HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-16 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa,.
• ssau ts esa Ir '
Headless Chichen Bies
• .In Twice '
.. ,.
Two Teens l(ill Selves
Mesa Gii·l
As saulte-d
Nea1· School
A be~pectaclrd boy whn allegcdly fore·
('d a IO-year-0ld school girl lo undress ;it
k"lifepoint a nd raped her in a 1\·cedy fielrl
near Costa f\le sa High School \\ledncsday
is sought by police lod.'.ly.
The victim -her i.:lo1hing matted \\'Ith
dirt and gra~s -reported the ;:iltack 10
::;chool authorities. police. di.<;c loscd today.
Officer Harlan Pauley said the child
\r;is \.\'al king between the Orange County
Fairgrounds and Fairview Road on her
'"ay to school "'hen approached by the
She s:11d he askt•d her 11 h.it ti1nr it Y:.1.o;,
!hen said he needed her help. and finally
torced her into the licld wi1l1 a small red
1)()cket knife.
"Don't scrrarn or I'll kill you ," she
f1Uoted the youlh, dcseribcd as 18 lo 21l
years ol d. <1s saying as he tOflk her to the
spn\ '''hcrr lh,.. rape occurred. .
Tht. girl s;11d she 11;is !ilru1·k 1r1 lhr
~tomoch and Lice and lort'l'd lo dJ~robc
;ind l\r down bct1Vt'Cll \l\O n1ounds or
earth, 1vl11ch hid thcn1 rron1 view.
~he al so s:i1d he ..:;ovcrcd her facr. \\'llh
her blouse in an ;1pparcnt attenipt 10
keep her rrom being able lo recognize
hin1 later.
After being questioned by Delecl11·c
Linda Geisler, the youngster 11•as turned
over In rcl;i livcs and taken to lhe family
physician for trea1n1ent.
T eens Kill Selves
With Gas F 11111es
In 'P ea ce' Move
BLACK\VOOD, N. J. (AP) -Two high
~chool classmates, a boy and girl, were.
round dead in a fume-filled au tomobile
Thursday, leaving behind a string nf
notes saying they had died 1n the name of
Authorities said they co m m i 11 r. d
suicide. Both had attended a Vietnam
tiloratorium observance al Glassboro
Sh1te College \Vcdnesday.
The victims, Craig Badiali, 17, and
.loa n Fox, 17, both seniors at 1-li~hl;in~
Regional High School, were found in the
B::idiali family car.
Camden County fitedical Investigator
'111omas R. Daley said they had been
dead about 12 to 15 hours when their
bodies were di sco vered abollt 9:30 a.m.
A vacuum clea ner ho.~e had been con.
necled to the exhaust of the car through
a hole drilled in the floor.
Daley said 24 notes v.1erc beside their
The notes, written to their parent~.
s<'hool officials, classmates, and friend~
expressed unhappiness over lhc. con·
dit inns of the world. were anti war and
i>aid they hoped people \V0t1Jd learn fron1
:ht•m, sa id DRlcy.
··Edu~atio11 Day~ at UCI
Without an Enemy to Confront, A Day of 'Education ,' Nol 'Demonstration'
Irvine Protest Goes Off
With No Fuss , No Noise
01 !ho Dtll~ "llol $1•11
Black armbands syn1bolize a qui('1 pro-
tes t. Thal's the way It \11<1s on the UC
Trvine ca1npus Wednesd<1y, 1hc day rif
The student organize rs had planned it
lo be 11 day of education, not demonStra.
llol'. There v.•as no Immediate enemy 10
confront. The ene1ny, unseen, \Yas the
Vk•tnam "'ar.
An eslima ted 1,500 students allcndcd
rin afternoon rally . It 11-"as n big lhrong
but the :speakers did not shout and the
students listened almost sere nely._
Student Ann Doyle, chairman o( 1.he
University Mo ratorium Comnti11.ec, 1.(1.ld
thrm this time the organizers had con·
centratcd on educa tion bUt that lhry
\1·ould like to take activities off campus
n(.'xt monlh.
An (.'arlier-p!anncd march llJ a 11-;1r Jn.
du~lry planl had been rancclrd.
Durini:t: the moratonum rallv. F-:i1hrr
f.d Allen of University lntcrfa.1th at UC
lr1in,.. offC'rcd these words:
"We're here to comn1crnorate 68S ,34{)
1ncn \\'ho have lost their lives on both
sides. It is possible double lhal number of
civllians iil so have perished. \Vc'rc here
jSee UC I PHOTEST, Puge 21
Thi' fourth in a scric~ of five reports hy
DAlLY f'I LOT financial cOll1mnist Sylvia
l'Orll'r, analyzing lhr 1969 economy 1n
«Qrnp;irLson l r1 !he 1~2:) 1'.ilock market
1 r:ish :in~I l\'orlri dcprrss10n which follov•·
•'rl i!. will he /ound in today's paper on
l'agt 26.
• '
Laird Confident
Of 60% Pullout
Within Two Years
Secretary Melvin R. La ird says he is con·
fident !hat 60 percent of U.S. troops in
Vietna1.1 -rough ly 300,000 men -can be
\11ilhdrawn in Jess than two years.
''There is no qu estion about it," sa id
Lai rd in an inter11icw on National Educa.
tonal Televistlon taped Oct. 13 and
broadcast Wednesday night.
Laird's statement WA~ in reply to 11
question by correspondent Paul Niven
y,·ho asked.
"Do you really believe that Viet-
namlzation ca n reach the point within a
reasonable time. a year or two, that all
American combat troops can b c
withdrawn, leavi ng perhaps air and
ground :stlpporl ?"
The Pentagon chief. howcvr>r. declined
lo set a timetahle for withdrawals.
Us . forces in Vielnam numbered SOS,lilll'I
Ocl. 9, of which Just over 300,000 are
co1nbat troops.
* * * 10' * * *
VOL. a . 1110 ..... I SECTIONS", M ,.,, ... ,
for 'Peace'
S11bdued by Blotvs
Drugged Youth
Attacks Mother
An apparently drug·crazcd Garden
Grove youth attacked both his mother
and a police oHice r with a butcher knife
\Vedncsday night in a fracas that erupted
over a supper table argun1enl.
rt look several bl ows frorn lhe officer's
baton to subdue the 17-year-old youlh who
is now lod ged in juvenile hall. No .injuries
were suffered by his mother or the of·
The boy 's mother lol<l police her son
\11ent berserk when she accused bim 011er
the supper table of fa iling to keep his
pro1nise to stay off <lrugs. She said the
boy immediately sei1.ed the bul(.'hcr knife,
sprang over the table and pursued her
around the kitchen.
The screaming woman ran to a
neighbor's house for protection and rallrd
police. Her son returned to lhc fainily
If eadless Chick e1t
Lives 38 Hours
In Hunting ton
01 lftt Ot ll1 l"l'-1 Sl1tl
Harlan Hall's v•hite hen died this week.
The fir~t limr was at :I a.m. f.tonday
when a brazen raccoon broke into the
chicken coop behind Hall's home at 16862
A SL. 1-lunllngton Beach, and chewed olf
the chicken's head.
It died the sccond lime at 5 p.m. Tues-
day when Hall got out a long knife and
administered the roup de grace.
For the period of 38 hours between lhe
first death and the second. the hen had
literally been runn ing arou llll like a
ch icken wilh its he;id cul orr.
Hall first found U1e headless chicken
standing in line \\•ilh ils coopmates
wailing to be fed.
"It was unbelievable." he said. ''I
thought I was having the DTs."
But it was true. The chicken ran
aimlessly around the yard when prodded,
followed by the curious Pepi, Hall 's yelp-
ing black toy pood!e.
Many stories have circulated about an
occasiona l chicken doing a few laps
around the fowler's stump after being
beheaded hy the ax, but it isn't often th at
one keeps going as long as Hall 's
headless chicken did.
Hall, a musician, said he came home
late Sunday night from an engagement
·when he found the raccoon in the chic.ken
"lie gro""·lc<l nt n1c and 1 wns a little
nfraid and caHcrl the police. Two of the
chickens were dead and he WAS workinR
f)n lhe third one y,·hen the police and the
humane officer flna lly got him out," he
(Set CIUCKEN, P•gt Z)
home still waving the knife and shoutin1
unintelligible threats.
An invrstigaling office r said the bo~
burst out of !he home \11hcn he knoc ked a'
the door "and look several crazy swiJX't
at n1e. lie beha11cd like a mad man and i
\1·as hard to make out just y,•ha t he wa1
The off icrr said he was forced to u.o.1
his baton to quell lhc angry youth an1
:c;trur k him "several sharp blows II
quiet hi mdown ." The hoy was disarm
ed and transpo rted to juvenile hall.
No R ecom·se
For Orioles
i\'F,\V YOHK lt\P) -Commiss1oiw1
Row1t> !\uh u rutrd there could be no Ar>
peal but the batte red Ball in1ore Orio!e1
.ind baseball ~till seethed wi th l'Onlrover
"'Y Thursday over the play at first bast
1hat gave the New York 1\1ets a 2-1 victor]
in the fou rth World Series ~ame.
"The game is official and that is th:il,'
said Kuhn. "This is " Judgment play
There is no appeal. The game is over
Nothing can be done about it."
The issue arose when a photo ~ Thi
t.snx:iated Press shoy,·rd J. C. ti-1art1n
!\lets pi nch-hiller, running to the left a
the foul line a couple of strides before h•
\V:JS hit on the left y,·risl by a ball throwt
by Balt lmor pitcher Pelc Richert. Set
spurts for details, page 2.2 today.
Orange Coas&
We ather
Don't look now. but the rainy
season is about to slarl. Those
in a position to know arc pre-
dicting a 50 percent chance or
precipitation for the Orange
Coast tonight and Friday.
Wh i/P 2.non Orn11Qe Cou ntu
Rep1'blican 1oon1en clle.trcd,
Sen. Bartu Goldwater urged Tt•
sumptioll of Ame rica1~ bombing
of Nortl~ Viet11a m ill a1~ A na·
hei11' speech. Page 10.
(111•••1• •
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Lodge: 'Y 011r Move' One Soviet
Hanoi Demands Spaceship
Pullout Dates Bacl{ Home
PARIS (AP) -~lanol called on Pres_l·
dent Nixon today lo announce his.
• · · thnetable for the wllhdrawal of all U.S.
troop~ frotn Vietnam. U.S. An1bassadur
llenry Cabot Lodge replied it is., "up lo
vour side to make lhe next move .
• North Vietnamese A1nba~sador Xuan
·-'thu}. just back lrom a lengthy vis'1t to
J!anoi, told the 38th plenary session of the
P ciris peace talks that U.S. Secretary of
_State \Villiam P. Rogers said last v.·cck
'l>restdent Nixon had a umctab\c fur
troop y,•ithdrawal in mind .
•·11 I.he Nixon adn1lnistration really
wants to end the war and already has a
timetable for the total withd rav•al ()/ t; S.
troops fron1 South Vict~am, t~en ,1•hy
does it not clare make tl pubhc as n:·
quested ~y the American people?" he
"It is nol Oic announcement of !he
timetable of U.S. troops withdrawal
which prolongs the war bul it is because or hi:; JlClllcy or war prolongation that
President Nixon dares nol <111nounce the
t imetable of troop withdrawal."
. Thuy asked why, if the United Slates
can send men to the n1oon at the speed of
-a rocket, does it "only want to \\'ithdraw
lts ltoops , , , at a snail's pace? ll is
FBI Picks Up
Beacli Man in NY
On $6,000 Theft
A Huntington Beach man and his «0111·
panion from f\<1alibu were picked 11p hy
FBI agents at Kennerly lnlernatlo~al
Airport in New York \Vedncsday, with
$6,000 worth of allegedly slolen furs.
Authorities booked them on a charge o{
receiving stolen goods moving in ln·
terstate commerce and they were ar-
raigned before a U.S. commissioner.
The men were identified as Donald
Rolls. 30, Huntington Beach, and
Theodore Williams, 40, both of \\'hon1 arc
111\egedly linked to a $~1 ,000 Los Angeles
theft on Monda y.
Investigators for the Queens County,
N.Y. burglary detail and the Port
f Authority po lice said Rolls and \V i!liams
had a rootlocker containing four ntink
coats when they arrived.
Del.ails of the. big fur theft \vhi ch
reportedly occurred !\1onday \I' e r e
sketchy today , as authorities conlJoued
the investigalion.
Dan Gurney Quits
Ford, Will Race
Witl1 Plymoutl1s
Special to the DAILY PILOT
LOS ANGELES -Costa f..tcsa's Dan
_ Gurney today ended a racing relationship
·with ford fo.1otor Company and took up
with Plymouth.
Gurney announced at a news con-
ference that he and his protcgc, Swede
!"a,·age of Santa Ana, "'ill race a pair of
Plymouth Barracudas in the 1970 SCAA
Tfans-American Rnnd Hace Series.
Gurney v.·111 also dn\"e a Plymouth
Roadrunner in the tv.·o stock car races al
Riverside International Racev.·ay-. "'hPrc
he has v.·on five ot seven 500-1nilers for
l-"ord since 1963.
Gurney JMailed hi.'> o1he r raring plan.~
;i s follows; he "tl prob<ibly dri\e a turbo·
Offy at Indiana polis, a Chevy.pov.•ered
group-7 sports racer on the Canarlian·
Amrrican cha!len~e cup series and "nn. I
won't" on 1he formula 1 grand pr ix:
Gurney admitted th;:il l.hrec 01her fa c-
tories had approached him \•lith proposals
to drive their Trans-Am cars next year.
Since he is leaving Ford, it is belirved
thl'! other three factories are American
?llotors, Dodge and Chevrolet.
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precisely because it does not in fact want
to withdraw its troops at all, ra ther it on-
ly wants to prolong the war."
Thuy said that because Nixon has not
fulfil1ed the peace promises he made dur-
ing his election campaign "he Is now fac-
inz-the opposit ion move1nent of the
Amerlcan people. a movement on a na-
tionwide scale, the. strongest and most
\1·idcspread ever known fn the United
Stales ... "
'"The Amcric<1ns who parl1cipalrd in
the Ckt. J5 activities (i\1oratorium D<ty)
underlsa nd they arc contributing to the
prornpt cessation of the war. They will·
continue lo overcome obstacles of all
kinds to go farther forv.·ard," he con-
linued .
Lodge , reviewing the reco rd of the
t:o1\ks since they began, said 1-lanoi and
the provisiona l revolutionary govern-
ment, (Viet Cong l have blocked the Pari~
t<ilks by demanding preconditions for ne·
f'rom Page 1
"He 'd eaten this chicken's head off and
il was squatted down 'dead' until I \\'Cnt
out in the morning to feed the remaining
f..·londay afternoon Hall was slill puzzl-
ed as to what to do ·with the hen. ''I don"t
l;no1v \\"hcther to kill il or turn it over to
scien!ific invesligation. J'd hate to say I
killed 11 biological miracle," he said lhen.
Scientists at L'C I r vi n c , said tbe
l'hirken was technically dead since it had
been decapitated.
Don Jenkins, a biologist, explained th 11t
unlike humans. a chicken's head does not
control I he body.
"The. body co ntrols are actually in the
neck,"' ht said . "But since iL doesn't h<11'c
;i: hea'I. for all purposes it's clinic<Llly
dead. And thrn again, it's alive. But for
\Vhal purpose ?"'
He :1dded that he heard of an account
in Riplcy "s ''Believe It Or Not" in \l"hich
:1 woman had kept a hC'aclless chicken
alive for 20 v.·ceks by feeding it \vlth an
"I ha\•en't heard of anything like this in
years though. ll"s rather strangC'. A freak
of naturr." he s.:ud.
But LiCl"s biologists \\"cren't interested
in making a research project out of
Hall's hen. "\\'e would have liked to have
hat! the raccoon, !hough.'' said Marsh.
DAIL'!' ,ILOT S!&tl P,,_lt
Edison Company's Huntington Beach F 1cility Sitting on Sttaminsi Controvtr1y
Nuclear Plants a Must
Solon Says State fins 'ff ell of a Proble111 '
From Wire Services
i\'"uclear pov.·er generating plants at
least 200. must replace conventional ones
su.::h as the Southern California Edison
Co111pany's lluntinglon Beach facility by
the year 2000 -or else.
This was the message of Assemblyman
John V. Briggs (R·Fullerton) \\'ednesday
during a hearing in Sacramento or the
Comrniucc on Atomic Dl'velop111cnt ;tnd
Space. of which he is chairman.
"The state has got ;:i hell of a probeln1
nn us," Briggs said, describing progrci-s
10 dale in creating nuclear energy plants
ancl curt::iiling exp<1nsio n such ;is pro-
posed for the lluntJngton B c a ch
~enrra1ing station. . .
"It's obvious we ;ire exploding tn our
dc1nand for power. But it seems we have
.(I hil-or·miss operation," said Briggs. '"ll
1locsn"l i:~1n \1'c exert any influeucc or
lie sugges1erl forn1ation of a :,1nglc
~tate agency voilh legal authority to h il~
clle questions of a\Jmic development _ Jn
California as the answer tu a grov.ing
f\.-lcanwhilc.. the president nf Southern
California Edison Company, T. ~1 .
f\tcDaniel. says ;;u r poll11L1on eauserl hv
the Hun11ngton Bcach plant will be cut ~O
percent over its life.
He did not say whal that life might be.
The firm is now seeking appr oval of
DAil V "llDT 11•11 P~Ht
plans to expand fron1 t\\'o existing
generating units to four, and has en·
countered public opposition.
f\1cDaniel said nitrogen oxide and other
pollutants generated along with the
steam have been reduced by 75 percenl
<1\ the company's Alamitos Generating
Station near Seal Beach.
Breakthroughs in research at the newer
f;tcili ty. plus gradual reduction of the
Hun tington Beach plant"s use. \viii allo\v
Ilic decrease lo continue, despite ex·
pans1on. t\1cDanicl said.
Assen1blyn1an Briggs told his con1-
n1111cc and new~rncn \\'edncsdfly 1haL far
n1orc needs lo be done if C<11iforr.ia is to
llll'C t power needs and pollution control.
"\Ve cHn"t sit around and \vail." said
BriHg~. "'11c have lo hare one state
<iuthonty in charge."
Brigg~ 1.h•scri hc d California's current
role 111 the !oc<ilion and estahlishn1ent of
nuclear poll'Cr plnnts a.~ perhaps \1•orsc
lh;JT1 archaic. '"llorse-and-buggy. hodgr-
podgc . and hit-and-n1iss," \\'ere the
dr~criplions he used.
The Orange County legislator said
California musl de\•elop 200 nuclear
pov.·er plants by the year 2000 to meet
needs increased 10 tin1es over what they
arc now.
Chief wi tness at the committee hearing
\Vednesday was Paul Clifton, chairman oE
the fairly new Power Plant Siting Com-
mittee, whose testimony indicated a need
for changing public attitude.
"They want clean air, but they don"t
seem to \vant nuclear powe r," Chairman
Bri ggs sai11 later, adding that aton1ic
plants arc safe bu! the public must be
educated to thi s fact.
··Safety is not a factor ," he said.
•·Except in the minds of the public,''
acklcd Se n. Ralph C. Dills ID-Gardena).
Tile state currently has two nuclear
power plants (one at San Onofre) and two
under construc'Lion, with seven more pro-
posed or actually planned along the
California coastline.
Two of lhe propo!>ed plants, however,
have virtually been abandoned, including:
the mulli·million fa cility considered for
construction offshore from Bolsa Chica
State Beach.
2 Mo1·e J11clges Bacl{ A1·t
Of Topless, Bottomless
From \\'Ire Services
1\l:o judges struck blows in behalf of
the topless and bottomless arts \'Jed-
nesday , \l'hilc a third went to take a fir st·
hand look at the evidence.
Judge Edwan.l Skrugg5 ruled lbe
Tucson, Ariz .. ordinance against topless
dancing unconstitutional and threw
charges against an 18-year-old pcrfonner
Olll of court.
fo.tiss Nancy Sodrn, who appeared in a
houndstooth check skirt about three teeth
long, said she may now go to bottomless
dancing as a result.
Judge Skruggs said in his ruling that
ordinances mu.~t ser1•e so111e public
purpose and cannot cxisl solely to
re~ulntc social bcha\·1or.
As far <1s being a heal1h hatard. lie
~:ud. topless dancers rnusL touch sur·
r(lund1ng objects in their acli\"1 ty to con-
i;!itute such a lhreaL to the public,
Superior Court Judge l!arold R. Ab·
berkorn issued a restraining order in San
Bernardino Superior Court, barring en-
forcement of a topless and bottomless
He said the county ordinance violated
free speech, ruling in behalf or 11 club
ow ners and against the County Board of
They had branded topless and bot-
lomleS! acts a threat to health and
Los Angele~ ?llunicipal Court Judge
George Zucker had perhaps the most
stimulating dav in court -or out or it -
\'isiting a nightclub lo see three defen-
dants pr<1nce in their nighties.
Sheri Lre Balch, 23. danced to a rork
num ber in her see-through sleepers, \\•h1le
Kathy Pea.~e. 25, and Jean Chanel, 28,
waited in the v.·ings.
Jl1dgc Zucker maintained his ex·
pre~sionless expres~ion.
Scliolarly Feline Take1 Up Re1idtnct in Library
i\!OSCOW IUPIJ -nussia's Soyuz 6
sptii.:(·craft returned safely to earth loday
\l'ith its two-rnan crew, Tass announced.
nunng the ship's final hours in space it
conducted what the Soviets called a •·uni4
que"' exper1n1ent in tnolecular ';cold
\l'e)ding. ''
1'he five-day flight of the Soyuz 6 ended
\1'1th !he craft m;iking a ··soft landing" in
!he Karag;inda area of Soviet central
Asia. the agency said. The two cos-
1no11:iuts -Coi. Georgi Shonin and flight
enginr.er Valeri Kub<isov \l'erc
reported safe and well.
The two other Soyuz era/I, 7 and 3, te-
111ained in orbit. Soyuz 7 carries a three-
n1an .crew and Soyuz 8 two men.
Tass said Soyuz 6 came down a few
hours after carrying out a •·uniqul'! e1-
periment, of great importance" in "cold"
\1•elding. The process Is considered essen-
tial for construction of space stations and
repairing space objects.
Tass said the ship landed at 12 :52 p.m.
r·insLow time t2:52 a.111. PDTJ about 112
n1iles nol"lh wcst of Karaganda. The pair
•·feel fine." the agency reported .
"To rffe<'t the descent frorn orbit, the
commander of the ship used manual
orientation and at the calculated time
:;witched on the descent program," Tas~
said. ''The landing module with the crc'v
separated from the ship."
It said after braking in the atmosphere,
"the parachute system was put into
operation and the soft-laoding engines
(made) a smooth landing."
So.vuz 6 \\'as not equipped v.-ith docking
apparatus -the space presumably being
taken up by the special \\'elding equip-
1nrnt -and apparently made no attempt
to link up with the SoyL1z 7 and 8 craft.
T:i~s said the v.'e lding experiment \~a.~
1.:arried out bv Kubnsov in !he orbilal
eo1npar\1ncnt Or the craft during lhc 77tll
orbit. "The ai111 of the experiment was to
f'~tablisll the peculiarities of the welding
o! 1·arious metals in space," the agency
~aid .
"This is a unique rxperiment, of great
i:11portance fnr science and technology rn
v.·orking out technology of \1•elding and
assemb!ying \l'Orks in space."
l'rom Poge 1
to reflect on this tragic "''ay or life.
"Today it is easy to kill because killing
is so impersonal. That is why all of us can
11n11shamedly drive a car. It also i~ ea!y
lo do what everyone el se does whether it
is standing up for a moratorium or going
to war.
"During this day 30 Americans alone
\\'ill die .. f.1y intention is not lo produce
guil1 but humility.
"Is a 1notnent of silence en0ugh to
co1nmcmoratc 685,340 empty homes~
\Voul d 10 hours of silence be enough for
i"1e loss of one husband, one lover, one
"Y<lu see it is individuals we are talk·
ir.~ about .
'"The equal of half the population of
Orange. County is gone, v.·asted, lost. 'fry
to envisio n that n1any n1en. Pick one facl'!
-one m:in for \1·hom you v.·ould want to
do v.•hat he had lo do.
"Let"s not be guilty of scorning the liv-
in~. The honor v.e "·ould pay to the dead
is a\~r. owed lo the li\'ing.
""G<' ou l and talk to others about thi~
s1up1d v•a r. A~k s<lmeone everyday, soma
11c11· persfln, v.hat he thinks about bring·
1ng 1he w11r to an end. Listen first In
1'.hat ht' thinks Let hun kno,~· you respec t
l11m <1nd his np1nkins. Then let him kno1v
\1 /Jc:re you stand '•
TahbyCatRealBool{wo1·1n SOFA BED SALE!
At Hm1tington's Library
A scholarly cat has taken up residtnct
11t the Huntington Beach Library and
rer11~s to budge from her new home.
Li brary personnel SllY Tabby ! we"ll use
that name) \1·as found one morning three
\\•eeks ago patiently waiting for the
library doors to open.
Tt1bby custnm:i nly 1<1~es the best stat
-uudrr Ille bay \l'indow in the m:11n
reading roon1 -for a noon!imc nap,
sleeps 011 the soflest sv.·rater, waters the
front lawn p.1Jm tree rach day aniJ
.:rnerally kreps pcirsonnl'I anrt pntrons
allkr an1userf.
Like: ;i princess sh(' rnarr.hcl'i around
the library. daring 1hose v.•ho would SU&·
gesl she doesn "t belong lo prove 11.
One lady felt Tabby \\'OUld prefer a re:il
hnn1e. On the contrary, Tabby fell quite
insulted anct scratched (lightly and polite-1 l.v) h('T 1.1·011\d-be benefactor, 1hen retun1-
ed 10 a comfortable bookshelf .
No one has ~·e1 claimerl ownership of
the cnl, savs librarian \Valier .Johns<ln,
1h011J:h 1t ;pp<'<tr~ the cat has cla1n1ed
ownership or the library.
"Palron.~ ~tare nt first," s.1id .Jnhn~nn,
"hut tl1r t<l l renlly sC\'mS to be quite
popula r "
H Tabhy krr11:; it tip, ~h(' n11 sht !urn in·
lo a bookworn1~ •
Th•t• •r• "•ry comfort•bl• sof• b.d1 fot'
Sittin9 •nd Sl•eping.
A wid• s•lection cif F•bficc •nd ColoN to
choosa from.
00 Now 299 .00
With Skirt' 'so. •rira.
)'011r fovori~ interiar desigttc toil.I ~ MPPV La a.sriat 11ou , , ,
~A OFfSStON-"'l
l ~Hf:R IOR 0[£1GNE•S
211' HA.A I OI! l lV D.
•4•·017S •••·0116
------. ' =; t s::lif'¥!<~•::es: • 2 a
Huntington Bea~h Today's Final
N.Y. Stocks
voe_ b2 , NO. 248, J SECTIONS, J4 PAGES
• • lSOll I
(!all Y "!LOT St_., Ph•it
Schol .. rly Feline Ta kes Up Re5idence in l ibr•ry
At l-lt111ti11gto11'8 Lih1·ct1·y
,A., srholarl\' ~·,\1 ILJ. l:1J..t·n 11p rl'<idrnrr
at the l!unllngton J\t';1th l.1hr:iry an1!
rr fusC>s to U11d~r JruJl1 h••r new hon11·
L1hrary 1>rrsonncl f~1y T~1bby ~ 11•l''ll u~e
\h;it nan1c1 11·as lound nnr rn<lr ning lhrt'"
1\·rcks a~o pa1 tPnlly 11;i1ttng l1•r 1h1•
l1br;irv dour.' ln n1.,•11
T:ih-hv cu~torn:.1r1ly 1·1k1·~ lhr \11'~1 ~"al
-11nd~·r 1ht• b.1 y 111ndow 1n !hr ai;111t
reading ruorn -11.,-;1 11rK11\t11nr n.111•
f>frrps nn tllr sflltt·q ~11 c.1l1•r . 11.ill·r~ lh•'
fronL lawn p:ilm lr1·1· •':u·h ll:1v .111d
J:rner~llv l,rc·p:;. r crS!ll\lJt'l ,lllil p.111011<;
;i J1kr ;111111,,••rt
Like a pru1rt'"• .. 1.,. 111,11·1,hr-, :1n11111>1
lhr• !11Jr:.ir\', daring those "'ho 11·011ld s11g·
gr.c;l she doc~n·t bcl::1ng 1o prOl'e il.
One lady felt Tabby \\'Ould prrfer a re;1 I
home. On the contrary, Tabby felt quite
1n.~ulted an<I sc ratched (lightly and pollle·
l.1 J hC'r 11·oul1l·be benefactor, then rcturn-
rd !o a comfonable bookshelf.
:'\<'l ont: has yC"t rl:;iimcrl 0"11crship nr
lht> {'al. s:;iys hhrarian \\'aller Jrihn.c;on,
!hough 1t appears the rat has claimed
1111n~r ... h1p or U1c !ihrary.
"PJt rnns stare ;rt first," s..1irl .lohnsnn.
.. hut 1hr cat really seen1s to be quite
pnp11l;1r .,
1f Tahhy krrrs 11 up. she 1n1E:ht l11rn 111-
!'1 a hookworn1 '!
Oril y 1 Clasli Mars War
P1·ot ests in Huntington-
V1ri1£'nrr 1vas con <:pu·uou.'-ly ;il.lsr111 :ii
i;1x l/u nlingtor1 Be;ich can1p11<:e" Tursd;iy
;os hi gh srhool and J11nior t.:•11l1·i.:t: pre;.
lcslrrs callrd un lhc US. govl'rnrnen t \ri
bring pt>are 111 Vielna1n.
r:in1 pus ;1clirilies all d.1y, provided U1ey
h:id parental consent.
Several high school .sludents ""·ere
present at Gnlden Wrst College lo
1See IJUNTlNGTON, Page !)
• e r1 e on
State Opens
01 lne D•lly ,.llot '1•11
A Southern California Edison Company
official today ~·as subjected to critical
i-:rilling by n1rmbers Df the state Environ·
1nen1a\ Quality Study Council at a publi c
hearing on air pollution in !Iuntington
Jack ~foore. F:dison \ice president in
<:harge of engineering, adn1ittcd that
nit rogen oxide emissions from the Hun·
tington Beach plant 1vould continue until
1!175 wilh addition of two new generating
tlnits, bul promised reductions after that
\11rough research now in progress.
"\Vhal arc you going lo do now about
.1ir pollution," snapped council membt'!r
Albert Pearlson, a Beverly Hills attorney.
"\~'e want results now, not In 1975 or 1980.
1'he people of Orange County hal'e a right
to ~no1Y what you are doing im·
f\1oorc explained that his cotnpany i!'i
spending $1 million this year on research
10 rl'duce nitrogen oxide emissions anrt
has spent more than $8 million over the
past fe1v years.
Dr. A. J. HaagenSmit of Caltech charg-
ed U1ci t Edison advertisements st.aUng
that the company was contributing IEss
than one percent of the air po\}ution in
the Los Angeles basin were misleading.
''The figure is mucl\1ffi&her ~. S\{ic;t,
slanclards have been aliijll!id that¥\D'put
you in greater \'iolation s~y of air
1>0llution rdh!s," the Calle<:fi professor
&lisoo Compan1 planne.r!I currenUy
are proposing to double the size of lhe
finn·s Huntington Beach facility Ofl
Pa cific Coast 1-lighv.·ay just ·west of I.he
Santa Ana River boundary between the
Oil City and Newport Beach and Costa
In 01.hPr testimony this morning, llun-
t111gtnn Beach Mayor J ack Green said:
"\Ve arc here today to insist U1al our
rn\'ironmrnt be frte of the pollution
1\'hich has drive n many people frorn the
J .os Angeles area to Jive along the Orange
l;reen ad<l ed, "\\'e ~·ish to assure all
t'Oncerned that v.·e are prepared to pay
the cost to see that our air remains clean
\1·hi lr our ind11stry gro~·.s."
"All or us understand that Orange
County needs additional power suppl ies to
mol'e · ror"·ard and al the same lime it
m11st h;11·e thl'SC supplies 11·ithout futthrr
jYlliut1on of the air," the niayor CQn•
r.rcrn nnled lh;rt reprc~entativcs of thf'
niaJnr power companies •·are here to tell
1 1~. hl"lp<'fully, hQw !he pov.·er needs of the
nl'xt lif't·ade or two can be niet an•! ~till
lr;n·c this area flt for hun1an habitation ."
Slock Market~
NE\'J 'YORK IA Pl -The stock market
p-;plo<led v.ilh enthusiasrn this afternoon
(Ill tJ1c announcement by Ambassador
I IPnry Cabot Lodge nf a su rprising pro-
po.c;:1! for reacr talk.'> by I.he Vil"\nam
Cnmn1unisls. (See quotations, Pagei;
TI1e no1v Jones average of 30 indus-
tri;ils .shot to a gain of 12 al 8'42.07 by
J :30 p.m. after having been up only 1.65
at noon.
Plans tc Expand Company 's Hunt ingt on Beach F acilitv Draw Fire During Hearing '
Nuclear Plants a Must
Solon Says State I-las 'I/ell of u Problem'
Fro1n '\'ire Ser1·icc~
Nuclear po>1·er generating plant~ <il
least 200, must replace conventional ones
such as the Southern California Edison
Company's llunlipi;:lon Beacb f"'ilily by
Ibo )'oV !00! ~. oc< ,Oise. -
This was lhe message nf Assen1blyn1an
John V. Briggs tR-FullerlonJ Wednesday
during a hearing in Sacramento of the
Committ.ee on Atomic Development and
.Space, or wh.ich he is chairman.
"The state has got a hell of a probc!m
on u!, '' Briggs said, desicriblng progress
to da le in creating nuclea r energy plant~
and curtailinj!. ex pan~ion such as pro-
posed for !he lluntington Be a ch
generating s1ation.
"ll's obv ious we arc cxp!ocllng in nur
demand for power. Bul it Set!ms we ha ve
a.hll-or-miss operation," sa id Briggs. "IL
r!ocsn't seem we exerL any influence or
He suggesl ed formation or a slngle
slate 11genry with legal authorily to han·
die quest ions of at.1mic development in
Ca lifornla a.s the answer to a growing
~1ean1rhilr. the prcs1dC'nl f'f Sn11thrrn
California Ed ison Company, T. flt.
School May Go
On Golf Course
ll un tington Brach City School D1str1rt
1.ruslC£'s are studying a future school ~lt~
on what is now the Hun tington Dcach
Country Club golf course.
The exact loc:i lion of the slle has noL
yet been selected, according to Charles
Palmrr, business manager for the
district. It will probably inc.lude a
neighborhood park site.
The new school wou ld accommodate
children from home!! now under con·
slruction in the Huntington Beach Com-
pany's Seaclif! Country Club area.
~ltlJaniPl, :;::ivii air p1JHU!1un rauscd b.v
the ll11nlin~tnn Bench plant ~·ill be cut 40
pcrrcnt nver its lifr.
lie did not say 11hal that life 1nighl be.
'rhe fir 1n is now Sf'Cking app roval of
p)aos to ex pand frorn lwQ , ex1slfng .
p;ene'rating unil s to rour, and has en·
countrred public ()pposition.
~1cDaniel said nitrogen oxide and other
pollutants grneraled along 1vit h the
11te<1m h:rve been reduced by 75 percent
at the company's Alan1ito.s Generating
Sialion nea r Sea l Beach.
Brrakthrough~ in re!->ea r1·h <1t thl' 11('\1f'r
racility, plus gradual reduction of the
llunllnb1.0n Beach plant's use, will ;rllnw
the dcc rrasc to cnntinue, Jespite ex·
pansion, fl~cDanicl salt!.
Assemblyman Brii.:gs told his cor11-
1niltec and ncws1nc11 \\'cdncsday thtit far
n1ore needs to lie done if Califorr:ia is to
1ncct po1ver needs and pollution cont rol.
"\\'c can't sit arnun1 I anrl v.'ait," said
Briggs. "11'e have lo have one slate
au lhnrity in ch;1rge."
Briggs described California's C'Urrcnt
role in lhc location and cslablislnnent or
nuclear power plants a~ perhaps worse
lh;;i n archaic. •·11 rir~-ilnd-h11ggy. hod p;r-
podgr, and hil·and·miss," v.·crc the
tlr!>rripltnn<; he 11~.
The Orange County legislator &aid
f'aliforn1a mu."t develop 200 nuclear
power plants by the year 2000 to meet
neetls. increased 10 limes over what they
arr now .
Chirf "'ilnc:;s nt Lhe c:ommiltee hearing
'Vedncsday v.·as Paul Clifton, ctiainnan of
lhe fairly new Power Plant Siting Com-
111ittee, whose testimony indicaled a need
for changing public attitude.
"They w:int clean air, but they don't
~f'rm rn 11·ant n1Jclea r power," Chairman
Brig~s .said later, arlding that .atomic
rlanl~ <::re safe but the public musl ti.
educa ted_ lo thrs fact.
"Soff'fy is not a fac tor," he i;airl.
"E:xcept in the minds of lhe public,''
adtled S<!n. Ralph C. Dills (D-Gardena).
The state C'urrcntly has two nlK'lear
power plants (one al San Onofre) and 1111·0
unde r construelinn, with seven more pro-
flllS<'d or actually planned along the
California coastline.
T1\'0 of !he proposed planl.3, however,
ha1'c virlually been abttndoncd, including
lhc multi-million Facility considered for
r nnstrurtion offshore from Bol.sa Chica
Slate Beach.
Mets W 01·ld's Clui1nps!
Orioles Tu11ible, 5-3
Nl~:l'J 'r'O!ll\ (/\I') -Thr ;Jmaziog Nrw
'{ork 1\le!s con1plf'ted their impossihle
drea1n Thursday by winning: !he 1%9
\\'orld Series with a 5.3 victo ry over !he
l~alti111ore Oriolrs 011 horne runs by Donn
C!cndctlon a11d Al \\'ris and llon Swo·
boda's dccisl1·c ti1•.breaking double.
all the tr,;1y to thr \np by closing out the
Orioles Jn four straight after Io.sina the
firsl gnmc in Ballimorr.
Thrre were he roe.~ galore for the Mel~.
nnce the ragamuffin clown.'\ of the Na-
ticnal League. Koosman went all the way
to 14•1n his second Series game wi th a tive-
hittrr. Donn Clendenon, proclaimed the
Series hero and win ner of a sports car,
hi t ;i l11·o·run homer. Al Weis, a .215 hit.
l''r, sfammed his first home run ever 111
Only (ltJl' rr1Mlr\ o[ phy~1c:1I acllon camP
fro1n l:;d1<:on fl igh School 11 here football
p1Ryrr5 allrgl•dly tore down some anli11•ar
Headless Hen Dies Twi~e
The k1ughing stock nF baseball for the
first ~e1·en years of !cir existence v.·hen
they f<ii\ed to climb above ninth place.
lhc irrepressible r-.1cls went from r~gs In
rirhr,s in thrir f'iRhlh season by \\·inning
fnur s1ra ighl gan1es fron1 lhr once-fav.
nrrd Orioles after losing the first game
of the besl-of-seven classic.
A swirling mass of hum ani ty from U1e
larg<"st crnwd ever to i;ce a game al· Shea
~:.::dium, 57,397, swarmed over tpe field
aft rr the ri11:1r out while the siddy ~let.~
l\'l'rl" clubbing Jer ry Koosn1a n on the
Orange Cout
J•:rli~nn Pri11rip;1I Ern1'<:t f';_1<;t,~)(· ~:'l!d tir
had al ~o hrnrd of ;111 1nc1dt•11t 11·her•· 1\111
n1 cmlx'rs of opposi11~ i'.rn11ps 1(orr r1f r
t>ach others vr1nb<1nds hu t did nol c11g;1gr
in a fight.
Bl ack annbnnds. symhnli7.ing !he dr;;ith
of soldiers on ll1r A.~i;1 n b;i(tlcfron1, 11•r re
11·orn by n11111crous hig h school ;ind col·
lcgc sludcni." vt all carnruscs ;ind were in
contrast to some red-whitt'-antJ blue
annbands wom by son1r .s!udcnls op·
llOsing !he protcstors.
Superintendent ~1;1.'< Forney. 11f !hr
Hun1iflglon Briir"h Un1nn ll 1gh Srhnol
District !'idicl. "It :ill 11rnt v1•ry wr!I ar·
corrtini;( to the rrpr•rl s I rrcc\ .. rd ll aii·
pe<trs thal our ~uidclincs ll'rrr rnlh11Yrd.
In !'flml! rrises thrrc v.•ai; nrt ually nn in·
creasr in clas.c; nlt.cndo111cc."
l!c 11•as rrferrin~ In a ''sl;1le1nrnl nf
fl{'f11ion." r11lif1fd thr 11rr1·iou" llny hy the
ho:irrl nf ln1stN.·s, 11 h1ch reminded l.hr-
~l vdrnt.~ tha t lhr h1 J,:h srl1ool r :i inpuSl's
,\·ou ld follow ;r n()n11<11 cl:i.~s srheclulr and
th,1l d('rnons!rat1011~ 11•t•rc 1n effect ru!f;!d
Tl•,. ~1nd,,l1nr . l11111r1rr g.I\'" lh11t
1hu!rn1 ~ lho• opp(ri l11rl!!\' In rt i;: +;:•' 1:1 nff.
Chicken Lives 38 Hours After Attack by Rnccoo1i
Of l~I 01111 ,.,,., Uetl
llarlan Hal l's whit e hen died thi s week.
Tw ice.
'fhc first time 11•as ;it 3 a.m. r-.tnnday
ll'iil'n a brazen raccoon broke into the
<'hicken coop behind Hall 's home at 16362
A Sl., Jlunlin gton Beach, and chewed off
the chicken·s head.
It died the SC(1)lld ti1ne at 5 p.m. Tucs-
1l.1y v.·hcn Hal l got out a Jong knife and
adminimercd the ("(Jllp de grace.
For the period nf 38 hour.!i between the
first rleath and the second, the hen had
iilrrally been running Around like a
ehicken \Vilh il~ head cul off.
Hall first fou nd the hCa<t!css chicke n
slallfting in linP. with ·its coopmates
1~;:ii!ing to be fed . ·
"lt wa.~ unbelievable,'' he ~:il<I. •·1
thnui;:h1 I WA.~ having the DT11."
1'1t1. it. w;ts l.ruf'. The t'hicken r::ui
n1m le~~ly nround t h~ ~·11 rd Whl'n prod1lcrt,
fn!lnv.·cd by lhe curious !'cpl, Hall '.~ yc\11-
111g black toy poodle. killed a biological miracle," he said then.
Many stor ies have circulated abo1.11. ;n1 Scientists at UC Jr vi ne . said the
occasiona l <:hlcke n doing a few laps chicken was technically dead since it had around lhe fowler's stump after ~Ing
beheaded by Uie ax, but it isn't often that been decapitated.
one keeps going as Jong .as Hall'!! Don Jenkins, a biologist. expla ined that
headless chicken did . unllke humans. a chicken 's head does mt
Hall, a musician, said he came home control the body.
late Sunday night from an engagement '"The body control!! are actually in 1hc
when he found the raccoon in the chicken neck," h& said. "But since it doesn'l hare
coop, .a hea1, for all purposes il'!! clinlca lly
"lie growled al me and I "'a.s a little dead. And then again, It's alive. But for
afraid and called the police. Two of the what purpC>IM!.?"
chickens were dead and he was working He added that he heard of an acrount
on the third one when the police and the in RJpley'!I "Bel~eve 1~ Ot Nol" in which,
humane officer finally got him out," he ii 1wotnan hJd , kePE,' 1' heaCJles!I .chicken
added. ative fO'I' '29 'we65 by' feeding' it with an
"llc'd eall'n this chicken"li head off and eyedropper.
it 1Va.'I squalled down 'dead' until I went "I t\aven1. hear~ of anyttµng like t.his in
out Jn the morning to feed the remainln1 years though. It's rather strange. A fre ak
o~s." or nature." he·said. ~lnnday <1fftrnoon Hall \.\'at -suu ptJ l1J... 11Ut UC l's biolog!!ll.5 weren't intereslec-1
rd as It) v.·hat to do with the~. "!·don't ' ln maklng a fCSeatch projeCt out (!f '
know 14•hcthcr to kill it Of t!ihrit oV~ lo lfa11'ii: hen . "We would hal'e liked to have
.'ICienlifit investigation. rd~ to , r l had the racco0n. lht'iugh," said Marsh. .,,_ ... ' . . ' , ~·-;: ' ..
,--~. ,•
f' ~ •
Cannon crackers burst In the .stands
;ind a pha lanx or v.•idc·eycd fans. shouting
"we're No. I" milled in front of the Met
1h1gouL An orange !'!mokc fl are wa s car-
rird acros ... second hasc and so rne kidi;
proppl'd up a sign lh!!L asked "What
Another banner proclaimed, "This is it
fan.~. Thrre is no tomorrow :·
The , s1ory hook r-.1 el~. \l'hn nel'er rin·
i.c;ht'fl highf'r lhRn ninth place in se.ven
previous frustra!ing years. lhu~ made it
The fourth in a series of five rrpor1!1 by
DAI LY i'llA>T financial C{)lumnist Sy lvia
Porter, analyz!ng the 1969 economy in
CQn1parisi1n t.o the 192!1 stl')('k market
c:ra.~h 11nd 14'0f\rl rlcpression which follO\\'·
I'd it. v.·ill be 'found in today's paper on
l'age 26.
• \
' Weather
Don't look nov.'. but the rainy
set so n is about to start. Those
in a position to know are pre-
dicting a 50 percent chance or
precipitation for the Oraflgl
Coast tonight and Friday.
\Vl11lr 2,00n Oro11gc County
Rrpu.blicrn1 UJ0111en cheertd,
SCn. Rfl rr11 Goldioa~tr 11rgtd rt·
s11mptio11 of Amer-/co1l bombina
of Norll~ Viet11am iii an Ana·
hcim speecli. Pnge JO.
CiNlorftl• ' Mt•l•t " c1 ... 11,.., ,,,,, Mwlt1•I ,~..,, " C~mk• " ""'"'"' lillWt •• c"''""o"~ .. o ...... c...,.,, " ~ .. l<tl l(•t " 1•1¥11 ,. ...... " D!"Ot(fl " '""' n.u
ll'•ltorlol ..... ' ·~· Mtrttfl t .. t ,
t'ol,r111nmfftl " Ttlt "hlelt " '""•nc• u.n , ....... " l<trtll••• " ¥!t11119r • ... -. ....... " Olonn ··~ n
MllllHU • llh rN "~ ••• MHr!el• lltl~•U 11 w.,,.. •. , ..... t•u
• ·J DAit V PllOT H ,
Irvine Protest Carried Oui With No Fuss
OAILY l'ILOT Sl1ff l"M,.
Without en Enemy to Confront, A Dey of 'Education,' Not 'Demonstration'
Teens Kill Selves
Witl1 Gas Fun1es
In 'Peace' Move
BLACK\VOOD, N. ,J. IAP) -T\1·0 high
!Chool classmates, a boy and girl. \l't'rc
f,1und dead in a fume-filled aulomnb1!e
Thursday, lea\'ing behind a string of
notes sayins they had di ed in !he nan1e 0f
ft.uthorilit>s said lht•y c om m i t I c d
suicide. Both had ,1t!endcd a \'1r1n;1111
J\1ura toritun ohscr1 a nee at Glassboro
~ta lc College \\'eduesday.
The victims, Craig Badiali. 17. and
Joan Fox. 17, bot h seniors at 1!1ghland
Regional fl igh School, y,ere lound 1n the
B.:idiali famil y ca r.
Camden County /'ll edica1 lnvestigatnr
Thoma·s R. Daley sai d t11ey had btr n
dead about 12 to JS hours \1'hen !heir
bodies "'l're disco\'ered about 9;30 a.m.
A v:icuum cleaner hose had bt'cn con·
nected to the ex haust of the car 1hrough
a ho l"-drilled in the floor.
Daley said 2-1 notes "'ere beside their
_ 1'farine's Body
Found on Beacli
The body of a Camp Pendleton r.tarint.
'1 ashed ashore al Cyprus Shores beach,
San Clemente, bet11.·e-en five and silt p.m.
\\'tdriesday, the Ora nge County Coroner's
Office reported.
Tht' f.1 anne app:irrn!lv <lrn\\·n,·d v.h il c
:-11 Imming nfl San Clr.lll('flte Sa tu rd 11y
dflrrnoon. a cnroner·s deputy said. H ~
~·;::s heard calling for help ;tnd two
l1Frguard boats wrre dl~patrhcd, hul
r tc1>•s wcre un<Jblr lo lne:il<' h1n1.
•:;;timaled time of !he drn1rrun,c: 11Hs z 10
p m. <urda~\ actording to the coronri"s
()ff ice.
Ident ity l'lf th<> ,·irlim is brin~ v.ithlield
p.:nding no!llic::ition nf next nl kin.
1 [e \\"as the s~0ncl 111arinc to drown in
tht area this v.•eck. Blas Va ca, 21, dro'>ln·
r d olf San Clcmrn!e Sunday afl emrxin.
Jlls body later was reeo\'erl'd at Esta cion
l!o\i•>I ti. Wootf
f'rc.,<l•nt •nd rubl·~f
J.<~ It. c .111•1
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Hanoi Demands Nixon
Set Pullout Tinietable
rAHlS (AP) -Hanoi called on Prrsi-
drnt Nixon today to annou nce his
li1nctable for !he withdrav.·al of all US.
l r"op~ from \'ietn an1. U.S. An1b11~S•Hlor
l itnry Cabot Lodge replied it is "up lo
)ou r ~ide to 1nakc the next mOVf'."
f\orth Vietnamese Ambass<idor Xuan
'Tliu v. JU~t back from a lengthy visit to
H~noi , told tl1r 3Bth plenary session of U1e
P;:iris peace talks that U.S. Secretary of
State \V1lliam P. Rogers said last week
l'resldent i\1xon had a tim etable for
lroo p withdra'>l·al in min d.
.. !£ the Nixon administration really
\1'an!s to end the '>l"ar and alrf'ady has a
!imetab\e for the total ""ithdrawal of U.S.
lroops fro' South Vie tnam. lhf'n "'hy
does it no rlare make. it public a~ re·
ques!M b the A1neric an prop\c~" he
"I t is not the announC'l"ment of the
!1metab!e of ll S. troops "'ilhdrav.•al
\\·hich prolongs the \\'ar but lt is bec;:iuse
of hi'1 policy of war prolonga tion tha l
!'resident Ni!tnn dares not announce the
limctable of troop withdraw!'l l."
Thuy asked '>l"h}', if the Uni tM States
t·an send n1en lo the moon at the spcfll of
it rocket, docs it "only w::int to '>l"ilhclra1'
us troops • , . •l .a snail's pace ~ ll is
Druggecl Youth
Att<1cks Jllother,
Police Officer
An appRrently drug ·crazrd Garden
Gro1·e yo11 th atl::icked both his n1olhrr
:Jnd a poli ce nH1ccr \11th a but cher krufr
\\rrln(sd:ry nl&ht 1n a fra ras that erupted
O\"rr a su ppe r l:ible argumcnl.
ll took scvrri'll blO'>l'S from lhe offiet>r's
baton to subd ue the 17-year.old youth '>l'ho
rs now lnrlgcd in 1u1·enllc hall. No inJurir5
\1 ere sulfcred by his ni olller or U1e of.
flt er.
The boy's m01hcr told police her son
11·f'nl bersrrk "'hen she accused him o\'er
lhe suppt>r table of fa iling to kN'p his
promise to S"tay off (!n;gs, She Miid the
OOy immediately sei1.ed the butcher knife,
sprang over the table and pursued her
;i mund lhe kitchen.
TI1e srrcaming \\'oman ran to a
nrighOOr"s Muse for protet'lion ancl r:alled
police. Her ~ returned lo the family
home still '>l·avlng the knife and shouting
unintelligible threats.
An investfga ting officer ~aid thf: boy
burst out nf !he home when he knocked at
lhe door "and took !leveral crazy swipts
:i t me. He behaved like a mad man and i1
"·as hard lo make oot just what he was
precisely be<'ause it docs not in fact want
to withdraw its troops at all. rather il on·
Jy "'ants to prolong the \\'ar."
T;1uy sa1fl th~t because Nixon ha s nC\t
lu!filJl'd lhc peace promises he mad<' dur·
1og his election canipaign "he is now fac-
i n~ the opposition movement of the
1\merican people, a movement on a na-
l!on \\ lrle scale', the strongest and most
v.·irlespread ever known Jn lhe United
Stairs •.. "
"The Americans ,~·ho partici patefi in
the Oct. 15 activi lies t/i.loratoriu1n Day)
undertsand they a re contributin g to the
prompt cessation of the "·ar, They "'ill
con tinue lo overcome obstacles of all
kinds to go farther forw ard ,'' he con.
tinued .
L<xlgc, revle'>l·ing the record of the
talk.s since they began, said Hanoi and
the pro,·isio na l revolu!ionary govern-
men t, I Viet Cong) have blockrd the Paris
la!ks by demand ing prtcondilions for ne·
l'rorn Page J
participal<' in a five-hour long demonstra-
tion on a largr, grassy area just outside
the College Forum.
Only an estimated 500 youthful pro-
lc!>tor~ "·ere in allendance \\'hen the rally
J;ot under v.·.1y al 1) a.m. but the numbers
increased significantly "'hen classes Jet
-0ut RI 2 p.m., according lo school of·
1'prakrrs included se1·cral r.o!dcn n·<'sl
f;tc11l:y mernbcrs. Tlic nev_ Roger
\l'ill k,, of the Costa Mesa Unitarian
Church. 1\like l~rod~ki, an Arncri(•an Ci1·11
L1bPrt1cs Union attorney. and \'1ctnam
\\'::tr vetrran Wickie \\'right.
Thrir orations v.·rre intcrspcrsrd by stu-
Jcn t pcrform ant·cs of anti·"'ar SQllgs by
Bnh D~·lan, Phil Ochs and lhe Be<i tles.
At times twn men and one gir t ~I in
fro nt of the pod iun\ ry.es. ears and mou1h
cul'rrcd in "hea r no e,•iJ, ~r no evlt,
speak no e1i ! position.··
Pr rhaps !he most pungent indic!ment
of "·ar "·;is offered hy one of thr rally's
organizer$, D<>n Mustellr. "'ho read from
O;,Jton Trumbo's "Johnny Got His Gun ."
O<.-casion::illy brushing his long hair
a5ide and poin Ling his finger al the .eu-
diencr , he asked, "Did anybody e.ver
come back from the dead, 11ny sinfi(le one
of the millions who ever got kil!rd?"
"Did any of them eve r come back and
s;iy. 'By (;od, I'm glad I died to make lhe
\1\trld safe for democracy? Did they say I
like death better than lo.~ing liMrly? Diel
any of them ever say it's good to think t
got my gul!I blo'>''n out for lhe honor of
TI)~-('(lllnl ry?·'
The applause lo his speech "'as loud.
FBI Ar1·ests Beacl1 Ma11,
Pal iI1 Big Fu1· Tl1ef ts
A l-lunlington Beach man 1nd hJ1
'lallbu pal "'ere arrested carrying 1
f•"iotlockrr full of allegedly stolen fU7s
'\"("(j nesday "'hen FBI agenlS grpe\cd
then1 at Kennedy Airport in New York .
Donald Roll!!, 30, of lluntington Beach,
rinrl i\lalibu rcskfent Theodore Vt'llllam.c,
.in , were. charged "•Ith receiving stolen
EOO<l~ through Interstate C'ommercc.
Att!hllrltlts in Los Angele!l 11aid Roll~
(·arried ffll~e idenllrl eation lis11ng his la.•t
ria me as O"Shta a~ ha~ livrd on Egret
Lane In Huntington Brai.:h, but couldn't
f:l\"C the sptelfic addr,.~s.
ThP pA ir Cilrrird M.000 In f'l r r11'(:('~
linlo:ed to I~ $+4 .(.00 burg!itry of a \\'r"
l..<is Angeles store lasl Saturdny, ac·
cording lo FBT agents there .
Rolls alld Wi1\lams \\'ere arraigned
be fore a U.S. commi~!iioner in New \'ork
follo'>l·ing lheir arrest \\"ednesday.
Tile arresL' ,1·erc made through
coopc:oration of lhc Queens County
burglary dela1l and Port Authority
r otict', but it W:'I~ not rr\'ealcd ~·hal It'd
to suspicion of !he pair.
\l,"arran!s for 1hc1 r arrest \.l'ere issued
hv East Co::i~t A11!horiUes and an FBI ~Pokcsrnan in Los Angeles said today he
dlrl not ha1·e specifi c details of the case..
Ht' Mlcl !hr burglary nccurr<'d al
Nf1~TO Inc., in the \\'r~ Im Ani;:l'lcs
:1rr::i . a1l1li ni: th::tl Holl~ nnd \Villlams had
hecn rent ing in thal section recently.
117 TllOMA.1 FORTVNE Of .... ..,. ..........
Black 1rmbanda a1n1boliu a quiet pr~
test. Tbat'a tbt way it Wall on the UC
Irvine campu.s Wednesday, the day of
The student organizers had planned it
lo be a day of education, nol demonstra.
tiori. There was no i1nmediate enemy to
confront. The enemy, unS«n, was U1e
Vl c>tnam war.
An estimated J.500 students attended
an aflernoon rally. It "'as a big throng
but ~ speakers did not ahout and the
~tudents listened almost serenely.
Student Ann Doyle, ehRlrman of the
Uni~crsity Moratoriuni Commlltee, told
tht'm this time the organizers had con.
cer.trated on education but that they
l\'ould like to take activities off campu.s
Dext month.
An earlier.planned march to a \\"ar in·
dul'try plant bad been canceled.
During the nloratorium rally. f'alhrr
Ed Allen of U11iversity Interfaith at UC
lr ri ne offered these words:
''We're here to commemorate 635,340
men who have lost their lives on both
sides. It is possible double that number of
f'ivilians also have perished. \Ve"re here
to reflect on lh is tragic way of life.
"'Today it is easy lo kill becall!le killing
is so im person!ll. That ls why all of us C'dn
unashamedly drive a car. It also is easy
to do "'hat everyone else does "·heUie r it
is standing up for a moratorium or going
to wa r.
"During this day 30 Americans alone
will die. My intention is not to produce
guilt but humility.
Dan Gurney Quits
Ford, Will Race
With Plymouths
Special to the DAILY Pll.OT
LOS ANGELES -Cost a lo1esa's n an
Gurney today l'nded a racing relationship
with Ford t.fotor Company and took up
with Plymouth.
Gurney announced at a news con-
ference that he and his protcge, S'>l•ede
Sa\'age of Santa Ana, \\•ill race a pair of
Plymouth Barracudas in the 1970 SCAA
Trans-American Road Race Series.
Gurney "·ill also drive · a Pl;111outh
noadrunner in U1e l'>11) stoc k car races at
lll verside International Raceway, where
he has \\'On fi ve of seven 500-milers for
Ford since 1963.
Gurney detailed hi s olher racing plans
as follows : he'll probably dri\'e a turbo-
Offy .11t Indianapolis, a Che\'y·po"·ered
grouJ>-7 sports racer on the Canadian·
American challenge cup series and "no. I
"·o~'l" on the formula 1 grand prh::
Gurney admiUed that three oUle.r fa c-
tories had approached him with proposals
to drive lhcir Trans-Am cars next year.
Since he is leaving Ford, it is belie\•td
the other three factories are American
r.1 01ors, Dodge and Cherrolet.
Swimming Oass
Begins Saturday
Learn to swim classes sponS<lred by th e
1-luntington Beach YMCA will begin
Saturday at the Golden \Vest College
l "1\lCA officials said s"·imming in·
strucuon is open to all residenLs of the
Registration for boys and girls, adults
an1\ liny tnt.s arc being acccpt.cd through
F'riday at the Yil!CA office l47i6 Beach
Rh·d . \rc<;tminster, telephone 894-4548.
··ls a moment or silence eooogh lo
commemorate 685,340 empty homes!
\Vould ID hours of silence be enough for
the IOS!I o( one husband, one lo\'er, one
fa the r?
"You see it is in dividuals 11o'e are talk-
ine about.
"'The equal of half thl' population or
Orange County is gone, "'asted, loot. Try
to Pnvisloa lhat many men. Pick one face
-one man for ~·hoin you would "·ant lo
do what he had lo do.
"Let's not be guilty of srorning the !iv.
in:;:. The honor we would pay to the dead
is al sC1 o"·ed to the Jiving.
"Gn out and lalk to others about tt1i s
st upid \\"ar. Ask someone everyday, some
new person, what he thinks abou t bring·
ing the war to an end. Listen first tG
"·hat he thinks. Let him know you respect
h im and his opinioru;, Then let him know
where you stand."
During the rally actl\•ities, even Leslie
Lincoln , usually fiery SOS speaker, "·as
~ubdued. She condemned the SOS
"Weathermen" who went on a destrucli\•e
rampage last week in Chicago. She sald
they had walked out of SOS.
Antiwar students clearly \\'ere trying
for U1e broadest appeal consistent with
lheir s tated objective of immediate
withdrawal of U.S. troops.
Several professors spoke at the rally, a
minister, a former G.l. and a South Viet·
namese student.
Ha Duong Due, student at Cal State
Long Beach, said, "Your puppet eo\·ern·
ment in Sai«ort may call me beck and put
me In jail but I wsnt to !BY you llJld the
Sol'ict L:nion are both colonialist, irn-
•·\\'e \1·anl to he lcrt alone to hal"e
fr tedom,'' he aaid. "Tell your govern·
mc"ll, your businessmen, you are not on
the right track. You should ~·ithdraw
you r troops, correct your forei~n policy.
l l011 ' try to 11np<.se in our country an en-
lire poli tical system."
Vrtf'ran Halph Barraca no, \\'ho is now
;i UCI student, said Gls in Vietnam
equ ate manli ness to anti.communism. He
sald marhinrs seem lo be n1ore im·
portant than people.
··can we perhaps be the blockrrs or the
people eater?" he asked.
Assistant Professor of Jlistory Richard
Frank said, "Ollr na tional in trrest ha~
ncit·r been at slake. 1'hat is why we are
losing. Ylr'vc ne\•er tried hard enou~h .
from the ,·ery beginning this ""ar ha!!
bcl'n a fantastic bungle , a fraud."
Radical teaching assistant Richard
Robertson said the United Stales is in-
tentionally blocking the undeveloped
\\·orld . "'The wealth of the \\'Orld roll!! into
Amrrira,'' he said. "\\'ith six percent or
the \\·orld's population we consume 60
peref'nl of the world's commodities.
"ln many w::iys the \\'ar in Vietnam is ~
v.·ar .:if example. It is saying 'This is wha t
is going to happen to you if you throw oH
!he yoke of American imperialism.' "
George Reiter. assistant profesS(lr or
physics, said, "The free in Free World
d6'sn'l mean political freedom. There's
t-ranco's Spain. South Africa apartheid.
Fr~ mec;.ns freedom for American
businessmen to trade there."
One Soviet Spaces hip
Back to Earth Safely
?itOSCOW (UPI) -Rus.sia's Soyuz g
spacecraft returned safely to earth today
\11ith iU two.man crew, Tass announced.
During the ship's final hours in space it
conducted what the Soviet..s called a "uni-
que" experiment in molecular "cold
\\ICJd ing."
The fi ve-day flight of the Soyuz 6 ended
\l'ith the craII making a ".soft landing" in
the Karaganda area of Soviet central
Ai;ia. the agency said. The two COfl-
1nonaut.s -Coi. Gt!org l Shonin and flight
engineer Valeri Kubatiov were
reported safe and \\'ell.
The t\\"O other Soyuz craft, 7 and 8, re.
malned in orbit. Soyuz 7 carri~ a three-
man o.::rew and Soyuz 8 two men.
Tass said Soyuz 6 came dO'>l"Tl a frw
hours after carrying out a "'unique ex·
perimcnt, of great importance" in "cokf'
welding. The process is coosidered essen·
tial For construction of space stations and
repairing space objC"<:U.
Tass said the ship landed at 12·52 p.m.
t-lo!ICQw Ume !2:52 a.m. PDT ) about 112
111iles nonh\\'est of Karaganda. The pair
"feC'l fine,'' the agency reported.
''To effect the de.sce nt from orbit. the
commander of the ship used manual
orienta tion and at the calculated time
switched on the descent program," Tass
said. "1'he landing modul e "ilh the crew
separated from the shi p."
It said after braking in Lhe atmosphere ,
''the parachute system \\'as put inlo
operation and the soft-landing engines
(rnede) a smooth landing."
Soyuz 6 wa s not equipped '>l·ith docking
apparatus -the space presumably being
iaken cp by the special "·e\ding equip·
ment -and apparently made no atte mpt
to link up '>1'\th the Soyuz 7 and 8 craft.
Tass said the \\·elding experiment wa .,
tarried out by Kubasov in the orbit::i!
con1parttnent of the craft during the 77Lh
orbit. "The aim of the experiment v.·as to
establish the pe<'llli aritie~ of the welding
or various metals in space," the agency
"This is a unique experiment, of grtal
im portanee· for science and techno logy in
\1·orking out technolog'J of welding ,and
asse mblying works in space."
Off and Running:
Mul'phy Backing
Nixon on Vietnan1
LOS ANGF.l.ES ri\r) -Rrpubht·an
Sen. GCQrge lllurph y is rurming for a se-
cond term ::is ::i v. hole hea rted advoca~ of
President '.\'i xon's \'irtnam policy -and
an uncompromising foe of th t
f.1oratoriu m Oay 1tr1nonstrali.:>ns.
The scna1nr 1n1nrd 1.1·1lh f.OP Gn\•
n ca11;an \\"edncStlay nigh t in bai.:king the
President at a ~ZOO·a.plale fund-raisin;t
rl inner aimed at buildi ng up the treasury
for 111urph y's 19i0 re-e\c("tion r a1npaign.
Aides said that at lrast $300.000 '>l"a,
netted from !llr d1nnrr-and frn1n t 11·1)
sunilar affairs \\'ednrsday at San Diego
and frf'sno.
ftfurphy said here, "lf thert has be-en A
1lo11bt in an~'one·.~ n1 ind as tn \11hether I
"'ill be a cand idate for the U.S. Senat~
ncltt year let it be dispelled,"
Prcsidrnt :--iixon telephoned the Lo.:
Angclrs dinner fr <1n1 \\'ashin!!'lon and .">alt1
!\l urphy should be re-elected becau~r
American~ "need someone 11ho can stand
up and fight for a strong Atner1ca."
i\i.l(on. "'hose n:1ti1·c state is CalHnrn1a
AAid "this adn1 inlstralion needs him i~
the Senate. Cal1forn i11 needs him. Thi:
11 h()l r country n('('ds hiin."
n..,. er• v•ry co,..fHfAble ,ofe bed, for
SittifUil •'"' Sl.-pi"t· .... 400·00 Now 299 .00
A wMje 1el.ct~ of F.oric.s el'lci c.lon to
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Your /aoonfr. in.tenor duigwtr tDiU bit Mppr lo a.ssf.,t 11ou •••
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Fountain Valley Today's Final
N.Y. Stocks •
vot:. 62 , NO. HS. J SECTION S, 34 PAGES
• • lSOll I
CA ll.Y "!LOT St1fl '°IMtl
Scholarly F eline Takes Up Residence in Library
TahlJy Cat Real Bool{wo1·111
'.At Hiu1ti11gton 's LiJJ1·a1·y
1\ :-t•holarly cat ha;. ta~tn ur rrs1drn1·c
~L the ll11nt 1ngto11 Beath Librar;:.• and
rrfu.~cs to budge fron1 hl'r nrw ho1nc
Library personnel say T<1hby 111c'll 11-r
th:i t nanJl'I v.as founri one rnorn1n~ thn r
v.·rrk~ ;igct palll:'nlly ",1111ng tor !!•e
librarv doors to OIJ'.'T1.
1'rthhv l'llStOn1:irilv \akr ~ the> hcs l ~r.1L
-11nr!Cr thr bav \l1nclo11· 1n 1ht· 1n;,1n
reading rOlJm ~ frir a noonbnlC' n;.p,
.<.l('('pS nn the snf\c.~l s1,ca1rr. \1a trr.s lh"
front la,,.,·n paln1 trre e;u.:h <t:ir :in•I
grnrr;1llv kcept. pcr5')11nr1 nnd 11.11r(•11~
,1\1kr a1nu.,f'd.
Like • princes~ ;he n1arthcs arourlll
lhr tibrar~·. rlaring those ,,.,·hn v.·ould sut::·
i:;cs1 sh r dorsn l hel:ing lo prol'e it.
Onr J;idy lc>ll T;;ibby 11•ould prefer a rr.1\
hon1r l )n 1hc ron1rary. Ta bby lrll <Jllilr.
1nsul trd and scralchcd Oightly anrl poli1c-
I) J her wou l<l·bc benefactor. then return·
t.'(f to a comfortable bookshelf.
:\o nne has \'Cl c!airn W 011ncrsh1 p nr
111r ca t. .s:i,l's librarian \\'a11rr .lol1nS<1n.
thOtrl!h 1l appea rs the cat ha.~ claimed
011 nt'r~h1 p of the hbrary.
"l'Jtrnns stare at first," said .John~nn.
• but the cat really seem~ 10 he quite
Jf T:ibhy \..cep~ 1t up, ;.he nllgl1l lurn ir1·
10 a lw;lokv.onn?
01il y 1 Clasli Mars War
Protests in fl untington
V1olrncc \Vas conspicuously ab>ent a~
s1:i; lluntington Beach campusc!> Tuesd:iy
t!S high school anrl Junior college pro-
testers called on !hr U.S. go\'crnmenl to
bring peace in Vietnam.
cA.n,pu:i; activittcs all day, pro\•1ded they
had parental consent.
Se\'l'ral high school ~tudenL-. y,•ere
present at Golden \l.'est College to
tSec HUf\iTINGTON, Pace ZJ
• e r1 e on
State Ope11s
iif 11>1 D•lly l'l"'t 51•11
A Soulht>rn California Edison Com pany
officia l today 1\•as subjected to critical
i:rillini; by n1en1bers nf the state Environ-
tlll'nl<i l Qtial!l,V Study Council at a public
hearing on air txillutlon in Jlunt ington
Jack ~loore, Edison vice. president in
charge of engineering, admitted that
n11rogcn oxide emissions from the Hun·
ling-ion Beach plant \l'OU\d continue until
197:1 \1'ilh add ition of tw o new generating
units, blll promised reductions after that
through resea rch now in progress.
"\\llal arc you going to do now about
;ur pollution,'' sn apped council member
Albert Pearlson, a Beverly Hills attomer.
"\\'e want results now, not in 1975 or 1980.
The pe<iple of Orange. County have a righl
to know· v.·hal you are doing im-
r.·toore explained that bis company i~
~pCflding SI million this year on rese.arth
to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions and
has spent more than $8 million O\'Cr the
past few years.
Dr. A. J . HaagenSmit of Caltech chari:;-
cd th.at Ediso n advertise1nents stating
that the com pany was contributing less
than one percent of the air pollution .in
the Los Angeles basin '\vere misleading.
··r he figure is mttcl>ftigher' am Wict:
~t andard s hal'C ix'en adopted that y,·ill put
you in greatl'r violation shortly of air
pollution rules," the Caltech professor
1;;dison Compnny planners . currently
;ire proposing to double the !l!Ze of lhc
firm 's llunllngtnn Beach facility on
l'ac.ific Coast Highv.·ay just Yi'e!'!l of the
S;inta Ana fti \'er bounrlary betwee n the
()1! City and Ne\\'port Beach and Costa
In olhl'r testimony this morning. Hun-
\1!'i;lnn Beach t-.l ayor Jack Gr~n said :
"\'le arc here today to insist that our
r11v1ronmcnt be free of the fXl'lllltion
1\h1ch ha!> dri\'Cn n1any pwplc fronl the
l:°s A~~cles area to Ji\'C along the Orange
Crcen ;:iddcd. •·\\'(' wish to assure. all
concerned that we are pr epared to pay
1111.• cos1 to see that our air remains clean
\\htlc> our 1ndu~Lry gro1\s."
"All of us understand that Oran~!.'
(nuntv needs additional IX'""·er supplies to
n1ovr ·l\lr"ard anrl at the same tin1e 1l
ri111~t hair thc~c surpl1cs 11ithout further
l'JOllutLon 11f the air,'' the mayor t"fJ1l-
t1nucd .
Green nrit cd that reprcscnU11n·cs of the
maior po11o·rr r.om pan1rs ''t1re hrrc to le\1
11~. hop;">fully . hou· the p1111·er n('Cd.~ of tt.1e
nrxt 1tcc;idc or t1\·(I c;in be rnrt and sir!!
)f'a\·e lh1.~ arc:• fit for hu1nt1n habitation.''
NE\V yon~ tAPl -TI1c stock markrt
rxr\ncled "·Hh cnlhusiasn1 this ;i[lernoon
nn the an11ounce1ncnl by Amba.~sador
J lrnry Cabol Lodge nf a ·surprising pro-
po.<.al for peace talks by the Vie tnam
Con1mun1st~. 1 See quotallons, Pages
26-27 1.
111c. f>o\V .Jones average or :IO indu~
lrial s shot 1Q a gain of 12 at 842.07 by
I :W p.m. alter having been up only 1.65
a\ nf)(Jn.
D._llY "II.Of 5111f ,.~
Plen1 tc Expend Company's Huntington Beach Fac;ility Draw Fire During Hearing
Nuclear Plants a Must
Solon Says State /las 'Hell of a Problem'
From \\'irt Serl'lces
Nuc!rar power generating planl~ ;it
least 200, must replace conventional ones
su.::h as the Southern Californ ia Edison
;Company'1.,I-bm.lington Beach !f,cility by
lht year 2000 -or else.
7hl!> was the message of Assemblyman
John V. Briggs (R-Fulll'rton) V.1ednl'Sd'1y
during a hearing in Sacramento nf the
Committee on Atomic De velopmcnl and
Space. of \l'hic h he is chairman .
"The state has got a hell of a probeln1
on us,'' Briggs said, describing progrci:;s
to date in creating nuclea r energy pla nts
and curtailing cxpansi0n i:;uch <1s prn-
poscd for the Huntington Br a c h
generati ng station.
"It's ob,·ious we arc exploding in 011r
demand for l)O\\'cr. But it sce1ns "'C h<nr.
a hit.qr.miss operation." said Brigg~. "It
docsn ·l s('Cm 11·e exert any infl uence or
leve rage .. ,
lie suggested fnrma!io n of a s1ng!e
stat<' agency v.'1\h legal al1thnrity to han·
Ole questions 11f <1tJ111ic dc1·('lopmenl J11
California as the ans11·er 10 a gro11o ing
~leanwhi!t>. 1hc president 1Jf SouLhrrn
Cali!ornia Ediso n Con1pany, T. ~1.
Sc liool l\'la y Go
On Golf Course
Hun tington Beach City Schoo l District
trustcr,c; arc stuiJyinA a futur e> .~chool ~''"
on \1hat is ncrw the lfuntington Beath
Cn11ntry Cluh golf cour.c;c.
The rxact loca tion of the site has not
yet been selected, accordinr; to Charles
PalmPr, busines~ manager for the
district. Jt "·i ll probably include a
neighborhood park site.
The new school would accomn1oda1e
children from homes now under con-
struction in the Huntington Beach Co111·
pany's Seacliff Country Club area.
1->lcDanirJ, ~ays air pnll11tion cau :;erl hv
1hr llun1in gton lil'aeh plant \Vil l be cut 41.l
perrrnt i11·er us lifl'.
!1e dirl nol liay 1rhat tha t life might bf'.
The f1rn1 ·~ nu1v seeking approval o[
l)l ans lo expanrl from two existing
j?encrating units In fnur. and h:1 s cn-
t:oun tered public opposition.
t.1c0aniel said nilrugen oxide ancl olher
txillulanls f;{'Ht'ra ted along ll'i\h the
i;team hav e been reduced by 75 pcrcen ~
<1t 01e con1p.:i11y 's Al<unilO:'> Gc11cr;1ting
Station near Se;il Beach.
Breakthroughs in rC~l·a rrh al !he ncll'cr
Fa ci !i!y. plus gradual rcr1t1clinn of the
l!t1nl1 ngt11n Beach pJ;in1·s use. will allow
lhe decrca~c !n con!1nuc, despite ex·
pansion. ~1cD;u11cl !laid.
AssPmblyman llnggs lohl hi~ com·
rnil!ce and ne1vsmr11 \\'l'dnrsday 1hat far
rn ore nec<ls tn he donl' if Ca l1forr.1a is to
1ncl't power nreds anri poJ1111ion cont rol.
"\\·e can 'L sit ;iruund and 1'.:li1." saul
Brigg~. "11!' llavr to ha \c one slate
a11:hority in ch;irge ."
/\rigs~ dc~cril.1ed C:alif ornla'!; current
rrilr 111 lh,. lor;1l1on :ind ci:;tahh·,hn1c·n1 r.f
11uclc:1r pov.cr plants as perhaps ""'or~c
1han archaic, 'Jlorsc·and·buggy, hodgc-
pOOgc, ;unJ h11-and·111bs," were the
llc~trip11nns he used.
Tile Orangr. Count y legislator said
t al1forn1a mll"t develop 200 nuclear
P'l"l'r pl;ints by the year 2000 to meet
needs increased JO tunes over what they
.:Jrl' no11·
('hief 11'1!ncss ;i\ lhc co1nmiltee hearing
\\ cdnc~rlay \1·as Paul Cl iflon, cha irman ol
rhe f;iirl.v new Power PJ;int Siting Com-
1niltcc. \\'hose tcstin1ony indicated a need
for changing public aUttude.
"They 11·;int l'lean ai r: but they don 't
'"C'1n 10 v.ant nuclear po .... ·er,'' Chairman
£lr1i:,c.~ .<..11r/ la!rr. adding that atomic
pkints ~re !'Hfc. but the public must be
cdue.11cr1 rri th15 f;i ct,
"f>;;ifrly I\ not a factor,'' he> said.
"E.-.ccpt 1n the minds of lhe public,"
added Sen Ral ph C. Dills (0-Gardena).
The st;ite cu rrently has two nuclear
pnwer p!ar1t s l11nc at San Onofre) and ti>l·o
under construction. \.l'ilh se\'en more pro-
riosrd or actually planned along the
California coa5tllnc.
Two of the propo~d plants, hov.·ever.
h<i\e vlrtuall:-· been abandoned, including
the multi·million facility con5irlered for
consln1etion offs hore from Bolsa Cltica
St:Hc &>a ch.
Mets World's Clm1nps!
Oriol es Tu11ible, 5-3
:\J-;n· Y0f1f\ I Arl -Th,. an1a1.in.;: l'\e1v
\'11rk ,\lets complc!rd thr1r unpossi blc
rlrc<1m Thursrlay by "'inning lhr 1969
\Vr,rld St>rir~ wilh a 5.3 t'ictorv 11ver 1he
nalt11n11re Oriole.~ on home ruris by Donn
Clenrled11n and Al \Vc1s and Ron Swo-
boda 's decisi\'e !lc>·brc<tking double.
all the \\';iy to the top hy i:losing out th~
Orioles in four straight after losing thf'
first gan1e in Baltimore.
There we re her()('.~ galore for the Mel!,
011ce the ragamuffin clov.·ns of the Na·
t1onal League. Koosm;in \~1ent. all the way
I~ ""'in hi.~ second Series game with a five·
h11tcr. Don n Clendenon, proclaimed the
Scril's hero and winner of a sports car,
hit a ty,·o-n1n homer. Al Weis. a .21 .~ hi1·
Irr sl ammed his first home. run e\·er at
Onlv on e rrporl of physical action came
rrnm .Edison High School 1'.hcrr foo tball
r!aycrs allegedly lore down some antiv.•ar
Headless He11 Dies Twi~e
Thr laughin,t: stork of baseball for the
fir~t seven years of !cir e.>Usteocc when
they fa iled to climb above ninth place,
th" irrepressible Mets ,,.,·cnt fr om rags lo
riches in their eighth season by winning
four stn1ight giln1es from the> once-lav·
nrcrl Orioles after losing the first gan1c
of the bc>st-of·seven classic.
A sv.•irling mas!> of humanity frorn the
l:irgcsl crowd ever to see. a game al Shea
~:<:di um. 57,397, ~warmrd over the field
af1cr the fin al oul v.·hile the giddy Mets
•.1cre clubb ing Jerry Koosman on the.
f.di~n Principal Erne.~! Pa~coc s.'.l1d h,.
had al so heard of an 1nc1denl whcrP twr>
mcn1bcrs of oppo~ing groups tnrc nH
f'QCh olhers arn1bands but did not cngatie
in a light.
Black armband!. sy mbolizing the death
nf soldiers on lhe Asian batL!c>fronl. \1 Crt'
\vorn by nun1erous high school and cr>l·
Jege students al all c;lmpuscs and \l"Crc •Jl
contrasl to some red -wt111f•.;ind blue
armbands worn by Sl'lme students 01>-
posing the protcstors.
!'upt'rintendenl ~la~ Fornry. or the
I f11ntingto n Brach Union High School
IJ1strict said. "ll all \l-l'nt 1·cry ,,.,-ell ;H·-
cording lo the rcporls I rrC'Cl\'ed. it dJ>-
pears lhat our guide.li nes 11ere !0!1011.·ed .
In some case.-. there wa.s al'tu ally an 1n·
crc·asc in cla!'s .. u endancc ·•
l!e v.·as referring to a "statement or
pnritfon." ratified 1hc previous dBy by the
board of tn.1s\('('S. u·hich reminder! !h~
Yh1dtnl-. that the high ~chool c;impu sc~
11·011l rl follnw a norn1"I cl:i.<.s schcc•le and
lh:1t dcmons1ra l1ons 11·crc 1n cffl'ct rulrrl
Tl,,. g111rirl1n,. lln .... cvrr ~·n " !he
5tudcnts lhc oppnrt11n11 _y !o rng;ii:c 111 ol!·
Chicken Lives 38 Hours After Attack by Raccoo n
Of .... Da1lr "1'-1 S1011
ll:irlan Hall 's y,·hitc hen died thi~ v.·eck.
Tw ice.
Th<' first time was al 3 a.m. ~1onday
'1 hen a brazen raccoon broke. into I.he
chicken coop behind Hall's home al 16862
A St . llunt1 ngton Beach, and chey,•cd orr
the chicken 's head.
II died the secnnd limr. al 5 p.n1, Tues·
rlay v.·hen Ball got oui a long knife and
.administered the. coup de grace.
For the period of J8 hours belwt>cn lhe
first death and the sa.'OOd, the ht'.n had
literally heen running around like a
chicken wHh its heart cut off.
Hall first found t~ beadles~ chicken
sta nding in line. y,·Jth 1L~ coopmates
\\ailing lo be fed.
··Jt 1\;is unbel iel'ablr," hr s,11d. ··r
though! I 11·as havin,t: the DT:.."
Rut 1L wa~ tn1e. Tht ch1ckrn ra11
111ri1lc~~ly around lhe ya rd .... ·hen prodrlNt,
lollowl'd by the curioos Pepi . H all'.~ yel rr
ini:: black toy poodle.
~tany storir:s have circulated abour an
occasional chicken doing a few laps
;iround !he fov.rle.r's stump aFte.r being
beheaded by the ax, but it isn'l often that
one keeps ROi ng as long as tlall's
headless chicken did.
Hall. a musician, AAid he came home
lat e Sunday night from an engagement
v.·hen he found the raccoon in the chicken
"He> groy,•led at me and I was a little
afraid and called the police. Two of the
chlckens were dead and ht was work ing
on the third one when the police and the
J1 11111ane oUicer finally got him out," he
"fl e'd ealc!n lhi!> chicken's hcarl off and
it "''as squilttcd dov.·n 'dead' until I y.·cnt
nut in !he mornin g lo fel"d the remaining .. nnc~.
f.lond;iy afternoon Hall wa~ ~till p01.7.l4
erJ <t:> !n \1•hal lo do y.·ilh lhe hen . "I do11 ·t
knt)Y.' y.•hcther to kill il or turn it over to
sc1enlif1c invc.<1tigalion. J'd hate. to SllY (
killed a biologi cal miracle," he said !hen.
Scientists at UC J r v in e, said tlie
chicken v.·as technically dead since> ii had
been decapitated.
Don .Jenkins, a biologist, explained th;it
unlike humans, a ehtcken's head does not
control the body.
"The body controls are actually in !he
neck," ht: said. "But since it doesn't ha\'C
a head, for all purposes it's clinically
dead. And lheTI again, it's alive. But for
what pur~?"
fie .11dded that he heard of an accm1nt
In Ripley.'s "Believe ll Or Not" in which
a woman had • kept a htadleu chicken
alive fQr 20 wetlts by feed.Jng it with an
"I haven't heard of anything like this 1n
years thougti. It's r•lhe:r sLrange. A freak
1>f nature,'' he said .
But UCI'! biologis~ \1•cren't interesterl
In making 1 research project out of
llall '! hen. "We y,•ou ld have liked to ha 1·c
had th:: raccoon , though," sald ~1arsh .
C;;nnon crackers burst in the> ~lands
an:! a ph nlanx:·of wide-eyed fa ns. shouting
"y.·e·rc No. !" n1lllcd in fron t of the Met
dugou l. An orange smoke flare v.·as car·
rird acro~s ~econcl base and ~01ne kids
propped up a sign that asked "\\'hat
Ne xt?"
AnoU1er bannrr proclaimer!, "This is it
ft1ns There is nn to1norruw."
The story btlOk f\lel~. v.·hn never fin-
ishefl higher than ninth p!aP.e in :;oven
previous frustrating. years, thus made it
The lnurlh in a .~e-ril'!'I of fi ve r1>ports by
n ,.\ILY PIL01' financial rolu mni!t Sylvia
Port('r. ant11.1'7.ing the 1009 et.'QOO my 111
comrarison llJ the 1929 ~tock ma rket
cr11!'h and worlrl 1l cpres.~ion \¥hich follo\Y·
I'd 1L \\'Iii he fnund 1n today 's papt'r on
Page 26.
Don't look no\\', but t he rainy
season is about to start. Those
in a position to know are pre·
dieting a 50 percent chance or
precipitation for the Orange
Coast tonight and Friday,
\Vltilr 2,()()(1 Oraunr. Co101t11
R<"rn1blzcrr11 1uon1e ;1 chcrrcd,
Se11. Rarry Co/du.:nter urged re·
s11mption of A ni r rican bonlbin9
of N<1rth Victno111 ii~ on All<l·
hehn speecll, Page Io.
C1M1t1r•l1 • M1vlt1 " Cl•n•llfll 11.u Mutw ll ,u..,, " Co'1'lt1 " N"9"'°'•t .. ~ " c.,., ...... " 0••-c_,, " .... Ntll<H " 5,1v11 ,..,., .. " Ol•t,c•• " '"rl' "''' llO\tl!Orll l "" • Sift• rr1•11tt-tt1 )1-11
lf•ltrt"'"''""' " T•lt Yhlo• " , ....... U·ll lM1tt" " ...... ,(.~· " w ...... • ... .....,, ... , " ·-•M•1 " "'"""'' ' Wtrloll ·~ ...
MIH lltO l lC.,.IH 11 w ........ ·~· l).IJ
Irvine Protest Carried Out With No Fuss
0-'ILY ltll.OT 51•11 ltllllt
Without an En•my to Confront, A Day of 'Education,' Not 'Demon1tr•tion'
Teens Kill Selves
Witl1 Gas Fumes
In 'Peace' Moye
BLACK\VOOD, N. J . !A P) -Tv"o high
,;chool clas~matcs, a boy and girt. wrre
f.>and dead In a fume-rilled auton1obi!e
'Thursday, leaving behind a string or
no!rs !i<IJHlS they hnd dil'cl in !he 11an1c of
· /'.uthori l iro;; said lhC'y co n1 m i I l c d
$Uiclde • .Uoth had <itlcnded a V1ct11am
:r>Ioratorium obsC'rvance at Glassboro
Ii tale College \\'l'dne!'day.
The ,·icti ms, Craig BadiaH, 17. ;ind
• Joan Fox, 17. hoth seniors at Highland
Regional Jligh School, "ere found HI the
Badia h family car.
Camden County !llcdil.'al lnvcstigator
Thomas R. Daley said they had been
dead about 12 to 15 hOlJ rs \\llf•n lheir
bodies .,.,·ere discovert'd about 9:.10 a n1.
· A v:iruum cleaner hose had bl'en con ·
necled to the exhaust of the ear through
a holE: drilled in the floo r.
Daley said 2~ notes \1·r.re be ~1de thei r
Marin e's Body
Found on Beach
The body or a C.:amp Pendleton !11ar 111e
v.·a~h<'d ashore ;it Cypn1s Shores beach,
San Clement!', b(\wC'<'n five nnd six p.m.
\\'rdnesday. the Orange (Qunty Coroner's
Off ice rrporlt•d.
The !llarinr arir.ircnlly drn11'nrfl \I hilc
~111nHn1ng oil San Clr1nenl<' S:.il11nJ:1y
oi1tcnK111n. a coroner·s d!'puty s;:iicl. llr
11 <i ~ hc~rrl calll ni:: for hrtp arirl 11111
l1fci?J1ard hoats 11rrc d1spatc-hrd, h11l
r 1r\\:; 11·crP unHhlr to lor.tlt• h1111.
t...-timatcd 1tmc of !hr drnwn1ng 11;is 2 l[l
p m. Sa1urd<ty, according to U1e coroner's
ldrn\Jty of thr ,·u.:1jn1 is he>inf! \11\hhrlJ
l>~ndin~ no1i fic:11 io11 nf next of k11i.
lie was the second t.1arine. to rlrow·n 1n
lhc area this "'erk. Bl11s Vaca. 2!. dro1o1'n·
efl ofr San Cl('rnente. Sun£1ay afternflOn.
His body later "'as recovered at Estacion
Jlob••I ti Wr!d
r rt•lOtt>I """ r vDl•!"f'
J•o ~ II, C11rl•y
'llkl 'rt>•O(nl •"" ""'''&' "\1n17rr
Thom•• IC•t••I
l~ein11 A. M u•p~in1
~nltl"O E.<l<'O/
.A lh11f W, R~••1
~UOClllt (Ollor
H111tl~•11 lt•t~ Ofllc•
J09 5th Streit
M1iti"I ~~tlr11t: r.o. '"" 790, '24~1
Otkr Ollk tt
frlt.,oerl 11~11n 1 ;111 W•1• 8••1'Y'• !~v't•ll~
Co'11 """••· JJO Y,(11 lo~ 5,,,., l.111~/WI t11.cl\; ~n Fo.r11J '"ff <a
C•ll Y P llOT, "''"' "'"><" '' <""t ••<! ''• t.• .. 1 l'rr,ol, • ..,.,,.,.," do••• ~·'" • \."'
CllY +n .......... 1'111•-· ·~· ltu"""~'O I flU<~• f'o\inlol" Vlll•IY• ("''• /,',.1•, I'•.,.
.t111 !lf•tn 1r.<1 ~II"• fl•ot~. • ""' .. ,.,. •-•e<ioet>•I <d•tlon1. O••"or (6' ' ,-'"·
"'"Comp..,,. ptJllh"\I pl#nl1 "" •• ;n + "'"' 6 t• 01 !l"I . 11~.,l'O<I II••<•, •!'(I JJO
'""' ~ •• ~lttct, (Oii• Mf•t '''''"°". 17141 ••J·4l21 f •Olll W•1f111IMH'• C:•ll 540.1110
ci...!11•1111 Alwfltl1l~9 •4J.~671
to~··r•o~t, ••••· o .. n11 .ceo11 P~l>I••~ "' (e<Y~•n> llt' "''"' , , e • 1• \, •lluo!r •I ·~·"
•n<lc,.•f rnolT•r o> •d•t<! 1•m•~" ~ ... .,
., •• ~ ''"'"~"'"~ ... 11\6ul ,,,..~,.1 "''"'"' o• c• ''"'"'~' e~'" t •<••O ('•••r t<'•·.~~·~•! fl•••ort ll••r' I '~ C:tl'I ,_,.,.,, (OI '"elo '•!'I'""'" t.• <~1•1f-t \'('6 Mt•I~ /, "' m 11i I '~ rf*'l~iyj
fT.1!+1""' Ou!l"'"ll&rll, 1100 11\C l~•Yl
Hanoi Demands Nixon
Set Pullout Timetable
PAfl !S (AP) -Hanoi called on Presi·
(!Pnt. Nixon loday lo announce his
ti1netable for the withdrawal of all U.S.
lrnop~ frQin Vietnain . U.S. Ambassador
lienry C<ibot Lot!ge replied Jt is "up to
your side to make the next move."
Nor(h Vietnamese Ambass;idor Xuan
Thuy . just back from a lengthy visit to
HJnoi, told the 38th plenary session of the
Paris pe ace talks that U.S. Secretary or
Slate \V11lian1 P. Jlogers said last y,·eek
Presiden t Nixon had a timetable for
troop l'.'il hdra"·al in mind .
.. If the Nixon administration really
11·ants to end the war and already has a
t1 n1cta b1e for the total v.·ithdrawal ol U.S.
troops from South Vietnam. then why
does it nol dare make it public as re·
quested by !he American people?" he
"lt is not Ilic announcernent or the
lunelable of U.S. troops \V!lhdrawal
wh1r.h prolongs the 11•ar but it is because
()[ hi.,; poliry n[ ""'ar prolongation that
Pr~>.sldent Nixon rlarcs not announce the
t11nrtablc of troop y,·ithdra\\·al."
Thuy asked why, if the United Stair.~
can send men to the moon al the speed of
a rocket, docs it "only wa nt to withdraw
HS troops •• , al a snairs pace? It is
Drugged Youth
Attacks Jlf other.,
Police Officer
An a pparently drug·!'nn:ed Garden
<:1·11\'P. \OU!h ;itlackcrl both his mnthPr
'1nrl a Pollee nfl1cer 1rlth a bu1cher knilc
\\e(lncsdi!Y night. 1n a fracas !h at erupted
c;.1 rr a ~11pprr table argun1cnt.
ll took scvcr:<I blo1~'S from the officer's
b.1!on to s:uhd11c. thr 17.yl'ar.(lld youth who
1~ nnw lMg!'d 1n juvenllc htill. No lnjurirs
11l'fC. suffered by his motlier or the of.
The boy 's mother told police her M>n
\\·ent berserk when she accused him over
the supper table or failing to keep~ his
pron1ise to stay off drugs. She said the
boy unmediately seized the butcher knHe,
::>prang over the table and pursued her
amund the kitchen.
The screaming woman ran to ;i
nrighbor's house for protection and called
police. Her son returned to the family
home still waving lhe kn ife and 5houUng
unintelligible threats.
An in\•esligaUng officer said the boy
bl1r~l oul of the home v.·hen he knocked al
Iii<' door ";ind took severa l crazy swipes
at me. He behaved like. a mad man and it
v.·a~ hard lo make out just what he v.·as
precisely because it does not in r<icl w;i nl
lo withdraw its troops at all , rather 1l 011·
ly "'ants to prolong the \Var."
Tiiuy said th<il because Nixon has not
ful fi!ied the peace promises he 1n:i.de dur-
ing his elec tion campaign "he is now Lie·
ing the opposition movement or the
A1nerican people. a movement on a na-
tionwide scale, the strongest and most
\\'idespread C\'e! knO\\'O in the l,;n1tcd
States , .. "
"The Ameri cans \\'ho pa rtici pated in
!he Oct. 15 activities tMoralorium Day I
undert.sand they are contribuUng lo the
prom pt cessation of the war. They will
conti nue lo overcome obstacles of c1H
kinds lo go farther for"·ard," he con·
Lodge, reviewing the record or lhe
t<1lks since they began, said liano1 and
the provisional revolutionary J;:OVern·
ment. rViet Cong\ have blocked the Pari.'.'i
IBlks by demanding preconditions for ne-
From Page 1
p<1rt1ci pate in a five.hour long demonstr:i.·
lion on a large. grassy area just outside
the College Forum.
Only an estimated 500 you thful pro-
tr!.tor~ "'ere in auendance 11·hen the rally
got und!'r ,,·ay at II a.tn. bul the numbers
increased significantly \1·1Jen cla~ses let
nut at 2 p.rn .. according to school of·
~p ... :1kers i11cludE"d several r.olden \\'e~I
r;ic11lty n1£'m ht.•rs. Thf RC\'. llOfer
'\'.il kP nf lh(' fnsta MP~a Unitilr1:•n
<~hurrh , 1\likc (;rodsh1 , an An1enr:1n ('1111
Liberties Union aHorney, and Va;\J'lan1
\\';i r ,·c1era n \l.'1rk1c \\'right.
Their nraL1on.~ 11·rr" lnler:;perst•rl hy ~111-
1Jent ~rformancrs of an!i-1var song~ by
Bob Dylan , Phil Ochs and the Bea tles.
At times two men and one lilirl sal in
f1·011t of the podiu1n eyes, cars and mnuth
cn1•crcd in ·•hear no evil , sec no e1·il,
spea k no e1·i1 position"
Perhaps the mo.~t pungent indictmt'nl
or "'Br ,,·as offered by one of the rall y's
organizers, Don fl.1ustelle, 11·ho read fro1n
Du!ton Trumbn's "Johnny Gol l-lis Gu n."
Occasionally brushing his long hair
aside and pointing his fing er 11t I.he au-
dience. he asked. "Did anybody e\'er
come back from the dead, any single one
of lhP milli ons \\'ho ever gol killed~"
"Did any of them evrr come bark and
say. 'By God, I'm glad I died lo n1ake lhc
11·orld sa fe for democracy? Did they say I
like death better than losing liberty? Did
a11y o[ them ever say it's good to think t
got my gul~ blo"·n out for the honor of
n1y coontry?"
TI1e applause to his speech was loud.
FBI Ar1·ests Beach Ma11,
Pal i11 Big Fu1· Thefts
A Huntington Beach m11n and his
?<ofalibu pal \\'ere arresled carrying a
footlocker full of allegedly stolen furs
\\'cdnesday \\•hen FBI agents Ji:rceted
lhen1 at Kennedy Airport in New York.
l'>ona kl Rolls. 30, <>f Huntington Beach,
11 nd ~lalibu resident Theodore William~.
40, v.·cre charged with receiving stolen
gooris through int~rslate commerce.
Auth<>rit1es in Los Angeles :sa id R1Jlls
r;irr1ed false identif ication listing his lasl
nnmr. a~ O'Shea and has lh'f'd nn E51r<'l
L;Ulc 1n Hunli11gton Bf'ach , hut rouldn 'l
l,;11 " the sperific RrldrPSS.
1'hc pai r ca rried $6 .000 in fur piPrC'
linked to the f44,QOO burglary of a \\11'~1
Los Anceh:s store last Salurda)', ac·
cording to FBI agenl~ therr.
Rolls and Y.'illiams were arraigne<i
before a U.S. commissioner in New York
folk,wlng tht'ir arre5l \\'tdnf'Sday.
The arre5ts \\'ere made-through
<'OOperAlion of the QurE"ns County
bl.lrglary detail and Port A1Hhnrity
f'olice . but it was not re\'ealed v.·hal led
10 suspicion oi the pair.
\\1arrants for their arr('sl v.·ert ls~ne<l
hy E;i ~t Coast authorities .:ind an Ffll
sriok(".i;man in Lo~ Angeles sairl toda.v hl'
di(! not ha1·e specific details of the r:i:;e.
HP ~aid the burgl11ry Or"rurrrd ;1l
Nll.Tn lnr .. in the \l.'est Los Angele~ 1
area. ad1llnR thal Roll.~ ;incl \.\>'ill1ttn1i. hall
been ren llng in !hilt sccti<m recently.
CM 1111 Diiiy l'lltt S11ff
Black armbands symbolize a qulet pro-
test. That's the way it was on the UC
Irvine cainpus \Vednesday, the day of
moratorium .
The student organizers had planned It
to be a day of education, not demonstra.
lien. There was no immediate en@my to
conrron t. The enemy, un seen, was the
Viclnan1 \.1-'ar.
An esti mated 1,500 students attended
an afternoon rally. It was a big throng
but thP. speakers did not shout and the
sludents listened almost serenely.
Student Ann Doyle, chairman of the
University Moratoriun1 Committee, told
th!'m this ti me !he organizers had con·
centrated on education but that they
\l'Ould like to take activities off campus
next month.
An earlier-planned march to a war fn.
du~try plant had been ca nceled.
During the moratoriuin rally, Father
Ed Allen of University Interfaith at UC
lr1i ne offered lhese words:
''\\'e're here to comme1noratc 685,340
mrn v.•ho have lost their li ves on both
sides. It is 1>0ssl ble double that number of
civilians also have perished. \\le're here
to reflect on this tragic way of life.
"Today ii is easy lo kill because killing
is so iinpersonal. 'fhat ls why all of us can
u11nsl1n mc'.!dly drive a car. It also is easy
lo do what everyone else cloes v.·hether it
is standing up for a n1oraloriu1n or going
to ""'ar.
"During th is day :m Americans alone
will die. My intention is not to produce
guilt but humility.
Dan Gurney Quits
Ford, Will Race
Witl1 Plyn1ouths
Special to the DAILY PILOT
LOS ANGELES -Costa fl.lesa'.'.'i Dan
Gurney today enclcd a racing relationship
with Ford 1\1otor Cornpany and took up
11•ith Plymouth.
(iurnry announced ;1L a news con·
fcrenC'e that he and his protege, Sv.·ede
Sal-'age of Santa Ana, "'ill race a pair or
Plymouth Barracudas in the 1970 SCAA
Trans-American Road Race Series.
Gurney will also drive a Plymouth
noadrunner in the l"''O stock car races at
Riversi de International Raceway, v.·here
he has won five of seven 500-milers for
FGrd si nce 1963.
Gurney detailed his other racing plans
as follows: he'll probably dri\'e a turbo-
OHy :it Ind ianapolis, a Chevy-powered
group-7 sporlo; racer on the Canadian-
American challenge cup series and "no, I
y,·on 't'' on the formula 1 grand pr1x
Ciurn!'y admitt!'d that three other fac·
tories had approached him with proposals
to rlrive their Trans-Am cars next year.
Si nce he is leaving Ford, it is beli eved
lh" other thre!'. factories are Atne rican
!'IIotor s, Dodge and Chevrolet.
s,vin1ming Class
Begins Saturday
Learn to swim classes sponsored by the
J l11ntin~ton Beach Y~1CA v.·ill bl-gin
Saturday at the Golden \\'est Collrgc
Yt-.1f A (lff1cials said """'immin~ in·
stn1ct1on is open lo all residents of the
H.ci::islr;i!1nn tflr boy~ anrl gi rls, adult~
and tiny lots are he111g <1cceptcd throu~l1
l'riday at the Y:-.ICA-office 1.\776 Beach
Rl\'r\. \\'e.!1lmins1er. telephone 894-4548 .
"Is a moinent of silence enough lo
commemorate 685 ,J40 ernpty ho1nes~
\Vould 10 hours of silence be enough for
111e loss or one husbri nd, one lover, one
"You see it ls 1nd1v1duals we arc talk-
in)' about.
"The equal of hal f the population of
Orange County is gone, wasted, lost. Try
to envision Ulat many men . Pick one f<tce
-one man for whon1 you 'vould want to
do what he had to do.
"Let's not be j,'Uilty of scorning the Ji v.
in~. The honor \\'e would pay to the dead
1s alsc. o\1•ed lo the living.
"(;f' ou t and talk lo otl1ers about this
!!l upid war. Ask sorneone everyday, ron1e
nev.• person, \vhat he thinks about bring·
ing the war to an end. Llsten first to
v.•hat he thinks. Let him kn ow you respect
him and his opini1Jns. Then let him .kno\V
where you stand ."
During the rally acth•ilies. eve n Leslie
Lincoln, usually fiery SDS speaker, was
subdued. She condemned the SDS
,;Weathermen" who went Qn a destructive
r ampage last week in Chicago. She said
they had walked out of SDS.
Antiwar students clearly were trying
for the broadest appeal consistent with
their slated objective o[ immediate
withdrawal or U.S. troops.
Several professors spoke at the rally, a
minister, a former G.I. and a South Viet·
name~ student.
Ha Duong Dl.J!', student at Cal Slate
Long Beach, said, ''Your puppet iovern·
ment in Saigon may call me back and put
me in Jail bul I 11·t1nt to say you and the
Sovic'.!l Union are both c~lonialist, un ·
''\\le 11'ant to be left alone to ha l'e
freed om," he said. "Tell your &overn·
me'lt. your busincssn1cn, you are not on
lhc r ight track. You should ""'ilhdraw
your troops , correct your foreig'n ixiliry.
f}un' try lo lmpoc;e Jn our country an en-
!lric political systeni."
Vf't{>rar1 J{alph Barracaoo, \1•hn is now
a UC L student, said C ls in Vietna n1
rquute mnnliness to anti-co1nrnunlsm. I le
said machines seen1 to be mo~e in1 ·
portan t than JX'Ople.
"Can 11e perhaps be the blockers of the
pc_opie eater7" he .isked.
Assistant Professor of History Richard
Fr;1nk said, "Our national in terest ha~
ne\l'r brrn at stoke. That 1s why v.·e are
losing. \\1e'l'e ne ver tried hard enough .
Froin the very beginning this \\'ar ha.~
bcl'n a fantastic bungle, a fraud."
Radi cal teaching assislanl Rieharrl
Robertson said the Unite<! States is in-
tentionally blocking the unde veloped
ll'Orld. "The wealth of the world rolls into
A1nerira ," he sa id. "With six percent of
the \1•ocld·s population v.·e consume 60
percent of the world 's commodities.
.. In many v.•ays the war in Vietnam ir. ;i
11·ar vf ex ample. It is saying 'This is wh;1I.
is going to happen to you if you throw off
the yoke of An1erican bnperialism.' "
George Reiter, assistant professo r of
physics'. said, ··rhe free in Free \l/or ld
doesn·t mean political freedom. There·s
.Franco's Spain. South Africa apartheid.
Free meons freedom for American
businessmen to trade there."
One Soviet Spaces hip
Back to Earth Safely
r.toscow (UPI) -Russia's Soyuz 6
spacecraft returned .'.'iafely to earth today
v.·lth il5 two-man crew, Tass announced.
During the ship's final hours in space it
conducted whatj.he Soviets called a "uni·
que" experiment in molecular "cold
The five-day flight of the Soyuz 6 ended
v.·it.h the craft making a "soft landing " 'in
the Karaganda area of Soviet central
Asia. the agency said. The two cos·
1nonauls -Coi. Georgi Shonin and flight
engineer Valeri Kubasov were
reported safe and well .
The tv.·o other Soyuz craft, 7 and 8, re·
n\alned in orbit. Soyuz 7 carries a three.
man .:rcw and Soyuz 8 t"'O men.
Ta ss said Soyuz 6 came down a fe\V
hvurs after carrying out a "unique ez-
periment, or great importance" in "cold"
\\'elding. The process is cons idered esscn·
tial for construction of space stations and
repairing space objects.
Tass said the shi p landed at 12:52 p.m.
T10S1.ow lime (2:52 a.111. PDT) about 112
niiles nor1hwest of Karaganda. The pair
"feel fin!':' the agency rcporlcd ..
"To effect the descent from orbit, the
co1nmand~ or the ship used manual
orientation and al l!1e calculated tin1c
sv.·1rchcd on the descent pr-Ogram,·• Ta;;s
said. ''The landing module .,.,·ith I.he crew
::;cparated from the ship."
It said after braking in the atn1osphcrr,
"the parachute systen1 "·as pul into
operation and the soft-la nding enginrs
(made) a smooth land in g."
Soyu7. fi v.•as nut equipped with docking
apparat us -the space presumably be ing
taken up by the spe cial 1\·eld1ng equip-
men t -and apparently made no att!'mpt
tn hnk up with the Soyuz 7 and 8 craft.
Tass said lhe welding experim ent u ;;~
<·arried out by Kuba wv 1n the orbitnl
cri111partn1ent of tlle rrall dur111,i:: the 7'i1h
nrb1t. "The aim or I.he exprriment .... ·as Ill
establish the peculiarities of the "'eldin~
of various n1e1als in space," lhe agenCj'
"This is a unique experiment. or great
importance for science and technology in
\vor ki ng out technology of welding a nd
assemblying works 1n space."
Off and Running:
Murphy Backing
Nixon on Vietnan1
LOS A1'\GELES f1\P) -Rcpubli('.1!1
Sen. George t.ltJrphy is running for a ~r
cond t~rn1 ;is a wholehearted ad1·ocatc or
President X1xon's \'1ctn11m po liry -arid
an unco1nprom1 ~1ni;: loc of t h ~
fl.foratoriDm flav rlr111ons1r11tk1n~.
The scn;i1or ';oincd 1111h (;Qr f,ov
fl C.'.lj:;an \\icdncsday n1gl1t Ill lJ<ic king th~
l'resident al a S2ll<l·:i-pl;11c tund ·rtl isioi:
dinner aiined at building up the treasury
for tvlurphy's l!l'iQ rc>-t'lectlon r;1mpa1gn .
Aidrs ;;aid thaL ;1t lr;1~t S~00 ,000 11 ;1~
netted fro1n lhe d111ner anr\ fror'n t11 oi
similar affaJTs \\"edneSd~y at Sao Dirso
and Fresno.
f.!urphy said herr. "!f there has be.en ~
rloubt in an~ont•s nnncl as lo 11hr1hcr I
1ri!! be a can1i1datc. lfl r the l' S. Sena1r
next yrar l!'t it be f1 1~pcllcd "
President :-i1xr,n leleph1111c1I lhe Lo•
Angrlcs <hnn"r fr:im \\'ash1nJ;:ton anrl sa 11I
r.1t1rphy should be re-elec\NI berau.•r
Americans "need snmcone 11 ht\ can stand
Up and fi~ht fr,r a stroni: Amrr1r~ "
:-lixon, \1hriS(' n:it11·c st;1 te 1s CahlnrnJ.i
~<11d "this adm1n1r.1rat1on needs him 1
the Sf'natl' Cal1foro1;i nreds him. Tn•
\1hrilf' t'OUntry nrrds 111111."
Th•1• •r• very comfert•ble 1ofe iMrd1 for
Sit+i"CJ •nd Sl .. pi"9· ·~ 400
00 Now 299 .00
A wi<t• 1electton of F1bric1 ertd Colon Jo
choo1• from .
H.J.GAl\l\fTT fURNl-pJRE
INTfll!Ol 0£SIGN[ll:S
?1 16 H.4.119011 I LYD.
COST..,_ M[SA, C 1'LI F,
·~•·027~ 646·0)76
A or
• -
'" I
t.h •
th ,,
'° •
'"' to
E ..
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Laguna Bea~h
Today's Fluet
N.Y. Stocks
Laguna Approves Pyne Ca·stle Use as Church
By ltlCllA HD P . N.\LL
01 t~• D•ltv Pilot Sl•tt
Pyne Castle "·cnt fron1 the comn1crcial
ti the sub linH' last n1ghl.
· A~lcr a protracted ~lruggle wt'll l\Orthy
of the furtrcss-likt• lan1tn1ark, Laguna
Beach counciltncn by a 4 lo I vutc ap-
proved its u~e as a church and Christian
Jt took several lhousanrl words and
about twn hour~ and 20 fl)inutcs as <'()fl·
gregalion spoke for and neighbors:
Narco Bitiges?
..:ounci!mcn -caught in a trad1t1on :i l
squeeze play nr neighbfJrhond \'l'r"u"
church ~ finally canil' lhrough v.1th a
11:-nit:.:d st<iinp of appro\'al.
Thl'y ov£'rruled an orig inal plannlnJ.:
C'Omn11ssion denial by 1he nel·£'ssarv four·
fifth vote (necessary because it Was ap-
pealed after planning con101Jssion dl'nial
of a conditional use pern11t~.
Councilman Charlton Boyd. <lftrr !'Oll1''
dazzling verbal footw ork, turned thurnlJs
Pendleton Brig
Violence Probed
Stnries or narcntics binges. r;icial
\'IOlence and 1nis1rec11rnent of 11risoners
in the Camp Pl'ndlcton hr ig arc bt'.'ing
formally probed l.oday by a p<Jnel of high-
ra11king officers.
The investh:ation is separate from one
fJrdcred by !ht llousr. Artncd Services
Committee ro110"·1ng the appearance or
l'llor1cs on the subJecl 1n lwo natt0na l
\\'hen the probe is eompletctl. the four-
mem~r panel "ill report to r..1aJ. Gen,
Donn Hobcrtson. \YhO recent ly assumed
L"Ommand of !he giant amphibious
training base.
Roberlson saicf in 11e"'s conrerence!'i
Rftcr the nalionally publ icized accounts
that they \\·ere l'xaggcratcd. \l'hilc tl1e
Do1v11, tJte
llistorical 1-Iomc
Open lo Public
T-:L TOflO -A hi~t oru ·.il nrl11be \\il l \_11•
C'lpc n In lh c fluh l1c Friday, nc:1. Ji,
A proJt'Cl of 111" F.I Tf\ro \\'ornrn·~ Clli h.
tlH· npcn hnu~(' \11\1 lake pli1cc lro1n 10
<i '11. 10 (i [)_Ill.
Frn1ured 11·!1! hr t11r Sr.·1-r;inn i\dobc
l,utll in ll\.12 by Jo.~c Scrruno wtHch 1s
localed off Trahuro Hoacl on Lake Forest
pr1iprr1y. Visitors m<iy lake El Toro
Road east lo Trabuco Rnad turn left and
p.·ncred to !he first driveway on th e left
v;hich is abou t a mile.
The restored home is furnisher! in mid-
J9tt-century slyl<', f.lrs n oris Prothero
""ll be hostess. There v.·i!I be n(l charge.
• ~1t!ll~t'OHICl'S l.o ~feet
dlehac k Valley Newcomers Club "'111 host
.a coffee for ne"' rcsidenls ~lnnday.
Thr get together will take pl<ice al 7 _30
p.m. 1n floya l Savings and U>an Assoc1a-
ti{ln in El Toro Ce11cr.
Activities and advantages ol fcred by
the club "·ill be eiiplained.
f\·larine Corps Commandant, CI' n .
J..eonard 1-'. Chapm;111, clen1rd kno\v lr(h!t"!
of such incidents in a pr ess conl'crelll'C iJ L
bl Torn ;\lCAS at t he sarne t1111e.
Three major ineidcnts ha~c (l("t urrf'd
1his year at the Camp Pendleton bro~. 111·
cludinp; a disturbance involving b),1< kc;
and whites that sent 109 prisoners anti a
guard to the hospital.
ConC'erning brut..1lity charp;e!i, the basr
commander has admitt ed charl'.:('!i \1•crc
brought a~ainst (our guards. with 1w11
cases unfounded. onr. man courtmartialcd
and one still under investigation
Several prisoners \1•cre hosriitat11l'd
hricflv la.~t J.:1n. 6. aft('r a 01elee <ind,
follo\V1ng the .June 22 riot which led 11l
published charges ;ln(t a 1011r hy nl'"'~1nr1 1
~epL 15, a gang of 200 pr1sC1ncrs staged
another not.
The t-.larinc Corrs has brco s1'ehing
f11nds to replace the vin t;ige !Jarbc~!·w1n•
anrl crude barra('ks 1n wh1rh up to -;50
1nen have bec•n hC'ld. 1·11e original tn :ix-
i1num capacity is listed all 4.10.
Thr Camp Pend leton pr:ibe will he lt><l
by Brig. Gen. frank E. Garretson.
Marine's Body·
F ouncl on Beflch
Th,.. boctv of a C::imp Pcnrllf't nn ~1:i ri1ie
\\a~hed a~hClfC a( rynru~ ~hnrl'~ t1r;11·h,
s~n Cle mrntr. bct\1N.'n fi ve anrl si.~ p tn.
\\"<'dnesd<•\'. t11c Orange County l'uronl'r · ~
O!firr repOrtrd.
Thr ~1.1nne ;;irrnrrn!ly d1·011nrr! 11t11li•
swimming off fi<"ln Clcme n\l' :o;:i t11rci.iv
:if1 cmoon. a C'nrnner'" drpu 1 ~· :-.aid. 11··
11';1~ he<ird C':'lll1 np; ror help ;ind 111 •1
lifeguard boal!i v.·cre chspa1rhcd, hu ~
c·rr.\.\'S \1·rrc unahlr. to localr h1n1
L:>tin1atrd time 11f tht· ciro.,.,·nini:; wn~ 2. JO
p.m. Saturday, according to Lhe coroner's
off rec.
Identity of the t•ictim is beinp; withl1c!d
~nding notificatiC1n of nexl of kin.
lie was the st'CQnd Marine to drown in
the area this v.·eek. Blas Vaca, 21. drown.
f'd off San Clemente Su nday sfternoon.
His body later wa s reco\•ered at Estacion
Stock Jllarke l •
NEW YORK (Al') -TI1e stock market
exploded with enthusiasm this afternoon
on the announcement by An1bas.~adnr
Jlenry Cabo t Lod ge of a sun1r~sinp; prn.
posal for peace \<ilks h.v the Vietnan1
('omrnunist.s. (See quotations, l'ages
flown on 1l1C' churl'h and re1na1ned tne
t!1.~~t•nt u1g \Ole.
i\fh·r :-0 1ne h<1ekroo1n·l,\'l'll.' pol1llcal
11\.int·tll'f'r111g and inany failed n11111ons,
\ u·1· ~1 :1yor .Joseph O'Sullivan :ind ttl<iynr
l ; l1·n11 \'r·rlder S\\'Ung Counciln1an Hichard
t:oldbcr~(s \'Ole,
Tlus "'as done by a stinula!itJn that !hr:
fi-J -ro1nn castle and outbuildings \rOUl tl
rri•1c•r h:11 e <'hurrh use and ap:irtrnent
u~<' sin1ull;1neously.
The Ca!l·ary Ev1.1nge!ical free Church
may continue to rcnl the rooms as
arartn1en1s. But when chuch use starts,
aparl1nenl rental 1nusl sto p and rr1na1n
As another concession, couocilmen
scratched the right to build a sanctuary.
1·11e third·noor ballroorn ·of the church
t·ould serve lhis purpose and sanctuary
approval could be sought later.
tt-lany other restrictions \\"Cte also lag·
ged to the religious usage. IL is possible
the church may run lhe matter through
the planning commission a.iiain expecting
a bclt£'r <leal on a J Lo 2 council spli t
\!•hen it is appealed by neighbors.
The deci sion came by a <'ircuitous
route. Planning commissioners fir st turn-
ed down the use. But that was when the
church also wantetl lo launch an elemen·
t'.lry school.
1'he church appealed bul deleted the
elementary school. It takes a four -fifths
council vote lo overrule denial ol a con·
ditional use permit.
Tnll,i1tg Al1out ll'ar
!lrH1•.:Jrd I!ill:-:. L <:1guna lleach l ligh School student
bodv president, stands before ll eisler Park \1•ar
111 1noria! ..-is he addresses audience du ring Vietnam
moratorium activities \Vedne sday. About 100 per-
sons, m ostly students, 'turned ou1. ~·Jany later mov·
cd on to larger moratoriun1 event at UC Jrvine.
'l'ccns l(ill Scl»cs
\Vith Ca!-i Fun1cs
] 11 "I >ea('c' l\foye
1:1. 1c·1.;\\"(f1 H1, :-: .1 IA I' 1 -T1>.o 11i~h
.._. !iw1I 'l.1• .n1.11r~, ;1 hnv ;111d girl. 11 l're
1.1o1r1il dt ,.i1 111 :1 rurn e•(l lk·ct .'lt1l11n1qh1lf'
1 1111r:.tl ;1\'. 1!'1lV!ll~ hrh1nrJ a S1tltlg' or
l\11lr<:: <:;i;.111g they J1;.iiJ died 1n the naine of
~u l llonlir~ :<:11d lh('y r o n1 rn it l rd
!-1IK1tl('. Bo1h had a1!f'ndcd ;i Victn;1m
~l11ra(oriurn ohSl'r\':.incc at Glassboro
~Ltli• Co lli·,('.c \\'c·dncsday.
Tt1c \'1rt1ms, rrai~ Badiali,-17, ancl
.Jo:>n f ox. 17, ho1h seninrs <il 1-ligh\and
il1'g1rn,1l I l!gh Schoo!, were found 111 Lhe
J\;1d1 at1 fan1ily car.
t'a111drn County r.trdical tnvestiga!nr
Tho1na" H. natcy !';;1id they had ber n
1lr ;>d about 12 lo IJ hour.~ when th('i r
bod1r•· \1·rrc d1.<;CO\•(-'rrd alM1L1l 9:30 a.::-:.
J\ v .. eu um cleaner hose had been con·
necte.d lo 1he P.xhaust of lhc car throuch
a 11111+· dnlled in the noor.
n:1ley said 24 notes 1>.'ere beside their
Irvine Protest Goes Off
With No Euss, No Noise
O! tn1 0 1111 P.iot ~t•ll
nlark armbands sy1nholize a quirt prn-
tti;l. That's the w<iy 11 was on the ur:
Jr\'inc campus \Vcdncsday , the day of
The student. organizers had planned it
lo be a day of education, not demonstra.
The fourth in a series of five reports by
Di\ILY PILOT rinancial columnist Sylvia
Porter, analyzing the 1969 economy in
compariso n lo the 1929 stock markrt
crash and world depression which fol!O"'·
<'d it, will be fo~nd in today's paper on
Page 26.
11(•!'. There was 110 1n11ncdi;r1e C'nrmy 1o
confront. The enemy, unseen, was the
Vic1n.:im war.
J\n estimated 1,500 students attended
:in aflen1oon rally. ll was a bi& U11ong
but thr. speakers did not shou t and the
f;tudents listened almost serenely,
Student Ann DoylP, chairman of th~
llnh•rrsily ~1oratorium Committee, told
thrm this time the organizers had con·
cenlr<i led on cducalion but that lhey
1vould IJke lo take activities off campus
next month.
An ea rlier.planned march In a war in-
ductry plant had been ca nceled.
During the moratorium rally, Fathr r
Ed A!lrn of Uni versity Interfaith a~ UC
(See UCI PROTEST, Page %)
e Temple lln:nnr Set
EL TORO -A four-day bazaar
!.prn!ioted by Tl:'1np!c ,Judea v.•ill begin
Saddlebael~~s 'Lariat'
The temple's i;islerhood and men's cluh
Arc in charge of the event which will ~
from 111 a.nl. to 5 p.m. through Wed·
'J'he C\'Cnl In rai!ie funds ror philan·
lhrnpi<'!i \\•111 takr place in the lrmplr'.'11'.
o1:1dilorium locatrd (In ~·\111..11\on Parkway
soulh or 1'.:I Toro J{oad.
e Llbrnr!I l'rle11ds 1'1eet
CAPISTRANO Vi\1.1.EV -Capistrano
fiay i\re<t Friends of the Library are in-
v111ng friend~ .1nd prospective mc1nhcr!'I
to their meel1ng tnni~ht al 7:30 o'clock 1n
the auditorium of S<t n IJ1 cgo (:as and
Eierlric Co. in San Cll'mcnle.
Speaker '~·111 br Mr!i. t.-1•1rcrlla Langr:
t1·ho Y.'ill shn~ !ilidrs and rommcn! on a
prl·gram entitled "Up The Oil Ho ad.''
Claiming that the. student newspaJ>f'r
"The Lariat" isn't allowed to sv.·1ng a
\'Cry wide loop. the Saddleback Collcj!r
Student Senele is attempting to head of[
its use of s!udent body r11nos.
The ~iit·member body Tuesday adopted
a unanimous resolution wh ich
-Said the junior college sdm.inistration
is ccnSt>ring the paper.
--Charged thaL cens()rship i.~ primarilv
of any criticism of the adm'1n1strallon or
school trus tees.
-Noted lh<i t ~ politically con!ro!l rd
pre~~ is un ·Amcri can.
-Resolved that monies c'111f'clr'I /r(1111
( •
Claim -Paper Censored
:o;ludcnl:> nf the college should not be u~if
to fin:inrf' lhe publicalion.
.John lloth11·('ll, 37-ye;i r·olrl st udent boc1y
pr cs1df'nl. rlainu"<d that Ml'I ~Jit chell. col-
ll•gc publicist and journalism teacher, is
\\'(':lr1ng an ill-fi!l ing dual rol e.
Bolhwell said thal r.litchell kills
f'dllr1rial mailer or pa rts or it wh en the
arlmini!il ration is criticize<! and Y<'l lhcn
ni1111l leach ethic.~ nf journalism. \Ir said
:1 bn th;1t th<' Mitehe tl ''announced lhe
nlher d.1y lha l there wooldn 'L be a pnper
for snm<' tilllP."
Qul'"IU•nrd today, lntsl{'(' Lotil!i Ziln!lt
f..11il. "\Ve knew noltung about U1is. I ccr·
tainly knew nothing about the dissatisfac-
tion. I hope lhty'll comt in and discuss
thi.~ with me ."
Speaking of a f\iooday night OOard
meeting, Zitnik said. "If they had been at
the mecllng. they would ha\le heard from
discussion that "'e are not opposed to
o!he:" views: in fact, Mlchael Coll in~
lboiird prestden!l made it clear that op-
posing ViC'w.~ musl be presented and that
!here should be no ce11sorship exr.ept
when it is a case of personality destruc-
tion ."
Rothwell !'llid fi.lllchelt had tinkered
with a column written by him and mailed
fro1n San Francisco. lte said he tt>ld
l\litchell the piece was OQt to be
adulterated and f\iitchell killed It filling
lhP hole wllh pictures.
lie said ~1 itchell also killed t"'"o works
by ~lalf members. one about censorship.
Said Bothwell, "This is not a radical or
left-wing thing. We're not trying to gel
flirty words into the pa~r or gCt a
rebellion ; we 're merely trylng to voice
our opini(lns as everyone should be allow·
eel to rlo."
r.·lttc:hc ll denied that the pa per ix
\See PAPER, Page 2~
Councilmen sent lhe maUer back lo
planner~ "'he re 1l v.'as endorse<! !ht se·
t·ond tune around ~ to 0 ll then came
hack to the council for \\'ednesday night'•
Built by K centric millionaire Cecil
\Vayter Pyne. the castle -a Swiss Ch alet
motiH -looks down on the world in ag-
ing grandeur. It was long rumored lo be
the apple {)( President Nixon's eye B.~ •
\\'hite House \\'est. Then San Clemente
tSce CASTLE, Page Zl
By Officer,
h1 Melee
An apparently drug·crazed Garden
Grove youth attacked both his mother
and a police orficer with a butcher knife
\Vednc sday night in a fracas Lhat erupted
over a supper l<ible arguinenl.
It look several blows from the olficer's
baton to subdue the 17-ye ilr-(l!d youth who
is no\\' IOOgerl in jul'enilc hall. No injurie!I
\1·ere suffered by his mother or the of-
111e boy's mother told police her ~
went berserk when she accused him over
the su pper I.able or railin g to ket'p his
promise to stay orf drugs. She said the
boy immediately srizcd the butcher knife,
sprang Ol'er the table and pursued her
around the kilchcn.
The screaming woman ran lo 11
nrighbor·s hnuse for protection and called
police. lier son returned lo the family
ho1nc still wavi ng the knife and shouting
un fnlclligible threats.
An inl'csligating officer said the boy
burst out of the home when he knocked al
the door "and took several crazy swipes
at me. He behaved like a mad man and it
was ha rd to make out just what he was
The oHicer said he was forced to use
his baton to quell the angry yooth sn<l
fiJruck him •·several sharp blO\.\'.'i to
qu tcl hi mdown." The boy wa,c; disarm·
ed and transported lo juvenile hall.
~lets Do It!
Series Over
Nl::\V YORK (i\P) -The amazing New
York r..fets completed Lheir impossible
r!rcam Thursday by winning Lhe 1969
\Vorld Series \.\'Ith a 5--l victory over the
Rallimore Orioles on home run!! by Donn
Clcndedon and Al Weis and Ron Swo-
bcxla's decisive tie.breaking double.
The laughing stock of baseball for the
first seven years of teir existence y,·he n
!hey failed to climb above ninth place,
the irrepressible Mets went rrom rags In
riches in their eighlh season hy win ning
four stralght games from the once-fav·
orcd Orioles alter losing the rirst game
of the best-(lf-seven classic.
Orange Coast
Don't look now, but the rai ny
seaso n Is abciut to start. Those
in a posilion to know are pre-
dicting a 50 percent chance o[
precipitatio n lor the Orange
Coast tonight and Friday.
\Vhilt 2,000 Oranrie Co1inl11
R.epub/ica1l 1nomen cl1e,.red,
Sen. Barr11 GoldWQttr 11rgtrl. t f!·
sumplion of AmeriC1111 bombing
nf North Vietnam in an 1\11a·
hcini speech. Page JO.
(IH!tt"ll • M•YWt U Cl••"""' Jl·Jl ..... ~ .... 1 '~""· 11 Co"'I" n H1tltfl11 Hun •·•
Cr•u-•d ll Or-c,,,,..,., It
O•ll~ Nfli(ff 11 Syt .. 11 1"1rl1t U
01~1ttu U '"'" n.u 1fllli.t11I 1"111 • ~u .. -M .. 1tm ,._,,
l[~lttlll""''"' ll T1l1viollll n
'l"l "<t ,,,,, T ... fllft 11
tlltOo<O•t II Wottftu 1
"'"" L°"*°'' IJ 01--!"" u Miii"' t Wtrlol H.-.1 l ·I
N 1rrlltl l lttflNI 1J W-'t Htwt 1)-IJ
Ot .... 0.1" I'll .. l!.tf
Laguna Beach mercharls \ 1t>11 ~ a him
(In shoplifting techniques .,.·1th 1ht-1r
bre:.;ikfast "'ednesday and . as On(' ron1·
· ment.td after lhe program. "There'll be a
Jol of hawk~yes ... atch1ng their stores
The film. and a talk by business steuri·
ty expert Ray Farber . .,.ere presented at
11 Chambfi of Commerce breakfas~
meeting in Hote l Laguna de signf'd to help
merchants comba t \ht 1p·o .. ·1ng problems
of shoplifting and bad check passing.
From Page I
mo\·ed in ll'1th a better prop<"rry.
Storm Case, architect and building
chairman for the church. was hrs! to
plead the cause. fo;oting the 4-0 planning
commission vote. he said, "l can set: no
r;!ronger recommendation."
He noted that about half the city's
r hurrhes <ire located in residen11al t R·l)
neighbo rhoods.
Couocilman Hov l!olm harkened hack
a l \'ilrious limeS to 1he fa ct lhat the
l·hurch hns the propr rty up fo r sale. He
s:<id a new owner might have diHcrenl
:i lliludes and capabilities than the
Evangelical group. Hohn, however, back·
<'d the usage "''ilh restriclions including
no current sanctuary approval.
ChurC'h spokesmen said they should
hal'e the riJ!lll 10 pass on lo another
church rights they sought.
Boyd spoke of having \'Cry concise
beliefs and a series of unkno\1'nS and at-
lempting to renovate an old sturdy
building .. that is going to right back."
Iii!= oppm;ition became clear 11'hen he
~<.11d hr hoped !he church could sell lhe
property and find one with fewer pro-
Architect S!orm Case storrned al Boyd:
''As I recall al the last mecllng you 11·ere
l ht one th~i 1nade a motion to sre what
Ii " planning commission thought and
the-\' l'ame back 4 to I for the use you jusl
1::n1 .1hrough !taring aparL"
The mayor riui<'l!.'d Case .
Youthful Church Piistor 1--! 1 k e
1i1ontgomery spoke of !il udying the profile
·of Laguna probl<'m s. "I fe el the averai;e
church is impersonal . Our desire is nol lo
be impersrinal but lo be available."
He said the church had gone on to the
high school campus and established rap-
--port. ''\\'e found tremendous needs," He
!'aid there ·were :iggreva ted dope pro-
blems long before newspapers aired them
an'.! the school administrati on denied
·them .
Sa id f\1ontgomrr1, ''The school ad-
ministration said lhcrt 11:as no dope prn·
blem. One kid told n1e. f.like I can't
behe1e 11hars happen1ng. 'in our school.
l::\'ery kid in school is using dope:'
Realtor r.1111 Hanson. a congregation
mem~r. spoke-of the deteriorating
;ipartment bu1h11ng facing worse pro·
hlt>ms in 1he futu re lie apparently allud·
rd Lo the qualit y of future lenan1 s if the
building is not repaired .
One of several opponents of I he church
u~e. Harold ~1ann. 298 Beverly SL. asked,
"how much religion 1s there going lo be
in ~me of lhose panshioners v.·hen they
take the roundtrip from the parking lot lo
!he third floor (hallrooml '.'''
In reference In the needs of youngsters
< ~!OOlgomery), f\lann opined: .. The be~t
way for a pre-school chdd to learn 1s al
his mot.he r's knee or o\'er hs father's."
After l'Ounc.ilml'n finally appro\'ed a
<:0111prom1se \'eddi-r niot1011, !he mNilinJ.(
h::ilted in confusion as s ever a 1
h·meown ers hurned up to argue "'ith in·
fi 1v1dual councilmrn and the meeting
ground to lemporary halt.
P;if acc in E m c q~cn cy :
Tra,;h 1-laulcd Aw ay
t.Q,\'D0:-.1 !l'PI ) -Lflndon·s garbagl':
~1r 1 k" finally hll the roy<il fatnily, Priv ate
rn~tracturs v.·rre called in \Vednfsda)' In
n·mQ\'C the moun11ng piles of rubbi sh at
Durkingham Palilcr,
fndependenl i;arbagcmt n toted a11·ay
i;arks of rolling food. nld tin cans. bottles.
and "·astepaper for the first time sinrc
thf': strike began three ~·eeks ago. ''The
ltrm was called in because of a definite
heallh hazard," said a palace spokesman.
