HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-20 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa17 0 ec ne ro Sand Haul Halted As Newport Shore •Turns to Clay!! 21 Kids Escape Serious Injury 111 S111ashup /\. 37·ycar--0ld housewife wns k1ll l'd llH:'f morning in Fountain Valley when hrr car failed to make a curve on Euclid Street nc::ir c.amelia A\'cnue and P.IO\\·cd hradon into a school bus carrying 21 )<>ungslcrs. ~!rs Fr:'.lnccs Catherine Smith of 90lil Swoillow Avenu e, Foun1;11n V:illcy, was "" lH Cnuuly Traffic Dea th Tol l 1968 166 pronounl'ed dead Qn arr1\;1\ ;it llunl1nGlon Intcrcommunlly J losp1ta1. A C':ihlornia Jl 1ghv:ay Patrol spokc~m:in s:.11d tl1erc '''f'rc no other serious inJtirics. Thr dan1agr{i school bus 11 as c:irr.1ln;: ~oungslcrs nf the l:nrden Grove U111f1t•tl 1;chool D1stnct to classes al Excrl ~1or, \\'oodbury and L1ne<iln i:: I e 1n e n ta r y schools, all 10 Gantcn Grn1f'. 1\ di strict 0H1<·ial Sl!J\.I the ch d<l rf'n. :'I few ~uffcring ni inor br11IS£'S 111'rC <i ll r l•lc;iscd to their pnrr11ts :llHI l~1kr11 h<illlC. High\.\.'ay p;ilrol invl'sllgalors said ~I r ... Smilh·s cor wos heading north on l~ut'!id :ind the bus south, .,,..hen she apparently r:iilcd to follow Lhc curve in the street. The accident occurred aboul 8: 11 a.n1. Marnie Killed 111 Cycle Crasl1 A Marine lieutenant was k1lle1t lnlr· Saturday in Sa11 Clemente when his motorcycle .skidded out of control and sinashed into a lamp standa rd. Camp Pen<llcton officials identified the \•icli m as 1st Lt. Sa muel 1\1. Tharp, a re- cent arriva l al lhe base. They refus1•d this morning lo release dl'tails of the vie· tim's home addrcll.<;;. Investigating officers sai d Tli:Jr]l \\'ilS rid ing on El Camino Real when he Jost control of his machine 1vhil'h struck a lamp standard near Ca lle \';,lie. Th:irp ~·as dead on arrival al South Coast Conl· munity •Iospital in South Laguna. Storru J,auric Nea ring Hurricane P1·oportion NE\V ORLEANS rUPI) -Tropical storm Laurie reach ed nea r hurricane st rength today and from a spot 350 mil es ~outh-southwest of Ne1v Orleans speeded i1 ,,. blustery path toward the vulnerable coasts of Loulsi:inn and Texas. In a noon EDT advisory, the Nev.• Orleans \Vcathcr Bureau sai1I Laurie's "'in1ts had increased lQ an estimated 60 to 75 miles an hou r nrar the ccnlrr. Hu r· r1cane winds arc 7~ n11lcs an hour or nbo ve. Sheriff Tells Hearing Onl(opechneHeSawCar \flLf\ES·BAFlRE:. Pa. -A deputy :,heriff testified today that he had seen Sen. Edward 1\1. Kenned y's automobile in 11hich r.1ary Jo Kopcchnc died air µn1ximatcly an hour ailer the time Ken· ncdy .~:ud 1t had gone off a bridge and Ol'l!rturned in :i pond. Christopher L,ook Jr, of Dukes Coun ty, r-.lass .. told a hearing on a petition by a f\1.'l~sachuselts prosecutor for an autopsy un :'l·l1ss Kopet hne's body that he Y-'as heading home fr om "·ork early on the n1orning of July 19 v.·hcn he saw a black ~cdan. 1.<iok sr.i<l '·1i:crc were !wo persons 1n Iii:-ll'onl sr;i t <ind possibly ano1her 111•r:.un or snrne obiecl in the back"' v•hen tlit ca r dro1 e past hirn and came to a ~lo;i. .. ! ght oul of my rar and as l ;ip- prnarhed the l<11 ll1ghts sho"'n nn my 11n1forn1. Thr time 11':ts about 12.45 a ni. 1l11 the n1oroing of July 19.'' Look said th ;1l as he appr oached lhe car, "it suddenly took off and went down Dike Hoad toward the bridge and lhe br;ich_" 1.ook v.·as among the first witness es lo lcstify before Judge Bcrn<1rd C. Brominski of Common Pleas Court as the hraring opened. "Did you ha ve any conver!'iatirm with ;invone in th:it car?" Dist. Atty. Edmund Difiis of New Bedford, ~'ass., asked Look. "No. si r!" Look replied. "Oid you cry out lo anyone in that L:lr ?" · No, si r!·• Look said. Look said he observed the licen.~e plale or the car. that il bQre a Massachusetts registration, that the first letter was "L" and that '·there were some 7s in it." Kennedy's lictnse plate number Y.'as LiH207. Kennedy, ·when he. reported the ac· ·ueidi' ('idenl, said il had occurred before m11J· night July 18. Anothe r witness, Police Chier Domlr1ic Arena of Erlgarto1vn, f\fass., testified the body of !lfiss Kopechnc bore .. no in. iuries U1at I could sec'' when it \~as taken Jrom U1e subrncrgcd auton1obile. Arena said thal "'he n scuba diver John Farrar aros.e to th" ~urface "'i th Mary Jo"3 body, he pulled it to the top of the l\cnnctly automobile \ri!h the a.id of a rope. Ar~na sa id hr l'radlefJ the body in hi~ ann«. momentarily and placed it in a small rowboat .. She appc;rcd normal in that there v.·rre no inJurics that I cou ld see,'' Arena :;:iid. Th!' police rh1cl. under tross ex· :i111in.1tinn by a Kopcchnc attorocy, .lo.>cph F. Flanagao, answered "No sir, I 1lid not" wh en asked if he saw any enn· 1usions or open wounds or blood on the girl'E clothing. Sale to Benefit March of Dimes Household items, furniture, clothrs and books arc among the goods earmarked fnr a rumn1age sale to benefil the Na· tional Foundation-March of Dimes. The sale, sponsored by the Orange County Square and Roundance Clubs, will be held Oct. 24 and 25 from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. al 1639 fl1onrovia St., Costa Mesa (one block ~·est of Placentia). The public is welcome. For more in- fonnalion, call l\Irs. Correll al 673-8838. Ben~hed Football Game Finished This Time NE\V YORK (UPI) -··ueiW" waited righ t minutes on the aidelines Sund ay to CSl'ape the wrath of football fans. National Broadcasting Company of- ficials, determined not have a repeat performance of a year ago, waited until the conclusi on of the Oakland-Buffalo American Football League game before sho1ving the children's classic. The game ran eight minutes b<!yond 7 p.m .. the hoor the movie wa s slated to IX'_Rin. Lasl yc11r. the nelv."ork cut the IJ;1kland-New York Jet game short to air the filrn . In the few moments cut out of ~ that game, Oakland .scored t w n touchdowns to win the eontest. This prompted a flood of calls rrom outrage(f footb all fans at the NBC switchboard. NBC look extreme sleps lo ensure against e repeat. The announctr at the Oakland-Buffalo game informed the viewers the game would be show n in its entirety and told station engineers lo ''be alert." As it turned out. NBC could probably have cut the game :o.hort An hour. Oakland held a 42.7 li'.ad at halrthne nnd won SG-21. e n er a Father!Js Fr anti~ Vain; Efforts • ID Balboa Tot Drowns Clav in River .; Halts Sand Ha11l t AJ011g Shoreline f;iant carlh haulers nimbled to a h:ilt in \Vrst Newport today after city official~ complained they don't v.·ant an adobe btach. Q\·1·r 1hc 111cckend, they found thal'." \\'h;it they 11·cre gelling from lhc $1.2 r,1illio n proiect. •·Thf' cnntr:ictors scc1n lo be haulin~ C\'C(Jthing but sand from the river." saitl J\'c11·p<1rt Beach City Councilman Donald A. 1\-lclnnis. "This is a real lragedy. Thl'y're CO\'Cring up our beau1iful sand 1\·11t• mud, clay and \'cgetation ." lra!c. \Ve~t Newport l1 nmcQY.·ner~. after seeing whilt the earth haul ers had 1vrought. cal ll'd enough p•:bhc .'.l)lrnc1rs S,11tirday and Sunday f() bring about the temporary hillt in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers pro1ecL \Vhen 1t starts up again, and in wh:it n1anncr, 11•111 dl'pend Cln the outcome of a emergency meeting this a ft e. r n n n 11 btlwcen city, county and federal officials. fl1rlnnis sai d il was the city's original underslanding that \Vest Newport woul d b~ receiving about a million tons of sand from the Santa Ana River. The sand was lo be spread over the periodic;il!y eroc.lrd bea ch between the river jetty and 40lh Slrect. The haulin~ and lhc spreading hcg.'ln Thursday, But il wasn't sand thal was l.~read . It was adobe. "ll°s drying hard as a roe~." said t-.lclnnis. '"f'or about a dozen blocks the beach no1v looks like a roadway. Jn facl, on Sund:.1y our police chased a couple of hnl. rodders off the beach." Margo Skllling, president of the \\'est Newport lmrovement Assn., said it"s a "pretty impressive" sight "ll goes clear from my house (6610 \V, Oceanfront) lo the water's edge -500 fe et of adobe, piled about six fee l deep." Saigon Soldiers Kill 96 Enemy SAIC.ON (UPI) -Soulh Vielnamest. soldiers who replaced U.S. troops in !he Mekong Delta reported todny they killed 96 guerrillas in the first invasion of the U Minh Forest, a Communist stronghold, in 14 months. The offensive into the rorcst-knov.·n as the "F'orest or Dark ness," t.ouchcd off the heaviest fighting reported since the current battle lu!I began Sept. 17. Six government troops were killed and 16 wounded. Troops of the South Vietnamese 7th Division swarmed into the 40-mile·loni: jungle on their nation's soulhtast coast Sunday aboard U.S. helicopters. One 'copter was shot down, wounding one Amcrlen n crewman. . . . .. ·DAl ·lY PILOT · * * * 1oc * * * MONDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 20, 1969 Se11. UP I T•1tpll01t i\l ovie star Paul New1nan, \1•ith his actrcs ... \\"ifc .l onnnc \Vood1va rd in England on holiday, says he may forsake 1rorlcl o( 1nake believe for tins£'! and giamour u[ politics. The 44-year-old Jctor says he 1s seriously considering running for U.S. Senate and the presidency. Mr. and !vlr .... Nc\\•man 1vere active in 1968 presidcnli al bid by Sena- tor 1..:ugene j\·Jc.:Cnrthy ( D-1\11 1111 , 1. UC Irvine Professor, D1·. S teinhaiis, Succumbs DE.AD AT 54, Edw•rd ~. it•inhau• Arrested Youth, 19 J-1 a nrts Self in Cell " HAYWARD (UPI) -A 19-yrar-old Hayward youlh arrested on a drunkeness ('harge ha11ged himself Saturday night in his et!ll at llayward Clly Jail, according to poiicc. Officers said R.ondolt Raymond Salas co1nn1itted suicide by hanging himself with a strip of blankrt lie<f to Lile top of Ill~ cell bars. He v.·as Art1'ste<l Frid11y ni!jllt , ) Or Ethv:irr! A. S!l'i11h<111~. a l~C Trvint. proli·:-sor who 11·:1 ., ;i world al1thority in 111.~ert <t1sense, rlicr! in his i;l~p thi! n1orr11ni:: at h1 ... Newport Beach home. ll is wire, r-.lnbry, found the 54-year·ohl profcs!.or dead when she awoke. Dr. Steinhaus lcfl a chairmanship ;it l.:C Berke lry to become lhe fir st member ,1ppnintcd lo the UC I fa culty in 1963. He served five ycn rs ;i.~ itc:in n( binlogiral scicnc"..'s al Jrvine, then z;;teppcd cJO\\'n lo de vo te 1nore. lime lo research. Jn his field he ~·a.-. An intcrnallona1 ;;iuthorily and was credited with checking famine by his pionee r v.·ork on insect pathogens (\'iru:;es). His research mRde 11 possible to kill off ho rdes or locusts and olher insects that 1levour food. su pplies. Orange Coast \\'eather Th:.1t w;irm i;pell oul of the north· east is lh c begi nning of a Sant.a An.a wind conditiOn thal will he.it up the Orange COA!il Tuesday, boosting temperatures vp to 80 de- grees under sunny skies. INSIDE TODA. Y Tlterc's n. toar r1ni·na o-ii iri Laos ancl whcllirr se1111tors like 1t or 110/. A n1erica1& men a nd rnone y urt 11ivolved. See Page 21. ... u... 11 c,111orl\I• ' Ct•n!ll... )O.lJ c ... uu to Cron-rd l' 0••·~ ""''~·· .. fdll••l•l '"' ' «~rtMlll\-ftl 1t ,;,,_, ,,,,, l'~•eKo" 11 '""' l........ ,, M t llM • t Mttl!flt• I I ....... ~··· ,, N1tltll•I N-• 4, I Ottl\tl ( .... M~ It l~l~•· ,~...... 11 S..orl1 1.).11 SIM1t M1t1!th 11•11 '"·"'-,. l1iP!11rJ :tt Wt !ll>fr f Wooll "'"'' 4, I w-~'• "'~ 1'·lt 2 OAILY PILOT S Mond~y. Or.tobtr 20, 196~ '"-~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Nixon Asks Reduced Drug Penaltie·s DAJLV PllOl i i.11 P"oro COLLAPSES AFTER GAME Edi5on Higli'; Naylon Gridder, 15 , .Still Critical After Injury, r.t~rk Naylon, a tS-year-0ld junor varsi- !y football player at Edison High School remained in critical condition this niorn- ing at II u n ti n gt on lntercornmunity Hospital \\'Jt\1 in1uri<'S su ffe red 1n a game Saturday. Na~lon. a halfb:ick. toll:tfl!>l'd fo!lo\1·in.i:: a Satu rday .'.11lcrnoo11 fFllllt' 11 llh Loa ra High al Edison and v.·as rushed to the hospital with head injuri es. Hospital spokesrnan saicl Naylon 1\·as in the intensive care unit and had sufferl'd a subdural hematoma (internal bleed ing in th ~ brain ). His condition hasn't changed t.ince he was ildm ittcd to the hospital. Bill Vail. Edison l ligh football coach, ~aid Naylon played through the Saturday ,game without complaining of any injury. The youth collapsed on the field shortly aft.e r the game was over and Vail said he thought Naylon \\'as in a con1a before bein g rushed to the hospital. 2 Teens Soug l1t In Rifle Attack A pair of teenagers v.·ho took a potshot al !wo Cosla Afesa boys 1valking along a field near the Santa Ana River Sunday - kicking up dirt at !heir feet -are sought today for assaull v.·ith a deadly weapon. Brian L. Thomas, 13. of 2041 Mandarin J)rivr, and Scott l\f. Peters. 11. of 2037 i'l landarin Dr ive. \1·cre not injured by the mi ssile, apparently fr om a .22 calil>cr ri· fi r_ The bo\'s told Palrohnan Phil Donohue thev 1rafl ed the. riflcrna n <ind his com- paii'icm from 1hc ~1 1r 011 E~t ;1 nc1a Dri ve behind Fair\'1ew ~tale Hospital to a tract 1n lfunlinglon Bearh. Detectives have takrn the case over for further in\·e~t 1gut1on. Won1 en's Coll ege Group Sets Meet A c-olirr hnur '!}l•n!-nrrrl by !hr A~•O(·i:i­ l1on !nr \\Qn\('11., \11 1\r 11 ... 111rn l•> 1·:n11l:i lion (:\\\'\HE' 11 1! I)" hr,lcl Tucsd;iy ,1 t Orangr ('cast Collt'J?"· Thr aff;iir w1 !I hr ;11 11 :i rn. in r1o0m 7 T.1heral Ar1 -1 H111klu·i: All 111\t'rt·~I •"' 11\11nc11 arr 11111\1'1! 1•1 c1111·nd. ·1 ul\\' ncl'tl nol be cnrolle1! al ocr The last A\\AHE nu'rling r.1 rl1 t'r l/11~ ~emrster <1L OCC .• tt!r<H'll'd Jti 11 umr11 1nteres1cd 1n t'onl11u11ng their 1't1Uc<it1011 . i\1rs. ~1ary Door. pr·r~11..IC'nl of Al\'ARI:.: Jnte rna1ional, •ind ulfll'l'rs 11! !Ii(• L'1g11na Beach chapter ill1nrs . L~·n11r Tyrn1111r. Gladys Kee_r and Chns lla~trngs discussed scholarshi p awards available. DAILY PILOT .....,..,. .... "' ........ KIJ \..... ..... ,.. .... , .. 1., c--c.AUPOl"IA Ol~ti l (0AS1 l'llllt~><•NG Cl)"l,.AN'f' Roli trt N. """''' l'ru ll•nl •M Pwllil'°"' J •d• 1. c •• 1 • ., V'lel .. U l•Mlll •!Ill (,.,..tt l ..... ~ ... , Th'"''' Jr::11vil ... 1 ... Tho"''' A. ~.,,~in• ....,.,."1~, 1'dl1c1 °""" CM!I Mtu: J)O "'"t ..... Str••I tiltf"""' kt<~ 1)11 "'ti! ll•lt•O• l o,l ... ttl L•-ltec~: t71 ,.,"' ..... ,... t11111tir1toti lhecft. lC8 31" S,.,., ....._". o,t.n.V "!l01. "'"" .. ~-cit •I coml1,... IM' -""''· .. -.................. , ~ .. .. .. ., "' _,..,. .-i--"" c .. 1. -· .._, ~. l-• •••cf>, ...... , ..... ... --" ..... """"ltl'> ......... ·-.. 11~ ... .. ....... .-.-. ()rt-(fU t "Wlltltl"I c-tfltl11fte ..... ,, ••••• llll .... .,. -., .. ~ ~ .. .....,, ••un. •llO JJt .... ,..., 51tl'Pt. , .......... .. ,...,... C1141 &4l -4lll Cl I 'AMI ,Mw1...W.. &4 2·1•71 <••.WC. r ... , Or-• \.t.,t •v""'"' flt ,_ .. ,. ,. <'If... ....... '"""""1 ..... _ ... ,,.., ... ., .... ,.,,,.,,...n11 "'"'"' ,,.., .. ,_.,. wnl>C>.• -t••• "' -··· . -·--· lturtMI ti.II•• _,_ ..... ,, ti ............ 11 -CMll ........ Clllltlf"W i.o.Oottfll !I-·~ (,,.. ... U.• ...,""'t t'1 -II U.Je 11'111111\IJ• _,,.,., .. ,....,-., ., .. "*lltily, • \\'AS lll:'l:GTON /UPI ) -The Nixon ad- m1n1stra!ion proposed tod<iy !O reduce lo :i rni~dcmeanor the firs!·offrnsc pcn;il1y for simple possession of any illicit drug. A spokes m;in ~or the J us t 1 <' e 11epartn1enl's Bureau of Narcotics and JJangerous Drugs said thllt included n1arijuana as \\'ell as hard drugs such as hl'rcin and cocaine. Possession ·of marijuan11, the most \ridely used of the ill icit drugs 1n 1hc, nn- lloP. now is a felo ny under the l;iw, Jll~l as 1t is for heroin or cocaine. Under !he p1oposal, 3 JK'rson ('()nvicted of 1narl- Ju:in;1 possession no longer would .:iuton1at1cal!y bC' sent lo jail . A serond of- fense would carry a felony penalty. Nol only would the fir st·ti1ne penalty be rcdtu:;ed for marijuana possession, it na ltJn ger would be in the same drug class the hard drugs. It would be cl.<:1ssified as a hallucinogen instead. However, the proposed new laws y:ould 1·r:1ck down on professional dn1g sellers. 1 :illlng far prison sentences of up to 4G yt'<'.l rs fur a second conviction. 'Cl1a1•f1cte1• Assassi1aatio1a' Nixon Def ends Judge Selection \\'ASHINGTON (AP \ -President Nix· on ~aid today Judge Clcinent F. llaynsworth Jr. has been :.ubjccted to \·icious character assassination, and ever\ if lhe judge asked him to withdraw his nomination to the Supreme Court ho \VOU!d not do so. Nixon took this stand at a one-topic ne\\'S conference called hurriedly in his office. He said he h:id gon e Ol'rr the complete r ecord of the case o[ the rnan he lapped Jor the Supreme Court and all of the f'ri\icism and eharges that had bcrn raiS· ed. Ile said he is sla nding by his judgn1enl lha t l!ayns1vorl h .should ha1e the posi· lian . And lie said he is confident that ir senators study all the documents and charges in\'olved, enough of them will eome to the same conclu sion he ha s and will vote for confim1at1on. Nixon said of H.aynsworth · "J find J udge Hayns1vorth an hone::it man, a lawyer's lawyer and a judge's judge. I think he v.·ill be. a great credit to the Supreme Court and I Intend to sta nd behind him until he is confi rmed.'' The South Carolina ;uris l. chief judge o[ the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, has run into strong opposition on his 11ornina· \Ian to replace former Justice Abe f ortas on the Supreme Court. Opponents have cited what they c:>n · sider antilabor and an ti-ci vil rights rul· ings he has made. They also have raist'd charges of conflict of interest, on grounds that he held stock in so1ne companir s directly or indirectly involved in matters before hi s court. Haynsworth has denied any conflict, and has furnished to the Senate J udiciary Con)m ittee a lull record of his stock holdings and transactions. He also hris of- fe red to put his holdings in trust if he is confirmed. Girl W atel1iu g Brings Aecillcnt A couple or visilin~ :-Olarines ha1c learned lh<i! girl-11·a1chini: in Laguna ncach <l!*'~n·t p;;iy -:it ll'i'l~t no! ,1·hr11 ~ou're 1Jrn·in~ in Sunday aft ernoon traffic on Coast Jhgh1\·ay. Pohrc reported lha1 El T11rn l\\arinr Ti obert i\lfrrd \\'nlf1'. '.!:\, and !i1~ 1·0111· jt:lf11!11l, Benny IJl)>.QH. 13. 1if C;i111 p Prndlrtnn , \\ere "h"'k1ng :ii 111,1 g1r!~ 011 the ~ide wa lk ls tbev procel•Jecl south 111 the GOO block of South Coa~t I l1g!\1\•ay ;it~ p ni. S1:nd:i~·. Accn rd1n;: In pnllt'f', d1i11'r \\ulf(· louk r·d ton l(lng 10 ;n111d r,~11un111g ;1 ~ .1r dril·cn hy Corl Robert llansrn, ;,:i, of :14202 Del Obispo, Dana Poinl , which had ~topf)f'd for a \raff1c signal. Dixon \1:as taken to South Cna~t Con1· rnun11y Hospital and transferred to Can1p Pendl eton aflr r !rC'atn1cnt fnr 111lnor in· juries. The t11•0 drh·crs 11cre unhurL Nixon sald Haynsworth's entire record and life had been exposed before senator !'! considering his nom ina llon and that he \\·as pol through "what I bellel'e lo be vicious character assassination ." Nixon said as a result of his review or !he l!ayns1vorth cii sc, the justice comes through as ii man of integr ity ··:ind de~ervcs eve n more !he sup port of the J'rcsidenl and of the Senate." Nixon gol around to specifics on four or fiye points, noting in passing that he had had son1e experience in investigative pro- cedures. Ile said he had studied the case fully , had read Haynsworth's income tax returns, looked al his fin a n c i a l statements, and his statements to i-enators, and had considered reports of 1hl" Justice Department and FBI Director J. Edga r lloovcr. - 1\ixon disputed opposition contenlion."I t\lal llavnS\\'Orlh sJ1ould ha ve disqualified h1n1sclf-ln cases invall'ing litigant s \\'ho \1·ere c;listuiners of a firm In which the nominee held .stock. He Said Haynsworth in no ·instance was influenced by the s1ock ownership and that the American Bar Association also took this position . If stock ownership were to be con· sidered. he said, probably half the fedr r<i l 1udges v.auld be impeached, incl uding Supreme Court justices. Coin 'Collector' • Gets $2,000 Antique Money Ill A cnsuAl thief \\'ith a fancy for antique r oins ~·al ked out of a Costa il-lesa dealer ·s shnp with 11 ~2 .000 port folio of pennies and h;ilf-1}('n!lif'~ dnting back lo JSOO , the \'IC· t1111 told police Sunday. Other thefts and burglaries brought tn niore than ~4 ,000 the v.•cekend tol! in lo~t goods. Hobert B. Reyn olds, of the C-Oin f.t art . 1008 Newport Bl vd .. said a custon1er f'Ame into hi.~ shop Sa!urday and asked to :;cc his popular co llection of copper coins, 11 common occurrence. Nrglrcling lo put thr album rontainlng !ht n1oney away immediatelv, it rr- nuiinrd on the counter and ·Re\'nold~ finall y fou nd it missing after a nuniber of other persuns had been in the store. In other losses, bariender Cla rk Sprinkle and his \\ 1fe Jos t nearly $1.000 11 orth 1.r persona! belongings including c!oth1 ng, electrical appliances a n d Jt'wc!ry when son1cune broke into their 1notcl roon1. The rouplr harl just mol'rd 1111 0 lhc unit al 2376 ~ewport Bll'd , and had b;irely hr.cu11 !1) unpark v.hen son1C<Jne ap. paren11y Ji1nn11ed the doo r and carricJ C•'Cry\li1n g awa.v. A burgla r \vhn kicked in the door at L11 1que /'roducts, 1880 \Yh1t!Jcr 1\l'e., took two elec tric ta ble saw s 1aluC'd at S400, accordin g lo 011·ner Thomas R. Heinso!u1, \1 ho discovered !lie job Sunday. U.S. Urged to Abolisli Homosexual Ba,n Laws \\'ASH!i\GTON IAP l -A government task force has urged 1he r nited States to follow the lead of Creal Britain anrl abolish la\\·s forbidding pri \'ate homosex- ual relations among consenting adul ts. The panel of doctors. la\\·yers and socia l and bchavloral scle nt1sts also sui:;· ge s\ed that government and private employers reassess "current l.'mployn1ent practices and policy relating to the r n1plO)'n1ent of hon1nsrxu;il indi1'ic!11als 11·i1h a l'1c1v t0\\'8rtls making needed rh:inges.·• Thref' mrn1bers of !hr 1.i.mn n t;i~k force ··expressed rcser1al1u11~·· 011 1h~ proposed legal <in d er11ployment challl>\CS, ~aying "consideration of social policy 1~sues should be 1!eferred unti l furthrr scientifi c e1·idenee is available , .. " The panel estimated !hat 111 least 1hrrt" lo lou r 1nlllion a<lulLs i11 lhc Lrni\td Stales a.re prectominanUy hon1osexu11I. ll'lnlr manv others hal'c significant homose~ua i 1en dencies. "Homosexuahry presents a rnaJor prn· bh~1n for nur ~ociPty largely bec:iuse of !he :imuunt ()[ inJLiS\U'C a11d ~11[ferlr1g Cll· lailt"d tn 11 no1 nnl)• for the horno~cxunl but 3lso for rhose_ l'oncerned 11bo1.J! hln1." 1he group ~aid in a 20-pagc rr.port lo the N111lonal lnstihJte of Menta l Jlealth. J<(•gan1ing ('lOStins Jaws a g a 1 n s t hnmosrxuahty. the panel headed by psychologist Evel~·n llooker of the L'ni\'ersity of California at Los Angeles, !iAJd "There is evidence to indicate that en- trap1nrnl is no t uncomn1on. thnt existing laws arc se lectively enforced and that :.rrious in juslice ofl cn re~ults." i\lost ptOfl·ssionals working i11 the area •·nrc strong ly convinced that the C'Xlreme npprobrium that our society has attached to hornosexu al !Jeharior. by 11·ay or crin1inal statutes and restriCti l'e employ· 111c11t pr;icticc~. has done more social h:irn1 !h11n good anrl gocs beyond 11·hal is necessary for the mnintenance of public order and human de cency," the task force ~a id . ",\!nny homose xuals nre good ritizens, holdi ng regul ii r jobs anJ leading pro- 1Jucti vc l11·es," the report said. "The ex· 1s1ence or legal penalties relating to ho1noscxual acts means that !he niental hea!l h problems or homosexuals are ex· acerbated by the need for concealmen t :ind !he f'motion11l stresses HrisinR from ih1s 11cel1 and from 1he opprdbrlu m of tx-1111: 1n violn tion of the la"'." The pant'l said there is nn l!\'idencr legal penalt ies are effeeti \'e in prt'1'enll ng or rrdueing homosexual acts in private bC1 •1 cen co nsenting adults. John E Ingersoll. director of the Ju~ttce Dcpartrnent's 1!rui:s dJ\'lsion, uutl1nC'd the ~lxon plan to the Senate sub- committee on juv enile del inquency. Ingersoll presented a srl of three alternatives lo the senators and a~ked the1n to select thr plan they liked. The plans va ry, 1na!nly in the se\•erity of senlrnces for professional drug traf· fi ckt'rs. .. All allernauvr~ 111tike po~sessll!Tl 11 1th intent-to se ll a felony ;.nd possession for one·s own use, rei:ardless of the drug in- ' .... ~ .. • . "".\; . ' l ·~ • " ., , • ' ... * -• • 011tr11n11ing It \(J!l'ed, a misder11<'anor." lng e!rsoll said in 1esumo11y prcji.'.ired Jor the sub- t:C1n1nittcc. The new l:111•s wou ld be in the form or .'lml'ndrnents to Nixon's crune bill, "·hich ha.~ <ilrc.illy been sent lo Coni;ress. Po~~ession of ;,ny drug on the fi rst of- fense would bring a 1naximum punish- ment nf une year in jail and/or $S .000 fint. Tbi: judge would havr the option 1'.l1rt her 1.1 ~l'1Hl lhc offender to Jai l . •rt11s 11·1.1uld put <111 l'nd 10 !he ortrn crilicizrd provis1un of cu rrent federal l;nv --·· • ' .' DA l~'f PILOT sr111 P~o!• Surfer , batt ling for balance, figh ts to stay ahead or \vave that h;:is fo lded out, leaving him no shoulder on \Vhich to m a neuver. 1\ct1on took place off Huntington Beach P ier. Orange Coast surfers are still much in evidence despite air and \Valer temper t1tu re~ \vhich have been dropping int o the )11;fi1·~. Met s Ride Tl11·ougl1 City 111 Delii·iot1 s Celeb1·atio11 !I' E\'/ YORK I UPI) -Tl1e 11r\onou<i l•let." rod e up lower Bro11dway 's •·canyon 01 heroes'' loday for a delirious offici;i l rc.ccpt ion al City llall 1nark1ng r.tcts D<iy in Ne:w York. i'llanager Gil Hodges led l11e parade ur open convertibles 1vhich !ransporied thr. members of the a111azing bast'bal\ team from the Bnllcry through a bliizard of t1ckcrtapc and confetti to City Hall. I lodges 11 ;i~ so inf re: Led by !he l'tl- !huo;1:i"m p<iurccl on his tca1n lhal he fre- riuently gr:ibbcd l'onfrtli and thre1v ii into Bi o-hrc nilin 'Vl'il"o me ,... :O.lOSCO\V !AP\ -The three top r,.t•rho~h11 .1'-le:idcrs arr1\'l'd hrre tod:iy for a big Kren1hn wr.h.:omt'. 1nclud1ng ;1 21-~aho ar11\Jery salute, designed lo sh111v ;ippru1 rd for !hr rrtl'nl purge of l 'r<Jgue liberals. !hr air h 1111 ~rH Th!· :\leis' fa11s rt'peatedly broke through pnlirc lines tu su rround lhc riotorcade . Thry screamed. hugged and ki::scd their r~11·ori1e player", den1andt'd autographs, rind 11aggled signs, most vr 11·hii:h rf':id. ''!\Tri,<;, \Ve 1.ove You:" Some p!;.rrd wrr:ith . ..-aruund the fllets' necks. :\ boistcrnu~ cro11·d of S.000 jammed Ci - t~· M;:.11 Plaz:i lo grert the ~lets :tl nooon under a wcl('On1c banner that had been p;:int"d (In the back of one used for the rl'ce1't 11e!con1e of the nioon astronauts. 11l;1nr .lohn ,. 1.1nd~;1 I', 11·ho 11·a~ aC'· ('1.1.1p.1111f'd IJ.1 \11 -.. J.1nd~.1y ;ind r.Tct~ llll!)f'~ tllrc Chrirle~ Sh1pn1;in P:iv ~o11. ~i;,pprd !he pL.i)rt~. (In tile b<i('k and lold lht•1\\ 'F11r eight years. r\rw l'ork has lovrd ;1 h.111 1!";in1 1 h~l 11·asn t :il11 :iy.~ f•asy to 101·1', b11t trida~, 1t .~ all l'h;111gctl . Bcc<iuse •otJa;. tt1ry 'rc nun1ber one." 11'h1rh demands that a 1n<.1nJua11a nl /l·nder be jailed five Ill 20 ycor~, anll pt:rhaps fined $25,000. 1'he ehangtS being dJSCUSSt'd \I OU!d arr ply onl y to federal lt11v. not 10 st:itc and local Ja11'S under wl1ic:h 111osl drug urresl~ occur. In 1968 the re were 162,177 stutr~ and local narcotl<'s arrests con1 parcd 11'1th only 4,000 arrests u11d er federal Ju11.:: Bui the fedl'rlll J;nl's usual ly lcCIU the 11 <.} for slate and local enforcement Siigar Subs Will Replace C yclc1mc1 tes L'niled Press Jntern;11iona l An1e r1ean rnanuiacturCrs are busy un1•f.'11i ng pl ans for new sacc harin base ;111{1 olher sugar substitutes to replace c_\'clamates in foods and beverages. Some u!l1c.r nations announced pluns to ban tht· use of cyclamate in low calorie items. Secretary of Health, Education an1f \\.elfarc (HEW) Robert Finell announced the ban on cyctamates in \Vashingto:1 /:ialurday. Since then Den1nark and S1ve- <lcn ha1'C plat£-<! sin1i!ar bans on the sugar substitutes. The restrictions in the Scandinav ian countries e1ted the HE\V action and came ;ibout through joinl meetings of health au thorities and manufaclurers. The F in- nish Food Cornmission in Hels1nski called a meeting to discuss similar action toda y. an1I Great Britain has asked for more JIE\V data on eyelamates. Finch's Saturday statement noted cyclamatcs may serve as a catalyst for cancer gro\rth in test <1 nin1a!s. lie strC'SS· l'd no im1ncdi.<:1te <t;ingt~r existed but orde red all fo!X! an<l drink l'Onla1111ng 1h~ t:hl'rnfl'a! of!' store st1elrc~ l11· Jan. 1. 1970. The !J;:rnish 111ar1ul11cturcril ll:11·e agreed to exclude eyelamntes frotn their food s and chief medical officer t.lrs. Eslhcr Ammundsen said she has started an in· \ estigation to determine the vnhdity o[ the HF:\V an al xsis. In !\'cw Yor k, one rnanufactu rer or a rlir t bc1·l'rnge said his firm 's nc\\' dirt drinks \\'OUld be labeled . "sugar added- no cyelamates.'' Donald Kendall, Presi· flent of Prpsico, Inc .. said in view or "unsettling ne1rs rl"pOrts" his con1pnny fell it tould not "in good c.:ons<'ienec offer its custome rs ;:rny produc:ts al>oul 11h1ch c1·en the rematesl doubt ex ists." \\llile Coca-Cola Co., Se1 en·t.:11. Roya l CrO\\'n and other manufa cturers hal'e planned new non-cyclarnale fonnul:is or !'accharin·based diet formut.1s, the Pepsi c;ola drink will use a small amou nl of re;i ! sugar. l\cndall ~:iid "the :t1no1111t 111 :-ugar11'111 he ~o in.~i/,!n1f1r:int th <rt pr•lple 11·ho walch lhe1r 11ci ght will be dr11ik1ng and enjoying a ln1c rhet cola.'' _,\ii ,1f the nianufnclUrC'r!' ~l ~rssrd tl1cir new fo nnula s will h.:i\'e nn "biller af· tertaste'' sometimes as~ociittC'd with s<ic· l'harln. Originally C'ycJan'lale, ;ind the family of cyclamales wha.h followed, \1•as added to saccharin to ta~c away the bit· ler taste. Jn Chirago, Atbtrto-Cull'er Co. , manufacturers of "Sugar T11 1n." a sugar sub~titute, said a ne\1· ~ub~litulc 11·ould be on the inarket before tile Ja11. 1 r!eadlin('. The con1pan~· said the new lunnu la \1'ould include saccharine along wrtll olhcr substances. La irrl Wo n"t S pe nd \l'ASHl7\GTO:-J ! AP\ -SC'L"retary nf l:>efense l\lel\'ln TL Lai rd 11111 not spend !his year ;in additional SI b11l1on fo r new ~hill ('On~trucllon proposed by the House Ar1ned Serl'ices Co1nrn1!lee, a ranking: defrnse official sald Loday. We 011ly Looi{ Expe11 sive J>on't lrlollr fancy addre.~~ fr i~hlen you. Our 11e\1' fa!l suits sta rt :it S95. They reprcsenl fa shion \rithout frivolity. dignily by design. They ::i re derisively s h<1ped, na\vlessly tailored. rendered in rich fa brics that reflect the la test trend s in coloring and \\•ea ve. \Ve believe ou r selcc \1011 i s as fin e ;_1s any in Orange County. • ll ul don't lnke our \1·ord for it. Come in and ~ee for .1·n11r ~el f. /\ 1Cl!iUrcl.v lno k through our racks is sure to turn up :-on1e pleasant s urprises. \Vc 've planned it t hat way. 3·)67 Via Lido at Ne1\·porl Boule1ard. Ne,vport Beach Open Friday evenings unlil 9 p.m . ' I \ ] th B< so "' " " ., c, l ' ii I ' I I l f l • f ' . . .,.. ..... Huntington Bea~h T.oday's F inal N.Y. S toc k s ED ITI O N VO L 62 , NO. 251. 4 SECTION S. 36 PAG ES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFO ~NI A MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1969 TEN CENTS Beach's 'Front Door' Now Palm Tree Forest l1untington B£'ach·s •·front door" from the municipal pier southt•a st lo Beach Boulevard has been lr·a11sforn1ed in a short fc1v months to a verit<1ble forest of p<ilm trrcs rising frorn ci flO'.l"C'rcd, grassy {'ertcr di1 ider in Pac1fit Coast lhgh1Vay . \\'h:1\ v.·as 011cc one ol the uglic~t stretches of the coastal high1\'ilY is no1v <me nf the shn11' pl;ict·s vf the Orange Ccasl fron1 Seal Be;.ich to San Cle111entc. But th e besl is ye t lo con1r, actordinR !'l lhe C"i!y's Oe\'Clop1ncnl Coordinator • DA!L'f' PILOT ~!Oil P'l•,I COLLAPSE S AFT E R GAME Edison High '1 Naylon Edison Gri<l dcr Still Critical F ollo,ving In j ul'y, t-,1 :i rk Naylon, a 15-year-old junor varsi- ty football pl ayer at Ediso n High School remaif)('d in crit ica l co ndit ion this mom- ing a ~ Hunt i fl g t on lntrrco1nn1uni1 y l lnspital wi th injuries sutrcrc<l in a game Saturday. Naylon, :i h:ilfback. colLtp~c<l following 11 Satun"lay after noon ~an1e \ril h Loara High al Ediso n :ind was rushed tn the hospi tal v.•ilh head inJurie!:. J1os pital spo kcsn1an said Nay\on \~·as in lhe intensive care unit an<l had suffered a subdural hernatoma 11ntcrna l blerding in th'? brain). His ronrhlinn ha.~n"l changed !>ince he \\•as :idm 1tte<l to the ho.~piWL Rill Vail, Edison l\1gh football coach, i:.:i id Na .v lun playl•d lhrough the Saturday gfl rnc \.Oo'ithouL co1npla1n111g of any iniury . The ~outh collnpscd nn the Field sho rllv :ifter the J,?:inie \.Oo :l~ O\'IT and V;:i!I sairl l1r. th oughi N:iylon '~ils in :i coina before being rushed to lhe hospil<11. 1, 1' . ccn·a «er r10 tl Held fo r 1'hcf ls Tw e1;1y-011e rc~10cntial bur glaric~ in northwestern Huntingt on Beach were ap- parentl y solve<l Friday nighl with the ar- rest of a trio of teenagers rangi ng in age from 14 to 16. Police i:;aid the lhree young~trrs ap- parently had been burglarizing homt's in J luntington Beach ;uld in fountain 'Valley O\'Cr the past six months. They v.•ere spolted about 7 .30 p.m., Fri· rlay, ln a service stalion at Springdale and Hei l Avenu es, when a pnlice patrol car recognized the license plale on lhc older youth 's car as one identified near a ho me at 6322 Flint Dri ve, burglarized Friday morning. All three were turned O\'Cr tCt Juvenile Hall In Orange, charged \vith btl!'~lary. A t:i pe recorrlcr, a .32 caliber pi~tol :ind a booklcl of Disneyland ticket~ v.•crc arnong i1ems recovered. Police said the youths primarily took money fro111 homes. 2 Teens So ug h t In Rifle Attack A pair of teenai;:l'r!I v.•ho look a potshot ::it two Costa t.1esa boy~ walking along a field near the Santn Ana lliver Sunday - kicking up dirt a\ thel(feet -are sought todi •. v for a!'.sault wi th i deadly 'vcapon- Rri;in L. Thomas, 13, or 2041 t.1andarin Orh·P. and SCQ\t t.f. Pet ers. JI, of 2037 ~1.1nclarin Drive, were not injur£'d by the n11ssilc, apparr111ty fro rn a .22 caliber ri - ll•' The b<Jy~ tCtlcl r atrolmn n Ph il Oonohue they trailed th{· ri fleman ;ind hi s l'Om· paniQn from the si te. on Esl."\nci11 Ori ve ™.·hind F11lr\'1ew ~t 111r H o~pilnl to a Lratl 1n JlunUngf on llc11('h. Tnomas Sevtrns. "The upcom ing decade will begin with the year of recreation and continue V.'ilh the recreational theme until it closes on a cit y known nationally for its recreational opportunities for young and old. resident a11d non·resident . visitor and homebod y,'' Severns predlcled. \Vorking to create the transformation is a team of city departments -Harbors. Beach and Development, Urban Land lilSUtute Cilizeos Steering Committee , (.'I· tr admini stration, and I.he Planning Depar1n1ent. Voti'rs of the city last year approved a $6 1n illion bond issue for construction of a network of parks. ."'. lol'ell kno\1•n architectural flnn has be.en employed to de!:iign the Cenlr;.il Park at Golden \Vest Street and Talbert Avenue which will include l\.Oo'O lakes and a v.·ildl ife refuge. Planned on the 147 acres of the $2 .1:1 1nillitin park in the heart of the city is a l'l:'n1plex offeri ng r t c r e a t I o n a I op- portunities for e1•t>ryone from tht camper la the bird watcher. Ccnstruction is to be completed early in lh" decade o( recreation. Within the next 18 months some $600,000 will be spent on pu rchasing new park sites; some $-130.000 \1 ill go to development of nine parks al rea dy owned by the city: nearly $,100,000 will be used to develop seven school land parks and $518,000 will go on :-:even ne1v neighborhood parks and two nel4' community parks. Not all of this program will be financtd by bond money or k>ca l property tax revenues. The city has assuranct of $704,- 412 in federal open space funds to ajd in buying the land for Central Park. !.nother $93,247 1o1•1ll come from the fede ral Department of Housing and lirban De\•elopment for another com- munity park and another $300,000 for 11f'me development coasts of the Central Park. '\\'hile the park prog ram moves ahead, plans are being pushed for completion of the recreatonal environment on the ocean front. A new parking: authority project will clear some of the blight of the pa~t and make v;ay for new developrnent. A coordinated development of the beaches, including the i;_tate O\vned Bolsa Chicc. and Huntington. the city beach and privately ov.·ned strands i~ being eyed by city leaders to insure. n1aximum use of tb.L right-mile-long recreation asset. ~bate ment Policies Valley Mom l(illed .. P1~otestell Housewife's Car Runs Into School Bus A pro test against. an nrdinanre rr- qu1ring abatement of dancerous buildings \11i1J be heard by the Hunti ngton Beac h City Council tonight. A 37·Ycar-old housewife was killed this ;noming in Founlain Valley wben her car failed lo make a curve on Euclid Street near Camelia A venue and plowed head on into a i:;chool bus carryir.& 21 youngsters. t.1rs. Frances Catherine Smith of 9061 Swallow Avenue!, Fountain Valley, was pronounced dead on arrival al Huntington lntercommunlty Hospital. A California Highway Patrol spokesman said ther e v.·ere no other serious injuries. The damaged school bus was carrying 1%1 , _C.ounty Traffic 1161 174 ' 'Deatll Toll 16' youngsters of the Gardt'n Grove Unified School District to clas.~s at Excel~ior. \\'oodbury and Lincoln EI em en la r y Joseph. S. Ferm , chairman or the Propert y 011,·ne rs Protective League. charges in a le\\er to the ('Ouncil that •·thls mai l order law may lay waste large areas of our city. affecting those that can afford the consequences th e least, our .senior citizens." The \a\v was adopted by 1he council Ju. ly 17. 1967 and recently the city began <1 b:ite1nr nt proceedings aga inst 30 homl's in the 7.100 block of \Va shington Avenue. io tJ1e old \\'intersburg section of the city. Scvl'ral residents or the area affec!ed protested vigorously to the r ity Buildin g Department's ed ict that abou l 15 of the substa ndard homes must be de1nohshet1 . O•ILY ~llOT "t it 1'114119 DIES IN OREGO N Willi' :. Ha rner New Sugar Substitutes To Replace Cyclamates Since the law was enacted about 40 ol<l buildings. residential, commercial or in· duslrial, have been torn down. 3('Cord1n~ to Charles Gerardin, ci!y housing in· •pector. "Homeowner!'\ \1·ho feel they are being trealed unjustly may tell their i:;tory \fl the housing .Board of Appeal&." explains Building Director 0. C. •'Ja c k'' Cleveland. Another debatable item be rorc the council tonight 1s a proposed new hnoJ which tlghLcns industrial const ru clion ordinances. Council nHl n George McCracken. a building contractor, \'igorously protesll'd the proposed law at th~ Oct. 6 e<>unc1 I 1neeling. "lt.'s just another example or crttping bureauc racy." he charged. ''! ;il ways thought it \1·cis the int ent of the (.'I· 1,v to attract industry, but 1-1·e are gell ing more and more restrictive.·· H itchhiking Stop Causes Accicle n t A good Samant:io act on the part or a young Seal Beach woman stopping l(I p1rk un another girl hitch-h<king t hrou~h i\'cll'port Beach Sun1lay lefl a 111otorc~·r]i~t seriously inJurt"rl. Thomils N. Tracy. 20, of 1310 \V. Balho;:i ~ou lcv a rd ,1•as listed in good ron · <l itiontl}day al Ho:ig Memorial Hospi tal v.·i1h ;:i Frarturer1 coll;:irbone. ribs and culs and abrasions on his hands, arm s and legs. Police said Tracy was ridillR westboun<l (In Pacific Coast Highway a~ Grant Street in ri ght-hand lanes, when a car driven by Donna L. Cogswell, 19, of Seal Beach changed Janes to slop for the hilrh·hiker. A collision followed in volving the rar 11 r1d Tracy's motorcycle , according lo in· vesUgators, while the gi rl thumbing ;1 ride presumably got a lift v.•ith someon e t'lse. Willis Wal'ner, Fortner Beach P la nner, Dies \\'1Jl'ili C. \\'arne r. former p\anning d1rec1or For the Clly of Huntington Beach, diet1 Friday in Milwaukee, Ore. f\.fr. \Varner , 4~. was planning director for the Ci1y of Milv:auliee at the time of lui; dc:Hh . A nalh·e of Orange County. he was a resident or lilmlington Beach most of hi.'1 life, rnoving to Oregon a year ago. lie 1v.1s a gr<iduatc of Huntington Beach High Sl'hool and Fullerton J unior College. He wa s the son of the late \Villi s II. \Varner, longtime Orange County Supervisor. t.Ir. \\'arner was planning director for l nglewood before taking the HuntiJ1!:lon Reach post in 1961. He .serv ed the city for 111·0 yt>a rs, resigning to join an engincf!r- 111~ f1m1 in Santa Ana. lie later served a.i assistant planner for the City Q[ Ne\.Oo'port Beach. Surv1\'ors includes his wife , Bonnie, a11d rl;n1ghll'r Laura, of the family home in ~l d\.Oo·aukr", another daughter. Lydi a t.loh r of S1l\'erton, (Ire.: a son. \Villis nf Huntington Beal'h, and a sister, Alice C. Uivr, ;il so or Huntington Beach. Srrv1ccs \\'il l he held Tuesday at 1l1\l~1dr Ch<tpcl, In Oregon City, Ore. Uurial will follow at Scott's Mil ls, Ore. () ... ~a n View T r ustee~ }'ace Ho utine J\'feel Trustees or I.he Ocean Vie1' School District lace a routine, agenda al their 7·30 o'clock meeting tonight. An informational report on the MAIUll of the district's gent>ral fuod and student body fund s \\·ill be presented as well 11s 1nspectors' reports on school con· .slruclion. By Ualted Prell lnt.erutlonal Aalericatt rnanufact.urtn are busy unvei11ng plans ·IM' ~ Mcchariff base and other sugar aubr;tilutrs flo replace c\'clamate& In food3 and beverages . Some oihtr nation• annoonced plans t.o ban the use of cyclamate' ln low calorie Items. Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare (HE\V) Robert Finch announced !he ba n on ryolamates in Washington !'\a turday. Since then Denmark and Swc.- den ha ve placed similar bans on the sugar substitutes. TI1e restrictions in the Scandina vian countries cited the HEW action and came <1bout through joinl meetings of hea Ith 11uthorilie!'I and n1anufac;turers. The Fin- nish Food Commission in Helsinski calle'd a meeting to discuss similar action today, anrl Great Britain has asked for more llEW data on cyclamates. Finch's Saturday stale~nt nolecf cyclamale~ may serve a.'I a calaly5t (or ranctr growth in test animals. i-le stress- t'd no immediate danger existed but ordered all food and drink containing the ('hcmical off store shel \'es by Jan. l, 1970. The Danish man ufacturers hn ve agreed lo exclude cyclamates from their foods ;ind chief medJcal officer f\.1rs. Esther Ammundsen said she has started an in· ,·cst1g:i tion to ck>tennine the validity of the HEW analysis . In New York , one ma nu facturer of a diet beverage s11id his firm 1s new di-el drin ks v.·ould be Jabt'led· "sugar adrled- no cy<'lamatcs ," Donald Kendall, Presi· rlent of Pepsico, Inc .. i:;ai(! in view Qf "unsettling news reports" his company felt It cou)d not "ln good conscit>nC't' offer its customers any product.oi about which even the remotest doubt exist.oi." \\'hile Coca-Cola Co., SeveTJ·Up, Royal CrO\vn and other manufacturers have Onassises Celebrate NEW YORK (UPI) -Ar\stotle and Jacqueline Onassis today observe<! their first wedding anni.,.ersary quietly at their ?.tanhatf.an apartment. UC Irvine Professor, ·~ Dr. S teinhaus, Succumbs ._) . ~Or. I-Alward A. Steinhaus. a UC Trvine :i;aiC : "The death of Dr. Steinhaus l.s a DEAD AT 54 Edward l . i ttinh1us professor who was a world authority in tragic and ll'T'eplaceable b!l to this I~ i11scct disease died in hl~ sleep this slitution, to the community and to his morning at his' Newport Bearh home. discipline. Jn addition to being a fir st rate His wife, Mabry, found the M-year-old scit>ntisl ~nd teach~~· he was also a kJnd profes~r dead when she awoke. an!! sens1t'.ve man. . Dr. Ste inhaus left a chairmanship at ''Ed Ste1nhous wa~ 11 \'ery committed UC Berke.Icy lo become the Urst rnemtier huJTl~D being," said his pa~tor, the Rev. appointed to the UCI faculty in 1'63-He P~l~hp ·~urr~y. o( CQrona del ~.~r. C~m- served fi ve years as dean of ~olpa:k:al rfiuM,\y Congr~a!.lonal ~hureh. Id say scienee.s·at.Jrvthe; then sl.(!ppeci ·d°"1Jr\d ~tit h'!m.a~lftY·~s JUM ~arkab1e .. <le\'ote more· time to rese.arth. , • . He~.wu· SalSJl~, !jmp~theUc aJl4f ·1Und. In hiii field he was an lnternif;imlal J1e was a ·11trong fam ily man and a authority and was credited with ~tng dlvout Olrlstlan in,~lle full sen~ of the famine by his pioneer work on ln~ \\'Ord·-he llved ·tt. pathogens (viruses). Iii.~ researc?>-inade Dr. Steinhaus'. wife said he had a blood it possible to kill off hordes of locUst! aod pre~ure proble.m but that had not other insects that devour food supplies. preven'led hl1n Ti-om continuing with hlA The pathogen:; are considered· a 11re \~ork. The coroner his scheduled an · and efferli ve alternative to Ni~OUI autopsy. , Ch(>m ical pesticide~ litlCh ·~ Dl)T. • Dr. Stei rihRus was. bora in 1914 r·· . Mai-, UCI Chancellor Daniel G, Alcl\o~ ~~\' ·(See STEINHAUS; Paci .z plaMed new non-cy,:\amate rormulas or Rcdlarin·blse<l diet fonndln. the P.tpsi Cola drink will UH 1 · l(nllll amllllt' el. real susar. . Kendall said "the amount of sugar will be ao lnaignific,nt that.~ who watch thelr weight will be drlniln1 ind enjoylnc a true· diet co.ta ." Allot the manufacturers stresaed their new formulas will have nn "bitter af· tertaste" wmetimes a:isocialed with sac- charin. Originally cyclamate, and the family of cyclamates which followed , was added to saccharin to take away ttie bil- ler taste. In Chicago, Alberto-Cuh·er Co . , manufacturers of "Sugar 'l'Win,'' a l'iugar substitute, said a new substitute would be on the market before lhe Jan. I deadline. The company said the nt'w formula would include saccharine along with olher substances. New Procedtu·e To Speed Up Valley Council A faster metting ls expe cted Tue.~day night v.·hc n Fountain Valley city cou n- C'i!men start their ses~!on at 8 o'clock under a shorter procedure. sugJ.:ested by new Ci ty Attorney Thomas Woodn1ff. \Vood ruff suggested thal lhe ci ty com· blne all r011tine 1natter~ j not public hear· ingsl on the "conio;ent calrndar" intn one motion in..~tead of individual motions as previously done. That mean,, that Tue.'lday, 13 items will be handled a1 one. Woodruff said this; procedu~ is used by Newport Beach where he has been assistant city attorney. A :ipeciail notice has been placed In the printed agenda warning the public th.at tr anyone desireii lo speak on a routine mat- tt'r he must announce it at the opening or the meeting when the mayor asks. TY.'O .public: hearings, one concerning the weed •batemer.t program and the other a zone change for apartments on the northwest corner of Edinger Avenue and Euclid Street, are scheduled for Tl1esday's i:;ession. Under the rouUne matters tn be adopted in one motion is the approval of plans to install 11ignal lights at the in- tersection of Newhope Street aod &Unser Avenue and also at Harbor Bou~vard and Lilac St.reel. P lane Cra11 h Vietin1s f.ar r ied Fro1n Peak . BANNING !UPI). -·'"'! bodla ol live perSON wh<f.dled .in the cr.allb .e( .Lbt.ir 1 twin-engine plane near her:e, ·were , brought to a 'rnortulry 5'inday. The RiVerslde County Sberlf('1 ntnoe uid the· plane hlt a mountain near Kit.chlng 'Peak lit the $,400-foot level late Friday, al· ternoon . Kiiied In the erash were Frank Sherman, .a, a real estate mari from P,alm Sprlogs, hi5 wife , Selva Lee, 37; Jtobert ,Edw ards, to,, Miraltste. -C8Jif., :i.nd his two d.IUghteri, Ltaa,1 15, af'Kl Mone, IJ. • schools. all in Garden Grove. A district official said the children, a few suffering minor bruises were all re\e11sed lo their parents and taken home. Highway patrol investigators said Mrs. Smith 's car was heading north on Euclid and I.he bus south, when she apparently failed lo fo!\ow the curl'e in the street. The ac'cident occurred about'8:11 a.m. Vall ey Delays Poli cv Mee t .; On Apal'tn1e11ts FoLlntain Valley residents will have to WJ ll awhile to express their de3ires on fulttre apartment consln.icti{>ll in the city. City planners mttting in a :ipecial litudy 6ession last Wednesday, !ailed li:t ~t a public hearing on apartment~ btcau~ or a j'l:ic k of clear infonnation o., apartment construelion." The-planning commission a g reed uranimously to ask the planning depart· ment for delal!cd information div iding ;>par!ments into various classific:ition.<1 a11d figures showing lhe cxal't nun1bcr of <1par!n1ents to be built under any one pro- ixisa! for the cil y, Planning Director St:in Mansfield presented a proposal Wednesday in- dicating a max imun1 of 8,465 apartment units on ~9 acres covering eighl percent of the cily. It also would have meant r'lllghly 20 percent of the city's residents v.•ould be apartment dwellers. wt.en Commissioner Carroll t.1ohr drcl;\red tha t. "city residents want those: <opartment figures cut down more than tt:at." it Was revealed that lhf' maximum figure! presented would almost certainly not be reached . ~l ansfic!d explained that I and <.IPsignaLed Fo r special use or commerc1al- proression11l use v.·a.~ included in the: slJlistlcs because 1l could be used ff)t apartment;;. Chairman J;nnrs Dic k and t<.1nh r both .i sked fnr revised fi~urr.s rlin1 inaling the ·doubtful " areas and giving a set of fact~ th<tt could be pinned dO\Vn. Said Dick, '"Jf we presented this in· IQrmation to the public wo'd be here 'till 2 a.m. and still end with wild confusion ." N11 date wa~ set. but cornmissioner~ asked for another study SC'ssion berorr.. making a move lo change the future of apar1menls in Fountain Valley. Stork Markets NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market moved upward in fairly aclive trading late this afternoon. {See quotations, Pages 22-2.'l ). Orange Co u t We ather That warm spell out or the n~rth­ easl is tjie beginning of a Santa Ana wind condition that will ht.at up the Orange Coast Tuesday, boosting temperatures up to 30 de- grees under sunny skies. INSIDE TODAY There 's a 11;ar !JOfllfl 011 hl 1.001 ·and wli etlter senotor.t likf i& or• 11ot America1l men and '1"a11t11 are. irn.~/Veci. See Pagtt ?I; . ... u ... " .... H+llltt " C•lllt"'ll • ~·~ " t lt .. lfi..11 .. ,, Hlli.NI Htw• " ' (Mll(t " Or•-<-·~ " ~wtrf .. ''"""' ....... n Dt•lfl NII~ " '""' ... p,. ... , '"" • ·-.._ .. ~" .. ,."~"' " T•lf~lti.tl " l'I~-· ll·U TIIHMtt .. ., __ " ........ ,~ .. • -lMCltrt " -·· ·-" ' ""., ... • W-11'' H•W'I 17·1' I ----------------------------------------------------------·-·-· ... Z: DAILY Fil OT Newport Beaches Clay Leru~y Son's 'T1·ip' Told By Office•~ Sand Haul Stops .4 fter :4dobe Discovered Giant earth haulers rumbled to a halt In \Vest Newport today after city officials complained they don't \\'ant an adobe beach. Over tl1e weekend, U1ey round lhaf~ -.·ha t they '11.'ere gelling from the $1 .2 r.•illion project. "l'hf' contractors seem to hf' hauling e\·erything but sand Iron1 the river," said Newport Beach City Councilman Donald A. 1'1clnnis, "This is a real tragedy. Tht'y're covering up our beauliful sand \11th 1nud , cl<ty and vegetation." Irate \\'est Ne"·port homeowners, afltr seeing "·hal the earth haulers had 11'rought, called enough public agencies Saturday and Sunday lo bring about the tcmporary hall in lhr. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers project. \\'hen it starts up again, and in v.·hat manner, v;lll depend on the oulcome o( a emergency meeting this a ft er noon bet.,..·een city, county and federal officials. Mcinnis said it v.'as the cily's original understanding that \Vest Newport would b~ receiving about a million tons of sand tron1 the .Santa Ana River. The sand \\'a!'i lo be: spread over the periodica lly eroded beach betll'een lhc river jelly and 40th St.re et. The hauling and the sprcadin,\i begin Thursday. But il wasn't sand that was spread. ft wa;; adobe . "'It's drying hard as a rock ," saicl f\lclnnis. ''For about a dozen blocks the bC'ach now look s like a roadway. In fa c!, on Sllnday o\Jr police ch ased a couple of hot rodders off the beach," !\l argo Skilling, president of the \\'csl Newpo rt Jmrovement Assn., said it's a "pretty impressive" sighL "It goes clear from my house f66JO \\I. Oceanfront ) to !he \11ater's edge -500 Jeri of adobe, piled about stx feet deep " l\lrs. Ski lling said on Saturday she ask- ed a y,·orker for Chadv.•ick & Buchanan. Lor.g Beach contractors for the massive river cleaning job, \\'hat v.·as going on. "He seemed just as sick about it <ls I \1·as," she said. "And he told me Lhey had 800,000 more tons of the stuff to cart out of the river and dump on our beach." Several members of the city council, aloP.g with Public \l.'orks Director Joseph T. Devlin and Cl ty Attorney Tully Seymour, visited the <1dobe beach over the 1ri>.ckend . IJevlin explainrd \\'hat n1ay have gonr. 11·rong. \\'hen city officials flew 01•er !hf:' river "'eeks ago, before the Corp~ of E11ginecrs awarded the contract, they Turbojet Pollution Said Peril to H ealtli, Pro-p.erty By RUD I NIEDZIELSKI Of tt.1 O.ll r ,1191 11111 Air pollution caused by turbojel aircraft may become (lne of the major factors affecting public health and caus· W ing property damage if not controlled , an «:ngineering expert warned today. R. F. Sa\\)'er, associate proftssor of mechari:~al engineering al UC Berkeley, today told scientists and researchers at the annual meeting of the American lnstitute o( Aeronautics and Astronautics in Anal1eim that pollutant~ -carbon 111onoxidc, hyd rocarbons, nitric oxide and :-moke -arc currenlly a 1ninor problem but may become a maJ Or hazard 1n years al1ead. "'Only in the immediate \•ic~nity or airports do aircrart become ma1or con- tributors to the air polkltion problem," he 6a id . "Although the present contribution ol lurbojet engines lo air pollution on a community-Y.·ide or nationw1de basis Is small, it v.•ould be v.·rong to conclude that turbojet air pollulion should not be or C'oncern. "The C'On1bin1lion of iocrea.scd night density and control of other sou,r~es of air pollulior. will increase Lhe significance of turbojet contribution to air pollutioo," he continued. Ad\·erse ef fects on public health and in· North Vietnam Vo,vs Long Fight ~fOSCOW (AP \ -North Vietnam vow- M again today that the ~pie of North and South Vietnam v.·i\l fight on un til all US. troops are remO\'ed from Vietnam. North Vietnam ese Prem ier Pham Van Dong and Premier Ale:i;ei Kosygin signed ;i lOlnt communtoue af!c r .11 "·eek of talk~. ll said· '"Carryini: in!n life the bfohests of Ho Chi ~t inh. the people of South Vietnam . iogether \1·i1h their rompatriot.s in the 1\orth of the country, relying on the sup- port of all progressive forcts of the v.·orld, <1re determill(';(j to carry fof\\·ard their armrd political and diplomatic :-.truggle un1il the na tion al aspirations nf the Vietnamese peop le are fuUy satisfied and until Vietnamese soil is cle11red QI the Am er!ran aggrC'.:ssors and their henchmen.'' DAILY PILOT Rob•·! N, Wt•d P<L>'<ltnl -Publ•lfl<:r Ja <~ ~-Cu•lov \"•Cl'"""'"' 1na C.c~t1•• l~•~•t•r 1~<>,,.•• IC,,.,j l.<l•llr ... 1 .... 1 w ...... -'"ocll1• t<lllor H~"tl,.ql•" lt•1k Olfl(t )09 !ii~ Strt•I µ,;!;~9 Add r1n : P.O. l ei 7'0, 92641 crea.."'d properly damage do not :done .ser\'e to identify engine emissions as air pollutants, accord ing to the ~cientist. Considerationns of the degradat ion of the environment are also important. "Even if particle fallout were absent, the smoke lrail left by an aircraft would be a valid concern, Jet engine exhaust odor in the vicini!y of airporls !s an air pollution prob!en1, independent of any health hazard," Sawyer said. \\'hat can be done to reduce smog ir- ritants produced by these aircraft? Beller, more efficient design of jrl engines \\"as the ans'A·er gi\'en by the Berkeley engineer. For example, carbon monoxides can be significantly rtduced by reducing the in- lroduction of air in the secondary zone of the gas turbine combustion chamber, where an air boost is provided to com- plete the burning process. Hydrocarbons. as "'ell a~ carbon monoxide, are formed during idle opera· lion of the engine and are controllable through t.a.llorlng of the cooling rate in the combustion proctss. Two appro<iches are possible in the co ntrol of nitric o:tides in turbojet ex- haust, One \\'Ould be to pre\'ent !heir formation by limll.ing the maximum loca l temptrature within the combustion charnber. The second is (f) attempt tn tailor combustion so that nitric oxide is reduced through chemical reaction. Exhaust smoke , unlike !he other pollutants given orf dwing jet engine combustion, has long bee n a concern of turbojet engineers. according to Sawyer. "As a general concept the formation of cill'bofl is associated \Yilh fuel -rich mix - tures ," he C'Xpla1ru•d, Decomposition lhrough heat of the fuel occurs before 1l ('an Oliidizc. Con trol of carbon f'miss1ons and :issociated smoke can be accomplished thro•igh leaner m1xlu rC's and hy prc- \'apor1z1ng fu el through injectors. ··0e.s1gn solution5 appear ro~:i;1hll' 1\h1ch should insure that !he 1url>0J"t e11- 1:1ne does not becon1 e a ma1ur contributor to air pollution," Sa.,..'yer concluded . Fountain Valley Boys Club Op en The Boy~ Club of F'oun!A in Vallty i" now offirially open and doing busines s at 9~40 Talber\ Avr. f\1ore than 350 boys are <'llready puttinJt lhe club's two new pool. lablt-s, 30 table game~ and arts and crafts material to use. 'I'wo leagues, one for IOOlbal[ and one for volle~ ball are also under \1·ay, says club director Larry Carter. f\fembership fee in the Boys Club i.s SI prr year. \Vork is already under way under the d:rer tion of the Fountain Valley Jaycees In exp<lnd the outdoor faci !Hie~. The . Jnycres ha.vt volunteered lo de\'elop 1hree arres of land .surrounding the club 1r;to ~eparate foo1bal1 , baseball and !rack fi i>ld~. .Jayccrs arr currenUy lookini; for a lrac10 r and a sk1lled operator lo help level the land and install sprinklers. sa1rt good, usable sand -or silt -on the river bottom. But they didn't see what 1vas six inches bel ow that sand. "They didn"t sec the rnur k, and that',, 11·hat we're gelling now ,'' said fl1rs. Skil!- in,r;, '"\'/c'\'e. now got the hauling ~topped ," .!;;..id Councilman t.l clnn is. "'\\'e·rc not putting any more on the beach.'' Mclnnis adde d· "Gee, you can loo k out. on that f'lay and say to yourself, 'I \Vonder 1f I ~hould plant corn or potatoes ' '' l\lrs. Ski lling ;igreed. "You t:oukl c1cn rota te the crops,'' she said. Today ·s meeting of pubhc officials, ~!clnnis indicated. may 1 n c I u de discuss.ions on v.hat to do \\'ith the clav already deposited. ''If nothing is done,'' he said, "the city is prepared lo take some action to prevent the ultimate destruction ol the beach." And lhe un\11antcd gift of muck lrorn the river is only one of the problems in- volved in the "sand" haul, y,•hich 1nay last through mid-December. "'The city 11.'.ld been told !he hauling road \\"Ould be right up against the surfline," l\1cln111s C'X"plained. '"But they 've put it righ t Uf) <1gainst lhc homes. \\fe 'll talk about that, l(ll',." From Page 1 STEINHAUS. •• ~orth Dakota. l-Iis fath er owned <l i::cneral store. The young man obtained a E.S. degree in bacteriology from North Dakota State in 1936 and only three years later a PhD in microbiology and en· lc.mology from Ohio State. In 196J, Dr. Steinhaus agreed lo leave Bt rkeley, where he v.·a~ chainnan or the divi5ion of invertebrate pathology. In organize Irvine's School or Biologica l Sciences the way he had long held such a ii..:hool shou ld be organized. He organized the school around pro. b!em areas, with unusually-named c!eparlmrnls of organismic biology. n'olecular and cell biology. popul ation and environmental biology , an rl p~ychobiology. Harvard and Stanford have si nce copied the approach. Ir. 1008, Dr. Steinhaus \\'as !'lected 111 the National Acadrn1y 0£ Sciences. He \1ds one or only t\.\'O UCI professors so honored. Dr. Steinhaus' agreement in coming In LCJ 11·as that arte r several years he rould rt'\crn to research. ln J uly, 1968 he :.tcµ· pcd down as dean. He then organized ;ind received funding for the Cenler for Pathobiology which studies the causes of disense.s in insects. fn one projttt causes of l utnors in cockroaches art being studied as a possi· bli:: line of attack on cancer. Dr. Stt.inhaus \\'SS a firm belie\·er that causrs of disease can be best investigated in simple insects. Ch.::ncellor Ald rich said tbe Cente r ror l\1thobiology \\'ill be a continuing 1nonu- 1n1:nl to Dr. Ste.inhaus' 1vork. Dr. Slcinheus is survived by, besi dr:i; his wife, a so n, Tim, 20, and daughter , Cindy, 14, bo!h of ilic family home at 24 15 Blackthorn Sl., in Eostbluff; a married d;,ughter, Mrs. Steven Goe\"z, l\'ilh her hu~band al an Arm y base in Holland, and brothers, John of San Gabr'iel, Ralph oi Castro Val!ey an d Jim of Livermore. funeral services are pending at Baltz Cor0n a de! f\far l>Iortuary. V.S.., Filipinos il1 ark R eturn of Ge11. Jl1acA rt11ur RED BE A.CH. Ll'ytc, Ph1lipp1nrs !AP) tl,S. <lnd Filipino troops 101nrd forces agai n tOOa y for a small.scale re-en11rt- n1cnt o/ Gen. Dvugla.~ f\1a cAr!hur·s return to 1hc Philip pines 25 years <1go to- tla \'. Some 200 Filipi no soldiers and mnrinrs spla shed onto Red Beach froin landing hi:.rges following earthshaking explosions 1n a mock sea and air l)ombard me nt l1 S. planrs flew over. and F i 11 p 111 o p<1ratroopers jumped. CAlll' PILOT 11111 Phtlt Outrunni119 It Surfer, battling for balance, fights to s tay ahead o f \rave lha l has folded out, leaving him no shoulder on \\'h.ich to maneuver. Action took place off Huntingttln Beach Pier. Ora nge Coast surfers are still much in evidence despite air and \\'alcr tcn1peratures \\•hich have been dropping into the ii::ties. U.S. Urged to Abolish Homosexual Ban Laws \VASHINGTON (AP) -A government t<1sk force hes urged the United States to folto1v !he lead of GrC'at Britain nod nholish la1vs forbidding pri vate 11ornnscx- u:1J rc!allons an1ong consenting adults. The panel of doc tors. la1ryers anrl ~IX'iill and behavioral sc1cntists also sug- gested that government and private <'1nployers rc;issess "current employment practices and policy relating lo the ernploymc.nl or homos<'xual indi1·iduals \1·1rh a 1·1cw tov.·an.ls making needed changes." 'rhrce ntt'.1nbrr.~ of the l l·n1an t:i~~ force "rxpressed re servations" on the proposrd legal and employment cha nj'.lcs, saying "consi deration of socia l policy issues !.hould be. deferred until fur thc r- ~cientific cviUrnrc is ar<iilablc ... " The pa ne l estimated !hat at !east thrrr lo four million adults in the Un ited States arc predominantly homnsexual, wh ile many others have significant homosexual lrn<lencies. "Homosexuality presents a major prn- blem for our sociely largely because of the amounl of injustice and sufferinf' en- tailed in it not only for the homosexual bul also for those concerned about him."' lhe l{roup ~atd in a 20-page report to the :'\at1onal lnstJtute of t.lental Health. Rc~am1n~ ex isting la11.rs a g a 1 n s t hnn1osexuah!y, thr panel headtd by o~srholoRist £1·el) n Hooktr of the L"niversity of Cahfonua at Los Angrlcs, ~ai1l "Therr. is evidence lo indicate that en- trapment is not uncommon, that existing la11 s arr seleclil"ely cnforC'erl antl that ;.,er1ous 1njusl!cc often results."' f>.t ost profrssiona ls l'.'orking Hl thr area ''arc strongly cnnvinced that th e extreme opprobrium that our society has attached to homosexual behavior, by \\'ay of C'riminal sla!utes and restricli\'e employ· n1cn t practices, has <Jone more social harm than good and goes beyond 1\·hat is necessary for the maintenance (If publlc nrder and hun1an decency ," the task lorce said. "1\lany homosexuals are good citizens, holding regular jobs and leading pro- ductive lives." the report said. "The e:t- 1stence of legal penalties relating to hon1osexual act.a: means that !he mental l1ealth problems of homose:tuals are ex- acerba ted by the need for concealment :ind the en1otional stresses arising from 1h1'i nerd and fron1 th(' opprobrium of bring in violation of the Jaw.'' The panel said there is no eridence legal peneltirs arc effective in preventing nr reducing homosf'xual acts in private between consenting adults. Hunting ton Higl1 Bandsmen on TV T11•n l!unt1ngto11 Beach High School seruurs will appear as part of ;i selecl b<1nd on KNBC's tchannrl 41 Close l1p progran1 6:JO p.n1 , \\'ednesday. i\hke Paulson , 18, pla\·1ng lead trumpet ;ind St1>ve ~I i lier , 18, son nf City 1\r!!ni1)1strator l)oyle l\l!llcr. on !rornbonr. \\"JI! be part of a television dt'monstrat.ion b.v j<1zz conductor Stan Kenton. Both boys studied under Kenton the past sun11ncr at a music clinic at the l 'nJvc:rsHy Qf RC'd la nds. They were 1nembers of the band selected by Kenton lo perform on te levision. By TOO\t BARLEY O! !~• 01111 ,.11tt 111!1 .-'. Laguna Beach pol1rc officer tod ay testified Jn Sup<:rlor Court that the: strange beha 1 ior of 19·year-old John Bush Leary and the strong odor of burning rnari juana in the L.car)s.' f;11nily sla!tO'l \\'agon led ru arref l of the LS!l t·ull..ist"s tan11ly IJst Dt·~·-16 tn the. Art Colony. Of!icer !\"eal J . Purt·e]l told the court - Interrupted by freq uent objections frorn the Leill'y f<imily's balle.ry of attorney~ -that young Leary v.·as on his hands and knees in the back of the car y,•hen be ap- proached the vehicle to check on an ap- parent parking violation. "He was crawling around aimlesslv with his hair hung all over his face," the. officer said. "Hf' had a fixC'd grin on his face and hi<; r~•es 11·cre st <Jri ng ;ind frorn !1111c to timr he would part his hair way fr om his fa c·e and then !et it faU down again. "'i\ly experience told me," t.he officer said, ·'that the young man wa s under the influence of narcotics." Purcell's experience was challenged repeatedly by attorney l\farvin Cooper , appearing for John Bush Leary. But Judge Byron K. i\tcl\fillen struck dm~·n his arg-Jmen1 that Purcell was not qualified to offer opinions on drug in· loxication or drug odors and he refused lo intervene on behalf of the te:arys (Ill other phases of Purcell's testimony . Purcell Jed off the prosecution case in "'hal is expected to be a tw<Hlay hearin~ on a defense motion to suppress evidencP. -that evidence be ing the seizure nf drugs from the Leary vehicle and the of- fic er's te stimony that he smelled burning marijuana in the car. The hearing immediatel y preceds th~ Su peri:'.lr Court trial of Dr. Timothy Leary, 49, Rosemary Leary, 33, and young Leary. All three are accused of possession nr marijuana. hfrs. Leary also faces charges of possessioo of LSD. Laguna Beach police claim they con- fisc ated JO ounces of marijuana and 40 LSD capsules, all seized from the Leary r.ar. The trio 1\·as subsequently indicted by the Orange County Grand J ury. Strike Suspends Coast, Anaheim Copter Flights l!e!icopler co1n1nulec <Hrline scr..-ice in· ''nlving 70 f!11?"hts pt'r dav among nine communities including Newport Beach and Anahe im ceased today wlth a strik• againsl Los Angeles Airwa ys. 111c action bv thr Airline Pilots AMOCiation canir aftrr negotialion~ 11nder \\·ay for 17 111onths broke down last \1·eek". Robert Pri1ne, thairman of Local 37 of ALPA. saal the slnkc affects 30 pilots and about 65 ground and maintenance personnel for L . .\A , the firs t American firm offering regular intercity helicopter M"rvice. 111e union is seek in g a six pt"rcent pay ra ise for the pe riod of June, 1968, to June 1%9, 11·ith another lwo percent added as of !hat date. all of it retroactive. Pilots als::i \1·ant a cut from 85 to BO hours fl~·ing time. per month. Offic111ls d!d not announce "'hat the c:urrenl LAA pay !'>Cale includes. Los Angeles A1rv.'ays v:ent into business 22 years ago ;;nd now nperates 70 da ily llights on a t1r'cu1t 1nf'lud1ng Anaheim. J\'rwf)Ort Bear h, Glrn<la lc, DownC'y , l'on1on<i, \\'hitller, SBn Bernardino, 111\"rrsidc and Van N11y.~. President Ferdinand F.. t.larcos and l: .S. Ambassador Henry A. B)Toade lf'd scores of military and diplomatic rlignitaries atttnding the ceremonies, Crowl.ls of Filipinos lined the ~ach. Notablr among the nffirials \\·ere ~· F'orr1gn Scrretary-Carlos P. Ron1ulo, who ~lepped ashorr 2.l years agn 1rith r.1acArthur. and Presidenl Ser c i o Osmena, \vho 11·as president at Lhe time. We 011ly Look Expe11sive f)on·t let our fancy address !righten you . Our ne\v fall suits start at $95. They represent fashion 1vithout frivolity. dignity by design. \\"re;nhs \l'f re placed on the ton1bs nf unknown snhllfrs of f.'i!Ch c.:ounlr\', and 111rmon~l scr1•1crs \1•crr held f0r 111r <lead . A cornerstone \\·as laid fnr a :;pacious Leyte Landing f\tcmor ial Park. They a re decisively shaped. fla\vlessly tailored, rendered in rich fabrics that reflect the lates t trends in coloring and \veave. 'Ve beli eve our selection is as fine as any in Orange County . 01lwr Ofn1n t/twH•! •c1rn J/!I Vl•U $11,...1 •MiTl•IT4 (o•'• /MU " "~We•! II•• ~""' lt111nt 8feC"· ll1 forfll Jl•ff.ol "Heidi' Be11~hed But don't take our \VOrd for it. Co1ne in and :-.ee for yourself. A leisurely look through our r.1c·ks is su re to turn up some pleasant surprises. \\le'vc planned it that way. tll•l "' ,.,lOI. "'"" ,.ft•<n 1, <tmtrt•f ••1 .. ,,.., l'rn• ... OtJbh°"'O Ot •l• t H •ot ! ~ tlt"I' '" >fN<t tl lt0'1'°"' l&f """''~1'<.• •1..cl'I, '°""'"'" \11 11t~. Co•tt Mt111. ,_,,._ ~I IN<" t r.Cl \.lf""I ltocft, 1.-" '" ,_ '"'°""'' 1dil10n•. O•-• l•w11• r uft< ••• •"ti co"'IW"" Pf•"",.. o••n11 ""' 11 :n1 I'<••• ("''"'' ll•O . No .. r<:•I ll••<l'I. ••O Jll V.I .. l'llv 1t••fl. C.Clll II. I ,,...,...,.. 11141 •4Z-4JJ1 f••"' Whf""'"tft C•ll ~40-1 !JI ClntlflHI A""'11.i.,. 64!·1671 ( ................ °''"'' -"""" ,. ... , ..... . (.o<"'l>I'' l/o fltWt 11 t1 1•1 ..... 1h1l o••, 1<1noutt ,...u,, ~ ,,,..,,,....,..,.., ""''" ..,1 , tit ,,.,fOltt" •""°"' tDoU lll ,.,.,.,.,,.,,, ti <GP••••"' tt·•rll. i <t••O (IU• oe1'•i• eo•• Of Ori'"""" lk~>I 1"11 (Cl'• "''1•· C'•l''G"'' 't.tH-~I<• Lo ''"'" 1J ~ ....,.1111y1 hY ""''I '1 /0 """'~1,1 ... '''•'f rllll''"''""'· Qnl .-\( ···~. I Football Gurne Finish ecl This Tinie NEW YORK. /UPI) -"Heidi'' \1•aittd ~ight minutes on the si delines .Sunday lo l'scape the "'rath of foolball fans. National Broadcasting Company of- fici11ls, delerminr.d not ha"e a repeat pe:rform11nce: of a )'ea r ago, \\"aitf'd until the conclusion Qf lJ1e Oa kland-Buffa lo American Foo lbalt l.f'<1gue game before sho"'fng lhe children's classic. The game ran eight minutes beyond 7 p.m., the hour the mO\'ie l\'llS slated to be'gin . Last year. the network cu t th~ Oakland-Ne~ YQtk J et game short lo air lhf' fihn . In the fc \1' 1no1ne11ts cul ou\ nf th.qt ga111P, Oakland scorl'ri t 11• n louchdo\\·ns lo 1ri n the contesl, This prompted a flood of calls from outraged lootball fans ;1l the NBC s'A·itchboard NBC took extreme steps to ensure. Jigainsl a r<'f)f'at. TI!f' announcer at 1he Oakland.Buff alo h3n1e informed Lhe viell'ers the gamr would he shown 1n its l'n!i rety and lold sta11on engineers to "be al erl .'' .A.~ It lurnrd out. ~'AC could probnhty h.11 c cul 1hc gan1c. shorl :in hour. IJ11kt;:ind h!'td a 42·7 lead at halftim<' And \\On ;,0.21. I :l46i \"ia Lido at Ne1•1port Boulevard, Nev.•port Beach Open i--riday evenings until 9 p .m .' I WILi ~heriff Sen. E ·which proxirr nedy ~ ovcrtu Chri ~t:iss., t.t:issa on Mi headir momi: 1;edan. IJ WA minis a mi~ for siJ A Depa1 Dang marlj heroi1 Pos wide\ lion, as it pro pc juanc au tor fense No; ndu1 long( the h ha\Ju Ho rracl calli1 year. Joi " • s I i f ' J I I l M• o! "' in op m fn tic II< th •• th th m .. I It • t p • h u c I r I , .-----~~~--~-.~.-.--------------------- Monday, Ottober 20, 1%9 H DAil Y PILOT ;J Deputy's Account Conflicts With l(~nnedy's WILKES-BARRE, Pa. -A deputy :;;heriff testified today that he had seen Sen. Edward M. Kennedy 's aulomoLile In Yl'hJch Mary Jo Kopechne died ap. proximately an hour after the lime Ken· nedy said it had gone of! a bridge and e1vcrtumed in a pond. Christopher Look Jr. or Dukes County , ,.,fass .• told a hearing on a petition by a ?-.tassachuselts prosecutor for an autopsy on Miss Kopechne's body that he was heading home from work early on the morning ol July 19 vohen he saw a black 5cdan. Look said "there were two pel"MlM In the front seat and possibly another person or some object In lhe back" wll€n the car drove past him and came to a stop. "'l got out of my car and i3 ·l ap- proached lhe taillights shown on my uniform. The lime was about 1%:45 a.n1. vn the morning of July 19." Look said lhal as m approached the car. ''it suddenl y look off and went down Dike Road toward the bridge and the beach ." Look wa s among the first witnesses to tt"Stify before Judge Bernard C , Brominskl of Common Pleas Court as the hearing opened. "Did you have any conversation with anyone in that car?" Dist. Atty. Edmund Dinis o1 New Std.ford. Mus., asked Look. ''No, sir!" Look replied. "Did you cry out to anyone in that car?'" "No, :sir!". Look said. Look :said he observed the license plate of the car, that it bore a Massachusetts registration, that the first letter was "L" and that "there were :some 7s in it." Drug Law Easing Proposed Nixo1t Asks First Offense Be Misdemeanor WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Nixon ad. ministration proposed today to reduce to a misdemeanor U1e first-offense penalty for simple possession of any illicit drug. A spokesman !or the J us tic e fJcpartment's Bureau or Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs said that included marijuana as ~·ell as hard drugs such as heroin and cocaine. Possession of marijuana, the most widely used of the illici t drugs in the na· tion. now is a felony under the law, just as it is ror heroin or cocaine. Under lhe proposal, a person convicted of mari- juana possession no longer would automatically be sent to jail. A second of· fense would carry a f<:lony penalty. Not only would the fir st-time penally be reduced for marijuana possession, it no longer would be in the same drug class the hard drugs. It would be classilied as a hallucinogen instead. Hov•ever, the proposed new laws "'ould track do"'" on professional drug sellers, calling for prison sentences· of up to 40 years for a seoond conviction. Joh n E. Ingersoll, director of the Star Rising? Justice Department's drugs division, outlined the Nixon plan lo the ~nate .sub- committee on juvenile delinquency. Ingersoll presented a set or three alternatives to the senators and asked them to select the plan they liked. The plans vary, mainly in the .severity or sente nces for professional drug traf- fi ckers. "Al! alternatives make possession with intent to .sell a felony and possession for one's own use, rega rdless of the drug in· valved, a misdemeanor." logelrsoll said in testimony prepared for the sub- committee. The new \a"·s would be in the form of amendments lo Nixon's crime bill, which ha.~ already been sent to Congress. Possession of any drug on the first or- fense would bring a maximum punish· ment of one year in ja il and /or $5.000 fine. The judge would have the option "·hether lo send the offender to jail. This would put an end to the often criticized provision of current federal Jaw ~·hich dem ands that a marijuana of· fender be jailed five to 20 years, and Movie star Paul Ne\\·man, "'ith his actress wife Joanne \Vood\vard in England on holi day, i\.ays he may forsake world of make bel ieve for tinsel and glamour of politics. The 44-year-ol d actor says he is seriousl y consi dering runnmg f~r l'.-5. Senate _and _the presidency. Mr. and l'.1lrs. Nev.·man \Vere active tn 1968 pres1dent1al bid by Sena· tor Eugene l\1cCarth y (0-i\1i nn. ~. Mets Ricle Th1~ougl1 City h1 Delirious Celehratio11 NE\V ''ORK (UPT) -The \'ictarlous f.lel'i rode up lower Broadway".s "canyon o( heroes'' loday for a delirious official reception at City fl ail marking ~tels Day in New York . Manager Gil J{odges led the parade of ()pen cOO\'Crtiblcs which transported the. members of the amazing baseha!l team from the Battery thmugh a blizzard o[ tickertape and confetti lo City Hall. Jlodges was so inrecled by the en· thusiasm Pf>Ured on his team that he fre· qu ently grabbed ctmfetti and threw it into Ole air himself. The 1.1els' fan.!i repeatedly broke throogh police lines to surround the motorcade. They screamed, bugged and ki,o:;sed thrir ra\'orile players. demand1!d autographs, and waggled .!iigns, m06t of Y.'hich read.'".Mets, \Ve Love You!" Some plc:ccd wreaths around the Mets' necks. A boisterous crowd or 5,000 jammed Ci· ty Hall Pla ta to greet the Mets at nooon under a welcome banner that had ~n ~inted on the back: of one u~d for the rccert welcome of the moon astronauts. Mayor John V. Lindsay, who was ac· cr.r.1panied by ~1rs. Lindsay .end Mets 01\-rler ~1rs. Charles Shipman Payson. slopped the players on lhe back and told them· "for eight years, New York has loved a b.ill team that wasn't always easy lo Jove. but today, it's all changed. Because today they're number one." UCI Gets Parking Lot Loan; Pays Way So Far Parking at UC Irvine continues to pay tts way and not cost taxpayers anything. University of California regents Friday approved a latest loan ol $82,000 to the UCI campus for ronst.ruction cf a flflh parking kit. The loan ls to be repaid Wlthin 10 )"ars at 6'h. perCf:nl per year interest from fees charged parking lot ,_,, The loan money Is not tax money but comes £ram the Uni versity's nuclear research fund, cverhead charged en federal contradl invol•ing n u c I e a r research. The new p11.rking 1ot. to bf: b11ilt right a\\'<lY to beat lhe winter t{lins, ~·ill con- ta.in seo spaces for use of the Fine Arts compler and Mesa Cwrt residence halls. To date, parking on campus has kept up with enrollment. Eventually, says Chancellor Daniel G. Akhich Jr., Irvine wlU have to go to multiple-level parking with the coostruction cost per car in- aes,,in, from $150 to about $3,000. This fall, 1n a move lo m.ulmize park· Ing hlC'ome, new meter heads were io-- &alled In which the arrow shows only lhe time purchased, not the Ume n:mainln&- Thc arr.ow doesn't creep down, but SOO. dcnly drops, making double use or a parking l'tPQf. for which tlme has not. eJ.- pired quite chancy. ixrhaps fined $25,000. The changes being discussed y.·ould a~ ply only to federal law, not to state and local laws under which most drug arrests occur. In 1968 there were 162,177 stale and local narcotics arrests compared with only 4,000 arrests under federal Jaws. But the rederal laws usually lead the "''") Jor state and local enforcement. Nixon Blasts Sn1ear Attack On Haynsworth °"'ASmNGTON (AP) -President Nix~ on said today Judge Clement F. Hay nsworth Jr, has been subjected to \'icious character a.5S3SSinatlon, and even if the judge asked him lo withdraw his nom ination to the Supreme Court he y,·ou!d not do so. Nixon took this stand at a one-topic news conference called hurriedly in his office. He said he hacl gone over the complete record of the case of the man he tapped for !he Supreme Court and all cf the criticism and charge.s that had been rai.s· ed. He said he is standing by his judgment that Haynsworth should have the posi- tion. And he said he is conridenl that If eenalors study all the documents and charge s involved , enough of them will (·ome to the .same conclusion he has and will vote fC>t conflnnaLion. Nixon said of Ha ynsworth: "I find Judge Haynsworth an honest man, a. lawyer's la\vyer and a judge's j ud~. I think he will be a great credit lo the -~prcme Court and I intend I.a stand brhind him until he is confirmed." The South Carolina jurist. chief judge or the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, ha!'! run in to strong opposition on his nomina· lion to replace former Justice Abe Fortas on the Supreme Court. Opponents have cited what they ton· gider antilabor and anti-civil righls rul· ings he has made. They also have raised charges of conflict of interest, on grounds 1 hat he held stock in some con1p.anie:s directly or indirectly involved in matters before. hls court. Ha ynsworth ha.!i denied any conflict, and has furnished t.o the Sena te Judiciary Committee a full record of his stock hold ings and trans.."lctions. He also has of. r ered to put his holdings in trust il he is confirmed. Nixon said HaynS'il-"Orth's entire rect1rd 11nd lire had been exp()sed before senators r:onsirlering his nominat ion and that he y.·as put through ''what I believe to be vicious c-haracter a&Sassination." Nixon said as a result of his review of the Haynsworth case, the justice comes through as a man of integrity "and deserves even more the. support of the President ;ind of the Senate." Nixon got around to specifics on four or five points, noting in paMing that he had had some experience in investigative pro- cedures. He said he had studied the case fully, had read Haynswort.h 's income tax returns, looked at his f i n a n c i a 1 statements. and his statements to senators, and had considered reporl..!i of lhe Justice Department and FBI Director J, Edgar Hoover. Nixon disputed opposition contentions that Haynsworth should have disqualified himself in eases involving litiganta who were cust.OTners of a firm in which the nominee held stock. He said Hayn.!iWorth in oo instance was influenced by the stock ownership and that the Amertcaa Bar Association also took this position. Fishing Derby Casts Off Soon The fifth annual sportflsl'ring derby to benefit the Orange Coo:nty Association for Retarded Children wiU begin at 6 .a.m. Ocl 26. Anglers will be charged $10 for the derby, which will be held aboard sportfiSher.!i leaving from Art's Landing in Balboa, Davey's Locker in Newport Beach and San Clemenl.e Sportfishlng. The angler catching the largest fish will win a $100 savings bond from Mariners Savtng!: and Lo6n cf Newport Bea.:h, aa well as a tak""home replic.a ol the perpetual trophy that will carry the wlnner's name. A Garcia-Conlon rod will be pre.!iented to t.he person calching the heaviest filh on each boot and a. big collectlol'J ()f Spooler lures wlll go to the second place winner. For reservations, call 541-4'58. Kennedy's llcen!e plate number was L78207. Kennedy, when he reported 1he ac• cident, said il had oceurred before mid- night July 18. Another witness, PoUce Chief Dominic Arena of Edgartown, Mass., testified the body of Miss Kopechnc bore "no in- 1uries that I could see" when It was taken from I.he submerged automobile. Arena said that when scuba diver John Farrar arose t.o the .!lurface with Mary Jo':; body, he pulled it to !he top of the Kennedy automobile with the aid of a rcpe. Arena said he cradled the body in his arms momentarily and placed it in a small rowboat. ONCE A YEAR ''CREST" SHIRT SALE ''She appeared 11ormal tn tfat there were no injurles that l oou1d see," Aren. said. The police chief, under C!'O.!i! t!l· aminat.lon by a Kopechne attorney, Joseph F. Flanagan, answered "No air, l did not" when asked lf he saw any con· tusions or open woond.s « blood Oft Che girl's cklUting. BUY BY THE BOX AND SAVE 5.00 3/17.50 reg. 7.50 Buffums' Ovm "Crest" long sleeve dress shirts assure you !fie finest detailing, qualily and slyling •va ilable. '(ou'll aPIJreciate !fie handsomely tailor· ed hioii spread collar and sfi~Uy shaped silh01Jette. Permanent-nress ® ' blend of Dacron polyester and cotton. Blue, green, aold and Ylfllte with French cuff; white wilfl convertible c~ff. Stnr~ for Mon .. u Newport rl fashim Island Newport Center• 644·2200 •Mon., Thurs., F1i. 10:00 !ill 9:30 Othe1 diys 10:00 till ·5:311 4 OllLY PI LOT • Studl":nts of Tcn1ple University, Philadelphia, ha\'c elected Ma rc Fro1n tt as their first nia\e hon1c- coming queen. 'fhcn. they picked his esco11, Ralp~ M. Hintel, .an underdog ,~·ho beat 12 fraternity m en he ran against for the tille of Rig f\tan on Ca1npu!i. R alph JS an 8-ycar-old 1nongrel dog. • Stalely J . 1:. Kennedy Boul evard Dow11 to Earth A g11e 1v Ope t1 s Fire 'Impudent Snobs Behind Protest' By The A5socialed Press Backers or Nixon administration Vlct· nan1 policy, led by Vice President Spir'l 1·. Agne1\·, ha1•c Jauncl1ed a counter-0£- lensi1·e against effects or IClsl \Ved· ne,,day·s Vietnam l\-loratoriun1 and those planned for da)'S ahead. Ag1n·w Sunda.11 blas1ed lcad!'rs nf the a11uw<ir proll'Si mo11e111e11t as ··hard-core i11ss1den1s and prole~s1onal anarchist ~·• 11 ho are be ing encouraged by "an erfcte cor ps of in1pudenl snobs v.·ho ch<i rac- ter11.e themsel\es as in tellectua ls.'' Sul hkc f!r csidrn: 1\'1xon·s promise !hat he \1 ould noL be afletlcd by dcn1onstra· 11nns against the 1,1·ar. Agne1\"S attacks \1erc likely to sp ur t>lor<itor ium leaders to greater eflorls. Sen . Barry Goldwater (R-Arii.), pro- posed in Lon g Beach, that Americans dt>mo nstrate in support of U.S. l.roops in Vietn an1 on Nol/. I I -Veterans Da y. And Gen. \Villiam \Vestmoreland, forrner con1mander of U.S. forces in Vieln:>m, said Amecican fighting men 1re rc d1s1l!us1onc<l ilntl disappointed by Ilic Oct. J.'i c~ll for :in imn1edia1.e \111hdrawal from th(. southe;ist Asian country. ··r.Iy guess is that the vast majority of U.S. soldiers in Vietnam are ralher tlisappointed to Sl":e this development." said \\'estmorcland. now Army <'hie( of staff. at a news conference 1 n Urownwood, Tex. in Philadel phia looked llke an over- loaded \\•a shing nla chine oflcr somebody d ropped a bottle of ~c· tergent into the plaza fountE1n . Bubbles cascaded 50 feet into the- ai r and gobs of frot h d rifted in the breeze. Onlookers stoo d ankle-deep in soapsuds, while a tea1n of plumbers sea rched beneath th e plaza for a shutoff valve . The cr e\\'S of Soyuz, 6, 7 and 8, all back to earth after last week's space mission, line up in Moscow. 1-~rom left: Vladimir Shatalov, Viktor Gorbalko, V:aJ ery Kubasov, Anatoli Filipchenko, Alexei Eliseev, Vladislan \1olkov and Georgi Shonin. The seven cosinonauts were reunited \vith lhe landing of Soyuz 8 at lhc \Veekend, the last of the three ~p ace­ craft to r eturn to ea rth. ''\\'e think that it would be Un· American ;1.nd imn1ora l to :-ilop our ac · 11ons now." said Jerome Grossman, a stationery manufacturer tron1 the Boston su burb 'of Newton and one o[ the Moratorium's e11rliest organizers. The vice president. appar~ntly select<'d to be the adrrnni stration's spokesman 0 11 ant11\·ar protests, said last \Vednesday·3 demonstrations served only "as an emQoo tional purgative for those y,•ho feel the need to cleanse themselves of thei r lack of ability to offer a constructl ve solution to th~ problem. , • \Vh il e a six-piece combo played, 30 m en had ihl":ir hl":ads shaved to r aise Sl .000 for the Oakland Syn· anon Club. \vhich helps persons with drug, alcoholic or emotional prob- lems .. o\Jl 30 are to play pa rts in a science-fantasy motion pictu re be· ing m ade in the San Francisco Bay area. • Arfl'irt1Hl!1 nlf the l1ea/f h 1t•arn1ngs ng111n st ri!jOTel/es _ .. haven't 1mrress ed ~.11 1/i i~ 1nncky 1ac- roo11. F:very tim.r. s. c. Ste 1nliolf of f'o rt_ngc rlr s Sioux. /.f o .• Tcn ches for n :;1nokc /11 ~ r ct TGC· coon 1ra11!-~ one t Go The pct. s!1d- 1lrnl11 shoived 11ri nL t/Je Srf!inhnff bnr1'yard one day nnd decirll'rf. to .~la!J. Ste 1nl1ojf r.riys thr T'1CC'OOll p/t1y.~ trirh tlie dn!)s nnd rrirs nud hll'i r rc- -''l1T11Jbl11 fnrsaken i ts wild l1er1tagc. ; • Tn Polirtt Ojfrrt>r La uren 'Vannmnkrr nj Aonura th e sa11nd n/ rattlo1~ nl, l1is door be· Jore d l'l teit ~uggcsled a burglar. An.d 111/1 ... n he sa111 o mtnt cu tting nrross IPs prart>rty lo n waiting truck. 'Vnna 1nnk er fired a shot, sl(g!1 r/y 1vounding th e: 111an in tht> hip. shr.riff's deputies said. Th ,. mo1t lrirnrd out to be a m1/kn1 on. '''nnnnialc.trs u•1fe hod " (lrdc re d nnlk service beginnin g 'Vrdnesday 1vi Lho1i t fe/l111 g Ilic ~ police offi.ce r, depur1es snir/, '.II The milk.man John R. Soutos. f ~ uios hospiU:ilizt d 1n good condt-'ij 1>1">•1. L '· '< • ""rsr ;,g M sG•&•• " • .A. "'·oman substituting for lhe Tl'.!jHlar ~choo! bu.~ driver asked a hu s load of ele1ncnl i'lry sr hool chil- rlrf'n from Davie. F·1a . f11r direc· lion!i. She sho1ildn'I hil\'C. /'11 nevl'r riri vc ;:i schnol bu!i il(!<llll," .~a1fl Mrs. Joyce Battle , "''hO \l'iL~ It'd 011 a 40·r:i11e. f\\O·co11n't)'. \\'!irl goo~c rhase hy the j!l ecful kids. T11c chil· dren. \\,'hf) norrn al!y begin t heir school riay .a t 9 a ,m . arrivr rl ilt Nova Elementary School just 1n time for lunch. Wooldridge Missed War, S enate Probers Learn \VASH J!\GTON tlJPl l -A !'!tries ol assti<:nmcnts kept Sg1. 1\-laj. William 0 . \\'oolridgc oul ol the Korean wa r, it was leamed today, and put fi1•e of hi!! cl03est fr1enrls in charge of enlisted men's clubs in Vietnam. 'Three or the fiv e, alt pals of Wooldridge from thei r day~ together at Augsburg, Ge rmany, in the early 1960!'