Brite Game r .. f«IO« '"~)I,. Cnolo_plc .. _ '" rr~•"' i.o.o. ,.. w•• Li91>• •• " ...... "" $ §94 '·"'fib•"•,,. ~·..i ,.d,.J·"• "'" l•r< ~. ,, r<P ,~ I rnloro. s1a11 Sunbeam Jet Set Hair Dryer ~:J't~ ;t ~~ :·:~~ s13aa cord. L-a r ~ e sill:! c'r· f ;1..•t. quiet. $13" Automatic G.E. Toothbrush 'With 4 bru,hes. Cordle,,s ,. po••et handle. f or d nn- er tetth. hcallhitt gums. . Sa,-c $-4.oo. '29'1 Yalu~! Polaroid Color Pak II $2411 Mabt. cotar prlnts ia rnicm-. b!Kk & whit • io 1«· . oad.11 Ear I!Jld.. JnA, elcrtnc cye1 built·in tlasht Photo ·Albums for Polarold l lnst1m1tlc ~ Cameras · n.,;"'oi for P<>!.,,;d. J100 & lmtamatics. Mod de>- $1,1;11, satin CO"i'tf. Push Button Waring llen .. lli<'? ,,., . ..,.,.. '2188 8 p uiih t>uttons. S cop st.us ju. CooC boo\.: iDcJlllkd. . Reg~ •3" 3 Quart Com Popper. Pop5 tl clicioU5 J:IOP(t'lm '2'9 t:"r:.rf timt". Simple, 1!.Uf to u.sc. C.Ord includtd. Remington 6 Blacle 11Lectro" Shaver :~ ~"·;~~~~ '2187 (Onltol dial. Arvin 4 Speecl PhonO!Jr.aph ·Solid"'" m•.~••I s13a1 p !a y ~r. Hu JlO?- u p .. 41 RPM diK. S1rphire stylu5. s591 General ElecJrit Alarm Clock ' White ase with. black ~4·• r.,c, .ll')!d color ernboiKd • .. nu~n..b,. hand!, 1DOOM o1um. Bradley's Deluxe Blended Whiskey Fifth Gallon ·$2• 1 Women'1No I Dusters ...... l ..... s3aa Panty Glnlles "'"""' ,n,,.. 1..,,,,0 39 c 1.~ s337 Miik Duels Jrs. Tootsie Rolls ..... . 89~ Planter's Peanuts Dry RealtM 1r l'o·imn. Eltborttt- 11 tril!llMd latt .• fmbrnli1~rcd 10.11, at $5.00 'N 7l o n&:,f'llldn lo1tfll 684 1 .. 9410 79' :~;"t:.tr, 'i:!tJ Pixie Stlx Canel . . . 7 Mone Rolls ..... . ~~~l~~t~rm!y, t1.;; .. ~.~ .. f.;;.;:j,:;;h;1rt;;:M;;OTT;:_:;,;, ~--;7;:9;;,;1~1iiJ:Co.;::: .. :; •. !.,::.~..;,;.;_ ____ 3A-:9~·;1 s•~1"" · ·····"' Goocl & Plenty Jrs. Fancy Peanuh l::111 Ftm0us.. dtT rotJI· 2 , rd for 1pt<i•l 1oo.il· O n~t! Popl.l.l•r •ith I lhc whole fl.IDIJJ I luy 2, Sove 21c 13 Or. Jar 1, I ' ; ! I 17 ' I I I ; ' 'I I i I I .I . f I ~---~.~""""'""'"" ................................................................................................................................. ~~~--~~~~~~·~~~-~ ~. ------·-. -- tCarnivals, Open ) • ' " l . ' -i : ' ! • • ' ! I ! ' I ' t (IOiler'I "'°"9: A -· ffwl!H ho Cosll ~. NtWft(lrl l ttdl, l.191.int a..vi "'"MIU-Yltlo P•r•nl···~· .., .. f\lltllO•ll will ·-·· in !flt OAll. Y JlllOT IM:h wtH, 1-mtlio<I ..,,,.1 ti. •tel'!-tl'll the M<l<:tY -•,,..,.nl, or by rti1lll119 "' 0111 ... 1,,. <Ofll' "' ........ G1r.O Stnl!h, l'Ot1 C1nt•ll• Jll•, .. NawPOrt l1tth, by J p.m . l'rldel' Io r ...iblk:lllon Wed.,.ldl l' .• Adam• PTA ~tr1. Paul Ohlsen Pres.idenl COf',t!NG UP: r.1olhers of atudents in third grade will host. the aeneral meeting and back·te>-school night at 7 p.m. tomorrow .. , Bicycle safety day Tuesday, Ocl. 28. REPORTS: Ordcr!i are being taken for identification bracelets and necklaces, ac- cording to r.1r!i. Gerald Doan, ways and means chairman. Parents m a y view these items at back-to- achool oighl. Bayview PTA l\1r1. William Frost President COMING UP: Ha 11 owe en carnival from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 24, on the school grounds. t.t r s . Norman Snead is ways and means chairman. REP ORTS: Back-lo-school ni&ht took pl ace last night. Bear PFO l\trs. J ehn Racktr President COMTNG UP : Back-l.o-5Chool night al 7:30 p.m. tomor- row. Refreshmen~ will be 8e!'Ved by mothers of ~tudents in kindergarten and first grade, room B ..• J\tembership drh·e will con· tinue until the end or October. Fee of $1 per person is used to bent>fit the students. Mrs. Richar d Hagmeyer. chairman may be rontacted at 540-9085 for further information. College Pk. PT A Mrs. Jame1 Scbafer President COJ\flNG UP: Sc hool pictures will be taken Tuesday, Oct. 21 ... Western round-up din· ner from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Thursday. Oct. 23, in the mu 1 t i -p u r po !i e room. Preticket sale will ta.lie place durlng the lunch hour l.omorrow and Frid a y • TickeU also may b e purchaMld at the door for $1.50, adults and $1. children . .. Bazaar workshop (rom I a.m. lo noon every Wed~ nesday in the home ()( Mrs. Burleigh Burshem. r.f r s . Bernard Faubel, ways .and me a n s chairman invites volunteers to help . . . J\1embership drive will con· tinue through Wednesday, Oct. 22. REP ORTS : Back-tu-school night was hosted by board members la:st night , . , Mrs. Robert Marold, r o o m representative chairman an- nounced those serving as room mothers. They a re the Mmes. Les I i e Ferguson, Stanley Kumett. Charles Hindn1an, Sht>ll Glascock, Samuel Simonian. Christos Tt>regis, J . K. Dickerson, Grant Mushrush, Robert Van Sickle, Earl Dick, '°'illiam Kuh!meyer. J M. Stolp, Garry Ott, Theodore Hotsey, Manuel Jimenez, Ja~s Curran, f l a r o 1 d Solomon, Roger Huebner, Allen Peck, Joseph Branin, Theodore Burgard, Joseph Jones, Walter Steven s , William Dost a. Gillette \Vhite, \Villiam W a I s h. William Moctie, Manfred J\faul, Arnold Silverman, Robert Stettler , F. E . Jasmine. John CUiien, Frarlk Tremb l ey , Bernard Mathieson, Fred Khorey, Ch arles Babbitt. James · Forshay, J . J . Paolino, Glenn Graham. W a r r e n Cavanagh and Wendell Van Atta. CdM High PTA f\trs. Robert 'Kemble President 'I , ,, COr.fING UP : Back-~schooJ night at 7 :30 p.m. Thursd ay, Oct. 23. Parents are invit.ed to attend the orientation IS· sembly and meet the new teachers Leon Meeks. prin- cipal wiU introduce before classroom \•isit.a lion. Coffee .... ·ill be served in the cafeteria. Mrs. Sidney Shan· non , chairman will host a Behind the Wheel Teens Take to Road NEW YORK (UPI) -Our-prehensive highway sarety Ing the coming school year programs, including driver more than half o( the nation's education. JS.year-olds \\'ill be: taking In I.raining laboratories, driver education in some ron1Plex ·simulators and in· 17,00J schools. usually for little structional films pr ov ide or no graduation credit. r ealistic driving experiences. The three million will be One advantage is that studenls enrolled in a standard course can be exposed lo dangers on that features a minimum of 30 • film that coold not be included hours of classroom in:;;truction in actual driving practice. and six hours of behind-the-Leaders in the driver educa- whtel tutelage. lion field would like the suh- Tile It and a rd 1 were ject, as part of safety educa- developed by se\•eral organiz.a-l ion, to penneate the cur- lions interested in traffic safe-r irulum from kindergarten ly, inclur1 1ng the National through high school. Commission on Safety Educa-They do not suggest special lion . courses or units -cxc:t>pl at The National Highway Safe--the sophomore level -but ty Ad of 1966 requires all r ather the: wea\·ing or safety states lo prov id e com-education into other subjects. !STANCIA C•rol C•ppollo -. • CdM HIGH Cris Goggio membership drive table. CM High PTA Mr1. l\taltbew V. Waidelich President COMI NG UP: Pride is the watchword al Costa r.tesl Hi gh ancl parents may show their pride by attending back-to-school night at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct 22 .•• Mrs. J . r..1. Sponagle. membership e. ha i rm a n stated envelopes will be mailed home. Parents may mail or deliver them at the meeting. Dessert will be sold in the ca feter ia throughout the evening. Da vis PTA Mrs. Grant Bertotti President REPORTS -The Messrs. and J\.1mes. Richard Howells, Jack Gerwicks and William r..1 itschrichs served a s chaperones at the October dance • , • Officers t.o serve are the Mmes. G ran l Be.rtolet, president: D a 1 e J effr ies, Paul Engdahl and Riley G a y nor, vice presidents; Berge Hagopian and Pa u I Copenhaver, secretaries; Carlton Russell. treasurer ; Don a 1 d Hen· dricks, parliamentarian, and Richard Or111eb, historian. Auditor will be Harold E. Smith. Ensign PTA fl1r1. Harold Shaw President CO~tlNG UP: Board meeting .,.,·ill take place at IO a.m. f',!onday. Oct 20, in the home of P..frs. Harold Shaw . . . ~1embership drive .,.,·ill end Friday, Oct. 17. Mrs. Franz llansen is chairman. Estancia PTA l\1rs. Ralph Boegel President COMING UP: Back-to-school night at 7:30 p.m. Wed- nesday, Oct. 22. REPORTS : Chairmen ratified at last v.·eek's board meeting were f\1rs. \Villlam J\1 . Zebrow. arts and posters; f\frs. J ohn Archuleta, co- hospitality. and f\1rs. Ray- mond Ceccarini, co-.,.,·ays and means. f',frs. Marlo Prentice, scho l arship chairman announces that 144 people are playing bridge for !icholarship funds. which will raise $500. Reports v.·ere given by Debbie Anderson. student representative and 1'-1rs. Harry Day, h015pitality chairman. Harbor Vw , PFO f',!rs. Charle' Sword President COMING U P : Welcoming parents to back-to-school night at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow .,.,,ill be 1\Irs. Charles Sword , president and John Case, principal. Evening \l'ili in· elude an introduction of teachers and visitation of classroom.~. \\'here daily and year'5 program \\'ill be presented by teachers. R EPORTS· f',!rs. Franklin Jayne, library chairman reports an active use of the library facilities w he n volunteer mothers staf( the CM HIGH Dli1ne Gri1en L DAILY PILOT 4 I House Take Over October library. Book donations In honor of a child's birthday will continue. Laguna High PT A J\lrs. !\lark Smih J r. President COMING UP: Parents and members -0f the freshman class will prepare and serve ~ Lhe lhird football feast from !;:' 6 to 7:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. , · 17. Hamburgers wit.h all the · trimmings, baked beans, ~ green salad, jel!o salad, ice cream. coffee and milk will be sold. Tickets will be sold al the door. $1.2a, adults and $1 for children and students 'vilh ABS cards. Proceeds will be used for the all-night senior party and PTA funds, •' ann ounce s r-.-trs. Cy Ne\\'man, chairman. Mesa Ver de PTA Mrs. Naney Reinhart President REPORTS: Board me<>ting took place last week in the hOme of Mrs. Gilbe rt Divelbiss. Budget w as adopted and programs were planned. Membership drive now is in progress, an· nounced 1\lrs. J a m e s litcCahill . chairman .•. Get- acquainted tea for room mothers and teachers look place last Wednesday. Mrs. John Jamison was i n charge ... El Toro !\.farine corp color guard led the pledge of allegianre last night at back·tG-school night. John Clark, principal in- troduced the t ca ch c r s. Refrt>shments \\'ere ser\•ed by the kindergarten tcarhers and room mothers . Monte Vista PTA r..tr~. f',!ark 1\lorris President COMING UP : Board meeting at 9 a.m. tomorro'v in the teacher's dining room .•. Halloween parade and movie "Littlest \Varrior" v.·il! take place Sa\urd<1y. Oct. 25. Costume paradt> will begin at noon. Prizes .,.,•ill be awarded for !he funn iest, prettiest most or i g i n a I , sJX>Qkiest and best costume. r.iovie starts at I p.m .. in the multipurpose r o o m . Tickets, 30 cents a n d refreshments \\'ill be sold . Newport El e, PT A !\tr~. John rit Franco President COMll\'G UP: Short business meeting in !he cafetor1uni wil! precede th<' annu;il back-t o-school n1g l1l at i ."JO p.m. tomorrow. ritot.hers or fifth and :;ix th g r a de students V.'ill assL~l Mrs. William Rosburg and li1 r.~. Gerald Wooters in lhe sale of cake, pie and coffee. NH High PTA 1\lrs. Robert Helzel President CO!\!ING liP: Deadline for parents to acquire studenls' schedules 1s i p rn. \\'cd- nesay. Oct. 22. whe n ha ck-to- school night gel~ undrr .,.,·ay in the aud itor1un1. Refreshments "'ill follf)w 1n the library ... Board meeting NH HIGH Gail Cara• We All Scream for Ice Cream' 1\ :;;u rrcy \vith the fringe on t op is the mode of trans- portntion selectcrl by 1.1atti F'ceney <111d .J llhn !sci as they prepare lo embark for the 1-l arper P1.'.<\ Ice at 1 ·'4~ p.m. !\lon<lay. ~-t. 27. in thr rnusic room. Thnmas C. \\'ilson Jr .. as.~1s­ tant principal 1n charge of research and curricutun1 development, will present Con flict in Values. P ublic i'> i n v i t c d to attend a n rl refreshn1cnts v.·il! be servcrl . REPORTS: i\l r~. .J. \V. Hcn1sLrecl. c h a i r m a n launched the 1nembersh1r dril'c ycs1erday v.·ith a total of 2300 lettered requests_ .. Officers serving a r e the l\1mcs. Robert Hetzel, pre~i­ rlent; lJoug las Ogilvie and l lemstreet, vice presidents; John Fletcher and Arthur \l,'illiams. secretaries. and James Recd, treasurer. Qu een of An gel• Auxili ary f>lrs. Jam e~ Oa\•les President co:-.11~G UP : General meeting \l'ill take placr al a r .m. tomorrow in thl' little !healer al Corona del l\lar High School. Program v. 111 fe ature a represcn!ati\·e i'rom n<1rtotics division -0f Newport Beach Public Rela- tions DeparLment \\'ho will s1x«1!-'. on the Problems of Drugs. Film will be shown, ro!lo\'led by a Question and answer period. Patenl~ are u r ged l.o attend. Refreshments will be serv- ed, Poulori no PTA f\trs. Nigel Bailey President night at 7 · 15 p.m. lomorro\\·. Social hour v.·iH feature ice cream. cookies and coffee. i\lrs. llogcr \Vall~. heal1h and safety chairman \\'Ill assist ll'ith immun1zatlons al 9 a .m. tomnrro,•:. REPORTS: J\·lcn1bership dri\'(' headed by 1\1 r.~. Rnhert Paul<'y s!arted last \Ve<l- ne~d:iy \1·ith thr theme Buy a Share of the Future. Prince of Peoce PTF Harry SouthroD P resident COMING UP~ Aa ck·!o-school night will !nke place at 7:30 p.m. Tuesda,v, Oct 21. Entertainment "'ill be pr()- 1·ided by the school choir 11n· der the dircclion of t.1 rs. ~ .. ·~· ' ,.. • 'fl t -. . '-~ Cream Social, planned from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday. Oct. 17. On the enterlaining a genda \\'ill be surrey rides, grab bag booth, prizes and food s tands. AllC'.n Cn\'ert and the POP Rra!'s. clircrted by Mrs. t\orbert Prechel. •. School pictures \1 ill be> taken tomorro1.,. and will be ready before Chrii;lmas. f\~~PORTS: f\lrs. Robert lsa:ics. chairman anllQunces 1hat the Jolly Rancher Can- dy sale "·ill end f\-Ionday. Oct. 20. Profits wi ll be used for the purchase of audio- visual materials. St. John Aux. l\lrs. Dennis \Valz President COr-.1J NG UP: f',lerchandise Fair from 12 lo 3 p.m. Fri· day, Oct, 24. in the srhool hall. ]1,Jrs. Joseph Schulist is chairman. REPORTS: 151 memben :oinrl. guests auended the gener:i l meeting. Allendance prize \"1'3S awarded to Sis ter 1-.l. Dom i nic 's room 5A. Hostesses v.·ere the !\Imes. \Vayne Arn1 ~t.rong. J ame'\' Callahan. Thomas Cuffel and John Plen1ons "'hO have students in room iA. Wh itt ie r PT A 1\lrs. John Reidling President REP ORTS: Back-l1>-school night and general meetini;: look place la5t night. Schedule of events (or the year were discussed and ap- proved. Bake sale anrl refreshments concluded the evening. NH Zonta Girls Selected COMING UP: Mexican fiesta is theme of carnival from. H)'30 a rn. lo 4 p.m. Sa!ur- day, Oct. 25. Among the al· lractions featured v.·ill be booths, panning f o r gold. ~urrey cycle rides. a flea market, and Taffy the Clown Show. llot d ogs. han1- bergers, cotton candy and snow cones will be offered. Highlight or the afternoon .,.,,ii! be a costume part1de with the winner receiving tickets to Disneyland. REPORTS: l\trs. Fred The Zont.a Club of Newport Harbor honors one senior girl from each of the Newport- Mesa high schools each month i1s Zont.a Girl~f-lhe-month. The selection is based upon leadership, citizen a h Ip , acholarshlp and sf!J"Via to the gchool. At the end oC the school year. the girls.ol'-the- mooth select the one they feel is m<l5t qualified to be named Zonta Glrl-of-lhe-year for their school. ESTANCIA Mi11s Carol C app e 11 o • daughter or Mr . and Mr11. AQthony B. Cappello of Coata r..1eSA, was voled olrt5tanding Junior girl last year. During her senior year ~he 11 the sch oo I mascot and member of lhe California Scholarshfp Fed er ati on. Corart Choir and Vocal Ensemble. Outside activities include the church ch<>ir, Orange Coast College: drama class. Girl/1' Club and Children's Theater Guild. The October Zont.a coed plans to enroll at Antioch College: in Ohio to contimae her educ1Uon. CORONA DEL MAR Miss Cris G<lggio w a s elected sophomore homttom- ing princess and freshman gtrl<if·lhe.quarter. The daughter of Mrs . Phylli11 Goggio of Newport Beach Is student body secretary and In the Senior Honorary Society. She has be'1t active In CSF. Student Congre58 and on the Girl5' League board. The CdM senior will attend the University of California at Santa Barbara or Los Anaelea to major in psychology. She plans to attain a teaching crede.nUal. OOSTA MF.SA Before joining the teaching ranks Miss Diane Green would like to serve as an airline stewa rdess. Durtng her last year of hig h !!Chool she i,c; s.erving' on the yearbook staff , i1111ec.retary of the Conrert Choir a n d a member of CSF. Last year the daughter or lhe Harvey J . Greeni; of Coste Mesa wa~ in the Draina Club, Pep Clu b and Madrigals. Miss Green \l'lll s I u d y mathematics a I Californi11 State College aL Fullerton or Long Beach. NEWPORT HARBOR Conside.ring the field of medicine i.s Miss Gail Caras, daughter of Mrs. Jane Jackson of Costa Mesa. The Tri-Hi· Y officer plans to attend the Univenlly o f California, Berkeley and the. University of San Francisco to study dental hygiene. 1he freshman and junior class ~retary has been ac· live in the Student Congress, Pep C!uh and GAA. She also was Tioga Service Club officer and member of the Costa Mesa Youth Coun~il. Pahner. program ch;iirman has chosen the theme When You Care Enough t.o Raise the Very Best (Children) for lhe year book. • .~trs. Hichard Baldwin reports much t'nthusiasm in lhe rnembership drive. Pomona PTA 1\1rs. C. Darryl Bradley President COMI NG UP: Back-to-school Moose Gro up Women of !he JI.loose. 115A a:;;scmble the first and 1hird Thursday of each month for meetings in Moose Home, C-Ostit Mesa. The programs bcgln at 8 p,m. A Tall Order Filled !lot dogs and lee c rea m cones h ave a long way t o go lo satisfy J\·lr. Gir affe, so Su.~an 13arnes and Doug Brockmeyer start early to keep him content until the Ma riners r)FO Ice C ream Social Friday. Oct. 24. Following a parade oi d ecorated bicycles at 3:30 p.n1 .. stud ents and their families will eat in a festive n1ood from 5:30 to 7 :30. ~tr. and ~T r.;. Richard Brockmeyer a re ch airmen for the event, ""hich will r aise funds for the PFO scholar~hip funrl and gift to tbe school. ·-----------·------~-----.....---.......... ---·-:---..---· .. , ., .. *' f2 DAit Y PILOT ·;1 December Troth Announced Officers Installed Ke pt in ~}itches l " ! •' • ;; Date Set -Peering Around January Rites Planned Skills Shared } Weddinc plodg" will be el· : ~ Dec. 13 in the Trlnlly : """'1yteriul Olurcli, Tustin : by SbsTy Lynn Liplcomb and · Evu Wllllama. ~-Tbelr enpgement bu '- ~--by Dr. and Mn. : Jooepll K. Lipacomb o I : Newport Beach. par,... o( the ·~. ~ MiU LJ~b. a graduate : ol Bmhreo H I g h Sd>ool, Paramount. Mtend1 B I o I a : Collqe, La Mlrada. : Her fiance, IUD of Or. and ... Mn. Jl'rancla J. Williams of : Corma del Mar, b a graduate · ol San G1brlel llJgh Sc!Jool : aod aUenda Oranle Coast . CJoUep. SHERRY LIPSCOMB To Say Vows THE "IN" malfie~ LQQK A KAFFEEK L A T CH , OOsted by Mrs. Hester Moore and Mrs. Elsa McLeod was enjoyed by Shuffleboard Club of Laguna Beach members recently. Tholle joining featlvllies ln- c]uded the Messrs and Mmes. Jferman Riennann, Rod Kim· ball, Ri chard Whitaker, John Bingham, Art Sharman and 1 Dean Clanton. Also pr ese ot were t h e Mmes. Catherine M a 11 f f , Ardith McRoberts, Mari e Looise Miller, Helen Doran, Myrle McAllister. M a u d Peterson and Barbara Page, along with Roy A. Gibson, E;d· die Lenehan . Dr. L o uis PAMELA BEAUREGARD Ketch um,_ Rodney Buchan~, Future Bride Cap Lewis, Homer Valentine ----------and Paul Egler. Rock Talk On Agenda Mr. and Mrs. F. Arthur Be.aureaard ef .Newport Beacll have d19c..loeed the engage- ment of their dau&hter, Pam- ela Beautt&ard to Terrill Lee Rob!Noo. Thei r betrothal WI..! an- nounced during an informal afternoon party. A mo n g apeclAI guests were Mr. and Mrs. John P. RobinM>n of Wutmlnltar, parenta of the benedlcl-<!lect. Miu Beaurexard is a B!~ ol Corona del Mar H1ah School and attended Orq e Cout C<>llege. Her flance II an alumnus of Jeb Stuart Rish School, Falls Church, Va. and attended OCC.. C'un"ently he ls a ff'!lior studying phyalcal education al CaJtlomia State College at Fullerton. 1be betrothed have selected Jan. 24 for their wedding date. Guest Named 'I'brel ctafl.$men -r-.trs. J-1. whee tbe Greater Santa AM ·Jean Bedtll, Mn. Jack G. Unit Marine C:>ri-Leap · Rmib and Paul Ditienberger Auxiliary met ln the borne of. _ wtll share their stitchery Mn. R. B. Taylor of Santa · teertt.s wtth Affillates, Laguna Ana. Beach Art Aaoclalion Gallery Seated were the Mmet. durlnc a meeting in the Richard Baker, Santa Anl., 11111ery at 2 p.m. Ji.tonda y, Oct. president; Earl Enea, C<lata • 20. New officers 'Mre ln!talled Mesa, vice presldeot ; David The program on stitchery w. Huber, &int.a A n a ,~ has been plaMed by Mrs. J ...... -treuurer· J T · William Gl esctien b t: c au se seer ...... ~ • • . •. ne e dl e p:>int, embroidery. Cowart, Santa Ana, chlpla1n; weaving and needlework have Taylor, historian and judge become a popular form of ex- ad•..-ocate, and Burl c. Hayet, pretSion for both men ~nd Or t.al al th "'•ard women who are creating a.nge, cap D e •-• decotative pictures and com- Mrs. Leo P. Michener or pogiUons in yam. and thread Costa M~, state presiden~ of expWoed Mrs. William 11'. th': auxiliary, .was lnstalh~g Bruggert publicity chairman. officer along with Mn. Manue She wd stitchery artists are Gibson, District I and 2 of· not content to use traditional fie er. patterns and m a t e r i a l s • Any wife, mother, widow « Instead they a re ex· sister of a present, former or ptrlmentlng with new fabrics, rtUred Marine ii eligible for threads, e<1rds and yarns and auxiliary membership. Anycme are keeping up with new wishing further lnformation trends. Bakenfield flrtist Ml s 11 may call Mn. Ene11, 5'$-2$72, Mr.i. Bedell has :i;tudied Eudora J udd will be the guest or Mn. Huber, 5'44-0t39. sti tchery, design and drawing Mrs. Ra ub received her fi ne. arls education al OCC and UCLA and has turned from painting to crafts. She in· corporates halik, collage, rub- bins and printing with her stit· chcry in works which trnd toward realisn1 rather than abstractions. Dilzenbe rger mo~Uy work.~ in needlepolnt and designs ~is own models, us ing many in· tricate stitches. }le knows all 53 differenl stitches done in needlepoinl and even invented one of his own . Major works now in progress include "The Twelve Days of Christmas '' and a portrait of Apollo 11 astronauts. lie is president of the Niguel Art Association. WEEKLY SPECIAL! T alee AclvantGCJ• of These LOW-LOW PRICES! COMBINING a brief vaca- tion with business in Palm Springs were the Rev. Wesley W. Murrin , minister of the (;Mt.a ?tlesa Foursquare Church and his wife. They at· tended a youth council plan· ning session. PLEDGlNG Chi Omega at the University (If Colorado is Miss Marilyn Peck of Newport Beach. She is one oC 370 coeds affiliating with 15 sororities on the campus. for the Friday, Oct. 17, at Laguna Beach School of Art WEIGHT &. meeting of South C o a s t and Oe.$ign and Orange Coast \:Ulll. 'The hobby of Mrs. Ruth Federated China Painters. TOPS Me rmaid s College. She is an artist \A. /J\Ti(HERS . Hahn will be subject of her Mrll. Harry Fagan 0 f member of the art association \'\'f-\1 1 • .1; 6 talk before ofthe RAmt~ric~ Laguna Beach will host the 10 TOPS Merging Mermai ds and exhibiting member (lf Some tilking, some listening end AssociationCha ,_ 121' t' r e a.m. gathering. Those at. meet at 7:30 p.m. every Laguna ctaft Guild a ~ d a program that wor.ks. 1~ Persons, p..,.. ' omor· tendin& should bring a sack Thursday In Woodland School, Orange County Art Assocla· FREE BROCHURE-CALL 835-SSOS row at 12:15 p.m. I _~lun~ch.:1'::~----=---.,....:eo.~ta~M~es~a:_· -------t~lon.~---------"~'==========' e October 15th to 22nd Only I e CASCADES San $Z.OO to $5.00 Al .W11 locloded ••• Ffosted, Sa~ ..,.. Pepper, llottde and lrunettn! OC:TOllH 15rfl to 22nd $12'5 ONLY! The TOPPER ___ ... •4,95 ... 11""'9.,..,.... .••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The WIGGLE • ""'-wtrti Iott el '8. 95 c11rb •ltd swlrl • , ••• , , •• , ••••.• , •• , , •••.• , , •••• Tho MAXIE ............... It '1195 ""* lb • c.ced• . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • m /)/J, , WIG & BEAUTY allie j QsALON 250 E. 17th ST. G COSTA MESA 548-3446 DAILY TILL 5:30 THURS. lo FRI. TILL 8:00 SIGNING the guest regjster of the Santa Barbara Biltmore recently were Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Worth of Laguna Beach and J\.1r. and Mrs. D. J, Daniel Jr. of Newport Beach. SERV I N G as girls' dormitory proctor at SL Stephen's Episcopal School, Austin, Tex., is S a n d y Montgomery, daughter (lf Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Montgomery oC N e w po r t Beach. Miss Montgomery Ui a senior in the hlgh school. Birthday Party Anchor Lodge ~8. Vasa Order of Americ a, w i I I celebrate its ninth anniversary with a dinner and dance next Saturday at 6:30 p.m. in the Zonia Clubhouse. Alton Ber~trom Orchestra will provide music for dancing and ent.ertainment. Tickets are $3. Mesa Reb ekah Every fint and third Tui!'s- day of the monlh members of Mesa R ebek a h Lodge assemble in Odd Fellows !!all, Cost.a Mesa, at 8 p.m. WHOLESALER OPEN TO THE PUBLIC WAREHOUSE SALE To -b -hr 1Kt '-1111 .,,.,.. 7' ........ out all 1961 P9f.. ..,_ and ... , runs al aO qvalltitt of carpet. IRING IN YOUR ROOM SIZES ROUS, ROLL ENDS Frt11" mr tl• re room llln ancl ..-v•r 500 I • m " • " t 1 Pri<ed 1 89 Sq frotnr • Yd Mrs. Hahn. a former La:I· Puente school · principal, has devoted full time to her hobby of rock collecUng since ber retirement and will speak on the fascination of rocks . 'The meeting will take place in the Harbor Senior ctUzens Recreation Center, Newport. Beach. and those attending should bring a sack lunch. The Newport lleacli chapter is one or many throughout the United States and in areas overseas with a t o t a I membership of almo&t two million. Founded ln the early 1940s hr a retired high school pMn· cipal, the association was formed to prov:ide a creative outl~t for older people as well as othe r benefits. Fiesta Told GaUiolic \I/omen's Coonc.il or St. Edward's P ar ish. Capistrano Beach i.s invi_ting the public to a Mexic_an Jamaica Fiesta en the pa.nsh grounds from 2 to 10 p.m. next Sunday. Food, music, games and prizes, presented in a fest ive atmosphere, are among the allractions. Traditional Mex- icaii decorati ons and costumes wi!l be used. NYLON POLYESTER SHAG ACRIUN SHAB ~~~l'Nltypl.IWo ---~ t1i1a, Y1ry H1ny2"ffll<k. "' ....., tnfllc -. Mtny oluoh -fw fllo -, rkJi tlf10t modt i"" Net. I .. I Wedi, l..rly. Loolu llh WMI, hllo I"" of MOVfy & woor I -.,_ ...... lib -1,""" lib oryloo..!Mt~GoW, AVOCADO , ONE WEEK SPECIAL I WITH THll COUPO• I llTll MY 50 YAll PllRCIW[ Yll llf A I a-"""' thlo _, ofllor. Ill. 10.9S IH. PllCI US SOU> AT LllDINS STOUS CIDll OUT SPECIAL our 3 39 IOI 10.'5 l'D SQ. YAID lificw • 6.95 SO. NOW 4.92 SQ. I' OUI l'lla 'YD. ,.~ ONLY YO, ...QIPIT Oltl.Y-INSTAUD INCUIDll!t PAD __ ., IPICW DU POO 501 llYLOll SHAB ROIL EllDS lltny ~"" -w1tti ..._ ,,., """ tw1m1, ""t '" . •ID • M. YAIDI w. l•t. Net. a,,..1,., Wall ,.._ Modt fw tfM .., ~ ..._ ~ ,_ .., ""'Y troflk. Ooo ctl ....;.'ii"'-' -,.._ .... , A ...... -TWE YAllllS ID 14.fS IUll AT OTMlll ITOIU ONLT 628 TDS LE!'T -1J'I ~: IOI US Pll SQ. !AU Sq VAWI 7.9S Pet YD. •••f-Nrfy ftr 01111-•r• 4.29y~ .._ _, lat. llnr ·~ OVI PllCI SQ ihf _.,, --CA111T ONLY-4. 92 Yll: FREE I IAGllll IDllSTll.E CMPU. SlllPll I OFFER GOOD OCT 9TH J THRU 16TH, 1969 _________ J PLEASE PHONE FOR HOME EST. 549.3349 HOUU DAILY 9 TO l 'IO SAY. 9 TO 5 SUN. 11YO4 l.t.NK FtNANONO AVAi.Aili TO SHOP AT HOME ONE 81.0CIC SOUTH Of WARNER CAU 549.3349 2406 S. MAIN SANTA ANA OP!lf: MOii. THIDIU Fii I AM TO 1:30 Pll Look for Ille bl• wilDlllll at seleclBtl sapennarkets! mps -.e special Prices, Thurs.-Sun., Oct. 16-19- Join the Breakfast Revolution: Have breakfast this week with Van de Kamps! Dutch Rh•1 Coff-Coke Va n de Kemp's ·revolution o t the breakfast table is on extra special coffee coke -filled with o fr~h d-.iut-frutt.fill;ng, bckod with oil the loving core you'd bcke Into tt, then delkxitoly io>d. 11HL 39c (Re&-45c ) Iced CJ11fta111on Rolla Starting your own Van de Komp'a breakfast l'Wll> lutlon Is lilce starting off the day a little bit happier. Try our home.style cinnamon roll: Tender dough curled a round raisins and spices and glazed with honey and ic.ed with creamy sugar icing. -. • l . ~,· .. -.. • r ... l\, -~ .......... ·, . ;.r . Pk&-11 I 39c K-....,, , ~ . ., :;. ... ~ ::.:::.: " , CR•&-45cJ ' £.>i>.'• " :or ' . ar.11 Muffln1 No propor breokfost '""°lution should bo without our muff in classic: Specially g ifted With f.-..1t eg~s a nd honay to make thsrn extra rich; buttermilk to molce them extra light; orange mormolode ond raisins to make them extra moist. RolllO l....i t f><>L •....•.••••••• !'og.'3c) 39< Crw•lt.. l .. ar M AuertM Da,.k•ttn 37 • .... o( 12 ••••••••••••••••• (llog. 43<) locky .... C_.,.8-0L ,, .. , (Vol"° $1.()9) 98< Cake O':=,'::-.~~-~~~~~~-~~~~-~ .~~~~·''•J .35 C ..... l•ta Al•e1111' Parfa it k• CNtlM ,119 Yl Gal. ••••••••••••• , •.• (Reg. $1.29) • Plrl •••••••••••••.• __ •••.. (leg. J9c) 35• Cb 0-...,..... lilt.., V01< d. ~·· ....... Rosette Coffee Cakes A breakfast revolution with Vo n de Komp's Is eafing a Rosette fresh-from-the-oven in its own heatoble package. For that touch of the old-world pcstry - delicate buttery streusel fc:r o topping. Pk&-el 4 39c (Reg. 49c) lvtterfly Coff-Cakes A Van de Ke mp's breakfast revolution without our Butterflies is like a morning without coffeel Tel1der, lighthearted coffee cokes tu rn into delicate butter- fliet; filled with California raisins and spice. ;ir,;;;_,-.....c=-~,,, •• ~-, l , .. -... , ... -.. '. ~-Pkg.al& 39c !R•f. 49c) PlwHpple Golol Cake Von de Kemp's hos another beautiful nM:>lutioru T'lt'O g olden pi neapple layers, a rich pineo~ filling and pineapple chunks afloat in a buttercreom frosting and, behold: join the dessert revolution o~ hove dessert this ~le with Vo n de Komp'sl ·-~.~,~~, I . ' > . . . .. 2·lljtrS $119 !Y1L $1.35) Van d~K~~mp'se ~ f>, DIV!$ION Of GEM.W HO!.T CCII' We bake l!le way you would. If yoa ha<J the tim1. ·---------- 7 I " 7 ) I Saddleha~k voe. 1>2, NO . H 7, 4 SECTIONS, 84 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAllFORNI.( WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, '1969 oratorium Se~ond Time Around Soutli L"gunan to Bcconie A1nericun Citizen. Again By BARBARA KREIBICH Of llf• D~lly Pllol ~tiff The.long road home to America ended today in a Santa Ana courtroom for 87· yur-old Horace Emery of South Laguna. At 1 :30 p.m. Emery s~ood before Judge Samuel Dreizcn \1•ith fellow "ne1v Americans". to lake the oath of allegiance jn citizenship ceremonies. .But .(or him, the day was just a little dlffennt.···i was born an American, and I w8nt to die an American," he explains. 'lbe sprightly gcnt!ema·n with !wink!· Ing eyes and a merry sense o[ hu~or now lives with his aunt, Mrs. Louise ~ at Table Rock, but he has spent onty ~ut half his long life in his native land, and along the wa y he gave up the citizenship that will be relurned. Born in La Crosse, \Vise. of American parents (his fflthcr's ancestors can1r over fr'J" England in the 1580s), Emery, lhl'n 35. joined the Canadian Army In 1916 in order to ;•ao his bit'' in World Wa r I. FELL/ .fN LOVE Gravely wounded. he v!'as ~cnt from France to recuperate in a British hos- pital, fell in Jove with his English nurse and became engaged to marry her. "The day l gol out of the hospital.'' he recalls. "1 watched the first contingent of Americans arriving in London." Unable to resume military service. he: accepted a position \Yith the British jOVernment to hr1p a food production plant utilizing cu ltivating machinery. He was just the expert they needl'CI, having worked ext ensively on lhe production and operatlon of the earliest Caterpillar lrac· tors. After the wa r, OO\Y married and the fathe.r of three English·bom sons, Emery remainld overseas. Vr"<rking as a 'tiumness management advisor "doc· taring'' ailing firms. The job 1.ook him lhroughout Europe, the Middle East and Afr ica, while his sons grtw up in t>AILY PILOT Still P.,.l• REGAfNS CITIZENSHIP Soyth Laguna'5 Emery F~ngland . But he himself had nc1·cr gllcn up his U.S. cilizensh1p. By 1938. World \Var JI v.·as looming and his sons were nraring mllnary service age . One applied lo the British Royal Navy but was rejected because: his !illhl'r w;i~ an "alien." Another boy had the i;amr ex · perience when he sought to enter a l\lcrchant Marinr prograrn. Under Uu-cal of war, regulations were Supervisors' Move Next In Salt Creek Maneuve1·s By TOM BARLEY 01 Ille 0111~ Pllet S!•U A new n1ove in the Salt Creek Road f'he~ game has numped a king·sizc dilemma in the laps of co u n l y "upervisors, They v.·ere: askP.d Tuesday hy lhe C.:ipistrano Da y Park and Reereallon District to authorize tl1c Capistrano Beach organh:a!iun·s plans for initia tion t1f eminent domain action in the Salt t.:rl'l!k area. l 'he distncl's plan~ f'Tl\ isagc "strrcl· e:nll access'' to the Sall Creek ocean area. a procedure outlin ed 1n a feasib1l ily stu1!y presented IQ the bo<ird. But supcr\'1sor.~ musl approv!' the sei7.ure or land n1•w held by the La~una Niguel Corporation and from which the public is currently barred. T'ley refused 10 make a decision eilher \\ ay Tuesday. Instead. the board set Oct. 29 as the dale on \\'hich they will hear a reporl from a committee or two -Coun· ty Counsel Adrian Ku yper and Stanley Kr:iu sc. lhc counl} ·s dirL>clor of real pro- perty services. Admitting that their plans lo prc~errr ;i palhway lo lhe oce;in at S.11L Crl'ck are ··very lim11ed in scopt!", the three dislrk·t officers sign ing the. req uest ask superv1s· ors to recognize the fac t that "strecl·rnd access is better than none in meet ing the co11~1i1uttonal i;u:irantet of public acces~ to the tidelands." The board J.~ also askf'<l lo ni•le that '·street-encl a cce~s ex ists . ;ill alonR lhr Or:i11gc Coast. All Or ange Coa$'I <.:11 1cs ha\'C. points o1 street-end access and !>O d 11 :;ome countv areas," the letter add s. Board ap.pro1·al, tl1e C(lpt~lrano grou1l add11, would be coni;1stent wilh recently expressed county policy un preservation and acquiSition o[ shoreline areas. The letter notes the board's recent adoption of a policy calling for public ac~ss lo lhe tidelands ·'consistent with !he Stale Constitlltion." strict. 1'~mery himself found he CC¥Jld not enter h1~ own engineering plant without a police escort. Ttel11tlantly he took !he necessary step ;u1d appliL-'d for British citi:renship. Il wa.!I no proble1n. Emery had· been dfC()rated hy King George V for his service in \Vorld V.'ar I and his talents again were needed b.v the government. His .three sons enterer! the services and he became a part of the British military intelligence network. After the v.·ar he returned to the United SL;itc~ a number of times on busir~ss IJ ips. lie wanted to regain his citizi:nship · but \ras advised it could only be ac- con1plished by the procedure set out for nil imrnigranls: five years of residence, inve!".ligntion by the Immigration and Natu!'alization Department and passing the citizenship examination. LONG TREK llOME \Vhen his ·wife died in 1960, Emery came to live Yt'ilh his relatives in South Lagun.i and began the long trek ~ome. Hi ~ residence. was interrupted by tnps to visit his suns in England, and by bouts of illncs~. but he finally completed all the requirements and. passed nis examination ··~11hout 1niss ing a question." All that nnw rr1nains is the oath of allegia nce. En1ery is anticipating the cere~ony happily . It \\'ill be a red letter day 1n a cnrecr lhat has not lacked excitement. Ht"calling dntes \Vilh precise accuracy he 1c 1)~ about \\'Orking on the building of the C:1tun Dam in the Panama Canal in 1908. 'fhis was fo\lo1ved by a stretch as n1;1n~ger of a banana plantallon in C?sla Hica, where he conLJ:a~'d a aenoos tropical illness but l*~ l o die, '11 • Ile remembers ~mdristrating tbe, new C;iterp\llar tractor at an early fresn<'I f:iir . "I would drive it up a ts.degree ran1p thfll led nowhere and balance it (See CITIZEN, Pege ZJ Freeway May Be Scenic Highway I.aguna Beach councl!mcn tonight will consider a request that the adopted L<1guna Canyon Freeway route become a Stale Scenic Highway, Su<:h a designation, i(. made by the sl:itc, wnul d qualify tlie future: freewa y fur certain landscaping funds and .1rchi tectural controls, according to city officials. The request to councilmen is from The Ci\1icns Coin mittec for the Laguna Crcenhelt. SERIES ON 'C RASH' COIVTI !VU E.S INSIDE The thirrl :n a series of five re ports by J)AJLY J>JLOT financial columnist Sylvia Porter, analyzing the 1969 C<"Qnomy in comparison to the 1929 stock market crash and \Vorld depressinn which follow- ed it, will be lound in tOOay's paper on Page 30. ' DAIL 'r ~ILOT Ii.ti P,_,. ' SAFARI OFFICIALS STUDY WAYS TO MAKE ORAN GE COUNTY SAFE FOR LIONS R1y Bo wns. Ed 811k• Jr., Harry Shuster (from left) Look to Summer Openlflt ' .~· I • ace UIC OAIL'I' PILOT ll•K PM .. UCI STUDENTS PREPARE 'PATHWAY OF MOURNING' A Symbolic Entry to Vietnam Moratorium ·students .at ·Lagu~a High Join Morato1·ium Rally By F'REO SCHOEMEHL OI 111• O•llJ Pll•l lllrf Nearly 100 Laguna Beach High School students joined tOOay with the nationa l' moratorium against ·the war in Vietna m. A rally was held in Heisler Park late this morning to honor those who have been killed in the Vietnam conflict. A few faculty members also took part in the ceremony. Black arm bands v.·ere distributed la the students. One girl already e.m· broid!!rcd her arm band witlt "blessed are the mee.k . '' F'irst teacher tn arrive was Or. Em- manuel CalamftrO, head o£ the hig h ~hool 's langu11gc depnrlmcnt. "I felt an element of moderation wnuld be helpful. I'm against the \\'ar, but I fee l !he ciemonstration will be more. cffrctJ\'e H militancy is kepi out. It should be sincere and peace!ul, ·· he declared. Calamara chatted wiUl Mrs. Roy Holm, '~•lie of Laguna Councilman Roy Holm , v.'hO a!.lendcrl with I.heir daughter, Peggy, a t.aguna Beach high school senior. The Holms also have a SOl'1 who_is 11 freshman at UCL Among othe.r faculty members at- tending were English teacher Charles Schiller, and Dan Fo9tcr hi story teacher and advis er to the progressive Education Club. Students skipping classes to attend the rally were regarded as absent without ex- cuse and would have to present notes from their parents lo avoid being marked truant. MO!!t of the students at the rally said their parents had given them permission to attend and would write excuse notes. The students sat Quielly in the sunshine (See LAGUNA, Page Z) Mets Take 3.1 Lecul in Se ries NEW YORK (AP) -Relief pitrher Pele Rtchert's wild throw to first that hlt pinch-hitler J. C. 1\.1artin gave the NPW York ri..fets a 2·1 triumph in the 10th In· ning over the befuddled Balt imore OriolC':it Wednesday and moved the !\.lets lo within oi1e victory of their first world champion· ,c;hip. Tom Seaver. the majors' top winnt'r rluring the re~tar season wilh 2.5 victor· ies, won his first Series game wilh a six· hitter to get revenge for his opening game defeat by f\1ike Cuellar. •Lion~ Not •Fore' Safari Chaliges Golf Course Jargon By RICHARO P. NALL OI' IM ~ ...... lllft Gol fers at Laguna Hills Leisure World 1trolled in the .sunshine Tuesday. Not far ·away big earth movers began tt.e task of creating an Arrican veld 'vhere tawny lions also will .stroll in the su nMine. The: first earlh wai; moved for Lion Country Safari. bejng constructed by Na- tirnal Leisure, lne. on 500 acres of land )eared from the ·lrvh~e CQmpany. llarry Shuster. president of Lion Coun· try Sa[ari which already ha.~ a game preserve Jn Florida. !aid the fi rst ptlase of the Laguna Hills preserve ~·ill open by rfdd.summe'r next year. Shuster estimated the phase will co.•t Sl \.~ml Ilion. llt: estima~· also that during lhe flr~t year ()( operation t11ree mllJIOf! persions m11y·drlve through the 8ame preserve tD llave a look at the microcosm of the: African Veldt. .. Yo'e are building ,an African Veldt," iald Shuster. ''The conception Is that the animats (Mlll of them) w\ll be as they are in i\frica, roaming frte and v.·e must 5lmulatt th« habitat.'' Thi~ means African type trees and· ; plants, "\Ve bougl1t a nursery." s~id Snuster. He said the trees will be arriving ne:a:t week. •low do you keep lions of! the nearby Sun Diego Fretw11y or it.s Valenda off- ramp? This is done by fencing, said Shustt'r, and the ~rees and brush help hide the fence. ThP. concept or complete reprr:iductlon or Africa has a differt~. The animals ere to be fed at Uie Laguna Hilla Lion Country Safari. Shuster said 150 lions eat about 1:.00 pounds· of meAl daily. There wU I be. retrigeratgon facilities on the prtm11Je1, he ~ald. Shuster said It will take sight-tetra about 11,2 hours to drive through ·the presnve which will havt game wardens.' The gpeclatol'll stay in· their cars ahd' arc told to keep the wlndow11 roUf'd up. "\Vc ·ve never had an ·accident," said· Shuster. Othtr. anlmAls' listed for the· pfe.rve l~lufle elephant~. zebras, w h I t e rhlnoteros, chimpanzees, osltlchel and glrt1ffe11. · Shuster l!•ld •later· nh11:sf'! flf the work' f5(e LIONS, Page !) " Today's Final N.Y. Stoek.s TEN CENTS ens U.S. Protest Activities Wiclespread By Unlted Pr,1s International The Victna1n moratorium began today. In Washington. a half doze n demonstrators spent lhe night -0n lh' Capitol steps. In New York, lawyer William Vanden llruve\ read lhe fir~t name in l!ie list of Vietnam \Va r deRd. And as the day progressed, so did ac:. livi!y. The Washington demonstrators WPre continuing a protest which began Tues- day night in the chamber of the tlouse of WAR MORATORIUM ROUNDUP ON PAGE J Rep resentativcs. Congressmen sup- porl1 ng lhe protest tried to hold an all· night sel!sion but were forced to adjourn aftrr four hours when no quorum was found. ~evera l hl1ndr cd collrgc sludenL~ pick· cd up the protest on llie steps outside. The New York demonstration v.·as held In front of Trinity Church, sile of Alet- <'!ndC'r Hamilton's grave and of George \Vashington 's place of v.·orship. Vanden Jlcuvel read the first name. that of E11ner Lee Ablr:o; .Tr .. then surrenrlerecl the podium lo J\1ichacl Burke pre.~ident nf tlte New York Yankees, a0nd lo two \Ya!I Street investment bankers. 'rhrougllout the nalion other cltizen.'I participated In similar demonsltalions designed to show their displeasure with Americnn partici pat ion in the Vietnam war, which has claimed nearly 40,000 AmPriean liveR+ The day of obtservance btgan •s a cam- pus movement, spread to ci!les and towns, nonpolitical ;;ind n o n s t u d e n t o~ganizations, churches and, finally, lo the halls of Congress. In Washington, Presiden! Nixon worked quietly in his office as riv:i l bands nf pickl'\S n1arched outside the White Hou se. gates supporting nnd opposing his Viet- nain war policy. The scene on the Pennsy lvania Avenue i;idewalk fronting the While }loose grounds was orderly and the \Vhlte House said no special security arrangements 1vert! in effect for the moratorium day activities to be climaxed by a march lo !he \\'hitc House tonight. One group carrying signs protesting the "'·ar consis1ed of a group of Quakers. In npposition was a contingent from Shelton College at Cape ~tay, N.J., wh ich carried placards reading "\Vin the "'ar now" and "Let 's win. not surrender." As the. nation's cnpitaL Washingt on wa::; n lQcal point for the. countrywidP. · moratoriun1 on bus\nes.~ as usual" organir.ed by 11nt1 w<1r gr()Ufl):. On the floors ol the J.lou.~e and Sena1e. on lhc Capitol steps. 1ns1cle and outs1d(' ~vernment buildings. on co llege cam- pllS{'~. in chu rches and in public park.~. there were ~reeches appealing for e;:ir ly and romplere U.S. disengagement fron1 the war that hsis C"nsl nearlv 40,Q[}U !See NATIONAL, Page %1 Stock /tlarker~ NE\V YORK ( API -The stock market rally trailed off ea rly this aHemoon af. ter scoring a big gain in four advancing sessions. (See quotations, Page.<1 30·31 l. Al noon the Dow Jones average or 30 Industrials, v.tt ich spurted on f.1orn:lay and Tuesday, sho\\·ed a loss of 3.43 to 820 .00. Orange Cout Weather Those varia ble clouds won·t be quite so variable Thursday as the temperature along the Orange Coast drops a few notch· es to 72 degrees. INSIDE TODAY Jloto dfrT th l!. ViPtnam morn· toriam a1?t aoi11 r1? Tiie a1i.swer1 011 Page 12 toda11. 11•1m, H C•lll•nil• I ,.,._ ,.,,,... 10 ci.uHi.1 "'" Ct1T11C1 21 ''"'-" » ~f!I M UCH I Pl'ltrtt1 I l!~llGrl•I P•t• • l~Nrl•lftlllell J1.J) Piii-• #>U Mt,.~ M Arn L•~'•n ~ M91fM•· • ..wrr1 ... llc111""' I MMf! ... I I ,,...,,.. .. "'"'"I ,....., ,. Mii-i N_. .fl Cl••ntt C-ly I Pf A 0 S¥1Wla p...,.r 11 lPtrll n-11 or. ll•IM""'• 11 SMCll M•!'ll"I .. ,, Tt .. Wll-11 T ... lw1 ll·U W•Hlw 4 W9"ll ·-.... "'•-'' ,._ ,,.,,. -----.,,. ~-·-•·r---•----------·-----·---··--------·-------------------------------------• • • -• • • ----- 2 DAILY PILOT l Close /fla1aeuvers 2 Soviet .Ships In Space Circus MOSCO\V (UPI) -Two of Russia's U1ret. orb111ng spaceships performed close quarter niancuvers Tuesda), snugglin& liidc by side and lhen p::issing and repass- lng each other twice, the nev.'s agency Jass reported today. \\1len Soyuz 7 and Soyuz 8 were less than three miles from each other I.hey waved ttfir solar batlrry panels al each other in greetinMS , 'fass said. The craft ;ire equipped v.•ilh twn rl'Clani;ular pa~ls that jut ou t from their sides almost like airplane wings. DoW1• the Mission I Trail I Apartment Foes Pick Committee fo,fISSlON VIEJO -Apartmenl pro- testers have elected a steering committee rrprcsening all parts: of the community lo take their fight to the Orange County Boarcl of Supervisors. Leading th<' group will be Bob Brennan, Dick Niederhauser, Dorin Lucas, John Dowd, Bun:leUe Sanders and Gary Bu~. Tbe commitee will present petitions with more than 000 signatures to the Board 'of Supervisor.~ in their effort lo persuade !hem not to pass the t'ourth revision of r.1isslon Vi ejo masler plan. The commiUee also will investigate t1 ays to keep t.lission Viejo a suburban residential community, e Teen Fun Offered LAKE F'OREST -Teenagers who reside in Lake f orest are invited to come lo the lefn area al the Beach and Tennis Club on Mondays. \Vednesdays and Fridays from 3 lo 5:30 p.m. and all day Saturday from 10 a .m. lo 5 p.m. The Lcrn counselor is busy setting up . ' pool and ping po ng lout n a men t s , ho rseback riding exhibitions, dances, ha}-Tides, skating trips and swim parties. For further information call the club at R37-fil00. • Sl11deH.. In l'llm CAPlSTRANO -Student~ from !-ian Clemente 11igh School and Crown Valley Elementary in Laguna Niguel soon will be 3ecn on screens in movie hou.ses nationwide. The students .appear in a documentary lilm highlighting major breakthrou ghs in oceanography by industry and lhe U.S. Na\·r. The documentary, financed by Alco.a and produced by Jerry F'a irbanki:: Productions. also will be shown on lelevision and made available to schools. The htgh school and elementary ~tudenl~ art sho\\"n foraging lhrough 11depools ;;t Dana Harbor and Uli?n back in rlass cxam1n1ng their ~pcc1mens. e G11ifnr Cl1us .'iel \l!SSIO~ VIE.JO -Guitar rnthus1as1.~ \\'h<"' \\"otlld like to rrl1nc their sl rumining inay sign up for guitar lessons startin~ f\fond11r. Oct. 20 ill the recre11tion center. Fres for the rit:ht-v.·C'ek cour5e to take plac·r on fl1 ondays will be 510 for member~ and SIR for nonmembers. For information contact the l;'Cnter at 837- 4084. DAii Y Pi lOT 0111-'HG~ C041l ~It L$t4IHO CQMJ•4NY lt1lttrl H. Wit' ,.,tl.._I eN "~'-'''' Je,k •• c •• 1 • ., Viet ,.,_lftnt -~ti "'•~•11r ti. ...... 1Ctt¥il .. .,, t loo,..11 A. Mur,loi~t >.\IN .. ftl fd>t"' ll itlo 1r .. "· Nill l-eooci. (lty E•oor L...-..... 0""- 'Jf ft•t•I A~1 . f.f1ill~f ....... 11111 P.O. I •• 66,, tZ6Sl -Ol-C••t• Mttt· no wat I•• ,,..,, N~" ltK~ 1111 ...... , .. ~ .... ft~tre "'''"""'""' lttUI: :xit Siii Mnlt The delayed report of the: operation Y•as uut of character for the Soviets who In the current project have provided nearly instant reporLs of the space.ship activities. 'fass said U"le rendezvous of Soyuz 7 and 8 lasted some hours. "Yesterday was the 1noment w~n they switched on their engine3 and began to com'! closer," Tass said. "Viktor Gorbalko (in Soyuz 7) joyously declared, 'I see in my side window a bright spot approaching us.' '' 'fa!>S reported earlier the pilots took their ships under manual control Ior r;ome unspecified maneuvrn today. The disclosure wu made in an interim report on lhe seven-man spacdlighL Earlier the agency said all lhe ~­ monauts were "fine" and the mission \\'a!'! L'Ontinuing ".!llccessfully.'' ''Guiding themselves by the figures or navigation measurement.s, command,r3 nf the ships continue maneuvertna wit.b the u.se of manual control," Tas& said. Two of the ships -Soyuz 7 and a -ap- parently were with.In visual range of eacll other. The news agency saJd the crew or Soyu1 8 "observed the maneuvering and orien- tation to the sun ol tile spaceship Soyuz 7." Tiiere wa3 no indication how close \1•as the third ship, Soyuz 6, An earlier dispatch said the cos· monauts began their day with breakfast, morning e1ercises and a medical checkup. There wa.s speculation that the spacemen today would gulde their Soyuz spaceships to • formation r'lffdrd for the construction of Jong.term I p a c e laboratories. Laguna Niguel, Rancho Bernardo Merger Pending A merger is pending belv•een Orange County's Laguna Niguel Corporation and San Diego County'3 Rancho Bernardo Jnc. If the linancial juncture takes place, it Js expected that it would speed-up , development of Laguna Niguel which is master planned for 80,000 persoris. Niguel holdings include v a I u a b I e beach!ront property between t.1onarch Bay to Dana Point. Its most recent land acquisition cost more than $10 million and included lands surrounding con- trovt'rsial Salt Creek Road, controversial because the public road Wa! abandoned tu the corporation. Ram:ho Bernardo, a vigorous devrlof)- menl finn, is a subsidiary of A\"C () Co rporation, Laguna Ni~el Corporation is largely owned by Cabot. Cabot ·& Forbes Company, a Boston real egtale developer. Avco officials said an agreement has been reached in principal for the pro- post>d merger. It is subjoct to CQi'n pletion of a definitive agrttmeat and approval by directors of Laguna Niguel, certain regulatory .agencies and the C1lmpany's creditors. AvC'o said Ran<.!ho Bernardo's name 'v:iuld be change<! lo Avco Community DevtlopE"rs. The company \1·ould be recapitalized on a basil! similar I() Laguna Nigue l. .\vco Connnuni ly l)c\"C'!opc rs ll"OUld or- fer IO f'.liChange .6 Sharr of 11.<; COlnnlon ~tock plus $.1.7~ Jn ca..\h for each of La guna t\iguel"s 2 7 niillion !<hares ou tstanding. 1\1.~n holders of 252,000 Lagun(I !'ig11el \1·:irrants \\"Ould b:.> offerrcl an nppont1nity to cxcbange each v.·arrant for .6 Avco Community Deve!(}pers warr:int. E11 ch v.·arranl \l"Ould rnli!lc the holder tri purC'hase one. sharf' of A1,co Con1· rnunily OevelopE"r~ :Hock for $3.75 through Dec. !6. 1973. A prospectus coverin,I! terms of U1c or - rrr is to be filed l\"ilh the ScC'Uri!ics and EJ:ch ange Commission. Cornple!ion of thr. merger \Vould be con!i ngent on the tender of at leasl 81 percent of Laguna Niguel's shares. U~I TellPMM HELD HOSTAGE BY ESCAPEE tcidn•P Victim Andtr10n Pretty Girl, 17, Seized; FBI inHunt SAN LUIS OBISPO (UPI) -A pretty, 17-year-old nursery school assistant was kidnaped at knifepoint Tuesday by a man believed to be a fugitive wanted by the FBI. Police think the girl is being held hostage today to ensure the escape of her abductor. Kirsten "Kitty" Anderson , a miniskirted teacher's aid at the Peter Pan Nursery School at Arroyo Grande, 15 miles ;oioulh o[ here, \\'as abducted by a man and forced into a stolen car shortly be.fore noon. Authorities said the description of the man, given by two other women at lhe i;chool, matched in almost exact detail that of Robert A. Harvey, charged with a previous kidnaping and serious wounding of a youth in Albuquerque, N.M. An · all points nationwide bulletin wa!I Issued by the FBI for Harvey, who walk· led out of a jail in Santa Maria, Calif., Saturday night. Authorities said they 11.·ere cleaning out the cells and had hcrd- td all the prisoners into one room \vhcn Har'1ey "just sort of \'falked away.'' The man \Vho abducted the blue-eyed, blonde high school student was hiding 1n the nursery when Mrs. Beth Peter~. the operator and owner, opened al 11 a.m . He tied Mrs. Peters, then l\fiss Anderson and a cook and put th('m in a bathroon1. He then forced the girl to ac- company him and fled in l\lrs. Peters' car -a green station \\'agon. t'ro1H Page l CITIZEN ... back and forth on top. then back down- lhat \Vas quite a crowd getter!" he chuckles. fie is concerned about today's young people and the failure of the schools lo give them pride in their country, "When I went to school they taught us to be good Americans. 'Ve believed wh11l \\t had v.·as worth fighting for. I was so convinced I even jwnped the gun and ~·ent ahead to fight for it. War i~ hor· rib~. I've been through tv.·o. but at least 1.e believed in v.·hat \\"e v.·ere doing. "l'\'e been to ro many countries and :;~en how other people live. I only wish son1e or these you ng people could see for themselves :r::o they would apprecia!e \l'!J<l l they have here. •·sometimes I think lhe only v.·ay \I) redlly appreciate America is to be .away from it and then com e back .'' Today •lorace Emery came back - officlally. The next lime he goes to visit h i~ English sons. he'll be traveling on a green passport that says citizen or the Urited State:"! and his sons once more will have an American father. You11g Men, Marijuana Netted in Laguna Raid Jn a Fairy?-'ood Walk: raid Tuesday night. Laguna Beach narcotics delectlves allege they seized about 412 pounds of marijuana. three young mtn and 172 v.•hite capsules suspected of being LSD. The stake-out arrests invol ved the. chase of one suspect into the woods of the rustic area off Laguna Ca nyon Road, ~aid Lt. J ohn Zelko. Arrested on marijuana possession C'harges wt're Robert Louis Mars, 19, an .artist's model ; Roy James Satterfield, 22. unemployed, both of 1214 fairywond Walk; .and musJclan Charlr~ Thomas McFarland, Jr., 24 or Santa Ana. Detective ~rgeant Norm Babcock said the capsules, if LSD, would probably sell for about $3 each. He placed no value on the marijuana. Report3 ol its Ulicil value \la?')' wlde.ly since Operation lntercepl was put inlo effect alollJ the American- Mexican border. Babcock and Ot'lA'ctivt: Neil Purcell made the .arrest l!hortly allt:r 8 p.m. a t the F1iryv.·ood Walk address. U. Zelko !aid the marijuRn1 ln tw o packa&ts \va~ pl•ctd nt1r the police of- Ucm by 1'tcFarland as they willed in the dark. • As Purcell moved to arrtsl A1cfarland. 11aid Zelko. the suspect kicked and struck al the officer and fled into the -....·oods shouting, "It's tire po\i('e." Purcell pursued and arresteti, said Zelko. The police lieult'nanl s11id the detec· Uvcs unco\•ercd another sn1a\l fluantity of marijuana ancl the white capsules under a wheelbarrow in the yard or the residence. Babcotk said today he brlievt'd the marijuana was probably gro'il<'n in the U.S. ~use of its type and lhe w1y il had bet>n processed. He said the thr~ suspects v.·ould probably be arraigned in 1nu11icipal cotJ.rt today. Jn an()(her marljuanot arresl Tue6day, l\\'O men "''rre seized on chargrs or possessing about 30 grams of marijuana. Officer! Larry Y.'arren .and Jol\ll S1porito arrested Prlt'r Frank Pro~I. zt. a transient: ;:i nd i\tiles Edv.•in Rogboll, 37, or South Gate. lloSholt 11>'&11 arrested in the 600 bloc;k nf Soolh Coast Highway. Ztlko sald SaporltG ch1sed Probst onto lhe beach and a r- reslecl him · a s Y.1arren guarded the other suspeet. Fe~tival Ba~ks Chorale Directors Say Concert Do1iations Won't Be Neecle.d ln a rn.ignan.imous mood. FesUva.l o! Chorale was starting. Art! dlrt clora decided Tuesday that the This year • .Nr1. lleeley sald. donations Fe!tival Chorale 00 longer need .ask had amounted to M22 in January and $61 1n J\t ay. 1'hese amWnts were received as donations for its concerts, but can l;'OUnt con tribution3 to lbe budget allocated by on full support from lhe Festival after lts the board for support or the Chorale. Jn next sc:heduled presentation, a folk song :1ddition. she said, the Chorale had 1ive11 festival Nov. I. a £u11d-ralsi ng benefit for lhe Playhouse. Director Helen Kt-e!ey sa id the cu!tur:il "Personally I feel Ulere should be no commillec wolild like a board policy rul-<t:>nalions taken if the r~e.stival is sup- ing on Ule question of requesting dona-porting the Chorale as a comn1unily t.ioris al Chorale concerts, expluining U1e scr,,.il'e," said 111rs. Keeley. •·unless of custom had been established by Doris course, it is a quesllon of a -benefit for a Seilds lo defray expenses when the worthy cause.'' ).'[ ·-/;-( ft * 11 {,_-; 'Expe11ses 011ly' Fee Plait Proposed for l1·vi11e Bowl Feslival of Arts directors indicated ·ruesday that they mighl look with fa\·or on a proposal to abolish all fees e1C'ept out·Of·pO(.'ket expenses for non .profit groups using festival facilities at Irvine Bowl. The proposal \\'as made by director From Page I LIONS. • • \\'ill include a tree-top rt:slaurant from ~hich diners may look out on giraffes ard jungle. He said there will be \\•aterways for boat trips among the animals -"a jungle river ride-including one through a "free flight aviary". It Is to be enclosed and about 100 yards long, 60 or 70 feet high and about 100 feet wide. Lion Country Safari "will total!y change the topography o( the area," said Shuf;ler. lie said also il \\"ill employ a great many local people. I-le estimated lhnt employment in the summers might r un as much as 1,500 persons. Shuster said later phases of work will include addition of hot.els, a shopping plaza and other tourist attractions, l{e said a promollonal campaign will be launched a5 opening day approcahcs but \\'ill be done somc1vhat gingtrly at first to evaluate Ule effect of the cro\\'ds on traf. lie. 'fraffi c al the Florida facility Shuster said, \1•as once backed up several miles. Shuster said Orange County offici11ls have been helpful in launching the facilJ· ty. The only disappointment, he said, wa3 Hie recent denial of big sign. Looking across the landscape from a point near the San Diego Freeway's Valencia off.ramp, Shuster said, "\Ve've 11ever had an accident. \V' \1·ant to be iood neighbors.'' Art~ts Boosting Spirit for Clune \Vhl!e plans are being made to top Tustin at the football game Friday night, Laguna High is preparing two days of :;pirit activity. Thursday has been orficially dubbed "Dress Down Day" al the high school. Boys will be able to escape the socks- w1th·sandals rules and girls \\'ill be able lo \rear capris even if it isn't raining. Thursday \\'ill also be a hat day. with all loyal Artists v.·earing hats \Vith slogans lo go \\ilh the game }'riday night F'r1day 1v1ll also be another day of dif- rcrrnt dress a~ all students art asked lo \\!?a t maroon and v.·hitc, the school col- f1rS Stuart Durkee who noted that a special fee s~ticdule had bei;n set up for groups using the Festival's new Forum, but in fact the board has been \va1ving such fees for most of the organizations using Festival facilities in Tecent years. He cited the Lyric Opera Associa tion, high school, Civic Ballet and many charitable groups. ''•low would the board feel about total <ledication of the facilitit's to <.'Ommunity :;ervice?" Durkee asked. "It probably \\'OUid amounl to $5,000 or $10,000 a year, but I think we should do that.'' Durkee said he would suggest that lhe groups pay for such direct expenses as light bills, custodial help and lhe like. bul be charged no flat rental fee for eilher the theater or individual pieces of equip- ment like microphones. He no ted that the plan y.·ould require l·ity approv al, since rental fees are split lvith the ci1y. Ex officio board member fl layor Glenn Vedder said he thought the city would be "very glad to go along'' wi th the com1nunily service propos111. Board chairman William D. r.tarli11 :;aid he realized many \Vorthwhile groups cannot afford to pay a $25-a-d ay rent.al ree. ''I'm certainly s.Y1npathetic if it comes within the realm of possibility to 1nake this con tribution !o the communi- ty," he ... aid. Di rectors voled to ask the f.icili1y usagc cominittce to prepare figures on prohuble cost of the proposal for con- sidet"a tu:rn by !he city council anll .Fest11·al board. . '· ... Bo,vl Rcn1odeling Bid Accepted Beach Construction Company's low bid or tl9,34t70 for rcrnodeling 1hc entrance to Irvine Bow l y,•as accepted by the Festival of Arts briard Tuesdav. The bid 1ras $6,000 under origulal l'SlimJtes. P<igcant ptoduecr Don \V i!liainson. \Vho wa ... instnzcted to prcp.:ire. a contrai.:t for the projeC1. ~:lld il ('Ot1ld hr con1 ple!ed hy l-'cb. J, 1f 1>ork hL·gi11s 1111h1n a 11'cL•k. PL AZil PRESEN TS SPECIAL SEC TION South Coast Plata Shopping Cen\rr in Costa t.lesa presen1s a special l6-pa,1H· auto and .<:pccial Cl'Cn\S srclion in today·s edition ol the D1\1LY PILOT Thr Plaza ~Cl;'ilon if filled \1'1\h photo~ of l9i0 aulo nioclel lines, di!la1ls nn thr "P!ayrr of Oie :-.1on th" contest f:lr area high schools find special I'laza features. Dlreq:r. Stuart Durkee. aald he ""'-den~ ~ere m 1wo \lleion tht ~ jecl, one that the Chor.ale s uJd Illa~ eo its own two feet, tbe other t it shdtad be supported by the FGSliv I .as a coai: munity ser vice. "I have no objetlion j.6 conlin.Ung the 3Upport iO they don'\ ha¥1 to take up a collection,'' he said. :: Directors approved a motion that tjil: Chorale stop a sking donalioru after tU next, already advertised .appearance, ~ (.'Cpl \Vilh board approval, &lid that st~ ;ipproval be given only rfor bene.Jll, perfarmances. : ~ From Page I NATIONAL ••• American live~. The orderliness of U1e demonslraliqd was HI contrast to .a bloody encountei: \Vl:t.ich took place almost exattly t'*a }'ears ago -on Oct. 21 , 1967 -\\'hen .{ri antiwar rally culminated in an allempl tQ storm the doors of the Penlagon. Today, the protestors stayed clear Qf the Pen- t;igon, nerve center o( the U ,S. defense <'stablishment. Thtre was a mall skirmish on the ca;1i. pu~ of Ameri(an University when a gro~ railed "the U.S. Ant i-Commun i itl Congress" tl';ied to t:xhibit placards a(:li rally .addressed by Sen. George S· i\1cGovern (D-S.D.), but il was quic:kty broken up with no one hurt. -· 'fhe nation's capital's participation bi: the moratoriwn will be climaxed tonight by a mass rally on the Washington Monu- ment grounds, followed by a candlelight march to the White House, A1 rs. f.1artio Luther King J r. will lead thf march. Nixon has twice saXI he would not ti: 11 ffected by the day's activities. but r u_,- <lay Vice Pre1idt'nl Spiro T. Agnew cal!Cd' on the leade!'i nf the moratorium lo rr9udia!e support recel\·ed Tuesday from ifanoi. Agn:cow said a Jetter fro1n North Virl· narnese officials "!o our American lricnds"' \l"as "a sho('king intrusion in!D the affairs of the American people by a ri enen1y powl'.'r_" F'rom coiisl to co<1st. fron1 north !rt ~0111h, prole sl~ \\·ere held -campl0 riiilies, speeches. prayer m c e I i n g ~-. parndes and vigils -to demonstrate lh;it the lull in antiwar activity was at an end. f : From Page .J LAGUNA ... on lhe izrassy bluffs overlook ing lhn Pac1fi(', chating and joining 1n so ng It'd by student Jolie Bernstein. Senior student body president Howard llills told th«n1, "Our government ti.ii.i committed a crime in Vietnam 11.nd wt. have lo do so1nething abnlll it. This is not re~i~tence, not hatred. not destruction. '"It is out of r.reat1 vc Jove for lhe met> \\'ho ha1-e died.'' Poinlin~ to the nearby war memorial ~haf!, Hill '~aid. "i\1aybe we can rna ~e·it: ~IJ 1111'.'y really did not die in vain and use 1hr1r ~piril to guide us so tilat whal the)' hall to go through \\'ill stop now." As students prepared to leave in a car taravan for the UC! campus, Hills I.old 1hc1n !hJl \\'hile they \\•anted only " peaceful llemonstrat1on. there might be a. confrontation with University police. ·rir \111h other students opposing l h ~ moratorium. ·_·If thi~· happens. do exactly .as !hf! polite tt !l you llon'! J:<'t int o any ::irgumcnt5. Tiemember you are on a creative mission -a mi~sion of love.'' At UC I. the Laguna students planned to j;iin in special classes concerning the Vietnam issue this afternoon. IM.M ••a.oo CONVENl!NT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MAST!~ CHARG E \ IM.N 1 o the gwt who knowJ wtvr she , w•n~ but not whete lo find it.l ; M•tcb your style with ou'J m•ny distiM:live desiSM-A.rod •~~ •s •bout our f•mous o.~se Blossom gu.u.ntae. J. C. fiu1n1 1hrieJ 'J~weferJ 18ll NEWPOR T AVENUE COSTA MESA 22 YEARS SAME LOCATION PHONE Hl-HOI •• I I I I ----------r-· --. . . . . .. .. Newport Barbor Today's Fina) N.Y. Stoelui. VOL. 62 , NO. 247, 5 SECTIONS, 92 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1969 , TEN CENTS Newport Ponders Suit Over Air Pollution By JEROi\1E f . COLLINS 01 !toe Doily P illo! SIHf The city of Ne\\'port Beach may sue ~rlines using Orange County Airport to force lhem to Stop polluting the skies. Inspiration for the contemplated action, now under study by City Att orney Tully Seymour, came fr om the state of New Jersey's Department of Public Health. The department named seven major airlines using Newark Airport as dcfen· dants in a suit charging the1n wi th air pollution. The ai rlines last week capitulated. They 11nnounccd they y;ould equip all their planes 'ol-"ith smokeless engines. Cost or the conversio n, involving 3.000 jct engines. wUI be $30 milJion. according to artorneys for American, United , Eastern. Trans World, National, Pied· OAIL 't l"ILOT lt1H "- UCI STUDENTS PREPARE 'PATHWAY OF MOURNING' A Symbolic Entry to Vietn1m Moretorium Hundreds Boycott Classes As Part of UCI Protest Hundreds of UC Irvine students today participated in lhe moratorium agai nst the Vietnam war by nol attending classes. But there were many hundreds more who went lo classes a:r; usua l. All during the day there were O'Jldoor .. altematirc educalion" classes con· ducted by antiw ar profes.sors and 1tudents. Twen1y.\hree such classes were held on t:>pks vaT}·ing from biological warfare lo raci sm in the miiWlry to why university youth shou ld protest. FocaJ poinl of the day's activities on the Irvine campus was a 12:30 p.m. rally preceded by a memorial servltc for war dead conducted by Vni\'crsi!y lnterf01it h Chaplain Ed Allen . J\fosl of the students altencl1ng 1llr r:illy \vore black crepe paprr arm bflnds. An impressive blac k vinyl carpel·hke runner \\'as laid ou t from the cntrancf' of campus to Gate"•ay Plaza "'here the rally was J1cld. There "'as some p1ck{'\1ng in lavor of lhe moratonum. A refe rendum he ld on campus J\Ionda y and Tuesday thal could have shoy,•n i;lu- dent body senti menl on the "ar an(! !h11 moratorium did not do that. Only abou t l,OOIJ out of :>,000 stud ents voted. CdM High's Assembly Gives Botl1 War Views By JANICE BERMAN Of Ille DIRY "lllt Steff "Mash Magnolia" was the only tdtn *~le al Corona del 7'-1ar High School to- That refbrred lo a football game, nol qie~Vif:tnam moratorium. An 11 ~2S .assen1bly was scheduled as a rorum for lhe moratorium and ouLside Speakers Were invited. • Said Student Body Vice President A.mold Clark, "We were just going to ditch school today and go to San Diego, 1M Mr. Meeks (Principal Leon Meeks) ltid, 'Why don'l you stay and do iomtC.b.lng constructive f« the entire llu· dent body' ''. • ••He11 rea.11y CMCtmed about lhl11 .'' · Clark wore a black ribbon on his arm, be said, as a 1ymbol of mourning and participation Jn the. moratorium. "Here, at school. it'll probably be more like 'hey, where can I lfl!t me an arm bend'''. About one i t11dent in five joined Clark In donning bl1c.k armbands. They stream- ed into the boys' gym ra.pidly rilling up the Ooor in front of lhe speat.er's podiutn as well as the bl eachers. The speakers were in vited from \•arious lntere!I aroups oytside the high school. Dr. Dan Sal~r. 1 history Jr0fe11sor ill Cal Stlte Fulltrton who opposes Ult war tf>Qkt flra. He .aid, "wt art meelin1 et a Ume of utrnoar urgency. The sands o( time' art riznning out. " He uid th1t as the Amrrlcan military operation has slowed in Vietnam, the Viet Cong have reciprocated by slowing down their operations. He ~id lhal the war has an "unreal, dream-like quality.'' "The Vietnamese do not want us lhere1" said Sailer. He alleged that the Topkm Gulf eplaode was used by former President : Lyndon Johnson to introduce ·large numben of troops and begin born· bing North Vietnam. - He said the ships sustained "no signifi· cant damage'' and that they were operating Wlthln 'the three•mile limit in violation cf tnternatlooal law. He Mid, "Time and again the war in Vietnam has been compared to World War 11 , but during that war we received the cooper11tion and gratitude or our European allies." }le C{lncluded by saying· "We are not wanted Uwre. fl h.i s been a ghaslly mistake. We ha vt: nolhin11: to nt:gotiale because ll Is wrong." The next sPcaker was Geocge Brokalr, 11 Newport Beach resident who spcnl llme .u 9 Marine in Vietnam. "When people ask the question why don '~ we get out the ani;wcr shoold IStt CdM mGH, P11t Z) n1ont and Norlheast airlines . New Jersey Deputy Slate 'Atlomry l.eneral Theodore Schwartz ·said the J111gation wou ld be dropped if the airlines ag reed to have all the engines C<lnverted lo the smokeless kind by October, 1970. The airlines .-;aid they \l'ould n1akc every effort lo do JllSt that NC\\'porl Beach Cit y Councilman P;lul J . Gruber brought !he matter to counci.l's attention this week . lie said he the New Jersey lit igalion mighl poin t lhe \1-'ay for Newpor t. '·This is' son1ething in line vo'ith Lhis slate's environmental lavr's," he said. "\'t'e should ha\'e our O'A'n legal ofrice ,~tart the sa me action here, e~pccially with Air Cal and Alr West passlng over ou r city. Gruber said the jet fuel "fallout" is qui te serious In ~ewport. ''Thf re I.~ evidence al my house that they're do inj it to me, and if they're doing it to roe, they're doing it lo my neig hbors." "T:iis is something y,·e should~'''ery definitely pursue," said Vice1 i\layor LindJ!ey Parso ns. / Mayor Doreen Marshall< said the Orange County counsel'~ oftice should be ~dvised of the city's in~t lo pursue the issue. , I Seymour y,·as inslTucled to come up with informat ion on wh at the clty's ne rt Sll'p should be. ''This is something we mlght want lo tum over lo the attorney general of California," sa id Gruber. "So let's mo ve forward now lo compel the airlines lo adopl diIJerent fuel£ and engines." Seymour lndicaled he would report back wilhin a month. Protest Pace Steps Up Moratorium Activity Progresses Across U.S. Hy United Press International The Vietnam moratoriu m began today. In \'t'ashington, a hair d oze n dc n1onstrators spent the night on the Capitol steps. In New York, lawyer William Vanden llfuvel read the fi rst name in the !isl of Vietnam war dead, And as the day progressed, so did ac· !1v1ty . The \Vashington dem onstrat ors were continuing a protest which began Tue:;- rlay night in the cham ber of the }louse or H. e p resenlatives. Congressmen sup- porting the protest tried lo hold an all· -t.r -& ff OCC Student March Marks War Protest By l\llTHUR R. VINSEL Ot !111 D•llY 1'!191 11•1! Led by an American Flag-carrying vanguflrd \Yith the stars on one banner <1rranged in the peace symbol. Oran .:;e C'oasi College s I u d e n I s today demonstrated sorrow and displeasure O/.'er lhe Vielnan1 war. A cro11,·rt of a~ut ·300 gathered on the OCC auditorium steps for a march lo lhc main Cos ta J\t esa campus free speeG h area and back, as pall-bearers carrying a flag-draped cof/in lead the way. The grou p was smaller than expected. hut some classes were still in session and !he Vietnam moratorium day rally was tn extend throughout the afternoon. Earlier in the morning, the OC C Faculty Senate voted a resolution urging stud ents either lo boycott thei r classe..~ lo auenrl the rally or dc1 ri le in class tinu• fur discussion of the V i et n a m 1nnra1orlu m issues. Earlier in the day, the Farulty Sen.:i1e p:i .<;Scd a ri:solution urging all instructors and sludcnls to eith{'r bQyco\l class in :-;upport of the mf'lraloriun1. or devote cl:isstime 1o discussion of the relevant is~ucs. Th.: JtTJd11ally growing aurl1cncc in- clude,! students of a broad variPly plu.'f facu l·.y nicmbcri; of all ages. \Yith many black ann b:inds being \\'Orn . The procession 1novc.d somberly lo drumbeats. hul lhc scene \vas a ~\range mix:t ure of long haired. r'lean·cu t, radical and e\·en young Christian evangelist.'f pass ir,g out leaflets. On<! girl marcher licked an ice cream cone -a shaggy ha ired hoy chewed a raw carrol -and a eO\orfu l young eouple- kissed urxler a 'A'illow tree in which pro- t.esten perched . The rally drew many more 11pectators than parUcipanls and opened with a dirge-like rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. Hands were raised occasionally in the figure-spread V symbol which has come lo repre&ent opposition to the war. There were no immedi ate indications of any counter demonstration!:\ or pickets Classes over shortly after the rally began considerably swelled atlendance and facull.v me mbers add ressed the throng ro!lowing inl roc\ucion hy a Students for a Democratic Societ y 1SDSl spokesman. Political Science instructor Toni Wert Jed the faculty lalks. and said Vie tnam maratorium day -"an expresston of the people" -is what democracy is all about 1-Wtory instructor Dr. John Jensen (Ste OCC RALLY, Page 2) PLAZA PRESENTS SPEC IAL SECTION South Coo.st Plaza Shopping Center in Co'>la Mesa prestnts a special 16-page aulo and special <'li'ents section in today·5 e<Jition of the OAJJ_. Y PILOT The Pla:ia &ection if fil led with photo~ of 1970 auto modtl lirtei, rletails on the "Player of the MPnth'' eonte:it for area high .!l<:hool~ancl gpecial Plaz.a features. WAR MORATORIUM ROUNDUP ON PAGE 3 night session but were forced to adjourn afte!" four hours when no quorum was found. Several hundrf'd college students pick· ed up lhc protest on the steps outside. The New York demonstration y,·as held In rronl of Trinity Church, site or Alex· <:nrlf'r llami!ton's grave and of George \Vashington's place of worstu p. Vanden H.euvel read the first name, that of Elmer Lee Able11 Jr., then surrendered the pod ium lo Michael Burke, pre5ident of the New York Yankees, and lo two Wall Streel inv estment bankers. Throughout lhe nation other citizen.s participated in similar demonstrations designed lo show their displeasure wilti American partici pation in th e Vie tnam war, y,•hich has claimed nearly 40,000 American lives. The day or observance began a!'i a cam· pus movement, i;pread to cities and town~. nonpolitica l and non s t u cl e n l o~ganizations, churches and, finally, lo Takes Newport Cue Harbor District To Charge Too? By JOHN VAL TERZA require an annua l inspection -not a ren· 01 1111 D•Hl "UDf "'" tal -fe e. The Orange County Harbor District One reason for the coolness of the com· slaff Tu esday recommended tide lands mission to the fee proposal 1s that pro- use fees on a ,parallel basis with those jections show an lmmed iate increase of proposed by the City ol Newport Beach. only about $3,000 in yearly revenue if a Some 74 piers on county tidelands in paralltl fee .stJiucture were imposed. Newport llarbor would be immediately Administrative expenses and public affected by the levy of $1 per each foot of outcry might riot be worth the effort, the boat sli p. commission reasoned. Tho usands of olhers tha t will on e day Neither docks nor moorings on county be built in the Upper Bay presumably tidelands are subject to use fees thus far. Y.'OU!d be subject lo the fees. How-ever, the county charges an annual The county !-!arbor Commission lh t1s lns pcction fee for nioorings. lt also far is cool to the ide:i. Commissioners charges $10 for pit'r permits for new con- Tuesday asked for mnrc lime to :>tudy 1lTucl.ion or alterations. lhc. 13-pagc slaff report, submitted by The. moorings, coM $1.20 per boa t foo t District l\1anager Kenneth Sampson. al the issua nce or a mooring permit and Spccific.11Jy, the staH recommends lh.:it $1.20 per foot per year is chargetl as an the operation of Newport H;:irbor, in· inspection fee. eludi ng fee schedules, be on a uniform That fee structu re soared in 1959. basis with the city. Before that the charge was 20 cents per A M"cond recommendation in1•olves in· fooL for lhe permlt, wlth the same ~tn1cting the appropriate county person. amount per year as an inspection fee. nrl lo stud y and prepare a proposcd Traditionally, the report said, it has policy for all nooC{lmmerci al ~ of been assumed that county-administered tidelands. These would include use by ad· unde rwater lands could not yield a .source jacenl property owners and also docks of revenue. As a result, use of the la nds and moorings which arc on county by shorefront owners has been allowed tidelands. The dock.'\ and moorings now \v1thout a fee. -tf ·t-t -tr * -:r -;;< Proposed Tidelands Use Fee to J(eep Taxes Down Newport Beach Vice Mayor Lindsley Parsons wants no misunderstanding about it: income from the propooed tl<lelands use fees would ht used to keep the city's genera l propE'rty tax rate down. Parsons said toda y it i~ lhe "definite intent" or the city council majority favor. ing the rees that the estimated $67,000 in ann ual revenue is to be pumped right back into the city 's harbor admlnis(ratian anrl operating coslll. · The anticipated Uriclands Income is cqulval@nt to whet 1hree centa on the clly's· property lax rate (now $1.2!5} would generate. "Taxes from the general fund.'' Par50ns said, 11shoukl be COrTespondingly reduced." Parsons Monday night voted with the council majority in a 44 decision ht order prtparaUon f1f an or41nance eetablishing the yearly lidqlands lev]I;. The ree., unless changed during the cout11e of two more public. hearings on the l~ue, wlU be'' for e~ch root or OOat sUp. 1 Nol all pie rs in the !arbor would be af· fected by the charg~' City Tidelands A minlstrelqr George Dawes said about 2, pr\v9te and com· rncrcial piers woWd 'be subject to OM! use fee. About 1,000 other slip~ won 't be becau.i;e they ire built over private waterways Qr .are already 11ubject l.O le&Mhold agreement& wilh the city or the county. Only those piers built over public tidelands administered by the city are in· volved in the proposal, Dawes em· phasized. Among pier installations that woold bt e."<empt from the city fees, he said, are those in Balboa Coves, all facililies in the Upper Bay tcounly-owned tidelands), about a third of those on Llnda tale, Harbor Island and in the Carna(ion Cove area. The city staff is now prepariJll 1 larie: color-coded roap indicating which JNen the levy would bt Imposed agaimt. The map will be on dl!play 1t the council's Oct. 27 hearing. SERIES ON 'CRASH' CONTINUES I1VSIDE The th ird in a !lerl~ of five r"ports by DAILY PILOT financial columni.tt Sylvia Porter, analyzing thf!: !Ht economy In comp11rlson lo lht 1!129 stock market crash and world depression which follow· ed it, will be found In today 's pe,per on Page 30. I the halls of Congress. In \Vashin gton, President Nixon worked quietly in his office as rival bands ol pic kets marched out.side the White House gates supporting and opposing his Viet· na1n war policy. The scene on the Pennsylvania Avenue sidewalk fronting the White Jious• grounds was orderly and the White Housti said no special sec.urily arrangemenlJ were in effect for the moratorium day activitie., to be climaxed by a march to the White House tonight. 10th Inning Error Gives Mets 2-1 Win NE\V YORK ( APl -Rod Gaspar raced home from second base with the winning run in the J()t.h inning on pitcher Pete Richerl's throwing error and the New York Mets beat the Baltimore Oriole! Z-1 today for a C(lmmanding 3-1 game lead in the 1969 World Series. , NoW only one victory away from com· pletlng one of baseball's mosl incttdible su~ss stories, the National League champion Mets can wrap up the best-of· .seven classic Thursday in the fifth game at Shea Stadium. After Baltimore tied the game In the ninlh innin1, Jerry Grote opened the loth for the Meta agaJMt loser Dick Hall with a pop fly double into left field when Don Buford apparenUy lost sight of the ball. Gaspar ran for Grote, Al Weis was in· lcntionally walked. J, C. Martln pinch hit for winner Tom Seaver and Richert came in to pll ch. Marti n then laid dcr.l·n a sacrifice bunt. Richerl 's throw to first hit Martin and Gaspar scored from second base without a play. Donn Clendeno n gave lhe. r..1 cts 111 1-0 lead when he led off the second wilh a drh•c over the left field fence off Mike Cuellar. Seaver. a 2:>-game winner but a IOSl:'r la Cuellar1n the series opener, made the: run stand up until the ninth inning when, with one out, Frank Robinson and Boog Powell each singled. Then rigtrtfielder Ron Swoboda made a fanta stic diving catch of Brooks Robinson's liner and Frank Robinson scored the tying run aller the catch. Stork Jllarkets NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market r ally trailed off early this afternoon af. ter scoring a big gain in four advancing sessions. (~ quotaUons, Pages :JG..31 ). At noon the Dow Jones average or 30 Industrials, whkh 11purted on r.tondly and Tuesday, showed a loss of 3.43 to 820 .00. Orange Coast Weather Those variable clouds won't be quite !iO v1rt1bl1 Thursday as the temperature •long the Orange Coalt drops a few notch· es to 72 destees. INSmE TODAY 11010 did th~ Vlttnom morri· toriam Qr-t uoinar Th~ answer's on Page 1Z toda y. Mtll.,._. & Mlvllot tl·J.I ,. • ..,.. ...,... }t N.11111111 H .. J .. J Or•-<-'r 1 l'T.lr ,, IVlvlll h~ JI ,,.,.. ,,.,, °"· lftlflC191\'!1 11 ·-· ""',..,. .. ,, T"""1,... U T1'Mftn 9-JJ ·-. ........ ... ....,, ·-,, ... •r----------·---·-----------------------·--------------------------------~ ---- - - 2: DAILY PILOT N Close Maneuvers ---... ~- In Space Circus Rigid Rules:: ·For Airport UnJet 'studY, MOSCOW (UP I) -Two or Russia's lhrte orbiting 5pactshi~ perfarmtd close quarter maneuvers Tutsd3y, snuggling sidt by side and then pa&.!iing and repass· ing each other t\\·let, the news agency Tu,, reported today. When Soyuz 7 and Soyuz 8 were Jess than lhree miles lrom each other they waved thei r solar baltery panels at each other 1n greetings, Tass said . The craft are equipped v.ith two rectangular panels that jut out from their sides almost like airplane wings. The delayed report of the optrallon w~ out of character for the SovielS who in the current project have provided nearly in.slant reports of the spaceship activities. Tass said the rendezvous of Soyuz 7 and 8 JasLed some hours. "Yesterday was the 1noment \\'hen they switched on their engines and began lo com" c!Oliier." Tass said. "Viktor Gorbatko (in Soyuz 7) joyously declared. ·r 1ee tn my ilde window a bright 1pot approaching us.' " Tau: reported earlier the pilots took their ships under manual control for some unspecified maneuvers today. The dlsclo..~ure \\·as made in an intl'rim report on lhe seven·man spact>flight. Earlier the agency said all the cos· monauts v.·ere ''fine" and the mission \\'IS cunlinuing "successfully." ·•Guiding themselves by the figures ot Pretty Girl, 17, Kidnaped; FBI Seeking Fugitive SAN LUIS OBISPO fUPI) - A prett~·. 17-vear-old nursery school assistant was kidnaped al knifepoint TueM'.lay by a man bclievecl to be a fug ith·e wanted by the FBI. Police think thl' girl is being held host.age today to ensure thr escape of her abductor. Kirsten ''Kitty" Ander!lon. 11 miniskirkd teacher".s akl at the Peter Pan Nursery School at Arroyo Grande, 15 miles llNlh of here, v.·as abducted by a man and f~ into a stolen car shortly btfore noon. • Aulhorlt.les said the description of lhe ~1 man. giV!n by two <Mer women at the J :5Chool, matched in almost exact d.etail Jill 1hat of Robert A. Harvey, c_harged with a previous kidnaptng and serious "'ounding of a youlh in Albuquerq ue, N .~1. An all points nalionw1de bulletin v.·as Issued by the FBI for Harve~·. who \Valk· f'd out ·or a jail in Santa Maria. Callf., Saturday ni&ht Authorities said tht>y were cleaning out lJ1f' cells and had herd· ~ 1111 the prisoners into one room when Harvey "Just sort of walked away." The min who abducted the blue-eyed, blonde hJJh school student was !tiding in the nursery when Mrs. Beth Peters, lhe operat.cr and owner, opened at 11 a.m. He ti«i Mrs, Petm, then MiSll ).ndefson and a cook and put them in a baChroom. He then forced the girl to BC"- company him and fled in Mrs. Peters' car -1 grttn station wagon. The two women, found two hours later. gave police the man's description and authorities iiald he closely resembled Harvey, 31. v.·ho \\·as hsted as "armed a nd dangerou!." llarvey v.·as arrested la st week by !he FBI in Los Angeles. He \vas turned over lo authorities in Santa r.taria ~uase he allegedly robbed two supermarkets there ln January, The FBI said llar\•ey was wanted for unlawful flight to avoid con- finement and esca~. He a lso was wanttd by authoritiet in Albuquerqu" for the. kid· nap of a l~year-old youth and his parent!! following a grocery market robbery. Harvey and another man, Paul \V. Sharpe, 22. who v.•ss c:iplllrM near the robbery, Mre charged with kidnaping the fam ily. lfarvey wa.~ accused of the subse· Quent shooting of lhe you th, John Parsons. ~.\HY PltOT IC!UMll CGilft "'11l11Mlt19 COU.ltn' ........ w.u ---Jn\ .. c-4"' • llt ............. a--........ T~ ..... , 1CM.,;I lllSilK 'no11'11t Ii. M••11~:11• ..... ,. ........ ll-11 ... J e••"'• •. CeTlieJ N.-r1 l t4Cft '"" •-••r IN.,.rt ..... OMJe 2111 Wn• l1IOe1 l1elt •t •<I M1iU11t Ii.Ht"" ,,o. le• 1175, tl••J. --c_...,.,,._,..,, ....... •,,-..... --''" ,_, ·-.. ....... .......... navigation measurements, commandro r:oi of the ships continue maneuvering with the use of manual control," Tass said. Two of I.lie ships -Soyuz 7 ahd 8 -ap. parenlly were within visual range of eact1 other. The news agent·y said Ule crew of Soyuz 8 "observed the maneuvering and or1cn· talion to the sun of the spaceship Soyu·r. 7." There was no indication how close was the third ship. Soyuz 6. An earlier dispatch said the cos· rnooauts began !heir day with breakfast, morning exercises and a medical checkirp, There. '"as spe\ulalton that the spacemen today "'ould guide their Soyuz spaceships to a forma tion needed for !he construction of long-term sp a c e laboratories. Voters Down Bond Issues Santa Ana voters Tuesday tu rned dov.•n two !ll'hool bond proposals. one that would have built 13 ne111 schools and anoth(r tfia t would have replaced 12 old schools condemned under lhe state's earthquake law. A majority voted for each proposal. but not the two-thirds needed. Bond proposition No. t. tor $22.2 million, would have built 13 schools to keep pare with student enrollment in· creases, It received 55 percent support Bond proixisition No. 2. for $111 million. v.'ould havr replaced the 12 con- demned schools. It fared bc:ter. 59 per· cent support, but not good enough. l n!~rest in the bond issue ran fa irly high as school Issues go \\•ilh UI percerit of the eligible voter.~ in Santa Ana Unified School District turning out. Lanipaigners for the bond issue tried the same strategy that Newport·ri.fesa Unified earlier this year use<! so v•cll -a tJUiet campaign seeking to bring parents of school children lo the pollil without stirring up the oppo!ition. Count y Studies • Santa Barbara Beach Access Shorclln!: consrrvat1on a nd the pro· tecOon of public access !o beaches and tidelands on the scale practiced in Santa Barbara County may be in the offing for Orange Counly residents. Supervisor David Baker sparked what may be .a move to adoi:'ion of similar measurell here when he "1>o board ap· proval Tuesday of his sug1estion that lhe Santa Barbara ordinance -and the possibili ty of the draf!ing here of a similar Jaw -be debated by super\lis:irs Oct. 21. Baker noted th;•! S.:int.l Barbara ensure~ ~hl1relinc nr<rte"!ion through ron· ing. Structure.~ built in 11 ha1 are no11• pro- tecied ;ireas prior to passagP nf !he ordinance can rr1nain. he. noter!, bu! all future construc!1on 111 O<'ean fr ont pro- perty is denied or subJC<'ted tn rigorous examination. "'We should discuss lhi s proloction l;ly -zoning policy In the light or wbat co11!d tiappen lo our own 43 mi!rs of shoreline,'' Baker said. ''The Santa Ba r b a r a ordinance may prove to be the kind o( measure we need here 1f we are to COO· serve the ocean fr on t we already havr." Profc ~:,01· ]\ i 11, ~e lf O•'C'r C:a111pu s Strife OS:\KA .. Japan 11JPI) -Pro r. J\l:lsazumi Terada, 46, of Osaka Univers.i· ty committed suicide. with a kitchen knife in despair ever hlA fa ilure lo ~ttle a campus dispute, police said Tuesday. , .. -( ... '. ' DI.IL Y '°!LOT l'lllN ~y ltkll.lnl l(•hi.r By TO» BARi.EY Of IM Dltly 'lltt si.11 • ... COU.nty,wide survey calling arr restriction or Orange County Alrp<i-t operatio~ today is being studied bf ~ lo}J 'coun" officials. · • ' : • County aupervkors Tuesday passed1,tiC feport -prepared b)" the Oriflie Coo~ Chamber of Commerce --. to Cou~ Administrative Officer Robert ThomK; the planning departrncnt's a ppointCd represenlative and Airport Di~ctQ; Rober? Bresnahan. No date has been ~t for supmission of their analysi~. • PROCESSIONAL MARKS BEGINNING OF VIETNAM MORATOR IUM AT ORANGE COAST COLLEGE On tht Cotta Mesa Campu1, let Cream Cont•, Raw Carrots and Lovera Under the Willow Trt• But ' supervisors quickly conceded tli-8 rel·~mmendation~ containej:I in \he r€:poti 1nay well be worked in I o the ai~t study, now being prepared by Wilhail l~ereira Associates, I~ architecf.urlf hrm appolnted by the board to·e.iarn.ille Few .Vote, But UC I1:vine Bacl<:s Viet Mo1~atoriun1 Of the UC lrvine students who bothered 10 vote in a referendum r.tonday and Tuesday a large majority fa\'Qr the Viel- nafl\ moratorium. support Angela Davis and i'!isagree with Gov. Ronald Reagan. On ly abo\Jt 1,000 out of 5,000 UC! .students .voted. On the question of ''Do you &Uppor1. the University Moratorium Committee?" the d ~vision was 693 yes, 174 no and 95 no opi. n1on. Sentiml'nt to ''end the. American ln- \'nlvement in the Vietnam war now by 11n1nediale a11d total troop withdrawals'' ll'a s not as :-trong, wilh 645 voling ye5 , 289 no and 43 no opinion. The same referenclu m wa s held on all nine UC campuses this \Yeek by agree· nirnt of the studenl bod y presidents. UC! .student president f e r n a n <l n •·verdy '' ~1 assimino. who has \1·orked with the Moratorium Committee, said: Wait at Market Discourages Robbery Attempt "\\'e felt it \.\'Ou\d mean more if students then1 selves voted to /'iUpJXlrl the n1oratorium. This is a unique campus, and I v.·asn"t entirely sure such backing actually exist.eel." Other questions thought to be of stu· dent interest were included on the referendwn ballot. The results: -Do you believe Angela Davis (UCL A black Communist proefssor) should be fired? 100 yes, 728 no, 79 no opinion. -Are you in general agreement with 1he policif's nf the Re a i:: an Ad_m_inistration? 134 )CS, 748 oo, 62 no opinion. -Do you beliE'''e tha t !be potlcies of the Reagan Adrninistration ha ve workecl to lessen the quality of education in California? 702 yes, 131 no, 7!:1 no opinion. -\Vould the institutio n of a tu ition for California residents jeapordize you r at- tendance at the University of California? 532 yes, 367 no, 31 no opinion. -Do }'Ou support such a tuition"? ti& ye!!, 915 no, 49 no opinion. Schmitz Asks Ban on UC Funds "Bu~ine~s at ~ i\e11•porl Be a c 11 ~AC RA~!ENTO (UPI} -Sen . John (j, 111c1ghborhood inarket \\'as so brisk Tues-Schmilz said today if admitted Com· 1l:iy nigh\ that two \\'OU[d.be robber~ mun i~t Angela Davis is allowed to teach f'ro111 Pqe J OCC RALLY. •• drew a thunderous round of applause from the ~mbled students. "Anyone who calls you Communists or Communiat dupes is ignorant of Ameri· can history," he declared. A few students from Costa r.tesa High School crossed the street to join the ri.1oratorium participants and faculty speakers urged OCC teachers whose i;tudents boycotted class to give them credit From Pqe J CDM HIGH • • • Rl wars be, why doesn't Hanoi gel out ,'' he said. Brokate said that the Tonkin resolution \1 as passed by both houses of Congress and lhat President Nixon should be allow· ed to ''do the job he was hired to do." Quoting Thoma s Jefferson·s statement, "the price of freedom is eternal vi gilance," he said that if the United St.ales were to withdraw from Vietnam Americans 1night witness lhe spread o[ communism to "Australia or Mexico." lie said that 25,000 American troops have left and that 35,000 more will leave within thf' next few montlls. He said that the Communists are laylnii: back now but they will be back again "if v. e pull the plug like in a batll tub." "I think the enemy is waiting to see. \he r esults of the moratorium," he s4'd , ad· <ling 1'evrrytime you do this don't you have :1 pt>rsona l responsibihlv for more ;\n1cr ican dea!hs In \l ietna1n "'' the facility's future. ' "Subject lo cost, or coorse," Supervisor David Baker added. "U Pereira's uU~ tion of this repon Increases our c:oUI! then we should talk about this mt.tbir, again." :~ T,'be: <:hainber repprt Indicates ·~ nearly two thirds of the businessmen anl industrialists operating in close: proxlrrtlfr to lhe airport want that fa cility to stay it il:i present location. · ! that same survey r~ealed t~at rewi!f lhan half of those questioned wi-h to sh the airport expand. And more than ·hll elf those who responded lo the surveY ~'ant its passe111er-cmym, servi~ to be restricted to short rang, fllght'5. Of 125 businesses and lodastries 1olidt ed by chamber officials wbm lhe l\lfvef was carried out last sprin& only 15 ~ cent responded to the queati(JUUlire. • Pointing out that the low response figure could have been raised if the reci- pients had been pressed for answers, Arttiu r E. Briggen, chainnan of the ch.:unber's highway and transportation committee, urged the boa rd to include the su rv ey results in the upcoming sc- cnnd phase of the county's master plan of air lransJXJrlalion . Only 42.1 percent of those respondinC fe lt that the airport had played a major· role in Uleir choice of that business loca: ion. But of the 36.79 percenl who stated that the airport was not a factoc several cvnceded that the facility has been o~ benefit to them since they commenced operations. Harbor District Awaits Approval On Restol'ation p11cked up and left after customers kept at t:CLA olher ca mpuses will soon hire interrupting an attempted holdup at gun-faculty 1nembers with si1nliar pohtics. Oran~e County Harbor J)islrict nffici;i!s point. Sc hmitz (R-Tustin), said University or Y 01·ty Asks Slttdy ~re 11.·a1Ling for fi nal approval froo1 .'\fl <'r five minutes of delays at the Stop California regents should ban r.tiss Da\·is rede ral ~ources for $!79,000 wort h of 'n' Ge Market at 6060 W. Pacific Coast or the legislature "must cut off the Of SF LA L' k rest.oration v.·ork on I.h e Upper Ne v.·port Jlighway, a goateed gunman and his ac-university's funds until it cleans hou se." • ID Bay \Ya ter ski area wiped out by last I ' h d winter's storms. complice r::ui. rom the store emp Y an · "I( Miss Davis continues to be re· LOS ANGELE". !UPI) _ •1ayo• Sam -y .1 1• • Harbor District Director Kenneth edi:l~rc~~~~e Dume~ lold police thtt ~~:!·u~:t m:~::~r~~t ~~~~sope,; ;'o~itgyh h:!.~~keg~:~~da /re:~o;~~~~~tj~~dYino~ Sa_1npson told thch Johint Hakrbohr Com - twc men ent.tred '\:;·•"'. at.10 ;45 p.m. e\'f!TY campus in the state, paid full-time t'-t'v mittee Tuesday I al t e wor · as be<:n d . . nd I r between San Jo'rancisco and Los Angeles planned a!I year. but linal approval stin After 11.·an en(lg -or a evr. by our tax money," he said. lo alleviate the heavity traveled air route has to come from the federal sources. mim1\es. on~ ()( tile men pulled an The regent s have ruled Miss Davis can .__,,,.,,, ti•• l"·o c,·,,·,5. s h · d ' ·r 1 lb nd "" ~ .. . ainpson emp as1zc !ual 1 I 1e mone)' a11ton1atic pistol from bis \Vais a · teach a philosophy course this t erm for Yort". ''''l a t•ttc• ,,, .. ,.,,, for tl>c · r b r I J 27 1 di. d I II . .• ' • " 1< approvec P orr l 1e an . c ea JnC', "G:> call for ~our fr\cn fa C' 011' nn ,·rcdit \rhile her dismissal appeal is Fedf'rally.fundccl fl udy lo Transpor1at1on thr proiccl 11•il! in,oh·e rcstor<tt ion onlv. rlPrk) in the ba ck roo1n . This is a pccd>'ng. Schmiti said this action 11·as Scc•etar)' John Volpe. · I · • . '"i\'r wont be devr Jping a nything nr\OI' holrl11p:· th" ~1 inr;-t:in said. "absurd-" Yorty notrrl the Tr;-1 11~portat1on Drpart-<in the rp~r Bay. s() we don't want the A~ the other rmploye. Brad DtiFaul1 , ··so long a~ her :-alary continues to be n1e.nt rurrcntly is study111R the ~tat u~ or persons in\'Ol\'ed in the t;ppcr Bay ex- cu1ne out sever11 I custniners \V<ilked in ;ia1d by !hr taxpayers of California, the nation's railroad passenger scr·.1ce chahge to !hj,nk thal "·r arr de1•cloping The gunman concea led his pistol and ga1nes p!a}ed aboul ·course credit' art a and 11'111 n1akf su~gestious ,1s In !ha t ar('a of the b;iy , \\'e JUSl "'ant to \iaitrd. sick Joke ,'' he said ln a prepared state· transportation conidors tha t mi"hl l~nd est !h 1;:· h t d d One cuslo1ner lei!. tl\cn several more meo l. " r ore. e s ., area t a was estroye themselves lo iugh speed grou nd li nks. early this year." he said. rn!ered. Jr==========================================='==='=============================================; After concealing the gun for f11·e minutes, the would-be robber motioned at his friend to leave. Both Oed several bloc k" to a p11rkl'.!d car, where tv.·o more men v.·erc waiting. The quar1et then drove off. Policr salt\ they sealed off lhe arl'a. but lhr !our men had escaped before off1crrs .~fl"l\'Cd. ]\ara Now Hurricane CA PE Jl ,'\TIERAS. N.C. 1l1 Pl 1 - Tropical storn1 Ka ra becan1c a fu!l -b!o11o·n h:irricane lOday, but moved away from the U.S. mainland. its 75-m!Je..per-hour v.·inds an immediate menace only to ship- ping. , .. _ .. ,,, ... OCC's St11dent Council Bacl<:s r,vo SDS Leacle1·s The Orange Coast College sludent council Tuesday came lo lhe defense of two Studtnts for a Democratic Society (SOS) leaders threatened with suspension from the Costa Mesa campus. Before an audience of 20D students and after SOS leaders Barry Weinberc and Jack Vaughn and Dean of Student Activitie~ Joseph Kroll hacl ~t:itcrl their re.sptttive cases, the student council voted : -To T1JlllOSC the .~11~prn~ln11~ b"r au~~ of !:iclt or com1nunic111ion by De<111 Kroll. -To request Oran Kroll h1r11 Iii" nu11. ltr O\'er to the Student J ud1c111I Bo11rd f{lr decision. Follo~·ng the stonny student council meeting. Dean Kroll met with \\'einberg and Vau,hn to discuss the sui;pe.nsions for the rest or lhe semester he had hand· e.d oul Afterward It was announced Kroll \\·ould hold his decision in abeyance until Thursday moming a~ 9 o'clock "to give both sides time to think about it." 'I'he wspenslons were meted out because of the unrecognized campus SDS ·chapter's attmipt to hold a procram featuring UCl radical student! talkin1 about the An~iapa1•i5 matter. A~ DCC Student Bodv President Tom Hubble tells it : · "A large cro"·d gathertd last P'rid 1y. Thrrl' wn~ a mj('rophone. and .1mpllfler prt.~cnt thot "'t'rc not SU!'po:;cd to be tt;rrr. f"l':1 n Kroll 1ook lhe mirro!'hnne :ind :i'ikrtl C'\rrrcne to disperse". \\.ein· brrc look !hf' nHc.TOl'hone ''Thrrc 1~ere 1 number ol students" from the lrvtne SOS present. There: were n1hcr off-campus ~udenb with 1 few alhletes from OCC "ho wue opposed to lhem. Emotions were heaW<f and thfrt wtrc almost one or tv.•o i Jghl.\." CONVEN IENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE J. C. fiitnlfJhrieJ 'JetueferJ I Ill NEW,ORT AVENUE COSTA MESA 22 YEARS SAME LOCATION PHONE 141.J401 I I 1 I I I I • I l OAILV PILOT $ ' Soviets-Pull Out uhcek Faces Arrest Mississip11i Bla:ze Of Mediterranean Resigns Fro1n Czecli 'Immunity-' Post LON DON (UPI) -The Soviet Union, 1t1 a new surprise move, has pulled the bulk of its warships [rom the "'' e d i t err anean, defe nse sourcl's said today. The Sciv iet fleet, v..•hich had been built up to an un- precedented s t r e n g t h of betw een SS and 60 units only ;a few weeks ago, has :suddenly been reduced lo a mere token presence. in the strategic area. the defense sou rces said. No reason y,·as given nor a ny 'Regular' Police Back In Ireland PRAGUE (UPI) -Oepos'<I a nnouncement made by the leader Alexander Russians. The move was car- r ied out quietly. but has bttn . resigned u n d er shadov.•ed by allied air and pressure today from the naval uniti;. f~ral parliament in a step \\'es\.t>rn defense experts that stripped him of his said they assumed lhat Russia parliamentary immunity from was pulling the sl1i ps back to arrest and trial. Soviet po rts, perhaps for the Dubcek's resignalion from 11 "·inter months, unless they are second and more influential being shifted lo other, un· C' _ s • d post _ that of chairman of disclosed destinations, possibly UJ J igne parliament _ wa!> expected in the Far East. soon: possibly today. The withdrav.·al apparently F M • l The official news agency signHied tha t the So\'iels ap-Or USl£U GTK reported that Dubcek, parenl!y at<' not rating U1e Josef Smrkovsky and six other ti.liddte East s i l u a Ii o n NE\V ''ORK {AP) -A libt>rals resigned when the dangerously explosive a t Broadway product:r sa)'S he lower house o( parliament mel present. defen.~e sources said. to begin a t"·o-day session. has signed Cassius Clay. !he 1 Soviet nal"al niovcs l1ace Smrkovsky a so re~igned as undefeated but 11 n froc k~ d becon1e so methin" of a chainnan of the fl ousc Qf the ,., \\Orld heavyweight b ox ing 1 d · M'k m,\'ste ry for \V e s l e r n Peop e an Marie 1 ova, champion, to be<xime a song diplomatic observers. another liberal, quit ;is deputy and dance man during the 1 th h But since Russia pushed into chainna n o e oose. next theatrical season. !he Mediterranean il has A meeting last month of the n1 a I n t a i n e d considerable The producer. Zen Bufman, central committee of the Ul"I T1l1•hoto OFFICIALLY OUT Alexander Dubcek strength there. partly to said ~1onday tha t Clay -who Czechoslovak Con1munist Par. BE LFAST, Northern Ireland underscore its newly ""on role lrok the name Muhammad Ali ty had ''recommended'' !hat Dubcrk ;ind Smrkov~k.v among (UPI) - Roman Catholic in the area and partly to back v.·hen he joined the Black Dubcek, Smrkovsky and ?\1iss deputies v.·ho had ··asked lo be leaders agreed today to let lhC' Arabs <1gainst Israel -as Muslims -would :.1ar in a Y...likova be purged from their relieved or their functions." regu lar police patrols back in· v.•el! as to intimidale Israel _ niusical version of "Big Time parliamentary leadership posi-It v.·as believed Dubeck was to their area of the city for the defense sources said. Buck White" opening Dec. I at tions. · dropped from membership in first time since Catholic· Latest reports said th a t the George Abbott theater. The central con1mittee had the Jfouse of tile People first Protestant r ioting broke out Ru ssia now has about 10 to 12 Bufman said lhe contract nol suggested that the three because it ni ct first . An· there tv.·o months a go. warships left in the Meditcr-i:;uarantees the boxer two leave parliament altogether. nouncement of his .ouster as day or Thursday. Parli ament members ha1·e immunily against arrest. Gustav Husak. Dubcek'-' sucresor as fir~l .secretary or the party, h{ld promised thttr& will be no politica l trial s. But Stefan Vsadovsky, fi r s t secrelary of the Slovak Party, sakl Saturday there may be tria ls if some former leaders broke the law. The CTK announcement dropped the pretense that the C'entral committee had only ' · recom me nded ' ' the Smrkovsky·Mikova ousters. It said the two chairmen wer8 fired •·by deci~ions of the Sepltmber plenum of the cen- tral co mmittee ." Nixon Confer s With Prince \VASHJNGTON (U PI) PresidenL Nixon and Prince F uad Ibn Abdel Aziz of Saudi Arabia held a '"private" 45 minute discussion Tuesday. The prince was a cco1npanied by Saudi Foreign Minister Oma r Sa qq af, S a u di Ambassador Ibrahim A s · S o v.•a y y tl and U .S. Ambassador Hc nnan F. E ilts . Piremcn battle hugf'. billo\1·ing flames from a huge gasoli ne storage tank in l\·Ieridian. !\1iss., after 'Lhe 100-gallon tank exploded . Thr ee homes \Vere burned and dozens evacuated, but no i n j u r i c s \Ve re reported. The agreement v.•as .1 bright ranc<1n, apparently one of the WC<!ks off during the run of the But sources here had said that chairman of pi\rliament was s1)()t in efforts to restore IX'nce s mallest concenlrations I.h ere show for a title bout if one conservatives v,.·ere pushing expected tn follow a full to No rthern Ireland. l-lo11•cver. in recent times. materializes. this point and CTK listed session o{ the parliament to- Northern Ireland police \\·ere lr=========================='==============='========"=========1 in ;a mild stale of rebellion - Nixo1i Says Major Proble1,ns Will Ease WASHINGTON IUP!l President Nii:on bclicl'cs the inajor probl em's facing tile na- tion today - the Vietna rn V.'ar , --::r -!.t 1I Aid Reforn1 Drive Opens t'.'ASH!NGTON (AP) -The Nixon a dministration opcnrd its drive in Congress l.oday for massive welfa re reforn1 by calling lhe proposed f;imily assi~tanee program .. the brc;t vehicle for this nation tfJ help brC'ak 1he poverty cycle."' Secretary Robert II. Finch of the Dep<i rtment of !/callh, Educa!ion and \Vel fare, the ;idministration·s I e a d . of f witness before the House \Vays anrl Means Comn1it !c£', said the first year cos ts of the President's v.·elfare rrform package ha\'e been revi:-ed upwards from $4 billion to $4.4 bill.ion. inflation anrl crimr. -will ;il l be eased by lh<? time his present tcr n1 in olfice ends in 1972. 'rhc President plrins ;in <id· dress on infl ation later this \.\'eek, details of which we re rorthcoming soon from the \\'hite }louse. Nixon's overall optimistic view of his next fe1v years "'as given at the \Vhile !louse Sun- <lay night during a dinner for the Associated Press board of d1rcctors. The transcript was n1rirlc public Tuesd;iy. Nixon s:11d: .. Jnfl.'.l!1on ... \\·ill have b£'£'11 chrl·kcd because \.\'C \.\'C'nt in at th£' h£'arl o[ the problem and 1nQk 011 r hard knock s 11011• <lnd la ter 1 hr.~ \l'inter in order th;:it 1vc could ha\'C sn1oothcr sail· 111~ lat.er.'' -··crin1e \1•ill h.i\'e b<'rn checked !x>causc the Con1:ress h<is 10 pa ss the crime bil ls .. The Congress can be poli tical about e\'rr.vrhing elsr. but thic; one area v.·ill come up lo . , , " they refu sed to r xchange thei r botllc green uniforms for the blue of British bobbies to change their image from a paramilitary uni t lo that of a civil peace keeping force. The Roman Catholi c agree· ment came at a meeting bet11·een Sir Arthu r Young. general of the Royal Ulster n c w I y a ppointed inspector Constabulary. a nd members of 1he Central C•t izrn~ Defense Com1ni!lee, the ~rou p \l'hi<:h represents 75.000 Ca1holics hv· ing in the Falls Road area. .. Rcgul;ir police p;it rols will he resumed 1 hi.~ Fri day." a spokesma n for Hie comrTiittec sairl after the n1eeting. .. Police patrols \l'il\ JOin the n1ilitary police in the area. Bi shop Sheen llesigns Po8l TIOC HESTER. N. Y. iUP l )1 -Bishop Fulton.). Sl1een. one ' of the best known prcachers 1 <ind evangelists in the Roman' Catholic church. announcl'd to- day he has resigned :-is head of the diocese of RochC':<lcr. N.Y.' Sheen, bishop of Hochcster .~ince l!lfi6. ~;iirl hr had ;1skcd lo be rrlJC'\"Cd of his 1lu!ics hC'causc nf hi~ ;1i:r Ht i~ 74. In Hnn1c, Pope 1"''1111 VI nan1ed J\l~~r. J osrph I .In.I'd Hogan, 5:l, I p11s1or of St. J\l argart't J\1crry Church in Hoch!'ster. to sue· ceed Sheen a nd !ransfe rred : the bi~hop to the honorary! ro~t nf titul ar archbishop of r\e\\·port. Easte1·ne1· Buys Pod1111k 01vner Wants to Lire • Ut 'llick To1un' PODUP.:K CENTER . ln11;t frin1t. 11 f11'1 \1;is onr <Jf thrrc i1" ~hr '-a~rl. '"\\'h;it lln111rr IU PI) -The ep1tnme of small b1r!rl£'rs on th: t'n1n111un1t). ;incl J <ire fnosl roni:crned town America hes nestled Fron1 Podunk. 1t is ni nr '1l"1011t 1 ~ J!t>tlU1;! Ptxlunk the · among srrrn acres of rnilcs '" thr nrar<'~l 1-oir.-nghl kind nf an nwnrr. ., I (arn1land and an ~ca~innal 1n11n1 ty 111 t111y ~1£1• Hui, ~l r~. .\11~s Fr1nzl ~airl 1n ,. lertC'r, high\\'ay. I t".~ the kind of pl<1te 1\i·rks ~;1 1d. rl1crc is grc;it acco1npany111 g hrr bid 1hat ~he 1 !hey call a •·h1r k town.'' i.:ro11 1ng ro1 1.:nt1al for Podunk h.1r1 v.·orkf'Q fnr 1hr same rom· The town i~ Podunk Crnlcr. 1.rc;u1.~c 1! 1:; s1tuatrd at Ilic pany for nearly 27 ~r'1rs ;:inrl Jow;:i, '1nd on Tuesday 11. 11 ;i~ JUll('!lon 111 11vn hig/1 w;:iy~. tiarl hcf'n <1ll a Ion£' :;1nrr her. purchased -by a !.1c!.v fro11 1 Thr t;ilc of rnrliink achiririJ f;11hr r died about J(l months ' the East v.·ho say~ she alw;1;,~ n;i ri onal publ icity whrn J\lr 11gro. I wan1ed to live 111 a "luck and 1\1rs. \\leeks offcr~d 1t fnr "I l\'Ollld like someday to to11·n." s11 le. i\-l rs. \\lrek~ said she 1~. li\'r in a 1\ide-0pen place like' Podunk lake~ 111' nnl.v nnc 111 ;:i wa v. ,1!\ad to fl nally be rid roch1nk. I've ahi,·avs "'a nled to acre o{ land, and Elsie ~I . of the to\1'n. retire to a hick 0 lov.·n ," she Frint\ of Cleveland, Ohio, bid "But v.·c'rc goi ng to miss said. , / $12,500 for the to"·n. ll's --------~-------------­ former owners, ti.1r. and ?\frs. ~"'••••••••..,...•••••••••44+••4••••4••.-.•• ............ Homer W"''• ,<;a;d Po<llmk. ;,, ! YOUR PROBLEM• ; I> "''' , a good buy at any pric e • • • [ . bc>cause the 11rea is beauti ful : • , and neighbors are frif'ndly. • You want to sell some item ; ~ ~! ~ Podun k Center Cflnsists of a : that you no longer need but t " , • . general slorr. service s1alio n ! someone el1e can u1• for t -!-• and cafe -all undcr onrroof1: NOT OVER $50 •.1 .t.:.-..,---.'... -and a four -roon1 motel. lts • • popul alion is zr.ro. 1: , , 7 ? ? ? •: The \Yerks fa mily h\·cd in • • • • • • • "t Podunk belween 19fil and lll6R.1: YOUR ANSWER : but ri na!ly dcl'idcd it w;is JU~t : : .., too much l\"Or k tor lhcni t0 1• You call THE DAILY PILOT, ask for : keep P 0 d un k ' s businl'SS~i:: : Classified Adverti1ing, end place • : ~-. . So !hey decided to sell the ! -~·~ PILOT :' Central Iowa town. And sell : ~-•1 they did. Terry Duggins of • /.. • ! K"""'' City, Mo., paid ldlO,OOOd : ~,,...,, 'a' I PENNY : 1 for the town, readvert1se an : < ···:·,-""~<'1-~. PINCHER finally sold Podunk to Mis.! + _ ·~ Get the most on i 'Q:., CLASSIFIED AD NSUIED SAYINGS! i AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE KEYSTONE : i : ~'~oY~!.!~ ,: 3 LINES 2 TIMES 2 DOLLARS £, Sometimes you can buy good health, Your gift can help provicfe health serYlces fo r th ose in need -the young and old, the sick 'and troubled , Give health._Give generously:, One Gift Works Many Wonders/GIVE THE UNITED-WAY 1s:;~~~v,;;>l'·5-· '3' 'a··:ro rL 0 : t I $Ht1M.NllS,llKI • •1.,•uM : ANO YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I ., '~'··--""'")'~"' .r~1·1~ .. <1· • ••eo.it-..J'~"•l•ro/..,•l~dru ... ol • DIAL NOW DIRECT! : r1u ASTIOL~lCll rolCtAST fOft "fOtJll Sir.fl I • • : 642-5678 : Support T1ie Ca,mpaign • Your Community in • • I : I Tell fTM N""' Ce111tty J-40°12201 ·1 .................................................................... ~.t1...~-~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· ltrS _,o... • I • '* DARY Pll..OT EDITORIAL PAGE School Tax Problem In 1966 voters of Newport-Mesa Unified School Dis- trict voted a thrce·step override tax increase of 41 cents. ll was t.o take care of school needs until 1969. Tbe three l!ears have run out. Now school officials say the 41 cents is no longer enough. It looks like an additional 81-cent tax inc rease is needed for the school district just to bold its own the next four years. Meanwhile, school district voters approved a bond Issue that will add as much as 25 cents to the tax rate in the next few years. The cos t to residents can be computed. The owner of a $2.5 ,000 home; for instance, will pay $6.25 per year for each 10 cents of tax increase. So, for an 81-cent tax override he would pay about a dollar a week more than he ls now paying. The owner of a $20,000 home would pay a little less, the owner of a $30,000 home a little more. Why so much! To begin with there is the matter of increasing e~­ rollment. School administrators say about 45 cents 1n additional tax m oney .is needed just to keep pace and offe-r the same educational program to all the new stu· dents without cutting back. It is an unfortunate fact of school financing that in- crease in community wealth doesn't take care of this. As the school district's tax base gro\Vs the state Legislature by predetermined formula is expected to cut down on local state aid apportionment. It cancels out any advantage. In fa ct, school officials expect to fall behind to the tune of 45 cents. Beyond that there is a nickel school officiaJs say is needed to bring equipment at all 25 elementary schools up to an equal standard, nine cents per year to catch up on maintenance, and 51h: cents per year to provide salary increases a t the same rate as the last several years. All this, 81 cents per year in total, just to keep the schools operating the way they are. about six cents per year on the tax rate. These objec- tives are that all students of certain grade levels be performlng to their capability i!l such subjects as re~d· 1ng and arithmetic by a certain year. There are five such objectives. That is what school board members are told they are faced with as they set out to determine the amount for the override tax election. Will a m ajority in the community support the schools to the extent of an 81-<:ent or 87-cent ta;ic in· crease! If trustees can't find any flaws in the school administra tion's gloomy arithmetic, tha1 is what they will almost have to attempt in the tax election. Noisily or Silently? Fi.tty-ton earth movers make a lot of noise-espe- ciaUy during those hours when people need their sleep. And starting Nov . 1 the lumbering machines will roar along Wesf Newport's shoreline at the rate of one a minute all night and through dawn, hauling sand from the Santa Ana River bed. A citizen staring angrily at the ceiling at 4:30 a.m . will think little of the obvious benefits of the new sand to be dumped on the erosion-combating groin field. Officials of the Army Corps of Engineers say the sand will be added insurance that heavy surf will no longer chev.-away sand and patios in West Newport. They say they are under the gun because of ap-- proaching rains. The sand must be cleared from the river bed be- fore the rains come, or else the danger of flooding will be severe. r '' •" ""-V·' In addition, it is proposed that the school district pursue some new learning objectives that would cost Councilman Donald Mcinnis · has one alternative that should be seriously considered. He suggests piling the sand up on a portion of beach and either hauling it down later or letting winter storms move the sand downcoast. If it worked, this v.'ould save some hours of sleep. !Nl JUNGLE BALLET Mixing the E"lements of 'Play,' 'Work' It is not until we begin to grow up that we are forced to accept the dlfference between "play" and "work in the world: and it is not until we have ripened lnto wisdom that we learn to put back an ele- ment of play into cur wcrk. At first, as very small children, all life ls a game -taking off a prosaic shoe can be as much fun as putting on a fantastic hat. Then, with school, we grudgingly begin to separate the things we have to do from the things we like to do. IT IS NOT UNTIL we have passed the crest of maturity, however, that we learn -and some ne ver do -to mix these elements together: for no job is long en- durable tf you can't Mmebow make a game of it. I know an attractive couple with two small children. The children are given "play times" by the parents. For an hour or so a day. the falher and mother romp with the children : for Uie rest of the day, the parents are whnt might be called "businesslike" around the house. THEY CANNOT understand , they recently told me, why children do not respond more ardently to this pattern. The reason, I was bold enough to suggest, t Dear Gloomy Gus: The ~mUes·per-hour limit on the four lane, divided, arterla1ed, northern strip cf Irvine Avenue is a police speed trap, and don't try and tell me otherwise. Compare It with '5 miles per hour on non· divided Eastbluff Drive on the olh· er side of the Upper Bay. -J. R. c. Tiil• ... ,.,. ,.hlcfs ,.....n" .. le'ft. ..... MUftlrlh' ....... ti 1'119 -Hf .• ...., JWr "' _.,. 19 ...... , 0W. ~IJ P1191. ts that the parents are falsely separating the cat.egories of "duty" and "pleas· ure." A child, It seems to me, must be played wllh all the time -and most of all when he is betng "worked with." Smiles and songs and te&.11ea and Uttle games mu st accompany all the ordinary everyday duties that the child iJ asked to perform. This is not lo say, of course, that parents can alv•ays be In a good humor. But the general atmosphere they have to create Is one in which the child can slip from pleasure to duty and back again and hardly ever notice the transition. SE1"11NG UP a "playtime" for a child ls foolish and fat.uous, and is rem.lntscent of the men who work grimly all day long and then try to relax furiously for an hour. The hwnan personality cannot be divided into these emotionally airtight compartments. If a grownup puta no element of play into his labor, he soon forgets how to play -and, indeed. he can only play with laborious int.ensity. Child-rearing, like the most of life, is es.sentlally the art of combining op- posites. Reassessing 'Intercept' Now that critics in the U.S. and Me1ico have moderated their initial furious reac- tion t" Ope.ration Intercept, some ad· ditional observations are in order. Frankly, we don't know, and neither do the critics, whether the drive to stop tbe flow of illicit narcotics from MexicO to the U.S. will prove to be worth the effort. It may well be that by driving the cost of marijuana out of the reach of all but a handful of even today's relatively affluent youngsters, the campaign wW prove M"lf· defeating by drivlng them to heroin. amphetamines. el.c. It may even be that cutting off the marijuana $Upply from Mexico will merely lead to increased growth of It in the U.S. BUT NEITHER OF those arguments r;lriltes us as being particularly pe rsus.sl ve. A youngster who smokes pot for "kir ks" -and surveys disclose that this embraces at least two-thirds of those who exper hnent ,..,·ith it -would not be as likely to tri p-out on more dangerous and addicti ve drugs. And whereas mariju ana is being grown in lhe U.S., it ls of decidedl y inferior quality -and U.S. officials are not likely lo take the tolerant attitude toward mari· Juana harvests that Mexican officials do. 1bia we think. is one of the things about Ope.ration Intercept which has been 1merally overlooked : the administration fs almost as anxious to impress Mexican authorities with its concern over the widespread availability of pot from Mex- ico u It Is to frighten U.S. youngsters •way from using it. GRANTED, THE len gthy borclr r de lay s· have had an unfortunate im patt on the econom1ea of Nogales, Tijuana, and 0U1er border town11. But the adminls!ratioo no doubt feels somethln& must be done to bring home lo Mexkan officials the a"·ful dimen1lon1 of our problem. And empty pocketbooks and cash registers. while un· fortunate, are effective reminders. (----;~· ...... ~-------~') · Gues~ Edito.-ial . I Furthermore, something must be done to curtail the accessibility of marijuana, which Is making frightening inroads among our young populaUon. We deeply sympathlze with the pllght ()f the Mei:ican communities affected by OperaUon Inter~pt. Yet there are signs that Muican officlala are beginning to appreciate our problem. FOR EXAMPLE, Mexican c I v i c leaders have modified Operation Dignity <their answer to Intercept ), ao that ll no longer amounts to a frontal assault on the U.S government. And official s of the U.S.-Mcxieo Border Cities Associalioo ap- proved a resolution asking their respec- tive governments to esta.blish a joint commission to develo p programs to dry up the source <>f drugs. More important, 'ne cf Nogales '• most widely circulated daily newspapers, El Noreste, has editorially supported Opera· lion Intercept. noUng that the U.S. is at- tempting to care for lta youth by preven· li ng the spread of marl}uana. ''We should join lbe U.S. in fighting marijuana growers .