~ COoU1 "*ll GMIHG (.QWO,t,ltf
l el.trt N. W••I
Praw.nt .... ~
J1c~ I . Cw•l•v
Y'-Prn.°'111 -(;eflt••• Ml"'wr
Ti..o,.u• )(ef•il
Tht"''' A. Mw•phin •
,,.,. .... l ... f~"Q"
~ioliuol I". N•ll
L .. ,,... •-!I c:11, £011w
....... leftll Oflk•
121 fort•I Ay1,
M1iliftl Mtl•eu: ,.Q, I•• '''· •2152 --c .. 11 M< .. • • wn1 ''" s·rwt ...,.,., .,..,ft nn weo1• .. ....., ... ___..
.......... 1 .... a..u., -1'111 i'"'"
-----·-----_..._ ___ ,.. _____ _.. -.. -. -. ---. -•. ---.
Profession (Shoplifting) Scrutinized
Intrulu<lo1 Farber, Jl'jb!Wlfr Of
S«urily World Magulne, a publlcttlan
dealing wilh crime in bullneu, Cbaml>f:r
manqer Warren Morgan. 1 1 Id,
"Sometimes it's more important to worry
about k>sse1 than to worry about profitti."
"'Shoplifting ," said Farber, ''began with
Ad;;im and Eve. An apple was takf'n -
and punishment was meted oul. It's been
sro"·ing more serious ever since. As we
get more civiliied, ~'e seem lo want lo
put more and more things under lock and
Shoplifling, merchants were told, is a
Q.blUlon+yur lituinns. More thin 90
porctljt 11 dooo bJ llllllllln. wllh !he
hoUM1\1dfe claised as the I e a d i n g
amateur, operaLiag·in supennarll.eu and
department stores.
However, professional shoplifters take
much nlore expensive items, figuring on
selling them (or half their retai l value. A
professional can .make up to $100 a day
on car!ons of cigarettes :ilone.
AmazL>d merchants wat ched films of
ex pert shoplifter!! stashi ng packages of
meat, suji., rolled around coat-hangers
and even a portable vacuum cleaner
OAllY f'llOT ~l•lt P"*I•
Mrs. Aldrich, Rev. Murray (c.•nter ), TIRED'1 Morrisey
Pray for Pi~kets
Mrs. Aldrich Meets Protesters
t:C Irvine's chancellor ·wasn·t home
,1·hen callers carrying picket sign s ar·
rlved Wednesday night. But Mrs. Daniel
G. Aldrich Jr. greeted the group an d had
lier minister, who v.·as visiting al the
Newport Beach home, say a pra)'Cr jor
to!er;mce of all men's points or vi ew .
'fhe group of 20 t.axpayers responded by
singing. "America the Beautiful."
Spokesman for the group that calls
itself TIRED !Taxpayers Indignant about
Jtadlcals in Education). ThOmas l\lor-
r1ssf'}' of Santa Ana . read a nl('Ss ag<' !hat
1\1rs. Aldrich said she y,•ould gi1 c In her
husband who \\'as attending a scheduled
n1celing \1•ilh regents al LCLA .
The message was a plea to employ only
th::ise faculty members who keep their
politi cs off campus, to eape! students and
lire faculty who engage in activities
"disruptive to the educational process or
the community," and to reaffinn that
laculty are employes of the s\ale and
thus responsible to the people.
;..1rs. Aldrich suggested the Rev. Philip
f\.lurray, pastor of Corona del fl1ar Com·
munity Church (Qngregational, say a
Th<' Re'' J\lr. :'.·lurrav asker! ~1orri ~scy
if that 11·ou!U be offf'nsi1·c. 10 hun and he
:;a·d ... Indeed 1t would not ··
Th..: minister then prayed for tolerance
of o;hcrs' 1'if!'1·poln\f>.
From Page l
]r:u1r nfll·red these word~~ "\\'e 11·ant to hP 11"ft :illlnr Irr h:i\'c
"\re·rc here to comn1e1nor:ilc 685.J~O frr('fl()m,' he said. ''Tell your t;o\CT!J·
men 1\ho have lost their lives on both
~10rs. ]\ is possible double 1hat number or
rj1·1lians a!sn hal'e per ishC"d. \\'r're here
tu reflecl nn th1~ tragic 11 ay of li fe .
"Today 11 1s easy to kill because killing
is .so impersonal. That is ·why all of us ran
un<1shamed\y drive a car. ll also is easy
lo do 11'h.tl everyone else does "'·hether 1l
is standing up for a morat.)rium or goi ng
to 11ar.
''During this day JO Americans alone
11•i 1! die. ~,y intention is not lo produce
gulll but humility.
"Is a moment or silence enough to
commemorate 685.340 empty homes~
"'ould 10 hours of silence be enough for
1!le loss of one husband, one lover, one
"You see it ~ individuals we are talk-
in" about.
';.The equal of half the population of
Orange County is gone, wasted, lost. Try
to envision that many men. Pick one face
-one man for whom you would ~·ant to
do v.·hat he had to do.
"Le t's not be guilly of scorning the lh··
in~. The honor \1·e 1>-ould pay lo the dead
i~ als<l 0\1·cd to the l11·ing.
"G<> out and talk to others about t11i~
stupid war. Ask someone everyday, some
new person, 11·hal he thinks. about . hr1ng·
ing the war lo an end. L1~tcn flrst in
\\'hat he thinks. Lrt him know you respect
him and his opinions. Th~ Jet him know
v.·here you stand."
During the rally activities. even Leslie
Lincoln, usually fiery SOS spe11krr, v.·as
:>0bdued. She condemned the SOS
""'ealhermen" who went on a destruclive
rampage last week in Chicago. She sald
they had walked out of SD.5.
Antiwar students clearly were trying
for the broadest appeal consistent with
their lilated ohjecth·c of immediate
wHhdra~·al of U S. troops.
Several professors spoke at the rally, a
minister, a rormer G.I. and a South Viet·
name.se student.
Ila Duong Due , student 11! Cal Sla1e
t.M~ Bt-11ch. said. "Your puppet govern·
1nent 1n Saigon may call me back and put
me jn Jail but I ~·ant lo say you and 'he.
So\·lrt l lnion are both colon1a!1.il, in1·
n1('nl, ynur tiu sines~rncn. ~utl arfl nflt on
the right track. You sho11!ti v.1thdra w
your 1roop.~. corrrc·t t'l}ll r for<>iJ?n 1X1l1<'r.
Don ·_ lry lo im pose 1n our countr:-an {'n-
t1rc p0htical system "
\ ctcran Ralph Barrac,1no. 11ho !.• no11·
a LC! ~tudent. said (; I ·s ln V1etn <11n
equalr manliness t1> ant1·toin1nuni s1n He
s:i iri n1 arh~nrs see1n lo be 1norc 1n1-
portant than people .
"Can \.l e perhaps be the blockers of the
people eater'.'" he asked .
Assistant Professor ol History Ri chard
Frank said, "Our nalional inte rest has
never been al sta ke. That 1s v.hy \~C arc
losing. We'\'e Jlt\'Cr tried hard enough.
From the \'ery beginning l h i s 11·ar has
bf'en a f11nh1stic bungle, a fraud ."
Radica l teaching assislanl Richard
Robertson said the United States is In·
tentlo nally blocking the unde1·elope(!
world. "The wealth o( the 11:nr!d ro1ls into
America," he said. "With si x peret>nt nr
the 1\·orld's population \Ye consume 60
percent of the world's cnn1mndil ir~-
"ln many ~·ays the ~·ar in Viclna m is a
,1·ar nf cxan1ple. It is saying 'Thi~ 1~ 1rhat !
i~ going to happen to yuu if }'Qll thr(ll\' (lf f
lhe yoke ur An1erican imperiah~1n '"
George Heiler. assistant professor of
physics, said, "The fr{'C in Free \\'orld
<lotsn'l mean political frC<'dom. There's
Franco·s Spain. South Africa apartheid .
Free means freedom for American
businessmen to trade the re."
A dinner support ing Laguna Bearh
~li.l(h School's lnlerna!IOOtl Club wtll be
serl'cd lon1ght (Thursday) in the school
rafetena from 6 to 7 iJnd is open to the
Dinne r t icket~ are $1.25 !or adult.~. $1
for high school sludt>nts and 7;, cent.~ for
children. rrj)'lr!Nf ,\f1!>s Jane Relh lefsen ,
spokesman for the grrup.
She ~<lid the club was open to all high
p.ehool 1>t11drn1s sludyin~ lani:u;i gts.
under bulky -~ 1114 di'-. "Boostttl" lbey )earned, have been
known to carry aJCb items 11::1 portable
TV sell and ev"en frozen turkeys out of
stores between their legs, while checking
out a few IC$5 expensive items at the
cash register.
A woman shoplifter may specialize in
lr)'ing on clolhes . slipping a chosen dress
or pair of slacks under t\cr own garments
;ind 'ol'alk1ng out wearing it, while
dutifully returning lhe rest of the item:oi
tried on.
"Shopliflers," merchants v.·ere told,
"bood prlvocy and readily l<Ce$llble
mere hand lie."
Alert salespeople who lake pains 10
greet every browstnc customer and offer
assistance are the best protection against
this type of crime. •·The real CtJsk11ner
~·ill appre<"iate l~ courtesy," said the
t'xpert, "the 11hoplifter will know he's
being watched."
\\lhile it is important lo display
n1e rchandise attracdvely, merchants
should be aware that itemJ left grou[lfil
close to the edge or counters are easily
sy,·ept into a variety of containers, rang·
Disaster Funds Finally
Okayed for Capistrano
San Juan Capistrano's long awaited
disaster funds are finally on their way.
Director of Public \\'orks T. J.
i\leadows says the S2l2,000 advance ap-
proved by the Ofltcc of Emergtncy
J>repil redncss will soon be arriving. The
total amount approved \\'as $376;422.
This is quite a bit Jess than the $839.000
requested for debris clearance, protective
measure s, street. road, br idge and public
ut1!1ties repairs. But f.leadows says in
some cases. the cost of repairs may be
less than estimatt'd.
One case is the Camino Capislrano
bridge. Original estimates for the
replac('mcnl cost lotaled about $337,000,
but since the original estiinates1 the
From Page 1
PAPER • • •
Orange County F lood Control District and
the stale Division of Highways have
de<."ided to assist with repairs.
Another price cut would come y,•jth the
reduced lengt h of the bridge·s span.
Finally, the cost of de n1olishing the ollf
br idge wl!I be cul frorn '17 ,000 ~o about
\\'hile the bridge is being constructed a:
temporary road has been built over the
rh·erbed . Councihnen are dubbing the
road Bathgate's Express"·ay in honor of
Couocilman Bill Bathgate \1·ho Jives on
the other side.
During the height of flooding last
winter the Bathgates were stranded. A
neigh bor would park his truck on one side
of the bridge and lhe Balhga tes would
park their car on their side and carefully
walk across the damaged span to get to
town. When the roads again became
passable, the family coo!d use the upper
part of Camino Ca pistrano to reach
Jlancho Viejo Road and the freeway to
come to town , but it was still four miles
out of their v.·ay,
Teet1 Corner
Ing Jrom poper p oetry ba&• ·lo knlllln~
bags "'nd trick. glft ·v.~~11ped p~rcels wl~
ends that p:ip open to recc1vt: ~1
Very l'aluable ilen1s. 1t 11 as pointed out,
should be disptayt>cl in locked glass cases.
In response to a qL1estion. Sl'('Uri!y ex·
11erl Carl Coodsm1\h l'l;;rified procedure
to be follv'ol'('<I 1r a rnerl'hanl spots a
"First, you must see lum lake the
merchandlst.> and ('Oneeal 1t, tht>n w<atch
him leave lhe store. This estabhsht's in·
lent 10 ~Teal." said Coodsn1ith. ";-;exl
step is to follow the shoplifter flut sidc an<!
approach him quietly, suggesting lhat h•·
return to the store !o ·adjust' the niattrr
of some merchandise he neglected to p<1y
for Usuall y he will cumply . If he rcs1s1s.
it 's better not lo start a fight. Lrt him go
<Hid pro1·ide the police with as acrurate a
descripi1on of hin1 as you can."
Laguna Beach Police Chie r Kennrl11
Huck ~poke briefly . emphasizing th e
n'?ponsibility of the com1nunity in halting
"Tola! community invoh·ement is
essential," said Huck. ''Those who reporL
crimes to the pol ice n1ust also be ready
to accept the responSlbility of going llt
l'OUrl and testifying .
"Unless we make l'r101e so unattracti ve
that tr1me-oriPntcd people will ,<;tay away
fron1 your shops and the comrnunny, lit-
tle can b<.' achievetL"
In a brief conHnrnt on bad che<::k pass·
ing, Coodsmith told merchants the first
s!ep is to srl up a 11·orkablc check·
cashing procedure and make ~urr
emp!uyes arr tra111rd In fo!lu1v it . 1\
California <l rivl'r's liC'ensc is the he~l
identifi cati on to requirr, hr said. since 11
provides a picture of the holder, .1
signature and a current residence ad·
f\1erchants were invited to participate
in a day.Jong seminar on crime Jn
business to be sponsored hy the Orange
County Chambers of Commerce Nov. 5 in
Anaheim . Fur1her infor mati on on th"
semina r is ava ilable al the Ch<imbc r ui
Commerce. He said il is edited by the editors al'!<I
the faculty ad viser. He denied also that it
had been discontinued. He said the nex t
edition of the bl·monthly publication wi ll
be Nov. 10. A welcome back edilion was
publ ished at the recent outset of class
commencement .
Formerly printed al the Sou th Coasl
News.Post. th e paper is now prinU!d at
the Tustin News. said Mitchell.
Car1·ot Juice Big Selle1·
Bothwell , who said he has ~en an ac·
tive Republican and Conservative all his
adult life, main tained that studenls at
Saddleback want to prevent the friction
that has happened at other cam puses. It
v.•ou\d be caused only by the mistaken a\·
titudes exhibited by trustees, he main·
ta ined.
At School's Caf ete1·ia
"If they cannot treat reasonable
students reasonably then reasonable
students ca n become unreasonable ,''
Bothwell said.
lie said he believed the student senate
resolutl011 would be effeetive in drying up
the paper's funds. Bothwell said, "I don 't
brlieve they can spend our money
11·ithout ou r permission JUSI as ~·e cannot
spend it without their permission."
Hippie Type, 25,
Held u1 Miu·der
BAKERSFIELD (AP ) -A 25-year<ilcl
hippie·type n1an is being held for in-
vestigation of murder in connection ~·ith
lhc sla}ing tl1Qnday night of former pro-
lrs~1ona! hockey player John 1--Iilburn.
00;1l'e sald Ronal(I Ot>;in U:ach w;i.~
laken into custody at his home late Tues-
1lay ni ght.
The 3a-year-old ~11 !b11rn·s bullet·riddlcd
hody ~as fQunrl Tuesday behind the
counl!'r of a liquor s1nrc where he \1•orkrd
p;1rt.·ti1n<> He had bern ~hot in the head
and chest.
Of llM DellP Plltl S111t
Do you . hang onto the old Jde a that
eatrng carrots is good for your eyeli? If
so, you might be among the many of the
people who are turning on to organic car-
rot juice as the road lo not only life
v.·ilhout glasses, but a. heallluer boc!y al!
lhe v.·ay around.
Carrot juice 1s the ~·ord going around
Laguna Beach High. Students are taking
advantage of not only the new fruit and
vegetable juices, but the new health food
cookies to go wilh them.
THESE NEW additions , put into effect
by the Commissioners of Boys' and Girls'
\\leUare. are a far cry from the food
v.·h1ch was rated "I" (ine<l1ble) last year
at the h:igh sehool cafeteria.
Yet ~·ith these fine foods to tl'mpt the
culinary delight, I \l'Onder how great they
arc if many of the students cannot take
i!dl'antage of !hem.
For three days last 11·cek I stoo<l in line
rit the caleteri:i snack bar ~fore the
brunch period began.
\\'hen the ofr1c1al bell rang to start !hr
morning break. only four 11f the e.ighL
v.·tndows opened, \.\·h1le lllere v.·ere lines
at all of them,
THE REi\1AINll\'G four opened at
\'anous times during the JO minute break,
But the real problem 11•as that during
all thrtt days I was unable to get any
food betause lines were moving so slo11·
Word oul of the cafeteria hai H that i!
students kne w wha t they 1vanted by the
time t~ey were waited on 1hings WOl1ld be
movi ng a lot· n1ore smootl1ly. But ki ri~
have trouble kno\1·ing y,·hat they \l'Jn1
1\·hcn the menu changes day IQ day as 10
\\'hat fruit Jllices ancl eookes are in stock.
A~OTHEH SITU1\TION lhiil has I
developed in thal the wholC'Sillr supplier I
~1~ the frui t juices has not doubled !he
1faily order as requested by the calc1eri:1. 1 Bul Charlie \\'arc. student l'ongrel\E
prcsidrnt is laking rommilnd of the si tu«·
t1on in order lo !-lei n1ore juices on earn·
pus. And that should please a lot of kids.
Studenl Covnc1! is also going 1(1 i;:ct
mort'.' :icri 1·rly illl'Ofl'ed in brin gin g
!<'l11d ents !he bc "I 1n nUurishment tlur1ng
the rlay. The 1·ending niach1nes that v.·ere
re1no\-ri;l last ye:ir will be replact'.'d \rlth
nt'11· foods -h••JWfully fresh lr111t5 ~urh
.1~ (lranµC'" and apples Pror11s lr11m he
n1tichine s 1r1ll go In ~upport l11c ASB.
Any 1vay you look at it-either fr orn
heal th ~tan1lpoint or on!.' or ta<rc. the ne1•·
trl(J(JS and dri nks atr greJt A~ someone
nn!'(I ~aid, "\\'h:1t r rir"I Ls ii he<ilthv mind
w11ho11t a he allhy h!idy ?'' •
,\[ LBl-l~. \\'e n1ay \\'Ill the ~'ht1IP bil tt 1('.
The1e •r• "•'"Y comfo rt•ble 1ofe b.ds fot
Sitting enO Sl-pil'lg .
A wide ~11lec.tion M Febric' tl'ld Cokin to
choo•• ff'OfTI,
... •
00 NOW 299 .00
W ith S~i rt5 $!>0. erlra.
1116 H ARBO l. l lVO
•"•·011s , .. ,.011•
I '
WHAT'S l1"N-
. .
Navy Base I
To Be Open
For Hunts
Bas ed on all areas reporting and from on the spot Tht 260·squart rnd e Norlh
observation~ by this \vritcr, this weeks' duck opener Range or thr US. Naval
could well be the be sl witnessed by scatter.gunners in \\'eapon!!; Center at China
many years. Lake, some or the \Vest's best
The o verall d uc k population is up more than 25 chukar parlridge and quail
percent in all areas o r Southern California. <'ountry. v.·11! be open to free
Pint ail s. teal and n1al!ards compris e the greatest publi(' hunting on three con·
number of walerrowl. but 1herc is also a lar~e concen-secutive v.•eekends starting
tra'Lion of V.'idgeon in mosl parts of Southern Califo rnia. i1•1th the Oct. 25 ope ning or lhe
Big Bear and Bald\vJn Lakes Jn the San Bernardino 1969 chukar and quail season. ,,_ 'fhe •un ting area i s . lountains are good bels fo r unattached hunters as is soulheast ol Olanch<i i n
lhe Salton Sea. La ke ltcnsha\\', Colorado Jl iver and the southern Inyo Counly. All
very \\·et O\\"Cl1S River Valley. hunters v.·ill be checked i11 at
l\ol ost of the private clubs. public clubs and p ublic the Darv.in c:a1r, seven miles
shooting areas. operated by lhe Department of Fish sou th of the con1mun1ty or
and Game , are filled up for opening 1veekend. Like\vise. Darwin. Darwin is reached vi a
most of the a cco1nn1odat1ons and campgrounds near lhe Hwy . 190 from either Olancha
\\'aterfo1vl areas '''ill be filled up early Friday evening. or Lone Pine.
The botulism poisoning of the ducks in the Tulare The public is invited to hunt
Lake area is no lon~er a t hreat. thanks to the e fforts chukars, mountain and valley
of the Department of Fish and Game and other conser· quail, cottonlails and jack rab·
vation groups v.·ho volunteered their time to save the bit!'; on the weekends of Oct.
d uc ks from certain death. 2~26 . Nov. l·2 and 3·9.
Only about 35.000 d ucks d ied, as compared (o the Bird Pop u I at 1 on s are
more than 200 .000 \l'hie:h could have been poisoned . Due reported high in the hunti ng
to lhis ef!ort , the Kern National \\lildlife Refuge ivill be area which lies at elevations open. around 5,000 feel Jn the lava-
MAR LIN ~L AYING HIDE ANO SEEK benched Argu~ and Coso · 1'1ountains.
' ' ' 1 ·• '
ON TAR.GET -Denny llayden of Santa Ana is on
't arget a s he prepares to shatter a c lay bird at the
.r\nnual Open Skeet Shoot held at the Laguna f-lill s
_r;un Club. l·layde n took top honors in the .<\..". Clas~
• •
. .
gold medal in t"10
1vhile shooting: \vith E. K .
' . ••
f'IAILY PILOf 2:;.
J>t'ADtl :Vli
Channel Islands Harbor il l
OU1ard has extended Ute.
closing !line of its LLrsl an·
nual n1arlin tournament tv.·o
-...·eeks to Nov. l.
Boat.~ and anglers 1nust
register there 11nd return
.... ·ith their catch for official
weighin within foor days of
departure. Vic 1'.1arzurati,
tournament president, said
tClday. The tvent. registered
v.·ith the International Game
Fish Assn . opened Sept. 20.
Man Kills
The marlin picture, at press time, was not very 111 !he past si:c years of
optimistic fo r this weeke-nd. The fish have been up and public hunting on these Nal'I'
down all weell, with some boats reporting many jump-!:inds. the bag ha s been 6.8i :'i
e r& sighted while others report seeing no fish at all. c:huk;irs. 2.77a niountain quail,
Helen Smith of Ba lboa Angling Club weighed in J.586 valley quail. !.161 col·
Quail, Chuliar Vista Listed
A grizzly bear \\'e•ghing I.200
pounds and believed to be th~
largest ever shot has been kill·
cd by ~·like Caspersen, 22-
~·ra r-old hunt er froin Jl;ladison,
\\"i:-;. in T1\·eedsmuir Prov111-
tial Park.
The kill 1r;is reported by
guiiJe Alan Blatk1.1ell. v.·ho
~aid thr bear 11·as shot early in
only a ff!w fi sh d uring thfl past week. Tontails and sonic 2.500 j<1ck
Gt!orge Fischf'r of Santa Ana, decked a marlin rallbirs ftir 9.492 hun ters.
aboi1rd the bo"Jt "El P rofesor" near the west •nd of Tht' Na\'y provides 1110
Catalin• Island on• jig. 01·ernighl <·ampsites on 1he
The ob1ervations made by some experienced mar· area, one at Junc1ion Rant:h
lin fishermen, is thi1t, the fish hi1ve hei1ded west and and lhe other at Burchain
will return within a few weeks to stage • final showing Springs. 'The only drinking
With Opening Set Oct. 25
f th ~f h d' outh water is at JunclJon Ranch. or e se•son, lft" ore •• 1ng s • 1"he 1969 quail and chukar
B I I 't ~· f th ,, bl t The check-in gate will olV'n u , even •s wr1 e m+s co umn • rauto as s r-hunung season. \1'hich start.~ ovt th th h b f' h ._.. _, ff nd 11t 8 p.m. each Friday of lhe at ere ave een 1s S•~·'"' o Lagun• • • th h ,. k d d Or i.'·' a•d ••d• [';"ov. 11 . 11•111 strike reported naar t he 209 m•rk. ree un ing y.•ee en s a n _. " ~" ~ '
It's anyone's nue&s where the spikebills will show 'v.'ill stay open all night to ad-1ary afl the v.·ay from 'ex-• m!t hunters. l!:nlry rv>rm il5. II • · · s h up this weekend, and whether or not they will bite •s .. -ee ent to ·poor in ou l ern <.'ampfire permits. maps and they did two weeks ago. instruction! 11• i 1 ! be given C11!ifornia arid tht' Jnyo-/'11 ono
Before going out, you might give the Balboa Ang!. hunters as they eritcr Darwin 1.:ountry, according to l h ~
ing Club • call for last m inute reports by phoning (714 ) Cia1e. Depan1nent of Fish and G<11ne
673·3520 , TwO·\\'hccled 111 o l o r i 7 r rl f
NEW RUN OF YELLOWFIN TUNA '.1>. reports ro1n the field. YCl!iclcs <ire nol perrn1Uetl on
T11·0 boats running out of San Diego picked up niore the Base . Quall populations ;iri• high ln
t han 60 yellO\V!in tuna early this 1vcek. .t\ftcr 1nost No gasolinr i~ al'ailahle !he de.sef'. foothills of the :-i:in
skippers and landing operators had given up on the big bryond Olancha and I.one C:abnt·I, San Bernardino. Sit n
~ame ri sh for the 1969 s eason , lhcy appeared about 10 Pine. Hun1ers are advised to Jacinto. Santa Bosa and
Jniles off the Coronado Is lands. lrave H'.l.·.v. J9J v.·il h Fu ll fuel Laguna i\lountains on nallona!
This could 1nean that a current of 1\"arin v.·ater has \;inks and 10 l'arry exlra forest !ands open to the public
moved up fron1 /.1cxican \l'atcrs and b rought in a stray gasoline -...·ilh them. hunting. Quail are abundan1 111
.school o f fi sh . or that the fish ha ve been there all the Rad'iator v.·airr ii:: availablt' n1os1 roastat brush lands but
time. and no one has been after them. 11 a few tanks along Navy generally on pnl'ale rant·hcs. road.~ San Diego landings might be sc hedulin~ trips out Qua1! numbers are dnv.·n _ ·• /I. Cahrorni11 huntin" licen.~e h this \veekend in searc h or the bi£" brutes if prospec ts r. some11• at th is yrar 1n mo s t '" l.s requirrd and California hun-look good. but interested an!!l ers should c<11l in advance desrn mountains ,. 11ng regulation!'; a pp I Y. Ch k 1 · h
reproduction has been good
throughout rnost of the county
but the bird~ are widely scat-
tered due lo good recd and
11,ater. Best public a reas in-
l'lude the Descanso Di strict of
Cle veland National Forest and
!hr !\l cCain and J:ic:un1aa
Cunscrva\1on Areas.
l.'IPERI AI. \'.\LLF.Y
Desr rt quail are abundant 111
the brushy arras or thr 1113in
«:inal~ 2nd the Nrw and
Alamo H1 vrrs b11t gelling
thrm out LS difficult.
quirt locally about the Cali-
fornia-Arizona boundary line
in the Yum a Island area.
The norlh trn •rd
triangle. in the Sil ver ~foun·
tains nort h or Victorville., the.
Spangler lhlls south of Trona
anJ the Four-whee-I-Urive coun-
try of Black Cany on no nh of
llarpcr Dry Lake.
\\"h1le quail populations in
11ie caslcrn desert n1ounta1ns
an' hcloll' 1l1ose of last year,
t:l111 kar nun1bcrs apparrn1 ly
;ire f:ur to good 1n the foothill ;)
of l'ro\·idcnce-New Y o r k
Mountains, Von Trigger !11l!s
and Hackberry ~lountains.
northwestern portions of the
Angeles National Fores!. iron1
Ille L1ltle !tock area 10
l :orinan. have lot~ of \'alley
(jtiail this ~·ear . /'.lost of the
birds are 111 hea.vy bru~h
which makrs l1unl1ng d1flicul!.
There are lair nu1nbrr~ of
n1ounlain qu:11I al higher
elev a11ons. The problc1n 1s th:il 1he
birds arr widely scattered on
INYO.~IONO AREA -l.a5\ ~ood feed and water and 11·il1
w1nter·s record snowfall anrl bl' ha rd lo find ~1os1 of thi~
l<ite thaw were rough nn all f'Ountry is fC'dtr:i l land on
•·Jt 11•i1I be No\•ernber or
Oecember brfore we know for
surr if the bear LS a \\'orld
record."' Blackwell said .
"The skull has to be allowed
to dry and shrink for lhrer
months b efore fi n al
The guide said the youn~
h11ntl'r sta lked the bear to
\111h111 \.'JO yards h c fo r e
~hru1111g it through the heart.
··11 ran on for anflther 15<1
r:ird> :i111l 1t1cn fcll on the ~c
C:o:1d shot."' he said.
Blacl\11ell sa1<1 \he bear wa ~
n1nr fee1. one inch 1n !eng1h
and th<it its skull 1neasured
alino~I 27 inches across.
T11·ccdsmuir Park is \ocal!'d
ln the toa~t n1ou11!<1111 ran,i:c
abn ut 2RO m1les north or Van-
Shuloul l\.iu l!
for latest inform,•tt·o11 . u ·ar popu!a1ions are HR " Chu kars . 1nounta111 and \'allev \'ellO\\"l<1il ha,·e been pu1t ing on a good shO\l'ini;:: for quail are lhe only game bird's this vear in n1ost of lhe
the local south coast laod1ngs. :\rl's. Davey's Locker that may bl' takrn. v.·e~tefn desert 1noun1 ;11ns and iL~d Sa~1 (;tf~rnente kla~d in gs1 all repo~ted good catC'hes Hun ters are c<i utioned that :~~le:~ dl~a!tc ;~:ii~nu1~lai~~~
o sma "1recrar ·rr ' ycl O\\'tail. \\"Ith bonito. barra-flash noods thi.~ past sun1111rr 11011,eirr, in rnost a rr;i.~ ihe
c uda . bas ~ and bo ttom fi sh al so helping to fill sacks. roughed up n1any of the hun-birds arc widt'ly scattcrrd
Thcrt' are lots or qu3i1 in thr.
Palo Verdl' Valley arra bf'lo1v
Blylhc . v.·llh thr ·best huntini;:
along tht' ril•er bo\lom and in
the 1ronv.·ood and 1nesquite
v.·ashes llra1ning 1r,to the ri1rr.
-...·h1ch it i~ unlawtul lo c:am1J upland ~aml! 1n ~lono Count~· l\'ilhin 300 fC'Cl fll any spruig.
and in 1nuch of lnyn County w;ilering trou gh or othrr
An e~t·eption 1.<1 the dr,.rrl 11·ater supply fur donicslic Thr recor,! for lht mO$t
n1 0 u n ta i n {'ountry ul !;Jcx·k :+nd 11·ilcthfC'. :-iiutout~ 1n one ~rason is hc lri Hea1·v brush makes hunting
d1 H1c:uh alorg the ri \'rr In the
Boird-\\"1ntrrharen arl'a qu ad
nu1nbers are do1.1 n fro1n la~!
yr;ir and pro~rirct s are "l<i ir "
to ·poor'.
1,1 •II •r•a< 11111•1"' ar· I>• 1·,1·1,1•r ('l••·el,••d Al"X· sou1hea:;trmln\"011·h rrr "'"'·· ,,,,. "'""'
, hukar h:id :inothl'r rxt ellrn! rautioned Tn slil_\ .11 lt•asl l."IJ ,1;11l1•r He pitched 16 shutou1~
hatch and cainr !hrou.1:h thr 1•:ird~ frorn a n.1• bu ilding nr In l!'l!li. :ict·ord1n,r; lo \\'orld
sllnHner 11'!'1! 11,•ith plenly i1f .--h•_· h_1_"_t_'"-"_· _________ H_o_o_k_E_:_"'_Y_<_'l0_P_'_d_;,_. ___ _ P hil Tozer. head man at Davcy"s Locker, an-ling area roads. All driving ll'i!h good feed and 11 nt cr
nounc ed that the sharks only fis hing trips \1 ill be con-)'l\ot1ld be done 11·i1h <·are and throughou t their r<in,r;r
,1nued for another fe\v \\'eeks. dri\·crs or lo1r-slun,e: passenger The ba,r; limil on qu ai l is 10
T ri ps are scheduled on i\1onday and Fridal' and cars should use extreme t:arr. per day and 10 in possession in
leave the dock Cit 4 a .m . F'or reservations phone 673-1434. ~a l"al \V e. a P 0 n s Center 1he aggregate of all species_
INLAND LAKES REWARD ANGLERS personnel ivill Join the public The limit on chukar i~ si:t per
H Id L b h d h. D i11 the rield on the three hun· •ro o aug an 1s young son avid of Hunt· day and six in possession.
in51ton Beach fished Vail Lake over the weekend •nd ling week ends. No hunting Shooting hours are from hair _, b f' h II 11·hatever is permitted on the h 11 r.,,artwu ass 1s ing e xce ent, crappie and bluegill an hour before stinrise to a
plentiful, but catfish slow. area at any o!hcr time of the an hour after su nset.
The father •nd son fishi11g team scored on bronie-year. Fotlo11,,ing is an are<i ·by-area
backs to 31/1 pounds while casting semi-deep running hunting lorecast
phlugH• odfdf •oc1 ky point1. Crappie to IV:i pounds •lso hit £• }k Hlllll SA1\"TA BARB.\R . .\, \'E'.'\"-
t e f! on ures on a slow retrie ve. TLRA COUl\"TIES -Therr
While •f the Butterfield Country recreation•! 1p•, \\"as a good latr hal t:h of quail
the Lobaughs checked w ith other successful anglers S ttCeSSf Ill but rnost arr on privalc lands
Best areJ~ ;ur 1 he
C:11ifornia side of Yun1a Island
and the bru~hy b o rdr r
betw ren t h e All-Arncnran
Canal and Bard Valley. Jn.
Troul Plaub
Following. b.\· county. are
the St1Uthl'rn Cal ifornia v.·at er~
bl'1:ig stocked this 1rcck 11'1!h
t·atchable-s1~.c ra1nbo11· !rout
from Depar1men1 of Fish ;ind
t;ame hatcher1e~·
fcf!d and 11 a!!'r.
There ;ire valley qua il
1hro11 ghoLll thr Owens Valley"s
brushy :ireas but gf't!ing thern
i ~n't easv. \l'at cr holes an rl
ca11yo11s in the Inyo and Pana·
1111nt ranges and e a n y o 11
mouths of the \\"hite 1'.1oun-
tains ea~t of Ov.·en.~ Vallev of
fer fa ir to good chukar ·hun-
and noted that Bob Cason of Fullerton •nd John Nickey v.·ht're permission to hun.t J~
of Huntington Park recorded two five-fish limits of be11 Th. 1 h rtin u1red. Best puhhc hunting I.OS Ai'\l;ELF:S -Cr\~lal 1rty-two o l,1 untcrs L., which totaled more than JO pounds. ii·iih permits for the second areas include Ha llinger a n d 1.,1kr P11dd1ngs1one Rcser1 ~11r.
Some of !hC' be:.t chukar <111d
quail hun1ing in Inyo Cou ntv
\1 ill be on the northern 260
~riuarr rn1les or the Lis. j>.;a1·al
\\"e;ipon~ Cen ter al China
L:i kr Publif' huniing -...lll he
pennii1erl I h e r c "11 the
l\'eekends nf Oct 25-26. Nov 1-2
and 8-9. Pern11ls must be oh-
ta1 ccd at thr Oar1\•1n 1;t1tr
~l'l'e n milrs suulh of Darwin
0 .. ,, I A h . l k J h M Q t IC lh ,. S.1n Gabriel H11·rr E::1s1. ~onh ... a n a e1m • e, manager o n oore, re-period of the ..,pecial oi~·rn~ ua a anyons 1n e ... u~ama
ports that the stocking of 3,000 pounds of channel cal· Valley tule rlk hunt go\ lht'i r area of Lo~ Padres !\ational :inrl \\"est Forks, l'ppt'r Big
fish last week is p•ying off. The first five-fish limit of rte~i,llna1ed ani mals J a s t Fore•1 Tuiunga Cr eek
c•ts fell to Mr. and Mr1. Lloyd Ammann of Orange. 1.reekend Quail reproduetion \i as good SA.'l n ER.'\ARDli\I) SA,'J BE!t\"ARO INO COLli'\·I
The Amma nn1 were fishing from • boat using night The selected reduction of tht' thi;; year and rhe birds arf' r·olorado River ;i! !'\t'.'cdlc•. T\' _ There arc execllen1
cr•wlers, as they bagged thflir limits riear the west end. Ow ens Va lley elk rc:mOl'fd \110 nunierOLI S on the desert slope~ Der.ii Cree k unpcr sect1un. r II S ll I S ,. popu la1 1un4 of dcseri aniJ 1 The largest catfi1 h weighfld in at over three pounds. bulls a nd e1Aht t'o\\·s from thr n lf .anla osa an< ,;1n Sant:i An:i R11·rr . .Santo /1.1~.1 inountain q1,i;11 i tni.~ ~c.1r nn 1 The trout are responding well to the cold water Goodale hrrd, fi1·c bull~ and .Jatinto ~lount<iin ~ and 111 lhl" H11c r ~ou(h Fork. 1hc desert ~id e of the S:1n
temperatures and a re hitting salmon eggs, TNT, cheese right cows from 1hc T1nc1naha ;ireas of \\'inchestcr, Perri<>, Bernardino ;\\r1un1a1n !>.
and mar1hmallows. Boat anglers fishing ne•r the in· herd. !11 c bulls fro1n thr Lake\ieii<, 1-.l orenO, S;ige and SA,'lj :)IF:GO -Do<inc L<ik '>'. There. arc good nunlhrr~ nf
t k · ~ b I B1shon herd and t1ro bu!ls anr! the Coarhrlla V<1llev . a • are getting me e1t resu ts. " l-":··e•ot 0• the de;•rl .... 1.11• ·r Vl·:i\'Tl"RA -Rr_rr s Crl•r k. f·hu kar in lh(' Ord i'l1 ol1n!;11n'
o~n an 1eg~ way, an 1ncente 1s producing herd. the inountains. hunter~ should l "prier Scspc Crrc , \ rr1tura t•on1 plrx 111 11£' "PP c a r)-D s o· s V ' • 1wo (:011'.<i" rrom 1ht' Lone P111e _,. I' " "'-·' ' " ' • I • I v II I
some nice bas1 to six pounds on rubber worms fished ln(iuire l""ally regatdi•g ,.0 .... ;='=l="='='=N='="='="="='=rk=· ======'=' ="="='='="='=='=''="='="=·D=o=r=.'=lo=w, d t O ·11 B II S f' h f ' h Three hunters wiih perm11~ "" " ~ "" ffp, repor s rv1 e a . un 1s , cat 1s i1nd crapp;o 1 h 0 . 1 d 1.v fi rearms rlo."·re• a·d · I b B I I or cows fron1 I c IS iop her ~" ' " are sow now, ut a I oolcs for •n increase in •ctivity 1 1 d Th' 1 h perm1ss1on to hunl pri\atc from these spocies. a1 e to connect. is pus t e l•od.·. fa ct lha1 one ou1 of 36 first· .. ·' Ball also ,-eporls that four of the San Diego Li1kes period hunters the pr i 0 r
will be opon this se•son for duck hunting, for more ·,....._ ORA'.'\GE -Quail art' ab11n-,,.. weekend fa iled lo score means form•tion phone (714) 136-5532. rlant Hl Orange County bul •hat. 1Yhile 30 permits 11 r.re 1 · I d SPORTS SHOW ENOS SUNDAY mos arc on private an s issued by drawing ro r the h . . h .
The Los .>\n geles Boa t and Sports Sho\\' \\'ill end it s three hunting periods. the 11· ere perm1ss1on lo unt is
10 day run at the Sports Arena o n Sunday. The sho1v total lake can no-...' nol exceed required. Public hunting is
features the. latest in m a rine and boating equipment . as 76 confi ned almost entirely to the
II h · brushy south portion of !hr \Ve as so1ne of I e ne,vest produc ts in outdoor recre-The herd reduction con· Trabuco Dis!ricl of Cleveland
a'tion. eludes next weekend with one Na tional Forest. j
Dick Fred. 01rner of Discount 1\Iarine Supplv in bull and eight cow~ scheduled
Newport Beach. 1s an exhibitor at t he shoiv_ and re-10 be taken from the Goodale SAN DIEGO COUSTY -
ports lhal c ro\1·ds and enthus ias m ts high at the shoiv. herd. \'alley and mountain quail i=:==================~1 llp;;;;;iii0iiiii0i0iiiii0i0iiiii0i0iiiii0i0iiiii0i0iiiii0i0iiiii0i0iiiii0~
Wh" c.en fly'
ri.. m•i•r.ly or (i.i! piloh
toil1 y •'• "•"·lH•h 11ion1I •.
An '"''''"'i 11.l P ••t111! of 111
pti•1t1 pilth ••• not ;., th1
1v!1tio" inilu1try. 1hi1 "''""'
'"'' .1"''"' .............. lly ...
1irpl""'· For th1 bv1i111u "''"
with "''"' 1hod },.,,;,..,. l<ip1
.01 p1rl of rovti,,1. llv;n9 i• l1u
••P•"•'•• th i n r111tio•1 • "''·
lfl 1dcli1io11, l r1v1! Ii"'' ;, •vi ,, . ,.,;,,: .........
..... ;o1 . ,,.,,, \).,,; ... " •• ; •.
t;o., piloh, p1opl1 wl.o fly •••
p1rl ol ""'"'' porl1011 ol .A."'-
ori, o. Tlo.o ·~donl 1 t' iol11 ol
!ht1 '"unlry ofl,, "'•"¥ ''""
flO •d•1..,t11 r1 '" J , .. ,,.jon from
•• ., ...... t •• ,";"'I ... fly ,,
111,11;;., • .,, ....... .,. ol life. Ge
f;,h i "•· • ,..; m"'; "'I. l.11nt< n 'I•
v;,;i lti1nch S11 1h1 "'"'lntf,.
c1nt1 of th1 A m o ,; t a"
Hou''"';"'' f;,,,j 1d•1nt1u1
•""•Y f,o,., cl i1h11 111cl clirly
c:l11th11. Women in 9t1•1r1! i11-
c.r1111 their opporfwnitl1• lo
111 MOrl , •~p1ri111c1 "''''•
..... f11I fr11clo .. ill I 11119 ..
bl1 "''V•
Flyin• will 100" bt port of
1v1ry f1mily.
111 11Jl.lt l 0 " AY l,.l lON "'' e•it<'
:111 ll'lf" C!vo •l lu If\ 0.t <>QI
C.,.,,.!v ~·••!• PllO• <tune tm, c~,.1,.. HO O<'•y "SO '" ....,,, (lie'°""" IN .... r, n• se. "'"" ,.,. Ctnl Al>f~ l"6 •fl l'IOut, W• Of,
fer tl>t l~I •1'U •ll, lflsttv<:torl
a...i '"'" I f HA,J!ll.QJ! AV!A.TION,
Jl<I Wo•fl~r ..... , , 1-.-111111. O!Hn
hon• •un••H I• '""-''' 011ty. "II• "'O !fl eu< col_,., ond '" ,...., ]~I ll•tlll for 9nly \$ OI".
Watch Next
Week for
COM,lnl "L YIN6
• r .. arork ran or B1i;-cyr
r·a n? TV 's, 19·• f'.CA c~
~1" COLOR-l1kr nr.1"'
Sl"O: pot1abl(' 'o!•I 12··
Sij : tir 111kf' onr rn lhf'
W.11t wuh you -Syl1111n\11.
l?v' fM')J'tahl r , \60.
e Un iquf' annquf' mu~iqur~
lipr}llht p111 no bui11 In 11169
1n Grmtany, -...·ould h11vr
10 be seen 10 fully apprtt.-
iate it, emtx-llished by sol.
1d bra!l-5 ~andlcholdel's and
handt'raftf'd Jlit'J'Ollll -onf'
ol " rarr kind.
e r.rt a hr:.itf ~t:u·r nn Chri~l
ma" f1nJ1nc1 n51:. Chrrk" !ht
htl l'l w11n1f'fl ('Ol11n1n~ 11ntf
/1fld ),...ir ski!! in rirmand
Jo.-pa rr timr rm plo~ mrnl.
-1969 MODELS,-
Al11,.,hu1111 or Stnl, S1 iff, 11.,.11l•r •t S1h F!ir•o. lo119, a..,wlor
•• Slle•t Sll•tt..
Woods and Irons Reg. Sole ----
Tony Lema $285 $155
Ken Venturi 285 155
Spalding 286 185
Arnold Palmer 285 195 ---Fir5t Flight 295 225
Golden Ram 285 175 ----
Tommy Bolt 175 75 ---La.lies Clubs 25°/o off
o.it ...._ L-4"1. 11 ... i1: sai .. , zs•. •"· w. fh•••c•. ••111•A-·
k•tl. Me.1tirr CllW9'·
.,..., L..•1111
l1rl11rHl9JI at • A.M.
11 .lf ~· N•w
s111, ,..,.,
C"t• MIMI ••N llHt•
1.11 1 New,•rt l lff. 14S·•••l
I• Or•"f9 Ce••"t' ••lrtr•11111"9
Gelf IQtrM.li-
Skl' M.y c1-.. ,., .. ,,.....i ....
Mii, Msy''
Now,.rtet 6•tf C•11110
11 11 J-"'-'" lei.
No•,•rf S.-11 644·••11
At tloo Now,•rtor h1111 -A r .. J C••"•
SI .SD CirM• FM -SI.Gt Wltfl T•l1 Alll
111,lrH N•v. lttfll
Sina 1853, the W1in1J liaht Sc:o1ch
n ,,,..1 -l1o•n. fo•.,1• o. 1M1,,, C.'1 . lt11•1.,,,., ~,. • lti I
Your Money's Worth
Prosperity T odar,
Not Ski11 Deep
By S\'L\l<\ POUTER
(Fourth ln I' I\ t parl :St r1tsl
\\hen the stock nuir ket con
\Uls1on 40 yea r5 ago t i inaxrd
1n the crash of Oct 29 it did
not sl't off \ht" \\O!ld s mo~l
('at acly"m•c drrrc" 1011 -a\
n1ost of \uU p1ob 1bl\ \.\r11'
ta ug! t 111 t I ! \\h 1 th~!
1r:i.(k1p II J 1~ hi 1li.:dlv
r<'cognl7,(' ii d th n hoi r bl v lt
TC'ns1fy a 1lcpri ~" flll 11 H h<>d
long beC'n 111 Ith 111 ii n,.:
On !ht ~1ut It • t!t Clonon11
of the 1911\s l(10ked i:rt'lil l
!(ilppo:.e hi t thf' glitter " ~
phon\ It e r r osjlet 1t\ 1 "
gold plated F'ot bent ... 11 ti f'
overall stallstll!; \.\rre the~r
danp:crous t rend~
PERSONAL I NC0'.\11'~ 11f'1r
being concentrated n1ore and
more at the very top -'' 1\h
the shart or the nation s in
com e going lo lhe top I pe r
cent of American s actuallv
r1s1ng by half between 20 and
'29 The increase 1n wa ges and
!ia lar1es "'as Jagging f a r
behi nd thr tnc rra:.t 1n thr pro-
ducllvil} of \1orkl'1!S and the
rhmb 1n corpora tion profits 111
rents in intr.rcst Our pop11l 1
lion growth "<is ~lowinJ.:
markedh I arn1 µrices we re
111 a prolonged sl imp In lhe
late 1920s the housing and rn a
}Of durable goods 1ndustnrs
went rnto a di ve
IL wa5 against tlus classic
background for a bu,..tnes~
downturn thal t~e "1 o t k
market wenl into 1he wildesl
11psurge on the ttnnncsl of
t red1t marJ:in" tn h1storv
\\hat v.ould IHl\e bee11 a
routine recession was delayed
an d then turned into an
rconomtc ratastrophe
'roda1 111 another Q( !ober
ou1 na !1 on al pohc1rs :11 •
t1cl1bcra!cy gciJrcd I! slowi ng
do11n the Clonon1 v and lUrb
1ng the Jlrl(t' 11 1,i:r sptrill
There 1s undoub1edlv a n~k of
ove r kill 111 !hf' lornbinalion of
cre dit and lax rf'stra n!~
\\'bile 1nflat1on persists aL au
lntolerablf' pat~ ni~n\ l r r
11orry1ng th:it the hooni \\h 111
began (II I rb1 t11r y 19{)1 I II
nol \:ist •<" s1 r 11 ~ n1111h
birthdav 11 I'> no\ lhl' rnnsL
reassuring of p 1111crn' hv
any yardstick
BUT THE lOnlr a~I ~ <!IC fun
1oda1 11 e <ill' 11 1111ddlr 111
rome n<1t1on \111ho1 t p:irall<'I
l he 1nco1nf' pyramid of 1929 1\
1n\rrt1ns: 111th thr \a<I rna
JOrily 1n the n11ddle higher tn
come brackets and a shnnk1ng
1111 nor t)' at the lo111cr income
llvels By 1980 mart Uian h:ilf
of Arnerican families 1'111 ha\e
1nromt's ol $10 000 or 01c r
\\ 1ges and saJanes are 1n an
upspiral and until rect:ntly the
spurt in workers rea l an
(rune5 wa 5 outpacing the rise
In JUSI about e1er}th1ng else
Now 1nflat1on is erasing the
~ah e of the exlra dollars but
surely toda y s ral e or rros1011
\\ill no1 last
\\IEH E IT NOT f o r the
< rcd1t squel'ze housin~ \.\'Ould
ht 111 111 all-0u t boom But th1!i
"ClllCCze 1" merely guaran
1ee111g an explosion 1n t ous1 ng
) llt r Ill \he 1970s -and of
1 111H ~!' \.11th lh1s "'II come a
sp11t l 1n l'veryth1ng lh it goes
11110 and 011ts1de of house~
\\c ha1e a 1asl variety or
1 rt css1on cush1on1ng I ;j w s
ll n cm plo}mcnt 1nsur n1lr
1111n1n1u1n 111 <1ge levels Socia l
Sl'cur 1y b;:i nk insur 1ncc ctt
t h Non~ of thc ~e 1 ush1ons
"a5 1 i rx1 stence in 29
And 11t> arf' t nlc11ng a
,Jetade of .1:rcat l.'xµan ston
A ~s11 m1ng 110 n1orr V1rt
n rns hut a \\01 lrl ur 11nc 1 v
pC;Jii a111t ;i,sunur i.; sull1t1£'nl
soci al ;;Lobd11v to 1Jcrn11 l JU:;t
n11n11I t conorn1 i.: grn11LI ou1
produi.:11011 of goods a n d
~er\ 1te~ 1v1ll zoon1 lo ne;irlv
Sl ooo ono 000 000 j tri lhon I by
l'll!O 1g;onsl ~900 b1lhon plus
<'1ln1b frotn today s 200 m1lhon
n1ark to 240 245 million Our
in come per person will JUm]l
by about 45 percent Our buy
111,g of outos will zoorn lron1
1!169 s 9 1n1lhon plus lo 1980 s
:11er11ie l I 15 m1lhon S 1 1t
gnl's ir :ill \\e. ha1e 1~
NOH ~t AI gro11th
Behind )!r.!9 s n1:1 ket 11 l\
f'tOrlOlll(.' 10! a S I! Jdl
sh1 ink 1gt' 1n till' buying pr.i111
of ! h r n1aioril\ iind a bas1t
t 1, 1i111ard derl 1l1on Aeh1nd
1 l!i9 s rnarkel 1s econom11 l'K
pnnsion 11 steady ;;\.\tiling ul
1t t' buy ing po\\ er of tile 111 1
JOr 111 11d a basic bias to11.<1 rd
11\JI LtlOll
I a1i1 liardl\ ctig 11ng th 1t
slot:k 1n rkel 'ltJtnµs 11011 t
h 111pfn \\ i!ne~s !his Vear s
bit){){! b;ilt1 I <1111 savtn~ that
tilt-Arnencan economy on !ht!
1 h1e~hnlcl of the 70s bta1~ 11!
tie re;;embl;inte to I h e
A nerK in ri.:onomv on lhr
llue~hold of !ht" 30~ And tha t
!t ods lo lonir11 rr111 s
N r r l /)1~/1 11rt 1111 N1
(I I \l[H t(/r1 Ill I \
' 1 g L r
Railroads H urti1ig ,
Executive Declares
~AN F RANC!SCO ( l Pl\ -
Americas long d 1s 1an('e
pasi;enger tra111s arc 1n a
bleak ltnanc1al !unnrl \\ th 110
r xtl 1n sight acco rding 10 thr
president of \\ estcrn Pac1 f c
l\lyron fo,1 Chr st v told the
lnlerslate Com1nerce Con1
m1ss1on Tuesday tha t \\esiern
Pacifi c s Cahforn1a Zeph'r
l\ou ld looe SI 2 m11l1on an
nually -r1en opera!lng al
• apac1tv 1 r11r ro1 rid 111th ;ill
nrw equipment
Thcrr 1 ~ ! o 1>0~~1))ii111
\1 hatsoever { instv said ( r
nak1 ig long d ~ I a 11 r
p l~"cr ge r trains -pu1!1 cul 11
II the Cahforn1a Zeph} r -a
pr.11ng proposition
The railroad preside nt \1 a~
un der cross examination 1n ;:i
hearing on \\estern Pac1fit "
r cquest lo d1sconllnue 1 hr
Zephy r and Sot thcrn Pac1f\l s
pcl illon to drop the lily of S n
I ranc1sco
State Seri<1ior r. r o J! r
\\o~con' had read 1n!n thf'
r Pcorrl a sllltcmrnl opros111~
!111' appt1ca\1nn
o\nv cur \ 11hnrn1 f r , I
<i;('r\llf' llrllll thr. h;,i\ I I
1nusl be ~topped r>1 r lh:i l
100 ooo people us(' 11 f i'1 ph r
iind the Southern I' t( !1~ s 1 11 v
of San f rancisco ~nd b 1! 1nl• ii
transportalLon plans of thr
state would receive a cr1pphng
blow 1f rail transportallon 1 on
11nues to be removrcl rron1
public use '
Ja1n cs Ile1 tell has
been named m a nager
of J\11tc hun1 J ones &
Templeton s I a guna
Beach offtce Before
JOlntn g J\1J r he 11 a~
syndicate manager for
a in a 1 o r bi oke1 age
f1r1n and also \Va~ re
gaona l sales m anager
for a na t ional mutual
Stale Tax
Board Gets
l:iil.;) Billion
NFN VORlt Al'\ -,.,u •<I••~ ~o"'• •I•
, ............... .., .............. .., .......... ,. ...... 1:1'<•"' Vn • Snc~ E •.J on9•., (t> "''~ I' D Wi!WWWWWW.E:WW&WJC WW ncomol!'I• vok.,_
NASO L11t1n91 for Wednesday October 15 1969 "' Hl~low(oH C~I
• • • ~n ~4
~ ~n '
' 1n ' ., ' 11 0 jp • . '" ...
' ' " ) 1• 1• •
• • • ~· " " .. • ' " 1•~·"'· M? 10n>-o ~~ •
111111 1 1
\ 1 • 1 ..
·?~l .6!
~l?••?I • J ~ \~ 1n1 l' i. 111 p . ' ,,
1n3 •• • • •
" . " ~~ H> P '
1 '' 77 7 , ,,,,. 1 •• 61 • • l •
, .. ... .. " 16~ '-3 '" . , .. ..
Cars With Extra Gear 1-IONOLULU (U PI ) -Pan
American \Vorld A1r.o;a ys an
nounc ed ruesd:iy 1l has la id
off !Of! cn1p!oycs here because
of lhe transp::ie1f1c route c i~e
1•• I • • n•tu•o 1 ..,.,,! .,.,
tent 9 • m ~ u. • On• t••
tpoonlul t en •l•r 1 •• 100
t•lton1 of '"'•••r
Sc •nl ••• n Flo• de t t •n+!v
r•port•d why mo1qu lot b h
Th111 • , tll••t l•d to l I•<
It t t d wJ. th • n•lu ol l o
tho hum on 1k" 1nd c1.bo'!
.J 00 .Jo 'lo'h!ch I I 911 nolu
t !lv ••11dod by th1 bod11
C •rbott Iii • on• ol th1
"""'' d11191rou1 c:h tm c:1 I•
•••d 111 """ l1blo 1, the pub
I c Con dtrn•t• .-rtlnevt
wh en nh1 l1d
A.11 eld Ind 111 1 11~•rtl ton
do not 90 le 1l11p wh lo
th t1lr Th, 10111 1,, .. ,, the
body "' 1111cli el "''''' I !ho brd11 1hould twl~I b1
fo 1 tJ.1 ,.,.,1 11tur n• I l"!•il
d • •
F'or rnod('f11 •• !'\ 1( r
old fash1onll"d oourtr,,y
your pre!crlptions to
\\ llh
JS1 Hot,lt•I a .. 111
NhJfMI"" awc:h Ml2 I Sii
PrM Dtillw•ry
• \
Get Extra Insurance
Insurance rates arr going to
gn up on the motor12rd
missiles -hot cars loaded
down with big engines and r s
!ra gear Congress has bcr i
Dc:in Jeffers president or
1'a1lonw1de Mutual Insurance
Co saKI the superaulos e x
pe rienct; losses 56 percent
h1ghtr than more moderately
po11. ered. vehicle!!!
Ills ftrm Lile: nation s f1(1h
largest insurer of automobile~
is ra1s1ng insurance rates on
Sc('oncl P.11·1
NE\\ \01{1\ /LiPI) -LI.I \V
Kellogg c~ h 1s 00111 1nl'd a ~r
cond $2 111 ll on tontrncl t:>
supply po\\t r p1 r11ng lor a sr
cood 790 000 K\V gencral11 It
unit to be bl.ult hy Eb:i~ro
Se r v ic es I nt l n r
Pennsy lvania Pov.1 r .\ I 1ght
to at the ~ionto11r :-:it 1tlon
n£"tir Strawberry n1 li::c I ~,
North 01 Wa!'rhlnJil nn\ llr-
"llth ~a r" by ;>O per< en1 10
1hm1n1sh their :ippeal Jrffer~
~ ud llr called l h I' in
mo1uri1r1I 1n1ss1les
Test lf)tng beforr :i Sr11a1r
~ubconinllttcc le.Hers s 110
1<>Uperau1os such as t h 1
f hevrnlrl Corvette o r rl
:\lustang /\1 ach 1 and Pontiac ~
(TO certa1n ly arc nol eon
duc1\e 1o moderalt dr1v1n~
Indeed they arc powered wt 11
abo\e the needs of the prudent
£lefcns1vc di 1ver and ahovc the
traffic capab1htv of mo5l
s1recls and roads
llP also hstcd ;imon~ 11\r
s111>Crau1os the Old~n1olule ~~2
I lymouth Hoad R u 11 n r r
Dodge Ch:irRcr $0(1 Anirric 1 1
fl.1 o!or~ Alll X Lhc1 rolrl
1'.lalibu SS J% ~ntl llH'
lllcrcury Cou~ 1r Ehtn1n a1or
Jc[frrs said his r1rm d~ ~n t.
1ons1der all rlr1\rr~ of surh
t;irs un~ale rlr1\Cr\ 1:>111 <'nn
tended sprc1al a e I u a r 1 a
~tud1e~ prnd11c1ng the h1ghr r
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York Stock List
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Thursday Octo~r 16 196q L OAILY PILOT "7'' -.
Thursday's Oosing Prices-· CO-mplete--. New Yori{ StocKt Exchange List
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Market Prices Up
In Heavy Trading
NEW YORK (UPI) -J.lopes for a Vietnam set
t.le1nent and for an easing 1n record high interest
r ates sent stock prices higher Thursday m some of
the heaviest trading of the yea r
Shortly before the close the UPI rnarketw1de
1nd1cator showed a ~ain of 0 94 perccnl on I 599
issues crossing the tape i\dv::inces led deciLnes
947 to 427
1 he Oo'ol. Jones average of 30 blu e chip 1ndus
ir1als ga1n<'d 9 43 to 839 49 near the tlose
Volume approachrd the l9-m1U1on share m<trk
\VC!i ahead of \Vednesday s pace and Just s\J ghll)
below Tuesday \V h e n 19 950 000 shares chonged
hands tl1e heaVIest of th e yea r
Among the most active issues "ere Lums Inc
a restaurant franch1s mg organ1zat1on which made
its debut on the big board Wednesday Goodyear
and Dennison ?vlanufactunng A spokesman for
Dennison said he knew of no special reason for the
.stocks activity
Some of the bnghtest perfonners on the li st
were Corning Glass Works and Polaroid Each
picked up several points after bucking a sharp
downward trend in recent se~si ons
Se\ era\ electron1cs al so were among the point
sized gainers
/\\On products mov ed ahead smartly after re
por11ng a rise 1n tlurd quarter net Xerox \\as an
other \\Inner Installation of Xerox copiers \\as
said to be running at a very good rate
1\Iotors \vere pointing higher although sche<l
uled weekly auto production \Vas dO\vn fron1 the
year ago period
Che1n1cal s sho\ved marked strengt11 as did air
Imes Aircrafts, rails and S'Leels generally traded
1n fractions
Pnces advanced on the
change m bnsk turnover Arnencan Stock Ex
1::.~ "1111 L•• c-. c~~I
11 n • ''• H 'i> DOW JONES AVERAGES IJS A D !.II
"' Se1, ~~ ~ , -+ I ., v 1 u .~co" 11,. 1n 11 II l ..... ~w or~A,.)f<100<lw J0<1U OYt • PL 10
171M 4l .. •1 • u , STOCll.S Ve 1 Co 40 13' 7111 1 V. 11• ~. O""" H v~ low C •<"~ Nt Ve '" A• o
,, ;:•I ~ 11 •.,...,ltl l,,., """l•l •nS}OIJlll !I VO'e<I• ¥6'1
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(Continued r.rom Pllg~ JB)
Beach : Heidi ll annelene
!'l!arianne Exner, I 5 3 5 I
Cascade La n e , Huntington
Beach; Ursula t.'lacQuiddy.
23882 Calle l logar, !-.1issiQ11
\'iejo and 1ngeborg Edith
tl1a rtin, 5161 Tasn1an Drive,
liuntinglon Beach.
Charles Gore, 17161 Santa Hila
SL. Fount..ain Valley : Horace
t.1ilton En1erv. 3\::itil 'fable
Rock Drive, ·Apt. 208. :-iouth
Laguna; Jean Ellen and /lugt1
Norman Nelson, 19432 llluegill
Circle, Huntington Uearh ; Ann
Ackerman. 2~672 Calle El Toro
Grande, El Toro.
Also from GREAT BRI-
TA IN: t.larJOrll' Ayling, 1839
\Vallace Ave .. Costa Mesa:
Elizabt'th Janet Br;1nd. llHl l
t.1orning Glory A\'e ., Fnunti.lin
Valley and Jan1es _Douglas
Jardine, 9580 Cardinal Ave.,
HUNGARY -Andrev.· Bohn,
8731 Bol sa Ave .. ~1idwCJy City ,
JRELAND-K1cran Patrick
Bro,vn, 1887 Monrovi a, Apt. I,
Costa t-.1esa.
lTALY -Giovanni
1767 f\.1onrovia Ave.,
Littl.:ing Cotttittertts JAPAN -Hideko Rivers,
11964 Gloxinia Ave .. Fountain
Valley. ,_1EXICO -Francis c o A1nerican Telephone and 1"elcgraph's cable ship,
Espinoza Sanchez, 2 3 3 o o Long· Lines, is laying table fro1n lhe edge of t he
\Vhistler, El Toro. Jose Lui s Cont inental Shell 95 n1ilcs off Rhode Island coast
1-lorales Torres, 24742 to the edge of the shell off San Ferna11do, Spain.
Allenwood, El Toro, Nicholas ----~-------------.c_c._ __ _
Sanchez, 24953 \Vhisller Or.,
El Toro, Augustin Espinoza
Ponce, 16616 Lassen St .. Foun·
lain VaUey.
Jacob llartmankok. I 7 0 9
Gisler Ave.. Costa J\1esa;
Daniel Emanuel Andoetoc,
18911 Delaware Ave., Apl. 6,
Huntington Beacb and Jozef
The<Xlorus Maria \Verkhoven,
3067 Platte Drive. Costa ~tcs;i.
Dolores Rotnero \\'ard, 980
Governor. Costa Mesa.
YUGOSLAVIA -Cather ine
J\1atievich, 5651 J\1 a r s ha ·11
Drive, Huntington B ea ch ;
Ante Bez.ir, 209 1:-. 3fllh St .,
Ne"'}Wl'l Beach.
4 Nen·port
Gyms Open
For Public
Four gyn1s 1n '.'\ewport
Beach schools \viii bC' open fur
public recreation d u r in g
\\'ec knight and v:eekend ho11rs
under a joint progra111 begun
this \1·rek by the city recrea·
l 1Qn department and the
Newporl·Mesa l lnified School
Gyms al Ne11·port 1 !arbor
11nd Corona del J\lar high
schools and at Horace Ensign
and Abraham Lincoln 111-
tcrmediatc schools will bt
open for acth·it1cs incluchng
baslietball, bacin1inion ·ant.I
Schedules f(lr the 11 i b h I
progran1s are as
Newport Harbor lligh gym
r.fonday and \Vcdnesday nights
from 7 to 9•30 p m.: Cor ona
Uel ~lar High same hours
·ruesday·Thursday nigh1s.
Both high schools v.·iil open
Saturdays from 1 Lo 4 pin.
Both inl£'rrned1ate ~1,:111~11
g:, ms will open T11esch"1y a11d
Tuesday nights fr o1n 7 to 9 30
All progran1s \1 111 Ii r
super\ ised by r c c r c a I ju 11
department st.111, Smrill let's
are required for some spurls
Specific information abo11l
the fe es or sports programs is
;ivailable through the Depart·
rnent of Parks. Beaches and
Recreation at 673--3180.
NewSutellite Device
To W ar1i of W euther
new devi ce aboard the ,Nin1bus
JI I satelJit~ should gi1'e U,S.
(')!i ?.{'nS n1orc precise nnd
('On1prchensivc \1':1rnings lhls
\\'inter \\'!Jen severe w.cather is
bfC\\'ing .
The 9l·pounU tlel'itc, l'allcrl
SIRS -for sa1el11tc infrared
:>pectromctcr -\1 as a1nong
lnstru1nenls sent 111lo orbit
.'.lboard the Nin1bus Jl[ ln~~
,\pril -14.
lL n1casu res the infrared
l'ne rg y put out hy the al·
111usphere to provid1• <l:1t<1 for
a 1c1nperature proldc.
SIR."i \1·.:is inlenci cd as a
rf'i;earch and devr lr1p1nl'nt cx-
pcrin1en1, hut 1l \\'as so s11r.:·
c(•ssful lt is being use~ opera-
1 inn;il\v, ~nld Dr . l!arrv l-'1·<',~s.
NinlbUs 11 L project 1~1"n;1ger
fur NASA.
The device gnth~;rs in·
forn1<.11ion nor 111ally i1hla111rd
tl1rnugh u~c tJf 11· c .1t h r r
ba lloons or i n s l r 11 111 t' 11 t
p:ickagl's t'<tfflt'tl <Jluft hy
roc ket ~-
Alrear!y SI RS·g:i thrrl'd dnt;'l
l1JS r1·stillerl lO llllJlfOV(•d
ll'ealher repo1-t~ !ron1 the va;;-l
ocean areas and other remote
sectors -about 80 percent ol
1hc earlh·s .surface -where
balloon soWlding data is ex·
trc1ncly rare, 1~rcss said.
\Vealhcr satellites have been
providing daily pictures of the
L"arlh's cloud cover since early
1966, bul lhe photographs have
not provided needed quan·
utative 1 n form a t i o 11 on
tvn1p('ra\tJre, hun1idi!y and
f)r._ Jack Townsend of the
C orn 111 er t c Ucpa.r tmenl 's
l'.:nvi ronmcntal Science
Sr1·1·1c,c$ A(tn1inistration said
S I llS '~il s ··a real
brc:ik1hrn11gh. one fll thl· 1nosl
~ig111l1canL d C\ l'itlp1ncn\s in
11l\•1!•111·ol0gy in rec~·11l Unt('S,"
. .. I'll~' 1\'t':1ther that \1•i\I ;lf·
ft'l'I us 111 the t:nitcd Stales
ln11r nr !1\'r d <I)'~ fro111 110\1' is
br{·11111g 01 tr l':ina<l.1. ALisk:i
;ind t ll~ J\'ortli I'« r.: i I' 1 t',''
'f,i\\ llS1'!1d 5;t1fl.
JI I( l1lHl·1·~ ill I rt'I ra~!. !he
1·IH111gL'S rioh·d rru111 sll'1r11y.
rntnpill'd ~;111·l l itr il;.1 :1 11111 be
111 11~1nf! :i r·<,:d C'Jlll1tib11t1(1n to
1111pn11 Prntnt ()\ w c a! he r
Cctrpet Pcicl Plc11it
l1i, lrvi11.e CtJJllJJle :r
C;1hf1Ja111 c vrpi 11·111 11111 ft r
.A.111eril':i l\~s purch:1~,·d ;'I ·Iii·
flL'fC site !TI llll.'. l r I I n l'
Industrial Complf'x-on wl11t•ll 1l
pl;i ns to (·0nstrtu t :i :!4n,f\00·
sq u arc.foot n':111ufarturing
p!.'lrit and nffi c<'. l'h1l1\) .I.
Luw r\1• Cal1fnain pn2~1de11I,
h rts :innoutH.:l'(J.
(';1l1fn;irn. ;1 <l1r1 '.1u11 !1[
~lobnv !1 h e 1n 1 t' :! l <'11,
f' 11 1·.~bllrJ!h, n1:in11rat·tt1rf'~
t li.:.~lhlt' urt'th;int• I0<.1111 ll!r
1·11r p!•1 pnddinj!. 1n:1t11·r ~~l·~
!111 n1turf' ;111d ihc :111lo1nrn 11 l'
111\lu~lr~' V11nn1·d 111 i!ll~l. 11 1,;
prr>~t·nt ly !c>('u ll'il 111 t'o111pto11.
l'<1l1 f.
Toky o G1·owi110 . "" TOKYO (AP )-Thc world 's
li'1ggest cily h.'.ld lL447 .108
resiclcnts as or Sept. 1. a drop
of fl .2fi8 111 nne inonth. 1hr.
m ctr o pulltan governmcnl
'I l1L' C:11i10:1n1f:1('1l1ty 1\·i\l in·
•'lu<le ii l\l'O·~lill'I' o f Ii c e
h111ldini:; 11111\ 1:1 .'11110 ~rpi:ire
11>1·1 111d ·1 111:n•11f:1t"l1tri11g
1111 tldl n ~ 11irh :n;J.11111) ~ri•t :)rr
l~•'l 'f11u l11111rll'1'<I 111]1 be
) Scientist Predict.~ 6 Transfers , Too
Planning • to 1hc
moon ~
If Dr. Krafft A. Ehricke is
f.!orrect, it's going to involve
.siii: space ships and something
like seven days of your time.
And don't forget to keep an
eye on your baggage during
those transfers.
Dr. Ehrlcke, chief .scientific
adviser for advaoced pro-
grams at North American
Rockwell , Ol.lllined his moon
travel plan f.l onday to lhe
Jnternational Acs.demv o r
Astrooautici;, which is 1lold1ng
an international orb 1 t 1 11 g
laboratory and ::;:pa(;c con·
ference .
A typical flight to the niuon
as Ehricke envisions it \\'Ollhl
begin at an earUt spac•'()Ot't
11uch as Cape Ken~dy. Thrre.
• craft would rocket lravelers
to a rendezvous wllh an
n1·1>11111g sp;-1re s1ation.
'!'hi' travelers, and hoprrully
lli!·ir Juggagc. \rould take a
:-hon rine by space taxi to the
.slat ion.
The station would be a giant
craft boosted into space by a
nuclear rocliet engine and
cruising endlessly on a 13-day,
cgg·shaped orbit, pass i n g
behind the moon and then
returning lo sweep around the
c11rth and back to the moon
The lunar travelers Y.'Ou ld
rel;ix in large, con1forlablo
c1uartrr" ;iboard the Sl<'!lion for
tht' fli gh t to 1hc vicinl1 y ol the
n1oon . Thf'J'C. ;ln(1t hcr tiny taxi
\1uulrl lcavr ·;1 .~1>l1(·t·c rnfL
urbi11ni:: the 1noon :;nd ren·
d£"1.1·uus \\'!lh !lie ri1;l1n sta!ion.
l'a.~st'n gt'r!; \1'ould trs.ns!e r
lo the L1x1 for a short trip to
lhe moon orbiting crafL. i'N Ul
there they v.·ould catch• flight
LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE l ---,c,c,~,~,c,o=,~cOUi"To.,--nia--1---,c,c,7•=•"• .. =-,o0=,o,o,-0c,-,c,c,~--1------.,..,,-.:>nO,•"'------I
1fA,ll Q,. CA,LIFO•NlA FOii • .., ... ,. 0, CALll"OlllrjlA .. o. 1UPt:1110• cou•T 0' T.Ot:
TIOf COUIOTY OJI Oll;A,NGI THE (.OUHTV 0' OllANOl STA,Tf 01' (A,Lll'O•l-ltA fOlt
N•. A-l-llJ6 NOTICl OF ;:A:·I~~ .. GP PETITION TIU! coumy 0" o•"NGI
HOTrCI OF Hf.t.ltlHG 9" PETITION FOil J'llOl.t.Tf OP Wt!,.L A,N O FOii N•. ,l.-641H "0R PllOl•TE OP WI L!,. •HO Nl>TICE OF MEA,lllNG PETITIOIOI "OR CODICIL •No FOR !,. Ell E It 1 LETTEllS TE!TAMfNT•llY PltOtA,TE Of WIL!,. ANO LfllEll\
TEtT•MENTAIY (IONO w•rYEDl E'•1•1• of EVELYN K. STICH, De<••1· TESfA,MfHT.t.ltY
Es1e!t o! fJ<"NK. R, USEOOM. "'Nonct: 15 HEll:EllV GIVEN '""I C>!•t• <tt Fr•n~ E Ma~nino. al'>ll ~Mwn O~coa>•<I < •• Fron~ Edward Mannino De~eas<il, . or cE IS H~llEll'r (il\IEN T1>11 Yflvn M. Mill•r ~·~ lllod he"1". Qet.-NOTICE 15 HEllEBY GIVEN '"'' D~om~ E U'"<>nm. cl lh• Cou~tv II! TIO!I tor P•Ob•lr of will ind ror h•.i~nce tialrf r . /,lannl"I .,_, llt•d htroln • o~!I
Or1nQ• 3nil th• unhttt C1lilo•n11 ll&n~. • l>I L•""' T••t•m•nh"V •o P•!i•lonfr, !Ion tor orol).aT• o! wl!I ind lo• l.sv•n« ol
' '
, , , , 0 , roterence lo "'""" I• m • d • tor tyrfher 1 co<P<lt1t On O 1h• >.D<Jn v o ~o• nlle ••· Plr!ICVloi•, l'l<I '""' !he !Im• ~l\il Pl&<• \1!1•r. 1e•l•m•ntMY 10 P •I 11 on• r , 51at~ m C1l1fornl1 hav• !11..., h.r•ln • o! h••rlng the '"""* "•• ~•n ttl tor rdtr•nc• to whic h ts made to• !v•lh•r ,,.,1n1on lor P<obate 01 Wiii 1nil c<>dlcll t nd Novem~• 7, 1,6,, 11 •:lei •. ,,,., in the 1>Ar!lcu11.,, 1nd l'llat the Time and place
tor '"""""" or l!l!!r< Tn11m•nT1rv •o tl>Ur!rP<lm 01 Oepor!mf'l\t ~ l t S ld of h~•rlng the '""'" h•• t><en •el lo• Ou , P"'itkl"""• relo•eN:e I<> whkh 11 ..,.ill for covrt, 11 ,00 Civic Cent•r 0,~;,., V:esl:ln )I, lt6t, •! t :lO 1 m .. In The (Outtroom ot
lu<t/\e• P•rtlcul•"· •nil tnu rne rim' ""' I/\~ Cllv cl s..ota An• C•lllO"n·• D•P•tlmeot No. l of •ajd cour!, or 70<I Pl•c• ol "••rlno mo """" II•• t>t-en ••I Dtled Oc'lobe• lS. i969, ' ' Civic C1ntor O•iv• W<1!, in T~e City ot
for N""embi>r 1, 19f>f, 11 ''ll'l t .m., In lf\e w. £. 51 JOHN, S•M• Ant, C•ll!ornla,
rD<Jrtroom o! O.,,or1m•nl No_ l ol •~la '°"""' Ciotk Doted Ori. 1. IJ6'
covrl, ol 700 C•vic c ... rer D•lv. Wetl, in llOIEltT M. P'l!lt ' W.£. ST JOHN, in~ Clh 01 5anll "'~•· Ctlllor/\i.. 11 1..,111 \.•-• Av..,.,., Covn1Y Cler~ Doled Dcto~r l•, 1969 ,.,,_,., C.tlf•riill WITIM.t.H A SCHMIOT
W, £.ST JOHN, T1I nnJ 1'J·l:lll S•lle nt
Countv c iertc_ ,.11.,.,.., lor ,. .. ttllnlf'. H•woor1 N1!1onal lank l uiltl<nt
W.1,1.lWOltTH, ~llOEI. A Cll•IH i>vl>llt~O<j Crense COl•I DlllV Pilot, 1501 W•Ucllll Ori••
1111 wur~Htl Orlv•, OC!r:>bor 16, 11, n, 1969 JHwPOrl lt•d•. C1m,, '1141
N ........ •••<II, Olll1rni1 ~~~c:-="'"'"'===~..c":"=·"'''I r11: 1110 "46·7111 T1t: 11141 J~l-111 LEGAL NOTICE .t.noni••• i.r l'ttlli<lnt• •~ --,""'"~~~=~~--~~~-I Publl•/\"' Orany• Co1 't P'llA,TTE A,NO $UCl<LING 'UPElt101t COUllT (>p TNE Ot1o.ber f , 10, 1', 1969
16 ... Wilolllfl 1t..,1,v1rd, ST"TE Of' C.t.LIPOllHI• POlt !,.ot .. ,_.,i..,, Catilornia THE COUHTV 0" Olt .... HGE
Tai: UllJ otl·ll•I 0 -30411
•t1o•MV• t ... J'1t+Utn•n 1UMMON5 Publi•he<I Or•nge CN'I D~oly P•lol, DOllOTKY E_ (APlAN Pl•lnlitl V,_
Oclob.r 16, 11. 11. 1969 19'.ll·lo' HOWARO CAPLAN Oeien<len!. I ~"''-'-':~~7.c'"'~"'°"~~~c I P EOP Lr OF T Hf" s T ,o, re OF LEGAL NOTICE CALIFORN IA, lo the •Do•! n • me ii Oe-1,------•,."•"tto-------·I ten<1an1:
NOTICE OF S.t.lE Of' llf.t.L YO\J .,. h•rebv dif<cled lo Iii•. wrl"•n pleading In reoPo•,.e to the veritlO'il com· f'ltO,EltTY A,T 'ltlVATl S"\.I ololnt of 1h• •bov• nom•<I plainrl!f wl!h
No. •·•fill !he <l«k ot •ne abC•e pn!ltled cou•1 In
In ltl~ SU11<•icc (cue1 O! lh• S!I!• al the •I.love "nri!l'.d action b•ougnt a~"'""
l•l1!ornlo, 111 •"" tor !h• (oun!Y cl •ou in ••Id cou•I. within TEN <I••• lllrr o,~,.Q• rh~ •••vie• on •Ou of lhh •ummons, ii In lh• m.H1er ol t""-Es1a!~ o! LESLIE '""'e" wltMn th• i l>Qve naml'd countv, or
1101\ERT BU.RK5 ""' l. ROBE RT wi!hln THlllTV day, if •e•V•il el•ewher<. 81.JIU<S e~a ROBERT BURKS, D•.-You are h~ebf no!llle<:l lhal vnl•" YOU
c••••<I. •o lilt a wr!ll•~ '""'°"'Ive cleoiljog, "lil Noli<• ;, herebv ~iven tn•I the on· plaonlllf will tal<e lu<lom•n! to• any ·mon•Y
d•rslgn•d wil sell •' Private oale, Ht the o• d~ma9e• demando<I In the vrrlll!!d
hlgn .. 1 •nd b.,t bidd.r, '"~le<t to <on· <orr1>talni a' "'"'"II UPOn cont,act, or Wit\
1lrmA!ion or •aid SuPtrior Court, M or •1>1>IV to '"' court for anv ot~er rrll•I .n., tnr 111•n <!AV or (){-!,. 1969 •t tn~ ot-dtmandtil ln tne verified com1>lalnt.
•Ice ol CU~VER V•N llUREN, 301 E••t 'You m•V •••~the •il•lce of •n •Horney
Oliv• A••nve, S<il1e ::ioo, llutblln~. CD<Jn•v Olt •nv m•ll•r co•nnec!e<I Wllll !!'le com-
ol l<>S •n11ples, Slate ol Calilorni•, •II rt>e 1>l•Tn1 or I h I s •""""'lns. Sven 11!o~v
ci9n1, !Ille 1n<1 in"'"' ot s•l<I decoa'"d ~houlil bl con•ulted wll"in tn~ Hme 1lml1
•1 1ne lim• ot ~•a!n And all Jhe righr. !Ill• •!oleil Jn 1111• •ummon• tor filing • wrlnen
on<! ln1er<'1 11>•1 fhe ••1•1t ol s 1 I ii ple•illng !o 1nt comQlainl.
~.,..;eaied ha• acnulrod bY oc•ra!lo" of !ow DMod S.P!. ?•, 1969
or o!hetwi,., <>111.r rn•n or In addition lo ISEAl )
ltiat ol ~••d <1ecea,.d, at !h• llmt cl VI. E, ST JOHN. Clt<k
oo~rh, In """ 10 .a ll lh• certa;n re~I oro-6v EilN"n E, Sl>lem oerh sllu•le In tl'ie CitY of Hunllnvton O•ou!Y Cle•~
Bea<h, CoynlY ol Otar.gt. St•1'1 ot WlL,UTT I OK•l.t.l(l
(alifo•nia, Pl'1icu11rly a.,crlbeil •• OJ Chdc C1M1r Drlv1 WHI
lollON\, •c-wlt: !uir. 22J
A. Con<1ominium In Trieu su• 1nil sanla •n•, Calif, 91701
SOoS aod a• p.r m1c <•<Qrdod ln boo~ (110 Jn•USO
71;, oo~e. J1 to -16 lncluo i•e. ~~ii In A,!lorn•~• IQr f'l1intllf
,,,1r1, .110. ond JSSS as Poter m1P ro-Publl,nttt New1>ort H1rbor tlew5 p,.,,
co•<le<I In bool< 21s. pogo• 1 to 10 combined wltl1 O~il• Pilot. N•wPo•t
1n,1u,lve, of maos. <rf !he countv lie-Be•ch, C•litorni•, Oclober 16, lJ, ll'l •nil c~'d" cl sM<I covnlv, comp1l•ed cit; November •. 190 19ll·H
PARCEl !: Unit No. 21 in Traci
3Mi ••><I lhl (plho t•l<on,) adil ltn!
l'1er~lo "' ~""""" on ••l<I m•Ps.
PARCFL i . "'" vndl•ldtti l /97nd \,,.
!~•r>! .n common in •nil to Loi 1 of
T••<l Si\64, Lot 1 of lroc! S&65, ••
ou m•P r•c,,,-dO'<I In book 21•, page•
-::., lo •6 inclusive ol "'""' ol l~e Coun-
ty IHcc•d•r ot ••id CO<Jntv, •nd Lo! 1
o! Tr•cl liM •f'l<I Lof 1 ol T•oct SSS5,
6• ''"' mop .. ,ordl<I In -?IS, PIO·
•\ 1 lo 10 indu•i•• er /\llPI of '""
Counlv R~or<ler of said countv, •W·
c•~l /ng 1nd ru e,...,lnq l rom ••Id Ion
all o•h•• Un••• s;ruatod lnoro.tn, mor1
<ommonl~ ~nown ••-
U016 M~rin•r 01iv•, Hvn1lng1on tl••~h. C•llfo•ni•.
T""'' ol \ale cull Tn l~wlul monev of
•ht U/\)!e<I Sl&t~ on (Onfirma1lon <>I sal~.
or ~"'' <••II •oft D•l•nce •vld•ncod bv n<>I~ ••cyro•<! b• Mor!9age ar Tru•I Deed on the o•cP•rlv •o sold. Ten Qer cent of
amounl bid lo bo <l•P.,.l!•n w\111 bid.
Bid• 0' offe" IO b< ln wr ttin~ and wlll bt rece;vod It 1hf 1lo•e•••d o!ri~• ai ~n•
llm• altfr th• fl"t publlt•JIQn r.•re<>t and
t><tnr• do1• ol ••lo,
Da!•g Thi' 1nd dov of De lon.,, 1,6,,
C••ol• lo,nM (hufo "-dn,lnt>H•l•I~ of !he
[~1M• 01 L••lle Robt•I llU'~l.
0/l U!E A,N0/01 A,1 .... HDONMENT
Of' F!(llllOUS H.t.ME
THE UNDEllSIGNED d""' ~•rebv
cerlllY !~a!, •Hecllv~ Octobe• JS, 194• ~·
c••sed •o <10 bu,lnen under l~e l lC11i<ouo
!lrm n•me QI RAlPHS FUllNITUllC •I
1111 Newpor!, Cost• Me••· C1ll!o•nia,
which OUslne" W•s lormerrv comPOst<I ol
!he ft>llOwlng P••>an. wi'tou na.,... In !vii ••Id ploce ol rnia.nc" I• •• 10110,.,.., io-w11,
Ralpl1 F•8ncr, 1.••r!in, 111 D1nl>t , Corona del Mar. Cati!.
Ctr!illcare !or !tlnl•<lion of bu1;n•ss
Undtr !Me ~boYe ficll!iou< n•me, and al-
lidavll of QubOc•tl<>~ tnereof, "" on lile
In me ollic• ol !h~ Coun!Y (I~·~ of
Drano• Couniv. undo, lhe orovi•ion• of S.,..;11on 1~66 or lh( ClvJI Code.
WITNESS mv ~•nil tnl, Hlh da• of
Ot•ol>t'r, 1909.
ll•loh F. Mart:n
Pu~il1n..i O•ano• Coa~r Dail• P1 101,
~,.,'.~' II, 1l. JO I nd tfol'eft'""' ~. "l•-6•
•le . (.•<•"'"" --:ccc-:c-cccc-:c,---CUl\IEll l/•0-1 8UllEH CEltTIFIC"-TE OF BUS l><f55,
lOl Eo" 01\•0 "v•nu• "ICllTIOUS HA,Mli
llurb•"k, C1ll!or•l1 'ISOJ Th• ungrr.,On•~ doo' c<r!lf• sh• I• ro~-
l•lo (llll 1411.-Hll ouc"~g 1 t>uoln•'• .r 1~n w. Cnopm•n.
J\tlornev JO• "dml"lll<alf•~ Or~og•, Caj1!or~10. "l'"'' tne 1icti!)ov1 Puoi.,n•o D•anq• Co0>! OadV i'"lo!, lir"' n•"1• a• PAT l\EA.UBfLLE'S If.<·
Qnob•c 0, l~, 1/, <~'9 lljl·6' TERNATIO•l•l YAllOAGE 510 11:1'. •nil
------~-l•h•t •O•il lpm 1• (OmPos•d o! !~• Mllow·
LEGAL NOTICE <OQ P•raon wno,. ~•m• In lull """ ol•c•
oJ '""C•n<• •• "' follow> --------P•!•1cl• 0 , B•.,tb•lle. J 111i Van 8 u<en, NOTICE TO (llEOITOllS {O•'~ !,\•<•· (•llfnino• ~l~'6 \l/P[~IOR COU RT OF THIE D&!ed Oc!Ob•r I!. 11~9 ST~TE OF CALIFORH" FOii P~1'<d• 0 B•~vbell• THE co ., ... T'( OF OR•NGl ST•TE Of ,_llFORNl,l,
H~. -·Ill~~ Ol!J\NGE COU NlV r ,., d G0'..0'111f/ >lEllNOO"I ~·• (; On Oc•eh•r Ii 1~6' b•!o•• f'\" l
llL<l •;oo•:. -~· C.OLOIE HERNDON, Nc!c.•• Pvtlic lo ·. n ~ '1o, •• I d si~···
O•· •' ·~ P~">Ona 11v ~P<11a'rQ Polric.•& O_ P.•1uDt lle
tiOTI(( I~ Hf PCBV C.IVEN lo 1"~ k'10l'on le m• lo b• Jn. Pe"O" Who••
, .. nH"" '' "" """"" n•med r1M•n•n1 n~m• ;, •vourll>l!o !o •h• w1t~.n ;,..
1n•• Ml"'""" nwon~ cl•1m> ~~~1/\~I m• "'U"'•"t and •c•nowleil~eo •h• •••<~led •'d <1•<•<1e·i! ~,. rf<IU•rtd !o Iii• m•m , .n• ~~me
, ,,r, •n• n•t•"a'v vo~rh•••· "' lh~ otll<• 1011,c .. i Sc~') ~· 111• \·"'~ c.t '~' ~~ve ~n1i1 l•il t~~rt, or M•rv ~~ H<orv
'u "'"'""I !n•m· wll ~ •~• n•<•~••'Y Nor~,. Pvul•r
''"""'"" <o th• unnr"'~n•rl •! In• olllc• (oido,nla
, • "•' Ail~'"""· H~twotd S·~en and Printin~I O•licr .~ l'!l~·n,tn. :;o ~J•v,porl C•nl.r Oriv•, O••"~~ (Q•mlY
1,'oc,1,~•I B•Mn, c ~r>'o•ni•, 91!~J, wn1c~ •"• 1 ·~ ( "'"n' ·><On E''P""' "'" ~1 1<• u• ~" .. "'I~• ,. .• ""~•r•·!un•n '" //r; 1• 1911 "" n"' !••> n•"·'·~ "~ !o t•·• r \i;••• M >ala M.,,.,., 1 , "n !(.ur .,-,•n!t1< o!IN If\!' P~·tl •·~eo Q_••no' Co••' 0 .. 1~ p,IOI,
Ii• t h ,! > f '''~II nl 11111 ~0.,,, 1~~~ "' I\, ,l, )Q •nO Novom~"'. 6,
Odtf<I "·cl• o ~" \o l'I' ? --_ ~ Oen, Jn 11•vnern> A~m,n••l•••rl•
o• lh• E1••I• ol "'" ~b!lv• n,1meil d~~·o•n! NAllWOOO, SODEN I A,Ol(INSON
Artor"e'' •l La,. })0 Ne.iHff (•n'" Orll'O
Nt ... P••t B•och. Calil•r••• '1Hl
T•I: Piii IU-lllJ
•uorntv• ••• •dmln,.!t1I"'
l'ubl1\h•<I O•~no• co~ll
S~clt'mt>er :~ •'ii OC:ot<!r
,.,,. und•" "<1 n,., ''''l•v ~· \'; <M·
:luc!.ng a 11\"•ne" "'PO 60< 1/JI Co>I•
No. ,.._.,lll
f'~ll ~t0BA,T [ OF Will ANO '0 t
E .i.i! ct ~'AllGUE~ll E SIUll ~T
DdOPiO ,•d
NOT•CE '5 i<f 'l!';BV GIV(N Tnar
llot>ert l . Humr-~<tY• hM tiled n.re•n a
<1e!<1<on lo• P•Cb•lt al ..,,11 &~ii •or ltPTe•1
o• Aamlnl>!'"""" w11n.in•·Woll·•f1n•.,d,
r<1e-.nc~ !o "'h•(h " m~<!e '"' lu1!n•• ""'i.e~I•"· ••d rn•T Jne 1,mo ~~d ol~'" of lle&rinv !rte 'ame na, fi"<" ·,.i !Or
Oc!Ohof JI. 1961, •I f )~ a "', '" 1h•
coUH•G<>m ol O•~~·lm•M No J "' 10•0
toi"'• •! 700 Cov'c C•nlPr Otlv• Wei!, '" 1~0 City of ~1n1• "-n&. C&lilo•n•a Dated 0<10bt< 9, 190!
W. [" 51 JOHN,
(<>Uni; (I•"·
llo• E. Ju••
l'OI "O''"" S~l!I N~mb•r l~ Ce1t1 M•••· Ctll!or•I• '1'16
l •I: 014) l•O·llf!O
.-11o<n•v tor P1ti!loner
Pu~'i nod O••n~e Co•'' D•''V P""'•
Octobfr 9. IQ, 1a, 19ot 1!!•·69
Gener•I 1000
lll"'l-C's a ~autdul 4 130·
ll;\l, 2 balh horne 1hllt is
11nn1acul:..1c! tltany cu1e
deeoratot· id<':..s, i;1iue1ous
:i1ni:;lr story floor p!;;n
;ind t lev11r T e a r yard
lciscput;::. Nol avail. 11111\J
Nov. so p\Pnl y of 11111r lu
!,'.l_•ll )'uur hd11~e: hut scr:
1h1s onr 1oi:lay_ 01/e1i:"I
at $l 1,9:iO. 1 :/'~'· 1<1n11
;,ivail<ilil" w1lh subsl;1n(·
nLI cl\lll'nl.
Priced Reduced
NFAn NE\V.beaut1iul r-(!un·
taln VaJlf'y hon1e. 011'Tlcr
says, '"!\ly lv~s is ~our
galn.":; bd1'rns 2 bali>.S, new
upgraded t:arpcts & drap.
e1·ics lhroughntlt. Corner
lol · boat a l'ea. Prict'd 11\
:i;::'.1,:-,00, but let's try $29,:xlO.
Low do11·11 lo large Juan.
NE\V . NE\V • Nt:w.
(nt;u cin!rna theat!!'l
1500 Adilms ii Hirbor,c.N
lf )'Oil \1'a11t privacy & y!·t
elosr 10 schools & ~noppini:;,
\\'C' have a Jai·ge & beauliful
£.~{'CUll\'f' IYPC' ho111e 11·l1 h
·I brJ1•111s :.1 1 ~ ha1hs, largr \11•.
lng roon1 ovrrlook1ng a !lea!.
f'd & fil!ered pool. Assume
a 5 1,:~i. loan. Call toilay to
51G-5-JG!) E\'es. !H.J.49 n
fl!UST .SACRIF'ICE 1111~
DO\\'N. ~'1,;LL PR I CJ::
C:-/Df':ll S33.LOl ;\I 0 V E;
I:"' QUICK' CALL :).Jli-J.1:11,
t:VES. <i-1211
Perfect Plan
Cus1on1 ,1,·~1~~n··d hy l •«n1
\\ rll~ -<111 1il••il in10 ad t1lt
S"!'IJ11n .~-(•\)itdren's 111ng.
(',1n1pletrd 111~! \I C'rk · a1a1 l-
alJl<' lliJ\I' $10:;.[.()0, f!(ly ,/.
I\ ;i1·1! 11~0 t;..il <i'<y Dr.
1) \6-1."i.>ll
:; Br{, 'l ba, 8 yrs young.
Near ocean.
Only 322.!0J. 10'/, Drt\\'n,
li300. IV, Cna~t 1!11.'t'. N.13.
• 548-1290 •
,1 BR '! brol l1 horn r, i;or11••r
Jni 1~:-;180 • ;id•I :=i rnnre
un11s. Dnv" liy 1 ·1 IJ ~;1nla
Ana ,\vr. t\H'l1 f',.11
il1111in iRrnltu
I) !-_! .t;: oh()
~-~ :: BR ~ 1~,\. 11.,n1b 1·111. r l'l,f
decor . J'" yr n1d-\l111 ronrl.
$::2,::tOO. 1 2~~~ fl('cl Ln, 1113,
Ow11r,· li46· \.~'-!~
General tOOO
Mission Viejo Area
Salesmen/ Sa leswomen
111() rxpC'nrni·C" ne e.I
Call John Stonis
~.0:--1,~o· l'(ll'tH'I' Joi n,,,,1 !it
!JP]1\. or ).1otor Vf'hiclr~.
~:;~!(I pot'\ in1•0111c. \Vi.II trade
fv1· 1 to 6 unit~-
REAL TY COMPANY * 642·1771 Anytime*
l,'se<l bt•ick _ dian1011rl pan"l
11111t1011·s • shnk,.. roof . kld·
nry sh;qJed pool • 01·u~n1ed
111 0111doo•· l11·1nr:: & eci~Y
1na1nlC'na11er :: lxlrn1s. i :.•
I 11il hs. s.->L:.(Jn.
~:,r'.,~'.~"~'e:,lty'" ~
642-5200 ~ ..
ti r."111 !'ihilt"f) ~ BR 1 t1alh
l.\"C0.\11:: U!'llTS. N cw! y
p:.11111,.r!, hl!-111 ovon & r:..n g.
f's_ cp1 ~/dq1s, 4·arpo 1·1 pal'k·
111~. l..au nd1·y 1·1 ~1111 e'>1ra
1111·ru111·. :.:r·,~~ s1::.ooo. price
Fuller Rlt y. 546-0814
I'-Ille 11unl 1·11 1111~ ;; Br.
tirri<·ll l1v1\tt• $;'.~ . .'.)tin
George Wllt iam!.on
!"-,1;\l)P!PJ-.P. ho11i,l' P;.1111
Dr.ser1. air. coinplf'lety
Hirn. 2 Br. <'unvt rl1•n, 2 H(!,
PQ\,I , pul \111~ ;n•,.11, P1·w e
s :;o,10 1: 6', 101111. 613-!!~7'.! ur
B1·in;.: n1fin0y • h11;v-l·oC'a11l. l
Br '.) h:•. 'J-7;1 ~lbluff ho1nr,
C•11KI. li•'ll• r 111,111 l•"W r111.
a1n1l. s;19 .:JLO
J{P.,\1:ron,.; 615-166~
Hll"y, Cd:'ll
111\Vt: ht1}('T-~. Need llrl-
ri llmn;d proprrt:.· In .~ell.
F l1 A ~ K ;<.1 AR S II /\ 1,
REr\LTY •11:1 '.IOTh St. J10 11',
/1.~l~n fi1;>-4G00
IT IS • • •
For Fl!st Service &
Expert Assistance
' (
• •
• ti
'" '"
' •
d i •
• ,,
" '" n<
" so •
Today's Final
N.Y. Steek.s
Laguna Approves Pyne Ca ·stle Use as Church
0 1 1~1 O•ily Pllol 11•1!
Pyne Castle went frorn the co1nn1erc1a l
to the subli1n e last night.
A~tcr a protracted stru~gk• well worthy
n[ the Jortress·likc Jar1<.ln1ark, Laguna
Btach councilmen by a 4 to I vote ap.
proved its use as a church and Chri sllan
It took scl'rr:1I 1hQUSillld \\'Ords and
~bout tv.·o houri; and 2(1 minutes a~ r.(111-
gregation spoke for and neighbors
Nn1•co Bi11ges?
...:ouncilmcn -caught in a lrad1tionnl
squeeze play of neighborhood \'('r~u"
<'hureh -finally ean1t• thruugh l\'1\h .1
J1n1 il~d starn p or appro1·al.
Tiley overruled an origin;1I p!annu1~
C"f1rnmission denial by the necessary rvu!'-
filth vole (necessary b~ause it was ap·
pealed alter planning co111nuss1on dcn1:i \
of a conrlitional use pcr1nit J.
Councilman Charlton Boyd. afl cr snrnr
dazzling verb31 footwork, turnetl thu1nh:1
Pendleton Brig
Violence Probed
~1orie11 f\f n<1n::1 •1lts bil1 gel'. raci;i \
\'lolence and 1nistre ;i \mcnl of prisoners
in lhe <.:amp l'endle ton hrig arc being
forma l!y probed today by a pa nel o( higll·
ranking officers.
The investigation is sep<irate from on@
nrrl crcd by the l-lo11sr 1\n11 ed Ser\·icrs
Con1n1ittec tollo1\·1ng the appearance of
.stories on lhe subjecL in Lwo na tional
\Vhen the probe ls t:on1plelcd, the four-
member panel will report to ~1aj. Gen.
Donn Robertson. y.•ho recently assumed
com1nand of the gianL amphibious
tr11inifijil base.
Robertson said in ne"'~ conferences
i1£\er lhe nationally publicized accounts
that they were exaggerated, while the
Doav11 tfae
1-lis torical lfomc
Open lo Puh]ic
F.I. TORO -A hi~toric;il adobr \\Jll he
f\rrl'l tn 1hc p11bl1c Friday. l)rl. 17.
.'I pro'lJCCI nf the El Toro \\'01ne11 ·s Cluh .
lhc n1>C'n hou'>c 11111 take pl:ite from 10
<>1n l(l 6 p.n1
Fr.:i1urrd 11·1!1 hr lhr Srrn1nn Atlobc
t.u1ll 1n \B·\2 hv .Josi' ~errann Y.h1ch 1:;
loc all'rl of( Trabuco !load on Lakl' Forc~t
pr.1prr1 y, Visito rs m:'.ly lake El Toro
J:o;id east lo Trabuco Road tum left and
P•oreed to the first dr1ve"·ay on the le!t
'" h1ch is i!buut a nu le,
Thi· restored home is furnished in mid·
1911• crntury style. ~trs. Doris ProtherD
\\·11l be hostess, 'There \\ill be no charge.
e A1c 1vc:o11aers io /tlcet.
fl lcbar k Val ley Nc\',rcomers Club \1•il\ hosl
a coffee for new residents Monday.
The get together_ will take place al 1::io
11 .m. in Roy<1I Savings and Loan Associa·
!Inn in El Toro C<'ncr,
Aclil'ities and ad l'anln ges offered by
the club \1•ill be explained,
~tarine Uirps Cominand11 n!, G r n .
Leonard F. Chapn1an, tlcnircl knowledge
•if such inci dents in a press co11fcrencc <it
t:I Toro ~ICAS at the same t11nc.
Three major incidents ha ve N'l'Urn'd
ll1is year al the Cainp Pendlrlon bng, 111-
('!uding a disturbance involving black<;
and 1\•hites that sent JIY.I prisone rs anti a
guard lo the hospital.
t.:onccrning brutality ehar~l'~. the h<1.•('
c:omman<ler has admitted ch<ir grs 1vcr c
brough1 against four guards. with lwn
cases unfounded, one man courlmartialcd
anr:I one still under invesUg;ilion.
Several prisoner,<; "·<'re hospitalized
briefly last Jan, 6. after a tnelee an1l,
following the June 22 riot whith led to
published charges and il tou r by ncwsmrn
S{'pl. 15, a gang of 200 priso11ers sl.igcd
aoother riot.
The l\·larin@ Corps h:i!'. been seckini:
ftl nds to ri'pla cc U1c vintage ba rUcd·11·1r»
<1 nd cn1dr. barracks in y,·hich llp In 7ii0
men ha1·e been he!<I. The orig1nal 111<1.\·
1n1 um capacity is listed as 450.
The Camp Pendleton probe will be lC'11
by Brig. Gen . fr;ink E. Garretson.
lt1arin e's Bod y
Fou1ul 011. B each
Th .. body of a C:irnp Pendlctnn ~1ar111c
'1a~hed ashore ;il Cypfll.<i Shor('S b(';11 h,
S.1n Clcmen1e, bet11·ecn fi ve ;inrl six p tll
\\'r<lncsday. !he Ornngc Coun ty C1iro11l'I'° .•
Office repor!ed.
The tllannc ariparcnUy dn•\I nrd 11 h1lr
~11unming off S::io f'lt•rl'l••n!t• :-i;il111d;1~
;1ftrrnoo11. a rnrnntr'<: dt•p11ly .. :11rl II"
was heard c;11!ing fr1r hrl11 ;u1d 11111
l1ft'guard boat.~ 11crc d1'-p.1tchi:d , b1.l
C'1 l'Ws \\'ere 11nnhle 111 l•w :1ti· \111 11.
1·.~liinn1rd t11nc or th1· drn11n111 ~ \\,)<, 2 llf
p.m. SalurUay, accord1n1; io thr {'OT'ol\1'1 ~
ltlent1ty Qf the ,·1clim 1s bring \l.1tlih r1 d
p.:nd ing nntifi cation of next nf k111,
lie was lhe second f\1arine to dro11 n 1n
Ila: .area this week. Blas Vaca. 21 , dro11n°
f'd off San Cl emente Sundily ilf1rrnoon.
J!is body later y,·as recovered at E~tacion
Stork 1'1orke u
NEW YORK (AP) -The stock n1arket
.:::\ploded wilh enlhusi11sm lh is aflernoon
on tile announcemcnl by Amba.~sador
Henry Cabot Lodge of a surprising pro.
posal for peace talks by the Vietnam
Communisls, \See quolat.ions, Page s
d11wn 11n thr rhurch ;'Hl'! n•rnai nrd the
111sscntu1;; \'ute.
Afh:r 1>r>1nr backrocnn-1,YT'I(' po l1hr<:i l
111.11i1 ·111cr1n1; and n1;i11y f:11h:1I 111ot1on!'l,
\"·1ct· i\l :1yor .J11S(·ph O'S11 ll1v<1n ;111d r.t:1yQr
f;lenu Vrddrr swung Counci!11uu1 llichard
l;old bcrg's \'Ole.
This "'as rinnc by ;i !-tl1!)ula!inn tl111! !hi'
Gl-rn11n1 eastk• :ind ou tbuihJings wou ltl
11t1 er h:11 e etJut'l'h use and ap11rt1ncnt
use s1mu tta n('ously.
The Cll!Va ry El'<ingcl1cal Free Ctnuch
may continue tn rent Uw rooms a~
,')pcirlments. But whl1n chuch use starts,
apart1nent rental 1nt1sl stop an d remain
:;toppC'tl .
/\.~ ano1her conccsi;1on, co uncilme n
scr::i tched lhc right to build a sanctuary.
The third-floor ballroom of lhe church
could serve this purpose and sanctuary
.:ipproval could be sought later.
~1:iny other restrictions were also tag·
i:icd to the religious usage. It is possible
the church may run lhe 1natter through
the planning commission again expcctin~
a better deal on a J to 2 t•ouncil spilt
when it is appealed by neighbor.~.
The dccisiCln came by a cireu1tou.~
roulr. Planning coinrni ssio ners flrsl turn-
ed down !he USC'. Bui that was y,•hen the
church also wanted to launch a11 elemcn·
t :iry school.
The church appealed hut df'leled U1e
r lementary school. It takes a four-fifth.~
council vote lo overrule denial of a con·
ditional use pcr1nit.
Ttlllr:ing Abo11t War
1!011;ird 11111~. L;iguna ncach l ligh School s tudent
bndy p rc~1 dcn t .. sl°an ds be fore Jleislcr Park 11·ar
111rrnnri<1 I <i~ he artdres~es ri ud icn cc during Vi etnan1
1noratorium aclivilies \Vcdnesday. !\boul 100 per·
sons, mostly students. 1.urncd ou t. fl·lany later mov·
cd on to larger 1noraloriun1 e vent at UC Irvine,
1'cc ns l(ill Se lves
W ith Ga~ F u1n c:s
] II 'J't'Hl'C1 1'1o,;c
ll!.1,(l\l\'1lflll ~ .! !/\/'1 -T110111 ,:h
~· hnnl 4•\a\Sllti'1l1 '>, a h111• :111d ,t:1rl, ll't'rC
f J,tnd dr,,{] Ill :-. h1111ro..t1ilrd ;1111n111oh1lf'
'!'1111r:,d;11 , lr;i11ng b•·h 1nrt :i :.11·11u; 11(
111111", .,,1~111g !h('\ had d1r1l 111lllr 1111n1c of
p!:1t 4'
/o u\l101111r ~ ~;Jlfl !lii·v r n 111 111 i I 1 I' II
:-.11H·l<.l1'. liolh hOJrl ;111l'lldcd a \'il'lnun1
r.iur;11nr iun1 uh.\~'J'\';Jlll'<' ;11 c;Jassboro
~1 nt1· Cnllt·~r \Vf'rinr.~da.1',
The 1 u·t1n1s, Cr~lll! Bltdiilli, 17, anrl
.lo:1n Fo;it, !7, IJo(h !'ienio r:; ;ir 1l 1ghl;1nd
llrt.:1r>:1a t lli!!h S1.·hool, "'ere found 111 !he
ll:ulio.tli lamily c;1r.
CtJ1ndc11 Cnun\y ~ted ic;il Jnvcsll~vlor
Thon1v~ R. l>:1ley ~ai<I thry had bcr n
dead about 12 10 IS hnurs 11•he n their
bodir~. 11·erc 1.hsrovr.rl'd ahou1 !l::lfl <1.m .
A vacuu1n cleaner hose had bcf'n con-
nected to lhe exh11.us! nf the car through
a holr dr illed in the fl oor.
Tl2lry sai<l 24 notes \\'Crc beside thei r
bod Jes.
l rvine Protest Go es Off
W itli No Fuss, N o N ois e
By TJIO.\IA!ii FORTU:'\I:;
O! !~e 01+1 r P'llOI ~l ot!
ntal'h. ar111bnnds sy1nholiz!' a quirt pr·o-
1 r~L Th:1t's !hr way it \ras 011 the Li\'
Jr1·111(' 1·:i1npus \\'edne!>day, thC' day ol
rnor:iton1J1n .
Tile s1udcnl. nrgani1.crs had planned ll
lo he a da y of educ<1tion, not dcm(ln strt1·
The fourth in a series of five rcporls hy
l)AILY PILOT fin ancial columnist Syh•i,1
Porter, analyzing the 1969 ecooom y i11
co1nparison lo the 1929 stock market
crash anrl world depression which foll ow·
f'd it. will be found in today·s paper 011
Page 26.
11..,r. Thcrt 11 .-1~ ntJ 1mtnrd1atc enrmy In
1·onlron l. The pn1·111y, 11nsc~'n, "'as the
\'i::-tn;1111 war.
/\n <'stin1;ilccl l.:iOO !>ludcnts aHe ndi:d
:in af!!'rn11(ln roi!!y I! 11as a big throng-
bul thr !>pca kcrs did' noi, shou t and the
:.lu tlents lislcn!'d a ln1osl sc rene l.}'.
!'!udenL Ann Doyle , chairman o{ the
l iniver.~ity r.1oraloriu1n Con1n1illte, luld
Lh!'n1 t hi.~ tirne th e organizers had con·
<:cclra1cd 011 education but thal they
\1ould like lo take activit ies off campus
next month.
An carlicr-plnnncrl ma rch to a war in-
du~try p!anl h<'ld been canceled.
During the n1oralorium rally, Father
Ed Allen of Univer1;ily Interfaith at UC
(Set UCI PROTEST, Page 21
e Temple Bo:<rnr Set
F:L TORO -A rour-day bazaar
~pPnsored by Trmple Judea \\·ill begin
Saddlebaclr:'s 'f,,nrint'
Sund ay. .
The lemplt:'s sisterhood and !11cn s. club
:'Ire in charge nf the. rvenl which will be
lrom 10 a.m. lo S p.n1, through \Yed·
'!'he event In ra1sr funds for philan·
!hropics will lak e place in the tcmplt''~
11:.idltoriu m located on ~l oullon Park,,..'ay
south of El Toro Road .
e Libror!J Frle rrrb 1'1eet
B;:i v Arca Friends of !he Library Ml!! in·
''i1ing friends and pros[JC<:tive n;icmbe~~
In th eir meeting t0n lghl 11! 7:30 o clock 1n
lhe ;iudi!Clrium nr San Diego (;as and
Elei=tnc Co, 1n S;in Cle mente.
Spe11ker "'il l be ~1 r~. ~i::ircclla l~ange
\\·ho wil l shn"' :;lides noel t'(lm1nenl t'ln 11
prLgram cnlillrd "Up The Oil Road."
Claiming lhat lhe student newspaper
''The Lariat'' i.sn·l allO\\'ed to swing a
,·ery wide loop, the Saddlehack Collegr
Studenl Senate is attcmpling lo head o/f
its use or s:udeot body fuoos.
The six-member body Tuesday adopted
.t unanimous resolution which:
-Said the junior college administration
i.~ censoring the paper.
-Charged that censorship Is primarilv
of any criticism of the adminis tration or
sthool tnL'!fees.
-N~Cl't that ;i politicall y cnntrollrd
prcsi; is un-AJne.rican.
-Rcsoh·cd tha t monies collec!etl fr om
Claim Paper Censored
S"luden\,; or the co\l egP shou ld not be 11 ~c<l
to finan~ lhc publication.
J o~in Both"·ell, 37-year-old sh1rlPn! body
president, claimed thal ~tl'l Mitchell, col·
lcge publicist anrl jnurnttlism tl'<iCher, is
\\'<'artng an ill·fitling dual role.
Bolh>,1·cll soid thtit ~1 itchcll kills
t dilorial mailer or p<1 rl.s of it whl'n th e
;1drninii;!r<1 tion Is c:rillciied nnd yrl. then
rnust 1t ach clhil':<i or Jou rn;11ism. lie said
;ilso that the ~·litchrll "11nnount'l"1 the
(ltJlC~r dav lhflt there wouJdn 't be a paper
lor ~n111r timr."
Qursl!<lnccf lfl(lay. tnistrr f,n uis Zilni k
,.a1rl. "\\'c kne1Y nothing ahoul lhis. I cer.
lainly knew nothing about the dll!satisfac·
tion. I hope they'll co me in and discus~
this \\'il h me."
Speaking of a Monday night board
1nccling, Zltnik said, "If they had been at
the meeting, they wou ld haYe heard fron1
discuS!ion that we arc not opposed to
nthe: views: in fact. Mi chael Collins
1board president) made it clear lhat op·
posing views must be presented .and that
thtrc shQuld be rm censorship except
\Vhen il 1~ a case of pcrsonalHy destruc.·
Rnthwell ~aif! fi1itche!l hail tinkemi
\\'ilh a col umn \\'rillen by him and mailed
' •• . ' -. '
rrom San Francisco. lie said he tol<i
~1ilche ll lhe piNCe was riot to be
;idulteratcd and l\1ilchcll killed it filling
the hole with pic!ur('s.
lie said i\i itchcll al so killed two works
by staff m('n1bf>rs, on e about.. censorl!hip.
Sald Bothwell , "This ls not a radical or
}('fl·wing thing. \Ve'rc not tr)•ing to get
1lir1 y \\'Ori.is 1nto the paper or get a
rPbtllion; 1,·e'rr n1erPly lrying to voice
our opinions <i s r veryone should be allow·
ed lo do."
Mitchc!l dc ntrrl thal the paper is
!St.e PA PER, Pi.gt%)
Councilmen sent the malt.er back lo
pl<'lnners 1~1here it was endorsed th@ ,se.
cond !lme around <( lo 0. It then came
back to the coun cil /or \llednesday nig ht 's
Btull by eeccntric 1nillionaire Ceeil
\\'aytPr f'yne. !he ca stle -a Swiss Chalet
rn otiff -l110k.s rlown on the world in ag·
ing grandl'ur . It ""'ilS long rumored to be
the Apple of Prr:sident Nixnn'.<i eye as •
\\'hitc J-Jou.i;c West Th{'n San Clemente
(See CASTLE, Page Z)
By Office1~
In Melee
An apparently drug-cra zed Gardet
Grove youth allacked both his molbet' c. If'
and a police officer with a butcher ~~"-·;
\Vrdncsdoy night in a fracas that erupted
over a supper table argument
It took leftral blows from Lhe offi cer'•
b8ton to subdue the 17-year-o\d youth who
is now lodged in juvenile hall. No injurie~
\\ere suffered by his mother or the: of.
The boy's mother told police her llOTI_
· wenl berserk v.·hen she accused bim ovtt
. the supper table or failing to keep his
promise to stay off cln1gs. She said the
boy immediately seized the butcher knife,
i;pr ang over the table and pursued her
around the kitchen.
'rhe S('re<1 n1iog \\'oman ran to a
neighbor's house for protection and called
police. Her son T!'lurned to the family
hon1e still "'aving the knife and shooting
unintelligible threats,
/\n investi gating officer said lhe boy
burst out or the home when he knocked at
the door "and took several crazy swipe'
.it me. !le behaved like a mad man and it
1va s hard to make out just what he was
1·hc off icer said he was forced to use
his baton to quell the angry youth and
struck him "se,·eral ~harp blows I()
11u1el hi Jndn"'n." The boy was disarm·
1..-d and tran sported to juvenile hail.
1''1ets Do It!
Se ries Ove r
NE\\' YORK I AP) -The amazing NC!\Y
Ynrk r-.te!s compJ rtecf their impossi ble
flrrar11 Thursday by winning the 1969
\\'nrld Serie:; y.•ith a 5-3 victory over the
flil ll !mnrc Orioles on home n zns by Donn
flencledon an1! Al \Vcis and Ron S\\'O-
bocl;i's riecisil'e tie-bre;aking double.
The laughing stock of baseball for thP
first seven years of teir existence when
!hey failed 10 climb above ninth place,
the irrepressible mets went rrom rags tll
riches in their eighth season by winning
four straight game.~ lrun1 the once-fa\'•
orcrl Orioles after losing the first game
of the best-of-seven classic.
Orange Coast
Don't loo k now, but the rainy
se ason is about lo slart. Those
in a position to know arc pre-
dicting a 50 percent chance. of
precipitatio n for the Orange
Coast toni ght and Friday.
\Vl1 ilr 2.000 Oro11(1c Co11ne11
Republiccr1~ 1uon1cn clretred,
Sen. Barry Goldwater urged re·
sun1p11011 of A me ricn11 bombing
nf North Vietnam i1t an Aria-
hthn speech, Page JO.
t 1fti<lt .. ll ' Cl1nUIN , .. l l
<•min 1f <..,u W9N II
0.•lh Nt!l<f\ II
Dl•tr<•I 11
l dllerl•I P'•et •
l "ltM•lfl-n! II
,lnl•<o J .. ll .. oroico•t 1J
"""" l •""" 1l M•I'"' t M"'""' Lllff!MI 11
Mulu•t ,U"411
Orln'tl ("'"'' l•lvl• ... ,, ..
'""'' "K' Mint.ti
l lltl l"'
" " •• " ,.
"'" J6'11
" " • :.::.. ... ~11"i " ......... "-• ... 11\'-'• -1J.-1S
' !
••• -------~----·----------~------------------------------------
Z DAILY PJLOJ l Tt1ursd1y, Octobp 16, 1%9
Profession (Shoplifting) Scrutinized
Of Ito• OU1y f'lll'I iflfl
Laguna Beach merchants viewed a film
on shoplifling techniques with lhe1 r
breakfast Wedtlesday ani.l, as one com-
mented after the prolirarn, "There 'll be a
Jot of hawk-eyes \.\'atchi ng their stores
The fi lm . and a talk by business set uri -
1,Y expert Ray Farber, \.\l'rC prest>nled at
a Chambt'r of Commerce brea kfai;t
meeting in Hott! La~una designed to hc>.lp
merchants combat the growing problems
vl shoplifting and bad check passing.
From l'oge J
n1oved in with a better property.
Sl.orm Case, architect and building
chairman for the chu rch, \\-'as first 1?
plead the cause. Noting the 4-0 planning
commission vote, he said. "l can see no
6tronger recommendation."
He noled that atiout half thl' city·~
churches are located in residenLJal \l{·I)
tleightior hoods.
·councilman Roy Holrn ha rkened bac k
~t various limes to the f:ict that the
l'.hurch has the property up for sale. /!e
sald a new owner might havl' different
:i ttitudes and capabilit ies than the
Evangelical group. Holm. howel'er. back-
Pd the usage with rest.rictions including
110 cu rrnit sanctuar y approval.
Church spo kl'smen said they ~hould
ha\·I'. lh t>. riJ:ht to pa ss on to <1nothcr
C'hurch rights they sought.
Boyd spoke of havi ng very cnnl'1Sc
beliefs and a series of W1knowns and at-
lempt ing to renovate an old sturdy
build ing •'that is going to fi jl!ht back ."
/Ii!; opposi!ion became clear \\'hen he
s;iid he hoped the church coul d Sl'll the
prvperty and find one v.·ilh fewer pro-
Architect Storm Case stoPrTied at Boyd:
•·.ti.s I recall at lhe last meeting you were
I he one that made a n1otion lo see \\ hal
l'le planning commission thought and
thcy came back 4 to I for Lhe use you JUSl
got through tea ring apart."
The mayor quieted Case
You thful Chu rch Pastor ~I 1 kc
t.lontgomery spoke of stu dying the proil lc
of Laguna problems. "l feel lhe tiverage
church is im personal. Our desire is noL to
be impersonal but to be available."
He said the chUrc:h had gone onto the
high school campus and established rap-
port. "We found tremendo~ needs." He
~aid there v.·ere .aggrevated dope prn--
b!ems Jong before newspapers aired (hen•
an1 the school administration denied
R11id 1-1ontgornery, ''The school =id-
m inis tralion sa id there '''as no dope prn.
hle m. One kid told me. r.l ike I can·t
believe wh at's happening in our school.
Every kid in school is using dope ."
Reallor Milt Hanson. a congrega!ir:in
ml'mber. spoke of the delenora tinl'.:
.apartment building facing ,1·orse prt"l-
blems in the futu re. lie apparently allud-
ed to the quality of future tenants if lhc
building is not re paired.
One of several opponents nf lhe churrh
use. Harold r.1ann, 298 Beverly St.. asked.
''how much re ligion is there goin~ to he
j11 sotne. nf those panshioners \\hen they
Lake the rou ndtrip from the parking !ot lo
the third noor (ballroom)?"
Jn refer ence to the needs of youngster~
1:-.fontgomery), r.1ann opined : .. The bcsl
way for a pre-school child lo learn 1s al
h!s mother's knee or O\'er hs fnlher 's."
Arter rounci lm en fln atl y approvrd ;i
r oinpromise Vedder 1notion, the mttlinf!
h<tlted in conf usion as s e v c: r ii \
h~,m eo~11ers hurried up tr> ar,:!ue v. i!h in·
dividual counc1lmtn ;;ind I.he n1eelln&
ground to temporary hall.
Palace in En1crgl'ncy:
Tra~h }faulcd Awa y
LO:\DON (UPI) -London's ,c:arbu,:r
:.tnke finally hit the ro~ al fa1nily l'r11·a1t'
t·o~tractors "·ere called in \\'cdnesda y t n
re mo\·e the mnunt1ng pilcs of rubbish ~t
Uuckingham fal a~P.
Independent f!<irbagcmC'n tole(! awa.v
liaC'ks of rolling ff'Kld. old 1111 cans. hollies.
and wastepaper for Ille rir~t Un1e si nrc
lhe strike began three \1·eeks ago. ''The
firm was called in b<'causc or a definite.
h~allh hazard," said a palace spokesman.
••Mrf H. Wet.I
............ .,... hbllolllf
J1t1t a. c •• 1.., VIit Pml(llnl end Ci<l11ttal MfM,.r
n.,., •• 1e.,,.;1 ••w l\tat•• A. Mwr,lii11
~··11'DI' l icli•r4 r. Nill .__ ..... CllY •~iw ---211 f1••1t A"•·
M1t1i., "'41 .. •1 r.o. •••••I. t2&St --Coell ...... , JJll Wetl I•" s•rWf ....,. .. Mii: n ll ..... , ........... ....._.
,...,... .. IMQi; -.........
c-r ...... '"'· ~ ..... <=••" "Wfhl'l""I ::......,. ... ...... .. ..... 1. ••Ull•tl*'" ... '-""' -"" ., •O.,••lwfno~" l'lfn•" -~ • ..__.. """Oii' _,.. .. •• -•-tltll1-..
-<'-" _._ .... t i ........._ ......
-(Mle -.,_, U!Mv~.o ~llW.•+.o!i..< ~~
_.... ....... -"'Ill •¥""It 11 .• "*'11111,, ............. , .... ,_ 11• .......... 1,.
Introduclng Farbtr, publisher of
Security World Magnine, a poblk1Uon
dealing with crime in buaineu, Chamber
manager Warren Morgan s a I d ,
"So1netimes ifs mo re important to v.·orry
ahout losses than to worry about prorlt11."
"Shoplifting ." said farber, "hegan with
Adam and E1·e. An apple 11·as takrn -
~1111 pun!~h tncnt 1\•as meted 011t. 11 ·s been
gro"'ing rn-0~e serious Cl'er since. As we
gel more cil'diLed , we .:;t"t'nl to want lo
pu t more and more things under lock and
.Shoplifting, niercllants were told , is a
$2-bUllon .. ·year bu~. More lhan to
P'ftt!!l II ~ ~,_..,...,., with tho
hmatwife claMed ·~u tbe I ea ding
amat.eur, oper•Un& .ln supermar.ketl aod
department slores.
However. professional shopl illers take
much more expens ive items, fi guring on
se lling them for half their retail value. A
professional can make up to $100 a day
on cartons of cigarettes alone.
Amazed men:hanls \•:atched films of
e11:pert shoplift ers stashing packages or
meat. suit.5 rolled around coat.hangers
and even a portable vacuum cleaner
(l.l•ILY PILOT $1•'1 Plloll
Mr5, Aldric;h, Rev. Murray (center ), TIRED'• Morrisey
Pray for Pi~kets
Mrs. Aldricli Meets Protesters
t;c l1'11ne·.! chancellor wasn·t home
\1 hen callers carrying picket signs ar.
rived \\'ednesday night. Bul r.1rs. Dan iel
(;. Aldrich J r. greeted the group and had
her minister, ll"ho v.as visitJng al the
J'.;cwport Beach home, say a pray er for
1oler:::nce of all men's points of view.
The group of 20 taxpayers responded hy
;·1ri.g1ng "America the Beatt!iful."
Spokes man for the group !hat cal ls
llself TIRF:D fTaxpa.vers Indi gna nt about
Had1cals in Education I, Thoma~ J\lor·
n~~ry (If !',1n1a 1\n;1, rc;:id a rnl'~s;igr thilt
i\1r<>. Ald ric-h ~a id ~h<' v.·oul•l g11·r In h<'r
li 1isba11d 11•hn was attending a scheduled
niecting \\"ith regent s at liCLA.
1he m~sage was a plea lo employ ooly
lh05e faculty members who kttp thei r
polilics off campus, to expel students an d
fire faculty who engage in aclivit.ies
"disru pt.i ve lo I.he· educationa l process or
Lhe community," and to reaffirm that
l11culty are employes of the stale and
th11s responsi ble to the people.
~!rs . Aldrich suggested the Re v. Philip
r.1 urray, pastor of Corooa del r.tar CO'rr1-
n1u nit y Church Congregational , say a
The Rev. ~I r. r-.lurray asker! Morri!<Sl'Y
fl th<Jt \\"ould he offensive 10 him and he
.~a·rl. "lndwl it v,'ould not."
The minister Ui en prayed for tolerance
or others' viewpoints.
l'oge J
Ir :1nr o( frrcrl rt11·~r '1 nr(i' •
''\\"1>"r(' hr>rr. t11 ro111n1cn1nra\r 11~~.J.j ~
1nt'n 1<.ho h<J\C ln~t th£'1 r lives on both
~trlf'!i:, 11 1s ro~~ihlc 1lfluble lhal number of
• 111h;ins nl s11 hill c Jl<'n'ihed \\'p'rc hcrr
111 rt'fle<·t fin lhi~ lr:.J!11· 11 :'ly of l!h·.
"Tnd,1y 1t 1s l'asy to kill becau!'ic killing
i~ so imprr~on;:iJ. Tha l 15 v. hy ;ill of us c:i n
u11;1~h<1mC'dly dri\'e .a ca r. ·11 also i~ eil~Y
tr1 dn 1d1i1t ('\ rr) 011c else dO<"s "'hc1hrr 1l
i~ slanding up for a tnortl tnnum or going
\O lllH.
"During lh1:. day JO Ame ric11ns alone
11111 die, ~!y intention is not lo produce
gu ilt b11l hun1il ity.
'"I~ a 111nmcnl n[ ~ile ncf' enou1;:h lo
rn1n1nrmorate fi!l.'i.:140 ernp1y homes~
\\'ould 10 hours of ~ilence be enough for
1~1c loss of one husband, one lover, one
•·You Sf'e. it is indt\'iduals 11·e are lalk·
iri."' abou t.
"The rqu;il or half the Jl(lpu!ation of
Orange County is gone , wasted, lost. Try
ft\ envision th<il many 1nen. Pick one face
-onr-mvn ror whnn1 you v.·ould want to
do what he had to do.
"Lct·s not be guil ty or scorning the liv.
in~. The honor 11c \l'Otild pay to lhe dead
is al ~r: owed In the living
.. Gr out and tal k to o!hrrs about this
.!itupid v.1ar. Ask son1cone. everyday, som&
ne1v person. whot he Lhi nks about bring·
in,i.; the war 11) :i n l.'nd. Li~!en first tn
,1•hat hf' thinks. Let tum kno1v you respect
him and his opinions. The n Jet him know
ll"here you stand."
During the rally acli"ities. C\"l'fl Le slie
Lincoln. usually fiery SDS spe:i kcr, \\'<IS
su bdued. She conden1ned lhe SOS
"Weathe rmen" who went on a destructive
r ampage last "A'e('k ln ChicAgo. She said
they had walked ou t of SD.5.
Anti"·ar sludrnts clea rly wtt re try1n,i.;
for the broadt'sl ;ippe.al consistent '<l'llh
their stated otiiccthe of im media1e
\l'itlldra"•al or L'.S. troops.
Se veral professors spoke al lhe rall y. a
min ister. a for111cr G I. and 11 Soulh \'irt-
n.CUese studr.nt.
J\1 Duong lJuc, ~tudenl at Cal St:t1C'
T.-0ni.: !k:JCh, ~{'l id , '''{nur pupf'll'I govrrn·
1nent in ~aig<'n n\a\' call mt back and put
rnr in J:til l>ut r 1.1·ant 10 s11~' yflu 11nd !hr.
~n\'lr1 IJnlon :ire ho!h tl'Jlon1 ;1 h~1 . 111\·
'"\\'r 11:1n1 !n be left ;ilnnr In ha1·c.
f1·rp<Jnn1, ·· hi.: ~111d. "Ttll your g111·rrn·
n1c•1t, ~Ollr Lu~iness1ne11. you arr not 011
lhc rlghl track , You should wllhd r;nv
1011r trriops, rrirrrct your ff"lrf'ign pqli("').
Lion·, try lo 1mpo:,(' 1n our i.:ounlry an l'll·
!irr pnhtical system."
\·r1('ra n Ralph Barracano. \\ho 1s 1101v
<1 lCl sludent. ~air! r. l.'s in \'1et11am
e11ualc manliness to ant 1·coiTimun1sm, He.
sa id n111ch1nc s l'Ccrn lo hc rnorr 1m-
portanl lhan people.
•·c an we perha ps be the blockers of the
people ealer?'' he asked.
Assistant Professor of History Richard
Frank said, "Our nntional interest has
nc1·f'r been al slake. That is why \\"C arc
losing. \\'e've OC\'er tried hard enou,ith.
F rom the very beginning t his \1•ar has
been a fanl.a slic bungl'C , a fraud.''
Radical leaching assistant Richard
flobertson sai d lhe Un ited St.ales is in·
lentionaHy blocking the undeveloped
y,·orld. "The wealth or the \\'Qr\d rolL'i in to
America." he said . "\Vilh six pt>rcent or
the world's population v,·e consu me 60
pc-rcent f)r the \\'Orld's criminodit les.
"In many ways the war in Vietna m is a
1<.·ar or example. It is saying 'This is v.·hat
is going lo happen to you if you thro\\' off
the yoke of American in1 perialism.' "
George Jleiter. assistant rrofel'..<;(lr or
phys ics, said, "The free in Free World
doesn't 1nean political frec<l orn. There's
Franco's Spain. Sooth Africa aparthe id .
Free means fref!dom for Amerit·an
businessmen to trade there."
A diMer supportini:: t..a1z11na Bearh
1-ligh &hool'g lnternaltonal Club will ~
ser\'ed tonight I Thur~a.v) in the school
i:afeteria from 6 Lo 7 and is open to the
DinO<'r tiC'kf'I!! are $1 2~ lnr =idult.s .. SI
for high school students and 7a cents for
r hi lrtrrn. reported r.11ss .lane. Helhlefsen,
spokesman for the group.
She sairl tht' cluh v.·11 ~ OJlt'n tn all high
11rhr)lll stu1lents sttKl,vlng l.1ng~Jai::r~.
undtT bullly coat. and cir-. "Boo.ler1" Lbey lurnt!d. have bten
known to C.any web items as portabl• TV W ui evea frozen turkeys out of
stores bell'l'een their legs, while cheeking
out a few leM ex~nsi ve items at the
c<1sh register.
A woma n shoplifter may :iptcialiu in
lrying on clothes, slipping a chosen dres!'i
or pair of slac ks under her own garments
.and walki ng out wearing it, while
dutl~ully returning the r'st or the items
tried on .
"Shoplifters," merchants \\'ere told,
....... l>ri•t<Y 89'1 'tt..Ulr ..... ""
merchandise." •
Alert salespeople. who tak' pains to
gr~t every browldn& customer and offe r
assistance are the be!t protection agaln~1
this type of crime. "The real custo(ner
will appreciate the courtesy," said th~
expert. "the shoplifter will know he 's
bclng watrhed.''
\\1hile il is important lo display
ml•rchanrtise att.ractively, merchan1s
shou ld bf! aware that ii.ems !ell rrouped
close to the edge ot counters are easily
swept into a variety or containers, rang-
Disaster Funds Finally
Okayed for Capistrano
San J u<1n Capistrano's long awaited
disa!ter funds are finally on their \\"ay.
Di.rector of Public \\'orks T. J.
!lleadows sa,vs th(' $212,000 advance ap-
proved by lhe Ofrice of Eniergency
Preparedness '"ill soon be arriving. The
total amoW1t approved was $376,422.
This is quile a bit less than the $839,000
requested for debris clearance. protective
n1easurcs, street, road, bridge and public
utiliUes repairs. But !lfeadows says in
some cases, !he cost of repairs may be
less lhan esti mated.