!, succeeded onr. another as cu~todian of thl": two dozen or so clubs under the Army's !st Infantry Division in Vietnam between 1965 and late last year, Senate investigators said. A fourth got a similar club cus1odia n a:ii~ignment in Vietnam just one v.·cek alter Wooldridge was named the fi rst sergeant major of the Anny on July 11, 1966. records disclosed. The flflh got yet another divisional clu b custodian position in Vietnam in 1'.1arch , 1968, v.•hlle \Vooldr idge still held his influential Pen· tagon pos itio n. At least tv.·o of the five got the Viet nam jobs -v.·hich l":ntrusted th em with hun· dreds of thousands of dollars -although they h!d been fired from army club custodial jobs elsewhere: for alleged ly mlshandlinc or steali ng money and Ii· quor. The clubs. are su pported by the moncy ILO Wins 1969 Nohel P eace Prize, $75,000 OSLO (l1PJ) -The 1969 Nobel Peace l'rize v.·a.~ .awarded loday lo the lnterna - l1onal Labor Orga ni zation (!LO), which \,as {onned al the end of the \Vor!d Vt'ar I 10 he lp peace. by im pro vin g v.·orki ng and social conditions throughOtJl the Yo'Qrld. The ILO and the International Court or Justice arc the only two organs of the defunct U ague of Nation~ to survive. The ILO now one of the !ipe.cial orgilnii:.i- uons of the United Nations with head- quarters in Geneva. Since 19411 it ha,o; bten headed by :in Am"rican. David A. i'-l orse. A.• tJ~u ;if. the !\"o~I comminee or 1h .. S\\·rrl11ih rarliament ga \'~ no re11sons fnr 11.s drc1~1on anrl n1;id r it cll":at lhPrC" 11•111 br no crimmenL~-11 1it11rl only the $75.000 pri2e wouk! .1:ri In 1he lLO. lnlonned sou rcr!i 1n Oslo said one n[ lh<' rea~or.s FDr 1hr rhoif'e 1v<1s 1J1~ \'ali•ab_le \\'Ork donP h;v lLO 1n de1·cloplng (•ountr1cs v.hcrc it has given valuable technical assis1 anc'. they take in from what Gls spend ror foo:I , drink and entertainment. Normally, a club is managed by a sergeant. A senior noncom will be "custodian" for a consortium of clubs -perhaps a dozen, perhaps 30 or more. The Army says it in- sist!'! that club custodians and managers display "a scrupulous adherence to the highest l":th ical standards." But in two v.·eeks of testimony hefortt the Senate Permanent lnvestlg;ilion~ Subcommiltl":e, Wooldridge and a fr1v fellow sergl":ants have been accused of pocketing huge sums o( money fro1n cl11h kickbacks, embeiilement, tl1efls and gamblinR "skims.'' The Pentagon 's press releas<" nn \Vooldridge's appointment as Arm1 sergeant ma jor three years ago disclo~crl hl": wa s stationed in Germany from 19l!t to 195-4, missing the entire Korean v.•ar. IL gave no explanation and subcommi ttre investiga tors said the tall sergeant 1nay ha vl": been justly exempted from KorC';in duly because of his excelll":nt \\'orld \\'a r JI combat record . Ambush of Four Gl s in Korea Brings Protest SEO UL (UPI) -The United N;itions Command (UNCl has requestcri 11 meetlng of llll": Korean Military Armist ice Commission for Tuesday . apparen1l y, 111 protest the. Com1T1unist ambush that kill· C'd four Americ ans Saturrta y. A UNC .!ipokC'sman .!iaid thr rr<]llC'SI fnr the J;ession v.·as !it1hmilt<-<I Sunday night following !ht' ambush of a l ' S. Army truck by North Korean inf1ltral nrs. ~o reasnn \\'as J,;1ven for ralltn~ lhl' mf.'eling, but ti 1~·a5 expec!ed th:il th• U:'JC v.·ould prote~t the amb11sh \\'hirh took placl": inside the Demtli!anted Zone dividing North ;ind South Korea. Th<' 1riick, lik(' all 111hrr :i11t hnr11~rt '·rhicl{'s 1r::nel1ns in t.hr 7.1'nr. 11·;:i::; rar- r.1 111 j1 ;l llhlll' fl ;i~ ::ind <I pnJiC" ~lg'll \I hrn ;i tt ·1ekrd. "ff1r1a!s ~.11 rl. Surh 1d"l1- t1f icil tl1'n is ~.hn11·11 1n accordance 1v1!111he arn1ist1 ce agreement The Gls ,~·ere ~ho ~ in the hcati afll'f rrcei1·1ng ha nd grenade and small arn'I$ fire from ;i 111b11sh ro::;i11on:-on ho!h sidf $ of 1he road leading fronl a U.S~ Olltp'l~t \n5ide the zone to their uni1 south of the border, Americ1n spokesman said. Gulf Coast Eying Laurie R ain Co vers Area From Ne iv England to Great Lakes Callfo,.,.la 1"1""'" "''"~' •"" '""'"'e' le"'~''· "'"''' , . ...,, !.ou•"e'" <•'•'"'~'• ..,.,..., ••~ <l oo• IO!I•~. wdh '""'n&•~'"'•' ''""~ • ~ ... ~~--·· '" "'0~, ···~· l ')• A•;•I'> O"d ~l~'"''V ••t '"" """"'" '""'" b"Ont 'V""• <!o<\ o"i! <•to• to,oi "'•"'' l"~ M1~ w•• 1r. "O l'O"' 5U'IGOY'I 7C. Th• 0¥••.,>1M 10 ... 1, ~s Th' •·• "otiu•l(!f> (o"''"' t>I•'"'' .......,.,..~ l<o~t -· 1 .. O('m• l>0•!1nn• 6' tllo "-''I" Tl!• U 5 W•o!'I~• l!<"I•"'' !W•·<l•Y t,i•~c•:I coll•<t •~• no ~'""'"'"''"" """ ''"'"''''''"' ..... , "' Jl•g~•1, 11H1v1 "(!•mt• '"'°""" ~Uv•!I•~ le••""' y,·•ro t'I""' •n~•• """" ~110\\ "N' TO ' T~t w1ror "''' ,. •! Mov,,11 ;"1 w••o 'V""f but "'"~Y ....... 111, .. , 1 .. ,~. ··~..-• ...,, ~V•h ~'I 'V""' '"" v •• ,.. 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Coastal 5,,.,nv !Mt " ~""' T\/•l<I•"· l ••ht ~•·••Ille wil'ICI• "lpr>t •"d -•"ln<I lloo•o blc""'I"" -1lt<!y 10 fl> IS l "O" In 1111•""°"1 '°'"" '"" r,,. .. OIY Hl9h todt1 1'f. c ... ,,.1 1,..,,,.,.,.rn ,.,.._, ,,... n ,,, n '"'"""' ,,..._ • ...,,., ••"'" ,,,.., •• 10 to. Wttlf' hm"••l'll•t u . Som, /ll oon . l'ld<!I , ... "~ "'0" \••••d •ow ,,.,., ,,,~ .. l'I .. , I• N \•(O•" n,~,, Stt0!'1 '<'" MONDll'I' • 0 " .... s 7 11~ • .., ~' I Cll1 ~"' ~ l l 1• pm I I 1 JO r"' ! l ... MOH ..... 101 .... ~'"i''~"'· ""'' 7 H />If\, Siil l 00 •m U.S. S11m'"ar11 l"'OICt l •'O'M l l Utll l'f'OdU(Oll Mut lls I NI V>Owt<I t• h .iOddta "°""'wtirl 1,. the-c...,trol G11•I or Mn !lo l ll!I••· A ,.11,.11;.,,, "''''" wt• 1., •Hect l•Ol'fl 0 11 .. 110", To•, ,. Pen•icft!1. '''·• H ••v tt01w w l!1n '"' lln-.., w11 t i...! .0 "'lilt .OVll\...,.U ~· "1t N 0 •111"'· 1-1 1.,•111 •111!11 wo•• •••1m1!-.t t f JO ... 1111 f ft "'11!• I• '""'"' w~•<• I • "~ ''° .,.1111 •o l•t ""''" 1..a •11t o• '" ''"''' , ll"flt "''> •1olr'Od '" "'l:'Y• "'"'"d •~· """"·~"""·~e•' ~' U •n t• "'""' •o ~ov• 10)<)~• ~· .ntr n•ll"•"n" "'"' I» •Iv t •d l •~•'• tn•¥ rtf \h "U"I" , ••• /f1•Ct ~'I 1110 !Qllf Y In 100<11!1~ wit" L1ur>f , •·•'"' n'C""'d du""g !•• "''M 1~ "l'••O• •nd AIOnf Jnt "'''"" '"" ,,,,.,n. 1'<!mpe rature 5 llle..,.vo•ouo "'"o:/OO•l tt ll•~ .. ····ld 1111m1rcl<. flol1~ •01ft" ~'°"'"'ylllt Chi~..., (ll'IClnn1ll Ot"ve• 0..0 MolM 1 Oolr"Cll l't!•~t"l 1 '""' Wo.t~ f're•ftO Htltn• "'"'"' (lly l•• "'""' l~I l "V•ltl M••MI Mlnne~"'OI" ,...,. O'lt 1n• Ntw YO'll t.lori~ Plol!t 01~••"<1 Okl•"om• c.•v °"''~. ,,,1.., 5.,..,,,.,, P1\0 0 00111 p"""'"'' p"''"'"G~ Pe•llt ..... P•o•~ c.1.,. • ..., llluU .. M S•t••"'"''~ ~'°" I ••·• C•'f .... ,,,...," ••• r r•n<1><~ ~•11'1• s~'•"• 1""'"'•1 \\fl~'"~'"" .. " " .. " .. .. '" " " " .. "' " .. '" " .. '" " ,, " .. .. " ,, " M '" " " • " " " .. ,, •• ... ,, " " " .. " " .. , . ·" '" " " '' " '" " ,. " " ·"' ,, .. ·" " .. " ,. , . .. " ,, " "' .. .. .. " " ., .. ,. " " ~ " .. " " ·" • ... ... ·" !E!!!l!m'lll!m __ , ~\\lff/~ .-mn~-mmmmmm ::iJl~.lR:-· Save at EL Rancho ••• ~iJJ!.lJ/lllJ~ where the price is right! r/4RJJl\~ it L f I. k ~ Jiffy Pop. IT 'S DELICIOUS! IT'S FUN ! PlAIH OR BUITERED t I I I t • t • I I t ...... 1111 r.!!acly tn pnfl in its O'~·n contan1,.r: ... and "hat·s more run ihan popping (.f!rn ... except eating it ~ Nestle's Cookie Mix ........... 39• Devil's food Cake . . . . . .. . . . . . . 69~ I I I I I I I I I I ft g II n n ff u JI m To!! I-l ouse or Sugar ... regular .1Jc pkg. ~a ra Lee ... deep. dark, del1 ~iou.!.'. Sa.,-e :!Oe: Chiquita Bananas _cE ~.TR~-l.~~ER '.~1 fl NEs'.. • . .. 2 LBS. 25e ~ l'J '1 ; Meat Loaf .................... ~VE N __ R_E~°.y .......................... 79ib H iJi f'recis1on ground meats .•. lK"rfccti,1' blcndccl ... delightfu lly sea.::~on cd' JusL 5hape and bake: I ! Scallopini Slices ................ l.~~-N·'-~E~-~~~-!-.............. S'J~ 1 IJ Thin siJces thaL pron11sc you tender t.a 5iy silii~fa cii on ... strvc scallopini and surprise them : t London Broil ................. 51 ~:. Cube Steak .................... $1~ I 1-lcarly beef fl avor .• , typically tender: Tender enoug-h for you Lo use lhe bk!llct: I E J. ~;;·~~so'.~;;~~~t.:.~o';;d~%~D:~:;~. I Pick Up Your Super· Shopper Recipes at Our Meat Counter! Meat makes .the meal • • . but isn't ii fun to offer more variety? ·rhis ""eek •.. foii r rttlpcs lhal :ire sure l0 pr('scnt i nvitAiion~ to new Get yours .•. f ree •.• al El Rancho l his \1oeek! ..• and eVefY. week! ARCADIA: Sunsot and Hunlington Dr. (ll Rancho Cente~ PASADENA : 320 West Colorado Blvd. SOUTH PASADENA: Fremont .and Huntinrton Dr. HUNTINGTON BUCH : Wainer and Alronquin (Boan!WJl!c Conte~ NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport B~d. Ind 2555 U.tbluff Dr. (Ustbluff Villqe Cenltf! t.a.sle a dventure.<s : I " F H w I " \' ,, II b (' ,. [ I• ' ' 0 t ,. ' I L ' ' " k ti ' ~ B h ,1 ' " " ' n • ' JOOEAN HASTINGS, M2 ·4321 • P o,o IF Viewers Take Stroll to Art .4. ta pestry of color \l'ill be sp read in the Beach ('\ub \\'hrn the •l unl· ington •!arbour :\rt Associa tion sponsors Hs third annual Stroll Through the Arts. The public \\'il l be invited to vie1v 'lhe dis play taking place bcl\\'CCll 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. Satur day and Sunday, Oct. :!5 and 26. On Friday, Oct. 24. at 7 p.m .. association 1nc 1nbers \Vill entertain exhibitors and guests during an invita lional previe\\' and cocktail party. The group is anticipating a bi gger and better show than last year, a ccording to ~!rs. Luis Benitez and Mrs. Lenny Lindborg, exhibit chairn1en. Due . to \VOrkshops in stitchery, \\'Ca\·in~. tap~s.try a nd needlep~inl, n1ore entries in these art forins arc expected 111 addll1011 to other media. The original \\'Orks \\"ill represent l\\'O categories. fine arts and artists· craftsmen. 1"he fin e cirts category \ri ll include a crylics. cha rcoal, collage, mixed media, oil pastels, pen and ink and \vatercolors. Artists-craftsmen \vi ii d isplay jc,velry, 1nobilcs, n1osa1cs. pottery, sculpture. stitchery and \Vcavi n:~ . .Jud ges for the sho\v \\"ill include f\1is~ Betty Lou Nichols. 1\-li ss .lean Brass and f\1iss Rose Clark, art resource teacher for lhe Ocean Vie\v School District. Also judging \l'ill be David Schna bel and Ron1eo ncyna of Laguna Dea ch . FOR STROLLERS ONLY -Art lovers are invited to take a stroll through art by the Jiuntington •!a rbour Art Association members who are prepa ring a t\\'crday display Oct. 25 and 26. Hclpin& a r· range the exhibit are (foreground, left to right) J\lrs. Lenny l~i nd· borg and 11rs. Everett Ricker and flop, Jefl to righ t 1 ·\!rs \V\11· iain .]'.1cCane and 1'.lrs. Luis Benitez. Registration for entries closes today ;incl there is a limit of 'three entries per person. 1'herc is a SJ fee per entry Jor association men1bers. and a ba se fee of $6 per person fo r non1nembcrs regardless of number or entries up to three. All enlries n1u st be delivered to the Beach Club. ready for 71an.r:in,!!. bct\\'een 11 a .m. and 7 p.m. \Vedncsday, OC'l. 22, and checks n111e t ;1r·co111 nnn.v the entries. :\dditional information mJy be obtained by {"Jllin;; fllr.s. Everett Ricker, 592-1545. ----==--===-~"--=--=--~--=-""-~ Surf Sound: City to Light Barbecue Coals AS !',\TL l:llA Y. ! let 25, rlr:i"·s c!osrr. 111:-iny fountain \·alley org;.in1zat1nns a r c roopcra1tng in the second 1 lallowcrn b3rbccur 11•hich is hcing sponsored by I h e Cha1nb rr Qf t:ommcrcl' and roordinatcd by the \\1ornen "s Di\"is1on. Beginning 11·11h a p:iraclc at 10 a.n1. in lhP high ~t:hool, a scrirs of acli\"1t1c:-prfln1 ise an rn1crt ;11ning <lay fnr young anrl old clim:ixcd \\'ilh the pil barbcrur nf hf'rf. b:iked beans, eol d sl.n1·, rn11 and butter ancl hr\"erill:(r. Prier~ "·ill be $1 .f>~ l~)r arlult.~. i5 rrnt~ lnr 1un1or~ :ind nn clr.i rgc fnr children under ~i-: One 11111<• girl an<l hny fron1 ~111drr~;1r1t•n 10 third grad~ 11·111 bl' !-1·lcctf'd fron1 each rlr m f'nlar y schnol to partlf'1p.1!!' in a Litt le 11.fiS$ B;irBq ;ind L11llc r-.1r. B<1rBq ronlcsl.. sponsored by Lhe fire department. Thry \1•il l be 1udgcd on the rnosl original cos1u1ne relating lo the day·s aclivitif's. ,lodging fnr the m o s t beautiful, nnginal, unusual, ~rookirsl , tunntt'Sl and lea1n costu111es acrnrding lo age ~mup~ 11111 lakf' plLICC bt't"·crn noo n ;ind 1 p rr1. in the high school bo11'I. Coun t.r's Sin~-ouls at 3 p.m. and the Collaborated Faith Band. dircclcd by Mrs. Ronnie DaHord, at 4 p.m. The Foun- lain Valley School Distri ct vocal group \\"ill entertain at 5 p.m. and Americana Brass at 6 p.1n. Booths arc being sponsored by ci vic, soci:i l and service organizations, and youth groups. Opening at 11 a.m. "'ill be amusing g am cs , displa ys , refreshments and a v<irlcty of it.ems for sale. F'ricnds of the Library again \l'ill offe r books for sale, and . ~l1os!s nr goblins willing to ;t_'' · 1nakc dnn:it in ns may leave .~-:,:: -:) · ~,.~ the1n at the library, the fire .~ ••. ~·,~ "' station across from !he high ••• ·;;;.i.;·· ~ school, or call .Ji rn Dick. ways , ~--1 <ind rncans chairm3n for fa sl · .-·".f,. 1• •• pickup. .-r.' 'a"':' l"';,. ~.:-;-. To be nlfeoed arc aln1os l :· {"\' · ~ ·<I.'~~·• fa. nev.', old, big, small. hardcove r ·:~· .. .' ·: -4.\.t. 11: ., ... and pape rback books covering '· such subjects as fiction, fact, technical and chi Id re n 's stories. Proceeds from lhe sale arc used lo increase libra ry sup. plies. so discards return funds to the library. --------=-· Assembly Has New Leadership Lndrr the ne\V leadershi p ol i\!1 5~ l\alhy Alll'man are n1c1nbers of Ordt'r of Rainbo1v for f;irl~. Huntington Bcacll A~semb!y. The daoghtcr of !\I r 1 , Virginia Alleman or Hun- tinglon Beach "·a~ insta l!cd during cerc1non1cs carrying 01Jt her therne of "I Believe.'' Sl'rving "·Hh her arc the r-.11 sscs Cli.:ryl nod g c r ~, "·orthy a ~soci ate a d v i so r : I";incy Nelson, ch a r i l y ; Catn illc. Hu lme, hope: Kelly llursl, faith : Nant'y Blakesley, rctorder; Sl1sa.n \Va I ker , t rt'a~urer, and Jean Wardell, ehapl:.11n. (Hhers arr U1r r.1 is.~ e s C'ht'n(' Barngl10, <tnll lcadrr; Bonnie Lundt'n, lo\'C, F:rin 1\'uellc11ber,c:, religion: Valerie Sf'gicr, n.11urc : ./can in e IkCou. imn1ortal1ty; Valerie Douglas. l1dc.lity ; 11-1 arc i Rodizers, servite : D ch b i e Sheeks, confiden!ia 1 observer; Karen Buchea. outer oh5erver. and Lynn Pilkerton, musician. Advisor is r.1rs. Ve r a Lunden and grand deputy is Mrs. Eugene Gregg Othf'r enrer1a1nmcnl \\·11J he rrovirled by !hr S1nJ:: Out Young Generation of Orange 11.lingling with the crnwds Al- 1ending will be clowns \\'ilh balloons f(l cotertain the cos- tumed children, and floal-. dccoratl'd by civic, social and service organizations. CHANGING OF THE GUARD -Stepping into the highest office of Huntington l3each Assembly 75, Order of Rainbow for Girls is Miss Kathy Allc1nan (centerJ, worthy adviso r. Serving with her arc Mi ss Cheryl Rodgers (left), worthy associate advisor and Miss Nancy Nelson, charity. The group ls hclpin.!:'. the Heart Association <ind another philanthropy is collec1ing food and clothing for a 11.texican orphanage. Mother-in-law Picks Up Many Home DEAR ANN LANDERS : 1\1y wire ·~ mother is a chronic shoplifter. It i!' a known faC'l in our fam ily that she stoic 1he slalur.tte on the coffee t.ible fron1 Srars and lhe lamp from ~tontgomery \\'an:I. Lasl year :c;he v.·alkcd out of Polk Brothers willi a vac uum cleaner. ;\ly wife and hrr sister do not i;:hoplift hut they sec nothing wrong in .1\.lan1a·s ~hnplif!ing . L;is1 year 1ny mother-i n-law ;iskt'Ci my \11ifr t111cl hrr sister "'hal they \1·anlcd for Christmas. Thf'y both wsintrd aulomatlc t'lerlric lot15\1'rs so 11.tama "'rnl out and s!ole a couple. I .iiot n1ad o\"er th is and 1,1·c had a bi.c; 11rgumen t. My "'ifc explained lhri t her 11)(>1her 1vas raisNI rl11ring the drpressioo v.·hcn nobody had any money. \Vhate\'er people wanted they Mole . She never gol out or ~ habit. 11.1y wife insists that since it wa s part of her early training it i.5 not im moral. Please comment. -LOS- lt'JG THE DEBATE OEr\R 1..0.: Your mother-ln·law 11 rHll immoral. She 11 amoral. TW1 mean1 she has no conscience, 1M1 conttm for right or wrong. If 1he Is caught, she will not he Invited to debate et.hies .,. talk about the dtpreulon. Sbe will bt booked like ' any ot~r thief. Your wife , by acceptln.: gifi.11 which 1be how1 are 5loltn, con- done1 her mother'• crtmlnal bthavlor. You must not allow It, DEA R ANN Lr\NDERS: For genera- tions our family ha!\'. collected Americana. 1 inherited from my great-grandmother an Amcrcan flag with the regulation ~lripr. design but the stars form the let- ters U.S.A. Since there are 48 stars in th is nag it must have been made t1fter 1912. It is o{ good quality cotton and n1achine sewn, EiO there must be others. We"\•c checked with !he Smithson ian Institution and various flaf: books but have been unable In learn the origin of this flag. Can you or you readers help us? -FLAGGED 00"'N IN KA NSAS t:ITY DEAR F.D.: The fa rt that the Oag I~ macblrte sewn is not evidence that tbere are othf'rs. It b possible that one of your ancestors whipped up that nag on her own sPwing machine for a 4th of July pie· nlc In Salina. If an y reader ha1 • helter \'er5lon, plea1e let me kno~. DEAR ANN LANDER.": ft1y .~on i.~ in his late 20s. When Boyd \\·as 19 he was to Decorating Ideas be married but his fia ncce v.•a! k.illed in an accident three fl3 ys before the wed- ding. He never g::il over it. Boyrt has cut himself off rrom all hi.-. old friends. He has a good job and makt>s a nice Ji ving but he's like a differen t person. Yesterday Boyd told me he is taking a larger apartment because he needs more room . An JS.yea r-old boy is moving in with him. I'm sure Boyd is sic k but nobody can ta lk to him . The high school lad ha s turn- ed against his parents and refuses to listen lo them. He has no idea what he's getting himse lf into, Ann. Can my son be arrested? J am \11orried sick. -ILL IN ILLINOIS DEAR ILL: You SAY the hoy hns n(\ kle1 what be's gelling: in to . I'm nol ~o ~ure. 111 Illinois, bomosexua1 urtlvlty IK'tween two consenting adults I" nn lonj.!er a crime, Since thC boy 11 II he 11 an adult. ftlovlng in, of his own (ree will, '' tant.amount lO "consent·· Give in or lose him . _ . when a guy give5 you th i& line, look out! For tips on how to handle the superscx salesman1 check Ann Landers. Read her bookl e'- "NC'rk ing and Petting -What Are th e J.!mits?" Send you r request to Ann Landers in care of this newspaper, enclosing 50 cent~ in coin and a long, i;tamped, self-addressed envelope. Ann Landeri;: wil be glad to help you "'ith your problems. Srnd thtm 10 her \11 care. of the \)AILY PILOT. enclosing a 1'elf-add rcsscd, stamped envelope. / ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... . · -· .. .. Monday, October 20, 19';.? High School Sweethearts Wed Horoscope • .. Las Vegas Rite Scene Aries: Display Sportsmanship ...... ' f'1'ancy ,Jayne Siein Bod Bruce David Chaprn;1n, Costa !-.te s a lligh ::ichoo l sweethea rts, last Saturd11y Little Church La~ Vegas. rnarrled evening in the of the \V est 111 Parents o[ the bnd;;I r;ouple are t-.t rs, Jacquelyn Stein of Co~la t.1csa and the late ~·lr. J{ichard L. Stein a1id tlie from Coita Mesa was bc::.t man. Fall b\osso1ns in c 1 u ding yellow, gold and bron ze chrysanthemums adorned the <:hutch altar. The reception followed in the new Las Vegas homl'! o( Uie newlyweds . Circulating the guest book was Miss Karen F'!ndlay of Las Vegas. Among the specia l guests was t.1rs. Gertr ud e Davidson, grandmother of the bnde fro1n Costa ttfesa. The fonner Miss Stein is an alun1na of Orange Coas l College's dental assisting pro- gram, Her husband attended OCC and presently is at· tending the University of Nevada al Las Vegas where he 1s majoring in phy:iical education. Hobert Ch11p1n<ins of Co:ita ~----------------------., 1\11'.S<l , For double r l n i; cereinony the bl'idc was given in 1narriage by her uncle, lien· jamin Stein of Lag una Hi lls. Homecoming Festivities SC Welcomes Alums LINDA JO HARDIN Fu,1.Jre Bric:lt Newport Beoch Rites Scene TUESDAY OCTOBER 21 By SYDNEY O~tARR L;ood lunar aspect today coir1- tides v.·ith fwl , creative ac~ tivity. roman l i c interest:s . :>:oth1ng happens halfway: it'J apt to be all the \\'ay "r ARI ES /~arch 21-April 19 ); nothing. Be ready to run lh1 1'.luch doubt, pressure and fear gamut. are ren1o ved. You r o u J II receive honor fron1 fr<ilrrn<il SAGITTAIUUS \i\ov. 1.2· J)ec_ 1 !) : Be ready lo dtal organization-may br l3ced \\•ith qu rstions concerrung real with h umor . Display estate. basic la1nlly issues. i;porLsmanship. CAPRICORN (Ott. 22.JllJ't, TAURUS (April :.lO·.\lay 201· l!IJ ~ Plenty or movement Some of your wishes are to<l<iy. You are kept bus y. fulfilled. But necessary 111· Conserve energy. Pacing i-' gredienl is . work, atlenti::i n to iinpo rtant. Su rprise visit could basic techniques. Brush up on upset rou!lne. Keep your cool. ... The new tl·lrs. Chap1na11 selettcd ;~ ];ice gown \\'ilh long, puf! sleeves and ~tandup l'oll;:ir. Her shoulder lengt ll t iered illusion vei li ng wi.!~ caught to a beaded headpiece and her nosegay v.·as coni· prised of ye llow daisies and \1·hitc carnations. She also ca1 .. ried a four-generation lace handkerchief. knowledge . Be awa!'e of minor AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. /J < :~r I r ~ J..· " • MRS . BRUCE DAVID CHAPMAN Costa Mt$a Brid• '/_ ; r.!rs. Richard l\1onville. the bride's sister from Co1.t a ?-.1csa , was n1atron of honor in an apricot empire <:repc go11'n. Robert (;lenn Chap· n1an, the benedict's b1·01he r Club Picks I It's the eve of homeco1nin~ fes~ivities at the University of Southern California . The Newport 1-larbor USC Alumni C 1 u h has arranged for busing to the w1iversity can1pus and the USC-Georgia Tech foo'tball gam e next Saturday. 'fransportation \Vill de- part from Irvine Coast Country Club at 9 a.m. Round-trip tickets are $2.50 per person. Campus tours, special programs a n d lunch \Vill take place on the can1pus be~.in­ ning at 9:30 a .m. for all SCions. A bus for the hig h .school age ::;tudcnts of alumni \vill leave at 8 a .m. Reservations are being: handled by Bob Basn1ajian at 646-0462 or Rudy Baron at 675- 5937. /\ fe\v football game tickets slill a r e available. Bus and gaine requests \l'ill be lilied 011 a first come first served basis. In November Linda .lo Hardin an <l J\!iehac\ Nicholas Delaney, Estancia lliih S c hool s1.1·eethearts, v.'ill be married Nov_ 22 in Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, Coron a dcl fllar . Parents of the future bridal 1·ouple arc t-.lrs . Rober t E. \V illi ts of J-luntington Beach and Jay T. Hardin of \\'ti ittier and ~Ir. and Mrs. Francis 1\!. Delaney of Newport .f;lcath, cl1angf's. Don 't get taug ht 1n 18)'. Add to possession~. loophole . HigbligtiL lnr1 1e potential. GE.'!llNI !i11ay 21.June 20 \: ~pend for quality. Ha\·e faillt "l'ou may be bu~Jer lhan u:.ual. 111 your ov.•n taste, judrment. Realize authorities arc. ;1pt to PISCES (Feb. 19·March 20 1: give you go-a he ad :;Jgna l. Cycle high : y;iu bask in Know this and be conlident. spollight of attention. Day tlh1ch depends upon yCiu r at· feature8 change, variety, op· titude-make it a positive one. portunity to travel. CAr\'CER (June 21-July 221:1,~----------. Begin budgeting for Jon g·i'ange j financial progra1n. r-.!aking surroundlngs n1 or e corn· fortable, inspiring should be high on <igenda. Consult lanii-1 ly member. NIMBLE FINGERS ARE OLD FASHIONED , l i Work Day.____ _______ . The engagement w•as an· noun ccd during a fa1nily din- nf'r party in Bob Burns restaurant. Both are gradualcs or Estancia where the bride-elect \\'as a songleader. 1-{er fiance 'Is serving in t1ie U.S. Anny Reserves. LEO 1July 23·AU!:-22 l' Be sure you arc lwk111g in right directi on. Tendency is lo ~l'r. on ly what you \\'<Jilt lo obserre. Key to Sllcccss today is to be reaJistic--especiaJly 1· about monev <ind law . VIRGO (Aug. 23-Scpt. 22 ): t6>t. Comt •~. ltl '" 1h~w rtiu Mw much •u~ k~l1!1~9 L • • i/ ~ ( • I \ I \ Su zy Perette . ; .• .. ' ' i , ' 61859 } Look, 110 si de .)earn;;' But four strategically ~ placed seams form into deep pleats that are very ; .slimming to the \\'earer. ! The stand·up co!lJr i~ L1 ;1 ~ i:tr1 d has a nice sofl ; roll to ii. 1·hc ruff:-. l:>ll1 l1t' 11 orn 11µ or do\rn 111 a • pC>rky 1na11 ncr. \\'r: haY(' ~11 1~1 Pcrctte to thank for 1 this supC'rhly des ig ned ll rc:-.s .. Beginning \\'ednr.sday. 0l'l. 22. ineinbers of the Rancho Ladies' Club, Rancho r-.tobilt Estates, 11·ill go to work . The day ha s been designated as work d<1y and the l-lun- tJ11gton Bcach._group wi)l beg in niaking Chr istmas decorat!o11.~ for the recreation room and table decorations under the direction of l\lrs. c.corge Kirchoff. The group meels t <1th \\'ednesday 1n the clubhouse ;:ind a luncheon is planned once tach month, During the last tneeti ng funds 11'ere raised by " ~ilent aucti on of wl 11te ('lcphants. and the group will be parlk·ipat1ng in a full tournament sponsored by the California Sh u I f le b n a r d Association. DAR Hosts Gathering I Col. '\Villi.am Cabell Chapler ,1 DAR of Ne11i•port Beach is, hosting a dessert meeting next 1 \\'ednesday at 12:30 p.1n. in l i he home of 1'-trs. Thoma~ A. Barnard. I Mr!. Henry \V. Crawford . itood citizen chairn1an i~ the hostess. Assisting will be ilfrs.I Edga r Cox, registrar ; tllrs . \\'altrr C. Fa.it, past regent now in charge of geneologlca\ rec:ords ; !'llrs. Leland J. Beland. and r-.1rs. R. C. Conn. WEIGHT CONTROL "' GLANDULAR THERAPY 8E N B. THOMPSON, MO c,11 ,,, ,,,,1111m1111 •••·0251 0,111 M1•llll•y i•rw 'rl d•y • To order 61859 , i,tatc ~11.e . intlude na1ne. ad· ~dre ss and zip code . Send ,..,2 pos tpn1 d for each pat· 1827 Wtttcliff Or. ! tern. Send order~ for bonks and patterns to N•wport B••ch I SPADEA, DepL CX ·15. Box ''-~!i llord. N.J 0884:::8:_. -"=========',I ; i • ' • l ' • ' • , ' ' ' • • :Z • .. ; ' • ' • ' .. , The colorful sounll! of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM From Fash ion Islan d. Newport Beach .. Get 'High' and Lose Your Excess Weight GOP Women Hear Senator Be an attentive li stener. Bel ~,illing lo wait. to time moves. I r-.tate, partner v.·anls praise. lt 1 1ron't hurl you to g11·e it.1 LIBRA (Sept. 23·0ct. 22 )·, 'r'ou c1:111 successfully outline long·range prograni. Sn111e loose ends come togtth('r. You move with greater conlidcnt'('. SCO RPIO IOct. 2'.1-:\'ov. 21 ) THE KNIT WIT SOUTH COAST PLAZA Low•c Ll'tl 09PO,llt w.,.1w1rtt1•1 Brllrol •t San 01.,0 Fwy. Co111 Mo11 Phon1 545-2112 FORT COLLINS, Co I o , tUPI J -A Colorado State University scientist has eo111r. across a nc\v 11·oy for 11•i>ighi \I atchers to trin1 off pounds -- up 10 !() percent oi their 11·eight in six \1'eeks. that 1vould be habitable 1\ttually, the ~cien\1 st i~ stu · dying 11•<1)'S to 3top the ,1•e1gbt ~lrs. David illaybrrry. pro·1 Joss-gram chairn1an !or Hunt in gton iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii His ~tudics shnw that a hii:;:h Harbour Repu llhcan \Vo111en's Lose 10 lbs. 10 Days Dr. Charles J. Eagan. a pro- fessor ;it ihe College <•f \'('\cnnary r.1edlc1ne :1 111! Bio1ned1cal Scienecs. :-;;1\s :il l the diC>ter has to do 1 ~ to ·n1"1 r lo an altitude above 15,000 feel. Over a si.'i·\\'eck period . In ON NEW GRAPEFRUIT DIET l·;donc. high protein diet tend~ Cl ub. Federated, h<1s promised , tn 111n1t ,1·eight loss_ The diet so111cthing of interest for 1 also has <1nother ~ide effect -el'eryone a ~ the luncheon! ·,,, h•lp<. "'"'' acclimate to the meeting next V.'ednesday. ,1 1 ,1 , '-"" ;1 ;, o o woor ~·•c'l v, +h • 4l•••q• o''""''1Jhl Fn••oft l11gh alti lUdl'. 'fhc GOP \l'OlnCl1 will ,c::itllcr .~ould 10•1 I>! pound<'" 10 dov<. Dr. J::ag;in's re~carch bcg.:in at HI a n1 . Hl the l!untingt::in 1i,,. """' d ,tt pl•n i,1, v~u ,1,,J( vo 1,.,,1/ ,,; 1h lo~o:I• lhtl \'.hen he w:i s tonduct1ng ·.'1.'o'h"o"'sl·(h'm"",",,' .• ryslca"1'e'b ,',",1,',',','.·! ...... •o·b.dd•n. s .. <h •.. b,q ,, ... ~. lt.m"'"j ~( l n+, ·~u +he r~ /,,.d '-th•c~•n, •«h q r n.,.:~,, movo nn •"~· lob;t.,1 >~11""''"9 '" bu!!rt, fitne ss , altitude 11c-Also on the agenda will be a ' b•con, '""'"9"' nnd •tro..-.bl.d egq1. You <.on' ••f uni.I vo u •r• c Ii nl at i 7. at ion and cold · l h. h full, uni.I uou r •on~t po.,,bly ••' •nv ,...,0,. tolerance ''"d ies for the Air wig as ion 5 ow. , -'Vomen in terested In al· A copv of t~<I """ •od •1~rt l1 nq ••i<<ru !ul d.ot 1>i•n ~·~ Eagan says, a man may lose a to 10 percent of his v•eight. Eagan, however. doesn't ad- vocate the method for dieters. It would be difficult to find many spots over 15.000 feet force 1n 1964. The y,•ork w.a~ lending may tf'lephone 1'.trs. b• obi .. :ned t.v 1e nJ.n 9 SJ.00 to G••p•f,~,t 0,,1, Bo• e1 11, Lt•· done at . the A r c l 1 c Jtoy l-fllo~g~h~e~s~•~l~S~46-~z.;=·~3!'.:·_-~~·~0~0'~·~'~•iii"~"~'~'~'~'°~'~· fl"'fl"'fl"'fl"'fl"'fl"'fl"'fl"'fl"'fl"'fl"'fl"'fl"'fl"'~ Aero medica l Laboratory 's __ high altitude facility on 14,000· foot Mount Wrangell in Alask a. ROtX SPECIAL! Lii !uttums' IJClll~S !roil ·your heir wilt\ ~oux "NICI Ch1n11" 15.00 reg 25.00 Af!c: LI1 i:~1..h1n g it -!akes our cxpcr!s j11s1 IO min11les lo color your s11eak- cd 1,ps wi lh nioon'glow·lones of sil · ver , be ige, champ,1gne. And without pe roxide. Se lecl one lo flaller yo u f1om l8 loner sh;des. Cal l for an ap· pointmcn l loday. Bcau ly Salon Man icures. Pedteure s. Fac ials. E lecltolys's NfW,OA T CENTEA • '1 FASH•ON ISLANO • 644·2100 MONO,._Y, lHU ~SOA Y, FRIDAY 10,00 TILL ,,)0 e OTHEA O"YS 1 o 00 Till !>;JO Beauty Sa 1 o ns Coming or going , you're COLORFUL L•'I us make Lhe. n1-01'\ of your hail': l!. t'oLtrure lovely on all sides, and rnlo r lovely in t\•cry !igh t. lNST 1\ NT l'olor : our magical }'anci·ful\ Rin~e thal needs no peroxide, no :oifi cr·rin;;c, th at Ahampoos oul whenever you \1 i~h : th11t cn1·cr~ [lrl!.)', t ones bleac:hed hair. ' with our INSTANT ,. ROUX • RIN~l 7Sc rC'frosht ~ dull hair. F:inci-full colors 1vl1i le f'lUS SHAMPOO AND SIT r ~·"· tht• Thvl'l.I '2.50 1vc set your hair, to give you a nc·.11 look o( heauty \\'ithout any e.xtra time! lif••!Mrf k«li, C•lif. JllJ ,,.~..,.,., 1 111•. M•r111t 110••1 l~t•• '"""' " .. ",. CMf• M-, C.i!I, Ill I . 111" lt"tt M•)'ftl• ( .. !or , ...... l•·U<i' Aft•• 5 '·"'· S2.7S Fricl•y. S•t••lf•r, S11Rd•Y , ••....• SJ.DI C11t• MM•. C•tlf. TIM Ho• .. , ll•f . 11·1"otl ,.,.,. '°"'~' Ul·"ll c,,,.. w-. c.nr. IH W, 1'111 llt ... ,11( ... tl• & 11111 '"""'' •'2·1ht Artftl•, C•lll. llJll , .. _ O•Mi•· C11ff, 11f1 ""· "'-" v1,,., c .. 1., F•••,,. ¥1ll1y, C•lil. ,, ... NI A11•, C•llf. ..... , ..... ~ ' 111~•·" f•.,.,..i• v,11..,, C1lll. IHI I I ..... II l lfCt .. vo111y C•••• Mmot l•N.tt t ... 11r , ... ~. w.a,,.,, ""-tn•ttllll II•• M•• ... '11 YU!••• ( ... ! ... '""'t tll·*I ,..1 ... t ..... . ,~ ...... ,."'' '~'"' IJl·IMI ] • voe. B llun\ \hl' llH J:ou lt•\' :-.iiorl r \l~ lill l l'erll'r \Vh al :;11·ct cl1 !111(' (1f Cc\ast ' 811! l'l the ; 1 'r. c c S1 ~I ty f rem ing 1 los Sn t1 N . ~ \!'lg ho~1 II l ht• ~ub l h" 1--10• " F:'ll• g.11 1 ;1ft 11in "" 1 } no po " l n "' II '" II ,, h ti p • • ] I Fountain Valley Today's Final N.Y. Stocks vo e. 62. NO. 15 I, 4 SECTION S, 36 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1969 TEN CENTS Beach's 'Front Door' Now Palm Tree Forest l lunt1ng1on Bc:u·h\ •·ironl door" fn:nn thr 111t1n1c1p;il ptl'r ~1iu thca,1 111 Bc~l'l1 l :oulC'\ a rd hu~ l.Jt.•rn I r:.111~1 or111cd Jn :i :-i 1or1 few 1nun1lts l11 ;1 \£'rlltibli· forrsl of palrn tn·'l'!> n~111g lron1 ;1 llv11'l1rt•d . g1•a.~~y ~·rrlt•r <l1v1dcr 111 J';i~·1l1l' L)>a~t l\1gh11.1_1· IVl1;;il w;1 s unl'(' il!\t' of !he uglie:-.t ,:trctcl1e~ c1f !hr 1:(1a.,1a! h1gh\\·:iy is nuv,r 1111e of th1' ~ht.o1v placc·s 1lf the Orange t:casl fron1 Seil I l3e;1ch Lo S;u1 t len1<'nl l'- B11t the best is yet 10 eornt'. ;1c('ord1ng l? the t1ty·.~ J)r 1·t·lop111enl l'oord1 n<1tor C•ll Y PILOT ~! .. ! P~olO COLLAPSES AFTER J AME Edison High'; Nay!on Edison Gri<ldcr Still Critical Following Injury, ~!1rl.; r\.\~ ln11 . a l7.-~1r;ir 11111 Jlln•ir Yctr.,1 - 1)' f00\bJI! pla.\(·r ;II [di«111 l li~h S{·ho11 [ rcm~unr<t jn lT!\1t<.il (u111lilion thls 1nor11- 1nj:! at 11 u n t 1 n g I n n h1l1'rcon1n1uni1y l lospi\;11 \\'illi iniuric!l sulh·rcd in a gan1e Sn1urday, /\ia) Ion, a h:illback, collnPf('ll lnllnwii1i:: s Saturcl.'.l}' afternoon ga1ne \\t\h Lo:ira 1t 1gh ;it Erli:-0n and \\:I~ rushed 1u the ho~p1L1t \\ ilh hC';nl in111n~·~ Ho:;pital J;pokcs111;i11 said .'J;i)lon w:is 1n !he lnlrns11l' C":irc un1I ;111d h:1d :,1lfll'rCd :1 .~11bdur:il hc1nnton1:i 11n1cr11:il blel'd1ng 111 ll1" br:uni. 11 1~ t'n11d111011 h;t~n'l l'h:1ngcd 1-1nr•' h1• 11a~ rir!rnil1cl! 1n 1hc ho'!lllal nil\ \'i1IL ~~d1s,,n !!1gh !or>!h.'\ll ('\)3l'h. , .. 1ul l\n1 Inn p\;1ytd thi"IH1gh lhc S:-tl11rd;1y t;Jttll' \\l\htJul cnn1pk11rung nl an~ 1n1t1r~ Tl1r \i1ulh colla11setl on lhi• field !<hor1\11 :.illf'r ihc g11mP \\'a~ r1\f'r and Vail -:.11d ht• ttinugh! N<iylnn v.n < 1n ;1 <.:onia hcfllrc being rushed tn thP ho~p11~1I. Teen-a rrer 1'rjo ~ 1-lcld for 'fhcf ts T11·cr.l) -(lnl' l't'.~11lcnt1al huri;lnncs 111 nnrlh11r~tcrn Hunt1n1;tn11 Beach were ap· pnrcntl y solvt.'1"1 Friday night \\'ilh 1hc ar- rest or a tr io ol lrenagcrs r<1og1nc 1n age from 14 !o J6. Police said tht three yoi.l ogsters ap- parently had been burglarizing homes 1n Hunllngton Bc;ich ;'Incl in Fountain Vallf'Y nvl'r !he past six months. They were spotted <ilxiut 7 JO pm .. l'ri· 1lav. in a service ~ta tinn ;1t Spr 1ng1lal~ ;1~t llcil Avenues. v.hcn a 1-.ohcc patrol car re{'ngnlzert the hcensr plal e nn Ilic nlder vouth's ca r as onr idcn lili cd nC'a r a hnn1e ·at 6.122 Flinl On\·e. burglarizl·tl J~riday morn ing. r All three .. -ere turned 01·f'r lD .luvl'nilc Hall in Orange, ehar&e:d "''tlh burgl<J ry A 1ape recorder, a .32 cali ber rust<ll illld :1 booklet of DisncylC1nd lickcls wrre amon!( Items recover~. Police sai1 I the youths primarily took mollt'y frorn ho1ncs.· 2 Tee ns So ught In Rifle Attru·k A p:ii r of l cenager.~ "'ho look a potshot vt 1w11 Costa Mesa boys w:1lk1ng along a firld nea r the Santa Ana H1 vcr Sunday - kicking up dirt al their feel -arc sough t tocl<iy for assault with a deadly weapon . .Brian L. Thomas. 13. of 2041 P.tandarin J)rivr. nnd St11U ~1 . Peters, 11, of 2037 ill"nOnrin DrivC'. wc.rr not inju red by the r ·1ssLlc. apparently from a .22 caliber rl· II•· Tt.c !)i)y~ to ld P:ilrolrn:in Phil Donohue 1t1{'\' trailed the rrfltrrutn ond his rom• p:1111011 fro1n th'e. :o;ilr Jin Estancia Drive bt·htnct Fa1rv1c1• Stair ·ll\lspltal !•1 a lrart 111 lluntington 8C"a.ch. Tnomas Se\'crns. '"l'hl' upcon1lng decade will begin v.·1th Lill"' y('ar of recreation and continue \\'ilh lht• reereat1onal theme until it closes on a ~·Jly kno"'n nationully for its recrrational '·l~portu nities for young and old. resident ;111d non-resident, visitor and honiebody," Severns predicted. \\lo rking lo create the lransformation ts :i tear n of city depa rtments -Harbors, Beach and Development. Urban Land J,1st1tute Citizens Steering Committee, ci· Abatement Policies P1·otested ·'I pr o!l'sl :'lgain!i! :in ord1nan('r rl'· 1111 11·1 ng abi.l\l'n1ent. of dangerous buildings will bl' hc;ird by !he l!untinglon Beach t:11y Counc il tonight. .Jusl'ph S Fl'rm, chairman of Ille t'>rn[)C'rl y Owners Pnitf'ctive Lca,::ur, < hJrgl's in a letter to the cou ncil that "this ina il order Ja;1.' n\ay lay "''aste large arl':l~ of our clly, affecting those that can afford the con1;equenccs the least, our SC'nior citizens." The law was adopted by the council .J u- l.I' 17. 1967 and recently 1.he ci ty began ;1britcmcnt proceedings ;:igainst 30 hJmr:o; in !he 7500 blnck nf \\'ashington Avcn11e in lhe old \\'intcrsburg section of the ell). Sl'veral rC"sidents o/ the area arrectr.1i prnll'S1rd vfgorously to the city Building lll'p:trl111f'nl's ed ic l that aboul 15 of the substan<i;,ird hmnes must be demol ished . Since the law ;1.·as enacted about 40 old huildings. residential, commercia l or 1n· !lustrial, have been tom down, according to Charlei Gerardin, city housing in· spec tor. "Hmneowner! who feel they art being treated unjustly may tell their story lo lhc hou sing Board a( Appeals," explains lllulding Dirctlor 0. C. '' J a (' k' • t '!rvetanrf . Anolhrr dchal ahlr iten1 hcfor(' the «ouncil tonight i~ a proposed new lciw 1\h1ch l1J;htens indu strial CQnstruct1on ordinances. ('011 neilman f.('org(' l\1cCrackcn. a hu1ld1ng contractor, vigorously protesll'd !he proposed law at 1hc Oct. 6 rounc1 I 1n~ting. ''It's Just another example of {'rreping bureaucracy," he charged. "I .ilway~ though t it was the intent of the ci· 11' lo a!lrart .u'ldustry. but we are gcllinz n1nrc and more restrictive." 1-1 itchhiking Stop Ca uses Acculenl A gorid Samaritan ac\ on the par! of a ·' "ung Seal Beach ;1.·nman stopping t<l pick 110 anoll1rr girl hitch-hilli ng through ,\!•\\port 6C"ach S11nrtay left a n1ntc1rcyr:li~I ~eriously 1niurr1l Thnm:i~ N. Tracv, 20. of 13!0 \\' Dalbo;'! !1oulll'\'ard Yoas "1tsted in go;xl f'On· fl1t10111oday ar llo;ig l'lfemorial Mosp1tal \",J1h a fraclurl'd C'Oll:.irbone . ribs and cu\q ;ind :ibras1ons on hls hands, arrns and legs. l'nlice ~aid Tracy \\'as riding "'estbound nn PJcific Coast High,vay at Grant Street in righ!·hand lanes. when a car dri\'en by !Jor,na L. Cogs"''ell, 19, or Seal Beach ehanged larks to stop for the hitch-hiker. fl collision followed involving the c1:1r ;incl Tracy's _motorcycle, aecord ing lo in- \·rstJg.Jtnrs, wh ilr 1hl' girl thumhing a ride presuma bly got a lift with someone r ise . DEAD AT I' E dward _4.. ;teinh•us I•: administration , and the Planning Urpar1men! Voters of the city lasi year approved a Sli 1ni1!1on bond issue for t·onstruttion of a 11e\11·ork of parks. A 11ell kno"''n architectur<il finn ha~ been einploycd to design the Cenlr:il Park at (~olden \\lest Street and Talbert Av£'nur wh ich ~·ill 1nclUdf! two lakes and a "'ildhfe refuge. Planned on lhe 147 acrl'S of the $2.13 million park in the heart or the city is a ccmple:c: offer ing re r re at I o n "'I op· por1unit1es for e\'eryone from lhe camper t::> !he bird walChC'r. Ccnslruction is to be completed early in lhi· decade r>f rccreallon. Within the next 13 nionths some $600,000 will be spent on Jlllrchasing new park sites; some $430.000 11 ill go to d~vclopment of nine parks •1lready o\\•ned by the eity; nearly $300,000 11·ill be used to develop seven $<:hool land parks and $518,000 will go on 11eve11 new neighborhood parks and lY10 11e"' community parks. Not all of ttlis program will be financed by bond 1noney or local property lax: re \'enues. The city has assurance of $704.- 112 In federal open space fund.'i to aid 111 buying the land for Central Park. 1'.nother S93,Z47 "''ill come from the federal Depart1nenl of Housing and Urban Development for another corn· mun ity park and another $300,000 for s(l me dev elopment coasts or the Central Park. \Vhile !he park progra1n 1nove.~ ahead. plans are bei ng pushed for completion o( lhe rccreatonal environment on the ocean rronL A nc1v parking authority project 1o1·1ll clear so1ne of the blight of the past /"-..... <ir:d n1ake way for new development. f - A coordinated developincnt of the beaches, including the state 0;1.·ncd Bols;i Chic;. and Huntington. the ci1}1 beach and privately owned strands is being eyed hy city leaders to insure maximum use o( trt eight-mile-Jong recreation asset. Valley Mom l(illed Housewife's Car Runs Into School Bus A 37-year-old housewife was kil led this mornine in Fountain Valley when her car fa iled to make a curve on Euclid Slreel near Car:ielia A venue and plowed head on into a school bus carrying 21 youngsters. l\irs Francts Catherine Smith of 9061 S\\·allow Ave nue, Fountain Valley, .. was pronounced dead on arrival at Huntington lntercommunity Hospital. A California I lighway Patrol spokesman sttld I here were no other serious injuries. 1'he damaged school bus wa s carryin g 1969 County Traffic Jl6& Ii-I Deatb Toll 166 youngsters of the Garden Grove Unified School District to classes at Excelsior, \Voocl bury and Lincoln EI em en ta r y OAll .. T J'll.OT l wtf l"llOlt DIES IN OREGON Wil lis :. Nar-:ttr New Sugar Substitutes To Replace Cyclamates Willis Warner, Former Beach Planner, Dies \\'illh; C. \\'arner, ronner planning ct1re-:tnr fnr the City 0£ HuoU ngton Beach, died Friday in l\1ilv.·aukee, Ore . ~Ir Warner, 4S, wa s plan ning dire etor for the City of ~1il"'·au kee at the time of 111~-den!h _ A nntive of Orange County, he 1vas a residtnl of Hunt ington Beach most of hi! Jifr. moving to Orego n 11 year ago. He was a graduate of Huntington Beach Higtt School ancl Fullerton .Junior College. He Vt'as lhe son of Lhe late Willis H. \\'arner, longt imr Orange County Supervisor. l\1r. Warner was planning director for Ingle wood before t.;iking the ll untington ncach posl in 1961. It!' served the <:ity rnr t11'0 }'ears, rc.~lgn ing lo JOit! an enginecr- 1111~ fi rm in San!a An:i . Hr l.1ter Ft>r1·ed a; assistan t pl1:1nner for th(' C11y of N~wport Beaeh. Sur1'1vors includl'S hi s ;1.·ife, Bonn ie. and <lnughter Laura, (If lhe fa1nily home in ~1 1lwoukte ; .a nn:hrr dauglltrr, Lydia ~1 ohr of Silverton. Ore.: a son, \\'illis nf llunt1 ngton Beach, and a sister, Ahce C. Lnvr. also of Huntin gton Beach. Serv1cPs 11·111 be hell! Tuesday at lh ll~i(tr Ch :1pel. 1n ()rei;:nn City , Ore. llurial will follow :it Scott 's i\lills. Ore. C >rr·a n View Trustees Face Houtine J\'leet Truster.s of the Ocean View Sctlool District race a routine, agenda al Lheir 7. 30 o'clock meeting tonight. An informational report on the statu.!I ol the districl"s general fund and student bolty fll nds will be presented a~ well as inspectors' reports on school con- .stru ction. By United Preti lntenaational AmerieJ n manufacturers are busy 11nvenmr~pl1n! far new ttaehm'ln bue and olhcr •!Alar 11.1bltituta; -w nplaca cyclama\e! in roods and t>neraga Some other naUons announced plan1 to ban•lhe use of cyclamate in low calorie items. Secretary of Htalttt, Education and Welf<lre <HEW) Robert Finch announced !he ban on cyelamates in Washington ,<:;aturdav. Since then Denmark and Swl'· den haVe placed similar bans on the sugar substitules. The restrictions in the Scandinavian count ries cited the HEW action and came about through joint meetings of health authorities and manufacturers. The Fin· nish Food Commission in Helsinski called a meeting to discuss similar action t:xtay, ;:incf Great Britain ha! asked for more }IE\V data on cyclamatrs. fi nch's Saturday statement noted cyc lamates 1nay Sf'rYe as a ca talyst for rancer gro"·th in trst animals. !le slrl'SS· rd no immediale d;inger ex isted bu t ordered all food and drink containing the chemical off store sheh·es bv Jan. I. 1970. The Dan ish rnanufarturerS have a,::reeil lo e.xclude cyclan1ales from their food.'i ;ind chie( mf'd ical offictr r-.lrs. Esther . Ammunrtsen said she h:.is started an in· \Cstiga t1on to determine the 1'alldity of ttu~ HF.W analysis. In Nr11• Yor~. one manu!act11rrr of it rllel beverage said h1.r; Firm 's new dil"t drinks would be l11beled · "s11gar adr!rd - no cyclamates.'' Donald Kt•nda!l. \'resi· 1ll'nt of Pepsico. Inc . s11d 1n view Qf '"unsettling news rrporls., hi.~ company Fl"'ll 1L roulrt nol "in good consc1enee n!frr it.~ cul':\omers any product~ al>out "hich even !he remrile:~t doubt ei:1sts." \Vhilc Coca.Cola Co .. Se\•en-Up, Royal Crown and other manufacturer! hal'e ()nassises Ce lebra te NEW YORK (UPI I -Aristotle and Jacqueline Onassis today observed their first wedding anniversary quietly at their !llanhattan apartment. UC Irvine Professor, Dr. Steinhaus, Succumbs ... Dr. Edward A. Stel nilaus , a UC Irvine saiC: "The death of Or. Steinhaus Ill a prof(•ssor who \\'Bs a world authority in tragic and irreplaceable loss to this i~- 11,5cct iliscasc. died Jn his slttp thl s stitution. to the community and to hl!! mo;-ninr, at his Newport Beach home. disci pline . In add.Ili on to being a first rate Ii i.~ \l'ife. r.,abry . found the 54-year-old scientist and teacher, he was also a kind :1n~ l:it!nsltive man." profes!>or dead when sht' awoke. Or Steinhaus left a chairmanship at "Ed Steinhous v.·a! a very commiued UC Berkelry t1:> become the first member human being," said his pastor, the Rev . appoinlcd to the UCl faculty in 1963. He l'hillip Mu rray. of Corona del Mar Com· served five years a! dean of blologlc11 l munity Congregational Church. "J'd say sciences at Irvine, then ~ped·dawn to hi~ human quality was jult remarkable. devote more !1me lo ce&earch. He Wlt!I semltive, sympathetic and kind. Jn , his' Jield !.hef. WU \I" international J!e "lfU a strong famil y •man and a authority and WU ~Jtfld WitlJ~checldng dt•VOIJt' Christian in' the fU1J te.nst Of the famine by his pioneer work on insecl Word·-he lived it." pathogens (v;ru!leS/• Hill research made Dr .. steinhaU.'li' ~ife said he had a blood It possible to kill of hordes ol locustll and pressure problem bot lhat had not ather insecls that devour fnod irupplits. prevented him fram continuing with his The pathogens ·•re considered a safe \l.ttrL .· The coconer has schedu led an sind cffeclive alttmative to haurdou! aulopiy. chemical ~.qlicidn MICh a:i; 017f. . Dr. Steinhaus WAS born in 191 4 inf.tax, UC! Chancellor O'anicl ~· Aklrk h Jr. ISec STEL'iHAUS, Pqt 2) plannfXI new non-eyclamate formul as or sacctlarin·based diel formulas, lhe Pepsi O>I:• drtlnll: will UM a smtJl ....... If rtal qar. ..j(emfa!1 said ''the amomrt ri 3t11Br win be so insignificant that people who wat.ctl their wtlght will be drinking and ecjoylng .a true diet cola." All of lhe. manufac-turers stressed their new rormu!as 1Yil l have no "biller af· rertaste" sometimes associattd wi!h sac· cha rin. Originally cyclamate. and lhe fan1 ily of cyclamales which followed , "'~s ;:idded to saccharin lo take away the bit· tcr tas(e. In Chicago. Alberto-Culver Co .• manufacturers of "'Sugar Twin.'' a sugar substitute, said a new substitute would be on the market before the Jan. 1 deadline. The company said the new formula would include sacctlarine along with olhcr substances. Ne'v Procedure To Speed Up Valley Council A fn ste:r meeting is C"xpccted Tuesday night \\'he:n Fountaln Valley c-ity co1111- cil!Tlf'fl start lhelr st"ssion 11! 8 o'clock 11ndf'r a !ihor!f'r procedure suggcstrd by ne\'' Ci ry AUorne} Thomas 'Vondrufl. \\'Oflrf ruff suggestrcf that the city com- tnn!' all rnulLne rn;i tters 1 not public hear- ings) on the '"consent calendar'' into nnc mn11on in slead of indi vidual motions as prel'1ously done. That means that Tue~ay, 13 items wit\ he handled as one. Woodruff said I.hi~ procedure is used by Newport Beach where he has been assistant city attorney. A special notice has been placed in the printed agenda warning the public that if anyone desires to speak on a routine mat· lcr he mu sl announce it at the opening of the nieeling "''hen the mayor asks. Two public hearings, one: concerninR lhe weed abatemer.t program and the other a zone change for apartments on the nort.hwesl corner of F.<linger Avenue :ind Euclid Street, are scheduled for 1'ucsday's session. Under the routine maUers to be adopted in one motion is the approval of plans to install signal lights at the in· tcrsection or Newhope Street and Edinger Avenue and also al Harbor Boulevard and Lilae Street. Plane Crash Vielin1 s Ca rried Fro1n P eak BANN ING !UPI) -The bodie.1 of five persons who died in the crash ol their tMn-engint plane near htre, were broughl to a mortuary S~nday. The Riverside County SherUf'1 offlct said the plane hit a mountaln near K,itchlng Peak al lhe 5,40().(oot level late Friday af· ternoon. Killed in the crash were Frank ~herman. 40, a real es tate man from Palm Springs. his wife . Belva Lee. 37; Robert Edwards, 40. ~tiraleste. Cali( .. {l.l1d his two daughters, Lisa. 15, 11nd Mona, 13. , ' schools, all n1 l'rarden Grove. :\ district officia l said the children, a few suffering minor bruises v.·ere all rl'leased to their parents and taken home. tfigh...,·ay patrol investigators said ll-tr.~. Sn1i lh 's car was head ing north on Eucl id and the bus south, when she apparently [ailed lo follow the curve 10 lhe st reet. The accident occurred about 8.11 a.m. 'r alley Delays Policv 1'1eet .; 011 Apart111ents Fountain Valley re sidents \\'ill ha ve In wait •~·hile to express their desires nn future aparhntnl Cl'.IMlruetion In the eity . City planners meeting in a !';l)ttial 5ludy session last \Vednesday, failed In ~ct. a public hearing on apartmen!~ bt·cau~e of a "laek of clea r information fl"l a1:;;rtmenl construclion ." The planning coinmission a g re rd ur.ar>imously to ask the planning depart· rnen t for detailed inform atio n dividing ;opar!1n t•o!s into \'ilriou~ cl nsslfication" :1cd figures sho"·ing the e:c:act nu1nber nr :1 p<1rt mf'nt s to be built under any one pro- pc>:o;al for the cit y. Planning Director S!an J\1ansfif'!d presented a proposal Wednesday in· diet.ting a maxin1um nf 8.465 apartment units on 469 acres cQv rring eight percent nf the city. It also 1voul d have meant rnug hly 20 percent of lhr city's residents ~oulcl be aparln1rnl dwcllrrs. \Vt.en Commissioner Carroll f..loh r cllcl.1 red that. .. ei1y residents w.Jnt thme ;,1;ar1menl figurl's cut down more than 11'.a!," it ;1.·as rC\'C'a lcd 1ha1 the maximum r1g1ire~ presented "'OUld almos t certainly not bf' reaC'hed. J\lnnsrield explained th at I an d clrsignaletl for special U.'le or commercial· profcs.~1ona ! use v.•as included 1n thEi st.:ilisti c:i. because 1t could be used for aportrnrnts. Cha1rn1an .l;i111cs Dirk ;:ind l\lohr bQth .1sked for re vised fi gures elirninating \hi"' · drnibtful·' .1rea.~ <1nd ~1v1nE: a set o! fnct s lhat cuuld be p1nnc<l do"'·n. Sai1i U1 ck, "'If WI! presented lhi,, lri- fnrm:itinn to tliC' public we 'd be here ·1 i1 r 2 a.in . ;ind still end v.•11h v.·ild confusion ·• N1• date w a~ set. but commissioner:. ;i~ked for another study stssion beforP nu1king a move. to change the. futur~ of ;ipartmcnts in .Fountain Valley. Stock Mnrkf'ls NEW YORK ~AP I -The stock market tnoved upward in fai rly active lrading late this afternoon . I See quotation s, Pages 22·23 ). Orange Coast Weather Thal wa rm spell out or the north· t:ast is the beginning of a Santa Ana wind condition that will heat up the Orange Coast Tuesday, boosting tem peratures up to 80 de- grees under su nny skies. INSIDE TODA\' •ritere's n 1var goh1n oH tn 14oos and whether scnntor~ like i t or not Amtricari me11 nnd mo1tey arc ltivolved. See Page 21. ... u,., ,, (,ij .. "'I• ' C•1tJll... lf.'5 <•..,IC• 7t CfTl1 .. N '' °''"' Hell<fO It l'tlr.rilt "'" • 5olt'1•111..,t~I " 1'!11•~1• n .n "-'•H-II """ l....... 11 M•H .. • • > "'""'"' ,, ...... 11.1 " M.ilf<r.•I M,_. •, t °'"""'" '"""'' ,. s,r.1• ''"" n l Nrfl )j,.ff si.c• M•rttth l2·2l Ttlevl1+... M f1't-''" H W~•lhtt t Wt•lol M-• t. • w-·• •u'" u.n • I , ~':-----. -------------------------------------·-·-··-·· .......... . I' DAI~ Y PILO f " Newport Beache·s Clay Sand Haul Stops After Adobe Discovered Giant earth haulers rurnbl ed to a halt ln \Ve!l NE"wport today afll'r city oflic1als complained they don't \\'!I nt au ad obe bf:ach. Over the \.\"eek{'nd. th~v found th111.''.'I '"•hat they \\'ere getting ·rroni the $1.2 r,i11lion proirct. "Thr con tractors seem lo be hauling t'\eryt hing but .sand fro rn lhr n ver." !aid !\'.e"'port Beach City Councilman Donald ''· r.tclnnis. ··This is a real lra gedy. 'frey're co~·rring up our beauliful santl \\ 1tt> n1ud, cl;iy and 1 cgctation."' Irate \\'est l\'ewµorl ho1neo1\ners, a!tC"r SE"emc \\'hal the {'arth haulers had \vroughl, called enough public agencies 8;iturday and Sunday to bring about the temporary h11.ft in th e U.S. Army Corps of Engineers project. \Vhen it starts up again, and in "'hat 111anner, will depend on the outcomt or a ('mergen cy meeti ng this a f t e r no o n bet\.\·een city, county and federal officials. r-.fclnnis said ii was the city 's origina l 11nderstanding that \Vest New port would b .. receiving about a mill ion tons of sand from the Santa Ana Rivf'r . The sand v.'a!'t to bf.. sprefld over the periodically eroded ~ach bet.,.,cen the river ietty and 40th 51 reet. The hauling and the spreading began Tt.ursda y. But It "·asn't sand th at was spread. It was adobe. "It 's drying hard as a roc k," said t-.lclnni s. "For about a dozen blocks 11it beach now looks like a roadv.·ay. Tn fa ct, on Sunday our police chas,d a cou ple of ho1 roclders off the bea ch." h1argo Sklll!ng, president or the \\1esl Newport lmrovemenl Assn., said it's a "~1retty impressive" sight. "It goes clear from my house (6610 \'I, Ocea nfront I lo the water s edge -511(} lee • of adobe, piletl abou t s1:<.; !cct deep " tlfrs. Skilling said on Saturdily she as~­ ed a worker for Chad.,.,·ick & Buchanan, Lor.g Beach contractors for the masshe rl\'er cleaning job, v"hat v.·as going on. "He sttmed just as sick about it as I was," she said. ''And he told me th ey had 800,000 more tons of the stuff to cart out Of the ri ver and dump on our beach." Several members of the ci!y council, <i long with Public \Vorks Director Joseph 1·. Devlin and City Attorn ey Tully Seymour, visited the adobe beach over lhc \reekend. llevlin ex plalnrd \l'haL n1 ay hH\'C gone v.•roni;. \I/hen city of licials fl ew o\·er 1 h1~ river ~·eeks ago, before the Corps ol £ugi11eers awarded the contract, l11cy .Turbojet Pollution Said Peril to Health, Property By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI 01 "'' D1U1 P'1191 Sll ll Air poUution cau!ed by turbojet aircraft may become one of the ma1or factors affectin g public health and caus· ing proptrty damage if not controlled , an engineering expert warned today. R. F. ~au')'er, a.~socia\e professnr of mechanical engineering al UC Berkeley. tod ay told scientists and researchers at l he annual meeting of the American lnsli lute of Aeronautics and Astron autics in Anaheim th.ll pollu tants -carbon n1onoxide, hydrocarbons, nitric oxide and :omoke -are currently a minor problem but may become a ma1or hazard in years ahead. "Only In the immediate vicinity (lf 11irports do a1rcrafl become major con- tribulOrs to the air pollution problem," he ~aid. . "A!l housih the present conlribUIJ(ln of t11rbo je t r ngines lo air pollution ?" .a ro1nmunity·\\ide or n11.Uon wide basis is :-mall, it would bf> \l'rong to ronclude that turbojet air pollution should not be of l·oncer n. "The comb1na11on of increased rlip;ht clen sity and control of other ,sou;~es or air pollution \.\'\\l increase the s1gn1f1cancl!: of turbojtt contribution to air po\!ution ," he continued. Adverse clfects on public health and in· North Vietnam Vo,v s Long Figl1t ~\OSCO\V (AP) -N{lrlh Viet nam \'Ow- ' d again tnc!l1y that the prop le o[ North ;inrl South V1,\nam will fight on until all l".~ lroops are remo\'ed from Vietnam North Vi,tna mesf' Premier Pham Van Dong and Premier A\e:<ei Kosygin signed ;i Joint communique arter a '4'eek of talks. It said: "Carryi ng into lifr !he behe~t!'i of Ho rhi r-.finh, the people of South Vietnam. rngether -,.,.ith the ir compatriots 1n !ht NortJ1 of the cQunt ry. f{'ly1ng Qn the sup· port of all proi;:rrssivr. forces nf the ,1·orld, are det ermined to carrv ron1'Rrd their arrnerl pol itical :ind ft iplo1na1ic :-lruggle un11 l the nnt ional aspirations of the V1etname~e people art' fully sati~fierl ;ind until Vietnamc~e soil is cleared of the American ai;:gressors <ind their henchmen ." DAILY PILOT ll obo·I N Wottl P•U •ff"I ·~ '~D"o•U Jo<~ IL C~d•y \'•(t P1!!•C<"I •"" C.t~U •I IAl .... tfl l~Of'"O I lfl t Yi\ L<11to• l'~c ... •• /I.. M~•pl.>•t N •~•tlrt £<11+or >l~ut W. 10+01 .... -1 ... l!:dl ... Hu11tl"tt•• s..,11 Offlc• 309 !Ith !ilrt ol l..ltiH~t Ad4r1u: P.O. l o• 790, •1 ~•1 Otlttr Offlc" "''''"'1 l••rn ;)IJ \',••' I•'~"• lot 'htr4 l Ol 'o /,Vlo l )) I'"' l!t •¥ '''"I L''""' &rot/I, <ii ~ .. 1.1 l'·"">t i:re~ed property damage do no! alont serve lo identify engine emissions as 3J r pollutants, .according lo the scientist. Consideralionns of the degradation of the env ironment are .also important. "Even ii particle fallout were absent. the smoke trail left by an aircraft would be .a valid concern. Jet cnglne e:chau st odor in the \·icini!y of airpor ts is an ri ir prill 11tior problcn1. 1ndl'pc ndC'nt of ;iny hl'allh hazard ," Si1w y1;r said. \\'hal {'an be done to reduce sn1og ir· ruants produced by the:;e aircraft? Better. 1nofe cflicil'nl design or JCL engines \\'as 1he answer gi\·en by the Berkeley engineer. For ex ample, carbon monoxides can be isigniJicantly reduced by reducing the in- lroduction of air in the seC'ondary zone of the gas turbine co mbustion chamber, \Yhere an air boost is prov ided lo com- plete tht burning process. Hydrocarbons. as ""ell 11s carbon monoxide, are formetl during idle opera- tion of the t ngine and are conlrollabll· through tailoring of the cooling r;i \e in the com~tion proc ess, T11·0 approaches are possible in !he control of nitnc oxides in 111rboJel ex- haust. One would be to prel'ent their formation by limiting the maxim u1n local tempera ture ~-ithin the co1nbustion chamber. The second is to attem pt 10 tailor combustion so that nitric ox ide is r educed through Chemical reaction. Exhaust smoke. unli ke the oth'r pollutants gi ven off during jet engine combustion, has long been a conctm of t urbojet eng ineer!, accord ing to Sawyer. "As a general concept, the formation of carbon is associated with fuel·rich mix· tu res.'' he rxplainecl. !)('composit ion ihrough heat or Ilic fuel occurs bc!ore it l'a11 ox1duc. t·ontrol of carbon en1ili!>1ons and ri.~3ociatrrl ~okt can he ac.·0111phshrd 1hro·Jgh leaner 1ni:-.:lurcs and by pre· \ apor lz1ng fuel through 1niectors. ''[){'sign solutions appt'ar ll'lSsibll' 11·h1ch shoul d insu rr that the turbn1<'l rn- ~1ne does not becom e a maior co ntributor to air pollution," Sll.W}'er concluded, Fountain Valley Boys Club Open 111e Bo~·( C'luh of Foun tl'lin Valley i~ 110\1· off icially open and doing business ar !1840 Ta lbert A1 r_ Mort' than 3~ boys are alrradv pul!in~ the club's tY.·o new po::il table~: JO t;ible game~ and arts and crafts milteria1 to use. 'Two leagues, one for fnotball and one for volleyball are al.~ under \1·ay , says club director Larry Cartrr r-.tembership fee in the Boys Clu b i3 $1 pf'r year. \\'ork is already und'r "·a~· under the rl:rection of the Fountain \'alley .Jaycee'" In f'Xpand the outdoor facilities. Tht'. Jnycf'es have volunteered 10 de,·r lon tt;ret acres of land surrounding 1he club iril <' separate football, basebnll and track fields. Jaycees are. rurrently looking for " tractor and a skil!erl operator lo help level the land and install sprinklers. ~Heidi' saw good, usable sand -or silt -on the river bottom. But they didn't su what \\a5 s i ~· inche s below that sand. "They didn"t see the muck, and that's \1'ha t "·c're getting 110\I'," said l\frs. Ski!l- inb . ·•\Ve've now got the haufln~ sto pped," stud Councilman J.telnnis. "\11e're not pulli ng any more on lhe beach.·• t.te lnn is added: "Gee, you can look out on that clay and ~ay to yoursel f, ·1 wonder 1f I should plant corn or J>OltJ!OeS' " !\!rs. Skilling ,1grct'd '·You coul(! e\en ro la!e tl11· crops,'' she sa1d Tcday 's tneeting of public offirials. l\l clnnls indicated. 1n<iy i n c I u d e discussions on \\'h<it to do \\'ith the cla.v already deposited. "If notJ-ung is done,'' he said, "'the city is pre pared lo lak e some action to prevent the ultimat11 destntction of the beach." And thf' llll \.\'anted gift of muc k from the ri\'er is only one of the problems in- \Olved 1n the •·sand" haul. y,•hich may l::1~t through mid·December. "'The city l1ad been told the hau ling road \Ynuld be ri~h! 11r <1ga1nsL Il ic ~ur fHne." Mclnn1!'i explained. '"But they've put 1t ri~h( up :tl!a!n~l the ho1ne;,. \Ve'\! t;;ilk about that, toc. ..• From Page 1 STEINHAUS. • • Korlh Dakota . l l!s fat her O\Yned 11 Jl<'neral store. The young man obtained a C.S. deg ree in b::icteriology from North Dakota State 1n 1936 and only three year-. l;.ler a PhD in microhiology <ind C'll· u.mo!ogy fr om Ohio State. In l963, Dr, Steinhaus agreed to lea\'t Bt:rkeley, where he was chairman of the division of invertebrate pathology, to organize Irvine's School of Biological Sc iences the way he had long held such a :i~hool should be organize d. lie organized the school around pri> b\em areas, w i t h unusually·named departmen ts of organismic binlogy, 1l'0lecular ;ind cell biology , population and cnviron1nent a[ bioloi:;y. a n d p~ychobiology. Harvard and Stanford ha1·r since copied the approach, le 19G!I, Dr. Steinhaus \Vas elected to lhc Nolion al Acadcn1y or Sciences. J!p "'"'s one of only two UCI professors so honored. Dr. Steinhaus' agreement in coming to LC! y,·as lhat after several years he could return to resea rch. In .July, 1968 he step· pcd down as dean. lie then organized an d received funding for the Center for Pathobiology which stu dies the causes of dise<ises in insects. In one project causes of tumors in ('Ockro;;iches are being st1;1died .as a possi- h!c line of attack on carfcer. Dr , Stlinhaus \\'as a firm believer lhat cause-. uf dist ase ca n be besl investigated 1n 1iin1pl e insects. Ch:::ncello r Aldrich said lhe Center for Pnthobiology will be a contin uing monu· 1nlnl to Dr. Steinhaus' work. Dr. Steinhaus is sun •ived by. bcside!'i his \l'ife. a son. Tim, 20, and daugh ter, Cindy, 14, both of th e fam ily home at 24 15 Blackthorn St., in Eastbl uff ; a married clr.ugh ter, fl.frs. SleYen Goetz, with her hu.~band al <1n Anny base In Holland , and broth ers, John of San Gabriel , Ra!ph or Castrn Valley And Jim of Livennore. Funeral strvices are pe nding at Ba ltz l'orcna de! illar r.·lortuary. U.S.., f'ilipinos Jlf a.rk R eturn of Ge n. JlfacA rtl1ur RED BEACfl Ltytr, Philippines 11' Pi -t:.s. and Filipino troops io1 ned rorres .1g;i in torl ay f1Jr a small-scale re -rnac1- 1nf'11l of Gen . Doug las tlt .:icArthur's rrt11rn lo the Philippi nes 25 years ago to· dill' Sn1nr 21)0 Filipino .'iOldier."-and 1nari 11r~ ~.p la:.hcd ontn Rrd Beach fron1 land ing barges follo\'<ing ea rthshaking explo.~ions 1n a n1oc k ~ea and air bombardment. U.S. plar1cs flf'I\' ovrr, ,ind F 1 lip in o parr1Lroope rs jurn pcd. l'res1dent Ferdinand E. ~larcos and \j S. Ambassador Henry A. Byroade. led ~cores of military and diplomatic 1ltgn11ar1es attending lhe ceremonies. l'rrill'd~ nf F1l1p1nns li ned !he beach. N/.Jlablr among the offit'1als \1-rre Fnrl'LJ::n Sccret:u·y Car los P. flornulo, t1•ho ~l rpp1.•1t asho re 2:-. years ago \I lth i11<lc·Arthur , and President S er g i o (Jq 111•11;1 , 11hn \1as president at the time. \\'re;:i l!1s \.\T re placed on the 1on1bs or unkno\1"11 soldiers of each count rr, a11d n1c1nonal ser\'IC'l'S \rcre held for the (IP11d. A corne rstone \\'as laid for a spacious Lcyt e Landing Memori11.I Park. Be11ched ~A_, Football Grune Fi11ishe<l This Ti111 e 041l 't p1~0I. ,.,111 .,.h <II '' co"'t 1n•d !•o ........... ,.,, .... ._,l h\e•d Go•'• ''""' !~"· •1Y Ill 1-MllO HI•''°"' kif '°""'''~gho.'O ·-"· f -1,>ln \'t llOV. (11\11 M ...... Ntw• -I l•tcll t n<I Ltt ll"• !f•l ll, 11-"'I"' -•19lllfl•I •~·'""'· O"n9e C.00 •1 ru•I·•~· 1~ (.omrt"~ llflrl'•"'ll r• ""'' '" 11 nu w .. 1 l!t•l~N l!tl•t . N .... ,, ,, !ru l\, .,, l)O l'if>I ll •J SUfO!, (.(1 A I/Oii . ft1t11k< .. 17141 442-.4JZ1 fre"' Wa1't1111lintt• C•ll '10.1221 ClettJfk 4 A4w111.i rit 44 2·1671 c., .•.• ~ •. int, Of•nt • ~ollt ~.bl""''' , • ..., ....... -'·~· •••. ~1~ ..... ,.~ •• •~•It••' "'-''"' " 1t¥•" ''''""" """~ ..,,, ,,. ""'tW+:•• -...1110•• '"''"1 ll'"'""'e~ e• tt•·• ••• ""'''' , ... ~ •••• ,, ~····~· ., d ••.... t~·-l!t•••'I ··~ (t"• "'•" (_1 .......... ,,. t • •••• " t >Cll ........... ,, •. , ... , • ,. •6 ""''""'" .r •ll••t e,,,,.,.,....., U"G ""'·•y NEW YORK (UPI) -''Heidi " waited eight mlnutf's on the side.linPs Sunday ta escape the wrath of football fans . National Broadcasling Company (lf- fi ci11!s, de.tf'nninl!d not ha1·e a re.peal perfonn1nce. of a ~-ear ;i go. walled unril 1he conclu5ion of the Oak1and·Dufr:Jlo .A merican Football Le;ij:\le ~a1ne t:Jeforc showing the childrtn'~ r!11s.~i('. The game ran eight m!n\J!es bl'yond 7 p m , th e hour the movif' "'ii ~ sl;i!ed to begin. Last year. l h~ nt'!11·nrk cu t !hP Otkl11nd-Ntw Ynr k Jrt r.itm(' i;hort !o 111r the fi lm. In the f('w r1101ne111s cut out or Iha ! ga me, Oak lanrl scnrtd I w () loochdo\\'n.s lt1 "·in the ronttsl Thi! prompted a flood of calll: from ou t.raged footba ll ra ns at the NBC SY.i tchboard. NBC look Pxlrf'mc ~teps lo ensu re ::ig.1 1 n.~1 ~ rf'pe a1. Tbe announcer at the i l;1ld anrl·fl 1Jf( rdo s:i1nf' lnformer1 thl' 1 it>11 r r~ 1hr g:1mr 1\011ld hf' sh{1\1 n in tl,t rnnrrty :-.nd told ~1ar 1on enginttr~ 10 '·he a!Prl '' :\~ It 1ur11r d out, ~Rr N1uld probl\hly ha1 c rut 1hr #;·•inc ~horl <Ill hour. IJa kl;:inrl he.Id a 42-i !e11d ;i,t h11l fti mc and \1un 50-21. Dl!l Y P'ILOT 111!1 P'~o!o 011trunning It Surfer, bal'Uing for bala nce, fights to stay ahead of \\'a ve lhal ha:> folded out, leaving him no shoulde r on \1'hirh lo n1aneuver, .<\ct1 on took place off Huntington Beach Pie r. Orange Coa.~t surfers ;:ire still m uch in evidence despite a ir and 11·a1er temperatures which ha'"e been d ropping inlo Lhe ;b;ties. V.S. Urged to Abolish Homosexual Ban Laws \VASHINGTON (AP) -A governmen t 1 ask force ha s urged the L"nited States lo follow the lead of Great Britain and allotish la\.\'S forbidding private ho1nosex· uul relations among consent ing adults. The panel of doctors, la\Yyers an d !>OC1al and lleha\'1oral scientists also sug· !;CSled that governmenl and private (•mpl oyers reassess "current employn1ent practices and policy relating to the ('mploymenl nf hon1osex ual individua ls ''1th a \'tc1v towards ma king needed c_•h<1ngt•s ·• Three n1l'n1bcr~ of lhr l-l -n1an task force "expressed reservat ions" on the pr<1p(lsecl lega l and cn1ployn1cnt chan gt:'.s, saying "consideration of socia l policy issues should be deferred un til further ~cientific evidence is available •. ," 'fhe panel estimattd th at at least three to four million adults in the United States are predominantly hon1osexual, Y.'hi!e. many others hav e significant homosexual tendenc ies. '·Homosexuality presents a major pro- blc1n for our society largely bfca use of lhe an1ounl or 111ju stice and suffering eo- la iled in 1t not only for the homose xua l IJut also for !hose concerned about hun ." the group s11id 1n a 20·page rep<>rl to the ;\;:it1n11:tl ln~t!!urr of !-.-lental Health. HC"g<ird ing ex1~ting laws a g a r n s t ho1nose:<.;uah1y. the pan el headed by nsychclogist Evelyn Hooker of the t:ni\•ersil y of California at Los Ange les, tia1d · .. There is evidence to indicate that en- lrapment i!'i not wicommon, that existing laws are selec!Jvely enforced and that i;e riotis injuslice oft en results." r-.1os1 professionals working in the area ''<i re strongly convinced U1at th e exlreme opprobrium that our society has at tached to homosexual beha\'ior, by way of criminal statute s and reslrictJve employ - n1ent practices, has done more social harm than good and gots beyond "'hat is necessary for the maintenance of public orde r and human decency,'' lhe lask force 5aid. "tliany homos e:ruals are good citizf'ns, holding regular jobs and leading pro- ductiYe Hvts." the report said. "The ex- iste nce of legal penalties relating to hnn1osexual acts means that the mental hea lth problems of homosexuals are ex· acerbated by the need for concealm ent .inti the emntionril stress{'S arisin g fron1 this need and frorn the opprobrium of bl'ing 111 viol;l11on ur the \a w.·· The panel said there is no evidence legal penalties are eJfecth·e in prc\'ent ing or reduciog homos exual acts In private between consent ing ad ults. Huntington Higl1 Bandsmen on 'fV T11·n JJ11n[l ngt on Death High Srhool st1111JtS \l'il1 appear as part of :t seleC't bend nn KNBC's (channel 41 Close Cp prllgrarn 6 :W p.m . \\"etlnrsdar. :O.llke Paulson, 18, pla\'ing le.ad trumpet :ind Ste\·e r.tiller. 18, son of Ci ty Admini str ator Doyle f.liller, on trombone , will be part of a tt!evisio n demonsLration by jazz conductor Stan Kenton. Both boys studied under Kenton the past summe r at a music clinic al th e lin1\·crsit y of Redlands, They "·ere inembcrs of the band selected by Kenton lo perform on television. Lea1·y Son's 'T1·ip' Tol(l By Office1· By TO~! BARLEY Ot t~e D11tr P'llol sr1u A Lagun a Bcnrh polire offieer today iestified in Superior Court lhat the strange behaYlor of 19-ycar-olrl John Bush 1.eary and the strong odur of burning rnaniuana in the J..(';i r.~·,' /a 1111!~· :sta!lori \1·agon led 10 IH'l'('~j nr lhr LSf) rulust's fan1d y l:i~t Oe>r. '.!~ 111 the Art L:olony. Oftice r ,\e<il J Purcell toltl the court - lnlerrupletl by frequent object1ons from lhe Leary fanuly's battery of attorney1 -!hat young Leary was 011 his hands and knees 111 the back or lhe car when he ap· proached the Yehicle to check on an <11}- parent parking \'io lation . "He "'as cra\\'lin~ around a l n1!e~sl y \1'11.h his h_a1r hung all over his f11ce," the officer said. "I!(· had a fi~ct! grin on l11s [a{'c and hJ~ r~·ri; Wt'.rc ~ta ri ng and froin tin1c to liml" he woul d p;irt his hair 1vay frOnl his tac (' and then !et il fall down ag<1in. "~ty experience tol d me," the officer said, "that the young man was under \he influence of narcotics." Pu rcell's experience was challengeJ repeatedly by attorney Marvin Cooper, appearing for John Bush Leary. But Judge Byron K. McMillan struck clown his arg-Jmenl that Purcell v;as nol qualified lo offe r opinions on drug in· l'ixication or drug odors an d he refuser! lo intervene on behalf of the Learys on ot her phases of Purcell 's testimony. Pu rcell led off the prosecution cast in \1ha l is expected to be a tw<>-day hearing nn a defense motion to suppress evidenct' -that evidence being lhe seizure of flrugs from the Leary \'ehicle and the of- ficer's test imony lhat he sml'lled burning n1arijuana Jn the car. The hearing immediately prece<l~ U1r Su perio r Court trial of Dr. Timothy Leary, 49, Rosemary Lea ry, 33, and youn g Leary. All three are accused or possessio n or 1narijuana. !llrs. Leary also face:- ('harges of possession of LSD. Laguna Beach police claim they con- fiscated JO oun ces of marijuana and 40 LSD capsules, all seized from the Learv (·;:i r, The trio 11·as sub~equently indicted by the Orange L:ounty Grand J ury . Strike Suspends Coast, Anal1cim Copter Flights Hehcop!er con11notrr ;i lrl1nc ~cr\·icr ln- \'olving iO fli~hts per cl ilV a111ong n1nl' ("on11nunlties including ~C'\\'[lOrt Beach and Anah eim ceased today with a sink• against Los Angeles Air\.\'ll~·~. The action by the Airline Pilol, Association came after negotiations under "'ay for 17 months hr oke down last \\'Cek. Robert Prime, chairm an of Local 37 of ALP A. said lhe strike aHec1s JO pilots and about 65 grouf'ld and malntenance personnel for LAA, the fir.'l A1nerican firm offering regula r intercity hcl1coptcr service. The union is sePk1ng a ~1x percf'nl pa\ raise for the period of ,June, \!!68. to .J un(' ]<'ihQ, "'ith ;inntlH'r t\1-o pC'rf'1'nt addl'fl il' or that date. all of ii retroact1\C' Pilots alsa \\"ant a cul frorn s;i lo F.11 hours flyi ng \!me per 1nunth, Officials did not announee 11 hat \hr currenl LAA pa y scale int ll1des. Los Angeles A1rv.·ays "'enl into husine~s 22 years ago and now operates iO da ll y fhght.s on a circui t 1nclud1 ni,: An.:ihrtm, Ne1l'port Bf'<1 ch, Gli•nrl;ilc. t){)11nr\, T'nn1ona, \\'hitt 1er, San 13er n~n.llnfi, H1vc rside and \l~n Nuys. We 011ly Looli Expensive n on'l let our fancy a ddress fr ighten you. Our ne\v fall suits sta rt at $95, They rfpresent fashion without frivolity, dignity by design. They a re decisively shaped, f\a\Yless!y tailored, rendered in rich fabrics that reflect !he lates t trends in coloring and \Veave. \Ve believe our selec tion is a s fine a s a ny in Orange County. But don't take our word for it. Come in and .~ee for yourself. A leis urely look through our r.1 <;k s is su re lo turn up so1ne pleasant surpr ises. \Vc'vc planned it that way. 3467 Via Lido at Nev.,port Boulevard. Newport Beach Open F riday evenings until 9 p.m . > 7 ' ' I VOi ( A prot :<tud Dist Tru: Tl nint Ian,!' to J dist I i I I I "' i II • ' ' . --------::---:-----,~""S"""-~~---------..----........ -------.. ------• • Laguna Bea~h Today's Flnal N.Y. Stoeks VOl. 62 , NO. 251, 4 SECTIONS, 36 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1969 TEN CENTS Capo Schools Eye New Program for Chicano·s By PA~1EI.A llALLAN 01 !ht-DlllY 'II<>! S"U A unique program de:;ignt'd to .att ack pro blerns faced by J\texu:an Am eri can ::tudents in the Capistr ano UnHied School District Y.'ill be presented to the Board of Trustees tonight. The program lo be implemented in the ninth grade will loc us on students \v ith language or cultural problems according to Jeff Olson, director of projects for the district. • •·Not only do these students have language problen>s but in many the pro- cess of aculturallon hasn·t taken pl ace an d the conflicts sets in causing thcn1 lo be quiet and reserved," said Olson. ··\\'e "'ould like tc provi de a teacher to put these students in a l"·o-hour class that would provide instruction in bo!h Spanish and English as "·ell as focusing (In Spanish and Mex ica n history anlf culture. This could take lhe place of their IXOll to ' I , · Leary Son's : ~ 'Trip' Told By Officer DEAD ATS~ Edw1rd D.. itelnhaus Dr Steinl1aus, F amecl Irvine Professor, Dies Dr. Ed"·ard A. Steinhaus. a UC Irvine professor "·ho \\·as a "'orld authority in insect disease, died in his sleep th.is morning at his Ne"·porl Beach home. His wife. Mabry, rou nd the 54-year-old prores!.Or dead when she awoke. Dr. Steinhau~ left a chairmanship at UC Berkeley to hccon1e the ri rsl member ;ippo1nted ta the UC ! facul ty in 1963. lie i;ervrd five year.~ :.i<: dean of binlrigica l scienco::s at 1 r1 ine. I hrn stepped do";" to de\'o\r. more lime to rrsearch, In hii; field hr. was an international 11 ulhorit.v and was cred ited v.ith chec king famine hy his pionee r work on insect pathoge ns (vi ruses\. llis research made it possible lo kill orr hordes of locusts and (See STEINHAUS, Page l) S. Laguna Girl Held in Holdup A Costa ~1esa man and his !&-year-old J!lrlfriend arc in cust.OOy loday on anned robbery charges stemming rrom their alleged holdup of a man who sheriff"s dl"pl.lties claim admitted he was peddling LSD in a South Laguna motel, Sheriff's officers booked Allen V. R~ TOtl-t BARLEY 01 Ille D•llY f'llll li!tll i\ La guna Beach police office r today testified in Superior Court that the strange brhavior of l9·year-old John Bush Leary and the strong odar or burning: marijuana in the Learys' family slalitJ•1 wagon led to arrest of the LSD cu!List's family last Dec. 26 in the Art Colony. Officer Nea l J. Purcell \old lhe court - Interrupted by frequent objections from the Leary famil:o's battery of attorneys -that young Leary \l'as on his hands and knees in the back of the car when he ap. proached the \1ehicle to check on an afl" parenl park1nR viol ation. "He "'as crawling around aimlessly \vith his hair hung all over his face,'' the officer said. "He had a fixed grin on his face and his eyes were staring and from time kl lime he would part his hair wa y from his face and then Jet it fall dO\\'n aga in. "~1y experience told rnc," the officer said , "lhat the young man "·as under the influence of narcotics." Purcell's experience was challenged repeatedly by attorney fl.tarvin Cooper, appearing for John Bush Lea~y. But Judge Byron K. fl.1cMillan struck dov.•n his arg-.imenl that Purce!! \\'as not qualified to offer opinions on drug 1n· toxica!ion or drug odors and he refused to intervene on behalf of Uie Learys on ot her phases of Purcell 's testimony. Purcell led off the prosecution case in v.•hat is expect.ed lo be a t\\·o-da y hearing on a defense motion to suppress evidence. -tha t evidence b('i ng the seizure ot 1lrugs from the lA'ary ve hicle and the of. flcer's testimony tha t he smelled burning 1nanjuana 1n lhe car 1'he hea ring immediall'l y prCX'eds the ~uperior Court trial of Dr. Timoi hy Leary, 49. Rosemary Leary, 33, and young Leary. All three are accused of possession of marijuana. ti.trs. Leary also faces charges of possession of L.CJD. Laguna Beach police claim they con· fiscated 10 ounces or marijuana and 40 LSD capsule s, all seized from the L~ary car. The trio was subsequently indicted l)y the Orange County Grand Jury, ()nassiscs Cclcbralc NEW YORK (UPI) -Aristotle and Jacqueline Onass is today observed their first "'edding anniversary qu.ieUy at their Manhattan aparbnent. Funds Lacking regular language and history classc.•," he :-:al{J, ''Their c~her classes 11ouJd be the sanie " ()lsun rxplaincd tha1 i1v·li1d~d 111 the elas~ \\'ould be son1t• Anglo-i\111cricans 1rho are proficient in Spanish "'ho could lea rn \~hal is faCTd by !he. student "·ho hns l'lasses taught in his second languilgc. ··This is only thr first phase:· said Olson, ''the second phase "'oultJ see the !(',1rhe r as a counselor for th('se sturlcnls. 1 he teachers 11·ould lhcn go to olhcr \i·;H:ll::rs who have ll'Sl these students ;111(1 sa y 'ho1v 110 I gl't the studt>nt tr1 po1rtlcipa\e in yotir class on an active r<ither than passive basis' . " The third phase h<' explained. "·ou td be !::king the pragram to parents of f\1 ex· 1can An1cricans in night classes where they too 1~·ould be taught language and culture. ase The boards will be asked al their 8 p.m. mreling in Serra School In Capistrano Brach to approve the subn1ission of these prrll1n inary proposal~ for federal fllnds under litle seven of the ElemCTitary and St•condary Education i\et known as th~ bil ingual act. Under the provisions of this act a five-year program must be sub- mi1te1t. Thus the program \Viii begin in lh~ nint h grade, will be extended to the tenth QUEEN QUINTET -One of these !lli!\Sion \:iejo Jligh coeds \l'Ll1 reign over school 's J1 on1ecomin~ events this \veekend. From l<'ft arc c·arol Tod d, Jl ealher l\'iur!in, Carol Lctro1 Cathy Baker and l\Iin i .il•!acca rone. All arc seniors. New Sugar Substitutes To Replace Cycla1nates B,Y L:nittd Press lntrrn:,itJonal i\nu•r1can inanufaclurcrs arc IJu~v unveiling plans fur new s.1cchar1n h<J se ;i nd other sug<ir substitutes lo replace cyclamates in foods and beverages. Some other nations an nounced plan.~ to ban the use of cyclamate in low calori e items. Secretary or lleallh, Education anrl Welfare (HE\\') Robert Finch announced the ban on cyclamates in Wa shington Saturday. Since then Denmark and Swe· den ha \·e plac ed si1nilar bans on the sugar substitutes. The rcslriclLons in the Scandinavian rounlries cited the HE\V action and came about through joint mretings of health authoritie s anrl manufacturers. The Fin· nish Food Commis.~ion in Jlelsinski called a meeting to discuss sim ilar action toda y, and Greal Britain has asked for more HE\\! d.11a on cyrlainatro;_ f"1nrh 's Salurrl:1y ~tatcmrnt notcd <·)'Clarna1,.,s ma y s1•rvC' ai; :i rat;dv~t for c.1nt rr groll'\h u1 lest an11n;:ils. Ile i;trc ss- rd 011 1m1nNl1:itr danger rx is!erl b11l ordered all food an<! drink rontaining the chC'mical off storr shelves by Jan. I , 1971). The Oanish man ufacturers havr agrecrl to cxrlurle cyc!amates fron1 their food s .and chic£ medical officer Mrs_ Esther i\mmundsen said she has startl'll an 111- vri;11gation to dc\errnine the \•a!idity or thc llF.W a11alys·1s. Slol"k ltlarl.;els Nl':W YORK (i\P) -The stoc k market 1novc(\ upwarrl in f.1irly active tradi ng late this afternoon . tSee quotations, Pages 22·2J). Freshman Day Opens F cstival Of l-Ion1ccoming llon1ecnining \\lel•k acti\•ilir!'t ;i t f\11s~inn \"1t"'JU lhgh Schoo l 01~ncd with Fre.~hn1an Day today, and ~·ill build to 1hr. homcron11n~ gan1r, crowning of the h0mccom111,:: qurcn an{! a donce for studrnts an<l alun1n1 Friday. Candidates for hon1ecoming queen this ~c.ir are l;Cniors Carol Let ro, Carl Todd, Jleather fi.f urlin, Calhy Baker and fl1 lmi J\laccarone. Th~ f']\J('Cn and hl'r court "'i ll be prcs(·n ted rlL1ring halftime ceremonies at tlic I· rid11y night (oolball game with Tustin. The sc hedule for the 'ft.'etk includes ~ophf'llTIOre Day on Tuesd11y, featuring a ca r wt1sh and Coke sale s: junior Day on Wednesday, highlighted by a cn.~tumed ,:;randma-grandpa picnic and Senior Day 0n Thursday, with '"little kid " cO.SlWTJes, contests and games. Frederick, 21 . of 921 Tanana Place inte> Orange Cnunty jail, His a!ll.'ged com· panion , a 16-year-old South Laguna girl, is in ju venile hal t. lnvesligatars rcportc<.I they picked up the pair lale Frida y at the Sou1h Coast High"'a.v Motel after Jon Jay lkJa rnette, 19, of iiennosa Beach. complained tha t his pro!ipeelive customers rrlieved him of both four gramii of l...SO and his S!,500 hank roll during their motel rooin negotiations. Boys Club Field Delayed Homecoming day on Friday will begi n \1•ith a breakfast for seniors and alu1nni. i\n afternoo n as.st>mbly will honor alwnn1, prece ding the evening celrbrations. Girl \Vatching Brit1gs Accident Dejar~lte told officers that he had concluded the sale of the illicit drug le> the couple when Frederick produced a revol\'er and demandtd Dtjarnetl's bankrol l. The victim told officcn that he was ordered to lay down on the motel room floor and told: "Stay there or you'll get your head blown of(." Laird Won't Spend \VASll l ~'GTON (AP) -Secretary of Dt>fense fl1e!vin R. 1.a ird will not spend this year an ackf llional SI b1Jl1on for ~w ship construction proposed by the House Armed Services Committee, a ranking deftn5e oUicial said loday. The new Laguna Beach Boys Club v.·ill have it.s gym, but the football field pro- bably v"111 have lo be delayed for some time, pending availability of additional funds, builder Bernard Syfan will tell plaMing rommlssione rs tonigh t. In his report on c:onmruction progreu, Syfan will advise the planning com · mission lhat di rl'Ctm;s ha ve decided tn secure a loan In the amount of $30,000 so the gym cen be bu ill immediately. An equal amount .still is available in the building fund, Syfan said today, making l~ $60.000 facility feasible at this lime. However the plaMed football field, which is to be installed on the. site of tl)t: existing trailer park r,:rch.aU<J as part of the Laguna Canyon acillty, will have to wait. "We are kind of poverty-stricken right now," Syaln expla ined. "The c•sh just isn·1 there'' Syfan said he will present a fi ve-year plan to a1norti1.e the existing loan on the trailer park using revenue it no~· is pro- ducing and bolster the general building and operating fund. Income from the trailer park now l.'I producing $6,000 a year toward amort iz~ ing the loan, plus $2.000 for the operating fund . Syfan saicf he will propose cert ain improvements in the lrailer pflrk to keer. it in shape a!' a revenue-producer until the financial picture is brlgh1er. Up lo $200.000 woulcl be required, Syfan s;i iri , lo pay off existing loans, liqt1id;ite lhe !railer park, Install the loollnill fl£'1d and possibly purchase some aclcl itional land for-a basebaU diamond at tht. new club. In othtr business tonight. the planning commissioo w1JI . -llolrl a second pu!Jlic hearing nn rezoning Laguna Canyon annex nun1bcr :J from Hll (residential hill side) to fi.1.JA (light industrial). ---Consider a variance applico!ion for permission to ma inta in an ex isti ng guest house without additional parking on a nonconforming lot at 621 Thalia St. -!fear staff reports on the land u~ report and goals report prepared hy the general pl anncri;, -1\cl nn f ay Benfortl's rqcuesl In ron- slruct nine unit.~ r;ither than Ilic eight now perinilted at fil5 \\'ilcox \',":1y. -Cunsldrr approv;il of addilionul hnn1£' occupation req11es1s including arli~ls' anrl V.'Tilf'rs' studios. window .~crecn repair and la ndscape drsign and mak a fir11t· year rrv1cw or approval of dre~~making ~s R home occupation. A criup~ or visiting fl.1arines ha ve ltarned that girl-watching in Laguna Beach doesn't pay -at least not when you·re driving in Sunday afternoon traffic on Coast Highway. Polit.c reported that El Toro Marine Robert Alfred Wolfe, 21, and his com· r°anlon, Benny Oi~on, 18, of Camp i'cnrll(•lon, ~·ere ''lonkinR at lwo girls on the sidrwnlk as they proceeded south in Ille 600 blork of South Coast ll ighway at 4 p n1. Sunrh1y. i\rconhng to pol ic£', driver Wolfe look· l'd too long to avoid ramming a car 1tnvrn hy Carl Rohert Hnnsen. SJ, of :14201 Dtl Obi~po. Da na Pni nt, which had ~lQppcd for a 1r3Jf1c 51gnnl. U1e second year, eleventh the third year and lhe twelfth the fourth year then will resert lo the seventh grade for tht fift h ytar. "\\1hy do we leave the seventh grade for last~ Because we hav~ various pro- grams [or children Kindergarten through sixth grade," explained Olson. "They may be token programs but at least (S.. SCHOOLS, Pap %) Leniencr. Asked for 1st Offe11se WA SHINGTON (UPI} -The Nixon ad. ministration proposed today to reduce In a misdemeanor the first-offense penally for simple possession of any illicit drug. i\ spokesman :or the J us ti c " Department's Dureau of Narcollcs and Dangerous Drugs said that includeG marijuana as well as hard drugs such as heroi n and cocaine . Possession of marijuana, the moal \l'idely used ol lhe illicit drugs in the n1- lion. now is a felony under the Jaw, just as it is for heroin or cocaine. Under the- proposal, a person convicted of m11ri· juana po.ssession no longer would automatically be stJJt t() jail. A second of- fense would carry a fel ony penalty. Not only would the fi rst-time penalty be reduced for marijuana possession, il no longt>r \\'ould be in the same drug class the hard drugs. ll would be classified as a hallucinogen Instead. llo"·ever, the proposed new laws would cr.1C k do"·n on professiona l drug sell ers, calling for prison sentences o{ up to 40 years for a second conviction. John E. Ingersoll, director of tht Jt1stice. Department's drugs division, 1Jlltlined the Nixon plan to the Senate sub- commlttee on juvenile delinquency. lngt?rsoll presented a set of three altern atives to the senators and asked them lo select the plan they liked. The plans vary , mainly Jn the severity of sentences for professional drug traf- f1ckt>rs. "All alternatives make possession with intent to sell a felony and possession for Qtic:'s own use, regardless of the drug in · \'Olved. a misdemeanor." lngelrsoll said 111 testimony prepared for the .sub- crmmittee. Tht; new la\.\"5 "'ould be in the form of amt>ndments to Nixon's crime bill , which h.1.<: al ready been senl to Congress. Possession of any drug on the first of· fcosc would bring a maximum punish· ment of one year in jail and/or $5.000 fine. The judge would have the option "'hether lo s('nd the offender lo jail. This would put an end to lhe often criticized provision or current federal law \\'hich demands that a marijuana of· fender be jailed five to 20 years, and prrha ps fined $25,000. The changes being discussed tA·ould al)- pl,v on ly to fede ral law, not to slate and local laws unde r which most drug arrests nccur. In 1968 there \\'ere 162 ,ln state and local narcotics arrest!'i rompared with only 4,000 arrests under federal laws. But the federal laws usually lead th~ 'A'O) for slate and local enforcement. Orange Coast Weather That warm zpell out of the norlh· east is the beginning of a Santa Ana wind ('()ndition that will heat up the Orange Coast Tuesday, boosting temperatures up to 80 de- grees under IUM)' skies. INSmE TODAY There's a war aotna on In Laos and whether .i:enatot.t lik« it or not America1t men and mont:y arc 111volved. See Page 2 I. •••l<~t " -lilltl " C1~11,~i. • MIWIH n ci.n 1t!M ~ M.tilefl•i ·-4 ' Ce111lu • 0..-c-... " c .... _..,, n tf ... 11 ,. ...... " Ooeth Nolle•• " '"'" "" l'•ltt•lel .. " • ·-Mtl'lletl "'" •~ttn•""'-"t " ,,.,"'""' " 11'1.-· n.n '"'""" n ... __ " ........ • ·~ l_,, " -· ·-4 ' 11111 ... • ·-·· ...... 11·11 ' ' ------. ---.., -------------------------------------------------~-----~---- :? D.lll Y PILOT l Monoliy, Oct'°" 20, l 96t -~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~- CAl~Y Pl~OT Sll!f ,.noi. Spirited Anteaters UC Irvine docsn''l have a football tean1. bul that docsn'l n1cnn il doesn't have pep squad. ThC'.Se l"Ong!eaders arc l'Urrcntly i.ippcaring at UCJ \l'<l!Cf polo gan1es, 1\·hcre cries of "ZOT" are n1usic 10 i\ntea ler fans. f"ron1 l<'fl a re Dottie Goforth. 20. \Vhitti er: Sue F'r•ost. l !:l. Upland : Sue 11111. l!J . fJ<i Jo .