•. instead of boycotting U.S. stores,'' the editorial said. "The Mexican government should enact new laws clam· ping down en users, pushers, and grower11 of marijuana." WE UNDERSTAND the cri ticism of Operati on Intercept. and we credit the good wiJI or tllose who insisl that. this i~ the wrong way to go tibout t.alving the problem. Out we believe tha!. since nothing elite ha11 worked, It should be given every (lpportunil y to prove Its worth. The Ar1Jona Rtpubllc •Racism Charges Are Mere Exc11ses' Angela Davis' Communist To the Editor, UC Board of Regents have betn con· front.ed with charges of racism and viola- tion of academic freedom over the recent dismissal of phi losophy profes sor Angela Davis because of her membership in the Communist Party. I feel that these two charges &re merely excuses by tile people who sup- port Angela Davis when the main cOn· cern is lhat she ts a member of the Com~ munlst Party. The 1949 resolution is paraphrased in the "Handbook for Fae· ulty Mem~rs of the Universi ty of Ca li- fornia," as staling "lhat no member cf the Communist Party shall be employed by the university." THIS IS ALSO stated in a 1958 UCLA faculty resolution . Democracy is the foundation of our io~ stiluUons in society and Angela Davis says she cannot and will not refrain from stating her philosophy on Communist theory whlch advocates d e s t r o y i n g religion and overthrow of f~e democratic govermmnt. I do not feel that ehe should be given this opportunity to unduly in· fluence those within her charge with the destructive Qimmunlm doctrine. DARCY P ARRIOTI Nina Simone's Bostlllt11 To the Editor: A prominent article in the Enter· tainment Guide of the-Friday, Oct. 8 D.\ILY PILOT lured me to UCJ to hear the "muJt\.talented spellbinder", Nina Simone. "in concert." In.stead of a musical performance by a talented chanteuse, the audience was treated to a vociferous vocal tirade as Miss Simone proceeded wilh lengthy emotional var iallons on the ,..,.hite cruelty theme. When she took it upon herself to inform her largely youthf ul audience that "your parents are as sick of you as you are of them," thal "they thi nk th ey've had enough of you and your new thing,'' that "they keep telling-you how much they've done for you," I began to have a fev.• doubts about her "fierce integrity and ex· treme sensiUvlty toward any injustice or cruelty''. Her entire program, save for one final beautiful song which displayed a vibrant and stirring vocal talent, deliberately and skillfully played upon resentment and hosUlity. I rt!!ent t h I 1 misrepresentation. Agitators should not be disguised a!I serious musicians; an attack on socie ty Mould not be publicized as a ccncert. PATRICIA L. ANDREWS Ratlonalbatlon 1'o I.he Edi tor: Many people are opposM to legalizing abortion, stating moral vil'.!ws against killing-be the victim unborn or no. In most cases, no amount of in· formation -such <1s "'hy a woman .----B11 Geor9e --~ Dear Georg e: I noticed an apparently approving remark in your column concerning beer. Alcohol will never make you health y, but vinegar and honey will. 1'he correct mixture of vinegar and honey taken at regular Intervals will give you a whole new life. T,U. Otar T.U.: ( Yeah, anr! I'm going to need a whole new Jlfe. I went across the street and asked the b,1rtender for a double shot of vinegar and hone y and now he won't Jet me back In the saloon. ISend your problems lo Genrge and rememt>er~ Neatness l'OUn~.) (,_, ______ ,,-~,-' ' ! Mailbox' ' '-,,..,..~, .•. ~ .... ~ , .. _ .. -.. ~ .... ----~ Lt'tters from read1r1 are welcome. Normally writers should convey their me ssages In 300 words or less. Tlte right to con.dense letters to f it space or eliminate libel is Teserved. All let.- ters must includ e signature and moil· ing ad.dress, but na mes ma y be with· hel.d on rtquest if sufficient Teason is apparent. wishes an abortion~hanges thei r stand, No, they are flrrn . And "'hcthe r or not they directly quot.e the con1mandmenls1 th.is is their point : Thou shall not kill. 1 APPLA UD these stalwart citizens. bu t am a bit dismayed when some turn right around and support the war in Viel· nam, capital punishment or the manufac- ture of "ad vanced wtapons" "'hose sole purpose ls to take human life. In other words, it is a mere ra· tionslizatlon of a Jaw ; ''Thou shalt not kill. except when ... " Bad enough to obey a law only when it suits their mood. but how much v.·orse lo preach what they don't practice. ERIN BLACKWELL Hish School Student TUlO Speed Llmlo To the Editor: I ha ve observed fo r some time tha t on Irvine Avenue between 17th Street and 22nd Street the speed limit on the ea.~t side is 30 miles per hour "'lu le on the west side it is 35 mi les per hour. I see no reason for this law for both sides ha.ve-two lanes. The only ri>ason l cou ld possibly think of ls t)lat the Newport police are too lazy In chase speeders on bolh .~ides of the media n stri p. \\'hat do yolJ think or kn n.w? CHUC K CARROLL The reason is that the erut side is 111 Newport Beach, lhe t/Jest in Costa Mesa.. Only agree me nt between tile tu10 city councils could eliminate i he difference, standardize the $peed limit. -Editor Thanks Parsons To the Editor : I would like to thank Vice l\layot Parsons publicly for hls efforL<; to represent the wide community point of view on the pier tax is.~ue. Special pleading should be heard but must not rl iclate City Counci l decision.<;. Mr. Parsons and like-minded councilmen are emphasizing valuab le aspects nf the popular imagC' of NewporL Beach (City of St1n and Fu n) -namely, courage and responsible governm ent. HENRY CORO MEYER Equllal>le Pier Ta,,, To the Editor: Since 1907 the ta;ir;payers of Newport Beach hav e invested $2,387.~8& in t he Orange County Harbor District, yet only the property O\\'llCrs nd jacent to the harbc.r have access to the public owned and Improved l!delands. F'urthermore, as a rl!511!t of the improvements made on the hnrbor. adj8cent properly has skyroCkl'tt'd in value. Since lhe t930's, the price of waterfront lots with piers has jumpCrl from 'SOO per lot to $4,000 per fr ont foal. I agree with Nev.>p0rl 'Beach Colin· rllman Llndsley Parsons and the Newport Bt>ach City C<iuncil Tideland~ Revenue Committee that equi table pay· nient should be made by slip owners to !he general pu blic for the exclusive and valuable privileges which lhey enioy. !\IRS. LEE \VINOCUR Lillie Coro11a Liller To the Ed itor : \Vhat can we do to arouse the people of Corona del l\1ar to the need for better care of our beaches? I am thinking parlicular!y of Little Corona. ft is such a beautiful beach with its rocky views, but it is so littered ~'i!h cans, bottles, papers and food. Not ~nough rr.gula r care is taken to keep it clean. Just take a \Vlilk out lo the lovely tide pools and think how lovely they could be if not litt ered v;ith rusty can~ ancl brokrn bottles. I wish someone \vould come up \1•ith a goo:! idea on how to meet !his problem . After all 11·e don't have too 1nany h<'autiful spots !iki;-Litlle Corona. LINDA O'BRIEN Dress Re1111lafio11• To the Editor :· Just rece ntly Corona del Mar High School passed free dress regulations to all student body me1nbers. This topic has been one of great t•ontroversy among the sludents and administration for some tiine. I believe as a student that this w:is a ~rtinent improvement. Being free to dress as you wish, bl1t 1~itb per sona l discretion, I feel glves a student a more relllxed fltmn~pti1>1·r In 11·0rk in. The faculty has sl101v11 fa1\h In the: !ilud enls by ·granting u~ this privilege. School is now a place linked with h:•a ming ;ind noL concerned with rornpetitivene~5 of fa shion, Ll~DA BA!LL1£ 1flry l 'ouny Cr11 'Pig' Tn the Editor '. It userl to rli~gu~l n1e to hear a cop call· td a pig. 1 used to quest.ion any person f heard using that tl;!rm to "Yilrrls cpps on the 1noral grot1nds or Io v e a n d bro!herhoocL That \~as until I grew my hair long and discover~ lhllt Justice is NOT blinrl. Okay, fl.fr. Orange County, I'll tel! you A Little Tired Press Comments Lllcbfltld, l'lflnn., lndtptndent Revie111-·: "The American people want more and more government service cacti year and they hflve the idea Lhe government can do everything from brightening up slum areas to ft eding the starving peop le in other countr ies. As Am ericans we seem to think that Uncle Sam is some in- div idual that has unlimited funds which come from some unknown source. Most ()f us seem to forge! the on ly place Uncle Sam can get funds is right from us. We seem to forget th e more we demsnd the more we are requi red to pay. Rather than complaining about the amount we pay perhaps it ,..,·oulrl be wise lo take stock of what we are doing and cut down in ma i1y areas .. Our governing bOdles are gui lty of listening too much to the demands of the 'have nots' and those th8t 'h11ve' are getting a little ti red of fooling the bill ,'' Cuero. Te1as. Record: "The free en terprise system. as we know in Am erica, is prt:ferablt. to other f(lrms nf J::Ovcmment -as history ha~ shown, However. ooc is -:c.t lacking In patriotism or Americanism In reali ze it is not perfect and can be improvei;I upon." Doctrine why my brothers call cops pigs. Cops are. "pigs'' beca use they have er- tremely sloppy mann ers toward my peer group. It is un-American for any citiun Iv .have lo walk the streets in constant fear of being slopped, questioned and harassed. YET Tins militaristi c tactic is being used eve ry day here in Newport Beach to "clear the town" of young people such as myself flongh.:iirs. '1ipples, etc . ) Rcgardle!'iS of your personal feelings toy,·ards my preference nf appearance, I an1 just as much Arnerican as you and shou!rl be entitled to the. sa me rights and libe rties. There is a very obvious reason for U!I young crying "pig." We're gelling our heads and civ il li bertles beaten down. I am only asking for law and order. Help! E, 6 ELLIOTI 1fron9 Front To the Editor : S111ce Sept. 21, "Operation lnt.ercept" has been in effect. A statement from Berkeley police slates that this new pro- gr am is doing ve ry little. They give two reasons for this: I. There are large quan- tities of marijuana already in this coun· try, 2. The blg smuggle rs are not getting caught Does the government really think that drugs "'ill contlnue to be brought across the borders with the way il is no w? They may be concentrating on the v.Tong front! TllE l\IEXICAN govern1nent has .said that this program ls hampering thei r tourist trade and th at if this continues it may bring in1ernat1onal problems. From lhe rcsu:ts tha t the gove rnment is gt.Hing now it may no(. be quite so prosperous in !he near future. If tlwy continue too long it mny be too late to undo v.•hat ba~ ~[ready been done'. STEVE l\IONGER l·figh School Student See G11est Editorial. -Edi tor Quotes Cobey Dorlman. Hollywood -"I believe it is possible to love your country, be a friend to .Jackie Robinso n and he a fan of John Wayne anrl Dustin Hoffman, Isn't that what this country is supposed to be. about ?" 1\1. l\f. l\1onlgomery, San Franci1eo - ''Those who have seriously investigated the silulltion know the grape boycolt is 1 na tional hoax, an unconscionable fraud." Dr. L<>uls Kuplao, S.F. retlrtment plan· ning consultant -"'If we continue lo ig· nore some 20 mil lion Americans over 65, we shall force the elderly into becoming a highly militant, revolutionary factor in our. society.'' --~-- \Vednesday, October 15, 1969 Tht tdlt.ori.a! papit Of tile. Dml11 PiloC setks to inform and stim.- tdatt reader.s by prtsentlng thii ne1vspaper'1 opinions and com- me11tary o?t topics of interest and significance. bv providing a /or11m for the erpre.rsion nf nur readers~ opinions. a11d by presenting tht dlver~e vltio- poinU of informed obstrver• and spokesmen on topfei of the da y, Robert N. Weed, Publisher I I I • I I I f;osia Mesa Today's Final N.Y. Stoeks VOl. 62, NO. 247, 5 SECTIONS, 92 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEONESDA Y, OCTOBER 15, I 969 TEN CENTS National Protest Moratorium Progresses Across U.S. CAILY ,II.OT Sl•ff Pilot• UCI STUDENTS PREPARE 'PATHWAY OF MOURNING' A Symbolic E ntry to Vietn•m Moratori um Hundreds Skip Classes ~s Part of UCI Protest ltundrcds of t tC Irvine sluden ls l.nday pa(!icipa1£'cl 1n the mortilorium against tbe Vietnam war by not allrnding classes. But there ·were n1any hundreds more •ho wcnl to cl<t.'>Ses as usual. ·All durin g the d<iy lhl're 1,1•ere nulcl()(J r "allemath'e educalion" cl;isses t•on- ducled by ::inti11·ar profcsSors and itudents. Twenty-three such classes were hrld on topics varying From b1ological warfarr to racism in th<-m1it.ary to "'hy uni1·ersily youth should prolc.'>t. FOcal polnl of the d;iy·s activili~ on the Irvine campus "'as a 12.:10 p.m. rallv pri!Ceded by a memorial service fnr v.•ar rlead conducted by Univers1!y 1ntcrfa1Lh Chaplain Ed Allen. Most of the students alll'nding the rally \\'ore black crepe paper arm bands. An impressive black vinyl carpet-like runner "'al' laid out from the entrance of campu.o; lo Gateway Plaza where the rally v.a" he!d. There wa.~ ."'1ffi(' pick clir~g in fa1'or ur the moratorium. A referendum held on campus i\londay ;ind Tuesday that could have shov•n stu- fie-nt body sentiment on .the war and !he moratorium did not do that. Only about J ,000 out of 5,000 stud en ls voted. Met s Wi11 2-1 it1 10th, .Take 3-1 Lead in Series NE\V YORK (AP)-Rnci Gaspar raced Jiom e from second barie wilh the winning ran in the Joth inning r>n pitcher Pete 'Richer\'s throwing error and the Ne\v York Mets beat I.he Bt11l imorc Orioles 2-l today for a commanding 3-l game. lead in the 1969 \Vorld Series. ' Seaver, a ZS.game winner but a loser to Cuellarln the stries opener, made the run stand up until the ninth inning when, with one out, Frank RobinJOn and Boog Powell each singled. ,.hen rightfielder Ron Swoboda made a fantastic diving catch or Brooks Robinson·s liner and Frank Robin!JOn scored the tying run after the catch. By United Press International The \'ietnam moratorium began today. In Washington, a half doze n de.11onstrators spent the night on the Capitol steps. In New York, lawyer \\'illi<1m Vanden lleuvel read the first nan1c in 1:1e list of Vietnam war dead, And as the day progressed . so did ac- tivity. ·1 ·11e \\'a:-.h1ng1011 dr111onslra!ors were c·onl1nuing a protc~l \rhich begttn Tucs- 1ia.v night in the chamht>r of the House of r: c p resentallvcs. Congr:!Ssinen sup· porl111::: lhc prote~t lricd 1o hold an all- WAR MORATORIUM ROUNDUP ON PAGE 3 night session but v.·ere forced to adjourn a lter four hours \\'hen no quorum v.·as Iound. Several hundred college studcnl~ pick- ed up the protcst on the steps outside. The New York demonstration v.·as held in front of Trinity Church, site of Alex- ander lla1nit!on's grave an1! of Geors:e \Va~hington·s pl;ice of worship. Vandcn J\cuvel read the first 11ame, that or f.ll"'ler Lee Ablf's Jr., then surrendered thf' podium lo ~1ichael Burke. president ol the /\e1Y York Yankees, and to tv.·o \\!all Street investment bankers. ThroughoL1t the nation other citizen!! participated in similar demonslralions clesigned lo show their displeasure with American participation in the Vietnam \Var. \Vhich has claim~d nearly 40,000 American lives. 'J'hc day of observance began as a cam- pus movement, spread tn cities and to;rns, nonpolitical and non stu d en t o~ganizalions, churches and, finall y, to the hal!s of Congress. In Washington, Presidcat Nixo!l worked flu ietly in his office as rival bands of pickets ma rched outside tht: Vi'hite 1!011se gales supporting and opposing his Vlet- nain 11·ar policy. T·be scene on the Pennsylvania Avenut: ,;idc\va.lk fronting the While House .grounds was orderly and the \\'hile House said no special securily arrangemt:nl'i \\ere in effect for the moralorium day ;:i.ctivities lo be climaxed by a march to the White llouse tonight. One grou1l carrying-.signs protesLing lhe ~·ar consisted of a group of Quakers. ln opposition was a contingent from Shelton College at Cape r.1ay, N.J ., v.·hich carried placards reading "'V in the wa r now" and "Lrt"s win, not surrender." As the nation's capital, Washington "',1S ;i focal point for the countrywide ·moratorium on business as usual" organized by anliwar groups. On lht> noors of the House and Sena.tr.. on !he Capitol ~lrps, inside and outside i::overnmcnt build ings. on college cam- pus~~. in churches a nd in p11blic parks, there 11·t re speeches appealing fnr l"arly ;:ind cornplt te U.S. disengagement from the v.·a r that has cost ne arly 40,000 ,\n1rncan li \"r s. ·r11r ordcrlincsg or the rl r1nnn~tralinn 111a~ In contrast to a hlno<ly enrountrr "h1f h took plat e almo~l cxac-!ly r ~·o ~rars ago -on Oct. 21. 1967 -when an ;1111i11ar r allv culminated 1n an at1r1npt to s'nrrn the ~lOOrs of r.he Pr nlagon. Today, lhe protrs1or:c: :;;taycd ("leri r of the r en- tagon. nerve crnter or the t;.S. defense establ L~hment. Tht're was a mall sJ.;innish nn the can1- pu~ of American Unlversi ly v.·hrn a group called '"the U.S. Ant i - C omm u n i s t Congress" tried to exhibit placards at a rally addressed by Sen. George S. McG<lvern (0-S.0.), but it v.·as quickly broken up \vilh no one hurt. Tbe nation·s capital'li participation in the moratorium \Vill be climaxed tonight by a ma~s rally on the Washington Monu- ment grounds. follo v.'P<i by a candlelight march IOl !ht> \Vhite ltiuse. Mrs. t.iarlin Luther King Jr. \\."ill lead tht march. D•ILY '!LOT , ..... 1>r •l•ll•N KM~lolr PROCESSIONAL MARKS BEGINNING OF VIETNAM MORATORIUM AT ORANGE COAST COLLEGE On the Cotta Meta C•mpus. lcli Cream Cone1 1 Raw Carrots and Lovera Unde r the Willow Tr•• OCC March Marks Protest Students Walk Behind Pall- bearers , Flag-draped l 'offin By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of lh• Diiiy Pilot $1111 Led by an American Flag~arrying \•anguard with the stars on one banner arranged In the peact: symbol, Orange Coast Co llegt: s t ud en l it today demonstrated sorro\Y end displeasure over the Vietnam war. A c:roVo'd or a~l 300 gathered on the OCC auditorium steps (or a marcb to the main Costa Mesa campus free speech area and b<ick, as pall-bl'arers carrying a flag-Oraped coffi n l1;ad the way. Th~ group v.·as sma ller than expected. bul some classes were still In session and the Vietnam moratorium day rally was to extend throughout tile afternoon. Earlier in the day, the Faculty Senate passed a resolution urging all in.!tructors ;ind student:; I<> either boycott class in support of the moratorium, rr devote classtime lo discussion of lhe relevant issues. Mesa11 A1Tested After Marijua na Pla nts Unearthed :\larijuana is scarcer than ever tod~y in Co:;la J\1esa, follow?ng a Tuesday night raid in which police claim they ripped 011t ZI ;:roY.'ing pl anls and c(lnflstatcd a small ;imount nf 1!angerous drugs as ~'ell. l n\'('~t iga!ors arrested Edward A. '"Skip' B1chardson. 2:>, at his home ;il 2085 Thurin A\'e, on charges of po!'~css ion Qf <langerous drugs and cultival ion of marijuana. lie v.·as held at Costa f.l esa Ci1.y Jail to- day, pending arraignment on the l\\.·o ~elcny charges, the latter involving small amounLs of barbiturates, and 1...50, ac- cording to detectives. Investigator<; Norn1 Kulch and Arnolrt Appleman said tht'y went to the Richardson home abotH 6 p.m . on a vice ;ind intelli~enee detail assignment and were led to the 7.1 planl'I. The marijuana bushes were about 16 inches lalJ and officers allege Richardsnn had processed some of the illegal wt:ed frnm hi.~ planlation into .six handrolled cigarettes already. Th.: grrrdually growing audience In- cluded students or a broad variety plus facu\:y members of all agCll, with many black arm bands bt'ing worn. The procession moved somberly to. drumbeat!, but the scene was a strapge · 111ixture of long haired, clean cut, radi'tal a.nd even }'oung Christian evangelists passir.g out leffiel~. One girl mircher 1!cked an lee cream <'one -a shaggy haired boy chewed a raw carrot-and a colorful young couple. kissed under a willow tree la ll1hlch pro- testers perched. The rally drew many more spectators lhan participants and opened with a d irge-like rendition o! the Star Spangled Banner. Hands were raised occasionally in the figure-spread V symbol which has come lo represent opposition to the war. There v.·ere no immediate indications of a ny counter demonstration." or picke!s. Classes over shor tly after the ral!y began considerably swelled attendance and faculty members addressed lhe 1hrong following introducion by a Students for a Dt'moci-atic Society (SOS) :;pokesman. Political Science instruclor Tom Wert led the faculty talks, and said Vietnam moratorium day -"an expression of the people"' -is what democracy ts a!l about. Hislory instructor !)r. J ohn Jensen clrcw a thunderous round of applause from the 1ssembled sludenls, ''Anyone v.·ho calls you Communi~ts nr Communist dupes is ignorant o! Ameri· can hislory," he declared. A ft:w students from Cost.a h1esa High School crossed the street to join the Moratorium participants and facuJ.ty speakers urged OCC teachers whose students boycotted class to give the m credit. ** 1'4;} OCC's Student Council Supports SDS Leaders Thr: Orange Coast College student council Tuesday came lo the defense of 1wo ~tudent.~ ror a Democratic Society r SOS) leaders thrfatencd with susptnslon from the Costa Mt:sa campus. Ref ore il n audience of 200 st udents and a fler SOS leaders Barry Weinberg a nd J ack Vaughn anrt Oran n[ Student Act.ivilles Joseph Kroll had stated their r espective cases, the student cou ncil voted : -To '1ppose the suspensions because of lack of communication by Dean Kroll. -To request Dean Kroll tum the :net. lcr ovt'.!r to the Student Judicial Board for decision .. Followng ttie stormy student council meeting. Dean Kroll met with Weinberg and Vaughn lo diSC'IJM the suspension!! for the rest of the semester he had hand· ed oul. present that ~·ere. not ~uppclS('d lo be there. Dean Kroll took lhe microphone and asked (Very()nc to disperse. We in· berg took the microphonP. "There were <1 numt>er Qf sludrn!s from the Irv ine SOS prc~enL There WP rP n!her off-ca mpus student.~ with a few athlete!! from OCC "'ho \Oo"ere opposed Jn lhC'm. Emotion.~ wrre heated and there. 1vere almost one or two fighls." S ERI ES ON 'C RASII' CONTINUE S llV SIDE The third in a series of five reports by DAILY PILOT financial columnisl Sylvia Porter, analyzing the 1969 economy in con1parison to the 1929 stoc k markrt cra~h and world depression which fol\ow- ('d it. will be found in today's paper on Page. 30. C:oa•t Now ()nly ()fl(' victory away from com· p leling one ()f baseball's most incrtdible. i;uccess stor ies, the Nal ional League champion to.lets can ~·rap up the l)esl-of- svven classic Thursday 111 the fifth game at Shaa Sladiun1. Arter Baltimore li ed 1hc gan1e in the ninth inning, Jerry Grote opened lhe 10th for tbe f.1ets against loser Dick Hall with 11· pop fl y double into left field when Don llufQrd apparentt)> lost sight of the bsl1. Bandit Wave Hits Mesa Afterward tt wall announced Kroll \l'ould hold his decision in abeyance until Thursday morning at !) o'clock "lo giv e bo!h sides lime lo think about it." The suspensions ""ere meted out because of lhe unrecogniied campus SOS chapter's attempt to hold a program featuring UCI radical students talking a bout the Angela Davis m;itter. Orange Gaspar ran for Grote, Al Weis was in· tentionally walked, J.C. t lartin pinch hit for winner Tom Seaver and Richert can1e ii\ ,to pitch. Martin then laid down a sadific.e.bunt. Richcrfs throw tn fi rst hit t fart.in and Gaspar scored from second ba.~e without a pl.<iy. Donn Clendrnon ga\'e lhe t\1ets a 14' lead ~'hen he ltd off the second w11 h a rlrive Over the lert fi eld fence off .1\!l).;e Cuellar. S l.ock ,Uark e l • NE\V YO RK (AP) -TI1e sloc:k markrt rally trailed off early this afternoon al- ter scoring a big gain in four advancing 11esslons. (See quotat.ions, Pages ;io.;11 1. At noon ~ Dow Jones average. ot :lO lndulltrial~. which spurted on f.londH y and 'T'ufsday, showed a lo.~s of J.1J !Ol R21l.OO. ! Police Report 3 Unrelat ed Thefts Around City Bandits struck Tuesday night ·at a Costa ~fesa taco takeout, a liquor store, IAking $3&5, and appar~ly lrlf'd without :i;ucces~ to hold up a service station early today, according to police. Alt three casts arc a p fl a re n I I y tinrel;.ited. A team of lwn nl('n strp))t'd up lo the f)lr Taco BoJC, 2858 Harbor Blvd .. at 7: 10 p.m. Tuesday and ordl'red burritos and ldcos, said clrrk Edward C. Milbrandt. The youth wrote out lhe ticket and lumed lo hand it 10 cook. Michael B. lt~ed, he told Patrolman Wil!iarn Bachtel, at which lime he heard it mNl•cing t lick. t\1ilbraridt !lllid nne nr thr lv.·o men wa, po1nti~ v.·hat appeared to be a .4~ caliber <"Ulomalic pistol in his right hand, braced ber:ealh his left arm. "Get over in the corner. tell your hudrly In get up here too." the gunman snapped. ordering the. clerk lo dump the shop"!! n1onE>y, v.·hich amounted to $235, into the /cod bag. t\-lilbrancll. and Reed said thry v.'rr~ rorced to go back into lhe kitchen and did nP 1 h('tlr any car leave the area and only described lhe men a!I 25 to 30, one of them with a fr esh beard. /\ few hours leter at 10:25 p.m .. clt'rk D0nald C. Kindig watched !ht: next lo la~t customer leave Liquors By George, JOll!l BRker St.. then turned to the remaining n111n. "Yo11 ~rt what this i!I:','' the shaggy- h:tired, olive-complected customer asked as he nashed ·a pistol at Kindig. The victim 1ald he shoYeled $130 Into .a bag as the nervous bandit repeatedly urg· ed him to hurry a nd watched the man dart out lhc door and flee on root. Kindig said he believed the man "'as in !he Blore lwn •or three limes in the day, ;ipparently waiting tor a chance tc> pull th'-' holdup. Investigators today were also probin11: the strange slory of a \\"OUld-be bandil v. ho never displayed a "'eapon bul loitered at a Costa Meil"a service. stallo"n for several hours during an alleged rob- ber attempt. Detectives were .'lti!I questioning the <"lleged YicUm in the case which occurred in a strvice station "t Del Mar Avenue .ind Ne.wpert Boulevard this morning. As· OCC Student Body President 'Tom llnbble tells it : "A large crowd gathered last Friday. There was 'a mJcrophone and amplifier Sen. Murphy Expects 8300,000 From Dinners LOS ANGELES IUPI) -U.S. Sen. r.eor ge Murphy expeclo; to net '300.000 for his re-election campaign tonight dur- ing the largest politkal .fund raising eYent. of ih1 kind in the st.ale's history. Three dinners arc scheduled in Loll Angeles, San Diego and Fresno featuring such l'K>Uj]ht nfter Republican spe:aters as (i()v . Ronald Reagan, Welfare !ecnrtary Robert H. Finch. U.S. Sen. Barry Goldwater of Ari1.0na and Stn. Howard H. Baker Jr., of Tenoessee. •. Weather Tho~e variable clouds v.1on"t be quite 50 variable Thursday as the temperature along the Orarfgo Coast dr()ps a few nolch- es to 72 degrees. iNSmE TODA. Y flow dirl the V1Pt11nm t11om· toriam Qf'I ao111n? Tlie aitJWer'.J 011 Page 12 todoy. •••Un~ l' C•lll•r~I• r Cltfff t•mtr ~ ci.,s11i.t1 11 .... C°'"'411 ,, Crttt-CI l1 O.MI ... nett t °""'<"' ' •CllWMll ''!' ' 111111t1•tn~ n-u l'Hl•M• »<JI "-'""' )I An• L•!Olft"t ff M•llMll ' M.ltrl .. t LI•"'"' • M"ll~I I M&vltl 12•lt Mwlw.i 1'1111Cl1 ll H•llMtl H.-1 f·I Ortn .. (-ly I ,,TA f1 !yt>llt l"trift" ll 5,..." 11·ll Of. Sltln<rill" It Slt<Jr M111lt lt •ll Ttlfi•!t!wl ll T~t1!trl J2.lJ w .. ,..,, • Wt tltl N.._. .. I ........ .,, •• " .... 11·)6 2 DAILY PILOT c Close Maneuvers 2 Soviet ' Ships In Space Circus MOSCOW (UPI ) -TWo nr Rui;sia's three orbiting lipaceships performed close qu<lrltr maneuvers Tuesday, snuggling stde by 11idt and then passing and repass· Ing 'ach other twice, the new s agency Tass reported today. Wberi Soyuz 7 and Soyuz I were less than three mi les from each other they waved their solar battery panels al each othrr in greetings. Ta1111 said. The craft are equipped ·with lwo reel.angular panels that jut oul from their sides almost like airplltl'IC wings. The delayed report of the operation was out of character for the Soviets who in the current project ha,·e providfd nearly in.slant reports of the spaceship acUvities. Tass said the rendezvous of Soyw: 7 and I lasted some hours. "Yesterday was the moment v.·hen they t;Witched on their engines and began to com., closer.'' Tass said . "Viktor Gorbatko (in Soyuz 7) joyously declared, 'I see In my side window a bright spot approaching us.'" Ta~s reported earlier the pilots took their ships under manual control for some unspecified maneuvers today. The dii;closure was made in an int~.r~i,n report on the seven-man spaceilillU. Earlier the agency said all the cos-- monauta were "fine" and the mission was continuing "suc-cessrully." "Guiding themselves by the figures of navlgaUon measurements. commanders of the lhips continue maneuvering with Pretty Girl, 17, Kidrwped; FBI Seeking Fugitive SAN LUIS OBISPO (UPI) - A pretty, 17-year~ld nursery school assistant was kidnaped at knifepoint Tuesday by a man believed to be a fugitive \Van ted by the "FBJ. Police think the gi rl is being held hostage today to ensure the escape of her abduclor. Kirsten "Kitt~"' And e r s on , a miniskirted teacher's aid at the Pett'r Pan Nursery Schoo! al Arroyo Grandi!', 15 milf's south of ht're, v.•as abducted by a man and forced into a stolen car shortly before noon. Authorities said the descript1rin of the man. given by tv.·o other women at the school. matched in almost exact detail that of Robert A. Harvey. charged with a previous kidnaping and serious v.·ounding of "' youth in Albuquerque, N.r.I. An all points nalionl'.'ide bulletin was Jssuad by the FBI for Har v1y. who v.·alk. 00 out of a jail in Santa Maria, Calif., Saturday night. Authorities said they wert cleaning out the cells and had herd· lf'.d all the prisoners into one room when Huvey ''just sort of walked away." The man who abducted the bluHyed. blonde high school student was hiding in the nursery when 1\1rs. Beth Peters. the operator and owner, opened al 11 a.m. lie tied t-.!rs. Peters, then 1'.1 i~'.'I Anderson and a cook and pul Lhcn1 111 .l bathroom. He then forced the girl to ac- c;-ompany him and fled ln f\ir s. Peters' car -.a green station "'·agon. The tv.·o women. round lwo hours later. ga\·e police the man ·s description and authori!1es said he closely re.sen1bled lJarvey. 31, "1'.·ho v.·as listed as "armed and dangerous." the use ol manual control," Tas11 said. Two of the shl~ -SQyuz 7 and 8 -ap- parently were wi thin visual range of ta<.:h othor. The news agency said the crew of Soyu :i: I •·observed the maneuverlng and orien- tation to the sun of the .spaceship Soyuz 7." There was no Indication how close wa.s the t.h.ird ship, Soyuz 6. An earlier dispatch said the co.s- monauts began their clay with breakfast, morning e>0ercises and a medical checkup. Voters Down Bond Issues In Santa Ana Santa Ana voters Tuesday turned down tv.•o school bond propos11ls, one that would have built 13 new schools and another that v.·ould have replaced 12 old school~ condemned under the state's earthquake law .. A majority voted for each proposal, but not the two-thlrds needed. Bond proposition No. 1. for $22.1 million, would have built 13 schools to keep pace with sludenl enrollment in- creases. It received 55 percent support. Bond proposition No. 2, for $11. I million. v:ould have replaced the 12 con· clemned schools. II fared be:ter. 59 per· cent support, but not .cood enough Interest in Ille bond issue ran fa 1rl.v high as school issues go 11ilh 28 perr<!nt of the eligible voters in Sant a Ana Unifled Schaul District turning ou!. i...'.ampaigners for the bond i~sue tried the same strategy that Ncv:porl·:'-lcsa Unified earlier U1is year used so \\'ell -a quiet campaign seeking to bring parents Df school children to the polls witho11t stirring up the opJXlsition. County Studies Santa Bai·bara Shoreline La'\'ii Shoreline conser1 ;Hion and the prn· lection of public access to beac!H·s and tidelands on the scale practa:ed in Santa Barbara County may be 1n the-offing for Orange County residenls. Su per visor Da vid Baker sparked "hal may be a move lo adoptlon of similar 1nea5ures here \\'hen he v.·on board ap· proval Tuesday Df his suggestion that !he- Santa Barbara ordlnance -and t!1e possibility of the drafti ng here of ,, ~imi!ar law -be debated by supervis:-irs ()('t. 21. Baker notec1 !hat. Santa Barbara ensures shoreline prolertion through zon· fng. Structures buf!t in 1rhat are no\v pro-- tcctcd areas prior to pas~age of th~ ordinanct can rtmain, he no ted. but a1\ future construction in ocean front pro· perty is denied or subJet:tcd lo rig;)rous examination. '"\Ve should discus~ Hus prolcr(1on bv zoning policy in !he light or "''hil t coulfl happen lo our own 43 miles of shoreline :· Baker said. "The S:inta Ba r b a r a ordinance may prO\P to be tht k1ncl o{ measure v.·e need hC'rr. 1r 11·c arc to con· strve the oc ean front "'·e alrtady ha 1·e." ·------~------·-----~.-,~- Rigid Rules: F 01· Ai1·1101·t .Under Stud~ UC IRVINE STUDENTS TAKE TO THE PICKET LINE TO MAKE THEIR FEELINGS KNOWN Antiw•1 Pral•ster1 Include (from left ) Stu Kramsky. John Payna, Kat• Babcock Wait at Market Discourages ;Robbery Atternpt Eusines.~ at a i\ewJX>rl B e a c h nieighborhood n1 arket \1·as so brisk 'rues· day nighl thaL !lvo would-be robber:\ pockerl up and left after custon1ers kept 11lt{'rrupling an alte1npted holdup at gun· point. After five minules of delays at the Slop 'n' Ge Market at 6060 \V. Pacific Coast Highway, a goa teed gunman and his ac· con1plice ran from the slore empty hand· ed. police said. Clerk Theodore Dwnas told police the ll~c men entered the store at 10:45 p.m. ,\fter v:andcring around for a few min utes, one of the men pulled an a11tomatic pi stol rron1 his waistband. "Go call for ynur friend ~a fellow clerk ! 1n the back roon1. This IS a holdup." the gun1nan said. 1\.~ th~ other f'n1ploye. Br;id DuFault, came out several c:ust om{'r!I v.•al ked in . The gunm.in concealed his pistol and 1va1ted. One cu~tomrr left. the11. several snore rntcrcd. After concea ling the gun ror f11 e rninutes, the woul d·lie robber moUoned at his friend to leave. Both fled several b!oOO to a parked car, where two more men were. waiting. The quartet then drove off. tJolicc said they sealed off the area, bul lhc four men had escaped before off icers arrived. Produce 8tand Looted hy Burglar A burgl.'.l r 11ho l0rc tl'lrough a bamboo 11al! looted a co~ta :11esa vegetable stand of n1l'rcha11d 1sc \1·or1h ~26 Tuesday. in· eluding 10 p!)Und.~ each or .'.lpplcs and pears and 35 a•·oc~dos. Jose A. Cortes. 0\1·ncr of From 1ht F.1rn1, 4&5 E. Jith Sl , discovered the break-in '''hrn hr arrived rrom his San Juan Capistrano home In orcn up ~hop. Few Vote, But UC Irvine Bacl{s Viet Moratorium Of the UC lrv1ne students v.•ho bothered lo \'Ole in a referendum r-.fonday and Tuesday a large majority fal"or Uie \1iel- nam 1norator1um, supJX>rt Angela Da vis and disagree with Gov. Ronald Reagan. Only about 1,000 out of 5,000 UCI students voted. On the quesWn of "Do you support the University Moratorium Committee?" the division was 693 yes, 17-4 no and 95 oo opi. nion . Sentiment. to ''end the American in· voll'ement in the Vietnam war now by imme<l iate and tota l troop withdrawals" 11·tts not as ~lrong, with 64.5 voting yes, 289 no and 43 no opinion. Sch1nitz Asks Ban on UC Funds SAC RAMENTO (UPI) -Sen. John G. Schmitz said today if admitted Com· m?J nist Angrl a Davis is allowed lo tea ch ;it UCLA other campusei\ '1.'ill .soon hire laculty members with simliar politics. Schmitz (It-Tustin), said University of Califo rnia regents should ban Miss Da vi:c; or the legislature "mu st cul off the university's funds until it cleans house." "If f\1iss Davis continues to be rc-- 1.ained, 11·c may soon expect to find O(M':n Communist organizers as teachers on r1 ei y canipus in the state. paid full·time by our tax money ." he said. The regents ha ve ni!ed ;'lliss Da1·is c-an !l'ach "' philosophy course thi~ term for 111.> 1·redit 1~hile he r d ismi~sa\ <ippeal is ~rdi ng . Schmiti said this action v.·as •·absurd" ··so long as ht'r sala ry continue~ lo be paid by the taJ"payers of California. games p\11yed about 'courst credit' are a i:.1c k JOkt ," he said in a prtpared sta\c-- n1enl. The same referendum wa s held on a!\ nine UC campuses this \\'eek by agree· ment of the student body presidents. UCI student president F er n a n do •·rercly'' ~1assimino. who has worked v.•ith the f\1oratorium Committee, said: ··we felt it would mean more if students themselves' voted lo support the moratorium. Thls is a unique campus. and I wasn't enti rely sure such bac.king actually existed.'' Other questions thought to be Df stu· dent intere!t were included on the referendum ballot. The results : -Do you belie\'e Angela Davi s (UCLA bl ack Communist proefssor) should be fired? 160 yes, 728 no, 79 no opinion. Harbor District A waits Approval On Restoration Orange Count y Harbor f)i str irl offici als :ire \\'ailing !or rinal approva l !ro1n federal sources for $1i9,000 worth of restorotinn work on the Upper Newport Hay water ski area 11·1ped out hy la st 11·1nter's stortn~. Harbor Distrirt Oirei.:tor l\.e11neth ~ilmp5on told the .Joint Harbo r Cn1n· in1ttee Tu<'sdily thal the 1.1·or\.: has bern planned alt year, but llnal approval slll l htt~ to eo1ne fron1 the ferleral sources. San1pson emphasized that ir thl' monry i~ approved before the Jan. 27 deadhnf, !hr project will involl'l' rl'storat.Jon only. '"\~1e \\"on'! br. de vel:>ping anylhin~ nrw· on the l!ppc r Bay. so we don 't \\ant 1hr prr~on~ invoh·ed 1n lhe l'pper Bay ~)\· <'hange to th ink that \\"e arr developin~ that art>a of the bay. Vire JUSt v.·ant tn restore the ski Ar<'a that \\'as destroyed l'arly this year," he .~aid. BJ". TOM BARLEY Of .llM ci-.11y l'ttot St1ft .. . .\. coW1ty-wide survey calling rof restriction of Orange ~o~nty A!rpo!"t operaUou todey is bcina: studi ed by t h~~ Loy county-Official~. • County supervisors Tuesday passed Iii~ report -prepared by the Orange Colin!$' t.:hambc r of Commerce -to Couittt Administrative Officer Jlobert Thom c.\.<;-1 tl1e planning dcpartmenl's appo1ntt~ re;ire scntative and Airport Director Robert Bresnahan. No dale has been SPl. for submissiao of their analysis. • · But supe.rvtsors quickly conceded t~C re{'Onunendations contained in the rep~l may well be worked l n lo the air~ study now being prepared by Williaio Pereira Associates, the architect~ firm appointed by the board to e111mill~ the facili ty's future. : . "Subject lo cost, of course,11 Supervisor David Baker added, "If Pereira's utillza:. lion of thi s report increases oor CO!ilS tht>n 1ve should taJk about thi! matter again.1' • Thl' chamber report ind icates that nearly two thirds of the businessmen aitl industrialists operating in close proximl!y lo Uie airport want I.hat facilit y to stay 1n its present location. : That same survey revealed lhal fe~r tttan half of those questioned wish to ste I.he airport expand. And more than h!lf of those v.·ho responded to I.he survey want its passenger-carrying services l o be restricted to short range fli,&Jlls. Of 125 businesses and industries solicit- ed by chamber oUicials when the surv~y was carried out last spring, only 15 ~­ ce nt responded to the questionnaire. • Pointing out that the low responie fip;u rP. could have been raiS(!d lf the refi· pienls had been pressed for answers, Arthur E. Briggt>n, chairman of ~ho ch::imber 's high1vay and transportation CiJmmittee, urged the. board to lncludl:! the su rvey results in the upcoming r.e· cond phase of the county 's master plan oJ air transportation. Onl y 42 .1 percent of those responding felt that the airport had played a maj91 role in their choice of that business loce; ion. But of the 36.79 percent who statid that the airport was not a factor several cunceded that the facili ty ha s been ol bt>nefit to them since they commenc~ operations. Briggen told the board that 63.16 per> cent of those \rho troubler:! to ans11-·er th1 questionnaire Felt that the airport 5houl < remain on its prt'sl'nl site. And 42.1 pl'r cent offrred the El Toro ~1arinr Cnrps Au S!anon as a good 111ter1n1 loco t1on for 1 <:nunty rr;!,inn:it ;urporl olfering lnn1 rangll [lights. Di~cussion of the locution of :i rri;:ion;r :i1rport hroug ht nut JS.79 pcrcrnt 1n favn~ or an orfshore base 11•hi!e 10 .~3 perctn- n::iml'd El Toro as a permanent location .t\nothcr 73.68 pl'rcent didn't find th1 qu estion worth ans1rcrl11g. Briggcn·s qt1estionna1rc lit s 47.:'!7 pr~ rent of those solicited as being in favor n Orange County Airport's expansion .ll.J» thry lay strc~s on thr fac1 litjP!i termin.a and park ing amrnirlcs. PLAZA /'RESEN TS SPE CIAL SECT IO N South Coa5.1 Plaza Shopping Cente r Co~la f\lrs:i prc~l'nt~ a !-.P('{'lal l6·paJi aulo an1! special ercnts seet1on in today' er!Jtion of lhl' DAI LY PILOT The: Plaza ~ection if filled "·ith pho1( nl 1970 ;iuto model lines, deleil!i on tb "Playrr of the .\lonlh" contest for are high schools and special Plaza fcatur!!1, Harvey v.·a~ arrested l<>st v.·eek by the FBI in Los Angeles. He "'·as turned o\·er lo authorities in Santa t.1ar 1a btcuase he al legedly robbed two supermarkets there In January. The FBI said Harvey was v.·ante.d for unlawful night to avoid con· f1nemi;nt and e:scapt'. He also "''as wanted by authorities in Al buriuerque for the \.:icl· nap of a 19·ye11 r-old youth and his pa rents following a grocery market robbf!ry. CdM Higl1's Asseml)ly Harvey and another man, Paul \\'. Sharpt', 22 . v.·h(l was captu red near the robbery. 1\•ere charged v.·ilh kidnapinj!: t.he fam ily. Harv11y V.'as acrused of the suh~e· 11uent shooting of the youth, John Parsons. Llt\lt f ~llO I OU.MM CQA!lt N1iL llM .... c,oMl'Atn 1•\el't N, WHI ,.,_.._. .......... l ... U J1,\ I . C11'41v Vltlt ,.,__ 11M Gco>t•el Mt .. 91• ri..,. .. , 11:11¥il ,,,,, .. n,,..,,, A. Mu•1>loi~t .... ~tt•ot IG•<o• c .... w..oMM JlO W11t ltY St•ttl M1lll19Allll•t1t: P.O. It• 11•0, •Jtlt --... ......,._,,.7f11-I lt_..._,ll: ... 1• ~ ••tell• "' .. _ ...... -Hllllt-----; .. "~ -- Gives Botl1 Wai· Vie,vs By JANICE BER\IAN ot 1!11 Dtlly ,-!191 $t•U '·Mash Magnolia" WAS the only i;1gn visible at Corona de! ?liar }ligh School to· day. That re(erred lo 11 [ootball gamt , not the Vietnam moratorium . An 11 :25 assembly was l'.Chtduled as " forum for the moratoriun1 and (lUls1de ,;pukers v.·rre in vittcl . Said Student Body Vier rres1dcnl Arnold Clark. •·\\'e \1rre Jll~\ going to dilch scho:il ttxlay And go 10 San Diego. but ~·Ir. /11eeks 1Princ1 p<1I Leon ;'l!eek~I ~aid. "\Vhr don·l you stay and dn !<:omeliling conslructi\·e £or \hr entire ~1u· dent body' ''. "'He"s really concerned about th1 i;."' Clark wore a black ribbon nn his arm. he said, as a symbol of mourning and participation in the moratorium. "Here, at school. it'll probably be more like 'hey, v.·here can I get me an arm band ' ''. AbouL one student in five joined C.:lark In donning black armband~. They stream· ed into the. boys' gym rapidly filling UJl the fl oor in front or the speaker's podium •s well as the bleachers. 'T1lC speakers were invlttd from 1•ttri0us ln1erest groups outside the h.igh school. Dr. Dan Sailer, a history professor at Cal State Fullerton "'·ho oppOSt"s the 1\ar spoke fi rst. He said. •·.,rr are meeting ;it a time of utmost urGtncy . The sand s of time are running out '' He ~a id that as !he Ameri can m1l1tarv operation has slo'""erl 1n \11elnan1, the \'1ct Con1 have reciprocated by slow mg rl o1111 their operations. He sakl that the "'ar hes an "unreal, dream-like quality .. , "The Vittnaml!~e rlo not 1~;u1t ll~ t.hert ," &aid Sailr,r. lie nl!eged that the ·ronkin Gull episode was used by forrncr President Lyndon Johnson lo lnl roduct J;irge number~ of tr:>aps and be&in bon1- b1ng North Vietnam. He said the ships sustained "no si(niri· cant damage" ::ind that they wcrt operating within the three-mile limit in l'iolation of inlern1tional law. He: said, ''Time and again the war tn Vletnan1 hRs been compared to World \\'ar 11. but during that "'llr '"l'e re<:e ived lht' cooper11tion and gratitude of our f'.11ropc;:in allit'~ ·· l!r eone!udl.'d hy s:iyin,c · l\"I' arr nol \11lntrd tner!'. It h11 ~ ~rn a ,c :1;1,1L1· 1u1~1 akt• \l'c ha1·c 11oth1ng In 11c~u!1;1lc brra11~r 1t is wron g" The next ~peaker was George Rro\.:ttle. :i ~l'Wf\)rl Bc:.ic.h rrsldcnt. whJ ~J)f:'nl tlme <l~ ;:i f\·larinr in Virtna111. "\\'lic11 p<'Oplc ~sk 01e que stion '\'h:V c1on·t 111c grt 0111 th(' a11~1vcr ~houlr1 ;1iw a y~ be, y:hy doesn't l·!:uioi g<:l out,1' he said . Urokalc said thal lhr. Tonkin resolution 1vas passed by both houses of Coogres~ ;ind I.hat Presic!•nt Nixon should be 1l1ow- ed to "do the job he was hired to do!' Quoting Thoni as .Jefferson's stat1ment. "the price or frt>edom is e1:ern1 I \Jgil:inre," hr. ~aid that if tt"le United fitate~ were to wit hrlra111 from Vletnanl Amerir.an~ mighl wltne~.~ the i-pread or ron11nun1.•n1 In "Australia or ;'11txico." Ile said lhal 2~.000 A111l'rican 1roops have l<'fl and I hat :i:i .ooo rnore v.il\ leave v.•ithin the n.,:1:1 fev.· rnQnth~ Ile said th11t !he Co1nmun1s \s are layin~ hack no1.1• but they 111ill ~ back a1ain •·Jr 11·e pull the plug Uke in a bath tub.'' ··1 t.1'11nk thi' enen1y is v.•altlng to see. I.hr. re.~ults of the nioratorium," he said, ad- drni;: .. e1·erytime l"OU dri this don't you have ;:i perMlnal responsi bil ity for mare American deaths in Vietnam?" CONVENl!NT llRMS IANKAMUICARD MASTER CHARGE ,..... 1•5.00 JOO.CLO J$6.lll , To the girt..ttobiowswfMt~1 I ""ants but llCJC where to r.d ii..../ IM•ldr f'04'f' styie witb OU,, m•"Y di~li~ desiins-Md ~~~ U\ 'bou t our f1mou1 Or•flEe Blot.SOm ;:u,rartleL J. C. .JJu11111hrieJ 'JeweferJ Jill NEWPORT AVEN UE CO STA MESA ll YiA~S SAME LOC,\T ION PHONE S41-l40 I . . .- - • I I . . . . . ----------·--------.. .-----... --· ----:rr .. DAILY PILOT $ Soviets Pull Out n·bcek Faces Arrest Of Mediterranean Resigns F-..om Czech 'Immunity' Post LONDON tUPI) -The Soviet Union, in a new surprise move, has pull ed the bulk of iLs warohips from the f\f ed it e r r anean, defense sourcrs said today. The Sovie~ fl eet. v,•hich had been built up lo an un· precedented st r c n gt h or between 55 and 60 uniL'> only a few weeks ago, has suddenly been reduced to a mere token presence in the strategic area, tht defense s0t1 rcc.c; said. No reason 11·as given nor any 'Regular' Police Back In lrelancl PRAGUE (UPI) -Deposed announcement made by the re!~m Jeacler Alexander Russians. 1'he 1nove was cer. ried oul quielly. but has been Dubcek resigned u n d '"r shadowed by allied air and pressurl': today fr om the naval units. fl':dera1 parliament in a step \\'estern defense experts that stripped him or his :o;aid Uley ass11n1cd Iha! Russi a parlia mentary Immunity from wa~ pulling the ships back to arrest and trial. Soviel port!'., pe rhaps for the Dubcek's resigna tion from 11: wintf'r months, unlesi; they are ~econd 11nd more influential being shifted f() other, un· Cla s • d ~t -that or chairman of disclosed destinations. possibly Y ig1te parliament _ w<1s expected in the Far East. soon. possibly toclay. Thi" withdrawal npparenlly F M • l The official news sgenry signified that lhr Soviets ap-Or ltSlCU CTK repor1ed that Dubcek, p;1r('ntly :ire nol ratins tt1e Josef Smrkovsky ancl six other 1'.tidrllc l:'.-:ast :-. l l u at ion NE\V }'ORK (AP) -A li berals resigned when the l'iangerously explosive at Broadway producer says he lov.·er house of parliament met present , defense sources said. to begin a two-day session. hai:: sign<'rl Cassius Clay, the S k k I · d So111el na\'al n1011es ha\'e undefeated but u n fr 0 c k e d mr ovs Y a so res\gfle as become something or a ehairman or the Jlouse of the world heavyweight b ox i r. g M.k n1yster.v for \Vester n P eople and Marie 1 o\'a, champion. to become a song h 1 diplomatic observers. anal er libcra , quit as deputy and dance n1an during the But sinre Russi,·• p1••l1°d ·1nlo • chairman of the housr. " next theatrical season. the l\1editerranran il has A meeting last rnonth of the in a int a in e d considerable The producer, Zen Burman. central cnmmillee of the U,1 Tt1Nll!o1• OFFJCIALL Y OUT Alexander Dubcek day or Thursday. Parl!Bmt>nt mem"'ris havl! bnmunlty against arTest . Gustav Husqk, Dubct"k':ir "ucces.~r as firM secretary of tht party, bad promised therft will be no political trials. But Stefan Vsadovsky, f i r s t seC'retary of the Slovak Party. \'\a1d S;i turday !here may be trials if 5om~ former leaders broke the la w. ThP CTK l!Mouncement dropped the pretense that the central romn11ttee hacl only ' · rec o mm c n de d' ' the Sn1rko\·.c;ky·Mikova ousltr.'I. It said the two chairmen V.'eff!I fired "hy decisions or the September plenum of the cen- traJ committee.'' Nixon Confers With P1·inee :>trenglh there, partly to s:1id Monday that Clay -\Yho Czechoslovak Communist P ar· BELFAST, Northern Ire\ancl undrrscore its newly v.·on role look the. n:i.nie l'ol:uhammad Ali ty had "recommended" that Dubcek anr:I Smrko1·sky among \\'ASHTNr.TON CVPI) (UPI) _ Roman Catholic in the area and partly to bar k when he Joined the; Black Dubcek, Smrkovsky and l'o1iss dcpullt>s 11.'ho had "askecl to be President Nixon and PriTK'P. leaders ::igreed today to let the Arab:-; against f.c;rael _as ?.1usl!ms -v.:ould ~tar in a ritikova be pur!!;ed from their relieved of their funciions." Fuad Jbn Abdel Azi t of Saudi r egular police patrols back in· \1 cll as to intimidate Israel _ 1nusieal version of ''Big Tin1e p arliamentary leadership posi· It was belirved Dubeck \\'llS Ar;:ibia helcl a •·pril'ale" 45 to their area of the city fo r the defense sources s<Jicl. Buck While" opening Dec. 1 at lions. dropped from membership 1n minute discussion Tuesday. first time si nce Catholic-l..atest reports s aid I h a t. the George Abbott theater. The central committee had the ffnuse of lhr Prnple first The prince was attornpanied Protestant riolini:: broke out Hussia no1v has about JO to 12 Bufman 5a id the contraC't not suggested that the three because it met first. An· by Saudi Jo;oreign Minister there two months <1g•1 . \\'arships IC'IL in the l'oteditC'r· guara\ll.;cs the boxer '"'o leave parliamenl t1ltogether. nouncemcnl of his ouster as 0 ma r Sa q q a f. S aud I The aRrccmcnt was a bright ranean. apparently one of the v.·ceks off during the run of the But sources here had said that ch<1irman of parliament was Ambassador Ibrahim A ~ - spot In efforts to restore peace sn1allesl concentrations there show for a title bout if one conservatives were pushing expected to follo1v a full Sow a y Ye 1 an d U · S · to Northern Ireland. llo11·e,·cr. in recent times. materia:izes. this point and CTK listed srssion of the P:arliament to-Ambassador Hennan F. Eilts. Northern Ireland pohce wcrri,===================::::::===========~===========================================:;1 Mississippi Bla%e Firemen battle huge. hillo\ving names fron1 a huge gasoline storage tank in r•oleridian, fl1i ss., after the JOO.gallon tank exploded. Three ho1nes were burned and dozens evacuated, but no i n j u r i e s \Vere reported. Nixo1i Says Major Proble1r1s Will Ecise WASHINGTON IUPJ) President Nixon bcllC'ves tile major problems faclng thr na· fi on today -the Vietn am '>'-'ar. 1:.r -tr 1'r .Aid Reform Drive Opens \\'ASJ·IINGTON (i\P) -The Nixon administration f1pcned it~ dri\'e in Congress 1od.:iy for massive welfare rcfornl hy calling the prof)(lscd f;in1dy ;issistance prngr,11n "the hrsl veh icle for this nation ln heir break the poverty cycle." Secrrtary RohC'rl JI. Finc h nf the Departmcnl f)f l/ca!th, 1':ducalion and \\'clfarc, lhr. administration's I ea d ·off \vi lness before the House Ways and 1'.·leans Commlltec. said the first year costs of the President's lve!fare reforn1 package have been rcv1Sed upwards from S·I billion to $4 4 billion. lnfla1ion and crime -\\'!ll all be easr.d by the linlf' his prri:.cnl 1crn1 in ol'fice ends in J!J72. The 1~rc~idcnt plans an ad· dress on inflation lalcr this "eek, details of ''·hich were forthco1r11 ng !'.OOn fron1 the \Vhitr. llousr . Nixon·.~ nrcrall npt11nistic \ 1cw or hi:;; next few years \\'as i::1ven at the \Vhite !louse Sun· d;iy night <lurini.: a dinner for the Associated Press board of director!'.. The transcript "'as 1n;1de public Tuesday. Nixon sn1d : "!i1fl:i1i0n .. ·''·ill havr be,..n 1hC't·kcd brcau.~c \\'e 11·rnt in ;.it thr hc;1rt of 1he proble1n and took our hard knocks no\Y and later this v.·1n!er in order th<it \l'C could have sn1oothcr sail· inl! later." -"C:rin1e v.'ill l1 ;ive been checked brcause the Conf.:re.~s h:i.~ 1'l p:J!i'.'i lhP. crin1e bill ~. The Congre'.'i~ c;in be political ;ihnut c1·ervlhin1.? el'.'ir. but th1~ one area w'111 come up to .•• " in a 1nHd state of rebellion - they refused to r xchange thrir hotlle green un ifortn,<; for the blue of British bobbies to change their image from a paramilitary unit to that of a civil peace keeping force. The Roman Catholic agree. n1rnl can1c at a mcc1ing br1l1Ieen Sir Arthur ·roung, general or the Hoyal Ul ster n l' w I y appointed inspector Constabulary, and mrmbcrs or rhc Cenlral Cllizen.c; Dt>fensc Commi1tce. the group ll'hich r('prescnts 75Jl()O Catholics hv· ii1g in the Fall.c; Roar! <1rea. ''Regular poli te patrols will be resumed this f'riday," a spokesman for the committee !'.aid after the meeting. "Police patrols 11·ill join the military police in the area. Hi >hop Sheen Hesie:n• Po:<l ,. TlOC'llESTE R, N. Y. (LiP l t -B1),hop Fulton .1. Sheen. nnc of Ille he!>l k1101111 prrathl'r.'I ;ind r vang('lis1.c; 10 the Rornan · f'alholie ehureh, :innnuncccl to·· day he has resiJ!.tH'd as head Qf \hf' diocesr of l!oehrstcr. N. Y. Sheen, bi~hop of Boehc~1cr sinc:e 1966. said he hatl a'.'iked to be rrl1cvccl of his dutif'.~ because of his a.1ic . I Ir is 74. In Tiotne, Po1}(' Pi:111\ \'I n;.in11'r! r.l!>g r .. Jo1.1·ph Lloyd Hog:in. ;i~. pastor 11f St illar1:arr1 illcrcy Ch11rl'h in Hoc:hcst<'r. tn SlJc· ceetl Shren and trnns(erred th<' bi~hrip In thr honorary pos1 of titular archbishop or Ne11 port. Easter11e1• B11ys Po1l1111k Oiv11 cr Wants to Lii;c • in 'flick To1rn' PODCNK Cl'::-JTEl'l , ln\\.-i (U PlJ -The epitome of stnall town America lies nestl ed ;:unong grrr11 at're.c; (1 f fannland and an 01·C':t~in11a l high...,'ay. l l's Ille kind of pl;.il.'.c they call a "lt1ck 1ov.n ." 1h<! town 1.c; l'od1111k Crnitr, Jov.•a, and on T11esday it wQ.'> purcha!>ed -by a lady fr,1111 the East 11·ho '.'i<ly.~ ~tic always wanted to !Jl'e in a "hick Frint.\, 11 h,1 11,1c:. nnr p( lhrrr IJ1tldcrs nn th-:-tfl1nrru11111y. ~·rrim Pod11nk. JI 1s n111r 111ile.~ to thr nc.•rf'c:.\ 1on1· tn11011y nf any ~1ze. But. ,\1r~. \\'i•r\.,c; !'..ou!. lhcrr J,<; gret1I ,ttro111ng po!rn11a\ [rir Podunk hrc;111se It IS !'.itu<il ccl nl lhe Jllnrt 1rin of two highway!'.. The fate nf Podunk a1:h1r1rf! ii " ~hr ~·url ' \\'h,it llo111C'r ;U1<! I .1rr 1nn;,1 roncrrnccl ~1Y1111 1.~ ~r1 11ng p,-,1hrnk the ngh1 kind of an 01111rr." I ~l!~s Frinzl ~:cild 1n a lrttrr acro1np:111\ 1ni:: hrr liul 1ha1 !'.he h(ld wnrkcd for thr !'.amr coin·1 p:iny for nrarly 27 ~-r;ir~ anrl h;ir1 hcrn ;11 1 alone ~1nre her f,111lrr died about 10 months • n~t 1011a! publ1c1ty "'hen J\1r. ;;go. I nod Mrs. \\'eeks o[frre.d it for "f "'nuld llkc sotnedav fn' town ." :-alr . i11rs. \\'etks sald she ic:.. J1\c n1 a wide.o pen place. hke1 Podunk lakes up only l')ne in a 11·ay. ~lad to finally be rid rn<lunk l'te ;i]v.·ny~ wanLed 1ol acre rif land, and Elsi e l\i . of rhc town. rr11re to a hirk town," .sh~ Frinzl of Cleveland. Ohio, bid •But 11·e'rc going lo miss said. I $12.500 for Uic lown . It's -------'---''-----------------, former owners. l'olr and J\1rs :•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..,.••••••....,"· Homer Weok" said l'oo""k ;, : YOUR PROBLEM.• :1 a good huy al any price it • because the area is bcaul1fu l : • and neighbor'.'i arc friendly. • You w•nt to sell soma item t i Podunk Center cnnsi!'.IS "fa : that you no longer naed but !:'I .1tcneral stort. ~ervire st.:t1ion11! someone else can use for and cafe -all under onr rrmf ,.. .. , -and 11 rour-fQ<lfl1 motrl. l!s'! N 0 T 0 VER $ 5 0 :: population is ze ro. ! ? 7 7 ? ? ? .., The \\>·eeks family lh·crl in • • • • • ! Podunk bct,vern l!l61and1%8. : YOUR ANSWER • bot finolly decided it wa• ju.t i! : !' too much lvork for them lo + You call THE DAILY PILOT, a1k for :, keep Pod u n k 's businesses ! Classified Advertising, and pl1c• a l going. ! • So they decided ,,, "" the • PILOT f ! Central· Iowa town . And sell :. ~...-;~;» :1 they ·did. Terry Duggins of • i K-• City, Mo., paid 110,000; ~ ·· PENNY 1 1 for the town, readvertised and : ~ · finally •old Pod4J1k to Miss i ;.:·:~~ PINCHER Gel tho most on • """"~ CLASSIFIED AD £1 ~~~~~~~~! i AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE f ~1~:~~~.~ : 3 LINES 2 TlMES 2 DOLLARS !' ISllHITlll 5 38tfi>,r• • !I SPlCUtllllllPlill • ""·u'" : AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD l • l~l•rnt p(l.iJ.Jro,., dnl,o /Mll~ It : O"•afr•<l Id data <>f•mlht/rn,.•nJ ... D I A L N 0 W DJ R EC T ! : F•U ~~~D~~~~fNll~(CAST : 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 : ., I ,. <J ~ ' / I I Sometimes you can buy good health' ·You (gift can help providehealth ·servlces· fo r those in need-the young and old, the sick ·and troubled . Give health._ Give g~nerously:. One Gift Works Many Wonders/GIVE THE UNITED WAY' Support The Campaign • in Your Community ' " ... --·--.. • ITon f,... He"" CHll'Y 140·12201 ·1 :., ............................................. ********'*'**t lL..---~~~-------~-~~~~~~-----~-~-~-~~~~-~--~~----~----~~~-~~-' ..... ~~~,,.,"<"~''"''""' ..... ~"'""'-~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---,,.--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-,-~~~~-c~-,~~~----------•• '· • DARY PllOT EDITORIAL PAGE School Tax Problem Tn 1986 voters of Newport-Mesa Unified School Dis· trict voted a three-step override ta.Jr: increase of 41 cent.a. lt was to take care of school needs until 1969. The three years have run out. Now school officials say the 41 cents is no lopger enough. It looks like an additional 81-cent 'tax increase is needed for the school district just to hold its own the next four ytars. Meanwhile, school di strict voters approved a bond Issue that will add as much as 25 cents to the tax rate in the next fevJ years. The cost to residents can be computed. The owner of a $25,000 home; for instance. will pay $6.25 per year for each 10 cents of tax increase. So, for an 81.-cent tax override he would pay about a dollar a week more than he is now ~aying . The owner of a $20,000 home would pay a little less, the owner of a $30,000 home a little more. \Vhy so much? To begin with there is the matter of increasing err rollment. School administrators say about 45 cents in additional tax money is needed just to keep pace and offer the same educ ational program to all the new stu· dents without cutting back. It is an unfortunate fact of school financi ng that in· crease in community \vealth doesn't lake care of this. As the school district·s tax base grows the state Legislature by predelennined formula is expected to cut down on local state aid apportionment. lt cancels out any advantage. In fact, school officials expect to fall behind to the tune of 45 C':ents. Beyond that there is a nic'kel school officiaJs say is needed to bring equipment at all 25 elementary schools up to an equal standard, nine cents per year to catch up on maintenance, and 51h: cents per year to provide salary increases at the same rate as the last several years. In addition, it is proposed that the &chool district purrue some new learning objectives Lhal would cost about six cents per year on .the tax rate. These objec· tives are that all students of certain grade levels be performing to their capabili'ty in such subjects as re~d· 1ng and arithmetic by a certain year. There are five such objectives. That is what school board members are told they are [aced with as they set out to determine the amount for ithe override tax election. Will a majority in the community support the schools to the extent of an 81-cent or 87-cent tax in· crease? If trustees can 't find any flaws in th e school administration's gloomy arithmetic, that is what t.h:ey will almost have to attempt in lbe tax election. A Good Chance to Care This is the season when people get an unusually good chance to care about other people, through par· ti cipation in the annual United Fund campaign. Methods of donating to one source which in turn serves 21 member agencies are varied, but perhaps the simplest is through payroll deductions such as the fair &hare weekly grant. How is the UF money allotted? Youth programs get 60 percent, like Camp Fire Girl s or 'the Boys Club. l\1edical-Therapy sources get 18 percent. Disturbed chil· dren or alcoholic women may benefit. The remainin~ 22 percent goes to family welfare organizations, such as the USO, or Volunteer Bureau. The goal for the Unite(I Fund of Costa Mesa this 1969-70 season is $252,000, which isn't much if everyone gives his fair share. And that isn't awfully much either. All this, 81 cents per year in total, just to keep the r;chools operating the way they are. When one considers some of the community service orgarJ zations served by UF monies, it is revealing to realize that you don't have lo be among the unfortunate to benefit. (Cl JUNGLE: BALLET Mixing the Elements of 'Play,' 'Work' Tl Is not until we begin to grow up that we an: forced to accept the dllference between "play" and "work in the world: and It is not until we have ripened into wisdom that we learn to put back an ele· ment of play into our work. Al first, as very small children, all life Is a game -taking off 1 prosaic shoe can be as much fun as putting on a fantastic hat. Then, with school, we grudgingly begin to separate the tltlngs \\'e have to do from the things we like to do. IT 18 NOT UNTIL we have passed the crest of maturity, however, that we learn -and some never do -tG mix these elements together ; for no job is long en. durable If you can't somehow make a game of il. I know an attractive couple with two rnlall children. The children are given ''play times" by the parents. For an hour or so a day, the father and mother romp wllh the children; for the rest of the day, the parents are whllt might be called "businesslike" around the house . THEY CANNOT understand, they recently told me, why children do not respond more ardently to this pattern. The reason, 1 was bold eoough lo suggest, Dear Gloomy Gus: Diogenn comment& on the dan- gers of Gisler.California strMta achoo) Cf'Oflslnl in 1967, 1968 and 1969, and now we ba,ve an over. nlght fotD'·Way slop street. Con· gratuJations Cost. Mesa city 1ov· ernmenL -DIOGENES '69 Tiii• ketoN ~ l'MI~' vi.on. ""' MC•-~llY "*'9 .. ""' ---· tN nwr "' -~ • eteMlr ..... O.llY "'""· is that the parents are fal1ely acparating the categories of "duty" and ''pleas- ure." A child, It seems lo me, must be played with all the time -and most of all when he is being ~'worked with." Smiles and aongs and tease1 and little games mu st accompany all t.he ordinary everyday duUes.that the cblld 11 asked to perfonn. This is not ta say, of course, that parents can always be ln a good hum or. But the general atmospbert they have to create ls one in which the child can slip from pleasure to duty and back again and batdly ever notice the trans.Ilion. SE'ITTNG UP a "playtime" for a child Is foolish and fatuous, and Is reminiscent of the men who work grimly all day long and then try to relax furiously for an hour. The human personality cannot be divided into these emotionally alrti1ht compartments. U a grownup puts no element of play into his labor, he soon forgets how to pl ay -and, indeed, he can only play wilh laborioua: intensity. Child-rearing, like the most of life, Is essenUally the art of combining op- posites. Rea.ssessing 'Intercept' Now that critics In the U.S. and r.-1ex ico ha ve moderated their initial furious reac· lion to Operation Interce pt, some ad· ditional observations are in order. Frankly, we don't know. and neither do the cr!Ucs. v.·hether the drive lo stop the fl ow of illicit narcotics from Mexico to the U.S. will prove to be worth Lhe effort. lt may well be that by driving the co.st of marijuana out of the reach of all but a handful of even today's relatively afOuent youngsters, I.he campeign will prove self· deft.aUng by driving them to heroin, ampbet.amlnes, etc. It may even be that cutting off the marijuana supply from Mexico will merely lead to incrtased growth of il in the U.S. BUT NEITHER OF those &tgumenl5 r;trikes us as be ing part ic ularly persu&sive . A youngster who smokes pot for "kicks., -and surveys dtsclose that thi s embraces al least two-thirds of those who experiment with it -would not be as Ukely lo tri p-out on more dangerous .and addi ctive. drug~. And' wherea~ marijuana is being grown In Lhe U.S., it is of decidedly inferior quality -and U.S. nrfieials are not likely lo take the tolerant attitude toward mari· juana. harvests th at Mexican officials do. ThiJ we think, is one of the things about OperaUon Intercept which has been generally overlooked: the administration ts almolt u anxjous to impress MetJcan .11i.rtbortties with iUi concern over the widespre..ad availability or pot from Me1- k."o u it ll to fr lgh len U.S. youngsters ••ar from using It. GRANTED, THE lengthy bnrder c:lrl;:iys have had an unfortunate impact on the ecoaonUN ol Noeale•. Tijuana. and other border towns. But the administralion nr> UJbt fee:ll IOl'nfthina must be done to brlnC bamt So Malcao oflldal1 lhe '8wful flmemklnl: of our problem. And empty ~ketboob and cash regl!tt:r11. v.•hi!e un~ ~art lffett.lve reminden. t' ·---·--··-·-···--..._,_ I , Guest Editorial J' ' . ........ ~.---... --··-·-·--·-"··- Furthermore, something must. be done to curtail the accesslbtllty of marijuana~ which is makin& frightening Inroad! among our young population. We deeply sympathize with the plight of the. Mexican communities affected by Operation lnt.ercepl Yet there are. signs that Mexican officials are beginning to appttciate. our problem. FOR EXAMPLE, Mexican c i v i c 1eaders have. modified Operation Dignity (their answer to Intercept), so lhat It no longer amounts lo a frontal assault on the U.S government. And official s o( the U.S.·Mcxico Border Cities A5$0Ciation ap- proved a resoluUon asking their respec- tive governments to e!llabllsh a joint commission to deve lop programs to dry up the source of drugs. -More important, one of Nogales's most widely circulated daily newspapers, El Noreste, has editorially supported Opera· lion Intercept, noting that the U.S. is at· tempting to ca.re for its youth by preven· Ung the spread or marijuana. "We. should join the U.S. in fighting marijuana growers •• , instead of boycottlna U.S. stores:• the editorial said. "'Ille Mexican government should en1ct new laws clam· ping down on users, pushcni, and growers of marijuana." WE UNDERSTAND the critici sm of Opera Llon Intercept, and we credit the good wlll of those wtlo insist Utat this \!i; the wrong way to go about sol \'lng the problem. But we believe tb1I, slnce nothing elte h&!I worked, It should be given every opportunity to prove its worth. Tbt Arlioaa Rtrubllo "Racism Charges Are Mere Exc11ses' Angela Davis' Communist To the Editor, UC Board of Regents have been con· fronted with charges of raclsm and viola- tion of acarlem!c freedom over the recent dismissal of philosophy professor Angela Davis because of her membership in the Communist Party. l feel that these two charges are merely excuses by the people who sup- port Angela Davis when the main con· cem is that she is a member of the Com· munist Party, The 1949 resolution is paraphrased in the ''Handbook for Fae· ulty ~1embers of the University of Cali· fornia," as stating "that no member ot the Communist Party shaU be employed by the university.'' nns IS ALSO stated in a 1958 UCLA faculty resolution. Democracy is the foundation of our In· stitution1 in society and Angela Davis sa ys she caMot and will not refrain from stating her philosophy on Communist theory whlch advocates d e s t r o y I n g religion and overthrow or free democratic government. I do not feel that she should be given this opportunlty to unduly in· fl uence. those within her charge with the de..structi ve Communist doctrine. DARCY PARRJO'IT 'Slant' as a Tool To the F.ditor: The word "sla nt" may appear as just another word but it describes a very im· port.ant too l that is used by politician~. l\Titers, philosophers, etc. To slant. is to write or tell something in such a maMer as to express a particular bias or at- tit1..1,de. Thus, one who has a bias will 5lUdy a gTOUp or facts about an OC• currence and by accentuat.ing the fact." that will support his or her bias may un· juBtly sway opinion. NOW, ONE WHO leaches would discuss all the facts about an occurr ence with his or her students and let the facts determine lhe conclusion. in other words, a teacher is one who tea ches his or her students how to ferret out tn1th. Thus, a teacher who has a hi<1s will ac· centuate facts that will su pport his or he r own bias and cannot be considered a teacher. Now, any teacher who admits lo being a member of the Communist Pa rty has a bias and ahould nol be allowed lo teach. HARRY B. ~tcOONALD, JR. Wants Preef•e Bala Tr> the Editor: SOS -Please save your public from any futu re .. Pllol Logbook" editorials similar to that wh ich appeared Oct 9, written by Thomas Forl une under the headline, .. Profs Really To Blame for UC 'Credibility Gap '.'' Apart from the lack of clarity and cumber.wme journalistic ~tyle , ~Ir. Fortune's reasoning is a curious blend ol .---Bu George ---. Dear George: I noticed an apparently approving remark in your co!wnn concerning beer. Alcohol will never make you healthy, but vinegar and honey will. The correct mixture of vinegar and honey taken at regulu intervals will give you a "''hole new lif e. T.U. Dear T.U.: Yeah, and r m going to need a whole ncw life I went across the street nnrl a5ked th e bartender for ;i double shot of vinegar and honey And now he won't let me b•ci in the saloon. (Send your prohlems lo r~rge and remember: Neatness counb.l • ,·---······-··~· ·--·-·--· ' I • I Mailbox ~•••---~ ... M _,, ___ .... ...__... ... OM ... _ __..... Letter.r from readeTJ are welcome. Normall y writers should convey thei r messages in 300 words or less. The righ t to condense lette rs to fit space or eliminate libel is reserved. Al1 let· ters mu,,t include s_ignature and niail· ing address, but nam es may be with· held on request if sufficient reason is appare nt. prejudice, gliUering genera lities. ir· reJevanl quotes, and non sequitUr con- clusions. Fortune may be right or wrong, but before reasonable people will acce pt any of his blanket conclusions they must be furnished with some precise data. What comes of[ the top ot Fortune's head is not good enough any more for the Pilol 's new readership. YOUR READERS wlil sink fast \\'he n they are told to swallow lhe following points without one shred of factual evidence offered to su pport h i s generalizations: t. UC has lost the public tr u5t. 2. Professors groove on fights over academic freedom. 3. Professors haven't changed as much as student.!!. 4. Professors ln humanities and social sciences spawn the radicals and trouble makers. 5. The mad scientist is not a fear , but the mad anarchist professor is- l believe the DAIL Y PILOT can be son1ething more th an a small to"·n daily ad\·crt iser if it "'ill demand -sharp, clear reasoning from it5 \\Titers expre5sed in a logical, coherent style. JOHN L. JENSEN l\'i11a Slnao11e'1 Do1tlllly To lhe Editor : A prominent article in the Enter· tainmen t Guide of the Friday, Oct. 8 D.\ILY PlLOT lured me to UCI to hear the "multi-talented spellbinder", Nina Si mone, .. in concert." Instead of a musical perfonnance by a talented chanteuse, the audience v.·;is treated to a vociferous vocal tirade as Mlss Simone proceeded wilh 1'-ngthy emotional variat ions on the white cruelty theme. \Vhen she took it upon herself to inform her largely youthful aud ience that "you r part'nls are as sick of you as you are of them." thal "they lhink they've hart enough of you and your new thing," tha t "they kl.'Cp telling you how muc h they've done for you." I brgan to have a few doubls about her "fierce inl.rgrity and ex· l.reme sensitivity toward any iniustice or cruelly ... lier entire progra m, save for one fin al beautiful song whic h displayed a vibrant and stirring vocal talent, deliberately and !!ki\Hu!ly played upon resentment and hostility. I resent t h i s misrepresenlatit1n. Agitators should not be dis guiacd as :iierious mu~icians: an attack on &OCiety ahould not be publicized a5 a concert. PATRICIA L. ANDRE\VS Ratlonalb'allon To !he Editor: t\lany people arc opposed lo leg11Jiting abortion, staling moral \•ie1o1·s against kllllng-be the vicU m unborn or no. In most case!5. no amouo t of ln- fonnation -such 1\5 '\.'h y a l''oman '"'ishes an abortion-changC's lht'ir stand. I\o, tJ1ey Hre fi rm. And \rhether or not ------------ they directly quote the commandment!, this is their point : Thou shalt not kill. t APPLAUD these stalwart citizen s, bul am a bit dismayed when some turn right around and support lhe war in Viet· nam, capital punishment or the manufac- ture of "advanced \'.'eapons'' whose sole purpo5c ls to take human lifr. In nther V.'ords, it is a mrre ra- tionalization of a !a1v: ''Thou shalt not kill. except "·hen .. .'' Bad enough to obey a law only "'hen it su1 1s their mor>cl, but how much v.·orse to preach whal they don't practice. r:RJN BLACK\\'ELL lligh School Student Tivo Speed Lin1il1 To the Edit.or: I have obsrrved for son1e timr that on Tn.:ine Avenue between 17t h Street and 22nd Street the speed limit on the east side is 30 miles per h6ur while on the west 5ide It is 35 mil e.~ per hour . I see no reason for this !aw for both 5ldes hal'e t"'o lanes. The only reason. I could possibly think of is that the Ne1vpor t police arc too lazy to chase i;peeders on bn th sides of the media n strip. \\'hat do you think or kno,v'? CHUC K CARROLL T/le reasol\ is tha t l/u· cast side is In Nc 1oport Beac/1., the west in Costa i'ofr5a. Only ngrcen1e11t betwel'n tl1c two cii:1 rou11cil.'1 rould c/i1ni11a1c th,. 1/1 /fereitct'. stouclord1ze 1/ie speed /11n1t. -Ediror n 'l111 You11g Cr11 'Pig' To the Editor· It USP.cl to <l isgust me to hr~1r a rop rail· ('d a pig. I used lf.'I q11estion an.v person I hearcf 11.~i ng thal \erm tnwarrls cops on the mor,11 grou11rls of 1 o v r a nd brotherhood. That ~·;is until I grew my hair long and dil'icovf're<:i that justice is NOT blind. Okay, r-.1 r. Orange County. I'll tell you "'hy my brothers call cops pigs . Cop5 are "pigs" because they have ex- A Little Tired . ' Press Co1n1nents l.ltcbfleld, f\llnn ., Independ'-nl Revle"·: ''The American people want more and more govrrnmrnt se rvice each year and they have the idea the government can do everything fr om brightening up 5lum are as l.o feeding !hr slar\•ing people in other countries. As Americans we seem to think that Uncle Sam i.!I some in· dlvidual that has unlim ited funds which <:ome from some unknown sourer:. Mo~l or us seem lo [or gel the only place Uncle · Sam can get fund5 is right from us. We t1eem to forget the more \\'e demand the more we are requ ired to pay. Rather than complaining about the amount we pay perhaps it would be wise to take i;tock of what we are doing and cut down in many areas. Our gnverning bodies are guilty of listen ing loo much to the demands of the 'have nots' and tho8e that 'have' are getting a li ttle Ured or fooUna the bill." Cuero, Tetall', Rttord : "The. free enterprise system, st we know In America. Is prr.fer11ble to othtr forms of ~O\'ernment -8!1 histnry has shown. Jlowever, onP. il'i ~.!A lacking in palrlolisn1 (lr Amertcanl~m lo re ali1.e It l'I not perfect and can be Improved upon.·· Doctrine tremely sloppy manners toward my peer grou p. It is un-American for any citizen h, have lo walk the streets Jn constant fear of being stopped, questioned and harassed. YET TIIlS militaristic tactic is being used every day here in Newport Beach to "clear the to wn" of young people sucb a.s myself (lon ghairs. hippies, et c.) Regardless of your persona l feelings to"·ards my preference of appearance, [ am just as mu ch American as you and should be entitled lo the same rights and liberties. There is a very obvious reason for us young crying "pig.'' Vt'e're getting our hrads and civil liberties beaten down. I am only asking for law !nd order. Help! E. D. ELLIOTr 1l'ron!J Front To the Editilr: ' Since Sept. 21, "Operation Tntercept'' has be.en in effect. A statement from Berkeley police states that this MW pro- grilm is doing very little. They give two reasons for this: I. There are large quan- tities of marijuana already in this coun· try. 2. The big smuggler!! are not gettinJ: caught. Does the government really thi nk that drugs wit\ continue lo be brought .11cros11 the borders "'ith the way it is no...,•? The.y may be concentrating on the wrona: frorit! THE ~IEXICA.i'IJ government ha~ said that this program is hampering their tourist trade and that if this continues it may bring inttrnational problems. From 1he results Iha! !he government is getting no\v it may not be quite so prosperous in the near futu re. If they continue too long it may be too late to undo what has <:ilready tx>er> done: STEVE ~fONGER lligh School Student See Griesi Edi toria l. -Edi tor Quotes Cobey Dortman, llollywood -'' l believe it is possible to Jove your country, be a fr iend lo Jackie Robinson and be a fan of John Wa yne and Dustin Hoffman. Isn't that Ylhat this country is supposed to be about?" f\f. J\f. ~foatgnmery, San Franci1co - ''Those l\'ho ha\'e seriously investlgattd the situalion kn ow the grape boycott i~ a nation al hoax, an unco nscionable fraud." Dr. Louh1 Kuplan, S.P'. retirement plan- r>ing· con1ultant -"If we continue to lg· nore some 20 million Amerlclln!l over 65, we shall force lhe elderly into bect1min11 a highly militant, revo lutionary factor in our society ." -----~ \Vednesday, October 15, 19&9 T~• editorial paoe 01 Ill< DoUp Pilo t s1111kl co inform and rtim. ula te r1odcr1 b11 pr11!1C"nting thil newspaptr's optnfo-tU end com- mentarv on topic• of intcrc•t nnd tlanlfico:nct, bv pnnridfng a forum for the crprcssJon of 011r reader1' opfttfon.r. snd b1' r>''-"tnUng tht di~cr1c trltw- polnt.1 of fn/oNMd obserwr1 r>nd .spoktsmen on topici <If th4 doy. Robert N. Weed, Publisher \, • DAILY PILOT 3 War Moratorium l(indling Its Own Prote·sts \Jl"I T1i.phoft SINGING, CHANTING -Nearly 1,000 persons, most of them young, stoged anli\\'a r rally on -s teps of Capitol in Wa shington, D.C., late 'fues d.1y. P urtiripanls sang songs and chanted: "End the \Var Now." Cranston Speaks 'Pro' Mu1·phy,Goldwater Rap Protest at GOP Meet As plans fri r parl!cipation in !11c ·vict- nanl n101':llonu1n cscal:lled, ~o did tricl11y·5 t·o1111nrntary, pro and con, by senator:.; George_ r.·1urphy, Ba r ry Gol<lwa\('r ;:ind Al un Cra11slon. Sl'natnr ~lurphy, tnn1111('ntin~ throuJ;h ;1 spokcsrn;111 ;1 ~ 1he n1rcti11g nr the (';.lifn·rni<r J.°('rlcr:1Uun of Hrpuhlica11 \Vo1n•·n tn An;1hrun, said he 1'suprorts the I 'rl'silll'nl in hi s ~tarcli fi!r !X';:ice ,'' JOl:\'T Ct):\FEHE:\C[ ~lurphy tR-C'a!if ), :1 r·undid:ile for a ~eC1Jnd $iX ·Y'-'iH' lt'nn. 1n n1lc tile :;;t:ih:· n1cnt 111 ;1rlv::rnrP o1 ,, 1nr1r11ing. nC'\l'S con· f~'rCn<:(' '.11lh Sen. llar'ry (_;old11ale1· (/\. .Ar i:· ) At 1h1-: 1n11rnlng's news c0nfcrencr, Sen. (h.,ld\\'Oter ~;1i1 I pruple p::irti cipating in thr Victn:1111 111ora1<1riun1 ";ire playing \1110 the h;intls ol th1' people 11·!iosc h11s1nl':<') it 1:-. lu l-.111 A111rril'ttll lighting 1nf"n " GrJ]!hVpll'r, Ht'rul1l1t'a r1 11rt'su!c11t i:1l nr1111illl'l' 11\ J91i l, :-..11d ]1i· ilnl n11l qu1.:tdh1n 1111• h'f!.illl \' 1.f lli!' di n1n11~tr;.1li"n!i, nor tilt' s;nr·l•r 11~· of ~nm(' p:.in.H'ip:1n1s. "l1ul l ;1111 ri11i ~111111 1 111., :ind I dn de· 111it1t1tr, 111•' ••l11·rl 111•'\' \1 11 1 h;1\'l' on l'r("•l ri(·11t .\1,011, r li1trt -. 111 <"n11ncc JJ;1nu1 1i1;1I ful'lli•·r \1 ,.r· 1-. 1;,..·h··":' he .'-;ud . "I rl•J q111'\ll•ltl ;11-.o Ill« •'lit'rl th•«r ~l\;1\\<; l•I (jl~~;_i \1.~i;H'li!Jll l\JJ IJ i•fitt iJl pul1<·~ ha1·(' 1111 \Ii~· n1nr<il1• of nur men :-lug~P11.' 1hr1r \\;1v L!1rn111·h 111•· nll.~•·rJbl<' :'li11n1· ul \'1Ll11;J111,: Ti lt patl tJ1C'>, 11111:. and ]Uflt;ft'$, "I l\;1 V(' nl'J rolll•'!.'l1nn tn r!rrnon.,trations, h111 : dn 11bJ1·1·1 1( rllc y have the effect of prulung111g tin• ll'Jr ;ind of causing our fighting 1nrn '-'vi·11 one morncnt of unhap- p1n('ss," lioldw:1lt·r S<lid. His sprech 11 as a!.~o prepared for t11e Cal1fnr11iu .Fcdcrat1011 1Jf Hi'p.i',il1~·;1n 'Von1cn. RAPS N.E\\'S corEHAGE -Goldwater also criticized n cw s coverage of the V1ctn:im protests. "I kno1v th!!y pass it of f as a product of news jLJd_gn1cnt." he said, ';but the fact remains that one or the easiest ways to get plenty of attention in the newspapers, on radiQ and television is to oppose the J"lresidcnL '' Sc11o Alan Cranston ID·Calif,) said t~ 1lay th<rl "The safety of ou r 1nen should be the only condition governing (IUT rate (lf withdrawal." lie urged military leaders to tell ('ongress and the nation how fast they '-'ould safely 'vithdra w all U.S. troops frn1n Vietnam if ordered to do so. I !is comments were made in spttehes prepared for three moratorium day rallies ir. Los Angeles and one in Sacran1ento. \.Vilh a timetable prepared by the Joint Chiefs or Slaff, Crans ton said ''Congrcss and people for the first time will have a realistic measure hy \\•hich to gauge the progress \.\.'e arc 1naking in extricating 011rseJves fr ont Vietnam." "By knowing how fa~t '\'C-can !'>afelv ,c:ct. Gill if >1'e want Lo, \Ye \1·1!1 be in a po si· 11011 to judge \1·hcther we are indeed get- ting oUt fasl en ot1gh," he said. KNOW THE PRICE "If the ailministration has reaso n to v.«1111 to proceed at a s\o\\'er pace, then at Jc<rst lhe Arnerican people \vill know the prier we 1nust pay fnr that slov.·er pace, in t)1nr nnd in lives." Cr:in.~1nn ~i'lid many of the sa rne of- ficials who fir~t co1nn1itted the United ::;tales to the Vietnam v:ar and some who advocated it s escalation are "still Jn im- portant policy-making positions in Saigon. tilt' Pentagon and the State Department." "Even tOOugh President Nixon has rul- ed out a military solution in Vietnam." Cranston said, "some people appear bent on continuing this war, forever if need be in a ti meless table of casualties without end in pursuit of .something called 'vic- tory.' "They think they can still win this war and refuse to take the risks for peace which our President promised us." Flags Go Up and Dow11 in South; Kerr Gets Pie in Eye From Wire Services He re are capsule reporl.3 on reaction across the nation and around the world to the Vietnam morat.orlum today : .• Floallng Protest ABOARD SS RYNDAr..f -The \1ietnam moratorium en.ended today to mid·Alla n- lic. StudenU from Chapman C o 11 e g e , Orange, aboard thls 15,000 ton floating <:ampus today began an II-day discussion of the Vietnam war. Classes on the World Campus Afloat, as the shipboard school is called. v;ere cancelled when 75 percent of the 471- member student body signed a petition. • /tlanchester 'Clean' f\.1ANCHESTER, N.11. -The ~fan- chester Union Leader carried the follow· ing, headline across the top of today's e<l· lion: "Attention All Peace t-.1archers : llip- pies, Yippies, 'Beatniks, Pe a ce n i ks, Yellow-Bellies. Traitors, Commies and Their Agents And Dupes- "Hel p Keep Our City Clean ? ... Just By Staying Out Of It!" -The Edi-tors. • Pie ha Bis Eye BLOOMINGTON, Ill. -The lights went out and a masked man ran on stage and pushed a cream pie into the face of Clark Kerr, as the former president of the University of California al Berkeley i;poke. Kerr .was speaking at lodlana Universi· Free Press Seeks Charge Dismissal LOS ANGELES (AP) -Arguments are to be heard in Su~rior Court Nov. 7 (In a motion to dismiss charges against three men in coonection with articles published in the anti-establishment Los Angeles Free Press newspaper. Editor Art Knukin and reporter Jerry Applebaum were arraigned Tuesday (10 charges of receiving stolen property. A third man, J erry M. Reznick, also will figure in the Nov. 7 hear in g. He is charged with stealing confidential report! from !hf: state attorney general's office. The state agency contends Reznick, a former mail clerk, sold the newspaper in- formation that formed the basis for an article detalling a probe of activities or the UCLA campus poll~. Reznick is alleged also to have sold the Free Press a list of names and ad- dresses of state narcotics agents also published in the newspaper, POETS PROTEST: 'IT'S OUR DAY' SAN DJEGO (UPl) -Lost amid today's planned protests against the Vietnam \\'ar is the fact that Oct. 15 is Poetry Day in California by proclamation of C.ov. Ronald Reagan. Scholer Bangs. president or the 600· member Ca lifornia Federation of Chapar· ral Poets, called on the state's estimated 2.5 million past and present poets lo "\\trite a poem \Vednesday not in protest a~ainst the Vietnam protest but In sup- port of national Poetry Day which is also \\'c1nesday." Madalyn O'Hai1· Pushes Space Petition AUSTIN, Tex. (UPI) -Madalyn Mur· ray O'Hair, an atheist seeking t.o halt reU glous activities by U.S. astronauts during space flights, said Tuesday she will ask a fed eral court to determine if such observances on past flights were planned. Mrs. O'Ha ir said she will J)ftition federal courts to order fonner President Lyndon B. Johnson, .American astronauts and (lfflcials of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to ansv.·er her questions about the religious observances In space. t.Y Tuesday night about t o d a y 1 s moratorium on the Vietnam War. When Kerr was halfway through his speech, the lights suddenly went out. A masked man rushed onstage with a cream pie and planted It directly in Kerr's face. The ma sked man ran away. Kerr wiped the pie from his race and said, "And before, I was previously speaking on the breaking poi nt in socie- ty." Police later arrested J a me :ii Retherford, 27, a former 1-U teaching assistant and charged him wilh assault and battery. Retherford was twice con· vicled on charges of draft evasio n, but a federal court in Chicago overturned the <.'Onvictions. • Reagan Angry 'VASHlNGTON -Gov. Ronald Reagan has accused some of the participants in today 's antiwar dcmonstra1ions or car- ryi ng the nag of 11anoi in the streets o{ America. "rith President Nixon si tt ing silenlly n{'arby, lhe California governor look the occasion of a tr:ibute banquet for Presi· dent Dwlght 0. Eisenhower to launch a sharp attack on the V i e l n a n1 moratoriunt. ''Parades arc held in the name o[ peace, but some of those who n1arch car- ry the flag of a nation that has killed almost W,000 of our young men," Reagan said. 0 Bu11ker's Co111111ent. SAIGON IUPI) -A1nba ssador Ellsworth Bu nker told a group of American antiwar protesters today the immediate withdrawal of all Arnerican troops would lengthen, not shorten, the Vietnam war. In a _meeting in his em bassy office, Bunker joined U1e protesters in a moment of silence in men1ory of the 38,887 Americans 1~ho have died in Vietn<im fighting since Jnn. I, 1961. Bunker received the five, representing: ahout 20 American civilians working in Vietnam, when they appeared at the em- bassy to present a petition supporting the moratorium in the United St.ates. e 'Strip ·for Peace' NEW YORK -Yayoi Kusama, whQ calls herself a designer of nude. fashion announced she 11r·ou ld stage a "~trip for peace'' rally <rt '\'all Street and Broadway this afternoon. The 28·year-old Tokyo-born artjst said that she also had sent representatives to \Vashington, San Francisco and Chicago to stage similar nude pleas in those ('ities. • llC Fac11/ly Appeals BERKELEY -On the eve of the Viet. nam moratorium, the University of California faculty tabled an appeal to Present Nixon to stop A m e r i c a n partici pation in the war. After voting 216-151 against pa ssage of the appeal, the fa culty Senate Tuesday passed 251 ·92 a milder resolutio11 tu allow professors to "follow their ow n <.:On· science" as to how U1ey would condu\:t tlasses during the n1oratoriu ni. Opponents argued that the appeal to Nixon "would drag the univer~ity into polilics." O Bri1ld1 JIU•s Sl!JH SAt'l DIEGO -The nanl('S of San Diego County 's dead in Vietnam , p;'.Jinte<l on a fence at S;i n Diegu State College , \Vere covered by white-wa:;h by someone at niglll, offit•ials said today. A mess:ige left behind suid, "You have hcen visited by the n1inutcn1cn." 0 1t'ull Street Doves NF.\V YORK -Doves joined the bulls and bears on \Vall Street toctoy. ,\ dnylo r1g reading of the names of Vletnan1 war dead , a ni emorial service and a noon hour "walk for peace'' v"erc planned in the nation's financial capital. Organizers said they believed the pro- n1inencc of son1 e of lhe participat1ts 111 the \Va!\ Street Vietnam moratoriun1 events Y•ould no t be lost on govern1nen1 policy n1akers. O •rrotal Abo111i»1atio11" \VASHI NGTON -Dr, Benjamin Spock said today Vietnam is •·a total 2.bomination" that is crippling Americ;i's l!on1estic prograrn and 1nust be stopped irnmediatley. The white-haired baby-care s!)('.cialist and antiwar activist told a crnv.·d estimated by police at 500 in front of the Office of Economic Opportunity Building : "The v.·ar in Vietnan1 is not jlist slightly illegal or slightly i!nn1orai. It is a tot.ii abon1ination." 0 Jo/111son Silent JOllNSON CITY. Tex. Fornier Presictenl Lyndon B. Johnson, whose Vietnan1 war policies first slirred rnass protests two yea rs <tgo, spent a ·•rou tine •~·ork day toriay on his LBJ ranch. Johnson plnnned to remain ;it the ranch \\'ith his wife Lady Bird, reading, writing ;u1d tending the horses and catt le. The former president has been follo11r·· Ing pl;ins for the antiwar moratorilun day protests but had no comment on them, a spok es1nan at Johnson's fede ral building office in Austin, Tex., said. • South Divided ATLANT A-The Ainerican flag fl ew at half-staff at ci ty hall lotlay. Seve ral hlocks a>va y, il flew al full staff <Jn the :-;tale rapitol representing the 1Uvergencc of southern opinion ove r the nation<tl moratoriun1 protest against the Vietnam \\'ar. ~1ayor Tvan Allen Jr., In answer to a rcquf'st by 1he All;,nta V ie tn am ~1oraloriu1n Com1nittec, ordered the city hall fla g flown <it half.staff in honor of those who have died in Vietnam, But Gov. Lester Maddox had the ~fb·: 6"11 e (» . ~.=.is=. -·le>--------'• - • 11 W.,! ~olld 5!at• M•r• .O"'Mmor • Pr•·""'~· e ,, .. (~.~·!•! 1.~n11'r ·~· •• , ()"d V•h•lnul el4IO•u•t l. e !fO C1rrud. Au!ti...,!fc T,,,.,.. t1b:c P'"' .,.,.., cut"t1~• wun a11...........i "''"'· R!!gular Price $174.SO Save $74.51! s9999 capitol nag run up full staff in defiance 1,1f the rnor11lorium, • l'l1ub11r!Jh Aru PITTSBURGH -The City Council passed a resolution Tuesday. urging the l'residenl tu end direct involvrnent in the V1ctna1n war and to \Yithdraw all troops lly the end of l!J70. a proposal sln1ilar to that of Sen. Charles B. Goodell (R·N.Y.). 8 C1tl»a llt1cl~s 1•1·otest MIAt\11 , Fla. -Ha vana radio said to- doiy the Cuban Cornmillee of Solidarity \vith Vietna1n \1'as supporting An1ericans taklng part in the 1nor<1toriun1 protesting thC' war. "The attention of the wnrld is con- centrated 011 the prutesl lHking place in the United States as a repudiation to the \'ietnan1 \~ar ." said the broadcast, n1onltorcd in ~1 i on1i. • llalf .. tuH in ,vy NEW YORK -Mayor John V, Llndsay proclaimed a day of observance in New York City with all flags on city buildings to be Jlown half-staff . He urged churches to toll their bells hourly. llis stand was sharply criticized In some qaurters. The A1nerican L<'gio11 termed the mayor's acti on "inde fensible, reprehensi ble and out rageous." The Uniforn1cd Firefighters Association ad- vised its 11 ,000 members not to pi'lrlicipate in "this voluntary day of na· tfonal disgrace." Ne1v York's Patrolmcn's Benevolent Association cn!led the protest "who!ly in- imical to !he national interest" and urged thu t pr ecinct houses not lower the flag. O Some 61• Sympalhize VIETNAM -Half lhc 30 troops in a con1but platoon in the U.S. America! Division in Vietnam went out on a rnission today wearing black armbands\(,) protest the 1var. ·,.rm 1vcaring it to show that t sym- pathize with the antiw:ir demonstration h.'lck hornc,'' said the pkitoon leader. \st Lt. J esse n oSen of New York City. "It's ju sl n1y way of silently protesting. Personally, 1 think the demonstrating should go on until President Ni xon gets the idea !hat every American should be pulled oul of here now." 'rhe platoon killed two Viet Cong. one of them a >voman armed v.·ith a Chi nese ri· fle, wh ile fou r Americans were >vounded. G IJrilis/1 Jiii'• Sl!Jn LONDON -Forty members of the Br itish Parlia men t called on President Nixon today to act for peace in Vietnam as young A m c r i ca n demonstrators n1a r1:lH.'d peacefully outside the U.S. Ernbassy. A l('tlcr signed by the 40 lawmakers, all n1emhcrs of Prin1c Minister tlarold \Vilson's i-,nbor party, v.'as delivered by sr..: of the m to the embassy. It expressed strong support for the 1l'i!hdrawal ·of Americ<rn troops fro1n Vietnam and sy m- pathy for war \'icti.ms, 1~'" r,,,,0 ,,! «r~'Y'>fk lwrbh'~ oT.,. '"ll" < I•·~. I', "G MHOr.<I olytUN Reg. Price $254.SOI Save $64.69! 9a1 HARMON·KARDON 90-watt SHERWOOD-AR 200 Watt Stereo rt=: :!ll!l!"l'.-~-,_~.,..,. .. ~ .... ~"':±-¢;···· 1 l-l~l_H~oao ii 9 IN•w "-'-' FM f !!<dvcr It rnot<ht :I \'<II~ Gdn >rd A~·o.r.~•;c c~'"'i~'• I)' '"""'C.d ol ,'IUl, ~r<! ~ !: .. <0 "~· 111 s.oc•cdcroll~ l.~ncer ~n~•i<o •r '>">'"""-R£!g. Price $352.68 Save $103.00! s249,6a li:if~ . . - Ou•! 1111 •u!&rn~lr. tu•nl~bl• "'IJn ~ure 11oemorws a1~1~-. I .. ~--.,·~·•~;.> ----------------------------;:---7"'---- f D~IL V PILOT . - The Bnt1sh Broadcasting Cor· >oration (BBC) said they plan to . cle\•ise an uncen!)ored production JI Ch aucer 's ba\\'dY Canterbury ralcs -earthy antics, bedroom ;cenes a nd al l. •·\Ve \von't clean 1p th e tales. '''ater them dov.·n in . he least," said a BBC spokesman. 'lf 11 111 c;:in ~ shcddin~ knickers, !hen 11·c'Jl do it." he added. • ~-: .,.. . ..,, ;>I!. t .. 1JJ , ·· .. ' ' '"l.i;_· • > ., ~ '\t ~· ~ ;",,;;.~'4·i l . . " · .. ~~ • 1-•t r. _:"'···" U'.1 -.'-..... tr1~! ~'P>I. ~~ "Sold!" s111d tl1e aurt1011eer. and rci~lt a huq n11d n te nr, To1nn1y Klitvc 1•/ Gree1i Valle!} 4-11 club 30W li er /n111b draiv 84 rrnls a pouud at the 4 II ju1uor lot s1ocl• sale at 1/it Santa r.:r11i Co u1U !J f air !ield 111 \Valson· ville. 0 Mrs. Lydia Dennis of Dixfield, J\Jainc, a 4i-year-old grandmothe r, \\·ants to n1n for governor. ~lrs. Dennis, \\'ho h as five grandchil- dren. sai d sh e had not held a po- lit!cal office bcrorc but added she kne\v the state \\'Cll, having Jived in all but one of !\Jaine's 16 coun- tics. • Actre s' Joan11e Woodward beat her husband Paul Newm"n in an im pro mptu 1ransatlantic a ir race lllo ndav. The film stars boarded ~eparaic Boei n.~ jets from New 'lork to London , for safety rea- ~on ~. J oanne k issed her husbanr! ~oodbye, told h in1 "don't forget tO \1•ait for me a t tile other end," an d then ~o1 on h('r 011•n plane v.•hich took off 15 m inutes later. To Paul's :.urprise. \\'hfn he arrived at Lon- rlon 1\irport. his ,,·lfe \vas \\'ailing for him . Said an airline oUicia l: "~liss \Vood1va rd 's plane was car· rying lE>ss \vcight and it got the re quicker." Three locnl n1e11 in the tiny [nnlis lt v1Uaoe of \Vincltcon1b ~ 1ri/l br bro11oltt to court soon.- ! for not nue1ulina cliurc11. Busl- , 11r.~sn1u11 Kr11 Su1i1/t i,, bri11gi11g ~ •11·11nn n9n111st 1/1 r lliree 1111der : Jilli cc11 l 11r11 salJbn!li /runs be· t. rn11sr hr. lnin ~elf, Teas recently /111rd S60 11udrr Ilic laws for '' ~rl/1•1 rJ ooo<ls (l11 n Su111 lay, "I I· ~111t/l ri;(trJ C rf cn111 p{1irr•1 tn prose· rinr1 r r o!"llr 1!11/il IJ1l.S r1rlic1do1(s '1llrir nt loin i_~ scrapperi.1' sa11L 1 .~ 1111(),. ' ~ -~·-=--· --... .... ... . . -__ , _,_,..,_,,. It look 12 firemen, four police- n1en. l~·o doclors and a n a1nbu- Ja11ce crew to free Nevi lie C•doux'1 finger from his car engine . Neville of \Vcmbley, England, jammed his fi nger in the camshaft \vhen he \\•a s toyi ng \\'ilh the engine. After th e rescue squad \vas through, the engine lay in bits on the sidewalk. Hayi1sworth Bid Backed \\'ASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. ~arry F. Byrd Jr., (0-Va.), Yid today he will vote to confirm Jodit Clement F. Haynsworth Jr. an':f that Ow: South Carolina jurist would gh·e the Supreme Courl heller balance. _Byrd said the Supreme C.ourt in recent years "hall gone too far to the left. Judge Hayn11worth's record 1 I v t 5 ev~ that ht hold! a jud!clal philowphy whlch will help re11tore blilance tti the Supreme Court," Byrd 1aid. The Vir1tnla aenator'11 announce.ment u·a.o; expttted. He is listed in a UP I poU among the 35 firm Senat,e vat.ea for HaynsworU1. The sur vey shows 40 vol.tis against conflrnwtlon ind 25 undeckted. The ni>minallon is not tJCpected lo reach the Stnate unlit early Novtmber so thal supporters and opponents of Nixon 's second nomination ta the court hive am· p!e Ume to write reports. On Tueadey, Republican coniru1i1H1al leaders said aft,er a \\'hlt.e HouR meeting that ~sident Nlt on \\'AS "firmly and unequivocably de!A!.rm.ined " to preu for Haynsworth's coollrmation. S en ate Republican leader Hugh Scott. refusln1 to say how he him5e\J would \'OI,., prtdicted Hsrns~·orth ~·ould be confirmed. ' The ofnc:e ol Stn. Marlow W. Cook IR· Ky.), one ol Jh)"TlSWOrth 'll leadlng l'iU~ p'.)Mer3, retrlded a sUitt:ment of la.st Frklay denying the tilste~ of the Furman Chari~ble Trust \l"lth which Ha}'lli\\"orth SU\"td a..s a trustee. An aide t.o Cook Wd Haynsv.·orth dkl not remembe-r the trust .~ resi(Md fn1m it orally in Jts7 and had not f1\'tn any money to iL Byrd, in a Senate spttch, rtjtcttd charges Hayl\5\\·orth shoukl have dis- qualified' him11tU in 5everal cases that came Defore lhe <Ith U.S. circuit court of appedls btcaU&t he htkf stock in litigant companies. "When the char1es w ett first made. I v.·1-5 dlllturbaf as to 911·1)e:ther or not the Judge knowingly comprom~ h i ll judicial position. "I e.:plored thi:s possibllily carefully and consultttf at !Ome len1th 1''lth out- standing members of tht Je1al profession in v.·hom J have coofldence. National Guard Raps Viet11an1 War Prote ~t • MOBILE. Ala. tUf'I) -The National Guard Association of the Uniled States adopted a llpttlal rtoolution Tut&day con- demning Wtdnef,day's scheduled Vietnam \Var protelt as riving aid to the enemy. The r~lution said the action v.·ould •·strengthen lht de~rminition of Hanoi l.n rontlnue its tactics of delay and deceit rc1an:lln& peace." HONORS FOR GENIRAL Nlwon S•e!! Mamie Nixon Attends ~lemorial Dinner For Eisenhoiver WASHI NGTON (A P) -Friends and associates ol the late President 0-.\·iaht D. Eisenhower met Tuesday nigl1t to obsen·e the 79th anniversary of hls birth and to raise fundi; for Eisenhower Colltge at Se:neea Falls, N.Y. Pr~ident and f\frs. Ni~on arrived at the dinner ln the Washington Hilton hotel at dessert time and slayed throuiihout the program of speeches. The dinner at· tracted more lhan 500 guests. An album of commemor at ive Eisenhower stamps, issued Tuellday, was presented to Eisenhower's w id ow , ~Tamie, by Post1naster Gt'ntral \\'Inion /.f. hlount. Mt:mbtrll or the E isenho\l'tr Cabin~t "''ho v.•ere on hand included former Secretary of Defense Neil t.1cE lroy, former Attorney General H erber t Brownell. and former Secretary of Com- merce Sinclair \'leeks. ~fany of the guests recalled personal anecdote& of the late president. Secrelary of Commerce Maurice II. Stan.!!' told of the telephone call he reCf.h'- td from the !ate-president on hi1 first day as Ei senhower's director of the Budget Bureau. "He said, 'Stans. 1've gtit a big pro- blem. My secretary, Ann Whitman, ill a \'ery good secretary but sill is grsde II . t just learned thet over in the Interior IXparlment, Fred Seaton (then secretary or the interior / has a secretary who 111 a grade 17. I 1~anl that stra..i1htened oot .tt once , • .' '' 'Astronaut Who~ U.S. Trio Get Skimpy Rome Hello RO~f E (AP) -Thrtt American astronauts who landed on the moon to the acclaim of the werld arrived in Rome '8- day and Y,'tre re-po.Nd taken aback by an unenthusiuUc wtlcome. F'ew "'·ere al the airport to sec l':eil Armslrong, Michael Collins and Edwin Aldrin arrive. Few lined their way through Roman 11treets to the ancient Ci· ly Hall. And only about 1,000 persons showed up thtre for the fermal welcome. It wa11 1 drab beginning to a three-day vi1it here after the moonmen's en- thusiastic reception in other ciUu half v.·ay around the \\'Orld. "The aatntnauts v.·ere llutprir.ed and disappointtd by the lack of ruponse of the Roman people \\'ho dkln't t~m out In any numbers to ireet thtm," an American with the astronaul.5' party sajd. "Huge crowd! hive met them at othtr citits \\'hert they ha,·e b<ttn 1iven en- thusi astical ly ~·arm receptiona.'' Rome, uMd to visits tty p:ipes , klflls and prutdenU, b seldefn v.·UdlY en- U1ulliastic In l l! greeting to viaitin& notables. At the Campidoglio, ltfayor Clelie Darida gave the astronaul.5 a brona replica of the Roman she·wolf and sil\'tr medals commemorating their moon fl11ht. "Rome," the mayor said, ''is one of the mOlit ancient cities of the l\'Orld. You have come here alter having visited a nother world which is the ne~·est ytt touched by the foot of man." Replying for the as I ron a u t s, Rome-born Collins said: "I bqan n1y trip to the moon right here in Rome. 1 dld nol consider the trip properly endtd V>'lthout coining here again.·• During the a.!J(rooauts' visit to the Campidogl\o about lOO grade school puplls demonstrated v.·ith placards in Enellsh reading: "We \\ant school s." It ~·15 part of a 1eries of demonslraUona dt mandlnt btt- ttr schools in Rome. Fron1 the Campidoglio the astronauts "·ent to Qui rinal Palace wt'iere they were received by President Gl~seppt Sara1at. Much of U.S. Shivers Sno1v i11, Rockies; Mi.ssoula, Mont. Suffers 17 Degrees Callfortel• SOWIM•n C•!"ornl• w•• moll!, lolr lod•Y Wit~ 1111rv Wlrwll In '~ 1n1 ..... """ """ ,,,,,.... ... ,., .. "'.,,., .. ,. ''" •~o·.w1•1 '" "'°""'•in' •nd nor!M•n OtHt!J ..... Pt.01<1.0 !or l ~llnNY. ll'l<: Lo• ,.nq1lt• ••11 wt1 n11111I, l~or with 1ncr111IM1 <I011tlln•11, Jhe hl;h IOI!•" w•> 14 1!\d ln.r t•P•<lld lo .. "'"IVM h ~. 11/tMllY'I m1~lm11m .... 11, Tile ,.Ir P&lh1l\f>" C°"!ral Ol1!tl(I •110 !h9rt Wtl 11•~1 •"lftll °"'" In I ... 1n•1•1d t •tt• 01 1111 Lo• •nfflt l twoilri. ,,,. U.S. Weoo1he• l!lurtA~ l""(•!f<I ..., l>rttlPll•Uon '"'°"~" ""'' M-•· ,...,_ ........ _ .. tJPttlfO ,, ••••• ,,, ff1)m l'O'm t l lo 4 ""''U l>tlOW norm~I.• '°UftlfPN C-'LIFORNI"' -Vtr;• t blt <1-fnet• !!1•01,.,11 Tnurldt r t ut mo1llY s11nn• 61~1. Wlndr ti 1:ll'!t1 lntt•ler. Ll!ll• ttmH•tlltrt cl\tflllr. LO~ ,.N('.ELIES ,.RE,. -V•r 1b•• ctoydh•t.U II•.....,.,. Tflur~-•-• ""' ""6••· I\' • .,...,¥ Wtdnndt Y Ind o••llf Sil""" T ..,,.,,.¥. l.Owl ,_, S.. Hllfl Wt+ ...... 11. -ll'QINT CONCf:Pf!ON IO MEJr!CAN 904tOl!lt -Llt hl vt rl•t lt .,.1,.,.,, nlwltl ..... u •fl' ,,_n!MO """'" b«..,.,llMI .......,,.,. II to Ill .,..., ln tl•tr- •W¥~ .. -· •<nr •!Id fhllf'tdl l'. V••'-b~ c"'* lluf ~"' "'""' WNntJd•• t l'llil ,.rt,., Wflf!f Tf\vrM11r . CO.-.ITAL AHO 1HflERM£Dl•TE VAu..IYS -Vtrlttii. tlouOIMu "'"""9fl T'Jlundtl' bul moallr """"" ...... "' •"4 ,.,.,,., tl/Mf ''''""'''· UltN '9n1Mr•lll•t ~., Lo ... 1 a • f,7. Hlefll W...,.Mf9y l'D ni Ill. MOUNTAIN AREAi -V.,l•t>ft M"' cfM<,.,. I,,.._,. f"'1rlodfr. Wln•h ti ft-. ,_, ""1d't cl'll1IM M 1-~••t• - C-••I Mt1111 JUfWtl' "'"'· llfllt \'tr~•11 .. ....,. '°"'' •llfl _, .. Miit"'")' w;-. I Jot IS t ,,.h, "''"' ..,,,.r .. ,, rr. , .. , •• , ''"""'•hi••• ...... '""" "' • n. 11111"41 1...,"••lur11 ''"'' lrtm n i.n. Wtltr l"""ll't'tl!ll'a .... SNN, 111-n. Tklli!a THl#ltltAT ,1,,1 hlf!I ,,. J.U l .M. ti 1'1'11 '-"' ••••••· ,. ''olt t .M, J.I SNO<ld Iii.II ............ f~j.I '·"'• SN-.... .. ... 11t)ll J,m . J I '""' """ ,!,. ··""· .... ''". "'· M-. rtMI I liff -Mtl ';# 11·"'· Cool \j····· IJ .s. S1111t••rJ A "''' ••• ,,,.,. •1111 ·"-"''"' cl'llltr -1111< N1 llfttttl 1v., """'" •• "'" """""· ,,.._, ,,,. lllttlt• •• '"' N11Mlltt 1I '"' 1111• lllt 0.-1 S111th ·~-,, • ._,,,, ,,,,, ..-1 .... 11" IMnl llt /11 •l111h , Ttm11t•tlu'91 Ill '"'"" 1N11 llt v• tllH'tt l11to 1111 Jt• I i.of )IL , ....... ltt! 11'1 1111 J101~!11, f ht ''"'' 1•1111 ••-Ill r1ln1 '"" ljrln lt1 lf'llD t dlt ttM ... lflJ llt lt l. Fr11tr, CtlD. •K•'"4 I 11\CMI 11 ..,.. .. 1"4 I It~•• " --' ... 1114""' 11 ... , ... ''°"""' lft -'llff•I ""'"ltM 1/llf .... lllttll r-lfflrt llt . Miu•••· Mt'lt. tttd 1 record U .... 9" fw lfl Htl'f ... _ /'ow, "''•u•u••o111 "'"<l'loreo• .0Ul1~•1 • ..... lt•lt:I •11 ..... rtl 10!11 . .,.,..,, ••vwn1vlll1 (fllt1to (lll(llll' .. 11 ...... Det N•IM1 0.1 .. 11 l'1l•Nnll.1 .._ Htttn• H-lutu tet .. 111 (!ly l•• v"'' LM "'""fie. M ltml MfllnH.Olh .. , .. Ortl1•1 ,~ ... y,,, ..,_,,,, .. Ot•t .... Ct.It"-(fly h thl Pe!m IP•iflt• ,,,, llttltl '"""" l'hllbu•t/I l'ttl!t'14 1t1,11 "~ 11111<11 1\111 ·~· St<•t••tf~'' St~ 9 1,.. , ... '"'"''"' '''"" s°""'"' , .. ~ .... ~. W1thl ... tll't """ ,.. .. .. " n " • .. " " " u » " " " .. " " " " n " .. " " » .. .. 1: .. " " .. " • • .. n " .. " ., " " " n " " .. .. " " " " ~ " u " ~ .. .. " " • " .. n " .. " .. u u " • n " " " " ~ .. " " .. ·" "' "' .~ ·" .n ·" ------.-.-.--~~~-~·~·., .. ~,... .... --.--.--- Bomb Rips Arab Off ice Isrciel Laiinclies Raids; 10 Hurt in Blast By Ulllted Pren lcatuaaUout Israeli \larplanes launched t~·o raids acl'0611 Ow: Suez Canal today and an alleg· ed lsraeL agent took tt'ie blame for a series of explosions that rocked an Arab guerrilla office in Beirut. The bh!lllt& 11haltcred 60 wlnd01''S and wounded 10 persons lh1s morning al the lklru~ l)e:adqua~rs of the Palestine l.iberalion Organization IPLO), the At.ab ~·orld 'li top guerrilla group. ·•we ace~ Israeli intelli&en~ ... an Arab offi cial said. Chaflc El-Hout, chairman of the PLO office. said a Dutch journalist had open· ffi Jl re wi th rockets from across the street after he was tW"Tled away from the Lu lldlng an hour eartJer . All the raiders returned safely, the an- ~ment uld, havin g N!Ulialed for the Cf'Olf<Mlll lrtillery due.ls durtn1 the night that woo.oded one Israeli ao.kller. Report.I of the flgbting OD the Lebanese fro11tler followed Arab guerrilla ac· cusallons that Prt!lident Nlxon had sent an envoy to Beirut to ask Lebanon to put a damper on guenil!a raids lrom its aoU into f5ratl. 11.e Voice of Stonn, a guerrilla radio station, said Tuesday the alle1ed American concern in Lebanon wu "a prelude to landing Am erk: an troops" in the Arab naUon. No guerrilla cuualties were reported in the border battle during the night - one of several skirmishes recenUy aloo& the frontier that once was void ol ~ bat. In Caito, Fenian Mtn1lter Mahmoud JU.ad of EDPt aald in a ncwa,.,er bt- 1....i.w IGcf•y lhe Uniled SlalM IW drop- ped Its !upporl of I.he: U.N. call lot l1r1tl Lo withdraw from Arab landa capbltld In JN'I, He reafftnned El)"pl'a willinpell to meet with the U.N: Middle Eut ,..,. envoy. Gunnar Jarring. in Cairo Ill' N!"' Yor k but uld Ec'Pt would not enter J~ direct nqoUaUons ·with thr Iaraelia • Riad rejected reports quotinl him that Egypt wu ready for Indirect neietia· Uoos, saying "that wu: a fu!l.ll mMt hy Zionist propaganda to divert attlflllcn from the real luue-Isratli whhdrawal." Nine persons were hospitalized from the expl06ion. They followed an overnight skirmish along the Lebane.5e-lsrae!i fron- tier that \efl three Israeli soldiers dead and two wounded in a licht with Arab guerrlllas. Governors Get Veto lsr11eU military spokesmen said the ai r raids Into Egypt hit military targets all along the Suez Canel. Egypt said ground fire repulsed the attackers. Enemy Force Dip 'Significant' Poverty Plan Extended, But Legal Aid Crippled Says Pentago11 \\'ASHJNGTON <AP) -The nurnber nr enemy forces in South Vietnam has drop- ped, the State Department says, and !he Pentagon -in a reversal of its reactiQn to a similar announcement two months ago -agrees there is ' 's <1 m e significance" to the reduction. Both agencies, however, refused Tues- day to estimate the number of enemy troops remaining in South Vietnam. The State Department, at the same time, stuck ·with its estimate t hal North Viel· nam hall about ;ii,000 troops in Laos, \1·hich borders Vletnani. TI1e a pparent agreement bct11·een the departments or Defense and State thflt the reduction of enemy for ces in the south is signif icant is a marked change from last August, \\'hen the Pentagon disputed such an assertion by the St.ate Department. State Department Press Officer Ca rl nartch said Secret;iry of State Wil\iarn P. nogers -who Sunday mentioned a drop of 25,000 Lo 35,000 ln cne-my forcrs -had used ''verified figures." He said "before these rigures were used by the secretary they were checked \"cry thoroughly for accuracy.'' Asked about Rogers' statcn1cnt. a 'Oefense. °"partment spokesman said the Pentagon feels there is "some signifi· ca.nee" to the drop in enemy troop s trength. \\'ASHINGTON (AP ) -The Senate-ha,, passed Ol'trwhelmingly a two-year $4.71 billion extension ol. the antipoverty pro- gram but left unsettled the status of the controversial Legal Servict.!l aid. ln a sharp defeat for the program'! bac!:ers, the Senale voted 45-50 Tuesday to add a rider to the bill giving governors the absolute Tight lo veto any Legal Services projects. But then, after the rider 's sporl!'lor, Rrpublican Sen. Geor1e Murphy had left the chamber to go to California, the bll1'3 1nan11gers came up with lan~1age \l'hich \l'ou ld allo1v President Nixon lo override such 1·etoes. Scl'eral senators contended i\lurphy·~ an1endment \\·as being e1nasculated in h.is absrnce. The rnanagers ans wrred that f\lurphy ~hould not have left the chaa1ber before ·\1·or k (Jn the legislation \Vas completed, hu l t11ey pledged they would drop the ne1v languegc in Senate-House conference if /.1urphy objected, The Legal Services la\.\1'ers, target of r.1urphy's amendment. have stepped on lhe toes of st111A!. and local officials in a. numblr of slates by £Jllng lawsuit~ ques- lioni n;; various governmental practices. (;ov. Jtonald Jlcaga n in California ha~ critiCiletl thei r work 111 behalf of strik.Jng Jo:rape p1cktrs. among ot hers. Lnrlcr present law governors can 1·etl) most antipoverty programs in thei r states, but the Office of Economic Opportunily director can ove rride the vetoes. The bHl to continue lhc OEO through fiscal 1971 passed the Senate 73-J and v.·as sent lo the House. Democrats and Rtpublicam en the llouse Educatioa and Labor Committee have been aquabblin1 over OEO ts.· tension for monlhll. There l\'N nt esUmate on when the rommlttec J!\iiht act. Contraceptive Researcli Funds Urged by HEW \\'ASHINGTON (UPI) -The ad· ministration ur1ed the Senale tod•y to \ ote more money far development el Mt- ter contraceptives. "Wilhout a positive effort lo rlec reast the pressure of population 1rowth, a.ti of our other health programs viii! be built Oft <iuicksand," Dr. Roger O. Egeberg l&ld I Senate approprialionll subcommlll.ee. Egeberg. assistant secretary for htalth and scienlific atfairs of the Department or Health, Educa~ and \VeUar• tHEWI , ur,i;i:t<I the ai~rnmltt.et to ap- prove $7 milUon "for reseiirch in fam ily planning. re-production and population programs." "It is particularly unfortunat.t that the l louse C"Ut the $3 million inert.a.lit that 1his administratiOn requested for the de\'elopment of new u.Je, effective and inexpensi\'e rontractptive methods," he .i;aid. 'l'he famlly planning money i.5 part <,I ~.7 billion HEW health bud&tt. lr6t\ini: getting you down! Have bettrr thipgs to do? And what about y9ur penna.nent press clothes. Thr:y juet don't stay pressed 'vhen you dry them on the clothes line. IUght? Don't be Before lonz, yeu know, moat <lff>tllini will be p trtl\anent · pri:ss, including 1uit1, ahiru., 1ktrt1 and draperies. Ev en napkin~ Think of thetiine and money you can save! dcprcs1ed.Getyourself adryer. And make it an elccrric dryer • An electric dryer is pr ogran1- mcd to dry 'Permanent press clothes wi th just the r igl1t amount o f heat for the right an1ount of tin1e. Clothes arc ge ntly tum bled to fluff them out. So wrinkles n ever have a cb!\ncc to get up tight . Wlw 11ot reiolve YQijt prC!sllllt problems now ! Fin<i peace ft>f mind with a ftamt\es1, etlor .. less, electric dryer. They outsell ga s dryers 2 t o 1 across the nation. They cost l~s too. See your appl iance dealer today. _.f ,e mg1 Southern Caltfomill ~faon I I i I Soviets Pull Ou t -.'.··Dubcek F aces Arrest UPI TtlfPhoto Jtlississi1111i Bla:;e • Of M edite1·ranean Resig ns Front Czec h 'l1nm unily" Posl LONDON (UPI J The Soviet linion. 111 a ne1v surprise 1no1e . has pulled th\' bulk or its 11arshi ps from !he ~1 e di Lr r r anc~n, defcu~c ~our1:cs s:iid today. The Soi 1t"t fleet. 11 hil'h had been built up !o ;111 un prcec<lcntcd st r r n g t h ul between 55 :ind 60 units onl y :1 fc1v "·eeks ago. has suddenly been redurrd to a rncre token presence in th1' str ategi,;· area. the delcnsc ~ourc<'S saitl. No rea~un 1~·as g11 en nor any 'J{cgular' Police Back In Ireland PJt,\GlJE t L'PI ) -Deposrd ;111nu11nccn1r n1 in;.i•tr IJv lhr rc rorin lt•:itlrr Alexander llus!>1an!>. Tht> n1rni' 11;Js o.:<ir· · I Dubcek 11:-;i"n<'d u n d er nC'<I out (]1uet y. hut h:i~ hcl'n " ~h:1 d()11 Pd by allied ;ur .:ind pre.•surc !o<ltiy fro1n Lhc l1lJ\':.t l u111t.5. fedt>ral p;1rl1 amc11t 1t1 a stl'r \\1'•lr·1·11 flrfrn~r r'\[ll'!'1 ~ !hat ~lri rpecl l1i1n nf his. !'>l!d tl 1(•.1• ;1s:>11111t'd lll <J t 1!11,~1:1 p.:i rli<1111rn1;1ry inirnunily fron1 11;11' p11\li11g Ille ~l11 p~ h;1t'k to arre.rt and t ri~I ~O l'it'l pnrls. pcrl1:1p~ lnr lht• f)11beek's rr:,1gnalion fron1 ;i 111nlc·r n1nnt l1s, 11nlcs.'\ 1ln:y r11·r serr>r1d and niore influrnt 1,1r lit.:1111-; ~h1ftcd tu oth<'r. 1u1-l 'l ."it" ·'','II ('(' post ~ that or ehairrn •t n of d1s,·lo~t'd dr~l111a1 1on .•. Ill' ;1b1 ~ (l)' -.... -rarliarnrnt -11·11~ c:i.pecl('c/ Ill lhC F ;ir ~::1.~l. ~ .~Pon, pos o1hll' 1or!ay. T h!• 1111iidr;111al <111r :i1. 11tly [i'<Jr Jil t t .el.('(l { 'l hc• off1t:1.d 111'\\S :1'.!rn1·v :-1g111l:t'd th•1l the Soi 11 1~ ;1U· ._1 (~rK r c>porlrd !h:1 t Dubcrk, 11a1·1·11lly .Jt'I· n11t r:i1 1r"' Ill•· l1'srf Srnr ko1 .;k1· :1nr! ~1x o'h<'r fo,1 1dtll1· l·'.;1~l '1Lt1 .1 l 11ln \/';\\' )\J!:I\ (•\l'I -\ liix-r:\!:-; rr.•1giwd 11h<'ll Iii" <l;111~;t'!1\lJ "I~· e>.pln~11t.1 <1 l l-:rr1.ah·,;i.i ['lllr:i11.:rT ~;11 , tir 1111\('!' l111u'r nl parli:nlll'll l llH'l 1irc~t'!ll , drl eno.c ~u11 ret':-. ~:nil. t 11 h··~rn :1 I 11 o·d;1,1• :.t·~.~1011. h··~ ·-::~ll"!I •. "'·l'I~ 1'1:•1. \l 1• I So1lrl n:11·;d 11101 0~ h;11r-S1111 (<11•,ky .~l'lu n··i~llt'd as ., 1111d,..!r~11"! ti11i 11 n I ,. 11 r k 1 d hl'ro1111· :-.11111('tl11n.1• 11[ ;1 tl1:11nna11 11r ti•(' llnuse of !he " 1•, nrld l1t';111 1· r·r;.!i'I Ii n ' 1 11 g nl\..,1 1'1 I' for \\ C', l l' r n l'f·npl1• ;111d /'ll.11i!' ~likor;i, · · 1':1 ;ll\fHh11 , 111 b• 1'1•1'1" 1 '"'1'..: d1ph•111:1til' 11b~~·r 1 l'L~. ;"1•\lh('r li tnr:d. r111 1\ ;1<; dc'puty ;111<1 cl ·•ul'" n•:111 1:11rip;: tin· Hu! '11J(•e H11s:.1 a 11u~l1<·d 111'0 1 h:i 1rn1.111 of lhr h()ll"f' lol" l t lw;1I: ir;il ~· •'ofl!l !ht· !\1c·d1lt·rrn11t•;1n 11 h:1.. ,\ 111l'C!tlli! la.'t n1u11;h of th1• 111 rt i n t -:.it ll l' it l'on~icJC'r;.ibl.· 'I hr• 11rur!111···r. Zrn 1;11r1n.u1. rrnlr.d 1·11n1111it!1'r .. r lhe ~·r 1 '":""""'" OFFICIALLY OUT A !c ,;andrr Dulict:t -~11·~·11~1h lilt•rr, patllv 1u "11rl \J,•;u;,l'. Ill.II ( l:i\ -11"•1 t '•r1·)1no:Jn1·:i1' ('ou11111u11·\ )\;r. 13l':LF1\ST, Nor1l1rrn lr<'l~l'l•] 1111ri1T:>torr 1!s nr11 II' ll'Hll ru·t· t '11k thi· 11·11•1r \li:\1:•11111•:•1) \l1 11· h.1r1 "r rrfl11Hni·n(lcd'' rh:1t 0 11\}<'t'h :n; I ~1111 I n1. I,•· .1111rw ; !UPI ! Ron1an Catholic 111 l!lr :+ri'd ;ind p.:irtl v l•1 h,11 I( 11h1·11 11•' 10111•·d 1111• P,J;,1;,: l }lil)l'Ck. ~n1:·J..n\~l:.1' ;i nd 1\110.s ricpul11·~ 11hn Ii.id., .l,1'.! 1.1 be leaders agreed tod<1y lv lt l !lu• 1\1';1b~ :ig:11 11~t 1~rarl :1-. 1\lu-.l11n~ -1r•11ilrl ~1:1r 111 ;1 ~J 1].;r11·;1 b" p11rgt•d fn1n1 1ht•Jr relle\rd o( lli('1t' f11r:· t::11::· '' regula r polit'e p:itrols b<ick in-1·.1 ·11 "·" t11 111111n11h t" t-..r;1"! _ 11111· Ir 11 1r 1· "111 nf ''ll 11~ T1Dl!' p.1rl11:1nc11t:1ry li"<1dcr~hip po:,1-11 11 ;1·, h(•l 1t•1 1·d !J111lr1·I.. \\'il:-. lu their area of the cit v for lhc d 1•l t'!l~l' sourt:cs :,;11d Hul'k \\'l1 1tl ' npc111 •1~ D1·1· l Jt t i(ln~. fl1·0pni·1 I lr·oill inlli11Jt•r IHp 111 fi rst lin1c since CiitholiC'· L;il l'~l rPpol'I~ s;111! t 11 :1 I lllf' c;rorgl' ,\hho11 lih;il1'1. Th{' f rn!r:il tnrn1n i1!cc li i.lfl thr House of 1h1' l'rnplr rir:t l'ruleslnnt rioting broke out l:u:-.i •:1 nu11 h;i~ :ih1111 t 1'1 10 12 ll11f111:i11 ~:1id tl'.r' •·n11l""11l't '"ll ~.ug~r~tPd !11at 1he thrc>(~ brf1\1~t' 1l n1r t fir 1 1\n- there l"'o months ago, 11 ar~liip~ h•fc 111 lhc i\lt•di!t"r-1:a:1r;11\h'\'~ 1Li-!11;~,·1· 1wu !<';11r p:irl1 nn1c>nt ;illogcihc>r . r.ntn1crn1r111 of 11 ;~ •111,lt'r ;:; The agrl'e111rn1 \\'as il hrit;hl r:1n<'.1n. ;lpp:i rcntly one nf th:' 1<crk' c,ff 1Jun r": tlw r1111 nf !lu• But sourr<'s hrrt· had said lhJt l'hnirm:-11 nl r:irli;11nc~1!, 11 :.is :-pot in efforts In rcstnre Jll . .'<lr(' sn1;rllr~1 ('0fl('Cl11r 3llon.\o llll'IC ~ht11\' Ill!' :i [!ti\' 1>1111~ 11 Pll<· c·cu1St'rl'al 11cs 11·rrc pushin)! r spretecl 1" fnl!riw ;i hill d:iv C>r Thurrd:I\ I '.11 h.1nl<'llt n11·n11)er~ ha·.r j 111'lll1Jily '4f:!J\!1 't aTTl')1 (;11•t:1v llu~ok. Duh1·r1,·~ rucct'.;:;or a-. fir:;t secrc1;1ry rif \i'l1' porly, h:i cl proi nisect t h"ri~ v II\ Ii~ :111 pol111r;:I l ri;,1~ 1::1l $\~·f.111 \~:1rlrll'I.\', f l I l ~·t.,•:·c 1:1 •1 nl lhl' Sl•l\\J k !':1111. ·.~11rl f;1lu1d ,y H1<•11' 111Jy h" lr•.il \ 1f .~·HTI" l11rrnl':-lc.ic!cr:; lJ, n~•' 1111' I 1\1'. ']hf' I "I 1\ .11l!Hl\111•·<'•nl'••l rlrnpilC'd II•· p•rtrn•C' 1'1.11 11 "! f''IJ!r,d (•llllllll\'lf' lo •I ll'ol/ ' I f' L " 1)1 Ill •' I\ d I'd ' t <' ~···1•1'111 ~1.1 \l1h .. 1,1 1111 !"!'~ It :. 1 I I 111'. I • \ 'I t ·I 1 :! I! 111•~ 11 I' ,.., "; I 111 ·,I I,., dl'('I: l11'l'i 1d I ''~ ~·nit • 1111)1 :1 Iii• 1!11;11 Qf I 11 • t'"~l !1 :1! tl!llli\ll ll\'1' :'-i'\11 11 Co11f1:r , \, ii11 f'ri 11 1T \', ,c;:JJ\t~Tn~ 111·11 r r •• id· Iii '\r;••ll ;JI\ I !'rlO( r Fuad !~in Al1lkl i\1.11 1,f ~.1urli flr;,;!;,,J h ·~:I a .. 11r11 ;!Ir' 1·1 ru ini..lc ' d1~ 11• iu11 ·r11!"rl ·1·- Tl:c 1.1i rC'r 11 ;1~ at:cu111p:qur·l I)~· ..... 1>1d1 !·'111'1 '~'1 '.\\111 1' I• I' 1)n1 :1r :-;,1r1q ,1l. S .i11d l l\'11h;i•:;:••lnr Jii:.,1i1.111 .\ ~ - Sn11·;i o,~t·l .111 11 1· :-i. 1\n1!J:i,s1~11r l!erm;iri F 1·:111 , 1:irC'n1c11 h~1ttlc hll.l!<'. hil!o11 i n~ names fro1n a huge ;.:.1sot111v :-.lur;igc t:ink 111 i\lcritl1an , i\·liss., after the IOO-g~1ll ou t~nk e.-.;plocted. ·rtirce hotnes 1\'erc burned ;111cl dO"/CllS ('\ICJC\l:ltC'U, l)lll no j 11 j ll r j c .':i \VCJ'C rc pnrtccl. IO 1-.;urlhcrn lrrt:i nr!. lhlllt'l lr. Ul l'l'l'Cll! IHnes. 1n;1l rn;d 1/{'.~. !hi~ point :111d CTI\ listed SCSSlflll of Ill <' parl1:i n1l'nl lll- Nor\l1er11 lrc iand potier 11 i·r1·1,=============='------'==--=-=-=-c========='-='-=========o.c-::0:-::-::-::::::.=-=-::-=-=-=-=---'---''-;;:_"--"-= 1r1 a inild slalC' or r1'he!ltn11 - -------.- th(•y l'C'fllSl'd to <'.'\ehanpc> !h1•ir bfltllc grcrn unifonns lnr the blue. of Brili~h bobbies lo Ni~otL Sltys Mltjor Prol1le111s fJ?ill Ease 1·h.1ngc their i1n<1 Ge frnni ;i p:1ra111ilitar.v 111111 111 tl1 ;,i1 ul ;i l'1 1·i l pC'ace keeping fnrl'r . I The Jtornan Ca thohP :ign'<'- 111c·n1 (·tn11r ;it a 111t·r11ng hi•h1 (•rn Sir Arlhur Yu11ni;. g('l'lt'ral uf the noy;il l '\~1"1' n e 11• I y appoi n!C'd 1n~peelur Con.,tab11!;i ry. ;ind nic111bi~rs of 1hr C'Pnl raJ ('1lizt·11~ J)(•f1·n "t' t 'n1n111 i11 te. lhr group 11/11i'l1 f'!'IH'CSClltS i5.flOQ ('~ilfl(il iC'S 111 ·1 in~ in thr Fnll.~ Hnar! ;u·e<i. ] \\'/1~111 i\\;ToN 11 ·r11 -• P1"C!'ltlc11t NLxon b~lic1·1·s 1he n~:iJor problcn1s f.1clng lhr na- ti on lud;1y -the Y1t•Lna111 wiir. .'. •. J\itl Ref or111 .Drive Op en ~; \\'AfiJ{IN1;T(lN (:\['/ -Tii e ,\'.1:1:01t :.idn1i111strflliun i1p<'n•·d I,~ Ori\'c 111 Congrc';>; IOd<oy for 111:1.-.~11·c 11 clf;1rc rclor111 hy r;1l lin~ Ilic jlfOpt)!'l'<l l,1nuly ;i~s1~tanec proi,:r.un "!he be!r.t 1t'h11.:lc f11r th1~ n;1!1un tn help llr<'ilk 11H· pu1«r:1 {\etc · Scl'rt't:iry B11l1t'rl 11. F1 111·h nf the Ol·p;1r1111l·111 nf l lc.i1 11i. r:iJuc;ll 11111 ;1 11d \l'rl\.'I J f', (]If' .1d 111 1n1~t1·;1 !1<\t\ s I c ;1 ti -n f f \l'llTH'-"\ h1·l<•n' Ille J !r111~r \\,i~s ;:n(I !\l,·,1n<> Co1111n111•·•·. :-::iuJ lhc l1rs! ~(';1r l'll'it ~ of thr l'rr<;1d<'nl ·.-. 1\·1>lf:11·r rcf11nn 11ru·k,1gr h,11 t' h1•t•11 r1•1 ht•d 11p11;ird:. lron1 ~I h1\hon 10 ~11 b1lhon. i11fl:11i0n ;111d <.'ri111r -11 il l nil lie cased by the tin1c l11s pn::,cnl 1c1·111 111 offi ce t'nd:-. 111 1~72. Tl11' l're.~1de11l pli!n~ an ;i<I · <Ire~~ on 1nll:it inn l;iter th1-. \\('t:k. dc>l;11 ls or 1·.hich l\'C'l e l•11·thco111 111g ~Qlltl frn1n l hc \\'hi!<' llousr, ,\1 1'.on·~ nl'er;i lt npl1 n1i•.11c \ 1r·11 flf hi~ llt'X! ft 11· ~C,1f'i \l'iJS g1r<"11 at iilc \\'llitc l !ousc Su11- ri;i y n1gll\ during a dinner fnr !he i\i<,,ut i<t1C'd PrC'ss hoard nf 1lirc>clor~. The tr.:in:'C'ript 11·11s n1adl' public Tul'~d:iy. Nixon l!i.Ud: "lnfl;it1un. , \\'111 h;i1·c bc<'ll Lhrt'l..cd bcC'.tU~C' 11 c 11 rnt 1n ;1t t11C' hC'<irl ur Ilic problcrn and l1uil-. ou1· h.1rd knr<<:'lis now .-inti hllrr 1111 ~ 11intcr 111 ord('r 1h:1l '"r' t'11t1ld ht1\C :~1nootilt'r :;ail- 111g l:ill'I' " _:_ ·< ·1 in1c 1t ill l1a1 I' hcrr1 rlil't'kcd hrt';;o<c the Cnngrr~s 11;:~ tn p:i~s 111r r ninr hill~. llie l'ongl'i'"" 1·;,11 be pnl1'1c;il ;i bou1 c1 t'r1 lh111t: ('1.'c. but 1111" une .:irea 11:111 i:o1nc up to .