One case is !he Can1ino Capistrano
bridge. Original estimates for the
replacement cost tot.alr.-d about $337,000,
but since the original estimates, I.he
From Page l
PAPER • • •
censored .
Orange Count y Flood Control District and
the state Di vision of Hlghways have
decided to assist with repairs.
Another price cut "'Ould come "·i th the
reduced length of the br idge's span .
f ina lly, the cosl or deinolishing the old
bridge will be cut fron1 $17,000 to abollt
\Vltile the bridge is being constructed a
temporary road has bttn buil t over the
riverbed . Counciln1en are dubbing the
road Bathgate's Expressway in honor of
Councilman Bill Bathgate "'ho lives on
lhe other side.
Durin g the height of rlooding last
winter the Bathgates were stranded. A
neightior would park hi s truck on one side
of the bridge and the Balhgales 1<.·ou!d
park their car on their side and carefull y
\Valk across the damaged span to get to
town. When the roads again becan1e
pa.<;S<1ble, the family could use the uppe r
part of CamiM Capistrano to reach
Jtancho Viejo Road and the freeway to
come to to~'n, but it was still four miles
O\Jt of their v.'ay.
Teet1 Cortaer
Ing'""" poper 1rocery .,q. Io lmlttln s
ba&s and trick. gift .wrapped pare!'!; wit h
ends Ula\ pop open to receive stolen
Very val ua ble items. Jl was pointed ou t,
should be dis played in loc ked glass cases.
In response lo a 11uestion, security e ~·
pert Carl Goodsn11 th <:la rJH ed procedure
to be fol!o11cd 1f a 1ncrchant ~pots a
"First. you 1nust see him take the
merchandise and conceal it, then watch
him lea\·e the store . This establishes in·
tent to steal.'' said Goodsmith. ··Nr.xt
~tcp is to follow the shoplift er outside ;ind
approach hiin quietly, suggesti ng that hr
return to !he store t:> 'adiust' the mutt1·r
of some merchandise he negle<:ted to p:iy
for. Usually he will co1nply. lf he resists,
it's better not to start a fight. Let him go
and provide the polite with as accur ate a
description of hini as you can."
Laguna Beach Pohce Olief Kenneth
Huck spoke briefly, emphasizing thr
rc~ponsibility of the comn1unity ln halting
"Total commlln1ty invol vem ent is
essential.'' said lluck. "Those v.•ho report
rrimes to the police must also be rc:idy
le accept the responsibility of going \O
courL and testifying .
"Unless \\·e make crime so un;llt ractive
that crime-0ricn led people will stay aw;iy
from your shops and the comn1unity, Iii·
tie can be achieved."
In a brief corn1nent on bad check pass·
Ing, Goodsmith told mercha nt.:; the firt.L
step is to set up a workable chetk-
cashing procedure and n1ilke sure.
etn p!oyes 11rc 1rr11nrd to follow ll. A
Califomia driver's license is Ilic bft.Sl
identification to rcquirt!, he said, si nce il
pro1'ides a picture of the holder, :i.
signatu re 'and a current residence .ad·
:-.1erchants \\'ere invited to particif)<ltC
in a day.long scn1inar on c:rime 111
business to be sponsored by lhc Orange
County Chambers of Commerce Nov. 5 in
Anaheim . further infonnaiion on tbr
seminar is a1·allablc al the Chambe r of
Comn1crce. He said il is edited by the edit.ors al'Jd
the faculty adviser. He denied al~ that it
had been discon tinued. He said the ne xt
edition of the bi·monthly publicat.ion will
be Nov . 10. A welcome back edition \\'a!f
published at the recent outset or class
Formerly printed at the South Coa.~t
News-Post, the paper is oow printed at
the Tustin N'"'s, said Mitchell.
Carrot Juice Big Selle1·
Bothwell , who said he has bttn an ac-
tive Republic an and Conservative all his
adult life, main ta ined that students at
S<1ddleback want to prevent tile friction
that has happened at other campuses. It
"A'ould be c<1 used only by the mistaken al·
titudes e11:hibited by tru~. he main-
At School's Cafeteria
"If Ibey cannot trea t re.asonable
students reasooably then reasonable
stutlents can become unreasonable,''
Both\\•ell sa id.
He said he believed the student senate
r esolution would be effective in drying up
the paper's funds. Botbwe\l said, .. , don 't
believe they can spend our money
without our pennission j ust as we cannot
spend it without their permission."
Hippie Type, 25,
Held in Mtu·der
BA KERSFIELD fAP) -A 25-year-old
hippi&-type man is being held for in-
vt!ltiga \ion of murder in connec tion wltl1
!he slaying Monday 11ighl nf former pro-
fessional hockey player John ~1 ilburn .
Poiice said .Ropaltl Dean Lr;ach wa s
laken into custody at his home late Tues.
da,v night.
The JS.yea r-old ~-lilburn's bul let·riddlrd
ho<ly was found Tues.<lay bi>hinrl the
co untr>r of a hq1io r storr wlll'rc he \\'r>rkcd
part·tin1l' I-le had been shot in the he11d
anrt chest.
or ""' 0.1"' '1111 s1111
Do you hang onlo the old idta tha t
ealing carrots is good for your eyes? rr
~o. you might be among lhe many of the
people who are tur ning on Lo organic car·
rot juice as the ro.ad to not only life
y,•!thout glasses, but a healthier body all
the way around.
Carrat juice is the word going around
l...aguna Beach High. Students are taking
advantage of not only the new fruit and
vegetable juices. but the new hea lth IOOd
cookies to go wllh them.
Tll&E NEW addilions, pul into effec t
by the Commissioners of Boys' and Gi rls'
\\'elfare. are a far cry fr om the food
lrhic h ~·as rated "l" (inedible) last year
at !he ltigh school cafeteria.
Yet with the.."<' fine food s {ii tempt the
culinary delight, I \\'onder how great the y
are if many of the students cannot take
advanl ag' of thrm.
For t.hrtt days last \\'eek I stood in line
al the cafeteria snack bar before the
brunch pcnod began.
\\'hf'n the offlc i:il bell rang lo start thr
moming brea k, only four of the Pight
\\'indo\\'S opened, ~·hile the re were Jines
at i!H of them.
THE REO\tAl/'\l~G four opened at
\·ar1ous tunes during the JO 1ninute break .
But the real problem was t11at during
all t11ree days I was unable to get any
food because Jines were moving so slo"' ·
\Yord oul of the caf eteria ha!i it lh11t if
st11ricn!s knC\v what 1hC)' \\•antOO by thr
Hine they 11·ere \vai ted on th ings would he
moving a lot more smoothly. But kid .,
have trou ble knowing \\'hat !hey 11·an t
.,.,·hen the menu changes day to day as fr)
y,•hat frui t juices anrl coo kt s are in stQC'k.
cJ1Cvelopr-d in !hat the \l'holesale ~uppl1er
or the frui t juices has not dol1hled 1hc
1lally order as requcst.cd by the cafrteria.
But Charlie \\'arr. student congrrss
president is laking com1n11nd of the siltia·
lion in order to get more Juices on cam·
pus. And that should please a lot or kids.
Student Council is also gning to i;:ct
more artil'ely involved in bringing
students the best. in nnur\shmen l r!urini:
1he rl;iy. The \·endlnt: machines that ""'l're
rcn101·ed last .vcar \1·ill be replacrd \\1th
new fonrl s -hopc/ully fresh fruits ~ch
a.~ oranges anrt applcs. Profits frnm ht
1na chines 11·iH i;:o to su pport the ASB.
Any way you look at it-t'ither from
hcaltn ::;landfl{Jlnt nr one or la str, the nr11·
f011ds and drin ks .irr grt>at. As ~n1enn"
n111·e ~air!, "\Vhnt i::nnrt is a hl'alt hy mi nd
\l.Jt hou t a heal thy body~··
At LUHS. \\'e n1;iy Win lhe 1vhnlc ha ti!I'
lliese •r• •ery ce«1fot+a~e sof• h.J1 lot
Sltti11g •ncl Sl-pi'"J.
;. wide 1ele<:ti0fl of Fahr;c, aml C.18" ..
chooM from.
"'0 'fS510NAl
INfEl!IQI! 0£51Q"'flS
.... •
00 Now 299 .00
2716 HAllOl l lYO
t.~6·0 1 7S •~•·0116
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----·..,..........-: ..,. ____ _
Newport Harbor Today's Final
N.Y. Stocks
Mets Win It!
Clown Princes Now World Champs
O~ILY l"ILOf ~l•f! l'Molo
NEW YORK (Ar) -The amazing New
York f\1ets compl eted their im possible
clream Thursday by winning the 1969
\Vorld Serif's wilh a 5.3 \'ictory O\'er the
Baltimore Orioles on home runs by Donn
Clcncledon and Al Weis and Ron Swo-
boda's decisiv<: tie-breaking double.
The laughing stock of baseball for the
first se1•cn vears of !ci r ex istence \.\'hen
they failed "to climb above ninth place,
the irrepressible i\.1 cts went from rags to
riches in their eighth season by \\'inning
four slraighl games fron1 the once-fav-
ored Orioles aflcr losi ng the first game
of the best-of-seven class1l'.
A sv.·irling mass ol hun1anity from the
largest crov.·d e1'cr to sec a game at Shea
Ha1ioi Calls
F o,. Ti111etable
On Pulloiit
\Vithout 11n Enemy to Confront, A Day of 'Education,' Not 'Oemon!.fration' PARIS (AP) -1-lanoi cal!ed on Presi-
<lcnt Nixon today lo announce his
ti1netable for the withdrawal of all U.S.
t raop~ from Vietnan1. U.S. Ambassador
ll enr y Cabot Lodge replied it is "up lo
yo\Jr side lo make the next moYr." T eens l(ill Se lves
With Ga s F 111n cs
In 'P ea ce' l\fovc
BL/\CK\\'000. !\ . .I . l.r\P ! -Til'o h1g~1
~hooi cl:i~srnalc~. ii bn v <111d girl, were
found dead in .'.I fun1r ·l1llcd auto1nob1IP
Thursday, Jcavin~ behind a i;tring nf
notes saying they had died in the nilme uf
Authorities said they corn mi 11 t rf
:suicide. I1olh had attended a \ 1ctnam
~loratorium obscrv.1nce :it G las~boro
St:ill'.' College \\cdnC'~d:1\·.
The \'ict1n1s. Craig 11::idiali, 17. arid
.lo.'.'ln Fox. 17. hotli :-c11iors al JfJghl.in d
l/C'gipna l !ligh Scllou l, 11rrc found tn \111'
B<.1d1ali f:1111ily car.
('.1n1drn County• !llcd1c;1 I 111\'l' ;t1 g;1(11r
'fi1on1as H. IJ'-ilt•y .~.Jlrt lh(;i· h;1<l hrfln
t.lc;i d abouL 12 Lo lj huuro:; v.hcn their
bodiC'!: v.·erc discovered about !l,30 a.111.
A \':lcuu1n cleaner hose had been con-
nce1cd to the exhaust or lhc car through
a holto dnllrcf in the floo r.
D«ley s<i 1d 24 notes v.crc bc~1de lhc1r
Thr nnll's. \1 r1r tcn lo thei r parcnl",
~thool offJc1.1l:-. rl.1 ... sn1ate.~. an1t fncnd~
1·:..1lre ~rd 11nh,1pp111r,~ 011 r thr ron-
rh!1nn~ of thr v.orld. 11·rr1• .1nt111:1r nnrf
~;.1'1 thry hnnrd ricn1ll r 11uukl ll'[ll'n frunl
lh1·1n, :;;,;11d [Jalr~
TIH"I '1\kl'd lh.1! :Ill 11lin hr;1 rd uf thf'lr
clc<ith-\\IJI k l11r PCJ('(', llil' IUtdl<.:<Jl Ill-
\ "'l1g;i1nr ~.\ltf.
\11"" Fnx 11<.r ' a )1igh ,rht'!()l 1•l1£•crlc<1dc.r
r !V' l3:uJ1all 11·;i., prt•s1d{'11 L ,,r lhr Artisan
Cl11h. the school rlr.irna nl'gt11111,at1011.
Barl1:il1 "s brnlhcr. [i.Pn 1anl ,Jr . 2!, s.11rl,
"~.ly brnthrr i!1ccl of his c11n111.:11ons. Thty
\1crc anti11·ar."
R eogan's W ife
Visits Wo undecl
SAN FRA\lr1sro t Af'J -r.nl'. ll nn.'llr l
Rragan·s v.·1fc Nancy n1ride 11•h11l .~he
c;illrrf a "s\'mbol ie"' 1·isil In 1o,roun<INi
\11tlnan1 11·.ir veteran~ nt Lettern1an
Army Hnspil;il \Vcdncsday.
She said th;it on previous visits she
found 1hat !he v.·oundcd Vietna m veterans
11·rrc tro11bled hy !he v.·;ir protest
cll'rp(ln~tral ions .
"So 1f 1hc (irrn11n~1 r.1ti11n.~ huth<'r!'ll
111e1n hcfnrc,'' slli· said. "!rx.l;1y r1r :ill
days. 1hf'y 11·nulU leC'I l)(llh<'rt'd. nlnn t·.
11nlovc<l. I 1111nt the boys here ln know
there arr. a lol of rcop!e in C<J lifornla who
arc gratrrul In th~m ."
The gov rrnor did no! ac;k hrr 1() m:ik,..
thr.. ;auto tnr "bul he 's glad l'1n here,''
she told newsmen.
Friends Sponsor
Upper Ba y Wall{
The ptth11c is lnv1!C'rl In ioin a t 11·~1nile
v.·al king lnur of the Upper Ncwpnrt Bay
~t 9 am. Saltird:i.v .• 1rcorct1ng lo Gary
J:in1e~. b1 olog1st ;it OranRC Coast College.
Sponsored by Friends nr Nrv.'pnrt
Rcarh, 1hc to11r "·111 srart :it the bluff.
O\Cr\ooking lhe ha.\', near 1he old ~a ll
"nrks si le at lh,.. 1nterscelion n( C:astbluH
and 8;iek B:1y Dri ve.
The frrc tour will bC' i;u1drll, :lf'N'lrthni;i
10 Ja1nc.s.
l 1·vine Protes t Go es Off
With No Fiiss , No Noise
OI l~t Dl1ly l'llO! Still
Black armbands symbolize a q111ct pro-
lcsl. That's the way il was nn the UC
lrvine campus \\'edncsday, the d<iy o(
moratorium .
The student organizers had plar1ncd it
lo be a day of education. not dcn1onstra·
lir r . There v.·as no immediate rnrn1y In
<'O'lfronl. The rncrny, unseen, was the
\ i ~llHlln "<Ir.
An cstimaied l.500 stuclent~ attrndrd
:in af1crnoon rally . ll 11 as :i bi g !l1roni.:
h11L thr ~pea kl'rs did nut shout and lht
~:uder1ls llslcncd uhnosl ~rrrnl•l y.
Studl'nl Ann Doyle. ch;1ir111;111 fl f 1111·
I inivcr.s1ly ~1 ora toriu m Commil lcr. lold
thrm this lirne the organizers l1ad eon-
cer.traled on education but th;11 thev
11·ou!U like lo take acti vities off can1rit1<;;
nc.xl month.
An ea rlicr-planncd march to a war 111 -
duf try plant had been can celed.
Dur ing the mo ratorium r<1Hy. F.1!h,..r
F.d Al len 0£ Univers ity lnlCrfaith ;i1 UI '
Jr·:1nr offered these word':
"\\'(··re here to commcrnor:i tr 118:, :11n
1;1f'11 11ho have Joli! 1ht'tr lives 011 h·•!li
<:tdt"~ II is possi ble do ub\(' tha l nu1nb1 r .. 1
1·1v1l1;1ns <illiO ha1·e perished \~· •. ·rr ht'H'
I!) rf'tlccl on th is trag1t' 11'<1)' of life
"T11d:i.y lt is l'<ISY 1r1 kill bf'l.".1llS1• ~lllilli,:
i~ sn 1m1)('r$onal. That l' 11 111.11!11f 11~ 1•;111
1111~sh::io1cdly drl1·e a r-.1r. IL ;,l\n 1~ r.i 1
to do 11 hat C\CJ"}'nnc r l'c dr>!'~ 1di1•1h,..r 11
1 ~ standing up for 11 n1or<itorium or go1ni;
to w;ir.
•·011ring 1hi.• da~ 30 An1rn r11 n<;; alone
11111 r11r. r.1y 1ntenl1nn 1s not 111 pr11(J111 ·r
i;:u;u but humililr.
"Is a n1omcnt or silcnct enough lo
commemorat e 68$.340 empty homes".'
\\'ould 10 hours of silence be enough for
1'1l' ln~s of one husband. one lo\'er, one
J,11l1c1 "
• ~·1111 <;;cc 1L is indi\ ir.lua!s ll'C :ire talk-
i1 ~· .. boul
'Th t' l'(IU:ll 0f l1<.1lf thr population of
f)•:111r •· Co11 nl y I~ gonr. v.·<1.~lcd, lo.~t. Try
!11 rn11~1011 th;it m;.iny 1nl'n, Plrk one fa ce
--Qllr rnan for v.·hon1 you \\'ould wan t lo
du ll'h:l1 !Ir h<irl lo do.
"l,,11':; nol be guilty of srorning !hr li v-
in·: The honor 11·e would pay to the dead
1;; al~n 01..,rd to the livin!'(.
"l;f' out <ind t<tlk to others abou1 this
!-tup1tl v.·ar. Ask sonieone everyday, some
nrw pers<ln, what hE: thinks about bring-
111~ the v.:1 r to an rnlL Listen first to
11hat he 1hinks. Let him know you r£>spect
l1·n~ and his (}pinions. Then let him know
11h"rl' \'0:1 stanrl "
Dun1 .. i: 1h(' rallv <1cth·11 1rs. c1·rn Leslie
l.1ni·11tn. 11~u:1lly f1rry SOS ~peakrr, \1'as
:11hd~lt'f!. Slu· rnndcn1nrd 1he SDS
· llralh•'rrncn·· ll'h'l \\'C'nt on a dcstructi\P
r.1tn11,n:.r 1:-t•! 11rri.. 1n Ch1t"ago. She sa id
th• 1 1i,1d 1•.1lk1·1! ou1 o( sns
,\nl1 11 r1r .~1ude11t~ Plrnrly 1\'rrr lr.11ng
f.,r 1br hr1,;il]e~! ;1rir;r;il rnn~11'1 rn1 11·1th
1l·1r s1 .. h·d obJect11r r•f 11ntncd1ate
11 1lhilri111;il nf l ' S_ \rO•ljlS.
~r1·cr3I prnfc~snr., spoke al !hr rallv. a
n11111strr. <1 fn rmrr \,,I . .ind :'I SC111th Vict-
iSre UC J PHOTf..ST. J>age 2)
Sitti11g a11d Liste11i11g
Nor th Vieln3n1cse Amba ssador Xuan
Tl<uy, just back from a lengthy visi t lo
ll anoi, told the 38th plenary session of the
Paris peace talks that U.S. Secretary ol
State \Vi\l iam P. Rogers said last "'eek
l'resldcnl Nixon had a 11metable tor
troop withd rawal in mind .
"If the Nixon administration really
\\'an ts to end the war and already has a
timetable for the total v.•ithdrawal of U.S.
l{oo9' from Sou1h Vietnam. lhea why
d"oes it not dare make lt publle as re-
<JUesled by lhe American people1" he
"Jt Is not the announcement of the
timetable of U.S. !roops wilhdrawal
"·hich prolongs the war but it is because
of hi ~ policy of war prolongation that
President Nixon dares not announce the
tanetablc. of troop \vilhdrawal."
Thuy asked why, if the United St11tC's
tan send men 1o th e rnoon at Ilic .speetl of
;i rocket, docs it "only want lo withdraw
if~ lronps ... <it a snail"s pace"-' ll is
precisely because iL does not in facl want
to v.•ilhdra1v ils troops at all . rather it on-
ly wants to prolong the war."
Tl1uy said lhat because Nixon has nnt
fulfilled the peace promises he made dur-
ing his election campaign "he is no·w fac-
ing the opposition movement of !he
A1nerican people. a movement on a na-
lionwide scale. the strongest and mo~t
v.·1desprearl C\'Cr kno v.·n in the United
!'ilatcs ... "
"The Arnericans \>.'ho par1iripalcd in
1hr Oct. I~ .1cli\'H!cs f;\1 oratoriun1 Oa~·I
tindcrlsa nd they arc contributing to the
pr o1n pl erssat1on or the war_ They \1·111
cnn11n11,.. In o\'crcomc nhstacles of all
k ind.~ ro gn farthrr fo n\·ard," he con-
tinued .
l.odgr. rc\'iewinJ,J: the n~conl (lf !he
t:ilks since thcv began. !;airl Hanoi and
I hc-prn1·isi11n;i l rrvnh11innary govrrn-
lll('n!, IYic! Ct1ng) have blocked !hr Pari:::
talks by dcn1anr!ing preconditions for ne-
i;::oti:it1 ons.
Student speakers, includin g Steve Sl app (righl).
parlicipa te in Vict nan1 n1o ra tori1 11n program at
Davidson I-'1cld on Newport lliirbor ll1gh cun1p us.
T\l'O-hou r M-Day progra m at I-Tarbor lligh Wcdnes·
cl ay fealured student ~pokcsmen covering the en·
tire spec trum o! opinjon on the war.
St<:dium, 57,397, swa rmed nver the rield
after lhe final out while the giddy Met!'!
11Tre clubbing J erry Koosman on lhe
Co.noon cracker~ burst in the slands
and a phalanx of wide-eyed fans. shoutin~
"1\'e'rc No. I" milled In fronl of the ~1et
<lugout. An orange smoke fl are was c<lr-
rird <1cross second base and son1e kids
proppl'd up a sign that dskcd "\Vh at
1\nother banner proclilin1erl . "This is it
fans There is no lon101To1~·."
The story book ~let.~. v. ho nel'cr fi n-
ished higher than ninth place in seven
previous fruslrating years, thus n1ade it
Reset to Nov. 10
:ill the v.·ay to the to p by closing oul the
Orioles in four stra ight after losing the
first game. in Baltin1ore .
There v.·ere heroes ga lore for the f\fel.!i,
once the ragamuffin clowns of the Na-
tional League . Koosman went all the way
to v.·in his second Serles game with a five-
hi11 cr. Donn Clendenon, proclaimed the
Series hero and winner of a .!iport~ car,
hit a t11'0-run hom er. Al \Veis, a .215 hit·
t\'r, slammed his firsl hoine run ever al
Sf:ca .
And in Lhe ei~hlh inning it wa~ Ron
S1'oboda's doublr follo\'O·ing a double by
Cleon Jones lhat did the Orioles in. A se-
( See SERIES, Page Z I
Tidelands Fee
Hearing Delayed
OI t~1 0•11~ ~ll~I ~II!!
Becau se. too 1na ny question~ need
ans11'ering. the city ha s poslponcd for t"o
11·eeks the next public hearing on \he con-
troversial tidela nds use lee plan.
The hearing had been .schechilcd for
Oc1. 27 at Ne11·port Be;ich C1!y Jlal!. IL
has been mQ1'ed b:ick to Nov. 10, said
Vice ~tayor Lindsley !'arsons today.
CdM MayGet58
StoJ} Sig ns; It's
Up to Citize ns
f ift y·ci ghl stnp sign~ niay soon br in-
s!allcd at Ol'1ghborhood street In·
lt'rsections in Corona del r.-lar 11·hcre
l)l(•rP arr no1.., only righl stop sig1L~.
1,Vhc!her the e.~ca lation in si gns t ake~
p\Jce. however, dl'pcnr.ls on c.:0111n111n1ty
Affected by the plan v.·ould be !he l'n-
!11·1 area bct1reeu Firth A1·cn11c and Ea~t
Coa st ll1ghw<1y, frnm ~l ac A r l h u r
ilnuJevarcl to ll cizcl Oril'c.
Nev.·port Beach Cily C o u n c i I m an
J{o~rt She lton. in whose dislricl the
changes would ocrur. \Vedne:«day called
nn the Corona drl tlfar Chamber of Com-
1rirrrr to help as.'>ess c1l1zen respon::.e lo
thl' proposal.
Chamber President OC'r Cook agrerd.
Tl·e <'h<l111 bl'r Qfflte \1 111 la kt• t'all~ nn thr
rl.tn rron1 I to fl p rn . each 11 r('~ d;;y at
"1'1'1-.~nnall\·," ~.ud f'ook. "[ l lllnk lhe
i1!ca ha~ <.11nlr 1nrr1t "
The city rnu111·i1 will plac e' lhe matter
nn the Ort 27 mec11n,i,: agcnrl,1
C1ly Traffic F:nginrrr ll••brrl Jaffe
rcro1n1ncndrrl lhr install.11inns nn UH'
b.1sis of tralfH· safe l.v. llr pn1n!rd nul
Iha! 222 acc idents. n1t1sl or the fcnder-
brnrlcr l'aric1 r. took place in tl1c residrn-
li<il area in tile p:i~l fi1·e ye ars. Of these,
:ihout. 011r-1h1rrl rr~ultrd from !hf' failurr.
of mn!oris!s to yield al now unsigned 1n-
"The record c.annol be ignored," said
J;1 ffl'.
Th e 58 new :«tor signs would be ain1cd
:'It st"pping 1ninnr traffic flows <it the ~f
fr.ctcd intersection.~. "Attempting lo ltl-
ducc. stops in maJor streams would tend
In breed disrespect and p n s s i b I e
db.regard for the controls," said Jaffe.
Under the plan. traffic would be re·
riu ircd to stop al these location.'!:
-Second Avenue at .J<1s1nine, Larkspur,
Poin.~ettia and Poppy avenu es.
-Th irrl A\'l'nue at Heliotrope, Tris,
~larigold, Orchid, Poinsettia and Poppy
-Fourth Avenue at Orchid. Poinsettia
and Poppy.
-f'rrnlcaf Avenue al fifth Avenue.
-Hrliotropc Ave nue at fourth and
FHth avenues.
-Jasmine Avenue at Third and Fourth
-Larkspur at Third, Fourth and Fifth.
-i\.!J rigold Al'enue at Second, Fourth
and Fifth.
-Narcissus Avenue at Second, Third,
Four1h and Fifth.
-Orchid Avenue at Fifth .
-Poinsettia Avenu.e at Firth .
The fourth in a series o( ri \'e reports by
OA.TLY PILOT finan cial columnist Sylvia
Porter. analyzing lhe 1969 economy 1n
compariso n to the 1929 !itock market
crash ar'ld wor ld depression which follow ·
£>d ii, will be found in today 's paper on
f'ege 21i.
On that dale, City Attorney Tully
Sey mour 1~·ill present to the city countil
lhe lir."t draft or an or d l nan c 11.
rs1abl1shi ng the fees or. in effect, rent for
the use of public waterways administered
by the city_
/lio final act ion v.'ill be taken on tM
plan, already f;i1·orcd by a 4-3 majority of
the council, until a second hearing, y,•hicb
\.\Ill p~sumably be held Nov. 24.
Parsons said the request for postpone·
n1ent of the Oct. 27 hearing was made
unanimously by th e council's tideland&
committee, \1•hich he heads.
Parsons and other committee member.c
Robert Shelton and Ed 1-lirth praised th•
111lilude of opjXlllenL~ of the propcl881 \'O"ho
crowded the council chambers Monday
"Although probably 98 percent of lh•
people in the audience wcre opposed In
the plan. Lhcir arguments against il werl'I
pre.~ented in a very orderly manner and
r;iiscd many thoughtfu l and provocati1•e
ques!ions thal sho uld be answered,'' said
lhr 1·ice rnil yor.
These ques!!ons. he explained. involve
ha rbor ancl bulkhead lines, the c:tact
divisions bc!w~n fee rpri vate) lands and
tidelands. whether !he Lido Isle lease
"'ou!d preYent the le\'ying of fees on Lid\)
Isle slips, ""'helher the dedi cated channel•
around Newport. Island fall unde r the
definition of city streets "and many olhcr
legal points."
not be ansv.'cred without erlensive
Parsons said most of the questions ca n·
resrareh. It can'! be (ion,., he em-
phasized, ln less than two v.·ecks.
He saifl questions or a non-legal nature
-.<ouch as precisely v.·l'tose piers would be
suhiccl 10 the propo:,erl $1 per sli p fool
annual l1•vy -11·11J be an.~werOO by ;i
lari;:c .scale color-coded n1ap now be.in~
prrparerl by the city staff.
""Thr co1nm11tcc has spent two and onf'-
h;1!f \'C(!r,<; f)Onrl rrtn,i,:-lhl'~r problrms,"•
!>air! i)arsons. "IL is apparent from ~10Tl
clay·s mcc11ng that v.·c 1vere unable t-0 l e~
the aud1ent:c 1nany of !hr. things we fctl
that 1hr.v v.·cr£> l'nlitled to know. An arl -
cl ilional 'tll'o weeks should gil'e us most ot
the an swers_"
s1 .. ck ~larke l•
NE\V YORK (AP) -The slock market
e)(p loded wilh enthusi asm thi $ aflernoon
on the announcement by Ambassador
J!cn ry Cabot Lodge of a surprising pro-
posal for peace talks by the Vietnanl
Commun1sls. tSce quotatioru;, Pages
Orange Coa..t
Don't look now, but lhe rainy
season is about to start. Tho~e
in a position to know are pre·
dieting a 50 percent cha.nee ot
precipitation for the Orange
Coast tonight and Friday.
\\lhile 2,000 Ornno e Co11111y
Republican 1tiomf't1 t:hrercd,
Sen. Borr11 Golrlwat.cr urged re-
"umrtion nf A1nerica11 bnmbinQ"
of Norl/1 ViPlnnm in a11 A1ia·
hein1 speech. Page JO.
Co~ler•I• t C••n;hHI 11·11
'""'" .. C••uwttd n
Oeoth N9!i<H 1f
01.,.rn• ll
•dlt.•191 ,... t •nru11!n""'"' II 'I•..,<• u.n
H••lt<-I! .t•• L-•t ll
M1lllM• ' Matrl .. t Ll(..,Mt lJ
Mulull '•Mt U
1191 ..... 1 .......... O••-c~, " fylv!1 Perlt• H
I"'" H·H Stec' Mtt\tt. H-JI
T1t.Yllll " II T~H!t'I II w •• ,~,, 4
G'-Wlllit 11 .,..... ..... 4 ••
'W-'1 Hr.. 1).IJ
,------.. -
.. DAJ L Y Pl~OT N 111und•1. Octobtt 16, 1'69
Edison Aide Grilled at Slate Smog Hearing
iM ""' fHllY '"'llol .....
A Southern California Edison Com pany
official I.Oday was subject~ lo c-r11ical
arUling by members of the state Environ-
menlal Quality Study Council at a publlc
liurin1 ·on air pollutlon in l-tunungton
Jack Moore. Edison vice president in
charge or engineering, admitted th;it
nitrogen oxide emissions !tom the H.un·
Girl Attacked
" At l(nifepoi1it
A be~pectacled boy v.·ho allegedly fore·
ed a 10-year-old school girl to undress at
k.iifepoint and raped her in a "''eedy field
nea r Costa Mesa High School Wednesday
i.5 50Ught by police today.
The victim -her clothing matted Y.'llh
dirt and grass -reported the attack \Q
School authorities, police disclosed today.
Officer Harl an Pauley said the child was walking between the Orange County
Fairgrounds and Fairview Road on her
\Vay to school when approached by the
She said he asked her \\•hat !im·e it was ,
the n said he needtd her hl"lp, and finally
foreed ·her into the field with a small red
pocket knife.
"Don't scream or I'll kill you," she
Quoted the youth, described as 18 to 20
years old, as saying as he took her to the
,i;pnt v.·here the rape occurred. .
The girl said she v.·as struck 1n lhe
stomach and face and forced lo disrobe
and lie down beh•:een lwo mounds o(
earth, which hid them from view.
She also said he covered her face witlt
htr blouse in an apparent attempt to
keep her from being able to recognize
him later.
After being questioned by Detective
Linda Geisler, the youngster was tumed
over to relatives and taken to the family
physician for treahnent.
Frona Page 1
SERIES • • •
cond run in the eighth on a combination
r;f errors by first bas.eman Boog Powell
aJld relief pitcher Eddie Watt really
didn't mailer.
Desperate Baltimore had opened up a
:J.o lead in the th ird inning on a two-run
homer by Dave McNally, Koosman's lef-
ty pitclitng foe, and another home run by
Frank Robinson.
Clouds blew across the darkening sk.ie!':
and the lights were on as f\1cNally con·
tiir.ued to put down the Mets through the
first five iMings, clinging to that 3.-0 lead.
f\.1et fans, who had come to celebrate the
lflilennium, .,~1ere beginning to wonder if
t~ey were to be denied a final victory at
.'. sudden breakthrou gh in the sixth
rt~ulled from a shoeshine pitch t.hat nick-
ed Jones on the foot. At first, the plate
umpire. Lou Dif\1uro, refused to let Jones
tiake. first.
Out of the dugout came Git Hodges. the
:tifel.s' manager. walking slowly on tippy
toe. calling for the ball. He pointt'd to the
::hO("shine stain and Di ~luro changed his
mind, waving Jones to first base.
Naturally, there v.·ere loud di ssents fron1
thr. Baltimore bench.
II was a situation reminiscent of the
1957 Series bet11·el'n !-1iJli,·a11kee and the
Nt'w York Yankees \\·hen 1\"ippy Jones of
the Braves also v.·as av.·arded base 11·hen
lie showed umpire Augie Donate\H the
shoe polish slain on the ball , II ended in a
10th innrng 11'rnning rally for titilv.·aukee.
Barred F ro1u Classes
BEAUMONT. Tex. (AP) -A teacher
at South Park High School whose son v.·as
killed in Vietnam siX" months ago "·as
refured permission 10 ~ach "'ednesday
when she arrived '4'earing a black arm
cu.NM Clll'll PUil tsttl,.. COMll'.AN"t
••Htf H. w, ••
•••ldlllt ... Pullll .... r
J•c• •. c •• r • .,
1/1-il'r11~ •fl<I Gtroo:• .. IMNttr
Th•"'••l<••.-il ··~ Tt.•111•• A. M.,,~;"• _....,. ... lief . J,,..... f, C•lliu
fl.-! '""' CITr a•llor ---2211 Wn+ l•ll••• l•11lf•f'"
M1lllllf M4f'lltu P.O. I•• !Ill, 92661. --~ -.: ne ,...,, ••• '""' I.•-.... ": m ,_., ·-· ~-........ 5111 lfl'tol
tington Beach plant would continue. until
l 97ri with add ition of two new .ienerat.ina:
unit.s, but promised reduction1 1fttr that
through research now in progress.
"What are you goina: t.o do now about
a ir pollution," snapped council membl'r
Albert Pearl5on, a Beverly Hills attor.lf:y.
"We v.·ant results now, not in 1975 or 1980.
The people of Orange County have a right
to know \Vhat )'OU are doing JJl\·
l\toore explained that his company Is
spending Sl million this year on research
to tcdlltt nJ\ro1en Olide emissions and
has spent more than $8 million over the
past few years.
Dr. A. J. llaagenSmit of Caltech charg-
f'd that Edison advertisements slating
that the. company wa s contnbutlng Je ss
than one percent of lhe air pollution in
the Los Angeles basin were misleading
'"The figure is much higher and strict
OAtt,V Pit.OT ~Ill! Pl\olo
Mrs. Aldrich, Rev. Murray {center), TIRED's Morrisey
Pray fo1· Pirkets
Mrs. Aldric1i Meets Protesters
t;C trvine·s chancellor ·wasn't home
v.·hen callers carrying picket signs ar-
r ived \Vednesday nigh\. Bul t.1rs. Daniel
(;. Aldrich Jr. greeted the group and had
her minister, \\'ho v.·as visit.Ing at the
Nc11.·port Beach home, say a prayer for
tol<·r:"!nce of all men's poln1 s of view.
The grou p of 20 laxf!a) ers responded by
6ing1n g "America the Beautiful."
Srokesman for the group that calls
i!~c lf TIRED (Taxpayers ind ignant about
Jlad1cals ln Education ), Thomas Mor·
ri~sty of Sanla Ar.l , read a message that
f\lrs. Aldrich sa id she would give to her
hu sband who \\"as attending a scheduled
meeting wilh regents at UCLA.
1 he message was a plea to em ploy only
those faculty members wlio keep thei r
politics off campus, to expel students and
fire raculty v.'ho engage Jn activities
"disruptive lo lhe educational process or
the community," and lo reaffirm that
la cully are e1nployes of the state and
:hus responsible to the people.
;\J rs. Aldrich suggested the Rev. Philip
to.h1 rray , pastor of Corona del r.lar Con1·
mu111ty Church Congregallonal, say a
The Rev . r.1r. r>Iu rray asked r-.torrissry
if that would be of fensive 10 him and he
said, "Indeed it would no t."'
The 1ninister then prayed for Lolerance
of oihers' viev.·points.
Court Allows Saddleback
Rule Against Long Hair
Saddleback College's n 1le against male
students \\'Ca.ring their ha ir long W.ls
1Jpheld 1n Super10r Court today, making
CJ~i>~ of 10 long-haired young men
rneeting v:ith college lJ'lJstees tonight
seem rat.her hopeless.
Santa Ana Superior Court Judge Robert
1 .. Cnrfman this mornin~ dismissed th e
long hair rule appeal of student Gary
From Page 1
namese student.
Ha Duong Due, studl!nt at Cal State
Long Beach, !!aid, "Your puppet govern·
ment in Saigon may call me back and put
me 1n jall but I want to say you and the
Soviet Union are both colonialist, im·
"We \\'ant to ~ left alone to ha\'C
freedom." he said . ''Tell your govern·
me'lt. your businessmen. you are not on
!he right track. You should withdraw
your troops, correct your foreign pollcy.
Don·. try to impose. in our country an en·
t.ire political system."
Veteran Ralph Barracano, \\'ho is now
fl UC! 111.udent. said Gls in Vietnam
equate manliness lo anti-communism. He
,;aid machines seem to be more im·
portant than people.
"Can '4'e perhilpS be the blockers of the
people-ealer1" he asked.
Assi..'itant Professor of History Richard
Frank said, "Our national interest hall"
n<'ver been at stake. That is why we are
losi ng. \\'e've never tried hard enough.
F'rom the very !><!ginning t hi s war has
bel'.n a fanlasllc bungle, a fraud ."
Radical leaching assistant Richard
Roberts-On said the United Slates Is in·
tentiona\ly blocking !he undeveloped
world. "The v.•ealth of tht world rol ls Into
America." he sal rt ... Wilh six percenl of
the world 's population we consume 60
percent of the. world'i; com modilies.
"In many wa ys the. v.·ar In Vietnam is a
v .. ar ,Jf example. ll is saying 'This Is whnt
Is gofng tl"J happen to yfiq 1f }Olt throw off
the yoke of Amcrlr.an impcn:ihsm.' " ,
Berrii;an. tn. of Cap istra no Beach.
The J\ldge, Jn effect. said be found no
lc i:al .~1t f f1c:1r11ry in Berr1 g~n·~ requc,•t to
ha\·r the college sho1\' cau se 11hy studen ls
o:h'lufd be d1sm1ss~d.
Tnn1gnr , trustees 1\·111 meet l>E-hind c!os-1
ed doors on the i\·l1ss1on VleJo campu5 1 v.1th 10 }'Oung n1en and lhe1r parents . Th e
JO 1•rre 1hum!X'd out of registration line
<inrl ha1·r not bren :illn1\·rrt tn al!~nd
1·la<ses at the collcg£' which began this
i\ilosl other junior colleges do not have
flress codes. Saddleback's state~ that
··unusually long and biz;irre hair styles or
beards" are not iil1011•ed .
Last fall. 200 slud~nt s \\"err told lo get
1heir hair cut and 4ii protesting students
:.hov.•ed up for a board meeting.
Trui;tees \\•ere adamant. Boart'I Presi·
<lent f\fichael Collins told them trustees
have a responsibility to maintain a sense
of decorum on campus. 1 At a later meeting, he said. ';I'm en-
tirely willing to adm it the dres:o; code is
ab:SOlutely arbitrary, but that is because
community :st.andards are arbitrary."
Superintendent Fred Bremer has said
that is a con-elation between bad groom·
ing and bad behavior on campus.
Vending Machine
Receipts Stolen
Receipts tot.a ling Sl ,600 from a vending
machine route dfsappeared from a
service truck parked at Philco-Ford
Areonutronic In Newport Beach Wednes·
day, the !nick's drive r told police.
Gf'Qr1e: Lev11ncur, 43, Orange, a driver
ror Stouffer's Vending Corp., told offictrs
he discovered lhe loss of the money, bills
and sm all change, at 7:15 a.m.
~ancur told officers he parkM th~
!ruck in !he basement of the firm ·s ;irf.
nlini~tr11tinn huildlng and lcl! the veh1<'l e
lo v.•ork nn ma('hlnl'~.
\\'hC'n hr. rl'turncd , nrf1rrr~ ~.1ui, lh<'
~erv1ceman d1sco\·erefl tha1 the money.
kept 1n a cardboard box, wo.~ m i~s1n11:
ThP r rurk ·~ r!O(lr \1·as un locked whil e he
"a.~ t;nnc, he s;11d,
standards have bten adopted thiot will put
you in greater violation shortly of air
pollution rules," the Caltech profesf>or
Edl&on Company planners currently
are proposing to double the. size of ttle
finn's Huntington Beach facility on
Pacific Coast }lighway just west of the
Sa nta Ana Jliv~r boundary between the
Oil Cily and Newport Beach and Costa
In ether teatimooy this momlng, Hun·
tin.1tlon Beach Mayor Jack Green said:
"We are here today lo h1s!sl that our
envi·ronn1ent be free of the pollution
which has driven many people from the
Los Angeles area to live along the Orange
Coa st."
Green added. '""'e vo'i!h to a!Sure all
concerned th;1t we are prepared lo pay
the cost to ~r that our air reinains clean
11 hilc our industry grows.''
Nuclear Plants
"All of us understand Ul•t Orange
County needs 1dditlonal power supplies to
r11ove fon•;ard and at the :'lame time 1t
must have thC.!ie supplies without furl.her
pollutlon of the air,'' the mayor con·
Green noted that reprtsenl.a tive11 ef the
major power C()mpanies "are here to tell
us, hoPffully, how the powlt' needs of t~e
next drcade or two can be rnet arid litJ!l
leave this area Ill for human habitation.-'
a Must
Solon Says State Heu 'Hell of a Problem'
From Wire Services
Nuclear power generating plant.s at
least 200, must replace conventional ones
such as the Southern California Edison
Company's Huntington Beach facility by
the year 2000 -or else.
This was the message of Assemblyman
John V. Briggs (R·Fullerton) Wednesday
during a hearing in Sacramento of the
Committee on Atomic Development and
Space, of which he is chairman.
'"The slate has got a hell of a probelm
on us," Briggs i;aid, des<'ribing progress
to date in creating nuclear energy plants
and curtailing expansion such as pro·
posed for the Huntington Be a ch
generating station.
.,It's obvious we are exploding Jn our
t!emand for pov.·er. But it seems we ha\'e
a hit-0r-miss operation," said Briggs. "It
1!oesn 'l seen\ we exert any influence or
He suggested formation of a single
slate agency with legal authority to han·
die questions of at.:imic development in
Cali fornia as the an swer to a growing
problem. '
Meanwhile, the president of Souther n
California Edison Company, T. 1\1.
Dan Gurney Quits
For<l, Will Race
With Plymouths
Specia l to the DAI LY PlLOT
LOS ANGELES -Costa f\1esa 's Dan
Crurney today ended a racing relation ship
with ford fl.1otor Company and took up
'4'ilh Plymou th.
Gurney announced at a news con·
ference that he and his protege, Sv.·ede
Savage of Santa Ana, will rare a pair of
Plyn1outh 13.'."lrraclldas in the 1970 SCAA
Tr;ins·Am<'ncan Road Race Series.
Gurney \VJ!I also dri ve a Plymou1h
Roadrunner in the two s1ock car races at
Riverside Interna tional Ha ceway, where
he has \Yon f11·e of seven 500-milers for
.ford since 1963.
Gurney detailed his other racing plans
;is follov.•s· he 'll proba bly drive a turbo·
Offy al Indianapolis, a Chevy.pov.·ered
group-7 sports racer on the Canadian·
American challenge cup series and •·no. I
.. von·r• on the formula l grand prlx
Gurney admll ted that 1hree other fa c·
tor!"s had ap proached him v.•1th proposals
to drive I.heir Trans·Arn cars nrxt year.
Since he ts ledv1ng Ford. ll ts bel1e..-rd
the >)thcr three fac!llnes are American
.\lo!ors, nodp;e and Chel'rolel
f\1cDaniel. says air pollution caused by
the Huntington Beach plant will be cut 40
percent over its life.
He did not say what that life might be.
The firm is now seeking app roval of
plans to expand from two existing
generating units to four , and has en.
countered public opposition.
McDaniel said nitrogen oxide and other
pollutants generated along with the
steam have been reduced by 75 percent
at the company's Alamitos Generating
Station near Seal Beach.
Breakthroughs in research at the newer
facility, plus gradual reduction of the
Huntington Beach plant's use , will allow
the decrease lo continue, despite ex·
pansion, Mc Daniel said.
Assemblyrnan Briggs told his com-
mittee and newsmen \Vednesday that far
more needs to be done if Catiforr.ia is to
meet power needs and pollution control.
"We can't sit around and v.·ait," said
Briggs, "v.•e have to have one state
authority in charge."
Briggs described California's current
rule in the location and establishment of
nuclear power plants as perhaps worse
lhan archaic, "Horse-and·buggy, hodge·
podge, and hil·and·miss," were the
descriptions he used.
The Orange County legislator &aid
California must develop 200 nuclear
power plants by the year 2000 to meet
needs increased JO times over what they
are now.
Chief witness at the committee hearing
\Vednesday was Paul Clifton, chairman llf
the fairly new Power Plant Siting Com ·
mitlee, v.•ho se testimony indicated a need
for changing public attitude.
"They want clean air, but they don't
seem to want nuclear power," Chairman
Briggs said later, adding that atomic
plants are safe but the public must be
educated to th is fact.
"Safety is not a factor," he .'laid ,
'·EX"cept in the minds of the public,"
added Sen. Ralph C. Dills (0-Gardena).
The state currently has two nuclear
pov.·er plants (one at San Onofre) and two
under construction, with seven more pro-
po:;ed or actually planned along the
California coastline.
Two of the proposed plants, however,
have virtually been abandoned, including
the multi·mil!ion fa cility considered for
construction offshore from Bo\sa Chica
State Beach.
01ie Soviet Spaceship
Back to Eartli Safely
J>IOSCOW (U PI) -Russia's Soy uz g
spacecraft returned safely to earth today
with its two-man crew, Ta ss announced,
During the ship's final hours in space it
conducted what the Soviets called a "uni-
que'' experiment in molecular "cold
we lding ."
Thr five--Oay flight of the Soyuz 6 ended
\1•ith the craft making a "soft landing" in
the Karaganda area JJ I SO\"i<'t ce ntral
Asia . the ,1gency said. Tht tv.·o cos-
1nonauts -Cni. Georg i Shon1n and flight
engineer Valeri Kubasov were
reported safe and well.
The two other Soyuz craft, 7 and 8, re·
n1ained in orbit. Soyuz 1 carries a three·
man i:rew and Soyuz 8 tv.•o men.
Tass said Soyuz 6 came down a le'"
hours after carrying out a "unique ex-
All-uude Cast Dous
_.\ nn Bands for Protest
SAN FRANCISCO (AP ) -Performers
in '"Oh ~ Calcutta '." v.•ore hlack arm
ba nds \Vedne&lay night , their only ap·
pnrel in the nu de stage production. The
blac.k bands signlfied support of Vietnam
1'.lorator1um Day.
per imenl. of great importance" In "cold"'
v.•eld1ng. The proce!s is considered essen·
llal for construction of space sta tions and
repairing space objects.
T::iss said lhe ship landed at 12:52 p.m.
t•iOS<.OW lime 12:52 a.m. PDT) about Ill
miles northwest of Karagand a. The pair
"feel fine," the agency reported.
"To effect the descent fr om orbit, the
comm ander of the ship used manua l
orieritati'on an d al the calculated time
sv.•ltchcd on the descent program,·• Ta.5s
sai d. ··The landing module '4'ith 1he cre iv
separated from the ship."
11 said after braking in the atmosphert,
''the parachu1e system wa s put into
operation and the SQft·landing engine~
tinade ) a smooth land ing."
So~·uz 6 v.·as not equipped 1rith docking
apparatus -!hi' space presumably beinir;
laken up by the specia l welding equip·
ment -and apparently made no attempt
to link up with the So)'UZ 7 and 8 craft.
To~s said the v.•elding experiment \ra~
t:arried out by Kubas-ov in the orbital
compartment of the craft during the 7ith
o h11 "The aun of the experiment v.·as to
estahlish the peculiarities o[ l~e "'eldin;::
Clf various m<'tals in space,'' the agency
""This is a un1qu l' experiment. of grtat
i!npor tan ce for sci ence and \echnology in
1~arking oul technology of '>''eldin~ and
assemblying work s in space _"
T~••• •r• ••ry c.omforteble sole bed1 fo,
Sittin9 end Sl••pin9. .... 400·00 Now 299 .00
A wlde 1•l•c.tion of Febric.1 end Colort to
c.hoo1• from . Wi•h S~irts $SO. eztr•.
Yo11r /ooon~ initti.M ~signn llliU be Mm to asailt iiou .••
Pll:O~rss tONA.l
711 6 HAll:IOR ILVD.
6~6·017S •<46-0116
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:1 . •
Weddings, Troths
Pilot's Deadlines
To avoid disappointment. prospective
brides are reminded to have their 'vedding
stories with black and white glossy photo.
graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart-
ment prior to or within one week after the
For engagement announcements it is
suggested that the story, also accompanied
by a black and white glossy picture, be
submitted early. If the betrothal announce-
ment and weading date a re six weeks or less
apart. only the wedding photo will be ac-
To help fill requirements on both wed·
ding and engagement stories, forms are avail-
able in all of the DAILY P ILOT offices .
Further questions will be answered by Social
Notes staff members at 642-4321 or 494-9466.
November Rites
NB Couple
f\Irs. William !;1. fl.1orris of
Cherokee, Iowa. has an·
nounced the engagement of
her daughter, Ellzabe1.h Jean
f.forris to Gale Irvin \Vhit·
aker, both of Newport Beach.
The couple will be married
Nov. 22, in the Community
Church, Congregational. Co-
rona del 11ar.
fllis s Morris is a graduate of
the Universi1y of \\'isconi;in
·where she affiliated with Delta
Zeta sorority.
Her fiance, son of Mr. and
t-.1rs. Leroy \Vhitaker of
Leucadia. attended San Diego
State Collrge.
to Marry
. • 1 • ' •
1 l
! • ! ·•
UP T040% OFF
19 F1shton l1l1 nd
Newport Beech
19 Feshion Squire
S1nt 1 An1
Soddlebock Faculty Wive s
Cash Registers Ring
As Leaders Take Bows
Saddleback College Faculty
\Vi ves have thougl1t up a ne111
and different atmosphere for
the introdue11on of nc1v of.
ficers Nov. I in Laguna Beach
\\'oman's Clubhouse.
\\'hen r.lrs. \V i 11 i a m
lVillia1ns, new president. a nd
other officers take their b<J1vs.
the sound or cash registf'rs
v.·il! _comprise the background
Al least il is hoped the cash
U.N. Doy Tea
Joint Effo rt
A tra In obscrvanre or
l'nit.ed N::itions Day i~ the
JOn1t effort of !he Coastline
Chaptrr of thr L'n11cd Nations
Association. the League nf
Women Voters of th(' Or ange
Coast and the Baha'is or
Orange Count y.
The r.vent v.'ill l;i ke placf'
from 2 to 5 p "'· ne;i;L f;11nd a.v
in the home of r.1r~. Robert
Sherman, NeY.:port Beach .
Presenting brief talks v.-ill
be Miss Rosemary R;ipp, a
representative for the
Freedom Fron1 llunger Foun·
dation and ~1rs. Elsie \Vatson
from the State Coun cil of
United Nations Association .
Serv ing as hostesses \Viii he
the Mmes. George Hil l-
ingsv•orth, Leo Rovin. J1arvev
Pease. Robert Horn. J-Jolbrook
J\1ulford. Elsie Kr oc:; c h e •
Maybelle Pettit, Per c i v a I
Nichols and r.t iss Adele Ipsen.
r:>gisters will be ringing sinte
!here will be a rummage sale
in session. Proceeds v•ll l go
towards scholarships for Sad·
dlcbacl; Junior C olleg e
students, the group's sole
ph 1Ja11lhropy.
.:r.lrs, \Vil\iams, a resident of
Tust1n, i.s taking Ol'er the
presidential reigns from ~1rs.
.Jack Swartzbaugh of Laguna
Beach "'ho will become
ycarOOok editor. She \\.'ill lead
the organization through its
second year of existenct.
Assisting her are the Mmes.
\Villiam Otta of Mission Viejo.
\'ice president: \Vi 11 i a m
Phillips of Garden Gro\'e,
secretary. and \Vayne Horvath
of Dana Point. treasurer.
0 1hers include chairmen tile
!-1rncs. Andre1v Ki sh oI Hun-
tington Beach. v.·ays and
n1ean.s: Fred Bremer of San
Clemente, wife of the college
president, hospitality; Paul
Brf'nnan of South Laguna,
publicily: Lee Rhodes of
~lis~ion Viejo, ~ocia1, and
Hryn('lld Kero of fltission Vie-
jo, membership.
Peace Corps
' " . ' ....
Come As You Are
Bre ak the ch ains of rollers, clips, and dryers . Try ou r
soft scissor cut , •. You may never hove to set your
hair 09ain.
·Now ... Penelope (Formerly of Gene Shac:ove)
& Ro bert P ignotti
(1t REVA'S)
117 M1rln• Av• .. l 1lbo1 l1l1nd-Phon• 675·1110 for Ap.,.,,
o.,..,. 1 0•~• • E.•e>. women• Gn:i111u -Plf•M (111 'or ,, ........ , .... 1.•(!11•••·
Wanted Ope rator with Following •
Ttlunday, October 16, 1%9 DAILY PILOT J5
13's a Lucky Number
For Senior Distaffers
The-number 13 must be
luc ky for the di!taff side o(
Harbor Senior CiUz.ens' Club,
For the first lime !Ince the
club was organized 13 years
aao. a woman ~·ill take the
gavel d u r ing inslallalion
ceremonies next Monday in
the -recreation center, NewPort
Heading the group for the
coming year will be Mrs .
Stella Marks, and ~rving \.\'ith
her will be Clair Pyle, vice
president; Mrs. Roy Owen.
secretary, and Mrs. Hazel
Sween, treasurer. In~alling
officer will be Mrs. Blanche
From Page 13
Benz, liaison offic er of the :1
Newport lfarbor Zoota Club, , 1
sponsoring organit.ation. '1
New board members are ' r.1rs. lfarriet Reber, Norman fJI
Sbt'rwood and Earl Tyler. l'.
Everyone SO years old or t~
older \\'ho reside! In lht ct
llarbor Area is eligible for
member~hip. r.1.eeUngs are
C'Onduct~ on the first and
third Mondays of each lnonth. ~
Other aclivlties I n c I u d e 1
11 designated days for bridge. '
pinochle a nd shuffleboard •
playing and special outings. 1 Purpose of the club is lo pro· t-i
mote good fellowshi p and . !
recreation. i-
... Concert
l ·' H f,
reference to \Verner Ee1k"s
"French Suite After Rameau"
and Tuesday night's airing of
thiJ conlro\'ersial work only
served to slrength£'n our C1Jr.·
viction that this is not for us.
To be absolutely fair, its
perfonnance brought our CQn-
cert partner 11ut of her chair
with cries of "Bravo." And
both she and a fel101v music
critic share the belief that it
v.·as the highlight of the even·
However. \\'e are the critic
in this review. And while it
would not be true to say that
the Egk ·was complete l y
wilhout merit we have to ad-
mit that there is very little lo
please us in what we regard
as a confusing, muddled score.
Its best movement is that
last shimmering stanza. a
racy, nonchalant affair which
owed much Tuesday night to
\Val\al's direction. But it is a
pleasure that soon palls when
one looks again at the overall
y,·ork and find s so little on
\\.'hich to feed the inner
musical man.
Our program told us that
Egk ''is capable of being
''ividly descriptive," a qualily
that must have escaped hi1n in
this particular score. \\'e
would prefer that our own ef·
forts at description be allowed
to lapse in the light of what
was a splendid concert.
lt was a concert that served
to reinforce our conviction
that this fine NDR Orchestra
is a very much underrated
organization. The same can be ;i
s:iid, of course, for Herr ~1
\Val!at. a d1retlor 1,•:~o is very .~
n1uch in demand in Europe , ,
and who is revered in t h at ij
continent with something like ti
the adoration so many of us ,,
reserve for Zubin Mehta. • '
And liltle wonder, looking L.
back at the UC J concert. :
\Vallat was very much the '[
maestro in a perfonnance that
!itre ssed lo the full the l
discipline and devotion of this
fine German orchestra. f:
Outlined ~ " r. The calendar of upcoming ~~
acti\'ities was outlined for ~;
members of Court Stella ... ~
~1aris, Catholic Daughters of :1
America, as business meetings
resumed for the year. ...
Assisting ~!rs., fl.tadeline Mc-t
C.uckin, grand regent, will be \J
the i\1mes. ~. J_ Cook. v.·ays r•
and means; Peter Gietzen, leg· ,i
islation: f'aul C. Walton, con-
fraternity; Joseph Ballavenne, ~'!
missions; Anna Grimes. hos-1 1
pita lity, and Harry V. Conde,
n1t'mbcrship, · 1
In the planning stages is a ·-;
Halloween costume party f~
scheduled for Oct. 27 in St .• 1
Joachim's l1all, with f\.1rs. Earl '.
Savage as general chairman.
Calendared for Nov. 14, 15 11
and 16 is the annual holiday :
houtiq ue under the direction '
of ~frs. Cook. Featured will be ;.
needlework, gifl~. gadgets, 1;
gourmet foods and Items for •
children. ; 1
B•trothel Told
Nuptial Ceremonies
Planned for Summer
r..tr. and Mrs. Benjamin Trygve Lille-
graven of Newport Beach have announced
lhe engagement of her daughter, Nancy
Evans Creamer to Curry \\le!ch Kirkpatrick
1'.1iss Creamer, a 1968 Children's Home
Society debutante, is the daughter of 1'.1ichael
Creamer of Los Angeles. She is a graduate
of Corona del Mar l~igh School and attend!
Orange Coast College. She plans to major in
physical education at California. Stale Col·
lege at Fullerton.
Her fiance , son of Col. and 1-.trs. Robert
Victor Reese of Laguna Hills, also is a gradu·
ate of Newport Harbor High School. Current-
ly he is a public relations major at CSCF
\Vhere he is president of Sign1a Alpha Delta.
A June wedding is being planned.
" . ·'
. ..
The group meets the ~econd 1 /
and four th f\t ondays of eacb i i m~:milies '~!.'.~~~~-~~~~.~ .. ,~~~~
Air Hostes s
Jl oping lo make Sunday
afternoons a fani ily affair are
meinbers of the Lace 'n'
J..('ather square. dance club.
lluntington Beach.
A beginners' dance class for
adult couples and playground
facilities for children y,·jlJ be
nffered betv;een 2 and 5 p.m.
in the Recreation Center, Hun·
ti ng!.on Beach .
1111' cl;;i.•s ,~·i!I he open to all
!ntl'restcd a.dull couples begin-
ri ing Sunday. Oct . 19, and in·
r;tructing will he M a r v
l.indner. Addit io n a l in·
formation may be obtained by
<"all ing ~fr!(. J11a.n Dillon , 536·
8013. or t.!rs. Ray Buth, 536·
R.,.1~,.hi1> po 11 1 pr&¥•
''P•anoh" ;, on • of the ..,.,,IG'1
"'"''popular c.omic. ,tr;p1. Reelf
it ,J,;ly in th• DAILY PILOT.
NOTICE!!! Hearing Aid Users
we are now equipped to
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Fon~e rly w,!h on• <>f Fa;h;on h l•n•f1 l••din9 be•u!y
Karin 0Het1 • •~•99V cul, u1h Ii"• ct1ut ! •hilt "'
hi<Jh ftthion ,.,,1 1_
Sht i1 ••l••mely ft l&~hd "'ork;n9 with h•ir p~•c••
in ht r ,!ylinq <.••~!1 an1 .
A.\/A l~t\llLE l l.JESDA'r' l HPl.J .~AT IJ ~0.0.'r'
EVE lllNC.S 6Y llPPO INT,..IE~'T
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Beau !'! Salon
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1171 ~Sofllol>O
Z1lea h11
' ""'
17 Fashion 1,land
Newport a;ach I
.......... ~
!OJ W. ~th St.
Santa An a
........... ~.., .... ..--,-....,:-:'"="~ .... "l;~----7,-.: ..-.~----.-.-. --.-.-.· -.-.--.·~.---------------------------------------
{I DAILY PILOT N Thur~y, Octobtr lb, 1%9
Computers to Cut Crime U.S. Sets
Guide on
TV Rays Data to Help Parow Officers Make Decisi.ons
teee-aged girt is a.rr~t~ ror
d)lu[ possession. She is preg-
Mol, from a llroken home and
hM a history of crime dating
baCt aeven )'ears.
The next day, her parole of·
Doer ts given a bulky file with
ba sad and complex history.
He bu a half hour to r ead it.
intenrtew the girl a n d
prescribe a cure.
"Impossible," says Charles
P. Smith, a tall, energetic
former parole officer who is in
charge of all of California's
state computer <lperations.
Thal Is why Gov. Reagan
has assigned him the job of
developing a state program to put computers to work helping
parole officers and police find
nt'W way' of cunng delin·
The Electronic Data
Processing Poljcy Committee,
under Smith's supervision, is
preparing a plan to unify the
i.tale's sprawling computer
ope.rations, now 48 computers
ecaUered throughout the &late
government. The idea b to cut
cusl.s and Increase ef-
Smith &aid the centralized
computer system envisioned
by the administration would
also provide a major t1ide
benefit for crime fighting. It
would save time for state
parole officers who are so
snowed under by paperwork
Mongolism Research
they don't have time to study
the record! of the people
under their care.
The case or the teen-aged
girl, he said, is typical ol how
a parole offi~r seldom gela a
chance to obtain t h e
background he needs to decide
whether a perft<ln shhould go
back to pri!'ion for a I o n g
lilrelch, or be given another
chance at rehabilitation.
Under law, Lhe· California
Youth Authority and the Adult
Authority are given wide
powers in setUng prison term!'i
and parole conditions.
The solution under con-
sideration by the stale com-
mittee: A single computer
1ystem with memory bank fill-
Mothers Fight for F~nds
Young ~fongololds," ls leading
the fight
characterlztd by striowi men-
tal retardation aa ftll as by
physical defecl.'I including poor
muscle tone and coordination;
a broad face; flat or sutbby
nose; and obliquely-set eyes.
~anization of mothers of
Mongoloid children h a s
moonted a natiooal letter-
writing campaign, protesting
what it terms a threat to a
promising research program
against Moogotism.
Mrs. Wyman said 1n an in·
terview her group is con·
cerned that a "proposed cut"
in appropriations to t h e
government's Nationa\1!11••••••••••
Institute of Neurological
'The program is reported to
be Uie ooly one of its type still
tn existence in the United
Mrs. Donald G. Wyman of
Alexandria, \'a., mother of a
4-year-old Mangoloid boy, and
spokesman for the. organJza.
tion of 25 Washington-area
mothers called "Mothers of
llp the Pole
Diseases and Blindness. She
said this would "effectively
close down., a human u:-
perimental drug p r o g r a m
against at least one aspect of
Mongolism being conducted by
Dr, Mary Coleman o f
Children's Jt o spit al 1n
1.fongolism is a malady
Jf Milwaukceans looked up at lhJi; light pole one
evening a nd thoughl they hn d seen a chimpanzee
they \vould have been right. Josephine cli mbed the
pole for exercise. slrctching her legs after a long
car ride 'Yllh her o"·ner, a N ew J ersey isalesman.
Natiorts Dunip 4,111
Objects l1ito Space
Colo. (AP) -Since the, Soviet
Union inaugurated the Space
age J2 yean. agG \\'ith the
launch of Sp.dnik l, man has
dumped 4,111 objects into
.,ce, the Space Defense
Center, which catalofuea such
ll)lngs. ,_-tat
Of -object.<. 2,366 """' taave either been deorbited or
tine dec.aym into the earth's """""""·· -Of the J,745 objtcts re-
~ ..-debris ruch as "*" boosters and othfr
mi!'sion leftovers. including
some from the Apollo 11 moon
:shot -U.S. launches account
for J ,J'l7, the Soviet Union for
385 snd France, Gre.at Britain,
Canada ar.d the European
scientific research organiza·
tion for the 3.1 others.
The Spa~ Defen~ . .center.
hl'adquarters for a gk>bail
satellite tracking 1y9lem, is
located In Cheyenne Mountain
as part of the joint U.S.-Oula-
dian North Amerkan Air
Dr.fcnse Command.
The center's computers dai-
ly process more than 20,000
electronic and optical satellit
o~rvallons. The parent Air
Defense Command a 11 o
opcratts MU' and outer apace
gystems to warn of attack and
an -alert force of aircraft and
Water Board
Selects Pair
Orange County SuperviM>n:
ha''' appoint.ed two dfrectors
to the Loa: Allsos Water Dis·
t r1ct in lieu of election5.
Named by the board Tues-
day w e r e Kart B. Rodi and
W. J, t.fcKay, Both men "·ere
Men • ID
M. Sgt. Homer A. Schuitt,
USAF, 50n of Mrs. Verda I.
Schuitt of 295 Delmar Ave.,
Costa Mesa, is on duty at Bien
Hoa AB, Vietnam.
The sergeant, a munitions
5upervisor ls a i'Tlember of a
unit of the Pacific Air Forces.
He previously seived a t
Wheelus AB, Libya.
He attended Newport
}!arbor High School, and serv-
ed during the Korean \Var.
Lt. Co. 1''. ~1a11ln Post, of
Newport Beach, participated
in the annual conference of
Alr Force Academy Liaison
Officer Coordinators held at
Colorado Springs. Colo.
The coordinators a n d
deputies supervise a group of
Air Force Re!§(!ive officers
~'hG serve as official ad-
missions counselors for pro-
spective Acaderny candidates.
They provide this service in
all 50 states within 8 fi
geographical regions.
The Reserve officers af-
filiated with the Liaison Of-
ficer program offer their
services to the Academy
voluntarily w i t h o u t re.im-
bursement. The men are
business a n d professional
leaders in the community.
Sgt. Robert J. ~1ende11hall
USAF. son of ~fr. and Mrs.
Ellis ~t Mendenhall, 1621 Kent
Lane, Newport Beach, is on
duty at Cqnt Hanh Bay AB,
Sgt. Mendenhall. a corrosion
control specialisl. is a
gradualP of Nev•port Harbor
High School and attended
Orange Coast College and
Pasadena City College before
entering the service.
Pvt. Ken L. Zeal of Hun·
tingt.oo Beach, has been
assigned to B Battery. 4th
Battalion. l!'it Advanced
Individual Training Brigade,
Fl. Bliss. Tex.
His parents, t.1r . and Mrs.
Francis Zeal live in Pebble
Demo Urges
Expo Success
The chainnan of the Senate
Finance Committee sayg he is1 changing his mind about Gov .I
ROTta\d Reagan'• plan to ~n
the California EJ:poa.llion and
Fair and charged the ex-
position's rinancing has given
tht. state a "bl.Ck -eye" na-
''I'm rever1tnr my
thoughts," Sen. Randolph
Collier (D-Yreka), told a
meeting of the Jo Int
Legislati•• Committee on
fairs anocaLlm and classifica-
''We've got teVeral black
e)'es nationally becauae o( &he
fiascoe3 we've lotie'n into Jn
Squaw Valley, BART (Bay
Area Rapid 1'ransit) and Cal
Expo." Cclller said. •·t think
i1 ·s high time we made a IUC·
cess of lhi&."
ed with names, birthdates,
family relationships, health
records. crime hist o r I e1,
school records and dozens or
other stat.lstica obtained from
those who come into contact
witb official record keepeni.
When someone on parole la:
arrested, his parole officer
could make a single inquiry lo
state headquartera in
Sacramento. A c o m p u t e r
statistical profile of t h e
parolee would be in the parole
officer's hands within minutes.
That w®ld provide quick
answers to difficult questions.
Records could show a long
standing drug problem, denied
by a troubled youth. or, they
coo.Id show previoua scholastic It's a Foatn Storni
brilliance or academic pot.en· What resembles a New England snow stonn was actually an overdose of 1oan1
tiaJ not apparen! In the in-during a fire prevention demonstration at the Boston Fire Department 'I.rain·
teniew. Or, they might quick4 ing school on Moon Island: Cars in the area were covered with the foam. ly reveal a Pila history ol.....:""'-..:..:.;.:.:.;.:.:.;.::..:....:.:.:.....:...;.:.....:.....~c:....:.;....:..:...:..:......:.~~~~~~~~~~~~
psychiatric disturbances.
With this infcrmaUon, 11ald
Smith, "a computer system
could be used to help develop
Iha best strategy, calculating
the mathematical probability
of success or faUure for each
possible course of treatmenL"
The plan must be approved
by the legislature, where some
lawmakers have raised ques-
tions about the computer
memory banks.
I• '
Terminals, Takeoff Areas to Part?
Federal Aviation Admin·
istratiorf) official says an
ever-rising demand for avia·
tion services may ultimately
result in a wide separation
between the air terminal and
the takeoff areas.
. "'*· ·•· ·~ .. ,.
"· v,, , ., .a ~ •
' • -~'lo; . ' ' . 1-"' ,, ,~ ' ,. '
Oscar Bakke, the agency's
associate administrator for
planning, made the comment
Tuesday at the 22nd annual
conference of the Airport
Operators Couocil Interna-
··Jn the larger huh areas \l'C
. . . , ;
may simply run out of real
estate," he said. "There n1ay
not be enough room for park-
ing, access roads, baggage
handling, r estau rants,
ticketing. cargo processing,
warehousing and the like."
W . .<\SJiL~GTON tUPJ)
The government today pro-
posed a standard to reslrlct
tJJe: amount of x-ray emission~
on all television sets manufac-
tured after next Jan. I.
The standards, tJubli shed in
today's Federal Register as a
preliminary step in making lt
a \Yorking rule, says that all
TV sets made after the first of
next year should not emit
more th<in 0.5 milliroenlgcn
per hour t1\'o inches from the
scl under \'ariuus operating
Government scientists had
earlier proposed a stiffer
limit -0.1 millirocntgen per
hour -but the Department of
Health, Education and \Velfare
said the 0.5 standard was "as
much as the industry can
perform \vith ils present
"The standartl <lpplies Jr,
any set, but y,·e have. n~vcr
f o u n d excessive crn1ss1ons
from black and while sets."
the spokesn1an added. ''Color
sets have been the offenders."
' '
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f;osia Mesa
Today's FIRal
N.Y. Stoeks
Mets Win It!
Clown Princes Now World Champs
DA!~ V PILOT 5t•ll Pl>Oi.
Without an Enemy to Confront, A Day of 'Education,' Not '01mon$tration'
Fair Board Sets
l11dian ~c~il1}ing
Charge Talks
Charges of rental d1scriminat1on by :in
l 11d1;i11 ()rgan1zalion stai:;ing a huge
frsf1\·al this \\'eckrnd <1! the Orange Coun-
t,\' Fairgrounds \Vilt be discussed tonight
bv f:.11 rgrounds directors.
-f:l'porls on nf'goliations y,•ith Orang!'!
County and Costa J\1csa officials con-
1•crn1ng a regional court site and r!ghl-of·
\l.'<IY for expansion of Ar lington Drive are
al~o scheduled.
Con11nillec 1nC'1T1hcr.~ m1·t lnform<1lly
lh1s \Vcek on the rnallcrs and son1e
c·ha n"Cs arc in the "'1nd. D1r~ctors of !he :J2nd [) i ~ l r i {' t
Agricultura l Assol'i<11ion will n1r.et ;it 8 r ,In. in Full erton City Counl'il chamb<'t'S
;.it 31l::! \V. Co1nmonwc;illh Ave, Fullrrton.
Thr shift in mcc1ing places 1s part of a
new policy of holding monthly sessions in
\'ar:iout cit ies, 10 give county rcsidrnL-; a
chance to sec the f{lir bo{lrd at work.
Spokesmen for the All Amr ncan Indian
\\eek Fund earlier thi~ month succ~dcd
111 gett ing area legisla tors to ask fnr a
rf'nlal fer reduction for their weekend
bt_•nefit fcst1v<it.
Nnblr ''Kid'' Clus!'.t'l! nf Los Angele!>
f'nn1p\a1ncd thr Aroup v.•as bt>1ng chargrd
i.o..OOo for \\l'Ckrn d rrntal n[ lhr
lairgrounds, t·l a11n1n1; other group!> get 1t
for le~!\.
Alfred I .111 jl!.1 ns .. ~rc rct or~-n1.-it1agrr ,.r
lh" F111r Ho:ird and l:11rgrnunds, !>:-nd th<'
1TI<•ll er would t'erta111ly be 11p lnr
1t1~tu.~~io11. bul Jddt'd 1ht•rr l1a~ brrn a
lack uf t·on1n11J111c:1ll!1n l\J\h 1hc l 11d1<1 n.~.
!'h1 .. c.l"'l1 rl:11 n1l'<I 111 :i l1'ilrr 1•1 \:lno11s
nr:11:~r nnd L11s Angclrc; r flu n I Y
1(·~1<.l;i !nrs th:il 11ir lnd1<1n_<; v.'rl'r In p;iy
SJ.l!Of'. bul lhc t 1~w·e is $:l,:'l·IO.~,() on lhc
ag('ndil !or toni gh t's 1nt'cl1 n1i.
Lu1Jc.1ns sald cilr11cr t.h1s 1\l('rk lhaf_ l\1c
nonprnl1! or~:1n1 i.:ition 11·;1 111 .~ lo ut1!17r
almo~l thr £'11111't' ra1 rgrot1nds, brinf.(111g
5().()()() persons with $100,000 111 lnc(nne 111
Sijih1. .
lie .-;;lid !ht' lndl;ln.~ wo111<l he p:iy1n;::
only ;ibout l 34. pcrcl'nl rental ill 1J1;:.L
Prelimi na ry planning for ttie. 19i0
Orange Count y r .air and .Ex~S!lLOn -
Ihe me, pubticitv. hvr.-;tnck 1udg1nJ:, qocen
con lr.-;L <inrl entertainment -is al so on
1nnighl'~ agrnda .
Irvine Protest Goes Off
With No Fuss, No Noise
Ot lfl• O•ilr P'llel Stiff
Black armbands symbolize a quiet ilro-
trsl. That's the way it was f'.ln the UC
Irvine campus \\lcdnesday, lhe day or
The sl udenl orga nize rs had planned il
In be a day of educalion, not demonslra.
l !ol'. There was no immedia te enemy In
corirront. The enemy, unseen, v.·as the
\ 1:tna1n l\'ar.
An estimated 1,~ stur.knts allendc d
::111 aft ernoon rally. Tl was a big throng
but the speakers did not shout and the
:;tude nts listened alrnost serenely.
Studen t Ann Doyle, chairrnan of lhr
Unlverslty Moratorium Committee. lold
thrrn ti1is time the organizers had ('On-
ecntratcd (ln education but that they
\l'Ould like lo take activities off campus
next month.
An earlier-planned march to a war ln-
du ctrv plant had been canceled.
i:lufing the moratorium riilly. Fa1h('r
Ed Allen of University Interfaith oil UC
Jr 11nr offered these words:
"\\1e're here to commcrnor:itc 68.1.340
i;1rn who hal'e lost their lives on both
:-ides, IL ls possible doubl e tb:it number 11f
tl\'ih::ins also have perished. \Ve:re here
10 reflect on this lr:ig1c 1vay of life.
"Tod11y il is ea sy to kill becau~ ki1l1nJ:
\~.SO impersonal. That IS l\'hy ;i i! Of us C<lll
1111;ishi11nedly drive a car. IL also is ea'i.v
10 do ,,,hat everyone else d~s l\'hethcr 1t
1~ ~landing up for a 111oratorium or going
to war.
"l)uring Lhis day :m A1nc ricans alnni:o
ti. ill die!. 1\-ty intention 1s not to produce
guil t but humility.
"I ~ a moment of silence rnnugh to
The fourth in a series of fi\'e reports by
DAILY PIWf fin ancial columni~ Sylvia
Portf'r, analyzing the l 969 economy in
roinparison to the 1929 stock n1arket
('rash and world depression which follow·
t>d it. will be found in today's paper on
rage 26.
eOmmrmorate 685..J~O e111ply homes~
'Vould JO hours or silence he enough for
i'1c loss of one husband, one 101'er, one
"Ynu ~cc it ts indi1 idua!.:; \l'C' arc ta!k-
iti." abo11t.
"The l)lj ual o( half lh e popu!:1tion of
1Jr;1nf!c Count y 1s gone, 11·astcd, lost. Try
to en vision that n1any men . Pick one Face
-one 111a11 for v.·hon1 you l\'OUld want to
do whnt lie had In do.
"Lrt's not be guil!y of scorning the liv-
111;::. The honor we would pay to lhe dead
i:-; -,dsr. owed to the living.
"t;" out and talk to others about this
:-lup1d l\'ar. Ask someone everyday, some
new person, v;hat he thinks aboul bring·
Ill" the war to an end. Liste n first to
11 hilt ht• thinks. Let him know you respect
h11n and his op1nioos. Then let him know
\1hrrr vnu stand."
[1un iig lhc rally al'tivities. C\'Cll Leslie
l.111C'oln. usu:i lly fiery SDS spe:iker, 1\•as
:-ubcl11t>d. Sht> condemned the SOS
"\\cathrnnrn" "'ho 11·cnt on :i dr.~tructivc
ran1pa~<' last wc1·k 111 Chica go. She said
lh{'y h<td v.·;:i lked nnl t>f SOS.
Antiwar stud('llls clf':i rly 1\•rre 1ry1n~
fnr llie bro<icJc.~l appea l consi stent l\'llh
lhf'lr Sti'l!C(.i f•bjCC1iVi> or immediate
,v1thdra"';1I of l' S. lroops.
Se1'erJI prnf~'s..~rirs ~poke ;it lhc rall y. a
n11ni strr, ;i f(Jnncr G.L 1.1nd a South Vici ·
n:11nesc s1t1denL
Il a nuong llur, ;.;tudcnl at Cal Slate
Long Bench. said. "Yo11r p11pprt govern-
1nen1 111 S:tlgon niay call me back and put
n1<' in j;;11J bl1l I "'ant lo say you and the
Sovl<-L Cn1on Arc both colonia list, im·
peri il hsl.
"We 11·;-int lo be left alone lo have
frerdorn. ·· he said. "TeU your govern-
rnc"lt. you r businessmen, you are nol on
the right track. You should ~·ithdraw
your lr(l(J1~s. correct your foreign policy.
Don '-!ry lo impose in our counlry an en-
tire political system."
Vr tcran Ralph Barracano. who is now
;i UC! student. sairl Gl s Ill Vieln:i m
equate manliness to anti-commun ism. He
NEW YORK (AP) -The amazing New
Yark Mets completed their impossible
dre.a m Thursday by winning the 1969
World Series with .a 5-3 victory over the
Ba!Umorl!: Orioles on home runs by Donn
Clendedon and Al Weis and Ron Swo.
boda 's decisive tie-breaking double.
The laughing slock of baseball for the
first seven years of tcir existence when
1iley failed to cllmb above ninlh place.
the irrepressible Mets went from rags to
riches in their eighth season by winning
four straight games from the once-fav·
ored Orioles after losing the first game
of the best-of·seven classic.
A :;1virling mass of humanity from the
largest crowd ever to see a game at Shea
Girl Attacked
'At Knifepoint
A bespectacled boy who allegedly fore·
"d a 10.yenr-old school girl to undre.ss at
k'.lHepoint and raped her in a weedy field
near Costa r.1esa High School Wednesd~y
IS sought by police today,
The victim -her clothing malted 11·ith
dirt and grass -reported the attack lo
school authorities, police disclosed today_
Officer Harlan Pauley said the child
'vas V.'alking between the Orange County
Fairgrounds and Fairview Road on her
'vay tn school when approached by the
She said he asked her v.·hat time it was,
thfQ::f&id he needed her help, and finally
fotre(f Jter into the field with a sman red
pocket knife.
"Oon·l icream or rn kill you:' she
quoted the youth, dtseribed as 18 lo 20
years old, as saying as he took her to the
spot 1\·here the rape. occurred.
Tt,t girl said she was struck in tht'l
.stomach and face and forced to disrobe
ond lie down between l\1'0 mounds of
earth, v.·hich hid them from view.
She also said he covered her face \l'ith
her blous~ in an apparent allempt to
keep her fr om being able to recognize
hin1 later.
After being questioned by Dctccli\'P.
Linda Geisler, the youngster was turned
over In rel:itive.s and taken to lhe family
physician for treatment.
Cookielef t Cash
Donated to VF
A total or $593.94 remainin.i; In the
llarbor Area·s Vie Care Cooklelift
treasury has been rationed out to good
11-ork s at home. instead of postage for
n1ailin,i; goodies lo Vietnam.
Originally, ori;:ani7.crs planned lo use
the c.1sh to stage a cock1ail recept ion en
n1assc for llrirbor Area Gls who returned
from the bat!le zone, but decided it could
have a better use.
Mrs. Darrilyn Olivrr, :1077 '\'ukon
Drive. Costa Mesa, donated !he r<'·
maindcr of the n1oney to the United Fund
"We stipulated that it be used ex·
pres.sly for the Boys' Club and Girl s' Club
or the Harbor Area," she explained.
Storie lflarkets
NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market
r i.:p!odcd ~·ith ent.husia.sm this afterooon
Qn the announcement by Ambassador
I lcnry Cabot Lodge or a surprising pro-
posal for peace talks by the Vietnam
Cc>mmunisLs. (See qu otatioru:, Pages
26·27), W omc11 Get Call
To Basketball
S1rlrs :ire being chosrn rnr baskr!b1111 -"
l;i<lil'~· vanely -and Costa Mesa 1vomcn
u11 ercstcd in parl1 ci paling are inv ited lo
cont:ict the Recreation Ocpartmen1.
Hanoi Asks for Timetable
An org:inizatio11al tnceling will be hc!d
n Dccqnbcr and lrague pla_y begins in
nid-.January, on Thursday n1ghl~ at the
~o~~ Mesa High School gymnasium. .
Ques tions may be directed to Tmu
•opovi l!> al the R<'crration Ocparlm~nt
irht•rs in ('nst;i l\tesa Civic Center durmg
r.gular wcekd;1y business hours.
l'hic [
Exlra<·I~ 870
Dcnlal Office
A lhief ha o. opr nrd up 11·iric the cash
'•flX :ii a Costa t.lesa dcnlist's office and
·~l rar l ed $i 0, according to pol ic e.
Ka1r ina S Kraft, cn1ploycd by l'lr.
1ot't'l1 K. ll offnr r. IBI E. !8ih SI,
!i:-;c .. 1·errd !he monry n1i~<anf:: fron1 i1s
•rflprr pl:1cc Y.'hcn ~hr arrived for worlc
But Lodge Says 'Next Move Up to You' for Peace
PARIS (AP )--ITanoi called on Presi-
den1 Ni xon today lo announce hi!
li1netable for the withdrawal of all U.S.
t r'lllp~ from Vietnam. U.S. Ambassador
J tcnry Cabot ~ge replied it is "up lo
)our side lo make the next move."
North Vietnamese Ambassador Xuan
Thuy, just back from a lengthy visit lo
Jianoi, told lhe 38th plenary ses.o;lon or the
Paris peace talks th11t U.S. Secretary of
State William P. Rogers said last 1veek
President Nixon had a timelable for
lrMp "·ithdrawal in mind ,
"If lhe Nixon administration really
11·anl~ lo end the war and already ha~ a
Hinetable for lhe tot.al "'ith<lrawal of U.!'i.
1 roop~ from South Vietn a1n, then why
<locs il not fl are rnake 'il public as re-
quested by the American people?'' he
"IL j_<; not thr. announcement of lhc
timetable of U.S. troops v.·ithdrawal
which prolongs the v.•ar but it is be<:ausc
nl hi i policy of l\'ar prolongation tha t
Prcsidcol Nixon dares nol announct lhe.
timetable of troop l\'Hhdrawal."
Thuy asked "'hy, H the United State~
ran ~end men lo lh<' moon at the speed of
a rocket, does it "llnly want to wit hdraw
its troops • , • at a snail's pact ? It i!
pr ecisely berause ii docs not in fa ct .want
In wi thdrllw its troops at all. rather 11 on·
ly "'at'lls to prolong the war.'.'
Tilvy $aid that because Nixon has not
fulfilled the peace promises he made dur-
ing his election campaign ''he is now fac·
ine the op~ltion movement of the
American people. a movement on a na·
tion1vide scale, the strongest and most
widespread ever known ·in the United
Stales •.. ·•
"The Americans who participated in
the Oct. 1$ acllvities {Moratorium Dav)
undert.sand lhey are contributing to the
prompt cessBtion of the war . They ~·ill
continue trt overcome obstacles of all
kind s to go far1her forward," he con·
tinued .
Lodge, revtewing the rerord of th!
lalks since they began, said Hanol and
the provisiona l revolutionary govern-
ment, IVie:t Cong) have block~ th e Paris
h1lk1 by demanding preconditions for ne-
St<:dium, 57,397, swarmed over !he field
after the fina l out while the giddy Mei s
v.·cre clubbing J erry Koosman on the
C1:1nnon crackers burst in th e s!and,-;
and a phalanx of widco{'yed fans. shoulin~
"we're No. l'' mi lled in front of the f.1et
dugou t. An orange sn1oke fla re "'as car·
ri~d across second base and so1ne kid~
propped up a sign that asked "\Vhat
:\not her banner proclai1ned, .. This ls it
fans There 1s no tomorrow."
The story book t.1ets, who neller fin·
ishcd highe r than ninth place Jn seven
previous fru strating-years, thus made it
;1JI lhc l\'i'IY lo the top by closing oot the
Orioles 111 four straight after losing lhe
first game in Ba!limore.
1'here v.·cre heroes galore for the r.tets,
once the ragamuffin clol\'ns-or the Na.
lional League. Koosman went all the wa y
to 1\'in his second Scrieli game l\'ith a five·
111\ler. Donn Cle ndenon, proclriimed the
Series hero and winner of a sports car,
hit a two-run homer. Al \Veis, a .215 hit -
tf'f, slan1n1cd his first home run ever at
And in the eighth inni ng it wa11 Ron
~;11 oboda \ double following a dou ble by
<..:!con J onrs Iha! did the Orioles in. A se-
(Sec SERIES, Paa:e Z)
• ~ -..f._,, ·,.( h , .....
V-Mets Day
NY Goes Wild With Series Wi1i
NE W YORK (AP) -New York went
V>'ild tcxlay as the Mets won the World
Series from the Baltimore Orioles 5 to 3.
Ticker tape poured from the wi ndows
of Rock efeller Center and horns blew
throughout the midlown area.
Total strangers stopped and embraced
on l\lanh atlan !>idcl\·alks.
About 200 fc<'L of recording tape was
l.ossed joyously frorn offices of N13C's
lluntley-Brinklcy progra1n off\crs.
T11e sho1vcr of paper <tnd confetti fro 1n
the 11,.tidtown office bu ildings wa s reminis-
cent of the displays whi ch greeted an ·
nouncemenLo; of V-E day and V-J day en·
ding \Vorld War II.
Great chunks of paper poured <lown
fro1n the headquarters of such corporate
gianls as U1e Standard Oil Co., N.J .,
Radio Corporation of America, Sperry
Rand and even lrom the New York of-
fi~s of Briti.sh 11cv'6papcrs.
Lower Broadway 1vBll' filled wilh a
snowstorm of paper as Joyful workers Jn
the financial district lhrew ticker tape,
punch cards and \vastepaper onto the
cit y's ramous ticker-tape-parade roule.
'\'all Slrecl mesi;engers whooped and
j11mped in delight as they heard the
results on transistor rad ios clutched to
their e<irs.
Studenl s a! Pace College, acro.~s the
.-;trrct from Cily Hall, thrc1v open wln-
<lo ws :ind shou ted the good news tn
pedestrians on Park How.
The \Vall Street area was inundated
\\'ilh Licker tape at the end of lhe ball
Eileen Nolan, a secretary far an ln·
vestmen t-banking firm, said the displa y
\\'as "better than anyth ing we've ever
seen here -even better than lhal for the
She looked out of her SOlh-noor window
at 40 Wall SL. and r.aid, "It's beautiful:
Everything's covered ~·ith !nowl ll's
btoautifuJ: ''
Mesa to Sta1·t Selectio11
Of Dow11towi1 Consultants
A process of elimination, the n liClcct1on,
11·111 determine vd10 i!> hired to begin the
design of lhe Costa Mesa of the futurP .
probably starting v.·ithin the nrxt l wo
The Costa Mesa City Council listened to
rel)Orts by three companies interested in
lackling the job Tuesday a nd wi!l call
;i nother ml'ehng soo n to decide 1vhich
they prefer.
Three othe r consult ing firm<; l\'f'r r in·
trrl'icwcd the prior Tursday and /'.1 .1yor
Alvin L. Pin kll'Y .-;111d lodav tha r pcrhapli
l \\'(l coul rl be selected !o coinpctc in
fun her inlervicv.·s.
"I'm leal!inJ: il 1111 lo !he re:.t of !hi"
co11nc1! ho1v "'C wan I t(l /olO about 11.," hr.
Fonner Cclsla t11r5a Clly /'.1ilnilgcr
Teens Kill Selves
With Gas Fumes
In 'Peace' Move
BLACKWOOD, N. J. (AP) -Two high
school classmates, a hoy and girl, were
f,1und dead in a fume-filled automobile
Thursday, leaving behind a string or
notes saying they had died in the na me of
.A.uthoril irs said they com m 11 t c d
~nicide. Both had attended a Vielnam
fl!oratorium observance at Glassboro
St iite College \\'cdncsday.
The victims, Craig Badiali, 17. and
Joan fox, 17, both i;cniors at fl ighland
TicJ:ion al l·fii;:h School, were found in the
Badial i family car.
Camden County Medical Investigator
'l'homa~ R. Daley sa id they had been
dead about 12 to 15 hours when lheir
bodies were discovered about 9:30 a.m.
A v.:icuum cleaner hose had been con-
nected to the exhaust of the car througti
a hol11 drllled In the floor.
Daley said 24 notes were beside their
Tut notes, written lo thei r partnls,
!ir.hool official~. classmates, and friends
expressed unhappiness over the con·
dilionli of the world, Wl.'re antiwar 11nd
said they hoped people would leam from
them, ~aid Daley.
They asked ih at all who heard (11 their
death v.·or k for peace, the medlcril in· vc~!lgat or said. ' '
f.1iss f'o;t[ was a high school cheerleader
am' Badiali was president of the Artisan
Club, the !>Chool drama organization.
BudiRli's brother. Bernard Jr .• 21, said.
••,\ty brolher died of his convictions. They
were antiwar."
Robc.rl L. Unger, who has his own firm at
~3i0 Campus Drive, Newport Beach, said
a Spanish or local historical theme UI ad·
lie sLressed that a basic roncepl must
he c!t'<'idcd before mov ing ahead with the
required area.wide redevelopment study,
;1 geriC'ral pl an and then a spt'Cific plan.
• .\ISQ present l\'rre \\'1llscy and Ham ,
Arcadi:i , ;ind Jennings-Halderman-Hood ,
~<in!<i Ana, both of v.·hich outlined the ir
rr<'v1ous experience in the development
Ill' I 1:.
Tl~c Ar<.:ad1 a firtn has had pro1ectl'i
fina nced undtr si1n llar resource~. ol-
1lr1al " sa1:1 . wh1 lr the Santa Ana company
11 3s designed for Costa J\·lesa·s popular
~lesa Verde neighborhood.
A fnur th firm, nc1vly form ed, \Valter
rticn<1rd snn and Assortaleii, 230 E. 17th
;;;r . Costa Mesa, applied for consideration
b11t 1\·as rcjectrd because or missing lhr.
vngina l deadline.
The progran1 In be handled under the
slalr. Redevelopment Act nr 1947 will re-
<1uire a one-year .~tudy before detailed
:.11ans can begin and may take 1$ years to
The finished job is expected lo mesh In
tiw1ng wilh crimpletion of the last
CQastward link of lhe Newport Frttway
and tic local developments into addition
of 1hal traffic artery.
Orange Coast
Oon'I. loo k now, but the rainy
season is about to start. Those
in a position to know are pre·
dieting a 50 percent chance or
precipi tation for the Orange
Coasl tonight and Friday,
\V/11/e 2.nnn n rongc County
Republic«11 100111en c'iee rtd,
Sen, Barry Goldwater urged re·
sttn1rtio11 of America/I bombing
nf Nortlt Viet nam iu an A11a-
ltei1n .~peccli. Page. 10.
(•fflt rftl• • "''"lfl " (l•nlll.t H·ll M1tl1t•I ll'wl'f• " ltml<I " fl.ttiff•I fl••• ... (,.,,.,.,4 " o ...... Ct11"I' " 0.•1~ '""'" " !Vivi• ....... " Dl't rcn " s .. r1, n.u
l'Olltr!t t , ... • "'" Mt•-•11 '''" f"lorlfiRIT!t~I " T!1•¥hl41~ " ''"'~(• "''' lh••••·· " iolof01<t•t " Wo~lllfr • .,, l •11dor1 " ··-W~l!t ~ MOlll>o• • Wt•lol ··~ •• Mtrtlttf Utt11111 II Wemt~'o lltWI n.u
-. ........... - -4 -· --· ... -........ -·-----"::-'"'"-"'""-.,.--.,..:-------------------------• • ' ' • • • ... • i.; • • • ' ~. • • .. --------·-----
l• ! DAILY PILOT c Thunda:t. Ottobrr 16, 1969
Edison Aide Grilled at State Smog Hearing
By lACK BBOBACK 61 .... 11, .... ,..,,
A Southtrn California Edison Compa n.v
Qff1c1al today was suhiected to crit1ca!
grilling by men1bers ol the state !Snviron -
. ~ mental Quality Study Council at a public
-bu.ring on air pollul1on 10 Hunllngton
Jack 1'.1oore. Edi son vice president in
1.:harge of enginetri.ng . adn11tted that
_ rulrogen oxide emissions from the Hun·
Newport Skies
Not Friendlv: •
Suit Po11derecl
By .JERO:"ot E F. COLLl~'S
Of !~1 D.iJy Pllo! S!•I!
The City of J'\e\Yport Beach may sue
:ilrlines using Orange County Airport io
force them to stop polluting the skies ..
Inspiration for the contemplated action.
~ow under study by Cit y Attorney Tully
Seyn1our. came from the state or New
J ersey's Department ot Public Health.
The depa rtment nan1ed scren inajor
airlines using Ne\\'ark Airport as defe n-
dants in a sui t charging them ""'ith <1r-
pollution. The c;irHnes last \Vee k
capitulated . They announced they v.·ould
eqtlip all their planes 1\ilh sniokeless
Cost of the converi;ion, involving J,000
jet engines v.·ilt be $30 n;illion. according
10 allor~ys for A1nerican . United, F~1stern, Trans \\'orlcl. National, Pied-
mont and Northea~t airlints.
New J ersey Deputy State Attorney
General Tht'Odore Schwartz said the
litigation would be dropped if 1hc airlines
agreed to ha ve all the engines convert:d
to the smokeless kind by October. 1910.
'T he airlines said they v.·ould make exery
effort to do just that.
Newport Beach City Councilman Paul
J. Gruber brought the matter to council's
attention lhis week. He said the New
.Jersey litigaion might point the ·way for
Newport. . . _
"This is something in !Jnr. with this
Mate's environmental \av.•5:' he said .
"'\Ve should have our own legal olficc
starl the same action here . especially
V.'Llh Air Cal and Air West passing over
Ou r city.
Gruber said the jet fuel "(a llout" is
quite serious in Newport. ''There is
evidence at my house that they're doing
it to me, and if they're doing it to me ,
they're doing 11 to my neighl;>ors."
"This is somethi11g y,·e should vrry
rlefinitely pursue," and Vice ~layor
Lindsley Parsons.
~layor Doreen t-.-1<ir!.hall :-;aid thf:
Orange County cou nsrl"s offiCP ~hould be
advised of the c1ry·s intent to pursue the
Sevmour was instructed lo co me up
v.·1th.1nformalion on whllt the city's next
~tcp should hr. "This is so1nethi ng \1 C
mtght v.·ant lo lurn ovrr to the a\\orney
~eneral of California," said Gruber. "So
Jet's move forward now to comp('l the
11 irl ines lo adopt different luels and
Frorn Page 1
sa id machines seem to be more im-
portant than people.
''Can we perhaps bf' the blockers of the
people eater~" he asketl
Asslstanl Professor of History Richard
Frank said. '"Our national interest has
ne\·er been at stake. Thal is v.-hy v.·e are
lnsing . We'\·e never 1ried hard enough .
Fro m the very b<'ginni11s: t h 1 s v.·ar has
bet!n a fantastic bungle, a fra ud .. ,
Radical leaching assi stant Richard
Robertson said the t.:nited St.ates is in·
1entionally blocking the unde veloped
,~·ar id. "The wea lth or lhe world rolls 1nln
Ame nC'a," he said. ''\\"Ith six: ptrce11t of
the world 's population .,.,.e t onsun1e 60
percent of lhe v.'orld 's co1nmoditics.
"In many ways the "·ar in Vielna m i5' a
"1a r \lf e:rample. It is saying 'This is v.·hat
j::; go ing lo happen lo you if you thro\v off
the yoke of American imperialism.' "
WAHOI COA.~t PUlt llMIMe (OMl'AN"r
lebtrt N. W1el
P rnldent end P11l1ll111U
J1ck R. Curley "''-,,..l*nl .... (i-•11 111 .......
Tli11r11t k'11•il
lh11111i A. Mu•,~int ............. ,.! ..
C..N ..... Offke
)JO W1d l1y Sh11I
M,a;~t A44rtn: P.O. lo~ 15•0, •l6Ji
tlt*'°"' •toe~ ?Ill "'"' II•""" ..,.,,.,trd l •-a ... ~. nt 1.,.11 ,,....,.
11\1111\ntron ltl<ll: .-. 111< '"""
f;llas ' 17141 MJ: ... Jll
. Cls W I Mice:! ..... MJ·l,71
C.Vr ......... Or-C-1 •~Ml ....... :;......, ... -....... ·~l't""'""'· ~· --.. -·i.-~·· .... ._ ... -.. ·-· ........ ·-··· .. . ..... -·-·--· ~--( .... --....... ""*""'" llttll .... ( ... ,. -· c.111 .. ~·· ~ ... « .. ,; ... ~. '-"'''"" IJ.JS ,.....,.,iy, ..., ...... u _. nwlff\111
...n1i.ry •tN,__ U.M ..-11o1y.
tinrton Beach plant would continue. until 197~ wllh addJtion of two ne.w gentralina
units, but promised reductions alter thal
through rtsearch now in progress.
"Whal are you goi ng to 00 now about
;i1r pollution," sn;;ipped council member
Atbt>rl Pe.arisen. a I3everly ~!Ills attorney.
'"\\'e want results now , nol in 1975 or !DAO.
The !)t'ople of Orange County have a right
to kno\v whal .)OU <il"C doing un-
1'.1oore ex-plained that hiJ company Js
1.,,.aln& II milliqn thil/.ear on resean:h
to rMuct "l~tn or), e etniss.ions and
has spent more than $8 million over the
past few yean;.
Dr. A. J_ HaagenSmit of Caltech tharg-
ert that Edison ad vertisements stating
that the company w;;is conlribullng ltss
than one ptrcent of the air pollution in
the Los Angeles basin were misleading.
"The figure is much higher and strict
DAILY l'ILOY 51111 l'nol•
Mrs. Aldrich, Rev. Murrey (center ), TIREO's Mor r is•y
P1·ay for Pi~kets
Mrs. A ldrich Jlf eels Protesters
l'C )r\jfle's (ha11tellor v.·asn·t home
'1 hrn C'allc rs ca rry1n~ picket ... igns ar-
rived \\"ednesday nigh t. But ti1rs. Daniel
Ci. Aldrich Jr. grcr1cd \lie group :in{I had
hrr n11n1~1er, 11110 11·;1, \'is1ting at t11c
f\e1\por! Brach h1J1nr, s:iy a prayer for
toler;:ncr of all men's pv1nts of view .
The group of 20 l axpa~cr~ rcsp.;ndrd by
~ingini; ".>\n;rn l'll the l3t';iulilul "
~pokr~n1an f•ir lhC' gro11 p lh<J t ca!J \
i15elf TlllF.D 1 Taxparers lnd 1~nant about
Hadlcals 1n Education), Thom:.s /\1or-
r1~sf'y of .S:inta An,J. read a 1nE'!'sagc thaj
'.\I r~. Ah.In ch sai d ::he \\"OUld g11 e tfl her
l111~hand who 11 a~ al!C'nding a sch::duled
mce11ng v.·1th regents at UCLA.
1 he message \\'aS a plea lo employ only
lh'.JSP faculty members v.•ho k:?ep their
polith:s off campus, to expel students and
lire facully who engage In activi!Jc.i;
'"rl isrupti l'c lo the educationa l process or
the con11nunity,'' anrJ lo reaffirm that
latuHy arc employe s of the slate and
:hus re sponsible to the people.
«I r~. Aldrich s uggested the .Rev. Ph1hp
~l11rray, pastor of Corona del l\1ar Com-
n1un!ly Church Congregational, say a
Thr fie\·. !\fr. tlturray asked ~1orrissey
ii that would be offensive 10 him and he
:;aid, "Indeed it would not."'
Th e minister the n prayed for tolerance
Qf o:hers' 1·lewpoinls.
t"rom Page 1
rnnd nln In !he f>li::hth on a combinatinn
r f 1•rrnrs hy fir~! lia.<.Ptn<111 Bong Po\\·el l
<iTJrl reltcf pitcher Edd ie \Vatt really
<itdn'i ma iler.
Desprralr Bnltimor r h<ld opener! 11p a
:;.o lrad in !h,.. thi rd inning on a two-run
hamer h.v Darr :O.lc.\".1J:y. Koo~man's Jpf.
Iv p1 tch1ng roe. :ind ;1nother home run by
l"r:~11k Robinson.
Clo11<I." bl,.,r ai,:rns<; !hr da rkening <;kJP.'1
rl ll<I the 11,c.hl s were on a.i;-~rlcN;;llv cnn·
r1r.ucd t11 pl1t do wn ttie ~lets !hrou~h the
f1 r~t f1\C' innings. chnging lo !h"I 3--0 lr<iO.
fllet fans. '1ho h:id com!' to celebrate the
1111le nniu1n. \\'Pre beginn ing ro \1•onder ir
tht y were In be denied a fi nal \'JC\ory at
.A. .~udden break1hrough in the si:ic1h
rc~ulled from a shoeshine pitch that nick-
ed Jones on the foot. At first, the. plate
111npire , Lou DiMuro, refused to Jet Jones
take first.
Out of the dugout came Gil Hodge.s . the
1-"\"ets' manager, ws.lk ing slo wly on lippy
toe, calling for the ball. lfe pointed to the
fhoe-shioe stal~ and Dl~1uro changed hi ...
mind, waving Jonei; lo first bai;c.
Naturally, there were loud disS<'nls from
thr Baltimore bench.
It was a situation reminiscent of the
1!157 Series between 1'.filw.1ukee and ttie
Nf'\!•' York Yankees when Nippy Jones of
the Braves also was av.·arded base when
he showed umpire Augie Donatelli the
~hoe polish stain on the ball. It ended in a
10th inn ing winning rally for fl1itwauktt .
After .J ones took first, Clendenon rip·
ped a 2-2 pitch into the mezzanine in lefL
field for a t~·o-run homer that close<l the
gap to 3-2.
The Mets y,•ere just not lo be denied.
This time it was one of lhe little me n, Al
'\'eis, an American League discard, who
led off the se\•enth inning with a home
run over the left fleld fence around the
We.is had hil lwo homers all season.
both in Wrigley Field in Chicago, and
never had hit one oot at Shea. It was his
fifth hit in 10 tri ps in the Series ctlthough
he v.'as lo strike out in the eighth and
3 Narn ed lo Board
Three appointm@nls to lht. board of the
Cos1a ~tesa Sanitary Distfict ha\·e been
~1pprovcd by county supcrvi.,ors. Named
11rre Ellis Pnrler, Kerm Ain1a and c .
Th,11f('hr1 \\":irrcn. All arc a ppointed 1n
lieu of t lrct1u11.
• • •
\\'lnrl ur a!. .455.
\\'alt had just taken over for McNa ll y.
1•.ho \1·as lifled for a pinch·hitter in 1hc
f'1ghth. v.'hen the r-.tetli struck the blo\\'!!.
tllal ended their long years of frl1 Slration.
.Ju11f'~ f.1na~hed a long double lhat boun-
t'Cd oft the v.·all in left center at the J96-
tnot mark . Clendenon ro\)cd out to thi rd
<rl!!'r hning a lnng foul dov.•n the nghl
/leld hne that just cur.,.ed outside the line.
~11 Dboda , !he hero of \Vednesday·~
fourth ~a 1ne "'It h a dramatic catch and
1hrer sing les. then cam~ through wi1h the
h1~gest hi1 of his career. Ar1er 1akin~ a
ba ll, the slugger hned a ball to left. Don
Buford tried to trap the ba!l on a scoop
1ns1ead of diving but it hil the ground
fir~t Jones. running as fa st as his ltg.~
\\'oulo carry htm. sped home far ahead of
th:-rrrant throw while Swoboda "·ound
up al second v•ith a double.
The run thal Jones brought home v.·as
the 'o\'inner, -4-3, but the hungry Mets ad-
ded one mo re with the help of some
fielding lapse11 by· the befuddled Birds.
After Ed Charles flied out, Jerry Grote
hit a ball to first base that Powell fumbl·
ed momentarily. When he picked it up
a~d threw to \I/alt, CTlvcring he h11g, the
p1chtl:r dropped the ball. II \\'a!' scored as
:, double error and $11.·oboda can1c all rhe
\\'ay home from second.
The Mets were JOO-I underdogs v.·hen
they went into lhc National League race
hu• they came from 9'~ games back of
Chicago AU.I!. 1.1 to clinch lhe National
1::--.~t Sepl 24. Then thry polished ofl the
Atlanta Bra\'CS, the Western Champs, in
three straight to win their fi rst pennant.
Despite the ir heroics, so ren1iniscenl o[
th<: movie "Damn Yankees" thal people
s1·.-ear somebody up there was riding on
thl'ir shoulders, lhe 1iets \\"ent into the
series "'Ith the American League champs
as 8·5 underdogs.
Ex·Wells Fargo Cbief
Dies of Heart A Ila ck
SAN FRAN CISCO (UPll -H. St~phen
Chase , former chainnan of the board of
\\"ells fi'argo BMk, died \Ved neMtay in
1:1enna after a he-'rl attack, a bank
·'l)(lkcsman dtsclosed.
fha!'c. 66, "a~ \"<ICal ion1ng 1n Europe at
Ille lime he wa:; !'lrick('n,
staqdard1 have bten ldopta4 th4t wlU put
you in areater vlolAtlon shorUy bt air
pollution rules," the Caltech professor
warned .
Edison Corqperny planners currently
are-proposing to double t)]e size of the
f!nn's Huntington Beach facillty on
Pacific Coast Highway just west of the
Santa Ana River boundary between the
Oil City and Newport Beach and Costa
In otlMir teotlmOl!Y lhll -run&. lfwr
lington Beach loliyor Jack Greeo aald:
"We are here toc!ay to iMst that our
tnvironment be !ree of .. the pollution
'vhich has driven many people from the
Los Angeles area to live along the Orange
Gret.n added, "\\'e wish to assure all
concerned that we are prepared to pay
the cost to see that our air remains clean
y,·hile our indU!t.ry grows."
Nuclear Plants
"All or UA ·tzn4er'llW>d that Orang!.
County needJ· lddl tlonat power supplies to
move forward and al the ~n1e time it
must havr these aipplies without further
pollution of the air,'' the n1ayor t on·
tinued .
Green noted tha t representatives of !hi'
niajor pov.·er con1panies "are here to ttll
us, hopefully, ho\V the power nttds of th!'!
next decade or two can be n1et and snll
leave lhis area fil for human habitation .,
a Must
Solon Says State Has 'Hell of a Problem'
From Wire Servlct1
Nuclear power generating plant.s at
least 200, must replace conventional ones
such as the Southern California Edison
Company's Huntington Beach facility by
the year 2000 -or elae.
This was the messagt. of Assemblyman
John V. Briggs (R-Fullerton) Wednesday
during a hearing in Sacramento of the
Committee on Atomic Development and
Space, of which he is chainnan.
"The state has got a hell of a probelm
on U5," Briggs said, describing progress
In dale in creating nuclear energy plants
an d curtailing expansion such as pro-
posed for the Huntington B e a c h
generating station.
"It's obvious we ctre exploding in our
demand for power. But it st:ems we have
a hit-or-miss operation," said Briggs. "II
doesn't seem we exert any influence or
lev erage.''
He suggested formatif'n of a single
slate agency with legal authority to han-
rl!e questions or atJmic development in
California as the answer lo a growing
r..teanwhile. the president of Southern
California Edison Company, T. ~t.
Dan Gurney Quits
Ford, Will Race
Witl1 Plymouths
Special lo the DAILY PILOT
LOS ANGELES -Costa Mesa's Dan
Gurney today ended a racing relationship
v.·ith F'ord f\-lotor Company and took up
\\'ith Plymouth.
Gurney announced at a news con-
ference that he and his protcge. Swede
Savage bf Santa Ana, will race a pair of
Plymouth Barracudas in the 1970 SCAA
Trans·American Road Rae£' Series.
Gurney Y.'JJI also drive a Plymouth
Ro11dr11nner 1n lhc ll\-o slock car races at
RJ\'C'rsidc I ntcrnationaJ Raceway . \\'here
l1e: has v.·on five or seven 500-milcrs fnr
Ford since 196J.
Gurney detailed his other racing plans
:u; follows: he'll probably drive a turbo-
Offy al Indianapolis, a CheV)'-powerl'd
group.7 sports racer on the Canadian-
American challenge cup series and "no. r
v.·on't" on lhe formula I grand prix:
Gurney admitted that three other rac-
IBr ies had approached him 11.·ith proposals
lo drive their Trans-Am cars next year.
Since he is lea\'ing fi'ord , it is believed
the o!htr three lac!ories are American
;\lotors, Dodge and Chevrolet.
T owu I gn ores ]\I-cla y
BEALLSVI LLE. Ohio - This town ha.~
sent 21 young men to Vietnan1 out of Its
lotal population of 4.)(). Six have been kill-
ed : six are 5tl ll there.
l\lcDeniel, says air pollution caustd by
the Huntington Beach plant will be cut 40
pe rcent over its life.
He did not say what that life might be.
The rirrn is now seeking approval of
plans to expand from two existing
generating units to four. and has en·
countered public opposition.
McDariiel said nitrogen oxide and other
pollutants generated along with the
:1team have been reduced by 7:> percent
at the company's Alamitos Generating
Station near Seal Beach.
Breakthroughs in restarch at the newer
facility, plus gradual reduction of the
Huntington Beach planl'5 use. will allow
the decrease to continue, despite ex-
pansion, ~1cDaniel said.
Assemblyman Briggs told his com-
mittee and newsmen Wednesday that far
more needs to be dont. if Califorr.ia is to
meet power needs and pollution control.
"We can't sit around and wait," said
Briggs, "we have to have one slate
authority in charge."
Briggs described Califomia's current
role in the location and establishment of
nuclear power plants as perhaps worse
than archaic, "Horse-and-buggy. hodge·
podge, and hit-and-miss," ""·ere the
descriptions he used.
The Orange Co unty l~g\s\ator 51Jd
Californla must develop 200 nucJe;;ir
power plants by the year 2000 to meet
needs increased JO times over what they
are now.
Chief witness at the committee hearin.1:
\Vednesday was Paul Clifton , chairman o[
the fairly new Power Plant Siting Com-
mittee, whose l::s!imonv indicated a need
for changing public attitude.
"They want clean air, but they don 't
St>em to want nuclear pov.•er." Chairman
Briggs said later, adding that atom ie
plants are safe but the public must be
educated to this fact.
"'Safety is not a fa ctor," he said.
''Except in the minds of the public,''
added Sen. Ralph C. Dills (D·Gardena).
The state currently has two nuclear
po\ver plants (one at San Onofre) and two
under construction. wilh seven more pr1>-
posed or actually planned a long the
California coastline.
Two of the proposed plants, however,
have virtually been abandoned, includin11;
the mu!!i-million facility considered fnr
construction offshore from Bol!ia Chica
State Beach.
One Soviet Spaceship
Back to Earth Safely
r-·IOSCOW (UPI\ -Russia's Soyuz 6
:;pacecraft returned safely 10 earth today
\1•1th 11:1 two-man crew, Tass announced,
During the ship's final hours in space it
conducted what the Soviets called a "uni-
que" experiment in molecular "cold
The live-day ll1&:ht of the Soyuz 6 ended
1\1th the craft making a "soil landing" 1n
lht. Karaganda area of Sov1r.t central
A~1a, the agency said. 1·he lwo cos-
111onauts -Coi, Georgi Shon1n and fl lght
engineer Valeri Kubasov were
rcporled safe and v.·ell.
'rhc l wo olher Soyuz craft , 7 and 8. re-
n1a1ned in orbit. Soyuz 7 carries a lhree-
n1an crew and Soyuz 8 two men.
Ta£s said Soyuz 6 came down A few
hours after C'arrying out a "unique ex-
perime nt , of great importance" in "cold"
welding. The process is considered essen·
ti;i! for construction of space stations and
repairing space objects.
Ta ss .said the ship landed at J2 ·52 p.m.
f i O.~LOW time 12:52 a.m. PDT ) abou~ IJ2
miles northwest of Karaganda. The pair
··reel fine ," th e agency reported.
•·To effect the desctnt from orb1!, the
command er of the 5hip used manual
or1 enta !ion and at the calculate<! lime
sv.·jtchtd on the de5cent program," Ta!is
i;aid . "The landing module with the crew
separated from the ship."
It said after braking in the atmosphere,
''the parachutt system was put intn
opera11on and the soft.landing engine3
(made) a smooth landing."
S0)11Z 6 '"as not equipped with dockin ,it
:i pparatus -the sp2ce presumably being
:Jken up b.v the special v.·eldin g eq uip·
ll)cnl -and apparent ly made no alten1pt
to link up "'Ith the Soyuz 7 and 8 craft.
Ta ss said thr v.·~lding experiment v.a~
tarncd out by Kubasov in the orbital
co1npartment of the craft I.luring the 77tl1
orb1I. '"The aim of the experimenl \\'a~ In
establish the peculiarities of the v.·eld1ng
nf various metals in space," !he agency
"This is a unique experiment. or great
i'Tlpot lance for science and technology in
11orklng out technology of welding and
assemblying works in space.''
All-1111d c Casl Dous
Ann Band , for Prolest
SA~ FRA~CI SCO IA P \ -Performer~
In ··Oh • Calcutta ~·· wore black arm
bands \\"cdnesday night, their only ap-
Jlil rrl in the n\irtc s tag~ prod u<:!ion, The
hlaf'k bands s1 gn1 f1cd support or Vit 1nam
~loratoriun1 Da~-.
Th.,. •r• Y•ry comfo rtabl• so{• btcl1 for
Si tti"9 •"d Sltepi"9·
... •
00 Now 299 .00
A ...,id• i•l•ctio" of Ft bf-ic.1 •"d Colon te
choo•• from. With S ~ir+.i $50. ••+r•.
INT ERIOR OE51Gp.IERS o,..., Me~. n~n .. I Fri. f .. ,,
111 ' HARIOll. l l VD.
6-46·0175 6-46·0~1'
Ul'I Ttl1phOIO
WHITE HOUSE MARCH -An estimated 50,000
marchers, carrying candles. moved past the \Vhite
Hou se late \Vednesday at conclusion of Vietna1n
nioratoriuin. 1'imc exposure photography used to
111akc this photo n1akes candles Dppear to forn1
mass of streaks.
Ul'I Tt!fP~lll
WRAPPED IN ~LAG -George Griffenhan, 3, broughi to dO\V!l!O\Vn
Detroit by his mO'the r lo participate in \lietnam 1noratorium events,
:ii its cloaked in U.S. t-Jag for protection agalnsl chilly \veather.
Nixon Can't Be Moved
By Vietnan·i Protesters
Associaled Press \\"ritcr
\VASH!NGTON -Thr. />lon:1Lorium wa.~
all i1!' dcsignr.rs had hoped it to be, 1l y;as
the fulfillment of a dream, and yet the
1nan who s peaks lor nichard Nixon said :
hncf scuffle in front of thr \\'h1\t' ll nu.,c
durl1'g the cool la ll afternoon.
The young people evrn rcturnrd wc<1 r1-
ly lo the \Vash1ng1 on i\lontuncn! gro1 1nd.~
late at night to pola;c 1hc rubble 35.000
so uls had leJt.
Pullo11t Pace
Real Iss11e
Of Moratori11111
UPI Senior Editor
WASHINGTON -The dcbalc now i~
not whether but ho111 and when the United
Slate~ should extricate itself lrom Viel·
na m.
Thal is perhaps the niost signilieanl
conclusion to be dra .... ·n from the !lPf'CChes
and parades here 1n the capital and
r\sc.,.,·here across the nal1on during
\Vednesday's anth11ar "moratarium."
T\\·o points of view \\'ere vigorously ad-
One holds that Amf'rica n \\'ilhdra1v<1l
should proceed at a rapid pace, v.•1thoui
rcgf!rd to the readine~s of Nort h V1clnam
or South Vietnam to reach a political sct-
The olhcr holds that America should
ma1nta1n a military presence lang enough
10 ind uce North Vietna1n to agree to
terms that l'l'Ould protect So11th Vietnanl
trom an i1n medlate and bloody Com·
rnun1st takeover.
There \Va s l1t lle articulfltc support for
rerna1nini:: 1n Viet nam indefinitely or for
r~calaling the ll'ar in hope of a milit;iry
Even that stalwart hawk, Sen. A;irrv
ri.1 Goldwater, took pains to emphasize hC
is as anxious lo end the war as "any ol
!he professional, slogan-1nouthing. leftist·
oriented pacifist groups in this country .''
.. Bul I want an honorable peace," the
Arizona Republican said.
Another GOP senator, Wallace F. Ben·
nett of Utah, told the Senate unilateral
U.S. v.·ithdrav.·al \vould be an .. ir-
rrsponsiblc" acl b«'ause ii 111ould lead to
rollapsc of South Victn.'.lmesc resistance
;ind "rnass executions by the Con1-
rnun1sls "
This view dre1v unexpected support
from a pro1ninenl Democratic rr1tic of
1hc v•ar -former defense secretary
Clar k i\I. Clifford .
"I don "l koow of anyone who wants ro
j!.<'l out or Vietnam more than I do," said
\hffor<.I . v.·ho 1s credited .,.,•ilh persuading
fo rmer president Lyndon B. Johnson lo
begi n deescalation or the figl1tins: last
year. But Clifford w·arned th a l
precipitate withdrawfll could result in ;i
"bloodba th" that "would be on our con·
sciences for a long time.''
··1 don·l think Lhe President can be af.
re eled by a ma ss demoristration of any ,
By the thousands they had ringed the
\','hitc House with their candlelighl,
s1lenUy and peaceably demanding an end
right now to the war that had killed near·
ly 40,000 or their corrtemporaries.
Morato1·iu1n Organizers
i\V 01·ki11g 011 211d Protest
And Herbert G. Klein. Presidtnl Nix·
on 's director of communications, saicf
"It's also true and clear to the Presi·
Oent that a vast majority of the
American people are supporting hi.s
Bt1t after the marchers had gone home,
}lerb Klein said . ·
"lf the Presidenl surrenderl'i hirnself ln
\he point wh ere he responds to
rlemonstralions, then he's ooL the Presi·
cienl the people elected ."
II is too early to assess the true
significance or the u n pr ec edented
moratorium that brought hundreds of
thousands or Arnericans out against the
"'ar -perhaps, as Sam Brown said,
"gh'ing hope lo the people that they can
v.·ork for change within the democratic
sy.slem ... without violence."
\Vhat is clear is that Nixon hai1 not, this
rr10rning after, given any indication or
rioini:i: \\'hat the moratorium slogan
demanded : "Bring h<rme the trops. All
&he troops . Now ."
It is equally clea r that many who had
t:onrlemned the moratorium from the
beginning misjudged their people when
they prophel'iied that such a massive,
widespread outpouring of feeling could
only re.suit In violence.
There was no Mirklus violence nn
\Vednesday, the 15th of October -nonr.
nl least, much more l'iignificant than 3
M·Day Ctiief Sam Brown
WAS HI NGTON /UPI) -The people
"'ho organized Wednesday's Vietnam
mwatorium say It gave them a "hope for
change." Today they are already working
nn a second demonstration, not waiting to
see H their hopes are realized.
Sa m Brown, who left the Harvard
Divi nity School last year lo w:-irk for the
antiv.·ar campaign of Sen. Eugene J,
T\fcCarthy, called Wednesday's ou!.·
pouring "the most gratifying day in four
years of working against the war,"
"!!was the kind of day," he said, "lhat
gives you hope for change because lhc
Ameri can people showed a willingness lo
get involved in the war issue."
Brov.·n said he and others who pushed
WednesOa y·s action will watch what er-
fcct it has on President Nixon . Bul In the
meantime. he added. "We will start to
Vi'ork tomorrow"on plans for another na·
lionwkfe dernon~ratioo Nov. 15. Next
monlh 's affair is similar in nature and
features a coocentrated effort i n
\Va shinglon.
BroVi'n and the other three national
('oordinaton~ of the morator ium, David
Mawk, David Mixner and Marge Skien·
far, spent Wednesday in a cluttered
headquarters office six blocks from the
\Vhi te liouse. They collected reports from
around the country. issued orders and
n1unched on peanut butter and jelly
Mndwlchts while th e moratorium hap--
pened Around. them.
DAILY Pila\ :J
'Peace Now' Echoes
Students Back in Class. Workers Return ,
Students trooped back to their clasaes
antl Wcrkers went back to their jobs to-
day with the cry "Peace Now!" of Viet-
nam Moratorium Day still echoing across
By the accounting of one war critic, Dr.
lleroert Marcuse, Marxist philosopher al
the University of California at San Diego,
.antiwar demonstrators ''changed the
views of a majority of people ."
But moratorium critic Sen. Barry
Goldwater (R-Ariz.). reflecting a dif·
ferent view about the effect of the pro·
lest, told a news conference he is still
.. the biggest hawk in the Senate."
Moratorium Day brought chanting,
singing and praying -all peacefu l as
promised -to campuses and cily streets
throughout the slate Wednesday as tens
or thousands of Cal ifornians joined a half
n:illion others <:cross the n at ion
demonstrating against the Vietnarn war.
~1eanwhile. supporters of the Nixon ad-
ministration's Vietnam polic.y hoisted
flag s and drove with their headlights on
in ihe day. A group of Victnan1ese
!lludcnls picketed the moratorium at
Fullerton Staie Co llege. And Chapman
College in Orange was plaslered with
"An1erica: Love It or Leave It" signs.
But at other gatherings thrcughout the
state, antiwar dem onstrators, mostly
:;;luden\s wearing black arm bands, skip-
ped classes and picketed, read lists of
war dead , and went door-l<Hl.oor in
neighborhood "teach-outs" arguing {or a
total U.S. troop pullout in Vietnam.
They were joined by gray-hairtd ladies,
h.ald·headed men. nude performers· at a
San Francisco theater ...,·ho .,.,·ore black
arm bands as their only apparel, and a
teen·age girl Vi'ho prostrated herself be-
rore a floral v.·reath on the steps of Los
Angeles Ci ty Hall.
By far the biggest rally v.·as a night
No Moratoriurn
For Marine, Gets
1'1 edal in Deuth
EDINBURG, Tex. tUPl \ -Alfredo
Gonzalez joined the t-.larincs a n d
volunteered to go Lo Vietna1n over his
mother's l'l'ishcs.
"I wau ted him to go to college,'' Doll:i
Gonzalez said. shaking her head as she
glanced at a picture of her son. dressed
1n fu\1 battle gear.
•·But ever since he .... ·as a or 9. he had
r1is idea of be ing a t\.1arine . He finished
high school on a \Vednesday and on
Saturday he had joined the ?llarines.
Why ? I really don't know."
Mrs. Gont.alez, a widow, made no
~pecial plans for Wednesday
mora!orium da y. Her son 11·as killed Feb.
~. 1%.R, during the Tct offensive and she
had no desire !o demonstrate for or
againsl the v.•ar. She only wanted tri
Marine Capt. James O'Reilly of Corpus
Chrisll did have an assignrnent however.
He drove to Edinburg Wednesday to in-
fnrm Mrs. Gonzalez her son was awarded
the Congressional Medal of Hnnor.
g;1thering of 20,000 at the Unl~rsity of
California at Los Angeles, where young
people and severa l adults heard si nge1·
Harry Belafonte declare:
"I am here because I hate lo think n1y
kids might someday be in the rice pad-
dies of Southeast Asia."
The crowd lit candles for pe ace and
s.:ng antiwar songs.
Earlier in the day, Communi st assis·
tant Prof. Anl:ela Davis told a UCLA
crowd of 1.600 that ''the Vletnameae ~
pie have conducted the most heroic pro-
1 racted resistance in the history of im•
Miss Davis, a comely Negro philosophy
Instructor. called for an esclat ion in·thP.
protest. "We must return to the streets,"
she said, "and take millions with us." She
got a standing ovation .
All Get Word In
Solons, Man on Street Comrnent
From \\'Ire Services
Leading flg W'cs and common men alt had sometlung lo say across Cati•
forn ia and the nation about !he Vietnam moratorium day. Some examples in·
elude :
"To !rave Vietnam only if there is progress in Paris. only If the battle
subsides in the field, only if the rnemy of the sou th is ready, places our men
and our future in the hands of others. And at this.late date, at this moment in
our hlslory. that cannot be considered acceptable." -Sen. Edward M. Ken·
ncdy (0-Mass .J. • ''No" amount of shouting or banner \vaving or st reet clogging or man
l!ISSe mblics is goi ng to help the cause of peace ••. these demonstrations are
playing into the hands of people whose business ii is to kill American fightinf
men ." -Sen Barry Gold1\·ater (R·Ariz. ). • ''/·looeJI. A workinry man can't spend hi$ tinte foaling around
/IJ;c !hot. Aud t/1e boys i11 Vietnant do11't get the day off." -C'"ttl
Jon es, 011 Iowa City, /oWtJ, carpeutcr. • ''This form of dissent is the highrst form or patriotism. Any one who
says this demonstration is unpatriotic does not know the history of hil own
nation."' -Mayor J ohn V. Lindsay of New York. • "You can 't make an honorable peace to close a dishonorable war." -
Dr. George \Vaid, Nobel Prize v.·inner. of Harvard Universi ty. • ··vietnan1 needs not a Vietnamization of the war but a just and honest
peace" -Ale:-;e1 Kosygin, Soviet premier. • "f.1osl people could just give President Nixon a chancl!'. Thi1'gl
rl n11't '1appl'1i over ?liphl. Ll't".~ !/r ve hin1 n cliance to 11egotiatc a
sciilemenl." -Rupert. ('. Sneud, st.11clc11t at E:mory University,
Allnnla. • "Tl see1ns lo n1e n0\1' that fllr. Nixon is trying ta grab headlines, like
the withdrawal of troops. Nothing but tokenism.'' -Floyd B. Crmby, student
at Emory University, Atlanta. "
''\Vhile v.•e spend billions of dolla rs ror des\.ruction in Vietnam we re.
fuse lo recognize the necessity for life at home ." -fl1rs. ?11arlin Luther
King Jr. • "lle's Just tenchng to his ow·n business and staying out of other people'•
business:· -Spokesrnan for former President L>•ndon B. Johnson al his Te1a1
ranch. • "1\10,u: of us feel ll1stor11 tuo11l<l be.badly -disturbed if Richard
!Vti:ar& did ·preside ouer tlu: first militar11 defeat of this country. if
lie w1slies to en/I it that. A nd I dO'n't t/1 i11.k history would call it that,
It. 1vo1~/d call it a sig11 of great :;tatesniaushio." -Sen. Eugene J.
fllcCarlh!J, (D·flli1111.). · • "The majority of the demonstr;itors arc· l)('ing used for p11rpofle11 wlllch
thry do not approve or understand." -Sen. Thomas J. Dodd, (0.Conn.). • "T regret that the President. h;i~ l'iaid he v.·ill pay no attention to lhJs ~·
rort. lf he holds lo thal course, he will lea rn as his predecessor lea rned that
American forrign policy cannot be formed in defiance of the conscience and
the common sense or the American people .'' -Sen. George s. ~fcGovern,
Time for Your Move
I '
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.;,,, . . -,. • . ·l.
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.~.j I
• • I I
. ,. I
Anaheim, CalifOl'n ia·
18 7 West Lincoln Ave.
PR. 2·1532
Hunlington Seac.h_ Ca li f.
41 1 Ma in Street
LE. 6.659 1
Brea, Californi•
770 South Sr•• S1vd.
JA. 9°4971
,. OAll Y P\LOf Tmsnd.11, Octot>.r 16.,. 1%•
I . I
Shirley Temple s ay ~ ::.he ,,·ants
11eoplc to ~top think1n::! of her ii<; 1Ji<.1 ~ LUdd l_v /11tlc l)londc \1 ho used
Ju l)e 111 !he 111011l'.'· "I i.1111 grate-
f\1! 1c1r the ~nvd Ilic t had as a
l hll d, but I \1<111l lo Ilic in the pres-
1·n!" the forn1cr child actress. 41
;11vi the mother of three. said. No1v
Mr~. Shirley Temple Black, still
cHn1pl cd, plea~antly plump and a
rnr,nher of the U.S. delegation to
thL· L' \'. l;cncral .'\sse1nbly. Shir·
lei· ~:Jid · "I ho pe that \1·e 1vill be
;1hic 10 introduce young people 1n-
1ri the act11·itics of the United Na·
11ons an d it s rcl<i!cd agencies." •
f 1r/1ini llulia•! $rylr's Ili c propl"t
I ·1r )iir tl•P"" 1>1r1n1>11flrl1 s(/tJash he/cl
j1·1 1:r1cr·u ,\J"./1' .'ir, oj i\JrOiueu, Alas$.
1/r·.~ sl1otcn1r1 ujf soni c of Ins sumn1er
J.r i i:rsr ~1rr111,11 J n un sreds n11rc/1asr1.
1•1 /f rd!J In st yeror. The "monster''
:•1 irr1l1 \11 1r (, fu,/(l1ll•I '" !111~ /J!L•
I • ,. !1/)S rJrc st:11/r > (,/ 92 pou.11d~. • .r.p .i _:._rrn);'l!l ~J1cpherd ht1nr d
d f>~ 111 ~1 London ~hipping \1 arc-
h f111~e. found the box he \1·as pro-
lrrtin~ loo murh o! a ten1ptat1on.
It ront::i1nrd clog food and dog b1 s-
c11J f..-, \1111<.'h .lip devoured. "\\'e
cou!d hardly bl<1111c the do~ for glv-
int.'. <1p provc1 l In our product," the
rn,i J.ie r of the d og food said. ''Our
;11 ni. Jf\rr ;111. i" to tc1np'l canine
thdt:1 !r-..; <inrl the dog \1<1 s obviously
1)~, r::d!y dt fe aled by tl1c ~mell ." • ·i h11'1 l'" ha1 c stol en n1or e t11an i5
frt>l of a solid stone 11·al1 surround·
inc a Ch)'(rCh-..of E 11 gland school in ~!!!fo rd {or 1nO rc than a century. •
.\ ''rl"'l r•lo~1 1 •1.'l 11·irlt n1o rchrs''
fr1•1rl1r1I rdf a firr 1/1a t damagtd
" 1J,.r1 / 01·• c a rut garage whl!re ,.
• ,, , • l1u;n ted in 1\'.twport,, Ky. ~·
Tl r ', ,1111/ rra:: not hurt oud no io
·,,., "' 't to 1hc property
". ,., 1 1-.1 •J!'rf Df'lrJ ,\'czv·
,, : 'n , •1 :'I 1( t hr fl•~'I flP-
11 fl'' I • ,; ,\l"'l/'t'l/lllfj fl! /ljf'
""rr r, •1 ,..,, /In 1 1•111 nc.d and
,·r • r ''"! 111 ,,.. r1' r r .
• Kenneth While, ('h c~ler. England
,:· <1nrt ~111 1 (l11 ner. has heen or·
d· :l d l•;. 1l1e ( dy ·10 put an apos-
t11,phc 111 h1 5 :-11.:n because. "\\'h.ites
1 11111,a Jnn" coul d have racial O\'•
'; lr:i:ir~. Il e bnl~cd . complainin_g a
11f 1\ .~1g 11 11011l d cost 60 pounds-
:-I!~ -and noting a d cpartn1ent
:i1•rr, Bro,1ns of Chester. ne\er
n·ed ;:in ri postropht>. Decision u11
\\ h1 1e·s dc1nurrcr 1s pending.