<\!lo ; Elise Smith, 20. Or;:n1 ge : Penny \\'1bor g, 18, 'J'e1np le City: 1\nn Pres ton, J9. \\'oor.llond ll 1Jls; Pan1 Viele, i!l. Calabasas, and Ade le Cas~o 18. f·"ountain Valley. ' Dana, Capistrano Incorporation Plait Due Airing A reactivation or plan~ lo incorporate D::ina Point and Carislran(I Hr;11'h 11111 be aired al 8 p.m. Nov. 6 at Hil'hilrd Henry Dana school auditoriu1n. Although not committed to the cityhood niove for lhe seaside communities. lhe Dana Point Chamber of Commerce is s ponsoring the session lo bring ln· fonnation to the public. lt has bC'C'n recommende-d that the !1,500 Deen Evans report prepared two ~t:'ars ago for the llOW-tlltinct Capistrano Bay Coordinating Council be updated in oreas of assessed \'a/uation (lax base), population and commercial-residential dcvelopmenl. Dr. RogC'r Sanderson, \1'ho i:o;: working 1\·ith the pro-lncorporalion people, s;iid at a recent meeting ''The area wil! develop. Either 1he: residents \1111 l1a rc :something 10 say about \\'hat happened or the big ('{It· porations will dict:itc ou r future. It's u~l lo u.~ lo decide now:' The kl'y lncorporaLion mrtling.~ ha ve. been partially sparked by opposition 1n rerouting of Coast High\\'ay in Dana Point as proposerl by the South Coast Scenic lmpro\•ement Project. Taxpayer Group Picks E. C. Lorr l::d1rard (' l,(ltr ha~ bt>en eleC'led presi- 1:,'nt nf \lie Lil!:\1n:1 Or~rh TallpAyer!I ,\$SQe1 at1on, to fill the \/-11.:anc_v l'au~e<I by the res1gna11uu of C11pl. r;erald 0. Li n ~r. (:ipt. Linke and lu s w1ft• lt'll for an CX· !roded stay in llaw1111 foll!lw1ng the death of their f'n n 111 an automuhlle acc1den\. Jn anothrr changr, /\. H. Lounsber:-tias taken over the position of re-corrh ng :-ecretary forrnerly held by r.-lrs. Holl'ard Lock1,1•ay. r.·lrs. Lock.,.,,1y r:-s1gned to fill !he presidency or the Laguna Beacl1 Rep ublican Wome n, Frrlcrated . DAllY PllOI ' l el:u•I N. 'We•I '""'°"'' MOii .... u,,.., J.,~ It. c~.trr ... kf .. ,._ .... G.c"V .. "-MMr n,,..,, 11:: •• ,a .... Tho"''' A. M~•p\t"1 ....._,,", fd••Ot ~id11.-l ... !'11! L-1 loo.:'< cu, t:lllCr L•" .._, orno. 111 F11t1I Av1. M1 :i:"9 Ad'd11u1 ,,0 . &1. 6'•6 , ,1.52 o-tt.r Oftlt11 C~1!1 W11 HO"'"' ~·· \•r.,1 "''.....," ll·•c" !Ill Wn• IOll>O• B"·>oiv1rl ~~"t'"''°" etl<~ 1(11 JI~ ~"«I t)All• PtL01 •1111 """""'to~ .... ,.,. i.i.-....... -bl·-,..; ....... t '-.... 1o1 ---•11_ ... , _ ... ,.. ~ -· N...,.., 1-11, C-11 .... ~ ._,, .... ,...,""' v .... 111. an.. ''"" """''"'""" <-""' ... ~""' ,,_ ... " "" "''"' .. _ 1 1w .. No.,...-1 lcKI\. '"" 1JI 'fli'tol 1•1 lf,..ot, (•It MIOI, • 1 • ..,.... 17141 ., ••• 4., Cl~•lttita D1,1 . ''42-4121 'tOll., .. ~1. !9H. 0•-• (etll Pv!ll"~''"I :::-~r .. , "''"' ,..,..,, '"~•"•"•~ .. o<lltOf'lll rnol!tt ., •d"''ll'~,,...~·• "'" " ..... .. .... ....,ll'd ··-· .... ,... ... •. ..... 1111'1 .. CCI""''"' ~"'"''· __.... ~ Mii-gl .. ol .... -''"" -C••'• ........ u•~V"•• ~·i.i-•· (I "-., M .._lflty1 br .-II 11.-~lyl \, rt1Tllt1r1 -•N•-. 11.M """tfl!J. County Studies New Offer On Capistrano Airport Orange County sup('rvisors are s!u· r1 ying a new offer in the Iring.pending 11uest of Capistrano Airport owners to ac· qui re S.4 acres of public land. Alton E. Allen, fifth district supervisor. sa id loday the proposal may have merit ~nd shou ld be studied but said he has not )'et had time to evaluate the orfer . Julian Willcox aod Bruce Winton, au,:iort owners, have now offered to pay 10 perc:-ent of the appraised fair market ,·alue or the parcel which is landlocked by their property. They had initially offered $1.000 down. Supervi.!oors by a 3 to 2 vote on Del. 7 rejected Allen's motion that \Yillcox and \\'int.on be allowed to pay Sl.000 down and purchase the property over a ?J"year period. • Willcox 1,1·arned the board that rejection of the: offer might lead to airport closing. Supervisor David Baker safd at the time : ·'A motion such as this just doesn 't want the light of day. \Ve are be ing ask- ed to directly subsid ize the operations of this airport and we don't by an.v mean.'! ha1•c the assurance that it will be in operation for the full term of the pro- posed contract." The new offer by Willcox and \Vlnton is aimed at preventing sale of the Orange County Flood Control District parcel at public aU<:tion. In their new offer, Willcox and Winton agree to pay the rull balance on the land if it ceases to have airport use during the 20-year period. They also offer to deed the portion of land al the airport needed for for runway ~~re:no.to the City ol .,tSarJ J uan The airport owners contend !hat without the 5.4 acre.'! that they had formerly leased the small airport, one of only four non-mili!Ary airports in the county, would be closed. U.S. Urged to Abolish Homosexual Ban Laws \\'/\Sllli\G TO.~ 11\Pl -A ~n\rrnm('nl t::ii-k lorc r: has urgrrl the r n1tcd St ale:. lo tollo\v the le ad of Great Britain and :t hOl1sh law~ forb1dd1n~ pri\'a!c ho1no:-c~· u;.I r£'1a llons arnong con~en11 11g ;.hh111 .... 1 hC' panrl of doctors . Jawyr rs and ~r>(t.il and beh<t ~i(Jr;1t ~rirnt1.i;1i; :1\~n s11g· ~t~\!·d lhrot itO\trnm.;-nt .;nd prJ1 ~11c nn1ploye.rs reasse-ss ··current c·n1pl 11yment pr,1rurf'.~ and pPliry rrlat1ng t'l 1hr 1•mplo,\'tn cnt of h111nn~c~11:1I 1nd11 1d11nls with a \1e w \li\\ilnl~ 1nak111g ntct!er! 1·hanges." Thrcr mrmbcrs ()f 111r 14·1nan tas k force "expresS<'d reser\'o'.lt1on~·· on lhc proposed legal ;111d £'111plo~ 111t'11t 1.han1,1cs, say ing "con~idcral1 on of :-,l)fi.11 policy 1sstJcs s:hotJld be <lrfrtrl'd until further ~cientific e\'idcnce is Ava1leblc ... " The panel e-stlmated Iha! 111 lr n'.'il thrrr to four million adults in the Unl\er1 Stal es arc predominantly hoin o~rxua!. wh1!c many others ha,·c s1g11illtalll hoino~cxual tendencies. "Homosexual11y presents a rnajor flf('l- blem for our society lar11:ely becau5e of the :imount or injustice and suffering en- tailed in it not only for !he homoll('XUal but also for lho.se concerned about him," the group said in a 20.page report to the National Institute of 1>1entel Heallh. Regarding ~xisling laws a gain s t homosexuality, the rianc l headed by p~ychologist Evelyn Hooker of the University of Californ ia at Los Angeles, said ; "There i~ evidcnrt to lnd1Cfl1r Iha! rn- trapment is not uncommon, 111at r xlslinq hl\1·s ;ire srlcctl1ely rnturccd ;ind lh.1L Abbey Selected Laguna's Player Laguna Beach High School football star ~like Abbey i.'I the subject of a 30-by-40- inch photograph that idenllfies him 11s Laguna's •·Player of !he Monlh" in the September South Coast Plaz.a football contest. The photograph . along \llith lhosr of ,,Jnnrrs at other pa r11c1putrng h1Rh :-choots. 1,1·11t ha ng 1n the <1rrou~cl Cu11 rl ;it the Costa ~lcs,1 shopping center .At !ht' end or !hr :;l';J:,\)!1, rf,1 1 rr~ 11)]) rl'('('!I!' their pholograph~ .1111 pinq01·s retogn1 t· HIJ: their !>elcc:ion hy lcll()W :-ll1rlenls. Vot ing for 1hc Octobe r P111r cr of lh!! T\fonth will ront1nlJ e at Sou th Coast Plaia unt!I Nov, ~. i !-!'ri n11:; in1us11cc oftl'll rc~ulls '' :\I nst prol r~sionals 1\·ork1ng 1n the t1 rr a "arl.' ~(fl)ngly ron\'inced thal the extreme npprobr1u m tha t our soc iety has attacl1e(l tc• hotno~cxu:i l bt"hJ\'1(1r. hy 11;1y ,,f • rnn1 11;i l ~t:it11 tc s :ind rrstrir111r r 111plo1· 1nrnt pr ;11.'t1ce~. h;1s (lone 1nor(' :-11r1<d li ;i rr11 !h<in .:nod an1I gOt'S bcvnnd y,Jlflt JS nrrf·~sory for the nui 1ntenaricc n! publlr. 1.nJt·r ;u1tl h1im:in dc<·rn<'I :• the t.;sk furl 1• :-aril · ":'\l;iny ti.1111o~cxuol.; al'e good 1'11/tens, holci111g rl·gular jnbs and le <irl ing pro· duct1vc l11·es." the rt"port said . "Th e e;i:- 1~tc11cc or lcg;il penalties· rrl<J tJng to honioscx11n! nets means th:tl lhc 1ncnta! hC'11ll h problems of homosexual :; arc e-x~ ncerbnted by !he need ror conreal1ncnt ;i nd the cmoliona\ stresses arising rro1n 1his need and from the opprobrlun1 of lxing 1n vio lation of the law .'' The pnnel ::.aid thcrr js no e' ldrncr leg;i! prn:~ll ies arc cHrctivc in preventini; nr rC'rluci ng homosexual acts in private Uct 11·e-en conscnLLng atJulls. t 'roni Pn9e l SCHOOLS • • • lhPy're son1r th ing." "\\':::'re a;;k1n:; f(lr two full li me lrachC'r.i; ,ind nnr part l in1 c aide. Onf' of tl1r IC'<tehcr!' 11·0uld scr1·e :is :i coordin::il or to lit' all t hr~r progran1~ in,:!r!hrr " t)l:-on s<i1d tht' 1n1:i l prog r,1m 11 01ild 11f. f('1 ·t c1x 1x•rcenl uf Lhe !!Choo! distric t's ]1''1liil;1 tl1111. ''Th\.~ i~ '1nr 11·:iy lo try 10 r:-:t:il1li<h (<>1111nu111t,1!1nn ;111d und<'r~1 :inrl 1n l'.!'" l1r ~.11\]. "t k110w 1h('rc ;ire prublcrns. I koo\v -'r:n::' ~,<''IC 11'an A111rric11n kirJ s arc ~hnrt ch;ioged. l1!11yhc its the school. maybe it~ !heir OW[I leeling11 of pride. Wh llte-ver it 1:; \\'r n1u~t help U1ese kids to n:'a\iu their polc ntial." Olson :;aid he thought lhcy had a good rhance of qualifying for the lltle se\·en rund!'. "\\!e're not just t re a l in c ~' 1nptoms," he said . "\\·t're treating the the caust '' Ri g l\rc nilin 'Yvlt·o 111e ' \J!l~LOI\ 1.\P \ -Thr tl1q •l' lop r1t;-cho.~!<11 :ik ltudcr .• ;1rr11·cd here \OdJy l('lr .1 hi& Krrmlin wrlco111r. 1 11cl 11d1n~ :i 21·~'11\'0 :irtll!l'ry ~.ilt1!e , drsiRnt•d lo ~how <11>pro1 al for 1hc recent pvrgc of r r:i~uc !1bcr(l!.r;. Death Time Disputed Deputy's Story Conflicts With Kennedy's WILKES-BARRE. Pa. -A deputy sheriff te.slified today that he had seen S('n. Ed1\'ard i\I. l\ennedy 's auto1nobile in 11 hich 1\-lary Jo Kopc<:hne died ap· proxin1ulcly an hour af\rr the time Kcn- nedv said it had gone off a bridge and 01·crturncd 111 " pond . C!~ri~tophcr Look" Jr. o! Uukes County, 1\1 1s.~ .• lold a hea ring on ;i petition by a 1\11ssachusett s prosecutor tor an atJlopsy 11n Miss Kopechne's body that he was !;ead1ng home fro1n work early on the 1no rn ing of July 19 \\'hen he saw a black i;cdan. Look said "tl:cre were t1,1·0 persons in lhC' fronl SC'al and possibly another !)C'rson or some object in th£' back" 1vhen l hl' t'ar dro1·c past hnn :u1d t·au1c to a ~IO[l. "I got oul of 1ny car and as I ap - proached the taillights shown on my uni form. The time was about 12:45 a.111. vn the mo rning of July 19. ·• From Page 1 STEINHAUS. • • other iri secls that devour rood supplies. The pathogens arc considered a ~afe and f'llt•cti vc allcrnali\'C to huzanlous l'h•·inical pesticide's sueh as DDT. l'C! Chant!'llor D:i111el G. Aldnch Jr. .s11d: •·The dC':ilh or Dr. Slrinhaus is a tragic and 1rrrpluceablc loss to this in- Ft1tut1on, to the co1n1nun1ty and to his disc1pl1ne. In addition to being a fir:;t rate scientist and teacher, he was also a kind enc! .sensitive man." "Ed Stelnhou.'I \•:as a very committed human being," said hi.s pa.'ltor, the Rev. Phillip Murray, or Corona de! Mar Com· munlly Congregallonal Church. "I'd say h!:i; human quality 1,1·as just remarkable. }Jc was se-nsilive, sympathetlc and kind. J!e was A strong family man and a <ll vout Christian in the full sense of the worcl -he lived it.'' Dr. Steinhaus' v:ife said he had a blood pressure problem bu t that had not prevented him from continuing with his \1ork, The coroner has scheduled an autopsy. Dr. Steinhaus ·was born in 1914 in Max. r.;orth Dakota. Hi.'I father owned a general store. The young man obtained a B.S. degree in bacteriology from North Dakota State in 1936 and only three years laler a PhD in microbiology and en- tc.mol C1gy from Ohio Sta te. In 1963, Dr. Steinhaus agreed to leave Berkeley, where he was chainnan of the divi~ion of invertebrate pathology, lo orgariize Irv ine 's School or Biological Sclrnces the way he had long held such a s1..hool should be organized. lie organized the school around pro- blem areas, \vi I h unusua!Jy.named department.'! of organismic biology, n"Olecular and cell biology, population and environmental biology, and p~ychobiology. Harvard and Stanford ha ve since copied the approach. Ir. 1968, Dr. S!cinhau.s \\'<IS elected lo !he Na1ional Academy of Sciences. Hr. 1\·"s one of only lwo UCI professors so l111norcd. Dr. Steinhaus· agreement in coming to t CJ y,•115 thal after several yeArs he could 1t'turn lo research. In .July. 1968 he slrp-r"d down '1 ~ 1ll';10 !I P tlif'n ol'g'1ni1ed and rccC'1ved funding for the Center for 1~athob1ology wh ich studies !he causes of dicr:!se~ 1n insccl .~. 111 one project rauscs ... r turnors ul rnekrnru·hr~ arr br111,i; s111d1ed as a po~~1 - hlr t111r of a1tack on CAncer. Dr. ,S1• lnhal1s ;o,•as a firm bclicvC'r that causes of cli~f'<ise ri1 11 be be.st in\·rsugatrd in ~Hll ph· 1n ~r rt ~ Cll r.nrrllur Aldricl1 ~aid t11r Center for l'i•l11n h\o!o,gy wtl l be a con1lnuing mo11u- 1ntnt 10 Or. ~leinhous' work. l.oo~ sald that as he llpproached the car, "1l suddenly took off and went down Dike Hoad tol'.'a rd the bridge and the beach.'' Look 1ras :.Jfl'Ong the fir st y,·itnesses lo t e~!ify befort· Judge Bernard C. Uron11nsk1 of Co1nrnon !'leas Court as the he11ring opi?ned . "Did you ha1·e any convrrsat ion \Yilh anyone in tha l car'!" Dist. Atty. Edmund D1nls of New B<>riford, 1\fas.'I., a.'lked Look. "No. sir'" Look replied. ''Old you l'ry out lo anyone in lhti l i.:ar'!" ' :-.lo. sir~·• Look said. T.~ck said he observed the license plate flf the car. that it bore a 1\lassachusctt~ rr!{i5tration. that the first letter w;iS "L '' and that "!here were sorne 7$ in ii." Kl'nnedy's license plale nu1nber y,•as l.78:!07. Ke nnedy. wh!'n he reported the <ir.- l'tdent , said 1! h11d occ urred before mid· night July 18. Another \vit ness, PoliC'e Cb ie( Don1ini'' ArC'na of Edgarl0'.1-'n, !\lass . 1<'.st1!1cd the body of Miss Kopechne bore ··nn 1n° Juries that I cou ld se:e" \\'hen it w:.i s taken trom the su bmerged auto1nob1!r . Arenri sai d thrit y,•hcn scubu di ver .lohn Farr11r arose lu the !;iUrfac:e \\'J!h f..1 ary Jo"s body, he pulled it to th~ top of !he Kermedy automobile with the aid or a rope. Arena said he cradled the hodv in his annc; momentarily and plu ced 'it in a s1.iall rowboat. "She appeared norrnal in !hat thr rr \1·r·re oo injuries that I l'Ould sec," An·na ~aid. 'i'he pob r:e chief. under eros:i; ex · '1 1111aallon by a Kopcchnl' attorney. Joseph F. Flanagan, answered "No sir, I did nol" 11:h~n askrd if he saw any con· luskins or open wounds or blood on the gttl'~ clothing. Nixon Raps Character Smear of Haynsworth \\'.\Si !l ;\GTO:'\ /,\Pl -i'rcs1denl :'\i -:· on .said !Ot1t1~' J udgl' Clcrnc:nt F. Jlayns11·orlh ,Jr. has \ken sllbJCcled lo \'icious charJc!cr assassinalion. and el'en if the judge a!i~<'d h1n1 to \\'ithdray.• his nom ination ta the Supreme Courl he \l'Ould not do so. Nixon took this stand at a one-topic fl C\l'S conference cailed hurriedly in his office. l!e said he hrid gone O\'er the complete rrcord of !he ca se of !hr man he lapped for lhc S11 prc1nc Courl :in<l all of !he cr1tici.-;n1 <ind ehargcs th<it had hr.en raJ.~· I'd. Il e ~aid he is s1andin,q by his iudg1ne11 t 111:it Hay nsworth should l1:11 c the po~1- t1J11. And hr said he is conHdent that 1( senators st udy all the documen!s nnd charges involved, enough of lhein will come to the same conclusion he has and \\'ill vote for confirma tion. Trailer Parks Due for Study In Capistrano The apJ}Ointmcnt or a commitee to take part 1n an in depth study of mohi!e home parks will be the major business t!Lrlhg tonight 's special n1et~t in,i.i of the San .Juan Capistrano City Counci l. Councilmen will gather al 6 n'r.lock in the ccuncd cham bers at city hall to ratH.v n:imc.~ to be submitted by Mayor Ed ('hcrmak. 1\if mbers of the Sa n Juan Bea11tif11 l Comn1l1tC'e as \\'Cl! as othe r co1nmunity groups have indicated strong opposition 10 any more mobile home parks in thei r ell~·. In re'.'iponse lo 1his community prote~1 . thr council au1horized the c.ommillce to study the long range f'ffec1s or mobile home parks on a community. f:lly Adn11nistrator Errue Thompson said that he had l)ern accun1ulating any pertinent material that came across hi ~ d~!<k for !he comml ttee'.<t pcni~aL lie said th11t !hf' staff And th!' planning tom- rrtl~~!on 1-1·111 be avAilnblc to assist the c0mmHtce in any 11·ay. lJn!ll the comn1lttce end~ its study. no r+<'W :i pplic:;i tinns for mobile home parks 111 tl'r city limits will be processed. '."1>:\'111 !.aid or llayns 11·or 1h : · l find .J t1dge Hayns .... ·orl h an lionesl man. a lal-l'~'er°s la1-1'yer and a Judge's jt1dge. I thi nk he 1ri!1 be a great credit to lhe Supreme Court and I intend to stand behind him until he is confirmed.'' The South Carolina jurist, chief judge of I.he 4lh Circuit Court of Appeals, has run Into strqig opposition on his nomina· lion to replace fonner J ustice Abe Fortas on the Supreme Court. Opponents ha1·e cited y,·ha! they ron- slder antilabor and anti-civil rights ru l· Jn gs he has n1ade. They also have rais£'d t'harges of ron(llct of interest. on grounds 1hat he held stock in some companies r!lrectly or indirectly involved ln matters before his court. Hayns1,1·or1h hall denied any conOict, and has furnished to the Senate Judiciary Comn1ittee a full record of his stock holdings and transactions. He also ha s of· lered to put his holdings in trusl if he is confirmed. Nixon said Haynsworth's enlire record :ind life had been ellposed before senators considering his nomination and that he wa.'I put through "\\'hat 1 believe to be vicious character assassination." Nixon said as a result of his review or the Haynsworth rase, the justice comes throogtl as a man or integrity ;'anrl deserves even more the support of th e President and of the Senate.'' Hitchhiking Stop Causes Accident A good San1aritan act on Ille p:irl or a xuung SC'al Beach \\·oman stDpplng to pirk 11? another girl hltch·hik1ng: throuch i\'t>wport BC'ach Sl1tl{l.1y lC'ft a lllolorC'yclisl seriously injured. Thomas N. Trary. 20. of l~JO \\'. Balboa llou!e.vard \\'as listed in good con· djl1r)nto<lay at Hoag ,_!cmor ial Hospual \\'ilh a frar!urc<l l'olh1rhonf', rt b'\ and cuts ;i nd abrasions· on l11s hands, arm:; and legs. Pohce said Tr;icy y,•as r1d1ng 1\·eslhound <">t1 r .1rific Coast l11gh .... ·ay at t:rant Street 111 right-hand lanes. \1 he-11 a ..:er dnv('n bv Dor.na L. Cogs1-1·l·l1. 19, nf Seal Bea ch 1 hanged lane s to stop fl)r 1hc harh·h1kcr. A col!ision fol\ow('d invoh 1n ~ the t<l r :u1d Trac~(s n1otorcyclr. OC'tord1ni; lo in· 1·rslig:itors, while tile girl 1hu1nb1ng 11 ride prC'sll1n<ibly got a 11{1 111th ~01ncone rJ.i;c. We 011Iy Look Expensive Don't l<'t our fancy address !righten you. Our ne'v fall suits start at $95. They represent fashion ,1·ithout frivo lity. dignity by design. They a re decisively shaped. flawlessly tailored, rendered in rich fabrics that reflect the latest trends in coloring nnd 'r eave. \Ve believe our llelcction is a s fine ns any in Orange County. B11t don't take 011r ,,·orrt for it. Come in and s ee for .voursel f. 1\ leisurely look through our racks is sure to turn lip so n1e pleasant surprises \\'c'\:(' planned it lhfl \ \1·ny. 3467 Via Lido at Ne\\--port Boulevard, Newport Beach Open Friday e venings until 9 p.m. I . ' . . .. ' . MOllday, Oclobtr 20, 1%!J DAILY PILOT 21 'Lemme Tell Ya, It's War in Laos' LEGAL NOTI CE LE~AL NOTICE ------------------1"-M/ll ~rATI: OF C. ... LIFOJll'lj l.... I P-"'1• Cll:Tll'l(,t,Tl 0' I USI NllS. COU NTY OF OJl..,NGE : 1iS. ClllTU'ICAfl 0" I UllNl55 Fl(flllOUi HAMI Cl' S,.plon;l>or II. '"'· bf!0<~ mt, mi _ F tC"TlltOUS , ...... Nil.Ml LEGAL NOTICE .4merican Men, Money lnvolvecl in Conflict Linked to Viet Thi ""°"'"·'""'"" horrby c11!1ty !h•! UO<lt•.,,"8<1, P••M1n1 ll1 • pp •• t. THE Ut./DfRSIGl\IEO <lot'• !\tr.~ F' 1 e lh1v 1•1 <Oll,Cluctln1 • butl"'" 11 '6t1MARYL!O:: MATTHEWS C H I PM/l..N c.lt llf"f 1!111 flt 11 un&,c!l .... 1 ,....,! lg ltl,lg M tc,.,rtnur 1 .... 1ov1rcl, 'ultf )Ot, Nt•PMI •'IClwn .. mt 11 1>1 111<1 "'"" -"'orient.a IM,i1ll'b1 11 1111 Mo1.,ovi., c .. • l11ch, Ctllftrnl• t1'4o0, Y"'"• 1h1 tic> n•M• I• •IJl>K•I-lo ,,.. ..,,inln In-Mn1. C:1lllo•nl1, u...,., Ill• lk11nou1 tl•., title"' tlrm "'"'" ot C.t,\ill"l!RS •NO 11'~,.,.,,, 11>41 1tk,..,...ll09ICI 1'111 1~1 U • ,..me ol Sl(!PPER MARINE 1....i 1,..1 ••ltf VIENTIANE, Laos (UPll- The gri:uled, middle-aged pi- lot held out hi! arms and turn· eel his ne<:k. Long scars etched his wealhered skin. "See those ?.. he asked . "Well, 1 sot them from being shot down a couple of times in '.his country, Lemme tell ya, lion, there's a war out there." There is a war out there, a war that flicktrs through jungled gloom along the Ho Ch i ~linh trail and flashes across a srassy plain in northern Laos do tted \~1ith stone funeral jars. It involves American 1nen and nioney. It has heen sput- terinf: along l'ii nce tl1e end or Worlc1 \Var I I and today is linked lo the lighting in Viet· nam. It is also a war that is about to be spotlighted by con· gressional hearings that \\'111 study the ell:lent of American military involvement in the Southeast Asian kin gdom. One American government official, a believe r in the domino theory, angrily asked : "What are these investigations going to prove? Sure. \l'e·re in- volved here. Bul \\·ho's go· ing to investigate the North Vielnan1e~e troops fighting here? They're the reason \1·e're here:' TWILIGHT \\'AR The Americans have been In volved in this t•,.,.ilight war for years. U.S. Nal'y jets were bombing Communist·I~ forces here fi ve years ago from aircraft carriers off GEOH ECAN c:o .. I Lln\llN P1n .... 1hl1, ..:vii<! "'• wm1. • ...... i. <OmPOSe<I of "'' lollowln• ..,,§' South Vietnam, When the U.S. ~filitarv eqoipment and stin.. "encrally <.let l1ne 10 d1i.cu~.; it " But ht and 01her qualified -"'"' wi• 11'"' h c __ ... "' "" wllN ESS mv "'"" '"" •lh<••1 •t•!. '°"'· wNI•• ... ,.., 1" 1~11 ,,.. Pltc. •1 "J I" b fol-Ing <O<PO•ll10n '"" p1r10<11. W-(Offl(IA,L !EAl 1 re•l.,....<e 11 1i loll1wi. """'/!' Alr r orce blltldup began in plies cost nearly $100 n1illion a Ilic rt:ai.un~ fur !lie i;rcal po!Hical observers believe it is :·,·.·: .. ••,1uu •r'l<I P'• ... " '"''d'"'' ••• io.. R_ Hlbl>i M• 001111<1 c P••"'· ton S•lt c1,~1•. Thailand ·n 19&4 A~ic n year. They include M16s .and secrecy (I( American milllary -No!"'f Pyrii1c.c1Htorn11 HYn•1n11on ll••c~, c:111101n11 t? ... I • a .a mistake to draw a paratle.1 W!Ll!.t,M M ~ s s E N c; E It co.. Prl1'<lo1! ()ffl(I In WHNESS my ... ..., "'" 161n d•V t ! jets bombed North Vietnam rectii1es.s rifles . t'ffOrt.s in Laos. Quc~!1ons are . PORAllON, ..,, M1c,1in~~· IO<Jl•••ra. 0•1Me CO<J••v O<roDt•. 1"' and Laos fronl bases which These support efforts are u~ually 111et with a bland " [ belv.·een Laos and Vietnam. s~"• JOt. N•,..P•n II••<~. c.111o•n•• Mv co"'"''"·on c •• ,.., 0ont1e1 E P1vw •1'66 ''C....t••I Portnr•". Fob. 1•. ,,,, STA.TE OF CALIFOR NIA ) s ported such si gns as ''Lead open secrets, even 1f never of-don't know v:hal you cou ld be The Loatian1>, ranging from HA.JtOLO e. ctoHEC ... N. ~l1 oc••n ~T,1i1E OF CA.L11'0RNIA. 1 cou NT V OF o"'"Nc;E i ss All 300 ') h" f' ' JI d .tt d t lk ' kM•t " Vlrw Bovl1vlfa, L• Cln•dl. C1lllorn'-1 $5. 0 111 TH•S l6!n dlY of Or!ODtr, 111t, ey, Jl)] es nort . 1ria y a m1 e . a ing a'""'. sophisticated town dwellers to '1011; EltJEL fl . GEOHEGAN, l" ... COU/'IT'f OF OllANGE l Dc•cro mf. Rod E•rl L•tPOld, I NO•••Y Sain a housewife, one ur The C en t r a I lnle!ligence 'fht Lao government l'i . . h'I) be C11it "'•~on. L19Ynl lilll•. C1ll!ornia On s ... i.mDtr 11, lf6f, b<'lorr me. !he Pucllc In 1na lor "'' 1110 County IM b I . d . II pr1m1t1ve I lri sn1en, are ri•1i1 PHYLLts M. ME)~fNGf ll, 11q yn6•••1~n..i. """'""1" 1 •••• •tJ s111e. rei1a1n9 1n1r11n, c1uiv co ...... + .. ion.., l.300Americandeprndcnts !i\'-Agency. y al In 1callons. lS cqua y restrictive. Pr1ml' .d I .d d be S1n!1190 o ..... ""''"''°" ll11 cn STEPHAN IECRllLV.~'lll'"'ll 'Ome lol>eaM•wo•n,11t""'"'llv1P .... 1fed00<111<1r , ing in Laos : "\Vhy this fuss all the U.S. agency niost cl1rect!y fl·linister Souvanna Phou1na \\'J e Y consi ere lo pacific C•lllo•nl1 t'/'601 WllL l.t,M L th• P•r>on .. hau "1"'' " •vD•c•I-to f>1yu kno"'" !o rn• 10 1>e t~• P*'"'" people. CEOl'IEGA.N. 1105 Gl•nwood t.1n~. rn• wnnln ln•"U!Y>•nl •"" 1ckno,..IN1td ... ~o•~ nom• 11 wllicrlbtd to th• '<lll"1n of a sudden? Irs no big secret invol\'ed in con1 bat opera1 \ons. ordered all niilit<iry 111c·n n11t Ne"''°'' fl•.•<•. c1111or"I• ~u • .c, "''' '"" ··~"'"" 1n. '""''· 1""'u"'""1. •r'l<I •ck"""'l""'•e<i 10 me. '"',.- " •h•t •••'r• dot' 11 •" Q"est1oned aboot 1n1·1,·t.,ry to ta lk lo n•• .. n1en . Tl>•re '·'· .. If eL·er)•body v.•ould i·ust HE LEM CAUlHE llS, 111n "' M•·•-• WHNES~ mY n1no '"° 1H1c111 ••1!. no u.ecvrtt1 1h1 wime. '-'-ng ('f,_ " '"' ~ < [1'1, Ll~Ynl Hllll. C1hlornll .;6j]; (OFFICI AL SE AL!. IN W!TME5i W!oiE ll EOF, I ~1·10 This is the gul reaction of involvement. Amrr ican of· 1inly one military spokesn1a11. J('ave them alone , they would SALLY ,,,. 1-io11Ns11Y, ,,., v1111 Lo•• 11. Haab• n.,..,,,10 1rr m, ~1"" ,,,., 1111~t11 .,,, ... h e Y t " ·11 11·01·als r•ply there are 00 a ,·oloncl >>l>O r•J .. sc,· 10 s·ec settle this \\'ar Jn no time," Co<ldol. N•"'D.,, ll••<h. c1111o.rn•1 No1 ... PYDl•c.C111to•n11 1,c111 u11 lh• <11y 1n<1 Y••• In ·~" many er . e n1any s ,_ .. t1't4: MAllGA~Er L. Clll LLY, jlJ Pflnr.011 Citic•'" C•rtlrl<ll• 11.~1 •boY• ..... 111.n. asree the hearings y,•ill prove Am erican t:ombat troop~ 1n reporters. said a French veteran of 20 ,o.ven<"" curiPO. Wtwl'O"I ll••<h o""'" co""'1 ioFF•C•A.L SE AL> I bl h I . . L Th k d . • Th b lk r h II t l,'ears in Indochina. "They CiHfon'lll tJo.G; CHAR LES .... M.Al My (o"""''"'"" E••"U ltOO EAll;L LIPl'OlO va ua e in e ping American aos. e ey \\'Or IS ·com-c U · o l c 11:ir C' 1)r THEW~, 1<11t1 Loo1<..,1 M011ntitn "°"o i<•Dr~•·~ 10, 1•n No11•v f'yt>lic, c1111°""'" determine its priorities, and bat." When asked more oper<1tes frorn Udorn . ;1 do n't have thef"ierceness and L ... A.n11•~. c1111.,n11 •00 ~•1 ST AT EOFCA.L•fORN1A. ) Pr1nc1011 0ffk11n h I L d ')' II bo u 0 . t d . b . I tenacity or the Vietnamese. M,lillYlEE MAlTl-1EWS CH!PM.AH. n~ I~~. 0•1n9e CO<Jnly w et ier aos can r a g spec1 1ca y a ul . ,-, . restnc e air asf' in Thai <ind No•th ltos•. Byrb1nk, c1111orn11 ,150j: couNT'I' OF Oll"-NCE 1 M• Ccmmiu lon l~o,,t• America into a deeper war. 1nilitary services nthe r th11n iust a short llop across thf· 1'11ey don 't hate each other ~rePHA.N1c c111LLY. Jll ""'"1cio o" ~eo1em11t• u. 1""· b•raro n1~. 1h• roD 11, 1t1J h k tind Lhey don"t like to kill C•moo, N•woorr 9•~ch. ca11rorn11 un<1er10l1nod. 111rwna11, ••D••"" JO~lPH l'vbli•ht<I Or•.,.~ C••" 01dv •1101 '!'he American aid program l'Om aL troops assisting the l\1e ong Ri ver '2600; JOSEPH "· GEOHEGAN, P .. o. A. GEOHEGA.N. ~•>ewn 10 ...,, 10 c• •h• oe1ooor 10. 11 1rc1 Nov1mtier l , 1G lo Laoo runs to $52 million a l.ao forces, offi cial s reply only Herc is ecn1errrl the oiicr:I· an ything.'' 60• •091. Poudtn~. C11110,nl• tllOI; ~'"'" who1• name " •Yb•ct1b•d IQ ti.• 19'9 a11 . ., H.t,l EL GEOHECA,N All llOll, I'. 0. Wll~ln ln•trumrnl 1nd 1c~no..-lf'll9od !Mtll --------------- ycar for 2.8 million people, a ''no cornment." !inn of Ai r Am rnca, a pr11·a1 (' The North Viclna1nesc seem llo• ~tJ, "'-t!on. wvnm1n, 1J1 10: l(EN· h• tx1cu1td 1~• ~am~. tlC1 rd of "''horn ar• ·,, Cn1nn1u-.;i1rlinc charl•rr1J by th• tJ ".·. lo realize this also. That ;, NETH GEOHEGA,N, 7'l1 Ch1n1rt w•lNEss "'' M•n" •ml G,,,,,.1 u.1. '" CIA TEA/t!IS '" •} .t,v•nu•. Fon!1n•, (•lllornl1 flllJ; (OFF ICIA.l SEAL) nistcontrolled portions of La os. government. U11rler co111rru·l probably 11·hy they ha ve had RALPH LINCOLN GEOHEe>•M. ,,. Loi• 11 . Ho1>b1 T""4n .. \\'ell-informed ~OUf('CS J!l I . Jv1nit1, L• Vr•n•, C1lllo•ni1 'lHO Wol1rv P~bllc·(ll110fn•• i'IOllCE 10 CltEOITO•! ll is declining. but !here is no or more tha11 ~10 million ;i so1ne-50,000 lroops flghling in "Umit~ p,,,.,.,,.. PrlnclP•• °'"•• .n 1uPE1t 10"' cou"'' oF lME indication lhe military role is. Laos confirm the presence of yea r. Atr Amerir·a iirovide'> Laos. o•rEo. ~••••mr><• 11, ,"'· °''"'" co .. n1v "'"lE OF c11LIFORN •.i. 'o"' CIA tea ms primarily engaged CCo•Po••I• 5••11 "'• Commlu•Oll E•oorr1 TME cour.rTY o' OllilNOll D.'ILV RAIDS · · planes lo carry Lao troops. 1 hus. America is stuck wit h WILLIA.M MESSENCER F•tru••• ,j, 1t11 N•. •·•uu ,.. In training Laoltan guerrilla planes to drop lh s I I STAfE Of (.t,LIFORNI A, J E.<11!• o• IVY HCHE . O•Ctl•<'d. S I •1 . . I d 'l'k forces. e1n ·l1pp H'S a COITIJl ex reality· the fighling (O"'POllATION, • l ~~-NOltC E I> HEREflY GIVEN fo ,,, ena e " aior1ty ea er " 1 ·e d h 1· r h an e icopters to crry I cn1 in Laos is linked inexorably to c11i•o•nl1 cv•.o•••·o" cou NlV OF OR ANGE l uec1110" 01 t"t •l>OY• ,,.,.. ... d1c..i11111 fl'lansfl eld, t D-~1ont.) after a These special Laotian teams into combat. v i·etnam. )[ 80001. ,,,·shes to By w1111•m MuHn•i1 o" seot•ml>or 11. ""''bl''••• m•. the'""' 111 i>e"on• ~1vln9 c111m, •11ln•I 111• short visil here, declared the are mercenaries tvho receive w11111m L. Geo~1111,., Ynd ttilgnfd. P•"•n~ll• •••••"d H•Z EL 1110 ae(..irn1 '" r1Qul•od 1(1 1111 '""'"'· "" al I the r ht" . L CEOHEG•N .t,!160lT. known lo,.,. lo M .. 1m Int nK•U•n' VOY( .. f(I, 1 .. "'' offtc~ IJniled States has relnvolved higher pay and mQre benelits COMBAT ROLES ,,..,e a e ig ing In aos. V«• Preila•n1 tM otrton '<lh••• """"' I• , .. c1crlbt<1 10 01 tn• cl••~ 01 u,, •l>o•• .,,1111"' tou<t, •• itself in Laos as a supplement than do regula r Lao govern· The pilots, paid $2.000 or America must decide lo pull "C•n~r11 ,,,,.~,.. •n~ wlrhl" ln•t•Ym•n! •"" 1ck<1<1wlP<l1ed 10 .,,.uni tn•m. wnn !h• nou.u.v to the Vietnam war . This ivas ment troops. They operate niorc a month. believe lhev 0111. mateh the esculation or ""o'd E, Geo~M•" '~~.;~~E~~ .. .,'.'.~"':,.',;ci !~~·rlitl•l ••11. ~yc~·~t .. '.o '~t~.~aeri.l'"r!.:~~·. o•~T. d . I h c . find a politica l settlen1ent. !'th•I II, G.Ch•11n !(OFFICIAL SEA.LI TOllNEV S, Su l!• '07 Mercury S•V•n•• costing American li\'CS an direct Y under I e TA team rarn every penny. ln cffetl P~y11 • M, "''•••tnv•r 1 Lo\1 "'· •lob1>J t1u•1a1no. 1111 Edin~•' Avenur, Hu .. tino•.,, money and ap""ared to be in· leaders and not the Lao they are flying militarv con1. fllansfield ha s predicted the w111,,.,. L C.POh•••n No10...-P~bhc·C•i.tor~1• ee1<~. co1110,nl• t11H wn•ch I• the ol••• "" '' U S ')'! )[ J I P1 lnrlo~I OUl<t .n o• lkl•i.,•H ot !hf "nd""''"N in Ill m•I· creasing-, he said. 1nil itary command. They are bal roles \\"hich the Am£>r1ca11 pres!'nl ·• · m1 i ary e or H•l•n ca .. th•,, O••"~• co .. 111v 1n, oe r111n1no •o 1.,~ .,,.1, ot ••Id d•<t In addition to the daily born-similar to the i\!ontagnard Army cannot do b('cause nf l'Ou ld ··lead 10 th e ful l assump-Stllv M. flo111,11y Mr com.,..1u1on E~11"•• oent, wit.,1n 1011r mo~1~, 111" In• l•'l' bing raids from Thailand. in nierccnaries v.•orking \\ith the Lhr 1962 Geneva accords \\hll"h hon of •1 t:.s . 1ni11101rv role 111 "M11~"1 L er.HY STATE f~:,v;~~i':o~·~~. 1 PY~~;~.·~·':f.1!~:'1~ •• n~~·;;· \1'hich 97 airmen haYe been Green BercLs in Vietnam. were su pposed to bring peace the paucr11 of Vie111::iri1. <nA'1"' " 1~•11h•.-' 1 ~~ JOYCE o. Muocc 1.\M•I•• /,\•tlhew1 (h,p(T'fn CO!.!NlV OF ORANGE. ) llam•n"l••lro• "'11n lh• W•ll downed and never heard from, The Am ericans t r a in i n g to this !and. Tht' of(enSI\'£' ltisl i;pr111i;. in S••P"•'"'e c .. u~ on s •• ,.,,, .. , 11. !•ri, h••ore me. 1nr Ann•>•a ot int ••'•'" a• 1~• 1D<lv• h E b · t · "8 th t · L Q ' 1· d ' h' I I I ~"d..-1lon•"· P"•on111v aopruta KEN· n•,,.,.a oectd•"' t e m assy n1a1n a1ns 1 ese ean1s in aos arc nc in orme Am c rt <' tin 11 It i 11e .:ioL1<1n go\•rrn1nt'tll Jo,-p., • C•oh·~~· 11 e 1 ~ GEOHECAN. ~.,0,..,, '" ,.,. 10 ~· 1usH, ausH & L,..R,lN Army attaches. The U.S. believed to be p ri m a r i I y said: "There is a bloody and !urt'r:; toppled like do1ninoes. 1101•1 c•~h•~·'" .&.Duon ,.,. p .. •.on v.nc•• """'" •• •~b•<rlbt~ '~ •v . 11 . 0111 •~•" . . h I d . I~• "'""·~ ln•lrym•nl and •<~now•~a9od nn IEllM•• ........ , .. u. j., gover·nment cha rters priv ate c1vll1ans a!! oug l many were angerous C'Scalation of our d~:!'ply rt i s t u r be d lhl' ... 'lnem G•oh•q"" 1,..1 ~· •«<vira 1hi s•m•. """11n,1on II••<~, c11u. •:u11 <iirlines to ferrv. trOOJlS into presu mably recruited from rol r here. And once !he An)f'J'J('ans. They f r a 11 k 1 y ~.'.•'~.",,,','",'",,'.",.',".~~~Q•n w1TNE:ss mY "•nd .~a 01Hc111 ~~''· r11 (114! 1u-u 11 ., •·c !OFFICIAL ~EALI it.llorne•• 1111' A•ml"htral rlY battle. or more often, lo pluck fonner Green Beret men. military machinrry begins fc:HTd ~ l'lidespread Laotian ST Are OF CAL!fO~NIA ' Loi• R. Hobb• Puc•i•~•d o.,.,,,. C••" 0~•11 ""~'. I hem out V.'hen being overrun. American officials here lilrning. it's ''ery hord to "!Op c·ollap'< l 55 Nol••• Publl1 ·C•l·!orn11 oc•~ '°· 11 111d Novemo..r l . io, ., • • t0\JN TV QI' Ofl:INGE 1 """d Ptl Ollie."' 196' 1•~3 .. • LEGAL NOTICE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------o .. ~·•!•mt.N 11. IQbt, !:•tor• "''· •M Or•11P• CoYn•• INTEREST ON YOUR MONEY CAN MAKE THE BIG DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE : the 'the difference between en joying retirement -or just retiring difference between going to see your grandchildren or just yearn· ing to see them the difference between carefree and careful living ;..·: enjoy the 7o/o yield on 2 year investment certificates when held to maturity ($5,000 minimum) : .. i! interest checks mailed quar- terly : of course, if you need more flexibility, there are other plans for Thrift Customers -such as a Thrift Passbook Account, with 5.50 o/o interest.:.: switch to the big difference and let your money grow . FUNDS RECEIVED BY OCTOBER 20TH WILL YIELD INTEREST FROM THE lST. ·-----------Remember we ~Y posteae bolh w•Y• ----------- El'ldottdilmychtdlin lh••mountor CAUrORNI.\ THll tll & lo,l.N S I hive m1rk1d lh1 fJllf of 1ccount I would 11•1 011tn1d. PIHH s1nd me • 1irn1lurt u rd Which I wlll f!!I oul 1nd return, D 5.H~ T~rltt ~uilitN ft~' 1111..,.,n O ll!' 2 ,.., ur111101i1 SS.000 '"l"""u"' 0 ... I rttr ~trtll1ea11 Sl.000 ,.1.1,.~,. D l"ti l ~·u url1l1<111t l t.000 .. 1•1"'w"' 0 ... I -11'1 $trllliull '5,01)() t11lo1111w'" D I~ Otr I• 01y 11111 l•-•I SltOOO COSf" MESA OfflC£ 170 C. J7th Str1ll, Cost• Mis•, C11iforni1 9l6Z1 ····~--------------------- Add•n•~------------------, .• , ______________ _ S111••----------I••------- ---------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA THRIFTs-LOAN M[MB[lt OF THE AMElllCAN INDUS TRIAL BANKEllS ASSOCIATION 5 offices serv!n1 Souther ri C1Hlorn11 COSTA MESA OFFICE 11n r. 11111 Slutt (4uo11 11111.,ton S! ftnm !iii Boy's Re ~tilur~nt) • (114 ) 646 5-0'~ undPf!•9nf~. • tlolM• Publo< '" ~no lo• M• Comml'i•On I '"'''' u •d '"""'• '"" S••••. Pt "'O"l llv •· ftlltYI .. 1•. 191] o••r•d W11ti1m ,.,."'""~"'· known lo mr StATE OF CAllFOllNIA l le be !nt Ptttl.,enl, I/\" Wl!!l•m COLINTV OF OllANC.£ I SS. Gtol\Kll/\ ~l\Cwn 10 m• to tH' th• V'<~ On Srol•ml>•r II. 1•0•. btlO" me. •~• P"s!drnl of WILllilM MIESSFNCEll una o,.1gne<i. p••!Ontll• oto•utO ll•LPM COllPOR.IT ION, 1hr cor-~l1on !not ••· LlttCOl '-1 GEOHl!(;.t,N. know<1 lo mt to ..:ut•a th• w1rn ln ln•!•Umfol """ k>IC'"" be tl'tt o•nM "'""" n<1mt lo •IA>Krle•d to mo lo l>t 1~• Pe"""' w~A ~v•tYltO '"• 00 mt ,..11n.n lno!rYmfn! "'" ''~"°wled,_ wl!h;n i/\lltum'"' o" t>ooh1ll o! s~i~ to•-•d ·~•1 ~· •••(ult<! l~t umt ...,,.u,,,.. ~•Id rc1par.llon tit•"~ •nown tn WIT"ESS '"" hon.a 1nd on1c1tl u1t. m~ 10 bl !n• C•n•r•I P•tinor O! (OF FICI AL !>E it.L) CIUTH£115 A>IO GEOHEGA,N (0, 1 t a" 11 Hobbi L<mn..,; P•r!o.o.,~ln. Not.,v PubllC·C•llfornl1 WI TNE~S "'" ~.na i nd o!lldll oe•l· PflhC!P•I O!i l(t In (OFFICIA.l ~E!'-LI Orto.Qr Cny nty lO•\ II_ HO~h• ""' (~n•m";lo" E<Pi"I llo''"'" PUbht·C"lllfO•"I• FeDr,,1ry ?•. ,.,, r ''"''o" Otl•(e •n f·~U .. Orono• Cou"I" McOIM lfL & MtOANl(L I'" tomml .. 1011 E•P"" At!Ofhtl<I 1! Low f•~•u•.-Y l• 1'1) lJH Wllahl•• lllY• .. Sulit /H •STA.lE OF C.O.LIFOllN!A l•• ••••It•• Co!I! tOO!l! ~~ Pul>I;<~.,, Orl/\G• (•••• O•Ht p •01, COIJ/'ll Y OF OllAllG E S~!lmbor '' Incl 0<1obfr I. IJ. 11), ~& ,,., lit ! .. u"a""'""'"· 1 '<o,.·v PUDl>t '" •nd ~· '"d i:ov"IY ona SI'"'•· o•,,on1llY •~· ot1rl'll Mlll~LO E. GEOHECAN. loo"n TO "'~ IQ b• ·~· Ptt..,n wl••"e n•""' ,, 'UC""Otd IO tnt ..,,1~." '" ••rum•~! ""~ •<~nowl•llg•d !hi! he •· ''u'"" '"' '"""" Wll N(.5S ,,,, h•~d ond cff·<'•I !!I', !OFF ICIAL SE"'-L! toit II. Hobbl "lol11y P1'bht·C•lflo•n•• Prl•cloll Oiiier In Or•o•t (Oyn!Y N"-v Co'"mlulc" E•ol•., Fl>ll. 14. 1'/J STA,Tt OF CALIFO•fl'IA 1 r , 11 >1"nh• t.Jo•.,v l'~bH<·C•lrlo•nlo P""'-;D•I 01' to '" 011"0• (OV"!>' My {~mmiulr~ r •D•I" F•~•-•tY 7• 11)1 STATE o~ c•~!FOll "llA ~na"'n !~ ,,.. lo bt !l\O oe""" w~ot• ~•m• 11 "'~1rdb•~ lo ·~~ ... 11~ ~ In Jlroff'•n! ""~ ~t>nowlodgtd I~•! •~• •· t<yt•~ !h~ •~m• WITNE~S "'" hJl'd tnd othe<~I ,.,1, (OF F'1CllL SE.&.ll t~'• o >-io~M llo!l'Y l>ubllc·C•I '"'"'" <'tlnclPt' Q!fTr1 '" Ortnv• Cou"tv M• Comml)llO~ E•plre1 r •t>ru•rt ?•. IHl SflTll!" OF C,lll ~OllN I A LEGAL NOTICE FOR ADVERTISING IN THE WEEKENDER P~fONE 1142~1 -DAILY PI LO T L ----------------·~-----.....,......--_,...,~_,....,---------------.. M11nday, Oclober 20, 1%9 -.I l ,l~~ -----~Ion<'~''• Worth Co111plete-N e\v Yori{ Stock List "I 1 ~! ' •• .. ' " i " • 14,000,000 CARS LATER -The height or cars has changed dramatically since Buick turned out its tnillionth car during the Roaring Twenties, but urt- ':;f=o=rt=u=n=a=t=el~y=n=o=l=l=h=e=h=e~i~g~htJ of skirts as evidenced by • I . this ph ~to of a "Oapper girl" posing alongside a 1923 Buick. The 1970 Skylark \VIth its miniskirted n10.del is Buick's 15 1ni!lionth car since the infant Buick r·,ilotor Co, 1noved to f•'lin t in 1903. In High Gear All Makn-All Model• 15 Millionth Buick Due .Aulomolll!t• -Truck• "Where Seroit t Ma~e1 th~ Ojlferenc t " Or•ltft Cou"'' "'-"°'' 8d• .. lot .,..., •• {lll) •~10 C•ml'US Dr. (114f !40·31ll tM $. W11te111 7l5·1U' By CARL CARSTENSE:--J Cf m• D111, Piiot S!lll started in 190~. nrarly one third of them arr slill 1n use. ........................ .,. ... --....... ;' M-~;;:oc;~:;~ I Buick Motor Di vision \vill produce its I~ m j 11 ion 1 h automobile Tuesday, some 66 years after a group of Flint carriage makers bought D:ivid Huick's infanl eompany for $10,000 ;ind 1no1·ed to .Fllnl. .Joe Poole , Cos ta J\fesa Buick dealer has asked Newport Bea ch FM st;1tion KOCJ\1 to lit>-ln with U1e factory for pro- gress rrport:; a ~ it comes <lown lhr li nr . Thry c:in be hC'ilrd :it I, :l , 5 ;ind 7 p.m. ·1 1:es.da y ,· " ' .... ·~ ' ·.-,· " DENTISTS, ATTORNEYS, AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE USE TAB BECAUSE WE'VE GOT THE ANSWER! FOR AS LOW AS $14.50 PER MO. CALL US NOW FOf\ IHFORMATION AND A BROCH URE. ~ TELEPHONE -£ab ANSWERING BUREAU 543-2222 9 OFFICES TO SERVE AU. OF ORANGE CO. Thr milestone c:ir 1s <1 '.!· door Sky lark coupe and 11•1111,.-. presented to Buick 's scnuJI' cn1ployc for use. \Vhilc it took somr 20 vc<irs to build the /1rst n1illion 'cars. the last mill1011 .,.,ere prodtit•rd .n the record time of 18 months The firs t Buirk \~ai:: a two- cylinder, 21 horscpuwer "horst'l ess tarriage" 11• it h valvt' in head engine. The milestone car 11·dl br .1 two.door Skylark coupe, l1ghl blue \.l'ith \vh itc vinyl 1op und Jully equipped .,.,·11h features not thought c1f 111 1923. Th:it year Bui ck offrred nlnr 1n(Jflcls 11· l l h s1 :..-t\'l111(lrr 1'11g1ncs :ind (11•e \1•i1li luur- 1•ylindcr. :l~ h11 c n g 1 n c ~. Today's Buick line provide~ 3fi niodeh \1·i1h numerous cnglnr 1·on1blna\1nns, ranging 111 h(lrscpower from 155 to JiO . Of the 15 million _Buick~ prn- clllcrd since thr con1pany V.'<IS • • • C.\LlfORNIA 1\0. FOR CADILLA C \I h1lc Callfon11c1 !rads the 11:il1nn rn rnuny '1i1tn1nol1ve catcgor·1cs. s u r pr i s 1 n g I y enough until rctrnlly it was H1ily nllmhcr two in th€ :;;ilc ol neW Cadillocs. Final figur('s \1·11n·1 b ~ .'.l\'ailablt' for a "'hile hut\\'. II. N11·p11_ Cadillac's w cs t l' r n regional managrr. Is c11nf1dent 1t1at California has edged oul Nc•1\' York as the top ~late 1n ntl\\' <.;11d11).1c O\\'nr:r~hip. fo'1g11rcs 1hro11gh Scritcmber <..howed C11dll!ac S<ill's nc1 - t1on;illy \l'\'l'r 7_5 pen·cn l ;1hcad or l!lfl8 but Ill Californ1a 1hc sa lrs pace 1s !l pcrcc11 L higher than last vc<lr. /\ r('\\' n1onth s ·ago. when a\I f1~ures w£·re coinp11rd. a w:i$ ;ipparr.nt that California hod l'iearly rs1ablishl'd irself as tile nation 's !np Ciiddluc Don't Just Stand There • • • INVEST! Tu r" doydreomt lftlO dollor1 b y lt<11'"'"1J mort obo11t lht fosd,.ot· i"'ll field of real ttl•lle i"Yntment. keyed to tl!e overiu~, ,eol prope•- ty iftvnlor, lltre'1 Ille fifth o""""' '"''" of lecr11rtt p•nented by rh • DAILY l'ILOT, OrOlllJt Coci•t E•tn· 1"9 Coll09e o"d Ntwpott Ho•bor- Co110 M"o loord of Reullo". lf1 ft-. . . pr~flteti Oft fo11r COft• ..cutive l 11e-tdoy1 al 7:10 p.m., '" Newport Harbo• H iq~ $cltool A~di· torium, I S1h o"d lrYi"e. Newpott " ·' . .. ,. " ...... Real Estate Investment Series l'Oll Clllt Last two still 11ttend ••• i111port11nt sessions Oct. 21 -Charles H. Callison (Society of Exchange Counselors), "Yield Leverage Through Wise Financing''; and Bruce Howey, "Invest- ment Advantage• of The Real Estate Exchange." Oct. 28 -Jack Lincoln.-"How to TaMe Title Advantageously -A Case Study"; and Randall R. McCardle, "Tailoring Your Real Estate Investment." Ticket l11forn1ation No admi•sion, but tiCMets are required. They can be picked up in ad- vance at the Orang• Coast Coll991 campu5, or at the Daily P ilot offices in Co•I• Mesa, Newport Beach, Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach. Co-sponsored by DAILY PILOT ORANGE COAST COLLEGE NEWPORT HARBOR -COSTA MESA BOARD OF REALTORS n1arkct. A lot.al of 25,9!5 "''ere sold in California last year. "Tur sales rate so far this year, which sho .... ·s 1he stale outpacing the nation indica1cs that \l'e 111ill v.•iden otir fir st phll'e 1nargin ovrr Nrw \'ork f'I en 1nore in 1969," Niven ~:lid. And nr.! only is California fir st but. iL$ residr111 s ;11.~o prrfl'r different niodels th;in do bu,rrrs else1vherc. The Coupe de Ville 1s lh~ 1110.st popular Cadillac 111 Cali fornia accounting !or 43 pcrernt of total s a 1 e s . Elsewhl're the model most in de11H1nd ls the 4 door hardtop Sedan de Ville. !".1alionally, the Eldorado ac- t·ounts for 10 percent but here 14 prrcenl of Cadillac buyers t'hoosc an Eldorado. Also local bu yers tend to R:O for the "full )u[Jd" and far surpass anyone 1'i~e in choosing the luxury t'X · tr;is. !!9 8 percent c·hoose a11l{H11atic climate eon1rol (<11r eondition1ng l. l)lht'r nptionnl rhoicrs are cq11<1lly high and wrll abO\'C' 11a11onal averages. Can you u.naginl' anyone buying a f at!1llar nncl not chou ... lng the l'.~tras that !'ihoukl accompany .'>Urt1 a car. ··The figure sho"•ing 1no<lf'l and ()pt1onul c <] u i p 111 e n l prefercnees indicatr th ;i\ \VC l\'an t n1ore 1uxur_y lh:i11 people 111 other pcirts of 1he count v " 1\'11·1.·11 soid. ·' • • • l'ACE CAR PICKEil FOR (;JtA.\'0 PRIX Tl1P nr\1' 1!!70 Pl,v11 11)lllh fl;1r- r:1L11da ~ 1·t1 rrr111lv t'llle of 1he l'iotl4;'Sl ~cl!crs 1n the l'l\'n\OUlll l1nr -h:t~ bf'"ll n:11nl'rl .olr1v1:11 p:1t'c c:1r ot \II!' $70.000 Tun"" (;r;1nd l'r1x lo h1· hc•ld ;1t !\ii cr~1de nacc v.·<ry ll\'1't :>un- rJ:.iy, Oc:l. 26, Thr 11r\1' 13.:irr.'.H_•ud:i 'rs .'.i I0\1·~ rrirt·d s pcrialty r;ir arid ., .'.ll aildble ll'ilh c'vrrv r 1vn1outh hi~h pcrfonnancc ~ngir1c fro111 the s!andard :183 4-b<irrel all lhc 1vay try 1hc 440 six-barrel a11d I.he maxin1um performance 426 eight barrel Hen11 . Barracuda al~o nffcN> in· stn!1nent panel rallye c\ustrr, racing-type side-mounted rear view mirrors. and aircraf!- styled cQnsoletlc with v,•arning ligh ts for "low fuel." "scat belts" and ''door ajar.'' . A con1bination air scoop and air cleaner extends thrnugh an npcnini:: in the a 11 • n e w ''shaker'' hOQd. A cable con· lrol operated manually from the instrument cluster enables lhc driver to select fresh-cool dcn.~e air lron1 the sc()()p £or performance. LEGAL NOTICE Cf.RTll'tC.-,TI! OF •Ui!H!SS, i<!Cfll!OUS NAM( n,. ~ndorJ••~l'd no cNll!v l~•v "'" CO~C!V(lfn• • W,l~•>I ftl l~ N•I~&~ lld,, ~o••a M••a, Cal!lo•~la. ur><1~r t~• rlc-11!lov• lirm nftm• ol lllCAl ASSOC•"'TE5 on~ •not l•ld t"m if (Off'~•~ "' II'• 1n1'<1wl110 ""~""'' wl><11• n•m•• i" lull Ir><! nlaces Of tHld•nc• ... 11 !cllow11 ll lcl'o•d D. ll:Ot"dc~. '1~)1 Br!1to1 l!, $/Int• AM, Cal. ·~· No 115 Allan w. oru. HO "a$11u ll:d . C:or.t1 Mr.lo. Cal, Dt!fl'd O(!, 1), 196'. lllc~1rd o. Jl:cdr"clf .-.111n w. o~ STOTt <>' c"tlll,,..,.1,, O•ong• CC>Un••! On O(:tebfr \I, 1?4,, brlor. M•, o NnT•ro Pu~!ltr '" .,,~ lot IOid 51•!•. ...-non•ll• ""'"'r"" l>ichortl o llOd•rit~ ""~ 0110~ w, D1t1 •»0 .. n 10 "'~ to bf 1n• /~'"""' .. ~~'' nom•1 "'" 1ub\c•ll>Pd tn th• w1tn1n 1~'"""'""1 of'ld otkno••MioNI If••• "'·"""d lh• ••m• fOFFIC IA' S~"l) M.rr i.; 14•~•V No•orv P"~'" ~ C•l1tnrn '" r,;"'"'"I O•I"• •~ 0••n~• Co!!n•v Nnv ~;. ltrl ""hi"hf<I Or•r.,. (~•" D••'• P11n• I M• C<!"'''""•Oft ~,,,1,,., '----------------------------------------•••••"' Oc•~'*< 21.l. 21 •~d """'•mt:oor ;. 1n. 19~' !O!A.0 How You Buy U.S. Issues NEW YOllO: !API . Mo""11v'J tOMol~I· Nrw 'for~ ~lock Eic~thoO 1>t1<n. $•It• I llt~~ lll<ll.) 10111 Ltw CltH C!1t . '•I• M•• Cit •. ) Mltll Low C-Cht. ·"- 11...,a co 1 , i~ 1s\~ 16 oo •.•ot:; os -A-lle1><1i. 1 60 !l •1'1J •l •1'• -'• R~"\11~.1~ i~ AD•cus -•9! •l rr" 19'> n:~ -.~: ::~r11f1~1l:~ 11i ii1•'• Ii~;: 1!t1 ~ -t 'I> Oymolnd .•11 ~~1Lr1> 1.10 ~ ''''• ~ -:-"s.,,.iiF " .. .., ''° 1,.., ·"""" ,,1, u•"•"'m .4(1 Ac .... c7"1.~-: ll ~: .. : :I~; ;1 ~: :__ ;z B~nllF ""'JO 16 ll~• ll llV• ti .. ~~~ir~' .• t: ~r tl~ H~! ;;~ -1 !: ~=~= ..... ~pll.JO 1i: ~:': t::~-?i~~ -"e1~11P(h .llO Ad MllU1 ,?!l 191 H>o U>• l•'o l'·l BtMIY•I I~ 11! 16 l~'I'> 1.P'o ~•.co (:p .'IO Ilda'""' l...O <14 J•.., 7• 7•\io -114 O~t~Pllo ./It 96 11•• 1]•;, 11"' + '"' E~'1 Air ;Jlp .O.am.,11 ~I 10''" lY>• 19<o _ .. 8.,..,ec Cera 171 '" I" 91' t. lo!CF T 151 A.e•n&Uf l 40 )'11 .. 'I> •l~ 41~, +.t,., B•ln 5!1 l.llO 111 ;a., 11~: JI~ f '"East Ulil l.«1 "'oul•te Co 111 Jt:V. 19,,. 70» + ._ 811M Ind l 'Xt 71 21~• 111;, 11'1> Ea'! 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It's s·rlly to k"ep a b'1g ;• ... •,,o','," 1 10.0 111• 11" 11 + \'• rar1erw .~ca sn, JP'o :in 1~·• ,. F"t.icuv 1 olO <, ~ ... " •O ]l'• Jr;, Jl (a,e JI •J 11'• IJ'~ 1<> ~ • F1t NSI~ .I'.>!! arno<ml in o c·omrne ·a l ba k Am P~o10 11 Jll n 1n , 11 --' 'l r.,. pf 111.0 11 '' 1• 1, 1 Fl!cMl(n .!O . rc1 n . AR.,ov '°" ~)11 11•• 7) 7,,, •1'• (A,ll•C•• ~o " J_lt; :ti•• l"• ..... Fj lh• Fd O>ct !'av1ngs account on which the 11.m s •• 1 l 11 1> 1•', ,,, , -'·' c~l••T• 1.10 101 ... , ..,, , ,.,, _, , • F.,h.,sci .it ) ) · t . 1 . . A.m Sl:lh> .60 l1 19'1 lt', 19•, cr-1 Corp !S ~'• g11 g•, _ 1; FlemlnQ .lO ega 1n ercst ce1 1ng is 4 per-A. ~rn•u LtO 1B JJ J1 Jl'> -" cc1 c .. pl!.15 ~ 11 1~,, 1~1" ~ ~• F11nt•o1• 1 S . b d . AmS~Afr ,/0 " •O'' ]9'1 )9'• -i, C~o~ (p .80 1? 15'• ?''" IS'•--' •. , Flln1 p!A•.SO cent. av1ngs on s returning A.mSAtr 1n 10 1 J1 31 11 . 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A.»dOC. •?o 6 •B'• •~' • .,, ,.r., cvo•1"1'1t 1 ,,., 1•'> '"'• +1'· G~m•nln •o• commercial bank at which you A•dSi>o 11ob 10 l ' ~ JJ•, 31,: + '• cc•1 P•ol l ? 11 '> 15·~ 15''7 -" GnAlnv 1 l6o k h k. · A"!!l<ftn •O JO 1?>, 1?•. 11'• C~•omall 14 111 1?' > 11 1~ 32 +1'·• G"'m0il .•Ob eep your c ec 1ng <1ccount to ,o.11ci.E1 1 in w l•'• 13" 1., ~ , cnrv,1tr ? sn .i•, '°'• '1 -"GAT''" 1.60 b tad. h A!l(Elpl\$1 101 91 01 '!-••'r',',""~,',',',o ll'l't1S11'i/o -•1CiAlrnof1SQ uy OtlS 0 ing s Ori-term All RTch!td I IM ~~ 9•'• \ " ''° .I•'• \O'~ Yl'i +l'• G~" Bone .5lt · I · ,. ",•-1'\cinMm 1 .•0~ ~ •!'• •~''" 411-'4 -•r GC&blP 1109 issues. But unless you have a ~:i~;~~P:,.i/~ •JJO 11 . ·1''' .n • -'• c1~s .. r11 1•0 1 •"'• '°'~ oi'o + ""Gtn c1u 110 t d. ) ll~O',l60'>l00'1 -7'>(1 TFlnleti 11 ""l '1 •? -'"G~O~v~1 141 mos exllaor Jfl<:.Ty ren· All~cn ofl,!O 11 oo _ 6•'• ii -"C"·••Svc·~ :i.11 ,,,, ••'• 06,,_, G~novnom 1 lionshlp, you'll have to m.ect ~::~:ct~."', 1 68 111'• 11'• 19 '•1o c;1s <'P!l '~ i RV• Rl"• '·"• -1'~ Grn Elt< 100 16S .1'1 ''• .I tl'CllV Inv JDb •II l.I'> J<'o J•>:. GnF1rol l)~ S r i 'd · ts A~rora Pl•< t 1~''> 16 .. 10"•-"•Cl!Vlnv olB? 1i6 Sl'o I• 1<''-'-'>G~nFd• lOO ome g I requircmen . A.utSp•1• .085 ?11 l~-,, ""' 1-1•1, +'·•en• 51,, .:i • ll"• n •·, i>•• _ '· G•n Holl Specifically: ~~.",m,1n lt.•10 111 11•0 1110 11" -v. Cl••ltEa 1'.a 1:ie JI'> :>!'~ JI••+ ,. G~n 1",1 \" ~· f 386 30'• 'l'I'> 10•·-' '•Cl••k ou '1 o 11 JS'• l.I'• J•'i -1~G•n!nur p!J -)'ou must have a hefty Avco P l .10 1• 43 60'• 6J +1 c .. vc1111 1 >.o 10 .,,,., :1o1 l~ -'• G~n MTlio ~R ' Av•rv Pd ,l7 11 6)'1 l<l 6l1~ '"' Cl••Ellll f l).I 71 -:IJ>• ll>\ JJ1i, ,,_ '• GMlll! oll IS total of cash in your account, ~~.~t,:1n,\,•~o ?•?IS''~ 1• is -1-1 11oc1ora~ ,15a 110 ,.,,, 19"" " + ""G~nMot l•Q,. b I "" "" I n 11 11 +1 Clue!1P•• ~ '.!'> ?9 ?l'l• 11':1 -'-G Mo! SP! s .ea reguar customer. Y0u Avnet pt ! 1 J1 J7 l7 +v.c1u•!IP cl ! ~ !•'• n 1 .• 19'o -'IG Mo1 crJ 1,. can't ;·ust ii·alk '<nlo a bank ~,',',",'o',, ~-~, 8! IM'I 1•1') 1 ~J -'• ct.i"' F1n1 so 9~ 11''> 1J1., ?1•, + •· GrnPCefl> llO oo. u 7~ )j )"'' H + h (NA. o! AT 10 l' JS :>!"1 l•'~ -'I GPu~U+ 160 with ;i check, -6-€~;b~'.,fi~~ 1: ~'1• ~·; ~'• - 1~ r •• ,. R•1r~<' -You mu~t invesi at least BaNJ< w l :K 7•7 n•. 1"" 'l'~ ... •1 ccc:aco1 1 r.o sn 1110 11•·, 111> _ ,_ c.rn sia 110 B~l<rOllT 61 '/4 71'• 11'• ?l'i + •0 C(>l •~!I~ 170 •I 3111 J? l"• 1'•t"T~'~nd !IO ~100.000 or y·ou 'll he considered B•11GE 110 9l l!'• 3111 31,. + '• co1Q Pai 1.xi •ld •?'• .o11•. ~P· -,, 1 •• -1 111 BalG pf[UJ.() 1<0 M"• ~6 '• M'· , ~olal' ~l)J<) im SI'~.,,,,,~~·.' .,glelfl oflSQ an odd-lot huyer and have to sauG c•C• rli'>ll 5t S9 1, corn~1 A1~· 1 79 1•'4 ,,, 76'• '1 eiF Ml I~ e~nQl>Vn• 6(1 " 1•'i 7, 14,1 rolhnl>•d .~ 10 11 ~'-'• s.1 "1-• C. Tei P!S l lO 11ay a scr\]{'e charge, This will BangP 011 3 31 1,.1, 11 co1o1nt~t 1.60 11 •l"• .:iv, •O'• -1•0 Gen rim, 8ll h llo I I 2 d 11•"9P p!I 15 1 ;1 11 ll rou l"d 1<a '~ Jl\i J1 n " \•, G•~ Ti•• lb c O I per or er on B•~k r, , l • si 01 ,~ ~1,, ~1., _ ,. co11 in <>f4 11 o 61"~ 61'" 61" -'• ~ 11•e p! 5 Treasury and Agency l"S""< ll•rb0111 .Jlf 1 1• 1• _H , , ro1t1" ~11..0 '°" 11 1• i••,,_1 .,·~·•<o 1&0 ,_ ;}.U<.. Bftrd CR ,7\ _JO\) -5'>' l .:cs~ 1.•0b 11• .,,,., •1'" •7\\-\ "~he'< ~"IO $15 prr order on commercial 11a,1c 1~, .&ll n1 l• ., ·it.~ 1,,,~; = • .. §2,tG:~ 1 LOG J~ 5;~·~ ~r • i::: 1 ;; g;~~·,~~P~,10 1 P a~1n Ml9 ''" \I'• • c01,,J>1t1 611<1 ~1 3•'> l4'• l •'• ._ ,, G~ P~c aoti ap<>r. Bein !~d 1' '''' 1<'1 71 '"'C:ol!.<>Ot\ i,Jli Sil JJ J\ 0 )1'• +I GePoc pfl~• -YOU l\IUST n1ake s II re ~=~~ft}~ :ii: i! :~;· l\ JI -'• ComlSol~ Ml oJ 13 :n 11" GeP~c n11 ID thr serv1te charge doesn't Bo >!• l &b wi J5' •,~,'· •• ~,',, .• ' ~~~ ' '' ~~'.J~'d"j;g ~~ ~''o !if,; ~·, +\, g!i1':0111 j0 !!cl I . . B•V~OCl<1 IO 11', _._'•com E a!I <l } 21i ?5>o 16 t \t Go•tv ~11 .)0 C lll'Jlnat{' the rate <ldl':Jntage. B•~'ln9• 1 l <J'1 AJ'• •l'1 ._ "ComwOil '.i,o lN ?ll'< lf.'·1 '°'• G•enf P( i10 For instance, ,·r ". 011 b<ry 90·day 11·~• Fd• i 11 :it'~ Ji'• J 1'• -'' (om""' S<.1 .... s 1~ 1• ?' • 1• • G:n,~u r1~ , Br<!Fd~ P'' 1 I><''-<"''• wl,_•,com.al 119 1110 •9'• Sl'.-"7'>Gilkl l -w i!O Treasury bil l~ f9ur titnes a &;~~O~-·~t !~it,,. U j~"+»Con• M1111 1 16 l''• 16 10 '•G111ene 1,0 ye11r, it'll cost y·ou $40: this s~e,hA• ·"11 ~41 n•;, 11·• ?1" = ~: ~':r.'i~ft 1·tg i~! ~i:! ~~;: ~~:: t ~! g\~ni..~rd:~ 1 B••~~ Crk 1 J\00 16"• B.'1 1!'1-1•, (onEdl~ o•6 • ~·:• 8•1• 8•!~ -:• Ci•<nl>I ~•l •J ~~~~t ~~is;i ;~d ~~P;~:1n~1~JI'cr~t ::ffZ££ -·~ ff ll:! U1' ~i:~ ~ :: ~~~~:~~·if ·~ ~;! ;\;~ n:: -~ :! 2j~~!l0 pfi' l5 ) )") I 'f od . Brll ln!••con IO Tl•• 10'1 11 •t+~1 c.,.,rd Pl•IO 1110>)IQ'•l lO'>-'•g,gg;.1 ,~Mo~" \1·orl 111' 11 f! ()II y I yo\Jr Cr IS ~~~F1_~:~~'1"01 ~: fj'• ~:; n:; ::_ ,'; GO)(ld•ft~ (/, <11 lta ~t $:'1,{){)(), "'"'"'"'"'."'"""'"'""""""'"'~ C~nN~•C, ! 76 l9 ]O'• i~·. 1''• • •1 Goo~y••• .~I Y h ,. <' Con\P'"r l 90 oo lS 1 .u JI', , 1 Go•dJlvA 14 ·ou rannot IJY ·"'· conPw P,.11 11 0 66,, ·~·,••,•I f<o v1<11n, 1;0 < 1· o·[ I ti !I 000 co"P" "" o,o r.,~~•Cu 1 10 I "l'"" n \I I " ('~!' 1<1n . F J ll!~ M '' •I" ~~', -l\•o C.r~nl\~ 1 lO .i nd 1ht• U~lla ! Oi'dl'r ii;; S.'i .(lflO. .i • (<>o!A"L .IO 111 lJ'• 1.)', 131 , Gr•nou~ 8IJ , lll3UCe lonic." ,xi •1 1,,, ,. , 16 . _ •• c.·~n·•·c 3!1 Thf' 11~11:il n11nimum for ('fllll · Cn•C0<10 119 n 1 ll • 11 O'• -'• G•a n1,.,, 1 •O Lo"lro< (~ 1 8' ~· •8 ~, -•, G•"n!W I •O 111f'rr1 <1I J'lljX"r b!'1Uf!l1l 1hrough f.•C<> o•A.1\0 71 JI j0'• 51 -<1 '-Gr~•D•9 •7~ h k -i(t(.n p!8; "1 J J<), 401 , '~" -1 Gt A&P l 1i! you r :in -l~ ~2~.000 " B • f ,::001 MtQ 1 ;? • 11 • .i 1 •I'·_'• G"Noir 'J5- ' • t k • I I .tQMM01 _100 • 11,, 1• ,,,; -i , (.rNoP•o 1 ~n -011 11111~ ·r ,,11 !r;·u·n o l'Je S Q"' q,1 1 j(l i:1 1e ,1 ia,, c .. 110,P r.1 .r ! . J I {OM Oo< P• l I <I I •t •1 + '' G• NM fl ~ J .1n11r 111;"1 unty i fl l('S, or 11 1·1111 I'. (Qnl ~" 1 , 11 •1 Ji, Jl'o _.. ·, G• W••+ F•"1 l:1il 1n rein1.r s1 you r rnn.111•y Iii ~~~;,0~t10~1,~ ~~ 1~·: 1~\" 1~~.~ ~ i 1' 2~\7~n1~:1 l~ 11h('1l ,\'{lU r nhl lgations 1nat11rr, 'EIV ''ORK fUPJl Th l~O'' Pl'IO 1~0 ~}'• &I'• ei -. ,.p, Gi1•io ."'~ ~o 1' --e con,;,_0~ 1 ;;08 11 JI , l • ju.,_'• r,. •• ~r·"' ?~ ~·011 '1Jlo~f'lllltheintcrr~tyn11 \ · S k ) roo•un.i lo 9u,•J·,~J'•-'·c.'~•nS~1 Jo ) ) d 1 1ncn c;in .1oc· Exc 1angcCooPr•1n 1<0 ,., ''" 11 . 71.,+1,Grr•hcvndl l:J\(• ~,11nrf -;in 1nore. 1 1 cowor TR 1 ;s 1~'' 1~11 16'•-'• Gtolit• ~ ' 0" ''OUC\N b 1.1 lt·d lrading \~'edorsday in coocr 011,1s 6 11 ·~'· 19 --,, c;,.,..,,.,nCo 1 1-1 " , l try to uy . coo.iano 110 11 ._.,~ ""'• .. ,1 •1t, G11LtHn1<1 ,•o h t t lh ) I slock 11f V'fR, Jnr.. <'lftrr caaollg• ,,<,(lb 1'>! 6''• &1>1 6' +1" Gulf MO l RO \I' a you 1van roug l yo1 r ) coowi~11 1 ?fl lO lQ'' 701, 10•, _ 1, r.u•J 01• 1 <o bcokcr ,ss11rn1·ng you meet se1•era brokerages received al co11,..~e .lll<> 11» 11" •~'-11 -" Gu1" 11~'"'"' --, . ) [ f' (' b CorGW l.Xlll 46 118 111', 1nv, +6'.< GvllR"I of,,~ the same rlsid rrqtiire1nen1s. eas seven ic 1trous uy to'•~~11~ .-n 11 1r" 11" in. f '" GnR.,. ""·JO d f d o IJOO h CowlM 10 181 1•'1 lJ>,1 loll> ._, GullSt~U! 96 But 1nos! brokrrs have been ~o or ers or aroun .,, s ares co.11dca• ~ 10 "" !l 511·, ~, c.u11su n1s Oii ) ) Of ' he s1ock CPC Intl 1 IO 150 ll'I• l7'" 32'1 Gul<SU "" •• over11• JC' med l\'1\h papcrv.'ork · cr~ne l.~D v 441·, .:!'• .w•,. + ·.~ Gvir5u of• .o I h t I) rd Five or the bog11~ orders Ctomn ~" _8Q 11 II"· 17'• ,,,,, , ~. GullSU •"l0 a ley rons er you a cro .. s•MrnoJ 1 JO n1, 11'• 11•·• I'• r.uirwin •c~ "uisa nc0 to as•o'1d a d they \\-'Pre spo1lcd by !he brokerage C•owC01 1,s11 'n 79"1 11..,, 111, -l"' c.u111N "'~ !r ' 0 h ) Crown Cor~ 1/4 l6'o 11•1 16 -,,, GulfW pfS,IS mny slap on a scrv.icc char1::e ouse t'rnp oyes and v;cre not ~·wn2e11 1 .~ ~.~ is.11 i2:: ~ ~1;~ Gvllo~ Ind ur $20 or more p<'r order. This (ransn1itted to 1he floor of the ~'ts ~Q~~·-.~ 6• 11•• ?i i.:. n .. '• t·an more than offset your in-exchange. At. ]('ast two other ~~g~~· p~?.1s i l~ ~r~ ir• + ,, ~!f,~~,a\ ~ I l I d · such orders were transrn t'tied ,'""'."~~.• •. 00n0 no '''' 1• 1• H11lib"'' 1 os cres ra ea 1·antage. 'f' n •1'1 "°~' •1'1 +1•1 H~mwa1 .. 1&1 ~3) Or you can buy new U.S. to th~ floor .. The U.S . at· ~~~rir;;i.;,1 1? 11! ti, .. f. i~ .!:.~: ~:~;:::~~0101 T . d' I I torncv s orf1cc and I h e Cw•! W• A J J )O'~ :Jll'~ lit'~_,_·~ Handlmn ·,60 reas11ry 1.<;Sues 1rrct y rom S · . d E' c.,11~, 14 1.?o ~. ',',:•. ',•,;·,· •,,·,·. l. :.· '--'•~d H~• .n the Nev,• York fed er a \ ~u~1t1cs an .xcMang:e Com· crc lo!>~ 1i!'J 10 •1,, 41'1o ,,, , _ ,,, ~!~~~1i\' 1;~ Reserve Bank 133 tiberty St., mission were notified. CrPrus ·'0 _,..,, H••court 1 LJ"-H•tth Int l N.Y .. N.Y. 10005') or any othrr 01nR lv 1_1,Q 61 16'• 1i le'o + '-• H1fl<o CP 1 of the 12 Federal Reserve NE\V YORK (UPI) -8:;i.•,~g .\J~ 1~ tt:: :Mv. t;:~ + ,, ~~;~"1).;!•1 ·: ll k b ·ti· f Caclcr Walla"e In d °"''inn "' 1 ,• 'l'' u 'l'" -•• H~• CorD .AO an s y wri ng :iway or -... • c., s u I': Da•<oCD 1 11 ; '• l''" , ,. + , , H1..,1; E• 1,J1 order forms and fill ing them ~avNis-Edwyardks P1harmacal Co. 8!::~~(111 :·/g ~: ;~·~ :J.'; ;K: ~ "~:r:1i1,,:1~ 1 out appropriately. The Federal 1n1 ~w . o1r . ederal eour! g:,~, ~: l./~ f:P fr-.' ~: ~:: ~:~~~M~ .:~ R.eserve will give preference c 1arg1ng 111 ringe1nenl of its otim~•P !.Oii u 11 10•\ 10>0 + " Htien~ cv,i Pale l 0 lh I ·1· • O~IMntt 110 110 11'< 16'> )6\o-1,Hrli (O•! ~G to you, the small investor. n n e ranqu1 1z1ng 0eu1,o.1, .•G LS1 :i.o" n• .. J•'• .. ~ He11tt 1n1 .H In short. thestt: are fantastlc drug, meprobamate, used in g~111.~~ :~: '" ~ \~';~ \r,; \~.~ ~il~r:;.d•.1~ Op rl ' 't'e b t h p•ychothcrapy and prescri'bed Denn Mio .•o 5w 79'· nr•, 79'• -1'• H•mi11>1\ c~ .. po un 1 s -u you a\'e . . oe~nvfl1t .o• •i: Jl.._ Mi? ;1 '• _:1,•.: ~;~ul'~ .~Jo lo set)k them out. you have tn by physicians under the name &""l~r 1\'?g 8 1.,1 11•1, 18,. _ '• HertlnA 1 .. do your homework, you ha\'e n1 iltown. o.r.:'Ko 1>1 ·a 11 YI'• S9'-S'I'· .. '• H_,.nFd 1\'0 to have money. Tf you're Carter-Wallace recently won ~f~~~~n<,.;6° 11~ i,l>,: :fl!.: /~;: + -1t ~;::,t>,!~1;~ -~0 · ') .. 1 . ~' E~ !>15 so 6 14'• I) .. 1 HIQn vonao• s111al1. u n i n f o rm e d ;ind a s1m1 ar 1n ringrmcnt suit in-oe1s1•tl .30P " iJi~ 12>0 ll'~ -.. Hll•onHot~1 1 unknown, forget it. 1·~lving meprobamate against 8i':1'1i'n8~'.\o ~ ~:: ?i· ... fj,. :--1:: ~::~~ ·~l" •t J\·I in icon1pulcr SAN CARLOS !UPI) -A communications device no big· i;:er than 11.n average sized teJl· book containing a computer that can be used lo transn1it data at high speed over ordinary telephone lines was announced Wednesday b y Lfnkurt Elrctric Divisinn of General Telephone & Elec· Ironic~ Corp, It ,.,•ill be demonstrated next week at lh e: cnnvention of 1hc Independent Tclephone Association i n \\'ashioglon. R1verlon Laboratories, also of 00•,•,l":',"," ,",~ '~ ' • .,. • ' · Hoh8•1 1 w~ " \1' ~ "' !'.' • '' !l<)'"fn'N~I .~I New York Di. n , i c1 l Jo • ); • ;cl·• + 1• 14ol! E1tt1rn ' Ol~S l>f 01 '0 i~ ll'• 11''1 I/\, Holldy1nn 711 0JC181\~0ft I ?1J 1'\'.1 lit'• 1' +11•Hol")dA \,IOI) '\'ASlllNGTON o;•t>old -'!~ 16 •l "'1• 11 ';'> -'" Hol r!iot 1.10 I I (UPI) -OlGlo<'•I~ •O -"') 15'• ,,,. 1.1. -""H.,,... ..... Ml C ho Id · k I 01\!lfttnm :o 61 15'• 1~'• 1)''> -'· 1.1 Hone'""I fio ongress s u q II I c y Olll"f fr( A 1 1 .,,,. ... •Bl, ,_,,,, HOii~ Bl 11o. create an l n dep e ndent &11111~~gi -~~t 3 •1 47 •1 -111 140~1 1~11 · JO ) · a· c1 ~ J 11:"~ 11t~! ~I\" t 1~ Ho1e1 co A·m qiar time agency with the 0\~~. v 1IJll.io ,.,, 101 101~1 lln'~ + .,, He<ld 1n11 .10 capahility Of revitalizing the 0111st11 1.:>o ' .. ii''> •I"'> ,,., H0110MU1 ·"° Dlvt,.,lnd U 110' 19'1 16'• 11·~ +'; HW~hil' 1.10 U.S. r.terchant ~1arine. Rep. g;;~i;ri~ :g· 'J; ;::: :'1 ~ ;~,'; -1;~ ~::~ ~t~, Robert 0. T iernan. (0-R.1.) oa ... ~d 11•• 11 ti 1111 1J -; ., Hoo1tlP 1.1' ) Id ) h W d d D0<1nt!ley •o ll 3'!'~ lS''t u·~ :i-~. ~Wt!NG\ !O o a unc eon e ncs ay o,,.)( CP Jl a l\'• J1 31•, 111ro. 1111.50 _, b h AF' "10 g,yr Ollvrr 25 11'• 11'/t 11~) _ ,, How Jo!>n .1• sponsort:U y I e V'-' over CP 61 ·~ u" n"" •ll.l +io• ~owmt1 .ro l\l11ritime Trades Department. ~~S:.'.C~ \.~3 1~b :~:: ~!·~ ~~:': f ,, ~~~"~.l-~ He said the m ~ r ch a n t 'o',',',',',"',,,','•o 51 11 " J1', 11 .. :.., ,,. 10~1'1(,Pw 1.60 11 J<'O )I'• l<'~ _ '• l~e81 68\IC I marine had langui~hcd ever o,.,,. .,1 r1 11 .n>o 11, ",'• -"1:~1, •,•,•,'.', '• · h Dr1vh.,Co lh • )~'• 1~ ~ JS \ 'v since t e Co111merce Depart· ou,~Pw 1 ,, ,·, J1 ;1 ' -• 1~~~1• "" 11 t b •·d )h · · Du~Brd I I~~ '" YI', Ill (en! 1,i, mrn a sorUt: e mAr111me rluolft~ c.~ ·• " "'· n -1 \ii'~: .... ~ur ;idminislration nearly 20 years "", .. :00•,1, ',,','~ ni 11• • 115» 1111, +P. 111 ,. .. r.111t " )II 1• 61'• •I ~1 Im<> (P Am ago. ~':.P,o,"I ~·.•,IO \ H'> I•"• !"I -" !NA {p t '° Uv L 1 ... ,SI, '\ ?I'• '"<~m• (iinlt O<> •.l'01>'1 It JXI 7' tt 1' -1 '"((um .I•; -D- l1 +-" 11 -" 11-'I\ -'• l•V.+-'• "" 1• + '• " 11 + 1 , JS';\ + 1, " ll -'• 6"· -'• 211"· + I'. 1n•1 -1'• 111, -1'· ,,~ + .. li'• -'• l"• ~ '• So!" ~ .. :IA'> -.. 59'•j '" 39·1, '. 161• I '• 7S + ,,, '" 7S'' +1•, 31"1 + '• 3•'• -'• ~r" : ·-J11. --' .• ..... +» 16<·, + '. J9"< -'• l~ +' .-4.l•• -• • " ll\4 +·. .ll '11 --' ' ~I I ,_ 81'·• +' M'•-'> ,, .. 11 ·,, f-'• n » , '" 1\1~ + '• 11',, -'• 51 -+ 1 1414 -'~ J)lo -'• l1'o -'·• 1)',. -'• ?1 -'. 1•''> .+ •1 2'1'" -1·. 3714 -i.1, 10 +• .• 1Plo +• .. 15~• -1. 1l"i• + \? " ?IV, -'• 51'4 .+ • ,_ 41-U -14 61 -'• 36 -•• lP~ , 11>, -+ , •• 1s1. -'• ll\~ + '• 11 -'·• "'' -1 36' ' -+ •• "°'" + •• 19'1 + '' •9'·• -1, e9'' + '• 761;' + '• 3" -•• Sll'> 78 + '• 1J\!. -'• .0 -1 '~ ?7''•-'• 11'', -'• n•:. 15\\ 4 'I 'l'• -'' 78 -'• 46'~ -I> 11·~ -... 15•. -''• 3•'1· + ., Jl + •• l•'I •l'1 -'o ;19'<>-'I• t~~: t :: ?•• .• ~ '' i• -'· ir _ ;1 11" 71'• -,, I '._._ Jt l, l-'• 10 -" Y1t. ->, 16'· -'· 11 .. '' ,. •5 -1'• JI''>+ '• •9'·· --'. 1l'o -'• w•, :?II" + '• ;!\>, + '• 1•'• + '• !l•o -'• 15'• + " Ill'! -1, 19 + '• ll'• -', •J•, -1" 3~'· -'. ""' +1 .. n" -'• "" .... ~. -'• ~·. + ., 15'• + '• 11'• + " 4.\l1 ..._,,, ii '~ -•• l<"· -'• •1'• l~'' ,; 'II 18'' -'• ?! ' '' 1•·• ' '\ JI '>• -J 1'1'1 .... 111 _. '· " " 1 ' • l6"-'• 4!'>-''• ~I -( • •!'< Jl·'o "1 ~&'1 -1 !8'o --' " 1)1' j. " ti .. '• (\ -1 4~ -''• 101.1 .... 18 .. ~ IJ -.9•' 10 • l'. ~·''> ~ '• ll'• -"• l5' •• ''• j/) ... ,, JI'~ -'· ... ' f " 78'• " ll " ' ' 11'< -'• 15'1 -'• 1!'• !<'.!" , ' 1~·· ... !'> 1~·' '· '• !\', _._ '• !' '' ,~ .. -1 j\ ~ '. 11 ' • ....... , . " " --'-.. 11 -;. '' '~" "" .. '~ l• ' • 1 ' is·,_ , , JI _, '' )S'\-+ •, JJ'' _,,, 1<'o -'• " _, ll'll -·~ ll + ,, ~8 + •. 5914 ~ -· s.l'i -1'• 11 -•• " 64'~ + " 11'' -•• I L 1. Monday's Closing St• ,..,,. ____________ , .._I llllai L.tw CIM CJll -Hl- ,1i ~\ ~~ ' 1!~ 21 ~l •1'1.o ... , l•J ~ ~ to ~ ll' t]: 1~ ,, ~, S1 1/ I ?• 2 o 10 )f.b 1?1 lll JT ST . ' ' " ,,.. ., •• l l • ; ~i ... I JJ o ~•1 •o l 1(1 •l l l •• ' " 2•) I I J20 tS ' " • ' MOllday Oc.tobtt 20 1%' Prices-Complete New York Stock Exchange List 11... Mll .. llllllllllllllllllllllllll .. 111111111111111111111111111111111 11 .. I M ... t.-CJlu Cnt .. ,, . " lS II '> ' ,, .. li l1 • I J I ..... ti Wl -S- •••• :F " I •• A~ " " "'' + •• 11', +1 " -. 1t ... 1 .,.,. -I " tl\o ,, • ,, ~ 11 l4 li .U• ~ II\;, 11 .... 11'1o )1 ' • ..,.. <00 -,, • '°" <01 -n !f\ol ll o, ,, , J. l l 11 lO Jl·o -! .1U Jl : Jl ~ U.-: -' ' . . ' , •• 1., •• ,,,_ , 1£" l~: \I I + "• . I II I t II• + ,, .. 1 • .&.1 ... + 1:i1 .;1;lr~+ 51 J • ' ' ~ .. Market Moves Up As Trading Brisk 1 U I) -stocks moved forward 1'1onday 1n an txttn1uon of last week ! bia: rally Trading \VI S brisk NEW YO l\K l 6tl.4 U 1•to. ed h\ rt u 16' 10J rM\• -+1 o\n<1lysts attnbuted rt:n ew strenrt o repo s 102 16~ 1~ ,,,, -• H n 11..., nl< -that Pres1d1nt Nixon m1.-bt be con11d1nn" 1 WU n' ll»o '"• :If +-• ,; ~~ ;:': ~l " , lateral cease-fire tn Vietnam s 11;, ,, • 11 ' -1: Y it· ~ "";: Shortly before the close the UPI m1rkelwtde Jl .... ~. ,, +-0 37 t 1602 ,. 11 u 1l +-• indicator wa s up percen on issues cro!s· 40 P o Jl o 11'i -1~ 1t'~t ,: ; 1:'\o _ , 1n g the tape There \Ver e 7~ advance! and 5922 r: ~. ~..: 1,:::,:: chnes U23'\,U »l.4 + •t& ''' u"' u1t -~. The Qo,v Jones aver~"e of 30 Blue Chi ~ indus ""'•11·1• • • 32•.i. J1 • i _, trials gained 3 04 w 13910 near the final be I 7' p , H o 1'• + ..., 31 • ll • 11 ~ = fl' r.,,1 ._ \loJume Of apprOi iffi.!lt t ly 13 000 000 Sha! es \Vas 1: ~l~ JI~ fi'? : about 1n hne with Fnday J!ne>~ ~11101 •• U>l JJ1. " + I' 11~ \ft4 ' 111 • 1&1 ~ 1•1 , 1 Electronics showed scattered strenflh with ',""'' r • ..!• I JJ o JJ •"•-I. n4YC-• ' 1• • I'• u • + '' !ie,eral issues mov1ne: a point or more on tne op-·~0••C• '° 1l I.a~ tio II o Side T~~~~ UI I J 710 JI 11 -lo Tt0<h M ,: !i , U: !i~ :1 Steels and motors generally t raded in small l1:,Sf~':G ': 'l1 t ll 1 i~, fractions and ut bolh direction s Autom6b1le man '",..'' 1 'lo ;; f, 1• 1:; ~: .... ufacturers are expected to tnm their December '!1::•1"~ .. f (o,, ' .. "• '' steel orders •• ••' ' .. 1~ n I n i: -1 l!! lurfltllS. '1 !: , ~~, ll r. ~1 ' Chemicals also lack ed a dtf1ru[e pattern while ~::j'f ~;d ,t ,~ ff= ~r· ~. t 1" a1rhnes and atrcrafts traded narrowly l-!! {•; N. ' 1• ' 7IVo ,,,,, -Tt•Ut!I 1.:-'J :,.. 1: ,i, ~ Stocks affected by the government .s ban on t:: :' '"'' u ~ ~:\ ~;, ~: '-; 1 C) clamate products attracted selhng pre5surt 1n t~·~~~ -:'o '° 2~ 11 • '" '' • + clud1nt Abbott Laboratories, the biggest producer T•o"'"'"' • oa O ljl" J 'o 15'~ + i T~o"' n4 •O ~5 ~ • 11-.. -1, or eye am•t•• r• '"'o '' "l lf.' " l \~ Cl ,•;.,. " 1 101 l l • I l o ~· Tm,~MI SO :n •1 '-l' ~ -'t Suga r stocks ho\vtver \vtrt on the uptrend 1n 11""~ •• , 1& ltS :M<• 31>,;o IV• -1 T 1~ ll ty l' 1• ·~· " '1" -most instances !"1" ,k, 15 H ._ U"io ll'lo -o Ml4C~f " " I • IU~ Vit-!oHf. lMI ~1 " 11"'° '' Pnces firmed up on the Amenean Stock Ex· °''•• IOI> IJ " ' 1r~ 1n: + ~' In 0CJ0 t ll\I I tit J ll ! 51~ s. • l' chan1e with volume a~roxunat f 4 000 shares T••~•UR 1 i• 1tAo " ,, ~ 1 t di ed I fl••' h l'"W"• SOii 3n ,. 4 ,. d -;-~~ a! ra n& mov 1n o e ~ our ;·-•,' ~1 ':~ rr~: ?/'" 'J : :''..:":•·-------------------------------;:::..., • L " • ·~· r.: ,, ~ t • ~\t + ~ Complete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List 'J u:: J l• • U •O o ' • • 0 1 ,, I . " J•9 J(J • " . \ 11 • 1 ?I,. ' '. u 1," 10 2J I • • " . . ' .'>1 I ' ~ -· ' ' " . . " • • ' . " • ·i l l t1 ~ ~ ' .. ' ~, I\ J? •0 ?l •I . " 1 l .l!I ' 11 J • ,1, ', •• ii 1100 ,, ' l l'O II J1 ' 'ii •O It 0 11 .. ' . l Uh ... I t ll'lo JO 17 " l) J ~. l H 1llo •• ' jg ,.~. -M- '" JI~ " ' 1• ]()>o 11 JI i io.i s~ 11 ir, ' " 11 ., . " .. ' ' . )II u . ' ,. . ' JrU I~ . ,, . ' ltt )Ill, 160 ., " .. " . ' " ,. " .. n ,, .. ' ,, "' " ' • " ,. " '" ' "' "' il " " ' " " ' " ' • • ' • ... " " '" "' " • "' " " ~. " 1~: l~ ,.. '"• "" " . n" ., " " lJh • • • ' ' " .. '" " "'' ,~,. ri : "" .. ' . J4 '" • " • • " " " " "' ., ' ' " .. ,, '• • "' ,.. ll" " . P. ~. ,,. " , . • ,. ,, • ••• '" '" , " •• • ' • • '1 7\ !'" !1 :t " • ~· ~ "" '" .. •• " l • " .. .. . • i } i i • 17'1 1' ' ' " ,, • '" '"' • ' . r, • '" '" " ,. . • • "' "'' " '" .. , " '"' " .. ' " ' n ,. •• .. ,. ... • , .. ' • " ~ .. '" " " ... .. ~t . ,,. " '" '" .. ' " "' ,, . J9 •• ' ?t1 J~ ••• . " •• .. • '" .~ " . ' " ",700 ,. , , • 150 1• ,. . '" ' . '•'I",,. "' ~.,,~,, 111.u.. 1•?5'1 ?•• ~ 11 ~Jo -Q.R-•• ~~ r. : ..... .. •• ,,,1. '~ ,, ... 11 1 l! "1 • ,. ... 14 ~ to•11<o 11 ' ' ' .... .,. • .. 11' 111 •1•! ' •l ., • "" • I U 1" ·~· tU ~T 5!1 1 1 ' • I ~ lf• lf: JJ• 1·. i1~ ; ,, .. ?t '~"'''~ , , • lj • " r. • . ~ ~ .. ~,. .. ~ ~ '•"'' ,, 1 " ,,. " -. "' l!V, "IW YOlt lC IA~ M .... •v't ~.ielt " ......... <•~ StMlt EKC~ ...... trlue ?5'~ -t • " . ?! • -'' . -.. l •• ll o -AINI"• ~1 l! -. • ... , .... 1-<lfl'I "' A(l"ll f ot .lJ > -' Adom\ Run l J A~ (l<IO• lftC 1t "• of oN ;o 1~ "•O• J(lo 1• At Oft~I il<I (j'~ .. li.\l (I OT 0 17\o ~~A C Pl'loo 1111 .... "~ ... lftd " I """ ,,., ? M CC"! o .\ In A ••• E 2t o ,\, W11I DAllY PILDT II . > ,: ,, •• • • • • .• • • • .14 DAILY PILOT 'l States 1T0Absorb Schools? Ultllell Pr .. 1 lftlH-.tl811•1 The cost of running a school : system is soaring -at the ·rate ol $100 per pupil each year in some places. Properly taxes c:ollected by l o c: a I districts have gone: CQ!l- sistently upward, pos s i b 1 y aDout as far as I.he y can go in many districts. A taxpayers' revolt already has sent hundreds of school b1Jdgets and bond isuses down .,to defeat across lhe country. 'ln Fremont, Ohio, for ex· oample, a bud~ct defeat is fore· ing the school system lo close Jrom Nov. 14 to the first of next year. Clearly, something has to give. Monday, Octob"r 20, 19b? ENTIRE cosT Mindi119 Her Yot1n9 • • • • • • ' ' • > I I I ' • Jackie Gleason Sheds 61 Pounds t-.IIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) -Jackie Gleason melted off 61 pounds -ret!uc1ng his 54· inch middle to a mere 42 - using a diet of meat, eggs,.fish and •·au the booze I wanted." The beefy entertainer is down to 209 and claims, "1£ I Io s e anymore -the televi sion viewers will think I'm dying." Gleason's attack on girth began March 20 and much of the fat ls gone. DUNEBUCCIB ftuG-IN~ Buggies! VW Sedans! Expo! Slalom! Drags! Off.Road Races! ''It wasn't too bad," J ackie rehearsal for his Saturda)''J------------ sald. •·1 ate au meat one day, night show oo CBS-TV. "Glm· all eggs the next and aU fisb me those Ralph Kramden the next. pants," he told a wardrobe ''The no-no' s wer e man. "They'll show." vegetables, breads and syeets. The outfit Gleason used last lo!I';-., J ate scrambled eggs, boiled season in Honeymooner scenes eggs and omelets along with as the Brooklyn bus driver ••lilli every kind of meat and flsh measured 54 inches. •·And COSTA MISA-2200 H..-IMr 11"4. imaginable. But that was all." ;;t~h~ey;.::u~sed~lo~be~ti~·g~h~t,~";;h~e~s~a~;d~.~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Gleason illustrated hi sli weight loss backstage before I SEE BY TODAYS WANT ADS • For the far out orienbtl or modern decor: gorgrowi jade silk sofa, 16' section- "· custom made. In Michigan, Gov. William Keeping in ~eek the .'van~orlust of her nc\v .triplet cuhs is Prem, the 8-year- G. Millikeo has proposed that old Bengal tiger at Ch1cago.s s uburban Brookfield Zoo. They are her fourth Jit- ,the state take over the entire te-r and her second litter this year. The zoo is in ~he inidst of a cat population cost Qf edu,,fom from local explos;oo. Of \6 cats born in 1969. 10 are tigers. 11CTDBER 26, 1969 .districts. A statewide property -~----------------~~---------------! Airshowf • Ju~t what '~e alt n~: fun and eX('C:rJse and fresh Air -pedal boat. \Yhlch can he foot operated or driven by an outboard. .tax w""ld supplaot local J h p R I Orange County lnt11national school tax", whkh '"' from 0 act c11e,vec $10 per $1.000 of assessed Raceway valuation in some com· A job !raining contract for at a Santa Ana m;inufacturing lndians under contract \Vith GATES OPEN I A.M. munities to $34 lo $36 in in struction of American In· plant has been renewed by the !he In 1eri 0 r Dep artment's ARSTMNT10A.M. • Trad('n; Paradise is ('ram- med ~ilh treasures. Trade )'Ollr VW for a mink stole, portable TV for nt>111 ti~~ you name it, you trade ill -'" Th ••ed value •f Bureau of lndian affairs at a u1.uers. e asse.,.., ., dians in design anrl fabrication federal go\•ernml'nl. l "ttvlE•po1n1or .... uon:v0ew1~E ... _._ taxable property ranges from1 _".of~~l~~t~·~·~··~~~~~~".'~h~a~~~~··~·'_~~~~~~J~-".l»"~~·':_~."'.'.·'.:.'~'_~s~;1ic~;,~c=oc::.::oc=;="':__C~o~u~o~ty:J,l__.:'~~~'.::~~'.:::::::'.'·:':·•:··:':":'·:~:'..~~::·~::•·:•:~:~~'.:__J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ as low as $.1,000 per child in "" ~~ "' os ron uuus ries rains t e Ar izona. 'the poorest districts to as much as $611,000 in the wealthiest. Spending in the districts per child varies from $500 to $1 ,000. In reporting the recom· mendations of his educational ·refonn commission to the pet>· pie of Michigan Sept. 30, h1illiken said: "We want to even things out. Ttie commission does nol ·think a chlld in one district is \\'Orth only half as much as a . child in another. Furthermore, !the cmnmission believes that 1property ta:r relief ls essen- tial." An increase in the state's in- come tax was forec:ast to absorb some of the school cos1'. 'The ?o.fichigan plan provides for equalizing teachers ' ~alaries among districts within JO to 15 regions of the state. Differences betweeen regions would be based on cost of liv- ing factors. Local school . districts would retain control ~of matters of policy but the state would pay the teachers. Negotiations would by necessl· ry shift from the local to the state level. STATE TESTil \ Milliken's proposal also ould reduce bv about one a!f the number cir local school districts, impose st.atcwldc tests f or children and st.and- ards fo r a counlability for U1e qual ity of education. It a'lso provides for substantial state aid to private and parochial schools. providing 1 for the state to pay 7~ percent of lhe salaries of lay teachers ''•~·ithln three years. ''' There arc concerns ex-~ ,pressed about Y.he ther state control of the purse strin~s al.so means state diclation, \1rhether the shifting of negotiations to the state level v.·ill c11rb local incentives t1nd open the door lo statev.·ide strikes If latk ~ fa il. anrt v.·helher the state is prepared 10 pror1de sufficient leaclrrship along \l.tth ns n1onetary control. :'\fan Indicted Jn Poison Try , BOSTON (AP) -Donald '.l ~1cKenzie, 4:l, of Sylmar, ·,Calif., has been in<l1cted in "' Connnection v.·ith v.·hat the of- fice oi Dist. Atty, Garret JI ~ ·Syme said Y.'as a plan lo ·)'poison a government \.•:itness. t ,. :i , ~ I SAFECO INSURANCE for special GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNTS oo your Family Auto Insurance Bob Paley •ncl A110Clatn INSURANCE 474 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA 642-6500 Sears ALLSTATE P~cerTire Guannlte T ..... dur .. G..-.•••• r.., ...... ,.....,d Acal-• "I! f1iloreo r:l •bc rirr ..,. Tnad .... ,..Oat ... 11i'l(I ,,_ ...,, .......... ........ r:1~ .. ;6_..,. ;o1 .,._.k ...... loip. , . ., ff .......... , f.,."" lif1 <>f *'>< orY,nal 1.....t. ....... ~ ... W!Q 0.: ~· """ ...i1 r .. ...,.. .. .., <""'-<· 'I~, .. r:I fo!lu"' On "'~"""' fo, t~ ""• r.- fll•• ·~ <b•~· .. -1, it.o '""""'';"""''~·~ 1,, .. 11,..,; r""' r1 ... f•O. u1I !Ju ,. T"' ••• ~ ...... ,,...i uV<I •n.. w,.i. Goon! ..,u he rtp\Mtd • 00 .i... .. if h•lot< <><<vn ~"'"" llnr ~O O>O<lth .. If th< oil\" hol• oun "'-•period, h -.11 \.,., ft!Olo<C<L u..r[llrw .... 1, the ,. ............ <tlcurrnu~,.. t.. .. 111-. f'"'~ Piao fcd-ftd f»t, .. T,. lhal ~,.. ...... tr..t....d. c ..... .,1.,., '"••r•nt<ul i\f;•in•ll T re.d wnr out. For How 1,,...,, Tht 11umi..r of mootiu •l'<- ,,f,rd. T'hot Settn 'l'i ll Dn: In •"'-h•~ lor rht tirt. l"<'f'lOC r ir. th••8•ni: rh" currtm rtl!"lir ~dl.n~ Jlr>cr r!o1 f~dC1"d 4. clot: Tu Ir-.. th~ !ollu- i111; al!o"''"'•' !llonth• G111fl1nl_,.,d AlJo.,•1>•• 12 .... ~.t j()'\, 27 ro 39 ~""" 40 W1dr Gu.v<J l~'.0 Ask About Sears Convenient Credit Plans , _______________________________________ _ $ to PER TIRE WIDE GUARD 2 Fiber Glass Belts . .. 2 Nylon Plies! Prices Effective Monday, OcL 20, tbru Saturday, 0cL25 ---------, 40-Month Guarantee Regular '28.95 Trade-In Price 6.50xl3 Tube! ... BI.ck wall 95 Piao 2.0Z F.E.T. And Old Tin •:? FiherglaM belts give exrellent at&bility. u.ciep. tional positive and eaey ~leering. lo ioaure eafe. comfortable operation • 57% l"l•ter etrengtb. 67o/o thread life. and 6% wider tread thao our besl non-beJted tire SIZE '""'" I SA VE ~'l.E Tll.Ulf,.fl" Tl!AD[.l~ f.E.T. PlllC:F. PRICE TUBELESS BI.J\CKWALLS -6.50xl3 28.95 8.00 20.95 2.02 7.35xl4 31.95 9.00 22.95 2.18 7.75.14 33.95 9.00 24.95 2.36 8.25xl4 36.95 10.00 26.95 2.44 TUBELESS WHITEWALLS 6.50xl3 31.95 9.00 22.95 2.02 6.95xl4 32.95 9.00 23.95 2.17 7.35x14 34.95 9.00 25.95 2.18 7.15xl4 36.95 10.00 26.9;} 2.36 8.25:114 39.95 11 .00 28.95 2.44 8.55xl4 42.95 11.00 31.95 2.68 8.85x14 45.95 12.00 33.95 2.86 7.75s15 36.95 10.00 26.95 2.50 8.1Sxl5 39.95 11.00 28.95 2.68 8.45"15 '2.95 11.00 31.95 2.71 8.85"15 4-1-95 12.00 33.95 2.90 9.00/. 48.95 12.00 36.95 2.94 9.15x15 OPEN SUNDAYS I i I I -·-rA 1-<1400, •2'1·4»0 • --GI S.3911 l.Oto!G IL\Ot Ht s.011 1 K O WE e.4762 .... , •• ,, ',,,, -A An l • ·~ lOiWJCt ~<2·1}11 ~ ,,..3.jlG.0661 -.-.. ot ,s.1004 a ,.~i t •J1.1"'1C;a .so10 m a.J211 M .. O'LI ui z.114s, ""'f.6161. v1.1 6 ~1.i1 .'..'.NIA n ~~ 944-M,, 111'(.t.M) 9U-ln7 I I t~Hf t..2511, NE 2..vtl .:uf'WOOO HO 9$41 CUNG( 63r.2100 • u.io,. lllONO."A ex 4-671 1 _,,,.1" ro 3.IM61• ,..._2nc> °"'"'-'66M1 INClrWOOD OI .. 25lt ·~~ .. 691 ·311 I. :!fl ..n11 toolfM co•~• rv.v. S40-Jl31 'l'nttMoHI' I\ 9.1,11 I , _______________________ _ Sears --------------------1 for y our shopping convenience STARTING NOV. 2 "Sc t f.._a ..... MdorlowMoMyBodc." I. I I I V( ·' pm ;jj\] Di~ Trt 1 run Ian '"' dis D F p 0 pro hist mo' H pro 0 UC ape :;er· scif dC\' 11 AUi farr pa ti ,, " s n A ci r I rob ;i!le dep J ... l)J 5 Frc Ora pan ls i1 f, the Hj£ 19, his bot I boo neg. D COIH the r evc b~n: \\'.II.~ rnor get La w, Oefe !his ihip Arm defer Saddleba~k .. Today's F lnal N.Y. Steeb VOL 62 , NO. 251, 4 SECTIONS , 36 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1969 TEN CENTS Capo Schools Eye New Program for Chicanos By PAi\.1ELA llAl.LAN 0 1 •~• O.!lw 'llo1 ~1111 A unique program designed to attack prublenls fll ced by t.1 exicitn Arnerican :;tudents in the Capistrano Unified School Dislricl will be presented to the Board of Trustees tonight. The progran1 lo be implcmentl"d in the ninth grade v.·i!l focus on students with lo1u:uage or cultural problems according 1n Jeff Olson, direetor of proiec:ts for the districl. • •·Not only do these students ha\'e language problems but in many the pro- t•:::ss of aculturation hasn't taken place and the cooOict.s sets in causing them to be Quiet and reserved," said Olson. "\\'e would like le provide a teacher to put these students in a tv.'o-hou r class 1 hat V.'ould prov id I! instruclion in both Spanish and English as well as focusing on Spanish and ~l exican history and 1.:ulture. Thi:; coold take lhe place of their IXOll to DEAD AT 54 Edw•rd t\, iteinh•us Dr Stei.t1ha us, Famed Irvine Professor, Dies Dr. Edward A. Steinhaus, a UC Ir•ine profPssor who \\'as a v.·orld authority in h1sect disease , died in his sleep this morning at his N~v.,port Beach home . His 1ri!c. !\labry, fo und llll' 54-year-old profcs~or dead \1•hen she awoke. Dr. Ste inhaus left a ch airmansh ip at UC IJerkPlry tn be cQme the Hrst men1lx·r appointed to the UCI faculty in 1963. lie .i;er1cd fi ve ye ars .is dean of biological ~t1rnc~s at Jrvlne. then steppcO dov.·n to devote n1 orc 11me to resl'arch. In his field he v.·a.~ an interna tional 11uthority and was credited 1r1th checking famine by his p,iorittr v.·ork on insect pathogens (vln.tM'!). His rese;irch m;;ide 11 possible to kill off hordes or locu.~ts aad !See STEINHAUS. Page !) S. La,guna Gi rl Held in Holtlup A Costa Mesa man and his 16-year-old Jlirlfriend are in custody today on armed robbery charges stemming from tht'ir :illeged holdup or a man who sheriff'~ depulies clalln admitted he \\"as peddling I.SO in a South Laguna mote l. Sheriff 's officers booked Allen V. [eary Son 's 'IriB' Told By Office 1~ By TO:'lf BARLEY Cl th• Dt UJ P'l .. I 5!1H A Laguna Beach poli ct> offic<'r today testifie<l in Superior Court that the strange behav ior. of 19-year-old John Bush Leary and the strong odor of bumlng marijuana in the Learys' family station 1\•agon led to aTTC$t of the LSD cul!ist's fam ily last Dec. 26 in the Art Colony. Officer Neal J . Purcell lold .the coort - interrupted by frequent objections from the Leary fa mil.v's batlery of altorneys -that young Leary was on his hands and kneel in the back of the car '~hen he ap- proached the V<'hicle to check on an a~ pGrent parking violalion. "He v.·as cra\\•ling around aimlessly \\·ilh his hair hung all over hls face," the officer 5aid. "He had a fi xed grin on hi~ face.and his eyes 1vere staring and from time lo lime he v.·ould part his hair \vay from his fa ce and then let it fall down again. ":'11y experience told me," the offic~r ~11.id, "that the young man was under the influence of narcotics." Purcell"s expcrienee \\-'as challenged repeatedly by attorney :'11a rvin Cooper, appearing for John Bush Leary. But Judge B}TOn K. ?11cf\!illan struck dov.'Tl his arg-Jment that Purcell v.·as not <1ualified to offer opinions on drug in- toxication or drug odors and he refused to intervene on behalf of the Learys on <lther phases of Purcell's testimooy, Purcell led off the prosecution case in v.·hal is expected to be a t\\·o-day h(aring on a defense mot.Jon lo suppre ss evidencP -that evidence being the se izure of drugs from lhe Leary l'Chicle and the Of- ficer's testimony that he smelled burning marijuana in the car. The hearing immNliately pr('('eds the Superior Court trial of Dr. Timothy Leary, 49, Rosemary Leary, 33, and young Lea ry. All three are accused of pos.~ession or marijuana. r..1rs. Leary also faces charges of possession Of LSD. Laguna Beach police claim they con· l1 scated 10 ounces of marijuana and 40 LSD capsules. all seized from the Leary car. The trio \\·as subsequently indicted by lhe Orange County Grand Jury. ()nassiscs Celchra lc NEW YORK IUPI) -Ar istotle anrl .J11cqueline Onassis today observed their rirst wedding anniversary quietly at their f\fanhattan apartment. F tinds Laeki n9 rt-glllar la nguage and history t•lasse~ ... he :<Jl(t. "Their other classe:; 1roul<l be the .sa111 e.·• Olson expl ained that in<:luded in !he class v.·ould be so1ne Anglo-Americans 11ho are proficient in Spanish who could lrarn 11·hat is faeed by the student who 1i;·1s elasses taughl in his ~econll lan guagr . °'This i;; onty lhc fir~! ph.1~r." .-:a id Olso n, ''!he second phase 11·ould see the lrarher as a counselor for these slud ent s. The teachers would lhen go lo other lcacht·rs who hav e test these students 1111d say 'how do I get the student to pdrticipate in your class on an active rather than passive basis' . " The thi rd phase he explained, wou ld be l ;:~ing the program to paren!s or r.1rx - ltl1n Americans in night classes where lhry Loo would be t.a ught language and culture. 1 he boa rds will be asked at their 8 p.m. meeting in Serra School in Ca pistrano Beach to approve the submission of these prelimlnary proposals for federal funds under tille seven of the Elementary and Sec ondary EUucation Act known as ~ bilingu:il act. Under the provisions of this act a fivc -yc;ir program n1ust be sub- mitted. 1'hus the program will begin in the ninth grade, wiU be extended to the tenth O"ll'I' P'ILOT Sisti P'~•'- QUEEN QUINTET -One of these l\lission Viejo lligh coeds v.'ill reign over school 's hon1ecoming events this \Veekend . From left are Carol 1'odd . Jlcalh ii!r J'vlurlin, Ca rol Letro, Cathy Baker and I\1ini 1\1accaro11c. All arc s eniors. New S ug ar S ubstitzites To R eplace Cyc lamates By United Press International l\rnPncan manufacturer:; are h11sy 11111•e1ll ng plans for nev• s<1ccharin base and other sugar subst11 ll les lo replace cyc lamates in foods and beverages. Some 0U1er nations announC('d plans to ban the. use of cyc!amate in low calorie ilerns. Secrelary of Health, Ed ucation an<f \Velfa rl! (HEW ) Robert Finch announced the ban on C}'clamates in Washington Saturday. Since then Denmark and Swe- den ha\•e placed similar bans on the sugar substitutes. The restrictions in the Scandinavia n countries cited lhe HEW action and came l1E\V i1;ita t'n crclam,1 lc~. Finch's Satuntav ~tatrmt'n1 nt)!MI ryc-\:i matcs may ~ei-vc a.~ a cat;ily:o;;t for r;1nrl'r ~ro11•!h in test an11nal.~ I le i;\reliS· cit nn hnmC\Hate dan~rr e ;id~letl hut 11rdcred :ill food and rlrink con1aining the chl'TTlical off store shclvf's by Jan. I, 1!170. The Danish manuf11cturers have <ip;rC'cd In exclude cyclamatc!I from thei r foods and chief medical offirer Mrs. Esther Ammundscn said she has litartcd an in· vPstiga1inn to determine the va lid ity or the HEW analysis. Stock /1Jorkef1 abouL th.rough joint meetings of health, . --------------- ;iuthorities anrl manufacturers. The Fin· nish FOOd Commission in Helsi nski called a meeting to di scuss similar action today. and Great Britain has asked for more Nl-:\V YORK (AP ) -The stock n1arkct moved upward in f;iirly active trading late this afternoon. (See quolalions, Pages '"2J ), • Freshma n Day Opens Festival Of Hon1ccomi ng J f!1mcrorning \\'erk <1ctivilies a t r-.1 1~~1nn Vit•jo lfi~h School opened v.·ith f rl'shn1a n Day loday, and will build to !ht· hnmccom111g ganie, crowr11ng o( the h0111econ1ing quePn ;_ind a d11nct for ~tudrnts and al umni F'riday. C:indid.:i tcs ror homcl'omi ng QU <'Cn this )'CLl r arc seniors Carol Lelro, Carl Todd, l!calhcr f\-1urlin, Cathy Daker and Mimi !\li:1ccnronc. Tho:: f!Uei!n :ind her court will be present ed during halftime ceremonies at 1hr. F'riday night football game with Tustin. The schedule for the v.•cck includes ~ophomorc D11y on Tuesday, featuring a car v.·ash and Coke sales; junior Day on \\'cdne.sday, highliRhted by a costumed i;-rand1na-grandpa picnic and Senior Day On Thursday, with "little kid " costumes, contests and gan1es. Frederick, 21. of 9'21 Tanana Plact into Orange County jail. His alleged com- panion , a lfi.year-old South Laguna girl, Is in juvenile hall. Investigators reported they picked up !he pair !ale Friday at the Soulh Coast lli8:hwa__y Motel after Jon Jay Dejarnette, 19, of Hermosa Beach, co1npla ined that h!s prospective customers relieved him or bath four grams of LSD and his Sl .SOO hank roll during their motel room negotiations. Boys Club Field Delayed Homecoming day on Friday. \\'ill begin 1ri!h a breakfast for seniors and alumni. A11 afternoon asscmLly will honor alumni, vreccding the evening «lebrations. Gir l Watcltl..n g Brings Acc ident Dejarnette told officers thal he had cmcluded the sale of the illicit drug to 1he couple when Frederick produced a revolver and demanded Dejamett's bankroll , The victim told officer! that he v.·as ordered to lay down on the motel room noor and told : "Stay there or you'll gel your head blown off." Laird Won't Spend \V/\SH INGTON (A P) -Secrrlary ()f Defense ~1elvin R. Laird will oot 11pend thL~ year Rn additional SJ billion for new ~hi p construction proposed by the lfou'e Armed Services Committee, a tilnking defense official said today. The new Laguna Beach Boys Club v.·il\ have il.!I gym, but the football field pro· bably will have lO be delayed for some time, pending availability of •ddltional fund s, builder Bernard Syran will tell planning commissioners tonight. In his report on construction progress, Syfan will ad vise the planning com· mi ssion that directors ha ve de<:ided lo secure a loan in the amount of $30,000 so the gym can be built immediately. An equal amount 1till is available •in the building fund , Syfan said today, m.king lhe M0.000 faclllly feasible at Olis Ume. 1-lowever the planned fontbllll field , which is to be lmt.alled on the !lite of the e:rlstlng trailer perk r,:rchued as part of the Lag'llna Canyun acJUty, wiTI have to wa it. "We are kind o( _POVerty -mricken right now,·• Sy afn e:rplained. "The cash just isn·1 there.'' Syfan said he wi11 present a five-year pla n to amortize the existing loan on lhe trailer park using revenue it now is pro- du cing and bolster the general building and operating fund . Income from the trailer park now is producing $6,000 a year toward amorth.· ing lhe loan, plus $2,000 for lhe operating fund . Syfan sa id he will propose certain improvements in the trailer park to. keep IL In aha pe as a revenue-producer until the flnanc1a:1 picture is brighter. Up to $290,000 would be required, Syfa"n said, to pay off existing loaM. llquldate the trailer park, install the ·football field and poS$lbl y purchase some ~additional land for • base ball diamond at the new club, In other business tonight, !be. planning <:01n1nlsslon wil l: -Hold a second public hearing on rezoni ng Laguna Canyon annex number .1 from RH (residential hill side ) to r-.-1-IA (light industrial). -Consider a \'ariancr application for pfrmission to ma intain an ex isting guc.~t house without additional parking on a nonC'onform ing lot al 621 Tha lia St. !..-llear staff report.ii on the, land use , report and goa ls reporl prepared by the • gco<'ra l planners. -Act on .Z.:a,Y. Benfon;l's rqeurst lo con- s!nict oine units, rathtr than the cight now permitted al 61:> Wllco:it Way . -Con.si de'r approval of additior111l hornc occu riationifeque!IU inr.hiding 11rti~<1' tind writers' sWdin..'>, wlnc:klw screen repair and l11ndst.1pe design aJl(I mak ;i rlrsl- rear rcv+r·.llf •~oval of dr'tun1aking as 8 ~rOccupetion. . ...... . •"' ' ~ I A cQuplc of visiting r..1arines ha ve learned that girl-watching in Laguna fk:1ch doesn't pay -at least not when you're driving in Sunday afternoon traffic on Coast Highway. Police reported that , El T,oro . Marine Robert Alfred \\'olfe, 21, and hls com~ panion, Benny Dixon, , 18. of Camp i'cndleton, were "looking at lv.•o girl! on the sidf'WBlk as they proceeOcd IOtllh in the 600 block of South Coast Highway .at 4 p.n1. Sunday . /\l'corUing lo polic<'. dri ver Wolfe look·- rd loo lon,(.l to tl'-'Old ramming ·a car 1lrivrn hy C'ar l Hnhrrl Hansen, 53, <lf :14202 Del Obispo, Dan11 Po int, ·which had slopped lor a traffic si gnal. 1 • tne second year, eleventh the third year and the twelfth the fourth year then will resert to the seventh grade for the fifth year. "Why do we leave the seventh grade for last'! Because we have various pro-- grams for children Kindergarten through sixth grade," explained Olson. "They may be tok:en programs but at least (Sff SCHOOLS, Pase Z) ~aws Le11ie11cy Asked for 1st Offense '9.'ASHINGTON IUPI) -The Nixon 11d- mlnistration proposed today lo reduce lo a misdemeanor the fitst-0ffense penalty for simple possession of any illicit drug, A spokesman ~or the J us ti c • Department's Bureau of Narcotics and Danserous Drugs said that included marijuana as v.·ell as hard drugs such as heroin and cocaine. Possession nf marijuana. the most widely used of the 111\clt drug~ in lht na· tidn.. pow is a feloay under tht law, just as it is for heroin or cocaine. Under tilt proposal, a per*"' ('()nvicted (If maTi· juana po!'