•. '' "Hl'gul;ir p0lire p;11ruls will h(' rP~1 1nH'd lh1s Frirl:1v." :1 ~pnkcsrn ;in for 1hl' l'•Hllinil1 1'r, ~1id aflcr !hr n1rcting.1 "\'nl1..:c patrols 11·111 10111 !he 1111l1!ary police 111 the ;irca. Bi .. h ()fl :--h C (' I l ·1:c.-.,i t~11 .... l'~•:-;I • I:OCllESTEH. J\" V. n.;J'\ \ -B1~hop Fultvn ,I She1·11. 0111· 4lf tile best l..11011·11 pri :ichrr::. :111d r 1'angel is1s 111 thi• llo1n.1n 1';1\hnlu· l'hurrl1. dllllfltilit:td 1u- 1lay he has r('S1g11rd •-~ he;1d of the d1oct~t' of Hoche~1tr. \\ Y Sheen. b151111p nl Hn1;lu:-.1t•r ~1nc·c• 19!\f.. i;;1 1d h•· 11.ul ;:,/,,rd 111 br rrl1t1 rd (If his d11l l('' hl'c;n1~c of 1'11' .1r,r I I•· 1~ 7•1, lo Ho1ne, !'opt• l'<11il \I 11:1111ed ~1.~gt'. .l n~··ph l,l(•)d Jlog<in , .'i~. p;1st1w ni Si. r<1;1r;:!:1rr1 .\lcr(·.I' l'h111·1 h 111 Be 11\'slrr lo ~111· 1·rrd ..... h,.ru .111d !r.11;'+1'rn:rl !lu• h: h•11• f" tl1r hon nrary pn~t of t1tul.1r ;1rtl1b1~hop 11: .\t'11 porl. Et1~tc1·11c1· B11~'S l 1 01ll11111k • ()11;11 c r TV a11t s lo Lir e u1. '//i"h 1 '01r11.' rc111 t ".!\ 1 r·,ri:r• • I I 'I J -1 ,, t I'•: •111c ,.f ' r~ • 111 ! Ill l'I .\lllt'f:l ,\ lit'~ /1(':>1 1•'t l .11111>'1!:; J.!l'l'•'t\ ,u·r,., i. I t;1r111l.111d ;p1d :in i" l :i•o11111.•I 1111.;1!11 ,I )I II.I' ~ ,llf l 111 pl;i, \' !lw1 (',dl .1 hll /., lr111 ·1 ·• 1 ri111I, 1t h"> 11. ~to·,. r.f 1hn·1· l11•1den; 1111 t h-~ tn11111H11111), 1 'r 1111 J 'nd11·1k 1: 1-. 111••r 11111!·' I<> th" 11~·:11·,,~1 ~ 111 l- 1P11111l 1 , I ;1n1 "I/!' Br1l, ,\l r~ \',1·1·f.~ ::,:1id . lh!TC 1, J!l1 •.il J.(1·011111R pr1t:·ro11.1I f••r Pn·li111l, li••(';lll',t' 11 I~ ~llll:Jl l'd ;i( 11'1<• j lll\('111111 uf !1111 h1.i.:h\\;1~' 11 " 'If" 11d ' \\ J1·:I 11 1111•• ,111d I ,1!'(' lllf• \0th'l'l ll•'oi .1!)111;~ 1, !;1'11 ·1,c. l'ndunk \II\' J j;_!ll[ klfld lfi "I\ OL\\Tlt'I ' \1 1'-" I· 11n1 I ;.;:1id 111 ,1 1,.i1, r .w1•111np:1111 int: lu·r 111•1 111;11 '"' h:1d \\!ii ~I'd 11>1' 1ilf' •.1!11<' ('Hill· p;1nv frir 1~·,··rJ\· 27 \('.II \ ;1 r1•I !l;trl hr i'n ;!]! ;,]·u1(' <.1 1p r 11•·1 Lither rlir1! ;ihlllll Ill 1nonlhs ··r 11nuld l1l;r 0:11111rd;1~· lu ' '1 llf' !01111 I'> I '11d.inh ( 1·11!< I 11•11:1 , an•I oil T111•~d;i•, It 11 ." 1•urrl1.1 Pd -b~ .1 I.id. fr uo1 'hc Ea;-1 11 il'I ,,,11 , :>11"' :1)11·e1 • \\;111!(•<[ ! I )llC• Jll ;I • h11,:k tu\\ 11 " l '11du11~ 1 .1 k1·~ 111\ nn;,v onr arre hf land, .1tHI El.,ic :-01. frinzl ul llL'll'l;-1ucl , Oh1n, bict ~!2.'.'IOO fr1r lh:· 111>1·11. 11 ·s Thf' f:i !c nf l'nd1111k :ot ·!11('1 1'r! n:11in11;il p11h!ir 1t~1 w~r·o ,\Ir and i\lr~. \\'rck~ nf1rr~t! it fnr _•.1lc> :-Oi r$ \\'eek~ ~a id -~hr 1~. 111 ;1 11·:1.1·. glad to fina lly be rid or lhC' tv11 ll. ''But \\('·re going '" I HI.~<; Iii r 1n ;1 11 1dr-r·prn pl:11•t lil.1' l'nr!unk l'1r ;ih1:i;~ 11·;intrrl to , rc>11 rc lo a hick 1111111 ," shr ~;iid . 10rn1c>r n11111•ri;, :'llr , ;ind '.llrs :~••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ••••••••~ finnier \\'('o·k~. :;;11d fl111'lu11k 1s 1: YOUR PROBLEM· • :1 J.:•"K! !n1,1• ,11 .111_v pr11•r 1: • : hc<'lllhC lhr ;lrea 1s bca111l1 111 1• • and r1e1~l1hnr.~ ;i re fr i,,0<lly. J: You w<i n t to se ll some iterri : /\11l11nk Crn1 rr co11f1~1:-nf a • that you no lo nger need but ! ;~rnrr:1 I ~ore. scr1·1rr ~t 111•1n ! someone else can use for :· ;uuJ c;il e -:ill unclcr nnr ro1of • • -an<I ,, four ror11n mutrL 11 ~ ! N 0 T 0 VER S 5 0 ! J)(l!Hll;i11nn:i~ zc>rn. j• '1 ? ? ? ? ? • The \\r r k~ l:i111ih· li1rrl in ! • • • • • • ! r od11nk hrtll ('("Jl 1'1r.1ilfld1%f1.1: YOUR ANSWER • h11t finally 1fri-idecl it 11·.1s ju5l '! : ! 11111 11111r h \1·ork f11r !l1rn1 lol'• '• You call THE CAIL Y PILOT, 1t1k fo.-1..rrp I' o rl o n k '6 bu ~111c~sts ! • Cl.,ssified Advertising, and plec• • • 1;0111.i,; • I.. • ~o 1h~y ,decidP1I lo srll t!1r .: PILOT ! \r ntr;il lo11a town. And srll ! _ _/., -11 !hry dfrf 1('rry Du2 gin" or l: ~ ,/ ! '""'" C41'..f.lo .. ""'d 110.0001. cr"'. ·,,' . PENNY ; f,.,r the to•ri;tl'advrrti~cd <!n t!J• .... ;., • v • tu1ally ~111''f'tScf11n~ In ~li~s1 ! · ...... -_./~ PINCHER i Get t~e mo•t on 1: ~ ~ CLASSIFIED AD ! I: : '~~~~~~,~~' I! AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE ~ ~1Y~r.i:.~~ i 3 LINES 2 TIMES 2 DOLL•RS ! ISK (IDUI OH• 5 38 3 ·r ~ + • 1 sr1c1111;Mus 'l'" • · · w" i.: ANO YOUR. CR EO IT TS GOOD I : :.:~··:.: ;:,/;; ~1 ~~;;,~.~·.:'.-, ! DI AL N 0 W DIRECT! " f~l[ ASTROlOG!tJL fORtt•ST l Ulf ~J'UIC ~IG"1 ! ,: 6 4 2 • s 6 7 8 • • • I• !Toll f1ec Norttl Co11ftl~ S•0·1 110 l • Somet imes you can buy good health Your gifl ca11 help provide health ser./ice s fer th osr. in ne ed -th e yo ung and old, th e sick znd tro ubled. Giv e he alth . Give genero u~ly . One Gift Works Many Wonders/GIVE THE UNITED WAY -------, ..• S1.i 11p nrl • Y o itr Co11111iu 1r i t y llt • • • • ** •• * ~··· ***** .............. **** "* ........ tt·•• :,'---------------------------------------------------------------- re'!J ---· -----------------------------.. ~ ..,.__ DAILY PROT EDITORIAL PAGE Sticl{ing to Their Guns Hun tington Beach city councilmen lasl week st-.ved off another challenge to the city's 60-day halt on do•~1 n­ ~O\Vn building unW a final decision can be made on ina· jor redevelopment plans there. An atton1ey r epresenting owners of a large parcel ol property in the five-block area bordering o~ P~ci~ic Coast J-ligh\\'~Y have demanded that the counctl lilt 1ls morato(iu1n . Ti1 e council reasoned that the property in question is only one of hundreds affected by the moratorium. To allow an exception councilmen reasoned, would open up the \\'hole .area tb possible building and development. 1'he area has been designated by government agen· cies as blighted. If that stigma is to ba changed, a prcr grain bolh firm and !air must be developed. Such a program cannot be _properly P!Otted if ex· ceptions are granted left and right.. Counc ilmen m~de th~ ri'ght move in ho l din~ fast until a broader v1ev.· comes into focu s. Now it 1s essential that every effort be exerted to 111eet U1c buil ding moratorium deadline. Spirit of Pride and Unity A spirit of pride and unity seems to have gripped the J·luntington Beach Police Department under its new chief. Earl W. Robitaille. Chief Robitaille hns moved to strengthen that pride by adopting modern crime-fighting methods and reaf· firming his faltb in his men as among the best in the state. His dedication to making sure that the HunUng· ton Beach department is one of 'the best Is reflected in the loyalty to him openly expressed by members of the. force. Their own words, as \Vritten in the Police Of· !icers Association August newsletter, sum it up best : "\Ve warrt you to know that you have the full sup- port of every man On the department; J ust show us the way a nd we will follo\v." A spir it like that promises a very good f~ture for the l!untington Beach Police Department and for Chie f Robitaille. Fire Depa11ment's Teaching The effect of a comprehensive and innovative fire prevention prqgram is not immediately asses~able. For all Lheir hours in c!assrooin, home and factory instruclion, firemen may find their re\v~rd when they hear of an account in which a major disaster has been averted. About 12.000 human lives a re Jost each year in the Un.ited Stales to fires. J\1ost of the deaths a re C;1USed through accidents. And accidents can be avoid· ed through proper education. Last \veek, during Fire Prevention \Veek , the Hunt- ington Beach F ire Departn1ent concentrated especially on bringing the proper education to the children. They conduC'ted numerous demonstrations at schools, gave safety talks, and most important of all, pointed out dangers lurking in their O\Vn homes. The "11ouse of l·lazards," established by firemen in cooperation with U1e Junior Women's Club. provided t hefn 'vlth a unique laboratory experience in disaster avoidance. The exhibit on Gothard Street showed ex~ actly and chll!lngly ho~v hazards develop and how t.hey can be prevented . ----~ . . .........,,_ Since becoming the chief Aug. 1, Robitaille has \\•orked at better public relations, designed a plan for r eorganization of the department t~ meet ~he expanding city's needs and concentrated on 1mprov1ng the status of present personnel. His O\Vn appoin'tment as chief from \Vilhin the department encouraged others who hope to reach higher positions. About 2,000 tou red the house1• And that's a potential 2.000 lives saved that firemen will probably never hear a bout. s JUNGLE BALLET • Mixing· the Ele111ents of 'Play,' 'J.f1 orlc' )t is nOl until we begin to grow up that 11 e arc force-d to accept the difference b('t1•reen "play·· and ''111ork in the v•orld: and it is not un!il we have ripened intG wi~dom that v.·e learn to put bock an ele· n1ent of p!ey Into our work. Al first, as very smal! children, all llfe Is a game -takin g off a prosaic shoe can be as much fun as putting on a fantastic hat. Then. ~·ith school, v.·e grudgingly begin to separate the things 1ve have to do from the lhings we li ke to do. IT JS NOT UNTIL we h.::i.ve pas~er1 the crest of matarity, ho~·ever, lhat 111'e learn -and liome never do -to mix these l'lemenls together ; for no job is Jong en· durable if you can't somehow make a game of it. I know an attractlve couple with two ~mall children. The children are &iven "play times" by the parents. For an hour or so a day , the rather and mother romp wll h lhe chi ldren; lor the rest of Uie day, the parents are what might be called "businesslike'' around lhe house . THEY CAN:i.;OT understand, they recently told me. v.•hy children do not respond more ardently to lhls pattern. The reason, l was bold enough lo suggest, Dear Gloomy Gus: \Vhen are we going to stop kidd ing oursel veli and realize that invest· ment interests, and only invest- ment interests, determine whether or no t we trlple the Huntington Beach steam plant, whether or not "''e have smog devices, whether or not we stay in Vietnam. -C. R J. T~ll l•ll•tt•. r•ll .. fl "'1d1rl' YllWJ, "'' l!ICHH rllJ t~o•• •• ,~. "~WN>••··· Stnd Y•~r "' '"n I• OIOorny Gui, D1llJ ,llot, is that the parents are falsely separating the categories of "duly" and ''pleus- ure." A child, il seems to me , must be played w!lh all the lime -and most of all wh('n he is be ing "wor'ked with ." Smiles anrt songs and teai;es and little games must accompany all the ordinary everyday duties that the child is asked to perform . This is not to say, of course, tha t p:irenta can always be in a good humor. But the general atmospbere. they have to create is one in which the child can slip from pleasure. to duty and back again and hardly ever notice the transition. SE1i1NG UP a "playtime" for a child ls fooli sh and fatoous, and is ren1lniSC('nt o[ the men v.·ho work grimly all day long and then try to relax furiously for an hour. The human personalily cannot be divided in to the11e emotion ally airtight compartments. If a grownup puts nG element of play into his labor, he snon forgets how to pl11y -and, lndttd, he can only play ""'Ith laborious Intensity. Child·rearing, like the most of 1He. is essentially the art of combining op· posites. Reassessing 'Intercept' Now that critics in the U.S. and Meii:lco l1ave moderated their initial furious reac- tion to Oprralion Intercept, some ad· lll!ional observations are ln order. Frankly, we don'L know , and neither do the critic5, v.·hether the drive to stop the flo w of illicit narcotics from Mexico Lo the U.S. wi ll prol'e to be worth Lhe effort. It may well be that by drivin~ the co~t of marijuana out of the reAch of all but a handful of even today'll relatively afOuent ~·oungsters, the campaian will prove self· defeating by driving them to heroin, amphetamines, etc . It may even be that rutting vff the marijuana supply from ~lexico will merely lead to increased .:rowth of it in the U.S. BUT NEITHER OF those arguments ilrikes us as being part I cu I a r I Y persu;:.sive. A youngster who smokes po t tor "kicks" -and su rveys disclose that Utis embraces at least two-thirds of tho1e who experiment v.·ith ii. -would not be a.s likely to trip·out on more dangerous and addicti ve drugs. And whereas marijuana is being grown In the U.S .• it is of decidedly inftrior qu8lity-and U.S, officials are not likely 10 lake the tolerant attitu de toward mti rl· 1uana harvest! that P.1eii.:ican officials do. This we think, is one of the th ings abou t Operation Intercept which ~a.s t:~en ~eneraUy overlooked: the adm1n111trat1on ls almost as anx.ious to impress 1.1exlcan 1ulhorities with ii!! concern over the wldel!pread availabillty of pot from flfe'.'1:- lco as it is to fri ghten U.S. young sters 1w1y from using 1t. GRANTED, TlfE lengthy. bordrr clcl:r:s bave h•d a n unfortunate. unpnct on the tconomles of NogAlt'S, Tijua~a. and 01Jo."r ti0rder lO\\'llS. But the adminlst.T&.tion no doubt fe~l!I sorneth ing rnu:rt be dont '"' bring home t.o r.-texlcal1 ofrll·lals the i.wful ~in,ensions of nur proble rn . And ~n1pry pockelboolui; 11ntl cash rcg islrr11, v.·lule un· lortuna.te, are el!ectJve reminclera. • Guest Editorial Furthermore, something must be done to curtail the accessibility of marijuana, which ls making frightening inroads among our youn g populatiifu. We deeply sympathlie. with the plight of the Mexican communities affected by OperatJori l!ltercept. Yet there are 11igns that Mexican off1cials are beginning lo appreciate our problem. FOR EXAMPLE, r..lexlcan c i v i c leader1 have modified Oper8.tion Dignity (their answer to lnlercep\), so that il no longer amounts to a frontal assault on the U.S gove rnment. Anti oftlcials or the U.S.·Mexico Border Cities Association ap· proved a resolution asking ~elr resp~c­ tive governments to estabhsh a Joint commission to develop programs to dry up the source of drugs. More important, one of Nogales's most widely circulated dally newspapers. El Noreste, has editorially supported Opera· tlon Intercept, not.Ing that the U.S. is at· tempting to care for its youlh by preven· ting the spread of marijuana. "\\le ~hould join the U.S. in fighting marijuana grov.·rrs .• , instead or boycotting U.S. stores," the editorial :;aid. "The Mexican i::ovcrnment should enact new 1:1"·s clam· ping rlown on users, pushers. and grower~ of 1narijuana." '''E UNOERSTi\ND lhe cri :ici"m of Operati on Intercept. and \\IC credit 1he. r.ood will of U1osc who insist th at thi!'I i!'I tile. '\Tong way to go nbout ~Olving !ht' rroblr1n , Out v.·e bc!1r\'C lh:il. i:ince nnthin:; el~e h:is \\1)rkt>d, il ~h .. ulrJ ti:: J:I \ 1'11 e 1 cry opporlu111 ,y to pro1 e its \\Or!h: The Arliooa Republic 'Racism Charges Are Mere Excuses' Angela Davis' Communist To the Editor. UC Iloard of Regents ha ve been con. fronted with charge:s of racism and viola- tion of academic freedom over the recent dismissal of philosophy professor Angela Davis because of her membership in the Communist Party. I fee l th11t these two cha rges ore merely excuse.~ by the people who stlP· porl Angek1 Davis when the main con· cern is that she l~ a 1ncn1ber of the Corn· mun:sl Part y. The 1949 resolution is p3raphrased in the "Handbook fo r Fac- ulty l\tcmbers of the University of Cali· fornia," as staling .. Ll'l;it no member of the Communilit Party shall be employed by lhu university." TH IS IS ALSO stated in a 1958 UCL A faculty resolution. Democracy is the founiiation of our In- stitutions in society and Angela Dav is sa:;s she cannot and will not refrain rro111 stating her philosophy on Communist theory 1vhich advocates des I r o y i n g religion and overthrow of free democrat ic government. I do not f~l that she should be glven this opportunity to unduly in· fluencc those within her charge with the destruc!i\'e Comrnunii:;t dnctrine. DARCY PARRIOTT •Slant' as a Tool To the Editor~ The v.·ord ··slant'' may appear as just another '.l·nrd but 1L describes a very im· portant too! that is used by politicians, \.\'fliers, ph!losopht'rs, et c. To slant. is tG \\'rite or tell something ln such a manner as to express a particular bias or al· titude, Thus. one who has a bias \Viii studv a group of facts about an oc· <'Urrence and by nccentuatlng the fact s that 11'111 support hi.~ or her bias may un· justly sway opinion .. NO\\', O~E \\'110 teaches would discuss all the facts abou~ an orturrenre 1vilh hls or her students and let the facts determine tile conclusion. In other words, a tcacllt'r is one who tet1ches his or her studelils how lo ferret out truth . Thus. a teacher v..·ho has a blas will ar· centuate facts that will support hls or her own bias and cannot be considered a teacher. Now, any 1eacher who admits to being a member or !he Communist Party has a bias and shou ld nnt be allowed to teach. HARRY B. ~1cDONALD, JR. Wntats Precise Dnta To the Editor: SOS -Please Silve }'our public from any future "Pilot Logbook" editorials simJlar to that \l'hich appeared Oct. 9, written by Thon111s Fortune under the headline. "Profs Heally To Bl:ime for UC 'Credibility G11p'.'' Apart from the lack of clarity and rvmbersome jnurn:ilistjc style, Mr. J~ortune's rc;isoning is a cu rious blend of By f<eorge ---, Dear Geor ge; I noticed an apparently approving ren1a rk in your colwno concerning beer, Al t"Ohol will never mak(' you healthy, but vinegar and honey wlll. The correct mixture of \'incgar and honry takrn al regular intervals v.·ill give you n \\•hole new life, T.U. De:i.r T ,IJ .: \'enh. knd I'm goini;: to need a v;hol1~ ne1v li ft'. I went across the s1rrrt an~,! n,c .. ked the bnrtender for a double shot or vinep.ar and honey' ~od now he \\'on'i let me. back in 1 IH! ~:110011. 1<:rnrJ l t~'lf pr,l1l~ms lri CcQrgc and rcm tn1bt.'r: NC.'ll!\ess count.~.) r Majlhox \ \. Letters from rtadtrs art wel co111e. Normatly wri!trs should convey thei r mes3ages i11 300 words vr less. Tl1 e right to condense !t iters to fit space or elimi11ate libel i.! restrve d. All le!· ters must include signature .and 1nail· ing addres.!, but names may be with- held on requect if sufficient 1easori il apparent. prejudice, glittering generalities, Ir· re!e.vant quotes, and non sequitur con- clusioru. Fortune may be right or v.Tong, but before reasona ble people will accept any of his blanket conclusions they must be furnished with some precise data . \\'hat comes off the top of Fortune·s head is not good enough any more for the Pllot's new readership. YOUR READERS will sink fut when they are told to l!iWallow the fo!lowlng points with out one shred of fa ctual evidence offered to support h i ~ generalizations: J. UC has lost the public trust. 2. Professors groove on flghls over academic freedom . 3. Professors haven't changed as n1uch a5 students. 4. Professors in humanities and socia l scie{lces spawn the radlcal11 and trouble 1nakers. 5. The mad scientist is not a fear , but the mad anarchist profes~or ill. J believe the DAILY PILOT can be something more than a small town dally .ed\·ertise r if it v.·il! demand sharp, rlear rea5oni'ng from Its writers expres~ed in a logical, coherent style . JOHN L. JENSEN l\'1110 Simone's Hostlllty To Ll'le Edltor o A prominent article in lhe Enter- tainment Gulde of the FridAy, Otl. 8 A Little Tired " Press Commefits ' ' . .., ... . • l.ltcbfleld. Minn., tndtpendent Review : ''The Arnerican people want more and more govemment service each year and they have the idea thf' government can do everythiog from brightening up slu~ areas to feeding thf: starving people in other countries. As Americans we seem to lhlnk that Uncle Sam i.c; some in· dividua l that ha s unlimited funds which come from some unknov."fl source. Most of us seem to forget the only place Uncle. Sam can gel funds is right from us. Yle seem to forget the more 111·e demand the more we are required to pay. Rathe r than comp laining about the amount we pay perhaps it would be wi~e to take stock of what we are doing and cut down in many arclls. Our governing bodies are guilty of listening too much to th e dc1na1)ds of the 'have nots' and tho.se lhat 'have· Are getting a \ilt]e tired Of footing the bill." Cuero. Teras. Record : "The free enterpr!st systtm, a~ we know in America, ls prC'ferablc to other forms of r ovcrnment -as history has shO\.\'J1. Jiowc\'rt, Qne is -::Lt h:ickin~ in patrioll~tn or An1ericllni ~m t.o reali ze it I~ noL perfel't anti can be improved upon." ( DAILY PILOT lured mr In l!Cl to hen~ the "multl·talented spellbinder·', N!na Simone, "in concert." Instead of a music al performance by a talented chanteuse, the alJdlence v.·a.'> trratcd to a ~·ociferous voca l tirade as Miss Simone proceeded ll'llh lengthy cnlotional \'Jriations on the while cruelty lhf'me. \\'hen she took il upnn herself !o inform her largely youthf11J ;iudiencc th~t "yollr parents are as sick of you as you are of them ." that "they think they'\'e hnrl l'naugh of you and your nt\V thing." th;lt "they keep tell i n~ you ho1v much they'\'e done for you," I began to have a fe1v doubts about her "fierce integrity and ex· treme sensitivity toward any injuslice or cn1elty''. Her tnlire program, save fo r one final beautiful song v.·hich displayed a vibr;:int and stirring vocal LalenL dcliberaltly and skil\Jully played upon rese ntment and ho stility. r resent thi s mi~repres('ntat lon. Aaitators should 1101 be dlsguisrd as serious musici ans ; an attack on society should not be publicited as a concert PAT iiICIA L. AN DH.E\\.S Rntlo1111li.:-nt 1011. To th~ Edit1>r: t>-1any people are opposed 10 legalizing abortion. stating moral 1·iews against k illing-~ tht victirn unborn or no. In most cases. no Hmount of in· rr;rmation -such as 11·hy 11 \rnn1:'ln 11·1she!I an abortion--ehange~ their stand. No , they arc firni. And v.·)lether or not Lhe,1· dlrettl; <]UOtc the tomrn;1.nt1n11•nl~. this is tt1cir point Thou sh:ilt not kill. : APPLAUD ihes.c stal"''art cill7.ens. but am a hit dismayed when some turn rlfiiht around and support the war in Viet- nam. capital punlshrnent or the manufac- ture or "ad\·anct>d v.eapon~" whose so\e purpose is lo lake human Jif('. In other words, it ls a mere ra- tio nal ization of a )a 'o\•: "Thou :;halt not kill, except when ... " Bad enough lo obey a la\v only when il sulls their mood, hut ho\v much wors e to preach what they don't practice. ERIN BLACKWELL. High School Student Why 1'011n.g Cry 'Pig' To the F...ditor: Jl u~ed tG disgu1t me to hear a cop ca\!- ed a pig. l used to question any per~on I heard using that term tO\Yards cop:-; on the moral grounds of l ov e and brotherhood . Thal \\'as unti l I _gre1u n1y hair long an<! discovered that justice Is NOT blinrf. Okay, fl.1r. Orange County, J'll !ell you ~·hy my brothers call cops pigs. Cops are. "pigs" because they have c,;· trcm.ely sloppy manners toward rny peer group. It Is un-Am erican for any citizen to have to walk the streets In ronstant fear of being slopped, questioned and harassed. \'ET Tms militaristic tactic is beirig used every day here in Newport Beach to "clear the town" of young people such a! myaelf (longhuirs. hippies, e t c. ) R~gardles& of your personal fec\ingii towards my preference of appearance, I am ju~t as much American as you and should be entitled to the same rights and liberties. There is a very ob\•ious reason for us yOung crying "pig." \\le'rc ~etting our heads and civH liberties belllt'n down, I am only asking for law and order, Help! E. D. ELLIOTT lt'rong Fro11I To !he Editor · Si.nee Sf'pt. 21, •·oprralion lnterc!i'pl" Doctrine has been in l'ff('Cl. A £tatement from Bc1•keley polite states that this new pro· gram i;; doi ng \'cry little. They give two reasons for tlus: l. Tl1ere. arc large quan- tities of m;irlJt1:i1111 :ilrC>ndy in th is coun · rry. 2. The big smuggli::rs are 1Jut getting t·:.iught. Does the gover11111enl reall_v lhlnk that 1lrugs \'il ll ronttn11e to he broug ht across tnc bord er.~ \1'ilh ll1f 11;1y it r~ uo11"? Thry 111;1y lie t·0ntr11trhli n ~ on 'liic wrong front! TllE l\lEX ICA~ govcrntnent has i.a11J th;it thi;; progr<i1n i~ hampC'rlnr: thrir tourist 1r;ide and th!lt 1f 1h1s continues it may briog lnlen\<itillnal probl!'nis. Frotn the re~ults that the government is gettlo~ now it n1BY not be ci11ite so prosperous i11 the neat' future . lf U1ry conUnue too l11n,r.: il m;:iy be t(lfl l<ite lo undo V.'hat has alrcndy been done ~ fiTEVE ~tONGER ll igh Sch(IOI Student Sec l;.,r~L L.d1101·ial. -Editor •f'cri1· 1111d Acc11r1alc' To !he Editor Jt1st \.\':lntt'.'d to !h.inlt you through your "!~t·llcr s to lhe E.:rt1tor" 1i;1gr for !he very 111.r <111d ;lCl'Ur:Jt(' ('0\'('r:J~(' )OU gci1·c l)llf J!L1n1111gto11 Bracl1 l!i {!il Sehool Board of Tr11stt-es meetirl~ hrld Tuesda v. Srpl. 30. As }'OU know. lt>c prOJJn~rrl r·-:in1 i1~: Life :1nd Sc.'\ E-:tluc11 t100 progr:irn 11:is finally lil'PUIJ.h1 10 <l \'l,lle ~nrl \\(' 111:h 10 C0[11• n1end trustees Ray Scl11111t\. Dr Ral ph Bauer. .Jnh11 13"1l llry all!I 1\!a11hc111 \\'rl'ukrr f11r rrflt•c liflg , h1 lheir der 1~1on 3S Clectcd offie1als·, 1he 1Vl~hcs of the nln· ;orl!v of the el t.'r.:turs. Gli°a11'man \\cy11 krr ii: t0 be ton- 11ratul111ed for !ht• 1·~(· .. Jl1·r1 ~ ;u1d i1np.'l rtlal 1r;;iv 1n 11hlch he tunducted lhls 1neeL1ng 11'ith se1·cra l l1undred t;i xpa ye.rs in al- tendantt'.'. ;1-IARG!~ G . .'\Gr: Qt:otes Cobey Dorfman, llolly1rood -"1 hcliev(' it is possibl!' lo lo\·e. yo11r C'01lll1ry, he a friend tn .Ja,(•kic Hob1ns1Jo and be a fan of John \\'t1ynt'.' ond Dustin lloffmfln. l ~1fl !hat wh;il U1i s. coL1nlry is supposed to be about ~" 1\1. ~1 . i\fontgom er~-. San Franl'isco - "Th0se \Yho have seriously ln\'estiga1rrl !h!' .~ihJation kn ow the grape boycott is a 11<lt io nal hoax, au unconscionable fraud." J)r. Lo1'i~ Kuplan, S.F. retlrcn1eot plan- ning con8ultanl -"If. \\'C. continue. to ig- nore. some 20 1nillinn An\C'ricans 01·c,r 65, 1vc shall force the elderly into becoming a highly militant, rc1•olutionory fac:or in our society." \Yednt"sday, Oc-lober IS, 1969 The ed itorial pnge 01 th.r. Daily i Piloi ,certs to i1tfornl and 6tim- u1n te t cadtr.t by prc.~tnth1g thlsi ne11,1spaper'll ()pinion.s nnd coin· 111c11tar1J 011 top1ts of int.ere.st and sign ifico nr.e. by prouidfng a fOT!tfll fnr the expre.s."1(H1 or • nur rr.ad«r.!' oninio111. and bu pre.fenting the l'flPtt.~e view- poi nts of informed ob~trvf:r.1 n!i•i tpokesmcn ori topic1 of the dcy. P.ohert N. \\"c e.d, Publisher P"" ........................................ ________________________________________________________________ ~----------- Wednesday, October 15, 1%~ DAILY PILOT 7 'Looked Llke /tladn1e1a' CHECKING Mistake Gun Death Probed ~ • Gobl>lers Gobbled . ··up. SACRA~JE NTO (UPJ) -A shortage of turkeys has hit California v.•it h 'f hunksgivu1s; Day JUSt six LOS ANGEL~ (AP) -A upstain again." rra"ht•!I do\\n lrHu ;'11 r,. fJn1i\iar with the la)·out or the ~·eeks J \'Jay. The Fish's 'Ears' -•~bor who •·I·--~ D)'tr hold1·ng h1· · inf •nl so \h•h:1n·:. :i1,:ir!n1f't1' !)11'r 1!11 d 1Ju1lding. .. ~... ur=<>"CU a , .s " 11 A :-,110kt!SJnan for the St<1tc 1\g riculture Oepar~ --• al · h1·s r 1 wa s <I t 11 in~l;irttly \\)11 ·11 tl u· h111h'1 1111111 •t o • p •• \l \h c na.t1:A1WCS r d that resulted in tn a 11.~, • io Y "' 1' rs. ~er. r nar 1"'1 ment cl.1.">closed today that "heavy" consumer de-bullet from a r ifle fired :'i\\'Cr11") 's r1lll' ~,tnJL'k turn 111 tl1l' t1111pl e's second child, ~aid d the dtath of a yoong father throu~ the floor of an •• ,, .. ,, Ilic h··:i(t. 1 1 1 1 ,_ 1 1 d n1t1n for California-gro\\'ll tur keys has exc eeded &" ., .., .. ;1 l.'a-; one o to'<' agen s la 1· hL"l told a coroner's jury the ment abo1'~ him. Witnesses r-.l rs. ;\l('l1a111L·!>t1fird that <JS bccu lhcre previously. supp lCS. Reveal Its Years aaents"lookedlikeabuncho[ have testfrted that Dvl'r, wl111 l •)L'I' f,\I. h~· hn1~111,11 a;;.'.ll11~L ''lie came knocking at ,n y lie said ~urkey processors are "beating the madmen runnlng around." lived in lhe ssme buililing, ha <I /1<'r a 111t put h1..; rh1ld d111111 niutlier's door:· she said, ad-liushe:." for th e birds and several processing D:arbara Gurley, . w h 0 5 e rushed d0\1-'nstairs when thl' S(lf l ly. 'f'lu· h:1hv ~uflrred only !ling that the agent asked pla11ts have had to reduce opera llons bec ause of apartmtnt overlooks the Whl\.. raiding p.:lrty mistakenly bur.SL 11 rninor hc;ill :-1 t;11! h. ii·hl'rC sorneone \\'!IS. "I told the scarcity of the tur keys. By L. ri1 . BOYD name among men world·wlde is Muhammed, but what's Uie commonest family name?" A. \Vong. In light of thls, odd you so rarely meet anybody called l\fuhamrne<I Wong, isn't it? • • • Q. "WlllCH 1S faster, a ¥.'hippet or a greyhound?" A. A greyhound. Considerably faster. And bigger. With mo re stamina. too ..• Q. "TDK BLONDE WO\tEN outnumber the redheads by how much?'' A. No t bv much at all Latest 1tudy indicates about B per· cent of the girls are lruly blonde, about 7 percent truly red haired. tier apartment building in into the aparlmtnt of his 111 111hrr !~·,',\t1111.111y. r1.ycr's thein they 1vcre up!iit air s." 'J'he spokesman said the number of <:a rirornia mother-in-la\v, Florcn Cl' '.11dow 1.u1•l<1. :!.! J 1spu t0tl "f re1nembcr hint going turkeys held in storage for the J101iday season h as LONGEVITY -A :scientist can determine Uie age of a fish by carefully examining its ears. That 's most fish. So you didn't know a fish had ears? All right. they're not tllactly ears. TI1ey're earbones. Called ololit hs. And they develop growth rings about the "'ay tree trunks do. The aforemen· Honed scientist can slice ar ross !he1n. antl count them, and -viola! -\.\'hy. sir, this fish \1•a!> hatched the same ~ear Elvis Presley sang "Blue Su{'de Shoes" or \.\'hatever. which lleyward H. Dyer, 22, Mehan. l'lain1s of !he 1.11d111g p<rrly upstairs and bringing been depleted by federa l purchases of l h!;! bircis for wa."l fatally wounded Oct. :i, The bullet fired by Vern•11 th:it 1ni~t.1k1·c; 11t•rc 111arfe somebody 011t with him," the the school lunch program and s hip1nenl Lo n11lila ry said Tuesday that she and her PoUce Sgt. Frank Sweeney bc,·;n1sr> the onir• r ~ were 1111· young widow related. es ta bti shmenls. husband were awakened byo ___ _.:_ ______ _:. ____________ _: _ _.::. _____ _: ___ _:_:_:_:::::::::::. _______________ _ llOW CLEAR it is that things are changing \\'hen you note that Y.'at.er skiers now outnumber snow skiers by five to ll\'O ... LA TIER DAY EN· 1'HUSIASTS of \V. C .. Fields may be interested to know he kept his library in h i s bathroom •.• WHAT YOUNG ~tEN so rarely realize is a mustache makes young men look younger not older ..• AP- PROXIMATELY HALF the brides v.·ho marry before their 18th birthday are expecting ..• Ul"tTIL RECENT YEARS, a gentleman in China took off his spectacles, if any, when talkin g to his elders. PERFUo\tE -In a note to our Household Hinls specialist, a most imaginative single girl \\Tiles: "I \\'Ork. l\fy apart- ment is empty all day. To cut Uie stale air and make it more romantic, every night 1 put a couple of drops of my perfume not just on me, but on a lighted lamp bulb, too. Last ni~ht my elate said, 'I'd know ttus v.·as you r apartment, even if I'd ne ver seen you in it, all ho T don 't know why.' " CUSTOJ\fER SERVICE: Q. "l know the commonest first MEN'S WORK -\l.'hat lloosebold chorea a gentleman should and should not un- dertake has been neatly defin- ed by our Love and War man, in part as follows, and 1 cer- tainly hope his guidance will be of some benefit: ''If your wife worb, you should carry oot the garbage, but don't ¥.·ash the dishes. Jt i s pennis5ible to dry the dishes, but preferably on Sunday!I on· Jy . Don't took indoors. Don't scrub floors, don't defrost the refrigerator, don't vai:uum anything. ltov.·ever, you should clean out tht fireplace, replace burnt-out light bulbs, and walk the dog, if you have a dog. LaY•n watering ia op- Uonal." ,,.lore later. RAPID REPLY: No, Mr. K ., in Germany, I'm told. you still have to wait a couple of years to 1et a telephone in- stalled. Your question~ and com- m ents ore welcomed (lt1d uiill be used wlierevtr po s· 1ible in "Chtcking Up ." Address ma it to L. M. Boyd, in cart oj DAILY PILOT, Bo:t 1875, Newport Beach, Calif. 92663. screams and a crashing: sound . ''flly husband sakl, '?I!} God ! They've got all klnds ol guns d(r.i.•n Ulel'e!' ,. Mrs. Gmley testified. .. It Hemed., .itranp," she added, "that they were rtm· ning around <knl'nstairs ancl doors were being kic ked open and au' of a sudden, they 're SF Paper Gets Note 011 Deat1i SA:"/ FRANCISCO IUPJ) - A letter and a blood-soaked piece of shirt have alert.eel San Francisco Police to I he possibility the slayer of a cab driver mlght be the same man who 1d1Jed fOUI' others in the bay area Jn the last year. The letter and sv;·atch of cllAA arrived in the offices of tht San Franci3co Chronicle Tuesday. ··t am the murderer of the taxi driver over by Wuhlngt.on St. and ~!aple Street last night," the letter said. The bloody piece of cloth , accordtng to polke, at first 1Iance matched the tom shirt· t.all of Paul Stine. 29, who "''as &hot to death in his cab in the Pmiidlo Helgtits area Satur- day. Le111ion Case Closed; Two Letters Released The writer said in the letter he was the killer "ol the peo- plt in the DOr1h bay area" -a reference to the W\.'lOh'ed alayinas In the Napa-Vallejo area in. the put year. LOS ANGELES (AP\ -The case o[ the murder of \Vill iam Lennon, father of the singina: Lennon Sister!':, "v;i\I be cl~ ed." says Police Ll. Charle."! Rothert. Chct \V. •1. Young, :18, a former mental patient sought in the murder of Lennon on the ?ltarina del Rey golf course Aug. 12, \1·as found dead Saturday in the. trunk of a car j ust off a logging road 24 n1iles east o! Sonora. Tuolumne C o u n ty \n. vestigators said Young had shol h.in1self in the chest with a rifle and that the riOe "'as the one used to kill Lennon. Kidnap Try Hearing Set In the ear was a leUeT to P eggy Lennon, whom Young had aought to marry in the pa."ll, and ntwspaper and maaazine clippings about the sisters and their family. Youtl1 Burns Military ID In Protest As they prepared to close the Lennon file, police releM· ed Tuesday tll'O letters they said \\'ere written by Young, dated Oct. 5. SAN DJEGO (UPI) -A 19- 0ne letter told of hatred for year-old youth, v.·ho claimed to "ca.pitalislic freaks." be AWOL from the Air Fore~. "It was not easy to walt un-publicly burned his Air Force ti! 'high noon' to kill Bill Len-identlflcslion card during a non v;·ho instigat.ed ao many of pre-moratorium rally at the the crimes. I was certainly Unlvenlty c.rl California at S.an justifiable ... "The "crimes" Dleao Tue&day. were not detailecl. Robert J . Hudson. who said In the other letter, written he has been A\VOL for 37 lo Peggy Lennon as though days, said ht was resigning ~he v;·ere h.is \\'.H~. the writer froot the Air Force. He spoke said his unhappiness was at a rally organizccl by caused by li\ing in America "friends of the resistance." and continuecl, "Just think Two students. D a v i d \l'h::rt happi™'SS Peggy and I Pttraltis, Los Ang eles, and t.:oo ld ha\'e enjoyed if only we E dward Van Va1 kenburgh, l1ad been born m· a r--.... ; .. t C d holh 19 I ld ti !'AN t>.IAT EO (AP) -A San society." \.Allli1.1u....... orona 0, . O le .Jose man fac ed arraignment rally they Wl"re sending their today on a char ge of et· dralt cards to the U.S. at- lein pt.i ng to kidna p a fr iend of C I t.orney gener11I in protesl of Susan Nason three days before 0 onel, Wife the Vietnam \\'ar. :-iusan disa ppear«! from her Hudson read a letter ;:i(!. }''osier City home. F ouncl Den(I dressed lo President Ni:ron and Air Force Secretary Susan, 9, has been n1is.!ing SAN DIEGO I AP) -A Robert Seaml'ln.~. in ll'hich he since Sept. 22. retired Anny colonel and his oulllnecl hiJ objectlons to the Aaron \\'illia1n Palterson, wife v.•ere found dead Tuesday war. 56, married and fa I her of a 12-in an appattnt murder-suicide, "I had been t:iught lhal It year-old son, '~as arr~1£d in police said. ?.'as YiTOOI to lake another his home at San Jose ?11onday Lt. Ed Steveru; of tht btlng'll life, yet I also y,·as lecl rnght. lie was held in lieu of homicide detail said Gilbert to believe that it was $37,:>00 bond. John Slark. 58, and h.1 wilt, disgraceful 11nd illegal to Fosler City Police. Capt. Adrienne. 45, were discovered rtfuse to 11erve In tht armtd Clark Kemske, v;1lo is heading lylng In their night clothN in forct who8e main purpose was the Nason Investigation. said their bed. Ht said bcf.h had to kill. Now, alter more than Susan'5 friend, Ann Hobbs, been shot once bi the head and one year of s.er\'ice., any con· !old police a man in a blu e Stark was holding a .4S.Ullber fll.'!ion in my mind has been station wagon tried to entice automatic pistol. changed," Hudson said. her lnto his a utomobile inlli";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!i';;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"il }''osier City Sept. 19. She said he had dolls in the car and a gun on Uie back seal. Frightened, UJe iirl ran away. "There b nothing th11t ties Patterson into I.he Susan Nason cast," Kemske said Tuesday. PaU.crson, employed for about a tnonlh as a technical .... criter ln adj~t Belmont, told fl.funlcipal Judge Marcel P. Biscay when ball wa Ht Tuesday: ''I wun't there.'' I SEE BY TODAYS WANT ADS • \Vest mHl3 East: 1963 l.J> tu.1 Ellt.e Stqe JI In e.'t· C't':Hf'nt runnina ronditlon s=. 8 Lazy days of autumn llJ'e. ju.st ri&'ht for brov.'5lni this PflC• sale. mix 'n match Russian Mmovar, wry old Vicmrian l'IOfa and a.ntique clocks, • Fa!Cinatintr art l ha t snould be rev1.,.t'cl, \'l"t)' erijo}'able, !!'am ch I n a. palntini. l1t!l80ns ln day or ~·l"ning cl<lMe~. e \''ANTED: Brid t-. lo . bl>, llillt g with 23" wai.s1 lo fl t this truly elq;Ant lol"ITllll ""~Ing rlff""-~ with train. F,(l!th Vlncent cathedral . ...,,,_ . . . •··· . ,... k , . . . . . I , r .. ' \ ! ! ·-\. ' I ,• " , : ,. ' ....., ' I . ' ' '• ! l' )..:;: , :·----<·;' .•/r ··1'-C ~· '•\·( ':.) • ·,1-;_i'\;i "7'··-·\,.· ... ~;;; ,>·.\ ... · 1-·;,··,c_1 . ',_;··.··/ .... ' vr.J~ t .• / ·"'.·. ·;· .,.--, . p. ·' .· , . 1,. ·~ .. ·, u' . • , ..... I ......... I f-·~·' ,. (. ' -<"".:...... . j .. ' ' ···' I' .:''' .~·\: .... , ;J.' """·'4 ,,-,. ~· .... .... . . ....., ·-. _ .... _, , I . J . • .. ~.· • ' •' .. -•'t:t .. -· ~ .... :_,,.: \.. ,.. •• ;f"' .... ·:r". ' "-· __ __.,, .. ,. . .... . . .,,..,..;.... ,..---....,_ . • .• \ " •.• i ~;.-._, ... ~.\ ··: ' .\·, ... -·. ' ' . ' ' ' ·~~;,.-_, : .... ,"' ... •, ' . .., '• ·1., ·, ,. ' \'' .,.. It ·... .... "':-.. 'i .... :-....... •':·; .. ~"·~ . ........... ·:::· ;:: .... ~ . .. ... .. ---'·' ..... , ·· .... '• · .... :.::-.:. ·.:~-···~ ... . ' ""' • ..... . ,._ .... . .... ............... ..... -~. : ~'·· . .''·.· .. . . "• .. ; . ' · .. ' -··· ,: ...... ·-. ···~. ~... . . ' ~ ::·,.:. · ......... : ... :· ··:·-..-~· ... , .. · ...... ~ .. . •. "· ·-. . .... . ' ... '.. . . " .... .. .. " . . ' . . .. -. ........... .. . . .... .... . .. :··· ' .~· .. ~ .. : ··., . .. . . ··.~-.. -'.:~::·'.··.;· .. : . . "'. ....... ~::-· :~~;:: ··, ..... ::.:~:·:- A wale of a buy •.. Towncraft jackets of red-hot, right-now 100% cotton corduroy! COTTON •.. nnlut£l's own classic fiber, in a good old c:laulc weave 1hat's making the scene every- where ••• c o rduroy. Soft, .and hard lo beat for durability, easy care. And, rlght now Towncraft.. styled In ihese w anted jac ket fashions at Panneya. Button-front styled casual Jackets of wide Wall 100°/a eolian r:o rduroy wi1h cotton or polyester backed 1crylic pile linings. ChoOle from rtch shades of brown, green. ta n or brass gold in men's. boys' and prep sizes. All oute1andlng valu•l Men's sl?es, S·f..~-l·XL 19.98 Prep sizes 14 to 2016.98 Boys' 1izos &-1213.98 AVAJLALlLE. AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE lft"l!~t[:[3' ~ ...... : ; -' .. . . -----------.--.-..... · .. ·-' . DAILY Pll.OT MEETINGS WllON&lOAY ,0.~•otiu!ri>l'"C l 01•lm<1>1•"-V ' I I e M1rln&. 10') l'l•v>IO• Dr<••· N•w....,-r 8•&<:". 6'XI p_M c,,.,,I S1n<11.,, YMCA. 1"lDO Unlvor,rh Odv,, N'"'"°'' B•aCll, 1')11 o.m, C:ovo! ,t..lr P•ltol Souadr..., No. 7). ?Ql~I Ac•c•a 51'«1, Co'1• M•S&, 7•00 1> m. M•..,.,lc ~•••erlng L<><IP• No. 70I. M•.onic lemplr. HIT> ~""'' A.I ~I . "'""'•w• P lau:, li•w..Orl llt•Cll, 1:00 p,m, W•slrnon•t•r Exel\"''' Club, l'<o'P'•nnv Inn, 140<!1 Be&<.11 8 1-<h, \.Ve;lm1n•ltr, V.'tdnesdaJ, Oc-lcller 1'.l. Jt)b'I By Phil lnlerlondi T otal N o1v _l ,40 4,140 County Growth Up Six Percent lly ·rol\1 BARLEY Of l~t O•lty P•lo! ~11!1 Orange County·~ burgeoning pnplllat1on exploded by more than six percent in the year end ed July J lo a new mark of I.404,140 persons. County su pcr\'?Sors got that tally Tuesday fron1 a planning department whic:h calculates th<il 80,9:17 new cou nti ans went on the books bclwee11 July I, 1968 ;ind JlJne 30 thls year -a gro111h slightly larger than the population of Costa l\1esa. l)rangc County's 25 cities <ll'C' h1H 11e IO I • 2 3 0 . 9 I 0 residents. And anoth er 173,2.10 rnake their homt>s in the coun- ty 's r<ip1cUy rl1nlinishing unin- 1.:t;qxiratcd area. l!unlin&rton Beach a n d t\e"'port's percentage gain Employment, too, bounded an lncreas' of 11 4 percent 1969, were 3.4 perct.nt and 4.4 has been 8t6. from 26,564 in up to new records during the over Lhe 18.;,QQ listed in JIJn (·, perc.~nt respectil'ely, J960 Iv t.oday 's 49,!HD. year ended June 30, 1969, 1%8. During the 1nouth of June Phenomenal growth -in There was an increase of Comparing these figures to lhe average Orange County fact, the nation's largest rate :!4.300 jobs during that pe riOd stat' and national stal1sllcs, 1n<i nufa c\uring employe \vork. ol growth -was the keynote a markup of 11.2 percent oYer planne rs noted thal the na· ed 41.l hours per "·eek at $3.58 in all facets of count y aCtivity the pre vi 0 us ye a r , tional and Califorrua employ-p<.'1" hour or $147.35 a week, the during the 1963-69 year, the une mplo ymen t rates, 1nent increases for the same so1·vey indicates. This is $9.08 planning report indicates, however, also slightly ad· June· to June period averaged more per week than the com· Current population lrtnds vanced to 4.2 percent from the 2.2 percent and 3.l perte11t parah!e period a year ago and have cut the population densi-prior tally ol 4.1 percent and respectively. represents a 6 ~ percent pay ty per square mite from the the total number of Se as on a 11 y ad JUSl('d increase. Cost of liYing rose 1950 mark of 277 persOns per unemployed persons increased unemployment rates for the du ring the same period by 4.9 square 1nile to 1,796 persons by 2.100 to a total of 20,600 -nation and lhe state for June, percent. over the same terrilory today.\--'---------'----------------'----------- And by 1990, the planners predict.. that sa~ square mile will have to accommodate some 3,64fl persons. 7 p,m . li.!::~=~===:;~~!::::.::.:~:;:;r:~s;~~:.§!:~~ t1unllnolon 8•1cl> M1•on1c LOG;•, Ma...,,,lc Htll. 101 L •k• "'venu~. Hun!mg•on 801(/\, 7:JO p "'· Kt11'J)(Jrl Beneii were an1ong 1hree cOtH1!y <·i tics listed by plannC>rs as boasting the ~reatest 11umerical increase in the [>(•riod under review. 1-lun· l1ngtun Beac-h went ur by 10.6ti3 persQnS fro1n 101.082 to 1I1 ,7:JO, a percentage hike of J0.6 pl'rcent. Building statistics a 1 so spiralled during 1968-69. 111e total of 16.816 pennits issued lo June 30·, 1968 exceeded by 46.9 percent the total racked up in the earlier season. (<>Sh Mt"• Junlo• C•11rnll<'• ol Com- m•<<•. M••I Vud• (°"'~!rY (.l~b, C:e»!i M•••· J:OO p,m ('"''" M•>1, Et '>I• A<ii•. 1~ W, 1911> STrtt1. C0>t1 Mel$. t :O(l pm. "I wish all I had lo worry about was whf'lher 1 turned my e.l£ctr.ic blank.el off lb.is morninc-." Ci>lilorni• Sc'1001 E mP!o•"' "''~c;•· fl(l(l. Koi~t Scr.ool. 11J.Q S1n11" Ana --------------------------,..,~ .• Co>I• Me-.o. 7·JG p,m. A jump in taxable transac- tions has put Orange County second only to Los Angeles County in this field and lhe 15 percent increase in this year's first quarter returns over last year's comparable p eri o d helped the county set a new record of $580.5 million. Oronge (oun•y Am•••vr .0.\!r(>l'oml<&! Ae«., S•ntl•vo High Scllool, G1td<e1> Grov~, 1;J.Q p.11•. 0••"9• Coon,. :>l<I {lub. £"'• (lu~1 ~ Vil 0POf10, Nl"HP<>rt B1•ch, l .;i;i 1>.m. R...:o•••Y lnr,. Hunllngl"" Beach H•<>h St1>ool. Room llJ, 1901 M•1n ~1 .• Hun!lnv1on B•ach. I "·"'· "THUllSD#ll' HMbo•-Ll!e$ 1oa••m••I••'> (l,..b. On••• C.1f0Tf<l8, f••"ion 1111na. "Ne"'""" Center. New<><>rt Btac.,, I 1 m. •«•11&•1 Qp11ml•I Club ol (o•ta M.-•, Cor•I ,..,.., II~"'"'•"'· ?6•~ Hatt>or Blvd., Co•t• Me>1. 7;10 1,m. ...... d ol lhal!or>, NfWl><JCI H••l>Clt- (_"''' M•••· Ball:>O<I B•v C>ub, N•w""'1 Bf8ch. I 1.m. W<>•mlns1er 11011rv (lub, Klnr·~ Tabl• lle•UV•1nt, W"lmln>ler. l7 r<>On. E•cha~• Club ol Ne'llPO<f H••M•. Mun Shit! lla11ur1n1, New'acr1 Be1cll, 12 ,_.,, Marriage Licenses GllECOllV-W"'l THEii Oct, J, Jom"'IO Mlc~••I Gre.orv, 17, flf We1!mln$"I• and WtndV Willner, It, of "'"•l'ltlm_ GOMEZ·8URK£ -Cc!, '· P•!rlCk Gomtt, ?f, o!ld P•rntTI lt•ll l!lur~e, 21 , bol!I of C"'la Me<&, M ... Cll0-SE5M.O. -Oci." Rlclt.erd Jo.I Mi>;ro. 18. ind Oebor•l'I Jo.n $e~m•• I~. boll\ of Co•I• M .. f . CllEEK·SNOW -Cc!. '· Dot!1l11 Eert (rt•~. 1~. ol An•htlm, 1 n" llos•m•tlt £. Sr>0w, :IO, of COiia M~•~· !!AUTIST.O.-LOll"'LH ... TI -OcL l, """ II. Bouli•lo .. so. ol HeflvWOOd. •nd M•Thll<li B. Lou•i!\•li. ''· ol Hvn-1in9lon Bt•cll. l!lll~OFOllD·MUllPHV Ott. 4, 1-<•t~d John 9f•d•ord. n, •r>d •>1y1;0 K•!hOl~•n Mu••"•· ,,, botlo .... CO•I• Mt<•. M IN(li·WESTON -Del 4, "°''"' E, M•ncl'I. 3,, ond P""n' flay Wts!on, 1•, t>fl•l'I "' l.&<IU"I B!~Cl'I. 11 E ~P.flll ·Sl EPHENS -Oct ~. Wllli1m ~. Herber!, SS, on.a M••• Fr•n<"' Stt D!\tn!, ... bo!h flf Ce»!• N•\t , DEATH NOTICES PECK (hrlo•lnt .O.~n~ Poe~ . .O.ot '!, o! •l5 W, li'o•e<•on" LM "'nvt!O<. 0•1• ol d•••h, OCIObet \0. Sur.I•~ bV l'lu•b•nd. Ma•· V'" Pee•. o! Lo• An<itlf" pflrtnl<. Mr. •nd Mrt. •1 Son Mlrvel, o! Irvine: b·o•l'I•"• Mich••'· P1u'I, LO<l;, ond Tonv Peco; sisttri. .t..\rl. Cormtn Scnlc~. !ol onlon; Mn. Torry Cl1rte, 1t,,..Plt c ..... , Min.,. Collle•lne. J"'°" """' l!H• Sa" Ml,~I. lr<lne. llo••rV '""loM. w.,., .... a ••• I PM; I!"'"''"' Mo'1. Ttou•\dl!f, 10 AM. bo"' "' Our loOY Outtn 01 ... nJ1tl1 Cl!hollt (.hurch, ~11'1 Mo"u•r-f· lS~ E. Ceo•! Hloh· WI Y. CofDIW ~I ....... Olr..:tor1. KEIM M1l~rod l(eim . .o.ve SI!. ~ 411 091• S•, Co;•• Me••. D•'• of O•~th, Ori. I'. !.;1,1vtd b• ion. Altn1ra 11;,1m. ct Indio: IWO dovotile-t!, M r<, Suta""" Wl!•cn. Co••• M•... ond Mr;. Jove• S"•<>'>..-d, l"""' &••ch; I•'"..,· Mr. f_. O """""· Co•1t Me•8. S•rvl<t • will be 11•'0 11\ur>deY. II P.M. S!. #lr>arew1 Pre>D••or1•n (1\1...,1. whh D•. llo>'· '1'Cl'ld I. Brohm• o!!icla!I"'-'"'''"'""'' Pocilic Vie,.. Memo•lo! Pork. F1mliY IUQ'""" '""" ..,.;,111110 !e meo, "'"' "'0d "I CO"',!tlbulion•. Pl••~• con!rlbu•• lo Ho10 M•mo•l•i Hos,,l!•I !Q memo•~ "' M". K•lm lor Bl"°" lle~t•'<'h , und. Mo11 lo Ot••lo~m•n• Ful'IO, li(l.OO Memoci&I Ho•ollel. B•I! Bro;.id w1y Mor!uorv. Dl•..:lot\ PIERSON £~rl K Pl•""''-Sl'4 W. lh" 51,. Co"1 """'"-"'o• &I: 001e o• cie••h, Ori 1J. S~•vlvf-d b> w;~. C•'""'"' nouq~''" M•• f)otls l"Om~snn. cl '""''"' '"'" tirot~"" Gtor;~ 1n<I ll:co••' p;•.,o~. •-•· Se•vico• •"d !nit""'""' w•11 b• ~ •• 1a In PtrfY, fow• B~r• ll <o1a ... 1t Mort"""' lo•.,1t~ln11 d"e\Olo". ARBUCKLE & SOS '\'e.st('\iff l\tortuary -t27 E. lith St .. Costa l\tesa 6'6-418' • BALTZ l\10RTUARIES Corona del l\1ar OR J-H5tl Costa l\les• All 6-ZUi • BELL BROADWAY l\IORTUARY 110 Broadway, Costa l\l,11 LI 8-3433 • DILDAY BROTHERS Hu.ntlngton \'all'Y rtlortuary 17911 Beatlli 81,·d. Jtu.at!ogton Beaclli 141-7"171 • l\fcCORl\!ICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTIJARY 17t5 Laguna CanyM Roed Laguna Beach fH·Mli • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARJC Cemetery e l\fortury Chapel 35" P.cfflc VI" Drive Newper1 -· CaWoralo 144·!711 • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME ';'fOJ Bein Ave. Westmialter Ul-3Wi • SHEFFER MORTUARY L11p11a &eacll •tf.JW Saa Clemnte •n..tlll • S>llTJIS' MORTUARY C7 Malo St. lluatJn11-" Be.c:ll l:JUlll Disrieyla1icl A 1vctrcls Will Total .~30 ,000 t\ewporl's giiin voas 13.6 per· t·(·nt O\'l'r the soime period. Th.1 t .July 1. !~68 population 1;1llv (Jf 43,163 llas no1\· become 4!1 .0°40. ·rhe L' .S_ Census of April I, J~GO \is1ed ·11,492 residents in llun!ington lleach, a calcula· li on that has jumped by some 8i2.4 percent in nine years. "If this record selling pace "'ere to continue." the plan· ning ·report f'nthusiastically states, "the 1969 total taxable transactions w o u Id ap- proxin1ate $2.11 billion -$400 million more than in 1968 ." ANAHEll\t -A total of $30.000 in awards will be distributed to 24 Orange Coun- ty organiiations in the 1969 Disneyland Community Service Awards progra1n, ac· cording lo Dr. Arnold 0. Beckman. Dr, Beckman is chairman o{ the 1969 Disneyland Com· munity Service Awards Com- mittee, \\'hich will determine the recipients of the awards. A top award of $5 ,000 \Viii go to lhe one organization v•hich has made the greatest con· tribution _to commtmily bel, tennent in Orange County this past year. Dav.e Wilkerson 'r' o u th Ra llies received the outstan· ding award in I~. partiei p<.tt\' should tnn1a(·l 111r· Disneyland Con1n1ll11ity lt t·la- tions officl'. 1313 South Jl"rhor Blvd., Anaheim. ' .. .}., H Fair Board POPL!l.ATIO~ GRO\\'TH OF ORANGE COAST cmES July 1, June ::o, Numerleal ~ ;• Meetino-• "" 196& lo('rease tncreu' Ill '' el Costa r.1 esJ 7:),080 72,988 2,092 Fullerton ruuntain Valley 2S ,8GO 26,249 2,61 I ••• Hunt!ngtr1n Beach 111 ,750 JOl,082 10,663 10.6 Lngun;1 Beach 13,550 13.21 0 340 2.6 Fl?LLERTON -Tltc Goard Los· 1\lam1 tos 9,760 9,620 140 1.5 or n ircc lOPi or Jill• Or:ingc Newpor t Beach 49,040 43.163 ~.877 13.6 Cciunly Fnir ;ind ~:-'111 1~ilio11 S;1n Cle1nenle 18,930 17,450 J.480 • 5 will hold ils regl i\Jr October San Juan Capi strano 3,340 2,895 44.'i 15.4 n1crting Thur~r!ay ;, 1hl'.! Sr;il Bcuell 23,780 21.417 2,363 I 1.0 t·h:nnhtrs ol tile Fullttl1J11 City \V esl1nlnstcr 59,190 56,060 3.130 S.6 15,803 10.0 Co1 111e1L :io.1 \\' . l'u1n· t:nincur1Jor;_1ted 173,230 157,~22 Olher a\Yards arr: three $2,500, three $1.500. Nine 1nnnweallh Air, ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! $1,000, and eigl1t $500. 'fhc~c 'f!le Fullc11011 n1t·rl111g s;iirl i a·wards "·ill be made to J·';1irgrtillnrb (;('Jll:'l'i!I ~·1 .i nagrr organizations selected by lhr Allr!'d r.uqt";ln~. 1~ 111e 11r~1 of awarW committee (Jn the ;i conl1n111 n~ '-rru·-. 01 ft11r basis of lhfdr cornrnunitv 1)0:1rd n1C'~·t 11,~~ lh«l 11 il l hP service accomplishments dui-li('ld c;•cl1 111ri11~ii 111 \ <inu11s ing the y('ar. r·11H'~ 1hn,11t;l1upl I) 1· ;,l n g c Complete Printing Service Top Quality -Fast Service PILOT PRINTING Any group, organization. or Cuul1I ). 642-4321 221 1 West Balboa Blvd. Newport D•ach club in Orange Co u n l y , '!he pll hl1r' 1' l111•1i f'1I lfl at· regardless of si ze , 11·hich con· 1cnd 1hr !"ullc>rlon rncf!\ln.~ ducts community scrviee at· .;in(t :-11bs"qur11l 1neE"ling ~ of tivilies as a part of ils pro. !he f<i1r boarl!. \\'nltrn ;1 gen- gram Is eligible to participat('. rl;is 11ill !Jr pr(l\idcd all in· This annual recognition pro-~,;,.~·c~.,~le~d~p~c~r~~o~o~'~'~'~ho~"~"~'~'"~l.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I gram v.·as inaugurated by I~ Disneyland in 1957 to provide an incentive for 1 o c al organizations to develop and undertake programs of com· munity interest and bet· terment and lo encourage new citizens in the communily lo join in the effort. Since the inception of the a"·ards program Disnf'yl nn<l has contributed neiirly $200,000 to organizations io Or ange County. I Organizations \Vishing lu Cancer Card New Id ea For Gif t:s I . ' Tl:STl'.'l 13U!'ITif'SSmcn Joolong for Jlf'I\' 11.i ~-s 10 srnd hollday .i;:rrrli11~s to c11s!on1t·r~ and rriend.~ n1ay f•hoose fro1n l a "·1tfe 1 aric!.v of {";lrrl s on display· al the Amrrie:in Cancer Soc.1cty, Orange Cuun· ty Branch. Each card may be i1npr"1n\C'd l with the sender's nanle :ind bears acknov•lcdgnicnl that the businessman has uHercd a spe<:ial glft lo support th(' American Cancer Society's1 research, education ;i 11 ti sen·ice progran1s. I Ranging from 11·int('r sc enes and horse dra>,11n carria,ges IOI cheerful bells and a red.cheek· ed Santa Claus, lhe seleclion includes both con ternporaryl and traditional ~\y\ru;. Rather than 'invest. Jari::1~' surns in elaborate gilts fur clients or friend s, Orangt• County busi ne ss1nen can orf!t'r cards from the society and make tax deductions on their ! donati-0ns. Cards 1nay be ordered al lllr branch headquarters. 18~:ifi Trvine Bll'd., Tuslin or by call.I in, '3&-0510. I 'foro Dislricl Appoints 'fwo EL TORO -Qr-ange Count~· Supervisors have appoinlrrl two directors to the El Tnrtl "'ater District in lieu ol elec· lions. Na1n<"<l by thr lx>;irrl \vcri• John Toup.!1 and Jlu gh T Walker. Both nlen \Yerc unop· posed. ~IJ.~£,'IJ '.'P•<iolirin11 Ott title PM_.,, .. o;""'""" .,_.,, .. ,,., w ..... ""~ ··""'' ~''"· DIAMOND MATCHMATES ALL IN GLEAMING 14K GOLD DIAMOND BANDS OF LASTING BEAUTY TO SEAL YOUR BOND OF LASTING LOVE l he wedding hands you choose should be of end uring quality and timeless beauty. At Penneys yu11're assured ol getting both. Coe.I. icey diamonds spa rkle brilliantly atop 'ach p1lre 14K aold l:and. Penneys ha~ added another feature to~xlra value! A. Stripe it diagonally or stripe it c. Bold, textured 14K gold creates lhe look vert ically' Two of our most pop-that is. n•Yer outdated, J dia. in each rin&. ular styles. Your choice 195.00 each 49so EACH D. V'nilt, and nllow ]'I( 1old be11utifully combined! inset d1a. m•ke this. loYtly 1ina complete. 59.50 each B. UniQU!: stylin g ill black and 14K gr!cl'. 4 E. A single diamond flashtlJ brilli1nt~from 11ery diamonds to add the final tcuch of witliin its enrlYed starburst sian. elegance, Stunni n; in 14 101d. 125.00 each 59.50 each CHARGE IT AT YOUR PENNEY'S flNE JEWllllY DIPAllTMIHT FUlllJIJON NCWl'OAT ICACH HUMTINQ.TOH llACH I •rl·~~ I '"1 f"_,A.,~,,, •1 I'~ < (O••! H ~I ' c <::=> ,, .. ' \ ' ff 0 Carol Evans• plays hard ii) Fortrel" blend Meanwhile, back al the ranch., the western jeans ore putting in a full day running, climbing, ju mping ••• !vcky th ing they're Fortrel~ polye$1er/ cotton and con toke it, washing after wa)tiing. Flare-leg, ple11ty of pockets; navy, g reen. 3 to 6X, 14, 7 to 16, •s, Bre~te-easy turtle neck top of polyester ltnit1 3 to 6X, 13, 7to16, 3.59 Cl.ElANESE0 1PaRTREL .. AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE ,. ~----------............................................ ----.... --------~~~~~~~~~~----- w.h141J', O.t11Hf 15, 1 '6~ IAllY 'll9' fj " !AND YOU'VE GOT THE TIME TO READ THE NEWSPAPER?) Furniture Sale! Through Saturday only! SAVE ON THESE TWO FASHION MANOR LIVING ROOM PIECES! ."MODEIN" STYLE SOFA AND LOVE SEAT ... Tho >iMple look of elegonce in todoy'• >tyle1. Kiln dri ed hardwood f,_ is doublo clo..eled, ... ilod, and glood .......... poim., Both ore ovgjfoblo m black look of leather my!. King and Queen sleep sets reduced through Saturday! CANOGA PARK DOWNEY Luxury quilted box spring-mattress set Queen si1e set Reg. $219 NOW fl79 TM••e mottre11es and box opnngo feature polyvrethone foam insulation and podding, o rayon damask cover. Deluxe coil innenpring unit1 for sidt •upport. luxury quilt king mattre11 ut Reg. $299 •.. NOW $249 Quilted extra firm mattress set ... Queen size set 5'159 Reg. $199 NOW~ I Mottrins and box springi feo- tllfe rayon sateen print cowr quilted too polyurethane foam pod. Resilient coil i~ing unit, special Penney edges. Quilted extra firm king set Reg. $269 •... NOW $219 Deluxe quilted super ·firm mattress set ... Queen size set $139 Reg. $179 NOW These mattresses and box springs feature fvlf Fleitoloto,.. Q top ond bottom ond luxvriovs ,.~,., ¥. ·:: imported royon damask caver-. •i..-•..i.;..;;.;~j..c•, l ux ur iou1 comfort you con cffOfd. Quilted super firm king ••I Reg. $249 .... NOW $199 FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR --101·.i4•,27• $179 lM. '1ff ..... NOW .... --'152 1rxM·x2r -.llff ..... NOW The greal organinn display or store Let Penneys organize yourstora9e problems the attractive way! Reg . 9.99 ....................... NOW 8.99 .5 5he lf Unit-36.x72"x12" in sit1t-All 1l•I ca••-- t1on make thele 1helve1 1trong enough to sup:p:til 300 lbs. -Ideal for 1toroge. Silver pebble groin finjlh JMk .. them ottrodive enough to display. Attractive 10 shelf steel conltrvctlon shelving- 72"x 72' z 12" Reg. 16.99 .................. NOW 14M Sturdy 5 ,heff ,,..1 c~on ..,....,._ 36"xn"z18" Reg. 11.99 .................. Nowl0.99 Penney• attractiv• 1Mki"9 9 box 1tor-a·w•y u"lt ••• R,g. 11.99 .•..••••• Nowl0.99 Thi1 attractive looking tftt it tcltol for storing toys, clothes and~ other ittrm. TM bedt _,.. in f lively colors; odclitional bac.11 _. ovoilobt.. P01t catu enel fl••r guards art irteluded. NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA JO OAllV ,ILOT ·~ I Plus 1 May Not Make3 By PeU:r Stthacr•b.A. 1110 •Jt. '''hen you cha.Henge a man's se:i;ualily and virility you tread on sensitiv e ground . For rxarnplc. this letter: Dear Dr. :.;it:incrohn-: :\I ~ husband 1s :!9 and I'm 2S. \\'e'\'e been married six years. \\'e both lo\'e children, but ~o far \1·e've had no success. \\'hat frustrates me is tl111t l"l'e done my part but my hus- band has reneged. I have had a l'O mplete examination and lipt'cial t e s t s by n1y gynecologisL lie says there's . no reason "·hy I can't become pregnan t. But 1ny husband still refllies lo be checked. He is afraid , that examination will show"il DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE is his fault. I tell him it is not a question of "fault." But he gets terribly e:tei~d. Our ses- ual life is nor.naJ and satisfac· Lory. He fet ls !!O badly about the "·hole thing he \\'On'l even con- sent to adopt a baby. He thinks this \\'ould be the final <1d1nission that he is not a real n1 an. \\'hat to do? -~!rs. Y. C0~1~1EN'T: ~lore and more men are accepting l hi s responsibility "·heo their 1rifc's exa n1 is negative . They think it on ly fai r. Try to con- ,·ince yoor husband. Airs. Y. Ha1c him \'isit a urologist who 11 ill determine his sperm count It's important not only to know the number, but' their forin and mo11e m,e nt . J\'ormally, the sperm count ranges from 20 mil!i"on to over 100 million in every cc. of semen. lisually. reduction of the count belo1v 20 million in- dicates infcrtilit; in the male . The normal sperm can remain active for 12 to 2~ hours (and longe r I. According to sorne studies lo childlc~s marriages, about 90 percent of both partners arc ~nfertile to some degree. ln about 40 percent it is the male ;:i lone v;ho is infertile. http &fter hirn, P.trs. Y. If you can <·onvince him th.at hi s ··masc11Jinity" is not a t sta!.-t. perhaps he will agree to have his examination. 1\IEDtCALEITES (Replies lo Readers) for !\tr!. r .: The best treat· rncnt for hyperthyroidism? That "·ill depend upon the poi· tien t 1111·hat kind of <>1·eracth·e !h\To1d gland condition he h.isl and upon the doctor':; choice <>f therapy. Some say that radioiodi ne is lhc best treatment. Others l·hoose th y r o ide c t.o m y i remo\•al of a greall'r part of lhf' gland \. ln either case. pa· 11rn ts do best "'hen they oon- t111ue to take de s sicated 1hr roid bv· mouth for the re.st or' their J{ves after the o,·erac· lll't' thyroid is controlled. This i<. 10 prcrent \ht: opposite con · 11 1 l i o n h ~· p olhyroidism 1 uodcrac\1\'C thyroid 1. For ;\1ra. "'.: Cleanin g OU\ 1 Ollf medicine c a b i n e I 11e1·io~ica lly i~ a good idea. t 111sh more pco1)\r wou ld do so. \\;ikc it a part of spring (;\ean· In~. The re's a te1idcncy to soive l'Xpensive me<iicines -for use "next time," Old medicines t an be harmful. For example, consider antibiotics. lf taken · tnonlhs or ~·ears alter first prescribed they c.an cau3e sevf:re skin, st<>mach i nd other reactions. For P.lr11. K.: I don't go ;:ilong 1vi lh your thinking that 1 our mother is nagging you in . ihe care of your kitchen. \'ou admit that you are olten t:arel cs s in leaving i;and"''iChes, salads (tun a . . <'hicken and potato), cream· lilled desserts on the shelf for hou rs in hot weather. If staphylococcus bacleria get into them, they11 multiply by 1he millions. Neil Uilng )'OU knO\\', the entire family (tllnd guests) n1ay , be doy,•n with · food pciisoning. Ill strikes an estimated 3 milUon Americans ·every year.) Re rn ember mama -and her good advice to refrigera\e early. Beach Fir e111an Wins Pron1otion SeUcJrt Parazclte, of 16081 ' Winden1elr Lane, Huntinaton Bach hM been prom<>ted to fire captain in lbe Los Angeles -~County Flre Department. l e· eordlng to an announcement by Fire Chief Richard }I. Hoots. Parazette is IS!igncd lo Fire S&ation 57 near El ~1on te.. ALHAMBRA AZUSA BUENA PAR K BURBANK CANOGA PARK : r_.- J·•. ',.· .. ,. -. . -~· ''\.'.· ' • • • ·.· ~ , I . t '. '·... .. .. I • Suits with the California look! Our Towncra ft Plus. suits ... handsomely tailored of a luxurious blend of 90 ~~ worsted wool ond 10<';~ silk ... in l or 2 button styles. The California look in patlerl'll and color blends g oes from exci ting to subtle in this great group of sui ts with the definitely contem- pora ry look of today that discriminat ing men demand. Come in and ::.ee for yourself now! Reg . 585 N OW . -. . ' CHULA VISTA EL CAJON GRANADA HILLS LONG BEACH NEWPOR T BE ACH COLLEGE GROVE EL MONTE HUNTINGTON BEACH LOS ALTOS NORTH HOLLYWOOD COMPTON FULLERTON HUNTINGTON PARK MONTCLAIR NORWAL K CULVER CITY GARDEN GROVE INGLEWOOD MONTEBELLO OXNAR D DOWNEY GLENDALE LAKEWOOD NAT IONAL CITY PASADENA .~ . . '!:, '·' • i ,. ' ' ~ ' I , I \ / ,/ l J •• . .. . " . -· ... ,,,, .. , .... ' . . . .. , POMONA SANTA MONICA WE ST COVINA RE SED A TORRAN CE WHITTI ER DOWNS SAN BERNARDINO VAN NUYS WH ITTWOOD SAN FERNAN DO VENTURA SANTA ANA WE STCHESTER ! ' I -· J .. . . ;- ' ' ' i ·--l ' W~ntsdar. Octobt, 15, 1%CJ ' ~ The new high rise buckled slipon ••• As new as tomorrow ... yet with o price that you can afford today! The now high rise look in o soft calfskin slip-on with leather soles, rubber heels and steel shank for firm support. 'This handsome shoe is st ropped and buckled .,. come1 in black or black spruce. Men's sizes. Ste p into our shoe department nearest you where you con buy style and quality at sale prices! Reg. 16.99 NOW • • J ' • - The blunt toed demi-boo,t ••• Rich, smooth leather uppers with leather qUorler . ' lin in g, leather sole and gored strap. Great good looks in stained brass. Men's sizes. Reg. 15.99 NOW 12.8'8 The basic moc toe oxford ••• Go . with -anything dres3 oxfords with smooth leather uppers. leather soles, rubber heels, and a steeJ shank. In black, men's sizes. Reg . 12.99NOW10.88 Grain leather wing tip brogue Uppers of full groin calfskin ... full leather lining and insoles ... leather soles and heels. Black, gold or spruce. Men's si zes. Reg. 17.99 NOW 14.88 AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE " ) ' , • 7( . ' ' >'- • DAILY PILOT JI For .The Record Divorces OIVOACl:S 1"11,.10 8Pr~~IOI. C>•OCt W. ¥~ Ot nJCI W Holl1nd, 8ull••• """ w1 J•'-ltkhud (l'tl>o, ll1•b1t• 't'. ~• F•f!d G. llK~ . .JUI l'•tn(e., ~. Joi'!" H~n~'..otl Mo••h>•, Lui> Oom!nOufz •> Phvl•I J11n G•v~I, llo~rr Edw1rd v• lltVfrl• J~n• Cr&WIGrd, .J•cnu.iln VI ''"Dll Flovd MU11n. Bflty J041\ V> Cli&rla• W•vnt C""v!. Vltv•nl& v• ~k~••d A. "mllr0>~. F••• l . ¥> SIO<>l>~ll Gu' L••· M•r• E'lluot!ll ¥> u..,.,.~, I' r I ---------·--------------. --... ....., .... ;.y,... ........... __.-_ -----., IZ D.t.ILt f'ILOT MeCarthy Worker Moratorium Born In '68 Campaign WASHINGTON (AP) "''hfn it was all over and Gene McC1rlhy had betn v.·hipped ilnd the bit~r young people had aone home, Sam Bro\1 n remembered. The triumphs and errors of the unforgettable 1963 youth for fo.1cCarthy c r u s a d e became, for Bro\.\'n, lesson.s for the future. Now perhaps the busiest man in Washington -M's putting them to work. Brown, the 26 ·ye a r • o Id ltarvard Divinity Sc hoo I dropout, Is chief architect of today's Vietnam moratorium, a nationwide demonstration of Pacific sentiment that has tar outstripped his o r i g i n a 1 dream. As the (irsl day of the moratorium drew near Bro11·n remained a littlf' island or cool in a crowded, teeming office that is about as organized as a kindergarten fire drlll. While others stumbled over each other's feet, the lean. s I ope · shouldered chief coordinator hides in a cramped office and addressed himself, from morning till late at nisht. to an endless suc- cession of telephone calls. So bu~ are Brown and his fellow coordinators, David 1-.fixner. David Hav.·k. and r.1arge Sklencar. that the 111·ord is up on the office bullelin board: Except fo; ura:ent bu.siness, the y are "out" to all callers. Brovi'n. a native of Counci l Bluffs, ]O\\'a, has gnw•n a cin· namori-colcired mustache sin<:f! his old "clean for ~ne" days. l!e ls seriou.!l bul not pompous, soft.spoken ltut not Jhy. J1e was a Kennecty fellow at 1 lar\'ard last spring \\·hen his irnagination \\'AS attracted by the idea, proposed by a ~1assachusetlll peace group, of SC'Uing a deadline for getting out of Vietnam and using the thre;it of a nationwide strike as a 1reapon. Concluding this "'ould be itn- po.-;sible to pull off, Bro'>'·o concr.h ed the idea of a on e- day peaceful pause in business as usual across the nation. He began calling friends and uther~ 'rho had helped in the i\lc.<::a rthy campaign. Brown, llav.'k and others :-:pent the su mmer on the lrlcphone -and by September the\' could claim nearly 500 colicge camputes orga~ for the first day of the Tnoralorium, Oct. 15. Although he lists the "Dump Johnson ~1ovemenl" Oii hi! biography under pelitk:aJ eI· perience, Brown lnsllts the moratorium is not aimed as • personal attack on Prc!ddent Ni~on. "People ha\'e realized the Iutility of personallzln1 this "·ar,'' he said. "You beat cne guy and the war goes on. ~ really important lhing is lo change the policy.'' All.hough planning for the first moratorium day became a nation'Aide net\\'ork, the ultimate policy question~ still come through on the always- jammed phone lines to Bro1\·n and his top aides. r-.fixner, ?4, i~ • cheerful, stocky English literature stu· dent "'ho has worked "'ith t~ Urban Coalition, i3 1 mem~r of the f\fcGovem commission on rerorm of the Demcr1tic Party. and helped organize farm workers. Hav•k. 26. 'Aho was 1n All- America di ver al Cornell, II· tended U n ion Theological Seminary in New Yark and \1·as Vietnam and draft direc· tor tor the Nat.iou..I Student .A.~sociation. He lJ awaiting 1rial in Scranton. Pa., fe r 1·efusing induction intc the Army. ?11ai:£t SJ.;.!encar, U. who tries to keep some Jembla11tt of order in the or1..UZation, worked 'A'ilh ltnwn in Na· lional Studenlll for M~y. All insist the mor1torium l'ommitt~ ti.·ill be in ~ until the troops come home., Coming Oct. 18th Family ~ek.{y An American Couple Visits the Emperor of Ethiopia A look into the future of Ethiopia as Hen through the eyes of His Imperial Majesty, Haili Selossic. e WHIRE TO STASH TUSH? -We",. burying ounelves under a mountain of refuse which grows bigge,r every year. Science tackles the problem and of!trs some solutions. e TASTY TRIATS -Color page fuU or food ideas j u1t rllht for Hallov•een trick-or-treat cro\\·d. e NIW NATA.LIE -Peer J. Oppenheitner finds Natalie WOOd , raised to be a film queen. doing well in real·llfe role of devoted n'i!e and s tep- mother. COMING SATURDAY IN THE Gl s Work On Hamlet Seeurity WASmNGTON tUPI) Seven thousand U.S. troops in a small corner of South Viet- nam are conducting an ex- periment vdtlch the Nixon ad- ministration hopes will pro- vide at lta~1 parl of a solution to the "'ar. The troop s IJal'e slopped chasuig and fighting North Vietnamese forces in the ren1ote jungles and mountains. Instead they ha l'e gone into . iht densely pop u I a ted '~ • agricult ural areas lo devote • full tim t to building those con-~­ dition~ of security 1n OA·hich the ~ people can return to normal , lives. Defense. Stcrttary ~1eh'in R. -----.. --------- Laird cited this experiment as ·if.. an example of the ad-· ministration's ' ' new e111- pha.ais" on turning more of the Viejo Jtl1asie Jtl1rlie rs war over tt> the Sooth Vlel- name:ie. Laird said U.S. com · manders were giving i t "hi&hest prlorily." A general, at Laird 's re· quKI, briefed Pent ago n newsmen on the projeet; but he was careful to say it was in • small atta ~·here ipecial circumstances prevail. He made no claim that it could, in the same form, be widely ap- plied elsewhere in Vietnam. '[i1is r1u artr l of li-ycl:lr·old cutit"·1 \\It! hl· lL'<1fl111:: 111r 1111.'..'" !1•r the .. \]1..,.,11111 \1tcjn ~l igh School nthlctic l e<JITIS thi s ~C'd :-1111, r:ron1 lcll ,ilC JJcbl'J1l' \\('il\!11 1, ('<Jthy Baker, Sheri Bronl ee,ve and f\.Iinii 1\J;1{'f':l l'\JIH' < DISTNClS Brig. Gen. John \Y. Barnes. \vho recently returned from t·om mandin1, the a:mY'.' 173rd Airborne Bngade tn Vietnam, said the experiment be1an April 15 in the four northern districts of Binh D i n h Province on the east~entral coast of South ·vietnam. About 350,000 people Uve there, with only 37 percent of them con· sidered to be living "under ~!" of the central govern- ment, Barnes said. Small, local guerrilla force s preyed on the population, ex- torting food, money and man- powu. While not a m1joi- threat to U.S. force!, they hid effectively controlled m06t of the p:>pulalion, in some sec- tions since 1945. But the nur in Communist comba t forces \\·ere no I operating in the area, he said, ind the 18th North Vietnamese Regimmt, mauled In earlier combat. at.ayecl up in the mowiWna. This circumsta.nce allowed B~ to take the "calculated risk" ol asslanlng his entire brigade to the hamlet pro· ir•m. ht: said. The. object.Ive is t.o bring all the population of the area under 1overnmtnt cont.tot by the end of 1989, hamlet by hamlet. There are locally rern..iited militia-type force s v.tio eventually are supposed to pro"idt. enough pn)ttction so Sooth Vietnamese regular L'Ombat forces can concentrate on prot~eting the COllntry against North Vietnamese. SHOOTING RAN The Americans could pro- gressively go home, if i1 works. Barne~ ordfred h11 troops not to shool at any~ unless thf'y "·ere ob\i oosly an armed tioolle or y,•ere engaied LO a hostil' act such as throwing a gr'nade. \\'hen art illery or a irstrikes had to be used. they were fi rst cleared with the district chief "·ho knew where clusters of popu lation v.·ert. By June JO. which ~·as a;-; far as his report 1-1·ent, Barnes said the percentage of popula- tion under go\·emmenl control had increased from 37 percent to 72 percent. He said defec· lions from the. guerrilla ranks increased sharply, more peo· pie gained enough confidence to inform on guerrillas, IChools and churches began to reopen, and people re.turned to homes and rice fields they had ... -. LOCAL H• ether 111•1,.,., !e ll• 'I'•• ll'l•t•, •••ry ... y, •"•wt wh1f1 ,,1119 ,,. f11 the Gr11t.r Or111•• C•••I 01111 the DAILY 'ILOT. SPECIAL FEATURE FOR Penney Days THURSDAY -FRIDAY · S ATURDAY ()J wtllmfltW tl£Ur v~ e f&-01V 4~ f.0 ... @mstrong BRIAR CREST NEWEST CORONELLE VI NYL CORLON 49 SQ. YD . EXPERT INSTALLATION AVAILABLE First lhowing-and spetiol1y low piicl'd For Perine.y Do f\' 6.riorcr9'Sf has a custom de~igned oppeororct , one ii.or compl1m1nti lurni1hings of ony period, t1od.r .:>'1t1! througf\ contemporary. Color' to enhoricr any d1corolive mood -white, green, beige, orange, ~old, red, brown. !1uto1I It ortywf.erf'. upstoin or dow n, DOWNEY 869-<454 1 FULLERTON 87 1~343 HUNTINGTON BEACH 892·777 1 LAKEWOOD 634-7000 MONTCLAIR 62 1-331 1 NEWPORT BEACH 82'3·0792 -r -.. -----· - It's Ti111 e to File Fo1· UC Cc1111pu ses High ~chool ~1..:111u1 ~ 1.11ir note. The school year niay be JU.~t under OA'ay but this is lh{' 1nonlh tu cipply to l he Uni versity of Callfornio corn· puses for next fal l. New tru ola systems for l lir rl1ne UC..: campus<'-" rne;1n <•P· p1Lcal1011s i;hould be r<'t.:<'1\f'd bv the wilch1ni; h o u r H~lln wt'C'll night. Oct. :J I. Appl1cat1ons rC'i.:1!1vcd af!rr that date 1nay be rctltrectrd !fl othl'r c,unpuscs 1f the ran1ou~ of your particular eho1cc has I LIS quota 11f r1ual1fied 11p- plicant:1. Prf'.viously. according In ;jtate'A·ide Di re t: tor of Adn11ssio us Lyle C. (iainsley. ruosl UC ca1npust·~ \Vere able to accept applicat1uns over ai f1\'C·n1onth period and sctecl rhc top i;tudcnts. Now 1he c1nµh.1.~1~ 11 ill b~ iin 1111~ lrst to <iµply lo a glven , a111puio, ~o long as U1ey 1neet lhl' B·a\'erage ~ rad e rr- qu1 reme1a in f111e requisil" <•l·ade rnic areas. ) Outstanding Value! One 8x10 and Six Wallet-Size Portraits of Your Child 88 only llurry i11 riow for the rno st .spect acular portrait event in town! You 'll gel on· 8x1 0 for you to ~ecp, and six wollel-5ize to share with foniily and friends . A lovely porlroit of your child is n wo rm and wonted gift for all occosioris, Remember .,. you con cho1g e it at Penney's! l'l./LlfRfCN llU"lf lttGTQN ll,\Cl'I ,,,.~, .... , (•"" -~ IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD ••• Hu ntington Beach Office: Located at 91 Huntington Cent er at Edinger Ave. & Bea ch Blvd . adioining the San Diego Frcc1va y, 111 Huntington Beach . 1t.t.1M o•irtea: t ll'I .t. Miil, lo-A~g~l,o • Gt:l·•J<I o .... ..,i-: Wl\.Mlfll °"'1CI: JI~ Wtt.M"' 11'11. • 3-11·1 <•~ l A. Cl\llC Clll'Tll'I: 2~d I l r .. (Wl p • 8~@·• l()l T"llJ:,\NA, 1 ~1~1 ll•Mu•~ !II•~ • ,1'S•f' '' S i,Nf,\ M0 NIC4' 711 W1l1llH• &1...i • 393.(1"~ IAJf Plfll'IO: •01~ II P1c1h~ • t 3• ~31 1 W(Sr COYl 'li, t 1All 1n<1 s~ctD•ro C" • .•)• .• , l . ' Huntington B each Offic e of Coast & Southern Federal Savings, where your account is SAFE• CONVENIENT• AVAILABLE tJar~et l\uctuat1ons don't worry Cc.1st 8nd Sou1h'lm sa vers . . their c1pi1at 1s •hirt1y1 ri1lng in v1lue. And ro1.1 'r1 3ure or lhe htg hest earning:. cons1s lc11 with s.ilety when you save al Coast and Sou tnern, Foremost t1ssv1.1nce ol 1 he~e benr11ts Is the outs1and1nq !1n11nc!a! slrenglh m111<il~in"v 1•"!l1J9" the years hy 1118 rnan- 11qempnt o l Co9st ,,.,~ Solj tti'!ir1 f ,.i::l,.1a\ ua\11r9$ INSURANCE JO 115.000/RESOURCES OVER 800 MILLION ~INOll~ ... I C"V F"'6 \1 1n ,.,1,,1 !\'•' • ~-•• HIGHEST PREVAILING RATES 5.:~,9.~ ,~:1,~,~, I ~:~,~3 DIVIDENDS TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL COAST lONO ~lilC'I ·'"°'&l ~<ul1 ·•" '' AND SOUTHERN FEDERAL SAVINGS ~ .......... . lOAN SCRV ICt •1•i "C• •ic~•;,.," •,·,. <'• .... I ..... '"""'" ..... 0.,,......... c :------------------------------------- Chinese Muffle H-bomb Boasts TOt\YO A11'l Hr•I f'h1na 's M<io ·r,e-tunll <1!)µt·ar' 111r£"ccnl1-1cck:. to be !ollu111ng Thro<lurc H.U():-<c1ch .; ad\'11:1· to ··:.peak :.ollly aud l·.1rry ;i tug slick " 00C <!Spec! ul tl1c ' big :-lick" is the hydrogen honib ('h1na delonale<l !\s Lhlr\l 011 Sept. 29 The £irst l,:l11nrsc unllcrgruund lllh.:lc;ir cxp!u~1u11 was delonalcd tlin:1· da)s earlier. r.tao also is 1naking 1n1hta ry preparations for repelling an a tlack. par\u:ularly a nuc:li.;ar one. and he has assu1ncd curn- rnand of th1· <inned fori.:c<; 1-1•1th his heir-Ul's1g11alr ;ind delcn~r m1n1stcr. Lin P1<1H, 10 l!.11 e h1-. 1novc111en1 i,:t't.J!••r 1111petu!I. \\'hl!c 1! l'31l hardly cun1:eal thc:.c nUIJOI' step~. Peking has chu:.cn tu 1-1Tap then1 in co1n- µara\J\'ely !>Oft w u rd s . Allhuugh it 1,rou!d hare pro \ 1dcd an 1de;1l pl;:itlunn. r-.li1u cl1o~c c1c: tu <111nou1\1.:c the nut:lcar Lest blast during tlie 20th nnniversary celebrations <Jt:t. l. He waited until OcL 4 instead. Sirnilarly. tht' n1a1ur t1n- n1versary speeches 01 l-'rcn1a'r Chou En·lai and Lin Piao and rhe anni versa ry editorial or 111<· !'eking People's Da1\y, Hed Flag and the L1bcrat1011 Ariny Daily \\l'l"l' no1ablc lt'~S for their brlhgcrcnl"}' than fur 1he1r 1nsbtence that China plan no foreign adventures. The Russian~ "'err ident1hcd only as ··soc1al.iinper1al1st.s"' and the attacks on them were torn parativcly mild. The reaso n for China ':i ll('IY posture -a contrast to th;.il I.luring Uie Cultural Revolution -can be guessed : Mao take~ seriously fl."loscuw 's reponetJ threa t to destroy Chines1· nuc lea r installations shoultl \Varlare break ou l over th1~1r dis1)uled borders. To ha ve brandished the nt•11• nuclear tests in ~1 oscow's 1:11.,. eould conceivably have u11 favor ably affected lhc border !dll..s 11 111\·h ;\hul nu11 \c1·rn' a11x1uu~ tu huld 1111h 1l1f' Jluss1<1n.~ The new l'tu11r s1· st;1nrt> already IS pr0du t1 ng resul t.-\ Chincst· and Hussian troops arc reported to ha v e withdrawn a safl' di~lance lron1 the borders. Besides border !<ilks, l'•Jn vcr~;.it1011s nn 1rade are s111d tu be 1n 1he "'ind. ln Its delayed annuuneemcnt of lhc nuclC;.ir tests, Pe king rn1phas1icd only slightly the ncgal11·e -··another he<1vy hlow <tl the nucl1•ar n1 onopoly nl US. 11npen<1l1s1n and social · i1npcrialls1n"' ~ and accented Ille pos1t11·r . l'atling thcn1 '"a grr..11 cncourajle1nent"' to thr \"1ct111H11ese, the Laouans arM the Arabs. It tJC\'OtetJ 600 words lo th!!: announcement, a contrast ro the eKultant 1,500-word con1· mun1quc "·hich announced the Dec. "l:l , 1968. H·bomb 1c~1 That document pi ctured the Kuss1a11s as plu nging downhill . denounced the K re m 11 n leaders as .. the S o v i e t revisionist renegade clique," ;ind said the bom b was a blo1v at the polil·y of "nucle;1r threat and blackrnail" flf Moscow and \\'ashington. There w~s no mention of '"l>l<1ck1na11·· or •·threat" Jn lhe announ<'rment. AUli m CENTER DA ILY PllOT P~o!o b! P•l O'DO"ft~~ lle's on Cu1adid Cu11ae1·u. \n o!'ficc r o! the t152nd l\lili \Jry :\1rl1!\ \\"1 11g 1_· S .. \ir F11rcc l\e:o,C r\"t', l1nd s :-i good place ·to ~L<1 sh his ccuneru \1·hil c !hr. troop .~ pti!'.'-111 rc\·1r.1v !luring recent lta i.nro~ exerc1.,.cs at t-.lurch '\1r Force 1101:-.(' nt-<1r ll.11 l'r:-.1dr. ·r11c offi cer 11 ould ;1drnit -fl llile cand idly. of co11r:-.e -that it "s .,1r1 ttly no11rc~t1l a1t,i11. n a nk hrts its p rivil e~es. though. --------- 011ly One Use r iri 20 Abuses , Marijitanlt, Doctor Re7Jorts r1111 .,10ELl'HI..\ IAP\ -A '\'m' P"I''" '"""" 111,,, '"" pee"k 111 01<'q11C>eT1 bmg dlcl \ doctor 11ho t·onf11H'" h1 <> pr.1f'· 1)r n1.1n111;1n;1 l'-1101 lhf' dt"ll L: poll'-:iniJ liv i•nil'ring ;1111 · t l!'r 10 dr\lg '11ldirt' ~a~-< ()11 prnbl1•1n luil<l~" :--\11111!1 ,,,1d p111'\;11111lll'' 1,, -1;1y :-i11;,l-.1• nr"j ly one 111 ~II 111!0 \ht' 111a n ··11 '' llir :1111 phr1,1 111111t·~ ;11 1!1 l1.11h1lu 1';dr( ILi hl'lp indut·e , 11ir l.i;u·liJlu r:i i('!' \hat 111·,. l',111 .. 111g ;ill !hr t1·11ublr q1111"k ..;ll'l'\I " !-.1111111 l'idl!"llkil )lr:111a ilbl l~t'5 II :111d lhl~ I~ llH• ~;1 n1r a.~ I ho.,t· 11 hu 11.~•· :il1·ohul ·· '·The kitl \11w·11 rlr111k lun 11111c-h \1'111 srnokr loo 1nut"h pn!." said l)r 0<1 \"1d E. ~1n1th. tnrdica\ dlrrc·1or nt ~an Fr;1n- 1 ·1~r-o·s llilight·A ~hburv 1·1 11111· 11h1c h has 1realcd 1nurr 1h,u1 ~\1.000 person.~, mosl hi'l11('!'n lfi and 2~. '"Ther·e J~ ;i dru;.; ;1h11 ''' rpu!t•tnlt" and .1•\U h:i1<' :i 1111 oil l-.1<.I~ -c~pt·c1al!.\I 111 JUllH!I' :111d srn1or h1gll ~t:houl~ l''i· prnn1r nting 11·1th h.1nt 1ln1~~. Thi-; 1~ lht• tJ lggt·~\ t'Olll"t'rn c 11 1 l' r 11111\'111 ·~ ··01i.:r<1\1un l11lt•n'l'PI ' 111la·h 1~ :-.1~!'k1ng tu 1111·11·111 '1 1111)'.:}:llng uf tn:ll'i-! ''''' ''"'"''''. fr"lllll l )11;111.1 u I ' \II 11 11•1('~ I~ 11H·f1',1-~t· lht S1nitli 1nadr thr r111n1nr n1 T hur~day al ;i 111'11 ~ l"(ll1- 11·rencr prior 10 the 21!-ol :in· nual stienUtlc as,,cn11>h of \h(' American ."-. c 1 d c rii y of ( iener;il Praelicc. :-:1111\h ,,;_iitl that i11 1111· S;111 F1 :trl("l""(I ;1!"l'<I l"l''!':lfl"h 111- theal('~ lh::t1 aruund :l(l l"-'n 1·111 "! 1hr pupil .. h.'1\'r 1ru·d -111111· 1-.inil 111 1lru::, ·· ;tnil it ~ lH•o ,•II"' 11f Lllr!;1~Jl:-' u!" }:t"t•UI) (•1111 !11r1111l~ ·• 1•111i l1t'1 <iu~1· 111 !oo1ar..:11y, ;.11tl 1 1111 ... 111 ,1\..r~ 11 altr;1eU11: to theJ Suulh 1uld lhr 1h11 J!or.; th.ii 1hry arc "Lurning on ;i \ut ol 111u:1·,~1•>11:d dn1~ Ii" ll 1t Irr II llu II rhu~ ht· ;: ,1 I II l n g tlu111-;1nd:-. 11! n('ll' pu~s lblL' i·u~1'Hlll'r'" lur ~1ro11gf'r :H uff ,'" !"irn1th ~.11d. SONY. Trl11ilrou' c·olnr is brighlc r . shnrpt'r colnr Col0f,TV lo ... 1. b•lt•• ·o • ... TV ~C"Y ~ .. J ... ........ ~ • b • ., •• ·~···"" 1··"'''"" •.• .... , ........ .. ", Dloo TY • •~ e I:•· d•D(lCft .... "••• '"" b•"•~•e• 1~. p.o•v•e ' .~,.,p~. 1~. •olo•, br""" A•d w• II ,,,t "°'" ~~r 1. •k• ""'' of ··~·yo•• .1,. , r.'•'v•• •vb• .... l OUM >O"Y ' 'Y'""' w"'• O•• a ' n O•·• a v• ••nl•< '""" •o• """ b " I••• ~ '" • "'O•r ol,on •-.·<~ n• b 0 n• n•yan• •l<O. ''•""'0" " lh• 0"' • "h .... " •ti "'" I"·<>•• '"n •O• •• o·• • •"<>'P'. b"a'"" '"''"'" ~·d -O "'o·• .,,,,·1 •o•~•d ool ;. o• on• 100~ ' ""''"~ lhr •~ o,. ""'"Y O'""' '""'"'" le '."°\ o• o"'""'O'" oior '""' ol """"" '"0"0"'1'1 !.~"""'' 0' ·on•·•'' """'" '" '"""' "'" .,; ,. <>nd br<lhoft•"' all po••I• o• ·~~ '"~'"· >Lvl>l""d o" o••· • "" '' '"'" 'O<' lo• "'" •o•1<lh • .. •~·~<I. P"'"''" a•d •oO•d opp•<>• '" ><<O"dl. to•'''"l>O•n•r ..,o,.O•" •nb•••• l'~··•o ... 1 ..,1,J ilo!t <••<v•!<y 1.,. 9•eo••• •ehoboh!y ''"""Uy ~o•y '''"""'''d lh• 'T'''"' ft"4 9or • ••""' P"''"'' ~ .. 1 1ou ••o.0•d ... rou• ,. I SONY• Sportsman • • " '<& Portables .............. ~······,,,...··················* r<o r••"• --•'* "' "''" • ...,.,, ~"'1 "''"w'~ Sonr 1,,. you tnl • 011 !ht oc•-... ,~ ro• u~1.,._, o• '"··<i•, ~•r'• ••iooblio 1ol•J ,,.,., l;,.<o•••y o•-y• 9""' r'"' • '""'P· cle<>• P•tlv•e. """" SO"T. '"" ol•a11 ha•• o '"l>o• ••or'' •o -.-... h,,. ro• "' >no ~'"' lY l•OU ••••"' o I'"'"•·-''"" ...,, '"" •o .. • ..,,.,,., -"'""· ••<>'. 9<>00•••" •• ,O,o•d ""•I ••CO "'"'"""'.,,_,'""',.,, ......... ,,, .... ···~ .............. ,. ~·••• r•<'•·•· ""• t.o• l'i IHllJ ·-· " •" •• ~.,, .••.•• ,. .... ,~ ..... 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P"""~ ·I""~ !>IJ"-0< 25~o I .. .,·~"" . ._. <"""-,...:lon9 P""" o4 •l.oc ••• ;...1.,., .• 9 f od,,ol f ,., ••• !<> ... c-...,j u ..... n. .• 0....,....-, .. ,...,d .,:,, .. P-•"11"' ,, • ., .... .,.,./"" """'"'· -d lo''""'"' <>• ..... _ ~ .... 30.llOO ...... :.. -,.-. Here'• how your guoronlee wo; oga1n'I loilvre: Ero rire ~°"tott pe1+od ...... 27 mon!h~ Fni• teploc_.,..t period ...... l A ll'tO"rl-i~ .so~ .. off penod .... , ..••. 15.21 inonths ?s~,o oft pe,-.od ...•.. , .. 22.27 "'<>"'"" DelllXe 8 track car stereo tape deck 69.95 Thi~ exc.lvsiw: tape de d: features: 2 pre m ium q 1J:d11y in door mount speaker'!. and thumb wheel controls. Handsome AM /FM under dash car radio 49.95 Hos 5'' x 7" speaker and built-in AFC circui try for drrf1 f•t :: recep tion . Attrocti..-e wO<?d g1oin and chrome trim. AM /FM stereo radio tuner c<i rtridge 29.95 Complete with automatic tun ing ligh!, stereo indica tor l1g~t . Hos buih-in AFC. 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[ra111ed 111 <l \p11p 11111 1•:111<1 n~ the· ~111p !11u-ht·d a t11p !ro111 < .1n1 dC'n .\la11H' tn 11-1L ht·r Uuildrr ·:!1e la .'-! -.t1rv11 lll).! llll'l1t b t·r ol \d- n11 1T1I !'err~ .~ l!}l)ft r:xpt·d111on lo !he .\11rth l'olt . J:ear .\l11 n1r.1J !J1111<1ld \lc«\l1ll1n111 no11· l11·es 111 rl'· t ire111t•nt ,i\ l'1 011 ncl'l111111 .. \1 .i ....... ·rh1· l3011d11111 ·- prc:.t•nt :-k1ppl'r l ";ipt,1111 l,1111e ~ ."iht.11 p, :-p1 ·11t :-.u1nc S:!.'i .UUO 111 1·L .. 1<11'f' 1hr 1";1-.1nr:1 1 r·--e: GOP '~ "PofJt1li s111 ' \\ \'1HJ\<:Tn\ , ·\J•1 'J'11~ n1.n1 11ho f1Jr:11ul;t:ciJ 1111' '" ';dlrd ··snurh(•rn -.1r.1trµ1 r·rt·d11ed b1· ~urnc 11 11h 1\111 .. 1·_ l!rch3rd .\1 ,\,1,11•1 11111, /I, \\'h1tc !Jnu-1· ~u1> Iii" 1•11 ,1 II .JS 1 tl l~t1;111lf'd ln,,.!(l:td, !o:ll' 1\1'' Ill f'ju' II 1ht C'll/14 f'p! ht•li1n1I ' 11 •' Hrpuhl1<·J11 par\~':-rl'•ilr1. 1~ .. L.(Hl~L·1·1 a111r 1)(1µul1~n •. 1 <u·.;1ef!1 l1nkinc \rni·ii.,, 1111•lc!l1· 11.1,\ rr~.in!lr· .. , r1I ~,. I .. n;1I h"und ;i ~L(" Uut tlll' author ~if rh·· 1 .... ., 'Thr En1e rg1nI: Hep11bl1• ,,. \iil l<)l'I\~ 1ns1~tt•d I!\ flll 'II lrTll{'I• hi< pull'i•dl 11\1·• • rl,1 11ot ;111uH1'.l1 1,. · 111, 1 ,1 i: · 11nt1111: olf '•t• ' - ' Sr;ihoanl '·\\'h,11 11 t• It IHI l!li!IL "' 'nrt 111 l)i•p'.; I•\ l"lJ I',' 'Jtrl !'hd1p• ,1 !8· ;;. ',~· .11 ' 1 .. \" '' \l itlht ll A -1·11 l.1 h1•I• j ti" I f'h1l!r~ ';ud :·11· ~· 1 ' 1,op ·~ 1t11u1" 'h" 1radq1H1•,.ll\ :• , n.,1wl ' Jlt'lll!}('f,I\,< \Hl:;,~ "' I '•' 1 launrd n1•11 • " ... I 1 • 1'M•\11('l'rl \t'Lll"" .11"•1 l1bcr::ils 11111 rut ttl •·r 1 ;or ;uh .1111 ('• 111 '111· t .r. the Old Co11lrdei:11 \ -ri fitw.'-11·1 -1rik1· 11, .. 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'{'IJl!I l.._ \ \;jl 'HH/(lf'd hi 111' "1 \i\•11\ ... 1. 111111 'tf.lll"ll Tn.11 ,, 11111 tn11• .. tw ,11d. I ]:.,; Ill 11'1 \I t I l•1 !ltll':H1 l•' "' 1 •II'• 1• •I 111 t,1 ~ lur lll•· ,,., ''' tl '"I { 1 ! !1111~ .trY 'U h I 1 I I 1 ....... Jl}I·, ••• ,.,r ..• n1·· 111th ad I 'f"!'hl I ,J' I• i•'l l'i••Hj 1 I 1111·111 I J'tl t _ 111• I•"'· li.i· l1t't'I ' I' ' '1••!1 I 'h;l111~ I ••II ' ' I •''! ' lht·~l II" 'I· I • ,(,• 11• •I• l!i.1 ',, i. ,,,, ;.1••"·;1. \i;1- •• ' lo-Hf "' I· I •' '·' .1 h 111 ! I •111 \ . , ' , ... I " I' · • o11 I ·•· I .,, '·' / ~ ; r ,1· ,1111 ~rd Ir,• 1 · " "I , " , r11:1t••11• i11 ! •.. ., • .. I+, u !.:..'' •'••r! 'I · ' 1 ( ,t ll' '"Jl1ll•Jn. II II ' lol•·(j ! ... ' • ' \)\11•1 -t l',11• . !•t \> l• t,:,,1 ·I "" "' 1,. r ,d 11n J1',<1)ii1<r llnl I J· •1111d1 1·,111• "I I 11 ... I :·11 I 'h. 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'lo ~ The 1 c11alog :-0.11 ' \l·1111.in· :\-lart·u~ will tlt"l11 1•r 1110.1~~· ~:.!Jon~ Of .t nl!•ll .., 1 1:11).(11' 111 thr drtl'.1r-tr11 1,,r S'1 1111111 .. n II thf' 111.1 •1 11h11 ll'o 1•111 1'11 I '11:n~n1· Uri·~ 11"1 11,111l l" I' .. 11 !Utf1 lu -. ~\\ 111111\111;.! i ' ' I " ll;1ll;1~ .. trn'" ,,)._., prn11d1 • I ' 1 lo•· ~:, 11111111111 ! II 1•1;.:ll " .. 1 "' I ,.1, If\ h"l 1 n,.. pin nrm --------------• • .. -------------------~:-i----. --..-.-..-------' . ' ~ .. ......, ..... -~ .. ~'" (;rt>1 1/J ,~ee h'.S F111id s Le> Save A 11.c i ert l Torr e)· Pine llabitat • I\ !t1l.l.\ 1\111 0111'1• !,1., 11\! !'•''~ 1\ .1l1u111c•1· 11110 lh.111~ !11f' Jlr\1J;1·rC·1 !1:is~tll'r1~1!1{10tl\l T111.r1• p111e: 1111 1• ah11n· proxunately 1500oflheM<l re 1~11;J..1 slo~ . .., lX't\.\cl'll !1C'l .\l.1r ~I 11 ,c cou1po11i;n I.uh II••' ~;11r tlll'0 l 11rr'<'Y" l',1n1pa1g11 , l)l l'<l'l1\•l 111t• 11111t1 d1n1•, pru· 1tan1 ,,11111 ,..un r••i·I..) t1•rn11n on ttir land th e con• a1idl.J .Jullar!J11i;6.IM!Tun l'1 1:1.it'l'l'\lln11hPdiiuivl1:1\ll11 ~t11tl 1ii•' ~;lOO .Ollll 1 ~·pr'•''>l'11!~ l t I Iii 'l'l il!.r1"rt..ul~.1.,l.1r:.i~lOO 'l't'l i1\lon1~L..;; w;111t added lo 111111•, an11 in" tin· I ii ~, · II I I I I ,~.1 ,, I '•II "I A '>!.Ill' p.!ih I\ lnn1a·( ,.. 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I Th•• iiorld"s onl} 1111 ,.1 'litll' 1 u;tl t'~lln.I.: 1,lft•r ., t 1l,li·~1 111 1111· l·'l~·l~·h1·r i1r111 1.1 h l'I 1J1lu •an1ls11ir11· .\ lt.'\I St<1lt' Park reser\'e_ !r• •·1 1~a· i. •' ;..:1· 111111111 Sl.!•ld .,f Ii·•· r:irl' lint •1••H1111H1 11.11 ,. 1 111·1111 1~·t! 1tlllllithl"h l'.i,11 gru11 •11111\l'd lJll 11111, 11111p1Jl'll ··Uc~·::iuse of Jl!!! rort link \1 :1'1 I!'~~ 1/:.111 to,u 111011:1 111·~i.;1•:! 11111r-.. 1111!\ tl1('f r \I 111;11·1dt·rdl111"11,,, ••·I i11111;1lc.,I 1:1•1(1 :ind :11• :l!'l'I''\ t1111~!11 11li v l1f 1111 1.J, »h1~h 11 llii tht-1•u1l1I thousands of 111 lw ~lit1•1·,~f1d 1J11• 'I 01 11 1 ::.lraJJgt· 12-11wh lt.111·~. 1~ '"' 11 \ E•I Fl• t 11t·r ('11 ;1\\11l·r Pl :1 11J.1d 1.1lucd at nt«irll ;.:JOIJ.{IOtJ :1l'L'r.igl' ~·; 1111 1c~ ;i11 liuur 1car~ ago,' said BuUer, .. the l'P'I'.' \'Iii 1;11 l>'l 1~ '"t'k111g lht• 1sl<1nd ()[ S;.int;.i Ho!oa t\('ar J..t·v i8 ;icre purcrl ul p 111t~. Su111c ::.111:.ill l'Ulllt'lllti11un.~ .1bJ Olhl'r~ ::.h('l!l'r 111 fil\'11\C;:. ;r orrey pint belongs not onl:-> \:llltl 11~1 l' ·,11 1• • ·11 ~1 i!I thi· SJnt<i Barhar::i 11turh 1~ .,1·ll1r1g its holdin~'> 1u h<t\'e been n1ade in the dr11l', About half gr{l'\Y on land ro San Diego but to the Ii L'l'!-b_1 "l!fl111g tllL'J r habitat f:d Butll'r. Jorint-r ~an Diego pr1\'1:1tc dcl'elopers. T he v•hich began tv.·o ye<irs <1go. ov. nC'd pr i 1· a l c I y . Ap-world." -~~~~-~.....::...--'--~~-'--~~~_:__...:..:::_:__c:..:.c.:c.:_c.:__ _ _=:_cc_:__c...:..:._:___:.~~~~~~~ Sears I•• .• ~, 'L' l<l ··I .l ! ;"II \' 1 I li '" "i( ,1 l'fHl{'''"'ll \\I' •i !\lo ( , , • . \• I 11 r, ', • f ! •'"'"A Ii ••0'. !i11·•~JO (•' ""' ., •• ~•00661 c;..,,o·-·1 t.t 6 '~81, ~If: ···ot (Q.11, .. ~t~ ,.(ii l ll /l',ON!l GI J.J9l l c.:11.0•11 CH !i -100'. C1 'l dl l l•O\ll WOOO llO 9,39 ~ I 1';GllWOOO 0, 8°'2.521 lOl'IG IEACll Hl !j.Ql 21 t-40 tw .. 11:: UN .4.7761 OlYM'IC £SOTO AN 8 5211 o•~''"' 637-2100 ' I S ears Kenmore :!-'l'e1nperal11re Gas Dryer . .'"t" •11·~ I .ow 1 'rir" • J l •·.11 ~rlr'rti on fo r dryin~ C'loLhcs e -· \ ir I Jrd1 .• for nu ffin:; pillows ord f1 in c '' r·! 1-.1in11 f'a r··· 11 Pal·-ford ryin g c lothe.!! • r .ar~f' h1 1il1-i n linl sc rcc n • I ,11 ~1d-\.l)onr 1n ~kf'~\\Ork ~l1,.Jf ;\l r1dcl '7 01 f\O Pcr1n a P r est" Cycle l\.e nn1ore (;as Drye1· I (' ~ I ' j i j I ' \'alu r • C1c:l1·"' for 11orn1a l a n<l pern1anenl press fa bria • ••Jff':it'' ;1 11.! ··_\ir Only'' l crnprra l ur~ ~tinp e l .o:Jd··\-l)oor m a krs \Vo rk~hrl( • l<:i ~\' rf';u·h top-rnountf'd l i11 1 i,crc1·11 • \1 'r \lic fin i,l11•d r ;1 hin('I \\iflf':O f'lran ,\!,1dcl 1o ~or, \1 it h Pc rnta Pres t"' Cycle f ;rf'a l 11 11\ ! • (:~el f'~ t £1r n n r111a I,•Ir1 irate a nd P"'nT'lotnettt pnu Ld ll ·ic • Iii. ,~·:i r1n . ilir lf.•n1 prrature &election5 • ~:a ~y r ... 1rli lnp-111ou11 1r d linl ~cree n • t :on' r 11 irnl f ,o ad-1\-l)oor m ak "~ a work1hel ( :'lf ridc-1 -(1 ';()() 1111 , .\'"' "" '1·ar!-l)tfrrrcd l .1,y l'a!n1tnl l'la n. 'I 0111· nlnnth· I; p ll'n1r 111· hr::in in l'r hru a~·. 1ASAPfr•U, .MU 1-321 !, fl !i •21 1 PICO Wf 8-l 26] ~•NIA AN A Kl 7-)]71 ~•llT.\ f [ :J'tr~l(;S 'll' 801 1 SA.NIA MONICA f)( '-6711 SOUTH COAST l'l.AU ,,40-333) TO•rA.HCI !il '2·1Sl l YA.tl!Y L'O J -1461 , '''·2i20 VftMONf "-,_,, 11 POMON A !O 1-11 45, NA 1'-.51dl, YU 6·67JI SA.H 'l'H•NOO fM 1-7111 f--------~----APPLIAN'ES ALSO AVAILABLE AT SEARS APPLIANCE AND CATALOG nous------------... I' I } l·•r ~ ~•J ~<·~ I I".' A ••' l'vJ f ... •' .,, ( I "' f \ ~~1 t OWl'll y 9'3-\'741 H 'WTHOtH! "'' 06&1 MONlfltllO 114·1110 l[OQNOO l (AOi J79-S4n U,lANO "~1'17 '\'\I I ~rc•i ~~S·l 191 .-ictto '"o ,Ah;'. ,S,·lG'll .... ONll OSl ••B·8'l0 lls.t:OA 3.u.,111 WtSTCH(STfl 67'0-7070 f'·••DH' C.•OV( 6J~ 9100 l"'l'Nl'j(;IOM t[•(>l l ,l ls.61 o-.r .. uo 1>86-107\ S.\N P(OIO 547-«31 WfSTM!NISlfll ff3.ASl1 (.~~·l •r"A. f,:11 ~ JJIO lOll l l ([WOOD 6)• i4.0 ''-lOS l'(IOtS Jn .6901 ~P.r•MAN OA~S fel.))00 W[~f (QVIN• ~ r1~r ··-, ,;\ 1·1i 'IA.(1n iot. /IG I! JJ0.)461 tOS ~L!OS !~l·l6•l ,lACfNTIA 31 •-0110 ~UNLANO JSl-«!1 PlAZ A 96() !St.I ... ~ . ..,,.;. .. .;. .................................................................................................................... . ''Sot,~foc.t i on Guoronteed or Yovr Mon•y Sock" 5hop 6 N•ght' Monday through So!urdoy 9:30 A.M. lo 9:30 P.M. ' ,vtUTll(I Ofl.c>M6 WIUIUNGlON l»401S Scars --~.~----_...'!""""~~~~~""'!'-~~~----------~~~--~~~-. . . . , -. . --. . . . . . . -~---.. --·.. . . . . --. " / ; • I -I \JPI TlltPl!el• She Gets the Birds Ove r 50 pigeons have taken to roost on t he television antenna of i\Trs. \'ir- v;ini a Shioli in Daytona Beath. F la . She doesn't kno \v \l'here the un\1•elcome \'isi tors came from or 111here they belong, but notes t ha t they perch every afternoon. She adds. that she neve r ever fed them . Court Fltces Religio11 L lssiie iri Draft Cases "'ASHlN GTO:'J 1t.:Pll The Supreme Court 1nay be preparing to strike dov•n a section or the draft Ja111· 11hich has long been rrgardcd in some legal circles tis a <tirect affront to the conslit1J!ion<.J! doctrine of church-slat c separation. At issue in 111·11 cases 11 hich the high court ag reed :'llon1la y lo review 1 ~ a srction 11f the Sel f"Clil•e Sen'ice Acl ;1u!horiz· ing draft cxrmptio n for t'Oll· scienUous obje<.'tnrs. Cnngrcss sti pul.'.llC'd thr cx- f'mption be gra nted only to those "ll'hO. bl' rr<1son uf religious trainnig or belief, 1arc) t:On!'<:ientiou ~ly opposed ro participation in war in any form." The ac! goes on lo state that "religious 1raining and beli ef in this connf<.'.tion means an individual's be!irf in relation to a supreme being, inrolving duties superior to th(lse aris· ing from any human relations, but not including essentially po 1111 c a1 , soc 1olog\c;il nr philo!IOphical 1·ie11 ~ or ;i n11Crc· ly personal moral <·ode.·• Jn March, 1965, the St1prrme Court held a man need not declare belief in (;Od . ;i s SiJCh, to quali fy as one who objects to war on ··religious" grounds. Now ii has agreed to pass on 11 broade r quesl!Qn l.'i the re· qui rement that (•bJC::t1on to \\'CIT IX' b~1!>t'tl on rrliginus _2rounds con1pat1blc 11·1th 1he f irst :imcnrlmrnt. \\' h 1 ch forbids (."ongrcss to rn:trt ;i ny la1~· fa1nr1 ng iJn<' rf'l1g1ous l'if'~-po1nt n1 er an(lthrr~ The court agr1 ·ed lo rf'1 JCI\' BOAT BUFFS ..,,l,..on l o<leb•v ;, •~• o~!v lu ll·t;m• bo~finq ._d,tor wor~'~'I on eny n owH••P ~' i1' Or enq• Co11 nty. H;1 1•clu1ive t over•g• ol boelinq end y1eh +ln<1 n•w• I ;,~ d1ily f11•~r• ol I~• DA ILY PILO T. a fed eral judge·s ruling that John H. Sisson Jr., a Harrarr! graduate and conscientious ob- jel·tor to the Vietnam \\'ar, rannot be drafted for scr\'icc there. Sisson \;as convicted in Boston, where his draft board was located, although he 1vas 11orking in i'tfississippi as a reporter. Sisson testified hr did not return a 1orn1 for con· scicntious objectors because he was not an objector on the ha.'i 1s of religiou'> training and l"lt'IJeL nor did his objections extend to all forms of 11·ar. 1'hc California case before the cour t involves Elliott Ashton \\'elsh 11, a Los Angeles compu!er engineer \\'ho faces a three year Jail lr rm for refusing induction. \Ve lsh says hr' is con· S<.'icnllously opposed 10 \\'ar fnr polit ic al , sociological and philosophical reasons, but nol for reli gious reason.'i. Deliberately challf'n~ing the tourts to fac;e the broad issue, \Ve lsh said he did nol believe in a supreme lx"1ni::. in llfe after death or in an ything that could bf' called hun1an .~oul. The 9th l .S. Circu it Court of Appeals in San Francisco \1phrld t11 s ton1 ict1on on Sept. 23. 1968. !.~.'it ;\pnl. ho11c1rr. in a ~tr1k1 nc ly :c;1m1!;ir t"ilSl'. t:.S. n1 ~tnl't Cour l J ud ge Charil's \\" \\"\ran.'il..t Jr nf U.1~11i11 rt;!. r(I lh.1l thr <lr~1f\ lrnl' 1111· cons! 1lut1nna llv d1 scr11n1n;1tcs ;i g.11n~1 athe1sis :.ind ai::11osi1c 0• The ~uprernC' {"0·1rr mu~t TI'"I\\' chuos e betv.•1'r a tl1•·•l' ty,·o fl l r c rtly opp o,1tr 1r.· t1•rprclat1ons of th e L0!1 l'"l!tu· i on bv 1011 rr courl~ If th(.' S11prerTic Court appllt'S the :c;;11nc lo&ir 1t has foll.11\CTI 111 ,,1 her rhurch-sttit e C(l\('<. of re- cent years, notably the school prayer <le<:isinns, 11 seems likely 1o Ir .i n to1\ard the Boston rathrr than the San Francisco 1·1e\v. UCLA Book Uses U1tlque Life For1nat Son1ething new in the way of college and u n i 1· r r s i t y histories l1as ;ippearl:'d with !he publication of UCLA On The ~fo\·e. The hook w;is researched and 11·rillcn during the pa st 111·0 .1·t•ar5 by Andrew l lanultnn, Public Affairs Of· flcr1·. an d John 8. Jackson. Pub lit;1 !ion<; l\fanagl'r. The fnrin :ll is c0n<;1dercd one IH'l'Pr hefnrr 11 tt e111pted for thi!o kind or book. ··\l"l! 11sed Life r<!aga zine· ... h1•!nry sencs ;i ~ our model .'' I l<in11ltnn r xplaint•d. "Text r unn1nl( r.lo\1'11 nnr 5i de of the )'age. photogr aphs ::ind h111n;1 n-1ntcresl 1 ignettcs 111 thr rnargins. · ··our airn \1·as tn be as .ac. curr.tl' and authentic as possi· blc nnd at th{' sa me time to pnJd1 1cr a bonk that would be Ji\'(•ly ;ind intrresling to lhe gt:nt'ral re;itler.·• The 2.fO.p;igc book contains son1r ~Oil photogr11 phs and ap- pro;.,1111atel\' \60 human-in· f{'re~t \·1grie1le$. J.itl..sC'ln so1d that t h c m;11 rn.1I y,·as gathered from thr arr hi \"CS. old copies of the stutlenl n e v.· spa pe r and yearbook, ne w clippi ngs. and lhr n1c1nories of faculty and al un Hll. tCL \ On TI1t ~lo\'e \\'a! !"}l(ln~orcd by Gold Shield, an a lumnae strpport group and i.s p11hl1d1•·d hv thP \\'ard Ritchie I 're~:. of LQs Angeles. Price is ~l(l. H 11.•s, A mcrica To S111d v Sta r s T' \!'-·\DE\,\ (Ar) 1\~1 r"n•1m1'r' frnn1 the So1·1r t t ninn and the L"n!lcd 5tatcs. 1n ,t J(11nt projc<'t. will look into 1hr 11111ver~c th1<; month at- tc111p t111g to explain some or it~ n1y~1eri<'~. STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sounc: or Orange County Music ~ADIO KOCM 103.1 FM ... From Fash ion Island. N ewport Beach After 16 Years U.S. Troops Still Evident in Korea TOKYO I UP!l -O..plt. a lot of talk about "Viet· na.mization" of the Vietnam War, the defense of South Korea has never been com- pletely "Koreani1ed," 16 yeara after the Korean War. In closed.door congressional hearings last June Defense Secretary Melvin Laird sald he hoped the 55,000-man U.S. troop commitment in South Korea could be reduted as soon as possible. "I wou ld not want to say lh11t a division could come out of Korea at this time," Laird said in testimony made publ ic las t y,eek , but "'this is a mat· tcr 11h1ch is under current rel'if'Y.." South Korea has ahnost as 1na11 y soldiers fighting beside An1eritans in South Vietna m as the United Slates has in Korea. But Lai rd denied there is any agreemenl \1•hich pro- ''ides for U.S. troops in Korea in exchange for K o r e an participation in the Vietnam \\'a r. "The Koreans are free to 11•it hdraw their forces from Vietnam at any time,, Laird said. Agreement or not, South Korea's staunch support in South Vietnam woul d make it a11·kward for the United Stah~s to withdraw any of its troop' from Kona until the Vietnam war ends. The U.S. m!!Uary view, ac· eordin& lo an infor med American SOL1 ce, is that the United States mu.st not reduce Its commitment in South Ko~a now. The top brass say the United States keeps a full Infantry division on the demilitarized zone <DMZ) for "politlcal- psychological reaso ns '' as well as for mil itary reasons. The reasoning i~ that North Korean Prcn1ie r Kim 1!-Sung v.·ould consider the v.·ithdrav.·a! of the infantry division a sign that the United Slates is no longer deeply interested in the defense of So uth Korea. South Korean off icia ls often 11·arn that a U.S. troop 11·ithdrav.·al coul d prompt Kim to provoke another atl-0ot war, The fortifica !ions along the D~17.. are gri n1 reminders that the Korean peninsula is stil! in a state of war and a peace treaty \1•ith !he Communists has never been signed. There have been hundreds of border skirmishes and infiltrations since the annistire. While th e defense of Korea has not been comple1ely "Koreani.zed,'' the So u t h Koreans have shouldered by fa r the largest &hare or the defense burden. Wtdntsday, Octobt r 15, l9ffl DAILY PILOT J 5 ' ~-. ~-• < 'Give Me an E' These are the cheerleaders \l'ho \l'ill try lo stoke a fire in the E stancia High f;ins when Eagle football tean1 goes into action. On ground is captain Becky Sullard, sta nd ing left Beth Mnrtas. cro uchin ~ center Norma Carclenas, stand· ing right Sharon Reddick and riding on top Kin1 lluggins. Sears -· . Sale on Regular •179 Sears Deluxe 7-ft. Pool Table e Rock 'em np ••• otripts or oolido run omooth on thU Jaoh green 38•7f>.incb playing field • Low profile rubber cnohiono give good rebound •Complete with two 52·incb cnto, 2¥ .. lach hallo, pJ.,tic bridgehead and triangle · •A game the whole f1mily will enjoy! Aek About Sean Con\•enient Cttdit Pl•n& , _________________________________________________ , -,_ '" s.1100. Sl1-4)JI> " l<OHTI GI J .)J11 10HO MAO< KE ,.01 n POMCJNA 10 1.111 J, "" '·1161. ru 6-67l1 rw:o w1 8·•l"62 aou111 co.u1 iv.u ~ I I CAHl)GA, ,,. l •i> 1>66 1 a""°"'' CH s.1001, a •·••:1 a v.....: • '°'o .,... 1.1111 ""''-;..i• Kl 7.3371 lOOUHU J•l-1 !II I <-~ "" ""· Nt '"" ~'~°"'"' '·"" ou~ "' "°" I I """ "~•« """' '"'" '° ,..,.,, """'° I CO¥Mll "'"°'11 ~,wooo Ot •. ,,11 •AMOIKl 681 Jl"ll. 3,, •111 Sears Lv<!• "'°"""" u ,.6t ll "'-"" •-tt11 . '-----------~--------------------------------~ "Satisfaction GuGJanleed or Your Money la~" __ .__ Shop 6 Ni9hh Mondoy thr0119h Sotvrdlly 9;.JO A.M. to NOP .M.. • ·I ,.,~~ii~~·~--------------·--· . -------------------·-----f 11;9 ~ ....... ': •:..;.· ~-. ---·---------... -.---::;:-:> -•I !f1i"" ,.., J 8 DAil V PILOT Wtd!lfsday, Octobtr 15, 1969 Bay Area Shows Slow Pace . To Regional Government Bigge&t Cat Show Announced SAN FRANCISCO (UP I) - Strunc around the 400 square mile1 or the San Francisco Bay are nine counties, 90 clliu and hundreds of single purpose districts, Jt'1 all the samt smog basin and the same water lapping at everybod y's s hore s. Everybody uses the same parks and airports and has lhe same rush hour commuting problem. Vet tHe Bay Area is an l'X· ample of how slow movernent toward regional gO\'emmcnt is just aboul everywhere. The only U.S, metropolitan area to succeed in establishing a kind of multi-purpose regional government is f\-lin- neapolis.St. Paul. Recently it created the Twin C i t i e s Metropolitan Council, run by 14 directors appointed by thl' governor, to control planning functions in seven counties. MAIN OBST A.CLE A main obstacle elsewhere is the hostility of incumbent o(fice holders, who stress the value of "home rule." Another factor, especially in a period of high taxes, is suspicion of the spread of government, the creation of •·a third level" or a "super i;ovemment." In lhe San Francisro area. Assemblyman John T. Knox, a leading proponent of a multi- purpose but limited ~ovem· ment. savs the trouble is "the message ·hasn't gotten through lo the public." Two rival pr opos a I s a uthoriz.ing a Bay A re a government are pending in the Legislature. but their sponsors have not dared to bring them out of committee for a vote. Their main difference ron· cems how directors of the agency should be selected. The Associalion of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), made up of elected officials, opposes Lhe directors' popular election. Knox says the directo;s v.·oultt be more responsive to U1e flublic will if popularly "le/ted. On regional bodies. he also says. a connict of interest arises when dlrectors each represent a political r ntity. They each trade vote! to get advantages for their o"'Tl city -to the df'lriment of the regional purpose. LOSE CO~TROL. The president of ABAG . fllayor Jack r.1altester o[ San Leandro, says ·with popular f'lcctions "the people would lose control." •lis claim is based on the assertions people ,~·ouldn't really know the directors or the i r con· stituenc1es ·would be too large. ABAG says directors should be selected by other elected officials. JLs pla n woul d give one vote to each county and one vote to a representative of all mayors in each county, \\•ith a majority of both groups required for action. Neither pending proposal v.·ould lake away police, fire. !>Chool or taxing functions from the cities and counties. Both proposals contemplate a :-1 ngle agency responsible for l'.ontrolling air and water pollution. se wage disposal, fill · 1ng of the bay. presen·;iti on of t'lfK'TI spare, and some kind of <-o0rd1nation of transportation projects. The argument for a !iingle overall agenry is the problems are interlocking. If \.l'asle is 2 Democrats Agree On Scl1ools SAN FRANCISCO I AP) - 'The two men considered the leading contenders for the 1970 Democratic nomination for governor have joined in criti- cism of Gov. Reagan's educa- lional policies. f\fayor Joseph Alioto of San Francisco and Ai;sembly minority leader .Jesse Unruh shared the same platfonn Thursday, bul avoided a!l personal contact as thl'y ad· dressed 10me 380 Northern California Democratic com- mitteewomen. Unruh declared stale school support under the Reagan ad- ministratkla ''is being choked of( in the CMies al a time when systematJc n e I I e c t ha~ already tUtn a terrible toll." He contended that 75 per- cent of the money in this year'• school finance: bill is going to suburban !chools and only ZS percent to cities. AUoto charged that Heagan l! "ma.king political hay" at· tacldn1 the education system. ' "He teem• to be carrying on warfare againll a community he's not at home with," he llkl. burntd, It cM!ates air po11u. lion. If ifs dwnped in the bay or OCf:an, the \vater i s pollutt>d. Jf it's used ror fill on tidelands, the bay shrinks. AFFECTING ALL Location or expansion or an airport, used by people rrorn rnost parts of the Bay Area. requires land use a nd lreeways ullimately affecting all the other regional pre» !ems. Area, ror example. bas air pollution and rapid transit and bay conservaUon district!. The chance of some multi· purpose agency get ti o g through the Legislature re· mains in doubt, although some optimism is held by Stanley f\.tcCaffrey, president of the Bay Area Council, a group mainly of big businessmen. Through the Goldeta Gate 1r you hive • cat or· kitlren pet around the hOU!lt it, rn.lltit win an award at whati ii G · pe<Ud to aialn be b west coast's bigat cat show. The cat tbow, third :.cham· pionJhip event sponsorJ<I by the Hacienda Cat Club. iJ beina: held SaUlrday and Sun- day, Dec. t-7, in the Mmin Arena of the Anaheim Oln- vention Center. llegional agencies. ea c h responsible for a single p~ le1n. already exist. The Bay He says the situaUon in the Bay Area, with its 5 million people. if unsolved will be "virtually unbearable by the year 1975" when population is expected to reach 8 million. U.S. Coast Guard Cutler Rush arrives in San Fran- cisco Bay to take he r place as the ne"'est Coast Guard s hip in the Pacific. Bujlt in New Orleans, the R ush \risited the East Coast and Central AmeMcan ports on her way to the Golden State. She y,•as ac· cepted by the service in JuJy. • Theme for this year's show is • • S p a n i s h Christmas.'' Colorful part of the show is the array of comj.etltive decorated cages· done around the show's theme. NEWPORT u um • l·~..t ' . - ·i· . Thursday, Friday, Saturday Lin&1rit Fa mous maker nylon lricol shill gowns are al l double layered w1lh embroidery, applique or lace I rims. Paste ls and fashion colors; S·M·L, ' ieg. 9.00 ........................ ~.99 Famous maker stab1l11ed nylon lric ot slips have filled bodice with regular lr1co! Inserts to insure perfect Iii. Whi te; 32·36 shorl, 34-40 average, reg. 7.00 ........................ 4.99 foundations Peler Pan "H idden Treasure" bandeau bra has l1berfill cups, nylon and Lycra®spandcx inserl rn front Easy·tJre basliste in wh ile; P. and !l cups, reg. 3.50 .... • • • • • • • . • • • • • .. l .99 Warner's "Young Thing" coll ection in Pink Rage : Bandeau lace cup bra with spandex sides sides and back. rei. 5.00, ••••••.••••• l .99 Fashion Jewelry Gold or si lver color metal rope chains in links, beads or chain styles .............. 3/S.Oll Pretty pretend pearls are strung on hand-knotted ropes of all lengths. Reg. 4.00·6.00 •••••• 2.99 Matching earrings, reg. 3.00 .•••.•••••• l.99 VanilY Shop Bullon-down short-sleeved sport sh11ls in a great "ssortmenl. All sizes S·M·L XL , reg. 8.00 ........................ 4.99 f amous maker plaid wash 'n wear pants 01 Fortrel'* polyester and cotton with sta -press lini sh. Classic styling in good selectioo ol sizes, 29 lo 38 , reg. l 0.00-11.00 ................... 1.99 Store for Men Short-sl eeved perma-press shirts 1n a wide varrely ol new Jai l col ors and pallerns. S·M·L·XL, reg. 10 .00 .................. S.19, 2111.DD Men's short-sl eeved 01lon ''acrylic knit shirts in the popular link stitch. 3-bullon placket and collar style in fashioo co lors; reg. 11.00.. • . . .. • • . . . • .......... S.9! Gifts and China Erica 9 pc. glass salad sci includes 10" clear glass salad bowl, si x 5" bowls , pt as· l ie lork and spoon; reg. 7 .00 set • • • • • • • S.U FAMOUS MAKER ROBES 12.99 Reg. 17.00. These prell y '\ I i I .. FAMOUS MAKER GOWNS\-j-1..-..,_~j 4.99 7.00·8.00 value. These cuddtesuede brushed tri· cot gowns are a carelree blen d of acetate and nylon . Dainty bud embroidery and satin appliques trim lhe bodice. In icy pastels; shill gown in P-S·M·L; long gown in S-M·L Lingerie ·" .. &' Stn 111 Boys \ . I Cardigan and pullover sweaters by our lop makers. Comple tely washable, they're in our most popular co lors. 8 lo 20, reg. 9.00·1?.00...... . . . . .. 6.99 LiHl1 Shnor Shop Cardigan and pullover swea1ers uy our lop makers. Completely washable, they're in our most popul ar colors. 4 lo 7, reg. 6.00-8 .00 ...................... 3.19 T1w1ls • Nol in Newpoct or LakewOOd Famoos maker .firsl quali ty towel s in a delicate pink, blue or eild carnation prinL Bath, reg. 3.50, l.15; hand, reg. 1.00, l .U; cloth, reg .. 80, .50. Beach towel bonanza! Irregular sheared prinled lowets in the lull 70" size, reg. 7 .00·8.00 . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . 4.00 ,,,,, ....... _ ";·.-\ <J ' 2·PANT SUIT SALE 119.00 Reg. 150.00 . Save 31.00 on our regular stock of Michaels/Siem 2-panl suits. Choose horn mill finish sharkskins in solids and sublle plaids. All sizes in blues, greys and rich browns. Store for Men ll·JEWEL FASHION WATCHES 17.99 Reg. 23.00-32.00. These beauliful watches look as !hough lhey cost much more' And, they're euaranteed for one lull year. Choose front QI[[ large collec tion in sold or Sliver color netals. The perfec t gill! Fashion Jewelry Beddinc >No! 111 Newpo1t or l akeNood Dacron "88" lills Bulfums' mallress pads. They're non-allergenic, smoolh-quick-tlryinc, long-wearing. Fi al style with anchor band or com~inati on pad and matlfess cove1 : IMPERIAL; deluxe qua lily Fl at: Twin , reg. 8 00 •.....••.....•••• l.H Full . reg. 9.00 ................. 1.H Exira long twin. reg. 9.00 •••••••••• .l.H Extra long full, reg. 10.00 .••.•.••• , .1.H Queen, reg .12.00 ............... 11.H King . reg. 17.00 ............ , •• 11.M Combina tion: Twin, reg. 9.00 •.•••.••••••••••• l .H Full , reg. 10.00 .•.•••.••••••••• l.H Quee n, reg. 17 .00 . • • . • • ......... 14.H King, reg.19.00 ... ,.. . .•..••. 11.H • #1 FASHION ISLAND • NEWPORT CENTER • 644-2200 • MONDAY. THURSDAY, FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 9:30 • OTHER DAYS 10:00 TILL 5:30 "l! .......... ~.~.~.~.:--~!"'""''"""""'"'"'""' ...... '"": ...... ""!'!!'~~ ... ~~"':"~ ......... ~ .......... '"":~ ... ~~ .... ~~ ... ~~~·-... ~~·~~~~~~ . .. ........ --~········· ------··········-· INDUSTRY VICE PREXY Irvin•'• Everett Devis Ma11aO"er . ~ To J_,,ead .. Cpmplex Ev~tt Davis, s a I e s mana er of the I rvine Indus ial Complex, has been elecle vice president of the 3,100-acrc industria l develop- ment surrounding the Orange County Airport. it \1•ns an- nounced by John c:. f\lurphy, president. Davis, of Coro11n dcl ~lar, joined the fim1 in l!Hi7, as assis~nl lo tll urphy, was name" sales manager a year later. } "Dafis' rapid rise is in- dicative of our growth," notes f.lurphy. "In the lwo years since he joine(.I us, we h;ive more than doubled our staff to keep up "'ith the rver-in- crear.Jng tem po of activity in the €omplex. ''During this period, the number of industrial firms located in the con1plex now exceeds 225. \\'e expect even more rapid gro1\•th in the future . This appointment is one of ou r first ~tcps to fa ci litate th is activity." A lhird generation Southern California I a n d developer. Davis n1ajored in real estate at the Uni\"ersi ty of Arizon[I and \\'as employed by a Ne1vport Beath <'onstrut'Lion company ;;ind opcr:oilcd his ow11 rea! C'!itate firnl before joining llC. Achievement Fit·m Opens For M¢sa " 0TU11ior Achieven1enl, !ht high1 school student progra m stres.i;ing free enterprise, has opened a new business in a CQl'!tie t-.1esa building. The project, iuvolving stu- <icntl organized ;ind adult- su pfrvi.sed corporations, is located at 1240 Lo i;:an St. F ~tecn companies fro 111 several Orange Coast high schdOls 1>>ill be housed in the blJilding . Amon g the rt'presented high schools are Corona de! !\lar, Costa !\tcsa, EsLnnc1a, Voun- tainiV11llty, HIIT!t l1'glol! Beach, and .Ne .... ·port Jl ;irbor. f..·1pre than a SC'orc of area firrt'll! \1·ill adv1.~c the leC'nagl.' cntr,preneurs in their 11·ork this .school yenr. 1'!fe comp:irucs will mct'l Itri" n ,1·eck from October thrOl,lgh 1\l"ay. Stilcients may Jtn11 ! h r· or 4 a n i z :it in 11 lhrou gh ;1sse:iribl ies Ht high scliools 11•heie JA rrpresentali1·l'S of· fer Pfogran1s on the aclivities . More infdrmation &bout the prolfram also is av;iilable t.h r04ilh Junior Achi evement. 1014 Jt:;iyn1ond \Vay, Anaheim, 9280, i Barb Wit·e Unit Meets , l'he Cali fornia Bnrbed \\lire Colleclors Association w i I I hold ia fall quarWly mec .. ng in lhe form of a one-<IRy barb- ed wire show Saturday at the Charles \V. Bower! Memorial l\IU!!'Um, 2002 North M<1in SL. Santa Ana . Show hours will be 10 i:l.m .. to 4;30 p.m. The public is In· vited to visit the museum dur- ing those hours ,in order to \'iew the many exhibits of barbed wire. fenci.ig tools, and associated items,' which wil l be on display. ,,,eh. will be no admission charge. JI.fore than ..300 different 11•ircs "'iii be exhibited at the San1 A Ana show, covering virtually every type or barbed wire which has bc'cn found by collcctor.'I all over the world. HAPPY Ht •• 1 hipp y w11k1nd. St1rl if by r11din4 11.1 W~EK· ENDER I" th1 DAILY 'ILOT. '========'I NEWPORT u um ' Values Throughout the store Suncharm Spor1swe1r Beau tiful wool double knits imported from Italy and Hong Kong. One and two pc. dre sses and 3 pc. suits; 8 to 16, reg. 40.00-76.00.. . . . . 29.00, 44.00, 49.00 Dr11s Sllop Beller dresses by lamous makers in one and two pc. dayti me, afternoon, some alter-five dre sses and forma ls; 8 lo 18, f reg. 13 .00·56.00 .•....•.... 15.99-23.99 Acc1s1ari1s Nylon knit pant tops are machine washable. Mocklurlle styling in sleeveless, short or long sleeves. While, light blue, pink, ye l· low; 36 to 40. Three days only' Re g. 7.00·9 .00 .•............. 4.99 Tailored and dressy ~louses 111 care free collon or blends. In crisp 1·:'11 le end fash- ion colors; 30 to 38, reg. 8.00.15 .00 ..... .. . ..... 3.99 Rain 'n Shine Shtp, slree1 floor Wet weather coats in pretty fashion sly lings . Sizes 8 lo 18, reg. 16 .00·20.00 .............. 11.99 Famous maker umbre llas in petite and slim style s. Solid colors and prin ts; specially pr iced . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.99-5.99 Handbags In vinyl with the !ook ol leatller or patent. Dre ssy or ta ilored slyle s in black, Lrown , tan an d asso rted co lors, reg. 11.00·14.00 •.....•....... 6.99 Gloves Solt leather gloves li ned with lamb or met· isse. 4 and 8 bullon styles · in while, ulack, bone or Lrown; 6 to 7\1 . reg. 7.95-11.95 ............ 5.99-1.!9. Youn& C1lll1111l1 Sho' Junior and petite dresses in new fall colors. styles and fabrics. Special group of jumpers; rei.17 .00-18.00 •....•...• 12.99-11.99 All junior dresses red uced' Reg. 10.00-18.00 dresses, 12.99; reg. 19.00·34 .00 dresses 11.99; rei. 34 .00 and more dresses, 11.H. Final clearance ol shir ls and tilouses. B.in- dana shirts, prints. body styl es, dressy ray- on satins and crepes, slinky acetate jerseys and a Jew crop tops, reg. 9.00·17.00 ............... 3,11. Bud&ll Dresses Misses' and women's d7isses in new Jail colors and styles. Sleeveless and short- sleeved in your Javori le fabrics. Some 2 and 3·pc. suits, reg. 17.00-18.00 •••••...•. 12.99·11.ll HMltry l"TEftMATIDIALE UT PAIT SUITS 27.99-31.99 An outstanding value on these washable Fortrel* pol yester ense~bles . Three smart styles: a mini-buttoned, muscle sl eeved tunic pant suit, a V-neck sleeveless long vested suit and a smashing.shirt top out· fit. Navy, purple, white, red or burgandy; 8 to 16. Suncharm Sportswear BUFFUM$' OWN SWEATE~ 12.99 Reg.17.00. You'tl lovt the lacy, cable des ign of our li ghtweight wo ol knit swe•ters . And , they're fully fined. Wh ite. blue, pink, celery, aquo; 36 to 40. Three days only al this special price! Accessories ... .. ' " .. , Round the Clock hosiery and pantyhose sa le continues through Oct ober 18th! Come in "rly for Liest select ion of sizes and colors COlmotlcs Bullums' Own lemon soap is French milled tor qualrly. Five 3·ounce cakes shaped like lemons. two lo a box, reg. 1.15 .................... 2.21 Limited group of flight l>!gs by a famous maker; reg. 11.00-18.00 ........• 112 111 lnflnfl' Sito' · Color ·coordi naled Peterson en!llmble in Buffums' exc lusive Min i-Mod pettems; 40 x 40 Aulomelic Fold Pt•yyard, reg. 29.00, 21.19; Siesta Stroller, reg. 25.00,20.H; Folda-Tr i-Chair, reg. 18.00, lLH; Walk· er/Jumper, reg. 8.00, l .49. Save 10% on all Childcralt nursery furni- ture. Factory 01der delivered to your home. Girls' a., Novelty stitch cardigan in 100% Orlon• acrylic. Classic colors and icy pastefr 9 ' .00 value ......••....•••.••. I.II Fall dresses in prints, solids and plaids. reg. 7.00·14 00 ..•..•.•••••• 1 ... 1.H All weather coats of Docron• polyester and cotton poplln. R!yon tined ond aper• tre•led. Ma chine washaLle and dryable; 16.00·18.00 value .••••••• 1.IM.n Wide leg pants in prints and solids. u sy care fabrics, some cuffed styles; reg. 5.00-7.00 .............. 2 ... Wtdntid.ay, Octobtr 15, 1%" • FALL'S NEWEST BASIC DRESS 14.99 DAILY •ILOT J7 13.00·18.00 value. Four slunning styles in the latest fal I colors ol navy, blue, black, beige or yel- low. A marvelous blend of Dacron®polyester and wool, it's the perfect dress· to accessorize with your favor ite scarf or pin' Budget Dress es · "LADY" SHIFTS 8.99 Reg. 13.00·17 .00. See our great collection of prin ts and sol ids in these popular shift s. Many sty les, all wash· able drip-dry Dacron® polyester and collon. 8 lo 10.Budgel Dresses \ Girts' Slro, Sleeping liags in assorted pri nts. Open to a 68 x 73 com forter tha t's light 'n warm polyester I riled. Machine washa Ule; 11.00 va lue, ..•......•..... 1.!9 Sl111rwart Silverplaled cre<m and sugar on tray; l1m- iled Quantities, .....••.••.• 12.95 l~ qi. covered casserole; limited quantities ....................... 12.15 Reed and Barton's Francis First ~tarting flatware, all pieces ....•••• 2r• 111 Tow le Sterling, all patterns •.. 25% 'in He irloom Sterling , all pallerns. 25% tff Special savings on sets for 4, 8 or 11 iri Wal lace Grand Baroque or Sir Christopher patterns! Sllll•try Sltp Boxed assort ment of al l·occasion greelin~ cards; 11 car ds to a box. 4.00 value •.•...•...•.•.. 211.25 Double deck playing cards are 101)'4 plastic Assorted designs; 9.00 value ...•. 4.0D T1~11 Linens She_er abaca place mats in gold, green, tan- {tnne or blue; reg. 1.15 , ••••• , •• Ii 11• Linen table.c.tolhswilh lovely border in oys- ter. 50 x 50'", reg. 4.99 , l .H; other sizes from 40 x40'", reg. 3.99, l.H; 70 x 114'" oblong. ieg. 11.99 , 9.99. Matchi ng naokins, reg .. 80, .49 • • #1 FASHION ISLAND • NEWPORT CENTER • 644-2200 • MOHDAY . THURSDAY, FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 9:30 • OTHER DAYS 10:00 TILL 5:30 ... • I I I • • I'. "J. DAILY "LOT -.. -,.·.~ ..... ~ ... Wtdnt~dJ1, Octobtt 15, 1%' ' ~, ' :-~-:.'-:• ,.1... -.1 -·- 6 PIL OT·ADV!RTIS~" !IJ©~~~·~e~~~~~~·~e~~~~'~e~~~~~'~e,~ Gl•ts~•ors· 20" Bicycle 1 ' I ." Planters" • . • MIXED NUTS • l ightly salted casnews, braz11 nul~. almonds. pecans, etc. ' Vacuu m oJr,ked lo ~eep fresh. 13 oz. Can -· ...... ·--~ ..... -"' ...... COLO WATER WASH :nr :ill fme \'.asllableJ ... fl 1"· iS the color and 111 ot all 11re washables. especi ally .• ,,,+•Jll'rs. 1.39 15 111. Size ....... ~., .,.. .... . .... ,,~. , , .. , ........ ,~ ""' "Solo" BATHROOM Cup Dispenser USE OUR PLAN 'fllllh lC -J\1 Ill. s11e c~p ~ 19c '. .• , I •!Jl/ •' :."nr d l'JL · ·11 \~"' O I 11~1 ''. r;::::a::::::::::::::x:::==:::o======·~c===---=:::===~=-~---::r"'==u lRICOLETTE Frenth Drip f' Coffee Maker 1 ~.·P:,, 4 111 8 I. (ti 11~ '" j {lr ·j 11•'•·~.iJ " 1. '!1 l"l - 1i '·e.t"~. ( -n~i.·e l'. !~ r .. Pr ,_ l l l 1l11•x I 1. '<" r~n .. til 1·~! nol rnr!ud·.~ 2.49 Cone-Filler Holdtr 1 !IJ .. 11,,,1,,~ n1 ~ "! 1 29 ~ i'.S~~~ Hold\ "In:.~ a1·.J1" l1hrr 1T'J\ ~old 1f" ~·,;und .. \og~!her lr11 Qt1•r'> d, (IO ~I. • ...:::::a:c ::>C :::c :it ::>C ::.-c::.._ SHOP EARLY! Super· scooter' wit• Tr1 i11i111 W~eels ... ly ROYCE UNION - 3 bet llame with arched convertible bar, safely coaster bra~e, ''Safet y l hread" whitewall tire~. adJuS!dble haOOlebar. u . 29.88 BOYi' ~GIRLS' IADIO-fire engine 1ed color ••• slan~ for parking ..• han- dle bar with black plastic grips. 7xl ~/' '""· 4.39 . ' ~:\]· \ . ' I ·~ • I 'Hi-Riser' Bicycle 'Rocket' Wagon USE YOUR BANKAMERICARD "Pooty-Tat" DOLL H~R S MAN -9" boys and Rirls of ~1ny!. fuH ·f roi nted, sleeping r.ye~ with long 3 19 lashes. D1essed in pajama'> and night cap. • "Li I' I Softee" w/LIYmE HORSMAN -l l" lo;sir1 tilled bodv. ~inyl arms, legs-, head. Roo\erl "P1~1e" ha1ra~. 11te h~e e1e~. 01esscd 1n colorlul playsttil. 5.98 "Tammy Tears" w/LATmE HORSMAN -JO" doll dr1n~~. 1·1~ti ,inj 111c~. All ~1ny1. IJll/ 1oinieo w11h rooled hd.r , ~l1'ep10~ e~e~. In romp~r nnd hldnhet. ' IDEAL 5.98 "Toddler Thumbelina" with Hobbr Horse -9'' rresi~l1ble doll dre':ed 111 Indian PrinCl' .s Gu Hit. Puil Baby "Catch-A-Ball" "Tumbling Tomboy" "Funny Pumper" by RAINC RAFT -PLAY· OOH .•. r ·~ · ,n• 1• 1 .1,' ! ,,, .1,. Ii.,' J t . n 1 ~ " . '~·. , ~ e J11 ur,t'"d'P. 6.49 Doll Coach by souTHBEND i . ul,1r p,.;~d. Oui r.~ ·, ·.u11/l,; ;-.r11on rP.ir, \'ln11e /, ·l ,' "'· !~ i,1,··1~11" Al, r. r,. ,1IJl111!1. ! 11l~11lf !1 ,1,d. 1 " 1·.1,1,ri , • ,·· •1,•i le ,, 9.69 "Music Box" Teich;•1 c1ock FISHER·PRICE -.i., 11111 ... c l!•Jv~, i:loc~ lace and minute 1.11nd 11•vol~e. 1e\~almg ptC· hu~\ ol prescnonler ac!1v1. '"'" /l!jll! by tiuu1 4.99 "Kiddie Kopter" •1M11uN Arl•On pu:i!l1uy ... t: .. o phl· petlcr.; total? 1n opposite dr· • ro>1 lions. built in ~vu rid gives !'"