Arabs Hunt
Bomhe1· As
Israel Hit s
Hy lJrtUed Pres1 li:at.ern•Uo11aJ
I~raeli planes raided the ctntral sector
of lhe Suez Canal today for the st{'Ond
c:onse<"ulive day, striking al Egyptian
artillery positions ~·hich had shelled thf:
Jsraelis during 01e night.
i\n Israeli spokesman in Tel AYiv said
<i ll Israeli planes returned safely but
ga\"e oo further dttails. The plane-s struck
111 the same area Wed nesday and against
rocket sites along the Gulf (lf Suez.
One l9-year-0Jd Israeli soldier Wa.5 kill-
ed 1n overnight artillery and mortar duels
iH:ross ~ southern end of the canal in
the Suez City area, the spokesman said .
A <'ivilian was v.•ounded in the explosion
of a mine.
l!e reported duels raged at •·a number
of places" along the v.·aLer.~·ay, closed
::;1nce the June 1967 f<.fideasl War.
Beirut dispatches said the S<'arch Cor
the man v.·ho atlacked the Beirut head-
quarters of the Palestine Liberation
l)rganilation (PLO) \\'ednesday extended
into Europe today. Another Arab guer-
rilla group blamed the incident on the
Lnited States.
Lebanese. authorities sald they had
cabled Jnterpol, 1he international police
. genry. asking it to arrest a man V.'ho a
1veek ago had rented an apartment
across from the PLO headquarters fron1
•,·here the attack v.·a.s launched \\'ed-
Four rockets ·wert fired from the firi;I·
fl oor apartment at the gue rTilla head·
quarters on the secood noor 75 yards
away. At least 10 persons v;ere injured.
Si:ttv windo1>.'S were broken.
Lfbantse bfficials said the suspect had
rented thf: apartment on a si:t·month
basis. He was identified as Ahmed Raouf,
holder of an Auslrian passport, and Wll.'I
helieved to have left Beirut on a KL)-1
fli.E.ht to Frankfurt.
Police said a search was also on for an
i\rgentinian who .11ccompanied Raouf l'lnd
a man nf unknown na tionality ?.'ho new !"
AlhP.ns \Vedncsday. Both were suspectetl
of complicity in the attack.
Matinee Idol,
LaRocque, Dies
HOLLY\\'OOD (UPI ) -Rod LaRocquc.
11 dark-eyed matinee idol of the 1920~.
ctieri 'Vednesday at the age of 70 fo\lo111·ing
a brief illness.
LaRocque, v.·hose scrten c:aret'r in·
eluded both silent and ta lkina: picture.11
v.·as the heartthrob of millions of female.'I
\\'hrn he marri~ Vilma Banky, one of
1he e<1rliest fi lm sirens. in .an oldtime
llol1y1>.·ood ~·edding. police lined the
streets for blocks in Beverly Hills lo pre-
vrr.l sightseers from mobbing their
ra1·orite stars attending the nuptials.
Jn rK"ent years, LaRocque and his wife
lived in semi-retiremtnt in Beverly Hills.
bui were active in real estate .
Ul'I Ttlff!Mte '010 WHAT HE TOLD ME'
Kir5fen 'Kitty' Andtr50n
Kidnaped Girl
Found; Abductor
Still Hunted
VACAVILLE, (alif. 1UPt ) -A 17-
year-old miniskirted teacher's aide l\'ho
\.1'3.S held captive for 28 hours by a
desprerate kidnaper told police \Ved-
ne.s<tay "I just sat in the car and did v.·hat
he told mt."
Blonde Kirsten "Kitty" AnderS(Jn, or
Arroyo Grande, v.·as found bound and
gagged in a v.·omen 's restroom at a
ballpark near !he California t<.1edical
r·acllily Wednesday afternoon.
The search continued for her abductor,
1rho was seen in an automobile near the
pri50n but fled before <'apture. He is
IJelievcd to be Robert A. Har vey. 31. 1'."ho
<'scaped last Saturday from a Santa
i\laria jai'. and had been charged with a
previous kidnaping in New f<.-1exico.
'.\fiss Andtrson, who v;as kidnaped at
knile-point Tuesday morning at the Peter
Pan Nursery School in Arroyo Grande.
said she was not harmed or threatened
during their dril'e from her central
California coastal home to\vn to this CT.Im·
n1uni ly 4;) miles northeast of San Fran-
Pohce and FBI agenls questioned her
;i l length \\'ednesday evening and in-
dicated she "'ould return home to Arroyo
Grande toda y.
~ii~s Anderson. still wearing the. same
ytl!ow blouse and brown mJniskirt she
had on when she. was taken, was asked by
reporters if she feared for her life during
the ordeal.
"\\'hy v.·orry about it," she said. •·1r
you 're going to die. you're going to die."
She said the kidnaper identified him!ielr
;is "Robert"' and said he "''as ''jwt
heading north.''
Pope Paul Co11g1·atulates,
Praises U.S. Ast1·011auts
\'ATIC . .\.N CITY fAP ) -Pope Paul \II
c:on gratulated and bles~ the Apollo 11
astronauts toda y and said he. hoped their
trip to the moon v.·ould lead men to stt
more of C.od 's "good creauon."
The 72-yl.'ar-ald pontiff r er e i v e d
<l'lronaut s f\eil A. Annstrong, Ed1>.·1n E.
'°l ld rin Jr. and ~llchael Col!in~ in a half-
hou r prll'ate audience with what he called
' the greatest JOY in our heart."
Ile exprcsse<l the hope that 1\'ilh the
l.no11 ledge gained from space ex-
plor<1lion. "men may more and more be
r!rav•n together as God 'r; chi ldren in
fraterna l Jove, in peace and pra)'f'r .''
He praised the ast ron aut.5' bral'ery and
.lia1d that through their "int.Tepid ad·
1 enture man has taken another :?.iep
tov.·ard knowing more of 11\e. uni\'f'rse ."
He told the Apollo 11 commandrer, "in
your v.·ords. t.lr. Annst.rong, one g1anl
ll'ap for mankind."
Later, Annstrong drew applause at th t>
pontiff's ~·orld synOO of bishops, when he
said, "As 1>.'e lraveled between p!aneL~. I
"as profoundly impressed by tht btst of
c.oo ·s artwork."
He had ~en asked bv a cardinal ho1'I'
the a!'tron::iuts' personal relationship~
v.·ith GOO had bten affe<:tcd by the lr
n1ission .
The astronauts spenl an hour v.·lth the
1.\6 synod prelates \1·ho ha1·e been
rliscussing the sharing of papal pc:M'er 1n
the Vatican since 1-fonday,
Dakotans Test Umbrellas
• Snorr, Rain Fall Ut
~ f~" tl'lf'w••• J'l<I llqM '''" di """' , • .., """'e !ttl•o"' of S¢u•~er• (t ll<Or-
,. e !cot~. l)v! ,.,0\1 l"lt 'ld "rt•I "•d
'~"'~'' c'ou<11 f "<I .,,.10 •emott•1uroo.
''• L,.. ""~·'" •roo "'" o••llf ,,..., ~~ "''" • "'"~ "' 10 '"~ ,., A•• ~olu.11.-.. < tnl•C"I 0<\'• •c• ''l'l•' o! f'O
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,, !l"1f l .
f!.t•(' t• ... r.. <•• ' ~1rua1 t r d
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Northern California Sierras
IJ .s. Summ•ru
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Viet Training Pushed
Sizable V.S. Withdrawals Predictecl
SAI GON (AP)~ficial sources today
revealed an 11ccelerated military tralning
pr01tam tor the S outh Vietnamese
armed forces and said I.he bulk of 1t
1vould ht completed by the end of 1970.
permitting sltable U,S, troop v.·ith·
Sources said the trainin g program has
been more than doubled since 1966 and
\\'OUld be: stepped up further nei:l year by
~ much as 32 percent.
They said that by the end of this year,
from 425,000 to 476,000 South Vietnamese
servicemen will have been Lrainecl at 33
centers and 2S specialiud schools. The
program next year calls for training
560,000 servi~men.
The sources produced charts of the
training program the U.S. military com -
mand is pushing as tile top priority
mission in Vietnam ordered by Secretary
of Defense. Mel vin R. Laird.
One criticism of the program is the
l;ick of leadership and motivation on the
part of the South Vietnamese. One source
"'as asked if he had a chart to indicate
progress in these areas.
The source laughed and replied·
"1'ha\-'s an intangible, but vd th leadership
Md motivation the Vietnamese army
could win the \<'ar. They 11•i!l hare
cYerything t'lsc lhey require.''
Sources said about 100 South V'1ct-
11arnese pilots and .aircraft maintenance
perso nnel go lo the United St.ate~ each
wr.ek for this specialized lrairung.
'"The program alone," said ont source,
''has increased by tenfold during the pa~t
1;ight months."
Bv the end of 1970, the source said.
Souih Vietnam will have ils O\\.'n pilot
training program but will continue tn
send some men lo schools in the United
I-le said that although it would take two
to three years to complete the more
sophisticated programs already begun,
the bulk of the infantry t.raining will be . A
<.'ompleted by the end of 1970.
PrCllident ·Nguyen Van Thieu has said
lhe South Vietn amese armed forces can
rt:p!ace bet11.·een J00,000 and 150,000 U.S.
troops by 1970, the bulk (lf them infantry
troops. Thts would be in addition lo the
60 ,000 troops President Nixon already has
ordered withdrav.·n lrom Vietnam.
Thieu also has said that plal'l3 call for
the South Vietnamese armed forct~ to bf!
incr!:ased by between l:xl,000 and 200 ,000
men next year, giving the country .11l
least l,!50,000 men under arms.
V.S. Combat Deaths Rise
SAIGON (UPI) -American combat
deaths increased by one-third last week
but remained at their lowest point 1n
nearly three years ln a bat.lefield lull,
U.S. headquarters said today.
Eighty-two C ls died in action during
Jhc seve n days ending last Saturda:i,
eompared with 38~ South Vietnamese
soldiers slain in laking over more of the
coin bat.
It 11·as the third suecessil'c 11'('ck !hat
the nlimber of U.S. servicemen killed was
below 100, a level never broken in 1968.
Another 573 Americans suffered wounds
last week , rewest since January.
Reporting on the day after t~ Vietnam
moratorium al home. military spokesmen
said the casualties brought to 38,969 the
nurnber of Gls killed and to 254,847 the
nu1nbe r v.·ounded in Vietnam .
The 82 dead last week represe nted an
increase or onc-lhird over the li4
Arn l'ri cans slain the prev ious week,
11·hi ch had been a 31-inonth low.
\.\'eekly statistics showed Communbt
losses remaining al their lowest level eif
the year -l.687 killed -but South Viel -
names losses rising sharply to 384 killed
and 1,000 wounded.
2931 BRISTOL (At Randolph) COSTA MESA
! * LIVING COLOR POft~ .,..,
-j( i
1--< it::
0 z -> -.J
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;:;:<""'"'.'["=-·· " .... -
' . 1
Not t he old style tinted or painted black &.
white photos.
~ ......
BIG 8'' x 10''
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.~·~ '*
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0 r
0 ;a
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Plus } ~
-~50¢ Handl~··· ~
~ ."-7-¢ ..... ·-~ .., FOR ALL AGES! ~ .. -lfl
Babies, children, adults. Groups photorraph~d
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at an additional 99~ per subject.
or )'OUr money refunded. One per subject, two per family.
This very special otter is presented as an expression of our thanks for your patronaa:e.
. 111.c, LAST DAYS!
Sl!Kl 1!121 OFFEI mDS SATUIDAY, OCT.11 .. 1
fi ONT ARIO • COST A MESA i ~~;.~;:~::~n.~',:;~W:.:~?.:~:.:::::::~:.:::;:;~::·:·:·:~:::;:;:;:;:;:;;;;::;:;~:~'\::~~:>:::::::l>::::O::::~<».S~:.:~~
'' " ' 1',
-----~-------~---------------------------------------------~--------...... .
"Next time, let's not go in until we're sure T ony's
HERE t'.t\Okitu!' ••• "
Son1alia Under Ctrrfew
After Assassi11atio11
r.10GADISHU, Som a Ii a
(rPI) -The body of Presi·
denl Abdira s hid Ali
Shermarke of Som a 1 i a ,
assassinated Wednesday dur-
ing a rural lour. y;as fi™·n
home to r.todadishu today.
Somalia radio said his killer, a
policeman, v•as under arrest.
A dusk-tCKla v.·n curfew was
imp::ised on the Texas-sized
east African nation and Shaik
r.1ukhtar 11uhmmad Husaid,
the Somalia natiooal assembly
president v.·ho automatically
became acting president, ap-
pealed for calm during the
For Degas
necnrds for single-da y sales of crisis.
impressionist and mod e r n B.eports indicated that the
paintings and for a 11 ork by assa ss ination v.·as not
Edga r lK'gas were se t politically motivated. The
\Vedner.day in an aucti·on at assassin v.·as identified in a
the Parke-Bernet Galleries. Somali radio broadcast as
The lota l realized fnr Ill Abdel Kader Alxli, said to be a
p .1 i n t ings \l'as $4 ,423,250, member of the same tribe as
eclipsing a sale last December the President.
at Sotheby & Co .• London, that Authorities said Shennarke ,
brought $4 ,2i3,6i6 for 22 pain-who v.·ould ha\·e been 50 years
lings. old tod ay. was killed while
The IX~as , "Oanseu5c sur traveling through a drought-
ln Pointe Premier Sujct." 'l'aS stricken area at Las Anod in
sold ror i :i50,000 to the Nor ton the northern part of the coun-
Slmon Found al ion ln trv. Tribesmen in the area had
('alifomia, the most C\'ef paid called for urgent gol'ernmen!
for a Dega s. assistance.
The Degas and six-other Shermarke becamt t he
paintings from the collection coonlry's first premier after it
of the late Crover A. Magn1n became a republic in 1960 and
and his \\'idov.', Jeanne J. held the post for four yean1.
Magn1n of S.an Francisco, tie v.·as elected to a six-year
brought a total of $1 ,952,000. tenn as president in 1967.
Magnin, who died last i\larch. ;===========.! v.·as the ~on of i\lary Ann
i\1agnin, founder of I. i\1agn in BOAT BUFFS
& Co, shops. A1..,on Lo~k•h•v ;, the cnlv
Eliol Handler of California fu ll -iirn• bo1!i"9 ed itor wcr~i "IJ
bought tv.·o Rcnoirs: ''\\'oman on •nv ~1w1p1p1r i ~ Or1n9 •
in a Red Skirt Drvin g Hrr County. Hi1 1~du1ive ccv1r•9•
Feet" for ~70 oOO and of bo•l;n<:1 •nd vethli~9 new1
"L'Escalier, Alg~rs:·• I 0 r ' <1 • d.il .,. fe•tu r• cf !he DAILY
$230,000. I PILOT.
Tai land rDi.th a.pmsiot ddoil&
N~w llO/ ·~riou "hand"'.
Heat Kt to rrlain thdr •llaf>I!.
You'n ..,....., tuU bslllon bllt Mitts
a ucitq • ~ urrtil todly,
thq'HI llMr bMn !Udt. Now TH......_
Shirt CompllTJ' stJles blil shirts ol l r""'9
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Ivy or spread collar styles
Enjoy your leisure life after-hours in thoe no-
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reg. 6.00-6.00 3.99
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Over-the-calf or anklet. Your choice. O r, mix
them up. Nov/s the time to re-stock your wa.rd-
robe for fall and v.•inter. Wool and nylon, one
~17 e: fi.ts 10-1 \. Colors . Reg. 1 .~0 anklets 99c.
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save on giftable shirts
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Distinctive $()·les. A v.·1se time for early Oirist·
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Some dr~~y enough for at·home: partying.
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save on no-iron dress shirts
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This is the look. The longer·point collar dia t
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Never need ironing. Short .Jttves. t4Y2·17-
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shop monday thru soturday I 0 om to 9:3 0 pm MAVCO
Federal Beach Aid?
Ne"·port Beach city councilmen re<:ently ~dopted a
resolution calling for all guv.ernment agencies to _do
\vhat they can to ass ure J?Ubllc access lo and acqu1 s1·
lion of beaches and shorelines.
The resolution ,,·as in spired by the county's aba11-
ilon1nent of Salt Creek Beach Roa d, bet1veen Di.lna
l)oint and Sou th Laguna .
Jt prompted U. S. Sen. AJan Cranston to offer in-
1ormat1on on a number of federal progran1s thal n1i ghl
a ssist Ne,vpo rl and Orange County in opening up 1nore
beach land lo public ·1se.
The most promising of 1.hese prol:{ran1s., said c.·ra.ns-
ton, appears to be the Land and \Yater Conservation
Fund Program.
ft provides 50.50 nl..'llching .l\ind s to states and t~eir
political subdivisions for acqu1nng outdoor recreation-
al are<1 s.
Countlrs and cities cannot t ilp this federal source
on their ov.·n. They n1ust operate through the go\'er-
nor·s "'designated liaison officer." \\'ho in ('aJifornia·s
case is Director of Parks \\'illiam Penn f\Jotl Jr ..
Cranston suggested that the Reagan ad1ninist ration
might be a good pl ace for Orange CoWJty and any in-
terested ci ty to starl.
In vie\v of the Salt Creek Road controversy, in vie'v
of beach-1>ark possi bilities ~n Ole 1-luntington Beach
a rea. and in view of the 1rv1ne Company's announced
plans to embark :soon on development of coast-
al properties south of Corona del 1'1ar, Cranston's sug-
gestion is c1ninenlly tin1ely.
County supervisors several 'veeks· ago allocated ~l
1nil!ion for beach acquisition. !\10 particular beach v.'as
l lnfortunal('ly, tt is not likely a large enough s um
In buy back even Salt Creek R oad, if supervisors \ve re
ot a 1nind to do that. ~1orc money. a great deal or it. is needed . It 1s
needed now, before inuninent land develop1nent proj·
eels push all shoreline property cosls completely out
of ~ighl.
Sen. Cranston has pointed a 11,ay to11•ard possibly
gelling that additional finan cial assistance. Son1e1v herc
there may be so me state money toe.
So let us, tor the sake Qf ourselves and our children,
begin asking. It is, after all, our n1011ey.
Hay11s,vorth's Misfortune
President Nixon 's non1ination of Judge Clement
l·Jayns\\'orth to the U. S. Supren1c Cou rt has drawn vo-
ci ferous opposition. son1eU1ing not \Vi thou t precedent as
Allc n-Gold smilh point out belo1v on this page.
Judge lla yns\\1orth's situalion d iffers markedly
fron1 the preceding ones, ho1vever. It involves charges
ol conflict 0£ interest, albeit flimsy ones. It is Hayns-
'''orlh's misfortune, ho\vever, to be a victim of the tem-
per of the times following the Abe Fortas case and r ev-
elations about Justice \Villiam 0. Douglas as a benefi·
c iary of a trust set up by a man deeply involved in
criminal legal proceedings.
From Plutarch: "\Vhen a sked ,1·hy he parted \Vith
his wife. Caesar replied, 'l wi shed my v.•ife to be not so
m uch as suspected.' "
And so it is in the I-raynsworlh case. It may be a sk-
ing too 1nuch or a man to give up one o( the hi ghest of
career prize;; over vague ethical concerns. but it seems
clear it \vould be better for the Supreinc Court and the
country if he were to \\rithdra\v.
It 'vo uld also be beneficial in removing the tarni~h
from the court's image if Justice Douglas were to ste1>
d own.
Like Caesar's \Vife, the Supre1ne Court must be
above suspicion-in this case of bias or judicial scl(-
interest, i! it is to have and retain the confid ence ol the
people \\'hose lives its verdicts so deeply affect.
r · • ..
. ' ' ' . ...
.. ...
[11 Gray
Masses Do11't Lil.:e A11ti-1va1· De111011st1•11tio11s
And Black'
• • 1• , ~ Sydney J. Harris
'..' •
The next time you visit an art galle ry,
'r are othcr"'l~e subjl'C\ed tn "''hat is
kOOwn as "n1odcrn art," try lo keep 1n
rnlnd lhis l1tlle story about a picture call-
~d."Arrangement 1n Gray and Black."
ll \\'as painted abou t 90 years ago.
Looking at ll today -\l'ht're lt is Olle of
the most precious possessions of lhl!:
Louvre -"'C see only an elderly woman
ln a dark dress and a white shaY>'i, silting
:almly io a chair.
To our t')'CS, it is a qu iet and con-
rcnl ion~il picture , almost quaintly o!rl-
:1shio11ell. \\1 hat in I hi .5 pea ceful ar·
r;1ngcn1rnt coul d have 5tlrrcrl the critics.
lhe pu blll' :1nrl niany fcllo1v <ir11sts of 1880
In such 11 1ld out bursts of 1ndignal1un,
~corn and dcri sH.in'.'
''ET IT DID! S11hrn1ttcd Ill thr F:o,\rtl
l\caderny 1n L-0ndo n, 1)1r picture "'as t'O!\·
dcn1nrd by the co1nn11ttce t::i lhc 1!a rk
rclla r ol the rejected. They con -
trmplllOu~ly described it as a "thing." "a
confounded '<1rrangemcnl' or 'symphony'
or someth ing of the kind."
It v.as the lasl picture t.hi::.'l artlst f'Ver
p;untcd that w;;i s to be seen at the
'\cadrmY during hL~ lifetime, The paint-
n;: ultimately found its way to the
\\'1lstach Collection in Philadelphia, 800
v. as e~hi b1ted at the Pennsylvania
Academy ol Fine Aris.
BUT l'\O l:'\'01\'IO UAI. or lnsll tuti1)!1 1n
America 11 ould 1hcn pay c1en a thJUsand
Black Con1munist Angela Da\•is is
fighliog !or her appoint111ent as a
t;CLA prof. \Vhite J ohn Bircher
Sen. John Schmitz is a phil osophy
and political science teacher at
Santa Ana College. Extrem:sm is
r.:-.1remism, far left or far right.
Both distru~t the democratic proc·
ess. Think abollt it.
-A. It V.
Thi• lt•fU(f flfl~" r1M1<r.• ••IWI, M l
Mc11Mril1 1nou ot tn1 n1••,•P•r. S•nd
four Ptl ~HVt ,. GIOOrnt Gw1, Ct ltt ,11111,
dollars for a painting which is no1v deem-
ed pr iceless.
ll seems inconceivable lo us in 196&
that this famil iar picture was ever al·
tacked as revolutionary, halt-baked, tn~
competent, and insulting lo the classic
lradition of painting.
If anyth ing, v.·e find it a little trite.
:-on1e11·h;it too ''rea listic and pictori<1I"
lor our taste. It h;is al1nost assumed the
:.ta tus of a 1nuseu1n piece : \\'e may ad-
rnire 11, or deplore it. but v.•e cannot
possibly get eXclled about it.
IT IS \\'ORTJI keepin g lhis in n1i nd, as
1 say. the next t.i1ne vou visit an art
gallery. Jt is \forth rCrnembering that
each generation is too close to the work
or ils contemporaries to judge it fair ly
<ind rationally.
\Ve shoukl not feel lhat \.\'C have lo ap-
preciate \vhat is new and startling : lhat
is mere snobbish. But neither should \.\'e
feeJ that "Mo'e have to despise or dismiss
\l.'halever is Tll!:.W and different: that is
mere stuffiness. \Ve need to ~uspend our
ultimate judgment until \.\'e have learned
a ne1v 1ray of looking at a new object.
The picturl'. or cou rsir.. is nO\I' ("Om,n1on-
1y known a~ "Whistler's f.lother."
Hoppe's 'Alleged Humor'
ro thr J-::rhtnr·
I agree v.1!h letter 11•n ler Roberta
\'anderhr1t1f ( ~!ailbox, Oct. 9) io her
.iradc aga1n.~l columnist Art Hoppe in
•••hich she points out the harm his seman-
11c \.\·and erings Jn the name o[ humor
toes 10 lbl' readers. On the r.ame page
\Ir. Hnppl! comes forth wilh a rlagrant
,e1nan11c designed lei injure San Fran·
~1 SC(I f.la~·or J oseph Al ioto -"bul all in
F1m," you intimate in your comment
beJO\\' the lady's leilcr.
THE ALLEGED humor and satire nf
ll oppe is shot "·i!h polilical thrusts, as is
lfle efforts of another would-be comedian
-Buch\\.'ald I Buzh-\Vah) who also "'rites
R "column. Al a time wher. we need truth
In reporting, we need jokers like Hoppe
and Buch \.\'a!d like v.·e need a hole in the
Television give~ us all the comedian!':
l\'e need, and we can loolc I hem In the eye
and appraise their sincerity. But these
newspaper nonen1ities who try In be fun-
ny are clear of their bag, man, but
Anyone f(J li"in f1
'y does to at hil
"1ltlr BASflA~t
Art lloppe sf'rious·
or Iler peril.
Sez Education
To the Editor:
A DAJLY P JLCYr Mallhox contributor
seems to imply that thO'!ie \\'ho opposed
i:;ex education in the public schools are
•·Junatlcs." He al!O implies I.hat we ha l'e
l ~amed about sex "In !he gulter" and
think or It as "dirty."
The truth 11 !hi s: Sex es an expression
nf love WITHIN marriage is approvc<l of
1;w, is holy. pw-e, and wonderful. The
i;tuff picked op in lhe gull.er b illicit, ln1-
n}Qf'<11, prrvertive., and promiscuous.
To lakt THAT rroin the gutter :ind
' •
L"'lP'' lrcm r<•dt•t ''' welrom•. tlo•mtllY wr.t·
••• J.l><>IJIO cor YeY "'!lr mrn~q'' in JOO word• Df
l•U, Tn• rign! to conde'l~ l•Hor• •D !<I >P•c• or ~Htnlnlto lli:WI i, '"'"'"" All l•U•ro mu1t !ncll>d! O•Qn~tu•' •'"' m,W"lt Mldr•"· b~I nAmt• m1v N
wi,.,,,,.IO on '"'""" II aw!l1c10nl re•Wln 11 tPP•••nl,
place it in lhe classroo1Tl \.\·ould ~ive it a
f:C mblance of respectabili1y that could
pro\·e dangerous and de1noralizing.
SEX EDUCATION h<'gins ln lhc home
\Vilh a small child 's first question,
"l\lomrny_. \\here do ba bies come from ?"
and continues through th e usua l lo,
"\\'hat is rape?" I ha ve yc l lo meet the
parent who has been unable or unwilling
lo answer the queslioning child in a
straightforward manner.
Hov•ever. I assume there are some in.
adequate parents, and for lhcm and thei r
chi ldren hel p is available fr om many
sources. Clergymen and doctors arc
usually ¥:ell qualified to advise, and U1ere
.are books available al librarie!i. and
counseling services to be found through
the yellow pages of the phone <lirectory,
plus any number or pamphlets available
fo.-• very few cents.
\\'Im ALL TifESE source~ or help,
\vhy should it be put In the schools at la x-
paycrs' expense. with the chance that the
"guller" lype of sex v.·111 be discuss~!
rather th.an the God-approved concept of
After loo king at the rourM: proposed iri
Huntington Beach. with i!s vocabulary
.and resource materiel, lhr.rt'll no doubl
in n1y mind \Vh ich type of sex Cilucalion
the ·chlldrcn \vould be subject to In the
Nixon Probably Must Be 'More Blunt
\\'ASl-ll/\'GTON -President Nixon say!I
that he will not be affec ted by anti-v.·ar
demonstrations and he has very sound
ground for ignoring them. They do not
represent significant political opin ion
even among the young.
It j3 possible to say this with more than
Impressionistic assurance on the basis of
in-depth surveys of the 1968 presiden1ial
election by staff members of the highly
respected ln!itltute for Social Research at
the University of ~tichigan.
l\lembcrs of Congr('ss, r o 11 cg e
presidents and go. v er n n1 c n t ad·
minislrators 1~·ho, bccaJJse of expediency
or intimidation, have aligned lht>n1selvl's
with the v.·ar protest have joined an
anemic, if ro"•dy, company 1vith no
political clout. The protes ters arc a small
fracti on of the young. t.1ost of the young
who oppose the Vietnam \Var dis<ipprove
their tactics. Others oppose not only lhe ir
tactics but everything they stand for.
St;Cll CONCLUSIONS flo1v 11a1 11n1ll y
rrorn the find ings or the r ... Tichign n
rcse.::irrhrrs on the phcnon1C'lla of th!'.' 19fi8
clc1Jion \1'hich ha\e upset a gr('al 111any
prrconcelvcct ir!ei1s o! the rnass 1111"d1:1,
<'Spec ially telC\'1sion, 011 11•h<i l happcnf'd in
th<it d<!rk and confused ''ear, \'it· (;c·nc
McCa rthy's support irt Nc1v Han1p!">JHrC'
actually cam e as much frnn1 ha11'ks 11 ho
hated Johnson for bun gling the ·.1;1r :1~
fr om the peacen1ks 11·ho 11-;inted hi1n to
cod it.
Ri ehanl Wil son
O!hor aston ishing cor.clllsions bear on
the present resurgence of \1·.::ir protest
\l.'hich has unhinged ~o many rnembcrs of
Congrrss. probably to their future regret.
One such a.'il oni~hcr 1s tha t Gcorgr
\\'allace got n1 ore tha11 his share of the
support of the young. "One of the major
1ron1es or Ilic election." the 1\lichigan
rcS<'arche rs \\"rote. ""·as that \\'allacc
1nade his appe.:il to the nld but mainly
received the vote of tht )'oung ."
Tll E [\l JClllGAN acatlc micians saw it
this w;iy : "Alt hough privileged young col-
lege student s angry <ll Vietnam and the
shnbhy trca tn1enl of lhe Negro s;.i 1v
t lic1n~clv es as s<illying lnrth to do batl\c
:1gainst a corrupted a11cl c;. n1cal nldcr
i:enera!ion, a n1ore head ·On l'Onfrontat ion
at the pol!s, if a less 1q1parc11t 0 11(•. 11 a'>
11·11h thei r 011•11 age n1 a1rs 11ho had gooc
!ron1 /1igh school off to the !<ll'IOry 111-
!>lc;ul or college. and \1•ho were appalled
hy lhr l'ullapsc of patriotism and respeel
ror law lhut lhey sa1v about U1c1n."
The 1 ;i nguard of youthflll rc\'Olution,
the rcE,carrher,,_ round is nun1erically
:<:11 an11.IC'd e1 en 11·ilhin ils own generation.
The wa1 e ol lhe future for 19i0 and 1972
promises sevc r:i1 li111cs 11v:ir1· 1'1'll\'S 111
politicians by leaning :o·,1 ard Gcori.:c
\Vallal'C th an by le;in1ng lowanJ litlJl'.
~tc.<:arthy, the researchers found.
If TllE ~\IClllG A1\l rcsearclH•rs arc
rigl1l j they ~uppor l !heir conch1:.ions with
the rnos l a(ll ancc<l ::.ocioloI::ital 1et:h111-
f!Ul'S f Ille V1elna111 1nor;i\11ri u1n i::. murc
likely 1!1 cr·rate ;1n un f;i1orablc rc<11.:11"n
than lo 3(h :1ncc !he C;l UsC 1.11 Pl':1cc_ But
llvrn 1r the. re.:;r ar rhers ha1 t' bl'Ctl ~o
sc1cnt1f1c as In n11slead lhf'111~l'h c ..... c,:1J111-
111on obscrva1 io n Sllpp11rlS 1hr1 r 111-
\1mation that great n1;1sse~. ~Uung ;uh.J
old. do 1101. like this kind of ttung.
Pl'esidcnt N 1~on 's proOle1n i~ lo
m:trshal lhJ::. 111a~s re11et11ln on his !;1d<".
\.\'hich hr h;lS noL bC('tl 11.)0 ~lll'.(.'('S!\f1il Ill
doin g. JI he rs 10 pursue lus eou r~e 111
!lH':1:-:11rl'd d1s('1 11::igc1l){'rl\ II' I [ ll fl I I i
s<1t rif 1l·lng his 1ilti111<1tc gun ls !hen he prll-
hnllly 1\•ill ha1 c tu speak :111d act 111 11101·c
bl unt tPrn1.~.
Ile ll'ill h;11(' In ;i:.k nnrl ans11•rr l':h:i t
!he con:,\t'quf'nl·r~ 11ill he if lie 11·itl1dr;111..;
;1bn1pll.v friu11 \1clna111, as till' pc.1i.c
cll'nll'll(S d l'11l;111d .
'\'ILL SUCIJ 1\N ,\l\,JECT ~i 11 1·111u1(1r
create s!ron~ 11ndcrrurr·,-n1 .... 11! l't''-Clll·
men! 1\·hirh 11·1!1 fcslrr 1n A111l'f!tan IHc
for i.:cnera l1n11.~·· 11 1r1ll not !Jr l'LlOUE?h IO
say 1ha t he 11·1!1 11(..~ be lhe first Al\ll'rlC:ln
Jll·ti:-11J 1'11! 1.1 Pl'l'Su.lr 01rr ~ 111ililary
1l1•if'<1t , nor tl 1;JI he 11\ll nvl !ii· 1n tl11cnccd
liv lhc :.int1-11·ar t!1·1 11un.~i1 :1!ii111~ l!c will
h~11c ll' sµell out 1111.r 111 ihe 1nu~l <Jirect
:111d :.1111ple lt'r111~. t"il ~p<inng the
111e1nbcrs of hr~ u1111 p;1r':.1 11 l11 1~c puli tie;1!
<:uur;:igc 111 t hi;-~ c1rl·u 1 11~!:1111'l'S 1s not
l'(jll,11 11) lll~
ThP rL'U.\u11 the I'; 1 .. 1111·11t 11 11! h.i\ r 10
~ptJk 11\is ll'il) 1!'. :-u th:1t lu· ':.111 1·0111·
111<Uld the rl'Spec\ ;u1cl sll)ll>4 •rt nl 111~· tn1d·
1!1t' An1cn t 11n he ::.u p1)Q.~<:.~ Irr n·pre~t'tlt".
!\'1);u11 11 iii h:ivc to 1h•11111•1.;lr.1l1• 1h;il Ille
1101:.y 111ti nifes t<1tions of d i:.~tnt .in· tho.--e
I.JI :1 1111nority 1vho •viii be ~;11 1~J1rd 11 ]1 ~
nl1thin~ less than abJl'C'\ ;i n1t ;ipfllr•getic
dtftiit a~ ;1 les~n ai;;u n~1 :it1rh i11·
\11h•cn1ents 111 tht> futurl' nnr! 1rres pecti11!:
(Jf the f<llc ul the Viclnan1e~e pro p\c, the
Jll'f·,1 i~e of An1erica and the 111turr o[
11" 'l'HE PflESIDE:O.'T dl)C!> 11111 11i~h1()
d11 tlu ~. ii he 111i::;hrs !I) eon!iin1r 10 be an1·
hil ;tl r11t so as to nppc<i se tlin~C' 11·ho are
l ryi ng 10 dcstro.v hi1n. he "'ill .~oone r or
\:.Jlt•r ili~coi•tr thn l thl'y cann ot be ap-
JX'1J~rd .'horl rif tot;i l A111erlca11 humilia·
lh111 !;1 \ 1t•lna111. Th<it tlcx:s nol Jlo for the
j.'r(':1t nu111h•·r~ wlH1 arr ~ick or tile \.\'ar
h11\ 11;111! :111 honorable set1 lcmc11t. It cloe!
~o for radieul att1 r ists, their acade mic
and in tellec1ual sy mpathizers. a n d
frightened politicians.
Haynsworth Hassle Has Precedents
\\'ASl!!NGTON Jur!ge Clrn1l'nt
•layns\.\·orth ha s distinguished ro111p.1 nv
in encountering vigorous nppo~1tion 10 hrs
cle1·ation to the Supreme Court.
T\1•0 en1incnt nicn1 hers of lhe triQun;i l
experienced similar try lng dif/lcu11 y -
fnrmer Chief J ustice Earl \\'arrrn und
the lat e .Justice Lollis D. Brandeis·, notrcl
for his liberal and dissenting opinions.
It took both some six months lo \\'in
Senate coniirmation.
Ce r t a i n commentators, apparentl y
una1,·are of this history, ha1·e sonorously
expressed the vie1v that J u d g e
llayns\.\·orth's useluloess on the Supreme
Court would be seriously impaired if he
gained confirmation only after a bitter
fight aod by a close vok'. That kind of
pontificating is sill y - as gr aphically
proved by the records of Chief Justice
\'larren and Justice Brandeis.
Both served many years on lhc tribunal
and left volumlnous records of f'Ventful
decisions and opinions.
NOT ONLY DID Chief J ustice \\'ar·
ren 's appointmenl languish in the Senate
for around si"X monttis, but during
virlu<11ly all that lime he presided 01·('r
the Court. and handed down decree."
withou t bei ng conf irn1ed. In doing this. he
\Vas the firsl Chie.F Justice in morr lhan ,:i
l'entury and a half lo serve in that f•X·
allrd post "'"ithoul prior Senate nppro1·a:,
The only other Chief J ustice lo do so
~--B" George ---
Dear G('()rgr :
11clp me, please. ~fy girl is great
but she has this idiot poodle end
r \'rry lime I kiss her she insis1~ I
kiss 1he dog so "ils feelings "'011·1
be hurt." \\'hat should I do? \\' s.
[)(>;ir \\', !;.:
\Vhtit y11u shnuld clo i~ let rne
kno1v the ne xt l1n1c sou lhree i::o In
:i 1lrh·c·in n1nvie for a little al·
fe('tion. I \.\'tn1 lrl like to park 11e:-1l to
) l)u ancl 11·atC'h -thi s 111<1.v not hrlp
your problen1 but I ~ouhl use a
\1•as .John nuUedgc, name\! by President
\\'nsl1i ngton in 1795. Months after l~king
''Hice. lhe Senate refused confirmation
<tnd Hutledgc indign nntly quit.
\\'arrrn \1·as gil'en a recess ;ip-
poin11nenl by f'rrsictcnt Eisenho"'·er 011
SC'ptember 30. 1953. foll{l\\'ing the sudden
denth of Chief Justice Fred Vinson. ap-
poir:ted by President Truman. \\'hen lhe
Court reconvened on October 5, after its
usual long summer vacation. \\'arren
took the oath of office without \\·ailing for
!:ienate confirmation.
TlllS \YAS OEE.\IED TIC'l:cssary in
order tn provide the lrib1111al \\'ith a Chier
J ustice .
Sen. \Villiam Langer, R-N. 0 ., chairman or th(' Judiciary Comtniltee, \VAS against
\Varrtn anti deliberately stalled con·
sidrr<ilion or his ::ippoin tmcn\. This 11·ent
on 11nlil early Fel"lruary 1!154 , 1rhen
Langer finally 11a1ned a subco1n1nil!ec to
hold lle;irings.
/\!. these proceeding.<;, \\'arren 11·as
:i ss;ii ll'd by witnesses fr o111 the lrft ;ind
r1 ghL Uc 11·ns 1lcnounced as "lAcking in
JUdil'ial cxperir nce:" beini; biasc-ct both
for and agninst lal>or: nf hnving a "100
percent record of followinJ: 1he Marxist
rt:1'olullonary line :" and cir "kno\11ingly
.1rpoinling I as GO\'C.tnor of Calilorn1a)
di shonest pc.rsons as judges ."
During the hearings, Langer disclosed
lhal the: FB I had not been asked for lhe
ruslornary rcporl on \\1arr<'11. An efro rt
\1as n1ade lo n1akc so1nething of this. bu t
11 flopped.
1-'INAl.LY. on F'chr u3ry HI. the sub--
rornmit!cc \'O\cd 4 to I to recommend
\\';1rrrr ,·~ conflrr11r1rion . The 1 on r
1Ji.,!lt'n1l·r was La nger.
The f(lll011111,i.: 11·1·1'k, r>n Frh ~1. thr full
.ludirhlr)' Cr1111n11t\<'t :1pprn, 1 d \\ <JrTrn :;
a ppoint111cnt 12 lo :I. l)nf' nl lhc thrc1' 11·as
::it'll . J rnnc!i l::ns\Ja11d, U-~lis:-.., now Con1·
1111\t('(' t l1;11ri1i;1n ;iq,i ;i 5 tr o n g
J ];~~ 1\~I\ •Jr\ /l :-1lppi11't(•r,
()11 i\lnrclt I. f11·c ::1•t1ll l1~ .11 1er \\'arrt•n
l1nd been ~1(!1nt: •i11 lh!· l.il'llC'il ;i~ Chier
.Jus11cr. 111 ' 11 11s ('(111rir111cd by tl1c Senate
by a l'oicc 1ulc 111111 ~1 bo11 L ,10 .~cna!ors
presenl. The Pl 11('t'C'dings look right
1n1nutcs. L:lnflrr 11 a.~ 011 hancl, but rn<1de
no n101·c to blol'k :.1c1100.
The bal1le 111·('1' ,J:i~ticc Bra ndeis' n1'l-
ro1ntmcnt 11as e\'CI~ longer and 1nnro
NAl\IED BY l'rtsidrnl l\'il!>on 111 1916,
Brandeis \1 ,1.~ \£•h£'111ently opposed by
former Presidrnl \Villiain Hn1vard Taft.
then 1lcan of Y;:1I£< L;.w t:u·h1M1l: llar\anJ
prcsidcnl Loll'ell. and 1·vrr~· l11·1ng fonncr
!:cad of th e A1ner1can U:1r A:-socialion.
The first Jc1v to be nppointrd to the
Supreme Cou rt. Brandei s 11as d1•nounccd
as a corporntinn lawyrr rin one hand and
a socialist and libcrt;irian on the nlhf'r .
One of Hie lending Prngrcssi\'cs of the
tune. Sen . \Villr nn1 Kenyon, H-lnwii. 11·as
strongly against Braruleis liccausc he 1vas
oppo~ed by the An li-Snlonn Ll'<1g11e.
Keri.ion 11·;1s a f;in ntic;il dr_y. Jn1tially,
he was fur llrancl('is but rrvrr ~cd him s1'H
under pre~s11re fr n111 !he then-all ·po1verful
Anli·SnlMn League.
Also strongly agtun::.L Braodc1s 11·us
\\lall rr Brum . Pel.>tluma. nn the Irish
riot s -"The man of the clolh who
leat'hes the grntle .Jesus and control~ lhc
1n1n(is of 1hcsc peo ple must be on ,·aca-
Uon ."
r.liuibtlh A. Pfnrr. Sa n CarlO!l-"Two
hunrlrl·d }ears ago the Un ilcd States \\'as
11n 'lllliler-rlc1 ,.loped cou n!ry' -}'el "'C
l1 a1·e out ~e1·r11 nien on or around the
n1n11n and ha1c transn1i ltt•d li ve phnlog-
r.1p!1v rrn111 i'lose to MRr~; B:l \.\'1U1ollt
'forc1g 11 a ar ."
nnu\ht'r \c;1d1ng Republican Progre.s~ivr ,
!\\'ii \\ llh an1 I:: B<;1r:.ih nf Idaho. later the
nutrrf chainnan of U1e Forrign Rclation.'I
Cl•1111111lk•c_ ll r1wr1cr, n1litr lc achng
Hcpubl1 can rrogressi ve~ $ u p p o rt e d
Brandeis -filremo~l ;unong them
Sen;it.ors Robf'rl ~I. LaFollclte, \\'is., and
Geo rg.! Norris, Neb.
APPOIJ\:TEO BY \Vilson on .January 21t,
Brandeis rinally v.'aS ;ipprovrd by lhe
J udiciary Committee 10 In 8 on May 24 -
after months of stor n1y hearings. The
Senat e confirmed hin1 June I by a vote of
47 In 22.
The only De111ocral to l'ote ;i gainsl him
\l'.1S Sen. Francis Ne"·la nds. Nev.
In the Senate clebate. the Fight against
Brandeis \vas led by a fell ow Rostoniari -
S(>n. Henry Cabot Lodgl', grandfa lher or
the head llf the U.S. dr lrgation al the
Vietnam peace talks in Paris. Ainong
those \.\'ho voted against Brandeis were
\\!arren Harding, 0 ., later President. and
Albert Fall, N.M., Interior Secretary in
Harding's cabinet, whn v.·as convicted
<i nd impriwned for his part in the
notorious Tc:ipo t Dome scandal.
By Robert S. Allen.
and John A. Gold1mltlt
\Vcdncsday, October 15, 1969
Tile editorial page 01 the Daill.'
Pilot seeks to inform and 1tirn.
11late re(Jder.r by J1T'esenling thi.!
newspape r's opi11 ions and corn-.
mentory 011 topics of Interest
n1td t1 ig11if1canct . by provio'fng a
forum for !lt e e.tpression .,
our readers' opin ians, and b11
presenting the diverse vie to-
poi11ll of informed observers
011d spokesmen on topics of th•
dn y.
Robert N. \Vc ed, Publisher
-~--· ... -
and trim. but not too
much. Beauti fully
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cue. And we have
them now in some ot
tht new lighter and
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Th(" colorings are bold ... in a
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richest ..:ol.ors of blue, giecA,
red or bci,c. , •
\'''" >-13 ••• S40-
vernon s SPORTSWEAll:
Westcliff Plaza, Newport Beach
Wcstcliff l'l:it3,
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I 7lk •nd fr.,111•
N1wpo1t l•4C~
H -•• ,,
I .
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------ ---------~-----------~-~-------------------------------------------------------· -·-.-·-..
Heated Exchange
At Chicago Trial
Cli!CAGO ! L'PI) -The
judge and the defense traded
heatl"d words and a rlcfcnd;1nt
played 1ug of \\'<lt w.th a U.S.
n1arshal as the V1etn<11n
rnOl't!IOtlU01 (':111\C tlJ !ht
t·our1 room i11 lhc conspir:icy
tnal of the ··Chicago eight."
Seven of t!ir ei~hl dPlrr\·
rtanls had hinted lht·y might
.~k ip the W('tlnesclay se.ssion or
thr> tria l to <il\end n1oratur1111n
rallies elsewhere.
~011, ::.ir," the judge in·
"I believe in equ<ill1)'," !)1·1 1·
ingcr replied ... That's \\'hy I
e;_ill \1H1 ·n11s1er.' ..
Huffn1Jn !h('n rlu1t)d the ll:iri·
111·r' 11n 111c t.ll'len:;L· 1:.ihlr and
<l1'11nuntT<.l ll1r· :illl·111pl to
•·ct1,play :1 lJ;.i~ <if an ~·nt•1ny
t1;1lH11l Hl th1~ ('•!Urlrn1•n1 .. .tht:
111u:.L 11t1\r'.1gt1uus courtrut1111
(Ondut·t I 11~11 L' t•1 er l-t'f'IL"
UPI T•l1pfl*l•I
Man Held
In Killing
2 Youths
PALM BAY, Fla_ (UPI) -
Daniel B. 1'hornas, a "loner
and a scholar," was charged
today with killing two or his
neighbors and wounding two
by a t~ar gas barrage.
IIouse OKs
Hickel Suspends
Offsl101·e Oil Ban
Tnterlor Secretary Walter J .
Hickel today ann o un c ed
resumption of federal offshore
oil leasing which has bee n
auspended since a w e I I
polluted tlie Santa Barbara
Channel off Californ ia last
This tax allowance has been
under fire in Congress, where
the !louse approved a propos;.il
to reduce it.
Hic kel conceded the deplt ..
llona l allo wance has been
"conspicuously abused" ln
some cases.
But they appcarrit 01nd 1wo
of thC'm. l~ennie !)avis and Ab·
bie Hoffman. set up a sn1:il1
America n flag and a lar~e
Viel Cong Oag on the defense
ll1•ll111i;:t•r aske1l lur a nio-
1nent vf s Ll1•1u ·e in h:inor .. r lht>
n1on1t11ruu11 anl.l U.S, AL!ornry
·niou1:1~ Foran jumped lo his
fe t•1 <ingril~, ~ho11t1ng :1n 1•h·
)rtlion. At one po1nl in the 1'X•
<.'hange he termed Defense Al·
tomey William Kunstler 8
''rnoothpiecc . ''
Mrs. Sue Schuma,,, Mrs. Martha Ooess
Two detectives were en
route to Thomas's house to
Lalk lo him about an August
lovers lane slaying when they
got word lhe 21-yea r-<>ld col·
lege student had opened fire
on his neighbors with a rifle.
Thomas fi nall y surrendered
afler 30 officers from five dif· 1
ferent d e part m ent s sur-
rounded his concrete block
home and lobbed tear gas
canisters through the win-
dows. Thomas was not in·
Yotmg First,
Not Lottery
D uring th e l e a sing
moratorium which began last
Feb. 20, Hickel imposed strict
new regulations for drilling on
federal offshore lands.
lfic kf'l said a sale off
Louisiana, suspended since
February, will be held Dec. 16.
"Its benefits, which 11·crc in·
tended to be both rew ard anr!
incentive for the rx lraordinary
costs and risk of 1nintral f'X·
ploration have in many cases
been distributed to those \\'hn
incur neither cosl. nor risk,"
said Hickel.
A U.S. marshal moved lo
the table and grabbed one end
of the large flag. Hoffman
grabbed the other and the two
star ted tugging for cool.rol.
The judge refused to rebuke
Foran foc the description ,
fu1ning, "I not only will nol
rule on it, I will ignore It."
Hanoi Tells Captives'
Wives to Protest War The victims were identified
as 15-year--<>ld Michelle Smith,
who Jived next door tn
Thomas, and2 J .y e a r -o 1 d
Elrncr Hughes. who lived
across the street.
Another sale, off wes tern
Louisiana "will probably be
WASHINGTON (AP) -A held sometime during the first
Hoose subcommittee lhat has half of next year," he said.
shown liUle enthusiasm for And a sale off Alaska is under
President Ni.Ion's lottery draft consi deration for the second
plan has indicated It will back half of 1970.
Luck Gone;
Fire Kills The marshal won the contest
but the defendants eventually
ro!ded lhe banner and placed
it baek on the table.
A third defendant, lJ:n·id
Ocllini;c r. then bc~:in rcad111i.:
the nan1es o[ V ie ln a111
casua lties. lie had intonC'd
nine names \\hen Judge Julius
.J. J\otf1nan entcrctl t h e
courtroom ;inti rapped his
ga\·el fnr order.
":O.lr. lloifn1an ... " DC'IJ111grr
•·1 an1 J udg e Jloffn1:111 lo
U.S. Trio
Win 1969
Nohel Jlrize
STOCKllOLJ\f. S1,1.ede11 rA l'I
-The J!lfi9 Nobel Pri1.e for
physiology and ml'di c111c \vu.;
awarded jointl y 1od:1y 111
Germ:in·born J\!ax l)clbrueek
of the California lns11tulC of
Technology. Alfred 0. llershe.v
of the Carnegie lnsti tutC', arid
Sah•ador E. Luria of 1hc
J\1assachu sett s Institute of
TN::hno lo.c;y.
The An1rrican trio n f
hactcrio!og1s1~ ,1·crc honorer!
for their tli~co.,·rrics ('OU·
<:eming the r e p I i c a I inn
n1echan ism ancl the gcnC't1c
st rueturc of \'iruse~. !ht•
faculty or the Ca r o 1 i n e
lost1tu!e i;aid.
The Nobel Prizr 1his ~'f';ir
carries a record cash amounl
or $i5,000.
Foran not.iced durin g the
outburst lhal the Jury was
prc•senl. I-le again objrc\t.'!I,
:;hnui111,t:, "Take !he jur.v IJLJI ••
Tt•stin1ony finally rcsun1cd
\1 ith the prosecu1 ion prescn-
t 1ng Dwane Oklcpek , a
ne11spap('r reporter \.\'ho s.1id
he in filtrated the r;;n ks of pro-
testers during the I 9 6 8
Democratic Na t ion a I Con·
Oklepek tesliflf•d hr heard
n avis-ans,1•er a
1tt·rnonslrai or'.<; <1uest1011 about
tacllcs in the e1•ent nol1 ce at·
1em p!ed to <:lcar the Lincoln
l';1 rk a rea used as a
t•an1pground during convention
"That's cas\','' he quoted
Da1·is. ''\Ve ju;t rivt."
F an1ilies Get
Gls' Medals
The la1nll1es o[ three Army
cnli.~1ed 1ncn killed in Vietnam
in \!167 11'('TC t'al!cd to the
\\'hilr !l ouse lod:iy to acccpl
lhc Congrci:<;ional f>1cdaJ of
Honor fur the 111cn.
President Nixon prescntrcl
lhe 92ncl, 93rr1 and !l41h
medals nf the Vietn:irn \V ar
posthumously to Sf)(-'1'. 4 !)a.le
E \Vayrynen, 20, t·11rGrcgor,
f>linn.; Spec. 5 Edgar L.
f>fc\Vetliy Jr., 33, Daxtcr
:;iprings, Kan.: and Spec. 4.
Carmel B. Harvey .rr. 21,
Here is how:
Savings account dividend for 1
year on $500.00 =•zs~
Free safe deposit box for as long
as you ma intain $500.00 savings
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(1ppn>K!m1\e yearly cotl to 1'9nl box II blr'l)i)
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Travelers Checks _ •7!!
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Total benefits on your $500.00
savings account =$392
Stop by and see us to open your
l A to w, qo11i 40Qlf,. Wi rwP"
PAfi!S (AP) -'fhe North
\l ip\nan1ese told two An)('ri-
e;111 11'tl'l'S they won 't rclc:isc
nny A1nerican pri sunl.'rs o[
v.•ar unti l all U.S. troops lc:ivc
Victn:un, lhe \1•ives said \Vcd·
ncsdDy night.
Sile Shuman and 1'.lar!ha
D<i . ..-s nf Vir ginia Beo1.:h, Va_,
s:i1d 1hc Nor th \1lctnan1cse.
ad11!.cd the111 th c y t·oul d
spcC'd !heir hu sbands' rclc~ise
by dl·1nonslrating against the
t.!rs. Doss and htrs. Slllt·
man. -accompanied by the Jal·
ter·s n1o ther·in·la"·· t.!rs. B.
C. Borckeler, met for an hour
and 15 minutes \Vcdnesd:iy
\\·ith 1wn members or North
\'ic111a111·s dclegaUon lo tJ1c
P{1ns p~ace talks. Tiiey ~:1irl
ll111v < an1e nway very clis-
appnintc d.
"\\'c \vant.cd to obtain tile
relcn!'c nf all sick and \Vuund·
eel pri~<iners.'' Mrs. Shun1an
said. "but I.hey told 11<; \l'C
\\'011ld have lo 11·alt un111 all
the An1crican troop~ arc out
o( \ 1ctnam and the "'ar 1!>
'\\'r came here wi1h fairly
high l111pcs. \\'c hop<'tl tu rire·
Sl·nt tht• request for hun1an i·
t;in;1n reasons. They secrncd
to f(•t•I ~trongly lhal lht• pris·
lJncr 1hing is not human1tari·
an bu r political."
"l·:vrrylime 11·e \voulrl hrini:;
op thl' humanitarian thing."
ft1rs. Do~~ said, ''they 11·ould
10000 , ......... Blvd. 6401WhittiorllW. s .. e.....-c.ar. Cotti M-. Calf.
1211 E. fWlllllM Btwd. c_.P....,Coil. 201N.G_A,., nm E. w-. .. B"'-
2121f-B"'-41 t lMI o• A"· 4DD N-y......, A'lt. 5740 E. Fl&lnra Aw.
say i£ we wanted lo gel ou r
husbands out, we \VOldd ha ve
to dc1nonstratc.''
"I vaiu\d never demonstr:ile
against my govcrnn1en t,'' said
h1rs. Shuman ... Th<it \1·ould
dis honor n1y husband."
Cmdr. Ed,,·in Shun1a n and
LL Cmdr. Dale Doss 1vere
shot do1vn in North \'ietnam
and \\·ou nded f>ilarch 17, 19611.
Shuman Y.'as the pilot and
Doss Uie navigator of a Na\'y
Ali carrier plane.
The tv.·o y,·on1en are return-
ing home Friday.
Brevard Countv She r i fr
J,cigh \\1ilson identified lhe
wounded as 18·year-old Honald
Hire ancl 17-ycar-old Filipe
1Iedina. II.ire was shot in lhe
neck and hospitalized in fair
condition. Medina was listed in
serious condition .
Tho1nas, a s~nior at Florida
Institute of Technology in
nrarby ~1el bourne , \\'as cha rg·
eel \~·ith two counts of first
degree murder and two counts
of assault wilh intent to com·
mit murder.
the administraUon's idea of Hickel revealed the plans in
caling up 19-year-<1lds first. a speech prepared for the
Member.r of the special Louisiana Gu ll Coast Oil Ex·
Armed Services subcommittee position here.
would give no details before Mickel !old oilmen he did not
sending recommendations on agree with eornplaiots against
the lottery proposal lo the full hi s policy of holding oil corn·
committee today. panies absolutely responsible
But one source told a for cleaning up any pollution
newsman, "You can quote the from offshore operations.
first paragraph of t he He called it "a logical ex-
Presidenl'• ll9t of priorities if ' tension of principles that the
you want to." responsible industry has Jived
Nixon's first Item called for with for years."
a youngest·flr1t draft call Hickel al so strongly defend·
order "so that a young man cd the 27 ~~ percent oil deple-
would become less vulnerable lion allowance \\'hich gi\'es oil
rather than more \'ulnerable companies a tax \.l'rileoH for
to the draft as he gro1vs the oil they pump out of the
older." ground.
in the lHi;t l\\'O vcars firemen
i;avel.l the life "or Gr<lCC F.
Goochl'in , 50 . by extinguishi ng
fires r:iusecl whrn she fell
asleep in bed while smoking a
Firemen rushed to Mrs.
Goodwin's house ii b a I n
\Vedncsday, bu t this time
1vhen !he bl aze 11·as put out
they found her body lying on a
Di strict F ire Chief S. R.
Jourdie said ~1rs. Goodwin
was suf(ocated by smoke from
a fire which started because
she was smoking in bed.
Lawn Building SALE
7x5-ft. Size Building
Regular $149.95
..,,..,._~ ... ,....,~'!l''"''W''f~"""' ,
•Perfect f(lr 1toring prdenini; equip1ncnt, 111 .. l·.
patin furniture ind more!
• 7x5-foot with 216 en. fL slorng_e
• Doo~ 11ide on 1mooth-g)idinf.! rollcn.
• S1urdy galvanized ind painlcd .'Jlerl
• Whitt: wallA, p-eea roo~ decorated doon ••• Llack
rolumnt and tcr0Ua
• Extra-heavy bottom fnmc wi1h cenier angles and
roof br1ces
l Ox7-fr. Size Boil cling
Regular S229.95
Ask Ah()tll St·ar~ ('.c111\t•11it•11t (:rt·clit J-•Ja11s
.\,.J, • .;\10111
t :un\enicnt
{~rr<lit Plan•
Fasl ·\
Cuts IO·inches
softwood in
7 sc:co11ds.
$169.95, 17-In. Chain Saw
• l'nwr.rful 4.4 r.u. in, 1li~rl 1teemr.nt r.ngine
• Jrd port horiaontal de1lp for e.icr
h1ndlinr. 1-4438 • Fin11ulip contro li1 with pre-tllrt •witch
$1 79.95, !!I-inch mode I 54.88
14.-ln. Lightweight Chain Saw
•Weighs only lOlh-Lbt ••• complete with
rh1in .and guide h•r
• Fasl·slartinp;, eaay lo handl~ 9995
• )dea l for camrcrs. ••cation boroe5
tl,lff<,lo, ... TA •·••oo. J ll·•~JO ll "'°""I GI ).Jtl l IONO IUCW Hf J.01 21 ,_... fO 2 11 •J. NA f .jJ61, TU 6·67JI /'ICO wr •·•262 IOITINCOAll •WA .S•o-JJlJ '
Q.N00.4 ,,. J•0-0661 G11N0.1.1.1 01 J.Hxi•. a •..i.&11 OlYWIC a. 50ro /114 1.Ju1 ""''•""'•Kl 7.3111 100U1<1 ,,,.1s11 I I Cow?ON Nf 61511. NI i 3761 l<Oli•WOOO i'\ICI f .Jt41 o•..,..01611·21 00 ~ ~·" :.rtNl>I 9U·ll011 Y•,u n PO ].l•&I. 914.2220 (0~ ,66--0611 P<,.llWOQD a. 1.2Jn ,,l •otNA 691 .]Ul, lJ1.4l TI Sears I.AH!•~ rx Ul\I 'IUMONT ..... f·IJH I ,________________________ _ ___________________ ,
''Sa1i1fac;tion Guaranle•d or Your Money lack" .... ~-~ Shop 6 Night1 Monday throvgh Sotvrdoy 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 p .M.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------. -. -------·----
Girl Fou11d
l\fan Jailed
NAPA (A P) -Sheriff's
clcteclives arrested a Napa
man today in connection with
1he killing of a s lender 15-year-
nld brunette whose .strangled
body l'i'as found after she fail-
rd to return home from a
rhurl"h n1eeting .
1'he Na pa County sheriff's
<iffice identified the man who
was arrested for investigation
<if homicide as Darrel l Dean
~lenely, 22. They did not gt \'e
!us occupation.
1'hcir search st a r led
\\'ednesday v.'hen. \Ile girl'~
body. strangled 111 her own
clothing, was found. She had
£ailed lo return to her home 1n
Fairfield Tuesday. .. " •• ' . .I\ motorist saw the body or
Nancy Breiling at the top ol
an embankment about 20 feet ·~======================== n£f \\'ooden Val ley Road near -
the Solano County line al
about noon.
Detectives said ~he had been
dead about 12 hours and pro-
bably \1•as killed at another
loca tion.
Ne,v Satellite Device
To W ar11 of Weather
DAILY PILOT 9 .. . .
Agents Drinking Before Fatal Whittier Raid
l~OS ANCEi.ES (AP\ -l\
l'uroncr 's Jury µrol>in~ lhc
death or a you ng liJther during
a \\lhittic.r narcotics raid ha~
been told thal age11ts
1va1ltng for 1 .. ·arrants to be
issued -killed time by (!rink·
ing 1n a Lynv.•ood bar before
slarting oul on thl'ir rnission,
he said.
Laler. onr age11L bought a
~ix-pack of beer 11 hu:h was
shared by the agent:-; as they
sat in thrtr cars, i;a1d South
f:ate police Sgt. James Heed,
who was in the bar.
llf'nry IJ)f'f. 2:t Dyer died tha l h1s nrea !>llflt'rl'ISOr 10\~1 .-\rthur Boniil~J DeVort. 2.2 , 1.
after a rifle bullet went him 11 \'las ··okay to have a !.ey ""'llncss earlier, 11·a5 book-
throu gh a floor and into an beer or two before a tle<1!, bu\ ed for investli!aUon of murdf'r
1111ar!ment below not to gel drunk " \Vedncstlay 111 the death c)f
Tl•• ••fJ.. ""'~ !i,ld I.ti,, ... d I J u k 4 ~ ' ... In an01J1er t l'e opment, l::!arbara ean , ar er, :.! •
\'ernon [>Olice ::igl Fra11k,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-.;io;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;.,_,0000;,-.-.-.-.--;;.~
ln 1~stitnony \\lednesdar.
J.ynwuod bartender George
Bowlin :-aid 1l'htskr~·. i.:111.
\'Odka and beer were served,
but the drinking 1v a ~
rnodrrate. No one was drunk.
Reed said his deparln1e11t
had no rule against drlnk111g
µri or to a ra id and that he had
two drinks. whic h conta111ed
wh iskey rnixcd \\'ith soft
deat h
Uc1 . 3
in\.1111 rs II\!'
<i/ llPJ W.~l'd
:-;11eeney. \V1tnes.sf'~ s a i dli
Sweeney \\'as drinking only
bee r at I.he tavern preceding
the raid.
:)late 11<1n.:otu.:s 11 g I.' n l
\11ch;.icl Kelly tesllfied that1
~late policy is that "there
..... ha ll be no drunkeuness or in-
temperance." But he added I
Zodillc Killt~r '.~ Nute.~ Tell uf 5 Deaths
SAN FRANCISCO (AP! -Zod1ae speaking. I a111 !hr lx-cau~c inan is the n1ostl
•·1 J1kc h.Jthng people." boasts r11urdcrcr of the taxi dri l'cr dangerous animal or all "
;i ,.,•ceke.nd killer ii·hu <·alls Q\'Cr b.v \\'ashinglon St. and I.re declared · "There's no
lll:iplr SL lasl n1Rht. lo pro\'l' question abou! it. hc·s a rna11 1
h1n1~elf Zodiac and nurnbf'rs this here 1s ;i blood sla1ni::rl who lo\·es publ icity, He's an
11ve S<1n Franeisro Ray <1rra p1t•er of tus ;,hirt. I :1111 lhl' ext re 111 c 1,1· dangerou~
persons a1nong his \'lt\11n.' :-a111c n1an 11•ho did in th1• pco· p~yehOp.<1th. I ilon "t ser a
!\lart111 l.('e, cl!V t·hic£ ol pie 1n the r1or\l1 b;i y arl'<l · ll'Urd of re111orsc 111 any of th e I
r!clcctivrs. said ·\\'ed11csch1y The <'nelosrd piece of gra)' lrtters. He sec1ns to glory In
the hantlwritlng on a letter ;ind whill' ~!riped ~h1rli ng 11'h;1t he 's do in~." 1
acknow ledgi ng the killing of ;1 inalr hed the slurt of the cnb-All lhe slay1ngs \1·r re on
San Francisco taxi dril'e r ap· b1r. Paut Stine, 29. r1J t<1ll.V shut \l't'ckc nds. All the \·iclims
pears identical to that in noics 1n his l'ab Saturday tlli!hl. 11'ere shot except Cecelia Ann i
(for Sleep) For Exlraclions and Fillings
l•nk•mot1cir11 e OPEN EVES. ' SAT. ..
Mn!.,ch•••• e SE HABlA ·-----i ESPANOL
842-6625 .
DR. JEPSON ~~'r~',','; 'rhe body \1•as clad in a
dress and one shoe, and the
other shoe and the girl '~
purse. cont ents inlacl. \\-'ere
found nearby. The Napa Coun-
ty sheriff's offi ce said n1arks
nn the girl's legs cou ld have
been caused by dragging the
body and that there \Vas no
l"Videnet she l'i'as beaten.
Republicon assemblyman says
the legislature niay ha\'(' lo
ban lhe sale and n1anufac1ure
of dangerous: drugs 1 n
Californi a if 1lrug man ufac-
hirers fail lo cooperate in its
efforts to solve th e drug abuse
telling or four other sla)•ings. An1ong c;:irlier tnes~agcs . ~hep.ird. 22. who \Va s1
In each case the letters srn l to tli rC'l' r! if f r r r n t threa1 enPd "·i1h ;i gun. lied.1
tion \\'cdnesday in disclosing from the "Zodiac killer"' ha vr ne11·spap('rs. ,1·cre portions or then st ahbcd by a hooded man j
that two or the na tion·s gonl' lo newspape rs and all ;1 cryptograrn ll'hich '''hen Sept 27 at Lake Berycssa
ha\e been marked v,.ith :1 rlcciphered said· ··111ke kill ing nrar Napa. 1
leading drug inanul acturcr~ <:rossed ci rcle syn1bo! like ;i prop!e bcc<1usc ii is ~o 111uch All the Vil't i1ns exce pt thi:
have ··refused " to testify at a nfle sight fun il is more fun than killing tabbi(' 1vcre killed 1u1 lovers'1
hearing on the p ro b I e rn , ~~T~h~e~la~l~~'~'l~sl~a~c~lc~d~·_::"~T~h~is~is;__~'~1·i~ld~~g~''~m~c-=-i~o~~th~c~~rio~"~-'~'-~b~n~c~.'~· _...._:_:.,.,:__::::_::::_:::~========================~ scheduled for Q('t, 22 1n Detectives did not sa ~·
\\'het.her there \\'3S C\ ldence O[
sexual attack.
The gi rl , described as an ac-
tive worker 1n the Fairfield
Church or .Je:illS Christ of
Latter-day Saints, I e ft ;i
1neeting there about 4 p.m.
\\1hc.n she had not arrived at
her home a\>out 1 1~ mil es
;i way by ll p.m .. her parent.~.
!llr. <111d r.1 rs. James E:. Brcil -
Jn,i:. rcporlt'd he r 1n1ssing.
Shcriff"s investigators \1·rr('
t hec king a repo rt that she had
been seen ;ibout 6 p.m. in
}"airfield. \\'here l'lhe was a
f'O phomore al Armijo High
Detecli\'e Dick Lonergan
.~aid there was .. no indication
lhe slaying ties io'' l'i'ith five
unsol\'ed killings since last
Dccen1ber in the Bay Area -
all attributed to a murderer
\\•ho taunts police "'ith note.'\
;ind phone calls bragging of
his crimes.
Assemblyman \Vi 11 i a m
Campbell made the obscrva-
Student Cut
Sacramento by an Asse mbly
Hcal t.h and \\felfare
l·on1n11llee \\:hich he heads.
Campbell said the sub-
1·on1n1lttec \.\'ants lo 11·ork ll'ith
!he drug industry in li nd1ng
\\ ;,i~·s or better t ontroll1ng
flrug di stnbution l<i redu ce Ilic
!10\Y or drugs for iJJiCi l U.~C.
Halt ~trike
Californ ia state c o I 1 e g e
trustees have decided -unde r
orders o[ Gov, Reagan's fi·
nance director -to accept e\'·
ery quali£ied student applicant SAN FRAN CISCO I AP \ -1 despite a big budget slash. San Francisco teachers voted
'rruslees had voted l\\'O <l\'Cr \.11helmingly 'Vc<lnrstlay to
"'eeks earlier to cul enroll· 1•all off ;i planned tll) ll'Lde
ment if necessar.v to ma1nta1n slrikf' on Thursd;1y
educational quality. T h c y t-.1<ist or the 1,500 rnr1n bers
fi gured In turn a"·ay 33,000 <if the Teachers Union at a
qualified students fro1n a pro-1nret1ng \"Oted against the
1ccted statc11,'1de enrollment or "'a!koul. following their fl[.
200,000. fi ccrs' recommendation lo
S · l p· • l 1 Reagan had placed a $265 ilclay.
• 111 Jnpo1n Cl million celling on the 1970.71 On ~-lo11d;1v the Board of
SAN FRANC ISCO (UPI ) -hudgct but s!rcssed this 1\·as a Education h;;(I agr<'l'fl 1u [>Oii
r-.1ayor J oseph L. Aliolo's at-"bare-bones" amount 1 h at teachers on \1hcthcr thr~· want
1orney \\lednesday /i led a aln1ost ('erlainly would OC in-the union or the r Iv al
'·1nore definite slatement" as l'.reased later. The figure is $23 Classroon1 'fcachcrs Associa·
to how a Look magazine arli-nlilli()n be low lhe previous lion to represent Lhe1n 1n cul-
cle allegedly libeled Alioto. lective bargaining.
' I• ·• > ...,._.-~ .. -;..,r -~~ ... ~·:f". • ...,..,,. ..~ ..... ~. , . -' . ' . ~... ~ .... : ,~,ji~ -~ 0
' <
•. ..
' J
~·· ...
• ....,~ .; :; .W"•·-
An amazing new ingredient
·now comes in this famifiar package.
ti's called o &onger..fMling engine.
longer losting than who11
l onger lasting 1hon our cld er1gin~.
~hi.ch in cos11 you didn't •rtow, wos
e n" of the 1oughes1 engines DfOund.
1he n~w v "!r~ion is more p nwerful.
IT op speed: 8 1 mph vs. 78mphJ
It has be11er occelerotion.
And rn ost importon,, if we:~"~ lh<?
some <1s 1h9 old~r version. So ii
doesn'I hove to wor~ o s hord to get
\'OUwli er'! you're goirig.
But the generolion gop ends there:
NlW'°91l llACH
Chic.k lv111rson, Inc .
44~ E. Cti•d H "'~·
!71£1 6 7).0,00
Bill Ya te1, In c-.
JJ SSI v.11. ~d.
11 1•1 •••·2161
1he new engifla 1i¥ill still give you o
good 26 mil es loo gallon ol gos.
It sl 1il t·' ~~ oints ol oil instead o f
It ~tol l o\, •O•nS lrom onlilree 7~.
IBecouse it's still a ir-cooled J
.A nd ifs stin con'f'eniently locoll':d
in lhe rear /or berter traction in invd
arid mow.
Yes, a ll !he 1hing! thol mode OUT
old pocko9a o hil kr$r yeor ore bod
090Jn this year.
lncfuding our old pocko9e.
Harbour Volk1w•9en
lt71 I •••th l <>11l•·•·d
17 t'4J 141.44)1 .. , • ..., .. 11• 1
' .
si.. ,_..._ i.-ir-•• .. -....... d• ~·''"''''' .............. ~t.liyt 1-1..-~ ........... -,..,~, -"
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'21.00 $13.97
All -" k .............. 1. ,.,r1,..,
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n.. ""'-"'" , ..... c-, ... i.. co-.,,,_ .. -·
Si-*• '• .,.., •• -....... ..,_ ~ ,_ ... ............ ~·-~ ....... -....... . '"'"'~ -· •ctio•I +,. ... .,, 1 • ...t-.ie l'l•y• 162'1, l ll l, 4~ ..... 1 ,. . -__ .,._ •• 11 •.
;. 4~ · ·~"' o•~pl~•. $18.94
,,,. M l !--~•II ••-•il<I'• !wo .. ·-· ,10, ... ••!• "'•l• •i.• ......... . ..... -,_... et .... ....... -· ....
-a...+t+• •• -
-1, I~••• w-t..4
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PR ICE $267
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Reg. M .00 Only $2.96
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JOO H>W'll,_
toO l'OW'll 'w '°'""'
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•·••• 1 ... 1 .... h <•-, __ c--.. -'" '•·••<• MMolo, Lo-............. ~ .., -~~-· .. t•· ~ ..... y ....... , ~ -·
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Vo;t Yo5Nybofl, losl..tttoll
Ooly $2.99 .~
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Oo>y $12.87
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' ' ' ' ' , ,
Barry: iet's Bomb 36 From Orange Coast
147 Countians Become U.S. Citizens
County· GOP W 01nen Cheer Gold1vuter
SANT A ANA -1-luntington
Beach outscored 12 other
Orange Coast communities
Wednesday by providing 17 of
its residents ot citizenship
ceremonies in v.·hich 56 fotm·
er aliens renounced their lies
lo their hon1elands.
Rrilain came In cl~ behind An!lf' CnurtneV, 6852 l lazard,
with eight. Westminster; -Inger and John
Edw ard Heyer, 8242 Brush
Drive. Huntington Be a ch : By ·roM HARLE\'
Of 11\o Daih' l'llool S!IH
A .• NAHEU.1-Re sun1p1ion of
A1nerican bombing of North
Vietnam and lhe specific
blasting of "a few largets our
)('aders haven't really lllought
;ibout ye r · was ad1·oc:.ited
\\·edncsday to 2.000 t•hcer1ng
Republican \\'un1cn by S1•n.
Harry Goldwater 1ll-Ari1.ona1 .
''I'd order th~! boinblng of
Haiphong and Ille .smashing of
cl ikes protecting thr pn~ldy
field.~,'' Goldwater ~;_i1d. "And
I'd do that as a means of in·
~uring son1cth1ng th<t t all
oth1~r metbods l1a ve railed 10
produce -the prese.nce or
i'\orth Vietnam 's represen·
til!ives al the peace 1able.''
Gold\Va ter told the Soulhern
n1visio11 of tile California
Federation o r Republitan
Women a1 111e A n a he i in
Conven1ion Center that thosr
ideas 1vcre his "only re;i!
departure at tl1e prese nt llrnr··
lrorn 1he So111hea s! Asi<r
policies of President Richard
"rm in lu ll al'cord with !\ix·
r,n's efforts to end the Viet·
11an1 war." he said. ''And 1'1n
also in lull aeeord v"ith tho~!'
1rho argu<' thal our
President's \1·orthv ain1s arc
being sabotaged -by an un·
derground n1ovement that i~
misleading 111any fJf o u r
American people loday ''
That san1e n1 o v r 1n r n 1 .
<;old1,1•ater said. i-; b~hinJ the
present moratoriun1 dri ve.
.. that shameful parade of
fuzzy minded idiot s. tl1 ;;t! i:>
helping. by its 1n1splaced and
Sen. Goldwater
111or;,i turiun1 1no vemc11t a .~
"playing inlo the hand:-u(
Norih Vietnan1 and Red China .
The ('Orn1nun1sls are making a
lot of c:apital out of this kind of
1hing and we are bewildering
servicemen \1•ho bclil'vc 1n
what they 're doing and \l'hO
are determined !o do a good
JOb." he added.
l;ol<lwater. \Vhose luncheon
speech was The highlight o! the
r;op group's one-day con-
1ention , asked his audience lo
olfer an alternative to !he Ni~
u11 program.
"\\'hat the hell do his Of>"
)){)r1 l'l1L5 suggest for !he Vltl-
nani s1tuat1on?'' he asked.
"Bring all \lie troops home.''
lie \\'arned, "and \\·e'll show
you some bloodshed . You'll get
ii lrom the North V1ctnan1cse
who \\.'Lii ha vt'.' been allowe d by
the workers for peace to sho\v
the helpless-South Vietnamese
their ('Oncepl or true }>Cate
and brotherly love ··
Goldwater solidly endor sed
lhc Nixon progra1n or graduul
\1•1thdraw;il from Southeast
:'.si;i •·pro vid i!d tl 1;,it South
\·1L·lnam 1s µrotetled at all
l1r11es and that. when \\'e
it'.'.l l'C, shr. is left wi1h <.1n al'ln y
that e;111 protect a nation tll:it
is, a lot of Arncricans stein tn
forget. an ;il!y or lhe l:nill'd
::it<ilC s .. ,
l:old\\'al er a~ked the COP
wu1ncn lo "work hard on a
1ncssa ge L hat we n1ust get
across as strongly :.ind as l're-
<1ucnlly ;i:; possible -the
1n(!ss:.ige to ou r fight ing nirn
Hi Vietna1n lhll( we 111 hun1e
<ii'(' with thcrn and th;11
publicity of the anti·\va r C'ause
by no 1neans reflects lhe n;i·
t1on ·s th inking ."
llC' blan1ed "1hr 11ation's
!lC\\'S rncdi;i·· for t11e creation
of n111ch of th e controversy
surrounding the Vietna1n \Ya1:.
.. So1ne papers and reporter.~
ha\'C deliberately set out lo
f'n t our<ige these factions <tnd.
in cffeet, support the enemy."
he said.
· ·o u r rnessage lo t h r
An1cncan:> 111 Vietn:Hll should
be : "Thank God you 're there
and thank you for \\'hat you
<i re doing'," Cioldwater said lo
lhe cheers of his audience.
Mental Ill
Prouress 0
'f a1k Slated
GARDt·:.'1 G R 0 V E
Prosul'i'Ls of s u (' l' e s s f u I
b1·eakthroughs in the trea1 -
rner1 l of onl' or the severl•sl
lorins of inenla! illness will be
rt·ported to Orange Countians
hl·re Thur~t!ay night.
Dr. l\obcrt L. i\-le1crs, a San
Franci~co psychialrist. will
spl':ik 011 •·faulty ~ie\ubtlltsrn
and i\1t'nl<i l Jl!ness'' al lhe
United Fund Building , J l.tl2
.Stanl'ord Ave_
The talk. :;po11sored by the
()range County Chapter ol' lhe
Schizophrenia Foundation of
Cahforni;i, is schedu led for 8
p.m. IL is open to Ilic pub1ic
Dr. i\Ieicrs is on the
Editorial Board of the Journal
of Schizophrenia and is vice
president of the An1eril'an
Schizophrenit1 Foundation.
Costa Mesa and F'ounla1n
Valley _ provided the closest
coinpclition to the Oil City's
contingent with IO and nine,
res pectively, representing
those cities. The 56 new
Americans from the Or<1nge
Coast were part of a Lota! of
147 Orange Countians \I hn
recited the pledge o r
allegiance for the first tiine as
U.S. citizens.
Other t·n 1n n1unilic s
rcprcscnlcd in the Superior
Court ceremonies presided
over by .Judges Sa m u e I
Dreizen, \Villiarn Speirs or
Newport Beach and \Vatter H.
Steine r 1,1•ere (wi!h residents in
parentheses): El Toro and
\Vestrninster (4): Laguna
Niguel l'.l): Midway City <ind
Newport Beach (2): and South
Laguna. Corona dcl Mar,
Laguna Beach, Los A!amllos
:ind Mission Viejo (one each).
J\1os1 of those taking the
oath carne fron1 Canada,
traditionally a inajor con-
tributor of new citizens·. fif.
teen Canadians Jormally enJ.
ed their journey south of the
border and they \\.'e!'e Joined in
the act by rorn1er nationals of
17 other foreign nations.
\\lest Gem1any touk second
spot wilh 10 immigrants ac-
cepting the Stars and Stripe~
;is their new flag and Great
Fonna\ly endorsed Wed-Charles Evelei&h, both of 90:1
nesday by the U.S. Depart-\V_ 17th St.. Space, 21, Costa
tnent nf Immigration as new Mesa and William Alexander
citizens (in order ol con· Byrne, 2113 Mir am a r ,
tributing nations) ¥.'ere these Ne1,1'port Beach .
Orange Coast residents; COLOJ\fBJA -J\1ar 1 n a
AUSTRIA J n g r i ti Hoyos, !3856 £dv.•ards ::it ,
lngeborg Shores, ! 4 4 6 1 \Vest1ninster.
Culneva Lane, llunt1ngton EGYPT -lns Ghaly, 2220
Beach. \Vaterlront, Corona dcl Mar.
ARGENT INA -Corri,._ FRANCE -Jean-Claude
Gerhard Liebeling, 10261-Cully
Sark Drive, H u n ti n g Io n
Beach ; BrunhHd Chris l e l
l\tartha Felder, 29762 Ivy Glen
Drive, Laguna Nlgue!; ~1onika
J\1aria Blodgeu, 564 High
Drive , Laguna Beach; ll<tn~
Joachim Johns, 2976 ! Ivy
Glen , Laguna N i g u e I :
Bernhardine J\1aria a n d
\\'erncr Ernst Becker, 1706 1
'f1vain Lane, Hu ntin gt on Dash11'ood, 20631 C h au c er Emi le Joseph Taisne, 15902
Lone. tlunlington Beach. l·'eola Circle, 1-1unl ing1 on
13ELG!Ut-.J _ Kathleen and -"-'-'_c_h __________ ,_s_u_c1_T_1z_,E_N_s_._P_•.;;•_•_2!_1_
I larry Bartels, 28i9 Velasco \
Lane, Costa Mesa and L1hane ·
Louise Josee Bohn , 8731 Bolsa AMEl"ltCA'S LAlll:t\EST FA M ILY CLOTH I NG-CHAii Ave. 11-lldway Ci ty .
ERAZlL -Edel Lourdes
Khalil, I !804 Azalea Ave ..
:Fountain Valley.
CANADA -Helen Joan
Sherwin, 7562 Volga Drive,
Apt. 4, Huntington Beach:
Joyce Ruth Cusack. 14321
Village \Vay , A p I . I,
\Vestminster; A I ex and e r
David Munro , 33221
Orangewood A v e . , Los
Alamitos: Frederick A I an
1 Goochnan, 8192 Whitburn Cir-
cle, Huntington Be a ch ;
Dorothy, Cha rles Craig a n d
,Janice Roberts, all of 16452
Shasta St .. Fountain Val ley;
Ronald Edward Hunkin , 29352
Las Cruces. La guna Niguel:
Eva Louise Bills, 9 4 6 O
1-iolly hock. Fountain Valley:
Beverly Carol Brown, 5961
7\1eado1\'lark, H u n ting lo n
Beach: Alice Ann King, 14951
Trojan C i r c I e, Huntington
Also fr om CANADA: Sharon
9 :30
doubtful sentiment, to menaee -----------------------------------------------------------
lhe !Jvcs of so many Amer ican
boys in South Vietnam .
"This so-called dril'e for
peat'C has been 1nanufacturcd
by the Far Lrft and ih('
t raged~· or it is ttiat n1any or
lhose 11·ho havr. in 1heir ob·
\·ious sincr.nt.v. bren misled by
this cause, will co1ne to reali1.e
that. they havr brrn duped ,"
Gnldv.·ater s11id.
The one·ti1nr P 1·r~1dcn11.1n
candidale b I as t e d th r
:i A ppoi nle1l
L.\f:UNA ~1 r.1 ·E L
nrange County S\1pr1·11~or"
ha1·r ilj)f)1J111trd lhrec d1re ct<ir-
ln thf' r .. 1r1ullon-N1gurl \\later
Distr1 e! in lieu nf elrl'llOll
Na1nrd by the board wrrr
F:u~ene \\'. Bell. Anthony n
~101so <1 nd .l:1n1c_<; /). n11·r11r<;
All are incumben t.~.
1'E 1\TH l\'OTICES
F '-"<~I l vA ,o,11t,co_ 11" l ind•o ~·
L•~UO• er•r~. aatr u! O••'~ O<•~o·•
f _!,"''"""" bv ~oo 'l..oh~ra l •r I!•<>
o• "'''"' ~Al l\. No"'"""; "'"'he• «c" !l~Tl•ogrr cl Toce"'•· W1•h·~~•oo l!'o'"••· P•'~ Me=>•r. T•<orn• P•i..-o'• !
''"''(~\ ""' h• ~elo lnte<m~n• f t
1c•o Crrn"•••. ~~"""' L•oun~ Sea<~ Mot!u•"· tl!'"''o".
~h1 •I L•r • C•rn~·~!~ •ge 16. o' 11)1
M••• 0•••• S~n•• Ao• Su•.i••o p·;
'"'O •ons. Ron•la A~a S••"· ""'~""' M•. •~~ M«, ,<l lU••' 6ell. Santo "'""'
h•o l:o•Ol"e•!• J•c~ ond I!•• Bell.
(0,t1 Me,~ ~""'" "''" b• n••d F'" <I••· 11 AM. B"'I 6·~~ ..... d. (~aort
.,,,!h l!•v. {~~' ,., Sm th ""'''"''~"
'"'"'"'""' "•<•••r V••H M•,,..n•••I
"••• Br'1 !\•~.lO ·~· Mo·tu~''' 0 ''"1'
A1rt'~~ ,-"""''0" •l l & ~.,,,,~.
'••·"•· ! ~g<JT'• ft "' ""' ......... .. n••'•, onot•· H. <~''""" ti• "'•r .,,I•·"•· P'f·'~•·. p;,n••a ,,,,.,.,,.,
'""' rNc ,,,,.,,, r, ... 5•'m• 'ol"'" Mon.•r"''"' l,'1 Jenh • {•thoun, l • ~un• Hdl\ s-.v '"' anrt '"'""'''"' ".11 n~ ""'~ '" "'""''"n ·~1~~•10•~ 'i"•'
for l •''""" A,.,,, N ~""""'· '°"'0'0 '"v M'"<:'or·
A HBL:CKLF: & SO:-./
'\'eslrlifr !\1ortu:iry
427 E. l ~1h SI,. Cosla ,\1csa
frlfi .. lR88
• EALTl l\10rtTUA RIES
Corona dcl !\lar Oil 3·!U511
Co~ta i\lesa 1\11 6-!4U
lHI Broadway, Cos t:i ;\lcsa
I .I 8-:t4:1.1 • DILDAY BROTHE liS
HuntingtOll Valley
li9ll Beach Blvd ,
Huntington Beach
84!-7771 • J\lcCORl'lllCK LAGUNA
1795 Lagun• Canyon Road
Laguna Beacb
494-941~ • PACIFIC \'JEW
Ctmttery e l\fortuary
3500 Pacific View Drh·r
Newporl Stach. California
6lt-Z700 • PEEK FA1\llLY
7Al Bolsa Ai·"·
Westminster 19;:.3~z~ • SllBl"FER MORTUARY
.... ,.... 8Qcb •!91·15~
Su Clemeett 412·0111 • SMJTll!I' MORTUARY
111 Mola.Iii. .......... --
Iii th e difference between champagne on a flight to some where -
or milk at home 11 the diff erence be twee n yodeling in th e mountains
-or singing in the show er 'II th e di ffere nce between an occasional
fling-or an unbudgeable budget JI you enjoy the 6o/o yield on 1 year
in vestment certificates when held to maturity ($1 ,000 minimum) •
interest checks are mailed to yo u quart er ly • for more fle xi·
bili ty -th ere are other plans -lik e 5.50 o/o from a Thrift Passbook
Account 11 switch to the big difference-and let your money grow .
·-----------Remflmber we raY p'1~1J~c tiot)l way~ -----------
l nclostd is my che ck in ttif 111\IWnl cl
S. 1 have mt1~ed lh1
IYll' ol account I would li•e opened.
PINM a.end mt a sianah111 caul
w~ich I wl!l li!I oul iind 1etutn .
11 b.!>0% lllritt P•»IMIM (r..,._.,. •• ~n
I I 7~ 2 '*"' ,..,1,1ou11 l!>,!100 """"'"""
11 fo~ I r•tt '9ft1hut1 SI ,000 '""""'"'"'
j j ,._ 1 yur uirlil1u" $1,\)00 "''"'"'""'
1-J t.'\b fo rnMltlt Uo11lit1" $5,l)OO "';"'"'""' u ~% ll•1 io!·tr•, "' i .. , .... 1 12~.000
l 10 t, l /!11 ~!1tcl. Co~!~ M(~~ !,;1,1 1~1~1 • '.'l~l.,'I
~-..... _____ ---
''" -----
----------------------------------------·~ ..
5 nl11r.c~ serv1 11g Soulhcrn Ca l1lorn1a
170 (,17th Strftd (3troi.s rullftrton St.
1r~111 f!t.( Doy's Re~t~ut8nl) • (71 4) 646·50~~
t ! '
Everyone loves our
I ' '
F~~ C.l~ia to~ Tf1r\. l'"l"l'r'\o'J)!ie ~ant.~ oor l
Gina Teresa fasl""" k.rnts! Full·lllsluoned, importer! _
from. ~riti.~h Jiorig ~ong. be.t11tifully styled, '
.\ stn~mg nample. ~li<l .1011e:~l im 5kirt, tootrallt-l
r11g tone .sl.en ., . 11od ;a l·hi<' ~1ripcd j11rkr.1
1ha1 commnes both rolors! Just {MM! fl'om our -
~xc11 in g collection: "'t 1~~-es' Size$ S to 18 in groop.
11 to 5
COSTA MESA, 1601 . Newport Blvd., at 16th
GARDEN GROVE -12372 G•rden Grev• Blvd .
1 ... ~.,..-·-..--·---···--.,..---..-. ---· ----·-~ -~-.___
[----~--------------------------.. ·-----· -. -..
......................... ~ ....................... . • •
Scrappy ! MEftCURY SA VI N GS : • •
it uuil luu11 u ·.~r1tulllt111 • • •
LOS ANGELES (AP ) -1\11 Angeles. ''H's a big lobby1n~ rating rron1 the 1'<1t1on at Fire hc:::i.Ul1ne !,;;ying. "Cruny Pall : NOW OPEN !
Sam Silent Now
un::i.ccustom<'d srl<.>nce has ;uul Sdles JOb. f\IU1\trt>al Ill Rating Bureau . 1ve re I 1• • working like hell on ti. Sv ire Hanging tn Skie~-Air Pu Ill·,. .. ~hroude't f:1!y ll;ill sun.:e J une. lidvt! lo, loo ." }le·a altend ncgotiat111g 1-1·1\h ulhcr µO rts lion Alert Called,"' I: EVERY SATU RD y :
Length of Yawn
r-.tayor ~an1 Yorty has piped nieelings ill Yugoslavia, J apan tor new business . . 1-1•e'rt• Los l\ngt·les 1s first in auto.l : A !
d011 n ond The Netherlands. proceeding with plans for a r.tus\....J air pollut1un. he sau!, ! 10 !
Scr;.i ppy San1, who oni.:c How 's the town doing under ne1v airport syste111 •. the blll overall the Nationa l Alr it-a m 4 p m •
scen1ed Lo relish tu s reputation hls e:uidancP? \Vater and Power Deparlme nl l'o!Ju tio11 Adm1ni s1ration ranks : • • • • • !
RS the politici;in with tile "Very 1vell, coinpared w1\h is tiuiltling a new aquedurt Ne11• York, Chicago and it •
Said Significant
olher cities. Tbe other day l from the Owf'ns Valley ... the Pbiladelphla as the first Lhree. ! BUENA PARK HUNTI NGTON BEACH !
f\lsle~I mouth in the \Vest, cs· 1nade hvo speeches ;n 0c1,,,,·1. d t · b 1 S v own 0\\'11 area is a so utelv Counc1hnan Bradley, who : fl.lereury fll'ing~ Bid~. ~Je.-1·ury Saving~ Hldg . !
plains. •· J tlunk the people l)e.troit has been Io s i n g booming with new off ire an il lost a . f.1ay runoff to Yorty , ,.. \'allty View .111 l.intoln Edlngtr at Ht aeh «•
need a res!."' population since 1960. \\'e ·1•e apartJnent buildings and a l1ad this comment on Yor1)'S • ..
A re~t, he rnc:Jnt, tron1 the bct-n ~rowing by 50 ,000 a new ho!el.'' post-eleetiun activities: · ·· 1••••••••••••••••••••••••••••************'**"
By L. 1\1. HOYO
The length of time tl takt>s
)'OU to yawn is said to be
significant. That 1s, if you
yawn but brieny, you arc
th;:,ughl to be a cautious in-
dividual. And probably 111·
tellecLual . Howe ver, 1f you
yawo al some length, you are
belie\'ed to be some emotional.
And fairly imaginative. Fan-
c:lful theory. isn't i I ·~
Sometime back when a
gentleman ellplaiocd t h e
foregoing nonsense to me. I
yawned in the middle of his
<Jissertalion. ''Caughl you!'' he
snapped. "Yawning ls sug-
gestihle, and I have just won a
bet thal I could gel you to
yawn." That he d!d. lnciden·
lally, if you have not yawned
nlready, no doubt you \vi!I do
.so shortly.
AT llANO IS a report of the
existence in Georgia of a
young lady whose true name is
said to be Lil Lovev Dove .
\Villiam 0. Douglas has suf·
fe red 23 fractures in his moun-
tain-climbing, so far . , . WAY
DO college graduates live
about five years longer on the
average lhan those people
with no college? .•. SHOULD
NOT BE forgotten that more
people reside on farms in
North Carolina than in any
other s tale. .AP·
CENT OF the men ca rry their
billfolds in their left hi p
likely lo wear out quicker, a
new washing machine or a
new TV set?" inquires a
client. The washing machine.
say-the statisticians. If you
bought. f'igh t new appliances
right now. you coo!d expect
them to give out over the
year~ m this order : I.
'\"ashi ng machine. 2. TV. J.
l)rycr. •. Tank v a c u u m
cleaner. 5. Ra nge. 6 Freezer.
7. Refrigerator. 8. Sewing
"How much longer do l hav e
Ca ves Spawn
Mu shroo1ns
wh at's mushrooming in sunny
Southe rn California?
\Vhich normally are grown
in areas with caves, mines or
cellars. Li ke Pennsylvania.
national leader in produclion
of the succulent fungi . \1·herc
there rtre oddles of abandoned
coa t mines.
The brothers frank and
Oa\·e Di Stefano. v.·hen they
v.·anted io gi't into the mush-
room biz, had to create their
011·n cave. Abo ve ground.
llrre -ainid chic k en
ranches. citrus and avocado
grorf's -!hey have eight con·
crcte block buildings on 81h
ncres of land. in 11'hich they
gro1v f'Very tv.•o years five
crops totaling 50,t'.MXI pounds.
The buildings are so solid
and secure they could serve as
refrigera tors, and inside they
are darker l.han nighL
How do Frank and David,
sons of a P enn s y l van ia
mushroomer, raise a crop?
First, they acquire a stock
of compost. Chief ingredient is
matf'rial S\\'epl from the floor
of slables at the Del ~fa r race
lr<ick. To lhis is added soy-
bean 1neat. crushed cotton
:·a~eds, \\'liar's left of grapes
<ifter the juice i!> squeezed,
and assorted o!her vege table
residues. Sweepings from the
floors of flour mills are highly
regarded. The !>tuff is spread eight in·
ches deep on the six tiers of
beds -each 6 feet 1-1•ide an d
50 long -along each ~ide uf
each cnncrele b u i I d i n g .
Temperature is raised to 170
degrees lo "steril ize" lhe
compost and kill seeds and
bacteria .
Then the temperature ls
reductd to 65 degrees a n d
mushroom spawn which looks
like brown dust. is spread
;'!round, the n covered with an
inch of specia l snil.
After '"'0 "·eeks , prcslo:
n1ushrooms are sprouting.
They're. harvested by men
.,,ca.ring miner's lamps. \\lhen
1ahor runs short . lhe brother!!
hire hi'gh school youths. /\
harvest might last 100 days.
\\'hen the la.~l rnushroo1n ha~
been pluf'krcl, !he compost is
,:old to ga rrlcnrr,!I, and the pro-
cess starts anew.
to wait lo get you to tell n1e
,.,..hill an ordinary zoo cleph:1nl
eats for breakfast''" A. Pa-
tience, please. sir, 'fhal Is not
th e kind of data I keep in the
lop dra1-1·cr. 110.,.,,ever. a
rf'liable 1nformanl says a
healthy elephanl generally
breakfasts on about 50 pounds
of hay , a haJr dozen loa\'es of
bread and approxin1atel y !2
pounds of carrots.
year." V b -torrenl of words during tus es, ut "'hat <100ut sinog <lon "l see any aclion. Hc"s bel·1 1
He addf'd · "Our po!ice IVJ'l"C '"\\le're not fir st in air pollu· l·ngagcd 111 a !cw eere1non1al T <l l I.: k T <l
bitter but successful campaign is the best In the nation. Our t1on,'' he said, bringing out a things. But he hasn "t offered 0 :Jy S o l 0f ~5 0 a y
last l\1ay for reelection over r •"•"·· mdmeiopmocmtmmmem"ml -h~a~s-•;;.N~o;·.;;' .;S~e~p;!.~2~4.;tl-O;s~!o;:":;,;pa;;pe;'~w~;~1h~'-'~"~Y~spec~~;r~k~p~rn~g~c~"~n~s .• "--~I ------.;; ____________ .;; __ ;;_
Negro Ci!y Councilman Tom ll
Uraclley. Befare tus \\"in h{
!1cld n<.>ws conferences at \casl
weekly. Since. 11·ceks ha1'l
gone by w1tl1oul any.
OVER\\'EIGllT -Childrl'n
of slender parents rnosl all
grow up lO be slender. too. But
only about half the children of
plu1np parents grow up to be
plun1p. Such is the report fr111 n
a scientist narncd Davenport.
By "grow up," it can be
a ssumed he n1eans aehie\"e
voting age. No doubt many of
these slender 2l -year-0lds put
on considerable weight in later
years. At any rate, 11•hat's
conclud ed froin Dr . Daven-
port's stud y is that half the
over\\•eighl people inherit th<il
tendenr:y t<t,..add pounds while
the other half cal their v.·ay
toward it.
DOGS -Nole a canine ex·
pert lists the boxer among
those seven breeds of dogs he
says are most apt to bile peo·
ple. Surprised to hear it.
Always thought boxers were
fairly good natured. Other slx
on his list are E~kiino dugs.
Gern1an shepherds, G r e a t
Danes, St. Bernards, and
Doberman pin schers.
Yo11 r ques1io11s ond cotll·
111e11ts ore u>e/cornerl. n1u.t
w ill be used wherever J10.>-
s1 ble in .. Cliecki/IO Up."'
Address rna1/ 10 t . 1\1. Boyd
iit C'flt P nj Di\ILY l'/L.07',
Bo:r 187.'i. Newport Beac/1,
Caltj., 92663 .
Sta te E ndor ~c~
Delta Ca ual
The Assembly \Yater Corn·
mittee is ''comp l et e l y
satisfied'' construction of the
proposed peripheral ca n a l
won't endanger the n;itura l
resources of the Sacra1nento-
San Joaquin Delta.
"liut ," Yorty added. ··plcnl~
u[ nc.,.,·s release!> arc going
lndecU, lhe n1a yo r 's
nt 1 n1 Po g r a p h rnachine,
reno wned as the n1ost prolific
111 town, con tinues to tell of
··.:ill the many exciting Lhlngs
going on here."
Though Yorly 111ay be b1cl·
ding f::ir the ru ckna111e Silent
Sarn. hi s n<1111c pops _up 1 regularly in speculalton aOOut l
next vear·s elections.
!'111i hl tile · · !'11 a v e rick
Dcrnocrat." as he c a 11 s
h 1 in s el r, run against1
llcpubhcan Honald Heaganl
next year if the governor -as 1
expected -seeks a second
''I can't give yuu an
ans.,.,'er," he told an in-
terviewer Tuesday. "I've
given 1L lillle th ought. l've just
slartell a new term. I've plen-
tv to do. Uul I'll tell you this:!
1··n1 unhappy with 1nany of
Reagan's policies. llis failurel
10 fin<.1ncc schools adequately.
J!is sland again st a
withholding tax •.• ''cry
a 111 a t c u r i sh anti short
J\-\ight he 1ry for the U.S.
senate. "No. I have no thought
of that. 1'1n very fond of
George Murphy and \\"ouldn'l
run against hin1 . . But it's
ahl"avs a bad llllng to
force.lose vo1trself f r o ml
anytlung \vhCn you don "! know )
1'."hn th" candidates arf' ·• I
.\lurphy. ;i Jlcpubhcan. ha s
-:;;aid he \~·ill .seek a sctontl
Lcrrn. I
Y::irly, just turned 60, pink
or face and vibrant of voice,
v.•as preparing for one of the
globe-trotting trips that he has
become noted fo r. On this one ,
he"ll try to bring the 1976
Olympic Games to Lo s
I Sears I
Ideal For The Fall Semes ter!
Men's Ivy Sports Shirts
' burtoo bande-d ivy collar. O;irron• rol ycstct
lincJ. B.1rk 1>lc.i.1. han~tr Ivor. Pl.10..lct 1ror11, l~·
l'l·rc1l 1.nd •~ii~. lo i:ht'Cl~ anJ t..tttcr);tl ls. !:l1zcs
~m.1 ll to X l111sc.
C.rea t Va lue
At Sears !
DEMI BOOTS ~ . · 491 I
A 1tyli5h l•c:• saed •
brr-own i:w black ned e.
,A n-utf -Tblol l -h>d '<JU\~id~ \Dil l• .. ~~·· 691 -01.1~1.1 .. in~ien ,.1.ra9 -111.·J
l nrh b~l. BrO"'rn _.-...,.
t.l1cil p.atnnt.
boo! in
A n 8 inch boot in the
........ +blunt toe.
Fun mside
'"'''P '!rep. Full inside
toe 1tyle.
lip per. Pointe cl
• '
Bl11c:k gra in. Full length :rip per. 4
buc:kle 1ide trim, Fully lined.
You 'U gel 11 boot oul of ihese!
T hi ~ 11 ini:h fun ~i 1e l ipper boot.
Ha~ insle p b "c. k I e decora tion.
Softly lined . Brown only.
16 tlNCH
Bl.c.k gra i'I on ly, Th 1< ! I-,
i'lth \lyli1h mo d boo t h .. s
f1JU sjde t ippe r. '4 dec r"'-
live side b u c: k I e '·Full y
lined. J 1/1 •nc.h heel.
) . 891 f
' 1 Mos honey of 11 bo<1t J (
you 'll want to pu ll ~,
on 11 Two ins tep •
bu ckle 1tr.-ps. Fully
l•ned. Bla,._k ~mooth i
~ . I
>. r.ul• 7 iftt.h boot. lrultp strap.
.. h,te qra\n , t oltly lined .
ln,ide 1ip per. Select black or . ' GIRLS. 338
St.U S
.. .i•·· --11 ··~ '""' "11,1e • ...,,1.,. :'h•<:t1 '" ~
, .. ---: a a .• \ ·~!· .... \
1;1.·.~,':.,",;1,'"':.111~· .. t:-'7,':''~ ]38
l' <•• I Lt..e<i.. l'-Df'I -al.,~ '"'~ ~· !!!!!! !!!!!!!~
5r2E S
5898 Edin9er at Sprin9dale
Huntin9ton Beach -847-9125
I! if ,:f
FOR "Hnt"
1 1'• )>•";:-h• nf f ,•h ,.n · !• '"'""
' ., I '1'-In • ol • r •1•1•• • ~ '1 "''
""""" '0;\IP·n II•~' I!<"""•·~ ~l;\•I,. '""'"'~ ''°" ~ , ... ,~nl •••I ~l •-..Ulu .,.._,,._.\ 5s3
10045 Adams at Brookhurst
Hunti119ton Beach -962-9178
!Ne xt to S1v·On Drugi
• •
;J . I •
1 :! DAil V PILO T
ft '£
For the Record--Marriages, Divorces , GRAFFITI by LeJrY •
_.. t ~~E?'t ;,,
An ti sn1okc
(:J ini c Se t
/\ ''guaranlccd rnethod In
prr\Tnt i11lC'rrwl poJlution"
l ron1 l'ig:Jrl'lle smoking will be
J'('I (';ded ;ll Orange County"s
• ·1aq~e•!-t'11er·· anli-l'mok1ng
cl1 n11:, Ocl '.!11·28 :it Anaheun
High School.
l 6S VtG .. ~ II•• 1•'"" '•• I ""'~' , .>,,•<! ,..,,_ ,, , 1,0,,
P•5C0l DO•·D 0" I J,.,,.., • ,1
~f Tofrontr , ono 6~'""'" L•• l• M hunoln~"'" B••<"·
V•ll "'00K-W[.11.YE'1 01• ~. r.;.,ol~ W J~. ~· \/<••!"' nt->•r ~·10 lluPn 11. ol Gor<!l'n Gro•~
ll<IU(f L[( -0<•-' Jo•n L•t 10 c!
(n•!• M<->O, 6nQ M~~~ 10, OI ~dl•ld
~ ....
C•t,tFl$0 .. P<'"(l'I -'<' l, ('.,.,,,,_ 11.++o" ,, o• r , ·•· ••"' •oO llr'I • J~t "''' JI, 1;1t I~· Ar~"'r
• (,j ""' !(All~ fJt' (" 1
w.11.1m )£, ood JJll•I" ,..,,,. ll • ··~
o! Co•'• M.-.• {"~lf61itlltll.-P6•NI !'•' 1 Ill.I• 1
J "~"' n ono ""'"v L ~~-··• 11. 001•1
o• ~"'"''~'" II.oil~• lo NO~ -$ .. OW 0<1 I JOl•n l•O"'•• 1• "' 6ut·no P••i\, ACO J ... .,.,.. l .,, ••
I~ ot 11 un1'n~to" "'""" JI. I '11. [ HOlDl:"R llL/,r H(ll (Ir Q
'><I I, Konor1n L. ll "' Triou\Ol•Ct
o~• r~ma•r 1"'' l!ncb"'"• ,., ~• (O•OO• llOI M'' N r:JWER ~6RONU -Cf! ~ I''"~'~ ( ol!l• aC>O l<or~n t"ler l• •, Ocrt1 111 (1<·11n~ d~I nor
111r.iLSE!lER -(Jo' • ,.,.,. .. Gob•lrl, II, o! W~l m•n•!>t •"~ J,i,.
outl n (18""· 11. ol 1.on9 l'•·I(" CAREY TA YlOR De• '" ,.,.,, o J~"'"' 1'1, •"" Mar.h n ,C.r1.,,~. '" bo'n ol Hun1 ,..,.1.,.. Bt••fft, El lON ~lUl<'DnJt.1/f Or1 1n, J~m•~ AIJPn •1 •'"<I S'I'' • l • • l<'uo ti! l>o!ft of H\<N "VIOn 6•••"
O\JGAN ... usT -0(' ID M.r .. ••I • '
'\ ano '""' r.I••· II ,,. '" or \\t·•m1n1\•r C PO~P.V .~QLrE: 0<1 ID ll•J(t
l'M>Lt11, JD, •nd Pdl•·f•" (~fQlon, 1~, no•n ol HuM,not~n ~.~a<~ WQIGH I DE 5Afl l1S Oc t. 10, riotmnn M•lfh•ll ?1 •no (,rni "-"'· JO. boln o• HuM•ng!nn lloorn
llAVflOR llYD!oll ~Ce o .111 lnro<'"'
S , )I, o! Burb•n~, """ l n•rr•~ !<. .,, ol Co>I• M"•a. I MITH.HUllLMAN -Ocl II Jot>•• l!od'l•ra, ~9. ~na l'!nb~"• I t•, ll,
b01~ 111 fl~WC>Otl B•d<n ,_..(IQl(IO·~fUFFfllT ~ 0 <1 II,
D•••a Lou•" 1L "' C..•«!•n C·'"".
""" Doon"" .Sur. 11, <11 """'·"~'"" II••<" WOODf lE LD·BODfN O<• II. Oon•IO {,~<j· ll "' ~ l~• ... h·•· ,.,, ..
5u••n. 16, <>f f (lu"l•>·n Vrih•y 1'•11S0NS.-MllLlRQN f,,o II
. ..
("•''•' P , JI. and,~.,, .• Loulu 11, to..•~ 01 Co>!• r.'r>•.
, 1 •• 'l r .. M<l"TOS>< 0<' II. i;o,,, Y•" ~ :l, ... na Jo,., II ;. t-;tr,
< I l\Ml>O•
f Pl I flUP1;0YN~ 1)(1 " f/O,I \•,
•"'r f\aro.u• J, 1, t>o •n ct ""~'"''"' ur ... ~n
~..,,11,. N •~O Oro II, (J,n•on I'•" ?·. o• Hunt1Mlon B••cn. M>d
t, ,1r.t1,n• _..ht•, }O, ~· M•v"'DO<I t•Al ~ Pt<El.f'S Oc! II. Wall•t '""~• 71 '"YI•>'"''"'•!!". •'10 J•<•·• I•·••'"' O•"n, Ii, v1 C•ra•n Gro•r lltl LUL IANSt<,t Q<P \I, l(•nll"~
1.\ 11, •nd Pf!rot1• J. '•· boln ~· to1 '~ M"'" O'°'l:"l5SH.1€~( O<• 11 J•m•\ •·~n"a ,, """ J~•""' ,1 , •1, "'-'" ;;f t G•lo M•><.
OJVO R(E5 'lllD
,. ~""'· "'•' .. ~ s • "~'·" \'/• '" ""'"'' Y/Hn•• J •> lloWrl (
1'1"1>•"'· K•"'''"" l . •> J"'"'"' 0. l ••"' P~1"«~ •• Ro; I
{Ol••"· Ron•" w V\ A•n«• "· 0"'"""· lt1• ~· l O"''" J•ll••• ~'I"'" L~'"'"'' ,.; -' ll"'b'°A l I DU"""'' li•'1 A "I~~"' "' I.>•~•~ O•oo"'' /ltGlau11nl 1n, •'n;ll•1 Lor'""'• VI
t1>ar1'' Y1n<•nt
'l•"~"· M.,l•o• D •> W•vno P """~~"''" ~dnd•a J o , , ll•r.•~
(111 '""""" ! ""'~'"'· OO•o•n·, r " 0•6n G. ~ ·o.n, f lot•nco 1,1 "' II•• L
E•"'"· v"'""" J ,.~ 1•;o11 ~'" o
1 '"~I~• t aa • Oun•••" '<' ~··~ cr n ('.,
l'•I Ja'"~'' ~ ,,. Jr•>" I••
l'•n•ll D·•~• I "' l'lo~trl VI
l.'ADl1••" C"d'loH• l'>•• \ '"'"'°' Al,,n
i:; '<" Jorn•• Wd1·8rh Ir. "' Anq,1
Lr"o•• llO<!QUM11'. r,•o".r T •. I'·"""' c.
M••oo, E"""' ~ •' """""" \ M•<•'"· Jo•"D" •~ l;m"""" l or 11 . •~• Lm~d'< To,,,~ GonMIO/
~'"·'"'· '"'''""' W Y• M~>1 n• J AnO•ew1, I.~.,~ Elmer V> Ju•nil• (;.
k •ll"'· L~l'1• H ·~ Cft&<lo~ A.
t' •<••II. h"'U" E "' Jom•~ R R••na, .S8nli•9o 5. J<. ¥> A ~;,.
"""'~'· Wilm• ~. ~~ ~ol>crl v
t """'"'~" Don1>6 ~. V> /,'a'~ I l n~~~n. l/"Hl•ln l "' Cn~•l•J 0, ll~1<1'. Jo>c• E "' Gro•,• ~.
~•••r, 0 .. ,,, .. 1 Norrr> "' J••0
~ ... {',
K!nn••. D•rlrn• M "' Wolt>•" I.,
''""'"' f ••<><•~ ( "' J•CO 6 Po-... f;o>r -M "',,..,.....,,AA
!>""'"'""· C..•• fl<l1n< t ••n<•' "' JGftn ~ '•"<-'
\'"""'"''·• l •on• ~ " I • • n ••
E<I'"'" "'"""" ll••Otr, Cl)t1•1~~c• "' C."°rQ•. J•. fl,,.,. l(atnlo•n vo l "I L"(ln
b Yn<•, J4mr • E11" "' Y"9'"" I.<• ~o,.e, D \.u l• "' Jo•• H~~o W•~vrr. llllr D••• Ju•n •• l ••I" Eldon Wiim, Morv Ang •I• VI llrucr Mu"~' Q'Conno" Jr,. Wllhfm Gil• •• Pal"«• WI'~~> .!,rn11n, (,l•nao L. v1 C•••IO A.
I~~'"'• ~u,•n I.. '' ROl>fOrl l l urconv. Mlcnr l• D "' f••n•. W "•"l lO•··· l••n Ann•1'• .. , t ...... H•NY ~dll8, l(oten L••"'"' •• r,~,,1 M•<ftOl•'' ~l•rlt, Mur<ll I( v\ ll<•'r•i•" Jr~n
-'"''""'" Dolo•r• Juonll• "' llrnn • Ar< I•
\;<'.JO<! , J•n• • .,. Jom•• ~
McC.<•, Co•~ s "' Ot•ll!• iH
''''"••· Ronoid W. "' ~'d"<>•" IOfoMlon, F ....... I( v• llMb••• ) .... (,•r<o •, 5,.,_,...,.,, M•<U<> VI ll<1;dl1nt 'l•1lor. David Eo•I "I ~"'""'M 111;1,~ '!hom1>"'n. llobP•I E •> p,,.,,..,. J
llob•rl>, M•dl•n Ruin "' W•ll•a•" \\Id•• I Ii<;. Sh;•l•v A V\ J•mm .. M<fl.,O•
I ·"<n. )••no~ [O,.,•<d '' Sn<l•On l.Ou• e Lt~. W•ndY J•n• "' llnt ... rl O•nn L•'" Rob1n;on, Jr., J•mr• Wiiiiam v~ Oo"• l , ••
oooa. Dmtr w.i1, • .,, "' "''~" G. C.ib1on, Cl•ta Su• "' A•l.,u< ~ondov~•. Lon<1o S "' J.,•Y • Pl~oho, llr•nda M~"• "' Patro<k D•n•t l PO<!t " Jdc .. EU••n VI ;.,..,p,, Htnr.
l.'oo,., V••• "' JOOn G••<• ,-"""'' P•ul•.,. ,, Pn,11;0 A>nN.,.ln, ~lore• VI O•nit l "'-·
lapo~, (ollern "' Ed;vo•a w.
v..,Qd,, J;•l•n M ,, Juhv> P
P°"mdn, P~lt•(•• •I 11.•'I P.o1cnm•nn. E lltoo~·n I( "' P otll'•I J,
n , .. , 0.Cd' E "' Otlo•r• 6•Ju•a•~, Jr,, Al!r..ci L~·;v•cn<• "'Don· no loo
<~"· 6gnila ... V/111;.,,, e S<nm1<11, G•novd Lro v; Vlcto' II , $""'"'· AnTla F "' (llMI~• l <ourtn•v. Ill, \/'1g;n•• A VI E•<rn IJ,
l<'oDorl;, Cvnlh•• "' ~·•••n J. t<.uno>, Lovl• •> E•t~I "' E~•n. Robr•! v; Donn~
('.111gu••· 5rai•n• "' Sl~nl•• G•o•"• Murra•, Harold Monrae "' Jonei Dvm~ng, Mnna J•no "' J(onnfl~ """"""' Lonn. C&rl Ann "' W•ll•c• D•v.•v llut(fto!, Cnr,>!on• v• Robofl W P~ulr!1e, IA. AnM!lt "' T~orn~' l
Dunn, lla•bara J~an "' Tn~.,.f O~"·d K~arolol>OU. V1tg1n1• lluln •• G""1~t Al~••nd"'
I+•"''"'• °""•• D. v• 7.tno A.
Convertible Upright
Converts to attachments: in
seconds. Triple action c!ean·
ing powe r. 2·speed motor.
Check our !cw price .•... (01 )
Swivel lop 1or ail .:iround clean·
in&. Complete set attach·
ments. ····--···-··103) Cl•l
Enjoy 1hese mndem, efficient h11uttkeepinf aids ••• thty're
clesigned to save your time. And, they'_re brou~bt to you at low.
mone y.savin1 prices throurh the combined buy111z power 11 over
2900 profc1$i011i1I, indJpendent hudware dulers.
Slim, modem desie,n lar
cleaning under Jaw
Comb ination floor
hozzlt 1or cleanina:
rugs, bar1 floors.
Designed for quick pic.~ups on rugs and bare lloors. Converts easilf
10 portable 1or above·lhe-lloor t leaning. Lightweight-easy to
:,tore. 3-pos ilion brush. large throw.away bag-hands never toutll
1he dirt. High speed motor . , .....•.... , ............ , ... (02)
~ ~
F.xtra ·heavy chrome· pla1etl
:.oueeze mop. Big c.ellulo~e
:.ponce ............. , •. (04 )
22-Gal.. TRASH CAN
~nan locks ht>ld lid on tight!f
1int1l released. Sturdy polJ.
f'jew square :;hape .•... , .(05~
9 a .m. · 9 p.m.
9 a .m. • 6 p.m.
10 a.m. -4 p.m.
__,·.:. --...
!.•Niu""" M•'9•'•! "-· "' 1.,,. lo .
l ul1. .J••n•• A ~> J•t'IYr iln•
ll:·(to••a•. llhcr M••Y v; <""'""
Snell,,, l(olft• Ann v> J011nnl• M·C~••l
A\nb~''" Lf'•n• O•tn V• P •ut Llovd ~......... Kdtn ln'n Od·Nn Y\ <.i•d• ""'"<" (<POii<), \/•Itri• P•l•l<I• ., "••morio Mo
M ... Ou'1, Ma•D•rtl V\ John Pt!tr r•oncn, Slla•on l •• Jam•• E !ull,.dn, Jome• E. •> M•loH• I'.
'(i•d<l<IY, llo" Mo"' '' llDv~I 0. rn"J11l~if."gv 1~·~1~~ •• ~ o;,~;:· ... llol><• t E'v u<r>• l'.:•owl, Jo•<• v v5 s ,,.ncf'r p
l o;v!hrr , llot>orl ( '' Anno l ~• Dea!" Oalf Worr•n •• Jo Ann
Donn,, H•"' M. v• ~•mv•I JO••<>h Pon<~•, 11•'1.>8•~ •• 11,..,,. J
c •• ,.,.<.ti••I, Lo .. 11• I(•• •• Oauu••• Bon•
A•mPnl&, Jr, P to<oll• /,\ V• {."'1(11>11
... ll~n, )~""'" II v, J""'°' M H~n\•n, •M n<• t Y\ G""rlfP ...
l<wo>. Junt• Vorncn •• O.lore1 Vt l· ... a
ldn91ota, Jomo, I v .. (dno Mo• P•r~r .. E C.•ct •• ~toMoy f>. Jo•aon, l(••rn cnr.•hn• •• G•~orv ~'~··" Na,n, P~vl s ""LO•\ M Do•i» >jrlPn C •• Clartn<• C l!ul!tnon, Sondr• ! •• ll•lnv' ( 8e<rvn111. F IO<~nco·v, Cnor lt•, ·1:
l.0101e, Donn~ L v• Ern••! J llou .. ., ll•omM. LIO•d v• Norn>o I••~
r.!Ob8•9t. L••m w. v• 8or~••• "'""
M<'dt;,,,.., LYnda lr;•Yt V• E'rtol Jorn•; Jenning,, Mo•v F " G•od• Pdvl
floulBn<ot•. E:•t l•n M "' llcrn•1d Loo .S!<llo, ;.11 •."'Rob••• E .
Jau•PQuY, J immie L<>I• Y> O .. vi<I Garlh l.Altenda, GIMla S Y• Robe!! S ~c~ulor. S~aron """ "' C.•rv •ll•n f.'.cl(11,,.n, Ad•llnr "' l nfO<lor• ••••n 1ynA!~•. Norm• J. "' C.•tv IC I rn•>I, J;w:~ lo< "' J&Mt Ela.no 0·~11. C.or~ld L. v• C.ttho""" M.
R•D<>ell., JP"" "' llochora
('~l•nn, K•llY Winskl;v •S A~tlO r • .,,.11, Pnvu, A, v> Jor•• w No11,nq, Donna D. v• No••ln tL S!racn, Jo•opn •> Millie E. E•I•>• RovmonO l , "' G!nfvl••• ( McBride. Jo Ann "' L""Y CIVd• .Smith, Ma•v Jone •• W••rrlond G.
Stor, Elll•l><th "' R lc~y Rao,,, ka1n1,.,.n L•P •S Rl<h"'d D, ~iroo,on, IC••• M. •• '"' E O...r natd Jr , Wondoll Arlhur VI M~•q,.r;1a MM;a
flu<>Pnl, Br~nd~ ~ue "' Ron•la C..•nr l '>nP, H•lrn '' llu,.pl W <olomon, o ,.,nn• A •• AllPn L. (lar~. (al••'" l •• Gi" l •• Camol>fll, Cl,,vdla S•llt r "' ow"a• "" Sm!1h. J r,, M•rv Po1rlc.• '' Oo'""" HO~IO<I
Oonn••· wallrr ,, lltll• J Mo.itr. M••Y Ann •• Lerov W, ~Chul•r, Channing L. "' (hllord Ev••ell• ,. r.~ ..
·--11 -
Mo-fa, Juonlt• J "' .... lhod
f•INl•I. O...olh•• "' Rol>f<I A
tc: ... ua,, fj•nt.• L "' IC.d c ......
P09<'1. M••g•r•• G, "' ttow•rG W, Jon~..,... Ma•v J•n• •• """"'' Glrn l &"'••, Jool ( "' ~n••on L ~••I••· H••OM:I Rol><•I "' l oua"'' ,,, ....
K•nn..civ, Co•lnnf' M ,, Ao•cr r (~mnb<fll, Iii<~• Jo •• Elm., Jvl•• >l~w.11, "°'"" l . "' J~ny A, Ounn. Jr ,, HoMlell" P. "' S!•nl•• Artll≠, Avgu•l>nr II Y< Mo<• T. H&,.lo('n, Jo•<f ~-"' H~fl>r<! Hon• L.'1ud;ct , Clf'O M, V> H•nr• G, IAullog,.n, O<>•OIM<a A V\ J•rn .. J ~•n<ltr<, RtU.C~• A11n •• Jorome 6Mh<>l<mt·N
(rand.,11, SIOn<• C v• GI•" T,
l lq•o"" Oo•o•hv ""°"'' '' Samuel F•ii• ~n•m,s. 0 <>1<>r•• •rono "' llObe" M. ll<>bf't!>, Mo•q1r~1 j •• 0on'11d F. INTEllLOCVTORV DECREES
><<><1sCI, Mo•llU•"!C f Y\ Wiiii""' >I N'"'"'"""• Wll<l"• Jtinno v• J•m•• Word ~Ulweil, !It!"' Join '' Jtr"' L •m "r Fj•M•t, ll<>bf'" I. "' Wrnd• P, 5vlvla. Jr , E••I• D. "' Loh M•• M'1rlln, M•r;e 'f¥1111n1 Gmella Vl Rcb.-1 G
ll oo" Pahv v< Daniel <'~••on, H•len M'1ri• '"Jo• Cal-.n ~<h~u. 1.ol• A v• D•••n P.
11,vnr, llev•rl• """ "' Ricn'1d """I Fn9tt, How~•d O:•nnt·•n V• Ro.oil• Ann
llova, Ma"• A "' Jo>rnnl• ""''a" E ·1~li1h. Jr.. L• l't•n• II. VI Tto• w f'r..-.ton. Belh• ••tin• "'Jam"' Emol (;regg, Moroon W. '' Wl!llam M.
Mo•eno, Lo.,alne "' Tommv Slir!ir><1. C•••I 'f. v> J1m'I Wolhom Browa.rr, Milr9&r<lt Hr I en v• C:.eo•g~ '"°"'"' fl••dY. Fl<>Y<I v VI Jun• l.
Sla"o•d, O•rll>n• J "' G•' • II
><oo ...... Mal>PI """'' "' Wiiii~ Cl"v'"" Q"'""· Ma•v E11•n ,, 111cnar<1 Wov"" D""'" Gt rald •> Frnr><t< Honor• Hyde. DiAnr •• Ch•''" ~"°'""'~~t, M•rll•n M •• Ftllon G Val<n!ln<, Jr,, 00""" J•~n v• Jdmr, II ,
M•ndeo, Ill/Ii" J "' M•nu•I T 51•,,.•'1, F <an~ IC!nQ ,, ['vrlvn w. H•'"'· E•11'•• v' Horold Ii. ~::;;, .. ':"v0~i ,; 11S~. "'.,~"g~~id 5t'°~~' It•
F•o>•r, H<l~n M•rle V\ 5.,, Eamun<l ll~uPr, Jt~nn•ll• M v• Gt•~I<! lo•d ~l•rl;n~. 5.,ldfY I(, vs E ldon Mo.,.
<l••llle B~ll••O. Go•<lo" c; VJ llulh A.
RP•nold,, B••b•r• '°'"" '' Ila~•• ll•n.cn 11..ciun~I\, ~na•<>n K, "' 5t•P~•n R <~ri.1;an, Jae~;, Lan• •• Cnarl" H•nrv
C•«. Cedlia M. "' Ri<l>•rd .-.
l'looOo. RoMf! Ead v\ Hr l•n l !Otn•
V•n Cloavo, Ann Eht•bolll "' J•~i.y ...... v
'Aa••V. A•ft C. v• J8m•, tt•rold f r•acrlc~. 8dt~a•• J •• Johnnv L. Jon.,., Orio•., v1 Wolll~m w. C11ti'mon, 5ti"l~v M~• y; !llllV J•~n
p.,1<11e10". Ju~1rll Ann "' J"n•t• An"1
o""'"•••n1. r , ... ~ 6 v• "•v<>• J ""'°''" O•l•nt G ., """""1" J•m., J'o~an.pff~r, C..o fl,l,f(I c i ... t.. ... llo""" Lor i
(.,~, Mdr> E!l•n V\ ft•d"(" _..M~M•
WQ"•"on. Joh~ F v• C.t••'<l•nr M
<•o .. aer, Den.,. ll••d•O v< R1cn••d
l,lllm"n L.rft, Volondd Lool1• v• Lu;•no Romu•IOo Gu•,.r<to. E:aw~•~ "' loi 6<>C• Ca•olon• H•im,, Wllh~<!I fu~eno '' .Ju<tv Co•ol 7 u ~co<~. l(u•1 Ft6nkl•fl VI ~utdnn
G,11, l<•ntv '"'"n ,, ll•vmona ••••andor Oc"""'"• Morl~n E •>Jann wa,,,,, "'''~"""'· 0C<o"1v Lou V\ POl>o•I Chari••
"'""""· O>ane r "' s'"""'" L t<Olm•n, ~1<h••a Dw•ont ,, Pomr•o Au<>•tv
ll<n•i<>g•" l(u•I Pob••l "' ''""" "'•• • LtmO •, Jren M "' llo<hM<I ti
1NtEllLO(UTOlY OECll[[\
ll•ftum<>n1, H•l•n I( "' (d,..Ard { ~(~""•uo. C••<• "' ~'J"lo'' P•<rn•r l'l•l•on, 1~,,. J"" ••Jo Ann• G••I Jonn•!on, Garv E "' Vo<~•• 0. M~'~ff'V , (•,. A •! t<atn<;n M
Mach•Oo, MO•!!>"• F '' P~vmor<' ! , Nu,.av. Candoncc A, "' l<•"n•ln O,
Q,,w,;, (~tf'fl Ju"• VI J,,,.,,, L<•
lh<>mQ:.on, L"""n" L l11db•I~ "' Arll\yr Roo.r1
r r .. <>l•v, Gltnd~ "' llono,•
fl•clo, CM~f"n• I' "' ('ll<lo•d C l om..O.ln•. Molr~d<el Anti ,. W•ll1c'T1 Oun•ld •
B••dv, El1le M. "' Wilham f ,
ll•g•. Po>d c "' T, .... ~ad Mann, P~!•IC•~ Ann v> IJlllv P~v
B•l!ong, f lnw•nO" V\ fl••nvm l• Ro< A l!l<l><f~. fl Rvdol"n V• J•an O
N....,.man, Mo~• Oa<hnr •• B•ll• L•on Kot>I«, SnrfltY (ol~n• "' W•IU8M'1 Cna11.,
t ll••· P•l••<o• fl•!!• Cn••I•' lluaov lo!m•<, ~ana•• LolU< ~' Wtll;~m D~n· "" ll il!• Sr,, Oct<tl/>y [l<l.Jll<'I" V\ J<>lin (olvon
'lra'n""'1. MM lo•i• C "' C.•Q•q• II
llin.,.r, Ro'"'""" L"• '' l•c~ D"""'' '"••<•~, ll11b•r1 M1~nn•+ "' D•'""' Mrltl••"· Joc,.r.n R•b•cc,1 '' D~"d H Wal~•n, O·;•nt II '' Jofrn W 11ahn. C•cell.i £ •• Jvll~• M
!ow•nw,ci... P•~e. I<' "' Rlll>~•d A. Rho~d\, Jr , Cl\&rl•< "' Md<V Ann F•"•"•· lri• v• ll a•mcnO H ~nnlb~I W<ICI\, Jarnu We•IEv •> Vera Down
Pac•••· J•, Paul Diie '<I [il••n ~Ufl (annulm~n•I II•~'""""• G••Y L. "' Sh.,la ll•nd~l!r !~nnulm•nt l
0 '8•,on, Afl<>•Oi l . VI J&mt'I F. Can· nvlmenO. C~n. 11•"• M. v1 •rmur errnord !onnulm•nO
R•n1'1n, !"v VI Gro•gt ~·ncla.r l•n nul111"nl)
DPrr. J11dlt" J•an vs Ow,q"r Oav1d l~n,.ulm•nll I Dl~~~i,i,,~~~~1ona O. "' Pav! Mic~~•• I
ssoo Winner
Leatha Adams, Ga rden Grove
Faith £. Barn hart. Fallbrook
Steven Forsyth, Bellflower
5500 Winner
Geraldine Munoz, Sant a Ana
5100 Winner
Erma l. Sm ith, San Diego
,· "" a _'I!!! •i •"r'l~I· '!
s '76~~.r.a ()'
I 1~£v
. ' t-J~VE Go · '1
~" .
·-·r--~--~ .. , ....... ,.. . .. ,. .......... ..
t.lorc 111:111 1,400 smokers are
t'.~pectcd 10 1H1end the-Ir!'~
prugran1 , which l'LITIS ll\e con-
scrullve 111ghli., lrorn 7;J0·9
Sponsor~ <Jrc 111r
f ounty T11brrculo!>1~
lh·..;pu-.itnry D1.•!'a<.c A:-.sor1;,.
lion ;ind the St•vfnth D<.iy
RllltE TllOUCllTS
Thi' Holy Spi,;,, He i1 • 11~•t ol l he God.
heod, A ch 17 ?9, Rom. I 10, Col, 1:9. H•
.... ~, pr e 1 en I "' J~•u >' bopli•m, All
THREE membe" of lht Go d-h~~d bei"'J
lhoro, Mo!!. J·lb , H. "'•• p' • • e ~I;~
CR:EATIO.N. Ge~. I ~1. H. p•o•ided !lo t
A po•l)e1 ... ilh int tf1eclu ~I 9uod o ~c e, 'I•~·
ing them ",U i.uth" •nd l •o~hing 11,.,,,
"•II 1h:n9•," Jn. 14 ·16, lb:IJ,
Ht h~, PtRS:JNALITY. He h., Sf'OIC EN I i •m, I .~ T£STIFIED,
Jn, 15:1b; TAUGHf, Jn, 14 :1b: GU!D~O. Jn. 16.ll; FOR!ID.
DEN, Ach !6:67, S~ARC HED. Cor. 1 :10 . Ha h•• a MIND. Rom.
'8·17; KNOWLEDG E. l Co" 1:11 · A FFECTION. Rom. 15·JO; •
WILL, I Cn" 17,11. !-i e •ufle" 1l;qh• •nd 1t>j,iri11, lid, 6 1:10,
H eb. 10:2'1, ~ph. 4:)0, I The11. S:lq, Mat!. 11:11, J?, ,Ac!, S:J,
He :1 '"'' much a REAL •nd LIVING b•in9!
He dwell1 w<thin E\IERY Chri,1:~n. I Cor, l ·IS. [ph, 121. fvorv
P•"o" who become• • Chr .. tOon •t<ei •~• •h• Sp11;1 •! !h• t:m•
ho t ep ~n h •nd ,. b"ptt.ed for th• forgi•ent u o f ,;n._ "Rapent
and be b •pl:ted e•e•v one of you ;n the n•me of Je1v1 Cl.ri,t
for !he remiu oon 11f ,;.,., and ye ,Ii.II rec1i•1 lh• g d t of tho l.oly
Sp;.;i," Ach 1:18. HtY• YOU bel•c•ed on Je>u •. repanled of 1•n,
con!8u ed h;, n•m• ond be•n bdpl01t d l<>r YOUR ,;n" thereb ~
rtcei.:ng :he Holy Sporil ~ VISIT th• Chu<eli of Chr.,I, 287 W.