!sessian no longer would JtUlomatical/y be senL 10 jaLI. A second ol· fcn!'IB would carry a felony penally. Not only would the first-time penalty·be reduced for marijuana possession, it no longer would be in thr same drug elas~ the ha rd drugs. It would be classified u • hallucinogen instead. I/owever, the proposed new laws "·ould crack down on professional drug selterl'i, <:ailing for prison sentences of up to 40 years for a second convit.1ion . John E. Ingersoll , director of the J ust ice. Department's drugs div ision, outlined the Nixon plan to the Senate sub- committee on juvenile delinquency. lngersDl l presented a set of thr~ :iiternatlves to the senators and asked them to select the plan they liked. The plans vary. mainly in the severity of sentences for professional drug traf· f1ckcrs. "All altC'rnatlves make possession with intent lo sell a felony and po5scss\on for onP's own use, regardless of the drug in· volvr.ct, a misden1eanor," lngelrsoll said in Lestimony prepared for the 1\1~ C(•1nmittee. The new law s would be in the fonn or an1endmenls to Nix<;1n 's crime bill, whict'I ha~ already been sent to Congress. Possession of any drug oo the first of· fen se \\'ould bring a maximum puni sh· rncn t of one yea r in jail and/or $5.000 fine. The judge would have the option 11·hethe r to send the offender lo jail. This would put an end lo the. often criticized provision of cu rrent federal Jaw \1'hich demands th at a marijuana of· fl'nder be jailed five to 20 years, and p(rha ps fined $2:>,000. The changes being discussed would a~ ply only to federal law, not to state and local laws under which most drug arrests occur. In 1968 the.re were 162,177 state and local narcotics arrests compared v.•ith only 4,000 arrest.s under federal Jaws. But the federal Iawa usually lead the 11a} for state and local enfo~ment. Or ange c ••• , We ather That warm spell out of the north- east is the beginning of a Santa /\na wind condition that will heat up the Orange Coast Tuesday, boostlng temperatures up to 80 de- grees under suony skies. INSW E TODAY Tl11tre11 a war gofng on i11 1-,oos and whellter senators like it or not America11 m~n and nwney are involved. Sae Page 21. ... , ... , " ·-.. c ........ ' _ .. " Cltnl ..... •u M•tl•111 .. Newt ' ' (..,.Nt " Or-c-.. ,_ .. " '"""' ,..,.,.. " IN•th MINft .. ..... "'" ::·:~~~·~= • ·--••h ,,_,, " T1ll'flt* ~ ··~IN:t tt·U 111Mt1n ~ ·-.. W•ftltt• • "'"~ L ........ " ··~ ·-· ' • ,,...11 ... ~ ' •-•1 H-. U•lt -) l, I l 2 DAILY PfLOT L frlonday, Octoitr 20, l 9't DAILY PILOT ~toll P~olo Spirited A11teaters UC Irvine doesn't have a football tea.in. but that doesn·t mean it doesn't have pep squid. These songleaders are currently a ppearing at UCI \Vater polo gan1es, \\'here cries of "ZOT" are music to .·\nteater fans. i:-rom left are Dottie Goforth, 20, \Vh1tticr: Sue Frost. 19, Up!and; Sue Jltll. JD. flalo !-\Ito; Eli se Sn1ith, 20 . Ora nge: Penny \\'iborg. 18, ·reinp!c ('ity: Anu f-'rcston, 19, \roodland !tills; Pn111 \'icle. l!l , Calabasas, and :\dcle Casso, 18, J·'ountain Valley. Dana, Capistrano Incorporation Plan Due Airing A "'actl\'<Jt ion of pl.ln~ to incorporate Dana Po111t and Capistrano Beach will be &ired at 8 p.01. Nov. 6 at Richard Henry Dana school auditorit1m. Although not comm it1ed lo Lhe cityhood' tn ove for the seaside r ommunities, the Dana Point Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring the session to bring in· formation to the public. It has been recommended that the ~!,50C Dean Evans report prepared t\\'O }t'ars ago for the uow-extinct Capistrano Bay Coordina ting Council be updated in areas of assessed valuation (tax baseJ, population and commercial-residential development . Dr. Rog er Sande rson, \\'ho is working \\"llh the pr<r-incorporation people. said a l a recent meeting: "The ar<'a 1-1·ill develop_ Either the residents \\J!l hnve son1ething lo say ;ibout v.•hat happentd or the big cor- puration.5 \\"ill dictate our future. Jt'.o;. up lo us to decide nO\V." The key incorporation meetings have been partially sparked by opposition to rerouting of Coa~l HighY.'ay in Dan a Pomt as proposed by the South Coast Sceruc lmprove1nent FroJect. Taxpayer Group Picks E. C. Lorr Ed v.·ard C Lor r has been rleeted presi- r1enl 0f 1hc La1<un;i Be11ch Ta;.;paver.5 ,\s:;ociation. to fill 1he vacancv caused bv thl' resii::nat1on of C;ipt. Gerald D. Linkr.' Capt Linke ;ind his wife It'll for an r:..:- trnd ed sta y in Hawaii lollo\1'lng the death or lh<'ir son in an au tomobile aee 1dcnt. In :inother changr, A.H. Lounshery ha~ taken ove r the position of recording ::ccrctary formerly hC'ld by t-.frs. Ho\\•ard Lockway. Mrs. 1...-0ckwny resigned to fill lhe presidency of the Laguna Beach fl epu blican \Vomcn, f'ed era!ed. OAllY PtL Of CltlAJfOa CO.UI "Vil tSH INC. C°"'1'NIY M;o"•lt N. W10.I ftrtlldotlll 8"111 ""'n*' J.,. 1. c • .i.., V1al ·~ on.i GtMtti MtNtP 11>•111•1 KH1iJ El•lltr T~, .... , .A . "-'v,,.i.:,, ...... .,...,"' t111tor ~Otlttrtl ~. Noll ·-·Ill-~ Cllt f lllor L.,.-a.-•omw lJt f1111! A••· M1 ili"t Adtl•111; ,.0. 11~ 666, ,2,~2 --(Olli Mn1· aw wn1 l•Y s·,.... t.i_., I••<~ ff\1 Wul lolr.-8•·llr111 llllllllfltllll k1eto0 lOt J•n ~""•' -ia a > f).l.ll • l'ILOI .. 111 .... \di 1ot t-1-+"t .... ,_,., .. , " IU&ll-ll1ily •><••• '""'" .. y Ill _, .. ··II-... I-· 9ffcll, --~ 1rt1. lol--t IMtll. c.,,, ,,.,.., ~ llldl ,..,.. ,_, ... V•I• ..,.. °'-c.. .. 1 ~""i.. C.....•"' .,""""' ...,...,, ,,.. '' nu """" 11111-,..., ... .........., audit ... -....... , '""'· c.o .. -·· • T1i.,•··· 17141 .. , .. ..,,., 0111•111 ..... Ml .... 1'11 C....rlehl. IM , ()r-(M>I ,.....1 ....... ::_.., "" -........ .. ....... -.. ..ii•1e1 -"" .. ~ ....... __.,11 "'""' .... ~ .. ·--" •1""'11 ......... -----·-· vt-, _ _, ... •11• ., ,,_, ._.. -c: .. 11 -... tf!lt'Or~ie S...OCr ... I .... IY '-''"" n.• ,...flltfi ,,,. -n 11.• ...,.,,, '"11111rr ..itM! ... u.• _..1111,. ' Comity Studies New Offe1~ On Capistrano ·Airport Orange County supervisor!! are slu- c!ying a· new off<'r in the long·J}f!nding quest of Capistrano Airport oy,·ners to ac· qulre 5.4 acres of public land. Alton E. Allen, filth district supervisor, said today the proposal may have merit and should be studied but said ne has not yet had lime to evaluate the olfer . Julian Willcox and Bruce \Vinton, .airport owners, have now offered to pay 10 percent of the appraised fa ir market 'alue of the parcel v•hich is landlocked by thei r property. 'I'ht>y had initia lly offered $1.000 down . Supervi~s by a 3 lo 2 vole on Oct. 7 rejected Allen's motion that Willcox and \\'inion be alkrNt'd Pf' pay $1.000 dO\\'n and purchase lht property ove r a zo..year period. \Villcox warned the board that rejection l'lf the offt>r might lead to airport closing. Supervisor Davi d Baker said at the time : "A motion such as this just doesn·t want the light or day, \Ve are bcing ask· ed to directly subsidize the operations or this airport and we don 't by any means ha\'e the assurance thal it \Vlll be in operation for the full term of the pro-- posed contract." Th e new offer by \Villcox and \Vint on is aimed at preventin g sale of the Orange County Flood Control District paicel at public auction . In their ne\'I offer, 'Villcox and \Vinton agree to pay the full balance on the land ir it ceases to have airport use during the 20..yea r period . They also offer to deed the portion of la nd at the airport needed for for runway purposes to the City of Sa n Juan Capistrano. The airport owners contend that wiU1out !he S.4 acres that they had formerly !eased the small airport. one of on!y four non-military airports in the coun1y, would be closed. U.S. Urged to Abolish H 01nosexual Ban Laws \\"ASHl~GTO~ 11\P\ -A go,·rrnment t;ii:k fn rrr. ha<; 11r,ee<t thr l 'rult'<I Sta\l'S to lollo1v 1he lead ol Gre at Br itain and alJQ!1sh l<J\\"S forbidtl1ng pr1,;Hc hnn10:.t>.· 11al relations among conM!nt111g <idultl'i. ThC' pane l nf tloctorii. l,11\~ers and ~1:-1! and beh;ninr<il S('Jl'1\t1~1, abo ~U)i· ti e~tetl t.h at go\rn11111nt .ind f'!rl\dte rn1plO)"t'rs reassess "<'urren \ f'1npltJsn1cnt 1,ra!.'.\lccs :ind p1•hc,v n·1atint: !o !hr <'1nplo~mcnt Ill hf/n1o~c.xu;1l 1nd11"u!u:.il· \11th a \ ltw l011 :i.rlls 1 na~i11g 11r~d1'1I < hangcs. '' ThreC' n1rmber~ rif tl 1t' ll1na11 la~~ fnrce "expressed rrst>r vation~" on thr. proposed le,i:al and rn1p!oyn1cnt ehane:e~. ~aying "cons1derat111n of soei al policy issues should be dcfcrrl.'d until further sciC'ntific cvidencr is J\';1\l::ible ... " The panC'I cs!imaterl that <11 lr,1sl thrC'r lo four million adults in lht' t.;111\ed s1011r .. are predon1inantly hon1osexual . while. many others ha\•e .signiflca nt ho1n osc xun t tendencies. "Hon1osexual1ly presents a maJor prn· b!em for our soci('ty largely hec;iuse 11( the amount of injustice and su[fcnng l'n- tai\ed in il not only tor lh<' hontost'xu;:il but also for those concl'mcd about hhn.'' the group said in a 20-page report tu the National Jnstilule. of ~1ental ll ealth. Regarding existing laws a g a i n s t homosexuality, lhc panrt 11eadC'd by psychologist Ev<'IYu llook<'r of !he University 0£ California al Los Angeles, said : "There is eridcnc~ to indica te lha l rn· lrapmenl is nor uncommon. th:it r xistini; lav.·s are selectively c11/~ircc1 I :111d Illa! Abbey Selected Laguna's Player Laguna Beach ll igh School footbAll s!Ar ~l ike Abbey is thr subject of a 30·b)"·i0- inch photogra ph th:it iden1Hirs him a~ Laguna 's "Playt•r of the ~!onlh"' 1n !hr SPptember South Coa!'t Plaza foo tball contest. The photograph, alo ng ,1·ilh thosr nf \\'inners at other porticipiHlng hi,.::h srhools, will ha ng in !he. Carrousel Courl at the Costa rite.o;a i1hopping cenler. At 1he end of the season, pla}'l'rs 1r11l recr11 c !heir photographs and plaques re.cogn1z· 1ng their selection by fe)lo1'"' ~rud<'nls . Voting for the Octol:lf'r Ph1yer of lh~ ri1 1>nth will coot.inue al South Coast J)l3za until N9v. 3. .s£'r ious inJusticc often rr::.ult!-i. ·• :'l!osl proless ionals 1rorking in the area '':ire strongly convi nced lhat 1hc exlremc. opprobrn;m thot our soc iety has a1tache<I t,-, hon1os t'xuat bt.'ha\·ior. by \\·ay c1f 1 run1na! statutes and rcst rict11 c e1nplo' · ITit'n! prac t1cC'S. ha_o;. donr rnore soc1<1 I harin than good and goes beyond 1rh<.1l 1s 1u·<'l''.'>~ .. 1ry for the n1aintenance or public 11rdrr :1n1! llu1n<1n tlecency,"' Ille ta~k Ji1rrr •:11il '\Llll.\' 11 .. 11u1~('xu;1ls arC' good t•ll 1len.~. h!ild111~ 11.'gular Jobs ~nd k'ad1ng pro· d11(l11c J1\·cs."' the rt•ixirL said , "The e :ic· 1~1ence ,.f legal penalties relatu1g to h"tllo~cxua! ar•ts n1eans th at the n1rntal )1rahh proble1ns of homosexuals .are ex · ;1t·erb;1ted hv the need for concealm<'nt :>1ld 1hC' c1nOtiona l stresses ari.o;.ing frorn !lus need ;ind fron 1 the opprobriun1 of hrini:; in \-1olat1011 of the la\1•." The p<inC'l sai d the re 1s no e\·1tlence lt'I;a l pC'naltte~ arr effective in preventing 'lr reducing homostxu:il acts in private. bc1"ren consenting adult ~ SCHOOLS ... th<'.1··rr ~on1r!h111g" •·\\":!"re :1•l,1ng l"r h111 iulJ t11n r !•'ill'hrrs an;! nnr part ti111c ;iuie. fl ne 11£ 1hr trachl'r.S 11ot1ld scr\·c ;t~ a ruord111n\or 1r'I llC :ill thrsr prnJ,?ra1ns (O).lC'thrr." (l!s:in said th(' Iola! progr;1m 11·'lt1ld ar- fri·( ~ix percent or lhr school dislric\"s [J11nlll:t!ion. .. '/'h\s i.~ one 11·n,v to tr~· to l':;\al1hsh f'011lll1un1e;il1011 <Jnd und cr~t:indin)! .. , hr i.tt1d. "I know there arC' proble111s. I kno1v ~on1~ ritell'ican A1nC'rica11 kids arc ~hort ~·hani:;i;-d . ~l ayht' it s !hr srhoo!, n1aybc its thrir 01rn f«'ling~ of pride. \Vhat('\"C'r it is 11c-1nu.o;.t help these kids to realize their po~rn11:il." f)]son said he th11ughl lhC'y h11rl a good c·hancc or qualifying for 1hc tit)~ ~('\l'n f1111cl~ ... \\"c"r e not JU$! tr ea t 1 n ~ ~11 np1nn1~ ... he said, •·wc"re trr.<tu11: the !lie tau~c " Hi~ Krenilin We lc o111 c ~I OSC"O\\' C·\P I -"I hr lhrrc top ( Lechoslo\'nk leaders .:1rri\'Cd h"rc t()(!:iv l(lr a bill Krtn1lin v.'('lt(ttnr , inclur!Jnp. ii 2J ·~1:1hn 11rtilif'ry ~alt1te. dr~1gnC'd to ~ho111 .1flflrov1.1J for !he r<'Cent purge of Prague l 1b<'rat~. Death Time Disputed Deputy's Story Conflicts With Kennedy's WILKES-BARRE, Pa. -A depu ty sheriff testl!ied today that he had see n ~~n. Edward ~I. Kennedy's auto1nobile in which t-.1ary Jo Ko~cbne died ap- proxln1 ately an hour after the lime Ken· nrriy said it l1sd gone off a bridge and v1·vr!urncd in a pond. Cl:nstopher Look Jr. of DukC's County, t-.L1 ~s., 10Jd a hearing on a petition by a J\l 1~sachusctts prosecutQr for an autopsy on ~liss Kopechne's bod y that he 11•as l.L'a<ling horne fron1 work early on the rnorning of July 19 1vhen he saw a black ~cdan. IJook said "tl:ere \vere two persons in lhc front seat and possibly another prrson or sont<' object in the back" "he n the car dro1 c pasl hin1 and came lo a ~·tnr. ·· t got oul of my car and as I ap- proachetl the taillights shown on my uniform. The time v.•as about 12:4~ a.m. lln the morning of J uly 19." J'ro111 Page 1 STEINHAUS. • • other insects that devour food supplies. 1'hc pathogens are considered a safe and effective alternative to ha zardous che1nical pesticides such as DDT. UC! Cha 11ccllor Danie.I r.. Aldrich Jr. s:i 1cl: .. The. death or Dr. Steinhaus Is a tragic and ir replaceable loss to this in- s!itution, to the <:01nmunily and lo his disc1phnc. In addition to being a fir st ra te scientist and teacher, he \\'as also a kind anc! sensitive man.'' "Ed Steinhaus \\"as a very conunitted human be ing," said his pastor, the. Rev. Phillip ?1-furray, of Corona de! ?I-far Com· ntun!ty Congrl!gational Church. ''l'd say h 1~ human qualily was just remarkable. Ile was sensitive, sympathetic and kind. 1-re was a strong family man and a dL•vout Christian in the full sense of the v.·ord -he lived it." Dr. Steinhaus' wife said he had a blood pressure problem but that had 11.ot prevented him from continuing with his \l"Orh. The corone r has scheduled an autopsy. Dr. Steinhaus was born in 1914 in t-.fa:t. North Dakota. His father owned a general store. The young man obtained a E.S. degree in bacterio logy from Nort h Dakota State in 1936 and only three years later a PhD in microbiology and en- ti:.mology from Ohio State. In 1963, Dr. Steinhaus agreed to Jea\·e BE-rkel<'y, v.·bere he was chairman of the dil'ifion of invertebrate pathology, to organize Irvine's School of Biological Sciences the way he had long held such a .s1.hoo! should be organized. He organized the school around pro- blt>nl areas, w j I b unusually-named dC'partments of organi~mic biology, rro!ecu lar and rell biology, population and envirorunental biology, and p~ychobio!ogy. Harvard and Stanford ha\'e since copied the approach. In 1968, Dr. Steinhaus v.'as elected lo lhc Nalional Academy of Sciences. He ll'<tS on e of only two UC I professors SO honored. Dr . Steinhaus· agreement in coming to l.CI was that after several yea rs he could return to research . Jn July, 1968 he ste.p- pcd clO\I n as dean. Ile then organized and recC'1\·ed funding for the Center for P:ithnbinlogy which studies the causes of d1:-c:!~cs in insect s. In one prOJN't causPs of tumors in t•nckro;1ch es are bcu1g ~lud1ed as a poss1· blr line of attack on ca nce r. Dr. ~!Linh11us \1•as a firm belie\·er tha l causes nf d1sc;isc can be best in\'estigated in ~1111tlll' in sects Cii~ncellor Aldnch said Ilic CcntC't for l ',o1h11biology \\'ill be a CQn!inuing monu· in1:nt to Dr. Steinhaus' 11'ork. L-0ok said that as h~ approached the car, .. 1t suddenly took off and \l ent do"'" D1kf' Road toward the bridge and the beach." Look was an1ong the hrst 11 itnesses t() lcslify before Judge Bl:'rnard C. Brominski or Common P!eas Court as tile be::1 ring opened. "Did you have anv con1·rrsat1nn 11·1th anvone In that car?". Dist. Atty. Edmund Dinis of New Bedford, J\.lass., asked Look. "No, sir'." Look replied. "Did )Oll cry oul lo anyone in thilt t :ir'?·' ··~o. sir'." Look said. l,;:;ok i.a id he. ohser\e<l Lhe license pl11.te of the ca r , that it bore a ~lassachuset!~ regi stration. that the first letter 'A'BS "L"' and that "there were. some 7s in 1\." Krnnedy"s license plate number \vas L78W7. Kennedy. v.'hcn he reported the ac- t ident, said 1t hod occWTed before mid- night July 18. Another \Vitness, Police Chlef Dominic- Art>na of Edgartown, t-.1ass , tC's!lfte:d UH.' body of t-.tiss Kope<:"hne bo re "no in· Juries that I co1.1ld sec" when it was taken from Lhe submerged au!omobll('. Aren a said that 1vhe n sc·uba <li \'C'r .J ohn Farrar arose to the surface \\•lth ,.,_1ary .10·3 body , he pulled il lo the lop or the Kennedy alllomobile Yr'ilh the aid oI a rope. Arrna said he cradled the bodv In hi<; arn1~ 1n0Jncntarily and placed ·1t in a ~rn:ill ro11·boal. "She ap peared normal in U1at thcrr \\Cre no injuries thal I could see," Arcn.1 ~aid . The pollce chief. under cross ex· ;:trnination by a Kopecb11e attorney. Joseph F'. r~lanagan. answered "No sir, 1 tl1d not" \\"h!'n asked if he saw any con· lusions or open wounds or blood on the girl'r clothing. Nixon Raps Character S1near of Haynsworth \\"AS!ll'.'>IGTO:'-J (APl -President Nix- on said today Judge Clen1ent F. llaynsll'orth Jr. has been suhj ecled to vicious character assa ssl natioq, and el'cn if the judge asked him to "ithdraw 111~ no1nination to U1e Su preme CoLLit he 11•ou ld n::>t do so. Nixon look this stand at a one·topic 11e\\"S conference called hurriedly in hi s office. He said he had 1:one ol'cr the complete record of thC' case of the man he tapped for the Supreme. Court and all of !he i:rir lcls1n and charges lh<il had been ra is- <d. Il e said he is standi ng by his iuclgmenl th<it J!ayns11"orth should ha l'e the posi- tian. And he said he ls confident 1hat ir senators study all the documen1s and charges in\•olvcd , enou gh of them \\'ill come lo the same. conclusion he. has and "·111 \'Ole for confirmation. Trail er Parks Du e for Study In Capistrano The appo1nt111tn! or a commitee to lake part in an in dep!h s1udy or n1obile J1ome parks \\•ill be the major busine.o;.s dt.:ring tonlI;ht ·s specl:i l meeting of the San Juan Capi stn.1110 Ci ty Couneil. Councilmen will 1:athe r at 6 o·clock in the C<luncil cha1nbers <1l city hall to ratify nJmes to be submitted by r-.-tayor Ed Chermak. f\.1e1nbers of the San .Juan Beauti/ul Commi ttee as \\'e!l a~ other community groups ha\"e indicated st rong opposition to any more 1nobilc home parks in their cit~·. In response lo lh1s community protest, lhP council authorized the committ ee to study the long range effe cts of mobile home parks on a communi!y. Ci1y Admini stiaLor Ernie 7hompson :,aid that he had be('n accumulating any pertinent material that came across his cl~.!'k for the cornn1111eC'·s perusal. Ile sa id lh:<I the st;i!F and the planning com- 1ni~sion ,,.. i!I be avni\able IQ assist the (.:0mmitlee in any \\"3Y. L:nti l the commi!tec f'nd5 i1s study, no rew applications !or mobile home parks 1n tt'e city limits l\'ill be pr ocessed. il\ixon said or H.:iyns\\·orth: "I find JLidge Hayns,,..·orth an honesl 1nan, a lawyer"s ]a\\·yer and a Judge·~ judge. I think he \\"ill be a great credit to the Supreme Court and I intend to stand behind him until he 1s conflm1e<l." The South Carolina jurist, chief judge of the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, has run into strong opposition on his nomina· lion to replace former Justice Abe Fortas on Lhe Supreme Court. Opponents have cited .,..·hat thev t'Oll• sider antilabor and anti-civi l righis rul· Jngs .he has made . They also have raised charges of conflict of interest, on grollnd!l !ha t he held stock in some companies dire.clly or indirectly involved in matters before his court. Haynsworth has denier! anx, conniet, and has fumished to the Senate Judiciary Comm ittee a full reeord or his sto<:lc holdings and tr;insacllons. He also has of- rered to pul his holdings in trust if he i' confirmed. Nixon said 1-layns;•:orth's entire record and life had been exposed before senator:t. considering his nomination and that h~ was put through ""·hat I belic\'e lo be \·ictous character assassination." Nixon said as a result of his rel"iew or the Haynsworth case, the jusllce come-; through as a man of integrity "and deserves even more the support of thi: President and of the Senate." H itchhiki11 g· Stop l'uuses Acculent A good Satnarilan ac t on th<' part or 11 Joung Seal Beath \\'Oman stopping to pi<'k 11r another girl hitch-hiJ.inI; 1hrough i\C'wport Beach Sunday left a 1notorcyclist seriously iniured. Tho1nas N. Tracy, 20, of 1310 \\'. B:ilb\'l;i Boulevard 'A'as listed 1n good t on· tlitiontoday at Hoag t-.l <'monal Hospital \\"ilh a fractured collarbone. ribs nnd l.1i\.~ and abrasions on his hands, arm~ and legs. Police said Tracy "·as r1d1ng '.1'cstbounrl fJn Pac1hc Coast High'*'·ay at Cran\ Strrt'l 111 right-hand lanes. 11 hC'11 a car drL\·rn hv !)01,na L. CogS\\Cll, 19, fJf S('a l 11cacn Lhange<l 1ancs to stOJ) for the hHt·h·h1 kc r. A collision follol\ed i11\11h1ng the LJr and Tracy's motorcycle, accord ing to 111· 1·es1lgators, while Uic girl 1hu1nbing " ride presumab ly got a lilt v.·1th ;;ornC'One c!s~~ We 011ly Look Expe11sive Don'l let Ollf rancy address frighlen you. Ou r ne'v fall suits start at $95. They represent fashion \l.·ithout frivolity. d ignity by des ign. T hey arc decisively s haped, flawlessly t ailored. rende red in rich fabrics that refl ect the latest trends in coloring and \Veave. \Ve believe our selection is as fine as any in Orange County. But don·t take. our \\'Ord for ii.. Come in and see ~or yoursel f. A leisurely look through 0~1 r racks JS sure to turn up sonic plea.sant sur pr1ses . \\'c'vc planned it that \vHy. 3467 \"ia l.ido al Ne,vport Boulevard. Newport Beach Open Frida y evenings until 9 p.m . 7 7 -• • • --~-----T ~---------------~·--------~----·--~----·--~o-•~•~-~~ .. ..-~~~· ~--r---------~ -------~ .--v-- Newport Barbor Today's Final N.Y. Stock.s voe. '62, NO. 25 r. 4 SECTIONS, 36 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, '1969 TEN CENT S Co111~t Baclis Sand Haul Pollutes Beach Miss Davis Against UC Project Halted; Councilman Calls It Tragedy LOS ANGE LES (U PI) - A Superior Court today upheld the challenge brou ght by Angela Davis against her dismissal from a UCLA teaching post and ru led that the regents of the University of C<ilifornia had ex ceeded their authorit y in firin g her. Judge Jerry Parhl granted a n1otlon for a summary 1udgn1ent in a suit brought by UCLA fac111Ly members who had contended that Miss Davis' ron- stitutional rights ha d been violated when the regents dismissed he r after her ad- missi on she was a member of the Com· 1nunlst Party. Judge Pacht cited a long line or courl caSes holding thnt "mere membershi11·· in the Communist Party is not sufficient grounds to bar a person from public employment. The decision of the court ca n be ap-- pealed but it appeared lo knoc k the ground out from beneath lhe regents' modified stnnd that the 2.1-year-old Mis:;\ Davis could lecture at UCLA but that stud ent s in her courses would not receiv e -credit. Attorney \liarren C. Levin argued that stale law required that the action be brought at the northern Califomia 1lead· c1uarters of Lhe univcrslly at Berkeley. Pa(·ht said hl' did not agree v.'ilh this interpetation and felt the cause could be hand led eq ually as well in Los Ange les Counly, where f'•liss Davis is employed as an assistan t professor at UCLA. i\1 iss Davis WilS not presc11t in the rourtroom -f)he \V:lS rrprc.i;cnLed by her <1ttorney , J ohn McTernan. Strike Suspends Coast, Anaheim Copter Fligl1ts llelicopter com muter airline service in - \"Olving 70 flights ptli day among nine commUn iUes including Newport Beach and Analll'im t'eased today 1v1fh a strike a~ainst Los Angeles Air\~·a~'.~- TI1e action bv thl' Airline Pilot~ Association carrie after negotiaiion~ under way ror 17 months broke down last 111rrk. R[)hcrt Primr. chairrnan or Loc:il .Ti of ALPA. said the stri ke af(crts 30 pilots and about 65 v;roun<I and mainti;nrince perso nnel for Li\A. 1hc first Amcric;;in !irm.oH ering regular .intercity helicopter service. The un io n is seeking a six percent pav r<usc for the period of June. 1968, lo .r11nc. 196!1. \\.'i lh another two percent added as of Iha\ dale, il ll or it retro3ct11·r. · P1lol.<: aL~::i v.•anl a cut fron1 8:1 to 8!1 hours fl ying lin1c per month . Off icials did nut announce 11 b:il tl1e current LA A pay S<'ale includes. . Los .<\ngeles Aif\\'<lYS \\'CO[ into bUS!11('S~ 22 years ago and 001\• o!J('ratcs 70 li:i1lv fhghts on a circuit 1nclt1111og Anahe1rn, Newpor t Rc;H:h. Glrnd11lc. f).}11·nry, Poniona, \\'liitl itr, S:lll Bcrn;irdln[), J(iversidc and Van Nuys. Marine Killed In Cycle Crasl1 A f.iarine lieutenant wa s killed !ale Saturday in San Clemen te v•hen hi.~ 1notorcycle skidded out of control an<l sm ashed into a lam p standa rd. Can1p Pendleton off icials identified th<' \·ictim as !st t~L Samuel f.1. Tharp. a re- cent arrival at the base. They refused 1hls morning to release details of the vie· tim's home address. Jnvestigaling offi cers sa id Th ;;rp \\'ilS riding on El Camino Real whe n he los l control of his machine \l'hich ::.truck a lamp standard nea r C<i ll l' Val le. Tharp \\'as dead on arrival at Sout h Co;;ist Con1- rriunity Hospital in Soo th Lnguna . DEAD AT 54 Edward A.. it1lnhaus Dr Steinhaus, Famed Irvine Prof cssor, Dies Dr. E<hvard A. Stc!ni1aus, a UC Irvine professor 11·ho \\'as a world authority in i11scct disease, died in his sleep this morning at his Ne11'port Beach home. His 11·ife, r.t abry, fonnd the 54-year-old profes~or dead y,•hen she awoke. Dr. Steinhaus left a chairmanship at t;C Berkeley to bccorne the first member appointed to the UC! Faculty in 1963. li e se rved five years as dean of biological ~cienc<:"s at Irvine, then stepped do\\.'n lo de vote niorc time to research. Jn his field he \\'as an international authority and was credited with checking famine by his pioneer wort cm insect pathogens (vi ruses). His research made it possible to kill off hord es or locusts ahd other insects that devoU!' food !iUpplies. The pathogens are considered a safe and effective alternative to hazardous chemical pesticides such as DDT. UC! Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. ::;ait;: "The death of Dr. Steinhaus is a tragic and irreplaceable loss to this in- s!Hulion. to the con1munity and lo his discinline. Jn additio n lo being a.jrst rate sc1entlsl and teacher, he v.·as ali> a kind <i nd. sensitilc 111an_·· "f.d St ei nhous was a very co1nmi1!f'd hutn:in-being.'' sai d Ins pastor. the Hev, Philhll Murray, of Corona del Ma r Com· niu!\i ty Congregatlonfl l Church. "I'd s:iy h 1~ human quallty 11,·as just remarkable. :I le \\'as sensitive, sympathetic and kind. I 1e was a strong famil y rnan and a (~ll'Ollt Christian in the full sense of the \\ord -he lived H." Dr. Steinhaus' v.·ifc said he had a blood pre~sure problC"rn but th at had nol pr e1·c-nted him from continuing ll'ilh hi~ 11orl-.. 1'he coroner has scheduled an ;1utc1psy. Dr. Steinh:lus was born in 19!4 in Max. North Dakota. /!ls fathe r oll'ned a J"_enrra l store 'The you ng man obtained a 1. S, drgree in b;icterio!ngy fron1 l\'orth [);ikota Slate in 1936 anrl only three years li11l'r a PhD in m1 crob1ology and en· 1 .. 1nnl11gy from Ohio Sta!C'. In 100.1. Dr_ ~tc1nh aus agr_eed to lcal'e Ht-rkrley, \\'here he 'vas chainnan of the clivi~ion of invertebrate. pathology, to organize Irvine 's School of Biological Sciences the way he bad long held such a s~-hool should be organized. He organized the school around pro- blem areas, wit b unusually-named departments · of organismic biology, rro!ecular and cell biology, population :ind environmental biology , an (i p~ychobiology . ~la rvard and Stanford h<1 vr. since copied the approach. Jn 1968. Dr. Sleinhaus was elected to the National Academy of Sciences. He 11·"'~ one or only two UCI proressors so horored. Dr . Stein haus' agreement in coming to t;CJ \\'as that after several years he oould rrhir n to research. Jn July, 1968 he step· JX!d down as dean. He then organized and tStt STEINHAUS, Pagt 2) Anti-litter Club Giant earth haulers rumbled to a halt In \Vest Newport today af ter city o!licials complained they don't want an adobe beach. Over the weekend . they found that's \\'hal they were getting from the $1.2 1nHlion project, "Thi· contraetors sec1n to be hau ling e1erytl1i ng bu! sand fro1n the river," said Nc\r11ort Beach City Councilman Donal d A. f\1clnnis, "This is a real tragedy. 'They're covrring up our beautlfu l sand y;ith mud, clay and vegetation ." Irate West Newport homeowners, arter seeing what the earth haulers had wrought, called enough public agencies Saturday and Sunday to bring about the temporary halt in lhe U.S. Army Corps o[ Engineers project. When It starts up agai n, and in what manner, '4'ill depend on the outcome of an emergency meellng this a ft e r n 9 on between city, county and federal officials. Healtli Hazard Citetl Mcinnis said it was the city's original understanding that West Newport would be receiving about a million tons of sand fr om the Santa Ana Riv er. The sand was to be spread over the periodically eroded beach between the river jelly and 40th Strcct. The hauling and the spreading began 1'1",ursday. But lt wa sn'l sand that was spread. 11. was adobl". •·Jt 's drying hard as a rock." sa id Jet Smog Dangerous? By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of lfl• D1U1 PllotT 1!1tl Air pollution caused by turboje t aircraft may become one of the major factors affecting publi c health and caus· ing property damage if not controlled, an engineering expert ~varned tod ay . R. F. Say,·yer, associate professor of mechanica l engi nee rin g at UC Berkeley. tod ay told scientists and researchers at the annua l meeting of the American Institute of Aeronau tics and Astronau tics in Anaheim that po!lulants -carbon 1nonoxide , hydrocarbons, nitric ox ide and smoke -are currt'ntly a minor problen1 but may becoinc a major hazard in years ahead. "Only in the immediate vicinity of a irports do aircraft become major con- tributors to the air polluti on problem ," he said. , "Although the present c~ntributioo of turbojet enaines to air pollution on a community-wide or naUonwlde ba sis _is s1nall, It would be wrong to conclude tha t turbojet air pollution shou ld not be o( concern. "The combination of increased ftigl1t density and rontro! ol other sot1rces of air pollution will inc rease the si gnificance. of turb6 jet cont ribution to air polluti on_." he continued. Atlversc. eHecls on public health and in- creased property damage do not alone .serve to identify engine emissions as air pollutar.ts, accordi ng to the scientist. Cons iderationns of the degradation of the env ironment are a!so important. "Even if particle fallout \\'ere absent. the s mi;>ke trail left by an aircraft v.·ould be a valid concern. Jet engine exhaust odor in the vicin ity of airports is an air pollufior. problem, independent of an y health hazard,'' Sawyer said, \Vhat can be done to reduc-e smog ir- rita nts produc('cl by these aircraft? Beller, more efficif'nt design of jct engines y,•as the answer given by the Berkeley engineer. For C'x;implc. carbon monoxides can be s1gn!flcantly reduced by reducing the in· trod11ctlon of air in the second ary zone of 1he gas turbine combustion chamber, \\'here an air boost is provided to con1· 11!etc lhe burn ing process. ll v'.lrocarbo ns. as 11•cl1 as carbo n 1nqriox1de . arc formed during idle opera· ti on of the engine and are controllabl e ti .rough tailo ring of the cooling rate in lhe f'Orn bustion process. Two approaches are possible in the control Qf nitric oxides in turbojet ex- haust. One would be to prevent their fonnation by lim iting the maximum local temperature within the combustion chamber. The second is to attempt lo lailor combu stion so that nitric oxide is redtl<!ecl through chemical reaction. Ex)1aust S!"flOke, unlike lhe othe r pollutants given off during jet engine combustion. has long bttn a concern of Stock llfarkel• NEW YO RK (AP) -The ~tock market moved upward in fai rly active trading J;:1tr 1Ji1s afternoon. (Set quot ations, Pages 22·23 J. Formed turbojet engineers, according to Sawyer. "As a general concept, the formation of carbon is associated with fuel-rich mix- tures,:• he explained. Decomposition through heat of the fuel occurs before 1 ~ can oxidize . Control of carbon emissions and . HEADS HOSPITAL STAFF N•wport's Dr. Mill1r· Dr. Miller New Hoag Hospital Chief of Staff Dr-John i'alm<'r tl-1 1llcr, Nl•wp.1rl Beach general pra<'lit ioner. ha.~ been elected chief of staff at Hoag Memorial lfospital . lie succeeds Dr. t forris f'ier. \>;hose one-year tenn will ex-pire this mcmth. Dr. Mill er, 48. is a native of Seatlle, Wash., and a graduate of the New York Medical School. He served his internship at Northwestern Hospit.11 in r.1inneapolis, Minn. Dr. hillier is an Army veteran, having ~crved during World War JI and in Korea. He holds memberships in the American f.1edica l As$0Ciation, the Amer i ca n Acatlrmy Qf General Practice, the Orange County Medical Association , and is a fellow of the American Geriatrics Society. He and his wHr, Eleanor, l1ave five children. Man Witl1 Knife Kidnaps Woman associated smoke can be accomplished thro·Jgh leaner mi:tlures and by pre- vaporiri ng fuel through injectors. "'Design solutio ns appear possible '>l'hich should insure that the turbojet en- ginr does not become a major contributor Lo air pollution," Sa11'yer concluded. New Substitutes Fo1· Sugar Set For Diet Drinks By U~lttd Preas ln~tlonal American manulaetUrers' art busy unvelling plans for new saccharin base arid other sugar 1ubstitutes to replace cyclamates in foods and beverages. Some other nations announced plans to ban the use of cycla male in low calorie 1lems. ~ret<:try or Health , Education and Welfare (HEW \ Robert f inch announced the ban on cyclamatcs in \\'ashinRlon Saturday . Since then Denmark and S\\'e- den hal'e placed similar ba ns on the sugar substitut es. The restrictions in the Sca nrllnavi an rountries cited the l[EW action and came about through joint meeti ngs of heal th authorities and man ufacturers. The F in- nish Food Commission in Helsi nski cal!ed a meeting to ciiseuss similar 11clion today, ancl Great Britai n has asked for more llEW rlata on cyclamates. Finch's Saturd ay statement noted cycla mafel'I may sen•e as a catalyst for cancer gro11o·th in test animals. He stress- ed no immediate danger existed but nrdered all food anrl drink con taining lhe chemical orr store shelves by Jan. 1. 1970. The Danish manufacturers have agrred lo exclude cyclamates from their foods :in\! chief medica l offi'cer f\l rs. ES'the r Am mu nd sen said she tias starte<l an In· vcstigat ion to detern1inc the validity of the H.F.W an alysis, ln New York. one manufactu rer of a itiet beverage said his finn"s new diet drink~ would be labeled: "sugar addrd - no cyclamatcs.'' Donald Kendall, Presi- dent of Pepsico, Inc., ~aid in view of "unsettling ne\\o'.'I reports"' his compa ny felt it could not "in good conscience offer il~ customers any products about which even the remote&t doubt exists.'' While Coca-Cola Co., Seven-Up, Royal Crown and other manufacturers ha ve planned new non-cyclamate formulas or saccharin-based diet fonnul11s, the Pepsi Cola drink will use a small amount of rea l 11ugar. Kendall said "the amount or su ga r will he so insignificant that people who watch their weight will be drinking and enjoy ing a I rue diet cola." AU of lhe manufac!urers stressed their new formulas will hav"e no ''biller af- tertaste" sometimes associated with sac· <'ha rin. Origi nally cyclamate, and the family of cyclamates which followed , was added lo saccharin to take away the bit· ter taste. Harbor, CdM Students Hold First Meet Tonight BAKERSF'JELD (UPl )-A 52-year-old Los Angele:t woman was In fair condition ~ ·~ Kern County General Hospital jfW ,be1nt kidnpptd, beaten and robbed of $65e in cath and a $400 check, during the weekend by ·a knife-wielding man. 'Mfa. Grace Nakashima, who said she was abducted from an underground gar· age in nowntown Los Ange1e s Raturd11y ,.vening, was released on a lonely road 20 miles southwest of here Sunday and mode her way to a farm house to ask for aicl. Jn Chicago, Albertl>Culver Co . , manufacturers or "Sugar Twin.'' a sugar su bstitute. said a new substitute would be on the. market before the Jan. I deadline, The company said the new formula would inclu~e saccharine alQJlg with other substances. Plans for a campaign to rliminri.te. litttr fr om Newport llarbor ~·il! be lair! tonight al the first meeting of a new l ntcracl Club , formed o[ Newport 1\;irbor ancl Coron;i dc l Mar high S4.·hool malC' students. The vouth l'lu b, ~ponsored by Ne wport· Balboa' Rotary, just recently rct'eived 1ls <'hnr1 er and off 1t'crs were installed. President is Steve Saxton of Harbo r Jllgh, vice president, Ken Neisscr of Corona dcl Mar lli gh: u crctary, Sha\\'n Rlssonnf'llr. ll arbOr; trc.i.~urer, Kin THleY, Corona d('l ~l ;i r. Also on the lio.'.lrd flf dii-cctors arc lJ9b Vc;ii;:rl, Harbor iligh; and J<>t Berney and Stevt r.tetcaU. Coron.ii drl Mar High. Initial membership '4 the club is about :ro students. Nineteen weff: present for the ch11r1er presentation at Irvine C-Oast Country Club. along with Hi Rotarians. Faculty advisers to the club will be lrachers Jack Thomas of Corona de! f.1ar Jl igh , and Dale Hagey of Harbor High . Dr. Nola n Friuelle. one of the nQtar ians instrumental in organizing the Newport Interact chapter, said the club will involve itself in at least one in· ternatlonal and one community project tHth year. "A l(lt of youngsters of high st.:hool Age 1 ha\'e idealism directed out C.Wa~Tt! of other nations," he said: '''111it. ii a people·to-peopkl lpptoach. to ust-their idcaJlsm in a meahingrul way.'' Dr. Frizzelle sald the students will be expected to run the club the~ves and "ii will be lheir imaglna~ :-and in· genuity that ma kes it go." • / Work ing with Friz1.elle ht (Otttl the club \\'ere Gen. Thomas Riley, Rolary president last year, and Bart Brawn, Garv Burrill, Dob Howard and Sherman Smiih. There nre T ,SOO Interact clubs In 80 Cflllntnr.s. She told polir.t her abductor carried a knife and forced her into her car and drove oorth. The incident occurred a'.'I she was leav.ing her job at an import flm1. She deK·riDed her asM ilant as from ~ lo 40 and sald ht spoke with 11 Te11:as acct>nL Arrestecl Youth, 19 }tangs Self in Cell llAVWARD IUPt) -A 19-year-old ll ;i ywa rd youth arrested on a drunktneSll charge ha nged himself Saturday night in his cell at Hayward City Jail, accord ing to police!. Officers ·said RandoU Raymond Salas con1milled suicide by t)a.,glng himself with a strip o( blanket tied'to the top of his cell bars. He w11s arrested Friday n1 ghL htclnnis. "For about a dozen blocks t h~ beach now looks like a roadw ay. In facl on Sunday our police ch ased a couple of hol rodders off the beach." Margo Skilling, presid ent of the We;-.! Newport lmrovement Assn., said it's a "pretty impressive" sight. "'It goes clear from n1y hou~e (6610 \V. Oceanfront) lo t h~ water's edge -SflO feet of adobe, piled abuul six feet deep.'' f.1rs. Skilling ~aid on ~aturda y ~he ask· (See SANO JIAUL, Pii ge 2) Balboct Tot Drou'ns; Dad's Efforts Fail Frantic rescue ('fforts b_v 11. Balbo:i father Sund ay afternoon f;iJ !ed to rev1vf'.. his 4-year-old son who slipped into th ~ Peninsu la Point Racque t Club pool and drowned. Police said \Varrf'n Br<irHnrrl nf J.12~ E. Ocean Front was playing 1cnnis \\'hen h~ noticed his son. Brayd r n, fln;iting liice do1v n in the pool at 2006 E. Bil y Front. 'r~e eld er Bradford dove. 11110 the por.i! an;J pulled his 1J11conscious ~0n fr om th" \\'{1\t r and a p plie d rnouth-to-mouln r!');USCitation. Lifeguard.~. summnn('d by wi tnes~~. tllOk ovrr the cflort !ioon ;iftcrward~, pQ\ice said. But Braydcn. <"lad in s:inda!~ ;ind 11 y~\low bathing su1l. never revived. lie \\'as pronounced dead at lloaa Meroorial HQSpital. Bradford told police he noticed the boy floating at 12 :4;. p.m. Officers and coroner's inve::.tigatQrl! said it appeared thr lxiy had fallen in aboul 10 mi nutes hefore. The body was ta ken to Balt1. Corona del r.1 a ~ J\1ortu ary \\•here servicr.~ arc pe n· din g. H itchhilcin g Causes Accident A good Snmaritan act Qn the part or ;i young Se.al Beach woman stopping to pick up another girl hitch·hik ing throu gh Ne\\'port Beach St1nday Je(l ::: motorcyclis t seriously injured , Thomas N. Tracy, 20. of 13LO Va'. Balboa Boulevard 1•:as listed in good con- dll iontoday at Hoag Memorial llospHal with a frnctured col larbone. ribs and cuts and abrasions on his hands, ar1ns and legs. Pnlice said 'Tracy was riding "'Cstbou nrl on Pacific Coast Highway at Grant Street fn righ l·han rl lanes . wh<'n a ca r dri ven hv Donnil L. Cogswt'll, 19, of Sral Beach changed Innes to ston for thr hili:h-hike r. A collision lollnv.'ed involving the. <-"ar an1I Tracy's molo rcyr:!c, ar:eording !o in· vestigalnr:-, y,·hile the girl Jhumh lng 2 ricle presumably got a lilt with someone else. Youth Shot in F'ight Over Football Ticket OAK LAND (AP) -A security guard shot and wounded an Oakland youth who he sa id vaulted a turnstile after being refused entrance to the Oakland Raide rs· Buffalo Bills football game. Abraham Levi, 48, the guard. s;iid Robert Scott, 26, had taken ·a night '.';\icJ: from hi m :i nd was striking him with it when the shot was fired. Orange Coast Weather That warm spell ou~ of the north- east is the beginning of a Santa Ana wind condition tha ~ will heat up the Orange! Coast Tuesday, boosting tempe ratures up to 80 de-- grees under sunny s kies. INSIDE TODAY Tl1frc·'s a war fJnl·nn -;>ll 111 T.aos 1111d ll)hfthcr sr.110/ors l ike it or 110 ~ A mcriciln 111c11 a11rl rn.onl!y ore on:olvcd. Sec Po!7t:- 2 I. lo•llro " "'''""'' " Ctll la1 ~I• ' ~···· " Cll•t1l•td )t·Jl ,.., ..... 1 ,., ... ' • c .... 1u " O••Mt C~uM• " c ... "-'" " , .... 1. .. ..... " ..... Ntlif ot " s .. ri. 1$.ll 1"1119•1•1 ,,,, • ''"'~ "'··-·'· n-n l.•!t•l•l""'9"' " l t lt•hl .... " ""-' ' 11·'1 Thttl•r, " --,. Wtflhtr • ·~ l•11lo'1 " W1tlll ·-· • • MlllM• • WHM"'' ·-1t.n ~--, •• • • + • "• • 0 , 0 + ---""t -,:•• -+••-· --.. _,,. .... _ ·-----------·-------.,.--.,....,..,....,....,....,...,...,.. .... ~,....,., ..................... ,,....,.. ....... ~ ...... ..., ................ ..,...,.. .... ,,...,.,'"'\"..,--.--r~~-,-..... --·---,-, -, --•-n • -p ' 2 OAJt Y PILOT N Spi1·ite1l A 11teate1•s UC Irvine. dorsn"'l have a football tcan1. but that doesn't mea n it doesn't have pep squad. 7hcsc songleadcrs arc currently appearing at UCI \Valer polo games, \\"he re cries of "ZOT" are music to Anteater fa ns. From left are Dottie Goforth, 20, \\lhiLl1er; Sue Frost . 19 . L'pland: Sue ll !l l. J'.), J ...... o . <\I to: Elise Smith, 20, Orange ; Penny \\iborg. J8, 'l'em ple City: Ann Preston, 19, \Voodland I-Jill ~: Pam Viele, 19, Calabasas, and Adele Casso, 13, 1''ountain Valley. V.S. Urged to Abolish Homosexual Ban Laws \VASHl~GTON (AP) -A governnH•nl fask fcrce has urged the Un ited States to follow t he lead or Grcal Britain and abolish Jay,·s forbidding private homcscx· ual relations an1ong consenting adults. The panr! of Ooctors, lawyers and f;ocial and behavioral scientists also sug· gested that government and private employers reassess "current employment practices and policy relaling to the employment of hon1os<!xual individuals with a view to111,.ards making needed changes." Three members of lhc 14-man task force "exprcsSt'd reservations'' on the proposed legal and employment changc.s, Pair Slug Oerk Of Dairy, Get 817 in llcce ipts T1~0 men slugg ed a S:inla Ana rlrive-i n rl:>1rv· tl{'rk 111to unC(lnsc:iousocss ~unday night after forcing !he rnan al gunpoint to hand over the night"s takings-SJ7. necoverU'lg today from deep head cuts and extensive bruises is Roy Paul PC(]rr- ~on, 29. lie told officers that th!' tv•o mrn C'lrtlered rrulk and that one or them pro- rluced a revolver as Pederson was rini;· ing up the salr. Pederson said ht-wa:ii bea ten rrpe<1!· l'dly ""ith 1hc bull end of the gun despite hi~ pleas Iha! the men ldke \ht> mon!'Y and f!'arr him ly1ni:: on the fl(l(lr. He r!escribed his assallan ts ;i.~ '.\'eg rnes, or.~ .:i bout five-fOOl·51X and his companion about six-fool-fl\ e 10 ~1x-foot-s1x. Pohcr ar e \\Ork11u: nn ihr lhrnr\· th.:i t !~r samr ml?n-thr rlr-si:-r1p11on~ 1.11Jy -are thr pair '\ hn C'!!rls Sunda.1• rn~\Jrd :i ~f'r1 • 1rr st;il!on ;i fc1r bloc l-.5 .:i~1 ;iy frfl!TI lhl' 1!r11 r-1n d ~1 1 r,·. Thry took a ~n1;i\! a1nnu11I (1f r.1~h .ind thr a!lcnd.:in!"~ 11 ,11 rh af1 rr ~la.<h1 ng a e:i stomcr 11ho 1r1ed 10 1ri!errr11e in rhe robbery. John Anthonv fllQt. 2{1, n/ Sa nlil Ana. ls recovering "in Santa Ana Cornmuni!y Hospit.11 fron1 knife "·ounds 1n the abdo- men and face. OAllY PILOI C°!IANGI C"•Sl ll'Vlt '1'11NQ C0M'A"T II.el,.•! N, w.,, •r111ok~t t M J'~bl•""'r Jo<~ 11 Cw1l1y oJ•ft '/"'""~' ''o G•"""'' !.'1~f°' 7~, ..... , 1: .... 1 E§,lo• Tho-.11 A t••lu•oi.r~t M1~ll•~t (Ol!o• J,,,,.., F. Celi;,., ,..,._ •••tll (111 f.filOr ....,.,. ... °"''• 1211 Wo1t ltlbo• l owl1v11d M1ili"f M•,.™ r.o. 1 .. 1111, t1••>. --Co4'9 ,._., DI """' In ...... L...,.... _,,, m ,_.,.., .-.- ...... flflttllll 9M<ll; .JOf s111 a1r .. 1 ·- C'-IL'r •llQl, '"'"~ .. ~,.,. •• <""'b'"'',.,.. "'" .. "'""'· .. ""'"'-••• ,, ..... , s.,... ••Y "' -··'• "",..,., '°' Now.-•! loro~. C•'I ~... l og....... ~lot~. M""l"'9- l .-c70 ......... ~ '"' ......... ·-., ... ·---" ..,,. r• O••,,.• Co•" Polbll"'+..., 1..-•••• r.,.,,..,. •'•"" ••• ., 1'" ,...,, e•I""" 11.e .,,..,...,., &••<•, ,.,. J:O ...... ·~· \1 ..... c ......... .. l"elt,.... 11141 MJ..tJJI C--ln..1 AM,,... 641-l•JI t.rr•-· '""· o··-<. .. 11 """""""" ,_, ......... '"""'· •M.,.ltO!-•. ·••It' .... o.. .. ., ........ -~.. ... ..... ""'"' N , _ _... .... -• ._1_. "" _...,..,un••--s-.t ~ ... -......... , .. ~ .......... -c.i. .......,, Gttll•"'• ..,._,.n.., w --_.,YI ..,. -II ti.• ...-hlJr ,..it_., -11M1-,, •• ,_,,,,,,, !-.(l}'Jng "Consirier:ition Of S()Pi;iJ pn!ll',V issues sho uld be deleirl'd until tul"l l1('r ~cienti fic rvidencc is avi!ili.Jblc .• :· The panel estimated lhat at least three IO four million adulls in the Unitrd St alrs ;ire predominantly homose>Cual, y,•hilc 1nany others have significant hotnosrxual tendencies, •·Homosexu allly presents a major pro- blem for our society largely because ol lhe an1ounl or injustice and surfering en- tailed ic 1l not oaly for the ho1noscxual but also for those concerned about hi1n," the group sald in a 21}.page report to the National Institute of ~!ental Health. Regarding existing Jaws a gai ns t homosexuality, !he panel headed by psychologist Evel_yn Hooke r 0£ lhc University or California at Los Angc!cs, .!laid: "There is evidence to indicate Iha! en- trapment is not uncommon, that ex1stin1? la1vs are selectively cnfort erJ and that ~erious injustice ofti:?n result s.'' il1ost professionals \vorking in the arra •·<ire strongly convinced that the rxtrrn1f' npprobrium 1hal our soc iety has attach<'d lo homosexual bcha\·ior. by y,•ay or criminal statutes and restrictive cn1plo). rncnt practices, has dune 1nore social harm than good and gncs beyond ~·h;it 1s necessary for the n1aintcnance o{ pubhc ordrr and human <lccency,'' the taslc force said. ··.\lany homosexuals are good citiz<'ns, holding regular JOhs and lrad1ng pro· ductivc Jh·cs," the report said. "'The ex· 1stence of legal penaltiC's relati ng If' homosexual acts means Iha! !he rnent;i l health problems Of hon10::.exua)s are l'X· :icerhated by the need for concealment ;i nd the crnotion al s1res::.es arising fro111 this need and fron1 thf' opprobn um o! being 111 \'10la.1lon uf !he l;i11 ."' SAN D H,.\.U L • • • rd a \,·orker for Ch adwick & Buchanan. Long Beach contractors for the rnass11·e r iver cleaning job, \l'hat 11·as going on. "He seemed jusl as sick about il as I "·as.'" she said. "And he told me they had 800.000 more tons of the stuff to cart out of the ri\"er and dump on our beach." Several members of the cily council, :<ilong y,•ith Public \\'orks Director Joseph T. De\·lin and Cit y Allorney Tully St \'mour. \"is1 tcd !he .idobe beach o,·er thC. 11•eekcnd . Devlin f'Xplainecl 11•h:it niav ha1·r gone \\'rong. \\"hen c11.v otticials flew 01 er t!if' r,1·c• \1erks ag11 . befnrC' !hr Corpli nf I::11g1ncers a\\·arded lhc ('on1 ra1 t. l114·y s.1,1 good. usable sanrl -1ir silt 011 lhf' ri\·er bo!lorn. Bu t thcs difl n"t sr<' 11h;i t 11a.~ :-it inches be!ov.· 11'ia t so:ind . ""They didn't see the 1nuck. and th.it".~ what we"re gelling no\\'," said !llrs. Sk1li- lng . "We've no1v got the hauling stopped ,'' :i;eld Councilman Mc innis. "We're not putting any more on the beach." Melnnls added : "Gee:you can look out on that clay and say lo yourself, 'I wonder if r 15hould plan t co rn or potatoes.' " ~·!rs. Skilling <1grrcd. '"\'Qu cot1!d c1·en rolate the crops."' she 5.'lid . Today's meeting or pubhc officials. 1'lclnn1s ind icated. 1nay 1 n e I 11 d c <hscussicns on \\"hat lo do 11 ith the r lciv airf'adv deros1ted. "If nl)lh uu: is donr ' lH' sa;d. ' the <'1ty 1~ prrpa rrd 10 1.1)..r so n1e Action lo prr1 enl thr ultuna1 r <le.~lruct1on of the beach " And the uny,·antcd 11111 of 1nu1·k fro111 the r11·cr is only one or lhe probll'111s 111· 10h'e<l in the "sand " hau l, 11h1~·h 111 .• y Ja~t through n11d·l)r rr111ber. ""The c111· had been told th r hauling road 11•ould be 1·ight up aga1nsl the surninc.:· f\..lclnn1s explained. "But they've pul it right 11r 11gainst lhe homes. We'll tal k abQut thal, too." Oolt~Y ,!LOT 3HI! •~o!• COLLAPSES AFTER :;AME Edison High'' Na ylon Edison Gridder Still Critical Follo\ving In j ur~ ~l ark N:iylon. a 15-~ear-nl d junior 1,1r;-i· 11' foolbalf rla~rr :i t ~:dL<;On ll1gh Srhoof re1n:11ned in cntical co ndition 1 111~ rnvrn- 111g :11 11 u n t 1 n f! l c n lnt('rror11mun11y ll11-p1L1I 111th 1n1urir :-ul1crcd in J g;,111c ~·.1(111"(!,1~. .\,,~ 11•11 a \1,1lfb;1r~· 1·ril!.1r<;rd frilln11 i11!( :i ~.i111rd.1v ,./·1 r1111u11 i:::11111• 11 11;1 Lti;Jril ll1,·h :~I J:d 1:-un :ind 11:1• 1,1~},1<! lo !lie 11' p1; d 111111 l (';id 1·11 11r11 - Hn:.p1t.~I ~P'>~r,m;q1 ~;11rl ;\:i1Jl')1111,1~ \'1 !11•· 1ntrn•11 f' {":lf f' llr\11 :1111! h:irl ~u11rrf'rl :i 1'-11hih1r<J I tie1n.11n111.i 11n!t·rn rel hl<'cdin g tn 1h · br.t111 1. !!1!: 11,,1d1t1i111 ha~n L cl1:111ged s1 nrr !1r 1ras .1dmu tet1 tn the hosplla l. Bill Vail. Edi son lllgh football coarh. said Naylnn played lhfough the Saturday gainc Y.'tth<iut complaining of :i.ny injury. The youth co\lap~rd on the firld shnrtly after the J;ame was O\"C.r and Va il s;iid he lhought Navlnn 11·as in a coma before be ing rusherl 10 the hospit:1L J·"ro111 Paye 1 STEI NH.i\US ... rr•'f 11 l'~I f1111d1ni.: for tl1r ('p1;:pr I .r r ;i1!11.hiol11~·· 11h11h <;lo:rh1•• !he (',\lJ.•.r\ 11f til 'l';.~··~ Ill 11\'ITI" !11 '1ne pro1~·rl ( .t11~r~ .if 11111,or<.: 111 ff\(·krnal'h1·~ :11·1~ b1•111~ ~111du•1! ,,, .'• po.,..,1- 1\!1 li ne 111 :111 :irk on l'<ltllt'r llr. !'illinl1aus \\'as a !in11 bcli e•·cr 1h:i1 causes •lf disease can be best in\·est1galed in ::.1mple insects. Ch:inetllor Aldrich said the Cenlcr for r athob iology y,•HI be a continuing monu- mi-nt lo Dr. Sleinhans' work. Dr. Steinhaus is suf'·ivcd by. bC'side.~ his \1·ire, a :-on, Tim, 20, and daughte r. C1nrlv, 14. both of the familv home at 2415 Bl;1ckthorn St., in Ea~tblilff: a married d:,ug hlrr. J\lr~. Slr\·cn G('l('l7, "·ith her hti~h:ind :ii an Armv ba~e in Hnllanrl. :inrt hrrrhrr•. Joh n or S.1n C..:ibrit"I , H!llph cl C.1:,1 n \';;l!c\" ;ir.d .Jim of l.1\"l'rn1orr F1l'·rr.-1 I ~,:r>l'-r ... ..i1·f Jlf';i{!u•i: ;it t:,1:1.: Co1r11:i de! 'l:ir ~101tua1~ \\' \SllJ:'\r:To'.\' \1\r1 -Sr(·rf'1:,r1· or f.>t>fe11sc ~ICll'lll n . La1rrl will no1 s1wn d 1 111~ )'C'a r an :i(id1ucna l St b1;Jion fer nr1v ~h i p ron.~trurrion propo!ird l"ly the llo11~c Ar111rd Srrv1rr.:-r on1mi!(re, ;i t t1n k1ng 1 ICl\'n~e off It la I ~aaJ tocta.1 , Lea1·y So11's 'T1·ip' Told By Offic e1· Ry TO'.\I BAJU.EY 0 1 !~I D°'l1 f'llO I $!oil .'\ Laguna Br.1c-h po!1rr nff tr.fr today test1fird in !:i1ipcr1or Courl that the ~t ra nge beha 1·1or of 19·yC'ar-old Juhn Bush Lr:i r.v and the strong odor of burning 111an1uana in the Lcarys' famil y st;it1 011 11.1gon Jeri to .1rrl'~t flf the L~O <ul1 1~rs l;1zn1ly last Dec. 26 1n the A.rt C11tony. Offarer ~ea! J . Purcell told the cou rt - Interrupted by frequent objections from the Leary fam ily's battery of attorney!' -that young U!ary .,.,•as on his hands and knees in the back of the car Y<'hen he ap- proached lhe vehi cle lo chcc.k on an ap- parrnt parking violalion . ··He was cray,•Jing around aimlessly 11 i1h his hair hung all 01•rr lus face," the o!licer said. '"Ile had a fi xrd grin rin his face anrl his r1 {'~ 11crl· ~1:1ri11g a11d fron1 tune to lin1e lH: would part his hair way tram his fare and !hen ll't it fall down :1g;11n. ··,\1y exprncncc told 111r,"' the oft1cer c;.a 1d. ··th;1 t l11.~ young rnan was under the 1nl it1(•f1C'C' of narc:>tics ., l'urccl!·s cxprr1erK·c 1ras l·h;1llengc•d r(•p1::;1tedly by allorney ,\larvln Cooper, a ppearing for J ohn Bush Lea ry . But Judge Dyron K. tllcl\l!llan struck clown his argJment that Purcell \\'as not 11ualificd to offer opinions on drug in- loxication or drug odors and he refused to intervene on behalf of the Learys oo other phases of Purcell's testimony. Purcell led off I.he prosecution case In \1·hat is expected to be a two-<lay hearing on a defense motion lo suppress f'l'idence -that evidence being the seizure of •lrugs from the U:>ary \'Chicle and the of· ficcr's testimony U1al he smelled burnlng 1nariju1lna in the car. 11ir hearing inin1ediately preceds the Supenor Cour t lrlal of Dr. Tl!nothy l.ea r.1·, 49. Hosrn1ary Leary, 33, and )01111g Lear y. All three are :iccu~cd of possession or m:t rijul!na . .\!rs. Leary :i!sQ fates (;hilrgcs of posscs~lon of LSn. Lagunil Beach poli ce claln1 they con· fisc ated JO ounces of marijuana and 40 LSD <:apsules, all s<'i zcd from the Leary <.'ar. The trio 11·as subsequently indicted by the Orange County Grand Jury. Leaders 01osen For Smog Curbs Top-ranking officers o! the Republican Slate Central Corrunitlee·s pennanent panel on rnvi ronmental quality control have no1v been appointed, according to GOP leader Dennis Carpenter. Assemblyrnan George r.111ias (R-San ta Clil ra) 11·111 flcl as chainnan. with 1\~~rrn bl yn1rin Pet er SC'h aba rurn lR-Los .\ni:ctes / as 1 icc.cha1n11an , ll!il1 as is cha1rn1an nf the Assrn1bly "\~tura! Resources and Conservauon i ··n1n11lte r. ilS w~ll as being a member of tne Sierra Club and Audubon Club. :-O.'.'h<'.lbarun1, representing eastern Los .<\ngelcs County. is author of a 1969 bill 11·hiC'h will force auto manufactu re.rs t{) 111cet California smog control laws before lhrir cars can be sold here. 1'he COP Central Committee's i'll · \ 1rrwmcntal control o:igency i!! belic1·ed to be the first such organized as part of the 1111c rnal structure of a pohltcal par\)'. 11i g ]~rc 111lin We lco111 c ' \10SCO\V (AP) -Thr threr lo p r l"choslo1 ;ik lt',1<lr r~ arrived hrrr trxl ay fnr :i big l\rrmlin 11rk·on1r. 1nrlud1ni: .~ ~l-~:1lrn :ir!illerv i.alutr. designed tn ~hflllf ;1pprn•.:1I for 1111· rect>nt purge of Prague l 1bC'ral~. , -· ~·· I : I - • ' .,......, __ ! .• -., '' • D1·essi11g for Dice r-.:cfore !ry1ng on di1·c r"!=i hat Orange Coast Coll ege! co1.:d Sherri !·loch· n1a n. ~O. of Co ~ta .J\1 csa , looks for reass urance iro111 Deiln \\'est- .caard. occ~ divi ng lns tructo r \rho 11 11! be n1odc rJIOr of Saturday, "\ov. I. aJJ.day :iyn1pos1um on ··('<i reer Opportu111l1es in D1l'ing" .:1t the college. ·Heidi~· Ben~hed Football Game Finished This Tinie NE\V YORK (UPI) -"ffeicH'' waited f'ight minutes on !ht' sidelines Sunday to escape the. \1-rath of football rans, !\auona! Broadcasting Con1p;i ny of. l1c1als. determined 11ot hal'c ;\ rc1}Cal prrforn1anrc of a jrar a~n. 11·,1H rr! 111111! thr ro:icllision or !hr Oi!ldand-Ruffaln A111 encn!l Fnoth.111 Lr:i~ur gr11nc bcfo l"c sho11·1ng the childrcti"s l"lnssic. The gan1c. ran eig!ll rn111utcs h"YOnd 7 p.n1 , the hour tile n1ovie was slutcd ro begin. Last year. the ncl~·ork rut 1h1· Oakland-Ne11· York ,lt>1 ga1ne .~hort to air thf' fllm . Jn the few moments cut out or tht1I game, Oaklan("f scorer! f w,,. touchdowns to \\·in the r unic.!>!. '1111,'I' pron1pted a llood of calls !torn oulraged loothalJ fans at the !\BC s11'1tchboard. r-;s c look cxtremr ~lrp~ 10 ensure :1ga1n~1 a rrprat. Th<"' a11no11ncr r 9t t11!'" OaklJnd·Buffalo ~i'ln 1r 11;J0nncd !hf' 1 ir11 crs the i:::i111r 11 (l\ilrl be sho1rn in I!~ enr iret y .:ind told stati011 eng111rrrs ro '"be Jlcn ·· .\:.: I! 111rned ou t. XBl' co1tld rrnbah ly li;nr cut 1hr i:::i111c short an h0ur. Oakl and held cf 42·7 lead a1 ti alft1me and \\"Oil 50-21, Cai· Hits Bi1 s; l(ills W oma11 I\ 3i -vear-<rld hn11~f'\\1f<' 11;is \..1l1C'd !hi ~ :nom1ng 1n f ou 11ia1n \ all~y 11 hen hC'r c;.r fa1led to n1a ke a r ir1 r nn f.uchd :-itrr<'t nea r Conn hci ,11 l'n11r .ind r 1011 rd ht•.id 'Jll 111111 a ~rhool bus rarr~ 111g 21 ~ou11g,1 r r~ .\!rs Fr;1.1crs Ca1;1erir111 $1nlth !1f ~Xlhl ~11;1 ilo1v :\1'rnu t". 1·ot1n\a1n \;;l ir~. 11:1~ prn;u\U11c1'd ,lr.:itl un :irr11 ~I IH H111111ngt c,11 ln\rrcnm n1un1ty l!n.~pll:<l A C;it1forn1;i ll 1r.h1va~· Patrol spo kr sman s;-;id !here 11 err no o1her srnou'i 1niune~ 1 hr d:imaged 5thonl hU'i 11 ,:i:=; e.!rr1•in ;: _1 .. ur.~~trr~ flf th" l.rirdr1l lt1·n1r 1·:i1f1ert :-.1h11ol [)1~t nrl 1., 1'1;1.~.1·~ ;Jt l ~xu.'ls1or , \,r,flllhur.r arnl J.1nr1 1l11 I·:I r111 r n ta ry •i !l\•Ph :ill 111 (;,1rdr 11 t;r,,1r. We 0111~ J.,ool~ Expe11sive 1)011·1 1r1 ou r ran('v r.d tlre!'-~ frichlcn \"fill 1 lpr Ill'\\" fall ~Ult S !'!art Jt $9.'). 'J"hey repl'C!'>C!l{ til,~h1o n ,. ith{1\l\ frt V{1]11~. ch gnity h.v design. 1·hey a rc der1 ~1vely ~bClpcd . fla,1·lcssly tailored. rendered in ric h fabrics that refl ect thc 1o!c.s1 trc.n<l s in coloring ::ind \1·eavc. \\'c bcl1c1·e ou r selection i.s-<15 fine a s a ny 111 Orange c·ounty. But don't take. our 1vord for it. Co1ne in and see for yourself. A leisurely look through our racks is sure to turn up some pleasant s urprises. \Ve've planned it that 'vay. ~J67 \·1a l~ido at Nc,1·port Roulevard. i\"e,vporl Beach Open f'rid.1 y e1·ening~ until 9 p.111. ' i r .. 1. • " k II ' " e b ' ' " • • • " ' ... -~-----~·-~ ... -·------------------·-----·--------------------~--~------- 't ~men BEA AN("I ERCiON . Editnr """"d1t, O<t11~r 1t. ,,.. H P'111 " '· League Shops Early To Avoid the Rush lls not that they're tryin~ to rush thing$. hut n1rmhrrs of lhc ;\"c11·- port 1-larbor Spastic League al1vays have Lhe1r firsl cel1:bration of (hrist- Jnas 111 Oetober. 'fhe mcrri1nc nt takes place at a bridge brunch 11herc ("hristrna" c\ct'· orations created by the young adult s of the United Cerebral r~Jlsy :\sso- tlJllon arc 'the rnain att ractions. J:y adn11r1 ng the dccora1ions. \\'hich 1vere m~d e under the d1rrct 1(1 n f1f \Jr:;.. Huih Kotl:i r, and placing an order for delrvcry before Chr1~t1nas 1ne1nlJL'rs of the league and their guests can be a!l ready for the holiday i:.t'a ~on 1rhl'n it arri1es. So, 111th Chris ltnas c::irol~ r11nn ing l hro11gh their lhought s. the \\'Orne n 11111 gather 111 the Balboa Day ('l ub \Vcdnesday, Oct. 29, at 10:30 a.in. for t heir nin-lh annual pa rt y. 1;--estivc garl a nd s of brightly colored ba ll s 11·i\1 be 1vor n by all me111· l)C'r.~ of the league to furlher add to the holiday s pir it. as planned by !\lrs. \V1il1am L. Kitchen. 11•ays and 1ncans chairman, and J\·lrs. Philip M. Coho- Jan, bridge brunch chairman. Other 1vomen assisting: are the 1'.lme s. Clyde ~1. Carlton, door prizes; Sigfred B .• Johnson. table favors and invitations ; William P. Thomas, r es- t'rvations : R obert l•'uller, seating hostess, and George \V. Weedon, tickets. Through the years th e !ea gu~. never numbering more than 40 in i t.~ 1n£'111hership. has provided 1nonumental assistance to the Cerebral Palsied in Or ongc ('aunty . It has assisted in n1aintaining the Tlope Ilaven School in r.osta :-.tesa fnr ;i 111<rrnnnlh sun1n1er day school session: instal ling an in'lerc:on1 syslen1 1n lhc CJrl llur1cy Sc hool. Santa 1\na: purchasing 12-passengcr bus£'.~ for 1 r;i nsportatio n of children and young adults to the UCP Training Center 1n Santa .Ana, and pu rchasing educati onal lo_vs for Carl ll arvcy School. ln1•\tations lo the bridge brunch 11·iJI be m ailed to "'ornen through· 011! the county, including associate and previous members and patronesses of thr lea.cur. Rcscr1·a1ions '-''il l be l11ni tcd and s hould be ma de by calling Mrs. Tho1nas. 646--2078. Mother-in-law Picks ANN LANDERS A CANDID CAMERA -P o~ing !or her flr~t pictu11• i~ Sh a1vn Patricia Shields. ne1v daughtP r ol J\lr. ;i n·l ~Ir.~. Christopher Shields o[ Jl untiri,cton Bea th. Wee Babies: 1\ro days old and already posing for picture!'. ''We can photog raph babie s as fast as moth· ers can turn them out," .Jack \Vest smiled. The Costa ?\1esa photographer runs the b ah v photo operation a l Hoag J\•lcn1oria! Jl ospital. !Jr£"-· byterian and two other Oran,ge Cou nty hospita l~. He recently has changed to color. •·\Ve took black and white '\'hen the bt1bi r .<; \1·err Jess than an hour old," he said. '"Bul th!' babie s are too red for color. so "-'e \\•ait until they are t"·o day~ old before 1.hey 1nodel. c ~-~_:. • '-r • ~ti ...... -~ : : -·: ~·) ,..,.,~: .it , Nu r.~c 1::liz11beth J)uft111 cl~111 :11 1111.1: ~1lcn11ir1t1 I ! !ns- p1\al, l)rc :-.bytr-r i ~1 11 ;Hl1 u-.1 ~ lhl' 1·;111H'l"<1 l1 :-1nrc c:1p- luring Sha11 n·~ l1r~l :-1111lc. Big Business ".\11 the £"an1 era 11nrk i<; dotu• hv the n11rr.C'~ ·rhis maintains the strnlr .11 1110\phC'rc• 'l'hr l'<n11c r:l 1s fully aulon1al1c ;ind is lc•ll in lht nu r~c-ry <it all 11n1es.'" The colo r ph{J\iJ ~ nf nr11 born hahies ;ire nf f£>rl'd for .~ale lo 1he proud pa rr nts by lhe .\1i.l:!ht1n_g01 le Chapter ol Jloa.r{s :\uxrliary as a n1can s of r;.i1s- 111g n1onry for the h o~pl ta!. f.,a.~t year J/oag rel'r i1·rd S~.730 ;inrl lh1 " year"«. total. th ank s to thr population expln~1r1n plrcady 1.~ ahead of last y::-a r. ' l,J I 1, I I 1!1 111 I! ( 11 ,,, '' 11 1 1:: " 1'11 I 111 I '" I ' 11' Ii: I "' \'I 11' 1·1 ' "1 !11 I I Trea sure Sa le Beckons Sh rewd Barg ain-hunters Readyin g a Treasures and Trash Sale "11.•hich 1vill raise scholar- shi p funds and aid needy families al Christmas arc nic1nbers of the Ne"ll.'port Beach Ebell Club. Sorling and prici ng contribu tion s are (left to right) 1'.1rs. Rudolph Vanasek and ~trs. Fred Loakes. Up Many Home ·r11e sal e 1vi ll take place fron1 1 to '.i p.n1. Sa lu rday and Sunday, ~·ov. 1 and 2. at th e /\"c11 port Beach ho1nes of l\lrs. L. 1~. J\lc Bridc, prcsidenl and l'vlrs. Vernacc i\Jorgan, ,,·ays and means cha1r1nan. Decorating Ideas 191%. It is of good qual i1y collon and machine sewn , Mi there must be others. be married but his fiancee was killed in sin accident three <lays before lhe wed· rlini:. lie nevrr got O\'t'r i1. sure. In Il linois, homost'.~llal artlvlty ht'l.,..ttn twn ('nnsrnlin ~ Ar1111t5 i! nn lonitcr a 1·ri n1r. Sinrr th r bn1• i~ 13 ht_ L• an aliult. )fo1ing in, of hi~ n'>'n fr re \\lll, is til ntamou nl tn "consrnl." DEAR ANN LANDERS: ~!y wite '5 mother ii; a chronic shoplifter. ll ii; a known fart in our family 1hal she i;tll1e the i;ta!uC'1IC' nn lh" coffee lahlc from Spars and !hr lan1ri from !\1ontgomcry \\"ard. Las1 ~·et1r ~he walked out of Polk Brothrrs 111lh ;i 1 <1ruum clc:incr flMple 11 ;intOO they !ilole. She never got our nf the habit. My "'ife insist~ that since II .... ·as part O( her tarly lra1nlng it i" not immoral. Please comment. -LOS- ING TllE DEBAT~ any other tltitr. ''our 1rife . by accepting Jr;ifl$ whicb abe knows are ~lolen. con- doMs h'r mottter·a criminal beba,ior. ''oo musl not allow it. We've checkC<I ~·ith the SmJthSQnlan Tnstilution and various Ila~ books but have been unable to l('arn the origin or this flag . Can you or ynu rradrrs hel1• us'.' -FLAGGE D DQ\l;N IN KANSAS CIT\' Boid has cut hin1sclf off rron1 all hi." old 1riend!'i. He has a good job an<I mak es a nice living b11l he '~ like a (hlfcrcnt p::r-on. Yr!'i\t n!ay Boy1l l:>ld 1nr hr I" t '..i·1~ a largr r ap.1rlmcnl lx'<'a11s(' h" need~ more roorn. An 18·)"c;'lr·old hoy i~ n10\'1ng in with hin1. :O.ly y,•1fr aod hrr ,<;1sier cln not shoplift but thrv fie<' n111l11n~ wro ng in ~la m<1 's ~hopllf!ing. I.a:.\ .\'car rny 1nothrr-in-la1v 11 sked niy '>'·ife and hl'r s1strr what they wanlC11 for Chns1 mas Thry IK11h wRn led ;iu\om!l!lc c!ce1ric toaslPr.~ so ~fama wcol out Rnd stole a couple. J gol macl 01·rr !hrs and Y.'P had ;:r big argumen t. f\l y ~·Hr r~plained that hrr 11101.her 1vas r;i1sctl dt1ri11f'.: the rlepression 11 t11•n r.:!::.:...• had any n1one v. Wh:i1evcr DEAR L.D.: Your mc:>lh,r-ln-law is not immoral. Sht ii amoral. Tbis mtans sht has no COOKience, no concern fc:>r right ur wrong. Ti !lhe l!I caught. aht will not ht Invited to deh9te t thiC!I or talk about . the drnwsJ~: ~e will bt bookectjJke DEAR ANN LANDERS : For genera· ttoos our family ha! collttted Americana . I inherited from my great-gr andmother an Amercan flag wiUl the regulation stri~ dr.sign but the star! form the let- ters U.S.A. SM there are 48 stars in this fla~ it m..2-a..h!ve bttr. :-:::::!; :~!:: DEAR F.U.: The (a('t that thr fla~ is machln' se'>'·n 11 nol r\•idence th at thrre a re otb,rs. II i1 possible that one of you r ancestors "'blpptd up that flag on hf'r own 1e,..·lng macblnt for a 41b of July pie· nic In Sallna. If r.;.y readtr ••• a btlt.er \•,rsion, plta1t ltt me know. DEAR ANN LANDERS : f\-1y son 1s io :.;.; ;.;:.: :xi:;, When Bovd wc:r; 19 he was to l'n1 sure lloycl is sick bul nohody 1·an 1:ilk to hin1 . The hii;ih sehool la1t has turn• cd ;iga 1nsl his parents and rrfu scs to listen to then1. He. has no idea whal hr ~ Reiling himself Into. Ann. Can my son lw arresle<I? I am worried sick, -ILL IN lLLJNOJS PEAR ILL : ''nu st1y thr My ha~ nn :_.~~:I 14b;.,;. i.e·s ;:cttln:i: UJ lv. 1'11, not st.I C111• 111 nr !•\"' 1'1 '":1 ... whr n :t i;uv _i.:;11'~ _1 ou th1.1o h1•". li.Jnk n11l' For lips on I··\\ lo h.1r1I~!' 11.1· ~11µl't i;f'...: :-:ilc~111<'1 r., t h:-<:k 1\1111 La nd('rs. Bend hrr hooktct, · \f:·k1n~ :i11•I l'1't .n~ -\\'i1.11 1\rl' the l.11n11.~·: ' Sl'ncl y II ll r rt'qUt'Sl IO Ann L:1nilcrs in rarr of this ne\\'t'pilpcr. rnclosing tiO crnls in coin :i nlf a Joni;, l>t;unpcd. ~clf-atldressed r n1 clupe Ann Land!'rS wil be gla<l to help you y,·1111 your problem~. firnd them lo her in 1·:i r(' of 1hr llAll.V PILOT. enclosing c-.-·. . ..!.1L -.ttl !~~~· ' . . . .,., . .. --.. -.. ' -'. ·-·-.. -·. . ----,.-•__....,..-·-----.---·------~-~-..,.----·--.,...,..,,..,,,..,_~. ---.......... ..,., ~ ....... ~_,...,,.._..,....,,... __ . __ .,..~. ~.,.-~. -- High Sch ool Sweethearts We d Horoscope Las Vegas Rite Scene Aries: Display • • • Na ncy Jayne Stein and Bruce David Chapman, Costa .P.1e s a H igh School sweethearts, last St1lurday Litt lc Church Las Vegas. were married l'vening in the of !he \Yest Jn 1~are11ts of the bridoil couple arc r.1rs. Jacquelyn Stein or Costa Mesa and the late t.·lr. ftichard l.. ~tein and the front Costa t.Jcsa wo.is llcst man. Fall blosson1 s i 11 c l u d i 11 g yelJoy,', gold and b run i e chrysanthemun1s adorned lhc chu rch altar. The reception follDwed i11 1he new Las Vegas ho111e uf U1e newlyweds. Circulating the guest book was f.1iss Kart>11 Findlay nf Las Vega s Arno11g the special gu esls w;i s fl1 rs . Gertr ude D"v i d s o n . grondmotheJ" ot the br1d(' from Costa r-.1esa1 1'he fonner r<1b::. Stein i~ an ;i.!umna of Ur:.inge Coasl i College's dtnl<ll assi::.t1ng pro· 'f:i-t grarn. Her hu::.b<ind ancndcd ~· OC C :ind l)re;-;cntl y i-; al· tending the \,;niversity uf Nevada at J,11~ Vrg<1~ where lie 1s 111<1Jol'lng 111 phy~ical cduca tio ri. Sportsmanship TUESDAY OCTOBE R 21 By SVONEY O:'IL\Rlt < ;ul)t( tun;lr aspec1 today coin· r ides with tun, crcal1 \'e ac· 111·itv. r o 1n a 1111 r 1nlere;.t~. \01h1ng h;1ppe11s hJlf\\ay: Jl.C\ ~1 pt to he all lhe 11·3y or ARIES lj\'larch 2l ·April !9 1: no!hinE:. Be ready lo run !he i\luch doubt. pressure and fr<lr g<11nut " . . Robert Chapmans or Costa ~---------------------~ J\1 esa. L I NDA JO HARDIN futurt Bride art' rcn10\'ed . You l' o U I cl S:\GJ'ITAHIUS 1 :'l°ul'. ~:!· reccil'c honor frorn lri1trn1:d Lier :!I )' Be ready lo de<JI flr,i(an izal1on-rn<1y be Ja~cd with questions concerning real w i l h h u n1 or · Di s PI a Y estate, basic ram1\y issues . : I ~ qt ) I,;(/ ' l 't: ' ' I ,. \ • ' H ..,_. ~ .... ""'" "'~"'" MRS. BRUCE DAVID CHAPMAN Costa Mesa S ride ' For lhe double r i n g tere1nony the bride was given in marriage by her uncle, Ben- jamin Stein of Laguna Hills. The new Mrs. Chapman selected a lace gown with Jong, puff sleeves and standup collar. lier shoulder length l!ered illusion veiling y,·as caught to a headed headpiece and her nosegay was com- prised or )'ellow dai sies and \Vhite carnations. She also car· ried a four-generation J;;ice hand kerchief. J\lrs. Hichard r-.1onvillc. !he bride's sister fro111 Costa r.-1esa. was matron of honor 1n ,<tn apricot cn1p\re crepe gown. Robert Glenn Chap· inan, the bcnedict's brother Club Picks Homecoming Fe stivities SC Welcomes Alums It"s the eve o! homecoming festivitie's at the University ol Southern California. The Newport Harbor USC Alun1111 C 1 u h has arranged for busing to the 11nivcrsi1y carnpus and the USC·Gcorgia 'f ech tool.ball game next Saturd ay. 'f rans po1·tatio11 \\ill dC"- part fron1 Irvine Coa st Country ('l111J a1 !! a .n1. Round·trip ticket s are $2 .50 per p cr.~o n . Can1pus tours, sprci~il progra1 11,, ;i i1 cl lu nch \1•ill take place 011 Ille ca1r1pus beg 11~· ning a t 9;30 a .ni. for all SC'ions. /\bu)', for the high school age s tudents of alun1ni 11111 lea,\'C at 8 a.in . Reservations are being handled by C o 11 Basn1ajian at 646·0462 or Rudy Baron at 6i5· 5937. A fe1v football game tickets ~t i ll a r c available. Bus and game requests 1vi ll be fillrd nn 3 first come first s erved basis. Newport Beach Rites Scene In November Linda Jo 1-!ardin a n d 1'1ichacl Nicholas Prlaney, Estancia High S c hoo I sweethearts. will be rnarricd /l\o\·. 22 1n Our Lady Q1iccn uf Angels Church, Corona del f.!<Jr. Parents of the fut11rc brida l couple are r-.1rs . Robe rt !::. \\'illits of Huntington Beal'h and Jay T. Hardin of \YhitliC'r and ~Ir. and ~1rs. Francis f\I. Delaney of Newport Beach. .1iport.sman sltip. CA PRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. TA URUS (April 20-~l ay 20): 191: Plenty of movemenl Some of your wishes are toda y. You are kept btl!y. lulfilled . Bul necessary in· Conserve energy. Pacing i~ gredient Is \\'Ork, attention to important. Surprise visit could basic techniques. Brush up on upset routine. Keep your cool. knowledge . Be aware of minor AQUARI US (Jan. 20-Feb. ch anges. Don'l gel caught in 18 )· Add Io possessions. loophole. Highlight in ti le potential. GEl\llNI (~la y 11 -June 201: Spend ror quality. Have faith ''ou 1nay be busirr l11an usual. in ~-our o\\'11 la ste. Judgment. Bcalizc aulhoritiC's arc apt to PISCES IFeU . 19-~l arch 20 1: g1rc .vou go-t1 hcarl .signal. ('~·l'lc high : you bask 1n Know this and he contiden1, ~pot light of <illention. Da y J\1urh depend.> up'.111 ,\'our ;it-f(·,1 tu1·es C'ha11gt', \'aricly, op- l1t11clr-111<1kr it a po~1!11 c <ir1c. porlunlt,Y to travel. CA:'\CE Jl 1Ju11e 21-J11ly 22 1: 11,;-.;_ _ _,;,.,__,_,_,_-..., Begin budgeting lor Jong-rang(' financia l progran1. i\1aking surroundings 1n ore t o111- fortablc, inspiring sho11ld be high on agenda. Consull fami-, ly member. I LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Be sure you are loo king LO right 1 direction. Tendency is to see! NIMBLE FINGERS ARE OLD FASHIONED "low ~ou C•n \"ii 'iour w •r dr ob• wit~• ll r o lh •r r W\J O "l:-··:7'( ::_--...---.~. · ;r,--O.fi • ..,(i:p +ri ~i Work Day '-.---------' The engagemenl was an· nounced during a family din· ner party in Bob Burl)S restaurant. Both are graduates of Estancia 1-1·here the bride-elecl 11·as 1l songleader. lier fiance 1.~ servi ng Jn t11e US. Army Reserves, ~~~~rve~·h~!y t~0~ucc::Sn~od~;1, is to be realistic-especially about money and law. VIRGO (Aug. 2.1...Sept. 22)~1 Be an attentive listener. Br willing to wait, to time moves.I 1'1ate , par!ner wants pra ise. II \\'on't hurt you to i ivr i1 ' "' show vou hew m11ch lu" k~Ull~~ : Kicky, Comfy ·, cf fidt,a/ Vu ':P~~ l • Beginning \\'eclnesday, Oct. 22, n1embers of the Rancho Ladies' Club, Rancho ~tobile E&ta tes. \1·ill go ro ll'Ork . The day Ila ~ been designated :i ~ \1 0rk duy ;incl 1hr llun- 1111g1on neach gruu l) 11ill hcg111 n1ak111g Chr1s1111a:' 1lecoralion~ for the recrca1 io11 roo n1 and table clecorat1uns under the direc tion uf 1\Jrs. Ct>urge l\irt;hoff. ' . • ' • Su:y Perettc 61859 Look . no .side !>Cams' nut four strateg-ica lly placed seams fon11 into deep pleats that are ''ery slimming to the \\'ca rer. The stand-up collar i" bi.-i" .111d ha:-; ~ nice ~ofl · roll to it. The cufr.~ c1111 be 11 orn 11p or do11 n 1n a perky rnanncr. \\"c hti 1·e ~u7y Pcrette to tha nk for ihis superbly d esi gned dre.~s. To order 61859 ; state .'.tZC, include nan1e, ad· The gr oup 1ne1'1s raeh \\'ednesday 111 the t'lubho11sc and a luncheon is planned onee e<1ch month. During the last meet ing funds 11•erc raised by :i silent au ction or wh1lt" rlcphant.s. and the grou p 11·111 be parl!e1pating 111 ;i. fall 1ournament sponsored hy thr- ratifomia Sh u I f I c b o ar d t\ssociation. DAR Hosts Gathe ring Cnl. \Vilhan1 Ca bf'll Cha plcr. nAJl of Nc11 po rt Brach i~ hos 1i11g a dcsserl 111eeting nC'xt 1 \\"ednesday at 12 :30 p.1n. in1 lhC hoine ol i\Jrs. Tho111as A., B;1 rnard I r-.lrs. Henry \\'. Crawford ,1 i,:ood citizen th<11rn11u1 i5 thel hostess. Assisting 1\'Lll be i\1r$. f.dRar Cox. regist rar ; J\trs. \\"alter C. Fait. past regenli now in charge of gentologieal rtcords: fllrs. Leland J , Beland, and :O.lrs. R. C. Conn. WEIGHT CONTROL '"' GLANDULAR THERAPY BEN 8. THOMPSON , MD Coll for ap,.oi"lftlent ,.,.1)251 Open M•Rd•'t tl1r11 Frldt y dress and zip code. Send S2 postpaid for each pat· 1827 Westcl iff Dr. tern. Send orders for books and patter ns to N Ii SPADEA, Dept. CX-15. Go.'\ N, r.!i lford. N .. J 0884~8'.:.__L==='=w=po=r=t=B='='='== STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sounr: of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... From Fa shion Isl and, Newport Beach Get 'High' and Lose Your Excess Weight LIBRA ISepl. 23-0ct. 22 ): GOP Women ,_·ou can successfl11ly outline lnng-ra nge program. So1ne THE KNIT WIT SOUTH COAST PLAZA Bristol •t S•n Diego fwy, FO!lT COLL INS. C o I o . (UP! I -,\ Color<idn ~1<1\c Uni vrrs11y scien 1 1.~l li<Js t·111n•• acros~ a new \1·a.v fn1· 11'l'l~l\L \Vatchers to Lrln1 oft pou nd~ - up i<) 10 percent t"lf th~·1r \\'eight in si x weeks. loose cnds conic together. You Coit• M••• lli:it l\'{11J ld h~ hc1bl tv)Jlj• Hear senator move wi th greater conf1<len(·r Phone 5'45·1112 Actually, 1hc ~o..:irnt1 ~1 1~ .~tu-_ __:s~·c:'o~1~1P~l~O'__l'i0~o~I~. ~23~·~N~o~'-~'~'~I~' !......,,..,,..,,..,,~~~..,,..,,~ d~i ng 11 ;t~S lo ~(<1p lhe weight ~!rs. Darid fl-t avberrv, pro-Aa••""•""e"' lu~~. · g!'ain chairm an fo i-ll uniington His st1 1d iC'~ ~ho11• 1hat fl high Harbour Republican \\lornen's <'alone. l11gh protein J1cl tends Club. Federated, has promised tn l1n11t wc1ghl loss. Tile diet something of Interest for <1l~o has ;inother side effeel -eve ryone at the lunch eon Lose 10 lbs. • 10 Days In l)r. Charles J . Eagan. a pff)-- fessor at the College of \'ctennary r-.tedicine a n d B1on1cdieal Sciences. ~avs tlll !he dieter has to do is to "mo1 r- 10 an all1tude above 15,000 Ice!. it hcl11s 111;in r1ct~l 1n1ate to the n1eeting next \Vednesday. 11 1 11 , C 'I h -ii i< o ow •d •••ctlv, lh• •••r•9• o•••we;9nl p•roo~ li1g li ;11litudr. The OP "'Omrn WI I gat er .~euld lo1e 10 pou"d' ;,, 10 d.,,, ON NEW GRAPEFRUIT DIET IJr. J·'.agan'<; research began at 10 a.m. in the Hun tington lh ;, n•w dUd pl•n I@•• v"'" itufl vou•1~1 1 ..... 1h food1 th.+ \\hen lie ii·as t•o nducung Seacllff Country Club lo hear w•r• forbidd""· Such •• b•g •lt'~' "'"'"'•d 0 11.1 •ou +h.,,, f•itd · John Schmitz, stale senator. c h;c~•n. roch 9•••:•1. r•u~o""""'· lob1•••1 , ..... ..,..,,,,, ;" buHor, f1tne ~~. a l tit ude ac· AJSQ On the agenda \\'Ill be a b•co", •~11••9~• ond •c••mbl.d t 9q1. You c•n o•t ""''' you ore 0 1-rr 11 ~ix·,,..'C'Ck pe riod, Eagan says. a man ma y Jose;; to JO percent or his y,•eigh1. l' Ii mat i z ii Ii 0 n 3n<l <:old . r h' h full,"""' you C•nnot pou:bly t•• •nv mot•, llllrr<i ru.·o ~tud1"s fut the Air v:ig as ion s O\\'. . '. h \Vomcn int ('re~led In al-A copv of !h11 """' ~0d 1f•t!l,n9 •ucc•nlul d,.f 111,,, ··~ l·orce Jn 196~. f e ll'llrk 11·as I din" may ! l I ~l r s b, obld•n•d t:.v ••nd.ng Sl.00 to G t ~pe ftu•I 0.,1, 800: bl28. le•· f.agan. ho1vever. doesn't ad· 1·ocate the method for dieters. !t 11-ould be d1ffi cl1lt to l1nd ma ny spots nrrr l:i.000 f('rf <lone ;Jl the Ar c \ i c en "' e ep ~one · ·1 wood . K•"••1 bb101>. ,\ <' r o niedic al Laboratory's Roy fH~~"~'h~':'"~'~1~8~"~·':"~3~2 ·~-~!iiij~jji!!~~~iiii~llllllllllllllllll_lll_lll_!'llll_lll_!'llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.il! SPECIAL! high alt itude fac1lit y nn 14,000- lool J\1ounl \~ r11 ngell i n At:1s~a. \ \ Let Buttums' experts fros t your h1 1r with Ro ut 11 Nice Chanee11 15.00 rcg.25.DD /\fter Llcachln g it.-lalH~s our experts jus t 10 minules lo color your slreak· cd lips wilh moon'glow-tooes of sil· ver, be ige, champagne. And without peroxide. Selec t one to flallc r you from 18 toner 'hades. C,111 for an ap · poinlment tod ay . BcJuty >a Ion Buffun1s· Mani cures. Ped1cuic s. Facials. Electrolysis NEVy'PORT CE NTER . 11 ~AS HI ON ISLAND e b44 ,Jl00 MONO AY. THU RSDAY, f RIDAY 10;00 Tilt 9·}1) e OTHER DA 'l'S 10 00 Till 5.JO B eauty Salons Coming or going , you're COLORFUL J~ct us n1akc the n1ost or y our h:i i r; a coilf urc lovely on all i idc:oi, and color -lovely in every liaht. INSTANT color: o\l'r magical Fa nci·f u 11 Rin:iie that needs no peroxide, nn a!!cr-rin~e; t ha l shampoos out \vhcntvcr you y,•io.h ; that covers tray, tones bleachr.d ha ir, r,..f rcshe~ dull ha ir. Fanci-full colo rs 11•hile 11·c ~ct your hair, to givr you a np\v ]l)ok of bcauly without any rxtra t ime ! with our INSTANT • RO~X l'~US SHAMl'OO AND SET fM011. thr11 Th11f1.I !Lo~q H••r Eot•el Afttr S I'·'"· S2.7S RIN S[ 75c Fridoy, S11t11rd11y, Swndoy ..•••• , • Sl.01 Ntwl'•rt hect., C11!il. lll j Mc•"rf lllvt Me~IM l •UIM l•V••t ........ jlJ.lj" c,,,, w" .. Cellf. H1 I . t11" "'tol M •yt.lt c ... 1e1 C11ttt MMll, Calil, llM MarlHor t t.t, C11tt• M••. Cellf, Ill w lfttl ..... , "l•c-11• I 1tll1 ,_ jf1.Jn1 ~ ~'"" •1• .. "'-·~·' .. ~ ••• , ... .,l l o, ..... cenr. llH W. tli•ll- \'I(,., c-... ,.._.,n.1:1• f•••"" Vell•y. Cellf. ltt• M .. "tllt VlllM e ( ... t ... •-• Hl·llllU ~'""' A1111. C•llf. Mtl'..,_.,. I ~lt ... trf "•Im C..,,., "'""'' 1'1·11'1 fe.,.t•I• v.11 ... C•llf. ltt1 ··-•t ..... 1 .. Votlty C ..... • '"'"'Ill· ... ' .j , I J " . . . . ,. . . -. ·--...... --r-.,,.~---..... ~,'"'·~-.,....,,.. ____ ~--...-..-.-.--..-.......... ..-...,,...--,..--------,,...,,--,.~.-------------~--~~~.,.......,..... ~ .. -r •. -.. Year in Nicaragua Date Told To British DAIL y PILOT I 9 HB Auxiliary Amencan Legion AuxUlary of Hunl1ngton Beach gather!'! in the American Legion Hall at I :30 p.m. the first Thur3day of each month . On the fourth Thursday members may call t.1rs. Arne Jensen , f>36.2m, for location information. ---Teacher Visits Land of Siestas Mrs. W. A. Gibson'!'! Laguna Beach home will be the setting for a meeting of Westward Ho Chapter, Daughter!'! of the Drillsh Empire tomorrow au=========== 12:30 p.m. I How can you lose weight and..) keep it off 1~ for good? : A year 1n Central America greeted at I.he <iirport by ,.1is!'I During the gathering final will be described by Miss Bennudez, the directer cf I. K · f f arrangements will be made in A ice a!lpar1an, pro essor 0 tourism, friends of I.heirs and business education at Orange anticipation of a trip to Los Coast College, for a meeting 3 mariachi band, she was Angell'S, Saluniay, Nov. 8, to th X. L bd Cl to f escorted to the Bermudez e 1 am a l<tp r n see "Goodbye f\1r. Chips" in Reta Sign1a Phi Wednesday, home where other fr iends of the. Fox \V ilshire Thc;iter. Oct. 22. the Bermudez family awaited Proceeds will benefit a British The chapter ,~·111 earmark her, including the country's home in California. pro c e eds from l\.1 i s s president. A buffet dinner and All women of British an- Kasparian's talk for the Cystic dance were included in the cestry are invited to attend Fibrosis Foundation and other welcoming festi vities. the meeting. Further in-Some talk ing, som• listening i nd charities. The so rority-sponsored formation may be obtained by 1 program thit works. r111 WEIGHTfil. WATCHERS.-. Nicaragua was the country meeting will take place in calling Mrs. John Harold, 494-13 5 0 •1 · K · • U · · 9St• 6FRfl IROCHUJll-CALl 5· S 5 chosen by Miss Kasparian lo " i!S aspanan s n1vers1ty --=~":· ,,--------__.!:=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'. visit because one of her Park home at 7:30 p.m. fonner st.udents, Miss Delia Anyone wishing Information Today's Stocks Today Bermudei was influential in may call he~ at 834-5842. having an invitation extendediJ;===============================;=== to her from the president of Nicaragua. l\.1.iss Kasparian agreed to help with the coun- try's program of business education. MADE FOR RELAXING -Rel axing the Nicar~g- 11an \\•ay will be J\iliss Alice Kasparian, professor of business cducalion ;:it Orange Coast College. 1'hc handcrafted J1an11nock \l'CJS gi ven to her \vhen she visited Nicaragua during a sabbatical leet ve. The s kin is a Central American tiger skin, brought to her by a native \\•ho !learched several months to get it for her as a gift. Miss Kasparian will describe her year in Managua during a meeting of Xi Lambda Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi. During I.he sabbatical year she lived wit.h the Bermudez family in a large, Spanish- style house in Managua, The, head of the household. Col. Bermudez. is top aicle to the president of Nicaragua . I She conducted scn1inars for secretarial te~eherli and .bi!-: ingual executive secretar1es,I spoke to various groups and visited business finns. THE BEAUTY SALON 'S DUART NOVEMBER SALE We'r• 1ltrlin9 ••riv to ']•I you r••dv for !ht holid•~1 . A~oid th• r1nh '"d ••k• •d ~•nl•9• ef 01,1r 9•••' Dutil ~rm•n•nt 1p1ei•l1. Choo11 'f'OUr 1ty!1 •• , Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis First Anniversary Celebrated r..1iS!'I Kasparian commented lhal she found Ule people very friendly and interested in the United State!'!. They followed I.he last presidential election with great Interest and are avid television watcher!'!, en-I joying American programs. •oh •nd <••u•I, bouney •11d ""tv or 1mooth!v 1ophi1tic•led. By LOU ISE COOK 1t haS" been one ye;ir since Jacqueline Bouv ier Kennrcly, the Pre.~idenr.~ v.•irlo\.\', m;:ir. riM Aris rntl r On11~~1 ~. a GrPrk ~hi~ping mngn;ilt' 2:1 yrnrs h1·r senior. ll has b{>cn ;1 .\car 1iul'lng ,,.,.hich lhe coupl e rtp/Jrtt>cll.v spent $20 ni illion. 1nn1 in1~ b:irk and forth an1nns thei r ho1nrs in Europe and A1ncrica as casually as most pcoplt' n1ovr from room to roo rn u1 an apartmt>nt. ll has bctn a year during which th e slender, soft.spoken beauty v.·ho drew !hr ad- miration of the nation during the tragic days after John F. Kennedy's assassination turn- t'd 40 -and celebrated with an all-night !'lpree in .1n A!hc.ns nightclub. And il has been a )'l'Jr dur- ing "''hich li1r. ancl f\1 r~. Onassis tried -not too suc- cessruliy -to sl.ay out or the publi c eye. Their quesl for privacy began 11·i!h the Oct. 20 ¥.'ed- 1!1n~ itself -a G rec k Onh0rll'lx c e r c m on y nn ~cfir[li O~·. Onassis' private 1 ~l<1nd in the !onian Sea. J\lrs. Ono~~1s' v"cdcting dress was c1C's 1~ncd by Valentino, her 11 ctJding gift from her husband 11 a~ a co llertion of jr\.\·el~ 11 or!h an estimated $I . 2 n1illi on. Thl'n there was the honey- moon -on Onassis' private y:1ch t, the 303-foot Christina, a con\·erted destroyer named after Onassis' daughler by a previous marriage. J\1 rs. Onassis returned to the United States less than a month after the \.\'eddinJ;:l to re· join her chi ldren by the late president. Carollnc, JI. and John Jr .. 8, v.·ho .attend private schools in New York. Onassis rrmaincd in Europe. \Vhen th e Onilssises ~·ere in i groovy tot to teen corner ANIMAL CORNER PRINTS a trick or treat specidl for the bell-ringer-so send your tiger out in a colorful, fun-time animal "skin." )b" width\ 9uaranh,i!id washabli!i ALL WOOL FLANNEL in lot1 of tolid color' PLAIDS 'N PLAIDS 'N PLAIDS wool1 and wool blend! TEXTURED WOOL CREPE eli!19•nt wor1f•d 101'~ BLACK 'N WHITE FANCIES VALUES TO $5.98 .. YARD l inin91 •c•f•te tric ot 54"/bO" widths ·18 YARD NOTIONS ORAPER I LS HUNTINGTON CENTER EDINGER AT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH 897°8013 0'1N MON. THllU Piii. 10 'TIL 9 P.M. -SAT • .,.IL A r.M. IANICAMllllCAllD &. MA.STiit CHAlGI ACCl'11D ... During a visit to the American Embassy she met t¥.·o or her former students who now are woking at the embassy. ! A highlight of her visit was the annual charily formal ball for the Ruben Dario Theater_ Dario, known as lhe foremost Spanish poet. was born 12 miles from Managua. More than 3000 prominent Nicaraguans and guests from other countries galhcred in the decorated Managua airport for 1 dancing and gourmet dining. Also a high pciint was the reception held in her honor wheo 6he arrived. After being STARS Sydn•v Om•" ;, on• ol th • world'1 <ir••I •ilrolo91u . Hi• Eolumn i1 one of the OAll Y PILOT'S 9r11t fe•lur•1. BY POPULAR DEMAND CONTINUED 1 MORE ·WEEK w, do ih•m ,11. SALON SP~Ct ,.1 ~ 51L:DO :.;~-:., l . 17.50 p1 rm, I .JS 20.00 pum, 10.00 t s.oo P•'"'· 12.so l OrOO pe rm , 1500 lS.00 perm, 17.50 All eomPl•le w.th lh• l•l•1t in 1!ylin9 •"d cuh! H•i• Piece Sp•ti•l-$t4,SO fo r ou• ••It• •p•ci•I Bru 1~ 1n Go, Mod•cry lic wl9, Wl!ile you'r• in, •11il our lu11 bo1.1liju 1! l'hon•: A11th•im, !JS.lilt, l•tcl!' 192-llll ; N•,..port, 6•4·1112 Tl!. •••utv s.1""• 601, LOSE INCHES NOW ••• BEFORE THANKSGIVING! From Monday, Oct. 20th thru Saturday, Oct. 25, all Gloria Marshall locations in the State of California, are holding a 112 Price Sale on Spot Reducing" for either hips or \\•ais t. This special price is for hips and v.•aist only and 1s in conjunction with Gloria ~-l arshall"s regular Program . . • . If you ere one of the millions of American women with a "big" hip problem. ••• or, if the tummy needs inching back to give you that youthful ~lender appearance, don't miss thi.'1 offer. It saves you % the price on hips or waist reducing and, or course, Gloria Marshell"s prices are elwaY3 less ••• much Iese ••• than charged by any other system of slenderizing salons for .,,omen. Call us and eo~e in for a eamplo visit ••• no charge or obUgation, actually use the special reducing machines during your 'runp!e visi~ WE ARE NOT A GYM! .. , .. . ,/ ' ,. \ Gloria Marshall director of the ' ' ... }.""' •1 . . WORID'S LARGEST owned and operat.ed Figure Control System says: Why buy a yeus memben;hip in a Gym to try and looo weight through •trenuoul ei:ercia when you can buy efforflu• weight nduct.ion and pay by the inch at Gloria Manhall'e •.• patrons, bMed on actual records, can achieve their 1oal inulittleu4 to6weekland ... LOSE 10 INCHES WITHIN FIRST 10 VISITS '"I'ell 111 the -Bize you want to -. and W8'll tell yua how many .mi. it will tab mcl guannt.o in wntinr that you will l91ch your &OIL.In fact, oo lhlolutely pooiti'° are wo that Y"" will obtain your objBCl!ft, that u n.w in oar ,.....,tee, we will nm let yoa havo FREE or CHARGE, -and 111 furtber vieit., until'°" -.b your &OIL Jf1 Pooltivo wuranco that'"' baclc up our --100%. Call Now for a Free Sample Vi.tit! " Come in camfortable camal c/ot!U!s, di8robing ~. Prioate playroom facilities for 1/17111/1 children. FIGURE CONTROL SALONS ............. _ ... _....,_ NEWPORT !IEACH A"41'19tM, llVllU.T Mii.Li, COYl'fCIA, ClllMIHAW, DGWM•Y, •LtNOALI, l ... K.WOOO, LON• 11&.(H, H•W"OllT •I ACM, MOltTH MOLLYWOOD, OlfTAlllO, 1"_.,SADE MA, S_.,lf Ol•GO, IANTA 430 Pllclflc Co•1t Hwy. It llMlll I• .t l.rffa 1140 WIST f71' ST., l_.J.t417 642·3630 a., Ch1b) SANTA """· IAM TA ............ IUMUNO. TAllJAMA. wH1n111:1t. Ullll'I• •IM ... fllESNO, IAC•AMINTO. l &.N JOllf, IUN MYVALI', WALNUT Cll:lllt. ••• ------------------------------------------...,.----~---------•. -.