~ elif't l ol •::ti1r1 ng biJde~ \'.nen iov" uu>nC-<I. 3.66 --_--I ··-,. '"' ~ ~1 -"Bags 'n Things" TOPPER -Adds that exlt a !ouch of glamour for ever1 little glr1! Girts can design 11 ;i11d make their own acces·· ~OTleS. "Tea Set" ., IRWIN Ser wite for Four -1n c.olorful "Harvest f ru!1" de- .49 ~ign. White plates with de· :.1gn, amber color gob!els, top>:., sugar, creamer 1n :.olid ~reen. 2.69 "Battling Tops1' .,10EAL Be a champion m lhe bcwt 01 the century! Players launch lops and the battle heg1ns. The last top lo re· main soinning is the 'fllinner. 2.33 7.'!!'1:C\.""" "Batt I esfi i p" --8·: .. d G•m• BRADLEY -ohiect of 1he game 1s to ~lfih all o1 t11r. opponent's :.nips b1 l1nng : Jlvos of shot.<. and c.alling 1u! !~e sJn~e:ii e~ 3.98 "Close 'n Play" Phono KENNlR -Pia1., 4·1 ·~·1 1e1..~rd~ anywhere. Put on a r"LQrd. !ur n on !>w1lt n_ clo~'! Id ... it p1ay"i dUlon·nt,~a\. It. HJnd::. never 1oucn neeoie. 6.99 Construction Set by TONKA -'"Ti11y·l11nkJ" . cons1~\-; oi Loadr·, Ourrip. Cemen\ M1~er, le.:. Cl~i and Dole; CulCl,·ul ml·· .1! p1e(f'S tl\al t1d~C worr.inR oarts. 4.59 "Magic Lite" by HASBRO 1 e mo.,t 11 1 J t1~t: f'"-'' ~1mP.nS.1C1n 1n ••• tolo·~d I r· Yott l~n fl!'/~ 11" .• " 11 multi cul~•Pa or • ~: Ol.id .cene<>. - Doll Carriage COLECO -l· ;:, rr 1:~·d tiodv 1n b11 ~t.~ ~ ·~ , · • ~.-· (!~1tl'.~ !les1?; c ''~ r .. ~1 1.·n · ... i11"i:, -~ !'i'>J~ r.~1:;~11· ryo·· . 7 .98 4.39 <HILORIN's "Rocker" LEADER -Just like dad's rhair ... large, comfortable 9 49 1oc ker uphols1ered with soil •·1~·11 in v.hile and cokirs. • MAGNUS Chord Organ with Hassotk l11t• ••• 1rnvone Cdn play i" 60 Set· onds ••. without lessons. 39 88 lnc!udes 5 mu!)ic books. Wafnut color. · • KIODll CHROME Table & Chair RADIO -Gleaming Turquoise Blue baked enamel tmish, "spori~ Uair" steel hub cap~. semi pneumatic ti1e~. 9.98 1 O" Velocipede AMF J1nior -flambo1- ant red finish with Vth1le 8 99 tnm. Ad1us!able handle- bd1~ and .~.tetl saddle. • AMF Junior Chain Drive "Scat" Car Sturdy chassis constructed o1 ~·~"steel tubmg \ljlth bright red linish with biac~ ~nd wll•te tr im. full length chain guard, semi pneumat ic punc- ture prD?f tires. Airplane type st~er1 ng wnee: AMF Ju•i•• Sidewalk Bike Convertible from boys to girls model • •• adjustable handlebars and c;.n- tour-styled saddle. Sem1-pneumalir. and punct ure proof !ires. flarnlxlyant turquoise with white tum. 19.98 'Poweride X-1' Electric Car •r ELDON -Supports up lo !SD Ibo. Can be used indoors or ou~, skimming along al speeds up to 2 miles per hour, Rechargeable battery works on any 24 88 household wall socket. Runs vp lo 7' hours on one charging. • "Table Top" Racing Set by AURORA -2 lane se! include'i two lhunderbird "500'' cars, 2 racing speed control s. curved and straight 1oadways. two trestle posts and O.C. power pact 14.88 "Johnny Lightning" L.M. 500 Track Set TOPPER -!he 1-.orld's onl1 skill c ~r race 1·111hout batterie~. motors or 1•11re\. 11 r rack has ;i dual lane and lap countr;r for each car. huly a great set. "Come Alive" Drum Set .49 Buitk Century Cru is er .. , I~·~ ;,.~. !a~t1c t ar w1tn a brd1n. \'cu pro~r,,.1 !he car with (ards. \ u dL.. ~c · ~ ;ic :1on. No v.-ues or ri;:mo!e ccn·:u •• C11r comes comp1e1c1·1 a~s~ir 1~j 5.88 MOTORIZED M . p . t "h•r-sh... ov1e ro1ec or s;m 5 59 2·4 • 17.88 ,• . ,. c .-lar ·-------.-..: ... --·-. -·-----.. ---.- " ~ ~! :le Wi!!I ": Cf,1, 1 'Ji~ I BE •. ;; ~ r I PILOl ·AOVERTISER 7 ~~"~!R~~~~ "Sweet· Heart" Deodorant' FABRIC SOFTENER ii ;:· Super Dry Formula -for a Soller, Wbiur, ~'"< lor Everyone! Fresher Wis~! \.I! 69c G1ll11 5'11. Size Size I PRE-SOAK • KING SIZE • "Biz" "All" • DETERGENT for AUTOMATIC Soaks Out Toughest DISHWASHERS Dirt & Stain s with "~uilt-in" Spot Remover ;,, l(ing Size ''Purex'' Scott SUPER BATHROOM BLEACH Tissue with NEW Whilenini 1000 Sheet Rolls -Power! White, Colors 5 Qt. 4i49c Sizt "S1yle" 'Pepsodent' TOOTHPASTE HAIR SPRAY Cho1se lrom 3 Formulas -with Zirconium Silicale r;itflS you ii soft tau ch lo1 k ••• lor whiter, brighter thilt stays put. teeth. 1& oz.. &.75 DZ . f am My Size Size Wedfltsday, Octob~r 15, 1%9 S ARDEN or CARNATION • Choose from "Old fash- ion'' quality flavars an~ 69C many new ones. V. GILLON IUUNOS ARDEN or CARNATION \/2 GALLON SQUARES Hand SAV-ON DELUXE Packed Ass't flavors 35c • Pt. DAILY PILOT J9 ft ___ M _____ :; .. by SQUIBB - 1. Quick, gentle, 110 Automill ic Brush far Teet~ &, Gums ~~ i and down action 13 8 gets tfl!til really 8 ~ clea~, leaves moult\ · ~ .L • tingling. # 2502 • 2 'lr ''''~"""""''" ..... :lft l'Q.lo.1.~1--.......... -1 ~ TRICK OR TREAT Cute ki~die designs. full·!ace vinyl masks that GLOW in the d.lr~. Choose ham Clown, Oe'/11, fairy Princess & Pussy-Cal. One size for J-5 years. ea. Assorted cosltJmes gaily ~ecoraled with glitter or pa1ntdesigns,eachwithfulf., 29 face vinpl ir.ast Astronaut, , Gypsy, \filth & mill~ others. . Si1es fOJ 4 to 14 years. ea. • All Costumes are Flaim1 Rttair,aat 1 O" Pumpkin ~s 11 Jack" with p las\ic ca11y1og ha~d le, large er.cug~ to hold plenty ol Halloween "tr~ts." Adult Masks • Children's Masks LMOse llom GORY Of FUNNY full -lace pla~tir. ma~~s 10 glo\\'Jng fluorescent .~olors tt.at are :.11re 10 add the ''extra touch 16 your tos- \tJme 1or "Irie~ or tre~ting." CANDY Candy Apples LEAf -m~1vfduall;• 89C wrapped pieces, .. lark "Jr." Bars Tootsie Roll s ·SERVICE· So all white tablets look alike lo you? There are many differeoces -d1Uer- ences which our-pharmacists ~now about. Alld wllen tne difference 1s 10 quality. you may be confident that our pharmacists dispense only lop quality medicat100. _.\ "Cepacol" .-.~ .\ ANTIBACTERIAL ·-~;::[::: .. "·"··---· ----~,&/ "Foamy" SURF-SPUY : . I SHAVE CREAM l v:ith c1isp ar.eao 1pr1y 79c Assorted "Monster" and basic cOaracters l' aroma. that will thrill the kids in llame retardant f 1.t9 ti u. Sitt rayon with multi-.tolor bold Ink l COSTUMES designs. full· face vinyl masks 1 69 Jii.w'lli~"'"'''~~·!miwa !hat "glows'' in the dark. 1 "'"'"""~'"'~-'~'""'n=---=--Hil>•-• ---···· Children's 4 to 14 slies. ei. • I 16" Pumpkin i "Pepsodent" -·\ MOUTKWASH ... gee , , GARGL£ Flav1h1st P-A u 9 20 "·size CAPSUL£S lor reliet of 1 98 cold sniffle& 14 Ciips • Flavihist EXTRA STR£NC TK Ca ugh formula. 1 88 4 Ol. Sizt • ·· Flavihist OECDN,ESTINT ~~::I 1 49 20 ct Size • Flavihist IABY COUCH SYRUP r1~~~~~gc 1 1 g 4az.Size • Vi sine 11£ DROPS Soothes and comlorts ir · 1 09 r1latedey~s ! Y2 oz. Size • DIGEL llQ\l!O ......... .... ," • Norwich ''Lo tsa Jilek" for all 98 ' TOOTHBRUSHES 39 yo~r "Irick or tr eJt'' C ~!le M~l t wi~h hard, med· C 11ood ic~. 1~m or soft bristles: Sampt11 ~ -• l size tMlhpaste included. ASPIRIN U.SP. - ~ Grain. !9c 250's Devil's" Fork 1 ~ . -- All plast+c 1n orange 2gc '{--i-·-==-"Di-Gel" Youths' TABLrrs-untraps gas Masks in stomach that causes a:'!'3~ :~i;gc:-1 39 ~~.-~ e· 1.BSIOO's • --.. -Di--G-el-,,-ti 'fii: . llQU\O -Stops gass~-l hree dimensiona l acid indigestion fastl :;t'{les in ass'! color-!t l . 39 1u1 slyl:s; 43c ~tiRIJ~~eph CKILOR£H 31 C 1 Vt Cr. J9c Ji's Romilar CF !-Haur Cou1h Fermula ..• non- narcolic. 11 g 1.59301. Size • "Hershey-els" Junior bag$ of assort. ed milk choco!ale. candy coated. Bagol 32 7gc arid blac~ color. f PLAYTtX WIGS' i "Living" GLov1s • . I with FREE Extra Right Hand ~fame retardant ma!erial 4gc ii Clove. Cott1rn lined with long I ~ i!SSOr\ed COIOrlUI f CU!fS ••• non-S!ip grip. gee : sly le.-;. ea. I Ass't co!o11 in lad ies' slles f Rt1. ui .._.ra.~ HATS! ;-·~··--- ChMselrom"Oerby'' 2gc {lr "Tramp" s1yles. .. . • j I • ...... - \, Jf DAIL V PILOT Modeling Glamorous But Hard "f~tf"l'Ot'IC ••V• mv l••••r.flld .... ,,.,..,.M..,. ii I buu1ltu1 ,1r1 ... 11 .,, ••• ,. ....... , .. bKoml~, • ,....,., ••. W~t! t •I -Chl nit• to c.<;ofnlt 1 '°" mo11111~ By JOYCE LA IN A. -Sl!m a5 most of the dolls in the cl ·o th espin business. Let's whiz by the plus points of modeling since moot aspiring Cinderellas know plenty about I h c glamour side of it But how many hopeful' fu lly realize the hard labor and inlenst com- petition involved? FACING IT . Good look~ alone aren't enough. Even if your fac!al planes are photogenic-and your body structure is right, you're still up against thousands and I 1!2£.&IEjl ~ thou.sands or gorteoo.s rivals "'-ho m1y have more to offer. such as: A "siltnt <1ctress" tal~t to convey a mood in an instant. The stamina lo slay on screaming feet for hours. or hold unc<>mfortable po6itions under bright studio lights. The personality to impress and tempera~nt to get along \Vit h prima donnas in the fashion "'orld. Superb grooming and ea.sy poise. Dogged determina- lion. A professional attitude - a model's head may be ready to fall off, but her face can't show it. Self-discipline (no late nights, no rich foods, no drlnk- ing. no drugs) because models t•an 't l\'Ol"k look.ing like nine miles of bad road. Smart chicks know that modeling is about as .•. STE ADY AS A HU\1· ~fJNGBfRD, and 1 earn shorthand and t}'Plng, or other marketable skills. to survive between jobs. Many of an esti mated S0,000 models l\'ork only part time, and free lancers can be without book· ings for weeks or months . Age 1:> or II im't too soon to begin, and over Z3 is usually too late. A modtl'.s l\'orking life is _,bout elght ytars, and shl''s often considered to be an old bag by 23; hov,.ever, to a limit.ed e x t e n t • some em ploytrs prefer ma tu re models as well as tho~ who can '>''ear particular typts of clothes: -short, tall, stout. And a recent development is more use o( real-life types and "funnv faces." PIVOT of lhe modeling scene is New York. Other ma.· jor centers are Atlanta , Chicago, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles. Miami and San Fran· cisco, although all urban areas ha~·e some opportunity for employment. f.!odels mainly l\'ork in fashions· or photography but some pose for artists and sculptors. or demonstralt products at trade shows, in filrru or on tele· ,-ision. PHOTOGRAPHR'S ~fODELS are employed - primarlly through modeling agencies -for ad \'ertisin g and edilorial p u r p o se s . Generally, a Jens lass is both higher paid and more i-poradically employed than a fa.s hlon model. Employe's in- c l u de photographers, ad - \ertising agen cies, magazines and catalog studios. T'>''O key poinl.s: Read fa shion n1 agazines tn ~cu1n e pro- fessional at app\y\ng 1nake·up : a model's portfolio of pictures ls her most important se!\ng too! so be _prtplll'MI to invest mone y in good picturts of yourself. How can you find out lf you're pipedrcamlng? Ask a fre e-lance photographer tor several) fOT an honest ap- pralsal of yourself as a J» tential model. FASillON ?\.10DELS fre - quently work full time , but some only do special fashion lihO\\·s. Employers: apparel designen, manufactu rers and \\'ho!es1Je•s : department stores, custom salons and other retail and specialty t:hops. You'll often ha v e clerical dwUes in slack seasons l\'hen you Y.'ork for manufac· lurers or wholesalers. EDUCATION. No formal re· qulrements for many jobs but 50me bosses require high school or a little college. Art. i ptech, drama, danci ng and saleamanship courses a r e use(1,1l. The quality of model- ina (or ch'"11 or finishing) achool1 varies from p:id to zilch. Steer clear of th~ m a k In a eitravagant pro· mlNI~ tome establishments are nm b)'. opportunists "·ho set>-you orily u an opportun- ity. WHERE TO WRITE: For a tifodellftl AasociaUon o f , American pamphlc l which In· • eludes • brief suggested ' reedlna Jilt. s'nd mt: a ~ Etamped, 1tlf-addre~sed lon g. • "·h!te envelope •t t h i s • ne\~1spaper. Wrlfll "Model" on outside envelope and· allow uveral week.I for deU very . Wtdnesday, Octobtr lS, 196') e llJ I . 1 lth 5r .• CoJ!a Mnci 5hoppl119 Co111t1, Coif• M .... Q 106'11 ll•t•ll• -'••· •' Eti1c.lld-Gardonloncl Shoppl11t Cont tr Ga1don <;10-• • ,661 C•moll Avo. GI l1Mhtw.Df>-0101190 Co .. Jy r1ua, Gordo!! G10.,. • 1'160 W. fdl111or ond 1111101 St.-Edingtr Cenror, SOllro Ano Ntw Every ay low r ces on Ctlor Prints & Pbotofinishln $2'1 Women's Night,owns or . Pa1amas .. · .. YOUR CHOIC; $227 Tailored pajama.s with cnbroidery t rim and all O\'et p!iot:s. Waltz & long gowns tiimmed with lace 1nd ruffles. Floral prints 100% eottan !lannclettc. Wome!l'S fMIROIDERE.E> Pant Tops . f~ ' ::~~""" '698 •• l . \ t tf:. lt·s THE look: for I f ~ .' !\ Fa.IL Embroidered, .J'l .• ha nd loomed i11 Men's Short Sleeve Sport Shirts ,.•:: DiK ..... s2sa "' r~~·d K~ huttoo-dowti. tOllJl with dO'Jb!t l!aclc 1titchin,1t 1"11 rollu, top, (enter and pod~, N'""' tar,ercd 1t;le widi tail!. Jn cbrcks and stripes. Soie:s s-M-L-XL. . .Jl , ·' •ir11i11 •cl)'l1c. New , ·'"' • .-·; Fall color3 .•. . I l'OU -v;on't bdit'o·e ''·;ii·-I ~ the low price ta&· . 'l'l/l)"J . < ~•.L I \ ,. I .,..,,. Women's Fancy Sweaters I : s341 Tun!ened-1 & V • flecks. (.able a nd f •nt y de s i gn froocs. Pull fub- ionrd. 3.f~o. Wctmeiis Net lro Dusters ""'"" s3sa r11c1• 1'\o.;mn. l;l1hrinite-- lv 1rirrunrd l.icf', .t fmbroid,rrd 10-IH. L .I Boys' Corduroy Shirts s22s Pl'"h tiding ct1tto" cords ill de-ep tone.I colciu. Button trim ol'l ruf(s. Slt0 8·18. Power Net Panty Girdles , •• , ... $337 1g othcn ti $5,GO 'N,!o n & 11or1Je... "''th tha ~"I-' ti,!!ht rl~"i' bt.nd tr> hold ~tocking, f1rrnlr. Rep!11c:t1111nt Stoctll"P ...... l!k: • 11,0• M .... n.sr.mtt•l._,_Yln ... c..irt.r,h•llt9!•Y.-., e l •oth & ldh•t•t tlt"d.-H•llfl .. tM -..Ch Shoppl•t Ceflt.,, Hw111!11tro11 a.ecJi e JlOO H.tMr at..i.-H-"' Sli•H'I .. c_...., C•t• M-e 21111 hlkh 11., ... ot A.flllllf'D-H•ittiittto1 ._. \\ledn6day, October 15, 1%11 P!LOT-ADVERTIS(lt :J e 111:11 lrootih•Bf St • .t WHr111ln•t•r-Wnftlro•k Cffhlr, (i.,,.,. .. , ... • 6111 Watn1l11ttor crt Gold1111 Wt•t. Wntmhurer e 11961 Yet ... YI-.. C"'""9 -'••.-loutcihl Pl•· G•tdeli G-ro" ., -'4" 30 Gallon GolY1111l11d SIMI Trash Cans Reg. 59' to acr Electrical Accessories • $293 ii YOUO v CHOICE 37c '7'' Value! Rybutol GILUC.APS '3" to •511 Y•luu! Decorator 5 elvlng Multiple Vitamins $288 E4illl Year'• Stipp Ir of 365 $2~ llf--w.tnut Pammetr fini1b with 1ifver finhh. 2. 3 or 4 ~°%e!~~h .. 8 .Apotbtary Ii o t t I~ ~ taina fu.!l ya.fa supplrt. FrHI Bottle of 30 @ :l!') Chewable Vitamins WM111T•lor ,l1Ul~lf.1DI ~119 Excellent Tltam.11\ lup-• plemeat tor the family. Reg. '1 4' Colctrful Magic Turbans K0<p•-bW.do U. el 19 plac;:e while you. ~etp. 'IP ·No dips Ol' piru neces. llU'f· White ad color!. 98:. Bag of 350 Curtly Cotton Balls .... •""d<ot Jdn! 2 . •1 !or appli·izlg & rcmo..... 0 Jn,11: make llp. BU}' 2 R. bogs&· !ave 96c. $391 Value! Metal Steerable Trucb •1 Hobl<)'. Dd~ ·-1 e299 ,Steer 'em ro'!nd the ~'fl ner ! Axle.acuon ltttnfl&. Oioice of ttyks. $300 Value! Snoopy 7" Plastlt Doll 1=•bl<Sooopy f~""' •197 Pe1n ul.J romi' 1trip l 9 Wnss helmet and ,gog. ,1~ Reg. s11 11 Udico Elec. Can Opener With Knlft $ho,,_"' Lid Lifter, t ord stora8". Ptoti:'CtJYe cilrome plft. N. . t.., s3ss ,., .................... $1.:.11 flocked YelctVr Decorator Pieces llrijht colon in. certlu• 88" pieces ot hinging .uin&1I ,. of ~~!lblos or ftult. .Add 1 dccoatol ICCent 1 94JC 100% Plastic Playing Cards 1o•• Jmiog. dunl>le. 5 I II n'I}' to clean. Jl.rp!Keo ~ rnmt prmteed bf flllD- tif~etu ret ! · 69:. Moel Tablets or Envelopes no; z. Utt 69c. Qi.ulit}' paper iA rood ailon. 2i69¢ •2 Value! Pack of 25 Christmas Cards T"""""°"' """""' ... 57" th~ modem. tnditiart-~ at. ~am Oil qulity ,tod<, '2" Value! Sponge Vinyl Shoe Kit l.ulh" loo.k .;.,1. E"f '199 to won: 11pPU. PW«t for tnve!! Cristy Automatic Table Ughttr """"'"'I' d .. 1, .. d, e19a fullr automatic. Gte•t 'IP for Pfti ! Fantastic Varltty of Poly l1Uld Makeup Wlp Halloween Costumes _ .. _ A ·'P"'!'O>lu ,.. $1 '' k<tioa of I<"<• sorne Gbo1t1, Sk..elttoiu and ~ er WltUIDtl I Pumpkin and WHcll Lanft1111 Moor '""'-5JC Ct!al"I ••• 1NllJ wtltft ....... ...... •• Jelly leans or Or•ge Slices 11 294 -.... Bazooka Bub•lt lllm IOX 69' orao __ .. _ •CMT•,. ·••h1lirMth ... .... ·--•Nit.U,hta•~ Includes G.E. ucl Pl· cific !lo:tticmd. Choia: "o:ilon. '4" Value! Bucket Style Bed Rest $3'' Old fashioned W0ctcl Tone Plaques ""'"" of--· el 98 wood $COOp with colotful • miniatum fr nit• and vegei:ablet. S]M Yaluel nffany Ice Crtllll Sida Mugs Whit• porcel.liti with 99-1!«•• k n<1 ··c-eo~- "-"= $16" Yaluol RtMco tin Man Robot Fl:OM THI WllAllD Of Ot: ~;·:.:~~::::~ $10'' )w,,ol, ~""'P" j ~ lt<w>t, , .. , "'he ... """"d""''"''" $]811 Sunbeam Jet Set Hair Dryer Pombl•,., Yitb e13aa ,houldtr str.1p tc 12' • rord. L•r!!e siie op. F~t. quirl. $]3" Automatic G.E. Toothbrush With '4 brn.1hes. Cotdle1s , .. powct handle. For <letn· er teeth, hca.lthier gums. . Save $.'4.00: stutdr T·Iet stabilitr •.. iul:ttt tip won't slip, woblt!e or aw floor. Per;fora.tccl top l~f5 steam. es.cape for coolct itoniog. '29'1 Value! Polaroid Color Pak II $2411 • Photct Albums fctr Polaroid l lnlfama!IG Cameras !)a;_. lot ."'""''"' •100 &.-Instimatin. M«l de· s.i«n, uti11 Wftf- Push lvtton Waring llendtr H..,.,. d o1r·~ .... ,2188 I p o s h ~utionc!'J cup slw 1ar. ' b:>Olc· indudal ' . ' Reg~ •3° Quin Corn Popper .. -··""~·· popo>m '2'9 om:ry time. S1mplo, d$J to use. Gird indudcd. Remington 6 ll•de "Lectro" Shaver 'Woth ' .... , •• ·21•1 Mad.t and comfott • rontrol dial. Arwln 4 Sptecl Phonograph Solid""""'.~"'' e13S7 player. H.u PoP' IP up" '4' RPM Cilc. Sapphire stylus. · '5" General Electric Alann Clock """'" .... witb hluk e444 face, .cold ct1lot cmboNed IP nwntttb, bands. anooie """'" Bradley's Deluxe llended Whiskey ... ,.... ...... ff•llDWND Candy : ll:: 1:1/'&:'r:I .,, ...... er--·39c l:r'tcr BabJ Ruth Jn. CllldJ 8111 ::: .... 59• Fifth Galloa s2aa l ight. mild fir"ottd hlend oE choice 'Wftll. lc ies and newal spirit$. Tiy Jt tt this spc- ci&I pricrl Big 13-01. Box Chocolate 11-~~~~ .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cherries MuudUao""'""" ... ""'" 69c Giant Winking 9\1211 Pumpkin '' HalloWllll Make-up IHI e:-29' Toots11 lioll Suok1rs IOX $17' OF II Trick or Treat Sackers ..... 39• •• fondaat covtm:I ~ith. f1UMTJ' ~ late. "CHIUY OICHARD'1 • Cherry loyal Chorrioo .•••.•• , . ;a. • .. •ChnyC-Cir«olotoChorrlH lb, •f.29 TMJtA41 39c T ootsl• Rolls ...... 19:. Planter's Peanuts Dry Realttd ~ Htllowoy-lox .t 40 Milk Duds Jrs. ::~·~"'~::.:; 2 ' $150 nCH ! POpullt with 0 the whole famil7I I ~ '' ....... Mont •• .t 81 Pi1lt Stlx Canel Rolls ...... 79• ... '""-of -40.--.U-'co T"""' Good & Plenty Jrs. 110nc ..... Fancy Peanuts 79' IN 39• SHILL luy 2, S... 21c II 0.. Jar .. • • ' " • " ' • • • • • • ' ' ' • • ' L ' . t ' '" . . ~;>~'' \,....,-'>\' < ~· ' -'! AUTOMATIC PUNCTURE ( PROTECTION* . ALIGNMENT SPECIAL/ ··~~ Cars $2 Mn1 11 ~I OST AMERTCAN CAHS HERE'S WllA 1' WE !JO: • Adjust c~ster • Set i.oc-in • Ad just camber • SeL l oe-r,,1: • Inspec t steering PLUS 2 FHONT STANDAHIJ SHOCKS TNSTALLE D FREE ,\LL WORK PERFORMF.D BY FACTORY ~~ =1--TRAINED SPEC IALISTS ES OUR BEST BATTERY BUY! RCA, CAMDEN & PICKWICK TAPES 4.98 VALUE! Fantastic a~sortment of your favorite recording artists, reaturing Jac k Jones. Ocan·Marlin. N111 King Cole, J ohn ny Ri ve rs, Pat~y Cli ne, Johnn y Ca~h . f-filnk ·rhom'pson , Dave Dudley. ·-----------·. -··-···-·· ........ -- DAIL 'I' ll'ILOT' 2 f FISK SUPER SAFTI ·FLIGHT 4 YEAR GUARANTEE 7.7S-1J Triple whi,._11, t-'i1le11 • 4-PL Y NYLON CORD • TUBELESS • 14/32" TREAD DEPTH • WRAP AROUND TREAD • TRIPLE WHITEWALLS •GOLD ''All GUAID" P'UNCJUll LIN fl 1rip1 ,11nctwrin1 •lll•ct1 •11l•M•ticelly. minlmi1e1 pe11illle e ir I•••· wilh· •YI •"ffti111 the lir•'• hi1h 1pee4 cep11laili1y. 7.35-14 7.75-14 8.25-14 8.25-15 (8.15) 8.55-14 8.55-15 (8.45) 8.85-14 9.00-15 2.41 2.54 2.bb 2.b2 2.83 Plus $2 . .<\S Federal Excise Te• Why Walt? WHEEL BALANCE CHARGE ITI . . Jlavt po!lll\t 11cl ion r .1lile grips. in:§u]11ted chpll, c;ii;y lo hook up. 39-2001i f ISK SPRINT G T WIDE OVAL GUARANTIED fOR THE LIFE OF THE TREAD 88 170-1.S (7.7 S) '~ h1tel'.·all, tubr l ,..-~' rJus ,_,, l'cdrr.Jl Excise Ta x fULL ,.,LY· NYLON CORD IODY TUllLUS D70·14 (6 95) ~70 .14 (7.35) .f70·14 _t?.7!) 1;70·14 (1.25) G70-15 __ (1.l.51 . H70-J' 1.4 5 • LONG WEARING ; 1/<l" TRIAD Dl'1H • OYIR 61/1 INCH WIDE TRIAD All prices p lu s Feder"! E11cis1 Tax Redwatl s $1 .00 more each . Ttal -4 -, 6· or S·cycle en11ine1, nefative or p ositive rround. 34-9005 . Rf-:PL . .\rt: YOl 'R \\"(JR~~ H.T :'11 l.'FFLER TOO . .\ YI t:Llalfl\ATE Tll ~: IJ,\.\t,t.11 VF 1',\HHU.\" ~!()'.\·- • 1:\lDi': l'OJ:::iU:\l.\"1:• I 't"l~1 n11l equ1pn1('nt rrril;irr:nr nl typ,. I· rR Lure5 duu Ulr \\<l I l ~hrl l :111d ck-..:t ronira!Jy 11 rl<l r-d .-c~ni•. TRANSMISSION FLUID 23' OUAOf THERMOSTAT JS4 Fur u~1· "111 :1!1 l r.1n.-:u1~~iun,­ and .,_iv.·t•r ~tt•t•l"ini.: 11n1li-. Suit· :11'lt• li•r ~-,.,ir rou11d U:-t>. ;!.f. r-;o n -c orro~1,·e. m1int.in1 proptr oprrnting temper•lurn. 4-4-1021, 29-3100, -44-1017, 4-4 -1020. :..~:3 101 , -4 4-1018 • WESTMINSTER THESE SPECIALS BUENA PARK GOOD AT THESE BUENA PARK LOCATIONS ONLY! COSTA MESA SANTA ANA 15«0 leech ll•d-ot McFacfcM11 892-2081 5IU Llocolo Aff. ot YaA.y Yl•w 126-5100 5101 IHch llYCI • .t Luttwltltt 52l-lo.40 ZJOOHortterlml.otWU,.. Ml-20l2 1400 Edl .. .,ot lrllr.I 546-78l2 • I .. -----------. • 2J DAI LY PILOT Wtd11tsda y, October 15, 196!0 . I I • Blau· Says Agee Plays Agee's Phonograph Tells Story Best~ Not Great NE:IV YORK I AP) -r aut Blair of ,the Baltimore Orioles didn't share the popular consensus Tuesd;iy tha t To1nmit' Ag ee of the f\ew York 1\\{•ts nnuJc tv.·o spectacular catchc~ in ccntf'r fir ld. ''Great catches~" Blai r said aflf'r Uic f\!cts won 5-0 and look a 2-to-1 lead in th1~ \\i'orld Series. "Hell, I kn<n1• he timed mine ." Agee made a di\'ing catch or D!air'~ I.lases-loaded rly to righl center in the set•enth inning, skiddi ng on his stomach Biter grabbing the ball "The ball wasn't hit lhal hard," Blair said. "He should have had it easily. \Vhen he dove I thought maybe he slippt>d. "lie look a big chance by diving. If !he bill got past him, it v.·ould have bt'cn ::u1 ins ide-the-park homer and lied the score." Agee cont.ended the wind caught Blair's lly ball and caused it lo dip at the last moment "tfe 's the only one '>''ho know:s," Blair said. "But, I still think he timed it." CAUGHT IN WEB Agee., who led olf the New York first lrµiing v.·ith a homer, also snared a Ion~ drive off the bat of Ellie Hendricks wlth lwo on and l'>''O out in the fourth . The Mets' center fielde r said he caught that one. in the \':ebbing of his glove, about two feet from the fence in le ft center. "I didn't think the ball \l:ould go out.'' TJ-cnd ricks said, "but I thought it "'oulcf fall in . J think the wind slowed up the ba!I, and I sa w it die.'' Mets Lead 2-1 : After Stopping Orioles, 5-0 NEW YORK !AP) -Tommie A1ee ~~ quietly In front of his locker after I.be first two games of the 1969 World Serles, a phonograph playing 30fUy in (ron t of him. Over and over the tune and lyrics boro Into Agee, who is perhapg more resporui· ble than any other man for the JI.tel£' ap- pearance in the 19&9 World Serles. "You can't keep a good man down ••• you can't keep a good man down." "Oh, it's just a tune I like to listen to,'' said AaDl:I, after he had snapped an ~for.· 8 Serll"!l.ump with a leadoff homer alld then made two sensational, rally-killing catches in New York's f>-0 third game· \'ietor'y over tlK' Orioles Tuesday. The Me13 lead the Birds, two games to one. Agee 's mlnl-11lum p in the Series was nothing compared to the O-for-34 collar 1\e wore early last season. Now that was a l'llump. "I felt like jumping off a bridge then.'f said Agee. Agee managed only a .217 batting average and fi\'e home runs all of la.~t . year. He bounced back t~ season. hit· ting .211 and leading the Met3 with 28' homers and 76 runs batted in. LEA.DOFF HOMER . He had also gi ven the ~!et.s 11ome clutell hitting as well as ;11wless center fielding and he demonstrated both commoditi&ii to the Oriolts Tuesday. First there was a leadoff home run Iii the first inning. · "I 'm a klw ball hitter and they've betn flettlng me out with high pitches. T figured that's what I'd be iieeing again and luckily, I dld," said Agtt. Hendricks, norinally a dead pull hitter. added: "I ain"t supposed to hit !he ball in that direction, an}'\1'8}'." STAR! OF BIG DAY -Tommie Agee of the New York l\.Iets gets off t_o a bi g_ start o~ an _even bigger day by lacing a hon1e run a gains'I Bal- timore 1n U1c first inning of Tuesd ay's \Vorld Series game. lie later m ade t \VO spectacular catches League champions, :H), as his mates slammed the American In the fourth inning, with !ht ri.fets leading 3-0 the Orioles put runners On first and third with one out. Brooks Roblnr;on struck out and thtn Ellie Htn- drlcks &ent a Jong drive to le(t cenkr field. 1.fanagtr Earl \\"caver of the Orioles \1·asn't surprised by Agee"s catches. "I've always said he could play center field ,'' Weaver sa.id. •·1 turned in my first report on him when he played at Char~ston, \\',Va., and I managed at Elmira, N. Y. RECALLS KEY CATCH "I remember one ga1ne in parUrular, ~-hen we were battling for first place. f'r11I1k Bertaina hit a shot to the 1\•al! 1vith t~ bases loa ded , and Agee did just what he did today." \~'eaver TIOl.ed t\\·o ~rabs by Agee saved fil'e rUil."l rroni being scored against rookie Gary Genlr)•, "ho all o"·ed only three hits before bfing replaced by Nolan Hyan just before Blair·s bases-loaded out. "Gentry i.s a lot ht-lier than I thought he "''as," \\"ea1·er ~;11d. "He throws harder than :'\ew York's fir!;t tu·o starters Tom Sea ·. er a!ld J err y Koosm an." Palmer, v.·ho saw Gentry pitch "hen they \l'ere }'Otmgsters in Arizona and again in the minors last year when Palmer "·ais reco\'ering from arm trou· bit, 1,1·asn't surprised. ''Our scouting report said he had an ;i l'erage fa.st ball,'' Palmer said "I told our pla yers he v.·as better tha.'I that.'' As for himself, Palmer sa.kl he v.·a.sn't J?etting his breaking pitches ol'er the plate early in the game, and the ~tel~ "knew T ~·ouldn "t thro1,1· it when I got behind." As a result, the 1'1els y.·ere rapping his fa5t ball -(XC1'pl for Jerry Grote's ru n- :-.roring double off a cun·e b~H in the si xth. ''lie wasn't popping his fas t ba ll. eithf'r." Hcndrirk.s said. "Palmer didn 't have. exceptional stuf[." tYea1·er said, "l-!e u·asn ·1 h1msr lf. ! tlunk the long laynff showed up. He 1,1·as soM nf feeling his "'ay the first couple or in- nings." lVlLL M.4RTIN ~IANAGE INDIANS? ALLIANCE, Neb. (AP) -A plan to bring Billy 1'1artin to Cleveland I() mMage !ht American League Indians is reported to be near completion. but "rllartin said Tuesday he had heard nolhing about iL Contacted at the home of relatives in Alliance, the former Minriesota Twins manager said he hf.Id receil'ed no job of. fer from the Cleveland management A Cleveland sportscaster had reported "artier that Ind ians 1'1an ager Alv in Dark \~·as to be moved up lo an execu tive post to make room for 1'1arttn, ~·ho was fired iionch1y from hi~ posl with the Twins. "It's newl!I to me.'' 1'1artin said about the offer. ''I haven't talked to anyone 21ince I left Minneapolis, and no one from Cle\'eland has approached me about a job." PtfarUn said if he was offered a job as manager of the Indians, "I would have lo think about lt." Vallely Gets Praise Fro111 UCLA Coach LOS ANGELES (AP) -UCLA basket- ball coach John \Vooden unveiled Tuesday a 1969-70 learn that he called "rnuch more versatile" than those headed by Lew Alcindor which won three straight national collegiate titles. \Vearing hi~ 1969 gold NCAA chan1- p1onship watch, \Voodcn and 12 varsi1y candidates spoke to ne1,1·smen at Pauley Pavilion on the first day of practice. "\\"e 1nay hal'e found a guard in John \'alle!y in !he last fou r gamrs last year," \\ooden said. \1al!ely, a 6-3 junior college transfer fron1 Orange Coast, starred in lht> NC1\A tournament. "\Vhcn \\'e had Alcindor, \\·e had to use: an offense built arnund him. Thal ga\'C us little time to practice on offense without him. Tl1is yrar Ste\'e Patterson y,·ill be our l:enter and y,·e can play an offense lluil 11·111 be niore \'ersalile beca use \\'e don't ha\"e the big man ·• \~'o()(l en said h1~ forn·.1rds -Cu rtis Rou·c. 6-61 ':, and Sidney \\'ick~. 6-8 -:irr •·111·n of !he sl roni;:rst forwards e\'r.r to play l1r1 r Thry ha Ye ;ii) the phys1cill ~bilily lo bcr.otnc )!real r~bounders ,, \\'oodrn said it ,~·ouldn't be as quick or ;is fns t a terim as he \vould lik(' hul •·\\'e'll h<l\"C better shooting guard.~ and :-;trongcr re.bounders than \\'e've had. Our defense \\'ill be impro\"ed _ ''It would be sill y to think 11·c wouldn't be hurt by the loss of A!cindor, bul 11·r•11 also miss the shooting of L y n n Shackelford, the leadership of Kenny Jlei!z, the huslle of Bill S111eek ... " Asked lo name a probable starling fi ve, \\"oodcn said he might go 1rith Patter.son, 6-!l. \\'icks. Rn11'e, Vallely, and Terry Sthofield. a 6-:'I junior. J101,1·cver. hot- i;hooti ng Henry Rihby, a 6-1 sophomo re, is expect ed to make a strong effort lo crack the sterling lineup. \Vooden sriid he feels this will be a good team, hut "there is no team in the coun· try that h;:is material Uk~ the Universily of Southern California. California is also loaded and so are Washington and Oregon. The Paci(ic..fl is \\'ithout doubt the best basketball confert!ncc in the na- tion." Irish Boss Steams CHJCAGO (AP) Coach A r a Plraerbian of Notre Dame is all s hook up ov.er hit: Jllh-!'&nked lrllh being pegged a all&ht flvorlte vvtr unbeaten Southern Callfornta'• No. J Trojans in lheir foot- ball cWh •l Soolh Btnd Saturday. n.e oddamaktr& have tabOOt Notre Dtme I three-point pick over the Trn1ans aoiid Parseghlan told lhe Chicago Foot ball \\'r1tttl Chapter Tuesday via a phone hookup: "I supJ>06e It we wtre pl1ylng l\o I Ohio State or No. 2 TtltU, we'd aJSQ lw f1vortd, resardlesa cl the fact \\'e nlready have to~t lo Purdue," 1a1d Ara. "That's 1he pena lty of coaching a1 Noire Dame. E\'tryborfy thinks you're ln- \•lncible nt horne." I)arseghian said he regarded Sou thern Ca(lfornla as a better 1r.11rt1 thnn la:i;t yeru"& 0. J. Simpson.paced Trojan.~ "'horn the lriah plnyed 10 a 21 -21 lie alter leading 21-7 11t halftime. "Thrs 1~ a he11u1·11 football lr11m anfi r <lon 't know wti rrher y,•r C'Rn «Ope \vilh :->nu1hrn1 Californi11'~ lrernendous sperrl, po~·er ;ind ~ki ll.'' 1'.11d J'ars('(l:hi8n . ~-h("l,~r Irish lasl S11turday bombarded Army 4 ~0 • KEY CATCH -1·ommic Agee 1nakes a fingertip catch in deep lefl center field to rob Elrod Hendricks of an extra base hil during Tues· clay's \Vorld Se ries play. Agee and the Mets took ;:i 2-1 lead in lhe Scfies, which conl\nues at Shea Stadium loday and Thursday. The: fl·lcts arc nO\V 7-5 picks to 'vin the Series. at Being Picked boosti ng their rrcont lo :'1-1. "It'll ju5t i:I rnyster,v tu inc how we can he favored n\'er a. learn which has beatr.n Nebraska, Nor1h\\'C'~lcrn, Orr~Qn Stil le and Stantord . \\"c don't rc;i lly knu'>'' hov; good we are although 1vc irtiprovcd con- i.irlcrably in our l:1sl. two games again.~t J\l ichigan Statr ;ind Army. "I'll JU~I ~.iy Ii i' ri,i:urc In :i;hflw ur :it 1 .10 11 ··lock rnr tt1r f...11 kt,ff and \\'e'll play lhr bJll ~:unr" ('o:tch AIC''i A.:.1.~r . \1'hO~P North11P11trr11 !r.1111 l)f•l11•r! '" 1\ro!rr n :11nr Jft 10 in n ~a.~on opcnrr :ind lost nl &lu thrrn C'a tHomia 48-6, told the Chicago Football "'r1trrs. "Notre D11mc can win, but if it cloes, lt ·s an upset." Co1nment by cnnrh John ft.1cKay of Southern California included concern Uial "for !hr. first time we'll be bloc ki ng peo- ple bl,Rger then we arc al Notre Dame." ~lrl\ay also de9Cril>r-d I r Is h quar1crb:ick .Joe Thri~n1nnn a~ murh t'[ulc kcr 1h.1n Stanforrl's .Jim rlunkcll who 1.1.~t ::>n111rilay hiJd lu~ Indians ahead .lJi.llnst Sou1hf'rn (';:i!iforn1.'I until a 34- ·' ;~r<I l1f'l1t $:flal at 1hr final gun ga\'C the TroJrins A 26·24 victory. Composite Series Scores NEW YO IU( {API -l ilt compo11t1 be• ltl rt of 1111 11 .. 1 ll!rtt g1mt1 of !ht 196' World ~lflti: IATTINO IUMMAIY 11n11t1tr1 .,,.._, .. , .. , .. ~ ....... ~. Qy!o.,:I, II " ' ' ' • ' ' . \I? &lair, " " ' ' • • • • _., ' '10~1n,on. rl • • ' • • • • '111 Po,..111. " " • ' • • • • .11J ' llGoln.on, lo " • ' • • • ' ·"' ~O::~J.~o c • ' • • • • • .... , ' ' • • • • ·'" Elt ll!bt trtn, ' • • • • • • .... 1111~nv1r. •• ' ' ' ' • ' . llJ C111 !t r. p ' • ' • • • ' .lll McNtltJ, p ' • • • • • • ... Ptl!lf'mijl>!I, ,, • • • • • • • .... P1lmtr, • , • • • • • • . OM Moy, "' • • • • • • • . ... Le<W11!t rd, • • • • • • • • ... 0.lrymple, '" ' ' ' • ' • 0 1.000 ~.1 ........ " • • • • • • • .... 10!11f, ~ ' " ' • ' ' ,Ill N1• YOrlt Mth .. i' ·~ 1: ~· ~· 7'1 -~~, .. AOlt, " " Htrrt l•On, u • ' ' • • • • . m G1rre11. ~ ' • • • • • • .... Jonl!S, " " • ' • • • • ·"' C~l'dtnon, ,. , , , ' • ' ' .m IC rt noPOQI, " • ' ' • • ' ' ·'" Sl!1m,~v, ~I! rl ' • • • • • • .... Swoll0d1, " , • ' • • • • • !Ol Cl!tdt1, " ' ' , ' • • • -'" Gtolt, c " ' ' ' • • ' ,lll W1l1, " • • , • • • , ... Ao1well, ~ ' ' ' • • • • .Jll Seever, • ' • • • • • • .... Dv1r, " ' • • • • • • .... (trd~ll. • • • • • • • • _.., Gtsi>o1r, .,,.rl , • • • • • • "" l tvlor, D • • • • • • • . ... ICO<>•ni~~. • • • • • • • • .... GtMrv. D ' • ' ' • • , .lll llv•P· Ill • ' • • • • • .., 101111 " ' " • • ' ' '"' P'llCMJNG SUMMA•Y 111111111,1 Orlellt (IJt ll•• 11·0) Mc,.•llY !a·!\ P1lm~r (1).11 L~o~~••d lg!•!I S••v•r (1).1) C:•rd.,..,11 • Teylor l<M>"'6r fl 0) C•n•rv O•OJ ~ •h •r T<>ltl1 .... ~ .•. . " ' . ' . ' . ' , ,; 1• "'""'"''" • I I 4 f LOO ll'll7 J_OO l ••• J ,00 I I 1 I I 4 SO 11 11 1211211 Ht1• Yor-Mt!I ''" "'"''''''' I i i < • I l 7,10 I I 0 0 Cl 0 0 DOO 111J DG01 1000 111.1111J •1eo 1 1.11lDO J •OOO l lltllOOlJOOO J la 1: 5 5 11 II 1.IJ ICOllE I Y IHNll'IOS e1111""''' {Amorlcfnl 1110 JOO 100 -S Nftvt Yor-U••!lon1 I) 110 1111 111 -I ~ -Wtlt. P1lnit r, DP -IU J1lmor1 (.-,) I. l 09 -Bll!lniort CA> lt, Ntw Yor-INl ll. Sii -811/r. i -G1 rrt11. SI' -Wtls. WP -Mcl'll lly, "I play him to pull the ball," sald Ager. ''I was a shade toward! right for him: I saw the ball all the way an<I I knew fd reallr have to go to get It." , So, A&ee went. Daihlng acroo..s the ~ field at tap speed, the center fielder fal.- ed Hendricks' shot to the wall . Both ar- ri ved at about the same moment. • • l\1 ASN'T AFRAID cw WAJi. I ! •·1 wasn't afraid of the wall. I knew I'd been near the running track when I firj \\'tmt after the ball," said Agee. He stuck out his glove and the b\I landed in the webbing ~1th plenty of white showing. "It almost went right through the webbing," said ·Agee. .1 Three lnninss later, Agee got on his bicycle again, th111 time spearing a siuler: by Paul Blair wllh the ba!es loaded and two out. "The &e<'Ofld c1tch was easier because. It wu to my glove side and I didn't hive to go as far," said Agtt, who finishe~ the play flat on hls stomach, with tile Shea Stadium crowd cheering wildly. '\'hen Agee came to bal leading off the next inning, the fans gave him a standlni ovation. , "Words can't describe how that macjc me: f(',!1," said Agee. ''I felt like I want.tel. to hit two homer1 in that one at bat." Agee said ht thought he had made halt, ter cat.ches this season and had playco: better games. Maybe that'& "'hy To~ Sea\"er, New York 's 25-game winner. calls the center rtelder his choice for t.n¢ Mets' most valuable player. Ex-Packer Dies .. GRE EN BAY, Wis. (AP ) -Arnold C. "Arnie" Herber, ~9. the Green B~ Packers' f11.mtcl passing quarterback ef lhe 19303 and early 40s, died of canctr Tuesday night in a Green Bay ~pital He was a member of the Pro FOOlb11.ll !!all of Fame and the Wisconsin Athletic llall of Fame. Herber played wi!.h th'-:: Packers from 1930 through 1941. He often was described as the bigtst and most accurate forward puaer of hi.B lime and was 1he throwing partner in UJe combination ol Herber to Don Hutson. Rams' Gabriel Still Hasn't . Throwi1 an Interception '· LOS ANGELES (AP) -Quarterback RomM Gabrlel of the unbe•ttn Los Angeles Rams has thrown 137 puses, ron1pleted 70 for 8;,6 yards and nine touchdol•;ns. But the mo~t Jnteresling statiallc i1 that. in the four National F09lball League games, big Gabe bu not thrown an in· ttrception. Gabriel la the-first to place credit \vherc credit Is due -his long-suffering and unaCclalmed offensive Iii.. The Green Bay Packers are next up, Sunday in lhe Coliseum, a.nd again the up-front guys will gel a severe test, from such defensive glanLs as Wiilie De vis and Llonel Alridge. The Ram rejJtJlars on offense are Ken I man at center, tackles Bob Brown and Charlit! Cowan and guards Joe SclbtUi and Tom Ma ck. "Pass blocking Is the big thJng ln any offense," saya Cowan, &-foot-4, 26S pounds, TIO\\' in his ninth year with the Hams from a schoo l unrcnowned ror pro. duclng vast troops of pro stars, New 1'·lexlco Hl1hlands. "Tht' quarterback is only as p;ood as hi! line," Cowan continued. "We ha \·e_ to npen hole~ for the runner, of course, bul mainly we"re judged on two cri.Ucal ataUstJca : Lhe number of timts lhe quarterback i• tackled for k>Mes and th! number of Umes his pasaes .are in- tercepted." t J I Not only has Gabriel thrown no in- teruptlons. he has betn sacked but ffll~ times, and two of them carnt last Sund"ay by Ute bUtalng San Francisco 49trs. "We gfllt our lhrtlls from those figunit..." Cowan went on. "We don't have w, season goal.I for qulrterback tackles oi lntercept!OTI! because there are too maw inllntlblee lh1t enter into tl" : , · Coech Gtorl': Allrn says Cowan ma~~ quite 1 1acrtfk:e ln mtchlng to J~n tackle from rtght, whcrt he had pla}ocd for !Ix yeat'I alona:slde Sc\belll. 1;•· This made room 1t rlaht for newcom~r Bob BroWn from the PhiltdtJphia Ea1ftM. who had never pl1yecl the ltft side. "t had played two games at left t.ac~1e s('veral years back so ll WBSll 'l altotethe:r unfamiliar to mt," Cowan explained. · "Bl'Own wu comlna In as a new rria'M and I felt lt wu only fair to make il u. eairy u I could." Thus far, Cow~n and Tom Mad have teamed wtll on Uie left r;lde. Bucs Zoo111 . • To Seco11d 111 State Poll ht lho %2 years Orange Coa~t College hat been playing foolb<11l tht P1rall!'S ha\e !requently ir1habitctl a ~pot 1n lhc to p Ill of 1·ar1:Jus junior college pci l\:o;. Sa{ltllrback College joined ihe. l'1ra1c11 Ju !he :-;tntc ratings three wr r.l..s rigo and n'O\\' Colden \\1est has inadt the top 10. '"~ \\ ith lour week.~ gone in !he l9fill i:t11 ~on, all three area team) arc ra nk ed bv !he Juruor College Atllle11c Bureau. )ti!' the first unic it'~ e\•Pr heppC'ncd . 'Qr;jngc Coast. 11•\1u·h knn(·kcrt olf la sl 1i~t'k"S No. Z r.'1.nked tc,1111, ~~lll!erton, j:1ry1 pc<l lhree .~puts into ~ci.;~)l\d place ;un0ng the large Jllniur collcise:;. \111ly unbe;;lcn E;i ~t Lo~ ,\ngcll•f;. 11 h1cli i'{~~ idl e, is ;;ihcad oj the l'irnlel', ~polden \\'e:-t. 11h'1ch li 11ocl.rd 111r P(Cl'1ou!lly 1J11bc~1lt•n San\a Barh;,ir;1, is '"""' the No. 9 tcarn. S<1dd \cback. rnean\1 luli>_ held <>n to the f~rtl1 spot in the sn1all c:ollc{;r. rating.~. ;addll'back rcta i11ed Jl S position w1Lh a 23·7 \'ittory (.11·cr Collci:;r. of the J)l'sr.rl Inst y,•cck an d rr\lirns hoin e !1113 11'CC~ l<> l'a!'C Victor Valle y_ ;·~range Coa sL isn't c:1.pccled to lo~e p,~~nd in the r;1 nkings this y,·cek, buL nf!{her Is No. I East LA. Tlie Pirate.\ :i re at ho1ne Saturday ag<nnst winle!>S :;;Hnta Ana 11·hile East LA tackles t-.,k_!orpark f'l·I ~. ~olden \Vest's hopes of ad1'anc111g dr· pl'(ld on ho1v ihe eight !earns ahe:id ot th r. n.y,.~tlers fare since 1hcy arc idle th1" \1 Cc~. ••1t.All0 f' StHOOl$ SM~.l.l SCt\OOl~ 1 V•t~ H~I • "'··~··· ,, Qj ,.. J_ Coll•.,. o• 1, J'.:•,r L~ A~~•I•• t' ei ll•a '"°"' ' " ~: 10 •9"91 Co•>I \4 ~l • s.~~·~t•O. ' ,, ;.;>···~rn.!IOld l •(I t+.m~<~ I. II • WU! V•W•y I •-~I .. ,., '" ~ "Crr.i10, l"l-U J.r,el• ' " ~,-.ulltri.n I :-11 .. G,l~•ldO ll 11 1 l<•rllD< l J 11 .. ''"'d (o,•~ ll•l l 1. cnru1 l l·OI ' (Ur<ll 0 11 ' 'Oo~n l'/&,I 'l·l I " M~•••ro~ Ii• C~tDOt (J I 1 P•~i·-~v•• !. -21 '" More l11jurie s .,,. Riddle l\1le iia 'ii ' . Grid Forceb .,fajuries euntinue to !)lagut Crist a i\tesa lfi.(h School 's football fortune;;. '·La te1t firsl stringer lost in a ~t'rir.~ or ml!fortunes is Dave Dies, who performed at-left end and defensi ve halrback. He's out for the year \\'ith a knee injury f611o1.,.ing the Lnar<1 loss !21-~1 "A"rld, two 111ore men1bcrs 11! thr j\le:;.1 fi~iiad -Torn Vigi l and Joe 1'17,ZJta - 1-m~ becr1 hurl in pracllre and arc out 111- drfini!cly 'Vi gi l 1njuri'd his knee while l'11.1.1ca l1iis llfl"f!Jbcnv prublen1 . Quarterback K1n1 \\'oil'. \\'ho 11 ;i~ tifnJian t in lcarling i\lrsa to its only \\'in of 1"'4!lyear tJJ -7 over Estancia ), is sti ll hob- blix! ·with a hadl y brui!!cd hand but i! i'X· Pfeled tu bt in the starting lineu p at hlJ?rbacJ;. Robin Sen1 k. a third stri nger at !he $\.;}h or lhe ca111paign, takes over at 'JtiaTterha('k l\'llh \\'olF at r11nni ng hal'k On the brighter side nr the plc:ture I~ Ilic pos~ihl<' return of Gr eg J ordan to thr stiirllng lu1L't1p at tight r 11d and riclcn:.11 e ba(·k. Coach :-.la.~ J\l1llcr Sj)' th\" ~111 lth :•I rp.iarlerback ""'on 't be 1;0 bad 1r \roJf r an Clpi!l"a te ill h;ilfback !.-hat's lhe siluation a:-~te~a rrathrs Itself for F'ollnt ain Val1t•y ll is.;h's 1nl"a~l()n of Ne.1vp<1 rl l larbor Saturday n1gl1t in lh,. tlf!Mtangs' la:-L chance al lr vlne Lc<1g11c hOQ)rS. ,'filler sav.~ 111~ le;1m 11,ill ha1c 10 ~-o!ne through wfo1 11·hat they hB1c lefl an/J rrtul!lt stop the Fountain Valley power orf taakle a·nd off guard plays if it's tn slay \\ith the Baron s. "Fountain Vnlley is exce pl1onaUy quick 11.nd strong . ll 's the biggest learn 11c·n pl ay th is yea r. I'm rspcciatly imprei.~ed 11·IC1 their backs. Dan Shaw <1 nd Brady J\100,e,"-says f-itiner . \Vtlf His become the 1\1nstan1ts' leadin.11 hall carrier 1~·it h a $.1 average on 39 toles. 1\lesa's of rense. \.11h1ch hafi scored onl.v one touchdown in the three \0&ses to Orange, Newport and Loara, i! In dHp 11galn ~·ith Fountain Vall t y. The Baron! allowed no first downs lo Corona del Mar ru1bing or passing in their 12--0 deci1ion l*\1week. ... RRUl iV BUllS'f£RS " TO 5££ 1l10 Vlf: 1'1.• Films of the Washington Slate game "-J.Jfbrr: shown to members of the Orange County Bruin Booster club Thursday n\lll\1-at the weekly meeting l'.'irh &!sis· talll coach Larry Weaver on hsnd . .. \iFe.lin.gs are held at the commun1ly tOO{fl of !he new EquHable Savings an<l ~'l9 bu ilding. lilh and Main s\rec\s in Santa Ana. Startin1 li me i11 7:31). ./l special dinner mer.ting i11 plannt'd S:\!{v-tlay nigh t following 1he Bruin p;ame ~1tt1· Cnlifornia at Bill's Ranch House rc,t.aurant in Annheim, J!,qr furthe r inforrn:\tion. contact Or. ~(inle:y Greenneld at :>4 1-6686 or Sheldon SHf.mon at M7.tlt26. ..... -------. --·. ---..... The Hogs: Rustler Def ende1·s By tlO\\'AllO L. HA .\i l>\" 01 "" O.i1, f'llll S!•lt '''eb~tl'r 1ll's:·r1l1t:-. rntorbat~ in Ilic f;">!IO\\lng 1nannt'I' .. A thin-bodied long- lr1ged half·l'l'ltd mongr~I hog chiefly of the southeastern U.S. • l;t1lden Wes! deft>nstve coath Don Howe describes the !lustier def cnsh e uoil simply as "The !logs." "\Vher1 \\'e started out at Golden \\'est four years ago, ll'e 11·«nl to El Toro for training. ,\ilo!':t of our defensi ve plRyerl'i 11 ere ovt'rweighl and they picked up the name Hogs. '"By the lime Uir season starled they 11 rre Jea o and n1 ea11 11nd I ""'ould have to say the conno tat ion changf'd lo rawrbacks al thal lime:. It's betn thi11t y,:iy e\·er since" Ho11'e dt>scribe~ the torrent Rustler defensive unit a~ the faste:!t in the history of !he school. .. Defense is predic-aterl on ho\v fa st you can n1ovc and \\'l': ha\'e the qui ckest group of all llrne at Golden \\'est. Our 1967 te lirn 11as as good, lalt:n\·\\"lse, but lt didn't ha ve as 1nuch speed. "If we ga1'f' out the real 11·ei&hts of our deft>nsi1•e team, nobody 11ould believe us. ll1ve liravpn is the biggest at 206." Rowe I! a dedicated football coach. All lhe years he \\'as playln.& pro!es~iona1 baseball , including a stint with the Ne1v York ~,ets, he thought only of the time 11·hen he would be coaching footb all. Defense Jl'i hls speci ally and he will sit and expound on his theorie! by the hour. "A good defense must make that se- cond effort. It must be dedicated and disciplined. The whole Ul.!ng C'Oln es down lo 11·ho can \\'hip who mentally, \Ve like t:> lh1nk 11·e 11re in better shape than the other lea rn. "This l5n·t a yelling and screarning learn tt\is year. It is quiet but 11'hf'll Satut{!ay night rolls around, 1t is ready to GOLDEN WEST "HOGS" -Bob Serowik {74) and 1'1Jike Simone (33) s ta rt at the end positions on U1e Gold en \Vest CoUege defensive line. Kno1\'n as 1'The I-logs", the Rustler defeng e has been one of the sting- ' Griffins pla y football ." \fbal does the Colden \\'est c0ilch111i:: ~\alf look for 11) high s..:hool players~ n°"'e lists the quaHl!e!i 1n the following ()rtter ; I -Dedir.11\ion, 2-Abili!y to \\Ork, hit and hustle, 3-Abdity, and 4-s1ze. ""1herl we scout high schwl gan1es. \\C "'atch. when they are behind . \\'hen thuig~ are going wrong , \\'e like Lo sec who i,1·111 make that second effort. •·One good example is Bob &ro\\"Jk, one of our starting defe nsi1•e ends this year. He was on the klckofr team at \Vestmlnster but when we: ~ou le<i the n1 , i,1·e saw him make five slralght tatklcs on kic koffs ." Rowe admits that expencnce is in · valuable on derense and the Hustl ers have eooe with a te1un of seeond year players to date with few e:xcc pt1ons. "\Ye have some freshmen pu shing the lett~nnen now and that'~ good," he says . The Rustler starting hne includes St•rowi~ and ~11kf' Slmone at the en,-r ~liOLS, (ir,11cn 11nd i\l1ke !Ute .it tacklr ,\11ke Jones <H mi ddle guard , 8111 Thornhill, f):inny Ml'Keon nr lluly Men1 bnla lineba(ker: and Noe l PaulSC11l. .l Jhn Carroll , l:rt'g I l<'nr)' and Bud J\t ~n 111 the secon<lury, The dcfenshe tf'am at Golden \\'est y,ears purple jers1es with the M.'corld unit in green. "We call them the me;111 green and ~ome of then1 are as good ilS the Hogs (starling ele vcnl right now" flowe is outspo ken whl'n it ron1r~ tu the: defensive unit. lie works priniarily 11•i1h tl1f' l1ue and l ln€'b::H'.:k('r ~ ll'l1h l'refl Hoover (also Golden \Yest baseball c-oach1 l'Oilchin~ the secondary. Three f('rnH'r Huslli'r players are also assist111g with the dl'fe11sive coaching. lJQ11 Jones, a 1nember of the fir st team, \\·orks \111th the tacklP~; Ari Pnee \l'ith tht! l1 ocbackcrs; and Uoug llcrhrirt 1\•Hli the end!. iest in the school's history. The Rustlers h<ivc a bye this \\'eek 11•1lh their next outing at East Los Ang{'lcs a!:a111 ~t th e j'l;o, 1 team 1n the state a \Veek from Saturday in their lroague opener as Good as Loara? Eight Starters Lost IJy Do11s For OC(: Tilt Ne1v Irvine Entry Coul<l be as Tough 11 Oick <_;orr1<' 11 :1~ the Santa 1\na ( ·oneg~ 1.~am phy~1{·i;111 he could probably rrlJre al the end of tll!s sea son a wealthy n1.1n L 11f11rtunately, h<'"~ the !ootball coach and he 's nearly bankrupt \\"hen the Don s tal..e the lii'ld :oiaturr!;1) night a,l(ainfl undefeated Orange l'n~.~! tht>y'll bt "ithou\ the serrices ol e1gli\ ~iart€rs. On nffc'n~c t11c Dons l1 r1\lf' lost ta i.:kJ•· !'at :\li.·Caftrec !p1nctied nerve!. gu:irrl t.l!ke Chadw ick 1kncP 1. tailback Larry llnrton ikner l, t'enter ~f1ke Dunn 1spra1ned ank lcJ and rp1arlerback tl1ike l::rickst:in lbroken rib ). On defense Santa Ana is in a little bet· ter shape with JU5l three major in · Jt1rie:;-l1ncbacker1 Rod Mumma 11nd Cr11ig Liticker tack le Dave Lumley arc out of action with banged up knefs. Along with these 1n1ur1 cs, Rick Deckert. \\'ho ha.s been shi fted betv.·een quarterback and ta ilback, has a jammed thumb, but is expected to play Saturday. Gorrie realizes hi.s club is in ror a tou1h battle against DCC. "Orar.ge Coas~ ha::. an p1cellent learn . Their dC'fensive !ront line I~ the toughest I've i;een since I started coaching al San· la Ana. l\'i lh Lolll'a High Schoo! se.1 to !eave. the Irvi ne: League after lhe cnrrenl S<'hool year for the Sunset cirruil, speculation 11 as 1hat the balance or the Irvine loop 1rould h1tve thing.'! s\ig hL!y ea11ier 1n lutu re lootba ll i,1•ars. l101rcver. when one ponde rs the foatball rrcord nf l.-0$ Alamitos fti11h School. the 1'n try slated lo replace Loara, 1l appear.'! I! \1'ill be no bed of roses for Irvine 111cmbers. This is Los Alamitos' fir~t ytar 11•ith senior.~ and so far coach Frank Dorettl 's outfit has ('halked ur fo1w rnn~cull\'e wins -inch1ding lwo 1n the Or:uige Lcagur. Tht last viclDl'Y was 17-6 over previous- ly un bea ten Katella, a team Iha! whipped highly touted Fullerton earlier in the year. Doretti's Griffins posted records of 4-4· I and 4-$ their first two years of el· istcnce. Doretti came to Uls AlamilOfJ after servi11~ at Servile , Anaheim and KeMedy high schools, He Isn't, however, tGpe.cially pleued about entering the Irvine League next year. "'J'm 1•t ry di.Appointed about it. T feel It's a llttle too soon. Granted, we 'll have the enrollment (about 2,200) but It make.'! it awfully tough on the kids. We just hal'tn'I had enough ti me lo gel the tradi· lion and program rolling . LeAding the Griffins' offen11c Uus year has been Juju Prcdiski, a 16j·potlnd senior. • • • Ttlree Cir foolball teams ba vr been forced to (trfeit lielr flr1t lhret game! o/ lht year, Pa1aden1 , six th rated ln tbt C:IF AA· ROGER CARLSON AA , pl1yed Its flr1l thrtt 111mcs ll itb an ineu,tblt trUJfer. La Can1d1 hid a playrr wilb griule problem• and Arcadia had • gridder ~rformln1 on lk Vat!lly wbo wasn't IS. • • • San (.1em ente. lligh School ha~ ap- parently had enough of Neff and Palm Springs high schools in l'arslty football. In t1o1•0 year! of home and-home t'ngagen1ent~. lhe Trilon1; ha\"<' bcrn out.scored 9>6 and ha ve been rcCipicnt'i of ~our losses. Till' two roes \I 111 he rrp]:icc-rl ni>x! ~,,,,, 11·1 tt1 13r ra and Eol,,a (:randc. • • l 11c!h·itlual~ pu t on :\Ufllf remark11ble performances la:>! 1\'eek from the Orange Cnasl arra, The lr\·ine L~;1i:ue h1o1cl thrre pl ayr.r11 ~·ith exc.rptlonal nights. E~t1111r.ioe tailbaek Da1 c .Jchnsn11 ouldul his :?29-yn rd performanr~ ol a yrar ai::o :1i:alns~ f'u cifit:u \\ilh 257 ~·ards in J I cAr- ri~'S in a lo11i nl' cuuse 120-191 to ~1a)lnolia. .Hm ,\l0xlry of Edi son r1111 for 2J9 yarcl11 in 26 earrle5 19.11 11ver1 ,i;:tl and three l1111rhd11111111 in lca1ti11g Ed i::.on to an u1•h"1ie,•ahl e Jl-0 rout or Santa An11 \ ;rllry, Fo11nlai11 Valley·~ Rici-. llart~field scored bulh touc:bdo1n111 ag1Jn~t Corona de l Mar 1 IZ--0' r11 route lo chal king up l~l yard• on 31 rarril's. And lluntin~lnn Bi'al'h 11u1rlerbaelc (;arlh Wl11t. lhrr1o1• fnur tout·hdo\\'11 pa11sc5 116 for Z4 and 2:?1 yards) In leading th e Oi iers lo • Jll-0 ro11t of La Quinla In a non-Jcag\le gam e . ~fater De.1'11 Bob Haupert combined hi11 running 1103 yard11! and passing (135 yardR I lor a tnh1I of ZJll total offen1lve . yards again~! l..on g Reach Wilson. • • • Estancia·s one-point lo:;;s to r-.tagrinlin markll 1he i;ixth trm e in four years thet the Eagles hal'e losL by extra point s. DAILY PILOT 23 -Pass ing l(er, • Fo1· Lio11s ! Agai11stTar~ •" Bl' GLE~'N WHITE Of rtlt D•llr ,.Ii.I St1tl Bill Boswell is the kind of guy who 'd llke ro11 1o bt>lieve hls football lean1 i-t ~1n1rlv an a~·erage 011tfil--0nc not to be' r·rcknned \1•jth 111 league championship roices. His purpo:r;e is tlvo-fold. One, it keePt tu! kids from getting inflat.ed eg~ over press clippings. T.,..•o, it helps dt'U:r the opposition frort1 J!eltir.g' steamed up over Uie pro1pect of" pl nying a p1nverhot1se. 1!011cver. like 1L or not, Boswe ll'$ '\'cstniinstcr l/ii::h Lions are tltl~ t'{111tcnd('rS, rapidly im proving and have 11 u11 their tirH lwu Sunset Le.aguC' 5larl!'i· by dropping \Vestcrn and Santa Ana. Boswell l1k!'s to brush off tilose wins bv i;:1yi11g, "those learns just haven't found lhemse lvrs ye t. \\le're not that gre:al." But after much prodding he admils tht!1 Lion defense has come to life, becomini; 1nore tenacious and making tackles in· stead of n1issing them. And, he says the offensive line is no1v opening holes and allording more prO: tection lo the passer. It's passing that 806\\'ell calls the key In hls chances aga inst once beaten • Newport Harbor Tar1; Friday night. '"Newporl is a pressure defensive teaTTt and it's tough to run against lhem. lo, that respect, I think they are better tharr El Rancho iCIF's No. 3 teaml," he says. "Their quarterback (Bill Shedd) is a fine passer, deceptive and play! a tougtl'~ game at safety. Newport's backs keer1 their feet. moving so you ha ve to tackle thcrn lo1v or they'll geL those extra· yards.'' , .. t;d Ennc, s:.O.rtlng (luarterback for · three seasons, 1vill guide Westminster·:,. aerial game. He 's a lready ·completed 3R '. or 85 tosses for 464 ya rd! and five to1 1chdowns. His fa vorite re~iver is end Kuri Dedrick. who has snag1ed 19 l~ses fflf' 220 yards. Ed Jl,lcLaughli n ha! caugbl six whi1e r.l onte Downing has five receptions. "We'l'e averaged ZI passes a game, but 11·e plan on runninr.: enough to kecp- Nrwport honest," Boswell reve als. · " Magnolia Still St1fferi11g From' Breal\.downs One of lhrse weeks ~!arty !licks figure~ his r.1agno.lia lligh School delenBive un1 l • i~ golng to play a perfect eame or an abso lutely miserable one. Hicks' club, \\'hich is 2-2 on the seasoJJ - land 1-1 in lrvine League playJ takes on C11ronn def tlfar Saturday night al Ana!u:irn 's La Palma Stadium and hi;,;~ chief concern fs defense. "Our kids have been steadily improvin t:,• l"ach 11•eek, bu1 11•c're still making two or three big mis1.a~es that have really hu rt 11~. Jf 11e can iivoid them, we'll be pretty, tu11gh. ''Lasl wrek J;;stanc1 a had three key bi,i:. }'ardage plays-second and 20, third and. 20 ;ind fourth and 20. And they scored on ('ar h or !hem ·•o ur defense \\'as playing up tight lr)·ing to blow oul people and we got burned three Hn1cs. ''The strange th iog ahout it is one \\'eek it's our front line making the mistake/ii. lhe ne~t it's the lin<'backers and then it's thf' secondary's fault the following time," ~ii~ S I li<'kS. On oHenst Hicks says quarterba('k Ken J'.;in1que has been !he team standout. "llc's rome alnng real well since the ' ~tart of !he ~ca~n . He runs and throw~ 11·el1. hul needs In 1n1prove on his faking .'' In last week 's 20·19 victory over Estan· tia. Paniquc ha d 116 yards in total of1 t lrn~<' including one Jl ·yard SC{lring dash. 1111.:ks, however, is n't as laudn.tory, ahout the resl or his offense. ' "\\'c haven 't bel'.n able to nin worth a hLM1t. Our olfrnsive line can't move people, About all il's been able to do 1s neutralize the other if'am and you can'I niove th e ha ll that way." Against Corona d'I Mar, Hicks figures the Sea Kings size, along with fullback Rick Pet ros and quarterback Reith Sarnuels, \\'ill give hl11 team Its maJn prnblem. "They are 11 big, physical and eJ:· 1X>rienced team. We ha ve to !Cop Petroi; up the: middle and Samuels on tbe option play lo beat them." ltJore Sport• Pages 24, 25 .. They play cxcellcnl defense 11nd thtir t)!tcn::.c. is able to control and move the ball. In short. Orange Coast knows what they 11·anl lo do on tilt' football fi eld and ho11" to no it." Gorr le sayr;. Edison Best First Year Team-Hill : The 5anta Ana coach say1 he 's been particularly im pre~.sed \\'Ith the p~ay of 1-'irale lioebAcker Creo rge Berg, la1lba<'k Ray Ricardo and quarterback t!like Tamiyasu. . "Ricardo is as good a running back a:r; there is in the con ference. He looks like he knows 1~·here there·., daylight better than he did la."! year. "And that little guy at qu<irlerback rTamiya.sul is a tough one. Ht scares n1e n1ore on scramb\f's lhan on a planned r lay. Ile can thr0w the bi:ill 11·cll anylim~.·· Herb Hill is a man who ~·s from first hand '1perience what's it'a like to coach a high school football team in i\.15 fir6t st>asoo of competition. In nine years be's built Loara High School intlJ 1 CIF po~·er and 11 team that has never lost lln ln•ine League ga1ne And doc.m'l figure lo. The Saxons are a solld 19 point fa vorlle to rk'Or'd their 30th rtral1ht Jrarue vie· lory Friday night 111 Anaheim's La Palma ~l1tdium aga lnsl new school Edison anti Hill ii outspokt>n in his respect for the Chargers . "I ha ve to be impressed wiU1 f.d is<>n. know the k!nd of conch Bill \lalt 1.~ and the background he conics fron1 al WestmJnwter. He's a fl~ young co:irh and he has a good first ye.:i r tean1, "''ilhout a doubt the best I've set>n . "I figured they 'd be tough anti 1h<'Y haven 't disappointed me, Th1t kid (,/in11 Mo•ley h1 M>me kind of runnlnlJ b11ck :inri their quarterback (Jerry) llioojos11 gives }";)LI a lot of problr1ni;. "H's alw11ys a problc1n pley1ng a fi rst year tea m, but we 'll prepare. for th is one just like any olher game. It figured to be a hard game to get our kfds up for, but after Ed ison scored 33 points and looktd so impreas i\'C ilfi!ain~I Sant11 Ana Valley ll won'\ be so d!ffitull ," says Hill. 1'he Saxon boss indicated he'll only make one chan,11e in his lineup and lhal romes on defen&t where Joe Domlnguct ill ready to pla y Bgain in the secondary afl('r a boll\ with pneumonia. OHrnir;i v,.lv lhC' Saxons will be led by hfll fh11ck S1)agnuolo and Quarterback Don • ~ Standley. Spagnuolo has run for 235 yard• and four touchdown!. "H•'a AOC ex- tremely fast. bot he follows his friend&; oq the line: and get.a as much yardqe a5 .~ possible on each play,'' Hill says. , Is he as good as Brant Light, last:: • year's Loara star runner? . , '"The jury ls still out," Hlll &&)'1', "bu(. hr does tha same thing11 Liaht did.·• Standley balancn ou t the Suon .U.ck ,., w\th his paS1ing which has netted 435 .. \'ards and four mort scores on 32 co.-. PictiON. ' " • • --~ .. ' . .. J .J DAILY •JLOT llOll INSID£ ON LEFT FOOT 0 I I J Tt'le manner in •h1ch you J1ft your left foot dunna your back- ·. 5wi11c inllu.nces lh• success of )'OUr over-all swing. If you go up on the toe of this foot , as the coller 1n illus· tralion -No. 1 is doing. yc.u re· act i " a revers e m anner on your c:lownsw1ng. You will lower th e heel rn a manner that shifts weight to the back of this foot. This could cause you 10 fall back o n )'OVr tlee ls . 0 II you ron onto the i'rts1c:le o! your lett foot during your ba ck · . swing, however (Illustration No. 2). you wiM tend to react on your downswing bJ sh1fhng your we igh! lo the left (illustra . tion No. 3): This is lhe proper weight trttn sler that is soneces· sary for consistent sho!·ma k1ng . . ,.., , .. , ... ,, _, .... "Hln tNG lH( IRO NS'· -of1'11s sohd tflP. Slilnte 1 nd S••ng POont· er• lo boost ••on play •nd lower goll scores! s .ru1 20 c. and • ·s11.,,ped, relo.ir11enva!o~10 ArflOld Piilmer, c/o rilos pap1 r. Must Stop Venti111igli~ Sae1na11, Says SA Coach Santa Ana High School fool· hall team is on an uphill clirnb but Saturday night's battle \.\'llh Marina in the Santa Ana Bowl finds 1he Saints lavored despilt an 0-4 record. Coach Tom Baldwin i.~ wor· ried about the ment.al attit ude nl hi s team after four stra1 ghL losses but ~·hen he. looks at the. team's record against fo.lar ina, he is a bit more cheerlul. The Saint! ha ve \\'Ofl live straight from the Vikings. \\'hat lhe two teams "ill dt1 ror an encore after la st year':'\ ~pect.1c u1ar 40-35 Saint 1•it·- tor y. is anybody's gues'.'I. ··~tarina 15 better olf th11 11 11 e are. They have one 1•ictory :ind a tie in four games." he rellfi'ls. In checking ou t the ~1arina lcam, Bald\rin says the Sainl:o; 1'"il l have to stop quarterback Rick Saeman and the Vik ing passing game, along 11·ith the running of Joe Ventimiglia. He says Venumiglia 1s pro· bably lhe best running back 1n the Sunset League. lhis season hut places his own 1'.1anlt:. f lovd close behind. "'ti could be qui~e 1 ,a nit between these two .'' Baldwin sti~·s "l know Vcnlimigha h11 s been hurt but expect him to play 11gainsl u.~. Floyd suf. tered a pulled groin musc le against Ne1vport and "'ill not be al full strength this "·eek, either." "\\'c ha1·e been gelling bad breaks and can'\ seem to 11·1n. v.·e ha1·e not had a fumble or pass interception that has hu r~ us. But in four games, \\·e ha1·en't gotten a ~ingle break of an y kind. "Last week l\'t rni~sed three nn ·sides kicks by a malltr or a f:i.at. \\'e'H stoP a tca1n and they 'll fumble the ba ll for11•ard ;ind another member of their tc.a tn \1•ill recover for a six or ei~ht-yard gain u1slead of ii s1t<·~·ard loss. "That's the kind of season "e hare had so far. In 111·e ,1 ears of t'Oachin g bf.>tore th1 :"i one. my teams had lost a total of 10 ga mes. \\'e never before ha \e lost twain a row ." Baldwin 1sn·l n1a ~1ng e:>.· cust.:'\ but kno11 s he has hJ.~ hands lull in ~et uni; thl' Sa 1nls ready mentally !or rhe '.ltanna gcime. Sa1i Clenierile Poise l111presses De ve 1ie)1 . ' Golf Notes SoCal Op en Set ' At Mission Viejo Jack Ficek and the J\lissinn \1itJO golf course \\'ill 111 ke 01·er sponsorshi p of l he Southern California P G A 1ournarnent in early January it was revealed. The tournament "'as held successfully at Los Coyote~ twntry club each or the pas! four seasons. ~lidge f\loyer v.·on tirsl place in the A rlight. bl ind nine ladies day tournament at El Niguel country club ll'ith a 1.otal of 3~ points. Beth Lil· jestrom and 1'.1arion Ausness tied for ~econd with 38 1 ~. Dot- tie Eagan v.•as th ird ll'ith J9 points. Pat Francis won the B fli gh1 title with 35 points follo1\'ed by J\largie Hall. 35 1 ~: Virginia \\lhiti nglon, 38 : and a Fourth place Ile betv.·een 1'.lart.ha Turner and Lee Leensvaart \l'ilh 39. Jn lhe C flight competition. Alnia <..:arleton won \\'ilh 38 rollo11•ed by Gene Carrick. 38'~. Bev Henderson, 42 and Virginia Blacker, 43 . r•ludcd · Don no;i1 01 r·r Sk1 r Rowland. I-up in 20 holes and Chuck Bcany over Lou Van t e, 2 and I. B<ilance or lhf' SC('iH1d l'OU1lr1 matches 11•111 br played I.Ills \.\CCk. Lo11!! Pla vs '-' .. ,.. Ha\'c I-Iii El lVIodena Mate1· Dei Boas ts 6-1 111 Se ri es \Vitl1 Se rvile By l\QGEll CABl.SO,\" ~ I~• O••lr '•l•I U•!I 1\1atcr lJt'i l l1gh Sch11•1! returns 1u 1\11gelu~ Lcagul· fuotha!I w;1rft1rc Th 11 r s d ;i v night 11·hen Oil' ~1unarchs uf l'uach Bvb \\'oods entertain i'OUn1,V nval Srr1'1lr' <il S:.in111 Ana St11diu111 /\1;itt'.'r Dc1 ha<; 10~1 .. nly 11n1·f' In Seri 1le 111 the eight yeni·~ thr 1110 parochi;1I rivals hair rncl -U11I tll;11 Olli' defe<1t wa~ a 1:1-u dct1:-1on 111 1%4 th<it pr{'l'clllf"d !he-111nn;..reh." lnun rntcnng the CIV 111.1}ofls. Those 11·ere !ht unly µ111111~ <;c.:on:d 1111 iV\a\t"r D~i dunng 11s l'lglil·l):tltl(' Sl'il~Oll i'\ow tlil' !110 cull11lr ;ig;11n ilnd hoth t•lubs will 1'111er lht· t'llll1(;~l II llli J-1 llO(l•)c<1gUt' records. !\1alcr D1·i j<; t•o1111ng off 1wu s1n11ghl 11·u1s over ~1oon• L(·;1,i:11r po11·crs Wl.c"ooU :1 11d \\1 1b1H1. ~a fl't v :\'ot ()u nrr rn~iit·1)' \\otJ<h 1.~ \\ut' ric:d :ibriuL l11r I IH'fl•tl il!ll'• k 1lir Fr1;u•s-pre~l'lll 11111 nf 11ll•i r 1,:1sll' T fu1•111tlt1<111 ··Tht·v ~ull abolll :11 i11fl t•n·l'I fonn:1t1nns ~u l'i' ii n 11 L !ll'l'P'11'l' lur It 1kl~·r1~111•h, "!1 '~ 1110 conru~lll~ lu ulll' plu yt•rs lo prepa!'•' lur ... JHH11\ SL'I" \\'1•'11 11 ,1· Hlll r·c~11!:1r d1•!1•11:-;1• " ,,,\" \\ und". \\'01111!s ~('t'l)l~ d pll"'~1·d II 1tl1 h1~ tc;1111 '~ 1)f1i•11·111· ;!ll 11·h luJlu1" 1n;; the \\l\l,1•11 11111 'Our llrlf' 1$ hi\\11 1•u111u1~ ;1r11und . \\'c re h1·1!111111t1!! l" 11~u1·t• 1ll'upl<' illf ul lht l11w !1f ~l'!'lll1n1;1gl' illltl 1lia1 11\!il.i·~ our b:1f'I.~ n1ori• t•lt•·1•1111·" 4 PLY NYLON CORDTIRE"ALL -WEATH<Hiu." OFFER ENDS SAT .. OCT.18 1h NO TRADE NEEDED T 1.1 beless. Plus F "ti. E~. 1.t.( '.:l 73 ea . $ BLACKWALLS Jny nf lht~~ ~•1~'. 7.75 X 14·].75x 15 ·8.25 .o: \.t WHITEWALLS •~v of 1he~e sr1es 7.1~~ 14 • 7.75 x 15 ·8.25x j4 2 FOR $31 qo 2 FOR $3790 USE OUR EASY PAV PLAN• FREE MOUNTING : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SERVING ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ·: • • ·• • YOUNG & LAN_L TIRE CO. 1596 NEW PORT l'hone 548·9383 '482 OCEAN AVE. l'hont '494-6666 2060 HARBOR Bl VD. Phone 642-0010 • : • • COSTA MESA ~: : • • • • COSTA MESA .. i ,• • ' Pilot Pigskin PICKEROO Co-Sponsored by DAILY PILOT BE A PROl'HET FOR PROFIT In Cosh For Each Wnk's First Place Winner 10 Voit Footballs ( or other Sports Equipment l each week Be e pi9s kin proph et. Pl•y th • DAILY PILOT Piclt•roo game for weekly pri1es. Winner ••ch week receiv es $10 ''$h end a Vo it Colle9iete footbell !1u99e1ted r;tei1 price, $10.951 or prize picked irom list of other Voit qua lity 'porting good\ lno prize under $10 r•- +•il value ), W atch for this pla yer's form e ech wee ~ IT ve u~ey1 '-tnd Wedne\deys) in the DAILY PILOT Sports Sec- +Jon. C ircle the tee ms y ou think will win in the list :'of 20 games 4nd send in the ple yer's form or ree1on· cpte facsimil e. Then wa tch the DAILY PILOT sports pag es for eec:h week's list of I 0 winners, RULES 'l Suom.1 t~>1 en!ry ~•nk or ,• tt•.on•llll l•cslmll• It •ntt r !~• (On1.,1. 1, Send '"' "llOT "IG.'il(IH "ICIC.£1100 CONT E~T. l l'Ort• o,,...,,,.,.,.n!, 1 P. 0 . 80;'1! 1$66. Ce»•• Me••• Ci. 91a16. \Only one fntry "'" pe1>on e•CTI "'•e«. • En!tln ""'"' IM dehvo1ect 101 m1•l or on oer;on) lo Q,O.tl Y f'ILOT olf;ct 1 by ~ ~.m. Tnur1day. .I' W. J. Voit It•-• Corn •nd 0"1LY PILOT em~loy .. •r.~ rn1.r om· • mll<l•41• tt,.,!lot• net e l•Q!CI• 10 en:er '•Tf[ BltEAKElt •nd CHOICE 01= Pllt!ll Cl•n~' mu~I C• ••lied lfo •~ ff\trf 11 ~old . • • ,. • • ' p • • • • ~ ,, ,. • • • Ii ,, "' p • • • Ii JI ,, ,. 1' • • = ,. , • Ir )I ,. ,. • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •!• I ~.~TH Y BL.1\1\'K • Gire.It t.M Y•• thl11it will wi• tlrlls wnlt'11•~•• l•Mte tffM b IK•lliil •n 110-4) Green Boy vs Roms Cal vs UCLA USC vs Notre Dome l'enn Stale vs Syracuse Colorado vs Oklahoma Tennessee vs Alobamo Michiqan vs Michiqon State Santo Ano vs Oranqe Coast Victor Valley vs Saddleback Servile vs Mater Dei Westminster vs Newport Edison vs Looro Tustin vs Loquno Beach Omnqe vs San Clemente Estancia vs SA Valley Mission Viejo vs El Modena Marino vs Santa Ana Fountain Valley vs Costa Mesa Huntinqton Beoch vs Western • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ;, Corona del Mor vs Mo11nolia Ii • It TIE !'!~ ... ltEl't -M~ QoU• on I< t \OIOI nu~~., 1• K ool• ICOfl'd • ,. " ,. • AODR l~S ii.==~-----------,, CITY '"------,. p ~'~"~o~"~'------------~'~''~--­• . CHOICI Of 'RIZI ICJri.cll •111. clrcl• 1wl111 ft• d•t l • 0 Swi111 f i11• O l1•rcl .. l it O f11t11t1ll • S M ML L IL f) T9tlrl..-l•H 0 l••••tllt•ll • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••• I : r usti11 Spra11g to Life ' After First 3 Debacles Laguna Beach plays host lo : Tustin Friday night i n : Crestview rootball action and : the two teams y,·ill enter the ' tilt a!l even since the serie~ ~ta rted back in 1935. -E~ch school has \\'Or. 1.1 : i;ames and th ree ha\'e ended • in a tie. J'he series 1ra.~ , . • di srupted from 1962.U. ! The Tustin Tillers or 1969 : we re a letharg:c outiil in !Mir ~ first three games. fa iling to • seore a point. : But they crnergcd with a : blast last we-ck to down ~:I ~ ~lodcna by a 44-13 score. to : br.lng their season roco rd to I· ' .. ~ "Lagun<i Beach is a lo! llt'1· 4 tr'f' than Uleir record v.·ould in- dicate," coach c:corge All!'n ~ay.s. "1 think that boy ~like Abi}('y i~ ou1 ~\anding and \hey ha\'C a good quancrb<ick 11·ho throws well lo split f'nd Bart Tabor. "Defensively they t!o a lot ol stunting and U11~ give s us 11\1 kinds or problems."' 111e Tuslin coach feels hi;; !,'lub jelled last \\·eek but is a p- proaching this l\'('ek'1 outing v.i th caution. "It '1·asn't all offense that helpt'd us. against E l Ml> dena," hr: says. "\\'e scored on an interc('pted option lateral pas~ and a couple of other similar plays.·· t\ent Coiner i! the top Tillf'r l receiver and draws praise. or his coach, "He does an ouL~t!nding job for u!I and i.~ 1Larry) Carnahan'.s principle target." Gary Hicks. 1 l&S pou nd Junior. lead!l the Tustin run- ning attack ll·ith Boh Slld 1 11nd Gary Hicks doing most or the blocking. --------... -......... . Oiler Foe To Rely 011 Pass ing Polo Roundup Eagle Foe WinJ ess CdM Bree zes; The \Yestern lliRh -llun· tingt.on Beach Sunset Leagu" footba!J showdown Saturd::i.v night figures l.o be a test or Weslern's passing vs l lun· tington Beach pass defen~e prowess. Eagles , Mesa Roll ~~~,"~':.~?,,,,., Wf'Stern's passer. B o li ~1iller, blitzed 1\lanna lalil week 130-20) \\'ith f ou r touchdown passes aflrr <.:Olll- pleting 14 of 22 tries for 150 yards. Hov.·e\'er, eoach Ken r-.1oa1 ~ and his Huntington Beach squad has had a few Lhing.~ going for il in the dcfensiv,. secondary. In the lasL three gan1e.-;. Huntington has allowed a total 35 yards to be gained through the air. \Vestern co<ic h Jun Everell says his club v.·i!I go intn Saturday's contest injury rrrr but is v.·orried about the Hun lington defense. '"Huntington is very a~­ .in·essive and fast. ·rhry force a Jot of mistakes,·· he say~. To slop the Oiler~ nf- fensi\'ely, Everett l>Un~ up lhl' \\'eslern problems a I in o s I ident ical lo every o I h e r coach's vie w in propar:Hion for Muntington. An<.l that 1.~ 111 5 1 n 1• quarterback earth \\/1st. lhr junior \\'ho excels pa)>s1ng or running. l::verelt sa;,.~ Ille key 111 \Vestern's passing s 11 c i: e s.~ ag ainst ~1arina was 1 h r Pioneers' ability to r rote1·\ r..111!er, 11·ho "'as dun1ped nnl y once. 1n attempting to throw . By STt.:\'t.: AJ'\lJltt.:\\':S Cnrona dcl r..Jar ni<irthed hi its I llh straigh1 w111 and fir 't in Irvine Leagur 11;ller polo .al't1on ·1uestla y In other lr1 inc Lc;1gu1· npt·ncrs. 1:-:stan<.:l;i t'loblicrl'd Santa Ana Valley. 2J.4 ant1 1 ·o~ta r..1csa defra1ed F'ou n1.1Jn Vallf'y . 14-1. The !:iea Kings u1•l'f!}l)11 rred the young Chargers, hu11·cvf'r· l·:di:.on r.:o>ich I::nc EmC'r.v 11'~1.~ pleased \l'it h thr pf'rfnr n1an\T of his t roop~ 0::111 1'.:cldy let.I the \ 1siL1ng Chargers with Jy,·o go:.il s. Tcan11nat!'s Bob \\'urstC'r and i\lall Kroona added one eal'h . llosl Estancia cxpludt""cl fi1r 12 goals in the tt11rd pt'flod lu break aw::.y fron1 ;i ~-l hnlflunc a<h·anlagr in the \'H'· 1or11 over Santa An:1 Valtc1· l)u;1g \\'e!lrr. 11htl pl;~vt:rl i;oalll' 111 all li11t th(· 1h1nl ciu:irtrr. t·<1111e 11ut of !hr nrt~ !hen to scOrt' fotu· 111 thl' bi g <1uarter \\'an! S;1undrr~ It'd Iii(• ~l·or ing ~1 \ thr. Estcini:1:i pool 11·1t\1 111 e gocils. 01hers lo drn1 th1• 1111ne were S1c1·r \Vt'b~t('r anti Ha11d v Blallennan. !Our, l.:ir- rv Lilallrrmoin. lhrer, Da 11 Zanetta, two and Dan lier· reran and Doug f\.1oc on!' each. Costa ~lesa tallied six goal.~ in lht' first half and coasted In ii.~ 11·in at Fountain Vallrv .\lt':.a held quarlrr lt•adi of J.n. 6-0. and !J -0. l\on r-.11 s1olcli and :'l\1kc IJl'al 'eored lour yoals ap1r1·r ,11111 ll:i1·c Hannon adding !11·0 !'nor(' Hod l\1nyon. (' u t t l"'l un1lce and B1lt fl1rAncru·y st:orcd nnrL'. l\urt \\lcsterf1'kl b<1 gi;~·il lhf· onlv Baron go;_il. li-vint League a(·\1on 1·011 - l111ul'~ Tuesct.1y 111th thrf't• ;litl'rnoon gan1C's sL11ed Santa .l\na Valley trt1\•rl s to Cos t<1 1\1f'sa. Estanc1l! 1s ~11 P.di~o11 ;u1d Coro11<1 dl·I fl1ar !ie<1ds Jur Fountain V;1lley's \l'aters Sun~et and CrrstVH'\1 11la~ l1egan todi!~. I ;;1n1es included Nr.wporl ll<1rlior ;1\ r..1ann;1 , \\lrsu·rn al Hunt1ngtun Bc·;11·h, and An;ihei111 al \V cstn1inst1 •r !11 lht• l'r<'S.l11e11·. l.:J).'\tn;1 1-\ea\:h JOtll'ncycd to \'a!cnt1a. J \i' 1-'ootha 11 I ~· I•·" V~·I•' ' '''"' '"I N' .. lOo<lll!Q"" 11v1J.1. •· """I•"'• "l.~I I' •'''"""" ,,, ~ "0 f '~ l~u<l'Ollv.~ I! I 6"n I Ml!I'' '"""n' PM.! QO<l<I I"•" •i• .. p.-;t 1.,, .... ;4 ""·'"""' II ~ 0 ~ ~ '"'""<l~".n "n.1• ~ ... , "" "'r'"''" l•A T """'"''·'''' ... ,,r~·• n 1 •~1 •1• '•" ( tei .. enlt n O O O O . ... ~ ~ .. ~,,-, /,,.,.,, ' ~nn ro I• "'r • l '""" T<1U<n1>11"'n f ""'"" 1 arsity loo!ball te;in1 hasn t hccn a urut endowed 11•ith 111ui:h lul'k 111 its fi rst rour ~a1ncs \1·1nn1ng untc ;111d 1y1ng anu1l11:r ~·1 0sl ubser,er~ a~n·e !hi' Eagles had Pac1f1ca 10-{)) and .\1agnolla 419·201 oo lh(' ro1x·~ and should h:11·l' 11.on. g1l'Hll{ •'Oat'h Phil Brown'$ ou tfil a J-1 i!lll!'k. Nu\\', on p<1pc r. the Eaglt>.~ ligu rt' to hav(' tl11ngs e;1sll·r 1\ith an lr\'lrlC Lcagur trsl aga1nH Santa 1\na Valli·y S:1lurday night. Tiu• \\ 111!,•ss 1'<.1 l<.:u11s. ;11·r to1n1ng off ;1 .13-0 crusher at tilt' hands of Ed bon and \\'Ouht sC.t'1TI tu be an undf'rdng of large proportion~. However, the Fall'On~ i·ould post• a ~i:nuus prollle111 - ,·:.iwc1allv if halfhal·k l\r1lh llc nson 1~ re;:tdv to rt'lurn tn ;ii:lion He's bC'en hobllled by l pull1•d lignnic n1 ~ in tt1<' knPe !Jenson. n 9.8 sprin!t•r. is the I f:1~tc't ti;1i:k 111 th r lr1 iii<• 1.c'agtn· :uHI 1f he's healthy lhl'' l';d!,'uns 11 1tJ ha1•f' thei r nlfrn~f'1 ha<"k l'rior lo h1 ' inj11ry In tht• F.I \lodr11:1 gr11ue lhc Fal t·on.~ had ~(·orcd 2S 'l11 El ~lod{'na ;ind l ~I\' aga1n~1 Fonlhill. ii IC'nrn 111:11 hasn't alln\\'ed ano1hcr l p<unt ~1nec 1he Voillry 11•u1 (29· fi 1 l'o;1cl1 81\I !11111~ of \'alley r\nl;iin~ tile ~:d1 sor1 le1t!nw11 ;1 ~, '<1111pl,11 ;1 <·.1~r of lh r Chargers \1ilnt1ni:: 1hr 11 1n morr !han h1,1 (·luh On the move: New Chevrolet Movers for70 Che.-y 1oes heavy I New Titan 911. A nylx:M:ly ca n add a nc-.... 11·u..;I.. tn ~ 11nc11 r L{'.•1·r 1! In Chev) ~add a truck a11d .1 hoi.Jr. 'f1ta n 9Q i°"cvcr bc(Ofe h;is a C.bc-1 y hll been )(} !vng. t>n n1u .... 1t So nghl for turnp1lc :.lretthC"i. ~1th an~ ol \I d1c ,,·1~ ~able lO pul •ndcr lh<' t.l rivcr al the whrcl • Ji!-. of •. , ~. " .. ;))rr • • -:io. • ... ~ --...... , ·~ ' ..._· 111cr;; -.,., .... •· ...... ~.,.,..:'I.:.~· '·: ;;awr~ .~' ·· ... ------t. ..:.; .... _ -·-~~ Chevy 1oes lively! New '70 pickup. 'l"hc lir:.t lhing a Chc.,.y piclup h.i,Jo n1111 c 1' ~1 1u . ;\nd 11\ obvious that we never forgel 1l. ll ~how.; in the w1Jy our ·7u n111t_kl-. lool 11nJ rc1f1 1rn1. In thei r coil 'pnng )moo1 hnc''· C .i1-l1le option lists. (h 111 a· ul rl1c b1ggl',t ~k·cr1 11~ u..1 n1p.in111cnh on 1hc 11•.i d h' r u1 under hun 11.hcn he'' nn!. ;\11J ;\ .... 1,1p.ir1.1u11d 1n~1 11 11l\;,'ll\ r.1n~·l 1h .. 1 r1 1t~ \'l(1~·­ th1n!'J U~( .1 gl.1ncc or 1111gl't1lr .111.1~. l1>nl'rn1u111J I•. \;in~ Kc~1 r.1!11•n;tl "1'h1lil'"• \\ h.11 r1r1 ~1111 rr 1h1nl111;! 1111:1 C li1 v11d1 1h .d AnJ !l ~a M "'<'r. . . ' " .1·• 1 , • :'•I\ 1(, Chevy'""' anywhere! New Blazer. ( .111 it (-hC\1ulr1·, t·on\·1.·r11h!e -,l.1 liun -v.:1~1111~:1r -tru1.·l 1f )OU\1.' g•H 1hc 111nc <Jr Jth! i;.ill 11l3la 1er101 'hurt. II' th .· 11111.1hou1 11.1th th1' taq.:e'l \'~ '· w1dc'1 tr:tt l and 11 .. 11111c:'t 1n1 .. ·n11r. ()rdC"r 11 \111111.·111,11.thlc h:1r d1o r . I ""ti· "r rnor-v.h.:1.·I d11 1,· h•r 1 .. ·11111i: tr;11I' t11 £(! 11 '• 1. '1111.1!11•11n1.k1 1)1; ~1•1111g,1 ;:.11 .. 1.1t11•n •~ And all the d1flcrcot "'"}'they cnrnc Flcel ~idc, Strp-.1Ue ;1nd Lnni:.hnrn c.1n1 f'X'r ~ 1hc ~ccond c~H 1ha1 J(luhk • .1 -. a ''\.{llld home ). P'wtt"•I ,.v llr•L ~ •• ,. "' l•••t t'IAJLV PILOT , J ,j ... ---· Pirates, R Ltstlers W i~ Loop 01Je ne r~ (;oldl.'n \\'e.,l and U!'al\g1• Coast ~eorl't! vietorics 1n their IPague opener~ Tuesday .with !he Rustle rs ecising p:l;;t l.t,s ,l\ngt•le~ City ColleKt'. 17-4. 1111;1 !he f'1ra l1 ·~ nusi ng fill[ t°l'I' nto~. 11·5. 111 clouble Ol'crl11 n1· t:ar.v Thrunpsun and .\\1k1• .'\Jlhright led OCC 111 the So11lh \ 'o:ist Con ferenc~ 1 t d J 1.f t (' r ~(·ur ini: 1hrl't' go;il" ;ipu'c~· Thor11psun t:.dl u:d thft'I' t1n1t•., 111 !hr !110 111'('f.\1nH: pt•nvct~ Ills t1r~1 11·.is 1111a~~hll'd r•lti:·r st~·al111g 011 f'1Tan1 pa~~ and ~1111nlllln~ lh•· ~11 .. !aruT 111111 hi s o!hf'f i:;unt 1111h lll'lp lro1n Allbright. 01·a11gt' Coasl \r;lil(•d :JI 1hr l1all. 4-2. but r1:1ll ~·d tur g(laJ~ 111 the third 1Jnd tou rlh peri\)(ts 'llu· Pir111£s then added four 1 1~.irlt:rs 11 hi 1 o the host Fal1:011s cuuld hit th!' net unlr tUJCP' H111J \[o,Jt•V arul S 1 f' v 'f' \\;1gr11'1· ;uhled urH· gu:il ;ip1etf' l11r tlu• !'U'alf's j ,uhl1·11 \Ye"I ll l'lH ;rl'lfaJ of !!1" ~l'lturs l.'ar!y . .s1.iiing '~ J!fl.tl" 111 lhr l1rst quarter The '!1 11,llt'I'~ lil•l<l quttr1Cr le;i1t~ nr. fi I H I .ulfl !2-2 Ill lheir '\11utht•rn C ;1 I i for n 1 a Con- 11·11·11(·1· dt·bt!~ l.;1111·1· ,'\orri..;; led 1l1e lirtl p1·r1od huthurst .lit.'Ol'1ng IOllr i.:11;11' T!11· treshma11 frnn1 lll1111111~1on Beach let! the :-r0nng II~! \l'ifh [1\e go;d~. ' Th•· Hu:-<t ichi' f{'ading ~eorer on lilt• yr.<\r 1)un Lippoldt , ~· 11n•1 i th ree tu11c.~ and Al R~- 1non· in lhe two ovcr11mt! i;1s t1111·r . -----~ -~ ----------'- how do you know when you need .an alignm~,n~.~ ,. If your tiros look like any of the abo.ve . drive in to .. ~-0-(10 Ari Ii 0 tlr1A 0 00600 0 0000006 li(IA-11ii?1 ~ ·~ Brake Adjustment 0&1 •013 0 y,·,.·11 1t•lp1 .~I .,.,.,bra'..,.• (rir"m '' ,-... } ..,,...1 ,...1.r1 n...wt. rl -..-1 ... 1. ._::. = = FIRESTONE STORES COS~A MES A NEWPORT I F.A CH "1 7.5 I!:. 17th St. e 6.\t.-,444 Opt<l Mon.-fri. I l o '1 . HUN TINGTON llACH 16111 BEACH I LVO. 141-6011 Opnn M o.,.-Frl. I ti I ; !:••'· "Ill .5 ' ~. 28 DAI LY PILOT \.,.tdnts11111, Octobtr 15, }qb9 ~~----------~ ----------.' LEGAL NOTICE ..... *' NOllCl l O (ll (OITOllS \U,.flt!OI COUlll OF lN( $T.Of( OF CALIFOll NIA FOii lN( COUNTY OF OllA"Gf "I•. #H•~ [ll .. tr of CAl!LO~ 1.AN (t<OL A 0.-coi..-.I ~Ol 1C:E I~ 11l ll£8Y Gov! I~ >ft I" ,,..,,10•1 o• "'r """'C """'"<I o•·<l'tl'" '""' 411 .,..,,01>> l>iov•I>~ (l•'<l' ol<l<\ol>•I "'" >~•O <IO<e<!""' "'" ""''"'"<I In hi• 1ne"' wlrr. 1nr necr';"" vovc•.r•: '" in• oll•t• o• ""' ,,.,~ o• ,,,. •t>ov• •nllll..O CDU•I . <II '" P,..,....,, "'""" ,.,,1n '"~ ,,.,., ... ,,, vo.i< ''" ,, !o ,.,. "I'd• "'""'o ril 1r .. u•hu• N "'" •!torn•v R v~'"'" N M•1n• 111 W ! • 1"10<1ra IPv<I L" "~~·6 c .. 111r•"'·' ~~JI, who(h " II\• pl,.« QI '"'''"' O! '"e u"ON >0qn•~ '" ~" ""'"''" P'''"'"'''" tn ir.• r~r.1tr C' ~ O l>•!•dt·•1> ' !Iii!'\ '' +" "'on•h~ •llrr "''" 1, .1 ~""'" J•10" r1 "''I ~!;.., ',r~T H, ••o• ~ llC.Ul>dl!U"" <.•n1 ~I• A<lmon<>h•lr>< o• IN Will ol 1"e • •l>Ov•· .,.,,,..n ~·1 •i!• tf'u,1i,NN( N . .Y.,li,IN(~ ft"1 W L• 11il~ra l!vO '-• 11•D<f, C•HIO<"•• .otll ,.,,, !lllJ U1·1Jll 'AllG<""V -"'"'"'"l1h•1t". fub"•~ro o, ..... ,, cc.o .1 o~'' r ' ~~•tmDet .'• d'O O<l~b .. I •• '. ""' 1/l••i Lt.:GAi. '.'\OTICE "·lU.• ((RllFIC,li,r[ OF IU~O•E ~l. ,ICllllOU~ N ... M£ l n~ Un<IO<'''""d 11<1 Cfth•> "" • e•• ~no~ci.ng • Du.,,,.'I at l~l/ B"''' I• Co•lil M• ~. C•l•fOrn••· ''"""' "'" • l· 1 "°"' '"'" ,.am• o! '1! ~A Dl NI Al r "'e., •"" 1nJ1 .~.o '""' " <o.,•ao· ro o• •~• 1<1llow.n~ ,,.,.0,1 . ..,.110·• ""'"" '" •uU ~·..i o<acro of <t"'"'"" '"' ~· !Qllnw• (,.,, ll nt• 1'Cll ~'O<'-'"'I O<, l.Ynwooo . l~h• f,1<1 Bob Grl'<JO'" 91 ' ( •••IU•oU• !l•ll!to,.rr. C~llf 0~1"<1 Srr.>I 1'. l•l•. (~rl f:l,n•r [M l G•r•1uov M •" ~I Cnl1IO'"'·" ()'"''''' (,u•' r / ( ·- On S•nl, )~. 1•~9. D1•01• n,•,; l<~IM • Pubh( ,., ~rld 10• ~··<I ~l"I<, """o~.,11v •DO••'•d (~rl f:l>nr• •"~ l~<I Boti <,revorv ~""w" to m• •o D• '"" o•• on ........... n • .,,~, ~ .. '"~ ,,,,,.,1 '" ·~· ,,,,~ ... li.strum•"t ""a ~o•nov•lr~q•rl '""' •• Action flll(f Be1111ty • 'l ll Oce111t Rnci•ig CJ1111111•io1asJ1ip "'u!M:I lh• >d'"~ IOFFl("I AL ~EJ\Ll MARY K. H (NJ>~ ""'~" i>uc:u ( •"'~· p.,,.,,.,~1 OtJ><• '" O••nor Cou•t> .,.., (C>l'llffl•»•O" l•oor• N~v 1'· 1•n (;1 i~t v 111nds soon after the '.)I.art uf Saturday's Ocean nacin;.: chanipionship race off Nc11'port had cre11 s scr::1n1bli11g . 111 changr sa ils 11·hile skippers eallcd tar r1 ght-0J-111i.ly. :\ Jc11 11111n1tc..-later ·the 1vinds abated at 1he 11cathcr rnark and c rl'- ,11cd a hcautiful s pinnaker p;1 radc bark In the beach. but a :-.trong norlheastcr can1e off 1he beach and chutes soon canie l!in1 b!ing do1vn. '!"hen can1e the fight to get the spinnakers !lying a gain for 1hc run back Lo the v.·cather mark. \Vhen lhc J1<1 sco 11·as all over. l·:d Sl:.ndberg 's Cal-36 Sundo11·ncr 1va s 1he overall corrected !11nc 11·1nncr. bul nol until the lead had changed several tin1es due lo lhe .shifting \\·1nds. :Scc.:ond overall 1vas Chuck 1-latha\l.'ay's Colun1bia-50 Gcn1 from Cali· tornia Yacht Club and third 11'as Bill Polly's Redlinc-41 Con· quest fron1 Loni:: Beach YC. Putll'""d Ot•AA• Co••' Oo +; "•le• LEGAL NOTICE f"•1oorr l, i . rJ. 71. 1•69 11•1•• ------------p.).ltn ' • ~ FICTITIOUS NAME I EGAL !'>OT/CE: I ([llTIF l{Alf_ OF I U~INE~~ I~• una••>i'l"~a oo crdi11 lt>"Y "'" T"llll •codu<""~ • t u>l1>•'1 •• •ll C•••I O"v~ NOTICE OF ~"L E OF l"""..C•t Brat/'I, (olno<n••· unoN "" ''' l•'•GU> !orrn """'' OI MOONLIT( RE ... l PllOPEllTY l•AlllN[ ... a lnM •••d "'"' .. CO"IPO'•O AT P'RIY ... lE SAL[ fl mt ICUowonq De'"'""· .,no~• l'dm•' on Nil. "'·U!U '•ii •n<I Pl•C~> o! '""d•n<• "'" ~· IN Tl1E SUPER!Olt COURT OF 1'1[ 1•.:.•10;:11. H. ""a (,,,,,,,, J K .... a ..... ~·1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR I r o,ol O"•"• Newoer• B•aOt. L"l"O••'·" • 111£ COUNT Y OF ORANGE O .. ro Oc10D•t I~~· • In m• MAii"' ~I I"• ~>'~Ir m R~.X II I ll•ITY H !(oud-<ln 'f.'IDE ~SON Oe<• >'U C.oltn-r J II.nu~'~" fllOl•Cf ,,'nerro! q,y;n oh~1 m• un·l~r.,t o• (~hlo•n•"· 0'•"9t Covn•v """"meO will '"'I Al P"v•I• ~di•, 10 '"" On Octoo~r l. 196~, ~etort "1e, ~ flnPnrv '"""'•' •nd be•t b•<ldc•. '"a'"" to ron· i>vl'>••t '" •nd '"' ,.ro 5ta1r, ~ ''""~llv l"m""'·" of '"'~ ~''"'"'"'' Cr.v" on n• """"'""" 11•11• H >(n~<l<On dnd G•"''"' J ,..,er th• Hth 011 ot O<>oD.,,, \tH. •I IP>• i<nvacon ~no .. n In ''" ~n ti• 1nr n•• nn• • '. I (HAlll[ ' ,,,()l!RrY Al "'""'' n.im~• "'" ·VD'<<'o~·d 10 II\•"''"'" "'' ", < .,.~0 ''' "~"'' ,1 <I <r l•vm•M ~no .,-.n~wl~do"O u,,.,. •• 10'~·~ • ·''" . 0 . ' ' • lrd ""' ''" ,_,ol\!t l>l'OO Cnl•lor"''' •r• 11, (OU"" nl "{" ''1 1 ~"' Anno1e1. \IM• of (•11 10'~•.I. •I''"" ICJ~f l(~~~;.S~A\H~"" ,,ont l•llr ~"d •nt•••.I ~· ,o O•t~~,•a ~1 tn'r "m• <11 a••th •nd ~II tne "ohl ldlr :~~.·~::o~~vJ',',1~;;·:~'''"1'~ '"a '"'""'I 1"~1 '"' "''"" Q! ·••<I 1>•· O•~nu• co.,nov '"'"'ea "~' 11tav·••<1 ti• o<J•'·'""" al '•" ,.,, Comrn•,.,01, r.~"'' '" or»~<w••• o'"" I"~" O• rn Mta•i.on 10 "~•rmD•• ''· it/? "'~' ot >~«1 ~"''•""<I. d i '"" ""'' ol I' ,.i, "•d O•nno• [~~ • r.i•.11 I' ·r' "'''"· +n ~n~ !O •II Int <••I•"' '~~I o•oo 0• 1.,~., 3 I> l~ ~ .~.~ 1011 '' •••• •·lu•>ed on '"" (oly •' La~vn• -----~-~~~=---"••<"• tr•un<v "' O•~'""" '1•" "' C ~1' I I ""CAL ''OTJCf" '''"••· r.,h(UIMI> ar•1•·11•a ., 1,+1,..,· ·~·' '~ • M-tt O ------ p.,1 P''>ll"''Y In 1•• {"<~I I '""'" P.J.<111 """'" ·~·'• "1 0••,,o• ~!~•• '·' CC RHft(AlE OF (l\i~!NE $~. r ~h•o<••• Fl(TITIOU~ "!AM( l ~I "ll •' lt"'' •in <>o ~· ·•• ••·,.n T"• ~·n•··•\l•!'<I <10•• t••!,lv !•" oOn ;., fl'>'"• l., O~"" ·~ l<i 11 "''llr ·~·el J11<'"'" d "'"''Ir M n) l";>lod -,.,,. I "'"'"''''"'"• M oir •• rf'•M""d '"'II• l"'""• "'"" (Al lOt"'~ MMC.,"" I ""•\< " I • ~O on'< l'•!n<n•o nf ·•of '"· 1 •• " n·• nl A(_AI) • • QI O•••Of rr. •. '' ''"'·"' J,.t P•l>Y •nn '"~' '••O l»m 1, ""'"""'"'" • ... ~.-a• ''""" ,,,,,,-,v•• JOJJ ""·'~" D{>.•O '"~"'' II•., h ""'"" m '"" """ •·~·• nl ,. •I>•"''"• r ~•1•91n1• 1 1r., rr,...,•c! .1 ... ,.,i., .,,.,,1n,t,•1 n! r•• .. •i•• r r;"''"• •·f l "'"'~·. 1'• Uo·•~<> ::1~i. "" ""'"'""''~'' n• "" I ,,,. .1.,.1 fl~"'' " OAt1 <•" .,rn l>•l,•~t• •v•Q'"''" "• f'1IOQ ~""''"''·"' " '~'' I r '"(u,~d t, t.l<•l'I""" 0' fr1o ' P"•t! (~"'' r f'.•lo»~ ••ti>•"""''"'·' •·1~ ,., "''''~'~I''•• nl f•''u•··, O•·""'' • • • '"""' ~·n '" ,,. ~~"' "" O.··~ L·" ' ,,. '< It·~ ~·,o•• "' ' 'l•'•N ll10>~' ••I~· '"I•'" 'l "'' "''' '1 1 ",, .,., .1 .. •• "' 11,.1 1 ~·'"'"'"""~I if,. •lo•• ,., tll''' ·" 'I I , .,, 1 "'''" I R ilnY"• '"''" 1n m• '"' ~""' 111• ''I l"!hl""""" ~,,.,,'''It t.• ''' "•· ",n·.• """' ,,d,I'" o·•~·r """ Q' ·'" '" '" '"" ., '"" ,, . .,, ,. •"<I 0•'""'"' '~'"~"''"'"''" , •.• l!AV 0 lllf '10i •, '·"' ~· ... •• ''"I. .. , .. r! .ri r •• 11 ~~ ... f.l•r· "'"' ''.I""'~,. ',_., , ... ., ,,., J l , IC t.!t •C Al < 0•1" r <>f .,,,.,.,, r~ !, I , I .. ,,,, .... ' I H•o l•o\1 ()" ~· 0 ( 1.1 .. ·• t~u"'" • ' ''" "' I ' ' !¥1' " < ...... JtlES ( MODll EY 1••1 w W~''""' ftlv~ Monl<b•llO. {••·'••••• •Ou • T.,, o n1 111 nn I ' ' Pt' 1'•1>1>' • r., I l ! I I ,, -, " ' •t1orno• fo r ~P•<••+ A""""•l1••1•• l>11D••1~·d n. •~<•' t t» "• "''" f"'•!OD~t I • !. ' f'" '"~"I LEr, \L \'OTl(.'.E LEGAL i\llTICE I "·l•HI Cl'1T1r1( .. I E Of 11 \l~•NE~~. "OT!CE 0 " HOH ll f_~PON~llllLIT• <'l(TlflOUi NAM[ 'Ot«• '' "'""" ••v·~ •~" •~• L• 1 l ·• i 1• .. ~~ ao , "'''v ,,,..,. "" ,., ·~0'11 ''"" ~c• t• ·•·n•n 0'" to• ""'" t"'""'Y<'•'' ~ nv ~,_..., ,1 -•01 •J•,P(><i .-·o•\ o• •·•n ••• •·~u•c1•0 DY·"'~""' B•vd '·"""""bf~!~ C•l •r'"•• •·•n·· , ••.•• ··•~ ,., •· •• o• •"•• •~· p ·•• II,. ool-h,. ,.,,.-, ~,1 • '" .. DV..01'([<:1 •-• l'10•.l..OS 3 IQA[<I, 06A '·t~<>O•' ~·· Oll:A<'T1•1C. ~l>'ll(fS •M '"'' 'd•O '"•• ! "•• I• ·•·O•.,, •' .,, • ·-"' r otn r,,, • .,, ,. , -• 1 ~ ~ ' "' I '· • •. "'" • -1 •"• "'~'•' r• ·~~···· < )I \ LO••I >I ..... r ""'"r f '•O• j 1 " .... '", ~ .. L!·'.G.'\L \\'OTICI< . ' .. ~ '· ' ... " v ' • " 5,, • " ' I• II'- " ' '· ... 1·, ' t'•"O '~''"!"· I<,-,,, I·"" 11 >1 ~·• 1 .• r • fl-, "" •' • ,1 (.,.lo'" O·~ ~'I 1, . . II .. Q JOI\ ~T A1£ OF (AllFOPN•A r o p IM[ COUNTY OF ORloN(O ( No A o•llt ' "'" v·•~' '" • ' '"• 1 on, ,n a ~'·"" ~·, "'" n·• """' Jo1,, '1_ V "" ••d A"•'' R« " ' " • " ti• .,. ''"' ... • •·"[ • " • ti ',, ..• ~ " "" ~ .... " "0T>([ OF H(ARIN(, o! Pf!•''"" '"' P r ob •tr o l W •ll ""d tor~·"•""' ••>t•mt•l•rv lllono W"••d '" W•lll I ' "" ~· LrO•U\ rJ h!l l f ,., ! I t <..0 (1> ••~ '"""'" • ,,,.,,,h vr•• I l ,tQVf'il~AO<OlP.M•"\ 1 j fl'I" l·lf>'AtlOF<'. ~''~ •~1111 •I C\Nt.I "',,r;r~;irO[~~ D;:~_-;r·;., r 1v1 ·1 ~-~·! "/,! •"''.! •<>n'""'~C>l•Q I'>•• '•'•V''" !·" > l'1.tl1I ( •11'•.r e ~ ,. ( ,, " (jlf '0 I·· '" ,, .... f~""'" • t• "''"'' ur I ·~ •' b l'f.' ' "" <u 1>1(• l •h•I M••<U'""' ''•' ii•!t ' ''"~'•"'"'~ Cl<J•"Q" f t.> I 0• '" 11 Oe+ • ' " '"" LEGAi . NOTICE • , .... ~"· .,~ ..... ""'r···· ,,, .. ,,,,~I •. , , .. ,, ... ,. "' Ir ••·· ,, ,_,,,. •• t.,•1 '" l'r•d,QA•• (8""" v.•,v•d I •A!r<•rt<• !O "'" "' • .... ~. I·' ( "'" \ p Jot•J '"''1 'c~•~·<. •~o '""1 '"' ,,,... "'d "''1'1 (E 1i:l1FtC"'lE Of •uS"NESS •,t """"'"" 11 • ;•n•• "•• tr•n " '~ F1(f1Tl0US NAM~ ' r.;.:?:~~m'~,1".;:~.;;,,.:n,aN~"\ ;." ~.~ ''" ""'J••-•Qn"ll ao-1 <"""v n•" l'" :"'I' •I /QO c .•. , (•rl•t (.11.y• WI t '" OU<'"'q . l!U ...... ~ ~· l••n B•·"" RlvA '"' (•!• o• Sftnll •n• C.••••nrt" '" '"''q'"' B•5<h. <·•'•'0'"'"· unO•t lh• 06!•d Oc•~""' •O ,... I, ........ -I""' ,, .• m. nt JIM·~ I t.CA(~ ,.1. [ ~r JD,.il •• ~~ '~"t ,,«! '"m " ccm~o Ml '" t"• (O<m '• ("" PlUNl\ElT Al<D PLUNK[ TT •11 Ohv• "'••· •o• 1U Munh"•IOft lfa<~ C•!;l,,.••O t l"I Ttl; (111) }l&·JIJI or 1l&-lll l Alt"'"'""' ,,... P1hhe1>tr ""'Ol1'11PCI Ot•nq• Cw" 0~1lv "'''' "'"-' "· l j, ,l, 11>1.• !9)1 ~· '' "'·'·"" o~t·~" WhQV no"'• '" lull f "I! o!•<• nl ''""·""''"'~ " .,, IOH<.w· l~.,,. 0 \'lo<lrlfr. ~I! Ycr~!cwn '-•• lhJO\lort<llQA l)•,\C/'I, (;>I"~'"'" Ool•d '..•o••mb., ;t 19•9. J,,.,,., 0 W1<1n•• ~IA!f" !)! C•ll•Dtn•~. O•~nn• (0<1nl' On Sf"<>!. I•. 10~9. b•'•" m" ~ Nnl•' · •uo10, '" ~na •o• ·~·d S••I•, Pt'••"·•"• ~op~~'"" J~m" o w,<1~., 611 Yo«to·~" A•• .. '"Jnhn•t!o" Br~t~ ~"""'" 10 ""In ho> LEGAL NOTICE '"'" "" nn wt>o. "''"" , ... in-~r n·~ !o -------------'"' wll"I" '"'''"""'"~' ~"0 •r•n~wl•o~!'d El<r•w No, llOIJ MW ,,. •·•-cul•d II•• ·.•m• t<OTl(E lO CREDlfOllS 10~<'1(".IA~ SE AL\ 0~ IULIC Tl!A N~FER J(AN l. JOllST !S.-;t. £101 ·•101 U.C.C I NO!ol•• PuUl1C -1 ""'0•" ~ •1ohct ·~ hf"••!>• O•••" 10 '••a1r,,. "' "'"'''Pal QH,t• in •~,. ¥111~'" l'•rn•d nt<l'"S ltiM ' tiu1• 1 \l•~n"r Cou"I' hens•~ Is !o!r•dod to hf' m&d• on M• Com.,,1~$•"" L~"'"' ""''°""I ""'"'""' htt•ln~ltrt nf"".t,.l!•d ¥•«~ ?. I07J l "' n&,.,.,.. end b\ltln•u Addtf"\t •' •~• "vi>•• .htd Ottn<lt (o~•! 0•"~ r .iol ln!tnded '''"''"'or ~rr· O<iclJ"• '· f I}, 71. •te• 1~1• 69 COSlA MES" CAii WA SM IN(. I' I ""'"'1>'" uokn<1wn. ~ C•1·'0'"'d •M I FGAL NOl'IGF POl"•lio<>. b•· t<APllY ll U l I I ~ • • - Pml!lenl, ?O!f Ht•n.• Bo"'"'"'a' (~,I• • Mt!'H, C•lllOl'n•t. P'-3UU T~• """"'•rid bu•l ... ~1 t<ln•··· ct •h• (ERflf l{Al[ OF I USINfSS, 1•,fend!'d fr~ftSf''"" "'" . fl{lll lOUI NP.Ml H"'LlETT IHDUS lllll:~ 1111". • r•w T~• ""o•"'o""d ...,., c•<t•fy "' " ~nn (•!lfornl• cq<r>c;••toon, tJv OO~P.ND duth"" ~ ""1in•u •I lJOO Cw 1• "'"'~"'"'· HALLE TT, Sr<<•l•t• 10 D•. :-001 ~3"" N•"'"°" S~•c"· (~!i•or.,i•. one! .. , tn• loc •1-Ori~, Ntwl>Ort lttch, (•I.torn•• l+tlou1 1,,m """'" ol LIDO M01011 ~ T""' ~ "f'(IO•rt• rorrti,,•r l "•rrto •I IRl!AN(H OF TUSTl"I ,O.UTO C~•-.1C I f!•K•I-·~ ""'"'•' •• MM""'"· '.!IP· •rid 111.\t "''<1 '""' •• <omoo .. a o• '"" .,11"" m..-thtncl••t. ...,.,,lpmtnt lu•nl. fol!owont ""'"'°"' WM\.t n.om• 1n full """ l urt ll•turo1. eou;pment. trace"•-· 111At• ot •••l<lrl\C• •S •• fpl-l ..a«iw111 .... Y'>old '""''O>°tmtnl·.. 1,.. Wll ... !m Pl(", U(I N "II" ~t . l,, Ion. ~luOlftll ·,,...,. tl•r 1;•1u•~ •"<I h loc••"<I CtMMnia, t1680 •t· 011...i S..01,ml)f't I. 1'6t. • 215" Hafbor 8oo"'~••d, (O)ft M••t . Wo l"•lm Pot" r:ellfO'ftl• S'"" (It C•l·lo•n••· O·~~"" (o.,nty + ... , wMI 0bvl'lc """'"' k 1~11'"""" ta "" < 0.. !.<'GI, I. I'~. brier .. m• • llot•rv •l>"W""<1'"1Nt t i !flt oUl<;I> o! IVSIHESS Pubtlr !ft t n(I tor \••d Sl•lo. o•,.nnt lly "ll f LE CORPQRAllON. Jiil Wll•n"• •'•""'"'""" Wllhrlm ll•c' ~""w" •o ,.,. 10 I>" Rll'Cl. l ot.A,.,.•lt•· Ct!lforl'I• fOOCS, on qr'""""'"""'""'' n~m• "•unl("M•d ·~ •If•; ()(IOl>fr J I, "'' I"• wor~'" 1,.,.,..,m•n! •"'1 •r -r!(l#l•OQl'd 'J<! I•• "' ,, ~""wn to ... 111 Int-HI ~· ••tc~!~ tt>r Hmt. l••n~ltn~~ 1•1d Int•-lftft<l•r<I' U'"~ 111J l'-l(l"'l ~EA LI "" tol..,..lno Adtlll""'°'I 1!\111""" rtm,... "'EllLIC M IRUN!•l•. .a•'(I """'"'"'' wllf!ln 111t ,,,,., •••·~ I•'' "'"'"'' P<1t>lu N-""' ~· (oll!o•••• r>••MI S•~•em""' ,.. II~• "'•M< n" 0"•" '" H"'l>lfll l~DU5 1111f:~ !'<( ""•lon• (Ou"!V ,,. l>ot•l>ll Htlltll • (O"'''"'"r" "•n•I"' ·.•ni•ml>'"• I 1110 r .. un NI-IY C Se11<ls Bill~ Foi· Gol{I CLI}l Race I 11 1 i t a I i '' 11 ~ <111d r .11 r r 1rt 11lars <irt' t•t11 lur ,\1 •wp,11·1 ll<11'bf.r· Yt1l:h! Cli1h\ F<lil !;old Ctlp Hrg<illil 0t"I. 2:)·26. T IH' l'l~g;itl<i 1~ u11r ur t hr 1nt"l pupul;:ir f111 the tall rat·t· 1-;1lcndnr ;ind 1~ P"P"l'lf•d to dr<iw as rn;:in_v ;i~ 200 rn11·1t·~ 111 27 ''lai--.<·~. ( ·1a~.-.t·.-. In\ itl'd Ill r;u r nn iJ1- ~1(!f• l'lllH"..,CS iirt' \1t;IL•Jlf, L1 •h111;111 11. l.ido-14'\ l.11tu, JUI. L1d11·!~ ,Jr, t '1Jl\11 11!11.1 J.\ ])i('k J~ane 'l'o lli. k l.•H1r. ll 11· ... 1drnl <if \e11p,1fl B1·.H·h 11 1!() Ii.is Ill):· i.:i•d 1nurt' l1uur~ 111 l1unt or .t ·1 \' r.tll\\'f'll !h.111 ;1111· otilrr pl·r ... u1 1 11i 1hr 111U11~1 r1 , for Ill<' '-•1·1 1nrt \l'ilf' h:i ... ;h'<"t"Pl l'd 1hr l"''I 1\I hn1u1r,!l'v th;111'11\,111 ,,r 1lu· a111111.d l1 ... l11ni:: 1lr1'il\' lur 1h1· hrnvl1I t•f 1111· 01:11 11(t' ( uun l\' 1\~,1111.i1111n for fl ,.. 11nJr<l l"h1l1lr t·n. li•r \ >{'1 2h 11'(•111 f\n .., l.;11nl11)).: u1 1~.dhv.1 . l\1\r'\ -, L01.k1·1. \1•\I l,11ft IJ,.,11 h, .!lld ~.Lll t 1•·1111•1111· Sporll1~h1nh li.1~ ,,n 1 n1r;1111 t 1!Q11.111iln ,,f '-10 1:11;d" li•.!\P lhr 11 ·~1!•·~111 r \+1111illlC'' ,It Ii ,1 Ill \ h1!! I J~h II ( 1):11-11\ l\1,!1 alh·rnnon .11 l\it• Ha\ ~l o .1 I ',1\ 1111111 II \I J tl('1t'f11l l11(' llu' 11 11111cr~. Top prti'l'~ ;i r r• .111:i11 1ng l!u• ;1ncler11 ;i.\11rl1 ;,~ ;1 pc rpe111:il truphr. Entrit's lvr lh1· tlrrbl' ;1r(' ll!'1ng <ll:(·cptcd now a! the lll11· ding~. Trlcphanes cirr An ' L;111d1ng, 6i:'>-05i>O: Oa1·r~'" I .u1•krr. fi 7 3 -1 4 3 ~ : S;in 1 l"inrnh' Spurtlistung . ~92, 11:n; <.:on('rctc Jlou:scboal ·r1ic first o c ea n ·go i n i: hnus t·boat with a ccmcnl hull 1:-. being displayed al the Los Angeles Boat & Sports Sho1v 11'hk:h opened Friday and ciu1- 11n11es through Ocl. \!1 ~11 (hi· J.ns Angeles Sports Arcn.i. A ne1v prol't'SS I r o n1 Kite I \, S:1bol 1\, /""l1ppc1·. l\1tr B. S~ib()l B, S1101\'h1rd, Snl>ot C, 0111~1dr ch1 ~.~r~ l bt ~d <ire t}l"l'Jn Hat'ing. PHHF, Hhodci>, :ia. Sta r. PC, Soling. i\lORF. :-.1111.:l<J~. lnl.-14. 'rhistlc, Finn."" l.uders.J6, Exe:.d1bur ;in <l Endeavor. Entry bl;inks rnu st br !df'd ;it the NHYC t·lubhou~e b) :1 p 111. Otl. 14. Lair en!r1r-. 11•1!1 t)r .1ttrptcd J;i n11nl1t~s IX'lnto' lht• lirsl gun at the eon1nll!I• ho:-tl 1·11t rrg:itt:i i5 open l•l llll'fl' h"rs nl Southern Cal1lorn1;1 ';ichlmg Assoc1<i t1 00 affilt:itrd ( lub~ Hnal!I" tilc·1ng undt·r lhf' fll·cun P..ac1n)! htind11·;111 nilr n1us! h<ivr ;i raling nnl lr111cr than 27 Ject. Atlorncv ·' Appointed "'\cwport B r;tlh ;inorncy Arthur S1r0t·I. ha ~ bel·n ap- po111trd to a s (' \ e n · 111 a n 1·;11ifornia Dt>partmcnt of I Jarhors and \\';11ercr:ill Co111· tlUl!t•C Llillt't'fllllll; lit•IJ-' ~•II \ r'scl~ Strork. 5uj .10th S1 11111 'tudy tt'pa1r and :>1orage lirn<. ~111tl 1~ (n subn1it a rrporl "n 1 ;iriou~ problrm arc;•~ 1n l lH~ Jlt1 ld 1"111· , n tn 111 1 ( I r r 11 ;t~ ;11+lh<;r11.ed b1• 1hr St:i\r :-;,.n,1IP .l11r!11·1arv Cnn1n11l!rr I~.., t J'1'hl"ll:11",I"_ u •••• , . . ' /111tc ru·u .~ L'11 fJ 'fr i" 1. /)<1/<'s Told The d;11t'" for thr i\rw Vo1·k Ya clll Clull ~ 1\170 Lr 1 a I" l1•ad1 ng lo ~elt:cl1011 o! ;;i dcfcn- 11Cr fur the i\1nerica's Cur h,11·r been ;u111ou11crd. l'rel11nu1ary trial.~ will be \i~·ld on Long Island S1iund oif S1a1nfortl Conn. .lune 8 !hrough .J 111it· 12 (Jbsrr1a11on r.1 ccs will b•' s:1iled oil Kewport. H. I July 7 1hrou!il1 July IR. 1·"111,il tn:1ls 11111 con1n1cncc ;:i def{'n<ll'r tt) be sell'cled. J\ug. 8 u\i' J\('11'1>0rl and eon- l1nuf' ;•~ l(!ng as necessary tor Thr selection of a defender 1nu~1 he rnadr one 11·cck prior tfl the ~tart of 1he Cup match 11 h1l·h t~ srheduletl St'pl !.'l Thr n:i111r of thr defender 1~ n1adr public b11 !llr A11ll'l"i1·a·s Cu p CO!JllllJl!l'r 1\I :'\YY(" upun lll'r \Clf·l·l1011. Tlif' <'h1h'~ ;1nnu;1 ! • ru1~r. 11 h11 Ii 1n;1y 1111 oh't ~otnr. rn(·· 11 ~ lnr 1l1f' c·1111 1lr lensl' c<in· 1l 1d:ll"~ b\11 11(1t rn;itrh r.1L'- 111r: 1111 1 br held ,lulv ~I 1 lirnugh Atii; 2 ()ld Cir ris l 'rufl, Sought, On you hil1·r an okt -likr 41'1 ,·rars or more -Chris Crall 1,1 ing around your' y a r tl , gar<igc or marina".' If so. don't ~cuttlr I! Gc1 in 1ourh 11·1th Chri~ Craft Vou n1ay shortly be the o"·ncr ot a ne111 boal. Chris Crall i.' l:Onducting a f·ontcsl lo lot'nte the (\Ides! Chris that best combines age. <11nount of nngin:il cquiprnent sli!l on the boat. and condition. First prize in thr contest i!I" a new 2.1·foot fiberg lass spnrt ht1;\l 1alucd a1 nvrr !7,000. 1\nd yuu t>;"ln krf'I) )'our old bo:i1 :Su f;ir. thr oldc~t l::na t llll- ro1 ercd by Chris Craft 1s a 2fi- loot rnahogany runabout built in 1922 . Act ualh·. the boat is a Chris Srnilh & Son hoat. a~ !he na1ne L'.hns Crall \1as 1·01ncd until 1930. U(IL To dale. rnorc 1han f}(l rn- tnes h;ivc bcl'n rccrived b_v the ('0111p<"lny . or thest', 16 are boat.~ bu il t 111 the 1920s and 20 tor boal s built in th e 1930s. Tlie cun!cst rxp1rrs Oct, :11 ;i11d the co111pa11y hopc>s to find al lcasl onr boa! built prior lo 1920. J'lorida J,nkes St11died Pcissag·e, Blackfin to Duel Agai1i in Race to La Paz lly AL.,10 .'I LOCKABEY Seven 'i'.;e1~·port y<1chts arr :u;1011g the JJ rntrles in tl1e third Long Beach Lo La l'a~. r:.ice wha;h gets under w:iy Nol'. ll. Tt1r 1·,1ee will be higl1l1gt1lctl hr !he second head·t(}-head 11°lec11ng of \\'Jnd wa rd Passage .1nd Bl;1ckfin. thr 1wo i:i.(uot ketches that fou ght a do11 n·tO· !Ile 1rirr ballle in lhr recent Tran~pal: raec lroi n Los .\ngrlcs to llonololu. \V1nd\\'ard Pas~ag~. v11 11cd h\ Liu· late Bob .J ohn.~1111 nf l'orlland, \\'as f1r~1 lo t1n1~h ;u1d ~l·\ a n('w record In the r<1ec. but Blackt1n, owned hv !'\en Or .\lcuse 11! S;u1 Fran- 1'1scu. 11·as gil·cn 1:rrd11 lor bn!h honors after \\'111dwt.nl Pasxagc w;1~ pcn a!1irtl 111" hours un elapsed tune lur a !'(<lrting line foul. \Vind11 ard Pas~:1ge will hr r;ierd by Johnson"s son 1\larl\. .Joh11so11 recentl y di ed of ;i ill':Jrt at!ack ivl1ile attend ing a f;unily reunHHl al San Fr;:in, l'isco. ,\nothcr Tra11 ~p;1c ~tar aho will bl' Jn the La Pa1. race. ,john Hal! of Nt•11 porl ll arhnr Yatht Ch1b. Clas.~ A winner in 1he Tran~p:it 11·1 !1 be sail ing his Colunibia-57 Concerto 10 the B:iJ<J Cahforni;i rcsorl Otllc•r i'\r1\ pnrl rntries ;11 e .Jchn H on l r n's :Sant:ioa .Ji', Drstin_v II. Bahia Corinth1:in VC, L.r•1rgr Sturgi s, NllYC ln !he new Colwnbl;i-57 Dornt!iy 0. Jaek Hamilton. NllYC 111 11\e C:•l ·111 ,Jae;1 rol 11 : V, A. Lo~k;ibr~, Bnlhoa Y<icht Cl1111 ir1 tile K-4! L .1 J'1·r11~a : R11h1Tl II Cr.111\. 1\l!'i'l' 111 lhe Colian. lll<l·~O J\11l>on 11 ! : Rill RntT1. Ht'Y\' 111 Ille Colunlb1<1-.")!I :-irr·ci p1s 11. Olht•r rntrir~ 111 tllr rat:r ,\l.E!t!ON. Bristol.:IB. Hill Du hi!icr. San Fr;incisco YC" AL VIENTO. 1\l~rg-35, 13111 Dalessi. Long Beach YC . ARIANA, Cal -40, Gcor~r Thorson. L<is Angeles YC. A Q UARIOC S. Ericson .. ~:,. J ohn Holiday. LBYC. AVEi'l"TliHA, Berniuda.411 , L. ll Prier .Jr.. Ril'l11no111I YC. BOHE~llA, SS-~O. Prier 1\ $1117. SFYC. Cf-IARI S:XIA 11. Coh111ih1;i-."iO. t.:11 Fro. LBYC OE:BINDA IV. Sant;in;i .:J7. Robt'rt Schacrcr .I r., 1:ich- n1011d YC. OONA .T, Cal .. 16. .J n h n Bobert s, Ciilifornia YC ESCUDF.HO. C:olu1nbi.1 50. Hieharrl V;ildes, Ll3YC HOLIDAY TOO. Cal -,11'1 , t\cnnelh F. Croan. LA YC. INTREPID IJ, Cal·37, Barry Bcrkus. LBY C, JB.!SH j\JJs·r. K·;JO, Jt)hn Hulleran, LBYC. ISOBAH. 45-tt. sloor, Li"S :ind Don llarlandcr. Ri,'lnnond YC. L'ALLl:.:GRO, Cal-31i. Roderic B. Pnrk. Hll:hnHiild VC. !\1AL0 131. I\ -4 O, !)tan Berman & ~kip Jordan, GYC' r.t JSTRAL , L·36, B r u t e Bcrnh;i rd . Saus;i!1tn YC. J'A\1Tl:.:H1\, C<ll·~O, :\rl·h \':in P;il1ner, LBYC. POSADA MANAN A Tl, 3~·fl ketch. Williain Ervin, LBYC HASCAL. 5!) IL ya wl, Bill \\'1lson. Santa Barbara '{C. .Sl:.:VEHN. 44·ft sloop, Fran - l'lS A. Sooy. Sf'YC. TANQUEHAY, ErltsOn·41, Stan r>1iller. LBY C. V EC T 0 R , Co!umbia·:ill, I l!'r0Crl Jol111::.un. S;in D1rg11 YC \VESTEHLY. C.11 .. 10. Ron;'!\<! Kaplan .. Jrronic T;:inntnbcrg & :\lark Segal, Del Rry YC. Ot1tboarll Cha111pio11shi1~ Wi11~ Wor1ll Recog11ition l111rrnat1on<ll rccogn1l1on or Ille $30.000 011tbn<1rd \l"orl1! Chanipionship on Lake l!a11asu ]';ov, 29-30 l1a.s been <inr101111ecd h.v the u111nn of lnt crnat1011.1J 1\lulorboa1111g hl•a<lquart ('rtd 1n Hrussels. Bclgiun1. New~ of the at·lion wa.~ 1111- nuunecd by Robert P . ~lcCulloch Jr ., race dii·rl·tor. :1long 1111h thr: di sclosure !hat the name ol the race ha~ ber 11 eh a11ged lro1n plural to :-1ngular. ""Thr f111:1I ·,·ha-. hren drup- pl'd !ro111 'Lha1np1onsh1n~· 10 111.it..r the raec 11hat 11 1s-lhf' I 1utll1-.arrl \\'orld Chan1p1011- .~l11p," 1.;ud i\!t:Culloch. In p.1st scars. <"la,<~ t1!lt·s 11err a11ardcd lo ;..1ni:lc, 111 111 .111d tu1lin1itrd \\·inner~ -cnch 1l•·~1gn<J!f'd ii' ii ll•HltJ i h<llll· p l•H\. Tiu-. ~1 nr. :ill< l,1~, 1lr•,1g11.1. 11011~ h;i1 r l)Cl'11 rr111Q1·r d and 111c lit'lri (JI 150 hn.1l5 11ill go 11) l•nr p_!'o11r ·n11s 11 111 n1c:i11 f•nlv Hiil' 11orlrl 1·1'1;1111 p1on :ind 0111,v nnr 011tboilrd \\'orld Ch.1111· Lp Thr 111dc-.:: of 1h1!1ar sh 1p- 111ent s or marine aeccssoric" l()r !hi." 12·mnnth prri()(I cnclini;:- A11g. JI 11 ;i5 13.2 pertrnl ;1hc;id of the: sarnr period last year, according to nalio11al 1\ssociat1 on of Engine and Un:i t l\lanufacturers. \\'hilc August , 196!1 ~h ip1nent~ v.·ere: 29.5 perTent bclfJw the July 1969, index. shipments for the 1nonlh lop· prd the A11gusl, 1968 index hy 1 ~ prrcenl. p111n~hip. :Xll{~ul loch ~:11d nvtl\'C of 1he :<;Jfll"!IOO b y LJJ~f t'i.l!ne fr'dir1 l·:(lw:ird 11. .N:1bb. U . S . 1·cpresentalJ1'r ol I hr 1n- 1crna\!onal hu<l11. ln a lrHc•r trorn heC1clqua r.1cr~ 1n Can1- hrldge .. \Id., Nnbb S!t 1d · '"I a1n pleased 10 cidvisc )'(111 !l1a1 the Union of ln!crna1 1onal l\lotor·boating has g11 en its lull sanc11on and its blci;s1ng 10 the Oulboard \\I o r Id Ch<1111- pionr-hip. 1 antici1latr I will be named off1c1al LI.\! ohservrr iitlt! pl<in lo be Pfl':.CllL l•L La),,e Ha 1;:c;u City for Ille e1ent." Nab b is also a mc111Dr r nf 1l1c· Amt'r1ca11 f'o11r r Bo:il :\ssoc1ation 11 hl<'h c a r I 1 r r _.,;1nct1nncl,f 1hf' Jl;i 1ast1 racr Jllrs. 11<1<1111..~' Bo"t Sl"ted F vr Ex11 ibit Thr in Sharon :->11rs Adams :-ail<'d alone fron1 J apan lo San Dil'go will be one uf !he leaLurcd cx- hihils al !he S<.1illloat Sh•l"" Oct. 24 to Ko l'. 2 a1 the l.Alng Beach Arrna. Sponsored hy lh,, SnuLhrr:i California l\1annc Assoc1;1- lion. Lhc exhibit v.·111 sho\vca~r lhe 1970 sailing lines ol near- ly all of the major ma nu· lacturers. ~ /\\rs. 1\dan1 s 1\;i,~ the ltr <;t v.·on1an lo .~ilil !.lnRle~ha ndr1! ;irross Lhe Pacific. In 1965 .sl1e s;Jiled alone fro1 n ~1arina d:.·1 flry to Honolulu in <1 29·font sloup. The Jcipa11 !o An1erh::<1 trussing tnok her 7~ days. J·:nglfl nd called Scal:re!e now p1-.11·1d ~s for lhe worhfs salc~l ll1111seOOat. according to rx· h1h1tor Prank II, Davis. p(csi- <lf'nt of l\1annecretc Pac111c. i\l:inna dcl Rey. The houscbo<1!, called 11lr 7\larinrr-35. has J!"l.1 squ:1rr lert N living sp11ct ,and 1.~ 1·on1plctcty rquippcd. It 1~ t .1 pablr or 1;,..13 knots 11·1th 1111n Chr1 ~ler 210~. ha~ " II~ 1ni: brui~c ;111d a I:?· by :?Jl- lonl ~un 1Jr1·I. Test Sliows Boat MotorsD01i'tPollute Only a IC"' revisions wrre 1nade in Lhe stock r.t<irincr<lL hy it~ designer and riwnl'r Claire Oberly. lie was so con· f1dcnt 1hc boat ;incl ~I r~. Ada1ns 11·011!d 111ake 11 ac ros~ tile J>at ific lhal he <l1rl not l.Jlir out in~uranre: on I lle yacht. 1 ·p lo 11111\. h1't1'l'bo;1t.< h;11 r hren des1~11cd lor l:i kr. flrlla or r11"('r u:\r 11;1 11~ ~.1u! Sr :1tTl'l" 1~ ~lr•1nger a nd ;1J)pru~1n1;1!('I~ ! IX'n·:·nt l1ghh·r th:111 rql11•r 1111!){] nr ~irrl It 1s rrp11rlt•dl1 ;-1q11'r1or to [1lwrgl:1~s ;111d 1 !' <1u11·rs Ir'~ l.11.1<1!' lh;111 ll(lt"11i,1I ho11I ( II 11 ... I I' ll I I I (\ n 1'11•' l1Hll r11;1I~ tllr l:•)~t r1I :irr .. nl\· '"ll' l··nlh II'• wJ(I n 1 ~It'!' I ·'" indcpf'ndent ~turl~· of h\'O Florida pollunon hikes has shown Iha! no t·ont;im1nation rx1 :-:1~ 1n 11•atCf$ 1r~tcd dur 1n t·-.;liau.~t ga~c~ or l1q1ud~ 1ron1 1n;1nnc: rnginr~. 1'hc ~u rvry 11 a~ 1·11n1h1 c1 1·d h_1 En111ronmcnt11I Eng1n1·t·r1ng of 1;:i1nrs ~rllr. Fla. at !hr rr- 1111<''1 uf K1ckh;jrtt•r i\1tr(·ury. 11'1a111ilnf'tur('rrr" of :'llcrc·url' n 11 I b u ;1 r U 1nuto1 ' :111rl \!r·rCru1~rr :-1 rr11 dr11('~ :inrt 11 1·111111• 1 nl~•:i l'd 1·11~1111•, ~lit'". (11 !hr '111rlv "l'Jr ;11 \ .. 1 ~1· .\. l\1(•l.ha rl<'l 0,\lr1 l1!1')' f pnncipnl n1<innr h·:-t1ng ha~r 1n rcntr;il Florida, and .11 111•arby {";I( 1.<ikc. 1.,1),,r \: 'lll"!JHJrtJ; ;i ('!lll· 11011111" 24-hflur I r~! program 1111·011111g !lie 11~•· ()f 011tboard , inboard ;'l lJd ~ I r r n · d r i v f' rn1:i11r• Co111p:iny of!ic1a l~ say lhc l;1kt" <":1rnrs 1hr niost rn11· •'('ll lrat<'rl hnr11 1r:iHu' n/ :iny !11kr 111 !lir 11nrld. S1tH'<' !hr 1 1·~1 rrnh·r 1111 ~ npi'l1('d 111 .1 !';1r;\ .~gn , <ti)· p t'll\1111il!!'ll" thr!'I' !11 I 11 j ti !1 µ.Ilion• nl furl :inrl nil IH1\r. l1f1'11 11\r(I 111 nunnfll "!H'r:"l- lion.~ . t-'.r1\"iron1nrntal f,ngincer1 n~ ll'as rcta1ncd hy Kiekhaefcr to !'l\1dy the rffects or exh<1ust t•mi~sions 111 Lak e X. Tll'O sur1·1'ys \l"Cre made. One "'as completet:l near lhe end of ~lay and another 1n early Auii:usl. C:1\ L;ikr. inaccessible and never u~ccl hy powerboat:-:. 11 ;i,, included in the r x .11n1nat1on as a basis ror co111- parison Rcst11!~ <111no11nl'ed hv r>r ! I I) r11l 11an1 . prnfr.-.sor ,-,[ r~11 r 1rnrnnrn!nl l~11i::1nrrrin ~ ~t:.ienct·s al !hr L 1111 rr~t1y ol Florida. and a member of thr research fir1n, 111dic11tc "no observable clfect on planklltn nr bottom organls1ns 1n the lak e " The report eontinurd "/\;Uml'rOUS samples fr 0 Ill both lak~s v.·ere collected hy 011 r team a11d analv1.ed for organic eon1pou11ds kn o1\·11 10 be found in r xhnust rmiss ion s nl 1n1rrnri l r o m h u s r 1 o n r11i:incs. Ne ither Lake X nor (:il I .;ikr wcrr fn11n<I 10 ('01l- 1a1;i ;u1,v nr 1hr ()rg.1nir ("l'lln· f"'\111rl.~ (011 11<! 1n gro<:nlinr ,1nd f'll ., On thr o!hcr haod. I "as no c:irricr who want i"n<iurc !hr V().Ya11;e -;it . ""i1houl ch11rg111g prohib1 t1uf' ratr~. The to.111rinf'r·31 i~ rrport rd lo hail' <10 (';1~y ni11tiun 1n s;i U.. ing. It I.~ hc;i vier than ,t~ u,u;il fihrrgl;i cs ho;1t !I h:is :i gr11:1 t 1!{·:~1 nl ~!011·agc ~p:u·r rr.r 11-. ltn!.!lh ;1nr1 has ~lf't'IJ ll11! :1ernmn1(Xlation.~ for .~o;. ' .\.~idt lrotn !hr s:i 1lhn:1t. 1h• 1'1' \.\ill be hn;;r 1!1~pl a~ ~ nl !1nrrl11•11 rr ;1nd hn;11111<: ;1!"- {'/'(\(l!'lr<: fnr 1111· ~;"11 lho,1l 111 TUMBLEWEEDS By Tom K. Ryan SALLY BANANAS V0U MAY CARRY MY COLLY FOR ME, COWBOY! BUT. .• BUT' ... I POll'T .... WHY OOH'T YOU CARRY YER OOLL91 OH. l'M AFRAID I'll HAVE MY HANDS FULL WI™ ™E REINS ... YOU DON'T EXPECT A LAD'Y TO WALK DO YOU? .. IT'S ~ff otl.OCi< IN Tl-IE Na.'N:NG, MDL HAVEN'T ~LEPTA WINK .. 1'//o. 5VPl'O$W 1U APPfAR BEFCRE l\1E HEAD flfA6LE AT TEN ,,, - ,. .. -·--~ ~ WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 15 /VfN I N(, .... 00 IJ l it llns '(CJ (ti0) Jerry Oun?~J. :-D m Huntlry·l r1n-lry fel (JO) . .. 8 stn1 •11t11 Sho• (CJ 190) loh'n -"'-"' llynar. G1ry Lewis ind Tht Play hors. Robert Klein, P11 McCormick ( tttd Helen Hall 1uts!. -.. 0 NANCY SINATRA-" GET * YOURSELF A COLLEGE GIRL"-TV Color Debut I 0 Sil O'Clod MoYlt: jC) "lit!! Yourself 1 C..llcp Cirl" (con1edy) '64-Chad fverett. N~llCV Sinatra, M.1ry Ann Mobley. Ch1 1~ Noel. ] 0 Did Yan Dyli;t (JOJ ' ID Ptyton ,.l1c1 (JO) IE) Siar Trtlr: (C) (63) @ Cil Mikt Do111las (t) (90) . ' FD Wlllr1 Ntw? (30) '2:f ({; CIS "t•s (C) (30) al Titmpo dt Perdon {301 CE Nrw1 (C) (60) J1ck Hickey 6:JO 0 l\NIC Nr'Jrstri icr (C) (60) 0 lht G1m1 Game {CJ (30) J<m MacKrell hosll !he que~1ton 'HoYi f or11:1vmg Are You!" ii asked ~r 1!1• wee k's panel: l\aye Steven!, Ale iand10 Rey, and Chelse1 Bro,.·n, m To Tell the Truth {Cl (30) m D1~1d rrost !Cl t90) C111cll1 Scott ll1ng. >11do" al the ti11 Rev Marlin l ulllcr King Jr., comic Rio l•rlor, s1ni:er Ja1~ Mo•aan. music orolt.1!.Gr (n<oco 0 .l.m1c1 ind npera 'li~P,er Rith••d Tucker. 9:00 (!) Tiit Bi1 Y1lltJ IC) (601 £Il SGnrii1s (JO) II CHAD EVEREn AND * JAMES DALY STAR IN THE NEW DRAMA HIT "MEDICAL CENTER" E zt. ~ Mtdie11 Cen1er (C) (60) Guc51 Bubar a Ru~h ponravs 1 "orld·!amous 1u\ho1's wile who learns Iha! her his1 pregnanc1 m1r be cnd~ni:ered b1 her own heart condr11on. 0 KRAFT MUSIC HALL * 3rd Annual Country Music Assoc . Awards 0 ll ( 6) a;, Kutt Mu!ic H1tf (C) (60) Tennessee (1m1 ford •S host of 1 mus.cal proi ram h1ghl1ghled b1 !ht presentation ot awards by inc Counlry Music .tQs1K1ation. 0 W1e1lli n1 (CJ (60) Tonight, Bull R~mos. r!~sh Gordon 1nd Mil Mas· O 17;r3J tl}ABC We dn esd•J Movie; (C) "Divo1ce Amerit1n Sty le" (i:omrdy) "67-Dick V~n Dyke. Dtb· bot Reynold1, J3son Robards. Jean Simmons, Van Johnson. After 17· ye ar marr1 a£e , couple sta11s divo rce proceedrngs. fjofjever. the man dis· JUDGE PARKER WE BETTER UWBUCl<LE AMO CLIMB OUT, MIKE ··· !W CASE THE TAt-IK BLOWS/ ')"OU'RE OKAY ? }----., RIGHT ? Ef) NASA F11\ur1 (30) 1fi ~ HuntleT·Btin~ler (Cl (30) ffi DEBUT Cwten T11 (30) The day l1mt series of Germ!" l,JngUiiC le"ons 11 no" sho>1n on the eve rtwers from 1 div<rrctd couple I~ MOON MULLINS p1obltm~ that arise ovtr 1llmon)'. ,------------.,~ ~ HorH Optra (60) ff) NET Sptci1! (C) (60) "Vid"1m Moralorium Oay." l1vt and hlmtd ~•nt: programm•nr. coverage of today'5 pro1est demon· 6_? ({l Tht Muns!~rt (31)) s1rations mar~1~g Odober IS isl al Hotititrt l( (C) (60) V•elnam Mora1orwm Oay m Htn (C) 130) aJ SJ1~11 J Enrique (60) 7:00 IJ CBS £wn1nr Plrw1 (C) (30)1 !:lO 0 N"'s (Cl (30) Ted 1'h yers. 0 Wltfl's MJ Lint? (C) (30) ! (D He S.id, Silt Slid (C) (301 m I t.¥1 Luer (JO) lO:OO 1J ~ rl.J H1waii Fin·O (Cl (60) ; : =~-="":~~1;!,1~, ~) (301 I lo tc;ht Oohn R1ndolph) ~a1 1 -~Ii · 1 C J ' n•RM on th1 !own 1nd stores up 1 D,J "' JAn1ena. ( l ( O) i.te 11me of trouble when McG1rrttl eI) Ahor1! (30 ) • • <H! (j)Trstll 11 Cottl•utntet (Cl '"(JO) I €l) W1ndt1lu'll {C) (JOJ Cl) T~ll Cir1 (C) \30) ) Helm pl1ys 1 policewoman D From "bikes" to bul ls * to girls • , . tonight on THEN CAME BRON SON 0 01 (Ji) a;, Then C1m1 Bronso11 (C) (60) '"Where Will the Trumpt1s Bt?" rC1n1od o lam1s gu~1\3 IS I STEVE ROPER MISS JASPE~, IS P_AU L "-J:10Ut.ID? MJ:1. DJ:1lVE ~ WOULD LIKE TO MEET HIM! f l!oELIEVE HE WEt-IT INTO TOWN .• • 7:30 e ~ 00 ;ien C,mpbtU (C) (60) I Hawa•i"s num~er one t nltr1a1ne1 Den Ho aloni: >11\h po~ntrr C.he1 comed•111 CHU Arqutl1e 1s "Charity Weaver." SIM8ff Casey Anderson 1nC comic C1rlos Mon!O)I guest. matador wbo t~~es a deadly l.l!rious I j'-,----r interest in an elch1n11e ol lessons D fii ~) m Jht Vlr1in1an (CJ (90) '1he ram•IJ Mi n·· Jim Ho1 n (Tom M1theson) spend' ttis oil hours from Shiloh t1111n1 for , ne11hbor i nd her newborn child O Slump lhe Stirs (t) (JO) 0 @riJ m Thi flJi111 Nun fCJ jJO) "Marcello s Idol'' Marceuo. 1 youn1 orphan 1\ lht Corr.en! ~n Tanco, decides lh1I C1olo:i R1mt1t' would m~~t 1 per1ecl 1dopl•vt fathtr. Manuel P1ddl1 11uts\s. I O Million S Morie; (C) ''Ci1ck in in butll1~h!inR i nd m11tortyclt rid- ln1 with Bronson (Michael P111!1). Oit1er ruesb ire lti.s1c1 Waller and Lant Bradbury. 0 m Pltws (CJ lf>Ol Q l>t!tJ! (C) (60) The ASS.Ot!dhCn ~ueslJ. (D Ptrry MIWll 160) U) R1•1lrde ltoundop (60) ffi Specul1lion (60) "Whe1e Ha1c All !he H111D1t~ Gont'"' aJ Ci rce! dt Mu1eu1 (JO) lttt World" (sci lo) "6!>-D1n1 An 10:30 €Jil Un Gr.to rn 11 Obscund1d (~0) dte•s. J~nette Stott Sc1en!•s! tMt I ul~\es proitcl lo IU!Ulle unl1m1!ed 11:00 0 0 0 mm CEI New1 (C) ent irt •n the [1rth'1 cen1e1 ~•th O Allred Hrtthtotk ass\slanfJ OPPOSl\1 0n I I) Hit MC!Vot Cami (Cl Son ny Fol m Trulli er Coni.equtnui (CJ (30) ho1ts. The w~c~ s par.ti" Carl @Judd tor the DelfflQ (C) (60) Reiner. l111belh Stoll. John Wayn e E'f) Ttchniul CornM (JO) ~nd Ann Sothtrn . ED Joyct Cllen Coaks (JO) "Chot~en m Ou11r limits Velvel."' j @ @ ~ t6J ~Ls:, hews iCJ EE Cl!•cho rt Role (30) 11:30 0 ~ (!j MtlY G1if1in (Cl lllO O lid Blnl!J (JO) Pe1er. Paul 1nd ; D el) [ti1 (DJ11!n11Y C1rwn (CJ Muy 1uesl. Pe1er l.awlord subs as host. Alt•&~•I Q @()") Cl) The Cowl'ldiip 11 Ha ines and [ail Wtlson Jr. ut (ddl1'1 f1tlll1 (C) (30) "'Tht Com 1mon2 the scheduled 11uests. puttr." Tom"s comouter d•le. Diane e Mnit: HI W11 Mom,.'1 l)o~bt1" llirb)'. 'ecms morr in tunt w11h (drama) '59-John Ml!ts Tom"1 lf~etl·Ytll·Old son Eddie fJ (ff! ill Cl) Jwy BlsttOIJ (CJ S1brin1 Sch1l1 1ue1tJ IS D11ne.. The foUf lrt!hmen tnd Jud r tynn m Qvet1 tor 1 DIJ (C) (30) 11uesf. fE S1r1bnisll Jil1rt11 (60) 0 Mnit: (CJ '"S1ron111·• (dram!) fD TM forsr\t Sip (60) "Tilt '5!-Marlon 811ndo, Red Buttons. Pursuit or Hippintu ." (IU M1yost11 Umekl. ID ( -• . I (30) m Mlt'ie: HHtll Can.,.~ Ou!l1ws" ""~"'~ UllU 11 ! (western) '57-0&le Robertson. l :lO II s Cf! Tit• 11\i•lr H1IU1il!lt:i l2:'00 m Mo,ie: "S111b1nd" (drlml) '49 (C) (JO) Bird watther Jane H11h j -S1ewu1 G11 n1tr Joan Grttnwood 1w1y hokes into !ht •oodJ ind • · lmdl 1 mi n kt1 [ily M1y. Ro1er) 1:00 IJ MO'lit : ''Sttlff C1r10" (dr1m1) ToritJ plays M11!hew. 'SI-Dana A"drtl"1, Claude R11nes. 0 lhm1 HipNrhtl {Cl (30) T•P~d 0 0 N1wt (t) ~i1h!i1hls ol Sund•(s 11mt be· O Com1111~ity But1t1in Bo1rd (Cl lwe1n Ra ms 1nd 49ers. (D Action The1tr1: "Str1na:1 Advtft• O (ft (l1 Cl) ltllOfll 21.'l (C) {JO) t~t •~ (d11m1) '56--Ben Cooper. GORDO PONCE 01' J.EOIJ 15 WORKIAJ& Tf./£ CAPE WITH A REAL LIVE. SU/..L. WHAT? "flu." Princtp1! K1ufman i1 lryinl lo ~••P school OIHln durinr 1n Clll· dem it i nd his 50n Martin 'IOlun1ern to help • .lohn Rubin!lein is Intro· ductd 11 Marfin ll.au!m1n, 2:00 m All·Hi(ht Show: "Capt1in Mt· 11.,;.;;;_ ___ _;.....;:_,.:;; phls!o end the Tr1n~form1Tion MJ· 11 ,, THURSDAY DAYTIME MOVIES ctilne,"' "The Greil Gilbert tnd Sull1v1n," and '"Cisco Jlid." CJ ''T)1 TllrM Silt111'" P1rt I fdr1- m1J '66--llim Slantey, Gu1!di111 P~ie. 11rnn McCarthy. QI ''tlpt1iri'1 P'11adit1" (comedy) "SJ -Alec Gui11nas~ Yvonn1 Ot Carlo. MISS PEACH . "t'OU A~e:"PERFEC.iL'I HAPP'i; ARi~UFt.-; 'VE S, MISS' PE-"H •.. 12:00 0 "Savthtldt l ·1000'. (mylltry) ::·. I ·~-Don Defore. Andrea llini. !:OO O ~1r11 and ,a Ktttl1 C• to To11ftw fr;omtd1) "SG--M11jo11e Ma•n, Pellf ll1lb1idt. l:lOQ "ltditl' Min" ('0111'-df) ·•1- -(ddit 811c~1n. Cass D.eltJ. 2::30 O ''fin Golden Houri" (t.omed1) I "61-Ernit l(ool1es. Cyd Cl\t11~t. •:JO IJ (C) "Mother It a r rtshm1n" (comt l!y\ ·~9-lorttll Youn1. Van L:.....J.J_ _ _i. _____ ;___J.11.J_~ Joh~Mln. SlJl:IE"/ ID DRIVE THIS BAB Y OFF THE "PROOF" BUILDl!.16 "OOF ···AS LQt.16 A5 Sl1E HAD THAT R'Ol.L.• BAR .' FROM NOW ON YOL.I S TICK TO MIL/( BOHLo5' Wllllo MULL INS-~ '/ ~./CW/ 0() You"' CNl/tSTM•~ S >IOl'l'IN'fa E'•A!<lo' IVAIT,f '/OU .DtOAJ T LET ,4.~E f tAllSHf -.-,SSOLUTEL..Y ..... OTHINU EVER \VO!tliZ.IE'.i OR UPSETS /v\E .• I'.\\ 5U'2P~t5£D "T Hlf\.\ ... ~EN ~TH1N6 BAD IS G:JCNG TO AA"l'EN 10 \'OJ. ll<ERE """"'"'T HA\IO lb. 6E A NIGHT llEFOO' ... By Harold Le Doux By Ferd Johnson -·· . .:. .. ·~ and Overgard By Gus Arriola ···Ff<OG ' • I . ' f-"i<>'(O..,, I I By Mell i\,f., TOO. IN .). WORLD OF \V~K5 , J2..t0TS, STA~VATI ON ANO TENSION , 'iDU'D Tl.llNK THER 6E SDi\\E A&G~AVAT1Q~ F"DIZ. EVER'tON E, .• --,, _, \Vprl11~1rl"1. l'.ktohfr l'l 1Q6l) 0/\ILV PILOT 2"1 ------- Charles Barsotti .. TAKE HEART -Chad Everett <id nli11 is tcrs to Ba r- b:ira flu sh, :!llCst-:-.larri11;.; as <111 expectant n1othcr ''hose /1cart C'llnditio n ni:1~· c ri<tan<::er her f1r ')l prcg- 11:1ncy, ou •·:-i1clii1.:<t l t't•nLrr," tunight c.11 9 p .111. on Chnnncl :!. Docun1cntarics Sco 1·c ])oublc By CYNTHIA LOVJRY i\J·:\V \'Oll i'\ \:\J-') -\ ie,ve rs ''ho enjoy actu- n\i t;t pru ~ru1H') 1n1JrC tll;111 trlc1 l:-1u1f.·. :-.tJnda rd evening t:ntcrt;i1 11111cnt h<it! ~t IJrcJk 'J'uc~rl.1 :,-n1;;1;lt. t\ll they 11rcdcd \\<JS p;:i tu.:ncc hc\11·ce1t Il ic \110 CJ..;S huur:-.. 'fht• evening opened 11·ith ""rhl' '.\Jy;,lcrv Q( ,\n i- n1al lJcha11or."' the fir:-.l of \111 ::. :.e;:i :-.on's lour pro- grun1s n1:ide 111Lh coopcr<•\1011 by the Nu11011;.1\ Cco- g1·a pl1ic Society. It consi~lcd ••f rt:1n<.1rl·;1hlc cnlor f1 \n1 ~hol throu•1 hout the \\ urld !i v LO<ilog 11,,\.can1· cr<11 n.1n lleiu7. ~1C'ln13nt1 1 ;1 (:c11uai1 ~ Lud1..:11l u f JIU· n1;.1I hchJvior. AMONG THE FlSH, bird:-; und v11 1n1:1l." '-IH)'.1 11 in lhei r n<1lur ri l hnb1I J!s \1·crc t·,10 Blnck J··o rc.o:.t ,voodpe(kers rc:ir1ni: lhr1r ,1·oung . .ind !'>Ca nttcrs in 1he J3cring Sea rolliclong 111 icy 11·<.1 1 rr~ con tenl· rdl.v fea st ing-11·hile llo'-!ling ;ind :;1n:ish 1ng cl::i111 sl1cl ls \1·i1h a ston e. Sequences of duels in 111<.lltng se ason by 1\n1crl· c:in 17'.lk. bi g horn ~!1eer of the Hocl-i.Y !\luunt;i111 -. c1 n(1 Austrt1lian l-;011 gn rooi; depir tccl r it11c1I battles l h~ll scicn11.~ls hC'licvc in!lure survi\'ol of t he Ci tte ~t. 'i'hE' .~cries hos Cl ni ce. ciuthor·it::itivc ~ty l c of its 011·11 and cin 1nl clllgent con1n1cntnry. NINETY MINUTES of :-!t11nt 1011 con1ctly a11 cl 1·ar ielv Int er can1e before \l"e SJ\v C.'BS's bimonlhly "UO J\l1nut cs ., i\likc \Vnl!acc and ;i carnt'ra crr\1• vi sited the J\lnrine ('orp" 1Jr i1:: <it C'an1 p i''<'IHlleton . checkin ;:: charges. of ... on1c hrul;:ilrf\· i n the tre~1t rnenl of pris· uncr.<o -t nu.~l u! 11horn ' 11crc charged \l'ith Uc1ng A \VOL. l 'nnhlc 111 1.1tk to current inmn1cs, \\'.:iJl[!Ce in- fcr\·ic11cd so1nc for111cr prison ers \1ho to!d of lllc1r experience.'\ -b<:111 g beaten, puncheci ur. il~ (llle yo11ng 1nan c .-.;pl~1u1 ccL :--.1g111ng <1 false co 11 l cs~1on J llcr a bc;.t1 1n~. WALLACE in1(ll"\ iC\\'('tl S(l \('.1"8l off1c:C'rs \~ho tnlkrd of in1prrn ed c·o11di11011~ .:i nd slid over Ille 1·hnrL'.(''i, \V<ill~te'r t•11n('luded hy s1:i1111g he bcl1e1·ec1 th:1t in1rrCl vcn1cnL<; 11·rre re;JJ . Tile fe:1lure ~uff'c r·cd t (H1s1dt•r <1 blv hcca11 ~c \V<Jlla('e's 11ccusi11 g nnr ratlnn sounded n1o re sensa tion<il 1han an ything seen or heard. ·rhe prnchic:et'S f;iilcd to solve lhe 1nystc ry of th e. d i ~aprcaran cc of Donald C'r.o\vh u r.~t fron1 his sn1cill sailing-ship !n~t sun1111cr. !le left behind the ship·s logs. voice rl'cordln,gs and fi!n1 , rill of 1rhicll th e pr,,.. .c rDrn used in n1ost cngciging-fashion and \Vhic h SE'r vc lfl heighten lhc 111,vstery. ' ·• --!_ •• ' ·, \:.za DAILY PILOT \VrdntMl.11, Octobtr 15, 1%q So~ial D1·inki11g Dange1· W eek e11d Coc ktails Can Hurt Liver rhosis." For those who don 'l plan to curtail their "'eekend socia\iz. ing, Orlo!f offered this bll 0( I British Soldiers Go .M_od? Sec1irity Pact .. 'United' Eilrope I SAN f RA NC ISCO t IJPl l - Tossing down thrt>t> or lour COC'ktails on Friday 11nd S:itllr· day nights msy be ~)t:ially r.r· ceptable, but 11 's not doJns your livrr any good. lron1 social drinking o n wct•kends was tlernonslrated tn a recent New York study. He said it v:as the fir st direct proof ol alcohol's damaging elfect on llve-r cells. entouragement: ;: "There are lot.! of people ; v;ho have drunk socially for 40 • years '>''ithout developing cir- rhoti1s." LONDO N ~AP) -Britain's Royal Navy, w"hose unifonn wa.s C<lpied by other navies round the world, may be dof- fing its famous bel!-bottomed l roust:rs. Pusl1ed by Russ ! ''It has been sho1o1·n l.<'yond question that lhe kind of drinking an average n1an does on a wef'kend produces dirrct toxic effects on the li\'er,'' said Dr. ~larsha!I Orloff. thi<'f of surgery a l the University of California in San Diego. .. fortunately, the li ver has a fantastic capacity for recove-ry.'' he added . "By the next wttkend, both structur11 I and biochem ical dan1age have been repaired." Ho>A'e\'t'T", t.he damage-and- repair C)'Cle can't go on forever. Orloff told the annual clinical congress of I h e American College. of Surgeons. "If there is re peated damage, a point is reached where the liver can't sustain it any longer and scar tis.sue. - cirrhoSis -fonns," said Orloff, a specialist on cirrhasis of the liver. He said d amage to the liver Orloff discussc<l some rnytl1s about alcohol which other Slt1dles havt dispelled. "Some people say th<tt ir you eat \Ve il before drinking, it l\"on'l harm you ," he said. '"Studies have shown that a poor diet cao intrease damage from alcohol, but a good diet doesn't protect a drinker at all. ·•other peopl e J.i i d themselves that a I e w martinis every night v.·on't hurt them as Jong as they don't get drunk," he cun- tJnued. "There's no questi<ln that the regular injection or alcohol in quantities believed socially accept.able can result i 11 severe liver damage and cir- rhosis without the person ever having been drunk. "I've seen plenty of cases or ordinary social drinkers for 30 years who have developed cir- But he said alcohol Is the t overwhelming cause of cir- rhosis in the United Slates, where it has become the fourth most common cal!M! oi death behind cardlova&cular di.<iea3e, cancer and accide:nta. ]\feeling Set \Vest Orange Co u n l y Democrats will meet al 7:30 tonight in lhe Seal Beach city hall aud1toriwn to discus9 future strategy. Purpose of the session, ac· cording to Marjorie A. Her- rera, Seal Beach Democratic leatlcr, is to discuss ways and means of making the party in California an effective and result producing organization. Is Your Business Conducted Under A FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME? IF SO IT IS MANDATORY UNDER THE LAWS OF CALI· FORNIA THAT THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE BE COMPLIED WITH ' LAW ON PUBLICATION OF CERTIFICATES OF BUSINESS, FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME (Civil Code Section 2466-68-69 ) Sec. 2466.-Except as otherwi1e provided in tht next sectio n every person transacting business in this State under a fictitiou' name and every partnerlhip transacting businesl in thi1 State under a fictitious name, or a de1ignation not showing the name of the person interested •s partner in such business, must file with the clerk of tht county in wh ich h i' or itt principal place of busines1 is situated, a certificate subscrib&d and acknowledged in the manner pro- vided in Section 2468 of the Civil Code, slating the name in full and the place of residence of such person and stating the name in full of all the members of such partnership .nnd their places of residence. Such subscribed and acknowledged certificate must bti publl•hed subs~uent to the filing thereof w ith the county clerk pursuant to Government Code Section 6064, in a news- papet publlshed in the county, if t'1ere be one, and if there bt no•'• in such county, then in a newspaper in an adjoining county. An affidavit showing the publication of such certifi· cat• as in this section provided shall be file-d with the county clerk within 30 days after the completion of such publication, but in no event shall such publication be made prior to the fll lng of such certificate with the county clerk. 2468. -The certificate filed with the clerk ., providtd in section twenty-four hundred and sixty-six must be signed by the person tt-larein referred to, or by the partne rs, as the ca1• may be, and acknowl9dge befor• some officer, author. ized to take the acknowledgement of conveyances of r•el property ...• Where a business is hereefter commenced by• pt'rson under a fictitious name or a partner,hip is hereafter form9d, the certificate must be fil9d and tlie publication designated in that section m ust be made within one month after the commencement of such business, or after the forma· tion of the partner,hip, or within one month from the time dasi9nated in the agreement of its members for the com- mencement of th• partnership. Where the business ha1 bHn heretofore conducted under a fictitious namit or where the partnership has been heretofore formed, the certificate must be filed and the publication m ade within s ix months after the passage of thi, act. No person doing busin•ss under a fictitious name or his assignee or assignee, nor any per· son doing busintll a, pertner• contrary to the provl1lon1 ~f this article, or their assignH or assignees, shall maintain 1n the courts of the Stale of California. Sec. 2469-0n EVERY change in the membtrs of • pert- ner ship transactin g business in thi' 1t11te under a flctitiou1 name or a designation which does not show the nam• of the persons interested a1 partner1 in its bu1lne's .... a new publication made as required by this article on the formation of such partnership, If you have neglectRd this procedure, you should re1lize that the n•m• of your firm i1 not prot•cfed and that you era not •ntltled to maintain suits for collection, or for other purposes any action upon or on account of any contract or contracts their partnership name, in any court of this state until the certificate hes bHn fil"' and th• publication has bean made as herein required, Tak• care of this import111nt matter now, by having the DAILY PILOT, an adludlcated legal newspaper for Or111nge County and distributed in COSTA MESA, FOUNTAIN VALLEY, HUNTINGTON BEACH, LAGUNA BEACH, SEAL BEACH, NEWPORT BEACH, IRVINE, publish your certlfi. cate. The cost 11 small but the filint and p u b I i c a t i on ia something which should not be overlooked. Forms for F ictitious Firm Names and Certlficeft of Abandonment of F lctl. floua Firm Nam•1 can be obtained FREE from any of the DAILY PILOT offices shown below: 330 West Bay Street, Costa Mesa 92627 2211 Wast Balboa Boulevard, Newport Be•ch 92660 >Of Stft Street, Huntington Beach '2646 222 forest Avenve. Laguna Beach 92651 DAIL Yi PILOT~ 642-43211 UPI T1ltpholo Soute Sergennt NormaJJy a less-than-flnllerin g lsraeli arn1 y uni- form hides the luscious curves of Lio ra L.ipidot- Sergeant-major La pidot 'vhen on duty. But in Lon- don, she donned a bikini to help reveal (and ho1v'.J some of her country's latest fashion s. 