Wil~on St., Co•I• Me1a, C •. 91617. A ll ••• '"•!com•. STUDY THE
.. ,.. . '
. . -:.,.4;-',; . ~ t.Mf~·· ~;,u;~ ~r ""¥···~' .:U.:: ..... ssoo Winner
Jane tte Innis, Lawnd ale
5100 Winner
Jeff E1chstaedt, Laguna
5100 Winner
Lorene Holly, Oceanside
Look who turned in their Shell coins
for real ones.
In States of the Union, Shell's new game, you save
up Shell's game coins instead of paper bills, to
win cash prizes. (Top prize: $5000. Th ousands of
others fr om $1 to $1000.) The coi ns show all
50 states. These metal coi ns are real co llector's
items _ Star t collecting and playing States of the
Union now-at any part ici pat ing Shel l sta tion _
If all those people can win, you can too_
2,481 prizes won in this area so far.
Thousands more still to be won.
No pu1c.tia~ nett!SS.!' /.
yo1d where prohlt:11lod by law. Only lit.en~ dri'ier111ia1bl1.
' ----
THRILLING PERFORMANCE -\!CI Cr;1,1·ford llall \l'ti~ filled
!o capacity Tu esday eve nin g \1·hcn th e ND J{ Syn1phony Or chestra
of J·larnbu ri;; "1th Han..; \\lall.'l t conduc11ng opened the 16th season
oi the Orange C:ounty Jlhilhar1nonlc Soc1e'I). 1\fter11 ard Ul'I C'h<ill·
DA1l Y Pll-OT Ph~!• b~ l-U ~••••
cello r and illrs, Daniel (;,Aldrich .Jr. opened their home fo r a re·
tcpt1on, attended by I.he conductor, leading musicians and societ y
officers and their spouses.
01 Int O•lly '''°I i llH
\Vhatever other musical blessings the Orange County Philharmonic
Society's 1969-70 season may have to beslo\v upon us. one thing is certain;
they will not eclipse the rich fare \ve \\'ere offered at it s triumphant open-
ing concert.
r-.1aestro l~ans \Vailat and the craftsrnen of the NOR Sy1nphony Or-
chestra of J·lam burg brought a capacity audience at UCJ's Campus 1.lall
to its t'eet Tuesday night for a tren1endous and thorough!}~ deserve~ ovation.
It \va s. for this critic, the copyllook concert; an 1nlcrest1ng and .. 1n a \vay.
unique progran1. as 1nuch designed to .e.nter.tain as to display this splendid
orchestra's technical mastery in a fan111!ar line of country. .
Difficult indeed to sin gle out one or l\\'O. partic ~larly supe.rb offerings
for top billi ng but let us, for once. go along \\'Ith audience reaction -b,v no
1neans an idea l guide -and plun1p for Schumann's Sy1nphony No. 4 10 [J
ininor, that stirring. vibrant syn1phony so redolent of the rnastr;r at the
peak of hi s considerable po\vers. . .
This \vas \Va lla t at his brilliant best and he lakes much of the credit
for a \vell nigh faultless rendition of thts j~\vel of the Schlu:1ann ~ro\V11. l·le
~tressed, happily, the lyric grace and passion o_f inuch of this glorious score
and played dotvn the heavy romantlcisn1 of 1\s earlier 1noven1_ents -a
cloying passage or t\\'O 1hat docs nothing: for today's concert audience \v1th
its heavy Germanic hun1or and po~derou s appr?ach.
\Vallat seeks, as \l'e heard 1t , to stress tne undoubted pon1p and pa.
geantry in n1uch of t hi s happy score. that regal, 111ajestic 1nessage so ap·
parent in the be autifully scored scherzo.
This is \velcome indeed in an age \\'hen tl'e tend to underplay any·
thing that might sn1ack .of pomp and ci.rcumsl~nce and it b!·ougl~t us, 'vilh
e xactly the right touch into that n1agnll1cent finale, a rou~1ng vital i:nove-
inent that literally brought a roar of applause from a delighted audience.
Magnificent, yes, but little better lhat the superb Beelh?ven of the
first half of the program; Beethove n's Symphony No. l . a particular favo-
rite of \Vallat 's as several German orchestras would readily -and perhaps
ruefully -attest.
Post·concert conversation brought the irnpression of other concert·
goers that \Vallat 'vas a little too '·tight" with this offering; that.theNDR's
interpretation tended to underplay the undoubled \varrnth and rich melody
of this symphony in favor of an essentially Gerinanic "tight rein" and tech-
nically c:-.:a cting perforn1a11ce.
Rubbi:>h. Gcr1nan ic it rnighl have been but if !here·~ a better \\·ay to
plav J3ecthoven then let"s hear it. 'rlii.<> \Vas exquisite handling of an ol d
favOrite and \\lallat 'vas extren1ely flexibl e. in his direction.
A \Vo rd here abQu\ those glo rious \\'OOd\rin d passages. Their clear.
S\veet clarity enhanced tile second 1noveinent ennrn1ot1 sly antt they could
lie heard again in the fi11cil n1oven1ent, adding luster to those poignant
phrases. Very in1prcssivc indeed and a n1a1or contribution to son1e key
passages in !his complex \1'ork .
\Ve have found it po.~sible In live for 1011 '! prrio<l s nr tirne \Vlthout
(See CONCERT, Page 15)
I ' I I
'' Ii ii,
11 !
',( GUESTS SIGN IN -t!CT Chancellor and r<trs. Dan· (d Or<inge County Philh ar1nonic Society's 16lh sea-
icl G. :\lrlric h .lr. ilcftl \,·el con1e 1\. B::iyard J)od Jr. "on. 'fhc reception \Vas arranged by !he society·s
11 ;:rs J\lrs. 11oct. signs ll1e guest register: 1'he Aldrich~-;' board of directors. and included on th e invitation li st
Lil hon~c 1r~s 'tile selling for a bef'r. \\·ine !1nd <-"hC(''-(' \1 ere <:er1na11 Co11sul Gen. and il'irs. Constantin Von
tasting festival 1r!11 ch follo1\·ed the opening conce11 U;t.1e1nbo1,·ski .
GUTEN ABEND -Tn authentic German costumes are (left to right)
1'.·liss Liz Aldrich and 1'.1iss Carol Doremus who joined a contingent of
college students in serving at the after·the-concert party. Among s pe·
ci al guests were conductor l-lans \Vallat and leading musicians of the
NOR Symphony Orches tra of Hamburg.
11-----~c~~~-~~~~ _ ~~~~"'----_ ~~-~~=-
Poof-Couple's Dream Car Going Up •
DEAR ANN L ANDERS: T1vo monlh11
ago my mother offered lo buy my h11s-
h<.1 nrl and n1c a r;ir \\'hen wr grarl1r:lc
fron1 college 111 Frbrtl:iry IF 11 c IY)\h
agrcrcl to qu it ~n1oklng , \\'e "'err.
lll'llghted with lhc ()!ft•r ;111d a<:Ct":ptM 1!.
Thrcl' wl'cks :igo n1y husband s!<irl!·d
b smoke agai n. ! lwc:in1e ab.~oi111 rlv
furiou,;. I c0n~1dr·rrfl 11 a per:;onal :iHr•\n t
th;-it hr did nl)l keep hi s \\11rd since 1~c
both wanl<'d the c:::i r so budly,
i\ly hush:inrl anrl his f:in1ily insist thnt
niy m()thcr had no bu~iness pitting 11s
against ()tlf' ;1n()\ller. Further111orc lhl'V
s::ry ."he 1\as 11Tnng lo rtnn~lr 111!.! i;:r: 1·1
front of u~. \l"haL ls your op1n1on".'
OEi\R C.IFT: ''our 1nothrr nioi'r :i
irncrnu~ nrfrr -onr 1\hlt·'l rniRhl h·•1 •'
added yea rs lo y()ur lh·t~. \·ou boll\ ac·
"l'Plf'rl it. '<our hu~han1l <1pp art>ntly hud
neither sr:lf dlsc lpllnc nor the pe:rsnnal
intrgrity to ket'p his 1'"0rd. so nnw ~1111·,e
hnth Ins t out. 1'111 the blan1c 1· '.:•rt· l: i ·-.
longs. On }'Our husband .
f"H·'.AI\ A\N LAl\"Df.J{:i i
1110 l:1 te to rcs1)()nr! lo 1l1;i\ old br1i<11l 111
:.1111ne<1pol1s who "·as 1h~gust,..r! wit h tl\r.
\'.Orld brc11u~(', accord 1n1?. In hrr, ptnpl~
11·111 11!1 r.il11f'r si t around <1°11'1 colJrct
\l"Clfarc than work . •
Thi': s1ock phra:;c hurled at fl)l ks on
v.·elf<.1rc is, "Get off you r can 11nd grl a
Joh " The answer lo that one 1s simple :
Y.'ho is ~oing !() hire a boozer wilh a lousy
1111rk record, fir a kid 1~·ho h;1 ~ hecn in
tr()uble wllh the law. Then therc"s the
11()n1an whn h:is six li:tlc ch lirlrcn and u
n1i~sn1g h11sbanrl -\\'ho could she lca\"e
thr kHl s with, rven if she had some decent
i.kills. whi ch shr rrnb;1bly hasn't. l"m no t
('\'en mcn\ion!n~ !he .iged or 1he slck.
The creeps v.·ho screflrn \he loudest
aboul welfare are the ones \\'ho try tll
convince themselves that poverty Uoesn't
exist by moving to a better part ()f town
so they don "\ see it. By now you may ha ve
guessed, I'm a teenager who is against
the establishment. You can criticize our
hair and our clothes and our music but
we believe this is a slinking world we·rc
living in and we aren't going to settle for
OEi\R AL.SO: I agree there arc many
aspects ()f lhe world that 11rt sllnklng and
I a11plaud the kid s "·ho refuse lo settle for
.~hoddy standa rds and phony '''ilue 9. But
ph~ase don"l hurn anything down until
you ·,·e got something lo put In its pl11ce.
Thtrt are othtr1 In thl1 world he,lde~
you and you don''~ It yet.
Husband's Smoke
DEAR ANN L.-\NDERS: Our daughter
is 18 and pregnant. Gloria is crazy abcut
th e boy but he denies he is the father and
refuses to m<.1rry her. He has even gone
so far as to say he will prove in <.:ourt, if
nece~sary, thal three of his friends had
se x with her. \Vc've begged Gloria to put
th<' child up f()r adoption but she Insists
she wants lo raise it. She is 11n1nalurr.
:ind h.1s no sense of resp<insi bilily. l'rn
:-u re she wants ln keep lhe child bec:iusr.
sill' believes it v.·ill hc!p her get lhc boy
back I have two children unde r 12 year!
of nge aTHI J 'm in poor health. l cannnt
lnkc on a ne\v baby. I'm su re (;loria
l\OU!r! put the '\'Ork 00 OH! beCilll.~t thi~ 1'\
the \\'DY she alwayi; has done. llow C(ll\
11·r m;ike hrr listen? -F. L. r .
DEAR F./ L. P.: Legally ~our
dau1hter Is of •gt and 1be tan do a• she
pleases. You cail and should, b{)wever, In·
r{)rm her that you will oot keep her baby
if she dlsregard1 )'Our wi1 he1, I h{)pt for
the chlld ·s sake she listens to you.
\\'hat awaits you on the other side or
tile rnarriogc vei l? How can you be s"re
your marriage will work? Read Ana
Liinr!ers' booklet "Marriage -What to
J-:xp1tet." Send your request lo Ann
Landers in care of this newspaper enclos-
inJ? :>Q cent.~ in coi 11 and 11 long, st<1n1ped,
!'irif·:iddrcs~td t·nvrlope.
Ann Liindcr~ will be glad to help you
11'ilh }'()IJr problcrns. Send them lo he.r in
c:1re nf ttic l)A ILY PILOT, enc\osin& :i
sclf-add~<cssed. sta111pcd envelope.
_..., ---·----.....---...-.-----~ -----------------------------------...... .
·. .. ,. .
J <f CAIL Y PI LOT 'rhu~day, Octobtr 16, 1969
Junior Auxi liary Stirs Up First Luncheon
Pisces: Heed Friend's Suggestion
Lunar position t'Onlinuts
good for fishing.
MENU TIP: Sauteed whole
lroul. Fealure color red in
fion1e dishes, and seat Aries
individual at bead of lable.
ARIES (March 21-April 191:
You are apt to be center of at·
tenLion. t.tany are <.lrawn to
you. Be independent and con-
fident. But avoid making pro·
mises whic h are impossible to
TAUR US (April 20-r.1ay 20):
Illusion is separated from
reality. You learn v.·hat is
practical and what should be
discarded. You may be trusted
to raise funds for special pr o-
ject. Accept -but outline
your O\~n conditions.
GEMINI <May 21 -June 20):
Income affecting mate,
partner is spotlighted. You can
llid by entertaining people in
position to say yes. t.·trans be
<:harming. Don'L argue or try harmful fantasies. bttomes available. J\1ake Ote
lo place blame. What was lost SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): most of rare opportunity. You
will be replaced. Changes occur in inunediate get green light on pet project,
CANCER (June 21-July 22 ): environment You h 11 v e Now be sure of direction -"k then · mol'e ahead. \rhat appears sparkling, new tP.ndcncy to want to slrt e out.
1nay nol be as desirable as based on impulse. Key is to PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20):
\I-' h a t you already possess. think. to respond in log1cal A fr 1 en d v.·ho knoo,1·s
t.lessage becomes increasingly manner. when , 1\hat and 11.·here
c.:lear ton ight. Be charming SAG117ARIUS (Nov . 22-Dec. offers solid ~uggestion . l!eed
v.·ithout being flirtatious. 21 J: Emphasis continues on it Don 't stri1·e lo ma ke
LEO 1Ju!y 23-Aug. 22 1: luncis, income. Your prospects :.01nt>thing of nothing. This is a
Figure lime an d costs before are bright. ri·lem ber or op-day to fin is h v.·hat is past. You
agreein~ lo speci al project. posite sex p rovides in-profit as result.
E1nphasis on ambition, timing. spiration. But you must curb If TO DAY IS \' 0 UR
Those in position to pave way tendency to try too much at BIKTllDA\' you are more
for your efforts are favorably once. practical than many gi\•e you
inclined. CAPRICORN /Dec. 22-Jan. credit for being. You know
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Srpt. 22 ): 19): You are able to get aclion what )'OU "'ant and are
Take care 1n handling funds. in areas \\"hich prel'iously crc11tive enough lo obtain it.
Some are quite :;;ensilt ve, even \Vere immobil e -afft>cts Domeslic si tuation that was
fearful. l\ey is to inspire con-security and prestige. Push changed works lo your ad·
fld ence. Do this by expressing fo r plans "·hich enhance vantage.
yourself, including sense of seeurity and resul t in property "To 1:"" °"1 more otoout ~ourMJI o"a llum••. · A\lrQIO'll', ord•t ~van"" o.n.rr·1 SC-'" gain. P•i>e D001<1t.I, l~• Trut~ ""°ut ,.,. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0t't. 22 ): AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. tro101tv. St-Od ~cents•• Omorr 100~· ~r. 1~• D••I• Pllo!, eo,,-:no!O. Gra...a Accent on ma r r i age , 18): What appeared elusive cont••' stohcm. ~ew Yort, N.V. 1001; permanent relationships. No l--"--""--'"-'-'-'--"=-'--'=-'-==-'-'='-""--"-'-
day to play games with
!Sec urity -emot•ona! or
other11.•isc . Get the facts-then
act ac cordingly. Get rid ol
•• ••
St . Catherine's Council
Rummaging for Funds
I! ii
2621 (, CHlt Hwy .. Coro11• d~ #or 6'75·71Jl
St. Catherine·s Counci l of
Ca!holic \Vomen 'A'ill launch
Cooking up their first luncheon for the ne\\•ly organ-
ized l.lni\·ers11y o! Sou the rn ('aUfornia, Orange
County J unior .<\Li:->iliary ol TO\\'ll <lnd GOl\'11 ~ire
chartrr officers rl eft to ·righ!) fl'lrs. Ed11·ard Bnun-
lcau .Jr .. recording !:il'Cretar~. 1'.lr.c;. Oby \\"oods .Ir ..
prC'stdent, ;ind J"\lr!'> . .!anH':. :'llcCunn1fl Jr., hospital-
ily chairman. T he Jun c hron meeting \Viii tak e place
next Tuesday in the 1\'c1\"port Beach home of 1Jrs.
_Rand ol ph J)arkcr. The group is dedicated to rais-
111g funds to further education of deserving young
11·omcn a l lhe un1vcr.\oi ty. ~
the first in a series of fund·
raising projects with a rum·
mage sale in Laguna Beach
\Voma n's Clubhouse from 9
a.m. to 3 p.m. next Saturday.
A family·sized pool table is
just one of many bargains
11vai!ablr <It the event headed
P eter Kiesselbach , John t.1er·
rill, Charles Payne, Martin
Poldermans, Arthur Preter,
Robert Redwitz, James Shea,
Thoma_s Skelton, f rank Streff,
Cornelius Toomey , Marjorie
\Vagner, Ardyth Wightman
and the Misses Anna Demuth,
Jo Gilhoe. An n Alaguire, Rose
O'Reilly and Marian Wood.
Half Sizes
At Se ssio n
r.t rs. }/ o \\'a rd J-:ckhardL
!';r>n1nr j!ruup counselor ;iL ,
Orange Coun1.1• .Ju1•enilr JL1ll.
1r1ll be the ~p<-;1kr.r \1 hrn lt:r
;\[berl Silton Ch1ldren ·s (;uild
mrcts 1.ext f\londay.
The coun~c-lnr \\"Jll 1·~pl.'lin
1bc Volunteer\ 1~11or l'r{\g ra111
in J u\'enilf' I !<ill 11 h1ch a:.st~!~
1hr ~ouths If\ CldJUS\Ulg (l!
TI1c. 10 :i rn 1nrrtini: will
l:ikc placr u1 !h,... 1·n11fl·rrncc
roorn of J111rnile /!;ill. Oranct.
The Tee
Ed•I•"• Nolt: A colymn ..i womr•'t
IOI> ..OU «OtH w•ll OPPO•t eot• wr•W
•• '"'DAILY PILOT. lo ..... ., ><••n
10• :nr .... ~. PIO••• m••• tn..,, to P o.
eo, IS6~-Tn r, m'IS! bt '"''"'d by
Moed•~ I
FIELD SMOT\ -(LI» A. I~ /.','1u .
r ·~~· P.~~O<:•· •~. M•fl• Cn~•n•
I "''""• Mon"' '"'""'•" ~ ·' qtho•I
• ""'' )1 er~·· e m• '"'"'"'· a•" 1,·~-" ~ . .I~. \'/di'""' M.111<~. ~· •: "'-·-· ~~"' o. ~6 .. .,,.,~ f'~P•·•O" I!
l I (.. I~< "'"''' l, E )•&•K )\ ; j~m~• //.tCrtc,o, 3' llio'nll L•'•~·
•• W ( •,•t.1i.1m•, 1; ' . P•ri FIVES A .. 0 THllf£' Ott ro111t,, l '• HA .. OIC-"" -(II» A.·~·
Repousse Art-Statues
Gold Leafing-Resin
-Paper Tole -
Christmas Decorations
.\-11u1.< 011/v i i DAYS Atrnv!
OPEN -10-6 TUES., FRI. & SAT.
10 · 9,30 MON ., WED. & THURS.
1926 Harbor, Costa Mesa -645-2460
""""-It•• O~cD>. Jl. l<><~~i;l' tip!,
l l. Rot>o•! Moelo•, 1>0~"" """" , r· ,,,~::.~ ... ~ 1;;. -'~"T :~:: ";';:.~ ,.,.~ .
Oo·on Ol•on, l~. Cla" ( "" f."t<• )~~n l•won, 11':: 11''"•••0 (,,.1,.. JI,
Na•~o~1e1 Ro~m\, j.,.,.,,, ~m1 •~ J! 11.1,NCHO SAN JOAQ UIN
MUTT ,-ND JEFF, ME:l.\6[11~
~WEEPS -FllQ>.f A II>• Mn1t I ' Penr ·,..•11, l~ , R•v li~t.~"~••~· l> I .
F 8o'11>olomew. GorCfon lml<' ' ; Fl>nt•I B. I~• J\\m•·· 1-1~,,... Ct·",,.., J• , , G.iD<<I l~f. J< H, II J"o•o'll," ~ J L W•lb.,d9•, 11 . r uo•" c I'~
"'"""· Fr•n~ ~·~·n·.~· l·, CO•! " ' !•p,-n, ~ (•rl ~·-•• -"" \'.•>••••
l.,c ... •• JI: FlrQ"I n •~• """ 0 0.,d'd l ~I""''"" l~ . ; f-. IV f'c••· c•'
Jo ·• Jo""\ "''"''' ,I lllVl .. E tD•ST l•OI E S o•v ~ C•~" A, !h• 1: .....• c-. W Fl•"' 1l';; G•~m; I >t.1• ' h'«noel O'IHoe•, JI' .. C,,. .. ~. "" ,.,....., ... l~"'"' a l•~•e• •>. 'd .. .-n M•lum. l1'1. H•h<r E••(~"'O" p I Ill!•. Jt: Cl~u C. ·~· Mm•• ,...,,,,,,. G•8~1. ll'I . N•wrll F~·'· 19: 11nr·••
W•"O· 19 '· C•~•·· o ,., .. "'m"' r I
,,.,,.,,,,, .1&. c~~""' F "~b•.,:, De"""' ...... 11,, ,,._Ill•~"' MtCo•d. •~ <.
Wings Way
To Seattl e
Exploring w~\!'; hi prn11 11
1hr 1hcme. Awarencss-Ac\1 .. 11
11·tl l be clelt'gal!''> ;itu•nd1n~ tnr
:inth r.1r l Scout \':itionill Cr.1111-
r il mtr1ing in ~e:itllr Sunlla1,
Oct-l~\\"rdneSfl!ir. Oct 22
.i\lten<.11ng frnn; thr 0r;inl.'r
loa~t \\"111 br-!11r5. John \1.
0 11r11. ~r11port Bt:1ch. pr•·,1·
1fr11L ol lhc Clrarigt' Counl \"
,\crn111panvlnl!. hrr :•r(' 1,1 1'
\1 Jnf's .• lan1c~ i1l :1si1n :ind 1 · .• rl
11 .. Jrsch. Huntin~tnn g<':l• t·
Angus f\I c p ha I ,. E1 t•n II
f\unan, .ran1cs Pon1I anil C1•11•·
Cunningham. Nr"·jXlrt ncarh:
Alfrc<i \\'oolle~'. Oalboa lsl;ind .
and ~li.~s Dia Dorsrv :in•!
.Judge anrl il·lrs. Cal\:i n J'.
Schmidt . Corona drl .\1 ar.
.-11 NU• ••g•o l"mUol1 ol I•"• •o• e••CUI•
1ion, Prlll 1n1 lu<l<l Dtn<~ •"'II dfl,Yt•~.
Save up to 40°/o OF NEW COST
SAVE ~;; 20%
Buih-G •rh tWol~u!l w,, '119'1 NOW 51099
H.1101.0ow<• !M 8~) w~, 1 11'19 NOW S1099
Hordmi n tW1!nutl. Wo1 1 !1'19 NOW Sll99
Kn •b•. JWo lnull w., 1179'1 NOW S1599
Wud;hor tEbot>vl Now ••.•.••••• St"EClAL Sll99
K;mb ~ll tEbonvl 5 f+. 1 in .. , ••.••• SP'ICIAL S1249
South Coast Plata on lrlstol fu1t North
of San Dll'CJO Frw1., Costa Mesa, S40·l16S
by riliss Laura Manetta, ,,.a}'S
and means chairman.
Assisting 11iss 11 anetta are
1he t.fmrs. Joseph Bush, Silas·
Chancy, S. S. French and
Philip Hopkins and about 3.5
11·ome n combining efforts for
the affair.
l1ivision chainnen include
the r.tmes. Ca\'anaugh. better
1·lothes: John Croul, Je"·elry ;
A quartet of parish men will
lend a hand with setWng up for
the sale. They are J oseph
Dempsey, Devaney, Pierre
1tadrus and Preter.
Lodge Adds
Six Names Thl' Futurr rof Cn111pu lf'r ·r. J. Crn\\·lry. dresses :i nd
Tune Sharing \I il l bl· i11~cus~· 1·oats: Jolin Kenny, food :
, !I 11\ T1111othy Ph•· Ip s .Josl'ph Kunnv. chi Id re n 's Six: lll'IV men1bers \1·ere
ll;11l1111grr. S:i11l;1 ;\11~1 111:i11:ige· clo!hes: F r·a n k O'S ul!i\'an, ,,·c!tome<l to Tryg\'e Lie!
1111·'1! t!•n ~u11 :1111. dunni:: tl1e shoes and handbags. and f.liss Lodge 90. Sons nf Norway ,! r1~hlh ;1111111al 1111hlic rela tions Anne Reilly, bou!ique. during a n1eeling in the Odd
1111 •1•11ng <JI lh(' Oranj!f' L'ount_v A~sislini; them 1rill br the Fello11·.'\ I/all. Costa f\.lesa. 1 !'hapttr, Arn(·rican Soc 1c1y of l\!n1rs. Ca rol Benl. Adrien Adding their nan1es to the
\\'i11n(·n 1\\T11\111!ant!>. Casnubon, ll ohf>rt C ruse. roste r \\·ere r.trs. J)hi!ip Pike,
\ "oci.11hoiir11·il! take plate \Villiam De vaney. Fred Miss Joa nn Plke. Mrs. Erwin
:i1 1) 311 :ind 1tinnt'r 31 7 tnnight, r:tnire. Joseph Fanelli. Gerald Loth. ri·lrs . Joan Oren and Mr.
111 lht· l:rrr11 hr rcr Inn . (;<irden llaltahan. G. J . f-lan kes. H. and t.lrs. Henry Callier.
(;t'.,11• .\lr"-flobcrt T.vnd<J ll' 1s Jl arlow Hines, Joe Kitzman, Also during the meeting q
1 h;t1r111an .,1 thr rncet111g. ;i nd color film titled •·Leif Ericson
\l r~. \\' . .r av !'chrn•r of Foun· <ind the Viking Discove ries"
ti1111 \';1llcy· Js thr rhapter Bargains Put 1\as prrsen ted by Ansgar
pr!'"'1d1•nt Sl'anO<' of Los Angele~.
l\;1Hl1ngcr hr1ld'-a n1;1'itcrs LJ f G b Fin;i l plans \\'ere made for rlt•~fi'C' 111 I. 11 ~ 1 n c· ~ ~ ;ilf. p Qr ra $ the llr>COrning Lulefisk and
1n1n1~1rauon ltnn1 ~!Jnford n1eatb:ilt dinner scheduled for 1:11 111·r~ily and JS :ieli1·e 111 1hc llll rbor Area residenls "'ill Sunday, Oct. 19, Jn th e
t)railgt• County chapl!'r. l!c hllvc only one day to lake ad-Aineric-rin Leg ion Ha 11 , Ii;_•~ rccei\'l'd their m 0 s l va nta ge of bargains offered al l\ewport Beach.
Pretty dres-ses-
m•kes them
H•lf.S ize
Shop makes
•fford ·
• . -•
'fl. -i~ffa ·
1805 Newport Blvd., C.M.
18 to 20
\ ._.1u;iblr inrinbt.'r award for a rummage sale sponsored by The lodge '1-'ill met"t Thurs· l'\6~1 ;111rt 11as prrscntrd the the Sisterhood of the l-larbor day. Oct. 23, at 8 p.m. for the1 .l11h11 V<Jrbl·~ ;ind El 11.'lh \\'atts Jlcform 1'cniple. fil 1n, "A Norwegian
Sell<: ;n\·<1rd::. b,I' the t:al)fornla The sale 11.·ill take place next 1-lcntagr," presented by Rily!
Sl:tt!' ~oi i<'IY or !'J'As fnr Ju s Friday fr om 9:30 a.111. to 3:30 Brrdstrand. •
[lf'rlonii.ince ir1 thr ~iJlC'~ ex-p.m. al 600 \V. 19th St., Costa Also on the calend:i r is a ·•• · ·
1 .1111l11;1t10n.... f\lesa. Proceeds v.'ill help sup-Dec. 6 dance to ce!ehrale the1 llu~inr"~ '''"·~·i,ilc-~ 01 rntin·~~""io'i' i";i"i;i'f;ieimiipilei;il;ibi"i'iYi· iiiiiiii.i100iigi'i'sififrisiliai"i"i;'i'i"iai'i"·i;,iiii1iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
"'Ii bloc II 11ortt. of 18th S!rnt"
Hours: 9:30 to 5:30
Friday to 9:00
224 Orangefair Malt, Fullerton
!11 I \, nnd n1t'n1h•·1~ Jn :1c·
11111!1llilt: ;ind n t h r r pro-I
I· ,,11111:il 01 :,a11iz:i111111s ;ire 1n-
111 rd.
Co stu me Party
.\ 1 n.,lu1nr l!:i!lnwren party
1 ~ 1ol:111nc:d 11\ TOPS /1 11rbor
1.1i;l111·r~ for their next
1111'1'!111~ tn lltirpt·r Sehool
;uithl"l'!llnl. ('o~ta f\lf's:i at 7
fl 111 !11'X t ~lj111dc1~·-
!. n l\·1'.d()f11' rcfrrsluncnts
\11!1 h1· ft·;i111 rcd.
r.,, 1111. l8cl11 .. I. T~o••
!~••• """rd• IW"' Ill> I.tin" !~
•p•••1,.,n "" t~• O.-IL Y' PILOT
•d il<>••~ p~9 • •~••v d•w
• •
you arc iu vi1ec1PJIBHIOR
Clcthing Store For
MERCHANDISE Second s A L E Men •Women PRIZES TO BE e ch;ld«n
GIVEN AWAY* Anniversary • 1n1anh
50°/o OFF
Wash & Wear Slacks
JIEC.. 1 o.oo
lllei. 49.tl $2999
VALUES •O UI $3 99
l[G. t .tt $499
SIZES 1·10
5t ZIS7·14
$899 •. '.'_"_'_' .• .co•L•o·'-' --~----' VALUES TO 12.•1
YA.LUIS TO 19.91
1-$100.00 Gift Certificates
2-$50.00 Gift Certificates
4-$25.00 Gift Certificates
l" ! 6.ALL&PU J~{
r r" be.t
S~o pp;•t
c.,,,,,i FRE E
You n•od o"ly '"9•11•• lor I~• i l00.00 wool" of rn1r<hndi10 t••
d1om1bl• G oll Cer!ifjct ltl,
L~rl y "''""'" 111 bt drt wn on Nowol'Obtr 11!.
PARKING "-, •. -.. ...... v.' ·.c., ... ..J, ~· =r.W'l>•v~Q
OPIN 1 DAYS Flt. 'TIL f ,.M.
-~·-· ..
1;j1". •• INSPECTION LINE Looking over some of the
1-:oods to be sold at their upcoming rummage sale
;:ire members of Saddleback College Faculty \Vives
Weddings, Troths
Pilot's Deadlines
To avoi d disappointment. prospective
hrides are reminded to have their \vedding
s tories \ri th black and \Vhite glossy photo.
graphs to the Dr\ILY PILOT Society Deparl-
1nent prio r to or ,,·ithin one week after the
\I edding.
!·'o r eng agement announcements it is
·"uggcsted 1hat the story, a!so accoJn pa nied
by a blat:k a nd \Vhite g!ossy picture. be
s ubinittcd early. lf lhe betrothal announ cc-
Jncnt and v.•t'<ldtn b date are six \'le eks or less
;.1part . only the wedding photo \rill be ac-
To help fill requirements on both \''ed-
d1ng and engage1nent stori es, forms are ava il-
able 1n all of the DAILY PILOT office~.
r·urthcr questions v.•ill be answered bv Social
i\olcs staff members at 642-4321 or 494-9466 .
November Rites
NB Couple
:'ltr ... '\"1lham :'11. V!orris of
C'herol..<'('. lo\\·a. h a s an·
nounc••d the engagement of
hrr flaughtcr. Eli~abeth .Jean
~lnr ri~ lo Gale Irvin \\'hi t·
:1kcr , both of Ne\\"pnrt nearh.
The couple will be ma rried
;'\()\". 22, in the C'nmm unity
Church. Congrcga lional, Co-
rona rlrl J\1ar.
V!L~" .\lorri~ JS a gradua te of
t11r L'n1l'rrsil v of \\·i,.con$in
11 hcrr she aff1°1iatcd \1·ith Della
l.1 'a ... orority.
II ·r f1;incc, son nr '.\1r. 11nd
\lri:. Lcrnv \\"hllakrr o f
l,1·1 1c.:Hl1;-i, :ittcndcd San Diego
:-it:i tc College.
Ritua l Se t
!\\JS.<; Joan Griff is of Corona
1Jr l !\lar "'ill receil'e the
11('lrome ritua l by Xi Epsilon
1'!'1 Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi.
to Marry
The group wil l meet at 8
p 1n. next Tuesday in the
1·osta r-.tcsa home of ~1rs. ELIZABETH MO RR IS
IJrinald R i c h a rd son , A
11·orkshop <1tso is planned. Plans Wedding
U~ T040% OFF
19 F•shlon l1land
Newport Be•ch
19 F11hlon Squ1r•
S1nt1 An1
~'--~~~~~~~~~---= .. ::...~~~~~~~-
(left to right) the rvtmes. Andrew Kish, \Villiam
\Villiams and Paul Brennan.
Saddleback Faculty Wives
Cash Registers Ring
As Leaders Take Bows
Sadrllcbatk College Fal'ultv
\\'i\·es ha\·e thoughL up ;1 ne1v
and different atmospher<' for
the u1iroduction of new 111.
firers .'\01·. 1 in Laguna Uc.1th
\\"oman's Clu bhouse.
\l'h1'n r.trs. \\' i ! 1 i ,, n1
\\"illiarns. ne11· pre~1dcnt, ;1111!
r>!hC'r uff1crrs take their br111s,
!he !'ilunrl nf cash rP~1i..l!~ro;
11111 co1np rise the backt;n111nd
Al least Jl is hoped the C••~h
U.N. Day Tea
Joint Effort
,, tea in ob,Cr\':lll('<' 11[
Ln11cd Nal lons 11nv 1~ the
1oint effort of Ilic '<:on,111nc
Chapter of the Un1 tc11 N;111uns
/ls~oc1atlon, the Lrag11r of
\\'omen Voters ()f lhr Or;1nRI'
Co:isl an<l the Baha t'> of
Orange Coun!y.
The e\'cnt ,1·ill l ah1~ p!,1cc
from 2 10 5 r-m. next ~unday
1n the homr nf ;\Ir'>. fl obcrl
Shrrman, 1'\c1vport Dca(h.
Present ing-brirf t ;ilk~ 11ill
he tllis.'> RoSf'mary Rapp . a
rt'µresc11tath·c fnr 1hr
Frecdoin Frorn l lungcr Foun·
tliition and r-.lrs. I-~lsic \\:it-..nn
fron1 thr S!a!r f'n111 1111 of
Lni!cd l\a t inn.~ As,oc:1ntJn11
Srr,·ing :is hn~!r"'-es 11111 he
lht• ~lrncs. Gr o r gr lhll·
i11gs11orth, Leo Ro11n, Jf:ir1l'Y
Pea,c. ltob"rt Horn. lJ nlhrook
r.!ulforrl, F.l~1r K r o c "1 h r ,
r-.1a~-brllc Prt:it, r (' r ('I I ;'I I
Nichols and ilHss Adele I il'C'~.
Alumnae Meet
Lea rning parli amcn lar\' pro-
cedure 11·i !J be memb<"rs of
~anla Ana-Ne11·port ll:irhor
Chaptrr, Delta Cam ma 1\lum-
tl·lrs. Ina Potter \\'ill address
1hc group at 8 p.m. nc-;t T11e~
rl:iv in !he Coronil c!rl :'>\ar
home of fl-trs. L. J . Gauthier.
r!.'gistcrs \\'ill be ringing since
!here .,.,·il l be a n1n1n1age sal e
1n session. Proceed~ 11·111 go
lo.,.,'ards schola rships for Sad·
dlcback Junior r 0 l l (' g e
students. the srour·s sole
r.lr<>, \\'1lliams. a rrs1dent or
Tu tui. 1s t<ik 1ng over the
rrcsldcn t1al reigns from ~1rs.
.r:u::k S\\'artzbaugh of L;iguna
Bc:i('h 11·ho \\'ill be co m e
~·r<1rb<J11k ft.lilor. She \1 i!l lead
thr nrgan1za 11on through its
second year of existence.
Assislini: her are the J\lmes.
\Vilha m Otta of Mission Viejn,
l'ice president: \Vi 11 i am
Phillips of Garden Grove,
:;ecretarr. and \Vayne Horvath
of Dana Poi nt, treasurer.
Others include ch;iinnen the
:'11n1rs. Andrew Kish n! Hun·
1Jng1nn Beach. \.l'ays and
incan.s; Fred Bremer of San
Clemente. ·wile of lhe college
prrsident, hospitalit y: Paul
lircnnan of Soulh Laguna,
pub liclty: Lee Rho<lcs of
r..1ission \1iejo, i;.oc:ial, and
l{rynnld Kern of tlh ssion Vie·
jo, nicmbership.
Peace Co rps
Speaking on her experiences
\I i11lc serving in the Peace
i 'nrps for t1rn ~·r<irs in lrn:lia
\'ill hr il·!rs. Pamrla Dal sime r
11 ho "111 oren he r Fullerton
J111n1c to Stephrns College
The 1nrrlin1: \.l'ill take placr
:ii B r.in. next Tuesday.
f.!rs. Da!simer. a Stephens
graduate . .,.,orked as a speech
therapist .,.,1th the mentally
retarded. she v.·ill augment
!Jrr ta lk with slides.
Jlostesscs wil l dnn nalive al·
li re and scr\·e East Indian
• f..
Come As You Are
Bre•k the che in1 of tolleri, cl ips, •ncl dryers. Try our
soft sc issor cut •.. You may never have to 1et your
hair 09oin.
Now •. , Penelo pe (Formerly of Gene Shacove)
& Robert Pi9notti
(at RIVA'll
1 17 Marr,,. Av• .• lalltN l1land-P~e 17J..12:10 fer A1t11't. 01>t" I 01y1 & l•••· 0Vtme~1 0"'11" -,. ..... Ctll ftr
l'rff tlolf C1•t a L«llH'"·
• Wanted Operator with Foll0J n1
. ............. ~~ ..
Th~sday, Ottobtr 16, 1%11 OAILY PILOT 15
13' s a Lucky Number
Di staffers For Senior
Th e nu1nber 13 must be
lucky lor thr. distaff ~ide ol
Harbor Senior Citizens' Club.
For the flrsl time since the
club was Of'ganized 13 years
ago, a woman will take the
gavel du r I n g installallon
ceremonies next Monday in
the recreation center, Newport
Heading the gr oup for the
coming year ""'ill be r..!rs ,
Stella r..1arks , and serving with
her will be Clai r Pyle, vice
president; f..1rs. Roy (ho.·en,
secretary . and Mrs. Hazel
Sween, treasure r. Installi ng
officer \I'll! be Mrs. Blanc.:he
From Page 13
Benz. liaison off icer or the L1
Ne.,.,·po rt Harbor Zonta Clu b, 1
sponsoring organization .
New board members are 1 Mrs. J-larriet Reber, Norman 1
Sherv.rood and Earl Tyler. 1:
Everyone 50 years old or
older \\'ho resides in the
Harbor Are a is eligible for
membt!rship. Meetings are .,.
con ducted on the first and
lh1rd Mondays of each month.
Other activities I n c I u de
designated days for bridge,
pinochle a n d shuffleboard
pla yin g and speci al outings.
Purpose of the club is to pro--• •
mo!e ~ood fellowshi p and ,
rec:·ea tio n. . -
... Concert ~
organization. The same can be fl'
said, of course, for Herr \'
Y.'allat, a director who is very ~
much in demand in Europe ~
and who is revered in that
cootinent with something like -,
!he adoration so many of us
rP.fere nce to Werner Egk 's
"French Suite Aft er Rameau''
and Tuesday night's airing of
this controversial work only
served to strengthen our con·
viction that thi s is not for us.
1'o be absolutely fa ir, Its
performance brought our con·
cert partner out ol her chair
\Vilh cries o! "Bra\'o." And
both she and a fcllo\v music
critic share the belief that it
was the highlight of the even-
However, we are the critic
in this revie\v. And "'hile it
would not be l rue to say that
the Egk was comp I et e I y
.,.,·ilhout merit we ha\'e to ad-
mit that there is very little lo
please us in what v.·e regard
as a confusing, muddled score.
l!s best movement is lhat
!asl shimmering stanza . a
racy, non~h~l ant 11fl air 1Yhic l1
owCd much ·rur sday night to
'Va\lat's dir!'Ct"lon. But it is a
pleasure that soo n palls when
one look s again at the overall
\\'Ork and flnds so littl e on
\\'hich to Iced the inne r
musical man.
Our program told us lhat
Egk "is ca pable of bein g
,·ividly descriptive," a quality
that n1us\ have esca ped him in
this parlicu\nr score. \Ve
would prefer th at ou r own ef·
for1~ ;it descrip!Lnn be allov.·ed
to lapse in the light of \1°hat
\\'3S a splendid conccrL
It 11·as a concert tha t serYed
to reinforce our conviction
th at this fine NOR Orchest ra
is a \·ery much underrated
Air Hostess
J oini n,g Trans \\'oriel
Airlu1es hostesses 1s
f\1iss l\Iaureen Casey,
daughter of Lt. Col.
and 11rs. Donald F .
('asev of l rvine.i She
'viii "be based out of
I~os An gele!! Interna-
t ional Airport.
reserve for Zubin r..1ehta. _.
And little wonder, looking ~:
back at the UCI concert. 'J;
\Vallal \\'as very much the ij
maestro in a perfonnance that l1
stressed to the full the ~
discipline and devotion of this '!
fine German orcbeslra. ~
L 1.
The calendar of upcoming !~
activ1 t1es was outlined for ,
n1 cn1bers of Co u r t Stella •I
h1aris, Catholic Daughters of ' i
An1e rirA, as business meetings ~.
resumed for the year.
Assi sting 1\lrs. ~1adeline t.'.lc· L
C.uckin, grand regent , .,.,•ill be >'
the i\lmes. S. J. Cook, ways µ
and means: Pctrr Gie1zen, leg· '..l
islallon: Paul C. \Valton. con·
fraternity; Jo5eph Ba!lavennc, ·
n1issions; An na Grimes, hos-1,
pitality, and llarry V. Conde,
membership. '
In the planning stages is a ' j
Halloween c os l u m e party '•
scheduled for Oct. 27 in SL
Joac him's Hal!, with Mrs. Earl
Savage as general chairman. !
Calendared for Nov. 14, 15 r.
and 16 is the annual holiday ·
boutique under the direction
of r..1rs. Cook. Featured will be 1.:
needlework, g1fls, gadge ts, '"
gourmet foods and itrins for •
chilr!re n. .
The group meets the 11econd 11
and fou rth r-.tonda ys of each ~
lfopin g to 1nake Sunday
afternoo ns a fainily affai r are
members of the La c e •n·
Leather square dance cl ub,
Hun!ington Bench.
A begi nners' danre class for
adult couples anr! playgrou nd
facilities for chi ldren 11·H1 be
Qf[ered bet .... ·rrn 2 and 5 pm.
in !he Rrrreat1on Center, liun·
tinglon Beach,
The class 11·11! bt open to all
lnlrrr~ted arlulr couples begin·
ning Sunday. Ocl. 19, and in·
structin g 11·111 be ~I a r v
l.ind n<'r. Addi ti o n a 1 in·
lorma\lon n1a y be obtained by
rillling t.1r~. Ju<1n Dillon, 536·
BOJ:I, or Mrs. Ray Buth , 536--
R11denhip p o 11 1 p ro~•
"P11nuh"' i1 one of th1 wadd'1
"'011 popul1r "omi" 11tip1. R11d
it •l t i!y In th• DAILY PllOT.
NOTICE!!! Hearing Aid Users
we are now equipped to
Service to the following bronds
---~of hearing olds ___ ..,
IDleiliN ef Or_,. Coollty H"rilllt AMI S."IAI
C:OLLIC:T 830-0530
II No AMwor Call 541 -ZJJS
JJIZI , ... • Y..._l•-S.lte IDI
__ n;.._ -
.\I " -. , • I ' -· .. ..•
;:; ~1
. · 1 .:. ~ --r· .· ' • 1
::: I
. · t -·
' l 1
f I
.. ·
.•. I
Betrothel Told
Nuptial Ceremonies
Planned for Summer
!llr. and !llrs. l3enj111nin T rygve Lil\e-
gr&v en of Ne,vport Beach have announ ced
U1c cngagen1ent or her daughter. Nancy
I·:vans Creamer to Curry \\'clch Kirkpatrick
!lliss Crca1ncr, a 1966 Ch ildren's Home
Society debutanle, 1s the d aughter of i\licha el
Crean1cr of Los :\ngelcs. She is a gr.J rtuale
of Corona de! :r..'ia r lligh School and ;1\tC'nds
Orange Coast College. She plans lo major 1n
ph ysical education at C;;il!fornia State Col·
lege a t F ullerton.
Jler fiancc, son of C'ol. and i\Jrs. Robert
\'ic tor Reese of Laguna l·lills . a lso is a gradu-:_
a te of Newport l-larbor I lig h School. Cu rrent.
ly he is a public relations major at CSC F
\\'he re he is president of Sig1na .-\lpha Delta.
A June \Vcddlng ls bein ~ planned.
F"'"'•rly .... ;i~ on1 of fd;hoon h l•nd'1 le1cl;n9 be•~fy
1•ud o<1•
K.ro n oHt" • •~•q9v cut, 10/1 1;,.. ~11u1I 1 t~l1 .,
.. :q~ f81~ion ~u•l1.
She ;, ••''e"'.~ly l•l•nl1.! "'C'~'~'J wit~ h1;r p01 coi
in ~., 1tyl,,.9 "''~''!)"' .l Y ~ll AllL I' l u t •f'tV THRIJ ~AI0/~0AY
[1(£ .. 11iG, llY ,A PPOIN 1MEN!
3105 Nt:WPOR.T BlVO .
1.\f.•0>5 Jrorn Nf"IX>'' e~ecn Cl!V Hell )
Conlt .. 1.tlon
Soll1111'9 .,,.
Z1l11 h11
Conventent:rtnn• -.
17 F•1h ion hl•nd
Newport B1.11ch I
...... ~
I OJ W. 41h St. ;
S1nt1 Ane
• • -· • -· ··-----·--------~------------------------------------------------------• + ,..
Computers t o Cut Crime Mongolism Research
Mothers Fight for Furuls
Dnta 10 ll<'lp Pnrole Officers M£1ke Decisions WASHINGTON (AP) -An ~-year-old ti.1ongoloid boy , and close down" a hwnan ex-
SACRA~!ENTO (AP) _ /\ i-• ,\f'trl 11iU1 men1ory b:ink !111-s!at1stical profile of l he psychiatric disturbances. organization of mothers of spokesman for the ocganiza-perimental drug pro gr a m
teen-aged i;irl is nrre~t•-d i L1r , I 11 ,111 nnmt.>s, blrthd.1!11s, parolee 1\·ould be in the parole Wilb this infonnation, said Mongoloid children has uon of 25 Wai.ttington-area against at least one aspect ot
drug. posses~ion. s11\. 1;, 1,1, ,·. 1. +1.I~' fl•lal!on~hips, l1c:ilth officer's hands within minutes. SmiUi, ''a computer system moonted a national letter-mothers called "Mothers of Mongolism being conducted by
"l, f rom n br1Jkrn htonli ::nil 11 inl5. 1·1irne h 1s t or i c ~. 'J'hat would provide qui ck could be used t'o. help develop writing campaign, protesting Young h1ongoloids," is leading Dr. f\1ary Coleman of " I 1 d d t t d"ff" It ,-.~ h be l tr l f l · what it terms a threat to a the f1'gl•t Ch.ildre0 's If o s pit a 1 1n h:-.s a history of tl'ltlif' d1Jt.11i; ~.111111 n Lorrs a11 ozens 11 nnswcr~ o 1 icu qurs 1.,,,s. I e s s aegy, cacuahng ·· "
ba t'k se\•fn ~·e:i.r~. i.·111 r :·I 111:.lit'S nbtnined !ron1 Hecord s could sho w a long the mathematical probability proryiising research program r-.trs. Wyman said in an in· \\'ashington.
Thr nrxt On.v. \i('r 1,:in·~r , f. 111 ••e 11hn 1•u111e inlo contJtl :-;tnnding drug proble1n. denied of success or failure for each against Alongolism. \erview her group is con-Mongolism is a malady
1 \\u!l .. tl!1.:1;i\ r('i:urd kccpt•r!'., by a troubled youth. Or. they possible course of treatment." The program i!I reported to cerncd thal a •·proposed cut" charaC'lerizcd by serious men·
firer is g\\'t"O a hulk~ ti '' '11 ' 1 I', .1, ,, ,,,11,,.01,, on parole ·1~ "(1\Jlrl show previous scholastic 'Th I t be d be the only one of its lype still · ' 1· I t h ta! rel"'r1t0 11·on "S well as by hc.r <,ad and cl\plfllt"I: 1i1,101.1. ~ e Pan mus approve in appropna rons o e .. ... .. , 1,. h .•. J11 ~ parole ofhl'l'T br1l\1J11ce or academic potcn· by the legislature, where some in ('X.istence in the United go v e r nm en l's National physical defet!s includ ing poor
lfc li:is 8 half !il\Ur In ri•arl JI. , .u!J no~hc n single inquir\• to t1al not ;ipparen'. in the in· lawmakers have r aised ques-Slates. Institute of Neurological muscle tone and coordination; int~n IC"' 1he t:il'I n n d :.1,10 1• h , :id qua rter s 1n tervirw. Or, they might quick· tions about the computer Mrs. Donald G. Wyman of IJiscases and Blindness. She a broad fare; flat or sutbby
prescribe a L'll f(', :-.. u 1 nm•·nlo. A e o m p u 1 er ly re\·eal a past history of memory banks. Alexandria, \1a., mother {)( a said this would "effectively nose; and obliquely--set eyes.
"Jmposs1blr;• ~;i~s Ch;1rlf'~J ------------------------------------------------'--'-----------------'----'---'--'----'--
P. Sn1ith, n !all, t n• ri-.1 uc
fnrrnrr parole oHltL'r \\hO J~ 10
r.'t>1 rgc or nll nl (':1l1!nr11i;1':-
~·ate t·ompu!cr oprr;1\1(l11.,,
Th:it is \\ hy GO\'. J\L;q;an
h;;s assignC'd hirn the Jf h <•I
11t·1·c!uping a state progr:1m to
11~11 c0rnp1t1crs lo \\'ork llclp1n1!
p:1 rolr offiC'crs and police ilntl
11"w ,1·ays of 1·11nng dclin·
c: ti'nry.
Tt1e El C' c t r o n i c Dat:i
r rr>tcsstng J>oliry Co1n1nlt111<',
ll•:!!l'r S1nith'i;; ~up!'r\ 1<>1t1n, l!i
! n p,1ring a plan jo unify thu
, ; .. Ht'!:; ~prinrllng l'•'J1n1111t<·r
1111t'r;1:ions . 11011· 48 <'Onipu\c rs
~ :•Hrr<'d 1l1n111gl1out the stall' r 1\t•rn1ncnt. The idea i~ to cut
1 ·,J~l5 and i nt r e a s e t·/.
S1n1 th :.aid the t•rri!ralJ1{'d
ri1n1pu tcr sys1 l'lll rn1 1.,1un1•tl
lov !hr ndmtnislrnliOn \\Oll ld
:1~91 pro1 ide a 1n;ql\r :-ill<
bt•11c!it for Lrin1c !u·h~inr,. JI
v:ould :-al e htnC' lur ~!;;!1•
11·1r11!e ult1irr~ 1,ho :n.; "1
~r·•\11 rf 11n•l•·r l1\1 f''.l !~·r11·1\f\,,.
!1•1 1· (!110 ( h.11r t111·•• t u ~·' I
11 1 • r• < r.r ·!~ • r , .,, ! · •,•'1
l1111k r thr1r ( .11 o
'J')oP t :1 (' f f 1'.I' t '\ .I.'!' ,
:•irl. hr> <.11rl, 1.., t .<111( 'I f•i hn 11
;, r:1r11Je 11f1lrr · + 1r1, 1 1 1' •
• !l..in(C .,, 1 \.I .. ·1 1 11 •
I• 1f'k ;!.1 fl \lllli ho 11(,'t'tJ\ I'! t11 1d1
\1 hr rl11•r a p! r~u1 ~l1l tiu1 lil g<1
h;1l<: to 1 ri•n n loir a I" 1\ ~
~1rrtch. or lie f i\l 11 :11111!.J(r
, h.1nce :1t l'\ hab 1l11;111n11.
LJ'ldrr \;1w, tl\r f''.ll1/r>rni:1
\ ouih t1111 hn11 I\' ~·nd th!' /\'1111:
,\1.i;Ju1n l v ;of!' t 11 1 n v. ,+,.
1'"11'i'T" Ill ·•I '"C 1'' I. lrl t I! l
• 111 I pill r•lr i 1•11•!ol1rir1 .
1 he ~nh1• 1t1n u•1d1·r , nn
• •'1:1 :1tion liv 1t·r ~ t:ilc ( •111
01.tl tc; ,\ , ~11'.:::•~ l Uffi)lUill
1\1an Dn111p.·
.t,111 Ilit!'i
In Sp ae c
COLO l"lA[)(') ~ P fl 1 \ C ~
f'r!n. l Al'\ -' r'lr'I !;.,C :-> 11 'i'
1 n ,,•1 ir1· u~·~··,l t"1 :' r-: p;1 •
•.• l~I \I ·r· ; l \' ,,1 I •
1111nrh r.f :-.r11•n1h. 1, 111 •II \ ,,
rJ.11r1n1rl 1.111 ~,i • 1·· o
:<;>acr, !'11.• ~r"1·r• 11,.1,, 1·
Cr11!t"r. 11 1, 11 1 .1~.1, i. 11 <11,
(If I f I' r ( • ' -:;' .111\ 11111\
'r-a1r.1 1·! '"'' •hil·!•r
r 'I\ t I ' ' I t I .1r'i1 \ -· .. " 11 1 ,. t : •; '•'1 , "!" r
• , •• ·1
' l• • ,, I . • ·~· l !'! '
• 1f!T'l h ·\ I • \ • ,;., 1 l l'T ' .
11 • ! "'..I
; 1 ~~. r. r ;,-,, ,, , I :1 I
[\.', ~ I : ·1 11 ,. f
l .
I ' r 1 •· .'~ , ·• i. r.'.
r ; f 11 • • r 11 1:
;~· :1'.1 ·• 1 r • · · : ~ '' · in, I
'I • " I 1·1 i' I• • ·1 (' \11111 ·1!1 I
-· r ,tt 10! • ., ,.. .. :~1 l -:. -t· 11
I \ J"~ I ~ollf>•' •+' 1
.._,, I!~' i' I ·•fl''T .. ~d. I
'i I' ( .,1, ' ' 'f!lll ·' 'I I
~~rr1.~'"ll;',o;~J r,~·1 ~'!1 !') ,, '"'1
•ll~t'IJl•(,n« ·1111" 1 .t••I ,\or
I 1£'.[1 n.'-e i om1l1t111d ,1 I ~ n
vprrn:rs tlear ano 011tc·r 'i1,1•1
f\:;:L:<:S t li l\J:-~ t•f D.ll.lC~ ,.,,I
010 alf'rt [orce ol a1n.:ralt and
Pushed Ont
LOS ANf,I;:LF...S (AP) -A
Federal A\·iation Admln·
istralion oll lc1nl gays :in
tl\'el'-rLS1ng tlcm[lnd for lf \·la·
Uon scr\·1ccs m::iy ultimately
!'l~lllt in n '11clr f1rr:rra!i0n
t,l't\1ff'll l'-e u1r 1crn11nJ! :i ·1cl
\IV' li1kr<1l f t!TC'J~.
O•car Bakkt·. 1ile :i~f'nr1 ·
associate ~d rnit••tralor 111r
planriing, 1n:icic I 1i-• un1 mcnt
TuesdJV nt l,e ~~rd :•~nu:i1
confer~nce 11! lie \1'1' r\
Operators CnurH 1! 1 trrn.i·
Lion al.
"In the lar.t"r huh :irr;i$ \\"
may simply run rul 'I n .
estate." he said, ''Thrre in
not be enough room frir p:1 rn
ing. access ro:id s, h:ii:t:i· 1
1'l3ndllng, re s ta ur B 11 t ~.
11rkelin~. r,'lfJ!O pr111 cc;·.ir1b
.,.,.;irf·hou~1ni! 11nd 1he !1\..r,''
The alt('rn:ith•r, l1i-f'1irl
would !)f' lo ~· r:;r:11(' . 0 '1
!:i.c1lJll1>s from Inc !11 lo t J•r •! f 1
:Jnrl move p::ic;.:.rnr.rr ~ 11nil
1h<·1r bi!C,l!J}ll' b;1c\!: :i 1 r! f11rt l1
hv ~p .;cia l 1rar'r~11!\T.t11,
:-., ,.,. 11~.
. r,,, o.~~'Junled E~tept on
I ¥·r·1 -,f<l ond Government
Ce.ntro!lcd Items.
l ·lB. PKC.
GRAPEF RUIT :r~i~ t1!~~'.~~.~ ............. JQ•
PINEAPPLE JUICE :~~ ............. 33'
P ,1UN E JUICE !~~D1~~11~ ................ ~59'
GATORADE ~;~·:.1;n. ...................... 36'
DH MONTE PEAS U-OL U• ......... 22'
~LICE D BEETS ~!~~~'~:~~.-......... _. 17'
REF RIED BEANS ~~~·~:. .... -........ 29<
CHI LI BEANS r~-~~ ~~~~--·-.. ····-17'
SPINACH ~~~"<~:~~ ....................... 16'
Our LOW E-.fl'l;iy Price !
HUNT'S TOMATOES,....,, ...... 22'
NIBLETS CORN ,, .................... 23'
GREEN BEANS ~~::~~~ ........... -.25(
PEAS W/ONIONS f;.~'i~~ .. ---·27<
~ MUSHRPOMS ;~1.:'L'l!.": ... -27'
SNAP E TOM TOMATO tOClTil, 19' "' • lMt. CJ.11,._,,,,,_,.M,
LIBBY'S BEEF snw ... L .......... 61'
.,-. DENNISON CHILI l\'1,':'i.,, 35 '
!:NOWS CLAMS ri'.:°'~~w ... M ....... 35'
CA~NATION TUNA ~.i:~'t°:: ..... -.36c
O"' C.H.B. SYRUP ..... •n.-= ... 39'
f•yio g <hkhoo C 39 4, USDA Grod11 A . c . c
Whole Body. lb ·
. lb. lb.
FARMER JOHN, HORMEl, ~u'!to1!!eo1~s''~~lll .... _ .. _78c
~~~.,~~t.!.~~--~~~~~ ....... 85'
!!'.!~~J!~~~ .. B!._:o_~ ........... 79 c
~' ..... 1:4/&j/.o.--V:r TREE. TOP
·-· .. :-. _-_r_
MAPLE SYRUP:!!tO:::',_ SS'
GRAPE JAM :::~'!::. 47'
.,-. DRESSING =--:,~...__39'
.-4 HEINZ KETCHUP ...,_,..._31•
~ •..... 1:4/fktt.·--~ HARVEST DAY
o-< BURRY COOKIES 1uL--46'
('illCllO-fUDCOOWll -ML ao<OU.Tt ml')
FIG BARS !!':~"···· ........ -.-40• PACIFIC TREATS ~':':;,_,, __ 38'
Mix Alllrf IDMMA PAIKlll 45' ~ f·IPOHJJ.4LIOl •• -•-
BUNS MilVtlfDA•(llOTDOC & 31 < ..... u., •• ,. (l, , ... ___ ._
CAKE MIX :=~ ....... _,,,, __ ,JS•
.,.. SHAKE 'N BAKE:~...._77•
CORN BREAD MIX =-:::~_25•
BROWNIE MIX :ll:rm'.'.'.~ .. -.39'
·~ ,.. ... ,, 'j'' ;' ' . ' " ' -Eli
RIB STEAK~~ ... ___ .. 89'
CHUCK ROAST~~·--·-·"' 47'
STEWING BW~ ........... u. 79'
SIRLOIN STEAK ....................... 9'1 '
ROUND STEAK~'.'.'..-............ 88'
' "' . ..,..1••t-1••·1· ' ·~ , t .. ' J
PlaSWEET fttnlllttf(WTCOM.HAI 38' a U.UOfl) S4-0Z. llt •• -··••·
BRUSSEL SPROUTS ~t"::~·-·-57'
ORANGE JUICE :!~~ .. -... -.... 53'
JONES SAUSAGE:":: ................ 1"
PEPPERED STEAKS ::<:L~'.~ ... 69'
ZUCCHINI STICKS~~ ...... 38'
FISHSTICKS ~';:"' .. 93'
SOLE FILLET ~~~::'_ .. ___ ,R_Bl <
TATER TOTS r~!f~ .. ··-·-·· .. --.29•
JENO'S PIZZA ROUS ... ., •. _.59'
CREAM PIES ~r,'i':..-····---·······27' (IAJWl&-(JIOCOUlf-aia:lllJ'l -UMOll-JtUlnUIT'j
.. '~-Mlll!&fftilfMi~f;?· ~Ht'.lf.l.U...•.f-'... "''--
GRAVY MIX ~=-.~~~-................. 16•
.,.. HEINZ PICKLES;::~ ........ .49 '
BOUILLON CUBES :;•:, .............. 19'
~ MJ.B. RICE ~~L·::~ ........... S7 '
PIZZA Mix <Ill 1or Al DU rUHIOll 74' , .. ,,._01. NL·-•·••-··-
.,.. MINUTE RICE.,..L ........... 81 '
BREAKfAST ~~,!:':~:~~~ ........ -... 59 '
KOBX :~·::z~~ ...... --······-· 77 '
Our LOW Evel)llayPrice!
' . . .... · '"l ·',.I ,.,• . ~ •~.-\ .s: ._·. ,, .
TIDE DmRGENT...,, ..;_,, ___ 82'
IVORY FLAKES :n'L -........... _, 82'
GAIN DmRGENT ...,,,.,_,,,,,, I"
JOY LIQUID :~~----.. ·--·83'
IVORY SOAP-.,. ........... --11'
CASCADE =~-~-... 97'
78~ $1 ~b~ 78~. 7 5~ .
RUMP ROAST _ ................... u. 78'
LINK SAUSAGE :':':,': .. ~~~\~ .... -.... 89<
SPARE RIBS ~snu .............. u.69 l
BEEF SAUSAGE !!!':~'"&.n•it. .. _29'
LEG O' LAMB ~-s~-~(.~~~ ........... aa.89c
Our LOW Ever)day Price!
M..\CAl!ONI & CHEESE -6.oz. PKG, asc
~~!~~~~~,~~~!~~ .. ~t~"L 6 7c
OSCAR MAYER WIENERS 69' •u 11&1.il •••••• , ,. , " .............. 1-l&.PIL
AU lltJ •.• , ....................... I.LL P'IL
PJ.~~'L~~?J~w~-~-~-~~~L 73c
~s~A~£~.~!~~~c• ........ 1i~z.••L 98c
lAUCO.,, .. , ,. .. ••• .... , ........ •·OLILUS
~~l~-~~~.~~DD~~~~'~'~ .. ~~l~:~~ 68(
ru~~~~!~~!,~!~~.~~!.~~T~ll 1 QC
DIAL SOAP"" ................... -20'
WAX REMOVER llUU S •l•llTI 89< .U.OL •11-.......... -.
o-<J FORMULA 409 ~~,!~q. ....... 69e
CLOROX BLEACH ~:~ ,.,..,, __ 38'
SALVO TABLETS ... L .......... _ 74'
LAMB CHOPS :!t~~~~ ......... u. '1"
RIB LAMB CHOPS"'"""' ... u. 11"
$)2S lb.
c;~~fEN 11 C
guNCHCS · l8.
lMESI •••
, .• th• few items l i~ted e n this peg•
constilult! just a 5mall sampling of th•
thousands of low, di~counl prices in Jfcre
for JO'!_ a1 l ucky.
GLADbY ACCEPTED "'Y '"'lllMill(fJDITfii'~ ~ -'A~··> .,.... 1'
ICE CREAM {~~~r..~.~··-····-·7'r
VELVEnA ~:l1ri~.-.. _. __ 9a•
.,.. CREAMORA ~,: .. __ 69',
!~~.~~.~~~~J!P.~ $J44
t.iml.CJ...TR~t. ... _ ......... 59'
L1111 si11 ••. 1wsry drep lights
dry1 css ••• ~clps •ecp ro•r ha ir 61 c
&rllAIC~ Ill day.
·-·""'""''····-~"'·••1111.tt ... 1'J ...
--···--+-.. ··--· --
.........,., Oc.lbblr 16, l%1J
'one-stop' shopping
at its finest!
Saturday, 0 'ctober 18
On the Mall 1:30 & 3:30
Arts & Crafts
OAILY PH.01 J i,
~ 'I • -
No Bright Stars Shine • Ill New T V Sky !O,,,oj ... I .t I
r.n1ron·s ,vorc-r 1,;.
fa/!$ 1r!c 1•1··1•1,•1 .•en'""« ,,
,\ftf°'l/I ~ (f! /,/'jf /" 1~r I•} l ilt'
d 1n l. Ill lllr/IH'I< J1(/I 1/l(l/'lll'
11/1 1111/ (J ud 1111!,/11111/, '{'/,1·
l•'IJf("/11r;1rd I.I 1'tli1t11111, II ~
i.rt11·ur-I;.~ d1111 r .,,.!'111 /r1 111 1
l rll>nl ~I 111111 (/111•/l'f"' 11! 11 /·
l<"li!/,1!!/ /llf//I' c'll!/1 \.
l!yCV;\"T lll A 1.0\\H\'
:\I·'.\\' YO RK 1 ·\l'I 'l"lit>
lit I\' 1PIL"\1~11 J11 ~t';t-,011 ·: It 11111
lw a couple ,,r 11 L'l'k ~ h\"lur'c
!Ill" <t11l hor11J tl\'P 1·pr(.]1r1 h
h;,nd rd down b~ th<" :iud1 l•nee
1 e~e;1rch spee1alist:;, hul lhf'
J111tial s;1n1pling uf 1nco111111g
:-hu'>I ;, suggests thol 110 ~n1n~h
h11 has been launched . nu
!inght new star has blazed 111-
lo the firmament.
t'ndcr allack by <'ritics of
violence, cigarette advertising
;1nd of lelevi s 'ion s pro-
gramming pr<ictices. l 11 r
beleaguered n e 1 wo r k s 11b-
11 ously arc trying 10 ~lip
1'05 EoO COOll Hi4hway
Coro110 del Mor-ph. 67)-6260
r.w IQllJlt'll f'IOO.dln ,_, IOIEIT
!11 1·ou~l1 lhl' !'.t·a~on 1111 hout of.
l"1t•l1ng 11r 011trn~1ng TV "s
\ut'~1 1 ,,\1 :1\'k<'r:>. Tlit' rcsul l
1 ~·(l(•t'1~ th;\t eaut1on-li l<1nd
1'111erl<11n1ne11t. oll en i,tartingly
1 t•li)lll l~l"l'!\l or bygone :;cries
Hl tnnn;d ;1J\d even :;cnµls.
l-11111111nn l'Otnf'd~. in tunl'S
ot tl'\\U i)li'. 1s a :-afe ret uurs<'.
1\1111Jng 1!1c 23 new :>crle:;
1d11cll lin11· lx·l'n 111tnx!ut:ed
ltH·r~· :1 rt 1\11u' un !!1<' three
Jlt'[\IUI "-~
:-.1;c-: "l>el.ili1e r:~·1 110Jd~
Sli u11 alll'r11 p1s to ra1inl1·f' lht·
11lil(k·;1 p rnond l)f f';_irl.v "l LO\!"
l.ui:1' " CJIS' "To Bon1t. \\1 1th
Loi ;," hH1k~ li ke "Fatnily Al-
L11r" 111 a foreign sellu1g.
ALIC'>: '"The Courtship ol Ed -
tlic '-; Father " has a 11•ido11·er
v.1ll1 a matchmaking son.
11·herf' last season 's successful
"Julia'' has a widow with a
matchmaking son. "Mr. Deeds
Goes to Town" on ABC ls bas-
ed on a 33-year-old movie .
\Vithin the h a I f -ho u r
framework , !here were some
70t 'E . lalbu
&atboa PtY1in•vl1
Best Actress
1969 Ca nnes Festival
:;., ill lleironymusMERKIN
ever'Fo@cl liURa' Humppe
nnd find Ir UP happinPss •!"
:ittrmpts lo try so1nelh 1ng dif.
··J\1y \\'orld. and \\'eltome
To It," on NBC. :.llen11its to
t'ombinC' live actors and car-
10011 anin1alion to rC'flect th e
personality and attitudes of a
char:iet.er like the late Jan1es
Tl1urber . Heg r etl u 11 y , it
ach11'1·es only ~mall success.
CBS' .. ·111C Governor and J .
J "~about tne head of a :\lute
lllld his I Jl d i v i d U a ) ! s I i C'
l1 '1ughter-h:1ngs on the charn1
11! the principal s,
Hest of the nC\\' batch see1n s
to bl.' ABC's "Roorn 222,"
11 !\1ch dra11·s its plots and
liurnor from life in a big city
ti igh school.
Sorne switches of establ ish-
ed personalities are being at-
tempted: NBC is converting
comedian Bill Cosby, essen·
tially a variety artist. into a
situation comedy hero in its
"Bill Cosby Show ," while CBS
·1s attempting to turn Jin1
Nabors from the situation
comedy character, Gome r
Pyle, into a variety star.
Neither, judg i ng from
preli ininary inspection, works
too welL
Nabors, along with LesliP
ligg;ims, Andy \\'illia rns ;'u1d
,J1n1my IJur.in te \1'1!h tt1e
Lennon sisters are ll1e stars of
f11ur of !he fl\'l' new variety
hours. None, obviously, a r e
going to gt~L invo lved 111 the
sort of censorship hassles and
controv('rsia ( 1naterial that
kept the Smother brothers 1n
hot \'later las.t ~ason.
The Nabors Show-al ong
\1•1th the other variely hour s
11·i1h rcguJ;1r l1 o s t s -1 s
h:indso rne to the e y <' ,
agr-eea ille to lht' ear The pro-
blr.•tn b; its curnedy; 1t is stuc:k
with a recu rring sketch tha t
depends on laughs entirely by
CBS' Leslie Ugga111 s, v1hile
eager and competent in the
musical department. has not
yet developed a strong enough
personality to hold a variety
hour together. The Lennon
sisters on ABC have a vital
asset and leavenlng in thelr
costar, Jimmy Durante. And
Andy Williams of NBC really
:-iccds guest stars: The singing
is pleasant, but like a steady,
bland diet of any kind, it has a
tendency to become a bit of a
On Broadway
Neiv Rock Musical
Satire 011 Religiori
By JACK GAVER have mucl1 to do with making
the sci/re acce ptable.
!\f.\V 'i'ORK !UPI) "Salvation" is no t f o r Another off-Broadway rock ini1.~ica l that s hows signs ()f l'\'cryone as a theatrical enter-
' t,,·,,mC"l -soonc n'ighl find it popularity is "'Salvation' al " ' " the Jan Hus Theater. quite offensive ~ but il might be worthv.•hilc to get 1he
In !h is category it follows ln original cast album by Car ito!
the \~·ake of "Hair" and ''You r necorcts <i nd find 1111t th;;l
Own Thing." and. like !hrm. sornc rock 1sn·L too bad.
ihe strong point is, believe it *
or not, the s~ore. Th(' Re pertory Thc<t!t'r of
Auc·s "l\l usic St 11nf'" i.s the
one r1t ort to do sor11cth111g dJ l·
tc·rent 111lth a \'arlety show. lt
has no host but a pcnnanent
cornp any-u[ i1npro visation<il
perfon11ers, ;ill young. who
\viii ~!tempt comedy episodes,
contemporary conuncnt and
satl re tJ1:1t leads up to the
pl<1y1ng of hit tunes fr esh off
tile record tharts. This ont ,
br;1sh <ind voulh unrn!ed,
p1·esents suine spice 111 lhe
c;i tegory.
For d!'cu1n1. then• is Nnt ·s
'"'l'ill'n Caine Bronson." \l'l1ich
h<ts a peripateti c hero on a
1nolorcycle encountering a
new ;ldventure each week. 'fhe
form<1t h<•S some troublt!
<Jrcas--it's hard to wind up
each e p i s o d e comfortably
v. hen the hero must climb
back on his machine and ride
into the sunset.
"Medical Center" on CBS
and "Marcus \Velby , M.D." on
ABC represent a return to the
good old doctor series. slnce
hospitals, accident. disease
and the healing knife are fine
substitutes for warehouse
fights a n d bushwacklngs at
... ·io·-q-.. ~..--) ~
. ~ J
'Otlicllo' Set
At Fullerton The songs in 1hese show~. Linro ln Center has launches
alth:iugh rock-oriented as lo its first touring project ,,,,.-it h
arrangements and prcscn-"In lhc J\lattrr of J, Robert Tl1c Thcatr r Arls Dcp;irt·
1ation. arc, by and large, 1~·cll Oppenheinlcr."' Th is Heinar 1nf•l1 l (1 [ Fullerton .Juni or
abore the !crcl of the rock l\ipphardl dra1n a about the L"flllrge 11i1! produce \Vil\1<1111 :->nngs uf pop. rather than I at c ph ysicist's loyally proh-:-\h;1kt'spc~1 re"s '"011lCill'" in i>how . origin . len1s opened Ort. 14 in '·Sall'illi~Jll'' Is a t'rude lt\C 1x·rfor1nanccs npcning \\l ashinglon, D.C. for :i n l'i!'.;h\-mockcry or va rious aspects of week irek that in(·] u cl rs F rid:.iy f•1c11·1ng. Oct. 2.\.
v:.irio11s religions that is 11·rlJ. r ngagcrncnt s in 'f 0 r 0 n l 0 , The play 11 ill he prcsC'n(ed i11
paced and performed expertly Boston and Philadelphia .. lht• FJC (~1 1np11~ Thrn!rr nn b,v eig hl ialentcd Joung pt'O· plr 1"hc play '~'as the hi,o:hlighl North Lc1nri11 St1l'rt 1~1 111 ('t1r-
For!u11atell'. lhere is a of the pas1 season for the t:1i11 11111(' b!'l nt II p n1.
mini mum Or tl ia logu<': Ille Hcpcrlur y Theater. Alli•r its ''(Jtlil'l l\i·1 ;il~u 11 ill hr
:;ongs conH.' in a sleady flo\v, original limited cngagrnicnl , prcscntt:d 0 l't_ 2S, .10, ~l and
BecaUSf of the blaring manner it 11·as brought back during tile Nov. L
· · h ~· b summer for a run that ex-~ whic they are presenln.i Y T<1k 1ng lead roles 1n the fall
h - -d · -, tended through Scpl. 2 7 ! e musicians an singers, 1 produttion arc Bill Verde rbe r · h II r I a!thoug)1 1he origin:il intention 1 ~ not eas.v to car a o t ic ;1 s Othello. 0<.1rvl Vengcr a<>
I h b \\"<IS to sho\v rt for only three lyri cs clearly, 11'1ic may c [(l ''o. Hun ("offn1an ;i <;
II atJUi t1011al wcrks. 1> JUSL as \l'E' . n o d r r 1 g o. S t r p h a n 1 P
Thr show is the creation of * Han kinson as IJesdcrnona, and
Peter Link and C. C . The Profe ssional Tllc;ilcr 'ferry Side ll as Emilia.
Courtney, 1vho al so a re Program al the Universlly or\-:============,\
pcrforn1crs in it. There is no Michigan in Ann Arbor v.·i!l
illstinclion as to which one did present lhe world premiere of
lirnrs 1vhcn ovrrt violence is
fro,,.,•ned upon. I
NBC has "The Bold Ones," "G-OODIYl, COlUMIUS"
' \\'hi<;h is really three scries1 ina Ntw FtH~••
\V1th different casts and dif-1 '"THE APRll FOOl$"
fcrenl thcn1cs taking turns In ''===="=1rn="='='='='="=~c0===='\
th e same hour. One of 1hc1111 -
stars rncdlca l and surgical ad-
vances, present and on the
thrcshhold. The other t11·0 are
rather routine courtroo1n and
police·<1Clion hours.
"Brac ken's \\lorltl"' on NBC
is <.1n atternpt lo catch the su1P.1
poseU gl<in1or, tragedy ;.ind C.I:•
citcn1tnl of ! lolly1v oo<l iu
series form. I
~NI PICIUR'iS f'o~!1
Then, of course. there is ~
'"The Survivors," ABC's sue-I
eesso r to ''Peyton Place." but
played out among Hollywood's
id ea of the iourroundin gs or the
moneyed, dissolute Beautiful
People. It is the sort of show
that will attract public sneers
and a large, secret audience of
soap-opera·loving v.·omen.
~~~I ~~~
ii>1j.iAr~~ I ..
The new television season~
Its quality seems to be about
the same as that of last
season. Its creativity, except
in a few instances, several
notches lower,
OC String
Group Plans
New SeaS<n1
The Orang~ Co unty
Chamber Strings (formerly
Community String Ensemble)
directed by Adrian Holland, is
opening its four th 1e11on wilh
Tuesday night rehear1al1 at
the Camile-Christian Church,
837 E. Bi1hop St., Santa Ana.
fl n1atcur violin, viola, cello
and ba!ll 11tudent1 oI 111 ages
;ire invited to join the non-prr>\~~~~~~~~~~~~
fit group. To dat.e re11.dent1
l'rotn nlrie Orance County
communll\e1 arc preparlna for
a 1ea1on o! several concerts
and benefit proaram1.
The Chamber Str!na1 begin·
ning section rehearses from 7
p,m, to I p.m. Advanced sec·
lion membtrs meet fr oin 8
p.tn. to 9:30 p.m.
Particip!inl1 receil'e pro-
ft:asional direction und er the
baton of llol!and, a 1vell known
1nusician and violin and viola
teacher. A varied repertoire of
both 1raditional and con-
ten1por<1ry music is off ered.
FAR 1101 Df 1'HI 1un
• • Dl! ... C ., UCVC> AT "<L1$ • •
.. L, ~Q•S T l<w• • S •N """"o ~··"'-111<\"/·(llO~ • l-<UN11NQT0N lll Uo;.01
J Ulll CHli.ISl lf
AWARDS! ,.,,,,.,_..,
AVRO' fUl'll fWlltTOt
•"Cl'.,, ~~-w~ '"'" w• • •~OIOll 1"•!1~1 ( ~ •;•~o: '~" ~ ~'~"' ~·~·~;, ·~~-\
' ~
f.ll HIRHISUK fl!CKllD IUllil
t II "" .,. . ' .. ,
..... ,.,. •. <"'-Qo,.,_.. ... !!J
' !
sa-'dy Cem .Th?~
r-.._ U ndo u bted I '!, the ar· by pop ular novelist E:van ~-CIFIC -this lyric or created thal tune. a ne1v play. "The Conjur::ir,"
~:o I l I i ; I #sd 11 __ ,_·'-"-'-'-"-"-"-'-'_b_y_K_i_rk_-_N_u_"_''k_· _1_t_u_n_tc_r_<_h_e_w_,,._k_o_1 _N_n_'_-_:<_. _
o~car (;bi er I
?11. J. Fr~nkovich ha~ bccn 1 ;ippoinlcd chai rman of thr
-' progra 1n ro1n rn1ttec for the
42nd :innual Acad c1ny Awards.I
~co -
lflr.51UQNM n1n,1 e
1Hi5 lllUSI' II UIK f l\t.,....•"'~l{~ [il
lll!l.llU/11 "'""""'~-'' .,..._,,, ~~•.rtu
W;llO~m Hold ~M f •n e•* 8o•gnin•
c~""''-;e s,,_,.~1 ~"b~d v ou1''1
No on~ unO~• II ''"" &~ •dm•Hed uni"'' •<<0'1'•
n•n•Od ~V DH .-.! or •dull qu•rd••n.
J•pan1se Movies Every Tuesday Night
T"OL A.N O A,P l>(~Ro..,(, lL<;l WHERl VOUNG P ED
"TH E W llO 8UNCH" I ~)
-. . . .
lt•D F•n!><I'~
Mo ch~el s~rr•:;n
''ITI 0, THE CAT " •"''"'"'"'•H ''' Aau1t~ ............. ~············
Jahn W•yn• Gl@n c ~"'Jllo•ll
w :l1i1m Hol4ien E•n•1I l or 9JI;"'
,,. -•nltr II wlH 111t •d"ll!M<I •nlff• l((f~
D•niH llY J.l••nl tr •••II '"nl!•n ......................................
K1lhtrint H •11 hur11 '•'•' O'Taol1
Jll VJ
G•o•9• Stt~I ltoberl V1.,9hn
11-"'111.....ilN ltt AHttl ............. ~ ............. .
ll11h et1 Mit,h~"' A~9;1 Olelo:n1 011
Nt talot Waod Clot••9• Ch 1 ~t1i 1
"WIST SIDI ITOIY" .............. .....,...... ... "''
C1-.1 WlllJt 'tul t w•t•
Plu• "'•l•y M•lll "TWISTED NERVE"
llf,Omm•nGf'd llf .-.aulh
Crosswo1·d Puzzle
r ,ti e• i.~•d
1n cu st1ions
b --, . fide
10 Qoposo1~ of
"r•ch e~··
14 As · -··-· (,eoeially
7 word s
15 B l at ~
l~ Chl'~~e
17 G ·•I on ~
R ~rln1 ·,nl•!J
13 l ot"f O(l1,l /
l'l . ~ 1'1 p
?IJ T l1~·.c a11a y
fro:n v:o1il
22 R.ic r l r~r ~
·1raro~.1~t1 on
2> C111c•hX
?•1 2'1,028 leet
ol mounta in
2b Ptay ·· -:
M a~e havoc
2'J Jour nev
Jl Ca l l lorni~'s
I' o•l --· ;.z Mr dl1if11 o f
1uoo1 J~ r.1t prr>on\
~011r rrn
38 Deal 0111
J'J t.,ale a n1m ~I
41A c!o1 ··--
42 Likt be lt ~r
•5 O tter m1n~
l ilt (0111'.f •B F11ll11w1r;
•q Rtad
SO John5on' ~
pany; A bb1.
51 A $Ug<i •
s; l!~s rh~ll
~Ut•~11 t
57 All ow 10
2 words
5-8 L ac ~1n9
mor~ I
'u rn ~tl1
b3 P riot
b4 ~IHP"',.
grfal Iv
bS Arl~lo cr~i
bb A cl1 e~~
Ann a • · · -
b 7 \'I ~ 11 I (jll!Ckly
li B Mc>r' pa •11h1 I
bq Kind
70 Copitd
11 Kin d o1 verse
0 0'1.' ~l
R iv~r lo
tl1~Vol J~ 7-s ~n1dc
3 P lay~Olt
4 More
~11 l ll")U'
~ Prevail 1n9
b Nt•:1l •1 rn<H,,ed m~n
1 l'ioo dwi11d
I Me~11s o!
y,r,terday's P11zz le Solved :
. ' ~
~ A d1~r
1 O A·· 10
11 Sa,.111q
IZ Lo o~~
l J Ha vin g A
hi9h IQ 21 Ripp ed
22 Par\ ol
"lo tie ''
25 Promise
Zb R opema~1pg
rn~IPI 1-;i l
27 tl.1v1na
con'r t~
a•l en(!
28 S ~1le
wi lh !lit
}0 T l!~ w0<k m9
·,I 1Hs~
~3 L.1ck111g
~5 Urg ~
l b An cmc\1c11
j 7 P 101101.n
. ' [ v • 0 c
10 Jb /b'J
40 T oo~ down
011 A latt\t
41 tl olrd
•, ;; r, "° I
4 ~ T 11111~.
!•1 l~w
4b Holl ow
47 Oont wi!h
g•~a\ :r~I
~t B11 ddln g
f'1~lr•1.1 I
~2 l.,\!~IC'1 1
tlHeLl1 Cl1
', J s~v
54 Proh1h•\
Sb V e~~tl
5'1 U11conlJn1·
in a led
bO Riv t 1 of
s ~~·11 t-1 P 11tl<J
f.~ Dried "D
b•I $t.1hon; Atlt\r.
it was announced by Gregoryll__'::'O:::=':'::::::::::=:
Peck. pre sident of th el
acadcrny. ---'===
'Lu1S 73unue!s Uttasterpiece :
ol'ErrX1Cll1 .. ., .. ~--
J dE
... u "l"' '"'"'
Evt> Show Starts 7 P.M.
Con!. S1111day Fra"' 1 '·""·
J J.'CIUJi"t Ht.'ir,..,,td ;ie~I Enga&!m~•lll
Toni9ht of 8
~I'll 11 !1\\'ill11 1'd !lf'l"'l.,
11ilh a D1\ILY PILO'r
C:la s;,ificd All.
JUllON~L Fiix·-·souTH coAsT
CORPDRA110k S1tn Dit&o freeway 1t Bristol • 546-2711
Winner 3 Aca~~ITIY Awards
BEST ACTRESS -Katharine Hepburn
JC'So:l'!f t ltvtlK -Nl!ol'COfr.IWfT fllM
• loVolT1 "° l'OH lHE LION IN WINTER ·"" .... ::-:"·~· ""'0 '-•"'S>1 '-~
I The Pll\D\VOPll\n
Th~ motion p icture de,igri ed to
5a ve the worl d from ~anity.
.... , . • ,_ ..... .: .
. :C " '·~.
" ·-
~~. .--.. -. "'. .... I TM Pll\DWOMl\ll
W11n•• l re1 . '•111 ~11 t n {iy lo11dt~·l·v•~ f.c rb r, r. -d . .-I~"
K1th11l•1 Mtp~u•~ 11 "l H ~ MAOWOM.A N OF (.H A 1101 '
C~11 l 11 l1yt,•Cl1 ~tl• Dt uphi"·Ed·I~ (•""' l<ho G•••o
P~ol H1"•1i4-0111 r Htr!'lll ~t ·M••v•••I le l q h •,~·Gh,I 0 11,, M ,,,,~,,
N1111tle N1w"''" ""d Jl.it ~"d Ci.,,,.~~,i ,"
'!'UL I RYNNER "' 1., ci.,,,,,,.,"
OONAtD ~lEA S !iNC E ~\ !f<• r1.,1r•t'"'
inti OANN Y l(>.Yl "' ., .. II~,,,, ol "'
t .u 1~ •" I pl1v w1il!1 ~ hy J11, ,..,,,Jtl oU• "",+ ,,.j q.in! <oto
•~t lllh b1 M1 ~tic1 V1 l111cy•Sc•e••~l11y l'' f•!-.•-rl A"~"I !
E•ttol>1·• Prod ot•r ~I~" 1 T \'/,. "' 't ,
Produttd by lly l1"d1 Y·D•r11 !1d bv ij,,~~ ~t>tl"''
WIEK NIGHTS ' 7,15 & 9,30
SATURDAY ' 2,15 .. ,45,1, 15 & 7,45
SUNDAY : I :00, J,30. 6,oo & a,Jo
... , . · ; ··~ · ·-·~r. ~r~.91 .. ~. .,,., .i.-·"41""1~,t ~a~
l ' I
-.------------------------------------------------··--.............. --... .
Thur$d,iy, Octobtf 16. )%q OAIL'/ PILOT .JD -------~-~~--
'~ \.;., ,___ ··-
' of Cap>!ol H<ll n~,.s by toneiPOnd !~
[Ols Neil r.1a~Ne11. Peter Lis1go1 1r
~nd Charles Co1ddf'1, Dr. Ma~ Kam !'.
By Tom K. Ryan
• j
..d::?,;;£;:: .11?
By Charles M. Schulz --..,
l<,\IEN ;l\J .mAR 6<F<"f<f
Ali.JJAl.f5 L..lfAR Bl.ACX ...
p~l m~nn modera1es.
€!l rtlici1no~ (C) (JO) ·1 --• L~-:!"~~d~;!;;!;;~bJ
i &:JO 0 1~ o-m Ironside (C) (60) ~'L-'=====""----' L-'------~-~~ ! .. A Bulle t l1;r Mar~." Mark S1n1er
fV [NI N f,
1;00 fl Tht Bir /'lews (C) (60)
is shot w11eo he is the unsuspect1n1
w1!11ess to the Crans!er of narcohcs
Robert Alda guests as San fr1n-
Jerf) t<itO wciahl e Waller Thorne. While
0 €0 Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30)
D S1eva Allen Show (C) !90l
Bill Daily, Gloria \ onn~. Dr Cl~o
l awson, B•ll & Quinn a ~d Jim
lurner guest.
I "GUN GLORY"-Color!
0 Sil O'Clod: Movie: (C) "Gun
Glory'" (weJ!ern) '57 -S!ewar1
Granger. Rhonda Flemm~. CMll
Wills. James Gre~ory. A wandering
cowboy 1eturn~ home to b1tlernBss
and resenlment. I
O Dlck ~an Drle (30) m P1yton Place (30)
(D Stu Trd (C) (60)
Mar~ ho~crs between li1e and death.
l1ons1de and his stall at1empt to
unravel the puule of the shooting.
0 Bolin2 (C) (90) M lc~ey Davie~
~nd lom Ha!mon a!e iinesid• a1
!he 01vmpic Aud1!oi1um
0 'J7, fi1 ffi Be•ilthed (C) (30)
and Scmethin g Ma~es foui."
:>amanth1 1s rushed Ii> the hosp1t1t
hv Ourm and 11w~s birth 10 thllf
second child.
ID David ho1t (C) 190) Ralph Na
11ei. Henny Youngman, T11elma
tlous!on. St.inlev llramer, Pat Coop
er. Or, Lawrence J, Pder, and !he
1rampoline team from the British
Tournament and T!100, Peter Bart-
lett and limes Mccann guest,
CEJ The Big v.n., (C) (60)
ED NET f'l1~hou1e (90) ''P'ast Jn.
ltuding." Pri1e.winmng Japanese
!1lm 1boiJI 1 psychiatii51 whc. in
the cour..e of lre.at•Mi 1 patient.
1• .. '" "'•'"" If·~ • ...i ,., .... ,,-." J ,., ....
@ (I) Mike Dougl1s (C) (90)
fD Whirs flew! (30) "How Qiin~
Ale Made.~ Roge1 Andersen s~.0111
ho• toin design~ ire re11dered
~ ru CBS HtwS (CJ (JO)
l•nds his o .. n memory ot 1 horribl e I i;-rTT
war eiperieote resto1ed. f nghsh
m Timpa cle Perdon (Jr.I
(fl Ntws (C) {60) J~~~ H1~Jo~.
l:lO 0 kNBC Ne~rvite (C) (60}
0 The G1me G1me (C) (30)
Guasts ara ll~y• S1evens, Alejandro
Rey ind Cllelsea Brown, m To Tell the Truth (C) (30)
f» NASA ft1l11te {301
Ii)® HunlltJ·Bnn~llJ (C) (601
(D PllJing the GU•l~r (30) "In
cseasing Speed " Methods of ~dd1n~
Ii> tile 5pffd and ~g1h1y of !he
111ht hand are ~·llTl•ntd and d>J
loni' :itales d1stu~ed Sludenli ~rr
assigned an All,~111 by r1ulian1 and
the ln~ilr11<:tor play~ "Prelude in A
M\fll)r" by franc1~0 ldrreg~. I
fif1 (!)Thi Munstri! (ln)
al Noticiero l4 (C) (60)
fDNrn (C) (30)
~11blitles P1ogram COfltlud'-s "illt
J"o ~hort hlmi: "~rno\u~e's Pup·
p•1.s." aod "Piaf s~cn"
€0 Musiu 1 Estrell1s (C) (30)
"Inside Da isy Clover"
O eN 18) CBS Thursday Movie:
(C) "Inside D11sy Clat'e(' (drarnaJ
06~ -Natalie Wood. Chlislapher
Plummt•. Roddy Md>owall, llPbert
lltdlord Dramatic :rlory ol 15-,eai-
o'd fla1sy Clover, her "discovery"
by ~ movie s!ud•O and 111.!! 10
\l'!rrloM, and !he tragedy lle1 "'"
w~y of Iii! brings.
0 111,fJ l(ijlC'm lontt (C) (60)
IAmPd Br111sh perf01mef Anthony
Na!"let and actress-s•nger P~&~~
I 1~ton 1ues t. "lso tea!ured 11e The
7:DD II CIS Evenini: f'lewl (C) (3Q) Crowy. SHlls. Nash and Young rnu.
Walter Cronk•!~. / S•lol 11roup and tom ed11n.impre5·
O Wh11'1 My Line' (C) (30) Wa11, i.•Pn1!J Jl)fln Byner.
Brunei hosts. I El) Hcuse Oper1 (60)
m I LO'tl llftJ (]O) I €E Uitometro (30)
ID l.t tltt Cli>d (C) (Jr1) Jack 9:l0 0 tfl (6] ID Draen" (CJ 130)
Nan llosts. ' ··eurglary-~i$\ef.'' Sgt Friday end I 011.cer Ganh!ln t1ac'I. do•n 1 bur1la· fD Co111modity/Stotk Rtpor1 (JO) ry su~ect and ttien d1s~tr he Is ~ (!)TIM Amffiun W!Sl (C) (301 I ~l!ID wan ted !or foriiery and bigamy.
fE Allort! (30) I a Ne""' (C) (301 led Meytrs.
@ He Said, She S11cl (C) (JO) Joe ~ 00 TNlh or C.Onsequll!'ltet (C)I G~ragiola hosts.
(JO) €0 Mu~c.il Oulrt (30) m Tn11 Adwenlu11 {CJ (JO) :10:00 0 '.:fj 16. ID Du" Martin (C) m Thal Ciirt IC) (30) I ((.Cl) Guests 11e Ors.on Bea~. GtOflil
f:XI 1J i8 fJ) Funity Attiii (C) {~0) Burns. Jtcli. Gilford, Joey H1atht1-
Civy mO"ies aw!y lrom the tam•IY Ion ~nd Th! Mtlh Brothers.
Into 1n •oartmen! of her o,.n 1)11! 0 W Nrws (C) (60)
11~unter$ an enlorPly nt'll 'el ~r 0 !1' r;D fII It Tl-tS I Thief (Cl
llroblems. TerfY BurnM~m plays ll•I~ 11l)J "l he Greal Casino Caper·:
lied r\s!d11e ma~es )111 trrs! spe~•~I 0 I)) (6\ E0 0.inlel Boont {Cl ~u~st BDOeMance d .I Al1s\a 1r MlindV,
(60) "lh• M~n '' Ro\P.V Giwr makP• rolucd 1h1!!1 and !Jlher o! Ale•~nder. Ns dehut 8J .iPrie~ fel~laf. PP fraying Gebe Cooper. ~ Imm~· 0 Dtll!! (C) (till) 8 J. Thomas
sj1ve an d now thief ~I an l~d141 ~nd B~lt'I Walke.-gui~t
t11b1. ,.ho aids Boone m destro,1n1: ID Pe11J Muon (tO)
• 8rlt1!h iort. rn ltawhl!lt lloundu[) {fin)
0 Stumo thr SI•"' (C.) f>·lJ /,•,., E) !ht A.;vOClltes (C) (fill) (R)
Stokl!'I' ho~U C•l•bric r• Boh (11"1 rn Ci!tet de Muiern (]Ii> ml~g~ Ve•a M·I~! i~d llnht·T (,.~..,1
JO•n llngN r C~·m•' OoannA l 11nd lO·lO €!)Un Grllo e'1 It Obscurl~td (30)
1nd D1t~ Pal!~ison. 11 :00 0 D m ~ews (C)
0 (if' rJl ffi The Glltts1 ·~d M!~.1 () Alhtd Hilt~CO!'.t Mui1 (Cl (30) "Toaoy I Am ~, Ghost.~ Oom De l ui.e g11e~!\ ., O NFl Carne ot lh1 Wttli; (C)
Inept 1a!lor !ro'11 C~p\, Cre«v.·~! ffi Oulu L1mi11
time. whfl nteds ad~ite on being ~
succeutul g/lO)t. '11 "J )J 6 Ntffl Ctl
0 Million l M11wl~· (C) "~ovt €D En CD l'tt...s (CJ
INlr, Darl•ng" (tom~dy) 'fiJ-Ooor~ Jl:ZO E) ;:q 8 Ne'#S (Cl
D:ay, James GJi~er 1•111' 11~1,evrd _
deed 101 :w!Yt" ye~rs. rclurn~ on ll:JO Q "2l' 6 m lohnnv C•rson (C)
her husband's weddinf d~y. I Al~n Kin~ subs Bl host Sen. GKJrge McGovern. YaJI~ Y~r~on1. Pt1N lie. m Tr ulh OI Consequences (C) (30) ,~ Robeil R~a~ and Johe Robbins
@ Judd !Gr tM Detenst (CJ (6C) p~iost
&J Technlt11 Comer (30f 0 Movie: '11l1ck Tld1" lf"Y\!ery) ·~r.-lo~n Ireland. Dere~ Bond. ED DalUT Thi President's Men,
1969 (Cl (30) fle!~n~P ~ertP!.lr/ 0 l'r~ r3J ff) Joey Bithop jC)
MfAvin It L~ud is !n1eriie.,.,~d b1 Wnnily Woodbury is • sthM'uled
h051 Paul Nwen. I ~"~".
([I ChU[ho fl RGlo (30) 0 Movie: (C) •Hurrit1n1 Srnilh"
(~dventure) '5Z -John Ireland, l :DD I) ~ CJ: l!m Nabllrs Hour (Cl Y ionne De ~rli>. f60) N1shtclub and record•ng sl,;1
Wayne Newt on guesls. I CE) MGvie: "Tht flJlZJ P'in-l'tighl· &own" (COf!lt dy) 'S7-lant llusUll, O bd Benni (Jll) Geo•ge Burns Ralph Mee~u.
&llt51~. . . , B t d 11:50 E S (JJ Mt!"I' Cintfin (Cl D Ton ight s es come y .* THAT GIRL hypnotized 12:00 W MGYi1: "Oper1tkln W1rhu d" (tomedy) 'M-Sean Connery. Sldn· Stars Marlo Thomas Irv Holloway.
O ff11fJ ,ffilh1\ Girt (C) (JO) l :OOQONt~ (C)
"At tne Drop c! a Budget." Ann
Matin goes on 1 wild 5hopp1n«
1oree es lhe re~ul! af 1 coll
hyonot1t su~~P.~ticn pic~M u~ •~
c1denla1iy 11 the denlls! s. Monty I
Hin is $pei;1;;I 1uest In the role ct
Dr. Pellm~n.
m Quten to1 1 DIJ (C) {JO)
EE S111brvsh Thea!11 (6(1)
fI) W1sh1nfton Wett i" Review IC)
(30) Bthlnd the head11nes 1n~lys1~
0 Community But!ttin Bot!d (C)
CE) ~dlon Tite11n: "Thl1d Visitor"
imys1ery) '52-Son\1 Dresdel, Guy
1:20 O Mn'll~ !C) "A" Alti11ktr 1't1rned
D•i•f' tci>~y) 'S~011n1 D11n.
Stanley Hollll'l!a1.
2:00 WA!l·Nizhl Siie•: '1wo TllOU·
sand Women ." "llocto1 S1tan·1
Rot>ol." and "C•tco Kid."
D "Th11:1 Slsttrt-1'1'1 I! (d11mt\
'60-11.rm Slanlf1. Kevin PilcCarthy.
(D "Tom, Didi:, t nd Htrr(' (com-
~d1l '4\-Burrtu Mertd1th, C1ns11
12.00 O "f••ro"' fwestP.rn) '52-Vlild
DAYTIME MOVIES I Bill ( 1.~u r~1111, Coates.
2.30 (:J ''h11d Sof11' Slr•nrer" ldr1·
n1n) ·~Qiana Oors, Tere nce Mi>r·
1:00 O ••nir• Men In While" l~r~ma) 5,1n.
'44-Van Johnton, Ava Gaidner. I 4:3!1 e {C) ''SIYlll Willllfnm" (•ell·
t :JO O "Htr'1d .. frem~d1) '4S-Ma~ 1~rn1 '~b--llobcr1 Preston, Anne
, donald Cuay, Paultt1• Goddard. I ll'f"11!l
f:':";=::'I" CAI. l J,1'1 GCR.l .'
HTIT flJl llT!
,o,NO! C>IS
WAY, TORrro!
l WO!i!~ i.WIT
H!M •• Tw.T HE
THIN6 Wi'.ON6!
a ~· ~))"<,
Y<~··""'I WIFE•
By John Miles
By Harold Le Doux
Ill CH"~M. Mt.~VE~
llGHT our oi: MIS SHOES
l.80UT k ™IN6 !
By Ferd Johnson
:Lr.,, ~,..l .....
By Saunders and Overgard
N6V~!tl. K.AIOCX
.8:1Al1 A
By Al Smith
By Gus Arriola
" "
~(S J./Fe
.st>A!Jf •
By Men
MARV£t..OUS! NO. Ti-<Eo
o-t. WEL.l., IT'S STILL
@. M<f' Hl~R.
"' c ~ ••. .I',
<:: •• -. '
CALJ..£DJ' T"E ·suPe.~s.•
q I c.:··. ~--.. -
By Charles Ba~otti
NEW INDIAN -That's Rose.y Grier, who make.!i
his co-starring debut as a regular in the "Daniel
Boo ne" series, helping Fess Parker 1111 a hil l. Grier
plays a ruila\vay slave \\'ho becon1es an Indian chief
tonight at 7:30 p.m. on Channel 4.
'Thief' Steals
Astaire for TV
l·IOLL'r'\VOOD (UPI) -Fred Aslaire joins the
cast of ABC-TV'~ i•Jt Takes a 1'hief" tonight , n1ak-
ing the first o( a number ol appearances a s the
father ol the iiCries ' \VCek\y headliner, Robert
The series casl.s \Vagncr as a 111asler 1hief
paroled to prac!icc his !rode for <t secret a gency of
!he go,•ernment. :\nd Frr d l ~ves !his IYJ?C of .lighl-
hearted caper stuff. It fit s his personality l:ke a
casual blue bla zer. and, unlike n1an_v stars. he is
not at all patronizing or pretentious a bout appear-
ing in a video series.
"l'M ALWAYS nattered to be a:-kcd," he ~aid
over a d rink at 1lis home. ···rhis is an out-and-out
ball lo cl o. l love to \vork ,~·iLh Bob. f-le·s a heck of
a 11i cc guy, dedicated, a nd 1·vc kn o11·n him since
he \Vas n kid.
"Thii; i!i a shov; that is sheer entertainment.
\Vhich there's too li'ttle of, and l'n1 sunply doing it
because I like ii. I don't .have to think about any
musical side of it. and there's no dancing:."
The all·lin1e dancing master added : "it's a dE':-
cent kind of role. I will have no pa rt of ;;in y of this
permissive stuff goi ng around in nims today."
ALONG THESE lines. r~red cliscussed a recent
movie he 1na dlc , "l\<lida s Run." l~e said :
"I ('njoycd doing ·the pictu1·e. (1ntl !he associa·
lion \\·jth everybody. But the producer fel l it was
11C'ccssary to get in a nude \ovC' scene. Not only did
lhi!i do the pic l11 re no J:OOd -it killed it. The rnovie
h ad to s;icriflc;c o1hcr Y<1lues to 111nkc roon1 for the
scene. :'\nd il couldn 't J::l'L .-1 f,unily rslin,1;:.
"[go t letters fro1n p('f)pJ c s<i.vini:. 'llo1v can you
he in a picture hke that?' l31J1 I didn 't. even kno1v
the thing they con1p!aincd <i bout 1i;a s going: to be in
the picutrc."
FRED DECIDED tr> go into "11. T:ikc.<: a Thi ef"
nflcr \.Vagncr called him lasl year, n5ked hin1 to join
and then persisted.
"I sf!id. '<ill ril!ht. lcr ~ see a scrirt' Tt Jookcrl
nkay. ;ind I said ·1·11 do it.' I on!y do 11·h;;it's fun to
do, or I 11·on't do anything," said the dancer·actnr.
And quite obviouslv. m11ch of 11•hal ii; in movie<;
loday d oes not bear the s1;:in1p cf fun for hin1. I-le
r ecall s. for exan1p!c:
"THERE WAS a picture I tvas askrrl lo be ln
that hacl <in ll·yc(lr-old junkie. I said, 'That's it. I
won't read any more of the scrip!.'"
De1111.is tire Meuace
------------------------------·--·····-.._ ........ ··-., ... .
20 DA ILY P!LO f
NOTl(I 01' , .. LI 0 ' l'fJISONAI.
,JIOl'llTT 10 ~A l•~F"I' lllll
NOHCE 11 «lllLllT GIYEN •~•I '''"
ll"<lf <l·t"t<I ;,ilJ ••ti •I PU~I r ""'''~" IC I~•~'•"••' t>1d<ltr ot1 N""•f'l lN'' 1 lie•.•'
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r>••<~ C•l•f~'"·e '"' 'V"~A '~
o.;.. '"'"" l>NI' "~-··· "" '" "'"'" In '"'"''· unl•(.,..,.a, >Yll•hl• IOI • '""' !r•n •ool !'•I l'.ICl•'
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Ou•a ·~·• "" a,, 01 1111ob•• '°" AN(l"IO~AGt O P•~l,,.hf.T S
11• Lym•" CroW•Y l or"f''·
J>~t>l••~ec! O••o•• (l('Obo'' 9, 1'. ll. ,)Cl,
~··~"~ W~OI• na"'"' a•• '"b'"·M•d 1n °"' 1<<'1~•" •"I''""'""' t "G '~''""'•O~~Q ·~·· •••(• ··~ ·~· ""'" {O~F l "l~l SE Al)
!"'"'"'"' .. """ t..n!MY PLJ"'·•·C el ,,,.,. f'"""""' QPf,l o In n••"4' (n1,n-,
Thutiday, Oclobtr 16 1%9
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0 1<1• P<.o!,
Oe1I~ P llnl,
P·ll UO
((llTl,ICl\Tf. 0 , BUSINESS,
,l(Tlll0U5 N.&Ml
l ~• 11nae•1l90..., ao <•"I!• IP••• •re
cona .. clln9 • bu11n•n •I 151S1 S•• Vl•tf ,
0An• Poon!. (f llfornlf. under It>< 11« ,.,,~.,., ti•m n•rn• cl SHRYOCIC
WAl L(OVf.OING •nd 11>11 11id ll•n;i 11
cnmo<»Pd 0• !•• ro11owln• oer1on" w""'• """'"'~ +n lull 1na Olf Ctl o< re1ldt<l('.t 1rt
•• •ol•owt M•tlln Jol>n S~·rcc~, 1'1JJ $ti V\tlf,
Do~• Po<ol ( nt
!lr•P" lh ••r'I -"'ti"''"''-Lo~e, '"
I MYO(;k,
, 1151
l!ltet n.
W•IBom (no·1•1 ~".'"''"· l)\11 ~te "'·9~' D••• P0o•I Col
Dolen ~'"'"'"bt• JO !t61 ,_.,,., •• JO'ln s"'"""-
"""" Ru1,.11 Sn•·•1><• wupom Cl>1·i•• sn .. mt n
~'"'' nt Colltorn••· O,.n~• Coun1·; °" s •• ,.,,,,,., lJ l••• b"'"" '"'"· • -----------------jNolorv Publ!c in ~oa '"' •••d st o 1 •
ot"onoll• ono•e1en ""In Je»n S""ot•.
B"•" 11 ... u 11 ~"''"'~ 1nd Wllllo.., C•orl•• 5"""'"" >nown tom• lob• I~•
n•"""' ,.nrv """"'" "'" 'l'b'"'b•d tr
!ho "'''"'" """Um••I 10<1 H~~OWlt<I~·~
t• •• •••rv••M m. 1•m•.
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Cf PTlf l(-TE OJ (0 ~P OllATl0 "
1'"011 TPANSACTIO" Of 8 USl .. [S~
/\!f (0.,..'T'l»l~n (•O'") f••'""'" 7 1~11 lHE UNOt P~IC.NEIJ , • (ohlO'"'" <Cr '*'"''"" on•• ""'~h• (•CO•; "' •o•I~;,· r~•'' "'"' t~•' •I ,, connuc11no h"""""'• "' /)" r .,bl1•••n O••o~• f<>•~I
0~11b~r 9. 1~ r1. JO. 1'o~
IO fflC 1 ~L ;C AL\ ~.,. I [t(°'I
'""·''• Pu~11t c11•0•0·1 1".l• •"a• (n,.n!v l~iJ 69 W'>' lO~SI "·~""•Y· (•IV nl NrwPO" •:v Com,.,1u•on t •n•••• !•" •. 1011 -----------------1 n•••n. County -:it O••no• ~'"'" o• LEGAL NOTJCI~ c.111.,...:. ~·d"' lh• '""' ou• ""''" n1
-----------------ITUllNEll OllUt,.S; •nn 1n•1 •'l n•m•" \ov!" """"PO'' H••llht•" Co•PO•elion
>od •Tl o•jo~lo•I ol•(t ot bu•ln•" '' !1-1 \//e11 Co••I Hogh,.ay, (1!• o• ll•w11<1•I
Bt•th, Counh o! 0••"~'· ~!II< n!
WITT'<\~1'1 A SC .. MIOT. &!lntnoy,
lSOI Wr•'<lil( D•!••· ~ull• llt
Nt .. PM1 Bt•<n, Col . nuo T· .. l H
N01'1(1! TD (~(01T011 5
I UPl•IQ ll COU RT Of Tf<I!
Ti'llE (OUIOTV O• OllAH!';f.
Publ"~"" O•~""'" C.oo•I 0111~
0<.tober I, It, 1), ;;rJ, ltH
C•l1!nr~•• l-------
011P<I 1~:1 7lra d•• ~1 S••'•"'b'' 1•~•. LEGAL NOTICE sour .. NFWPOP I
llE•L TtlCAllE COllP011Al 11,)N
No .... ,nu "'" ll 1<ha•a Pio<•~~. "'''•1• cf M ... RC:. ... 11£T M. 3.11•FC:ll.. Vlr•·P•••l1>enl
'·HlfJ C l~T"!C•Tl O" S UilNI S5,
,,.,""''a Bv p II. Ht(~Pl'dO'"· l"!CTITIOUl N.&MI
T~• u...i ... 11nNI no ... <t rtltv ~. h ~.,.
nuc11n1 1 bu•l.,•..I> 11 1Xll C"1nnrl Ila ..
P.11~1. Collb•I\ 1. v~orr "'• •lc!i!loui
'""" no m~ 01 UI DFN COMPAl<Y ~nd
•~•! •••G '''"' '' '""'no•ro e• lh• tol'ow·
'"" nr•'IOn. '"'"°" """'" •n full ond 0+1ce
o• "''~'"'• " "' '""""''
NOTICE IS "Ell E8Y GlVfll !n 1h• S•crotll'V
•ttd!IO•! I>! thr •Ix>•• Pam •O a ... •d•M ~TllTI; 0" (Jlll<OP'11 A 1
th11 •II ''"'10"1 h••ln~ <lt<'l'I 11>1•n•t tne (OUNTY OF LOS ANC.E l f ' l S' :'/,~ 'f:.u·:::::u~',~ ~':~~=~ .. '~n •;~•. :;:;;';'f On ~•ol•mbo• il. 1~• ~·•o,. m•. 1np ~~ m• rl.,k oT the •t>o"' •n;~·~•d '""''· or ~=·~··~·,~~;?· .,:,~~~~;; ~::;~·,~ ::~"~~~ "'"'""' '"'""• '"''" ""<"""'~ Pl•c••k. ~nown to m• lo l>e Th• "''' a~'""'a f·. l•D<>t• Jr , ))lit (1'1n"'I "01><"'"· To I~• 1>nGUi\t nPll •! mt oll•<• "'••Id•"'· 11,.a p It ><•c••ndO""· ~"""" M l'~llKEll, SEELY arid Willi-MS, "''
tn•n•11. 181 Nori'> Mo•n S•'"•I, S1>d• IOI,
'""'" .&no, C1t1tl°'""'" t110!. "'""" " II•• ol•<• of t11i1l""n of mo 11...it••l•ne<I ln
•I! m•lle•• ped"IPI~• JI> !n• .,If!• !)f 101<!
<l•<Pll•nl. wol~ln tnu• "'""'"' •!ltt lht
'"'' 11v~Hr~!lon o• '"'' no••t•.
"". 6•lb<J•
Catrd Stp!fm~fr 19, 1969
M•den Hlwk
f ••Cutri• n• lh• wnt
"' 1ne "t>n"e n1tmoo d•r e<1en1 ,. ... ICIEll, SIEIELf.Y •!Id WILl lAMI
... North Mf hl 11..-1. lullc IOI ''"'' •n•. C•Mlon'll• n101 Tel: 1110 J-11"*1
.&ll'r,.••• It• l•K vtrl•
P11nli•h..t O••nv• c ... ~1
O•hb•• '· t, 16, !J. Ulf
D•ll~ 1'>101.
Cl•Tl,,l(AlE 0 ' BU51N[SS
T ... un<1,,.1,n«1 dO ttrtlh 1~•1 4't
co...ill(llM " bv•ln•u •! 14~ F 19!~
$1..WI, Uni! No. ), {°'I' M.,., C•ll'°'n!o,
uNl•r '"'" llt!<llou• l l•m n1m1 ol AMl!.lllCAH 8 1lLl-llll PARlOll t nd !till
•~If llrm h COP'IOO!"<I o< ll>t l<>llowln•
.,.,..,..,, -· """'"' ln •ull 1nd p lf ttl
Of r.,~rte• 1•• ft• lol-•
lHOM•S N. MUNTE-"N. '" M••fl>!•llt. (O•OPI O•I M•• /,\.A llY JOY([ TYRRELL, i l 1
Ml'!IUH~. C.00-""I dt! M1r,
Di r.a 0<.._.,. I . "''
T-1 N '°'"""'""~ Mi ry J<WUI l)'rrtl!
St1~,,. (1ll!ornl1 0<•...., Covnf't On Otlobt<" I, Ifft. bt-lil•t ,.,,, I >ln<••Y
~Vbll( In •"" "°' 11!~ ll•I• D•"nnoll•
•-t'lld TliOM.&$ N /,<Ul!flAt.1 •'If
MAllY JOYC E TYll•ELl ~"!lwn to m•
1'a t>< ,..,. H ftOf>f wl\t>,. nomo• .,.
ovborr!Md to 1n• ...i111on •n•l•u•~"·' 1n~
"'~"""'it'tleP<I ""' •tKul!'<l lh• \•mr
to "'" lo b• '"• $•(••le•" of lh• co•·
"°'"lion th•1 •••c.,r•<I l"t "'1"'" in
•••<Jm!nl, ,_" •o ..,. !O n• ·~· DNIO"'
WhD ••O(Oul..., '"' w\lhln •n1••vm•nt on
lll'h1tl• of th• "''""'"""" '"''"'" n1..,•a. nna •t~nowi.doea lo m• '""' •u<" co,... "'""lien ••tcUl"fl lh• wlth'1• ln•lr"m•n! ov .. venl 10 II• "-'·I....., or • ~JOlulinn DI
•" l\o•·~ o• Olr•c!o•~ W11 Nf.S$ mv nana •n~ 111<1•1 1t1I.
!NOlARl•l $EAL!
B@••'IY A Thpnon,•n
"IOl<l<Y P\<hllt: 11' ""d
'"' ~Aid Coun!Y ""d S'~"
M• (Om"'l"I"" E~pn••
O•ctmb<r I. )91? 1'UTlLE & TI YLOll, Int .
Al!•rn1YI I I L•W 101 5n.,1n Gri n• AYtnor•
L•• An11l1l, C•llt. !Oii'
ll1~a 5•n1 11 lt••
B••nora F. '"'"'"' Jr. $111• n! C•l••o•nlo. O••no< Caun!v·
On S!DI ''· t•ot. t»•or• "''• a Not~rv P ublic In ~nd for 11ld s1111, ""on•ll•
•an•~•f'<I &ern•rd r f•Dn•' J•. know~ lo
m• to ~! !I\! """"" '""OH n1mo I• •un"rll>fft lo Int "'""I" ln1l•u.,,•nt l r>d
~c•now+!'<lotd ne t••tu1td !ht 11m1.
(OfFIC !A l SE•Ll
MARY lo:. "ftlPY No•1•y P.,bllc-C•lllo•nl1
P<lnc11>1I Ol!lct In
0•1no• Couolv
M v (ommlnl"" IE•,I•••
"""· ,,, 1171 "ubll1h•d Or1n9• S•~!embtt a and
(""II 0 1llr 'llOI, Oc!oWr l. I , 1~,
1 17'·~· '"' T.111 11
Publ"n..d O•ll'Qt '"'"'' C••IY J>;1ot. LEGAL NOTICE
0L1obf'• t, ) .. 1J, JO. 1969 l ll't-ff l---------------1:::.::;___: _________ ~-HOTl(f" TO Clll!OITOlll
LEG •L N01'1CE SU,1!11 10 11: COUll1' 0' TH• n S1'ATI 0' C.&Ll,OllNI.& "Oil
-----'--------THI COUNTY 0, OllAHOI! P·JltM H• •...... ,.
Cl!llT1,IC.&lf. OF BUSINESS. £tl11• of ALl(I!. M, 5TJIFFOl:0,
'ICTlltOUS HAM( D•t•••"" T~• 1>rd•'"'""" dOll (trtl!y .... I• CO'>-NOTICE IS HEllE!IY (;IV£N lo ,.,, aut.tlng " bv1ln•u fl 100 N•-O" 81Vd, ,.,..,,,.,.., o1 fhl •bovt .,1,....a d•<fd•n1
C.n1t• "'"''• C•tll<>•nlo. ""<j•• '"• I' fh1! 1 1! ~.,11n1 h•vl"" clolm1 IOI;~~! lh•
hl•O<JI j.rm ........ "' MAllGAllET BAii· 111a OK_,,, •rt ffGUlrpd to Ille '""""·
10N"S ~NTIQUES 1nd I"•' •11•d 11•"' •I wit~ l~t f'l'Cfllor• voud'i•"• h• "'' otlltt comPOS~ ol ,.,.. lo!lowl,.. "'"(.<'> "''''"' o1 in~''"'~ ol !ht 1b<!V! !n!l!lf<I c.....rt. oi """'~ In lvn •nd pl•<• ct rf1•d'"'' lt'to "'"''"' "''""'' w11'> '"' n!c1t11rv •• foUowo . voucn•"· hi th• .,-,.19ned •I lhl" l•w
N ,.qo•rl fl etl<>'I. JOO N,wPOrt Bl...:!. oU•(• of JJl.MES L. ll UBIEL. Jiil. •t· (• +• Me•1. Colo! "''"'" 11 lfw, Jlll V•o 0""'"'' Nt-rl Cottcl OC!. ll. 1t'9 Bruh, (01unrnl1. t1UO, wnith h 'I••~•"! !I•'""' !tit lll•C. ol butlMlt p! !tit u""•n lt fltcl ln ~•••• "' C•ll•r•r'•· O•ono• r ~""'" t 11 m•""" nor!Oin,•t 10 lh• ••t•lt o< \Ola
On IO·U~t l)efo'f me • •lo'"" '"bli< d•ctcltn•. wllhln l1;111r mon•n• •"'' lh• !lrll
1., and lo• Mid tlol1. "'"'cnAll f 8~Pl•"d 'ovb••(•ho• rl '~'' nohc• "'-••~••ti 11••1"" '"''""" t• '"' tn bl I~• O"f\I S•o••m~~· It, lt6t H•1on whr"~ """'' '' •111\"•1 ·~ IO '"' I•' N•l1on M S!aUor(I. J•
wlrnt" •••''""'""I •nd oc•no,.'"OOtCI •"• "Gmln•I""'"' w•I~ '"" Writ ••Klllt-d !"'" o•>rlf , .l nn0>e(I ql !hr [>'•!• t>• l~~Al! 1•• •~ov• """'"~ "~'~'"'' M•'"' IC . H•nr1 Jo1•nh t 0 1•1• JAMI'S l . ll UBl!L, Jlt,
No!t•v Pubtlc-(•T>hlrn+1 '' ..,. I''" All•'~'' 11 l •w
!\.IFfl(lAL SEAL)
l>,lft(llH I Olflc.t In '•l1!nfn•• J>r,~I ~•I OU1<r )ll) Yl1 0-1<1 0••1111• (ovnlv Q•an9• C~o~•~ N•wHrt lotc~, Ct lll , t !Ut
.t,1.v comm•!t10!' fi oolrn "" ~n • ., •n [•n·"' Ttl••""""' Piii l ll·t !71 HO•tmtt.r Jt, 1'17 Jv~• 11. 1910 -unrn•v f~r .&•m1n1,rr11er (TA
'••11\<tht<I Or•nt• (o•at D1llt "''"' """"'~·a 'l'""'" ,.,.,,, O•'I\' n ,1., r w111h"<I o~•~ .. Co••• 0411~ "'"°" f;'c"_'c'c'..c'·'-'":·c.c":_~=·-'c".:.:.' _____ ,,,..:::._"_o:.:'_'..c':'·.:':".:"_•_:•_"".:.:.-"c'c'_·_'_·_'_'c'_' __ ,_•_1•...,, ~'ol:HI' 1. '· ,,, lJ. i•i.t 11&oo
llAILY P!L01' Sl1U P~~lt
BoostiJt!J Dioblos~ S11irit
Cheering .the J\li ssion Vie,io lligh School <ithlctcs on durin~ the l96fJ..70 sea:-.on
v.•ill be these live hi gh . .1un1 pers, all J7 years old. }<~rom left. they are Da rien!:!
l\1a rvin , Carol Todd. I-leather J\1arlin . Dorothy Z'llarvin and Ka'lhy Sho\ver.
*Save up toS40 a set
*4-ply polyester cord
*BFG Silvertown HT's
*All sizes on sale
FHA Offices Feel
Squ eeze on Lt;>ans
The money squcc/c 11n 1hc
huusing industry drew lighter
this month with only 5) pc.r·
c:ent of the F!IA rl·giun.'11 of.
fi ces reporting an adequ:11t:
supply of funtl s, a Nixon ad·
n1u1istratiun sur\t•y shuwrd
1'he figures indicated 45 per·
cent of lhe F'l"tlera! Housin g
Administ ration (F'llA) regions
were rejecling at least some
loans lhat would have been
granted if tllr money had lleen
The FHA also re-ported t·on·
tinu1ng increases 1n the cost !Ir
1nort gage tnonry.
The avail.'J.bilHy of F!IA
loans w;:is the lowe~l ~1nce
January 1967, \\'hen 42 pen.~l'n t
of lhc ulfices reported <Jn <1d1'·
quate supply of money.
1'he Oct. l, survey marked
the rourtll consecutive month
of tlec.hnlng money ava1lahll i-
I.\!. fullow1 ng 11n 110 pC'rccnt
f1g urt· for J11ne.
On Sept. I, 60 pcrcen! uf the
FHA oflii.:es had an adc4u<1\l:
su pply of money.
The FHA also sa1cl 1ht'
aver<ige interest yield nn
secondary sales of 71 i pcrccnl
FHA mortgacl's w;,is 8 4 per·
cent. up fron1 8.36 percent 1n
The adminlstr.'.ltion s a I 11
average con v en l ion a I
mortgage interest rates werr
8.25 pcrl"i'nl [Ur new tvnnt'<:
and 8 3 pl'rCt'tll fnr CX b1Ull!
ho1nc~ on (kt !. 1't1e ligun'~
were up from 8.2 percent anli
8.2;1 rt>sper tivcly nn Sept . 1.
Toda y's Sto ck s Toda y
!9.95 VALUE!
with Purchase of Two Tires
S•nt C7R--1 4 bl•~~wail rilvs 1~..iar.i
P-'C"8 In DI JLJa
• Expert Workmanship
Quality Replacement Parts
• Special Low Prices
f~I 11111llt)P ~11te 11nln15 1ns\1llfd on JOIJI (If •rt llllfl~te"' tel
•0,000 milH "h'" MU~ I• non-comm!<Cltl pnun~r• en iHVl<I.
Shcule tM lonln(1 !iii GO 1"!1< cul d~fln1 !hit 1>11riod !hoy will bl
11p!1ctd 1t tlCI c'"r1e lo! lhe llnln1t i nd "'111 a •Miii •tf"fic•
thf•l ! for lntt1ll1!lon. Wtr!1n!)' ll111lte4 to dU!ll' Of l lGlt MJ1arlll.
ln1 ~1111111 ltrlkl
C Grl
Do ... .,..1i1 ••• f or•1t11
Phone 89 3-557 2 540-4343 or 646-44 2 1
a.m. · 6 p.m. e Sat, 'til S p.m. I DAI LY 8 a.m. • 7 p.m. e Sat. 'Iii S p.m.
' ,,
' I·
' "
·----------· --· -
Mig1·ai11e St11died
Oranges Cause Headaches
ClllCAGO (AP) -ll m.:ty In the body, n<lmcty a f;ill in \l'hich enters the blood during
ha.rdly come as a surprise thal plasma n er o I on i n , the the attack."'
drinking "'ine can give you a substance in blood Y:hieh Research l1os indic«lt!tl. he
headache ir you stuy 11·1th Jl prevents the vcssrl.~ frorn said, that carriers of this alirn
long enough. dilating or eonstru.:ting C'l-substance include choco!ales,
But whoever thought you ccssivcly,'' Anthony :.aid. v.inc, chC'esc, herring and
mighl get the saine painful "When serotonin d r o p s . oranges.
result fro1n caling chocolate~. vessels enlarge, blood flow in-Anlhony s;:iid rcscurch h11s
cheese, vranges or herring·~ creases and pl<ices painfu l shown that serotonin con·
T"ursday, Octcbrr 16. JQl,Cl DAIL V PI LOT 2 J -----
"Artistry in Moving" for the
It scrms that you can, prC'ssure on the vesse l's nerve stncts large arteries a11d vcins\---====~======================:=====---rcported Australian Dr. endings, and thus )'OU have and dilates smalil·r vessels, in -cluding cap:Haries. fllichael Anthony al an J!l· 1nigra1ne." A study of patirnts adrnitted tcrnalional symposiu1n on Anthony, • profrs.~or of to hospital for mig1 J inf' shO\\'·
headaches at flloun t Sin:u neurology at the Univrrsity of f'd that thei r headachC's \iere
j Jlospital f\Iedical Center. New Wou th \\'ales, Sydney, relieved by the intravenous
For Top Sports Coverage
Rea d tl1e DAILY PILOT t. "Migraine i.s assoeiated with said, '"This drop in se rotonin is adrnlnistration of serotonin, he )-d~e~~:c~t~a~b~le~c~he~m~k~a~l~c~h~ru~1~g~c'~~d~u~e~tio.:_;;a~n~a~li~e~n:::,;su~b§s~ta~n~c~e-~re~po~ct~e~d.:.::::.:::_::..:::_:::.::::::_~========~============================================::'::=:======
' .. ' I
UPI Ttlepllot1
Flying President
President Nixon· leaps fro1n the dais at a n1emorial
dinner in \-Vashington Tuesday in honor of the late
Presiden1 Dwight D. Ei scnho\vcr. 1'hc chief execu-
tive \Va s going to vi sit \\'ith mcn1b ers of Eis cnho\v-
er's cabinet. The dinner \vas held on \Vhat would
have been Eisenhov•er's 79th bi ri.hday.
Aussie Girl Tours
23 Nations 01i Bike
Robyn Smith, who snys she
"just had an itch to :;ee the
V.'Orld" before setlling dov.'n to
married life. i~ doing a pret1 y
good job of achieving he r goal.
The 24-ycar-old Australian
nurse has traveled 23 coun-
t ries in the pa::>l l"""O years <ind
has done it mainly by
AF. she tnl1cd intr1 Ln~
Angeles Tuesda~'. :;he had ~!l
in her pocket and 40 , 11;, mil rs
showing on 1hc oclornC'trr of
lhc bike, "Aussie Annie.··
lier odyssey began in
Janurv 1963 from her home 1n
Cromilla, near Sydney. She
It you have new ncl~hbors
or know of n11yone 1no\·in~
to our nrl'a. pll'ase tl'll us
'0 that \YC may cxt<>nd a
friendly "'el come and l1cln
them to become acriuciintt'd
ln thclr new trurroundin~~
So. Coast Visitor
Harbor Visitor
started \l'ilh a boat tickC't to
E:ng!.ind and $100.
How docs she g e l by? Odd
"I've picked pE'l.unias in
Virginia, 11·orkcd :is a nurse in
l.ond on, 1~aris and Romf! and
b;iby-sal all ove r the United
Slates,'' she told nev.·smen.
The tnm young Australian
plans to tour Latin Amrrica
;1nd l\1rx1rn, A~i;i, ;ind the
~liddlc I::;ist bef1Jre returning
hon1e in 18 months.
Czec hs Expel
Duhcck Aide
Ci\rchoslovakia"s Communls1
pll r!y h;is cxpcl!cd Ot;:i Sik, the
<.1 rchitrel (lf thr economic
refnrn1s v.·hi('h fonnc r p<ir ty
chief Alex;inder Du b c e k's
libcr:1l administr;:ition tried to
~1k, deputy prcn1ier under
Oubc1•k. 111as removrd from
his pn~l after the Soviel 111·
1 iision 111 August 1968 and "'.'.\~
ousted frorn the parly"s C<'n·
Ira! cunHnillec in fll:iy. lie 1s
now doing resC'arch Vr'ork al a
SwL~s l1nivcrsity.
l\low! PSA jets
to San Francisco!
7 am lo I pm. Both ways.
7-S-1·10..11 •~12 noon-1-2-3-4--H-74-9 pm.
Mor• on weekends.
Plusfliuhk liOur
oo the If hour
to San Diego!
1:15 am lo 10:10 pm. Both waya.
1:15-9:30-9:30-10:30·11 :30 •rn-12:30-1 :30-2:30-3:30·
•:30-5:30-6:15-6:30-7:30-8:30-10:1 O pm.
More on wHkend1.
Why worry about a rescrvallon whon PSA h11.s ovo r 160 frights •
day? Such an 011.sy-lo-remcmbor schedule you can cariy II
Rround In your head. Why remember lowest fares? Or all jets?
Or greet servlco lo Oakland. San Jose, find S11c·
r11mento? Or that kids under 12 lly PSA (with
their p11rents) tor hft ll fare? Sllll want a
reserv11Uon? Just cell you r travel agent
o r wh1tsltsname airlines. PS\ giW'J!l ,ou a lift.
546·7080 COSTA MESA
SATURDAY 9 to 5:30
SUNDAY 10 to 5:00
n A •p•<.io! vou'<• 111•• to f1t ll for.
LJ On• •peed mod•I l I'd I.~. lo
•e• the"' pul 'l•"" on it.I
LJ Fun g.ft for iJ.• kid1. 9ss
LJ o •• d b•He •i•• ••• •haul
~• u1eful •• • b ee.~ .... + d.; • .,,,
0 R.eju:<• lh'm ... ;th !h11
M•rv1I end llt•t .
[) W or\1 on C. 0 , ponl11,,
e nd 9 •olt tr1tnt1,+or,
LJ A•oc edo " gold.
D o:,n .... ,h.,
D No m C>t l
ro'"''I '" w•i•1.
"'""'""'-D u •• to ,,.,,.., 1h, lool1 •lid
em•ndmenh lo ih•
...... ~ ·····
0 Th•n he•1 your ki.11
wh••I vou home
... h~n 'tou'•• !hrou'Jli
end ••"•u•+td,
A d i1po1et fro'" 1
comp•nv l~•I 11~11 prid•
in !heir wnrk.
0 !8,t they don'! I•~• II
ham• w•ekend 1. thou9h, I
0 C.onti11110111 feed di1po1tr
;, p•~<;lic.e lly lroublefret. 26ss
wrrn FREE
' c • ' " •
' ' ~ /"1'(~· fi'
•Aa"f'''~"" ~!><'<•~I• good 'l1•U 0<'<1:.0.• 11, U6t !•"d w• lo·~ •h• " .....
Clf •lnoro1111 ~I ia1oon er1n"''~ ... •"" 1n 1n• 1oon11,1
! 1 Fir sl quo1•!¥,
• groo•e.:l ,
pr~l 1 n.sht.:l lo•
q uit~ on1t1ll 1tio•.
rr.7.oo:-,ILJ Gi•11 lh1I up!ciwn
look 11 .:lownlown
0 G ~l·en;11.:l, ,j;pioOnt,
0 Got• up 11•v C ,(you'••
• pro f.uiont l t ttob,1,l
11 We h •~• the l;t!,nqo o!
9ood p•itt• loo. asc
Ll "'ho1 • i1 . h~·· ;, •
ho•• !911&! poem odo~.
0 Fle•;bl" v•nvl met•I
•einlorct.:l hoot l o~••
+ht .:lust e ncl linl owt.
r .
" . ,..., 0 Got ICIM t lovciri ta piec11
of fu•niture lh1! loo~
Frt 1hen !hi m up 1 b<t
with te•v 1-•lop onliqut
E••••!hin9 indu.:11.:l,
choice ol colo" o'
woo.:l 1le in1.