--~-· ~-··-~· \ !ft DAtl Y PILOT TUMBLEWEEDS By Tom K. Ryan SALL IANANAS YOU GONNA 'TTEN' Tl-I!' SEM'r'NAR? IT BEiJOOllES WE l'RIMmVEs TO REMAI N Wa.L AllRtAST OF ALL RECENT TECHNO!.OOi:At. MA'f'ljE YA. VIDN'T lNNERSTAN' T\lE QUESTION DEVELOPMENTS OF A1JWISTIC ffi:HNIW: AND PROCEDURE! MARITAL ARRANGEMENT -Bill Bixby, st.r ol "Love American Style'' seen tonight on Ch annel 7 at 10 p.m .. has Connie Steven s as a gues t st.a ~. They are involved in a story ol an unusual marital ar- rangement in the '"Lo\·e and the Legal Agree1n en1·• segment of the prograrn . TELEVISION VIE\\S Cro'\'ded Hour For Frank Jr. By CYNTHIA LOWRY !\'E\V YO RK L>\P) -Frank Si natra Jr. opened his CBS special Sunday night singin!! from in side a giant slipper that, S\Vings high over a Las Vegas entertainment palace. He closed it singi ng from the t urret r oo f of a not her. In het1~·een. the voung Tnan led ti1e vieivers on an impressive tnu r Of the Neva da ctty a nd its en~ v1rons. It 1\·a s a cro11·ded hour. THE OOODLETOWN PIPERS sant; a nun1ber cr11,vling on the desert and ~pl a shing in a fountain po<il. Sammy Davis J r. and a chorus danced around tile Hoover Dam -perhap s the _world's larg~st backdrop. Nancy Sinatra sang wih]e wand ering amid flashing neon si$ns. Young Si natra rode a dl.ll'le buggy 1\·hi!e sin ging and poised dang~rously at the top of son1e de sert rocks. Frank Sinatra Sr. joined hi s son in a number. The sho1v used all sorts of ca 1nera tricks. from 1~·Ud optic al effects to slow mot ion. There was even an aerial ballet -to mu sic -by the precision fl y. ing team of the U.S. Air Force. IN Al.L THIS, the .star of the show. a quiet, mannered fello\v \A:ilh a plea san t bu t hardly ele<:, trifying voice an d presence, 1>ee med lost. The sho'v made son)e stabs :iit comei1y, '''il h bit5 by Arte Johnson of ''Laugh-In." Jack Leonard. a nd Jack Benny. None of lt ''"orked \\.'ell and \l'aS the v;eak spot in th e hour. "THE ADVOCATES," a ne\\'. li,·e srrie~ Stin· day nights on a national hookup of education;il ~ta­ l ions, thi s v;eek-debated whe'Lher Congress f.hO!llrl pa5s the Goodell biJ I to rfquire \\'ilhd rav•al of l ·.s . troop!' from Vietnam in 14 mDTlth ~. l\'o one-hour pr(')g ram could handle the r11orn1· ously complex question in n1uch deptll or u.1th great effect. This pro.c ram's !onn11 t works against :-al.is· fictory explor ation of pro.~ and cons. tt is a !'lran,l(e combinati on Qf debate, interviev; and cross-exami- nation, all brok~n into short seg mefl ts. 80TH SIDES had film clips shO\\·ing the atro- ci ties of \var. There \\•ere interviews with Sen. Cha rles Goodell statin,I!' hi s case. Sen. Barry (;o!d- water ,,·as intervie·.red on his position. Advocates pressed po~ition s on the Pre~iden1:'s right to conduct forei,C"n policy and Congress' right to declare war. A pair of profess ion.11 experts presented diametric, all y opposite poin ts of vi ew on the Vietnamese. Th ere v.1ere even report& on polls and sampling of public opinion De11uis the Jtf P11nce ~I PEANUTS J !"'),ho •U .w..,...._ -T-•1 ... ">• JUDGE PARKER Ow 111t1• wi. 00 TO PIWM~, /.$&el ..aKEl< Tl'll.S SAM ~v~ Tl-IAT 51-iE PLANS TO 6Er ~OfHEi t.1..WVEt' ro D'EFENO &iOVf. MOON MULLINS PtUSHIJOTToM HoRIO--)'ES, OUR 'f.V. SET ISO~--- •• " ~, - STEVE ROPER ')OI.(~ 60IM6 TO SEL i. l>OllT °""' EVU ((INSIDER THo\T CAR FOR .WK "IOUA: MOTME~ AMO ME. AND PtIT 'IOl.R MIND •oor~owE MORE SHOCK ON IMPORTANT LllCe' THIS AND SHE nnNGS/ -MIGMT~GIT OVllll IT! MUTT AND 01-l,l .+-IAVE N01\-l.IN' AGAINST ~L. & •. t?f'r+- 5i'XCEPT il-IAT +-IE GETS PA\D FOR T+-115 STUl=F ANO WE DON'T.' GORDO JI.)!'!' OIWF' TJ.IE CA~.,.~l0'1f !IJ --· ••. n.IA;TIS l'f ! MISS PEACH JEFF F~AMCINe SAYS GIRC5 ~ER AGI! A"I! 80Reo' By Charles M. S~hulz HE LOOKS KIND r:F ~ZED, C"AWE 6ROJlN ... I JU!>T TMJNi:: JT WOULD &£ Wl!>E TO HAVE SOMEONE WMO DOES..i 'r UP- 5€f ~ ! SUT, DAD/-i CAN HAVE IT RUNNING A6AI" IHA FEW- WE"RE 60\IKJ 10 STOP .lT ™E JAIL! 1 ™l~K WE'D BETTE£ LET TWf PEFEHDANT PEC.IDE MfO WILL 8E MIS ATTO~a'! By John Miles w.a.s ll-1 15 YOU!? IDE .... , ,leBE'l-.0~ t>IO SOMECWE $1166EST TH_.,T I BE TAKSI (ff THE USE?' By Ferd Johnson By Al Smith I o-11NK +!E BITES ~IS NALS 1 By Gui Arriola By Mell YOU 5~0UL.°""'T &1!" &Of'~O AT YOl.JR. Atit!1 F~ANCJNe, YOLI KNOW Wl-IAT'.5 WR0""6 WITH OUR SiAGe:? T..-eRe•s NOTHJNG 70 BRIDGE -HE GAP !ETweeN PLASTIC: MCNSTE.R i!!l!TH AHO FAJ.5e E,_,,cASHf5. -----,~,, "' •I ' ~ ·, . ,,;;...:.o ' ..u.EU. u "" .wt" .,,,. ' ly Charles lano"i W.,.JJ,;,t. 'r'4 ·""'---.J. . ". ~- TV ,DAILY L vitrl, Suw11 B1t~11 '"' D1~ld Mc• co -rt1r. MONDAY l;JOllS CJJ M•t'• LICJ (C) (30) OCTOBER 20 rvr•jl\\, Ur.cl• H•rl)' lt1rns his tofllils hfv• to b• nmMd 111d uactJ with 1!1 !ht cour111 ol • thr11-J91r-old. 11111)' Wicke1 u1d Jack Collin• (lll5t. 0 l 11ina ill Action (C) (30) Tom- my Prothro 1n&lyn s tht 11m1 bt-- '.i:OQ 0 Big Newt (C) (60) Jt rr; Dun,hy. tween !ht UCL~ B1uin1 tnd t~t Un1~er111Y o! C11ifo rnl1 Be1 rs. D €D Hu11t11y·llrlnkl" (C) (30) 0 Stevt All.n 5110"11 (CJ (90) m Otvid froit. Sfle"ll (C) (90) An· r.ue~U !ft Earl Grant, Mail l!u~tll ~el!U Huston and A.suf D111n. 5'1rs Della Retle •~d ~M'I f11t~rn1r • ol 'l'Ovl~ "Wall-With Lo~t ~nd. Dfatn•. l!obef"l l\le1n Tony Mu11": 0 "A DISTANT TRUMPET'" 1~mt~ oiuiv. £11h~r To~i 1nd D•-* Part I -IN COLOR rr1\l'M ti Tell er, ooventor of lht M stars TROY DONAHUE Sor;ib, 1uest & SUZANNE PLESHETTE m Tht I ii Y1ll1J (Cl !&0) 0 Si• O'tlod Mo'l'lt: ~C) "A Oil· r:91 ~ Th tr 1601 tint Trumpet~ Part I ("'e~"1n) "M UJ Sa1t0n.11 " 1 -lmv Donahue. Sur~nne Pl~shtne 9;00 6 ~ ((1 M•ybe<ry RFD (C) CJ/J \ D1~ne Mt Sa•n, Jam1s Gregory. U,S.j M1h1e le~~el 10 be • Ne"' 'lerk CJval rym an lall1 (n IO'le Y11!h 1n model. II.an Betf'f, Ar11n1 Golonka other !ieutenant"s wlf1. Htr husband and francai; BeYier to·shr, ls ~llled, hut !h• )'!lYOI m~n·1 Ii· ante• appears. O Dick Y•~ °"' (3(J) ID Ptrtoa ~ (301 m Sbr Trtt: (t') (SO') (1J: (}) M"t Doo&1P (C) filOJ I ED Whit's NP! (30) "lnd npend 1 e~r,.e. Al:f~enlure." Tony Stle~n vi111s' the f!'i gnt1 .. Constihition~ 1nd rt. ~r~t!~s tti1 W~r of 181 2. ~ (f CllS N.., (C) (30) @I) Titmpo dt P116o11 (30) Cl) Nun (C ) (60) J~ck H1r.k•y. l ::JO 0 KNllC N,_,._ic.1 (C) (50) Q Th1 Ctmt C1111t (C) f30i )l;TI Md(rell hofl!. Gutsls •rt Donn~ Jea n Yount. Seo~ M1tc!illl tnd rinnty llUIP. o ~ oo m "'c MottdlJ MovM: (C) "BJ Ll'ft P'D••d'' (drama) '61-lason Robards Jr .• L1n1 Turn•. ffr em Zimballsl Jr. A RJctessful at· lomey sudd1nl1 finds h•s wholt lift changad In t 11• day!.. 0 Here Come !ht S..r1 (Cl (f.O) Georga Jw.a! wtloom~ Do n R1U;lu wno 1s roaited by Mc1ey Amittr· 1hm. Henny Youngman, Gent Brr- loi. Pat Henry and Pit McCormltk. ~,~ger1 M Martino, Joi L~nsl~a. Maroo n Colby end Jan O!ly 1110 gueil. O .17', ·r; CD The Surv~rs (Cl (6:Jll"rnt1 and Antaeus R1~ko~ 111•tt agaon alter 20 ye1r1. Lan~ Torner, Georie Hamilton, K"rn McCarth y and Ro~'lllno Br•ui, 1s lliak01, star. ED Nn lovrn•I (60) '"M1hdor." A profile of tnt Sp1 nish i6!11. FJ Gordobt t-1h redev11 of !ht bull nn,. m To ftll tftl Trutli (C) 130) EE Office If !lit l'rt:lldlllt (JOI i1l 'IJ H~11tl1J·llrilrillty {C) (l O) }I. I]) T\1 MllRttt'I (30) 1 9:30 0 TONIGHT'S BEST BET! * THE DORIS DAY SHOW! ml Notidlf't l4 (C) (60) m Krws ctl (1oi 7:00 O tllS £w.nln1 Nm (C) (30) O Mi1r1 Mr l ine! (C) f:;Q) The p•lot ol "jr foic:.a Ont 1'1115 lo s!;Jmo ~111tlish laye P .. MOl'gan, (,~"' Rayburn. Bert Conv-, •~d .1..rlen• lfll!CIS. 0 OJ Ci' Doris Dt1 (C) ClOl 1}011s ~elps h'' sen B<il1 co111btt t~' ~gi:r,ss•~enw of 1 t11mpttitor'1 ,.,other 1n ' undy uli<ng c.orrt~. Mat ~hOW!lter •nd Arni•• Strk~· land aue11. 0 NIWI {C) (30) Ted '•hyers. m H• s..id, s~. 111t1 (C) (JO) ID I lovt lijt'f (30} U) Rawhide lh:.undup (60) m 11••1 tftt Cloct: (C) (.10) I ill Rnlsl1 Mu)iul (30) fE Co111.-!itJ/Stock Report (30) 10:00 I)~()) Cerol Bvmtn IC) (611) ,1)@ Mofld.fJ $t1o. (C) (90)1 ~e n Ber!)', T1fl'I Con'"ay and K1y 'lo~nny Ti~~i,.. shrri~g f!Qbert ~ed!ord gue~L (Resctiedule!I frn111 lav•or and C~~d [~erett. Oct. 13) ffl Allort! (JC) t 0 m f'llW'I (C) (WI ' '29' '.]) Trllth or Coin1qutnce1 (C) (~0) I €D tear's WOl'kl (C) (30) (D TM Cl11 IC) (30) 7:3069@ Cu-U (C) (60) "Hn,t ... Half,bl'Md Indian polic e Srt. H11111': filldl hi• mothM -• whHe wom1n "1'10 1bandoold l\il'l twerity ye.iri 110 w~en she ttc1ped ~er ~ch• captor,. Brtndon Boone j I oul\1 t otham, Mieh1e! J_ Witt~d fl ,l1ro1 lhempson 1nd Ro~ert BrJ ba~!'I gu~t 0 (U' (]I rl) lOOIL A1111rie1" Stylt (C) {60) B1lf Bixb1. t:Dnni1 Sleven1, ~id Cauar. Maureen Ar1hur. Barry f'le lson. Stu Gilliam i nd Chel$!!f Brown 1tar 1n 11\rH comediss 1ballf lovt. 0 Dtl!t! (C) C&Ol Bill1 Prll!tno'J. C~arli1 Ciill1s, and Tht Kini C.Ou· sr~s 1uest fXl Firi~~ lin1 J60\ Willi~;n 5,,11.. lcv. · Oe G1ullt and 0. G1ul11~"' ·• ,., Q m Mr W~r1d i nd Wtloem1 lo €D Ctr~I d• M ~Jert1 {3'!) It CC) {JO'• "T~t Gho't 1nd M' 10:30 eI) Un 'rito •~ 11 Obte~11d11! 1j}) Mor.iot " ''"1~J C,1t~Of1 i UtS1! {F·~·~Pdul ~~\ l\~l)Q f) 0 ffi@!l ffi 'lrwi IC) 0 Slump 1he Star' (C) r'lQ\ M,>• t·lnl•v w•l~ome,• l"lt51~ 6111 ll•th\- r~'"e1d /,o.tj1 h11 e t~d ~a1 e~ Vole<> 0 Allred Hr1thU)tk 0 i he Mc~it G11T1t !Cl ~o,~~ fm hosl, Gu•s+1 are t ~U•\ Ny,., 1'gn1• ~onrr~earj. Rudy Villee ~~d C1l'(ll 0 TOM SMOTHERS MAK ES 11·nle1 *''MU SIC SCENE '' TONITE m outtr lirrub D (lt ·31 Cll The ~u1it Scene (Cl Q1j rv~ CL N1ws (G) (4~) La>I)' H!nl>n. Christopher I!~. L1IY Tomlin. Chr11 Bc~eno, O&Vld 11:3011 S CI! Nt,._ Ciriffi" (t ) S!einbet i ~nd P!ul l!e1d Rcm!n 0 ~@ €D Ntws (Cl lio~. lorn Smethers 1uesti.. O Mitlio~ $ MO!fk: (C} "Yoon1 C..ssidf' (dr1m•) ·6~11od TaJIOr, Julie. Christie. ln Dublin 111 1911 . •1 l1bortl' "rttu 1od dli1rlbuh s flJ""Ph!t!1 prfJtesl1ng worlt.1n1 con· dotlcns. inr,,tin& 1iots. Latu ht be r.nmes 1 i ueceuJul playwri1M. m Tr-It! 11 Co!l•IQIUllttl (C) (j(i, (D Jltdd for tllt DllllMIM (C) (60) Ul Ttdlniul torntr (Vl) ID {11le1~ Wi11!0111 nrn "G~u(\I •IY.' ~h1lc~~her Alan WtltJ prob•· !ht lnd11n 1du er karma. €D Chucho ti Ro!o (30) 0 Novit: -0.e 1"'1~ Mtt'l'!tp" (dra111a) '46--0n'id J(lv1n. lor~ Youn1. 0 @ f'Il CD 1ot1 liw, !C) eo.. ~·ai:! ol tilt '"orld pr1m11 .. el Stanlty Kramer"s "Thi :5.eu~ ol 5.ln!• Vittoria'" !rom !~• Wts!Wl'Wld Vil1a51 Tl!taler in Lo~ .l..npln. ln- !Tudio 1ut111 includ~ Ciirme" Iii~ R!!, C~tro •~d Victor 8oono. D Mov~: (Cl ~Au'!li• M1•1" (CQrnf~y\ '5& -Ro1111nd l!uS!ooli!, forr!1l Tucker. W Mowie: "l1rt St•11e11t~ WU!~ ("'!s1 e1n) ·57 -Jim DaV•\. Mtiy C1){le. 1:00 DID t..up-111 (Cl (&01 lll W1I· 12:00 0 !fJ (6J m klh1111J C..rso11 IC) laeh plays lt1!rmcn1u w•t~ h" no u can lf1iner 15 wbst•lute 11o,1. Mir. ~nd _ A.nnt Jac~soo !urns •t~ndup• !cllel Berntrdi, Godtrty r.ambrid11. comic. I i nd ldmend1 a, Curl1J •r• lcl'I.:!· 0 Jld lllllllf (JO) Conni• r11ncis ultd 1llttl1. J lllSl\. I m Mwir. .,,. '-f ....... . m °'"" fer • °" (t) (30) I (dr1ml) •59 -M1mlt ...... Dof'lll, S!M Cot~n~. fE Stod M.rbt Suwun•rr (l°' l:OD 8 ...... ~ '1111 t19111 DH1 C:.,-ttl World ,,,.._ (C) (60) (dra,,,1) 'S7 -Sal NI~ .lf/1111 gi Hit Pll'l6t (C) (90) 1 Whitmflft, J, CllT1)! N1!11!. I.JS 0 @(}) CD TM Ntw PteC1lt (t)I 0 Co11u11911ity 1111.U.. Bttrl ct') (45) "Comes tilt Rt'IO!utiolt Wtl 0 Nnl (C) Use t~e Glrlt' Stlowll'.-R1bll St.In· mAdloe TllNtr.: 'Rtd li1M." 1,y h ilt In IM w!th • Neiro 1ln ind t~ls d11f111'\11 Wash. Otnn~ 011-1:15 6 IC ... (t) TUESDAY Q (Cl "Rtllll"n ht P1rldfst-(dr._ m•l ·55 -Guy Coope r, RObtrt. H4vne-1. m "$tr1nrlthold .. (dr~ma) "62 - M8cdonttd CJrey. 9~,b~11 Sh1llf1. DAYTIME MOVIES lltOOO"lnl Tr1in '""' M1drld" f~t~· m4) 'JI -Dorolhy L!!l'OUr. l~ .lyrts 9:ooo ··s11~uftt'• 1111~~" (•dven. lur,l '51 -Jefl Ch1nd!11 E~'IYJ! 2:l0 0 ICI •·t h.rlt)' MMll .. Cdrtl'lll) ll:tret.. · '56-M~!' lh araY t1. f191•1'1(• o •. 9:30 0 "!n~1t1tin~ to "'ppi-" (drt· m>.) 'J9-rred MKMurr1y, lr1n1 o~nne. mllnd. ':JO 11 (Cl '11tttn tt. M1pific11!f'" (•(IV•MT!lrt) •go -'°'11M Sal(t. Joc k Mlhol!llJ, II ( ' 7 f 7 ---- -__.......-----·~--~-----------------------------------------~ ---------------r ------ --------~ l;osia Mesa Today's Final N.Y. S toc k s ' voe. 62, NO. 251 , 4 SECTIONS, 36 PAGES ORANGE COU NTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, c~TO B E R 20, 1969 TEN CENTS Prof Warns Jet Pollution Health Hazard By RUDI NlEOZIEISKL Of 1~• 01111 Pll91 Sit!! Air pollution caused by turbojet ;11rcrah n1ay become one of the major factors affecting public health and caus- ing property damage if nol controlled, an engineering expert warned today. R. F. Sawyer, associate professo r of mechanical engineering at UC Berkeley, 1oday told scientists and researchers at the annual meeting of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics In Anaheim that pollutants -carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitric oxide and smoke -are currently a minor problem but may become a major hai.ard in years ahead. "Only In the immediate vicinity of airports do aircraft become major con- tributors to the air pollution problem." he said_ "Although the present contribution or turbojet engines to air pollution on a. .__....ourt Treasurer Iss ue Goe s To Co1111cil A study recom1ncnding that the title or cit1· trea surer br abolished and the dutie.~ co1nl>ined with those of the director of fin<inre \\'Iii be discussed ill tonight's Co.~ta Me sa City C-Ouncil meeting. The study. l'Onducted by GriHenhagen- Kroger, Inc , of Los Angeles, was riuthor1zed by the councH following lhe fleath last spring of W. C. /"Cy") Ries. \l'ho v;as the city·s first and only treasurer. Assistant City !\·lanager Fred Sorsabal said today the city paid the treasurer $100 per month. The st1idy, which Sorsabal said cost Costa f.1esa aOOu t Sl ,000, recommends •·that the direct:ir of finance be designated city treasurer and assigned the responsibility of conducting all treasury functions as an integral part of the centralized finan cial operations of the titv ."' Robert Oman currently· is Costa Mesa·s finan ce director. In other business <it Lhe 7 .30 p.m. coun· c11 session . John Leonhardt ··viii be sworn in as a member of the pl<inning com- n1ission. Ile replaces educator Don lloul, \1·ho resigned becau se of increased job rrsponsihil itics v.·iih the Ne\\"port ·:0.1esa ~chool district . A -"~c1<1l ceremony is planned lo honor Hout. Coast Tot D ies I n Pool Des pite l•'a ther's E ffo rts frantic rest'lle effnrls by a Balboa f:i th<r Sundvy <1(le[nooo failed to revive l11s 4-year·old ~on v.·ho sh ppc<l int~ the l'l'nin~ula Point Hacqur l Club pool and drowned, Police said Warren Bradford of 1324 E. Ocean Front was playing tennis when he nnliced his S-On. Brayden, floating face clown in t.he p00l at 2006 E, Bay Front. Tbe elder Bradford dove into the pool ::in:I pulled his unconscious son from the 1.·al£r and a pp l ie d mouth-to·mouth r1:~11~ilation. Lifeguards, summoned by witnesse~. took over the efforl soun aflerwar<ls, police said. But Brayden. clad in sandals and a )'C'llow bathing suit. never revived. He '\'as pronounced dead at Hoag f.1emorial Hospital. Br~dford told police he noticed the boy flouting at 12 :45 p.m. Officers and coroner"s lnves11gator~ ~;iirl il appeared the boy had fallen in <.bout JO minutes before. DEAD AT S4 Edward l . i teinhau1 Dr Steinhaus, F ame<l I rv ine P rofessor , Dies Dr_ Edward A_ Stclni1au s. a UC Tr\ inr professor who \'ias a 1\·orld authority 1n i11sect disease. died in his sleep this morning at his Nev.'port Beach home . His wife. Mabry, lound the 54·year·o!d profes~or dead when she awoke, Dr. Steinhaus left a chairmanship at LC Berkeley ti) become the first memher appoi nted to the UC I faculty in 1963. He M'rVed five years as dean of biological ~cienc~s at Irvine. then stepped do1.1-n to de \'ote more time to rescart:h. In his field he v.'as an international autlmrity and Y.'as credited v.·H.ll checking famine by his pioneer v.•ork on insect pathogens (virusesl.. His research made it possible to kill off hordes o: locus1s and other inserts that de vour food supplies. The pathogens arc considered a safe ~nd effective alternative to hazardous (!hemical pesticides such as DDT. UCI Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr, saiC: "The death of Dr. Steinh aus is a tragic and irreplaceable loss to this in- stitution. to the community and to hi~ disciplit"M'. In addition to being a fir.~t rate scientist and teacher, he was also a kind ;1nC sensitive man." "Ed Steinhous ~·as a very co nunittcd human being," said his paslor. the Rev. l'hi!J1p Murray, of Coro na del ~tar Com- n1unity Congregational Church. "I'd say h1" human quality was just remarkable. lie v.·as sensitive. sympathetic and kind. Pe wa~ a strong family man and a dtvout Christian in the full sense of the tSec STEINHAUS, Page %1 con1r;1unity-wide or nationw ide basis is s1nal!. it would ~ wrong to co nclude thaL LurboJet air pollution should not be of concern. '"The combinalJon of increased flight density and control of other sources of air pollution will Jncrease the significance of ttirbojet con tribution to air pollution," he continueU . Ad\"erse effects on public health and in· creased property damage do nol alone Cyclamates By United Prr:ss lntr:rnationa1 A1nl'r1can manufacturers are busy 11111·ei!ing plans for nc.1v saccharin base and other sugar subslitulcs to replace eyrlamales in foods and beverages . Some other nations announced plans to ban the use of cyclamale in low calorie items. Secretary of Health, Education an<'I 'Velfare (H EW ) Robtrt F inch announced the ban on cyela mates in Washington Saturday. Since then Denmark ar,d Swe- den have placed similar bans on the Jugar substitutes. 'tht: restrictions In the Scandinavian ('{l\JOlries cited th e HE\Y action and came about through joint meetings of health authorities and manufacturer.~. The Fin- nish Food C.ommission in Hels1nski called a meeting to discuss similar acti on !oday. and Great Britain has asked for 1nore l!E\V data on cycla1nates. Finch 's Saturday sla tcmC"nl nn!trf ryclamates may serve. as a catalyst for ca ncer growth in test animals. lie stress· rd no im1nediate danger existed b11t ordered all food and drink containing the chemical off sl.ore shelves hy .Jan . !. t970. Th<' Danish manufacturers have agreed to ex clude cyclamates from their food.1 and chief medical office r r.1rs . Eslhcr Ammundsen said she has started an in- \'estigati:in to detcrn1ine the validity o! the HE::\V analvsis_ 111 /\cw Yor.k. one manufacturer of :i di et beverage said his firm's nE'W dirt drinks would be labeled: "sugar addcd- no cycla1nates. '' Donald Kendall. P re:.1 - drnt of Prpsicn. lne . sil icl in \·1e1\' of "unsettling nrws reports" hJS 1.:om pany fell tl t'Ould not "in .i:ood conseienl'e (lfft•r its cuslotners any producl<; about which l:'l'f'n the rem :itest doub t c.xlsL~ ., \\'hilc Coca.(;ol a Cn .. Scvcn·t:p. ft o:i;.il Crown and olhrr n1anufacturers h;11 c planned new non-cyclamale formulas Qr saccharin·basrd diet formulas, the. Pepsi Cola drink will use a small amount of re al sugar. Kendall sai d "the amount of sugar v..·ill be so insignificant that people who watch their weight will be. drinking and enjoying a true diel cola." AJI ol the manufacturers stressed their new formulas will have n() "bitter af- terl<lste" sometimes associated with sac- charin. Originally cyclamate, and the family of cyclamates which followed, was addet"I 10 saccharin to take away the bit· t('r taste. S tock ~larkels NEW YORK (A P) -The stock ma rket movt:d upward In rairly active trading late !his afternoon . (See quotations, Pages 22-%3). New Club to Fight Litter Harbor , CdM Students HoUl First Mee t Tonight Plans for :i campaign to elimi!"late litter from Newport Harbor will be la id tonight ill Utt• first meeting of, a new Interact Club, formed uf Ne\\.'port llarbor and Corona de! Mar high school male StUrll'ntS. The youth (']ub. sponsored by Newport- Ra lboa Rotarv. iust recently receivt:d its ehnrter and o·rriccrs were insta lled. President is S1eve Saxton of Harbor High: vice president. Ken NeisS<'r of Coron:'I dr.l ~lar High: secrct;iry. Shawn Oi~~onnrltr\ Harbor , 1rea ~urcr. Kin T1!lf'v . Corona r!C"I ~t ar. /\l iw on !he hoilrrl ol r11r c<'!Or-" are Bob Vo~l'l. Harbor Jl igh, ' • end Joe Berne.v and Steve ~fetcalf, Corona del Mar High . In itial membership of the club is about 30 $ludents. Nineteen were pre~ent for !he charter presr:ntation at lrvlnt Coast Co unlry Club, along with 16 Rot.arianp;, Faculty advisers to tht: club will be teachers Jack Thomas of Corona de:l Mar High, and Da le Hagey of Jfarbor High. Dr. Nolan Friuelle. one of lhe Rotarians instrumr:nta l in organir:lng !he Ntwport Interact chapter, said the club v.·itl involve itscl f in al least ont: in- tr.rnallonat and one coriimunily project ~ilrh year. ,. A lot of youni;stcrs of high school :.g• ( have idealism dirr:ctt:<I out toward people of other nations,'' he sald. "This is a people·lo-people approach to use their idealism 1n a meaningful way." Dr. Frb:zelle said the student~ will be rxpeeled to run lhe club themselvt's and ;,iJ. will be their imagination and in- genui ty th at makes it go." \\'orklng with Erizzelle to round the club were Gen . Thoma~ Riley. Hotary president last year. and Bart &Town. Gary Burri ll, Bob Howard and Sherman Smilh. TI1erl' 11rr: 1.~ loter<i cl clubs in RO C'OUntri e.~. serve In Jtlent1f r rng1ne cn1iss1nn<; a.-. :11r pollutants, according to the ~tient1 st. Considi:rationns of the degradation of the cnvironn1cnt arr also important. "Even if particle fallout v.•erc absent. tile sn1okr trail left by an airt·raft would be a valid concern. Jet engine e:-:hausl odor in the vic inity of airports is an air pollul 1or prnblern. independent of any l1eal!h hazard,'' S«wyer sau1. \Vha t t:an be done to redt1ce stnog ir- itltu''""!I Roynltu r1\a11t s prn<luced hy lhese a1rcr<11t~ Belt er, 1nnrC' efficient design of jel ('11 g1nl'S \\"i!5 \h(' answrr given by !hf' l.leri.:r ll'y C'nginccr _ Fur cxan1ple. ca rbon rnonoxides can be ~ign:fitantly reduced by reducing I.he in - tnxlui.:tion o,f air 111 the secondary zone o[ the gas turbine con1bustion chamber, where an air ~"Jost is provided to com- plete the burning process. ll ~"irocarbon s, as well as carbon [.'/Ill r P ILOT Sl•tJ Pho!~ Sen 1nr .J n\cc. Jl ~1ra d.1 , 17, re1gnl·rl O\er f'ost::i :..1c ~.:i !ilgh School honlr· rn111 111 " ;1tl 1\·it1cs ~;1 1 urduv. !->J1e \·,a<; crf)\\·nerl durin.t: t1alfl1mc of 1 r>-la ~\It'~" -Fu11 nt ;1in \';1lil'.\' f0(1tlJ.ill )'.:;JllH.:. C)11ee11ly .~rnilc bccarne 1rn11n llH/1nr1it ;ir1I,)' \\hc11 fll 11 -.1 1 1 nu~ ho+\11 ,d 10 t:a rt1 11 ~ fi-0 Mesa Off ice i· N al)s Tl11·ee 111 Bu1·gla1·y at Bal{e1·y Cr111;;ing in Lhe ll ark. a Cosla \l.c~.i pol1cc1na11 heard gla ~s breaking early Su nd ay ilnd spf!tlighled lwo men frri111 \l."11!ts allegedly Ill the act of burglanzlng A bakery. Onr 1n:Jn 1l ;irtrd in.~idl'. Willi" lhr sc co11rl fro~e 1n the strccl v.hen hcid al gunpoint. A th ird st1spl'CL w;is 11rr~strd when fellow ofritcr.~ <"<illed lo thf> Sl'l'nc· found him hiding in a ro1 r. Robert L .. Jon('i; .J r. and L;irr11 Jl _ \lunson wrrl' bookert on th<ir.i:cs of hurgl:i ry followin g 1hc incidcnl al th" (;rrman ll mne Bakery, 134 Com1nt.rtial \\"ay . according to in vestigators. Frank ViggJe, a third susf}Cct, was ar- re.~ter! on <1 burglary ch;irgc and aL~<i hookt'd ()II a posl!C.<;sing dangerous drugs charge after a ~i nglc red pill Y.'as found 1n his shirt pocket. police said . r-.lunson anrl Vigglc gave their ages a~ 21, but Jones had identifica tion listing hi s age as anywhere from 17 to 2~ an··I Co £C Dir-ec l or~ ~c l l\l ccli ug for T hursday Th e. final n1<'ct111g or tlil' Costa ~1l'$A Ch:imbcr or Cornn1crf r'"" 1%8.U!l bn.1rrt uf rtirectors is scheduled Thursda;i', with t!1c 1:'169·70 board srhcdul cd In con1'l'nc 1111· n1 f'rli;ucty af1ern•ard , I\ report or 1he oon1in.1!in~ con11n111 r" for 1009-70 nfrit:crs is !'!rl1crtul('d 111 he. hr:1rd duTlnR !hr lunr hron scli:-inn ;it 1hl' ~lf'sl'I \'C"rdr Coun try (li1h hanq11ct roo tn, ;1111l1nr1t il'<; 11cre oo l immcdiat l'ly ablr tG e;;1abhsh 1!. The ini\1.1 1 nrrr.~I ~ wrrr m;ide hy Of- firPr nenn1s Hossfeld . 11·ho 1n1111edia(cly v:i lled for ti<irk11p pal roln1rn and Offirl'r r1a rl' C11sey drscn1"r re<l Munson hiding in the n1cn ·.~ p;1rkrd i:ar. lnvr st1gil lors said Yigg\e surrendered f111 !hf' spol when Offitl'r Hossfeld showe<l 11p. while Jones was found hiding under a vHn !rurk Insi de lhe commercial building. Ownrr F'r:ink (.;ronacher was contacted ;ind came to U1c sce ne . but found noth ing rn issing Jrorn lhc bakery, according to police. 2 T cens Soug ht In Rifle ·Attack A p.1ir of tf'rna"crs who took a pot shot at tl\o Cos1<i !l>Tesa bOys walking along a lir·ld nr.ar the Santa Ana River Sunda y - k.1t'king up dirt al their feet -are soughl tDflay for ass<.1ult with & deadly weapon. Brian L. Thomas. 13. of 2041 Mendarin llri vr . and Senti M. Peters, ·11, of 2007 ;\1;111dt1 rin Drive, we n• not inju red by the n11ssile, apparently fro111 a .22 ca liber ri· f11• 1·1~r ho~s lold Pa!rolml'ln Phil Donohue lll<"V lnulcrl lhe rifleman and his con1- p.1nli•n fron1 the. si te on F:stancia Drive tl<'h1 nd Fnir1.1rw ~ltltc llosp1!al to a t.ract 111 Jlu11ti nglon DcJch. n1onox1de, are formed during Idle oper~ lion of the engine and are l'ontrollable ti.rough tailoring of the l"OOling rate in the rornbustion process. Two approaches are possible in the control of nitric oxides in lurbojet ex- haust. One would be to prevent lheir formation by limiting the maximum local temperature within the combustion cham ber. The i:econrl is lo attempt to (See SMOG, J•age 2) • av1s Rules Firing 111 Excess Of Autl1orit y LOS ANG[L£S 11..:P!I -A S11!)('ri'lr Court today upheld the challenge hrough1 by Angela Da\·is against. her di smissal from a UCLA teaching pnst. and ruled tha t \hf' regcn1s of the: Cnivrrsity or Californi;i t1ad ex t:ceded !heir auth:irlty In firing her . Judge .Jerry PJl"ht granted a mot1riri fnr a sumn1ary iudgtnl'nl 111 a ~111t brou ght by UCLA facult y members who had contended that r.1iss Oa Yis' cnn- stitutiona1 rights had been violated when the regl'nls di smissed her alter her ad· mission she was a member of the Con1- munist Party. Judge Pacht cited a long line of cnurl cases holding !hilt "mere membershlp"' in the Com munist Party is not sufficient ground.~ to bar a person from publ ic employment . The decision or thl' court c~n be a!'l- pcaled but 1t appC'arecl to knock thr ground oul fr om l>cnca th th e regen1s' n1odified stand 1hat the 2~·vear.old M i~~ Davis could 1£'cturc at UCLA but tha t students in her courses would not reccJ\ r: credil. The judge declared lhal such policir~ against hiring of conununists adopter! 111 the 1940s ancl Carly 1950s had bee n declared uncons\itulional. An injunction will be iss ued barring thr: 11n1 versty from expending any more la x tunds to force th e disn1issal of ~1iss D01 11is. Al the outset or the hc<iring . PaLh' refused a rl'quest by the regents that thr. case be tr ansferred to Alameda Count ·: Altorney \.liarren G. Levin argued 1ha1 sta!c law requirl'd th.it the action h~ brought at the nf,rth{'m Cal1fnrnia head· quartl'rs of thl' un1 vc rsHy at 13erkeley. Pa~·ht ~air! hr. did nnt agrre v.·ith th i~ internetation and lelt 111c l.'.ause could he handlcd cqually as w~ll in Lo~ Angt>lc-; County. v.·herl' 1'-1 iss Dav ts is f'mployed a1 an assistant professor ai LCLA . ,\liss Davis w~s not prc:sent !n !hr courtroom. She was represented by her ;iltorncy, John Mt:Ternan. DEATH REPO RTS E,YAGG ER AT ED Pharrnacisl Sam Crawford is ali ve and ,~·r.11 in Costa t.lesa . lie was erroneously referred lo ~-~ "tl1r late San1 Crav.·ford "' in ;i ~l.ory 10 Friday·s edition of the DAILY PILOT. We 're happy lo report this error . Or ange Coas t Weather Thal V.'arm spell out of the north- ea st is th e beginning of a Santa Ana wind condition that v.·ill heat up the Orange Coast ·Tuesday, boosting temperatures \JP to 80 de- grets under sunny skies. INSIDE TOD-' Y There) t1 war goi"1111 on in Laos and whethrr se11ll'tors /1k,. it r1r not American men nnrl mo11t11 are involved. Sec Pnge- 21. '"""' " Mffll"'1 " C•Mt1t~it • MtV<U " , ..... 11 ... M·U "'•'"""•' ....... . . • C•mlu • ... _ c ..... ,-, " ,, ... _,, " lftwl• •ntto• " ~·· N••l(H " '""' J!,)I l'dUtrlll , ... • "'" M orttfll tl·ll (~tllrhlft,...nl " l•lf•itll>ll " ,lftl lOCt . D•U "'"''' .. ' " "''-'" " WM'fttt ' ••• t ......... " .,, .... ·~· . . • M l +IM> • "'""'"" "''"'' 1'·1• ' -------------·-·---~-------...... -----...,...__, _______ _, __ .,...,....,...,..~-,.--~- I O.lll Y PILOT c . Newport Beache·s Clay Sand Haul Stops After Adobe Discovered Giant t'arth haulers rumbled lo a hall ln \Vei;l Nl'v.'port 1od11y e1fter city officials complained they clon ·1 ~·ant an adobe \aeach. · Over thr v.·eckcnr!, thrv found that's ..-ha t th8y wert' grtllng "1ron1 Lhe $[ i r;1Hlion projec1 "'ThP rontra(•lor~ ~ren1 lo be h:iul1n.: "'•ervthing but sand fron1 tllr river."' said r\ewport Beach Ci ty Council n1an Donald A. P.1clnnis. '"Th is is a real tragedy. Thf'y're CO\'ering up our beautiful sand \.l'ilh mud . cl av and vcgrtauon." Jra1c ""esl 1':ev. port homeowners, art er &eeing "haL the rar!h haultrs had v.•roughl, called enough public agencies Saturday and Sunday lo bring abou t the temporary halt in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers project. \\'hen it starts up ag<1in. and in v.·hat manner, will depend on the outcome of an emergency meeting this a I t e r n o o n betv.·een cily, counJy and federal officials. Mcinnis said il v.•as the city's original unders tanding tha t West Newpo rt v.·ould he recriving about a million Ions or sand from the Santa Ana River. The sand \\'as lo bf' spread over the periodi('a!ly eroded beach be11\een lhc river Jett y and 40th Strrc.1 The hauling an<l the spre:id1ns bega n Tl-,ursday. But it wasn't sand lhal .... ·as spread. 11 "as adobe. ··1rs dryi ng herd as a rock.' st11d l\lelnn1s. "For about a dozen blocks lh f> beach now looks like a roadway . In fa ct, on Sunday our polite. l'hased a couple ot hot rodders orr the beach." l\largo Skilling, president of th<' \\'c.~r Nc\vporl lmro vemr.nt Assn , said i1 ·s a •·pretty imp ressiv e" sJght. ··1t goes clear rrom 1ny hou~e 166 10 \V Oceanfront 1 to the v.·ater'$ l'dg c -500 ft:CI of iidobe. piled about six feet deep ., l\1rs. Skilling said on Sa1urday !".he ao,k. cd a "'orker for Chad\\-•ick & Bu chan 1111, Long Beach contractors for the massive river clea ning job, what was going on. "lie seemed just as sick about it as I \\"as." she said. "And he !old me they had 800,000 more tons of the stuff to cart out of the river and dump on our beach." Seve ra l members of the city council, alor.g with Public \Yorks Direc tor Joseph T. Devl in and City Attorney Tully Seymou r. visited the adobe beach over !he v.·r-ekend. Devlin explained \1'ha( tnay havr gone 1vrong . \Vhen city ofli cials flew 111·er thr river weeks 21go. llf'forc !Ile Corps of Eugineers awarded the contract, thry U.S. Urged to Abolisli Homosexual Ban Laws V.'ASHINGTON tAPl -A government task force has urged the United Stal.ell tCJ follow the lead of Great Britain .and abolish laws forbidding priva te homose1- u11l relations among consenting adu lts. The panel of doctors, Ja1,11·crs and &0eial and behavioral i;cientists also sug. gested that government and prh·ate employers rea$Sess "current e1nploy1nent practices and policy relating lo t11e employment of homose xua l indi viduals with a vie\v towards making needed change!.'' Three members of thr 14·1nan task force "expressed re servations'' on the proposed legal and c1nploymcn1 changes, Strike Suspends Copter Flights Helicopter commuter ai r]~ service in· vo!ving 70 rugtits ~r day amon r nine communities including Newport Beach 11nd Anaheim ceased tod ay v.-ith 1 strike against Los 1\ngeles Airways. The action by the. Airline Pilol.'11 Association came afte r negotiat ions under way for 17 months broke down last week. Robert Prime, chairman of Local 37 of ALPA . said the st rike affects 30 pilot~ Md ahout. 6~ ground and nia1nlenance p!!rwnnel for LAA. 1he first Aineric;in firm offering regular intercity helicopter ~f\·ice. Court Date Set In Child Stealing Arraignmen t was ll<'hedu!ed loday [or ;i ~t;i r-.1esa h(1usew 1fe arrestrd in San Diego la~! 11eelo.. six da rs alter sh f allegedly abd uct ed ;i neighbor's \1\0 iilll e boy s. Patricia Stagner, :Ill, ri f i i3 \\' \\'1 \~011 ~1 • 15 chargetl 11·11 11 felony !'l;1ld ~lfu linJ; .1~;; rr~ult of the trip. on ll'h1ch her 01,1 n thr·f'e ch1ldre11 11 crr taken :ilons 0o motn·e has been offerccl for \I r ~. Stagner·s ;icti:>n. but Dal"ld Finkelste t11, 6, and l\l1chacl F!nkrlslt.in, -4, '"·cre reiumed to thei r parl"nf~. t.1r. and t.irs. Robert Chavez, unharmed. \ 0All1 Pl lOT QU.~I ~'tt P\191. tu111te Clltll~.l.,, le ... r4 N. WeM •rn•H..t IN ,.~·- J.,~ '· c~.t•v V•ct '''°'4t ....... C.t~t•t! Ml .. to*t T~'"'"' "••~ii T~tf"l 11 .l ~ .. ,,~;~, M t ... t >•I (fol .. c.-w-..- llO W11I l1y Sh ttl M•il:"f .l.44•tn: P.O. 11• 11•0, 92•?• _., ..... fM-1 .. IC.II,11H WHI .,_ • ....,..,. •• ~ _, 1l1 ·-· ·-· .._i .... lllCll; M illl Slit• ' saying "consideration or soc ial policy issues should be deferred until further scientific evidence is available •.. " The panel estimated that at least three to four million adulls in the United States are predom inantly ho mosexual, \vhile many others have signiricant homose xual tendencies. "Homosexuality presen ts a ma jor pr o· blem ror our society largely because or the am ount or injusti<'e and suffering en- tailed in it not only for the homose xual but also for those concerned about him." the group said in a 20·page report to the National Institute of f.·lenla l Health. Regarding existing laws a g a i n s t homosexuality. the panel headed by psychologist Evelyn lloo ker or the University of California at Los Angele~, said: "There is evidence lo indicate that en· trapment is not uncommon, th at ex1st1ng laws are selec tively enforced and thal seri ous injustice often results." Most professionals working in the area "are strongly convinced that the extren1 r opprobrium that our society has attached to homosezual behavior, by 'IVl y of criminal statutes and restrictive employ. ment practices, has done more social harm than good and goes beyond what 1s necessary for the maintenance of public order and human decency," the task force said. "Many homosexuals arc good citizens. holdi ng regular jobs and leading pro· ductive live~." the report said. "The cx· istence of legal ptnaH ies relating to homosexual acts means lhat the ment al health problems ot homosexuals are ex· :icerbated by the need for eoncealmenl and the emotional stresses arising fr:Jn1 this need and from the opprobrium of being in violation of I.he law." From Pqe 1 STEINHA US. • • \111nl -ht> !i1·rd 11 " O; Steinhaus· v. ile s<1 1d he l1ad a blooct rires~ure pro blem but thnt had not pre\entl"rl him trom ron!ln\1111.1; 111th h1< 1.nrlo., The coronr r t1 a~ ~l.hcdule\'I ;in ;1u:r1f!·\ Dr· Str 1nh,lll 11:i~ !1nn1 in 191 4 in ,\)d.\, :-.r11"f!I fl"kol.i ll1 s ii1llH'I' 1111·nrd ;i gl·11t1·;il !>!(I rr The yo1111g 111 .1n obtained" L.S degree in bacl rriolngy from !':nrth Da kota S1ate 1n 1936 :-ind only three yrar~ l:d('r a PhD 111 1nl(TOh10Jogy oind rn· jr,rnolr>gy fron1 Ohio Stale. In 1963, Dr. Steinhaus agreed In !e;:ne B~rkcley, where he was ch11irrnan or the Uivi~ion of invertebrate patholo~)'. to organize Irvine's School of Biologiral Scirnces lhe ~·ay he had long he.Id 5uch a Ei.:hool should be organized. lie organized the school around pro- blen1 areas, 11• 1 I h unusually·nanirtl department~ of organismic hio!ogy. n•olecular and cell biology, po\)Ulat 1on and f'nvironmcntal b1olog), a n d p~ychobiolog)'. l!nrv;ird :ind St<1nlnrd ht1 1·r !ii ncc ropitd !he anpro~u:h Ir 1968, Dr. Steinhaus wH s elt'ctrd 111 the National Acadcn1 y r1t Stl!'nre~. l!r 11•,,5 one of only !wo L:GJ profe~.~nr~ ~11 h(lro red. Dr. Steinhaus' agreement in i.:oml11g tn l CI v.·as that after several years he could re torn to research, In .July, 1968 he step· pc.d down as dean. J1c thrn orgrinlzed ,111d received funding for the Crntr.r tor J>11thobiology \~1hich studie~ the causes of di.!:eases in Insects. Jn one project cau~s or lumors in cockroa ches are being studied as a poss1· blc line of altack on cancer. Dr. Steinhaus wa s a firm belifvrr tf'r;:rt Cilll~P~ of disease ca n be best in\estigated 1n simple insects. Chanctllor Aldrich said the Center for Pi!th obiology 'Vt'lll be ii eonlinu1ng monu· mlnt to Dr. Steinh aus· \\"Ork. Dr. SteJ11h1111s is ~ur\1\·ed by. he~1dr~ his 1,1·jfe, a son. Ti111 . 20 , and daughtr·r. C1nd1•, 14, both of th~ fami ly hornr at 241:l Bl11ck1ho rn St., in E.1~thh 1rf a marnrd d:.ughler, t.lrll. Ste1·rn (;f}('t1.. 11 ith her hu.~band at an Army ba.~c 111 Holl:incl. and hrother~. J ohn of Ssn Ciabriel, Ra lph oC CA!itro Valley and J im of Livermore. fuMral ~rv1celi are ['lf'ndir.g at B11Hz Corona del t.f3r ~for1uary , s;iw good, usable sand -or silt - on the river bottom . But threy didn't see v.•hat \\ii.~ six inches below tha! :;and. "They didn't sec the muck, and that 's 1\l1at v.•e're gelling no\v," said t-.1rs. Skill· "' · l''..:'ve now got the hauling slopped,'' .,aid t:ounc·ilm;in !llrlnn1~. "\\'r·re not putting any niorc nn the brach " l\!C'lnn1s added: "Gee , you can look out nn that f'!ay and ~ay to yourself , 'l wondrr 1f ! should plant con1 or pn!i11 0C~' " f\l r~. Sk1ll111g agrc<'d. ''You coul d errn rota te !he crops," sh e sa1d Today's meeting of public oft lcial ~. t-.-1clnn fs indicated. may 1 n c I u de c.liscussions on \l'hal to do with the clay aiready deposited. "If nothing is done,'' he said, "the city is prepared to ta ke some action to prevent the ultimate destruction of the beach." And the un1,1•anted gift of muck fr om lhe river is only one of th e problems in· votved in the "sand" haul, which may last through mid·December. "The city had been tol d the hauling Toad would be right 11p :1gainsl the surfline.'' Mc!n111~ r xp1.1incd. ··But tht'y've pu1 H right. up <1r,a insl !lie hotnr<>. \\"e'll \;1lk about thal, [1)11." HEADS HOSP ITAL STAFF Newport's Or. Miller Dr. Miller New Hoag Hospital Chief of Staff Dr. John Palmer P.Iill er, Newpo rt Bcar h general practilioner. ha.~ been rlcclrd chief of sta ff <it Hoag r-.Iemorial llo~pu a!. l!e suceceds Dr. !lforris Firr , whosr nnr-yr~r term 1,1·iJl expire this mon!h . Dr. ilfi!l cr. 48, is a native of Seattlr. \\'ash .. and a graduate of thr New Vorli t.fed ical School. lit served his internship al Nor\h\\'Cstern Hospital in 1'linneapot1s, i\l1nn. Dr. flliller i5 an Army \·etcran, ha\'ing served during \\'orld \\'ar II and in h orra. He holds membershi ps in 1he American \l"<!1cal t\.0:'4"1('1at1nn thr \ ni r r 1 l a ti Ac:<td etn\' flf t irnt'r.1 1 l'r:ir!1cr. tl1r Or;1ngr Coontv \lcrlir.d l\.•1111ci11n11 .inr1 1~ ;i lrllow <11 thr ·\1ncr1•"il t·c11.il r1'" ~0...1('\\ 111· .111d 111~ 11 dr. L!CdoOI l1 .11r f11r 1 hlltln ·n 1'1esa Sets Big Che ss Tourney Thr Co~ta ~l tsa R e rr eati nn f){>parlmenrs Che.i;s Club offers a 1'per:ial .i;ir t·acqua1ntcd tournament beginnin~ \\'cdnesday and continuing over a fivr· w~k period. Rf'gistrot 1on \\·ill be \Vednesday v.·1th tr Sl ter. refundable for participants \\'ho 1)1:11' r:.i cli night of the 1ournan1e11t. 1,1•h1ch 11 111 be rrom 7 lo JO p.m. in !he <.:01n · 111un1\y Rf'crr:Hion Center, On e. 111av rc.1ch 1t \·1a the 11 rst l!fl1P or tll\' Ora ng.c County Fa1rgrounrls. 88 F:11r 111·11 r . and anv h1rther 1nforin::it1011 nla\· he ohtained h~' t<11hoi:: !hr r o~la J\1 r~ .• J!rc>reation Dep;:irtmenl. l'rom Page 1 SMOG. •• tailor r.ombustion AO that nitrie o~idt is reduce<\ through chemical reaction . Ell"h aust smoke. unlike the ot her pollutant.~ gi\'en off during jet engine rn111bu~t inn . ti::is l\'lng been ii conrr.rn of turbuirt cnginecr.c. acc.,rding to Sa1~~·er . "As n general concept. the fnrma!1on or <"".•rbo n is ~~soci:ited 11 ith fuC'l·tirh n11x· lurt>s."' hr rxr lluned l~compo~1tion t h rou~il h";'11 nf 1hc f111'l rx:curs bC'forr 1t l..J1I tJ \H:1te c Qntrnl nr rarbnn ('Jlli~~ion~ "41\d a'!OCl[lltrl ~n1nkr ran he ;itT0111 plt:.hrr! lhro·13I. lranrr n11 ~!ures ;i nd hy pre· \ .1ririnvn.c ful'I lhrr;u gh 1nJeclrirs. "Oc!>lbll sohHJOns appe ar post>ihlr 11 h1rh shou!rl in.~11rr that 1l1r 11Jrbojtt rn· g111t' dots not ber.omr 11 ma1or contributor tn ;:i1r pollution.'' Sa11yer concluded. Leary So11's 'T1·ip' Told By Officer 8y TO'.\! BARLEY ·or th• D1\lr l"llt! 11111 A l.o;i;una Beuc·h police offirer today 1csl1fied in Superior Court thaL lhe strange beh a11or of 19·)·ear-<1ld John Bush Le ary and the: strong odor or burning marijuana in the Leary~· fa1n1ly sla!ion v. ago11 led lo arre~L of the LSD c11!t1st's family last Dec 26 in lhc Art Colony. Officer Neal J. Purcell told the court - intem1pted by frequent objectioni'! from the Leary family's battery of attorneys -that.young Leary was on his hands and knees in the back of the car when he ap. proached the ''chicle to check on .an sp- parent pa rking vi olatlon. "He 1,1·a~ crawling around aimlessly with his hai r hung all over his face ," the officer said. "He hri cl a fixrd grin on his face <ind hi.~ rvrs 1Yere starin,R and from tin1e lo time he would part hiS hair 1,1•ay froni his lace 1t111 I then let 1t fall <Jown again. '"\l,v experience told 1ne,'" the oflicer ~Hid , "!hat thr. young n1an was under !he uitlucnce of na rt·:.itics." Pur cell's experience \\'as challenged rrrirale11ly by attorney Marvin Cooper, appearing for John Bush Leary. Dul Judge Byron K. fl·lcl\til!an struck down his arg"Jment !hat Purcell was not qua!iri ed to offer opinions on drug in· 1oxication or drug odors and he refused to intervene on behalf of the Learys on other phases of Purcell's testimony. Purcell led off the prosec ution case In v.·ha t is e1pected to be a two-da)' hearing on a defense motion lo suppress evidence -lhat evidence being I.he seizure of rln1gs from the Leary vehicle and the Of· f1ccr's te stimony thal he smelled burning m;:rrijuana in the car. Tile hearing immediately preceds the Supe rior Court tria l of Dr. Timothy Leary, 49, Rosemary Leary, 33, and young Le ary. All three are accused of possession of 1narijuana . Mrs. Leary also faces charges of possession of L.50 . Coin 'Collector' Gets $2,000 in Antique Mone y A casual !h.iel wilh a fa ncy for antique f'Oins walked oul of a Costa Mesi dealer".'! shop v.'ilh a $2,000 portfolio of pennies and hall-pennies da ting back to 1300, the vie· fim told police Sunday. Other thefts and burglaries brought to more than $4 ,000 the weekend toll in losL good~. Robert 8. Reynolds, of the Coin Mart. 1808 Newport Blvd ., sa id a customer came into his shop Saturday and asked to ~ec his popular collection of copper coins , a co1nmon occurrence. Neglect.ing to put the albu m con ta inin g thr monry away in1m ed iate!y, it re- ma ined on the counter and Reynolrl!': finally found it missing after a number of o1her persons had been in the store . In other losses. bartender Clark: Sprinkle and his wife lost nearly Sl,000 "'Orth of personal belon gings includin~ clothing. e\ec:trical appli ances a n d Jl!W"'lry when someone broke jnto their niotel room. The CQuple had just moved into the unit ;it 2.176 Newport Bh·d , and had barely hegun to unpa ck v.·hen someone arr parenlly jimm11'd the door and carried r 1"rr~·t h1ng a11·a~. A h11rglar who kicked in the rloor ;;t ! n1ri11r Prndul'1s.. 1880 \\111tt ier A\'r . tnok 111·0 {'Jrctric t;ihle saw:i; \alued at $100, :ir·1 orr1 111g 1o ow ner Tt:{)ma.~ R, He1nsohri, 11·!10 di scovered the Jnb S11nda.\·. r ·------~·--·--~· ---- Dressing for Dive Before trying on diver's hat Orange Coa!'1 College coed Sherri J!och· man. 20. of Costa fl1 csa, looks for rca ~."lll"Jnce lron1 l)£>a11 \\'c.~l­ gaard. OCC divi ng instructor \Vho \V11! be n1 o<l£>rator of Saturday, Nov. l, all-day .sy1n posium on "('ar£'er Opporttu11tics in D1\·in1:;" ;;1 the college. '"Heidi' Ben~hed Football Game Finishecl This Ti1ne • NEW YORK (UPI) -1'Heidi'' wa ited eight minutes on the sidelines Sunday to r scape the wra th of football fan~. National Broadcasting Company of- !it ials, de!ermined not have a rcpe;1t performance of a year a~o. 1,1•aited tinl il tile conclusion of th e Ot1kland·Buffalo ,\111enca11 Football Le11gue game before :-:hnv.'ing the childrcn·s classic. The game ran r ight 111 u1u1 r~ hcyond 7 p.n1 ., the hour the. movie \\'as bla tcd 10 begin. Last year. the nel\\-'Ork cut rile 1)2k!;ind·i\'ew York Jrt J;amr !ohor1 111 ;ur 1he film. ln the few n1omcnt.~ cul nul of 1ha! game, Oakland a;corcd t \\'(! touchdo\1'ns 111 \.\·in the contest. 'Thil'I prompted a flood of calls from outrage.ol foolba!I fans at the NBC S\1itrhboard. J°l;BC Look rxtreine steps to ensure :igainst a rrp('a!. Thr ;innouncer :it lhe t J~1kla nd ·Bull alo ga1nc 111forn1 cd 1hc 1•1r1rrr~ 1hr .c:atnc 11·011ld be shov.·n in 11..., 1•11li1·r1y anti told station engineers to '"br <ilf'l'!" 1\~ 11 111rnerJ nu1, \BC' l'fl\lld prohabl" ha1·e ('11! thr ga111r :;.l1nrt :in hou,. (lakland h~J'd a 4'.?·i lead ;it halfti me and 11 on 511. 21. Cai~ Hits B11s; J(ills ~! 0111a11 A 37·year-0ld houscw1fr v.·a~ killed 1h1 .., morning m Fountaln Valle y \vhen her {'ar fa iled to make a curl'e on Euclid Street near Camr ha A1·enue and plo1vcd heado11 Hl l(l a school bl1s i.:arry1ng 21 youngstl"r• .\1 r~ Fr;-1;1ces Cal llerine Sm11h f•f !Hl61 :-iwallow f.,l"e nue, Fou nta in Valley. 11"d" pronoun ced 1lead on arr11r;:r1 al Hunt1ngtn11 lnlt'rc1u nn1un1I\' llospll nl ~ ('ah!nr n1<1 ll n;hw:iy Patrol ~pok•·stn;:in ~:i1d there 111·1·1· no nther ~C'riuu~ 111111nc~ ·1 ht tJ:1111:ige1t ~C'hnul 1i11 .. 11a-carryi ni::: '"""·.C:~t1 ·r~ 1it 111.-G,1nlc11 (;fo\e l:nif1rd ~. ll(•C.I f)htl lt I !r1 i !"'"'" ,,f 1 :xcrl~1nr, 1rrr-, :hur~ illl'J L111t'<1Jn 1·: I r n1 f' n I 11 r y <,L')1(l(l)$', alJ !11 c;ardrl'\ (;r(!\1• We Only Looi<. Ex1ien sive tlon·t let ot1r f~nc y adclress fri 11hten vo11. llur ne1v fall suits ~tiirt at S95. They rCp rc ~cnt 1a:.hion 1rithnut fril'o!1t y. dignity by de~1~11 The~· arc deC'lsivel.\' s haped. fla\\'lessly ta il ot l!d. rendered in ri ch fabrici; that. rencc\ th e l;:rtesl trends in coloring and \veal'e. \Ve h('l1C'1 r nur .~ele("l ion is a.~ fine e1s <inv in Or<'lnJ!(' t.'ou nt1. But rl on't take our "·orrl frir 1\. c·on1e )11 anfl • .see for yourself. A leisurely look through our r,1c ks is sure to turn up i;orne plea~anl s urpr i;:;cs. We've pl ann ed it that \vay. :'\467 \.·ia Lido al Ne11"por t Boulevard. Nev.rport Bearh Open Friday e\ cnings until 9 p.n1 . I I I c 11· '" c< ,, Ill m ,, " " p'. " I; I> h: "' " 11 n A If <I II L ,, " s d 1· .. 11 I I I i l j , . ---..... ·-·. ---·---·---------------------------~-- Snd1lli119 U11 /\pollo 12 astronaut AJan Bean (righ t) adjusts port- rible life support systcn1 ior I11tission Comn1ander Chal'lcs ('011rad .Jr. d uring training exercise. Apollo 12 fli ght 1s schl'<lulcd for launch Nov. 14 . Conrad and Bean are to land on moon Nov. 19, \\'hile fel~ lO\V astronaut Ric hard Gordon orbit s abo ve then1 in co1n1nand n1odule. Do1v1i tlie Mission Trail Flood Da1nagc Brings La,v suit SA'.'i CLl·:'.'ll f~:'.'\TE -J);nnagcs or 5347.500 nrc bc1n~ i.:r111ght by a San Clcn1en1c group in a Rupcnor Court ac· lion charg111~ the t'1 ly 111th responsibility tor lloO<I dainabc to sertn \a!uable par· l'C'ls nf li1nd. ;'l;;unrd as plilintiHs in the complaint are Colony Cove 2, described as an asso- t"i<itinn · H;1!11h \\'.and V1rg1nia A. r-.taas; J,1 le J~. ;ind Jt;in E. Nen11t:1.: Iino fll. J\Jt:! "l<tl\ ;ind !·;. 't'rarnmcll C:irnbs. 1\ll :lllci-::1' thcit lhe c1Ly's negligent con· :-true 11011 11r :1 ~tnnn <lr;iin in 1hc vil'inity of 1hc lr l;1nd c-.111s('d 1vidcl'prcad floo<ling ;ind ('rusion during 11•i nter rains las t Jan. H. T11n c:1 rlu·r 1·l :1i 111~ filer! hy the group 11ith ti10.: i.:1:y cn1H11:1I hn1·c bcC'n clcnicd. .0 .fr)•·••11ts l"l••••t 1·1·••es CAPISTRANO BEAC H -Volunteer c·nntingc'n!~ of Iloy Sco11ls are helping pl<i nl pal111 trees and rlov.·ering bouga in· , illra 111 a Cha111bcr of C.inimerce hc::111lif1C'11tion pruJ•'t'L along the slate brac·h ix'ln\\' lhc P;1h~aclcs. Prflprrty 011 nC'r'> :i!ong lhc ocean front h:i\'1• dooa!c<l lund~ to bt"g1n the purchase nf p1an1s h•r !ht' proicct :ind the chamber l' ~f'(IJ..inc: ;1ddrlrnnal conLr1but1on~ so the bt":1 ul 1fica lH.1n Job n1ay bl' CKIC'n<!td. O fiOI' .'if'""''"'" .'iet EL T(lHCl -J"'t;i1 Id (;atrr. prl'sidrn! of f.111'11;i r ,1rk ('allfnr rHa ll r p u 0 Ii c an ft,•('111;11·, 11111 h1' lhl' g11r~t ~pt•:1kcr ;1~ l ht~ R r 111 Th11r ... 1t;1v 111,.rt111~ 1i f thr Snfl · 1llch.1( k C;'ll1forn1a ll rpuhlu·;in A ~s<·n1blv 111 !!11 • lobby nf ll1r-llrty;d !'.;11 u1i:;;; and 1,0;111 Cun1pany. 1'nrrn (erit<'r. (;:itr-r 1" (']ln1n11:in nf thf' Or.1ngr Co11n- t\' J1l'Pllbli(':J11 ~P~':ikPr~ l\\Jl'~:l\1, a 111rr111irr 1)1 !hf' (".1lll11r111:1 HPpuhl1c.-i 11 S1:1\1' ('f'n!r:1l Cu1n1n1!IC'<'. t111d past pres1- rlrnL nf 1hc Orange County Callrornia J{cpublJl'iln Asscrnhl y. Il e i.s thr .au1h::>r of "The Grass Hnols Ca1 npa1gn ," a hanr!l>ook for c:indir!a1('~. r - I Fliglit LiHC UCI Gets Parking Lot Loan; Pays Way So Far Parking al t:C Irvine continues to pay its \vay and not cost taxpayers anything. L'niversity of California regents Frid ay approved a latest loan of $82,000 to the Open, Unlocked Doors Inviting Laguna Burglars Open and unlotked doori; arc inviting J.aguna area burg lars to help lhemscl\·es, according to police. O\·er the v.·eekend. tv.•o resirlen1! reported kiss of costly stereo cquipmrnt. Jn each case burglars apparrntly v.·a lked in -and out -th rough unlocked doors. {'.lissing frorn the \\lilliam LeR oy no ... ·en residence at 11:17 'femp!c !!ills Drive 1ras a stereo changer and speakers valued at $200. Burglars enterin~ Sll?phcn .1oSC'ph Longo"s hoinc al 8fi0 \\'endt Terr;ic·c made orr "''i1h a stereo <tll\I con1pon\:nls \';Jlucd at ~5lt Fishing Derby Casts Off Soo n The rifth annual sporHishing derby lo bC'neht the Orange Co11nt.v Association for Retarded Children will begin al 6 o m. Ort. 26. Anglers v.·ill be i:hargcd SIO f11r th!" 1!crby, 11·h1th v.·ill be h!'ld aOOard ~portfishers lcal'llll\ [ron1 Art's 1.r111d1n~ in B;ilbo;i, O;i\'t".\"'S Lockrr 111 ~r11port Bearh .and San C!cmcntc Sportfish1ng . Tht' :Jnglcr \<llch1ng thr· 1::irgr"•l tish \1'111 win a ~100 stl\ ings hon•t fl"f\1n r>lariners S11ring~ anrl Lo;in •1f Nc•11·1>0rt Beach. as v.·ell as a !ake·hnn1r rtplica of ll1o;> pcrprlu:oi ! trophy 1hal 11·11! carry the 11·1nncr's nan11.1. A (:arci01·Conlon rrHI 111\1 ))(' presen!cd lo !Ile f}('t.~on crilcli1ng !li e hf'av icst fish on each hoal :inrl a hi,1.1 t nllcction of Sl?°°frr lures v.·i!J go lo the second place 11·1nner. For reservations, call 541-4458. . ( ~- UC! campus for construction of a fifth parking lot. The loan is lo be repaid wHhin 10 years at 61h percent per year intertsl fro1n fees charged parking lot use rs. 'fhc lo an n1oney is not tax n1oney but cotncs fron1 t-he University's nuclear research fund. overhead charged on federal contracts involving nu c l ca r research. The ne1v parking lot, to be built right ;iway l.n beat the winter rains, will con· l~in 580 spaces for use of the Fine Ar\.'! coinplex and l\lesa Cuu rt residence halls. To dale, parkiug on can1pus has kept up 1~ith enroll1ncnt. Eventually, says Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr .• Irvine v.•llt have to go to multiple-level parking \\'ith the construction cost per car in- creasing from $150 to about $3,000. This fall , in a u101·e to n1aximize p';lrk· ing income. new meter heads v.·ere in· stilled in which lhe .arro\v shO\VS only the time pt;rchased, not lhe time remaining. 1'hc arrow doesn't creep dov.·n, hut sud· 1!enly ctrops, making double use of a parking ~pot for \~'hich ti me has not cx- pircd quite chancy. Saddlehack Sets Fields' Flicks ''The Barber S hop ,'' ''The Pharmacist~ ... :inrl "The Fatal Glass of .BcC'r" -11 hn! d11 they have in common? They are I\'. C. Firlfls comedies that \1•!1! open the Saddlcback Co I I e g e Jll"ntage Filn1 Sl'r1es !his v.·ec k. The \'tn~;1gc flicks v.·11! be open lo ill(' public. The works nf !he bulbous nose rornic J:rcat 11ill be ~ho11·n at 7·30 p.m. 'fhursd<iy in N Building at the college c:unpus. Thl'rr 11111 a!~n be :i C'on1panion d1.r11n1cnt;iry on ~urf1·rs ancl surf ing from C.1l1forn1a to H;h1·aii. Admission to the public is 25 cent;;. Other filrns ;ind da!l's are ''\Vhen Cnn1cdy \\'a.~ King." a film on cavorti ng silent screen cotnedians, Nov . 20: ''C itizen Kane." the Orson \Ve!les' cl nssir, J an . l.'i ; "The Sky /1 00\'C, The ~1 ud Below," on cannibal·infes1ed Du tch Ne w Gl1inca. Feb. 19 : .. Ha1nlet," Shakl'spearean classic, ]..larch 19; and "fl1acheth," April 16. UPI Tti..NN Ever \v ondc r \\'here birds go to learn fundamentals of flyin~? ('nn<id ian geese gi ve t.h~mselvcs away as tl1cy \ving p<isl fl ii:!ht school (background ) at Eagle Creek Ai r Park in Jndianapolis. Ind . Actually , air· port ~·as buil t on land geese have traditionally used for (ceding grounds during their annual flight south. Mit!lda)', Octobfr 20, 1969 s DAILY PILOT 3 Squad Car Damaged in Drug Chase The Laguna Beach Police Depnrtment chalked up another casualty in its vehicle pool Friday night. The victim was a squad car pllolt'd by officer Ken Brumage who was helping two narcolics officers capture a mari- juana suspect. The suspect was duly booked, with the added charge! of reckless drivi ng and assault wllh a deadly weapon against a "ollce officer -the deadly weapon assertedly being hi! vehicle. Booked Into the Laguna Beach jail after a Coast lilghway chase were J1,1ichael Howard Farwell, 18, of 424 1'1oming Canyon Road, Corona de! Mar, and his con1panion a 17·year-old Santa Ana youth . Narcotics officers manning a slakeout at South Coast Highway and Cleo Street said the pair apparently realized they wl.'re being watched and sped off In their ONCE A YEAR "CREST" SHIRT SALE car. A police unit was summoned lo jotn t1Mi chase, but the suspect Ignored Its ttd lights and siren, police claim, then •dded injury to Insult by swervlllg hi.! vehicle into the black •nd wh.lte car. lnflktina moderate damage to a troot fmder. The arreat.s ftnally were made at North Coast Highway and Emerald Bay and of- ficers retraced their steps to collect evidence thrown from the suspects' car. I BUY BY THE BOX AND SAVE 5.00 , 3/17.50 reg. 7.50 Bu If urns' Own "Crest" long sleeve dress shirts assu re you lhe finest detailinr. quality and slyling availab le. ~ou'll apprecia te lhe handsomely tailor· ed high spread coll ar '"j slighlly shaped silhouelle. Permanent-press blen d of Dacron polyester and colloo . Blue, green ,, gold and while with French cuff; wl1ite with conver tible cuff. Store. for Men,, u umS' Newport rl Fashioo Island Newport Cente r• 644·2200 •Mon., Thu!S., Fri. 10:00 till 9:30 Diiier d!ys 10:00 tilt t.30 . . ... ------------------------------------------------.. 4 o~ILY mor I ' f I .. l 1C•m~llff "' lh• Di ii• r 11GI SlalU Students of Tl'1nplr University. Philadclplua, have elected Marc Franti as their first n1a!c hontc- coming qtu.'cn. 1'hen, they picked hi!' e~c:or!, Ralph M. Hintel, _a11 u nderdog \\'ho lle;.it 12 frater111ty n1en he ran againsl for the title of nig !\Ian on rarnpn."-Ha!ph 1s au 8-ycar-old n1o ngrrl dog. • Statelv .I. F. Kennedy l~oulevard Monday, Ottcbtr 20, 196? Do1v1i to Earth IJ.gnew Open• Fire -~Impudent Snobs ·Behind Protest'· By Tbe As~oclated Presa Backers of Nixon ad1ninistration Viet. nan1 policy, Jed by Vire President Spiro T. Agnew, have launc hed a counl!:'r-OI'· tensive against effects of last \Ved· ne;;day's Vi etnam ~1oralorium and those planned for days ahead. Agne1v Sunday blasted leaders of the antiY!'ar protest movement as "hard.core dissidents :.ind professional anarchists" v.·ho arc being encouraged by •·an effete corps of in1pudent snobs who charac. terize themselves as intellectuals." But like Presiden~ Nix on's promise lhat he y,·ould not be affected by demonstra· lions against the y,•ar, Agnew's attacks \~'ere likely to spur f..1oratoriun1 leaders to greater efforts. Sen. Barry Goldy,·ater tR·Ariz.,, pro- posed in Long Beach, that A1nerican,, <ll"monslrate in su pport of U.S. troops in Vie tnam on No v. !I -Velcrans Day. And Gen. W1Jli<1n1 \Vesl1noreland, forrner com1nander of U.S. forces in V1etnam , said American fighting men were disi!lusioned and disappointed by the Otl. 15 call for an immediatn \\'ilhdray,·al from lht southeast Asian country. "f..ty guess is that the vast ma)Orit.y of U.S. soldiers in~ Virtnam are rather <lisappointcd to see th is development." said Ylestmoreland, now Army chief of staff. at a news conference i n Brownwood, Tex. in Phil adelphia looked iikc an o\·er- loadcd \\ashin~ rnach1nc a fler so1ncbody drorped a bottle ol c!c· tergent into the plai'i.l fou nl.'.ll!l. Bubbles cnscaded 50 fe et 11110 th e air and ~obs of froth drifted in the breeze. Onlookers stood ankle-deep in soa psuds, '''hi lc a learn of plun1bers searched benealh the plaza for a r:,hutoff \'al vc . 'f hc crews of Soyuz, 6, 7 and 8, all back to earth o fter last v.•eek's space mission, line up in Mosco\v. l;-ron1 lefl: Vladimir Shatalov, Vi}\tor Gorbatko, Valery Ku basov, Anatoli Filipchenko. Alexei E!iseev, Vladislan Volkov and Georgi Shonin. The seven cosn1onouts 11•ere reunited \vi th the landing of S!lyuZ B al the 1\·eekend, th e last of the three space· craft to return t-a earth. "\Ve think that ii y,·ould be un· American and immoral lo stop our ac- tions now," said Je rome Grossman, a stationery manufacturer frotn lhe Boston suburb of Newt on and one. of the r.1oratorium's earliest organi·tcr.~. Th~ vice president, apparently selected to be the administration's spokesman on antiwar protests, said last Wed nesda y·J demonstrations served only "as an emo- tional purgative for those who feel the need lo cleanse themse lves of thei r lack of ability ·to offer a constructive solulio11 In !hP problem. • \V!lilc a ~1x·p1ecc con1bo played, 30 men had 1thcir heads shaved to r aise :Sl ,000 for the Oakland Syn. anon Club, \\'hich helps persons ,,·ith d rug, alcC1holic or cn1oliona l prob· lem s .. •\ll 30 arc to J>!ay pa rt s in a science-fantasy motion picture be· ing 1nadc in the San r·ranci.sco 13ay area. • A npflrc nt/11 nll t11e 11(nlllt ;,·nr11ii1gs ngninst c1(](1rctt.es ,.. ).,I,... haven 't nnprcssed ;,,. tin.~ 1racl.:11 roe· coon. frer·y !i nie ~. C .'\1r11!11riff o/ Pflrlo(lc rlcs .'\ia11:c, J'l n., renr.l1r$ for a ,5n1okr In~ rrt r nc· r-oon 1r(11H~ ant t on. Tllr pr/ sud· t/1•11/11 $11(11~ ('d lip f'l 1/1(' Strlnhnff hflrnvord 011(' day r111d rlrcirlrrf to st.11y .. '11e 1r!IH)jf .~l'!~IS /hr 70t'('OOU p/l'!!JS 11·1!11 /hr dnf/.~ o•td ral~ nnd h11~ pre· ·'"lllflh/>1 j(lrsnkcn tis k1/d hc r11nge, • 0 .J. -.y--_i--~. "'I j Tn /'nl ll'r, Ojf11:cr l.aurp11 ,l; , \\'0111)111nh"rr nl ,,..,nura f/1c 1 ' ~ri1111d 1,( 1(J!t/P1<J or lus rloor be· ~ jnrr 11011·•1 .~l.I O(JP.~ted u burg/or. i A ntl 1r /1r11 )1r $r1111 n 111a-11 c11tt1110 i I across 111~ prnpcrt)I rn o 1u(liru1n • " •' I lruc/,, \Va11n>nakrr fired a s/10 !, .~/i!J/11/y tl'Oll!!di11g !111: 71!(!)1 /!! J Ilic lu11. sl1rrlff's d('p1.1/1r s soHL ~ Tlic 1na11 "1r11rd ot1t lo br n t 1n1/kn1n h. \\'1)11nr11akrrs 1t1/r l1nrl {lrdcrcrl nnlk service b11n11n·1.1•1 1 \Vedncsdo11 u·1thout te/l;11f1 '''" I police officer, <lep11f1cs ;o·il. ! Thi! mi!kmo11 Joh11 R. Su1110 ~. f· 11'f:s ho!p1ta/1zed 111 9001! co11th· ·-- .\ "·on1an s11 b~t1!11tin,!! for the rc~ular ~rhoril hu~ d1 11 cr asked a hu~~ load nf clen1cnl::trv :-t hoo! chil· d ren fron1 l1a v1r 1-'li.l . lnr rl1rcc·. t i on~. She ~hnuldn 't h.;1\·r . r 11 11r1 "r dri1·c a i;c:h1101 Lu s dL:.Jl n · ~~1cl M rs. J oyce Ba ttle, 11 ho 11 a, lpfl on ~ 40-niilc. t11()-triunl1 111 ld "n\I'•,.. chase by the glcl:f\!I kid ~. '!'hc .. chil· d rcn, 11"ho nor111nlly ti('g1n 1hc1r ~chool rlr:t y a! !J a.n1 . ,lrr11 C'd :11 Nova EJc1ncnt<iry ~<:l1ool JU.!il 111 time for lunch. Wooldridge Missed W a1·, Senate Probers Learn 'VASHl:'\GTO\' lt.:Pll -A series of asEignmen\s 1-\cll l Sgt. !'llaj. 'Villiam 0. '\'oolridge out of the l\orean \va r, it wa~ learned today, and put five of his closest triC'nds 1n charge of enlisted rnen's clubs in Victnorn. Three or !he fi1·e. all pals of \Vooldridge frnm their days together at Augsburg, (;ern1an.v, in the early 1960s. succeeded one another as custodian of the l\vo doze 11 or so cll1bs under the Army's !st Infantry Division in Vietnam between 1965 and late last year, Sena te investigators said . A fourth got a similar club custodian ;issignmenl in Vietnam just one week aftt r \\'ooldridge 1\•as nan1ed the first sergeant major of the Army on July ll. 1966. re cords disclosed. The fi fth got yet another di\'isional club custodian posi lion in Vietnam in fliarch. 1968. \rhile \Voo!dridge still held his influential Pen· tagon position. !\t least ty,·o of the fil'e got the Vietna1n jobs -v.·hich entrusted 1he1n v.·ith hun· dreds of th ousands Of dollars -althoug h they had been fired fron1 army club custodial jobs r lsrwhere for allegedly m~!!hanclling or stealing money and h· quor. The clubs art ~upported by the money ILO Wins 1969 Nobel Peace f',S LO (L'PI) -TJ1e 1969 Nobel Peace 1 '11.:e 11as awarderj today to I.he lnlerna· t1onal LaOOr Organization l lLO ), which \1aE formed at the end of !he \\1nrld \Va r I to help pea ce by improving 1~·orl-\1ng and ~ocia l CQnd1t1ons throughout lhe y,•orld. The !LO and the International Court rif Ju!llce are the only two orga ns of the defunct League of Nations lo surv1\'(', The !LO now one of the special organiza. tion." of lhe L·nlted Nations \~·1th bead· 1:uar1ers in GPncva. ~1nre J!HB it has t>ccn headed h) .ill 1\!TI "TI CJ n Da\ id A. f'.l or se. .\; u~u.1 L the ~obel comm1 llcr of 1l1" ~1·, f'r11<\1 p:11 h;unrnt ~ave no re;1:.1)n~ f,,r 1•, t!rc:1~1·1n ;1nrl ni:idr 11 clr;ir lh1·1r 1111! !Jr 11(1 L"!1m111rn1'. It :-aid only lhr $j:1.()(10 pr:1e 11 ot1ltl g•i ,,, 1111:-tt.n l;i lor111fd vi11rces 111 O~lo ~a id nn!' 11[ 111(' rr;i~r,r< lr1r 1hr rhn1 cc 11(1" the 1:ih1ahl r 11r,r k don r hv !LO 1n d~velopu11: 1·••11 n\rir" 11here 1\ has gJ\'ell 'ah1able 1 ~l hrucal assistance. lhey take in from y,·hat Gts spend ror food. drink and entertainment. Normally, a club is managed by a sergeant. /I. senior non com y,•ill be "custodian" for a consortium or clubs -perhaps a dozen . perhaps 30 or more. The Army says 1l in· sists that club custod ians and man<i ger" clisplay "a scrupulous adherence to the high est ethical s!andard s." But in lwo weeks of testimon:-i before thi· Senate Permanent Jnvesliga1inns Subcommittee, Woold ridge and a !e1v fello1v sergeants have been accused of pocketing huge sums of money fl'o1n cl11h kickbacks. embezzle ment, thefls and gamblinl! "skims." The Pentagon's press relc.:isr nn \\'ooldridge's appointment as Arrn.v sr.rgeant major three years ago disclosed he \\'as stationed in Germany fron1 194!l lo 19;,.\. missing the entire Korean wa r. ll ga\'e no explanation and subcomrnittec 1nl'e~t1gators said the tall serge;1nt 1na.v have been iust!y rxempted from Korran rluty bec:iuse or his excellent \\'orld \Var 11 con1ba1 record. Aniliusl1 of Four G Is in Korea Brings Protcsl SEOt;L tU PI) -The L'n1 ted Nations Command (UNC) has requested a merling of the l\or~:in 1'.-tilitary Artn\Sl1ec Commission for Tuesday. <ipparcntly, lo protest 1hc Cnn1n1111Hsl ambush lhal kill· cd lour Amencans Saturtlay. .\ 1-:--;(' ~f111krs1nan s111d thr rrf111rs! fri r thr ~ts.~1on 11 as !>l1b1nittt"d Sunday n1ghl 1011011 inc the arnbush of a t:.S Arn1y lrul·k by i"iurlh Korean inflltr.:i\or~. \o rt·a~on 1\as given for C'alhn~ lhc mc>rt1n~. hut 1t 1vas cxpcctrfl th<i l !he l '\(' 11nuld pn11e:.l the .1mhll"h 11·h11;h t"(•k plti<'r 1n~ifil' thr Or1111htar11.cd Zone 1111 •il1ng ~orlh :ind :-••ulh Korea. 'l hr t1·11rk. 11\...'.' all nthf'r ;n1thl'lri1:-rl 1£0h1C'lr.i trJ1'f'll11g in tile ~.nnr. \1.is t<ir· 11 111;.1 :1 \\ l11l(• (la;:: ;ind ;i pnl1 t r sign 11 ht•n :.I' 1ck!•d, flfhci:il.'i .'ialrl Such 1dr11· t1f1r;i11rin i~ ~ho1111 111 ;icc.-.rd:intc 1r1th !he .Jron1,l1cr ;igrc:cn1cnL ·1 hP t:1 , 11rrr ~hti! io lhc 11c:irl ;iflpr 1t·i1 JI (np. hand grf'n:.tdf' ;inrl s1nall ;rrn1s tire fron1 a1nbush posilions nn hoth ~ides 1·,! the road Jead1n2 fron1 a L.S. oulpo.~l 1 n~ifle thr zonr to their 11n1t ::;011th ol the border, An1crican spokesn1an said. Gulf Coast Eying Laurie Rain Covers Area Froni Nciv England to Great Lakes Callrornia ''11V"'~ "'•"<l• 8"<! 'V''"'"' '•"'r•• ~'•"e' •.~nl ~ru"u" ($111o•n•• .... ,,... ~n<!I <l«er •"'1•v, .. 11~ '""'or•e!u•n ,,.r"" 1 ''" <l•o•••' '" mo•I ,,,,. PRtVl(W OF lSSl WUTHtl IURlMlfORECAST fO J:tl P.M. lST 10 •lt•lit Tctnperaiure~ Al~U'11>Ut A•t~O•ttl' ~' " .. ,_ lo:>I An1•le> ~'>II v •c•n•IY '~' th• ne!+t•n wO" """h' •vnnv d~v• t•~ cl19r "'"' "'""" fhp h•<th w•• /!. "" ''°"' ~vnd•v J •o, lht ov~•n•YM 1, .. ii ~! 11 •I ~) .. ,, ) ' " .. ... '\ ·" 7h! Ao• """"''"" (onlrnl O l<t«rt •••fir!f<i hnM '"'"~ In "'"'' o>o•J,on• 0 1 fhe ti."" l h• ll.~ W••'~" ~·1•e1v '• '"' <l•Y lor•c111 C~""" •or nn r•rc •n•l~,,~n .onf '~"''''"''' ne~r n• '"'~!!' 4'!IGV« nt>•m•• 1nrC1J9!1 S•lu•n•v ll••t"'' ,.,..,. ,vnn• •oO•~ "'''" l'tletll• r>Nr 10 TM• w•lr< wf • J• 61 MW"1tln• "'"'' "'n"" ""' win~• Wl•h hi11MS ,n Ille ll~t>f' lOI 0.\e•!S "'f't. ounnv •nd .,.,.,,,., "'''~ "''"' <•n••n'> """' 1™' 10,. flh 'n "" 11-r Vf lll .. 1 lo tile lo" IOI +n ID"•' .... 1!p1. S,.10(1" hi•"' ~ .. ...,,. """ .,,.., , .. ..., m1s i...um1 !O<I•• Inc•...,• I ~·~ e,.,_ch '°'""· Sf~'• Monlto 1• M l!J• IMnk 1).71, Mt WH!Cl'O ~.Jf Pfl"'O~'• ,,.,,, ilt l"9•Sld• 6f.,4. Pt'"' ~~· ~,,. ttr·'4 llf~•"'"" 11·"· 51n O·•~o ••· 1i. •ncl S..nlf ft••W•f 19 >J SOUfHEIHl (Allf:OPPllA, fo ·• "'•Ollllll T11<e.O.• Sll1tMI• w••.,.,•• 11••1. l.oc;t l vul!y no•l~t•U w'""' ·~ "'°""'''"' LO$ ANGELES .llll:A-f:o.r rn•c• <>n T ue..,. ... Sl ,qM•¥ w••m t• dt•S 0;>•. ,.1,ht lo·"'' nt•• J.I 1-flgh Mondov 'I PO!Nl CONCEP TIO•I 10 ~E>"lr •" ft01!:0£11-L•J~I \'t•l•bTt wln1h ~·t"' ...... ""!),,.,,.. '>ou•I l)f't.em•n~ w•"t•I • 10 tt 15 mo>11 1n tn""'"''" M.,,.., ... '"° lyff411•v, ,.1. WN ll'o1r. l HtM11 w ...... ,. ~ ..... MOUNTAHI All [ltS· "'" '"•0•1on Tvtldt Y. $hghtly wo•m•r d1•1, l ... (&I '""'" llO•tl••••' ... ,1111,. Cnn•lnl "11o•v to<lov •-.d l u•t<lov l ;M "••le~I• w,nd• "'9111 ond ,.....,.,.,. ,,.,.,., bf<....,•nf weU11•/f 10 lo IS '""'' "' •l•••f'09M IOG•'f f /ld Tu•1· <l•' Hool\ IO<lfi 11, Co•~··I .......... A!u••• ••nt"ll '"'"' ,, •• /) ,.,, •• ~ .......... !\I••• ··~· ... ••om it 10 llll W•ll• '"'"'"'""'' ''· S1111 , 1'1''"''· Tides ••·~·~ ••Oh s-.o"" ·~" I • 1 ~ -~ """ IQ# ~•co"" ~·•~ !.t <O"<I !•,, MO,.DltY , ·~ . ,... I 00 • "' ~ 1 ' II ".., ~ l l)) ~ 'T' I l U.S. Summary Tr111>1C11 sto•rn L•U• t •rod~c~1 '~ullll i nd Jt<ewt •I •• II 1'1Mclt0 1l"'l~w1•d '" 1f<' ct •1•tl Gull er M•~•C<t •o<11v. It """'Cl "I Wt!<~ W•\ I• rtrr<l ''""' Golw111..,,, 1 .... ID <'•nu<ol1. F11 .. H •I• •oelt~ """'" tno 110,.,, .,.., •l!OVT )60 m1111 •·••·H~wn1 ot N•" 0•111•• H+lf<ltl 1'1"""' wr •• f \!•mA'•<I •I \fl ..,llt• 1• ne .. • I• ''"""' ""'<~ ., ••n••~ 11(1 "'"U 10 tn• no••n t•a 1•1• O' l•I (""'" t.,,., • .,.~, ''"''''' !n "'"~'In·.-~ !'~ 010"~rorll1'"' ~· 11 •p ''"'"I #• ''"'" ,..., •• ~-· I"""'''''"'',,,.,. •• 11~11• ond L•utlo "'"' ftl(~ ~""'' t••• lt!•ct bv l1ot todov '" o<Jot•~!ln" '"'" I •• ,.,. '''"' )"" PIH \ 1 M •"' '"' ' 1• o !'", •' <l'f'~ Q"'"" ''' ,,,~, ,, ~"'•di Moon •·•~• I fl r" ~rh I 1"'1 '"' ~"" •'O"? '"" "0111·" ~ul! ,,~on. 111 ••~·····•<1 lll\rnl •(I( llol•• 1101!0• flfOW"\V•llt (~l<il~" ()"""""' D•nvtr rlfl Moln11 Dt lro1! F 11•~1•• < Fe•! Wor1!1 "'~'"" Mfl•nA "~"'" Co!~ LO• VIG&\ lo' .o.n,~•es Ml1rnl ..... , ........ 1 .. "''"' °""'"' 'll•W 'fO"I 11ottn Pla t'' Do•!A'>d °"'""'"""" ( •y °"'""' l'ol.., ~".'""' Pol(I 110~1(• p~""' , r."'"'""~ r~""""" P•Do<f (ol/ I>•~ Blu" l'•n11 ' •''""''"'" • •" t •• • C" I ~ ... o .. ,. )•• ~ ro ntl\Co ~ .... , .... ....... 1 ""' ·~ .... ,, I'>••"·"~'~' ,. 11 ·~ I• . , ·~ I • J• .. '" 61 •1 .It JI ~l ~· .. J• ,. 1" 7 ! ~? ~· .. 1~ "' •1 n '" •I fl ·1 6• .. 6! ,, "'' •' ., ~\ r• n i~ ~· •n J• '\ .. ~· .. . " • ' 1• ,, q .,, .. ,, .. ., ~· ,'\ I) ~~ \I " ,, ·'' +J I.' " .. . " ·" ••• .~J ~\\lff/~ -~-l!'D!l?lm -.m!P!!!!Rnnrm?!.im!!-, :=iJlk -Save at EL Rancho. • • ~ ~iJJ!.Q/llN~ where the price is right! ~ ~/f~/ll\~ IT'S DELICIOUS! ~ r \ ' l ' l r • ' '- ' I 'I " ,. ~ ·' •• Jiffy Pop.. IT 'S FUN! PLAIN OR BUTTERED . ............ ~ .. . l:~ady to P'•P in il.~ Cl\.\ n t(Jnt.:~1nrr ' . , . and "·h:i.t':. n1nrc fun 1.hAn rorring Lorn ... c~c:cpt ealJng 1t ~ Nestle's Cookie Mix ...... . Devil's Food Cake .............. 69¢ 1'oll llou.,,L· or ~U g"<>r •.. regular IGl pl-.g. .-111.,1 Lee ... det)I, <lark, delicious: Sa,·c. :!Oc'. a ' I Chiquita Bananas .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . ~EHT!Al A~[Rl~·s_ fl~[S'. ....... . H H I H a ft n I ~ m n 2 l&S. 25e ~ Meat Loaf . . . . _ovE~ REA~Y ... . . ..... 79~ ft l-'rOCiS1on g-rnund n1cats ... Jll"l'fctlly lilentlccl . .tlcl1ghtf11ll.r :;;ca:'.onc d '. .Jusl :-h<Jpe and hake : Scallopini Slices .................. l.E~~-! ~EN·D-ER' . .. .. . SlBJ 'fhin ;;;lil'C'S lh11l promise you tencl er tasty &'\tisfaction .•. ~Cl"\'c sc:.illopi ni and su rpri~c them : London Broil .... . . .. . . . . . .... $1 ~~ I [early beef f]a,or.~., 1.1 p1 eally I.ender: Cube Steak ....................... $1~: ·rt'ncle r enc.ugh for ynu lo use the :-kill<:t '. P riC''.S i11. ,.ffl'cl !tfon .. Turs .. \\'fd .. Ocl . .!O. ::! J, '.!2. /\: o Sales to Dea le ts. ~ a I I B Pick Up Your Super· Shopper Recipes of Our Meat Counter! _______ n Meat makes the meal . but Isn't It fun to offer more vnty? 'l'his t\'eek .•. fou r reci pes that are sure to p resent invitation~ to new taste ad1>entures: Get yours ... free ..• a.I. El Rancho this \\'eek ! ••• and every wee.kl ARCADIA: Sunut and Huntlngt011 Dr. {a Rlncho Centi~ PASADENA: 320 Wost C~or1do Blvd. SOUTH PASADENA: Fremont and Huntington Dr. HUNTINGTON BUCH: Warner 1od Algonquin (Boardwalk Canter) NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. and 2555 £'51blulf Dr. (!aslbluff Villago Centi~ f UPI Ttlo•I• 0lfe1·e's lloav It 1fus' · Looking <J~ 1{ she 11•an ts to be heard, five-rnonth-<1ld J·'lora .Ji.Inc _l~ahun1 gr~1bs n1ic rophone during an 111ter1·1c1v v.1th her n10Lher, f\1r s. Betty Baha1n, in Ne1v Orleans a t 1vcc.kend. 1\lother and child had .Just returned fro1n llouston 1vhcre police had found J·'lo ra Jane 11•ilh her babysitter after Mrs. Baham i'l'[lOrtcd the child kidnaped a day earlier. The babysitter v•ill fa ce charges. Czech Seel\.s Asylu1n, Pla1111cc) l\Iove 9 Years LOS ANGELES (AP\ -,J1ri \1okrot1alik says he h;id plan- 1\C'd for a long 1u11c to seek frcedo1n in Americ;;i. \\'hilc biding his t1m:! in Prague, he tuok a rnachinists' l'Ourse. Finni!~·. lie was ahlc !o ~ign on a~ a 1notur n1;icl1111 1st on a Ctrl'h frc1gh lcr. His shi p slea1ncd slowly !o .Japan and th en to Los t\ngcll'S for a hrirf rr fut•lin~ stup brforc setting 011t for l'rru. lnunigr;1lion inspectors had finished 1hcir routine check Sundav of lhr Vitk O\'it·c -thr! ~firsl Cz.echoslo\·;1k!an 1'hip to call hrre 1n sr1•rral yc:irs - 11·hrn Vokrou.:iltk ;ipproarhcd 1hcn1 nn ~hr doc k and ai;kcd for pol1t1cal a.~yl11rn. "J plan 1ny frccdorn for nine yr.:ir~:· the tJ;1rk-h:urrd 2G-~·c<1r-old told nrwsn1t·n t11cr . ··1 kno1v of 1'>ha1 1l 1s, 1111: lin1trd S!all'~. fro1n 1ny history book'> and lrorn my radio. I know 1t • , is JlOOd place \\'he re people have liberty. "Help n1e stay here. 1 have no fainily here. I have no money. I have hands. I can work good." Vokroua!ik told of attending Prague's lligh Tech n i ca I ln sli!ule to become a n1cchanical engineer "·hile liv - ing 11·ith his mother, father and one )'Ounger brother. In hesitant English he said l1 is p;ission for reaching th e L'nitcd Stales "·as kindled "·hen, at 17, he fou nd an Ameri can history book on a batk shelf in a lihrary. And !he na.~sion flamed "'hen he hcnrd abou t Am erica on Radio Free Europe. The Soviet occupation of Clcchoslovakia in Augu st 1963 eonfirmcd his plans, he said. Autho ritie s tu r ntd \'ukrouali k over to police eu stody in adjacent Long licach. pending an im- migration hearing. Bring your child in now, before the Christmas rush and save! Last 3 Days! GIFT PORTRAITS OF YOUR CHILD 7 95 onl1 one 8110 and two 517 Give you r child's love lo Dad and Grandparents on the hol1d ays ... in a fine portrait. It's the gift they wanl most ol all. Now's the lime lo let us pl1otograph your child (we're not as busy !!IS we Nill l,)c!) and save during this pre-season special! Huntington Bea ch 8'12 -lll I, E.t. 281 rho109r1ph Stud;o ! 11 Floof pure: woo l clas sic cardigan ... just one: from a group of sweaters nie classic cardigan , •• pure and simpl e. l'ull- fashiooed in &0ft, pure wool. Jt·s one from a group, including V-necks, crew necks and turtlttieck styles. Choo.se fa-..•n, -..:hite, bro\\•n, navy, or red. 36 to 40. -..·ere 9.00 to 12.00 may co knit 1portswear 7Z / /.? "'f! / . ·,, ~ . ' .f '\ ' . ' '. I c,,·_ .. ,·/ / . , ,,..,....., . ".' ,,., / r1.t:/ '\ '' I \J 799 juniors! slinky skirts and tops a favorite look in lots of colors The perfect slink ISri. Witll skiMy buttoned top. and a little flip of a skjrt, Otht-r short-slttVtd top, too, all done in 100% nylon . Tops in red, light blue, pink, gold, navy, white, or purple; skirts in all colo'rs except '\\•hite. Sizes .vna.11, medium, large. •alue 7.00 to 8.00 may co campw shop 43 tach ,499 I Monday, Octobtr 20, 1%q long tunics over st raight pants, new pant looks of knit polyester Save now on the new look in pantsuits. The long-1.intt tuni(j mer str~ght leg pants. Short slce\'es v.'ith tiny buttons, or sleeveless with' patch flaps. Both are knits of pure polyester 50 they 'll keep their amooth shapes, re;:;ardle~s. 111e s!eeve!e~ 1tyle comes navy or brown, the ihort-sleeved in plum. Sizes 10-16. "alue 'fo.oo rnay co actlve sportswear 76 27.99 shop monclay thnl satunlay 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. may co IOllth c-t pi-, san die90 fwy at bristol, costa mesa: 546·9321 DAfl Y PllOT 5 MAY CO • ... ··-... -. -. --------~~~-~-~-------------~----------... •• DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Irresponsible Faculty The An gela Da vis case bas potential tor ~reat dam· a ge to academic freedom in California, particularly at the University of Caliiornia's nine campuses. have stooped to the unbelievable depths of propuiiing 'that the student., in eUect, be used as hostages a nd pawns by the faculty 1n this dispute with the Regents. This newest threat of se rious damage arises -as tt has on other occasions -not from wilhout, but fr om within. It comes from irresponsible actions and utter- ances by a significant number of faculty men1bers on va rious UC campuses. They did this by speaking and voting in favor of with.holding Dludents ~rade reports-hence their earned c redits-fron1 the offi cial records of the university un- less f\i iss Davis is permitted to teach for credit. 1'he matter of whether or not the State of California is legally obLigated to provide a publicly paid teaching platform for a self-proclaimed Communist party mem- ber is a sharp issue. 'fhis is incredibl y stupid and shameful behavior from people who a re supposed lo be the ultiJnate up- holders of t he rationality and ~he rule of re~son. 1'he fact that only 40 (about one-eighth } of the facul- ty at UCI and IG6 j no t quite one-tenth ) of the UCLA faculty voted to do this indica tes 'that cooler and more r esponsible faculty heads a re likely to keep this inde- f cnsible proposal fro1n becoming nn official fac ul ty pro- nouncc1nent. But it is also an issue that lends itself readily to simple, rational, orderly resolution. It can be and 1nust be ultimately decided by the courts. It is at least an e ven bet the Regents will be overruled. But in denying ~1is;; Davis a teaching position, the Board of Regents was applying a Jong-es'labli~hed and well-known rule of the Universi ty of California. The rule had faculty endorsement. The fact is that Miss Davis and her UCLA depart- ment head thre'v down the gauntlet to the Regents and forced them 10 either apply their O\\'TI rule or violate it. 'fhe Regents had litUe choice under that challenge but to apply the rule. The faculty reacted predictably in adopting resolu- tions urging the Regents to rescind the rule. So far. so good-such action is clearly \Vi thin the fa culty's rights and preroga tives. The next obvious and reasonable course for the fac- ulty would be to pursue the university's system for due process : then, if necessary, proceed to the court test of the rule, which must ultima tely come. Then, which- ever way the c ou rt decision went, there could be no valid basis for bitterness o r criticism betw~n the facul· ty and Regents, no onus on either. Unfortunately, a significant number of faculty members on at least two campuses, UCLA and UC!, It is, however, d isturbing to note that on both cam- puses the vote favoring the gradC-\Vith holding repre- sented about 47 percent of those present and voting. If even one-tenth of a Un iversity of California fJculty really bel ieves it has a r ight to use student grades and credits as ~·eapons to enforce social, philo- sophical or po!i·Lical vie\\'points, academic freedom be-- co1nes suspect as a shain. And public support essential to thio; protection c a nnot be n1a1ntained . \Vhat is needed 1m1ncdiatcly is for t he faculties of each of the nine UC campu ses to promptly and resound· ingly adopt a positive statement of principle. This state- ment shou!d unequivocally declare that such hanky- panky 'vith s tudents grades and credits never will be acceptable _nt the University of ('alifornia, and that such behavior bv an individual teacher or a ~roup of teachers is lo'l.ally incompatible 'vith academic trust, academic freedom and the search for truth , ~t is time to couple positive affirmatio n of the es· !e~tial need fo r academic freedom \vith equally positive affirmation of the essential need for academic. responsi· bility. ~Hate Will Co11tita11e to Hise' -ll'allicli Approved of Nina Simone UCI Concert Specter How much unemployment 11 accept· Able? The unfortunate question CQme.s up u unemployment levels continue an upward tr~d. President Eisenhower's Commission on Economic Goals, reporting on Nov. 27, 1960, aaJd: ''In pracUce we must. see.k to keep unemployment con!lstently below 4 percent or the labor force." The Sep- tember unemployment rate of 4 per«nt announ~ on Oct. 8 wu the highe st alnce October 1967. Economists watch the )obless rate with unusual care. Unemployment figures are a mong the most se.mltive of all economic Indicators. As It happerui, releued early in the second week of the month, lhey are the firat economic data to become avaJ!a ble 1n any given month. CHART WATCHERS wUJ be lookfnt for the jobleu le vtl on Nov. 10, "hen the figures for October wUI be released. llenry C. Walllch, senior consultant to Secretary of the Treasury David f\1. Ken· nedy, on Oct 8 predlct.ed the jobles.!L rate w!ll rnn!lnue to climb, perhaps reaching 4.5 percent to 5 percent by the end or next yenr. Nixon Admlnlriratlon spokesmen have resembled .!Lomethina: like a stunting foot· ball deferusive line on unemployment and inflation, jumping back and forth. r.1ur· ray L. Weldenbaum, assistant Treasury secretary, <>n Oct. 6 said the September unemployment figures indicated that ""'C may be returning from an overheated, over-employed condition to more sus· taiBable levels.'' Robe rt P. r.tayo, direc- tor of the Bureau of the Budget, on Oct. 7 of Unemployment ) I I 4 3 11 'Editorial -I • ' Reeeilrch UNEMP'lOYMENT IATE Of U.5. WORK FOICE -~, ' ' (In IM' cent, 11aaonally odju1ted) \ .. - \ ~ .... , ·ii· ' " 11 ll 14 '6& •650 11 0•1 •••1 l~ L 196S -°'VER.AGE fOlt YEAR told lhe Congressional Joint EcQnomlc Commission: "We are not d o i ng recession plarutlng In a big \\'SY at this point because we believe the economic adjustments wlll be of a nature !hat we can cope with as they come along." SECRETARY KENNEDY on Oct. 7 told the Joint Committee that a 4 p!'.'rcent rate of unemploymen t \Vas "acceptable'' lo the administration and that the ac!- min islrallon believed lhat It migh t be necessary tn pursue policles that could push the unemploynlcnt rate even highe r. But on the following day, Secretary Ken· nedy took lhc unusual step of issuing R formal statement to make "cryst:il clear" the 1\'1xon Arlministralion 's sl:ind that "any unemployment in our country, however small , i!I an unhappy condit ion.'' Llnemp!oyed today are almost all sorts or "'Orkers -wh ite , black. adult men, adult women, teen·agl·rs. One rul e or thumb is that an increase of I percrnl in the unem ploymen t rat!! means an ad· dilional 830,000 out of work. THE RATE HAS been sJoy;·ly edging upward -except fo r an OJ percentage point drop tn Augurt -!lincc reaching a 3.3 percent low last December through February. The arl nlin1stration is ;i;;king for 12.4 billion for 1nanpov.·er \ra1n1ni; programs for the presen t fiscal yc>a r, as against a trine more tha n $1.8 billion for the fiscal year ended last J11ne JO. The En1ployment Act of !916 does not guarantee jobs. But lt docs declare "!he continuing policy and responsl b1l1ty of t111~ federal government to use all practi cable mean1 , , • for the purpose of creat ing and mainta ini ng ... C'Unditlons tindC'r which there will ht> afforded u.<;eful employment opfX)rlun1ti('~ ..• for those able, willing. :ind !iC'Ck1ng to "'ork." Thus politics anrl rnt1 cy lorhi11 the r\1xon Administration frnn1 "accepting" a hi.i::h leYe l of une1nphi,yment. Narcotics Bill Mutiny Brews WASH INGTON -In the "'ake nf other Intramu ral di sputes, a mutinv is brrw· i.ng in the Nix on Ad1nin1sltation 's y,·ar against narcollcs. Al odds in this C'Ontrovcrsy are f'n· forcemenl-minded officials of 1.hC' Depar!· menl of Justice and treatmC'nt-0rtentcd physicians in the Departme nt of lleal1l1. Education and Wellare. Theirs is an old argument. The disagreement appeared lo have been papered over for a whilC', however, and the two depanmenlS were supporting an administration narcotics bi!L Then rnngressional committees began hear. !:igs, and the cracks began to show a;1in. No~' the controversy appears to have the potential for another e1n· barrassing intra-administration tu g-0f. war like those, much publicited, over 5Chool desegregation, anti-trust policies, oil depletion concessions, and the like. ONE TROUBLE IS that Sen. Ralph W. Yarborough. D·Tex .• chalnnan of the Senate Labor and Public Welfare Com· mittec, ha.3 introduced his own narcotics bill. It would give HEW a ltrger role in the drive against narcotics. --~-- Monday, October 20, 1969 7'114 tdttorial J>OQI 07 tM Daill/ PfZot .nb to lnform and 1tt• utaU rtad.n• bu prtstntfng thli nftOIPIPC""• opfnlc.u and com- ~ on topic• of tntlrt1t a71d ~iffcanei, b11 ~no a fonm I~ &ht: trpr1iriMa of our retukr•' opfnil)11J. and b11 prtunting thf diw:r11 vlt:w- pointl of ln/""7U!d obsrrvtrJ and tp0kt:imA on topica o/ tht: daf. Robert N. Weed, Publisher --. ., __ ----- A li e u-( ;oldsmith Cc-rtain of the research anti educ:ilion l1111ct101"1S assigned to the Jus11c!'.' D!'.'part- mC"nt in the admlnlstra!1on bill would go lo HE\V under \'<1rborough·s, and ::;o \\'ould the rlassiric:llion of n:ircnties, IJnd!'.'t ttie administr;1Lon's bill. llE\V \rould only make a recommendation 10 I.he attorney g!'.'neral about the scientific classification of individual drugs. The classilicellon pro\'is to n Is im· portant. It embraces, for example, the controversy over v.·hether marijuana L~ properly cl assed with the sa<alled hard narcotics in lhe sense of lhc anti-drug law. LOBBYISTS FOR the v a r i o u s medicine-oriented groups which have o!· fl <'es here are calling Yarborough's bill ''the doctor&' bill'' and th e ad· ministralion's bill, ''thC' cops' bill " tn con- \'CY the idea lhal the :1dministration bill puts hC"avy slrl'ss on enforcement. In reccnl testin1ony before a Senate subcommittee on :ilcoholism and drug abuse, Creed C. Blark, a s s i s la n t secretary of J1 E\V for 11'.'gis!ation, su p- ported the "adminislration bill '' and said it was not just a "Justice Department bill." Black sa id ll E W' s "'professional people" had eve ry opportunily to express thelr vtewa and register objections when the bill was being dr:iftcd. In the glve and take, Black said, ilEW "11.·on ;i ll th e ma· jor debat es." THEN SE~. l lAROLD E. JIUGRES, I). l a,, airl'd the views of those "profession:i.I J)l.'Oplc." He commcntrd tha t Dr. St.1nlcy F. Vollrs, dirN't(lr uf llf.\\"s N;il1llna l Institutes of f\lent:tl llc;1Jth, h11d tt1ld another Senate s11bC01nmittcc th:i t he co•i ld 11(11 support the :idn11nistr:ition blll. llughe:i a:o1kcd wht·lhC'r Dr, r.lorton r.. Miller, director ot special programs tor the National l n~tttu!rc; (lf .\lcntal liealth, agreed \\'I th 'cfllll'~ ~1ll1•r, !eslify ing for the department \11t l1 Hl:i .. k, replied that, "a:i a profess1on;il." tic agreC'd. Specifically -::ind a!(;1in notinti that he. spoke "as a pr o/t'.o;s1onar' -Dr. ~1 ill1•r !laid sc!entl fir drlrrn1111;:i!11•ns, su~·ti a~ lhe classllieatiun of dnigs sh ould llc 1nadc by "sc1C"nl1fit pt'r~rin~ in s•'1ent1i1c: agcni;iC'S, 11ri1narily hea!Lh agencies." HI.ACK CALI~ED ?thller's statemrnt "dehatahlC'., and noted tha t Goni;rC'~S thought olhc r\\·rse \\•hen it centralized an· li,narcot1cs acl1\•1ties in the .J ustice Department in J 963. SignHJcan tly , 1he J:iOVemmrnt',; tnp physician 1!id nol l!'.'stify. Dr. H.ogrr O. Egehcr11,, nss1st:in t HE\Y secrclnrv for health, had heC"n i11\'lled, but ·B!ar:·k 111>- pear\?<f In his slca11. rcportini: th:i t F.geberg had "Serious sch('rju1ing prob- lems." The subcommtllee did hear, howe\·er, from Dr. Jarnes Godda rd, director of the Food and Drug Administrallon for the Johnson Admini stration ;ind now a spokcsn1:in for the Pubhr, llealth Assoeia- tion. He noted !hat hC' had supportrd 1he cen tralization of function Jn tile Jusl\CC' Drpartmcnt in 19G8. By Robert S. All en and J ohn A. Goldsn1ilh Dear Gloomy Gus: And now the .!Lpec!acle of Blshope rrvoltin,i.: 111Fi111sl th!'.' Pope. Is nolhing s:icrl'd7 II. J. B. Tl!'1 '1l•l~t1 rtll"u ,.,d.,,. ~l•w•. 1101 ftf'(l \IU •I• l~DU "' , ... ~O-...IP•Off ~<ftll ro~r "' ,...~. ,. GIOOM• Gui. Ol ily l'!IO!. .. ( j l MaillJox To the Editor · / Patricia L. AnclrC\\'S 1i\lailbox. Oct. 15) a!JC'gcs thnt she \1•as lalsl'ly "lu red " to the Nina Simone concert al UC! -that instead of a concert she v.'as subjected to "lengthy emotional variations on the whi le cruelty l11emC'.'' I was a member of thC' mostly \vhitc ;iudience th<it night, and th;1 t audience W:tS indeed spellbound by r-.11ss Sin1one's t<ilenl, nul rC'act ing to any supposed at- tacks from the artist. lier <1pening number \v as a classical Appalachian ,_.iount:un folk tune -hardly· related to a "v.·hite cruC"hy thC"n1c. '' llER "FOUR \\'0~1 E\"' w,1s :i hauntin~ statement about thC' hi~lor!cal poo;it1on and evolution of the black '.l'0111;:rn 111 Am!"fiCa and this state1n~nt <leliveretl the "sensiti vity and fierce intcgr1l }1'' pro- 1nlsed by the DAILY PJLOT 's article_ '-lrs. Andrews appears lo be unduly defensive about Nina Simone's comments about the discord that rxis ts bC"tween the generations. I interpreted lhC! com· mentary as foc usinll: on the ironi es im· pllcit in the conflict : the anger and boredom and disregard arc not all one way; youth can be so lielf·r\ghteous, forgetting that those in lhc middle generation can also hllve grounds tor discontent. NINA SIMONE's f1n,~1 n11mbrr . ht'fo r!! the encore, 'v11s O>To Be \\Kai.:, n1f1('() and Black," a nlO\'lng cclcbrati<in of 111c black youth in /\n1eric:l '' h1eh .~he dedicated to the 66 blat·li ~1udcnl<; 1n !hf' UCI population of 5,0011 Ttuo; o;nn~ 1<; r:ot one of resentment and hns11t111·, ;ind lhl" audie nce, black and wh1\{, \13!) 11 1th h1·r every minute for eVl't}' nfl!\'. Patricia A n dr ew s rl'SC'nts l h c "mi!lrC"presentaHon'' thal \1 l11k hl'r to LC t lo see an agih11 or r::ithrr lh;in ;i ctn1crrL I rr~ent !>1r~-Aqdrew~ 1n1'>rcpresrntmg \\ hnt I con sidi'rC"d to be t11e suerrs~tul prrgrnt.'.111on of a truly lalen\C'rl artisl-;i conr!'.'rl that !lirillC'.d 11.ith its con1l'nt. r..IRS. HOBEHT NE\\'CO!\tB 1\rtgelr1 Dat~is To the Editor : \Vith reference to the lecturing at UGI l1y the Cnmmun!st, Angela Davis, ls there riot a third party whose views 6hould be considrr<'d -namely, the laxpaycrs of lhP state of California~ Is there any doubt that 99 perC1!nt of the taxpayers are disgusted to find thal Lhl!' woman wa3 hired in the firsl place, in \'icw of the 19~ re~olullon to "'hic:h some of the vncifcrous!y protesting faculty are now ohjecUng. It ~'OU\rl SCl'ITI t11nt a good. he11lth.v houseclC"anlng of the \'lhole focu\ty o[ UGI might be a very desi rable opc ralion. AHT ll UH D. GASKIN LPITr" f't)m ••~~fr\ ,,. -tcomt Nor"'"'"' '*'I'· '" ~hovl~ cft~v•~ m•" m•n•q" 1~ JOO ""''~' o~ ,.,, T~· f lQ/l1 "' <Ondf "W! '''lOt\ IO 111 ··~c· or .. lrTI•'>•'f ""'' h ••l~'V"ll 4 11 '"!lu~ mu<r '"(ICO• ~·g""'"'" u ni m•••I"" •00'''1 ~vi """'•• m•• WlflllltJO on <P<lllt>1 II '""'llf~t "'ion 11 •QPft t'>I, Quotes Cathy John1on, S.F. f18hlon model-" It doesn't take money to be well dressed. It takl's knowing "'hst's riBhl for you." lloward \\'a)'. Sla te Senate president pro tcm -"In lht> mind,; l)f mus! penplc>, \1·hcn \'nu I.ilk r:if tax refo rm they think )OU r:rc 1alk1ng 3hn11l 1<111 reri11clinn. J!