'The Admiralty ha.s sent a questionnaire to sailors asking them v.•hat they think of a new uniform with t r i m -1 in e trousers. The present unifonn of bell· bottom:;;, dark blue jwnper, lanyard, blul co!lar and black scarf has been unchanged for more than JOO years. But the Admiralty bosses think that something dlfferent is needed for a modern nuclear-powered. missile-fir· ing navy or the 70s. "No doubl so1ne retired ad- mirals will go purple in the face at the though!, but a lot of the chaps seem to want a change," a uavy spokesman said. The Id ea 0£ changing the: uniform was slartcd by Dr. David 0\ven, undersecretary of s\<J IC for the na\'y. Owen said he rccci\'ed a good rnany coniplaints about the unifonn fron1 seamen dur- ing a recent tour of the Far East. So he handed the problem over to the n a vy 's psychological department v•ho came up l\'ilh the idea ol the questionnaire. INTEREST ON YOUR MONEY BRUSSELS (UPI) -'The Soviet Union is stepping up ils campaign lo wiite Eastern and \l/estern Europe in a collective :1ecurity pact that wou ld in- clude cooperulion on economic and scientific a f f a i r s , diplomatic sources said today. The Western allies have been r eacting cautiously to the idea of an all-European securlty conference, th e sources sald. The sources said the Sovie ts and their \Varsaw Pact allies were pushing for the con- fere-nce vdth In cre a s ed determination and were dra"·- ing up a draft security treaty v.·ith three key parts . 'The first part proposes leg- <11ization of the present state of affairs in Europe, the sources said. 'That mea0$ formal recognition of poct- \1/orld \Var II borders. In- cluding the Oder-Nelsse line .1nd recognition of East Germany. The draft ·calls for "the recognition of and r<'spect for lhe sovereign integrity of the Europt'an nations and pro\•ides for mutual renunciation or force -an idea \\'e s t c.ermany's next government intends to promote on its own treaty, lhe sourmi: said. : Partial disarmamen., mea.surf!'S could include a thi• ning out of troops on bo. parts of Europe and estabilsi ment of nuclear-free zone Poland had propo1ed 1u zones previoo!ly. : Third, the treaty woold pnt- vlde for eronorn.lc, scientifi4, technical and c u I l u r aJ ,;, ' cooperauvn. , NATO n1inisters will cort- sider a meeting with War.tat Pact powers in t h t i r ministerial council aea1lon ~ Brussels the flrst 11o·etk d. December. 'fhe sources uid that as I loaks now it is unlikely tht \l.'est will rush into major negolialions with the Cont munisl bloc on the C:>rrt munists' current terms. : Soviet Communist p a r t 7 leader Leonid J. Brezhne.y emphasized ~1oscow's wi.<ih for broad discussion or the Eurt pcan security problem at Ea Gerinany's 20th anniversar)' celebration early this weell He promised a respon.se tb ll'hat he called a "realistic~ a pproach by the new \li'f S German administration. : \Vhcn it takes -Over Oct. 21. STARS 'J'hc second part suggests , • partial steps of r egion a I Stcln•Y a.., • ., i1 •II• ef th •• disarmament \Vhich w out d worl~'t 9r11t ••ltt ltttr1. Hr•: follow the putting into e. ffect. of ',',,''o"r:s h '"' •' *"• DAILY • t rttf fttfMtll, the nuclear nonpro!1 ferauon _ I • f • ' I • ' : • I • • I • • I • i I • • • I ' I : I i • • • I • ' • i • • I • • ' • • • CAN MAKE THE BIG DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE ' • • • f • t he differenc e betwee n champagne on a flight to somewhere- or milk at home Ii th e difference between yode ling in th e mountains -or singing in th e shower m th e difference between an occasional fl ing -or an unbudg eable budget • you enjoy th e 6'7'o yield on 1 year inve stm ent certifi ca tes whe n held to maturity ($1 ,000 minimum) • interes t chec ks are mailed to you quarterly m for more flexi- bili ty -there are other plans -like 5.50 '7'o from a Thrift Passbook Account a swit ch to the !Jig difference-and let your money grow. FUNDS RE CEIVED BY OCTOBER 20TH Will YIELD INTEREST FROM THE lST. ·-----------Re meinber we p.1y postage bo111 w.:iys ----------- [ndo~t~ i~ my theck in lht amount of S _ 1 h~~t markt~ l h~ hP• o! account l woold like opened. Ple111 .:nnd me a 3il!nature card \fWlll,11 1 will fill oUt and 1rt urn. LJ 5 Ml'!b l~utl '•uMo> !001 •m<>•inll r I ]'lj, 2 ,.. ••• ~.,, .. ,, lS,000 ... nl"'U"' I J 6 11;, I yoat <t•l•h<lto Sl.000 "''"'"'""' Ct •'Iii 2 ,..,, u 1101ou11 s1.non "''"""''"' r J 6'11.' rn,,.t~ <1'11h<•hl l~.oon ''""'"'""' 0 6 '1it D11'"·0•1ou1 1~to1u1 $JS31~D CAI 1rnRNIA lHRfff & I OAN cosrA t.ltSA OfFIC:.C. JIO l. J1tll ~!rec!, Co\!d M€!3, C~lilornia fJ?!i~.' N•~• ---------------- ~·111"·~--------------- (',1, _______________ _ ,,, _____ _ CALIFORNIA. THRIFT&LOAN MlMBlR OF THE AM ERICAN INDUSTRIAL BANK!ftl AllOCIATIO 5 office' ~erving Southern Californiai COSTA MESA OFFICE 170 E. l/lh SI/tel <•crosl ful!•rlon SI. from Si& Boy's R1111u1•nU •(714) 646·~04$ • • • I • I : I •• • • .. " • ' I• '" " .. ,. . '· .. • • ' Who R eads the Stors For tlte Stars? ~-: ~ A ' It's Sydney Omarr And now this articu late write r who ho s been called the "astrologe r's astrologer'' reads the st<!l rs fo r you. Sydn ey Om orr, long time personal astrologe r to many of Hollywood sand the literary world's most fam ous ::.tars, is a DAI LY PILOT columni1t. Omorr's record for accuracy of predictions based o n astrological a nalysi s is a mazing. W he the r you read 4strologicel forecasts fo r fun or a s o serious student o f star-gaz ing, you'll enjoy Sydney Omorr's daily column in t he 'DAILY PILOT O'l!LV PILOT ~_I!_ Rolt0t "\'anks IJt'M1ses Art Sho,v Neetlecl Here Cortie de Co 11iputer TOKYO fUPll -J::ipa11's nt·.,..·est trafhe court Jlltl ge 1s a robot \\ hirh inelt•s out sen- tences v.·1thoui hf.' il r i n g ltslunony. Alt \1•ha corne brforc 1he judge are guilty. 'J'hry ure rlepriv<'d of their dril·cr:-.' licenses, e1thrr pcr1nanen1Jy or te1nporarily. The JUtlgc do!'s 1101 p(JIUll.I a gal'cl, wear judit1:il robes, or ,;it on a hcnth. Nor is the Judge a he or slic. Jt'.s a eoniputcr. \Villi ;iu thorillcs 1 1· .Y i 11 g unsuccessfully lo uptl;itc their tr:iffic \'iolations records and detcnninc who ~hould 11ot be driving, hi s h:inor the con1· pttlcr was inslallt•tl \1•1\h ;111 appropriiite !lick of a S\l'Jlth a week <1go. I>ilot Victin1 Of Optical Illusion \VASHl\GTO:'-J 1 liP!) F.1•crything appeared 11orn1al as the big :iirli11cr eased down for its landing at th e r:rcater Cincinnati Airport on lhc night of Nov. 20. J96i. '·Flaps," ordered lhc pilot. Then tan1c the voiec of the pilot and co-pilot ruuning do1111 the landinb thl'ek list. 'fhe Trans '.Vorld 1\ir!incs turbojeL bega n to lc vt l off. Three ~cconds later 1 he ;urlinr.r shC'arc<l ulf a tree •·and t:onlinued sinking trees along 1t.~ rlighl palh l1n~!lty con1i11g to rest 6,8i8 lcrt fron1 the end ol the run1\ay wht•re 1t .,,,as rlC'slroyed by 1n1pact and fire," a rrpnr! by the Nahonal Transportation S;tfety board ~<lid. 'file tragil' rl's11lt crash : 7U persons dc <1d , .sur111 ors. \\"h;.it happi:•ncd lu t urn an apparently routine ll1nd1ng ap- oroach into a d1~a~1er'! The rcpor1 ind11.:at\'S the I pilot of the Los Angi:lrs·to. Boston !ligh t could h;I\ t' bl'rn a v1ct1111 of optical 1llu~1011 Jn I the darkness, thl· run11:1~ lights 1r11111 thr hilltop :11rp•)l'L <ippe;1re:I tu blend into tile \011r.r lights on the Oh1::i Hlvr•r \'alll·~· !loor 400 lcct below. To the pilot. 11 inay ha1·e ap· pr.arcd the pt 1nr \1·;.i s .11 :1 higher ahilud(' than 11 ,1ctuall~ \I il S. Thr rrport put 1t th1.~ 1\,1y 1·11e p1lo1 111<.11 ha\'r u.~1·<1 thr lights 111 thl' (Jh11) fi 11 f'r \':illr1 :is :i ., is11al 1 elcrt:nce tu r s!ablish Iii~ f111;1I ;1ppro:1rh all1tude. But lhe n1·er 1allr1 1~ actua!I~ 400 ll'f'l h1'!ow th'r airport 11·h1ch 1~ atop an unlighted hill rising lro1n U1t· valley floor. \Vith th 1.~ llli1.,u111. lh•• 11i!ul leveled ol l l11s plane •lt>O lt•cl 01·er the ri1·er. 1ns1r:1d ol th•· a1rpor1. but 1\a., still JS /eel belo11· lhl· ru1111;1r Tlif' lioar1I s.ud lhc C<l('k111t \'Ol l'l' re('ordcr 1ud1c;1tf'd !ho· p1!ul chct.:kcd 111» .d11111L"\cr Hl lhis J.l\.llnl. renlizl'd l11 s l't-r111 and (lltt"n1p!rd 111 ~ .1 1 11 altJ!u!lr JO H1,.. 'lt'r(J111rs Ot.•lu1 t' he IHI 1hr hdls1dt• Tiie ~afcty boarrf t't'jH•rl ;1 1 o ~aul !here h;il'r l;er11 \',\1, pn1'1 ,1f'('lifl'l11~ 11(','11' th1· .. Jl1' 1.1 111l 'f\\','\ rr;'lsh In l:Jlh oJ th!hl' acf'1d1•111~. pdut~ cl,11111t•d th•·\ !>aw !he r un 11,1y 11~!11~ Jii-t llrforr 1hry l'l'<J ~l1cd 11110 1l1t• hill~11le L.'L .o.t 11c1•k, rllr A11!1nl' J\1AC/IJ ,\Ji:: So. 14) F'O L.'f{ a1rpnrl ()llt' o/ !h(' .,1nu'l dangc·rou~ ., tn the l nn~·d /'t•t.es. Brain Death La,v Readied LOS A,\GELES 1t.:rl) - Proposed s l a l e legislation recognizing so-called ··brain death" is being drafted bv three members of the Lo~~ Angeles County di.~tnc1 ;11 torney's vital organ transplant con1rni!tee. If, such lrgislation i s1 enacted, it 1\·ou ld be lhe f1r:;1 in the nation rccogniiing brain death -death \•:hen the brain ceases to fun ction although 1he heart and respir~1 !lon are con· linur.d by artificial means. 'f he committee was formed because it \\'as decided that a clear defi nition Of death \Y3 S needed nO\Y because heart l.ranspl ants ha ve r.1ised the question as to whether the donor is technicall,Y dead or :ilive at the time hi s heart is taken . ron AO VF:RTISli\G IN TllE \ll:F:l\ENDErl I1llON8 642·4321 Al the san1e li111l' lht• na 1io11·s :!:!.~ll.UlllJ drllcr~ ol ~cdons, l.iu~c.~ and tru~·kli 11crt· 1.ia,~c·,! llnd<'r :i poi nt i.l~1nrrit S) stern. Or ivcr.s (' ;1 u {; !1 t \1ol ;1t111~ high\\ J~· la\1 s arc <iS.Sl'S.Sed ;111y1\'hl'rr frorn one l11 13 puinb, tlcpc11d1ng un t!u~ Sf'rlOU.SllCSS of lilt' inl rac11 .. 11. Nc,i;ligent hu1111t·Jde 11raws thi· n1axunun1 nurnbt'r ul dt"1nent:: and lesser points ;ir1' issued fur iJr"unken dri vu1g . 'llf'cduig, 1v111u·1ng tr:iffie signals or ru;1d signs ;ind illt•g;d p:irk11tg. Alli·r l'<il'h 111fra1"!1on a ,·;iril l10:;1r111g 1:1e 11u1nb(·r of 1h•tncnl~ <ind lhe ullf'nth'!'"' n;1n1e is ~,·nt lo 11,1t1unal polil'c 11g,·111·y lil·<11!qt1:u·t1·r~ 111 Tok yu :i nd fl'd into unc ul four cu1n · putcrs, Tht" co111puli.•r 1nt•111ontl'S e\l'rv bll of 1nlorrn.'ll111n 1t 1s fed . '1f a driver's )){!Int total reaches !5 11•1th1n ;!G 111011ths. 11. -.01ds the oll(•ndl'r :.; dr1v111g [JlTilSt', \\'i(hin Oil\' lll't'k lilt• t ;111· 1·ella11un nu!Jtt' 1\•HJ ht· in lh•~ hands of thC' dri ver ant.I c1t•ry 1.11Jliee ~tat ion in the l'Q11t1lry 1t u~l·d lo tJke tnorc than u11c J llU!llli Suspc11s1on of 1lril·1n;::: rigt11 ~ tip 10 !)() days art• 11\l'ICd uul lur point total s of six to 14. depending on thf" nu1nbcr an.t ser iousness of v10Jat1011s. F'or twt' tinie lv:-.ers tile nu1n\Jcr of allow <i blP tll'Jllt'fJ\S <U't' sh:1rply reduced . Fur t'X· ;_unplt•, a drl\'Cf 11 ho is t'f'· 1.s~Uei! a l1l'cnse aftl'r losing 1\ 1u ;1 pre1'Jll1 1.~ J,j·dl'tll1'fll \ll'l'IOd. 111,1y h;11e ll tak1'll b;J{'k lo!' up to 120 day:-; JI hi~ puinl tJt::il rea('hes four. Suppurlcrs of Lhc nll't·li:1111l· l'd jJcn1cru system ~ay ii do1" ;J\1·ay 1r1th lllCOJlSIS\Cl \l'lt•s Ill h:111t11ng 0111 pun1sh1nent 1<1 tr·;iffie uffcudl'r~. t.lt:-ln}s in d1!>posing of <";lSPS a11d litni·· ron~urning f1lu1g of C'al'h of- ll'nsC. Thl'~· al ~o hopt• lli:1t it 11•tll rcslllt 1n rnore allt'llltll' tin\· 111g ;11111 rcw1·r highway ;1('· 1·11!rnl. wh1l'h 111 the lirst n111t· )11ontl1~ of lhis \'car k!l1l·d I I .622 ;-uul 111Jui-ed nearly 620,000 j>ersons 111 J;1p;1u. At Ce11Ler A fall fcslival of art \\'Ill I><· pres,•n!t·d by lhe 1ncnibers t•f till' Ar11~!t•s dl' la flue nrt t,:l'oup and the f'a~l1ion Island i\lerch;1n1s Associ<ll1011 on th e 1nall at fo'.1shion Island Thurs· da r. r·r1d:1v ;ind Saturday. l!undrcds oi ong1nal 11ork~ \\ 111 IJt• IJ!'l"s('nted hy the croup 1111·lud 1ng oil pa1111lngs. "at1·r 1·1ilo 1'<;_ u\t•t;l! 11•orJ... po1ler1 . 11•10d 1·urv 111gs. ;inti :o;l1l1 li1·1,1 Al:o;u f1•:1tt1rl'd II Ill bi' l'l'tTll1 p:unt111g" Uy .Juhr1 \~'. {Jf!l1, Or'angc Coun1 y painter. Thb I rec ;1r! sho1• i11g \\ 1 It he :-ho1111 tu til\• pt1bl1c a~ :1 rl'gular f;ill r vent of tli(' t·t't1H:I' 1 llHl l'~ ol :,11011111g :1n· 10 ;1 111 -5 ;w p 111 Th11rsd,,1· ;11"KI Sa!lird~y. a;1d 1111td 9 :Ill Fr u.Jay night. Fr1sll1on Island ls lot[lli'd 1111 Pal·1f10.: Co;ist f! 1 g h 11 ;.i 1· lx·111 een ,Ja111Wl'lT a II !I i\lacAflhllr in Nc\1'port llca1:h. H 0 u ~ (' II i \' l' ~ \\ 110 p;'ly ~,\Jlllt"11IH! ~jlJ "I 11i.111• l .. r l10111'ol11luhl •1·1'11\t \ tl11n11g :111v thrt·t· n1unth 1·<J l1•11'!:11· qu:1rr1·r 1nus1 rt•purt Hle">l' p:ll 111t•nl' and p;11 1t1C' Suc1;1l ~:1·t·unly tai..1·::. C!u" !!I 1t1r l11tt•r11:ll j{l11 {'1)110' ~('l'I 1!'1' F S S1l1111H.ll. 11\S <llrt·t•H11' [ow ~l~llllot'l 11 ( ';d1!'1t n1.1 \,lltl lilt• 11u.11to.:r!.1 11'p1.1'\ lor J11l1 . At1gu-1 ,l'\d St•J•llJ ILl.ol·r I~ 11th' ()\·t11l".'I ;Ji Ti 1c Sut 1;11 :-;ctunll· 1.1~ "'1 hou~· !iu lil 11/Jg\',' t\ ~ ll po.n c1 t IVI tliP l'll)J)IHlt'I' :uid ·Ill fll'l'- t'l.'!ll f"r £•1n 1-lo~t· \\ h··11 tlll' qu.1rtt'r l~· ft"JlOl't 1 ~ lilt•d, :1 ··h1·i·h. t•I' 11111n1·1 (• r ii r r rt·p11·,,,1·111111g 9 Ii 111·r~1·1 1! .,( ll1t• ra~ll 11;1g1'' n·pur!t·tl l•ir Iii" pl.'1'1"d ~huuld llt• J11!'l11.Jt·d 11 1th lilt· n·turu For111 ~Ill. E 111 11 1 i1 ~ r r · ~ (~u<il'l•'l'l,v. Ta )( lh·turo1 hll' I IOU \t:linld f•:111pi(i_1 l'l'"· IS llSl'ii !O l'l'Jl01'1 \ht• S11('J;d S\'l'llrll I' t:1x1•, dut•. Alll·r till' l1r~t ulle 1-> hied. ;1 top~ OI Furn\ 912 1:-: lll<iill'd to el t'fY l'rnph1yt'r 111 t11nr fo:· ti1c nC'.\'l quartt"rly 1·1·p"1 I :-.~·unud1 ~u•J Oll'l}'Ulll! \\ho l 111e~ a rna1d , 1lca1 11t1,t.: ll.'0111<111 , i·uuk , .1:01crne~s. J1ous<'kceper, r;1rt·l;1kl'r. garJencr or chauf· fc•ur 11111 bl.' liable fur Social S<'!'llt'llY l<t.~l'S 1[ l':i~h "'agc5 "' ~;iiJ a qu:u·tl'r ;ire paid lo one en1plu~ ~ .. \1 oney J!iven tQ cn1plo~c..; lrw t•<1rl;1re 1s to be 1·uunt•·d 111 101.1! 11·11ges paid. llu11l'l'o·r. lhc 1alut' of 111e<1b 1s rnJI 11\Clll(kd. t ltt"11 11 ll!•11 n1a1ds or other 1ioJU'it·nold etnµloyes apply for lJt'fl••t n~. II ('Utfll':-10 light that ;111 Sot·1;ol ~"1.:u n1y taxes h<1 ve 1101 h1:(·11 p:11d. ~clln1idt said, lllS lli!'tl l1as to ~l'cure delin· q111•1l l i'tluru.~. Funns 94~, fn1111 lht· t'1nplu~1·r, !!01ne!in1e:1 1•01 t!l'1ng ::.c\ er;il year~ IVtlh i\ .. uh~t;u:tial ;unuunt of taxes :unt pl·11;ilt11•s tlur ,11,q l :IX(·~ ;]l'l' <lu e Oil :1nh.11111!' p;ud 1u pcrsu11s 11'110 <Jl'I' 1ndrJ.ll'ndt•nt contractori and not household cniployes. -·-~ COLOR TV and COLOR STEREO THEATRES ... lets you enjoy the full beauty of music from ... • Glorious Stereo FM • Drift-free Monaural FM • Powerful AM • Your favorite recordings You 'll 11ever settl e fo r less ont" ynu'v~ t1c;i1d t11r brP.,1thta)..<n!:J c~11neno;1onal rralisn1 ,111d ton,11 p u11ty of a M ,1~;nc1;iox 1\·.t 1n :,01u1; StGi t.:n Ou1 ;.1,ir1d1na quality featu•r" 111<.1ucl£•: 30 wa11:.. und1·1011ed n1u<;1t µow1·1 , 11110 1 2" Ba<o-. Woo!e•'>. 1~vo l 000 e ye.Ir.-l ... poncnl1.il l 11'bl<! Horns 10 proicl 1 1t11dt1nq "nunrl fr orn lhe li oi11 a11iJ ~,des of !hr. bcautdul crct1enl;i :,tyled !1nc -!urn1!u1e t:ab1ne1s, the cAc lu~1vc M1c1on1a1tc Player 1hat lets your records lai;t il. l1!ot1n1c. And their ad;ianced solid state c11 cu1try el irn1na1es tubes and heat-assu1i ng su perb performance and Jast1n{J rel1ab11ity. Each is on concealed swivel casters to permit easy moving. Why not lreat yourself and your farnily 10 !he sound of beaut1!ul music f1on1 a n1a9n1licent MaQnavox ! Your Choice of three authentic styles Mcditerra11ean 1nod1._I 37 17 NOW ONLY $ . Ac~o an Classic 11.o<l•:l 3115 50 Other Magnavox Solid-State Stereo Consoles from only $139 .50 TOVATT~S MAGNAVOX HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Direct Factory Dealer BROOKHURST & WARNER 401 MAIN ST. ..,, '.\ r ') } ' . 1: > "'\ > ) ' ' ' ' • • ' • • l TO NY TOYATT Fountain Valley 962-2456 Downi·own Huntington Beach 536-7561 ,. DAil y llll O_T ______ s_w_ ... _,"_'_''-''-"-''-"-'-' _1_,_1_ .. _. Your Money's Worth Complete-New York Stock List ---·1 ,_ __________________ 1 • - OVER THE COUNTER Rules Preve nt HEN '\101111:..!f'P! • T vua•Y ~ c°""'lt • l••m••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I N1 .. York ~,., b cna,_ o ~ tf.':: I H'-" L.I" Clue c".:.' 1~'i "'-" L-,._ c':I ... •1111 ... , ! t• i "~~ LI• tttH C~t.. -0-NASO Ll•tut91 far Tue•d•y, October 14, lt69 -A-0 tulM I 10 "'' " " . ••• .)0 ' l• • • ll )l ~·· Ab<oc~~ ~t i, 21' '"'• 11 ~ ~ l "i F o l 10 1 " " " ~i\1 1 •ur pf! 10 ADl>ll•b 10 S• n•: H ~ ,",' ! I .:c;;"l", ~s 310 ' _Jf • •0 -• ... ' ., ~~.W:7°, ~! 1~ ~i: 1'1! 21\i 1 ~!It( CllC( )) ~ l.l!j",,: ~ • ~,' ' + ~' ~t~P~t'1> !f A.c"'41 M~! lb 'lS .>fo.!o JI 'JY ~. ll•Ko Po ~ 111' 1 j',' " j ~ u"ll oa g NEW TQlll1( fAP! °""' Jjlll 13' I~ N(m• c .. l • P.i !lF'~ ' 10 AO•mE 1 t l<I ., ,, I•'' U~I -· e..k1Men1 .0 5, 2'0' JIJI. l OvPI•" Cp -rhe 1<>11ow1,,. b <1 f>o...~ oa it I g•l E .. u1 4' ~ •"ln e ~~. 1 , All ,.,. 111, 10 1 11 , 11 , ll , ,. 1 Btll How ..IO SI II 1 t9•• 11 1 I 1 ovPonr l ,lg ~~. ·~·.c·. _,~,· .. !.~ AWl ,!'• '' ··" •,d 1' ll u In ll•· I•. AOO ... I •0 !!' u. "' ..... 'ti'• &.!I In . Colfl ,, I\~ ,,, ...... d~P.,.,, "'' ~ ~ •-" 0 G 0 1) • If I Col >, >I AO "I I .-. 1'C»o I , lt~o -'' lltn ~ Co I f '' I 21 11 • -~P°"! f" Repeatof 1929 ,. • ' " " m '" " ' .. " . " ., '" " • " '" 11 Ji + 19 ' 7'1•• • 09 ,, 1 lO 1 11 1 o ·1 ~1 10'1 1 . •• t i • JJ u t t 1•o 1••~• By S\ L\ IA PORTER I Third in Five Part St'r•es ) Jn 1029 there \\t're no r ule• to (I.Ude and protect thr ~toe~ buying pubhc -n( re a! all \\'hat few requ1re111en1s lhr New York Elcchan~e had 1 err :50 loosely adinin1stered t! n !h ey "er e \\Or~e th 111 noth111~ Pools of opfrator:; could and did -nlan1pul11te s !och .1;0 the y could unlo~d lhf'n1 at a pror1t on a grttd' g\llhhle public SIOcl; tout~ could - a.nd did -brazenh .s11read r umors so lhev c ould i;r>nd price~ :soarin,i:: and Hien sell cul to the a mateurs TRUSTED TYCOO'\!\ to 1ld -and did -111;ike m1 ll1ons bv !lctmg agai n~t the 1ntrrcs ts of their o " n corpor:it1ons Un s c rupulou~ b111nl's~incn lOU!d -and d1d -lie lo the public about the $locks thev \\ere issuing Fan101s cor porations could -and did - rt'fuse to tell their 0\\11 stockholders one 10\a a bout their own affairs Its probably hard for }OU lo believe but as N YSF: pres dent Robert \\ H n a c I.: remirusced durrng our 1alk the other day, Today ~ elabor ate structure or sur1 cillance and regulation of the s t o c k markets simply did not elLlst In 1929 ' And that I ~ubm 1 t •~ DlstincUon No S Regula tions All a direct result of the 29 }loloca.st "e ha1 e laws and regulations to make sure th;it any pnce declines \\ill not be made worse by illegal marupulat1on On our statute books are basic protectJ1e laws Acting as \1-atchdog over the secur11.ies markets 1s the Securities and Exchangr Com mission and vigilant too are othr>r federal agencies Also as a dire<:! ft'SUll of the 1929 debacle the secunlics 11 duslry itself is policing 1\self •S ne1er before In rr-(cnt years I he .self regulatorv po11ers of the organized PX <hanges and lhe 01cr\hf t.ounter m arkcls ha1e heen progress1vt lv l1ghtenl'.d and the d1sc1phn;i r) po\1e1 s of the s elf regulatory agencies have ne1 er bee n tougher You nel'd nnl pu~h \our 11Jv through dull details Suffice 1t to s;i v that a \ t<1 l safegu 1rd for \\a ll Street-and us-lies tn the la\1 s rules an d SILVER N l!'W IUl..L MARKl T HIUIE 1 I TTl"O l.ICTU •I l'l-"TU•INii •"'•IWY & Fu..a1m1n~1 o S •I e Autt11•w" cl rf'C1n! d1v1 011''""11 mft1n1 1 on• ng end of U 5 Govr rftl• I~ I VI mo •• , e Ottulpri.~ 01 Yn 0~1 ow r ol In ,.,1..,....1 D,.n !O t lP I ,. on ~ 111 prol l! pelt"! •I In • Iv• 111at h1ner\ treated ~ic1<:e 29 lo prevent fraud and conlrol 1111n1pula\1on No one pretends lhe machinery 1s adequate but 11 e x1 ts And as Maack sa) s Our:. 1s the cn\y of investors lhr 11 orld 01er Olstl n c l1 on No I /\" 3rene~s there wa! a 29 No w it can be said during llu pJ l 12 rnonth~ there 11 a ~ " clrar and presrnl dang1 r l h~\ )our stock account m ight be underrnined b} the erro1 ' ;u1d f ult res in )OU r brokr1 s bJrk otficr rhcre 11 1s a 1 lc;ir and pi e..-ent d;inger I hat t h e p<11>en1ork t>xplo~aon 1n \\a lt ~\reel" back offices would blow sorne ot Ille great house~ apart -and set off a dreadful ch111 n reaction through the land BROADCASTER Ch•rle1 Neef Neal Joins I~• l«u Ono Au<><;! f U '"" l)"a Ii l NU \lb ll. u' l' •·• ''• "• oo 'l'" -''' ", " " I''' "Mii i to •I ;• IJ • ll -• n,0 • " ,,,.,,, '" ,_,,,,,,, , •··• ,,., ... ,,, ... ,,.. ,, .., .. I , ' , .. ., ~ -0111t • ...c~ '" 111 s~ ' ; ll • N11 p';,1 l~l. '~ ~Olp~~ ~~.: ~:, !: .. 1~.~· c",J l !l n. r, • ~~~ 1. t.:1~1: I ~o ltS \.. i1 ~ I 1•; o .. ol.-1 •Pl 1 :::.. ~."," ,',,•N,,•0< .'~,,,'", •,o,~ s,1., •, ~·.', "'i~-~ 12l, IJ <r <11<1 A f 0 lG•o Al Ptl>'f l'Qb 14' JJ )4 l!V. 1 • It"' F 1>11 !4 7 lit Ut U9 -, J 0<1 J 1}01! II ., 'ro ,..,_ ,, ,, oo•" -• •>O ,,, A 11..;ln tSo lll II • 11 11 lll!'>IF pUlO I tCI • Jt • It,-•Oo ''''''' •1unl1!1~• lntu Ouc S!' I "1n ll•r "" ..-"' • • ! _ , g:nF ~Pl1 .IO un 3'I )4 lo O•tler 11 cu i •• ... , "•• 1 1,,, '' "!•' '°•"•I ~ $1 0 Cm,. 21 '' ~J 10ndut 0" ',', ,f ,•, • 0 + ,_ -, .. ,, '-• ''" < '' + O~nio11111 ,;1' 1UP ... 1mo•••o "> ",, '' 'I N" _ OE ,, •quy1 I••~ J ., 1 •• ' ' .. "• 0'l, 0,,,• O> ,' '' •, 'Oyn1 Am 40 " " 1 111'> Vfn Ur ~V, IJ\'i A boortoC A1 iS ~ '> S1'• li t l B'1111V<I In "' ....,. "'" • ""'lell "'•1• I Nu<: 10 ~ \ NJ N•IG :n~, n•o 111 NI 't AlcenA u 110 1m ,. 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(om 1 > 111~ P• lnl 1 f~\ Un ~cGll f \• tG •Olt 111 J<1ti 1\6 JO 19 ~ 19 ~ + VdG•I In U °' ll • U>o 1J o 1 Et~VI (P /1 .. M&' B 9 t> f':e Ink 11 'I 11 Pe!tl• S! 4r 41 Un ~elo H '> Ii •Ova Ill Ilg u 1 ii 11 o 1 , + 1 luf Fero 1 lo " l'~ Jl I 3• • + ~ E h>'I •11 0!l A Ml<llt~ l! l l6 'I G11 Svc U o 15 • Ptl u t 44 45 US e~not l1 II , A Ou~ pf 8-1• 1 n I 1 11 o -1 ~u o~& W 60 69 JI • JI JI '> -, Eu ofnd ?Oo In Laguna Radio commentator Charles Am P Q• 11 it 111 G A,.,, 6•1 6 • ¥>h~Og c1 el 61 ~s ,,.,." 1,, ,.,, A nE ,..,, 1 11 J11 '' , 79 li ~ l"n~ l!•mo .. o u ll • 13'• -'lo Ev•~•" 1011 Bui II d1dn t happen '!'he A 1 Gob J•o S i G Ot~l<1 1 7 • Pnll $ub 11 <;Tl, u £nv•! 21v, 71 Arn En~• 1 l>l> )0, 79 30 ~ 1 11~•~ "' lO 75 •l • lt'~ )t~, -)>.lo Eve '' orp \ Nal f Sa Jua n'~r ~ol '10 G Kln•c l o J•Pl>cl!<>n l 'oTl ;USSu111r ,.~1 11 ,.,,,E•ll Ind 111 11. 1• ,,, + a~rlnd l •D 1U ll'I l•· ll ~+~o fll(•llO I'S reason ts that \\all StreeL e o n :::::~, •,'", •,,• '· ,","• G~1,E11 1,' •, ",',~, p~ 3 , 3 ., us TrkL :Id, ll ~ Af• nd .,,,.. 1uo •• '' , e••• -., lu•fl<IY 10 •o 14 111, '' +1 • ,.c.,11• to II b f 11 d th I C l b d th G~ f ' .. ., I• 61 ~ UD P•~.O 11 1?"-AG~nlns ~O JO• ?•' 7• , 7; _.. !" ·~"' 60 151 t11 • 11 • UI ~ -3~ ,,c"' A lt 11se e came rig i ene a ap1:; rano as JOine e Anneu• B 4u 11 lt•n lP• 11 Po.-1 MOC 71 , .,.1, u"" SLd 1 ~ 1 , AGnln 011 1111 11 l• 0 3, ; .. , _._ , ,,,u, v I 611 s 19 1'1• I?, i , F~ rchC 1s~ I h t d .. n~tn C I > l o In.Qt lt"lt ~Dro Ga l 16 .. ll i Utll l'ld l'f JI AmHD>I ro J9 J , 11 1l + -C-,',',"m"o-'•"•"' l 11i as rus 1ng 01\ar a crisis Laguna Beach office of Dean A•• a N Js> w 1111~ t !: , ~h ~~t'S. 1;~ 1 3 , 11• LO 110, 11 ., Ham• 1 "° l ll ,, • ~1 , ,, ~ o ., or as 011 n making "'hlc h could Willer & Co as an account ex ! g:~ in~ !}1~ H•, ,.~,~·i,.,~ ,•, ,_ ,: ,_ P,",,bs ti.M, ~\' ~~\; ~8•~:. 5• ~ , ll :~0;'1:,ppt '~ 1 1 !~.. :~ :l ~' · ic:r F1~:r1 IC ,•o f , n' l~ ' -~ ~:,:. 1'1~ 1°JO destroy !he "ho le structure A k ,,.,., • -~ " • " 1 1 nv. v v WOd 1114 ?1"4 Am nv•I 110 \6 1 ~ 11 ii 1. -., • onM n 1 Ill 11 , 11 ' 71 F~n• '"1 Inc CCU!I\ e accord1ng to A Ar ow ~ ~l ' u~ ~<*>LS,. "' lO ~ Put>!•hr 16V. 11 N•d•w P ll 71 11mMl'd~ '0 105 ? I 71 o ' o ~ '• lmp l!l •l o l6 ?O • 10 • 7)'1:::;:: : ~~ ~~~f ~.;'.;', The organized exchanges and 1 J Arvll• 1~,1 .,.11 .. '*'~ lt ~f h ~u~:~n•t 1 1 t 1 w11o•O• l ~l'•AM•Cl•lto 101 :io1 ,30 :» •mpsoio 1~X1 ,J1>.JQ 1 +1.F-'S ol l•or other selfregulatory bodies \\il1am r.lcCready r, VLCeA•tC llct 1l •7~~ """"' 16•1 11~Pur1tvsi Tf' r:~:::;:;~~~G J 10 AmM01or• l'l 11 10'r in••~ dB•t"' '°" 1 r . II•-•F..;1d•r1 AO AUIO S<I llo 11 •nll 11.E !l >lf i PDua CD ••• l"Wo-• '' l ~'Ol7V.AmNAIG1• 1 110 J1 o ll o )1>o + o 11"1 ~•d<?l: IS ~,lo 1,',' ,", ~1 1 FKl ~OI 1111'1 took strong '1eps lo res trict p•es•·'cnt and man"ge'" Av,mco 1 ar. , ~nr l , 1•+ ~''""' .,. "' M• l o • 11'11. 11m Pho o 11 1•s l • 1 •• eno F..;IP '' • u " • 0 ''''' 13 u wit Tr st~ 1o .,,, .. , 000 ''' ,, , '' , •• _, 10 c Ba,11 111 J o lO l l"i. t'\• •~ •~ h f f I '·I ~ •o~' Pr 71ll 1 •d Ov" lth lO Nlbb "'' , .. ,, ~ ., -Ol>'1n 140 '•5 • •S ti I FP•c 0'1 )6 I e act!\ Illes 0 I r m ~ Neal IS a ccredited by the lltl d Al ' 10 G ..... lh I" 11 'II ~ 11111 Tr1r l~ IJ\'i W1IO!rn ...... J ..... 5111 l} 7• ,,,. 1•. 4-l . !' .. •O "° II . 10 . II I-~ FectPa"Bd l d bl d !·~~ JO, 31 ~ r.uo d c~ •l• 0 \ R1n•b El n 31 w.u"' M l$\4 l6 .. m !.I'll~ IC '95 10 I ?O. ;o .... , I 0 C&Ol'I ' >700 69 61 '' _, F1<1S vnS 60 su.spel c In trou e a w1 e N y k Stock E 1 • ~•Int s ~ • Gu f ll'lt ' 10 R•vc~ co 1 s no W•l •R c; ~.lo', •,.',.•,•' ,-!I 1 79 '.IO • JO'• lO •"' '• "oPL• 1,1 1t0 :Ki .,.,., Jo + Fect~o 5,,. 1 \anely of corrective measures C\V or xc iange •n1•, c 10,., 11 Gv•OOn 11 11o 11~~ R1vm Ca n ~ J4 w,1 c11 p ,, 0 1 1~ om ''' '" ,',"• ~!., ~,, > ,•,,• i l ' 1rnT<h 1 ~o ,, ,. • 11 l l "' feet ""11 1nv d II h di ,. d f 1rwc ll 1' H•m CD~ ll . • l'lfCOt' f~ Sd\li 11" Wlln NA 10• '' ... I • I • Ca 00 191 00 :it •P +) Fo:r 0 (p 10 11i ere ioluntanly Laken The an WI an e 1nwv1 ua In ll••" P 6'~ 6 1 H1novr s 21 1J~ ••• M•• 1 1~011"w1 " Mi11 7 • n., A.mSd D1'7~ 104 111> 98 '''• l !"'on?~ 110 Ji ;" l l'b tba 10 \1hote \Vall Street community vestment accounts ::~~:; 1f1: ~~ ~~~e~~ 1i., 1l'~ :l'ievcs'i'! tt ; ~I'> :Ztn; ~~ 14" u v. !~ui1:; 11: .. ? 1I'' 1{,: ~f,· _._ ! : 1;;~ 1 :~ i"~ i). 0 ~: d: + ~1~,~1 "~ 1 "° ll•1c~rn l ·~ n ... H''"e<I F lt JO "....., l• '~ 11 Wlnbf,g lll,O nv. A Sur pJAl •l • 01 o~. j\ , -.,, JI lll u . u • Ii .... F " FM..-·•~ 11 ent on a collective sptnding Neal reports financial news B•ll• l•le lJ•, 14 H1111iv~ 16V. uv, Rcb n M ,~ 1, Wln•fW T 3J ~ •ms' f P u s 9 • 91 ''' t • •sP at Alu u 1J . n 1J>... .. , F 111ne 1 &0 r-I mod ts ,e•lm nd 10 1l He m E P 4• 61 Ra.tlcin 11 0 l lll WI PL 21._. 710 4rn T l 00 l!n 11 '°~'o 500 'o ' & •C~~ oO lOJ JO , 1e ):1 , ~Ii,(, F; (hrt ljOU ~p "" o ern1ze 1 oper<t d ope g s t-k a k 1 • •co1 1 1~, Moov•r 79 , n > 111-,,,, , w , amww~. J,1 19 10 101, ~ • erl• 110 )1" ,, ,, ., , ts, + F•tNC iv 4 I 0 .. and plug the tnduslry, an n1n ..,,.. in r e B••k H• ll .. 1 M"'1 En 1J , 1•, 11~; 510~ Jl J ~ w~~.::. ':: 3•,., • AN• 101 1 •l uo 1u. 1>.> 1 '• + c c:o a u 1 , , 1 , a _ ., Fsr N;, 1'111 • !ID l' '6 ti~ 11 lS 11}030 •)0 · I)' 11 , 11 f/ ll -E>- " " "' " ' '" "' ' " "' ' " " ' '" .. ' " ... "' ., ' " • l "00 '" ' " • " " • .. " " Ill? '" " ,., .. '" " ,00 " " • .. " • '" n "' " • ., '" • " " " • '" ' " "" "" • • n .. ~ " " • • " D • s • • " • ... " •• " " • • '" '" .. " " '" ' " " . ,, " ' " " . •• " . " • .. ". " '" " " l!lo '" • ~· '" " " . " . " . ' " " '" " " " . ' . " ~ •• '" " . " . J~ . "~· " " " " " . • " " '" " . .. '" ,, li . .. J6" ... " ' .. ' " " . " " • .. '" • '" " '" , .. " .. " " . .. " " . " . " . " '" '" " . " . '" " . " •• •• " . " '" " . '" ''" "" " • •~ kd BUI lob 6l 61 MOllll F' i , Jlo Rvtn Mo >l .-, )'l ' ... m l nc IA 11 19 • )I i ' !Cl Co oll lJ f 11 16l ?6 ·~ Fhc"~<h 10 •eak '""'~ quotations "ee ay mornings a 11uP1 w a 1µ Hu<k Ml v. ,,.., JJt~ Yra~v E J -1 '"" Am•t-e~ IC ~ 1•'• ,, .... ?•" e<o en IO • 11., 1•: 11 ' 7 ., F l1~• Fd Gld ~ 'Id 5<t!I 39 i7 HuO PP ll J1<'.i'l••••• ............ ,.,,.,,1Am!ac n< IO 114 SP, Sl SI~; -t 1n.,tCo ? 7U 66 ~S , iS 1 ._ , F •~• ScJ " TI!E PAPER''OR" pr"-al7 30onrad1o stat1onKFAC !lrtchr 1 1 1'.7 MuoGa•1•omnn• * l!lii ilet!!::AMKCP Jo 1 Yi J ~~ »'1 -'"l• e1ono 11010 '58 51 1 51 _ .,Flem nv u n. ..---Bl•ck Ml 31 31 HY"! P "'> 15 ~ •MP Inc " I 0 J6 • ,.. • !.II 'I.;, •nco ln1 JO 110 •\, .., ..i -I» FllnOco • " " " ' • "' " . '" , . " . " '" '" ?6•1 '\em ,, "n th• way toward He "as also author and com Botu• El J • 1 1 +.1va11 c. l• J•.., Arni>•~ c ... P JT? " "' •1 ..-'• 3nlFdv )Od ' 1s , 11 , 15 , -" Fllnr otA4 10 u v Bell II•• ,, ' ll 'Ind G•• 1• 14 MUTUAL .,,.,,1..i ? .0 1'I 36 JS 36 t • "",.,,a I •I 1 2' , 71 , 7• ... l Fl• E Coe>I Solut•on m•nlal"r of tb• "'lwork radoo 8""1~• c l• • lj'• 1m1 N"cr n ~ JO Am • 11 n 1 n • 1 ~ '• C•n 11 LI l » 10 1J 11>. 11 ~ '• F • G~• Jo '" v '"""" Bo> CIC> 1•• n a d < ' llno<<lfl<! 1 90 •11 760 77'• 11~+·~1 lilt c•!O J OO l l OJ , 611 -l F o Pow 1S1 'I'h1s too 1lluslrat~ • stgn•fo sho" D, m, n 5 0 0 n on a.,,...,. G l ~ 11 nt Con1 ;1~ 11 lln<~H<><~ ~o 11 ·~ • •1 d 1-• 1n 111'5 1 11 " t8 11 ~ i. -, FlaPwLt 1 u n Brwn Ar 11 19 ~Inc 5,, I I .l,n(O PNSv I 41 7"1'• "ll 11 • f n l•~ IS l 70 > 10 , 10 -, F I 5 HI 90 canl difference bet1veen the R v11< le 7•1 15\~lnrm 1n • 10 A~dC a• 110 ~ ~·i l'I" :V.'•-+ •Crnl'l'w 1 1 lS 11 , 16 11 F yoCp J OJI Slrett hing a Buck l'lu<~•v !1 , 11 In• BN>h 1 9 A1>1<~~CP ?II '' ''' 11 11 ~ en 5t/ 1 10 d Jt • JI , l9 ~ 1 • F""r ~I l eras tor today 1n contrast to Burnvo s 16 u 1n1 Ml 1 n '1 FUNDS A•coO •7! 1 • l"• 11 ll' • -en sov• !o 7?t 11 76 '', -> ,, F v r1v1 10 1929 \VallStreel s leadersand Betlieen i9:>7 and !967 Nca!IB~•nSJ's~ U~:~~:\~: r:.r ,g~~ i ~~~·fc~ .... ~ ~7 1'l''1~'1 '~1~~1 ;"To•1v Ml~lb 1;d ,': ;;, ;;:+ ~~~ ~'1 ,r~ h d st I I was author of the syndicated •rn<o 11 1•v.. 1n1 Sv of 16 ~ 11 -cho .. 1~ 1 to ' !J sJ 51 ~ _,_ P , 1 ieea 10 ..., 1• • 7• • ,. , ., F0<>df 1 •o t e in u ry s r r g u a or y 1 S •non '"" 11 11 "' ru•• 'I~ 10 A 11Pubsvc 1 61 n 1• n • -1 " r tlHI 01 oo • Jj 1J 1s ., • """'" c11 60 bodies are on the constant ne"spaper coumn ense •nnM e 11 1~ 1"'"•' 111.11 ... ,,,.,05 10 11 ''' 21 11 \-'-~ .,,,. • .,r &0 i91 ,., 1s 10 .+ F...,,. """ "Olh Do\la's and \• the •,0nr1d __ ,',, ,','+",~, "ouo, ',',, ',', ., mcoSt 1 "'° ;oo "• 11 • 11 • +-Fl s 1 10 o n , 1n. 1 , _.. , F"" ~ Pll 0 a lert lo curb abuses beforr ., ·' s.,~ A m011• 1 60 ' M •6 ""\ -h1do n nc 1i;o • ' ' 1 ' .,. ' Fo d" o 1 •O lh Of book b lh (ID ln A I o IU lttcbl F • 'J S Oct 11 In>' GulO t jl 'j) 4rm DI '15 6 > 61 ~ 11 ~ hlmPS 20 )l 76 , ?j , ,6 -j fQ MUC IS they get out of hand au or a Y e same 1•PlC11 ~ 1 , J1caYn c 10 . 1n>, NEW vo111< A~f 1nv lndle 11 1 n n A•rn•tC• so llSll J9 • 31 'Ill I ~1rt• NY 1 1~5 .a ., , .a, ~ FMc~ ~11 eo t itle 0• ," ~"• ,' •, ,•, '•'"m••wo" ,,• , ,•, -T~• fell-Ing """" 1nv11 loo ll JI ll lO A rn Ruo l ·~ 1' l" " • ,l:,' _i, • n1••M" 10 JI• 11 51 Sl ~ 1 l'o•lWM 60ll The NYSE has a ne!work 10 , &llan• 1vPol •O ~Y lnvn•or• G•011P A a Ca • ~ l n~ 9 ~ec-• Mel • 11 10 • 11 + detect Unu su•I Sl""k pro•c Neal srrvrd on t he ~•c-G 1 1 11 Jem.~v 1'" u ·~~ N1• on8! 11.,oc 10~ "01 1 16 5 '° A v" nd ,, n 71'• '' '! ~ ~•m• n lb ~s J1 l " Jl • ~ ~0• Wh 111 I ., .,._ ~ ·~~· I J? '•"d• • 1 ,~ton of Stcu••• MYI 99llO ll A•ndn '" l 'o Jr :IO•o '•nem~iYt•O •019 51 o S9 -11 °•t>o•o ~ Consu1nt r Adi 1sory t:Ollncll lo ~t" \IP~ t• , 10 K~I••• 5! '' 10 Oeo er< inc 1 e P oo •ti ! 11 A"d !! '" ia 1 • • • ' • + • 1~•mw1v '.'<! » lJ' 11 J ' ' Fron• S ' '° mo11ement.s and susp1c1ous ac .._~. PA 6 o i. o I<• •M pl io 11 Ille crl<•• • "'" ci. srac • 10 51 21.ll .,.," oc; 7~ el •• • •h ''" +7'• n., v1 1 60 16 J••! 31 : ::i.i ~ o F t•~5ul l Ml f d t he Califorrua Stale Invest ~~• ' o 1 \ 1 , <• Y6 l'.lll 1)1! "'••• ••<ur r to S• ec1 a ts '61 A•dSoa 1 10" s ~1 :J\1• :JO'• _.. '• h•• Ohio • ~ 59 , •1 , !• ~, • FruPh(p 1 Q liv1lles o any trll er and t he B d 1965 . nm L•1 ll 10, Ke • Gr~ s 5 , cO<Jld h•v~ 1>tin v1 "~ , 6 111 ~· <1T "" .iJ 1~ 1~ 1''• ,, 1 + 1 "'"" 97 " •I ,, 0 ,1 ' .. ,, Fuou1 Ind "' . .. " .. • ,., • " ' '" "' ' " " ' ' ... " " .. ' " ' , .. "' "' • " , .. " . " " " . '" " '" • " . '" " " "' . , " '" " '" " " . " . • -G- " ~. ... ... • " . '" " . '" " " . "" ' ' . " .. " . ., '" " " ' " ' ,, '" " .. " •• " . " •• • _, •• 11 • -11•0 .;. • ?O) <t I, JI •• ~ .: " •l .. 1 •• ·1 • • " + " . \ "' " .. ,.,, • '& 0 -. ' . ~: : ... · 16 .... . 161• " ; » .. + • ?I ' -I '• l• .+ •• 5l , I l• • ~ " ' 19 • ~ .. •5 .,., 73 ' .... " + " "'• !-" ' n ' .._ . ,, .. •> -.. -. J/ , + ' . " . " I• o -! I " ~·: 1 • 11 ... '• 1•. -1 1 7 -I ?l•o "'- 1ll' ~I '" .. " . ?• • -I 1{ 1 • ,, . ! "4 -I I .loO .;.1 • 66l .+). • • • :JO I + 0 " -. ISJ -• l•" + '• :or. -• )9 -! • AO -, II l , .t.l "'I • ,1 • ~ l • n .;. • JS 1 + lo Jl • .._ '• 11 • '• n"4 + • • .;. I I~ " \ " + U\ t " "'I + • , .. .._ "' -I I • I& ..._ • " 1 • .)010; l • :)I) '~ T 1S + ,_ • I -' ,I) .. l • SEC I"' <l••elopong '"•orly mcnt oar lfl ti6 Che'T"ld 1 J o lC1v•m ' I 1c d !blG\c•g01J9~! nv Resn 5n• $1 A!CYE OJI l• ?)• ,, •• 1l .... '!"<E•n I 11 11, 11 1? i" (ht • Ind I 1 .ic.~. T u Hl\ ftJ~l'<I ) YOld•v 1,. 71 1•1•00 111~(l<I1 •19 10 . to )l()ll o -'". h MSIPP ct ?1 n 111r '1 • "arrung .system of trouble ~t•,u~: !~.1~1~:;11:.,J ,g Jr ~1:1 ~:::v:" ~~~ :&r!11~c~ha~l 1~ z so 1i: 1l~',~l !::;::,• ~~~P:,:lt ! i;, i!' ~;·-1~ g~~ ~: ~'~ n; ~. i!, ~:,,~~. ~pots F'1 r1ns 1\hirh ;ire hrhl ~ lOJ 109 ><•Yf'"" 11 11 15& 1 1~J Mnc<>e:-'" 'll Atll<n ~11 111 •1 6•~ 61 i.1,-1. CM ,\u•lc 1 J l•• ?1 0 76 •-,GA~C.aD '° •tH 11 11 11 .. , S 0, ,. oi l(fVP f ib ri I I OJ I II .John " 11 • 11 ... , ft• (.~em llO ?I l~ 11 .....• (hl~nwT 1 If J I l~' JI -.-,,1G•F DH l'O ~OD 11 11 ll . 11. -~ "u~pcctcd arc plcicctl under lege tllall 1 ' i<• c 11 '}9 i 111 6l"P •a ' Fu~d~ Al •• c;a 11 ' s i -•cn11P ct u" 1 1 1 •, n" G•"s•o :io ,1 n v, ?J 110 .. , d b k 'Jl :'1 ~~v,IP( 1 .~ 91 01 Cu II 9),96 Au<'a •P • ''IA 1 .·~~-~-C~Rl'cNN ,,,7 11 -Gon>S o l5 1U l6 •:l6'•+• un me l:tle cur ~ s lo e "' 11 n , 11:1"p '"' 1a 11 1'11 uo c-\ 111 •e1' 6J ~uts~~ ~· 1o0 1\' u • • ChoOFu oo o '' 1 , 1 ,G•m~ Pf 60 l ,, , 1., a , llhlth sccnitoo io!atile also n 11 oc1~q•Et 1 •Olou C•B• •l6 1on •Y10 .. 1.,1 .. a l•lll o ll •ll -•Ch••<•r Md n1u,ll 13 , ... ,1G,nn•1 •• 5011 1 ,1 11 ,~, 1 l olC~Co 'l_I Jll ll• {"~''°' IOll/9 Avt11Co 10 l6l?l 1 ,I 1Tll "'-CCl (vp!lOd 7J .15 ,;5 .. 1,G•r Woo;d <I J 6 I ~•i are reslr1c\ed mgent warn~ p l d '~ 1 K"•~ vot n ~ ii lo 1i n c \ "'' 11' 6 \J Av<a ~n 10 •I $t '' > '' ~ • c~ om• 1 u ?11 '' n , 11 • ~ ' lc..ardo1" '° 1 " '' 11 , 7• ... l •omo e 1 • O>t(.• I 61 IO • C ~I !J1XIOS •v••vlld JI '60 0 t , IO'o +l o(hrv)n i 7;1 jQ l4 > *lo ;1Gar<1<:1t 8[) I j9 1 19 , IY o ~: 1ngs are issued when s pecula 01 • .., £ 1: '~ , t~ .. ~~ o:~ ,~ 1H t l 6 u iw~ s1, : ,", ',",,e Avn1 inc •O ·~' • • ,, o • c nnGE 1 '° e1 '''• '' ,, Got .. v n ,,. ~1 • 9 , ,, t , 111 111 '1S .,,.1n Pcf l•O AA !~ o UI H••-'•j l"GE o •IS 1 10 61 ,! I I "'7'oGfmnl Co~ s 11 1 l o 16 + t1onsetn1s tobebecomtngex ~~:~~1 sn'"~ ~0 ~!~~·vJ;; ;?~1 ~i, ~01.s• !5; ~~A•K 01 "' SJ 1 I ••!•••-~ In GE"• 110 '' ~• s! G•mnl" !•• 'on 1o>, 10 , • l CSSl \e Repubhc 11omes a dl\iSion omct 71 )JO L~••Dn Am Poe 1 1 13 Knc~1> 1•• 11 -8-c0", .. ,,,•,",'0 1 '1 '••I t ~GnA l,.v >Jta J l l'• ll 1 ''' Com C •~ • , leh Co•I • A ~ G t;n c• Gt 1 •s 11 0, ,. ~ • 00 o '0 o •O , Jo G4m011 o~ 1!6 4:1 u , "" ,. • Ofcour~e thereha\ebeen of N a t1on a lEn111ronment ""'A' 1 • L••" <>"JI! ~.:1 °~~910 <1J L ••ng1 001 1101 ii i '•'' C TFn 30 111 .i 41 •1 GAT •niw •~36 .:is .. )6 • ""''"t • f1 l tvn-Y" I • Grw~ ll h1•1Jl••~<~h l~l7 11•9 117 7 ,,, ... (T FPl!JO llO. 106 1~ l Gt nB•n< l6 Ill > u r, 4 0 'o !'iCandals but they have been Corp Orange has announced om G•• '' 'l L•w, eF 1< " , 1 , ,, • ~-1v , '' , u » :in • 30 cu,, svc 1 111 ... " '' GC•b • 1 i~c 10• ?Q , n , ?o .. , ncme I• ~...-I • '"' 61 "5' ~·•o 1 •Cl!v "" JOb lqll JS lo , ~ Gen ('9 }G 10 ,O , '/O , 70 b.ok'n by lh' P 0 I ' C 'n g the appo'nlmenl Of Don E om l• 73 1• I 1y E I U '> ~ ~ '°" 1nw 10 1111 e L •• s -\ 11 o Jl 1 flO '~ so 5• ~ _.. o I , _, ,, '' >>< , --, • Com If ~ 4 1S Loblt w 6, l o .t.uoc 1 Jl 1'3 Ll!e l~v aO I Ill II 13 n '' "' " l o ~J 51 """!Ye I• 'S l.'i Jl o l • I""", lh I d I S d I (om P V 10 10 lo'! (dv 1 , I \ As 0<1 6 11 110 l <IG t •I 1 OJ " ' J ! • i 1 -1 : V ~ I <ll I ll II 1 l o GonOV<1~m 1 l 0 '' > ?l t ?; + au or11es an aertreporters tegemanasv1cepres1 en 1n c.,...P A 1 6 Loo E1n it,1 A~• M011oh1on L<>am • s,.,1,, 1.,, 31 ,., .. u,Cl••Eq ''° 'l' ,.. JJ J.<,-11 Gt nE •< !60 ~·1 11 15 .. ,. • before lhey could become na i.:harge of finance me'"' •J l•nc~ c l<I JI Fynd A 111 1 11 C•n•d un•v~11 11 ~1 I'• s• ~' C•' ou ·~ 11 11 l' J;, i11,Gn F •p1 11~ a 1•0 i.•1 ,,._ • ma nd t 71 Mid GEi !)1,13 , FvnO ll l )ftl C1PI l !t 19 ~I s> 5 ll o -Ct C • 160 ll l6 1 ll o l>i -'" Gon~d•7 .0 ~Jl lo tl5 l!>.f • t onal disasters Of cour~c Ste,en1an a resident of (mp Mh l\\l Merrcc~?l '<?• sr-1c '451!! Mu• ~DJ IS OJ 10 1 11 0 -,C•vE 10• Y7!,1 J1 0 )1 -'"oG•nM"'' 11170 e,19 ,_, (mp T"C 11 JI M1 Jl:ltv 11\~11 5c~-Co S7S I 1Manhtn {''I ~• a?9 ; 7 ''' •?•1 Ce• Pl l !O 210~ O! •I Ol 1 "'1 Gon ln11 S~r 7U lit 36'.o lolo , there has been man1pulat1on Costa~1 esa hasover!Z~ears c on ltoc• 1• J ~.~, 5•~5' Bab"'" 9 llltl!ll M•n F<!l 1l l ll.'i I ' 'l!l-~ 16 -"6 s ~ol Ilg ~· u. l o I''"" ,G•nn, v! I l# 4 ~· ~ b I be d f f !~5 ~11 ~ 6 I Mom1~, ••! lf.~~~r 1 :;'li;j~:t,::~,ft 1/;;:~~l '"'!•" "~, ~ki•P•••o '>0'9 11 0 ;, .. ~GfnA•U lOll.!~l<•n .;.! ut 1\ ias not en perm1Ue o experience don 11nanc1a1 c~~:rl.an ~ • ~:"Q~ t" 1~~1s•; Bon<1•r. 0 ~ 11 Ma •i 5 ,. ~" ~; ~. ~. ~tM'~c ~:"/n•''o ,.~ 1~· l~· ~i ·-g•';..,".,01J!""; ':i J~: ~~· ~51 •:_ 1 to multiply into g re a l management an ana ys1s I e """' L ?~ /1o a ow' oo 01 j o• oft .s1 1 0 , lf M• ~. , 1 , , 19 10 l , ~ n ,_ c,1• o A o ~• Jb J! JI 1 c MQ Ml 11 1 n , sr . :11·~ , 'alam•t\ ha bee e mplo e<f b .,Co p S JI l l '>l•o• 0 lO><ll ct Fdn 1 '>01JO M<0on •u Ol! l • •~ 4' ~!~Coo !S Ge~ "<l!oao ~ ... ,t •g'•'f,C•rn .~O ,'.',",,,',', ,, , "" S n Y vC .. t d ?6U:ll M<"V ?!~76,!°'"" 1lt ,o5 MO.i,1.'u 6 N l~l IS~.ll o ll .1'1 -'-••ll •><>'Y "W..., ?l o --''• \\E HAVE FAR fr onl Repubhc llomesforo\ertwo c,.",'',',' ', ~~ •• ~~.",cA fi 1l " aaa.St l•l•tJ '4Mooa•co1••,1•01 ,,, ''•I ---1 S•SG1 P11 t 1i•IYJ 11•;,~,,.,_.1 '" •••<! 151J n .12 •• ~ ,.r " JI JI Bullo<~ ll50o119ay.ooa•; IJtl l!!O ~O<lio 137 ljl It>~, 7t Gtft f /O 1,0 l ! •l o "" O!ll l • perfect protecttons but we are years ~v~•<p", ~ : 16 ,, ~fc~~ c ~ ~ : : ~ ~~n.~~ 1~ j~ ~g fl "'~ !' n F~"g~, 1 11 1~~ p11f l ~g ;J ~i~: ,, . ~;·; "!: • g:~si 1~0°1 .~ 1~ U , ~ \ !~ , _ "';, tnng to find the pitfalls so l\e P reviously he "as a comp-00•,•,,• _ ', ,', ,,' M' ,',,",,c• 1 • n • 1•D 1 "c ~ 1J 1 J 1,.,0 " • 01 • • ' o 1"' Alk 1 H t n 1 ,,. " __._ ,,. ~ ''1 E 's1 011 J• • Ji • .... . ., ,f t ,:.i IPI Inv •• , Sii '"'~ 1•1 •?t 0 nlt1d 10 •l JO it , .. :+1 !i;Tt~I o!7 rr i •l o •l · Ol"'i can build bamers aga1nst trolter for a construction g•¥t• F<1 11 • Mldw G' 1Pt "' 111 11111orF r d •>0 10 05 c11101n•• 110 •l" ~ ,1,..i.1.;c1:1 :,~l 30 1•0 1 11 11 .+ '' l~LANO MOUll l'A$HIOtol "'-"""'0 I hem -in time In 1929 v.e firm In Santa ~1 a r I ii o::a M ~ 7 ( 7~ ~r.: ~rd n. Jl'j ~~~~n5~; r-\,,J 11 11 ::;;~F o~a ~~5 '}; F. ~:" ~p;5~ I~ ~! •1. ~.=·~GI/IT .... 10 '•:t ~: 11''' 11 . l'llWl'OfllT (Ito!''" Nl"WPO•T d1dn t e\ en know th al \\all Ca htorn1 I :inti before that a g:1~1"<..,, ; ~I ~:11."~ '~ ~ '~ 2~"31 'i 8~ 1: ll ~~I 0~,...~ \~ t l~ ~ 1na11ce ~g I I ~ ::1 u ; n,1 ti ! tf" -1\> Gi'' ,',",,", •·" ,", •, ,1 • l'I ~ .. II• a1ACH Si I I b f I It I \h S D•u•Cn S•~S!>.MO"mPIL.u.J G..,..11> 1111 11 Mu•lr l l<l o• CBSl MJb \Oll.,'l •l •" +l • lCl 7•~ .. l lo ree \1 as a g 1gan JC a yss inanC'HI consu :in on e an D• C•"T o 11 '>loo ~ " 1 • 1•. tncom , " , u tlfA Mvl i lo 1 .i cos Dt 1 11t u n ... 11, "'"<o 1 '° •a ~,, ',I", n • IM PM-WID OCT 15 frtmt D "•MW•J a •1StYI~ II f I f SS,OOO\lll\l (II 0•1 I!! 1J>j 7J> r..<oo ~ S 11 17 5PPC 1•~ J ll N• wsec 10 n11; Co uG1• 110 ~., 1J o 1l•a 1' Gt~•• la 1• .LJ., +Ill SDC1noo•K1 ?11 P••l c C"''1 Ne:r.I D>st 111ctzo1i No 1 Gale•aY U r biln Rencw<1 I 0•" -"D" ll u Mo Cul) 11 1' Fund l• ll 10! "v'' I• tot B • f Co SQQ~ 116 "°' !! .,.,_ ff~~~&•,,',",~,,• ~,J '+'••• !?.." "i·-+"•' IR M•cA rt~vr 11., un 1 a \er we v. ere 1n i r;1nc1sco o r en o·~ ~"' J Mo <~ /1o 1 a Ch••• G 11uo t-1 81 Ind 11 Jl ,. , ' cc"" u ioa 110 J• 1 Jl 1j .. t ,~ G1nu "'P" 1 n "'• "" ..... -. c~" E:O c~•f>O' LCf>O 6totn flt,.•Y E 1 I -., ~ "' ,.. ll l ll F n1 10() t010$ Ja Not S•cur S•r CombE" l •O 11' ,. ,. 11 J. ,, ('; ,. ...,.., J!-, '~""""""""""""""""""""""""""~'--'T~h~•:_:B~"''.'.''~''...:E':"c~o~n~o~m'.'.'.;y'.'.:, ____ _'P~·~o~)~ec:i_t~----------~14,,m ;, '~ 1~.!f.!'1" •• ',' ,,•,,,' J/lr"d ll 6,ll t6 611•~ 060 11 U 1·1e s C<!f11 E pf11D J ll~ ll1 ''!' lllYO lll II Jt SH• ,,, ... ,,. ., ° Cl'l•m• 19 11 l'O" Borw! s ~ '0 CO"'ISolv ., '0' n~. 10 71 • l Gl.~. •',' ••• .l ,'!. ',! '! 00<:<1el , 11 N ~ fl "" ••• COJCn8 D•ll •lo 414 c ..... 11c1 Dl 90 JO 1J IS 1> t G " ... -7< 1 ~ t I. o~vld l l i N~C~ 11 l 11 EQY ~ •l•Jl (wh ~•S 03l c,o..,wfOJlO 100Il ~3' JI: .,g1~•L',!I" .. ~~f!,,t:"f:::_~ •WJJ&ii!!Mimm!llmllMlllllllllm~!'llfttt'!ll'lllllll!llllllll~IW!tlllllll.U.iltllilf.IUl,llfllo! U.~llolli.llll• Fund l ~ll '9 Pt 51< 6'1 I~ om E pl •1 II "'~ 7''1 -"iGlttl•! lMl 4(1~ ..,, 434 00 ~_._ 'J '"1 G ... n 661 1)) l""'m !OS S96 BOS'J'ON (t;P J) -U S c,~"', . .',',,,IC ,; '~ 1 ~ '~•+-•Gmi..a 1 11 •••.,,,•"•-+Vo Y•nl 1 7:! I H Sock •n •JI ~ .. u 111 ''•)JI, 13• GI•" Al""" 276 ,,, '• 9,_ Can The Computer Help You Make Money?1 Attend Our Seminar For Investors Emot;Onal atla~hme;nt lo your :-1e1,.u nl.lt~ m:o• brcome co!l!y '.s m~y casui l ~g11rs~ and b\ golly in,estment method~ fhe rom ll 1l('r knn\ s no leilr a nxiety or ""-n hopr:1 l t cloesn t l1ave In a n~11f'r ~,.u mro5cd 1nd11.:tmenU hkr , \Vhy <l1dn t I ~ell thal ~\0(.1-. \\ hf'n I had such a !at profit,. \\e 1 ~ ad\anced computer tf!chniqlles to watch 2700 listed i nd 1 nhsttcl 'tocl:s lor our profes~1onally managW accounts fhe r omput"i often hill?$ 11~ •pot T1s1ng \olume ol 1.'5Uts tbat may be under a ccumulation by profe~onal money m1nag,11 AlsB Yte ~re alerted to issues th1t are Tu®iiic a downtrend Or ones th 1t • e cutpacing the m i.rJ.:et. ~pcc1i.lly emergin& 1011ng growth l-omp,n1r s 1 01l 1v ~ ou face tough competition I rom lhe 11rolr•s11JT1:1l mnrie1 managrr~ fhrv 1-re very •cbve in the marl:et ~!any of tbeto r mploy •Lil ied 2nalystl •00 rf!5f.ll rlhers, US1ng: 10ph1sbcated tec:b- n ique5 lm'Mtingis a fnll time daily )Ob for them 11011 about you~ Our xmmu Will d11cuu modem 1nvestment techniques and n 1r Pmfess10Tial Portfolio M1n1prnent Th1-1 M-rv1ce emplovs a 1cnm o( 6nanoa11tW1sU and m1nage1s \1ork1ng on your behalf ) our portfolio u l(llTn JndiV'!dual superv1!flon on a lee basi~ The: management mU.e:s t.he urva.tments for you. \ou 1ire relieved. 0£ doubL 1ndeas1on ind 1ed1ous research Jf vou hive i.1zeab1e stock o r ash holdings this ~ice may be of special 1nll'rei;t lo 011 I I i ,![ I ca Gr " 11 01 11 ~ "'•1 ..,.,1 'u 1 1 Smelting :O.!Jn1ng & Refining ,'~•"M', , , m, s, • •,,,, ',J ~ +7 Gi..,_11d 01 J 1 .. es u .. ,..,. (!Vim( 10'•1 l''H (; ~ 0 '11 "'' •·· 6 '!' P J 1 c.,.,-,s !'.Id S 9 S 6•N~~,..fh 7l l6 15 l6 L O '""'Id ll h.,,. '--··~hi 4()fjOO()Con 1c(o tO 91 31 ll • •-• ob• M•r n U ?•o 'l ,' jl lo -1 1'0( ll CltOn c""'"'~"' ~ Fd• ,.~~Nd 11s 1~1 ,,.., ,.., lJVU., co~Ed• 110 11 1 1t.+ • lcbtun 10 ls 11 0 1••!. C•o r ~ 10 11 t ll '"'" v,~1 , 1 10 01 a dditional sharf's of Federal Co,.Ed • 1>11 'o ,; ! il ' i!" + • :"<N::r 1 jl 1r.' ~ fa" fl• ..._ ': Jobs Pay s :~.63 1nc0tt> •s•!G /'N,,.on ~JO l l•I I' f El 1 C c .... eol.:5:'J 71 1J, •J 15 -'•GordJY., 14 01 1,,", ~", w . • ~"' t • 1• 10 >O No •1•1 1J JO ll J9 <:tCI lC ec f!C 0 In Co~E. pf ' 110 'l 6 t7 Gwl~lnc 1 43 19' ,\ •1 S <><~ •7Jio~1 0•~·0n i .. '18 crr1.s1ng Its ~take in Federal CM F '' '° •' •1 •J• ... 'g••ctCa 1..so '' i1, ll • ''~ Hour c,:1,~,•011 1 ~~ 1,:l~!!'6~l~ 1~~: !1 ~"""a n!•lO l!io: 101,101, .. 1 in~v l ?fi 1, JO '9\io ,••,, ?J"\o A• 16 s 11 1npo ro ~16 rn 19 P ~r 1ft to 46 prrcent l S c~~L~:i1nQ1 ~J ~l~ ~i, 'H • .!.1,, :~r~2s'o 'it~.;~, ll o • •• ' !...,,.,., 1 10 9 ~I§"" ""'s l! 11 ~ 11 !jn1elt1ng is opposong a pro c,',",",,'." 0 1 ~ 11J 1 • 'I • lJ .. •1o Gr•" •v 1 •O 1• 11 ~ is 11" ""'" !!" t 1 1G1J N•ll OU !JO •v 15' l'> J <• l ,_.._ •G tnl/I !~ 15 5(1'1 Yi JO Jt ~mn F~ 10 1~, oo oD~"" 1 ~ 101 JX1Std rne.rger of F eder;il c.,•,.',w ,o •,•, ,.o •; • 'l '' -, G •M "' 11s 110 5.< ~· 54 '""'k ~l lta lP'"" s" I ll !~ ~ li) l 0 • l '•G ••D a lO 'S(I 11 11 ll •-(O"(Q d H •11' •1 "" .tut • 1 ' 1 I ar1flc and Rul'kC'r Co of c.o~ con 170 1 11 , l$ n , +1 , Gt ,.,P , ;o 140 1' 11 ! 71 t"f\r>'c " lJ I 11 If Pfl • I '1 " Q '\ U ( Ctn II ' ll I 0 I• 1 04 ~· -'" (; NO r I l.S.-I S 1 I 0 IJ 1 0<1 ( ~ IQ • 11 11 P o ! O• I f Co Cn IO lll •I 0 01 , J ~ "'''° •O 0 '' ,0 , '0 •• !Q"u ~ ••1 sno ".., ··~1~.1 a11.an t •COPo l q » ro in o lo<o --" >oc;..,00111(.'° 11 ~ 51 A rr;i~t P ~ r n 1 n gs nf ~" l~ l 1~ 1 ?l "' • ~ 1 • i c co rr•j s~ 31 11 !IC , 'IO ~ 1 ~ N , 3 " ,1, , 1, 11 C I f \. h nt• (•" 1•01 i i I"""'" lf 1 1.l lt ATL \\T \ 1LPll -f uou~f-'o,,•,",,", ' .. •I ,, • D J •l •-11h)rn1 :1 actor111\nr~ers t 1s "wo~ 111 1111'•" 1 11 19tJ )4 ~· "'60 :l•> .c 1 g1,..~c•1 1;0 $14 ;7 • ~i · I: _,: Aug11~l c;J11tinued to lop the~.v;~vC'~•11 :~06 :~"r.'' .. ~u·~·ct0 ?~, r11dus1n(~ lnl announce<! 1t c!g~ ""& /0sO .:~ JY• 1:• l:• r:.wS,,""'11 n u: 2j ;i 11. \cn r 1p,o lr t.:1 but tht i iflix 8:':! '< 11~1 ','-J :J f"• :r'J :·~ IS ne~1!Hll1ng10 bt1 ;C~rol1na ~~ ~. ~· 1 ~ii !·,~: ;o' .. 1 2'%1~,,'; r. 3~ ~,_ ~: ~,,J ,.,, of s ;iso"a\ k rs at the o~ '• 1' 111 • ~ " o ~una o 1 111 I nnbbf;in Corp a rcsoi \ and o Tri n 1•1 1! 1 '• 1 , 7 G 1t ns" )O o ' ?fl 10 • -t' llOf e Ol>'d s~~ J ~I •O•P ov<f" 111 '" C.o••o 01 1 •111• .10.1 .. t.+J..,Gtr~o..nd i \JS l o 11 , 17•• canncrt<'s 111\errupted th e Oo• r 1 ~ • 11 1 , .. '" • ~ 1~" land de\ Plop1nenl f1rn1 but no c .. 0.1 n • ·~ , en e , 111 11, G 0111 90 J• JS • ll lJ • ._ •· Otwn F on oJll'~t~~m r nd Con"'Od l tG1 • lJo lJ, lJ,_10Gurrim"C P 1 4 l~ JO • JO m n n l h tn-mon1h exp<1ns1on ri •••I 1 °' 1 n.< Enw 1 10"' 1 ~ agreement ha~ been reached c"°" u" o s 11• .so , '!'" ., .. , G•LIHoct "' 0.1 JI o ll • J~ -,,. 0 "'' r d I " • C•o 9 • "" • (oop• I" l "° ' 11 I ' • 11 > j l • Glll ... Od >() "'' )I • 36 . l•' l hathastakenplace .s1nceearo •vl t v 1111n•1 t::h 111 11 •3 c...,e>! TR1 51 1t1,1 11 . oGY •Mo1ao 8 1! n 11 -1 . f I E:•lnn&l-+oN•n ~'°"" 1n 1 • i\F.\\ \OR'-l '"Pf) CllO•l!ndl70 l•l•J •l o -.ii ~ ,G~llOl l~ l "l••l )rll •,.\• y I Jis )Car l!••n M6111 t6 1n'"' '6.1! 1 I " '-' -cooo nt J<;1> l" 14 11 1 11 -l•1 r:.utf ~nrcu 12'> •l • ,,, 11 -db Gno.~ 1J1\ 011 \1 01 1 !I h fl:ingr>rP Jll\"lO•p ,,,,, tos ',~.~!1,r 1~'°, ti l•• 11 1 lt o j l Gvlll••:r;:• >, 11 11 711 \ n1s repor\l\:ls 1ssuc \ "o" 1 l11 vnv•G •1•~1 ' u "" ,~ ?J ll l5 n GIR•• ~ i ,,,,,,.. \\1ll1am c Hezn director of ~~~ i.:~1;~1:;~~1,t<" l~isll5 ~ clisc:us~111i; JllUC:!\IS(' ol Ch11s ~~~n~1~501~ Jl1~:1s,:1JJ~-1 ~g~;iJ ~.~~ '~~ 16~ ~~: u ~_+~: the deparlinent of 1ndustr1al ~~·.11 n~!l~,!"c-::~~111 l~~.1 i; Craft Corps 42 percent lll ~!:11':;',.,1010 ~ J iilO.: u .; ,g~1r:zno1•f: H; b. ~: il~ 1;111 re lat ons Fm o 1c 111 1 o' Scuddt• F "d• 1ert'~ 11 Piper A1rcrafl Corp CPc 1n1 110 •5 ui. • lj'• -GulfW 1>11 Jo • ioi 101 101 u ~n•gv 11 43 J <J 1 .. 1 l"v 15:1o1 JI f I '· II I' ~ '"' IOb ll 4!'< ' o •• + ~ Gulrw Pflll I 5l1 S.1 ll ' ~1anufaC\Urtng produc\Jon Enlo f !o• 9•Q ~1>cl J ll1•~J 0 OC~ a1cn a rhe 111iO C cm~!o;n 10 f 1'~ 141 16 1 GulfW ot!J) I 6l < 6l > 6l -\1 £~u tv '1 1011 !!1t 11 !•.I •• h I I ~a<•Mlnn l 11'1 ~:!0·~70 .-\~Gultonlnd 10?3 ,1 11•o +\ 'lll orkcr~ a\eraged $363 an ~au•GmUf>lllC •I '"" s111 1s10 comparues 8\t aw suis prn ~oNCol s 1 1n2.JJ •Jf :n -1 H hol r ltl August ()ff A shade £~.'.~, In 1: r I 01 ~:~ eo~I! ~~:~: din g against e Ach other 0\ er c '!'":.'.l .ife1~ ,:j ~,. 1t . H .. -t : 1-1.-c•wat '~o -I ~-JI • :!' '-1• fr0111 the recottl iiel 111 July~:"n': ~:1J \j !/~:foc'nt..,1o'ir~r•, l:Onl rolof P iper ~r"s~o"~'°3 '~ P• ~ 11 ,->1 .. ~:1t~1 1 ti~ l/ r• ~1• ~~!1 . andabo\C3 JC11rago bvl8Fe n>llYl!1;,~·~fJ,5""cs ~~um ~~~~~v DSf n 3:1: lJ :B,;.:!.,~:;:::::;•;1 DU\ !i;::1 ·~j · t -. Ce,•1 '11 ld llll I ~~r1::"1 .,,1 tOs"o•1n ;~ll;1 i~ (ER~1A ~TO\,N i\1dl UPl )Cll"'•"1t 1011 0 7l1•7l -ll•mmn~10 .,11 1 11 ,11 ,,+• -' crn nuc 18 lOUr} ~d FYnd 1111 1 11 ,mo 1~w 1' $""''"" Jllb 1• U 1 l"-• lt'•t '~'Hand m~ 60 11' Jl o 34 , 311,. 1 earnings u~u illv decl1ne ~l~~:;-;:1p~.;:11 •l~:,.,.n~T, f!l J M -la1rrh1ld H1llr>r Corp has ~~n~~.~0,1~ '~ n: ':. n, :j:'l>H~nO H1r n • :JO ,., JO+. bcll\ct:n J uly and August o:n-:i.t : ~5 ~ :: ~:. "i~~ 1i ~ l~ ii obtained the 1n1t lal portion of ~~r'e 1111 1 J J ili: ~ ; N : :-1 : ~i~~~ \·~ Ji ~ • ~ : il : .; 1 \, ,1hcn in:iny t c.in p nrary 1..,en 6 ,1 '~'~"'"" G• ~ii 8 ~ about $90 million 11orth of cvcoo• ''° ~ ~~. ~: J! :f.,i."•rl• Int 1 71 10 ., .. ••i ._\, \\ orkers arr-lu red in !he can ~ Y;n v• ~ 01 ~ ~ ~°F~.., (;~ 1' ~~.~: dc~elopmcnt and production cva V•M 1 4 M1,,to ca 1 .. 19 , ' 9 , + rung industry \\ ilh canning f~i \~~: ti;,: i: ~; ~1!~11 ... s~ft ~1u!!ii1 so "or k for the new F 14 Nav} o1n• ¥ ' i1o -;;~;: 1• • l' -• ==~~5J.1; 1 ! ti 1l ~ ~i : ~l·: = ·~ r xc!uded houri) e a r n 1 n g ~ :~', ','," •, :•, '"• •,, :-, ,"' ,",', •, •,•, fighter plane The work v. 11\ be 8:"" ~: 1,..;:s, .i~ i . • 11 T •. f i, Hrvn Alo 1 .. 11,. 11 11 , .... , ' d l '\ I '\I ... s1 !,! ' SO'• '"~•••II!'! HO U 1! • l l ' }' 11101ed up to an all t1n1c high :r. s;.: ·~ll,50 I s ~Cn•n,,~ }~o. s • Fone ii ,·-agerNsoYwn l• t 8:v<~t~ ~·I~ t n. ~ ~j . ~. ~!l'f'~MtZJ I~ 96 18 . ,, • ?I••= • ' 1 ; ' 1 ou are cor<liaUy Jn\ 1led to attend enc of our :tem1 nan 11n:u r. is no obhpbor\. For ticket restrvatlona, c:&ll Ml5S !:i~J..,• l.ou.no Cf'.llled. •t 8~0..1080 (Area 213) 111 Augu~t ~,•,,• !':11 ,•,•,• , , ,'•,! .. , "•• ',', "•• ,", armingda e 0 and ~~·.<,' .. ',"'• 110 11. w. 11., ,.01!~e c ... , !~ f~1o. i~'· ~: t ~; ,. ~ '" " \Vtnston-Salem NC o:; ~p~ ! ao o 3' ' JI JI 1 I 1-+•H C~I IO jl 1• 1l I I t The factory work IV c e k ~~";;,~ i~~ ~;~ 5u•'~~Gt 1 i~t ~;; DPl 11,A ~n 1 ~ ~. ~t ~ ~:;: ': ~:J~ ·~:.0110 ~ 1t o ,; : ~f: "t ~: averaged 403 hours this ~~~~,"c;l!,_1~1l lJ ~~~~~!!GI lf ~:ll os .. arket 8!".:.~o 101 1~~ tt {t • ~\•1 •ktm•Pd< 11 ~14 70 ~ 11'•-, ' I • ' O ctober 16, 7 30 PM. BALBOA BAY CLUB 1221 \Vest C oas t Hlshv.ay !\ewport Beach, California r.tm."ER. JACIJ:SON •CRAY TNC. 11 ..... &.1•••./ r;~ y.,. • ._ r~t:...,'"""'-tA<"- 11 11 \\'lltf 7th Stnet I..o. Angolu C•lifomta 90017 •&18111 Ji~ oirt .. Jllil! rot! 1111 llif•JllfJ !llal~~!R!Wllillllillf~~~utHll1!1c'1 !'liill!ILCLlln'.!I~~ .r,-.~ II' JAulgust compared~1th~021n bmc ' 1~~;1~P.~~.~:,· nro11 i: 1r• ~11~::' .. i° 1i1 ~. ~:: '~:-1 ·Eii':~f ~~ 3; :: 1t: ::~:; uy and 4011 las\ Augwl ll1tl I'll 7 \~toc~n<I t 5• I D 0 1 •< nt 106 lP.,,0 ',',~' ll'. • •H•rc In( l JJ n o"" ll •.J.I t\hh I th f lnco"' '"' •11 ••ch.,t tu s IJol g•nn~ 9 61'1 II.< 7'11 '' >tl"'i~rd 1 o JS 73 jl• 11 , ~· oug1 eei.:11ans1on rom F ,.., ... i""''~T •cll"cl 8 XI '"' 1Jffl • pn~M 1 011 11• '~?• .. , Hoo~l•n 11 11 Ja , 1,31 1_,, July 1n "orkllmc for n1anufac ~~ .. ~ 1~,.;; 1~ ;r 1S ;; ~~~ ,¥~ 'j l~ 'J ~ " 8:r,"..•:•: tf: 1•10 '''' 'l·.' 1' • -., M.,..P•<k '' 1 n 10J>~ 10 " 101 ' + t• l''r'n a ' hole "a S Cl~n S"C 11"'11 .n I en CIG 1 tt 11 Otnll:G• I io \~ ~1~ ~I ' '\ 1 .J. ' ~IOh :o!•,ll8oo '7S 1J ) 71U -1 I g a.s \ .. G h • '' 1• nu 11 T •v e.~ in 1• i "' The teilow.,. '9 • k.., TO l(mflltll u1ed Ot eco o! A ? to st1 '° .._ ' "°""0 ti 1 501 s• JI ~ J' -I• relat11 ely "nlall for tlus time C ouo S•c ruan Fd •I :11 11" '" 1~1 1t<>ek m•rktl rHOr 1. oP-lN Der•to Pl 11 , sr. 11 !I ~ + ~ ~~:, 1f 701 lt !1 \ ~l ~ J1' _ ·~ '"!' "/ o:nrw"c GI ''" so•"'' Delll1onc 90 '31 ::n1 n •1-'•Hce nwo1 u 1 ll • II •"'+, of year the n\ er the month (om 1 ll ! '' n Tw"C '"' • n ! ii s1 " 11tur" ,,. 11"""1cl11. Ot Ed 1 1 •O '' ?J • /'h n• t "'I EIKl•n iu n 11\' 111• rut Ad '1'1GIO U"I' Mui ln >• I<.' D• Edpf!~ 1• I• '' U o "'' \ mO\emClll Jn !he \\OfkWl'ek ("' nd ?lll11U "fd t 'Jl0 7• ..-A l!Oi!_~l l<>t fOl ll l>-AMv.al11it Ot!Sttl :;Q1 1' !l 1 1• 11"-:~1ol"r11: ilj :\ jt i:''l ~' G •o~n ll 1' II 7t unlttd '"'Ill n ltd ol"' I ocl( d v dtn<lt e-0K11rtd gJ' t ?• 71 7111 JC)'', Jl'• i" 1, l'ollv~uu 1 1n , .. , '' , '' + ,' for manufactunng \\llh can f'y~~~ ,.,,,.:it ,1,ccm 1 11 1J$a• o•d '"''I ftlll v•11• l-P•11b1 ln Da fnan JO H 11 .. , 11•-•Homti!kt 60 Ju ;·,,'' ..... _., H•m on '"lom 1' ~·JS 11 •Jotk ciur llt' ffl ''I mttltd ••It PIVf 8 •'I' "ti 1 ta $ 4J ~ , .. "'' nmg exclude d "as near """' o•OJ3" $~t1 1 •••11 •ack11 v~""d-OK1rtt1 0.r ~11hv11U1 •S"•m t «i "67 ,,, ll 1 •-'"'"""'"' 110 ii •I Hs ol•j •-0• h Gii\ f 17 19 It UFd •~ n•v il Of t~-<llVldfnd llP t•"111tlrl.....,lon C!11t1 OllS~ p( Cl 1' 30,1~ l'f' JO ' + 1 Hoov 8I l 101 ~ ll I ll'o ? -I• nonnal In lhe O\erl eyear "~~~·· 1.0 1•,v•1vy Lnt f d 1-~1ld •1 n•• ~-Decl1rM °' 11.i .. o.s llfOl xi n li '"• 11~ 1 tl:r; ~:If .~ J :cl~~ •• ~.~~r , n' ... ,,.-om•nt obout ,,,,, of 11• !IO • OT 'li YI LI" , ., • f'I ~nu •tock a vldt"d Of •Piii UP gl<IAPn.... •• 1 0 ,.., ?I~ ,, • -• MWd lr>d 10 ,, ,, 'l ,, . ~ I ~ .. H• .... 16 " 11 '"\-s )4 ! I! lc-Of,(!tr ... .,. 01 d Ill. VH• ... IC-l!bol<I 110 n 61 &It 61 -l "\., l"OUO Miff O(I 1 11 . 1 I 7J•o t • lh< ondus trn ''""P~ <lvt ragr.d ·~c l 8 v 17 14 ,l $D ~ 1 1 ., 1 " eu"'~l•!lvt l:ot11t .. n" d1v1a.~d~ 1~ •• o G IV' 1 ti! 110 1J 1• , ,, , + 1., Mou•tnF 1 0 )•o .,. , ,, • , I '~ "'"' lf!lb c;.., o ,4 ll VMtS tPI I ~ ')0 •trs. o-P1 d <I"\$ •'I' OI• o,r>d <1mllltd DI ne~rn •O 5• 1S i '' l 1• " ' ' ' '''Ort rk 'eeks lh\S Augul ~do, 11 1111 n v•...,bl 4JA •11c1rt!,,de•ne9c1 0"1~~ .... 11 1111"w~o 1 n, 011< l •I • .. .,•-, ;:;,~.'.'F 0.!.',~, ,•,•~,'.", '~ , er wo 1 ~ H•• 10• 1"' , 0 V•••f l" 0 00 oe~<I m"'"":I i-of'Ci.r~ er ~•IO " 1•1 o ,,_,, •·• , , , , MO '" .. ... ... •Y I ..... ~.. ,. '. ~" i , Hcus l l' I ) IJ• ~ 0 JI . _Jt 0 ->-J I lh3n las l t, •• ,_.,,_~ n II " f Vtr ""'" 0 ~ J• c ~· •1...::1\ v d•nd, ,_ t vlble " ·'"'-0 "e•Ctub ~ S• 11 ' 8 I i • Hr.u1t..,G1 ID I • .. ..... + • -· 1•1 1 1v1-l'ltl JJI '' dutl,,.,iHt e1!1"'9 '°'t'•"v•lll'lorlll·0 1nt~ Jl)b !lllll!I 1111) 10 " 1•;11wG1 nn1n l ••~ ,,, u i --. A\e r:ige l\f't'kly e:tming~ nf ljl G~ 511 IMWL AA«• •001~•1 d ~Q•<WI or ,,..,,,.lb\111"" c1111 w-1.~01,~t•• 110 11 41 •o 1 11 ; 11How.Jonn 1• 111 1 •, '°" l0 ,-1.lt d 1 t"c •Il •1•W1!1~r 1~ I I 11 • OUO•t~aOlwld•NI Ov••ll<l )I 7'4 17'\ l•',• l"~ """""•\ 10 lU ',',',I',, ',',•,-+1\• production "o~ker~ rc:iche 1"'c•c ,. ·~110 iw•"" "'~ 11n j' 1-~11 .. "'Yil D•Pr~...,. it0 '' 11 !di' 1 •1 •H11<1lnB 1~. 6 , f m~ r o in •l l V;o elft 1'(1[11 lO Domff~'I IO n '"•IS>. 4'••-loH°"'""'"'.,, 11 '' ,, , + .. SI~ 29 in ,.ug11~l up ro111 a mp r., '11 • 0 1 w ... 1 "d 1 flt 1 d cld~• •<1 ex-11!!:• 'v c1 Old • d •-!• go.,.F<I 1 1'1 1 u , "'' u , t~h<lPw 1 60 10 1 J~ J _.., ... )<':If <l~Q b\ $:> :>3 c;ir 3 9 p<>r 1~~.:.:'1111 1~ / 1( ;! ~~~~~~rd l~ ~t 1t :~ .. ! :eb~~ on ~:;:_~ r~ ·~ 1w ;w;~ nJ"':1 o::'~' ~·! J: ?: #; r,; #,, ~ \~ I:;;! ana; ~ 1~ f~ 6~' ~ , B ' t ~ ''n'"''JI Jo'\l!IJ)to•ICh ln,"Cd ~,Tu nill•11 1 /"d o• ·~~O ll W!l~•<U l•1o;iu ... tci b•u<nnd e•l gor ~· U 1r, 1~ ~ lfC•nt 4 l 'J JO Jl 1 -" • ' .,,,11 , ~ ~ l "·~ ~~· ~'-' "'~'~ C•• hVl.d w-i'I~•" '• ttt "4 tltl ev..-(• U •l • 39' 'loll'-I Cu• ~•J ;o , u \~ M _,, fron1 the July (im•tr " • ~ ~ • ~ • ra 1" t i ~••1 •d und• •~• ll•n~ u• t~ 1.co or O•wc~"" ? ·~ 1 o 1 10 1 , • o 11 """'" 1~ , J 4 11 , ,_ by ~· C&-' l.1 fJ ;'I ~f ~ ! l ~IY O~t~IY w-l't•IM~COm~t •L 0~~(0 l <Q • ~1 ll t-1 II p .,..,l~ 1"/flO 1) J)i Jl .. Tuesday's Oosing Prices -Complete New York Stocks Barrel Up 2nd Straight Day NEW YOllK (UPI) -TradlnC bolltd over on the New York Stock Ei:chanse today as atocks barreled ahead {or the second day in a row Shortly before the cloae, the UPI markttwide indicator y, as up 1 49 percertt on l &11 issues croaa in&: the tape there were 1136 advar1ct1 and 304 de· cllnts 1'he Dow Jones averaee of 30 blue chip lndu1· tn..ls showed a pin ot 11 81 at 83118 near the cloae Volume exceeded 19 000 000 shares 1nclud1na a near·record first hour volume of 6 I million shares The all·Ume high for a first hour volume was !tt on Oct 17, 1968 when 7 7 million shares changed hand• Strenith stemmed from new Vietnam peace hopes and from belief that the tight hold on credit msy soon be relaxed Chenucals 'vere a standout v.1t.h several issues rackin1: up rruns of more than a po'1lt Elt<:trorucs moved m both directions but moil point plus sy, lngers "ere on the upswint Steels and conglomerates also scored aood gains ?i.fotors forged ahead Although the industry re- ported a slov. up ln ea rly October car sales Alrhnes al so shov. ed marked strenfth v.1th U .._L Inc and Northwest amon1 the stronf fea tu res !\1rcrafts «enerally edged torn ard '\ h1Je ra ls generN.ly traded In fractions Oils movtd m "'both d1rect1ons aJthough fa.U"- s1zed movers were generally pointing higher Among the most active lssut ! were Ford Den ny s Restaurants City lnve.stlnf, and National General Corp Prices l\ orked higher on the Ament an Stock Exchange lil hea\'Y turnover Stock Exchange List Complete Closing Prices -Ainerica11 Stock Exchange List •• DAILY ,,Lor ~·-.... 111 ... 1 "lit L.99 , ... ,, .. •• .t • • ••• ... ... I" .. .... ,;~? .. '"' " .1. I : '" ... ~· ~~ ' . -•• '" ~· l I +U 11 • -• W~1"': f~ !o! 1! 1J ., i • . ;~_ . Jl\• -• -+ \o , .... +1 ,. .... .. JI .. , '" '° ~ -1. .. " . j •• ~· . ,.._. 11 -\ --" . ' ,,... _ ,, ,.,,..,_, r.. ~ Jl~+~. ~~ -... ·~ " I •• • ~ . , :.1 ,,.._ . ,. ) -l • )I\ .l I , .. , -+ 'fl\~ -i ,;it> -+ • ... .... '• l .. . " ' '~ -.. " -•• "' ',~ -\ 'ft ...... . -. JG; _. ._ .. •• • " ..... ,, ••• "' ,,.,. ... . l ..... "" ·m'" :1: ~ . ' • t , !f. ~ -1fl ~ :~ • • t . ·?.1 1 ~ 1j~ + 11 Ii ~ ~ '':: -. ,J ..... h l.' • ~· .. ltlt •• ~ w.. +-•• •.• t • ~ _7'• . l ' .. l -... DAll Y PI LOT -· 'The Dn1voiia11s' It's Co11tii1uatio11, Not Sequel Fil111 B'' 808 TllO)IAS LlH U.1::, Ha waii jAPI "Thljt'S rny grand<it1ddy hani.;· ini:: over tile f i re p J ace , ' ' re1narked Charlton l leston, pointing at lhr oil por trait. ,, "I L's suppo~cd to be Hichard Harris, but I ser.n1 10 del ccl a slight rcsemlllanrc l.o Uarrj I f . Zanuck." Heston 11·a.~ ~ho11 ing a 1Tollywood ,·isitor about the Isenberg hou se. a re1narl.ablc lhrowback to th e sugar plan· lation rra of tl1e island of Kauai. 1"his is the m;i.11or ol \\'hip :'\'ox11011h, 11hon1 llcston fportray! in "The Ha11riiians:' •t a gcquel-OOJ>S-continuation of Jl'the Jan1es l\lichcncr s<igc of .~"Hawaii." : • The '-iirisch people, 1rho are :.·.Jlr-:xlucing ''Th~ l!a11·;i.iians,'' • 'bristle 3t any mention of a sr- l..quel, arguing 1hat the new f\.allai ~ fit.in the nlaJor por· !Ion of the movle. lncltided in the burning of the Honolulu Ch inato11 n. for 11'hich a SJ00 ,000 rcproductlon ha s bee n buill. "The rihning has been going qu ite srnoothly. and that's guoU," expounded epic veteran lltslon. He explained that he 11 as intensely interested in the rffici ency of big-budget pro· 1luctions. and no! merely bec.iuse he is president of the Screen Actors Guild. "H's im portant for an actor not 10 be associated with big lo~crs." he said. "\\'hen you·re u1 a picture that is budgeted al i 1.:. 1nill ion and co111es in at ni11e or 10. that n1eans a hcllu1 a lot of difference 111 ll'ilat you ha1;e lo bring in ;Jt the box office. Ta pa)' off a 71 .. rnillion picture requires a JO inillion gross. and I can tel! vou there are damn few pic- iures that dra11• lj mill ion. Tl1e Boili119 Point ll . I··. Stevenson (left) turn s on hi5 a~cd f<1 thcr (Robcrl \\lcnlz) in this cl in1 aC':ic scene f ron1 I lic rlra n1a "I !\'cvl'r Scing for fl1y l;-<1 tJ1 er." gl 11ug-i ts cto s in~ pcr- forn)anccs lo111ght throu:~h Sa turd <Jy at the L aguna-J\l oulton J)lciyhouse in L a· guna Bcrich. '.f .B.' 1st 011, Stag·e For OCC ''J B '' 1\r i·hi b ,1ld l'of aeLti s h '.~ 111n drrn dra1natlzauon of 111(• book of .Job, will be the tirsl pro· dliction of the ~l'ason for the' Orange Coa~l Collegt' clrt1n1;i deparln1cnt. op£'n1ng Oc1. 22 for four evenings I The ptay 1vill be :.Lagcrt in the occ aud1toriu111 i.I\ a· 1:1 each e1•c·11i ng, c·(cept for open· ing night when the CUl'la1n wiJI rise a halt l111ur t•arly tfl pern1it a sy111po"iurn on the pl<1 y lo llu 11·1n g th e pcrforn1<1n1.:e. I F COST••--•• """" SOUT H COAST ~O!IJAL ox PLAZA THEATRE CORPOllAllOH San Dle&o freeway at 91isto! • 546·2711 OPEN 6045-SHOW STARTS 7 P.M. Winner 3Academy Awards l~CLUtllNC. BEST ACTRESS -Kathar111~ Hep burn WINNER-"BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR!" N•••<.•l ,.r·•l • '~"'1 Xlifl'tlf LfVlr.f •• ..., M A\1(0£~11ASSI l\LM PETER ... !.b KATHARINE O'TOOLE ;r..r. HEPBURN ' ,.v.rn.-f'C(t lHE LION IN WINTER · ·· '""::-:, ..... • '·~1~!•· .. 1 •- RESERVED SEATS NOW AT BOX OFFICE OR BY MAIL! £XCUISl'1£ ORANGE COUNTY llES£11'1£0 S£AI EHSAG[MfHT 1""'> .. ,.;, ,, '>o [•lr'o"" ""''° fO •l' !.O Moll ~I ~.t ~.,.,., 1""1 "''~'"' ,.....,. ''" t"• 1•l n1.11•1 ., 11 • 112 noi tor '""' .,.,.,1 "'•I•" tt"·• ,,.,i .. - P a r I i c 1 11 ;1 1 i n i; in thr .1· • >.l~O u1scuss1on on ~lal:c 1v11l be "THE PRODUCERS" d1reclor Bill /'urk1s::;. 11c11·1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: head or the UCt: drania 1 dcpt1rtrnent. n11d g u cs I s1 Michael .F'innega n, 0 CC English instruclur: .Jc r r y Pickering, drama instruc tor al Cal Stale Fullerton, and the ltcv. EdwJrd Allt'n, carnp us interfaith cha pl:u n nt Uc Irvine. Jtdo NIWPOll l!ACH -et I~• """""'" •o lo~"lo•o ll~o hlo -ot. J·l llO Don't Miss This Exclusive Double . Action Show fil1n is parl of thr continuing .,,si.ory 1hat 1l'aS first filmed { ~1·11h Julie A11drcw~. Max Von 1 ~ylow and Hichard Harris as fiti"La rs. "i"la1va il" depicted the 1 .. 11dvent of the 1ni ssionariei;: •·"The Hawaiians'' covers the f Chinese i1n1nii;:ration. "A.nd if vou are the star or :i piclure thiit lays a big bomb,----------------------------------- Plt1 ying thl' central role ol .J .B., a ).ll'OS ]l<'rous businessrnan 11·ho t o s e s cvcr.v1hing he posscs~cs. will be Alexander Golson or Costa J\1esa. llis wife. Sar:1h, 11·\ll bc1 portrayed by J\lacve Hobinson of Newport Beach. I Thus lleston is portraying ' the grandson of sea captain ! Rafer J\1o:\"WOrth. 1rho 1ras : Harris iu the fi rst fi lm the : portrait re s e m b I ;i n c e to • Zanuck is cxplicablc. The l rsenbers h;)(Jse 1ras a happy find for the Hox\\'orth head- quarters: JI 1ras literally ··n acketl out of the jungle. A. "The fa1nily that 011·ncd it ~:"f n·as untxlie1·abl~· rich,·· said ·!W ll eston. "They di sc a r ti c ti , 1~ houses they 1r<1y sonic or us ;J throw away old suits. Conu• u.I see this."' He .:-howed tilt> :~vis itors a chin1ncy co1·ercd -~ 11 ;u1 gnarled l'i11e ::;tcins. The .. ,··~~ 11·ho!e hou~e was i;o cor erc<l, i~ and it had been f<Jrgotten by ~a lmost everyone but a covey W, of hippi es. 1rho had set up ~housekeeping in ii. ~~ The 1·incs and hippies were ,·:~ r xpelle<I, and set decoralors . ..f., insta lled :lO tons of furnishing~ •""imported fro n1 llo!ly\\'OOc.L ~ 1\Ftrr four \\·eeks on :\laui. the f.::.~l irisch co1npany 1no1·ed to ' • '· '• Elvis lhaL's v.·heu your collar gets tight. The bankers s I a r t saying, 'Oh, ~·es, he's the guy in the pictllrt that lost all thal mon ey.' " It appears that ''T h t Jla11 aiians" is avoiding !he errors and excesses 1hal push- ed "Ha"·aii" tar Ol'er budg et and threatened to 11;reck the riliri sch investment. ln the end. the l'asl popularity or the ~fichcncr no\·el and of i\tiss Andrevt s ga1·e "Hawaii'' a ~2j n1 illion gross, despite critical pannings. Hence the sequel continuation. Directing the new film is tough-minded, outspoken TV \'eleran Toni Gr ies. 11 ho pre 1·iously directed Heston 1n "\V iii Penny·• and •·;-.iu1nbcr One ." Bare chested wilh sha v- ed head, he wa ~ overseeing a scene i11 the rear of !he 1-lox- worlh hon1e with Chinese beauty Tina Che and Japanese aC'tor i\lako. Oscar no1ninee for "The Sand Pebble.~." Tht'y portra~· the lo1111dtrs of a linancial dynasty of Chi ne:.e lla11·aiian;;. EOITO~'S llOTE -€1 vl1 Pr•oi•,• b I · I b. I }j•·• •h•• ~n~ "•II .• till ~~•~I''" ond 1g S age Ill \ 1(' lg lOlr] ..r111 P•~··t~~. The i.•n Idol a1 ti>• ~ho1rroon1, a grin con1in!l and ,,1,• .~ ... ,rm 111!1~ 1•vl• tn~nq•. con11n~·~ \ to e, • !•vorl r• of tr•• '""' who moo~ goi ng, ~!age liglll5 rcUecting I ~Im • mllllor•l•e I I lfd.I II •• -or.d trorn all the d i.irnond.~ irl his l hi> ~•i~td ~om• ntw c~•I. t wid~ ·.1edding ring. \ Ry ~li\R\' C.\,\IPBELI. He harln 't been in rr onl of ;:r l LAS VEGAS I AP ) -El l I.~ live audience in eight ye01 rs Presle} sauntered on to the packed 11·ith 1novit1naki11g , !---------------------"- ' l Crossword Puzzle ' . ACF!OSS l Phi11 pp1n 's r o.k , 5 P r@~SurP; Comb. ~or~i 'C irn1·,~I ft i!ur~s 14 Rh•t r of [urop! l) ilt ord 1 nd•c~l•n o ~urpr 1~ts 1·, l& Oodg' .. 17 Isolate !~ Rtsi3' l"za S uil 111 g ..1.. II' a ten al ' ' • ' ' j ' ~l W&rrv 23 -· ~tgr•t 24 Conger 25 C.1ga r•tlt ~110 ilQ ~! Gu~:1 ;;i II !fl 1n 1'1 • cot'tp1t 32 Bother 3b A. G. B•ll ~11d R. J . Gatling •OPl1 1n rorrntd '1 ! rivt r's r.iou th •l Ac1iv• pe1 son 42 Th ti ~rr ~ •• Cllr sttf -··· t Arthur i "lf5 ·-·· n!-l'Vt f f471"rliodol ' •• 1·11uth ful J ' nr~- ! ptflenc ~· 2 words 49 Go lf br91nn~r'$ necris it~ ·~ I . • 51 Cer !iin hangout:; 52 Shades 5• V:oolt11 r.:111 1oect ss1l 1 ~; Cal l!nthr abb1•v•at•c~ ~5 f. :I 11 h•roes: A.b~r. iil Bi!:h:;il oal rl ;irc 1 ~J P o~t oil•~· r.1ack111e ~'j Par(el O(,l ~7 Eighly 70 (xprt'.i.IC<l of olta ~Lir r i'l !/,·1ada rommun1t; 7.' Sn ~~rl •~n ro1m\1~ 15 Had .>\!ci;g l•~llnss ig~rnit 74 Pr t pare ~ li wn 7J O!:ot l Ot mi ···-· 1 Sh~111 . r i:o·.•tl ~n '"'" 3 C.~llforr;id billpla}•r 4 Lr11 u11r,9 5 Ask t Turi.ish olf icer 7 ~·ord 1n~ic ~l1no ~nnov ar.c r a "Tht B l ~ Kn ife" 4i.tthor • ' l' ~ ~ C ':; I S ~ • v ( ' . s 0 l ! ~ 1 f \ { '. •I'< .: t 1 O ,, • • L 1 ' o ! & 1 ~ ·rc1~c ••1 " "'< (l[~~·l "(!·· '1 l l t. o •.11c o U l 1 .~1 O CL !I ~ ~ I tf [ o ~'l ' , . • f ? ' • ' • • ,.. t' 1 ' ~ 3 •~L 0 '<0 L •o ' 'I Cr o 0 • ~ f • ~ t I( i , c v ! ·. ; f t ,, . " ~ Cal1fc r111 a Ir•• 10 C.o.~:;1 ~:1 r 1).1\r ~r \10·1 ~ I · · -• ~, I !IL I 11~ I pra 1~ • 1~ H~•rl .~ ti:• (11/ D •s~ l i Sc , 1~ (,~11~~1' 15 l\1Si;h1e 1·c~~ ll T r•e 2b S1n9•r 27 ~1 •rcnand+'" {<; ',! ~~{'~ <1 •1 2!J rq~~1~.1 >() D•scrpp e~r ·,1 T 11 e feJhH • ;; F Ptr.1111n e nai:-.t 34 Llnr;er 35 Bro:1n ; l !t !;";1<19• i 7 Slangy nt~a1 1·1e ~!Fonner GI~ J<; Wtll m~d~ •3 USN 01 RC/I \. 10 15 &~ 1~ S~a n d 1111 am! b~ ·· -·· ~e Lr qal doC.urr .,iL S ~ R•trnl; Pre fi x ~3 Storage places ~5 B u~in•ss •stablish11e11! ~b El e·1at~d habd~!•on 57 Ge ner~I dirrc l10;1 'I.~ C.arele s" S<; ···-m~\"' &O Mo•:• l1r.:11 pta~ • to fl~ct t.2 l!or~ <landud golf tour~r b~ Map le gtnvs &Ii cne•r 1or !Mt toreid ~i ~lj lnstruir.t nt· Informal !i'J Len9\11 un ii l(opit's 'l11{lia11s' l1111l1·e ss ive B(LlE J dE OUR ' ' ' fly .IACI\ GAVER NE\V YOl\K IUPI J -The ro;id11•ay sc;ison finally <JC· quired a spirited and cni.:ros5- ing clran1a i\londay night 1rH h !he prcscnl;1L1on of 1\rth11r Kop it's ··rndlan.~" at thl' BrooL;s At kinson Theater. fl is ;l prcsent;1tion or r\· 1r;1l'aganza propo rtion~ rh;1 l cxperLlv ('01nbint'!> ni ;1 11 v clcmcn·t.~ of thc:llcr unde r tll·e ~ure direct!o11 ol (; c 11 c Fraukel. ·•Jndi;:ns'' ;1)~0 1111:11111 turns the spot light fully on 1-Cl's;1!ile S!ncy Kc<it·ll . 11'110 1:n1crge ... ;is a .~t<ir. On !hr ~urfacr 1111' pl;1\ is ;111 ironic ~l a t cn1ent of 1rliat !he 11·hit e 111an ilaJ 111 l hr A1ncric:1n l11d1;111 in t ak111~ 01·er this cnunlry. On e h.:1s to bclit'VC ihal f\.n1i1t tll\t·11d~ 111, ind ic1111cn1 to :1pply lo all ethn ic 1t1JU!'l1t·e.~. The prol;1goni.~t. nf all people\ i.~ Bu ffalo Bill-Col. \~'il linm Cody. As. the gre<it huffalo hunlcr, r>inploy rd by the r:ulroads 111 sl;iughtcr the h i~on tn feed !he mt'n l;1~·ing the rail~ acrns~ Ille l\'esl ern pl<iin~. he realizes lh at llr> ha s hail n1ut h to 1Jo 11'llh 111nki11g 1L 1n1pos~i blc l'or the Indians !o lire off the land. Jle tries 10 get the go\·1!111u1 cnL h) lnkc prupe1· tal'e of Hie lndi:ins ;uid does11 'L have 1nuch suctc.~s. Tl1u! i.5 !ht· skeleton of tile ptay. 'rhe lltsh is suppli ed b,v tile unir;uc co11ccption or prt>sc11t:1tion. 5Qrnc eloquent wri ,ing 1n ce/'tClill SCl'lluns. the ;1e1ing and a co1nplrtc dcd1cu - 1in11 In l.iral'Ul'il thcarer th<J l !t1\s the ehip~ f;ill whf'rc they lrlll\-Jllcl rl nn '1 \',f•rrv ;1bo•1L lhf';n. The 01Cr:ilt rtfc(:t Js the lhin!;. 'l'hc :1ction touehes nn n1any or 1hc actual e\'cnts of the pcruxt-thc huH.ilo killing, C.:11stcr·s defeat , Sitt ing Bull's 'llrre11der and lt1ter ctnp lo~·- 1ncn t in coo.v ·s sho11· :i11d the Indian leader·s a::;s;;ass1nation, ;ind thC' 111as!.;1cre of th f' Sioux at \\"11t1nclc-cJ t\nce. These i!cms, nl'lt necessarily in chronological !->Cqucncc, ;ire ble11cll'd into ;i fasl-111oving cnt i,:r!ainrnl'nl in 1vhich tlH' :11111101" llCl'CI' let.<; YOU £o rgc t 11ic poin! he is nu1kin.c. IL ls by t:ir the hcst 11·ork Kopil has donr . l!is only previnus clHin1 111 att r.111io11 w~1s 1ha t odd ity, "Oh l)ad. Poor IJ:id, fllan1· 11111·s llL111i:: You 111 the CloSf'\. and 1"111 I·"celir1' So Sad,'' Jll 1%2 lr1d1an.\" i., certa1nlv one !<1 '"'' for i1~ s.hccr ll1cat~ica!J tv 1f un!Jung cl~r. ·' Four 1'1ie11'port Harbor lligh ~chool students ll ob Haskett, Debbie Reed, Edtlit't Purkiss and Kathy Dcri\l - \l'ill be seen as the children. 1 Other ca.<;t n1et nbers include 1 Hill Cochran, Mark Tyler .I Larry Cohen. R i c ha rd Ro1l'land , Elizabeth Gluyas, I Nancy P;ilterson. Jan (;alway.j Linda King, K:1t l1ll'cn F;1rrcl1 , !{ca Schaefer. Tin1 Sl:un-1 bau~l1 , Clark Banner! and Dan ~·lc\\'esl. I •·1 Therr 11111 be 110 ad1ni~sion lijj'. charge for lhc pla.1. Ticket s' fr ; 1na y be obtained at 1J1c college 1 ' J.' booksturt. I " BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! i • •,1,• > ~r ,f po:;•,~[ v I• _ r~v rl-, •. ,.~ ·-<I ' ~·_,, = ;;:-.:-.. :i-~:<:. FOR ALL YOU NG LOVERS WH EREVER YOU ARE ( ·'P:, ,, E ve. Show Sta rts 7 p.m. .. ' • " • ·1 Ge11e1·atio11 Gi-.p CONl INVOUS SHOW 501. from .5 Sun. ftam 2 BA~GAtN MATINEE WE D. 1 P.M. :i nd hr :;.1itl l:Jter \1c 11·a~ 11or- ricd 11 l1rlhcr pt•opl'' 11·uu!!l 1i:.1· hi111 1ir find h1111 dated. The au- di ent:c 11 a.~ 11 Dll(lenng 11 lh1·y ll'Crl' g11i11~ In si1e ll1e "old 1::1\ ~S" IJI' .~<1l lH~lhl11i:?_ 11~11·. They ~;iy the "11ld Eh·is,'' i,r .1e:.rly. lit' 11·<1~ slin11ncr. ul J I, the baby rat g011r. \\Ci.Ir ing ;i IHll'Y SUI[ Cll( t1kc a k;iratc unil'urm. Gut h"' lonked :is youni; as ci·t·r. :ind llant1so1n1' llis brown hair . .:-aid 10 be J:~t1.1 ina. was d~ l'1I b!uc·hl:iek and c111 in a rnod1f1c:1tion of the olrt d1ttht:i1I. ;ind h~ s!1!1 lool1 ed hkr hr.it bt• 1nnrC' :1 l l10111e dri1 rng a r111•:k th:1n doing ~on1rth1n~ f~•tl! ~. Thev ;i \~o hl'~r·1t Inc ''11111 1:11 1:-.·• -1'.~t'C'P1 ti1:11 ll1· 11 :i" jlrtlllGUnl'lll~ h 1 .. 11rord~ pl:1111 !·r' :ind fnr son1 r n•:i!>nr1 11 11·;1~ rnorr n1111t·r>ahll' tl1a l he had ,i plras1ng 1 u1t·c "IJl.UI·: SliEDF. Sll Of:'\" ll1s strrill tn 1·(•11t('r '-ln~r ron1pl('[C'd, 1111h11u1 l.111f :1rr •'I" 111trrnl11ciinn, ,,,1111'1.Judv h:11 11!- r·t! hi1n ;in !l!'t)ll'-t1t· g111 (;:ir lie stood 11'ilh J! :1 l'e11' sr co11d .... J)iving !he :'ll1d'1Pni-r n1orc tirnc to 11 onir.r wl1a1 11 was gt'lini,; lo J1car. Thrn he started til sin~ -onr of the best known nf the iild nncs -· Blue SuC'de Shol's·· -::rn1I ric.llt un into 1norc of Ille ~flll!:S he 1n11dt• hi l~ 1n lite' 1:r111~. •·1~u1e 1\l r Trndl'r ... "Don't nr l'rurl." "llcartbrr:1k !Intel ." ''A 11 ~hnok l"p." ".l;Hlho11sc Bock." And he did wl1;1t he all\'il\'S d11t 11·hc11 hC' sanJ:; 1husr sonE:.~ in thr ':JOs: hr shook all over. with a rh\ lh1nir. \'iolcnt 1·ibra· tlnn 1/c rotal rrl hi~ pelvis and his g11ltar. Ill' ll'l'nl do11•11 on 1.111e kn~. q11il'l'r1ngly c11cl<!le1 I .:iroun1f lilt• guilar. Ile jerked ;nlfl kicki>d his Jell lei;. ll r l)llnch1n\r>d thr fin<1 I no rc or a ~nnJ! hy j!i\·ing lhr gu ll<ir a hig i;i<!e11 ay.<; l11n c:c. F:h·is harln't eh;1n~·i'd 11111rh. But his audience had chnnged a lot. l\1n~t llf lhcin ll'f'rr Qlrl r 11011gh lo h;11 c hated hir11 1:1 ycers dj!O. anrl "Orne of them .:tdmi1tcd th;:rt lhry had. 1\ow, lhry appl:1udcd "'ildl.~· a.~ r :ich ~ni.:: ~l .'.lrl rd :inrl mor" ;it lhr rnd. \\'l)nH'll n1~hl'd In ~la~rs.lde . loo~ oH J.!love~ an1I haH~lirs. ;1nd h.indrrl lhr>m ur In f.hi.~ 11'1 11·1rr. his .~11·r:1ty rorehe.:id -<•nd scrctlrru ·d wh~n hr 1ful In t!l:-'1, !hr 1 r;:rr f '!'r~l"v h11r~l inln p11hl1r nri111'f', Ii" 11;i.~ cl!ll('cl ''l•;l1I• !hr Pcl11~ ·· li e c·o1 ild al..,, ji;11 r (}f·r111 :illtd the l n th~'r n1 f (\1 ~ ·11 · 11111 «11rl th(' rlyn:1111Hrr nl Ill!' ~('!)f'l',1> r1rn1 ~np. Eid ~ 11 1•nt 111\d lor l\1111 Ad11Jt.; d1·lrsi cd l11 11i. ~111s\ 1JI lhr:1u 11iought he v.:1s 1·11lg;1r :ind o<l~tTne .1nd his 1111is11· 11 :i" 1n 111d le~s ;1n1I t11nt'lc:si;. /\fl:-r a t:u11plc u! TV ;ip- 11~·;,rane\''· 1lul'in~ ll'hich hi..; ··suggesti1 ~ .\h<1"1n:::·· ca u~t·tl co11lro \'l'TS.V ;111 nl'ci the cuun- 1r~·. !.llr l·:d Sullir;i n ~hnw telt.•risl'd hiin lron1 the wa1~t lliJ only. In !969. 1hc pcll'i;; 1~11·1 \Iii!· 1•d an d ncithtr 1.~ th~ :~dul11- 1111n_ Uut thr eon!rOl'er~\' i~. \'nung J)('uplc hal'r l1k.ed hin1 n;.:ht ;lion::. ::1ung ti) his llHH 1~~. w al1"h111~ Ju~ T V ··Ot'l'i;_il,, hu,1111~ hl.~ rrconJ .. kids 11·h11 11<'rc b:1ba·> in 1~56 l1h1· J 'rt•'ll'I' 11011. l(Qcli h;1 !> hr>r-n 1hrnu~h :i J.,1 hf ph:ist''I .111tJ ou''" n'!<l ni. ri.r 1111· 1,1<1~. l't't•!>lr1··., rn r·k 1' 11 h(·f':• ii \ :+I. n11! \1:11· t1:11r :1d ul1 ~. nnee ;111!1 l'rr>slr)., OrtrirnC' 1:111\'' 1'11\-.I C'). s:i.1" "Th<:.v l•·arn•·d 111<·) (';111 JlH)';e ,1nH111d l1kr Hiock 11111si<' n1' l\lnger g1rr~ r·ull 11r;i l .);h1>l'I; lu lht• rn 1rl tlli·· ,iµ('d And 111'1\hcr fl'leS Eh 1.~ Prcslt·y. l'r<'::.lcy ::.\111 n1 akt·s 1 hos.I' ··~llf!;!l.'S t i1'e'' 1110\'l'!lH'nts Bill Uic shnr·k1ng nf 1956 can be lh~ nosta!gic of 196!1. Ar.d Prcslr.v's r c r s on :i I rl"putat1u11 h:1sn't h11rt hinl with the n·:er-:Ius. T h C r r ha1·en't i:>C'l'n illl'J s.lnfl (';'i nr ~r1tnclals w1lh girls, or boy'i, or .!rinking. or drugs. Instead or brcn1ning :i h1pp1c nr a rc\·nh1tinn.1 ry, Pre.~lry has cnJOY<'d a life or pro.~­ rcrity, spcnd ing haH ll1e yea r in llul!y11oot1 . "·here his homr is on the 11101·ic star n1aps, :incl half <ii Cr<iccland. a $1 ·rni l1ion 111:in~ion and ,::rou nd.~ ne;ir i\lc1n phis. He so ld .1 f<irm in i\lississippi beca use he seldrnn visit'.XI 11 . ;ind tno1•ed lhc hor~es In {;racrland. Presley was born in T111>cln, ;\liss .. but h;is been 1i1·ing 111 Men1phis since hC' wa.~ 13. , 1'\0 PARTY UOY l!r dOt'!>n'! go 1n \lul!y11·1w11I p11 r!rC'S. 11·h1ch hr. ~a1·.~ he nc1·rr ha s hked. lie 1nakl'~ no r olil1c.1I endor"l'nlcnt!\ and r a r c I y gi ves intr rviews, 111 :itccp t f'1·c~lt·y U11ring hi~ 11ru .\r;11·~ in !ht: Annv. l!l:.8- f.ilJ. 1rllcn he !'1'r1e1I 0Wilhou1 :1"1\1n:: [1or SJ)('('J:d f.11 ·()rs and pa~,r rl up ill\ e11trrtai11n1cnl :i~~1~1 1111t•n t. I !e drol'e a jeep 111 t;en11an.v :Jlld ni~c fro1n pr il·:.de lo ~rrg(';111! El l'i~ CillTIC OU1 nf !he Arn1v ph1ng.'.';I 11110 n1 ;1ki11g 1no1'iC~!--'=========-­ illld ro!lt•d 01er J'l pictures -1 cCllitl!(~ ,.cine ~•n rnc;""•' • ''™ rr l all n1;ik1ni; n1u11<:I'. all loaded ~~ ll'ith ~Ong". !'loin; of the plots ! J. 11 erc so thin ~111d so1 nl' ol U1e .~ __:_______ a · ~oni;s c111d reason.~ for ~inging' 'llU.llOJtl f'!C lUl!IS Pit~Ts !hr111 s.1 inani· 1hat_ l'rcslrv Sil!'-' ":-'oml·li111r<; I ftll like ·1 '";1<; ~i11i,;1nJ: lu a tt.rtlr ., ll e'd llhe 111 111.ikc rnnvirs 111th 'trnng('r plot s. l;1 k1ng dr;1n1:1t1 c p;irt in 11 l11ch he <loc'~11·1 ~1n g Arid hr w.1nled lo MAN HAS CONQUERED THE MOON WITH THE EPIC APOLLO 11 FLIGHT! NOW TAKE ~NOTHER MOMENTOUS JOURNEY! ALSO IN lECHNICOLOR gc·I haek 111 fronl nf a 1!1-c au· E f 0 ' rl1rn1T 01<; ;1 hrt•;1h trf11ll the ~· , ~ ye.~ f!,1'fi/ 1 """ ""· 11c .i 11>" '" "" '"""' '}il~-. ~--, l'lle Cal' 1¥J~· ,:,.·"',,. l1 r 1• -;1ng111g "Attrr a 11. P<JK 'f""J __ - prrfnrnH ng lnr 11c11plr j,, hri w -ti..:-~~:!-""~ , \ I\ :ill :-.1.i rlC'd." he ".1HL "r \'f' in~ M"'.I~ A UHf'IERS.l.l PICTURE ; ,1 /' rt';ill.v 1n1ss:·d 1!. ll bt>('n1nr I ~====;==~===dj~~~~~~~ ................... ~1~EC~t~IN~liiCOiiliiO~R~·~eE~,~~:~;,_~, .. ~"~~~~ ha1•<1rr· .1nd ll~11·drr !11 Pl'rl1Jrm ,': 101· ;i 111n1 1e r111n1·r:1. The in-[ ;,p1rn11or1 11a~11'l U1rn;." , ' '.!5n ,\l\IJ.JU1V llECOllDS I l're~l ry hn s suld 111orT than 2:,0 n1i lllo11 rt'c,"fln!s all 01·l'r the wnrld and HCA Vie tor rC'cord.~ c!ai111s th:1t he h;:i.~ bcrn heard hy 111ort• pt'Oplc in lhe world than ;111~· other ~inger in the )11~l"ry nf re1·nr1li11g. I le ha:-5a gold rl"cords: 11 uf his long·11lll} ing re<·nrds ha1 c i;old 1norc tha n $1 million 11 hnll'~~a lc . .ind 47 of hi s singles I h.:1 1·e so ld n1nre U1an a million t•o p1cio. ·· 11nund I >ns" sold 1nnrt• than ~'.'1·en million. Hut \:11rl11, Li's or ~nng~ fro1n the 1nfl\'it•s ha1·cn't been sell ing a 1 rnil\1011. 1 "\\.hen yo11 grt 10 songs in 11 1i1orie , you 1·a11·1 h:1rc all g'lOd :.ongs. 1na11," 1hc sln.i;:cr says. I The l'1l\DWOM8.0 of GHl\11.LOT = .... -l'rcslry h;id ;i tnillion-~clling re<·nrd this stunrncr. "ln the (;hcll!J," ll'hfch \1•ns11't from a Il]Sllffnt1t Fllll R"i1( 1u11tit!S) Q n1or1e . anrl hi.:-new single, "Suspicious. l\1inds.'' al ~o nul rro111 a rn\11·ir. w11.~ 1111c or t h~ l!l ~ongs 111 his Las Vcgas l ~hOI\'. I WARNE'! BROS. Pre~en1s An ELY LAtJOAU·BRYAN FORBlS ProduG!i~11 KATHAR INE HEPBURN" "THE MADWOMAN OF CHAILLDT" CHAAl[S BOYER . CLAUDE DAUPHllj EOOH EVANS • JOH N GAVIN •PAUL HENREIO •OSCAR HOMOLt<A •MARGARET lllGHlON • GIUL1 ETIA MAS\tll\ N R ~\ ,. NANEDE N[Wl.1AN ••d RICHARO CHA,"'6lRLAIN YUL BAYN E Tio!''"'""'~". DONALD PlEASENCE '~~ P·~,:-:'ll' Prrslf,1' \n.~isl s. that he rlidn't rc!um lo Iii c perfor ming hec1111.~e movie box oHice~ recci pl~ "ere dol'in. ) though hilli 11·1t 1~ quick ennu~h --~ lur answerin~ 1p1cslion~. helt-~------~-~~~, anCI DANNY KAYE 111~1 flf!lpOri •Based on a play wntlen by JEAN GIRAUDOUX and ad}.P1ed inlo Erighsh b'/ MAURICE VALENCY · Screenpl1y lly EDWARD ANHALT • Execulwe Producer ttENRY I IV[INST(lN P100Uted by ELY LANDAU • Directed by BRYAN FORBES • TECHNICOLOR• NEWPORT CENTER WORLD PREMIERE RUN ......... .. ---~ <1u ic1ly inakcs ;1 J:,oorl pub lir 111111r"ssinn hy s1:i} Ing lJr&CI) nu; or the puhlil' r yr S1111·f' 19fii he Ila~ bcr11 Hlilr nrrl lo ;i prl1!r hl11r-l'1·1•tl hrunc!1 C' 11 11 111 r rl l'ri~ei.1!:1 ' tlnugh[rr nr ;111 Air Fort•r 11[ I t•lTf' (rn1 11 jl11·n1ph1·'· 11 l11o111 J1r / 111"1 1n l iC'rtnan.r. Thr) ha1 e ; u:1b1·. 1.1~11. I 1 i1c rikl!lr genrrallbn hc,;;.ii. 0 •: NOW E~CLUSIVEL Y ! "c;.oo o•Yf, COLU~IUS" • "lME .&.'lllL fOOlS"' W ll~ J••-t~"'"'~ft ~----------- --------------· ------------------------~--·-------------------------------------------------- --------------- L~GA~ NOT ICE LEGAL ~OTJCE SAit 2MS NOTtC• T• CJl•DITO•i 'iUll,1tl•JI (•utT O" THI "llO!, ~-is. IJH·U LEGAL N01'ICe P-1'Ml (IUITll'tC ATI! 01' SUSll'll!:SS, 1'1CTIT1•us NAMI S•lt ?OU N•ncE TO c11 r;o1To11 s ~"ll "•IOR (OURT OF TH E ST.I.Tl! OF c•LIFOllN IA l'O• THE COUNTY 01' ORANOI No_ A•l l•O' ~IUt o! C.t.THERIUE AU(. A o~••~!'CI. -------~~~------1 NOTICE IS HEREBY r.1vEN I& m• P'·.U.IS <•H llO'< or m• ~bovr no"'4'd d•ced•,.I LEG~ NOTICE CBllTllll(AT• O" IUSINl!SI, ll\1t t ll P"'son1 h~vin~ c l~lm; •galn~t lh~ P1CflTIOUS NAMI! \,olld deceo•nT "'" r•oulr.d to Ille !hem, 111e 11nO•.,l•nN do terflll' t11e1 ••• wllll !h• n¥<''~~..,, vou<ne,•, In lh~ clllce ~onduc!ln~ 1 bu&lnt<t ~I 5.50 Ntwi>ort cl ~I <lri~ cl me t !l(;V• ~ntl!led cou,!, "' C~n!or Or., Suflt ~JS, l/ewi>orl •each, to Or 0>~nt th•m, w;!h •ht nece~s~'' Ct llfo rnl•. 11nd1r !ht !lcll!lo"• l lrm ntme VOYCl\a,., lo In~ und•ts;<>n'"" at tnt clfi<• 9'I INtERNATIOtlA1.. l NVl $TOR5 CO. Cf f\9r il!otn•v Ruonnt N .. M~ho•<. 111 W ft•d ll••t ~•Id Urm Is ccmPostd cl IM L• H1br• Blvd,. La H8 b<a, Call•unl& f<>llowln• •trlO(IS, "11~1• "'""'" In lull fOdll. wnlch •·-•n~ olocr o: ou••r•" ~r t nd 0 11~•0 ot rlisl11tnco "" os tcl 1ow!'. Ille uno•rcl9""<1 In ~II ftH\!t~r~ o"ta1n;n~ Jtm,.. fl, Tuc~fr. :ilS UT!\ Sire!!, TO lh• ••!ale cl •aid d"'<•d~n!. wllnln io.,• 1-lunfl"t!on Btic~. Ct lll. t•TD"ll" •Ii« 11>0 li•s• publ<caTion or 111ls E_ Eilt le l e ltrt n, •.I& Elmhurst, notlc•. c~11, Mt o.il. (tilt, Ot!!O' ~•o1•mner ''• l"• O,l•d Sf<>lt mbt• 1', 1,0. •1£1.llLE M. AUGA E Eddlt L• l •ron l\dmlnh lrtlcr J~IT".l'!l P. Tuc~tr or 1~· E•tOTe of $Tale er Ctlllorn11. Ort nt e Ct unly; 111• at...~• na,,,•d d~('' o" S•c!, ~·· !Ht, ettot1 mt .• Ut!lt"V •uANNE N. MAINES P<iellc In ~nd ltr s~li S"lc, p~t1on1llv 111 w. L1 '~"~" l l•d, "Q~r~ F . E~dlt l t l ertn ••G J•mM I.I "'''''' l1llfornlt flttJl "· Tuc~tr ~ncwn ro me 10 et tnt P!t"•on• Ttl: (l!JJ U1·!ll"I _ "htot "'"'e:; t rf 1ub~c •lbPd 10 tr.~ wlltlln Al!trnov lot .t.~"'I"""""' lnot•v.,,onl '"' t(~nowliHlf td tn~v e.>1• Publl;l\rd Orcn9• Co•·' o.11 v P1r.i. ""'~'""!Mt 01..-t S•t•e,,..be• ,, ono OC!c~•· 1, !. I'. IOFPICIAL l !Al ) i.~t I ll~·~~ TEllllY L. McCAii.OLE l'o!a'v P<i~h< . C.•ll!ornlt r rle1d ttl Ofllct In Cr1n11 COOJMY ,., Comm1•$fOn Ex Plr.~ At rll lt. 1'11 --v~l•>hl'd Oranot c .. ~, 0111v P1101 Clclt b•• 1 .•. IS. n. 1'0 l f 2Wf LEG~ NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Li;Gl,L NOTICE LEG AL NOTJCE P·llfU C&•Ttl'IC.t.T f 01' IU S INt!~S FICTIT!eUS F !•M NAl!IE: NOTICE TO CI F.O H OltS SU P£11101t COIJ ll.T OF rwr Siii.TE Of t •L+f Oll•llll. f Olt Tl-IE. COIJNTl' Of 011 .t.Nfif (G!:Nl!llALI 11'1 Tl<£ MUNICIPAL cou•T "" Wl!ST o•ANG• COUNTY JIJIUtllil. DllTlllCT COUNTY 011 OllA"IGt: 'X' Fil111 s 011 1'ttbe~ No \l'ay • HOLLY\\'000 IUPJ) ~ Sr11. John ~leClellan and o t he r concerned o r f le i a l s 1n Congress. state houses and the r~ e d c r a ! Co 1n111un!c<1tion s Curnniission a re suffering parox~ Sfn~ of ;ingu1 sl1 0ver the tf'li•1 is111g soon of current ".'('' 1nv1>1L·~. Thr1r lr<ir~ ;lrr Sofne11h:i t \!llfuu11d1•d , att·11rd1ng to 011\~ 1l('!11ork l·\"eCU(JV(' Toduy 1novl e rheatcrs art• j1Jn1111t.'d 11'i\h sex and nu1ti1y epi c~ lliut ha rdly n111kc fur ll'h olrs0 1nc ho111e \ ic11•ing ior gr:11n1n;1r se l1nol haJ~·- Nl1 1n i1 ltc1' J1uw ope11111111d"d lhv p111·t•r.:. lie nt•C'd nut 111!:>1~t that 111.<; offspring ~\;1y up !O ~('~· 1h1· video pre1nicrr o! · l an1 Curious i Yclhiw )," "1'1il· Fox," ··S1ain:a~c.'· '' T 11 c (;radu.'.llc, .. "'Rob ;·111ll Garn! :I nd Tc·J and .Allee," or a11y .. 1 the olla:r adult piclurc:s n1:ik - 111~ lhe rou11tls_ Of course, the lil!le bcgg;irs are li able 10 sneak in to lhC television roo1n and ha1·e thr1r Ji ves irreparably ruined. '"The way televisiou bu\· chers good 1nor 1cs by in· discrl111ina!e l'U tting. it dosen t make much difference 11 h:iL Dl\ILV P ILOT Sllll PhOlt 'Be ltly Loce • • • r"All Y PI LOT :J..l_ ll1itl1 Belufoute. J,e~l,'a1rd .. Jiilie on 11 V for Cliarity Hy VERNON SC01"1' 11 01.LY\VOOD IU P1 l S!:.ii;c 6 <it Guldwy11 Studiv \\ii., cup lct.I by only five persons, • • li;11111g ,1<; f..HlJ\\ le(Jg,· 111y1ic:lr for not 111u1;h 1nusir 11 l d,) :-.110.:fl el ,"' J ulie l\"h1 ·11 I 1· •• 1-.. ,1 .1.11111gstcr I gloo111y, tlunl y llghtctl and C><:· ~-- tho·ec "' whom "'"' .Julio ~~~ ~'. Andrews, Harry Bclafonte and ,,. 11:111 fot1r.u::l<11c r;i11~r ,'\ow I Michel Legran(t. c<in go about two ;ind a hnlr Com p o s (' -c on d uc:tor ol·l:11·cs. But I still cn!'•Y Legrand sat a1 an aged :-uig1n~. csp~ctally 1\-'ith :>u<'h upright pi:.in:>. Julie perched 1•1on1!erf\ll pl'ofesslonals a-. on a stool , and Belafonte niov · H;u"!') <1nd llt1chrl " cit around like a hig blaek c:i l. .'iu r11:1t1f'r ho1v pol ished a 1ltl .... , Thei r concentrution I\' a s Alu srnoulh lhe '>how. 1l 's a pity spcllbindlng. A!l three were ENTE,lTAIJU'IENT tl1c 1·;nncr:is will never c:i r· singing <ind pl aying in j tun• tlu· 111!1n1acy , 11;irn1th aud harmony preparing for a n:!;1s a1 1011 of the rehearsals 011 television special to be bea111 · Ille cl rn!i ~~undstagc. By the cd next nlonth. l111111{'<li<1Lely BL"hl !ontc 111111 tune th(' ~.cl:.. eostumcs a11(! For so much talent. the l1llc .Julie fel l in 1111h thr· hr1cs 10 llql1Ls :in· p!'rlretcd .~u1neth1 1ig ul lhe show leaves son1ething CJ"t'<ilc a ll"uly be1.111tllui ~ound. 1111pt1r (ant will b1· rn1ssi11g. 10 be de.sired : "An Eve11i11g1------- with Julie Andrews aud 1\ar"ry H e 1 a fon t e and J\lichel Legrand." Bui ll docs gel <ill the credits in. Belafonte is seen freq l1cntly cin the tube. Lei.irand , ;1 .~ '' 1nusician, is less in dc1nund a:, a television perforn1c1·_ Julif', howl'.\'Cr, is one 01 till' 1·ery few top filin stars tu tak( lune out for telc1·i~iun . I 2905 E11" Co<1~t Hiqhw11y C o rono del Mor-ph. 673-6260 J ,·~'ll ~ • .,.a·" f<00,r:1ocm 0<ut111 kind of mo vies they sho\v 011 Sharyn Case bl11 :.hc;-; <IS Slt\'t Sla:r 11·ood d(•L·l ,1 1\·~ Tile questio n 1s -wliy ·: Sht• tlocsn"l need !lll' 1nOJJl'Y· Hl'l'Or,11111011 or pulilit· exposu n: 1s nul ;it issue. 1\11d it isn"l, because she is u11 r1uplO) ~·tl. li:ii ing eu111plcled 0111• n1ovicl i1nd ~ccin lo start ;;nother. ROiERT MITCHUM AllBIE llCllllOI. the tube,"· an {'tnhillercd h is love for h('J' n1 thi.~ :-.i.:rnr froin lhr. n1us1cnl 1nclo· lier real reason 1s tl1;H the ~liow 11 ill be priidutt'(t by lht•! ll;nh;iway Jlu1nr 101· Ch ildren.I :1 eh:1ritv in which she 1~1 grcutly 1;1lt'rcstcd. director Si.!Jd. dra111a '"C'h rlsl11 1;.l.'< .E ve n l tllc Sa11"J]lill." 011 .<.;[age There are saleguards \1·J1i(:h [.'t'iday and S<l tllrrlily il \ 1hr i\e\1'JH1rt Bc<:i t h Ebt'l i should rea s.~urc :-Jen. Clull. rrescnttLI by the Uld Junie.~ l'lciye r~ of N c11· .. 'YOUlm BU.LY 1'.JcClcllan, who has circulated porl Beach. a questionnaire to fihn pro--'------------------------ ducers and broadca~1crs 10 ··i dun'! st•t:\\ ou l tc!e1 is1un shu>1's," Julie ~aid. ··B111 JI al ("(11 11hin;1l1011 ul l'~t·1ti 1ig 111-1 £llUll It! Dllm --discorcr if cu rrent "x·· and "H" rated flicks \\"i ll nu1kc th e tele vision :.cenc 'Teul1t>1i sr' 1.Self>clecl 1-!l"l'ltienis cu111es a!J 11g , t hc11 .'~:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::;:;:;:=~i'i~~';;'~~~~~~~===;~ I'll g1vr it ;1 wl1irl. 'l"h1s sho11·\ e NOW SHOWING e l1;1p pen s to Ile un t• ul lh11sc BALBOA -Ef..jDS TUESDAY -First lJnc of dcfcn.~r: ;11·t• th r thre{' ne11rorks. 1\BC CHS and NBC. They don·t 11·nnt to get into troublr \1·1t il the V c d f' 1' a I Conununlc<itions Con1n1i ~s1011 <'Intl ris k ha ving lhc ~"CC rt'}liullle tile dcek Best ttl LtJ11µ,· Beltc/1, c pr111n1s1ng ~pcc1<1ls."' 673 4048 Twirr. bcfnro.: Julie 1 1,1~ ;1p· • peu:·i·d 111 spl't'1<ils·. unt'l" 111th l1fr 1r1rnd Carol Burnel l and l;ilt·r ll'ilh (;{'IH' l\rlly. Shc"s VANESSA REDGRAVE Winner Best Act ress 1969 ::i;;y !\UC·TV buys aA~ µic- t11n'. th~· lhl'rnc of 1rhit•ll 1.~ lcsbiuui:-111. Netwcrk ed itors 1·01Jld blip <lll , objeetionabh· dia logue a n d blRL11n l sex scenes lo lit 1lic 111·0-ho11r t1ninus con1111e rr·i<ils\ formal , ·n1c ~reoqd filter 1" 1h1' 111 til'pc11dc111 ly ow11ctl 1c\c111 ~11J11 st:1 tlo11 _ aJlill <Jtrd rir· nnl 11·t1h ;) nct 1·,urk Tl1r 1111 ri1•r t·;111 replac<> the 1n1Jvi1• 111th a r~111~ pie of hours of fl1·~an 1nus1t· 11r a rr·n1n or the rnllrr rlcrby Vin ;illy , !Iii• gol't'r11111t'!ll t•.111 Sl'I doll'n t:11idrli11r~ fnr 1•.'h,11 mny or 1nay not br :.cen un tclr1·js1011 If slJch "' ~11·p beeo1111·~ nc•tr~s;,1r l", r;ir(' 1~ \hr brti:H!· ca51cr who 11oulll ~1llt'!:>lcp 1111• 1:.i1r tu hcan1 ;1 11irtu1·r drt•n11 d unfit for hon1e 1·1cw111h. llaril - 1.1· 1111rlh lo.<;.ing ot li,·cnsc t" tlrp1t"I Dustin ll ull1na n :111(1 ~1ia Farrow in the ;;arnr l.lcd as in ··.John and·i\1:-iry."' Tl1c ~ccnr. ir1 !<lt.:1. ls 1no1·r ludicrous l ha n ~alarious.Jt could ~t'l "t'~ <i11d 1111di t.v h:1ek :lO vears 111;1~1 nu cll ;i~ nci!lirT prr.fonnrr h;J;-; r1.tr bc1'n t101nin:-ilctl !ur h1.11!y ht·uu!il 1il l:1urcls. In tl1r end. 1:0 111<11\rr 11h.it is s1Jo1111 1111 tlu· 11.·lt'1'1s1on serf'('n 1l 1~ill rest ll"ith par- ents ;is Lo 11 l1;1L th::-ir child rt•11 fire ;illoll'ed to 11cw. In ni;11. lets nr 1nanners a11d 11101'.l l'\ 1l has ;ill1;1y~ been 1h11s. 1'irkcl ~ Scl For 'SpiriL' T1 ck r\<; arr nn ~;1lr ;ii I ii~ Hunti11~1 n11 H:1r1lord 'I llt:alfl' hox office ;ind ;it :111 ;igcnl'li·'i for 111c Los A11~clc~ ~lll,llC dcb11t Qf Zsa Zsa f;<tbor ir1 1111: Noel Coward torn edy, ··Blithe Spirit."' Also sta1·r1n g ~'l i r h :i r I E1ans. the .Ja 111es A. Doolill le procluction oprns /\londay. Or1 27. and "'ill bl' al the H11rtrvnJ for three weeks on!~, plnyu1~ through No\· .1 j_ \V!llia1n Tn:gor will d1n:(•I the story n! a \01·cl y ~·ind lil'rly gho~! (,\l1s~ (;;ibv rl who returns 10 c;irlh to crcul1' hilario11s ha\"OC in the livrs of her l1usband and his new 11·Hr. .. Tl'ahnu~r nf tlir /\11;.,11 I i\11)011.. ll'ilS >t'll't'll'ti ;1~ 1111· t no~I poµul;i;• pl<i:i 111 l ~!hll·tiD :11 Ilic Lori;.\ Bcii1'i1 r'11 11111 a1 1111~ l'li!.l'l 1ou~e ~u11d:1,1· n1r.;h1, 1111h 11\0 nr 111(' shuw 'S 111:1j<i/" ;1tl11:"'1 \', 11 llll lll-! 1011 <111 ;11"1 I~ .lt•rr·y Andcr~ori. 11 li11 p l:i~ t'd ~;d.1111. :111(1 .)l'l'r\ :\d,11 n~. 11hu p111t r:11·ed 1l1 c A1 11cr·1t;1n Ca p- 1:1111 l·'i.•h•, 11·on IJl'~T .u·\or IHld !1v~1 11i;1 1,\r i.111Jn111·\ 1ni:: ;1l·t1i1 llunnr-;, r1·\pe,r 11 '.PI\ ;1t 1h·• , "f1 1nnn.v 111 11 11· L11n~ 1:1·:11'11 !·',·lrnlt•11111 Cluh b111:<p1t·t 11Hit11 Pof"'1T y !\1 1'11<:111g111· \lir ~1i:11·11 l\,11gu1·(j 11111' 111 ·'G l'1)l'''I' :\\1ard i\ighl Slated at Thr l!u11l111g111n I~ c .i r 11 l11ayhollS(' 11 111 111·('~('111 1\~ ;HJ I nu:il :111 a nl.<. ~:i!lll"d.i:,· 111 glil :i ll tl11' B;1r11. 21111 .\!;:111 St , llu11 - !111qt1JJ1 f3(';1cl1 . ' The pr11g1 ;.i111 \~ · i'l1l•d11l"d fnr 8 p 111 h1gl1 l 1~ht1'<I ll) lhr :111noun~·cnH·11t nl llH' brs! :1r- tnr. ;1l'l1T.~~ ~11p;1111·t111g ;1rtor <ind ~uppo1·1111i: :l!'tn·~'I nl lh1• i>l'asnn. Al~u to l"' 11011rirccl ll'1ll h\• !he dlll'<.'.1"1 111 111c rl,1y ' Judged !Jc'it p111(IU1 1!11 11 1 1 '11111p1·1~111i:: rl•r p.ht ~1 ·,1,.111 11r·1·r Su1111.1.1 111 \(•w Y11rh "i 1(1+Pi 'l!'d l1V li,•11 1\li)••Jl ''"ll · Tl1r-Ii, .. , \!:111 '" !1111 ,rl •·il 111 \11n·1ii,.llP (}lll~i\•\ " lltil"t'l"11I 111 !hr i :11 I., d111 '!·lr·d 111 111 11 d \\111111!1· :111d Ur•·:1111 ril Spnng !1111·\·ft·d l1v Huth J )nfll :ird. ! Food ;1t1d d1 111 i-.. 111 ~1 l1v f11n11-.ltcd 11r1' 11i 1111·n 111··1 ~ 11 1th gur·:('\ ll1·111i.:. ;i,.( ~~t·d ~2 c1Jeh Torn Hn.1df•11i·k r ha11•n 1.111 of l!lC' ('1r11t nnd 1 f1irthtr 111fon11;.1 1,.11 111;11 Iv·! nb1<11nttl liy r.ill111g h1111 Ill JJG· 9496. Lanriau Vihning I IOLLY\VQQf) ii ! 'I ) ~1:1rl 111 L:111tla11. 11 lit) -·,\·11:.sHirL li 11po~s 1blc' in dt~putc, t1 1rn~ f1·111n 11·lc11.~11,11 lo 11101 le~ llJ !ILir 1n ""\\'1n,' :J n1ulti -1nillion dollar Dino lil' Laurcntiis productilin. fXCIU~IVf RfSfRVfD SEAT fNCACfMfNT! MATINEES AT 1 :30 & 8 P.M . II~ -• 11.utlfY IUl~ll PllOOUCTIOll 2001 ll!l~OCOlO!t :a space odyssey CINERAMA CINEDOME ~~~.:., •u ·~""""' i.1 • •,, l•' ••1 "" ,,._,I 71f E. l•ll>•ll l11tlllee hnin11tl1 \\ <hli 1l)/il1111 Sii•p! ll!·I'!•."' 11 ;1:, ll;Hll!'d b1·.-L ,11I1·l':<>; of thr ~";1~!"11:, 11 1!1 1 U;11·1i·nl' C:hnfl<T l;11\111g ]){·~t 11111.11)1' :<llppor L111g •ll'\l't'~~ l;1urels r111· ho·r· ro le as !110• 1111lll1~·r 10 · ('on1 1· Ulow )' llll I I IOI 11 t1l~1) 111:1tk gur~l appca1·;11u:cs1'--------C:::= iJll 1111].~(l·:J l l<!l'il'IY ~11011'.-... I ,--.,---,-.,,.,,.-,-----:-::---------------, Cannes Fest iv1t l ·· 1"111 1'tallv 11111. ~it huni r C•ll ~, ·;.~.ill lleirunymus MERJ(JN 1el1"1·1~1011 ~11;111·." .Jul1r ~a\d "! ever r-ro.met WR.Cl' HumMe l1nd 1l 1\'ry d11fi{'1il1 h<·c~111 sc 7 l"I" it"~ :.o 1ni 1nect 111lt'. ii1 1\l ll1r J11·el and/indtrue happinPss ~! .. ,111d1c11ce µ111 ~· 111c oil :i l.111. Otil('I" \l'llltl("I'~ ! 11Hilh1 Ul. IJ! ~1 llllitlll" ~lip· po1'l111g :1'11111 lur '"l!o!rl't•j"'; 1·:~111rr J)1;•i-..r, h ".l 111 1111ir ~Iii\· pu11111g <1<.:l 1 t·~.~ f 11r ' 1'11r !'>111 r1· \\'i11ql~,' (",11•\l ,1 1111"~ !11'•,1 l\1 1 1·1•1 li1n11:.i1< I' 1111· ,',1o1ul.i1· 111 r"1·w York."' ;111d l.:111·1· 0[);1.1:· }' 1· 1 t , h r • l I ll I' i' n 11 r- !1"l li \1'1i1.i1it·1· 1111-· · I; I' o1 r g e \I,, .i.111:.;1011 Sl<·pt 1 lt"n· ·· ·· 1 really 111kc n1 Y llril ciff tul , '\ · ll<·:in .\l111·1J11 a111t l\ n (! y ,., . .:.. l\"1l li_ains who can lurn uul al"Wackiast Sexiest Film Yet" -Playboy -Also-111t1.,1c:il show nl qti;il11 y 111'1:k <Iller 11c rk ·• _.,. · ... ,, .l11lie l1~ll'11t·d tn Lr·;;r.1nd I I I I I ' 1 'l"lir :1 II .I I II .. illl'kll,illl("ii l'li;_i11ge a l ei~ 11ulr~ 011 liH' duel/ she and Harry \\Cre ~1ng1ng_ Tlir Frrnl"111nan 11 11 111 1n r t! .1IOt!ll an!l \h('11 pl:1~t·ll 111\' pll :;sagl' un the p1;1111). ' I .Il l! L ' 111 l11111tH" !ii ,\11 11 ,1 h;·r ca ~1· 1111e 11r 1111' 11l;1~l1n·,1 "1' l 0u 1 alt·r~ i11 l'.11!\ A ll>11111 Fir,.t I llOLL\'\\10 0 [) il 'PI\ -"lhr 1\11!'\itid 11lb\ll11 nr \lie -.1·1 1rr 11·11111 "t\,,ntllt~1" :>11' f ll1ps" 11,1JI lit> 1't'lt-a~r:d 1n 11d,;111cc nl lil t• 111111·11•, \\("i't' jlf"l''-Plll\'tl h:V \.11; {'I~<' \11•11<'~ l1·u111 •\1('li pr11!1ucllri11 •·I 11 1" 't':I 1111 11 • r'<' pr'""'lllt'd. ;i11111g II 1tli ;1 IJ:1lll'[ l'.\\'!"l"pl lJ:. I .,1111 I I il'l'll 1.1 ti line>! Borgn;". "THE WILP BUNCH " l'l \JS G oo"'~ Sr.q•l ~obod V•ughn "THE BRIDGE AT Rf.MAGEN " '°lo on• •"d<' l! will "' """"'T"O vnl<'<• ott•"'' O•~·~· ~i <>•r~rt Of •CUii QVOfO ••n, "THE WI LD &U NCH"" (Rl T;.p F~nluli< "JOURNEY TO THE FAR SIDE OF THE SUN" PLUS M;c~•e1 S"""':~ "EYE OF THE CAT" ltt<ommended '"' 11.0ulh ............... ,,,.... ........... . Joh n w~v n e Glo" C •,.,11boll "TRUE GRIT" P lU) w.1 1.~m Holden E•ne.t !o rq n•n• "THE WILD BUNCH" n• ..,. unOo• II wllf te •Otnllltd unltu otcom• J>•Med ey p~r•nl t r •dutt 1v1rdl•" •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Pele• O"Toolt "THE LION IN WINTER" 'LU~ G1org 1 5 1~"1 Robed V•\J'I~" "THE BRIDGE AT REMAGEN" Rtcommt~Oed tor 11.oul" .............•. ,.,. ............ . ~ ~i •..•• 1!t~I ..... - ~..,b~rt Mi!ch\Jrn >.n9i~ o ;,~'"'"" "YOUNG llLLY YOUNG " PL\JS N•'oli e Wood G&or tt Ch i ~:,;, "W~ST SIDE STORY" 11 •••••••••••• C1Jfi@ii!0'••••••••••••1 CAILOAD Ctr91 W~llt r1vt l vr•t "DADDY'S GONE - A HUNTING" Plu• "''''1 l>llllf "TWISTID NIRY!" llttom.....,.NI It~ Ad\111' JDURnEY m THE FAR SIDE DF THE sun l .. :.j lfCHNICOlOR• ICJ~ TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME ANYWHERE TH IS GREAT COMEDY ('"">.---~ e@ CDlOI ';• 1WINNER OF 6ACADEMYAWARDS~ METRO·OOJJWYN·MAYER ~,~~• A 000 PONll PfrriLCTll)~ • .. . DAVID LEAN'S FILM OF BORIS PASTERNAK<> ~ ~ DOCTOR ZHIVAGO /· IN PANAVISION" ANO METROCOt.OR •110• •• ·~>.¥.S. (~!>.1'\t!A,. '""OHi l•• ,,~; " ••U ot '"' • o"' "'"•Ou"' I I,..,"""" l\o"t- HOW FAR WILL!>. ' 32 YEAR OLD ~ SPINSTER GO TO f POSSES A STRANGE,J 19 YEAR OLO BOY? J ~~t~~d Ra1he Mdiid l\.rr5 C•11,.-1., COlO~ I\. ~ HELD OVER FOR 4TH EXCLUSIVE WEEK! I ' RF.X HARRISON BURTON1 1n the Stanley Oon~n Production J •I "STAIRCASE" i • sod goy •tory ~ Stro11g Brew DAILY 10-10 SUNDAY 10-7 FROM OUR FINE JEWELRY DEPARTMENT r ~~·~-.-.~~~~~~- • • I< • • ~! ~ ''Pei/ect ti/C /or., JJae, •po"™n1an.! SPECIAt!···· I ' ! PAUL B4'WRD ! "AOIJA .SIOJ11." WATCH . ·:~· OUR LOW l'lllCE .Stnte Enjo:y iug Bee r Boo11i 1986 SAN FRANCISCO -Brew- ing. one of California's n1aj(•r industries, continues lo exert strong influence upon the cconorny of the Golden State. Facts and figures showing \rhv are contained ln the 10th ediiion of "California Brewing Jnduslry SI a I i s I i c s and R e f c r c n c e Informat ion," published recently by the California Brcll'ers Associ a- tion \vhich has its head· quarters here. The report shO\\'S thal !he state's nine operating brewing con1panies produced 9,86i,821 barrels of beer in 1968. up 8 percent over 1967, and 8.1 per- i.:cnt of the tota l produc:ed in the United States. The record-production figure means that the industry made th e fo l lowing niaJor purchasts: -$22 .5 n1d lion f or agricultura l 1iroducts \l'hich ;:ire used in the brewing pro- cess: -$58.7 m1lhon !or packagtng and container 1natc1·1al:.; -~1 7 .7 million for frei ght and shipping services: -Sl.9 mil lion for water, luel and electricity: -$25.5 million f o r ad- \'ertising and pron1011on. Ot her econo1ny-boos\!ng statistics in the reporL in-1 elude : -An i111·esttnent of SJ8fi n1itlion by the brl'wers in land, buildings and equipn1ent. -A beer wholesa ling in- dustry of 422 firms e1nploying J,455 11·orkers and having a p:iyroll of $30.5 million, -A $34.8 million p;iyroll for 4,084 industry e1npl oyees. -/1 tax total of f:;l8t6 mill ion, for 1rhich $ J 5 5. 9 rnillion is a direct !ax irnposcrl by the state and fQderal govcrnrnents. According !o (:corge \\'. 115.00 V.-\LU•: • \Vatcrproof up lo 600 ft. {"·Len cast, crystal 11rc intacl) • TcUs the date, too~ • Lurninou! dial. ~wec11 second hanJ • Sturdy band. •l~inlc!s liat:k WllY l,AY l\IORE? EASY 'J'ER1,IS Fror.i our fine jewelry t!Ppartn1rnl " " J, Ososkr, excculi1•c vice presi·l-.••••••••••••-••.,•-••-dent of the bre1rers' associa.1' ,;.,,, "" ,.,;" beer ,.,,. Layaway Now-For Xmas.' sumption, based on tolal popul<Jlio11. 111 California dur '-.•••••••••••••••••••••• 1ng 1968 was 17.0 gallons, 11p11 irom lli A tn 196i. Nehr11 Cou si11 to Giv e Talks at GW Colleg e Interlocking Diamond BRIDAL SETS s49ee TO sggoo The COIJSITI of India·~ l;"J\e Prin1<' t.lln1S1cr N 1' h r 11 , t.!adamc Hajan Nehru, 11111 Vall ey Cii:ic ftl eet Cllrd e<l Thursdll )' Tht-Fountain V<1tlcv Ci1 ic Association 11 ill rnect at 8 p n1.. Thu rsday, in thr coin· 1nun1 ty t'l'nter. 102fl0 Sl;iter A1·c .• lQ detern1inc Lls future :ital us. The A ~ s fl c i a l i" n was e s la b I i .~ he d under the leadersh ip of Eugene \"anDa:.k for the cxrress purpose of conducti11g the r~t·cntly $UC· cf'ssful recall c a mp a i g 11 ;igainst thrcr rity cnancilmcn. It operated under t••mporary rules spccifyinJ: tl1:1t tile A~socia\1011 11 uuld be d1 ~ba11d­ ed Oct. !~. VanDask and Ille board of director! of lhe Associated ha re called 'T h u r s da y · s rneeting -public invited -lo determine if the Association shall disband on Oct. 1'4 or H it ~·i ll conlinuf! a1> an acti ve organization under permtincnt by-laws. 'Y' Offering Wenving, Yoga Classes Hatha \"oga, rug a n d tapestry weaving, folk da nci ng and other classes are being of- fered by the Orange Coast ·· YMCA. !~arbor Area residents were reminded today. "It's never too late." said a spokesman for the facility. at 2300 University Ori\'e, ackhng that additional information may be obtained by calling or dropping in to sign up. Jlelen Prolhen hosls rug and tapestry !le.sSions from I to 3:30 p.m. Fridays. RoM:mary Sch u I m 1 n in- s;ic;;ik on "f)Cl"lsinn f or l)cn1ocracy" et 8 p.111 . Frirlrt\ ;11 lhe Goldc!l \\"est College Center. Ad111is!'ion to her talk. srr ond i11 !he collegc·sronsore t! artist-lecture ~en~:.. 1s open to the public. Ticke!s are priced at SL .\lat.la1nc Nehru is !lie \I ilt• o/ Ratan K. l\ehru. lorn1er ·'l'C-relary general of t h e Va lues to 175.00 r-.llnistry of f:xiernal Affa irs, a I\ Glraniino::; 14 kar;it post corresponding to the head ' · ur the foreign offite in other gohl 11·ith !' c v c n t'oun ~rirs. lie i~ cu rrcntlv the di<1innnct~. ~7 ;) _I) 0 head of All;ihab<id t.:niverS1tv, Acth·e in politics, govern. 1 aluc, ~4!:1.l"lfl. ment and cultural affai r" :-i nce 19:10. she i.~ the prf'"idc.111 of the National Fcdcr alion qi the United Nations and OC'lh1 Red Cross. DriYc Starts On Drinking Under Age Pol smokers have Ope ration lntcrcep1 !o con tend v•i!h. Lnder-age drinkers arc no1,1· fa ce d 1,1·ith an extension ol Operation ~flnus 21. an educa- uonal program against sa1n pl· ing the forbidden fruit of the grape, malt and hops. The campaign to educate youngsters against breakinc booze la .... ·s has been under 1\·ay by the State Departinen1 of Alcoholic Beverage Control for 18 month s now. C. Trn di l'l1 11nncl ~ in i .i ka rill golil . $12J.00 value. ~b9.Ul\. "Stop and Think Before \'011 Drink," is !he title of a pan1phlet v1hicb has been B. F:!c ganl 14 k;irat distributed -nearly OllC mill ion copies -to high school and junior college students Lhroughout the state. An additio nal '400,000 copies Art now available, spe lling out the penalties and perils of ex- perimenting with a I c o h o J before one is or legal age, ac- C()l'ding to ABC d i r e c l o r Ed1vard J. Kirbv. The leaflet ha s ht-en E'n· go I cl \\·itb eleven dii1 1no11di;. ll:l 75.00 val ue, S99.00. ~::sega~f0~;h ~h~ eU~S~ :~~ SC'e thc.~c d ian1onrl bridal sets\\ hich arc designed 111\h the Associations, noted Kirby, who interlocking fea tu re~ l::ngagC'1nC'11t rin~ ancl \1·cdd1ng ln1nrl was fo~ ma ny year:. the F'BI lock to prevent se l frorn t\vii.ting. Hings s t;1,\'~ l'\c,·cr str:iy! agenl in charge for Orange They lock together for inax1n1u111 bc;iu\1. County. • FAIR COST A MESA STORE ONLY r ' •' t l!!iK( CAMERA DEPT. SPECIALS THURSDAY · FRIDAY SATURDAY ONLY ! POLAROID COLOR PACK II CAMERA 22.88 FEATURING TH E 3-ELEMENT GLASS LENS. BUILT-IN FLA SH, .6 LL ACCESSORIES. AVAILABLE AT HUGE SAYINGS! Three Days Only! POLAROID Model 320 CAMERA 44.88 COMPARE AT $48.771 IT'S NOT TOO EARLY TO SHOP FOR CHRISTMAS! ·I ' /' " ' j COLC.~ PJ-~".0\t ~~"' ~ .., . ' APPLIANCE DEPT. DISCOUNTS! 3 DAYS ONLY "if I I IT'S NEW! PSYCHEDELIC LAMP 13.88 SEE THIS FOR YOURSELF - IT'S THE NEWEST "IN-THING" GENERA L. EL ECTR IC MODEL 126·T TEFLON ELECTRIC SKILLET 18.44 No stick cookinq with this hlqh d ome-skillet. No scour cleaninq. Easy, convenient for everythin9 from bacon to roosts, Cooklnq tem p information on handle, AUTOMATIC HEATING PAD Reg. 2.88 1.97 2 YEAR WARRANTY - 2 HEAT THERMOSTAT CONTROL. WATER-PROOF AND U.L. APPROVED LLOYDS 7 Transistor POCKET RADIO 2.97 IS•m1l~r to illu•lr•F""l lncludM: latt1try, Earphone and Handy Carry Strop. ' 9K42 Shop without cash -just say , 3 Days Only! "CHARGE IT"''----------' ~-------·----J struclJ in Ha1ha Yoga sessions %offered In eight-week st.ries, t twice a week, mornings and ; evenings. F.o tt, f.o it. f,,1u.ol. T~o•• $ Sut Fisch ~aches modem I~••• woro:h 1u"' ~P f•cto .. '" . rlance for women "'eclnesday op .. r•tion "" o" D-'ll Y PllOT niihts a.nd folk llant·e !or all'="=;="=,;=,'='=''='="='=''='="=·==' 2200 HARBOR BLVD. ~~::~·a~~COSTA MESA · Harbor adult• TUeaday nights. _ l! t :. • • t I i>aily 1~10 Sunday 10-7 r"!"!!.....-"~7..H .o'!~ .. ~-~~..c c·~·~.~.s._~~­·' 1 THURSDAY-FRIDAY 1 ' l • •' & SA TU RDA Yi .ONLY COST~ MESA STORE ~ ~ I " I ' ··~~~~ .. 1n cans! • ;..CANADA DRY~ ~!~~Y~R~~~ Sidewalk 'Sale Special! CASE OF 24 1.88 re .:.• -_ -·-~: . •:ii... ,.<Z.i: . ..._ ·~ ~· . > I ~J FULL LENGTH DOOR MIRROR 1.97 I I ' ~~~~~<?:-.sr'"l;;:· ..... i:i.~· '-'=-. _,, ~ ~ . ; ' SEW 'N SAVE! YARDAGE Budget pr1n1 -,. pl<iin~ JJHI solids. 3 DA YS ONL Y 5 YARDS :i -., ' t ! r - -,,_, __ . LADIES t1nd TEENS TENNIS OXFORDS Sizes 4-1 1 In Color :ii ALL YOU CAN EAT 88c PAIR . , ' .. ~ .. ·' I •' ALUMINUM $1 ~ SCREEN DOOR ' .I ' 7.77 ii 1' Tnr!udrs 1111 h11 rrh1·11 r<' for i'H~.Y installatlon. S1m1lor lo illu ... trat1on. $-. • KLEENEX BOUTIQUE PAPER TOWELS ~ REG. JJc EA. I I ' .1 --· MEN'S BOAT SHOES 1-"j Sturdy canvas shoes for casual and sports \Vear. Sizes 61fi-ll, r -:-_ ·' ,. 1.88 MENS & BOYS TEE'S & BRIEFS Reg. $1.50 lW'• cntl"n , '.\lai:hi111· \va:-.11. 111Jll'. 66c · • • ' Ii 1· .22 AMMO ~ BOX OF 50 '. '· RAY-0-VAC FLASHLIGHT 68c H<'kU IRrl.v 8".!r Bn:-. S tock Un Nv" · I lnc·ll1d .... ~ 2 l'rrn1111n1 l 2 7 . Bat1rrirs. R"h· ::.~7 • ·- -.. LARGE 20" PORTABLE ELECTRIC FAN 10.84; .~JX \',\Ll 'E -~.\Vr.· :'. J),\YS C-1'\LY' Tl1"1" I• ~ril l 11 1,1 \11·1\!IP ,. i'•:lodcl 243 RQWER MOWER S59.16 VALUE J DAYS ONLY 49.88 Po,verful 31/.! II.I' Br iggs & Straiten ~,c u.~ -~as¥ ~p11li;e l~pe starter. 1notor. 22" LADllS HAND IAGS • , , ............ , ...... , ..... , ... , , l!IDDllS HAND IAGS , ...... , , ,, . , , ..... , R..,, I• $1.17 ,, -. r Jnrludcs: Parmer.An ChftC~"· Cole SIA\\, Roll&: Butter Fll:UH-TIMDlll: SLICl!D 5197c AAPFLI HA/It COVllt·U"S , ..... , , •• , . , .•..... 11_,. 1.16 ' $1.00 57c 86c 29c BAKED HAM "'7 UTILITY WIG-LIT CASI •. , .... , ••. , . , •.. , ..... , ll:f'9. lie '· lb. -~1.0:;.;.9.._=,,.,...,,......, ........ ~ Ju•t Say 'Charge·lt' ALL MnAl INDOOI DRYER RACK .... ··········· 2.87 J • .. ' rt· \\ltrlntsd11y, Oc1obtr 15. 1961 DAILY PILOT :J.; MENS SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS 1.29 or 41$5 ncgular C.:1.97 C'a . !n assorlcd styl es and colors • . ---Plaids -Solids -Stripes. Sizes :-l. ~\. L . XL. .• _CllA RCE IT at ~m<~.rt:'. ...... J I' ,-.... t • -• ,,., •'''>:ill .. _ ... ~/••-· ' Y\ ')F M·' .. II •i '·· ,~ ... -. ' HUNTING VEST \\ilh gainc hag. 1.88 REG. $3.47 J DA YS ON LY ·...- LITTLE GENTS DRESS SHOES Sli p-ons or oxfords in black or 1Jro\r11. :)1zcs G1 i -6 . 2.66 MEN'S CRESLAN SWEATSHIRTS REG. 12.47 1.57 or 2 for 3.00 ,\~~r,1·1rd r•nlnr~. rrr\\ h•'<"k, ~linrt s!cevr. S-i\1-1.-XI •. J DAYS ONLYI -.. ' u I· I .. 1 , 200 HARBOR BL VD. Corner of Wilson and Harbor COST A MESA ! • .. ' . -... ~ - ;J8 Dhll Y '1LOT '1Zi'~'Si r;;i1u1 ADDITIONAL nn PARKING GRANT'S GULF . NlltT DOOR AT ~ERVICE STATION REMINGTON MODEL 7aa the world's stron2e1t bo lt action rifle Th• boh ii lh• ~earl ot who! "'"~Y •hoo1e .. cali !ha l•n- f Jubie action bars &iYO tho REMINGTON MOOEL87Q PUMP SHOTGUN il s li1htnin1·fHt '"ration Coll 642-6055 for Gun Information I • •! oll-0•011"d big gomo ,;11. noodo. Snic~ o! <>p•n. \ou'fl 100 lhe ''")"9"" u<tion •••• pul ;,. any ritl•. SIGm •1 <•<n<d, No,. you• «>llndgo hood i1 prol~tl•ll by lhroe * OVER J ,000 GUNS ON DISPLAY 1> Al leosl ontt •••'l' 01inuf• lhi• ••ooon, '""'" hunlor w ill bo u1in9 chain 1ighrning to conn...:I "'"~ hio bi,.I. A11• lh• doubl• oclio11 ba" 011 If •emington Model 170 pump 1holgu11 will ho•• pold off ogoi11. Double aclio11 bo" • W lncheoter • ,.,,..oure • Charle• Daly •Walther • Re m;119To,. • lerella • (<ill • H ,L • • R<1gor • It haca • l•cwnlng • l lomo • Wtathetby •Sok• ' Smilh ,I,. V/CU'1" o'c<lopp•n9 ""9' of 1olid 1'~·1 Bui <1'> nol I~< .. hole 700 ''"'1· We 1011od oil tho bo'l O<tion•, You won'I got ~ '==" BRO'NllltlG 1111•----11..J-\ bollu oe<u•a<y. O• a <leaner '''99•• pull. o. 0 lo~ghot lini•h, 01 br 1te1 d1ec\.,ing. Ot o """* com!oil~blo ..... ~. I 11••• Tho 170 i1o lifh1nin9 o<- ,......-AlftOJitAllC-~ ,h.19un • l'' -•) • . ,\ '1 ' ' , ... , s1341s Fruit of the Loom THERMAL UNDERWEAR FAMOUS MA.Kt•. "Therm- •I•" for w•rmth ~nd (OIT'· lort on th1 (oldttl 111 d•y1. \ (:i \.~ JNAewRsrpockSJusr Arrived! 6'. 13-0Z. 16-GZ. 9'x12' .. ' $10.80 NO Y.l! 5'x7' 6'x8' 7'x9' $350 $4.80 $6.30 9'x15' $13.50 10'xl2' $12.00 12'xl4' $16 .80 12 'x16' $19.20 l 2'x 18' $21.60 USE YOUR CREDIT AT GRANT'S! l ur your big .. i1h contidtntt 1t Gr 1nl'1 wt h1Y1 111 of !lit Ccilrm•n ~~;'\ modt ll irt Sloe~ , .. no w~olint ..• immrdi•l1 i!rlivr•r SWEAT SHIRTS $229 STRETCH SOCKS SELECT horn ovtr 10 bright nrw tol. or1 in 1cn9 or sho1 t 1ltt¥tl j~11 in limt for b1ck ro l(hool. At1 1i1•1, $150 PR . &OlE•'S qu11!ty t!retth 1oi in 30 bright nrw color\. We 1110 (l rrr 11!1 new O¥tr the c1!1 host. FROM toon. O••• o ,..;mo,. 170 1hoo1e., con 10 te11it1. And lh•y ion lo ll you •omo olher •alld locl> Jo. •ect ;••< "'Od>• oned 41om tolid 1l•el. A b<eoch block !ho! loc\1 i1110 !he ban • ••l•n•ion. FROM $10995 Grant's Has The Greatest Selection And Lowest Pr;ces, Tool SLEEPING BAGS CONVERSE "DECKS" $895 fAMOUS Con¥crsr Detk 1hott th11 1nurt you of 1 perfect lit. Po1itiv1 grip s11lt1. N1 ¥y or white. All 1i111. CHAMBRAY SHIRTS $298 EASY . TO • CARE for bli.11 Ch im· br1y 1hirll for b1tk ta 1chool. loy't 1i11 1 14 10 17. PACIFIC T RAIL ~ s~, See All of the New Styles at Grant'sl FAMOUS BRAND SPORT SHIRTS OVER . 20,000 . PAIR ; LEVI'S®. IN STOCK!: HANG-TEN "T" SHIRTS THE LATEST 1tyle1 just 1rriw~d in colorful Pl1id1, Solids. (h~c~• ind Stripts. Ptrm1ntnl Prt11 l1brits. long 1Tttvt1 in S·M·l·Xl. 100•. lUXURIOUS combrd ''~ ton in 1m1rl new 1olid (Olort i nd widt 1nd n1rrow 11rip.1. N4I ... rink!ing-no 1hrinking-nt irttto ingl S·M·L·Xl. $3.98 $6.00 $7-$8 "WIND KING" JACKETS by Pacific Traill HERE THEY ARE! Thos. rugged, windproof, hHf· ury jackets by Pacific Trail . fe11uring !ht n1w· t sl ''outdoo r look" in 12 dynamic col11r1. Siin 34 to 46. NOWI .. 'l'tllOW • lift 8lUf t AVOCADO • 8ttGl It's NEW! Top Quality Leather COWHIDE JACKETS REG . $60 s45 FULLY LINED hea"y weight qu1lify cowhide of rougho{)ut ltalhtr, Pioneer styl.d with full-fringed sltt'leS, bottom .tnd 1crois chest. Sirei. 36 to 46. $10 ii H•VY' . '""" • IROWN • GO LD ii ORANG! • OllVI • 11.QTJ• "WMITI 31 JACKET STYW IH STOCK at GIANT'S! GENUINE COWHIDE VESTS ..... $1 'i'.95 USE YOUR CREDIT at GRANT'S ••• SAVE MORE, TOOi Corcl..,roy Jack.,1, from ••• Sl•.11 Suecle·llko Jackoll Sl•.11 M ..... ,.c •• 11. ;s,_,, .... s1•.•s , • .,.., "·c-1, 11-11 .•.•• s1•.•s lo•l'11 Deni"' lack••• , , • , .$7.11 l ••l'11 Uno4 Ja<k•ll ••••• $11.ft foul We•lhtr <••II, 3•·SO 116.tS "CHARGE IT" 1t GRANT 'S SURPLUS GRANT'S CHARGE ACCOUNTS -----------------------------------.. ----~-· ------- ,.. , .1 a \. ·~ ·~:. • - • " I' 111· i SEASONED TRAVELERS - The romance of far away places is jusl a turn of the cookbook page away for nlen1bers of UGI Faculty-Staff \Vives a nd their hus· bands. The Go urinet Section of the club has been tour· ing by taste during the past year and has vlsited pl aces such as Greece, Spain and Roumania. Ready to launch off into another adventure in unusual food are (left to r ight ) Prof. and Mrs. Neil Bershad and Prof. and Mrs. Phili p Coulter. Wives Take Cook's Tour HAM 'N Pocketbook Pampered il'iembers of the UC l Faculty·StaH \Vives Club and lh!:'.:r husbands are a we ll· lrciveled grour. having recently ri£;tcd G c rm a n y , Spni:~. Japan, lndia, France, Greece and r.·lex ico. Tl1c mini·tours \\'Cre ac· •'.:1lmpl!sh.;d wil h lhe hf'l p or cookbooks, hO\\'evcr, since each !rip \\·a s an excursion in gounnet cookinJ. ('!uh n1cmbtrs, during the pnsl months. have selcf'ted countries, plnnncd 1nenus and prepare<! dinners, i n v It i n g 1he1r l1usb<1nds, an d with the :;lir flf n spoon foun(! !hernst•lves in new !ands-. The Surod<iy gourmet grou p 11 ill cDntinue its tr.1 vcls ns the ''hi!) bl'l~in:, <l nl·w yc;ir nf ac· 11 \'illt·~. 1 lerc arc s-on1r t1f thl' n1orc popul;ir recipt'" the group has s;1 111plrd Lo dnte. IL\Sl'B ET~RY llA\";\RIAN CHEA.\! Pl !-: 1 ru:-.l for 10 inch pie I c11p flu\1r 2 !tibl es-ponn" ~ug;ir 1 1caspnon ));1k!ni:; fJO\\'dCl' '; rup h1itlt>r I r>g~ .~nl~. hr.ilr·n :\11\. fl11ur, ~ugar <.ind hak 1• p1J11·drr IOfll'lhl'r. Cut in b11I· !er. 'Vhen rni.xttll'~' 1s crun1bly, <1dd egg ynlk J\.nc.'ld together 11nt1! sofL and can be sha per! into a ball. Roll between sheets of wax paper. Fil into r;1n. Bake at ,3;,o degrees for 20 minutes, Cool. F illing: 2 l0-0unce packages fr ozen raspberries, completely tha wed and drained I cu p juice from thawed raspOerries 1 enveloqe u n r I a v o re d ge!atir: 2/3 cup madeira wine J cup heavy cream, \\'hipped Stir gelatin into Y4 cup raspberry juice. ileal re- maining juice and stir in gelatin mixture. Conti n u e .. heating until gelaUii is com. pletely d!ssolved. Cool sl ightly. Add madeira and refr;gerate until slightly set. Fold in c r e a m a~d raspber~ies. Pour into pie shell a n d refrigerate several hotirs before serving. This al ~o IT':ikes a gOO<! moirl by pouring filling into a one-qua rt mold. BAKED CRABM EAT CANAPE lari::e package cream chec~c tcasJX>On \\'or<'estershire sauce 8 ~quirts Tabasco s<iuce Da sh cayenne pepper I can A 1 a s k a n Rock rrabmcat 1 : cup sli\'ercd almonds Crea in the cheese unli l soft. Add \VorccsLershire sauce, Tabasco sauce, peppe', crab meal and a I m o n d s , reserving enough almonds to sprinkle over the top. Mix gently bul well and form into a mound on a pie tln. Sprinkle almonds on top. Put under broiler until brown and puffed up. Serve lwl with warm toast rounds. Crab mixture may be mounded on indivudual rounds and browned under broiler. Any leftover mixture may be kept in re-frigeraWr fo r several days. 'fhis is good serv ed as an hors d'oeuvre for a French dinner featuring seafood. ESCABECHE DE P__.OOS 2 pounds small fish fillets (sea bass or halibut) Ji;, cups olive oil 2 cloves garlic l me<liu m onion, sliced I ~~ teaspoons black pepper 1 tablespoon ch o p pe d parsley 1.J teaspoon crushed cumin seed 1.~ teaspoon powdered ginge r 1.:1 cup vinega r 2 t.ablespo:ms lemon juice ~~ cu p v.·ater Sall 11i cu p minced scallion 4 lemon slices 2 small ba y leaves Lightly dredge fish "''i1.h flour . Heal 1l cup oil and rry ga rlic and on ion until soft. Remove and reserve. Fry fish in same oi! unti l golden, Drai n and arrange i n shallow edged serving dish. Mix remaining cup <lf oil, spices, herbs, vinegar, lemon juice, water and salt to taste. Pwr over fish. Sprinkle 9fith reserved onion and garlic and cho p p ed scallion. Add lemon slices and bay leaves. Marinate 24 hour~ in refrigerator. Serves 6-ll <is a delicious appetizer. H . .\ZELNUT TORTE To be served wilh English dinner featuring roast bee( and Yoril.shire pudding. 1a cup shel.led hazelnuts J uice of 11~ lemon 8 eggs, separated 1 ~'l cups sugar 1h cup bread crumbs G!'ated rind of 1 small lemon J tsp . .,.anilla 3/{ cup whi pp ing cream 1 cu p tart currant jelly. Grind or crush hazelnuts un· tit very fine. Set two table- spoons aside for outside of cake. Beat egg yolks \\'ilh sugar untlf'·very light. Add bread crumbs, lemon juice, r ind, vanilla and ground nut s. Bea t ~gg v.·hit es until stiff and fold geMly into mixtu re. Bake in two greased and wa:t li ned layer pans in slow oven, 325 degrees, Cool several hours before removing from pans. Remov e cake y,•ilh care. ~1ix 1/4 cup jelly with whip- ped cream and s pr e ad between layers. Whip re· maining jelly with fork and spread over top and sides of cake. _Powder wilh nuts. Decorate with swirl of whip- ped cream. Chill thoroughly before serving. It is oflen a good idea to bake the eake the day before and Jet cool overnigllt:. Combo: Hot I n }Jere's a drr :im of a c1·comy 1nain dish that m ~kcs a v.·ondcrful wann lunch or sup- per in ininu tes w h I l e il pam1X"rs your pocketbook. So many good things go irttn this hecirly hot co1nbo. The. un ique flavor nf th e snu1.:e comes from a generous help- ing of dairy ~our cre:i n1 111 combination \\'ith re.:11 bult cr. plenty of milk, green pepper und oniwi. and ~avory cookl'd ha m. Unde r the saucy topping i~ corn bread, Use corn brc;id n1lx or prepare your own. To serve, split pieces of corn bread and sn1olhcr \vlth harn sauce. There you have iL , .a • !~sly n1ea\ for the thrHlv that's oul of the ordinary, ar:tl so nutritious, too. Add a vegetnble or salad and you have all the keys to good nu trition for meal plan- ning -milk. me<1 t. b r e. a ll , '~!!•'.ables and fn 1it. HAI\! 'N conN BREAD I package (10 oz.) corn bread 111i:o; 1 1 tup i '" slirk) bullC'r 1 ~Clip chopped gree n pt·ppcr '1 cup chopped onion 3 tablespoons r~gul;i r all· pL1rpose fl our 1 , teaspoon suit 1 ·; tc;:ispoon dry n1uslard ::! cups mil k 2 rups cubed cooked han1 -•• ____ .... -- ' Problem Unraveled 1-learty 1 :· cup d:iiry ~our cre.'.1m a:, roum tl·n1perntu re Dake corn brr~1d ~(·<·01"!1 ,11: to patk<igc dir>;(·\1ons. !rr a 2-qL•art s;;.ucep:1n n1 .. J• hul (cr; <i lit! grrcn P<'Piir r l•n•! Olllfln , ~;!lllC Unlll ju~t' 11.!1 .~ Stir in flu ur. sci'l ;11•1! nlusi:irli . J1cn1ovc fni·11 111 +- grujually }'~lr in !Ti!lk~ t\ 1 1 !J :J llL Co1,k 01 <·r 1i1~·Lu1, 1 ~li rring ru!.. Li I' .. , 1111 1 th1CkC'ncrt. (',10k 2 il'ld[t fl"'ll ' Hen1fH'C ft'(i!il hv~it ;11:.I ·!er sou r t'l'(':Hn_ Serve t'Jl'Cr crirn hrl'·er!, r :111d .!;[1!1[ Ill h.ll f, ~· 1' SCl'\·inj:;~. I ~ ' .. ' " I ' , I Il is 11ol necessary lo h ave someone hold lhe skein o_f yarn \Vhll e you 'vH1cl , into n ba!l. Simply lay the skein over a fl oor la mp, loosen the nut lh;:it hold •. the shade and s tart winding. The shade wiU revol ve as you \vind. Waste Problems Mount With Disposable Diaper Campai gn By DOROTIJY WENCK Or'"" C.iJntr !lo"'' Adw1sor Look out parents! \.\-'e·re being invaded lf lhe proino\ers of dispos~b!e diapers. 'The LA area. according to an article in a· Los 1\ngc Jes newspl}pcr. has been chosen by three major ~isposl1ble diaper i1)11nufac1urcrs as the b3Ulegrouncl for an eStinlatcd $300 per baby worth of •' IJl)Sable diaper sal/..o;. Daytime TV ads their chief weapon. 'e·vc h<ld rl1sposah!e diapers for a lon g time. Bt1t because of their cost and thei r tQtnewtvit unsa tisfa ctory perform ance, m0st mothers use them only for trips or flt her Awav-from-home activities. The manufactur.ers hope lo raise rhl.'ir level of ~!Sf fr:,inl re in 400 diap'1r changt.!5 to OOC in 10 . The 11tw di.~pos.1bll.'s. aecor<hng In the JTI<inuf:K:turers, are n1orc absorbent 1111d nre (!"~1gne1I for r.1~v {ltl :ind off. f)ISPOSABLE. RliT. llOW '.' ll11l 1here·1 one important problem with < Home News and Views lbem that lbe m~•llf•etun:rs aren'I ctv· Ing us ~ lbe lacU nn; And tbal 11, what t<i do wl"-tbe ustd dla~t1. It sOtM!s . great to say, "dispose Qf them~· Blil. wt.ere? Some companies in- fer that tliey can be flushed down t.he toilet. BUf this pr~sent.!t, the decided haza rd of plugged sewer pipes. And what wlll lhe ss age disposal planU do witll the treme ndous increase in paper that might occur if diapers were flu11hed away? " No, !he !~ish can is going to have to be lhe place for these disposable diapers. How many more barrels a week would tha! adrl to a family's trash collection? And if the manufacturers' sales goals 11re reached, how could our disposal com· panit! handle the increase in trash -and where W<l\lld they go with it? PACKAGING WASTE This problem of dl1pe1ki1 of oar wastes -paper, can1, boUles,. pla1llc1 -ba1 bKome mounUllnou1. At a rtceal cop. ference OD the packaglni wa1te problem, 1pNIOr'ed by the. U•lvenftJ el Califoral•, parlklpan&I were teld that American• In a year are dbpotba& of ZI bUllOD botun, •& billion ean1, Jt mlUlon tons or p11ptr 11nd 4 million tons of plastic. Packaging waste~ alone amount lo nearly 10 poand1 ptr ptrson ptr day. "The rapid Increase in convenience containers and packaging materials i!I becoming critical from an en vironmental pollution and waste disposal standpoint ," said Dr. George F. Stewart, head of the Food Protection and Toxicology Center at UC, Davis. "This Is not Just a laxpayer's problem of collecting and carting away t.ras.h," he Y id. "lt'a costing us financially and aesthetically in destruction ()f expensive, irreplaceable open land. We are burying our&elves in oor own trash and paying for U1e privilege." The difficulty. according to Dr. Stewart. ls that more and more packa g. ing ·materials won't burn, break, crush, degrade, dissolve, or olherwise dlaap.- pear. Only 10 percent of ~se materials are salvageable lor reuse. And now we want to add tons of disposable diapers to the heap? They're burnable, you might say. But if we burn I.hem We'll have more air pollu t]OJI -and we already have enough or th::it ! I hope this is one inslan~e where con· sumcr.s will resist the pr essure of ad· vertising and use the les.11: conven:cnt (perhaps), Jess C06Uy, washable cloth d iaper.~. We must all become more concerned about the pollution of our environment - bC'fore it 's· too.late. QUESTIONS WE ARE ASKE D ''· I've been told lhat DDT is freq uently present in egg1. Is this true? A. Our poultry specialist, Milo Swanson or UC, River~ide, tells me that the. use of DDT .and other related hye'lrocarhon com- pound s · has not been permitted for pesticide control in poultry flocks for11be , past four to five years. Furthermore, regulatory officials of the State of Ca lifornia continuously monitor all foods for DDT, including ettgs and poultry. For more th<tn a yva r thrrc have been no reports of nnr lx'lng found in poultry prod\Acts in Cnl irorn la. The ref<'!re. you can continue to u ~e. e-?~~ ,v\th !he finn a"~u rance th.i t !11eY c(11111~in no barn1lul pcslicidc residues. Q. t have an electric can opener, ond I find that cleaning the blarlc I~ .1 111pc·.v, tedJous job. Us\1 ally I use a ton:.1r1r~ \a scrape off the muck. Any i;uggc~1 1011~ ror an easier \\'Uy'! · A. You might try this: Disc·n11r1·• t. !'~" cord from the oullcl. Then lip the 11 11•r •r forward so that th e cut Uni! whl'<'I r!:' 'Iii In a sma ll flat dish or a~l;tray wi: 1 IHTl· monia in it. Le~ it soak a11 hour or l\10 or overni~ht. Then Y.'ipt· 0/f the soil 1~dh ;1 paper towel. Q. A man came to my dn('lr srlllo~ fond blender1 and he told nic t\;:it \'l'~1:t:i h! lil1e carrots and (';iL!.:ii;e ;in: n1r.rc nutritlous if turned 111.u j11h·c lr1 thl" blender t'1n n if you li:n1• lo chew li1o.':~I. C.1n H1i9 br ln;t'·: A. There's nn tnnh 1n t"i.:: ~\<1~· 11l: 1 -1t a:I, !l's a r ~::i: t'X"n1~ ·~· r.I hr1W ~:+It· 1· l 11nme'in:r~ 1\1' 1 I: !~tu i;i,>I J a rr111ilu·t l ~ mal:ers nf'l t wh1·:l1•·r \n;1 <':1rw 1l r•"w ver,rtable or drink 1L-thr. fo..)fl \'il!\,e \.\111 be Lhe sanie. • .. ----------------------------·--------------------···---·-·----··· ..•. -····· ~ . ~ ..... 3f 0.l!LY PILOT Wtd~~a1, O<:lObtr 15, 1'6CJ .. .;!:;;;;;.~;;~~~=;;=:;_:.~=:,,::_._'.'..~-~~:~:~,,;::~~,.,:,~.~.;;,2,,~.,,..