·· 0 Some fina C•• w•• f,o"'
• boy n1mtd l(il.
0 W;U 1hine end d eaM up
the! old bus9v.
0 Oa•I indude1 the
I I Re9ul1rlv p•ice.:l a1 'i8t , th 11;, • ber'Jain,
11 M1,kin'J l•PI ;, '· '" Y 90 !!., ;, P •<~•9e.:l in
dO:pen•••, the FREE roll of tapt j, '/," x 12 '/i f!.
LJ Not b1.:l f,om 1 1i.,Jw1tt 1!or• lhet look1
1;~, 1ht l•i Mihal.
.... . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . . . .. : : : ~-,:.-::::: ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . \"' ........ . . . . . . ..... -.. . . . . . . . . . . .... -....... . . . . .... --
I J 801<d o{ • 'lhous1nd
'""'in ~i tchen, d en .
'Jd rage, W0!~1hop,
, j P1.n l to moich .,,
clo1 h Of l e •~• it
olon t .
lJ We h•"• the hool•
for cht1p loo.
I I A d t1n f1he• ctn"''"'
!he dillt r1nc:e b1lw11n
9ood cl11n 1it •hit
w•nl ar 01 blecch.
l J lo'"""" lu•1 bill:, ketpl
+~. wollt .:!1an1t loo,
LJ Moi l popu l~• l ;ltl i~
,foe k.
D Set ol S 9r1du1!1d
•crewd•i•1•1 lo•
1;9ht1ni n9 1\l yout
looot one•.
0 (Woit for the io ~•. I'll
think of ont n••I week, 1
0 The 11th piece ;, lh1t
b•1cktl th1t lio!d, Iha,..
in • 9•oup.
O lncl ud11 l't1!1I ,., •. .t1nd, bih. btc.plete, ta11d int
d i1c.
0 Juol 1no"9h of everythin9 lo m1k1 hol11 1verywh•••
vou '"'ft-
0 Then. COf!ll tilt ••I ltnon 1 from u1h1rt11lht 1lor•
i nd h1•• 1omethin9 qo•iu• lo h1n9 in 111 tho1e hele1,
No. 75-1 •
..... -~
fl!! D>.ll Y PILOT Tl!llr~day. OctaMr 1€-, 1%9
~ontroversy Boils: Mets' Win Illegal?
NE\\' YORK IAP) -The play that
Ix-at lhern 1n the fourth go:unr may turn
out to be just the thing to rr\·ive tht
Ba ltimore Onntes against !he ainazing
Ne1v York t.1ets In basebaU 's \\'orld
'·J'm going to hanb thi s Associated
Press photo in lhti: clubho use today anJ it
n1ight be just what we oeet.l to Bet started
again.·· said Baltimore pitcher Pele
Richt'rt \\'ednesday night hours after the
lllct s h<id 11on 2-1 in 10 innings lo take a
(C{imrnanding J·l lead 1n the best-0f-7
The play that produced I.ht 11'inning
t.tet run came with two on and none out.
Pinch hitter J. C, f.1arlin bunted in lront
of tilt' plate.
Richert dashed off lhe mound, grabbed
tilt! ball and threw lo first base. The ball
hit t.1artin on 1he left 11·rlst and bounced
a11'ay tor an error. per111itting pinch run-
ner Rod Gaspar to score lron1 second.
Few in the crO\\'d ol 57,367 noted at Ole
li1ne that ftlartin was running on the in-
~ide of !he foul line in violation of rule
6·05 and that therefore the JI.lets won the
gan1c on an illegal pla y.
If God ls lfl e t Fa1a
Tl1at Bizar1·e NY 10tl1
Makes You W onde1~
NE\V YOBK (AP 1 -The Ne\Y York
JI.lets \\'fill i11tu toda y's fifth gan1e of the
\l,'orkl Series on the threshold of their
first \1'c;rhl chainpionship -and notl1ing
about the ama2ing ?-lets is more ama2ing
t han thC way they fin ally got both feet on
Lhe doorstep to the throne rootn.
-For the im plausible chnmpions of the
!'\alioual League got lbere \Vednesday on
a double Jost in Lhe sun, a bunt that didn't
roll 10 feet and a wild thrOI\' lo\1•ard fir st.
That c.ombina!ion gave the /\lets a lOth
Inning run and a 2-1 1·ictory over
Balti111or£'·s bc!uddlect Orioles.
So tile /\lets, \\'ho !urned the baseball
t.1·orld upsidc do1rn this year by making
the linal tram standings Io o k tops)'·
turvy. took a 3·1 edge Ol'Cr the heavlly
favored Orioles and the opportunity to
Series Bo x
ljf\'I YO~IC l .. P, -Thr (Gm~.i. bO•>tO••
•I me ,,.,! 1ow• q~"lh of the "~' Work! 5Ulu: I ATTl"'G SUMMA~'!' ••Ill,...•• o r .. Ju .. ' ~ lb Jb ~r .. I •·••·
!l~!o•d. ,, " ' ' ' 0 ' ' "' ~ ..... " " ' ' • 0 • • "' ' J::ob•e,on, " " ' ' 0 0 • • \~·
Powfll, 1o " • • • 0 • • ·'"' ' ll.04>1n•on. 3o " • ' • 0 • ' ·"' Jot>n<on, " " ' • • • • • ·"' Hfn<!• '°~'· ' " ' ' • • • • ·"' Etcl>C<lll •""• ' ' 0 • • • 0 • ~
611•••11•• " " ' ' • • • ' . "' Cu~llf<, • ' • ' • • • ' •00
/,'.(tUllf, 0 ' • • • • • • .ooa
R•"~''"'lll><!, " • • • • • 0 • .ooo
"•''""'· ' ' • • • • • • ·"' Mor. " ' • • • • • • 000
L(01'n~•d • • • • • • • 0 •• O••n mp.-. ~ ' • ' • • 0 0 1 CIJO
Sflmo", ,, • • • • • • • "' W oll . • • • • • 0 • • •• •l•I•. • • 0 • • • 0 • 000
11,,11,,1, 0 • • • • • • • .~
lOfli\ "' . " ' • ' • ·"' Nt.i York M•h .. ' ~ 11> )I> ~· •b• '···· ''" " " ' ' • 0 ' ' "' ... ,, •• ,oA. " " ' ' • • • • "' """~"· ,, • • • • • • ·'" Jltll~ " " • ' • 0 0 0 ,111 (l,.,,<1••••11" " " ' ' 0 ' ' ••• K'""""'ol. " ' I • • ' ' ,.
Sh1mo>,v, 1>h '' • • • • • • 0 "' !>WOl>Ddi , " " • 0 • • • '" (n••~·. " " ' ' • • • .•a1
(.•Olt, r " ' ' 0 0 ' .~., \,,,,. " ' • • • • • ' "' 6••-~. " ' ' ' • • • • ,l l l
~ .... f,, 0 • • • • • • ·"' OV•'· " ' • 0 0 • • • ·"' C••a ..,,,11, • • • • • • 0 • "' G o,p~r. 1>"·"11.' ' ' • 0 • • 0 "' , .,,,.,, 0 • • • 0 • • • "' l(~o,men , • • • • 0 • • 000
Gro"T· I> • ' 0 • ' "' l!y•n, ' • • • 0 • "' Mor••n, " • • • • • 0 • ·"' lo10•1 \~/ 10 11 ' • • • ·'" "ITCH ING ~U"IM ... RY
'"'"""" Or~lu • " " ' ., 10 .. "' (11• '•' (' ~\ ~ I/. ,, ' ' "' "' ~ .. ,.,.11v I 0 11 ' • • ' ' ' ' ,.
l'al'T'•• 10 lj ' • • ' '" L""n~i<O ' ' ' ' ' •• Wo'I ' . 0 • ' 0.00 ..... •G 11 ' 0 ' 0 ' • •• ~ ..... ' ' • • • ' 0 0 . " '''" . ' " 1t 10 • ,, 111 ' " ...... .,.,,_ "''" • " ' . •• ~o •• '" ....... -' " ,, ' ' • ' .. (ore ..,, • ' 0 ' • • • . " , 1 .. ,'Q• . ' • 0 • ' ' ... • "°'~'•" ,, ' ! ~ ' ' ' ' ' . "' (·•""' 11 CI ' • I :; ' • • ' • ...
~ II "" ' '" ' • • ' ' •• T&••I• ,. " ~ I< ll •• ; ; ...
\(O~f_ l l' l'•N I N CO~
,.,,. m~·~ 1•,..•·•<•"I lt>J jf.Q 1•1 ~ -~ •
"'"" ~ •• , 1"•••00•'1 l oO <J! Ill I -10 r l'••m«. ll•<~trt, ~' ~. (,~"'" DP
R•lllmr•o 1A1 • LOI! ~"'''""''• <•1 16. N•"'
"••• 1tl' I~ ',~ -&10.r ~ -CO•""'• Me•t1n, ·~ -V.f'>, & Jloti,nlG" WP -M<N•lly
11·rap up the Series today in front of Shea
Stadi um's banncr·bearing fans.
Once holders of the 11·orld record for in-
rptness. the ~·let s have n1adc the ainaz·
ing transition to the top on a combination
of solid pitching. timely hitting -and
plays U1at hcl\·e provoked the gag -line
that ··co<t is a Mets fan."
Look \1·hat happened in that almost
unbelievable 10th inning when the Orioles
handed them the keys to the throne roo1n.
It began "'hen catcher Jerry Grote sent
a short fly to left that 11·as ticketed for an
"I thought !he Oall \\'as hil harder than
it \\'as ." said left fielder Don Buford,
"and l broke bark to keep from giving up
an extra base hit . Then I Jost the ball in
the glare and didn 't pick it up until it go~
above the .sun."
By that time, only shortstop ~·lark
Belanger had a shot at the falling fly as
he raced toward the point of impact 11·ith
his back to the plate. But the ball fell
beyond the reach of his outstretched
glove a$ Grote sLl)Od on second basc .
Rod Gaspar \\'Cllt in to run for Grote
and Al \Vei.s "'as given an intentiona l
\1·alk .
At this juncture. it 11·as tin\e for somr
st rategy, aid it's possible that the loss or
l\lanagcr E:ir1 \\'ea\·er -in the third in-
ning he becan1e the first managcr ejected
fron1 a \Vorld Series ga1ne in J.4 years -
may have contributed to what followed .
Th;,t niay never be kno11•n. \'llat i.~
known is that coach Billy Hunter, ll'ho
too k O\·cr for \\'caver. ordcred pitcher
Dick Hall lo issue an intenlional ·walk to
Al \Veis an d t11en brought in Pete Richert
to pitch 10 pinch hiller J.C. f.lartin .
~lartin's rirders fron1 /\tanager Gil
l!odges \\'Cre simply: Bunt -and keep 1t
do1l'n the first base I in e a11'ay lron1
Brooks Robinson. the Orioles' brilliant
lhird ba~eman. ~lartin con1ptied nn the
first pitch, the ball trickling lo the lip
of the infield grass,
Nov• Caspa r ll'a.s running and two
Oriolrs -Rlcherl and c<ilcher Ellie Men-
1l rick s -\rerc r<icing towa rd the ball,
brushing <igainst each other in the in·
de cision of the moment.
"I caHed for the ball all the way." 11cn·
'Irick~ s<iid , ":ind maybe Pele did too .
But v.·i1h all the rro\rd noi.~r. T don 't
kno1v. The play ,1·as out in front of me ·•
It 11·as out in front of a record cro11·d or
57,367 too, and they yelled and sho11 te1l
and cheered as Richert grabbed the ball,
hurried his thro"' ;ind hit :O.l<irtin in lhe
left "·rist The ball rirochct~d 1nto the
first base hole '"hi!r Ga$par raced hoine
"'ith U1e "·inning run .
The respooses 1o 11·h<11 h<1d just hap -
pened \'aried
"TI1e bail just happened tn hit J (' ,''
~a id !11" c·ool Hn<1ge~ "['in gl:"tr! 1t rhi!"
"1 h(1 JX'," s<11d J\ichert. ··his \1·ri~t s
•·t don't e,·cn kno11· 11 hn thre\Y lhe
ba11.·· .<::t id :\lartln , "but hr m;:icle a goo<l
play bec;:iusc the ball had back spi n r
1.:ne\~ they had no play ~o n1 y job \\'a~ to
get to first. The ball hit inc on the leH
Solo11 s Tl1reate11 Actio11
If Pilots Leave Seattle
SEATTLE -Sen. \\'arren ~lagnuson,
D-\Vash .. says if baseball franchiHS can
be s\i·itched from city to city it may be
cause •for coagressional or U.S. Supreme
Court •ction.
Crosetti, the remaining Pilo t coach, nor
has the futu re of manaaer Joe Schullz
been detern1ined. • ST. LO LIS -The St. Louis Blue~
hred Ulree first period goals and t.1'ent 10
to defeat lhe Los An~eles Kings 4·1
,\.elnesday nighl in a National Hocke y
League game.
Tt was not until an Associated Press
photo showed J\1artln running on the i11-
.side of the foul line that a t'Ontroversy
developed at press headquarters and con-
tinued far 1010 the night
The picture sho11·cd t.-lartin a few sleps
lrorn first base, \Vilh the ball , thrown Uy
IU<:herl, in the air close to to.1arlin. First
base uinpire Lou Di~1uro is looking al the
bag and Shag Crawford, the ho1ne plate
un1pire, is looki ng on from near the plate.
''\\'hut's Shag Cra\vford doing U1cre
"Hh his hands In his pocket',' Richerl
said aft.er he had bt:en shown the photo,
''All ht:·s got lo look for i.ol that play and
he didn·1 c1tlt 11.
"If lhe runner is inside !he line he ~
supposed to be out. It's not J\·lt'l luck. It's
JUSt tne fact that a man did nul make tht:
c.:alJ hc should ha \'e."
In the clubhouse alter Lhe ga111e,
Richert had said he would like to sec a
picturc of the play
•·t don 't know if f\1art1n t.1'•1s inside the
foul line while running towards first. 1
tried to thro"' the ball inside U1e line ."
MUCH ADO ABOU T NOTH ING -lt look s like an innocent rind normal
:.acrifi ce bunt play. But J.C. i\lar!in's (9~ little nubber \VOn the fourth
gan1e oi the \Vorld Series for the Nc\v York Mels and provoked con-
troversy. Pitcher Pete Riche1t (24) hi t J\1arlin on the \\•ri st \vith his
Bill McKinley, a former American
League un1p1rc , saw the pi cture 11nd cun1·
niented ; "The ru1111C'r is nol out in this
case unless he in terferes with the throw .
If the first base urnp is looking at fir st
base a.~ D1~1 uro 1s doing it should be up
to the horne plate umpire lo rnakc tl1e
There ll'as no cr1111ment from CrawforJ
or DU\·Juro. 1\e1lht•r \\"as there a11y Jrorn
Conuniss10n('r BO\\'!c Kuhn.
Johnny r .. turph)'. l'ice president and
general 1nanager 11f thc t.lets, saw thc
photo and tlt>clurcd '' ll appears th11t
r.1artin was a rew inches to the left of the
Juul lint I don 't think there's any pro-
blen1, though. T h e re .... ·as no in·
terference. ··
The rule in question reads·
"A batter JS out when , u1 runninB the
;last half of the distance from home base
to first base, while the ball Is being field·
cd lo first base, he runs outside lo the
right or thc thn.>e·foot lane or ins ide to
the left of U1e foul line and in the um-
pire's JUdgrncnl in so doing interfere~
\1·ith the fielder making the throw to first
thro\v to Dave Johnson. but this picture clearly ~hO\\'S the r.Jel player
running inside the baseline. Baseball rules say ;;i runner is out il he
runs the last hall of the di s tance to first ins ide 'lhe line.
Pal111 er F11t111·c Doorrnu t lrnag e Era se<l
111 Bala11cc
At Sahara?
I.AS VF.GAS, Nev. !1\Pl -Arno ld
r alllH'r faced one of 1hc greatest
challenges of his fantastic career Hiday
11 1lt 11 t1e set f1ut 111 the first ruu11d nt !he
~100.(){l(l Sahara Jn\'1ta1ional (~Oii Tourn:i -
111en t
!1 enultl be that his golf1n~ f\1\11rr h.ings
i1 !hf' b;d :1rH'I' C;in h12 l·o111~ hnl'k'1
Now 40 and a non,1·1nnf'r for 1nu rr 1ha11
a ~·ear, can lhc ga me'<; grr;itcst at-
lrat'tifln nnrc agai n r!'o'·apturr lhP n1:1g1c
tlta1 n1adc l11 s n:irnc a h(}1 l~t·hnld ,1·ord'1
Saha ra could pro1·ldr the :111~1\·cr.
~!11 11.11 observers thoughl Pahncr 11·a!
lll rough \\'hen an arthritic right hip forf'-
rd hizn ou t of the PGA Championship at
D::iylon in August.
He had just struggled in wit h a pain-
rucked 82, highest round or his pr~
tessional career. Hls ga me was in ta Hrrs,
his age advancing and his health qucs-
But Pahner vowed he would be hac~.
lie didn't say when hft'ause at lhe !iine
he didn't know. He j11sl \1·ent ho111c to
Latrobe, Pa ., for rest anil treat1nent of
the hip ailment that has plagued him ror
three years·.
But he said he would be back -and he
But the question remains: will li e be
the dynamic, dril'ing force lhat put the
"'Ord "charge" in golf 's dietionary. the
rnan \\'ho won a record four t.las\crs
Championships. or "'ill he be the pale im-
itation 11·ho struggled and strained o,·cr
!ht last 12 months?
Area Football on
Ccsla tllesa lhgh, onte a joke in hi gh
school football ranks, s1ill hasn't much 111
!-.h1;1w for 1tscH in the 11·ay of victories this
year 11·ith onr 1\·1n 1n four outings.
Bu1 . the :'llustangs li;n·c stiown a lot 111
1hr 11:1y rof u pgr ;id1 n ~ lhc old 1m:tge.
.\01~· they look like a bona fide high
!l('honl tcam and thf•y'l•c lt1rned 1n
t rl·cl il :1b l<' :-.bowing:< on lhc field of battle ,
dr ... p1 10 lus111g to suprrior 1nanpu11 er
Jo'r\1111 ;111 ;i ppl'.':1rancrs. nrw coach 711.i"
T'llll ler has put thing :> tugl'thcr 1n such a
. '-hori t1n1e to 11'ork 11·ith his varsity lt
hlot.'ks. tackles and ha s the poise ·ot a
J 1r't r:ite learn .
If hi s pro~ram dcl'elops roots. Costa
;\h:sa n1ay 11 ell be ()fl the 1\·ay to footholl
pros perity.
Further. Fountain \"allry has al.'<fl run ·
t1n11ed to 1mprnl'e under Bruce Pickford
and the Baron.~ arc alMi beginning to
inakc their opponents sit up and take
~:st;111C'ia and Corona de l tl1ar al so ap-
pear to be on the way up. And Ne"'J>Orl
J-larbor is already there.
The chanRC has certainly been a
,1·c_len1nc one for these onetime doornial:..
* * * Thrrr. former Orange Coast area h i~h
school sLars will be on Lbe Cal team thal
1·onlronts UCLA Saturday et t be
Coliseum (and on regional te levision\.
Ex·'''rslmlnster High whiz Da v e
Penhall i~ e second siring quarterhark
tor the Gnldrn Brars. The Newport
llarbor duo of Slt\'e Reece end Rick
S<·fHt are on the defensi,·e unit. Reece h&.'1
been starting at defensi"e end t.1'hile Scott
hopes lL see action as e guard. Scott. a
sop homore. ~·as red -shirted in 1968.
Reece is e junior.
* * * Bruer Chapman, 1111' "(rin~ bi>an
about the h;ird1\oodS at co~til ~lrsa Hi ~h
School and Orange Co<J~I Coll<'gc, 1s lak·
. ............... ..
ing the big gan1ble al
11·eckc ncl.
Q Sr'J GLEN,_. Yo11T I
Las \°egas this
Chap1nan. a sturdy 6·i'.: and ~iar for
thl' Unh·ersity of Nc\·ad a l La s Vegas l
hasketball CC':11n. 11·ill 1na rr.11 1\ancv Jayne
Stein. She also a\\enc.Jcd t.·1esa lhgh and occ
Chapn1an is a solid cnnthrl;itc ror All·
American honors and is .-i pro pros(X'ct
He and L'CLA flash J ohn Vallely were
tcamtnalcs at Orange Coast.
* * * Shnvrn l\leKinncl'. rs.Gnlrien \\'est
College and \Ve~tniin~ter Hii;h type, is
second in Pacific Coast 1\thletic i\ssn.
passi ng wit h ~2 for ;z and frtO ~·ards .
:\l cKinnr~·. q ue rtcrhn<'k i11~ itt Cal State
(Long Beac hl i~ hlt tin:; .)8.1 prrcenl of
Way Up
his lhrow~ In trail thr leader (Dennis
Shaw of Slln Diego Sta ll' I by ooc-hun-
drrdlh of a point .
* * * ,Jark \\'1g1n orr, runner tll::iter Dei ace,
rank:. sL~th 111 P<.1c1fu.>8 Cnnfcrcnce total
1)f/rn.c;-r 1111h 518 ya rd s, 4j9 Lhrough the
,iJ lr ;unJ ~!I by 111shing.
l!f•':-:-l'l)rcd fo11r touehdo1vns fOI"
\Va~h 1n~1on ~!.'li e l:n1 vPr.~ll v ;i nd is fifth
111 1'1\l ._a p;1~.,1111:l with 35 c1'1nph'111111s in
;4 all 1·1npl ~.
* * * Ste\e C1tlflrsh, rx-Cos ta l\lesa and OCC
football typr, has caught 21 passes for %40
)anls ;it \\'hillier College this year.
Pcrformini; for Cal Poly Pomona·s
football squ;irl are; Tony Chicas (San
Clemente High and Sadd!cbock CollcgeJ ,
a guard ; Bill Brown (ex.;..t at.cr Dei ), alSl •
a guard.
'He Wa s Out
To Get Me'
NE\V YORK <li PJ ) -"lie \l'as ou t to
ge! inc."
That 1vas Ba!t1n1ore 1nanai;:cr Earl
\\'ca\·er's explanation of his ejection fro"1
\\'cdnc:sday·s fourth game of !he \Vorlrt
Series by l1ome plate un1pire Sh11a
The senator said \\1ednesdey he and
fellow \\'ashington Sen. Henry Jackson
had sent letters to baseball officials ex -
pressing their concern ol'er reports the
American League franchist no1v in Seal·
tJe \l'ould be transferred.
r.1agnuson noy.· says he pl ans to contact
American League pre11 ident J oe Cronin,
1nd Commissiooer Bo"•ie Kuhn's at-
Feel Like I Pitched-Mrs. Seaver \\'c3 rcr bccarne the first managrr .in
:H-years lo be thrO\\'n out of a \\1otltJ
Series game in the thir1t inning follow~g
"I'm going to tell them that if basebAll
can sy.·itch its franchise from city lo city
for purely commefcial reasons, th8t m•y
~ cause for the Supreme Cour! 10
changt its decLsion or for ul! to pass a bill
declaring lhRt this is ;i hu ~i ness. no\ 11
1port. and that it violates Lhc antl·trust
laws," he said. • NE\V YORK -Seattle t:oa<:hes Siol
fl.laglie and Jton Plaia hal'e been dismla11-
ed, Marvin r.1ilkes. generAI man1ger or
the American League expansion club,
aaid Wednesday.
"1 notified r.tag/ie and l'h1la of their
clismiaal llO Ulty will Nrve time to catch
on "Ith some other club."
No decision has ~n mi d' nn f'r11nk
NE\\i' YORK (AP ) -Nancy Sea\'er fell
into the arn1s of a friend and cried.
"1 feel like 1 pitched it myself," saiJ
thi~ tall bluHyed blonde after her hus-
band 1\·on the fourU1 g<tmt of the \\'orld
The people at th e game trca ted h€'r a.~
if sh e had. H Tom Sea ver has bf.come
king or lhe ~fel.s because of hi s pilchinG,
beautiful Nancy has become ouecn.
Fans pressed arou nd hrr in such nuin-
ber~ for aut.ographs or jus l a look dur.
ing the game that us~rs 1\·ere dispatt·h-
td to her box near the t.let dugou t lo
l'hase them .e"·ay.
"I've got order~ rrom !ht security
ft)fce." one of the usht rs Jald. ''The ptcr
pl~ 11re ma king i\lr~. Seaver ner vou! '•
Nancy Seal'er is 24-years old and she
Ret s ner\·ous c\'ery time Tom pit ches.
She take~ il harder than he does "'hen he
loses and when he 'ol.'ins. t.1•hich is most of
lhe time. she takes it in stride as rnuch
~s a 11•oman can.
On this d3y. lfhirh mran! so rnu ch 111
lhe winningest pitcher 1n baseball tt11s
~car. his "'ifc sat on the t'dgc flf her
rha1r, her ha nds gripped together on hcr
\'.'hen t.hc r-.lcts "'ere at bat. and U1('re
11·:is d long hit or a spect11cular pla y. ~he
stood on her chair and wa \'ed her blue
;incl 11·hitc t.lct pennant.
She \\'Ore a brO\\'!I knit pants su it-no
ro11t-ancl l'!hivered as lhe shado\1s
lengthened. A friend han<lrd her a r'.11n-
to11t \l'hic h she used as a blanket.
Sh<' behares n1 ueh 1hc sarne "<lY ill
e\'ery ga1ne, win or losl'.
"\\'hen th ey hit hi1n, thc.v hi t mc," she
said after Sea\'er lost in the opening
Sc(irs garne.
In this ga1nc , the Bal11n1ore Orioles hi t
To1n Sea\'er for JUSt three hit.<; lhrovgh
r ight 1nn1ng.~ and he \\"as "·orking nn a I ·0
shu tout. Uut thrn , in !he ninth. thr
f)r1nle.:; rn:in:i ged tl\O niore hits and a run
ILJ He thr .scorr.
"f frcl like son1conc broke nly
ball oon ... she sii ld. "I rspccially 111ar1 ~
hi1n 10 110 11 rl! l}('('a11~r hr lost the ftr~t
fi:amc. I een'l e\'cn find 11'ords to say
V.'hA t winning 1\IQUld mt'an lo hrm "
\Vhen J, C t.lrtrlin ean1c in lo bAI fnr
~cal'cr 11·1th t11·0 on hasc 1n 1he 10th, Nan-
c·y ~tared slraight nhcad . She pres.~ed hrr
hands ag;11ns1 lhe rau1co:i t. ~lartin
bunt('d, the lla llimore pitcher t11re11' "'ild-
ly to first. the 11·111nin A run scored.
Lvcrything was all right agnin.
i\'ancy Sc:i ver grabbl'd hold 11! a fr1r nd
and the tension poured 0111 nf her. Till'
f;ins pressed around hl'r \1·1th their pt:·n-
cils and tile ushers tightened their gu ard
arnuqd her setJ I.
!'.!hr· eon~C'nted to hl'fl pictures. 11'l'llkr1I
tn 11ic sr;it ~ behind ho111c plate wlw l'C
Sc:i l'cr's parents were sitting, en1bra rcd
lhf'm, anrl headed for the ladies' roon1
•·1 feel sic k to mv sto1nach."' ~he .sa1rl
''l'nl punchy, i'm Jl0"1'X'1 t :"t11d 1'n1
1lraint.>d. I'd ju.~t llkc 10 be q11i rt for lhc
res t nr rhc t!ay."
a called s1nke lo r.1ark BclrtnBer. :..
\rea"er clain1cd he nnly yeller!. "\\'c'r1t
nnl getting tha1 pitch" to Crawford and
lhal the umpire then c.11nc o\cr tn tha
du~out and said son1elhing the Orioles'
sk ipper said he cnu ldn 'I unrlerstand.
\Vhcn \\'caver 11·alked up to the pl;:i\e m
inqu ire iihoul Crawford's st a1cn1cnt, he
11 <1.~ 1hf'n 111ro1\r1 uul
··All I \\lllltl'd lo k11011· \\'OI S thal he
(Cra1\ford l had said and he Ju~t wheelrd.
11round and said ·you're out of the ga nw
for rr>m ini:: up here Lo arguc on balls and
stnkes.' "
"lleek." \\'cl'l rrr t'nn!inucd, ''Crawronl
called thnl ~ame type or pitch a b&ll to
l'lcndenon 111 rhc ~rconrl inn111g 11ftcr boll1
TH\' pltrhrr :i nrl ra!chcr 1hn11 ~hl we had n
fitri kcouL And lhtn Clcru1rnon hit h1'
hni ner :•
OIULY PILOT 51•!! Photo
Thur~d.it, Oc tobtr 16. 1%1 DAILY PllOT U
In League Opener
Monarchs, Servite
Collide Tonight
01 I ... D•ll1 l'lltl Ii.Ill
r.latcr Dei and Servite clash tonight (8)
al Santa Ana Stadiun1 in the opening
Ange lus League football game for both
tcan1s. ll 'll be aire<l on KEZY (1 190 ).
For most, thar s all the information
necessary to fill the stadiuin to capacity
as the hvo paroch ial powers of Orange
S£11VITI!. MATl':lt Ofl
"' ,,. Ovn" ' T<m Bl•<~b,Hn '" ',. P•ul s., .. ,. ,K, G.en!lle "" '" M\~e E•or• '· "" Dkk•on ,,.
' " DICK Bnan..,n ' M;ko Bllclf!o<a "' "' ... w.1a G I'll Htm•nd•1 "' '" P~vl Trt•dwoll ' St•v• l{fmpor ,.,
'" Ml~• RovMr ' ·~ MVnlt '" ,,, Brue• Em•ra ' , .. H•uPorl ',. "' ''° H~'"'' ' MArlf Dunn '" '" 6111 Boogo!I ' "• GrifC~• '" ,., LOffV G<•n•m ' St on Joe~"'~ •ro
County collide for the ninth straight year.
It's always been a battle of
superlatives and tonight 's league crucial
is no exception.
i\nahei1n-based Servite marches in with
a rlefenslve orie nted tcan1 that has beat·
<'n three of four non.league opponents.
Offensl\'el y the Friars arc led by
ClUarlerback Bruce Emard, a 150-pound
junior \1•ho's completed half of his 34
passes for 274 )'ards.
i\nc, coach George Dena ha.<1 Pat
Coogan in the v.·ings sho11ld Emard falter.
Coogan, a senior. has been out with an
injury since before the se<ison began and
\vas counted on for starting duties at the
IJcginni ng of the year.
Llena says his squad lacks size and
speed but his defensive corps has jelled
into <l v.•cl!-oilect work ing un it.
i\1 ater Dei, mean,1•hile. counters with
1111~ lrcmcndo11s one·two offensive punch
of qu<.irler hac k Bob Haupert and halfback
t.lark Dunn.
threat, has averaged five yards per carry
on 67 tries and has sctired foW'
touchd owns in the Monarchs' win! over
Lakewood (34.{i) and Long Beach Wilson
(28·21 ).
Dunn sa"ed Mater Dei in the Wilson
game with a clutch lack.le on a Bruin at
the Monarchs' two.yard line afler • 12-
yard gain near the end of the game.
Key rushers for Servite havt btcn
halfback Ken Haynes and fuUback Bill
Baggott. Haynes has a 4.8 averagt and
Baggot a 4.9 mark,
Orange Coast
4th i11 Natio11
Ru stlers 19th
Ora.nge Coast College has moved Into a
lie for fourth place and Golden wm has
n1ove<! into the lop 20 for the firgt time
this season in the J.C. Grid Wire'! na·
tional junior college football rankin11s.
Orange Coast \\·as sixth last week, but
moved up two notches to tie E ast Los
Angeles for fourth.
Ahead of the Pirates are Bakersfield,
Jones, r.1iss., and Henderson, Tex.
Golden \Vest is now tied for 19th place
in the poll v.•ith. Los Angeles Valley
SERVIT-E.NEXT-!Vlater Dei 11igh School's c1uarlerback Bob 11aupcrt
(right) tests a rch-rlvci l Scrvi te Hi gh·s pass defense tonight. at Santa
Ana Stadium . in t!Je An gelus League opener. c:a1ne ti1ne is 8. Here
Jlauperl sho\VS form
and Don Roy (32 ) •.
behind excellent blocking or Stan Jackson (41 )
l l;.iupert has been iiistrumen\al in
)(!adi11g tl-1a ter Dei to a 3·1 mark, passing
lor 332 yards on 18 completions and run-
n1og for another 328 yards out of option
roll·oul series.
In Lhe strangest ranking JC Grid Wire
tlt·opped Fu\jerton, last week'1 No. l
team. all the ·"''ay down lo 18th, tven
though the Hornets only lost to Orange
Coast by one point. 20-19.
Starters Out,
l11jm·ies Hit
Victor Vallev •
S<'l out amnn~ 1hc .Jnshua lr<'rs and
sand around Victorvill r. ViclQr \1all<'y
College isn't 1n exact ly 1\1h;1t ;;inynne
v.·ould call a prin1e a r ca fo r rcc ru1t!11i:;
footba ll players.
Th e ('011<'g<' on l.v l1as an f'nroll n1rnt or
about 400 studrnts. lt·ss 1h;in l1alf or
n·hich a r e of the rig ht se:-; to play 11)-
t.ercollegiate footb<il l. Forty or so soul~
showed up for football practice this fall
and Victory Valley has posted a l·2
record so fa r this season.
Next stop for the Hams of coach
i;harles Pipe r is Mission Vic.Jo High
School Saturday ni~hl where they'll
tangle with Saddleback College.
Vic tor Valley and Saddlcback figure lo-
be equal in on e category v.'he n l.hey col·
J1de~ bandages and bruises. Saddlcback
has been dogged by injuries since pr;ic-
tice began anrl Victor Valley will <'Tilt r
the game \~·ithout ha lf of tts starl ing
·backfield .
Backf ielrl enach Cl enn Bnwn1an s.1.\'s
C1uartcrhack Benny Deane is dcl 1n11rly
nut of the gaml' and he doesn't know \Vho
v.·il! npc n aL tailback.
f irst stringrr ,Jerry Carli<'. !he R<in1 s'
leading ground gainer, is ou t of ::ic!ion fl'lr
lhree weeks \1'i1h a hangf'd 11p leg a11d l11s
top rcplaccmenl Harold Bro1vn has a
tiprained ankle.
Thal leaves the job open to Ken Aulr~·.
bu t he has a pullrd 11..'g muscle.
.Jim Cook. v•ho h;is seen just four
minutes of play ing time t.his season. is
tabbed to lake over thr quarterback job.
· Also on the injured list is right end r.1rl
Sims, v.•ho has lorn ca rtilage in his ribs.
Bnwn1an says Victor Valley is better
than its 1-2 record.
"\Ve cou ld have been :l-0 this. year, b11t
v.·e haven 't gotten any brc_;iks. L<i~l-v.·cck
in our confer<'nce npcner against J\-1 1. Sa n
. Jacinto we lost. 50-35. but \~·e could have
v.·on it. We were be hind 35-7 <'II ha!ftin1<',
but v.-c gave them fou r chea p touchdowns
on fumbles. \Ve should have been ahca<l
23-7 Instead of behind 35·7."-
Bov.'man says Victor Vall ey can't kry
~on any one -indi\"Jd ual in Saddlc back ·s
-"I( we try lo slop one pl;;iyr r. s0rncbody
'etse Will go for them. W-e ju~t ha\'C to
4JlOP their running and passin g to bea~
!fJlem," he says.
' '
Letdou111 Worries
Prevent Defense Used
By Pirate Grid Coaches
Bv .1or,1, SCll\YARZ
(11 !~• Ol oir Pilo! S!lfl
Orange C0;l~I. College's f o ot b a 11
~o:ich1 ng st.iH is in a prc\'cnt defense this
And ll'hal Ou:.:k Tuclirr and
asslstan\s <ire tryi ng lo bat r!o1vn are
overconfiden ce and the possibility nf a
lrtdnll'n on the part of their un<lcfcatcd
[{'(l 111.
Ora11gc Coa st goes after its fi (l h
~1 nngh! victory nf the season Sa turd ay
niglH aga inst Santa Ana Col lege and
Tuehcr knows every oll1cr learn 1n the
Soulh C!)aSL Cn11fercnce \v ill be poin!ing
for the Pira1E•s follov:1ng their 20-1 9 vic-
torv 01'Cr l'tillerton last wcrk .
1i·s thr old story. knoc k off lhc lop dog
<1nd th en everybody ,1·ants to bump oH
Ille ne1v top r!og.
"Thi~ ('ould lJe Hie ll'CC'k of ;i lctrlo1rn."
s:i;.o:; Tl!Ckf'r, '·part1eularl y nfter having
tough emot1oncd garncs like wc·vc had
!he pasJ t1\·n 11'eeks. I just hnpc \\'C ha re
cnnugh abilit y ;ind don·t let down cnn1·
plrtely or 11e'll 1hrow this ~amr ;i11·a ~""
Comp lica ting Tuckcr·s problems is 1he
rnnfcrcnce schr.dule. Next week lhc
Pirates have to I ra v<'l Lo Cerri!os. anrl if
lhey ca n get hy 1hc undefeated Fale11ns
they have a clea r shot at the South Coasl
111 lc.
Orange Coast already s uff<'rcd through
one ]('tdown. That was against Cypress.
f11·c days aft er the Uucs had taken the
n1easurC of rival Golden \\lest in the
s-:ason opener ,
Against Cy press. the v1eakcst tean1 nn
the l'ira1c schcd11lt, Orange Loast had it s
v.·orst effo rt of the season -lun1bling 11
limes and ha\'1ng three passes in-
ll'1> that kind or hrca~dow n, Tucker and
his staff arc worki ng ovcrtitnc lo pfc\·enl
against Santa Ana .
Despite an 0-4 record and a ras h of in·
.i11 ric>~. Tucker has plenty of respect for
the Dons.
"Sa nta Ana has \\-·on lw n gan1c.~
s1 ~1tislica lly and you can s<iy that doesn·l
C'ounl. but they should ha ve won lhose
~an1cs. L<i~t 1vcck three busted plays co st
them a victory.
"They lost cvcrvone off 1l1cir defensive
unit. but they i;tili" have a 1ough cleicn~c.
"Their substitute quarterback (Don
.\10111 1 .... 110 rame off the brnrh and ('fl l1l·
pletcd ;-i ll t llo~c pctsses t !5 ol 2.11 scares
n1c. ·· Tucker says.
"I ju,,t. hnpr. ou r guys rr1nen1hcr what
happened la.~l year."
In ca.~e lht>y don"(. S;inJ;i Ana \1'n11 lh;i!
0111'. 21--0. IL wn .~ the Pirate.'' worst loss nf
19fi8 and 1hcir c:ii:plosive at tack. v.·hi ch
11a s areragi ng nearly 400 ,yards a game.
was restricted to jus t 109.
:~ V els, Transfer
I-lead Bue Cagers
Under Ne'v Boss
B.-1~kct li.1ll \vorko11l~ and rftnd ili0ning
arr 11odPrw:1,I' :11 lh<' Or a11gr Coa~l
a rea'~ three Jun ior eollC"gJ?s -(;old<'n
\\le st. Orcing e Coasl cind SJddleback. \Vi!h
tlH' sca~on s11ll mo r!' than :i mnnth ;iwav.
~lost of the ;1l trnt1nn 1s fo<'uscd ;it
OrangC' Coa~t whrrr npw cn;irh I !rrh
Livsey is whippi ng hi s 1f'nn1 111to shJpe .
Lll.~C.v has parrr! l11s squad fr()111 211 tn
12 players ;i1lcr conducting lryoUl5 f11r
the team.
1'hc Pirate bo~~-who is n10\'1ng nvrr
after coaching at. Cos!a '.llrs.1 ll 1gh
:School, has llirce returning
the folrl an d <it least one
among his nine newcomers .
lett ermen in
Th<' cast of rcfurnces fea tures: thrre
retu rning starte rs forwarrl Phi l
Jordan. center Rick S1icklema1cr and
guard Jiin Kiudclon.
·110V.'evcr. lhr cataly~I that Cfluld turn
1h•• Pirates back in to a v.·lnner is
sophomore Troy Rolph, who tore up sun1-
mer league con1petition wit h his out side
Other sophomores on Lhe squ;id arr fi·.'i
renter .John Blass, a transfer fro1n Nc1v
York Ci!.Y. and guar<ls Ron Love (li-l l
and Roh Bl;itk 16-0) both from Ncv.•porl
Harbor ll igh.
The frcs h1ncn working 11nrtrr Livsey ;ill
hail from Nev.·port. H11rbor. F1Juntain Val-
ley and Costa ~1esa high schools.
;Lions on Par With Anaheim
By GLENN WlllTE Of I,,_ Ot•1" ~!let S!tfl
It might as well be lhe Anaheim game
-;all Gver again as far as Newport 1-larbor
+agh roach Wade Watts is concerned a~
he braces for Friday night ·s en coul'ltrr
·with potent. Westm in:o.ter.
.. "They 1We~t minstcr l niay be as tough ••s Anaheim. They llXlk strong defensive-
ly, although \11e lhlnk ll'e ran run against
th!?m .
\ "Their p<1~~ing has lookf'd greal anrl
.11m sure aftrr the way Anahei m threw
Jlgalnst us, they'll come out throwing .''
Watts says. ·
Anaheim quar1rrha<·k George-Fral'rr
hlt 14 of 29 arria!s for JBS yards in the 28·
.lfi win over New port. And \Vatts believe!\
that \\1c_stn1inster qua r1erback Ed Bane is
comparable to F'rascr.
\\latl s 1.~ also mindf11I 0r I h e
\\lcstn11ns\('r running gamr and he.'s
p.irticular!y impressed ll'il h full back
Joh n B<ti lc .
l\"ell'port's hal'k ls to ih<' "'':ill in !hr
Sunset LcAgue t.11lr derby. followlng the
loss lo .Anah eim. l!s only hope of ge lling
back in the picture is 10 knock off
Westmi nsler anrl in I.urn ha v e
\Vcs1mins\er lrip up An<1hei1n
Then• is good news f(ir \Va lls thi s
\\'eek He eKpccts to h:i1·(' defensive end
Dan Herri ng back in the li neup.
And. he"s making a switch nt clefensh·e
tackle, n1ovi ng Craig Rothenberger in.
\\'ans says the play of one dcfen~ivc
l:icklc \\'as c:ii:pecially damaging in the
Anahei m game.
Asked how he 1nigh l ·' t. n Tl
\Vcstrnin~ter's pass inl:! threat. \\'alls
rt'pHcs, ·"11•c hope a l>f'll cr rush of nur
rlefcnl'ivc li ne and a douhlc coverage at-
tack 1vill take care of lh;il."
\\'att s al~o ex presses s11rprisc at the
r :ii:pcrir.nccd personnel \Vsetminste r is
.~ta rting," I've been readi ng all about ho111
many sophomorr~ and juniors they h;i vc.
Rut going over their lineup, they're l\C~r
ly all scniQr~."
UC I Ill i-1 Blilz
t:c lr\'ine ~purled for !ou r l;i ~t period
gr:ials and defeat l'd Cal Stal e (Fuller10111 .
7-1, in waler polo action \Vcdncsd<i y 1n
!lie Titans' pool.
:O.likc ~1 ar!in pared Irvin(' scorers with
lhrec g(1a\s. Steve Farn1rr. Tin1 llnrriso11 ,
,J i111 ~1 c))onahl <ind D;ilc Hahn each
t:11liNl <lnC\'.
The An tc:1tcr:;. 11 110 l1ppcrt 1he1 r r('rnrd
to i·.1. lc1I 2-1 at lhf' h.1 lf bcfor<' breaking
the ga1 nr OJX'n 1n tht• 1111.11 stan~a
lie leads t.he Orange Coast area in total
ofle nsc by a considerable margin .
Dunn, coac h Bob \Voods' breakaway
Past Seorts
1!161 -l\laler Del 19, Servile ll
1%2-f\later Dei 13, Servile 12
1%.1-1'11ater Dei 20, Servile 7
1%4-Servite l3, Mater Dci O
l!l6f>-i\1alcr Dc i 9, Servile 7
l!l66-l\1 atcr Dci 36, Serv ile 6
1%7-r.1atcr Oei 0, Servite O
1968-i\latcr Oci 28. Scrvil.e 21
!\t ater Dci won 6, lost 1. tied l
What makes the drop even more !lartl-
ing is the placement of El Camino one
spot Shead of Fullerton in 17th. Two
weeks ago Fullerton .ripped El Camino.
The rankings
TNM 1'911th 9 Pl _,! ll.1ver, Mil.I.
1. e.~..,.,ut•a u~\ 7•! t•OI 7••
?. Jon.,, Ml ... l~I ll>O 10. Yvbe (l·D) J.,
l . H"""''"""· Tex. 15·0! II. P••adM I i?-6-ll Tl1 , I~· I 7 . IT<•!, Hvtc~I~"""•
• ~Tl•I O••nv• Co.•! ~ ..... !!-lll n.s
:•·Cl Hl ll. W•<T V"•ev IJ.(11 Jl!
}_ Eut to• "'"11<'r. u . T•lor. ,.,. (4.11 731
l•-01 15) 1$, L.A. H1,l>Or ().1) 17• • . .,,;,°"1 wntt rn 16. c11r"~ (l-0) n 1
It-Cl 7}! 11, El Cami"" !l·l) 71 •
1 Col"m~•I B•ll~, \'I•'~ If Fvllr<lon ll-\i 71P l•OJ I~ It. (Tl•I GolOHn w .. 1
I, C•,,11~ !J·OI l>!I 13·1) 111
/0, l lto V1llt• !:J.ll 711
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Loolil11 g
For ~liracl e
Rill \'all 11:i.~ pullrd 1v.o
m1r:u:lcs out vf l1ls bJg of
1r11:ks :1L t:t!ison l{igh School
!in fsr this seasvn and if he
rnc.n:lgC'S to corn<' uµ 11·11h
.'.lnolhcr one !!us Frl<IJ~· night
hr'll have to be ranked with
J !arrv lloud1ni :\.~ one or !he
grt•ales1 n1:ig1l·1;1n~ of all time.
All Vail anti his first-year
footba ll tea m hci1·e to do lh!s
\\'Ce k 10 pull off a rn1racle is
bcal Loar;i al La Paln1a
Stadium in an lr\'inc Lt'ague
game. Of cou rse" !hat's easier
said than done since the Sa x·
ons liavc nevf!r lost in Irvine
play and Vail is v.el.l aware of
1rhal his tcan1 1s up ?gains\.
"LoJra i~ as good a team a~
there is in Cnlifo n1ia,'' the
Cha rg<'r coach says.
"Thrv do r\'erylhing \\'Cll
and Hil·ir f('('Ord pro1·es 11.
Thcv'1·c ne1·£·r been bt>:iten 1n
our · league and how can you
gt't ::iny IX'ller than that?
''\\'l'·re not v•orried about
stopp tni:; one inan on Loara's
!('am because they can hurt
vou in 1nany \.\·ays. They are
Just in a class by th emselves.
rail. ho\\'C\·er. is happy \\'ltl1
the prfl~ress his ~lu b has
niadc but he-'s v.·r1rr1ed about
11s physical condition.
"F.vC'ryone is banged up, but
1ht'v all should be ready by
Fr(d;:iv. All our bump$ and
bruisf:s are som('th1ng you inst
ha\·e \n e:qJCM \.1')1en )OU send
a bunch of }OUng )..1d5 ag<un~t
rriore mat ure pln.vers.
\'."1il callr<l ];1st \1'eek's :13-0
vie1orv over San!.1 Ana V.'.llley
lhe b(.q, game his team has
pla~ed. •·L'ntil l;is1 \I {'('~ ou r kid~
"hriii c·d t\u·ir 111ex1K"ritnt'f' anrt
thev rl u!ri'1 flllllf' ll!Hlcr~l:llHI
\1 h~t the 12.:in'c 11JS. all dhoti\.
Tllat's someth1n1? !hat t:ikrs
time when ~riu ti;:i1f' :i t e~u11
made up nf plJ) 1·rs 11 ho h;ivc
nt'1·er pla;, t'd 1 Jrs1ty ball
"~aw T think our pla:ers
hclicve in thr 1·oa!1hing ~taff
;i nd wh:it. 11·r <1rr 1rl'1ng 10 cl11.
They hal'C ('Onltdcnce U\
t hcmseht·~ .,
Vail lauded thl' runnint: of
.T im r..1 oxlry and lhc blockinR
hC>lp he gnt fro n1 guard<; Jeff
Carler :ind :'>lark llrllllff and
l't>nler Rod ,J..,nning~.
Moxlev 1;h11rned oot 239
van.ls 1:.~t 11t'f'k and :;cored
ihrl'C: 1ln1cs behind th.1 t block-
Drf!'nsi 1f•h· \ 31! 11 .1~ hiippy
bec;iu.~l' l11r t11c f •r~1 tiln(' !his
:-('a.son 1i1, -.1·1·nnrl.iry d.dn't do
IT1t)<;j Of 1J if' l.11 \\'.!I~.
"\\'c h:1~·· :i (l•'ltr1~11f' point
~v~tt•m and l:i ·I ;1 1·1·k the r(iint~ \.\err ~1)n :-u1 :ill over .
1111::; inrlk'Jtrs l'lf'r\bUd.v was
do1nh ;i Jioh. nr11 JUSI one or
t11·v kid s," he ~,1~ ~.
Defense Key
To Tritons'
Upset Plans
Seek 3rd Win
Defense Boosts
Barons' Success
Fountain Va lley 1\igh School
n1ects Co~ta r-.·lcsa Saturday
11ighl at 1\e11 port II arbor Jligh
and roat h Bruce Pick ford
!iays, ''it's I.he biggest gamr ln
our lustory" <is his Barons
prepare for the Ir vine League
larkerl a {'unsi~tent offense.
Pic kford c re tJ i ts the
tlc.lens1ve efforts of forcer
Tom r..talonc, linebacker Bill
K r i s t i n <J t , gua rd Leo
Hernandez and tackle Bob
Nal'arro along \.\'Jlh Sieve
rilitrhell in the secondary as
the keys to l"ontaining lhe Sea
Kings along with the
phenomenal fie ld posltion the
Barons pressurized Corona
Oij-1Hf· JOB
1 11.Al/J JAi (, .'
By Marvin My•rs
1 iu.111 Ye!:! :'
--· ..... .
Flu Hits Estancia for Duel
Witl1 Wi1tle ss SA Valley
ln what is beginning to look
li ke an extremely frustrating
::;eason, .coach P~il Brown
sends lus Estanc1<1 11 i g h
School football team oul to its
third Irvine League tes t Fri-
day night at Santa Ana
Stadium to battle winless San·
ta Ana Valley.
Eslancia's Eagles are st1!J
looking for their first "'in 1n
Ir\'ine play and haven't won
si nce opening up with a 19-0
win over 1'uslin.
"Valley·s a lot like Cost a
:r.1esa in it.s style of pla y wilh
lhe dive, belly series and
s\veeps. But personnel-wise
they resemble r..1agnoha.
''Their quarterback" (Phil
Bland ) is almost a duplicate lo
J\ol agno!ia's Ke n Paniquc.
"His sprint outs and sweeps
are things we ha\'e to stop,"
savs Brown.
Estancia will be banking on
the hard running of J ohnson
along \.\·ilh fullback J i m
Schultz, a sophon1ore.
Joh nson is lhe secon d
leading ru shrr in the Orange
Coast area, averaging 6.l
ya rds pe r carry on 69 toles.
Schultz. mcan1\•hile. has sup·
plemented the I::agles' attack
in his t\.\'O Irvine League ef-
forts with 46 yards C!n 15
drives up the middle. H.is Fountain Vall<'y grid-
ilcrs are 2-0 in league play and
:1 "'in nga1nsl Costa i1 esa
\\'Outd pul the 1Jarons in a
good position to challenge
\..(}ar:i l:iter in the year for the
Je..1guc 1Jlle.
Fountain Valley shut ilOll'n
?-.i:ignol1a (I~) and Corona
tlrl !\l:ir 112.{IJ earlier.
As for Costa fo,Jesa, Pickford
savs it'll going to be the most
ph.ysical oppotl!!nl his club wi_ll
h:i1·c faced this yea r and his
iiruna ry individual concern is
'' Mf FLUNKED LE'S50N NV/v1&Ell. ONE•"
Estancia played giveav.•ay
last week in dropping a 20--19
dec ision to t-.fagno!ia after
romping up and down the field
like winners.
The flu bug is taking a cer-
tain amou nt of steam out uf
Estancia v.·it h three gridders
Ventimiglia Retur1is
To Marina Backfield fullbark John r-.1an1x . -----------------------.. \Ve have to stop Mesa's in· And it's been lhe defensive
efforts of the Barons th<it have
bet>n prunarily responslblr.
~lagnolia could manage only
22 yards nishing and 11 5 yards
uvt>rall -and Corona del !\far
v.· as eon1 pletely throttled,
gaining fi1·e yards on the
ground, se \'en yards In the a_ir
and one first down -that via
.a pc!lalty. . .
si de game wi th }.1anix. lle's
the prim<Jry target !o stop, but
we also have to contain Kim
"I look for \Volf lo alternate
at running back an d
quarterbatk," says Pitkford.
As for his own qua rterback
problems, Gary Vnlbu.e~a is
st ill out v.·it h an injured
shoulder and it's a tossup be--
tween John Svoboda and Tom
Ma lone for the quarterbacking
Applying Pressure
Key to Oiler Chances
Doug Brant, a 5-10, 160·
pound sophomore, 1yiJI take
over at left tackle for J im
And , plaeekicke r Cal Shores
and split receiv er 1",red Parker
are on the doubtful list
because of the flu .
Stopping the spe«I of an ex-
plosive scoring machine th~t
has yet to "'in a ball game 1s
the problem confronting the
Marina }Ii~ foot ball team
Saturday niglll.
The Vikings journey to San -
ta Ana for a Sunset League
en counte r with the Saints who
have lost four slraight.
filling in \.l'Cll al the tailback
\Yith t\.\·o hea lthy nmnlng
hcicks ready for service, lhe
Vikin g offe nse could jell in a
"Santa An's record doesn't
indieate how goOO they are,"
Okura says. "They can score
fast before you can blink your
eyes . "Our drfcnsc did a terrific
job in h1 t11ng and executing.
But our offense had a good
deal to say about it too ,
beca use Corona del Mar took
over inside its own 20 yard
line eight of rune times," says
Now his club faces Costa
J\1esa, a tecin1 that broke loose
for four touchdo\.\'ns against
Est.anc ia bul olherwise has
"I prefer to spl it !he two
and use r-.lalone defensively at
f::ircer. but I think we can pr"
bab!y go either way," he says,
nick ll1artin is off the hob·
b!ed list ."1nd y,·1Jl be back in
action f'or Fountain Va lley at
lJ.Jlebacker and halfback.
Lagu11a Dow1i to 27
As l11juries Take Toll
\Vhen l'OU have a total of 27
players :il'ailable .and rour or
five of lhcn1 arl' 1nJurcd, ho1v
do you pr('pare for your next
lr~gue ga me'.'
Thatqul'st1on con r r o n t ~
t"oach Hal Akins of Lagu na
Brach as he prl'pares the
Artists for :i CrL>slvic\V Lc.'lgue
t;amc \1'1lh Tu stin Friday
•·1 don't know \\'ho v.·e will
slarl this week."' he says.
"Last night we only had 21
players in uniform for prac·
11<·c and there arc onl y 27 on
the squad right no11•
Assuming coach Ken Moa ts
has lhings figured correctly,
Saturday night's confrontation
between his Hunt ington Beach
Oilers and the host Western
Pioneers shrnJ!d provide the
Oilers with their first Sunset
League win and fourth victory
in five starts.
Simply. it's this : \Vestern 's
strong suit is passing aftor its
.aerial game thrived recently
against fo.iarina because \he
Vikes were unable to apply
pressure to \Vcstem's fine
qu arterback. Bob Miller.
Consequently, he pi t' k e d
Marina apart for f o u r
touchdo1vn passes and a 30-20
win .
Howev er, I! u n ti n g: l o n
Beach's strong suit 1s an
overw hel ming pass defense,
Jed by a hard-charging line .
Hun tington's defense has
all owed only 35 yards in pass-
ing to its last lhree opponents
-including 17 yards to
.;Ou r defensive line has been
able to apply a good rush on
!he pnssc r an d not given hirn
enough time to get set," says
Moats .
Chief antagonizers for llun~
tington Beach have been
defensive ends Lee Walters,
Ron Muniz and Frank Hanss,
al ong with guard J i m
"The key to \Vestem is built
around Miller. He's a lot like
(Dic k) Clyde or La Habra.
"If we're going to beat them
v.•e have to stop their passing
game and it'll be the defensive
rush that we can pr<>vide that
will be the key to our suc·
cess," says Moats.
"Defensive ly \Vcslern's a lot
like La Habra, loo. They use
the reading Okie de£ensc.
They arc \Yilling to gh·c you
three yards , .• but tha t's all,''
says l\1oats.
'fhe only change in l~un·
lington's offcns11·e starting
lineup is at tight end 11·he rc
Randy Lloyd niovcs in repla\:·
ing Dan ll1 oats. who'll l'On-
ccntrate on his Jinl'batking
l\iatk Edll"a rds. a l85·pound
senior, ha s bcrn looking go!1d
in practk·e and in<Jy start at
defensive guard,
Brown says he thinks his
team can Lake advantage of
Santa Ana Valley 's Jack of
overall defensive speed to
make the Estancia offense go.
And , he's hopeful that his
defensive unit will be able to
come up with the kind of
performance that b I an k e d
Tustin and Pacifi ca.
He says his club will con·
tinue its defensive stunting
and charging that proved fair-
ly successful a ga in s t
"We are hopeful thnl our of-
fense and defense will get a
combined effort and give us a
good consistent game," assis-
tant coach Da ve Okura says.
''So far it has been one or the
other anrl ii is about time v.·e
put one all together."
Return of Joe Ventimiglia
will give the offensive unit a
spark. Ventimiglia has been
on the injured list the past two
weeks \Yith Jfenry Lazcano
Ne,v11ort, Lions, Oilers
Bao-Water Polo Verdicts ~
"That kid (Bob) r-.lcGucki n
at quarlerback can run and
pass y,•elL And I.hose other
three back~ :ire as fast as
lightning. Jackie White ~u~s
the !00 in 9.5. J immy Davis in
9.8 and Jimmy Otsuka is a
power threat and su pposedly
their best running back."
Okura reporicd the loss of
tit;ht end Bob \Yitl fvr the San-
l.1 Ana game. Hr has· a bruls·
ed arin tha t rnay have a
l1airlinc fraL"turr.
Tom Hitbrnon1l, a liO pound
senior, v.ill tJke O\C'f al the
entl posilion. Othcrwi~e. the
Viking £lnrt1ng l1nel1p 11·111 re·
1nu ir1 inla cL ll'llll Birk S11cn1a n
Jirrct1ng the :i!!ack ;1 t
(jU<irtcrback .
the Oilers' Sunset h o rn e Joining Sae rn all and Nev.•port lfarbor. \Vestmin-Lazcano in 1he o p c n 1 n g
n I opener. I k L ster ;ind llunlingLon ueac 1 Co:i cli Jo h n firrcnflcld's backfir\d \1'il\ I.Jc .\· 1 ·c acy
11·err :ill "·inners in Sunset crew led all the 11 ;1y <ind Slcl'e O'Hare.
1.e;1~uc 11<1tf'r po 1 r. action \'n!!•nri:i belL1..-I tiir nel<; :-.1 ar1na 1v1!1 be trying to \Yin
· k k d t'lght 1in1cs 1n the f1n;1I periocl ils flr'i! g<irnr 111 the serlC-' \\'ednc.sd:i v. \'alc nria n0t: ·r 1 lhat IK'"an ~ix. ,_·rar~ ago. Las_ t
orr La r;u11:1 Hc<rt'I! 111 the Art~ :ind t:i0k a 1~.:, 11'111 r•Jn l ,.,,.,,, lh~ lwo teanis baltlctl 111 · I , gt e visi ti ng Laguna HC'atli. ~ i"'-t<:' ('rt' s l I' 1 e w , ·a 1 · I ,' ht"lt '·""II"" "Hair won _by John l~nfield t:11l1r<I l lrf'c " .. " .. ., ..
c;lt'nrr tinies for the Arlisls antl Jl,h n lhr ~ant~. ~ll-35 in Lhe closing El Mo<l cna's
Lan<l Attack
"Before the season c;-tartcd l
felt Tustin 1~ould be righ l
behind Foothill in Vic b:ittle
for the leugue championship.
ThC\' r<·a llv Sl<H1!'d to roll last
\Veek (~4-1~11)l'Cr F:\ ~1odcn:i l.
Mu$t Stop Pci11iqu e
l':r\1'pfH\, ri1tini: nn th(' rrr~t ;ninuLcs.
nr a thrl'•'·gn;d 011t bur~1 1n 1hl' _:S~lo~'~"~'~'Y:_::0<~h~le~':1~1~,,~,~-------'-'-'-'---------
11ll!'I! p(Ti;ld, 1l11>1·nC't! Lile
hristing i1J;1r111a \1ikJ11gs. 4·2 ..
r-.l arin:i. lt·d ;-1t one time 1!1
fhl' thi r(I quarter. 2-J , but 11·a~
11n:1ble to hn!d on to !he :id·
j rt•e !Hl111i~sio n
Haunts Tutor "Th1'V 11peratc out of ;1 prri
q'I 11H~n~f' :11111 ha1e .'l ~t!Ol l To Upe11d Ma g 11olici
d q11(1rtr:rh:u·k \1•ho eao tllr(!W
Off larkll' slants 01n "·ide I I • 1r Co•on' •I"( •t,•r '·.· roo1b,•lr
1'anl:igc and fi:H l[} lts f1 r~I
Su11srl ln~s.
;1lnng 11•111-t ~l'l'rra i:i r11 run· , " " ·' ..
rnd £11ttrs urc ci 1·oai:h s 111 ri~ ha lfhaC'k~" te:in1 1s to ncrcat ll1agn o1 1!1
drl'ani. Tlic. J\rl i~l t'uti~h 111rn('t! to S;:i!urdciy nigh!. 1t rnust c1)11lrtd
Throv.· In a [ew· injuries and l11s own !cam and r!'porls that the ball more than il hns in JT-
give the running game to the starting 11uarterbark Bri;u1 ()l· cent outings.
lm'' ,-, •,·ir k an d that backup The s ., L·=ngs h"tlil onlv 3l opposition and it becomes a '' e ... C\.l . •
si gnal c·aller Denny Schmitz p!;iys last week anrl lost. to CO<Jch·s nightmare. hil<; :i badly .~pr:i1nl'd :inklt'. Fountain Vnl lf'V , 12-0. rhc Th<11"~ the t::i~c for H:iy Othcr!i nn the 1r1iured list in-111inncrs cont.rulli:d the ball on
Dodge, 1ncn1or al r-.1 is~1011 \'1<'· cl 11dc S1r1f' Pahncr. a G6 plays .
jo, where lhe opposition h:i:; h;11!b:itk <l!ld hnt'tia{'kcr \l'ith 3 "Our drfensi\'c team pla~f'd
nrt·k i111ur1·: ~lark ~111·!01·!', a .. h n n c run rampant the p;1 st twn · :i gr(•:it j!l:nlt'. co<1c ''
0 l111cb[lrki>r :ind g11a rd :ib~ 11·11h ·l!ol!;lnd SJJS. "l)ffen.~\l'(')y i t
·weeks, scoring a to1:i l or ! ;, ;1 nt·r k innir) · <ind Ted Cc1t· iv:i~ ano!hc r rnal!rr. \V e m:idc
points lo 6 for !he 01ahlO'i. t:11n. a h:rlf\):l'l II ith 1hree ei·rri· mi ~!<l ke JlO'i~lble ..
1'.lission Viejo 11iC'f'ts r.I ~t11C'hr~ 01C'r Ins 1'\t'. The ~ea King 1h1et feels his
1'.·1odcna 17rlday n1"ht 1 n If Iii•· 11u .irtrrh:1{'I; ~i !n;lt irin 1f'a111 w1!1 havl' tn ~tn11
dnt''-11't );('I <111y br1!1'r by ~1 1· · o " I hp ·111· Crestview ;1c1ion :uld 11,.)lh»r :• :ij.!11!l IJ:: :;, • · L'llll(' lirnt'. Al.111~ 'i:\Jd 11,. \\,1_\ I b k ,. I' 111r1 IP 1r team has a vu.tory 1n tnuf ci 11.ir ''! a~· "r11 ;i 1 1 !IH11k1ng ~i·nuu•h 11r vpcrauu;: t.:urun:1 ih·I ~I.tr i!> to 1• in it s-I outings, 111rt ul 1111 ~h,,lgun. L Turn1n~ to El f\10df'na. !111' ;,1·<untl lr1·111c !':1g11r g:1nu•.
Diablo conch sav~· "Th··v ;1n· 1 ~1' '~·, 11 l • ., -· "" •• ~ ~ "t!r l1kr::; ln 111r,111· to
a tough te:in1 and h:i1r· 11\r :~;~ :,?'~;~;;,~· ! : '~ (~f;,r1·1()\11·11~a11r!rnt!(i)ar(•\
Punch to score. TI1t" llit\C 11.id "• r,_ .. " •1 1 'g""'' 11'"" 1 Hnh:1(1;1n Tiu· ,,l ;:i~nnli;i ul-
J >l" ,,., ..• '·~""'n~~,·o r . 11111.f' i\n hr1rn nntl ' the same trouble \.\'e h;11·e 111 ,,. 1 ·~ "' 11.~., · ·• 1 cn~e 15 :i 1• / a · 1 P"llt"g 1·1,o ll1ogethcr and th~·v· r1., tn•,,·• • ll••t~ 1 T• ' • 11 1~ to1igh 1tl d1•!t•1111(', Thry .. " i•· ,~'·"A "·"'~"· ' ' .. ~ 1 ·r th('1 have a good little qu.1rtcr!J;1ck '"i 1,.,," 10. t •uue~ lln..•1" • ;11'1' ;iggT<'S~i\ C :int l .'I
.\\ 11,,l k•·d IKCOJ (:,,,1'"11 ,. l9U '"" n 1 \.1QHr.• l'•M" r 1-;<llfl il Jillle rOll:>IS\enr\', thl!y , ,. , v '°" 1~,,.,., \~Qun"llr.,.~1 I I 1 1 i)nJI On thf' injur€'d 11:-t jo; 1, .. t ·~·•,•f1•M' • ,.,.,~ 1 111)1 ll' :i g1H1t , !>ri1c •.
I ',,, , .,,, "·' A••i" ' rv.•·" • IC"•n" I l''llb'ck ,....._ '"•I'"''· 11·, "''1 , " . ., Ll\l'll TI ' "" 1. ''" 19. l&aJna B~~c~ 1 I r('\urnf'd to lhe lineup l;i ~L 1•:• 1,., "~ L•o""" """'" o ·rurning to lus 01vn squa t ·1
\\'Cck for I.he first 11111r 111 :~;~ :~~'..~.,1'n.1;~~"'t1~ ~~~1~~ ~ Holland is starti ng three 1!Jf.
Several \\'Ceks and su ffered ;i 101? 1.,~o•~ 1.1••<" •. Tus11n o h'rcnt players in I.he back lu'ld (
1011 l oq'"" l"tA<I> 11. Tu'''" •l · l •j -ha On I )' broken arm. lie is out for th<· 19\• 1"u•tm n. l •oun~ Bt•l" ' agains " ag .. " -,
1t1; t •oun• fle<>ec11 u. To,i!n ' quarterback Ke ith Samuels I season. '''" ~.•Q""~ e~•<" 1J. ru,11n " · h 1-The Diablos have three 1Y•I '"'''~ 73. L~oun• e .. ~,11 l \.\'ill rN11a1n ir t c incup.
nlhe' d""blr"l p"rlicipants. 1°;1.Po t.•.,un~ II••<" 11. ru.i.n n Jt ff Cun1n1ings v.·ill stcirt .at
u P '''° L••wn• !lt ncll •1. To•lln I l••"lb"ck w,·11, 'I Saia an d 'l"k G a I g"ard Cary 10.0 Tu>l1n lF, l •QO"• B~•th i 0. a /\
1• i e r Y a " • ' 10" Tl•\1111 u. l""""" lie.en' Steve Judith joining hini. Saia GOYC'r .at tackle and Ken 10.7 •Yt.11 -No "~"'"" c1av...i
Tom \Vnrnec.ke IC'd T,1r .~t·or-
fu tlback. ing \l'ilh l\\'O goals 1l'hlfe tc;i111· "\\'c 'r(' 1rying lo gil'c ~on1c mn1t's l\1;11t Grrer <imJ llob of 011r kids add11.1onal rr;,t. In h
<•!hl'r r~i ~r~. 't he fll'lv ~tart('r.S Scrirlcs t:illicd onct• C'iK' ·
liaic ~h11v1n J,t•t\cr thoin thr ;.;1;•\r J\1 cConna11ghc·y ~cored
bo1s 1h1•y ar~ rrplat'111g," ln11 11 ~!ari11:1 scorl'S.
l!\;lland says. Chris Ohre fired 1n a [lf'nalty
llcfensivclv hr praised Ri t"k !11r0w w1lh thre-e seconds rl'-
Petros. <J li'ncb~1 ekcr. one (If 111 :ii n in g and led th~
1he h:ii.:kficltl stars 1vho v.·11! be \'d·.stnu11 ~.!l·r Lion~ 11, a S·:J
rested on offense for a portion 1ii.:tory 01cr Anaht1m 111 the:
of tile illagnoh:i J;Jrne. ~le 1s Linn.~' po<1I.
one o( the n;osl <'onsistcnt (lhre 1va s also lhl' li.><1d1ng
gruund gainers on the team pc;int-grlter for the Lions 11·itll
hut Holland feels he needs a 1llrrf'. t\pn Davis :1ddcd 111·0
brcat hrr for part of the game <.1 nd Briu·c Bar"n unl'.
and .Judith has conic along ll unt1ngt on Bi'a('h lopph·1!
fas~lc. --------===="="='=V=esteni Pioneers. 18·6
New (or Show
o .• , ~O oi lk• Idle,! ,..~d!li ""dt r
o~• roor ~I Hu•l111g!Qn C~n!ftr'•
~ll'<Dl\d •! oned m all I~·~ Ocl .25 /.
Bedcl. & fd;n91r di lht
'.<.•n Oit (]D
f••• .. av.
BOY'S FO~TBALL JERSEY'S 3.95 & 5.50 TENNIS RACKETS & FRAMES "lason at fullback. All are on 1•61-L•~u"" I:!••<" lB. 111•1;11 10 is the leading ground ~ainer
1• l9o& ~•~on~ Bt''"' •i. Tu•l·n o \\'hilc Judith has shown y,•ell at Surprislng San Clemenle,:,.~th~e:.."in~j~o~"::'..d~h~·s:'-.:.c ______ ~":':"''....'.':"~°'~'~':.'~"~·'-----------------u n de !e a I e d after two
Crestview League outings, will
be assuming the role of un-
derdog for the third con·
sctt1tive time when coach Tom
.r:ads' Tritons . play host to
.-Orange Friday night.
-San CIMienle tripped El ~ 1.1odc na , 27-20. then tied \1illa
:' Park last week, U .
.,. Eads: says his club is ready J for Orange and he's .bank ing
,# his upset pl ans against the
; Panthers: with the s a m c
;. fo rmula as last week: A
tough, unyielding defense.
''Ora n ge uses It s
q ua rt e rb ack (M i ke.I
l. Churchward effecti vely on Ille
sprintoul! .and he's been ~bit'
to run ro easily lhl'y JUSI ~ haven'l had to pass.
-. "He's \·ery elusive. Our ma -
jnr cnnccm is containing him.
alon~ "'ith the ful lback on the
n1..,irle plays. ___ .;;
"\\"e'vr st>en Orange ln
person and 1n the fi.l"'!s and
rhey resemble Pa lm6pr1ngs 1n
• r .. ,y..('. ·,
their attack.
"Th ey use a wishbone-T, a
J'IO"'('r·I, a po y,•er set. •.
tlrfinilelv a tl1ultiple o(fense .
San <.:tcmentr 14·11! count~r
rlt•lcn'ii'>rl v wJth its Ok1cl
cJrr1·nsc la d hy lincbac·~fr."
~t ikr l'f)1t and Si t•\ I' IJ11·c1 ..
1 \\no :ilS<I runs al fullh.i t k
' ' 0 •1>•11<6 liiil"~ . ' 111,0Cl.10-•,.!t P .. I~ ",.
"" I
1 .....
t1 , .....
5.95 B.95 . 10.95
12.95 . 14.95
18.95 & 19.95
PADDED or PLAIN 3.95 to 6.95
M[NS TENNIS SHORTS 4.95 to 12.95
MENS TENNIS SHIRTS 4.95 · 6.00 · 700
5.95 . 7.95. 8.95 . 10.95 . 12.95
10.9§ . 12.95 . 18.95
2.95 . 4.95--B.95
·-----------------------------------------------------~--.~~,~~~·------··-.,.-r-----· ••• \ •••-• ••-••y-•• • ' 1 ' -
Based on all areas Ieporting and from on the spot
observations by th is \vriter. th is tveeks' d uck opener
could v.•ell be the best \1'itnessed by scatter-gunne rs in
many years.
The overall duck population is up more than 25
percent in a ll areas of Southern California.
Pintails, tear a nd mallards co1nprise the grcate!\t
number of 1vaterfo\vl. but 1here is also a large concen-
tra tion of \\•'idgeon in most parts of So uthern California.
Bi g Bea r and BaJ d,vi n Lakes in lhe San Bernardino
!\lountains are good bets for unattached hunter s as 1i;
the Sal ton Sea, La ke 1-lensha\v, t•o torado River and the
very \\'el 0 \l'ens River Valley.
l\1ost of the private clubs. public clubs and public
:shooting areas. operated by the Department of l•'i sh
a nd Gan1e. are filled up for opening \veekend. Like\vi se.
most of the accon1n1odations and campgrounds near the
tva tcrfo\\'I areas \\'i ll be filled up early Friday evening.
·rhe bolulisn1 poisoning of the ducks in the Tulare
Lake area is no longr r a threat. thanks to the efforts
of the Departn1enl of Fis h and Game and other conser-
v ation g roups 1vho volunteered their time to save the
ducks from certain death.
On ly about 35,000 d uc ks d ied. a s co1n pared 'l:o the
1nore than 200,000 \Vhi ch could have been poi soned. D11e
10 this ef(orl, the Kern Nationa l \Vil dlife Refuge 1vi1 J be
Navv Ba se
For Hunts
1'hc 26()..square rnile North
Range or the U.S, Naval
\\'ea pons Cenier al China
Lake, some of th e \Vest's besl
chuk11r partridge and quail
l'OUntry, will be open to free
public hunt ing on three con·
sccutive wee kends starting
11•ith the Oct. 2:, opening of the
1969 chukar and quail season.
'J'he hunt ing area i s
southeast of Olancha i n
.-.outhern Inyo County. AH
hunters will be checked in at
the Da r"'•in Gate. se\'en miles
south of the co1n1nunity of
Oarn·in Darv:in is reached \•ia
H\1•y. 190 from either Olanch<i.
or I.one Pinc .
The public 1s invited to hunt
i:hukars, mountain and valley
tiuai l, cottontails and jaek rab·
bi!s on the \\'ec kends of Oct.
2.)..26, Nov. 1·2 and 8·9.
Bird po p u I a I i o n s arr
reported high in the hunting
area which lies al elevations
around 5,000 feet 111 the la1 ;1-
bcnrhed Argus and Cnso
ON TARGET -Denny l·layden of Santa An<:1 i s on
'target as he prepares to s hatter a l'l<:iy bird at the
:\nnual Open Skeet Shoot held tit the Laguna I-fill s
(:un Club. ~la ydcn took top h onor~ in lhe A/\ ('la s.~
(20 ga.) and also look ho1ne a gold med al in t11n
nian teani compcltt1on 11hile .s hootin,c; 11ith I·:. K.
( :ris1ralt of Sant~ :\na.
The marlin picture, at press t ime, was not very In !he past si.~ yeal's of
optimistic for th is wt•kend. The fish hav• be•n up and public hunt ing on these N<1\'y
down all week, witt-. some boats reporting many jump-l and.~. the bag has been 6.8iJ
ers sighted while others report seeing no fidl at all. chukars. 2,775 n1oon!ain quail,
Helen Smith of B .. lboa Angling Club weighed in 1,:,SS valley qu;iil, 1.16 1 cot-
Quail, Chul(ar Vista Listed
only • f•w fi sh during the past week. tontails and .c;ome 2.500 jack
George F is r.:h er of S•nt11 Ana, dec ked a m arlin rabbits for 9,492 hunters.
aboard the boat "El Profesor" near the west end of The Na\'y provides 111·0
Catalin• Island on a jig. O\'l'rnight campsites on the
The observations made by some experienced mar-area, one <1t Junction Ranch
lin fishermen, i1 thitl, the fish have headed west and and the other at Burchan1
w ill return within a few weeks to stage a final showing Springs. The only drin king
With Opening Set Oct. 25
lo h b f h d, h \1•ater is at Junction Ranch. r t • season, e ore e• 1ng 1out . ·rhe 1969 quail and chukar
B I · h' I h d bl The chec k-in gate \\'ill open ul, even as w rite t 11 co umn t • ra io asts hunting season. \1h1ch sta rt.~
h h h f. h gh d ff al 8 p.m. each Friday of the out t at t e re ave been 1s 1i te o Laguna and a 11 h r k d d ()('I. ia and eud~ Noi•. 11, l\!ll strike reported nnr the 209 mark. irce un ing \\'CC ·en s an I ' , h h 'k 1 h \\·ill stay open all night lo ad· vary all the w<iy fron1 'r x-t 1 anyones guess w ere t • sp1 tbills wil s ow mit hunters. Entry pennit!'. up this weekend, and whether or not they will bite as cellent' lo ·poor' Ill ~oulhl'rn 1:ampfire perm its. maps and they did two weeks ago. instruction~ \\' i 11 be given ~alifornia and the lnyl}-i\\ono
Before 9oing out, you might give the Balboa Angl-hunters as they enter Dar\vin country, according 111 the
Ing Club • call for last minute reports by phoning (71'4 ) Gate. Departrncnt of .F'ish and Ganie
673-3520. Two-wherled m o I o r i z e rl I I 1· Id
NEW RUN OF YELLOWFIN TUNA '· ?? rtports rom t 1e re . t·chicles are not pcrn1illed on
T\\'O boats running out or San Diego picked up n1ore 1hr Ba~e. Quart po pulations are hi gh in .
lhan 60 yel101vfl n tuna early !hi s \\·eek-.. A.fter most ,\'o gasoline is al'ailahle the desert foothills of the Sa n
skippers and landing oper ator:; had gl\'en up on the bi!! bl'yond O!ancha and Lone f;abricl, San Bernardino, ~an
J?:ame fi sh for the 1969 season. they appeared about JO Pine. Hun rers are ad vised to .Jacinto. Santa Rosa and
miles off the Co ronado Jslands. lea\'t lh\'Y. J!Ja \\'ith full fuel Laguna ~l ountains on 11ational
This could mean that a current or \'.•arn1 tvater ha.c; tanks and to l'arry extra foresl lands open to the public
1noved up fron1 ~l exica n \Vaters and brough t in a stray gasoline "'ilh them. hunting. Quail are abundanl ln
school of fish, or thal 1he fi sh have been there all the Radiator ll'a\er is available most coastal bn1sh lands but
time. and no one has been a fter the1n. 11 1 a feiv ta nks II long Nai Y generally on private ranches.
San D ie~o landin2s n1i):!ht be schcdu lin~ l r11ls out roadg. Quail numbers :ire down . ~ A California hunt ing lil'eni;p · this \veckend in sea rch of lhe bir: brutes if p!'O!->pCc l.~ · son1e1•1h<lt th is year in m os l ., ''required and Cahl'or n1a hun· d look "OOd. but interested a n!!lrrs should call 111 ad vance csrrt mounlains_ ,., .. 11 ng regulation~ a pp t y . Ch k I · 1 ~ I
reprodi.:ction h;:i~ been gOQ\I
throughout 1110~1 of the coonty
but the bird~ ;ire w1dC'ly scat-
trn~d due to good fel'd and
\1atcr. Best publil' arras in-
i:lucle the Oesl'anso District or
Clevel and Nalional Forrst and
the l'\1eCa1n and J;il'u111<1il
Consc rvat\on Arca!'.
li'.IP Elll1\L VALLE\'
D<"serl qu ai l an; ;1buntl a11 t in
the brushy a1·eas or the rnain
1·anals and !hr. New il nd
Ala11111 Hivers bu1 getting
lhc1n out is difficult .
qui re locally about thl' Cal i
rorn1a -,.\ri1.ona bounda ry hne
i11 the Yutna Island :irea.
LOS A\GELES COl)'.':T\' -
Th f' nort he rn ,;i 11 cl
northw estern por11ons of the
Angeles National l~oresL. frorn
lhl! Lillie Hot:k arr<t 111
Corm;in. ha 11e lots of V a.ll ~y
qua.II this yc;1 r. illo~I or 1!1e
birds <Jre in hc:n y bru sh
11•hh:h n1t1kes hun\1ng diflicu l!.
Th ere arc fair nu1nllrrs of
n1ounta1n quail at h1gl1cr
trianglr. in the Sill'er :-O.IOl1n-
ta1ns north of Virtor1 Ille . !hf'
Spangler I lrlls ~outh of Tron<1
<ind the fuur -whecl ·lln1 e co1u1-
1ry of Black Can yon north of
Jl;irpcr Dry Lakr.
\\'hilc quail popu1allon~ 111
tht' c;istern dcsc rl rnounla1ns
arr bc\01v those uf l;ist year,
c·l11 1k<1r nu1nbcrs apparent ly
i1 rc fai r 10 go<lll in \he (ootllills
t•f Pro1·iden1~c-Ne w Y n r k
r-.·lounta1n~. Von ·rriggcr lll!ls
and Hac kberry r-.tounta 1ns.
The problern Js that the
birds :ire widely stal\cred nn
I NYO-J\10~0 1\ftE., -La~1 good feed and water :ind 11•ill
11·1n1er·s record snowfall and be hard to ri nd l'\l o~t of thi.,
late tha11· \rcre rough nn 1111 1·ountrv i~ federal lan d on
1'h1tli .it is unlawful lo l':tn\p t1µl;i11d ~tunr in '.\Iona Count y 11 1t hin :100 lret ol any s1.r1nJ:.
Channel Islands Harbor at
Oxnard has extended the
t:losing tin'lf -0{ its f1rs1. an-
nual marlin tourn~ment twa
weeks to Nov . J.
Boat~ and ang lers 1nusl
register there an d return
with !heir catch for ofricial
weighin "'ithin lour days of
departur €'. Vic Mar•torati,
tournanlcnl president. said
todt1y , The event. registered
ll'!th the fnterna Lional Game
Fish Assn . openrd Se pt 20.
Nian Kill s
Gioantic t".)
Grizzl y
Bl"RNS LAI\£, D.C. IA.P l -
A gr1;i;1.ly bear "·e1gh1ng 1.200
pounds and beheYed to be !he
largest r.1·rr shot has been kill-
ed by il·Iike Caspers12n, 22·
~·rar-old hunter rro1n l'\ladison,
\\'is . 1n Twerdsmu1r Prov1n-
c1;il Park
The kill \rn.~ rC'ported by
guide Alan Ul;:ickwclL \l'hn
said the bear was shot rarly 111
!:ir.flle 1nber.
"It Y.•ill br No1·en1bcr nr
Oct·t•n1ber befo re 11e kno1v for
su re if the bear rs a 1vorld
rt•cord .'' Black\vetl said.
"The skull has to be attowerl
to dry :ind shrink for threl'
rno n th s b efore final
1nt-;1su re1nents "
The gu ide said thr youn~
hunter stalked the bear tn
within !50 y;ird s be Io re
~hooling il through !he heart.
"[\ ran on for ano ther 1:-io
vards and th en fl'!1 on the. se-~·ond shol." he said.
Blackll'ell ::;;iid the bear 11'il "
nine feet . one inch in length
and l!1at its skull rneasur cd
:1hnost Z7 inc l1cs ::icros.~.
Tweed smuir Pa rk is local ('rl
in the. co;ist mounta in rangr
ahout 280 miles north or Van·
S hulo11l Kin i:
for latesl 1·nror111a 11·o1o. · u ·ar popu at 1on~ are 111: i l'huka rs, n1ounta in :ind \'allr1' YetlO\\'lad ha\·e been putting on a ~ood s hO \\'ing for quail are !hr only ga1ne bird's th15 .1·car in most of thr
the local c;outh coasl landings. :\rl·s. Davey's Locker that may be taken. 11·estrrn desert n1oun1a1ns an1t
There are lots or quail 111 !hi'
Palo Verde Va llcv arcH bclo\1'
Bly thr. 11 11h thr ·ocs1 hunt in~
along 11lr n vrr bollorn ;ind in
the ironwood ;111d rn1·sc1t11 le
11ashcs drf!1 11ing 11~10 the rr1t·r .
;ind 111 1nuch of Inyo Counl ,1 1\:t!\·rrng 1roui;h nr n1h,·r
1\11 r.t1·1'pllon 1~ !hr dC'.~Crt watrr su pply lnr don1c,;;l1c Thi' rl'vOrd for 1he mo<l
111 o u n l ~i n t•ountry ul i.lol'k and 1\•1ldl1fl.' ~hu1011 1~ ~n onf' season 15 he ld
and San C'l ernente landi11•., all repo1·ted •ood "a\'·hes I d h arc at least ·fair' in ihe f t> .. ._ .. Junters are caullonc t ;it eastern de s r rt mountain.~.
llea l'y brush makes hun\l ng
rl1fficutl along th€' rt\•er·_ In 1h1'
B;ird-\V1ntcrhaven area quail
numbers are down from l;r~T
year ;:ind prospct lli are •ft11r'
lo ·poor '.
In all :irea~. hun ters .1rr hv t:rol'cr Cleveland Alex· sn111h•,·•"I"'' Inyo 11 hr r ~ · " , d 1 1 ''''''· I'' p<l"l1cd !6 shutout.• 1·huk ar had another exerllrn! r·au!Jone In .~l11y ar ca~t :.r:i " ~ .. o small "firec rac ker" ycllo\vlail. \\'ilh bonito. barra-fla sh floods lhis past summer Holl'ever. in rnost areas thr
cuda. ba ss and bottorn fi.s h also helping to [ill sacks. rr:iughed up n1any or the hun-birds are widely scattered '.,.,, from ''' b<><ld1·n, •r ''' 1916. ercord1n, lo \\'orld h<i Lrh and c:i rne lhrough the ' · "· "
su 1nn1rr \\"('JI ivith plenty of __ h_eh_;_,,_,_'™'_· _________ B_oo_k_E_nccycc_locpec...d_i<i_. ___ _ Phil Tozer. he"d 1nan at Da vey"s Locker, an· ting ;irea roads . .4.11 driving \\•Ith good feed and wa1rr
nounced that t he shark s only fishing trips \\"ill be con- shou ld be done "'lth care and throughout their range
1in ued for another fe1v 11·ecks. <l rivcr~ of low -slung passen ger Thc bag limll on qu<iil is 10
Tr,.P' arc scl1ed 11 d '·!01 d d i · ·a d <:ar~ sl1oulrl use r.~lrrnu· earc_ ,, l c 011 1 1 av an ·fl av ;in per da y and 10 in posse~sion 111
Jeavethcdockal 4 <1 .rn . l•~o rreservci lio11s ph one 6i3·14:~~-i'\a val \Vea p ons Center the aggreg,ate or all spc<:ic!'
INLAND LAKES REWARD ANGLERS per~onncl will join the public The limit on chukar is six ptr
H Id l b h d h. 111 the field on the 1h ree hun· a ro o aug an 1s young son David of Hunt-nay and six in pO~scs.~1011
ington Beach fished Vail Lake over the weelcend and lin g \\'Cekends. No hunrinJ,?' ~hooting hours are from h:.iH
d b f h \1·hatr1·er is pcrrnittcd on the 1 reporte ass is ing e xcellent, crappie and blue,,ill an hour befo re sun rise lo ha I • ,;ircci al an.v othrr tirnr of lhe plentiful, but catfish slow. an hour af1er sunset
Best art>;i" ar" 1 h "
C.1!ifornia side nf \'111na Island
:ind Ilic bru shv b n r cl r r
hetwf'en 1 11 r ·.\ll -A111cri(·;1n
Canal :ind Ha rd Valley. In-
T1·oul Pl a n!.•
Th I h yc;ir. F 11 . . b • at er and son fi shing team scored on bron:r:e-o 0"·1ng is :in are<i-y-ar<'<t
br1tcks to Jl/7 pounds while casting s.emi-deep running h.inting forecast: f'ol10\\'1ng. h~· county. ;ire
I ff k · c rhe Southern CatHornia 11 a t~r~
Pugs o roe Y points. rappie to 11/1 pounds also t<rit £• Jk f-{llll(. SAJ\'TA BARBARA. VE1'· being stocked this wrck 1,11h the Httddon lure s 011 a 1low retrieve. TUR ' COUNTIES -There " -ca tchable -size rai nbow tro11t While at tt<re Butlerfi•ld Country recreational spa, 1ras a good late hall'h of quail fro rn Dcpartinent of ~~1.~h and
the Lobaugh1 checked wi th other successful anglers ~ ll Ce~S f Ill bu! most arc on pri vate land~ 1;3111c hatcheries ·
and noted that Bob Cason of Fuller ton and J ohn Nickey 0 \1he re permission to hunt i~
of Huntington Park recorded two five-fi sh limits of bass ·r·h 1 1 r~u1red. "''' public hunting LOS 11:-.:ca~tr:S -C'r~~1 :il 1rtr·t110 o 33 1un1r1·~ ~,, which totaled more than 30 pounds. \li1h pfrmit~ jor !he ,;econd areas 1nr tude Balhng('r a n cl Lake . Puddinj;(sto11e Hr~cr1 01r ,
Oy.r t A h · l k J h M " •t•I C lh 1· ' .. San f;,;ibrrr l B11 er l·:~sl. 1'\r1rlh 1 na ••m a e, manager o n oore, re· period 01 the special o"en~ "'u""' anyon~ tn c .uy m .•
ports that the stocking of 3,000 pound' of channel cat-Va lley ltile elk hunl got lhrir ;irra of Los P<1dre5 l\'.at 1onal and \\'e~t Fork.~. l'prw•r fh~
f!'l'd a11d 11'altr.
Th err ;nc valley <1ua1I
thr·ougt1011! th e 011'('11S V:i llf'y °!.
brushy are<ts hut gelling lhl'ITI
i ~n·t C<•sy. \\'at~r holes 11 T1 d
fa11yo11s in the Inyo and l'ana·
1111111 range5 and l' an y on
rnout hs of The \\'hite l\!ou 11
tai ns c;i sl of 011·cn,c; V;:ill11y flf ·
ler fair to good chuka r hun ·
tin g
Some of the bei.l chukar an1I
quail hunt ing in Inyo County
11 ill be on the northern ZGIJ
~f1uarc 111ilci; of the US. Nav al
\\'capon.~ Ccnlcr at Cl11na
1.akl' P11hl1c h1111t1ng \1111 hf'
pcrn1i tt cd t h e re nn !h~
wcckef'd$ of Oc·I 2."1-26. i\ov 1-2
and 8-9. PcnnH~ rn1tst bf' oh·
t;ur.ed a! the 11<1r11·1n t;r1rr
~,.1•en n1ile!> ~outh of D;ir111n fish last week is paying off. The first five-fish lim it of dcs1~n :tt<"d an11nal.~ ! a !: i ,.-ores! Tuiung:.i ( rl'l'k
cats fell to M r. and Mrs. Lloyd Ammann of Orange. 11cel..end. QuaJI rcproduc·t1on 11a~ gr1od S.1\\1 BF:R:-.:/\1011'\n SAN BEH:\ARlll\O CUl."\·
Th• Am manns were fishing from a boat usi ng night The selrrted rrd11f'tion or !hi' this )'car an<l lhe bi rtl.~ arr l'o!orado li11·rr ;it 1'1.iredh'~. TV _ There ait r.~ccl\cnt
crawlers, a s they bagged their lim its near the west end. ()11ens Valle\· elk rrn10\'rd !"o numerou ~ on lhl' dcscrl ~looc ~ l)e rr Crrrl.. 11p11rr -.ei.:tion. popid fl llOJJ" 41r descrl ai ul
The la rgest catfish weighed in at over thr•• pound•. hul ls ;111d f1g.l1l t'Ol\'S lrom th'° nf thr Santa Rn~a and S<ri\ , .. ,,,,., .'11e ll11·1·r. S;in1;1 An;i J I 'I d t "" " 111ou11\a11\ qu:iil \Ill~ 1e;1r on The trout a re responding well to tt<re cold waler f ,ooda !e hrrd. fi1·e bul ls ;i nd · acin ° · Ount;ii n' an 111 t 1" H11 er So1Jth Fork lhc dl'st.:rt s1dr 111 tile San
ltmJ)9 raturts and are hitting sa lmon eggs, TNT, cheese r1f:hl t;(l1\·<; frorn 1hc Tinc1n aha are;is of \\'inche:-.lcr. Prrn~. J;ernardi110 i\lount0 1n~
and marshmallows. Boat anqler 1 fishin9 near tt<re in-hC'rd, 11\·r bulls fro111 !hr :~~k~~;~\~el~!o~e;1~~":agr antJ SA.~ Ull·:c:o -llo;inr 1.<Jkr. Tlirrr ;:ire good nui11bf'r~ 1d
take are getting tt<re best results. Gishop herd and l\l'O bull s ;i nd r.,,., ... 1,1 on lf>c d•«.·01.1 .~iilc of \'E1\Tr llA _ Hryl's Cre1·k. t•hukar 1n 1hc Ord i\lount;un, D S o· S y · • t11·0 cows frorn the Lone P1nr r, .. ' ~ -C k " I I l J \' II o"':'n an 1eg~ way, an 1ncente 1s producing herd. lhe mountains, hu'ltcr5 should l'ppt'r Scspe rec ·. venlur~i 4•on1p r.x 111 t ie , ppr 11 C',1 -1
'ome nice ba ss lo six pounds on rubber worms fi shed inquire locally rc ~ardin" coun··;="="='='=N=o=rt=h=F=o=rk=·======I=·="='=· ='=r="='=='=''='=l'='="=ll='=r.~='=r111·1 d I 0 ·11 B II s f' h f' Three hLintcrs with pcrm11~ ,.., ,,. Hp, repor s rv1 • a -un 1s , cat 1sh and crappie iv. fireorm' c·losurcs :ind ' I b B fl I k f for cows fro1n the Rishop hrrd · are sow now, ut a oo s or an increase in activity 1 T 1 1 penni·s,·1·on 10 h"nl 0,,.,,,,
f h fa1 ed lo connect. his p u.<: t ir ~ " rom t e1e 1pacies. lend•. l:irt lha1 one oul of 36 fi rst -~ Ball also reports that fou r of the San Diego Lale es period hunte r.<: lhe pr 1 0 r w ill be open this season for duclc hunti.ng for. mor• ·,..... ORA;"\GE -Quad are abun-• • .--\1·ec kcnd failed to score mean!! d formation phone (71'4 ) 236-SSJ2 . ant in Orange County but
SPORTS SHOW E 1hat, \\'hi!e 80 permits \iere niost are on pri\•atr l:ind~ NOS SUNDAY i ~sued h\.' dra"·ing for 1he Th L A I Bo t d S [ Sh "''here permission to hunl is e os nj!e es a an por s 01v 11·111 end it:"; thrtt hunting .... riods, thf' 10 d [ ti S rt A S .. -required. Public hunting is ay run a 1e : ro s. rena on und ay. The sho1v tota l take can now not exceed confined ahTIOSt entirely to the
features the lates t 1n 1nar1ne and boating equipment, as 76. brushy souih portion of thr
\rel! as some of the ne,vest products in outdoor recre-The he rd reduction ton-'frabueo Dist rict or Clc \•eland
ation. el udes nc:<I Wl!c kend \\'i th one National Forest.
_ Di ck f·red, 011·ne r of Discount 1'farine Supply in hull and eight co1\'5 sc heduled
Ne\\·port Ceach. 1s an exhibitor at t he shoiv . and re-10 be taken from the Goodale SAN DI EGO COUi\~fy -
ports I hal c r01\·ds and enthusiasm ts tugh at lhe shoiv. ·-.hiiciird;,.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiviiiialiile~yiiiieiiniidiiiiiimiioiioii"'•'ii;,ii, -'"'•";;;;" ~~~~~~1'.-
Who c •n fl., 7
Thi "'•iori1v of ,;._;1 p;lo h
tcclt v •r• "on·orof1.,icn1l1. An,,...,;"<:! I !.) P••c••+ cl tl1
pri••+• p;!i11 ••• .. ct in •h•
t •itlion induolty. lh;, "'''"'
th1+ ,1,..0,t •nvc"' c•• flv '""
•irpl1n1, f.,, +he bu1in1n "''"
woth "''"V 1hort b111in111 t•ii:n
11 pot! 11 rowtine, flyi"9 •• 1111
1·op1n1 i•1 tho1> renf;,.. • c••·
'" 11'clition. fr•••I ''""' 11 cw!
II I ..,joomw..,,
Ai>dt f,o,., h ~1in t1 1 ••it ·
t:on ,il t h . ptopl • who fly •••
ptrl of t Yt f'f porljo11 af J<,..,.
•tic•. Tl•• 1tdt n!t •v jollU of
+h,. c t unl•'f offt• ..,,,.., ""'"
no t 1'•111 lurt •• ,j ;.,,.,;,,. fro"'
•ovlin t . l e•rnift., la llv ;,
111,11;11., • "''" .... .,. .r lift . Go
fithi"•· , ... ;..,..,;,.,, h1111lin4.
v;,a l•i end1. Stt the .... ,,.;f;.
1e11t t 01 lht A "'t • i t t 11
teunt1v1iJ t .
1iow11wiv11 f;,.,/ ... ~'"''"' •'"•V !tom di1h11 ond d irtv
c:loth11. Wo"''" ;,. 91n11ol in-t••••• +h eir oppctluniti1 1 ;o
111 "'ort , ••p1rr1nc1 "'C••,
1nd Itel f•11do.., in • !on9 ..
bit w1y.
Flyin• w<ll 1oon b1 p1rl of
'"''" ,,,.,11.,.
... , H .. lflOt AYtAllON ""' ol!or
'"' !•.-...;• Cluo •••e.s. "' Or•!\01 C°"nty P•lv110 pflOI ""'"' lif),
C•u•n• 1.111 only l f.50 '" "°"''' C'''"°"tf 1l0 only "•.-111. !win ..,.
oin• Ar><>tr>e ·~~ ... -·· WI ti· ff' lllt l lM1I 1i"r1t1, on·.t'VCIOrl
I nd role. I! H'°'~llOll '°'Vl .. TION, i1•1 W1•n1r ,..,. , ,,.·llOll. O!Mn
lrOm "''""' 10 t\jllUI O•ll•. "fl•"" I" our colum" ••Gt~ yOllr
h ! llio;rl>I lo• 1n1y ''GO",
Watch Next
WHk for
COMPlnt PlllM•
• l'r;H'Q('.k r11n nr R1;-ryr
F11n~ TV'.'1, 1:1" P.C.\ <·on.
$01"' COLOR. J1k" n~,,.
$130: portahlr h,,,. 12"
Si:;; or tak~ onr hJ !hi'
l»!tt wirh you -Sylv11n111.
l2V portablr, SW.
• Uniq11,. 11nt iqu" n1u~1q11r~
Upr;:iht piano bu1Jr in 186.'
in Gcr1n any, ¥."Quirt ha1·,.
10 ~ g('('n to fully apprcr .
iair r!, cn1bl'lh.~h('(I hy sol-
id bra11s candl"holfler~ 1111rt
handcr-a.(Je<I ~Cl'Oll!I • niti:
nr a rarr kind .
e (;Pl 1 tK-ari Jtart on Ch1·1~1.
m11!I f1nanring". Cht-"k thfo
hr\rt ~·anrOO r,olun1n11 and
find voiur 'k-il l in de11111flri
for ~rt timr rmployme111.
-1969 MODELS1-
Alwml11u111 '' St"!. Stiff. •••wl•t •• S1f1 Flt~•. L•11•, ... wl.,.
,, Shirt Sit.,,..,
Woods and Irons
Tony Lema ---Ken Venturi
Arnold Palmer
First Fli9ht
Golden Ram
Tommy Bolt
Re9 -S285 -285 -28 5 --28 5 -295 -
28 5 175 -175 75
Ladles Clubs 25°/o off
&11t ....._ L..Uss lt•11il Sii••• 2s•. •"· Wt fl11••ct. •··••"'••·
k.,4. Me$flf' C ......
Gt•., l_.,
T111rM.-,e ., ' A.M.
SI .SI J1l11 N1•
Ski, M .. (1
Cott• M ... G.•lf ••11t• 1717 "•'"'''" .. ,.,, '"'·'''l 111 o .... ,. c.-. ,.,,., .....
Go.tr ... , • .c:ri111
s•lr M••
Cl•• "A" Pr•t ... 1111•1
Skip M ... ,
Ht w'''"" 61H C11no
1117 J•111ll•rH ... .
N•wp•rt '-11 , ..... ,,11
At th1 N1w,1tl•t 11111 -A P•r J C111ra1
$1 .10 GrM• he -Sl .10 Wit\ n it A4
, ... ,.,... "••· Jtftl)
~ <:> ,,,, .
Since 1853, the 2!,_igi nal ligh t Scotch
H ""1-1r.-.~··~·m1" D•1Mlfr1 Co•~, lew11-nl1, R1. e lt~I
----------------~-.,..-----------~ ----·-···--
%8 O.lll Y PI LOT s
Your ~loue~''s Worth
Prosperity Today
Not Ski11 Deep
Hy S'L\I,\ ronrt::R
! four lb 111 f'1\" part Series 1
"hen the stock markel con
\U)<;1on ~ \e;irs ago clim axrd
1n the trash of O< r 29 1l du!
nn t set otf Lt e v.itrld s n1osr
l[fKi)S!ll t 1frp f' '101 <I•
rno"1 of \Oll 11 rob1bh \1r11
raught 1n '!othool ll h ! 1hir
rUC'kup did v.a• bi:!altllll
f t'lOgntU' a nd lhtn horrtbh Ir
1cns1fy a cJcprt~~1nn rh::it had
Ion~ hrrn 10 rtu 111 •~llh~
On lhr '>Urfar<' Hir l'conou1
nf thr 1920~ looked grt<1\ r
uppo~c but It r g!1ttt r ' l hon1 !hr pro,1irri! ''"'
hOld plait d I or h( nt" 1lh !h1
1 \f'r;.111 lall~l1r<> 11e1e Iller
<I ingcrous lrt:nd s
PtRSON .\L 11\CO\I~<; II I
bru1g concl'ntratcd more and
rnore at the 'er} tor \\uh
rnt' sharf' or the n Jt1on s 10
t nme going 10 the top I JX''
cent nf A1nr ri lans actually
r -.ing b\ ha lf 1K t\1crn 20 and
"9 The increase in .... ages and
salaries \\as t agj!in~ I a r
hch1nd the ncrl 1 (' 1n the pro-
duct1v1ty of .... orkcrs and lhl"
rhmb 1n corporalloo profit s 1n
rents 1n interest Our popul;i
1100 _grol't 1 h 11 a~ slo11 1ng
nla rledh J.arrn prKe~ 11 cre
in a prolonge d "lurnp In the
Idl e 19.!0s the hou~1ng and m;i
JOT durablr goo<ls 111du'<tr1rs
1•ent into a d11r
II 11a~ again"l l h1~ l \as~1c
b;ickground /or a bus1ne ~
dow nturn that !hf' .. 1 o l k
market 11 cnt 11110 the 111 lt1e ... 1
up~urgr on 1ht rl\1nne,1 of
'rrd1l n1:-trg1n 11 h1 101 1
\',hat \\01 1ld li;ne bc('n a
rou11nr TClC~,1011 11a~ dPla)rrl
;ind I hen 1urnt d into an
economic i a1a~1rophl'
Toda) in another Or 1ohrr
r>1ir n~!1onal pol1c1c ;ir f'
dcliberalcy geared In -.Jc111100:
do11n the e{onon1\ anti (1irh
1ng thr pnlr 1 H'.r pu I
There IS UlldOUbtciJI\ a fl~~ or
r ~e r kill 111 lhr 1.:011 b1n;il 1 n 1 I
1red1t and 1 ix r1 .ira1111-
\\ hil e 1nflat1on persi~L~ al an
ntnlrrable I • t 111 ;. a r t
\\Orr}int: 1hat hl' buc:11111 111 h
l1t'g;in \ ! rh I II I 1 11 \ II
nol 1.,,l In ,t,. 11, 1u111h
hlrlhda\ h I~ 11 n t ill" in
rrassu rin,c ~lf pl prr n h1
;:i nv \artl'I ~
Bl!T 1Ht 1nn 1;i
11 f' I n
Toda\ ,\, ar, 11 middle n
rr'lmt' n;i!1on \1 1lhou1 pil ril llrl
Thr HJr omf' pyra mid nf 1929 1 ~
lf11"r11n£ 111!h thr \~<.! m
1on1 v 10 !hr nl1ddlr h1ghr• 11
come brackets anti a ~h r 1nl 1ng
n11norJ1\ at the lov.er 1ntorne
IP1tls By 1980 more than ha lf
ii An1er1can families will ha ve
1ntornes of SIO 000 or over
\\ages and salanes are 1n a n
up~p1n1I and unt il recentlv the
i.p11rl 1n v.orkers real ' tn
• omes was outpacing lhe rise
1n JUSI about e1 erytlung eli.r
:'\ow 1nflalion 1s erasing the
1alue of the extra dollars but
i.urely todays rate or erosion
11 11 no! la s1
Y.ERE IT ~OT f o r !ht
'redll squeeie hou sing 11ould
be in an all-ou t boom But this
sq\1ecze is merel y guar 1n
1rr1ng an explosion 1n housini:
J 1trr in the 1970s -and of
<'ours' wl!h this "111 ~ome ;i
spurt 1n evrf)rt.hing that gor"
into a11d outside ot houses
\Ve ha1e a \asl \ar1etv or
rttes"1on cush1on1ng ! :.i 11 ..,
11 11 e m plo} 1nrn1 insuranlr
1111n 1n1un1 wage le1rls So<:1<l l
Set:ufll \ bcink insu r 1n1:e <'It
1 I( None ol l h~se t ush101 ~
11 as Ill ex1slrnef' in 29
And 11 e are entering a
decadt> of grtat expansion
As'>um1ng 110 mort \ 1c!
n;.irns but a 1,1 orld or 11neas1
p£' ite and assuming suft1c1ent
'-OClal st;ib1 l111 ro perrn1l JU~t
nom1al erono1n1r growU1 our
production of goods and
"er. 1cl's 11 Ill zoo1n to nrar\\
.S:.!000000000000 (\ri lhon 1 b1
1930 a g;un~I 5900 bdhon plu s
110 \V
f)UR POPULATIO:>o; 11111
1 I rnb lro1n todays 200 m1lhon
rn irk to 240 24;i m1lhon Ou r
111rorne J>('r person "111 111m11
111 about 4~ percent Our hu1
1 1,., ul ou tos \I 11! zoot n ti on1
1~9" 9 1n11l1on plus to 1980 ~
~1 rrage J4 I~ m11l1on so 11
J:(l('~ 1( <'!!1 Ill' h II e I~
NOR".14.l grov.th
Brh1 nl1 1929 s market w a ~
rt onom1c ro1 a ~ I r a d 1
sh11n l,1g e 1n the bu\tng 1>4)11 r1
uf th t' lll;lJOTJ I 1nd ~ b;i JI
h 1>. to11 ;ird drll 1t1on Heh nd
l"l\l9 ~ 111;irkr l is rt:onon1I( e ).
J);J!l~1011 a '-ICiidy swrl11ng u
thr bu\ ng po11er or the 111<1
JO tv anti a bfl~ll b a~ 1011<1rtl
1111 al nn
I <l1n ht dh <11,, 11111; Iii t
'IOI i.. 1n II !..rt 'IL1!11 11~ \\(\II t
11 >l><'n \\ll llt''~ lilt~ \Ill
blood h 1th 1 am :-.<1}1ng II 1l
t i ~ AllH r1ta11 t.:(onun11 on It t
tht r "hnld nl 1he 70s b< ;ir ~ !11
Ill' rf'sembl ani.:t> to I h r
~ml'rii.:an l'c:onom\ un th!"
thrr~hold ol 1hr ~~ And lhal
Jr;i<l~ lo 1011101 ro11 '
\ r /) I I \ ' " '
Railruucls H urti11,~.
America s lnn,1t ti , 1 a n 1 ,.
passengrr lra1n~ .. rr n A
bleak l1nanc:1al \U1111PI 111111n 1
rx1t 1n sight <ICLord ng \o 1nr
presid ent or \\ (' trrn r <I 1! !
Ba il road
J\1}ron ~1 Chr1• 1 lu\J th r
l n~rsta\r l omn1trlr t 0 1t1
m1~s1on Tursda\ th:i! \\ r 11 rn
I acil1 r ~ ( 1\1 forn1 Zrph11
11 ould lo~r ~1 ! 1nill1011 ai
nu ally -r 1rn (IJ rratl 1,0::
1 ap;;ic1t1 'rar round '\ 1 h All
npw equ1 pmen1
Ther' " 11 fA -.-.1 b iii I
11 hat.sor1er ( 11 fl ~I V ~ti d f
111~~1nj! I n,e. d ~I a n
pi-. rngrr train~-p<1 ti II
h lhr Cal1torn1a Zrpl11 r
/ 111ng prnpo~1t1on '
fht r 1ilroad prr~1drnt 11
1 1 !o r t rn s rx 1m nall4n 1
I 1 111ni: nn \\ l'~l rrn I it 11
ff'Ql!e I (1 d $\Olll l111Jt n
i'.rr>h)r and Sou\hrrn Pati11
11~! t1nn to drop 1hf' • 111 rt " n
] ! Ult 1 ~{
:'llJtt' Sr JI r
\I i-.t 1 nr l1Jd rr<id
rrr ord ,, s1atrn1ent
111.-11ppl1c 1t1on
An\ < urta lm.-n1 •
'irr\ 1tf' fro111 lhc h 1
111u~1 br «topped ~lorr 111
.!00 000 pf'Ople u•e lhl' Zrph r
and Lhf' Southern I arlf1 l s t l1\
uf San Francisco and balancrd
t a nsportalion plan5 of th
~La te "ould rece11t' t1 cnpphng
blo" 1f rail tran~po11a11on con
t 1nur~ 10 b(' rr mo1rd Jrnn1
public usr
Janies L Jl crrell ha s
been named rnanager
of J\htchu1n Jones &
I empleton s Laguna
Beac h office Before
J0 1n1ng MJ1 he was
~} 11d1ca1e nia na ger for
<l m a J o r brokerage
f1rn1 and also 11 as re
for a
sales 1nanaj:!er
nat1on::il mutual
Stale '[' ax
Board Get~
~1 .. 3 Billion
r hr
'" i.J1llron
I • Cars Wit1i Extrc1 Gel1r
r.y TIRRY GRANT, I f'h
1 •• I & • ...... •I
t ... t 9• ... ~ 11 ...
1poonlwl < "" •••
t•llon• ol w•I••
I•• '"
Sc ·~' 1h " Flo do ••••nt v
••pO!ltcl wllv mo1qw !0 1 b lo
Tllt v • • all •<Itel to t It <
ft t t tl wh t ll 1 nt fu ol lo
the h wm•n 1\" oncl t • bon
ti oi d• whch • • 9•• "''" • 11.,. ,,..,c1.t1 by lht bodv
C t b•n t•t , ""' ol l~o
moil dtn9t rou1 <ht on <t h
ttd 1y t Vt ltbf. lo lllt D"b
I t C•n cl•m•t• \ lln•v•
"""'" .. 11.1,J •
An old 1...i '" '"P•rtl f en
d .. ""' ... '• .1 •• , ..... 1.
lll rtlv Tho 1ci;I l••~•• tho
bocly n ••••ch "' w ilt• I
'"• bt'ldv thow!ll , .... ~, lit
fa r• th• ooul ••' "' I mov ' . •
t or 1nnclrt n """' u,,. old ra:sh1unrd ('()11rl ... :s,Y
•our prr..,rr1rt1on& 10
" lh ti ring
lSI He1p1tal ll:•ad
Ntwport laach 642 ISID ,., .. 0.11 ... ,.,.
[ Get Extra l1isitru1ice
l n~u rance rates art going \I)
go up on the motor1zr:d
rn1ss1 les hol cars loadr1l
f!ov. n 111th big eng1nrs and t x
Ira gear Congress has bl't n
Dean Jeffers pre!)1denl 1 f
Nalt0n"1de ~1utual l n~uranre
Co said lhe superautos I'\
pertence losse~ 56 percent
higher than morr modcra\c_lv
powttcd vehicles
Hts firm !he nahon s hlth
largrst insurer of .aulomobllr ~
1~ ral!nng insurance ralt>.:i 1111
'\f I\ ) On!\ t LP fl -~1 \\
l\ellogg Co h3s obta1nt>d a ~t
1ond ~2 rnil hon c:on1r 1c1 la
suppl\ po11cr p1p1ng for a <i<'
cond ·oo (111!-t\W generat 1n11.
uni t 1o hr built bv E b:tsf'l'I
S t>f \t ('f'~ I nt l 11r
Pt>nns' I\ 1r11;1 Po11rr &. I 1ght
t o at lhr ~1onlour st::i1111n
nrar St ra11 hrrrv n 1rl11.r f11
:-.nnh oj \\;i•I) 11J.:I n11!1r
!<.urh r ~r~ b) ;io per( r nt lo
1l11111nt~h thru appe1l lrlll1 '
~:t hl llr 1.il!ed I hr 11
n1ulofll£.'d n11,~1lr<
rr~tif\ 111~ hcfor{ a Srn 1\
s11 b C(llll ill11L<'<' Jel l I ~ Si.lid
-.u peraul s 'u< h ;i~ t h r
c he vrolrt lOl"\Cltr n r c1
\l11q:tng \lalh I ant P{'lnt1a'
~TO rrrt unlv cirt rot rn1
1ll1111 r lo 111oder;J1l drn111g
lr1deeti they arl' poi erl'ti 11 f'1l
;ihul (' lhl? nreds j r thr pru1lent
drlln~11r dr11 cr and ahv1r thr
lr;i f/1t rapAb1l 11 , f rno~I
sl rrc!s and ro 1<l'
Hr also hstrd ;11110111: lhr
:r;u perautos the Old~n1ob1le ~~!
I l}111outh Road Bunn r r
l)odge Chnrger SOO o\n11:r1( 1 1
\lo!or~ A~1 :'\ f hr 1 r o 1r1
\I 1!1btt SS J96 and thl
\Ji rtur\ tou~ ir Elun111a lor
lclfers s llti !us f1rn1 <lor sn l
llnS(der ;ii] dri1ers of liU{h
r 1r~ 11n~al( 1!r11er~ b\11 •On
l•nded 'flCCJa l a c l u a r 1 a I
,11111 ('<; prn<l11t:111~ lhr h 1~her
I.~~ 1 i.lf' ~1n1nh 1 ;innnt hr 1g
I 11 r1I
OVER THE COUNTER Complete-N e\v York Stock List
"lf N .,.0 11 1( (,,.1 Wo"""IG&• I'"'
I •• ,.,. .......... " , • .,,,,,..,""'"'••••••••••••I "'''" .,.~ ~ ~,00: ( (~ ..... p< t•• ··~~·~£».!UJ I -A-
NASO L11t1ng1 for Wednesday, October 15, 1969
11.,.,t,WllWll .... "'IW .. IMlff t ... 111-1 H ........ l .... ltly t "1111 .,_ llA.$D. ,.,ouio. .. •I -"'-• iol& I &f ln&rllw._ ............ ., ... --.
110:'\0LCLL: 1LPll -I an
An1encan \\ orl d o\1n va\ s a 1
nnunr<'d fuesday 1t ha ~ laid
nff lO:'l crnp]o) e~ herr bee iusc
1'1( the transpac ific route i.:ase
!11 1 1 ion~
I ;:111 Ain sau.l IJI t n1plo)Cs
rr( <I' t tJ lenn1 nahon no!it cs
hul 26 1 f then1 transf{'rre<l 10
1nl 1llcd 1al an1 IC'~ re<;ul11ng in
t!ir l;:iv1ng off llf 10~ lo1v
1.111un 1t) cmployc•
I he 1ranspac1f1t
r u\c de1:1s1on a u t h o r 1 z e d
't 1rr,.1 add111onul a1rhnts lo
lly 10 lhn1a11 fron1 thr con
1111r11tal U S 111e ne1v Jl a11<111
ina1nl ind
\\ r slcrn
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c a rrie r s
Cont ncnlal
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IN"' (p "I Income_ Co~ '""an fi<t fl' I <I KC 11 j '>II
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IQ •l '' o <I o -11l~ll 1 l •-1aa .1a ?e~ 111 ,. , •1 •a
191•a 1loll• • /16 • 66 • 1.6 • '1 1
)'61<.! l•l u, ~
.ll S•~ ~l S91 ' 1 n n n 100 l<lo l! , 19 ,
Sll ll 1• 1• IM 11 V i 66 9 • ~
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•1 8S I l!l,
I] It ;' 1r1"
76 So •
1• u ' ' ' " lJ• 5
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Prices -Complete New York
, ',. '" ..
S•ln N•••JlllOlll:l::l,.lllllli ...... ., .......................................... ,I
na1 ) lo(ft~ LO" CIDot tn1
' . 6 , ...
7 9 II ~ J\ • f 37'• ' ' . 1 lo , ' . I• ]111 '"' ., Jl •• . " 70 •l • " ' M '' OJ 48 1 -S-c; ~1 •
0 II~ .. .. • ,,,
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0 .. ·~ Ill 1ooi_. •e no • 10 I l1 21 HO• J ~O
ll 1• l l 71 ,,
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el '' '' 168 JO , 7' ll •• •• 1 61 • 6 •• 1 • ll 9~ I , I ' . . l !J~,11o .
1 ll 10 l S , 00 3 ,79 ,
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~ • ,. • " ,.
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" + 61 1-,.
JJ .. I
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31 • -t " J9 -I .. ., +
" ' ,. I•·-" . ~~ :t , •• +
1Sl. + " 1~ • .;.
' + •D ~ _, ' . .
'" + \
Profit Taking Nips
2 Strong Advances
NE\V YORK (UPI) -Stock mar ket avera ges
fini shed tn both directions \Vednesday as profit
taking restrained de man d after l\VO strong
ad va nces
Shortly before the close the UPI marke'ti\1de
indicator was up 0 37 percen' on 1 60;:i issues cross
11ig the tape The re \\ere ro7 gains and 589 losse:ii
The Do'v Jones average of 30 blue chip inllus
trials \\as off 2 70 at 829 73 near the close
\'olume approached 15 000 sh<ires 'ersus more
than 19 000 shares at a comparable period Tuesday
Among the n1ost active 1ssues \\ere Sunbeam
Corp on the stre ngth of an early block of 41 1 700
shares \Vhtch changed hands at 27 in a cross trans
aclion Lum s Inc, v.h1c h moved to the big board
\Vednesday from the over the-counter m a rke t and
Gulf Oi l \\h1ch traded an earl y block of 100 000
shares at 33 3/4 \\ere ofi 1/8
Also heavily traded v.ere Xerox SCi11 Co rp ,
Good) ear and Polaroid
\1 1t h a number
hi ghe1
both "'ere moVIng 1n
poi nt plus
po1nt1ng of s\\ ingers
rails and aircraft s generally traded in
fractions and on both sides of previous sessions
Chemicals were on the weak sid e
and motors moved In small ranges
'\\hile steels,
Oils and conglomerates \\ere mLXed
P rices \\ere firm on the American Stock
change 1n bn sk t urnover
Stock Exchange List
~ ...... ' s ... , "mot
S""' PS 6.1 S<>• l•n lr.d ~"• l•n" 60 s ... 10<1 •O !>Pff V H<t1 I S~HP11
s ... "'"' "' So •ow .., So l1>11oN. I
S<iu• rD I<> Squ bbl l~
s ..... 1111e "'' S •rvMtl<O ~B •n<l l 'ill ~ I P•lnl lJ S d l(ol omo'l
S OC•I l IOb s 011111<1 , JO
S OllNJ l 10<i S GO IOfl l n\
!! P0<~1111 ... d p ..... S P•UOt'nl ..
S GP!'\>d pf 10 StonW~• I '° S •n 1v 60 S • •IT IO S oulfCh I IC
'•ch i "' S • Dru1 10 S • D p'1 J.o
S 1v1n1J 1 '° S owwo 6S S <>1<1 V1nC 1 Stok•\'C of 1 s .... w 190 S~Olll :Ill S ore<llll<•I l Stu~Wo"" I
SuW "'"'l <IO Sul)oJ.-hCO U ,.,b p "" 1 tO
SuCrn l IO Sun(nom ..
Sun 0 lb s no D!l?I Sunt>tom (1(1 Sund•! n<I to ~,,..,,,, pl) J.o
Sunoll Mn S? ~ ........ " 1 0
Su<>e<O I l '° ~.,....,~c.n '° SurvvF<1 I0'9 ~w•,. 6"•
Sw!I {o tO ~ ... 1'01 ~· " Svb onCo Ml lvno" ~7~1 SV> on Donn
l e!Bd OO
I• co Not I
l & ov "<! T1m<>1E 11
lonav Con r li>t>onCo •O
1 ... nM" JI Te1'.t on ~
T• t<l• • Tr e<!v ollJ.o •.O•n•~6 Ttno e n ~ T•nneco ll 1,.,,,., .. ~loll
To e o 1 60
Tt •EI n 40 l••G&ft •~ Tt~GI p!l ~ T••GSul •D
1 ., .. !'d b l •<••~•I ilO TtwO G• 05
Tr•P ld •51 T••U•I! I •I T~• on ~ It• n P1ll!I It~ n o •O rn oltct '° "''"''II• ! O• r~o"' "" •o Tn 1';0 •0 lmen 1'10I
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(Coodnued frorn Pag" 10)
Beach; Htidi 11 a 1111 e I" n ,.
~farianne Exner, l 5 3 5 I
Cascade I~ a n e, Huntington
Beach; Ursula f..1acQuiddy.
23882 Calle 1-logar , ~l 1ss1on
Viejo and 1ngrborg Edllh
l\Iartin, 516 1 'l'asrnan Dn\'c,
liuntington Beacl1.
ITATI' 0 , CALIFOltOllA 1'01.
M .. A""1J6
HOTl(I' 0" HEAlt tNG 01' "l:TITION
FO• "l.DIATI 01' WtLl A"'O
E1111t <rt fl.AMI( It. USl!:OOM,
°"'ulh• E". U>O<l<!m. ol U .. Counly al
O••fl9• •nd lh• Unllt<I C•ll!ornl1 ll1n~. t
corparation ol Iii• Cgyntv ot LOI An..,1t1,
••• -tt71
JUl"l!ll lOlt COUltT O" Tlf .. ........ ,.
FDlt PltOI ATI! O~ Will 111'10 FOJI "-• A+ll,. llTI1!1 1 Tl,TAMIHTAIY ... OTIC[ OF 14EAlt lHO Pl!TIT10 ... FOi
E1r.1t of EVELYN K. ~TIC~. Deco .. ,.. ~=~:..r: .. ~:.~lll A"'D LITfllli
.:INOTICI!; I! HEltEflV GIVEN Tnal E1la1 r <rl F••n~ E. Mannin•, 11.., linaw~ E I 11 Fr•nk Edw1rd M1n"ln11 Orcr1or<1. velyn M, M lier h1~ Ille<! hrreln I prll· NO•"' I' HElllEllV '"lVEN lh t 11.,,, fer ••o6•tto "' will 1n<I tor 111ve..r• ' • , " 1
of Ltltr•s TM1tmrn11..., 1~ Ptll!km.,-Cl1>r1 F, Monn•,.. nn l•le<r lltr11n • "'" r1l1r1nco la ... n1cn 10 m 1 a 1 tor IY•Tno~ 11011 to< P•OO•I• ol w•ll 1ro tor l1~11anct O!
Plrllc11+1ro, ••Kl lh•I tne llm• .,1111 place lone,• 1?1!•m•'1l~•1 to P • 111 t on • r , ~••I•. at ta11tornl• h1110 !Ole<! nereln 1 of neorlnt Int wmt "'~ llffn •e• 10, role•e<\Ce IO which Is mid• "" t"tlhl'
wlltoon tor proO.lt or .,.It! 1n<1 eodlcll -Nov...,ber 1 l96t t •·JO 1 lh P•rlic1111 ... 1nd m.11 th• !lmt 1nd Pl•c~
tor i•sY1nco ol l •1!1ro l01ta,...,,l1ry lo cotirt•eom .,,j Oe<>·.,:,.. • .;1 N:·"':i' ofn sol~ oJ h•id nir !ht '""'~ h•• l>l'•n 1•! lo• Oti
Polllloe.ero. •ll'lt •l n« 10 which I• mad•"" co11rt, 11 100 Cllllc C1r1t or 0,1;,, we,I In 31, 1969, or t ::lO •,m .. In t~t (OYl"froom cl lufll\H ponlcyllr"I. I nd lhal TM lll'nl 11111 II>• City at Slnti Anl C•lll • Dt~•rlmenl No. l ol ••IG cour!, •I 70C
Pl•c• of M•rln11 !h" ''""' I>•• bltn wt Ot!t<I Oc:t"bt' H i•&t orn••· Civic Center Ddvt Wtsl, In !hr CllV ol
CllEAT DltlTA I ~ -Ala n
Charles Gore. 171 61 Santa Jt1ta
St , Fountain Valle}: l-lor:1ce
~li!ton En1ery. 31~1 1"Jble
Itock Drive, Apt. 208. South
Laguna: ,Jean t:!len and ll u~h
Norman Nelson . 19432 Ulu<'l!'ll
Circle. llun!ing1 on B1'arh: Ann
Ackern1an. 24671 Calli• ~J Toro
t_;rande, El Tor11
tot" NOYtn'lber 1, 196', •I t :lO •.m., In tht w E sf JOHN S•nta '°'"'· C•llfo••l1,
CO<J•troom of Oeo1r1men1 No. 3 01 ••Id c.;.,niv cw.~ • 0 11e.i Oct. 7, !1169
cO<Jrl, 11 100 Civic C""!•r Orl110 Woll, In ltOS l:ltT M l'l\K ' W E. ~l JOHN,
II'" City of !>•Ml Ano, C•1llornl1. .i 1..,.,. l.•i.. Av.,,.,. tountY Clo'~
Oated Oc!ober 1,, 1%J PMMoM, Ct l ... rnt. ' WITf-N & J(1'1MIOT
W, E. ST JOHN, T•I C11JI 1'J·UJI S~!to nt CO<Jntv Cieri<, MIW"" Jl•lion1t 11n-a uilton1 WALSWOltTH S•tOl:l & CltAIM Antrn.,. fer PoOlllnt r. i,t1 Wtll<ffH Ori•• • Publl1ho<I C'.r1"90 Coa1t OtllY Pllct, 1111 WtslcUll Drl111,_ O(IOl>er ll, II n lUJ "'tw"rt llo•rh. C•lil .. fUll Now"'' 11••<11, t•~l••nl• • ' ltll·H f•I: {110 '"'·7111
Toi: 1110 )4f."41? LEGAL NOTICE All•r~n• t1r Pt1iU•111• •n4 Publllned Orange CO••r 0 111) ,.,lot.
P lllATTE AMO SUCl(ltNO SU"l!Jl1Dlt COUIT 0 1' lMl Octo1>er t , 10. 16. lt6t 111J-ft Also lrorn (il1E/l'r nHT -
TA JN : 1'.tarjOl"ll' A)•l1ng . IR:IY
\Vallaee A1e .. Costo.1 r.1<·s:i:
1644 ¥1'11">1'"" l ..,llllt td, 5f ATI! 01' CAl tFOll ... IA 1'01. LEGAL NOTICE
E lizabeth Jant•t Bra nd. 11.1.\!I
1'1oming Glory A1•e. Fou11t<11n
Valley .1nd J :i mCs Uuugh1s
.J ardine, 9580 C;i rd1n:1I Ave,
HUNGAHY -Andrf'11 Uohll ,
s;:ll Balsa Ai r .. !\lid"ay Cily.
lf{ELAND -l\icr:in l'atnl"k
Gru\.\·n. 1387 .~lonro1·1o.1 , 1\pt J,
t:o~ta l\1esa.
ITALY -t:10\':inn1 F;1 1io .
1767 !\lonnJ1'1a Ail'. Co~l<I
.IAPAN -ll 1tkk11 J'l11 rr~.
1 l9fH (.;!0~1111;1 AVl', f Oll lll:1111
1\lE.XICO -Fr ;1rlri s 1· o
f':~plnoza ~anchez, 2 3 :1 o. O
'\'histler, El Toro. Jose Luis
J\loralcs To r re s. 2474Z
Liul~iH~J Co11tiu.e11ts
\1ner1c.:H11 Trlephonc and 'l'clcgraph·s c;abl c ship,
l.ong-LttH.'!'i. 1~ laying cable lron1 the (•dge o1 the
<:on!1nental Shell 95 n11J es of! Jl hode Island coas t
to the edge of th e shell off .San f 'ernando, Spain.
A!Jcnl'.'ood, El Toro. Nicholas-------------------------
Sanchez, 24953 \Vhistler Dr.,
El Toro, Augustin Esp11mz;1
Pon~. 16616 Lassen St.. Fou n-
'ain Valley
Jacob l-larunankuk. I 7 0 9
<;isler A\·e.. Costa "'les.1;
Daniel En1an11cl Andoctot·.
!8!Hl Dcla11·are A\•e., Apl. 6.
llllnlington Hcach and Jozel
Theodorus !\laria \Yerkho1·cn1
3067 Platte Dri1·e. Cos1:1 t-.1esa.
Dolores Hoinero \\'ard. 980
Go1·ernor. Costa l\lcsa.
YUGOSLAVIA -Ca th erine
l\l;.tievich. ~51 l\t ri r s ha\ I
Dri\c, llun1in g1n11 B ca c 11 ;
Ante Bezi(', 209 1; 35th SL.,
!\ewporl Beach.
Gyn1 s Ope11
Publi<· Fol'
Four b.) ins 111 \rwporl
(l:e3ch schools 11 ill be open f1ir
public recrral1on du r 1 n g
11erknight and 11 ec!.:l'nd hour~
under a ;01nl progr:im beg\Jn
!lu~ "'eek by the city rl'l.:r!'a-
11on department and the
!\ewport-l\1esa lniflcd S<:hool
Cyms at Ne11 port l larbor
:ind Cortina dc l l\1nr high
:.chools and al J!orrit e 1::ns1g11
and Abraha111 Lincoln
!<:rmediate 5th0<1ls will
open for ac11r1\1es i11tllld1n:::
basketball, IJ;jdn11nton ;11nl
1 olleybalL
Scherlull's !ur 1hc 11 (sh l
prograrns fire as
\C'\1port l!:irbor lhgh g)lll
;>,\onday and \\"ednes.Jay nights
rro1n i to !I 30 p 1n. · Corona
<Ir ! ;\!.'.Ir High 5111ne hour '
Tuesday-Thursday nig!1!.'>.
Both high :-ict1ool~ "')II 01)1·11
S;11urdays from ! lo 4 pin.
Both 1nlcr1ned 1~1 le :i.Lhr.,1\
i::: JTI5 11 111 np('1\ T1J('~d3} :11111
Tuesday n1ght5 frn1n i to 9 :111
p 111
All progr,1n1 • 11 111 Uc
supervised by r c r. r c a 1 ion
dcparlmcnL s1a1r. Small 1cl'S
arc reqtJ1red ror some SJ>Orl s
progra rns.
Specilir info rn1;itinn about
thr fees or sporls prograrns 1.~
;11·;11lablc th rough the Depar1-
n1cnt of Parks. Be~ches and
nccrea tion al 67J-Jl80.
N eiv SLttellite Device
]',> W ur11 of W ecither
\\"1\S lfL"\(;TO~t 1\P--1· -A 11~·11 de\"1C'c aho;~d¥e l\1mbus
Ill satellite should gi\'e U.S.
t1t 1lL'flS n1ore precise ;ind
1.·1ornprrhe11 s1ve "'arnings 1hls
11 inter \\lien stverc \1'e<i lher 1s
Thi.' 91-p<.iund dc1•ice. called
!'ii Ii.~ -fllr S<itell1 te infl'arcd
:-(X'ciro111rter -\1·as arnong
J1lstrun1e11ls ~cnl 1nlo orl11t
;itJoa rd Lhc l\11nbus Jll last
Aprll tt
It rnc::is urcs lh:.> infrared
t·ncrgy put oul by !he a!·
n1ospberc !o prn1·idt• d::ita ff1r
a l('!ll pt;raturc pro fil t•.
SIHS 11 :1s intrnd('(! :is a
l"l':.carch ;1111! de\t•lt1pme1\I C1.·
p1·r1Jlll'n\. bul it II.JS )(l suc-
<'l'S.~h ll 11 1~ b1•1ng ust•d opera·
tion;illy , said Dr. [·t.1rr}' l'n':-s,
l\11nbl1s Ill prOJl'et n1anagcr
ltJr NAS1\.