<'forn1 . howr \·cr. i:o; n1rrely o rcdistribu· liun of !!Jc Lil X loa d.'' ~- '.i1cin, u:e never ha(/ it so good!) Most Crippling National The most important kind of ''educa· tlon" that is needed by the human race is not the schooling of children, but the tcachin~ or adults -in educating them as !o whe re thclr best intC'rcst truly is. l'Mple imagine they are acting in their "self-interest" "'hen they are actually ac. ling against it. because they can usually see no further than their pockets. "~·tonet[iry myopi a" is probably our most crippling national disease. AS A l\1r~·on , but sadly typica l ex· an1pll', Lhe resort interests in a Wisconsin county near 1ny summer home recent ly threatened at a Jeg!sl ativt! hearing to •·stump the st ale at our expense'' to defeat any candidate who voted for bon· d111g programs for pollu tion abatement or rccrC"alLon I.ind etdditions. Last spring, in twin refC'renda. the \'Olt'ts of \\'1scons111 appro\ed a pollution nh:itcn1l"nl 11nd recrca1 ion program. Both thcsC' nrc badly nrcded in that bC"aurifu l huJ fnl!crin~ st::itc, \Vhrrr the n1a1ur r1 \·l·rs Hnd thousands or lnlnnd lnkcs need ctea11111g up, and \\'here the sl;:rlc-ownl'rl and npcratct.I rccrealional arC"as require ex pansion nnd renovaLJon. THE HESOnT O\\~EHS in that county C'.lb)eet strrnuously lo the bonding pro- grarn for lhese developments, because it \\•ill sllghtly rai ~e thei r taxe! and wlll force llll'm, 111 many ca ses, to bu.Bd their own SC'pl!C tnnks. Disease .,, ... ··~~7~ J. Harri'l l .;_,,; '} .. Sydney This is fantast ic shortsightedness on their part. As lhe Creen Bay Pre~· Gazette editorlal!y observed last month, their objection "is typical of the parochial thinking of a segment of the \l/'iseonsin resort industry ... which is dropping Wisconsin further and further behind In the compe tition for the tourist tlollar_ '' EVEN If TJIESE re3ort 01vncrs are not prompted by health or !'.'SthC'\lc reasons to :;upport t he pollution-and-recreation measures, thei r own long-term economic interest demands that they do P\'C'ryth1ng in their pov.·er lo help keep their ~late clean, beautiful and appealing. Obvious· ly, when lakes are di rt y, rive rs arc odor· ous, and recreational arC'as run-Oown , people will simpl'y stop con11ng. But the delu.sion of 1hc f:.i st bu !'.'k re· mains the strongest rnolival1ng force for this Property Ov.•ners A!sociation, as for so many others. They are to be Indicted, not on any lofty idealistic grounds, but purely on the grounds of stupidity and shortsightedness. As self·slyled •·prac• tical" men, they don't even know "'hich side of their bread is bu ttered. And this is the Dairy Sta te. Answering Army's Call .~crnr · Tl1 r l ' S t1 rm11 Recruitin g Ofr1 r1· A •1r1?.:lrd .\lrt~ter Serge.ant s1f.~ hr11 r 11/J1 u ;lr)st er ~r:t/111g, "Car eer (),.po1t u11du•s ,\lra1t Y<>l l,11' A sal/010 1101a l1 11 ir 11 11 /'1f}llfeH c dang/n1g from /us lip~ r 1ir1•rs. SE RGEA:\'T: \\'e!l. well, son, con· ,i:;ralulnt1ons I C':1n set' hy the eagC"r look <1n your lace th at ynu h:rve decided lo ans\\Tr your count.ry's c;ill to the colors. Youth : Look, n1:in, all I'm thinking of dol nR IS 101n1ng the Army, Sergeant: A "'ise dec ision, tad. Today·s Anny offrrs ,\'OU trruning in a wide varle· 1.v or skills that will serve you in good stead 11·hC'n J Oll return lo <"h·iha n hfe. And, as a \'Olontcer, you get y<1ur <"ho1cC'. V{hat'll it be~ Electronics~ Arc \l'C'lrling'! Cook s and Bakers School ? Thr. Army tlesperatcly needs 1norc cooks and bakers. Youth : Cooks and bakers? \I/hat good v.·111 that do mC' in civilian !He? Sergeant fwi!h a sigh): All you kirls to. day ar(' thC' samC" All right. If you·n sign up. we'll guar<intee )OU 16 weeks in· 1cnsive train ing in our ~hxlera t,1ihtary Methods ~c hool . ''ou th (suspiciously): \\'11at's that? Sr.rgennt: Th at 's wh ere we !rain pro- mising young recruits for a leading role in I01\,1y's Army. Now Uu: firn course is PX i\13nage1ncnt, taught by Caplain Fagin, a car(.'(!r orfic'r ~·ho mode a name for h1m sC"lf in the West point cheatin& scandals. Vouth: Big deal. What do I learn? Serpul: Basic military maneuvers, i;n ch as llow to Rig a Crooked Slot r.1 achi nr, Commissary Kic kbacks and E lc men~a ry Embezzlement. \'outh : Now you're talking. Seri:t:eanl : And if you tlo v.·ell in basic, you'll quali(y for advanced instruction in Liquor Smuggling, Pot Peddling and Tri· pie Enlry Bookkeeping. Voulh I'll sure do my be.~!. Sa rge . s,r~i::inl: Vou rlo, kid, 3n1l f.-Omc d:iy you 111:iy be !he lop kick 111 ~11ur 0111f11. '-''h1rh cnm.~ you the !op k irkhRrk.~ Of course. you·n have lo 1tudy 1'1odern Art Hoppe l \\!capons Handling, Voutb (frowning): Sounds like e drag. Sergeant : It's reward ing. A reti red General will lecture on "~lodern Weapons Handling -from Free Acquis!t1on lo Final Sa le to the Highest Bidder," As we say in today's Anny, son. "take good care of your rille and you'll get a better price for it." Youth : That's sure something to shoot f:rr. Sergeant. And l11stly. son. s nu've got to learn aboul Conibat T:i ctics. \\'c tench it in fuur easy steps . 1 \ l i\1'1king !he snatch. (2) The third degrr.c. (3) ~laking the hit. And ( 41 13o<ly rlispos.1 1. A team of experts from the. Green BerC"!s "'ill be your instructors. 'l'outh (enthuslastieallyl~ '-IY heroes Where do I sign up, Sarge? Sergeant: Right hrre on this line. 'There. You 're in the Army no~'. soldier. And hav' a grC"at time at Cook~ & Bakers School. Take him all'ay. Corporal. Youth : (angrily ): Cooks & Baken School'? Oh , you 're a dirty dnubleoi'ross· ing rat, Sarge. My old man "'as right, I ~ho11ld 've joined the r.1atia instead. Sergeant: Don't worry, kid, they'll be "'siting for you when you get out. You'll be. 11lad to know thC"y 'te gh·ing job preference to retuming servicemen. .---B11 George ---. Dear George: Both times I read advice in your columns I followed it and every· thing turned out great! l'n1 now w1>allhy and very popular with gi rls. Thank you. DELIGHTED Det1r Deligh!ed : Never minrl t~ rhC'AJl lhanks - C'OUld YOLI send !TIC the date O[ 1•ul>lu.:<1tion ol l11usc cnlumns? Those nlust be two I mi~ed. ' ] J h' '" '" "' fo m '" '" <:;~ "' '" ~Jr h;J SI I" ;1r \'I: 1.h :-,[. 11' nc or ,1 J;1 "' fr, m ,1 A• !l,! '" C1 lh )II ol P' p;: T• ~t, lh "' I·'! "' w '" "' ·" A t> II J) >II F '" ,,J " Jr. I "' ·" " "' "' " .. , j '" ,1 '" d• 11: I' ti• d\ M w ' ri " '" "' w h Ill pl ;1 1 '" 11· J>i "' "' hi di :11 CHECKING •UP• B1·ide l11j111·ecl as Mob Seeks Garte1· By L. ~I. BOY i) Lort-: A\'D \VAil-in the f'arly l·llh century, writes thal h1 stOl'lill1 n;1rn£\! F1l·lding, it 11 :1 ~ <'011.~idC'rcd :i lucky oinen to Sl't'llrr lhe brii!c's garter, ;111d t.11~-rl' was a general rush for lt HI the <.'onelusion of the n1:,ir riagt'.' c e r c rn o n y, Frc- quc11tly, brides ~·ere :ietually iniurcrl in the sc ran1b!e, he sa.1'~. T'h<l t ccr1 ainly presents an intercsling picture of old 1nal ri1non i:i l traditions. How dr>{':-> it happen Hollywood l1<1~n't film ed such a scene? ~houd think Jt would be J11'L•lier than a John Wayne a1·gument. 'fhis sporting event 1~:.is peculiar to French wed- li Jngs, J understand. s TAT JSTI CS-'l'hose '."l:itislicians don't miss a 1 h111g: Dogs bite. every 20th Til'IVSbo y , •• About 2fi percen t of a postage stamp's weight is jilue ••• California has more !:1dy undertakers than any nth~r st.ale •.• U pright frcciers outse ll the <·hcst n1odels nine lo one ... Half of al l Americans can't swim ..• /\ 1·crage passenger car covers !!.~ miles a year •. , Every ..;cvcnth surgeon in thfs coun· try operates in New York C11y .•• l\1cn buy 6fi percent of lhe rcrfume •.. SeVL'TI out of JO people· ll ve within 200 miles (If :in ocean Ap- proximately one in every l.,000 p:1tcnls goes lo a won1 Jn , .. Twenty percent of the men :;Liy up v.·ecknighls pasL 11. •• (Jnc 11·orn:.1n in five h<is c1lhcr gr.1y nr l\'hlte hair. C O L O R S ANO CON- F I DEl\'CE~Ciirls v.·ho a re 11nsurc of lhl•n1~elves lik!! Lo 111car hright, hot. contrasty <·olors. But scl!-confiUenL girls prefer neutral colors, be1gf's ~ind gr;:iys, th;:it sort or thing. A (;)1icago psychologist wroie th;:tt in a scif'ntif1t p<ipcr, l!orscradisll ! l.hougbl J, Then a Sollthern California pro- fessor said the sr1me in o spceth. Could Lhis be true ~ thoughl I. Then a Boslon doc· tor made a similar declaration 111 a nev.·spaprr intervirw_ fll<1ybc there 's S\linething to it. CUST0l\1ER SER\'ICE: A. "Do the British still serve their beer warm?'' A. Fairly. A ten1peratllre of 52 degrees f'~. is their national stan· dard. , . , Q. "WllAT 00 YOU l\1EAN the average fre ight train has 200 cars!" A. Diel l say that'! The average freight trai n has about 70 cars. . . Q. "WllAT's th e smartest of the bird!>?" A. The crow, no doubt about it. WOMEN -Latest survey taker to check out the typical grown won1 an says she stands S·feet-5 and weighs 132 pounds. These c a l c ul ations to deter mine the measureinenls of women turn up \Vith regularity. But they differ greatly. For Jn sta'nce, las! lveek one garment inaker salrl the average woman's hips measure 42 .inches. Another garment maker said the average woman's w a i s t meastJre 27 inches. Ir these two authorities arc lalking about the sam \\'Onii1n, she ought to trim a few inches off her hips. J\o\v thls can be ac- eomp!ished \1'il1 be dealt \l'ilh here later, possib ly. RAPID BEPLV: Yes, sir, the Narne Game man says th<it !rail 1nost characteristit of fellows called Don appears lo be a knack f<lr getting along \vith people. Good salesmen, Dons. Generally, Your qi1estirn1s (Old com· 711 !')1/.~ fllC 1velcon1erl. and ~1·11/ be 11spr/ u1/icrrver f)OS· siblr 111 "C//cck iny V p.'' A \ldr <'[;S ??llli! to L, f\f , Bn11rl, 1'1t cu1·c VJ DAILY P//:OT, Hnx 111'7.5. l\leu.1porL Beach, Ca/If., 92663, For11ter Cltild Poet Of France to Marry PATllS !UPI ) -t.li nou n roul't, the one-tune chil li pro- cl1.!:'Y \\ho staggered t h e Frt·nch literary world 'vitll a hook {lf i)Oc'.ms pt1b!Jshed v•hen ~he w:is eight, JS geJ tin!:: mar· TJ(·d . ~l111n1t, 21 , h:is ~nnounced h"r cng agen1 ent lo Patrick }'1J11(. !L i\o d;il e £or the wed · cl 1ng has been set. i\·llnoti now is a song ~'ritcr ,1n<I pcrlorn1s her ot1·n songs lo rhc aecompnnlm1·nt of a i:111t;1r. Jn 1955, she ll·as the <'!'nter of a stonn of t :in- lrn \'rri<Y ove r the poems and c·p1grains s!1e \vrolc, Like: "This is the gr('<lt. follv "f gro\\11-u_ps -1>-·;1rit1ng \\'h;1t la-.1~. \\'.11lt1n g tn l;1~1 : only two l 1••ng~ l;1sl -}hot s too s1na ll, and 1'0011;.hnr~~." .\!1nou s!Jrtrd her l!lcr;.uy _<\ l'tif ieial Gill Made Fol' Humans LO~DON fl.Pl l An nrtil11·111 I n1c1nbra11c wh1r h 1'1 rntutilly may be 11scd ;is ;; gill to ;\ll1l1v n1nn to breat h 11ndrr 1~·1Jlrr ha~ b e c n dc\'elopcd by a il r i t 1 s h nicd1caJ tc.'un . career v.ith 100 or 200-word letters v.-rlt.tl'n to a smal! cir- cle of friends. The Jetter.; bec::imc public· knowledge and , in 1956. publishl'r Hr n e .Julli:~rd brougtit out a book of h('r flO<'ITIS. One of tile poem~ re:id : ''The \'laves don ·t break on thr be<ith. "They break in 1ny eyes. '·In my ears. '·On my heart." Lite rary crltics, scandalized by r-.tlnou's romn1e11ts on love and "sin, like per I um e d ''rlvrt," cl <iimed that ;;he <'ou !d nol have ~Titten the JJ\..'Crr1 s, 1'f~1n Who Saved A rt A ppointcd S:\CRA\1 1'.:.~ro (l'J'.IJ) -A 1ri;1n v.hn 11as <lt'<:or:ited b.'1 Fri:lnr:e an1J the Netherland.;; for rccnvc ring looted arL treasures during \\'or!d \\'ar JI !1:i~ heen appDin tcd to the CHl1furnl;l Arts Co1nrniss1on. r;nv . fl On<ild neagan 's offict' \\'cclne;;tl:iy <innounced t he governor's :lppoinln1cnt o f Thomas Carr Howe. director C'rncrilus of tlic California l'alacc of the Legion of Honor. to 1hc commission. The ap- pointment requires Sen at c <·on£ir1n<ilion. A :;pokcsman for Ilic !loyal w. r I . I Pos lgradua1e J\ledlcal Schoo! I C UJUl~C( s;iid lhc pri mary purpo:;e u[ the silico ne ni em h r an e. SACRAMENTO (AP) -The 1leveloped by Prof. Denis v.•1fe of tell'vision actor Riber t J\·Jcl rose and liis as.~istants, Stack was being trealPd 1oda y 1vill be for open heart surgery. for injuries suffered Wed· h ncsday in a traffic accident J~;xpertrnent s ave l>ce n con· v.·hJch took the life of one com-cluctcd 1~·i 1h guinea pigs under \l'atcr 10 show it can work as a panion and injured another. The Hig hway Patrol said i;i!I, lh(' spokesman said. l\1rs. Rose1narie Stack, 37, "·as lising a nor1nal face mask, driv ing the rente d station a n1<in under Y1atcr \vould car· wagon which skidded out of ry the gill packed on his back cont.rol on rain·slick Airport ;1 11rf txtract oxygen from Road near Sac r a ment o \l'fllcr and exhale carbon diol!· Metropolitan Airport. ide. No estimate was glven 1 1iiiiii~~~==;;;;;;;iijjjjjiiii when lhe gil l would be a pr<1C-[ J hea l possi bility. Ger the most on Jn oP<n heart '"rgery, l h c INSURED SAVINGS! 111e111br<1ne would lake the KEYSTONE pl.'lCC of the lung section in :1r1lficli1l hf'a rt-Ju ng machines SAVINGS nO\V used 1n such operations, ,.,,ri LOAN ,.,,~oc1A110" '"'~Id W G>Jp9r. f'r•"donr • tin• spokesman said. ISK llllf 111 5 38~ Ptll 'fhc advantage over pre sen! SPICl.t.l ltllS Pllll • "'""'u" l)rocedurcs l\<lS said to be 1 .. 1~-1,.,,;,1/rm~dnt•f ... nM ..,.,..,;.,." tn <l~t, <\fw'tlulrnW11t reduction of the possibility of n)i'ygcn bubbles entering the blood strearn by eliminating direct rontncl bet.ween blood :ind oxygen. fl[[ ASTIGlOCICAL fGICc.tST FOii YOUR SIGH! lty SytlMy0-•r ----------.--0-------.... 111ond•Y, Octobtr 20, 1%~ D~IL Y 'ILOT i ~-" f' "f ~ ,. Penn-Prest® \ , ' 'Kamaro' , "' ~ ' I ,, ·1 " . ; • with the textured ... ' .. .. _ " homespun ' _,., look ,, . M '" ~· 0> I' ; log. 4.49, NOW 3 o 8·2 .1; <·:._ pair ' •41"x24~, 30" '°"9 .. .•. • Beaut;fvlly tailored cofe and pinch.pleated Mortlto el xi .... ,._ ~ ,• Avi~co31 ·raYon/ocetote with fUll hems and full plecml ' White, yellow or green. No ironing needed when ..rs. .machine washed end tumble drted. Oecorol9 ywl windows todayl -, "' •48"x36~' l\:ing, reg. 4. 99 ••• , •• , ••••• , NOW 4.24 ·''"· ' -AB''x 45" long, r•; . .5.99 ••••.••••••••• HOW S.ot "B"x.54'.' long, r•g. 6 . .50, , • , • , • , • , • , • NOW S.q Ma1chi l'!; valonc., reg. 2.99 ••••••••••• NOW 1.S4 .. '·,r-. ... + •• I ~ • ' ' "' r "''·'··' • ·-'"~ '' .. . ~ ·-·' /: .... • - /" \ •• j " ' ~ ! -. I-, ..... --~'·"' . •24w, 30" and 36" ~I tr.lcfud. , c ' . j .. ' • .. .i..a.olcndcaftrinot-r---• PINCH ~ PLEATED CURTAIN SALEI 15~ OFFI Three days only. Hurry for first choice. • 'PANm" P!NN-1 l!ST PRINTON COTTON/RAYON SAll.Cl.OTH R ... 3.99,NOW 3.39 pal< "41"~4", 30'', 36" '°"' Cheer yovr kitch•n wilh our fiY1fy print1. fnortte pinc h-pl•ot•d styl•. Machin• wash, tumble dry and n•v•r iron! Choo1• honey gold/tong•rirw pjint. Matchi ng Yolane•, r9g1. '2J9 .••••••••. ,NOW 2..11 FllER GWS 'CAVAUl!R' WITH A BORDER Of FRINGE 1.,. 4.99, NOW 4 o 2 4 ,.tr ._.l"x30" lont1 Airy bouc:I• t1xfvr• is so pr.tty and 10 procficol too. Thes• drip dry and or• ready to hong up ogain. Plndt- pl•ot1d cof•.1 with cotton fring1 trim. In gold, white and oliv•. •4&"x 36" Ieng, f1Q • .5.~9 ••...•...•• , .NOW 4.•7 A8'.'x 54" long, r•g. 6.49 ••• , , •• , • , ••• NOW 1.52 Matching Yolane•, r•g. 3.69 .•••••••••• NOW 1.14 AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE · ·u~. 30" onc1w19"gthl lncWe -.. -......... -~~-~-.--.... --~ .... --: --..-_ ----------,_ .. . . .. -.... -- ------ 8 DAIL V PILOT l~ond1y, Ottobtr 20, 1%9 U,t ltle~M'91 Ml DOLE EAST FIGHTERS -T hese photos fron1 opposing sides in lhc :i.Iiddlc East c:onfl ict s ho\v neither side has n1onopoly on youth. The Arab girl :-it left i!' .\!L ss L • .ayla Khaled, one of l\\'O hlJat kers ol an J\1ncrican T\VA jetliner 111 D<1 n1a!'cu~. \1 ho \1·~1 s photographed after re·turning to her guerrill a ba s e in .!ord<n1. IJa\·1d !·:l ier. 19, an Jsrdclt-.<\n1eri ca n \1·as killed in a frea k t raining accident "·ith the Israeli ariny reccnlly. lie is from Stonybrook, N.Y, 'Undeclared War' Arabs to Restrict Yanks? I v Unllt<I p, .. , ln1u~1!1on•I The ~en11offic1al ti! id d 1 e EJEt Nrws Agen cy has flC'- rusrd thc-Unitl'd States o( \V:1g1 ng "undec lared v• a r ' ' ag;Hns t the Arab world and hinted at possible restrictions on Americans living in Arab na11ons. Egypt's hint al po~si ble rl'Stric tions against Arncncans )1\·1ng in Arab nations came in a dispatch Sunday dcnouncins: 1he fact that Ame ricans can .....__ ~en'e in the lsraC'li army \1i1hout losing their r.s. r i!izenship. ''\\'ho c:an guarantee lo us E. Gern1ans Grab Plane, FJy to Wc1it BERLIN IAP) -Two Ea.o;t C.crman hij acke rs 1'' r r r gr;in\ed asyl11n1 in \\.e s l r.rrm<1ny Sunday. arid 1hc Polish airliner the y coni · 111.:indeercd at gunpoint return· ctl to t11e L':l~!i:rn 1nnc 111th 11" 111hr r 63 pas~eng<:rs and nine r;rc1r111en. 1 he t11 u mrn , Ur~l nhL•tl O"lly ,,., bring in 11lr1r 1 :.11\' 2i•~. · lc•riPf'd frrun the pl;,nc ;,t Trgel ~ h 111. 111 U11· l"r C'nLh •er· 1 .. r rif J!t1rl 1'1. !.t'!1ond~ .1f l•·r I 111<hnJ! ;.11<1 :-i11d 1hrv 11cr1 11c·1('tl11·e U?\r hdd a pislot in l11• h:1ni1 \\'1111r•-.• ~ .1l 1nr [1rh! "i1 ttl 1"0 f '111nn1ta11:-t \J(I,, ~11 ;111<.11· ( d 1hc l.(1\ A11 l1n• pl:1ne, a l•iur-eng1nc l lyu ~l11n lR. ;i ~ tl 111adr 11<: ;+pproa1.:h but '"1 ( 1.indCLl :1r1,v\1 J.1·,'' a policen1an ~:1irl. ·rhrr<' \1 r re unconf1rrnrrl rcpor1 :-lh;il ~ crc1v m"mber ""~ injurC'd ~light ly by th<' hi· 1ackcrs \rhen t h r y lorn· 1nandet>rcd lh<: pl;inc 111 er f:ast Berlin. A l;.S. Air Fort'c 11[Xlkrsman ~a1d airmen in the Tcgcl con· trol ccn1c r h.1!1 no idc,1 lhat thr plane \1a~ about tu land. · l~e. camC' 11ul nl nov.hrrr:· lhc ~rokc~n1an s;ud, •·111cn he ju~t lander!. There '1'as no ,·oicc conunu nica!lons 1vilh hin1. I-l e llcw a very irregular patlern.·• The f' o I i s h govemmcnl tclel'ision ~crvice seid "h1·0 :1rmcd ind11·iduals'1 r or c ~ d their wa.1 111!0 ihe pilo!'s cabin .anrJ terrorized the crrw. It :<ard the pilot notifird the \\'ar~aw a1rpor! ol 1h<" hi · J<1ck1ng in11ncd1atl•ly ci !tcr I.he t1ro ent.ererl the r :ihin. The flight orq::1n<1trd ;'lf \\'arsaw. "'a~ ~ch•'dulrd to slop in East Berhn and then Brussels. Tiu.•_ plane sl;1,\C'1I lhrrr hou rs in \\'est Herl1n. 1n•'n flcv.· to Ea~t fl c r I i n · ~ Schcnefrld A1rporl. Anothrr Pol1~h airline r picked up rhc Brussels passenger~ lhC'rr and flrw lhcn1 lo lhc. Belgian cap1lal. One Amer1\.:in "'a~ rr1ll'ltlC'cl amon,t! 1hr r~.~Sfr-gcrs , hut he \ras not 1dcn1.Lficd. that any American living on Arab soil today is not v.·orking for l~rael or that he v.'ill not hceon1e tomorrow an agent or ~o!dier in the Israeli Arm y'.''' the news agency asked. "The United Slates resorted lo th is new style in order to 11·age undeclared \var by allo11·ing its sons to enlist in thr Israeli armed forces,'' it said. ln action in the ~1ideast, the Arab Sinai Organization said ils commandos caused hea1·y damage and casualties in th e raids on Israeli-held Qantara and on Israeli positions across from Suez City. Jn Qanlara, the guerrillas ~aid , they shelled an Israeli cu stoms and qua r a n t l n e building, 1vound..ing and killing ;i "large number" of Israelis and destroying large amounts of equipment. In the raid across rrom Suez City, on lhe southern end of lhe 102-mile waterway, the comman do s said lhey destroyed an armored car, killing all its o cc upant s, d 1 s r upted communications nc l11 orks and laid mines along major roads. I 0 N. Viet Fisher111en Shi1111ed Ho111e l1y U.S. CL.A \"lET, \"ic!na m t L.Plf -1 tie r n1ted St:ites shipped JO captive North \"ietnamese fishermeo home today in a i:;oodwill gesture ;1in1cd ;it bringi ng the release ol 111ore A1neriean pnsoncrs nf 11 ar from l lanoi. Sa)1ng they \lrrc happy lo he goi ng hon1c., the fishermen bo<irdrd a red and gray JUn k at Uus northern porl and sail- C'tl north to the Comn1unist na· lion, rsrorll'd part of the way IJy t.: S. N:.i\y 1·essel~. .. \\"e have had a plrasan! <'X· prncntc in the south, bul all of our fan11l1rs :ire still in the nort h'' said Le Tien, 45, oldes t in the group. His son, Le :'.'llinh. 15, 11 as the younge~t. 1'he 1·n itcd S tntcs 11·:is hol)('ful that the return \1 ould prompt Hanoi to release 1nore An1f'r1can prisoners. The ro111mu11i.~l regirnc so far has 1·clurnl'd thre e grol1ps of lhre'.:', ra("h afrrr the .11!1l'S h<1d ~h1ppr1t fommunist prisoners nor11i1rd rd. )" 11goslavia L Praised by A stronauts BELGRADE i L"P!) -The Apollo I! astrona\11~ IPI\ Yugo!>la1·1a today f11ll of pr ;11:-,c for the warmth and hosp1t.al ity accorded them d11ring two days 1n the only Communist ('Ot111try thry have visi1cd on their '.!2 ·nat1on \1·orJd tour. 'l'hf'ir Uoe1ng JC!. Prcsalf'nl N1x(l1f~ Air Foret' 0 11(', \Ook 11rr ;1t 3 58 a.m. lor Ankara. ·ru rkl'~·. "\Ye ha\'e seen your children cind v.e like lhenl," l\eil A. Armslrong told a (·rov.·rl of Yugoslav and t.:.S. embass~· officials gathered at Belgrad:: Airport 10 see them off. .. Yi'e have seen you r adults and adrn ire them. \\'e ha\'e ~een your lead{"["! and ·we respect them." he i:;aid. "\\'e brought wlth us the ~piri! of Apol!o."' the first man tn SC'! fool on the n1oon told the ga 1'hering. "But we. are laking far more than that with us:• J\"ecr ro Leader's r"" 1Jo111 c Bo111hcd LOS A~C.ELES /UPI) - The home of \\'alter Bremond. forn1cr chairman of the Black Congres~. \1·as struck by rour firebombs early Sunday, caus- ing about M600 damage and -.r1·er::i l ~mall fires. There 11rrc no inju ries. I! r em on d , 3 6. I o 1 d ;i111 h11rit1f'~ lh<1 l he and his 11 t!r Hcr\h.a, 3.1, v.·crc ,1~lrrp 11l1rn 'lilt firrhomb l.::trn1· tltr'l11gh !heir lx'droo1n \11n· d0\1 •. t:.S. r\a1·y ships picked up !he fishermen in July durin g a I ~ phOlln 111 the South China Sea. They 11 ere in distress in the rough v.·aters. Later the nl!le<i i1nprisoned thein in Da J\ang. The Liuted Slates paid SJ,500 for the junk in v,ohich U1e men chugged northward al011g the coast after first leal'ing Sooth \1ielnarn's in· temat1onal v.·aters. "They seem to be a pretty good bunch of guys. and l hope lhry get hnn1c ok ay.'' said Navv St'aman \Va 1·ne Shi ngJ°Cdecker of flt acon. °<';a .• onf' of the guards assigned to the fishernlen. The U.S. t'-;avy h<i d equipped thr1r J1111k with a radar reflec- lnr ~o 1hr1r moven1cnts could be tracked. Irish '86ed'; CaZ,n Reigns In Belfast REl~FA ST. l\nrther11 Ireland 'l rl f -Protestants j ncJ Horn;1n Catholics laid do11 n lh(•Jr bt•t•r 1n11i;s :ind \1 Capon~ ,1 11d garc 1h1s c1ry one of ii.~ 111•)£1 pe;ireful 11 cckends /or llq1 munth.~. Co11ern11u·n! nff1ci:1ls sa1rl Sundav th(' 1hrrr.-dav h.111 on l:11r-night liquor sa lfs 11·as so effeeti\'C it probably \VOUld bt>cn111e a regular v.·etkend ITif'i1S\1re. "\\'~missed our pints," sai d one lippier, Barry Connolly. "Gut It was "'ortJi it. I'd go \1i1 hout drink any day to know that me house won't go up in ll :i tnes v.·hen I'm not lookJng ." British troopers reported a 1narked relaxation in tension. For the fi rst lime sin~ the August riots, In Catholic and Protestant areas alike, peoplr chatted easily on street cor· ners and sat on v.·alls. Ch ildr en st raddled rnakcshifl s~sav.·s made from di smantled ba rricades and girls felt safe enough to v.·alk home alone after dark. Britain Hit By Strikes LON OON (API -Strike~ in public transport, the coal n11ne:oi and lhe automobile in· cluslry hit Brllain today. Guards on the subways pull· eel a lightning one-day strike 11•hieh tossed i:;everel million C'Qmmuters onto buses and tasis but mostly onto lhe slreets and a highly unac· l.:U"tomrd walk to work. l 'he guards arc demandinR mi leage bonusrs ec1ual to th11t g1l'en th:! motormen. In sym· pa lhy, gua rds on ~ome of tht tr:uns rce<tini;: Londo n from thr coun1rys1de took the da.1· (If/. ----·----- E7" ,.,7 . ,,....... ,,, ..• ,,~ .. .-y c -_, .. , ~ -'"r:;:C r ' --. , r 'l , .~ ...----·-··· '.--.... 'I -Jr-_ ... :;.::.----'- 11' f.Springtime' ensemble-fantasy r;. flowers in bright colors! CIUI, lEG. 43.91, NOW$ 3 8 .,. Greet saving1-even grtcmt when you buy rilt lhl'ff pi•ce ensemb!.I All of sele<ted hardwood comln.Ktion enameled in white or ovocado green. Double drop sid• i:rlb hos rigidity locks, fow position 1priog, and Mefh.. ing roils, Melch in g dresser and chMt '1ove ce nter guided draw&rs. 3-DlAW!R DRESsu, REG •••.••.•. NOW •55 •·DRAWER CH!ST, RIG. 61.98 ..... NOW •52 , Toddletime 0 baby furniture sale! "Kid Stuff" bedroom ensemble Crib, Rog. $ 3 4 41.98, NOW Fanciful fu1nishings fo r the lit!lest me mber of tl>e family. Cr ib, dresser ond che~I -oll in bngh! white \ofilh colorful orange ond yello w decorations. Crib hos full length foot boord, ~ position spring end ..C tffthing roils. Dre~1er lies center guided drawers, cs plo1tic acc&11o ry tray and a vinyl co ve red loom pod on dres1ing table top. Chest ho s cente r guided drawers and more colorful dresser pulls! DRESSER, REG. 60. 98 .......... NOW $51 CHl5T, REG. 57.98 .••......... NOW $48 -·---- GREAT BUYS ON OUR OWN TODDLETIME"CRIB MATTRESSES! '. Fin• qvo1ily 112-coll COfl1trudlor'I for baby's comfort. Cover9d with wol&r-proof, wipe-c:leon vinyl Jn charming colon. Terrific t0Ying1I Nunery-prit1t mattreu: Ng. 17.91 ..•.•• , •••. NOW •14 Brocode-pottemed mattf'9U: rtg. 20.91 .•...• ·NOW '17 AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STOR! i -- Zodiac Vic tim? Girl, 2, Found l(nifed to Death DAit v PltOT D ------ 'Hor1·ihle Deatl1' of 6 Youtl1 s Revec1lct l ltlVERSIOE (t:PI ) -Thrte )'Otltlg sii.tus and their dates ditd ".111 horrible death" by slow drowuiJ1g Utl.s weekend when the.ir auto flipped upaldt down Jn a Wilow canal, tra pplng the doors closed " 1tt·a5 hUrt badly In u~ fall into the canal .. They y.•ere pr o babl y dlaoriented in the dark \\'ith the car upside down aod the water coming in. I thinlr. Ulfy may have tried to Ii\\ 1m down to~'a rd !he top of the. car ' Th<' thrtt youths . .'.!II airrnen :;talloned al nearby !\larch Alr Forl'e Base , picked thl' girls up at theu home late Frida~ 111ghl. Thr~ ,11 .... · 1., ... , l)flUll:l'. gr•ll'l' tllld \lt'H' l•f<, cc1.."<1in~ a1u11g a 1!1rt ru .. .1 parallel lo th(' ca11;i~ 11 ht•n thl' drirer la1lt'lt lo tll'gul1.1tt' ;J Sl!Kht turn. YOURS MONTHLY .•. a S2t5 CHl!C K I LOS <.iATOS (UPI! -A blonde two-year-ol d girl wa s savcigcly st:ibbed tu death in a vineyard Sunday night under e1rt'un1st<inl'C S police s a id 11·crr. sirnililr to 1\\1" unsuh·t'tl kil!lugs ot 1110 ICl'll 11gc g1rl:s lo August. k.illlng and the August kill· the water leaked in, Gunfig ht Victi1n ldentifiecl as Puntlt er •• ••<~ ~~oon c ~·•it+c~•e 11 ~t l d u~d tf 6 .,on1n•. p11nc 1p.I 1ooucet1 ., c ~•c ~i 1 1•! r ou fUlllS 111 lJfl AS 251' £AllM flD• llt ings of Deborah G a y The t'A·o-door hardtop Kdan, fu rlong. 14, and Kathy touod Saturday morning, \\'IS wedgetl so tightly in the be\'el· LOS ANGELES lAP) -20 , of Con1pton, was ratally P<1lrul111:1n Ell 111 UJlc 1\I01:11, Snoozy. 1~-shaped concrete ditch that the Police say a man who died in shot as one of two Negroes 26, wounilt:d 111 tile l1a11J :ind The bodies of the San Jo~ doors could not ~ opened . It a gunfight after two pollcen1en \1•ho fired without warning on shoulllt'r by a shotgun lila,.;t teenagers \rere fou11d in a searchlight were dispatched to "·as in 47 inches of water. ¥.·ere ar.ibushed on a slake-out the uniformed offirers \rat-f ired by the other rn.in , was tn ,:irove of trees near their the scene. "They must have died a hor· ¥.'as actil·e in the Black ching a clrive-in restaur:int sat isfactorv l'on1.ht1011 <it ;1 hoines Aug. 4. They had been Authorities sealed off the rlble death," said Sgt. Fred fro1n an unmarked l'ar. The hos p 11 ;i I . fXl!irc s3ul i.t[lbbcd a lotal of 350 tin,es in area for a thorough search to-Taylor of lht Riverside Police Panthers. second man Oed and was still Patro!mAn Donald ~tandell CO~TA MHA • 1100 HAllOI llVD. Aulhor1l1cs said little Shelly Irene Jloln1b0l•, tl1c daug litl'f flf :i.1r. and Mrs. Larry ~d:•Y~----------~O.~p:artm'..:'.'.~'~nt~.-·~·N~one:::__:::'l_:lh<::_:m:___:O:l~llco:::::.r•:._:•:ru:·d_:W~a:lt~•r_:P~o~P'~'.__:s:•:"g~h:'-__: _______ _:w~n:s~":"h~"~'~'-______ :=:=::=-======-==-====~=-=-==--1he L'hests, sides and barks. .- Jl<)ln1b0t1• 11·as s I ab b c d rcpl·atcdly 111 the he<1 d, f:11:e and throat. Santa Clara Count y She rrll'!I deputies said they were un<1bli: to estriblish an 1111111ed1<1te huk between Shelley's death :ind Jive k11!1ngs allnbutcd lo .1 n1a11 known only as ··zod iac " in the San francisC'o Ba y ari·a 70 n1iles to the north. llo\\·ever , Barton L. Collins, chief of tleteet 1l'es 111 nc<1rhy S;111 Jv)c. s;i1d theic "i~ q:.iue a bil of SHndarily bl'L'.1ecn till.~ -.-( Shelley 11 as reported n1iss· 1ng about dusk Sunday night, and her nude body y.·as found 111 the \•ineyard a short <hstance from her ho1nc. Her h!ood-stalnrd clothes y.· e re located tn another section of tl1 c fll'ld . Depulies said a tall n1an in a ll'hitc T-shirt \1·as seen spri n- t 1ng f rorn the area mon1en ts before the grisly find. A San .Jose l'olicc De pa rt m c n l llchroptcr an d an Air F':)(ce trurk equipped 1\ i!h a -. ,, .-. Police, Psy chiatrists Pool Data on 'Zodiac' SAN FHA NCISCO (tiPI) - Police from fi,·c San Fran· cisco Bay area counties meet tod;iy lo pool 111forznation on a killer \1ho calls h1n1:.c!f •·zodiac,"' has bruJ>ged of fil'C ~layings -and 11·arns there n1;1y be more . 1\uthor1tics sai d p~ychin trists \\'Ou!d p<1rticipate in ;in effort to rind sonle clue 111 the kilil·r in the strange. f'r.1'pt1c no tes he has mailed to 1H:11·~papcrs and police. S;111 Francisco·s hon1icide tlcl<1il 11·:is beefed up during the 11 t'C'kcnd lo handle rnore 111:111 1,0(XI tips phoned in by thr public. ln s pr c tor \V1 llia1n Ar1n:.tr(l111! said the tips ran£· rd frorn the possibility the kil. \ror .. 1111[!h t be 1drnllf~lll1!'' 111th ;i Dick Tracy c111111c ~\l'q1 i:h<:1 r;1ch'r named ··scorp1v" tu • t,>1 rr ~ u1 htr concr 11 .. blc th11:g )ou L'<:in 1)11nk of ,. State Au omey (;en l' r a I 1'hu111as L) nch 1na(!e a pcrson;il plea for the Zo<11ac to ~urrcnder. promising lo :.c~ '"l hnt lie ,i.:el~ help and Lh:1t all or his ri ghts arr protected." r ;illr)ol l'ull<'C (';1pt. \~;HJC f.1rd !)1>:1f'1f':-o tht' ~1l lf'r "\\'ill proo. c to bt: '~ J.:L'!llll~ 11 ho jlot ~fl far nut lie 11 f'nt u1 ('r t\le r clge " \l'nd r h:1" bct'n pursu- ipg [lie e1ph('r-11T1t1ng sl<iycr t-inl r ;1 tr(•n-ngr couple 1\•as fot1 nd ~hot lo d(·;i1 t1 1n «lovers Jane last December. The next t\\'O ''ictims we re youn~ 1\·omen killed in attacks on July 4 near Vall ejo and , Sept. 27 near Lake Berrressa in Napa County. In each ease the male companion of the vie· tim wa s seriously wounded. A massive search for the kille r got under way a week ago after a cab driver ¥."as shot to death in San Francisco. The killer mailed a bloody piece of the victim's shirt to a San Francisco ney.·spaper and 11·a rned that hi s next target n1;iy be a Schoo! bus full of children. He said in a note he might ''Just shoot out the front tires ;ind then pltk off the kiddies as they come bouncing out."' Bird said he believes the kil ler ll1ll5l be or superior in- ll'li1genl'e bf"cau sl' of the com- fJl f':\ rodes used in his cry1>- 1ograph1c lt>tters. rach ~i i::ne<l 11 tth the astrological sign of the zodiac. Ile also doub ts the 1nan holds a steady job. ··r don 't believe a man so d1sturbcQ could hold down a regular. ste <1dy job." Bird said. •·He's too far gone for ti1.1t ,, Zodi:.1c h;is been described <is \vl1iLe , 30 1'1 40 ye;irs old, hea1 r 1n build, 11·ith shnrt bro11·n h;i ir. \\Hncsses to the 1-layin~ of the c<ll> drh·er said lie \\'ore glas~cs and had on a pilr ka·like jacket. nn~~ ... a glorious work of art in sterling by Ree d & Barton 25 % OFF SALE! The firs t time ever •.. Recd & Barton's lu~urious sterling pattern Francis First on Sale at 25'7o off the regular retail price! This is an un1imitc:d offer -yo u sa,•e 25 '/o on · ~i ngle pieces as "'ell as oo complete ~ts. Sa.le ends October 2S. Buy oow while savings last. Take advantage of this saJe to start or add to your sterling SLAVICK'S II FASHION ISL.A.NO rJEWPOl!l ![ACH-644-1 JIO Your Cl'>••U• "'(tOUftl W1ltotM - r ·~• 11.,.,.,.r.e•o ...... ,1 .. c~·,~·· 100 O~~' l'.ooYI••· r •ld•1 untol t _JCI ~ m. (AT THESE PRICES HOW CAN YOU SIT THERE ?] Take 15% off every lighting fixture through Saturday! S light all crystal chandelier ..• R ... $45 NOW 38.25 6 light Mediterranean chandelier ••• le').$39 NOW 33.15 MJrble & ruby Tiffany· type ••• chain hung Reg.$59 NOW 50.15 LIKE IT ... CHARGE IT! Avocado with wood trim pull down fixture Reg.$29 NOW 24.65 S light black tole fixture ..• Rtg.$49 NOW 41.65 48" utility fluorescent light fixture ... Reg. 11 .U NOW 10.10 S light bronze chandelier ..• Reg. $49 NO VI 41.65 8" fluted sphere light fixtu re ... Reg. 7.98 NOW 6.78 S light white globe chain hung fixture Reg. 19.99 NOW 16.99 CANOGA PARK DOWNEY FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD MONTCLAI R NEWPORT BEACH VEN TURA --. -, ~ .. '. . . . -. ·-... ~~..,.. -~-..-------~-......--~ ------.: -~-·~----------~--------------------------------------... lO DAILY PILOT I :m ww.·~~-~ • ' • Fo1· Tl1e • • •• ~ • .. > , Reco1·cl , • ' • ·~~~ ... _":!II • ' Meeti11gs • , M0ND4v' tJ•,.Po<I f•o'n~~ ~"• .,.., IJ,~1 • C ""' ; YMCA, 1.IOO U>l'V"<;•lr lJ rt '•·. • ( ~""'"' ~'"" '·, f'IOIXCOf ~ l ••tHon•<• ; [ ,,,1,,,.~ f'~;• "~ ll~~<O<• t"'l"O- .r tror.•<>· )l01 1;,,,," e1.~. ta~1~ , ii"'• 7.\l nr • tl~"'~''"' o,,,..,,e 1 Odl.! (~'"""" ~ /,',.IOI••< lrl''OI• )''" ~· ~"~ ~t • _.,,.p,,,,, Pl•<• 1,.-,1,,oot 13t~P'. l IO Lr /.,<~< "''" "'""''' flo ,,+.. r·vr·'"· '• '·'·•·~o It ""°' 7~• I G•' Av•t11J•, #" .. rt-•~·~"~·""" ' ~ 0 "' Ol f ·~ ,,.,, ~ t-q11' -"f !1Q'" '> "~" r .t1,,,, """ ''t• ~ ~!•~ ~ !" '" • ~ ""' • TUE~OA't' .. ,C• ·~ ,,.,,, ~~t'''"'~" Ctun c~·•I ~··• ' > I-~-<•r't" (t"o"a ''"' 1.',ir "'"'""'' (lull, Viii• ~~"""' ;,1~ ! (oa,,T H•9"1-~ .. · <"'~"" d•t ,,.,,., ·~ 10 n '" '1-1~"""~1~0 l\PMl1 Ro!"'; Club. rJor t••, ~n,1• \','"~' "'-''"U'rl'''· \~·~· BOI'• (•11• l<Gn(!, Hu.,hn~1u11 ll•dc~. ll 1\ . " • !"'"'"'"'o" l\f~<" ~ '"'"""' C>ul>. I<'~· _, I n·1'u" S•"tlt!I ("unt•v (1~0. X!<)(l Pnl•n Avr , Hu.,nt>ql0>1 Bt~th, ll \S • P 'n , tl""pnrt H••ho• Q1>T·m'"' (lu~. V•"• •' M·lr""'' )O•l ll~v>ille O"v~, t<•·,,p~rl B~.\t"-I' I , nm r ,,,,, 1.1r,.,. K_,,,.,,,,. Clu~. Co<!"""'·" , ~Gt,\ ~r"?,. Counl'v C•ub. Co•I~ "'·''~' Co,o•\a <l••I 1~.1r C.<e11"n9• (h1to. J''"' •,. l"l [ Coo>! H1nhw~V, (wQnd (!Pl IAo" '"'"" ~ +1u""""1"~ fl•,1'" '>mtn ~ror' C 1,iro, "'"'oow•,,,., Coun!r. CluD, I 6 I i I L>ro~om, Hun!ony•<l!1 ll••cto. "~'"'· > , • • , Ri1•tlis ~ 1:• ~nd ~'" II~""'" fl A 1~·r, v'..• o •• ~, .!.• t "IH• '''" ;i, n"v f• ,,,, ~"" 11,. D•vt<I ~<t>O•ll, lo•t l • • ~l '"'"•nqv;•e• l •"'' H v n ! , ~~Ion .., • Be•ch. t>ov ', 'f/,t l>n~ w,,, JMN'' ~'u•l(y, 11,J • ;. -C.•~<11estic~ t an•. N~>'.Po•I er•~h. "• q"I l-#'• ~NI '"" G•ern~ •:•w•n•I~, 7•511 L8Uor• Dr. lt.•o>•~n V•C10, g111 r T rvinc Li hrary ~ 1'111111cl Plauucd > .• , Monday, Octcbtr 20, l%'J Witness Plans Suit Y outlt Clairns Abuse by .SA Polic e S . .\t"TA ANA -One of lll'O prosecution \\Illnesses in tile. rnurder trial of Arthur 01.'ll'i!t League has asked the Santa Ana i.:iry cou n c i l fo r pcr1nission to fl!e a $160.000 t'laim against the cily <ind nien1bcrs of its police depart· n1ent. Hit'k Clyde Tice, 18. allege~ 111 the claim prepared by nt- 11.1rnev Kl.'i!h ro.1011roe that he 11as ·physically abused by p-0lice officers last June 4 in the invcsti~a lion follow ing the sl;11·ing uf ol'fi eer Nelson ::la~~ter. Ti ce :ind his brother, Carl ~tevit' Tier, J:i, are rcgardtd b1 the prosecution ;-1~ kt·y \1'1lnessl's 1n 1he upcon11ng Supcnur Court tri;:i! of Lea~ue. The younger Tice Lcstlfied at a retent prelirnin:iry henr ing 1ha t he was \\'Ith League whrn the accused Black Panther Meet Slated On I-lunger ANA HEl!ll -The problc1n shut down off leer SaSSl'l'f. T\('e alleges th;;t ofritcrs 11. legally Cnlert•tl his hun1e 1111 - 1nt.>diatcly a[\er tl1c s11out1ng <tnd forced l1in1 hi ati.;u r11pa11_v thein to the pollce station. lie. slates in !he complaint that hl· wa s ··abused. 1naulcd and n1a11h~-tJ1dll'tr ' both in his horn e and at lhc s\al10n ;ind that ni · fi ccrs held "Sa\11cd o J I ~ho!guns at his hl'ad. Tice also cl<ii1ns lh;Al 01 • f1eerS :-.tnick hin1 111 tl1\' rnoulh, rcpeat('(]Jy l'hoked l11r n and pulled tu:-; hair 1hrough(lul the questioning. Ht• Sl<HC ... ()1111 11(' \V;1 ~ ··111·11,[ 1nL·uinn1uni c:adu · lor :ii.~ llburs on lhc d:iy lollow1n g th•· :-.hooti ng ;ind lha t hi:;· p;1t'•·11\.., we.rt' ncvl'r advt.<,t·d lh111 ,lit: llatl been tkL;i1ncd by pulu;i' The Tice brotl'ie.rs were twld in pro1ectivc t·u'>tody 1 n Orange County jail iri.1111 ALI£, £ lo Ott. 8 to l'nsurc their co n- lln ucd O'.l ~111lab1ltty as w1\· 11l'sses 1n L eague 's pn'li111 111;11·y llc::inng S;.111l:i /\n :1 1'.1t1n1c1p:tl Cou rt Judge Puul ro.1ast noted during lliat hc;1 ri11g that Ti(oe's arrest \l<lS Hll[JJ'Of>Cr sinl'c tlltTC \Vi!S nu basis or rcason:.iblc cause fur detention or arrest. Judge ilhist found t!i:.I Ticl· had 11ol been physically ahus- t'<L but he cornn1£>nted : "Tht• t·uuit du1·s nut c11ndonc lhl' rai~i11g of 1•oi1·1:s of pohce of- Ju·<•rs or the uJo>e <J[ prof;inity, 111•1Thl'r of which JS 11rupt'r" ll i~ c:-;pcctt:d that tity t oun· 1·d v:ill deny rx·rrni:-.sion to td<· Tiu: t·t11111 , p1"rrn 1~s1on 111:1~ ht:l'Jl!ll' necl'~s<iry lit·1·;1ust' ul Tice\ failure lo file his co1n- pl..Jint \\'ilhin JOO da ys after tl ie 1nc1d£>n1 s: of wh1eh lie 1;fl111- pl;.1111s. r.1onroc :;aid denial \1'11! lnrC'<' blrn to fill" a Suprrior cvurt <tC'1ioo against the ..:ity. UCI Librciry Give1i History of Tustiri • of fuod production versus pco-111VJN E -A collection of pr ovi de a pictorial record of pie produetlon \\'i ll be ex-historical source 1n<1Lerials un Tu sti n and Ol'ange County an1 ined in depth by nationwide earl y Tu slin has bee n dun<ited fro1n !89~ to 1920s. Of :;pecial fluthurities at the California ll'orld Hu 11 g er Conference lo the UC lrvinC' library by signi fil:ance arc ('arly class Thursday nnd Friday al the \\"illiarn r,.1 Hunt ley, :1 pieturcs or ·rustin Gramn1a r Ui~ncy!and Hotel. 1nernbcr of Tu.stin"s fi r~t cil y Schoo! :in d photographs of A1nung the topics under tountil ;ind lhc ci1y's ~ceond Tu stin al the Lurn or the ccn. <liscussion \1'ill be popula1ion 11111yor. lury, ;1ctording to UC 1 dynan1ics. far_nily planning and J\lore lhun 11)0 pl1otng1·;1phs L1br111·ion .John Smilll. lood production . 0 h th .1. 1 d 1 d anr! 200 nt'g;111 1'e'. 111Cl!-l t>l Other !:iourcc 1natcr1;il in tl1 e l er au or11es scic ue 10 appear are Atnbas.~ador ll1e1n 1dcntif1cd :ind datcJ, co J 1 e ct Ion in(· I u ct cs Jan1(•s Riddleberger, PC1pttl3· 111:inuscnpts 311d docu 1nen- tiun Crisi.~ Co n1 n1 it t cc. t:1llun on Colurnhus Tus(ln and \l'asbington. D.C.: Pr(lfe.~SOI" A1·tl11·ili~ rl''::1lk the founding or Tustin, various Paul Ehrlich, ;iuthnr of "The P<ipulalion Bonib": L .v ! c liti:.;iness records <Jnd 1nany Schertz, director Qf Technica l SI ;..1 l c<I rf LI CS( I ,l Y e;1rly pa1nphlcts, brochurt's As~is!ancc for !he lnterna· ;trHI clippings co n c (' r n in g JR\111\'E -A util ities tunnel tlon <il Agricultural D rvl•lop-AN Alf Elill -1·11c Ar 1hn \1S Urnnge County. 1ncludi11g ;1 extension to a new libr:lrv 1nenl Service, and Francis Foundati on of Orange Count y eopy of :in ()range County \1·111g ll'ill be l'Ol\Structcd at U(: Ilumphce.v Howard, chief of director for 1903. '· 1 · b \.\'ill spon~or a n1edical 1-acls w_ r1.1nc y Ro.v (_ Barnett liaison ser11ices for t h C' Huntley was a Tustin cilv •' Con1panv ol. ll11·crsi1le <it a Department of Health and loruni nt 7 :JO J).lll Tue:>day al council m<in from 1927 10 19:;·2 ':. 1 ·o~l or ·833.000. ac('ording 1o Scientific Af f:iirs. II ea J t h, !he Loar:1 1!1gh Sc hoo and was mayor from 1932 Lo ... ('an1pus ArchHrcl C\ilton C. Education and \\'elrare. AuLl1turn11n 11rrt•. 1950. ~ r.1 iller . •-------------------------------------- Barnett 11 :i~ low biddC'r nn ~ !he proJet'I. 11·h1c:h is scheduled for cornplclion early n r x 1 .• year. ,;..-------------! DEATll l\'OTICES ~~~----------0 E CUBELLIS .,,. ol•>!onlne p, Cu~ltts. Jll w. 8r!IO~ -J'I•'•· Coll• M•'•· Cole <if aeal'>, '• ~<•obPf' l!. Su.,,vo(! b• ~""'~n<I, Ad· ... f"lmin<or lou• >Co•, •tll•ur It,. w1111~.,, ,; r.. Ea-... ~·a J OP Cubelll•, ol< er Cc<'• '• M"'"' •n<:l .o rrre<! C De (<1l>elli•. P•n•1, •1 lt1~"r•. lltiO<I• l•I"""· .;~ "'""d<~I< .I "'"' ~~a O'lt "'•~T-a•d'><IC~lld, p~ or :~;;:,,, ~~~~ .. v~:' 10 l"~~b:~1·s~. J:,r;,: •. I'• ll~nll'' Cornot" C ~u·<~ '"'"' •' <r•~•. Jl """';D, Comrie•" B~llt M'•r-:~ iv••v, C:oH~ ""'~ O>••"Q"· .JAHrlETT .. ... I '"'h"""'" ~ J~'<f<! 1'111 ,,,,,,.,., .~ .S• w"''""""" ~u••'•'d "'""'",on •. -i'"~I" J ' OOUQhtor. M'10red E_ l"r,\• ., ~1\1~•, ~,\•· .. Jt>•oOh (~rr .10. m l.lht •, _. I••· i<;•lll•• O•"e" ~'""n'~"1'•" : ","~~~l>O ~:::'.:·P~; Vl~~~('Ji n.:::;~ I~~:: : ~,ont>ov. II AM "' Pee~ F••mlv C:o ' t>n•ol fvno'"I Ht>m~ ;;_ FOELi. .... '"'•Ir' !'~I t l'O • ~'"'10~ •., ,,. '''"" l~~""" ,_,ti\ p,,,, ~· """" -oror"'•' )l ~'"""~~ bv w"•· El•I•, n \~9hlf', 5~-•l!"Y C.••t •· Cl~romon•, .. '·•" ~·~norh"O'"n ~O'•""' will "" .ii ""(! l""'P·W ' 1»11 ~ .. ~.,~· L•QYno Be.>c~ Morh1M f (~•~•I lr,lo•m""' N~ho•• Ahh<'y """''"d t v ~"~"•• ~·~V"~ ll•M" l}n'"""" CllATTEBT()'l° n• I"·"'' l"h•' f >.\tl•rlll~ ''"" 5~ "' 1111 •11ac<•·" li~•nQ•• !\•~•~ ~'" ,. '"' rv 1011• "P""" fl ( • ,, .. , •• ~. ( ,,, ..... ~,~. An•'>Pn• H~l l (,.,.,,.,,,,, P•·IJ<'"'", "''"~"""' ~nw (n '""" ' 1 """"" IC ""' 1u••o•v • ,._._. I',,,"' y,,,. fr.~ue B">I< /,\""'"'" c""'~'' <1r1 't" w"-e('<' ··- AHHL"CKLE & SO'.ll \\'Cslr lil f ;\lnrtuary '127 E. 1 ith S1.. Cus ta i\lc s;i 6Jfo . ..fR88 • B,\LTZ '10HTU:\rl lf.S Cnrona dC'l ~Jar Custa i\le~a • nit :1-91.>o 1\11 li·ZIZ,I DELL BH(lAll\\"A Y l\IOHTU1\llY 110 Broad11ay. Costa ~l .. sa LI 8-343;> • UILOAY BROTllERS lluntin,gtcn Valley l\tortuary 17$11 neacb Hh-d. Jluntin glon lkacb 8~2-iiil • J\TcCOR,llCK 1.AGU;>.."A BEAC H r-.IORTUARY li95 Laguna Canynn Road Laguna Beach !!H-9.tla • PACTF'IC VIEW l\1Ei\10RIAL PAHK Cemclery e i\1oMu<iry Cha pr I 3SOO Paciric View Drhe Ne~·port Beach. California 6·14·2i00 • PEEK FAl\11LY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME ':'801 Bolsa Ave, Weslmlnster 89J·J525 • SllEFFER MORTUARY Laguna Bearb 49-4-1535 San Clemenle 492.0Ull • S:\flTllS' 1\IORTUAr.V fi27 J\tain SI. llunHni,::lon Bcacb ~1U539 ~nne'fJ AUTO CllNT•R Major surgery or just an aspirin? There's no guesswork at Penneys Auto Diagnostic Center. Either there is or there isn't something wrong with your car ... and we'll find out scientifically! MONTCV.IR In less 1han one hour, we put your car 1hrough a sc1ics of sc1- cnt1!1 c 1cs1s (212 ol lhcm, to be c~ci ct ) tha1 pinpoint any e xislin'1 problems-and Wll fn ot potent1<il <ir~cs. Steering. Engtnc, B1af..cs. T{t1roo.m1 ss1on. Elect11cal and cooli ng <i!'d lucl and exh<iu-:;t o.ystcms. Expct l analys 1:s. -0! e~c ryth1r1 g lrom ll~adlights to 1ailp1pe. You w<i!r.h the "~sull ~ come ou\ on :111 ~lcclronu:. !ypew1 11e1. A ::.hilled d1,1gnos\1c1.i n ')oe:. 011e r the 1eport w 1l h you. II you 'N•Sh, he'll gi ve you an eslima1e or any necess:1ry repairs . You'll be able to 1ake c,1 1e o! ::;mall problems nO\\I, be1o re they de- v elop 1n10 big problems 1::os!in9 big money, And, i1 you w1:s.h, Pcnncys will n1ake lhe repa1 rs-qu1ckly, ac- C·uratcly, economically. Repairs thal could pre11ent a needless highway breakdown. If you preler, you can take the r.cpoft anywhere you like, Th• cCKt? Only 9.88 Prcl!y reasonable lar a doctor, 11lcsc days. I I Penneys Auto Diagnostic Center The Scientific Troubleshooters ~ULLERTON HUNTI NGTON BEACH BUENA PARK!IOf'I~~ a \'all-tt \'1•"'1 NEWPOR I BEACH Utt Notes U.S. Carcc1·s T L'STl'.'V -nrp. J .'.ln\r~ U. Science for Minorities at VCI IRVIN8 -Ori(•n!:il ~ludt'n\s Jron1 [)1' I le<i ll'y !iludr1lt ,., 111:i1ur111i: in lht· t:1kc college sclvt1CL' t:lassr s. The ..:ourM', titli·d "l·:dura· l.i1<1log1ei+I sr11•11('l'S, S l' n l o r Ntgro and Mexico11 •A1Htnc:an lluua! f\ft1tivation," was 111• Hogt'r f arel, lro1n N1·~'1XJrt ~tudcnls do nol. A It t t , k th" 1t u1lci.J by ltlc l>ean's Cnut1L·ll, Bt•ach. heacl."1 the cu111nuttce ta n ll cmp o ur ct1 1s . J . pallern and jnlcrest black and ~ r~pn·scnl<it1~·e group_ of_«h~ge ol t 1e c<n1rsc. hrown ethnic 1n 1 nor i y ~·••#•••••••••,....•••••••H+•••••••-+••••••M '· students in studies leading to it ! careers ln stience <ind ! YOUR PROBLEM• ' rncdic:irlC is bt'lng mat.le at UC • • ! • Irvine. : You want to iell some item ! The t·rfurt is being directed ,. tMat you no long•r n•ed but • by 1~atric k L. llealey, assis-: someone else tan use for ! tout professor of bi(llogieal ,._ ! :>c1entcs, who has 20 UC I ! N 0 T 0 V E R $ 5 0 •· stutlenls t;iking blaek and * ? ? ? ? ? ? ! Clu c;iuo high :.chuo J student~ ! .. .. • • • • • t111 l1cld trips. • ! Tl1c l'tJlitg(' s\1 tdent guides : YOUR ANSWER: ! t;.i~c the hi gh sc hoo l • • you n g s I c r !i t o UC J : You call THE DAILY PILOT, ask for ! l:il1<J1':1((1r1l's, t1depools, lhr• : Classified Advertising, and place a • t;1t rn:rustin) ti~J;1y :Jl\IHIU· 1 !1·~1·r1. :ind Or<in gc Count y • ! 11cl'd lhat full 111fOl'lt1al 1v11 nn l\l1•<lil'lll l'1 •n\1T l•1 :,p:_irk 111-! ..,-PILOT • .:::1rccr uppo 1·1un11!l'S 11\ !hr 11·1·t•\l 1n :-1:R'llC'C' <u1d nll'dicine. • .-"' -: {',,Ii. !nf•inn:ition Ag" 11 c· y 'rile 1;u•g1·l students, rtlL'<lS· ! / -~·~/·-'· PENNY ! I L':.IAI, ;\••i·nt.V fnr [11lL'l'IH1-1·d I.iv pt'I'~ll S~IOJl of thl•ir : ce··-·:.r. ' • "' ~r11oul tl!)>\rt<'ls. eornc lro1n + '/ : ¥. ! !101u1 I U1·Vl'lllpn1cnt !1\ll)l 1•r V111111t<ili"l \l:illey J1igh Scl100!: •••• ~-., .. :.r~~ PINCHER • lhr 1Jrpart1JLc111 i•f St:tlc is ;111d ll'u111 S;1Lldlcback and San-*" " --~~, ! ;ivnd:iblc b11 wriling 10 his 1~1,,,','.11:.i l1igh schools in Santa :. '"-,:"'!-ooo, CLASSIFIED AO ::. \\'cbhington O!l icc. ,, Cit said entry in Ftirelgn For the projeel the collrgc ! AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE ! students are receiving course it-.-St·rvict>, ;\ID and US11' is bas· * L·rcd1t for independent study • 3 2 •. :in1inat1011s. <ir;1l cxununations, : LINES TIMES DOLLARS _::: cd u11 j(iint \1tr 1tll'n ex· 2 111cdie;ll <llHI b;1ckg1·otu11I l'X· BOAT BUFFS : ! ;11nl nat ions and il probati(lnory Al mon lot.k~bey ;, t11 e ·c11!v '1 !~. DAINAD LYOUNROCRWEOITD TISRGEOCODT!! ::. 1r;1ining period. lull-!om11 bool1n9 11dito• wor~in9 ... \VriUen r.xaminntions fnr on onv n11w1p•p•• In Oro11g• Foreign SeFVicc and USIA County .. H;, ~"clu1iv11 _co•froqe 1 • 6 4 2 5 6 7 8 • posts will be conducted Dee. fi ?' boo~oDg .. nd yocMt.ng n11w 1 : • :: at San Diego, 1Uverside ant.I. ;~ilo~~·1 Y le•tur• of Iha DAIL'!' 1: {Toll fr .. North Cou111y 540-12201 ! Los An geles, 1 *~*****************•*******************'" 4 POPULAR SIIES AT 1 LOW PRICE! Foremost® Reliant tire with full 4 ply nylon cord! BLACKWALL TUBflESS Size Fed. tax 650-13 •••••••••••.•• 1.79 775-14 •. '.''' •••.•.• 7,20 825·1 4 ••••.•••••..••. 2.36 775·1 5 ••·•·•••••·••• 2.21 YOUR CHOICE! 12.88 pf vs fed. tax and old lirt, Ol<IVE IN ... CHARGE IT! """3n!!f 3pin~ l1113d 011e~r1111t. 11~ou11,re -..;rs cut d~rin1t 11111 firi! ~alf ~I ttol ~· P!'fio~ l'!l!Um ft_ ",fl\ 10Yr ~u.•l•n!ee rc•lrl•t,lW ~ntl Pennqs will ttpl;)re ycur tl!e .,;th 1 """' ltf"I!, ch~cgln& you '>00,, !e'• 10.1n 1~• r.1tie·11 ~•lion~ price rnrlud1ng roor'"l l1Cr1! l••; II your \IFe wean; ollt Gur in& lhl !..l!tond ~alt. }'~J µ~Ii~~~ le~~ lh~n IM tJHC!\l ~Cllln~ Ptlr! Including fl~!r~I l1;"e T11, c;uu ont!e •11;n1t l•ilu~. If ~1c r.niare 1 ~e !ire tjUttn( th• fre,·r•pl1ce'!'r~t pr_tlil'.f, lk're 11 •o c~a11t•: It we rn~IJc• Ult t ue alter the 11ee-reo1a,rmenl perooa, you p~y 50~ or 25% I= 1nan !h• ~urrent ~•llm, Jtr•te ol !ne l•r11 lntludln~ fec'.•r•I U eoce T••· [Gmmelic•! U•8. in;~ ~llir~nlrt 15 •n•d Wht111 pmenrtt tlres 1111 uied on lnickt, Dstd lor bu~iMs!, ot ~ri•e~ O•er J0,000 mll~J in cnr )·oa•. l4er!·s h•• you• 1"~""!•8 ~pin1! tailrJ" wnrk l• 611 ~ •" pulld _______ 12,16 lllOrrtha l "lo" ~uannt~e P••iOd ·----·---21 mont~s '"" ••PlK e•,.•I P•"oo ------·--· 1·11 mon\~1 Complete overhaul for disc brakes ••• Foremost" Custom brake overhaul ••• 79.88* '*Except Corvettes • New front di sc brake shoe pods • New pre· mium lining for reor wheels • New front grease ~eo ls • New brake .springs - rear wheels • Re- build front ca lipers• Rebuild wheel cylinde~ - rear wheels • Resurfa ce rear broke drums, front • Grind linings to match drums -rear wheels • Lubricate ~hoe contacts and self cdiusfers • In· ~pect master cylinder • Repack front wheel bear· ings • Bleed and refill broke system • Adjust parking brake and road test car 32.88* ..-Most Fords, Chevrolets and Americ1n com- pacts. • Install new standard linings, new front grease seals • Rebuild 1:111 wheel cylinders • Resurface broke drums, grind linings to match drums• Re. pock front wheel bearings, in spect master cylin~ der • Bleed and refill brake system • Road test your car • Free brake adjustment for life of linings Volkswagen ind most other American cars 41.88 BUENA PARK (0'~:1i::"Si.:::"'l CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA DOWNEY FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA -. ' ' --~-~--···--~------------------------------------------·----·---·-·--------·----· Reco1i Pla11e (]1aveiled • A new, super-quiet reconnaissance plane cruises over mountains of Northern California during tesl fli~ht. Plane is being deve loped fron1 unpowe red sail plane by Lockheed Corp., sa1ne fi rm tha t de- veloped U-2 and SR-71 spy planes. Ne v; \'0 -31\ is Refugees of Palestine Blame U.S. for Plight BAQAA CAl\1P, J or d an (AP) -The girt in the grub- by, tattered dress was blonde and S years old. She brushed back y,·a}"l-·ard curls front her pal e blue eyes. She y,·as an Arab refugee 'vhose family had fled the ter· ror of war. Her home is a ragged tent or burlap sacks and her cot the stony ground of the Jordanian desert. The family Ii v e s among flies and the filth and lines up daily for a handout of fl our and beans. l-.1rs. Azzizah Abd ul Ruhmn , 40·year-old mother of 1 3 children. said: ''\Ve arc human beings and want lo return to Palestine. It took us l 1 yea rs lo build our home and the Je\VS destroyed it. No1v we Jive in tenls. America is our only hope to return to our country." The common people arc the chic£ victims of any war, 1n any country, and it has bee n no diffr rcnt in the Arab-Israeli wars. Thousands of rerugecs fled thei r homes and now live in squalid camps on the Ea.~t Bank of 1hc .Jord;in River, unemployed and rootless. f\lany ere refugees for the second time, ~aving Oed their origi nal homes in Israel in the Palestine ... :ar or 1948 and theu again in 1967 when Israel too k ()Ver p;irt of Jordan. -- Jn the camps tl1e only chee rful note is provided by the swarms of ch i Id r c n playing among the rocks and reddish bro\l·n dust. Ismail Ibrahim Shihrclch, 37, a former farmer, thinks he has don e his b€st to insure the .survival of his v•lfe and seven children. He has bu ilt 110 underground air raid shelter in front of !1is tent in the teeming Baqaa Camp a fe1\' miles north of Amman. Some of his children go lo the tv.'o tent schools in the camp. The schools oper;ite in !)hifts to accornmodate as many children as possible. •·There arc many stars in the sky. but only on e l'alcstinc,'' is emblazoned in red letters on the .side oi !I lent. Hesentment at the. Unit ed States is widespread. Rcfugl'Cs lhink A1ncric;i, by suppo1t1ng Israel, is the real villain. ,Ju st arter the 1967 \\"J r the rl'.!fugces here moved into 11 :1 rrn lenled ran1ps in lhc ,Jor"dan Jlivcr \'alley. But ch11ly bnrder clashes forecd them to ~h1fl to the high platea u east (if the river. The flim sy lcnts a r c JXIOr sl1clter against tile dust storms aud a I m o s I useless a ga ins t oceasional snow rails. There arr n1orc thnn 400.000 rcfugel'S ;ind d 1 s p J a t: " d person:. in ,Jordan. -( •. Sue Cory "Select Prescription" Wave 12.50 Start a new autumn image with a Roux or Clairol touch up, including shampoo and style 6.88 anietnbv ... w. •p•tiollz• in the tore cf fa1hionwi91. USI YOUR PINNEY CHARO! CARD- NO APPOINTMlNT NICISSAltY P'Ut.l.l•TO!I Orat!M'tlr C111tw .... floor, 171-00 MUMTIM•TON tl~CM NIWJ>O•r 11.t.tN ,..,~lofl ltlt"" tnd 11oor, , ..... u 11 beilljJ tes!ed under contract \Vilh Army, it \Vas re- vealed l<lst \l'Cek. Dl'!signed for close observation at night, it carries t\1·0 n1c11 , is 30 feet long, has 57- foO'I 1ving span and is po\1'ered by 210 horsepo\ver engine 1vith special n1uffl ing d evices. Women Scientists To Dig Under Ice ATHENS, Ga. (UPI) - American women researchers, barred from the Antarcllc scientific statioru for ye ar!, will go digging In the Jee down under for the fir.it lime thll month. Dr. Loill ht. J ones of the University of Georgia Geol ogy Depart.nw:nt wlll lead a four· woman ex~lion to Lake Vanda, which she calls "my lake," in the mldst of a long, bleak valley. Their mission Is to find out 9''hy the lake, whic h Is covered with 12 to 14 feet of Ice, gets saltJer and warmer a! It get.a deeper, eventually reaching a tem perature of 75 degr~s. Dr. Jones and her coworkers, entomologist Kay L. Lindsay; Eileen R. McSaveney, a graduate stu· dent in geology at Ohio State University: and Terry Lee Tic khi\1, an undergraduate at Ohio State. \1·il l work under a National Science F oundalloo grant. Navy regulations In the past have forbidden women to use the sLBlloru set up In the AntarctJc for scientists and, according to Dr. Jones, Im· posed a new rule for her eJ:· pedition. No men will be allowed. "I re.ally don't undentand why myself," •he uld. "But 1'm qulk wlllin& t.o meet thb requ.ittment." Her team was formed at Ohio State's Polar Institute and h1lss Ttckhlll wu added when another member drop- ped off. The 19-year-old ''just "'altztd Into my office one day and filled out an 1ppUc1llon," Dr. Jones said. M 1 result, h1in T!ckhlll will celebrate htr 2:0th blrth· day at the end of November in Antarctica under conditions she has never before ex· perlenced. The four women wil l leave Oct. 25 for the main Amer ican base •t 1.lcMurdo, N e w Zealand. From there, the Navy, which direct.. logistics in the area, wUI shuttle them via helicopter 50 mile3 to their cam~itt. "We're all quite aware of \c:hat il's l!ke and we're prepared," Dr. Jonea said. "Our biggest problem will be the wind. It will always be with us." The lonr narrow valleyr in the region create 1 constant v"1nd, avera,i.n1 15 to 20 miles an hour. Thru Saturday only! RPETI LE! Prices include padding, installation! 'Penval', our Kodel~ polyester pile carpeting is wonderfully versatile in a high-low random sheared textu re •.• avalloble in 7 decorator colors. Reg. 7.99 sq. yd NOW 6. 99 ;~: LIVING ROOM SO SQ. YDS. WILL COVER A 12x18' LIVING ROOM, 12 x 9 ' DINING ROOM, 6 x S' FOYE AND 3 x 30' HALL AND STAIRS DINING ROOM SAVI NOW.,. USI PENNEYS TIME PAYMINTPLAN 'Sh19t11tic1, poly•ter 1h11 pile ••• today'• new• est , •• extra heavy yarns, 2 inch pile height. Colora go wild in 10 sma1"1lng decorator color1. Reg. 9.99 sq. yd. NOW 7 • 99 ;~: For Shop at Home convenience, Phone the store in your local area e W e bring iomple). • Free estimate. CANOGA PA.RK (883·3660) fUllERTON (87 1-'3'3) • Fre• consult ation. e No obliga tion. LAKEWOOD N EW~O•T IUCH (63 .... 7000) (83J.0713) OOWN('t' HUNTINGTON g(ACH MONTC LAIR. YENTUIA (869·'.S-'1) (8 92.7771) (62 J.J81 I or 98.S -721 7) (4'2-7592) DAILY .,,or 11 Carltons Costa Mesa's Finest Men's Store must close its door forever due to the passlnCJ of Mr. Carlton. We must sell all our fine stock of nationally ad· vertised brands in men's cloth· inCJ, sportcoats, slacks, and in fine f u r n 1 sh in CJ s of shirts, sweaters & knits. In order to clear all our obliCJations all our prices have been marked down 300/o to 600/o. Come prepared to buy, this is OranCJe County's biCJCJeSt CJOinCJ out of business sale. SUITS OUR RICO. $100.00 SUITS OUR U6, $49.00 COATS PERM. PRESS SLACKS Vol. $7.00 $5 NAT. ADV. SLACKS v.1. •• 511.00 $12 SUITS OUR RIG. 2 PANTS SUITS OUR Rl6. $5'.0D COATS PERM. PRESS NAT. ADV. SLACKS $650 NAT. ADY. CUSTOM SLACKS $14 OUR REIO , $7'.0D SUITS OUR HG. $150.0D SUITS OUR REG. $'9.00 COATS FLARES & BELLS Val. to $16.00 $8 IMPORTED FABRIC HAND TAILOR Val. to $35.00 $20 . . KNITS e SWEATERS ' SHIRTS e SPORTSHIRTS ALL OUR NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRAN OS REDUCED DRASTICALLY CARLTONS 270 E. 17th ST., HILGREN SQ. COSTA MESA Ol'EN DAILY 10·9 -SAT. 10·6 ~ iiiiil OPNSUDA FOR YOUR CONVINlfNCll lJ •• 5 ,, < ' • -•••• - -' ' • -•• ----··-••• --------------------------·-------------•• -·-••• J% DAILY PILOT Monday. Oc tob~r ~. l %"J --Lat,(' Stiidents Learn h1L···· .. Pollutio1i Co1itrols LOS ANGELES -l 'CLA's ~l·hool of I.aw l1 r1s hern grant· ···@'cl SJ 12.000 by tJ1e Ford Vuun· dation to cs111bl1sh a progn.1rn in urban planning ;111d t n· vironmrntal control Ja11·, The object is lo prn1 ide the nation v>ilh 1:111~ rrs 11 ho w1\l ha\'e legal experience ;111d ikill$ in ~tll'h fields :1~ :11r pollution l'fintrol ;.i11U l:tnd use plann ing. The pn)gr.1111 1nll h\• 1'l't1· lered ~•round ~um 1nf'r ~t11d1•nl 1n!ernsh1ps 11•1!h 1nslltutions ;lll(! .a g\'/l('JC' {'1 >11('l'l'll!'d II l(il 1l1cs1: field~. alu11g 11 1 t ti 1·uurS(•s and Sl'n11nars 10 h(' taken lll'lure and ;1ftcr !li(' 111· \CJ'!l!ohip c:q>t•nence. ''The.• Lo s ,,ng 1•l f·s; n11:iropo!1Lan area is a pr 11111· l:Jboratory for 1h1s pr11grani.'' llC'Cording to the pro~rciin direc·!or. Prnfrssor Dona ld G. 1 !;ign1:in. "Air pollution pre>- bl!'rns arc as Sl'rious J1cre as ;u1ywht're in the nation. and tht' local and ::;tate air JXJllU· \ion rontrol agencies ad- 1111n1 stcr as :-o phisticated and rigorous eontrols .and 1n- rt'n!ivC'S as any agencies in the 1\'0r\d " I le added th;ii Los Angeles ;d:.n is a good pl <ice !o ('enter urban plnnning ac t 1 \' i Ii es b1..·eausl' nf its pnp11lation grow th prl·ssurcs, l t ;!lso has :,uff1('1ent priv<ite and public e:1pit:i l and in clination 10 su~ port trt'nd-st'tlini.: 1!eve!o~ mcnt. and loc<il government is 1:neouragcd by state law to in- nu1 al l' a 1 aricl v of control techn.iqucs on de\ elopmcnt. OP1'0ME1'RIST ' J. P. Connole O.D. e EYES EXAMINED e CONTACT LENSES e PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED e 'BROADWAY CHARGE AVAILABL.E OFFICES Jn The BROADWAY, FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENTER, NEWPORT BEACH 644-1212 EXT. 301 • We bring sCffftples • No obl igotica • Free estimote • Free consultatio"I • ,J lt'en1·y Me1·cenn1•y /\ T\like 1:orcc Can1bodian incrccnary looks bedrag- gled as he s!un1ps in the slcrn of a l l.S. Navy "aloha" bon t follo\ving a recent patrol through the ~\l't:ln1 py f)lnin of Reeds region near Moc l·loa, South Vietnan1 . J\'like 1:·orces. 1neaning "J\1obil c Strike' forces. are. the Vielnamese equivalent of U.S .. 4..rm y's Green Beret,.;. Shop at home! Call collect (714) 523-6511 SAVE up to 50" CUSTOM DRAPERIES AND SLIPCOVERS MAKE THE OLD LOOK NEW AND BRIGHT Let yoor room come lo life! Look oheod to the holidays! All you do is phone our decorator comuf. tent to help you pion fashion treatments in custom draperies and sli pcovers right in your own home! We've reduced prices on a tremendous coUedion of drapery and slipcover fabrics for·a limited time. Choose from slub weave textures, cmual casements, sheers, fiberglo$S and many mOT'e fabrics f or cus- tom drapes made to your order! Beautiful cotton and linen print fabrics to select your custom slif> covers from! Regular low Penney prices on our finest fabrication. Hvrry ... ~rnited quantities on some fabrics! Handsome bross finish decorator traverse rock do for a room what accessories do for your clothes ..• provide the perfect finishing touch for PJStom draperies mode to yoor order. Decorate now , .. use Penn eys Ti me Payment Plan I ' i•! t . ' "< j fj:< l I 1 ~ , I > i• " •I '. ' j ' l . I 1~il 1! I · 1 \' '~-I ' /• I //ii /'. .I I ' I I Hoover Eying Retirement? FBI Chief 75 Jan. I Edgar J-IOOver n1a y be getting ready to end his 4~-year career as liead of the r~ur wh en he turns 75 next Jan. I. The FBI has repeatedly denied that J-loover "has any plans for rclirenienl." Presi- dent Nixon and Attorn!'y General John N. Mitch!'Jl have the highl'sl regard for hirn and there is currently no great public cry for his rcplaccn1ent. But it might be that Hoover w<1s waiting for rnen llke Nix- on and Mitchell to assume po1ver before he would step asidl'. confident lhcy would noininnte -in his view -a highly qtialifled successor. Hoover has not been so in tune with an atln1inislr:JLion si n<.:e IJwlght n. Eisenhowt:r cndt'd l1is presidency in 1960. Jle will be fi1·c yc:.irs p;ist the 1na nda tory rcli ren1cnl age on his next blrlhday and to serv e in any yc<1rs longer n1i gh! in- ject hini into another Dc111oc ratic administration. 1'he almfls! const:int flo1v ;\f runlO!'S <.ibuu'. ll uovcr. now sl·1·1 111g 1111dl'r his eighth prrsi- tl(·11!, were fanned anew 11•!tl1 lllC iHlnOU!)CC'!lll'nt (hill (;('11. L~·w ls B. 1-!l'r.shev, 76. 1vould be relieved of his duties as hc;u.I of the Selecti ve Service. Evrn tho11gh the sin1ilorny betwC'cn the tw o nu•n and the two Jobs end s \ri1 h their nge :ind tenure, th e !irst qul'Slion 1nanv observers :iskec! 11 as: "\V ifi Hoover be ncx r!" ll ershry \Vas incrensingl,v unpopular as 1hc ;lr:1ft ct1Je f ;ind he h;1tl hecon1c <i rallying i;y mbol for antiw;ir g1·oups. l!(101'1·r, on lhl' uther hand, is a sl1111ing c.x:in1p!e of the tough l:1w enforee n1l'nt linage l\ixon prorn1sc<l the voters. I~ven his most severe critits \\'Ould concede 1!Jat Hoover has forged the rnusl high ly respected t orps of elite police ;1gc n1s In Lhe world. If anything, hr is 1110.~t t;ritlei1,ed for being too :-uc- ccssful. "l!e's loo big 10 h;in- dlc," con1pl;iincd Altornc•1• Gl'ncral J, Howard r--I r:G rath lluring tlir Tr u 1n a n :id · ministration. Sen. Hobl'rl F. Kcnnrily fo11ghl publi1·ly OV('f \I'll'!.' !;1p- pi11~ 1\ilh lloo ve1· ll'IH·n ltc srrl'l'rl hi.~ brother as ;J1\flrnry i.:encral. lJut Prl'Sldt•nt John Y. Kennedy J.iept Hoover on. His J)e111oera!ic successor. Lyndon B. Johnson. signed an executive order &iving Hoover a lifetime lease so he could continue 1vorking past thl'I governinent's m a n d a to r y reL1re1ncnt ag e. R c I at i ons between J ohnson 's alloml'y general, Ramsey ClarJ.i, and lloover were rar less cordial. \Vhen Nixon . J.lilthcl! and \l.1hite House General Councll John Erlithman recently at- tended a stag dinner al Hoover·s house, r ll 1n o r sl sprang up again that the1 purpose was lo dlsc uss hJ sl1 r etiren1ent. Nixon, him self, de:n-ied it, 'The idt'a has since been pul furlh that this was 1hc first! Prei;ident ;1ncJ first n\Lorney general th at Jl(JO\'l'f would want to invite. hon1c to lluppcr. l\1itche!l ;ind Hoover talk frequently by telephone from !hrir rrspt'ctil'C ufficl'S on the fift h Hoor of th e .Justice f )t1partr11ent hul :>c ldom rnC'ct . l\lit t!1cll 1:-. k11'111•n to view J luuvi:r 11'1th the h lg II cs ti regard. A leg('nd in his O\\'n tin1t·. lloo1·er is ho1h feared <lnd • re1·crcr!. A lifelong bachelor.I lhf' FBl ]1(ls been hi s life si nce l\·l:1 _v 10. 192~. v•ht'n !'resident\ Calvin Coolidge·s at torn f' yl g1·n~·r;d, I !arl:111d Fiske Stone, ~1skt'd hin1 tn tak e over the :-e<l nd al ridden Burcilu of lnvcsligatlon. lie transfo rmcrl it inl:i the FBI. <t crac k police operation 11•hic:h has protected the nation ag~iinst foreign spies and saboteurs and the dom cslicl threat of organized crin1e. In the process, th!' FBI h;is1 <1ccumu!atcd almost 1 9 0 million :,ets or fini::erpr ints andi thousands of files on in-1 1li\'idual:;. ll is this cnormo11si store nr i;iformal1on 1hat makes tile job of "k<'eper" so1 i1nportnnt. Some consider it one of the most J1npo r!;i11t JObs in \\'ast11 11gto11 or ;:it least on e of tilt' n1osl srnsit1ve. In til e h:1nd s nf :in yoncl withou t. tlH' llighcs1 intcgr1 !y. IL C'Ollld prove a dCl'<lSl<itingl ll'e<1 po11. I l\11:. I !001·cr t:Ol1ld retire 11'1\h h1gl1 hnnor :i s :i n1:in w!10 h.1 s de1!1c.1 terl l11s life to publi c :-.r r1·1ce. At. this rv1n!. :ip· pnrcntly 1>nly he knows if thel IJ111e has eo1 nc to step aside.:__ I SEE THE STARS t,! the 1!~11 41u id1 you. Svd~ey Om~n. one 1Jf th1 w oild'1 1.1re- "'~'I 4•1tolo9e". w1i!t1 I~• da:ly hti<O•cope column fe4lur•d in th t DAil '( PILOT. ' -----· NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS AND PROSPECTIVE CUSTOMERS OF CERTAIN SUPERMARKETS On M .. v ?I. 1~9, Lv»e11 coroy !1le<1 .. leg~I •<t•Qn In •ne u~.ie<i ~''"' Oiilf•(I Coult IQe lhe Central 0"1"<1 Cl (dl<!Orn•~ 19<+'<»1 '°"""'n IVI"'" m~r•~I <h~•n• ane Oth•" ( !•l~cre.111, Inc., W•lli1m TO•m•v. Souihtrn C•u- twn•~ Geix;•'> A'>O(•ll1~n, Lee A. AuH, Ill, A1eiondef'> M•tk•"· lflc , AIPh• 8eto Aomv M·>r•el>. Inc , lhrd11mo<1, In<, l!10 Gttat Allonllc &. P•<•I« Toa Com1><1ny, lldlll"> Groc:erv Co, FOOCI f dlf Mar., ea. l<lt,, E F, MocDorlokt 51'0PP•n\I 6011 F-Slore,, '"', \Ion> G' a< er~ Co., H119he• M•rke1•, Int . s~.,,.,.v ~tore•, Int .. Sl•Oi.\ ll•<int Mor'""· Inc .. 8 e1. lee FDO<I>. Inc., Ardon·M•Y1•", Inc, O(>.o Moyto.r Mo•i<e" ••Id The Bov'a Martel, Inc f all~ol\g mo! me <1e1en<1anl• wero '" '""""on o! cerlalo a n1,. fruit l•w• due w cer1aln ••P«l> 01 1he "W~•com• c,,.,.,., cn.,.•-c••hlng prlJ'l••rn wnlcn hoo re.;e1111y O"'n tomrnencod Oy •ome 01 •••d oolendon,.. Cn June 1, 1 ~6,, J.i<lllh 51ull an~ H W. Mil><ll~P, nm ~«nQ awor~ ol Jne penQency or H>e "<11on <1e1crobeil al:>Ove, !•lo<! a lt'O•I •ChOfl m 1ne Uno •ed St.,OS Ol>t"CI Coutl IOr !he ~O<J!llcen O"u"I of C·1ldorn•• ~gain>t ce1lorn ><JPetmarkot <l•d ln•. [Ale••"Oe<"• Md•~•"· A1pn4 !let<+ Acm~ M•r- k•I>, In<:,. ll•ll~r Fooo .. In<, The 11•9 Ap~le !>•ote,, I"<, Tne Bov'• M•e-~el, Inc., Crdw!or<I !>lor.,.., 111c,, Fooo Fair !>tore;, inc . Jonn•on'• M"'""''• Inc,, Hugh .. M•r~•I<. Inc. A•Pen·M~y·~·· l"t. Ob• Mav••it Mdrk•I>. Mk h•el'> M•r~el>, l"c., The P<>11l•'V FOO<! Ma•~e!>. Inc .. k ••Ph> Grpcuy Cornp,,ny, Sa!•w•y S1or••· Inc., E. F_ MocDonOld ~happ.ng ll~U FD<ci SIOco>. Inc, Th<i,,1mar1, fn< .. \Ions C'o••fy Co., Suprem• i'Ol>(I" Inc .I aood T•le<redi!, lr.c .. which i.1o,~wi.e d"<'~•-d il••1 me Oelenda•H• w"~ on Yi<ll•lio" ol <etM•ll anlllru" l•w• Ootau•e at <erlil•n ••Po:CI> 01 lhe "Wtl- tome C'1"'1'~" 'h"'l'k·t••h•ng P'll'l'""'· On J~ly 3tl. 1969, plJin!ilf> an<l d•lrn<l•n•> In "·• ~oulhotn O<;ttI~I '"'~ con'"""'" 10 '" lr<+n•ler 10 1ne uno!ed ~l•IC• O"'"'' Court 1or me c~"""' O"!rlct 01 Cdl.torm~. tn •~e lotfer Courl, on Augu>I !, 1109, m• r"a ca1ei; were or<lered c0<11al•<lo!ed. lhe ccn•olkt~led ao!lon• P•.>rPor1 10 ~ <l•s. artlcn> bnl\/{lhl en beh•lf QI piomlll!I <u>d .i1 Olh~r <u"c"'"" Qr l>'ll'l>"'-"•e cu<lllfnt"• OI ou~<­ mo1Wel> lo<•led ;n lh~ ~io•e ot Cat•lo,ni• .. ,1io h••~ p/l•d or hove Ileen foe"' wi!h tho "'""Peel at t>e"\0 ~•ked to l\BV • tee ct len ~ent' !C Cllh ~ che<I( tor • •~m g•eoter m.n 1111' amourd Of lneor pur<h~•e pur>uanr !O (Qntr,(11 be1wetn Telo«edil ;.nd Inc >t1~rmor1<ot aeiendanl>. l h~ d«leno~nl;, wn•le nrnv1"q •n~t mcv h"•~ in any w .. v '"c'"'ed hny 1,,11, Hl(iu~·n9 1'>~ •"h·lru.,r 1.,..,,, m.,ce ~" QllCe •n ••lllem•nl o• oil ""'"" m.•dc '" oom of tl•e a(l«>n> '-"«lt>ed .. OO•c lne 011"' w .. s <n•P• ; .. 11~M cr •he !o(t mat me Welco<>ie C•<-1'.•. ccn<r.>'•On •g<"1'rnen" ""·''- \nq ~e•wron T•tecreU•I d"d lhe o•net "'"""~""" ~• m !he d•lt; wn;n '"' !>l'nd"'Q d<''"'" w~re :Qmonenc<.'<I I>~•• oll Oeen !<rmtndled or •<·P<•<ed oy amtnaru dQ<e•menl>. Ohe proP<l>l'd '"'!l•menl U•"'"'"Oi~I•• me "' ·v or .o ton,~nl n•tr"' r«1u1c.ng tnoi dny new con1.-co bet,.eCn Tel"'' d1t ~n<I dny ~ou1h .. ~ Cah<orn••> 'upermJt~ot ch""' ""'""Q 1or !h• ,,., .. ~ •• _• 01 " cnaroe 10 ff>t cnrd'·.-cd,nmg cu>lomer Uo ifld<.,duMI• n"VO'••"O o, ""~" l cl•CrO<ltl .tnd ouc>l '"pcronMl<CI ch.l<O wflhoy1 re,.,ente 10 '""on o, a•.; o•he• ouoe<- m~r~el cl•<+"\, 1n11 no ouch conle,1(1 oe can<M•Onod uaon dC<CPlanc; ol I"• 'drno ar " ;omi<ur <O•Hrac> l>V M•V olho• '"""'"'"''" ch .. .n, ""~ th"! ""V ~<Kh conlfoet con'""' d P'O•.,•Cn pe,m.tl.r•g ~tine, P~"t •o l~rm•nUI• inc same u;xm ""'"'V 190) u .. ,,, r<o,.t e. Add•!>Qno11y, tn~ proao'a! 1etl'ement prQ.,d•~ lh•t In the e•e~t tha! lolo«edll Pn•e" On!O d con•r•CI !o P'OV•d• an e"'I"""" <he<W•td•h ,n~ •••••t• in ""V S.O ulh"'" Cdl"Ornl" oupe"""""' whe'•~v Tel•uw;1 imao'"" mo•e 1han ~ !<V•·<~n! ·(hd r~e on lne rhr<k ·<•>h•n~ cv>lomo<. Ttletredjf would u .. <1et1a>.e tu' • oeti<><J ot lhree v""'" """' !ho >tl11N"'cn• •o P~V anntJ~llV oul o! currenl ope._linq prOld> •rom >urn '"''"" lo <'~<'• ~ou1nern (d lilorni~ W•ltome (hC(O ('1•<1 noloor !to~ <um of llHe<n cen1> per ve~r in lhC lofm of tOuPOn• r .,.Jcomo~le •or m•"h•ndi'e or olllerw;,e. ru""""' lo 1ne prupo,e:I ><t!I•"'""' ~ con>cnt 1uoumenl omp1emen11n11 1ne h'rm• of >entemenl would oe ~n1e1«1. ~on(~ !he PfOJ'lO>"l ludomonl would coel••" ~ Crl~rm.nol<on ~V lhe Co url 10' purp<J>e• 01 the onicv c• ou<lgrnent PY '""'~"' '"" <l>e <on>oll· <l~ted •cl<On• ~re prooef tlo>> a<l<t>n\ 0'1 brholf ut •h~ ·•llOvc<1e"''Ocd tin,., lhe Coyrt on Oc1obet 1J, 1969 or!!Cn'<I '""' th., no,,re ~ oub••>h<.'<I ~o 111 .. 1 all per>On' am"~"•~ ne'"''Y "~'"' •n onooe1u11dy •o fPQu~•t ~ .. <lu"o"' ''om !he ciao;, 001ec1 to lhc prOFJO•C<I ••111en1l'M. or be >•Pd••lely rop•e>enll'<l. NOW, THEREFORE, lAO:C •1011cr· l 11 '"" A•e & f,10mh<'' ol t"" """ 60\t""~~ .. ~ovc. ,~, Covn '"II ••elude you l•n•Of~r "' <ldMag"'· bu• no• iniyncrivB 0' ~~Cl~·~•o•v rolt~•. ~•c «>ncetr>edl !tom the cl•" '"o'~'e"l!Kt ~V nl'''"'"'-'' vou •eOU">i ~•­ clo••on m w"!1nQ ~IJ<:l••"e.l 10 rno un~et,;Qn•d ~ed """"'"''"'<! no! 1,11~·· tnofl Novem~e< 11, 1"'0? I! you e••" to Ue i:•c·"nf'd \'Ou "'"' b• !I"~ ta rivr1u~ Qn yo"' own O•~~lf ~nv c l~1m you n't.l y n,\v~ •oe '"'•cl olnc, '""" in1unci.ve or declordtory •el•e!. ? I! YOU IJO nQI , ... nu~" ''""''"' lrQm tnt c'1'\ t.~ N"'•'T'be• H, 1?~9, you ..-,11 Qe '"clyQed otl 'U'h o•r• ~nd ~n;· l<'ri~"1rrl "'"'""'' fd\O'- AQlo or ""'· ln•lo1,nq ""V '""q'"""I ~pp•o»n~ ''"Y ,,.,,roment 01 '"1~ aclion, w"I l>o 01nom~ upOn v~v. ~ 1! )'OU <lo nnl •en,.e;! "'clu••"" lrQn\ '"~ do" l>u! ~·~••• tn ~~ "· D'"'""'e<! b1' YOll ' own 'Oun•"I """''' !""" b; (OU"<•I •o• o1dlnh+", vnu "'"Y ~nlor •n •PPeardnre !~<oug~ you• coun•~I nu• no• 1,ioe 1"ao Nov. ~'liOer 11, 1909. •II~~" do""' <"OU""' ""IV''"" i'""' '""•I."' 1>u1 """"lo ani"'' lO th~ ~tOW-'1•'1 ''"le>'""'· vou '"" t ~llP"" o~ Novm"Tttnr )~. 116~. M 10 00 A I.I . ·~ "'" tQ._,, it.~nm n1 +:>~ ..tnn'"•·'"~ 101;0 v; ("''"• lu~tl~ ol th~ Un.t"" ~'"'"' D•""(t Cou" fCJ' '"" l•nl<~I 0'""" o< C•"'orn,~. u'"'"" Si••r· ~Uu•l~n._,1,, ~Q• AnQ"'" c~· •arn1>, lo <k~w f·lU<e why ·~· ~rooo~t<I '"'''~"""n·1 1nould ~OI no ~nnrovl'd bv mo Cou>t and • IUd~mcM enlettO a(cOrdtr·~ly. EDWARD F. DREW (le•~ o! m• Uni1"'1 S1~1e, 0"''"! Cov•• _.~, . .,., Bl, U"•"-il S•>'•• r~uronou>• Lo~ AngNc,, C•"'o'"'" 1'(;011 This girl can type 90 words a minute. And can't get a iob. She~ weok on her second long11oge. English. h s o weakness 1hat con close o lot ol doors i o a lot of lv\ex•con Americons in Sou thern Coldorn•o But 1! snot 1mposs1ble 10 overcome, The slate's I Eo5t Los A11geles Service Cenler •S 1nork1ng on the problem. They asked us tu help. And we asked our employees Sorrow, uolun!eers from the Gos Company ore teaching a Service Cen!er-sponsored course in English. Giving their time ond obolit1es, The program hos gone beyond English classes. It now includes spec 1ol 1utor1ng for people w11h speciol problems (like !he 18·yeor·old w hr.i "('ver learned to read or wrile). Anrl o st\1rlv group to t1elp job- hur:ters poss the•r pr e·en1plciynienT tests. And on thu-1ob >erretoriol 1roin111q lor the q 11 I;. '.vho work 01 tho:? Cen ter ' ' ,,,A. O:#l.~·· .. · "/ ... ' . <. - ..... ,_~ 8 -· • ···~· ..... ' ... The Service (E'n1er then helps people who hove completed these cour ~es to find 1obs. II s the ki nd ol proqron1 that helps people who ore wdlrng to wod1 ho1d ta help then1~Pl\lo~ And, no n'1s t~ke. 11 •5 hord \vork. B,11 the Service Center studen1s oren t cornplo1 n1ng They hove o gooL (They woni their rightful place os con tributing mcmbcus o! our comn,u111ty ) We're proud of the work Gos Compor'y people do oT lhe (en!er, And. !he way we figure 11. the whole community benefits. louJrern (ll\/nl0s G.1 (ompony ~· ~ ........ ,' ._ 6 9Q§ We're investing in tomorrow. .... _f [ [ .... -~ ~ -~-----------·----·-----------·---.. ----- l11tre11id Wi1111er of First Race Jtoy Cundiff's Int repid II fron1 Long Beat:h Yacht Clul1 was the winn't>r Sunday ol tile Jluntington Harbour !lace, the first fe11ture in Los Angeles Yacht Club's Harbor Series The other two races nf the series are the S;ii! Easl r1:1ce on Oct. 26 and the La P11l Tune-up race Nuv. 2. Saturday's race :-.tarted 111 lighl ""'i11ds wh1ct· filled 1n to a 20 knot l\'CS!crly before the lfay was 01cr, provicllng a r111l- tl own beat li<.u.:k lo the 11111:-.h hnc fro111 the !lunt1ng\(J11 ll<lrbour ;11·1-;1. Ttie final rcsulis: OVERALL -Intrepid 11: (2 l Conquest, Guy Doran, LA YC; (2) Sandpiper, Uran Brown, SBYC: t~I Octa11n. Steve Barnard, NIJYC': 1.)1 ll ol1day Too, l\l'll Cr11;111. LA YC'. CLASS A -(1\ Sandpiper; r21 Ne11•sboy, Jack Ba ill i::, LAYC: fJ) Concerto. John /lall, NHYC; i·l) Jubilation, llarry Slewarr1 , LAYC; 15) \\'est1\·ard, \Villard B c I l, L!\ YC. CLASS B -( l \ Conqut>s\; f2) Octavia: (3! Holiday Too ; (~) F!an1boyant, 13 a r n c y Fla1n, LAYC; /SJ E.~cudcro II , flichard Valdes. LBYC. Ci...ASS C -t I l Intrepid 1 I; 12) \Vhimsey II , Hugh Rogt>rs. LAYC; 131 Sundo\\·ner. Ed Sundberg, CYC; 141 Solitaire, 1\ob Young, LAYC; 15) Pericus, Bill \\'right, LA YC. Long Beach Sail Sho"' Takes Shape The mosl complete cx - l1ibition of sciilboals a n d :;ailboal accessories a 11 d hard\vare has t;i ken shape for the new Sailboat Sho1v to be lie-Id at the Long Beach Arena starting next Friday and con· t1nuing throu~h No\'. 2, ac· cord ing to Bob \\loodll'a rd, general m11nager. Sho11· hours .,.,.ill be fro1n 2·11 p.m. on \\'eekdays. 12 noon to 1 ! p.m. Saturdays and 12 noon to 7 p.n1. Sundays. Adn1ission price for the Sou l he r n Cali fornia J\l arine Assoc1atin11· :;p<>nsored e1·cnt "'ill be Sl ~ for adults, 75 ce nts for t luldrcn. w i t h ;-ou ngsters unr\e r 8 od1nit1ed frcr The Sailboat sho11· is the firsl assoc1a1ion-~ponsorrr1 ;ill sailboa~ ~ho\\I tn be held in the COMFORT UNDER SAIL -Isla nder Yacht s is featuring plenty of creature con1 fo r ts 011 its nc11· J:;londcr-37 1no1or~~1ilc r 11h1th 11111 l;c un1·l'1 ll·c! ;il Lhe J~o ng Dcach ~uil!Jo..it S!Jo1r next l·"r1day. lsla1ider lntrod11cirig· ll1otorsctiler at S lt(J11; lsliindcr ''aclns \rill in- trodu ce a nc1v 1notorsailcr ;;1 the Long Bea ch Sailboa t Shu1v which starts next Fridav . Designated the lslaiider-36 l\lotorsailer, it is a fi bC'rglas.~ 37-foot sloop \\'Lth mahogany paneled interio r. spacious <ic· commoclat ions and excellent salting characteristics. The motorsailcr has a Hl foot lO inch beam. a draft of 5 feet 11 inches. and a warerlinC' length of 29 feet 2 inches. It di splaces 14.900 pounds and 1.:arries 520 square feet of sail in the working rig . Powered by a SO·horsep<H1rr Prrkins 4-107 diesl'!. she can crui se up lo 525 n1i!es under pov.·cr. !'or 1l1c na1•1gator there is a large t•harl table, ll'ith an1ple t'hart ~tor;ie;c. space built in The area 1;; well lighted and !here is adrquatc roon1 for placcn1ent of navigation in- s!rurnents. Accommn<tH1ons for ~ i x persons tn lhree doubt:-bert hs <•re pro\'Jd<·il, as 1\ell as :i large d1nrtlt' that scats six person~ in t.'u1t1forl. St:indnrd 1 n le r l 11 r ap- po1n t mc11t ~ 11icludc hot ;i nU cold pressur'i• \\'atcr. shower. c11n1plctc ga lley wah three· h11rner ~tn1 t' and o v c n , t·arp et1ng :ind color coordinat- ed cushion~ "'The 1notursa1ler is one ol 1he n1ost con1forlnblc ho;"tts aflo;"JL tnrla\'," said f\1arion l!ilwk. lsl.indl'r g c n c r a II n1a nagcr. Sailors Eye "1 catl1e1· • As Gold Ct1p Nears lt"s Fall Gold Cup !in)c nga1n ;"tl ;\e\\·port l!;irbor Yacht Club. usuall:v-an 111- 1·1ta tio11 for the \1·eathcr to "'' 011 a ramp;1gc. The inv1\at ion;"Jl regatta 1·.1ll be sailed next Salurrlay a:1r1 Sunday over inside and out~i dc cou rses. T11·cnty-~cven classes uf sailboats h;ivc hccn invi rcd In ro1npc1r Ill 1l1c culn1ful r;i!J n·~.11\;• Jn pas! yc:11., !Ile (~nld ( llf'l ll egi:ltta ha s lil'rn a SL!inul for the 11eatl1cr 111,111 to prnvidc e1·cr;. thing f r (J Ill \'. !.1';Ll111g Santa !\nas to dead culn1o.;. \\'est. It 11·ill serl'e ! o ::::::::::::::::::::::::: Fn·c ri'lces will be held on i11sidr cuu1·~·t'S ~tart ini,: frn•11 1t1c 1noori11g b;1s1n off NHY C ·rhrec r;1ccs 1vill he Sil.ilcU 011 1 Salurd11y ~l;irt1ng fl ! 11 :::f)I a 111, rind 111·1) on Sund<1y. st;irting at l2 :JO p.m. Inside cla.~ses on 1 11~ roster arc /'llrt- r ·1 JI. Lrhin:11112, L1do-l1L<\. I. dn I Hi. I 1do-l I Jr Cnl11n1 ~howcase the 19/[} line s uf ~ail boa1s. The sho1v ha s allracted a 1 ren1endous roster of lcadlng compantcs. 1ncuding Bristol, { 'n1umbia, Coronado, Erir.~nn. Tslanrler. l\c1 1c11 b11rg. Jcn .... cn. f l'U;i~. \\'. Ll . :;;chock. Chot·y Lee. 1\qua C;it , Ca talina. il~I S, Llndst'y l'last1cs. l\oralle. l\l11cGrcgor. Nc11·rort Boals, Sidney. So11th Coast ~·ibergl:lss and T r 1 n1 ii r ;i n dc~1gn~ /\ddil l()llJlll\' !)l('!'f' II Ill h1• ii ];il'J.lf' tli.'pl;1\' (II Ill :1 !' l 11 f' hi1rd11:1re Thi' boat~ 11 ill he n11ly ope ph;i~(· nf the rl'r11! h111 I\ htl\' 1\, l\1 11~ !~ S11011 h11 d. ~"hul A ~ .. 1,ot II. Sahol (',.inti Fhpprr. Enjoy !he Luxur)· of Soft \\'atcr "·ith an I Sears I Automatic Water Softc11cr Save Mo1ie r 011 IJ rkrgcnls and Clothing :===-~ Less Work J with Soft \Valer ... Eliminates Bath Tub Ring,, Kee1is Things Cleaner without Effort. Free Estimalrs on Complete lnstallalio11 Sears Auj omatic Takes the Work Out or &tftening Water r 1r<• llft•'' l ~• .. d• lllorl'ro "'' (,I~•••• ,.,.., 1 , .. ,n Mft ~ f"l•on .~1tr• ln•liill•: J'h""" r .. r FKt,t; t ... 1Lnu11 .. ,: Ask about Sears Convenient Credi t Plans! !Sears ) , So. Coast Plaza, 3333 Bri stol St. Phone :; 10-3333 Dingl1i cs Strrviv c Big Wi11d ~ Dinghy ~a1lori; ilt Ne1\'f)ort ll;;rbor Y;ic:t11 Club sur1111'd srrong \\ 1nds S;1t\lrtl:iy ;1n([ Sunday In thl' Schock and l3!l· g1.1r! I rophy races for tile Ll'h· 111<111 -12 and l\1Lc classes. Tt'rt~' (;Joe:::~ of Nll YC 11 un 1ht> Scl111ck trophy 111 " grtal l'on1e fron1 bt•hi11d pe1·for111 - ;iner Sund<i ~'· \\'Inning the 11- nal !lil'l'C ra ces In Satu rcJ ;1v's rat·es ht• ~·as as f:1r back· a'i Jllnth in !he flc•t•t. lu lhl' !111;11 r a C' c f .luc;.:t• llO~t'(I 1111\ (;~·nrj.!1' T1\1~t 111111 h;ul hr1•n 1 ,•:u.h111~ 1l1c St'l'il'' f1·0111 tht• ~I.If( T11 ·~I pl:t<'<'d ::.l'l'UJIJ HI l'ril!I ;1n1I 1\111 f-'1l'J,1·t' 11us th1nl. Thl·ic 11 c rt' l~1 ent1·ies. Pcl~·r !';1rkrr nl t\l!Vl' dt'!ll· in.1 1vd 1he l\11c 1lcet 1n thr bid 1111· the !!111nphn•\' Bo;;;1rt Tro- 1 :i~-. \1111111111.( liH1r r;1r·•·~. pl;1e· Ill!; ~l'C'llllJ Ill !110 ;ind ~JX!h Ill ;1 II II l h l ' r ' Sue fi;irncson nr ~JI YC finished src:o11d: Dennis !'<irkcr, third, and Tcrrianne l'arker fourth. Mcnda1, Ottobtr 20, 19it/I DAil V PILOT /:I New Material Tt'stl"d Boat Building Breakth1·oug·li Due? A ..ievelopment by Lam- Crele, Im: of Santa Ana may 1..hangl' the face of the boat lJLuldi11g bu~iness <1!111osl as 1nuch as fiberglass di ll , :ic- l'Ording 10 offi cials of lhe finn. Te s t s b y Twining L11bonllorics sho\1't•tl lhat the initial s<imples or the newly lurrnulnted 111ateriul w ere . nc;n·ly four lin1t>s as strong <is ' 1·o nt:rcte io tensile strl'ngth. 30 tunes ~trongcr ln s h e ;:i r sl rcni,:lll and in1n1casurably stronger than conc rete in both tll'xur;;J 111odulus and flexural ~lf('llglh S1g11d11·<11l('t' of l ilt· 11t·11• forn1u!;1111ln I.~ 11lat hec;iu~c I\ h;i~ no rnt•lalh1· rC'1nfurt:r1n~·11l 11 c::in he n1olded 111 till\' 1•un- 11·u1 1uual /l·rn;1lc 1nold_:111ueh !ltt• ~••inc 11ay fibcrgl;i~s 1.s ]Jld UIJ Since 1617, ll'hen th<' fir--1 l'f · forts i1l t onstruc1ir1g hotil~ of cnncTl'l c anti frrrU·('l'l1H'lll !Jrg.111, !h1• l't'CjUlfl'lll('I\! 11{ n1ctal n."111forc1ng d1cta1c:J 1hc U.'>C of nialc tno)d1ng lt'l'll l\l· <1ucs. The result, as '.l'i\11 1llc e11rhesL fiberglass cndc;11·urs. \\HS a s1noo!h interior sitli• bu1 a roui;h anU LUlt'.!\'l'll 1•\lcnur 11h1ch could br f;url'd uul 01\I)' al great effon and l·O:'!l. The J.;111\·('r~h· for11 u1l.u 11111 11·as dr\E"lopt>d pnn1;1nly Iii cl i1nin;tte the 1 1t'l'l·~.s1ty ot ~(l•c/ rc111!urc111~. 11 t•llrn111;1lt'.' lhf' pr<Jpr•11~1 1 ,1 11f ('lllll'l'Clc tu 1·1·;1lk illl<I :-h:1ll<'I' ;11•11 IJ.1 ~ l'l'l11hJ'f..Jlll t• 1111p;1lt l'hill'<ll'• trn~lu·., A 16-11101 liHl l 111:1dr of !hr matena1 11·;_1~ dr11en ~;,-~I) miles per hour 1hrough ht;n·y seas and 1·.il hStood pu,111dtng • csti1natcd !o b(' ;1s high :1' 7 Gs . Anolhtr s<1111plc cuuld 11u! be crat kcd or p1'11c1rat1·d l1v bu!lel<; fir ed nt Jl fron1 38. 44 and 45 r:llibcr gons <iL ;1 rang e of 25 yards. /\Cl'Ol'd1ngly , the lll0il f'l"l<1I went lhrough flyc runs ul 11\i• sta nd;ird frl'Cll'-tha11· 4'}1'h" 11dn111H~tcred by 1he 'J'w111 1nf! lab without any cv1dentT t•l damage. Part or th<' ~ecrels or 1hr forn1ulal1on, according to UI· l1cliilS. is in IL<; t'UflnK l',\('l<" llcrctuforr. the boat bu1IU1ng industry has ru led out the u~·· u! (•un1-r1·h.: on Olh' i:;round <1!0111' -the tung ('urlni.: 11u1• 11 hu.:h 11oul11 lie up a rnold !or ~t'I r n 1lavs and u(her11'1M' ri•(hll'f' dullar pr04!uction per ~11uarc loot p1·r hour l!O'.l'C1er. thr l6·f{)(Jtcr bu1!1 ot the L:un -Crclc 1l1<1lcn.d l'Ullld i)(' 1'!'111<11 rd ii <)111 II.'> !lll,lld 1111• ~•llllt' tJ.i~ !\ 11;1, !;;1tl !Jil l 'ntil fa!igur rk•1crn11natio11 11 r <111U uthr r l'h<1r;i c-, 1crl.\UC~ O\l'I" a pcn ud of fTmt l'an bt> 111<1de, 1he bc~t u~c •1[ !11c tn<in·r1;il 111 1t11· !1.,at lnuld111i.: 111tl 1J'>ll'I' 1:. 111 (u11l1111:J, 111(' l'Vlll['lli!l} ~.~1d A 1nold tnnd(' .. r lhP 1n<tterltil 11·tn1\d prob;ibl y 11(•11 1' h<J1'l' lo be rrplacctJ 1111 111:1t1t·r ho1v rnany l:Ju;1l:-! 1.11 t• n1.Hk !l'O!ll ll The t:u~\ id 1hr 111.i k'l .11 i« 1nul'h 11-~s tl1a11 llhl'l'gl.1~~, 1i1c eurnp;111y ~;II(! J.'111 tht'I' 11}- lurn1al!On on lh!' rn;1!Cr .1! rnny be obtained frun1 J.;1111· Crclt'. 2r.% S t;ranil A\!!., :'ianta 1\na The Orange Cods f's Mos t Comp!ef e PRINTING -~. .. SER r lCE v ~1 Phone 642-4321 :1 -· 1ij1J.11JMliiil!i ... ~ '1~ ~. ~ Sears SAVE s20! "Sears Best" l{igh Effi ciency 75,000 B'f U Space Saver Ft1rnace l) .. .,ular t"I ~189.9.l ._: :·1,.,-.. 111.~_1H)f) H·r1 ·._2 1 'I.RR ~.'.11'1.'1.». J.l:-,ll()() A.f l ·, __ 2 \?.RH 88 r " I l<·l•f+ '''"" 1 .... 1 .1.r~ ~~R?.'>,i. 1 ·,11.1~10 1rr 1 ·._2<.•1.11n ·"' (111). 9:,, I~ .i.I ~ 10 1 rrt . ~--211 'J. B It • n .. i11 In ~i 'r '"'I r faf1!1h ilor • ""il"rl lhr' dr•l'r\•·. 9 I 1·.1loi1·r· 111 • 111.lr ~r f'l10 11 a l11••d l1r,11 r,i·h.tll):~Tt' !or I"/' J'"l'f•11111.111• ,., -.tl•·I~ 1111 .. 1 , 11 1·" rr. • -.,.tf'.,·!r•u1 i11c: 1.urnl'r< l'li n1in~!I' lint. rr.J11 rr m11 i11l•·1<.1/p·r . 1 .1'1;~1 1·1il .L•·r• r •1:liiiu1r d h l"'"l'-1" n1 olor. r-------------------1· C l.II' THIS COLl'O .'\ : ln>lallation C11 ;11 ·a111<·1· !I dc-tcit\ .i,,, I I +f'pr•r 111 ,,,., 1 1~11o n ...-n1 .. n111••l111• .,.,,f, n 1,111 • 11 11 •11 \1.11· 11 r:nn, "~ .111 I• II, 11r"n 11111,, • lt•.r11 '"11, CJOJ\( . .,, h ,1, I•''"'"!., 1•H r/''1 ~ I .1r 11<1 .1.j' I • I I I I I ' ' . :111d 111 :111 tfo \1 H ... ~ t-.: I,, ...... ). Jlrp(. ;:·,11:: I ~1,:,11 F .tll ~111p1 r UllJ .. l ,.\.'l!HI ",\ I .'\amr ______________ _ \J drri-11 _____________ _ t :i1~-------Zi 11 _____ _ l'li•lnr ________ 'J'in ir· _ I I I I I. I I I ·~----------------------.J OPEN SC:\"UAYS , for Your S hoppin;r Cn1n('ni1·11 l'r. STAHTIJ\G NO\ E\IBEH :!11.J \\'al.I Furnaces • ! n m rl·i~ ... 1h <11,.,.M '"" • 11 .... , 1 ... ,. '"""' ••• 11~ ... "1' Intl• •r••• • 111n.111 ltt'l "'"I Mill\ •lo•o 1nn•!•I \l.~•I-•" . .\sk .·\bout 5ear- <:onvr.nient (:redit !'Ia n!! ~\\E'IO! Gas Floor Furnace Rl'1Ul;ir $6?.9.i 4988 • "l'•f•·••"n' '''"' ~ .... r~-·. ,.,,.,r,.r1 . ,hi• l1l'~l1nr • 11., •• i.1. '''d""' l••~t ,,,t,~,,.~, llr:.:1d ,1r ,ti l'/.'J.i 10088 ';7,_J1.,11n 1 ... ·····-·· S 1:11J.Q,;, :>u.ooo lf l'l _1_·· ··~ 129.88 tlff'J.?.i, 011.noo UTI ~~··•·_149.BR S \ \ E '20! Automafje Wall Ft11·11ace Rrgular '129.9.) 10988 l· ill ! I 11•1 ;1 I !al inn .\\·;iii;1l 1I~ • Counl('r nuw run hl'l"· .,.·:irm ;.a ir do .. n ;111d 1rroA~ n fJOf' • .1.i,11()11 1rrl 111111 11 -··· r l'J!Ul1r ''t:nl, 'J\,0.1011" l1 r i)!I! .. alnut r"lnr ,-------------------------------------------------, llJl"•"'~'·t url,l .. •.l l•'·-.'1 <.l l t \I .... ,, 'ti t1•~~·0 ,l1l 6 l "~I t LnW(l•.'I ~ ~·.·ir ···· .. l •D.)l)l I ("JO(;'""''~'·'·' '·•tr>1 •1••1 ri ··~• ··, )''•• ., .. ,,..,..~11.1111 •.i""·;•}•Jl•,11 I I C"~"IG•or•l '~'I '' "• -·,.•1 ••?01 I ~ l<>Jl~ll :"'-<•1 ''<8011 l"t·10 J9<)1~!•1)10 1 {(l.•.O 7!>6 ·· • ···1~·. ''' .,. ' ·~. s Ll"""'0t~'·l.t <61!' 1.·~~~''l9 1 ~11 "------ --------..... --· -------ear~-...... ------------------, 1 "So:1 1fa,t1on Ovaronleed or YovrMoneyBack'' .._,,.,,.~;~-;;;... Shep 6 Ni9hh Mo,,duy thro11ah Sut11rdo y 9:30 AM . lo 9;30 P.M. ... -... ~ ~ ------· -·-----..,--------------~----~ -~ ----· ----~-...--------- ------------~-..,.-.,.-----.-----...--------..,-----..,--.-~.,. ... "" --.. -..,--... -' . l ·I O.AILV PILOT Mond ay, Octobtr 20, 1961) ""~~~~~~~~~~ Old Ocean Sedin1ents Rai sed U1) I.;\ JOLLA IA!~l -ThC' o1rlt>!'.>1 se\'111nrntar~ ";:i111plt:s r1·.:r t::ikcn Iron\ the orl·an floor, Lrac\111;-tht ocean 's hb1 :iry back l~O n111i1un ~C'ar~. l1a1·r Ucrn horl'd lrun1 !he. Pat1fi r, .~(11 ~ Dr 1\! Ni\. Petrr<>nn (JI S{'rq1p~ ln~11tut1on {ii nre:1nngr11ph.1 The 1.300 frl'I of cnr~ ar· r11 l'd last Wi;c·f. 31 ~cripps Jn:-!itut1on. mnnager uf 1he t!ccp sea drilling proic~·L Pelerso11. pr·oiect dlr(·c111r, s;11d t!1c ~l r:.lligraph~· ol !he .'t•:1i1nrnls laa! do11 11 !<J11·r 11p"11 l.'l~'l.'r over nuJ11011~ ·DI 1 en rs 1s better for ~t 1nlv in ~on1r respects than si1-l1il;1r san1rles taken on land . Scicnti~ts <ibnard !he ship Clomar ChHllcnger hil\'I' bored :i~ deep .'IS :1,200 feet hrlii1r the floor Hl lt1e P<ic:if1\.'. lro1n r·aliforni;i to Gu<1n1 si11e1' 111~! QUEENIE By Phil lnterlondi ~-~ ·~ ·11 . . I • /,\D -IO -•-r--1, 1, r . ----ft".-/''7'-"-tb£<.d. ' .... ,. '•'"' ......... ' •·t.I anagenicnt fi.;cls it's a ]()l m()N' cffcct1•·c than the old "l'hink' sign." April. Cores \Vere shipped hC'rc -------------------------fvr study while the proJctt 1 ________________________ _ eontinued , The corrs. preserve{! by rrlrigrrat1an, range frun i pur(• \1'hitC. oozy aoli chaulky, to a jet black · s u b s I an Cc im- pregnated by rnanganesc ox- idr. Peterson said the t:orrs will form the nucleus or a data co!- lcctlon center at Scripps to be <11-;:iilab!c 10 scicnti sls. ~taterial bored earlier from !he Atlantic is hou~e<l <ll La- rnont Gcoph ys icol Ohs('rvatory :1 l Co!u111bia linivcrsity in Ntw York. Science Shrinks Painful Hemorrhoids Stops Itch-Relieves Pain Finds Way That Both Relieves Pain and Shrinks Piles In Most Cases New l 'ork, N.Y. (Special): ~ci-nr,c) took plarc. Tlic ~ccret is (•nee has found a S!l{.'Cial for· l-'rr)>r1 1·nliu11 }/··-Thci·c i~ no n1ula with the ability, in 111ost othcl' Jonnula for hcniorl'hoid$ 1::ases-to shrink hemorrhoids, 1. stop itching and relieve pain. ike it. Preparation JI also In case after cRse doctors soothes irritnteJ tissut's and proved, while gently relieving llelps prevent further infection. pa.in, actual reduction (sh.rink· In ointn1e11to1·suppo~itory!orm. The prOJCcl. financed by a;~~~~~~~~~~~"'~ii::==::========: ,(12.6-million gront fron1 1hefj '.'\:itional Seirnt:e Foundation. i.t <JllPn1pting tu rc::·onstruct the otecin's geolog1cnl hi~t ury :\!~o t::iking part tire \\'nods llflle Oceanographic Jnst1tu. 11011. l·ni\'ersit1· of r.liami and l n11·crsity of \\';:ishington. 1 e JOB PRINTING 8 PUBLICATION S e NEWSPAPER S Qua lit y Pr inting o11 nd Dependo11ble SerYice for more than a qua rter of 111 century. 'PILOT P.RlNTiN~~ ~211 WEST I.ALICA ILVD., NEWPORT BEACH -642.4J21 Sears The Soft T ot1cl1 Orlon® Shirts • • • e .\ fres h ~i lhonelte in rich·i n·1·o lor tihOrl l'lce\•c knil e Jlopular mock turtleneck ~l~lini:, . •Easy-care lOOo/() W'intuk Orl ont-> arr~l1c •Vertical mipet of bloc, green. Lro"'" nnd gold ..• email to 1-l ,..,. l'riccdt 899 Use Sears Revoh,lng Charge OPEN SUNDAYS .