~·~•""'3*mmc1~1•""''~'*••"'•••• .. ~>·~1~•""'•.,•••ne~'*""•""'·""··~·~"""""·""'c'~**'·'~'~'B'~Mm••l!l!!!'~•~e~•M•~•~•~·~•~1~·~r·~w""••5s+z=~~-~·~.s~1~t!l""+L"'>2""'K~•~·:r-~""-''"'"""""""cr:~~ ..... '4'::U:::S::::rn( I Mature Women Get Boost in Returning to Career World By JO 0 1..SON 01 "'9 Dtllf '1kll ~!•If Tue facl lhal more and more mature \o\'Omen are returni ng to ·work Is \\'tli ii· Jus trated by the curr@nl series at the Santa Ana YWCA, a seven-week job clinic for mature women planning In enter or reenter the labor rnarkel. to.lore than :lOO women from Orange County responded to the announce1nent of the clinic, but with a seating capacity of only 100 in the YWCA bui lding, registration \Vas limited. A repeat of the course is tentative ly scheduled for the early part of next year. The seeond meeting in the series coven!d self-evaluation and was th emed fl!aturlty Is an Asset. Four speakers, representing varied job markets, were in- troduced by 1'-1rs. Dorothy \Vrnck, Orang e County home advisor, and described the ernployment picture in their respective fields. Mn. Wenck also ga \'e sta- tistics oo lhO!ie enrolled . Avf:f"- nge age of the women is 45. Fourteen are co llege gradu· ales and one has a masters degree. f\1any ha ve dooe ex- tensive \•o\untttr work an d only four have never held full-Lime jobs. Speaking first was t-.·lrs. Bernice Hird, community rela- tlons a n d communications :specialist for Hunt-Wesson Foods, Inc., Fullerton. KNOW YOURSELF t-.1rs. Hird began by chang- ing the theme Maturity Is an Asset to Maturity Can Be an Asset. It can be an asset, she said, if you know yourseU and take advantage of t he knowledge to correct your v.·eaknesses. •·Perhaps you have become a less·lhan-interesUng person to your hus band an d children," she illuslral t'd. \\'omen deciding Lo go bal'k to ~·ork ha ve usuall y reached a turning poin l in their Livl"S. ··Pause to look at yourself ,'' she urged. "'Be prepared is a good mot- to for \\'Omen ~·ho wish lo retu rn to work. Industry is 1oking for well ·adjusted, adap- table people. Be interested in what they have to offer you." ''Typing ls the best skill to enter the labor market with ," t.lrs. Hird said. She urged the \Yomen lo be prepared by praclicing typing and by fi lling out a sheet in advance listing their qualificatio ns , including past e1perience. For those who havl! no special skills , Mrs. H i r d po int ed out that there are man y adult education courses offered al minima.I cost. FurU1er susgeslions she of- fered the prospective job· seekers included having a posllive attitude du ring the job intervie w, w e a r i n g con1- fortable clothes to the in- terview and being yourself during the interyicw. Next lo speak "'as tllrs. Be_t- ty Robinson, training director for Bullock's, Santa Ana. A former exe c u t i \" e secretary for Bullock 's, tllrs. Rob inson described Qualif1 ea- tions desired by the store tor their sales personnel. l\1ATURITY AN ASSET Someone who likes people is the first reQuisite for the saleswon1en . Maturity also is an asset, she said, because . young people work lo earn money so U1ey can go off and "do thei r own thing." snd mature peop le "'Ork to "do their own thing.'' A job is \vaiting for you in the 1-larbor Arca - a postion needing no other qualification but y our time and willing hands. Now is the time to get invol ved in your com- munity's needs. Hundreds of positions arc a \\•ai ting your tele- phone call to the Volunteer 13 urcau. !l·trs . Linn Arkush at 642-0963 is the executive director a nd \Viii assist callers from 9 a.n1 . 'lo noon every \vcckday. EMPTY HOURS? You can hel p on a playground or teach c hild ren arts and crafts one or m ore hours a v.·eck. You can learn to use an aud iometer to aid the therapisls in s creening school children. A special orienta tion course \1·i ll be given for teachers of the bUnd . Jnstructions on sc11'ing arc offered. You c an work \Vith children 11/ho have defec- tive speech proble1n s. Classes take place daily. EXTRA TIME ON HANO? Ilcre a re some ideas for club holid ay projec ts. Special drums a re needed in exercise classes for orthopedically handicapped children. Also this is t he time to think about ;:i dop ting nn indivi dual or a \vard in one of the hospitals or convale scent ho1nes fo r Thanksgiving or Chrisl1nas. If you speak Spanish you can hel p others to learn our langu age. MRS. HOWARO A. KAY JR. l·landy a round the house ~ i 'o11 \\'Oul d be valu- ahle to the com munity rehabilitalion center. Thev need a man. at his convenience. for lights. 11•indO\\:S and carpentry. Me1a Home Selected Racheal Rosas Marries Howard Arthur Kay Jr. Horoscope Take one day at a time as you go oul lo apply for posi. lions, she urged the "·omen. \\'orry about only one eom- pany at a time. ··Availabili ty , f!exibilitv and adap!abl!Hy all are dfsi red Qualificati ons," she said. "Be pre pare d for sh or t psychological lest!!. Ma ke sure your appearance is attractive, as fir~l appearances often are lasting. Being well groomed ~ives you a sense of con- fidence. If so meon e asks you 1f you can do something, s:iy you'd like to give it a chance," she concluded. The thi rd speaker \Vas John Hildeb rand, classified person- nel director for the Anaheim City School District. [';0 EXTRE!\tES llildebra11d beg::in by stress- ing the importance of ap- pearance and grooming. Clean clot11es and no extremes in makeup and hairdo a rc essen- tial for working in a school or sthool district office, he said. ··Age is no handicap." he stressed. "You must be able tu get along "'ith your fel101Y employes, and a good al· tendance record Ls a neccS,';1· ty" Hildebrand stated t h a t ~cl1ool district jobs arc al a premium and competit ion for lhen1 is keen. Concluding \1·as t-.lrs. (JJ11 e Zinke, personnel a n a l y s t , recruiting and e x a m 1 n 1 n s d11'ision, County of Orange. "During the last six years the nun1ber of positions in the county has grown from 2JOO 1n 8.JOO and mosl of these arc e!l'rical 1n naturr," she sait1. She suggl'Slrd thal wo1ncn sc ekingjob s p r esent then1sci l'es a.~ ilt:Cli!'ately as PQSsible. "Don·t e v a ! u a t c vourseH in the end. Let th <' (iualified intervie1rer decide if you are ca pahlr of f1ll1n~ ;i position. Bl' honest \1·1th ~ uur 111terviewtr, '' t-.lrs. \\'enck coneluded bv su mn1ing up the Spt'aker~· :i1l- 1 IC(' '"Don'l sell \OUr'il'lf sho rt. Ht•n1ember lli;Jt the ability lo JlCl along 111l'll 11 1111 olhl'l'S 1s a very 11nporl;11lt qual1fiea t1(111 " The two-hou r scss1u n 11as 4·oncludrd "·1t h a ques11u11- <tn~11rr pt'nod "hcrr f;:1rl1 uf tl1t• speakers ml't 1nfnrma)l_y 11ith a small 11.ruu 11 of 11t.11ncn. Although the currcnl i'll'rw~ is eluscd 10 registr;itJon , ll1<o.'if' wishing to be p!:it:ed on ;i priority list fur the ne>.1 cl111 1c 111:iv t·11ll 1hc Y\VCA. 542.;1;>77. C0ncludin~ topic'> 11·1H IJp Jlo1v to 1''inU Joh ll10- porlt1nities, Your Jl)b Ap- pllc<it1011 , the Tcc·hr11ques 11f Test Taking, l\'leet th!! ~:n1ployer anti Sn Nnw \ 011 llHl'C 1l Job -How Do 'i 11u l\ecp Jt? During a candlelight double ring ceremony in St. Andrew 's Presbyterian Chu rch Racheal Rosas became U1e bride of Howard Arthur Kay Jr. ,1·ere Henry Rosas J r., Charles R. Ros~ and Keith Paulson Jr. Ring bearer \\'a5 Robert Escalera. Aries: Praises Due Someone at Home .Autumn Fa shion Parade Marches On Parents of the brida l ("{)Uple are ?11r. and hfrs. llenry C. Rosas and r.lr. and hlrs. Howard A. Kay , all of Costa flfesa. GlYen in marriage by her father, lhe bride wore a chif- fon ove r ta ffeta go"·n ""ith a cathedral t rain. Lace forrned her empire bodice and long sleeves and \\'as repeated in her headpiece. She carried a cascade of v"hite roses and camations. Jn a pastel pin k chiffon O\'C r linen gO\\-'n and carrying raspberry colored carnations "'ith while chrysanthemums and baby·s brea th was tlfiss Barbara Rosas, lhe bride's sister and maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss .Jan fl ead}ey, Mrs. Joe h1cndez anrl flliss (;cri !liguC'ra, and f101\•('r girls \\·ere Veronica and Carol Castillo. All "·ore raspberry colored go~·ns. Attending as best man \\'as Douglas ?l-1ollcy, v.•hile ushers A reception for 175 guesls follo\\·ed in flfesa Verde Coun- try Club \\-'ere t-.t iss Judy t-.iar- quis presided at the guest book . Special g u e s ts attending \\'ere t-.-1r. and Mrs, 0. J , Kay of Glenda le, the bridegro0m ·i; grandparcn1s, fo.1rs. R i t a Higuera of Ne"·port Beach and ?.!rs. Rachel Ybarra of Sa n Diego. U1e bride's grand- molhers. Alter honeymooning in San Fra ncisco, Lake Tahoe and Las Vegas, the newl yweds will reside ln Costa t-.tcsa. The bride ls a graduate of E!!tanci a 1-llgh School and her husband is a Costa Mesa High School graduate. Both at- tended Orange Coast College. Cactus Society Orange County C::ictus and Succulent Society meets the first \Ved nesday at noon in Odd Fellows Hall, Costa t-.lesa. Weddings, Troths THURSDAY OCTOBER 16 By S"\'DNEY O!'ltARR ECLIPSE OF' FULL 11-fOON occurs In Aries. Communica- tions are featured and Df'M~ could spotlight end of one e•a and bt:glnnlng of aootbtr. BEST BUYS: automohlle:ir;. refrigerators, hats and bair ornamtnb . Favorable day !or fisbina:. ARIES (to.larch 2\·Apnl 191· Cycl e m ov e s up; circumstances favor you r ef- forts. Take initiative. You could make wonderful buy on luxury item. Someone in your home deserves praise, en- couragement-give it. TAURUS (April 20-flfay 20): Especially good f o r endeavors whic h concern mo- tion pictures, le!evision. stage productions ~'hlch b e n e f i t charitable organization. Be ac- tive wilhin fra ter nal group. Kt>y is cooperat ion. GEl\tlNI (l\.1ay 21.June 20): You discover true friends. You ~ain re\\·ard for past efforls. Encouragement is received to pursue creative project. You 1nay have lo "·ork overtime, But don't grumble:. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): E m p has is on !ravel. publishing, br('aking r r 0 n1 usua l rou tine . Gel ideas on pa per. TI1ey can cvrntually be developed into pr of it ab I e enterprises. VIRGO !Aug. 23-Sept. 22 ); \'our in tui tion serves 1-011 1\·ell - especi ally in moTiey r!tci.~ion, Son1e puz 7,les ;ire pieced togetht'r. You can 1oiain bcllcr !'ense of dirccti!1n. Steer clrar of legal rntanglements. LIBRA (Sept 2.3-0ct. 22 ) \'011 could be called upon to m;ilic !:.pcc1al appc;1ra11ces Legal matters emphasizrd and i;o are partnership:;. Be flex- ible . r.tove 11·ith lhc tunes. Aroid ohstinacy. SCOH PIO (0 c t . 23 . Nol'. 21 ): You may feel that loo much Is being asked. But lhts is acluaUy a compl iment. You r c. a pa bi I it ; t' s arc highliglited. And depe nde nts lean hea vily. l\laintain your own sc nsr of b<ilancc. SAG ITTARIUS (NO\'. 2~ nee. 21 ): Greater freedom of lhoughl. action ii; indica!rrl Creat.ive resources come tn fore. Keep promises to children. Your ideas arr you n g -and person a l ma gnetism radiates. You 're a "·inner . \\l1at lhc \1·ell rlrc:.::.c d officer's \\ ifc \1·c:irc; lo ·the comrn1 s:;~r.v. luncheon!' . .i.:cncrttl'~ rccept10n .~ <Jl'rf h~ll:; 11 111 hr> r <1r;1dtd frnn1 S11x of 1·u ~l1n 11IH111 tile Officer;) \\"1vc::.' l"lu]) of El '/'oro 111et'1s fnr .:1 Jun C'h- Wrinkle -free Sk in f'l1n in the I) ('l uh 111 11 .:;o ;1111. 1uc•dn\. f}ct. 21. :-.1rik1n.c; up ror the r ,1radc 1nnrch ;ire llf'il 11"1 right) ~lr..: .lnhn \\'. t)u1 sl, !llr.~. I!. \\. Bnclc r .in ti ;\Jrs, A. J·:. '!"hc rriJ11lt. 'A-peeling' Product Proposes New Hope BARBARA SENN December Rites Barbara Senn Will Marry John Will io ms R.r .11 ·ny Il l l~s·r 01 !~f D••I • Pdot SIOll \\"rink lc:--tlH~ ~ .... our~c <ll lhr \\·c:;I Tt1e f oun!.11n or "Youth seekers hill'l' found a new bc3u ly prod11c L BuL it doc,ri"L r ro1ni5e Lo r1·1nQ1e 1\·rir.~h·•;_ And il"s 11111 .1 "1111rat·!c crcilm"' 11 h1eh :-:tops at;111g. Ont"' of its creator~. Antoine :'llarengo, offers thl' public li np!'. 'I 11r .1 uuthi\1\ :1'1d h;t1U!·n1nr l'.1n•1;1n l1;i, 111d 11 "I 1111h cl1 ·rn1.ilol0bJJol<; ;+11d ;1U,Jrf'~~r$ 111edlt:;_l f l'IJ!llf'111Ulll~ "Tl tu<; prnd1il'\ s <'ap.1hi1111c~. "1 1 ·il1<' l:i"lrc fl f :1 prr~(ln t•~lrrnlll ly ;uirl lh r dnc10 r 11urk.~ in· t rrn:ill~ ·hr rl;!l'1l11·d '"\\,. tJ1~rt•1rrrd \1h;it 1\a~ 11rr1lt•d 1111 lh1• \r11• nt':1n n1:1r~1·r w:is a s;ifr. r.:i~~ 1r...1p- ply n1rlhod 11hrrc wo1114•n 1·nu!d fl'rt1111r this 11n11r1·cs- :.o1 1'v 1;11 rr of lll'rn v !\kill"' - ' I Pilot's Deadlines NC'w outlook indicated ~·htre cart'('r mauers are conctrned. A project is hting co mplrted . Don'l hang on to past. t'ither in professional or personal \lfe . Look nhead . CAPRICORN !Dec. 22.Jan. 19): Your practical :o;ensc comes lo fore. You are able to evaluate. You get thin_gs 1n !heir proper order. Oldrr ~rson displays conridcncc You have greater" feeling of security. l:;irh:1r<1 .Jran !)e1111 11 1\1 bcco111c the bndr of .Jul111 11101111os \\"illi11ms du rini:; 11 Dec. 1:1 rrn·111011y 111 1lir r·crnd.ilc \\'rdUlng Chapel, Santa An:i. "l'('c! n \l;il1ri11r rr1no'.r~ lhl' harn1ful 1np J.1,·('r nf d('ad :-kin \\'hrrt' .i;uper111.~1nl lint.~ form and 1.'ltcr drvc lnp in10 \\'rlnkles. The ncrl ~IO\I ~ !hr ;1gin.c prnc1'!':'i cln1111 hy 40 p1.·r- crnt." he \-011 ed . Ill' h···l1r1cs 11c1Lh111~ othrr lh:1n \l'IJl!·r, 11,1t11r:1I ••i i.~ and thr Jingrrs ~llfn1!d touch !hr l.1r r. "Thr 11ln1osl 11n1\rrsat 1dra nf str11king !hi' fa cr up11 :1rcl 1n ~:i~h 1ng and p11t11n~ nn rn;ilicop ~s {'nn1plctPly 11 rnng. The port'~ point dn\1'11 . L fl o k 11011" you r h:111· gro"'-" , , . riOll'lll\'ill"d. ..... LEO (July 23·Aug. 22); •·The ~k111 r,111't t:''! 1111' 11ulri('r1ts it necd i; lro111 !hr ;ur unlrss this l;ivrr 1s tr111n\cd ' Arriv1 niz ~C1·cn \·rar~ :if!n rro1n Fr;1nce. An101nt' ;ind h1~ brother J oJo 001\ \\urk nut ol their sa lon in f1l·11•rl,v ll1Hs. COSMOTOLOGJST Antoine Marengo To a void disappointment . p rospective brides are reminded to have their \Yedding stories with black a nd white glossy photo- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart- ment prior to or \Vithin one v.·eek after the \l.•edding. !<~o r enga gement announcements it is suggested •hat the story , also accompanied by a black a nd white glossy p icture, be submitted ea rly. If the betrothal announce· m ent and v.1eadi ng date ar e six weeks or Je ss apart. only the wedding photo wiJI be ac- cepted. Scouti 11g Saluted Next Saturday will be Girl Scou t Day at South Coast Plaza , Costa to.fess from 10 1.m. to 4 p.m. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feh, J8 ) · You boonne more mobile -both physically and men- tally. You are not exactly surr of wh at you desire. Give full pl11y lo curiosity. Che c k various possibilit!es. Ask ques· lions. PISCES (Ft'b. I!>-1.farch 201: Take steps to increase Income polenlial. Add to possessions. Be liP.lective. Util ize you r SCMe ot quality, f!ood taslr. Someone at home makes you hapny. Parrnl~ nf tht bclrnlhrd arc fllr . and ~l r·s Brrn;ird II _ Senn Of Cos!a r.tesa and 1-.·lr. and tll rs .. Jolin T. \Villi11 rns or Anoihrim. The cn~:igrment ""il:'i ari· nnunced during a fan11ly gathering in the home of the b r idegroom-ell'cl's parcn1 s' home. Hel11tivc.i; .end clo~c friends congratul;itcd the cou- An toine '·" ;; lll'cn~rd cnc- 111etoloi:;i~t 11 ho c!i~l·o11t\11urd 11 l;i w profession nnd polltical fut ure lo to!lnw in th c loot~lrps nf h1" 1·hc111:st- ~llrl!(Cf)n gr:indf;1thrr '· \\' r "·rre cnndition~d at home to IX' con5r1n11s of a youthru t ap- J"l<'Olrflnt•r ·· "\\j1rn !hr. skin is n1hhed \1p\1(1rd ii. loo.'i('llS and rnlargr~ the porrs and anylhing nnl 11 :1tcr ,';Qlublr mcrrlv ;ir. run111l:11es on \h(' skin. becorn- tr1p, a 1nagnet for dust and bJf'leria .. His pt>r! con~i~ts 11f 1hrrr 11h:i~es. (1111•, U1c do11·n"·nrd r11bbin_1:: of the facC' \1·hrrc th e rlrad ~kin is paltrd nfF. Scr- ond. the nibbing Up\\'ilrrl of lhe ~kin tn rcph1cr nt:1ds "'hirh ha1 r brrn rrmol'cd Third 1~ the f!ppt1ca l!on y;hith replaces thr ni!. 1ncnrll'd as ;i 1rr..11rnrt1 I for<?<'• 11('. nor <IOl"S !t lll'lp s:igJ:i ng :-;l>.1n or :1lr\·,1d~ pre s c n I 11·nnklr~. ·· he \r:1rned. To help fill requirements on both wed· ding and engagement stories, forms are avail- able in all of the 0 .1\I LY J>t LOT offi ces. Further questions \\'Ill be an$\.\•ered by Social NoteJ staff membe rs at 642-4321 or 494-9466. Brownies, Junlorir:. Cadettes and Senior Girl Scout11 will display thei r troop activities on the lowel lever or the mall. Included will be strolling ~ingers. nrst aid demonstrl'I· lions. r()Ck palnUn11:. camp set- ups , arts and crafts. IF TODAY TS VO U R DIRTH DAY you a re in- trosptcti ve, creative and re· qu ire an oullet. for !!elf-e;{- prrssion. You may be due for • chanie of residence. ple. ' ~l i:'i~ !'rnn is a gr::idu:i lc of E~tancia IJ 1gh School and h1•r /Janee 1.~ <1n alumnus n[ lngle~ood High Sehool. li e Is a senior m1:11onng 1n English at UC!. \\'hen 1\ntninc talks he con- firt11" his slntrn1t•nt~ h) pu p- 111~ lhro11ah medical l)onks on ~kin Th~re is no lnnAUa~r h:-.rnrr anrl no ~nl'<!tionnl pitch rtg;irdinJ:: h1~ pc"el "hich has bet'n on the market slncc sumrni:r. The-1rra!n1rnt. si!nplr :i~ lhe 111\cntnr i~ 1'11l hu~1n,111·. rccentlv 1fl\~ introd1tr"d at IJurrum·~. F·a$luon 1~1.1 n1 ! '"The kit is not I l'Cfitn- · 'An1l'rtl·:1n 1-1·on1Pn ~hnul d h.1\·e lhe rno.~t beaul1f1,1! sk111- They htll l' ;111 lhC' rrso11rccs 11t 1hcir f1n,;er11p,. Du1 they <irr! f('d rnl~(' prorni.~CS "1th 1nst:inL l'l'ITH•rli!'~ 'l'hr ;1n1h1 11 OU~ nr111 1\n11·r1l·a.1 ~1!t11·11 ·' 1 at t rl l'1nph.111t•,11I), ··\\'c n1:ikc 11"1 1 nrrr1hstic· prnmisc:) >ind :.cU no ~11n1n1ck~." 5 ------------------------------·---------------------------------------------------- ' Freed om for Fa II Create Own Excitement Fashions Straight From Home Machine • ' I STALK OF A COAT -\\'0 11·111 l1ut no{ cu1nber.son1r. !he coa t. J'l:H1n1 " ;i 11ri jc)a•d cu1j ,1r <lnd s1narL JILtlc · Jlri p pock l't.~. ll ... a tht\'l'-P1l"cC ou1f1t to solve Jal! 1l'l11 pc rat 11 re.s. ) . l ~ H J.S. ·~ • .-·· • • I 4 J · I • \ ~· -r • I ·ii< •. Creating rash1ons with • new fr eedom for the fall of '69, Ilic hun1e se;unstress can be J1er O\\IU couture designer . Tht result s are inspi•ing for the ladies who create thei r own fashion wardrobes, giving them exciting ideas and ways of teaming tweeds with twi lls and plaids with plains as v.·etl as mini with 1naxi in styling. Themes for designs range from Lhe 40s look lo the Space Age trend and one group of muted plaids suggests a rcvivtll of the Sherlock Holmes legend_ r-.taxi coals are reminiscent of En1ily Bronte's Wuthering J-Jcights. and a patch work shirt c;irries out the gypsy mood. Space age outfits featu re the tunic and pants combination, sornc with tacked on pockets I 1110011-sh;iped, of course) tab· bed and buttoned, emphasizing a new neatness. The 40s influence Is felt ll'ith the use ot billowy sleeves, [lightly little scarves and long lies. Designs in tribute to Coco Cl1ancl einp!oy long tunic tops and 1stretchcd o u t cardigans. A new kind of casual chic shows that the sloppy look is passe. Patlcr!'ls are from But· !~rick, McCetll 's, Simplicity a nd Vogue and fabrics are from J .P. Stevens Inc. MORE DOCTORS, DENTISTS, ATTORNEYS, AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE USE TAB BECAUSE WE'VE GOT THE ANSWERI FOR AS LO.W AS $14.50 PER MO. CALL US NOW FOR INFORMATION ANO A BROCHURE. ,1 '' f -~,.;, ·--~ ~ 11· , ,,,.;i"J(~!-.... ! ~ ;.... -~:Ill.« I .,;. , . "t 'FUNNY' FUR -/Jr;:11n ;11 1c 111 .;:\)le, this nJvy , red ~ind ;_!old plaid 111:1.\i co ·1 1 (·111 n pJnt s i:-. e111 bellis hed 1vill1 a lil\ 1.,11 cull Hr :i nd vu!t:-. 1JI tl yed 1ccland1c l;~n11J. VERY DASHING -'Thi~ n1a:-..i co:1t is in 'lhc t r;:1diti o11 <If .J:111 c rlron lc \vith <lccp green colori11g in dou t)lc breasted fasll111 11. :\11 ove1..-1·1cd .~t ole 111 green anrl red plaid h ~111gs l'recl y, 'rhc s;1n1c plriid 1 ~ le:1 \u red 111 !IH! t'P,il 's l1n1 np,. f~nll1 lhc n1ax! con! ;ind sc~1rf ('(111 he ~L'\\11 tll <:l f.1\·nr ilt' ('r·inr t·11111l11n cit11u1 11 .~111·~ ~1 1 " (;all's pattern 2054 . P AL E 'N SMOOTH -S1•·\'l"TI:-. f.i!1 1 ics pl :1y <1 \p;1(!- r11lc· 111 !11!' l,\11 l.1 ·!11111 1 dr.11n;1 \\il h 'l h1, llln:,: li ne p,1nt.~uit. 'I lie c·n.d ('.I ll ll',1d ;1 :-l'par~1\c Jd i,:. ~ TILEPHONt -.J.lU> ANSWERIN; BURLIU 543-2222 9 OFFICES TO SERVE ALL OF ORANGE CO. <TOIN OUR En10'/ •J s,n g yo1•r s:1'tlin11 ~,iJvr:>r \',~·de you pay on our convenient clul) r l;n. Yc.1 •1.1 I t·'1-c11r. u l .Jn c!son1~ L1rn 1sh·rcsistant drawe r ch est FRE E \\ 11 <i ny :J2-1 '~1 ~»rvii::t~ !or 8 11 you 1oin NOW. 32-piece service coo- ~·sts a! 8 c:::ch : ;:;lJ~i: k•1ivr.'.:, ;il::icc fork~. s.Jl.Jcl forks ancl tc::ispoons. CHOC S E FROM AM E RICA'S LEADING SILVERSMITH S i -l J. c,.rl .. :1 l','.rrn1;,cn·:1 • '11 ... f fl(NCH PflOVINClAI.. . J~,.,.·::~~-~/ f'.~10"''-~\ :/ &.i ' " . ~r.; , I . c ' ,1-) ~ ,.t-' • 0 . -' ;ulll~~Jt;l ~ > :;; z g z Wa llace Towle • l urrt Heirloom PAV $3 MONTHL V PER PLACE SETTING NO INTEREST OR SERVICE CHARGE ON OUR STERLING CLUB PL.AN SI~AVICK'S 1, fA,SHIO~ 1~1..ANO N!;W,Ollt lEACH -•U·ll8t Y~v• (~•'~' A''""'" l"~l{OMt -B~~~A,..,t.,C•rd, W -.t~r (~~rg,, IO(I C/1••> Mo~~~·r, f"~"~ """t t JD""'· HIP S .••••SPECIA .......... LOSE INCHES NO\V ... BEFORE THANI\:SGIVING ! :::1 11 rl.ing-Monrlny, 0 ('t. JJ at 9 AM throu gh 4 Pf..{ Saturrla~-, Ort. 18, rill C!ori:i .\1arshall location:; in 1bc St.1t.e of Califom1fl , arc holding .<1 I ~ P rice Sal:! un ~pol RPrlucing for cit.her hips or waist. ~rhis special prit•c is for hi11s nnd "'.'li sl only 0 1' I i-; in conjunction V.'il h Gloria Marshall's regular rrogram . . . . l f yo u :ire one of the millions of Amcrit'.'ln \\'Omen with ti "I,;:;" hip prol 1l ~·1n ... nr, if t he tumn1y need;: inching back to give you th:i l }'Ot1lhf11 I :--lcnd{'r n1•pe.-.rn1 1<·1\ rln n·t m;~" this: ofT£·r. It snvcs you ~) the price on hips or \1·:11~t rcd11ri ni.:-:ind. nf l'Ou rsl', Gloria tvt a r.~hn!!'s prices arc nlv.'ays \c;:s ... much IL·::~ ... than r hnrgcd by n-n:, !!t h<"r :-ystem of 5l endcrizin~ salons for ,,·omen. C.'111 us :ind rornc in for .:i. sa1nplc visit ... no charge or obl1g:ilion. nrtua.J)y use the spr, .. 1·d rrrhH'in;: n1;-i,·hincs durin;: your .. 11nnle \·isit. \\rE /\1{E NOT A CYM! Glo1·ia Marsl1all dircctur c1 ii." WORLD'S LARGEST owned and operated Figure Control System says: .. "LOSE WEIGHT & PAY BY TIJE INCH!'' . \Vhy buy a years mc1nbcrship in a Gym to try and lose weight through s trenuou.~ '''crcise when you ,·:in h;iy ('(fortress weight reduct.ion and pay by the inch at c:loria Marshalfs •.. patrons, based on actua l recor<1i:. c.1 n ;u·hie\·c their go~J in as li ttle as 4 to G v.•ee"ks an<l ... LOSE 10 INCHES WI'l'HIN :F'1}{:S'l' 10 Y iSITS j'Tell us the dres>i size you want to wear, and we'll tell you ho'v many visits it will take and guarantee jn writing that you will reach your goal. In fact, .eo absolutely positive are we that you will obt.ain your objective, that as stated in our guarantee, we '!'vi ii even Iet you have FREE OF CHARGE, any and all fu rther \-isits, until you reach your goal It's po!iitive assurance that we ·:ick up our guarantee 100%. Start No11 fo1· your new fall fi gure! ' . ,. Come in. o//!/O rta b/e Casual clothes, disrobing unnecessary1 Private playroom facilitie1 for small children. F'IGURE CONTROL SALONS 430 Pacific Coilst Hwy. 642-3630 11 lloc•• foO of l o1boo loy Clwbl SANTA ANA 1140 WEST 17th ST., 541·9457 Dally !·9, Sat. t-5 • l•lkAmulclri ••• Mater CblJP .... ANAH EIM, 9 f11EJ;OLY HILl.5. (,jVl"<A. CPENSHAW, DOWNtY, GLENOALE, l.t.~EWOOO, LONe fll!:AC H, NEWPOolT B(A(H, NOll TH HOL LY...-000, OiliT•lllO, PASADENA, ~A N DIEGO, $ANtA ........ ,SANTA BARflA>lti.. 5UNlti.ND, Tti.lllANA, WN<T TIE~ Sa1on1 •llO in Fllf~NO, SACllAMl!'NfO, )AN JO~E. $UN~·(VALE • ...-Al.NUT CllEE<(. Salons .Jso in Fr11no, S11tr11tn111tq, S11n Jos t, Su11n1i•11ft, Walnut (reek Ill!----------------------------------------,~--------·····-----· ·10 D•~ Y I'll.OT FASHION UNMASK ED -High style \Yill take its p!<:1ce aloni:: \\"Hh !-pook ::itl1re 'rhen the i\ev;port Shores \\'on1rn·~ Soc ial Committee hosts Fashions de '.\lasque. Oct. 24 .. \lannequin J\Trs. Bette :\slor 1 right 1. 1, 11nn1:1-krd by ;\lrs, \\'. K .. <\.rnold as the llal!ov.-ccn !un beg ins. Halloween Welcomed In Highest of Style !L.11lowrf'n·l' clcnt7PI'"-'"I he f'\Jl and :ibo1J: r ;,rh· a~ 111r . \cwpcrl Shor!' .• \\' 0 1n E' 11 • ~ocial Comrn11tcr btd' 1 rn1 .... -11h a d1nnLr d:inr•· Frid 11 . f.J<.'1 2~. 1n 1hr B.i ~o .. 1.::1 ·. C!11b. . \ rorktn1! hr 1 r !'' : .,, \' 111 k1rli o:, 11." It . 1• ;;nd ;i fa~h1on •h'111. ~ ,,,J Jr \lasqu(' 1.1 1!1 tol11111 ;1• II ~how1ng the n 1 1• 1 .• : JJn:or. :-0\tss Harri~. star or th<' Al Pearce Sho11· !or 13 years, has ,1 30.000 mile l'SO junket to lier cred 1! A dona tion from the pro- !'Ceds "·ill be made to the !'ia- t1ona l :-.1ull1ple Sclerosis Soc1e. r.. Orange County Chap trr, Jnr pati ent ser1:ices in the i "rnmunny. ~lrs. Keith Arnold, wcial In Westminsfer Kappa Key Unlocks Trouble DEAR A!\N LANDERS: For 611; years v 0 w s Exchanged carried oo an affair with a married n1an. I 111•as dl\'Orced ~·hen 1 met him. Tn1c: n1an ~as a successful profes.siona l per!<ln and had a very high standing In the community, His wife knew oothtng about our relalK>~hip. We were di.scree:l and never once were we Sttn togethtt in ANN LANDERS public. Three weeks ago the man died sud- denly. I could not trust myself lo attend his fune ral . I stayed home and cried my heart out. Yesterday I gathtred togethu some ot his per sonal belongings. I have a strong urge to present them to hi! teenage son. Among the items are a pair of my lover 's solid goki cuff links and hi! Phi Beta Kappa key. I could tell the boy my ex·husband was a friend of his father'1 and the items t.1ere left in our llome. Or, I could just mail them to him aOO enclose a card S3ying, "from a business associate.'' \\'hich do you think is best~ Please ad- \·ise -~1EXACALI E ROSE DEAR ROSE : NelUler. Leave Cbe maa'1 family alone. Tbe bey ti.s maur- t"d s.o far -i lboul bl1 father's cuff Ualu and Phi Bel.t. Kappa key. He dMsa't Dttd !h<m. DEAR ANN LAN DERS: Don 't tell me to see a psychiatrist. I know I should but I can't afford one. Besides. the psy.".'hiatrists I've. met socially are crazier than I am. The problem is lhat 1 Jove company but O\'emight gue$tS maloe me nervous. \li'e ha\'t a lo\•e[y home, plenty of room and every conven ience, but I cannot slee p \.\'llcn company is in the hou.se. rm up all night wondering if there 1s dust on the fixtures or if the guests can hear my hus.. band snoring across the hall I hale myseU for being such a nut but th at's the v:ay I am. Can ~·ou help me~ -L.E.~I. DEAR L.E.M.: I let DO reasoa wby you m11st Uve ovenal1bt puu if tbty make you .en·oas. If yoa owe lricitd1 or relalivts O\'ernl1llt hospitality. pul them up in a Mite! or a motel nearby and pick ap lht bill. DEAR ANN LANDERS : Is 1t true tha t a penon can heal a sty on his eye by rub- bing a gold ring on it? I always thought lhis Y.'8.3 nonsense un til I discovered for myself that ii actually does work. Y.'hen I toki this to a few friends thty looked at me ;;i s H I had lost my mi nd . How do you explain it? GOLDIE DEAR GOLDIE: Accordla& lo tbose wbo kaow mort 1bout sties lb•a eye ( 1or· ry -couldn't resist ltl. they are in· •ectious ud • per&0n wbo llas a 1ly Autumn Hues Accented 1bould not fool around v.ilb home remtdlt1, The fact that your 1ty disap· pt•red after you rubbed lbe gold ring on it is purely coincidenlal. Tbt cold ring Mid no curati\'t poll'ers. \'ow t.1'arU -lba1'1 another story. Many people ba,·e rid tbemseh·es nf warls (wlltcll are \'irus infe ctioos ) by •'t.1'ish.ing" tbem av.·ay and perforn1ing .cher acts of hocus-pocus "·hirh ba,·t nu l::asls ia the healing scie nces. \\ h) ·.• ~obody Uo111·s~ CO;{flDEt-.'TIAL TO PERPLEXEO AND A~xroi:s TEE;{AGER · Chel~ "'ith your spiritual advisor. Your ch urlh and mine are not 1I1 accord on this. Wbta romantic glances turn t'l y,arm embr11re1 is it lo\·e or chemistry·? Sen d for the bookl et, ·'Lo\·e or Mx and 1101\· lo Tell the Difference," by Ann Landers. F.nrlose a long, stamped, st lf·addre~srrl ~n,·elope and l 5 cents in cola with you r t cquest. Ann Landers t.1·iJI be glad lo help ynu ~·itb your problems. Send them to her in care of the DAILY PILOT. enclosing a aelf·addressed, stamped en,·elope. Nuptial Vows Recited An autumn bouquet of chrysanlhemums and gladioli and aisle bows ~eked with orange and yellow f\o~·ers decorated Christ Presbyterian Church for the wedding of Sandra Brockmann and Arne Gl enn Anderson. The bride, daughter of ?-.1r. and ?-.!rs . W i I I i a m J . Brockmann o f ~lunt1ngton Beach, was given in marriage by her father. For her ~·edding s h e sele<"ted a chi Hon over taffeta gO\\'n 111·i th a lace bodice en- ._ ... ·_ .... "'t!':' .~. crusted Yiith seed pearls, and a dl'tachable train. She v.·ore an elbow length illusion \'l"il and carried a bouquet of "'hite daisies and baby's breath. ~liss Kathy Ellis o f Bellilo'A'er \\·as mai d of honor and he r go"·n was orange and yellow pai sley crepe. She ~·ore ribbon streamers in he r hair and carried )'ello1v straw flo~·ers. Bridesmaids 111·ere t h e r.lisses He i d i Brockm ann , Cathy Schoster and Johnnie r.tcArthur, all of 1-luntington ••'RR 'O--• -· Bea c h , a nd Tammy Brockmann ser.,.ed as f!ov."er girf. The bridegroom. son of r-.tr. and l\irs. Leonard Anderson of Hu ntington Beach. asked John r.telgar to serl'e as best man and Greg Burl an d Randy Pugh to be ushers. Follo11·ing the ~remony 22S guests attended a champagne reception in the home of the bride's pa rents "·here fall ac- cents were repeated In boll· quets of ch~'santl'lemums and colored lights on the patio. LISA MUMFORD December Bride :-Ola\ong lhe1r hurnc I n \\'estmirLSt er are f.t r. and r-.lrs. Derald V. \\'ildharber 11 ho e~· changed thei r wedding vow!i and rings during a ceremony conducted by the Rev. Everett Auger in the Peek Family \\'edd1ng Cha pel. The bride. the forrncr ,\!rs. :-.1arcella Sco tt , is the ~terr daughter and daughter or :-Olr. and r-.1rs. Forest i\1aru rr. <Jf Hun tington Beach . Seri 1ng as best man, and u.~hcr~ 11rre .Jim \\'1ldharb1'r of lluntingtun Beal'h. H:irnhJ Sk<:hon I)[ Ga rdl'n Gru1r :11\d Al ~(·ilsen of Torrance H111g Dea re: 11;1\ Gene r-.tarurr. Follo wu1g lhc 1·cr<'1nony thP ne11·ly"•eds were honored dur- 111g a TCt'C'jl!IOn Hl !hl' lio111c !JI the i\1arures. '\11r new j\lr' \\'1lc.Jh;1rbl'r I :i gr<1du<ilc ol i\larina 1!1gn Sehnol , and her husband \Iii\ i;raduated frun1 Tafl l'ni 1)11 J/1gh School and Tall Collei:r rnatron of honor ~·as j\l rs . Lce11 i"-----------~ Bulen of Garden Grove. and bridesmaids "ere :-.!rs. Jerry: Ledford, MISS Est e 11 e1 \\~1l11ams and l\liss Darlene1 Ledford, all of \\'estminsll'r.1 Deni se Le.dlo rd "as f/01ver l g .. 1. I The bridegroom. son of :-.tr and j\lrs, Ern est \\'tldharber of Taft, asked Dirk Ennel of 1-luntington Bea ch to serve as Minority Problems Discussed H1ring, Tr a i n i n g and Retraining j\1 inorit ies \\'Ill be the topic of \\'altl'r r . )'oungl when he speaks for the ~ewport tlarbor Busi ness and1 rc~~r~s~~n:~'en~~~~en 's Club 1 Young is manager of employml"nt. educatJon and train ing for i\1 c Don a Id. Douglas Astronaut ics Co. and l a member of :'\aLional AJhance 1 of Businessmen. [ The dinner meeting in Costa · i\1 esa Golf alld Country Club l \.\'i!I begin "'ith a social hour at I 6:30 . ,\lrs. !lelC'n Cole, president, 111·1!1 preside during th e l business session and ,\lrs. P.I B. Cassidy 11·ilJ introduce thel' ~pcakl'r. INTRODUCING FROG LOVERS TO CHOPIN! ~ !l.~ ~ \l P'ARENTS, DON'T WAIT UNTIL YOUR CHllD IS OUT OF THE Fll:OG LOVERS AGE IEFORE YOU GIVE THEM THE Goin OF MUSIC-YOU WAIT AND IT MAY If TOO LATE! Childre11 in the fro9 lovi119 1to9e 14·1) ••• lhit pe•fKI O'JI for lffr11i119 '"111i,. Yo'"oho, ofte1 v1tor1 of re1eorch de1i9...-d tht Yo'" o II• Mu1ic Coun.e to cruurt !hot oil childrt11 con ltor11 mu1ic. Millio111 ol Yomoho <J•oduot1t1 ho'" all owe1 l~t world l11tify to tllt IUC(C"SI el tile YAMAHA MUSIC COUR SE. Yo1i1 do 1101 hove lo buy 011 ill· trume11t, tNre is "o hotM 1tudy -iu1t loh ol full for your chfldrell while they leor11 mu1ic. rr.!iembles 11 .II t.r I. 1 11 o Fashinr.;;, \"r11 porl Ur.,; n .in I 1hc Pu1-on Shop .1nrl 111r \\..1 1" Box. Huntington Bcat n •I :i1nnan ts planning the af· ; t;ur 111th the assistance of the \!me~. Belly Ai;tor. Al Rizzo . J: r h<1rd ~1 eliker. Ne"ion Lee. ~ ( •LOC Schiavone and Fred htt l1 nka. Reception Fetes H.C. Westovers Assist ing al the reception "'·ere r<lrs. Jack Cook, r.trs. Robert Ante ll and 1'.1rs. Bruce Sou thern of Huntington Beach The new :'ltrs. Anderson is a graduate of Fountain Valley High School and hl"r husband is a graduat.e of r>tarina High The ne111·lyweds both are at· tending Golden \\'est College Mum fords Tell Troth The engagement L:.ni !llumford 10 nf L1·.1 .J ohn r . Anyone "·ishing t:i att end the meeting may conlact !'llrs.1 De~furl Tosh. membership; r·ha1rman. 6~&--4179, lor further 1nfonn at1on. I DON'T DENY YOUR CHILD THE CHANCf YO U MAY HAYf MISSED I,_. YOUR CHILDHOOD. 0ff£"nni:; ('orr.1n1·n: 1 :1 1• c ra~h111r.~ 11 111 tu '" rr'Jll, ~ Arlene Harri~. 11'tll-\..no11:i fl•r her pseudo t<'l<'phr•rLl ~ ri11- \f'rsa11ons 11 1'11 ht·:-Ir.end ~\l ac1e, hu~band Harry ,J11d son Hcser1·ations may be made ;. !11 calling ~trs. D o n a 1 d .,. HC'ckle1·. j~8·8360 . or .\!rs. !\en~ Snyder, 642-8086. Gail Rinl<er Becomes l I Mrs . August H. Reiter ~ Rrac~ i \(h?.• i::c<1>1r11d1 n ~ r 1nt~ ,ind p,cU~1 · 11 1: Her.r.v n~i:t:-lll I~ Bea en. '-' f, ,o:!.'d ~ :r,:ig lnr c .. r,_\ l\Cfr 1 :: r .. ;-.: ... !;. P;1rcri1• 1>! 1.1c ~,,11!:ii c ·.~le . .-(' ,\\! !"k'1nn Kr";~.' ;,·,,: lk1rr;. :-, H.· l,1·r, (F 'r r! ~;iri·;i \11,1, ,t:lt'! '.\Ir ;,~1 \lr ,, .\ II l\t!\tr 11 01 llal'.riorr. TrC' r.l\~ \l .. <<' <-:::(''1.:i1:1'•~ h:i:~n ~1 11u1 r1f v -;, 'c r·:T1t;rr11r!t r'> f1, rr~ ', • f; ... 11· < "11 ;;,.,d " l'rili l• <'li'll ~ll\H\\ 1•'.c re;.rtp ll (' 10 !10! l her ' • ·-r.:Jt r !c:i1f.h 1, 11. Shr ear· r "1 a <pra-. 01 1rllo\' ro~r~. .'·!i~s. E·.On .Ja·n'.1 ~ 11 .. ~ rna .(i o; rionor : 1 a I uil lt ;ig1 :1 ~ rl\011 c?l!Ofl dte•• Ur .\cil .\ Bi1 rbour ";::;s the bfs! 1nJn The Hinl-.rr name aic,o ""~ !'le selling 1or ~ cham pag111' ;;nd bu!fct f(LCpll.i n lvr ;;:. s11csl s. MRS. REITER Ill New Bride Soroptimi1ts SoroptimiEt Club o. I !un- ltnglon Beach ga the rs at 12 :1~ p m the second and fourth ,, The ntvdv\\ed! "111 ma~e thctr home in :\c1\port Bt':.ll'h follov•1ng their 11eddlrt6 trip to }innolulu. TucM!ays in f r a n co i s l res; aur ant. l 'IR{;f,\l;l 'S SNIP 'N' STITCH SH OPPE Co .,~i )-1 ..... y. • C oro n• del M•r Phone b]J.8050 ~~ Wt'• p•-;.,,d 'o b• 1••'''"'1 "'" 1/"d ~t•• .~ •~• ltb"c b~1 ~'" .o"d ;l1onL you on• ontl all fo• '°""r ... o;~d•rL,' ptdcn•c;•. W1 pro"'ilt lo contonu• <•ft fr"IJ •o t h1 1ty!1.con1c 0111 """"''~ "' th• ~'.·'J '~!•rd .. ~.,wan! !lit quol,,y ye <d o91 ,.~r1 1 •,1,.~ ~l r•~r 1 ,),, ''c111t11 ' ~I t nt .. .,,. ,.,:~11 or ~,, •., l••o•oh drt••,.,''"'· Ou· tfO• .o blo "•II •1 •••d rg bv lo htl" vo11 r>l t ~ "•••I ... ·.-n:l rrh• -..,:j"'"IJ .. Hor e '""''''"''"' lo• tor- n • •nd ']Piii ti\• •I d evl•"'I w10• o•d fo1 ..,ol a ll • You ''" counl o• l11win9 out 1IO•• w,1), ""' oily r 1ero •· '•b•;c but "''""''Y nol•o•, t•n• b u"C"• ••-l '""'' •o 'J;., l~t "proft u o•ol" loeL v •g•ll•t r • " •11•• ol •••'•'on ;., 111 l~o rowtO"'ttl !• ·~· ••••to• I I ~' ~,I 11u11'•o n1 and b•o ... 1t ,, 1. i.1••- U&e Your &ankAmeric.ord or Menter Charge IJ i' 1·~ ,, 1·1 ·' Standing under a tree in "·hich lol'e birds perched, Judge and ~lrs. Harry Clay \V est· over received 550 guests \\'ho came to their Co rona de! ~tar hom e to help c elebrate their 50th wedding anniversa ry_ Masses of chrysanthemums a nd other flo \\·ers '''e re used for the garden receptio n \1•hich was co-hos1.ed by the couple's t ,~·o chil- dren a nd six grandchildren. G uests included friends from l'\Irs. \Vest· ov er's high school and college days. a nd inost members of Lhe F ederal Bench of Los .'\.n geles att ended. I I ' I Follo"·ing a \\'~ding trip to Laguna Beach they will make their home in lluntington Beach. Diplomat To Visit Bot~seranc /l of Corona dcl )!ar has bcl'n announced hy her parents, :-.Ir. ;ind :'llr• Stanlrv (, .\!un1Jo!'d o f !\r11·r-Or1 Bi:;ich The be11el11tl ·1 lr('t 1-. !hr ~n11 nf John T Bru'~l'l'anr nl L.'lguna Drach n11d .\I r ~ Bon· n1r Jean 801:.~erant nf ~·0,1,1 :-.Je~:i. Both :-.11.ss ~h1 n1fnrd anll 11rr f1a11ce arr grarluatc5 of J\·r11 p0rt ll<-irb{lr 1!1&h Srhool ;ind ;iltrnded Oran~l' (n;i~t Ct~l legc ~hr currently ,1ttcnrl5 a .S.<1 n1<i Anil business eol!rgr. ThC'~' 11111 exchange 1 01, ~ Dec 6 in St :\ n d r c 1, :> Luncheon Date Told I L1ndenv.ood College Alun1· nae of Sout he rn California 11111 1nct't ncxl Saturda1· 1n the huinr nf .\!rs. IL A· \\'nod oi Tusun fo r rl ect1nn of 01J1ccr:;. I Assisting 11·11h plans for thr 1 12 30 p.m. lunrhrnn arc '.\lrs. Charles S Gillison .Jr. :'11rs 1 \\ci-.; F. Ka1sl'r ;iniJ :'111~, J\ath~ Kaiser. I C lo1~ Ori! 11ow c11rotli111J - wo11't vou plene 9ive u1 o coll cr11d let 1.s 1how .,ou the whole 1torv of the YAMAHA MU SIC COURSE! YOUR llG GE~T REWA RD WILL IE WHEN YOUR FR OG LOYER tOOliS UI' ..t.T YOU AND TELLS YOU •.• ··1 GAVE MY FROG A NEW NAME, IEETHOVfN " Don't Del1y-Call Tod1y 642 -1844 YAMAHA MUSIC SCHOOL IN COSTA MESA Judge \Vesto\'er met his bride. the for· tner J·lelcn Louise Equen. \1·hen they both \r ere students at the University of :\rizona. They 1rere n1a rried in 1919 in the antebe!l111n horrie of Lhe bride·s fa1 nily in Coluinbus, ,\!J ss. In 1920 they came to Orange County. Prcsb1 trnan Church ;\Je•nbers of the 1\lli anrc Fr<i11ca1sc rlc la R 1 1 1 e r " Cal1fom1ennc 11111 grrrt the :.C'venth season ol the Alli aru.:e r- 11·1th a 11s1t fr om Gaston II U Clerc, depu1y c r 11 s u ! ~enera l of Fr:incr ,11 Lo~ Al! foriner stud('n\5 of !he l·nllegc. located in St. Charle.::.. I :'11o .• arc in1·aed anrl reser1 a t1ons rnay be made by calhn;:I _ ~ _ \lrs Paur_::11~s._&1_J2_1_" __ ~''-_-•_,..._-------J Judge \Ves tover, 11 ho originally came f101n Ken1uck_y. has served Orange County a s a stale scn<itor ;ind superior court judge. lie al so 1>£'rved as United States collector of internal re\'enue for Southern Cal!Jornia and presently is a L'nited States senior d istrict JUdgr. lie 1 .. a nle1nber of the ,.\1n er1 can Legion and Laguna J·ll \Js Ki\\·anis Club. .\!rs. \~'csto 1·er is a n1c1n ber of Kappa Kappa (;alnma sororitv and al so is a cti\'e in the .-\ssistance League ·al J\c\\'port Beach and PEO. The \\'cs\o\·ers' \\\'O children both a re lri 11·yers. il lrs. Dorothy \Vallace of San i\!11- r1 no is \1·ith the regional counsel's offi ce. in- ternal revenue sen1ice, Los An~e:les a nd Harry E . \Vestover has la1v offices in Corona de! f\lar and Leisure \Vorld. Jud~e and l\lrs. \Vestover n1a intain a sumn1er home in Corona d el f\1ar and resid e in l.a)?una l lills. T hev a re mem bers of La- guna H ills r.tethodist ·c hurch. ,. Angl'le~ I LcClerc hold~ d e i; re l' ~ fro1n ~c1rral French l un11·cr~1 t 1 "s :incl 1s :111 r.~ I perit'nced orf1C'r1 ol th r Frcneh d1plnm:1t1t corr.c, ha1 · '1 1ng se r1·l'ct in \\'f'"I Grrina n~ Yl1gosla1·1 a. Tun1 ;;;1a :ind 1hr L'ni tcd St ate~. I The n1rr1in~ 11 1\I la~r p\ilrC next Fridav <11 8 pm 111 lhr I Fcl1011 ~h1 p · ll:ill of Laguna B ea c h 's Co mmun l 1) Presbyteri an Church. 'I Hospi tality fol!o"·ing !he !cc , lure 11·ill be offtred by thr I • r-.1me~. l-lo11·ard ,, p p e I. Reginald Backu~. \1adelln1." ; Pointreau, Barbara ~tuart. I Robert \\'ade a nd .'\rthur ·r \\'iley. .1 1 Francoph 1le guest~ are in- ......... vited to al1end !ht meeting. • 1 t' tC 4J'.:</.poo Ol'N ~ '-----• . .. """\ .. - ". Fe , •~ .,.po;~1,.,."'· toleph•"• er 1lop ,. t ~, : ••. ~ Se~th Co11t Plo10 01(ortlor '"' Ot1•9" ~tvd:e •~" •• ~ le•: N•ncy lenney "Sat1~fac11on Guarontetd or Your lilonr!J Ba ck ' I ' . I 'I I '.I I I I ., I I II ' I I Sears I SOUTH COAST Strut I ......... ·~:."''""-~rm:;,:;:~ "i-..:..P~L~A"~'~"~· ~· -'1!.<•!....~~·'•·-~p-~:-~~~3~-~-~. IL ------ I i 1 " II -------- ' .. DECORATOR FABRIC S Regvor 2.95 lo 6.95 1.49 to 2.95 yd. _j D11\·ro1n fl!ld Al\1!••11 . ..,_h,., 1·-LJ1. , i t'fll'Htl'" ,\1]!1•4tl• ,"'-:•I 111, "l ;iii •1. qu.1llt1<·• :1110 <=,.1,,1··-( •11,.11 \\'. ,1 ' k ('lr.~r(l \\.o>;i,.~ ll••ll•'it'• -II• 1111 11·1•n::hl 1,_'n!l1)!l ... ~ [)HIK!\lr I ""'I>· -Tl<f'••dy c··~· 11u•111., rw ·"' 11 1.11 . r1 f;:ihri('~ -,\11 nt 11111· :-:1/.• I'''",.__ lf111·e !)l1r f111r 111~1 111n 111•1k11H1 11- ~h 1p 111 1,.11 s~lr l•l'li"'"' - By Popul.ar Demand SPECIAL SALE FROM THE LOOMS OF MOHAWK SAVE 1/3 on P.1rk 7,,1,,..r, Paik 11,.i~h !<. Oor i111·h 1h1rk l !Xl'~ kodcl pl11~ ;.h::i~. sohd~ and 1110 !ones, Loo l:lC'au11f11l fflT l\OfdS Re,u .. rly st.ts Coll for FREE ONE WHK ONLT DECORATOR SERVICE 675-1510 ARCADE CARPET & DRAPERY OF CORONA DEL MAR 2846 E. COAST HIWAY !714) 675-1510 --------- ------ -, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J Carnivals, Open (£~·!<'><'! No!~· A "·~· <l<'~o•M ... Fo~nM•~ v~•I~.. tl•"t'"~'o" B••<•i, 0'~~n V'"'' ~~"' Bo "l" ~•'0 We\1"11" Oler ><'-1 ll"'"CI ~"'~"' le~cn~t ~r ~&n<lclt<On, '"" •Pn<•' 10 lne UAIL Y PllOT '"~" wr•k lnl'""'""c" "'"" ~ •M:• .. •<I t. '·'" r,,,r.n• T~'<1tul', ~~ll /llans•um D"'e HuM1n•r•on Be'1<~ 1;, I r rn. r•r1d•' l(.r p·u~hc<>l1~" \,uJ· rr•oev ) Arevalos PTO :\Ir:-. .• luck Lihidinsky Pl\'~H!C'lll C0'.\111\'.G LI' B<l tk-lo-~rhool night \\'Ill ttif.c pl :icc tonight :it 7 31J F:i-~h!on !'hv1v v.·111 !Jr pre~('ll(('f( Friday. <le!. 24. :1l 10 31J a n1 1n r non1 2ti lrir girls froin fllth In eighth gr::iilcs. il1rs. Arthur T\ir1·0. ~1xll1 grad<' tf':irl1r r, 1.~ ch:1irinan . 10 .girls will nir>del 1n lhc shn1\' pn:x!uccd 1n {'uf1pcr;1tion l\'llh Scars. l1rugra111 1s part of Good Groon1i ng tl·lonlh pro- t•laimed L::i cncuurage girl s to n1akc the n1o~L or lhC'ir ap- pc:irancC'~ Ot he r c\ents \Vil! inc lude pr ci;cnl::itions by a <ICrmaLolo~ist and cl re l> s i>tvlisL Certificate for a t·liarrn scl1ool course \Viii be ;iwarded lhc girl sho11·in;;: 1he greatest irnprove1nent in ;ippearance after the n1onth- long c;i1npaign. REPOHTS: \\\1 rrlrobc arl\'isor ;ind figure cC111~1il1;int lf'\'- turcd to st1alcnts 1 a st 'Vcilncsday ns pnrl of !he (;vod Gr()(l1n1ng ~·1on\h pro- gram (;C'\-:u.:ri11:1i ntcd t·of- lre took pl:t('(' Ill lhr hnn1c Q[ 1he ,J P;1 trick (;a1v1n s last \"11!l110"dav lor p ;i re n \. s . 1~e ehild rcn arl' bused . Circle Vi ew PTA :'\lrs. Ed\1ard Alc son !'l'CSldl'nt Eastwood PTA .\lrs. Hobert Frescnlos /'resident CO~!l:"iG L'f-'· PTA n1cn1brrs ha1•e responded to \lie a1,- pcnl -0! Eta Epsilon Chapll'r <1f l::psllon Alpha to help cul- Jetl ! .000.000 food coupons nccdccl to ubtain a bus for Falr1·1r\\' Sl<Jll' Mos pit:il. ~·l c>mhcrs donated more th:in 5000 coupons last spring and plan to continue their <·n11- rrib111ions. An~·one inlerest1'd 111 ;11d1ng 111 1his l'fiort 11101,11 ronlact r.,.trs. H o b c r L 1-'reSl'OlllS nt 431 -29% .•. Hol dog l>llpp<'r 11·il l take pl ar1· aftrr the J\allo1vet'n costlllll\' par;1dc Frirlay'.Ocl. 31, in 1111' r1ultipt1rpos e roorn. Par.'.l ilr \111 1 brgln at 3.30 p.n1 ., ~up· per at 4. 1 !andling :11· r:in gcn1cnts \\•i !I bt• Iii" .\!inc~. Fresenius. Sid f,i{'hl'I and fl icllard Noblr. FY El e. PTO !\1rs. \\'alter Tate President CO:'\t!NG LP: G en e r :i l nH·et1ng anrl ha ck-l(l--Sril 1u! nig hl will take pl ace \on1gl11. Prizes of $10 and S5 11 ill ht~ ;:warded In classes \1 1nn1nf! fi r~\ ;ind second place iu Ilic 111 e mber s hip drivt'. Cla~srOOnl \'isi\allOJ\ wil! follo.,v lhc busi ne ss nieelin.!.!, ;-ind coffee \.\'ill be serr<'d iu the niullipurposc roo1n by t111·s. Oal'id R itchie, hospitality chairman. coordinator for Boy Scout • <·ouncil ... PTQ.spons-0rcd l '<1h .'co~t pa~·k .+JO will ·---.,,;;..._,..""'! ITll.'l'I ;1! Tan1ura Sclioo! 1\lnnd:1y, 0l't 2!1, .i l 7 :!O IJ rn . Third. fourth and fif!h grar!c boys 1n :1y Ju1n and Illus! he <tl't:u111pan1 rd by ""'"'""'""""'"" .. """"' p;1rl'nls. Sl'ou1 n1as1l'r 1 s .J1.11nes 0\'!'r. Off1 cr.rs :ire C'h;1rlPs D r tn p s c; y. eo111- 1111!1cc cl1n1 rn1an: '.\1 r :., _____ .,;..,.,.~ n1eh:ird llurlon, srrrf'larv, nntl ,\Jrs. Oi·t•r, trr:isurl'r. 1 lrn 111olhrrs :1re th\' ,\1n1!'s. l311rt ::in, .ri111 Nc;i l ;1 11 d 'J'heodorr B c r g cs\ r o rn , ---- \" n 1 u n t c e r s ;ire 11t•,0 ded . . Tt':1 H1 \1(111or rif na1m ninlhrrs will h c l'l"l'sCnlctl Th11r;,d<l:i. Oct. 23, •*•• .. -~~•'•• al 3 p.111. 111 tile 1nult irnedla r0r1n1. noon1 n1 o th r r s . J~1e11J!.1• :ind .--.-:t·r1 1!11·c board 111f•n1b1•rs 1rill ;ltll'llll. ~1rs, IJ;inl-. L;1n g1'. roorn rno!her ('h:iin11<1n. 1:; in <·ha rge of :ir- l':!lll~l'Jncnls \1· 11 h the ;1~~i~1ri111·1· of tilt· i\11nrs. Clyde E~11on . .JClSl'ph Sin1one n11\I h·nn l~baldini, hospitali- rv ron1miltee meinb<'rs, G il l PT A i\l rs. Don:1ld Re hling l 'rl'~idcnl C0.:0.11'.\C LP· r 111t tneeling 11 111 t:.ike pince lonigl1 t :il ~ ~ ~(l ... r.lob:ll Fcstil'dl is l11e1nc of the carni1·al to t;il·'.<' pl:icc S:1lurd:11·, OcL 25, [1·11111 11 <1.111. I\! ;, p.1n. C;Jr111'.a] cllainnrin is tl1rs. \\ llli;1111 All:ii <ind bool h . -. ~ Wtdntsday, Octobtr 15, JC)~q S DAILY P'LOT______.'.'.f f -------- Take Over . ' .. --'~"ffilf(I#. .,.._ .. ____ ,,._...,....,.__ ~ .- ; --- C0\11:\r. l 'I'· 1\n11u:i1 p:Jpt·r dril'C 11 ill t.1k(' pl~1t•e Vrld;iy, Oct. 17. with rri~es award1·d 10 cl;is~r~ for grcatC.'-l p;irlir1palion. First pr ize i•f ~.)and .~C'cond prize of S.1 wil1 hr pri·~(·11 1cd and u~cd lor r dl1 ca t1onal ilt·111s for the \\inning <' l ;-i" s r 011 m ·"- PrJcrcds [ro111 the clri\·e \1•ill \){" u.~rd l•Jr rno111 part le~. Papers inu~L be !icd and hroughl In thr !<('hoo l p<1 rk - ing area bcl11rrn 8 and 9 30 ;1 11i. )\rs. Hohrrl C;is1o, 11:n ~ and ml';'l lls ch.11rrn;_rn , i;;; • 1 n 1·har,l!'' .Hat·k-to- ~chool 111 ght 11ill t;ikr plaL·r Tuc.~d:t\', ()cl. 21 !3us1nc:.s nirrt1ng t'-<>~!!1~ ;![ 7 p Ill. and cln s~rn!Jln 11;;;1t;it1nn \1'ill fnll tJW . !'TA bake ~a le y,•ill takC' place 1vilt1 proceeds u;;;- rd fnr rurch;i;..r rof r c s t 1nJ\:. I J r k indC'rgarLcn roo111s. 11P.PORTS : Ex ecu tive 110:11·;! niceting took pla\'C l~i·! \\'cdnesflay 111 lhr hr11nc o! f\1rs. Hobert Ar·chcr. i\!r~. \\'illia1n Dunn. f1r:-t 1'1cc prrsidrnl, r e port ed :it· tcnd;in('r of 400 al 111(' f.'.Pl - arqua1nlrd potluck. :'1\r~. Ha~· i)rlighl. health ;ind 1velf;.;rl' cha1rin<in. repor!ed 1hat 1·is1nn testing of first. third, fifth and seven th gra de~ \1•as eondueJcd lasL week. and lh<ll ni ore than 100 block n1o\hcrs n01\' are d 1~play1ng lhr S 11 n sh in c Vaee in t!1clr v,·indows for l'hildrrn 111 distress. 1\1rs. Cl1111·k s !lyan, youth <1c- !11·ilic~. Tl'ported that a !la~ 1~ hr1ng purrhascd for PTO- ~ponsDrt•d Cu b Seoul pack '.!!10 ;ind \Jr~ :\rchcr, library · a1di•s chalr1nan, anno11n cccl 111 :it 111,.rc rhan iOO hoof..~ 111're ~o ld to ~tudents d urin~ the !'TO-sponsored bo ok rluh progra1n. New bonri ! n1r1nhrrs i11trocluced 1\'crc !lie 1\t111 c.~. Jerry Durt-0n, rkan of chaim1 en; Gl enn ll e nley, co rnm unily n•5ources. and Th o n1 a s Sapp, ,1·ellarc. ( !1<1i nn;:in 1~ 1\Jrs Rich:ird (;al!cgos. S p cc i :1 J e111- <Tt<Ji 111nc111 will 1 n c I u d r ,\]d:1ni the ;\\agieian, \\'in1 (,r1/fi1h :'\·l;1rionetti.•s and g;1n1r b!'iolils Othr r :it· tr:l!·t 10n~ 11•ill be a ~1drw:-il~ t'af1·, s11reL sh;:ip lealuring • l1on1r baked goorls ;;nd general store di spla~·i ng J.:ill 1!en1s with a price range fro111 I cent 10 $2. S1udf'1lt ('Ounril 1vill operatr sponge lhro\r !Jwlh t•l raise funds Is Thi s Any Way to Advertise a Carnival? Eade r PT A :'\Irr. . .la1111·s Lr \l is rrr"1dr 11t £\EP0r1TS · ()ff1 crr~ r lrcted ln s1•r11~ (luring 1t1 f 1969-;o f.t'hDol ;,c:ir ;ire lh<' '.\Jn1C's. ,1,i111rs Lr111 ~. p1·('sidcnt : .l.1111('~ J)rr\'1rk, f\ n brr L erltcr a 11 d B. 1) Pethtel. 'ice pre.~11lrnt.)o._ C 11 :i r I c s l\cC'1·rs. treasurer: ,\ K /lndcrson ;incl H fl h r r ! Jl;inson, ~errct a rir~; \\'al1er Yales, <iudilor: \V i I Ii a n1 Hrinv1, h i :-:-I 11 r i a n . anrl D;inr1n Z1rhC'l. parl1an1r11- 1ar1Jn. Family Fun for Fulton PTO 1\lrs. llohrrt '\'rlrh P1TStdrn1 COl\ll Nr. l'P: School X1i:;l11 r,,r Cub and BJ,V SCUll!S 11·i1J lilke plarr 1onigh! ;it i ·.1n 1n Tamura School. lnfnmi;111ru1 nn ~cout 1ng will hr prc~rn1 r;! h y r c pr cscntall\'l'S of Pn cif1c<1 Di~tricl. Ornn;.;c Count1·. illore n1rinhcrs ;ire nrrc!c<l fr orn third, four1l1 ::ind fifth gr<ides . Lr11·1~ Brornm C'r is 111stit 1lllon;il reprrsC'nla t11'r ;ind ('h;.i·l1•·, Vogelsang 1s cl is t r J r l Everyone for Jls prnjeet~. An~"inr \Vi~hlll,l! (11 <l ~~i~t. \\' I l h f'arn11:1 ! :1rrnngC'111t·nl ~ n1,1y eont~l't :'11r~ flll:i1 .'.JI fl'.l:l- 4024 or I'll r~. Gallegos a1 A:li· 520 1. Harper PTA .'lrs. Lorin l,.'.ln1n1r r~ Prrsid.--.111 cn\1 1\'(~ 1·1, Tra fnr rrY.1n1 n101hcrs wtll br prrsrntcd 10- n1nrrow ;l! J<JO p 111_ 111 the n111sh· t'fK'ill . Scopr of roo111 n1nllH'r5 dll!l('S 11 111 b<> P'\- µand<>d In 111rludc ~t'r l'ini:: ;-.~ ;1 rnm n1unicat1 ons Ii n k brlwren school and pnrt·nts. HE PO lrrs: Exccu1ive board n1r(•t111g l1ok r l:ice 1 n l1':whrr,•' lo1111gr. F 1 l l in~ \ :1('anc·1rs on the hn;ird arc t'1" r..1 111e11. Ht' In h fl I rt \'11lln1l'r, •.,c1fr1~, ,\l ill:1rd 1;r;iy. ncw..;1•110 rdilor r1·0 1"111 .l:1i.:k :-.f'ln1a11. nc11 ~1·(:(' rn-r rlitor. nnd Honald Va:1.1- 1 ~111" 11e11·s et !e ;:in t•·l+•,,1·. .l'nd n1cc1 1ni:: tnnk pl.1te !;ist \\'cdntsday \1 ilh 11:1g reri>tno111r~ (•r:inducll·d h1· Indian r.·laidi·ns of Ch rp- 1 rll'a Tr1bl' 1Vl rs Rnb" ·t I' 11il11~ 1.-lr:idcr. ,\!rs. r_:_ 1 ·. ~i1 l,111µhl prrsent r d ;1 \j11rJ1u;d read ing. Short \lo\ining ;iro11nrl 1\'hile ge tting in a ca rnival n1ood tire i\'~r s. Roh~rt Jle\erson unrt cl anghters, Peggy tleft) a r;~I Be~h. ~Tr s. Jlc t c r~nn \\it co-chair the _fund- in" ('\'Clll for r 1r:.i s:1nt \11C\I' PI O \\"llh i\lrs. ,11111 Gi ese. The day of ft1 11 IS set fo~ Saturda)·, Ocl. 25, froin 11 J .111. to 5 p.n1. 1·1·,1·lng 10 cn1 c h 1:r1i1 ~p1\·ry lcf'nlcr), first grader nt Gisler F.le- 1nl'n1;1 r_v ~-;;:llo11I, :1nrl f·:1rry hrr of f to the carnival are the Gb;lcr 11 itrll . .\fr .. -. Sit "'('11 11111 n1cn11 an<l ghoulish gorilla. 13i ll Elena. l;is!c r fiflh gr.1dl'r \1 liu uih;:iblts Lhc /Jaunted house. Once Beth is spirited n\\·ay to the Saturday, Oct. 13, JJ·ro czirni\·a\ ci t the ~cl1oot. she \Vil! find cake \\'a\k s . \\'hile elc>ph;111L~. focfl , garncs nnrl fun , il'i \vell as the spook hou se. The frolic h.'.ls be en con.)urcd up for 10 a.in. until dark at the school grounds. b11<;111r~~ 111Pt·t1ni:: w ;is folln11l'd hv l1:1rl( tn-~•·hfl(o\ n1~hl <Jlld i)ool, ";dr i)t !'T.\- !'(•:er·ll'd h I\ n k ._. ,\\1·-., Th11111oi s ~l.111 1•11',. llf ~1 gr;id~' rla~-. l"~l'l l l'd 1l1r l'T1\ :·1- 1"1111.inrt• ha n r\ r r f·ir ncto b1 ·1· r;rfr1" h1nf'nl s 11r1·1· ~r r1·cd by \Jr·-. Ch d1• ~1nry ;inrl :'11 rs. Til(11lhi'-.\\1il• :1h,1 . Hav en View PT O Lrr ll:1rh1 ick Pres1d1 nt CO!lllXG \,]' l'\;u10:. arr llll<ll'l' 11·;iy for ;1 r:!fH 'f drl l'" J1F.r'ClHTS· 1·1111 !1""·1111i:: ;111•! b11ck-lr>-Sfh1)0) tll!~hl 1•1111\ pl:icc 1:1~! Th11r ,d:1y , Cu1n- 111i1f1·r ch:1in11r11 11-rrr Ill· ti'od1icrr! ;111d 11\'W hudgl'l p:·r~.--.nrrd f,,r :1pprn\·;1t \Ir;;, Tiloni:is tl l.Jc!lon;,ld. 11:1.1s Dnd rnf';in~ c h a 1 r Ill :i n , launcht1tl the :-it·:i~on's f1r~t fund-r;11~rr, .1 11 :1lnut 1111d pccn n ~<Jlf', Shrllcd nuts ;1rl! .'.ll':iil:iblr 1n oor-po11rid frl'c~cr h;ig.:: prir1·d ;11 $1 :io ! ir 11•alnu1 <; ;1nrl !ILB:i for 1 't"l!lS. Bo11 l11i,i; l'O!lll•llit'S t .rh Th11rsd:1y in 11 1111· t111glon l.11111'" 111gll ~ror.--.r 1 ·st Thur~d~1v 11·.'.l~ :'\!rs. Hrilicrt ~k:i;11·l~nd \1 11h :i .~crall'h 21.'1. Land PT A fl ohr rt 1!;111' J •rr~1f1, 01 ((\\fJ!\C: l I' \11•111 h •I' i , n df'I \(' IS 111 pt r•1;r< '; 1111 I 1 I ]'111\;11•, ()r1 17 \l r\. ();11 1J l.<J11t: 1~ ch:11r111:in .. B:h f... I :·sLhool night ...,i]I l:1f.,,. J '.;\Cf' l'1t1101TOll' !rJr th1nl 1:1·.1dc: T11r~\J;1y, Ocl. :!I. !qr k 1 n fif'rg:1r1cn . Thur,..rl;1y, flct. 23. fn r serrond gr:ulv; 'f\1csday, (Jr·1 . 2ll. fnr !1 r~t g;·odc, and \\'('dnrqda,1·, nr1 <:9. for fourti1. f1f 1h and ~;txth gr<ides.All are l>t'ht'd1dcd a t 7:30 p.rn. Lar k Vie w PTO Joh n Cochran Prcsirl('nl REPORTS: First unit meet inc: and back-lo-school n 1 g h t trrnk place last night. 1'arrn1 s vi.~i tcd th e 1 r t<1ildrcn's classrooms. nH t Ilic facully ;ind learned (If t he yea r 's c11r- r I cu 111 rn •.. tl"lf'rnbcrshi p clrivc now Is i n pro- g r ess ... Off irrrs srrv1ng this year are .J ohn Cochran. president: 1\1 rs, n 0 h {' r t Freman, Mrs .. laines ~·oods and Charles Arn(lld. vh·c presidents: lhc t-.1 ni e s . Robert Paxton. sccrc~tary: Fred Knight, trea~urcr, an d Kenneth llanscn. parlian1en- tarian. Ni eblas PTO r.lrs, Kennet h Woods President COl\fJNG UP : Un11 y Thro111;.h Educn Lion is 1heme of the mcmber~hir dri1·c in pro- gress un1i1 Pridciy, OcL 17 .•. PTO 11•iH host Foun· lain Valley hn r becu c Saturda}". Oct. 25, 1n the hig h ~c\11101 r :ifclcri,1 frorn 2 1n 7 p.rn .. IJ ;tllowecn parf!de y,•11! t11ke pli!Ce Friday, Ocl. .11, al 3:30 p.1n. in the lun ch area. fiF:POR TS: Perceptu a l rlc\'c•lnp1ncnl cornn1l ttee n1C't to di ~l'll S'\ 311 ;J(\d1t io n nf 1·fp upn1f'11t tD PTO's rcccn1 ly ;1cq111 red p0rceptual maze. Thr ;:11ld1tion, called a \\'i11g- P111g. 11 ;.is endorsed by the ho:1rd nnd 11·ill he present ed fu r di strict approval. Com· ini l!cc n1('1nb0rs are the \1n1r <; Larry ll tlry, r{ichartl \\"dhrl111 , Hobby Palmer, B.1rcnd l\elson and f\1ike En1ptini::, .. Bo\1•lin g 11':11-:ur h:1s 40 team nt<'nl- hi·r'' League nlf1cf'rs are tl1~ i\1rnes All en .lonrs. prr ~i­ d1·111. Cl1:irlrs F.:irrell, vice 11rr s idcn t, and Jack Sdi1:1fl·r. ~ccrct.'.l ry . Le:iguc 1nrl'ls r:icl1 Thursday at 9 .1 m, in Kona L.ines, Cost;:i i\!f''a. Ocean View EMR Parents' Guild C:irl Laird Chairman COMING UP: LI nit meeting 11'11! take place flinnday, Nov. 3, fl t 7:30 p.m. in 'Vest- nion! rnuHipurpose room. TIE/JOHTS: First unit mcrl1 ng ;1nd bark-to-school n i I!; h t lonk ploce in \Vcstn1ont School. Par ents met f.'.lcul!y ml·1nbr rs :ind heard a presentation by N o r ma n f;Ins b e r g , di s tri c t p~~·r.hol('lgis t R c fre~hmen1s 11·tr!' sf'rl'C'd by f\1r . and fl1rs. • .l or !Jf'JTif'rs .. (Jfr 1crrs s.--.rv- 111g tl11~ year <ire Cearl Laird, cl):i 1rman: J)emers , sr·crel.'.lry -lreasurer. and r.1rs. Hichiird Skamfer, pro- gram chairman ... Comrnil· r 'C-chairmen and members ;ire needc<l. Anyone inlerest- P'l in par1icipating may cnn- 1:1ct La ird at 842-5666 or Bill Howard at 847·9853. Robinwood PFO !\Ir~. Lee Mock )>resident C0!\11NG UP: Back-lo-school night v.·i!J lake p I a c e Tucsd.:iy, Oct. 21, at 7:30 p.n1 Stanton Burrill. prin- cip~I. will introduce faculty 1nen1 bcrs during a short business mecling and parenl~ v.·ill vi si t their children 's c I ass room s . Tic kets v,•ill be sold for a sn1Drgashord dinner to take 11lace Friday, Nov. 7. ItEPOnTS: Membership drive i~ in progress unUl Tuesday, Oct. 21. To dnte, 212 parents have joined. Mrs. Jack Har- r is, membr.rship chairman, reports that stui;l ents in the 1·l;issroorn with the greatest percentage of members will receive hot dog lunches and second place classroom win- ners wi ll receive cupcakes :ind ice crcarn. Currently in the lead are the classes of ~l1ss Diane Smith and Mrs. Fred Palzold, Seal Beach PT A l\lrs. Saul ~ltllsteio President C0~1 1NC: UP: Hot dog din-icr ;it 6 p.m. will -precede t h c 1H11·ent-[.'.lcuily softball game ;ind PTA mcr!ing Tuesday, Oct. 21, on l\1cGatU:h field. flolrs, GlC'n Peasley, 11·ays and means ch a i r 111 a n , reports th at hot dogs \l'ill be sold for 25 cents. punch for 5 cents and coffee ror lfl ecnt s. Food also will he sold ci uring the gan1('. Pourl1i grade a n d kindcrg.'.lr1rn roo1n molhrr~ will handle food salr~ assis1ed by th.--. f\-!n1cs. Dick Sweet arid J\1orton Bau 1n , room re pr P s e n t a tires, an d H1chard Shirley <111d John Herrera, kindergarten and four th gradr chairmen. fl EPORTS: t1·1rs. 11 a r v e y \Vcbb, n1 c rnher sh1 p chainnan. reports th<il n1ore lhan l20fl p::irenl !i jriincd PTA during the 11·eek·long drive, topping last yrar·s to!f!l. Classroon1 s \\'inning prizes for highe~t percen- tages of members 1vere 1-.frs. Clem Donaldson, first p)Jcc and tllr!i. John Bentley, SC('ond. in the kindergarten 1hro11gh .~ccond grad c di\'iSion: Miss Suzanne Jl ('r· ron. fir~!. and tllrs. Ted Skc lsey, ~ccond. In the third through fifth grade division, 0nrl tlli.~s Connie Curtis. first and tl·lrs. G:iry Harbin , ~econd, in the sixth through eighth grade d ivi.~ion . Ellt:h first prize ll'as $lfl and se· ,, A Novel Funding cond pri7.c $:'i. I 7th Str ee t PT A i\lrs. IJoy<I Carpent~r President COJ\llNG LIP· Thf' \\'itch's l3rc1I' 1s thrrnc of tilt~ 1'.'.lrn1l':il to be prc~cnted Friday. Oct. 2t fr11111 J loll r.m. Cos!11 1nc p;ir:-idc \I ii \ t;1ke place ;it 4 :4~ 11 i1h prizes n\1·ardr.d fo1· prctt1rsl, n1ost origin~d and scariest tllrs. ,Jo lliley. carnival rhn\nnan, rtporL~ !l1r event will include gan1l':O: :ind prizes . llot dogs. rliili d(•gs :·,.,_rl ll rinks \1 ill bt• sold. \\'inner of a co111 c~l t0 ~elect th,. C<ir111val then1r 1~ t1:1~s V1ck1e llurd. A1tl1ng 1\l rs. Riley witl1 eurn1val ilf· r a n g r tn en l .~ arc t h~ l\fn1 es Dennis llall, c.'.lrnlr;1I co-ch;i1 rman; Gn ry Mon rol'. decoration." <ind poslrrs: Loren Cole. re.frrsl11ncnts~ ·r;·0m.1s Green. publici1y: Eill Ost.--.rout., fincince, and Lloyd Cnrpt•nlcr D ick F ranklin i$ in <:h;irgc of 11ckels <Jnd 0~1 e1oul is f111a11ce co·cllairrnan. Wardlow PTO ,\Ir~. fi enq;;e ~lccllan !'1\:~idcnt REPORTS: 1\lrs. n c e t1 ldeo r.tnshr11. room n1 o I h r-r s ( li:i1r111~11i, has announ1 rd 1h :.t. rooni n1<1thrrs sclccl!·r\ fDr 1hc s<:l1ool ycilr arc !!ic J\11ncs. [)011:1!d Ewnldl, E. \\'. 1\hr;1111s <ind !1 a I I\ n \ g hlen , kintlcrg:irtrn: .Jr•l111 .Joh11"011, Hoy !lcl.~111.g. Ch;irlcs Shoe('ratl and .Jr·rry !\hH'1·rr, firsl grade; Loren Felts and Trlun:i n Cllrrry . ~1 ·(·111111 gr:1dt'. H i ch~ r ti Ell\•rinan. Pon Eddy and 1l :1roltl l\1ng, 11\1rd gradr , l~il'l1;,1d E1·kc tt and J ,ic H ~1sn1~i~srn. f1Hrrth gr:1dc: .l nhn \\':·1rrm;i 11 nnd Erl11 ;11 d f··I~ 1111. f 1 l L h gr;idf' .).11111>.-. ('r;u1d;1 ll. l.11thrr Or\lnr~ .11111 J1n1 Hl'o11·11111g. :-.i'\!h 1·1·:1de: \\ 11 11;1111 Bro1rn and ,Jc 1;s Carr:in1:1, s e vent h pr:1dr: J. 1\. Turn er , t·:ll\l'ood Ronni•r and Dr.1n r,:rL:iuglilin. eighth gr:1dr, ,"'ld Cillicrt lfcbc rt. ftr~l­ • l'Dnrl -ll1irt! g r a d e eom· b,n ,1 111111 'f('et1n': is pJ:)nnrd lo ;1cqu;1111I roon1 1no1h.--.1«; 111 th th 1• l r du!ics. fl1r>. i ~1o~hcn rep.iris ;1 d:ill«P p;1rtv 11 111 l>t• prr ~f'nlL•d 111 thf' n1ul11nul'pn ,, rrinm f'l r !>,l'\'!'lllh ;U\tJ Plghlll t;rilfl 1• ~!ud•·til~ 111 pl:ict! r,r ro-on f!\ll 1 1(,'~. 1\ First fund-rais ing project of the ye.:i r for L ·'.:c \'i::1v rii:c 1".dl b~ n E.;ok Fa ir during Back-to--school·night fc sliviti"s 1'u csd~y. 0 ::-t. 21, «L 7::;0 p.nl. 13ook-; for the new library will be offered for sa·c, :1 nJ d onor;; \\ill have Lhcir nan\CS stamped inside the gift. Checking dona~ion s a rc J Jnicc J_;cl :-.l.o and Steve Feaver. ----·-----. ·----' . ' 4% 01.ll V PILOT L - ,. --Troth Announced Kept in Stitches December Date Set Peering Around ~1 January Rites Planned Officers Installed Skills Shared \\'edd ing pledgf!i ""Lil ht-ex- changed !"".lee. 13 in the Trinity Presb)1erian Church, Tustin by Sherry Lynn L1pt;<.'Vrnb aod E \•an \\'ill iams. Their engagement has been announced by Dr. and !-.Ir~ ... J oseph K. Llpsromb of Newport Beach, parents of the bride-to-be. Miss Lip!!Comb, a graduate of Brethren J~ i g h School. Paramount, auends B 1 o l a College, La h>tira<la. Ii ' ~ A KAP'FEE KLAT C ll . hosted by t.lrs. l1ester ~1oore and ?>!rs. Elsa McLeod \.\'a! enjoyed by Shuffleboard Club of Laguna Beach members recently. Those joining festivities In- cluded 1he 1'.fessrs and Mmes. Herman Bicnnann, Rod Kim· ba ll , Ilic hard Whilaker . John Bingham. Art Sharman and Dean Clanton. Her fiance, son of Dr. and _ ~irs. Francis J . \\"il!iams of Corona de! ~lar. is a graduate - of San Gabriel Jhgh School and attends Orange Coast "College. SHERRY LIPSCOMB To Say Vows Also present were t he ?\Imes. Catherine Ma Ii ff, Ardl!h ~f c Robei15, l\1 a r i e Louise ;..tiller. Helen Doran, ~l yrle ,.tcAllister, ~t au d Peterson and Barbara Page, WEEKLY SPECIAL! Take Advantage of These LOW-LOW PRICES! e October 15th to 22nd Only l • CASCADES SaYe $2.00 to SS.00 along wJth Roy A. Gibson , Ed· die Lenehan, Dr. Lou i a PAMELA BEAUREGARD Ketchum .. Rodney Buchan~n, Future Bride Cap Le"·1s. Homer ValenlUle -----------and Paul Egler. COMBINlNG a brief vaca- tion with business in Palm Springs were the Rev. Wesley \V. Murrin, minister of the Costa ~1esa F ou r sq uare Chur-=h and his wife. They at- tended a youth councH plan· ning session. PLEDGING Chi Omega at the L"niversity of Colorado is f\liss r.tarilyn Peck of Newport Beach. She is one of 370 coeds affiliating wilh 15 sororities on the campus. Rock Talk On Agenda All shodes Included , •• Frosted, Salt ond Pepper, Blonde ond Brunettes! SIGNING the guest register cl the Santa Barbara Billmore recently \.\'ere r.lr. and ~1rs. Harry J. \\'orth of Laguna Beach and l\lr. and ~lrs. D. J. Daniel Jr. of Ne ..... ·port Beach. OCTOBER 1 Sth to 22,d $12' 5 ONLY! The TOPPER SER \'J NG as girls' a wlql"' dniqritd far s4.95 rite fill-111 or 11dd·Oll •• , •••• , ••. , •• , ••• , •• , ••••• , dormitory proctor at St. Stephen's Eplscopal School, Austin. Tex.. is Sa n d y l\1nntgomrry, daughter of f\.lr. <ind '.\Ir!'. R obe rt L. l\l::inlgon1ery of N e w po rt Beacti r-.1iss :\-l on!gomery is a senior in lhe high school. The WIGGLE 11 wig lri with ton 11! ss. 95 cwrl1 1111d sw!rt ••••••••.••• , , , , .... , . , ••••• , • , • Birthday Party The MAX IE =ty~:~~tke111o 1=o~e .......................... s11. 95 Anchor Lodge 648, Vasa Order of America. "' 1 I l celebrate its nin th anniversary v.·uh a dinner and dance next Saturday at 6 30 p.m. in the Zonta Clubhouse. Fiesta Told m IJ/J, , WIG & BEAUTY allie j ~,SALON Allon Bcrg~trom Orchestra will provide mll')iC for dan e1ng and entertainment. Tic kt'IS are ~J. Mesa Rebekah Catholic \Vomen's Cruncil of St. Ed1vard's Pa r i s h . Capistrano Beach is 1nv1ung the public to a ~texican Jamaica fiesta on the pansh1 grounds from 2 to 10 p.m. ncxl I Sunday, 250 E. 17th ST. ~COSTA ME SA 548-3446 DA ILY TILL s,Jo THURS . & FRI. TILL a,oo E ve ry fi rst and third Tur~­ cl:iy of the month members ol l\1 esa R e be k a h Lodge assemhle 1n Odd Fel!ov.·s Ha ll, Costa r-.lcsa. at 8 p.m. food, music. game:; an'I prize.~. presented Ill a fest ive! atmosphere, are among the • atlracuons. 1'raditiona! r.·lex-' 1<:<1n r!ecor<itions and costumes v.·11J be used. WHOLESALER OPEN TO THE PUBLIC WAREHOUSE SALE T• make roorn for 1969 Incoming lnwntory Wt mv•t cloM out oll 1961 pot. ROUS, ROLl ENDS ,.m• and 1pedol runt of all quolitie1 of carpet. From (Or 1lle to room tb:e and-ovft 500 Rem no ntt BRING IN YOUR ROOM SIZES ~:~~ 1.89:: NYLON Ir-'""'"' l•I 1rad1 typ1, M1d1 hNYy tT1fflc ••••· H11vy bit Ifft Nd:. ltd & bl1ck, & trttn. 9rt111 tw1td. ltlG. PRJa 6.95 ~~UT 3,39 -<ARPIT ONLY- SPKIAL ROLL EllDS IO TO IO lQ, YARDS ICHtla. Nylons, Acrll on1, W.._All colon. Yllllll TO 14.9S noM 2.87 ~~: M •••t HIM e.-ly for T1My ..,.., l•at. Flr1t fJnt '"'' POLYESTER SHAG Ow1r ont Inch thick. V • t y plush m1d1 for th1 modern f1m lly. Looks Ilk• wool, fHls like wool, w11" llkt nylon, Cl11n1 bttt" thin &ny oth1r. SOLD AT LEADING STORES IOl 10.95 PIR SQ. YARD OUR PRICE 6, 95 ~~ INSTAL1ED INCLUDING PAD DU POO 501 H11vy iluty c1rp1t with ilo&>- b/1 jut• b1ek.. l••utlful hlvh low p•tt1m. gold, SEEN AT OTH[lt STOll:IS IOR US PIR SQ. YARD OUR ,RICI 4,29 ;:: .. (.urn ONLY- ACRILAN SHA& Htt'f 2" ttilck. ,.,, rich carp1t 111dt fo 1ny y11r1 of be1uty & Wiii' ntl'qu• Gold, AVOCADO RIG. 10.95 CLOSE OUT SPICIAL NOW 4,92 SQ. CARPIT DNIY YD, NYLON SHAO try tJght twl1ttd, ht1t •• , °" yarn. M1d1 for th• trt 1th Mny tr1fflc. Ont co1o y, AYOCtd• Gn1n. TWE ONLY 526 YDS LEFT VALUE 7.9S PER YD. OUR PllCI SQ 4,92 YD: , ONE WEEK SPECIAL I WITH THll COUPO• I WITH lift 5 0 TUii PllRCIWE TOii ;t A I FREE 1 l~i.t.U{ ADJUSTAII CAmT. SllIPER I OFFER GOOD OCT 9TH THRU 16TH, 1969 I I ---------- PLEASE PHONE FOR HOME EST. 549.3349 HOURS DAILY 9 TO l •IO SAT. t TO S SUN. 11TO4 BANK FINANONG AVAIUILf TO SHOP AT HOME C4U 549.3349 2406 S. MAIN SANTA ANA OPEii: MON. THROUIH FRI 9 AM TO 1:30 PM ~Ir. and ~trs. F. Arthur Beauregard o{ Newport Beach have disclosed the engage- ment ol I.heir daughter, Pam- ela Beauregard to T«rill Lee Robln!OO. The.ir betrothal WU an- nounced during an inlormal afternoon party. A mo n g special guesu were. Mr. and Mn. John P. Robinson or Westmln81.er, parents of the benedict~lect. Miu Beauregard Is a graduate. ot Corona de! J.1ar lllgh School and attended Oran,e Coast College. Her n~ ll an alumnus o( Jeb Stuart High School. Fa!ls Church, Va. and attended OCC. Currently he l! a senior studying physical education at Ca1ifo;11ia State College at Fullerton. The betrothed have selected Jan. Z4 for t.bdr wedding date. Guest Named l\lrs. Raub ra::eived her fine arts education al OCC a.nd L'.CLA and has turned from pa1nllng to crafts. She in-- corporates batik, colla1e, ru~ birui and prinling with her slit· chery in ""·ork..s which tend toward realism rather than abstractions. DJtzenberger mostly work~ in needlepoint and designs hts own models, using many in· tricate stitches. lie knows all S3 different stitches done 1n needlepoint and even invented one of his own. f\lajor work..<: now in progress include "Th~ Twel ve Days of Chr istmas" and a portrait of Apollo J[ astronauts. He is president ot the Niguel Art Association. Is there a weight control . · program that ;") ,)>._- really works? ; ' Loek for le bl1e windllill at selected supermarkets! ..-.:"' r·~~ '..:~Special Prices, Thurs.-Sun., Oct. 16-19- Join the Breakfast Revolution: Have breakfast this week with Van de Kampe! Dutch Rina Coffee Cake Von de Kemp's revolut ion ot the breokfost tob!e is on extra special coffee coke -filled with o fre.sh do1e-nut-f rv it-fill ing, baked with all the loving core you'd bake into it, then delicately iced. 10-IL 39c (Rei. 45cJ Iced Cinnamon Rolls Starting your own Van de Kemp's breakfast reyo. lution is like starting off the day a little bi! happier. Try our home-style cinnamon roll: Te nder dougk curled around raisins and spices and glazed with honey ond iced wilh creamy sugar icing. Pkc. II a 39c (Re&. 45c) Iran Muffins No proper breakfast revolul ion should be withotlf our muffin classic: Specially gifted with fresh eggs end honey to make them extra rich; buttermilk to ma ke them extra light; orange marmalade end raisins to make them exlro moist. ,. .. 111 35c (RI&. 41c) loi1i" IN9tl 16-<li.. .•••.•....••.• (Reg. 43c) 3«}': Crw•lt, l•1•r or As1ortetl D• .. ketta• Pf<g. al 12 ............ , •••• (11 ... •3') 37c lockr •-ti c ... 11y 8-oi.. , •••• {Value SI .09) 99c Cok• o·~;:~ ~.~~-~~~~~~-~~~~~-~~-~~-It 'l .3S ChMelete AINe"tl P•rf•lt Ice Cr9o'" $j J 9 Y, Gol. •..... , ......... (•og. 11 .29) , ~~ •.•.•••..•.••..•.•••.• (II,.. 39<) 35c (1<9 C,-. odobif lo\ "'OSI I/Oft lf9 ko"'P'I *"-If Rosette Coffee Cakes A breakfast revolution with Von de Kemp's beating a Rosette fresh-from-the-oven in its own heatable pockoge. For that touch of the old-'NOrld pastry - d elic01e buttery streusel far o topping. Pkg. If 4 39c !Rer. 49c) Pkf, 11 &· 39c (Re&. 49c) Pln-pple Gold Ceke Von de Kemp 's hos another beautiful teYOllJfionz Two golden pil'\COpple layers, o rich pineappJe filling and pineapple chunks afloat in o bvttercreom frosting end, bekold: join the dessert revolllfion arid have d&Sert this -week with Von de Komp'sl 2-l•r•rs $119 (Y1L $1.35) ' Van de Kampse <»t IAKlllR tlf A. O!Vl$'0N Of Cf~U.I. HOST C01P We bake llie way you would. II you had lhe limt. Astrbfete Highlight Divulged I Dame de S<1u1non Cnrn· modore tsal n1on in ch;1m- pagne1 \\'as the gaslrononlic highlight of the recent St.:1le Dinner given for the Apolto 111 astronauts. 1 In rrsponse lo hundrr.t.!s of requests for 11HS s up er b rel'ipe, Chef \l'cihr.r ltoth ol the Century Plaza I Jolcl in L-0s Angeles tias rrlens rd the rrciJ)C' for this ~ou r 1n c I dr!igl1t. DARNE DU SAU\10.'\ COJ\.IMODORE 6 six ounce fllcts of sahnon (fro ien or fresh 1 i 12 fresh shrin1p 6 fresh oysters 6 !§!ices of truffles 1 6 f!eurons \puff pastry l'ru1s· sanll I 3 cups champagnt- 3 teaspooni; chopped shallots 3 cups fish cha mpagne sauce 6 teaspoons lobster butter I 6 tablespootis crcarn :'I teaspoons lemon juice ~2 tablespoon brandy I salt. pepper and Seasoning salt to taste I Season salmon lilets \1·ith salt and pepper. place i11 a large buttered saucepan . Add shrimps, oysters ;ind shallots. j Pour champagne over fil ets.1 Cook slowly 6 to 8 minutes un- til fish is done. Transfer fish to a serving platter and keep \\'arm. I Arrange Lhc shrin1ps 11nd oysters over the salmon ... \dd lemon juice lo fi sh champagne l sauce in saucepan and bring to a boil . I Cook sauce 3-4 minutes. lhen add crean1, brandy and lobst er 1 butter. Cook again for 2 minutes and season to taste . Pou r sauce O\'Pr salmon filets, garnish wJth fleurons and !ruffles. If fleurons and trufnes are unavail nble, use parsley sprigs and Jernon v.·edges. 'Pearfect' Partners \\'einers or ~parcribs \1 1!1 taste be11er lh;in f'\·er if 1·u1i ' ser\"e them v.·ith Hhinct;af1cn Pear Salad. I This is an irnaginati1·e com- bination of shredded red rah. I bage, fresh California Bartll·lt pears and sliced green pepper. The creamy d r e s s J n ~ , I delightfully tart , is 1nade v.·ith m a yo n n a i ~ e . 1·incgil r, horseradish, mu~t ;ird ii n d caper~. RHI NEGARTEN PEAR. SALAD J head red cabbage !or green if red is not available) J fresh California Bar tlett pears I green pepper shred 1 lemon 1 i cup mayonnaise 2 teaspoons 'o'1nrgar or lemon juice 2 teaspoons pr c p a r c d horseradish I ·~teaspoon dr)' mustard j r tablc!".poon capers, drained / f inely shred 4 cups cabbage anrl turn into large v.·1de s<ilad bowl. ll3l\"e and core pears and slice crosswise into rrc~cen1s. Arrangr 111 fla 1 J:iyrr :ilonl": v.ith green pepper on tor of cabbage S~ueezc JlllCC frn111 a 1 Je~l~~eov~~a~:~~~~nl 1v r ;i p: ag<unst surface of sal:id and refrigerate. unt il serr1ng time.1 r-.lix mayonna ise, 11neg;1r, horseradish and mu s la r d ; chill. I ' flt s<.'rving timr. pou r over ~alad . :'iprin k!e t:apcrs £lver ' dressin~. Toss at table. tvlakcs 1 t servings. Slaw Suits Two Tastes There's good S\\"f'rl-sour fla- \"or in this slaw. GREEN SLA \\' 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons salad oil I tablespoon cider vinegar ~, teaspoon salt 31 ~ cups (packed down) shredded green cabbage '! cup cooked green peas Pimiento for garnish In a bowl, with a fork, brat together the sugar, oi!, virr egar and salt. Add cabbage anrl pea.!!: with a spoon and a fork loss lhor· oughly. Serve at once or chJll for an hour or so. Before serving, garnish w1th pimiento. Makes 4 to 6 servings. ON THE TUBE Fer th• b•ol '11id• le "'"h1!'1 horp•ni1111 on TV, rttd TY w EK -c1 .. 1rll:u1tt d .,,.,1h 1h1 Stt~rdt y •dition ol tht DAILY P!lOT. ·~ + :.• • •• ~ •, • •• ,,... ... ~-- DAILY PILOT ~1 MARKET 608 EAST EP.LBOI\ DL \f D. STORE HOURS 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. PHONE: 673-8310 WE DELIVER PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT. l6, 17 And llrh · ·. PRIME RIBS OUR SPECIAL TY! iRIMMED JUST THE WAY YOU WANT IT! TENDER AND JUICY SPENCER STEAKS P' ·-....;..:.-..:~--=---.a PRlf .. tE RIB ROAST CLUB STEAKS ............. . LB. $139 ...... .......• LI. MEATY AND DELICIOUS SHORT RIBS RICH AND FLAVORf.UL GROUND CHUCK TFE GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMPS TOO! CHECK THESE MONEY SAVING BARGAINS IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT DEL MONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL 303 TIN ........ . s119 REG. 1.45 ..................•.•• FAMILY SIZE DRIVE DETERGENT SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS I LB . PKG •....•. , •.......... 33~ MJ8 -All Varitie' RICE MIXES REG. 43< VALUE ...... , .. . TEMPO 19~ STYROFOAM CUPS REG. 29c ................. .EA. .. ~ 5nc ~B. ", 'f '' , .. t -.• , I ' J. ~. . J . I ' 1 ,. ' l I I ~ ' • ' 1 j ' • ,. .. ,-J ~., .. 4}, • : • " , I -..., ' ,l CARNATION INSTANT 69~ BREAKFAST BOX OF 6 PKGS •...•.•.. .EA. GERBER'S STRAINED 10~ BABY FOOD ALL VARITIES ........•... EA. CADIZ GREEN STUFFED 39~ OLIVES REG. 49c ......• , ....... . EA. DORITO 49~ CORN CHIPS REG. 59<. ..........••... EA. SKIPPY 10~ DOG FOOD 15 OZ. TIN .......••••. , .EA. MIRACLE WHIP 55~ SALAD DRESSING FULL QUART ............ EA. PRODUCE SPECIALS ARTICHOKES FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT WHITE or PINK SPANISH ONIONS s~ WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT 111 ·· BALBOA MARK ON THE PENINSULA } • -. . .· .. \.~ '-.~:. t ' 608 E. BALBOA BOULEVARD ; . ')f PHONE 673-8310-Hours: 9 AM to 6 PM - 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL CASE PURCHASE Of WINE AND Ll9UORI -----........ -----..----------------~-------·~-------------~--·-----~--·-----·------·· ··----. --... ~ .. ff· DAILY PILOT Wtdnt!oday, Ottobtr 15, 1%1J ---------' ,.. ; -. ~Make Your • I Own • "'Mixes Bolster Food -.• NE\V YORK tUPJ ) ot'igin ally by lhe New York S1<1 h! Department of Social \\'e!farc and rel<'ased by the Ne\\' York City Departmen t of Soeial Services. families using U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture donated foods. : 11JomMOn mixes for quirk • "'breads, -corn bread ;uid pud- : •ings save both 1noney and •. ti~holds on a light ~ buct.f'. , • .. AB..bul ne of the follo"·ing ecipes prepared ~fost or !he 1ngredients are surp lus commodities. The recipes were created for The quick bread mix can be used for muffins, pancakes and drop biscuits. To make about I cups of mix, sif t togethu three times ' -t .................................. , :tQP VAlU t \?.,~~·~····~~~··~I ... [DISCOUNT SUPERMARKET I 19th & Harbor, Costa Mesa -FREE CHECK CASHING SERVICE-- Prices EffKfiv• October 16th through 22nd WE FEATURE U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR TOP VALUE CERTIFIED BEEF GUARANTEED FOR FLAVOR AND TENDERNESS .. ~ \ OR YOUR MONEY BACK ~~E~~K ~0~S1. 3 9~ ~L~~U~B!!~~ ....... 8 9~ !:~~~~ STEAK $1 ll?. ~N~~c~~ ST~~~ 7 8 ~ ~Al~~N~~~~!O 7 5 ~ £~~~~~ 8.~E~ 4 9~ ~~E~~ld~.r ~~.a.~~ 7 8 ~ CHICKEI, ~.s~o~_c:~vY:G .. · 33 ~ BACON OHO" l·lb. , ••••. 69' ·89 ;. CHUCK ROAST ~~;''.' 47;. 'I " " GROUND CHUCK 69~ RIB LAMB CHOPS ::.::t; ·1:: GROUND ROUND 79;. STEWING BEEF '"""' 79;. SIRLOIN STEAK 99;. SAUSAGE ~:1;::i~~~.~~.":-u. ,..,. 33' RUMP ROAST . 78;. PORTERHOUSE,:,~.·~~~·" 'I '~ •. ROUND STEAK '"'"" 88~ FARM FRESH ~/A[b~ PROD.UCE C A AT DISCOUNT PRICES 10 BANANAS GOLDEN RIPE , . , ORANGES SWEET VALENCIA ... Apple Sale --Your Choice JOHNATHAN APPLES GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES RED DELICIOUS APPLES 1 PIPPIN APPLES 1 o~B. BELL PEPPERS 1 O~a. THICK MEAT ................... . VELVET YAMS 10¢ NEW CROP RED . . . . • . . .. .. .. . . . . LB. RED RADISHES ~~!~~H ON~2~~s 10¢ U.S.D.l. FOOD STAMP COUPONS Gladly Accepted **** Budget & cups of silted flour, a cup of dry milk, 14 cup of sugar, 2 lablespoons of double acting bakint powder and 2 tea- spoons of salt. Cut or rub in ~'-cup or lard until thoroughly mixed_ Spoon lightly in glass jars or cans. Do oot pack down. Keep tight- ly closed in cool place. Use within One. month. For muffins, stir I cup of quick bread mix with 1/3 cup1 of water and I beaten egg just. until blended; batter will be filightly lumpy. Grease 6 medium muffin tins and fill each Z/3 full. Bake abou t ZO minutes in preheat.ed 425 degree oven. 'The same amount of batter can bt baked about 30 minutes in an 8-by~nch loaf pan In a preheated 400-degree oven. to make 6 square:i of bread. For pancakes, stir I cup of quick bread mix with I cup of water and I beaten egg in a bov!'I just unti'. batter is blend· ed. Drop by spoonfuls onto a hot greased griddle. Cook slowly unt il fiurface is covered with bubbles. Turn and brown other side. Makes 6 pancakes. Drop biscuits are the easiest of all. Stir 1/3 cup of water in- to I cup of quick bread mix. Drop by tablespoonful s on greased baking sheet. Bake abou t 15 minutes in preheated 450-degree oven. Makes 12 to 15 biscults. For corn bread mix, sift together three limes 3 cups of corn mea!, 5 cups of sifted flour, 1 cup each of sugar and dry milk, 2"2 tablespoons of double acting baking powder, and 4 teaspoons of salt. Cut or rub in l 1/i cups of lard until thoroughly mixed. Spoon ligh:iy inlo glass jars or cans. Do not pack down. Keep tightly closed in cool place. Use within a month. To make com bread, stir I cup of water and I lightly beaten egg into 2 cups of the mix. Pour into an 8-by-3-inch greased baking pan a nd bake 25 lo 30 minutes in preheated 425-degree oven. f.-lakes 6 servings. Chocolate and butterscotch pudd ing mixes take only minutes to make. For the chocolate, sift together three time5 I v~ cups of cocoa, 2"2 cups of flour. 3 cup!ii of sugar, 5 cups of dry milk and !i tea- i;poon of salt. Spoon lightly into glass jars or cans: do not pack d~'tl ­ Keep tightly closed in cool place. for the buUerscolch mi);, 01ni l the cocoa and substittJte J cups of bro\\'n sugar. packed, for the granula ted white sugar. Other ingredients and method are !he same. To make 4 servings of either pudding mix, stir 2 cups of waler into 2/3 cup of mix in a saucepan. Cook over low heal, stirring, until mixture comes to boil and thickens. Remove from heat, stir in 2 tablespoons of butter and V:! teaspoon o! vanilla. Cool before serving. Peanut butter quick bread isn 't made fr om a mix, but it's easy, uses some surplus foods and makes a hit with children . The reci pe is from the Ne"' Y o rk City Health Department's Bureau o fl Nu1rit1on. Sift togelher 2 cups or sifted flour. 1;3 cup each of nonfat dry milk and sugar. l teaspoon of salt and 2 teaspoons of bak- ing powder. Blend in :\~ cup of peanut butter with a fork. Stir in I cup of waler. Spoon into greased loaf pan. Bake 45 to 50 minutes in preheated 350- degree oven. Plum Pie Pleases Everyone Lasl-of-lhe-s ea son fresh plums gc into this delicious pie. GOOD PLtnot PIE Pastry for double-crust s- 1 inch pie I pound (about ' purp l e plums (fresh I t alian prune!) I t.ablespoon grated orange rind 1 cup sugar .s tablespoons nour l tablespoon butler Line &-inch pie plRte with half the pastry. Wash, halve and pit plums; there should be about 314 cups . Place plums in lined pie plate; sprinkle with orange r ind. Mi:ir sugar and fl our and ~prlnkle over plums; dot with' huller. Adjust lop crust. having high-standing. well-sea led rim ; cut ~team venLs. 8.iike in 11 pre-healed 42} dtgret oven ~ to 40 minutes. • ~~E~1:1u, .c a Gi~ Siop [-PRESENTS • fLAVIA AND HER "LIITLE PEOPLE" Known for her Child Art, original paintings, plaques, greeting cards and calendars. Her frist showing was years ago in Richard's Patio. MEET FLAVIA ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 11-land2-4 FOR lHE UNUSUAL •• , '£.KL.~ Horne 0 Gift Siop PRESENTS W."ve • 9reet new corner to cepfivete •II you 4j!Ourmet coo~\. We heve gethered together the CJre et-looking, hard·fo-find ufen1il1 end acce11orie1 from around the world- Tin1 for brioche, flen1, quiche, mold1 for cherlottes, mou11e or m•del1ine1, bembe1, glerieu1 copper emelette pens, au 9retin pen1 -ln facl, elm o1t enythin9 you're loeking for. I If we don't have ii, we'll • •• it ! J J For • <w ery unique a nd per1onal 9ift, choose a 9ift from our Gourmet Celler and tee,,, it up with gourmet food1 from eur market .. • truly Ol'le-of.a .kil'ld G ift ! DaHy ~ • 6 • RICHARD'S LIDO CENTER, 34ll Vio Lido, Newport Buch; 6734360 ' WITH SALLIE PEOPLE AND TiiEIR STARS • • So many people y,·ho have found their thing, do it, livt: by it. and wind up with a way of life to enjoy fully every minute. Now you see Gary Johnson, now you don'l He arrivts 1n t h ..... gift sho11 every year round World Series Time, to talk to yoll with authority about your Greeting Cards. After you make you r selection from our v.·all collection of 28 books, you holler for Gary and he comes a-running. Be kind to your friends, the mailmen and yourself, pu l the zip code on please. The time's a-coming when mail with a zip jist won 't stand a chance of gitting v.·here it's supposed to git. Also the deadlines for overseas mail· ings to armed forces are now. PI ea s e call Viola Othella, or Nina and let them unscramble Surface, S.A.M. and P.A.L. The girls also mail other food th ings, too, all over lhc world. A couple ot• weeks ago, they did their thing with 4 packages Of ice cream bon bons lo the East Coast via the: magic of air mail, clry ice and a styrafoam box. • WE J UST WANT EVERYBODY TO STAY HAPPY Because !he 1 o ea I mailmen a I ways say "you"re good glr t. Sal, in I.he ("'lfr~ shop, after I do the lip and deadline bit, please excuse me for leaving Gary hanging in the greeting cards. The chain reaction had me headed straight for the Carrph11ly, \\"ens.lt')''dall", Le i~strr. and Stilton •. t!i. Ju~ous t'ra rkPr 1ogett1E'rs far JM"Qple 11·ho hkl" th('ir cheeses "'ith 11 11 Eng!Lo;h .actcnt, Gary's story should hP. sheer nostalgia lo little boys_ '\"hlle he "'as going 10 Orang!' Coast CoUege, Mme scouts spotted him as he hit 11 llornt' n1n to ,11nd him up W11 h !ht' Oiit ago \Vhite So.-;, :.d }'l'lli-5 ago he turned mM· ager. for their double A Sou!hC'rll League. Gary does hi.'1 baseball thing trom Ap nl ti ll Oclohf'r, and 5pend5 hi~ "·i nt,.rs in our Gift &lop. YOU NEV ER KNOW \\'HO"SE LOOK ING You're all Famili ar v.·1rh th e art ~ho" s v.·e put on 1n our patio every other week. Flavia·s Little People pain- tings always galht'red .1 rrowd e\'en back in 196L 11·hen she had her first sho"·ing here. Her instant success can now bring joy to t'ver)'body 1orho has a birthday. 'J"hrough I he magic of the Bu zza Cardoza card people a delightful line of "·himsical cards u r.nly F111vi a's 1111.l<" J)('Q[llt can i;ay, "'Evl'n the birds "un'I &in;:: unt il you're ft•eting helter." 01· "You ncvl'r look a cJ,1y older." fla\'ia v.•ill be here in person Friday in our Gifl Shop lo perso nally autograph heir delightful engagl'ment ralendan; and wall plaque:s. When ~year 1970 i:s o v c r you 'll find youroclf w i t h "12 Flavia originals to frame and keep for ever and ever. And whm you meet her, you 'll feel very v.·ell acquainted because in her paintings )uu'U gt"(> F1avi11 . Richard's, the Pe a p It Store parllcu1arly 11 k e 1 Flavla's anonymous sayin& Jor the monlh of November, "To have enouih to 1hare, to know ll'K! joy of gi ving; to thrill wi th all lht nffll of li ft -is living." -....-...--,--..,.-..,...,.,.,, ,...... ...... T"f ....... --................. -......... ,.,.., .... --..,.. .... ....., ..... .,...."""~---~-~-~----· ~------· ----·· .... ··-•••• . . , . . ... . . . . . . .. ··---~-- ' \VHfntsday, Octobtr 15, 196~ DA rt !__PILOT_ tf ,i , ·'. PHONE b73--b3b0 FOR HOME DELIVERY . . . . . . . , ··~ . " , .·• ........ \ ; 4 •• ' " . ' ' .. . " .. .· '' ----·,,.-······-·\ ' -..·~, . . . . : · .. i ": .. , "~ ..... · Organ --·-· .-. ', .. . ' . : •. ' : ... ". ·--- PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT. lb, 17, 18 HEIT OUR BEEF IS THE FINEST BLACK AN GUS & HEREFORD SPECIALLY FED. RICHARD 'S IS THE BEST OF THE U. S.D.A. CHOICE, PROPERLY AGED . BONE -IN RUMP ROAST M1rin1t• ind Ro.s' ec~:::LESS RUMP ROAST Try OU< Odont1I RoHI Serenade For Your Pleasur e LIDO MARKET CENTER ROUND STEAKS Good For BHI Cu"y SWISS STEAK Oelightfully Vuutlle 98¢LB. ~- 98¢LB. 89¢LB. • by Bernice Fay NEWPORT BLVO. AT THE ENTRAN CE TO LIDO ISLE Lean GROUND BEEF TryT:d~~:~ :,.~~"~::t"' ss¢LB. ' PRODUCE FIRST OF THE SEASON. NEW CROP, FLC;,.I UA RU BY RED GRAPEFRUIT 8 FOR $1 SW EET . JUI CY , FLAVOR FU L CALIFORNIA VAL ENCIA ORANGES 8 LBS. $1 FRESH , FANCY . CRISP, LARGE UTAH TYPE CELERY FINE FOR SALADS , RED , RIPE CHERRY VAR IETY EA. 19~ TOMATOES BASKiT 19¢ DELICATE!!EH OSCAR MAYER All MEAT OR All BEEF • JU An ei::i•ci•lly f ine becon, Jones Dairy Farm BACON 98¢LB. Stuffed Roasting Chicken 59c LI. Stuffed with el'I unu1u •I persley dres1 ing . Astoria SHRIMP Sweet tiny 1hrimp, completely cooked, re1dy for your favorite recipe. BEEF ROULADE Tender 1lrip1 of lien b•ef, rol11d •round• 1•vory 1tuffin9, Reedy to pop in the oven. BUTTE RNUT WE CARRY A COMPLETE SELECTION OF U.S.D.A. PRIME BEEF BROEERY COFFEE 1 LB. 2,98 LI. WIENERS LB 73¢ OSCAR MAYER Al l MEAT OR ALL BEU BOLOGNA 8 oz . 2 FOR 89~ ' ' .. •• \; A DINNER WHEN YOU 'RE FEELING SLIGHTLY ORIENTAL-YOU 'D LIKE SOMETH ING A LITTLE DIFFERENT , BUT NOT TOO! Ric hdrd 's has exotic specialities from all over the world. Whenever you 're in need of inspiration, just browse our shevles . Shopping is more fun a t Richard's! BUTTERNUT COFFEE 1 LI . 1.33 ARDEN AA BUTTER LI. 83c REESE IMPORTED MA RIN ATED 12 -oi. Artichoke Hearts 69¢ WIS PR IDE CHEESE SPREAD IN A CROCK Sharp Cheddar 6 oz. 89¢ SWISS BEA R. SWiii OR CHOCOLATE FONDUE 1.59 ( Ses our gre•I c olletlion of Fondue Poli in the Horne ! Gift Shop.) PROZEH POODX SUNK IS T Orange Juice 6 oz. S ~0R $1 HEATH ICE CREAM BARS 49¢ STOUFFE RS Macaroni and Cheese 11 01. 39¢ ST OU HERS NOODLES ROMANOFF u OL 39c ITOUFFERS SPINACH SOUFFLE lJ OL 39¢ STOUFFE RS POT A TOES AU GRA TIN,,,,, OL 39c STOU FFE RS CR EAMED POTATOES and PEAS II OZ. 39¢ JENO'S. All VARIETIE S PIZZA ROLLS 6 oz. 49¢ C&W PETITE PEAS llOL 4 ... "1 C&W BROCCOLETTES '01. 3 ... '1 C&W SLENDER SPRING ASPARAGUS • oz. 39c , 7 n rns 11 rs s •s tos nus r suu I? un r ' ' 2 5J 2 • ORIENTAL ROAST CURRY FLAVORED RICE PINEAPPLE RELISH CHI NESE PEA PODS or BUTTERED GREEN BEANS ORANGES in GRAND MARINIER CA BERNET SAU VIGN ON or POMEROL WINE Rub cul sides of 4 lb. rump ro<!!sl ..... ;th I tsp. celery sa lt a nd 1/4 tsp . pepper. In heavy kettle brown l clove crushed 9arlic in 2 T. oil. Remove g a rli c, brown meat in oi:. Comb ine 3f4 C . water, 1 T. honey, I T. vi negar, 1 T. soy sduce dnd 1/2 tsp. ground ginger, pour over meat. C over and sim· mer for 2 hours. Transfer medt to hot pl11tter. Add I to 2 T. soy and 2 T. c.ornstdrc h. Stir in to drippil'JqS. C ook till sauce i1 thic~ened. f)~e4 Ut, ~!Ca«d ~et Peel 4 large oranges, leav in q no white skin. Slice orang'es and arranqe o,, plates. Sprin kle with suqar if needed. Add a little Grand Marinier to eac.h port ion. P.S. 11-.1 Pin11•pple R•li 1h i1 • l,rend n•w •d.:l iti•n to our D•lic1fe111n -from •n old Hew•ii en R.ecipe , mad1 from pin e1ppl1, m•c•d•mia r .. 11 and other 9ood things. EAHDY PLOWER !HOP HOOPER'S MINTS CARNATIONS Th in minis, A11 ort1d end Fir1t quelity, lon9 stemm ed, Hosle1~ Petio Squere1. long l11t in9 -In meny qloriou1 color1! 10¢ OFF BOX 10¢ EACH 1 naars a11r•s iuuus n .. ANDERSON 'S SPLIT PEA SOUP ll OL 5 '" '1 SPRECKLE S GRAN ULA TED SUGAR S LB. BAG LOG CABIN BUTTERED SYRUP 14 OL 59c SPRECKLES BROWN SUGAR I LI. 2 ,, 29c SPRECKlE~ LI GHT OR DA~f,' POWDERED SUGAR I LI 2 ••. 29c DOLE SLIC ED PINEAPPLE DOLE CHUNK, CRUSHED OR TIDBI TS PINEAPPLE 3 ••. '1 GLORIETTA TOMATO JUICE ~·oz. 4 ,,, '1 RANCH STYLE BEANS II OL 6 ••. '1 MARY KITCHEN CORNED BEEF HASH 11 oz. 39c THE All PUR POSE STEAK SAUCE A·l SAUCE 10 oz. 59¢ SCHILLING TACO CASSEROLE MIX 1,,1, or. 49c SCHILLING Tamale Casserole Mix 11 '/J oz. 59¢ OVEN S~RAY CLEANER • EASY-OFF 160L 89c ' BIKE BY DANISH TEA CAKE PLAIN TWIN ROLLS DELIGHTFUL FOR BRUNCH BLUEBERRY MUFFINS CRUSTY, FRESH FRENCH BREAD 89c . . . ' ' . • 6 ••. 31c ~ • l ·' 6 ,.,69c !. 41c . ... ~Kl,., • ...t'-s--MARKET HOME & GIFT SHOP LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY 'S SHOE REPAIR F~OWER SHOP CLEANERS • OPEN DAI LY •-7, SU N. •·6 OPEN DAILY 9-6 OPEN DAILY •·6, SUN. 10-l DAILY ,.s,10. SAT. •.5 OPEN DAILY ,_, DAILY ,,J0-6, SAT. 1,30.s ! l --· .-.-: .. ,. . ~·· ft DAILY '!LOT MORE-lE~ GREAT v·ALU.ES USDA CHOICE IONEllSS USDA CHOICE BONELESS ~, TOP SIRLOIN STEAK USDA CHOICE ROUND STEAK $1 Sl9B. USO.A CHOICl IONIElESS ROUN·D STEAK SIRLOIN TIP STEAK USDA CHOICE $J 19 YOUNG-N-TENDER --LI. BEEF OSCAR MAYER 8 OZ. All MEAT OR All BEEF SLICED RUMP ROAST WEDGE CUT MELON CUT ROAST BOLD DETERGENT TENDERIZED BEEF CUBE STEAKS IAR M WESTlRN ST't'lf BULK BACON Hickory .S"'oiied BOLOGNA 49c ------- Olive Loaf , o.. 65' PICK LE --6-5 PIMENTO • O•. ¢ 79c cono 69 LI. SALAMI • o.. ¢ ----------MACH1AE·Hc------- SALAMI • O•. 69¢ IAI M WESTERN .STYLE BULK WIENERS 69.!. IAI M WESTERN Sl't'l[ ALL MEAT OR CHEESE Smokie Links " o. BRAUNSWEIGER O!iCAR MAYE.OCR ----4-9. Chipped Meats .!. LARGE FRESH GRADE AA EGGS l 0 LB,, 11 OZ. Reg ular $2.79 -~ FAMILY SIZE LIQUID DETERGENT REG. 89c FULL QUART I S LI.< OZ"~ $1'1 69c !I; l<ING SIZI 111 WITH THIS COUPON 11,· NO MINIMUM PURCHASE REOUIRED I' VOID AFl ER SU NDAY OCT. ''· l'b' I l 1MIT I I OX PEit COUPON-ONE COUPON PER CUSTO MER II GOOD ONl f AT IAIG-AIN IA.S kET - WHH THIS COUPON NO l.4!NtMUM PURCHASE RE OU1R ~D VO ID AFTlR .SUNDAY OCT. 1•, l'b' •ooo ONlT AT IAIGAIJ<t IASltlT DOUBLE BLUE CHIP STAMPS I WITH THIS couror-.: 0 Nl ORDEI ONl Y AN1' A MOUN I YOU CHOOSE TO SU1' VOID AFTER SUNDAY, OCT. 19, 1969 11 NO MINIMUM PURCHASE-NO MAXI MUM FURCH,ASf 111 111c:....-.,....,. .. .._ .. ....,. Miii!, ...., Cle4l•t!ln 1•chM1t0. •• j GOOD ONLY' AT IAJIGAIN IASltfT --_ --=--- --. -. -' . . ,I ,~ • ' I -... "' '"~ f i I KERN'S TOMATO F JUICE 0 R r. 46 OZ. CANS NALLEY'S Tall 151/2 Oz. Can CORN BEEF HASH REG. SSc Large 1 LB., s Oz. BMaxlX 3 9( PILLSBURY BROWNIE COMSTOCK CHERRY PIE FILLING ;;o2 CAN .. PACIFIC GOLD SELECT RIPE OLIVES TALL CANS .... . . . ....... . JACK & THE BEAN STALK CUT GREEN BEANS 303 CANS ........... .. FOREMOST 39~ 3~s1 5 ~sl COTTAGE CHEESE QUART 59~ CARTON BLUE BONNET MARGARINE 1 LB . CARTON S . 4~s1 • Large 11/i lb. Can MORTON HOUSE BEEF STEW 2 Lb, Jar KERN'S STRAWBERRY JAM Butternut ,.,,. c" 69c COFFEE 3-lb. C1n '1.99 FOREMOST DUTCH PRIDE IMITATION ICE MILK 'h GAL. CARTONS . , STOUFFER'S e NOODLES ROMANOFF 12 01. Pkg. e SPINACH SCUFFLE 12 or. Pkg. e POTATOES AU GRATIN 11 01. pkg. • MACARONI & CHEESE , ll ot. pkg. SPR INGF IELD 6 OZ . CANS 5 F s1 ORANGE JUICE ~ ONIONS GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS U.S. NO. 1 RUSSETT POTATOES CEL LO I 10 LB. 39' BAG SWEET TOKAY 2~25P GRAPES YOUNG "N" TENDER 1·9p BROCCOLI LB, HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC ··· 79P 17 Oz. Bo nus Si1e REGULAR $1.19 ............. ,, DOROTHY REED YOUR CHOICE e EGG SHAMPOO 18 or.) e RICH VELVET SHAMPOO (12 01.) e COCONUT OIL SHAMPOO 112 pz.I e CREAM RINSE 112 oz.) COLGATE TOOTHPASTE WITH FREE TOOTHBRUSH REG. $1.0S-FAMILY SIZE ... ' .. 19~A. 89¢ TEK TOOTHBRUSHES REGULAR 69c .... _ .. .. 4~s1 ANCIENT AGE--6 Years Old KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON Reqular $12.,8 Half Gallon ROUBELOF v 0 D KA FULL QUART ANDERSON CLUB 6 Years Old -90-Proof CHARCOAL FILTERED Fifth KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON GRAND SCOT SCOTCH WHISKY DISTILLED IN SCOTLAND FULL QUART PRICES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY October 16, 17, 18, 19 PRICES SUBJECT TO STOCK ON HAND WE ACCEPT u.s.D.A. FOOD COUPONS WE GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMPS COSTA MESA PLACENTIA WE GIV! BLUE CHIP STAMPS 19th and Placenli1 710 W. Chapman -·-~ -, -------------------------~-----------~--------.-.--~---·--------- Super-Shoppers! Looking for big savings? Then make a bee-line for El Ranclzo! Want to stock-up for Fall? < J ,.1.,_ -. . , ' ' _}~.-~~<r .. ~ \'ol!ng and lcndet· latnb~ Succulent and juit·y . , . a. roast that's s·ure to \\'ill ooh s and alts of prai;;e \\·hen you set i t on th e table! That is v.·hen yo u'll be SQ glad you tho11ght of shopping for the difference at El Rancho! -. " .. -. FRESH WESTERN .. ' I • I • • ' a , • LARGE LOIN Lamb Chops $119lb Ground lan1 b ...... 4 9fb ' So much flavor ..• so tender ... and so \'cry, very satisfyi11g '. 1.ean ... so ntuch meat.y goodness'. Serve lli r1n \Jroilerl fnr ;i tre<1t'. Hearth Roast ...... ~l 59 1b Fl k St k STUFFED $149 an ea ........ lb Ground Round .... 7 9~b U.S.D.A. Choice beef! Perfect for the spit ... splendid o\·en ruast ~ I~ea<ly for the ovt;n ... and your pleasure: Lnjvy f i111•r (l;:1 \ (1r '. Super-Shopper Grocery Specials! Heinz Ketchup .......... ~.~1~~~! .......... 19' Choose ihe fal).1iliar one ~ou }010\v so ,,·ell ..• or Ketchup \vllh On ions, or \v1th P..C'li ~h ! •.. 1,l oz. bottle. Crisco Oil ............ ~4 .. 0J;.~~~~ ........... 39' Colden light an d pure'. Use 1t for frying, for cooking, for your fa\·orite 3a lad drr~~ing ... and sa,·e! I Gala Tow els ......... ~u.~s.o .. R.~~~ .. ,. . . . . 4 i $1 Soft and strong ... and so thirsty : Choose colors that harntonizc ... or <l ccorator ::)tylcd prints! Tomato Soup . . .. .. ... .. .. .. . . 1 D lo· s1 Kava ln$tant Coffee ........... 89° l lcinz.,. ril'h and crrn n1 » :i1ir l 1crsatilc '. I ll~~ oz. J-·our 0111H.:e jar goes l'iO far .•. :-;o fla vor ful ! Accent .................................... 79• ?<fakes flavors s ing! Sa,·e 20c on -I oz. size. Cremora ··---···-··--·-·--·--···-·-·····-~· Creani your coffee fo r days and days!, .. 16 oz. Schilling's Vanilla .................. 49• J·!avor that v.·on'l bal•e oul ... :! ou nce bottle. Macaroni and Cheese \'an de }(amp's ... frozen ... heat and scr\·e : 11 oz. Fruit Drinks ..................... JD "' '1 JifCP frozen •.. 6 ounce ... flavors kids go for! Pizza Rolls ......... __ ....... 59• Jeno's litlle roll s that go ~o quickly! F rozen. Alcoa Wrap ..... -. -·--..... 25• Aluminu m foil \\•ith iso many uses! 2.J ft. roll. Baggies ............. Pk1 of Ill ............ 29• Sandwich bags ... keep food fres h ... 1.jO ct. ,tnc Liquid Palmolive ................... 49• Johnny Cat ......... w1rn TRAY ........ 39• So kind lo .rour hnn rls! ... :?2 ounce size. Cat litter 11·ith disposable tray •.. ~ lbs., sa1·c :.!flc Cold Power .. ..... . ---· ..... 69• Maxwell House Coffee ........ 69~ Really. v.·orks in cold 11·ate.r! Giant pa ckage. T.,,,·o pound cau .•• 1.37. "fh1:ee potind cau ••• 1 .~:.i Delicatessen Specials! Super Liquor Specials! Ancient Age ........ H1trc1L. ..... $10.98 Straight V>'hiske.Y ••• sa,·e a '11hopping $2.00 ! Smokie Links ........................ 75' Oscar bfayer's •. , serve so many \Vays ! I:! o:i:. Sliced Bologna ..................... 69' All ~I eat or All Bee( .•• Oscar ?-.layer .•• 12 o:i:. Gilbey's Gin ......... HALFGIL ...... '9.95 Ni nety proo( ••• for martinis \Vith authority! Salad Dressing .. _ _ _ ....... 29?. Vnn de l\tu1111s .•. choice of re~-. ~9c ,·nrlet1es. Napa Rose ............... nnH ...... $1.59 Delightfu l dinner 1\•inc fro1n Chri.~tlnn Bros. Roquefort Dressing .. _. _ .... , oi ... 49 ' Blue Cheese Dressing ............ o: ... 39' Diet Rite Cola 11 oz eontcs 6 •0 • 49¢ 1-~ast becoml ni Ame1·ica's fa vo rite soft <l rinkl ' ' Super-Shopper Produce Specials! 11matoes Liu ·,g-c :-iizr: f:.1·d r 1pr . , • ~·ef f11111 pn 1111,e:h f11 r pittu1«• p1· .. 11,,· ~l i 1'1'~! l~n1 11r all Lhe f l:l\1JL', \\'Jt!i 1-'.I T:rt l)i·h•l produr• '. ~t'l'\C' fla v11!'r11 l 1·ip1' t11111ato~'s in ~alu,!;; ... \\"i1h 11·1,..p li;\i Hll in :-;:1111!1v iche:. ••• ad,! fl ;n"r n11d t 1Jlo1· tu ,\111 11· n1 t·nt1. c lb. Cireen Beans 23 c • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • lb Banana Squash ....................... . Serve. il baked, libcr;dly dotlcrl \rith buttl~1' .• , y oti 'll lore-th•· ii11·ci.:l flavor an d firn1 Lcxl!11 c : [~ c ~l b Bartlett Pears .................... 2; 29 ' Ser,·e a "Pe:tr~1di sc" Salad ... fresh pears and collage c.:hcc.'lc ... or enjoy t!tteni for fl:ivor's sake ! I Prir·rs Pl f>f/Pr.,l Tl111rs. lhrri11oh 81111. ()1·f, Jli, 17, //;, /,?. /1.ro salt s lo 1lf'(1.l1>rs. 011cn t.W,iJ,y 9 to 9 •.• Sunday JO lo 7 Ask the manager about our convenient Charge Account Service Also conveniently located stores in Arcadia, Pasadana and Sou th Pasa de na . . . . . -.. . :· .. . . • '. ~ ;. . .. -..... ..--·. --------------·-·---~ -· , ..... --·------~ ~--....-.;'"7""":'"'";" .. -~.., USD' Sii US I RI WE M Cal Fre HI FRE • l DA.IL Y PILOT :J r!LOT-AOV['1T1Sr'l l Natu ral Appreciation for Food Versatile Creole Sauce Dottie's Favori,te By JOIL~A 8Ll1''N UNIVERSAL C 1 T Y ''l\.1ost folks seem to expect me to come in a wheel ch;ur.'' actress Dorolhy Lan1 our said. Looking very spry. she ex- tended her hand in a friendly handshake. She had come lo the stud io commissary for a ch at about food, tut first there .... ·as a Jot of catching up to do, 1\•hile she nibbled on a grilled ham and cheese sandwich. \\fhere was she living these da~·s? ''In Toluca Lakes. believe it or not. near Boh llope," ~he sa id. ''\\1e moved flU l here <1 lmosl a ~·ear ago. \Ve lived outs1d:! Baltimore for nearly 10 years. Bill Ulled to ha ve a Jot of fami ly living there." Dottie, l he st·recn's original :o;;arong girl, is married lo Bill Howard . an exccuL11·c with a food firm. "\Ve looked in \\lestwood and Beverly Hills and finally rnovcd JUSt 1wo doors fron1 Bob. "Now ,1·hcn I in vite people to the house for dinner. I say, 'Do you know where Bob Hope lives'.'' Then I tell them to flr i\'e to Bob's garbage con· taincrs and 1nake a left. lie has a large house v.·lth tv.'o en· trances and we're near the back door,'' she explained. "I see more of him on television U1an I do in person. I always worry about him \vhen he's overseas. He called me last time he came back from Vietnam and I lOld him I prayed the whole time he was away." REENTRY JN SHOW BIZ Dollie's preoccupation with the v.·ar in Vietnam was partly respcmsible for her reentry in· lo show business. "Hidg~. ou r 2J-year-0Jd son, now is out of the Marines," she s;ild . "But like so n1any rnothcrs I went lO work lo keep from iearing out my hair. I started doing summer stock and went on tou r doing 'Hello Dolly.' I was in 112 cities in JO months. I asked how her boys fell ;ibout her salad days in a !'aroog. "Sometimes I h e y whis tle ;it me,'' she giggled. Thrrc is a guileless charm ;:ibout Doltie who look ed very pre11y 1n a mau1·e colored linen drrss , topped v.·ith a eardigao or a deeper hue, h('r hai r piled high in an upsv.·cpt h<1irdo th;:it ga1•e her a rrsernb!ance lo G I o r i a ~wanS<Jn. She was in the $(udio 10 dn a guest starring rQlr 1n the TV !'C'rics, "Name of the Game ," rl11e to be shown on CX:t. 17. "[ pl ay t.hP proprielrr~I> or a sean1y tave rn,'' she said cnthusiris1ically, happy \n be ,1cting after a virtual relire- mC'nl of JO years. She nevrr ceases lo be ;imusrd a! Lhr rrat tions of her fans. "\\1hen I v.'a!'i playing in Kennibunkport. my husband C"amr backstage convu lsed 111th laugh ter, !'laying, 'Thrre Living Word s 7443 t,~~ Embroider panel to remind and inspire young and old. Encourqe • true senM: or patriotism •Ith the ringing words of President Kennedy . Embroi~r striking picture In easy stitches. Pat. 7443 : tranafer 15" x 20", directions. P'IFJ'Y CENTS fcoins) for each pattern -add 15 cents for each pattern for first.class mailing and special handling; otherwise third.class delivery will take three wttks or morr. Send to Alice Brook!!, the DAI · LY PILOT, 105 Needlecraft Oc.pl., Box 163, Old Chrlsra Sla1ion, New York, N.Y. 100!1 . Print Name. Address, Zip, Pattern Numbtr. are two llttle ()]d men out lhf're. One of lllern said : "I t11n't wait to see that Lamour." .. 'And lhe 01hc r o ne answ~rt'd, "\\'hy,'' she's got to be in her late 60s. She played v.·ith Crosby .and !lope su 1nany years ago." • "Y..'hen I asked Bill what he did about the .incident, he said, '\\'hat could l do?' I threaten- ed lo divorce him on the spot," Dottie giggled. "Just Uie other day, 1 ran into a former <A:ardrobe lady I knew \\'hen I firs! started oul in the business. Bessie ran over -and hugged and kissed me saying, "How are you'! You look di vine." LBJ LEADS OVATION ··r told her I y.•ish she'd go and tell that lo everyone in town ~" Just for the rerord , Ootlie was born in 1914. One of Lhe biggest thrills of her life l'ame in Austin, Tex., where she \\'as pl;1ying "Dolly " "LBJ was President at the does not touc h the shrin1p. Steam shrimp 4.5 minutes (or u nlll shrimp just begin to turn pinkl. H.e1no1·e baskrt im· med1at 11 ty fro1n s:iutrpan; cool. Dlscanl shri1np bull. Shrll :ind dt•vc1 n shri1nn. !leat Creule ~aul'i' i r1 SiJUccp;.111 (ur .~k!lkl l. Corr·t·t·t ~cason1ngs to tas\e. 1\dd cuok- ed devc111c<l !ihrunp. l !e;1t f1:1v n1inutes JLJst until sauce and shrirnp arc piping hoL S1·rve shrunp and :;aut'C :.pooncd over n1ounds of hot t:Wked fluffy net Ser\ es 6-8. For t:hitkl'n Creul" :J pound clc<1nl'11 lryinf.: rhic kcn, cul 111lo :i<'r' · 1ng pit::ces Salt, fre shly ground bla1·k pcpj)('r :l tablespoons oli1e (11r vegetable) oil J teaspoons swl'el but t ~·r Onc·half JO'.~ o u n c e !'an chicken broth dil uted w11h equfll arnounl ol water (nr ': cup cni.:h while WJIH! and waltT) About 2 cups Creole sauce. Season chic ken pieces lightly with salt, pepper. Heat 011 and buttrr in large sloll et untll oil ts hOL but not ~1noking, ~1uu·k· ly bro1vn thil'kt::n 011 both SJrl L•s 11111!1 golden. l!l•1n111c cllick1·n lnun ~killl·!; drc1l11 w1·ll 011 paper 1011·eh to absorb cxcc~s grease. l 'i;_ll'C lilll'/.,t•11 111 <•llulil!'r ~killt'l (ur ~.Ju ccp:11 11. .\dd diluted ehlC'k1•n :,lot k 1 qr'" 1n~' w:itcr rnixturc1. Co\rr, 1·ook 1.1 111•nt1!('S U\l'r l!IW lu·;1I Hcn101·c chicken fru111 ~k1Jlet 1:ir ~illll'Cfl<ln)' 1><•11r off 1\lHSl or l!rjU!f.J ltll~J <Utlt:llllCr, clS rc~cr1cd thlc~cn !>lut·I... i\dd Lrculc ~auec lo ~liJllt·L \1·1th ch1l·kt'n. D1lulr ~;:1uCf' l1gJ11ly ll 1a·1·cJcd 11·1111 rc·~cr1 ed 1hicken ~tuck. Cove r. ~11nrn1·!' ~lul\·!y ;1huut :HJ n11uult•s 1or un !ll ch1ckt·n 1..; ftirk lcn1lt·r1 . Hen101'C' 1:lutkl·n tu h1':1t11d plaller. St'r\c \•1lh t'U0kt·d llOQtlJci,: (Or nee). C<irnish with sn ipped frc~h par~lcy. Serve ~~lure 111 sauce dish lu be ~1X10ned grnrr<•usly o v r r L'hickc n anti noUd!rs. Serves 6. For lbe llalian·style veal eOJs~erole :! p1111ntl s lll1nly lihceo l'Ca! -;l·~llop:;; ~~11. trei.hly grounO pepper '.! tablespoons olive 011 About 1 ~ cup gr at ed J';irnl1'Si!n t'hcesc ,.1 pau11d ~li ecd r.·lozzarrlta cl1cesr . t•ut in th in strips About I' i cups Creole sauce Pound \'Cal lo fl att en slight· I·• (;ul 1nlo two·inch squ ares; ~1·a~on light ly \1·1th s;1lt and p1·pper . lleal oil to s11.zling in large skillet . bro11 n \f':il 11uk·kly un twth :-ides l)ri!1n 11 t ll on :ibsurbent p<iper . l'klC'(' \C:1l HI bo\10111 Of i quart f i re JI r a o f e:isserulc. S1i•Hu1 ll\C1-\h1rds ol s;uJCl' 111er l;.iy1·rs uf veal. Sp r i 11 k I c gr>nerou~Jy with Parmesan 1·hccse. Top with re1naining SllUCt and Pannesan <:hcese, a1ul lily strips of l\.1ozzarcl!a chee se over the top. Bake 1n preheated 3 5 0 degree f . oven abou1 Jll rninutt•s (Or until n1eat is lf'n d('r J. Run uru!t•r bru1ll'r IU bro\.1'11 cllef>SI' if n ci.;es.~:i r.v. Serve wilh grcc11 scd;1d , l'tJUk- ed :-:pLJghct11. Serves 6·8 Aflcrthoughts · Dolli t' 's Creole sauce can bt1 the start uf sn1ncth111g nt•w ;1 n d 11ellc1ous. Dot ~ u g gr s I s . ··neheat MIUi:c if stort'd !or frozen) b<:fure t;1s11ng to cor- rect seasonings. Add ad- tl1t1on<1J !1erbs for al.hied ,,.,t or team ii v.-Jth your ch:tu:c t1C /ish. meat or poultry." The sauce 1n;1kL'S ;.111 cx- •·L·llt•nt 1trcs:-.-uf) f11r 1•wkc1 I ll'fl-or('r beef or larnb . Vur a .. J<Hnhala)a" Ir cat 111 t' n ! • rehcal sauce "'1111 lliunks .. r t:Olikcd h;1n1 l<!f 3 sn1ok1·y tla1·nr, t0<1kcll 11'gl'lahl1".~ lcggplanl, ukr;1 11r 1·urnJ ur hard·cookcd tgg~ 1 fur hHwh con or supper d1shcs1. Ju~l take it froo1 there. \ ' ~) .-:::...1· ~4 , I OR IGINAL SARONG GIRL Dorothy Lamour !in1c and never had seen the,---~;;;;::====-===========-=========;:=================:;:==:;:=========:..,.--===,...._ play. ln1 aglne getting a Stan · :I : @ ~ m ~ I ' <l iog "''•iioo fmm 'cmwd of 5 ; ' : ~~1·. . .-•: . ~ ,... ).i r ( . to 6,000 people led by the · 1 · .. \! .. 1~., _I I_ .~ ~\.I 1' ~ '-·--' .' President !" : · ..-... , _ Dott ie recenlly v.·<1s : , , ....-., ; "thri!!!'d" by dining al th~ · . ~ • \Vhite I-louse 1vith the Nixons. She is strictly non partisan \1'here her friends are con- cerned. "Spiro Agnew used to be-in our neighborhood, and he and Bill v.·ent to the same club in Balitmore. He's a l'ery good man," she said. Gelling down to pots and pans, Dottie said, "I've been mar ried for 26 years, and I've always.-,told everyone that I married my husband beca use he cooks so Y.'ell." She has a natural ap.- precia!ion for food ; sh~ \\'as born in New Orleans where good foOO and good music <ibound. "I /1ave one recipe t h<1t's just wonderful, be cause there are four or five lhings you can do v.•ilh it. You can make the sauce it's basically a Creole sauce - and add different things to it. She dictated the recipes. being very precise about her ingredients and ex plicit about tech niques, for ex ample. in the treatment of shell fish . ''I cook m o s t t hi ng s automatically," she said. "The main thing when you make a shrimp creole is nevt'r Ol'ercook the shrimp. I hav e a trick I do with it. Selecl the larger shrimp because they 're s1reetcr·r!avored. First. make the shrinip 'boil.' ;:ind then ~lea rn them in one of those v>ire baskels. If you make enough sauce, every third night }'OU can do sorncthing different wilh it. The ad· vantt1ge is you prepare din~r ahead and are ahead or the game ." Recipes and improvisallons follow: DOROTHY LA .'\1 0 U R 'S TIIRE&l'tlEALS-L\!.QNE for the Creole Saoce: J large onion chopped t about I cupJ clo\'c garlic, pressed large green pepper. ('Inc half minced, other half cut 1n large dice 1 l cu p celery, cut in one.inch piece~ 3 tablespoons flli,·e oil Large b;iy lraf 1'1nth dned thyme 1.,-te aspoon dried ba~1 I '1 teaspoon dried oregano '1 teaspoon celery seeds (or celr ry sall \ tahlrspoon rho pp c. d parsley ! po11nd can ltalinn pl urn ton1atocs, chopped 1 teaspoon salt Freshly ground pepper lo taste Dash sugOJr Cook on ion s, garlic . minced green prppcr :ind celery 111 olive oil in a large skillel (or Dutch oven) until ve11:elablcs are soft, but not bro\\•ncd . Add the remaining In· gredienls t xcept diced green pepper. Cook uncovered sin1· mering over low h!'al about 1 i:i hours (or until sauce has reduced in volume by ()ne· half). Sti r occasionally to pre· vent slicking . Add diced green pepper during the last 40 minutes of cooking time. Cool, cover and store in refrigerator (or freeze) until ready lo use. Makes about l Y, quart!'I of saucr. For 1brlmp Creole: 2 quaru water 1 i cup vinegar Piece cut onio n I bay leaf Small stalk celery vdth lea~s 1/18 teaspoon garlic salt. optional S brul~ peppercorns 2 pounds large fresh !'lhrimp About 2 cups Creole sauce Prepare the shrimp "boil" by combi ning all the in- gredi<'nl.s excrpl shrimp in a deep saucepan. Simmer about 10 min11te!i . r.lea nv.·hil!', rinst shrimp un· der cold runn in~ water. Plarr shrin1p in wire ha~ket 1n saucepan tx!ng sure the 1~atcr 1 PRICIS lfflCTIYI THURS. thru SUN., OCT. 16·19, 1969 STOCK UP NOW AND GET BLUE CHIP STAMPS! FRllH, MIDIUM SIZE PORK SPARE RIBS l lOlEN U.!. 0 ... INSPECTED 49 ( LAMB ROAST "':::·· lb . T•OlEN US ti A INSPfCTtO LEG OF LAMB YOUNG f URKfY DRUMSTICKS f .• U ~ 0 A C~!O!Cf lff f SHORT RIBS 39,b . PAN RIAD'I' CHICKEN CUP-UP FRYERS Ol .. "Ml•1 0• "'•'''~''"" 35~b. U 5 0 A INSPf(ltO (Hl(KfN FRYER PARTS ,lAIN 011 8iEADEO VEAL STEAKS B~fADfO TU~<f Y 0~ 12 '" pi,q VEAL DRUMSTICKS !N Ct YOVAC PACKAC.( $139 McCOY 'S PASTRAMI ,. FROZEN FOODS PQ~APIT " l~f f J (Hf f~I fN(111L"0 "5, C0CK1 ... il '"CO~! MEXICAN ENTRIES ;,;~ 37• MAGIC (Hf_~ f ROZ EN flAV 11 PAC , f 000 GIANT " f·RES H io;I ST TOMATO ORANGE SOUP JUICE MIXIC:cAN NDIN~N°isri1S J ~~: 49c ALL GRINDS COFFEE '~·25c 5 ~::;51 ''" 2.lb. :l.l lO -J lb. S.t.65 kfRN'~ SUCFD STRAWBERRIES ... PPU PUMPk!N, M INC[ JOHNSTON'S PIES JOHNSTON'S PIE SHELLS 55~ l lh LIQUOR SPECIALS DELICATESSEN ROCKINGHAM FOOD GIANT ~ •LINDID CREAM CHEESE KENTUCKY WHISKEY PREMIUM3 s1 QUALITY l•oz. pk gs. s399 FOOO Ci!ANl ~ Sll(,0 1 ... ro •llD 0 ,t.N•!>" 59• COOKED HAM . " ,., FULL FllGO "Wl5(0N51N. a.a/ 5111 QUART MOZZARELLA BALLS 49• lfO'S QUALITY B!O . HAM, OA~K fU~KEY 35• CHIPPED MEATS . ., .. 67 ' " 0 " .. " 0 tS , ...... HAIR TONIC "'fG ~r II 74' ' _ . .,.,.-""-.; A·OZ. SIZE YOTI TOOTH"AITI STUFFING ~IZE BELL PEPPERS GARDEN ,tESH, All VEGETABLES MIX or MATCH 611(111 lfAfllS, COIN, SLICfO Blns. SWiii l'fAS G!~!cv ~,~, llEG. 79c l h '!"" 88' GPACOL GARGLE , ....... 2.\2.9c ©59c l•ll • GREEN BROCCOLI 191b. ~ ·---, COfffl -All GR.IN05 HI LLS BROS. l lb t nn /'t ;>lb fon ~14~ J lb cnn <,] 09 ll)ol IN'll\~1 \ !Q ~~· ..... IXCIDRIN 60'1 73' EXTRA lAfGE Co.«l .. !IU I llG •• l>Or 68' •RICK SHAMPOO 1•¥• ~ SUGARIPE PRUNES ~;;,'. 29c lody Scolt l oilet T1sstJe, Pr.nted, 2·ro ll nnck .... ?9c I vsol Toilet Sowl Cleaner. lti 0 1 bo tie fr 1s k0es Dry Dog Food, Cubes or Mix . 25 lb bog ..... S2.79 Dutch Cleanser. Incl 2c off, !'1 o: c'n Frisk1rs Dog Fo()rl Cubt's or Mix, 50 lb. boq ...... $.1 99 French's Potato Pancakes. 6 01 p~1 rns~1es Dog Food or Puppy fond. JV,.lb. boo .. _J9c loP1no Ml.')(icon Type F lour.:~ lh b:g fr1~~·es Purpy food . 3 lh hog .69c Blu!' Bonnet Morgorinc, 1 lb r~q . Trend L1nu1d Dcrrr11rnt Incl !Or off. ')?.01. bol!IP .33c Goy Bouquel Bor Soop, 6·bor p~q . ,5, 'J for31 c ,5, ~· 1 Q? . ., JQe. f RfEZE DRIED IN51AN1 COFfEf TA STER'S CHOIC E 23f)0 llarhor Blvd. at \l'ilson St., llarltor Sbo1111i11g Cl"nft!r', Costa 1'1es u _, . ___,..,. '' • • ....... y f y ..,--~--·..---·r -.-~--q · -7 ··r -~.---·---.,.11r-·• -~ . ..,.,....f7'i '--·-.-·r;rr --,-·,.----r·• -·--.. ,.-,.....---·--· -• • ~·-.,. .. · .. , r ••r •••·,-,---•-.. v .... -·.·-----rrr--.. __,,-,,."'T""'"~-•<:-•~•T•'"'· __ .., DAILY PILOT 4 9 Market Basket helps you fight inflation everyweek with ••• COPYRIGHT l 969 MARKET 6ASKET OCTOBER 15 Prices ore etfe<:tivt Wtd., OC1. 1.5 rhru Tl.ll!S... Oct 21, 1969. .)(ar.l;et ..3as./;et TEN DE RAY aRANO 1!11 USDA CHOICE HERE'S YOUR DOUBLE SHIELD '!.~!.' AGAINST INFERIOR QUALITY BEE . Th • U.5. D.A, CHOICE oh,.,ld meonJ 1ha1 •~ olfkiol U.$. O•pl. of Ayriu1llu•• ••pe'1 ho• ;,.,p.,t!fto(! 1he beef!<> mol." •u,. it -ol•!IO"'•'""'""' llondord• lor '"~'""'• colot. molu.,ty, mo1bli.,g, bone &10\Jtlu,.. ond o!h•rq.,all!)' f•a•u"'o. lh• TENDERA.Y .hi•ld ••1t>on1 that ti>• USDA CHOl(f . groln-f•d beef hao bee~ pl<><.,d in 1pocio.I roomo .,.h.,.. controlled ~1;..,.,,. •P"•d• up 11•hn-al lond~r­ in; whde beef lo "p•ok·f..,>h" with 11at y,..J ju•<•• ""d li<>•or. 8• ..,f•I h wrel G.1 Morloel llcultor Tondoroy llroMl II••' with it.. doublo 1hiolcl of ouperi<>r quality, It <O•ll no """e-ohe11 i... .. -than 1-ro liab1• b•t'f. U.S.D.A. CHOICE TENDERAY BRAND BEEF T ·BONE STEAK $ 19 LB . PORTERHOUSE STEAK $)~~ SPRECKELS NOW ••• MARKET BASKET IS PLEASED TO ACCEPT U.S.D.A. FOOD ST AMP COUPONS IN ALL ORANGE COUNTY STORES SUGAR DRIVE 49.oz. 59' PKG. (INCL. 10< OFF lABEl) 610l"r·Nvt Coffee ........ ,',',~ 73' 4' \8 .• $1 .4S MJB Instant Coffee. ·~,~41 19 svn~hine Kri1pY Crackers •...... ',:: 35' rotif,,4 Vorie«t' Cookies • • .. . . , 57' F~ynold1 Alu1n1n""' Wrap Plyfoil........ . 45' Dr RG~I A Vnrir!itt Dog Food ...... 'i,~· 16' u,11rrr~1 Ko~h~•. fl!l ljml~ or Pr_t1~~ Dill Pickles ••• ';~· 49 ' ~,tl~b-Yry !Int! 7c otf lo~:J Pie Crust Mix ,~(',:.' 22' Del Mon Ir (\Ir or I rtnrM 51~11 Green Beans 3 i~~: 69' (om.11!);;~ Jlitrd P• A I .,,,33' 1e pp es .... '"" (o'!l~!oc~ t!1rrry Pie Filling •.... ·~: 49' ?1-0Z, APl'l.E fll \ING. ~•c Bl111Bey Bowl Cleaner •• ".?r 79' lfomh -Pk9 ol~ l•,ld W•1trr f1r,-1 4'St o!'f I ~i-...i All Detergent. '.:.:: $1 11 Ice Cream Bars ••• 63' M"""~,_..,.. MJB TR EE TOP APPLE COFFEE CIDER llB. 63' V2·GAL63' CAN BTL. 2-LB .. $1.25; J.LB., $1.87 .~ ONIONS 1 Qlil01"o0CirttnGlo~ Artichokes. : • 4 :~.: 49' ·~), 3 1 ·\ . 7' ·, -LB ' ; I BAG . ,.,,.--.• l•l•o fOlllV Red Otl•CIOU\ Apples ••...... 6 i:,89' r.ourmt!"• Otltg~! Mushrooms .. ~;., 77 ' New Crop in !hl Shell reerl~>• Almonds ••..... ., 39' Sv~s-1 Pilled Prunes ......... ", 79' e NEWPORT BEACH -'"' •• , ... 11''· •• ,,. "· 1110 lr"IM A•e,, IWHtcllff Plarol (INCL. 3< OFF lABEL) PUREX BLEACH GAL. 55' BTL. U.S. NO. l RUSSET POTATOES 106~639c "'J.l &. BAG 77c HEINZ KETCHUP 20.oz. 29' BTL 12.oz, WIDf MOUTH 8Tt., 2Sc: WESTPAC FROZ EN All VARIETIES VEGETABLES 2~Z 89' BAGS e HUNTINGTON BEACH-•;: • .'=·::.,~·• - . .· . ' . . ' . . . ·;: .. . . • ... .· .. --.... ·~·· ""0 DAIL 'f r11 QT" I l l ' ' I • • • I I ,\ I ( r I r I I' B ON~LESS STEAKS MAYFAIR BLUE RIBBON OR U.S.D.A . OiOICE • RO UNDST°EAK 98 • CHUCK STEAK ~ • FM11 LY STEAK • SWISS STEM( lb. ' '"' RUMP ROAST MAYFAIR'S BLUE RIBBO N STEE R BEEF OR U.S.D.A. CHOICE BONE IN WELL TRIMMED ••• • ,_ ~ •.. . ' c lb. -',.' CHUCK STEAKS MAYFAIR'S BLUE RIBBON STEER BEEF OR U.S.D.A. CHOICE WELL TRIMMED BLADECllJS . pg,,~l!l1i~u.~~~J~~ -· u. SJ 09 il~\1~l~~SJEA~s . . "SJ 19 f~~E,S,\~~g __ . -" S] 19 BON[l[SS IOllED RDASIS sac Sll!tOIN UP, lOP OR BOTIOM ROUND LB. . RUMP IDASIS WA JERMUDN CIJT -.. IHF SHOITRIBS l!.ANllNOlR--.----..... MOIMH RANGE BACON 2-lB. PJIG, --··--·· !INK SAUSAGE 59c t!ORM(t BROWN & SERi'l &·OL PJI~ ·- GROUND CHUCK RIB STEAKS MAYFAIR'S BLUE llBBOM STEER BEEF OR U.S.D.J. CHOICE TENDER WELL TRIMMED FRESH GROUND EXTHLEA.11 lb. PEACHES HUNT'S SLICED&. HALVES NO. l '/1 CAN $ for DOG FOOD VET'SN0.1 TALL CAN $ for • • REAL McCOY CORNED BEEF BRISKET _ 1< 9Bc ~Pw!~!J,~9c~,'!_~!E~_K __ 11 $ J S9 1 --MAYFAIRllAFOOD5PECIAL-- 0UNGENE$$ CRABS WHOLE, LARGE MEATY ........... -. CHUNK TUNA CARNATION LIGHT MEAT'/~ FLAT CAN $ S~UCKl RS IPPl[. CRA6AP PI[. MINI Jllll lS..rrn l ie AUNT JlMIMA flD ZlH WAflllL ........... "'· 4lc CIRllFilSH llSH STICKS .......... " Ol 67cl01. J9 c llNGSfDRD CHA RC DAI BRIUUlfS ...... ___ 10 LI "' 91c RDYAl PUDDINGS -'""1for1Jc ClR llfRlSH ZUCCHINI SllCKL .. " .•.. -... J9 c ~ Dnilty Sprcinfs! mIDJfair Frozw. Food ~.8.ll.~~~~ 0~~:~:~; 29~ 1r,~,,~E JUIC~_&,0:1 • 1..~ «~.,· APPLES1 N POTATOESMSIZE \ LARGE SUNKIST .~.ii ORANGES YOUR CHOICE FLAVOR FRESH ICE CREAM 6ftc ARDEN CATERINC. QUAttN :, CAL··--······-········-·········-• 7 · ¥.~.~"'P..~.~~,~~~NC_H~~AD.~S ·-' ,0L35c 45' VAN DE KAMP FROZEN HALIBUT ____ '"'· 79'-HEATH ICE CREAM BARS ""' mIDJfair liquor--m~fair Dtf«!o.mstn ll K[' ''n1 ~1. Po1rstrN111 ···-····--6St SMUCKlRS APPll 8Ull[I 11 or .... 4Jc. ~v 5WEETTOKAY GRAPES U.S. NO. 1 SPANISH ONIONS .... lb ,. "LOOK WHAT $3.99Wlll BUT" BRIGADOON SCOTCH______ ... FIFTH FAIR OAKS BOURBON ........... " FIFTH JOSE CONZALES TEQUILA -. . FIFTH EOMONTON 'S CANADIAN -·················FIFTH SAMUEL SYKES WHISKEY -··· ' .. FIFTH ROYAL OCCASION VOOKA ...... . .... OUART s3 • • YOUR CHOICE • FRANKS ic,;l~INI• 5 s~ Allllff · 12-0L '1C(i. --M•"-- P•TM Bl AC~llAYll( LUNCH MEAT Tl OI. COITOSAU..VI All Ml.Al OR IHlf SOI OGNA l UNCttlON M!Jil BAR-NONE SALADS -~ssOifflO 14 Ol. JARS --··-__ ., _____ ' .. 6t 45' ~~l~~~.~~~-~~~~A-MS .......... 65' OSCAR MAYER All MEAT FRANKS .ti. 79c LUNCHEON MEAT ~1?itl'f"';l~: lZ Ol.-LA. 91' ~~~~~!~~!~l~~~.~~J~~---8 01 f\J![ 39 ADVERTISED PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 FULL DAYS THURSDAY, OCT. 16th THRU WED .• OCT. 22nd MAYFAIR MARKET-175 E. 17th STREET, COSTA MESA 7030 West 1st Street, Santa Ana 9892 We stminste r Avenue, Ga rden Grove wmw ~wwurff Van de Kamp's SPECIALS lhurs.-Sun, Dct 16·1! Four Fabulous Va rieties Iii 3gc Coffee Cakes .. .'~:ic, Bran Muffins .. ,., .• 1135C Pineapple $!lg Gold Cake ....... HJJtrt WJWWWWWW" w - . .........,.. ' WtdMsd1J', Octobtr 15, 1%9 l PI LOT-AOVfRTSE R f 5 l/Jfdnt~dar. Octobtr 15, 1'96~ DAIL V PILOT ~ J C/llCK£K$£ SEA TUNA Ltght H&e.t: Chunk. 6~·()z.can ... ........ ·--·. 1-,, .. _, • ~egu.lor • Liver Flavor ·Chicken IS'~·oz. can ...... CIGARETTES All Fbpu./a,. Brands ~ l&gufar or 'I' King Siu OIJ ----.. --------.. --·-z·· 100 ,.,,., ~3 '. S/Zc fl-CMtall { Wewi WHt I lit ::.. Cookie Sale Edwards Col fee v~~~~m Regular Or Drip Grinds-Also Electric Perk Soda Pop cr~~]~?~~iet Conven ience & Re freshments-Cragmont ! Motor O•llS Popular Brands 20 or 30 Weight •Quaker State •Texaco •Volvol ine l·lb. can 16-ounce bottles aquartS)OO cans Applesauce H~~~~c1y Tree-Ripened Fru it. Great Served With Pork! 2 16-ounc•2 cans ,. • FiMii •WI snm ._. • I I I I ,..... •.• ..., ................. ...__ ...... Ice Cream Cotillion HALF GALLON . 1 Catering • A Ri<h, l!obu1l Dessert T1lat Will CIR c . for Cclnpfimenh F111111 the Whol1 f.m11Y. C.tetini Qljl[JIJ In [WI!)' tar-.~\ tort All Tr. Most·Wllltld f\1¥0r$. )u.$l lry II Md Yov'I LM IU Bel-air Fruit Pies t~ r Premium Qv1llty 8 . s 1 · All fl11'0l5 ~fitepl' Cfltlry 43c:. Aprk.ot 1·11. ~ 3X. ri.lnct 43c. ar Bl1111blrry ~cl. flM • , r.1'~--... OI Tap.OualitJ: frllit Idell To top Wi1h pt11 :..iii Slfew,Y• CoitlliDI let Crum! ~ 4 For 11°0 Buys! S For 11°0 Buys! - ...... r Pr11 1-ca-ttty Million Pound Beef Sale •"•••leans :·;. ·.~:;: P1l1tt Pattin :.:., "' • lllll kwl :lo. .... o.1yU1Da ~SDA Cheko leof CJ<JICE AtS.l•••t Round Steak llSD& c•11ce Fin C1I hRt·I• (llNlm flt••• Sl••k, IL lie) Beef R"1b Roast "" '"'u '"'· L"~ "'· (S•all E1• Iii• P1111t, ll.111) T ·Bone Steaks -;..~':: ll s1u Porterhouse Steaks~l3' Top Sirloin Steaks .. sis• Spencer Steaks ~~t: .. 51" Rump Rout c~~1tt a.t 89' e.on..111 ,.. Clod Roast USDA Chlliu 98' ........... Round Road ~I .. , •• Fillet Mignon ~ ~ Boneless Roast El"'lsile B<rit•u $269 USDA Clloict Beef 89' Bttf TerM!erloin Rolled And Tied of USDA Choice Beef I~ Beel CJiucl Roa>t .. • h Le1efLmallo Lamb C Ops 111 .. i.., CMt• 99c ......... ,., = := • ,,. La b R"b Ch ""' sin ......, Sh ..... m 1 ops ..... ,., :::::.::-:::: • ,,. Small Loin Chops::: ~.51" ~Che~~1 .. -----loll-ma •'" ¥111...,. "!:"'.Tl' Sliced la con '""' oit• z = . '" '*' ,_ -.:-• Tl' •Mtam i.a. 69c ·. lolfUtar '""' ·"' ...,_., ·"' •""' r-!l&o ~ Additional Meat Manager 's Buys .... ...,~Slk:M Bacon , ...... 91' ......... _ .,..,, .. , CanndHam1 ="""""' $4'' 11 '""Sin PN-Cooktd Fllltt1 'i:; .. 79' Prto<ooktd Flall Sticks '~:'.' 69' Y•dt l-p1Cotlo o'\'l': ~ .. ::; 67' Swift's Turkey RHll ~'":! 12" Breast of Turkey Rtad '""' '3~ llddifional Meat Manager's Buy$! _.., .. Jumbo Piece Bologna= .. 59' MMt Sal• Fnsh Uwer Sausage :::.': .. 59' I Wienen SRcetl Bologna r>':.~.. ·:;~ 59' ~ !'"' ,. 79c Sliced Salami ~-...... ·:: 59' ~;~ ~- ·-· ... ,._... c --.. lOUR 4 $100 CHOICE For --.. 89 ··--~ ·-...,_, " ·-·--··-21• ··-~ , ....... _, :-::. .. ...... -c-,,.. In•= w; ,.;~ LUii .. -... _,,, .. , l Razz-Ma -Tazz Clusters of Glozed Popcorn with Peanuts 4 a.o:i.S)OO pk gs. LHI ni Cht11t ~:;.:: • U' l111ltatlon Milk ::;; >::' 39' Lucerne lutt1rmllk .::. 11' Lucent Puddings .. ';!. .:::'. 39' Lucerne Yogurt = .::. 39' S.ft •• ,....... = :! 35' ell•-l-.' . ·~ !;-43c c-a. .... ...:;:.. ::-37' ,,. .• Large Avocados Ripe Tomatoes Crisp Celery Juicy Oranges Delicious Apples l 111e Sile Hu~ Dtll(.~lilttl Jenl!er V1nt·R;pe!lf'lf 0111rltt1t11 S.11 llfit Sue s1.iu Crisp Md itndet Swed rla\'Q/fil V1leno1J :::;~ 49' ..... 19' 8 ~~98' 5 ',: s100 li~L~=. Potatoes r ..... -·,';-._ . ~. . ..... ,... . . .... . ,.., ' ··~~·~. : ":" Eyelashes 1 Cllooce Of Brown Of Ill SSC ' ,• 811ek-!'111 B11J\!I ••ir 1· 1 (Wllr P•r II.ti) ~ Bufferin Tablets 1 ! '"''"As fJSI As Aspirin_ llU 99' • forOuklo Rtliel rrom Pain. •I 1H l (;;;~;·;; Shampoo ~ :::-llilrl ;:~ .. sac 1 (WllJ '" tltl) Mtttl l Ultra Brite :::..=: ::-73'"1.'l' B1fferin T ••lets :.~. :. 771"'!.::r \ Gillette Blades ";::-"'~. 'I"":',:~ ~· Body Pow•er 1=:.. '· ~:~· n • 9\:i lolzella .. ~.,. -52'"' .. ,. . {"~· ,., .. ~ ... , ; Cral T ootbpnte ~i:: ·::: 721"1.'l' , Cllrate Toothpaste ~';;: 71'"1.'l' , Alka-Seltzer ,•=:,, ~';. 59'"':' J Mlalox A1taci~..,"'S:-·::11"~.:rr , . Exce4ri1 T a•leh .::::. .~. 'l"":',.:J ·· layer Aspiri1 :::.. .~. 69'"1.'l' · j Milk of Mapaia ::. ':."' 68• "!.:~ . Coltac fie,:; ~ Wiw; j l.isteri1e Cold TaMels >;;: 99'7.~ I Silll laal "'::.:"' ".:.· 99'':1;- ~ r•Form11a44 ~·r.4 11'":!.::r 'LideriH ::t:;: ".:'" 'l''':r.:1 ... ,. . . , ' . '· r .... , ,,,.,. • .. ... ,. .... ~ ~ ... r • ?'1 ~ r ~--.. ~ .~, ' ... ., .. ...... 4 .. , 1 Col•lle 100 .!!. ·:: 12''.'l..:;o Cranberrtts I Oningt J1lu I Gr111 ltaas I Yellow O.ltn Ot...., Sfl!.Y Y!t1 ,.! ,...,. U 1 ... I ht o,,. 2 l ·ll. 69• Hill Cttltn 38• Klnh.dy 29• •11 rw 3 ~ 29' C 0..:A-Day lill•iH .:-. 'tM ','/,: lqhf GllN ":.:::!." '::' 891 °Ir.: I Arritl Elin Dry ;:; '.;: 171 T.".'l' Gillette Foa•J := •::-WT.-.:l' • lapil Shan~.:7. \:::' ·::-141'.'l,:;o f<H1' °"' ,tp. °"'"11f ...... ,.. .. flftor loll Bryl .... 1o tw-""'' •1;-IJM"',. Rff hi' D.ili1! Otltt -II_., H1ir S,rlJ i:i ~'!::1.-::r 1!:'&3' ~?' l .. Hller Fil• ~r-'1 1":1.'l' Syh11ia Fl11he1Ms ";:: 'I" T.".'l' Lysef lililflctuto;:\~19'-=.I" Kiwi 11111 Po&sh :"'-'': Zt'-=.1" ....... ftf .. Tot.11111..,_.lo ..... ~~ ' Lunch Meats t.."";:;';.': :-.-: 35' ;;:-~ 89' WJIH • ...., ..., "-.::!:. ~ "' I Sllcttl Bacon l 211 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa • 1000 Bayside Dr., Newport Beach • 24 Monarch Bay Plaza, So. Laguna _M_ $)1' "-hrtUlb • .. --19'1 :--ci:-'::-.. ... ':.:," ';: • I :.:: ~ 636 N. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach • Santa Ana Freeway at La Paz, Mission Viejo • Fairview Ave., & Wilson St., > .. ._ DAIL V P!LOT ··- SLICED BACON MORRELL'S YORKSHIRE 1-LB. REG. OR 2-LB. THICK 69~. WILSHHll CUCUMBER CHIPS . .. 48-0Z.JAR /·. t.Ooiili.ioii~W/A~ON3 $ DINNER$ ___ .............. ~8~~tN ti~s. c H.a. HAL VIS OR suao ELBERTA PEACHES-.......... -~. NO. 21/i CANS PlllSIOITWHJTt 01 RASHEllY SWllt ANGEL FOOD CAKE MIX ...: .. ~fffLU~~. V1aVdi94t ..&·t?at. YELLOW CLING PEtlCHES ":;\!'._~~s .. I0).( ...... 14' BARTLETI PEARS _ -_ ---"'1,c.o ~l7< FRUIT COCKTAIL . __ .3J';u.fl 21~ CHOCOLATE TOPPING ____ 1os-001• . .r 2$< PANCAKE & WAFFLE SYRUP _ , · '·""""' 43: KER NS PLU M PRESERVES . 1co 4r BRUCE SELF POLISHING WAX _ :1 u ··ir_ 8t BRUCE S..MIN. WAX REMOVER . -• 1'1-01J1« .. ~ 89' BABY SCOTT Ol llPERS . . r·r. 01 ·u:l.19 STA·flO FABRIC FINISH .. _ • ··""c.''"w.63' STA-FLO SPRAY STARCH ___ 1~-0,nk:t 59' STA-FLOW LIQUID STARCH . ·--~1••l• {,•t.59< EGG NOODLES f.:t.:~~ :~':'i;t•~Y ___ fl.o! 23' MJB LONG GRAI N RICL ~ ' 61' PACIFIC GRAHAM CRACKERS . "'' J5' W':'LER'SSOUPMIXES _._ .