'l'hl' tlt•vicr g;.th1•r". in·
F·u·rna1ion uurn1.'.lll,1 ohtainl'd
1l1rt1UJ.:h U~t: or 11 e .1th r r
l1allouns or i n" L r 11 tn e n L
packH~l'" tJITll'd a!uft by
rock rt~.
AlrC'ady SI RS -).;atht'rl'd 1lat:i
11;1<; rc.:ilil H'<l 111 11nprovrrl
11edtl1L·r f(•purlS lrun1 lhf: 11;i;;t
ocean areas and other remote
i>Cctors -about 80 percent of
lh:;o carU1's surface -"'here
liallour1 sound111g data is cx-
lrrrncly rare. Press said.
\\'rather satellites have been
providing daily pictures of the
1·:1rlh's cloud tilver sioce early
J!l!i6, bul 1he photographs have
not provided needed c1uan-
t1tntive in forn1ation on
tcn1peraturc1 huntldity and
11 rnd.
Dr. J ack Tn"Tlsend or the
Co n1 1n c r c e J)('partmcnl's
Env1ronmentri l Science
Ser\'J(·es Adn1ini.stration said
:-;JJl S wa s ··a real
hrcakthrough. onl' of the inosl
:.1gn1t1eant del'f'lop1nents in
111•'\l'orulogy in reccnl tin1es.'1
... rhc wcn the r th;it will af·
lr!'I us 111 the United States
luur 11r !11·c days fron1 no1v is
tirc"'Ul!( over Canada. Alaska
O\tld the !\orlh p a l' l f I(", ' '
To"·nsl'nd ~a id ,
"11 11 moves in very fa st. the
1·hangt's noted lro1n swiftl y-
ro1np1!ed satellite data "·ill be
tnaking a real <:onlribtJl ion to
1111provr.n1en t of 11· ca L her
foreccist1 ng.·•
Cur1J et Pad Pla1it
l1i lrvi1ie Co11ip'lex
l 'al110;1n1 Gurpur;i\11111 11 I
A111r1•1c;_1 hri <> pur1·h:i~rd :i 4tl·
:i~·rr 'lt " 111 Hie 1 r \ ' n r
l 11tJ11~1nal C11111ple\ 01111h1rh 1t
pl:u1s to l'nnslrut 1 a 2·18.000·
~ q u ar-c-11)(1[ n1a11uf.'.U 'lun11~
plant ;ind riflice. l'h1 l1 p J .
l.q11 ry. C':ihfo:un prcs1tk·nt.
11;1~ anno1111tt·il_
1'al110Jn1, :1 d11 ls1on of
\lu]);1 1' t 'hrn11eal <'11.
I' 111 i.l.Jur~h. n1an11taeturr~
1l1 •\1ble 11rl!tha11f' f(1r11n fo r
r;'1rpt•\ p11dd111g, 1nn!1 rf'Slir.;.
IL1 !"!111ure ;ind ll1c autnrno111r·
11H.lus1ry . Forrnt•d 111 l!JGU. 11 is
prr~e ntly IOC <llrd 111 ('on1plon.
'J'ok)·o (;1·c_.,f i11 ~
TOKYO 1,,\P)-The world ·s
b1ggcsl ('ii)' had 11.447.108
residents ;u; or Stpt. 1. a drop
01 8.268 111 one month. tllf'
1n c l r o polJL.in go\'(•rnrnent
The Cah1oarn fac ilit y vdll in·
('Jude a twn-storv office
build1n1; 11·1th 13.-000 square
ff'C1 anrf ~t n1anufacturing
l.Ju1 ldini.: \\"llh 23;).000 sqllare
h.'<'t. T110 hundred 11·1!1 be
l ,1 An11 ,.tro11g
Pla11 C' Bought
Tl-:\\'l\SRL"ll Y. ~1a5s. (UPJ )
L&o A ..... C•llr..nit TMI cou ... TY OF OltAMOI T•I: Ulll 'U-l1.. D·»417
AllV""• i.r P1!iU•Mt1 SUMMONI Publlll>rd Orong• C011! Otll>' Pltol, DO ROTHY E. CAPLAN P l•lnlitt V~.
Octol><!r U, 11, Jl, 1969 1'll·•' HO'.VARD CAPL ... N Delo11111n1.
P llO~El.TY AT Pl.IVAT l SA Li
CllLIFORNlll to tilt •00111 n •m t d Oo·
l•llll•M :
You ••• htreb• ol,.Cle<! to hi• 1 .,.,,l!!n •l~•dlnt In rrwcnv to Thi ve•illt<I corn·
Plelnt of If\• tbove n•mod plalnllll wllM ......... ~Ill
In 1n1 SYoe•iOf C~rl of lht Sii i•
(.alifo•nl•. In 1na lo• Ill• Coynfr
01 the cle•k ot ,...., 1boor •nlltlr d court In
01 the al><ivo entl!il'd 1c1lon b•ou9nr •~ain<I
YOY In ••ld '°""· .. r1nln TEN a ••• •rt•• tM •Mvlce an YOll (If fhll •ummo .... 11
••rve<r within tht •llove ntml'<I countv, ar
... 11nr n lHIRlY <laYI if ~erYf!d •I••"'""'''·
You t re hH~ notllle<r lhtl unle<> •O<I
In th• man•, 01 !~ .. IO•••t• ol t.EStlE
ROl!FRT fl lllll<\ "'<• l , RO&EAT
6 1.lllll<S •~• ROfl EllT 8URKS, 01·
···~•d. Nollce i• htrobv oi••• lhal !ho yn-der•lgntd wl+ sell ot P•l••I• t•I•, 10 !h1 hl~ht.•• •nd b••I bl<ldor. •~bl•<I lo con·
lirmalicn of ••id Su~erlor COYr!, on Of
41te• Int ;01n d•• of Oot , 196' al th• o!-
•ic• ol CULVER ""N &UREN. 30! E••• Ol>v1 Av•nuo, Sul!e :roo, flYtb.'!n~. Cn~nty
O! LOS AM•I•" S!4!t of (olifornl1. •II !ht.
rlgnl, 1111• •nd In!.,.,! ol 11la <l•ctUt<I
at lh• llmt 01 d~atn 1na •11 Th• right, !Ille
ind !ntert ll rn&t 1ne e•lalt ol i •I <I
Jecra~rd "•• •<:~tJlr•d bv oo.,alion of low or o!h•rw1:.•. o!h" th•~ or In •dGlllon to
thal of said Gec•••e<I, 11 mo limo of ()eotl>, In •nd !o ell !n• cerlatn rr1I oro-
Ptdv ''lo•tt 1n !he ca·, ol tlur1!l nv1on
S~•ch, Ccunty ot Or1nge. Shi• ol
C•lilornlt , 1>•"icul1rly d••Crlbed •• !cl10,v•, lo·•Hlt: A Cor><lominlum in Trecl< !16~ •nd
5!ol l "d 1• ""' tnl!G ~e<ord..:I In book
JU , Pf9"' 31 to "6 inc!uo!ve. ••.d In
1 rarh s1i.. and S!5S •• per m10 ,.,.
corGtd in bock ]IS. P•9H I lo \(I
intlu>iVt. o! m1PS. ol th• (O<JnlY R.,.
cord~f of •aid CounlY, comp•l•ed of:
P.f,llCEl l: Un il No. 11 In T•act
U61 11111 •n• (pallo t.olC<>hYI ..O!•C.,,t
•o Ill• 1 .,.rl!ltn rnP<ln1lvt ptea<1lng, 'alo
Plt lnlllt w!lt 11~1 lu<lgm•nl lo• tnv mnf>•• or d1m19ts d•m•nd..:I In !ht Ytrl!led
Cl>mPllln! •• 1•l•l~g upon conl•ot1, or will
epply "' Th• (DY'' "" ... , other rtlie! dem ftn<l..:I In I~• Yod ll•<I rompl~lul,
VOIJ "''" •••~ lht •G11lce ol an t l1orn•Y o~ •nY mftlter C°"'1tc!e<I with I~• ccm-
pl•lnT pr r ~ I' •ummon1. Such ollOl~•v •~oold be consul!•<! wllhln 1n~ !Tme t>mit
•!1ted In !his !Ummon• to• !Hint a wr<11en pl,,..dlng to lht compl1ln1.
O.ie<r Seo!. 2~. 1969
W l'. ~T JOHtJ, Clodt
6y Elltrn E. Solem
Droutv (!"'~ WElPUTT & OKAZAKI
615 C!vl< C1n1.,. Drlw• .,..,.,t
Sult1 215
S1n!1 An•. Coli!. tl/11
!1Ul !H·U5'
All•fl'lt ,1 far Pl1intltf
PYl>ll•he<I N•VIPo•t Hffbor tltw• P .. ;s
combine<! .,Ith 0~11~ Piiot, N~"'"PC•I
6e•ch, Ctlltorni1, Dcltll:tr 16, }J, )0 •1111
Nov•mbe• o. 1'6' ltll·6'
th•,.!o "' •ho"'n on ·•lid m~P•. 1----------------
P,.,~CEl 2: An ur>d1vi<1od 1/?'11111 In· !•••-' •n common In '"" lo l<>I 1 ol
l '•ct SW. lot 1 cl lr•ct 116!, ••
P9f m•P rcc,,.dod In boo~ ,1 •. P•O•• n to 06 ioc1uslue of maP• ol I~• Coun-
IY ll•tC•O•r or ••Id COYnlV, and Loi '
ol Tr1d S!i.. and Lot 1 o! l••C'I SSS5, •< i>e• m~P ••co•d..:I In hollll JIS, P•11·
~' I ta IO lnclu1ivt of M•o• ol l h•
Coun!Y Rec.,rder ol ••Id countv. t!I· ce~l1n1 and rt•trvint lrom i1id lolS
.i1 olher tJnih ollllllod llle-n. mo ro
commor1l 1 kno"'" •!:
16016 Marin•r Drove. l4 unlin1ton
ll<ocn. Call""'"'"· T.rm• ot <ale ca•h ln lawful monev cl
lh• Unll•d St•I" on conlirmallon ol •II~.
er P$rl ca1h 1n<1 baltnce e11lnenct<1 by
nolO >•Co red b~ Morloagr or l ryst Oe•d
or> int p•oPet!v 10 sold_ Ton Prr cenr of
amount bid lo ~ d•Po1lteo with 11;d.
lllO• or of!•" 1o ""' In w•lllM and will be recrl••d 1! the 1fo,~1•ld ofnco •I any
tlm• .r1 .. m • !ir>t publlc1r1on nereof 1nd
b<!'ore d•t• o! ul•.
01!ed t1>ls Jn<1 aay cf Oc!ob!!" l'6J.
(orolr "'"" (hufo
Aomlni<lrat"' cf lh•
r.ia•• ot le•I'• Ro1>rr! Bu•~•.
•I<, d~C~~srd
THE UNDERSIGNED doe.> f\~,.bv cor111v !~ft, Mtec!lve Dclobtr 15, lt6• ~·
c•a•ed lo Go bY•lntH Yndt• lh• ll<:tlt;o"'
llrm n1me (If RALPHS FUllNITUllE ti
1911 N•WPP•I, CO•I• M~4. California, .,.h,.~ l>YslnP" "'•• to•m•d• comgo,.<1 ot
11\e !Ollowlng "'"""'· .,.!'>Ost ~•mt !n IYll
11\d Pl•>• of ttSiden<t l5 •I follC ..... : tO· wit;
R 1 lp~ Fr~nei, M•rtln. ~,, 01hl01,
Coron~ dtl Mor, C•lil,
C•rllrk~t~ to• iran•actlon <!I bu•ln•"
Yndf:!' 1110 above fldlliou1 """'"• and al· fld•11lt ol publlr•!lon 11\oreot, i re en lilo
In t~• clflu. f1f 1ht toYnlv c let~ of
0.-l n•• COIJn!Y, Ynclrr thP pr0Yl•lon1 01
Srcllon 1'66 OI lh• Clvll Coat .
WITNESS "'' hll"d this 151~ n1v DI Oc!otitr. 1'ff.
Rolph F. M1r1in
PuDll >he<! Orange (N S! o.i11v P•lot,
October U. 2l. :JO 1nd l\lcv•mb<' 6.
1•~• lf:l.'-69
\Veek ~10011 Flight?
Sc ientist Prec.licLs 6 Trunsfers , Too
CLOL:OCROF'T. N !'vi. 11\f')
moon? ' !rip to 1he
1f Dr. l\raflt A. J-:hri cke is
l'orrecl, it 's going to involve
si~ space ships and someth ing
like seven days of your ti rn e.
And don'' forge! to keep :in
eye on your baggage dur ing
lhose transfers.
Dr. Ehricke, chief scienlific
a(tviser for advanced pro-
grams al North An1erican
RoclJwel\, outlined his moon
travel plan Monday lo thl'
International Academy u r
Astronautics. which is holding
an 1nternalional o r b 1 t 1 n i;
laboratory ;ind spa ce con-
A typical flight to lhc rnoor1
:i s E:hricke envisions It "'Ollld
bri;in at an earth spaceport
~uch as Cape Kennedy. Thcr(',
Ji c r11f1 would rocket traveler.'>
l!I II rcnllClVOUS \1'11h 1111
orb1l111g space ii\;111un.
The tr ;11'elcrs. and hopefully
1he1 r lugguge. \1·ou!d take a
short ride by :;pate taxi 10 t he
s1a t1011.
The station v:ould be a giant
cralL boosted into space by ;i
nuclear rockel engine .ind
crllising endlessly on a 13-day,
egg-shaped orbll. p a ss ing
hl'hind the moon and then
returning to s"'ttp around !he
('art11 and bar k lo the moon
The. lunar tra\'c kor~ \\'Ou\d
relax 1n lnrJ;C 1 rorn fortahlr
<JUartcrs ;iboard !he station for
1he flight to the vi,.inity of lhl!
n1oon . Thcrt". another tiny 1;:1;111
11·ould !rave ;i sparccraft
orbiting the moon and rcn·
tlezvot1s with the 1n a1n :;tnuon,
Pa :-scn~cl'S \11)ul d l r;in~lcr
lo Ilic lflxi ror a shurt lrqJ to
tl'tc 1noon orb11 ing l'r111t. rro1n
the re. they \\Ou ld ca h.:h a lligl)t
MISS ION al lne Ci!v Htll. n F•lr
Ori••· (O•T• Mos•, (1!ilo•ni1. al 1·)0
p.m. O<" •• •OOn •• .,.,.1ible tn.,••t!•r on Monaav. Oc!"""r 11 •• ,.,, •t'llfOint
The 1ou.,..,1M opot!cauon•
I. I.t i•.._ "•l1lltfo N•. ll·U·''' lot" Cosl1
MMI PlftnnlM C<>mml•SiOf!, 11 Fair Or ' C<><•• M...,1, C•lll,, tor prrmi.•.ton Ip
re1on• P'OOOtl>' de•c•lbrd in '"" peto!l<;n
a...i loca1e<r M both ••O•• al V•ll••
llo•d ~POto~lm•••IY .OOC I! !•om lh•
<•nlorlln• of Vlcior•• 5"'"'· Cc•!• fl·•••• C•ll!,, Jrom Ml lo RI 2. !•e<ilk l'lan /or Slrtth A, •· I C and realignment Cf Suntlowor Av•nv•:
lo<:•••a 'IOI/In of •o1acArl1>&1 (f1lbf'rt1
P.v•nu• l>•IW••n l'•rl><lr elva. •nd rne
~an<o A.no llivrr m !ht (;!y Of Co•t1 M•s•. C•tilorni• J. Ptrmiulo• 10 voc1te, di1Conl1nu1,
1b1n4on an• •tiall"• Tht !ollowlot r llth~
o! "'""1· r•<•PI for •nv •Vbllc or Prlv•lt
~•••m""'~ !or ulill!Y Puroo<e< which mov bt OI rrcor<I: ll>o•~ Portion• 01
tl•.,.~pe JIO•d •nd Hun!lln~.r AvfnYe
a, <l<''<'.•lt:..d ln tne pro1><><ed '""I"'""'
tl!lta ot>anctonmenl cf N•whop• llo•d
""" pon;on o! tlunl/Tn~•• A11fnye,
localrd nor!h or !he San 01~~0 FrefW~•
bttw••n 11ubor Blvd. and tne ~anta
An~ llh'"" In mt C>it ot CO•la Mt••· C~lllo•nl1,
4. Zor.t E~c ... tl1<1 P1r111il No. ZE·ll·H,
ccrre<tl'<I '"' Soillrr lnvuimtnl Co.,
16•9 Y<•••cli!f O•.. Ntwoort llt•ch, ca1;1.. ,,,.. permi"i<l" to construe! 40
rn 14<'nli•t ynlls o" Slo,~1!'11 •Q. II. ol
Ian<! •••a {ont uni! Prt 1•11 '" II.I •1111
To 00tm•t o frortt yara •nc•o•ch,,,.nl ol in n. inlo •t <1Yi•t<1 SlJ II, ~.inarw trom
tnt <Ml~rline (If Elden AV!OV• to•
d~•acto"'<I ga,~q• ot•uclu<•\O ~nd '"'"It. •Id• Yar<I •ttl>a(lt on two •lots !or a
ga"l!Je •l•vdu'e Wiln aparlm•nl• above
1n F>1 atod Cl '"""' t1n '"ooe•!Y !D<;~l..O
a1 2313, 1ll9 Ela•n A~rnuo •"" !ht ••••
c! ?l2~ N<'wPotl fllvo.. Co~•• Mtsl ,
1. lo~ E•c..,tlo" ••rmil "'•· IE·IOll•lf, cQ.,•ctta, for H•rrv J. 11111•, l15 E.. 1J,<I St , Cos!a Mt;a. Calil, lo•
Pt.,mi•slon lo co<wt n • porhon nl i•
••lsTln9 acc••~O'll ~ull<ll"llt m•o •
bach~lor eoaflmpn! m•~inq .7 ~n!t,. ~"
61'1la JQ. •!. ol l~nd a•r• 11 unit prr l •IQ '"·ti.) in ~n 111 1 1one; and ro •llow I ll
11 e<K•o"rh,n•n• lnlo !ht rf<llur~a il ot,
r.~r var<! •••O•c•· and !o ftllow en •~·
si<ling 1-car """'9• I• l1tu D! &n od·
d•olon•I 1·<•' ~A••<1• andlO• '"'"" p~rlf,lnq •<>•ct• pn prop.,lv loca<rd al 1lS E.
?lr<I SI .. Co,la Mt.Sa, C:~\ltorni~,
fa• lurth•• Jn!o"na!10<> nn th• •llOV•
oo~lic!!lnn•, !e•oPhont 13.1-11'5 or t•ll •1
!hr ofli<:~ o! th• P 11nnl~g Oto•rtm•nl, 111 _,, 20G, 17 F1ir Dr ive. Co5!1 Mt~•·
Ce+llor•••, COSl A !tESA
•l•jl~ l<t~or, Chaltm•n
\'Jdllo"' L. Ounn.
S•cr•ra•Y """ o ;rcc•or oi Planning
Publi•n•o C-•n~• Co•~I 0•1I¥ P110•.
O<t~b•r 16, !969 19Jl·6i
p.J .. tl
~tC flT!OUS "'lo.ME
l~• ~~•••>·G~~ do c•"•'v •h• !1 co~
n.i<tl~t • Du""~" ~t P O !lo• No 1.1.
t~'""" d•l M~r. Calilo•n>•, '""''' 1~~ he "'•!'V> ,,..,,., "~"'" ~1 111£ 1111:'.ME ~>10 CONCEPT COMPANY ~na lh•t 11•~ 1 •m
\• <OmOC!ed ol •~• •0111>""'"~ pe«on,
.. ~~•· n~mt on lyll and ~l•c• ol rt~•d•"t• ........... , MllS MAP ION ,.
General 1000
llr11'·~ a b<'autiful ·I BD·
H.\I, :.! ha!h hor"l)r lhill 1.<1
1n1lll:H"Ulll<'! :\lany (•UlC
dt•t'Ornror 1<1l·a.~ .. ~11ac1uns
sutg!I' slOI'}' floor pl .in
<tnd t·lc\'~l' r e tt r ~anl
hls,·p1ng. Nut ilVail. UIUtl
Nov. Mi pl<-n!y of ti11111-10
..ell yuur /LOU!;(': but SPr
lhls on1• today_ Offet\•d
at S.'.l l,9:;(). 131 ~•; ]o:ln
availa hJ,. 111th substant·
HLl 1!011n1.
"1' 'i\' . .,.. i . .-sn 'r~( .ri~ ,1 ni
546-5990 .
Priced Reduced
l\"F..\H. l\'E\\l.()cauli ful Fou11-
1uin V;tllcy ho111r. 011·11cr
sa~'s, "'.\Jy !().~!' 1.~ your
.i:;aii1 ." :: 1Jd1'n1s :! bath~, nr1v
U[>14l'adcft ('111'/;('IS & dr;ip-
l'l"ll'S 11\rou:;:huul. Co111<-r
lo! -boal arra. Pri<·cd al
~~1.jOO, h11t Jr!'~ try $'.!9.'."i!O.
l.ti'v do"·n 10 J;trge loan.
i\'E\V -Nl~\V • l\'l::W.
{M~r crntmit ll'Ghtl
1500 Ada"6 at H~rbol.CM.
If ~·ou 11·:1n1 pr11·11cy & yl't
('IVS•' to Sl'IKJvls t.· ~11op11ln:.:.
11·r havr a J;i q.:c & bcautllul
E.-:1·,·u111 ;• !yp.• tio1ne 1vi1h
•I bJi·n1s :!'" brttl\s, l,1.-ge lil'-
lllg 1·0.in1 01·crlovk1ng a t1l'a!-
rd ,I,-f1ltcrcd !lf~•l. ,\~.,u 111c
a 5 1 ,r;, Jo.in. C.111 tuduy 10
;!l!).5160 t~l'CS. :,.1;-,.49-ll
BltAi\D N~:\V 110.\IJ·: lN
l!UNT Jr\CTON B t; AC 11 .
1\"ILL !'ELI.. FOR S:::-lO(I
[JO\I":>.'. f l'LI, PRICE
l :'\UF:J'~ s:;j,{1,k"I \J 0 \" ~;
I.\ QU!ll\~ C.\LL :i 1G-Ml,
l::Vt:S. tilt;...J2!L
Perfect Plan
Cu~lOtll 1lr~1~11rd l•y
\\',,lls -fhl'll1r..-t in to
~1'CUQ11 S.· 1·h1l1Jren·s win;.
C.:<>tllf)l1'h 'tl Ja~t 11 rf'I-. -:1.1-ail-
;ililr no"' S!OlOOO. P.oy .J.
\\"<1rd I L;Q j ;aJaxy !JI'.
ldG· L1Jfl
.~ Bl~. ~ h;i, I! )J'S" )nun:,;.
1\r:ir orra 11 ,
Orily S~-'.~· Jn•; n 1.11·11.
6:i00 \\',Cr.a~! Ji11y ,. N.ll,
• .548-1290 •
.~ nr: ~ b.ilh Jv>n1r , C:(Jl'll"l"
i-.1 130x1SO • a tid '.I rtlOl'C
1u111s U1·11·p lly l~>IJ Sai11a
1\11:1 /\v,·. then, ;ill
'iilnnin iRralty
h !~-t;;o(;o
J J3f~ :: l\A, lan11ly 1·111, T•ro!
r!e1,1r. l' ! yr olrl-x lnt ronrt.
S32.j()O. 123S2 Fleet Ln, lJB,
fh1·nl'r Ii 16-•l"f.!~
General 1000
Mission Vieio Are•
Salesmen/ Sa leswom1"
ino 1•sp<'rienl.'.e nee,)
Call John Stonis
Gfl\l'i(f 1·ornC'r lo! ne\1 It!
DrpL uf i\lo1o r \'c hi('!rs,
s:.:~D pol'l int'tlm <'. \\"ill trade
fur 4 lo fl unit~.
REALTY COMPANY * 642-1771 Anytime*
L'!>rd lJt'ick • di<11nond pan"l
111nJu11·s • ~hake roof • kirl4
11,..y sh.1{1<'11 Pf)JI • Ol'1t'nlr<I
111 •JUHJo,w ]ll u1i:: .t· r:isy
111a111trnn11i'r. :: lxlr111s. I·'•
h:i111~. s.·11 ,:100 .
~~:'.,~'.~d~~~,"~,. ~
642-5200 ~--
lo! Rf'fd :-h:1rp :.! ER t ba11\
J;'\C0.\11:: UNITS .. Ne. 11• I y
paul\l'd, bit-in 01·rn & ra n;::-
''"• 1·p1~ drr~. ("!11•po1•t park-
111i:: Wu11rl1-y 1'00111 l'\l rA
!fll'H!lll' -J;l'O~-~ s1:::.ooo. jll"LClt
Fulle r Rii y. 546-0814
I~ t llC' 11ut\I for !his ] Br.
bt'.11'h h1t)llf'. $.~!1.~,CO
George Will iamson
r.E ,\LTOr.
::--.\,\UPll~l.I'. house Palin
IJCSl'l'f, air . 1..'tl111 plr1t•ly
fnrr1. '.! Br. c·onvl. drn, 113,1,
pooL puit1n;.; i-~l'C'l'n. Pnce
S'.:11.LOO; 6',• lo<in. 6i:;.9311 or
1;;~ .... 0:\:0(1.
R 1·111;:: rnoncy _ h11y tlC'aU!. J
Br 2 b:i. Ea~11iiur1 hon1c,
C1111rl. l"..:•tl<:t' t11a11 11('11·. f in.
cr\·;111. s::9.5<rt
Ilf:ALTOR,c; 67~1f..{iZ
::P'.:6 E. C'na~t llll"y, Cd:'l1
JI,\ \"I·: hu~crs, r\rcd arl-
•l111u11ul prupC'l'ly to srll.
f''RANI\ :'<l ARS HAI..
1: .. :,\LTY 41~1 ::.01h SI. 510 \V.
B.~lbna 67: ..... irro.
IT IS • • •
For Fast Se rvi ce &
Expert Assistance
TiutrsO'ay, l!lclo~r 16. !%CJ DAILY Pn trT U '
Genera l 1000 Gener•I 1000 General 1000 Cott• M•sa 1100 Huntington &eac.h 1400 Huntington Be•ch 1400 Fountain Vall~~ _D_•_n_•_P:.•:.l.c•.:.• ___ 1::7.:.:30 Houses Unfuml s1hed
1 -~~~~~~~:
3 Bedroom
$1 7,950
Li;in:..1~ fc'Jr a h111-ga1n ! \1:r11
h.-r~ it .::;. ~umab!, G":,
f1rianc111i: \\ ilh a tut .. ! pay-
111cnt 1nclud1n,t la..'111 tJUr-
l'hast-nf :inly $129 per month.
:; Bright bl..,.lnxnn!, au f'l .. c·
1iir: built • 111 kitchrn, h1g
fenL-al yard. 2 <:;lr garo:1gt.'.
Convenirnt w i;chools and
shopp1n;;:. Creal blartrr
"For A \\'1se Buy"
Colesworthy & Co.
"\.\lPl::CCt'illLE Tl!fiOUGl!-
OUT '' dc!'icrillcs 1h1s sharp
1-:Pn Koll ho1nr. :! fi1 ·11plal'"S,
:I king sizf'd llill'in~ & 11u<U·
Uy gold 1·al'JJC'li11g.
f'"'OP.. THE f!RSl' Tll\IE!
Locatrd on l!\c occa11 side
of the Coast High11·ay in
hoon1 ing D.:ina. Poi nt, this
J!l unit n101r l CQUld De the
"JNN" place !or you. Th e
rK'1v brrakwatf;'r <ind illarlna
arl' ~non ln he ("un1plerrrt
and this Jll'Qgl'(JSSiVI' I'll)' ll'ill
I)(' on irs ll'aY. U )\ has 20:1'
frontage, Sa le pnccd ;it
Sl;x),OCO. Tern1s arr flexible.
F . .\C:r~ .~-FIGUR~:s.
Red Carpet Rea lty
~O?.·i \\'. Baltxx1. NB fii5-6000
z.1 1:: E. Coast, Cd.\t 6j:...6060
Travrls fa~1 ~o hurry~ As·
~un1e 527,000, j•~·, loan,
alonR "t!h rulossal BDR'.s, 3
large b..1ths, fonnal d ining
roon1 and i)anclcd den 11•11h
!ircplar(' EntC"rtaln around
lSx.10 hP'r.t<'(I , lll!ercd POOL
For app0intml'nt to SCt', call
Dan Loe
5411-11 l l
1'rim ::: bcdnxrn in 11•antC"d
t.lnritlf'rs Schoo! District
I lan:ll1•oorl Ooors. hrirll fire-
pla('t', large yard \\'1Ll1 fr;ut
lrf'es calo1'f'. 5<!8.~ ·A rare
finr l.
546-2313 • 646·7171
i ffC:I ! ' DO\\'~ PA ·y~t.E;>.'TS
MENTS. Buy undC'I" VA or
!".Ii.A. TEfu\lS. Thrtt lx'J.
roo1n,, ~ baths, Ia1ully
roon1, d1n:r.g area. ard built-
i:1 kilchi::i. Sp;u.:ious r~ar
living room with fu'f'plat:e.
Carpel('d and dr.lpetl. La1-:gc
COVC'red patio, Jenced yard
a 11d 11•cll Jan1lscap('d front
and rear. P RICED TO Sl'.;LL
AT ONLY $23,~. The up-
1waisal in at Full -Price.
\\'(··rr ready to go • ACT
BEACH $26,500
'!'!!ts is a sharp, ~harp bea<'h
hous~. t11'0 airium patios,
bi~ ~l~nlS and IV.'O 00.ths,
orily -.uc ytXU'S old with uie
ri'O"I unl:w>l ievt1li!<> t ~ r Ill $
you've ever heard of. The
QWrJ(;r is vf'ry anxious a1)d
will carry the financing, sub-
1nit dQwn payn1rnt tha1 will
suit your budget and sleep
to Uic sound ol the surf.
Absc>lutely pcrle<:t 4 lart"
bdrms, den, 1ormal duung
roon1, 3 baths & hug~·
nmslcr lxlr1n. Profr.ssiona.l
landscttping for 1r1inin,un1
upkeep, large ]l\.'C 40' II & f'
pwl Jes i~ne d lor
c:hllcl-salcty. J\l~t popult1r
mocle l on cul--dr-sac sll'CcL
New homes. ready to move in . 2 to s bed·
rooms, :! lo 3 baths. 1Ai mile fron1 beach. First
paymen t up to 60 days a fter move 10.
VA/FHA T•rms. From $23,990
The Beach
(on Brookhurst I m ile South of Adams)
\'11.c-an t, d irty, bea! up, 3 BR
2 Mth, ~ year old home.
Bullt-in range, ovPn, f<lmull
ili11ini; roo1h, large living
room \\1th fireplace. $71,500
• your tt>nns.
Seal Beach 14SO
5\~?'., loan can be assumed.
Bes! fnr the pritf' of $~8/}j4.J.
Call Herit:ige Real Estate
5-10-lLil (open eves). l'!!!!ll!!! 962. 1353 "!!!!ll!!!!!!ll~ OCEAN VIE\Y, like new, va.-
;:; 1;11111, 3 Br. 2 Ba. 80x105 lo!.
..,,,..,,,, ...... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'I E._•_•t_b_I u_1_1 ___ _;1 2'-'42 L i do 1 s I• * $20,590 _-3 bdrn1 Y~do~1 ~y O\\'NER-2 1., ul I 'l
1351 =1~4='·="'°~·=0=w='~='=·=53=1=-4='39='°==
homC". Nice scref'ncd p,."l.!io . n ( -
off kitchcri . Dig fenced yr.-.1 . Bedroom, 2 b.1111. split lcl'cl,
HIGH $lj,OQO, 5~; ~ .. f"!IA <'al'IK'1C'd, l1rr·11Jacf',. auto
LOAN YOU CAN A~lJ:'l!E. j:!a.I"a/,;C doot'. N ~. ICIH\JS 1·!uh
l l,'I 1 \udes all Lo v ,I',: niarkeL 1 rr111s Ollf'rl, ~mo nc • ~ "U 500 611 -~9 · \1131 low down-0" ne1· 11·i!I ca11-v ~ · · -.i 01
1\>o Fine E.'>C"Cutive l lon1es Weltmln1ter 1612
Bo!h :.! Storirs
Co1h •1·1th lormal dining
Both "'it h family room
Prire!I in lowC"r SSO M's
:;377 \11;i Lidri 673-r,,oo
Horses are Allowed!
'1 rild homt's on bii; lo!
Any terms al all hC'r~.
* County of Orang•
Aueuon Oc-t . 3cth, J969
l.JlUl A111f)(>r Lantern, P..-2
~ Room l Bath. Open House
().:t. l7U1 l l a.m •• 1 pm.
l\llNl:\1UM BJD Sl.'i.TaO
t'OR INFO CALL 83+2550
Duplexes For Sale 1975
Newport BHch 3200
Prnlnsula, 45' bay lronta.a:j!
11·/0oal. 2-Slory. S BR. 4
BA pill-I swimmer's drcst-
ing nn 111/i>howcr. Front aU
gla:111. Dishwasher, disposal,
:.? rPfrig, ""p.:ir.1re freezer,
Dbl oven, rlectril" ~tovt.
S('paratr bro1lt-r & rous.wr-2 Units near Ocean & Bay Lil le. Laundry rrn, Autom&tlc
\YC!.st Nl'1llfl0r1. Priced below garage openC"r. Y~arly or
ntarkct. Owner ,.,.ill flulillet>. "'lnlt>r. 673-2039.
Villa P1u•k Realty 637-Q63..l I • .... iii ............... ,.I
or wkruls 6T:>-J435.
For Sile 1980
S!!ARP 4 Units nea1• Sot1lh
Coai.t Plaia in 1·:ii:i't'llcnt
eond1t1,,n. 5n oo annllal in-
l"U!Tl('. Pnt1'd less than 7'<
gt'OS~. JIU!"r) !
/\dul!s l)ll]y_ ::: Bdnn~.. ~
ba1hs. S(llir-levcl. Avail. Oct,
l ,"1th. $'l25 p,..r :\lonth.
Bay & Beach
Realty, Inc.
901 Dover Dr., NB Sulte 126
ijl,).~) E:\"CS 518-6966
in this bl'auti!ul 4 bedt'oom
c:-1ecu1ive ho1nc wi th a .~per.
tacular oc:C"an vh1', Jr's ui
excellent l'\lnd ition inside
and out. profl•ss1on1Llly LanJ.
scaped rourtyard ent1y oil-
ers you 1-ou111ry fJl'll'aey,
l!'s vacant and the 0111n11r
"ants it sold for 53S,500
""hlC'h i:oo l\ay lx!low n1arkct
C d M 2 ---Rex L. Hodge s, Rltr.
low interest 2nd T_ U.1~'='=i;.=;=u·=''=·=======
Paymcnr s lrss 1ha n rent.
BILL S:'.11LE\' Realtor
642-:?:?21 Anytime &t6-96tiG 1 __ 0_•0_n_• __ ._1 __ ,_, __ 1_5;_;0 Huntington Beach 1400 3·17-2.i.25
!U>-~122 c: J-1 ,\ It i\I 1 NG Ocean!ronl
hon1t>. ;: Br., ~pac 11v nn
11· I r r p I c . Hnorny kit
11·/hlt1ns. Avoc<i•lo s h a. g
crpl lhr uuu l. Paliu
\I /caloan;1. I drat 10C. 11r
St:hls. S:::JO n1u/yrly. 1213)
l<>vf'ly little Villa
At ,ri2l T1·en1ont Lanf'
in e~l·h1s11·e Car11ro Sl1orf's
Really beautiful laridscap1ng
'J Br<lrooms, !. Baths
~~orinal d1n1ng rooni
()1n1p1H:t fainily roon1
1\11 rxe1•1lcn1 value
at $74.500
Op!'n I louse' 'fhis \\'cekcnd
Lisll'1d t .'\C]U$[11cly l'"ith
Assume $18,000 6°/o
Annual G.I, Loan
-Far~ ..
Open Evenings
till 8:30
A~ txh·n1 l ~.i h.'.uh ho1nr.
in t.! l's a Vrrdc fo1·
S?l.9:.0. \\'1•11. "'C hllY"
011('. 30 day possession
fi'lSStblc. 0C"an & cozy.
1\'1cc yard. Call us for
.:in appo1nrmrnt lo SPf'.
Bt-and new listing. llur·
11 !
('.!I I BR hoUSC'S ..;. ~. gar-
ages. Jncotn(' S2SQ 1110. Ronrn
for une n1orc 1in11. S?2 ,l!OO.
CaJI S.16·3:!07: art 5. &.17-2QJJ
J{-:t 11n1all 3 Br, lgr. lot
frrwcd . Low do11•n. S16.500.
!-'°'" ta.xcs. '.!001 Charle
!">-1&-~iO·l I
Mesa Verde 1110
!'n1 an 1•o\tn1 n1ec ~ hcdrooin
110:\Jt; 111111 11 :t l:M ~lrou1n
!\!O.\'L\" :.IAFU:lt Olli ba1 ·k.
Bu!h unris an'.! ov.•ncr 0t·cu-
pio"d and r11111 less. Situ:t1C'll
on a quiet tr('(' li nC"d Cortina
del 1\1;ir sJJ"('('\. Once )'OU'11c
~ern t!1c rt.'S1 . Come sec ih,..
l)f'st. A Real Esta1crs Ex·
HO:\lF. in abwlu1e perf1~cl &
sparkl111.i:: condition. 4 large ~--Bi:ACHS!DE __ _
bdrn1s, 3 baths, forn1al din-2 SP ARKLING 2 Br. hon1cs,
lng room, separate family 2 lo ts, !op ly.;a!ion. $79,!iOO
roon1 & h uge m a s t e r l\!rs. Hoprer
beclroon1. l\1inin111n1 upkcC'p, 3 BR, .1 Bath -I h11;;r
yard beautifully landscaped. pl11ymon1 rt.'a•ly to br di1>1d,
Popular modrl "-i1h 3 cal' t'd inlo 2 hl'droun1s. $6-1 ,JOO
g;u-a~r. B('Sl fol' \he mortl'y i\lr. Srrickll'r
at $<17,9:.0. Call ~.).8-12-1 YOL:NG ITI(}(l('!'n, '1 Ur. -!-
South Coast Rl'al Esta1e fan1ily l"OOlll. -10 i-·t. lot.
53/4°/, S:>9,JOO
J\I .Sl:'l:.! rwr n1onth TOTAL!
Lol'rly shakr roof home 11'1lh
l la.rge IX'<.lrooms and '.!
pulln1an baths, \\'ali{ tu
P111 k! C:irpcts and Drapes ~ COATS
&· DI Sl !\VASllER. Lo11cly WALLACE.
i·ustom lirf'platc and l)('am REALTORS
0 1 ·. 1 -l ;,[A loan ~tr. J-'i~hcr
n : llSSl~g ~!Tl· nexibl~ \\'~~ SPECIALIZE IN
pay s. 3 BR' 2 ~ s . klin" CORONA DEL il!AR
terms. · ·~1 par "' UN!VEHSIT\' REAL T V
cond. Eves_ lllS-63 Bkr. 3001 E. Coos1. Cd:\! 673-6J19
rcil1ng fan1ily roon1: c:rac·--546-4141-3 BR. 2 BA, fan1ily roon1, Rustic: Charm ~ tire placC's, S'.!9.000
__ B::_:Y_O::c.WcNcE='="-'='="--'='=13:.__
Charn1iw.< 2 sTory lann ho11~(',
ious baek yard 11·i lh COV, COpen Evenings)
ERED PflTIO :ind block :::::.======= 11·all frncin~. 111(11 r11rry1hini;-. 1nclt1tlin.i:;
EVERY 31 MINUTES Newport Beach 1200
OCEAN vlc111, close i n
1!11rhor 1\1 area. 3 BR 1
ba th, all f'lcctric kitchen.
Hugr pa1io 11·lth ocean virw.
f"t'r s1n1ple • nol lca<;c hull!.
Pnerrl al ~:.t,900. For in-
spel'\1on can :\lark U>s.
Costa illrsa InvestniC'nt Co.
'."dft-7111 anyt11nr
pcg.c;t'!I ha1'fh1ood tloo 1·s t ri
1node.n1 buil!-i n kitcht'n. Pn.
11acy on tel' land. South or
1hl' 111-way. 3 bN!rooin, 1
ha1h + large fan11ly room.
Walker & Lee FIXER UPPER
76~:? Edingrr
8 I:!-I I~; Open Evr~.
! Er:~. laq;:.r fan1. rm. ::11111\·
n1in~ 11001, Panor;1m1c v1r11•
or hill~ and b:.u:k ba y. 01111,
l'l' JllUSL lra\'l' atca. S7"2.aQO.
Calh1yn Tl'nnille
on a Jargl' oorn ... r lot in Upper
Bay arl'a, overlooking golf
•·ourse. Big fa1n1ly special.
Vacant ,t· ready now,
't. , 4 BR ,1 halh on '.! VIEW· POOL · DEN -!,0:~rront 1..;ts Braui. gat·-3 i\1astl'r-sizrd bc1lrooms plus
& BilQ 1· e· rl'hld sunkrn convcrsat1on ;1t'f'a dC'llS . lOUS • o dd ":\1US"f o-L-1.""
h A k. " $lll5 000 011·n. a up to • . ·""'-.:. in O\L~e . s in.. · · CamC'u Shores. Srn0u~ ~rllrr 646-81111
(anytime) ~I === BIG HOUSE!
("I' 11•Lll l lnal\i.:{'. offr1-s q u Jc k UCl'U/Ki lll')'
Red Carpet Real!y s78_;,oo. ·
'.!025 \V. Balboa, f\;13 67->-6000 Hal P inchin & Assoc.
HOME & INCOME 3900 ~:. Coa:<! J111')'. tii~·t'.~12 Coldwell, 11.nker & Co.
550 Newport Center Dr.
Newport Beach, Calif.
83:1-0700 644-2430
f1n1nac. duplf':< r1car ocean ·"
shopn1 ng. 2 Btlrrns. earh, H a rbor View H ill s lG:Jll :-.q ft nr solid 1·nn1forl ,. r:-• r nntio, llcck, 011crs11.c gar-.-.x[lanSl ~l' \'l<'IV •! gn·f'n. \\ 1!h _". bdrin-. hll"" ('l!CloSl'.'d ,. " I' I I I -"" il"l'!. S•to.OllO. Part. f11rt11sh,..d . 11c • nr, asSO<·. poo !\. _.o1•r y fa m!ly r n (I ni , h11rd wnod " ( Ill! I o I (\" R. C. GREER Realty · ·• ani. '" t 111. !'11\.", "r
!lnors & Jtl 1n111111cll1alc con-l'.JJ Via Lido. ~~=li73_9'.l!lO li;11'. L1l.r n\'•111 ep!s. & rlr;•p-
dition, ::---r'> SGJ.;)()() • il1akc offrl'!
LITTLE PRIC[I, ~MILY LIVING . De Lan<y R,.I E•tale E:>.(]u1sitely di;"cOraT<'d ~ br d-\\'ill lrasc op11D11. 4 BR, 21:-2.~~ll ~;. Cua.~\ Hwy. li7J-:lTi0
room hiln1c 11•i1 h Ion11al cltn-b<t. :l co111n1un1ry pool~ &.\---~ 111~ roo111: largr sunkrn Ii\'· $23,SQQ t•luh hoUS(' Asking s3J.!l:,0. LUSK HOME
ini; roo1n, huge n1asT<'r suitr. P~ci!ic Shores Hralty Graham 'Rlty. 646--2414 HARBOR VIEW HILLS
El<'<'tron1c o-.1cn. Unusually :;:;i;.iig91 or 817,,'\:.&i Nrar !\r,1-~ll"1 p.,~1 Oflir·e 3 BR + xtra h; lan1 n11, 2
!X'at11lft1l landscaping, 11·1th 1 .... .--... -............... --'--~---c---Ila !l!J Sandcasllr Dr •
l<tna1. A;,k1n~ $~ .. 'JOO. WONDERFUL PRIVATE ROAD S·l'j,900 6T;r7~79. 6·11-2'J:iS •
I• ohn macnab 2200 Sq . ft . of ~au!. cus1om LGE. hilltop Jo1. Prrm. incw WES TC LIFF hiJtnr. PanoranHc viciv 01 o! ocean & hills. Pr ivn<'y. (714 ) 642-8 235 Bal'k ~~-~fany, many ('_~-J'oall0 ,. ,., •• -10 Only '.:' blol'k~ ~(I thr Bay _,,,, .-.. v ·'"~" ~l Dovrr Dn 1·", Suite J29 Qu;olit y ,1 IX'drfl<"l!TI 3 l ~i!h ll'ai;, S&l.;'V"' •
Kr11-po1·r Beath l 1 C s 1 PROPERTIES WEST B•lboa p00,·nsul• 1300
101nr> ll'LI 1 oun1ry . ty ('
r;u,.hrn, :\l<1l'lng up~ Thi~ 675-4130 675-1642 ------·----n111~· Ix' JU~t fni· you S,"12,:100 BLL:FFS BAY VIE\\.-C11s. J Developer's Dupl~x
. v-1·ry Cils~· tC'm1..... BP., J Bi\ on 1ridr. erecnl11'll . Th1.--.r-IJl!rlroom upper 1w11
546-2313 Rf'durf'd SGOOO fr1r quick l,lr1lroo1n lO\\\'r, 1n l'!'1y f,:.l)n(I
i;.alt'! s~2.!"J()(). f,\1-J2f,;i. rr•n!a! arra. No11· fully Ira.;.
Houus Furnished I======== Young E xecutiv• Home Lagun• t-iilli 1700 4 Qul'l'n Slti: liE'drooms,l=~=::...:c::.:.:c_ __ .:.:_:,:
"N•pi1r.11•• f orn1:il Dining FOR Sale by Oll'llC'I". Nrw Rent als to Shar• 2005
P.o.i111"', ~01~•"'QUS [111ing roOm Valrnc1a·IR\sure \Vo r l d ,
I\ \th lul ,;1• r.01n1u11ic Fire-i\lutual :t1. !i3CHi909.
plarc-. ('lilnCSr drcor. \Vhat
a ht'<l.Utlful "~' Anthony Laguna Beach 1705
S llARE ill y c l ..,gan t
11·a1rrfJ-ont hon1c: 11 /do)("k.
i\lnn .~:. 10 60 yrs. $150 n,o.
61: ..... 1:r;1 Pool" 111 Sl'pa1"atr 111de yard
1,1th "D1'1'.'.ssi11g Roon1" 8 nd FOR SALE By 011·n<'r· llAVI:: I Br apt ; "ill sh11rC'
the wo1·k.s. Put youl' 1noncy Sar: r 1 ! le e, l<'al'ing Jor 1' 11h J>1'1'Wll un1lrr ~10.
tv woi•k 011 this .. :,1,-,;, an-l::ui"Of)(' i 111 1n e d 1 u I l' l y ·I About SGu 1no. frlf .. J:!7ti C_:'\I ,
11u:1J J'alc·• F.lJ.1\. Joan w11h C11s!o1n bt;ilt 1\'00d & i::las.~ FE:i'o11\LE; 30 share 2 CTt. 2
tot<t ! p:iyment of $l50 J)('r hou~c. Dl'f'<l!l & c;1nyon fl,\ 1.ilh :;an1e. Pnol & patio_
111on1h. B1•11utiful priv11.tc VIC'"'· \\'a ll to '~ h 11 ~lu~t like dog~. 96.S-31~3
a1't'n. \\'r'I! :;ho\v it 10 you! carpt'!ini:, h u i J T ·i ns •"'-·
Will Lease or
Lease Option
Bf:. fan1 n11, fornH1l dininl;'
rill, s::ooo op!lo11. lra."{l s::'.LJ
per nlo. Jean S11u1h Realtor
(i 16-:1255
WE SELL A HOME fu'<'nln cc. 1 Bt•d roon1, 1 Newport Beach
EVERY 31 MINUTES Bn111~. Uni(iur cons1ruc11nn.
2200 University Park 3237
Walker & Lee OPCN llOUSC '" &
,. s
,,: 11-;i, \Vl'rkdays allrr ~
ill 1 r a 111 o r, La1.: Bch.
7&..~2 Edinger ·l!H-3066
S 1~·4-l:OJ Open r:ves. HANDYMAN'S
SPACIOUS Spl'cial! -I Income units 129
)ds. to bi'ach, l'atins, 1te<·ks
Chl'Ck thrse fl'atures: llug'.1! 11·/ocf'an vie11·. Nds. paint,
fa1111ly roo1n 1\<ilh 11 r l bal', r1c. Sh<luld i::ros.s $9,000 )r .
fn1 ·1nal d1n1ng 11J0n1. garden Pr. $69.900. Consider ira<tr.;
kirrhcn, huge n1aster txh711 r.ll:)S'ION Rf:;\LTY 4!ll·07:li
!<uile 3 barhs. 3 patios & IHT")i~ yard all block fenced. _ '?OASTAL VIE\\': .
1 !\!any, 1nany ('Ustom fcatur-Trrrihc Joan :1$Sun1ptio.n.
es. If yo u arc looking for J nrrrr~t !'ale dresn I 111.
so1nc1h1ni; extra nice see err11sc; no J)Qtn!s. 3 Bdrms .•
this 011,,, ' f;in111y r 111., 1 baths.:) years
MUTUAL REAL TY ol·I. RcduCf'd 1Q $·11,JOO
842-1418 Anytime Pl,,\CE REA LT Y ;)!J.l.9jl}\ * County of Ora nge-Duplex With High 1\UCTION OCT. :Wth, ux.::i
F .H .A . Loan 3·i~"" s · 1 R l Tl A f'll \ l 11 $'COO . -·'"" , toning on ( • 11-..e s~umr. ' o:in '11 1 ~ ,\rch a1l'a ,I R.0011\·l Bnlh
Dtl" 11· !la\'(' indcpcnden('C Open Hou~ Oc!, 70 .. l 1 a1n-~
and let yollr ten~nt pay your prn l\1JNl:0.1U;..t BID S21,00/l.
11 ay. Ccl Sn1ar'.. Total pay. r Oil. INFO CA LL $3·1-:.?:)."!0
mr nt of 1198 incl11des all.
GJ"f'a \ Huntington Ik'ach Lo. SEE THIS ONE
cation. Call! l B" ' Il \ I
0 , ,., :. , , 11· 1v rrpt;::.
WE SELL AH ME Jrps, hl1ns, pa1iu. rnc(I, :;
EVERY 31 MINUTES ~rrs old or1·an v1r•1· 1n1111ac.
Walker & Lee 531.~. !'illl '1~1-63Ni
j(i.~2 F:tlint;rr of .,.·h1lc watrr & l'oa s!l111(',
Sl2-11:iS 011rn }:;\·rs. ~mall hu! lev<'L S7.'.l:i0 11•1th
---BY01\·r;;.£r. $1 ,000 do11·n. hal at SS:> rnu.
., . t.ll rh1r 3 yrs. Broker A~~tunc Ii 1 ~HA ·197-1210 ·197-IO~t 3 Br. 2 Bil, 2 }TI;()('\'{ on cu11:::..:::.:::_ ____ ..::::..::::.
d" Sac. Oq1~. :-.h:i;; crri!ing, ..f Bdr, ~ ha, he;iut vu;w
OCEAN Front house. 2 BR, 2
BA. l)f'luxc, yard & patio.
S7]) "iritrr. 673----SOS8
NE\VLY J-'urtnshed 4 BR. 4
Ba, avail Now, \\linlt-r or
loni:;rr. 42 !.~J 789-93ti9 or
( 7131 fi2.-669:t
=L::;d;:oc.:.:1•::'•:_ __ __:2:::3S I
* Furn ·I BR, 3 BA. Con·
tr1n11, 11c1rly der.. Bltns. A11ail
now. Yea rly. (711) 62·1-7199
NF.:\VLY Dec, cl1~rful, 3 BP.,
21; RA. F"urn. \\'Int er rental.
1213 1 691-1!}32
Rt:N r ALS
Houses Unfurnisshed
General 3000
----Lrasr : Be. b •.
tn11·nhoUSl'. Nr. school. s:oo
4 BR. 21~ ha. xlnt loc. $3:;Q
1110. filQ leascf
Rrd !1111 P.eal1y
Corona del Mar 32SO
UNUSUAL Lat-gc hous e ,
11·alk to school, bc'ach. shop·
ping, 4 BR . fain 1·n1. lgc ~·d.
718 Jusn1inc, Cr1:\I. $350 n1u.
A1 ail Oct, JJth. (7 14 )
l lift ~!ov<', n•fn,'l', liar.
Slij,J m ..... yrly J.~r . 67.).722:i
rt1ddlr. & Tlilss Realtors
3.).1;j !'.: .. Coa~1 /hi)'. Cd:\f
CJ IA/lt\IJNLl 2 [If{, 1 BA.
C'rpls. drps. No Jlt'!s.
511\:i nlo. Call 67;,._77;,~
2 Bil. dbl g •• ragr, 1(,: ya.rd, RENTAL FINDERS oi.-for bu11t. 1raller, ere.
. '
IHUPINSIV( "' GUWtmEO ~250 1110. 673--20"...:) ::~\ RESIDOfTJM-IUSlllfSS I ~=~-~-~---1 A'T.-ROOMMATE SilVKE :,: DR, + fam. So. of ~1"'Y·
New l'pls. ~2JJ l'llo. incl.
u11l. Sci•nic Prop. 67~>-:i716
i\~"\\"LY drroratr>o.I 2 Bit
hnu~e CrpT ~. drp~. (,!;Jr. $180
1110 '1~1-22.10 nr ·19-l-97j.'1
4H W. ltl~, C"t• Mu-. ... 5.0111
$1!.I.•. 3 Bit. l\('1\ly d('<.'Oratcd.
Li;c ~d ror rh1ldr~n or pets.
Bkr 1.ir ... 011 1
$1 S.i. l 131-, 2 Ba. To1,nll0t1se,
l'a!Jo. blllu~. 11·1;,,•, drps.
i\111ti1 now. 13kr 53-l-69l!O
~ Bil, 2 ha, :'yrs. old. B!t-ins.
IA"al;r. S!.~ .\Ionth
..! BR. 2'~ B.1. d11pl<'x. 2200
Sq .. fl. Bltris. (hsh11·ashrr.
h pl. s:IOO :-.10. l<"ast'. 5'!0--157::
·I BR. horne 11·/pool
paOOl';lmlC \'IC!l-I': pr l •.
lx'achrs. Agl'n1 li73-22'l2
frrlc, .c:ardr n kil. ll'/lJllns, oceaniOCllllliina,; $~~900-r\OllTll Tu~t1n. Jrn n1l'd1;1tc Huntington Beach 3400 fully 1:111rlse<1pc1! & patio. 11·n"r 4,~1.,u.1!.
OAY!S n1,;,\LTY
poss. •I Br. 21 ~ Ba , 2100 sq. Or><·n house Sat .~ Sun f>I' 3 BDR 1 baths "'ith family
I I · \ '11 · t2" L•gun• N ' uel 1707 rt. SJ:,O jl('r n10. 5-H-ti8..J6 ~ 1•"1 11 1y 11ppo111 ., -:.o "· 19 r0Qh1 -.:irr :i. nc1v pa1n 1.
177.12 J\l eJ.:111nry C1 ~'1';I" Coil• ... 10 3100 dr;1pcs, w/w t't"pts. pn:s\lf':e
-, Laguna Niguel Terr. i ,;;;:::;;~:=;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;: I 1 12 YOU Just cant, find 1hc~c Neil' :lj{J() Sfl . !t . :;.4 A.: .; Br. a1·ca rose to st"hoo s. ::;o
.1nymore! Herc~ an OCC"an 1,0 ,.,,., ,,. _., •• ,,,, ,.,,w ,,, ... _ n10. P.cfs. 8·!6-3ji J "-'v " ' ..,. • . " Li\HCI:: 3 BR & farn1ly 2 1'1t'W home. J blk .'o .... arh. C,ni·n.•IC'I, ''""I l:inils.''"'l'''I, :i BH, J Ba eondo. wa1erlron1
I r-; ,.. , ~" li<ithi; & double g;1ragC".
2 lWdl~_iom~, t~n. rw_trpls, irith ~prlnk!ci-s .. tillns, sell-\Valk 111 schools & ~hopping-. lluni. Ha rbor 11·i!h Ji!' slip. d_rp~, f11~·plr, Jiv l'rll, t!~n r~.l,' i·]raning o\lrn: ~!'II!' g'l\)'l\,C::•'. 1CTllllS l"fl U!"! ,!!, pOul $.!{)(]!TIO.
Call ownrr I 11 ~1. Art • SJ.~ 7:;a Tu SUl 9;,Q E:x!'c lJ rnt CrirpP!t•r!, fl rap c d & l ra~r. IMH-222:1 !"iJ0.·1,-,_·,.,~ Ql' 8\i,.1.-il'.J ,:,,;,, .. ,,._ ,, ,1; ,1 .. ,., .. ,,. ,.,,0 ,,,. f1n·plact•. f'h1ll!n•n OK-No1v 1 7~~---~~---.. , ~ " ' "' vac;1nt. S~/ino. Call 3 BR dc11. 2 &!. crpts,
TRIPLEX tri'l'SL ral c fron1 7\• 'i;, lu l!r!'i!ai;r Hc;il f: s: ta l C' 1lrps, fe11el'<I :iid. tlosr 1o
6~.~,, $10--1131 lopcn ('11esi !il'huol.~ .!.: heach. S215.
Laguna N iguel Corp. S-17-I031i
D-01;1·n1011n 11 .B. 3 ~'t'ars, 3 4~1:111 ~17.7161 ON Hack l3a> 3 Br inod. R l)!()('k~ 10 oC('a n R-4 i one . a B . 2 BA, near bc-h.,:; oc1v R rl rl sJJ •:.00 l Bdr .. 1·11·. l!1r. all f'rp!e(], hnn1e,Nr11lypi:i1n\ed,C'rp1s, srh l s. $2 90. New l y 'p"~I Jto ··R · It n!"1\' l'0111plr!r cu~. rlrps -stoic. P.e~p. pC"rn1 _ :i,Jul!s. 1!('Cf)ri:iterL !J62-1~..01
au ones ea Y f 11 I ti d v_ Yant 1na1nta1ned, 5193. 218J ,,-( "'" E'. '"'Ji 6~;.tt U Y il n s l" a Pf' •..: 2 BR rl uplcx. Sl20. Nr. !Intl.": 1 -"" ie. ·"'· ,. " i:rnnkll'r~. Orr, 6 rnu. Tu<,1111 ,\v» :\,1 fi"t~. ·----lntrrCon11n. II o ~ p 1 t a I .
HANDY MAN 4X-2a.':7 J llr, rrpts, flrp... blt-1nc. !!62--1!27:1 ar1 6 pm 1vkdys.
"'"11 !'t1. Cor1.s1 l'la~a. S'.?JO
1\·antC"•t t" f1ni.~h l-Onl'crr 1n~ 2 San Juan 1110. lrasr. !'rl!~.-,z:l'l 3 BH, 11 ~ BA, bltin~. C'fPlS.
dq1s. $220 f)('r 11\0. 193:"12
Kuku1 Dr. 11.B %2--Y.IO.
\\-rstel1H ]r){:Atinn • IOl'C'ly 3 Nr:.11. •·Iran :: B•..Jrwm A
flR :! bath custom homC' ,16' fr''· ~!l'p.~ Il'on1 \\'r s1l'11f[
f\raled poul. !\Ul.~r:1nd1 ni:: Shripp111g, -r.i:_: ~ard \</Ith
\'<1t·d, lis::htP.d. Elrt·l!'h' bu111. (ru1t trt'r~ !1'2S.~.-.n.
1n k11ehr11. Load~ of e11p-646-7171
l'I[ (ilJOIJ J;!'O•lth polrnlJaJ . VIE\V nl pool, 1-h1111n1nf.: 2 $ l9.~)()')
Br. 2 Ba r-Qndo Li.; pallo. BURR WHITE :tZi.9.".0/S•ltJOO rln. ~ k r
61fi-fl7:u r.r::,, L ror:
Qn kit to u·1ri!r.~ 111 200m1~ Capistrano 1720
d•)11 nfo\111 nr.1"h atTa on ----·'-----'
h1i::: H-3 lrir near ot·r.111.
T(·n-y Rhy. t.nyl11nr :.~6.·l 1j9
[dr.illy I01·,1 trd •h'ITI~, fl'fln1
pool ,\· r:1 111:ul:i. (',u·1)('t< d,
1tr.11,..rl: frn1·r1J p.11«1 lin11-
hf1' ,:::~\';1,gl' II rnhy '" klH:h.
rn. All hl1-1r1..;, 1111•1 d1~h-
11·nslirr ,t· r •'fl11!. 1 i\!111, l•l
l\011h 1\mo"rican l!o<:k11rll.
Mesa Verde 31 ID
J\l:>ll1Cl"LAT E .1 AR, 2 RA.
f;11111ly !'fV)/)1, 2 flH'p\atT~,
Harbour 3405
rl1~ln\n~hf'r, 1·01rrr.•I panr.. 1 ,<;Tt;D\' !'hai"[l. Lt-a~r
$2~~1 1110. Ca!! for ap· 1111h opTILJ!l 5100 11l0nll1 l~1iorrl:<. d1~hwush1•1·, Shnkr
l'1("lf \\'J.ik' to s l'ti'flPJ ng, Qlllj
@J• um Baker, C.i\1, 516--5-140
General 1000
Inc. T:callors
PR ICED $2 ,000
FIJJ\ a pprRiSlll on 1his
q uality buil l 3 bcdroo111,
2 ba th home is $27,950.
Q11'n!"r says sell no111!
A t $25.950. Just ll fr111
years young. Lar,ll;e fan1-
Jl y roorn. Bil! R-4 lot.
Roon1 for mnrr unit!!.
Sclts.•r left for the e(t:i;t.
J)on't hurry -HUSJI :!
Dial no111 6'15-0303.
H AVE $1 .000'
HOME + R-2
T ~ r r I r i e in11P.~lmcnt.
Lovely kon1f' carries ii·
M>lf, 11•hilr .1'fMl"rr lhink-
ini: 1')/ numC"l'OU.'I more
11ni1s. llU.R" i!l:i toot Jot.
Only SlS,j(](I full [)l"i('I"'.
f':i.ntastic 1rr,,1s! ::\Pllt'f'
J)ti1rl oll f'\'er~ h(}(ly a nd
hr .,.,11 ~o all nttl fr(
yo11. Retter hurry'~ Dial
6 \.H).3()3,
&! ll:irhor Crnter
2'i'9!1 Jl<•r!"'f Rl vd, C .\1,
\RTHEREAL '= ~~T~T~.~
Clls lom built hon1c. Jarse en-
closed t•our!yar<I for maxi-
mum pri"ar.y. i\lany extras
1n 1n1.~ bea.utilul 3 &Jr home.
Wells-McCardle, Rltrs.
lfilO Ne1\')Xll1 Blvd., C.i1-I.
548-i729 anytime
Spa<'iOUs homC' on Jr, Es-
tate i:rounds. Lovely n ch
11ood pa11C"ling, hand~mc
hrr nldasl b;:ir. Fir<'placc.
Tarbell 2955 Harbor
*Momc + l nooml' +Land*
Cusl :: IlR I '~ BA Com pl
Cj\1. drps, F .P. Beam ccil,
S.S. RIO Ceramic tile. 2
car tlet. gar. Inc unit a\\
ST.; n10. Plans 4 nio['(" unHs
~asy Term& ~1 ,500.
5:y,e;. LOAN
TC"xa~ sizl'd bf'droonIS, Jargr
l'()vr1·~1 pauo. F llA loon at
5·'i. '"' annu1d percentage rair
now on propeny. Large lot.
TARBELL 2955 Harbor
Open Sunday
:lfi.112 CORTIN1\ DR.
l.lrC'Ora1or'll drl'nm, Cour!-
.v11rrl rnrry. S.12.!ri(I
TARBELL 837·084'
\\'hi!e Eleph11nt ... ~
CUTE & COZY \\"F.::-:.t••ccL"1"r".--,•s•,•1,-,,-,.,~.-,•111 ~~I :--;e,1r~or1 Tj]l"I . N R.
P,riJut1t 11I fl<'OI F.· r;1nt. By ~7:-...i~~O 612-2:..';11 Vvrs.
Thi' ;; hllrin 1-1~ hnll1 homf' -----,.1,1·n•'I' ~::.r .. ~-illtl I1 1s-~zr.i_ P ark View C~armer 1<; !iflll!lri.". '.!1' livini::: roon1,
11 'w 1 •111·pt't~'drapr~. firf'-Al11ffs pr11nr on Bay lQl'a11~1i1 DC'llr;lll~lll \Ot1.1i;::r loring p,1rk
pl<U'l", l•.'11<'•~11 rP;•r ya.rd, 2 bdrs. $39.500 Call 6·1'1-'.:'159 on Peninsula Poi ri1. 1\1·0 brrt.
:.c1'Cc11rd p<1 lh1. Only ~2-1.:AJO. l o'o'~'='~"='·=''="~d:o';·===== roon1s. ou~ bath. ,,,,1 Jleri i:::ard"ll i:ir1d .'i1U1drck. (}.11ncr )@I .. ,. I N I Sh 1220 •1i1l trade. $39,![.Cl g~! :::~uct:••:,000• BURR WHITE -~ !f I 1 f .1 REALTOR
1C93 Bilkt•r, C.i\l, j lfi.5~ 10
you nef'r a grc_>a aml y """! N . . RI 1 " B
h lh '°" 1. ~..,, 1c11po11 .,,,,.,, .. onll'. :Set' IS one. ~I.'-IV. 67~ "'~ 6·12-22'" [,., r n1. plus lgc. parly rm.: 4 .....--.0 -N .!,
01\'NER. Vl!:>l1\. lhll!op. Br. 3 Ba .. kltch. blt-in.s. l \i LIN01\ l~lr lot fnr ~at" by
~!ocle1TJ custom ll bodl'. l + Blks. to beach. Fee simpll'. 01nwr. S32.:iocl plus lc,•SC
Ac. BC'aut lnrtsrprl i! BH, 2 516,jOO Equity $4!1,;i<Xl. t.Iay paymt. llf $•1.lOO P<'r year.
BA. Bit-ins. l·p1s, 1lrps, considC"r trade. Slip capacity for 2 f.ll' 110l411'.
frplc. E11rry Con11. $49,JOCI. e ov•NER 646-78-19e 51 rt. •1·11terlront. Approved
724-6895/n7-16!11 h=~===,;==== plans include<!. * South Coast Real F:sta!e Dover Shores 1227 &12-648l or
is seeking SUCC'eS.'lfUI profC'S· ;:.;;.:..~_;_ _______ .i ----------
siorml N'a.! rsta1c salesmen. *ENCHANTING VIEW L'd I 1351
Exc<:ption11l benefit s. Plra!ll' Superb Bay & J\1tn VU nv1~t 1 O Is•
Bl1"; ROO:\!Y :: Bdnn •)lr!r r
111111111.cu!,l!r !n11nf' on R·~ 1,,t
nt·~r ()(·r;111. 011-nl-'r "1U !"a f~
1•y f1 n1-1nr1nl'; 11n Cil~Y ll'l'llli..
~1fi. !•1:1~ This 1s frr s1n1ple !ollr. Pnc·~·
$2,'i ,9;.fl '"''h FllA ;,~.'' Jo;1n.
POINT REAL TY ''Corner" with
"Boat Gate"
,\Slllnle High G.I. Lo;in 11.:i th 31lj6 Coa~t ll11')',,_D~~1a Po1n1
lo!al payn1cnts or $1 ~8 pE'I' 171·0 400...132 ••
1non1h. llui:::r Bedroom~ plus .
N.>pllratr •·Den". Bea~tiful BUSJESf rnarkrtplarr in
l :ol(l "Sha,t;'' ra!-pc!s with to.,.·n ... The DA~LY PILOT
malchini:: ri l'it lit'S. A rnvil! Clas.~1f1cil section. S :iv c
n1odern kitchen with luU< of monry, time & C"flort. L<lok
r xtra conveniences. You 1~00=:"c'c: ::_ ______ _
~h01.1lr1 see the :·r antrys·:· THE QUICKER YOU CALL, r"'O covered pa!ios. submit 'TJ-fF. QUICh.""ER YOU !'ELL
yoor 1lown paymmt.
po1111111r111, l!l~-irlll-L FOt'R STATt REALTY
s:i:1-"1 l22
Ne wport Bea ch 3200 c:.:2c:.:.:..::c:::c:::. _ _.:::.:_: I Fountain Valley
Df.LICllTFUl, \V:i11"rfronl •I 3410
Br. 3 Bt., pool, 1e11n1s c.rL
~37;) n10. S!l'ps 10 bch_
6J8-6HJli or 61 ~2838 aft :;
llAHBOlt 1!1~hhunls :I BR. 2
BA , crpls, drps, bltins. iti-
f;1nt 0 .1\., no IX'1 s. lf aSc-
S:f-10 1110. incl ~ardencL
~11S--6frlO or ~'{7-1346
$'1;, YR LY lsc, Back Bay, 3
BR, l ·'; BA, lliOO sq ft. no
pct~. rcls required 83J...3"130.
BEAUTlfUJ. 2 S101-y 3
bedroom 2 ba!h home. Ex-
<'~·llr·nt arta. Near S<'hool.
SZ25/1nonth. 1 year lease.
t.:;k for Art. 8'11-ljl!J ot
2:100 SQ f! 3 OR 2 b<11hs.
lan::e upstairs honus room
\Valk to l'.:h~mentary & l\1
&hool farnilies o n I
S275/m<l. ~I 5-16-41•11
Walker & Lee £mfSTAR GA'ZER'.'1<i<~
('l!.ll for appointn1rn1 54;>.8424 rms Un1q1·c "Old \Yorld" LIDO BAYFRONT
Sou1h Coa.st, Rcallors, con1(..n,porary, execu11ve Jux. 7682 Ed inger
ury hornl". 5000 sq. ft. 4 BR, Spo1lcss homr wi•h 4 bed· 842-44i'j Opt"n F.vcs.
AlllS • • . . LlllA ;ff/ MA•. ,, H Your oa.111 .Ac!, .. ,,, G11•cl• lj. u,1• iJ .ffi =~A,;.,, Y Arcorclin; lo t.lo• S!o•z. . ocT_ ,1 W~
Costa Mesa 1100 1' ~ Bi\ + n1aids qti-s. Ideal roon1s, 3 halh!! and 2 kl1ch-I •-iiii"";i;i;""""iiiiiiii.ii.iiii I
fnr enlcrtalni ni;:. Easy main. en~ (idC"al for JnLnw~I.
Tmmrd Ql'C'Up, f"un1ished. Loads of grass.for and ev111·-
$178.000. Assu1ne 6~'il,, loan. rhnnglng VJI-:\V OF lhe
Box 16.12 NB. 543,7249 SP t.RKLfNG BA Y and ~1A·
4 B1·, 2 Ba, lgr. family rm,
drps ,~ rpting, f'Xpcnslvc
la.nd.~cnp1ng & putio. \Va1 A
model home, Cool ocean
brl'.'CZl'I\, l!JOO sq ft . $34,900.
$18,SOO Fixer Upper
2 BR, l BA house, flble gar,
xlnt area. Nct"ds handy man/
painter. $2500 dov.·n. Sec;
:::>! i\fagnolia, Cosla i\lc-sa..
~IE~A Vcrtlr Exec ho1ne. l
yr old. 4 bdr. 3 ba, !tu n 1m ,
Univer sity Park 1237 mendous 11a.!uc at $113,()(X). ---Mini Lawn, Maxi Livin' WE SELL A HOME
111 this '.I BR. 2 ba. to•1'TI· EVERY 31 MINUTES
hQusc. Near ttnnis, pools &
'e"""''"•· '""·d500
· h•ll Walker & Lee re I 2C-13 \VcstclHf Dr.
64&-7711 Open f.\"C~
din nn. shar. <'rJ>lll, rlrps. REALTY
spklr<:, Buy CllUily $42.000 Univ. Park Center, lrvu1c Thn'r to six lx'<lroom homt'.!I
~16-l-"!92 Ca.II An yllmr lllJ.G.1110 1\'1lh pier & slip. Prierd
============I from $149,500. \\'1thout pier
FY Ol~r: 4 BR, 2 bath, Back Bay 1240 & ~llp, SI 15.000.
<lr>tricherl ~tud lo shop, fl{lt io, ----'-------1 Walker Rlty. 675-5200
Ii;:-fl'n<'<"d yrl, dr.od,.nd ~L $2'J.9'J5. O\VNER. Custom. 3 3336 Via Lido, NR. 0['11'n Sun,
Close ln schooli, \Ve~trli lf OR. 21 ~ BA. Elcc. kllchrn.
Plll7.a drt'a. $28.~..00. &12-57n l Nt'.w l'al'flt'.'IS. rtin . nn, !am. I ~ Y 0 IJ R A n I N
1\till Dr pi!id by srllcr for Vet.
f'ran'll loan. Outstanding 3
bdrtn + 1ax18" lomily room,
completely re rurbi~hcd. Qv.
ersized lo1 1 b!01:k to school.
Priced tu sell quick. S25,500
VC"ls $0 dov.•n.
Katella Rlty 847-6061
<I Bdnns/2 Story
NCI\' ept/painl, Cul-<le-S.'11':
NE\Y Executive L uxu r y
home, ~15 BR'11, J 811, 3 l'flr
1.:ar. A11sume Gt: rio prilnts.
I 11•M>k HC"rn\V. 1147--016.1
DIA i. diti?<"I IH2·56'Nl, Ch1:1r~c rm, lrplc, l'lrc gar11r.;t" <lr . CLASSl~'I F~O? ~llll'Qllfl will DON 'T JtiVc II away, itrt
)11ur '-'rt. then ~it bark and Opl'n Hous<> 'Iii Yild 2215 An. hr' Jo.ik1n;.: Jor it, Di(l] &i2· q11i1·k <'ash for if "'ith a
2_ 9_11.1 To develop messog~ for Frod oyl 14.1g.2"-29 ,
til-73-80-81 rcod words ~orn:~pol'\(f•_rog to number SS-66 .-
of your Zod1oc birth l•~n. SCOIPIO
ocr. ll{l~ 11or.11~
31-48-.5-M.S 11-n.84-89
1_i~_1,_·"-'"_11_,,_._,_,,_'~-'-'-"'-'---"-'"-'-'_M_,_Y_'-_"_· _N_'"-'-'·'-""'-· 56.·_•ci __________ 1:::·'~'':1l.v:._:"~'~'"~1~':1·a:':":.· :'':'le.---'·----------------------------------
;(---' -
30 D.ltl,V PILOT T11111~day, Oclobtr lb. 1'1611
HouMS Unfurnl•hed Apts. Furnished_ Apt1. Furnished Apt1, Unfurnl•hed .M il o~. Unfurnished G.neral ~~~~~~~~ 1-~~~~~~~~1-.:-::_;;:__:.:_ __ ~~~ * * * * * *
Fount•in Valley 3410 Ni1wporl B••cn 4200 Huntington fteach 4400 Co.ta Mese 5100 Corona dtl M•r 5'250 Rooms for Rent S995
1 BR, w /w carp<'t1 ng. bl1ns, N,.1\rw:irt &arh QUIET I.. BEAUTIFUL ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 ~N~E;W;;L~Y;-;CrO;;,MAPptLFE~TroEno 1 BR k1tchenf!'tte1, s.ieeplng
I ' di.~ Bus. Opportunit ies 6300
l\lAClllNt:: Shop, owner
retiring. Pr o pPr ly ,,,
equi pnll'nt. 612-2t){ll o 1
\\•11.te.r pd . nr 5hp'i:: centeno. GRAND OPENING 2 BR. pool, utll pd. $200 nio. H a rbor Htlghts Four DUPLEX mu;. l-lea1t'ft pool . P.talrl
$125. 9f;8..-697:J. IMMEDIATE Adults only, No 1:.ets. 17676 (ONSJRUCTIOH 2 BR. 2 ba. t$250 ) or l BR . st>rv1re.$30 per wk&up.(5()
Santi Ana H•lght1 3630
EXEC, home 5 BR. :1 Ba.
Cpts. (!rps .. e!ec. ht1.1n~.
$.l'il Incl. gardrner 546-'.ii·IO
Mis5ion Viejo J7 08
BEAU'rIFUL \' 1 1' II • ;i!-
lracllve 1 yr old 2 BR. Jlfi
BA. F'rple, bl110 bonkcn:«'s,
lully crp!d, drps. $2t0 rno
l!'t'. ZJm Calle JIO;?:ar.
!\ho'.l'n by 11.ppt only. Call
Condominium 3950
LARGE 1 bdrm Conrlo. ShJg
('pi s, d1shwa.~hcr, drps. l 'i
ba1ti. Patio, ~ar. !JG8..i62'2
Apts. Furnished
~ngl·l br-2 br. Fum-unr.
~1 una, Aet'y Am, Billiards
Therapy & 45' pool, BllQs
JXXl Parsons Rd. &12·8670
Sl51l 2 Br 4-ple11:. \\'/\\', fqilc.
A\'atl no"·· Util paid. Broker
S125 Lge l Br, gar,
\\'/\\'. drapes. Avail
BrokC'r 5..1H9ro
SJ25. DELUXE l Br . Crrnvc-
ni{'nt Joe. Sundeck. A\'ai!
now. Bier 645-0.1.11
Costa Meu 4100
$30.00 Wk. Up
e Studio & 1 Br Apt!:. e Kitchen & TV int:!. e Phone Service &. Pool e )fa.id S<'rvice avail. e Day, 111eek & l'\lonlh
23i6 Newport Blvd. 5'18.!JQj
?.:'&-! !Ila.pie by \\lilson.
i\lodern furniture. Pool.
No pets. $155 month.
?.!gr. Longti n -646-6974
AVAIL. Oct 15, 1 Bit OC\\',
heaut. furn, $125. Couple, no
chllrlren, no pets, to as.~ist
m gT. l\TUST qualify. 221)
El den. 64:>-1251
:2 BR. Pool. Aclu!t~. no f>C{S.
$1a:l. :z:m f\1aple SL, Apt. A.
548-0157 (Jr &12-9.120
1'E\Y fllonti c ell o <;(\n-
dominium. 2 Br, 2 Ba, vr1y
nit"f'ly Jurn. $.2J:i /TI 0.
CllATEAU LA P 0 l N T ~:
Lovrly 2 Br !urn apt, pool
(."arport, adulls uo pets. 19-11
LARGE 2 Br. 2 BA. Pool.
11til pd. $1511. Tllaturt>
adults onl y. l\o fl r t s ,
Placl.'nha A1•r . ~R.-':,i07
1 Br. furn <1pl 11Jr Bachelor
man o/3;').only .. $123 11111 Jld.
1971 Church St. f>.16-209l
OCCUPANCY Can1eron. &17·2123. J ba ~S3Z;>l. Priv, pat!oi;, Vietol'i1t.
LU:"\'L!T')' gttrden apartnll"nlS I & :.I IlR, 2 BA, nr beach. JUST COMPLETING cov. gar~ges, Cpt'd., drapcd,'l"P~R"rv"'A~T"E~Ecrc"-an-,.-,-,-.. -1-.,.
ollC'rlng t·omplele prt\"aC)', Hid pool, rec rm. BHns. <."Ur:np. IJ.t-lils. &-s! loc'. 1'.lt•n only. ij(I per mo, Call
he.1u11ful landS(:aping & un· Avail now. Adu lts only, no 7Cfi -707 On..•h1d !>.:fore noon 548-3696
prirallrler! rt·c·1i.•a1lorml facil-Pf'IS. :l2J 1-lth St., 536-3115 2 & J BR UNITS
ui.-s iu a i·ounuy c:uh a t-all with Ureplace1, b, &75-6050 0 M otela. Trlr. Crta. 5997 n1o~pl1cn:. /I.ow il'a~UlEi U1 Orange Cou11ty 4600 dishwashers & 2 baths. -'''WW'l a ... Nt•irport Bc>.ic!i. --~---~----Rental ~lanager -WEEKLY rates See. Lark ~·urr11s!K·d or unrurnlS hl'd Sl:"\CLE Young adults, lux-fllrs. Christlensen liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir fl1otel, 2301 Newport Blvd.,
:-.lockls oJ'l('n 9 11 n1 10 9 11111 lH)' i::ard en apts, •V/!ull 3117-A Cinnamon Av•. Costa Mesa ~ -l==="-'======oo OAKWOOD 11.'creal1on lacth\Jes & com· Costa M•5• r(6 .,
plt"te priva<"y. South Bay Phone 546-1034 'fl,. f ___ -_ _ Misc. Rtntals 5999
GARDEN c 1 "• Ar><•. m So. ""'""""""""""""""""""'""' ~
APARTMENTS Brnokhur.;t, Anahein1 (714 ) -2 Bc!r., ex. rond., View,
-m~~a -~---
Whaddy1 W•nt? Whaddya Got?
Special R•le
1100 titll ~tn'r l ORLEANS APJS. l & 2 BR. Ful'n & Unlurn min. yr!. main. $275 )T lse n 1: &-l2·81j0 G a rde n Grove 4610 Firo~places I priv. palios I 494-1 401 . .
5 Lln•t -5 timff -5 bucks
t-W.,.I l'OV n•v• to 1r10.. ~WlllT 'f'llll •1n1 In tr•"'
-~~~---·=-'-'-----''-3 BR avall. Adults only. Poo!s. 'fennis -Contnl'I Bkfst_ \\'ANTED . >-YOUA P-I MIOI' 100'"&. 6-l MMI of ..... tf11Jlll&.
$30 WEEK & UP S:\'GLE Youn g Arlulls Lux-900 Sea W ne Cdl.I 64·1·2b11 1111n1t•d., garage t-HOTHING FOA SAlf.' -lRAOEI OHLYI
1 Br, 1 Br. Barh. l\IJJd ser· u1y gar(!en apls 1\·ilh coun-17-11 Tustin, Costa ?Ylcsa I Illar.Arthur ~r. Coast llwy) ~;st!!~~l:~~; a~~'.·67~~~~or PHONE 642-5678
To Plac• Your Tt•der's P•radlu Ad
1 I!·,~. TV S.: pool. !ry club anuosphere 11.nd lligr. i\I!'S. carson, 6-12-46-l.l THE BAYCLIFF run1p!e1e privncy. SOUT H LARGE 2~·~ BR + 2 baths. Storage garage $·1a I-Tave 2~; acres Nr. duck
nA y CLUE~ APTS 13100 ~=--~------! blk to beach, bltin stove & 20' x :.15' x 10' high Ch1b, San Joaquin Valley_
.Jjj N. Nr\vporl. Blvd. Chapnian Ave., Ga rd c. n NO\\.' Avail .I & 2 BR apts. 1Hsh11 hr, cp1s I drps. No Schworer l:i7:1-2fi5'1 $3500 ln~e & cir. \Vant du-
fi.1&-3165 Deluxe range ,r,, o v c n, I S'M~ 1 1 I 310' 1.rov,.. 171-0 £.16-3030 Pt's. ....,;. '' o yr 'i· ,it GARAGES -10x20-!0x15. $15 plex, CM or HB area. Davl.S
SINGLE Young Adults Lux· di.shviishr. CJU. etc. Poul & Ins 67a.-5359 & soo N QC Real"' 6-12·7000. gar, uti! pd Aclult living 21! :-V n10. ear airport, ~o'-"''-'-"--'C"-~~--11ry i;nrd1'n nnts 11·i!h coun----------4-7-0-5 Wilson ,\vc, l l.r e 1 iv e c n 3 lilt 2, Ba. l!ll1nt!ry l'onm, Pal1sadr.s Rd. 548-~4 500 sq. ft. cabin on 2~~ acrrs
!ry 1·l11b a1n1o~phcrr nnd Laguna Beach llarOOr & Fair\'JCl\'f. fll gr bltns. ch~lnvashr.r, new shag $20 r.lo. separate single in Yucea Valley, $2100 f'q!y,
<'f'lmplc1c fll'll'tlt"Y-SOUTH 2 2 V' d k crplg nu pets pre( (.'Pl C 2 I \Vatrc •. •I••., bul•O• 1,ok, flA y LLl'll APTS. Irvine at HR . BA. 1c1v, ec . Apt !>. Days &12-5401, eve . ~ • ~ ~ • · garage. or. Jn: & Orange, .,. ... .,_,_
f\t>ar h<•ach. Achlll s. 54!!--074~ S23J. 67.>-.i7!l-I Costa r.·lt"sa. ~18-0522 Trade for car, boat, any-Jtilh, Nc11'por1 B('nC'h. !hlng of value. 6-12-44.16 1 71~) 61~:i.-,o * Call 49-l-~14l * 2 Bil, bl!Jns t:rpts drps NEIV large :l Bil. 2 BA .
13 EA IJ T.J FU LL\' furn. Rf:,\UT 2 Br. 2 D:1, OCf'anfrt \Valk to shops. 'r-.1atu~ View, beam ceilings, bltlns, lncomt Property 6000 Lake Isabella, 6 unfurn 2
S3!.Kl. 8TI·l700 or S1~0.153 adul!s. No JK'ts. ;1 25 cpts, drps, best area. BR rentals; $45,0CKI f.'P, ~Spanish\ 2 BDR apt nrar "vi'.~, & wkC'r'ICls. !'H0-8100 . 67~;!)0 1 90·U Fu!JC<rton, •1t2i\l ~. ~35.<nl cq. Wan!: Coas!al l!oag J!osp1!0.l. Sub·lC'ttSC ..-~-. $210 mo. Jnq. 421'.ll llrlaria OCEAN Breeze Apts: L gc 3 CUl10Ll\)Q Apls. l Br $5~r>l .SfJendable, $ 2 o o 111 :uea horne or Condo, 0'.l·n-
\\'ay. 64.2-43$7. Dana Point 4740 BR, 114 Bi\, bltms. crpts, studios, some w/frplcs $180 cash, TOs, stock reqd; some ~r (TI41 376-2677
di'ps. no ~ts. $160. ino & up. Al~ penlhouse $220. prcpd. Big po1cntial. Ha\'e ::::abin Cruiser sedan 11.6
BEACON DAY. Cozy 1 RP. / 1 Le N s.ta.-3215 ar1'1pm. Pool &patios.673-3378 several lrg&smlrindust& uelers, Chrysler Roya l
bachelor npt w I kllchen . • w ~' ase. 0 apt C'Omplexes. Bkr/bldr 'n"'.·· solid & turn key ready,
fact.Ii ties, Ln:; patio, priv children. Sl3J. 2 BR Studio apt. 1 '.3 ba. encJ. '-----------644 '26-· • * 499-2055 * 1· --. ~ frade for tare model Cad. entra n(.'('. Ulil pd. Avail to gar, palio, c pt s Id r p s . Huntington Beach 5400liiii0iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.., :amper, mobile home or ?
7-1 Sl03 rnn. 613-753.i bl!-lns $145. Days ~12·352 1 8 HOUSE 36'1-96n -~~~-~~-~--1 RENTALS E ves. 5-16-0089 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, cpls, S SAii~ Jnn l'\lotcl. (i!x nn~. Apts. Unfurnished . drapes, built·ins. Best loca. Cocoa, Florida 3 BR houSl",
col1ples. $UO lo :5120 mo. $160. 3 BR, frple, pa\lo, lion. 1 blk 1o 5 Point stores (4 Duplexe5 Eai'ts;de) efficie ncy apt + pooJ & 6C~nt 841brkfsl, malll Sl.'fV. General 5000 c·rp!d, drpd, garage, adult.~ .• 140. un. Furni'I•-" & •• ~: frpk_ $21,C<JO, 51 , % FHA. I 28!} o I c i\I 71<1 J.10 0301 ,. ,. ~"'' "" $79,500. Mo. income $970. j;>-•. g l'/ · 1 · : <r<> furnished 6 4 :l-2 8 l 5 or Perron Rlty., 642-1771 '90Cl0 cq. \Vill trade up for
YRLY rental. ,\lod. spacious VEN DOME or 2l ~: .•!r'...-:i2'27 c'~"~'-~·~·i~o:~i;n~O~!~E~ll~;,~·~A~p~tcD'_-_I~~ .... "' ............ 11 .B. home. Rllr. 89·1·5:11
3 Br, 2 Ba, balcony. $275. 3 Br+ guest hse. Pool, * BEACH BLUFF * BY Q\vncr 2 houses on l lo!. Operating rcsmurant $27,500 RPsponsible adul ts. $!'~. bl!"' '''/w d-• Fam>'ly & "" "·' ' .,., · · Ne1v 2 & 3 BR, 2 BA. Fore-Eastside, new paint. 267 frade f<lr home or TDs.
!"">49-3643 1~~~6~1ti~~..j! sml pet O.K. Bier 534-6980 ed air, dsh\\'Shrs, pa tio, r.tagnolia. SZ7,900. &16-2105 "riee incl. bldg. Ii; pa1'E'd
TRAIL.ER fllr11, adult park. AVAILABLE now, 2 BDRr.1, pool, v1eiv. 1 &, 2 s!orv. C-2 lo! & ('(Juip. Leon Vibert
P I ' 'd SECTIONS AVAILABLE J , oo . 1\·atcr <>: gas pa.1 . crpl$, drps, l1!tins, carport. \\o'alk 10 5 Point Shops. Bu1iness Property 6050 ·"c'c"c·c"c.:_8·~"":.:.:'S ____ _ '" ·1 l lOO Close to 5hopp;ng, Park Ad I .. , .. "''S .-,9 -.,._·nior c1 llen. n10. u ts .• ~o pc._-. . .,.. ..,,, 8-17-3957 \\'ill irade: Automoth-'e
!Yl!}...0140 or r~1&-114;; *Spacious 3 Br's, .2 Ba ~';,:,:C~~-,;--;,C::-;~,--1-";:;;;~===-,-~---lsACRlFICE -01,·ner has * ,_ Brd~m, DLX lg 2 BR. 11 , BA triplex. NE\V LU:\'URY 1 & 2 BR lune-up equipment and po1Y.
0 CE • •"fRO"'f A · ·-I I · change nl plans for deluxe 1 · 1 "" " -ttraclive-* s · p 1 p t/ Fl'p c. lias cvrryt ling. 2'l80 l~ATIOS & IlALCONIES er tools or lap1dary equ P-1v1Tn 00 I lL gf('en .•1·,.,,, '180 .• '1.' 0152 ADULT L-.vING bldg Il l 1870 Placentia, c .r.L l°""I, 2 Ilr, garai;e, util furn. * Frpl, Jndiv/lndry fac'!s " " ,. ,,.. ,,....., 1st T.D. SJ9,500. Assume "'-" * &!2-3129 * 1845 Anaheim Ave. 2 BH. apt, hltins, crp!s & SURFSIDE CllALET 6.6%. !\o reasonable. o!fer
4210 Newport Hgts. ~---* Clcanlor2BR •
.Adults. no pets, 2'121 E . 16th
S1. Sl35 mo, up. 6'16-1801
COSTA l'\JESA 6-l2-2824 drps. Gar . Adults, nu pets. 8262 Atlanta, 536-2800 r efusrd. Call owner/broker
Z27'l Pomon.1. 6-IB-316.J. ?ON'I'ALBA Gracious 491-9471
2 Bil., 113 Ba, + pa tio, nr .secluded living, xtra large 1l1iiiijiijijjiiiiijiijiiim
shoppl n~. adults, no pets. Bl', frplc. l'losed garg. Bla ck Knight Rest.
Sl3'.i. &12-2389. Adul!s $150. !l62_-7_<_,10_· __ 330 E. 11th f:t., C.l\f.
STUDIO • 2 Br, 11<'\V t:rpts & 2 I3ft, cncloscd pa t lo, (Land & Illdg.J
• RENT •
3 Rooms Furniture
$25 & UP
Beautiful 3 BR, J BA, play
rm, mt home + active in-
('Ome prop., ~ ae., 1!11y 18,
Run'g Spmgs. home or in-
co me prop, $32.000 equity.
lndust. in ron1e on PlaC't'nti3
A vc. $150,000. Trade 1/3 for
ciear Orn.ngr. Coast proper·
ly. Ba.Janee T.D. or ?
01\'ner 548· 15-12
'69 Dllnc Buggy, Pancitke
eng. YE'Uo1v body', flowered
hlgh top. '!al $:l'JOO. Trad.:
for 'fi1 or '68 El Camino or
RWlchem_ All 4, 6f;r-1425
as k !or John.
TO\VNH OUSE 3 Br, 21 ~ b.-i ..
Bc-aut. appt'd. Priv. pa lin,
pocil: nr bay, \r11!. $.12,500.
Eqty for T.D., car. camper
or ? ? Owner 6-16-6654
Marble table, 8 ehninir, buf.
fct, :;:tore roun!er, birdrye
1nap!e dresSE'r, surfboard.
\Van! refrig. or elec. stove
OJ' ? 5'16-1891)
JIAVl~: Cc/:;;ta ~·lcsa Com·
nierriaJ $38,000. TP.ADE:
$14,COO equity for 4 to Ii
1111i1s Orange Coun ty.
Pei,'On Realty 642-1771
\\'ANT: Photo 5tudio equip,
shooting & processing, rol-
or & B/\V. HAVE: Large IOI
nr Ma rina, Sal l.On Sea. Val-
ue S.-1500. 536-7ilil
:l Two bdrm uni1s, C.r>T. 63x
270' lt -2 lo!. Price(! Jo\v ut
S38.liOJ. Trade for home
equity. Bob Olson Realtor.
\Vhat do you have to trade?
List It here -in Orange
County's larges! read trad·
ing post -lll"1 make a deal
J\lonth·To-~lonth Rrn!als
drps, b!(ns, carport. pool. 11"ash in~ facil. Adults only. 1l * * * * *
1\1) chilrl ages 2.10. &16-0-196 Slli 847-6692 By 01\•ncr 71·1: 6t2-6200 ~~!'!!!!!!'!~~!!!!'!!!!'!!!!''!!!!~~~~'\!!!~'l!!!!!!'!!!!'!i!! Back Bay 4240
Br. 1'2 Ba. Pool, arlult s
Sl!IQ, 2310 Santa A n a
&i: .... 29:>..1
Corona del M•r 4250
COZY 2 Br, i::arg, 1 blk. to
i}('al'h. :l()-1 r>I a r gar 1 t e ,
673-259'2 or 67~l69L
JIF'RC Furniture Rentals
517 \V . 19th, C.\1 518-}181
SIJS. 3 BR. 2 Ba. Crpts, drps,
R/0. Children wel come.
Avail no1v. Bkr &l:l--01 I l
Sl3J. 2 Br 'l-ph::x.
drps, 11·/\V. Ava ll
Brnkrr ~·l--09.'\0
Sl~O. LGE 2 Gr, ·1-plf':<. Nl'.
.s!or11~. S!O\'t" k N'lng.
Adulls . Dier 6-15-0111
$1·15 i\10/YRLY. Garage apt =-=========~
,::::_.:;::;:_:~:_:;::o~:'.:::'.:'.'._'l;;'-"""";,;-c;;""-,----,--,,--1 FulJ 5~~ comm. to all hkrs. I or 2 BR. Stove. CID. frplc, 2 BDRl\1, 2 BA. pvt patio, REAL ESTATE , BUSINESS and
clishwhr, rl isposl. Adults, 110 hcatcrl pool, \\"a.sher hook!-----------Gen•r•I FINANCIAL
peL<;. 5-15-2181 "~•~· ~"c'--""=~1 _____ ~--------Busine55 Rental 6060 I I 6090 -$135. 2 RR npL Jn1mac, rnat. 2 BR, chilrlren & pet ok.1:c;;.;c,;;_:.::__:.::::.;;.:,;_ _ _::= ndustri• R•nt•I Bus. Opportunities 6300
adult s rrer. No pets. Royal Crpt.s, drp~, r.1nge, gar. ON THE BAY ---::.:.:___::::_:;: P~lni l)r. 516-AA66 $1-15. mo. 962-76:17 • 1350 sq. fL i l65/mon1)1
Newport Beach 5200
2 Bl~ un ful'n apt. Drps, cr(ll,
bltins. LeaSI'. * ~~".&-4: .. 16 *
Nl::\VPORT BI::AC/£ Villal'°'========
Apl £.\clus1v(' scct1on, lux-T oc"c'c'c;"'-----5640
LGXURIOUS .1600 sq . ft. off. Co~ta r.JC'~a.
ic..'t' ,,.; bl tn 11·r ! bar. by • SIOO sq .. ft. ~ offices, :
Coast l/wy. S960 mo - 2 year phase PCl"'er. $ 3 1 0 I mo .
lcaSf', 615-Tll:1 Costn Mesa.
Riddle .r.: Ross Reallcirs • 1750 lo 15,000 sq. ft. now
35.15 E. Coa.<:r lhvy. Cd~f leasing, under ronstruction
i'\01.,. availa ble in Costa i\lcsa
t .... n1any o!her to1vns in this
area. All loca tions are com-
mrrci11l nr lac!ory. Vfty
high <'am ings. no seUing in-
Bus. Wanted 6305
DRY Cleaning-Press shop.
Ncl'><port Bch, Laguna Bell
prer. Prlv prty. ( 21 3 1
Mon•y to Lo•n 6320
2nd TD Loan
Prompl. confidential ~crvlrc
642-2171 545-0611
Serving Ha[bor area ~O yrs.
Sattl•r Mortgage Co.
336 E. 17th 511·rr r
f'lr good real cst<itl' !;;>."In.
\'acant OK. l\!r. Adan1s.
Bl'Okl'r * 49').2131)
Mortg•ge1, T.0.'5 6345
CO!\'ST!~UCTION fl! one y
availal.Jle for ir.comc pro.
tlu d ng property. Fo~i.i;n &
don1eslil'. r.1otcls, Nuno.in,(:'
l lomcs, Shopping Centers.
Of f ice Buildin gs,
Apartn1cnts, etc. Write or
call Title RC';Uty ~
Insurance Company, 2Li
Clark Building, Binn·
inghan1, Alabarn<1 35203
Phone (205) 25I-:i286.
18 ?1> RETIJRN
$j3,000 Seasoned Jst T D.
payable s;JOO inn. R<;{i , rluc in
J.j n1onths. Sole! a l Sl0~.000
\\'ith ~50.000 rlo\1·n; on 5
/\crcs 111;1gn1flce nt OCl'an
view So. J.;Jgl1n~ land. 10';(,
Dist'Ount. B roker
~!17-1210 or ·193-1706 Eves.
l ST TD on \Vhite \V atr r VICI\'
lot in Laguna Beach. $5,(KXl
at 930 mo. incl. 9';''1-. All due
3 years. 12"fo Discount
RROKER ·1:1-l-l!IOO
$J-IOO 2nd TD. JQ';, ln!.
Payoff Oct. 'ii. Seasoned.
r ay. $11:> r>lon1h on 4 Br.
hi;iu~e in Orange. 6i5-2916
2ND T.D. llome 1n C'ity ol
Carsnn. 11,..'.i %. All due Ii yrs.
$30. inc int. Dlsct 25%.
1ST and 2NDS
Sn. Calif. T.o·~. 1nc.
ZE:-.l!Tll 2-6003 -Toll F'rN?
Money Wanted 6350
SSCJ()J Secured loan, int. open,
terms pref ! yr. Call !11r
Bf'nson 64fi-,'iOQ.I
Found (Frff Adsl 6400
BULL TC'rrlcr combinal\on
Black & bro\\'n modeled .1 HR fl1rn. Ad ul ts, no pets.
67:>--0307 \\1/gar;igc.
l Br furn. nrar shop'g. Sl·IO
mo. 6{r~ lftJiotrope. &12--3295
or 6i3-i"21 t
Costa Mesa 5100
ury liv111g; large he<t!('('I
pool. Prnthnuse V 1 c w .
!';pacious 2 ER, 2 IlA, \\'('!
har. frplc. all el('C, <'rpts,
drps. h!h1 1!s, no ]X'ts. $325
mn. \\'eslcl11! Villas, l\o, 8.
Phone &12-2-196 for appt.
DELUXE 2 & 3 Bit 'l·PLEX
APTS. St80 to S220 mo.
'I'HE ASPENS FOR lease -1feluxe pro. Cosia l\fesa.
1:'i6J2 \Villiam SI. fcssiu nal bldg, Only }150 per C .. Robert l\a!trl'Ss R!'altor Costa l'\1esa 642·1485 Tust1n's pN'srig:f' address mo. Su1!ablc fr1r n1any uses.
Adult living. no pets 1870 Placentia, C.:'ol. Call EXCELLEi\'T profit mak1n1;
vol\·ed. To q ualify you mus! 11•/11·hite PQints & stub tail
be rtclia ble ,r,,, hal'c l hr 11 Chukt> f'h.1ln w/lil'. F.· fll'a
day spare time (days or collar. Call aflrr 4. All da~
COROLlDO Apts 'J Br .slutlio
furn. $210.
BACHELOR 11n !urn f rom
SllO. Also avail 1 .. 2 & 3
Bdnn. llea!ect pools, child
care Cf'nter, adj to shopping,
COZY 2 Br., frpl. Ground No JlCTS.
fl rJOr. r\r shnpp1ng. SJRO :noo P e!crson \\'ay
llal P1n1·hin &· AsSOC'. 675-•1392 _ _cCc"c"--~'=l"'="''C'Co;clc6--0..:C37=0~
Shag: carpels O\\'nl'r 49-1-9471 p!an for rlub:o;, ch u r !' h
Tolnl air conr!:t)o ning COr.li\lf.:l \CTAL hlrlg ., primr. ~roups. 'lrganiu111nns and
Unfurnfs herl loca!!on, clo\\·ntown C.!11. 25. 1hr. ind11·1dlial. Double J011r
Gymnn..<;iunts & Saunas frnnla~<'. SJOO mo. :MS-J40J 1no11ry. \\'rite or phonC' nnw
Apartments from Sl50 for fl't'I', complrtc 1nfnrn1a-
A du l t s . l'\lcdtt1en·ancan For information 83:>-6&~7 STOR~: fnr le.ase. 1500 sq. It. tinn. C')n1puh, IU.'l.~ F:, 1 ~1 St.
QccHnfr'flnt at Nr wport Pier. Suit<' 203. (714) R36-f.9~. V ill ag e l nt'ar Hoa g
l !osp1t<tl) 42{)1 Jli!aria \l'ay.
NC. 6-12--4387
Sl~\J. BRAND NE\\'! 67~7!'166 1-""-""--"'"-'-".:-'..C:::C:::.:::.__
SPANISH VIU..AGE TRAii.Ell r>l rg. ~r111p on l1 2
evrsl. Sa! & ~un. &l&-1909
Sl200 to S3350 REQ UIRED BLACK ponrllr. n1 a I e.
Inquire al.lout ou r "free bonus \\'/jt'l\'C!Cd collar. \'JC. s .A .
rou te pl11n". fllake your fu. II h l k (/I):: Is. \\'('C a g 0 . tuN' secure \\'Jth us, a Dunn 6-1:.-2762 ,r,,, Brnrls!rcet rn!{'(! Na11onal f urn l BR ;ipt. i llO Nr"'J)()rt
Blvrl. r.led allion hy llo1po1nl,
'2 BR furn. Hdt pool, gan1e
rn1. Adults only , no Jlt'lS.
Balboa $j:1 Bach. Hrf 1·1~:. !lot p!ale. ...... 4300 MARTINIQUE
I & 2 GEDROO:O.I S fencrd acres. 10,000 sq ft +
l!Oi>.'EY:0.100N -apt. !i J,l 11 I Air C1lnd . Panc!Jcrl \\'all.~. ga.~ Office R•nt•I 6070 4000' dock. Red 1 an rl ~
ll'\·rJ, l1r•·pl11cr. v i c 1v , fiN'd UBQ. Opt'n hcan1 C1:'ll· arr.a-(){' fl Sch w o re r
Cn. ~~o r n101'(' information BLACK & \Vhitc long-haircr!
sr.nd namr, addrc.~.~ & phone 11·/IJl::ick spot under chin.
no. to: ROUTE DEPT, p O Vic. Broad1vay, C. r.l .
Box 5S Pomona. C:1.lif. 9ii6~ ~'"_s--_1200_,_,..---,--,-~,..-
ladies Apparel Shop 2 mos old .f:'N'Y/\1 h11c. frn1ale Ut1\ pd, \\'ornan on J y,
l nn bachelor ap1. ;\fen only.
SflZl. mo. 132 \\'rst \\'l.!!\On,
Costa !\lesa.
Newport 811.11ch 4200
\''l~TER Or Yt>arly l Br 11 pl
"I gar.: .. 11!1! pd. 1 adult
ronl~ rrfs. 67J.-fi1\J
P.E::'\'T ALS
BEAUT!Ft.:L Bay V ICI\'. 2
Br. S200 11t1I paicl. Reach.
r 1rr, r~rk1ng. Arlu!t<:, ?.O~
E.J-:(!i::t"'llk'r. f7J~ f 871-28.GG
CLEAN Bachelor Apts.
All util 1orl Sll'i 1111
:n:-1 1::-:. Balboa Bh·d.
13A LBOA 67,'.-~~r
OCJ~,\;\FHO!\T 4 Bn. Slin
11t1l1tlr" 1nl'lt1rlrr!. \\ 1n1rr. '*
(/C'J·:,\N Fr<•n!, 1 & 2. Bn f\trtl
<•flh. \\'1 ntrr ~1'17 E. P...a!boa
E..xccUl'nl, park·like :o:urrou nd-
1rii;s fnr adults only. ?\car
sl';,"lpp1n;:-. Pnoil.
1,2 ,V.3 BnAPTS
)j77 (\.1n1a ,\nr1 . .Apl ]JJ
61fi.'.Jl 12 nr bl:?-1•16.~
Fairway Villa Apts
;\c.ir Or1111g,.. Co .'°llf!"lL t &
1 Cl. 1\di.:..!ts onl_1. '201~:!
Sa n1,1 Ana Al'e, :iio.~196
Bl\'d. 67.'l--li.~~o 1 tkr 1-----------
f'IPi;anl carpcl~. draf"'<: 1ni::s. Pr l\'alc patios & LAGUNA BEACH 673-'.!654
ST..O. '.>ll\-23!!1 aft 6 r:i.1 All t1alenn11'r.. Air Condit ioned 500 SQ FT BLDG
I ... . '1001' !(' \'IE 0 n~. 1'0"'"'.,_., AVENUI~ ' . • I ·'LY • ..:11 St. !jun.~ ~ lrl!;S \'!LL.A NT l'.l'.">l -i -! s c 'II 2?0
Hd. NB. 34~ \V Is!. Tustin l\.1.~95.10 fksk space avnll..ible In EEl~l ~~-~r. ~s~:ilah~~N;~ ..
1 BP., 2 13/1, CI D, patio. ne.1\CSI ol/ic-e .tn .. ilding a! l st. S85 i\lonth. 6T;r6700
fr11ll', <hsh1\hr. f\r \Veslc-llff Dana Point 5740 prime loca tion 1n do11,1110"1n
Jll1.. Hi!i:i Ir \' 1 n "· $!!10 -----------Laguna Be::ich. Air CQndi-\VANTED: 500 sq. fl .• on.e A{iul l~! For Appl 6'l2--02~:t DELUXE 2 nn. 2 HA, ncl•an t1onr.d. ca1~ted, bcautirul man ni nch·sliop. Vic lln1g
\'11'11'. !l trl pnol. Lease, Reis. t>ntrances: Fro11tagc on Hl'h or 1:-l mi n !ravel.
2 Bl~ upper. crpt.s, 1!rps, SJQ.l , 411!}...2Ci5:1 Forrst A\·e., rear leads lo 213/•177-8620.
i;tu\1' ,r., re!ng. SlGO )Tly _RcE_c_A_L_E_S_l_A_r_E____ :'llt1nc1pa1 parking Jots. S50 -60LCD:.,:_c1coc:::I,=~'--. -11-.-0))--,-,-.~,,
+,ii.~l!Oi\ll pe r month for ~pacc. Drsk l~ General and chull'S a\•nilab!e ,,_ ,,-. Properly 90' x 3(1\'. &l:'t-11. )'f{l.Y :.! BR $Ii~ .. ·1 IlR $'.!~;. -------u, rlays. F.vrs. 642-1479. S.10 \\'.
Crpls. 1lrp~. ~hi\e & reln1: Rentals Wanted 5990 Bll!'lnl'~s hnur~ ans11·t>ring s"rvire a\·a ilabl• l·c 110. _o"c'chc .. _C~Mc. __ ~~--..,.-
Like to own your own busi· kiq t•n found vie 0 Cf'
nes."" Herc's 11 real oppor· Agrirul!u ral Bldi;. C a 11
\unity to 011·n your 01 .. n s!lop &!V--j.119 a(t ;I p111.
with ii :;n1all ln1cs!l11t>11l for
I1xturrs in lhe Founta in Val .
l('y arC'l'I. All n1en:·hand1~e
YOUNG part \\'lnte & ca.l k•1
l'at. Vic Oran~e Park, t-n
10/10. Call !J.39-5&80 1[)/J.~
1" nn cons1i::nmPnt. l\n in-YNG lcrnaJ" cat p/S1amc'r
\'PSJ n1r nt in mr rc-h1111rllsr, \'IC. l'\lngnolia & Adams,
P<l,\' 11fter ii fs .~old. \\'c 11·;11 n l! ll. &12-~1 3
_\OU & SUP"t"l.'l~e )OU at no -rxfJ('n.~c. Fnr complC'lc lnfor. FOU:"lU Vic. ls! & J\Cacia :<;r .
mauon, 11 r11" or phone F. I.. Cc!!'ll younJ:: male r'a!. 1vh1tio
Tit>rne:.-. 2130 Norlh llDllv-\1•/hlar'k ~rots. 6';'~-6lfi9
1,.,,.,,1 l\';1y, Burh;111li;, tal;I. ~l.H FH1 >1\Rn \'It. l!-13-. -,,-,,
Plv1nl' 1 ~131 l\IJ IJ.10. C;UJ to 1r!cnt1fy . $1 ?.7.~ BACHELOR apt. •1111
('YL Crp1s, drps, hltins, pool.
.1:'12" Plal'rnha. Lido Isle 4351
.No [IC'!S. fi,lfi-~1~00 ._ u
\\'Ol'l-t'G c I 1 • All utl11t1cs paid except r-.-F.\V Industnal Bldgs fnr fRIGIDIARE •l BR, 21 ~ BA, st11rt1n. l blk '"' oiip C', t' ean "' "-I !639 1 1 1 tcll'pltnnC'. !ease. 2500 sq. f(. "" t.
si.;11. l BR Llpl'f'r. ~tove.
rt"l.r1g. l '!il 1nrl'1I !--~--------
LA P.G E 1-Br. HPIS., nu.:<'1 )"' 32Q NOnD RF.Ar!! 1\rTS.
furn Nr. h11.y. $!40-S\;,Q i\e•v furn. GarJgr. S:l00-
67~7876 or 494·!JTJJ $22J -S2j(} n10. 714 I 53:..6696
* !i 1~-:1:17:\ ...
2 l~R. t•pt:<, 1lrp~. bltns.
prt. SJ:,:;. Ar!ul!s, ni;i
!l\!\-21i27, XS-1710
!1YJm l;ctt('h. Y1·arly C11 1 qtii(' · w -"P · rai s r r 73-~·11 JET ACTION . (uhctl-Tr;1incd f <lor: 11 is hcs 1 D,,fL\' Prt.OT t'll onrovi a., C:'IL Ii "'' . ·
-'c7c"_"':.c:''c-·_______ h t '1'12 FOREST AVENUE JI ·-• Frigidaire 1~ min. 11•a~h. or 2 hr. 11nlurn !'<'. or np • ~-~ A • tOOO SQ. f"'T .. nr. · ari,.,r ·
1n Newport Reach. (P rrr. LAGUNA n~:ACil Bakrr, C.i\1. Avail. at onc-t'. Fas1c~t 1n !he 1ndu!>try 30,
0 . 1J1>.on .•• 1'.1 DER.."{ I Br, pr1 patio. I IlR, 11''\\', 1lr]'l'S, i;ar,
Ut1l JXI, adult~. no
$12~>--SJ:)() 518-03:lG
East Bluff 5'242 Nov. 11 S115-S13CI. 8~2-311.6 ----='':"c-':4£6:::_ ___ SULLIVAN 5~0--142'9 IS min wasti.cs 1vi11 de; the t>"OL ---'---------! 11·nrk nr 45, .iO min 11·a~hr~ :iftr r :-,, nr wkend~_. ____ 1 tl!ODEH.N Air conditioned 2 INDUSTillAL units. \''est F RI GIDIARF: OUTSTAND.
r nr)!1LF'-1rn·1c1· 1111s puppy
IJl11ck. ~r.1y on far·f'. F"ounrl
on \\'a.r!lE'r. H.B .• ~<\Hf.27
\\'HI TE male Jy>(l(ll(', o\
n1onth!I nlrl, vie. \\"arnt r I.:
Springdale. 81fi.21'6:i Carport. Adults, no pets. QUAl.ITI 2 Br fum apt, no
21i20 A\'On. $105. 67J.-ro61.i childrt'n or prts. $200 mo
1 BLK trom Ckf-an-Ila1:hclor c0'='1="=· ="="=· ='="=41=''="'=''====
w1 ~"\\·imm\n,(:' pool. $130. mo.
5~~1 132 bt>f 5 •)r an 8 pm
OCEAN rnoNT I. 2 & ~ bd-
2 Bn. 7 B,\ nrit, 100' from
bf·roch. $22:1 }Carly lease.
$11.l Prr mo. 2 BR. 1 small
C'h1lrl OK. No pt't.~. Illt-lns,
C'rpts. 1lrps. f13.~~~lfi2. ,\ft [1.
2 RR •1 /w erpts, •lrps, hl!ns.
l -2 C'h\lr!rC'n Ok ~135 mo. l'<r
s1·hls, !'162-30:-l~•
4000 General 4000Generat
Sulve a Simple Scrombted Word Puzzle for a Chuckle
0 ,., 1m,.. lotten cl tho
four xrarnbltd 'l)"Jl'ds be-
&ow to form lour slmpl1 words.
I I I' I I' I I
15111SA I' I I
' "
---f . 6
IRITTA I ... ,. -r I ,. I' About a derollet boo .. ~ _ _ Drinking doesn't d rown his
...---------. tr01Jbles-It -. thern. lllllNKI I 1--tlrr' 'Tl--rl ..,1---.,.1'-1 0 Ccmi>""' "'-°"''kl• quotod
bv filling ln the m1n1n; ""°rd.
• .. --you dsVelop from step No. 3 below.
• lllNT N\.w.BElfD II lffiERS I' r I' I' I' I' I: I' I
e NEy.' DELU XE • e LANOLORDS e su itc, 17th Street. Costa 16th st. N.B. $fiO to SUO. li':G LOC,\T!Q;..tS: La J\iira.
'.' Br. 21 ~ ba a pt. for lcai;c """"'£ !'~NT.IL S'"RVJCE 1'1esa. 0\'cr 700 Sq\lare fl'{)t. r "l-' d
I I d. ,. '"""' u:. -"-~~~~·~~======= a niajor shopp 1ni:-ccnlrr nc . spac. n1nstr. suite, 1n Brok"' ;:.•,1_6082 $2-10 per nionU1. Parking -~ G ~ ·
& dbl I -~=""'"' " II · •ll111en Grove & 8"""•'' r m. . garage. au o. co ee room Janitor Lot5 6100 Park. '""
door opener &\'ail. Pool K· RENTAL SERVICE scn;ice all ulililies in-:;::;'-----~---
n>c. arl'a. Nr. Cittholic F'Rt:I:: TO l.Af'j'UWRDS el uded. Phone r.l r. R11e BUILDERS Coin .. Q .. Matic
(.11url'h. Adults, no pr:ts. * Blue Beacon 6•fJ-01U * &r'..-9660 Equipment, Inc.
GREE.~ 11arakeet in \\'e:;t
!'llesa Verde. ~1.'>-J•lGJ
GRf~Y rabbit. S.l&-::il46 ~r
Lost 6401
• ONLY S2-l~i • UNF UK 11.pl or srnall house 1Ls=,crcA7L7L:.__O=m=,.,--,-,,-1.-,,-m-o-st 233·1\~ \Y, Valr ncia
Sf,j Amigos \\'ay, N.B. or 2 BR:!. garage & 300 sq ft 300 sq. fL Carpets-ulilities 50' R·2 lot near beach, H.B. Fullrrton 714: 5l5-iS:J.J BLACK and 11·h1lr• and i;rny
DELUXE 3 BR 2 B \ '
. 1 I I Orly S9C<Xl altered m11te cat, lost last ~ , , ' .. nc. or more cean room or pa u:J. Short lern1 lease OK. · MANUFACTURING
7-2 A · \\' I"' hi I II -• I R. D. Slatts, Realtor5 Thurn nr Fn 1n Oki '.'>lr11""'rl i;nr. J migos ay. J,N. a~sen1 Y n iin1a n1uucs. Great localion 11.rlj a cent 9 E:-."J)an('!ing C1)mpnny nrf'ds ,,. per nio. 67:>--;,()33 \\'ill_paint inside. 5-1~1793_ Ruben's. Or11.nge Counly 536-8801 1147-111 1 . . vie. Clay & Orange ~!s.
0 v · n1an or suprrvis1on or pro-\Vea ring l'lrar lien cn\lur. GENTLE:O.lA.t'l 11·an1s Rnom R i r P O r I areR. Phone OCEAN & CANY N iew rluction. $15,000 invclllmo•I.
Corona del M•r 5250 !.. Boo rd. Ne11·port. Bch \\'ttkrl11ys, 9-~. 540-2380 from this v.1'Qd!lf'y, artistic Salary <lJ!(>n + shnre 111 p;;f_ chlllfll Jlf'I, llcw'rl . 61~~2!'1
-----------area. Phone 61G-54Tl DELUXE 3 roorn ollice suite setting on Blue Bird canyon ils + C'Ompany fringe bcn-PLE,\SE llelp us f 1 n d
1 BR rear house. Stove, in Corona dcl Illar. Prcsll~c Rd . Lag Bch 67~12{) E'rits. Jior appt phone ,714) ''Choo-Choo" \\'ht. 8 mo.
reins & new carpels. R_oo""-"m"1'--'-f~o"r_R:;.:•"nct __ 5::.:_99:.;5 location. Panelled. ne w 539-98TI, ext -190. Principals Spaniel \\'/l;in cars &. 2 BR. 2 ba .. just complc!C(\. -& 1 Acr•age 6200 only. mrkg~. East C.i\l. Rc.\v'rl.
Carp .. drapes, dish\\·ashE'r , SLEEPING rrnll 130 l\'k. 1 CafP"IS ' crapes. private ,:;<;c;"",.--~===,.----1 frl5-1R16
bll -in:i;. BR \11/kitchenrlte S•\5 \\'k . parking, Rcalonomlcs Corp. 21 J VI E\\.' acres, fast gr'O\\'-COUPLE \~·ANTED t o "'"°'"'""",.,-;:---,,--,--= 6""700 C I ii o I 11 f LOST: Lrg blk nllcrcd male 3 HB.. 3 ha. Brnnd new. 1311\n 1-lenttfl pool. l'llnlrl ser..,ice. ing So. a . con1mun y. pera e sma c11 !'leria in
dishwasher, cpts, drapes, 4::,0 Victoria, nr Harbor. BEAUTIFUL Execu1l\.-e-of· $2.995. Lo, Lo dOl'.TI & easy profl!ssional bldg. r.fust be cat 11·/ clear ~rl rlra collar,
I. · 0 /A I km l0 d bl & d · \'1(' Laguna N1g11rl r we Sta. pa!lo. . BACIJF.LOR'S fl-m, $60. 1tt, conve. n1ent . parking. i\lu. payts. l'.'ncr gen '"""." ga e csn·c 1st -X" 1 A 6'o -14 cla•· o 1· C t M Childrr.n'~ pel Re\\·. Please! Don ~Tankhn RHr. 673-2222 mo incl tl!il I"' cook;og .. nt oc11llon. 1r cond. -u-= '"' pera ton. on 11.ct 1 r. hi · . 2 ·. ' "' ' H\llgrrn Bldg. 250 E. 17th Trcmpnla. 837-2970 e.xt 311 , call 49~)--1073
3 BR, J bath, tins. yr old . Ava1I l'I0'.1'. i\lan on I !I St C ~f &l&-!)7{17 \\lorld Tn>nds Bldg, Laguna L \Dlf'.S "'·;:illrl. Vic Ccn!er
liOO fl lo10i·er duplex uni!. 673-1148 · 736" -C R. E. Wanted 6240 J-lil!s. SI. C:-01 or :l!'d Ave., L.iguna
011.lk tn l)each, shopping, BACllELOR~I'--1 1_ "-. f . Anaheim, .111. -"-===""'~==--
1 i;..i ' --.. 01· 2 11 /I bb ~ TICE -GIFTS & CAROS Beach, ~·ri SI L \"nluable ~hoo • Gas. \\'ntc.r. gardr ~-Full b.1. Pnv entrance., xlnl Q iceg "' 0 Y on ''"'~'· NO . 1ng, cpts /drps lnr l. ~-r Joe. 6i3-J02J aj!e 1 anytime. floor .+ upstrs, Schworcr 11·i1h unique e x c h a n Re Pa Per .s. R.f!'.van:!. 499-2.'169
leaS<". $300 mo. MS Acacia. 67J-2fi:l.I business. No compcht1on. aft. 6. 67~3."!6 LOVELY furn. room J. ha1h OFFICES II you hnve a 3 or 4 httlroom fleal Bargain! 614-2420 alt 6 ~!ALI:: • ApriC"'t tra cup Ffl.'lr1011~ clo:wt~. garg, pool 5c<' ·a.1 home for sale or for rent. pm or \l'knrls. f)(IOd.Jc. 1•ir :'Il l Cecta r Pl
CORNER Duplex 2 BR. pn!10 ncur OCC. S8:i 1110, 540-1821 relnri caJl u~ trxlay·. We l'f'prt"srnt L''lcTT""l';E,,:-,Go~IC,:C,.,,,--~~~ Cl\! 5,12-91.12 da,,, 6 ".~~ i::lt'cl. r;lo\'f' & r e 1r 1 ~ . 3345 NC\\1Jf1rl Rlvd ., N.B. the <'mployecs or a large , -d Mitlf" for T\\n "'"-".JU
garage. E.~ecl. cond Prefer 1 BR fu~ "'lba!h, priv ('n· 67:>-1601 lil')T1 moving to lhe Harhor in S.A. Indvs!rh1l Care, rv('s.
v.'Ork1ng couplt". No Chtldn•n !rant"f', $10 mo. 28ll Lnfllyet!,.., N.B-Al'('a and they mu.!i t have short hour'!. short order~; (; 0 L /J t-; N It r ! r 1r t•1• 1·
or pets. !'..!7-flG40 bf'f 8 A'.\I * 6~f'l771 S1oro or office $125. Cri1.-I ho11s1l110";! All rush if desired. all equip. Good "llaf\C)'," \'1•·. fl l c 1 1
or 11lt 6 P!\1 ROO:'il ,!',; h.i1h. pool. rum or floor ,/ upslfl!. Sch\\'OTTr Call f"armw 546-R&<IO 1..casr. !l·I0.55.'!9 V('r(I<' fl r1101rrl. C<'I I 1
NE:AR Ocean 2 Br. unlurn unrurn. !\r 1t1 rport. Frmalr . 673-26;).I 1.=::c.:cc.:_::_:_:.c:~_:_---I BI::AUTY ulon for saJr. :, fil6--;>~!t
Ari-B11ns, 11<'.w rrpt~ It. 5·1(H;13(1 C'\'Cs. COST A fllesa ofllt't's. A/C, BUSINESS and i1!1111on,, !\e"'IY rlerorated A t'l~\l ,\\:'''-;;117,,,c,,c,c,,-:-l-.-,,-.~,;in
df'Tl!I, No pcl~ or l'hllrll'i'n s1:. \\II\ & 1111 I\'/ klll'll{'ll. CITllS, dqi~. Parking. Very FINANCIAL 673-2S.t"1, a rt 5, 61fi-4!i08. \\Ol\/l('~. l;1rr 1-'l•I in Crl).I
SZOO mo. 673--8.\;n or 67.l-4~41 $.VI. 11k studln apr. 2376 nice offi ces. l:i55 Baker, DRE SS Shop, ~todc-0-011~'. ~011 -; ~i:\-~31~
1\lrs. Ca1>ry, A~t. /\"f'11·port Bl\•rj_ 548-97:~i. :JIS.4.~'.IO But_. OJ>_ portunltl•i 6300 "u~v. flurn11 l'nrll. arc;i Ill .,\(!-,-,-.. -,,-.,-, "rc,.-•. -~1-' 1 cc:_.,:c.:,,,-=-~----I n1:1 c, _ I BR 11nf. All 111Jl prt !'tnvr, fiTrtNJ~llE l l rilnm~. \\'nr\.:-DF:LUX.f.: nlhee ln Costa FISH k OllPS !'llOr Ov.·ner: 5'!7·5!H6. 847-J.ll27 ~r~ fll !, lHl\, tn '",\ll1r.''
rrfrii;:, 1·111.0:. 1lrp.~. l 150 n10. in;: i'f'N<111, r>:nn-llrin\.:€'r. J\leAA . JJOO ~<1 fl. ,\tr conct, JrlcR1 !or couple. Tiit: QUICKER YOU CALL, fi·lf,_f)j7
~!01tur,.. .lrlUlt r,;~~l'l!l N'on-o:rnllkPr. (;11;..flll(I Cflll~. <lrp!{, :'>l~li7fi1. + &14-2944 * Tiit-: QU!Chf.R YOl f SF.:Ll.
Thursday, Octobtr 1~. l 96C> DAllY PILOT-:,}J •
( J
( I
When You
Want it done
right ••.
Call one of
the experts
listed below!!
Announcements b4 l0
Grand Opening
of Physio Therdpy
.S:ilir1.1 .t: n1a.ssagc, 6 lcrn!Ue
ll'1·h. 10 am-12 rnidnlght 1
d.'.IYS. 255 Thalia, Suile C,
1 .... 1gu11a Beach. 49-1-Llll
:-iO;>.'GS. POEl\·IS, IDEAS
\I A:\'TED by !!11 Con1ro!;l"r,
f'ub. Rernnhs. 5 4 0 -9 1 9 4 .
l\lusic Co-op, 200;, St. Anne,
S.1nla Ana, 9Z1().I
6520 Carpet Cleaning 662~ Ironing 6155 Cemetery Lota
~~~~~~~~ ~~~-~-
Residential -Jndlls -Cornc'l
Con1pJ reas Sl.'1v. Curren!ly
enbagC'd by C11y of C.l\I. !oc
stJ·1.:et !'estora11on.
Gcn'l Contnu~tnrs 61~·:i818
B.1bysitting 6550
BAH\'SITrINl; & lunchcs.
P1ckuJJ lro1n s1.:l1l alt 3 Pr.I.
fcnc·rt yd, tom pan 10 n,
CAHPE;r & uphols1l'ry :-.1(\ull
(•lt•1u11•d. also 1·arpt•I l/l·
slaliat1on. Rl.'sull.~ g1tal". Fur
frf'(! 1."SL rail £-IG.-~!!71
Electrical 6640
ELECTRIC,\L Sc r v &.
l~rpair 2\ hnursf7 days. Nu
J(JIJ h~J 1<rnrdl. Rl'n1od & ad-
t1i11nns If 11~ e!ectrtcal \\'e
fix 1!~ 6-1!H771
ELECTRtCI1\N: Li~nSl'd,
bond<-d, small Jobs, maint &
r1·11111rs. ::r1s-:.20:i
Floors 6665
Janitorial 6790 Legal Notices
SPARKLE .Janitorial & Win-
dow clcanillb Serv. \\'in-
•IO\\"S, resul.. oon1t·I, cons\.
CJ,·anup. Fre" !"SI. X."-2691.
DUTOl }.lain! ~rv. crpt
c!ng, Or wa.'ling:. window
\\"ashing. !larry van Bcyncn
537-1508 if no i1!t"! call art 3.
ESTATE Ma:11t Tree S<'rv
Removal & trimmings. 1ree
estirnau•, ...:Ull ~H-0088.
I \VILL not be rrsponsiblc
Jor any cleb!.'5 other than my
O\\'TJ. James r.tichael Fox
J08~ .... cMPLOYMENT
Job Wanted,
Women 7020
HOUSE \1·ork wanted by day.
Own transp. Refs. Cnll
br[Qre 'I am or alter 5 11n1
BABYSl.T'TINLl. l\ly h11n1c.
Day/nlte \\'arm f1ul. Nice
y-~rd. [nlant OK fi.l'.!-:.29!1
\l'l!.L tiabysir n1y hornc
I B. I 'd bk d C '' CARPET VIN1'L TIL'• 6810 l·:Xl''O. prtH·llcal nurse t a>·s. ig enc · Y • .i . • .:. Landscap;ng
call 61G-J:H7. Free est. Lie, contr. 5'11)..7262, \l'iUl lS priva1e duty in
l --~--~-~~--1 "1" "7& LlC'D J l J "" Laguna Bf'ar h only. \\"rile ALL day or after school. my -Y ,,.....~ ap11nrse anl sra,~ I========== I ' -kl.... P .O. Box 702, Lagun;1 honH' E-side C.\1. 2 yrs or conlractor, ....,11•ns, spr ·~· ==~~~-~c-:c.,--::cc,
ovci· plcasf'. fi-12-4:186. Gard•ning 6680 patios, ctr. ~31)..30~7 SOUTH American lady 11·ill
do your cleaning . 8 hrs day.
GOOD Care for your child ANTHONY'S Masonry, Brick 6830 No ('Oo king. 642-52'Y,l Lunches, trn('ed yanl. Days
644 4860 Stn:i.ll Sc!s of Books
LICENSED Day ca.re, l\"e<"k • Custom & Spanish !\1y home, 5-10--7211 f'VC~.
rtayF, infant 1hru 5 yrs. So. Th(' Il£'st, costs no more! Masonry A Specialty! Coa~I Plaza area. 549--40311 Experienced f.1aintenance Fie Bkpr-Sl'C. Thru P&L
Budget Landscaping Block, Brick, Concrete l5 ~'1-s. ('xp.
Brick, Masonry, etc.
BUILD, Remodel. repair.
f>rick, block, concrete,
car pcntl)'. no job too small,
Lie. Contr. 962-69-\5
Business Service 6562
Craduatc Hor1iculturist Free Est. 633-1343 536-7248
AL'S Gardening & La1vn
tllainlcnan(.'('. Comm<'rciW,
indu.strial & residential. * 6'16-362'1 *
Painting 6850
Call us! P.rliablc Scnli<'r 1\•/
'l'ard. lllain!. Ocanup Quality at its bcs1 , at the
1nost I'('asonahlc priers. Hl'aS, !l68-l!J'lf(/&1G-S2-!T F11'c,> t·~tln1t11('S. ;l'l!S-6002
Fridays. E.xpl"ricnced,
tran~p. rAz..-023.11
Job Wanted,
Men & Women 7030
CH!r-!ESE live-:n Domcs1ics.
P£"n11anent. Exper ienced.
Far East A;::£"ncy &12-J.1703
Job1o-Men, Wom. 7100
Experienced in assembly ol
centnlugal pumps, usini.
hand ancJ powC"r tools, lrocn
45 JI r. min. work wl'<·k
Profit Sharing
6TI W, 17th SI.
Costa t.1esa.
Au Loqual opporlunity
BABYSITTER, intelligent,
c a p 11 b 1 e ror occasional
everHnJ: & rl11ytin1e care; l
boy5, ages 4 & 7. Reis req.
Non-smokrr. ~6-9550.
BA IJY~IT'TF:R, livr.-in for 4
children ( 2 school·ag£").
Sala1y OJWn. ~lust love
children, l11r. houscv.·ork.
BAB y s I TT ER. t\1alurc
Y.oman, 2\li day! \\'k. l in-
fant, 2 school-tige boys.
Back Bay area.. 5-18-8175
BABYSITTER wanted !or 2
E;irls 18 & lO i. Al11:'r school.
Vic 4\st St. $10. 1•1k. 6iJ--0410
artet· •i:J().
BADYSITIER n1y 1',. V •
homt•, days. 2 Children 5 &
3. Days 638-1330, aft 6,
BABYSITTER, i-·rom 2 to 6
Pi\! daily. r.tesn North Rrea,
Costa !\l"esa. 64&-fi637 Eves.
Fountain Valley area.
BARYSl'ITER \\'anted: my
hon1c. !\lon·Fri. Prefer
111ature woman. 894-1821
Nc1vpori N11.tinnal Bank
£scro1v Offiel'r
Call r.1r. Carter
9-5, 6-12-..111 l
Nl"\V am.I C'Omplclr co l ii
IYP<' faciliti<'s s£"r'Ving all
of Orang<' County, Offer.
inc speMy servic<' &. lo1v
racrs. Call for further
information. (7141 8.l6..(i!.fJ.J
Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100
1'a1ntu1~ -P11perh1:1.ng1ng
• G.%-23 12 • Lie. Ins. Cunrnntccrt cc:===-,,--::,,-;c--, -
E.xp'd Japan£"se Gardener. I ln1Tis Painting 642-4)5.11 llARr.tAID: fl or pl liinr.
Ne111>0rt NationaJ Bank
call r.1r. Car1er
9-5 6-12-3111
Complete yard st"rvi~. SiJi3URBAN Paintingr Dt•c nighls. Good salary. Apply
fN.'C cs!iinatl". ~l332 £.\pt!rt Guerantet'd \\'ork abilifieS 1!ays: 43G I.~. 17lh, C.;\l.