•. for yo11r Shopping Convenience ... STARTING NOV. 2 . -' .,. ''" ·//1r'·ll/('1(J. j/r•'(f'' No Grizzlies Seen for 45 Years S.\Cf!1\~lENTO (AP) Thrrl' 11 ;1.~ a flurry of i'X- e,:1H·n1rnt :is 11•ord fl!t ere<l out of tl1e Sierra tlial a hunter hall :-.hl1t ;t ([1[1 rurn1a gri~zJy bear. l:xpC'rts :;coffcd because a re:!I ll'ih! grizzly -symbol of the ~t;itc -hasn'l been seen ou1s1dr a zoo in '15 years. (;;im£-\l'ilrdcns suid Lhcy 11;1l1 !d rlH'Ck the story. . \!rs_ S1r1·e Va lenzuela or S:1crun1t·111n s;ial Uie story .sla1·ted \1'licn :1 t:ixidenniSt lold hrr hu::hand the anitnal Ji~· ~hot ll'a S parl grizzly, parL brown be<ir. •·\Vc"rc sure it was a bla('k beur ," said Jerry D. Har.rcll, information officer for the ~Hate ~'ish and Gan1e [)(>part·\ 111ent, ··but 1-1•c'll lry lo get the skull and see." Most bears found in the st:ite no1v arc black bears although some are brcrwnish in eolor and arc referred to in- :JC'turatc!y as br0\\'11 bears. Valcnztiela shot the 300· pound bear near Slick Rock in El l)or:ido Col111(y abou l i5 ul!les cast of Sacran1cnto. Dr. ·rracy Storer, retired zoology professor at t he University of California in Davis. told a reporter. ;.The last Jiving grlizly bear was seen in 1924 in Sequoia Na- tional Park. Since t hen , run1ors are about 15 cents a dozen." The last recorded ki!J of a California grizzly was in 1922 in Tulare County in east-cen- tral California . The smaller. less ferocious black bear is still conHnon in 1nuch of the slate, however. Jtuntcrs have killed an average 850 of then1 over the past half. dozen years. Most are shot by deer hunters in the Northern California rnoun· tains. Fish and Can1e Department records indicate the largest black bear found in California "'as trapped alive in Yosen1ite National Park in 1938. IL \\'Cighed 680 pounds. Adult black bears normally \.\"cigh 200 to 300 pounds. The formal nanic of the grizzly found in some stnt1 ·s and Canada is ursus horribili s but Califon1ia Blue Book -a state fact book -calls ll ursus callfornicus. Dr. Sturer S<!kl, "It was 1""""" bably a sub species at best. \Ve actualJy don-t ht1\'c enough r11att•n;1 ! to be absilllltely sun:-." The veteran zoologist ~;:i id Lhe only gnzzly he had ~ce11 1-1·as J\1 nnarch, ln a San Fran· elsco zoo. The bear ··~·!Qna rch" now is rno11n1cr! anrl 011 tlispl<iy <1l tilt· Colifornia Ac ad e in y of Scicntr.:. •·1-fe 1-1'<1S <1rerstuFfed • horribly u1'crsluffcd," Ston~r lamented, Sears SAV ":.;hag-moor" Plush Carpeting l ,.1·-1.,..-;11·e fllr sh~)'.' of r ru~h-res1sl<1.n l pol ~·f'.'!"r 1• ~ 111 .!.I •,r,ftd : :i11tl t\\-rf'1L« from pale tn !)l_1lrL Jn J.:-fL. \•1rilii ~. \ron'l hnld dirt! $22.99 Rayon Pile ·op Art' Rugs OPEN SUNDAYS FOR YO UR SHOPPING CO:-.'VENIENCE STARTING NOV, 2 SAVE$5! 3x5-ft. $34~. •'l."e-n.. ~:;i1,1}'9, 6~-n. 17u11 J1:'>:'.l.!l'l, hJ~--n. •.... ]~ ~Admiration" AU Wool Pile ~1.'ulpl.ured p\r~{UJr·e i n rich lexturcd pa.lt.cni. F!ug:::M 'vcarin~. In 1:, 1·l:1s"1r r nlnrs f'rom An- \.HJ!IC c;n ld to Limr-Mio>L !~ &.: 15--fL widt.1 1;-:: .-\sk Aboul Sears $-UJ9 Deep Ptnsh '!''airtime' Ro.gs 5AVE $11 21 x.16-in. 300 $9.91. 3ltt.U-M.. • • • • • • &.'9 SU..99. •.-c-f\. ••• ··-· 1'1.11.1 $49.,99, Id-ft. •..•• -. . Sl-311 $24.99 Rayon P~e 'Spring Garden' Rugs SAVE $5! 34154-in. l!JllB -~";JKI, C.l"&l-ta. ••••• •t.811 589.99, ~1 104-ta ·-·· 7!).MI ciu,ace oJ' dttOl'ft.tof ~ ,---------------~---------------------------------, I "'°"''.,.T..,&·<"Y1,!>~1 .. ~l0 fl~C.f3:J91 1 k:>H(".-CMttlH!l21 "'**W~'WS.*-"51 01,'(Ul>-l>i)I l'ICOWl:l-~261 :.Ql.llK CO..\l lUZA ~-33.ll ~··«><"·• , • ., 3•1l ~·· "'NONI tM 3·100,, q ~1 .,.,.__.SCIO »I ..01 ( ' l..IHl.O. »u. ll 7-3371 ~ j'J·l~l l I I f°""tro< ~ l>-}:.01, Ht )..SJl&I llO&l-.WOOO HO 9-:W•t cu..:.c 6JJ'.JJOD ~ I :w«A !l srn-n. ~1 .. AUIT l'O 3-8461.,,....,, I f'"""™,'111.!.0l'il l !JarWCU!Ola..:s?I -09!.Jnl, ~11 Se -k'NCAtxl..#i/11 _,..,.,,,, '----------------------... aI"S----.. _______________ ., ~:GILWOill 1dor"AMM-l1 r,Bocl--.... , ...... ·.,-.psAlllHlort-.30A.JA. .. 9:30P.& .. I<> " "' ,, "' l': "' ·~·1 bt )l "' po do H'I 10 po po pa 1s! l 'lt rc1 gc tlu ho r,, ''b " fa! pa 1nl 1rr lie ho f!IJ dii <'cL h<· "' JI: I ri ll'J '" ,., l',1 q, \ ~ I ;~ \I "' " al I" rr al p< ~·c '" "' ii· I.I ' ( 11• w " [ ' ' M F Uo '"' " ' "' I ho "'' " "' o. h< 0• Shirley Admired At U.N. l '.\'ITED NATIONS (U Pl\ -Shirley Ternpte. at the U.N.' Thnl seemed ;1 prC'tty good 1nkc to J"nany con1mcntalors 11 h£'n the forn1cr ehild st11r. nu1v r.·t rs. Charles lllack, 41 1 l':J r!: old ond niolher of three ~·hi hJrcn, 11'as ;ippointed by l'rPSHleut Nixon :is :i n1£'mbcr 1•! !111· U S. delegation to thr ~-llh l;encral As:-;cn1bly Lh;il !it'!!an Sept. lfi Tl1t'rc WC'l'C il \ut or l'T<i CkS about ··The Good Sh 1 p Lullypop., sailing into troubled 1ntcrnaOonal 11·aters. At the linllcd Nations itself thcrt· 11 :1s cons1der:iblc surprise. But Shirley Tcrnple Bl:ick has :.eltlcd into lhc Jtlb 1101v: ,,hr's gotten uver being a "two 11ccks' t'Uriosity " to other !',N. dignlla ties and cmployes, ;ind she's prove d adept at get- ting the hang of !lungs. "!)he talks right up al con1- 111h tcc n1ceti11gs and !icssions. <Hld she gets Jislcncd to," a t,;: N. veteran said. Acceptance doesn't surprise '\lrs. l1lack herself and 1r some 111 the criticisn1 of he r ap- pointn1cnt hurt her, sh l' doesn't Jct it sho\\'. She \\'as asked in an in- terview what her answer was 10 those who said her ap· 11oi11tn1cnt v.·as strictly a politica l payo£f for her <'am- paigning for Nixon"s clection 1 "he spoke 1n Zl st;Jlcs and 46 t'l11l'S \, "\Vho ;ire 'the y' " s h e replied coolly. ··r v.ould sug· vcsl tha t 'they' kecµ an eye on 1he \\'Ork v.•e're doing and see how things go. Then '!hey' c;u1 i,:11 e n1c another rating, or 11onc at :111 ' lloncy-h;ur£'d ;111d 1irf'll )'. fl lrs. Black shies away tron1 polltlcal talk and refuses fla tly 10 discuss In a ny detail her 1·hild star days o[ the 1930s. Hut she is quite 11•i!ling to tl 1 ~cuss hl'r 11rogrcssion fro m 1·hild star lo 1no thcr 111 puhlir ;1Hairs, an interest she .said !-he began !o develop about J 9ri<l. ··Since 1!150 1ny interests rJ ;_irted to change. After gct- l 1ng away from lhe cn- li':rtainment b u s i n e s s , I tlrvelopc!d a fcchns thaL I ro11!d contribute so1ncU1ing in 1'1ttblic service," she said "llopcfully, 11'c don'l stand i n 1he same spol 1n li fe but b f(IW." She rejects the tag (If "rnnscrva ti1 e " ' I. t:ons1dcr n1v s•·lf a~ ;i l:cpubtica n indcpc'ndenL ve ry liberal in inlemat1onal affairs. \"Cry conservative in fiscal af- fa irs. when it affects lhe ta x- 11aycrs,'' she said. ''I'm particularly happ y \I ith the present administra- tion. And l ain in cornplctc ~uppor1 or thr administration .:i~ lo the Paris peace talks " She added that she hopes the \,ilks v•ill be friutful but that \1 C can expect "a lot of Lea lo he sip ped" \l•hilc av•:'liting an l1nnorable peace in V1etnam , i\lrs. Black. 1n ans,1·er lo a q11est1on aboul moratoritun dav, sait!, "I am not too picas Pd. abn\lt the moratoriun1 H 1! hC'l pcd ll ano•. Arc they fiiOtni:; l•l ha \" r a 1noratont1111 111 l!nno1'? TIH11k abvul that " illrs. Black has traveler! l'X· lrn<.1vely, n111c foreign l'oun- t r11·~ in J9fi8 alone. and :<he \p11kr vividlv ahout events in ('1echo~lovak1ri in August rif 1~1~t year, Sbt' \\·as caught 1h1•re hy the Sov1el bloc in- \ :1$11111 '·Before T 11·as a rrprrsen· f:~l11 e ol n1y country, I called ii ;i n invasion," she Cflnfesse<l. ·,'\ow I C'all il the un!ortunatc ort•urrencr Of that hislorical wr\•k, she rrmembcrs, "I was alot'# - ;ill I had 'ol'Cfe lhC'Se yrltow boots -I had no one to give n)C ~ympathy anrl SD I wasn't afraid. i\•lrs. BI a c k , who is particul arly inl crestc d i n 'outh. said she cspcc1ally ad- ;11ired the Czechoslovakian youths who ''condu c ted themsel ves wit h great maturi- ly, behaving in a tnost responsible manner." She feels. "If you give young peo ple res ponsibilities along \l'ith rights, lhcy will become 1otal citi zens.·• HAPPY H~v• • ~ ~ pp y w~~~e nd. $Itri ii by re1din9 the WEEK. lNDER in t he OAf l Y PI LOT. Makes Eating With = FALSE TEETH Easier and Faster Clinical i...~ pm•e yt)\l Qln TIO., ,.,.t •Tid t.he• bo:ttr:r-m •ke dent\Jl"f'e mor" "ft O'(:U•·-lf ye>u J11•t 11pr1nkle • ll Ltle P'ASTEETH on yc.ur plat..,, l'r'lldTEE111 I~ ~IJ rMf-tO•IJ•e IMJ"'df!t 1 n.~ hold• dentu...,_. nrrn~t h.1n~tr­ mnkCll Uitm r~1 1110111 c'1mlort.i11e. ,, ,&.?'; Tt:F.'Tll IA not acld-<!<.W'-"" 't MUt. "Th~rr'• no 11;11rnrny, ~""""l' p.,;!1 tUl\t. O~t1lUf1'11 tlla t ht r.rf' NMnU&1 to h ea!U'I. 8e9 ~·our d t 11ti.t rerulatlJ. Oe.t r A6Tr.rnl at •11 dru& oou.nun, ... ·--------- Monday, Octobtr 20. l9b9 DAIL v mo r 1 !J Sears \ ·-. .::. ..... Model 17300 3 Water Temperatures Lint Filter Model 28)00 2 SJJccd Switch Sean Appliances BACK.ED DY Y~ SERVICE Tiffi Oh Y YOU Wt.NT IT ... Assured by the most respected :;ervice orgaaizarion at1 ywbere, .)cars catiocwide ClJ>C'rt gervice. OPEN SUN DAYS Yu ur Fo r .')ft 0 /)(Ii II g Co11 ve11ie11 cc S TA RT ll\1(; NO V. ') - • ll uil l-i n lint fil ter or· erates rluring both wasl1 an11 rinse cycle et a ll wa ter levels • Porcelain fi nished ~·n ~l1 ba~ket will not ru st •Powerful '12-HP moror to handle any job • Si..<t vane a~t ator loo scr1::. •tuhbom dirt •Sa fely lid •witch slop• m ach ine art ion "'lt eri t lid is opcnf'(f •Acrylic enam eled finisl1 ~l a ys white and brigl1 t •Wi pes clean wi th a uampclotli •P ick your features. p ick your model Select Yot1r Dryer at ONE I~OW PRICE! Your Choice $118! j . l I I Uu-1.4 PAil' TA 8-<('400, 521-4 530 CANOGA P.UJ: 340-0661 COMl'JON NE 6-1581, NE 2-.5761 COVINA 9660611 2 Tempernlurc' Gas Dryer ... l{eat'• dril.'.!I rep;ul;i r fabric •"Air O n1 y'' se lling fluffs., drirs wrt rain- "''t.:ar •T um Li e d ry !!lnp" "'hen door is optneJ Model 70100 fl MONl f. GI J -3911 GlENOAl£ CH 5·100•, 0 .( . .(611 HOLLYWOOO HO 9-.5941 INGlCWOOD Ok 8-2521 I, I \_ ... --:::::. ~ \\-: .:f; .................. .. \ ~'~ T ~ C=--~:::J I --=-----_: I r::==-:.:........-- Seara Lond·A·Door Electric Drye r e l lii.;h, "'·arm ~e flin~ p lu ~ "Air Onl y" fur fl uffing • Loalf-A.Ooor m11kc, a handy 1il1clf •To p•rn o unteJ l i nt l\rrecn, acrylic.fini!h top Model 60200 LONG IEACH HE .S-0 121 NORWALK UN .(-776 1 OLYMPIC & SOJO AN B-521 1 O•ANGE 637.21 00 PASADENA MU 1°3211, EL 5-.(21 1 PICO WE 8-4262 POMONA EO 2·1145, NA 9-516!, YU 6-67.51 ~AN '0H.4.NOO EM 1-7121 I I SANTA AHA Kl 7-3371 SANTA FE S~RtNGS 1144-8011 SANTA MONICA EX .(.671 1 SOUTH COAST PlAU.. 540-3 333 ALL MAJOR APPLIANCES AVAILABLE AT SEARS CATALOG AND APPLIANCE STORES Al.HAMRA 283-95S8 ARCADIA 44.S..ClOO CHINO 617-1571 CUlV'Ell! CITY 817-1,61 CYPRESS 826--1550 DOWNEY 923-97At fUllERTON 52.S.1191 GARDEN GAOVE 638-9700 GllANADA HILLS JM-10.51 HACIENDA HGTS. 330-3.461 HAWTHORNE 679.()68 1 HIGHLA.ND PARK '25-'·3981 HUNTINGTON HACH l -':Z-'25t.1 LAKEWOOD 63.C-7.UO LOS ALTOS $97-364.l MONTE&nto 72'--3220 MONTROSE 2.43-8230 ONTAll!IO ~2071 PAtOS VERDES Jn-6901 rtACENTIA .524·0111) REDONDO 9EACH 379-Sfi'l RESfC>A 3LC..5Tl1 SAN PmRO W-44!11 SHEWAN OAl'S 911-3100 SUNLAND 3$2 ... 4$1 UPLAND 98.5-1927 WESTCHESTER 670-7010 WESTMINSTER 89).4581 W~ST CO'<'JNA PLAZA 960.!861 11So tis.foction Guaranteed or Your Mon e y Bock" Sho p 6 Nig ht• Monday through Saturday 9 :30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. Scnrs Kenmore Eleclric Dryer •To p-mount ed lint •i.<»rren, l ,oad·A-Door nu1kes a ~helf • Sa fl"ly •loor i;wilch, <")cir for t.!clicale fabrics Model 60500 lOR•ANCE .5 '4 2-151 I VAHEY PO 3-8461, 984·2220 VERMONT PL 9-1911 WHITTIER 69T..o666 WILMINGTON a»G01S Sears -~··-·-........ T"-.... -· ~ 18 OAll.Y PI L~T--MOf'ld,\Y', OclObn 20, 1%') Atlanta's Jackson Sees New Power Base in South i .---•· ;~~__!... ~-•l.M~~&IWOlll•" • Beg·i1i11ers Conquer l ' ose1nite Y 0 S E~11TE t\/\T10:\A!. 1'AHK \APl -"Go ('!11110 ;1 rock,'' reads 1l1c little ;id· \ rr11sing placard. '·l!idiculous'" 11ould br Ilic reaction nr 1n:111y l'os~1n1 ll' Va lley visitors :1s they g;1zc at 11H' 111.Jss1ve rock \\'.'.ills soaring :I.ODO feet nnd more abol"C tile valley fl oor. For year~. 'i' o s t'rn i l r' '> ~n1ooth granJ\c rock~ ha1·l· been th<' prcservt' fJf the na. 1111n·s elite chniOCrs. But :ibout 600 persons look up rock ('limbing this year by enrolhng in the new \'oscnute l\loun- l<11necring Schoul. The climb-a· rock j·.1rtl 11 ;1~ pro1not1ng !he sthoo!, l!µf•rn trd h.v the pa rk·s {·onl.'t'l:iSJon eorn- pany under U1e dirrct1ori Ill ~·eieran climber \Vayne f\ler- ry. 38-year-<>ld forn1er Na - tional Park Service ranger. How do you learn to clirnb~ And who "'ould want to'.J The beginner checks in :.it lhe Yosernite Loctge spo rts !>hop, pays $10 tuilion for lhe basic course and bnngs hi~ own lunch. 'rhat. plus :1 11:1ir of ~turdv sh(l('i; or hoots 11·ith rub~r Jug sole~. put~ him - or hl'r -1n lius1ne·~. '.\lost CUSlO!!ll'l"S 11<11"(' ht'olt"d about the :-,chool :;t1tne11 here and can1e to Yost·m1te 1~1th plans 10 :-,1gn up. :.aid ~lrrr~ ill' \las a member ul the fLr:,I party to climb El Capitan, l"osemite's 1n1pos1ng 3.000-root J11i::h granite prow, 1n J9.J3. .. They usually know 11 hat !hcy"re gettini; into ... r-.1erry !<<nd in an in1erv1ew conducted 11 hilc he took a group of begin· JJ{"TS thr01Jgh the basic.;; uf mountaineering and r oc:'K clin1bing. ·rhe majorit y lt'n(I lo t•ornt• r1·nm !hr fJl'!lff'-.>,H)/1:-n1o~I ;ire fairly ~uuni:. tlll'h1d111g n nuniber of college ~t utlcnt ~ <ind about hall :ire f{'n1:.ilc. ()nee 1n ;i 11 hil1', <1 slud1·n1 1rill sign up :-tnctly 011 1111 - {Jtll ~e. ··Sometime~ l111·v 11~1nder through 1hc ~hop :;nc! loQk :'t lhl' hlPralurr ;1n1l !he 1ilf·,1 t;.rkf'<; root ."' ~1l'rr~ <;,11d. ,\fter an 111\roduLloty ll'l .. rure. !\lerrv lakes the begin n<'r~ \1• lhe 11ptn 01r :-.choo! rr.,,11n: \ c·h1,trr of rorks nl'=i1 :--11:..n :-.l;il> <1tross the r11;i(! lrun1 1hl' l"dgr Thcr" !ht·\ lt•.irn 10 hnnclll' th•· chml>111).! J"i•P• ,tfld IH111 Ill 1·!11nti ~h·rry p!'l1t1!€"tl 111 ,1 "·t·m lngl1 ~1nn111h rlli·k ~lnpt' Src that !1Ulc edt-:•' ·• h1· :hk~'tl ;i..; hr srl\lt·d :i fi.11·11<111 p( 1•nr 1·l1n1bing ~hrw onto .111 .. 111111,1 1111'1~1hlc 11ubh111 . ~ltrry easily :111d t'<1~1i;11l~ ~\t•ppcd u11 onto the tiny 1 lak" The studt·nl.~ lca n~'d lll to ~t: 1~'hat \1-"<l.s holding hl!n tJ O "You can ~t nnd nn :1 hold like that for <1u1lc :1 whilt•," hi.' :iilltl. Nut all studcnl ~ arc here for tun a nd recrcat1011. "T11·0 pcoplC' had :1cr(1phoh1 .1 :i nd 11erc out lo lick 1t ."1 :-..11d Mer.ry. 11•hn \1:1"-ct11e! tilll~<·r ;it ~11. l\lct\1nll"~' i\";ilion.11 P;1rk 1111111 111· qu 11 u1 1!11· spnni;: to head th<' \'u~(·n1Jt t' school. Acrophobia is :i ll•t1r 111 heights. One or 1hf" 1ncn ~1rugglc1t lhrough ba~ll' :1 n ii 111 termed1a\f' ch1sl'e~ ;111d lht•n signed up lot a gu1 drd clunh "I had In 1ulk 111111 111(1• almost c1·cry 1n11vc," fllcrr~ said. ··11 "'as a 1011~ tl<l}'" But the n1an conc1ucrt.'d hi.~ fear and l\1erry later s:111 t11 n1 "·a lking alo ng a n1od1•r;1tcf~ sr.eep :slope -son1 eth1nj.! 11~ never would ha ve done bcfort· "fl gave him a new s-cns~' ut tndcpcndenc('." /\ferry ~aid. HAL AHISCHER HEARING AIDS C.nt9M Aurel Ampllfi<•tion NO SALES MEN 3409 E, COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR fot .Appoi•tmettt 675-3833 A'rLANTA {U PI ) ~1 aynard Jackson, first Ntgro r1•er elected vict mayor of Allanta. sees his eleclion as !he start of a political power base unheard of 1n D1x1e'!I pttst. black \"61.e, but also U1e votes (II the lower income citizen:;, v.·ho norn1 al!y go conservalivt in the south. Race, he said, played only a 1n1nor rule in the t!le<·tJon. v.·hlch he 11•on with about 58 percent of the tot.al vote over a wfute alderman. Of more significance, Jackson polled one-third of the y.•hlte vole, tnost ever for a hl.iek 111.in in a c11yw1de rat·e here. ··~ty eleclion. to u1e , has a very important meaning .ind Jl rc;i/11rms n1y hope that bl:'.i.rk p...vple ('an achie1'e sonic means of aggressive rcpre.stn· tation, and through the pol1tieal process a mor e significant step toward true freedom and ultimate sur111val cLln be taken," ht sak1. '"Iltis 1s importanl because. in my opinion, Ult last available non-violent means ol social change open to black Arncricans is politics,'' he said. ''Success for black pco.- 11lc in politics, therefore, takes on not orliy a ;agnificant rneaning regarding rreedom. hut assumes 01e quality of an urgrnt riccessily, nol only fur bla{'k people, but for •h'! \\"Cll being or an entire nation. .. , ~·ould hope th;il n1y elec· lion would provide sornc measure of hope and l'n- couragement to black people. I lhlnk those qualities arc ''cry imponant where daily lives of so many people, black and 111hite, but especially black, are n1onotonous repetitions of .!tll;llS or hopelessntss and where lives ol so many people amount to nothing more than m tander ing meaD- lnglessness." try. He":-. c:asy to c:tB -hi~ telephooe nun1bers spell out J . A-C · K .£-0-N. Jackson. y.·ho lo~l to Srn Herman Taln1adge 111 1~~ although taking a ~tunn1n1 6,000-vote edge in Alla:1 ta, oo.,. sees a •·second pol 1t1 c a reconstruction in the south' for Negroes. Il e views his triumph as "the successful coalition or the fut-ure," combining not only \Jlc liberal while vote with the As Jal·k.son spokt , he con· stantly was interrupted by the telephone, some of the callers inviting him to speaking engagements across the coun- Announcing, the new Mercedes-Benz 250 Coupe. The true value. of ·this $6,;367* investment becomes more apparent after your first panic stop or unexpected curve. The announcement of the new Mercedes-Be n z 250,1Coupe might easily become lost amid the din of pro- nouncements likc"daringly d ifferent," ··~1a rt lingly bold ," ;ind "dramatically 11c1v'' 1 .. _,hic h em.inate from Detroit each ye.ir at new car introduction hmt, But it hasn't escaped the no!ice of automotive experts and Mercedes- Benz enthusia sts. They recognize that the 250 Coupe introducts !ht pure, simple and honest sty ling of a Mercedes-Benz in a classical coupe configuration. Reacts professionally under stress Tlie rake of the windscreen and the sraceful !>lope of the formal re ar rill.ir!> gi vc the Coupe a certain l-1.i n. '-'ct Ml'rced es-Benz scorns the concept of .iutomobiles that rest their reput.i- tion o n beauty-but then turn ugly in .1 ti ght sit uation . The true beauty or the Coupe, they insist, is the profes- :o.ionill 1\'ay it react!> under the stress of ;in ('mergcncy, A beauty you have to cxpcric11ce to appreciate. You knO\V the feeling. Another driver runs d stop sign . Or brake lights "'uddenly fl.ish ,ahead of you on a busy, high-spl'ed expressway. No mailer ho1v beautiful your car is on the out- .. a!e. your h('.:!fl shudders m omrntarily .1<: you make \vhat is aptly 1crmcd .:a 'p.1nic" ~lop. Y11u may <:ttll ,r,r 1 th.it fel'lini; thr f11s/ t 1 n1~ .i '!.1rn1l.1r ~tt.UJllLl n c11n- I r1lnl~ you 1n t~SO Coupe. llut .1f1er vuu c:xpcr1end thC' C'normous stopplng pu\ver1 you begin to appr('ciate the 1111.-eless v.i lue of this S6,307 autom1J- Ui!c , Fo r suddenly you Jrc J more co•1- f1drnt Jrivcr. Disc brakes reduce fade l-lopefully, you will never need lhe heroi c.: stopping power of di ~c brakes. But Mercedes-Benz refuses to JLISl hope. So they insist on attaching a n1Jssive d isc brake to every 1vhecl of l·vc1·y Mercedes-Benz. Autom otive engineers ackno1v- led~e the superiority of disc brJ kcs over common drum brakes. Because, in a variety of si tua- 1ions -in rainy weather 1\•hen br.1kcs may get 1vet, in 'downhill driving \Vi th continual braking, even in sm okinr,, panic stop situations--disc br.1kes ;arc far better able to dissipnte lieat nnd 111oisl ure, and thus resist f.iding. Racing car suspension If you ever built a soapbox racer, yo u know the princ iplt' o f a ~olid -bcam rear a xle-one wheel .at Si1arpl11 rakrd u•i11dsrrt1101 R'ld fr>•,.1al •~11• ri!/11•' ot rl,t :'...~(I Cr>Hrr "'r 11tt•·11r1ivt indeed. Bur tlit ~ b~oi u ry Ires ir1 r11t way ir r~I~ 111" 116'.!11 51tuottl(1>1. c_,1cli end of .l rigid shaft. In rombinat ion 1vith springs .i nd shock .i bsorbers, a solid.beam .:ixlt' is a simple. relatively inexpensive \VJY to suspend the rear of .i n J\\lomobilc. The dt'sign t'njoys 1videsprcad acccpl- ance--in fa rt .ill do mestic scd.tns use solid·beam rear axles. Btd like most s imple solutions, it raises other problem-;. You have to choose bet1ue1111 boulevard ride and surefooted h.1ndling. Soften the sus- pension and you ~acrifice ro.:id holding -so import.1nt in those circumst,1ncc-. that demand sli:irp reflexes from bo1h car and driver .. Stiffen lhc ~uspen~irin .ind thl'.' ride becomes unduly har~h. Yo u improve corn rring-;it the e x- pense of your backbone, But 1ht'te is another \v,1y. Inde- pendent re.ir s usp en sion . Put (our ioinls in the a;..le to .allo1v each rear \vheel to move over bumps indepcncl- el'tly of the other just as the front \''h('cls do. The ride is con1fortab!c, con- trolled. Less pitching and v~allQwin~. A t thl' s11r11r lime it pln111s the rear \Vheel!; intim.ltely on the road, All Cr and Prix r.acing m achines rniploy independent rtar suspension for it ~ l{'nJcinu.:; road h olding. So do :all M ercedes-Benz .1u tomobiles. Enjoy driving again The sophis tic:ited braking and sus pens ion s ystems that make you a more confiJcnt driver also w ork to make d riving enjoyable again. In an era when mos t .automobiles are dc- 5=ig ncd lo tr,1nsport you from point A lo r oint B in ultimate isolation and borcdo1n, the 250Coupe is a revl'lation. With its 2.8 -l iter overhead lJn1~ha ft engine, the responsive and obedirnt Coupe is engineered for those red-blooded souls \vho refuse lo rele- gate their driving skills lo monotonous turnpikes. Designl'd for mo re than just ''slraight line" driving, Mercedes-Benz outomobi!cs f'xhibit the versatility of a deca thlon champion under n/f 1y pes of dri11i ng conditions. So avoid the cxpr<'s!"iways 1vhen the mood strikes you, TJk.c th.lt in ter- esting bac k road ;ind enjoy scenery more dramatic tha·n someone else's ex- hau~t pipe. You'll find the 250 Coupe I and i!ll Mercedes-Benz motor c.ars n1.ake driving son1 ething to do--not something that must be done. A lasting investme nt It takes a b it longer tlian your first refreshing drive to appreciate tht d11rnbi/ity of !he 250 Coupe. Perhaps 50,000 miles or so. Then you may b('_- gin to \vonder if it 1vill ever rattle. For the Coupe, like every M ercedes-Benz, is not bolted into being like most cars, but fused into a single rattlc-th\vartin:; unit by thousands of welds. But Mercedes-Benz engineers d on't s lop there. They stubbornly in- sist that ea ch component be designed .i nd in~pccted to be as stauni;h as tht next. Vil.al engine p.arts a re probed 1vith X r.1ys to spot invisible flaws. Toler,.1nccs arc checked on special marble tables 1vith instruments so pre- cise a human hair propels the rrcord- ing device off the scale. Even items like 1vas hcrs, sc rCY.'S .1 nd dashboard knobs arc regularly sliced in half and ana- lyzed by infrartd spectrography. The end result of this demand for perfection is not something th.i.t you can see, Out" !lomething you w lU appreciate-in time. Understanding Mercedes· Benz styling Ten years ago, rocket-ship tail- li ghts, bumper exhausts and wr.ap- around windshields were "in." T oday it's decal "racing" stripes, peekaboo headlights .and spoilers that don't really spoil anything at legal speeds. T om or- row-who knows 7 Mtrcedes-Benz does not em- ploy "mod" designers lo create ;ind pander to these fads. For fads seldom l.a st more than a couple of ye.irs. Cer- tainly not the lifetime of a Mercedcs- Benz. Designedarouni:l ttle passengers and the m achinery it encloses, t he Coupe emtrges with simple, f unc- tional, uncluttered lines. Example: The g raceful roof was engineered as an integral part of .a sturdy safety zone surrounding the occupants. Example: The h-ood covers lhe engine. Period. You don't push around y.:irds of sheet metal in front of tht radiator for the sake of imagined sl.i tus. Drive the 250 Coupt for ten yea rs-and it will be on its way to bc- comin:; a "classic"-not a l.iughable reminder of p.isse fetishes. New brochure For more detail'> o n the 250 C (111pe . a bc,1utif ul .and ~hre1..,,d invcst- n1rri1. mail the coupon for .t colorful nr1v biochurc. Better y et ,slop in .i t the shovv room and arrange a thorough' test drive .. Orivi11g is bclirv111g. \.Vhi!e you're thcrt' you mJy 1,·anl lo inspect these other models: ~SO S edan-The responsive- ness of"' sports c.ir with the conveni- ence of four doors. S5,Jl J ". 2805[-The most road\\'Orthy C.1r in the luxury cl ass. 56,695 ... 280SL Ro.adster-A sport s c.ic for grO\\'n-ups, combines soul-stirnni; performance 1\•ith comfort. 57,056•. ............................ M•rctdts-~nz of North @ Amtrk•, Inc Jim ~!~""'~' 1moort;. In\ 1;G vi Vl&<n~' A~~ ~•nl• An.1, C•llf '1101 Plf'.ll<t send mt • full-coln1 brO(hllrt on tht l'lt\V Rf'nf'1.llti1.111 1.1f molor c~rs hom /l.lr.rc~df's-Bt111. A00lll $$ CHY "' TlllTHONl f'o'O. ............... -........... . Jim Slemons Im ports, Inc. 120 w . w.ir~er Av enue, s .inta Ana, c aliforni.192707 Phanc o 7J4 -S46·4ll 4 '--------··-------------------------------------------------------- • t ' • ' • ,. • ' ' ·-~-·-- JEAN COX, 494.9466 • ~•tt I Party Crammed In 32nd Night 'fhirty days have Sl'pten1ber, April, June and November. r\11 the rest ha\'e 31, except for Octnber \l'hich has 32 ... . . . ·rhirty-t11·0? \Veil for Ayudantes 1\uxiliary, Children's Jlome Societ.v of ('alifornia, the n1 on lh 11•ill have 32 dci ys this year. 'fhe auxilinr.v is planning <tn evening of i"l al!o1veen fun for mernber s and guests called 1'hc Night of October 32. It \\'il l 'lake pl ace Jn J\1ission Vlcjo J:iecreation (~ente r al 8 p.n1. l~owever. for those "ho insist on adhering to the traditional calen- dar, festivities arc laking pl ace Saturday. Nov. 1. t'flrs. Terence l·rane is chnirn1a11 of the fund-raisin).'.! event 11·hich 11·ill in cl ude dancing to the music of The 1'hi rteenth llour after a catered buffet su pper a rranged hy ~1 rs. George Francis. Guc.:;ts are \1 arncd to 11•car co.~t urnes in order to n•in one of the prizes being given to th ose in the 1nost original garb. For the occasion J\'l rs. Gary Leach. decorations chairn1an, is arrang· ing to dress up thr. center in bright llallo\\'een colors. Others assisting-~l rs . Crane '''ith festivities are con1n1ittee men1be rs 1hc l\lmes. ~·ficha e l Collins. entcrtain1nent : Robert Lester. bars a nd liquo r ; i\lichae\ Slater, prizes; Dale Adkins. publicity, and Donald Jacobs, tickets. HALLOWEEN SETTINGS -A trio of l\lis~inn \"irjo \vornen jn Avud;:inte" ,\uxlliary, ('hildren"s ! !on~e Society (left ·10 r ig ht\ the l\·ln1es. (.-;cor gc 1··rilnc1\;, Donald J acobs and Ed1\·ard fl litchell 1rork on ild- ornn1e11t s to deck lhf' !1.-ills nr .\l1 ss1011 V1C'jO flerrc· ;1!1011 <'r111rr for t h(· :.:ro t1p ·.~ p:1 rty 'fhc J\'ight of OctolJcr ::2nd. Proceeds earned by the auxiliary at the part y \\'il l be u~ed to support ~crvices of the society \vhich is tile largest privately supported adopt ion agency in Ca lifornia. Reservations for the event mciy be obta ined by calling r..1rs. Jacobs. 830-08 16. Six Clubs Join In Golf-a-thon 1'.lrn and \\'Omen 11111 be lry in~ to tee off into ci 15· foot 11·inn('r·.c; ci rcle at six differe11l country (lu h-., ne:..\ Sa turdny and !5nnday fron1 9 ;.i .m. to 3 p.m. as a thar1ly (;c\f-a-t /lon enl ers JI <; fina l :-.l;iµcs. Lucky gol fer s \1 llo lane\ 111 !hf' circle ;'Irr re \1·a r.derl \\'ilh a tree coi f b<ill. hut the re~! 11 inn er al 1he f,olf. a-thons. ,1hii::h bc~~1n the 11·epke11d t i! Ot:l. ll. is r hil- dre11·s Jl orne Society of (\1l1l orn1a . The series of contests is beu1g-sponsored by 1,es Petites Fleurs Auxiliary oJ the soc1rr.v a.c; one cf its first major \l'ays and menns pro,1cct ~ for thr ne1v year. Clubs participating include Lagun;i l ~e;:ich {'011n1ry Club El Niguel Country Clu b, l\li ss 1011 \11c10 c;olf ('\uh. San Juan !!ill s Country Club, Shorecliffs Count ry Cl ub and llarbor llills Country Club in S,'111 f'lcinen1 c. l 'hnsc \vho 'vish to try their luck purcha .\i e chance.-. ~l! the sites. to.lrs. LJc,yd 1~etr;:io;;h :ind ~!rs. Stua rt Shandie :1rr ctK'hairn1en ·of the affair. J\ssis ling then1 ;:i re capta111s the f\'hnes. Dilvid .A.darns. Kenneth \\'ri ;::ht. l\.lichact Baum. f'rank Becker. Tho1nas \\"h1ltakcr, Paul "J'homp- soti. Larry 1\da1ns, Cary Davis, nosie Roberts and Dougl as .J ohnson. ,\<:si sta11 1s to tlic c<ipt.-iin ~ are the :O.l n1e~. l !ri rnl d 01·cscn . (;eo rgc Den ch. John Bou11er .. /nhn \"a n Jl}ke , 1·1101nas :O.l auro. Ton1 Fortune. \\ 1ll1a1n (.'r:1 po .. J ack ~fln c;offn1an , .Jan1es llollcl. Jlnhl'r1 1 ~ar<;on<:. 1-·r;i11c1s J"'ier1 , Charles \'adas. ~l ich acl <:<tr111on and (;ary ("larkc . J\lrs . .Joh nso n rccent l\· \1;v..-in'-t<il lcd tn lc.nd the grou p of L;i gunfl J\i1 g11el ai1d Snutl1 I .:1.~11n::i \\ ()lnen \1 hn make up one o[ more 111n11 200 ciu:-;1liJ r1C'S ::.u pporting the society. Assisting her are the J\tine<;, T>ctra ~h and Shandie. first vice presidents in charge of \vays and 1neans; Holtel. second vice president in charge of men1bership ; and. \Vright, third vi ce president in ch arge of social C\'Cnts and progra1ns. Other new offi cers nrc the )lines . .J an1cs T~eakcs and Roberts. recording and correspondini; secretaries: Ramon Strauch, treasurer; .John Taylor. clinic chair- m an; frapo, publicity; tl lauro. parliamentar ian; Adams. Laguna Niguel Coordinating Council repre sent- ative : Bau1n, hospitality ; Ove sen and Thompson, tele- phone. KEEPING EYE S ON BALL -jl.fr:-. Lloyd Petrash keeps her eye on rhe h;il l \1h1le her hushand atte1npts to land it in a l!l-foot 111;ig1c c1r1.:le during lhc Goll-a·lhon ~pon so rcd by Les Petites Fleur!'! Auxi liary. Chi ld rens I-Jome Society of California. Golfers 1\·ho tee off into the \\•inner'." ci rcle get a fr ee gol f ball during the event next \\'eekend in six different coun try clubs. Mother-in-law Picks Up Many Home Decorating Ideas DEAR ANN LANDERS : ~ly "'ifc·~ mothtr is a chronic shoplifter. rt is a known fact in our family that she :r-tolc the irtatue11e on lhc coffee table fro1n Sea.rs and the lam p from J\tontgomcry '\\'ard. Last year she walked out or P.ilk Brothers \\'ilh a vacuum cleaner. i\fy wife and hrr ~ister do not ~hopl1fl but they see nothing wrong in ~ta ma ·s ghop\ifting. Last year my n101hcr.in-lav" a sked my wife <1nrt her sister ·what thCy v•anted for Chri.~tmas. They both wAntrd •utomatic electric to11strrs ~o !'l·l~n1a \1·enl out and stole a couplf'. I got mad o~·cr lh1 s and \1·r ha{! a h1;:: •rgument. My wife eX"f)laincd lllfll ht>r mothe r was raised dunn~ the depression wtitn nobody had an) niOnl'y. \\"h;itc\l'r pcop!r \\'antl'd 1hey :.tole. She never gnt nut of lhe habit. i\ty "·ire insists 1hat ~incc 1l was pan of her early lr;unini:: rt 1 ~ not immoral. l'lr.'.lse comment. -LOS. J ~G THE DEUATJ:: nf.~A lt L.O.: Your mnthrr-in-la"' is nnl Immoral. She i~ Mmora l. This me:•ns ~he ha~ no con.~rienrr, no C'llnrtrn for rii;:ht nr "·rong. If ~hr iii: caui:ht, she \\'ill nnl ht Invited Ill drh:ilt rlhlrii: nr talk :ihnu t the drp re5sioo. Sht "Ill be hookrd like • any other th ief. )'our l\Hr. by lH'Cf'pli n~ _ei fL~ \\·hi eh she knows art ~lolen. <'OO· ri 1Jnes hrr mnlhcr 's crin1inal bth:l\ lor. \'ou musl not allow ii. l)J~AH A;>;~ L1\,'\0f:n.i;: For J!<'nera· tion!'I 011r r:11nllv ha s collected Arnrric <1na. I 1nhrri li·d fri)m rny grra1 .grnndn1othc r ~n A111rrf'an Ila~ wHh lh'' r1•i;:uln11n11 Y>1ripr tlr,.l gn bu t the sl<ir:: form the lei. lrrs II S A. SulC'c thrrc ;i rr 411 ~1!lr~ 1n th1!'. fl;ig 1t rnust ha1 e l)rcn 1nade af!er 1312 ll i:o; of good qua1i1y collon and n1aehinc se,,.,·n. so there mu st be othe rs. \\'c'1·c checked with !he Smi thsonian Tns11tution and variolls flag books but hav e been unable to learn the orii;:in of this flag . Can you or you readers helf) 11s~ -FLAGGED 00\\'N IN KANSAS CITY OF.AR F.0.: The fa l't that lhf' Oag ill machint St'"'" is nol t\'ldt nct lhat thtrt art olh,rs. It 15 posslblt that one of yoo r anctslor5 whlpptd up thal n., on htr o"·n fit \\'lng machine for a 4th of July pi<:· nic in Salina. 11 any rtadtr has a bette r \trsion , rJ easc lel lllt knO\.\·. r1EAR A~N LA NDERS: ~fy ~on is ill his late 20s. When Boyd was 19 he was to be ma rrierl but his fiancct was killed in an accident thrcc days before the ,,.,·ro- ding. He never got over it. llovd has cul himself off from all his ntd friends. He has a good job and makes a nice li ving but be'ii like a different pc-rllOn. Yesterday Boyd told mt he is laking a la rger apartmrnl because he needs more room . An 18-year-old boy is n10\"i11g in wilh him. l'm sure Boyd is sick but nobody can tal k to him. The hii;:h school lad has turn- f'd against his parents and refuses to li.~IC'n lo them . HC' ha.~ no idea wha t he"s J?;ctling himself into. Ann . C'an my !"On be arrkted'7 J am worried sick. -ILL IN ll~L l~OIS Of.AR ILi.: r nu ~ay the boy hai;; "" ~dee "·bat he's gtUing into . I'm not so llUrt. In Illinois, bomost:ii:ual 1cUYlt j btlwttn two cnnsealing adlllts Is nl longer a crimt', Since Ult boy is II be I) an adult. ~loving In , of bis o"·n fl'tt wlU, is tanta mount to "const'nl." Give in or lose hin1 ... when a g111 gives you this Hnc, look out! For tips on how to handle the supersex salesma!fo ct.eek Ann Landers. Read her bookie\ "Necking and Petting -Whal Are the l.lmltii?" Send you r rrquest lo Ann Landers 1n care of th is newspaper, enclosi ng 50 cents in coin and a Jong, s!an1pcd . scll-addrcsS('d envelope. Ann l.andtrs 11 il be glad to help yolJ \\'11h your prohlrm~. ~enfl lht>m to her 111 rare ot the Ot\11.Y PfLOT, enclosing • self.addressed, stan1ped envelope.. . I I _, ,., ' .,tl ,. • ' ,...--· .I ' • MR S. BRUCE DAVID CHAPMAN Cos ta M••• 9,.jde ~-· ~ \ \ Su:y Pcrcttc 61859 Look, no si de seams' Dul four strategically placed seams form into deep pleats lhat arc very ~l unn11n g to t he \1·carer. ·r1i(' stand-li p collar i~ bias <ind hri .~ ;:i nice :.oft rnll to it. The curfs can be 11 orn tip or do11·n tn a pcrhy m anner. \\'e have Suzy J1crette to thank for !h1<; ~u pe rbly designed dress. 'fo order 61859 . sla te size>. include na11ie . .::rd- d rr ~s ;:ind i1r code. Send $2 postpaid for each pat- trrn. Send orders for books and pil1le rn .~ to o;;p,\11 1~.'\. Dept. CX·l5, Aox 1~. i\Iilford . NJ 08848. ' ' • Hig h Sc hool Sweetheart s Wed Las Vegas Rite Scene ~·aney Jayne ))tcu1 and Bruce D<n id Chapm<in. Costa {'.1e s a ll1 g ll .::ic h ool sweethearts. last Saturday Little Church L<is \'ega:.. were 1narried ('vening in the of lhe \Yest in Parents ol \/le briU<il couplr ttc ~l r.s. Jacquelyn Stein l•f C.:osta ?-les;1 and the late :.1 r. J<ichard L. .':i ll·111 and l11e rron1 Cojt a l>lesa 11 as btst moo r,.11 blu~~ou1~ 1 n t I u tl \ n t )cllo'>I gultl 11nd b r onze ct1rvsanthc1nurns adorned ti re ch1iri::h allar 'fhc rece pti on follo wed in the new L.::ts Vegas home o( Lile ne1,·!yweds. Circulating the guest book 11a!> .~l iss Karen t-·1ndlay of Las Vegas. Among tl1c ~µccia l l:UCSL~ v. as r-.lrs. Gerlr u de Da..,idson, grandmother ol the bridr from co~ta r-.les:. The fonner J\hss Stein iS an alumn1:1 of Orange Coast College's dental assisting pro- gra1n. Her husband allended OCC and presently is a\. lending the University of Nevada at Las Vegas \vhere ht" is maJonng in physical educallon. !lobt'rl Chapmans uf l"o~lJ ~-----------------------~ i\l f·~a t or tile double r i 11 i; 1.t'ren1011y tlle br11Je was g11en 1r1 n1arT 1age by her unclt. Ben· j11rn1n Sten1 of Laguna Hill s. The new .~!rs Chap111<1n ~eletted a !:ice go11 n with !ong, puff sleeYes ;.u1d ~tandup collar. !li•r shoulder leng th liered !lh1sion 1·eiling was raught to .:; beaded heiidpiece and her nosegay 11 <1s c:on1· prised of .1ellow daisies 3nd 11·h1lc carnol11Jn~. Sht' also ca r· ried a lour-generation lace handkerrhieL ,\!rs_ fli chard f.1 onville. the hri dt'3 sister fr on1 Cosl<i '.\lesa. was matron of honor in an apricot e1npire crepe gown. Robert Glenn Ch:ip· n1an, the benedicrs brother Club Picks Homeco ming Festivities SC Welcomes Alums It 's the e1e of hon1eco1ning fe stivities at the L n1 vers1ty ol Southern California. 1·11e :\e11 port 11arbor USC .1\!un1ni C 1 u b has arrang t-d for busing t o the university l'Onipus and the USC·Gcorgia Tech football gan1e next Saturday. Transportation \Viii de4 part fron1 Ir\ lne Coast Country Club at 9 a.n). 11ound·lrip tickets arc 52.50 per person. Ca n1pus tours . s pecial prog ra1ns and lunch 11 ill take place on the campus begin- ning at 9:30 a n1 for all SCions. II bus for the hig h school age s tud en1.s of alwnni \rill leave at 8 a .n1 . Rc sc r\·ation~ are being handled by B o b P.a_~n1ajian at 616·0402 or Rudy Baron at 675- 59:J7. :\ fe 1v football game tlckets still a re a vai lable. eus and ~::i1nc requests 11·ill be fill ed 011 a fi r:.t conic first served basis. Work Day..,___ _______ . Beginnin g \\'cdne sda y. Oct. '?2 . members of the Rantho Ladies· Club, Rancho r-.lobile Estates. "·!IJ go lo work The day has been designated a~ l\Ork dav and the Hun · !lngton Bcaeh group will begin rn3king Ciinstn1as decoration.~ for the rccrcallon room and t~blc dec:ora11ons unde r the direction of r-.lrs, George f\1rchoff. The grou p rneets cat:h \\'t•dnl'Sda v 111 the ('lubhousr and a lunl:heon is planned once ral'h month During tl1c last rnert1 ng lunds 11 ere r;i1scd by a silent auc11on or v.h1te ele phants, and the group "·ill be participating in a fall toll rnament ~ponsored by the r·al ifornia Shur I I e boa rd Association. DAR Hosts Gathering Col. \\.1llia m Cabell Cllapler.1 0Aft of ;\ewporl Beach i1 host ing a des!K'rl meeting next \\'edne~dav at 12:30 p.m. in !he home ·of r-.trs. Tho1na~ A.1 Barnard I J\1rs. Henry \r. Crawford. ~ood cil izen ch<1ir111an 1~ the hostess. Assisting will be ~lr~.1 Edga r Cox . registrar : fo.lr s.1 \railer C. Fail. past regent no" in charge of geneological l records ; ~lrs. ~land J, I-~· and il1rs. It C. Conn. / WEIGHT CONTROL ... GLANDULAR THERAPY BEN B. THOMPSON, MO C•ll ,,, •1111•iN'"'"' , ••• 01s 1 011.., MoNd•'f' lhr~ f rhl•., 11'27 We,tcliff Dr. Newport Be•ch Get 'High' and Lose Your Excess Weight FOliT tOLLJ.\S, Co I ri. 1L'PI1 -A Color;1Uo S:a1e lini\'ersity sc ienti st ha s 1.:ome across :1 ne1v 11ay for 11eighl v•atchers to trim off pound-~ - up to 10 percent o/ their 11·cight in si x 11·eel;:;_ Dr. Charles ,J_ E;ii;an . ;i p1·n. fts~or ;,t the l «1lle gc 111 \"etei·1nary :\fed1c111c ;1 11 d Biomedical Sciencl's. sa~s all the dieter ho~ to dn ls lo rno1·p to an alliLude abol'e l5.0Cl0 feel 0 1er a SJX·_wee).; period, l<agan says. a man m<iy l o~e j to JO percent of hi s \1·eighl. Eagan, however, doesn 't ad· vocate the method for dieters. It "'·ould ·be dlffieult to fi nd niany spots over 1a.ooo !eel \ ' ' ilu11 11'1ltiltl be h:1b 1t <•bl" 1\1.:tualil. the ~c1cnt 1s1 1~ ~h1· dyiug 1~·a}·s to stop the \1·e1ght Juss. 111:; st11d1e:; :.ho11· that a high t':Ji<1nl'. J11gh protein diet tend~ tu li111it 11·eight loss. The diet :11so l 1<~S anatlrer ~idc effr tt - 11 helps 1nan ;-1<.:tl un;llc 10 1hr !ugh ;:1lt1 lucic. Dr. Eagan·~ rese;irch began v. hen he 11·as conducting f1t11e ss , <i ltitude ac· t I i m a l i z a t i o n and col d tol erance s111dies for the Air Force 1n 1964. The v.·ork \1·as don~ at the A r c l i c Aero 1nedical L11 bo ralory·)i high alti tude facility on 14.000· root l\lount \Vrangell j n Alaska. \ SPECIAL! l Lii Buflums' experts froll your hair wifh Rour 1'Nice Chance'' 15.00 reg. 25.00 .~ile; Lii:,,,~hing it ·tdkcs our expei!S j us t iO minules lo color your streak- ed lips wilh mooi.-.glow·lone s ol sil· ver, be ige, champagne. And wi!hout peroxide. Se lec l one lo fl a tier you STEREO SENSATION! fro~ 18 toner shades. Ca rl for an ap · pointm ent today. Beau ly Salon Buffurns· The colorful soun~ of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .:ht! From Fashion Isla nd . Newport Beach Manicures. Pedicures. Facials. E leclrolys is NfW ~OFl:T CENT[~ e 11 ~A~H iON ISlAND . b~•·1 ;>1)0 MONDAY, THURSD ... Y, FRI D'°'Y 10;1)0 T!Ll t .ll). LINDA JO MAROIN Future Bride Newport Beac h Rites Scene In November Linda .J o Ha rdin ;i n d ~!ichaeJ ;\'ieholas Estanci a High Delaney, ::it h o o I sweethearts, 11 ill be 1narried Nov . 22 in Our Lad y Queen uf An~els Church, Corona dcl l>lar. Parents of the futurt" bridal eoupJe are ~lr.~. Robe rt r;, \\'illits or Huntington Beach and Jay T, Hardin 0f \\'hillier and ~Ir_ and ~I rr. Francis :\T. Delaney of ~c"'porL llt•aeh _ The engagement wa s an· nounced during a la1nily d111· nt'r party in Bob 13u rns restaur1:1nl . Both are gradua1es o f Esta ncia wh ere the bride·clect 1ras a songleader . Her !iance is serving in \iLe C: S . .\rmy Hcse rvcs . GOP Women Hear Senator Horoscope Aries: Display Sportsmanship TUESDA Y OCTOBER 21 By S'l'Ui\'EY O~IAl1H AR IES 1:'\larch 2!·Apnl l~·n ,\1 uch doubt , prr:..~urc .inrl fr-Jr are removed You ,. o 11 I d receive honor !ro1n fr<>tl'rnal org;uiizatlon-may b!' l:itctl 11·1th hu1nor , D 1 .~(!l<ty ~porlsmanshi p . TAL'Ht:S I April 20-\lav ',!!J t Some of .vour 11·1.~)1{:;; <•II! lulfdled Uut ncte~s;iry 111 · grcdienl is wurk , 1:11lr11lk1J1 to ha.sic techniques. l:l ru~h up 'lll knowledge. Be all'arc n( 111 1rH1r l·hanges . Don 'l get taught in loophole. GE:'\11 .\'I 1\l<iy 21 -J urw 20 1: You may be busier thau u.~11ul. Hcalizc aul!1or1t1Ps arc <tpt lo gl1·c vou gu·ahe<id ~1gn;_i l. Know this and be cnnf1dcnl , ~l uch depends 11pon ~our 11!· I1tude-111ake Jl a pos1t1ve 11111•, f :uoll l1111i1r 11~pect Loday coin. ( 1dt's "-'1th fun . t·reatl\'C ac· 1111ty, r o rn an t ic int('rcsts. \1.1th111g ha ppens hall11.a y : Jt 's ;_ipi 10 be all the way or 1111tl1u1g . He ready to run tl1c !:•111n11 SAGl'rl'A IUUS (l'\uv. 22· llf'!. 21 1 Be ready tu de;il with ques11on8 eoncerning rc;:i l 1:s!alt', ba.~ll' fa1nilv 1ss ut's, CAl'IU COJt.\' I J>el· 22.J;.u1. 1~11 Pl enty vf 1n:J'>'e1ncnt lud;;y , You :ire ktpl bu~1. l'o11scr1'c rnc r~y, f'al'ing is 1111portanl. Surpn ~e \'JS1t couhJ up.~rt roulinr Keep your coo!. Alll.!AHIL'S iJan. !(J.f eb . 18 ) Add ( 0 !JOSSCS3J0Jl~. 1l1ghliijhl i11c1 ·~ potenllal. Sp1•1l(I Jur quallly, ll1:11·e i<11!1\ J11 yuur 011'11 lai;te. judg1nenl. PISCES I ~~cu. l!l·:'\la rth 20 J: C}tlc h1gl 1, YJU ba~k 111 ,potlight of aucntion. Dai fe<itu res th<inge, variety, Op· pvrt unity tu travel. CA~CE ll 1June 21 . .July 121 ·1 .-----------~ Begin budgeting (:>r l<.1n,t:-ra11~1· financial prog ra:11. ill<1k1n,c: surroundings rn o r r t0111 · fortable, inspiring should tic high on agcnd<1. ConslllL f<1n1 1- ly member. LEO \July 2:::.A11g 22 1-Re sure you arc looking 111 nght di rection. Tcrl<k'n<'Y is \11 src only what ~ uu 11 <1111 10 obser1·e_ l\ey 10 sl!ttess tod;1y is lo be reaHs!lc---{'sp€clally about n1oney and Ja11 . I VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept , 22 1 Be an at!1'11li1'e listener. Bf' 11 ill1ng to 1l'ait. to 1i1nc rno1-es 1 ;\\all'. part ner 11<1nts prai~e. ll 11on'! hurt y1J u !n g11 e it LIBRA 1 Sept. 2J·Ort 221 Yu11 can sueeesslully ou!l1t1t" lnng-range prugra1n So1111· loo~e <'nds com" 1n~c1hrr. Y1111 n1il1r 1111 h ~l'l'<1l1·r ronl1Jl'J1 1" SCOHPJO 10rL 2.::.;,·01·, ~I J NIM BLE FINGER S ARE OLD FASHIONED <JO N 'OU <•" '"ii ,.,,.jl!!ll .... •our· w a r<>' o <> t ""''" 1 ll•oln •• lo;nllt•nQ N·•<"'"' lh oo ~•'I •nn !aot Como on, l<I v• ;f\o,. vcv f\ow rnv<~ l~n •n,lhn9 •ea11~ al THE KNIT WIT SOUTH COAST PLAZA Low .. L••" Oope•i!I WOGlworl"'' Brlitol ,., s .. n Diego Fwy. Costa Me~a Phone 545·28 12 :'>!rs. Da rid ~l a\berrv . pro-j J!r a 111 ch a 1 rina 11 hJr ! l u n t 1 ng tori I 'jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii llarbour Hrpub!i(·an \\'on1cn·~ I cl"b. "''""""· ""' ''°"""' Lose 10 I bs. 1 n 10 Da vs ~omcth1ng ol interest for "''""" ''' ""' limcbe°" ON NEW GRAPEFRUIT DIET n1ec ti11;:: nr'd l\"e:!nc:.day~ The (;QJ• 110111•·11 11 :ll ~H!hr·r al 10 a rn 1n lhe 1!11n1 111gtJrl Seachff C'1111n1t.1 ('l11!J 10 l1rar, John Sch1111t1. ~:;1:t' ~c11<1tor. Also on lnf' ai.:~n11::i 11 11! b(' a \\Jg rasJ11011 ci1<1\\', 1' ,1 10 f~ <:-·d ••·<·Iv, ·~• ~.,,oge '"t'"'" ~ht tion c" •'culd 10 11 10 co."d' n I!) d~<t' f~ • """' d •' c'·" <'< '"" .+1,(; •?•.,,r lf ""''" foe.ls lhol '-t '• l?•b1dd ~n Su <i-r. b q •'•I.~< fl ~M•ol o/ J.,• •ovH•e•n f.,ed ,~,<~o n, r ,:., 'l'"""'· ,...,<>noi ••, l,,f;;\ "" ,,,,,,.,,..,nq In bv•le•. bo ron, ••u;•'3•• .,,~ ,, •• ,.(;l•d "'>?' You ro n t <I ""'I ~cu .,, f,11, ""'I ·•O"v <~>,;' ~~'' t 1 • .,. •'v "'"" \Vom t n tll((·n·-1rd 1;1 .:il · tentling m<1.1· trirphon e ~1rs.1 Hoy Hughe., at &;~;.2:"12. A <CP> ,,f '-< n·-•"-' >'•·'1.nq '"''""!~! d;,, ~l,o c•~ be obl•·"•d t.-v 10·! ·q S? ~O •c G'•pel•o." µ,., Bo• b lJB, L~6· '"'<>o<I, !(~"'"' 667CO B ea uty Salo11s Coming or going, you're COLORFUL L··l us make thr n1ost of your ha1 r: 11. coi!Ture lovely 011 al l sidt"!". and color lovely in e\'ery light. INSTA7\I C<'lor: our mag ical Fa nci·ful\ Ril1"!'.' ' with ou r INSTANT t RO~X that. n!'cds no 11e roxid!'.', 110 aftcr·rin"~, that 11hampoo~ ou t Y•h enrver you \1·\sh; that covers 1ra1, tone11 bleach rd J1a ir, re freshes dull hair. :Fanci·ful\ colo rs \\'hil e .,.,.r set your hair, to give yo11 a new look. 'lUS SHAM,00 52.50 A,ND SIT I Mo11. ttiru Th¥".) I Lo"9 Ho:, E•h 1 \ or beauty "''ilhout Any rxtr11 l imr: A,lrtr S 11·"'· S2.7S f tl do.,, S111u,do.,, Su11d•1 ..... , , , SJ.00 ArtMI•. C•llf. 11111 ·-- c.11. M0to, c.111. lH 1 . 111~ l!•ffl -"'•vttlr c ... 1., ,. ...... ,. •. lf'1 Co11• MHe, C•lil. neo ""''"" 11~•. 0: '"'I r1 r t•. ' , ............ JJ f-111•...,_ Y•ll•f· Celi!. U•• M•• ... 111 c.,,. 1ii1 .... c.nr. IN W. lltfl Sl'"' r11c ... ll• a '"" ,. ........ ,.,.,. OTHE.lt DAYS 10 00 Till 5,10 1 Mt11o .. 111111 C.,,,,, ,._ ..... ,~ Or•11t•. C•lff. l lH "'· (111_.,, Vl<i.r c.,,,,.. •~ .... Jn.n,. Vlillt• (fftf .. ""'"' lll·lMI '-.,." A110, C•Uf, "'•••Ht" I l!I ..... ~ ""'"' c ... ,., ·~ .... ,,,.,.,, ft•••ot11 'tell•.,, Cotlf. l ft1 ··-II ....... V oH1Y <-••• '"-"' JJl4M4 3 I r ' ' i ( I ' ' t r I t ' r ; ( ' 3 .................... , ............ ,.'ri''r'' ......... -.. , .. --:--.:•-'!'-,., '· _!' _____ -----~--,-.,r--:,---~ -.--·---·--·----··-----~ Year in Nicaragua Monday, Octobtr 20, 1969 To British O.~IL Y PILOi J 9 HB Auxiliary Teacher Visits Land of Siestas American Legion Auxiliary of Huntington Beach gathers in the American Legion Hall cir, 1 :30 p.m. the first 'l'hursday of Mrs. W. A. Gibson's Laguna each month. On the fourth Beach home will be the setting Thursday members may call foc a meeting of Westward Ho Mrs. Arne Jensen, 536-2777, for Chapter, Daughters of the _loc_a_Lio_n_inf_o_rm_a_ti_o_n. __ _ British Empire tomorrow atl• 12:30 p.m. A year in Central America greeted at the airport by Miss During the gathering final will be described by Miss Bermudez. the diredor of arrangements will be made in Ali ce Kasparian, pr')fessor of t · f · d r lh · d ounsm, nen s o eu-s an anticipation of a trip to Los business education al Orange Coast College. for a meeting a mariachi band, she was Angeles, Saturday, Nov. 8, to the Xi Lambda Chapter of escorted to the Bermudez see ''Goodbye Mr. Chips'' in Beta Sigma Phi Wednesday, home where other friends o[ the Fox Wilshire Theater. Oc:l. 22. the Bermudez family awaited Proceeds will benefit a British The chapter will earmark her, including U1e country's home in California. I pr 0 c e eds from Mi ss president. A buffet dinner and All women of British an· \A /Ali(HERS Kasparian's talk for U1c Cystic dance were included in the cestry are invited to attend V Vt\I, ., I! Fibrosis Foundation and oLher welcoming festivities. the 1'.leeting. Furth~r in-some talking, some listening and charities. 'I' he so r o r1ty·sponsored formation may be obtained by l a program that works. lA• T\icaragua was lhe country meeting will take place in calling Mrs. John Harold, 494-FREE BROCHURE-CALL 83S.SSOS l'hosen by Miss Ka sparian tQ Miss Kasparian's University _:9'.:'._51~8'.:_. --------~~6=========== visit because one o[ her Park home at 7:30 p.m. T d ' S k T d former students, Miss Delia Anyone wishing information 0 , ay S tOC S 0 ay Bermudez was infl uential in may call he~ at 834·5842. having an invitation ex~nded1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to her from the president of Nicaragua. Miss Kaspa rianl agreed lo help with the coun- try's program of business etlucalion. MADE FOR RELAXING -Relaxing the Nicarag- uan way will be Miss /\lice Kasparian, professor of busi ness education <Jt Orange Coast College. The handcrafted hammock \\'as given to her when she vi sited Nicaragua during a sabbatical leave. The skjn is a Central American tiger skin. brought to her by a native who searched several months to get !'l for her as a giJt. Miss Kasparian will descrih~ her year in J\'lanagua during a meeting of X1 Lambda Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi. During the sabbatical year she lived with the Bermudez family in a large, Spanish- style house in Managua. The1 head o( the household. Col. Bermudez. is top aide lo the president of Nicaragua. l She ('Onducled seminars for secretarial teachers and bil- ingual executive secretaries, I spoke to various groups and • THE BEAUTY SALON 'S DUART NOVEMBER SALE We're sterling u rly io 91i you ready for lhe holideys. ,,l.void the ru1h end teke 1dvanh91 of our gree t Ouart permenent speci1l1. Choose your atyle • , , visiteo business firms. I Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis Miss Kasparian commented I that she found the people very 1 friendly and interested in the t lniled States. They followed I the last presidentia l election wi th great interest and are' avid televi sion watchers, en- joying Americ an programs. First Anniversary Celebrated By LOUISE COOK It has been one yc<i r sint-r Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy. the Presidenrs widow, mar. ried Aristotle Onassis. a Greek shipping magnate 2:1 years her senior. It ha~ heen ;i ,H:ir durinr. which the couple reportC'dly spent $20 mi llion, moring bad; and forth among their homes in Europe and Am!:'rica as casually as most pl'oplc mo\'c from room to roum in an apartment. puhlic rye. Their quest f1)r privacy be gan with the Oct. 20 wecl- rling itself -a G r e e k Orthodox c e r e m o n y nn Scorpios, Onassis' private island 111 the Ionian Sea. Mrs. Onassi~· wedding dress was drsigned by Valentino, her wedding gifl from her husband was a collect ion of jewels worth an estimated $ J . 2 million. TI1en there was the honry· moon -on Onassis' pri\·a1c yachl, the 303-foot Ch ristina. a converted destroyer nam ed after Ona:.sis' <laughter by a previous marriage. During a visit lo the New York, they followed a joined her ch tldren in riding American Embassy she met norma l domest ic pattern -shows. two of her former students normal, lhat is, for one of the When J\trs. Onassis did ''en· who now are woking at the • wnrld's most famous couples. t11re out 111 public in New embassy. I York, she was followed by A high light of her visit was They entertarned friends photographe rs and fans. 1he annual charity formal ball l1 with quiet parties in the I~-A photographer who snap· for the Ruben Dario Theater. room. $200,000 Fifth Avenue ped a picture of Mrs. Onassis Dario, known as lhe foremost apartment Lhat Mrs. Onussis and John Jr. bicycling in Cen-Spanish poet, was born 12 had bought in 1964. The apart4 tral Park received a summons miles from Managua. More' rnPnt overlooks Central Park, for harassment. The com· than 3000 prom 1 n e n t They were seen in a plaint was made by the Secret Nicaraguans and guests from neighborhood pub e a t 1 n g Service agent assigned to .John other countries gathered in the chPeseburgers on Sund a Y .Jr. The photographer claimed decorated Managua airport for nights. Onassis was said to h<' got the harassment from dancing and gourmet dining. girr. a SIO tip for the Lhc agents. Also a high point was lhe c h e e s e b u r g e r s and the I r.· t' G e k es" · h Id h h I n c.u rope , 11c r e · pr · " reception c in er on or m;1nage ment reportedly sta-<leseribes Mrs. Onassis as when she arrived. After being tioned ~ards around the "the first lady of Scorpios." =====-=--;:;;.;;-;;;;-;;;;-;:;..:-=--=-==..1 lar11es room to prevent curiosi-And as in America , th e ty S<'ekcrs from following Mrs. C'rowds follow. When she went STARS Onassis. Oil a shopping tour in Athens Svd"ey Omerr is one of lh11 On w e ck r n d S • the h b world's great astrologers. Hos in l e summer to uy some 1 1 , th D"'ILY aoft encl casual, bo unc.y end curly or smoothly tophistic.altd. We do them 1!11, SALON SPEC IALS STUDIO SPfCIALS 17.50 perm, 1.75 20.00 perm, 10.00 75.00 perm, 12.50 30.00 perm, 1500 35.00 perm, 17.50 All complet e with the l1t11I in 1tylin9 end c.uh! Heir Piece Speci•l-$1 '4.50 for our extr1 1p1ci•I Bru1h ~n Go, Modec.rylic wig, Wh;!e you're in, v11it our fu" boutijue! ~~ ~;:;-- __....--.......,,. ~ .. ..-,-.. ~._., -,. Phone: Anaheim , 535.912 I, Hunlin9lon Buch : 8'1 2.)JJI; Newport, 644·1 2 12 The Beeuty Salon, 60 I. ! It has been a year during which the slender. sol I-spoken beaulv who drew the ;id- miration of the nation during the tragic d:iys after John F. Kennedy 's assassination t11rn- ed 40 -and C'PIC'braled with ;:in all -night spree 111 an Alhrns nightclub. And it has b<>en a yrar dur- ing which Mr. and Mrs. Onac;sis tried -not too ~uc .. cesMully -to stay out of the Mrs. Onassis returned to thr t ·nited Slates Jess than a month after the wedding to re- jn1n her children by lhe lalc president, Caroline, t I, and J ohn .Jr .. 8. who attend private schools in New York. Onassis remained in Europe. 0 . t•me wenL to ' . b co umn ' one OT • ~ nass1ses some I s antique furniture a m? PILOT'S great feelures. the cou ntry -a rented retreat _.!p~u~rs~u~in~g~a~l~m~os~t:_:c~a'...'.'.u'.::se~d:.'.:a ..'..r:'.10'..'.:.:l.~:_=--===~==--=-====:'....L-==-==...,....,.==...,.=================~====~ in Peapack. N.J ., 50 miles When the Onassises we re in from Manhattan, where Mrs. Onassis sometimes shed her traditional dark glasses and groovy tot to teen corne r ANIMAL CORNER P'RINTS a trick or treat special for the bell-ringer-so send your tiger out in a colorful, fun-time animal "skin.'' 36'' widths guaranteed washable GIYARD /Woolens ~ · ALL WOOL FLANNEL in lots of solid colors PLAIDS 'N PLAIDS 'N PLAIDS wools and wool blends TEXTURED WOOL CREPE elegant worsted solids BLACK 'N WHITE FANCIES new weaves on acrylics VALU ES TO $5.98 YARD linings acetate fric:o+ 54"/60" widths NOTIONS .DRAPERIES HUNTINGTO.N CENTER EDINGER AT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH OPEN MON. THIU FRI. 10 'TIL 'P.M. -SAT. 'Tll 6 P.M. l•NKAMUICARD & MASU R CHAllGI ACCIPTlD YARD 897-8013 BY POPULAR DEMAND CONTINUED 1 MORE WEEK LOSE INCHES NOW ••• BEFORE 'IHANKSGIVING! From Monday. Oct. 20th thru Saturday, Oct. 25 , all Goria Marshall lo~ations jn the :)tatc of Californ ia, are holding n 1,'2 Price Sa.e on ?pot Reducing for either hips or wais t. This special price is for hips aid waist only and is m conjunction wilh Gloria Marshall's regular Program . • • • IC you are one of the millions of American women wt.h a "big" hlp problem , • , or, if the tummy needs inching back to give you that yruthful slender appearance, don't miss this of!n. It saves you Vi the price on hips or waist reducing and, of course, Gloria Marshall's prices are always less ••. much }ss ••• than charged by any ot.her system of slenderizing salons for women. Call us a.I come in for a sample visit ..• no charge or obligation, actually use the ~rrr;1! red•";"!? machines during your sample visit. WE ARE NOT A GYM! Gloria Marshall cllrecror of the WORLD'S LARGEST owL1ed and operated Fi,Jre Control System says: Why buy a years membership in a Gym to try and l weight through strenuous exercise when you can buy effortless weight reductionand pay by the Uich at Gloria Marshall's ••• patrons, based on actual recofd4 can achieve their goal in as little as 4 to 6 weeks and •.• I LOSE 10 INCHES WITHIN FIRST 10 VISITS "Tell m the d1'e88 size you want to wear, and we'll~ you hmr many visits it will take and guarantee in writing you will reach your goal In fact, so absolutely positive· are that yoa will obtain your objective, that u stat.ed in9! otee, we will even let you have FREE OF CHARGE, any an all further visits, until you reach your goal It's positive· that we back up our guarantee 100%. AfST IAL .. Come in com/ or table casual clothes, disrobing zmnecessary, Prwate playroom facilities for small children. FIGURE CONTROL SALONS ..., .... llt. M • l..U.trlelrf nd Master Cllarp Wtlctlll NEWPORT BEACH 430 Pacific Coast Hwy. 642·36~ f 2 •toch Eaat of lalboe lay Clutl ANAMllM, 8.VlltlY MILLI, COVINA, Clt•NSHAW, DOWNEY, OlENOAll!, L.Al(l!WOOO, LONO 8EACH, Nl!Wl'OltT llACH, NOltTM HOLLYWOOD. ONTARIO, PASADENA, SAN 01!00. SANTA ANA, SANTA IAltlAllA, SUNLAND, TAltZANA. WHIT TIElt. S&lont else In FRESNO, SACRAMENTO, IAN JOH, I UNN YVAll!, WALNUT ClllK. 1140 WEST 17th ST., 54l·f457 SANT ANA CCopyri1hl JN' Gloria Marshall Mp. Co. Inc. a..-..;;;_ ___ ~ ____ _,.. ________________ l', .. ...., • .fO CA.ILY PILOr Mond!y, Ortobtr 20, 1%'> TUMBLEWEEDS ly Tom K. Ryan SALLY BANANAS YOO GONNA 'TTEN' TflE SEMYNAR ? rr SEfWIES WE l'RIMIT!VES 10 Ro MA IN WELL Al'REAST OF ALL RECENT TECHNOLOOk'.A!. DEVEl.D'MHilS OF ATl\VtSTIC 11CHNIQ!£AND PRDCEDO~E! PEANUTS MAYeEYA DIDN'T' lN'NER5TAN' THE QUESTION " I: V , E-_,~=----1\ IV'w Wcv./ r.u ~~ o l(JNCl~/,1l Mli0 1c11.it Mii~~"'; _ HE LOOK5 (IND OF DAZEiJ, CHARLIE BROWN ... By "~_,· -ldi<C\.o"' MARITAL ARRANGEMENT -Bill Bixby. s tar of "Love .!\merican St~·I{'" seen tonight on Channel 7 at 10 p.111., t1as Connie S!e\·ens as a guest s ta~. They are iri\'01\'Cd in a ~tory of ;in unu sual n1ar1tal ar- rangt•1nenl in the "Lo\'e an d the Le gal :\green1ent" ~egn1rn'l of the progra'.11. T£J,E\'ISION \'IE\\'S Cro\\ ded Hour For };'rank Jr. By CYNTHIA LOWRY !\f:\V 'YOf{K (:\Pl -f''rank Sinatra J r. opened his CBS spec1<i l Sun day night ~i nging from insi de a gi~Hll :-.tipprr thal ~11-in g~ high ove~ a Las Vegas l'nlertain1nent pa l.:J.cc. Ile t lo!:>ed iL singing fr om the turre t roo f of an other. Jn l)fl\1c•rn . the vnun;;-1nan lc<l the \•ie1v ers on ;i 11 in1pres.•ive tour Or the Nevadn cit y and its en· \'i ron~. ll 11as a r ro11 ded llour. THE DOODLETOWN PIPERS sang a nun;ber cra1vl ing on the dese rt anrl splashing in a fountai n pool. Sammy Davis J r. and a chorus danced around the Hoorer Dain -perhaps the world's largest backdrop. i\1ancy Sinatra sang \Vihl e wanderin g a1nid fla shi ng neon signs. l'oun g Sinatra rod e a dune buggy \1·hiJe singing and poi~ed dangerously at the top 'or soinc. desert rocks. frank Sinatra Sr. joined 'his son in a number. The sho1v used all sorts of c-<'lmera tricks. fro-m \\'lld opti cal effects to slO \\' motion. Th ere was even an aerial ballet -to music -by the precision fly· ing team of the U.S. Air F'o rce. IN ALL THIS, the star of the shO\\', a qui et- mannered fel lo1v \\'ith ci pleasant but hardly elec· trifvlng voi ce and presen ce. seemed Jos t. ·The sho\I' n1a de so1ne slabs <1t con1edy. \\'ith b!ts by Arte Johnson of "Laugh-In ." Jack Leon a rd, nnd Jack Benny . None of it ""·orked well and \1·as tJ1e \\'eak spot in the hour. ''THE ADVOCATES," a ne\v. Jive series Sun~ day nlghts on a national hookup of education al sl ci- tions. this 'vee k debated \\'he'Lher Con~ress shoul d pass the Goodell bil l lo require \l'ithdrav.·al of C.S. troons from \1ietnam in 14 n;onths. Ko one-h our program could handle the enorn;- ously co1n plex queslion in much depth or vlilh !?reat <'ffect. Thi s program's fonnat v.'orks against satis- fa ctory explorRlion of pros and cons . lt is a strange rombination of debate, intervie\v and cross-e~an1i­ nation . ;:il l hrnkPn intn short .~egmen\s. BOTH SIDES had fil111 cli p~ shov,:ing the ~lro­ r i!ie .~ of 1\·ar. There \verc in ten•iews \rlth Sen. ('harle~ Goodell i;;tcitlng his case. Sen . Barry r;oJcl- ,1·a!<'r \I as i11terviev1ed on hi.~ position, Ad vocates pre ~s ed rositions on the President's right to conduct foreign policy and Con.e:re s.~· r l11:ht to declare war. A pa ir of profe ssiona l experts presented diametri c· nlly oppo.,i1e points of vie\v on U1e Vietnames e, There. \~·ere even reports on poll s and sampl ing of Pl1b\ic op ini on De11t1f.s the ltfe11ace • J./f"J-- ,::r~~i:. JUDGE PARKER Ow 11-l f lll w,.1 our TO PINMEr, ABBEY SPEMCil: TELLS SAM ~IVEi:= TH.A.T SHE PLAN!I 10 GET ~ER: 1 ~-­ l.A.WVeR JO ~Ftt.IP NOC'Y: MOON MULLINS PLUS~B'OTToM HoRE'.-Yes, r-'--.OUR 1".V. SET IS ON ... STEVE ROl'ER @ By John Miles WA';. ii-!::; V:...1U~ IDEI\, .A.!!>6E-V. o~ Dir' so~~::ON!:' ~UCJ6ESf THl\T I. 6E lAKE.N Ol=F Tl-IE CASE:' By Ferd By Saunders and Ovcrgard ')Oll'RE 60tMG TO SELi.. BUT, DAD/ .. ·i CAM K-1.VE IT RUNNING AG.Ill"' INA FEW- L'l!-EXC\J~E ME! 111<:f' TO'VE MET ')OU FOi.KS/ .. SiE '){)\} .AT THE GAA.i\GE TOMORRO\Jl, OH, 1 +-\AVE N=•N:eGAINST .,O,L1JM,,K--- EXCEPT "TI-IAT +-IE GETS PAID FOR.THIS STUFF A1"IO WE OON'T.1 GORDO JtJ6T Dq,op TH&: CA.Ji.1.-CI0'1f !N·" ... 'f'l.IAT'S l'f l • ~.... ,.'ii.,, , <'' \1 ' • .I .. ROD.' WELL,WH~T f\" ..-.... DO YO U '. -) 1t11"-JK OF , ';, •. +-11M No w? ; Ey Gus Arriola ----,;--'<:I so 1;2.i;;:-y, L1 "-.lC ~l'\\ LATC.~· r k.CCF.f By Mell Y~U SHOULDN'T 5 E &ORBD AT YOW~ ~~ FRANCINE . VOU KNOW \Vl-!A T'.5 \VRON G WITH cu~ STAGE ... 'THERe 15 NO TH1N(j TO B"°JDG E TJ.-1£ GAP 9 1!TWE:EN PLASTIC MONSTER ll'ETH AND FAJ..SS EYeL.ASHe5. ' ly Charles hnonl MONDAY OCTOBER 20 ' r v 1 r~ 1 -. , 'i:OO II l it f'frn (CJ C60l ltrfl' Dunph1. 0 g;, Hunllty-lrlnlll)' (C) (301 0 St1w1 Al1111 Sllow (C) (90) Guetb art [arl Grant M11k Russtil, o~na Reese and Mary fu!erni~k. IJ "A DISTANT TRUMPET " * Parl I -IN COLOR 5\ars TROY DON.A.HUE & SUZANNE PLESHETTE 0 S1J O'Clock fAovlt: (Cl .. A Dla·1 t~nt Trurnprt" Part I {;1esiern) '64 • vierl, Suun lt\IMI 1nl Dtvlrl Mons C:O·ltll, l :JD 8 3 ()) H«r't LllCJ {C) (iO) Uncle H•1ry 1tun1 1111 talllil1 hive to bl r1mowtd i nd rtlcll wttll 111 lht cour11e cil 1 tllr••·J91r ·eld. M11y Wick•• t nd Jtek Ccrllln• 111HL 0 lr1lni ill ,.._II (C) (30) TDM- my Pro!hro 1n1rri11 lht aune ~ lwetn 1~1 UClA l ruint ind t~• Un1~t•lity of C1lllornl• 1Mr1. m Det'W Frllt .... (C) CID) "11· 1eliet Hu1\011 i nd ,....I D111n.1t111 ot movie "\¥31~ With 10\.'t and o,1th"'; RDbtrt ll!th; Tony Martin; J~mel Orur,: Esthu TDbi: 1nd Dr. fdward Teiltr, inventor cf tht H· Bomb. f U!!I. ID Tiit I ll Vtfl., (Ci 16/Jl -loo)' Danlhue. S~l.inne Ple~Mette. 9;00 6 S !]) lohrbel'Tl llfD (C) i30J 01,;ne McBoin. Jame~ Gre~ary U.S. Millie leovtt 1u be 1 New Yori! C1~alr1m1n lalls in love w11k •n· model. llen llerf}'. Arlen• C~IOnka o'~•r lleuttna nt's wife. Her husband and rranct.1 Bavier co·s\11. h lr.1lltd, but th e young m1n"1 Ir· I J~C!t ;;pp[M~ Q ~@ m l'IBC Mtnd1r Movl1: 3 (C) ''By-l ove Po111-d'' (drama) 0 D1tk V~n Oykt ( 0) I '61 -Jason Rab11d1 J1 .. l 1n1 Tumu, m Pt)1on 1"11u (30) 1 liem Zimb1 llsl J1. A aucceuful 11· ID Stir Trek (C) (60) tomty !Uddtnlr l!nd' hi! w~le lilt r1t I J Mi~e Ooui111 (Cl {90) LhlnRed in I lew days. €E)Wh'1'' New?'IJO) ··1ndepe nd OH11t Co111 IM Stars (C) (60) eo1 r "d~enlur,," Tony Sal~\•n vl~its G!!Clrge J~el wtlcomes Oen lllc~lt.t !he h1ga le "'Constitution"' ind Je· .,ho is 101st•d ~r Mor11 Amil.er• u r.~lu 1he WJr of 1!12. dam , Hennr Youn1m•n. CleM 1111' ~[!:.CBS Nnn (CJ (30) 00 Tiempo dt Pe!don (30) ® Ne-ws (C) (60) Jae~ Hlc ktJ, 1:30 0 Kl'lllC l'l,..rvlt1 (Ci (60) D Th• G•m• Game (C) (10) Jim M~l\r111 hosts. Guen~ 81! Donn~' Jtin Voung, Scoey Mi!chlll 1nd N~~rv i'(ulp. \ W To Tell t~! Truth {C) (30) W OIJ1ct o! th• Prr~dtn! \30) !:]0 los, Pit Henry 1nd J>1t McCo""lct. Singers ~ Mtrtl"°, .lol Lanllnr. Marien Colby ind Jtn DllJ 1!so 11u11I. o ab m rn Th• surr1"" fc1 (60) lr1 ~r •nd Ant11us ll11 kos mtet e11in 1ftt< 20 yttl!I. L1n1 Tumtr, Gtor11 l'hmllte~. !(.win McClrthy and llosMno llr1Zzi. '' Rll~eJ, mr. f]) N£T nurn1I (&0) "l1hl1dor." A profilt of !ht S?anl1h kkll. D Cordobtt-deredft!I ol IM bull riftJ. D TONIGHT'S BEST BET! )9 rTi Th i Mu~1t1r1 jJO) €!J No!ltl!•O 3• (C) (fi0) €!)Ne"'~ (C) (lO) 1 * THE DORIS DAY SHOW! 6 a (!)Doris O•r (C) (10) Doris htlp1 h'r to~ f!illJ ecrmb1t I !h! 11~reulY1nes:i of 1 eom pttitcir's 7:00 0 CB! Eie nln1 Htw1 (C) (10) I mo•hf' i" 1 ct~dy !!llinl con!ut. O Wh•rs M1 ll"t! (C~ (30) lhr Ma• Shtro11~er i nd -'mri• Stik:k· ~ilQl ot Air ro1e1 On1 lrl" lo slump land 1u1~t. p~ntlists l~ve P, Mori'"· Ge~1 ' !'~yb11r·n, Ber\ Con'l'J and Aritn~ D ",.' (C) (30) l td Mt}trt. f1~nt<1. m Ht S.iil. Ille S1lill (CJ (30) m I lo~t lun (JO) fl) Jhwllidt llHnd"' (f,O) (El lle1t !ht Cite~ (Cl (30) i[1 lltTllt1 M~•,11 (30) ff! Comrnodlty!StiX' fttptrt (30) 10:00 I) 8 (j) Cu~t l•111tlt (C) (10) ~j 'el M~nl!tJ Sfl9w (C) (90) Ke~ 8trry. Tim l'hl'lllJ •~d ll1y •Ql'n~y Jri:~r.~ ~tM1in~ Robert Media;~ guest (R1,,;hldul1d !rem l v'cr .1~d Chad £ve1ttt. ! Oct. lJ) rn ~11~ .. ! oo) I ·10 a_ Tiuth er Con1tquen~ti (C) { !0) ED Ceu r'1 World CC) (10) CD Thrt Ci 1t1 (C) (.10) o m "ft'! 1c1 (601 fJ (i't (]) (l) LM. A11ttrlum Style IC) 1&0) Boll a;~~J. Conni• Str;1n1,. Sid Cat1-1r. M1ur1en Arthur. B1rrr Nt lion. Stu Glllitm ind C~1lset Brown st.Ir i~ lhret comtdlu 1bollt love, Q Dll11! (C) (60) l i\IJ Pres!tl~. Cl!itli! Callas, 1nd Tl!• Ki~f Cou· ,1~s 1uttl 0) P.,.,. M110• (60) };JO O !B!l.1C1un1111Gk1 (C) (60l 'Hawk " Half-brted Indian polict ~(!. Hawll finds Ms mot~er -1 whl!t .,oman "ho abandoned him 1 ... tnh years 110 "hen sht e1c1p1d ~·r Anache c1pl11rs. Brendo n Boone, I ~lllle L~t~am. ~~ichael J. W1ited €lJ f rnnr llM (liO) WH1i1t11 Buck· lc!•tarie lhompi.on 1nd Robert B1u·1 ley. 'O• G1ulle and Dt Gtull1~m" ~~~U f'J!St. (R) CJ fL' M, Wor1 rl' 11111 Wllc.1111 t1 EJI Ctrctl ft Mljlnt (JO) 11 (Cl (30\ 'The G~ost ~nd Mi 10:30 mi Uft ;mo H 11 OIJlcvr~tfl (30) ~~ONO~" )•m~1 Gre11ory 1uest1 (~~~hel'ultl') ll:OO 0 0 mm CD Nm (C) 0 Stump the 3\Jr1 (Cl '10) M .~t 1 IO Al!rtf Hi1the.e• '1~~~~ "'~'rnlfltl ~11•sts Bill ll11~) f( .. ~rd Mulllare and ~eien \'alt~ Q T~e IQ-rie G1me (C) Sonny r~r ~~sis Gu,,t, f lt L~Ull Hyt, .Agn,. Moor,htad. Rudy V1ll11 1~d t1rol O TOrll SMOTHERS MAKES l ~nley. * "MUSIC SCENE '' TONITE mo.m li111il1 0 ft7' J CE) The Music Sttn1 (C) tin (I) 13 L{i N1wt (CJ 1~S\La1ry H~~~'" (.;,.,,1op~tl Ro•~ . I 'v l ~rr.,1n c;;1"~ Bokeno. o~viO 11:10 1J i2t CIJ Mtrf G11t11~ {CJ ~·~•nhetg ~nd Paul R"d Roma ni Q .)_J 1,_6.., m N..n (t) 1r11 !r'11 Smo\llers ~ues1~ · O Mllllon l Mnie: (Cl "Yo1n1I ~1~l~id~r1!1~~~~) D,~~~:d l~~~'.0';1 l~hnrn w1ltr~ and riislobu!11 pi~111h:e1~ proteitin~ wor~inR ton 1!ot1on1. 1nrrlin1 11011. liter ht bt tQmts f !Urcesslul pl1ywrl1h!. m Truth or Cons.tt1u1ntn (C) (30) (D h1dd hlf 1111 Delf!IM (C) (liO) ff! Ttthniu l Corn1r (30) ffi E1slern W!sdoll'I (30) "tiu11I· ity," Ph1losoph11 Alan W1tt1 probr~ 111! ln~ran ideii of karm•. O Mn:. "flit ,"'11r1 Muri11e" (dr1m1) ·•g........o1w1d J'll-1t11, LoreUI Ycunr. o i:rt rn m '°" 111.""' tel cO'f-e•ait ot 1tit ¥!'()rid prtmllle ti Sl~n\ey 11.rame(s ''T1'1 S«rtt (If ~n11 Vl!tolif " f1(1111 \11• Wntwtlrl \lillaJt T~tt11r In Los An1eln. ln- slUdlO ruet'I lricl!Jtlt C..rmtn MIC• Re•. Chuo 1no VlctM l!JD1111. CJ Mtvlt: (t) "AllRe y, .... (t:OmtdJ) '51 -1!111llnd RllSMll, folfttt Tucktr. en Ml'flt: "lnt tt1....., wnt• (1'1111111) '57 -Jill! Dnls, Miil' al C~Ytho el Roto (30) ' C.lllt. 8:00 0 m Ltw~h·I• ICl (&OJ [Ii Wal-112:00 DID ({) m h~nllJ CtMt CCI la(h p{ay\ ha1rnonr~' with his nai.tl1 Cir! Telntr 111Uhl1llul1 llo1t. Htt• ~nd A"ne Jackson tur~s 1tandu? ttfttl lwn1rdl. GMlf"IJ C9mb1id1•, r,omtc. ind [dl'Mndt I Cwrlty 1rt tclltd-o I) lttk l1n111 (JO) Connie fr entl!, ultd rutltL ~ue~h. I m Mwlr. ..,,. ltlt ltMurti111• m Queen for • 011 tCl ()0) I (1111111) ·~t -Mt1'111t Vt" Oorll\rr Stm Coehr1n. U) St~d M11•1t Sumll'llfY (30) l :OO Ill Mftlt: "nt Yt111t: hn't c;,y• ED World Ptw IC) (601 (Trim•) '57 -Sil Mi~to. Jim• l'IM!mort. J. C..irrol Nal1h. al Hit J'11rld1 (C) (90) 1:1~ D lt W CD The NIW '"Pit (t)l 0 Coftlmunit} lullttln INtf (C) (i?i) "Com•• th• llMlutlcin W•1 • ,. ... (C) \ht th1 Clrlt' Showu." R1lte! S\ln· CD Actlt11 n•trl: "Red Liih\ ... l~y 11111 ln IO'l't llltl\ I N11t:t0 1lrl ~nd t~i• d!it~rlls W11h. Otnnll 011· 1:1! B " ... [C) TUESDAY Q ICj .. RltMrn " P'•rldi•• (dr .. m•) ' S -Gary Cooper, lloblrtl H11net. QI '11rl"l'tllold~ (dr1m1) '62 - til•tdont ld Garey, ll~rbu1 Shtllry. 0-'YTIME MOVIES I 11:0D ft '\111 Tnin Fro111 Mldril" ~dr., m~) 'JJ -00fa!hJ t1mour, Lt• Ayr1~. t :OOO "Smug!f1"1 11 1111 4,. (ldn~ tui~I 51 -Jell Chandltr fYl!Jft 2:30 0 (C) '"Ch1rtey MOM" (dr1m1) ~eyt' ' I ':m-Max Byar1ves. Flctlnc1 O• mond. 9:30 () "l~~•lihnn to H1pplr.elr" ldl'I· t :JO 1J (C) "Tlft111 a. M1 ..... flf"' r 11\ .i'J-rr~ M~tMurr1y. !1en1I (~d~en1uit) '60 -llordtn Sc.ot1. Du~~,, Joc k M1hon~ • ' .4 'ft lo! •d hi: 'I sh '1' '° \\'O ju Ci " "' SI• "' " w Ji r m io go st "' Sc of do '" go V< in v ho w T 1, le b re ro w "' -~ ·•1 -"-"-~---·~-·· r-·-----~,,......~-..---~--..---.-••-,---.. ............... _.,._.....,,._~------,..._.._. ........ 1119~-.. ·-·---___ ..,.._. .. ,_...,... _____ _ CAILY PILOT i I 'Lemme Tell Ya, It's War in Laos' " .. ,.. n .u c 01' CAl.ll'OllNI A I ........ ClltTl,.l(ATI 91' 11/llNIUt COUNTY OP OllAHOE : U ClllTll'ICATI O' I VlllllU 'ICTtflOVI HAMI 0.. ,...,1....,.,, 11 lttt, IH'l.,.f ,.,,, lht "CTITIOVI l'lllM NAMI L E GAL NOTICE LEOAL NOTJCF. LEG AL NOTICE T111 11"4tr1.entc1 f t r..ro y u rtllY 11'111 11M1tralt nt1, 11trten111r • • • • • 1 t T~E UNDlllllOHID ""9 htr•ll~ ~41nerica11 Meu,, Money l11 rolvetl in Conflict Li1iked to Viet F t 1 e lhtt Ir~ ColldYClll\t t '-'•IMu ti .... MAllYl.I ( MATTH ,WS CH I I' Nt AH c.tflllt tn.1 llt It U~lllll t INlhW •g tt•ng Mac.t.rthvr l oul1vart1, Sult• *· N.-ort a-n .. me 10 llt 1111 D•••at1 ,.,_. orlt nltd bvtlMn at 1111 ~rtwlt, Ct>t .. a. a. lttcll. Callft1nl1 ., ... , unftl 1111 II~ 111m. It tullM•INotl to tilt •llhln 1,., Mha. C1lllornl1, ""°'' mt lltltflou1 "''" llllOV\ llNll namt t f CAU1'Hlltl ANO 1trvmtnl 1Nll a~ntwltdttd ll1at 1"4 n . ,..,... Of al(ll'l'llll /11\Alll ll•al aM llltl Mid V IENTIANE. L;.ios CU'll- The griziled, m1clctle·<iCl'd p1- lol hd<l oul lus drms and tui n- ed his neck. Long scan. e lched hrs wealhered skin. "See thost 'l" he asked. •·well, I got them !rom ht•111~ s hot down a couplt• ol 11 nws in •)lis country. Lemme tell )a, ~on , there's a war out there. ' TI1ere is a war out then•, n war tha t rlu.:kcrs through Jungled gloom along the I lo C hi Minh trail a nd £lashes across a grassy pla in in northern Laos d olled w ith sto ne funeral j ars. i t Involve s Americ an men and m oney. 1t ha s been sput- ter ing along since the end or World War II and today 1s linked to lhe fighting in Viet- nam. Jt is a lso a wa r tha t is about to be spotlig hted b y con· gre1111lonal hearings tha t will s tudy lhe extent of American m ilitary Involvement in the Southeast Asian kingdom. One American government official, a believer in the domin o theory. angrily as ked : "What are these Investigations going to prove ? Sure. we're In· volved here. But who's go· ing to Investigate the North Vietnamese troops flgh llng here? They're the reason w e 're here.'' TWlLIGHT WAR 111e Ame r icans h a\ e been Involved in this h\1ltghl wa r for years, U.S. Navy jets were b o mb i n g Communist-led forc es here five y ears ago fro m aircraft carriers orr ~outh Vietnam \\hen <he L' S. A1r f orl:e buildup began In 'l'ha1land in rnG-i. A merica n Jets boinbed NorU1 \. ietnam and Laos from bases "h1ch sported such s igns a!' •·Lca tl Alley, JOO miles north.'' Said a huusrw1ft. <i111· or 1,300 Amem·an dt•pench'111,, l1v- 111g in Lan:» "\\'h y th1~ !u!',, all ol a ~uJtlt•11"' It·' 110 big scl:ret ''hat \\ l' 1·1· doing lwrt' · This I~ the )!UL I ead1un or many hen· Yet m<111y :-.t ill a gree the hea rings wlll p rov<' valuable in he lping American determine its priorities. and whether Laos can ti r ;i g t\mer k a into a deeper war. The American aid progrHrn to Laos r uns to ~52 million a year for 2.8 million people. a lhtrd of whom are in Commu- ni!ilcontrollctl portions or Laos. II 1s declining. but there is no indication the 1rnlitary role is . UAIL \' RAIDS Senate Majorily leader !\like M ansfteld, I 0 -!\lont I ;1!ter a ~hort visit here. decla red t h r linited States has rcinvotverl itself in Laos as a supplement to the V iet nam war . T his was costing Amer ican lives and money and a ppeared to be in· creasing-. he said. In addJt ion to t he daih• bom· binf! raids from T hailand. in "hich 97 airmen have been dmrned and never heard from . the Embassy maint ains 78 Arnw atlaehes. The V S. go,·ernment charters pn\'ale airlines to fe rry troops into battle. or m or e often, to pluck the m oul when being overrun. flt1htary c·qu1 pment a nd ,,,1p- plle:. 1:ost neu r ty $100 m1tl1on a year 'fhcy include l\116s a nd recolless rifle~ These 8upport f'frurt~ Brl' OIJ<.'n secrc t11. even 1C nt:ver ol firially adm 1llrd . The Ce nt r a I l ntdllgen t•c ARencv, by a ll 111dlcaliuns. 1s I h1: L S <igr·nry most dirPclly lnvolred in combnt ope raliu11., Questlonetl about milltnrv lnvolvernenl, /\mP.ri<.:an 111, rld als rerly there arp no Amcncnn comb111 troop'! 111 Laos. The key wor d is "1.:0111- bat " Whe11 a~ketl m o r •' sprt·1rically aboul U S . m ihtary services other than rn111baL troop-; ass1slln~ Lhr I.au forec'~. ofltc1als reply only "no com ment." CI A TEAMS \\'e ll-informed ~our1.:es Il l I.nus conrtrm the prescnl'e of IA teams primarily cngagt-d 111 training Laotian guerrilla lo rce -; These spccrnl Laotian learn.; are mcnennrics \\ho receire higher pay and more bcne!its than uo regular Luo govern- ment troops. Th e '! operate directly u nder t he C IA team lrader s and nol lht• Lno 1111litary command. They ;Jrr ~1m1tar to the Mo nlagnard mercenaries working w ith l hc Green Bcrcls in Vietnam. The Americ a n s t r a i n i n ~ these learns 111 Laos ar<· believed to be p r I m a r i I y civilians a lthough m any wen' presumably recruJted from former Green B eret men. Amer ican officials h e r r ~t·nt•r <1tly dt•ehne to dt:.<·u-.-. the reason:. lor the greaL :.n:rl:'c}" of Ame rica n m ilitary c:l lort:i 10 Laos. Questions an· u~ually met with a bland ' 1 don't lrnow w ha t you could be talking about.'' Thr L ao g ovP.rnmcnt 1-; rqu&lly reslrtcll\'e. P r 1 m 1· J\linistc·r Sou1111nna Phouma ordrr cd all military men not to talk to newsme n. There h only one m 1lltary s pokesman. 11 colonel who rduses to scl' reporter!.. Thr bulk of the war ellort upt·ralr:-. from Udurn, a 1·estneted airbase in Thailand just a !>horl hop across the Mekong River ltere is t·entered thr opcr.1- tt0n o r Air Ame r ica , a prirat•• air line C'har tered b y the IJ S government. Under contratt for more than SlO milllon a year. /\1r Americ a provides planes lo carry Lao troop~. planrs lo drop them supplies and helicopters lo ferry lhc111 into combat. Gl!OHIOAH CO , t llmllMI l'trln.,11\lt, tcvlN !flt 11mt. """ It co~•tl vf -Mllowlnt H' It " Bl.ll he and othe r qualified and 11111 llltl firm It <trNOtM If IM WIT NEU ,.,.,. ht"41 •"4 ofll(lal tttl, "°"' WhoH "'"'' In '"" .,... place ,, lollowl"' <or,..ratlon •"4 per1on1, wl>ffe (01'1'1CIAl Sl!ALI ru l«ltnCP 11 u ltllo•t. to wll· polltJcal Obsfrvera believe ll 11 llt l'llU In lull I/Ill P11 .... tf rt1lct1nct I ll LOii II HobOt Mr Dontld I! Ptrtt. 1011 ltll (Ill '· u tollows· Nolary l'uOflt·C11tlcrn·• ••11n11,,.1o" lluth. Calllornlt ""4• e mistake to draw a parallel WllllAM M rs s 1 No E a cofll. P•1nc1u 1 01110 1n w1 fNEH mr n•no '"'' "'" ... ~• l'OlllA TION, 4461 MecArihur l oult•••ct. Orar>t t Coun"' Oclobrr, 1Hf brtween Laoa and Vietnam. 5ulll '°'· Htwpert ''""· Ct llfoMlt Mir (ommln lon "''"" Oonalll ;:, .... ~ , t2UO "Ot111r1I l'trllltr" l'U. 14. lt7' STATE 0 1' CAllFOllNIA 11lc Loallan1, ranging from HAlllOlO f . OIOHl!GAN. on Oco n H ATE OF CAlll'Ollll'!IA ) COUNTY OF OlltANGE ) $$ I I Vltw IOllltlrtrd, l t C1n1U. Ct lllornt. I SS ON THIS ltfh O•V of Oclo~r "'' soph s llc.ated town dwel ers to ttOllr ETHEi. I , GEOHl!GAN, w A COUNTY 01" OlllANOE ) btlort mr. 1100 Etrl l lPOOld. a Noltr, · I I hl ll be Ct ll• Ar1t0<1. L•1unt Hlll1, Ct lllornlt On ~tPltmber U, 1'0, billort mt, tne Public In t nd tor rn• .-10 coun1y .,.,, p rtm l Ve trl smeO, are '16"1 l'HYlLIS M. MhllNOitll, 1142 undtrslt ntd, Urton1111 • p • t t r t d Sll lt. rraldlne lhtrtln, dulv ummln tontd widely conaldered to be paclflc ~:71~1:r~~. or1:2'u0, ~"~{~li:M •ct ~nT•E=~~~,,1£w~!~L~~;.,:~~~J:.;;r~~ ~! p':!.~wo;::;.!~"~"·~~ ·~:·:,:",~011;~.~, people, GEOHl!OAl'I, 1105 Olenweod lane. the within tnoirum'"' •nd 1cknow1,ooed whost n1mr h 1vb1crlbtd It lht 111111 .. ,. Ntwoert lltach. Cellfornl1 fl6,t01 lh•I she .,t<ultd lh~ u me. lnt1ruf'l'\tr1I, al"CI 1cknowledttd lo mt l'ol ''II every body would just HflltN CAUlHEll.S, 201' •. M•rlPOu w lT NEU mv hond •nd ott1c111 so l. n1 ••Kut~ int u m• I 1 lh I ti Id Eu1. l1111na Hiiis. C4llfornl1 fllSl 1 (Ol'FICllll. SEAU IN WITNIU WHlilUOr, I "••• CD\ e Cm 8 One, ley WOU ~ALLY M. H011lN61Y, INI Vl\11 Loli II. Hobb• hort.unlo t tl my html Ind aflt•lld "'Y ,. Settle th is W8r in no time " C1ud1I, NtwDort ltacll, Ctllfornlt ~~tlary l'ubllc·Ct lltor•lt llclt l ~etl 1111 dlr and vu r I~ fh id F I r 20, '2UOr MAllGllll.ET l . Cllltl.LY, 'll Prlnclaal Olllu In Ctrtlflute flrtr tbovo wrlrttn. Sa a renc 1 Veteran 0 Avtnldo Comoo. NtwHrl luch. Oflnet County (OFFICIAL SEAll years In Indoch ina "They c1111ornl1 •2u o1 CHAllll !S •. MAl· Mv co,,,m1u10• Ea,1•0 11.00 EAlll UPl'OlD • · THEWS, "'' l-out Mounlalri 11.oad. l'et:1ru1ry 21, tfll Not•"' Public, Ct lllernit cJon ·1 have the fierceness a nd Los Anet111, c1111orn11 , o o 4 •, !TAT! OF CAllFOllNIA 1 """''"'' 0111u 1n tenacity o( the Vie tnamese . ~~y~~ •• M:u~~n;~·c~~!~:i'.A~;~: COUNTY OF OlllANGE : SS ~::7:m~~;.:~ EAP!rrl They don't h&IC ea ch Othe r STEPHANIE Cll.11.L Y, SH Avt,.IOo On StPl.mOfr It, 1'0, bt tcrt m•. "" Fto ti, 1'7J and they don't like lO kill C•meo, NtwPOtl &••ell. Colllornla llndtrtlt ntO, Ptrtont llr IODttr'<I JOSl!PH Publ••htd O••n9• (of\I Do'' "'"' '26601 JOSEPH A. Gl!OH!GAN, I' 0. A. OEOHEGAN. k110wn lo mt lo Dt 1111 Octoo.r 70. 11 •nd Novt"'lb<r l. ' anything ," l o• '°97, Peuoent, Calllo1nl1 tit~: HtlOn Wll°'t nt mt I• sub\triD•d lo Int lt'9 1'11 •• HAZEL Ol!OHEOAN A910l T, I' O. wltllln ln1rrum1nt ond •c-nowleottd that The North V ietnam ese seem l ox jtJ. ANO<I. Wroml11t UllO: IC!N· Ill fO<llltd Ille u mt, IU r Colize this also Thal J• Nl!TH GEOHEGA.N, 1U 1 Chtnlrt WITNESS my ht nCI tnd ott1c1al utl. " Avenu,. l"onlarit , Ctlllornlt Oll!t tOFl'ICIAl 91!ALI probably why they have had RALPH l lNCOl H Gl!OHl!GAN, t)4 I.alt It, Hobb• T·4" .. ~n {)()() l {" hll . J ut nltt , Lt Vtrnt, C11Jtornl1 f lP)O Natarr Pul>llC"Callfatnlt NOTICI TO CRIDITOU ~omc ""· roops 1g ng m "Llmlltd ,.,,,,.,... l'rlnc1D11 0111" in •u l'11uo 11 cov11r oft TH• Lao~ DATED: StDltml>er "· '"'· Orang• Counhl STATI OP CAl.ll'OltNIA ,0. . ' ICorporelt Sttll MY Commln lon £aplru THI COUNTY 01' OllANOI L EGAL NOTJCE 'fhus America Is s tuck with WILLI AM MESSl!NGElll FttJruerv ''· 1m •o . A·om '1 • STATE OF CALIFORN IA ) Es1tt• ol IVY TIGHE. D•t•t"d "comp ex reality: lhe fighting COllPORATION, • ) SS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN •n ' • tn Laos is linked inexorably lo Collflrnl• cor!l<lf•tlon COUNTY OF OllA NO! I crrdllon or 111P 1bo1r1 namrd drcecl•"' Vl.etnarn. If H onoi· wi'shes to e v Wllllt m Mrutn~tr On Stt>l•mb~r 11, 1ut, l>tlor t mr. the 11111 111 pt non• nt vlng c1e1m• attlnll 111, Wlllt•m l . 090l!Hari undtrllt nld, Ptraonelly oottrtd H"l El u ld drctd•n• ore rtQV lrtd lo Ille llltn,, escalate Ill fl h ti I L OEOHEO AN AllBOTT. known to mt lo l>t with Ill• ntcto•rv voucllr ... In Jiit oiflc• COMBAT ROLES e 8 ng n a os. Viet Pru ldt nl tllf Ptrton wt1o1e n1m1 I~ subacrlb•d lo ot lllP clrrk of lllt t bovt tnlltltd courl, M 'T'hc pilots. pa id $2.000 or Amerka must decide to pull "GtM,.I l'•rtt1tr" lllp within ln•lrumenl Ind t<kr>awltOttd to orutnl lhtl1'. Wiii• Ille ntUUAr'f Ollt. m'"tC'll the ('~Calatlon or lh•I sh, txreu1ed Ille 1am• vouch.rs lo th• undrrsl9nl'<! at Ille olflc• more a month, believe llll'V " ~ Harold E. Gooh•n•n WITNESS my ll~nd ontl of l1c1al >etl. ol 8USH. BUSH & LARSEN. AT· Pal"Jl ei•ery penny. In "ffel:l rind a polil1ca l settle m ent. Elhtl 6. Geo~•un .OFFIC IAL SEAU TOllNEYS, Suitt 401 Mtrcury 5av ·~• '-f'ilv111~ M. "''"'"n'" l ot, ~ Hobl'" Bv1101n1. 1811 Edlng tr Avtnv•. Hunllnolon thry are rtylng m ilitary rom-Mansfie ld has riredictecl the wi111am L. G•Ohf<)on NOIMY Publi c Ce t•tornle B•~cll, (&llforn 1• ,, •• , Wlllcll II Ill• ~lee• r.. l I I · h ,, fll'"SCnt U.S. m litary "(f'·rl Prlneh>al Ollict tn of bu;ln•u or th• vndor,1oned In •II m•I· ,,l) ro es w llC ule Americ'an ~ .. v Htl•n Cavthn1 O•an1e CounlV 1ert pnlalrhnO lo lhr Pllftl• QI u ld O•c• Annv cannot do because of C'UUld ··1carl to the full QS!llllllP· Solly M, Horn•bY MY CommlUIM E•PI"\ d'"'· wllhln lour monr111 '"" !ht "' Ille 1°962 Geneva accords which 11011 or a LJ.S m11ilnry roll' Ill ~'mml L Crlllv SlAl E 'or~~VLi'~o~·~~... ou~~~,·~·~<1~~~1~.~~~1t,"' d l b · the pattern of Vietnarn .•• " c~arlrs A IA•tth•"' , , JOYCE o MuoGF. w ere suppose o ring peace ''&rvlce MaJl~•ws Ch·Pn>an COUNlY 0,, ORANGE l Adm111is1r11rn .. u11 "" •••'' lo t his land . Tht> orrcn!;i\'r last s pring, in !.l•pMnir Crilly On s~te•n~r 11 ...... ~to .. "''· Ill~ AnnP!td ol th• Hlala OI mt o;:oq One l·nform ed Am (' r 1 .. a 11 \\ltl"ll tl1e L"ot1a 11 oover11n1e111 vnc1en1rntd, Ptrson•ll• eaottreo KEN· nam•d <lKeden1 ' ' n t> Jo •1>h A. Gtol\r9•n "ElH CEOHEO AN, known to mt 10 bo IUSH, 9USH & l.AIUIH !'81d '. .. There is a b loody a nd lorCCS lopplctl ltke dOmlnOl'S. 1-ioW G•ollr~tn Abbolf •n• Pt rson who'° nan>• I~ subscribed to l 'f: K. Oolt lwtll d I . tn• w1thl11 1n\l1umrnl •nd acknowlcOvrd 1111 E~lflttt Ave .. Sulit 0 1 angerous e sca a tlon o f our deeply d i ~ t u r b e d thr K•nnt lh C.•oh•"0" 11181 ,,, u •cuttd the u m• Hu111111111911 lttcft, u 111. ow rote here. And om:e lite /\ r Th f k I f>aloh llncoln Grn~•41n WITNESS "'' !land •nd ollllltl ,eal Tel (1111 141·U11 nlC !Cans. cy r 1l n Y 't•.,,11•11 f'Ar•n•r<" !OFFICI AL SEJil l Allernon tor A•m1nlstrt1r11 military machinery beizin'> fenred a widespread Laolian STATC OF CALIFORNIA. 1 Loi• 11. Hobbs Publltll•d oranor cou1 o,11v '"1n• t · •t• h d t t 11 l SS Notar11 Public Cal1lorn11 Octot>e<" 10. 27 tnd l'IOYt"'lbtl l 10 urning. 1 s very ar 0 s op ('0 apsr . COUNTY OF ORANGE I . PrintiPAI Ofl,cr '" 19'9 Hn "' -------------------------------------------------------------------------On SePtemb., 18, 196•. b.ro., m• ·~· Orangp County INTEREST ON YOUR MONEY CAN MAKE THE BIG DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE the the difference between enjoying retirement -or just retiring . difference betw een going to see your grandchildren -or jus t yearn · ing to see them 1• the differen ce between carefree and careful living " en joy the 7°10 yield on 2 yea r investment certificates when held to maturity ($5,000 minimum) . t: interest checks mailed quar· terly of course , if you need more flex ibility, there are other plans for Thrift Custom ers -such as a Th rift Pa ssbook Account , with 5.50 °10 interest. switch to the big di ffere nce and let your mon ey grow. FUNDS RECEIVED BY OCTOBER ~OTH WILL YIELD INTEREST FROM THf lST. ·-----------Remember we nay posta;;c l}r1lh w.1y~ l ntlDHd IS my check in lhumount of • CAllf011NIA lHl!lrT g LOAN S ---_ I have ma1ktd the type of account I would like opentd Pluse send me a s1gnalu1e card which I will till oul and return. n ~ )0,o r .. tn "'"'"' (tlf • ...,ftl) I l J•o 2 yut •111flcatt IS.009 1111111111w"' ( , 6"o I ,-..1 Mrtlll"le 11.000 l!llfth!ltlll I I 6' • 2 7111 ttt1tnu1t SI 000 111lnl1111111 (I 60!. a "1otltl ttftlfleatt $1,000 111lnl1111• I 1 6% o., !ft D•r eut l11t11Mt Sl5.0CO CO!TA M£S~ 0'11Cf 110 l. J 71h Street. Cost• Mes~, C1hlo1n1A !12521 ~ ..... ,~----~----~--------~ Ad~t•>..-------------------- C1~------------------~ 3111•-----------l''·-------- -----~---------------------------------- CALIFORNIA MEMIElt OF THE AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL IANl<£AS ASSOCIATION 5 ollrces s er111na Soulhtrn C11hlorn1a COSTA MESA OFFICE ) I() f 17th Stru t {Wn~s Tullrr1 on SI 1,0111 8•1 Boy'3 Ru laurA"t) • (II 4) 646 j 'H ~ undt-rs19nf'd. a Not~rv Public an 11nd for Mv Commlu1on ()Pt•,., u id (Ollnt• and Start. onwnt llY ~o F•bruarv 2'. 1t 7J L E G AL NOTICE otartd Wllllam M!'1'fnoer. ~flOwn to m• $1 ATE OF CALIFORNIA -----to !It lht Pr•aldtnl. 1nd Wllll~m COU NTY OF ORllNOE J SS SUl'Ut!Oll (OUllT 0' THE Gtoh"e" kr>own to mt to b• lht Vic• On Stot•m~r 11. lt6t, b•forf m-. '"' STAT• OP CAl ll'OllNIA fO" Prn ld•r>I of WILLIAM MESSENGE'P undt•llt nrcl, P"•ontllv I PPrtrtd ll AlPH THIE COUNTY OI' ORANG• COR POlt,S.TION. 1111 cortor~llon lhtl ••·LINCOLN GEOHEGit.N, •nown lo mt IO Ht. A·'4H? •cultd tllt within lnstrumt nt t nd ~nown bt tllt P••son who•' nomt 11 1ub1crlb•d TO tHOW CAUSE •. lo mt lo M lht tertOM\ wllo •wteultd lht to lll P within 1n11r11mtrtf end teknowledg· OllDEll OF VIDA COlEM"ll wlrhln ll\&lrun>tnt c" l>thalf ol o ld cor· td th•I II• oocuttd lht u me APPLICA 1 ION OI' NAM! • "'""""· u ld (OtDorallon l>tln<I knowP! to WITNESS m'y fiend end Oltltltl Sttl. JOHNSTON FOil v~~~NOl!c 0 L e M •• mt to bt th• Gtl\trt l Ptrtn., ct (OFl'ICIAl SE/ill WHER EAS, , :1 (AU THE RS ANO GEOHEGAN CO, t 1 R H bb JOHNSTON p•l1l1on•r, M > liltd An ~";' Limit., Parlntrthio Lo 1' r . o II IC Ill rn1t olltallon wllll the Cl,,k of 11111 Court 1111 WITNESS mv hsnd and oHltitl •ell. ~~l~c~e;'t11~1 ~n ° 1n crdor ch•n<1ln<1 P•111107tr'~1~':.,m~11bt1 (OFFICIAL SEALl 0 ,.,.9, C.ounlv vut~ roitman JoM•lon o , L'll~ II, Hobbs MV Commlu lon E•p1tt1 COL EM AN. II r n I"' Noll•v Publlt·Calitorn t FebrlltrV 7~ 1fll IT lS OR~ERE~ :~~!lll~td ~.~~.: •• Prlr'l(tPl l Off1c1 1n T·4U4' tfi'rt,frd 1n If!!' ft " Ortnft <;ountv 11 El. o•M Dffo" ml\ Court •I f lO • m · .. Mv commlulon E•'''" ~1~~:,.~~~~1 ~.,:co• 1 Nov. 71, tt6t, tn11h&Aco1ir~o:i;-, :o;~,~~ ': F•bru•rv 1~. ltll , Wll hi 111 • 1 111 10 Courlh0u1•, San• "'• 1) !.TA1E OF CAllFOll l'llA I JJI 1 rt " " 11 Oonorlmt nt l, •nd \ho .. o uH, 11 '"~ Lo ••tile" Ct lll. totOS whv th• aonllc•t•O" lor cllantl of n•mt I \S. "ubll•htd Or1not Cn.•f D••IY P1lnt, ihould ,,01 ~ ertnll'd. _, COUN1Y OF O"ANGE > Stt,,tmbtr 1' and Otlob" t, ll. 10. IT IS FUllTHE.11 OllDEllEO fh•I t On 5•ptorn l>•r II, tt6•. !»for• .,, .. •~• 190 11'5·6' o•·Dll•he<! In lt\t Orenot cou r Ot ll• u"de111ened. • Not~rv Publl< In •nd •or • o 11 •al«! Covnly t ncl "'''· D•••ont llY ~o DU'>lh1'·~ in lh• OrMlct• (ovnrv • v n•t,.tf ~AllOLO E, G!!OHEOAN. ~no..,, LEGAL NOTICE "1101. Cn\lt M•u , • ntw~OIPP' or .,,..,.1 to mt to be lh• Dtrton who·• clrcvl•flon orlntM In th• Countv "' Or&nQt, (1lllorf'\1A. ont• • W'•k tor tour ";,~:r,.~: .·~,t~',':~:w1~~~:;• 1n~r~~ ;: cu T•"'"f ."'d! e vsiNUS sucm•I•• w·•~· nrlor ro th• attt ••• •or ~m~E~~ ,;,~;end tn«I 01t1~1tl •W Tll• undt~:,~~!!t~~t~ ~.~~~ ht ls con· h•~~~~~~· i~:·u::i~' H40 ... ~~C'I (OFFICIAL SEit.ll nvc<lnt • l>vtl••" el ?lfO H1rbcr Blvd , JYOt• ~~11•1,~· ::uo~l~c'·C•• to••• ( .. ,,. "'"'•· Celltornle. U"dt r l~t fie· GllANT ' l'Ol'OVIC~ ' u •·••OUS ltrm nam• ot COASTllL AGENCY ' I '" PrlnclN I Olflo In ~ mtmb'' o• Sn1llln1 I M S"•fllnt ~"O 1 ~;1•A•tnut 11 lht '"" Or•noe Counl• tner \aid tirrn '' comoclfd ot lhe lollow· l H Anu ltt. Ctllltrnl• IHU N'<V Commlu lo,. n• 1>Hion. wllo~• namo In lull &•d Dltcr Ttl (1tll 1,. l1U E•Plru Ftb II It/) or tt•ld•ntr 11 11 follo,.I AttorrtVI lor Ptllll-r H A.TE 0~ CAltFOIHtl A C J. Cullum, ?10 Ctr01ntl Dr•v•, PvDll>Md Ort"9• Ca.,1 D••ll r11nt. H . Co<I• M•u . Cftlllorn•t 0 t<'b 10 11 •,. d ,~ov•m~r 1 111. (OUNTV OF OllANGf t Otltd S0 1t11'btr 1'. !Hf. lte61 t r ' tt50-tt On Stlll•tT"h•r II. lf6t. h•lor• rrr 11 • C, J CYllum __ _ ""O•«lt MO •• Nolarv Publ1t 1 ... ,,., lor 5111• or C1 lltornl1. Ottn•• tcunt• 1---, , ' -CE ,.,d Covoiv t nd Sl•I•. ,..,1on1llv •D· On $tottmbtr 11, IUf, l•t lor1 "'' • LEC.A!. "O'fl nra,.d ETl-tfl. II. GEOHEG MI. ~nown Ir Nolarv Pybllc tn ~no lo• >•Id Sl~J• m• to Dt Ill• ot r1nn "'""" nomr 1•, ,erAoMllV t PPt•rrd C. J. Cullum kno ... n <11Ub~crJbtd •~ ,,,,. w11~1n '"'"'·""'"' '"'d 10 m t to be lht "'''0" who-s~ n&m,. •t ec•rowltoqrd tntt •~• •••full'd lh• ••m,, '"hicrlb,d In In• wt1n1n ln•lro1r"••1 1no WI TllESS my ... ,.., Ind ollltlal "'' l(~,,,,...1tc11ed ht t '<fCUltf '"' stmt. IOFFICIAI SE.All !OFFICIAL Sl!AU I t1I, ~ Hoh~• Mt•Y IC '"''"'V Nol•n' l'ublfc Celllornlt NoftrY Publ1t·C•lllorn1t Prlndool Ollltt In PrlnCIPtl Olflct In Or•n" Counlv OranQ• Countv NOllCf O~ TllUSTll'S SALC NI , 21 J (In ~jn,.mb•• I, 19,t, •I 10.CO A f~ • A A A •11stJ "ANCE SE "VICE, •• dul• •ooaln•"11 frv .. tt • undtr and PUrtUfnt I• O••tl ot l rusl Oalf<l No'lml>tr I. lf~l '1 •CUl•d bv f llANK J JANCEK and ElllARF.lH " JANCEK h1J\b•nd tnl! wll• t nd .. corded Novtl1'1>tr U, IUl. '' Mv Com'T'l"l~n l:Jo1rt\ My Comm1u 1on (AMO• l'tbruarv ?4. Ill) Novernbr• ?4, 1911 !Mir. lojO 11)9tl. In bGo~ 632J. P•O• 17, ol STAl E OF CAL IFO"NIA ,.uhll1h•d Orontt Const DBllV Pllol, Orrlclel Rtcords In th• olllu of t~• Covn• H S•oltmb•r JO tn«I Oclobrr 1. I•. 