•• A~T ,..(, 10'- CHEESE P1UA ' '"I ~rrr,•~-1\r • ~ .. ,. 87" GLORIETIA TOMATO JUICE.._ ... ,J!I' CHIFFON MARGARINE __ .. __ 1·P01i,.~43( HUNT'S TOMATO SAUCE ______ J.oolr JOLLYTIME POPCORN -4 ~~d!I' CHALLENGE NON·f AT MILK .. -· ,,., 9r VIVA TOWELS BIG 35c ROLL BAGGIES ~.1.NDWKH••u:,;~ 11.(0UNf )Q.(OUNT fOOO STO RaC£ l0'1 ... _ 5•· HILLS BROS. COFFEE '·"'""" s 1 89 CAN e I e rAl<I 7lt ~·lll (AN )1.4 ) ·~··' sin MAUIUT nlUTS 1.u. , ....... _ 7"' * SOll flUnS _ _ 1 u Y w;tjj,., JI~ ---' ...... S'Jt UN~ SAUSAC'.E _ -..... 99' .............. ~.,.. 69' JOttlSTOfl "IS ---• ..,. >Olf>-1>! 45 c•IAMll ( .. (llfl _ .. 0 1 c .... °' ...... 6"' .ll.lSlA,(()9_ -~-•·or ~-....... ,,, 45' SlllOIN T5P ----_ l .OI --· •• ~ 4~-·-·-... -~-------__.....---···------·-... _ --·-~-·~ • -f··-···--·-·-·----------4-----~ U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR STATER BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF BONE IN c LB. BONELESS ROUND STEAK .. . l.87' ,,nOT-AOvrRTIS£R U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR ST ATER • BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF 39L~ RIB ROAST U.S.D.A . CHOICE OR ST ATER BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR STATER BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF 77.~ GROUND BEEF FRESH• LEAN GROUND HOURLY 49~. USDA CHOICEOI STA.TilllOS.CllTIR£Dlfl'F 49( ROUND BONE ROAST .... --· u . U.S 0.4 _ CHOIC( ORS TA. TEI 110$. QlTIFIED I ll• RIB ROAST hlTHRUllhRIB ...... ... u79' USDA CHOKE 01 STATEl lltOS, Cll TlfllD ltff' 9 8( CUBE STEAKS ...... ··-u . U.S.0 .A. CHO!CI 0 1 STIJ"BI llOS. CflTlfllO ll(f 79 ( RIB STEAKS .. _.... .. .... .... . ... LI. IJSOAotOIQOISTATUtllOS,QRTifllDIH, 98( SIRLOIN TIP STEAK ............. . ·········LB. U.S.0 .A. CHOICI 01 STA TEI lltOS. afll'tlO IEIF 79c ROLLED ROAST ;~~~t~~SR ............. LB. USDA. CHOIQ ot1 ST.Alfi llOS. OITl11fD lllF 9 9 CLUB STEAKS __ ...... ..... . ... LB c U S.D,A.CH<>tCIOISTATfllltOS.COTlfllDIRf s 119 I-BONE STEAKS .. ··········--'"· lloiniiiou'ii"srEAK ~u.$ I 2 5 JIESH-TASTY-IXTIALIAN 77( GROUND ROUND .............. u . OsCA.•MAYll1·'°~DPACKAGl 85( SLICED BACON ·--·-·--u . US.O.A..COOICIOISTATlllROS.CflTfJllOlf(F $149 TOP SIRLOIN STEAK .......... L•. OVAL TINE ~i.b\'~,~~L ... ....__ _ 1:: o.!.. 59c CINCH CAKE MIX ,.,. --·-4"', 'I ALLSWEET MARGARINE ... , " 29' BEEF STEW VINlY MOO,, .. ,_ .. "O'-61 ' ROAST BEEF '"~ '""""' 57· t•A!.11 ..... ---· 1,;,..(<~ - PEANUT BUTIER """""" -.. ""' 58' GULDEN'S MUSTARD ;:;·:,<, 2 •;,., 29' ALPO DOG FOOD ~:1r:p!1 l) ___ .. 21 ~i~·59c MARIANI PRUNES :_:;,~~ .... --"''· 47' WESSON OIL . ·-·-.,~,. 91 ' ELBO ~~?~.. 1, 39< MACARONI .. _ ...... _;l~. CRISCO SHORTENING . ____ .l "u,85' SCOTIIES CALYPSO FACIAL TISSUE _ ,.,,,11• SOFT WEVE ROLL TISSUE... -·--l w 17' SCOTKINS LUNCH NAPKINS .. ·--''"!"" 30' SCOTTISSUE 1000 SHEET ROLL __ .. "" 14' MAGIC SIZING 10·0UNC~-___ --·""'i!' DUTCH CLEANSER __ . ___ O'.to1.r~t..221·0.!.43' STATER BROS. COFFEE ~i~-59( 3-LB. CAN ..... 11" VETS DOG FOOD ~.989' '"' WEGUL&.I• 041CXlN 6. VJ.alfTT S?Si•T tsa~· & a ITALIAN DRESSING ... ALL PURPOSE SHORTENING SNOWDRIFT 3-LB. CAN ............. .. Dll MONT( TOMATO SAUCE ..... i'i'sTANT 2 CHOCOLATE ·-·· .. -~L;~_ ..... $ 8-0UNCE BOTTLES $ 8-0UNCE CANS FANCY SOLID GREEN HEADS ~ .!i!!D@~GE ...... La.Sc !~,~··················· ·· 2Las .29c !!Pm'!!' ONIONS ~s 2Sc _PUMPKINS ............ ..L•. 5c IMO FOOD DRESSING . -...... -"OUNC< l'I' WHITE KING 'D' OIOICI REDDl -WIP REAL CREAM TOPPING ..... 1> OUNC(59' JALAPINO CHEESE SPREAD P<N •OU Ill .......... •·OZ •9· FRIGO MOZZARELLA ROUNDS . .... ... rnol 89• STATER BROS. DRESSING 100010 • ew' ..... 10.0< 59' DETERGENT KING 89( SIZE DEAL PACK.AG[ • FIG BARS '"'-49' P•G. ALSOrAIJCIUTIWUlllJ ANAHllM J4JO W. LIN COLN AVENUE 2564 WEST BROADWAY GARDEN GROVE 888 CHAPMAN AVEN UE COSTA MESA 1 180 NEWPORT BOULEVARD 707 WEST 19 TH STREET 11 75 BAKER STR EET HUNTINGTON BEACH 6862 ED INGER AVE. SANTA ANA 2630 EDINGER AVENUE 2603 WEST I 7TH STREET WESTMINSTER 8522 WESTMINSTER BLVD. WHITTIER 1<112 MINES AVENUE ' ---.. --------·------·----------~--..............--~"--··---·-------~·-------------------·------~------- \\'edor~rl.1y, 0 lnh•r 1', ]' "\ I, I r• •· -~r ··-:-~ ri~ 11 't 1111 nr :;:: ; .,~~.Q ... -~. f. _ .• -:> -... ----.....-:-""-' . .n.::... • .:,.._ -~"'-. 'i.... --• .,.~ ~ • .-J• _.. '1 ' • .(•. 1 .. ~ •• 4•. tai·~ --···~· •. , ... _ •• •.. '• •• R ••. )f'.'o.t>-.'~· ; . & SKILLET WITH (0~(~ OUR PRI({ ' ' •/) .,, ' i -,, r' •r. ~ •-., -• ' ... .. ,_. ,,, I 10 1~· Sl{tta.r.:·r 1 .... (C· ' ' " " " ·--., r ' ~ ,,.., ~ ·, -'J . .l • ' . Ho~t t'"'' • SllCCO TUR V.CY ,, H~~~fl"'' • TU RKE Y ROAST , ,, •• 1 •• ,; ... -. ' ' ' -. • r ,.•..,), L f, , ... --.. ·'. . . , ' • • . ,.. : l""'I BUVT PO RTI O~I llAM ~~icr:s VJHOLE HAMS l r.S.IJ~:I. l '!1t>if.•(!• ,'-)'d~-~t' lleei I ~ ~::£ RIB (\ -.. '·" I -..I ~ \....,.,":.-.._ ....... '11. • ">>.~;:)~ ~ . ' ' " SMAll l ND 9S ~l SPENCER STEA ~{. s 119 RIB ROAST ..... . " c LB. • • I . "·"· ~. ('1101('1·: ,t;l'l>"R 1'1,'l':I·' 1uu -: ~,., .. 1 .~:·1· .-:r c:l 'Q.tl.."i Ff..;;~~t:r, JOHf'-l '19:, . 79:, 98' . . . . . • lb " ' . ., 091 .. v 5.,,' 0 I u S2 29 . . .. r~.,. : ... S "'C t . 1 i;I STEAKS RIB LB. SLIC ED BACON ~i(L~ 79~ f Rt SH OR(SS~D YOUtlG FRYING RABB ii VEAL DRUMST IC\'S .. ~U~"'I FISlt & CHIPS .. . . • .. • .. .. • . .. • . , t .c ; ' . " ' 67' , ....... , . . r,, CLUB OR CUB E $109 LI. C!J!-l!P Rt\!l&:! 1 l l . 75C ·-----------·---- DECORATC " COR J:"; l: ')l -. '~·~. t· ~ ·~;z. ~ . ' ' " ' j ' -: ' - • • • • t ·' o r , " ' --·--- 1 rt:·r .::&: tl!.t"r .. i.;:·r:t.·1 il .. "i LO :J :otJ BRIDG E -~o PRCOF DRY GIN • 'I f • C l S'OTC!1 ' ..... ,·,,·.•11 .o \111-HS ICEY ; " . ' . ' .. ' ' ' . ;:[~!>'i' i A C:jlE E!:I:! 5 3~~1 s2~~ ~299 '" 59c < • " • •• L~r·_,-HllA<; A f ll'.,TI I If : l ' .,•o I .~!'[,, -.r[UI ',, '"~l••l t; , 99c f,VOCADOS KIWI rRUl'I' · G ~.~~l:.G[; .:·, $ ! ((; ~-5_ .. _._ .. _s_1,_0_0 _____ 1_0.c:..._;_, _______ :::J_r.:_~_~ ___ __, SALAMI 1 ~•ll'J 1•• '"-r' r> SALAMI ... ALL DELICIOUS FLAVORS MAl.F GAi .• C7 H. P~IES AIL c EA. 49;, ALL PURPOSE GR IND -M ANNING'S COF FE E 1-lC. 63c ''0l' J'' ·-·" (· v .. ,, ,, SLIC ED BRE AD ·" 2sc ' "" ~ c:.:.rr --"I·' r~ ,''f,,, .. , .• G-...',,,,-.n,,, :f (f f~ 1; l_ .., J' .'.,'_....-'I~'• .i a;Jt. J: ~',:'IQ:iJ,i fl 1l. T i o ri·i.~"( i 111111·t llt1l l11 1· .. ~( 1•t_1P ( 1·l1e1· ... I 2-0Z. Tl~I S DEL MO N f[-8-0Z .Tl ~IS FOR • • TOMATO SAUCE. : ,· . .,)~ '.-~ ~· I .. I • '~'fa;, >.,_ r~ ~.;...}. L .. • J ro:: JO J TIN S-TENClr. I l[INZ REC . -VI /RELI SH -w ;or r:c •! t l-'OT-1~-07 SWEE T ~IA!i . . . " . KETCHUP. • • • • • • • • • • • • JOJ T INS-:~1Tc.c:• 'I QUA IL -JOJ TINS .8 FOR A PPLE SAUCE. GREE N r o ~ . . .. . . 1 l -OZ. TIN S GEBHARDT'S JUM BO-l '/, TI NS 3 FOR 4 MEX IC O R~~ TAMALES FOR • • • • • • • • • • • • .. .. . . . . . ' 303 TIN S-WHOLE llUN T'S -JCO TINS I GREE N Al ffi~&i' PORK 'N ' BEANS .. 8 FOR p ii 2 z::a;;p .• ~;ii:rnm~m rr.ICEI E!·FECTIVE THUP,S . THR U SUN., OCT. I 6. I 7, I 8. I 9 2701 HARSO;? fl l ";[:'., G. :;·;-. r ·· ~ '. 0 1~722 r ~cor<HURST, G~:P.DEN GROVE • 1308 \V. EDINGER. SANTA ANA ' • r ...-..... . . r . 'r ' ... .J\.,~ .. L,·, ! ·:.f': dl :S'fON tlEACH ® 2381 1 EL TOl'l.O, EL TORO --~----·--. ·------·-·-·. -··· I l l I l fi .j DAI LY PILOT Let Dad Be The 111.111 111 \·••II lu•u-1· •!u.·~n·t h.111• \11 Ii•· ;1 ..... 1;.;ll· ldrJi:IO lu t'1lju~ '11111-.Jllj.! ~!;1111• 1111•11 luv e 1·1~1\,.111h t111\ ·\rid 11hy 1101 ·· ti i;111·-!l!<'l\1 1·ha11rt· 111 ti(• \,.;• r· l..111·tu:•n, and Jl s 11111 ' '.\lo~L 1111.•n, l1k1' 111 ... : ~·•! 1ar1ans. :ire :1 h1: 11•,tl1· Th1·1· Jd,,· l!l ~··t· tt·,uJI, '. lh1·1r (·I lurts rig hi ,i11 ,11 . I liL'l'li)t'~ Wllh li:ll•' t'll,!11' t• 11• I !;1111!1): :111il 11•\\ iill< I 01,, ;1 L' lJt'~l ll1·v!p1·, 111,<I .11'•' :,1 I .11 ' n·qu1n• lt•11 pol' :111d 1»•r1s :11 • .1bo g1.M11i. ~:11•n 1111· 11·r1 !1 1nen eoi>I.. .. :·1·T1 l ,,11, .1 1 111o:;t 1·11111ph·:1· , 1, , ,, · 1;. jJL'f S ' KcbJlJ, ;1n· ,d!·,,I l••i" 1Poks. Thi~ 1v,1p1· l•r ,i. ''ll':il kl'h.ib.~ ,, .t !• 'l !lit al In cu:.1k out or,""" Ii , ,1 11 bt· '''r\t'd ~1·:1r 1 .. , For l ilt' 1,,1,·h.1.1 r•i 1 pru1ii11· 1•,11·!1 1111 nt1< ~ · t.1:11ily l\Jlh ~"' IH' ""'• i111< 1d:1 tr.Un l1:11• '' 11c;.i1, ,,,1d < ,11,1r• I ! I l'):!!'L1IJJ.·, I :1 •I d ,, 11!1 ·' 11;1rl1tTllL' ~.11~•·1 ,, , 11·1·1 Ill' .. ~ "I . ' ., fl;I( <Ill ( \1!JJ1:1~t' :-il;J,11 II 1 11:,. 1 t• •I ;.;:t"d :II'(' .:11p.:"1n11·nl 1 ' i lj('-.(' l.1,1d1 • .-;11 ii ),1 ' \ I :di p•.u11il p .. •·J.,, 1·" ll lS I lii1• 1 q.;:1: ::11 d.,•·I L:11ur :11:d !T\,,,,,, Try lt1r1.11!;: 11.(d "•'· 1·pl)h11u1 1 .. 1,d-111 II 1 :nil! :;u 11 111 .1, .. 1' ' Ill! I I :'I ICFll \II '\~ l\El' \l:.'i 11;.!·h<1, r ~<11 :11111 p;1l'kagl' lll(•;ll 1:1 ' •II IJ:I! l:;1).!!' I' ] p;ll l..:i).!I' I 1 I fll!ll l'il'"TI 2 ~ i ' lh ' l'I -' tu r, ;:n·1·n 1• 11 J l:H J1 I L '. 1· .. :1 1 I poi .• : .. (· 111 .1.1, " 1.ir I 111 11 , , · , , (II :!lllt'd 1;,r I 11. •:: di,Jlll\'•I 2 Flf' ';_' II,' 11!111k 1111: 1: •,f 10 Ii S~o '\', \'I'• I ).", Ill! 1 > Fuld 'IH·1·.; "1 II'< .1l (JtlilrltT'i' ;111d :11rr<11I :-~Cllt'I'~. :1lti·r11o1!111!~ J:I ~ 1ic1•' 1111 11 1 (·~r: :11 •11 I · I 11 g11JI H1 I I ',( '' Ii Ill "·' l .. I iti1 B<1rl1c•1·111· S,1111 1· :1 di 1 ·1 1 ;>~ J:)\'\ ht•:,1 •.rb;,lJ,. llu 1t-1 .. ,1r" " ' " · c1n1-•· .i~~urh:cl 11 1 ci.;··1..u1('~ IHI Ir' . l' ' i.I( h l!\J\'~! \\ ll)! .> 1 \\I "l '11111110 hi' 11'.\!1 11:1. " ., Here 's I-lo "' To Choo se J· >lll>l>ll' l,,11 I 1·, 1 1! 1 ' I tJtli. 1 lit' ( '11111'•. (" 1 I 1 ii 11 '' I. ' :. l .111111 l»I'< I , 11 I • \ ' " I 1;r1 1.-'I''. .• -:.i •• I ,1/ ! ' 1., ,,fl! 'I' I ;lfl!'!\ _ ,,. I J,, I l!ll Id T!11-l.1!1 '"' l:ll!IJ ,,IJl1• • l'•I'.', 'I ·•nd 1111;•!11, "I ,, ; ~ ·~ p1 'I 1. • 11 , :,_" fll':l1 .; < ,j ( I •I .dt' j I I 1 l.ir;.;•·-1 11111 '·roi' .. 11 .!' '"Ill!' 111 tl\«I'•' .,j, ,, 1 ()ll,1 11 I I .t !' • -I I • ~ i ii I ,; I 1 \ ii1•:1 ·\•j Iii" •I 'I tu• I II' ''I' < I •1111-1 l""h 111. I , • I h.1\ Jri·,11 1.,,,k !1t1~ Ill).: l ii, 1\ I !/Ill 1 lo I'••" I '1P ·d, 11 ill• .I I• rih ··~'1 111• I• 1 la .11r Bt·~: 1·;•111, 1111\t \ ••I 1· 1·,·,11• , 1 ' llUl'CI• \~ ;1ri• 11\.!it il Th<' 1!·11 pr11t1Tl!I ,IJollh: h1 lr,._h :11"!, ll<11 I.. ~11111 • or · I• ';1ulill""t r .u1· ~1:·11· p r .. par.il1on 11 ,1 I•· :111•! I tl;n u: 1·1·11 <111:il111 hr 1~, ... 1. ' I' 1·a1d1t!1>111·r . 'h •iii I !•·•·, ,.Jn,1•h· ftlr1n1·1J bud ·1 'n •1( I rt·~h brul roil 1' 1 •. 'I l u purpl1sh·grl'l'J1 " A ~1·11011 l1ni,:t• ,, .1 :1gl' :ind ll;n1Jr 111• tight. grt!1•n li110- hloo1n1·d 111111 111 f101\'l'I'~. I lt!alls ol 1 :1bl1; 11• Brus~('ls ~pr11u 1 ~ i. ,11 1 firn1, fresh. ;i nd ('"ll•P· 1 • '. '\'dtt•d nr d;1111;.J.•·rl <11J'• i leaves ilrf' 11,1~l 1 ·lul " 1 11•' llavor "'ill prOb;Jhl~ 1,. , 1 1 !\lit) be .\'OU k 11<ll', l • <.1hoosc top l!U<1l1t~ 11•11.• fa1nilv mc1nbcr~-'." lhl'y :ire 1·conon11c :11 1\-0nde r \.l'ht<:h 1~ 11 .. etiinornical. Thl•n 11 I '" ~ know how much ul • "11 11 ~crvt hov.· nuiny pt '"PI• llerc is one v.·a~ 111 1;1 Ont pound nf IJt·:1d , ;il.1 rnakei 7 or 8 half-1 1111 t 1 1 1ngs , shn ·tlrl!'d, 1.r l ,., 1·up '1·r1 Ill~~. I oJHLc·. JIOU!id Ii• .HI 11[ 1 ,JllJ1!1oH'. 11,~·pulln!I l•t I' '1 • • or a rl'1a1 t 111 J\1;< \I 11! 111 .. h• I• 1 ;, ' II ''1 J:.,; Ill' !1• ,. ti\ I:" ' ·-- r :.:·;-;i .. '',I ' I L' ' I I L ____ , __ . ---- " ' t;. .. , ' c .. ; . _ . .J .._ c >.·' .... • / I. .. -' \ ( ---·--.J •• ·• \ ~' ... ' . 1011 , : , .. , ..... I ' . • • I ' • I ' .. ' ll-11 I 11 •::-; / l 'O I ' \ , . -. ~ ----------------------------------------------------------..... ---...... -·- • r.)f / ,5 .., the Bar bequ e ; l'l!p !>Ug.u· 1.1hll'~puou~ 1 Ull't;,tr tabll'SJWKlns \\att·r , t1-;J'P"~1r.~ ~"It i. ... ,f1UV11 (l'lt:'.r~ dt • I '"I'· I 1·,t 1\111g ! •111:~ 111 p;111. 1 ru1 nbte h!ll'<Jll. Sti r :-.tii•ar. \Ult';· 11:1 Iii :11 JU ~l hl ll11du1;.: .1:.d I< ;i~poon dr~· 111L1 .. 1.inJ 11tl'd1u111 l11·a1I l',1!Jh;1g1• ~11rt'd!:cd I about 6 l'Ll[l~ l ~·11·111 1wppt•r, i·hoppl'd 111 1·r l'.d1\J:.ig1• ;111d hi ,• lft·r Jn L1rgt• l1u11 I , ,1 ~d lt·I. l~1uk 11;1~·"11 1111\il \ !d \ '•t·•111 <Hiii 1., '.I. :J.1•., f) 111 l II ~! I ~!~NS STO RE EN 'l " ') -' '~ ' ."(~ l j " J :. , ~ ' ' .,, .. , . 1 .. '.,.,,!..' . -, ' ·' "'~ \:.· .ii ... • •' ' . .. ,. ' ' .. I - _, I ( ( " ... r ' . ~l _,. " I ' . ·' .. ' ' ....... ' ,_ '·~ ' -..• ...-.. ~' \ ifr:'..: . ' ' •I > ' ' r·.~ .... . • i " ... l r-r ' .}' . -] .• . ~ <:J ' , ~,, ~' ,. ....._-:.;. L"' ~-~~ ~~. l ~-.. "~"i1 ( ·-~.':r r ' ' ' l ~ -, ( . , .. ' ·' " ·' .. ,., c -. ~ .. c I ·:·s -c" • ' I •·· (' l r ' \ \ ,.; ' ' ' i •I., '~ l. " j 1 ' l • / " ·-' • '' ' • 1 .. ive r 1·1 ;,11 I ~"I' 1 .~111;: u11l1i ,,,, I 11 .. u.:11, : , r1 •p ,111d 'r 1l11n :11ur> 1.: 1 .', 11 "1 ,.l.1'\ .: L',SU lO U5 ·~\Al lON .. 1! TWO! ' . "1 !IS' ' .' ) .... ;/ • • • ~'l/ ' : .• 1 u .. ! ,_ I ·-· -I ' 1...:.: ' _, I • •• s 110~ ~~ l2li :1)26 " Z4' ::o· ----------·-------...... ---------------.......-----~---..._---....--~-- .f PJLO T ·AOV[RT/5(~ OAIL ... r tLO r ;;;:; Cook's T eriyaki Sauce Wafts to Mainland on Island Breeze l>EAR NAN: f\1y wilt and I reild )'Our column every day :is I a111 a fellow who likes 10 l'ook , l'Sptcially outdoors. I <ull alwa)'S looking I o r ~omelhing different . ll ere is a teriyaki saut·e right fron1 lhlwali. \\'c think it is very good. ;'\lix together 11:1 1·up soy sauce, 11;1 l'UP dry "hite wint', 2 el11\'es ga rll c !sliced), J tablespoon llrown :.ugar and 1 ~ of a ginger root. ~rated. Soak the n1ea t io that all day or overnight before 111aking the dish. Fine £or either beef or pork. CHARLES 1;:. CAPRON, LA VE HGNE, ·rENN. LET'S ASK THE COOK by Nan Wiley root 1n your gr()tery spice see· lions ('~n 1r·y nt spet.:1<.111y or l1riental shops. l\-1)!1ling \\'l"Ollg 11 tlh lllrnb tcriyak1 citl1cr_ DEAi! N.A.N · l 'lca ~r gi \·e :c;ome infonnation <1 bnut the fnl!ov.•ing. I unde rstand iodized salt 1s Unly for trib le 11 ~e and 1101 lor cookin g. l s tllis L'OI"· ree l"! ls corns1<1 rch han nful ~ I h<1ve heard it 1s to sonic pco- p I L' • N o 1v a h o u t ;-i r· rowroot. \Vhat docs it do bes ides niakc cl1icken gravy srnooth . \Vhat olilcr way s can ii. he used? 111AllGARET 1111LLE1l, K.C., J\10. \Vho has been ;;c:iring you·~ l odizcd salt is pcrJcct ly okay for cooking. The (lllly pl11cc y()U don·L use 1t is for pit·kling pu rposes. Curn~t arch 1rou ld <..·c rtain!y not he harinful to <111vo1H.' unless 111ev 11cre :il!Crgic lo corn prodticts. A1To1vroot is used 10 tt11ckcn all sorts nf gravies. not 111st rhicken. r;1\'CS a \(·rv ;;111noth iexture. thi<·kcn s q u .1 1· k I y· n1 akcs ;1 ck;ir sa1K·e 11'1lllout ;iny st<1rch.v t;1 ste. 11 ;ibo is used 1n pie fillings. <..'LJ'-i<.11·ds. pudd ings, ;;oup~. d 1· s s t' r t ~·;1u r:c:;. Es peLi<.1!ly good for lhickrning a too-juicy rlierry pie filling because of il s 1cry 1·iarit1·. (;ets ilway Jro111 any iibra1:y p<i stc look . A couple of gcncr:H1ons n!'.!.o arro11 1·ool <-'o<lkies 11 ere \'f"r.v popu l;1r fo r babies becau"e 11 is the pul"cSt lonn of :.Larc·h. i•a!=:ily d1)'.:C!-tcd. I dull-I knnw lhal .\·Ou l'Lln find those vo11k1c:-. <!111"!1101"(". One lh111g lo 11·;i1 cl1 11'1th ;\r· rO\\'rUOL \'011 n1'('d onlv 1i11r 1et1sroon 111 1! in pl~1C'l' n(;iboul n tablespoon llo11r. Try it for ;111 onion gr:tvy so1ncl1111r. ThLll·s good w11h hroilrd ha1nbur~rrs, lil"cr ur lt'f!IJ\'Cr 1n~1t . A(lrl i1 couplr nf l;1bl1:» :'poons instant n1111ccd nn1qn to 2 1:1blcspnons 1nci1.eil bull er_ cook thn! brieny \1ll the onion 1 ~ Ill.'{\ ;.i l1!!le yellow. Then c::a rc(ully stir in 2 l't1ps _c()(Jd hrtf bouillon and 3 tn 4 1caspoons a r r o 1v r on t . De cart·!u! to stir fl\Cr \'rry 1011· hCal 11n111 11 is thi r k ;ind :;mnOlh. Tht·n ;.'!)U can :"ldd pepper if ~nu likr. lncidrnl:.illv, thaL brcf ::-loch ba:;e. 1h;11 coines in a l1Ltle red J:"lr. looks like d:oirk bro11·0 ra~!c, tlO('S g\orlouo:lv hrrc und 11 lnl of n!hrr pl:i1'I'~ 1f ynu·11 11s" 2 tahlespo{)ns ,,r 1! Ii> 2 i;ups ho t waler. lJ E \rt !\",\:\: l'llay I a ~k if )OU hair n rrcipc. for~ ef!l11iir rallcd "angel 11ings'."' l·'(1r Pudd ing With Twi st 111.Ul~BERR\' PL'Ol)l i\'G 11 1 cup~ unsifl ed rc-gul.-i r fln11r l' 1 1caspnoris h:1king powder '!teaspoon s:ilt 1 , cup butl er i' 1 cup sugrir 1 teasronn l';:inill:i 1 !:irgc r r:i:: '.:cup mi lk l-p i nt ba sk et l_a [g e r1il!ivaled blu chcrries Tnpping Jngredienl s On \1·ax paper thoroughly sHr lngcthcr fl()ur. baking p-01,·dcr an d salt. Jn nicd1u111 n11xing howl err am b1Jllcr. sug;1r and vanilla: beat in rgi;. /Hid lln11 r mi,~t11rc and n1ilk : be nt unt rl ba rely sn1ooth. Tnrn inlo a 2-qu:ir1 squa re glass cakt dish (8 by 8 by? in· chesl. \\'ithou l 1v n s h 1 n g beater. ])c;1t tngelher the t0p· pint; in gredients. Sprinkle blueberri es n\er batter 111 cake di~h. \Vith a IC'aspoon and a small. spati!la drop hlobs of the topping mix· lure 1n 4 or 5 rows ov er blueberrirs. Bake u1 a rr('l\ra teO 3.'ill· degree oven until cak e tester 1nscr led in CC'ntc r co1ncs oul free of bolter ~ 50 to 60 n1 inule,\. Serve 11•;·irn1 "a ~ ls"' nr with \\•hipped crcan1 or vanilla ice cream. !\1akcs 8 servings. Toppin~ in~redfcnt~: 1/4 rup r:irh ~nit hul!rr. ~u~n r JJnd 11n~ift.t'd rcgi1l11r flriur. Tl1;111k you ' !\l ll'a.1's gl ad tn try a d1ff1·renL version. So1ne u! ~uu 11hu 1.'.<ln't f1ntl ginger eight years \.\'e have been trying to fi nd this Jost lnvorile. ~urely, I t·ouldu·t have lleen the only person 11 ho saved the dire<·tions. ~IRS. E:. \\'., ,\10.\HO\"I A htlp II lil'n I 1·1111 !JUI when yOll want .\nn1cthu1g likf' this, you sunply l1a1·t" Lu th1c llH' 1n \vi!h a r~·w n1ort dtt<iils. Su 1nany 1l11 11gs go by' so many d1ffcrcnL 11;unts in su nlany parts of the t·uuntry, they 111ay nol be l1t>ted by Lhe title yo u give al ~di. fi xed a ham burger 1hSh she jokingly thristened "'nushlc- dc-nush" 11n her dia lcct mcnn. 111g <ill ·ml.~cd·up, l I was a big girl bcforc I found nobody l'lsc called it th<1l. every lime he came to dinner. 1"urned out to be a chocolate l·ake recipe I had 1n n1y files <ill the ti1ne but under <inother name. fro:;ted or n()l"~ If tl1cy \.\'e r·e 11 fa vorite you $urcly remember ;i t least part of the n1- 8rcdieuts. Even a good detccu1·c t1as to have a few clues to go on. lt"s fru.!llrating to hunt fo r hours v•ithout a single clue, n111 du11 "l lie :-.ur11n ~l'd 1r \\(' co1ne up 11'1lh six i!1Uere11t 1'cri.111n~ That !1;ipp•·11cd wllt'n I trol'ked do11 11 '"l.lruwn~ione frun~ cukc." 1\1111 \l'1l!'y 111 tan: ul Ul\' DAI· LY !'!LOT. Niin \\!iley regrets lltal ~h" ("UIJOOL provide re r ~ n n ;'1 I :111s11cr> 111 )ullr l'OOk111g quc '- lil111,, but queslluns of gencr.d i11L1~rc~t 11111 be answered 1n h1•r 1·1'.i lumn Add res-: y1111r quv~l 11111s to Nu11 \V1Jv~ In c111·1· vf 1111~ rl''11 ~P·•f>\'r Dear rr,10t"I"~ :ill, t l111r In For instance. rny grandn1a Then th ere is "'preacher's C"akc ., So called beea11se the lady had a clergyn1un relativc I\ hu loved ll. she ba kcd 1l \\'i\h your "angel wlngs" - what did they look like ~ \Vere they a drop cookie? A rolled cookie? A lal'e cookie or a ineringuc type? \Vere th ey If anyone has your "angel v.·ings" I'm sure 1\·C''ll hear. Cct a ht'ad sta1·t 1111 h11l1d:1y baking send fu r your frL·c cO jJY of "'Frui1cukt• fo\uH'll'S " !11111! a s t a rn p e 11 :;clf-~1dd r£';;SC<I envelope 111th sour rc1.1u1·::.1 111 1/ot•;!tt & l(l~U"f )•n0t <~1~, "'' SWISS STEAK ~;:'.'.~;"1......... ...... .. ....... lb 86i MEAT LOAFMildS-O"'d;. 69i lllRlllllRllMJRAININO HAM ."0'Mtt cu" 1° STUFFED PEPPERS·;:;:::·~::~-~~ .. ::: .. · ... -.·:.-.~::79i 11.;,· .. e T•BLE BACOBNON:~::;:;:~~;"8· 6¢ POT ROAST ;;;~;"~':.' ................................ lb.86¢ lft lABEl .• , •• , .• lb. BEEF LI NKIES ::~;~~;:'....................... .. ,,, 2/ 69 ¢ BEEF LIVER """"'""'d 58i HALIBUT FILLETS '-""'"'"""-·-............ ..lb. 5St Hormel Meats SIZZLERS ~~=~:~c ... 58 i ond D~•·l:'"ed.,,.,,, .,,,,,, ,, .. ,,,,,,,,, ,., •••• lh. SWORDFISH STEAKS c~ .. .c~:: ......... ,_ .. .,P' SLICED BACON ::.~::c;;:~ ......................... 12,, 65i BEEF OXTAILS r.,i. .................................. .' ... "'39i PACIFIC OYSTERS ············· .......... 1Doum89i BEEF TONGUE ··~"·······•HH• .................... lb 56¢ CHOIC E -FULL CUT 3 LB S. & OVER ·Fam ily Pa ck FRESH MED. SIZE PORK CHOIC E SEM I-BONELE SS Round Steak Ground Beef Spare Ribs Rump Roast HORMEL WIENERS ............ ''" 56¢ LUNCHEON MEATS ~:::.,~:; ..•• ,98¢ SLICED CHEESE ~:::..=.'.".'_ .... 12 oL 72¢ SWISS CHEESE :;:·;;,'.:~.'.': ......... lo 109 ALL MEAT WIENERSo;rno Moy~.n. 78¢ SLICED BOLOGNA .~s. ........ lb 76¢ CHEDDAR CHEESE~::..~~;,,,, ... lb 1°~ TURNOVERS ;;~;'::'~'.,~'.'.''.:.~~'.'.'.';," 57¢ 303 DEL 1'1.-... ~ ____ .... , .. _ ... , .. ,I,. r'"'"' n.. .. ,., "' ML .. ~" TSO N'S NO. 2 VAN CAMP 8 OZ. HUNT'S Cream & W/K Cut Green BATH 5 lb. BAG PORK and TOMATO CORN BEANS TISSUE FLOUR BEANS SAUCE 22c 22c 18c 45e 20c 10c BLACK ¢ WHIP -0 , . ¢ JOHNNY CAT . ¢ DISHWASHER , . ¢ .. ,. PEPPER ~c;;'\',~~. . ... 28 TOPPING ,oO'ssoL ._.39 LITTER ,,,., ........... 99 DETERGENT ;~i~• 49 ·sHOP and COMPARE NATIONAL BRAND ITEMS at FULL DISCOUNT-7DAYS A WEEK" Save at i\lbcrlson ·s OHtE~ OUR Save at Alb ertson ·s OT HER PRICE PRICE Pl11CE VS JUI CE Co•r»<1;·. ""~ ...... .. 59, VS JUI CE Cort<pb<li'> 46 o:, ........ . 45< CLEANER ,.,o-..w~ ... dow l .lo: .••.••• 53< DIAL SOAP '''"'"''"'·c.><1 .... .. 16< CLEANER Ai" W do •. 000< ...... .. 49' A-1 STEAK SAU CE s1 c., .... . 41 ( A-1 STEAK SAUCE 10., ...... . 69 ' AQUA NET HAIR 54 ( SPPll Y 13 oz. 54< COLD POWER ";~''"' o« .... 83' 42< PALMOLIVE LIQUID ~;:,''.. 62' 51 ¢ POP CORN so. ................ 29' 14< BAGGIES 7l Coool .............. 89< 45< BAGGI ES .1:>0 c-1 ............. 57' 38¢ DOG FOOD "'·'···········-·· l O< 67< PIZZA MIX App''"""''"'~. 4 9< NYQUIL WILKJNSONS BLADES VIC KS N\GHT IME 178 COLDS M lDICINE 10 OZ. .5C0UNl 49( PACKAGE OUR PRIC( 73¢ 52¢ 28i 85¢ 53¢ 9¢ 45( "DOUBLE DEAL" Produce Specials NEW CROP RUBY RED -FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT 7 ~s100 EXTRA FANCY JONATHAN APPLES FRES H SNAPPY PEAK of the SEASON .. EGGPLANT FRE SH TENDER , .. 19 1 Banana SQUASH [, Green CABBAGE t•. s~ Save at Alb e rtson ·s OlHER PRICf: PUDDING 1.,,_,,,,, ....... 2/3 ]' LIPTON SAUCE ~'.:,~'!~'.'.:' 39c GELATIN '°' '""'' ············ J oc MIXED NUTS """«"''"··· 87< RICE A RONI GoldeoGio.o 5pQ<>o ,h ••••••••••. 37< MARGARINE A1,~100 .1b .... 20' BOOK MA TC HES ~~;::;.,~;.: .. J 6' Cho !;ol• ~'01 ',;pod<l·"'l 'l19 mpagne fropl(al Ccxllo1I •••• !J1h" B .. ')'19 eer r.ui g;bl.fl'y W &ll<"",o', Co-,e •••• ••••••• J W• Wo,•.(IJ Mr:od. Mod,. lr o<S> 100'" 119 1ne P~rr:tio-.ey .................... t.hh S I h Clo" McG1egor 5" CO ( 5o~e !i()( ............ Q•_ B b So ~ 1.<10 Old Torlo• 1119 our onHolf Gollo~ .•.••• , .• V dk A lb~<1 °"\ (l•o<cool J79 0 a r ,11 ~·cd ••.•••••• qv!)<1 ,:.. OU< Save at Albcrl son ·s Oll i[~ Ot -· PRIC[ r111cc p~ ... c /29 Ah.>"'' ,. •. POTATO CHIP S'''", ........ 69 ' 591 32• r ,·,1~ 1 Voll"'. APPLE CIDER •."'' ......... '. .... I I 99 < 9 ' 0 LIVES ,,,. 0 ' "" r, ,,,_.,, R•H\'. I V ~y ~ .)C ·"· ..... 49 ' 46 1 831 MUSTARO , .. ,,,,l,,.~,l:'.:'~C>I' .... 33< 311 35 1 r1,, -n· '" ORANGE S'·'" '"'"".,,110: ...... 25 < 20< 191 BABY FOOD t0 ••beo· "'''""""' I l c 10i 1 5 ¢ MEAT PIES '""" ., ""'" ()1, I I .,1 I''~ •• "•.•.•, 2 1 ( 18i BANANA CREAM PIES FRE SH RIP E BANA NAS AND TOPPED WJTH CREAM IUTTIRf!AKE 39 DINNER ROLLS ooz. 1 .',lRERISON51 60Z 4/ 1 APPlE SAUCE(Al(E 1 FRENCH BREAD • DONUTS 20 for • KRISPY White King lvoryFlakes ,c 35 Duz c .. 87 1·l B. SOOA CRACKER~ 35c ~~~~~~ 73c Ivory Snow ,c 35 Ox dol G, 83( Huntington Beach-15511 So. Edwards Laguna Beach -700 So, Coast Hwy. Fountain Valley-16042 Magnolia Huntin9ton Beach -8911 Adams Corona del M0r -3049 Coast Hwy. I ...-...-·---· ------ ---.,. -----------------------.~-~--------------------------------... ..-.. ~ ---- - -• \Vft1n~s'1.1~, Otloll1r lS, lQfi"l ----F8 . OAILV ·~ - Alpha Beta's Manin Blue '. . says: "PAT" HART STORE MANAGER BAKERSFIELD BRUNDAGE-WEST ' '' SA~E WITH ALPHA BETA'S 12,876 TOTAL (i 11..o. ), DISCOUNTS ~t Save even more wi'h YOUR CHOICE . ''> ~-·. l ' IOTAL DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY SIJMf ~\T H~ !flA STORES 1/ISCOUliT CH.l.~GE PRl'E ~PLASTIC • ASSOllTCD COJ.Ons 991 ~SPONGE MOP 1'9 • IOTAl DISCOUNTS I,.' -t.VERY DAY LILT PUSHBUTTON PERMANENT SOM[ 1.lPIM11£TA STO~ES DISCOUNT CHARGE .flUCE 2.aos2u 1.791,111 ~ ~RK1Ncw.Sb'D~R • i6-0zl1c ;_1 &~ ~ 37.·0UIJCt 33c,\27~ WHIT!: KING • G!A!IT ~!ZC • f . DOUBLE DISCOUNTS! Ti1ey mean e>t" !·i'llnJl for you. M~O• pOHlble Dy specl!I pu«h•s• with cn~t reduction• fli•~•d on t~ YOIJ. loo~ for !hem lhrou1hoot the itore. TOTAL DISCOUNTS EV[RY DAY SOME .1.lPMA 8CTA SIORlS DISCOUN T CHARGE: PRICE ~cCOY . :i.oz PAC)'..A'J!: 49' SLICED PASTRAMI 55c · CORNLD ECE:r f,\c sgc RLrHA BtTR. ~5c LI). Vat.. \V1ac83' MONTEREY JA CK CHEESE lb ALPHA BETA • 12.!JJC.:H 81 j CHEESE PIZZA . "' vnnc l2·l~JCH PEPPE/lOl'J • 1 \~YALU!: ll.~ ALPHA BETA, • IJ.DU!/Ci'. • 39c VA!.UC ni;u RASP8f.RRY . OflANGL:. LIME 371 PARFAIT SALADS . ALPHA BETA • ~.ou~:cE: PAC:r.AOE:S coo1:1;0 SALA Ml. OL!VE LOAr MAC. o CH!:l:SE tOAf • J3c VALUE:36I SLICED LUNCHEON MEATS ALP HR BEHi • HALf CAI.LO'f 351 IMITATION MILK 21: v11Lu;; ., fi.AVO~s --ART!f\C!At.t.r SWE:l:TE!l!:D ll·OUNCF. CARTOll 22; YDNSOH yo;uRT 27c ~ ....... ,,,~,.,,~, ........ ..,,,."""'.I. l't011/~T Q/J.t/ITY AT DISCOU.'IT 1"11./CtS BEAUTIFUL FALL ASSORTMENT PLASTIC FLOWERS , •MUMS • DAHLIA$ " '' ~~-nmra: • SOME STOR!:S CHARGE me CRYSTAL WHITE LIQUID DETERGENT ALPHA BETA QUALITY BUEBY ''- TOTAL DISCOUNTS tvERY DAY. 4\ TOTAL DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY 59' ~OMt iUPKA 1!1£T ~ STORES OISCOUkT CllARGE. PRICE WATERr.SoRE~fR ssc &2• -G1At:'t SIZC . l!IC!. 10~ err 15c' 631 WHITE KING SOAP MANY V>.111£TJ!S TO 9 c ~ CHOOS£ fl!OM / • PEONYS • CAT I.I.Ill ea "' ~·-~ AND MANY MOR[ ~ MAK£ YOUlt OWN (.OlOltTVL ,fftlf,l,'IC.£H£.'IT i ~"'"""'""'""''~ ..... ,~"""''" '''@ " HJ Bl TR.• 6·PAC~ • ~g, llALut "" {!j J!::.• W Al.! UT SW!Rl. llC.IW '1) ''j' _ COFFEE CAKE ilV' •. '1' -GRISSH-:1 •PACK or HI LAURA SCUDDER • 13-0Z. CA.~ 791 MIXED NUTS r:rnms 85' JOLLY~TIMEPQ'p'coRN35' 331 ' @ l.00 root ROLL • TOOUllED ' INCLUD!:S (,~ orr 391 GLAD WRAP 55c 1 A~.~:LY :.it.E • JlCGULAR OR MINT 109 831 Macleans Toothpaste ~DECORATOR Of\ ASST'D COLORS ~V11~rlo9NELs 35c 29' C !LU:TTC . 11.oz. ALRO:iOL CAN SHAVE: CRf.Ai.1 WITH i'." J~ FOAMY SURF·SPRA Y 1" 931 ~bO-tB, EAGS $469 ~ ~-~N~~G~~A;UllES oR5~~i~ JlAt.r ou::c:E: "TUil£ 721 FIXODENT OtNTliflU 89' ADHt:SJVE @ FRISKIE'S DRY i9c 55, DOG FOOD Jn.LJ:L PAG!> CUBE$ OR MIX 1 ;:3 JLOG ~ u 11,.oz CAif . HORSr MCAT 22' ~THORDFEO DOG FOOD 270 ' VA°SEliii'fHAIR TONIC 89' 71 1 l:i'Ril.'i:"c'iiilc'EiirRATE 1" $1 21 l~·OUNCE: CAN • CH!CP:N lOC 9; SKIPPY D06 FOOD c·1·~~LJG[itANULAtto S9t .56¢ 10-Lll. DAG 1.14 41'..ol 11i 921 ., O'H~\!'. J!,OTTt.!: • SH ~MPOO PRELL LIQUID THE lllUSTRATED COLUMBIA ENCYCLOPEDIA -y O''"r"r V'ES0PRE DEODORANT SPRAY 1" $) 51 sco'PE '~fo'uTHwAsH 1" $1 4' VOL. otiE: ·6~c • VOLS. 2 THRU zz. t l.99 VOLUME 7 NOW ON SAlEf LB. IN CONVtNl[Nl f01l PANS READY 59' FRESH MEAT LOAF TO BAKE I> AlPH! em 1uteu1n Pllll • """ GROUND •• , !!~f, LI ~OR OVER • T-BONE STEAKS CHUCK STEAKS BLADE cur .~ 59:. BONELESS FAMILY STEAKi 91:. ROUND STEAK FULL cur aa:. BONELESS RUMP ROASl 98• M?S, rll10AY'~ f~OztH • l Of.. P~C-. BREADED SHRIMP 79' CO~TCN'S • fft01Pf FISH & CHIPS I-LB. 67' PKG. AL,,.ABfTA n1em1 Pllll BARBECUED .CHICKENS "COOKED IN THE u;• fOR lLNDERNESS & FOU• flAVOR • NOW 78' AVAILABLE IN All a itrCl!ll'I ml MEAT SHOPS rut LY COOK[(). CONVENIOO DUBUQUE 'ROYAL BUFFET' :.$4•• CANNED HAM 5 LL . 98~ SHENSON'S "OLD FASHIONED CURE" CORNED BEEF BRISKET MEAT PRICES ffffCTIV~ THl.MSOAY fhrOtJgh WEONESOAY, OCTOBER 16 lhrGllRh 2l REDEEM 'lllUR FOOD STAMPS In IJIY LOS ANGELES OR ORANG£ COUllTY Ml'HA BETA TOTAL DISCOUNTS EV\RY DAY SOM£ Atl'HA 8[JA STORES OJSCOUNT CHARGE PR I Ct ~'-SOME STORES CHARGE: 43; 3"' \f i\ SESAME BREAD STICKS ;J', )\ '@l?PACK•SOMESTORCSCHARGC793 " ,,'!;::: HOSTESS JUNIOR 691 ,!, ® CUP CAKES (J) auffE"Fi'T'll'FFEE'NUTS 69' 631 t 'h OUNCE llO){ • ~ VAf!!STliS FIDPLE FADDLE 39' 351 ~ , .... """'' ..., ... _...,, , .... '""' "" , ... ~ro~-,.-..'!Vi/ ,.., •,rv~ -, @CARROT JUICE CAN 19; 151 MORT('~I':-: • rROZDl • 17-0UNCt 64 1 3·COURSE DINNERS 69' !tAllOL'l:T • rROU:N • S-OZ. ALL VA!HETllS 271 COOKIN' BAG Entrees 29' IH!!DGfORD • rRO'ZJ:li H!1KE-IU-1 !!£-BOX 23 1 BREAD· l·LB. LOAF 25' FREI IUTeBtl'S lllDl SWEET SMOKED RfCIPf f.llMOUR • PAtt SIZE StlCfS LESS SHRINKAGE • 12-0L PKG. MIRA CURE BACON lH[ QUALITY LEADER OSCAR MAYER BACON IU Pl<G. OSCAR MAYER • 1-LB. PACKAGE LINK SAUSAGE ;g:~ 99c UTILE FRIERS JUST HEATH' EAT • 12-0Z. PKG. OSCAR MAYER · 79c SMOKIE UNKS --,_ -~ -~- TOTAL DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY ~Or.It l lPHA BCTl Sl0R($ O!SCOUNT CHARGE PRIC[ SJM'Pit "s1h(O~' APPLE PIE 39c 33~ AUJ;T JEMJM.I. • S-OZ. PKG_• fRO?E~ BUTTERMILK WAFFLES 4Jc 41 j N/1U.EY'S • fflOZ1:11 AL:. VARIETIES XLHT DINHERS TOM THUMS • rROZEtJ • ~4·0lJNCE CHICKEN l DUMPLINGS s1 II or BEEF STEW 1.99 ~ !DAHOA!i • 61/t.o'Z. Pro. 36' ~St1lloped POT!TOES41c @ ~~~K~f~ARG!RINE 29c 241 flo1:-,. c,eekc• • 5.0:. Pt~. 43-@ ~1~1~g~~~E:R~A~~~g~F 4~ 639 NOODU:S ALMOllDI»_l'.. MA'.:AflO~:t l. CHEDDAR CHI:ES?. @ tJOODU:S STROCANOfF BETTY CROCKER 441 CASSEROLES 49c rOM0-70::'1'.. rio. :z CAl• r:o;;;.--..~'iri7Ltr;~' Jsc 291 ~·T'Efl"l! ~;, '9" ·"I '1' ~rnRY .'. 'c_ '~c •, :"A'.'i!+l.fi!lT ~ c SS: @EO~Ftl:~AiE11·0=· 1"R1sc 71 ~ I cR;'· etmn.A!l. ""'OR LU:C. PERK , , · I-LB. CAN 691 · FOLGER'S COFFEE l3c 3-LB. CAN DRIP, R!:GUL.AR OR EU:C. PERK 2.03 S'Z,0"1 I llE:GU!.AR OR EU:C. PERK ~itt~i·io~ COFFEE JJc 69' 3-LB. CAtl REG. Oft ru:c. Pr.in:: 1.0i n.ca (:91~fHP~A-KEA~~<1rietliic 2&• CHB 1t-01JNC£ IA.JI SANDWICH SPREAD 53c 461 -MAKtS 1() QUARTS '1 DI S.INALAC IHST!NT MILX $1.19 @rao~~{.t~s· rrult & r~.~ 42• @J!i~c~'Shortenin1 ISC 79¢ ~ CHB '~·OUNCE aomr 'tft4 ~PANCAKE SYRUP 49c "II' t:D;;\ NALLtl''& • 15 OUNCE CAN 2• ~ XLNT TAMALES 3Sc 11' 1a 01.. arLS • 1.:0 n:cPOSrr 731 6-PAK COCA-COLA 89c 120'Z. !lTI.S. •Pt.US DEPOSIT 48' I-PAK UK£ 19c STOll HOUlS MOM. lhru fll. to AM~t PM SAT. •H SUM. 10 AM .. 7 PM COSTA MfSA-2<11 (.17th St. HUNTINGTON llACH-•045 Ado1111 HUNTINGTON l lACH-11681 N .Mol11 St. FOUNTAIN VALLlY-8910 Worner SOUTH LAGUNA-10122 S. Co?"St Hlwoy LAGUNA. HILLS--21541 Collt cfe lo lui•o IRVINl-18040 C11l•tr, Uni•et:tity l'ark -;1AMOND A• :iii3 CAN DICED CARROTS 22' 191 Dl,l.MONO A • 303 CAii DICED BEETS 19• 181 SHOESiRl°N(f"BEETS 2()c 191 Wh~~·Pkkl~ci B:fs 33• 31 1 NAU.EY'S • l~--OUNCE CkM @ci:l1ic~'n"carne 3 .. 291 WITH Bt.A.l'IS ;J. ' ' . ' ·;;_--~ ... . . .. ... I 8 P!LOT-ADVERTJSER Wtdnt~daJ', Oclobtr 15, 1%q \V~d11t~day, Octoblf 15, 1%q DAILV PILOT --"------'------:=;..:.c.::.:.:__!U• ; CADir_j ~ • \ ~ i\ ).<;~ ~'1 l I. · ,_ J V NOW ON DISPLAY· SERVICED & READY. TO GO '' A USED, LOW MILEAGE Shelimer gold with blec:k vi nyl roof •nd bletk cloth •nd leelher interi or. Fu ll power equ ipment plus fact ory •ir con -~. dit ion lng, AM-F-M rt.1dio, power door l ock~. electric; se•I re le•Je. l 118368 1 1965 FLEETWOOD Hn•11 ;:h,.n1. ~\ill 10011·r1", factory a ir, Sie rr~ ·<•Id 11·ill1 hrl);e r<>(lf Mnd mlllC'hing C"!Oth and lf";ilhc1· {IR rna.~k. Til t-!,,lr·.scoplc 11·heel, po11·.,r rlPu•· lo..-ks, pn11·rr \"t•nl 111ndo11~. 1\i\l-Flll rarliP, l'(t", I PllAO:J91 1966 CADILLAC Cunvr·rtiblr. Antiqul' ;:;old 11 ith mal chin;:: top ;)nd full l(•al hr.r interior. Fu!l po1ver, factory (li1'. A.\t-Fi\'1 radio, tilt-telescopic .s1ecrlng 11 l11·r l. (TS ff(2SJ 1969 IMPERIAL l,•'fiaron roupr. f 1111 po11rr. rar tory air, :,1 ,,n ·n 111pr . •·rt1]:,c ('Qntrol. rvrry pu~si blc 0;1tlo11. J'addt-d top. IXSP77 7! 1967 CADILLAC . .::1,d··n Ji.,\'1llr !l!!"Skin rxtrrior, l1ro1,·n v111,1l h ip ;111d n1 a1 rh1 11::: ('!<)\!) & lra1l1rr in1rrio1\ ~·1111 f"lll r·1". fllY T<iry 11i1·. A:'ll ·f'/11 radio, po11·. •'r (l '1"I' ln<·k~. \"rry ln11• milr ir.gr. IZLJ~74S ~ 1967 EL DORADO r.~rll'I"" ;.:r.lr! 111111 l1la!·k 1011 and i;:old cloth f..· ),-.At11 r·r i11Jr>r1r1r. t\11 1 p1·"·t'r, farlory l'l ir o 1~rir!•ll"lll!l'.,'., ,\~) -r,\! fAd io, fl\)"·rr door !n"k'. "l'l'l'n'i. ::'.1.1)()() rnilr~. !Y\VR:J l7) 1966 CADILLAC :=;rdn11 DI' \'illr. :->1il't hlue 11 ith matching 1·lntl1 ;ind lt>o1!1Pr inlrdnr. full pov.·er, fac· 1r.rr air. tilt -trl,..scnpic !i lePring v.·!1!'el. Al'>1· F,\I rndin, flOllPr door JoC"k!. ~RYS958J SALi PRICE SALE PRICE SALE <; , . ' • ' PRICE SALE -' _, PRICE SALE r k PRICE SALE 55 ,t-.. ,,, PAICI • • OVER 80 QUALITY CADILLACS TO SELECT FROM • .. . . .. • • , r• "''~[~LE ' t~ .i ~t., SALE 5 5800 PRICE 1968 CADILLAC 1 "''If"' di' Villr, Norn1Rndy hlut 11"ilh bla«r... 1.1111(lf1 11 <1nd blur lr11Lhrr t l'in1. F11ll po1,·rr, fa,·tvi·y nir 1•ondllioni11 g, t.i ll-!,,lc \\ ll•'l•l, A .\J-r~t 1·ad10, r:tc. Loc11J one 011ncr. 1\"C:Z11 7l 1964 FLEETWOOD f 111! po,1·rr, fact ory air r nndition ing. Ira~ 111! of Cad lll11c"s popular nplions. Beautiful brr.tr ri11lon1nbih·. 10QB6J!i1 1960 CADILLAC Co11p1• J)(. \"illr. Briarv•nnd r x !rrior \\[lh 111;i.[(·h1n:.:: lnll'rior. Full Jl<"/\l'l"'r 11 nd far tory :in· 1·n11rliti1011ini:. A h.~0!11l r ly r~<·rllrn! •'ro11- tl1ll0n. fl'TA·lll:!J 1967 CADILLAC Cnn1"cr1ihlc. Gr<>ri11n v.l1f!r. 11·i1h h!atk top a11d h\;11•k f11ll l<'11ll1rr 1ntr1'iflr, Ful l pn11rr 1111"1udi ni:: po11rr .,1t•rri11g • br:ikrs -\\"i ndo11s· 0 '''ay ~cat, A ~!-Fi\1 radio. (f7IG807:.1 1 1965 CADILLAC l!nrdt"fl f""I''"· C11 ~1·11d" :;n•rn 11i1h n1111 rl1· 111::: ••lvlh 1111d lralh1•1· iu!r•1·1or. F1ill 101i111·1. f;;,·Tofy air. A~l·Fi\1 1"'1clio, til l -l r lr\~t'i']'i1· ~lrrrini; 11·t1crl. ( l:(.;t..:(i..\:; f 1967 CADILLAC Cuupr f)C Villr. Arl r.~ian turq11oisf' 11·ith n111 1,.1i1n::: tlulh And lf'a ll1rr in!('rior .. f'u!I 1•0111'1', fn1 ·tory 11rir-, A;\l.f 1\l radio, t1lt·lel1?- S!'Opir st<>c1·in.: 11licel. (TE.'\9fM ~ SALE 54400 PRICE SALi 51400 PRICE SALE ssoo PRICE SALE 53000 PRICE SALE 52100 PRICE SALE 53500 PRICE Your FaCtory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving the Orang• Coast Harbor Area 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN • .r,1 • " ,·~.. ; .. 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM Mon. t11ru Fri. • 9:00 AM to 6:00 PJ\<I Sat. and SUll. All CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. ALL SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 , 1969 NABERS CADILLAC LEASE DIRECT lmmfflate delivery e Exc .. lent S•lectlon Over four ocres of ultra mod.,n totol Cadillac facilities desi9ned to better sell and service new and used Cadillac automobiles. .. ~ . .. .. . .. ••• '•!. ·-·-· ··-~ ., .......... ----.. -------------------.------.-------------~~-------------------------------------------- .ifC , 01\LV P!• 1•1,i. Oc1<.1b~r 15, l~t,q ·- e:verro•1•: t~"' SomethinQ Thdt SorneonC' El:.e Vv' Dn f\ . - HOUSES FOR SALE Gener al 1000 I I ·' 21'10 UNITS 524,500 "' Viclo• i.1 6-16-Sa 1 l (,1ny li111r:-) Pr:c::J l'!~c!uc>!cl '' " ,., .. · , ,, .. I 1'11• 1! 111 "'-, , ' I .. 111 I l!EAC! I C ~O.:G A I : I ,, CA'i'WOOD l~E AL TY e !..48-1290 o General FO r.EST E. ', " ' '" ' ' " 1:45 -0 303 '' 1000 " " . ' I 1 ol ., HOLISES FOR SALE HOUSE S FOR SALE General TOOOGenera l 1000 READ THIS • • • • .\re you 111 the 1n~1r­ l1vl for ~1 11c1v IHHlll'. ;1 ho111c 111 <L pru11e ;_1re<1 \·cr y clo~c lo Jl 1111l1nglon St<11t· 1;c;1t.:h · a ll'1 11t• 1011 ~ ,:ll <:u.-.111111111.: 11h1lc 11 1.; l)e111 :..; IJ,1 111 , ;1 lu11ne dc- ·1;..:ll\•d b_1 r1.ll:-.\<llt d1ng nrc l11- 1 .. ~·1 ... <1t1d l'OH~trucled hy 1-'ranl( 11 \ 1 rl''i S.. Son : a f 'o n1p;_u1~· 111'11 ha" IJ:.:c11 Ill IH1 ... 1rH:.'.'i !'>llH.:c I ~ f!J.-, , if VOU ARE e ,., 8 I) ('(1111e 1•) RANCHO L A CUESTA at Brookhur!i t and \ilanl<i 111 J!untington Beach :it)\' d ;1\' l.J~·l \\"CCll 10 J\.l\J. ~\: 7 I' ,\[. a'11d ~elec l vour ho111c 111 our ne\1 ly opened Uf\!/T \i". PRICED FROM $25, 990 to $34,200 968-2929 or 968-1338 General IOOC !General 1000 ----- l ~'s A Hit Ass ume 51/4 °/o Loan I· i ;I I: J": 1 11 I I 1 , I I \\ ( l f: \ I 11 1 ll J \i ! . I •. ·, .1 ,11 1,1 111·' 1111111. 1 •Ii< 1: l,l"llh dlllll<' ll 1 . ·•I 1, 111· ·· •l••Ll"•' I 1 " I pl .i, 111 '! \\!>I h 'II',,,. \1 \, \ \, l .\J/1~ \L,,\J \\Ii i \1 :11 ' ·"•1• l(Kl;1, .. WESTCLIFF Very De sirable Location 11,11·1••11· :: !"II •11 l:•"nr 1., ,111111ull" 1h ·1 '" .1h·•t ,\ "' j I I 1 •• l«h ""'" ,,, '"'"''" 1111' "' .1 •1 t0 I' •"I• i•I 11 I• .11·1• ~\'I ' ' Barrell Really 642-5 200 11ARCOR HIGHLANDS F i;A OR VA I , 111 I I \\ , "ll 1 ·'' 'l• •. 1 I it·,,' t !I 1>11 , I I• " \ ~' ,\ 'I ~l~I!!~ !:i-lG-2J13 • 6<16·7171 ~y OW NER : . ' . I \ ,,,.,, ,, ' 1.1. .111 ' '11: ' " 539,500 SPACE 'N LUX URY • \ ' ;" •· '"' I H Ill· Ii 11 \ • 11 11.:•· hl"ll""O'il'. l 1 , \ I ' I 111111,1 1"•1.11 '" I , •llH • Hh!ll> ~ p;1- ', I;. Party -Pool Home \11\H111-. "llll'"f I• 11111 · a1 '"·~ ,\ 1<111 ~"II I·!!.\" \.\ 'lh1• I, 1111.1 .. 1 ·: J,, .11.,, '" 1, 11i1 l1· ,.i, d 1 .. ~.1 ••llh ' · I .\ \\"1~,, 1:11:." Colesw orthy & Co. STOP THIEF ! •1··11 llo, l;<".ol I I.ii• 1 .. 1·, II .,ti,,111 \I. ••I Ill• It ·II I!. I . ! J\ ~"ll 1!,f' I 111.1 .1111 l 11'<1i ~Ill\ : 1 .• 1 .. \•.1'!, Ill' d1•T11~<"'' II! p11k "1 .. , .. 1 •. , 1.urd 1•·, .11111 -1" 11 i"P \:I lh1~ HI Hll "I I , '1 I, ., IULI ' 11< 1d 1,. '" I• 'li:p .11 • ,,, li•1 l<lli.1 ' ' --~ 5 46-2313 646·717 1 NO COST LOAN I I I " ,. 11 :01 l1j1,; lo1r~1· 1, 1, ""1 .• I '' '>I;-. Ill" 111• !Lui 1n1.: ,d; I 1;1: ~ illl'I! li nni< !'· •• ,,•[ ',1,, ~11111q1111 111, /1'11 ·p:p i•!ll' I '"'' 'lhlo•UI LI' / I 1111) 5 .1 'I ) 1. 11 .. " "· . ' ,,, I• \ t \I• ' 1!1 ,\\• j,,,1,,0 ' 0 1111 o I I • "I• I •, I I 1 II• I ti! '' ,, $18 ,SOO q 1,, l,111 1•lt.ll "" lt•t111<1 t 'l .. 11111 f,, •II•• \I I • i,., 11·w I •u 1!1 " I.IT• 1\1·1\ I l<"li 1i1f11l p.ilHI .\ ..:.11·d1 •!1 nf p.ll Hll«· I 11'<1 846-0604 TARBELL -~ HH -· fl \, 1.111111 ,v rill P 1 .r ll('<'Pr ) 1, ~1· 11l•l -\!11t !"IJl111 ~::~ .•• oo. l:t.~\~ Vlrrt Lit n1; ()\\llPr l,h1·J~_''\ --.....:::------TARBEL L 2955 Harbor r---:=---=:_c_:_:_:_ \•JrdMiday, Octobrr 15, 1 %~ P!lOr AOVE ~TIS(R -••• T You .;.!.ri 3\tll Ii, Find !I, Yr•do It W ith • W oni Ad HOUSES FOR SALE I HOUSES FOR SALE General 1000 Gener1I 1000 Mesa Verde 4 Bedroom $24 ,950 11 :• I• \J. • .1 \ •'I oi< • 1..-! 1111 11 ~ .1 11.· ,. ,111 I • !r ,,.J I '• .\, "'Ill ~ j,,11\1 !iu11u• 111 ',!< ,1 \, 1·d.· 11 lU loulll " kit' h1•11, .1 ... 111)(' ;:.11 .1;.:1· .. ,. 11 llt•nt 11•·•-.:l.IJO.u li"Od and 1111• "'I t11 r !· olll\I• 11-. II lio 1: ·''II .11ul .11 th,, iu I \.,II 11 lo,·!l 1 I' liui I 1 ' This House Is A Mes$ •I 11 I• 1 I 11' .,1, I '1111 : i ,.. !.1111t I«, 11~ lu 111 • \'. ,d , , 11 ,,,.:.,1i!,v 1111'~ 1111 ·1·1· d's 1 :1- ' 11\I , llir fll"1:;:1!1Jurl10...HI ,, 1111 ,, .111<l , ll'a11 ll\'H1gl1 , 11 ·~ ,;111 •I «I') !I!\\.'. ~(JU llt'l'ti lu 111.ilq· 11 " l1<,11a· .1-ou 'll b<' pintH I uf. \ b ig h("l!"•J11ll>s :: hallis. 1,1;1lt 111 ldtch•'" >in(I "'' l•1r1t1 :'lc"il 11' ELEGANT BAYFRONT Tii:~ ~!':tl'S f11H''( Vll'W flay. 1111111 IJu,1. J· ·n·111a! 1; .. ~ 111,nl 11.,n11• ".tli l••a ul lllil .\!a11· ~J 1•I n.,I 1~ ul ll'1'1•1 I 1'\l"!U <· 11 •·I.II, 4 t"l11tl", J!W1', .~Iii> 8: ''\ 11l1J11111:: f1<>111, +ugli 1·1 ·1]. 11\g.,;. ~"•·•·j >1!lg •t.1lf'\l :lv «illl t~.t ,,, .i1111l"'"11 ,! ,,1 S 12.i.f-IO f111t• .ii 1lw 111".'l itJn11n·d B:1)ln1n1 h11n1"~ 1n 1'l·11p<1rl !t.111~11 john mac;nab (714) 642-8235 '1• I 11."l'r Dn1". :'t11 I•' l.'n ~r,1pul'I U•'..u·h 6 BEDROOMS t.i, ,ii fo1 1111iy ~1.,11\r II 1•h \IOll'lrl J'p,Lrll.•li ()(•~1g n Ill !:1\llllJrl,,fil(' !l11y1·11·.~I . F .i111il.v "111111. J.irg1• lunna! <li11 1n;,; 1·•n!ll! jJl.J.I IU••lll-d•Jl; l'Ull J-:11·r:-111111;.! !.11' 11 I.ii.; l<111nly. SI J,1 !•1(1 HOUSES FOR SALE 1000 Assume $18,000 6"/o Annual G. I. Lo•n 1\t si:~1 per lll\Jlllh TOTAL~ !.ovPly shiikf' 1"00f ho1n;· 111th : I.or~·· l~·d1 .. on1s and :! p11!1111.iu l>atlis. l\"alk lu f"'a1 h' Carpt·I ~ ~nu Drap"~· ALL [L~:CTRIC !~ITC!!~:N & IJISl!WASJ!EI': U:!\"t>ly 1·u,10111 l1 rl'JJl.1lr and hca1n , ••1!1n~ f.i1nLly r.'.'JO!ll'. (;1 ;u·. 111u.: h<H·k }anl 1,11 h t.'OV- ~:Ht:O PA TIO and block 1, •ll l<'0<·1n;:. WE SELL A HOME EVERY J I MINUTES Walker & Lee 7!iSJ E1l1ng:r r ~!2-11 :,j Otl!'tl !-.1'!'." DOVER SHORES VIEW ·1 131~s. largC' lam. r1n . S1rim· n11ng [lOOl. Panoran11c view uf hills and back hay, Own- ,,,. niusl !e:1vr arc;1. $72.~. C;ithryn Trnuille HOUSES FOR SA':_E_ IHOUSES FOR SALE General 1000 Costa Mesa 1100 Lo! Ownt·1·-. A 3-Bedraom Harne ~·en: O~LY $10,995 BUil TON YOUR LANO ' FF:ATUP.I!\\, e \OSC. !>'1. rt. • DoublC' g11r;i:;r • All la1h 1111d pla~11·1 • Pullma11 b:ith e Sp;1!'1nu.; 11;,rdn•I"·~ CALL 537-0380 ~in 111u.,l 01a11g .. Cuuul) uthrr «P111n\'C'<I an·,,,, STANCO Builders Inc . OPEN 7 Days JOO<;(; \Vrstminstrr A\'r, GardC!n Grove :! ]i EIJl\UU~i l ... r;;t' c•>1111 ·1 Jul :: ,.;,r ;.:.,.·.1;;" 1:\' ll\l'.'l·.I: • . .),.1,11111 lM@s a Verde l 110 t".\NT.\~il"I C I: EI' ll 1: !. I <..: 1!0.\JJ : 111 idJ,,O!ut1• l"'l'lo•1 I ;I'., 'J"1U'kl111i; nn1d111011 ·l l.1rg1· hclr111>;, :: 1Ja1h~. 1<w111:1l .1 111 111:.: 11iu111, :-~·p.ua!•· l;i 1111h l'•"ll ,\. liu·~·· 111,,'1 • 1 lwd1•~•111. \l111111u11n 111•!."•'1', 1,1rd !w,11J1 1l11lh l.u11 l"-.'I" d l'l>l'Ul,u· ll ll•ll'i 111111 :: <di J.: 11",l\'I' 1;1 ''( l"I 111" I l"t!I'.\ ,.1 s 11.!111 , .11 1 r,.,\ 1~ 1 !'<1u1h 1 ·,,,1-i l:• .ii I :,1,11•• 53A1"'0 On llli.~ h1i;l1 rH.\ Ii ,,,, 11ay1~. SH.ill Pl l"J lh·'il'll' 11'1"111~ i Bl: ~· 1;1. .-;p.11 l .. 111;: f'o nd. Evr~ . .'lJS·fu ll Hk1·. P.ala11rrd Pow<'r Hornc.o; :: Bl~. ::: B~C f,un1l~ • 1·0o1111, 2WO STORY FIXER UPPER ~ 111·rl'lacr~. s~·.1.oon ll\' O\\?>EP. ii73-~~1~ College Park 1115 Mother-In-Law? Shr t•an i·rl;,, 111 11<'1' n11 11 pri- •·;11r ~llll 1· I\ Ill! f•t II ,,Ir• i,., 11i • HO USE S FOR SALE • l • •• Dover Shores 1217 *ENCHANTINC· VIEV.1 .'Iii" Ii I;,,, .~ .11111 I lJ Ill •" I 1 1111 1 111q1" u,.i II ,1r1.i i , ., '"'"· 111'' .' "' I , 1 ·\1'< 11111·1' Ill\ I « i I I, • t111 11 111 • "I 11 I Ii I : • 1:1 111 .... 1. q11-. Ji.J,,11 I·,, • i!lt·1 l.1 111<n;·. I "'Y 1n.u11 • Ji11,•1• I ,,. 1 <t/' I Ill 111~h1•d ' ~I,\ i.11 \ "lln1 I 1' ., Jo.111 i l',.1 I• ' 'I! ,b ,:l'j Universily Park 1237 D ivor ce Forces Sa le .•h,u1• : t:.· I I: 1n ~·.o•( l·w.1l1o"1 I f"w · 1• . .i111 , nl/1 1 I· I' 5·;p '.l,(I . e Red Hill Reilly t,1111·. Pal"k Cr11tr1. l 1·.· -.Ytll All~timP ~_:.",.( • • . Back Bay 1240 ~2!1 'l:l.1 l lll !\"!·I: l 11-..l111n, ill:. ~1 " Jl1\. 1·.I<, h1h 11• 'I ,\'o•11· ";lqll'!S, d1n . 1111 , 1.11-. J'l)I, lipk , 1·!··· ":<1.0;:1• Iii" Up('ll l!nll~" '(1/ "'Id :.::1 ·, Ar.. l\:\\'I .. 11.1 l.11 \); ,d.~-~~l(J'f Eastbluff 12421 'lllll1 llrJ Coldwell, Banker & Co. SSO Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach, Calif. 83:>0700 644-2430 on a large corner lot if! Upf'C'r Bay area, overlook1ng goU L"OUl'R. Big fan1ily ~pecial. Vacant & rrady n'"JI\'. $27,500 Y .. 11·11 ~111! !1.11" 11h·t11)' .. r l"o~•l ll fur tll<' I ,',I Ill 1lw I I'll I:·, 1 II\\ I ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 546.8640 Open E vening~ lilt 8:30 GOOD NEWS l1;i1,·I· r, .. , '" h111·•·}' A ~· -.1111"' S27,0011, .1 1 ~·· luall, ;1 .. 11:.! 111 th r·ulo,,,,J 1:n1: '· ~ I Jl..!o• fr1lh,, l0n·1n.1I il111t11:.; 1 .. ,,111 ;,1:1[ ,•.111<'1• .I •h't! II 1lh lu···pl.•• ,. l·.11tr1·1;d11 :irr.uncl I'\ ill /i•·,,i, •I. I.II• It'd l''•ll I·" n· ·'l'fl•lll\l11wt 11 ru ~r•', 1·,dl TRACT u"~'~o~s 1 HmTAG!I SALES I *VP ... "''" M ission Viejo Area Salesmen/ Saleswomen Call John Stonis 646-4414 TRAILER SPACE? \'"~ ,!',. r\• n l••11n lnr ;\ I., 11' ·"'" lllllt':I 'HIH'l~'h' l1"U1 .\ I• ,11·, ll1.1t '" 11· 1,1 I l••!w\ r •! ~ 1111' ·'. 11 tn" l1nl1\I· 11 lh 11 , l.,1111, .\1 •l" '' lio iul~ .\ all for :1.::: .. 11'11 NEWPORT BEACH Newport at Victoria 64&-8811 (anytime ) 1!y 1111!1 :i h1.•dn~un', ~ 11 .• 111- J. f'!lOl"lHUU~ f;111t1h I •Jiil plus iloulil1• ~o1r.1.:1· y,.u a1't appl'C'('l.<I!' !hi• i~>lllf' 11•·•i.1•1I in <JU!('! ;111<1 1•h·;.:;i!1l I " I·:.;" Park. \1 .. 11 11 °111h ~ .. ~.' 11. 546-2313 FHA or VA S•".11. <'I• .n1 3 e r,,lroo111 "I ~;::;::;::;::;::;::;::~;::;::;:::I 1i·1' .'"ll'/lS frorn \\'r~1 rli1/ I• :'hupr11n:.;. --111:.; yard wflli Ji 1111 11 l'•·~ :s~s,9:i0. 64&-71 71 \-O' THE REAI, \"'-ESTATERS ' )!'! '• ·''11 IL ' ..... IRVINE AVE. CHsturn 1Ju1!1 hon1i', l:irg!' ('11· closrd courtyard for mlt.'<I· rn1un privary. ~!any f'xtras OPEN DAILY 2303 Redlands 1ulf :Crd S1 \ Newport Bea ch 1200 ;<.fi ,1r in un L'l'<'d1i 11pp1·01·:1l. OCI:.:Ail; 1w11 . , 1,,_, 111 Bca1111fuJ:: BR ,t; -1.. 2 tia1hs ·l!:1rl.iur 111 aP'.i .; 1;1: ~ ! hin11!y !'O•Hll. !<Ii rll'l'fl'll' balll, ;di , I• ('l l'i'" 1111( I"'" k11l'i1cn, good l'pl~/tlrp.~, ell.I. l!ui;:r l'~il1•• l'illi ,,., .. 111 , ,, , :.::u·agt', lit•u1·y .-.h <lk!' roof F1'1· ~111l11k . 11ut I•·,, .. ,. liol•I Own!']' dtlXIUUS s;;.\,500. J.11·11·r'll a l s;.1 .:~KI l'••r' •II "Pf'Cll(l!l 1·1dl \i..11, I•'· Cvsla \[!'"•' [11'""1111• 111 (" :.1S-77!1 :111~1111w Lachenmyer Realtor 111 th1~ beautiful .:; Ddr homr. QC EANF RONT \ 17,.".00. 11160 Nrwµort Bll'd., C;'.1 ',!.;.;1or.11 ·I UH ·I 1, • ., <• 1 ': Wells-McCardle, Rltrs. CALL 646-3928 oe<·a11(1•unt 1111• J;, '"' 18!0 :'\'<'1'.JXH'[ Ull"!I , c ~!. 1·:1r< f,\~-J{jj,", li4G-?l90 di•n' .~ ur.t.i , .. 111. ',,.....,~·~«;·-~;-~,20::"~"·~'~";';";,,,,.., 11 ~~~~~:;'j~;5~~~~~1 hull•" .\-.l.1n" ~lli.• 1~ .. 1 I• 1, l"r 1< ill t1nani·•·. $26,950 Sl 7,5oo Red Ca rpel Realty :t hr11roo1ns, '..' !"fl.'lra1r h;1t11~ S BEDRM-3 BATH ::re:; 1\· r;a1t1•J. :-.:1i t.: ,.1 .. r.n ,\JI <'lc,·11'1C." bu1h-1n~. 1<asll•'r SWIM POOL < "".;'""'"" c. ... , .. ,,. FAMILY KITCHEN DAVIDSON Realty ------------! i ll~:iJLll l.11 .iq 1{'."•~ '.'-f1~1·1u11, lio rnr nn .Ir. 1·5· l.1 ..,,_ ~"nu1!1~ U)1·rJv nd1 1101•d ~!·l1n", h 1nd.<1u111• •Ira[)!'~ ~Ji(l...17:0 Q11 1"1 1\-,•.~f<·lill . h,~ l.011111.' TARBELL 29S5 H arbor 1 l~"llr•,."n "1111 .~1 .. r.1r•· t:.• 01\"i"-"~.!: \'l.l;Ti\ IJillTop l•nr. rw11""' ;i.111/1 11.ill·• :lluJr rn i·ust•Jlll a l1<,l!lL'. 1 -r I !ll1.\' $1!.:~K• COUNTRY LIVING I .1 11. , f,,, 11.11 .r 11••· l,•,11 ,,1,,1111 , lrl1111 I' h1111 li.•111 <' ".,', 1.,, ..• 1•·olll' I q· I ·I I' " ' I I·, 11 '~ 1, " I I \ I I 11 \ "' I ' I 1-•• t\ "~­ ;i li/o ~W~ co:TS WALLACE REAL TORS --546-4141-- ({)pen Evenings) OWNER 'S LOSS YOUR GAIN I ,.11, j, I' I d I Iii" '' ,. ~I 11111 1J "' 11 ,1 ,1 11 , d ~ 11·,il ,\ ' I ,,q I• ••Ii 1·p1«·l1<11i i,.11.;. I I : I ~ ,1. I, 1111 , I \ ' •I 1• ,111.111111.-( 11\ I' 1' 11 1t.1,.• 1:(',d I 1,d, ' T' I I \I RARE HOME I', "'' ,.,., , l111v lw.in• I I , I "11,1 Iii I I"" .11 'I I I " th Ill !II'\\ I '111. ,, \ 111 ~ :·1 "' CORBIN-MARTIN J:l\ll-11:.; ,,,,11:t.: ,I·" I " I 1111\, 1·o1:.i II \\!, !1•1••r• ,\<'•'d ; .. 1- •'1111111.11 Pl••1ir•1 1~ t" '<'11 ! t: \ ' L 11 \ J: s !! .I L : .. ',!,\ ,:, ·11.'i 1iU\\" I :,,II•··• 1., ,_If 1~1 PEACE ')l?~sa\ Cr~i: ~17~ .11'n, ' 546-5990 OCEA N FRONT T1 1•1• ~ ~ti!I ~it! (•111 !•' """ I , I I t.1 I /' 1 I I'!'\ I )>111,:. I JI 1 '. 1" • < I\ !'h•T, 11 I• I ! .11>;,;I', 1 •I"!""''. 01· 11" lq1!!I· , ,, ,_,, ll!.1,1 J't p•·r- .~. n•· is 11unli \I;• p! 1. • 525,950 5 1 ~0 0 LOAN , I h• ,11 "•111· , ,1 • 1·, I p.,11.. !· 11.\ lo,1 11 "t lon•,1kla,l :1 !11-1 7,~J T<"lrbell 2955 Harbor --Will-Lease or Lease Option BAYCREST ! r;r: f;111l !'Ill, /nnna l d1n 111:; r111 ~\111,0 •li!fl<•r1, 11•11••' s.~:1.'1 p!"r nu1. Jr;t1t -"n11lh Hea!1or l\li\;:1:1.) -----~~~ ~ l~•".11 harp :: f;/: 1 h.1th ISl'll\1~. LSJT . ._. SC'11·ty r• 111111· I. 1>11-111 '"·"n s,. r.u1:::- , '. • 111, iii I". t'.1rpt11 l p;,rl>- 111,'. 1-iunil+,· r••in1 1•11r" Ul•,.1111'. 1!1 •<; ~J .:.!l('(l. fl!l<C \'•~· 1(~1 Fuller Rlty. 546.0814 Sl9,950 ! ... 1 .•' lH..-11'••111•, ~ 1•ull1n111 h,111i.; [)1 1·.1111 l,1!• h111 111th r~tra ":.1ur· ;111 :• 1:u1lt-111 ,q1p1i,11" I'' lfll1•' ~ih ld" Ip•<' 842-6691 TARBELL OCEANFRONT , , .1111n .. ,11i1·1·p·ri1n;.:P 1al<' :i fl!: h"ll"' nn •'\tl'llf'llt I'"' •Ill )Jl'•/11 '1'1.I l..1r;.:<' 1 .. 1 lir I( ll. ~:i1.fl·,0 111 I j~11 Geor ge W il liamson TAR BE l l 2955 Herbor f:L.\LTfll: ---6i3-4::.:.0 I-,\{'< ijj~\."J6 1 LOW COST I ---)hxl,.111 liilll;.: 111 :.•fHrl . SANUPIPLI! l1u11.;;r Pnl1n l ·qlul·• 1'1 ' 1' hi l'llul Drsct1, .1 /1'. i.:01l1pll'lrly '., 1 ' . f11r11. 2 Br. <'llll\t d•'ll, '! B.i, "''' "" ,i,~,, 111,1111l•·ll.11l• I!. pool. flU!!•n:,: Cfl'•'Tl Pr1c·P ~?~'.000: tl', Ju11 n. bi;;.9,,i~ ur Grah11m Rlty 646-2414 67~...0.lSJ. SL•ar Si·\\ J'l•ll t /'<1sT Ofhn' ----------IT'S &al'li hvu~r t1n1r B 1~­ Y•Jr U.td~ l'1lnl \\.1111 :\d~ I ::•·-.I :-i>lr111uu t'VPr' ."-:•r lhr lJ1.1 I 1·12 (ii~ 1)1\JI.\' PILOT\\ A1\T ADS' /\!'. BP1Hll l11d~ci1d -:, J~I :. : Ha l P inchin & Assoc. R,\, 1111 ·111~. <Jl!". d1Ji". :':~ E ('011 -1 1111.1 r.;·1 t :'•' 127,SOO Tlia1·~ :111 ll11s 0111 "r ••,, ownf'r 11·:in1 .~ fnr l !i1~ iw• .1n I" .~rrk ing Slll'Cl'S.<flll [ll"lff·J':. \'i•'W 1h1pll'.'<, I nit.. 1,1 11";1! !I lr11I!', ~;1·rry ('011v. S 1\1,:.00 72 l-GS9:1/j2i"-!G91 • Son1h Co11 s! llruJ E.-lal!' sl<Jll~I 1r~l f'~ta t<' saJP .. n1r n f.· sllOP". 1l ."1li·C1 1·:1 .. ,·pt1onal t~·111·fi1 ~ f 'lra~" PROPER Tl ES WE ST ,-~I! r11r ap[)01nt111en1 :.i ... S-1:!1 675-41 30 675-1642 So11 lh G1a~I. R<'al1r11·~ ---- -~===========l\'Jf:\\' IJf IM~)I, < h.1nt:111-_; :• H!:. ~ J;,\ t"lllHlo L'.!•' µ.11 ,,, 1100 S~i.~!.'l()/~·HlOU d1n111. J;~1 ------------1 hlf.--07 ::! Costa Me•a BY OWNER 8 1.l'ft'Sf:,\Y-\"ll"\\ I INCOM E PROPERTY HH .::; I~.\ 111111 u1r ~·ro•·111 .. 1: •2• I RR hou'r~ • :; ;::.1r-1: .. c!u1•1'1 I Si;r)[lfl f •1111•-f.. .ii;f'~ lnt-01n1' S~O 1110. r.,~•lll -.nlr' ~ 12. JJ:1. 1 ! 1-i.~., l·,1· .. nC' n1orr u11 1'. ~.'": ''1~1 \\1-.s r1 ·1.11•~ .: J;.i1rn1 1 II;• (~1 11 .~16-3'.?0I. a l1 :t. ~1~·'.!Ul.1 fl•':.ulll11I !~'"I ~ \,u·I. /., 4 Br, 2 B;i, l'i(!'. Jan11!~, •i"n' 1 :i;;r,,-0~1 ·1:\ •.. ~1 I c!rp~ k rrpt1ni::. r \pc•11,l\r Rtufl~ 1~r11;;r .. 11 !'..1 1 I"""' "fl lanrL~r;ip111r: k r1:i!1<1 \\"a~ ;i ~ txlr< s::9 --~~) I' 1,J 11 H ·- 111llilrl l1on1r ••••I "'"f~ll r 1r,;11 k,•J>iJ, hrr•'!<'~. l'.ll'il sq JI S':l,'(1(1 '.~lf>-'f.lf(! $18,SOO F ixer Upper Newport Shores 1220 I :'Bf~. I B.\ h<l11~r. !llil,• '.!:Ir, e J:EDL<"l-.I! ~1!H111e ~1 111 ill"f'a :"'><'rds hn111ly 111,111/ It _,011 11,.,.d ;, :_:1·,.;it t,1;111 h pa1 nl<'1'. 1~.-~~ •l<n111 .-:ri· 11011«•, ~··r 1111,,,,,11°• l.>:I' 111 .~.-,~ ~!,1::11011~ f"·•~lil .\l1's11 . rin. pill" 11..•· p,11 1v l'lll Br~ u;,,rr~·1 -1;1::-~ h:111i. nr. :: B" . i..11.-11. 1.11 ,,,~ 1 ·: !i<'lai·hr•d ~1\1du1 ,IJqp, pc1l 1o1. l:lk-. lv be;" h, F1•1• •1,,1pl<' I:.: h•/l{'l'd .1rl. dC;id<'nd SI S 16.~~~I 1-:rtuil.v Sl~ .. i<'O. ;\l,0.1 ('lo~<' 1o .~chool.~. \\f·~!rl1f/ o:;on.\ldrr !r~'k Pl1u:i 11rr11. 328,[!00. lil:~-."1791 eO\\'i\.'~:1: li lti~iS l'.te R-2 ~m.ill .l Rr, I;.:<'. lot DO~'T ./UST \\!Sil f,1r f('n\'r'\l. U:i1\· du11 r1 S1G.:ll"'J so111rth111:.: to furnhh .1our IA1W lil.\es. 200 i" 0 1<1rlo· l1•1n1r. fuul ;.:1·r:i1 huy~ 111 ~IS-:,0.H lotlay·s Cla~s1f1r<t A•I.~. 1,, li""· ~ i. •• 111. ,,.111 1 .. 1..i, •.• q .. l• ,, lt'·•·,1l,1•• ·•llf't ,u , • d•i•" ;-_,. I• 1101:. t•l11l1 " '•J.111\il J1n11" \ ~ <~I I.\!-'~•'! Pl' \ i•i-;u;1; Corona cle l Ma r tll)<"ll l :!I.:, 1250 DON'T CALL M E A DUPLE X i ,,, 1111111 '1<1 \ I I Ill(' .: 1,.•d1\J(l1'· " 1 ,1 : lwdn .. 1111 ' \I \1\1 I: H;ll h.11'~ I:• 1 i.11 1•' "" rwr O('!'ll· 1•.• I 11,.i p,,,1 I• .~11t1a1i-d !·II " 01 ... ' II'' l1tH •d ( ·ur,.11:1 t i I .IJ 1, ' I I Ill•, ~·1\11 1" •' • ' ( ' ''" "l1C Th• 1, I • .I I : . .i.·1·s J loll •'' '" I' I \I ·11-j' 1! \J ", I. h11nr I• \ . ., ,,, \ t ,(i() " ii 1.· h•l''" l'I , • Iii\ "I ' • p' "\11 .,, , \ ! ii ,, ' l.111 1'1 \ ~·I .\11 ' ' ~ I ;, .I )qi \\ I . "I' I ( l I:-, I I •):II\\ Ill.I. I \J: \,\I\ I 1:-1 !"1 I I \l."l Y :111111 I f ""I, I ', '.] 1",j';.1;:,p1 C/O Harbor View Hills S BR. Fam. R1n. l Yr. Old 6J4°o A~su1n . Loan \Jn 111' ,, I ', '.1:+1l) :; 1~!11· '"' t"d " I ,' "' .!., , ~,1 I ~ "" rl , , " I !" 1 ,, I I I"' 2 1· ' ,, h "'. ~,, !I •.:c 111 ! , d <t in .• ' '· l\1 \' 6 .iy & Be-lch Realty Inc. ·• J ' ( 1~1 BEST BUY! Vacant R-2 lot 523,500 Del,1ncy Re.i i Estate ' I I '! , \ ,1\1 673-3770 Room For Rea l Liv ing 1,IJ"' 1•1 · , .,,,,i,11 :_.,.j, ll <• ,, I n1 o o r i ••fl,1 l:,11 I I I I 1:1 l.1111 !Ill dtl ! s1,'l ,1-1 ,, , C!ll~-°'1!11:! : ( II :.:.11·.1g<. i.n,.n !ll·.\I j·.,i \TL i,,: .. ::.~1: 1~.;~~·1• li •I l't·1n• \){'\I u' UI"• ill ,t h1!h t'r11 a•·y. Jtr,,lh•r ~ii:':-'..'0111 Genera l 1000Gcne ra l lOOOGeneral JOOOGen er al 1000 General 1000 General 1000 IOOOGenera l 1000General 1000 l m0.X:f3i:ll"1§j_#j~NO~W~IS~T~H~E!!!'!"!T~IM~E""!"!'T~O....,B~U-Y~~ -~ .NE\VFORT BE ACH OFFICE-646-7711 HUNTINGTON BEACH OFf.ICE-842-4455 COSTA MESA OFFICE-545-9491-540-0465 2043 Westcltff Dr. a t Irvine Open Evenings \VISH lt4G FOR WESTCLIFF ~ ll· r• ''1'!"111 1111 !'/ IH 1111•1\I' .'"'.!' '11"•";!11\~ •'1 •111~ l•·q, \\"1(\JJFl :f.'j I. \\'l·;-<T - ' J.l l 1 I·, ;,•1.111 ,,., •p11<·I -.11 ·1 r·I ("< 1l'/~TYAl>l1 J·;,\"ff:Y .. l11\11rt11•1, , .11'1"'1111:.; .1 11d 1 ... 11111111 lu•I • •,1:-111111 1 11\\t'ldl~ II•'<''· .l !'~'I' LJ...;n .11 ;(I ~l~.:1 ·11\! ••0~4E AND INCOME TOO! •• ii 'I •111' \\lll1 l lAl:l•\\11(1 fj l'l.tl\!f:s I'll•'" 1 1•·1 1 d•·~•l'fll•I•· ~· 1,,,1 1•"'''1 I I I'll I ;•1·ci IH1.r!I fHI' I' tl'o 1\I! 1\1 (1 1111 i'/l'o,\ \1,<ihll•(: iJi ,l.111<•' 101 l:IJll d 1-· 1· I "' I• lull• 11 I\! 1.1,1.I \T 1111 -ll tt 111:_: 1·;,11 !11· 1n11"1' t'l•"I ;01 1,•, )II I I 1111 llH• I 1·11 11 ~111 1" 11 ,\I.I 'l,1\I' EASTSI OE COSTA MESA -LOOK AT THIS NEW LISTING ! 11.\1.1111·1 • 11 J f.1 •I"'~ ; I ,j.,,, 't ·1111 •. I l0\1l' f .\.'111.Y 1:1 >t •\I "/,dH·, 111,1 \J ,<•• <l•1\' '' I 1 ;i .. '"'' J :>.!:-J J'.1 , \ .\ l11a11 11! $1/'1::/111" T( •T.\I. 111' lud1n~ l,1\•'' Ill ol I •II TH E r iv \'ICY,1 ! " ' '••1• c I ~I ,110 ' "' ~l·· ""· 1- 1 1 <1· ,·1·...;·r i .11 n1 ·r1 :r f,w 1111· 1•··~'1·n11111 .,, '• •1 \ !' \', !II,, h •I' (PHI ~'I II 111111 ~\'Fl :Y ii ••t:·!·I.\ \111 1\ fll·Ch ;1 1\d ,\II: c·r1\l11 1!i •'\"l'I; '11 I \I J"l!I I \\j11 I" P Tllo lh l111rl., 'l"d \\•n lh ., ,.\\ ,l l,\l!Ll,ll,\,\,ll ,l(L~•\\'J.\'J l!:t.:-.J , 7682 Ed inger Open Eyenings CP~OSl lE .. U'<ltNGTON (l'<f[' S2 0,7SO FULL PRICE l)<'l l<'V<' 1111'' Th:11 < lhr< l•l'li'<' ,,n t h1~ :I l1Pd1"<n•tll fi11111 h<'1·n. :"1tuatr rl l"ltl h11 ;;f' li!i.\]:!~1 l1><1l l•tl ('(1 V!·.l t~.l l l'A'l[(I. S<'11 <":•q•rl ~. fo1·r~hl.1• puinh•rl 1n5_idr. Subrnll S:!fll~l 11111111. n--•r11,,• t'IL\ 1":111 (i ', 111111"·'1 1111 !1 p11)1111"nl~ pf Slti:! 1ncludrs 1111. ( ';i 11 I><' I 11 I • ' 11 ' n I\•' ~ $22 ,000 4 BEDROOM "VACANT" "I !11I"1 ni.111 lh 1111·lud"~ all Pll 1'\!~l lln.: h•ht l n11~t1nf' i"lill 11.-~11mr 1'1lll1111t lj\lll lify. 111· · ~ • .1!•1r1111· 4 h111:r h1•dro11111• ·~ 111\1111011< 11:1111-. Ch~nn1n::: '"!,Jt1r1·n~" l~1h'h<'n. 'i11 111 111 Ill ' r• .. 11)1 II 1!h I\< h 11;\t1f'l111:.. ,\111.lr if .. ,!• 1•;1q11·l111;: ~;'\C!'ll P!ll ('1d-tlr-,,1H·. \\1ll~·ll l-l l.\it1ut\.\. NO DOWN G.l.'S I! ~··n t!•111 l ha1•· 1111uh • .1-h . •lu'< 1, .,111 !h1-. lo\•'I~ 1 h,.d n>onl ]funt1n:.:1 nn B<'a.-h li•>1lll' 1 ... 1· 111 •'\1 1,,, .: h1\lln•'tf' h;1th-. 111•.,h·111 l111tl t-1n-.. \\ll h d 1~h11i1sl1<'r X<'ar 11•·" 1)•1·1 • 1•11, 1·;1111<'1, 1~:111 111 ul ru·11t·h111.: dioif"'" 1111d 111111!1 rnurr Pr1<l'd 111 :1J•l•'•'"nl ••I .\:J~> .. -l•~l !)"" 1 1111•• 1h1· .. 11, "FRANCISCAN SPANISH" I l l11i:r· h••1t n mn1~. llr•·fl 1•1lP ll l•w:ir!•• 'hni.: •:ll'I" I ~ ·,s,.f'a1·11 1r'' fan11I~· lllf!ITI, 111!h 1°;1n111••I 110111·,, .111d l .. ·.11111!1-I ·"1"111-11 [11• 1·l,1rr 1,•·111 -. to 1·,,1 rr!'rl f'111 1•• "'l••·llu!•d Ii\ ·»I 1•1 1lh l;1nrl •1.•1•1I•· l ••1~ ••! "\11 11 1<>•!1 11 f••l" thr t•hildrrn rlr•·· 11·1· l1111l t 111, ·r.w 11o,n1 ~;,1,11111..: \" ll 1\ 1 ~>1111 , :111 l1r 11.'"11111•!1 111 1h $·1 .. 100 dn1,11. ].o ! IJ• -.llH\\ ~<~H 111 1• IT111d1•! il"r\" WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES 2790 HARIOR ILVD. OprM Evenin9s 'til 9 P.M. ;;,,,,;;,;;,;,,;;,,;~~~~~~~~ $19,950 FULL PRICE and only $13<1 prr mo11 th Int.ii p11~~ a ll Lo1•f'ly ,\ hf'<lr ou11 11 .! 1•:11 11 ll'1·1•n•·1il•tl<' hn1nr, :.nu::clrd ;irnnn;: lrl\\l'l"lni:: shad" 11·1'f·-. <1 1\ 111111•1 -.11 1•1 I 11• •I 11••1" >1111 [ 5'C"i\Ool:,, [,OV!'ly l\VOl"f!do c81"jll.'\S find l 'll~l •)lll d1·a p•' ~ll•llf'l!I a'I 1111111 ii\ kd • 1 ... 11. T;ikc ovf'r lh1s <'.~ccllrnl (i.I. 101111 of 6 ·'•'· 11ilh L\!\\', l,(•11 11 .. 1,11 $18,SOO FULL PRICE -HORSES O.K. and )'uu hn1·<' yuur 01,n llHA:-.·G~: t_;1.:uv1<: on""' .. r 1111 -11 .. 11d 1,,1,, .. 1nl.1· '• hou1· fro1n tt1r hl'Rrl o f t!n:ini.::e Count~ ll!t iL:ST.\1\ \"II .\\" Sp;ul"'" l•C'l!l<lll'll~ 11nd fii mily si1.r1! kili'h,·n! Cl1•1111 ;i<; fl 1•ill 1irl11ll '~" 11p1r1I ' t,1l•ul•Hh I• 111;, 111 th a~ li ul,. as IO',., do\\·n a nd 1nlnl $1 •12 JX'r 1nunlli. SI DOWN TOTAL -5 BEDROOMS You Vrl$ n1u~t :.<'<' 1h 1~ l11n:::r ~1 ni:ll' ,Tory. 2 hath ho111r 1< 1th \F\\' l1 .. l11'1 !!11lr\• 11 1·a q lf'ts. Gr t n\1i1 y lrun1 lhf' hu~tlC' a nd h11s1!" nf lh" ,-1!\ 1111d r nJ•\I •I • \11•1''.\: TA I:'\ VIE\V a nd 'l"1t·1u11-. 1·ounu ·y ntn;n,ph1•rr' 11u; ~-.\.\111.\' ,\,!1 111 ,1\f, ,\fl EA \\':inn rus.turn hril·I\ f11'1'pl111,.•·' r-1ndf'n1 fl' lttlll••ll•"' l•H•ll·•ll h1 i1l11 11 "ith IJIS H\\"AS l!Eli. ALL fnr !lS LY $2:i.fl:)l) encl 'f'llr1· 11n~, nil ,,,.i.,, FREE RINT.t.l SERVICE Comr in a nd brou.•r th1•011:;h n1!l fl ",. tf'!ll ,11 1 .. ,,,1 Wolk•r & L..e '"'· r•ol .... N p; HA 3 RI Ra. S-19. Bal c Thn twd J'('ll ("fl. ~-19 "' 675-- p Deli '" •oo g-a1 Wil Lid Tlw II It lro • w :'...\?l I I p L ~:n; ~ 60' l!'C h" 31 R_ :n:i: Hu Yo 4 "S Ro 11·i pl<: • Po '" tht to "" '°' "" ... I E " " .. th I .\.~! "' " \\'; m c,, " E ~ YC " " ' "' c. ;;:i D• bl R v•a ., "' '" "' Bl• in ~ ,, f ··-------------------------------------------------------------~-----------.... -. -.... -. Wldrlt~ili, Octobtr 15, 190' Wtdnt~day, OctObtr ]'5, 196'> 20 PI LOT .ADVERTISE R -OUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS tENTALS Kt:NTAL5 DAILV PllOT G9 RENTALS 170S Hou••• Unfurni11hed House• Unfurni11hed Apt1. Furnishtd Apts. Fumlstt.d Apts. UnfurnltMd Apts. Unfurnish9CI G•n1ral 3000 Corona del Mar 3250 G.n•ral 4000 Newport Hgts. 4210 Ov.nt't· Huntington &each 1400Huntlngton Beach 1400 FOR !',\LI·: Ry 5100 1-------- FAST MOVE IN Nc\v homes. ready to move in. 2 lo 5 bed- roo1ns, 2 to 3 baths. 1h mile from beach. l<~irst payment up to 00 days after move in . VA/FHA Terms. From $23,990 RENTAL FINDERS ~ ... tulMTlll '. -1 lfWOf1W. -llSMSS UT. -llOOMMAn RmCI 4JS W. '"'-C.... Me.., MMl11 4 BR.. 21 ~ Ra d11plrlf 1200 Sq, IL Bltns. dl.Shll'asher, lllJI. $'.IOO !\In. lr11!lt'. ~140-7373 1 BR. hon1t• 1\·/i:iool panor1unu:-\•lew; pr iv . beaches. Agt>nt 673-22"1? 1'hr t;ORGEOUS N~w VAL O'ISERE • Cle&n I or 2 nil 1t Adultil, oo 1,.,ts, :H2l ~:. 16111 Harbor Heights Four Coron• d el Mar 5254 S'. Sl:t:\ n10. up. frlG-lXOl S1m:l·I br-i br, furn-unr. (QNSTRlJCTION CORNER Duplrx :l BR, pal10 S..'lunB, Acr·y Am, 01lhi1rds k 8 ,2,0 t'l<'t'I. :slU\'" .-:: r ,, r r 1 J.: _ .,.,, ... ,, &· .:.· """"''· BJ•Q,B --'-'--''~----•-•_ ·· , , " .,,, ,,.,,,. ~ i;arag,~. E •. ><;l;o·I_ ·~•n'-'. Prt•fcr 2000 1~urso1L~ Rel . +.12-Sii70 ltEALL\' QUIET.CLEAN 2 JUST (OMPlEJJNG "'orlnrl~ <vtlplt'. Nu l'hildn.•n $125 Lgi• \ Br. go r, new Br. i i, BB. Pool, adu!ls or fl('!s. ::0.17-XO.IO bef i AM Huntington Beech 3400 Brok .. r f.H-6980 s1!K:I. 2310 &u;ta A n a 2 & 3 BR. UNITS or a!t 6 f'~1 The Beach (on Brookhurst 1 m ile South of Adams) 962 -1353 :.; R r r l I 1 r r, lcaY1ng lur r:ump1• 1 n1 m f' d 1 11 t e I y. (.'uslom buill wood & glnBg houJi!•. Ck-t·an k canyon vww. \\'all In w a 11 earpctu1g, bu i lr -in s & ltN'plac(•. 2 lkdruon1, 2 S.1llL~. L1niryul" <.'Onstructlon. f)PL::-l'. llOUSI::: S~t .~ Sun 11·5, 'A'ft'kdays alt<1r 6. 9l4 i\1 i r a 1nar , La~ Bch. 499.-3006. ___ _ $19:1. J un .. Ne\\·ly decorated. I.gr )d for t:luldren or pet&. Bkr li<t:>-0111 3 hdr '! baths with famUy w/w. drapes. Avail 11/1 645-2933 all with lireplaceB, LARC;E 21 ~-n-R--,.-2-,-.,-,1h;, rooin _ .area new paint, Brokrr ~,~!!RO 1-0"="========= W:shwa;;hers & 2 bath5. blk to OC·<tl'h, t.olt1n ,10vr k drapes, 11'/\Y crpt~. prestigf' Coronil 'del Milr ~250 &ntal J\1anager -dishw!1r, c111s / rlrps, No --COASTAL VIE·.c.:\~V~! -- Terr\ric l!\an ;issu111ption! $11\5. 3 nr, '.!!Ju. Townhou~. RN'a close lo !'lchools. $250 Cost a Mesil 4100 Mrs. Chri!'ltie11sen pets-. $23;\ t<lo y1·Jy. 3!01~ P11tio, bllins, \\'/1v, drps. rno. Refs. 8-l6-3.ii;1 3117-A Cinnamon Ave. Ins. 675-~1J9 C_o_,_o_n_a_d_e_J_M_•_, __ 12_SO Huntington Beilth 1400 I tnl~1't'st rut1• ~loPsrft 10· i-n.·ase; 110 ~1n!s. :J Bdrrns .• ta n1ily n11., 2 baths. 5 years old. Reduced lo $41,!'flO Avail "°"'· Bkr JJ~-6980 1..c:::::_:::c:c.:.c::.=:;____ COZY 2 Bi'. gnri;. I hlk. 1u Costa Mesa " flit 2 Ila 1 3 Bn, ;, Ba condu. \\'ilh'rfronl $JO OO Wk U , .. 1 '' . 1 Ph ,, . • aL111dry n11itn, twaeh. ,,.,. a r ;: a r 1 l' • one 546-.10"" 4 BH, 2 tx1. 2 yrs. old. B!t·1ns, Hunt. llarhor 11·1tll :i:t slip, I . . p 67:\-:2892 or S7:~1ti91. l """""""""""""'"""""""""~"""""""'i bltns, d1::.hwnsher, IK'W i.h11 J.: LUSK HOME HARBOR VIEW HILLS 3 All I :-..ti·a lg 1£1111 1111, 'l R11 , ~~J:i Sar~-11·:1s-tl•~ J)I' S-19.00'.J ·~ ti7j..7 170. &1·1-:r.b& Balboa Peninsula 1300 Developer'!. Du plex Tht'•'C' bedroom u11JM'r 1v.·o ix'rtn .. 1111 IUWl'r, Ill V•'I)' ~(),ld 1'<·ntal an·a. Nuw fully h:a.<;.- e<I, (;oo.J growih pntf'nhal. $.j9,:i(.,_ BURR WHITE REALTOR 2!'101 NC'11 /10r1 Blvd .. N.R. 675-HJ:JO 612-2'!5.1 Eves. P ark View Charmer Deligh1ful 1·u11 ;1g,, l:'.ll"ltlll'. riark on P!'fllll~llla Po111I . Twu llrd- ronms. 0111• 1'1;1!11. "rilled ~a1-c!r·11 a11Cl .~t1nrl<•,·k. Ow11C'r Will tr:•d!'. $:1!1,!J:,O BURR WHITE P.J-:AI.TOR '.!';)01 Ncwpor1 Blvd., NB. 67:.-IB:!O fi.1:?·12:):t E1·C'~. PL.ACF: REA LTY 49-1-9704 "Corner" with "Boat Gate" A.~sume 111gh G.I. Loan \\•ith total p;1ynu~nts of $198 J*l" 180 DECRl::F: VIE\\' LOT n1un1h. ll~e Bedrooms, plus or 11·hitc 11111 !l'r 8:. <.'i1as111ne, St•1)i\.ratl' "Den". Bcautilul :i;.in all hut lt'.'vrl. -S7.9JO \\'11h CuLJ ··shag" carpels "'·lth $1.000 do11·n, bal at $85 1no. rnalchirti:: drapes. A m\l'St All due 3 yrs. Broker rno<l1'rn ki(('hen IVllh Jots ol 497-1210 497-1021 CX\la ("(J/lVf'nif'nCf·S. You 4 Bell', 2 l»i, lx•aut VJCIV should ~ the "Pantrys"' ocean/Catahna. $34.900. T110 rOl'(•fl'<I palio11. Sublnit O....·ner 4!H-923'2 :yoor flown p.1yml'nl. I=========== WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 76.'12 F.dingl'r 8·12-4•1:15 Open l::ve s. 5 BEDROOMS! WOW!/ Only $28, 950 C1lt/drps, lg lo!. 8PSl ar.-a HAFFOAL REALTY 842-440S NE\V Exeet11i\•e Luxu r y hon1e, 4/J BR's. 3 Ba. 3 car gar. Assume C l; no points, Laguna Niguel 1707 Laguna Nigue l Terr. New 2:,00 sq, ft. 3-4 & J Br. homes 111 ocean view area. Carpc!f'd, front landsca1)l•d, with sp1•inklers: bltn1;, sclr- cleaning oven; 3 car garage. S!'JS.T:'.O To $61,9'j(J. Ex1:rUcnt l!na1u:in~ 11.·11h dccli11ing /n- H:l'est rate h'OJll 7!~ .,;, to 6'!;' ; .. Laguna Ni9uel Corp. 499-13 1-1 547·7761 3 B<lr .. v111• lut, all 1:rp1ed. nl'lt/ complc!c cus. drps - fully l endscaped & sprinklr.rs, Ore. 6 n10. Leas<', $U5 l\lonth !rrHilS court & pool S•IOO rnu. e Siudio & l Br /\pl ,';, l'rp!µ;, fKi ))(•Is, pn·I <'Ill. DAVIS R.EALTY 6-12-7000 lease 846--2225 e Kill'l1cn & '/'V 1ncL S.J4j 1\10/YltLY, Giir11g1: apl S23'.J. 67~r:!7!H NOHTH Tustin. l!nrnei.hatc 3 BR, 11~ BA. L\Jt1ns, erpls. • J>lu~ne Sc~1ce & Po<)I 1 Bf{ turn. Arlul1s, no pt•ls. ORLEANS APTS. N~E~\Vcc-c,,,c,.c,c,-o.1-onc>c:.-"~ilcAc. pos.~. 4 Br. 2':.: Ba. 2·100 sq. d1·111;. $220 Jl('I' n10. 103.j2 •Malt! sel''lte a1·f>11. 67:.--0307 \V/gllrai.:r. Vlt111, l>Pafn 1·i•il111i;~. 11111ns. J\ $3.'"il per nio J.1·1~ Kllkui Di• 11 B 962-36Hl e Da.\!, \l't'{'k .~ ~lonU1 COROLIDU Apts 2 Gr studio J Bit avail. AtlulL~ only. cpl5, rltt1~. tll'~I 11 re a . . . ' ' . . . 2:;76 Ni'll'port Bll'd. J IR-97:xi furn. $211.1. 67:\~!KH 3100 Huntington Harbour SHARP 2 BR 1)7J-337S ~711 Tt1st111. Costa i\tes/J cco=uo0c.1c.1c00~-,c1-,,-,-. -,--,-,, ~~I lllaple by \\Ii.Ison. COZY :l B1•., frpl. Gruund ~lgr. i\lrll. t:.arsor1, 612·4&11 stu1l10~. son1r 1,/frph·s .. 'fl~ 3405 Balboa 5300 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;~I ll\udc1·n lu1·ni!ure, Pool. rloor. f\'r shopping_ $1~(1 & 11p. Also prnthnu.<i<· $'t.l0. 3 -! STUDY, ~ha1·11. Lease No pc1s. Sl55 Jnon1h. llal l'111('h1n & Assoc 675-4392 NO\\' A\'l<ll I &: :! BJ{ apls. Poul~ .. ratios. 613-33il( Li\RCi:: 3 BR & la1nily '2 11·11h optton $100 1nunlh. :\lgr. l..oni;ttln _ &IG-697-1 J)dU,'\t' rani.:t.: & 0 v, 11 , balhs &-rlouble garage. t·ouR STAR RE ALTY AVAi ,..._ 1Usl1wshr. C/D, etc. Pool & \\'alk !o sthool.s & .i;hopping. SlJ.-4·IZi L. v.;t z:-.. l Ult nc1v, Balboil 4300 ht"\111 '"'"" •12-; .~ .... ,pl" "' ----------gar. uttl 11d. Adult living i-11 CafP('tl'd, drap ~d & '· · "'" ............ ~·. "" ·- liri•place. Childn<n OK·Now Fount•in Volloy 3410 l"hildrt'n, Uno pets, 1 10 as~sl CLEAN BachC'lor Apt~. \\'ilson ll1·c. I Ur I 1vc en 1----------- Val'iHll. S200/nlo. ca 11 111.:;r. !11 ~T 11ua 1!y. ~10 All ut il ulCI $~:> ur1 Harbor .t-1'"ain •1c11·1. l\l~r. BACH. Rayfn. SQl;a hf'•I. •·1,Jnh ~·'"1 2"1 3!" e B !'"-"Bl I >IOl ;j, p,,,. &12-.">101, "'"" p I ·' \\'/IV U 1 Herilagf' Real E s La I e 2200 sq ft:: BR '.! balhs, Jnrge r. ''" ""'""" ,J ·' i:.. a"'-"" V< · ,_ a 10, )u. ••p1j:!'. 11 ~IQ.-Jl:ll (open l.'Ve~' ups!airs OOnus roo1n. \\"alk UEAUTIFULJ.Y FURill' B.\LB0 1\ 67'.l-9').l:I !J.IS--0?·1."• pd, $100. ti1:Hi76:i Proll.'ss, ~ ... ~ ... ~"""~"':'"""""""I to E:lernen!a1-y s,. 1!1 School 2 BR. Pool. Ad11l1~. nfl pt•!s. OCEANFRONT ~ BIL S2~i0 2 BH, blHns crpls, drps. prrsoH only ON Back Bay 3 Br mod. 1''11n1i\ies only $275/mo. Ai;t $1~-:i. 2272 lltaplt• S1., Apt.,\. u1ili11cs uH . .:ludetl. \\'inlf'r , * \\'alk to shop~. ~!;;tun~ :! Bft. :! B;1. unr. Y•·arly $11:1 tion1e. Newly paint ed , crpts, 546-414 1 ~Ul-0 1~•7 ur 6•12-9520 673--;17:?·1 adu!l s. Nu JlCls. SJ<! :i. fl1n. S101•• ,(-r.•fri~. Nr. R .• J• I ==---~---~ ~~10.-11100 t /I I 67 370 s tove. ~sp .. pemi. ~uu 's~ 1 BR. 11·/w carpc1ing. hl!r1s, NI::\\' lit o n 11c r 11 o con-OCEAN ~'r-0n!, 1 & 2 BR lut·n iay l1~a<• 1· :1-3 Yar1.I ma1nta1ncd. $19:1. 2·18.i ,1·atc_r pd., nr shp'J; centers. doninuun1. 2 Br, 2 Ba , l'('I)' ;ipls, \\"inll'f ~~J7 f . Ball.loo OC~:AN Bn'c..:e Apls: Lge :l 'fust\n Ave , S'l2j. 968--697:1. nicl'ly lur11. $21~. n1 o , Blvd. !i73-hll.~(I Akr. DR, ) 1• BA, bHuis. crp1s, sr.ti\LL 3 BR house, near ------'"~l~ll-~1~8~21~.~~-~~~~J':';=;=.:=====~;;; drps, 110 111:1s. $11.jjl. 1110 Huntington Beach ! 5400' COU~TRY CLUB Sl4::i. Util Sant ii Ana Heights 3630 . CH ATE AU LA P 0 l NT E Lido 1st. 4351 :~i;,_:1215 afl 4 pnl . pd. S.!7-17R9 ~ 1..ovt:'ly 2 Br furn apt pool I ~"-'-'-"-------2 flit u11furn, new Gold r.lcd., LG J HR, new crpts, frplc. EXEC. home J BR. 3 ~a. c11rpo1·1. adults no 1~1;. J9.Jl 321,' NOH? B~."~'!, Af'TS. hltins. No ('hildren. x~112 S12~1 mo. Also sleeping rm. Ci:ts, <lrp!I .. ele<:. bl1:.'ns. l"<Jn1ona.. ~~:v 1.u.111· G;ii,lgl ~ _$~ Santa Ana Av1~ .. Apl 1 c r-.1 r;n1pl adults. 5'18--6986 $350 Incl. gardenl'r ~1~0 SUS CASJTAS $!.a -SiJO n10 . 71-1 / ;i:l.>-6696 $17J. Dixon ... Lido Isle 49&---2;,37 ... Mesil Verde 3110 Mission Viejo ------- l y;rl'k escro1v. 847--0163 1351 1========== 3708 Furn 1 BR apt. 21JO Newportl-i=''========= 2 BH, cpts, tl11J~. bllu1s, Blvd. l\lellall ion by JlotpQint. Balboa lsl•nd 4355 rf'fng.. pa riu, }.'.as paid. Frt>I' ltlruy rn1, 11dulls, no 2 Bcdnxnn, 2 bath, cpl.~. dr.iJll'~. hu1h-1n~. Best ]()(•a- tion, J blk tu 5 Point slorci>. S140. lip. Furn1shrll (-un- furnishrd 6~2 -2 83'.l or 842-8303 770 1 I-:Jl1s Ap! D * BEACH BLUFF * Nt>1t1 2 & 3 BR, 2 BA. Forc- ed air, rtshwshrs. paiio, pool, l'iC\I', ] &,• 2 :\IOI)'. \Valk to 5 Point Shop.g. R·17-J9J7 BAY FRONT T!lTf'r to l'1.-; hedn10m hon1C'S 11·11h p1C'r & :;;lip. J>11rrd fron1 $1.i9.~i00. \rithout pier & sliri, :su:1,000. fountain Valley 1410 San Juan _s~pistrano 1720 UGL y 4 BR. SPANISH Vacant, dirty, beal up, 3 BR CONDOMINIUM Z ba.th, 5 year old t~nne. Butlt-in range, oven, fonnal ld<"ally localed acros:. from d ining room, large Jiving pool 8i. ramada. Carpeted, roon1 "'ilh fireplace, $27,500 draped: fenced. patio. Dou- W a lker Rlty. 675-5200 :':3.".6 Via Lidn. NR. 01K'n Sun. Two FinC' Exe.;:•11111·r llnn1es -your ~nns. bl;:-garage \\'/enu-y 10 kitrh. &!h ~ Slonr~ l' t>n, AJI blt-ins. incl. rli~h· Cnth 11 1lh form;11 d1nini; 11·ashcr & r<'frig. 7 r.lin. tu Both 1111h famil.v roo1n tu-4471 (: J ~UU North American Roclrl1·P1I. r~1·1crd 111 lower S30 /'fl '!! 'rhis is fee simp~ titlr. Pnr~ LIDO REALTY INC. $28.9':.0 1vlth Fili\ ri·1~.-; loun. S J B h 1450 POINT REALTY :l:i77 Via Li do fj73-7300 ea eac -----------I 34.156 Coast lhvy., Dana Point 60~~.YE~ .. '!1~E N~1~1~TCay-OCEAN VlE\V, like ni'1v, ''a-1714) 496-532:1 li\1:\tACULATE 3 BR, 2 BA, BEAUTIFUL v i ,. 11•. et- lan1ily room. 2 fireplaces, tractive 1 yr ~ld 2 BR, 1~Z dish1\•ashcr, {'()Vercd patio. BA. Frplc, bltin bookcases, $250 n10. Call for ap-fully crptd, rlrps. $240 010. pointment, 847-7004. lsc. 23711 Calle Hogar . ===========I Sho11·n by appt only. Call $15 earh. lll•frlg. Hot plate. Util pd. \\'onlan 0 11 1 Y. 2 BH. 2 ~""._ apl, 100' from pet s. 21!2 A. 161h SL. Ct\1 642--!"J0.16 hc;irh, STl.1 yeal'ly lease. 2 Bil S1u1tio apt. l •~ ba. rncl. 67:i-:1207 gar, pal10, cp t s/drps, 2 BR furn, llcl l pool , gan1r lo0"="'======== bll-ins $145. Days 5.t!-3524 rrn. Adults only, no f)('ts. Huntington Beach 4400 J::vcs. 5'1&--0689 646-SS'l•I Newport Beach B/B 3200 835--61 IS. Capistrano 3725 I BR bachelor apt. i\lcn onlv. QUIET & BEAUTIFUL S65. 010 J32 \Vest \Vilso~1. 2 BR. pool, u1il pd, $200 n10. Coi.:1a i\le~a. Adults only_ No lll'!s. 17676 CIIARi'1ING Spa nish Casilas ====='======cl Ca1neror1. ~·17·21Zi. 3 bdrm!';, 2~~ ba. bit-ins, '1 • ·• !Jll :z B\ 1 I Arlult~ unly, 2 &h1ns' 2 N I B h 42001 •"-:.: . '' nr 1ra1· 1. baths. SpliT·lcvel, Avail. Oct, pool, Crpts, drps. $1)1j mo ewpor •!c H11I po .. 1, rl'<' rin. Bllns. TO\\'NllOUSE ' . p 1 h lse. r.-tr. Young 547-9571 days, A, .. ,,J nniv . Adiill ~ -~"I ". ,~ lJth. fl .i <"f ll onl . l2 • ~ u" ..-"' l.:'."'.-:493::..:· ::5::2_:'.:.":::'::.· ---$30 WEEK & UP pl'ts. 31~ l•lr h sr., 53G-3 ll:-. Balea~y,~=C.h RENTALS J Br. ~ Br, Bacb. tllaid scr-2 Bil.. 2 BA, pri pario. 11111 Apts. Furnished v1ec, TV & pool. pool, "'a~hcr hook up. Sllti 90J Dover Dr., NB Suite 126 1--""-'.=...:...:_c.:;.:.::;.:.::.:___ 8'14 $161.l. :: BR, irpll', p<i!io, l'l'IJld, <lrpd, irarage, adults. ZS!! O~lr, C. ?.I. 71•1: ;>.j8-83QJ or 213: 592-J:.!'l7 2 BR ap!, bl!ins, crpls & 1lrps. Car. Adults, no pets. 2270 Po111ona. 64(;.-3\64. t1·onl! Ch1tl'n11ni: <FlP story canl, 3 Bi·, 2 Ba. l!Oxl05 lot. hornr. C0u!tl he 1•-:parl(!rd. $•12,800. O\vner :ill-42:19 &!a.ZCXX> Evl'.~ 5'18-6966 General 4000 THE BAYCLIFF nionth 962-9 · Duplexes For Sale 1975 I ~ .......... ,.. ... ,..,.."."",.i:;.==.:.=;;---;--.C:...:; 1:~ N. N1'wp<i1·1 BlvtL 646-.126.'i Lagunil Beach 470S $27:i. 3 Br -!-guest hse. Pool, bl!ns, w/w, drps. Family & sn1l pct O.K. Birr ::i34--6980 AVAILABLE now, 2 BDRi\f. erp1s. clrps, bllins, carport. Adulli>. No (K'ts. 548-6769 NE\\' LUXURY l ,t, 2 OR PATIOS ,t BALCONII::S ADULT LiVINC SURFSIDE CllALE'l' 82G2 llllanta, !l36-2800 2 BR, C'nthlSCd pa 1 i o, 11•ashitig" f111•1 I. Adult:. only. ~\:l.J. 847-&i!l2 2 BH, ehildn:•r1 I,, pct ok. CrpLs, clt·p:o:. rangl', ~nr. $13J. mo. 96:Z-76J7 2 BR un ft.11•11 ap!. Drps, rrpl. bltins. Lc;1.'«', * ~13ti--'C~!G * 3 HD, C: H11. Noll'. $'.!45,000 R. C . GREER Realty Laguna Hills 1700 2 Units nrar Ocean & Bay in \VPsl Nr.wport. Priced below markl'L Owner will !inaner. Villa Park Rl'.'alty 637--0634 1 Qr 1\·knds 675-3435. C II ARM I NG O"'°'"'°' S'ingle ho1nr. 3 BR, spac liv nn w/lrp l c:. Roo1ny kit \\'/blli11S. Arocarlo s hag \\'ATERFRONT, NI' 11 pt. BEAUT Z Br. 2 811, CM'Panfrt. li.la n<I. Braut. lgi'. 1!upli>:-;. $:100. 871 -1700 or 87().0.153 11·.-1 ha!'. Jnrlry, garg, Uoa1 r1·es, & wkrod.-;_ Newport Belch 5200 Tustin --'-~-----~~~~-· 5640 1-::.;;; Via Lido 673·9300 Huntington Beach 1400 Young Executive Home 4 Qul'('n ~•t.f' fX'<l i\ioms, "Srp.irair Furni:J D1n1ng fi()'n11". t:"Org1h.1u:. hvu1g room 11 1lh Jn1~r Homan11c FJrr . ptacC'. Clun('se r!ccor. \\lh;i1 a hC'aurifu l ":IS' Anthony llooJ'' i11 i;rrmrair s1d{' yarrl 1111h "011·~~1n;: l{OQrn'• and the 11 <Jrk~_ Put yooir money ro ~·ark fitl 1h1~ ";,•, •,(. ~Hi· nua! ral<'"' F.11.11. J .. ,1n \11th !oral pa.)mr111 of $'.!;JO prr n1on1h. llr>,1illiflll 1•11va1e arra \\"r 'll ~))011· 11 lfi y1111! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee IGll~ Edingrr S 11-·1 l~W Oprn r:vrs. SPACIOUS r!IN'k 1J11'S1· lt·:J Tltr1'"' l luge tri nnly f!'\Orn 11·i111 11'•'1 h<1r, f,11·1n1tl d1nu1g" 1'('1r1n1. t;.irflrn k1r1 hr 11. hu1:1• n111,1 r1· hdr1n ··ll•h', -~ 11.tlh•, :': p;H!!t" & lar,t;•· :-,.11,1 All block f,.urrd. ~1;i n~', muny 1•U~lu1ll f••11tur- rs. H }OU ;irr l·~·ki ni; lfl r :<onn,.lh1n,.: t•\11.1 llirt•, ~re 1111 .. 01)!' MUTUAL REAL TY 842-1418 Anytime -O;jllex W itn-Hig n- F .H.A. Loan ,\~~un1r FllA Joa n 1\ilh ~::nno Do11·n. lln1<' 111d1·rw111ii•n··f' end lrt yo111• 1i>11:1111 p;iy ~'<111r 11·:11·, (it•I ~1J\"1l'I ' Tc1l.il p:1Y- 1nrnt o! Sl'lS 1nrlurl•'-~ .1Jl. Grcr11 ltt1n1 u1i;:1on 13ear h Lo- cal1n11. Cn11'. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 76.'1'.! 1''.ilingrr .~ 12· 11:i:1 Oprn E1·r~. YOU .l~n·1 find these an}·morr! Hrre·:i; an ocean 1·1r11• hnmr 1 hlk to beach. :2 t-.ci11~~.111", clr>n. Ne1v crpis, rlrps, rirf·pl<·, l1v r1n , rl1n rsn, Call ownrr I 11i:t. "A1·t": !l.'lG-4~ or S47-J::il9 TRIPLEX [)(1Wl110"·11 I! n. 8 year" •.. blocks lo oc,-,1n, RJI 7.une. Rc!hw1•d 1.-. $:'.1,:IOO. Paul Jones Realty 1147-1266 E1·c. 536-6.1$.fl HANDY MAN "'Hnl!•d hJ finl!<h t~111\lcrt1ni:: :Z on l<11 to r1·111lrx 1n ioon110J: down101\'n Bc:lch llt~a on b1~ R-3 101 nrar orr11n. Tul'r:y Rlry. i\nytunc 536-14~ DOWNTOWN BIG ROO:\I\' 3 Bdrm older iinmaculnlr horn(' Qn R-3 lot n<'Rr ot'Cll/l, Ownl'r II 1JI CAr· ry firm11e1ng on r;tsy terms. TERRY REAL TY ~lli-145.IJ 1 'F";_n_e~A~d~ded F •'-m~il~y-R~m 4 BR Seahaven Home Lots of Floor Space only $25, 900 Rex L. Hod9es Rltr. 847-2525 1''0R Sale by o~·ner. New ValcrK:ia-Ll'lsure \Yo r Id, l\lutual 2J. 830-6909. La9una Beach 1705 Aparlments For Sale 1980 !'HARP 4 11n11s near Sou1h CUTE COTIAGE Coa.5! Pla1.a 1n i'xccllent WOODED condition. S7'200 annual 111- come. Priced Jess than 7x GROUNDS gm«. ""M'Y' llf'rr's a real buy. Charming FOUR STAR Re•lty ran<"h 1'tylc home, situated I ~~---'o'c~_4c'c22c__~~ ON LGE, LOT, NESTLED 7 Unit apL IL'ler upper, block B E; NI:: AT H TOWERING to heach. fantastic ocean .SllADE TREES. \VHERE view. $10,IKXI down • .assume 1'1\E C.001. GREEN OJ-' 6'1~ 1st TD ll'i\h liberal NATURE ABOUNDS IN A lenns on 2ncl TO. 4!M-71~2 QUILT AIR OF SECLUS. RENTALS JON. A p!easant walk from Houses Furnished the beal'h. Olde fashioned parlor lype liv. rin .. 1111.'> 0 A K EN Rentals to Share 200S PLANK F UXlRS, \\'OOD SH AR E My e 1 e g a n t PANELLED \\'ALL, COZY ~·aterlront home 11•/clock. LOG BURNING FIRE-J\.lan .'1,5 to 60 )TS. $150 mo. PLACE lN A N T I Q U E D 675-43.11 BRICK DESIGN. Cl.'n1cr hall 'r'E~,0,0,cLcE~:JO~,-.h-,-re-,~s"n-.-, ()pens to the 2 bdrms .• ser-BA "•itb 5£\mt'. Pool g. [lfltio. Vl('t'd by cen1ral 4 Fl:"\TURE !\!us• hkc itogs. 96!l-319l BATll. !\OPPER h.LITLE l...:tTCl/f;N \\'TT/l ELEC. HA~GI:: &. OVEN. CERAi\1-1 ;_N~1~w~po~•~t-=B~1~•.:.•hc__2=2=00:.: JC TILE, ETC., OPF.:NS TO SLPARATE BRKF~I. Ri\f. The i;1>acious ~11r grounds ha~·(' shl'lt('red arbor type pa!lo, l<'rrnrcd gartl!'n, pirk. 1•1 fl'nce. THAT LOOKS TO T! ri::: \\'OQDS & OLD \VOOD. l~N AR/OGE BELO\\', Tb\s 1•hann1ng o!drr hon1l' nN!1!.o: 11 little lotlch up her•• & th<"rt' rrs and outstanding bt1y for; $25,950 FULL PRICE LOWER ON. PYMT. 0 .K . O\\INER \VILL llt-::LP FINANCE MISSION REAL TY 9S:i So. Coast 11wy., Uiguna PHONE (714 ) 494-0731 OCEAN Front hou:;;e. 2 RR, 2 BA. Delux(', y:1r.I k patio. s2:'° 11·1n1"r. 671-soR.11 NE\\ LY Furriishcd 1 Bil, o1 Ba, :t\'ail Noll'. \\'111!1'1" or lnngrr 121:;1 78-9-9369 or t2l31 ·1~2-'\G!l2 Corona del Mar 22SO ::_..:.::::::.__.:.::.: 2 BR. la111 !'<i. or hwy. Nrw l'pts. $:.!JJ i\lu. inel. 11t i1. ~rn1r Prop. !i7:>-:l72!; Lido Isle 2351 • Furn 4 SR. ~ BA. Con- ten1 p, IK'wly rlec. Bllns. Al'ail no1\'. Yearly. 17141 62·1-7109 NEWLY Dec, checMul. 3 Bit, 21 ~ BA. f'urn. Winier rrntal. 12131 691-1932 l"rpt r hr u out. Patio y 11•/cabana. Ideal loc, rir oung schli;. S:WO 1110/)Tly. C?lll 69S-3627 VIE:\\'. Lan:r rooms, <:aJlllS, Adults """"'· ''.'"· "f';' . f1rc1Jl;H:r, 2 Bed rm s, breakfast roorn. ('\osf.' to lloracc Eni;ign and Nr.wport I h Schls, open Sat &: Sun ;;..1R--2394 DELIGHTr UL \\'ate.rtront 4 Br. 3 BA, pool, tenni& er\. $375 mo. Slcp!'I to bch. 63&-6106 or fi.M-2838 alt ri pn1. HARBOit Highl :Lnds 3 BR. 2 BA, c1·pls, drps, bltins, in· hint 0 .K., no pets. Leas!'.'. $290 mo. incl garcle0€r. :~18-66·10 or 537-1346 $27:, YRLY lsc, Back Bay, J BR, l'Ji BA, 1600 sq fl. no pels, rcls requirrrl Rl.1-3430. University Park 3237 3 BDR~1 + hugt "bonu~ room" lRxJO' Up _ graded thro11ghouL Availahl<' Nov. 1. on year lea~r Ill s.~ n1on th. BOB PETTIT & ASSOC. 8.'J-0101 Luxury sin gle. 1 & 2 bedroom apar tments, furnished and unfur- nished, ~1ith con1plete privacy and landsc ap- ed country <·lub at- mosphere inc luding $750,000 \Vo rt h of recreationa l f~cilitics designed and operal· ed j ust for si n g I e people. ANAHEIM :277 So. Brookl1u1'1'I 11 blk. M. of L1ncoi11J f714f 6.16·3030 GARDEN GROVE 1:':100 Ch.11prn11n Avr. (4 blk:. \V , Santa Ana F11·y.) (71 41 6:\6-3030 NEWPORT BEACH lr\'Ult' 11nrt I I TI 4) 615-<n:"iO Corona del Mir 3250 S outh Bay C lu b LlNL'~l !Al_, L.1r~r h nus i-, Apartments 11 11 lk In ~r>hool. twach, shop· p"1n~. 4 nn. fain rr11 .. 111;e vl1. $150 2 Br 1-plrs. 11/11. lq)ll·. 71~ Jasni\nc, C<l\1 , S'.\~l(l 1;10. Avail now. Ulil paid. Brukcl' dol'k. \\"inh•r or lunger. 1\dut1 s. no r><•ts. 673-7:-!lil or Dana Point 4740 1 80:1 l ~7 ~3.'M l BR IV/[1001. Lra~. No Bl:; A UT I F ULL Y furu . clltldrcn. $1:1~1. 1Spanish1 :.! BDlt 11111 rw.;1r 1r "199-20'.~-, • lloai; Jlospllal. Suh-lrasn $210 1no. lnq. 4201 Jlilar.1a RENTALS \\'ay, 642~11H7. Apts. UnfurnishM BEACON BAY. Co:ty Genarill 5000 harhrlor :.opt I\' I k11 t·henl;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. lnc1l1ties. Lri; pall{I, p11vl1 entrunt••. Uti l pd. Avail tu 7-! S10~l JOU. 673.--753.i VEN DOME )"/lLY rcn1a!. l\lorl. .~pac ious J~fri1ACU LATE APTS! :1 Bi·. 2 n:1, hall'tl!ly. ADUL'J' & FAr.l!LY nt·~1)1}11si blr :uliill~. $!!}!), SF.CTIO~~ AVAILABLE :,i'.~3!J.1J Clos• to shopping, Park TllAILEll f,1rn. at!ull p:i rk. * Spacious 3 Br's, 7 Ba Poo t. ~·atrl' & g;1s p11ict. * 2 Bedrooms S1'nior cit1tf'n, SlOO n10. *Swim P ool, Pul/grl'cn !'1-l!l--Ol•IO or &16-111:, * Frpl, lndiv/lndry rac'ls ~_.:.c::.:-,=~~--1 1845 Anaheim Ave. SAIL Inn i\lotcl. 1llx rrns, COSTA !ilESA 6,t!-1824 ('Ol1Jll<',;, $110 10 .$120 mo.1""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Conl hrklsi, 111 1 1 d se111.I' 67j..\11~1 RENTALS PROPERTIES \\"E!'>T 67~)-1&12 OC"t:AN FRONT 2 f.· .'l t)(}_. nu~. \\'INTER R!'.:NTAL. 673.81\11.~ • RENT • J Rooms Furniture $25 & UP ~l0nth.TQ-~!nr11 h Rr•u!al!; \VlnJ-; SJ-:1.F.ITll):-J J l~'JtC Furn111Jre Rcnt:1l~ 517 \V. l9tb, Ct\·! ::i1R-~1.~1 $1 3i .:.O BACJI EWR ap!. 111il Sl ~,:; 3 DH. 2 B;t. tr111s. Jrps, prl Crpl,;, 1lq1,,, bl1ins, pool. J\/f), Ch1fr!r.-11 11·.-ti'fltlll'. 1 :;~:, Pl:i1"1~nl1a . A,:111 n1111 llkr fi1~Hlll1 LARt;~; J-Rr. a pl~ .. nll'Cl)I ~l.1.1 .. , l\r ~-pli•\ h1r11 "\r hay. $1111-Sl"ll drps, iihl', /liad 1,7~ .. ii!~r. nr ·l~\1.:i;;,., ni·••kl'r :r: 1-1>·1~0 1;11111~. (i(oll·, Al'ail (kt. IJ th. t 7 l ~ ! _,,_,_.,_,_,_,._o _______ _ RJ7-!<l~'.'. s12:1. DE:J.UX ~: l Br. Conv"· ll1LK lr0111 Or•1•a11-I1~1·lwlnr CllAR~llNt; 2 BR, J BA. nif'nt !'1C. Sundr.ck. i\1'a1I ll'lsw11nn11ng pool, S1 '.\0. n10. Costa Mesil 5100 (• ' I N I 1 ;""~"';·~B~k~'~&ol>--OoC;ll".1====~·~,0"=·'='032;1~=1=5ooo'='='='="~Po'"=-I rp ~. r rps. n J1C s. HARBOR GREENS 4200 $11Ci mo. Call n7;)-77511 , 200N B h Newport Beien 4 ewport ••c 2 BR. dbl K'J.r11ge, lg yarn.1-;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:.,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;IB/\Cl lEr..OR u11r11rn r r om OK for hcwt, trailer, etc. I• d ' O SUO. Al~o a1·ail l -2 .~· 3 SZ~l(I mo. 673-2025 Grilnd Opening -Imme tate ccup1ncy Bdnn. Jlealr.d pool~. f•hihl NE\VLY dcrorared 2 BR house. CT'JllS, d~. gar. $180 nm. 494-22~i0 or 494--97~1:, OAKWOOD .-111·c ('('nler, adj !o shopping, No P''ll\. 2700 Prrrr~on l\"ay C1i;;la J\lrsa 546-03711 General lOOOGeneral The best of two worlds your home ond your country club For your home, sele ct from 1ingle, one a nd two bedroom aparfmenl1. Furni1hed or un- furnithed, each i1 profe1sione lly clecorate.d ilnd includes c arpeting, clr•p•~i e1, all-elt1clr1c W t11t inghou1t1 i1ppli ance1, 1 I <Ir a g ti space aplenty il ncl priva l • balcony patio . MARTINIQUE S©~~~-~t.t,Ns· Sol.,. • S"""ple SCTambi.d Word Puzi1'! for • C1nu:k1'i ...... ~ ......... "' ... four-tcr0mb!.d words be- low to furm fOUI' 3hl!ple words. DOYNEB I I I I' I' I . WYKAG I I r I KA N E L I A scientist ckJims he aossed ·I r I I a carri• pigeon with a woac1. ::::::·==-==·=="=:..-pecker, so when he delSven s·u L c EM I d:,~ge he can -on the 1--,1-T1_;..;.;1;.,·~1-T1~ ~ n1t~:t~E! Just 1tt1p1 from your cloor i1 a whole world o f e•clu1ive cauntry club recreillion: * Prafe11ional 1it1 Tennis Courts * Resident T1nni1 Profe11ional and Shop * Olympic 1i1e Swimming Pool * Whirlpool 81th1 * Peclclle T•nni1, Volleyball, B11ketb11ll Court 1 And a 20,000 1quara foo l clubhou ~e offers the1e faatur•1: • Separate M1n'1 a nd Women's Health Clubs w ith Sa una1 * lncloor Golf Driving Riln91, Billiard1 Roam • Theatre TV Lounge , Art Studio , Party Ro om• Mod•l1 Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Dail y OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS GARDEN APTS. Excl'llr.nt , park-likr surrn1 ir11l- i11g.~ fol' a dults only. Near shopping. Pool. 1, 2 ,i:, :l OR APTS li77 ~111111 llua, ,\pt Ill 61f~~1.H2 OJ' 612-l lij:. Faiiway Villa Apts Nr11 r Or:in~e Co lllrpor1 & UG:I. AOu.ll!! only. 20122 Snnla Ana Avr. 540-279G $!<10. 2 Dll Ulllll"r, rclrli;. Util incl'rl, *6,12-3:':7;1• 2 BH. «11rs~ 11rp.~. bllns. U1il f)IL 51.'6. A<lulTs, no pels ~l(l--2627. !lGS--1740 l BR, w/11', rlr1~. ~r. Ul il pd. adulls, no S1 2:'l--S l~i0 548--03.16 pool. pcl!;, $11::i Prr mo. 2 BR. l small chili! Oh'.. No p!'l:t;. Rll -1ns, t•rp1s, 1lrps. ;,,1!1-9162. Al! 5, t BR, 1 1 ~ B.i, ·I-patio, 11r :i;hopping, 1u!ulls. 11{1 Jlt'L~. Sl:R. &12-2'.Uf.J. N~:\VPORT BEACU Vill a ApL t:i.clusiv1• s1~ct1on. lu11· ury hv1n~: laq;e hcatl'd plKJI , j>('nthousr V L 1• 11·. Sp<l('!OUS 2 BR, 2 BA, \\'Pl li;u·, lq1l1·. all (•ll'!', t·r11!~. dr11s. Adults, no J>C'IS. 5;::!~1 1110. \\'l'~lchlf Villas. No. S l'honr &12-2•1$ for app1 . nt-;LUXE 2 & 3 Bit •1-PLEX APT~. Sl80 10 .~'2'.?0 n10. A 11Ii 11 s , :\le1ll!i•1Tant·.on I/ 1l1 a I:,,. j fl r ;i r JI o a g llnspilal t ~Wt lhlana \l'ay, NB. 6•l:.2~.cl3::,87:._ ___ _ \!ONEYi\tOON a pt. :; p I l t Jpvl'I, 11rrpl1tcf', v 1 <' w, 1•lru;111t 1·~1'JJCI ~, 1Jrapcs. $2;~). '.~1S-2:~~J.I al! 6 Pi\l All rl11y ::>;11 & $1in. 2001 ~ Kin{;s Hd. NB. 2 Bit, 2 BA, CID, putio, 111111.:. d1shwhr. Nr \\'estcliff Plz. Hi( .. ~ Jrvirir. $:100. Adul!~' For App! 642--0239 2 Bit upper, crpts. drps, .~1ov1• & rl'rl'ig. $160 yrly. G7J-.l!O!':'c_ ______ _ •I BH, :21 ~ llA, stud io. I hlk lni111 ht•ach. Yearly. Call 6i'J-2·rM. Eas t Bluff 5242 e NEW DELUXE e ~ Br. 21 ~ ba apt. for lease ln1·l. !<flal". mas1r. ~u1!r, din rn1. ,t· dh!. i.::<1rag<'. 111110. <l'~ir o[l{'nrr avail. Pfll}l & 1"<'(' n1~:i . Nr. C,1thol1c Chu1't'\1. Adlll l'i, 11n P"I". e ONLY l~l :i e 86:i An1i.r.:os \\'ny, N.B_ DELUXE 3 Bit. :l Bi\_ ~:rwl ~a.r. 7?12 An1i>:"n!; \\'11y. Sll:-i. pl'\" n10. 67:)-fif!Il Coron• del Milr 52SO NEWLY COMPLETED OU PL EX 2 BH. 2 h11. t$2:'il1 or 3 BR. l !Ju ($J25J. Priv. pahos, l'OV, gara~e.«. Cpr'd .. draped, 1•nmp. hll-in~ 6'-st I()(', 7(};j -101 01'('hid ,, '75-4050 0 -·· 1 ..... ~-~;·~ ON TEN ACRES' 1 & 2 BR. Furn & Unfurn F']1'Cplnres I priv. f)lllios I Pools. Tennis. Conlnt'I Bkfst_ 900 51'.'a Lane, CdM &l•l-26ll IMacAl'thur nr .. Coa&l Hwy) I BR rear house. Slove, n•frig. & new ea~ts. 2 Bit 2 ha .. just completec.I. Ciirp .. drupl's, d\sh1l'asher. hlt·iJl.~. 3 Bit. ~ ba. Bl'an(I new. Bltin dishwasher, cpls. drapes, pnl in. Don li'rankhn Rll r. Gi3-222'2 3 an. J ba!h, bltins: 2 yr olrl. 1700 ft 1011'1.'r duplex unit \Valk to benrh. shopping, !lchool, Cns. w111,r, 1Znrtlen- ing, c pts/d11>s n1cl. Yr 1caM". S300 mo. 5()IJ Acacia. 67:>-4356 0 "\~.~::,""'" .. I' r r -r r 1 • ";~~~~· LETTEIS I . I I I I I ·-,.. ....... ...-. ...... 1700 . 16th Street, N t1wporf Bea'h STUDIO · 2 Br, nrw crp1s & I BR un!. All u!il pd. Stove, Phone: 6-42-8 170 drps, bltni;, cnrpor.1, JlOOI. rerl"li;!. cpts, drps. S150 mo. SCRAM-LET~ ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 96011 1i,""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~·cN~o~e~h~i~''c'~··~'c'~2:-~10:·c"~'~""c0~'"~· •-c''c'c"c''c'-'c'c'":::'c'·c"':.:::'"c":::c59:..__ THE ARPENS 1~,(ij:l \Villia1n St. TU~l1n's preslii;l' a1!1lrr~s lldull living, no pets Sh11g carpets To!al air co11<l :l11111u1h" Un!ur111shrrl !l}1nnas1un1s s, Saun;1'1 Aparln1rnt~ rrorn $1 :~1 Fnr 1nfornu1!ion S::~1-fi6H1 $1 ·10. HltANI) NE\\/! :-l'llN ISJI VILLAC~; I .\-2 HF:DHOQ!\I:' Air 1·und. r•anrllrd 11·;ill~, gas l 1r.~d BBQ. Open h<"<llM C('l)- ing~. Pr1vo1r pa!1u~ & ball'Ol11"~. VlLL.\ VIENT() 31:1 \\', I.~!. Tu~t 111 R.'J.l;~~t:.::o Laguna Beach 5705 LUXURY all .-1r·1·I 2 bdr. 2 ba. pr1111r loc f\10. Lagun:1. Adull5, no flf'L~. Ca 11 4fH-'239:0, Dana Point 5740 DELUXE 2 RR. 2 BA, orran view, 111<1 fX)OL LraSf', Refs $16:>. 499--Zo:~·, REAL ESl A·re General Rentills Wanted 5990 \rORKINCi Coupl!•, l'lt'nn t.· 1Ju1rt, 1v .;1p1. r;11 s e d (11hf'<l-lra1t1Pilf dn>: 11·i~lu•:;; l or~ hr. unfurll h~1-. or apt 111 Nl'\lll!ll'I Hl';u·h. il'n•f. Nov. 1 • s11 ;~$1 :·~1. 812-3716 aflrr .\ •H' ll'kt·r111 .. e LANciloR_O_S_e_ ffiEE RENTAL :.;r-:HVJCE Krok~r r,:1-1-6'.1S2 RENTAL SERVICE F'HE!'.: TO Li\NDLORDS * Alu" B<'aro11 61:1-0lll * UNFUR 11p! or small huu~.-1 or 2 BH~. J:"nragf' Sr JOO sq rt nr n1ore .-Jr.an 1'00111 fol' asscn1bly or i>n1all 1n01h•ls. \Viii pain! 1ns1<ll'. :>H)-119:: G1\R-llGES -10x20-UNl.1T!:1 & $20 mo. Nr11r OC a1rp0rl. Pal1.<:.1de1; rte!. :.1.~-:-.0 11 OLDElt 111u 11l~1shrs lo rent n1ohilr ho1u.-11·11h op- tion to bu}'. tH2--(1.Y.)7, Rooms for Rent 5995 I RR kitcbencl11•s. s!crping rn1s. 111·ated p!.IOI. fllaid Sl'IV i('(',, $:10 per 1vk & Up, 450 ViC"loria SLE!'.:P IN\. rin~ $::0 wk. I BR w/kitchrnc!tr $-15 wk. lh·nted pool. ll\ai1 I Sf'rvice. 450 Victoria, nr llnrbor. BACllELOHE'ITE-1 lri; Br. Full Im. Priv r.n!r/\ncr, xlnl loc. 673-102.1 a lte 7 snyn1nc. LOVELY furn. ruon1 & halh, spaciou.~ rlosrl.~. garg. pool, nrar OCC. Sll:J nltl. ~>10-11121. 1 BR furn w/balh, priv en· t.ranC'e. SiO n10. • 67:..0771 ROOt\1 & lm !b. pool . Furn at unfum. Nr airport. rcmaJ~. J.-jfl..lil30 evN!. S15 \VK & u11 11•( kllc~n . S30. 11•k stufilo apt. 2376 NCll"port Blvd. 548-9T:J\. f1./RN ISJ-IED roorns. \\'ork- ing Prrson. Non-drinker. N.-.n.i1rnnkrr. 616-6010 "111'!1"1""'!0'""" ______________ ..,...,..._....,._....,,. ________ ~-----·--..r-__,,...,------~~-~-·----.. r-•· -·-..-·---., ., •• ••• ~ ·--.• • • • . •, ... ·-~ ' UTC "' -lr ' ..... ,. ~--.. - ~t-.J a Jr. -.-· • • '• REAT ' '\--.,:.;·' -- .... .... ....~ .... ..-.. ~ ,, .... ... ~· " ·' , - NO MATTER WHAT they're in the market for, our readers find the DAILY PILOT " the b e st place to put the bde on bargain s. And they d o it with the same g usto os the gourmet here sh owing how much he appreciate s the wares of the famed Alkmaar Chee se Mark et in Tho Netherla nds. You don 't have t o travel so far to fi nd good things to eat, nice thing s to w ear, new appli ance s a t bargain prices, a real c ar b uy-or even a chunk of cheese . Just shop the "armchair marketi" the one ou r advertisers deliver to your door every day. ' .... -.- ' • DAILY PILOT .......................................................................................................................... -----... --------------------_,. -.. -*'"~-•.. ------ 2 I PI LOT ·AOVERTIS[!t -REAL ESTATE Gen@ral WM~t~tl;iy Octobfr 15. 1%9 -K~EA-L ~E STA TE ~ ....................... 1'!1 .... 1'!1 * * * * * General IUSINESS •nd FINANCIAL ---- ANNOUNCEMENTS •nd NOTICES \1Jrtlnr5tl~Y. Octcbt r 15, 1'76? 0/1.!t y PILOT G l . ,,.. ' , . .. . . . - Motels. Trl r. Crls. ~997 M!sc. Ren1.1ls Bua. Opportunltia1 6300 found (Fr" Ads) 6400 \\I-Lhl \' ! ·'• ~. ' \[111\ J Guest Hornes 5998 i.1.\11,J,\I \~. 1"11•1"- I: " I :\Pl\ 1•11 I II ' I I 'li,,11•· fi \1:.;,r,) :'l1•1,1i.:" i,;.1rag1• SJ-, - .'11 \ '! 0 .\ JO' li Wlt Aff1h.11e COLLECTORS WANTED I ()VJ-.1.), 11 111• ! P•U11 Pl :-.li""I< r li<:~·2ti .. ol __ Hi•Jlable 1nen ,t· ·.vomro, f''\- ''l'llt·11L 1•anu11i.:H. fllll !:. part t1r\1t• 111•ailable. 1011.ys & f'v('n1ng~.~ Nu selling ~ fle-. lkll1ng & .-ohCt'tlng mon1·y frun1 1·1)i•1 opt'ratM rli~[l>"'l­ :;rrs in Orangt• County & ~urrounr11n1: area. Cn1npany suppllt'I.! locations. (Handles 11 a me brand can<ly 1: ~IHl{'kSI. $1:.75.00 cash rc- q1111't'd . For pt•rsonal 1n1r1·- \ irw 111 1h1s area. sc 1:'1 11:11nr, adrh'f'-.s & phone 11t1n1 brr to ~lult1-S1 :1tc Dist., !ne . ~}{)i:i !·: lr11pt'1·1:il !!11'}'., l)(111·nry, Calli. 90:..'I'.!. \2lll !tlil -f'.~il fhOl.o TJ• J. "I f "!' :11\\· ~-'! \l•1 ~!ll:!r.1to' '111)'11 l1111.111•t.\ I, ""t 11 1 "1-. I ;·111·a1·•· r n1·. ti.,,~~ .. Or:1ni;t·. I' I 1· '' b •' 111 IUIUllliUlll"' ( n<..t,t \lf•<..,1 1 !~-li 2'! f..1 ail 1111111,.d1a11 I~. (.ill I ---- :,1~1;-,;: _______ In come Property 6000 •••iliiiioiiiiiiiioir,j ! !~l (T Yull•'t'f'•ri, $ll ~~I. r•1 ~ i.~,.'1_ ''~'! "l•ll'111t1lo'. S:!OO ;'lt l ~ n • JI .. o· 11. 1 11-. ~lo>(·k l'\«1d. ~"Ii ... W~addya Want? Whaddya Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Special R1t• II•• I" I I :1 • I "•l•'lll 1:11 ! Ir", • ., ,. ~ H' ~-··1 , 1 .• 1 ln: .1. ~11i1r 1111111,1 1. ."ft~ • dl•I 1~110,plt'\l'~ l.;k1/l,i<ll' 1, 1 1-1 ~1:' 5 Lines -5 times -S bucks llUt ES -.. o MU5t lt•ClUOE i -W~ll V<>ll "•"e lo Ira~ l-Wh1t yo., "'""' In 1r1<M. Read The DAILY PILOT ORA~JGE CO AS T'S leading Marketplace c A • 5 F I E 8 UNITS ~4 Duplexes Eastsidc ) ~;'l l(l(l ;\/1•, llWOllll' ~!J7n. P erron Riiy., 642-1771 :t-YOUll phone 1no1or 1aa'"'"-4-l 11 ... , of 1<1•ert11ll\ .. ~NOTHING FOii ~.A.lE -llllOES O~LYI PHONE 642-5678 To Place Your Trader's Paradis• Ad FAMOUS BRANO NAME '! 1\1r!t• l..ii;uu,1 F>c-arh r.usPt' C1\:\'0Y fl OlJTt:S 11.\\'J:-ro~·a :i.tr~:i Cnn1· 1qrn·1 •l s::~.001 Tfl1\0 I. -~1 1.ilUll •·•11111y lvr ·I tu ti -------..-----l111u1.' (11 a lli,.:I' l '1>lJ111y !.Y ()llltlr :! IH •ll~"" Pll t l1 •I I' :..' t)llnn hou-1· 11t'f• .r:.:_ cl<'iit' Now ;iva1.lablp Hl Costa ''lesa r.w ~tT(·,1i;r 111 Orrgo11 \\'1lJ & ni11ny otllt•r town~ u1 this 1·• •ll~id•'r tll l1e1· h111wth ~ i'ellS, 11 rra Al! Inca r ion~ ;i 1·c 1·un1- tJI' :• P1•111i.: utll:-O •19·1·817fl. n1rrt1<1I 01· /11e!ory, \'cry I .. 1"'-'·lii'. "-1.1r11••l1.1 11 1• I\' j•,LlllL '~l.!7 ~~'i.'~111 , 1)hi-:!111 . ------- Business Property 6050 ~'Cl~Jt 1c1; ""'wr ha~ 1·11 tll''" ,.f pl.on' l•u' d··lu,,• !.! 1 · ,, 1x;u t't .,., 111' 1 {'\I 1~1 11• ~.~1:~~1 ''"ll'l• i.1, t\n l•'"'"n;ihl1• "lfo•r 1 • !11·• ol C.dl ,,1111••1 ll11uJ;, 1 1'1 I "1~ I W t:;!ack Kn!ghf Res t. ;;::o I·' lilh ~1 .. (' ;q I I ,;1111[ ,\ I ;J1 I,: !11 I •t 1 ~.· !'•n111n_ 1ri all hk:1'. Business Rental 6060 l· (•I: !<•.1•" -1h'll!\P pl\•· [, ,••u•11;1 I l •lil~ 1)1111' $1:Jll fl' I' 11:n :,111J;dJ i<' ho!' 111a11,v II'''~­ ! ,.II I I,,,, H•l,1, C.,\l. C;ill Pl' I 1"1' l'l)-'I !i ! t 'tJ 11111.l :Ll.•\LJ.i;f~ , 1111n10• 1.1,;_l11"n, .i.,11•1h •\\11 4· \I !o' 1r .. n1,.,,,. ~-:ll!l Ill•\ ,1..,-.:1r1.; •"1 (11:1 l•or lo .1~•·. 1-1~1 ''l 11 I )0·1 01111••1!1 .ii ·'•'II p .. r1 J•u r. 1.;,,_4 ,~; I O ff ice Rental 6070 ('l'l'n!I f[O':diy (;1'.!·liil I H1 , ~ !\:1. 11\:'•l'hlr 1111• 1·111, ~ ~I .' 111i.·1vo111, lnl'pl;ll'" -,,1 !-'I I.\, S2i,ll!l(i ~221 pa~" . dJ Sl l.l~ 0 1'•1. lur :: Br. nu1- t., J111·. l1j' " U\\J)<'!' :Jliti·6:J:tj !( I; H.11c ('11111, s ;_ii~) ~· ~ ~.111 IOI'(' a1·1't.·~ !\r. •111· k Juo1l1llln \',1l1<'}. ,l !'Ir 1r,1111 •!11- pl'''· I ',\I Hl 111: ,11 < .J , Ll<ll IS I!• .1lty lil~-OO:JU, A~I ''i. II. l',thlll <!11 ?'~ ;11'1"'S 111 Yu<:r,1 \":dlr.1·. S211~l ..ipy, ll.i1<•1· S o>!('c, bll10111r-1,,111;, I 1,1<..lt• f1w c:11·, l\<"d, OL!I)· !111111: of 1 ;,111 .... url-! 111> •..:11-.c. l'><1bcll:1. ii unfurn 2 B!~ n·n!al ~. s1:1.0CO J·P. •::1.00I , •1. l\"«nt· Co1i s1;1I o/•,l 110111'' 111' f\;JHl11, Ql\ll- 'I' I i l J) :.;ili·2til7 \" 111•1 ,·1·~. Chi)~lrt r: o ~ ;1 I ·Ilg, ~L•lld .~-ltll"ll 1\1'~ 11':"1,1'. l'l'.1d" f111' !tdP nru.,l1>l C<1d , a1np•'I', illOOllr ~!0111!' VI' ? ~·.:-!11>!7 [°onoa, l'J.i11d,1 :; BP. hV\l~r. llu-11 !\('\' .~pl fl(>l•l .\,: hpli·. S2J.~,(\Q. j 11 ·, 1'11.\. )9{;1)U I'll \\'111 tr.,do• up lu1· II 11 lo 1nu· l:l1r :0:91-."t:!!I ;~· ( '1·t11~<T Twon D. auto p1l·11. 1·ang,. 1200 11u: !'f'L'f'l1 1 ~IJol l'}' ~IC.\I. \\"111 ('011Sldrr lr u•t d1'r1t •Jr ~n1a !lrr bua!. U•111r r 411 41 m.::-100 'l'l<.\DI:: Equity In lul Ill 1\.~ l'ELOPE V1\LLF:Y f•ir '.•'!)(I l;tll' 1110<le11·a1· 01 11ha1 h;1\ c )tll l'' '.' C.11! fi lG-SjJQ l11gll rarn1n;::'>. 110 ;>;c·Uin;:: Jll· 1·o;v1•rl, To quali fy you n\ust hr-rrliahlo• & ha1·r I hr a day ~1iarr 1 11~1~ (d:tys or Sl~'OO 1Cl ~.;·:~ T:.EQUIRF:D Inqu1n.' aW1H our "frre bonus r11Ulr pla n", i\lakr your fu. !Ur<' ~('1·urr 1\·i1h ll~. <1 Dunn & l:1\•d~!rl'l'l ra1ed Naoonal C•l, ~·o~· 1no1-r lnfonnil\ion ~rnrt n;unr, 11drh"r~;>; .t-phon<' -1,-,,-,-,-.,-,,-h-,-"~,~1-96-;-,-,,-.1-,,-,-el 110. 10. ll0UT1''. DEPT, I' O BO:\ 58 Po1nu11:1, C;J1f. ~ji7~~j r!,\tllg Hndgr ~Ptlan , Trad,' 1.11· >11 \alh'J' hoal, illl'p!llnc. FRIGIDIARE '"II', h1•UM' or ? ? '.', :1J6-SOJU JET ACTICi\I 1·\1 1.~L f . ·' . , . -~~~-----1 11;:1ua111' 1" min. 11a.<,h. Jl,\\11:: I BH .~. 1h·n hon1r fas1rs t 111 rhr 1ndu~!ry, ::o, u11 lt:" 101. El ,\lonl(' .. ~J ~.500 18 111!11 11•ash1>s 1vill do !he •·lc~,tr. 'r1·adr for ~n1<11l home 11·ork of 4:i. 3o 1n1n wa,;l1r.~. Cvst;1 ~les;1, or Huntin,i:;ron F'RIC lDIARE OU'rsTANO- n""t'h. i'tTl'Oll l~lty 6-t:!-liil ll':G LOCATIONS: La i\lira- !11du~1 1110•unit• 011 Pl:tL-rn1ia 11,1 1najor ~hopp1ni::: <'r.nler, 1'11·1· Sl;f1,000 Trade 11:: fo1· 1:;in:lcn Gro~e & Buena 1·.1·:1·1· Or;u1g,~ Coast p1·opcr-1':11·k . 1.\. l:la!;,n('f' T .I), or? Coin-0-Matic ___ O:n1rr ~i lS·l:.-"-'~--I Equipment, Inc. lJ1·.1111a 111· ; HR Lk :\n'Oll'· :::;:;.p~ IV. Valenela l1••;ul $!1."1 :11. Pninc "C" lo1 Full{'1·1011 71·1: :,~3-7.ll:;:: s·,;i il l. 6211 .1l'.'. lilah SIOO at'. c.;1~-rs & CARDS L'LE.\R. Tnl bc;.ch ,:>ro11 or I 111t 1 un111ur f' Xt'iia n i:: e al1'1•l<1n•' ii'\ll 4:.!l-~103 husirlC's~. 1'\:o <'01npc1111on. 'b'I I )1u1r Bu;:i;:,\', l'ancilkl' r:e11I Baq;ain! 61-l--2-120 alt 6 Bl'iilllllUI :: l~r.. ;; B1\, pl.1y r 11;;. \"f'lluw bod,<-, flO\\Cl'f'd pni OJ' 11knds. 11l\, 1111 l1vllo1' l iJLl/I(' on· 1ti1gl'._~op .. ~.~lfS\~~C~ Tracie J]i-f=ic.c1~~Cc.0cld-.c'1c;-,~-1c0-,-T-,-,0 •·•1111r /•l ••Jf., '" <I•', !l1""Y •II' \JI •or ..,.~ _ a1n1no or in s.,, lnc!u~"·i I C f ll.,11\f' lor 1n,•r,,11I' prop. J:;1nchr11, All 4 ti7:J-~!2:i · · · a a r , LAGUNA BEACH s.:l lJ(IO ••q11i1.11 6•1l-l:1il ~~k!or,lohn. ' short hours. ~hort ord1>r~: · C -----1111 "'t11ip, ~ood Air ond it ione d llpo·1·:111ng 1..-~1;1uraot ~27.~fO TU\\'i\'l!OU~E 3 Sr, 21~ ba. LA'ilsr. ~1\1).~i!t:. {1~ l•(1i;LS'J' 1\\ l .. \\.'L I I f I '\'\J \' ~-..,,,.------1.11 ,. "r l•11lH' ·n· ~-.r:1111. :qipt'd. Pri\', pa110, :.l\cni:-.:1:,; Sho''· 0 , .. ,, , ,. li·'l1 ~f'·"(' ,11.11l,1lol<· 1•1 'n•··· 1111.'1. 11!<1~. lt: p.11 .. 11 1· . h·,_ \" ! s~":.00 ' ' • ' I•'\" T "!1 1,.. lo1, hlu1,. ·,,I ("'I • L \'' /J•JU' 111 '1·' a' .,_, · ITt1nn::;. Pro pf' r I y & -• •>t .v '111111'. cun 1 K'l'l t-111v for T D (ar ramov•r l'<lolll'l'l·!ll·•l lHt<l-i11111011n '~~ '., -, ·-i·~ rqu1p1nrnt. fi.12-2601 o r 1::11 :~l\lJ.j.\~ 1u· 011nr1· 6~)-1. ,·,\," .. ",''\ I "I"·' 1:•·:11 11 .\11· 1·11ro•h· ·' •v II 11! t1a1k AUhll)lO!l\r! \I 1 hi 1ab!" S I h f ----------1. ·•'•·d, •tl lWl"•I. lw,.u!1l11I '1 1' · ,.lair~. u .BF:A UTY s.1lon tor sa!c_ j , 111 " , r~ J--,,.,11 ., .,. .,!\ Hltll' 1+p <'fJ111p11v nt .:inrt pnw-fr•, "tore r·ountrr. h1rrleyr ~!ation~. J'\cll'ly tlreoratcd. J-'•do'~I ,\\I'' I• of Jo •ilS I•} C'I' I•![<.. fUl' J.1pld.try f'<jllljl-n111pJc dl'f',~eJ', ~Ur/board. 6i J-2S:::-i :'111 "' 'l"•t I' 11J,1nt: J •I:-. ~-.n 1111 ni. \\',1n1 rrfrt:! or ch'l" sla ve ·art :;, &IG-IOO!t. I"' •101!11li lio1· 11!11'1• ll<·k :.i:J.;ol ! l•f? j l{i-J!i9[) lJli.~~::iS Shop, l\lod('-0-0;1y, ind t '"il' .11.oil,dik fltf Si . ..I. hu~y Eurn.1 Park ~rca. J;11 -111~'l\ 11nlll" .1ll•\\!'ll:l::: "111. * * * * * 0111\l'I'; :127.,"f.)46, 8·17·3827 '' 11 11 ~ ;11 aol ilolr !<'!' Sin ~!'!~!1!!1!!!:'!'!1~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!~!!1!!!!!1!!1!!1'1!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i };JS I! ,;_ .. C!liPS SliOP \11 111h11rs p111d r:u•'rit REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ldcal for couplc. \•It ;•I: 11« P\11.Y r1r OT .' l'! 11:1·~.-l ,\\'!, "l'E l-\L l '< \ HJ-.,\LH 13!.:t ll;ii ----'I' 1[lLl:.'li .\ 1 r l'Hlllllllulll'o l 11•,. 101'1 :-trr• t. ('r,~!,1 \I•,;, (h1 I' il~J ~qL1 1rr l•'t'!, '.'lit p1.•r 111,.11111. l 1.ir"1"~ - General General * 1>4·1-29-11 • lndustri~d Rental 6090 R. E. Wanted 6240 Bus. Wanted 6305 ---TJ~,\!l .l~rt i\lff:-~f'lllf' n!• I' /f'IV·!'d ii• !Y';, }ll,f)(Xl ~II j1 • U~~J' tl11<I.. f;11ll;.r111f, ;11'f':1-r.,• Jr S1·hv,•n r r 1 <:<::-'.!'. d ------ NOTICE DRY Clean1ng-Prp~s :§h<lll, i\l'"lXlrl Bch. Lasuna R•·h pn··r Priv prty. I 2 l 3 1 iR2-.1'i7:\ ',,[t···· "'!'I !1f' o·lud»d o.i;·.<~: .. n 1 ·' n 11 "r 500 SO. FT. BLDG. I .ii! 11:1111u 5 01-i: l i rli :'1 . Cn~1a fllr~a 2~0 1"••11 \ II ~vu h.1\·r ii ~ oi· ·I bcdrmm hon1" lnr S.111' ".Ir lur rf'n!, <'11 11 us !(lllay \\'r l'l'.'Jlrf'si•n1 111 .... rnipll'IY<'C'~ of a Jaq:;P Money to Loin 6320 f1rn1 1nnv1ni; !O r11r I J~rho1·/------------ P!il'lnc 1111', P.ifr l·,lt·1·. IK!"l'i', Ava1b11!l!' i\c.y. ~----(11·:1.1 ,,I,.: r '""'I lolllf• ~1111r !'! C"iou11 11• ! 'Iii·. 1•1~·-1 1::.- 1.,, .:11111 l '.111• lit I, 11 •• 1' , OJ I" 1, ,\ 1!1·.q~ '· pn1· .. •·· p·· -1:•·.1lu1io•11l1r-C1•q1 1;, ,_f,';IM !.l,.\l fll·! 1. l.\0•1 t1l11 • .,[. I• • t "11\ "Ill• 111 p.ol'hdh ~.' ' I 1 .!111111. \ " 1·011,,I l;+ll 11, !~Id:: ~·~1 I .. 1:111 I I . I I, 111-'lillj '' ' . ii"' I \Jl llH I , \ ,,,,1,1 ·, •·'I •ii I H I .-.·1··1·11·1.I I" o I f'.h,I ! j ~ 1 .. 11 ·. r .. 11 I .o1., I• I I• :"\ I' "" .,lfw• \l_l, I ,111.i I 111"11' ... :o'l<•I • I 1'1 ~,,-, i\l•1111h i;i~i-6/11() \\'A:'\T~:J.1: ·i00 ·''1 !I. llllf' n1;111 111ach-~l111r. \lie l!nl~ t••·h "I' I 1 111111 1ra1cl. 11·:1 1ii$i?fl. r.1.uc frw !ra~. 11 ,001 ~11 ft !'r«~rty ~Ill \ ·;1 0 (i 1, ... 11;::; ol.1) ~. ~.\ r ,, &1:.!-l 11~. ~40 \\', l.rl1,f"\I \I.I\' /n1hW"i7:~1~~ fr1r r. ... ~.-2."{j(I ~q , f, !\("fl lliJ'J \ln11nn 1 .. , C'\l , f;~l-9017. JJJ.tJ <::Q ~T , nr Jl:irhor & /:,1hrr !' \! f..11111. il l nnf'" ~I l.L!\'1\' .-d0-1 l'..''J lots 6100 BUILDERS ,11' r: 2 1"1 11r,,r l)(',1 rh. II~ (111]1 ~!lf <•I R. D. Slates, Realtors I O.;T,\ \IPi-.1 Hlfll'1'"-A/I', ,1,.(),~111 :oi17-.'.::1J.~ ------'--'-, .. pl•, 1 t.'fl~ P.1rk1n1:.. \ ri·y ,. n1lor• '· ,.,.J.) n.11\( r. ll.1~·~1 A c reage 6200 111 l.l ;\!' .,[{1(r !II l'n~til 21: \IJ~:\V il{'\'f'~, 1,1,•l l.."IT!I\'• \lo'•,1. J '10 ~·! \I Air i·ond, Ira.: :-01 (';1t. ":"nnin1u1111y. rrr•"·· •Irr"· "•1.~-\;7!;]. Sl.!l'.l:1. 1.o, Lo rlu1111 "-· ril~Y i -. '11 t I:--,,·!-,--,-:~ ''" /lil~!-. {hl'!l!'l'/,\g('flt 1\1·r11 illlr! ihry nui.-t ha1·c 111111~111;::' Ali <'a.>,h 1/ dC';o11rcd. Call F111·11')1,· '.'~16-.116 10 2nd TD Loan Pmn1p1. t:onfH;ential srrvire BUSINESS and 642-2171 545-0611 FINANCIAL ~r\nlt: H11 rhor 3l"a 20 yrs. Sattler Mortgage Co. Bc"c'c·_o..:.:•e•c•c'c':":"c;1~;:".:..:6:3:00::i ---'-"-'·-;··,.11th st 1'E'ct SIS,000 l adies Apparel Shop L1kr tn o"111 n )'Olli' own h11.~1 11".•<' il('l~·'s a N:al nppo1 - 111 n1 1y 11 n11·n your 011·n ~~ori ,,,rli a i;1n;i lJ 1nVl'•ln1rn1 for k•r ;::nr1d rr al r,;!,dr loan. V11can1 Oh'.. ~Ir. Adi11nf, [;1ukrr ti' 19'.l-~l~O l .. \\111" ~ 1n !hr Fo1until111 \',J. Mortg•ges, T.O.'s 6345 l•j <1 1r1 fl ll n1l'nh;in(/1~,./--~'--''-------- 1~ .. 11 , •11i-1~nn1rn1 No ir1-CO:--:STl~UC."TlON i\t or." y •f·•11nf"11l 111 1n<'nh.i nd1.•r. a1·a1li1l.lc for Jr.come pro- 1'•1) df1t'I' It 1.-.-old \Ir lf;un rh1 ..:1ng propC'r!y, Foreign&· .'l•u f.· •nrrr. 1."" yo u ill nri rfomc,,tic ~lolcl~. l\ur~1ns,: • 'I" 11.. fnf' 1·omr!rtr 111fnr. f101nes, Shopp in::: Centers, Tllil liOll. v.r'llr flf phonr f'. J. 0 I I 1 r r Bu tlrl I ng s, Tirrnr>. ~l.:O i'\ril'lh lloll~-Apartn11>11t<:, 1>!l', \\'rile 01· 11 ""I II .n. t;nrh;1nli , Calif. c11JJ T1!lc !!cally t.· !'11,.nr 1 _'1.~1 :-:1:;.1;;.10. ln~u rancc Con1pany, 21.J \I ,\:"> ·1 !·;)I 1 n Clark Bu i 1 d j n g , B 1nn- 1n::;h<1.n1, Alaban111 :;:i2QJ npf'1!lfl' ~nit1ll •·ar.·11 na 111 i'hnnc (203) :Zj l-j2Sf._ p1of1·~'1n111d lilrli;. \lu~I hc1---~-~==~--- ln1n11·lrr!::nhlr & dr~1rr 1 ~1 18'., HETURi'll ,.1;.~.~ or>l'raho11. Coulaet fill'. $,i:;,000 Season!!'<! 1.,t TO. Tn•rnp;o l;i, it::7-:.~'!i0 f".\;1 :;11, payable 1)()(1 1110. 8',~. rlue 1n \l nrl•! Tn·nds Bir!;;, i_,;igun11 l·I months. Sold a! SliH,000 Hills "1th $JO.ODO 11011,n ; on :1 Acl'C'S m11&nif1crnt orean ['HJ }llll ";int " r;ood 1rl!·on1r \'ICW So. La,g.,na land. ID'i0 fr11· ;1 li!tl•· l'fforl'' L.ick of [)1)0.m11111 . H1~1krr 11n1r tnrc1'!' .~al<' of 11n1q11r I ! .. \:>:-;JJ•l l·_[)~ ~1111'1\ll" l\llJ \,,. l•1ol11 11i; !or Jt. Dw l 1;1~- lil~-~1()1! ~--00-~~~-!·"or IJ:11ly 1'1!01 \Vanl /\<Is. c n n r r I s ion tiu~ine~~ •197-1210 or __ 49J-l?~Evr~. .ri~ fJ1<il 6-12-:16~ 6·12-:J6!'l.'> !ST TD on \V hitl'. \Va!C'r Vll'\V -c-=-=-======~=====o=:..:."===='-'='=========:i lot 1n Lasuna Bcilch. S6.000 >ti S60 1no. 1nrl. 9'.;,, f..11 rluc 3 year.<1. 1 2'~ Disrount BROKE!\. 49~-111~ S."~100 2nd TD. Jo~;, lnl. Pa)Off Ocl. '71. Sca!'nnrd. Pay. $8."1 i\1onth on 4 Br, hou~c. in Orange. tii:J-2916 Evr~. 2ND T.D. Home in cily ul Carson. 7 \4~~. All due 6 yr:o.. $30. iric inl. Disct 25•,f,. 11::0-00..:6 j1ST and 2NDS f.o. Calif. T.D'!l. Inc. ZENITH 2-6003 _ Toll t'rec Monty Wint.cl 6350 BULL Tl'ITll'r con1bi11.11\lou. Bl:al·k &. bro11•u 1110(!<.'lcll 11'/1\liHC ptl1n1 s & l;!Ub 1(1 11, Choke rhain 11"/he. & flra r ollar. Call itfler ~-All day Sat & Sun. li--1&-l~IO:l BLACK poodle'. 1n a I c . W/Jewetcd eollar, \'ic. :-;.,,. llr1;hL~. l 11-cek a go &r,...~76:! BLACK & 11·hirr loni:;-hait't'd 11·/blnck .!ipot un<1c1· chiu. Vic. B1Uad1,ay, C . ,\I . 5-1 S-1 :l{)6 ft·111ale SERVICE DIRECTORY 2 n1 os old ;.:n') /11 h11c k111r11 rountl 1·w Agr1t·ut1ural Bldb. 6.ffi-7319 ar1:; 11111. O CC Asphalt, Oils 6520 l ' a I I FOUi>;D Vie. 1~1 & Acacia St, L1l.\l youni:-n1a!(' 1·a1. \\'lule 1•/lrlack spots. 673-tlti9 I'OODLE-1crnf'r nu., 11upp~·. l~e.!>idrrillal -lr1d11'> C111n.· I Con1pl n•as ~l'I'' C11n1 -10tl1 f'n;.;n;.:ci l hy Lil) 111 t.: .. \I !"t ~11·1•el 1"f'~lur1111u11. N1\TO C'Ol:l' l!la{'k, g1-.1y on !ac·c. t'ound 1:1'n'I C11111ral·!•11"'\ nn \\'arner, H.B .. S-lli-4fi:..'1 \\'lllTI~ n1alr J~~K!lr, .I B1by5ifting 6550 n1tJrlll1s old. vi(' \\"arnl'r & CHILLI ('.11·,. . 111u11if'r "I ""I :':pr111:::dal1>. ~ 16-:!~ Lo1t 6401 1llr r 11·111 -.ll ol;1).~, p1·1·l<"1· a J.:t 'S ti lo \U~ • 2 ) !',, Ill) liunu·. Cd~L tii.">-7~.~1 Hfll!Y~J'l"l'lf\l; ,<,,_ 11111. h•'~ . \\",\NTl·:D: I II f 0 I' rn H ! l 0 ll P1l'k\ltl rro111 ~l·li! ;111 .: l'.11. ahoul lill>:l' gn'y ~ll'lll" l'a!, Ff'nt•11 )d, (' u Ill I' .1 II I U II. oculeJ'C(t n1aJr "1th Jira t'Ol-~~lli-\1.;j I Jar. il\1\~1ni; 11·0111 \\'1l.'it1n \I lLl_.--0-,,-,-,,-,-,1--,-,,-,--,,-.. -11 ... an~! C.:01!1'~•· \1l·11H1y, m-.•1b davs. Bii.: r;•nc 11 bl; \rl l' ,\L c111·1• /or nght I')('. \\'h1te C'a·ll r.lti-::::17. ' _sh11·1 fi'1 1\I and p a"'~. ----onul'h-lnvPll [>I'! -\\IH'i~· 1~ i'ILL •hty l •r ;dll•r St'huol. 111y llr" Ph•asP 1·all ;).1~-16Sl ii h•llllP J·:-s1d1• C~\1 '! ~n; ur flt\Y knowlrdgr, Ol'<'l' _l_•l•_·a.~_,._. _~; l:.!-'l:i~(;. BLflCI\ and-;hilc,.-,-,,-,,-,-,,-ay LICt:NSEU IJ:1y c:1n'. l\!'l 1, al1ercd n1alr cat. Inst \a~1 days, 1nl;111t 1l•t't! ·' ~ r,;. :'I!. Tliu1·s or Fri in Ole! i\c11·il0rl l=L='"="=·'=' =l='l="=z'='='="='="=· =''_1,_-_'_"_::~_· _ \'lr. Cl<1y & Orange Sis, \\'ra1•1111; 1·lf'ar !ll'a collili', Brick, Masonry, •fc. 1·htld'11 prt, Brw'tl. 6'1:)--~lti:!!l 6.560 PLEASE llrlp us f 1 n d l>L'llJ), B1•1uodcl, repair. ··c1roo-Choo" 1\'h!. 1' n10 Bri{·k, IJl<wk. l'Oncn•ll', Spi1n1cl "/Ian ear~ & e11 rp1•111ry, nu JOU lw ~1111111 nu·k~~. Ea.~l C.:i.J. Rrw'd . 1.w. Conlr. !llj~-t.i!l!~1 6·r,...1s36 LOST: Lrg hlk ;1llcn•d 1n;d(• t:il! \\'/ '·lf'ill' rrd f!r<1 t•ol1;11·, \'II' Lai;11na t\1g11rl F1rr S1a. Chilrlrrn's pet. JU-11·. f'lrasr l'illl 'l!l."1--'lrli:l I. \DIES 11·allct. Vic Center S!, C;\I or 3rd Ave .. L.1;ur1a lk Rc11, Fn 8/1. \·alu11hle J) a fl e r 1. r.c11·ard. ~99-'..':.:69 Jl(I, 6. $!):') LOST bct\\ern i\la1n SI , &lhoa r1•11ins11la SMILEY'S Business Services Ta\r~. C.f'.1\. b011kkrr1u11;, n1u1t1:J tunr!;;, 111:;11r:u11 •', J:ral 1::•11111' ··tr. r1 :1-.1·: !lllOlo•.;, tilt~~lr.itili, 6 12-.::.''! 6590 CARPENTRY "i 11: ti7:>"-i:i79 -,,=~-~~-~~~~/!lllNO!t H.l::PAIRS. No J ob L-OST: Sn1all tan 111alc CoC"k· A-Poo, ~hag1,:.v, hlk. ''ilr~: \'le, (,11'Ql\,1 tlrl ,\f/\r_ 6i3..£66J i\! 1\ LE _ Cha111p<1i:nc poodlr, \ 11· ,1:> Cct.lar C;\1/ Ci!ll &1&-~:,00 toy Pl TOC' S1nall. Cabinet 111 g:ir· ai:;es & o I h c r cab1nC'l s. a.W-8175, II 11<1 ;insv•er leave ins;:: al 6!G-:~i2. IL U. AruJerson CAl:P1•:NTRY, ('a I> 1 11 r 1, When You Won t it dcn e rig ht ... Ca ll one of the experts list ed below!! S ERVICE DIRECTORY I ~C E DIRECTORY . Electricdl 6640 I Jan itoricJ I 6790 t.1.L("I Jtl(".\L .-. ' 1 v .•. ·I \l'!,J J. J 11\ill•11 . .t ,r.: \\Jn l:••p.111' !.I l1<•11r•l1 il.i) ',, ti••• •I• 1111•.: ,.,,., \11" j 1l1 h••I ~·";ii!. 1:.·111•HI ,\ ... 1 I •I•·\ I• d '' 111• I, f l)t\~I tl11outl~ II 1l~1loo'l!h".ol 1 (I Oltli• )I•• o •l_'N.li-~'h:tl l1\1l'till1-t"~ Ii 1111 :.1.i "''· •ff1I I I II • It• lo. \\ jnd1111 Floor!l 6665 11 .. 1,,, llu.-,,.1111:.,1~11 , ,,-1 ~I'\ Ii T1'1 LI' • ,1l1 ;tfl 3, 1 ,\I U'l~T \I"' l. 'I ILi __ _ !· fo ·• ,.,I J.10 , Hllli .dll , _ _: 11 -.;·1 \ 11 \l.,.1 I I 1•" :0:-'l'I •lb-I ll~ I'• iol•" 11 .' 11·1111111111.", IJ<'(' --------- Gardening 6680 ANTHONY 'S 644-4860 Tfi,. Ll1 1, t" 1-. 11.1111·1:•' 1:.'Jft•, u 1" 1·.i ,\I 1111. "-" 1.c J :11,i::< ! l ... 11<1~· •p111 '. (;1·a<ll1.irc Hu1·twt1il1u "t --- o lll: II• ':di d J -l~j.~~- Landscaping I 11 I• .l.op.1"' .,. ,11 I• I, 1~1 !I 6810 Loud •"I" ; f'J kl1 1•.I' 1 I• ~ ~I II ;7 i\\asonr y, Brick 6830 i'IL S 1,.11•,11·11111·~ ,, L.111111 RlCHARD ALLEN Cu stOrn & Spanish I j\[.i illl••ll,!111"1' l f'll\llH t Cl.ii 1itol11~!1·1.d ,\" l't'~1Ut'Ol1.1I • u u1-:.u.':1 • COMPLETE Y.u I \),,.no I i• •11111• J:.-.• ~ !11;.,.i·r:~ 4,1,,.~_·17 J·~'I' d ,),qi.Ull'>t' L:;,,1:1•111 I~ Cu111pl<'h' ~.inl ~··11u-1. fl<'!' ··-11111.01>·. :.10-1;~.~ t '111 .'< Lo!)..« L.0 1,11 ;\ !:11 11!· 11.' 11• < ', !.11.' • 11.i'1 / .o1s-1.~us1 .• 1~1-1:1~1 1 .111 t 'LJ·,,\i\-L I' Sl '!~CJ \Ll.~l--;­ i\l'l111n;•, 1''1;;111;.;. ,.,1,1 1111 .~. 1:.•;1"111,1 l1k .i~-1 •">-• .1111•.1!11·~.-! .. 1rd•·1u I '• •lt)j1l1•1" ' .•I •l ,..;.-, I •'<' I· l"•· I ,,!1Hl.1t•· l•!h 11, q lJl:.l 'L:'>o IJ,\ I :t,l. "I 1 l.1~ I· II 'I ' I Jr.Ii pr•·l .11~-~o :o J:, II~ 11011 L'I' .... , ---Jli\I S 1.:.11.l.·111"1.: ,, 111;i111r.·nJ11•·•· I\•" ,\. llt0'1'1·11.I . * ;,111-h:i T E11:pef t-J opcJnesc- ~-J\l·:.~T \\'1)1\J\ +i 11;11 ·I General Services 6682 I•• ••I"; .'•·r1 " ' J .'. lt1·pau« JI. ~1 .. 1111 ~:n 1 .. ·111•F.J l!,,11:~· lollJL !, ' 1-',.,, I M11son ry A Specialty! I Glock, B r ick, Concre te F ree E s t. 63 3-2343 ____ , P aperhan ging 1 Pa1nt1ng 6850 ---------NEE D PAINT ING ? l .1 I I I'• 11 d1l1• ,., ti 11 •' 11 I,' I d1I\ ,ll 11, lw,I, ,if I, C '"'•I I' ,1~111.0111\ l1f110·~­ I , , • 11111,111 • .. ,, l,.;.(,IJl l J·.\'l'l·.JUUJ . t J ,:1ql 111. -) '.ip~'J li.1J1).,lll.; (,w Ill<.. { :n;il',orll«•·•I 1111.,~ 1•.1111111·· li l:-11 .. ~ ;I,.( 1:1 \:'>o 1 ,11111111~ l_ki.; I I' 11 I 111 •I •llh·•••l \\rJl'k I , , ;-.., 0,.1 , I••• l.1 1.," "I f• ". . "' 'I! 1' fj.,; 11.i i '.\I\ I[\(; 1111 ,I l:.'t [.u,H' l •"''II 11•1!•11 )ti I< l''· )• 111/y 111 S.lli •1! u·1uon t.:tt;u ~·rec c.i.!. "d 1 o \\•'•'I,·, lo, .. -11111; -;--I' II\ 11-.. '· !'.op,•1·111;.: Ito:! , I i l .• rl ,.,1· ,ot• .i. L i.·.. t. I· ·••/. 'I I :o f· 1111 11 h 1-~-'.! :·.c; e l i •I: Ii< 11 I' I .i1nt+u;,:, 111- I•''"" . , • 1lnl" I i"O Ulf, ;u '1\1~\!<' ioh 111;7 .~·'.di-'.:~·: ;-. I .• 11,: ..... lnt-L\! Rik, \\'hill', '•rilll;!P ··~1 t'r1nalr. !\'u lrnn! 1·li111 ~­ ~,",() r:"waril. G16--::~'1i."1 Ben1od. t\n J!•h 1,., .•111.dl, =-----------~ ! . ,\ 11 ...... .op! :'>o.i Jn" l•r• 6730 1Jl1.1l11y \\Ol'k. (';ill fiHi-:.!:1jh. t-!~ng Qu ,\Ll'i'Yilc11;;1rs -f..11,·r;~-.~~-- 6405 LOSE WEIGHT 1ion11 -/\!'c1v l'OllSL by l1u11r Qf ( \1n1 r;11·!. 6 ff,...:;\!~ Tl!-: f' 1\ I llS-:-A L 'fk I: fl Tl\!,\' S CA~lN~:T. Any ~1rr 1 .. 1~ :..'1 }I'S. P\;prf .o l~-t;j l,~ ll ~.l'fl!I~. i'ar!\l1t111s S1n:1U Tten1odrl. f'h'. N11r 111· day, r:"a"~ C.11J h:EN :>IU-1613 Cement, Concrete 6600 I 11·<1 nt !() 11·omcn 11ho arr 10 e COi\CnETI-: "'•l'k a 11 pou1Kis or 111ore ovrNT1gh! 1ypes. Pool dc{·k~ .r.: o.;w;lu1 11. lo takr parl 111 g1uup '1 r 1gllt Call ."f1R-l:~'2 1 lo~.~ p1ugr;1111 of ~rwr1ali1rd -. . . . . .. rrduc1 ng , Al! 111qu111r.~ ('l'ln-* CO/\C'P.l·.11·. 1· I 'I 11 r.~. f1de11!tal fl •k for i\lr. Kr n-pu11os, r 1c· ftca.,onablr. t,;,ilJ nrrly ;l~7:.l11:..'. Dlll1. !i l~·~."i! 1 ______ _ PAL:lf b (.';i rd nearling. Contractors 6620 Ad\'lCC & help on lllilll)'\------------ maltrrs. Fully l1c'rl. Open Formica Fabricating d a i 1 Y I 0 a m -1 0 fl m . f ully loolt·d f;u·101y 1n C·i~l.1 2ll/6!l7-!l'2;2, ~JO \V. \\:h1 t- t1rr r,1vd. La llahra. Ncx! tri L.1!111bra walk 1n thr:itl'"· Ti JI ' l \••ll,1r I q· '11 ~ H II r ;•,I I' .o ,,!,110 /:o•l<l/«I I•"•\· .., I 1 11 I.• I ~ .. 1.dl hll'lll<'''!llo<ll i'"' ,,1. I• 1111• •II lq ~·•Il l 11• I •I ,i,.111• ·' ;i, h\~!, ' I !~ I I ! 0,01' . , , I :1• 111•" • • 11".ll'lf'I' ~"i~-,711 11.-. ' l1.u·1,liu•, ' jj 0 I' •I 11 ; I ,, do l'Ll ,\N\I',\ 111 1" Tnr ,\ •1111111 111>"'' ol f'.1'.1 •ol!I 1 Ith • l'I I l'l.l·.1\,\-( I• ut11I 111;.; l'.1 I I I ) " ' • ·''I':-I.'' ' . Cl;;n Up And H a ul °).'I!) .1 1 ••• 111 1, h •• 1 . ' --- Houseclea~~9~ __ 6735 f ;,\Y A· 1: .. ,,, Ir ('l•·;io1111 ( ·.!l'f•t 1,, ''"' 1:.-~ L" 111111..: oil I .,,, ill \I \l,[.)',\1'1·.l:!'I' 11 :,... 111 11 ~" I!• ,, "II < 1-I• I .>I• • ,\ I' \I\- l'i .0 1··" "1:-111 :1 I ',\l:\ I J\1; ·'-11.0JOL'l li.1ne;111.:. 1 • I '•linld• C.\j> ',. ,,, ... ,1 l,ill I.\ 11 1:11 •I: 1. • \I ,\\• r.i;:" :: I I ' I .I I Hiiiy $J:i.!ll t .,11 I .;1, ---===- P lasler i1lg, Rep air 6880 0 I'\ 'I ( 111'1 .. \~'lLl:l:'~G \II 1 I" I 1.-0· ,,,11111<11• I .ii ,;011,,_1, 6890 Plu rnbing ~------ J'l.I 'll.l,',1 , 1:1·.J '\!lt I •I• fo" 'ill·•ll • • 1.: .L" • Remodel, Repair, 6940 -'--- f'.l 11 It, C11111o1J<'I, r.r p;111· l.i·uh. h!o,-k,' .1nc r c !t , LICENSED ~h·~:i. :-ink lnp-. _ •'<d1111• 1,. C"U~!"Jll r111'1l!ll\J.:. J Or 1(1,H!lfl. Hllll' !llHlrflal~ fn 1hr p11hli1• /;. !o{'lfl ~nu plan. l-'11~1 r • olll'• 1<'1>11.~ 01td• nil _,1111 & lg c 1•ilo~:. Upr11 ,,,\'!' ;i111 _ _ • •111•1'J , II•• J<•IJ l•ov ~1n.,~I !JO L'.-;I·. I.I \'\l',I: 1.11 1'r nll '.)J'.!-f:'ll'1 SprnTnal rt,.adinJ!~. ~'I\;,.,. 011 a ll ni;il lrr•. :n2 /Ii l·.I Can11n11 Rr.~I . :::J n Clrrnentr Ha rdin Enterprise$ -~!-, 11', l~lh !'f , I' ~·L • {d2 2,!! • ( "'111'1 .ii ,\1,o 1111 •-111• II· ( '.1 I! I • I 1 \•Id "' •·d ) • .il••fli·l1t .1 It~ 1111 H , ~I •"<I I<·/ l"I I \ I I•' J1I d I I i•.tli :.. (...., t. 11;.1,IJ'-l l!'l~-91.":\1, 4%-9:-117 10 ,\,\1 • 10 !'~\ HErli\EI) .i:r111lrman ~1·1•k, - Jiidy ronipaninn !· hnmr f<>l Carpel Cleanlng 6625 n1u!lJ;JI h;ip111nr~~. \"fl 11 • Dli\,\101\IJS ;,rr n1rc1:.11p'<I 1!n1T niy ril r. \\'111 pay S-'W by 111111111,1. ~" an· , . .,,. 111n -1::i.-41 -,7 01 1 ~1o:-Jn (',\HJ>! 't Attractive Expert YUUNt ; IVO:\lfl:-1 fi;iTl{'rr \1·11[ rr;u·h Yllll all l.11r~I 'll'fl". Call Ardrll 21.1: Y.!1 -1:i~ll 1·10 P.\1 C1\HJ'l·.'1' N ~·urn . , 11· .. 11111::. for \ day -..·1v1rr .~· q11:t1 11.v w11rk. ,·;ill :-;ir rling /,.r bni;:htn<'~~· 1:11-~:J:lf! -=s~1N'°"Gc.EoR=sc.w=R=1T=E~Rc.S~ 1c-=,\r:PE'i:-.~-:-11p!1rils'1-,.,-y-,1c,-.,-,,, r.rc·o1'd Co. i~ srarch1ng for cJ,.u11cd, i1lsn rarp1'I 1n- 1alen! for l't'l'ordin;;-. J.IS-23:iJ s!allAt11111. f<f'.sulls gu;.r. l· 1•f Rrtrr ll()l1n. lrrr 1•s1. i'iill filfi-:{t71 I' ' ' .•. !1""' -1. "1. . "'• c.11:1•1:1 .... ~~ ,-.--11·1 •'lo l'.r ·, Ill' ('," 1 I ',I 1• "I k I:· ' ' 1·1 I 1, :·I I • 1\1.,lJ(!\\,..; !111 I' ! ' ,. '•t 1, ,lnlll\111' llt<Odl ' ' \llJ\ l.ll '"" 1 .. j, .. ,, '" i i<'.I/, \••UI' lo f!I•<' ( 11 j ,J,,• '11•1111;:,'' !'<·1!111;:' 4',111 1:• nl..J ll< V••1·v n-,. ..... ,.11•1• 1 ;1·1.li!•~ .. 1-. ,. !'l-. •...: 1 BAC ll ELORS: \ron1a11 Electric•I 6640 Ironing writl'r in1ervir11inl,!' all agf's/----------'-"_;: rr Social Ilk\ Bo.-. i\IGSS, F:LF.CTRIC!fl:-J: J.i1·r11o;ril, 6755 \\'I L!. 1ln '" Do ily f'ilo! IM1ndrd, ~lll(llt JOb~. n1ainl ,\.: l1•11Til' 1 '' ·<!•'"'" B/\Cllt:LOR Lookini; for 1;1r l, ;-'-'_P""-"_·s". "C"~-'--'_'•~-c::"-~~=-~--'-=---'-"_1_';_7_"'_· ·_' -'----ii tcnnL~ pl ~·rr 1n 30'.!i II llyln~. ele. \Vr i!f' Box 1\18-17 Daily Pilol ALCOHOLICS AllOllymOU& Phone 542-7217 oo· write lol' P .O. Box 1223 Costa ?-te,;a. tf you've found wh.it you're loo~ing lor in todey's PILOT Cla ssified Ads. Announc•m•nts 6410 Grand Opening Academy of Phy•io Therapy Sauna If.-1n11~~11ge, 6 lcmfllf' 1<'ch. lO am·ll midnight 1 1 days, 7:55 Thalia, Suite c ., Laguna B<'Hch. 49.J-1313 1 SONG!', POE1\IS. IDEAS \\'ANTED by Hil Composer. Puh. Records. ~4 0-9 19 4 . MAl(E AN OFFER ,, I 1• 1,'< Scw1n1~ ____ 69_6_0 0 I' I'' .,ii \)1> 1 .. tiuu .. '''' II' "~· • ' ' "1 i" I I 1 1 11 I 1 ! I \ "l , II• 11'" 111 lltl 1 1,, .... " '" Alte rat ions -642-S84S ,, I•''' 11 T ree Service 6980 ·-------•.I \~ • 'I J: I 1·· :-:Lr:~· I ,, ohlo"<",-Jf'lll••\t'<I 11 l<oo oil iJ, h.O\il••d II " 8. 'j . ' 1·1 • .1h 1 ... 11,.i 11 .. ,n, ,\/1,', 'JI"'•' •''!YI"•' 1i .. 11·; ----------- Upholstery ~·I'"" t•~I ','JO-:;:J'.(J 6990 l'i',, ],( !-..l;I !.; ('(l•I I i•h•ol. !'.111••p1'.111 Cr.i11,n1.i11•111p 11.11, t111' t>t~-i r.i I' :1 '••1q~11 I I:!, C \I. J O BS & EMPLOYMENT J ob W a nted, Women 7020 ll1 1L :-t·: \l ,11!, 11itnl!<tl hy d:.· .. 111,,, t1.111 1• !:t·(~. C.tll loi·1i1t"' ~ 11111 olf' :d1t·1· [; p 111 ~.:; 1-1111~ ''n•.ill )'•<'I' "I 1--\1>1•\.,~ \11 I"""' ·.11t-:..'~l I <'ll'"'. 111~ S'I' 1111\' S! CA,lKOlM ~l~-1l ,1', JJoH. '' ;.1(1.,, 1-8-17.16 ~' 79-9J ~ Sj()()() ~urt<d loan, int. open, l\lu~ic Co-op, 200:> St. An~. IPrmii pref I yr . Call illr. I="='="=''='="='=·="='="=\===== lknsnn 646-8004 Give that party with the item or i tem~ for ,.le • pho ne call. Che ncei 11re it'i. ju1t what you've been w11!chinq the Ylo1nl Ads for. All that's left is to make an offer. How c4n you los e ? UJ.p1 ·'i'<'. J'hn1 P&L [.• .' r~ '''I" ,•,.7_'1)\ J 1r-;r--::n-T.1· \C\ 1 :-;1",~ .. -,~.1.-.,,- I·• ••l.•,1 .._ !· \;l"'nrnrc<I . Cemetery Lots 6418 ---=---- Thi s is iust a nother o f the qre<'l l !hings t1 bout the PILOT Classified ~oc !ion it leadi you to the be rg11 i111. 11,,1< .p 1:1!-11.'.:~ ---==-=== J ob W1l n ted, Men & Women 7030 1 l!l\I -:1. 111~·-n ll•Jn1r.<,t1 r•. f'o I '"llll ll! j•,\l>I l'lf'tlt:l"d. ~ .. 1 , l'l ,\~1·11•·y 612-S70~ I I ................................ -.......... _..,_...,,...., ...... _ ... ____ .,.. ____ ..,.., ______ ~ .... -~--------·----~-~··--.... -.._--~,.-·~---=-···--. " .. ··-. - ... DAILY PILOT ~· • c:MPL0YMINT Mtn, Wom. 7100 Wtdr1t \day, Ot tobtr 1 S, 1 %9 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT PILOT-AOVERTIS E" 2 JO~ .. EMPLOYMINT JOBS .. EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS .. EMPLOYUi!iffm\ac'rira;onmmiTiJJOORBS & EMPLOYMt ... J~n. Wom. 71~ Jot.-Man, Wom. 7100 DENTAL ASSISTANT Part tlntr, ch111r ~Irle u.s'I. 32 llR 11 erk i','O(p!'r. or schoOI 1h·~11l"1: ~2 Hr, 10 !i\ati. 5'M 171 Jobs Min. Worn. 7100 Job.--Mtn. Wom. 7100 Jobt--Man. Wom. 7100 Job-.-Men, Wom. 7100 Job.--Mtn. Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 . _.,_ ~· :1 11 :; a: 11 :: = MACHINIST Oil.Lee REP R r. SENTATIVE for "-lt11 abilities t1nlimiteo ageTlCiY Quality Posltlon:i; tor Qu11.lll1cd AppUca.ntli 488 E . l itb St., SUhe 22~ °'51.11 }lt.!>8 ~l.1470 AC C 0 t-1 PA NIST: l\lus1- c\11n • At<-on1p11n1.~1 tl!.'edPd Jor Nc11•port Harbor lhgh Choral Df'pt., ;, days pt"r ]f'nginir, for thoSr with alert i.h"-!11 1n1nd. From S500, Call Billlt• !~·ck, S-l{)..6(65 COASTAL AGENCY A mf'fllbi-1· of Snr·1hng &: ~!ling 11'\C'. 2790 llarbor Bl. Costa Ml"Sa Bookkeeper Thro trial bal, manual bkkpt. !G-k{'y add Lng, typing. MISS EXEC AGENCY 410 \V. Coast Hwy. Nc1vporl OeflC'h 6·1&39:19 --"k., 4-6 hn. pt>r dllY-Call BOAT CARPENTERS N n . Reynolds :HS-U21 lor audition AND MECHANICS AU..-Around nuuntrnam'f' & F..'{Jll'!nrncrcl. Large custom kennel help. [){'pendable, MllsTn1i:tK1n. Top "'/\gf'S. {llil & 1horough. ];).:p'd \\'ILLARD BOAT \\'ORKS pret'<i hut not nee, Ph. l to ;i I .-c1?9c.:.>c"c'c'c·'c'_sc1c·c.:Cc'-'-· _ P M. 642-3843 Uoat l'O\IC'f lnan ITT JABSCO ASSEMBLY FOREMAN t 'ralnpany has -an unmed1· ti,h_• opening_ lnr a pro· durlion a.~sembly for<'· rnan. :i.1 1n1mum or f'l'O vt'ars relate1l r-~1ier. Pn·· j·er rome col\('gf'. L1ber- ~1 lringe benefit pnr- gram, Salary 1'0111ml'nsu. ratr Yl'l!h cducauon & e.\· perienc:e. EQUAi. OPPORTUKITY J:::>i!PW\'Ef~ ·1 1i:~ Dale '~'ay. Costa l\ltsa. Calif. ·Ass{'mbler~ MECHANICAL ASSEMBLERS Experiencl'd ln a5~mb!y o;if ct ntr1fugii.1 pump~. usini; hand ;i.IJd pffi\'er tools, tron1 b!Uf'prin1~. .iJ Jl r. 1111n. wnrk wC<'k Profit Shanng J.C. CARTER CO. EXP'D (if apprcnli('t' boa! covrr m a rt Aa.xtcr & Ciet'l"O. 1 nr•. r~12-72"\K BOYS 10 • 1' carrie r r:outes Open '" Laguna Beach, So. ~ DAJLY PILOT 642--4321 CABINET MAKER \l'JUl furnlfUte ('Xpenenrr. Good opportunlly .Torgrnsen F'llrnilun· Co. 7!16 Newont \Vay. CM 645.0310 Cashier /Bkkpr $403 AIR. sharp, good oppl)'! Independent Personnetl Agency lil7 Orange Ave., :::111t C c i\1 642-0026, j.J5 0079 *COCKTAIL \\'AITRESSES * BAR TENDER Apply in pt>rson 2::00 W. COB.st H1vy. N .B. 616-9991 COMBINATION. Sharp Bar l\laids & Co CCI Dan('('rs. Top \\"ages. Phone for in· terview. Sassy Lassy, Z901 llarbor, C.1\1. FRY COOKS Top ~'asi:e1. permanent, hon· f'SI. and good working: con dition.~ in ar('fl's leading restaurant Apply 9 am lo :i pm for interview 11t MANNING'S 6i1 \V. Jith SL eo.~1a i\lesa COFFEE SHOP ;:H.S-3421 An equal 1Jpportun11y 21031 El Toro Rd. f'mployrr Leisure \Vorld Laguna Hills -~~~'-"~---I sJ1.1014 AmbiHous Women Attrae1ivr. gooi pcr50naiity * COOK~xperi1nced Use or rar. O\'e\' 21, Som(' E;iicf'U('n! \\'Qrking f'Ond1tio11s /\PPL Y IN PF.:RWN -r\·('nings pN"J. Avrr;1ge part ume. 1"9 wk. full rimr. SNACK SHOP ;#9 Sl ~{ f\'o f')[fl, 11f'''· t'or pron1pt ln lrod . 1111rrv1e"'. tall Mr. l\l1lls, .·>1 1-~:>.<ifl. BABYSJITER, 1nt('IJ1grn1. r a p ah I e for ()('('asiori.11 evrning & da~·1 1me ean-; Z boy~. agri; 4 .~· 7. nrls r('q, f\'011-i;n1okrr. 6 16-~:.:-io. BABY.'ilITER, l11·r.in for ~ ch1lrtrrn ( 2 ~rhool·ai::r1. MlaT)' OP""-!\1u~t 1ovr l'h1Jdre n. hir housrwork. 830----1211 6 ,\ B ).'S I T T ~ R. il laturr. 1voman. 2'; day~ Y.·k. 1 in· !vu. 'l ~<'hraol-all'e boys. Rar.k Bay arva ~'111---817:. BABYSITrER \\'illl1ed for 2 ~iris IS&. 101. After ~{'hoo!. Vic 4 1.~I St. 110. wk. 6i:;...o.110 111lt't :),30. BABYSITIER 111y F. V . llomr . •l~~·s 2 Ch1ldM'n 5 & l, D.iys 6J&.1l30, aJt 6, •lfi2-39lfi ---u,-,-n-,-.,-,-TT_E_n __ _ :u1.:i2.~o Fnun1a1n Vallt'y area. BABYSITTER '\'anll'd: my J M6 L. Coast H11y. C...t"011a de! ri.111r COOKS.REUE F'·f\V.t~ Non smoker~ ~ •lay!> a week fn & S.11 -n1orn1ng~ Sun & :O.Ton -dinner Ph. ::,1&---122l & ask for Nru.h •.. COOK .•. FIS!-!. •• f\lan to start at $2.75 per hr. E~pe.nenccd l 3.00 per hr. Call brl\\'rcn 9 & 11 AJ'.1 lii]---0533 • Cl.>VKS-:\lALF.: Apply: FLYll>OG BUTLF.R. 3Htl N{'\\·por1 B!v<l., N.n. GOOK ·l)inners . Nn housework. l.i'<c in or out. $100. 67:1-1 ~79. Custodian li\IMED. opening for n:liable man \\'i!h r rrv1o;ius in· du~tr11.I janitorial exp. Xlnl •1·nrk1ng t·r111<t., 1;.t. pay & All lnngc benel 11.~ incl. proh! shanng. C;iliJ. I n J r r I 1 Q n f\lolr!1n~. 200 Bngg~ Avr. (_' I\\. :'>\1t-i•lfi0 · ho1nr. 'lln11.fr1. r r r I ~ r Dal.a T'rocc.ss111,; matu1..-•1 '1111<1n. ~~1-1821 Banking /\e\\ll'Jrt f\'a11nnnl Rank !::SITO\\' O!l1rcr Ca ll ;.1r. Cartrr !l-;i, &*2-~lll EXP'D NOTE TELLER Nf'\\'flOrl f\'a!!Qnal Call l\lr. C1Jrlcr 9.5 6-\2-3111 &rnk BAIL,tAID: Il or pt 1lmr. nights. Good saliiD·-Apply d11.ys. 436 £. 17th, C.1\1. 548-9949 DEAUTICl ANS. h!1nale, ,,, v.-·ork e vrn1ngs & Sunday~ 1n co~tl\ l\lcs;i's ll us l e 5 1 ' JX1pul1tr prieed 1.alon. Op- pertunily for top earnin~s "'/paid vacation A p p I y ~!gr. Cro\\nln:; Glory Beau· ty Salon, 2(;7 E. 17th St .. C.l\t. B J KI N J &rmald/dan~r. Full N part·time. Costa Me,. 6-\fi.7301 BOOKKEEPER F ull cha.rge. thru Trial BaJ. •nee. for hoal sale,. hu~i ne~~. Min 2 yrs exper; "·oman 25.. ~. A{'M1rare. l"!'at. 11mb\1. iowl. Pcnnanen! position. X I n ! salary & be l'H'fil~. &IZ-5735 j\tr. Garcia. l!:KKPR: Solid co, ideal lor. Will be learning new phase "' insur S.'IOO. Call Sally Hart ~ COASTAL AGENCY A membe:r of Snell lng & Snelling Jnr. ?790 Harbor Bl, Co!i ts. M!!M ITT JABSCO KEYPUNCH OPERATOR IB:\I nlpha a.n<I numeri· •·al. Verify and ~omc ,.,.. lattd rlen ca.1 d \1 t 1 r ~. Good \\'orkin1; cond1t1011s and benefits. EQUAL OPPORtU~'ITY E:>iU'UlYElt 1.15;, Dale \\'<iy Co~111 lllr~a . C.:.1llf Dcp1. ~!ore J. W. ROBINSON ll11s openin(: in MEN'S SHOE DEPT. I Ex!X'rl t'ncc pt-e frrrM \ f'ull r1mr, r xt'l'llen! hl.