Cut & Edge La111n }'~l"f.'C rst. No job 100 la!"l;C a rJ Lim iteO 5-\8-9949
fllalnlenancc, Lict'n...ei'I or too small. 494-31~ BEAUl"\ClANS, remale, lo
6590 -_!>_IS-4_808_1_54_!>-_1_9!>4 __ "_"_4_ PAl:\'TING lnt & Ex.I Lo\\•est agerJCY v.·ork evenings & Sundays in Cnpentering c •1 · b · t --'----"------CLEAN-UP SPECJALIST! contmcted prices. Fully Ins. ost.1 " f's& S us IC S •
CARPENTRY Mowing, ed)'.:ing, odi'I jobs. Sa1isfnction gua1. Free est Quality Position! for popular priced salon. Op·
r.tINOR REPAffiS. No Job --'-'-'"_·~-"'-'-"-·-''~''-"-'_:i:. __ l~J~io~1_\_V'~'~'-'~'~73-_ll_'6_7'C-= Qu<ilitied Applic11n1s portunity for top (·arnlng.~ 4~ F.. 17th SL, Suilc 2'24 ,1·/paid vacation. Apply Too Small. Cabinet in gar+ Japanrs1• G;1n'!rl)('r PAIN l'ING. 1~apcring J6 ~TS. Co<;ta t.lr~ 6·12-1470 t.lsr. Cl'o1>.'flrng Glory Bcau-
ages & o I her cabinets. <:ompletr Yard !V'rv1Cf' in Harbor Arc'a . Lie. & ly Salon, 267 E. 17th St.,
545-8175, if no answer leave Fr£'e Ei;tin1a !c &!!>.-OR?.O hnnr!CTI. r.rfs. fum. 642-23'.">6. AC C 0 tit PA NIST: r-.Ju~i-
msg al 6·l6-2372. II. O. DEl'l'.ND.,l!L'.·. By inonth c1;1n -Accon1pan1i;t n(·~il'd _C~'~!.~07""'_""==::: Andf'rson I r. 10< s c & s Pahr!CJ"S, lnt-Ex1. 101· f\e .... ·porL J!arhor lh.:h Br K I N l 81.>nnaid/dancer.
or cay. Fi"t:e r s!. · P-111 · House & a1>1s. No job 100 Choral Dept., 5 days J"l('r Full or part-time. Costa
CARPENTll'i', Cab 1 n £'ls job pref. ~>48--7030 snin.ll. (,T;l.~ii5 a.11 ;;. ,1.k., '1-6 hr!. per day. Call r.tesa
Rrmocl, No job too srnall, Jl!\'l°S Gan:lcnn1g & lawn \VALLPAPERINC & PAIN-!\lrs. Rf'ynold.s 518-U2l for 6-16-7:'.01
qu<tlity ivnrk. Call &16-25'16. maintcnanCC". Rr~. & Con1· T!:'llG. 10 YRS in ort'a. <iui'lition -~"'"""."'cc:-:-:c--
QUALITY Repairs -Altera-mf'rc1al. * ~0-1837 Hc;oonablc m tc!<. &-12--0-127 !;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Bkkpr TrainH
I' N• 1 b ho Irvine Complex On.5 -"C'IV con~· Y ur * E xpert J a panese PAINTING & paperhilni;in;:. Assc mbl£'rs
or Contract. 6·1&-3-112 F INF.S'f \\!ORK &l6-03S4 P.£"a~onablc. 2:i yrs exp. Start $450 P.~.:PAJ H.S, ALTEltATIONS 1:rr1n:in skill.". 612-1322 H U G H E S Exp or 2 yrs schl CABIN ~;T, Any s1zC" joh General Services 6682 Riv1C"ra Empl·1yri1<'rrt. Agy. Inc
., ~ I1'TERTOR & ext. Avrra1:r ~ 46''7 ;\Inc A11J1ur B:vrt. Sir 201
_:;yrs. "Xpcr. ,.1R-G7l3 GARAGE Doors Srrvirrd & br. hs<', labor only $127.~J() N.fl. 510-6J7fl
REPAIR, Parl1t1ons Small nrpaircd. G£"nrra! Mouse Call 5-\8--l:i.Hl NEWPORT BEACH -BOOKKEEPER M /F
Remodel, Cl1·. NII(' or day, r..1 . I SID . 67-5:'.S4 1==========-. aio · ·min. .:.-· COMMERCIAL Appro:... 2 ria"." prr '1·k. Rea.~? Call KEN' 510--':679 Plastering, Repa ir 6880 6730 ELECTRONICS Steady 1,·ork, lncrt'aslnh to
Cement, Concrete 6600 TOP Dollar for old itrms
e p ATC 11 l'Li\STERING. DIVISION lull time a~ CO. gro11·!i. Exp
All lypt""· t"rC'I' esl11n11tc. 10 crinstruc1ion d£"sirei'I.
e CONCRETE v.·ork a I I
types. Pool d<'cks & custom.
Cnll 54~1::2·1
* CONCRLIE :floors,
patioF, rtr Reasonable. call
Don, 612-S:il.J
Contractors 6620
F ormica F a bricating
Fully tl)lllrd r1t.;-tory in Costa
J\lri.a. Sink lops _ «abi11r1s -
, U1>1vlTI ful':nlni.!. 1 Qr lf!.000.
P..aw n1;i1rnal1> IC> !IV' puhiic
& help yOu plan. Flit"I c-nur-
h nu-; hirls on sml & lt;c Jribs,
lJfJt·n :V\T 11n1 .
H a rdin Enterprises
81:0 \\', !~Th ST., C :'ll. * (j.12-2.I\ 12 •
your i::arage, 1v1l l
store/and/or move. Let a
small busincssrnan pay al·
!enliGn !o your nccd5. John.
YARD,.Gar. cleanup.
Remove trees, ivy, dirt,
tractnr b<icklmt', grad c
!l62-$!i [i
CLEAN t.:P & Tnrnm1ng
Trl'c ,'?, shrub rcn1nval.
R.<'11.o;nna lilr. :il'l-13~~
CLE1\N-l 'p ;uvl 11i::ht n10~·
ini;. Cull Dal"~· * l\9~-'12'1.'i ..
Clean Up And Haul
Sll) a Jo.:u t 616-2..1211
Call ~I0-6fl2.-, has in1n1cdiate openings for : Ba lance-Flo Inc.
Plumbing 6890
i\o job too snu1.ll
• &-12-3128 •
Remodel, Repair, 6940
BUrLD, Rrmoclrl, Repair
13rick, block. conc r c !e,
crpn1ry , no Jilli loo Fmu~I
Lie. Con1 r. 962-6~:1
• 1r vou ll<'C'fl rrmodcl111i::
p;111J11i1i.: or repairs. Cat!
111ck, 6.U li'!"t7.
Sewing 6960
Six mnn1h~ or mnrr or rt'rrnt
r Xfll'l"IPnC'C' lS J'NjU ll'"rl 111 ll\r
f.,l)o\1~ni::: 11f'1',1:i:: !hk k·f1ln1
~ill<lrnni?, 11· 1 r c t:rnnd111;::.
chip n1r.11nt111;::. 1n1cro11•l"ld-
111i; flT ll(1!i!linj'.(.
f"ljY'n ltlJ:'~ ril'f' rrn
l ~t and 1nrl :;h1f1.~.
~B~O~A~T,..C~A.·R P E°'N'"T"'E"'R"'S,-
Exprril'ncrd. Large £'Ustom
ronFlruction. Top 1va1;es.
129:1 Eaker St., C.i\1.
Boal cover nian
EXP'!) nr a;:;rrenticc boat
M\'l'r ni a ri. Haxrrr ,r,,
C'irrn}, Inc. &12-72:1..'I
Bt~!I r<1rp('llt£'r~. rxp"d.
Aulo CO!t~I !~1~;1').lll
1'17 1 Plricrntrfl, C.:'11.
--B-OYS 10 • 14
D't rri£"r ?,.,;;Hrs Open ,,,
Wom. 7100 Job•-Men, Wom. 7100 Job~n. Wom. 7100 Job..-Men, Worn. nao
DRIVER, Exp'd in 111ovl ng &
storage, c1us 1 license.
1-larbor Tra.mtu !148-7323 ~y COOKS t:S'iARLlSHEl> l n~uranC'e -
Top wages. penuancnt, hon-Lea~ avail, N.B. ottloe.
est, and good IO'Ork:lng oon-Co.reu oppL ~
dilions in a1·r ri'!I leading Experil'ncect in sing[(' needle
restaurant. Apply 9 atii to 5 and o~·o:r!ock. Good pleC'C
pm for lnle1'1cw at work prlces, steady v.'Ork.
2~031 El Toro H.d.
Lclsure \Vor!d Laguna Hill!
&37-101 4
COOKS & Cook's helpcr
111£"xi£"nn Food. Niles. Ca ll
COOK -Dinners . J\'n
housc11urk. Live 111 or out.
$100. 673-1879.
EDD'i ~toss 140-l:l I...ocust
SI., \Ve!!tm in!lltr; 534-8738
f LOO ll L ADY , f ul l
chargr-Sportsv,,ei.r m f g r.
Gd pay, Steady. &12-2!i66
CU"odiM THE Jl\1 111£D. opening ror rcliahle
man 1vith prrvious In-
dustrial janito.rial exp. Xlnl
working cond., gd. pay & all
fringe benc[itll incl. profit
#16 Fashion Island
Nf'\\·port Beach
sbarlng. Cali!. I n j ec t i o n1 _________ _
Molcling. 200 Briggs Ave,
C.!lf. 546-4460
for small church, 5 eves &
Nit. Opportunity !or retin!<I
couph'. $2'.?5 per mo. ln1-
n11.'<liate upcning. Day s
!M2-242-~. evr;s R3~17?t.
Data Processinb
IB!\I alpha and numerl-
<'al. Verify and some re-
la1rrl cleriraJ d u ties.
Good \\'Orki'1g cond1Uons
and benefits.
14!t;i Dal(' \Vay
Costa !\ll'sn, Calil.
l714J ~l:>.8251
Dept. s!ore
1 las opening in
lE).'.pcrience prcferredl
Full June, cxcr :lrnl hcncl1ls
Apply in pcr.;on, Personnel
tSi.'< nights a v.·eck)
Apply 1n person to
Tiii'.! <..i1EE'
Th11 F ive Crowns
]SOI E. Pacific Coast !·fwy.
Col'{lnr• d£"1 l'vlH.r No ph. cal!s
Foreign Car Mechanics
Good co. bcnc!lrs, Incl paid
vacation, group Ins, uni.
forrns furnished l.rre. Good
comn1. sch£"dulc. Ask !or
Joe :\loore Ph. 5-10-1764.
Journeyman plumber needed
for g£"nP.rai ma1n!ena.nct', re.
pan· and rcarrnngC'1nrnt. at
our Nl'.'""'J"IOl't Beac:h lacility.
Requires cxpcricnc<' in thr
making and repair of sm;i.LJ
t.limensionaJ molds.
Pl£'8.Se apply In (X'rson
!"iOO Superior A venur
Nc1vport B£"a<::h. Chlif,
i'\E\\"PORT nr:ACll Equ:i.l oprxir!unity employi'r.
~ l\1&F
DISHWASHER cE,Elt.\L a.-.~·1c~>"7· ~N7,~"'
Experienced sharp, 1111cll1g~·111 sirl lhRt
ran ncr:cpt rc:;ponsibility.
Apply in person Srin1£" hkkpg. ,t. p;jyro!I cx-
SUR F & SIRLOIN 111'1·. rtesu't'rt. Pl,.,asr apply
5930 P a c. Cs t. Hwy. 2<X"19 Quall St. rt;_ or. ~A.
Ne wport Beacli u i r p o r r, lJ'\'lnc Iflll.
----------1 Cnn1p!cx.\
Drpr. i<!orr
l!as o[l('nin.i::: for a
(Exprrirncr rt+
F'ull !imr, cltccllcnt hcnrfits.
Apply in person, Personnel
F'ASlllON tSl..ANn
• c-..-.D~E"'L~l~C7A~T"~~£5~1~;;N~.-cM-.A70N
r un ti1nr 11-nrk . Sec TCIT)',
19;, V.. J71h c ~t.
"11-.A'"11"t-''"-·1~yl~._-.. !s=-----;;-&3.u 1Y
Opcrntot'li, Mu nt I ng ton
Beach & Sanra Ana. Busy
salons-good pay. P II on£'
542--0-151, 968-8080. or eves
;;1;r }M(I
Part tin1e, chnir .~irlc ass'I. \\"r art' training part time
32 JIR. \1'.('('k, ~xper. or salt"s Jl"'lple for J)('rmanC"n !
school r!!'S1rf'<I. $2 l!r. to an<t <..11ristrnas jobs Enjoy.
start. Sl>l).17•1 ;ihlr .,..·ork. days .& eves.
DE!'\T/IL Assl.,lant, Par! Plca ~r <'IJll al lfirkory
t1n1r. \\'ill lrilln sharp ~1rl Farnls, .\;,;!. r o.::lSl Plaza,
11,1l11ni:: to '~ork. Ph·: C.!\L. J..tJ1i·er l\1nll.
6-16-!16;2. -----------::-!HDSl'ITALITY HOSTESS is
OF:NTAI. 1\S.'il:O,"TA:"'.'T for (lr. looking fr.r mntn rc. womr11
ll1'0(l'lnl1" r ra,..!1('r Chain.rd(' 111 \\'C'lcon1r nrwron1r.rs 10 ~ la/l IX'!lfti[ r'lp.rrri Or1ho 01<' community. t.lu~' Ila\'!"
f'\ll p1Y'f Ai;r 19-:W. Tap ....u. lypcv,.rt!rr, C'ar, an1I ~ mn-
<.tr.Y . &1~-21126 fi;1bl>'. Apply '23:1 F.. ;\·lain ,
Drntal As.~is1ant Suite i, Tust111, Ca 11 r .
chiiirs1rtr, f'),,pt,':ru;-nrrrl ~~14-69~
Phonr 11n)'hm£" !lfi.'1-:1iR2 rull Timr
• JNSPECTOH, lnr 11uality OUlce Tenu:roruy
co olrol, lllX"Cll"CI Im·
mffiL:i.tcly. t.lt-Gn·i.;or Yacht
Corp. 1631 PlacC'nt1a. CM.
J ANITOB .. 'i'., r.tan & '\'lfe, pt.
lime eves, Hunt B c h .
Jan1!nr 's St-rvu:-e ( 2 l 3 )
~7-7317. 211 N. ~tad1son Av.
On temporary U5l(Jlmetill
JOB o,,..,.,," ""'"'"'· 0 SECRET ARIES min 6 y~ exp. on !&!hes,
"'""" ml mills. Sb;ppiog • TYPISTS & Receivi ng clerk, min 2
yrs experitnC"e.
843 \V. 16th St. G BKKPRS.
/\'r1vpor1 Bcaf'h 54S-3404 KENNt:i:~l,\N & t.taln-• PBX OPERS,
tcnanct', full or part tm[e.
Ph: 6'12-3843 •
KENNEL. r.11F. r.f'n. clean-
u11;. Ase 1w barrier but
6Qml"' heavy \\'Ork. &1'2-3840
KITCHEN Help, m;10 lS or
ov~r. Apply KENTUCKY
Fll !ED CHICKF:N, 2'Yl9 E .
Co11sr Hwy .. C rl r.T.
Unskilled; will train
Personnel S ervice
Holiday &
Vacation Plan
3S48 campu.~ Dr. su.l te 106
Equal opportunity employer
\l'EE-K. EM+-629-1 Ot'f!CE SUPERVISOR
LANDSCAPE Foreman ~ \Vo 111 a_ n m u I t have
LaOOrer, Expe!'i£"nccd. ca!! irupervu10ry exp. w I th
&37-00'26 lelephone a.nswerlng service
or Telephone Co. 8-4:30, 5
LA.i"'llDSCAPE SALESJ\1AN . days incl. wkends. 543-2222
Experlf'nced. Or-..1ngr. Coun-----------1
ty area. C213l 346-7543 ••• OPERATORS •••
~IACllINE 0p!'rators: TUR-Experienced ln ...ln&le ~e
!?ET Operator. Apply 1n and ove~lockJ:. Good p)eCe
S work pnce!, steady work person, 118 Ea.st 16th t. EDDY MOSS 1400 l..oeuat
c.r,.1. St., \VestmiMter; 534-3738.
MACHINIST E . 'd Bech! T t p PART-Time male, 13" over. xp er· omm: S<' :u Assis Mgr trainee Apply
m£"n . X!n.! pay, _ benef1l.,, Taco Beu 1>9s So. ~st Hwy
fu1ure \1·1th raptdly ex-Lag Bch, '
panding firm in ~mog free -~· --·~.-----· I communitv. TI4-797-9153. PBX Am111enng aen1ce, ex·
· pcrience prefer re d,a.I· ~lach1nisls • Punch Priss & temoon & midnight ahifta, Hunt. Sch. area. 536-8881 e Multislide Oprs.
T" $432 per week. Apply Professional
Tony Ouchi. Employment
\VILCO TOOL & DIE Assistance
3190 Pullman Lane COASTAL AGENCY
{))sta 1-lcsa. 5-t0-;,.i:i2 A member oI
!\\ACHIN IST wanted 2• 52' Snelling & Slll!lling, Inc.
rxp, prc!cITrd. Call for appl 2700 Harbor Bl, CM 54~
51S-4'lll l to 5 r r.1 and 1 lo PUBLIC SPEAKERS
9 Pi\!. If you ca.n recruit & train, OT
i\l.t\ID!.-. U you have ever had a
FULL-Tiln£", re50r1. hot£"1, cow·se In public speaking,
Laguna Beach. 49.\-1196 there may be a place J.or you .'7~===~-~-:-:c-::1 .,..·ith our Nat'! C.0. Mook !\\ANAGEi\lENT fl o s It 1 on
11•1tl\ filler manula~luITr ol Mood, 436 W. 6th SI., Tus-
\1'alcr & v.·as1c !1rld. Bruud1 -"-"-· -"-'-·'-'°'--~~--1
iop€'Ctru1n of dut1cs: Equip-Recept1"on1'st "''°' Eog;,.,,;,g, l'>l.oh•~
ing, Dra!ting & in..~ide
S..'lles. En1phsis bring able
to 111Qrk on your own pro-
jects front start to finish.
8alary. 642-1212
l\l AN AG ER~.-07~2'-c,~, ,~,,~. °C;:;M .
}.lun & \\'1fe. Experi!"nce re-
quired. No children or pers.
Apt & i;alnry. Call &l&.-61'14
!\1ANAG~;R. New Hall Sizl'
Shop, Hunt. Bch. Cent'r.
Older 1voman w/drl'ss shop
mgnll bkgrnd. 64&-92JJ
Attractive, li!e twine
PersonMI Service
interest to women
THE HARTLEY CO, e l\TECHANIC • Ex ll' rl .
Cood salruy ror good skill!.
Ph. for int£'rvie'" 6-14-1131
fl\EC\lANIC. full t.iml'. 2 par1
time attendants. t-.tobil, 1500Lru:=·ST=A~U-R~ANT~~, ~w~,-,~M-1
\\'. Balboa, N.B. or part lime, mature. $2 per
i\IEDlCAL Assislant. Back hr. 54.5-9863
office cxper_ !>lust be v.-il;.LR~c~P~R~E~S=E~NT=A=T=IV~E~~.,-,·I
ing to \\•Ork 1n b11sy G.P. of-Slate. of Ca.litornla.--wDque
fl('I'. 01hrrll nee<! M l i'pply. caret'r opportunity. O ne
~..11.nry 01..e.n. r.1tssLOn Vic-huni'lrt'd yC"ar old company
l" E'. T(lro 11rt'a. R.'.17-7520 .,..·ants rr:;ponsible necutive
~Tf.N 1v11n1('(!, early morning trre salrs representative
11ewspaprr drlivl'ry, \\'111'1 proven r e co rd .
Nc1\·port Beach area. call Kno.,..•Jedge of marine pa.inf,
&12-1800. m al!ng!i and allied products
r.I OTIIE!t.'> !!riper. 2 tcenngr rl'quired. Abillty to work
ehildrcn Prctcr over 4.\ 4 wi!htn established dea..ler-
cl<iy.s., Lido Isle. 1.2-8 pm. distributor organization iii
(lwn rransp. AfL 7 pm, essential.
110:'1-IE RUI LDER
Bu !hl on yo11 r Joi, custom
cTafls1n;inshi11 & d£'s1i:::1.
F.vrry roo1n a maS1l'rp1cr<'.
11ras 1.ir, hondrd. ~~1K-0769
GENJ::H.AL Contractor. All
cnrix•ntry, conerctr, arlcl &
r1•1norlclinJ:", 21 yrs e1o;-
P"nr nCf'. ~1·7984, !M7·2:'Jl2
Hounclea ning 6735
llD US ECLI~/\ N INI.&.
General r.1a1nh:nancc. Call
11nytin1c, good rc!s, rcas!
• Dl'Cs.'1mak111r. -Altrrations
f;JlCt'iJd on hems. * &;G.f,141> *
~"TITC"l!I-:!?Y Cl.ASSES H U G H E S -Architectural "u~c~s-oo~n~.,~VE~.~R,.-,l~oc-p~,-"-.ate
L.-tguna &a.ch, So, Laguna
675-49!,l. ALL rt'pliea confidential,
===~=~c-c= -, -Send resume and aaJary re--1'11..'llSE AIDE TRAINING. qui.rements to-Box ~l-764,
A hca.lh rarccr opp. 2 wks. The Daily Pilot.
Carpet Cleantng 6625
'Ir DlAl\fONDS are measured
BAY & 13<'arh J r1 n1!onal Sr1v.
Carpets, w1nt!01\s, floon.,
S.-11111~, l !clr 1v1th Chns!mas
1rlras. 6·1~1400
Alte r a t ions -642-5845
c1r. Rrs & Cn mm c' J ~eat. accura1r, 20 ycar.i cXP.
CAHPETS, \\"indo1vs, firs.' Tree Service 6980
etc. Rf"s or Comc"I. Xh1t BE\VARE!! Rubber
Y.'ork Rea~! Hels. !'rlR-4111. lref'S
break found11tinns. FN'C rs!.
Any Tl-ce Scrvire. 530-3920 \VINDO \V CLEANING
"""" PromiSl' to please!
• ~'1210 • by quality, so arc Wf'! 1-------~--
CLEANERS &15-1317 anytime :Free <'St, l;) years f'Xp. Upholstery 6990
CAHPET & Furn. cleaning; Johnny Dunn 6'12+23&l CZYl°'OSKJ'S Cusl. Uphol.
for l day service & quality \VOULD );'ou believe I \\·ill European Crafl.m1:111ship
work. call Sterling for clean your home for Dill£' lOO ':li Fin! &12-14:>4
Lott 6401 Personal• =-----"--'--~405 Perion1l1 6405
LOST: Small Ian ma1£' Cock·
A-Poo, stutuY. blk. car.;:
vie. Corona 1k'l l\far. 673-6664
Blk, v.·hitc, orange ca!.
Fl"malc. No front rlaw11.
S.50 Rev.·ard. ~6-326:.
Person.1ls 640S
B A C if ELORS: \Voman
1\Tiler jnlervi<"w1n~ all aii:£"s
re 5o<'i11 I l1lc. Do11: M@!,
D11ll y Pilol
BACHELOR Looking for girl
lrnnis pleyrr in :'IO'<r ..
Oy\ng, etc. Wrlle Box MS.17
()ally PUol
Pholll! 541-7117 ol' writ• to
P.O. Box 1223 Cost11 MCM.
PALf\I & Card Rending.
Advi<.'e &. help on many
mailers. Fully lic'd. Open
dally .10am -10 p m.
213/697-9772. 210 w. \\'hil-
lif'r Blvd, La Habra. Next
lo Lallabra v.·11.lk In l~atrr.
Spiritual Readings, advire
flfl all mallcrs. 3l2 N. El
Cam1rvi Real, S.1n 0<'mcnl<'
4!12-91:1(,, ~96-950'7
10 A,\! _ 10 P_'-"-~
Attractiv• Expert
1lanc:er will teach yt)U 11.11
lalcst 11lrp~. C!lll Ar.trll
213 : 591-1:.J.ll 1-10 P1'1
R"rnrri Co 1,~ ~rarchlni:: fnr
1nlrnt foti ~·conJh1g_ 5~11-mi
iittl'r ni-in,
T t\'anr ]fl wnmrn Who arr 10
pounds flr mnrr O\'CT'Wf'li;;-ht
tn rak£' p.ar1 1n J:'TOUP "'r 1i;:ll!
loss Pl'Ob'11lffi of fiJ)rera lizcd
rrrluring-, AU lno"Juirie11 con-
fldenilal. Ask for !\fr, KC"n·
~ly 5.17-5-112.
Douh!c your money for Xma1
nr r11 1.•r mo!W'y IPr YoUr <'!Uh
nr church. A phone c11U or
lcuer Rnrl yuu \\'ill N'r .. iv<-
frrf', rompl~1c. 1ri lorn111!1nn
c"11n1p11l1, Jr(.~ I·: l~I !oil ,
!'1111,.. 2fl.1 Iii ~) JJ."!G-69.'i'i
500 Superior Avenue
Newport Beach , Calif.
Equal oppor1unHy
employer • r.1 & F
Comp<iny has an immedl·
ate flp!'.:ning !or a prt>
duction assrn1bly fnre-
mAn. Minimum of two
Y!"<1rs rrlatrrl exprr, Pt'C'-
fr r 90m<' college•. Libcr-
nl fring!" benclil pro-
gram. Salary con1mensu-
ra!r 1~·ilh cclucation & ~x
1 ·~'~· na.1e. \\"ay,
W!lta Mtsa, Ca.ht.
(TI.4) 5-15-8251
Assemblers, Bonders
Electronic Technicians
Exrwr1rnMJ. Salary ope.n.
H.1d 1x ~lil'•"Tll'lf'f'!mnH·~
Dirp, 31'.ifl Pullman SI,
f rt<;fi\ ~1<'AA , !j.W).'..!ri(J I
chns!ian ~chool . riiri 11me. Draftsmen & \\'ill train. <;ood dnV1 ni:: I luntrnglon ~ach
Convalcscl'nt llospi!al
lS;'92 DcJawar" St" 11.B.
course, Emrlmt. oflen'd.
Jnq. J"l('rsonn£"l d£'pt . Jloag Restaurant
re<:oril rcquired. Apply 1683;)
"'00 kl'""1 • "°""'ai" Job Captains Valley. %2-3.112 HOUSC:Kt:EPErt. LI v e. l n
hrlp nrrdc(t by 11 / 1
motherlr~s Harhor 11. r C' R
horn<'. LocRl prof. man &: 6
yr nld son. ~00 bne.f
dcscnptinn of previous exp.
&· prrsonal rln!a. Car or
drivl"rs lie. prcl'd. \Viii
phone r<1r Jn!e.rview. B.
CIJQk, 1!;00 Adams, Suite 203,
r.1 cmon 11l llosp. N. B.
NUrSl's: fL~. part limf'; 7+3,
3-11, 11-7
Cashier /Bkkpr $403
A/P., .sh.:r.rp, i;ood O{lPIYI
Personnetl Agency
1717 Orange Ave., Suit C
C.r.1. &12-0026. 5-IS 0079
• CASHI ER * Car wash,
full time or pa.rt time.
CAl.J..: &l5-W22
CLl::A1'1NG 1\'0mcn 1va.nted
rrir 11p!s. Own lrans(Xlrla·
tinn. 612-2Q20
CLERICAL; In s urance
casull.lty rxpcr. 1 girl ore in
lT.ll. i\lr 7'1t11111, 842-44·19
Ap ply in person 7.iXI W.
Coas! HY.')'. N.B. 646-9991
CO'.\llJINATION. Sh.nrp Bar
Maids & Go Go Dancen.
'Top 1~·agi>s. P llcine for in-
tcrvirw. !\.1~~Y Lassy, 2001
1-larbor. C.i\I . * COOK-exp1rienced
Excrll<'n1 \\'Ofklnh ron1l iflons
3•14fi E. COM! 1111")'.
Corona deJ 111Ar
* ('0Ut{~1\1ALE
Apply: fLYING llUTLf.R.
:tlOl N('IVfl"lrt 81vd., N B.
n1nny buyR In appHt\11(."(!~
ynu find in !hf' Clnssllicd
Ads. Ch<"tk them now!
Immediate Openings
Permanent Positions
Frank L. Hope &
Architects & Engr.
401 Civic Cn1r Dr \V •
Santa Ana . 547-9481
or Jr Draftsman
LVN. full time; 7-l
Park Lido Convalestent
Ccntf'r, 466 f1a~~hip Rd .
Ne \\"P(Jrl Beach. &12-8044
ISi E. Coast Hwy.
Newport Beach
C.:\1. Olllce 11.e~taurant
I IOUSEKl::EPER. c 0 0 k ' A I Mart
Companl<1n for elderly lady. EARN MORE nc •"' ..., Livr in or oul. Rm, board, now taking applications for
sal. No smoking or drinking. Full A part time, day I
Penn. R30-<lt93 WITH US' e\·es shifts. (S openings inl • e KITCHEN HELP e MAPPING HOUSEKEEPER, &bysit, e DISHWASHER
TING pt-tlme , rial l y 1-5.
• SUB-DIV PLOT School-ag£" childrl'n. 111ature e Typists e· BUSBOYS
• SCRIBING v.unian. must hnve transp. • Apply in penon
• INKING 817-65-17 eves. Secretaries 2607 w. Coa!:t Hwy.
l.ppJy • A t Clerks Ne~ Beach ll. Clifford Thnm &: llOUSEKEEPER Live In, CC CJ ReataUrllnl: Expuience(I
Associ11.l£"s moth£"i'l£"ss home. beach • PBX Open * WAITRESSES * COOK _ "-"I"~ p•-,.. area. 2 l<'enagers. Pltasan1 1 '~ ~" "·· ~.< h • Bkkprs App , 1n P"'"'" eo'-eo1-eo5ta Mesa. 54()..4481 relax('(! atmosp e re . h 0 ltt Shop, 562 W. 19th ...... --~~==~~--1 Prrmn!lf'nt. Ph. 5.11-1450 e K ~ · DRAFTSMAN . . . • eypunc pn Costa lteM.
Automotiv I true~ bOOy or HOUSE.KEEPER. Live in, 3 • General Ofc l"Re=,=,.="""-==,=------e . charming schoo l -11.1tP. comparabl~ cxpcnence ~iec-h"lrl n. Sl50 M 0 11 th . Resta~I: Part tJme Mlp <'~:.ary_ Bill tci ma!enals, " 1 re k h d wanted, mature p • r •on ,
liiul!print, etr.. Salary com· 1>42-5602 Wor w en •n $2 00 hr/ ~9863
m£"nsura1e with ability, Or-1·.,1"o""u"s~E;;,-,K~E"'E~P;;-;E;-R;;--wher• you want I
~ngt County loca!lon. Th('lroughly exp'd t or
Explorer Motor Homes wli'lo111_ Live in. S 2 5 D.
(TI 41 5'1&-3300 673-Hl79.
No Experience
,.,u!I Mve ('!('RO CalHomlB
driving rttord. Ar,ply
186 E. 16th St
' Costa l\.1esa
HSKPR &. chlld r.are, Uve In,
51; d3y~ priv rm k bath.
Rcrs. l511 wk, 54B-921l
HOUSF:KEF.PER, livl"' • In
Priv. rm & bath. 2 children
F'ln. Vnlt. 842-7254 1--------. -
Personnel Sen:i~e
445 E. 17t:l St.
Costa M~s,.., Calif.
Jnrervlewlng Mon. thru frl.
8 A11' lo 5 PM
SALES -Earn money with
m investmenl Sar a h
Cm1entry needs full fr
part-time help. No de!; M
tn.la. For Int ph. 645--61nt
SALF.Sl.ADY, exp'd. lo r
jel'lt':lry 1tono, lull Ume.
BUSIEST' marketplace in
town. The DAILY Pnm
Cll!W!fied RCUon. 8 a .,. e
nwney, time t. tflort.. Look
Equal oppor(unity empl~r _ ·--------"'-' now11 ?
• ~A.ILY "IL.OT Tllursd~J Ot tobtr 16 1%1J ~~----~i:.,EM..,....;P;:,L~o-v-M~~-.. -.-J~o--e~s~1~m=PL"'or.v"M"E .. N ... Tr'iM"E'"'RCHANOISE FOlt MERCHANDISE ,OR
SALE ANO TRADE .... Mo•,-.. 7100 J~obo~~W..~n.:..W~om~·!..7.'.'100~ -. ' ,EXCE~LENT
For our f1.ml1y ONLY
Available '"hen needed:
ll()me da.yt
M>mlll eveni~s
OcrasioM.I \~'EEKENDS
~ix rhildl"f'n I age 10 & undr}
Light C"OOking
()v.71 transportation
F_u~_llv_:cre:._ ____ •_oa_~_F_u_m_i_tu_r_•c_ _______ 1 ;;f;";';";'tu;;;r•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;•;iet;D;F;";';";itu;;;;r;•;;;;;;;;;;;;;IOOO;;;;;;. Mlsc.!l•neovs l600 Mi1c•tl•neou. l600 HEIRLOOf\f Kingslz.e ~ ~-· · ----------$00, 60 .. rnd pede.slal tebll!
Fir•wood For Sel• $35. l lntpoint (1"'06• top
Spenish & Mediterr•n••n Furniture
$50,000 Inventory To Choose From
* AUCTION * ---'""""'"'""'"'---! "lri• '"'" °"' ,,,.,,. '" 1610 Dreuer $15. Odds d;
FRIDAY -OCT. 17TH Misc:. Wentecl Ends. 543-0)37
7:3G PM $WE BUY$ YOUNG "'"" ,., .... Top Line Fum1!urt atort healthy, Io v ab I e eurly
banknlptcy, 'All new bl!d· p lum • tail, housebroken.
Ma.for national IU' insura~
c.;.~Vilh' mutual tund brok·
er/dtder 11 f'Xpanding its
N"'JIOl1 o ft i c "· Complete
pttlQMliad tn.irurc. in\IOI\'.
lit&· bblb irstate crf'ahon & ~alion. SuM!annaJ· in-
wsfniient · ~·rn · ~ ma'de by
Co. in qua.h lied applit"ant
tlf'tT.·een 24 & 45 ~'i!h rolle&"
background. \\'ri\ir Daily
Pilot Box M• Sl9.
\\lc'l"I! mo\·ing lo Lido 1,1• Show Room • Floor SamplH • F•c:tory Clo1MUfl
SPANJSH FURNITURE (\vas r eg. $1 ,295)
room &l!U: ~·tlh thin.a cabi· $ FURNITURE $ lo\·es child~n. ntt{is good
nC't& and buffets, Lane cedar APPlf:.\NCES home. 846-3818 10/16
ehrsts, C.OCktail a.nd Occ. ta. Color TV1-'1•ft•1-Sl•r•o1 CATS K.ITTENS & DOGS
to!rs. C~cnzas C(lmn1ode11 [n 1 ,._ • "--h N all sPeyed, had i;.hots. Al~~
S1tea Mgr, R,egin•I
.... $10,500 + car + eoxpi!~s + romm.
Degr'tt.not net", relocRll' for
proml)tlart, · Prall! ~ring.
Send rnume or call John,
Efrrpklymerrt Aet"M'Y
112{1 So. ~~ain. Siulta Ana
~el ' * fantastic!
is the word for this national
compam.i'1 llf!W program !or
Smithem California: We
Cnll for de!ails and 1n·
tervlew 879-7135 Fuller1on
SURVEY BOYS for Pool Co ..
4. hn a day, 5 day "'k, alt
!ii('hl & Sat. Sl.75 per hr.
This is a real ground f1oor 5930 Pac. Cst. Hwy.
opportunjcy wilh a solkl auto. Newport Beach
matic electronic ('(l\lipment 1 -.--.,C....C.W~A~IT~R=E•s"S"E.,..S
ti.rm thlt ,offers Dramatic, t'XCiling, ~w con· -HIGH cept in \\'altN'Sg employment Immediate progran1. 1·oung, attractive
v.·omen, oppc.rtunity lo t_arn EaminC)S good 1M~Y 1n busy roUrt
546. 3050 shop. fabulous bonus pla.n,
• tine med ical coverage, thru
· C)pportunity
The Jnd~nderrt Order ol
F~ ha.Vf! ope~ a
new offit"'!. in Orange Coon..
t)'. Require inrel!igl'nt man z . 5r9. College not nee·
eSMr)'. Shou ld ha\'e p.-.;.
pe riertce in rn~!ing public.
Dignified We ·time po!'i1ion.
Ea.ruing ~mmf'n~s 1mmed.
ia'tely. Should be in excess
o1 $250 ~ttkly,
TeJl'pho"" t>nv.·ttn 10 am . 4
pm, Mon. thni Fri .. for ari-
pointment. 534-17'01 or South
Cout e-nd of the county,
union, automatic pay in-
c~aM":s, meal11, pleasant sur-
round1n~s. Exp'd and un-
ex p'd. Special trairti~g pro-
Apply onl.v during. following
t(oun; r.lon., \\'ed., Fri.,
Sat. 1 pm lo 4 pm: Tues. &
Thun;. 8 po1 Jo 9 pm . Ste
r.1arge Grayson, Kon;i. La nes,
2699 Harbor, Costa !'.lesa in
pe~R. No phone calls, AP.
ply prior lo Oc1 . 22nd.
Y.'AITRESSES. Ex p ' d ·Din·
ner. New dinner House.
C'.orda n's Reir;taurant, cor·
ner of Cro~'" V a 11 e y
Park\o.·ay & Coast Hwy,
Laguna Ntguel.
WAITRE&.>.Flexible schrd.
M 'x i c 11 n F'ood-Cock!ail~.
Pacific Cst H'>l-y. F~xp nol
esst'nlial. Call 846-5207
\\'ATTRESS · E:'lp'd
COFFEE SHOP. * 6-12· 7424 •
WAITERS, W a I t r c ssl!s ,
2121 E .. Coast H~y. C d ?-1.
3 ROOMS OF RIRNITURE $389. SACRIFICE .............. $398, ter1ns. Thomasville, BasSl't1. llay. CA.SH IN JI MINUTIS BANTY ROOSTERS
e 5 pc:. •ulhentic Spanish Bdrm. set, e 96
in. quilf.d sof• with 56 in. m•tching lov•
seat, or ch•ir e 5 pc. Spa nish Dln•fte, oak
t•ble top e 3 he•vy Mechterrenean m•tching
tables, top durable enough for Fl1menco
Dancing. Will sell pieces individually.
mm FURNITURE '>l'ood . \IJakefield .and othl!r • 5'4 I ""4531 • 54G-l934 (not bf!twn J pm i
goOd E~1'm fumtlU~. Al"' WE PAY CASH 7 pmt Sf)od used furn1tuf'I! and a~ ~.1;;~v;:;7,~;o;--c:---~--
pliances. Di~play cases. pie. "v• n"''·· Cat, beauu/ul
1844 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa
Every Night 'til 9 -Wed., Sat. & Sun "til 6
1 · ~·oung 'i Persian \\'/Uultr tures, amps, ocr. r hatn, * FURNITURE tail, and 5 ilu ffy kittens, aiJ d1\·an.~. dinellE"S, n1att.resses & APPLIANCES and ll1UCH r.lORE!! ll l!ed cood home s ' WANTED I 828-4230 10110
~~pll1nc"-----•-1_00_ Piano• & Organ• 8130 WINDY'S AUCTION * CASH * BEAUTJ Ji'U L Adu!I m11Jr Cash in 30. minutes lol' good , silver pl11tinum miniature
used furnitw"e, TV, ~tereo, poodlf', rrce to good home.
Furniture IOOO Furniture IOOO
~-------~-~~---~·--OVER -STOCKED
Ne1v 9 pc. corner arrang.
choice of cir.;. r<'J;. S230. now
$!~.;,(!, Nrw hcd.~: King
$99.5(1, QUC'ens $,';!J.50, Full
DELUXE BR tt! i~cl dbl
bed, springs/mattress, dbl
dresser, lilting mirror, ni1!!
stnd, like ne1v Sl 50. 540-1768
LOOK I NG f o r old
mahogany? l'llass1vf' RCA
cahinrl .$600. Bulfet $200.
$~9.50, T11•in~ S39.:)(), f11\ly 1--~-------
guam. King s;z: spt"C';ids Sl3.9S Offi ce Furnltur• 8010
fl. Sl. S9.95. Jleadbn:ls:
Kings, SIS, Quff'!Vi $12.50, EXECUTI VE dt'sk \1·i1b sirle
Full $10.50, 'J\~11119 $4.95. arn1 $12J. AdJusl. typc1\Tiler
Trundle ~els !duo riser) ~·/ chair S2:i. Back :>torage bar
inner spring matt. rt'g. Sl06, $-IO. 644-2869 bef\1'. 9 & J.
now Si!l.~. K.!. ~prd.~ $1 3.99,
~-pc. Span gp. $2~9. K -'l, \'l'I.
vet sprea(ls $49,50. Canopy
beds res. SJ 19.50, no1v $89.50.
SfEEL Fil1i1b cabinet. 4
drawer, IC'gal s ize. full
suspension. S:iO. 847-6319
F ull !'Z. slN'p • !IO!a reg. 1-----------
$239.:il, now $169.50. Christ. Office Equipme nt 8011
mas lay.aways no\\'. SIESTA
SLEEP SHOP, 19?7 Jlarbor TYPE\\'R!TER. 18:\I ('ll'C·
Blvd., CM 64~2760 daily 10. Int", t'IHP. lype, per/ect
9 .C\al·Sun 10-6. ronri ., like new, $ 15 O.
20 Pc "MADRID" '"·'"" . I r·c·=·p=E=1=v=R=1r~.-.P.~.-. ~A~,~,-. -n-,,-,~h.
3 Room Group calcula1or. V!'ry reasonable.
F ROi'tf l\10DEL !!OM.ES Xlnl. Cond. 892-2423
Antiques 8110
A REAL SALE al Ct'ntury
House Antique~. Lg. pol
belly sttll'e $39. iron dbl bed
$60. Rd mag, tbl, 2 leaves,
$37. 4 match. ch1-s. $30.
DrrsS<>r $29, library !bl 1\-/
dra"-er 529. 01r.i. t b!5, etc.
\\'he re prices are best & stock
1s exciting. Look for the sale
sign 1n 2nd b:k. post Day
S!., gu ing No11h on Ne1vport
Blvd., Costa J\olrsa. 2134 N(w.
pon Bl\'d. 11 A:\t . 5 Pl!.
BUILT Jn Braunsr.hw1·i~.
Grrmany in 1869: this is a n
nntique. upright piano, likr
~;ou'\'e nevC'r st'.'Cn. Solid
brass candle. hold!'r.~. scroll·
f'd ke~'board support. Orn' of
finl Stein1vC>gs f'ver buil!
No. lr23. S~OO. 6Q.0.137 for
sn appo1n1ment to see.
Jnt"ludes: Quilted sofa and
t"hair -2 end tables & cot.G c:c•~·~·~s~•cS~•~l~•---~8~0.=22 OAK Desk, music hox, Jee table -1 lamps_ dre!s. Chinl'se rug, Frrnch SIO\'e
· dbo I GARAGE SALF: -Thurs., ere. 18•123 Beat'h Blvrl., HB cr -mirror -hea an -
fll1Uted box spring &. matt· Fd., Sat., Ort. 1£..17·1~. 9 lo -
ress _ ~ pc, dining room; 5: Ga.Nlen r.1ark 18" hl"a\y Sewing Mac'hines 8120
ta bl,. & 4 hi.back chair~. duty PD"'C'r mo11cr $:ii:
CQJ',1PARE AT $749.95 ill<"Lane flOWl"r la \l·n t"dt;Pr
$399 S-KI: £let". hedsc trimmer:
P..am 2·way po11·er sander
No rl own-1-'m!s only 116 mo. SlO; ~n!ry ~abre sa1v $10;
WELK 'S WAnruoUSE "".., , .. ""· "" 110: E1oc. l\Ul grinder·bufler and s111nd :
5£\\'ING !>IAOllNE
Factory orders clearance of
11\l ovt>ra ge , drmonstrator~.
floor model~ . .-tudio & f t·
turned Pianos & Organs.
Rt>al !111.\'ings up to 30':'c.
Everythi ng gua r11nleed like
ne1\·. SaJe l1n1i1ed lo specific
stOC'k . so hurry! .No monry
dO\l'TI OA C. 5 year.~ to pay.
This great sale only ar:
1819 N"11·por!, C.f\1 , 6-12-8434
0f)Cn Evrry Nile
& Sunday Afternoon
No l.ime li m it. Renlal applil's
to purcbasr. 11 ilhin a year.
ORGANS. Best rleals in
Orange Coun!y. \\'e lake
ll'adrs. Bank tenns. Oprn
!\Ion & Fri e\·c~. Sun 12 to 4.
28~ E. Coast H'"'Y· 673-8930
WOW! To p Bra nd Names
f ull 40 in ch piano console
for only ., ............... $099
This is o ur spcrial buy for
October • gel ~·ours now • a ll
20751 i Ne~·port Bll·d . appltarx:ei;. l,()\·rs rars & older childn"n.
547-5722 84&-3818 10116 Behind Tony's Bldg r.111r111
Cosr11..r.lesa * &~8686
OPEN DAJL Y 9 to 4
TOP !>10NEY PAID SO~fEON L \\'ants us -who~
lor fumilure &: appliances. Like to s!ey indoors, use lit·
Ca!J JANIS. ll94-1818 ter bo.~. "GNJr:ge " &•
EST AT!'.: SALE • l\lrdical NEED brick11 one to 1!100. "Clart'nce." (K ! t t e ns)
et1uip. Hosp. bed· petienl f'l!esonably priced. 644-4687 ~9-1846 10118
Iii!: 1valker; altrr. pressure YRF.E To good homes.
pad; trapeze bar. Sold Mlic:hinery ete. 1700 Jovahlc, i;:rey & wh1. kittl!oS, I
S!'paralely or rolleclively. ' ir ks. Also l'l"\'eral others.
Submit birls in \\Tiling lo FORKLlIT • low mutor. \'arious colors. S34-4:!52.
United Calif. Bank. Al!n. sharp, 4000 lb.JO' lill-tie1v 542-7096 10118 Darla D. Holtby, Box 1739, tires-colu1nn shift-on ga'l---.,,,--,--0-~---
Santa Ana 92702 $1600-on Butane $1750. 4000 Couches &. rhaii's
---------1 lb. Clark. runs nice, new &16-4:>40
52 INTERN I\ T J ON AL rubber $995. 642-8393, e ves 10/16
pickup, rommen:ial license 897-2433
$12:>. 60 Datsun Sedan, runs Llh:E new Paslode mailing PETS •nd LIVESTOCK
good, . real eronomy $1J5. outfit, large l-01nprcssor, i P•ts, Gen•r•I 1800
Elec. ironer $12. Tools, misc IK'nney gun, 150' of h6sel-"""-:..:;;c::_::._ __ :.:::;:f
962-495i. 10079 San Pablo $6.}[I. 543-2367 evel'i o r POODLE Puppies: Toys,
Ct. F.V. 1vkends A KC, c h am p.. l in r..
Painters Equip: Binks lo1v. beautilul , heal!hy. !\lust be
boy compi-essor, 2 others, lumb.r 1750 s e en 1ii! then personally
40' estensiGn ladder, 2 20· . . _ dis('1JSS rea&. terms not
ladclers, S gal pot, 2 gal pots, Ext. \\'h11c ~.int, gaJ •• $2.9J given over phol'H'.', 49&-9306
mi."<' guru; & hoses, DeVllbcs l x 12 Shelv1.ng. a ft •• $.09:J::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.1
airless. 642·0141 after 5 1 x ~ PaMJli~g • ..... $1.~ n---1125 "-'--,,_,-~--. .. .,,-1 I x 6 ~ a running foot , • $.~-0-""P:.:.. ______ .::::: I
G r and Opening SALE ! COSTA MESA AKC REG.
Pemeo tanks . fish • .. at·c.-:ss BUILDERS SUPPLY COLLIE PUPPIES
'TIS TROPICAL FISJI 1700 Sup"rior 0 1 54S-'l826 '. . 9030 Edinl:'er I@ r.tagnolia) ' -Lassie J\1arkings. Show or
Fntn Valley • 842-10>30 FREE TO YOU pel, Sable & tri·rolored.
KIRBY Vacuum ch!aner ~1th Had puppy sho! &· ~·ormed.
Ll1ust M'e lo appreciate Also :?04$ N. tl1ain, SA atlach & polisher. Xlnt rond SEVERAL b n n d I es of Stud Service. AKC \Vhill'
PIANOS & ORGANS ~:~;-r;,nt~~d~ =~:r o~fy~~'. ~~·:~~~~gi~'f:~1~ ~fn;~; ~:7~~t°:\1~o.;: Ii~:
1','.EW & USED Credit dept ;i.~j..7289 or Girl &out Cluh or any Huntlng!nn Bf'at"h . e \·amaila Pio nos & Organs
•Thomas Organs DINETTE Set. for n1ic11, 42" group t.'Ollcct ini:: lhem. Thi' G£Rl'llAN She h rd
• Kimba.il Pianos ro\lnd. 16" tiller: 4 chain, ~um.~;_ns hring ~zc for one ll)p qua)ity pu~p~es, 1A~~~ Franchi ~d ~alrr $141~· ~~~· s~1;1~ foha'd12. can. 9846 10117 old. Xlnl papers. *
COAST MUSIC :J •....... .,e muut'in 5 ow FREE To good hon1,., young 833-1568.
NE\VPORT & HARBOR bo:< $25. Call 642-3243 altered n1ai(' Daisy type •"-"""'>7'"",-~---1
C'.osla ;'11rsa '*' &12·~1 3'' & 4" pipes, fut l tanks dog, ~·ell ~haved. good \\'E!~t,\RANER Pu P P'"' a
Open 10.6 Fri 10-9 Su n 12·5 drill, welding hose. alr hose, wilh childN>n and olher Al\C, shots. Grand cham·
I I B 1 h · 1· k · -• II b kn 8 38 S pions. l •·•~IO"D 1 y oo~. ent"1, c ain 1n an1m<1.1s. s r . 46-J0.
•l7l<I 002_2,,.3* vu•u• " • S einway • a. lencr.. sink &. small motol's, "~ ""'
maha • new & used pianos l~;;nhe°""'°""--,,,--~ DACl-LSJJU Or all m-•-,. g,,, b"y' lo __ &cl2c4~&1~07-cc-c-,c-c=cc-SPRINGER Snan1e l 2 old . NDS, :\KC. :-tlnt '"'" " ·Good ,.. 0 yr. ; 11'ilh rhilrirrn, 4 wk 11 i So. Calif. riJhl here. Carpel \.1yfr has Hi Lo n11.rure , gen e cloi!;. J 'l'f9-3&M a! . ·.
SCll:\flDT J\IUSJC CO., nylons $1.99 yd. Shai::s baby pu.pp1es playful, quick Sun t J, anyhme Sal, I
1907 N. J\latn, fron1 SJ.!50 up + my labor, to learn, 2 mrn;. old. . i
Santa Ana OOc: per yard. ~-6910 ;).18-6687 10/IS AKC !<C'g1s1ered Germlill '
~·-E ORG IN Cl.ASSES i\\UST sell · P n 11 r r HAU..Q\l'EEN JI 0 p e r u l , Sheph!!rd pups for sale, l ,-ru. ' ' · 1 , · malC' & 1 female J6.).00 and ill pro'fi1able, lun I.· l!:<t"itinJ!,'.
EiJTI ~ .• • $100 prr v.·tek run or . part·timf'. Choo~
yqir 'CIWl'1 hours. No dt."ti\·rry
or ccilleCting, no investment
to -ma.rt. Jmmed. prof11s •
v.·e _tr&ln. Phone f>.15-20.JE.
Busboy. Prel. exp·d. Apply: 600 IV • h S •-1 •-... 1 t ., .,..n a ,..,,a Turner Propane \\'eld sel $.I;
Nutone door ctiun(' new $2;
Sheridan 5mm ~·llet gun
$10: Schwinn girls' b1kr s;.;
l 'ndrn1·oorl TV ~20; :ll}rt,
Al um. F.:.xtrn. laddr r ~10: S.
ft. wood step laddcr: Eler.
belt N!d11c1ng nich; ~1-dr.
ch c s f l6"x12"x4': Rron1·
ln~ton 2'2 ~~. bolt a chon r1flC'
$10: ~410 i;hor 'ill" ss. near
nt'1V $1~: A n l 1 q u e pine
kitctu>n IRble :STJ: few lish
rods, reel~: m1.<;(". fool.~:
ga.rtlen snpplies, hou~chold
items, plbg. ronncct1ons.
sphTI -hds.: .11~1 Lllarine
Dr .. Lagun!\ Reh .. Ll!lller.
GARAGE ·Mic & ruit1qucf;.
Round oak table rlaw !Cf'!.
many an!iQUf' c 1 n c k s .
Russa.n !>3movar, \'try (1!1!
Vicfnnan 5(lfa. hea11Ufull~
hand kni\1rcl rlrrss siLC'5 10
k 12 carwn1fr tools '" n111ch
morr. Thls Sat & S11ririay
2:113 Crand C11nal. L1ti lr
Eall)'J11 Island -No
Sl ightly used, in sryl1sh ca[).
inrt. Does el'C'l)'H11 ng. No
111!ach to buy, ~Jani nt>cdl~,
~If wind hcll;>hin. e!c. 5 year
pa.1·1s & ~"tvire guaran1l!e.
FUL L PRICE $62.20
!'llonda.y nitt'S 7: 30 _ 8:30 pm lawnmowt>r & Ir i m m I" r . B ack male t"a1: ;:, n1onths $·Ill.OD ll39-:'r9l4 GOULD MUSIC CO. &-s1 nf!cr. Call aft 5 pn1, ()ld, needs t;1nd home
Z(Hj N. JI.lain, s .. \. 547.~1 968-7021 :)46-0172 10/J6 BEA~LES. Irma J e ~. 12·
Sales V.P . to $10,000 + cu + ina'nti\-e + fl)(.
ren!!l'1'. Dynamic growing
cc. Df'i;'f'l'e Electrical or mtktg. Stock option lo all
C'O ~nefit.,. &nd re!'.ume
or Gill Annan, 54&5·110
Empioymeflt Agency
2120 So. Main , Santa. Ana
SALES .Sarah CoveRt.cy has
~nings . for fl or pt time
XTT11s M:!es. P l l!A &a n t ,
dignified ¥-~rk w/oo. In·
vest., ro l lectinn~ or
dl'll~'erie:s. Chooff your 01vtJ
hr'!. Min. age 21 For inti.·.
r.!llJ : 5'Ml-0614 k 962~3
Stcrt't .... ,.y
}'.;'""·~PM' nef'fls
Part Time
" V1C'I!. • J>r,.sldf'n!
&. Ger'll!r.ll r>la.nagPr
';YHn a n u1kl! ~horthanrt 100
~'Pm llkes \'!\riery anii fig. u~: type·60 v;pm or Ix-lier.
lo.fLny comp&ny hl!nefits such
Ml .pa.id vacaUons, s 1 c k
leai.·e, paid medical and life
ms~. crtdit union, pen.
&ion plan, etc·. Call tile
DArLY PllDT for an 11~
polntmer1t Ml-4321 and 11.sk
for .}fn:Grttnman.
SECRETARY !or busy ex·
ecutiw: to assist in l<t'!ting
lZP ~ dt>pt. 1\i lhin J\lutual
Fl.lDd.I Co. in Ne\\'fll. Bch
Uft. Top skill~. i horlhand,
~ · A a ptitude wilh
~ + ?M'ionality +
Startins u.lary $475 ~·ilh
t.•fil .ol 'stock option.. C.all
642-~360 .for appoint.
' Top Warid aa.l!!smen.
GOOD Pf')' for ~·d. men.
~.~I l'lar Shell Serv. aof E. Cout Hwy. at
~ilr t'd': 675-tti33
t~. bpnienc'l!d. Apply
ln° ,enon 2llOO w. Coast H.Ji;. N,b.
U;it\"JCE st:;'.tion Attendant, ¥·time days. 1645 Adana. Cbf!.A Mea. 51)..ia
SifiVta: Stabon allend&nt.
..,. nee. Ste Milli!, 4671
Qtmpaa Dr. N.8.
. '
'*' SALESWC>rl1AN '*' Ope n Daily 9.9
J\1ATURE Part time. ~t. !l-6 Sun .1 1·6
Youn1t J\latemity Shops 1-----------~ Coast Plaza. Pl\!'s only ESPANO'L IN QUALITY
Schools·lnstructlon 7600
On proressional equipment in
a. 1ora1 radio :statlon lron1
\\Wking broadt"astel"l!.
For comple1e \'Oice analysis
P!ArPm,.nt i<Ptvi~
educ:at1on loan
Ag<t /edut"i\t1Qn nri hP!TI1'f!
LPt us ht'lp you qualify
MoteVH'l,r.i/Apt Mgmt Sehl
Qa5M'S fonn every \lffk
A~k Jor Betty 716·5800
'\\'ORKSHOP. Age11 7 to 17.
Learn to !!peak well, enunci·
•''· project. After r.<'honl k
S&rurdays. Pr1\'a le or class
n.ft!I. $.8295
VOCAL Tech. J: gong in·
te~tatlon. Beginners thru
a'dvanced. 494-9340 mft 6
CHINA P AINTING \e11son11,
d11 y or f'\'ening rla~~rs. For
ln lormation c•ll 892-8107.
TYPTm : Earn more
lt:am i'olTST & Composer,
(All 642-57'92
Furnllure IOOO
H E RI T AG Er.l odl fl e
fottr • ~r bed, c:~st of
drawen, bedside I• h I e .
S125; tv.-o .ch.artnlng (ha\n,
S2.l each; small chert,
matchintr mirror. $HI ; doll·
ble bed tm: 11pringl, ma l·
m 5!'i, S25: 'l001. l,J Kil'lf&
Road. 548-2394. Sat.-Sun. &
DON'T GM up~ You may
find It •f America'li large!!.
!TlO!lt unui;uaJ 11nfinl.(Md
fumllurf' •tol"f'. Cor. Reclh\ll
& San1a AM F..ry, Tustin. J
ml So. o( Newport Fwy.
Oprn 362 days pt"r yr.
~"EARLY. ~ mt1ple furn.
Nrw early A~ric11n ~·
couch .tr 6' hutch brand ne11·.
Antiqu"' rum . di.stirs II
brlc-a-hrec. 9 Al\I to 6 P!>J ...... ,
Model Home l"urnlture
Saving'.'i to ss-;;.. Very ea~y
f1nant"ing. 3 complete rooms
ol deCtJrators styled Spanish
furniture. Consisting ol the
111.mou~ cusiom qua:J ity !\la·
dnd living room group. The
nrig'inal El Presidtnle spac·
1ou~ masirr king i;ize. bC'<I·
room suite and t he authenrlc
La Pai wrough: iron dinette
~e!~. Limi1ed i;tock • $48~.
llamilton ShIDl·room, 59-l8
\l'es1mln~ter Ave, \\o'eslmins.
ter. 89-1-4434
SOLID maple bunk beds
~·lladd"r SW. P lastic lop
kne<'hr•lt' mplP dc~k ~6j,
Con1b back mp\e rlr•k rh111r
$1) Outr.h ho:< mpl!! !ablf'
.\Ii .iO. Round dru111 n1ple
!~tile S li.~. l\l lrror 1np
•lrr~~1n1:; tahlt \1/sk1r1 $);)
C'hcn)' IX<arons bf'nch $j(),
6 1 .... 2~9: 9.;,
FUR NI TU P,L return('(! from
(]15play ~1UdlQS, modrl hon1·
r i;, rlet"orator'i cancr llat1on.
Span!~h & ~l rrliterr11nr.m r!i;:,
1844 Newport Blvd., CM
E'V<'l'Y nit:hl '111 !'I
\\'M .• Sar. & Sun. '111 6
FLORAL print rornt"r group
l"'lmple!e. 2 sofa~ k l11hle
\\'/rovers &. bol~lf'rJ, $9i.
\.old pla~t1c ~wivrl rocktr
S:t2~ The Factory. 5'11).684?
l''OR!\lAL Early Amrrican
d inin11: lable, Ii rh;1,iri;;
hif'l"h\l'ond & T h n m a 1
m11.kr , like new. $ l 1;:;.
r.J APLE uphols!l'rod rockl'r,
$32. Usecl Holpoint cnrr
pertonc 1Tfrii;::. $8!1. The
1-"at"IOry, ~42
Upttols1e1Td cornt'r group
con\'ert~ into 2 l\\'Ln beds.
("(l('(t ~50 Sar $'lT;i or 11'1'111
olrl'r. &U-i1l9 evrs/\\'kend~
CO;\tPI .. ETE boy·11 r o om
furnitur e, incl bunk bed,<; &
corntr arrang(ml!nl, like
l'l"\I' $2:10. 54:;..G934.
rtlODERN green divan k
chair. Good cond. $58. Pr of
gold lamp!!. both ST. The
Factory 54()..6824.
flf ARBLE Tablr, 4 ~alnut
DtJX. chairs. F ine cond.
fi44-JM6 afler 4: 30.
Qua.lily king hed~uiHed .
Complele-unusM $105, \l'Or1h
S2;if!. Aft 5 &: ~vknds 8-12.fi.'\36
MODERN rl1ne11e, flov.'l'red
pritlt chaiMI. 5 pc $35. TI1e
Fae!m')', M0·61H2.
COUQf l ma!rh cbair . rlb!('
he<l. Pnd lbls. Sacr1f1ct: ! !
Ca II &t6-85G2
DJNTNG ~r. solid ~l nu1 . fi
eMil"ll', :iilnt qualff)', C'On·
!empcr11.ry p;fyl". &t4-\ 12ll
lJ~ED 5 pr. entlq~1r 11h1tP
hrlrm i:et r/Pluxl!, $97. The
F Ar-!r:iry. ~·12
pre1·1'"' ~
E_: _V_f._Rc\c,c.Tclc·lclcNc'cG~fo~\-,c,-pt
k1!1•hrn ~ink' ~Uf"'r c:ir.1~r
~a.If' !;,it & Sun -l:l!i Carna·
t1on, CtJrOlla <lrl 111 a r .
61.1-11Sl A1non1:. niany nther
1h1ngs: king Drrxrl hdrn1
~· GARAG t: Sa.Ir r ,cryth1ng
from eyrla~hc~ tn tool!< 10
tnys. Sat Sun. •1&32 &,:enar10
Dr, HB.
NEEDED: Ski-snow sui1s for
rorfr!lrr i;z. 3. 4. 'lr :>. Alsn in.
sundry mi t I I! ns , rte.
Appli1ncn 1100
COLDSPOT relrig/freezer,
idral for g11.rg. $65. KeJtmore
J:a5 clothes rlrycr S45. G.l':.
au10. \\'!\sher $35. Xln! cone!.
64·l-2869 he"'·ern 9 k 5.
G.E. r:Jec!Tlc i;tO\'t!, "'hite,
pu~h button. Forced \(I ~u.
Good ('(lrtdilion. Reasonable.
5-i34{)'i0 aner 4 PLlf
or pay S6.21 d•1·n t.: 9 mq
p~·m1s ol S6.z.:?. /\'o intere!.1
rhg. For no ohligalion. I~
Mn1e rlPmo . call credit mgr
'Iii 9 prn.
646 2100
P1i:ino, r.1. Shultl.
GOO'.f rond. S550.
CASH. 542.6().15
Television 1205
Lea~ Color TV or Alack
& \\'hite. Opt ion to buy.
Free str..1ce. No Qrpnsit
A·Acti1·r TV Rl'ntal Co.
'69 KENl\10RE console se1\'.
ln11; n1;ichll'H'.', f.l('d11r rranen
!>lylr. Docs evC'rylh1ng. All
Att11 ch 1n1•l. 6 mos olcl. hk ..
nr11· cond. $'200. Ca I l
j l'f :122.1153 1969 !>INGER w/b<'aul "·a\ console & z1g.za~ ;\lakes SY LV,\N!A Port . TV S.'(l0
hu!lon holr«. 0,e1 casl.~. ;:; "'a een 112V DC e;ir oi:_ t:;;a.!
Year guar Full pnC"e $311 24 bat!) E:'l cond. S60 &!.>-.SOS
or $.l 26 n1o 526-fi6!6 11ft.-r 5 pn1 l ~RoCcAcclo9".-,,c01c,c,-c,c",c1c,.-.,c.1~,,
f"'nrl 1 1~ Pnrt Zrnlth 12" Musicef Inst. 8125 B&S $1~ 1;.u-1·,1 ;
THF: Bcallr~. Co 11 ~ills. Shon·
r!rll '!ii, rt~·, rho1rr ll()fnrr
h ;:i n rl -(11 a d r ;i:: 111 I a r '.'i
11n11!<u.i!l.v <',\rPllenl 1\I«"
C:lrn Can1 pbr!l .s f'.\clus!\·r
r lJciu'"' Th" n \'11 11on
RQ1111dhat"k B ~Ila cl err·
j\larttn!<. Lay;"' HY !or
C11n~rn1a~ flank An1rrit"a1\I·
D1~·.,H11t Prirr1<
1·11~ Ll!USIC r>ll\N
nn !hf.' P"llll1~11l>1
81 ~' ~ E. Balboa Bll'd
Balboa. 6iJ·.')~l
ACCOR.DION • Amphlifd
r1or100 $200. Also pro·
fes~1on11l Sonola S 3 0 0,
6 Srrlng e!ectTic guilar a.nrl
;unpli11er $ ;, 0 . 0 0 Call
548-4987 afler 5 P:'ll
Hi .fi & Stereo 8210
l\!,\RA'.\'.T?. 2;, r t't:<'tvc r ,
r>01.ak :1l2 B ~pPal;er
~y~!r r.1 ~. rlual 1019
l•1rn1ahlr, $!['(} nr hr~t oLler.
fi..12-!1S3R t>P lore 4 P'.'11
8220 Tape Rocordera 1 -~~-~~----·
T ,, P E: P.crorrlrr-Norelro
siereo. :; ~~I. S7J. * 962-8741 ..
C1meras & Equip. 1300
FOTRON Elrrtronic r:am{'rA
"·i!h ca~!'. $175 nr make of·
fer. 6iJ--OJ76 Rf1 1 Pi\!
Sporting Goods 8500
1f you'v• fo und wh1f
you'r• looking for
in today't P1LOT Cl•11if i•d Adt.
KEN';\IORF. \\'11.,h<'r. 9 y!!ars f"',
old. SJO. \\'orkli good.
OFFER • SJl.-0717 •
USED relrigrralQr. rlouble
rloor. \\'orli:s ~·ell.
S2.i. 5,.1£>..81!J9
r.tODEL 600 Kenmore At1!11
\1·11.~hPr, "'Int cond. v :i.
51&-8672 or l\47./Jl15
\\'A!'HER & clryer. AVOCAiiO.
Sl'Z.'i. Rtlri~-lrot1! 11'1'" SIOO.
Fn:-ezer's $6.'>. ~G-1~
G.E. 1uto ~ashrr l; rolrc
dr)'f'r. Bo1h $60. ~72 or
"'i\SllF.:R k rl11·f'r, 111voc11.rln,
S12Z,. Rr lri~·fl"l"rSI ~ $\00.
Fff'"'t~r sr~s ~10-ill(ls
Give thet p1rty with th• item or it1mt
for 11la • phon• tell. Chenc •1 •r• it'1
julf what you'v• b1en watching th• Wa nt
Adi for. All thet'• l•ft '' to m•k• an
offer. How t in you 101•?
Th is it jut! 1 nolh•r of the 9reet t hings
a bout th• PILOT Cl11s)fied i•ction ..••
it l•ads you to t h• berq•int.
NEEDED: ."kl·~OO'v 5Ull!I for S~IALL Crr1nan Shepherrl ~e s, In-color, Al\C rez,
loddlr r s;z: 3, 4. or 5. Al!<O in· puppy. !\lust have ~ · * 5.36-fi019 * !liundr:v 1111\l('ns, I! ! c. ho n1 c w ·ch 1 I d r e. n ·l oo,,-,==cc"C,.:.CC ___ _
!J6.11-7!l.l.l. 67:'>-2529 10/16 CHAi'o!PJON Si red hro"·n toy
CARPET lnsta \J"r has r:>rl!'. TREE Swefl Valt>ncit . 20 =~~~' i;i.~ps SI u d
roll. avocado riylon ,...,rpct. pounds $1. 1918 Dover·1~,-,;oc~~-,-~~--•
douhl!! ju1c-h11rkc <1. \\/ill ~rll Drivt . 1'•c1\-port 8 " a ch BLACK Labrador Rrtrie\·er
aJ\ or part $:Jlyard. MG-'124:> 646-5194 puppie:-. 6 ~·eeks, sholl'I. $35. ·'(jjjjj~;;;:;;;;:-,;;;;;;;;;;;;:h;::lc"'~"";';,1'~'~""""'"',....~~ OLYLIIPIC TV Console s1e~ HOBBY ilems: paper mache,
Ai'ol/F:-.J. Low·rey O!'&'an "·/ egg cartons, roffee (ans , PEKfNGNESE !"or Sal•
herwh. Both Xlnt, g(! Chrislma!'i card~. etc. for • AKC Rrgistered 91;2.s,;~r; hobbyisli;_ 531·1875 10118 5-18.j.UIJ Beto~ J P~f
FOR:'-11\L 'redding ii re~ i; LABRADOR mix puppies J SOINAUZERS, !>!in. Al\C
"·/CH1 hei1r11l lrl\in dC's1gncd black, J \l•hi1e, I hrov•n. All pup!. Sh()1v or pel!'i, Stud
hy Edith Vint"!'nl Size 8, 23" 1vent children lo play '>l'ith. service, 83.'HllGl
\1•ais1. S/5. 6-lf>..3().15 !168-793.i 10/22 BEAUTlf'UL ,\KC .~blc roJ.
SURPLUS Fat"tory dress 2 Btk k \<111 k1Hen~: ~hots, lif' puppies \1·11h shots&. eye
J;ibn i:s & rcmnan!l'I, Sold lo wraned. trrun<'d. "Sybil" &. t'f'rlihrarr~ f;.12-.V!ll2
1hc p11blic 3-4 illond11y thru "",\n~rew :'llar\'tl" 494-98~1} SKYF: TERRIER AK C.
Sa!. JR2f} t-lnnro\·1a, C.J\I, aft. ;, .\0116 (hllmp i;1rerl frmalr pup, 21 ~
CROSS lop P. e ! r; ~ .• t"R EF. To gOOd horn ... 2 ~T, mO!li. RP.lo~. ~!l-23-17
J1Ulornal1c defro~t. F:xr Sf.ii. olrl li'\'f'"I. >rntll'. n1~ty rol· ,\KC q111mpion i;111·cr min
Th:-il'lu~e in B11.ck 4·15 E. nr part Cock~r. Ffn111.I<' Pf'O'!I<' pups $:.0, td~ l lo)
171h . 6-IZ·ji~l ~J36.-2029 10/lS $9.5. ~.~!'l-2.>W
FOR Snlc 141 nc1,· F1rcstnnp
11 11'"~ 61:"1xl I $.10. 4 4 !I
N!111\3rd Rrl. Coruna dcl
FE:\IALE Adu!1 Dachsuncl, A DQR,\13.~L"P.c. c_,c,,-,-,,-,-.,-,..-
good 11 t!h nlrlrr 1·h1h1ren, SCJ/A U7.ERS. Af\(' Rrg.
rrre to good ho m"' . C11J1 .. vrs. 4~rH579
&12-Z278 Hl/16 ,-..:::;-~:;-';:'.'c;--;o--,,.-,;~ \\ll!TE T iny Toy f'oor11.-;;c;c-;;=c•;;cc•c;c;c2(J~12c.=:c•:-:::c::-; 5 J\1os. old part Sllmoyei:I puppie~ Af\C, 10 11-reks old
JO" Cr.ilt~man btnch AAW .'1-, m..,le pup, all shnts & fi7~.-42fl1
mn!or, $100. Bar-h-Qtie s,.·,, Jic€'n.~~. h~hrkn. good 1\i lh POO==ocL"F~p,~-----
h pc li1ne oak Bedroom s't children. 962-l!.1n 10116 1 u' ;r~. tin~··c'0Y i.· S200 ;,.ig...-4z-oy. .a. ro ors, An . !op
• • ' ,l YARD full ur lo1·ely Dahlias qu11lily. Sturl !'er. 1193-!liHl
CONT:V>IPORARY w 11 I 11 u I 11.re go1ni:: lo \\'&ll!e. Come & A<'C l d G < h 1 I 2 " re21s l'rt' er ma n bdrm l'iel $100, relr11:; SIJ. c p \'nurse f. 241 E. 1st Sh h -I
G ,20. · ·1 so c·,, ,116 · "P ''" pu~ or ~11lr. l as stove misc 1 em1. · ., .1 . I 1 & 1 r 1 o~n • • 67~ 2678 6-· 2802 m11 "' "m11 r . ...,, .. ;,fl.I .. . .-or t.r SUZIE rn:'f'!i~ lovi ng home
SEALY lir111 kin~ m1111re~s b tan R.: 11·hi
re rl.'11111.le cat: 2 CHOCOL~TF; n1ale poodle · 200 pupp1e1< s1.1 P11rh . box spring, used. Paid $ . 11,payed. All shots. Call C 11 ~~~ 9_.1 s"ll for $j(], &lG-9064 673-91&1 10/1 7 ·3 ,...., .. ·~'
TRUi\!PET. Sch1\inn hike, 4 FLUFF Y femaJe yellow Horaea 8830
Conlon ironer , t\\·o 6' sofa.~. ~triped kirtens, frtt to loV • -----
la1\·n mo1\'er. Phone 4!»-895-1 ing hom~s. 642-4806 10/17 GENTLE r.tarl!. grl Jst hor.-e.
GO·KART. ~tat"" ~ HP 3 LiitJe kirten.~. attrat"ti~·ely for leenagrr. Cati.Sheryl afl
engine. Goort rondttion. SiD marked, he11.Hhy. s w ~" 1 3 pm, & 11•knd~ Mj-6851
&l&-01 4;j dispo~ition. 646-23AA lll/16 Si'olALL Sht:Hand, c h i Id
\\'edg!!\l'OOd·Holly huill · A K C A L A S K A N broke, daple grey $75.
l~ l\nd Kenmore 1,p,1·ina: l\IALE!\1UTE 4 )TS old. Af! 545-5S28
machiw>. 6-lfN012 6 pm. ~176 10116
H0:\1Ei'otADE camfl('r ~hf'll CUTE kiHcns, lo..,P people L:lveatock IUO
lits 8. bed. cab h<'igbt 5 11·\n. hsbrkn. looking for homes. IT'S FUN TO BOARD
dows, $25. 962-71135 67:>-4432 10/16 Your hone al TALLY 110
4 i\!lchelin Radial 9Hix l:> 3 Fluffy m11ll! kittens, 7 wks FARl\IS. Rox ~till\~ $:3.5 per
lire.~. Jikl' new, old. ~·eaned Ir. trainer!. mo. PoletaJ 1h11ded corral!
Call 641-1525 ~184615 lll/17 S4:> Pfr mo. Aulomlltic \\'I·
30 Cal. i\11 carbine \l'/§t'Ope. F REE KITTENS ter, Jl!f'd &. cleaned d11ily,
E :<C1!'ilenl .shaf"'. $100 Firm. 546--0743 l 'i ACl"f'~ lightl'<'f ll T"l!n11 . 6-l~2i6."i ah 4 Pi'-1. 10116 training ring. Rh·"r trail •t'· ~~s. Expert English l·
Quality king bed-quilted H~LLO\YEEN K i 11 e " s . \Yt stl!m instruction. Tally
Complete-unused $105, v.-orth 1-leallhy, tree tn aoocJ home. Ho F'srm~. li!62 N~1"hopr,
SZSO. Afl 5 & ~·kro15 8·12-6536 962-J 162 10/16 Foun1ain Vallt'y. 54Z,..!f.i87
liPRTGHT RCA f"rtt7.er $7J. FREE ki nen~. nlale or TRANSPORTATION 4 Bedroom &et. ~-Call Jor female, 7 "'ks o 1 d
appt, ~1 9'M 842-3227 J0/16 Boats I Y.chtt 9000
Lt:ATHER toob. like Jte\1'. 43 2 ADORABLE grty. Dully 'Iii G[.ASM.tAR C I I II Ii 0 n .
p1C'res l'><ilh ca11e. $ 4 5 . kitten~. 1 \\·ks. old. r.lale & Jnhoard-<iuthoard. 120 !\ferc.
5.llt.-:lli7'2. fcm11le. 1>44-1096 10/16 Crui.wr wl!.h pcwt'l' jel &
USED \\'11stwr t.· iiryrr S.'ll: BLACK & 11·hitc r3bbti JXM'er trim, F1ill ro ... er,
11·hilp 1ne!al palio lurn .. 4 !>ls-&'1i!l 10/16 Reaiiy lo en,joy. A 11
pr~. S70. Af1 fi pm. 644-2637 ;\IANX cs!, nnr 7 l\'ks. old f.r maiOll!:lll.nce reC'OrCls. J
OXYGEN An-tyll'.'ne 11·p]d ln1: mother. 54!1-4740 10/11 O\ltncr. Kl 6-4144
l<"l mmplrt~. ~llf'('lA I !able DARLJ:-.G mlllle killcns. lree LIVF'.-on '\Ork 00:!1 Nr.\'\
lnclUtll!d. 5J6.9672 aft 5 pm. TO~ hom" 962.m 10117 LCVP r1·x1 1". huiH 6.~
l.;-7,c"°"".-:'7· -cc-,.-OC"::C Stove, ~lnk.<, f'n21nr, p11inl. I
PLANNING ~ move; You 'll 3 ~IONTII old mlx@d hN't'(t ton, ~p11rr pa rt ~ I.
lind itn 11m11iin1t numbt:r ol hlACk pupriy. 962-6931 10/17 herd11.·11.~ i MO o" ~,. r
hnm"~ In lodlly'!ii Cl J11.~~if1ed ~!ALF; k fPm 11le ldUl'n11 look· lran.~lrrTI'ii tn ,\rn1'a ·""' ·,1
Ari~ r~!'ck llw>m no11·. ln1t for hnrnl' ~42..lm 111 ·J~ 70 .... t ~"'>1'!""11'1 Aht!. f''l
' . . '
..----------------------------------------·---·--... -· .. --· ··---·· .. -
l hur\d.Jy, Otlobtr 16.1Q6!J OAILY PILOT 3;t
801:ts lo. Y•ch!s 9000 ~torcyc!•w 9300
l ~pOrted Autos
Autos Wanted 9700 Usitd Cars 9900 u ,ed Cars 9900 Used Cars _ 9*
u,· lsland"r >oloop l'~. c _ 1r:b.
au:o1. Pulper. ht>ad gilllt•y,
bilge pun1p. Full rovc>r~ llnd
nish1ons. Sleeps 4, S39'J.i.
7i4--333-J311 E:-.t 221 11:,
17' 0 DA\' Day~1Jc r
Demo 11 750 -Gsed S!l50
14' O'Day <.:sc d ••.. $,j()()
F'un Zone 8 011.t Co. Balboa
PENGUIN sailboat l 1 1;'
y,·/sail & t.J·a,ler Top con·
dition $425. 831-8598
FIBERGLAS Dinghy 6" Ion~
40 lbs. $60. 6;;)-19~'.C ,1f!Cl' 7
HOBIE CAT $1000 * 49.1-Cl\J7 *
Campers 9S20
fi9 \'\\' U\i.tPElt
Xlr:t. \"E'r.Y Hl':a."i•Jf'l:!ble
3l1nport s
C1r<l"1· -B.l.•L~ -Trait
81J.;J111 -ll~llJG,\TE::.
.'1100 \\'. Coast lhvy , N.B. -I 'IJ1 Austin Healey $2495 6-1:!·9·10.) 51-0-liG-I
AbotH a dc1-elicl booze r:
Drinking doesn't d ro,v11 h1i:
Lroulllcs~ lt IRRJ G,\Tl:.S
t-inishl'rl lll jjlt'dllHU~ r11hy ~=A="="='"="="~'d='='G=D="="~''='·= i'!:'tl 11 1blk lraihl'1· 1nt!'r1or , •
Full.v "1Juip1. inrl. 'I ii~~
11·hcels. \\l{'('k -end Sp{"('laJ. MGB
'""' .11'.l. 3031 E:-<1. 66 or 67
1970 \\A RBOR BLVD.
CASH '6' FIHlwood J:t6>< CONTl."""',\L,, ·I '" '61: MU STAN$ Brougham '>f'•lu11s. '! hrr1· ot uur 11! t.;l .
Beat offer over $6000 J1l"111ls hal'e thc1r new 1970 kit med can Ir tnlcU just Call 49-1-6882 rnodels. Tiu· Cllrs /ui' ~al" 2 dr , hd.ltiP. Attlfll'ntil1c~
call ua fOJ' free e1tlrnafe. -=-==...::..::=:.....·~-ha vi• lniv nii·~ fl pii r (.. a u· d10. hcat~r. R uns like ne GROJH (ffEVROlfT 'iiS CAD FLEE.'11YOOD Xlnt cond Car.; n1a'y , l1C' T~ke \un'l{!I\ rar 10 ll1t
_ BH.OUGllA!\I 81"+:n by calling l\l1. ll<lnson \.~UJ '/'le ~.!1r~t._ prty. 0
Ask for Sale11 r.tanarer 9;ilY.l m!les 49-i-6882 nl A p o I lo o,,velopnio'nl ~i·n. 4.1.J.3 i '1· :>l ... 06.34,
1!2ll Bearh Blvd. '67 El Dorado. Lo 1111. Xlnl Corp 5-17-71>14. 11&1 E 17th 115· ~·
Huntlna:ton Beach rood. f"f'w l1rP.s. Loaded. SL. S.,\ 8 an1 10 6 pn1 wk. "ti5 l\1u!'itang !IT :.!119 V8 RI
Kl 9-3331 S4,8;)() priv prty. &14-•1265 (!o,ys l'/S. Nr1v l1re11. t..rak ,
.,.. f Ul I ~11111·\i.s ,o.;. ·pa1n1 !:-:>: shay CAMARO ~) -~ .. eqt1 lf)llll'l1 l. $1100 ~ trni. blG-6:'JJ 7 alt •6 ----------! Clf'Wl. Leath •. r 1 n ~er 1 Qr . r\I '
'69 Camaro Z28 :'llctall1c bhtc. Sl:i(). O:<iys ' · _1
I ... ""''•. _~9-1174 or_cvci; S.16-36'1_2 '67, LU\.r 11t·11', lu. 1n1 .. 'l!i.ifi Bl I TW!n1as Susp., n u" _ 1 1 I I L I ' ! 11 bA · ,.. '63 CONTIN!'..:NT AL .1 llr 1 I'· au o • wri~o "· a l'I" fKI )'g a~. ro I· .,.omp. Ju·1d•'rl Ong o \\.' n e < belt~ + n101-c, 11,""" m1. F\11 1 r r;v;rr. Very f lo·un ' ' · · ., VI~' ·1~Hj-;,J,-,,,,7
N•·l'er ra re(f, bul ready. $YOO. 673.-i l19 ,-..=077oc--~-+I 13395. 673-5653 tJ:. !\IU .... ~rANC ; L'onv
Blue/11IHW !"lp. Hill. ·I
CHEVROLET lr-<1ns. Haily Pilf'k Q:in~nlfo
----------1 '60 Corvair. 3 speed goo<! jj.000 fill. L:ood c. 0 n1
CORVAIR '69 VW $1995 C:: :r:r ~
Unbelievable! t'ant&stic val 1 --~=~~'"'='='==-
ue? Every imagine.ble acres. WE PAY TOP
50ry inl'I, ,1·oOO dash, wood DOLLAR
!'>l!"•nng 11 hl'1•J, ~11n rool, for good, clean used l'11fS,
<'tln11111·nlal radial tlr<'S. 61 43 all makes. See George Ray
!oral n11lrs. Factory 11·an·an-Theodore Robins f ord
ly. ~re an<I d1·1vc to bcli{'v.:. :060 Harbor Blvd.
:!l1nport s
C.l\I, 61:?·0010
Oranp Counties
'S9 Chevrolet conct itio11< Sl50. Call 5'18-4987 -"-'"'~738=~===-.....;.
2 1hl()r h'1rdll'!p. Original flft('r 5 1969 MUSTANG ~
ti!aek pau11. 1.1r. ZVZCt23. '64. Sharp l\1on1.:i. 1 ~pd. L f11ily !1J<ided ~
R,,J 1n1enor, au· & lull pow. must see thi., ,.11,.._ uu 511-5290 .. "':'f"
l'r, B1•s1 01·1·r ·l:l(~.:.''\~7 '1i7 '.\lu .. tar~. 4 spd.
$29S Dl1·. ~ 1 .. !3.1k•·1-. C.M.
HOLIDAY RAMBLER coRvmE ,., .. :,·".
1969 Jlarbor. c.~t.
"'""' ·s~ Vett, 100"'° lactot'}'. n•~10·1· OLDSMOBILE
'S7 CMv. :,ta . Wgn. r:i.o·('d, ~opcr Hsht. S~lOO :::::::-:-::-c=:--,.---t
Ne111 inrl sail. $249. 64;).-0222 Auto Services
P_o_w_e_r_C_r_ul_•_•_••~_9_0~20 iiiiii&iiiiiPmamrtm,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii9m40i.O
196./ 32' CHRIS Corin1hian,
fully ('l"[Utppf'd. Xlnt cond.
\Vill sell rqully. Pay~ ~7141
737-!X).)l, eves 5-18-2 13~ l\lr.
;\IUSf &>II '&I J\.1GB.
67~ll'l 3100 \Y. Co..i,st l!11'}' .. N R.
&u.94('.J 510-li6·1 ----0-P-E-L-----I Authori~.rd J\IG Oe!i.ler
'68 vw
18881 Beach Blvd.
H. Beach. Ph. 8-17-8555
Will Buy
Bei Air, 4 Dr, Ve1y good C"Ond. 673'-il·IOS.. ni.os 4·12 196fl; J'l''i°frcr en
Hl:'buil! 283 en~irlt'. r1t'\v Ii res, COl1VE'rr J-; 'ti-, harcllrip, :1:17 llc·l111• h.10k-. By 011 nr r . Ve ,
new trans .. power slet':ring, 11.1111 ~6:i hp. 4 spd. rarli~il~, 11"1' r!o11 n r13y1nl. ::;!A'J 1\1yr
f)O\l'f'r brnk,.s, auto trans. A~l/F;ll, niusl so>lL !16.'!-10:i.1 ·"l., Lag. B1·11{'h. ·l~J-J 456
i\lust sl:'e to. apprccia!f'._ Rea. 'jS COHVETTE :W50 or best ·a:; 01<11; Star1m=:-hlu··k, xi 1
CRUIZON 16' Ca bin cruisr.r
\\'ood/fbgls. motor & trlr.
$5::1(). ~.J-1:,SS ·---Speed-Ski_ Boats 9030
I!HG G;irwuod utili1y speer!
·boat 100 hp Chrysler, full
nevJ ro1·cr. steal at S700.
Call &11--1'.ll~ arter 5 pm
Boat Slip Moaring 9036
\VANTED: Slip or bouy that
y,·1U rakr. 26' : .ilboat, Call
day!" G-1 1-4300 ext :..:. eves
S38-2&1.J ask !or Attila
Mo bi le Homes 9200
"Buy from • man
who lives in one!"
32 1 So. Harbor, Sanla Ana
I Bk•k 3o. of Bolsa 5.1l-10Ci6
Mobile Home Sales
Casa Loma Roll • ,\\vay •
Sheraton i\lanor • lfornette ·
Kit -P r('slig<' • Sahara
1425 Bakrr St.. Costa 1.1esa
~~ block East ol Harbor Blvd.
Costa i\fesa (714) 540-9.170
GRE,\T L..1kC's mobile home
2 BR, rl1~posaJ, nc1v \A'/\\'
cpl &. rlrps, landscaped. !"Cl
up 111 Skandia Par k .
RcasonalilC'. &~ to ap-
prf'clatr. S.IG-:;:,11 alter 7
pm or any time Sunday.
Your Mobile Home
639-3291 536-8869 Broker
Many Mobil Home1.
Family & adult parks
Pn('rd Right~
Ca.JI 535-S."\!)9 or 636--3291
in clear. cJc11n, cool Costa
i\ff'&a , l\pw 92 ,.:pace: adult
park. ~1odrl~ & Sales of!Jcc
IO<"alrd al Pa1·k. Open !l A;\1
to 6 f''l
ACC"E'."T i\10BILI;;
110;\!E SALE'S
lT.iO \\'bit tier A\'r.
CoFta ,\lri:a 71 4: 642--1 ~51'1
2·1' SETUP on t.he cho!i't'~\
location 1n lovely Traill"r
Park. Ren1 pa1rl In 1st Firsl
S1250 take~. :t27 \\'. \Vilson.
Co'! See ~P<H'C 29
3 Bedroom. 1 bath. All ,.xtr11,_
Family P11rk. Call $8869
2 f ULL beds, 3o gal hot \1·a-
1cr tank $1800, 1640 Ne1vporl
Sp. No. 3. C.i\I.
12x60 Front & Re•r
Ali extras. Family park. call
536.&969. 636.32'Jl Broker.
1959 Nashua IOx-10, romp.
furn. nr11• alum. awning
$2600. J.'Jl \V. Rny St. C.M.
Space 6. &12-7441
' Mini 8 ike1 9275
f\TlNl Bike 514 th Jack.~hlll1.
6" whtel11, hud<iy M"AI,
drum brakes, s.·)(). 646-46<14
Motorcycles !.300
HONDA Scrambler 2 :'I 0 .
Shfl.l'P! Lot.s of Chrome.
• • $77;-i.
* Call &12-1268 *
'6.1 Y AMAllA 80
XLJ .. 'T COND. Sl6ll
'67 HONDA 30.l Chopprr.
J\lust Sell. $650 or best oiler.
·so MoPed !JC! cc. 10 ... · mile•.
X1nt shape. $6.). &16-4721
alter 6
1')69 Yamaha Enduro
150 CC. DT·I::, ~:,11·,~s. SG:.Q * :;.is.~ •
NEW B:'>f\V
below ·wholesale co&!
R-M, 600 C'C'. ~~1~2'l21i
1968 TR(Ui\IPll 1!JO CC. Xln!
cood. 3.COJ m1 . l.'!10.
.. :i:l6-71111i ...
Auto Supply
Prices lo All
Complete Machine Sh.-,p
11~>5 V1ctorla. C!'ll 5~8·6760
1S391 Beach Blvd. HB 847-0091 * OPEN 7 DAYS *
Holley Spark Plugs
High perfonnance for all
types of cars.
Nationa l Speed Center
2110 S. I !arbor, Costa ?>1f'Sa
6-~700 Open 'hi 9. 6 on Sat.
Next to Mr. "T'
Trucks 9500
1/2 TON
Swept line Pickup
Big 6 cylinder engine, stand.
aN transmLSslon. One only
-Dnvr ti home. No. ll6i-
Ct»W5. U~C'{I.
14(11 N. Tustin, San!a An"
!'~rom Nc11'fl0rl F rer11,11• -
\\lest on 17! Ii ~1. Turn· l!'ft
on N. Tust111.
Orange County S.ilr..;
&rvirr !lr.1dqu1H1<>rs.
NE\V _ U~Ell
:.!Sj(I \111.rbor Blvrl.
Cn,.ta :'11,..~a
Ten Light Vans.
Volks\1·agens, Dodgrl'. Ch"V·
ys, Exc:cllC'nt (.'011rt. ]IJ)' <
845 Baker SI., C:'-1 540-.J!!Jj
Opt"n 'til 9 P l\l.
'63 Chevy ~. ton lire! size VS.
Di r. S\;, Bakrr, C. !\I .
----~--'68 Do.J:.:,, '~ 1on VS, auto.
Dir. 1'\..o J.1,1krr, C. l\I.
·~---=-~ TiS Ford f.i·fl11r•l111c \\''~n. Dir.
8~:i l~ .• J;r'1·, Co s ta
l\!rsa. 5-11~.:r.•1-, -----11:: Ton 191:.i 4,\IC 1111ck \1'1!h
hydraul ic. 1,111 gait-lil1,
I'll'('. l•oOm ])ft, !1lnS t,:1J.
~-l~.r, l\lon lh111 Fri 642-87>:2 -. ·~ Che\'y Custom Van. !Jl r.
!M~1 Baker, C<1sla ?>lcsa.
'69 D1\TSU N Pickup 1\1th
CamJlf'r & xlral'. Leavins
state. Best offer. 6Th-:11:i:,
'4!1 Gl\1C, ("Omp h:I .. nrw cng ,
tires & paint. A.tier 6 call
'.'.100 \\'. Coast H11·y .• N.B.
6·l2·9 lf:i :ll().176~
Author1ZC'<i l\H--; Dral~'r
~ales. Sri-vil'r, Paris
In1n1e<liate Delivery
All t.1odels
31n1 orts
3100 \\'.Coas t li1vy., N.B.
642-94D.) ~·10-176~
Authorized r.1r, .Dt-.ilrr
'65 Austin Healey ;;prilc l·:x.
NJnd ., $800. ~9-1·53,j2, after
4 P 1'1.
FOR salf' J9::.!l ,,US!ll\ Hl'alcy
Sprite, Rrll. l'!.ac1n~ grn &
gokl. $650. ;,.1~28
!\Ill'\! Cooper 1962, 997rc. ""!::
1ust rebll, Smi1h's lach, nf'I\'
battery, red 11/ hick top.
SI 150. 67'.'.-~JS3 all 6c·---
NO. 1
l8Sli llea(·h Bl\ld ,
llun1ington Beach
8 12.77Sl or 5·10-f\1•12
Big 4-tlr S«t.la n. if~~rxl. Dlr.,
radio, hC"a!C'r, 1:1no m 1Jro;
\Viii sarrif1('r: Tak" otrlrr
11·adr. ('-,ill Phi!, -19-1·9771,
;\~5-063 1 .cZ~.\-\'._!0~371 ___ ~
·1;9 PICKUP 11l1h ca1npt'r &
11"\rl" n111s. Urst of!r r.
'69 i1tODELS
l mn1ed iatc delivery
2060 H.arbor Bl1·d.
Costa !'llrsa 642-0010
Ne\vport linports Lid. Or·
a.nge Cotmty's only auU)(}r·
izcd dralcr .
3100 \V. Coast Ji11-y.
!\e11:pol't Bea ch
642-9-105 540-1764
Aurhr,r17.c<I F rrr11ri Dr alr r
FERftA!ll '&:'J. :IJO GT 1 1 'l.
Rcl'rnt rebuilt. y c l low .
hlack lra1h .. r. S6~r.O or nfrC'r.
Call Skip :i!l&-a.'11 I. £x .'>Y.1
dump !ruck. Dir. 84j B<iko.:1 , ----------
C.fll. 540-5IJI5 1!)68 FIAT, 124 Se(1an, lite
Van, all makrs. blue. 11100 m1. SJ:IDJ. or Si9j
Bakl'r, c. i\I . ,,,•7T~-~o~.P~·~·~l&-~758<~--~ TEN L!i;::ht
Dir. &lj
540-5915 '68 FIAT 124, spl cpe. r&-h,
a ir. n1n.g "'heels S2500.
4!>4-8.12~ ('\'C.S
'66 F ord r100. VS, auto. Dir.
845 Bakrr, C.l\l.
9' Cahovrr camprr. 111'"' on
;-,• Ch('l'Y, VS S219:\. lJlr. s.l::i
Baker. C.l\I. S40-5915
'67 Chevy I Inn r1at bed, VS.
Dir. s.r1 Baker. C. J\I .
'68 FIAT g;,o Spydrr. Bl1le.
.. All 6, 546-1::26 *
StQ.5915 * 'li8 XKE, immaculate con·
'6:" O~l \Vagon 102 llP. Dlr.
S IJ Baker. C.!'11.
Porsche '60 Coupe $I 79S
Coco hro1\·11 11· blark in!rr.
fully equip. Good eond1tior1
th111011T. "'cckr nd Sprclal.
:noo \V. Coast 1111}· .. N .B.
&12·9~0.J .j l0-17G I
t.u1h11r1icd '\Jr. D,·:;ilrt·
POHSCJ IE: •;,7 Spt·1•1hll'r.
>.Int cond, nicrh perf' &s1
ollrt· over S:!OOO. ;:,1z-j~9
'68 Por1che 9 11 $5295
Bahama yrllo1v /1n1~h "''blk
interior . Fully 1•qu1p, incl.
rear \1·1ndow flrfoi::i:;er. ~f'm
pcnt rud111l 1irrs, I'll'. \\'eek.
end Sprclal.
,\ir corxlttioner, 4 sp<I, d!r,
loaded! I lone;r rream Pxt.,
pl ush black inl. Take small
dn11·n or 1ri1dr. J..o,v, lo1v
pyn1nt ~. VJ !f890LB, Call
Kf'n ·19-l-9Tl3 or 5-l:J.0634.
'6S VW
\·c1y ('\ran. Lie. NOL 221
fil'S( o\lel'
1969 llart:ior, C.M.
'ijj V\V, 2 ooor. A speed,
radio, heater, beautUu' red
and sharp. l~Ui\I 140. SHY.JS.
Carl's Motor Co. Inc., lS.U
Harbor. C.i'll.. ti-12·0.113.
·ti.~ \·"\Y Sunroof, Blaupunkt
A:'>l1 ~·nt. Coco rnats, ni1n t
cone!! i\tust sell, Make c!.fer!
'ti7 V\Y bus, sun<li a.l campC'r
comp .,.·/can1p1nh e D<ras.
S2200/brst oflcr. Bob
54&-5835 aftl'r 6
'69 \'OLKS\\',\GE:-1 Camp·
1nobilc. A ~t • F/\1 radio.
P op.up top. Side 11nl. ?>lon·
tana Red . 545--ol:f.)2
Your VolkS\\'agen or Pors<'he
& pay top dbllars. Paid lor
or not. Call Rl\lph
Auto Lea1ing 9810
•59 LTD Forf1 coupr, air. p11r
stq::; S:. brakes radio SHY.I 1110.
'68 Country Squl~. air, pwr
slrg & brake~. radio $87 mo.
'&J Cadillac Coupe d~ ViUe,
fully cquipprd ...• $129 mo.
'69 Cad El O.i rado <:oupe,
fully equiprc<i •..• $1 99 n10.
'69 Cad1lla l' Coupe <le Ville
ft1ll y equJpl)C'<l •..• Sl 69 1110.
'69 Chev Can1aro, p\1•r ~trg I.:.
brnkP~. a ir ........ S92 mo.
300 \V. Cs1 llll'y, NB 645.:!J82
&Onably C~~IH:~11.:1's1$~9a. oiler. G~l7~~~ . ~-i~·~'~·s,;.1'~,~; .. !:1;~~11!<1, '
'66 CHEVROLJ:.i Capi:ice. :=iti()i(lsTclr.1.fm· 011 ni"r.
One owner car 1vilh only DODGE ccllc nl crintliliqu,
24,()(X) n1iles, has all po\\·er + 673-709~
air <."Ondi!ioni11J;. A~soluiely '67 DODGE DART f·~ JJc,1i1J;1y l n'lfk'. p !~.
tte ~~anrst ~~ie 111 l~\\·n. \\'hllc \l'ith \·inyl top. a.Lr con. J>/ti, t'<>Od' t·ond . Ownt r -..,1~1 3~01°1,' ,',.er,~ e,,,: es duioning, auto. 1rans .• po\v·I S:iOO. &lG-42'21 . •! o o:nz, Lu . acu~1 • .,..nta .· , · 11 , --Ana 5-16--4114 ('~SIC<'.! !DJ;, 1 1~d10 a~r 1f',1tr1·. l!lll'.l ULDS Cu11a ~1;·6 1110 0
• !\riv l1rrs. $1..o95. :l.1.C(IO 01·1g. Orig cost "3~)Jf)f) !>\'ii t r
'67 CH EV. ln111;•l 11 Station 1nnJ rnlles. Call 637-U56 s~·i0. fi.1G-5971 ,..\:..,s.
11·11so11 : '15,000 n11. ~·1111 p11•1._, •O~'~''~'~'"":'..,'~'~'"~'~'~· =-:c---1---,';;i"W,J;"f;i;:--1 a ir. Xlnt end. $2 3~:.. -'.J.I Olds 4 t!r I 'tij Dodge Polara St:.O ~19-1690 ~>18--0~7!1. Hardtop. dlr. 84.J Baker , ::>
'6E'i EL CA ,,IJNO 327 l'U 111, C.>1. ;,.J().;,9t,·,
xlnt runnini;: ronrl. Nf'f'ds
11c1v llf'd. $:ijl) or best orfr r
673-376~. FALCON
I~ Cf!EV'i' ln1p.,1la 4 Dr. '66 F alcon Fu lura
HT. Pl~. R/H, low m\lr. 1 2 11•1!,\r. ~ .... Id new 3 yrs <igo
01\·nrr, 11kr nrw Sl,19.J. f'tl' S3'2()(), JIOIV hr·~t \)\lf'r
pr1y. 833-1322 $595
TB.UC!-.: Fol' ~air: ·53 Che\I. HOLIDAY RAMBLER
p.u. 11·i1h r;11nprr, ne\v ltres, 1009 Hru-hor, C.'L
Fi1l'l. aor .. >t•do. jll<r. steer.
" bl'ks. Vinyl lop. l:J,000 !\~.
Ong. 111111<'1' 1novirt::
a hron!\ n1u.~t !'!'II. 833-17$..o
l·:\'•'S. I
LEASE • RENT PIA. SZ:iO. 4'.l4--5.S86 altl'r 6·l2-602:1
·s8r:o;,1d Runn•'r. l01v milef
Dh·. SIJ Bahrr, C. M ,
.'l-10-...,915 ORDER YOUR !'i::IO P:-01. '61 Falcon Wago n 1 ...
1970 TODAY ·:~It PLY:'l!OUTH \\agon, '6'1 Che1y Impala Convert Ong 111al paint. \li'i,-cll'nn
FOR EARLIEST rhlt eng, lo<HIC'd, rllr, take Ikst over cond., $!35.
I d $295 -m DEL IVE RY orr1gn r·11r 111 t r a c . i=:::=:::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::t: j
All popular niakes. Ford XYZ7:'6 491-9771 HOLIDAY RAMBLER
authoril('d lcu ing systrm. ·G6 Chtv Jmpala !IT, V-S, 1969 H<1rbor, C.i\1. PONTIAC
V\V Squarcback-NPw J uly Get Our r'.nmprtilive Rates sni·k. d!r, hi bk S12i'.) takr 6l1-&l.!., __ _ '6~. Radin, 1\/w. Just like Theodore ~!flt~•. \YQfl;l.~1. 54:rQ6,1~ .68 Falcon \\Iago~. full r ii r, '66 Pontiac Tempesti.
new. 7700 ni1les. $2395. ROBINS FORD 'ij~ •I Dr. C!1cvy lnipala. P/s. ,1lr, JOw 1'11lea1,;c T.Cl ,P)J\1\s, ll.ii di_ufl, radio, h!•.ill'r •. <(I r ~HYI \\', Coast !h\'y ,. N.B. 67J_8282 S~O·liJJ7 1·,,nd111.rin1ng, 1~111•r1· :-trermg 6·1:!·fl40:, 5~().1 761 :!ffiil llarllor Rlvd. J>/b. Rndi .. I tires. X!n! Lie RZU12~ Br·~I OV(T
,\u1h<1r1zcd _\!(~ Ot'ali-i· 1!167 V\Y. chrnn1r wheels, Costa r.tesa 642·0010 oond. SC50 :>IS-165-1 '62 FALCON WAGON · $995
•66 Porsche '.Jll. ;, ~pd. \'l'l'Y clt'an. Asking $1395. 'bJ'(JWTl\\'aQ on, autom. V-8, EA."Onomlcal :u:-io. 6i3·'illl HOLIDAY RAM BLER
At-1 /f';\I radio, n1~11y n1orc 1 ~C=;·1c11~":.:.:""c9~5:.=~c'='c'='=P='=1c· _ LEASE ANY MAKE R&ll, po11·r r. Good o.:ontJ: 1'.lti:l 11.irbow. C ~!. l
xtras. xlnt cond. S·ll:iU. "68 V\V. $1500. In cxcc.Jlcnt OR MODEL S:ixl. 6-16-64•16 FORD 6·12-0(J~.;
&12-CE4:J cond1tlon. l..<'t oui· Jease t'.'l:perts Fl101\I '&I ~UPER Sport, 1mmac:., , _ '65 Catalina
'69 Porsche 9l lS Targa PH: 67S.3286 .vou th(• hr~! plan for your auto 1ihU1. sold.: r.tust see~ 64 Gala :tue 500XL . Jlard!JJp . ~~uu 1,,111r r. Lk
T;i ngerlflf' <'X !<'t'~•r 11, hl k Hl-'66 V\\I Sqbaek S10!J.) or trarle personal needs wHhout vbll· 612-731~ llarrltop, or1~fl<•I rf''.f pain t. VZi\l..QCH. &st •!l•'r , I
terior. £\lrry pK<:ibl" at._ lari:er 1·ar or lrurk. Cam{X'r gatiun. T>6 61£VELLE 300 [)('tuxf', ~on the floor. LIC', .'IY I\ SO-I $695 1 «>Ssory. 9;;.o 11illrs~ !'tio,1. ~h('ll Sl !O. ~.19--4237 UNIVERSITY 2 <Ir, v.s. auto. pis. $100 Best ovf'r HOL·IDAY RA MB LER
J'r)()nl cond11inr1. s.~j~;,, ;;2 'fi.~ V\\I, r/h. :>.lilt ..:ond. J'\11. OLDSMOBILE u1·er 'vholl'salr. 6i:i-:i7J.-, HOLi $695 JGV:l !!;uboi'. C.i\l. • 1 fi~:: Porschrs 1•• 1·llfl\1.~c JJly, $1600. :.'S:l!'lc~!~;~;~:vd. J9fi6 Chc\•ellc ss 39G 1~~~r~,~~.~1~ER 6!2-~023 .~
6-12-1719 51()..!l&ICI E1'l
t ro
n 642-&'l'l:! fil Pont U•"l!lf'l'IJI,. ! <Ir•, Pwr1
J1fl.lip0 rt
3100 \\'.Coast 11\vy .• S .B.
6~2·9·105 ;, 10-1 iii!
Au1 hori:ted l\l(i Drall'r
'Gli P OR..SCHE: !11:!/j ln1111a c
!\u rici11H EXTl~A S i\lrr·h
JJl'l'I Hr~t rtas 1J11rr ti7.".-J~17
'68 P•irschf' ~I~. .1 :.pd.
-'~rAfcr whcclo;. 111nny C:ot·
Ira!' S 1950. 61:\.lit)I•\
--+1962 P UltS°C1!i·-; --
~1 h1tr, xl11t CQIJrt
A'll/F;ll S2ZOO -.1~.-1~~(,:2
'6i ::irn1c J\lK rr. 1•11sto1n t';I;·
hau.-,1, radials sGno.
l!lfi:i SUNBE:A:'>l A I fl 1 n e
Ro.ir!s1f'r, au1o shi ll. i,:rlfld
cond. A.~klng $~. !'162-7~1;.1,
'66 V\Y Snrf, bcibe W/blk int. I"========= G-1 -61 a. t • SJ:·B, 1111". R.~11. a11tri tran~.
R/11. Porsche rims, Xln! Uied Ce rs 9900 '66 c~vellc SS 396, 4 p<l l$8 LTD Country !'<1nn·r f>l<1· 11 ht!<' 1n1, pn ll!Y. $ti2J, call .• si~= ~'"7716 _________ .c;c c ',, · t1on 11·a2on, 10 pa.~."1"01,'."r. o,,,,,.,_, cor .. ,. o)J\)', J"to-Dir ••< Bak•r ' n d. h '
• <t'IJ " ' ' . r O\.\'f'r IS!' l'~lk"~• ptill "I' .~==-----19'.J9 V\I/ Bus 11/ '62 ~·rig. CHATHAM 51()..5915 s1rt<rint,;. A/C. ·:!~J engine, '6f~ Fll:~BIRO 400. powsr,
nlc('. S4;;.o. AU TO SYSTE M •;>11 CHEV \Vaiton. Nf'll' !ires. 12,000 m il"~· ;>.lnt rnnr:I. turbo hydro, stereo F M.
:122 13th St, Ar t 3. }18 2.~00 IV. ls1. Santa Ana trans. ,;ail'(' joh. Clean $300. s:"9SO. :>.J£.J!l(l~ br~1 offer. 67?..-6870
'66 V\\'. Xlnt corn!. Original t-!>-ll·\Y.ll l * 5-J9.J6::90::_ _______ , '66 F a lcon Fulura
pr1v ow~r. l\l usl !tell 1111· Ba,uk finatl('ing available. \VI' '6j Chevy Jm[)al,. 2 Dr. Gond FU!ly factory f'l}ulpped. Dlr. RAMBLER
nit'di!4!Ply. Call 6;3-79;,9 a so 1•arry our 0,1·11 rnn1ral"I.« d V-8 Sl211ll ----------"n !rcln~nn11ollon <a '67 C'OT1 · Auto, • · Sfi~i.-1.
'I • or • rs. 6i~ """'' "h•>"<' 61.'J ~"'.'1 '63 R amble r Wagon V.IV , • PorSC'he • J\len:.'t'drs C1m1u-o Sl f'~. '67 ooo,c RT .,.....,~ ,. " ''" ~ ('l\'f'1'h;111i<'tl. \'1'rv 1•lran. , 1 rng'!>. ,'\:_ u.~•'d p;1rls, s teady SJ.1199, 'Ii-I Punlla<' GTO S10'1l. 'fi~ Ci\:'>IARIJ :\27 R.~. P IS. 19fiR FOR{) t;ul. .0,00, 4 <1-<•,
k < ' 350 '~' fl ll'nt•r r ar. L11· •. !GLil:'l7, Bt!St in stoc · v l---0 · 'fi.5 J\1ustonJ: S69!l. '64 Funt R '11. Autn. 2-~1 l\nt'!\' SI. C;\I AJC, f>O'"'r :-; & H. (111k. over
'li7 \"\\1 r/h, rrd 11·11h
1111 :?:1.000 1111. xln!
Sl::.00 . .'1lfi-.l ~:Jl.
'ti 1 V\\i F111sr~
l.Jlr. ~·lj Bnk<'r, l' \I.
:.10-.-.~ 11
hi ark
;\Tl .ST ~II "(i(i V\\' Camper
fully rfr1Hpl, lnw n11, A-!~
B1•Fl 11H 1;12-\'.1:\(i <'~'4'~.
'66 Ii J'assr ni::t·1· \\~1go11 . :'lt11st
s•·IJ 1h1s ''l'f'k. Xl n! cnnd.
'62 v·,-,-,-_..1-_,-,-,-,-SC-d-an-. -C-all
aflrr 6 P.'1.
':JG V\\', rn~1ne Overhauled.
GO(/rl shape. S2!Jj, &16-5721
ii flrr 6
FOH Sale • .1960 V\V Sedan
S'.\4;1, 182.'i Placentia, Ci\1.
Call 548-1542
XL S69'.l. '62 :\Ionia S2'9!J. '60 61j.29'Jl r1'r" \\1 111 traiir 011·ru -r, i'o•»v rhr , 1-'.-.:crllent $39S
T-ninJ ~'..":u. fio r 1yn1outh l!lfil C'hr\'Y ,1 \Jr ttuus ~O(lft 1·1111<1. 1!1 ... 1::111 'lr 4!1';--i l•~J. HOL IDA Y RAMB LER
Sl~O. 'bl L'onU'! SHY.I. '60 XI I '<I I • 1<<11•• G - --- -. n pa n . •r.~. .• ',; Furci <:.i!o\ie !11Yll'lf', J9G9 Harbor. C ''· L'll"v.v \Y<ic011 Sl99. '61 Vall-I · I !~'l-~I" ''""' · I I f'(jll p \ ····'· .1 """£<~,.. ::-.1 v1•r-n11,.., .:(~ rng, 11111 1;12.G1.11.1 al\I Sl'.19. 'j~ Olds S19'J.
CH ATHA•• flll1vr. 111r, 11r1< l11·es. $10.il. I' \:\l"LEl'-6• ,.1--.-/h~
M CHRYSLER t· ·1 · "1"-'. ,. ·' • 0 • ·' a''i(, r · AUTO SYST EM nv ('II \:. ·' q.i 1'1<'!111 raml & int .. '\• tv tirt•
, • 0 • -----------l·i;7 J·uHLi 1; .• 1.,,w ~~ltJ • .;-rlr ~3:'!0. 644...:.191!1 flft •, r~i pin
b>l,Q \\', l .~I ....... nta Ana '6J CHRYSLER >) I * 54\.9931 * ~~ .. n~~1~~'.·t 1;;11~: 11:~1~1 ·~-.:t~·~:~' '~5 Ra mbler 660-C-lo-,-,-;,
'68 SPORTS ~edan, 13,700 Xl t \! ~l l'l-1)7' !!RO! . l·.\<'rp!1rin.:illy • l•·;'ln 1 owfk!r, · · · It T 2-DOOR HARDTOP ' n ron ·. _ '·1• _-:: -~-Lie. :-1L>! ";~ llr'~t over m1 .• air. pwr., vmy 01 •• op l"''o >·01'" ,. I •• ~ conclitlon. 494.3232. V-8, automatic. fuc toiy nlr, ·"J" .d :i11 :111<• ''"" ~1.t · $S9S
'BS Buick SJKlrl \Yagon. J111-
n1Rru lale-low ni 1 I c a ~ r .
.l?i,JOO ni1. A/C, radio, P /b.
P/s. rwar n1•w (;oo<b"<'fil'
Polygta._ 1•'1(lc 11·a!'k lircs.
S:l19j, 673.2l'n or 67:>-1216
BUICK No. 225. ti a s
fl'l'l'('r ~t-:-cri n~. power bra· 1ion '""J..."•n . 1:,\./1. ph & 1•«. HOL IDAY RAM BLER I.:""· radio S.-hrnter. Jmma· 111r.ronrl . Sl77"1• !l·lli·ll'H r ·,r 196!> Jl;u l'lll'. C .• \I.
cula!c, <UDE 7~31 llfi Mon.f'n. 7 :t0.4 ·~fl G!:l.fifl'.''.l
$2295. T\\O !'.16'.l !"ol'd-(iu..1"1..\'1•'~ i====--=====
Fully loadrd s~ !7j REBEL
'62 FORD Umverriblc. Runs '6'l Rcbr.I. VS. au10, arr. Dlr.
good. S295. 81.i Baker. C.:'>1.
CJIRYSLER -PL\'i110UTll *' 816-30'.Jl t-:;10.;{11~1
2:12!1 HARBOR BLVD. , , .
Egg 11·hilr. 11111;.,n ff'<I int., -----------everything!
642-2'252 af1er 6 PM
COSTA MESA 546-l!IJ4 JX:l 1•0 110 Stal1?1~ \\ai.;•111. STUDEBAKER
Oren Da ily 'ti! 10 p.m. Very goo:~ cond1t1on. Best ----------· ollf•r. &12-137·1 4 splf. dlr, l1~ally 011•fl('fl. VOLVO
ExceUenl <"ond. Bhk:' book Sl2". FWI p,.;,, "'""·· wlU ___ Y_O_l_Y_O __ _
line: prvt pr1y, NRZR&JLB.
Ca ll P hi l, 494.97i3 or :i1$-00:l l.
'69 TRJUMPll !'pitf11·e, xlnl
rond., 7j()() mile,;. Priv
o\1ner. Call 6·U3-3Q6:1 aft 4.
DA UG!ITER'S '61 TR ·1, r'<'r/,
Rt lf. new brakes, 2 1 .. ps.
S%0. 5~1-8Hl2 hrfoi·c 1 ptn ,
142 -144. 145. 164
Tl!F. LO\\'t:Sl:. PRICES
/\Rt: STILi. AT
1!!65 BU I C K Conv(>r\ihlc
LaSabre. Xnll cond. Best ol-
fcr. 675-1411.
CAD '67 Sl'<I. DV. Blk
'67 Ghry1ler
Town & Country JAVELIN
'6'1 Studebaker Comn1andn.
11ir,.. car. nl'l'ds motor \\"Ot'k
$11: •• ,1117.4;.:;,'\ Stalion \Vagon. f ull f'Ol\'"rl-----------1
including dual air. \13908(). '68 SST Javrl10. VS, aUlo. Si:> ~~~=T~.-B~l=R=D===
Best over Baker, C.:'>! l)lr.
$2295 s.i0.59 1.)
HOLIDAY RAMBLER I======== '63 T BIRD 1"9 """"'· C.M. I· -
642--0023 MERCURY 2 dr. he( top. FuJI P'l'C· Dir '69 CllRYSLER Wagon •. 1--------~-·I ,. · r1.1;, P/B, P/\V, air. lo '64 Mercury Colony Pk. ~ at·1ory air t'Orl•!11inning. Oil('
'61 E connlinc Van. :otlnl Mnrl. d ition, low milcagC'. TOYOTA
Real s harp! Cragar 11•hl11. -===='="=,.=""~·==== 1-----------
1966 Harbor, C.M. fi4&.9.lOJ
\\'/n1atch hrghn1 lop. Xtra
c lean. Fltwd cir post & 1111
11.cces. Pvt ply, tnust l'•·ll.
$3350. 57;;..7771 or 5'10--4 169
'66 COUPE do VillP. While,
black leathf'r. F ull equip-
ment. C 1 e a n. Ask $1900.
549-JJ7f day5, f'Ves. 516-36-4Z
'66 CoUPe <le Vill e., Gnld.
Equipped with !':very po1sib!e
accessory. l\lui;t SC"I! now.
Any rca ~on ab I(' offrr.
549-llQ days:, f'VC'S. !'116--Jli.12.
196.~ C11dlll11c 2 dr HT. Con1pl
('{Juip'<l, 0Cau1 cotld . Lo
miles, S\29:1. 2 wsy radio
equip oplion~I. 8"6-3002
n11·ncr. Sn1~1l 11011 n. Exccl.
niilrs, like new. Must see lo Station \Vagon, 9 passengrr. l"nl condition. 494.'.1773. OKI--
appreriate! 962-76.">7 ,\ir. full (ll'.l'l'rr. Lie. O\\'Z· .i.1o.
='795=··="=;."='"===' KARMANN GHIA TOYOTA
Joeps 9510
·;;~ r.tililary 1ype 4 11hrrl
dri\'e in lop cond: JX:-1
Scout 4 whl dnv". bo•'krl
2·'59 l<ARl\IANN G h i 11 ~.
Good transportation car!I or
bu~ mntcrial. Sl75 & S2Ju.
PhOIW 6·15-2671.
Sl'ats A·l Al~.., 'Sll/)J f'11rh. ==========
Call 6·1S.!'J6:l7 2'Ji8 Placentia,
'&I 4-\A hl"f'I .lt'cp. loarirrl,
"'ilh nvl'rdn1 r. S I 9 0 0.
JF.EP·1916 C.12A, 01·er$111'ff
t1r,..:<, C'lra n. 9'~1 Prc1i1d io Dr,
Rec reat'n Vehicles 9515
·1~l Srnul ~ '( 4
Dir. S~:i Buk!'r. C ~I.
~n~,\~11~.\~'~P~ll'°.OT \f,'l~T /l[l~'
'6:1 LOTUS f.:Jilr. ~lag" II,
xln! runnln~ roncl.. S2000.
E1·l's ~13&-iffi
'6~ COUIX' Rofl<!!{ll'f. l\1klnl ~hl
hlur, 11111 r 1vr. auto. Air,
"'""' nidt.al lll't"E;. S7JOO.
19GO l\1rrcri;lc~ !!JO. Clean,
"""' t 1rr._~. sr;..o t 1 r m .
f,\2---t ti2 P \I'~
1966 l-li1rbor, r ,\f .
Hunt. Beech 147-8555
.l mi N, of Coa.t Hwy. on Bch
"fi7 ~ Dll. Custom ,.,.ilh lac.
11tr Sl ,lloO bJu,. Mk rr. IJ!)o',
r;1r ... rr.1
PISOO '6:i, Air cond .• 4 spd,
w. o/rt, r/h, redfhlk lnl.
64:)...1154 Cl'e. 01' 646-1100
Antiques, Cl•ssles 9615
l92!l t'ORl.J l\lodet A
Rnadster Pick Up. JM race n. rnginr, hearlrn; & <111111
c:11rh~. lj" 11•1\ef'ls, hy<lraul!c
hr,1krs. SIOOO. 644--0720
'57 i\lorglln + 4, t':<Cel!en! C11rnl. s1roo. 8-12-3716 rut s,
111! rl:iy 1vken<ls.
1931 DE SOTO
'66 CAD. Sedan DeVllle; low
mile., G1uu·iH<1n m a In t .
~IOC(I new. $.1195. Pr. P ty ,
!l!i2-0319 ---.=cCall f>.19-1:)7!c __ _
l!!:W t~onn 1\tnrlrl 11 C,\D '69 Sr<! De V11lf', t'.>:1ri1!1
!act. air, -orig. fl\A'IM.'1',
perfect -!7111 49-1--8794 Roa<i~trr fully r,. s ! t'I r ,. d .
mlnl oond. S2600. 5'48-42:'~
Tll F. Sl!N NF:VF.R ~F.T~ on
DA!l;r P!l.OT \\'ANT Af1S!
403. Bes' 0\'rr l---=,.co~.---$695 '61 T-Bird COMET HOLIDAY RAMBLER f"11ll J>01\'l'r in!'luding air, or•
'62 CO;\lr.I' Station \l/agon, 1969 llnrhQr. C.1\1. l~inr11 prunt, l 01q1cr. Lie.
612.6Cf2:t vrtv ris. ar-~1 orrr gr!. condition. $39S
·19-1·3115 '6 1 i\larat11lcr. au1n, p\vr, hkt HOLIDAY RAMBLER
'6,i CO:'>Jt:T 401 4 Dr. R-11. P-:<I•, CB radio, 390 eng. SSOO 1969 llarhol'.' C..\t_
S. 36,000 mi. Xnll cond. ll~'~"~'-;";';'~'="='~·==:=:== l=~~....!'~"~'-~f,fl!~'~:l~--011'f1C'r . S995. ~ll)..~919.
CONTINENTAL MUSTANG '6ti Cu~!on1 T1111'll l..anda.u.
full equipn11•11t, rec11ninJ:
!JOO • lronl .se1!, It·~~ U1an ~4.001 '69 l\1ACll 1 11, I'll., P/:;;, m1 L1kf' nc1\·. ~rlginal
'62 Continental P /O/B, stt reo tape, 4 o111ler. $2,750. !"•> tradu.
f'u\J power Including air, One 1pced, 351 Ran1 alr, still -n!I
owner Like-~w. Lie. JRD· warnnted. lmmac. Best ol· 6jl-·--~~-~--
OOI. &at ovf'r fer 01•r r $2!1()() 4~3627. ~T -B I r d , 3 -1 p d
$'95 1;:1 i\IUSf,\NG c 0 n v er 1 . 11·/ovt·nlril'r, :Jl2 . V - 8 .
HOLIDAY RAMBLER 1.i'>C'Ofl, llf''"' trnni: .• i.:ood ron· P n rtholl!'i1. S200J. 331P
1969 llarho r, C.i\l. dlhon. onr 0...,.111.'r, SI~. 0!.'f't1nf111n,t, NB
6'\Z.6023 67J.61)70 altl"r 6. ·:J~ T·BlnD. all po11c.r. RJH.
-<t·~,M~ '611 Continental Sed. Loaded, '67 Mustana;, f't':Aliy clean! ,.,~ "'v'~-_,,,. ~ln1 POnrl, lo1v mll"aJ:r. R /H, hi~ llP~, T .. R\M !n!, •~8;-~18*
.S2:1'10. T'r1 :i.\!l-iS2A . $Un~, fnr f,,~1 ~nl1' li!'t-S I~ ~ .. f)CK IT TO 'E:-.t:
JIS Beach houae time. Big·
J:rst i;elerrion <'vrr! Se" !hr
L!Alt.Y PILOT \YANT All-'' ~
• "
------------------------------· ···-..
34 DAil Y PILOT * Th11nday, Octo~f lb. 19tti
Newport-Mesa Group Oub Offers
Space Group Woman to Lead Teachers
Mra. Marilyn Bean, a first
grade teacht:r u\ Vittoria
School, has been n a m e d
presidenl-t"lect of Newport·
~tesa Education Association.
Mrs. Bean will beC'Ome
presidenl of the Newport-1\lesa
school district's chief lcaoher
organiz.ation next year.
She was selected in a cl1;1se
vote by repre.sent.a tive Count:Ll
members over Al Watlers, a
fourth grade teacher a I
Newport Elemenl.lry.
Mrs. Bean will be the first
elementary teachrr lo head
the teachers' association, to
\l'hlch more th an 90 percent or
the school distric t's 1.200
teachers belong.
That distincllon would have
gone to f\lerle Smith, chosen
as president-elect last sprins.
hut SmHh r esigned to become
a principa l in the Sav<Jnna
School District.
Gortlon Becktold, Corona del
:r.l ar Jl lgh School teacher, cur·
rently heads the ASSOC'iation.
J\lrs. Beil11 , who graduated
\\'ith a B.J\. from UCLA a11 d a
!\LJ\. from Cal State Long
Beach. has laught Jn the
Newport-Mesa District for si x
years. She has been active In
Nell·port-Mesa Educ a t i o n
Association for lievcral years,
serving last year as secretary.
She lives in Tustin.
Council members are Miss
:r.tarilyn Parsous, .sc h o o I
psychologist: Don Ullander,
Newport Harbor High English
Department chairman: Paul
Lawhorn, Estancia lligh S0cial
Studies Department
chai rman; J im Newkirk,
Harbor lligh social slud1es
teacher, ;ind Bart !lake,
executive secretary of th e
teachers' associ<Jtlon,
N•wpcrt-Mesa's B•an
The count.dowll for the
Apollo 13 moon mission begins
soon. and youngsters with
more Uian a pas.sing interest
may join the Boys Club of the
Harbor Area's :space club
Directed by Art Stalins, the
Monday night meeting! are
devoted lo en c o u rag Ing
youngst.ers interested in the
knowledge of space travel and
lhe mechanics of rocketry.
The grou p meets al 7 p.m.
for the sessions in the Upper
Bay Branch or the boys cluh,
2131 Tustin Ave., Costa Mesa.
{ ~(/: ~"Vii t ~ , r?. _:::--..r _,,,,...,
' '
Artichoke Plants 79c
Rhubarb Plants 79c
Can Be Grown the
Year 'Round in Calif.
We Have Real Nic.e Plants
of the Loncj-Blooming
Mikkleson Strain.
FreMl, Fully Budded
Some E•tly Bloomen.
Ready for Your F•n Plen ting.
let Our Flori sts
Help You With Yo ur
Party F:owers.
Festive Centerpieces
Fresh or Dried Flowe n
Brand New Crop of Excel-
lent Trees. Will Grow lo Full
Parsley p Late Tomatoes
Sorry ..•
:f you don't get your Spring Flowering Bulbs
!his Month. So Eosy lo do.
• Daffodils • Anemones
• Ranunculus • Narssicus
• Dutch Iris
• Crocus
• Tulips
• H acinths
Dark green. l oaded with buds e nd
new flo we rs. We will show you ho w
lo pion! the ni.
Use for a
Border or
Low Hedge.
REG . 1.95
Dependable coror from Thanksgivin g to Memorial Day. Leve
t he $Un.
REG., DOZ. AT 79c
HO URS: MON. t~1u THUR S,' to 6: FRI, till q p ,,,.,; SUN. 10 •·"'·tel p.m.
SATUROAY' •·"'· io 5~10 p.m.
2640 Harbor Blvd.
~A LL 546-5525
If Jackie Stays Curious,
She May Need More Judo
WASJU NGTON (UPI) -elecls to attend a public show-ptrson1f1ed. high.ly photogenic
Friends or and-or experts on Ing of such a co11\ro\'C'rs1a l and the sort of person whose
the fGnner first lady tell COO· moLion picture, should she ex· manner or conduct and livi ng flicting versions of the recent encounter between 8 New peel or does she deserve con1-represent s vicarious fulfill-
y 0 r k D a i I y New 5 plete immunity from public mcnt of dreams or mlllions of
photographer and Mrs. J ae-attention and news coverage? \\'OrTlcn the world over.
queline Kcnn<"dy Onassis as Without question, there has She scc1ns to face a rather
she emerged from a Manhal· lo be a cert<Jin element of suf-sad choice of \\'Orking up lo
tan movie house v.·here "I Am fering, even crue!ty, invol\•ed the hlack bell level of judo or
Cu rious (Yellow)" was show· in the intense puhlic a ttention foregoi ng the joys of a typical
mg. focused on someone in the married couple such as drop-
1'he more dramatic. version, former first lad}•'s position. ping into the neighhorho..'ld
of course, is thal the un· 1'he fact of the 1nalter is, movie to see "I Am Curious
disputed queen of the beautifut1_1_io_•_·e_"_'_• _t_h,_l_,_h_c_is_sc.1_"'_n_or __ 1_Y_e1_10_•_· 1_." _____ _
people used judo on the
photographer and flipped him
over her back and onto !he
The nev.·spaper must have
sus~ted somelhlng of an
unusual nature oboul the
former first lady an(! sent
along a second photographer
in case the first 1nan missed
a dramatic shot. If, indeed,
Mrs. Onassis did th r ow
photographer No. one over her
shoulder, photographer No.
two must ha ve heen so ab-
sorbed hy the sight of his c<1l·
league in orbit th at he \Va s
able to capture only the land.
ing on film.
The picture, however, did f
show one thing -an apparent '
feeling of self·satisfaction a nd t,
accomplishment on the part of t
Mrs. Onassis as sh~ entered a
v.•ai~ing automobile. 1·
\Vhat is clearly ~
estahlishahle, gymnastics en· ~,
tirely apart. is that Jackie and !
her hushand, Aristotle, did at· l
tend a regular showing of ''I ~ ·
Am Curious (Yellow)" and ''.
that about half-way through
the film, Jackie decided she
was not that curious and bead· 'r'. ,· ed for horne.
Aristotle, h o w e v e r , re-
mainffi tG see more or the
film. Although the imported
movie has a so-called "X"
rating which means for adults
only, Mr. Onassis was entirely
within his legal rights. He is
somewhat O\'Cr 21 years of
age, he obviously had paid
good money for his ticket and
he wanted to see mare of it.
While the evidence must be I•
circumstantial, it would seein
fairly assumptive that J\1rs.
Onassis was nol as curious as
her hushand about lhe film
"'hich is controversial, even
banned in some ar e a s .
because of several 5cxual
Jn any event, the Incident
does raise several interesting
questions. even weeks later:
-\\'hy didn't someone rush
into Uie theater nnd tell Mr. 1 t
Onassis that his wife was hav· i
ing a physical dust-up with the
photogs on the sidewalk in f
front of the 1hcatrr? Or v.'n~
he told <'Ind he decided tha l I
since she apparenlly had , ·
handled the situation and v.·as ~
on her v.·ay back lo their F ifth I
Avenue apartment, that be 1
might as v.·e!l see a few more
-Also, v.·hat did Jackie have
la say to Aristotle when he ev·
enlually shov.·cd up at home?
The \Vashlngton co c kt a i I
circuit is ha ving a lot of fun
\vilh this flne, supplying im·
agined dialogue.
-If the v.'idow of the late
President John F. Kennedy
11 nd now vdrc of one of the
v.'orld"s riche.<il m an, in ad-
dition ti) being a n 11n-
quest11m<'d lcadrr of style,
taste and inlernationaJ society,
Mesan Loses '
Bid to Head
As sociation
Paul l\.1olzkus. Cos1a !11csa
High School teacher on leave
of absence to recuperate from
a heart operation, recentl y t'
Jost his bid for 1he presidency I
of lhe National Council of '
Urban Educal.ion Associations. I
l\.1olzkus, who has been on
the association's board of I ;
direc1ors for 1.~·o years, lost to
the olher candidate. Robert
Johnson, of Lincoln, Neb. I
1.-iotzkus formerly was prr:si-
clenl or Ne"·porL-Mesa Educa·
tion Association. I
l\.1ember association! of lhe
Urh11n Education Council mll5t 1 ·
employ an executive director I
or have 1.000 teachers as
m e m b e r s .. Newport·l\.1esa t
qualifies 00 bOth counu. r
Cage Program
At Boys CluJ,
' I i I
f :JO
' ..
' .... F~R:::,.""':, S!:-:A:::T.:-:A:-;N;o~swuiNN:l.
Monda71, they go back to 7.99
You're saving2.5% on fashi on's current
f avoritcsl Acetate and rayon crepes in
two beautiful ver.;ions ••. a slipovcr with
high yoke, deep V neck, pointl'd collar •.•
the other with placket button-front,'
deeply pointed collar. Both '''ilh long
sleeves, button cuffs; sizCl 6to14. Huny
io, this is a 3-day only special!
Basketball team!! are being
organized by the Boys Club of
thfl! Jlarbor Arca and all in·
terestcd youngsters in fifth
t.hrough 12th grades musl sign
up this month to make one of
! BB Open
11 to 5
Registration Is being taken
al both bninches, 2131 Tustin
Ave .. and 594 Center fit., bolh
Costa r-.tesA addresses. ac·
~ ..
COSTA MESA, 1601 Newport Blvd., at 16th
GARDEN GROVE -12372 Garden Grove Blvd.
rnrding lo boys club Physical·~•,...,,_...,.,,,.,..,,,..,.~~,-, Director St.eve Jacobsen. 1 'y • .". ·ill,., "1! f ~ . :n '
' . ,
, ,,
• I
•• ,.
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