•nefi!f, 1\pply 111 (M'rson, /"f'rsonncl tkpt f'Af:H\ON JSLANO NE\\1PORT DE1\Cl r DISHWASHER Experi•nc•d Apply In person SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 Pac. Cst. Hwy. N•wport 8e•ch Of'pl. gtore J . W. ROBINSON llR~ 1Jp1>nini;: f"r :i CORSETIERE (F:xperi!!nt'l"d f f ull r1mr. exctllent hf'n,.l1t~ /lprily j11 fl"rson, r ersnnnel Dental Ass! fllr (l1·11'1<Xlontlt pral'ticr. O u1.1rs1rlr l !aU. Dent.al txp 1'<'f]. Ortho <'~P pM'r. Age 19--JO. Tri11 salary 6-\2·2626 DENTAL Assi~t11nt, pa rt ume. \Viii lrtun sharsi girt Y1•1ll i11g 10 \\'Ork. P h . : fi46-9672. Denial As.sistant rhairs1dr , l'xper1em.:ed Phone anytime. $5782 DRAFTSMAN Automouvc I trurk body or romparab\{' expenenre nee· f'SS&fY. BLIJ 10 material s, hiUPprin!, cit'. Salary cQn1. r11ensura1e \\'ith ability, Or· ang<' County locanon. E xplorer Motor Home5 (71 4\ $46-3300 * DRIVERS* No Experience Necessary! r.Tust have clean Ca!Uornia. driving record. Apply YELLOW CAB CO. Exp'd Bectller-Toniu11 11el·up * * n1en. Xlnt pay, bent.'fllti. EARN MORE WITH US! Housewives and Mothers Earn extra money for *CHRIS TM AS* J, C. Penney Company Fo1shlon lsl•nd -f-lewport S.ech Haa position& open in *Sales * Slock * Santa's Helper -* Credit interv ie\VS * Gift wr apping * l\.fercbandise recor ds *PBX Sched ules including afternoons, evenings and combination of both. Finest condi Lions -Top supervis ion -Ex- i.:ellent benefits incl uding discount privilege. * Apply Now * 10 A .M . to 9 P .M., Monday thru Friday. future with rapidly tX· paneling firm In smog ltte community. 714-797-9153. rtlachJnista • Punch Pres1 & • Multl11ide Opr1. • Tn SC? per week. Apply e Tony Duchi. Typlsb Secretaries \VILCO TOOL l DIE 3190 Pullman Lane Costa Mesa . &10-5432 • Acct9 C!.rks • PBX Opers .~M~Ac=17.!!7.N7.1Sl'~-.. -.. -,..,,~-,.~,,c.,I • Bkkprs i':o!P. p1'etemod. cau ror a ppt e Keypunch Oprs 543-42ll 3 to 5 P?.1 and 1 to ' PM. • General Ofc ~!AID~ J--uu...TJme, resort ho tel, l.11.guna Beach. 494-J 196 TllANAG EMENT po s 1 lio n with lil!<'r 111anufacturer of 11•ater & waste held. Broad spectrum of duues; Equi p- menl E ngineering, Purchas- ing, D r a ftin g & inside Sales. Emphsls beln~ able tu Y.'Ork on your own pro. jects fmm inart to fln1sh. Sala ry. 6'12-1212 Work when and where you w•nll Interim Personnel Service 44S E. 17th St. Co5la Mesa, Celif. 642·7S2J =c---~,, 1'.lGf\IT TRNEE: potential Interviewing !\Ion. thrll f ri. unltd, autom raises. .Xlnt 8 Al\1 10 5 Pl\f hen, co pays !re, also fee Equal opportunity e.mplo)"'!r Si11lf' o/ c.Jllornla-un1que ca~r opporlunlty. 0 n t' hundred year old company wants responi:.Jhlt f'XtCUll\'e type &1.le11 repre8fntatlve wllh proven re cord . Knowledge of marine paiut, co11.llngs and alhed prodoi:!s required. Abllity to WCJrk within estabhshed dea.Jer- dl1!rl bulor oq:a.iuzaliou i.s eMentla1. ALL replie1 conl1dent1al. Sl!nd resume arwl 5al81')' re- quirtmtnts to-Box !'11·764, The Dally P ilot. Rtstauran! COOKS Ev•ning & Po1rl T ime BUSBOYS For Wffk·ends APPLY JN PERSON REUBEN E. LEE 151 E. COolst Hwy. Newport Beach Restaurant johs. $;,400. Call Gerry O!litC' "~.;~ '~~,,;·· J. c. Penney Company \V~~';\!~~~?~,NCY Work and Play Wilh Rul•u•anl Exp . DRIVER, E"p'd in mCiving & #24 Fa1hion Island SneUing & Snellini: Trie. THE One .,.,.ho wishes lo Jive 1n WORKING MANAGER sroraiz:C', class 1 license. Newport Beach, California 2790 liarboi· Bl, Costa Mesa Bay area. Good sal11ry to l larOOr Transfrr :J.;&.73ZJ s11.n. an e"celJPnt opportun· ES-BLISl !E ,\1ANAGER. 12 un1!s, C;\1. Western G1'rl ity for future. Must attend 1A · D Insura nce • Man & Wife. Ex-rience re-· L·•d• •'ail N B olli-* * ,.... a-4 ·weeks school with pay. " ' · · ...... quired. No c;hildn>n or ""IS. Ca-·· opp! 6"" ,..,".. ··~ !llust ha ve good relerence£. ......... . ,........,.... ===::-=i Apt & sa!a...,, Call 646-ti174 WAY Experie nced in single needle :z 11 :: :i 11 :: i i 11 :: = MANAG>".R .• ,N''' t!"''I 5,·.... Si7..zler's Steak Jlouses -.., ..... Call l\1r. Stewart for appcun1. and overlock, Good piece Sho JI t B h C r Ear · · · ment. 646-8·169. y.·ork prices, steady \~"Ork. l_J_o_b_<-Me ___ n_,'--W-'o-mc._7clc00..:. Jobs-Men Wom 7100 . p, . un . c . en r. n n1oney on interestinr ' ' Older \\'On1an \\'/dress shop temporary as~ignmen!s, ""' 1'Rc.c,c1,c,-_c.1c--------r:DDY J\IOSS 14042 Locust " "'""' St., \Vesfminster: 534-8738 General e INSPEeJ'OR, ror quality mgmt bkgrnd. 646-9235 be Pligible for our Jun dis· Restaurant: Part lime help COFFEE Sl!OP co n Ir o I , needed im· e r.1ECHANIC e E :ic p • d . count tickets. y.·11nted, mature p e r son. FL 0 0 R LA D y • I u 11 DINING ROCHt1 and me<liately. l\fcGrea-or Yacht Good salary for good i;kUls. $2.00 hr/ 545-9863 charge-Sportswear m f g r · COCKTAIL '''AITRESSES Corp. 1631 P lacentia, C.M. Ph. for _i.ntervie\v &14-4131 Western Girl, Inc, Gd pay, S\t'ady. 6·12-26fi6 DISHWASHERS . SALES, f'Xp'rl. dn'f'ct salt's JANITOR: J\1an over :r>, t-fECHANIC, full time. 2 pa11 4667 McArthur Bl\'d. personnel for marketing ol Fac:tory BUSBOYS honest, dependable, hon· time attendants. Mobil, 1500 Suite ll4. Nt'\vport Beach wigs b. co~metic5. Pl't'stige Cali alter l O A;'ll: 776-791 0 dable; For janitor work 7 to \V. Balboa. N.B. 54~0325 line. part or full tim". ITI' JABSCO TURRET LAT~E setup & operate MILL & DRILL setup & operate TOOL, DIE & MOLD MAKER /\lJ !X)SlllOn~ rt'CJUl!'C. soine experience. LIBERAL 'FRINGE BENEFIT PROGP..A~-1 AbLllb· tu ll'Ork from blu.:. prints 1s rssential. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY r::>.JPLOY EI~ 1 18::. Dale \\la y Co~ta r.1e."3. Cali!. tTI4/ 5.f;}-82:>1 f'ILE GIRL: \larrcty !or hrite person \\~ll1ng to learn. Typing helpful. liUr'I')'! To $350. Call 5.1lly ·11ar1 5.tlJ..6055 COASTAL AGENCY A membC'r or ~nl'lli n.t: & Snell.ins:: Ill<'. 1790 llnrbor Bl, Cost.1 J\tesa e FRY COOK e * EXPERIENCED APPLY IN PERSON THE RIGGER # 16 Fashion l~h1nd Ne11.·po11 Deat h FRY COOK 1.'L\ nights a \H'ekJ ,\pp\y on f\<'1'1i'H1 lo fl!E CJ!E~- 1 If! ';) pn1 Th• Five Crown$ Restaurant ~!!()\ E. P11c1fir o.a~r lf"1'· Corona drl l'llar l\o ph. ralls FHY COOi\, p.1r1 timC'. !\!;i i,., RANCHO SAN .JOA· QUI:-! C.oll Cour!«-. 18021 Cu lvrr Jld., nr. U.C.I. Ask for \\'aynr, Pl-I: 83l--0112 For•ign Car Mechanics Good co. benefit~. incl paid ,·aca!ion. gl'OUP. ins. unl- fon11s Jurnishcd lrec. Good t'ornn1, schedulr. As k for .Joe 1'1oore Ph. 540-176~. G1\L FRI: Good skills w\11 grt grrat hoss k plu~h ofc. Jlon't n11ss !his nne! $450. C:ill Sii llv llart, ~rl0.605.l COASTAL AGENCY A n1C'mllC'1"of Snf'l\ini:; & Snelling l11r. 2i'90 llnrhor Bl, Co~la l\Jpq GenC'ral PLUMBER J nt1rllf'yn1an plumber needed ror 2enrral n1ain1e>nanet'. re. r•a1r and n!ilrm nct"m r nt . a l our Newport Gt':11·h r11r1li!y, SENIOR MOLD MAKER Rl'qulrr~ r xpcrie nf'f in lh" mn.k1na: and 1-ep11ir of sm&U d1men!i10na.I molds. Plea..se apply In person HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH .~ Suprr1or f\Vl'llU" Nr11·porr aeach. Cn!1f, Ex1. 180. Ask for J\lr. Johnson or l\frs. 111oor· l Z M t, 4 daY! per wk. ~at MEDICAL: Recpt I Front OFFJCE SUPERV1SOR 83&544.1. Jo.ti. croft. :;:,00 pe~ 1~ Afl~all 61~ ofe: int, diversilif'r job. Start \Vo m a n n1 u s t h ave SALES -Earn money wit h RAr.tANDA INN iveen · $325 & go to the lop. C.aU supervisory <'Xp. w 1 th no investment. S a r a h 1000 \V. Katella Avt . JANITORS, J\111n & wife, pt. J ean Brown, 54().6055 telephone an!l'\Vf'ring service Coven\ry needs hill & Ana heim. Calif. time eves, Hunt Bch . COASTAL AGENCY or Tele phone Co. 8-4 :30. 5 part-time help. No d('l; \\'!'. GEN OFC: PIU§h oUice, de- sirable an'a. Capablr prr. son. gen ins exp helpful. $400. CaU Gloria Kay, J anitor's Se rvice I 2 1 3 ) rlay-s incl. y.•kcncls. 543-2'r.2 train. For int. ph. 545--6100 387-7317. 217 N. Madison Av. A member of L.A. SnPlling & Snelling Inc. OFFICE girl for I o c a 1 SA LESLADY, exp'd. I o r 2190 Harbo r Bl, Costa !\-tesa Jcy.·e lry 11tore, e11p. in 4200 jewelry ston>. full time . J OB Open!ngs? Marhinisl Seril's NCR machine. Apply 5-18-:\1103 min 6 yrs c11p. on lathe!: r.1EN Yl'an!ed, early morning in person Hirk Jewelers, COASTAL AGENCY A m ember of SO('!ling & Snelfu1g Inc, 1790 JlarbCJ r Bl, Co:l-ra l\1csa GENERAL OFF ICE. Need sharp, intelligent girl lhat ran accept responsibility. Some hkkp~. & payroll ex· J'K'r. desired. Please apply 2009 Quail St. IE. of S.A. a i rp o r t , Irvine Ind. Complex.I • • DELICATESSEN J'.lAN f ull time \\'Qrk. See Terry, 495 E. 17th C.r.t. LI 8-9314 GffiL ffil: Wark·v.•/ CM'ative talen1('(f proplr, type, l iit· \JI'{' detail. S.')(X), Call Billie Bt-ck, S.KHiOJ.5 COASTAL AGENCY A n1rn1 1>er of Snelling & Snelling Inc. 2'i90 Harbor Bl, Costa !\-1c 5<t GI RL FRI: Contractor type. Cr't'dit check, Jieni'I, varied duties. Xln1 tutun?. Sl50. Call Gloria Kay, 5-IG-ro5.5 COASTAL AGENCY A member ot Snrlhng & Snelling Inc. 279Q Harhor Bl, Chsl.ll r.tesa HAIR StyH~ts Beau1y Operators, H un t In g ton Be11.ch & Santa An11 . Bu~y l'alons·a-ood pay. Pho n <' ~142--0452, 96&-8080, or i'~·cs ~:>4.~34-40 turrets, and mills. Shipping n e \V s Pa Pe r dC'Jivery, 2300 Har bor Bl vd. C.l\I. &. Receivini; clerk, min 2 Newporl Beach area. Callq---o======--. 642-4800. . •• OPERATORS ••• yr.; experience. Ex · TAPMAT C per1enced in :.Ingle nt edle I CORP. MD_TllERS Helper, 2 teen.age and overlock.s, Good piece 845 W. 16th Sf. chtldren .. PrP.fer ovf'r 4a, 4 worl: prices, .steady \vork. Nr \\1>0rt Brach S.IS-34M days, Lido Isle, 12·8 pm. EDDY !\-10SS 14042 Locust Laborers Own transp. Aft . 7 pn1, St. \Yestminster· 534-i~' 67a-4914. ' • '""'· Unskilled, will train Interim Personnel Servic:e 642-7S2J LANDSCAPE Foreman & Labori'r. E.xperienced. Cail 837--0926 newport. personnel .. agency Professional Service for the employ•r LANDSCAPE SALESl\lAN, end the o1pplicent E1 xpericn,«<1213-, °',.;n7~;3 Coun· 133 Dover Or., N .B. Y a rea· .,,,... -~• 642-3870 549--2743 Leia! Sttty •••••.•• to $600 N R I W ·1 Recpt .. , •••••••••.•.... S4ln ews • ease r1 er Gen Ore Order Clk .•.. $3&11 Ne"·~ & feature arnelrs fnr Reepl/Bkkpr ........ to S500 largi' ru. Con1arl w/ /l!'t'~s Bkkpr D:\fV f''<fl ...... $100 e:oi~ nee. Gocxl 1yp1s1, purl· c. Of c-··1 ,, .• n toho. .en c n :ui ........ -~ MISS EXEC AGENCY ORDER O.ERK: Blue C'hip fast growing co \Viii train. C.1 ben best fn business! To $5720. Call Grrry \l'hite, 5-1().6(}.);) COASTAL AGENCY /I ml'mbrr of Snelling &. Snelling Jnc. ?790 Harbor Bl, Costa t.fesa. position no1v avaU for several amhl!lous men, 21:4 0. F lex· ible hrs, ~ome eves. pref. Car nee. Pre1tige v.·ork \Vilh abov e aver11ge f'arnings. Opp!y for t\lan&gi'T pos. \Ve I.rain. For int100, in!erview call f\Tt'. Lacey 5.1"1-85.:i-O. 1\-fgmt Trner ........ !o $XiO factory T rainee ...... $492 410 'v. Coa.st Iii\~. PART-Time ma!~. 18 & Q\·er, Harcl\\'aIT Sales ........ $550 Ne"lXlrl B<"ach 64&-3939 As.~is . .l\fgr. trainre. Apply t.ledkal Ti•nee , ...•. $450up NURSE AIDE TRAINING. Taco Bt>ll, 695 So. Coast I-fwy, Independent A health career opp. 2 \l'ks. ~U.='c·c"-'_h_.~---~- Personnel Agency course, En1plmt. o[frred. PB~ AnS\\'i'rlng 5ervice, f'X· 1717 Or;inge Ave .• Suite C lnq . per~nncl <lep1 . Jluag perienct>p r e l e rred .af. Q.t 00-0026, .>i!>0079 t>lr1nonal Hosp. N. B. ternoun & midnight ~hi lts, LEGAL SECRETARY Nurses: RN, part lime; 7-.'.l, Hunt. Bch. area. 536-888 1 Cn11)0rate exfH!ricnce. goor:l 3-11. 11-7 . POLICEMAN skills 10 Sr Partner Beaut LYN . fll ll time : 7-3 oUiC..:s. · Park Lirlo Convaleseenl MISS EXEC AGENCY Ccn1er, 466 Flagship Rd. -1 10 IV. Coast Hwy. Ne1vport Bearh. &12-ll0-14 $661. to $809 a monUi Nf'\\l>llrf Beach 616-3939 N U R S E R Y ~ C II 0 0 L HELPF.R l IOSPIT ALITY HOSTESS is rttachinist l•"IOkini:: for rrp1t11re \1·nn1,..n REPLY ROX P i'6:J, DAILY PILOT Age 21 !o JI. up to lJ y.·ith approVeri ,. x p c r 1 r. n e e HF.Ir.HT: !)' 8" minimum, \\'EIGHT: 1n proportion to heighr. PI! Y S I C AL RE- QUIRE ... tENTS: Hig h school gradual<'. \'alirl Calif. o~r· 1t1or.ii licrnsr, U.S. r1t17-rn. r 1lr april1cat1on at City Hall. i:i~>QO \Yrstm1n.~lcr AvC'., '\lrst. min.~tcr, CDl1 r. hcforr Oct. ~··I . 1969 S:OO Pl-!. Wri llrn r~am Nov. 1.~r. 1969. (il4) >'93·4511 Ext. 2CE. !n welC'Omr ne1vN.lmers to 111r con1mur1i!y. l\t11~1 hal'e 1ypr~T1!er. car. 1tnd be con- rlahlr>, Apply 2:1:1 E . l\laln, Su1tr i , Tustin, C II.! 1 I , : ... 14-fi!\2:1 F ull Time HOUSEKEEPER /lpply in person J-lunt ln'iion Beach Convalescent Jlospital 18792 Drlaware S1., 11 .8 . HOUSEKEEPER.L i v e -i n he.Ip needtd by ] 1 I J motherles~ Harhor 11 re a home, Local prof. man & 6 yr old son. St::nd brif'I descr ipt ion of previouii f'x p. & pe1110nai data . Car or clrivtrs lie. pref'd. Will phoflE' lor interview. 8. Cook. 1500 Adarn11, Suite X.3, c.r.-1. llOUSEKEEPER, Co o k. Companio n for elde rly lady. Lh·e in or ou t. Rm. boll.rd. ~111. No ~making or drinkini;:. l'erm. 830-t195 HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH Jfa! w>gen! l'l'QU\ren1ents !or EXPERIENCED BROWN & SHARPE SET UP MEN Experit nct mus1 ioclude ust or 8"7\\·n &. Sharp!? as a r huckPr and ~ng le • poinl lhN'lldlrrg. 0p!"ns 11~ on First and Second Shifts. Mi:idt-m faci\it~s. very pleas. ant a lm011phrre, Excellent fringe benefits. Pl.a.&e 1pply in permn to: HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH 500 5uperior Avenue N•wport Beo1ch, Caltf. Ullke Temporary WORK WHEN & WHERE YOU WANT On temporary as~lt:nments e SECRETARIES e TYPISTS e BKKPRS. e PBX OPERS. e GEN'L OFFICE Holiday & Vacation Pl•n 1\ PPL'{ NO\V VOLT INSTANT PERSONNEL Proven Sale1man Top co. f\!e".1.llQrt area . Call Ann. l\lC'rchant, Pen.onnel /lgt>rJf'y, rot'\ \\'eslcliff Dr., N.B. &~>2no (also Ice jobs) PUBLIC SPEAKERS If you can recruit & train, or if you ha\"I' f'ver had a l'Olin.e in public speaking. tht t'e ma.v hr 11 place for you 1\'ilh our Nat I Co. J\look l\Iood, 436 \V, 6th s1 .. Tus- tin. 5·14-2Ja2 RECPT/SECTY: B~y dlvtr. ~1 Citcl po~. in prestig-c flrm fo r capable M'dY. Jlurry! $500. Call Gloria K11y, -COASTAL AGENCY A membe:r of Snelling & Snelli.ng f l)('. 27!IO llarbor Bl, Costa l\lesa Receptionist HOUSEKEt:PEll, &hys1t, p t-ti me. da l l y 1-5. School-age children. t>-laturP. NEWPORT BEACH Atlracr 1ve, li1e 1yp1""' \1uman. tn11st havf' lransp. ... Equal opportunity 3848 c 0 S ~"' Interim 847-6;).17 eves. a1npu1 r, Uite l uu employer -:'If &· F 546-4741 Personnel Service llOUSF.KEEP ER. Liv" in: 31 """""'~~~~~""!!I 642-7522 ch11.rmlni:: r; r h 0 0 1-a ~ e MACHINISTS Equal opptlrt1111ity employer l----------- l·hildren. $150 J\!o nth . DAYS 642-.5602 Bro\\11 & Sharpe & mu\li· II 0 US F. KE E P E R ~p1ndle, Setup and optrate. Thoroughly \\'lrl0"' Livr 673-187~. r xri'ri f n r in. $25 0 . HOUSE J..."EE PER. Ltve in, pvl i:1pt. 2 M:hool agen;. fi7:....0.110 or 5'1S-il97 l\1 in. 3 yrs, exp. PRECISION GRINOING MACHINE OPERATOR Surface trindini ol intricaitr forms. 1\-flnlmum fi\'e yrs. P.Kp. Ov~r11mr "nd fri ngr. benr. 111~. Apply a l SJ-I UR·LOI\ OUicr T1mporo1ry Assignmentt liHGF.NT LY NEED • Serretary • PBX • cord bo&n:I * Bookkttper/typlst • Steno Newport Business Service Center HSKPR "'-rh1li:i.c'Rre-.~l-iv~f!i-,, !'>'~ dayJ; prlv rm k bath. Refs, S~ wk. 5'10.9112 CORP., llOO E:. NormAnd,v Feshion lslo1nd PRODUCTION -WORKERS- lnt•r•st to women S\\'ING SHJfl THE HARTLEY CO. 1 ~7 Plat"tntia C.05IR ftlt5a Sal" * Fantastic! ls the worrt Jor thi~ na1ional r:ompany's ne1v program for Southern Calilornia! \\'e need -DfITTRIDt.rTORS -ri.IANAGERS -!\ALESMEN -SALES\VO~!E:N -RE:PRESENTATIVES -TRAINEES This is a real ground Ooor opportunity 1vith a solid auto. matic e lectronic equipment firm that offers Sal" HIGH Immediate Earninqs 546-3050 UNUSUAL Opportunity Tiie Independent Order of Fores1et11 have opened a OC'\lo' of!ice in 01·anbl' Coun. ly, RNTW.re 1n1e!J1g('nt man 2.l . 59. Co!Jeg<' not nee· eM.1ry. Sh o u 1 <I hav(' e:ic. pcr1Pnce ln n1C!et ing public. DignHif'd life umc position. Ea.ming C<lmmence5 1mmed. iatC'IY. Shoulrl be in e)[cess of $?50 11·eekly. Telrpho11e her.vrrn 10 am . 4 pm, !\Ion. thni Fn .. for ap. pointmenl. 53·~1 7[11 or Sou1h Coo.~1 r nd er !he county, 492-R?OO. Sales EXCELLENT OPPORTUN ITY r>1ajor national hie in~uranrr. rn. 11·i1h mu1ua1 fund hruk. t•r /deitlrr is l'.\'pan<l1ng 1t.~ Nell'pon o f f I e e. Complete perr.or111lizl't1 1ra1n1ng. invoh" init hoth e~la !e creation & r'l>n!lf:rvati\ln, S11bs1an1lal Jn. ves!n1ent wi!I he n111rle b}' Co. 1n quali!lcd appl!canl between 2.1 & .i:i \\'ith college background . '"nle Dai ly P1lo1 Box l\I 519. Sales Mgr, Regin•I to $10,500 + car + e'O(penses + roo1m. Degree not ntr . rt'locii'r for promotion. Prof11 sharing. Send rt':sume or l'all John, !H&-5410 JASON BEST Employmrnt A11rnr.v 2120 &::i. !\Taln, Sa11ta 1\na Salf's TIME = MONEY "AVON " Rept'ew nts.U\'f'S .«e.ll 1w11.r home • Ol!'V)!'.l' their houn • C.rl I CIOff rlt!l<:'nllnls . i':arn r xcrllent monry. CALL NOW ,;.to. 71Hl SALt:S:\IAN: Outside, Qnr of the oldest highly ra!f'd c!'!!I Coll grad. hu,; orif'n!l'fl . Re: lall/\\·holtsale . Co. hrn. n111 . 5land1ng. To ~000 + r;ir +. <''l'I'!. Call Ge1Ty \\ hi!e, """""" COASTAL AGEl'ICY BOOKKEEPER M/F l\ppro:'I'. 2 days per \\'k, Steedy work, lncrea.slng lo f11U tim~ <t! CO. grow~. Exp Ln mn,11lnJc!io n derlf'f><f. Ofc-. llOUSEKEEPER. 11\.<'e • In. Pl . S.an111 An.1 11 blk N. nf Area RESTAURANT: Litrly, lull A rnemb.>r ,,, Sn@'lllng & ~l11n1: ll'H'. 1790 HA.rblJr Rl. Cn~!" ,,l,,u 8o1lo1nce-Flo Inc. &i2-5700 F'AS!llON JSl...Ai'o"O Equal 011f"1r1un1t,v emplo)er. Pr1v. rJ')'1 lo: balh. '2 c::hlldnin. NF:\\IPORT BF:AC!f l\f & r I Ftn. VAii. 8-12-n::.4 ~ccc_c.:.__c.._.c.~-'-~~~~~~- rtlr f'11ddt n, ~l blk, \V. Qf !'kll :-:<'1\TIOrt Centtr Or. or parl hn1~. m1lun-. S2 per Gr11nd .I S1111r ~rJ'l. N.B. 644-49R1 hr. ~~!!,1163 THE NEW JUDY LEE a prc>fttatlt>, run & ~citini. Earn l atl .. SJOO per week ruU ur 1ian-ru11e. Chooae )'Ollr own hours. No delivet)' 01· collrl'ting, no inv~lmenl lo s111rt. ln1n1ed. profits "e lra1n. Phone ;>6-2036. Sales V.P . to $20,000 -f. c11..1· ·I-iurenll'<e /. tx. pensei;, Dynamic growing rn. De:rei' Eltt"!riCil! or mrktg. Sl.OCk option & all co. benefi111. ~nd resume or call Arman, 54&5410 JASON BEST t:n1ploy1nenl Aiency :n20 So. !\fain, Santa Ana SALES Sarah Coventry hu (lpen111~~ for n or pt time Xn1.1.~ i;ales. P l,, 11 ~ •• ri t , d1gnilicd work w/r.o In· vest., co l le c t ion~ or deliveries. Choose. your nY.-n hrs. ~·11n. a~e 21. For 1ntv. tall: ;,,J(l-061 1 & ~2-~i6!13 Sl-:CRl~TARY For :I-man, prusperous. h11rd y.·ork1ng, very dem11ndi ng aclver!is!ng agi:ncy. E."per no! in1· portan!: alull1y is. Mus! be 111.5! ryp1sl, gd sptUer, am· blliou5 /or i n c r e a sin i;:- re~ponsi blllly & income and hll\'e superior IQ. all ol 11·hirh \\'1''11 lf'St 111 our r )[· fK·n~r. i\lust be facile 11·i1h f1 g11res bec11.uSI' job includes bitHn!: and budgt'! {'OtYl- p1J11tlons. /\lust live near N1•11pt B~h. Plr11se clnn'I phon<'. Coovincr in first Jr l- lcr. Phi! Lanl>da !e, I'. 0 . Box 796. Balboa, Ca !l2f\61 &c1~!ilry Ncwspap<'r n"et..ls Part Time Secrelary to Vice • President & General Manager \\'00 ean take i;hortha.nd 100 "'Pm, likes variely and fig. Uf'l's, rypc 60 wpm or better. Many C(lmpany benetits such as paid t·acations, 5 I c k li'ave. paid medical and !Ht insurafX'C, crf'di! union. pen. sion pl;111, rh:. Call !ht DAILY PILOT for a n ap- poin1men1 . 612-4321 and a sk fnr J\1rs. Greenman. ----SECTY; S<imcone 11'itll lot~ or 1110.x,Y. IYJlC'. shld, :\lnt r o, hen & 11ork1ng cond. S-1.<lO. Call Jran BJ'Ol\'n, 5·10·6053. COASTAL AGENCY A mrmber nf Snr!hni.; & S11C'l11ng lnc. 2~ Harbor Bl, Co!ita 1'1f'JQI sr.:CllETARY l•;>l' busy ,,.,. ecutive l!l assist in setting up new dc>Pt. 11·11htn l\Iutua.1 Funds Co. in Ne1\'Pl. Bch arra. Top skills, shor thand, lyping t· apli!utlo• w1lh figw'l's ·I-l•'r'Suna.h ty + Slllrt111b s;il,Hy $·17::. "'llh ht:n('f1 ! of ~lock nplion. Ca!! 642-~l'.60 !or appotnL thf. !111111 r .... r capablP p..·r . ...,n \\·/rnox,1·. \\'otk on own, lile ~h!d. To .\IQ. Co.JI Bill ie BC'<'k ~,llLf16;1 COASTAL AGENCY ,\ JJl<'m ber of Snr>ll in..: & S00Ui11i;-Jn('. :'79\l tr.11'1Xl1' RJ , C•1sta ,,1,.~ SERVICE S!anon a111Vln!. Fnll t1n1<'. ,'\'1j;:;ht ~h1 ft 11-8 ;in1. ;\lu<1 h<' rw:,1, Sec Jim. '.!~19() :'.'t•11·port, C :\t. SERVICE STATION Top n;land Yilesmcn. COOD p;.y !or e.~r>'rl. n1f'n. Coron~ del !\Tar Shell Scrv, 2i!Ol l'.:. Coa.s! H\\·y. a! Colr!cn1'M. 67:;....o:,J.l SER\llCC :S '(A T I ON 11t. lrnda.nt. E'<penenr!'rl . /lpply 1n 1)(>rq111 2800 \V. Coai;! l111y. !\',CBC.,,..,,--~-~ 5-t:RVICt; ~t1!ion A11r n:lant. full t1mr r1a~·c; 1r;.1:, ,\dams. (o~ta ~lf'~a '.",J0-1206 ~EP.VJCE S!11!a1n ;i!l"ridant, (''Ip. r)u '-See l\IJki", 4678 C'i\nlfH1~ Dr, N 13. SF:\\'l':r:s. r'<perlencrd. /lp- p!y Ii:?~ Fn!'f'<! A\'e., l..ag11na J~:irh 1'17-11'.ll ,\\AClll NE (. pr• r a ! o r ~ l-Se:i1n!ilrrb 11•/r;<p, on p!)\\'rr n'~rhHlf'.~. 11•;in1rrl frar sc.w1nc 11.un1r.ns ready-t'J.-wear, lor ,.1nall Laguna Bca1·h ~H.i:r , n. or 1 art l11nr. Call 4!!1~1418 SITTER \\·11.ntC'd, lS & O\•r r lor 111•casional c1·rn in~ 8: \\k. rnt!.~. Bal. Isl. 57:;_.m7 TOOL & DIE MAKER DA YS Opporh1n1r1r.~ rl)r fl)()] & rlit niakrt~. eio:rcr1rn('('fl tn pro. J(1"Psi;11·f' ;i11() dr;n'' die.~. ,\p. p;y at SJJUR-LOJ\ CORP .. 1300 E, Nnrmanrly Pl., Santa An"-. 1 I hlk. N. nl l\l{'Fad· tlrn. 1 z hlk. \\1, of Grand .) TRN~:1~ FILF: (';IRL: Good ,..,,, 1,ork in plrasdnt of/ice,, hro;11·h ilrt'I\, Can go filr. :-.tAr' S~Z\ Cail Jean Bmwn 5 )fl.6f1,'1j COASTAL AGENCY A 111rmbcr or Snrll1nft f,, Sll('lhng Jn('. Z7'.lO 1/art-.:1r Bl. Costa fl.1t!Q. Typi~t NL\YPORT BE/\Cll ! 1\rrura!r lyplt.t t'eq'd imn1M .1 l'lr i:irn. olc. \\.'Ork in ::i g irll t11!1rr. JO H N R A R R Y AS..<;;(')('J A 11'.:S WAITRESS EXPERIENCED Apply in Person SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 P•c::. Cst. Hwy. N1wport 8eo1ch • 'T •) - F s J J r I i I ............................................................................... __________ .., __ ,.. ______ ,.... ________ .,.. ______ --.... --· .... --.. - 2.:J PILOT -ADV[RTISER \Vrdnr~da.Y. Octobt r 15 19b9 MERCHANDISE FO~R~-M-~!~RC~H-A-N~DISE FOR ME-RCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDISE FDR MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDISE FOR I SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE ~~D TRADE SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE FREE TO YOU Furnitu!! ____ a __ ooo_F_u"-'"~'~'"~'~·=----~80=00= Furniture 8000 Furn:Tur• 1000 .. If.Fi & Steno 1210 Ml•ce~l•neout 8600IYOUNG llelge coc k r r , _DAILY PILOT_G;J -I h!ANSPOW. r A rl ON Boats & Yachts I . --- 900~ -----'---'----;..:..;. hl'ahhy, l ov11bll' r urly ·~~t;J .,\~~l ,,H('•1 11 11uu 1'~7 1! ."l lJ.\lLO Two Days Only! !\l/\RAN'rl 'l:t r t crlvrr , GOLF Clubs, ba.f, t'il.rt & p l umr tal.J h1>US<.:broki·n lnl .. 11r1l o1..1t..~·1d . l~'tl 1.1 ct· ~_'l{.\,\l 'U,J::!t , FURNITURE SALE BolAk ll2 8 1p rakrr shoes. 12 lti bowl\ni: lJall, Jove• ch!!dre;i, IK.'t'di; lr:\k"l<I i 'ruo•cr "11 11 f>.•1 1 )11 & 1:· ~!>ti ter, 800 ori& m l• s Y at l' m •. dual 1019 bag & ~hoes Trlc)'ci.e. Ac· homt'. 846-38111 10/JG P"""'r !n111 l-"•111 •'011•r l '" Furniture and accessories from five luxuri· turntable. S700 or ht-s1 oll~r. conl.11U1 door rm divider & l1.t>:11J,v 10 c111u} A 1 1 1' .i i\IATt'!fl ,F.."'5 5C'OCC &12-9838 ht'fore 4 PM track. '66 fill CC Yamaha r.tOTHER C a I, beaUl tlul n1111n11"1:1n1-e rerords. l l 1.•11'f1 ~-r·1n1hl1•r. f'or th1 ~,,. ous model apartments. Outstanding values clean, 10 ml. Ladles belle; young '§i Prrs111n. 'v/llurr.v ,1.,..ntr Kl r.-114,1 iau·i~t St..JI. on d ecor ator-selected iteins from all over the 8220 cl(l(hes ~lze 16•11:1. !>IG-~£2 !Ail, and 5 nutty k1Ue r1s. all '\lAf IV·INT•:i-.--J!~i7 'l lt1L:--ll'll T·lCOC SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN \l'Orld . Tape Recorders -· ---need i oo d bo1T.e11 . p , ,._, ~.I' I 1150 Palntera Equip: Binks low. 828-4230 lO/lG Priva te. plll'!)'. JO 10 U' T ~ ...u<l LC, •'!')'C ran. · Show Room · Floor 5dmples • F actory Closeouts UP TO soo/o OFF AKAi X360 tape n cordtr set boy rompressor, 2 other.;. • ----clean, \\lll•'r J't•:trl~·. llll JAMES LTD I In \\'OOd. Brand new. Tapes 40· extt"Mion laddt"r, 2 2(1' BEAUTl!>UL Adult mule o~alers pl•'"~'-'. To $10000 r:.<.;1 N1•11·1•ort Blvd, 64UI04fl Everything must go! Sectionals, chairs, bed· Inc l f'ully automatlc $400 1 silver pla!lnum mlni:i.ture p --I . -· •ciders, 5 gal pot, 2 aal pots, ' hone ;,Jti-~.il I bJ 1'0 100 !<.fl p<'r hr 8.10 Cl'" r oom sets. dinner\vare. ashtrays , towels • . • 671--75>17 · poodle trtt lo ..,,,,,.f homt ~ misc guru & hoses, 0ev1:tie1 Lo l' 'can &: Jdm."ciiuo · HI' T·BIP..D ·si~ 140 hp ~iere class 12' Inboard hydroplane/ 3 ROOMS OF FlJRNITURE $389. e 5 p.c. authentic Spanish Bdrm. set, e 96 in. quilted sofa with 56 in. matching love seat, or chair • 5 pc. Sp1nish Dinette, oak table top e 3 heavy Mediterranean matching t ables, top durable enough for Flamt1'lco Dancing. W ill sell pieces individually. everything! Bring cas h -• -and bring h ome TA PE Rec:order-Noreloo alrlea 64i.-0141 after s " 11 0 er ren. c 110 T 1 htill & han.l"''att, ,. u 1 1 a bcalltllul furniture bargain. ' --Sl&-381J 101 16 nllsl'r · 1' r T spare, Sales times; stereo, l spt'ed, $~. Grand Opening SALE! 2 ~els skis, misc xtr;u. pa1nt!'d & hd1vr in box, finll • ~41 * Pemco tanks • fish . ari:~ss LAliHADOR mix pupples 1 Fish or aki boat S2:00. $100 lllk<'~. 2 "hl'<'I trlr. Thunday (Qct. 9) . --'TIS TROPICAL F'ISll black, l white, -1 brown. All 549.~89.laft 6 pm. CfJ!tl, mul\IJ~ Hght bar F "d ( 0 10) Camer11 & Equip. 8300 90&0 Ediniet I@ Magnolia) \\"ant children to play with. ~hp F'orrl lntereep1nr $lW.~1 cu in /'>1erc pow head fl ay Cf• F ntn Valley e 842-4530 96S--7935 10/22 l/O in box 4/4 11tatk tuned e:t- 10 5 FOT'RON Electronic camera . nuiny cs1ra.<:, n1ust a.m. to p.m. Yo it h case. Sl75 or make of. KIRBY V1cuum cleaner with KIITENS, .2 gray, 2 black, 2 sell! S~·l50. Call illl S Pllt haust. 1111 l>r~s coolant fil- Shop Fir,t! Then See Our Unbalie¥able 8uys! 1001 other items w ith terrific savings I Sale must end Friday at SI Don't !er. 675-ro76 alt 7 PM a ttach & polisher. Xlnt rond &'11'f"''ht, wtutl', gt a Y • 5l6-~1910 til1gs S7i Trade all or any miss this c hance. -& guarantttd Pay ort bat of 968-795l 10122 Cynthia Ur, i8-"Si:ARA y Tr l h u 11 p;irt !or road bike or: Bank 1'erms Store Char ge ri.1as ter Charge BIXBY GREEN S rti Good 8500 SJ'!l,67 or lake over pymnts. H.B. Inborird/Ou!lllk1rrl. L 1 k e shnt~n or ~ 54f>-'.l829. ___ , APARTMENT VILLA~E po ng 1 _ Credit dept ~7289 2 Blk & win. kittens: 5hot~, nt.>w $:::.OO. l'llfi-2'.!~l. 1969 Y.'.lmaha Enduro \ W' SURFBOARDS 9'2" Hobie DINETTE Set. lor mica, 12 .. W(>aned, trained. "SybU'' & 250 CT. 6868 Lampson Ave. (near Knott) \~'oody, 12' Quigg Tandem, round. 16" !Iller, 4 chain , "Andrew ~larvcl" <l'.H-!ISIO Sa ilboats • 9010 • !:>lS-5953 * I in Ga rden Grove both for '58. 67~32 $10. China, i;ervice for 12, aft. 5· 10/16 J'lii!l liO CC Ynniaha. Lois ol BaokAn1ericurd All Acc e pted D IREC TIONS: Take Garden Grove Free-S~. Larre n1oriem shadow FE:'l1ALE Adu:1 Dachsund, 21' l ~lnnd!'r ~!onp F. G 1nb. 1'\lras. Sl25 "''ith hclmet J \11a y to Knotl Ave. turnoff. Drive north under Mi1cell•neou1 1600 box-S2S. Call 642.-32'13 aood 11:ilh older children, aux. Pul[K't, he.'.ld ga.llev, 5i0-:.>:.C2 •• '1• N!'I .. ,.., . free\\•ay lo L a 1n pson Ave. Look for lhe v.•ind-SURPLUS Factory dress ff'C"f! 10 good h o n1 r . hil.r:l' p11n1p. Full coven and ===========I 1nill. lhe sign of B ixby Green. * AUCTION * labri~ & remnants. Sold 10 6-12-2:!'78 lCl/16 i:ush1on5. S!eef"ls 4. Sl:l'JJ. Auto Services , .. . " the public 3-4 r.tonday thru 5 r.tos. old part Sainoyed il•l--833-1311 l:-.xt '221 ,.,.k & Parts ---~ ~400!1 FRIDAY -OCT. 17TH Sat. 1820 r.1onrovia, c.r.t. mi'lle pup, all 5hnts & _cl:;_,., _________ I•••"!!!!!!'"!!'!"'••• 7:30 PM TREE Sweet Valencia 20 llC<'nse, hsbrkn, good with 17' O'DAY Da,v~uilf'r HEACH t 8000 Appliencu Furniture 1100 ITii....-i'CW>invT.iC~:=======I -------·--· -JOBS & EMPLOYt.~ENT . Qu11.Jiiy king l>ed...qiull i.«I. '\'ASHER & r!ryrr, a\'oca.do, T0p Line Furniture store pounds SL EHS Dover children. 9!l2-8327 10/IG Drn10 $IT;>(). L'sed $1 35{) AUi SU ly • Furniture 8000 C I d , o· it:l:i. Rr.fng-lrost rrtt $100. Jobs-Men. Wcm. 1100 on1p et!'-unusr .,J J, 11·011h bankruptcy. All new bl-II· Drive, Ne1vport Be11.ch YARD lull ul lo1·cly Dahlias 14' O'Dny 1·~cd .... s500 0 PP · .. · h Fun Zone Boar Co. Balboa • • WAITRESSES 1------------· S2So. Aft 5 & \1knds 8~2-6.'i.36 ~"="="'="=""=·=540-=='=""='=== I OVER -STOCKED :'llODEH.N ct1n<'1tt>, llnwered -- room sets w!I chlAA l'&bl · 646-5194 are going to waste. Come & Who!esale • net! and buU<'ts. l.afll' cedar CROSS top Re 1 rig hC'lp yourseU. 211 E. 2lsl 1'1-.:NGUL'i sailboat t 1 1i ' Dram:itK•, \•:>icit1ng, n••11 t'f•JJ· , (•pt in 'vaiires;; r111p:n.1·n1c1H program. Young, .1!!1<1!'!11·,. won1c1i. opporh1n1 ty to , 11rn i.:ood n1on!'y i11 1)11s~· c<1fl• ,. shop. F11bulous llOnu.~ plu11, hne n1('(l1cal f l}\·rral!r, 1hru union, a11tomull•' p.1y 1n- {'r('ases, ml"als, pl\·a~.111\ ~11r. rouncl lngs. Exp'tl and un· ('Xp 'd. Spcciat tr~1n1ni; pro· gram. MUST SELL! print t·h;;irs ;, ric $J:J. The Anti~:r_e_• ______ 811_9 r'u'sts, C:OCktaU and Occ. ra. automatic dC"froo;;t. E.~c. $65: St., C./'>t. 10/16 w/satl & tral!l't. Top con· hies, Credenzas rommodes in The House Jn Back 4·15 E. 1 SUZIE needs loving home, dl1ion S.t25_·_._83_7_-'c'c"'--- Pric~'S lo All C:iml'\ll't!' r-.111rhine Shop ;\pply only <lu ring r0Uo11 lni;: Factory, 5.11)..&l.1~. 1\'r>w 9 pc. <"l.Jrnt'r arr<1ng. Office Furniture 8010 «i101ce of cir~ re-g . s:i~o. 11Q11 ~-.--, --------:;1:;9.50 . Nrw t;.'fi~: King EXECUTIVE de~k w11h side Sr.I :}II, Qu""ll~ S~!)_;,tl, full ilt'ln $1 ~. Adju~! 1~·rc11T1trr 5.:(1 .'ift, 1\\'Lns S3!>.5iJ. fully rha1r $25. Back ~tor,u~e bar guarn. Kmg ~~ ~pr,,ads SIJ.95 SlO. 644·2869 bet11·. !I & 5. fl. ~t.. $9 93. /leadbnls: STEEL Filing cabinet, 4 Kings, ~l:i, Quet>ns $\2jfl, rlra1\er, lrgal s1zl", full ~·u,l SHI.fl(), T11 Ins $•1.!IJ. Sl!Spcn.o;;ion. S.'il. R.Ji.6319 Tn1ndi1' se1s lduo riser i 11·/lz='=========- irinr>1· ~prini.: 1n11r!_ IT!<-~tor., O ffice Equipment 8011 111)\\' Si!l :..o. J.:.s ~prU.~ S13.99, A REAL SALE at Century Hous~ Antiques. Lg. pot belly stove $39. Iron dbl bed $60, Rd niag. tbl, 2 lea\'es, S37. 4 n1a lch. i:hrs. $30. Drl'sSer 529, library tbl "''/ dra11·er $29. Chrs. Ibis, etc. DISCOVER CENTURY HOUSE 11·here prices arc best & stock ls exc iting, Look for the sale ~1gn 111 2nd b.k. past Bay ."!., going North on Ne"·porl Blvd., CosL\ /'>lesa. :n:w Ne"'·· pon Blvd. It Al>! -5 P 1'11. Thomasvllle, Bassett, Hay-lith. r.~z.57~1. tan & white leniale cat F l13ERGLAS D1n;:hy 6' !Fl11r. wood -Wakefield and other d All ho c ll 10 lbs. $GO. 6i5-·1!>53 11fll'r 7 gOQ<l Eastern tumillll"f.. Also FOil Sale (41 new V1rc~1nne spa.ye · 5 ts. n Pl\f b'OO<.l used lurnilure aod ap. tires M5xl•1 $j(). 119 673·9l64 10117 pl1 ances. Display cases, pie. ~award Rd. Corona de! 4 FLUFFY ftmale yel101v turei', lamps, occ. chairs. /'>lar stript'(I kllltns. tree to IOI'· divans, dineUes. mattr.:a.ses • 675-2022 • ing homes. MZ-1806 10/17 and MUOf t.fOR.E ! ! 10" Cra.ltsman bench &1V.' & motor, SlOO. Bar·lrQue S5. Couche~ & chairs 64&-4540 WINDY'S AUCTION 6 pc \!mt oak Bedroom sct1 _________ c1c0/cc;l6 COME BRO\\ISE AROUND _l_200_._54_8-_7_<_25 _____ ,pETS end LIVESTOCK 2075% Ne1vpor1 Blvd. Firewood For Sa l• Bchiaj Tony's Bldg Mat'Js 54(1.98.S7 Co!Jta /'>lesa • 646·8686 I:========== OPEN DAILY g to 4 6610 POODLE Puppies: Toy&, Misc. W1nted A KC. ch a mp. 1 i n {', P•ts, Gener1I 8800 SABOTS J\'c:t1• incl sail. s~ 19. 615.lr.~ Power Cruisers 9020 1967 32' CHRIS Cnrinthian, fully ('(lulpned. Xlnt Cl'..nd. \Vlll sell equi ty, Days (7! ll 73i-06:,l, eves S.18·Z.l34 !\Ir, Owens. Sl'l·'.ED EQ UIPiltENT I nF.BUIL T LNG IN ES 11'.:".J Victon;i, G t 5-!8-S;M I l!!~!ll BC"arh Bll'd, HB 8'17-0091 • OPE~7DAYS • Holle y Spa rk Plugs High perfom1anCt> for all I 1yprs of cars. $5.89 ·1 N lltional Speed Center 2110 .". Jlnrlxlr. Cosra Mesa , 6!G·6~fl0 0[K'n ·111 9. 6 on Sat. 1 Nex1 to /'>Ir, 'T' / J1our~: !\<Ion., \'.'1'd . F1 L, !Wt. :.1 pm Ill ·I pin. Tu1 ~. & Thurs, i;: pn1 tn 9 11111 ,.:;r(' '.\large Grayson, Kon1 1_ .. 1 nr~. ;!G!l'.l lla.rbor, CostH ,\h·~:i 111 jll'1'SOn. ND ph\11lr ('.Ills, Ap. p.y prior to Oc1. 12111!. ;>.pt·. ))pan gp. $U9, K s vrl-ELECfP.OSTATIC photocop. 1·1>1 sprl'ads S 19 :iu. Canopy j, r, AJ'll!Co S:UJlf'rSta1. Like brrls n 'g, $!19.5(), now S~~.j.'.). flf'w, makes xlnt copies. Sewing Machines 8120 Full !>l slC'Cfl w fa reg Coml's '1'1th JOO) sheets pht> __ S2:l9 ·10, no"' 5169 JO, Christ· lricopy pa.per. Cost Sl ·ll(I: I;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. ESTATE SALE • r-.1edical -beautl!ut, healthy. /'>tu~t be <'IJlllp. Hosp. bed; patient $ WE a UY $ seen Jst then personaily CRUIZON 16' Cahln cn11•<'1' Yo'OOCl/fbgls, motor & trlr. »J). 54~::& '63 f'ord t'airlane parta. 28!!, r nc:;-& auto. trans. xlnt cond.: ~1'.!j. F ive 700x13 tins S25.I n ii~c parts rea so nab l e ~!j .... l,"i3l'l \\',\!TRESSES. E x p 'd ·Din- ner. !\('11· <!111nrr l !vu.~r , Gordan's nes1aura111, 1'(Jr - ner of CrQwn V a ! I t' y Park\\ay & Coa:.l ll"Y· Laguna i\1guel. \VAJTERS, \Va It r e s scs , 2121 E. Coast Hwy. C cl lit Busboy. Pref. exp'r!. Apply: • SALESl\'O'.\!A;--; * :O.l,\TURE P;1rl 11n1e. Young ~tat1>rn11y Shn11~ So Coast Plaza . P.\J " nnly Schools-Instruction 7l.OO n1•1~ 1;1y-:i1\avs no". SJE;,'TA asking ~62.J. &12·3600 11·f"('k· SLEEP ~JJOP. 1927 1ra1·bor d11yo;;: 531·6118 weekend.~. Bl1•1i., Ci\! 61:>.~i60 daily 10-T\'PE\\'RITEP.. I B~l elc(·. 9 .'at.Sun lo-6. Inc. l'hte tr re. ~rfect 20 PC. "MADRID" 3 Room Group FR0'.11 /'>IODEL HO:\IES lnrlutles: Q111Hcrl sofa and cond., lik'! ne", $1 jO. g37.;353 TYPEl\.RITl':P., Add. mat•h, calculator. Very rl'asonable. Xlnl. Cond. 892-2~'23 chair -2 c11d tabl!'s & cof-=========== fee tHble -2 !arnps -drf'SS· ~arag• Sale 8022 er -mirror -headboard --~--------­ quiltt!d hox ~pring & n1att-GARAGJ:: SALE -Thurs .. res-~ -.-1 PC'. dining rnon1; fri, :"o11. Of't. lfi.17·18, 9 10 tablr & 4 hi-back e_hairs. 5-GardC'n :'-lark 18" heavy CO:'>IPAP.~: AT Si'J9.9j r!uty powt>t n1ower S:.O: SEIVING t-1ACIHNE SINGER TOUCH and SEW Shghtly used, 1n stylish cab- iflt't. Oors evf'rytlung_ No attach to huy, slant needle, sell wind bobbin, e!c. 5 yl'ar part~ & sel"\lice guarantee. FULL PRICE $62.20 or pay S6.?2 d1vn & 9 mo pymts of $6 22. No lntl'rest ,·hi;;. For no obligation, frer home demo -O!lil credit mgr 'til !l pm. 634-5621 lift: \1·alktr: alter. pre!\Su~ discus~ reas. terms not rad: rrapeie bsr. Sold $ FURNITURE $ given over phone, 49&-9306 ~l'parately or collectively. Su bmit bids in "'Tiling to APPLIANCES Urur.ed Calif. Baok, A tin. Colot TV1-Pi•""1-St•••o1 0091 1125 Da rla D. tloltby, Box 173:9, 1 Pfeee er Hene F•ll Santa Ana 92702 CASH IH JO MINllTH AKC REG. e 541-4531 e COLLIE PUPPIES RELQAD[NG 12 gauge e1n1>-Las.sie Markings. Sho w or ty sholiUn shells • others. WE PAY CASH pet. Sable & tri·colored. Antique guns, work gloves 2 H.sd puppy shot & worml'd. pair lor 35c, set of 4 alum Mllst t.ee to eppreclate Also sleak platters, used pipe Ii!-* FURNITURE Stud Service. AKC \Vhitc rings, ralnbird sprinklers, & APPLIANCES faclor Colllt. Ch. blood line. Segu palms. Rine 306 WANTED! 962·1097 20021 Marina Ln l''eati'!erby S125. 545-1729. * CASH * Hunt1niton Beach. ' 52 I NTE RN-AT I ON AL C.U:h in 30 minutes lor good, 1 Marine Equip. 9035 13J'l!TJSH Se;igul1 011\lJnard ---:c=~======= I eng . l\llnus .io. 111 hp. PO. Tr ucks 9500 &16.21(6 ------______ _ Boat .'ilip Mooring 9036 \VA!llTED: Shp or bouy th.1 t "'ill t.ike 26' : i.bont C;dl days 64 l-'1300 e:oil !>l .' e\·es ~35-21>45 ask for Allila Mobile Homes 9200 IUY J• HEW Sill Im USED '69 DODGE 'h TON Sweptline P ickup 8 \f:; 6 cy:indt:r rnginr, stand. arr! tr;insn11~sion One only -Dnv» ii hon1~. No, 1167· 090\(lj, U5e'rl. i1t:~ -\\ Q'.11 r::"I BECOME AN $399 ~lcJ..in~ po11£!r lall'n edger 'fill KE!\'~IORE CQnso le sew: S~O; Ele('. hedge 1rin11nt•r : . mi; machine, Ml!<litcrranen l~nn1 :?-11·11)' powrr s;u1rlrr s!)l('. Doi.'~ everything. Alt SID; Sentr~· sabre s1111· $10; attach 1nc1. 6 mqs old. \Ike Fury 1" c1rc. sa"'' SlO; E!ec. nl'w cond. $200. ca 11 grultler.buUtr and stand; 548.5184 used furn1t...... TV ,,,~....., ·~ TOY_ roll le pups, 6 \\'ks. p1ck11p, ccmmercial licc.nse ~~, , ·~"• ld } th SJ:.'j. liO Da!slin &odan, runs appllani:rs. 0 · ., a er "''as a t,lk ....,,.,,i, r~al economy $17:>. 547-5722 ~II'. $S. 61&-2033, !ll·I Cooper TRAILER SALES "Buy from a man $2077 SADDLEBACK DODGE 547-9381 1 tm N. Tu.~t ln, San1a Ana. I r ro1n1 ;-.:('11·port Frrt'way -I \\'e~\ on 17th St Tum left I "'~~· C11p1 !al, cr-1 Elcc. ironer Sl2. Tools, n1isc TOP tl·lONEY PAID 962 '~1 ioo~ '·-p bl GERl\fAN Shepherd ,\KC . ....,.,., . 1~ .,.._,, a o for fuJ"ni!urt' & 11pplia.nce1. Ct. f .V. Call JANIS. S!M-lSlS lop quahty puppies, 2 mos ."\1 lln11·n-l•n1 t• cuil.v $1 6 mo. WELK 'S WAREHOUSE ANNOUNCER 600 w. "' SL, Sa"1a Arut on N. Tustin. J who lives in one!" "LEAn;--;·• I Open Daily 9-9 Turner PropallC' 1,·eld set S5: ""oo-===o-~-~--1969 SINGER Yo·/beaut wa! -----------1°"'"""''--'=-~-==---1 old. Xlnt papers. * drill. "'-eldln1 hose. air hO!ie, NE ED bricks one to lOCXl, 833-l:Q . 3" & '1" pipe!!, fuel tanks reasonably priced. 644--4687 1.,.~,"E"•"M~A"R~ACNC'~E~"~P~u-,-0-, -, •. WE ~F.RVICE \\'HAT IV~; SELL! ·6s ~~i•nl Econol1nc \\'gn. Dir R•l !i na k ,,r, Coat a i On profess1o~I ;quipm<'nt in Sat. ~ Sun 11-6 A }oeal radio ~t11t1 .. n fron1 ESPANO'l IN QUALITY 1vorking tiro1vl\'a~1l'r's. Model Home Furniture For CQmple1r 1v1cc analysis Sa\'1t1~·s In ~j,....c . Vl'!J' eJ~:.' Nutone door chime TIC"'' S2: console & 1ig·iag. /'>fake~ Shrr\d u_n "'1mm pcolltt gun tiutton holes, oven:a.sts. 5 SIO: Schwinn girls' bike S:•: Unrll'l'">l'OOd Tl\\' SZ!J: 20-lt. Yl'ar guar. Full price $38.24 tools. Bench, chain link " ,. ~ fence, sink & small motors. l b 8750 AKC, &ho~. Gra11tl chllm- 6424610 um er I plOns. 321 So. llarbor, S.:inta Ana I n .e k Sn. nr Bnl~.1 ~1 1 J(M,G BAY HARBOR ~11'S.1.. 540·5915 ! 11::. Toil\919 G:'11C 1ruck withi ti,1·drao11lc. 1.11 1 gate lilt, I f'\!'r. t)('l(Jm ltf t, runs gd. $12.J. i\lon thn.i Fri 6-U..S78l ~(,S-Chr\"V f'11sinm \'an. Dir.\ RCi i:·;ke r, t osla \\!esa.j ~;~5'15 I '6'J DATSUN Pickup wlthj Cnmpcr &. :>:Jr.i<>. Lravtnc : s late. Best nff\T. 1;7:r~1j'.l.'i t CALL hr.a11r1ni; l ro.rnpll'te roon15 THE INSTITUTE OF o! <i<'coralnt's s1yled Spanish Alum. Exl•,n. laddC'r SlO. ~,.. l ='='=i;=·=·'"=.="='='·='=·~'6-66=="=== rt ,1·ood ?i!t'p laddrr; F.lrr. Carpel layer Ms Hi Lo Ext. wh 11e paint, 1,:al __ $2 95 __ •_tTI41 892-2423 • __ nylons Sl.99 yd. Shags 1 :oi l1 Shriving, 11. IL -. $.09 D,\(ll.SHUNDS, A.KC, xlnt Mobile Hom• Sale1 C3.sa Loma Roll . ,\way • Sh!'rntnn M;inor. Hnm<'He - K11 -Prf'sllo;e . S.1har11 from SJ.5() up + my l1tbor, 4 -~ 8 Panl'lhn;.: ...... $1.!l9 "'1th r.htldren, 4 wk~. 90c per yard. !)63...69l0 1 " 6's a 111n11111g foo! .. SJ);) ~9-3614 flit a, anytime Sat, brlt redU<'lllll:' mch: 5-<\r. Music1I Inst. BROADCAST ART S furniture. Cons15ti11g of 1h·! 8125 772-3800 famous custom quality Illa· P~arrmrnl ~t>tVl• e rlrill hl'1ng room group. The r rln,.:ir 1• 11 I 1,1n ~l'l>;:n,d 1~1 P1•'1"1rlrn1<· .~r~i·- --.1-0 1.\1 TllL l'"ll.1:0-1011.~ 1TJ11sl1T ki n:.; :-.t,• t1....-1. \\'ITH ,\ F L'Tl r.i::• !C>-)111 ~u1tc .<l\•! Ii:" ;.il'll!'nllC ACCOP.DION • Ampli11f'd n orino $200. Al!W pro- f1·~si•1nnl !'.onola S 3 0 0. 962-~lilS. ~11 Power la w11n10W('r & I r i rn ni er . &.~1 nlf er. Call alt j pn1, !!AA-71121 COSTA MESA !'iun BU IL DE RS SU PPL Y 1 •Ach~'C~cRc,-,~,,-.,-.,.-,-, -c-,-nn-an 1700 SupeMor, Cl\! 54S.'2R26 ShephC'rr'I pups for i;alc. 1 ALL SIZf.S La Paz: 11-r,,1111:!., IJl"'on d1nrtte /l:;r /et!Ut·,,1•1•11 nu lo;>?'l'l"t! se t~ Lim1lf ti S!-;<<"k -S 111Q 1.<'t us hrtp ;.nu 'l;i·1 l1:\ ch rs I 16 'xll"xf: Ri:>m· ini;!on 2'2 ss. lx>lt action t ine $10; AHi shot gun ~s. near flf'\V SJ ;;., Ant •uq r p1!1" kll l'hl'n 1ah1c $'.!5: !cw f1<;h rod~. r«'ls; mLo.c. !C"'>I '; i;;u·rfcn suppliC's, household Pia nos & O rg~nl 8130 mnl<' & 1 female $65.00 and S·10.00 Kl!J...S!J;11 NEEDED: Ski·sno\1' suits for FREE TO YO U toddll'r s1 3, 4, or 5. Also in------------BEAGLES, 1 em a I e s, 12 NOIV O;.J DISPLAY 1•12:1 H.d;rr St., Cosfa r.·t<'~a 1 ~ bl oc ~ E:ast of H11rlJOr Blvd. Co~la /'>l rsa (7) I) 5~0.'.J.170 ~ L.if(rs niribilc home 2 !_;]{, d1 •·/10,_1), n<'IV \\'/\\' r pt &· drps, land~l'llpf'rl. ffl up In Skanih;1 /'a r k . Reasonable. s._,,. in "P"' prrciaie. 846-2.117 after 7 pn1 or anylime Sund11y. Many Mobil H omes '61 GMC P~Wagon I \\'1th Campf'r S~1rl! f;<;,\;KEFPEl:S 1~;.-r r rt:TF: lla;n1l!on Sllo"T()l:ll, j'.JIS JNTEP..'{ATION,\L I l\-l'stm1ns1r r J'\l'e, \\'cstmins. 11•·111~. plbi;;. •'Onnrr11nn.•. spkrl. hds.; ll·ll :'-1.iruie [)r . La~n11 Brh .. i\t 1llrr. !•I ~!l l H.:l '.llo!el/IJoteJ l ,\pt ill<?nlt Sehl ·=~~--------A 01v1 s ro;.; nr f'(1L!l1 r11Ci plr n11nk hl'r!s GAil.AGE; 51.lr & 11 n11ri1iN>. A'.\TllONY :'\ 11()('\1.~ 11/\nrlrlj•r SG~. pJ;,,stic tor Round oak1 t11bl!' c11111v fkcrl. 1717 S !\R\l\11\111.'n~·T h11. h·•l« inplr 11,..,!,: ~1;~. n11u1y an iqur c •1 C ~. J>1•~1;n .samn1:1r, \'!'I'">' rolil \N\ll~l'.11 l'Al!F•'l''I \ i •!l)l1h:t1kP11d"tlr~l(rl1~1 r '6~ .... ,.~ j'l~l ,.,-1'1'). .... ll,~ck $15 llurch l}(I:>: mpll' 111b1..., \'1rlPnan s.ola, bea1i11t•1ill' h ,111d J...ni!lt'fi dr<>,<:.<; Sl/t'~ J(I PllO'.'\F. FtJP. AI'PT. Sli .rt l~ounrl dl'lim 111plc I < • \~k f(lr llrtLv 776-.iS()i) 1nbli ~li :.4l llln,or 1011 ,\• 1: t·arpentcr Too~• nlurn ni rr Th i'> ~! &: S11n1l:n· .'rr •. '.'TI''' l.<>l'I'''·· r•,\t,· rln.'>•••1..: rahll" 11/~lorl Sl~ ' •:!1, l';tarirl Canal, L+Hl\-1:.;.l'TS! YOLrl! .-.PE£Cll 11"11:. [)<',i.vi.~ LiO..n~h S...O 1 0 r,:~ ... '.'~r.~ •• ·, Hnl bn:l J<lanrl -No \' RKSl!OI-' .. \~f<; 7 Ill 17. ~ --r r»\'1•'11'$ L•'nrn 10 ~peak 11 C'll. rr11111rf. f'Uf~:'-ITL:l~t·, p·l1J111cd fron1 .1 .. c"c0-.c0------~ ' I N . ,-, I· Skl·Sll()ll' Sllll~ for li t<', projl'ct ,\ITrr ~"h11•1J & rll'fl ii.I' ~111 !'", 111·~1t I tintn· · -· -•· I I !1.1ddlc 1· sz ;;, 4. or~. ,\l s.1 10.. .-,alur(OIJS, Pn\·a1c_ r1r c!<i s~ re, rl'C'f\r,ttn1s can~·'llll1011 r 1lt••· 191-J'i '•.f1 <.:";1n1~)1 A· '.\lPtll !"rranl'an ,1~ i:undry m I t I ens . "IC. . . ,,. ' ~ ~;i··- VOCAI, Trrh .~ ~nni:: 1n-RD FURNITURE ·•,"··' r.; . 1crprc1at1011 llri:tnnl'r~ tttru l 1844 N I Bl d CM CARI tl, shai;, 1'!1 l.1 • E\\· ~. _. •n• ~~10 ewpor v ., S4 Sfl. yd . 39f'i Hamtlton, llu\ance., ... ;~.-.•~ aft fi r1·r1·1· ni,.h! '11[ 9 . " C :-,1 S11lun1nv only. CHINA PAl\-r l'.\G le'~!l!l~. \\'rd .. .;J.I. ,i;. Sun, 'Ill 6 . GE ; L" ,. 0 da r · I 1-I , Rl '.l!~JA • ·"'" .-. rl l'L yo c1cn1ngcn.~~rs. r or Mov ing To Flor ida 1-0'0''0 fi!VO\\' JO 'S! 1nlorm11t1on ('all 8'.l] •. ~Jf)O ., , '' · ·• ··• ''' ~; '1" · _ 1 12:n en ,\: l:''''t .,1f.1 n1aSl"T ("\! 1'i;in:.a1n" 1,alnrr' MERCHANDISE FOR · i:na1r, !nlr'!1ng scn.·cn t'r.lc=====-=====- SALE ANO TRADE I Prov. '"hi<'~. '11ule f.: J'!'olrf A liances 8100 I la mpc, rl"mr 11•·1"~ t .. \r"l· _:PcPc._~...:.'----'--.C: Furniture 8000 l!'nt rrinrt111nn ~97 f'cn!<'r, Rclri~er;itqr-; .... !rom $38. -...:.~:;.;:_. ____ _:_c:.;c C:'-1. ap! 11 !d~·lii"7.' GF: p.,n Col<">r TV, H F:R l T A G E. I\! oil 1 i1r lour • postrr IJt'd , 1 l1e~t vi r!ra11·crs, l;K>lls1rlr 1 a tl Jr , .Sll 'i; 1"·0 r tu1rn1u11; rh.~1r~ S2:J C'i!Ch: S/11\\ll fh('~!. matching mirror, $111: rlnu · hlf' lx>d box sunni::s. niil!- 1r1'.~s. $2.'>; 2fJf\1 '_ Kir11::~ Hoar!, 543-Z\~ll ;>;.11 -Sun . ..._ E1·f!s . OON'T Give uµ~ You niay find 1l al Amrr11:u·s l;;r~:t>st. most unusual unJu11:;h•'fl lum1ture storr. f t)r. l:1,,.lh1Jl & SAnta Ana r1\). Tui;•111. l 1111 So. nJ f\r11 por1 r\\T ()f"'n 3112 n~ys p!'I' ::r 5.\1·5-liO TIVO 111 1n herls, f{r.rk '.l!ank, \\'ith springs tro mat· tre~s) SJ) each. r.lalching lour drawer ch<.>!11 $35. Or all for $85. !;49--{l2tl..l GAS 4 burner &to1"e, rlean. 1JO. Beaut metlit<"rranean 23" color TV, sr;J() T11 1n i;l.ie bookcase headboard, $10. 54~2316 DINETTE Set, modern 5 pc. lormica. 111.vender table. 4 c1L~h1on rhalrs ST.i. fi/5.7878 11fltr 5:?.0 r..ri\JtsLE Table, ' "'·olnul Dux. chairs. f'lne cor11!. &14-J!H6 11flcr ~: :µ\. fLORALp-;:1111 1~.rner group l1kr 1111 ...... •• ·-· ..... S\48 mrnplr1,. ~ !'nl~.-; !,_ t;ihlr llla:d111<: l';f>c; dt)'f'r 110\' w/r1lvers k t~il~!f'rs. S!li. u.~l'1.l 30 da).~ •.•......... SS9 G il•! pla~i1r .~\\11·r1 rovkrr RCA Co~ole. f'O !or1V. SJig $?2 Th,. f ac1orv 5'11).6842 \Vh1rlpool lmpcr'ial gas i·OR.:o.tAL f'.7ar,;. ,\n1"ncan dryl'r · •· · · · · · · · · · · ·· · S69 rlinini:: !r\hlr. r; rtiiiirs. DUNLAP'S b11Th11!l"'I .~ Th•'l rna s l~Jj Nc.1'1JOrt Bl vd., C./'>I, niakr. h}cr new, S l 7 j . 548-7788 51~rl393·f BIG '12" K<'nmore g11 s r11nge L O() 1\ I NG f o r 0 1 rl Cc11tl'r gr1ddlr. f'lock & niahn~any~ i\la~sii·c RC,\ tinier. pan storas:e rlra"'·cr t'ab1nr1 5r~, Oulrr l $200. $;,fl. ColdsJYl1 relng 28 Jo: S,," 514-68~,f, O\"rrall Kiil ll(IQr. Creal Shllpr $1:1. ll-1f.-69'18 DF.l.CXE BR ~,,: HICI 1l1,1l loo~"""°'~-~--'-~-­ hcll. ~princ:~/m;1!!ri:'~s. rlbl COLDSl"OT f"'':1g1_frt'f'1er. t!rc~~t'r. lilting m1rmr, nilr ide11l lor garg. S65. Xenmore <Ind likr new $lj(). !i•IO"n&! gai; clo!hes dryer S45. G.E. ' 11u!o. "'!lslwr $35. X!n! cond. i\1APL£ upholstrr~ rockt'r, 644-2869 between 9 & 5. · $.12. Used llolpcunt COJ>-. . , pt>rtnne relrii;:, $89. ll)C G.E. F.lectric s!oV!', white, f acto/"\' 54().6842 push button. ForCl'd to sell. ~-· ' ' Griod cond11\on. Rea.!IOnable. Upholstrn.'d rnrner_ group ~13-1070 altrr 4 P'.ll convert~ into 2 twin brds t""!;\ l ·1..-.0 Sllr S:!j;'i nr hrst i\IODl::L 600 Kenrnorc Aoto O!ft'r 6•\:?·7Z19 f'Vf'S/l'·}cends \lfl,!';hef, xlnl C1'ln(I. $~. --·--5-\6-8672 or 84i-l!\1S CO:'llPLETE-boy·s roo m Jumiture, Incl bunk beds 'WASH.ER ~ dryer, avocado, comer lllTafl'll'emenl, Ukt Sl25. R.ebig·lrost free SUKI. new sr.o. 515--ffilol . f~zrr'1 S65 ~1095 r.tODERN green divao & G.E. auto ""llher &: t<lec chair, Good conrt. $58. Pr of rlryer. _Both S60. f>t&.-8612 or golrf lamrs. hoth $7. The _,.,~1~"'="c'~~~-~-­ Factory ~24. MAYTAG W11shcr, 4 yelln BEAUTlf"'UL Ei11Jlle oriental 1 USE rt 5 pc. anhque 11·hl!e old. Running cond. S50. rug. 9 x 12. bargain Stla. hdnn M't deluJo:e, $97. ni.t1 ____ •_&_!6-_Zl_05_• __ _ , Prlv prty, 54&-3461 11'1 6 :r~'c"c""':;.:.·c""':::.~"c'c'----"---°'='~"~G="-'~T~!-- FACTORY CLEARANCE ! !<Undry matem, t' t c, SEVERAL bu n d /es ol "''<'eks, lri-color, AKC reg, 9f>8.. 7!135. nl'Ws:papPrs & lots of Pepsi SJ5. fa rtory nrdf'r~ r!c.arance o! .::::..:.:::=...______ cans lo be given to a"y "-y * 53&-6019 • CARPET lruiWler has one " ,_,,, all overa>;e, dPmonstraCOr!, 1 or Girl Scout Club or •"Y CHAll!P ION Si red bro'~'n Joy rol!, avocado ny on carpet. " floor n1odels. studio & re-group colll'e tin< the.in .. Th• ~1,, F. Pups Stu d (!ouhle jute-backed. \\'111 !It'll .,..,....., !11n1£'cl P1a nvi; ,i:, Organ~. ~ .,.,, 11h1n1. can~ bring <,·, fo, n nn Servicl'. 64&-.3365 ;111 nr part $3/yarr! .. ~10.,~,5 ' ""'' Rt>al sa1 in>;~ tip 10 Jnc ;._ can. &l:lr9S·IG 10/17 BASENJJ. /'>tale, 1 yr o!rt 224 El'f'r)'1hini;: g11aranteC'<l like OLYifPIC TV Consol(' sr .. ~ FRE nev.-. Sale Jlmlled to SPf'C'JJic A:\ftFr.t. Lo'Vfl'Y Organ w/ E To i;norl hnmn. young S. Gunlht'r, S.A. House ~tocl( _ so llurry• No nuiney bench. Botn :>.lnt, sac! a.llered ma!<", Daisy type1c"'c.:chc'"c'c:c"'::... _____ _ do"'n 0 1\C, 5 years "~ pay. 962-8595 dog, writ behal'cd, good SCHNAUZERS t.lin AKC T11 1~ giv-.,,1 s.1lr only at f OP..1\IAL 11·edthn1: d re 5 s "'1!h alctu!~~r~ k anti 8 othC'r pups. Show ~r pe~. Stucl Family & adult parks Pr1red RJ(;l\I' Call 536·8~0 or 630.J'..'91 in r!1•ar. rlran, 1·1.,J ('.i~r.1 \'fi. ,, ~pcrd, ·I whl'rl drl~. "uh rn l' whrrl 1n~ hub!, n,. d lo, heater. V4!f.117. S1277 SADDLEBACK DODGE 547-9381 l tm N Tu~11n, Senta Ana f ru:TI :-.·rll'pn11 F r<'f'way - \\'r:<l <)r1 Jilh Si. Turn left \\'ARrJ'~ BALD\\'!N SI'UO!O .,.,_/Cll!hedral tra\n r'lesigr.;,<l anim s. ~Jr n, •lfi ... JRJS srrvice, SJJ--OJlit l\Jll ~1 11 r.nn, C :--1 64'..'-S~S~ 8 2J" -c~~=~----o"c..'16 ---.,c ___ _ ·--· by Edi!h Vinrent R1zl" . fl . Lt O Bl::Atrr!F"UL AKC .~11ble i:ol- Or>1'll Erery Nl!e y,·al~1 . S75. w;.3(} .. cl5:___ A , \\'EEN II o Pc ! u I ! 111' p11pp•C'~ with sho!s & eye f,, .<::unt1ay ,\ltcrn'lOn ... Black ma.Jr c11t. 5 111nn1h~ rer!ilicn 1es. 642-5.s02 CONTEI\IPORARY w al nu I nl1f. needs kind /inm,. IC:::.C.:C:::..C::.C..::.;:.C::=:_ __ • ~)1~~~COIARL.>l~VTT'",\L t>r1rm ~t't SlOO, ITlni: $15. 54&--0:?72 lO/lG SILKY Trmcr, male pups. 5 ,\!l's.a. New 9'2 ~pace ndull "19 l>~IC. con1pll'le new cng .. p.irk lllodl'is & ~air~ r•ff1•'l' !1rr·~ .I: paint. t\tter 6 call ) hv·n1rll 11t Park Open 9 A:--1 G73-TI!l1 to 6 P:-01. J;>;TER."ll''A '"r~1"0",cAcL.,...clo-c,.,.-., t\CC'ENT :.101111,~: rl U•\p trt I~ Dir M5 Bake r, I ... L ., ~ Ga~ 1;tov~ $20 S. misc 1lrms. Yoks. AKC. Adorahle healthy :-.·n Hml" hrr111. R!'nral applies 673.--2678 or 61;)--2802 Sl\IALL G(·rman Shf'phrr<J A· shors. $!~ ... fi.l·l--4806 to pttrcha.~ "''1thin a year. puppy. illus1 havr i;:nod !\'El\' F,, !;!'ED PIANOS & SEALY firm king n1111tres.~ & h 0 m r w _ch l Id r r n SKYE TERRIER AK C , 110:\IE.~ S..\l...L!i (' :--1. 5.4Q.:,9t~1 I 1750 \\ltu ttter Ai r Coo;ta il1r.s11 71 1· r.l.' 1.~.-l(l J9-j-I F 100 P1rk ur. cab hiih ORGANS. Best rleals in OOx ~pnng. u~ed . Pa.id S1XXI. f,i;,...2529 ll)/l~ champ ~ired female pup, 2 ~ M'll fQr $.50. 64&-9064 mos. Real!. :iolS.-25-17 Oranl{e Cnanly \\'e take :::c..:.:c~c...:c.c.:c:.~---1 3 L1ulr ldlttn! ;:ittrarllv<'ly trarlr.-.. Bank terms, Ofl('n TR\JrvTPET. Schwinn hike, mRrked, hc.1i1hy. s wee 1 Al\C Ch1lll1plo11 i;ilvrr min '.lion & Fri e\'l'S. Sun 12 to 4. Conlon ironer, l\\'O 6' i;ola.~. dil!po!ition. &ii;...2388 10116 pondle pups $50. Al w 1 !oy llA:'ll.\IOND lawn mower. Pl'ione 49'1·&%4 AK C A L A S K AN '6.'i 3 9·!-M _____ _ in CORON,\ DEL il!AR GO·K,\RT. ">I•<" 8 HP 'DOil \BLE M' · t l'-1ALEI\1UTE 4 yrs old Aft " ' ~ 1n1a ure :?S:h E. Coast Hwy. 67J-.ll9'.l0 en~1ne. Good cond111on. $i0 6 pm. S48--1l7fi lO/l6 SCJ IAUZERS. AKC Reg. WOW! Top Brand Nam•' 646-0145 . Call eves, 495-457!1 --~-:.::cc.~--~-I CUT~: kittens, 101·(' people, . full 40 inch pia no con,ole HOt.IEl'-IA DE camper shell hsbrkn, lookif1g for homes. IVH!TE T1~y Toy Poodle 20xSS --•·Hllpt"r shr.!, g\Yld ll.rel ' mcch $7':!0. 6 lfi.5637 J Bedroom, 2 ba(h. All r~1ras. Tf::N Lii::lit Van, all-m-,-.,-,-. ~~"7.~{. Park. C.11J 5~r,~r,9 I 01'r. l'il:J Baker, C. r.I . 540 ... 5:n :, 2 ruu. beds, 30 ~al h1J1 11·a- 1er la/lk Sl800. lMO :"\l'W JXlr1 . Sp. No. 3. c.r.1. '611 Fnrrl FIOO. VS , auto. Dtr. 815 Baker, C '.IL 5 I0-5!115. -~-- 1 66 F0 rd Super Van Camper for only , . $bqq !its II' Ord, Cllb height 5 win-675-41~2 10116 p11pp\e5. AKC, 10 Wfi:ks old. T)'l1s 1s our special buy !or rlow~. $25. 962-70.1:> l .. 1 U _, 673-4281 ..... _., F u y 0111.Je k111ens, 7 wla . O~!o~-.,r -!:"I ynurs now -11..U 4 :'l!ichl'lin P.adial 915xl.5 old, weanffi &. trained. POODLF: Pu~. liny toy &. 2 Full hetls, JO gal hot 11.11l'r t.1nk SlSOO. Jf,.W Nc111>0r1. Sp. No. 3. C./'>T, 1111:60 Front & R-;;,:- All ex1ras. FamJ!y park. call 536-SB69, 636-3291 Bn1krr. With exp.indnble top, water tanks, rnp sink, s!nve, sJeeps 1 !in\sh"~-lin!s. like new. ~s-46IS 10117 toy, !lll colon, AKC, top GOULD MUSIC Call &t2·1525 FREI:: KITIENS quality. Stud 11t>r. 893--9719 4 etc, Lie. SJA 98.1. I Sl977 . ~-!5 N illain. SA 547-~I 30 Cat ?ttt carbine w/io;cope . 54&--0713 AKC ri-¢stt'~ Ge r man Mini Bikes 9275 rI,\:-O'OS ·"' l'.IHGANS Excellent sh.ape. SlOO firm. ions Shephe-rd pups lor salt. 1 c.;::.c...=c:.:::. ___ _;_.=~ '.\'EIV &: USED 645-2765 alt 4 PM." --.-L-LO_W_E_E_N--K-,-,-,-.o,c.~ male & I frmale. 8.1S.5944 l\llNI Bike 5/·llh jaclu;ha!t. o Yamaha P1:inos & Organs Q1111!ty king bed.quilted Healthy, fl'N lo good home: 2 CHOC:Ot..ATE male poodle 6'' whrrls. h11drl.v ~rat, e Thom11.~ Org11ns Complete-unused Sl05, Vr:or1h 962-1_!62 lOll& puppies $15 each. drum brakes. s:io. 64Q..:16·1~ e Kin1ba!J P1:u10s $250. All 5 & wlcMs Ml-6536 Call 52t-955l Franrh1o;;ed Dealrr CUTE puppies, trer., fi "'·ks!---- COAST MUSIC UPRIGHT RCA F'rtt7.er $15. old. Va.riM party colon;. PEKINGESE For Sale :..'E\\'PORT &-HARBOR Bedroom set, $50. Call lor 642-7578 548-54&3 Btfore 3 P f.l IPPI. 536-1944 Costa ~1,.sa • &12-2&51 ~~---------1 FREE Klttens, ma.le or Opt>n. t~ f'd 10·9 Sun 12-5 J . C. HIGGINS boy's stan-lemnlt, 7 wks 0 J d . Horaff 1830 rl11rrd bic;ytlc, 1 new Uri!. 84,,_ lO/l --HA.\f'MOND -Slelnway -Ya· $lO. ~nfi8 r '"' 6 GENTLE ?.tare, gd 1st hOrM!, mflha ·new & ti.led pianos I-~-~====~--"'-'ANTED: Good home for for tecna.ger. Cnll Sheryl all of all make•. Bert btzy1 ln SURFBOARD whl.te female Siamese eat, J pm, &: wlmd1 545-6851 So. calif, rii:ht heft', GOOD CONDITION' J'i; yn. old. ~7 10/15 SMALL Sht"tland, c b 11 d SOIMIDT MUSIC CO., 54&-2932 evtnings. 1901 N. Maln, LEATHER loo\a, like ntW, 43 2 ADORABLE grey, nutty broke, daple ~ $15. klnem. 7 vda . old. M11le & ~~ Motorcycles 9300 lfONDA Scrambler 250. Sh11.rp! Lou ol Chrome. $2'75. * Call &12-12Gll • '65 Suruki 151'.lce In f<'O.i ~ood shape S22S or make of.fer. 641'-5.188 '67 HON DA 305 Chopptr. ?.lust Sell. $650 or best oiler. !i-13-4050 SADDLEBACK DODGE 547-9341 1·101 N Tustin, Santa Ana From NC'Yo'lJOrt Freeway - \\'est on 17th St. Tu:rn Jett on N. Tustin. 9' Dbovt•r camper, new on 3• 01ev~·. VS. $:!-195. Dlr. M5 Ilnkcr. C.lll. 5'1~5915 •ii7 Chery I ton flat bed, VS. Dlr. 8-15 Baker, C. M . ~10.5915 -'69_TR_A_V~C~O~ CAMPER RY DODGE Santa Ana P~ wl.lh CAie S 4 5 · female. 6M-1096 J0/161========== FREE ORG AN CLA~ 543--367:!. Monday nllo?I 7:30 • 8:30 pm I ~~=S~lll'fboA~-nl~7~.~,.~. -- f\E\V 13:'-1\V Bi>:" fi r} lilldl'.'r engine, stutd- Tame White IUrt.1 Llvettock 1840 below "''hol csale Cl'J<;t anl t1•;1n5m1s~ion, gJeep" .f. GOULD MUSIC CO. 145 2045 N, Ma in, S .. \. ~7'°™1 Call 536.283& GRAND Piano, ?<.I. Shultz, USF:D Wuher A: dryer "°; ebony. Good rond. $550. ""hite metal f*Oo fum., "4 64&-%105 pcs. S70. Alt 6 pm, 644-2>37 548-7613 -R...(i(), liOO cc. S.l/l-2S2G slrV<'. Ice box. H11.s hide-a-~1 IXED Puppy lo aood home. IT'S FUN TO BOARD ~-h(>d ,\-n\Cltnr hed . 8'.x10' 11.WTL S4S-l429. 10114 Yrmr horse a t TALLY 110 l!'l6R 11UU~1PJI ~CC. X111t Ing, ='o. l 9S?16 l2t5. U!t'd. ~=~~-~~-~-! FAR!rf~ Dolt stalls S55 per cond. 3.000 ml. $.'ilD. 9 81..ACK &: while rabbti mo M~tlll shaded rorra:1 • 5.16-7816 • $2 17 5-18-8579 IOl'l6 S·l5, prr mo. Autom~l1c 11:a-SAr>DLEBACK ' -• l I ried '1 II HONDA 305 ~:ramh1Pr, xln1 S'.\tALL Up'l•ht Plano • OXYGl:N a-tyleM ~-eldlng ?t1ANX cal, one 7 wks, old & t,.r, en. c et1 11 y, r k t · Xlnt [)"Dr..E ~" mother. 518-4740 1on1 \11 11cre1 lla h1ed a rrn1. ires, .<:pmc r 1· P1Pf'~. • r-1 \;; ~IX'h_NXl~t ~~ ZOCV Beryl Rlttcll '°, .... ~pl~!:·.:cif.i Stable DAnLTNG male kl ue:n~., 1-A !raining rif\lt'. River !rail ac. ~nd. s:rr;;, 5-H)-2_15_1 ___ S47-9381 ...... ne. · · · · ----u ~. "'1"'""'• a I pm. '' • L" C'f'~R. Expert English & D.\ll.Y f'ILOT D I M E . A · l lf"ll N. Tu~!i n, Fania ANI PRIVATE PARTI WANTS N-0 matter what It IJ, you ft> good home. 962-95al 10117 \\'estern lnstruc1ion, Tally LI NES. \'ou r nn u•e lhl'm J'l'\)!11 ~r;"pnr! fn>e11o'flY - TO BUY PIANO f'OR can .ell It with a D/l.TLY ~IONTII old n1l>cl'd~bl"M'd 1-fo Fa.rms, J1?62 Ne"'•hopl', fnr ju~! ptnn!ei a day. Diel \\'e,1 r>" 171h ~t Tum ldt _cCA:.:c'""'-·~~-""°"'...c-'-----'-'P'ILO'!':::.:....cwcANT::.c:..:.:AD:oc":...::."~•~"":....:'.:_hcl~•<~k"-'pu~p~p~yc·~"~,...,:....:=.:.'~'~01~>,1, c'~'"::::"~"~'".:c:v~~~··~'~·c,.,.:.=.="'=1'--' :M~•~"':.::.::':_ _______ , ____ o_o_N~._r_u_,_11_~-~- I . . --···· ----- .· I l'f•··-•o-r.. ~-~~·~•~•-"""'""'":' ___ -~---~-~---"":'"--...-..,.. -.; --;-. -"'-----• -, -~-.,,... ~ "T ,.....,--. ....-----· ....----·-. ----·:-·--"'!;'"--•· --...,,...... ·r "T ...... , ....... . t I. I . ' ,. " I j• .. .. ' S.j OA!LV PILOT \Vtdnt~d.JY, Octobtr 15, 1%q Wtdnt~day, Octobtr 15, l9b9 PI LOT-ADVE RT ISER 2 'I 1 RANSPORT A TION I ~NS PORT A TION fRAN>PORT ATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATIO,.--TlfANSPORT AT~IO~N~~T~R~ANS PORT ATION Trucks 9500 : lm~orlod .Auto1 9600 Imported Auto• 9600 lmporte~utos 9600 Autos W.tnt~ 9700 ~~to~~n~ 9810 Used Cat• 9900 Used Cars 9900 Used Ca rs 9900 I I FIAT TRIUMPH \VE PJ\ Y CORVAIR Corey Cruiser , ___ A_U_S_TI_N __ Completel y ti'.1 fll'."'l'TN A 111" 1, L' .1 •1 ·,-,_-,--,.-,,,-,-.,-,-,-,-~-,,-111-.,-.-,.-,,1 ,-6-5--S-P_l_T_f_l_R~•E- Self-Contained 11ulurn;il1c« 1"11· 1n 1!0'~. il6:1:... bluf'. 1 HlO 1111. $!~!!..>.or $7~!5 v.s f'r10:lr1C, air ('l'Hld!tiutnn:;, tjj::..-tjl!J2 ;dl•'l' 7 11;\1 k T.OJ' G-16-j,")/\I '69 CASH LEASE -RE NT ORDER YOUR 1970 TODAY FOR EARLIEST CADILLAC CA D '6'.J Scd De Villi·, r'\lt;is J;.i ct. <11r, -Ol'IJ!;. u" ner, J'>l'f[l'tt -471~) 4~1-117!1-1 CHEVROLET '66 CHEVEL LE SS /\laJ1hu ~~~~~~~-1 'Ii I ~lli>l'I' :'lhill/.;i, ·1 ~fKL \ "IJ II 111u.~t :s\·e this one. ======·'%=·=~='"======y ;Hito. 1n1n~n11~,u)11. 1~J11•r --------"~,,,-. 'i'JJ FIA l' !>.Al Spy<lcr, ~ sleerlng. ~:e ... ps ~·. 1nu110111;1. AUSTIN HEALEY $1800. He loll"!. rr lng<'ral•11·, 111~11y f;gg 1\'hlt(', l1aH1on rt'<l inl., 4 i;prl, Uh'. lo..!ally ()\1•nc-d. r:.~t'!•lll'nt l.'Ond. Blue bvok tor used cars & tr1.1cks lust call us for frtt estimate. DELIVERY /Jl popular 1n:ik~s. }"on! lll!lbill"lll!d leti~lng l>}SlCO! Get IJur Co111pe1iti ve Rates 396 v .g au10 trans. (urh. Sl3i\1 9~'9. . ' other r .. 1ra~. Nn M~'lb1i~O. (JO«I Lee Y'V 5-03. /IUSTIN /\MERICA . '~4977 SADDLEBACK DODGE 547-9381 11')1 :\ Tusl!n . :'.1nt:1 An,1 F rom :\1Pl1Tlf•I'! rt'•'l'\\':\Y - \\'est Dn 17Th :::1 Tu111 l<'lt on N. Tu."-l!n. --G-MC TRUCKS Orang,~ r oun1y :->:th~ Sc!'\-j(.'(' 11•'110(]11~1"10'1''· NblV l:.<.::J· P UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE :..>S3il H<ir bvr Blvd Co.~1;1 ;\lrl'a :) llj.'."'fi HI ;ind ---------' 6: l Chev.I' "• Jnn fl <'f't ,•l?P \'S [)Ir. 8·1,-i Bakrr. C . ,\\, 51(1.591:1 ";"Ss-o;;di;e ,,----;;;;;-v~. ;.11r.l. Dll' )o.IJ Gak\'1'. C ~ill _ ~l(\.3915 . Jee pl 9510 'J~ ?llil1ti11)' 1,l'pc \1'111 CJ drive 111 ltJ p f'nnd' 1!'6:1 ~C0\1t 'I whl <lr11·r, hud,rl sents A·l ,\!~o ~1HIO ra\'11. Ca il 6·16-:ili.37 !'.!7/1. P/r1~·cnl 1<1. C./'lf. S/\LE Rrbl! arn1y Jl'Cp 'J!l f ord V-8. Ne1'' hi!!! ,I: !11"'1'. l\"C'\\' !rans ,t r:o.:T1·a~ ;,1:-,..:;o;:'.:' '&1 4-11•hrPI J£'f'p, lo;1drd, \\'i!h 01·rrdrn C', l l 9 0 0 . &16-30:.ili J EEP·J!J.\6 C.12.\, n1·~,r~11r>r! tires, clean. 9S'! P1·rs11 l10 Dr, C.ill . Recreat'n Vehicles 9515 --------'6J Scout ·1 'I ·I Dlr. SIJ &1krr. C '.I I. :,.f()-:J\ll:i !)une Buggies 9S2S '69 DU1'>1:: Bu;:gy, 2 n1n~. n](\, l(i!JO Panl·akr en;;:. Y~llow body. flowrrrd l11~h lop. S2300 or lradc for "76 or 'fiS El Can11no or !1anrllr·1·•1 P/U. /\fl. ·f, 6iJ-.--ll2j a11k for John Imported Autos 9600 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS ~vond -Ga"·kv -,\nklr -i-.rusclr -KNC)CK A scieptht c-l<urn~ !i,. ri~"f· ffi a carrier r1cc·~n "11h a \\'oodpeckrr, ro whe11 he rtr. \i1·E"r-.~ a nir~:<acr he t'<l.ll KNOCK on 1he~~r. l :-;;ul'S, ;.;lTI l('t>, Paris lr111nrd1atr l1rlivrry All !\lodcls J1rwvort Jhn orts :":Ill(} \V. Coast lhl'y., N.B. {l-1:!-:Hll.J ~IQ.Ji"61 /\llTllv1'i11•rl /\JC fJl'<1lc•r '1i.1 1\11,•l1n ll••<1l1·.' :.lpnle I·.--.. h ind., $li00. ·!:J.1.:JJJ:!, alter ·I J '.\I COOPER ;\!1.\'l C•i01Jtr l~H'.:!, !l:l71•e, rn~ Jll~I l'('li!I. :-i1n11h's t.u·h. 1ww ha11 rry. ro·d 11 I lilt:k top. Sl i,-1(). ~i73~~1 ~~ 1111 6. ~=~ DATSUN ORANGE COUNTY 'S NO. 1 DATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN 1SS35 &arh Bll'd. llunl ington Bca1·h 81~·71.~I o~· ;,4Q.tl1'12 'G~I rii:.:iillP 111111 i·;1n1 r1·r s, "1111' riius.· J;>e:.l ortcr. 61:1-:,;:,.J ENGLISH FORD ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES -SERVICE 'Ii'? 71IODELS l mn1ediate dcl1rrry LA!lliE St:LE:CTION Theodore ROBINS FORD 2000 !!arbor Blvr!. Costa i\!c,a 612·0010 FERRARI FERRARI Ne1-vport Imports Ltd .. OT- an:;:c: Count)'• only author· b·cd rlralrr. SALES-Sl::RVlCE-P A r:TS :.;100 \V, Coast J-i,\')', Nc1\·port Beach 64~-~403 5.10.1761 1\nlhul'IZC'rl Fr1Tarl Dc-<ilr r TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD fmporte-d Autos 9600 Imported Auto1 0600 ., 1•61 VOLVO 144 SEO. R., H,, A"t orro~l<t , !~e!c>V "• 4 o~d, roAI >h ••P UVAl J ) 1967 TOiOTO l.AND-CRUISER HT~$-219500 New l<r ~I, e •h" 4lt~" UOF 110 T•64 MGI ROADSTER $139500 W;., ••ooi., R. H., < ""'· E-h• 1h ••11 . HBNb l I 1'61 t0YcirA SEDA-.-----$~1-4-9--5-"0°0° R., H., L,;, "'" '""" & oo•, VTl'44 1 1966 MG-I ROADSTll; $159500 •&H. -'l·IP•ed. SA.A984 __ -- 1961 DATSUN rlCKUr $129500 ""· •. ., .... c'"' '"'' '''"· VWVS/>I !!~:1:~!~1~,~~.,:~~~ h,,, ••. 1 .~eS179500 ne"' '"';d, & 011.~'·=· T=Y~U:-'c'"'"' ----.:::;;-,;,-. '"' YOL'5WA~IN $149500 R&H "·•Pt•d I 1ol of ~'''•" S~o""'"0"' lrt1h. YH~b5 1 Dean Lewis Oran9e County Toyota·Volva Headquarters 646-9303 1966 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA ==='=':':':':':':":':":"J:G:•== I Sl:!ij -Full Pl'i~c $1 0;-iQ., •1•1JI -r111r for\'! pr1r. Nfll'~~tiSLB. GROTH CHEVROlfT Ask !or Sales t.tana~er 18211 Bearh Blvd. 1-lwitini::ton Bcac:b Kl S.3331 JAGUAR Ca.U P~11J, ·19·1·9173 or $-15--(M;;l-t. '62 J aguM XKE TOYOTA C.01r1·til1!<>. Cb ro111r '" ! re1 -------·---- ,,·1iecls. ,\ ~~;i~;· 10AA:..>i~1 TOYOTA WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR . l:T IL\\'ELL'." SPORT CAR CITY An<1hl•1n1 Bl\·1:. Anul11·0111 l•:I'.'. .:.--:1 1~1 SPECTACULAR Y EAR ENO SALE ALL MODELS YDUR BE~T DEALS ~--~-~-~-,~-,,-~N-~-. -:-,~-; ,-1 ~-.1 DEA 1N ~fll,EWIS CONNELL CHEVROLET 28~8 Hai·oor BJ~·d. (()Sia r-.-lesa 5'\G-J:l()(J WE PAY TOP DOLLAR Good tr;in~pnrration cars or Elii6 Harhor, C' .. \l. 6JG.9:in:i 1111:;;.:y JJ\a!t•nal. Sli5 & $2:.0.I c~=-=-'~~c._==~ r'hone G-1:.-:mzt. Bl-LL l\fAXEY lor i:;OOl'I, clean used r;11·s, =:::;::=;::=;::=:::===I all 1nakC's. See George R:.i.y [f]OJIY@!I~ 'fl~e~o~~a;.~~in~h'.~~rd LOTUS '6:: LOTUS Elilr, S1ag•' 1!. --.111 r n1nn111.-: ~·1)11d., $:.IOl'A ~:1·rs :1~.t>-•~n:: C.1\1. 6 !2-0010 18881 BEACH BLVD. Hunt, Beach 847-8555 l\lPOHT.::> \\A.'Jl'.l:D Orange r.ounties ;: nil N. of Coasr /J wy. on Bch TOP s BUYER Bil.L MAXEY TOYar A MERCEDES BENZ VOLICSWAGEN iss" "'"• m,d 1----;::;;-::;;::::---11•2'c· -'"~·~·~·~he, _ Ph. S-17-85j5 VW BUGS Will Buy l·'H(\\! $399 GOOD SELECTION Your Volki,'\1•agen or Po1"i;Che & pay tor c!ollars. Paid for or not, Call R:ilph 673-0X<l Sedan. V1!1l puwrr anti :'\lnl c~ ~ ii ; LE;ASE ;;; c>und. 2S.OfXi rnL 6·JJ-.O !IJ ;'.!ft s0" ;); ).J • ~ ~~~1' L ro111::c~:.'.~ <.~aut~,' :1i~j ;1~~:1: l!JGU i\lc-rccdcs J!lO. Clean, '"-~ ,, Ii' ' '().) Cu11ntr.v Sc1uin'. air. p11-r ne1v !ires. $7.JO t 1 r m . :;trg .i< hrnkc.~. 1·ad10 SS7 1110. ti l~-1 t.>2 r1 c..;;. '6S Cadillat Coupe rJ,-. Villr. MG S;ilr...-, ~!'l'l!'t', '1'~1rt,s J11un(•rt1a tc Lll'llvcl-y, ;\ll i\lo1lcls _,1<1. :;u;.1 E:-:1. 66 or 67 fully criu1pncd .•.. $129 mo . J9i0 HARBOR BLVD, 'ti9 C<id 1::1 Do!'ado l'OLIPl'. COSTA i\IE:S.\ fu!ly fl'ltlippcd .... $1'.l9 1110. l ---c,06°8~cV-'-WC.::'---l ·69 car1i11ac Courie dr· Ville fl1lly <''JUIJll)('d .... Sl69 noo_ 'li'.1 Chev Caniaro, p11 r s1r;:: & ,\I" l'Ondl11oncr, ~ 5flll, 1111-. hnikr<;. <111· ........ $:T2 1no. loaded~ Honr1 rrc-<i1n r .xl., SOUTH COAST plu~h bl<il'k 1111. T;1ke sn1all CAR LEASING 1.lo1\n or Trade-. Low, luw ~00 11'. Csl llwy, NB 6-1,J.'.:'lll~ pyinnl.~. VJJFS901.g. Call LEASE ANY MAKE-i.;('l1 -191·97;:; Or 51~>·0634 .;100 \V, Coast J-l11•y, N.B. '63 Vol kswagen Bu~ OR MODEL ' '''-01""' "'"1"'1 [,rl 011r l•'<o.Sc l'Xjlerls show J1rWµort 31111µ o rts L-"' ,,..,._,. Iv-E:->1:cllcnt l'o11d1t1011! JOO'C • h I 'IG D I .'V'-1 the bcs1 plun for yo11r 11UI ·0r11c1 ,, ca er \\'lliTar11y • <ii KUSTciM' MOTORS [1('1·-:onal needs w1thou1 ohl1· 'I" g:.n1011, "~ Bilker S1.. C?ll J ll};i9lj UNIVERSITY Oprn 'l!l '.l P\! OLDSMOBILE MGB ;ll\JST :)cil 'ft'I \JGB. 'tiJ VIV, '.:' <lvnr, 1 ~1iecd. S~OIJ. (ij,Hj;;i9 radio, heater, OP.auli!ul red co==========! <1nd shHql, J:l/il-1 l·!O. ~lf1~.-i. -Carl'li 1\totor t o. lnl·., l:NJ :!.').)() llul'h{ir B!l'd Co~t~ l\·lr~.::i ~J l(l-:)6.111 Theodor• ROBINS FORD :!!Mi liai·bor n 1v1I. Co:,;ta f.lc:>sa 642-0010 CAMARO '69 Ca maro Z28 Bi;J Thoo1as Susp., l.\(1111'.~. pclyglas, !'oil bar-, (\H11p. belts + !1101'£'. 11,(l(Xl 111i _ Nrl'er l'<ll'<'d, but ready. S339i 673-~53 1977 SADDLEBACK DODGE S47-9381 1 to\ N, Tustin, Santa Ana F'1uo1 Ne"'f>O!'t freeway - \\'e:sl on !7th SI. Turn !cit Used Cars •9oo I:::====== on N. Tust 1n, ~Chev. ~ta . Wgn . Bel AIJ', 4 Dr, Very bood (.'()Od. Rrbui!I 283 engine, n£'w l1N's, rl!'W tr<jns .. f}Dll'er slreron;::, flfl\\'rr OrdkC"s, auto 1rans. J\lust ~e(' lo Hf!Jll'Cc1:ile. Rr.a- sonal)Jy pr1trr1 ;11 $1~(1. -------TltANSPOR'rAl'ION CARS NEWPORTER MOTORS :..'O~!i Jl:\llBOR RLVD. COS'l'1\ fl1ESA 548-5294 or 548-8511 } 1:-.ANCINC /IVAJLAliLE ·(iS SPOHTS l;rden, l :i,700 n1i., ;iu· .. p11T., \lnyJ to1 .. Toµ t•n nrllrion. 4!H·3~3::'. BUICK ·r,;; ft!VJEH.\; f' \\', P t S, 111r <·r.11,1 . Ll.'it t!wr F ore 1·01:,;1nc red, (jj;J-11()1). BUIC!{ No. c1•eryLhi11;: B/\P.r,,\JI\'! :-r;iti;, :Sl:!OO. I! ii s Gl2-22:i~ ;;ltcr 6 P.:\! -,.,-:,-B-U l C J\-C(;-;-11·c-r1!11lc LaS;ihr<'. >\nil eornJ. Best uf· lrr. 67:-i-1 l-I L CADILLAC ---·----'67 Sedan De Ville Fu!' po11i•r, Jar1duu l\Jf}, Je'-!lh. rr u1\co·100-, ;iir, pren1in1u1u Jli'I'.~. Ltkc llt'W, (Set. 1'0. (_\jj;;, $339S ST!LIVJ--:!.L '.~ SPORT CAR CITY ii;,1 N .. -\11ahr1111 Hlvrl _ /\n311<'1111 Kt~· ~~211J ---'63 Sedan de V1llP, 1011· 1111lc;i~'" xt11\ l'r111d. Full p11 I', fachlr,v ;11r_ Private pr. ty llHISI S!']I. $1 !jll_ J·r>--01!'.!:~ '69 C/\D FL.F:ET\\'QQ[)- 13R.OUGIJ/\ill ~riOo 111ilr_~ ·1'.11·1i8S2 '66 CAD. Sedan DcVlllr: low rnilr,, l;uarr!i;in JTI a J 11 T, ~101·c nc1''· s:;1'.'.l;;. Pl'. P1y. %;2~031!1 --~=~-~-'69 Fleetwood Brougliam Best offer over $6000 C;•I\ ·l~·!.6-~~:: li7 1::1 J')!;lrnrlo. Lo nn. '.'\111! o·(lllfl. Nrw 1 irr~-L.o;idcd. $.J.ltiO pr1v prr.v, til.\·•l'..!G:i CHEVROLET 'CG C!JEVROLET C;:ipnce. Onr O\\'llCr ('tlr w llh unly '.! 1,000 111111'~. h;ii;-all po" er I-- air t·ond1t1oning. /\hsoltHc-ly thP. elc:1nrst one i11 1ow11, .l1tn Slcmonl; '.\/ e 1· c rd c s Benz, 120 \V. \Varner, .Sauta /\1111, 5-l!i-1114 '61 Cl/EV. lrnrala SV1t1on 11ai;o11 : :;-;,,()()() r111. F11ll 1111r_, air. Xl'nt c11d, :S:l :i9:i. ~ l:\-!J'.l7~J. 'ij,-, l::L'~C°'.,7\7,\lcl7NC0'°';;727~,-"-"-'· xlnt 1·unn1ng: cont!, l'ljee<ls nrw hert. $j5(1 or bi·st ol!rl' 6•:~:n1;2_ Ci.ill S·ll·71S7 lf"'li CHEVY. lfnJ11da ·1 lJr. ll'I'. P/s. It/JI, Jo,v mile. J owner. like 11cw $149J. Prv prly. 833-1~2'.!. CHRYSLER '67 CHRYSLER 2-DOOR HARDTOP ·0''1 -c7·-,.,-,-,--h-H-P•c"-,-c-0-"-,-,-,., I V-3, auto111<ltil', laclory air, po11·r r ~1':'Cl'ir\", TVOW~r bra· 1·hll £'ni;, loaded, rllr. hike -. ··~ rurri~n r;ir 111 1 rad£'. kcs, rariio & heater. hnrna· XYZ7:-i6 ·1~14-9771 t:Ulate. (UDE 7·!31 'G6 Chf'V l nipa!a llT, V-8. $2295. ~Ti rk, dlr. bl llk SI27:l take ~1(11.). \\1QD.5il'l. J.\.>.rx;.3.1 ATLAS '6<? 4 Dr. C!\e1'Y lmp.1.la. Pl~. Pih.. Badir.I tires. Xlnt CHRYSLER -P LYi\fOUTJJ eond. '.';6;,Q 543.:26,)•I 2929 llAT1BOR BLVD. c.b717L7.,,-,-,c,c,,c,-,c,,-,-,-,c,-,-m-,cV7-cs·.1 CDSTA i\·JESA 5 15--1~-'I !~&ll, po'1'rr. l iood cond! Open Dni!y '!ii JI) p.m. '.';~,00. G1G~64·1G '69 Cl-IRYSLJ::R \\I ago 11, '6·1 SUP!'.:R Snort, 1n1111<ie., P /S, P/E .. P /\\I, air, lu a1110 shift. gold. i\lust ~l'C! m·ilr~. likP new_ l\lusl SC'c to tr1:!-7Ji·1 <qiprl•ciate~ %2-76.17 '61.i CllF:VELLE WO Deluxe, I:::'::=;::=:====== ~ !Ir. V-S, 11u!o. p/s. $100 COMET ol't•r 11holC'Si.!IC. IJ70r:Ji:;:, J ~i(j ChP\'ci!r SS :'.% r:.~1·1'1!t•nl 1·ontlition fr!2-G1<'.'.l afl 6 P.\-1 ·"o"c,-c~,"-,-.,"uc ssj~~ i-pd. [)Ii· ~ 1:1 Baker. C . c\l . :~10-:,91~, ·:is C!IE:V \\'a~(ltl. NC\\' I ll'('S. trans. valv1: jo\J. Clc;in SJOO. :'119·1690 ---------'6:1 Chevy llnpU111 2 Dl'. Gnod cond. /\u lo, V-8, Sl200. 6i:>--6.li$ 'fi2 C0'.\1ET Slat1v11 \l'a6on, ;:::d. condition . 11!!.l·Jl·IJ '6.J CO;\--JE:T ·10-1 4 Dr. K-ll. P- S, :)6.000 n1l. Xnll cond. J nwncr. ~90,i. :i1(}...J9\9. CONTINENTAL '67 Cont Coupr, pc1·f (;ond. /\Uornl>,V \\'ill 5 a c r i f i I' C 11e1·~ona! («1r _ $2.99J. i\lr Tu<"kf'I', S::.'r:tlQO wcckd11yl'. -r,,11 ,\IALIBll. /\ulri. 1..<n\' 1n1!es. S2200, Call ~. \.11-Gli·l::' Pl ~. '63 CONT!i\l::NTl\L 4 Dr. eves '{ill CAillARO :1~7 J:.::;, P l,:O:, f1./\[, ,\uto, 2S4 Kno.x .St., C:\1 6r1.29~1 ,-.1·r~. \\'il l trilile. t'11l1 Po\\'••r :S900. fi73-7119 Vl'ry Clean. '66 Cbnt111{'11lal Seel. Loa<lctl, xlnr ('(lnd, lo1v n1ilca~r. ~2.'IQO. Pri. J.10-7~2.ll CORVETTE '&l \'\"\\, lflll', !ar1nr; n .. 1 "' 1·:11·rd, ~tipc·r 11~h1. ~.tJ1 n ti<J-:;uJS .. convr~·1·1·~c.;c,c,-,c,,-.. -... -,,-.. -,~ .. ;:ti \','i lh 3ti.'l hp. •1 Sf)ll, r11d1;d; A:'ll/fil'l. n1ust Sl'll_ !J(i,<;~1rr1:l DODGE '6S DODGE IJarl GT ~.Duor l!al'(.hllll \'·8, aul•• trans .. (JOll\'1 ~1ro•1'. 1ng, U\'1 1 \!74 $777 SADDLEBACK DODGE 547-9381 1<1()1 N, Tustin, Santa i\1111 f 'ron1 1'r11·po1•t Frrcway - \res1 on 17111 £t. ·rurn Jr!t 011 N. Tustin, --.67-DODGE-- cnn11]('1 rt'T '.!·Door H;iri11r>('I V-~. illlhl, 11;1ns, p<\\\PI :<;l<"f'1'lllf:, 1-.11]1,,, hl';Jl<'I', Cl::.\ ();~) . 11477 SADDLEBACK DODGE 547-9381 1-IQI N_ T11stin, Siln!<i /\n;i Fro1n l'\cll'port. t'rc-l·wa.v -- \\'c~t 011 17111 ,..:1. Turn lef t on N. T11sl111. '67-DODGE nan GT 2·Door l larr!l".lll V-/;, auto_ tr<1ns . pti\\'rr ~11••" 1ni;:. nvlio. heaiP1\ vinyl "1•if U!\H 612. $1377 SADDLEBACK DODGE S47-9381 1 If'! N T1!st11i, Sanla /\11;1 F1·n111 i\'i"l'l)(Jl'l t'rri"wa,v - 1 \l'rst on 11th ST. T111·n le/I ___ o~. Tust in_:___~ I .;~!r. ~~~~:ma~~~i~~~ ! radio, llcatrr_ Lie. RSP.. 7&S . I 1677 I SADDLEBACK DODGE 547-9381 1 !111 N. Tu~tin, :->i111ta .<\n~ Fro111 ;\:r1vporl F1·rp11·;i_v - \\·est on 17th ::;i. Tum !ell on N. T11~1i11. Tl!F. SUN NEVJ-:H. SET$ on DAILY P ILOT \VANT AD~' OPEL ll;u·hor, C.1\L, 6'12·lJ·lr :. New Cars 9800 New Cars 9800 New Cars. 9800New Cars 98DONew Cars 9800 'ti-~ V\V Sullr011f, llf;i11pu11!\I tlS Orirl ~1H11on l\'a;;on. This ,\_\1 fil l. Loci) n•;il ~. 1111111 1""<'k Sl·l~JJ, ;~L runt!~ illus1 ~ell, ;\lake. oUer! KUSTOM MOTORS ,19-!·6893 SIJ Bakrr St .. C.i\1. :-d0-~913lc;;,""-,------c~--- Orcn 't1 l ~ P .ll-1. 'li7 V\V 1,11~. ~u11(1ial =~~'-. l'Ornp \\ /;.;an1pui-::; 'h:-i ()rrl \\·a;.:on l[)~ llP. Dir. S2200/lit·~t ;,f1i·r. t'<1111)lf'f c txras. :-;i;, Bilker, C.i\L 5 1G-Js:;~\ n ftt'r tj ~1 !1).59J:, Boh PORSCHE --------- '66 Porsche 912 B:1h~ri1ci ::,rlln11, ' ~rred, chrunle 11 hrl·li-(P,O!\ 6tiGJ l39SO STlL\\1 1·:1.L'." SPORT CAR CITY '6S V\V. SJjj}o--:-111 i·:-cclk:nt conrl1l 1nn I'll· r.;:i.;::!\I, ~~7 '(ili \'\\' $qbark s1o:i:; (>I' rr:idc l;i t•;::rT 1·11r 11r 1J1lt·k. Ca1npcr 5h1>ll $110. t-:~9--12:;7 'liS V\\', rlh, :-Jn! t:Ollt!. Pvt. p1;i·. $Hil~L Ii 1:..'-171:1 i{Jl :'\. An:ihr1111 Glvrl. '66 V\V snrl, beige 11·/IJlk int. /\nall!•1111 l\J·: :l.:!JlJ n/H. Puri,chc rim~. Xlnl '64 Porsche Coupe ~·nnrl. ~1J50. Yll!--271\i Ch1'1'.>rlll' 11hr<'I~. ra•l10, h('al. {i i Vt)Ll\S\\'/\(;f:N. E:~i·1·il1'11! er.,\ IJl'11u1,1·. 1 \VJCl9lJ ,·c•n(l111nn. $:JOO or Bci.t oiler. $2950 ;11G-?.l~~- »"Tl l,\\·~:LL .-.; SPORT CAR CITY ;..·,1 :-. •. \11.Ll\f'IJll Ul\·rJ. .\n,iiH·!l!l f\1-: :1-:.111 :1 11or:sc11l . 11 :--r,.,,•,1~1.,r. ;dill <'(Hid, 1l1'" h !ll't'f' f'lf'.,I ll!fl'I' 11\'0 I' S'.!(lflll. :.i~;,~(l'.J I \ii'~ l 'l)l::--.{'lll , i.; :-;11p•·1· ·~1 ftf'hll 1·11(! '\111! l'"l1d .~:>0;1~1 I '111·111 I\ hi<> /\ ;\! I f :'II ,.11;-P'l'l * '65 lONVERT * X!rl! t'nnd, 1\IJ .--.11<1 -. 1111 p!ll, 1\lp, /IJIJ~t ,nll fi lt;"t:'n.-1 ---'Go; I 'r·r~1'lw '.JI 1, " ~prl, 1\'.ll/~-~! radio. n1~11y 111"1'<' '\tra~. \.Int •'nnrl. ~1]7iQ_ !it1-0:\·El SPRITE 'fi:l :-inr1!{' ,\11\ 11. r·u~ton1 c;,.. hausl , rarltals ~f,(1{). ·-;;;;-v1V~w 11r;ikcs .~: .ir1·~. ).;d .• ·i.nd., ,1111<• 1ra11~. SHi'ilL 11r1rr ~· prn. hl~-6'.!J:.l !\l.1;1-\:IVUlls \~n~ I'll);, 11lrr. ~ 1:.111, ·::·'! r:111 ;-;1 , Ari~. 111~ '111 J;t;(; \1 1\\ Y ~._\Tl :/\:-.' li1'.!·R~G< ----'(,\, y\i.~'\l i1l c'••l1(L 11r1·_;11n1 l1 p:11· 011 !\l·r. 7'J1 h t ~<·I I 1n1- 11w111,11"11 '':di t.~,',~i<o"1 \• 1\-,-.-J ',,t~• lu• -~h'1'1'fd1~' !'11:,:' ·-,~-<1··•·1! p:1rl -., ~IPiL(ly 111 '.1'11'1-; j, l:Z-IJ.~.~l '!ii-V\I' l'lli. rr1I 111!h hl:u·h 1111 ·~~·.IJOO 1n1, ~!111 «onr\. $!:~10. :.Jti-1::''.:11. VOLVO· VOLVO bTJ·(i:n9 ___ CLEARANCE NOW! SUBARU 142 -144 • 14S • 164 TllJ·: LO\\'E:S'r PRIC~'.s .-:t.;BAl'tJ YOU!t 13E:::-r DEALS * 1100 MODELS * DEAtl''L'EWIS * VANS * lll66 lli.rhor. ('.'.\!. Pll!OO '6:>, -;iir ennd , I ..;pd, l 1ro111r>r!1;11e t1rl1v,.,1'V :i1 : '"· "'"· 1/ll, n•d/hlk 1111 , KUSTOM MOTORS 6.ti--Ll;-,.i r1·r. <11' tll&-lLDO Sl5 B:ikrl' SI • C~I :.in.;;~J;j fla~:". Opc-n ·111 ~ Pi\I :::::::::::::::========= SUNBEAM J!'Jfi:i St;NBF:/\ \I 1\ l p 1 n r Ho;id~lr!'. a11lfl ~I.if!, :<nod ,.,,nil. A~k1n;:; S!X'IO. :i!i2-i26·1. Antiques, Cla1slcl 961 S l!"!.~O F OR fl /'1!{>(11·1 A f·:oarlslPr fully r <' ~ 1 o \' r rl , j mini 1·nnd. ~2ti00. :;itA I \\'oodlnnrl r 1. C.i\1, 1!119 FOl\I) '.\lode-I A TRIUMPH Jtond~h·r J'wk \ip. "• rarr -----------1 r, l'l1;,:1n<', hr:1drf~ ,\-rhoa ll 'f;'.J Tnlt;'.llr!I ~p1tl1rc, xlnl eond . 7:-00 1111lr•. l'nV fj\\11!'!' c;,1ll lilf .. ~.f)I;:; ;1 fl 4 11-\! ·1; I !T t·:I: :-. ·1; I ·r ll ~ 1~1.,7!', 11 II. 11''"' l '1"11i•·~. ; tnp~ ~l':.0 r1:\t illf'I'~ l"'f"I'' 1 11111. r111·h\ J:," II h••l'I~. hl'iln1t1ill' I 1~1-..kr'~. ~1000. fi 11-rri~u I .17 ~\lcor" ti\ '1. ,.,l'"I •'Ill ,.,.nd, ~l f.i~l ,ql~.Ti16 <111 ;,, nil ,1,,~ "1,,.,,1,l• ' OUT ••• 1969's • • • OUT! ~ ~ EVERY REMAINING '69 MUST GO! NEW 1969'S, EXECUTIVE CARS, DEMONSTRATORS -FINAL ROCK BOTTOM PRICES .,. TOP SKY HIGH TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES WHILE THEY LAST. OUR 1970's ARE HERE NOW! JAGUARS JAGUARS JAGUARS ONE OF. THE LARGEST SELECTIONS IN ORANGE COUNTY! POOLE'S BETTER USED CAR VALUES '67 FOR D '66 PONTIAC l~ndo" ' doot, I '68 OOOGE F"tl 9 """""""' woqon, ·~-Cornnot •OO 4-dr, 1.,0 1 pcwef ln,oory •" 40Mf , k -l1~n .. pow•r >1•"'· A.• tond., oulo h~nl , Tll 707 T!:Y 70R P.S .. R&H. VG B 979 S2595 S1695 $2395 '6S FORD w"CJ"'" Counl•v Sq•l'•e, lnw mil e•~•· lull P''" fao;lorv ~" tend, l!GV '" $1595 '67 OLDSMOBILE D"h 8 88, ~ dr .. hdlop . ~u to. ""n", fo ci. nlr, P.S., TPD7 J8 51995 '61 BU ICK Wi!dta! Cu1+o'T! Cpe. For!, •tr c.o nd .. •w+o. l o •~·· P.S. uuvo~~ S2595 '51 FORD '66 RIVIERA C"uDfl. Foo l "" <.ond . oulo h•n1. pwr •laer & pwr br•~tl-rsD4b4 S2695 '67 ELECTRA I W•9on, [•c ~ll ~n! han1. A d oor h•rd too, Fu l po••a tio~ QNX 515 oowe•, feel. •''· Sold & l ~<.:c.d b~ UI , 5395 S2795 '68 IMPALA 1 Dr. H,T. F.,t 11 :r, ""'" ''""'· powe< 1lee rin9. WJM 169 S2495 '66 CAPRICE 1 Dr ~atdl,.p, .;, ~ond. aui" i•" "" , .. 11 •~·' r11d10, heohr. SBMJl l $1795 '68 PONTIAC !o"~•·ill e. 4 door ho•d · too, F A C TO ll Y Alll COND .. P.S .. P.8. W XG "' $2995 '6S PONTIAC '66 MERCURY G••nd p,; •. Auto, l<on1., Colony Pork ""•qon. ' "0 ... t ' •ltt• .. <~dio, p11nen9et f ull P"'"'"" ht•h•. IMQN217l F,.c\ory "" cond. SOS · "l $1095 $2395 '6S OLDS WAGON '67 MERCURY F·85, 01110 , !t8n1,, Mon!erev 2 door hn•d• pow- !01>. Auto, ''""'· pow .. , ,, 1''''· PeH 111. \ 1leer, R&H, UQN.70 ~. $1495 I S1795 -'6S MONZA 167 OLDSMOBILE H11rdtop. Auio. ,,.~ ... S4 p,em• Cullan ~ordfo "''""•cul11!• '"nd ition. <oup•. ·~t" fr~no.. IAet . <TXJ J7bl air, power 1!•, UJ 8912 S995 $2295 Open Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. -Sat. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. -Sun. 10 a.m; to 6 p.m. AUTHORIZED BUICK -OPEL · JAGUAR SALES & SERVICE l!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'ll --·"n{1~ r r ·11 1 ··1..,1·- 1931 OE SOTO C1!! ~1·1fl· 1·1;1 • •'I'"---------~~--·-----------~-----------~--------------..-,,...-~ -- 25 PILOT-ADVERTISE!!: W~neW1iy, Octobtr 15. 1969 W1dne~day, Octobt r 15, 1969 DArtV PILOT 8.; TRANSPORTAT ION IRANSPORTATION IRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION. ___ _:_TRA:: NSPORTAT_l _N __ 1 MANSPOll A 9900UMd C•n 99000Hd C•rs 9900Used Cira 9900UMd Cars t900 Uaed Cari 9900UNd C1r1 '900 9900 l•M Can Johnson.son Johnsota & Sora Has CONTINENTAL The Rep11tatio1a of Offeritag MERCURY 1969 CONTINENTAL 2 DR. HARDTOP Arctic white finish with dark ivy 9re1n leather interior & Lindau roof. Fully lu xury power equipped, tilt 5fe1rin 9 wheel, factory air conditioning, et c, XSSSOl $5995 1968 CONTINENTAL COUPE Medium turquoise metallic fini sh with matching interior, black landau rcof. Luxury equipped. Completely tilt iteer wheel, factory air, power door lock~, etc. ZVP71b $4495 1968 CONTINENTAL 4 DOOR SEDAN Attractive li9ht chrome yellow with ~leek l1ather inte.r· ior and lendeu roof. Fu! power equipped, f'1cfory e ir, etc. WXF335 $4795 1967 CONTINENTAL 4 DOOR SEDAN Be.!u+;fu l Huron blue mettrll ic finish with ma tchin g leather interior. Black l<'lnd11u roof, fu lly luKu ry equip ped end ft1ctory air conditioning, AM-FM radio, stereo ta pe deck. One owner car. Bea utifully ma i'nteined. TTN020 $3395 1967 CONTINENTAL Convertible beeutiful Ocean Turquoise finiih with match· ing inter. & while top. Completely luKury equ ipped, full power, AM -FM ra dio, f<'lcL eir, tilt wh eel, etc. 4 new tire s, UOA 184. $2895 MERCURY 1968 MERCURY PARK LANE Convertible. Huron bl ue mi1t fini1h with metching 1n· terior end black top. Lu Kur y equipped th roughout. Full power factory air conditioning , stere.o t epe 1y1tem, etc. Oriv111 only 111 ,000 mile 1. Speciel purchase from Fo rd Motor Co. and ~a vin q1 passed on lo you . YBK54 I $2995 1967 MERCURY MONTCLAIR 2-Door Hardto p. Arctic wh ite with bleck inter!or end Landau roof. Fu ll power equipped and factory eir con- dit ioning . One owner. Carefully maintained. UOF860. $2495 1966 MERCURY PARK LANE 2-0oor Hardtop. Arc.lie white with Ivy gold inferior end black lendau roof, auto., R&H , P.S., P.B., fectory a ir condition ing. Real luxury at rea1oneble pric e. VZU202 $1995 1968 MERCURY COLONY PARK 9 pes,enger. Popular cardinal rid finish with black com- fort weeve vinyl interior, auto., R&H, l toreo tepe deck. factory air conditioning, P.S., P.B., dual actio11 teil gate. O nly 19,000 miles. IThe Conti1111rital of St<'Jt ion Wagons) No. lb 14 . $3595 COUGAR 1967 COUGAR 2 DOOR HARDTOP Lime frost with matchiriq vinyl buckets, •uti;., 289 en - gine , P.S ,, R&H , new car trede-in, ona owner and serv . ic1d by our company. VDR233 $2175 1968 COUGAR 2 DOOR HARDTOP Desert Beige fini sh wit h 1.!dd le comfort weave buclrel seats , black landau roof, a uto., R&H, P.S .. P.B .. console, fa ctory air. Bea utiful condition t hrouQhoul . XE:V8 6b $2695 OTHER MAKES '66 PONTIAC 2 + 2 Convert. cream yellow fini sh with bla ck buc ket se11ls, c.ori 1ol11, white fop, fu!ly powered and equi pped, includ· in 9 factory l!ir. Stk . .:=3 12 3A $1395 the Finest Selection of Use1l Ca1•s in the Co1111ty! OTHER MAKES 1968 ELDORADO 1967 FORD GALAXIE 500 2-0oor Hardtop. Beautiful British Green with bl<'l ck •n- terior and whit1 l<'Jnd eu roof, a uto., R&H , P.S., P.B., a;r conditionin9 , 1tc. Very clean throughout, VUZ8 37 $1995 1967 CONTINENTAL Conve rt ible, full power, fa ctory air, leathe r interior, Landau to p. 4ulomotic tr ans., AM.FM red io. ti lt wheal. UOG 114 $2895 1965 T·BIRD CONVERTIBLE Beautiful light turquoise fi nish with white interior and lop. Fully power equipped. Inclu d ing factory 4ir. V1ry we ll meinte ined. PFG37l $1895 1969 VOLKSWAGEN 2 DOOR BUG Kedio' end hee ler. Showroom sharp with o nly I 0.000 mi les. OXA695 $1795 1967 PONTIAC GTO 2 DOOR H.T. Golci mist meto llic fini sh with black bucket 1eel1 , auto. fr<'lns., radio & heater, pow er steering, factory air. Beau· tifu) condit ion . TRJ 501 $2495 1966 RIVIERA Bea ut fu! Br itish green with matchin q inf11r ior. Fu ll power equi pp1d a rid f1ctory air condition . One owner and driven on ly 2100 miles. EKcellent condition. SZN727 $2995 1968 PONTIAC LE MANS 2-Door Hardtop Firebird green, black buckets, fa tlory air, P.S ., P.B .. stereo t ape deck , etc. Low 25 ,000 miles. YCT9 I 2 $2795 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA 'I -Doo r Hardtop. Desert beige finish with m4tthing in· terior, auto. Irani., radio & healer, power 1teering , etc. Very clean a nd well ma intained. NCAOll $1295 Full power, factory air, Landau top, automatic, radio, heatar, tilt wh eel, stereo, AM-FM , etc. WFU46b $3495 1968 JAGUAR XKE COUPE British rocing green fini1h with melching leather. AM · FM r4dio, wire wheels, Redi111I Ply t ires . Beautiful con· difion. Only I 5,000 miles, V1Y878 $4195 Sportsman's Special 1964 JEEP WAGONEER Station W•gon. Chevy V-8, converted eng ine. 4.wheel driv1 with dual-o-m111t ic front wheel~. radio & hoetor, n1&r new Commando tires! See a nd driY e. UOT082 $1095 BARGAIN CORNER In Our larqain Cornff we have numerous used cars, Some clean, some not '° cl~n. Some that are d11pllcatlons, some we've had too lonq -in ony event these cars are real borgaln1. LOOK "EM OVER. '66 T·llird L.ANDAU. RTB7'24 '66 Ford GAL•xi• 500 2-DOOR H.T. SVFDS'2 '65 Mercury , 0 • $1375 MONTCLAIR H.T. ;00~03 .Johnson NEW CARS USED CARS SOD 540·5635 540-5630 642-0981 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA Tin1c for QUICI( C.l\SH DAILY P1L01' Throu~h a CLASSIFIED AD! 7--..irr-----a--------. ~--J±?.zr:?¥WL VZW.zva>.ZZVL Imported Autos 9600 l~port1d Autos 9600 lmport9d Autos 9600 DODGE FORD MUSTANG 1 Mile South of the San Diego Freeway lt'1 !~•ci r l~1t wo"I gi•e ~"" ~1y+~.nq fo wc<ry •bout,@ w. m•~• '"'" .,f t~ol, W1 9 'v" t! •~~ YW l6 -11oi nl 1~/1 - !~ enel F'"'lorm4nc., +•"· It h•1 lo "~" So w• g•ve .+ "''" IOOi'; 9u 1 r t nt~'" •~~I ... , 11 •~pl~t ~ All m ~io• fnl · ~n~n•c •I l'•rh fo, l O day1 Or 1000 '":le•, ... ~;c h••-' <om•• 1;.,1. 1,n'I +h it wh•+ ~ "~'"' <•••O'"'nl< nfed11 A b~9 +h11 won! dri•e ynu ""''· '65 vw '67 FORD CORTIN 1963 v.w. FALCON "Sl'ECIAl.'' h"1l•1. Mu1f 1~~ lo &pprt • I'''" c, .. ' •O••d ,.,~. R•d,11, •le. 5p•c,,,I , UOT- BRAND NEW '63 Ful run \\"a gon. 11111 p11 1', a ir. !OIV n1l.lcai:C T.U,Pynns. 8J()-Gj(l7 FORD BU Gs FORD '66 G11l1t."'!:lt. 500, 4 rlr srdan, rlh. rib. pl~. R/r. -·''"'_'°"'_'_ ""_""""_""'_' "" this 11·k. !162-1184 'G7 FOl!IJ Grtl;i.:-;H' '.!)(I, •1...-lr. ::!10 c:ng, _P/s, Plb, auh) ON DISPLAY & READY TO GO CHOICE Of COLORS AND MODELS AT ..• CHICK IVERSON Harbor Ar.as Only Authorized VW, Por1ehe Otoler TWO LOCATIONS TO SllWI YOU 441 EAST COAST HWY . •I BAYSIDE DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH & 1970 HARBOR BLVD .• COSTA ME5A '71·0900 HOME OF THE LOVE BUG SPECIALS so.3011 trans, far:t air, plus e.'1:1ras. Xh1t cond. $149:i. 673-44!11 1966 Ford Econollne Falcon C1ub \Vagon, Big 6 w/ 3rd seat (8-10,, very clH.TI, good mochan. 494-~972 evcs. 1968 Ford Fa!rlnne 500 sla· tion wagon. R&H, ph It. pg, air--<Xtnd. $1775. 646-2491 TIVO 19159 Ford Galaxie~ Fully loade1I $1475 :..)4-.j2',Xl '82 FORD Convertible. Rul11 good. rn.s. • MG-3031 * 1962 FOftD Stat ion \Vogon. Very good condition. Beat nfl rr .. 642-7371 D,\TLY PILOT \~·ANT ADS! ·r::-. ,..;sr .!;n ·,·ln1. V.11. auto. 8~..i B1+krr, C.:0.1 Dh'. 5-fu-59 !.:i $577 SADDLEBACK DODGE 547-9381 I I MERCURY 110\ N TtL~\11'), .<;onta /\n;i I .F1~it11 Nr11·f)(.l1·1 f reeway -1 • \\'~.!it on l 71h St, Turn· lell 64 i\larautl!'r. autQ, P"'r, tikt on N. Tu~li n. s1~. CR r;irf 1n, :190 eng. $SOO ~=..c:,~~==-­,lt.~~-2.'>iJ al! i;, OLDS 4•12 1968. perfect cond .. MUSTANG Below book. By owner. Very low down paymt. .12(} i\lyrtle S!., Lag. &arh. ~!l-l-1156 G:o 1\lUSTANr. C 'l n v t . '6:l Old1 S1nr!irc, bl111'k, xlnt Blue/\vhitc !op. R/JI. ·1 11p. rood, newly painted, new lran11. Rally Pick Con1JOle . lircg $700. J·1:>-c385='--- 5.3,000 mi. Good con d . i969oLDS C7i°lla11s-6 n10 old. 642-6718 Orig c01t $3800, sell for '69 ~tACH I 11,000 ml., PIS, $2850. 646-j97J eves. P /D/B, 1lertt1 tape, 1 "a4 Old1 4 cir !peed, 351 Ram 11lr, still s1;i0 :>-i!}-16~ won-anted, lmmac. Be!t of·I"';:;:::=:=::::::::::::::;:::::; fer ot•er $2800, 499-36'1. PLYMOUTH '65 MUSTANG Co n v c rt , --------- ~· new traN., good con· 1964 VALIANT W A G 0 N . d1tion, one nw ner, SJ005. Black. red intcrkn". Original 6T?:-6070 aflf'r 6. n\1•ncr. Good C'Oni'J. clean. 1969 r.tUSTANG Rill . stick r;hHt. Day1I fl.lily btdc<f S2500 Ml)..2411·1 f'l(I 74, eve ~, SQG 560 $999 '66 VW Fastback Sed. [,1,. t l~&n ' 1~0WI P•r- 1on •I Ciro . Jl:Q~41 I $1599 1964 v.w. New ,.1inl, E1c:tll tnl c:tndi· fio". R1duc14. OXZ251 $1199 cit lt. l ie UTYS ?S. A Sp1· "' CPt l At $999 $1299 '66 Ghia Coupe '66 Porsche 912 Cpe. "Ctlor Mt Pi~~". Etono,,..<-O utlfer\d;ng, o•ig:~~r fin • t"I •ul"mer fun cer .. Rftd oc d•i ... :n9 ct r. Fi•e •P•• d t nd h1&ter. SBK7J9 l••n• • J FM r ~dio. Blu e,,.;,, bl 1ck int. YQT 705 $1699 $3999 19'S v.w. 1967 DUNE BUGGY R.-,010. -P8E69 I Jl:otd t nd Jl:1 IJy equipped ONLY H1rd +op. UVR417 $1199 $1999 EXT. 66 & 67 534--:1290 64.J-2221 I "' 1 """""'·. '"'· ... R~< """""'· low mil•'· 1970 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Oh'. 3fi S11krr, C ~i Dir. ll4j B11ker. C . flt ·j ;,_10-:ll!l\ 5'·~·1).>:·:.:·,~":"'-' ______ .!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!i!r!!i!!!!!l!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!r!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!ll!I --~-----____....___. --,. -.......... ---........ --...--..... .,,. ....--........... ....,. -, -....... --- $ BRAND NEW 1970 OLDSMOBILE SPORT COUPE Fully foclo•~ e qu<pped ;n. eluding head re1ts se at bcl h , b,,ck up li9 h(•. wind1hie ld wo1 he r1 , out· ,ide rnlHor, corpeh, 1.+c, FULL PRICE ORDER TODAY \'/~'RE WHEEL'IN & DEAL'I N ON ALL 1970 MODELS! .fl '11 J f EXCELLENT SELECTION OF (12) '69 Leftovers · SAVE tlUNDREDS NOW!! ON EXECUTIVE & DEMONSTRATORS lv~I NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A QUALITY VALUE-RATED USED CAR IUSEDr.ARSI '66 v.w. BUG • "'""~ "<~ '"" rto•o, """r' Vl'[!T ' ~1 195 '66 fURD MUSTAN G ~ ,,, ·, '•'"'"• "r·'"· ""'td t C. t 1«• < '65 CHEVROLET WAGON \I~. ~~M'"'" !> •.rlo\"'""· p!~<-''10<-•n•, ~ !••l>C l"B~ ~~. s795 '65 CHEVROLET BEL AIR VI, AU!O, If~"', ";' tOnd.t•ooin~. ocwo• ...... ,,Q. ••O•O. h~oler, Wh•l<WOll !•rf" ""hMI <O•or· IBJU/ $795 '62 MERCURY '66 BUICK 4 DOOR II ~ ~v•o t••n•, l~<lor\I .,;. cooa 1••onooq, t • ·•,l'o "1· '''d•o, nr,1•~,_ ""''<""" r w<1001 • .,.,_ IHON 6lVI s195 '65 CHEVROLET CORVAIR Ii t •l >1110 !•or•, <•<l•O. "'''"' w' ,. w II '""" v,',r•I <OVO•• f"f'" ~·~I s59 5 '66 OLDSMOBILE 442 HARDTOP V ! • IP"'<!, rea•o, h••I•" ""''<wail '"'~' "'~'' l rover> $1495 '64 OLDS 88 4 OOOR HARDTOP VI, ~1110 '"'"'· '·'<•ory •'• tond•toon•no, """'" ''""'Ing, O<lW•r ~··~~" r;d,<>. ""''1er, wnlltw~ll tirn, linlPd o•·~~. wneel ,,..,, ,oos99 5 SKYLARK II! •vto Ir•~>. fl(lw•r """""9• •Ml n, l'J ·• "'"l(,·1~11 '"C'•• .. ·~~el <Over>. 11 b~ 91• $1095 '68 PONTIAC G.T.O. HARDTOP II~ ~'' ' \Ito", "'"''"' ''eee<ng, '~" ,, "" "' "~''""~It '""'· whoel <O•<'• _ "' 1 !4 '62 OLDSMOBILE 88 SEDAN '66 SIMCA 4 DOOR 2850 HARBOR BL VD. COSTA MESA· OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ---.~---·-------... ---.. Wtdntsday, Octobtr 15, 1%9 PJ LOT·ADVERTISER 26 RANSPORTATION TR ANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATIO""N-l~T~R~AN=s=p=o~RT·A~T~IO~N~-.TRANSPORTATIO~ 9900 Used Cars 9900 Used C•r·s 9900 Used Cars 9900 Used Cars 9900 ------"'= PLYMOUTH '65 PONTIAC PONTIAC STUDEBAKER T-BIRD lA! r.1an.s Cou1~ '68 HOAD Runnf't' w/3!\3 V g . 1 . '66 C T · l -...-1 ,.11 , Aulo P/S p / r : , auto. rr tins., pow(·r stcrr. 6., Pon! Bonn('v1Jle 2 dr, Pwr '64 Studebaker Coinmani!er. ustom 01\n .ar au. ( ! g.' ·l p ·. 1 j,'. :t !Ilg, Luckt'f S!'ilts. NQV 5.19, S&B, air, R&H, au!o trans, nit~ ,·ar. rll'('(IS niolor work full Pt1u1pn1cn1, n«•l1 n111g ~,,156 osi-· I IV ply. $877 white int , pri ply, $ti2$. UUJ $125. 8-17-45311 front Sl'at, l<'SS than 2.!.'000 SADDLEBACK 8·16-1152 mi LtkP __ new. original Q\\'J"ler . $2.150. No trades. DODGE T-BIRD 673-30'' 547-9381 REBEL ='-------1 l.Wl N,Twst in,SantaAna '5 7 'f-B i rd . 3 -spd PONTIAC '68 ~'IREBIRD '100, power, From Newport Freeway _ 'G~ Rebel, V8, auto, a ir. Dlr. 'j9 T-BIRO, a!! power, R/11, w/o\·crdrive, 312 V -I!· turbo hydro, stereo FM, \Vest on 17th st. T1.1rn left 8{) Baker. C.M. xnlt cond, $245. P or th o I es. $2000. 3310 best offer. 673-6870 on N. Tustin. 5-1().5915 *548-2918 • Oceanfront. NB _c_am_p~•-" ____ 9s_2o_c_._m..:,p_•'..c'---9=s20 -~a mpers 952QCnmpers 9520 Campers OFF SEASON ALMOST 40 NEW ~DORADOS AND FOUR WINDS TO CHOOSE FROM AT EXACTLY ..•. OYER ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE POSITIVELY NO ADDITIONAL DEALER CHARGES! TOO LATE FOR SUMMER AND TOO EARLY FOR WINTER! Let's Face It·· It's Off Season For Campers. That's Why We Are Offerin9 Truly Unusual Savin9s On These Brand New, Famous Name, Quality Built Camper Units. Clearance Discounts Are Limited To Units Now In Our Stock So Come In While We Have Almost Forty To Choose From! •• SPECIAL LONG TERM FINANCING AVAILABLE DURING THIS SALE. 9520 I e.m. to 9 p.m, Mon-F-ri e S~t 8 •-"'· te l. p.m. Sun I 0 1.m, t1 l. p.m. PARTS & SERVICE HOURS 1 e,m. to 9 p.m. Men e 1 e,m. te l. p.m. Tu•1.Fri PARTS ONLY I e.m, fe 6 p.m. Set . . ' ~\.'tdot~day, Octobtr 15, l%<J 1964 OLDSMOBILE STA RF I RE A11to. f<•nt , !..II r o•f' l•t'o•y • « b~clt! •••'>. Blve .. ;1h '"h••• .ntoroof, IOR ~I 1 - ~--:.~~~~ ~~.:~'..~~'~'~"~'~'"' ........ $ 3 6 8 8 Btlow lo.w Bl.,, 8001. W)(l 4~4 ·------------=---·---. 1965 CONTINENT AL 4 DOOR SEDAN V.S, ~yto. lr •MI. f~c 'C'< •' <<nd,'oononq f~ll p,._~r· •• dio, ~~.1~•. """I rool l•n!ed 'll•n l "'"'" pl.,, f-~G I 11 1964 BUICK SK YLAR K HARDTOP ---.... USED CAR SA LES PRICES f FFECTIYE 72 HOURS FROM PUBLICATION ·---. ·---. -·,,. -. --...... -... --. . WE ARE THE NUMBER ONE LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER IN ORANGE AND SAN DIEGO COUNTIES BY ACTUAL FACTORY FIGURES, AND WE MUST CLEAR THIS FINAL GROUP OF BRAND NEW 1 9 6 9 MODELS TO MAKE noo~A FOR DAIL y SHIPMENTS OF 1 9 7 O's. SEE ROW AFTER ROW OF MODELS AND COLORS NOW D!SPLA YEO ON OUR BACK STORAGE LOT -JUST AS THEY CAME OFF THE FACTORY TRUCKS. TAKE YOUR PICK AND WE WILL GIVE YOU SAME DAY SERVICE AND DELIVERY AT THE GREATEST YEAREND DISCOUNTS WE HAVE EVER OFFERED! EXAMPLE ---~- 1969 Mercury Marquis 4-Dr. H.T. VP ••do.'••"' pl>••"' ''""""<I, Il l>""' ,)."! b,.l,, paw•• "nd'''" d ' ;.n~•' '"~''· roL'"· ~e.1•e t ,.,), lt .. ~11 +,,,, 'ovl SAVINGS! Window Sticker $5533.60 SALE PRICE $4400.00 DISCOUNT 5113360 ~i ANY, MANY MORE LIKE THESE WHILE STOCKS LAST! 1969 Marquis 4 Dr. H.T. (O/o1Ko011Y•I 1969 Marqui s 4 Dr. H.T. 1967 Cougar xn 1 ., ... , , ... ,. ' ... . ~ Win d. Stkr . $5045.20 1969 Cougar XR7 Sa le Price ~4035.00 DISCOUNT 51010.20 \"/ind . Stk r. $5249 .9 0 Sale Pri ce $4200.00 DIS COUN T $1049.90 I I V~ 4 ,,,,. ~"'""'I' 'r<''' "~' • -~ " "' . " " '. . ~·" . . ''· ""' // ,,,,. . .... ~ .... ~· ~ ,, '' 1969 Marauder 2 Dr. H.T. .,,.,., • • • • n""'''n'""'I l~n \II ''"''"' "l' W in d. Stkr. $4296.00 1969 Cougar Coupe .. ' Wind. Stkr. $4733.10 Sale Pr ice $3875.00 DISCOUNT $ 858.10 Wind . Stkr. $4849.20 Sale Pr ice $3850.00 DISCOUNT $ 999.20 Wind. Stkr. $3854.3 0 Sa le Pr ice $3 150.00 DISCOUNT $ 704.30 ... • I I o ,, DISCOUNT $ 746.00 ------------- 1969 rlionte rey c~stom W ind. Stkr. $4817 .20 ..... Sale Price $38 50.00 <: • ~-A t I r '' ,. r .. . ' '" DISCOUNT S 967.20 ' ' '"" ,,Q, ' "·" "'" '• ' , ' ' .,,, 1969 Monterey Custom 1 I f , y; "' · I " ' r,.,,. r·.1 •• ·~"'· ,. ""' ··~'. 1969 Cou gar XR7 W in d. Stkr. $4871 . 70 Sale Price $3900.00 DIS COUNT S 971. 70 W ind. Stkr. $3982.30 Sale Pr ice $3350.00 DISCOUNT $ 632.30 1969 Cou gar Coupe V< •VO""' ' , .. .,,,.,, .,, ... q <0:""' '••· -~ p<"'f~o• t ,,,. o\l ~.W"•'•W~llt ••• b l•t• y '"I' •(II)! "''"'' qi~.·. ! I ... ~•~!. Or<O• Q•C~C. ,ro>\' •.J/, 1 )( $l ,\' {' .· Wind. Stkr. $4646.80 Sa le Price $3825 .00 DISCOUNT $ 811.80 Even Greater Savings on a Limited Number of Exec:Ytive Cars and Demonstrators LINCOLN MERCURY ORANGE COUNTY COUGAR -MONTEGO HEADQUARTERS OPEN Mon.· Fri. 'Til 10 P.M. Sat.· Sun. 9 P.M. 1301 NO. TUSTIN, SANT A ANA usEo cARS-541-0101 ··we L\1111•·e~iate Y 0111· B11si1•ess'' NEW CARS-547-9183 -·--·-··--------... ------------·-----........-.------'-------~·--=···== a·•••·=•=••=, •==•••=·•nn,,nmmarr mmd ·- ------------------~....-~ ... -...~~--~·--~------~--------------------------.. - GB 041l y PILOT Wl'dnesday, October 15, lifoq Wednesd~Y. Octobtr 15, 1%q P!LOT-ADVE.RTISfR 28 " --------. "'e;e .1---- ., ' ' ' ' ~ -· ' • ·'Th~re'~ never been a car like Pontiac. From Tempest to Grand 'Prix and from Cata- lina to GTO, the Pon- tiac · touch is there! R 0 Y C A R V E R has started the year off right with th~.bi99est selection a n d the best prices. So buy now .. ~ SA VE NOW! ,_ :,,.. . ., i . •, ,,_. ,,I .:; . . ' Ancl when we say '69's we don't .mean a ·few· ,, . ' -. ' left-over, pickecl-over, poorly equipped car••· We mean the greatest sel,edi~n of well.•'-: equipped, easy-priced Wide-Tracks in. Orange County! · ,· This is how quick they're going to be. This is the way luxury is going to be. '69 FIREBIRD 400 $3277 '68 GTO $3277 '68 MERCEDES 230 $3677 ' C <>"'P <>r~n')•. bl.,<• l op. 4 •Pe~d 1r.,~1 · R.,dio end h•~!er. •ulo..,41ti~·tr•11"n iuio11, !>eden. Autom•iic, power ••••ri119, 28 ,347 in i"'o", <O">ol ~. ,.,d,o. h ~"'~·. '-11v p o"'~' <!~~•;119, f•clorv•.;,'...co~dilio"i"<J· Ofi,;11.I mil•t. Ct••11t 1if1riot with li,hl ---~~~1, pow~• ,1 •• ,,"9· 19.000 "''lei. (WIC0b7l gre•ll i11t1r;or (WFV )lll' !X~58 7 9 1 ' ' '68 LE MANS H.T. R.id>o •n<i h~•l&!, .. ~•om,.t ic h•n•mi11io• po""'' .tee•i"'I• f-e clo1v ,;. <oMl ;tioning. I o-n•r. tl,000 ,.,;i,,. !VTM2~1l '67 CADILLAC Coupe D~Villt . Full powe•. ftc!o•v '"'' c.ond:t;oninq, t<I! . l1lo1cop;c 1t1~rtn9 ... h,.1, AM ·FM r1d;o, bl ut wOlh whde p .. dd.d lop. lfWVbbbl ),,ll~ .,ctu ,1 mil11. '$3077 $4177 '67 CATALINA WGN. ' $2877 R.d;o •nd hetler, •ufomt t;c, pow•• 1!eer· i119, P"""'' ... :ndow1. v:ny1 top, ftc+o•y •'' con"d;1;onin9. !VCK2 5') '68 BONNEVILL~ . ' .·$·3177 , . o4 Door h•<dlop. Redio, h•t l1r, pow1r tle~rin9, power br1ke1, •wlometic, f•clory ~•• conditioning, v;nvl fop. !WCK7971 . PRICES PLVS LICENSE AND 'TAX I '67 BONNEVILLE <t Door h1rdtop. ll;1dio, h••I••, 1ufoma+;<, pow1r 1!11d119, f.iclorv. •i~ co11dit;on;ng , pow•• window<, bronre. !TRHbOOl '67 COUGAR XR7 ll:tdio 111d h11t1r, t ulom•lic tr1~1miuion, P-•• ll•tr;119 , f•clory. 1ir co"dtt;oni119, lntli1r inl•rior (TZG41>0l ' ROY CARVER PONTIAC 2925 HARBOR BLVD/COSTA MESA • Kl-64444 $2777 $2577 . IYI §MI -.. "''""" .· ,. ~..., . .:.. ,.. . . -.. V aroom! Va room! Drive r~ blart your engine~. Bring th() fainily 10 South Coa~t P laza thi~ week. The ('heckrred fla~ ha~ goof' up on the new 1970 model auton1obiles. They're all ou dihplay al "T11e Grand~ est Mall of A 11" now througl1 Saturday, Octolx-r 18. ; You can · ~t any ene of the more than 50 r.al'i representin~.All m~ and models at yo ur lei.sure. Again thi~ y~r, t.M South Coast Plaza Car Show b rings ~~ge~ all ~'lf the new cars in one gigantic .. show on ll~ll .•• daily from 9:30 to 9:30. . . .; 5outh foaa?taza lfUSTOl AT SAN DIEGO FREEWAY, COSTA MESA Suppltment to Los Antltl.1 Timn-Thurad.y, October 16, 1Kt ' . • ,: ' I •' r I l \ ,. I ! f I I • ~uth Coast Plaza Plaz11 Presents Autos for '10s Orange Countians will have another chance to see the new line of 1970 automobiles when South Coast P laza hosts its second annual new car show today through Saturday in its all-enclosed air-corr di'tioned malJ and Carousel Court. Ten dealers, including Atlas Chrysler-Ply· m outh, Connell Chevrolet, Harbor Dodge, Holiday Sales & Service, Johnson & Son Lincoln-Mercury, Nabers Cadillac, P oole Buick, Roy Carver Pontiac, Theodore Robins Ford and University Oldsmobile are participating in the South Coast Plaza show, which will feature 1970 model cars to fit every pocketbook and every need. BIGGEST CHANGES SINCE ITS INTRODUCTION IN 1965 MARK 1970'$ TORONADO Old1mobll1 Give• Front·whffl Drive Entry New, Sleeker Look I l Schools Planning Dances at Plaza --·------------------------------- South Coast Plaza's carousel horses and shops will bt in the background tlliJ coming Satur· day niiht when the Tan from Newport Harbor High School celebrate Uldr lH! H~ coming with a dance at "The Grandest Mall of All." Scheduled to itart at 9: 30 p.m., both students and alum- Boys Club :starts New Book Series Want to discover a new worfd? In fact, mt>mbers of the Boys' Club of the Harbor Area have d<nens or new worlds to discover. "Discovery '70" is tl1e title or • reading program offered by Ca therine Lewis, librarian at the Central Branch of the Boys Club. The primary objecti\'CS are to encourage boys Lo read more, to express opinions about what they a b s o r b through reading and t o develop indindual lhmking processes. Awards will be presenlt>d to boys who earn c e r t a J n numbers of crtdits under the program. character clues bot.~ ~(. w~~ ~~ lttS ~ Tue m._,, "lho pr<fers bow j1iu i5 tx•cting Md elc- ~.i.ntin hi$ tA$ltS,with •n unconscious urge for ~t .... tus in the. world. C ' ms:• r'T TT -g 7 £ ni will keep their cool in the 'i2 ~ee enclosed mall while dancing to the music of the ''Thirteenth Our." 'lbe event at South Coast Plaza ls the first such pro- gram ever to bt held at the shopping ceottr. Jn the in· terest of the community, , South Coast Pin.a offldMa .I noted that It will bt the fOlcy ' of tht plaza to ~ ._ __ more high school student groups to bold their homecom· ing and prom nlghl! at South Coast Plaza. Corona de! Mar aJso plans to bold a similar function at the plaza ln January, according to IC· tivlties director Ken Coury. In charge ot the Newport Harbor eYent are seniors Corinne Hamilton and Dave Jaffe. Les Van Dy~. school activities d i r e c t o r . is coordinating the arrangements for the event. City Backs Smog Fight Plucky Laguna Beach has thrown its supptlrt toward an effort to prc\·ent out-of-court settlement or the federal .smog·rclate<l .suit against ma· JOr c:ir manufacturers. Co unc i lmen h a ve unani mously e n d o r s t d a re.solution 0£ the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. Vi ce Ma yo r J ose ph O'Sullivan said he believed auto manufacturers were at- tempting to gain a lf>-year delay in the face of presc;ure to stop smog Officials or 0 r a n g e . Riverside, \'enlura, L o s Angel es counties in a joint p re s s conferenct Thursday vowed a uni ted front in an at.- tempt to squash t tJ e U.S. .Justice Department's out-of· court SC'! 1 lr ment. The suit is against Ford. Chrysler. General Mo lo rs, American Motors aod the A 11 t omobile ~fanufacture~ Association. It was brought in- llially under the Sherman Antitrust Act after 18 months of secret sessions by a federal grentt-jury. COSTA Ml.IA IUIMA PAH SANTA ANA HUNTIMG10N llACN IOUTN C~T ~ WOPPINO C .. fl'W• HOtCR PLAZA CR .. TEll ttUl'fTIHSTON C•NT•a 0-lt e.m. -t ,.m. ()plll lt e.m. • t 11.m. 0-JO e.m. -t 11.m, Open lO e.m. • t '·"" MenNr """ Frkf•v Moo4•'1 1hn1 Frkf•'I Mell., Wtd .. Fri, Mond•V thni ''*' Tu~s .. Thvre. l2 fl t 11.m. 11 lth ANNIVERSARY SALE REG. $95 Hl6H fASHIOll SUITS 79'° (h005e from a w1d. selection! Classic, Fcrv.ord Foshion, Notural Shoulder and "Shaped'' styles. Some Vested models included. REG. $75 SPORT COAT & SLACKS DUOS 5990 Handsomely coordinoted Sport Coats ond Slacks in High Fashion and Noturol Shoulder shaped models. Select from Tweed,, Herring- bones, Plaid~ . REGULARLY $125 2-TROUSER SUITS ll6r11IJlries, F1~s,C1lors 99 00 Quality, elegance, 1uperb design la what you 'll find in thi5 choice group of Two- Trouser suits for Fall ... included ore im· ported Shorkskin and other fine worsted wool fabrics. Yewr Herri1 It fr••" •11•11 o4 crt4it ecc•1111t le .,.. en• '"'' t• 11M ••• elM h111cA-rlcu4 •• M•ttu Clter1e. lf6. $2 7 .SI to $40 MEI'S FAU SLACKS 22'° l Prt. $40 The .:r eom-of-the-crcp amono f.re quality Slacks. Set them ,., o iuperb 'eleclrc n C1t fabrics, patte rn~ and colors. Rea. S3S Koratron© All-Wuther Co1b 28'° KORA TRON~ PERMANENT PRESS COATS ot Dacron and Cotton Poplin with Z1p·out Ptle liner for extra warmth. arris&Fran SINCE 1856 'Player of Month' Area high schocls arc pickin~ thc:r own '·Piny. er oi the l\1onth" this footlrnll ~ca5on. They b::illol in the Carousel Court oI South Coast Plaza. Intended l o stimulate additional student inlcr- C5't in sc.:hool aclivil1cs and lo give greater reco~ni­ tion to the vnrious area high schools. the South Coast P l:wa spo11sorccl progrnm \':il l last through Thnnksgi\'ing Day. Students and fa culty from the 1.) schools par- l icipating in the program ''ill st lect a Player of the J\Jonth fur Scpi.embcr. October and No\·cmbcr. ~ach P luycr of the l\lonlh froi n the respecti\'C schools ''ill take a place oI hono r in the C..irouscl Court of the Plozn . Lorge ::o inches by 40 blowups of lhe ployer \\ill IJe d bplJ~'l'cl und identified. The photo afler being displ:-iycd "il l be presented to the player along with an appn:pn~llC pl~C(ll l'. A !-.ptc·i;1! bJ llct box has been constructed and 1s locn kd Ill the• C'urouscl Court where each school is iclcnlific•d by n:rnw and school color. Ballots arc :1,·aila ble tiler('. Schon Ir;; p:\rt icip~ling in th e program include: j I lf , v J --1 So·1th Coasi Plaza-3 Honored Co rona dt'I l\1nr, Co sta J\lcsa, Edison, E stancia, Fountain \'allev, llun lington Beach, Laguna Beach, l\larinn. l\l:1tc·~ Dei. Newport Harbor, Saddleback, San Clemrnt(·, Tu:,lin, \'alley and WcstminS'ler. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS CAST BALLOTS IN 'PLAYER OF MONTH' CONTEST Balloting Takes Place in the Carousel Court of South Coast Pla za GAMBERO- NEw • BRIGHT -SMART STRIPED KNIT FABRIC b·1 Shirley Fabr ic of C alifornia • new u sy-care knit fabric •va i!able in 2l e <citing color combin ation. 54-60 inches wid e, washable or dry dean. 5.98 yd. FABRICS SOUTH COAST PLAZA MALL • CAROUSEL LEVEL KNITTING IS A BLAST You'll have a ball with • Brother knitting machine. Come in and try it your- self ... We'll have to pry you away from the fun of it. Of course you can hon one for Christmas. Use Our Loy away! - THE KNIT WIT SOUTH COAST PLAZA Lowtr Level-Opposite Woolworth's COSTA MESA 545-2112 I , I • i •• . I •• I I ! i I , ' I f ' f • I -t-$-011lh Coa~t Pla7..a t 1970 MONTE CARLO FEATURES LONGEST HOOD CHEVROLET M~del Linda East Liu Proves It's 72 Inches from Grille to Windshield from o choin bond too colored d1ol -yov·11 find the latest styles in ttus sole. foch watch feotures o 1 7-~wel. shock-protected movement. l omiled quantity sole ... shop eGrly ! Specially pric ed ot 2~ weisfieldS J EWE!..£'!\ S SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA . ~ . . . ~ . ~ . . ' . 4.. Joyce Presents - The Stackelle I~ '-!..;· Coste Mes. )33a Bristol ----------------------'---------- 5,, ft>; i;) f.::J t) •\ l ·~·.., ~.-J i l(J !:~ !v:r '1-<J 1.~ I JI 5-%--4 ~ 9 ' South Coast Pfa1" - Turn lhe kev, end set in lovely mo- tion -the sound• of music for •II lo hear , .• Swiu h•nd CMvtcl wood Mutic 8 001 with melodiu 1ure to pltHe. Tyrolun girls th1t revolve ••• $11 .SI, Music•! Che1h thtl play ''l ar•• Them•" , •• from $16.00 to S5t.Ot, ll.ovolvin9 Mu1ic hw with peir of encht11tin9 Anri chilclren plavin9 "Lar•s Theme" ••• SU.ts. Tha1t are only • few of the hundred• we ho • for your ulecfion. Ele9•nct b•eomu youra when you ""' encht nlt d 9 ut1h "'ifh thtu Vic- lo rien pitct1 dt1i9r1td in 18 0 bv II.ob· erl Ht n11 ttl in London. Even he woulcl - ,,ol Cj!Ut ll Our& Art copiu , We've rt• protl .. cetl them i11 E~tra Hu "v Silver· pl1ft for you lo u rve bavera9e1, le show off • bouquet, to fill with mi'1fe ••• bufi,.t, to use proudly, to eiv• in impecceblt taste. Shown, Goblet • • . SI t .M, Wine Cups, pair .. 115.ot, Cortlit ls, ut of '4 ..• S1 S.00, W;,., Cou tara ••• $7.'5 end SI0.00. All 9if1 I.ow.cf. Enjoy the di"overy of world-wide gifts in u~iversal 90od tute on a tour throug.h the P•c:• Setter ••• a shop that offers you t he fine st from ihe IHding m•lcers of Chin•, Crystal, Silver and G ifts. • CRYSTAL SILVER • GIFTS COSTA MESA :fiiiiiiiiiilSOUTH COAST PLAZA 540-2627 I I J ., I .I I I ., J t ., ,I . I I " , 1: ..---r -----------· 1 f=S<>uth Coast Plaza I j I i _Costa Mesa .Opens D·rive for Police TOP OF THE LINE -This is the Sport Fury GT, a standard-size perform· ancc cJ r ~nd one of two new top-of-the-line offerings in the Plymou th Fury model. The other new one is the S-23. Sport Fury (shown here) canies a 440 cubic-inch \'-8 as standard engine. ---------------------------~ Store Gets Name, New New Look · Plaza Has Full Slate Of Events Retrul history was made lhis Crodlns !-;tores. One in the new A new recruitment drive to add men to the Costa Mesa Police Department is under way, with an examination scheduled Oct. 25th, according to Chief Roger Neth. department, or writing to the city personnel department, P .O. Box 1200, but Oct. 20 is the submission deadline. Qualifications Include high school diploma and minimum of 60 units or college work, with a C average or better, but JO units may be completed Applications may be ob- tained by calling the police c}((J£ faVJi11~ a_p~1l'tt ttittktfie/;JQ_~ ~ ~ 5ippe<i, ,., •• ~-lf '•lll 1hiul.. .. rwu "uiler" ,uwa11• l.wlk, wciµ:ht .. ind h.l f:i;••i:<' h:111dli11g drl.1, .:, i11ll'Qi111ce YOllr· 'I . • • E1•1fto 1hc L:irh. Tripprr. You \ C'an /rnng gr, er.1l •11ilE imi<l• u~ neat us you plrMr, a nil flo"· rver~ ll1i11 ~ el~r ~ 1111 w•r1J into l'-0 c)lll,.idr. l1•11·l..!'I& lh.it l'lCJN1111[ hn 0 1111 h1 li• (, Me~ er LctdlH S11it or 19 50 Dress lot • Mem., Ladiet TrlppH wittl 2 25 OQ pockets • B. A. The new car show now in progress at South Cost Pln~a ls one of many acti vities scheduled to take place at •·rhc Grandest Mall oC AU" this month. week when Mullen & Bluett , Fashion Valley Sh o pp i 11 g f~' an 86-year-old apparel firm, (' s ~ Use Yo11 r B1111lwmcricarcL or Master Clrn1·ye h d i G I. c111l•r .'an Diego, and a new (< c ange ts nnme to .r0< ms. '·flagship" store 1n Downtown "-~ The new name became of· San rrancisco. ''\ ficial with the installation of .. new Grodins signs at the South These ll\O new unils will ~,. Coast Plaza store 111 Costa bring the Lotal to 28 slores in SOUTH COAST PLAZA during the p r o b a t i o 11 a r y period. Prospeclive policemen m:iy be between 20 and 35 years old, weighing 155 to 250 pounds, with a proportiooate barefoot height of five feet, nine inches lo six feet , five in- ches. I I . Follo\,;ng the exl1ibit of new cars, which concludes Salur· <lay. Oct. 18, will be the Harbor Area Girl Scouts cx- ltibil in the Carousel Court. Mesa. California and make GrO<lins Upper Le .. 4 AddiLional Grodins signs the largest group of privately IRISTOL At UN DIECiO fWY. -COSTA MESA PHONE 540·3110 have been installed on 11 olhcr owned specialty stores In the The Costa Mesa Art League moves into the plaza the following week for its annual three-<lay fall show, Oct. 23-25. Thi s show is one of the area's most extcnsh·e art shows and will hare more exhibitors than at ils spring showing at the plaza this year. Mullen & Bluett s t or e s nation. ~-~,;_,:S~~§..,.._;,, ..... ~~~JB.\~~~ -~~-~-~~Jii~~~)?iV-/!'\ t h r o u g h o u t S o u l h e r n 1;================================================================:;;;;:;:;;=::::;:::::==.=:=====~ California. j Expo 'iO opens the Wl'rk or Oct. 27 and lasts through Nov. 5. There ''ill be \ arious <':t- hibit.s. The Oriental Zodiac will also be Jnoperation, and by IBM computer the ye::irly cycles of those who wish to know tl1eir zodiac will be pro- jected. Fortune cookies also ~ill be passed out to plaia tbopptrs. Concluding the monU1-lona calendar of activity will be Sunset Magazine's nhiblt of western bomu. This display, tlhlch will bt set up Oct. 27 a.nd last throuib Nov. I, will ~ featurt<l ln the Carou~l CGurt. "The curiosity created by1 1he original announcement ot 1 the name change hns been amazing." said Sid Eder, local store manager. · · P e op I , en•rywhere ha\ e been askrng1 me the same question, '\\hen1 nre you going to change thc1 nJmc?' l\ow lhry ha\ e lhcl a11.'>wer," he .'>aJ<l. J\lullen & Bh1etl w a s pui-rhased in July, 1968, by Grodin!i, a 60-year-o ld apparel organization with 14 men's and women's fa~hion stcres in Northern California. I This f:iU will see further ex· p:insion in both Northern an0 Southern California. Scheduled for opening this month 1nd1 No,·tmbtr are Lwo n e W' Another Firm Ups Newsprint PORTLAND, Ort. (UPJ) - P Gf«ata-Paclfic Corp. has an-Opulafion Up noonctd a$& per ton prlet Jo- creas. for newsprioL RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) -Tht bOOlt ls elftctivt Jan. l THERE'S A SPECIAL AFOOT: JM'S PUMP REGULARLY 20.00 NOW 15.90 MID OR LOW HEEL IN BLACK, BLUE, RED, GRE~ BROWN OR TAN KID. JM SHOES. JOSEPH MAGNIN 'lbt populaUon of Brl3il will on shlpmtntl tram tbt com·. reach 13.1 miWon by not ~ pany'1 Woodland. Mable; mill ... , '"' •• Hut\ ..... ,, ... , ltrf1tel •• "" ili11• ,, ...... y. '"" f11hie11 ·~Ulrl -'• "'""' l:y, the official Institute of and folJow~ slmllar nctnt ID-1ne114'1y, thur14'1y en4 frl4'1y ltiot t1 t :l O, t;mley, we4n .. 41y 1114 uht~•., IO:M te 6100. StaUatiGI zepenecL .• ~ , , • . , • ut..., . , ·-·-· _. ·-·-·-·-·-· _. _. _. ·-·-·-·-· _. _ .... · ·-·-·-·-·----~-----------"---------------------' -------·- DREAM ON. COTTON ·NIGHTGOWNS, ·· ;.""f.' •. • :.~.; BRUSHED .,..~~. ·-~ ~_,,. · :_ . -.~·-NIGHTGOWNS, . . _, TRI COT SETS. VALUES FROM 9.00 TO 11.00, NOW 5.90 18 6.90. IN GREAT STRIDE. TAILORED WOOL ta:: FLANNEL PANTS IN A MULTITUDE OF PLAIDS, SOLIDS AND CHECKS. VALUES TO 23.00, NOW 14.91 THE BIG COME IN ......,_ JOSEPH MAG NIN...._...._.... SPECIALS~ WHOLE HANDFULLS (ANO SHOULDERS, TOO). 0 P SUPER BAGS IN ASSORTED LEATHERS, REPTILES ANO CRUSHED PATENTS. VALUES! FROM 16.00 TO 34.00, NOW I FRGI 10.90 Tl 21.90. I I J ·' ·, I • • ----------_______ _.. I-South C(}ast Plaza WORLD'S LARGEST -Cndillac's Fleetwood Eldorado for 1970 maintains (·ln1>:-.ic: look of its predecessors with only minor changes in grille. li ghting and !'>.de moldlllg. Big slory is the 500 cubic-inch engine which produces 400 J1 0r!>C· p0\\ t'l' to dri\·c the largest produc'lion passenger car in the worl d. Side mold- rn gs ha\ c 'inyl im.erts color keyed to vin~ J roofs on all Flcetwocd models. El- tl M:itlo gnllc is conlincd to center areaof front end to emphasize massivcne<>s of ho:Kl and engi ne compadment. '• de~o1·ato•· line ... WALL SYSTEMS L1~1T AS S!-€0WH f'4'' LO[.JG WOODTONE 3C9.50 COLOR 267.50 CO~JT EMPORARY ACCE NT LIGHTS C dsf.,nd onq •dec•;on of o,;, g:nol des 9n1 -Mv1h1ocm>, A 'ornt •I'd r~und globe. of $ .... eduh gfau that Cdlh ligh t ~venlv but indirectly over a la•9• a•t•. l h r e• "'"V > .. dches ellow ~ou lo choo•• tf.e b1i9hlnta you dt1i1e. I ~5 Different W di Unih 144 Co!or Ccmbinations Unl!mited Arraru)ements Vlhich Adds Up To Th e Larged, Mosi Com pied C? \'./a 'l Sys+em Anywhere. Low<:r Moll Level 540-7777 W.AS1ER CHARG ( IAUr AMfRICARD The Son Die90 Fwy., Costa Mesa UDOFF'S and SYROCO Present the Newest MIRROR SETS r r TRADITIONAL GOLD 4 Piece Set Includes Mirror ,, -··· ~ . .. , ~ f 1 -Table Wall Sconces A TREMENDOUS VALUE AT ONL Y f • H·9ll 9ht ,cir rr·'''"<• I, II I. ~g <• d.n;rg 1oe.-1 ,,.,h tlrtf f r o q .. 1;1v ~yroco sc '• 1 M orl'r ( ~"" t MEDITERRANEAN BLACK f><OCUl of hand f1oil.or 9 -M o110• 1 ••e c vt fro m 1clec:l•d gl~u .... th electroplated copptr btH~ for tlie image fid•lily. l arge u ledio.ir d cloch end wall .cceu oritt ••e CONTEMPORARY WALNUT 0 IANKAMERICARD 0 TIME PLAN e MASTIR CHARGE e IANK TERMS SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA l\IESA Lowrr.Le~el~Across from Woolworth'• her• •n .li1play lo help yov wit li icleu to 9ive your hom• ti et Je· eirecl "clecoutor loud.," Come i11 tocleyl PHONE: 546-6812 "SHOP AT HOMll• ~ lervke GRAND PRIX STYLING INFLUENCES CATALINA AND OTHER PONTIACS Executiv• and Bonneville Models Also Get Grand Prix Features for 1970 TOP PERFORMER IN BUICK STABLE FOR 1970 IS THE GS 455 New 445 Cubic-inch, four-barreled V-8 is Standard Power Plant ANNUAL x Q ;. -~ 7? ( wool swe,lft~ Skim_ po.nts Rl6. ; 13 to 111 ., u 8 z x Q g. • ... n 0 .. 0 ~ ~ Cl L • "" I .. "' N • FLORSHEIM RAMBLERS Outlaw ... Blad< T e>dured Calf, Ta upe Textured Calf, Green •nd Frost Trim. 22.95 lo99er ••. Black Calf, Guer01 ey Caviar Antiqued Calf. 21 .95 South Coast Plaza-9 what smash ways to go traveling anywhere, anytime 'udeS ~arneit ~~~eo~·.c,~~ .3~33 Bristol St., South Coaat P1111, C.0..• .Me.a . . . . ----------- • I t I I I • l~uth Coast Plaza Museular Ent,1·y A11aon9 GTO's Ponliac's 1970 offering among grand prix transportalion is prettily displayed but it has a lot more to ofler than the sculplured front end assembly. Poni.iac GTO for '70 abo fcaturl'S plen ty of horses un der Lhat hood with a 400 cubic inch d1 :pl::lccmcnt V-8 en~i nc a~ standard equipment. ------- Prep Shop SPORT ~I COATS • South Coast Plaza l lJl lrlsrol err SCM Dirao Fteeway 541 ·9521 EARRINGS Pi9fted & riercH Loall T ailored e.1rriogs. Hoops in u. sorted styles, colors. Dainty p osl"I, buttoM. Slim swingen. l4 kt gol<l filled e:irwires. f........ ...<A' ... ·:-•.-.... i+fO .............. ": ...... ·:·· • ~· 'Wiro 1li'h lr.tirwr, tl1 1i1T0n.1r•l tr.w, 1 11lkn· l 11(', '''·'JI dun am.1 ~i11I. ~11.1i11a. 1,111 _.1lurj. r ,. ! . ! I l f &. .. Req. 99c Point kit ... RDllER AID TRAY 77c Paint the quick. easy, dean way. Co!or l>lntp'y rolls on - no mes>! L'se with aU paints. ... ".:;(«,: c•:~H,,.'.:, • ,_.n,: .• ,, .. ,.,.,.,: .... ~''"' f rr"' ... ,,,,. •tleeri , •• ,, CllDYllRS l!icea. ~ ,.,..~1 Jlicl1, luscious cbocolAle C'OV· t·1ctl fa\'oritcs lo swccl1•n '(Jl1r 1ruicktime. Seti these an<l 1i1ore. i 'l'lle wlll•I••~. .. CllRIWlllO 1.• Triple frame with Jarge 'Zipper section, two wide _pocket.9, Soft vinyl ill llSsortt:d colors. WRIST WATCHES t. .~·:?S' & Men'' $699 VALUES TO $7.95 Choose sport or drl'SS watchrs with ~"nn, snakl' or le:ith. er lmuls. Silve1 or golrl <'olol'f, Dl'peodable SwillS mol'emcnl!J. SOUTH COAST PLAZA lll&Slllll s1 VALUES TO $3 Luci!~ in many colors, woods: wed<liog bands, stone-set en- gal(ement types, dinner ringr, b irthstones, friendship~, more. . ~.J Jle9. Ne! Salet1,. • Bill Ill lie ...... ,, JI unere<:ls of tiny suction cup& for safety grip, tub or ·11oor. Sturdy vinyl; choice o{ colors. SHCP EVERY EVE. e MON., FRI. 'TIL 9:30 p.m. SAT. 'TIL 9:00 p.m. Ask Abovt O•r loy-oy -H• Cvrryll19 CIHnte f•.., South Coad Plaza-11 GRODI: NS ''.: Last Day Saturday! ; _ _.,.,i:l Get-Acquainted Off er From Grodins A$25GIFT CERTIFICATE With The Purchase AERODYNAMIC DESIGN 1s 'IN' w arH FORD'S TORINO GT SPORTSROOF Of Any Of These Hood Scoop, Dual Racing Mirror,, Other 'Hot Car' Orna ments a re Standard -------------1 Famous Suits 3 Days Only! Select group of QualiCraft Dress andCasualS were 6.99 to 10.99 now 56C?c, aao Take your choice from 1 selection of new this-season atyles, from our regular atock . . · Choose funtlme looks or 1ophistic1ted ttylea. ~ Atduced for this aptclal 1v1nt only, to bring you savings on fresh 1ho1 fashions you love. PETROCELLI • GGG • EAGLE TIMELY• CRICKETEER DOMINIC D'BRUZZI Select any suit from our regular atoclc at regular prices of $100 or more and receive a $25 Gift Certificate with our compliments. And your choice of suits is unlimited. All neweit Fall atyles including shaped silhouettes, slngle breasteds, double breasteds-even vested models. You may use your $25 Gift Certificate to purchase color coordinated acce11orin for your n.w auit or It may be uaed like cuh In 1ny department lncludlng our Women'• Shop. Hurrytla1tch1ncetotake advantage of thl1 very apeclal offer. It'• Juat Ilk• geHlng '2'5 In merchandise FREEi Formerly Mullen l Bluett SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA SOUTH COAST PLAZA -C.... W.N ANAHllM -... iwey·Aft"'1tl• C1t1t1r . t • t ~ 1 U-South Coast Plaza Rolls·R•11~e Offet·s Models Classic Silver Shadow of the RoUs-Roycc Jine for 1970 is shown wiU1 long- wheelbase fonnaJ sedan (foreground) and elder members of the family, the convertible and (right) CDacb-built coupe. when it comes to FINE TAILORING ,· • Alt.-rotloM for Mta •d Wo-4! • S.ltl •11d Sloc:kt ........ 1194 e N•fow lo,.tl -4 SM.kl•" H CCMltl e •-PIMti, Topor Lott e C oott lell1194 e Cootl, Dr"Mt SllorteM41 e !111..-t Pr-11 lowNYi119 e A'"'111t •f Iii.ct., hnoMILffttMf c ... , ... , 1.11.,..i CUSTOM MADE DRESS SHIRTS Suitt • Coah • Sl1clc1 ,., ••t ta,..-M !Mii -In MNt ti ....,, ouct .,.. • ..,.._.._ '' .....,, lltl-•n4 weevea. MMttt Telle" Mlf ""'"· HIHWr.., ,..,,.. finish ~..,..,_ w ~ "' "~ " ~ .,_, me..P ...... ALL GUARANTEED WORK HUNTINGTON IEACH ............. .,.. ..... 14'·1t11 REDCROSS SRO ES CAMEO SHOES "The Fashion Shop That Fits You " I LACK LEATHER TAN LEATHER BLACK PATENT BLACK LEATHER • COBBIES • SOCIALITES SOUTH COAST f'LAlA AAA.A A AA 111' I\ o C O l.owtr Mell oy Th• W•ttnall 7-10 I 6!1-IO I 51/,-11 I ''··· I ... IJ I S1~·10 I 51, .• f'HOHf: 14'·~21 t hath Coast ?taza KAPLAN'S RESTAURA,NT-DELICATE$SEN & BAKERY • Breakfast • lunch • Dinner BANQUET FACILITIES FOR UP TO 150 For Any Occasion Our Famous Meat Platter OUR FAMOUS MEAT PLATTER INCLUDES • Corned BHf e Rout Beef • Turkey e B•k~ Ham • Peppu Beef e ... ftlus, Gobs of Pot•to S•lad and Cole Slaw ••• A11orted Che.Ht ••• Rel· ishH .•. All Beautifully Garnlahed and O.Corat~ ••• Also lnclud.d Are BrNtl anti Dinner Rolle ••• Ph.11 Complimenhlry wder .t Miniature 0."9th. Oft&N 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. WE DELIVER $ 75 PER P!RSON FISH PlA TTERS $2. 75 PER PERSON Phone 540-9022 SOUTH COAST PLAZA -BRISTOL AT SAN DISGO PWY. LOWER LEVEL -NEXT TO MAY CO. COSTA MISA , ............ , ..... . ' ~ 4 j INDUSTRY'S TOP INTERMEDIATE CLASS SELLER IS CHEVELLE New look for 1960 in SS 396 is Bokf, Racy, Includes Cowl Inductor I NEW POWER -American Motors' Rebel SST models for 1970 cJn be t•quipped 1 \'.1\h line's biggest engi ne-a 390 cubic-illl'h po" er plant which develops :t.~3 1 1 horsepowe r. It's a four-barreled V-8. THEY SHOIH.D B£ EXAMINED AT LEAST ONCE A ~tAN Putting off eye chedups can 50~­ times be dangerous .•. did you ~now that your vision can change wit hin a few months? Ma~e an appoi.,trnent with u~ today! OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: • Contact lensM e low Vision Aidt e Eytt e .. l'NMd e Glat!;es Fitted AS K ABOUT OU" CONTACT LENS TRIAL WEARtNG ,.LAN e F~,;t Laboratory Service • Prescription Sunglutet 540-1171 fre111 C•"• Mew wc,.,,.e•t DR.1£1NARD SIMoM OPTOllTIST ZE 7-1038 ,,_ L .. lllMI 496-1213 fre4'9 S.. Cl1111111t1 MAY CO. llDQ. SOUTH COAST PLAZA South Coast PlaUl-13 ~CLEARANCE \._~:>:'-~~ ~ THIS IS THE LAST of the BIG ONES 'til CHRISTMAS ! Early Fall and late Summu· hems ••• REDUCED 40°10TO15°10 OFF REGULAR PRICE SOLID and FLORAL JEANS Regular to 9.00 ·----.:--.......-.-- -. -- WOOL, POLY and KNITS PANTS Regular to 20.00 ----------- -. --.. ,..-..... ------------- CREPE -COTTON BLOUSES Regular to 17.00 ---- 400 to aoo -----~--. ----. WOOL · KNIT SKIRTS Regular to 19.00 HELENCA ·COTTON TOPS Regular to 12.00 700 t• goo 381 to 588 COORDiNA TES 1 I 3 10 1 I 2 OFF REG. MICE! W. Wekome .! BANKAMERICARD MAST~ CHARGE or STORE CHARGES I I 1 14-South Coast Plaza SLEEK ANO NEW -It's tile Duster, Clddccl to the Plymouth \'aliD11l lmc fo r 1!170. The all-new compact offers a slic:k look in styling tlwt is far d1llerc11t I • t 111 the standard tou r-door \'ali<.lnt sedan. A Jugh performance Duster 340 :t'"o ts m·.1i lable. OPAQUE -CANTRECE SHEER OR MESH 99 PAIR CHOICE OF 35 COLORS BUY ONE DOZEN GET ONE PAIR FREE BIKINI CANTRECE PANTY HOSE DEMI -TOE Available in 10 Co!ors 249 ALSO BAREFOOT PANTY HOSE LEOTARDS and TIGHTS Complf!tt LiM by Oanskin 10 COLORS 12 STYLES TOE SHOES -BALLET SHOES HOSIERY SOUTH COAST PLAZA lrluel et tlle Set1 Diet• FrHw•~ Upper Mell 11ert te May Ce. COSTA MESA 540-4997 Ma11. ttlra Fri. 11 te t :Jt-s.t. 11 ta 6 Who Will Be The South Coast ?tua PLAYER ~Je MONTH? Orange County high school students and faculty of the 15 schools listed below will elect their foot ball "Pla_rer-of-thc-~1onth." One will be selected for SEPTEMBER, another in OCTOBER and a third winner for NOVEMBER. Jl uge photographs of each winner will be displayed Ill the C'nrou~cl Court 111 the South Cou~t PIJLa STUDENTS AND FA CUL TY VOTE NOW IN THE CAROUSEL COURT PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS CORONA on M.O HIGH SCHOOL COSTA MESA HIGH SCHOOL IOISON HIGH SCHOOL ESTANCIA HIGH SCHOOL FOUNTAIN VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL HUNTINGTON IEACH HIGH SCHOOL LAGUNA HACH HIGH SCHOOL MARrNA HIGH SCHOOL MATU DEi HIGH SCHOOL NEWPORT HARIOR HIGH SCHOOL SADOLEIACIC HIGH SCHOOL UN CLEMENTE HIGH SCHOOL TUSTIN HIGH SCHOOL VALLEY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL WESTMINSTER HIGH SCHOOL $outh Coast ?taza Brlstol at San Diego FrHway, Costa Mesa - We invite you to attend an investment lecture and complimentary breakfast Mery c, So.th Coast Plcaa alHI 511...-son, Hon111till & Co. invite you to attend the lecture, "The Seven Common Erron of the Investing Public''. presented by Mr. Ron B. McAdam, in- vestment executive and lecturer. Thia thoughtful and provocative presentation is designed for the serious and would-be investor alike. It includes many sub .. iech of current interHt, such as: • Mutual Funds • Security Selection by Objective • Inflationary Hedging • Unit Investing Join us in the May Co Tearoom Tuesday, October 2 I st at 9: 30 a.m., or on Thursday. October 23rd at 9: 30 a .m. Please call for reservations, 6'44 -24'42. ext. 20 I, May Co South Coast Plaza rnoy co south coast plaza, san dieqo freeway at bristol, costa mesa; 546-9321 shop monday Jthrough saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. MAVCC> -....... __ ..... -------· .. -. . . ... :......---------------------------------------~~~~~~--~ SoutfJ Coast Pl&f.a-15 ' l I c ~ ' • • c 4 • 4 ~ 1 l I ~ r t t l ~ ------·----- 11--S<>uth Coast Plaza \ \ \ ,~ I' l · lj \i ..,.~ I - \ may co south coast plaza, san diego fwy at bristol, costa mesa; 546 . 9321 shop monday through 1aturday I 0 a.m. io 9:30 p.m. \ ·\ t. ·:. '!. • CHEMISE LA COSTE David Crystal', famed chemi5e designed in Dacron11 po~yester For t he sport sophisticole. The C l,emise L, C oste with t he famed allligotor insign:a. lmmedio ~ely recognizable. Simp ly designed. v\/ith o fla t tering, easy fit. Wear it b )ltcd or not. In Dacron"' polye!;te r o~ford stitch kni t tha t pad-:;,_ wa shes, wear~ everywhere. That's the C hern;se La Co ~te. Sizes I 0 to 18 3b.OO :3. plain belted dre~::; broV1n, sa pphire blue, fl:im:ngo r:)d b ',h ipe:l t ied d'e~s. red on:J r ivy, pine green a:id cream rrJy co town t'l -d h .:ivel sl1op 41 MA'VCC>