11. tv ""order ot OranQ• (ounly, (oll•or"'"· COUNTY 01' O"ANGP: ' 19'' 180Hf Will SE'Ll AT PUl!LIC AUCTION TO On S•ottmbn 13, 1961, b•IO" m•, I~• >llGHES T !HODER FOR CASH loavabl• v'ldt f\lon•d, 1 f'lolerv PuDhr 1n .nd 101 L EGAL NOTICE •• lltne o! ••I• •n ll!wlul mon•v ot "" u ltf CounlY •n<l :.1a 1•, ppr iont llv ••· vnl••d Slt t .. 1 •I IH Norin Brondw.v, 0 .. r1'd PHYLI IS M ME SS&: NGE". l'·MfU Stnla AN. Coltlornlt t ll r.0111 hll• •n~ known "' mt to bt •~e P•,.on wlloe• (f •T1 P'IC•TI 01' I Ul lHESS, lnlor"I convn •d loTMdl nlcw ""'d D'r I t"lemf h t vbltribfd tn fr"!t Wlth;.1' I~ " Hnd1tr Sollild 0 .-t(f ()f rU' f"'I fht-DfOr"f"'f ¥ FICT ITIOUS NAME •iluol•O '" 1np Cnunl• r.t Oronvr. St•Jt ol ~~~,':';~·,,~·~~,.,,!cknowlt'dgtd '"'1 )h, "~ Tr.,. ""drr,1~ntd dt'ts cerU•v h ... , ron Callforn.,1, dt'·n•b"'4 f \V1l NESI mv n1rif i nd ol f t1a1 ,.al <h1ct1 o ~ bur,1ne ' .,, 8oW" 111•, t,J.-.,..or rt Lot '4 1 ract •'IJS. •'· nfl'.. ,.,..,.. tOfFl(f,6.L ~(.AL) f\,.lC". (•l1forn1.t UtH1,., ,,,,. ftrht1ou11, rt>cordPl1 Jn 0or~ l~J P1t'1ro 11 e~r1 '"Of Loft R Hobb• l1•m """" ot VfL \IE T VflVETONE Ml•ttllo"ecus ~~os, llttor4> or Orar•• 11rd t n At \did flfm 1\ '011'\oov·d ('If tht Countv. CalHornl•. ~~~c';:,,•~~t'.'1~;~~for "''" h•llO-N1n1 O*"f•f'H"I. v1ha ,. """' .. •rt lull end 53,d Je\• v.nt bfio m ad,. bvl w.lhO\.lt Or t nt t County P••t • of ruldenc• '' •$ toUow~ cov~n•nt Ot .,,...,.1nt.,, .-._.,,.~, <,r lo1p1i•d. llY Commlsslo" E•11frt1 W a 11 y Rtvtr. 706 ltlvt•stoe, Nt...,porl t f9&rOln, 1111~. ot't\tlllon c• •• F'tbr-u111rr ,., lf1') eeath, C11Hornl1 cumbrancr· ,,.. P&.. ,,..,. ,-_..,,,_.,,,.,l"!(J o r fl $TATf Olt CALll'OllNI A I Dt ltd 'toltmbtr 1•. lht r oal ',,.. or I"• nn1t "<""" D~ '""' Wallv llltvtr Du d o• l ru\I lo·wlf S) lOO lJ. v;o•~ ·~ 1 )S. Sltlt ol Ct llforn11, Ort ntt Co""'' 1.,,,, '""' oc•ot •• I), ••~• a• 1" "'" COUNT 'f OF O"ANOI! I On Stot. a. I Hf, b•foro "''• • Kol•r> nol• oroviO•d. edve"e'1 11 en~ UllO•t 1n• Oo ~,o•rmb•r It, ""· b•fo,. "''• th• Pulll'< In tt\d for u ld Slat•. o.,>onollY re•m• 01 ,.,d D•td ~· T•v•• ,.,, c~•,. .. V"'0*"'SIQnfld. • Not1ry ,ubllt •" ""d ~or IDPt t '"" . ./A.Lt Y ~li VEA IJnflwn ro m e ard f.Vf')f"'I"' cf .,.,. i ,u,t"" •nd n' th, ,,.h:t Cou""' •rid Sret,. • ..,,non11lt •• to bf"' tht 0"11on wtH'1i'" ""'""' h •ub•c.r·h tru'h crf!tlrd b.-'e!d fJ,,d of Trv,., tt,.l,l""d Wtl LIAM l . GEOHEC,AN, knawn WCI lo fh t WHt'l1n '"'ilt\.1"1•,,, •nd Tt'I, t'IPl"l•li<IM~ unrlrr ,,11d O,.•d tit tn m t to 0-tt"I• PftrtOI'\ w"""' n•mt J-i •tkflf)AllPd•Pd htJ '""tvlf'"d fht u nv Trvit. by ,,.~,0,, of 1 brflllt" er ,,,.,,ult 111~~trlbf'd to tt'I• within il'I ~•rurn•"t ,,.,ct (Or-"" t( tA.L SEAi ) 1,, '"" ct11 ""' .,,,, ecur111d '"''"ithv. fC~MWltdetd It.ti ht 8••,.l•rl Ill, U mt. MA"-V IC ~t(l!PV "''tlofor. •.rcul•d •nd d•llvt•td la I~• v1ir11ESS rYIY "'rid I nd offl<••' sttl, ~loltrY Pvhllr (Al>tctn•• und.rtlent d 1 1.,,lllt•• O•clar•llon 01 !Or F IC l.llL \!All Prlnclptl Ollie• In 0•1~~11 AOl1 O•"'•"rl Ir• S•" •nd W'IM•" 1 01• Ill. HObl>• Orentt County "o>lt1 ol ttrror~ orrf ot "'<lin" to r~I o tl,,tery 'ubllc·Calif~rn•• Mv Commln 1on (1.P•I'\ lh~ 1.md,.t•1nn•"1 ll') ,,.,11 ulld P'°""'tv I& PnnriH I Ollltt In Nnvtmbtr 21. 1917 , seflllY s•l<I on11vat•~••, ••d '""'"""'' n., o .. ooe Count'I' f' ibll•h•d Oren•• Co.-r 0 •df Plln. JulV '· 1•6• '"' u"d••· Q""~ e•UtfO ••• ,, ,., Comm.,slo" r.,p,,., ·.~M,ml>tr 79 Ind OClob., ~. 1l 70, nollt• or hr•arh •rn nl •lttllnn tn b• F,.brutrv ?I, 1'1J t~6' ~ r•tord•d In l>OO~ fOl I. PUt 20. OI IA ld 5Ti'TE OF CALIFOllNIA I LEG AL NOTfCE Olrtelal R•rordt 1 ~s D•lt· Oelob'' e. lflf COUNlY 01' Ol!ANOI! I l'·lU'4 A A A 1~,..,•nto S""'' On !.ut•rn"-r 18, lflf bttoro m•. th• ci•Tl'ICATr OF I USINEU, "s••d Tr"''•• unntr ·vn!d. 1 No!•rY l'Vbllc In •nd IN " ~ n '' c 11 o ,d Counly t M Slelt, Pt•10MllY An P'ICTITIOOS NAME ~;;,',,,;·:, c•.,Pd l-IELl!N CAUTHf"S. known In m• l h• U"dtrtlt n•O do" (Mllfv h• I\ cnn PS l e '" bt ltlt ,,.,,on whn•• "'" , 11 '"b"rlh "'"""q • bu';""' Al Or•n9• Counrv. Pv~il\'•d nr:~~· '/~ •. ' n. ly .. Inf, •rt .,, ftlf Within '"'''rumt Mt ,11f'd (&lllt)rn1~, vnd"r '",. t1(ftftOU1 tum nf\m,. Oc• ,t)1tr n '0 ?I l~l9. 149'> A• otkno,lrlf;ed lh•I -h• 'X~(IJl•d lh• •4mr ~· l(FMMER T•X SERVICr. A 1 l .. lt __ , _____ . _______ _ WllMESS mv h•nd end clf•t••I 1u1. end thU u ld t1rm I• comoo•.•d ot th~ (OFFICl•l SEAL! tollowlnq o>r~n wtlOs• n•m• •n lull to' P Hoflb1 a...S Plitt ot ru•dtnC• 11 •• totlow\ l~ntorv P11bt1c C1llh)rn.1 JOM 8. S•undt •son 111, IH iOnora r""' •p•I Olllce '" ltd .. Co••• Miii. Calll O·•Mr C~untv Dt ltd Sot~111btr ''· ltft fAV Comm In ion f xtlrtt J, I h~l\CMr ton f •hruorv ''· lt71 STATE OF CALIFORN IA. LEGAL NOTICI'; ~ICTlllOUS NAll\f CEllT1'1CATI Tht ""dt'llantd, C HARLE~ HARTS:l, \\ho-St rt~•d•f1rf 11ddrt #'5 I\ JU V11 llCIO N<Yd. N•wood B••c~. Calll~rn•t •1640, sure OF CALIFOllNIA I OP•NGE COUNTY 1 ~s. On S1otrm~r '6, 1•6• bllloiO,, ,,,,. I ht'rtbv crrt I,.. rl'tal hr •• onmo b ''~"' COUNTY OF OllAllGf I Noler. PuDhc I" an<l lor so•d SJalt, 1" tht Cn..nl~ ot Oronctr. Slolt •1 On S•otrmt'tr 1t. lf6•. b •tor" m,. 1h"' p,.r.son•Hv ePf>,.tff'd Jenn 8. SAUndflr~cn ~•lllornia • ,,ntu '"' '""'14\u' r'l·tl'f'l*" of ""d~u;on...,. 1 Nolarv Pubht 1n on• tor 111 •nown to ,.., le bt Ill• ""'°" wllo., II E I E A R C .. M A 1~ A G £ M E N T \Itel Counlv anrl Stolt, Pt'<ol'AllY t•· """'' h sub~cr1"41 lo lllt Wlllll'I 1,,_ ASSOC IA TES ' ~"d inar 111t D""dP•I P•••ed Vll 'Y M ~ORNS8Y, known to •rrvm•nf t nd 1ekno"'41'<!ttd ht .. Kuled pleC' 01 5'ld llu.•n•' ' ,.,,. lo b' 111, •trlt" who., nt mt 11 lht •m• Jll \/,~ l ido Hord. 11-..oorl l\•1(11. 1vb1Crlb.tt to IM v1llllln lntlnJmt nl •"d t . JOSEPH f OAVI! Calltorn • f? .. O • eckn&Nl•d!ed thtt sh~ ,.,c11l•<J th• •,em• ~•olarv Publ•e·Calllo•nlo DA 1 ED 5to•t mbtr 1' 116" 1•11TNESS mv hand t lld otf1<1•I >HI, Pr.nc1pal Office m LM•l-. Ha•I•• (OFFICl"l SEALI urant1 Counl'I' !",TATE OF CALIFORNI ~ I l nl• R Ho1>b9 My Commlnlori Eulru l1 U . NolorY Public Cehfornlt Ju11• 71 ltrO COUllTY or: OAllNGf Prlnclotl Olfltt In l'uti111h,«I 01ant' Coa•I DtllY Piiot, O" lhl• 141~ da. 01 S•o••n"t>•• "''· Or•na~ Co11nrv ~ It o 2' tnd Otrob~r a. ll. 70, b<!lort m• o•,.OMll'I I PO"&rrd CHA"l.f$ f.• 1 Coml'l"i tlM [>O•'" 1;:, m tr l ltl•" H~llTfL, ~nown to rrl<' lo I.• "" otrlO" F •bru•rv ''· 1971 who\• na•"' " \vU•tt l>•O lo l~t fnrM11tn• STATE OF '"llFOR A 1 L'•"G A' NOTICE· ;.,,1rumt111. •nd M.~nowl•<JVl'd 111•1 "" .u . 1 I'll i:. "' • t cuted I~• u m1 COUNTY 0 1" OltANCE ; U. WITN t S5 my ll1M •n~ ... 1 On Stllltml>tr 11. IUt, betor' ,., •• lh• Clllfll'ICAT~·>=• •VJINlll, :,,i':,~.s ~ub~.~URKr underslt n•d. t Notary l'ubll' 1n 1nd for FICTITIOUl NAME Sia•• of c~1.torn11 ••Id Counlv end ~ •• ,.. D.,IOMllV •P d II II I l'rlP!CIO•I Olt1ce jn ~;·~~ ;:'":,c~:.e:,,~" <;:11~\~ Y~.~7~~ <1u~r.~qun~tr;~~;': • .,"°!~ ',~; 1~ ~,,~ 1~7 0111noe co11n1v ., subscribed to '"' YllU'\in 1,,,trvm•nt .,,d Coat• M11e, C•Otortue. Mndtr tht tic '"'1' Comm olon E ~o .. • otknowl..,g~ th•I silt t«1Jl'<I th• •mt. !lllou• firm n•mt of "OLt: McOONNELS S•o! ,, t•69 CHl(IU N •ND I'll Hovsr ·· •!Id lh~I JJiMU G. llOVltl(f, WITNESS mv h•n<I 1nd Offll••' n•I, •I• firm ., c--.... ~ ,~, ltllowlno llOURt<E • HOLIROOI(, (OFFICIAL SEALI •·,.~v .., l o" " tlobb• o.r•on, wllo" Mme In lull and olace 01 •111rn1n •I l aw, •• I' ti ~ "tldtnet h "' 10111w1· CrtOtf'.Clllttfll U11• 114t .• rootarr 1111 <·• •l1torn1t Don Chltorlt. 1Sl E 111~ SI. Coste Ht "· l r•H•O. lullt "'· Prlnclpol Office 11' ~,,, ltn!t .,.., (lllftr11Ja. ttrtl Ortntt CovnlV m c t O I I' tel STATE ~i~·~~7}~!0.:•1tlru 1 n:·~; ;'ioJ:f,.~!~~;':. ~:F~~~d '~,..~~· Oc~~r ;,' f1l;._~~ I SS ORANOE COUNTY. COUNTY 01" QRANGC I 0,, Sol , .. IHt, J>.lor• ,,.,, • llnt frv1.---------------. o,. StPt~mD<!r 11. n~• bo•oro ,... '"' Public In and for u i. l ltlt. lttri.onall• 11nd•r~ gn@d, • Nc•trv Pul!llr 1n •nd tor '""""''d Don Clll•v•r•O k"OWI' It ""' In .. 1<1 Ceuntv '"" srar•. ~··•on•llY .,. bt Inf Pt•tnn wllOl' n•l1'• " •ull•Clllltf tUred CHAlllLES A. MATlHEW$. known to lllt within '"'lrumM• I nd •Ckn ....... ·1 lo m• lo be lhl pfllo<I "'"°" 111mt 11 H ,,. t u culC'd lh• Sll'l'' I tub•crlbtd lo "" "'"~In lri11rvm1nl •1141 (Ol'l'ICIAL SEAL I I tCkt'OWlldtH tlttf ~I '•tClllM !M !l lT\f, MARY I( HENllV 1 V. IT NFSS mv lltnd and olllcial Hal. llnlorv f'ubfl• C •hlornla ' (OFFICIAL SE All l'r.,1tlllal 011" In l OI\ R Hnbb• Cir i nt• C~unr Y lhl,;ry PvOll~·Ctlllo1n1t My Comm1u11" l••lr•1 '" lnr o•I Olllt• 1., Nov, H, )•'7 P'OR AOVERTlllNG fN THE WF;EK.ENDl:R rHON E 642-4321 ()• Antt• 'nunly I "utll• ·~~" Or AM, ( M I OAllll " l•,l, A,i ('""",,.,l'\tD1' ,,,,,,,, 4'~nf.-mtirr 1• t nd Oclnbrr '' l' 1C ,_ _____________ ... r,b 7;, lt7l I?~• llOO·lfl .... -.. ---------------------------------------------·----------------------·'l'T_,__ . .,...-.. .,.--·-~-.-·-·-..-..--.---- DAILY PILOT Monday, Octobr, ?0, 1%1) -~ ·-' 14 000 000 CARS LATER -T he hci.i..:h t of car s ha.s h1a ni:'ed dramatil'ally ~incc r:ulck 1 u r~1ecl oul ll'I ~itlionlh car du rin).! the no<.1ri~1g 'j'\\'('11[1~.~. h11t \111· fo rtunately not the height of !>klrls, a.s evidenced by ~~===~.I thi<: phot o of a "flappC'r girl" po.s in .[( alon(!sirlc '1 1~1~;~ 1~11ick, 'f'h<' 1!170 ,'-'l·vlork 1\'ith it" niini.~kirtt>d 11111<il'I i~ Bui£'k 's l:J rn1li'1nnlh f'<ll' ,o;int.:c Lhc i11f:j11t Luick .\lolor C.:o. 1nov<:d to 1.-Un t in 1003. In Jligh Gear All Mak.es-All Models 15 Millio1itli Biticfr Ditc AM!ornobUn -T •M•~· "Wh., .. s, .. ;~, M t ~t l !ht Oifle<e n~e · Or•~ .. County H1Wp<1'1 lie". !/Il l J<O·Jl l l -·-----.... ------· ... ..V~UJ V.t.44.\V .... MORE DOCTORS, , DENTISTS, ATTORNEYS, AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL II> PEOPLE USE TAB BECAUSE WE'VE GOT THE ANSWER! FOR AS LOW AS $14.50 PER MO. CALL US NOW FOFt INFORMATION AN[) A BROCHURE. ~ TELEPHONE lb ANSWERING BUREAU 543-2222 I OFACES TO SERVE ALL OF ORANGE CO. • fl,v C'Al\L CARSTr;'\sE.'\ Cll '"• D•llY Polgl S••fl l~11it:k 1V1 otur D1vb1on \\.'1\! prod11er Its 15 ni i I J j o n I h <1ulo1nobile Tuesday , snrnc 66 Vf':lrs iJflcr a group uf Flint ;·arnagc rna kers bought /)avid Rukk's infar1I cnn1pany lur $10.(J{)() and moved to Flir1 I. The n11te.~tnnc car is ;1 '.!· rloor Skylark co11pc and will h•· prc~cnt !'d to Buick's senior ernpln~e for use. \\'hilc 11 look i-.omr 20 ~·r;1r~ lo buitc! th" !1rsl r11i!J1un c11r.~. lhe last million 11Prr prollucrd 1n the ret·ord lime 1;! Ill 1no11th.s_ The lir.-,1 Ilui{'k \ras n h111 - r·ylinder. 21 11 ursrpu11' r r ·-hnrsclc~." i:arnagc'' 11· 1 ! Ii 1alve in head eng111r. The n11l1 ·<;tonr e;i r 111!1 h1· :i h1'n-door Skylark <·011pe, J1~hl hlur 1v1th "'hite vinyl top •ind full y equi pped 11•ith 11::.iturcs nol thought of in 1921 Th;11 ye<1r Buitk oft errd nin(' lllflLil'I~ w i 1 h :,IX·i-yl1ru!•'I' Pnginr.~ ;u1d t1 vc 11·ith fnul'- ,-yl1nd<'r. 3~ h11 r n g 1 n t' ~. Today's Buick line provirlr~ :u; 111oclrl.~ 1~i!h numrrnus rng1n1· c·omb 1n<111nns. ranging Jll horscpo11'1"r fr om I ~.) tn :lill. or !he 1$ mil lion lluirk~ prn. ducrd si nce the rnmpar1.v w;i.; ~tarted in 190l n";Jrlv one tl11rtl ol tht111 •ir·c .~till 111°11.~e. .J<1t' Pouk. t:o~!;1 Tllc~n Buick de<ilr r ha~ askt!1I N1·wriorl Bcaeh Fi'•ol str1\i11n l\OC'l\1 \n t1e·111 wl!h the faclurv fur pro· i.:rcss rt·ports do11n thr 111~1· h!.'nrd ;1l I, :i. 'l'ut'sdJy. ao; ll <·nrnr~ Tlu·v 1·:111 ll<· ::> ;nnJ 7 p.nt . • • ti\LIFOllKIA • 1\(), FOR CA DILLAC \\l1i1r l ;:rlirnrniil le:ul~ !111· n.1111111 in 1n;inv ;1u1on10111·1' 1·a11•i.:nrirs ..... 11 r 'p r 1 s 1 n A I .Y 1•nvugh lUl\il rrl'Clll Iv il 11·.1-; 1111111 IHtmh"r !110 in the s:ilc (if 11e1V Cadillai,:s. V1n;il l 1g11rl'~ \\'llti'! hr :11:1i1:1blr lr•r a 11hilr h111 \V. II 1\11 1·11. ('adill:ie"s IV I':<; t ,, f II f<T1nn;il 111;inag1'r. is 1·1111t 1de n1 1l1at C;ilir11rn1n !1:1:;: <'dgecJ 0111 I\'('\\! 'i'vrk a~ !hf' top state 111 nc·1v Cnd1llac n"'ncr:-.hip. f"igurts ll1 rough l"l'p tcinhrr \howrd C;idill;ic s;1lt•fi n;1 1111n:1llv "'ere i ~ Pl'l'tt'lll ;1h(';1ri'11r 1!1611 hut in falifnrni ;1 th" ~.ilt•:-: pa1'c 1~ !I p<'rc:ent l11i:hC'r 1h;1n la~t 11•ar. A [l'W rnnnths ngo. 11•1irn :ill f1glll'('.~ ll'l're l;(llllJlilrd. II \\':JS ;1ppan~n1 lh:il C:iliforn1a h:id i l!•;irl.v ,-.~tabll~hl'd it ~t·lf ;if; ihr 11;\liun's tnp Cadill<it Don't Just Stand There • • • INVEST! l 11rR dayd•eam1 11110 dollars by IH»flli11q more about 111• fotcinot- 1119 field a l fl:al etloT• i11YeUmenl. k•vecl 10 1h., awrroq• r•al prop••- '' i11w.,uor, +. .. ,.,., thr fih h 011111101 M:ri" of leclur" pre1e11ted by th• DA ILY ,ll OT, Oron9r Coont E"•11· i119 Coll.,9r and Nr .. porl Ha•bo•· Coita Mrur laard al Rrahor1. lt'r frff ••. p1nen1rd 011 fuur COii• l1K11li•• T11Hday1 at 7:J0 p.m., Ne.,..porl Harbor Hi9h !.<hoot A11di- torl11M, 1 $th 011d ln<l11•, N., .. port ...... Real Estate Investment Series Yo11 Last can still attend ••• tlVfJ i1n1101·tant • sessions Oct. 21 -Charles H. Ca ll ison (Society of Exch<'lnge Counselors), "Yield Leverage Through Wise Financing"; a nd Bruce Howey, "Invest- ment Advantages of The Real Estate E xchange." Oct. 21 _ Jack Lincoln, "How to Ta ke Title Advantageously -A Case Study"; and Randa ll R. McCardle, "Tailoring Yovr Rea l Estate Investment." T ic/;pt l 11 I orrna lion No admi1sion, but t ickets are required. They can be picked up in ad- vance at th• Orange Coast College campus, or at the Da lly Pilot office1 in Cost• M•1a, Newport Beach, Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach. (~sponsored by DAILY PILOT 111<ir'kr! A to1<1! nf 25.91~ wrrc !:>uld 1n Calllorn1.1 1:1.~1 yr[1r , ''Th<' ~:1h's .ra te ~o !111· Jiu~ :yt•:1r, 11 hlrh sho11 ~ the :-.1;11c outpacing the nation ind1t·:1tt•s that 11c 11·111 widen nur l!r~t pl;wc n1:irg1n 01<'f Nrw York 1•1·11n n111rc 111 \~!)fl :' N11·r n ~:11d . find nol onl.v 1~ Califnrni<i 111'.'I blll 1l s residt•nls Hl sn Jil'l'ft•r d1lfrrc•111 1nodl·ls th:1n dfl h11~ l'r~ rl->r11 hrrr. l l1t' t'..'t>u1h· <le \ dlr i" lhf' u\11'1 popular ('ad11!at· 1n C11l1fnrn1(1 :-1r r·rn1n!ing for 4.1 JH'T't'Cllt f1f 10(<11 s a 1 c .~. 1-:1.~t'l'.lH'rc th!' nl!~lr t 1nnst 111 d1'111:nut is !he 4 door hardtop )'i('d:ln de Villr N:11111n.i!1v. the Eld1Jrndn ;11'- ruun!\ for io p1'rtrnt but ht'rt' I! pcrrr111 of Cadi!lar bU)Cf' 1·hou.\f' :in Eldorado. fllso loci.J I buyr·rs lend to go !or lhe "full li111d ' ;111d fa r surp.'l.~~ anyone r•hr 111 r·ho1J!>ing thr luxu ry r'.(. lras. 99 8 P<'rC't'nt <'hoosr a11to1na1 1r <'lin1.11r c·untn)I (air l'fUH/l! 1111\Ulg I, ()J lu•r (•prion:i ! ( l1111rt's ;ire r>q11:ill .11 high nrHI 11 t•I! 11bo1·c 11;1lio11 ;il ;J V1•ragr-~. l'o1n .1·ou unnginc ;1ll)'\lnC bu.v111g a <":1dill:.tt ;;nd nnl th1111,ing the ··~l r;rs !hat :-.hould ;1 rcon1pilny such .1 t·:ir. '·Thr f1gu rr :;howing tn'Mlrl :incl opt tonal 1' q 11ip11\1• 11 l pn·rrrl·ncrs lnd1rn1r ll1;1t "'(' 11<1nl 1nor1· 111.xtiry lh/111 pc·nplP 111 nlht'I' p;1rt i, or lhr 1·011111y," i\'ill'n :-.:11d. • • • 1'1\f"f~ f',\H T'lf'Kl·:n FOii f;R,\\'J) l'Hl.X Tih' !lf\1 lfliO l'll·n1n11!h f'.1 :1r- l':i1 \Hl:1 -l'll!'r('lltiV f)lll' ~·t lh•' hnfl t''I \(·ll1·r-; 111 lhr l'\\1111111lh l111r 11:i' tH"'l1 11:in1rd.nll1!·1;d f'i\i1·r 1·::11· 1>1 lh•· $7ll,()Q{! T11n1'\ c;r:111d 1'1 1~ In ht• ht'ld .ot li111•r•11lr· lla1;('11n_1 lll'Xt Sun tf,I\ ( lt t :.or.. Tli1 • Ill II l\:-1 rr.1i:l1d;i j, :1 l••I\ pnc1·d ')\\><·1:dt v (·.11· :1n1! 1~ :11•:1lh1hl1' 1111h 1·\'t1rv 1'1.\'1no11th IH f.!ll prrf1)rm:i 11rr rng1 nr tro111 1111· s1;1nc!ard :t8J 4·h:1 rrrl ;ill !h<' \I J\' to tlu· ~40 Sl)(-h;irrrl and 0 thr 111axi11111r11 pr>rfnrrnnn l·c 426 ~1ght b<i rrcl lll'l11 l. fl:i rr.11 ·11rl:i ;1!so ul lr i·s i11· .~t r111111·11t pa 11l'l rn ll ~r <'l u~tl'r. r;1c 1ng·t~·pc ~idc·mount~d rrar vie1v n11rrors, and <11rcr;ilt- :-tvlr(l C'f'lnSolrt!c 11•ith "'arning ltj:ht~ lor "!01v furl." "scat IK·lt .<. .• and ''door njnr." fl 1·nn1bi11;1t1on air sroop and :1ir l'lranl'r cxlrnds thr ou,l!h an t1Jli'niniz i11 !he a 11-n c w •·sha ker" hood. A c;ihle co n- trol upcratrd manually frorn thr in.<.trurnenl cluster rnablcs lhr drll'C'r 10 sclrrt frt'Sh·tOOI rl1·n~r ai r fron1 the ~t·0t1r1 fur pcrf11rrnancr. I_ LEGAL NOTICE -- CERTll"ICATE 0, ll USl ,.t:SS, r l(f !T IOU~ ,_AME r~. '"'''•""'n•<I <1u C"''''' thry o•• !/ln~u<;lon~ " h•'<•n•" •I ?~n Na"•~ l!<t , CO-'A ""'~· c >l·'n'n "· ~..,,.. .,,. '" 1,1,nu• '""' n~,... nl 111(•1 "~>l'ICl•l! ~ '•nll !~•! '"'" +. .. n \ <0"""""" n• !~• 'i "'""""'n~ P••~n•. ""'""' n~m•• In f~I+ '"" 11IAt~ o! t•!•<l•nt• ~rn "' ln!low,· ll <e hMll 0 R<><l""" 1111 B"•lol St,. Sonr• .lno, Col. "pt Nn llS Atlon w. O•~" ?tel N•"·~ II~. CO•I• M•••. Col. Doi ea Oc•. I 1, 1960. Jl oth~rd D llodrt'l~ All•n W Di"' S•••• al C•hlDtnlo o .. ru• <"Univ• o .. °''"""' 11, ••6•. ""'"" "'"· • No•••• Pubhc '" """ IQ• ••<'!I :;!•!• ""''""""' """""'"" 11or~••d D 11<>11•"<' ~nll A 11,.., W IJ,., '·"""" !O "" "° tloP •n• '~"""" .. ~.,. ""''"~ ••• '""""""" 10 II•• '"'~'" 1n·••1t<T1•"! """ •<O.nn"'•fa~!'tl ~·· •••••·••n ,,,. """'"· ORANGE COAST COLLEGE (0• f 1(!6 \ \~~') I ~·M• !( f!•••t NEWPORT HARBOR · COSTA MESA BOARD Of REALTORS "''"·• ""~"' ('11'~'~'" r . n•I /"lf"c • '" "'"•"?• f .. , "" "' (c••,. "" f or••• IJ•, '• It I ...... 1•"1 '"~ "' ~·· ' 0• 1, '" ., {'~•~t._, l!I, 1l ~·ti N!·v<mtt• l 1" '"-------------------------------------.... 'i" If!>&• ~loney'• Worth flow Yoit Buy U.S. Issues Hy SYLVIA PORTER _And sti ll interest rates eon· unue lo spiral upward on the short ·terrn 1.0.U's of the U.S. Treasury, Federal GQvcrn- menl Agencies and the grcut corporations of our land - obligations or the 1·cry highesl calibre and actually the next thing lo cash. You c:a n gt•l n1orc lhan !l 1x:reenl on the short-tcrrn eon1mcrc1:il p<iper of our top eorpur;1tions ... r.·lore than 611 rerccnl on Feder u I Government Agency issues due Jn the near future , .. More than 8 percent on th(' U.S. Treasury's new 8 pcrccn L notes matu ri ng f\-1ay 15. !971. fnr these histor ic:a lly high i:oupon government I.0.U's have ;i!rcatly sun k bcluw their issue price or par ... From 7 lo 7;i,:, percent on short·lenn t: S. Treasury bills ... UNDEll T 0 IJ A Y . S 1·irr11rnst:1nccs, it's stupid 1i1 ki't'P :1ny large ;unn11 nt of cash in ;1 chetking aeco11n1 -on ,..,._~1~z4---~~~ Finance Briefs I NEW YORK (UPT) -Thi' American Stock Ellt::hange halted trading \\1ednesday in slork of VTR , Ioc. after ~cvcral brokera.i.:e! receive<! at least seven fictitious buy orders for around J,000 shares of the stock. Five of the boF:US orders were spoiled by the brokerage house em ployes and were not transrnitted lo the fl oor or the c'.(cha nge. Al least two other such orders y,·ere transmitted to the fl oor. 'J'he U.S. at· torney's office and I he Securities and Ellc:hangc Con1· niisslun 1~cre notified. Nl-:\V YOHK /UPI\ Cartcr-\Vallal'c, Inc., s ued !Javis-Ed\\';ird.~ Phannacal Co in New York frdcr;il court rharglng infringPment nf its patent 011 1he lranriu ili zinll drug. r11eprohan1atc. used ir1 ps,vcholhera py nnd prescribed by physicians under !he name n1illown. C:irtcr-\Vnllace recently \\'On ;i si n1ilar infringen1t•nt suit in- l'oll•1n1:: r11cproban1nte against Ri1·erlon Labor:i torics, also of Nl'11• York. 1vh1ch you earn no interest al \VASHI NGTON (U PI) all. ll's silly to keep a bi~ Congress should qui c k I y ar11nun t in a commercial bank ercate an i n d e pende n t ~al'ings account on which the m3rilimr ngcnl'y "'ilh the 11',ga! interest ceiling is 4 p<'r· eapati il ily of rrvilnlizi ng the cent. Sa vi'ngs bonds returning U.S. r-.1crchant Marine, Rep. vou 4.1 1 percent and then on ly n obcrt 0. Tiernan, (D-R.I.) ir you hold them to mil turity 1old a luncheon \Vcdnesday are ridiculous now . Even thf' :-.punsore<.J by the AF'L-CIO r;ites on ban k certificates of filaritimc Trades Department. drposit arc shaping up as Ill' said the m e r c h an t n1ragrr. milrinr ha d languished eve r ln{'rca~i ng n11n1hcrs nl you :-.i ntc 1he Comn1erce Depart· :ire realizing this :ind arr n1cnl ;ibsnrbed !hr 111arl!i mc flcr1ni:: fron1 s av i n gs in-;1dr11inistration nearly 20 years .slitutions in 1 o n1;1rkctahle <.igo. s<•cu ritil's. !The b a ! r I e g ab -"----------- word fo r !hi.~ tn.·nd i !I ' · d 1 sintl'rrnrdiation.'', Nl't direct invcs\n1rnts hy u1- rli vidua\s in the bond n1nrkrt this rear will soar $12 bill ion lrl i'1n unprecedented $ 2 3 billion. R111 how do you buy this :o;urr! \\'her"·' 11) YOU CAN (;o lo I h 0 1;c1111mcrrial b:ink nl 11"h1rh you keep you r ehrcking aec:ounl tn buy uuslanding short-term 1s.~ues. But unles~ you have a 111 o s l extraordin;;ry rel;i- tinnshlp. you'll have lo n1eet :-:ome r 1 g id r('{Juiremrnt:-:. ~rrrHii:;11ly: -You rnusl have a hcf1y to1al or cash in your accoun1, be a regular customer. You can't j11st walk into a bank with a check. -Yo11 n1ust invest at least ~100.000 or you 'll be consi dered ;•n odd-lor buvcr and ha1"e lo p;;iy a srr11rr ·charge. This "'ill Ile $10 10 $12 pe r Qrdrr on Trt'asury ;ind Agency is~urs, $15 pe r order on commercia l 1)'1\Jl'f -YOU l\IUST 11111kr. ~ u r r. 1hc srrviC"C' chnrge dor"n'l 1·liminalr tl 1c r'1 !t' ad\·<111\,1 g1•. Ft1r inst<1n rc. 1f you bu,v !IO-day Tr(';Jsurv bills four lime~ :i VC';Jf. ll;H l'OSt you S40: !hts ~1·ill sl ash an appil rcnt i prr- t·cnt ra1r ;ind i11 fnct n1akr 1t \111rlhll'hilr only H yotlr odrr IS ;11 least sa.ooo. -Yuu 1annnt \Juv 1·s. i\ ... urs 1n unu ~ Ir-.~ th;in .c.1 uno ;ind !ht' u~ual nrdrr 1~ $i.Q(HJ. 1'hr usu:I\ nit111m11tn for 1·0111· 1nrn·1;d p:1prr hr,u~lit 1hrou1!11 1(•\lr h:1n l.. 1" S2.f>.nflo · -V .. 11 11111'1 k1 ·Pp \r·ni·k of \011 r 111:it11n1 v Uatt''· li1r ii 1r111 1.111 Jn r('ll'll"'I 1'11\IT 111011!'\' 11t11•n ~ol!r nhh,c:a1111n~ n1;l[urr. 1ui1'll 111•,i• all 1hr lntrr1• .. 1 ~011 11,n (' ~.11111"1! -:1nrt 111or1•. •21 CHl VCI CA\ Irv lo h11v 111 1:11. 1 nu 11 nnt through vrn 1r t1n1krr: -;1.~~u1ning you n1rrl th1· i;;unr ngirl rrriuu·rn111nl ~ nut 111c1i;t brnkcr.~ h;11·p lirrn ~n n1·cr"-h<'lrnrd 11•1th papl'r11ork t hat thrv c·onsidrr\ull a 1111is;inre 10 avoid nrui thry n1;1y slap nn ,1 :-pr1·1rp 1 harg(' o[ $20 or n1orr per orr!r r. This cnn n1orc lh:in ilffsel your in· trrt'st rate advantage. j 3) Or you can buy new U.S. Treasury 1s.~ucs directly fro111 !he Nc"· York F e d e r a l n!'~!'r1·e R;ink I ~:J l.iberly St , N.'i· .. N.Y. lOOO:tl or any olhrr (lf the 12 Federal R esrrv~ B;in ks by \\.•riting a1\·ay for order lorrns Bnd fill ing thr111 out appropr iatrty. The Federal RC'Scrve will give preference lo you. th e s1nall investor. In short. lhese are fantasth: opportuni ties -but you have tn Sl'ek 1hcm out, vou have to (lo ~nur hon1r\\'ork, you h;ivc lo have rnoncy. If you're !'n1:i!1. u n i n f o r m c f'I ;ind unknown, forge t it. i\I in ico111 pu tc r SAN CAR LO::; (UPI) -A comrnunic:itions device no big- .i:er than nn average sized IC'lll· hook cnnt:iining a rompulr r th;-it can bi• used lo trans111 1t data at hiF:h spred 01·rr nrf'linary telephone lines l\ilS <innounced \\11·tlnrsda.v by Le nkurt Elect ric: D1vis1on nf (~rncral 'fl·lcphone &.: Ell'C- tron1es Cor r . It 11·111 br 1!l'n1on~tr:itrd nrs! 11rt•k nt rht• f'Olll'rntlo!! OI ll\1• lrlfif'!lf'llllrnt Trll'phont' A.~s1l<·1at1on in \\"aslu11i;1vn , LECTURER-BROKER Will iam L. O'Bryon Lecturer Has Adviee 1'o Ch c,v On At !t'a.~t -H hislory repeats it~t·lf ;1nd the stock n1a rkrt 1·ra.~hrs -\Vit liam O'Bryon's 111rr.o;tment s!udents \\•ill have 110 rxcuse for starvi ng to 1h·:llh, Tht" :'\r wport Beach stork l•ri 1h1•r \rrd111 ,~day nig hl "'ill 1 111-r 11\1<: 1· .. ;ir·., version or his I~ 11·:1r-r1lrl 1n 1·1•sLmcnt lrcturr ~1·n1'' 11 t!h his traditional ]f'e. lutt• 11n l1ow In rnnk "Sp.1ghet11 J\) l>i.•n1l' n·nrron" II ~ nto fill\ rin . o ·nryon 11 i1I h~ lhr frr -.1 1n flflr n1L Iha! lflrnu·r .<.1i1drn1 .~ 11ll rn accost 111111 in j)lli)l1c pl;iccs ~c<ir,:; .d11·r t.1kint:. his (·1111r!>r lo lcll 111111 .~nmrth1n~ likr· "illv in1r-;1rnrnl.~ ha1·pn'\ n1;idC 111c rich, bu t I sure ha\'r 1•n tr'.1'1•d ttial i: 11 a g h e l I i rc1 ·i p" '' Thl'rc i~ :ino1hr>r long-~t an­ rling tradi1ion In he fol lo1\•ed \Vctlncsd<iy night 11• h en O'Brvon con1·cni>s hi.~ class al f\lnrinrr~ s c h no I . 2Hl0 ~1ariners Dri1·e in Nc"'port Bl'iU:'h. lie "·ill use 1he fi n<inci:i l pagr nf the DAILY PILOT as a "tex1book" lo teach his stude nts ho"' to rr;id !hr page for information and profit. Copies of the n!.'1\•spa pcr, <'omplete "'ilh lhC' fina l closinR rir1tcs on lhe Nc1v York and flmerican stork exehanges. drli1·rred by high-speed, com- puterized t;ipe trunsn1 issjon directly rron1 \Vall Street to the DAfLV PILOT plant. art fu rnished each year f o r sludrnts in the rnursr. The series of lr>cl11 re.s Is prrsenlf'd fr{'(' of rhar~e to !he gr>neral public ns part of the :idult crl ucatio n progran1 of Orange Co:i.~t College. The two-hon r lecture nn in· ,rrsting in corpor;iUon stocks and bond .... 111ul11RI fund~ and hui1ding and loan as!>ociations is schedulrd In star\ at 7'30 p,111, \\"edncsd;iy. Even sturlrnts who h;i\•e not :i1 1rnrlrd prf'l'inus lrrturcs in lhr ~rrics arc 111\'ilcrl to altcnrt !he final nnr \\'!'dnc~day nigh t :ind tn plan to aurnd the rn- l1rr !'rric" 11 h<'n 11 rntcrs It~ 20th yc;ir 111 1970. THE NEEDLE IS MIGHTIER THAN THE PEN And tht man who knows just l1ow 10 tur11 the phrase to get th• most out of the barb t!f DAILY PILOT column- is t Sydney l!arris. Ht ho! been called the modern • day J-1 e n r y '-fen ck en . l j you're read y for his use of t/11:: acid ad;ec t iv e and t ho 11 g h t • provoki11u prose to give tJ Ot£ til e needle .•. if yoit want to fin d something to think about in what you read •.. if you havt a sense of humor, you b ,. Io 11 g 1;-it h reader! w /10 delight iii fe/l in9 otller., whnt "Syd 50id" t11 one of the nation'5 most • quoted columns. Some Sample Barbs Recently Thrown By Sytlney Harris: "One cf the hl9M1t p1id jobs In Americ1 con1ists of 1t1ndin9 up in front of 11 mic- rophone, sep1r1tin9 th• good records from the bid ones -and pl1ying the bid one1." "!l's sad but true that v. hile alcoholics a re the best a rgument for abstinence, so 1nany abstainers are eriually effective ar· gument for a little drink now and then." "Mo1t of the so-c1lled 'incomp1tibility' in marri1ge springs from the fact that to most men, M X i1 an act; while to 111 women, It is an emotion. And thi1 differ- •nc• in attitude can be bridged only by love." ''The. sole difference between a 'dedica- ted crusader' and a 'nosy reformer' con- sis ts in our a green1eut or disagreement \vith bis obje ctives.·· "The mo1t explosive combination In the world c:onsi1t1 of sinceri ty added to ignoranc•." ''\Vhenever I am the recipient of an ex-· cessively hearty h ands hake , l suspect ~Jr. Muscles is try1ng t o sell something, h.ide somcth.ing, or prove :i;omethini ," Check The Editorial Page For This Signature It'll Help You Find The Latest Quotables Created By 'T ~e u1:1n, the Needler' For His Col- A Regular Feature of DAILY PILOT ... • l \ _,,..,. _ _.....-. ----... . '-.. ··- ~:l\t • t .. ,~ 1 1 lr ~ ·~~!~· ~ • I-~ ·:r~ " !·-~ '>~ ,~. ( "'' ··~· * f i "' NO MATTER WHAT they're in the ma rket for, our readers find the DAILY PILOT is the best place to put the bite on bargains. And they do it with the same gusto as the gourmet here showing how much he appreciates the wares of the famed Alkmaar Cheese Market in The Netherlands. You don't ha ve to travel so far to find good things to eat, nice things to wear, new appliances at bargain pric es, a real ca r buy-or even a chunk of cheese. Just shop the "armchair market," the one our a dvertisers delive r to your door every day. · DAILY PILOT f ·. .. f i , I ' • • i • i , I I I J ·-----------------....... -. ·----·------------------------·---··-·· ... -. States ' Jackie Gleaso11 Sheds 61 Pounds To Absorb ~111\1\ll BEACH, Pia. l AP) -Jackie Gleason n1clted off 61 pounds -reducing his 54· inch rniddle to a n1ere 42 - usins a dirL uf rneat, eggs. fish and ··alJ the booze l v.·anted." •·Jt wasn't too bad," J ackie rehearsal for his Saturdayl------------ said. "I ale all meat one day, night show on CBS-TV. "Gim·llP••,... all <'ggs the next and all fish me tho s e Ralph Kramden the next. pants," he told a. wardrobe Sc1iools? v ,.;,,. ~.... 1111•rft11o ... 11 ' ·Th e n o -n o' s w e re man. "Tilf:y'll sh<w:." \'Cgetables, breads and sy~U. The outfit Gleason used last I ate scrambled eggs, bolled season In Honeymooner scenes eggs and omelets along with as the Brooklyn bus driver The c~t of n1nn1ng a school ~ysl.€m is soaring -;it the rate of SlOO per pupil Pach yra r in sorne placl'S. Propl'TIY taxes collected hy 1 u t· a 1 dis!ri{'IS have g one cnn· sis1ent ly upv•ard. p (1 s ~ i h I y flbolLI a ~ f;ir ilS they ('illl go HI 1nany districts. 'l'he beefy enlerlaint:r ls down to 209 and claims. "If I I o s e anymore the television viewers will Lhin k J'1n dyi ng." every kind of meal and fish mea1U.red 54 inches. "And COSTA MUA-lJH H•tkr 11,4, Gleason's attack on gir1h hcgan March 20 and 111uch uf the Int is gone. imagina ble. But that was 1\1.'' ,;•~h•~Y~"sed~~t~o~be~U~g~h~l,~"~h~e~s~a~id~-~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Gleason illustrated h I si r A taxpayers' Tf'\"nlt alrf•,'Hly has sent hundreds nf sel100! budgets and bond ISUSf-' 1io wn tn defeat aero:;.-; 1hc f'ou111ry. In Fremont. Ohio, for ex· <11nple, a budget d£'frat 1~ lore· 1ng th<' sthool '>YS!Cnl 1n t·losr fron1 1\o\., I~ to lhr fir:.! u[ nl'xt \'Car. fleitrly, .~~1nr1l11ng has to gi1e. E~TJ RE COST . ~ . DUNE BUCCIE!; iuG-IN~ Buggies! VW Sedans! Expo! Slalom! Drags! Off-Road Races! \\'eight Joss backstage before In !\1il'higan. C.nr. \\'11!1am r.. ~l il11kcn ha.> proposed th;.1t tl1e slate t;1ke ol'rr tt1c t!nlirr cost of erlur:ition fron1 local llCTQBER 26 1969 d•stcirts. A stotewido prnp<cl,. , Airs howl !ax v•oulrl supplanl local J b p R <l Orange County International :;c hool t a .~cs, \\'hlch vary lron1 ·O ~l.C~t CllC,\1C Raceway ~t o p<'r $1.000 (lf ;tSSf'SSCd rnluatinri in sorne coin· A joh lr11111ing co11\1 :ll'i ror ;:1aS.1nl;1Ana'ma11ufar11irin~ Indians unde r eont rarl \\'l\h GATESOPENIA.ll 111unities lo ~34 to S:lG in 1ns1ru('li 1111 <•I An1eri r;111 Jn. pl:1111h:i ~hccn rcn1·11t·dby lhc the l nlcrlo rDcpartrnen\'s FIRSTMNT10A.ll I SEE BY TODAYS WANT ADS e f or thf. far ou! ociental or nlOdern decor: gorgeous ja~ silk sofa, 16' :section. a.I, custom made. e Just \\"Mt \\'t" all nttd: tun and ('X<!"("ri.""" and fresh air -pedal boat. \\'hich can be foot operated or driven by an outboarrl . • Tradt>rs ParadiSe is <'ram· n1ed with h'easur('"!;. Trade your VW for a mink stole. portable TV for new til'l's, ,)'OU name it, you trade !ti others. The as~esscd value of dl.:up; 111 dr~1g n ;iru1 fcibrica\1on !L":leral i,:nvcrn ri-u'11I. Bu!"c,1u or Indian ilffairs at a tn1•~Jf •?O'"'"'"m011on;vic:w,...,,.E,,,~- taxilble pronf'rl.v ranges fron11 _ _,,f_'.~:"""'.":..::i::'"".~':':''.""'..'.'.'__".»~"".~"."'~~.'.'.'':".~~_.:'~'~"~i~n~C=·o=o=oc=i=n=o...:C~o:..:"~n:..:l~y~,L_:'~==::=::::::==:"'.'~·'~·:':"~':":':·~::,,:•:-::·:':":'·:•:"~"~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r--of ele(·tron1t: S)'Slen1 hardware Vostron J ndLJ~rit·s !rains the A :is low as S.1,000 per chi ld in 11rizona . the poorf's l districts lo as 1nuch as S60.000 in the \realthiesl. Spending 111 the di~tril·ts per clu ld \"arics frotn ~ 10 $1.000. In reporting the recom- mf'n<lations of his eduC'allonal rC'fo rm comn1iss1on to 1he pco· pie of ~!11.:higan Sept. JO, ~!illit>en said: .. \Ve want to 1·\·rn thi ngs nu1. The C'On11n1ssion dOC'~ nol thin k a child 1n one district is \1orth only half as much as a thild in another. Ft1rthrrmore. the commission tx>lievcs that properly tax relief is essen- tial.., An inrrease in the state's in- come tax was for~a sl to absorb some of 1hc school costs. The ~1 ichig:in plan pro1•idcs for equalizing t r at" hf' rs ' ~a!ar ies ;unung 1!is tricls within 10 to 15 rrgions of the :<l;1 te Diffrrenres hrt.11'l'ecn rrgions \1·ould be based on rnsl ot )1\·· ing fac tors. L,ocal Sl·hool Oistricl.~ \\Ould rr\a1n t"ontrol of n1allers of policy but 1he ~late \1·ould pa r th(' tc:ichcrs. Negotiations 1voulc! hy nccC'~~1- 1r sh1fl froni the tor:il tb tllt• s'tatc Je1rJ. ST,\TE TESTS l\11ll1ken·s proposal a Is o would rC'dure by ;ibout Qnf" half thC' numbrr of local school di st ricts. 1n1posc sta1l'11 idc !es1s f o r children and !>1rind- <l rds f n r at:ountability for the quality of educati.in. It ;d sn prnvuJcs for su hst:111t1:il state aid lo prl\·ntc and paroc·hial school~. pn11·iding fnr the sl:ite to p;iy if! l>f'rccnt ol the salaries of l;1y lt:nchcrs 1\ 1th in three ycHrs. There are rc•nlcrns PX· pressed <1bo11t \1·hc!ht·r ~!ate control of the purse ~Iring~ also n1eans :.Late 1!1ct;.1l1on. "he1hrr tht> sh1fl1ns n 1 nf'p:otiations to the ~lat e lei t'I 11 111 curb local 1nt·cnt11t':. and open the dot1r lo ~l ;1l t'1\•1dr ~1.nkes 1f tall-.<. f:ul. and l\hether 1hc sl;itc j., prt·parc<l !n prn11dC sutf1 11 cnt le1fler ~h1p <ilon~ 11 .t h JI~ monetary c·ont rol. ~lau Tndklo ·d I 11 Poi><111 T,.y BOSTON" IAl'I -l)onald ~!tKrnzic, 4J. nf :-..rl111ar. Calif .. has hricn 1nil1r1cd Jn connneclion \\it h \\hat 1he ol - ficc o; Dis\. All y. tiar·rrl 11 Blrnc said 11 as a plan lo poison ii go\·crnn1~nl \\ 1tncss. ~ SAFECO INSURANCE fo r speci~I GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNTS on y our F~mil y A uto Insurance Bob Paley and Associates INSURANCE 474 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA 642-6500 Sears Al.LST ATE P•....enger ·r ire Gu•r•nlNI Tr-r ad 1.;r~G111lJ'an1re 1;u•r•n1.,..d A11•i,.•11 All!"\""''""'h<""~ ,,11,.,.. ''""' .,.,,m.i .,,..i ~ .... J, ·~ .i.r~ .. •b ....... ,.. ,J Cf ..,. .... ml11r. .-... n..-i...,., ~Df '"" ~r .. uf 1i.. """'""I '"'od. T h°' ....... '"ill Uo: 11 .. r&or ,..,1 "'""'"'" " ·~ <huo• 'I• •..,. ...r (.,lur<. '" ... h&o,.t• '"' .... ""'· ..... ti .. < t<. • bu~•'ll: ~•I~'°" r•"'..,"'"""' '"'""' ''""" lor "II••• r"« rl•u 1 .. 1. •"I I""' l•• '"" "r<<· """ , .. ..i u-..1 •10. ll.,.1. ,,,,.,1 ~·,111..­ .. rl .. <d ., •n th•'.~ 11 ... , ... '"'"" .1 ..... '"" .'fl m"n·h~ 11 <h< "" t<Jh .1 ... th" "'",-,J•" .. .11 1 .. rrr1 .. •"-<h"""" ... 11 •h• rr•r<,..,,.,~ "' '"'""' "'"" 1 ... >tll"" !""' rl"' ),,~ u•I r..-""' T" tho!'"''" .... ,. ,, ... 1 .. ....t l.u~ron1~~ t;.,,, • .,,,.,j \ro1n•I: ,.,~ •• 1 .. -~ .. ""' I"' 11.,,. !,,.,,,., Tht' o•uml-..:r .,,-mtJ~thl •re- ''"'•I ~ ~.,~.~ .... ~•II fJu · ln '"' ~•t1rr h t 1! ... '"', n r1•" '" , h•ri r.c 111,• •' •r• n• •~~"(" )! ll•n~ I''"'' riOJ I ),,J,.,1 1" , ''' r ·~ 11" •h1· 1vll""" '"ll •llv"-•n<< ,,,,,,11,. r. ....... 1 •• J I ''" ' A•k About Sean; Convenient Credit Plans $ $ to PER TIRE WIDE GUARD 2 Fiber Glass Belts ... 2 Nylon Plies! Prices Effective Monday, OcL 20; thru Saturday, OcL 25 40-Month Guarantee Regular '28.95 Trade-In Price 6.50xl3 TubeleM -Blackwall 95 l'tao 2.0I F.E.T. AlodOW 'lire • 2 1''ibergl•11 belts give excellent 111ability, Ueflpo tion1l po1iti•e •nd euy 1teering. so insure ..r .. comlottable operation • 57o/o greater fltrength, 67% thread life. •nd 6% wider tread thin our ~l non-belted tire SIZE '""'-'' I SA VE S.llLE TllAD£...IN TI'IAD&Jlf F.E.T. '~"' PRICE TUBELESS BLACKWALLS -6.S0.13 28.95 8.00 20.95 Z.02 7.3Ssl' 31.95 9.00 22.95 2.18 7.75x1' 33.95 9.00 24.95 2.36 8.2Sx14 36.95 10.00 26.95 2.'4 TUBELESS WHITEWALLS 6.SOxl3 31.95 9.00 22.95 Z.02 6.95:11' 32.95 9.00 23.95 :Z.17 7.35x1' 34.95 9.00 25.95 Z.18 7.75xl4 36.95 10.00 26.95 2.36 8.2Sx1' 39.95 ILOO 28.95 %M 8.S5xl4 42.95 11.00 31.95 2.611 8.8Sxl' 4S.95 12.00 33.95 2.116 7.7Sx15 36.95 10.00 26.95 %.SO B.15x15 39.95 11.00 28.95 2.68 B.4Sx15 42.95 11.00 31.95 2.77 8.8Sxl5 45.95 12.00 33.95 Z.90 9.00/. '8.95 IZ.00 36.95 2.91 9.15x15 ,-------------------------------------------------OPEN SUNDAYS ' ' • .......... , ....... ~ 1-4400. :,11.,s:ro ... IOON1l GI 3-$1 1 ION& IUD! Hr )-0111 P"O 'nl 8-')62 ~ANI• ~ l;J 7 ;71 lt>Ot•"'I J42·•-'11 ' c~ ,,.... l'o.¢66' <JtLMJ.it CH .5-IOCU, CA ' ~'' T <l'.•WIC. ' :so•n "H 1-l21 I l't)oO>OA n1 2·11 •~. t~ 1-~lt ' ' ' ' • J ..:t.l 11. !.'\~or .• 94-1 Ml\ u.,....,., 9U-l'27 I I l°""'OOI Nt ~ 7:.81, MC :'·5761 lr.'<ITWOl'.lll ti() 9 ~9• I • <•'!' 6' I ,. ~, . :."""' M!lN'~1 Fi '1J;11 ••,urr l'O ~-M'l, ,.~nJO l;l)V...•"'60<!11 •r~~.-(lOD O~I J~.I ,,.,., . .,l'IJl l,~·i-•:! ~"1rn rno t 0\~11 :.•~~lJJ VlWONl P'l.f-lf\I I , _______________________ _ Sears ____________________ , for your shopping convenience STARTING NOV. 2 ·. .. ' r ,. •• I '' > ] '" th; nu be t '" n, p, • ro. Di I ,, Vi I ,. ' ' ' ( I ( fol t.h1 Rh D• d!f Int ( In C01 Sh 111( !0< 1 "1 he; ch• "' COi , ha tur co• '"' ne· •• ~ •• 1-· ~·----·. ·-·--------------··-·-~-••• ...._ .... _.,... __ • ____ .. _ ...... .,.~---.. ·----,.,......._, .. .-... -·---·-~--........... _____ OAJLY PILOT %~ Destined for Pro Greatness l. ,. f '-' ' NEW YORK I UPI) -Lew Alcindor ha;, arrf\'ed. 'l'hal's like jumping the gun when you stop and consider he has played only l"o i;an1es professionally so far, he's only 22 <ind he simply sat there and said, "Sorry, thal's not enough ." "'hen one ABA owner put a check for $1 million on the table for hi~ talents. Al cindor, in hls profes~ional debut wit h lht· t-.1ilwaukee Bucks Saturday, looked and acted like a pro lhe 1nom<:nt he step. p1:d out on the floor. ft1oreov e.r, he got the opening jun1p rrom Detroit's Walt Belliimy , then wen t on to score 29 points and grab 12 re· bounds in a llS-110 victory over the Pistons . By the tirne the contest ended, fe\\' who watched him either on national TV or in person had any reasonable doubt they were look ing at the NBA's next superstar. The jur:y was out only 48 rninutes. you rni1ht sayJ only long enough for Alcindor to play in his first professional game. lie made it and I.hen some . The same \ray \\'ill Cha mberlain clid in his first pro ~am~. The same \\'ay others like Doak \Valkf'r. Dronko Nagurski, Ton1 Seaver and Willie -f\.1 cCovcy did in their opening tests. McCovey hil a pair of Lriple.s in his 1TI3· jor league debut. A!elndor signed \1•ith the Bucks for a niillion·plus and that's a lot of anything, b1:1 Detroit coach Bill van Breda Kolff, y,•ho had Chamberlain last year. indicated Lew was \vorlh it e1f\er \\'atching hi111 Saturday. "He's good. very good," van Breda Kolff said. "It y,•as like back in the good old day s." Typically, Alcindor found fault \Yith himseU after the opener against the Pistons. "f made too many n1lslakes, missed too many shots," he said. He "'asn 'l being 1nodest, he was simply ~lalln~ a fact bec:iuse it y,·as obviuu~ he had made a 1111st<ike l';irly 1n thr game \lhe11 he left hunself s\r[indcd up court on one of the But'ks' fast breaks but in spite of th at lapse and a fe•v others, Alcindor's debul wa s a tremendous success. No coach likes getting o\'erly en· 1husiustic loo early, but A!cindor·s crw f'h, I :1rry t'os!ello, ;_1lre~dy IS conv111ccd tile fonnt•r UCLA supl'rslar is destined to bccon1e one uf llie NBA 's all -t1111t' t::rl·rtts. "I bclil've th:it \Vilhout any question .'' he s.1ys, ··He 's got all the skills, all the t;itenl s and most of all he's gut a grc:it attittidc. This kid is a heckuva guy, and lic's alway s been \Vi\h a winner. "l:e was a \\'inner in hi gh ~chool nufl a \~·1nnl'r 1n co!lcgc . 1 just lo1•e !he k\d. I don't know hin1 that 1vC'll yet but hC''s 1·ery attentive, he studies 1he notebook. he's just trying to do his job and we'\'c h:1fl nn problems \1•hatsocver." Of course, it's son1cwhoil early in the LA Breezes Pust Packers , 34-21 (!;;iy yr!, as a n1.'ln says, but Co:.tt•llo ann ,\1~1111J(Jr sat Uo\1111 and ha,I a little talk IJefort the !'CllSOn st;1rletl a11d at lca~l thl'V seen1ed tu undc r:.tand e:'.'lct1 other. Olli' of Atcindor's rnany virtues .as a basketball player is that he's coachable. I le listens and e1bsorbs. If you 1vatched hi111 againsl Del roil on !he tubc then you ~<lw hl!W \\'ell tie fils into r.1il\lo·a11kee's of· fl!n~" and defense <.1 nd how littlr 1110 Uol'ks looked like the san1c club whil'h (111b:l~~d lasl in the lcagut'·s Eastern d;\'ision last season So far, Alcindor Hkcs pro ball. "It 's a lot d1ffert·nt than playing in rol- l1·gr ," he snys, "you c:in play thC' gamt', be in terested 111 lt and not have to worry :1bout studies or how you're gonna get tu cln~:s the next diJy," Le\v Alcindor doesn't ev£>r have to 11111·· ry about that again. J lis prirnary cOnct•n1 new. naturally, is living up to his pncc tnr end you'd have to say hc·s off !o a 111tly :.lart. 1 Rams Best We've Met-Bengtson By llOWARD L. HANDY 01 ltlt OtUJ Pllltl SJaff LOS ANGELF.S -"I think we 're a be!· tcr team than Jn 1967 fthey were l 1·1-2 lhat season). I reallze five games don 't ntake a seas()fl but right now we are a better team." Coach George Allen of the Los Angeles }lams made this statement following Lhe Ran1s 34-21 victory ove r the Green Bay Packers Sunday at the Colisewn. A record tttrong of 78,947 ~·as on hand for the game, the fifth straight Coastal Division victory for the Rams. Packer coach Phil Bengtson declined I:> compare the Rams with the l\tinnesota Vikings. But he did say this: "The Rams are big and strong. They have great poise and make no mistakes. This is \\'hy Lhey are ~·here they are to· day. I would have to say thal today the Rams were the best team we ha\•e playeU. "They don'L overpower you, they \Vear you down. That pass rush and the pr~ tection they give Gabriel is the bJg dif- ference." Bengtson said. TI1e Packer coach couldn't understand the rash of penalties assessed against his team late in the third quarter but declin· ed comment. Bart Starr, Packer quarterback, sum· med the game up in this manner: "\Vhen a team is behind, the other team can't gamble and come in there and let it all hang out. You can't go fer broke. "The Ram defense moves around so much you have to be ready all the timt'. You have to really concentrate on that defense." Allen explained the rash of penalties assessed ngaln;;t both clubs· "It is unu~ual for teams like the Rants and Packers tCl get !hot many penalties \\'i1h the nurnber or veterans we have in the lineup. There are likely to bC' 1nore penalties if the tca1ns are emolionally high for any particular game as they \1·ere today." Game balls wcrt' presented to Toin l..tack of the offensive line and linebacker Maxie Baughan. ''J\1ack didn't have a good game again~t Henry Jordan in lhe 1967 cha111pionship gan1e but he did an outstanding joO to· day," Allen explains. "Maxie (Baughan) h.:is been doing a great job in calling our defensive sign als ·• A third ball \\'as presented to Ron1an (;abricl. This one had s p e c i a I significance. It was the ball used by Gabriel to co111p!ctc career pass number 1012 to \\'endcll Tucker. This tota l broke the R111n individu:>I car~r record or 10! l set by Nonn Va11 Brocklin. Al the da v's conclusion, Gabriel had added seven ffiore for a total of 1019 pass completions. F;,.1 down• R~•h•n!I V~•d~ge P~"lnw ~"'"~P• l"~1urn verda~e h'1••• P11nl• F11m~lt~ lo'I 'l"dr~• prnallle<I l"•c~er• " ~ '" " ll•m• " '" '" " ll,, 0 11 ?~ 0 1.JI , .. 1·•2 0 "' ' LESS OF MOOR E -rrnlrr Lr\1 \lc1nllor of \he i\111\vaukcc l~ucks sho\1 .-. hL':-alrt.:ad.v adaptt·d to lhc pro·:.lylr of b;i:.kc!ball ::is he d r11 l'" 111 ror a lcft-h::i1nlt•d hoi11\ 1\•l11lc fe nding-<1fl 1Jc tro1\'s Otto E\lo1>r1· '' i!h ri ~ht arn1. 1'hc ;\lt.:1ndor-lcll l~uL'k., \1•un their \110 gan1rs over Ilic \1•cckcnd. RUNNING DOWN A FUMBLE -Green Bay's Ken Bowman (57) looks like he 's got the inside track at re<:overing thts Packer !lUTible but Deacon Jones (j ust behind him ) wound up "'ith the ball. \Vatching the UPI T11to~ott play are the Rams' Merlin Ol son (74) and Green Bay's Gale Gillingha1n (68 ). The fumble recovery led to a second quarter Los Angeles touch- down and the Rams \vent on to post a 34-21 victory. G1irney 4th In Seattle's Toomey Has Shot at Record - Gurney Race -SEATI1..E (AP) -Al Unser :;cored his f()urth United Stutes Auto Club victory ot the season, romping hom e 6.1 second! 11head of nlllnerup Mario Andrelti in the Dan Gurney 200-mile race for In· dlanapolis cars Sunday at Seattle Jnternalional Raceway. Needs 4,007 Points Today nt UCLA By GLENN "'lllTE 01 lht 0 1!11 Pll91 St•ll Bill Toomey is obviously a man \\'ho 's got it made. All he has to do today is run the 110 meter high hurdles in 14.5 seconds, throw tl1e discus JM feet, pole vault 13-5, toss the ja?elin 220 feet and run the 1,500 rneltra in 4:25. le~ than he h:ui ti for . "If I'd have gone under 4 .3~, .'ti ha ve been tm· bnrras.'>ed," he to ld the DAILY PILOT Tll()ments afttr he ripped off a 46.4 for the 400 meters -lhc final event of the day. Quizzed about where he hoped to make up the defici t today, he simply replied, •·everywhe~.·· The 1008 Olympic champion wa:; off to a good start Sundi!y, covf'rlng the 100 meltrs i11 10.4 (959 points). But he silpped Yi()('fully in the long jump sailing 23·11 ~~. lie has gone over 26 feet and turned in a 2~-6 just two weeks ago at UCLA. "I may have required a longer rest,'' he explains. "I just felt flat -had no power. I guess mavbc I was lucky to go (See T00~1EY, Page %7) -· Pal111er Jcar IEacJ.;. Nicklaiis Ends D,.oug·lit W itli Victo ry ltt Sahcira 1,/\S VEGAS f /\P) -It'~ h:ir! n•·w~ fur r,uJf·:. t1111rl11g pru~ Big J;1eli -1l1r rt·;1I .latk /\'.1ckl;u1s -1.~ h:il'J... 111\('l' ag;1111 flashing lhf· a"l'~on1e fonn th:it m;u1e }\!n1 the n111i>L h·arrd co111pct1 tor 1n Ilic gamr. •·1 g11r~s you'd 11111·c !11 go hack 111 Raltu.~ro!" whcrt· ht• 1\110 lht" l .. 'i ()pen i11 1%7 "to find .a l11urn;11n1•nt "'h!'rl' ! 1 t' pln~·cd i.o well, .. HH' Ulllil stro11gnH111 .~a11 I Sunrlny :1ftt•r ru111p1ng 111 wi th an c:1 ~v victory ir1 the SI00.000 S<ihnr:~ lnl'Jta· ti{111al ~1clilau.~. 11 1\n 1101t'ht·d hh ::oth l':l!'('"r \'i1·1urv h1•fore 111' .'IO!h hJl'llht:1\. 1 lu.~• d \\'l1h a hr1lhant fij, SIX IJlldtT r1ar 011 Iii•' 6,75 1 S:iha ra Ncl':irla Coun try C I u ll course, for a 2i2 total, 12 under par. Ile tiad a four-~lrokt' 111ar~i11 O\'"r Fr;:1nk neanl, \tic th!rr!-rounrl lrarlcr. wh11 f1n1:-.h"d with ,1 70 for 27fi !l;i v1· Hill .. 6~. and Dall' J111ui,:l<1~.~. 6fi, tied fvr 11iinl .1L 277 with {;r1cr .Jont'S. !ill. !ln(j l\r111:-.l1 ()p en tha1np1011 T11ny Jacklin , 69, next :.1~ 278. Bu! wh ile it was business 11.~ usual for Nlrk!aus, Arnold Palrner had h 1 .~ troubles. The 40-year-old charger. al · tr1npting :i comeback aflcr a twtJ-ntonlh absence fort·ed by a hi p ailment, clusctl t '""I ,coir\ ~"" mo.,tv tlle ~-hlf~ l"vl!MI01MI J•ck Nk kl•us. t1n.ooo F<•~~ 6t~ro, 111,«.IO n ovt Hiii, U.900 O•lt OouolAH. l\,900 lony J~cklln, 1).l!PO G•ler J<mt'I, 1J,UO R><;hHd C••w•o•d, JJ,)Oll ~l~vt Rtoo. 11·111 R"" Fu<,.tlh, 1?,117 Ch• (~I Rod•OQ11•1. 11,111 k e•mu l M!tv, 11.112 U11<1n 11ov•r, 11,1n Tttrv om. u.111 HOmt"rO 81ftn<:AI, 11,111 S•~·~ Sp•ov, 11.111 O.•v• Sloc klon. 17.117 Tnm Welskop!, 1 1,~ (.huck Co,.rln~v. 11.00 A, H. Slkt1, 11 .0JS J ulius Boro'o, 11,0l5 .!ll<k Cupit, 11,0J! JI"' Wit<ht••· 11,0JI lt'd H•v•• Jr •. 11,on Bob M"'ne, \1.01~ 801> Smllfl, 11,0lS M!nrr 8~r0t" 111~ 80b Rooaur o. JllO -!< 69·1• 10.1s-2n 69·11·6~10-21~ 1 "·"'-11 ·66-111 10-69 I0-6?-118 69 '•·61'6l-'11 10.11 >69. /0-llll 10 tlJ 11-11-'90 /Q-11>69·10-?IO 6961·11-70-llO ~.10.12.10-ieo 11 11 .• s.10-180 11 66-l•·•t -llO ,, 10 69·1t-110 •1-1(1,6}.&f-1..0 11 IJ.M 61 1'0 ! /) 69-11·61-lll 69·7.1-/0.-287 11·11·10·-111 7.1-09./0-61-111 10-11.JT .10-111 M·l1·'l·11-711 M-1? ltl•11-1e1 13.,1.1.1-11-111 71 70./)..!9-l'!J lit-ll·ll 61-11J 11 1\h :t 4lis;1ppo11111n~ i.l lrir 2G5. f:ir back Jn rh 1· li l'hl. ,\'.1t'k lau~. 11 ho h:1~ won this particular tuurnament fuur t1n1es 1n the l;ist seven ~1·ars. f]t11p1x:tl "I only nrc·d to 11'1n a L'U\lple 111or" tu gt'L e1't'll 1\1lh the ga111hl· 1ng t;1blei>." ~'Icx iean Prix; Ickx Seton(] ~11':\IC'I) t'IT'I' f\!'1 -Surr uf fMl. l1;1nd ;11111 C)t~. ll•·lll\I~ ll 1il111t• ,,r !\'['IV Zl':1J.1nrJ 11lrc;Hll·d his wn,V ;11)lrtng 16 other }'onnu!;i One dril't'rs in winning his f11tf1 r.r;inrl Prix \\')ulr St·oil:1n1.J'!; Jackie Sle\\'arl. alrcadv winner •Jf thl'.' \Vorld Drivinj;( ChampiOnshlfl, f1nishC'd fourth. BC'lg1t1m 's .Jarky ll'kX, :11 Z;i lht' youngest on the ctrcuit. "';is ~ood for sc- <·onrl place in Sunday's race. and the s1:t <·hnrn p1nnsht11 pnin1s he pick ed 11p i.:a\'e l1i111 an ovcr-~!J tot:il of 37, SC<.'ontl only lQ St£>w:trt's 63 for Ilic season. H11 l1nr , :13, had s!nrtt'\I in fifth position and passed cars rclenlle.~sly, one of his ra11oritc locations see ming to he the hairpin curve at the bac k of the fi ve· kilu1neler ~lagd;:i lena t-.1ixhuca track. lie took over U1e lrad after 10 or the 6.1 1;1ps and finished \\'ilh an ove r-all time or one hour $4 minutt's and eight and eighty. ht1ndrcth.~ of a scconrl , only 2.56 seconds ahead of lekx, "'ho had started in No. 2 position. Stewarl was clocked l n 1:54 :19.91. Aus tra lia's Jack Brabham, whose Fri· day qualifying lnp of I :42.00 ga\'e hhn tho pol<' posilion, finished third in I :54:47.28, t1nd Jean Pierre Bclloise of France, fifth, Ill l •5::i .47.32. I ! r " . -~. '-" ' ' ., ' " " ' ' l ' ' • ~ i l I Gurney. of Costa t-.1C$3 . finishefl 1hird In the-opening heel and founh in the se- cond to rank fourth overall. Sam Posey, Sharon, Conn., v.'ho raced Formula A most of the season, ran Andy GranatclU's four.wheel-drive, STP racer in third, If he acromplishes those marks, he will be tht new owner n( the world decathlon record-with roUghly 20 points to spart. That 's the picture today as Toomey takes his second 11hot at Kurt Bendlln's: world mark of 8,319 potnts in a special decathlon at the classy new track in Westwood. Black Protest May . I Cost Coach Joh i Unser, from Albuquerque, N.M .. fini sh· ~ second l-0 Andrei.ti in lhe first 100.mile heal. But the New 1t1exico dri\'er S\\'il· ched to rain tires, beat Andrelti off the !1\arting line and led all the way In the SC· cond 100-mile heat. Andretti, of Naiarelh, Pa .. pushing loo hard on a wet track. twic~ ~pun out on tum No. 1 in the first six laps :if th e SC· cond heat. Ren1arkabl y, he v.·as able to keep the cngif)('. n1nning each time and never ·was worse than fourth. His nearest competitor ls Britisher Rarry King, who rolled up J,842 points in Sunday aclion and appears to be on his way past the British Commonwealth record of 7,451, set earlier this year by C.:lyde King. Toomt')'. whn picked up an American rPcord score of 8.277 I wo \\'eeks ago al 11CLA . had two bad eve nts Sunday but !'.lill ha5 wha L you'd consider a fair shnt nt Bendlin'• mark. .-.....,... _ TOf'mey scored 4,313 point!~· abo ut f.oO ·- f,ARi\M IE, Wyo. (AP) -Coai-11 Lloyd Eaton, who br uughl the University of W)·oming from a position as n regional football power to one of national pro- minence. hinted Sunday night he "wouldn't be su rprised " ii he is released frorn his contract. "Out," E;iton said, "you know damned 11·r·ll 1'1n no1 gonna quit." Gatnn, whn~r \\'yo1nl nR record Is 55-20· Z. and \\'hose Welimc record is 12th best nationally, i;ti rred up a conl.rovcrsy Fri· day when he di smissed 14 black grldders -six of then1 slarters -from the unbeaten Cowboy club for disciplinary reasons. Eaton's action :"parked an all ·night mee ting of the tiniversity·!'i board of tn1stees including GQ\' ~ t a n llatha"·ay. The group eventually upheld the dismis$3ls. Eaton drnlecl a rPport he had :;ubmitt.cd his resignation ut lllc meeting. Saturday. \Vyorning fielded an all-whil e tearn and rolle1I nvcr Brigham Vonni::: U11i l'ersi1~·. thr' r'£>nlrr of lhc controvrrsy, 40·7, for its l1f1h ''l('lnry uf llus sCHS011 and fo11r\h in confrrC'nCt' play. Thr 14 ;1llilelrs hncl \1nrn h1:1c·k :irmhu111t~ Vrid:iy in proh'~I nl Ilic r.1orn1 on L:hurcll's d01.·\n 11c whicl1 h 1n1ts Nri;roc.~ lo positions !01v in church hl<'rarehy. Sund11v, thr. faculty scn!ltc at lhr! universiiy voted, 21-17, to oppos8 lh9 ffismisslll~ and asked instead lhal the alhle!t'~ be trmporar ily suspel"Klc<i until a raru1ty .~tude.11t 111ves11gation be con· Jlurlcd. 1\ 11111nbrr of fnt;ully m C' tn be r s tlirr:11rnetl to rei-ti;n if the dismissa~ l\t•rcu·i rcs1:1ndcJ. , ' • I l I --------------------------------------------------------. 28 OAll Y PILOT Moncl~Y. Octobtr XI, 1%9 ------- Pirates Nail Lopsided 14 -12 Win Over Dons By JOEL SCll\\"r\llZ 0 0! "'-0.111 "''" i!•!I Thr: dressing room was a!mo~t dl.'ad 11111et in sharp contrast to !he noisy t1•mull a week. ago and so1neone 1\'an· <lering in by n1i'1ake might have thought Orange Coast College had lost its first 1ootball £ame or the season . But the Pirates didn "t lose. lns1rad tliev recorded !heir 1hird straight ~111:taker and fifth triu111ph of the season. \4-12, O\"er Sen111 Ana S1llurday night at Ur<inge Coast. Pirate head co<1t'h Dick 'l\Jckcr, 11ho ,.,.a~ afraid his tea1n rn1ght suffer a lel· <1011·r. afler its key 11::tones orer Harbor 42 Points Ul • ; nLI Fullerton 11as unhappy 11•1\h Orange Coas!':. performance bu1 said "I'm ne vt•r GL~~ppointed with a victory." Artually, it was OCC's most lopsided .... 111 Jn three weeks. Earlier the Bucs h;1J n1 pptd Los Angeles Harbor, 21-20, and Fullerton, 20-19. "I was unhappy because v.·e didn 't take ;nh·antage of scoring opportunities 11nd 11·c v.·eren 't very sharp. We should have t1:1d at least a 21-0 halfti1ne lead," 1'uckcr continued_ "But Santa Ana v.•asn'l that bad a club. They were up for the game aod I didn't lnink they 'd be able to move the bell like they did." Tut·ker shouldn't have any proble•ns 2nd Quar ter Saddlehack Rips Desert Hy BOB ROTll Ot !ht O•I!, l'l"I S!lfl Looking more and rnore like the tean1 to beat for the [kosert Conference title, Saddleback College's football team maul- ed Victor Valley 68·6 111 a garne pl11ye<l Saturday night al J\lission Viejo tligh School. ··1 didn't like lo score that much," sa11I Saddleback coach George Hartman. ··But it v.•as just a matter of momentum. After that first quarter \1•e just got hot v.·h1\e thc·v went flat." T.hc first quarter found the visiting n:uns ahtad of the Gauchos. &-0, as they scored v.•hen quarterback Jim Cook faked a pitchout and went in from three yards out "''lth nine minutes left. ··1 thought our defense looked flat in thr first quarter. Perhaps we were a bit tense. But I ,1·as ''ery pleased with Ilic \1:1.v we came back." said Hartma n. To sav Saddleback came back \\"ilS all unde:st3tement. The fir~\ period ended .as quarterback Rod Crares hit Cary Rossman v.·ith n pass to the vi sitors' 47 and a personal fou l niovrd the ball tu the " Two plo~ s IH!rr Gr<11·es we nt 111 t'r fro111 Pie one for the 11·1ng srore 11·1th 14 4fi s111l rem 11in1ng bt>fnre 1n1crm1s5ion After Rusty St>edbor.i: picked off a Ram at'nal thl' Ga u<"hos 1nO\l'd 39 1ards <ind \\'ent ahf'ad lo stay 111th 11 ~O feu1:11n1ng a s Toby \\'hippie bulled 1n from two yards (!lll \\'ha\ tullo"·cd 11a..; unr or 111(' 1n•1.•I 1iru' . •id('d c1u,1r1 rr~ r1fr :t< !hr (~,1urhu~ 1all1rrl 42 Jl(lJnt s bf'forc thr gtJn !>ound<'d fnr half t11nL' The huge lrad i:;a1·c llar1m;1n a chH n\'c to use his benrh in the last two quarters. ··Thal \1·as the thing that pleased 1nr 1n11~1.' _sairl H:ir1rniln. ") w;i s hrippy l•l gr1 rn~ reser1·cs 111 lherr anti r 11,1~ plcas- 1·d with tht' 11;iy tht·y pt>rfor1ned" Reser\l' running bacK!i (i c r r v l\lackn1on , Jon O'Brien and Howard Ho1l 1\rrr all 11np!'t\1~111' a~ lhl'y 1·01nh1ned l~r 156 ~ ards :iga1nst !he l1aplcss Ha nt After 211d Loss 68-6 de!ens.:. In all. Saddleback piled up 5().') yards in total offense. The fact the reserves played in the se- cond half led to the punishment of Victor Val!e y. As Hartman observed, "You can't :!Sk them not to score ." r\ine Gauchos got inlo the scoring col- u111n as eight individuals s co r t: d touchdowns and John Stewart added four extra points. Only Grave.c; and end f\l arc llanly scored twice, as Graves hit him with scoring tosses of three and 15 yards. Other scorers included RC>:lsman, G;iry Rup~. reserve quarterback Chris Hec- tor, Hlackmon and Hoyt Amazingly, the Gauchos accompl ished the rout without the services of starting trickle Chuck Finn and with fullback Rocky Fletcher seeing limited nction. Both men were troublC'<l by injuries. F"" d0"'"1 fVl~<"O F1"1 oown• ~&UihG Fl"' oown• ~·~•"'" To••I ,,,., do11<n• Y ord• ru•hlnQ Yo tn! o"""; Y ot n• l!t\I ,,., ,.,.a, ~·'""<: Pun• A•r•&•< a •'J•« r • ., .. ,,,. v •. ,. 10•ndl,1to f u~>Oltl Fum~loc lo•t " • ' " "' )/( ' .. ' " ~ '" 1•1 " " ' " .. " " '" I <"; i ,., " )coro bf Ou•rl•" ~•t'O' V~llt f 1 r f 0 I SfdO•oOI<' ' •? I l I }-..t ' <o ,.,r~ • ...... To•• • !Gii " l't~•!t•" G'IY"' fl l•c•f(l(on o·e ... " 1-<o,1 "'''"' R·'"' lo•• • r,,.,., '""" 1~···1 V•<'•' V•ll•w •ct v• y ••1 I~ II Q l I " .. " 1 1 • 11 ·~ . " . " ,< '' lJ I I ,, 'I :J ! I \o••l•h••• JI I\ 1 f •I o h ~ 11 I l 0 ' ~ I Ml ~ I\ •I I 1 . " . ' '" l;.4 ~~ "' D! o•• •• o<I I> l I• ; •1 )•dd ltbar~ I• !' "' •J' ' ' H 11 II )!till II~ .1•1 1'o Hell Witli Fan Mail , Gru,11ibl es Tide' s Bryant B!R\11:'\Cll \\1. ,\i.i 1.\f'\ -· \\t 11 1'1st all tht• fh 1111 l1rarled Ian• n1i1• 1 nadi P::iul "llt.'ar" !3r}an1 nf :\laba111a ~:11"1 Sunda y, '"hut l"rn nu\ rt':il'h 10 g11c up and I hope our lt'iHll 1 ~11·1 L'l!hrr ' .-\11teater s Fall 111 Fi11al s, 6-5 t·c San nil"~O s "atC'r polo tr::tm "·111 lnrade L'C Jrvinr Fndav af\crnonn for a :'\ 30 t'()nlronlation 1\;ith coach ut i\f'~·land's Antealcrs. :-ie~·land's forces will carry 11 IG-4 rfCOrd into the duel alter absorbing a ~hocking 6-5 loss in the finals or the all t·ni\'rrsitv of California tourna1nent at l"C Rivl"iside Sa111rday. UC Santa Barbara knockl?'d n I r Nev•la ocrs troops tn sudden death 011 a penally J:!Oal :ofter the Antcalf'rs had staged a rally to tie \hl' game. S\Cl"e Farmer's shnt with a m111u1e left In ref!ulation tied Ill{! sC<Jre . alld for ced thr 1ss ul" to u1·cr1in1c . Actually. the verdict was decided ear!.v. "fhe Gauchos had fallen behind. 1-0, on .Jim 1>1c0onald's goal. But then they ex - llloded for four goals alld took a 4-1 bulge <JI the c1uar1cr. Frorn then til the f1111sh. L'C tr1·inc pla yed cat('h-up. Earlier in !hi> d.'J\' 1\ewl:ind s 1:1ro11r blastl"d UC Da \'1S. • 6·2, .and look liC Jli ver~kfl" apart. 13-3. Scoring leader tor Ufl against Da\'i!I t1·as ri1ikt ~ler11n 11ith four \\·lulr :0.t<"Dona!d a nd .Jun Bradburn h;:id one apiecl' Bradburn hacl t~irt'e r ach against i.;cn. '-l01tts Tim ll arr1soo a11d Jack Dickn1an potted two apiece. And s1n1tle t.allie! went to Farmer, f\i artin, Bob t<.-tcClellan. Tluane Olson, St eve H111lback, Terry Srhroc pher. . \l:irt1n 111.1dl'. lhc ;1l1·101 1r11.+nH·nl tct1111. 1.-orrne r Orani;:e Coa~t CQ\ICJ.(c 111111 e:irn· td hke honors a~ a UCSI! pla ye r. I-le !ICOrf'd once ngainst UC Ir vine Br;.ant. narrating trlevtsed fl ln1!I of Tenncsser·s 4 1-1 ~ \·lctory orer Alllbama ~aturday. said rr1!1cs alrc:idy are 11'rit1ng llun aboul the .•\lab<11n<1 1e;1111 which now l1as losl 1110 ~tr111ght gan1f's fr1r the llrs1 IJ1ne 1111d,..r Dr~:inl . "You li:tlcr ll'fltcrs -to hell 1v11h 1011," Br~,1n1 ~a1<L "1 don·1 h:i vr llmf' lo read your lrllers now or C\'Cn sort them l\'r'rr just .i:ot to g<'t busy," Hr als.-i !-l:ud ~omr ;ilumni aPJ>arently think he i~ too old ;ind too lat. ''But Lhere 1< another Sl'l ol nlu mni. ~l ary llarmon ( Rryant's v•iff't and n1e. \\'hen 11·c dccidcd thr old 1nan IS tou <ilr!, !>tinlf"lhing 11·111 be done about it ilon·t "·orry about tha!. The other -set of ;ilumni 1\·on'l h;n·f' 10 rnouth around :ihout It." Bryant sail\ 111.~ l;rimson T1Je l'.·as humiliated by T l'nnts~l'e. He sald tl1:it bcforr the game 111 lhought Alaban1:1 had a chnncc. "but we gave a1\·ay f.1r roo n1uch and 11·c had IQ play catch.up thr rest of the \\'3Y and ~·ou chm't win that \1 11.1 " He said he dOl.'S not know if unde!enlt'd Tennessee has a ~rc<il te<11n becau5e tllr \'ols didn't pla!r' t1.i:11inst a great tcan1 1n Alabama. "I do know Tennes~ec ha~ a great delensil'l' tc:im and a great kicking gnrnr." Thi~ dC'f<'nse. hl' said. i~ led bv ll\o great linebackers, Stt'\'e Kiner and. Jack Re}·noJds. ··1rs preuy hard !or a quarterback to throw vt'ilh Kiner "'r:ipped around his Tl('('k," Bryant commenle<I. llf' said lht pass prolt'ction of Ala h:im:t l1nt'1nen 11·as fairly ~ond but protrel!11n hv backs .,.,.as terribll". Br~ ant c01npl11nrnt(~1 the pass catching of Dar1d Ba iley, \\hO$t' 12 receptions sci single gamf' r{"('OnJ, unit the defensive play of Pete 1\toort' Al linebackl"r. f\,1oort·s fi rst game nt lhat po~\ this season. Alaham;i takes a 3-2 record lo Clrm~o11 ,,,-·~! ~:'liu rday and Bry ;lnt C'on11nc:11te.I ll1:it C:o<1th Frank llf1"Hrd ol !'\cn1~u11 "h;1s i::ot fol ks as bill a~ m11lcs. Th.it IJ1:; tailback , Bay Yauger, hurl! ~ople." ~cltu1g his te:in1 up fo r tlus S:1turd;11 ·~ l:anlc at Cerntos a1:ain~I 1!11• onec-bt•<1t1 u l·alron~ bul he'll h,lV(' rin~ h1g holl· hi t.11 1n his offensive linl.'ll!J The Pirates lost star11 ng fullback f'u<' Meyer for !he st·aso11 early 1n the fir~! half . Mrycr lore the cartilage in lus ng!ll knee . Prl'dictahly !hr g.'lrne Wt•nl down to Iii·· fi nal gun wht-n Finch Slerl111g 111terccpt1·d a San ta An.'.l pass <ll !he Qr;;nge Coast JJ t:i kill a ri11;iJ Dun t11re;it Orange Coast had arnple vpportunit1r~ in thr fir st h;1lf to blow the ga1nc w1rh.! Of)C'n but couldn 't do 1t. JIJn !;ands bltit·k· f'd two pun ts, rt•turn1ng one lo !he IJ011 une and the Pirates :.ilso rctovered a i •n1Ul r ;it 1J1r S:inia Ana i:i b11 t ('.:irh l !llh' lr11 led to :-,core A lour1h brrak. <1n ir11ercep\1on by BuU Lurry, l~·Ll tH the only to11chdoll"n of th(l half The l11r;ites dru\'C 5;. yards Jn i;r 1·i•n plays ll)r !11c score v.ith R11y H1 c;irdo. the g<irne's lcadin~ ru sher v.·ith ll.'l ~:ircb. gtJ1ng over fron1 the three. Bob H.1'd-'7 bo11led 1hc cnnver.:;lon. A fu111blrd snar on a punt set ur San1a ,\na·!. 11r~t TlJ 111 the third period. 11 r;1111c u11 ~I 2~-v n rd pas~ front Hic k l/Cl"kl'f! 10 l\like' Scha11f. J'Cle J{iver<1 '::; f..1 ek \l'i1s w1JC' Qllartcrb;,ick J\t ike T11m1v<J<;lJ, v.·l\o con1- pl1•tft! t5 of 18 pa!>se<; for i30 yards, made ll J3-6 wJth 9:35 left in the ga111e on a 32- GAUCHO PLAY UNFOLDS ~ Saddleback Collc~c·s Rori Graves 1no1·es back, looking for a rece1l'er to pass lo 1\hilc Gaucho 1nates Ur1an Colbert (77), Dave Litncbrook (i6) and llo\1·a rd Hoyt (36) block ALL'S WELL -George. 11Jrtn1t1n. SacJd!cback College football coach. harr1ly h<1d n111l'h io he c·oncrrnC'd <-1 bo11 t S<!lu rcl u.v ni~ht a s h!!'i t;auchos spl itttcrcd \l1 ·l11 r \·rille,v. h8-!i. lotJrhdown pass to Robert Castillo. Rydi>r oga1n added the importanl PA'f. S:1nta . .\na came right back and 1nan·h- cd 71 yards for its last score, which <:ame on a 16-yard pas~ fr om Don l\-lotl lo Den- ni." J\!cBride. Motl tried to pass for the equaltzing two points, bul Bob Euell bat· led tlH' ball tlu\1'n. """"' (!own• ""~'"' ~"'' down' '''""'0 F"" down• 1JP1t•ll,n IQi.I ""' <l()Wfl< Y•rd• '"•""'" 'I' .,d> Pd Hing Y•r<I< lo" Nel ~•r<l1 '""'" Punh/A•.,•~• dl"•ncr f>on•lt"O/Y1r<11 P<!nelond ,,.,~ .. }~•'"'•" "' • ' • " '" •• " "' l «;1 !Oilt ' , " '" "' ,. "' . " J/I~ ~•nl1 An• G I ' ,.__1 l Or•n~• Co•ll I 1 I 1-11 •/.o!1 ~ ........... i 1a<1m1n Or<k~n U1•d~• To!al• Rlto<dO '·'•Y~< 1 • ..,1.,1u [lyf·~·~ fl """I M~V~U lolll> ~·~., D•c••" Io le '' lllJ,HI .. !; ~aMI 1 ~1 l(t ~· ' tO ?I 10 ll " ' ·~ Ill 0•1nt1 t1•1• 21 107 ' " " ,. • ' •I 11>1 ··~~ ... (\ S•nta In• .1 ·~· I ! ' 0 " .. ' " 0 " ,. 3 j . " . .. 70 ,) • ' " 11 .11 0 . " ~1 1 • 11 1• p~I YI Pd 18 ll I HG .... !IC 711GQO 7" 1• l 17! ,4'l o,•~•• :~•" 11 ll t llQ .I JI, 0 .1.ILV l'ILCT ,.h .... lty "'' 0'0-. .... out the enemy. The surging Gauchos overcame a &-0 deficit to hammer Victor Valley, 68-01 Saturday night. Oil.ers Wi1a, 13·0 Rugged Pass Def e11se Bottles Up Pio11eers Bv JL\1 CARNf':IT oi "'• O•llv l'llet Sti ff t\ fierce defensive rush netted the Hun~ tington Beach Oilers their first Sunset League win of the year as they dumped the out-manned \\'estern Pioneers 13-0, Saturday night at Western High School. fJi ler head coach Ken f\ioats had said prior to the game that his gridders would have to throttle the Pioneer passing at· tack ii they expected to "'in, and that i!I just "'hat they did. The Huntington Beach frool wall trap- pcd Pioneer quarterback Bob 1>1fller for 31 yards in losses. while the secondary picked off four of his aerial s. The \Ve stern signal caller connected on onl y nine of 23 passes for 69 ynrd s. "\Ve "'ere oul to stop Miller nn<l I think 11·r. tt1rl a prf't1y ROOCI job of JI ... said r-l oats, followtng thf' co111est. "\\'cstern l1as a good sound ball club ;ind I'm very happy we came out on top." J\1oats fell his team looked good in the firi;t ha)f but thought his offcn.~e took a bf'ating in the l:ist two pt'riod~. "'\\"t's\crn llt'\'f'r let up. They hit our offense pretty hard. but our df'fcnsf' held 11 for us." f\1oats feel~ his team ls in for anothf'r rugged go of it thi s coming "'(!('kend lrhen the Oilers lake on Santa Ana, which o"''ns a 1-2 le:igue m;irk. •·n 1ry·\'e got a better tea m than thf'i r r ecord 111d1cates. and \1·c·vc got ~01nc nagging injuries that are going to ha \'C to bt' cleared up by then." he sta1<'d . The Oi lrr mentor hinted that his 5qu arl i~ .~till ~uHering the eff<'Cls of the \4·7 lfl~S to 1\naheim l\\'O \veeks a.i:o. "Th at v.-as a \'ery physica l game. We're slill feeling lhc butnps fro1n that one." The Oilers put a\I of tJ1eir points on the board in lhe fi rst hall and then looked to !he defense to protect the lead . l!unlington qua rll?rback Garth Wist, \1 ho was outs!andin.i: in thl" contest ac- counling for 166 of the Oilers' 2J(l yards, sc<>red the fi rsl touchdown of the evening. The junior quarlerback engineered an 83·yard ~coring d(ive and capped the ef. fort with a 34-yard run for the score. He made a beauliful fake to halfback Rocky Cerda through lhe line and then raced nround r ight end and went the distance .1S the gun sounded ending the hrn quarler. frank Hanss booted the poinl-alter to give the Oilers a 7-0 edge. :-.1idv.'ay through the second period Jla nss fell on a \\'estrrn fumbl e on the Pioneer 37, selling up the second Oiler TD. On :i third and four situation at the 27. \\'ise hit end Tony Ciarelli "·11h a 24-yarU pass and tht' lanky sophoniorc fought his .... -ay to the Pioneer threl'. Fol\011·ing a tY.'c.--yard loss, \VLse fou nd Dan :>.!oats alone in the end zont" for the score lo gil·f' the Oilers a 13-0 lead thnt thc clrfense was able to preserve in the second half. F or.\! <!own• ru•~'~" f o"I do"'n' peu1n~ f "•t d<.wn1 p.nnll•t l lo!~I 11•.i do-• 'f••<I• tu~nont Y••<I• 1>•,.lng V••dl le"! l'l'I Yl'<I> ~··ne<I P11nh "'Y••~v~ 11n11•t• P•nftlll•• Y•r<I> 1>0n11l"ll f umbl••1Fumolu lo" . H " • ' 0 • '" " '" no J )I t I/IS .. Sr••• b• )11•"'••• ,, .. ~ •N J )6.1 '. 111 - Hunl;"'ll<>n B••<h I i i l!o-ll Wt•!Crn c ' I 0--0 •• • .. .. , (tOC~tll Cr •<!• Z~t•o"• l olt ll ~\Hit< ~.1., WlllO• Y~•"• To1•1• M•i!•r Mu•l•nt1e• '••<~ ltb YI It u ' " ' " " ' ' l l Bl W •"•·~ I :! , " ' ' " ll )j JJ ••s~ ... ,, ,, ..... , ,. 0 " ' " . " ' " 111 l .• JI • 07 , " . " J J.I l6 I.? •• "' •~' '' tel •• ' l ll .JJJ w ...... 1J t • ., Bruins, Tribe to Battle for Survival Bv TllF. ASSOCIATED PRE~'1: ~lanford and r t l.:\, 11ho r:it l' t·2 in ti!- fl'llSll"(' po"r r 1n th{' f'ac1f1c S Conference :it t·ir f()('>tl).ill ~r<J~rtn,; h.1l111,1v 1n;i1·l., t'l;1\h at St;infont Saturday ui 1;1c.le<l!!:>lf .., 111·rl.1 11d hc.Hl h111·r The 11111.)rn!rn ll!·11u• .• f,l'I \ln11 11•11r 1hir+I l'n<"-11 1un!1''' \, l1t111\l,!1"I~ lht• l :1lilornJ;1 JJc;;irs 32 O S.111:rd .. ). S1.inlu1 11 :l .!, Lr uught 11s leapUC' rr<'or<I to 2·1 by ••ulr1 as~u1g t/lr \\ ,1s!unll1on Statt' Cougars 4!1·11 .Jun !'l11nk•.·t1 the 1 11\r.s·~ lr11chni:: p 1 -~1 r· 11.1, r1•1 111rrh;11 kr1t .~ ~ta11ford ~1f- 1 !1~1' 111,1! 11.1" !H11ol/lh1d jllO\ 0\('f 2 . .'1\l{l \.1r,1 111 fr"r ~;i1n1 ~. • \.:.i.11•1 lilt lr~d1.111~. 11 1\n n:-c 111 .1 ni11~!· 11 111 ;i1t1Jnl!on, \\ 11 1 bC' the Jcai;11e s :;et·o11d· rankl'd pasM'r. Denni:; Dummil. His t:clans havf" RVer:iged ntarly 500 yarrls again~\ sl X" opponl"nts l'lunkt•H lhrew l\\'O to11chdnwn pa~ses a ~111 r.s! \\"ashlnglon S!nte nnrl h\~ thir1!- QUJrtcr rl'licf, Don Runcc , thn.'11· one an1I ra11 4J y11rd.~ for ann lher f)11mn11t p.iss<'d for !he Rruins' first h1 o touchdo"'ns and, in the closing • minUIC'S, rest>n'e tailback Blll Boldcn scored tv.·o more on runs or 65 and 41 yardli Cnhfornia and \Vashington Slate. m~l"l in Spokane Saturday and a third ('()11- !C"trncf' game l1Rs \Vashlnglon at Oregon . 1\onc0nfrrcncc action hRs Southern Cal fnlertaining GP.Or.lfia Tech and OreeOQ Stale meeUng Ulah at Portland. .. J p!; 10\ Sa1 j ;JI l fl\I ! . \\ l'Ut ( 1lcl aft ha< ,;1t1 ;it It!( P:1 'I in :1 11< SC\ ''° (jllf t or B F () ~;!'I' \1'~'( :111< In ;! Iii" ;; 'if A "' f'HI" :l-11 g;1r T 01(" hii\ :ti ' T f '!II Ill l rn11· M;11 1 T r·ri1 fore 23-6 o ~ ( " fig11 To I\ i! ! i21 Tl j1 11T 11\('I ;11 f " 111rt I )Jy1 4;, Ii 'I I II~ ('\ (' ,,, m:i~ J11clitl1 Aicl s Sea l{ings' 14-8 Victory By STE\!.': ANORE\\S Of the Diii~ Pilot S••fl Steve Judith returned to the Corona def ··lar football lineup Just at the righ1 ume for coach Dave Holland The burly tailbaek rushetl for 14!1 yards in 25 carries dunng the Sea Kings" J4-8 l nine League v1t:1ory over Magnolia Sa turda} at L.:i Pulma SU1dium. "Judith has been out of action for a "1ule with a lrnd knee and !his was hi s I tr!>l start,'' stated llulland. who watched 111' forces down the Sentinels for the first 111ne in Corona history. ''Il e really 11n· jlf'essed us with his co11sistency." C'orona had not entered Magnolia ter· ntory until Judith bursl off right tackle 0 11 a 43-yard ga llop to the Sentinel 10 in the !>ecund period. A personal foul on i\lagnolla move<.I the ball to the five \1 here quarterbacJ.. heith Samuels turned lrfl end for the score. Jud11h carried the ball seven of the 18 plays in the Sea K1ng·s third quarter touchdown march . The t111ly came on a Scimw·l s-to-AJ Saia aeri al good for 12 ) ;1rds Corona's defeni;e also played a superb game, holding the Sen tinel offense on c1owns twice inside the Sea Klng JO, •· 1 ·m pleased, bul nol surprised with our goal line defense,'' Holland said. •·we've had a good one all year that ha s l'Ome through when we needed them." Opportunity number one for the defenders came in the second period after Sentinel quarterback Ken Panique hnd moved his club lo a first and goal s1tualion on the 10. But. on a fourth down ;1t the two-yard line. Kcirl Killcfer and l{ick Petr0s broke through and nailed l'c111ique with a four-yard loss. Trailing only 1-t-8 with four minutes l~ft in tile game. Mvgnolla was [;iced wi th ;i11other fourth and goal play on the .-;even But Sea King Bill Martin came in I ram his ddensivt' end spot to hit Pani- flllf' JUsl cis he releas<'d the ball for an in· tomplet1011. Samuels ro lled up J:l2 yards total o(- fcnse for the eve111ng, 44 on the ground .,incl 88 through the air. lie was seven for 1:1 in the pas~ing department and had three intercepted. The win boosts Corona's loop mark Lo 2 I . GAME STATISTICS CdM M ~·r~t downs ru,h•nQ I~ l Ftn1 down~ PdS!l1nu l 7 F"1r~t down!ii penallH.~ 0 I Total llrst downs 18 13 'fards ru>h1n9 310 19 Yard~ P<'l'->"'!l ea 17' Yards lo>t IA J~ ,., ni. Net yard& gntnerl Punts/ Averaqe (ti'.""',. 3 7~ A 2 ,, ' Penalttes/Y ,a1 d.s pM•IHed 5 •5 • '1l Furr.ble$/Fun>bl~s to•t •·O • 0 Coron~ Score by Quarter• del M~r 0 • I 0 ,, Magnolia 0 0 D 8 -a flUSHING Coron• del M" TCB YO YI. !'>amuPI\ 8 •• 0 ihoma~ 1 9 0 5"1cl 1 ? 12 C11mm1n9" 1 11 1 Jud+rh 21 ,,,9 0 N •u o I n To•~ts .,, .)(0 1• Mag"Ol1a f Af'\•11V• II ,, Jl Loor: I 0 ( rn+n • ' ' Sm1•fl 1 • 0 To1at1 78 89 34 PA,Sll\IG Corona dcl MiH PA PC PHI Y<O ~'l'1'tl!' \ I I J 88 M.:tgno11a PUIQUC 10 II 111 B11c Poloists Face llor11et~ f"'or l~t Place Avq. 5 5 90 )0 J 1 H • I Io 1 1 0 1 0 I J O I 9 Pel ."66 .sso Or;i 11g<' ('n:1 '1 C1ill1 ~"' 1 t~l'' thr f1r~t ~wv :-1t•p 111 dl'frnct111i: 11, ~lat1· 1un1or col- l•·cc' 11 .1l1•r pol11 'b:1•11p11111sh1p Tnrsday ;ill• rnrn111 wlwn 11 hn~h Fulll'rt1m Coll<'gr i11 •l kt'\' ~1111th ('p;1<;1 ('onit'rr·nrr111:11<"11 111 thr Pirate pool. The 111att:l1 \1'111 slart al ;; :w p 111 1\l :-lak1· in lhc m;-11<"11 11 111 he l1r~t pl;irr n' thr rnnfcrrnr1• !>l ;inrlmgi; Fnllrrton r 11rr1'nl Iv leads llw [11 r tu1111 rare with a :i-o record while Orange C'n;1st is half a g;1mc back with a 2..() record .. Tacsdav's match 1-; the lirst of two mretings· between t~c two powers .. TI1cy h;" c a second meeting schedu led No,·. 14 ;1t Fullerton. The two teams last met in the final <·nnference match of the 19li!l season and in that one Orange Coast eked out a har- ri1ll'tng 6-4 dec1s1on to bag the Litle by one g:i111r Th11 t balanced attack was apparent Friclay when 1·oach Jack F'ullC'rlon ':. rnrces crushed Ml. S;:in Antonio College, 23-6 in the Pirate pool. TOOMEY ... (Continued From Page 251 r,s far as I did ... llis leap wa s worth 883 points. But he fi1111rcd on score well over 950. Toomey survived the shot put ordeal "1th ;.1 cred1lt1ble (for him ) 45-11. good for 'iV points. Then he stumhled C1gai11 wit h the high j11mp. clearing only 6-27 s. lie has done ; 1~rr 6·6 four t1rnrs and is usually steady ;ii 6·4 However, ht• bounced back for the 400 r1cter~. running Ins fa:;;lest time since the Olympics in Mexico City, where he did 4.1 6 Jn the rare11rd air "1 knew I had to go all out in the 400 lo h :111( am chanrr lnr thr record," he said. Two wrrks ago hr cln<•ked 47 o. ~o. todnv tells ii Ma~ be he'll s11rpciss 1 11~ l\mer;1·nn rrrnrd :111d pcrlrnps he'll t'\Cn get thr \\Or lrf mark. And n·g,1rd ll'~~ ot \1 h<1t lhr. 011lrome. hr rnny even retire. ------~-. ---__.....~-----~"T BARONS' TOUGH DEFENSE -Fountain Valley's defen ders drag Costa Mesa's Jerry Reilly 130) down after short gain Saturday mght. Mesa could mnnage onl.v six first dow ns. Fountain Valley pl ays host to Santa .\na \.alley Friday ni ght al llunlington Beach while Costa DAii. Y PILOT Pholo by L" Pnnt f\Tesa amt Corona dr l 1\Tar colllck at Newport llarbor lligh. Fountain Valley's 6-0 wm over Costa l\l csa krrp!'i lhe Barons in the thick of th e lrvine League title pu:ttil'!'. Baro1is Edge Costa Mesa, 6-0 Picliford Irate fly ROGER C.\RU\ON Of the Dally Pilol Sl•ll Fountain Valley ls obviously on the way lo its fines t-ever varsity football season. The Barons of coach Bn1ce Pickford ::ire undcfe:itf'd tiflrr thrr<' lrv111e Le:igue outmgs and hd\ c ;in 111 era II rct:ord of 4-1. They ~hut out their second straight or· poncnt Saturday night. ;it !'\1•wpor1 ll:irbor l llgh. Yrl Pickford didn't ~fu1w I he usua l signs of victory emnt10n fullo\1111~ lhe 6-0 victory o,·er Costa Mro;iJ ll1glt Srhool th;it is generally associated w111t such an ac- complishment. To be blunt. Pickford ll'il!> 1ralr Pickford was manning l hc ~i rl'tcher his guard anti kicking sprccialisl Hoh l!r)f· frnan was occupying with a lorn carlllagl' suffered on the Barons' try for po111t after tnurhdown. "lt·s rnce to w111 but it's a hecku1 ,1 price to pay for it ," slcamed 1'1ckfo rd . "They t Lhe Mesa rtefens1vc ru:-h l h11 him after he kicked il ;ind llwy ( llw referees) ditln'l even throw a flag on 1t,'1 he said. Meanwhile, another stretcher cnse was on the other suJr of Ille fi eld <ts Mc·:-.an Brad Gilbert 1 who plays the identical position as Hoffman -0ffen:;;ive an<f defensive gucird I was on a stretcher wilh a broken left leg. It was U1at kind of a ~attle as the two ll1arns c·ollidcd 111 a bruising defensive ef- fort that wa!> marred by constant penalti es !rl'lcd by the officials - espcc:ial ly during the firsL three periods. tf r vcr a game appeared doomed for a scoreless tic -that was it as holh drfensi,·c crews simply refusl·d lo budgr ~llld when there was a decent gain for either t<:atn, it was nullified by a penalty. DRAGGING EXTRA WEIGHT -Fountain Valley's John Svoboda (14) turn!> in gain ck-.p11c drngging a 'tackler during the Barons' 6-0 wi n O\'E~r Costa .\lt"i<I ~<llurclay ni l:(ht in Irvine League action. Mesans Randy Fox (71) <lnd Dcm to H1cardo (63) dose in to assist. Baron Despite Win Finally, ho we' er. Fountain Vlltlry put Its one successful dnve into gt:ar "llh :i 2fi remaining frum the J'11!c~a 48 yard line. Elnen plciys, no pent1ll1rs ::ind 2 20 later. quarterback J(lhn Svobodll p<tssrd to !Jan Shaw from the 11 for the only scMe of the game. Citbert. incidentall.v. was i11111rcd on lhr last play before lhe touchdown. Fountain Valley thrr<1lcned twicr in thr first period. bu t gave up possession twice on the Mesa 12. Bolh teams fail ed t1l'.ld goal cfforls. GAME STAflSTIC:S r-I'"'' dowm. ru~h•""<J f 1r~f down~ p&\~t"'I f 1nd dCIWl'l'-per'li'llt('~ Tot .. lJ ,.,~, downs "V~rrl!l. rv,n100 Y,udc, n"'• o;,ng 'V ·•rd\. to~• Net yard~ 04•Md CM l'V ' 1 0 ~ I" ., ·~ II! r'u•~• hvr"~'Cl"' (11\1111111' ~ 5 ,, ~ 8 8) 'J • 1H • 17 I I Pr1 All Pl V "cJ::a ;.H:1,,0tfftfd • VtODle~1 Furl1blf'>'l 10 .. 1 Score by Quorltr• r C"ur·1t11 !I\ VMley O n 0 0 4 . 0 'O I, /li,e.,li () Q 'o t'ltt" 1l+t J '("r! .i1r d ~ ... n1)t'>M"' •1n1l1n.in tiAf• f•\ MiJttHI V.'fllf Pr ''I S•"''" /\'i.-in•• lotot1 l l'JIA I\ .r:.1rb0d.111 ro~rr l Olrih ".,r,, • RUSHING Fountain V•llry TCB YG YL Avq 1 II) 1 I l 1 I 0 ) • I n 0 'I I I II 10 0 I I I 0 I 0 • '7 0 ~\ I 18 I 1 I ·~ l 18 25 1 0 (o,,,la Mt.SA 11) I.} 0 6 I 11 ~9 0 ' .. • 1 I I 1 0 I 11 0 4 S 11 l.M 11 • I PA\SING Founla•n V11lley Pl\ PC PIH YG P(I II. R I 79 100 I I 0 I 1000 17 9 I U .~?• co~I• M•U • l 0 •1 1iJ I 0 0 O Mo l > 0 ,, .300 C:eorge Valbuena (74 ) J.c.: also i:1er11. noth si des were stymied by pen· allies but Fountain Valley crackrd the sc:o ring ice in thr last 66 seconds with a penalty-free touchdown. Vikes Face Loop Giants; Lose 21-12 By HOWARD L. HANDY 0 1 Ill• Dally rifol Stall If Marina High found it impossible ln stop winless Santa Ana. what's 111 storP for the Vikings of coach Jim Coon lhr 11ext four weeks as !hey f a c r powerhouses from Newport Harbor Ar.aheim. Huntington Dcach a n d \', est111inskr? Coon's forces absorbed a 21 ·12 setbcick S:1tu1 day night as host SJnta Ana bagged its first triumph in five starls. H"wever. Newport 1 larbor defe11lrd Santri Ana. 34-13, which brings about a :Jo. point spread belween !\farina anJ the Tars , who meet Friday night. Sc, apparenlly there is little hope of .1 Sunse t loop victory for Marina thi, season. ln fact, the only team Marina ha' li<'en able to defeat in league play in n· cent years, Santa Ana Valley, is 11'1 longPr a mem ber of the ci rcuit. Fumbles and a pass interception spell rc! drfcat Saturday nigh!. After laking possession on their own 21). yard line early in Lhe game. tlie Vikini;-; marched 80 yards to the first touchdown. Rick Saeman hit Steve O'Hare in the end zonr from JO yards out and the allempled two-point conversion failed. ll was nip-and·luck until late in the R<'· cond quarter when a Marina fumble gave the Saints possession on the Viking 24. II took Bob McGuckin, stellar Saini c,uarlerback, two plays to find halfback J ackie Whi te in the end zone on a pass play. Doug Jukich kicked the extra point t,1 put the home team ahead to slay. Early in the third quarter, a penalty put the Vikings in the hole and Santa An a tcok over on the Marina 35. The passing combination of McGuckin to While scored again and it was lHi. Marina made a vain attempt lo knot the count late in the third period as S;ieman sneaked over from one yard out. Hed-dogging Bob Shank knifed through unde~ center Jim Link to grab Sacman's ankle before he could get away from the lire and the conversion trv failed . Santa Ana sprinter-halfback J i m Otsuka broke the game wide open n'idway through the fourth period "';th a 111fl v 62-yard run off right tackle for the tinal Saint touchdown. lie was the game's kathng runner with a 9.0 average in 11 attempts. For the Vikings. llenry Lazcano was thw workhorse, carrying 20 times for a 4.L ave rage. F 1rsf down\ n1!th1no Ftr~t down\ pau10Q Flr~T down\ prn.,fllt.i Total llrst do .... n~ YtUd~ 'U)h1nQ Y•rds i>a's1nq Va1os lo<t Nrl yor<ls gained l'tMlli~s/YMO\ P"n&ll!ed Fvmbhu/Fumot~., IOlt SCORE IY OUARTEllS M I 6 l I I 1<1 si. 18 m SA s \ 1 Ii 111 ISl II 711 ' ~] 1,1 MIHtne Sonia An• " 0 0 ' -17 ] -71 !'""'""~ 1 Lt91' 'r VontH111uh.- Totdts Oi-u•• vVhllt! McGut ll.1n o.wl< C:.1 er· McC:.uc~1n 0 I I •VSHING MARINA TCll YO YL Avq, 10 91 .l I 11 70 I 0 ' 7• " Id\ SllN[A ANA 11 100 l I II I • 1 I 0 0 24 !J I PASSING MARINI\ PA P C PHI Y<O lJ I I 5~ SANT A ANA II I 152 10 • 2 0 2 1 58 .) 2 9 •• 0 I • 6 IA I t 1 • n • 10 • 7 I 2 I l 0 00 0 00 11 i .• l'ct. .)81 .•ll Lio11~, A11ahei111 In T 011 Ga1ne; Title at Stal{e Th e loop championship is at stake Fn· clay night 111 Sunset League football fortunes when Weslm1nstrr High's oncr- bcaten Lions invade La Palma Stadium to ballle Anahei m. F'or Anaheim, Wrs1m111strr an rt ?-Jcwport Harbor -it's clearly lhe key lo the championship. An aheim, fresh from a 15-14 beating from Foothi ll High of Bakersfield High Saturday night. goes into l h e Westminster clash with a 2-0 lragur. mark and a win here will almost assure the Colony of ils firsl Sunset League crown in three years. However. if coach Bill Boswell's troops (2-J) are able to come back after their 17· 7 loss to Newport Harbor it would givf' Newport (2-1) a shot at tying the two 1n the loss column. That's assuming the high-flying Sa liors can manage a victory against luckless Marina High at Westminster Friday. And, dark horse Huntington Beach i~ still in the running wllh only a J4-7 loss lo Anaheim to mcir its slate. The Oilers of coach Ken Moats are 4-L overall and piety host lo Santa Ana Saturday night. The only Irvine League game of significance is the showdown between Costa Mesa and Corona del Mar Friday night at Newport Harbor. Rustler Poloists Win ()uc of Four Golden Wes t College's waler polo team, which went into weekend action with an 8-3 record , suffered through a dry spell that saw the Rustlers win but one of four sLarts. Friday Golclen West dropped A 6-3 decision to UCLA as former Newport Harbor High School star Eric Lind roth paced the Bruins with a pair or goals. Saturday. the Rustlers competed in the C':il State Fullerton Invitational and too• second in lhe event des pite a 1-1·1 record. . , t \ I ' • I ' I \ \ .. ~ . ,.., I I " .. ' • !8 DAILY PILOT P.londay, Octobtr 20, 196'1 ·~~~--~~~~~ SC l..i0ses Title Bid 8)' 2 Poi11ts • El J.lodena piC'kt'd up the crn11 n In the !turd annual {.Jri'.lnge Courlly Cross Countr.v Cl1 :i rnp1onshi ps Saturday but not before San Clemente could gi\'e the Vanguards a scare. ~leet director Ger a Id \\'hi taker tabl>ed lhis year's meC't the best and the closest v.llh El ~todl'na edging the Trit(lns for the l!tle by tw o Volnts. One·thousand pc o p l ~ . in- chiding 7.)0 runners crowded the. lrYirie Park cu Jrse l.o see tht! \ arious di\'lsiona! races. The 1·arsitv ~ction had four rac t>s. sniati schools. single, doub le and tr iple·A heals. Sn11 <.'.le1nentc took the. doub le-A race with Huntington Beach coming in fifth and Ne1vport Harbor sixth . Jack ~1cQuo11 n of llun- tlngton Beach won his sectlo11, t;ea tirig San Clemente's Bob Lineba ck bv three seconds. ~l<:Quown 's 'time was l0 :08 to Lineback's lO :LL The Tritons captured four of the next five places Y>ith Craig .Sterl ing corn ing in third in 10 :16, Brad \V inton fifth in 10:28. Bill Ayer sixth in 10 ·34 and Gary Brashear sel'enth in 10 :35. Chris Bentley or Ne;1-·port Harbor \\"as ninth in 10 :47. El ~IOOena took the sing\e- A title v.'hile Costa Mesa was third, J.1atcr De i se renth, Corona del !llar eighth, and Estancia ninth. Doug lltacLe..an or 1 h e !lluslangs ran fifth in the race in a 10:34 clocking and team- mate Jolin Olswang was six th in 10:36. Dick Day and Nick Rost of Corona v.·ere one se- ('Ond apart in ninth and 10th place. Day ran a 10:41 to Rose's 10:42 . Laguna Beach's Dave Hustwick garnered a first in the ~mall school division but his Artist mates v.•ound up in flrth place as a team. Edison placed second behind Sad- dleback .. ~lission Viejo 1ras third. Ray Perez ol ll!ission Viejn •·as third in lhe heat in 10 ·55 and Ed Radamacher also o[ the Diablos was fifth ln 10 :58. Footl>all Standin gs !J "'~.!:.~ CHIPPING PRACTICE CAN IE fUN • .. ---...... ' ' ' \ \. ' • I ·~· . ' • I • I ~ • ¥) I . , , Golfers do not spend nearly enough time perfect. ing their shots for the greens. It's so much more fun to get out and ba ng away with the driver. Yet, chipping practice is the quickest way to cut strokes from you r score-assuming your putting is in good shape. Most golfers miss several greens in each round. Chipping then becomes a major fac- tor in scoring. If you no w chip up for one putt on 50 per ce nt of your shots, practic e unlil you can do so 75 per cent of the time. Chip a batch of balls to the hole and keep track of what percentage you can put within a putter-length of the cu p. Most golfers could cut at least two strokes per round from their scores ii they could get down in a ch ip and one putt on 50 per cent more of their shots f rom just off the the green. Lightweig hts Area Grid Results ,IOSH w .. 1m 1~1•ec c • ' 0-10 Foun1a1n V•lloy O O O t-~ Tov,ndo""" (W) S1rlen!o, M•c (FVI Hon•~or. f'.IT ; (WI W>J (ronl; IFYl HOI· !•v~I Co•!&M~I 000 0 f ounl1ln Voll•~· o 1 o l--' Pro Grid '°'AT10..iA,L LEAGUE IEulorn Conttf""<• C.enlur~ n1v,.<on ("volo"n Ne'" Vo'' ~!. LCUI\ 1'1r1>n"'""" w I. T P<!. Ph. or <ID ECUUJT» 1'/0W~'~'~ :-1GJ~011 IO' I • 0 .M •~ Ill Ct o•!OI Oi•l"on 0 1llto l O a 1.ooc 1~• SI W•>~,n91cn l I l ,l!>Q Ill 91 P h•OOde•"'1·> 1 I C ,?10 '7 111 N<w O'lf •'"' 0 S 0 .OC'(I g1 l•O W••I•,... Conl<t <n<• M1n'°'"el~ Gre•n ~·• flo!•Oll 1.nlc•<10 '"'''II D•Y11ton ' I u ~'·0 ' ~ ., 1 7 0 ,'A<llll J ? 0 .~ V; >2 Q I 0 .o:» •! 109 Ca••f1! Di•iolto1 Loi_..,...~,,, I 0 0 I 0C.0 Ul 16 P!Olll...c•e J ~ Q ,OIJO $1 lM ~"'"'~ 1 J ' .•::O !J ti ~a~ Fr•"''~'o o • I UlJ •• 11;:1 Touch~own · Mor!•mer Sate!~. l ••m ~l!WO'O'! Ed loon 11 ' U a-JI 0000-0 501"HOMOJ!IE Coren• del l~r M&oOGllO To<i<hdO•cn• To"I· O<t11, M ilO•• )••" 1;,, ~•,ne !l. l'A l ~' ''" 1~~$<o l"Qm To:;t<I. DIO•• lo•" 1"'"" l o>l l, 5••" !rue1 ~1nt• Ano Vo lot c 0 0 0 0-0 1QV<1"-"-"·'· ~ •• .,, 11ovm•r• rA I ~,h,,,.,.,""' !<u1>I l""~•IA••·• 9 009 ~9 'eu1•' .. •n V•• '" ~ 0 C-11 T ~vt~0011n <('-Al Sth(J!Ol!c !'Al l(l>'J !":roll ''""I "' i,·r•K" r.11 o 0-11 \',n· '''"n"'"' 11 0 d 0-0 rr 11<'""·'"' ~\"''• Ii•" l <l.'o<J•·• <ooc t. I~ "o" Y·•!~ I 0 o t>-1~ T~v''*'""'"• l•«1n•>. ""'· C.•!•o I',\ T f:<•nn.in !' 1<• I !o•n ( '""'"nr~ 0 I j I 0-)0 O·~nq• OOOQ-0 fLJ,,(h~O"n' l •-cV 121. WtH• P~l !""~"~"> 1•un) ''"'" ~n~ n 0 I n-~ 1.-" '" 1 ~ ~ C I -I !.+ , •. ,, ~" 1.,.1,, l'~r I"'~'· 1,,,,1 .,,<11r~ru~ ll••• ~ I. 0 l i -1' W•>'V" 0 0 0 I-I 1our~o"""' p,,. ro•d. l(Gi>o~a1~1 l'AT \\i~l't tkld I FC. l\nl'f I;''. Yo«W I '" II·"'"" Vt•lo n I t:< ll<'<>''' I 0 Pre p Polo Lions, Oil e1·s, Mes a Down Oppo sition \\'eslminster, Hun tington Beach and CO!la Mesa \.\o'ere victorious in water polo ac- tion Friday wilh the former Laking Laguna Beach, 10·2, the Oil City outsruring Foun- tain Valley, 17-11, and the ~1ustangs downing Foothill, ·~· Estancia was a 5-3 loser to Servile. and f\1arina lost to Valencia, 7·3. Ken Davis paced the Lions lo their victory over visiting Laguna. Davis tallied five times, four con1ing in 1J1e sec- ond quarter when \Vest1n in- ster burst to a 6-0 ad1·antage. Chris Ohrc Sl'Ote<l three limes for the Lions. Jeff Ha- ber and Dean Henningsen ad - ded one each. Scali Sumner and J o rn Slo~·sky scored for the artists. Huntington Beach took a 6·2 lead over Fountain Val- ley's Barons and coasted the resl of the way In the Oiler pool. Bill Rice punehed in eighl goals for the Oilers \Vith Clay Evans backing him up \l'ith three tallies. Russ Solt hit !he nets four lirnes for the Barons with Kurt Westerfeld three and Bob Rice two also scoring. Servile put two shots into the nets in the fourth quarter ewe WINS; B l/CS LOSE Gokkn \\'es l Co\Jegc 's <TOSS t:ol1ntry learn brceied by two more conference foes Friday ;:1ft<'rn00n but Or nn gc ConsL stu rnb!ed to its third d!!fcat of the :;eason. Golden \\'est ripped Hio Hondo, 17·40, and edged past L0s Angeles Harbor , 2~-31, 111 a doubl e due l Sf'luLhc rn C;1lifornia Conference 1ncct <it H10 Hontlo. Terry 1\lcKeow n and Doug Schmenk went one-two f\1r Golden West v•lth 20' 36 anJ 20:45 clocki ng.<:. Sa n Oel go r-l csa , n1ca r11rh1le, travelrti tr) Orange Cu<ist fOr a Soul11 Coast Confer ence meet. anti humbled the Pirates, 16-4.l to giiin Lhe win over host Estancia. Steve Webster, Ward Saun- ders and Randy Blallerman scored one apiece for lh e Eagles. Marina trailed 5.3 at the third quarter brenk and Va· lenci3's Tigers lx>lted in tw o goals in the final period to wln over the in vading Vikings. Collegiate Football WIEST use 11. Noire o~m• u UCLA ll. Ca h!O•nla 0 Col Lu1h.,.An 2J, L• V•rne ~ U. S•n Dleoo :IQ1 Cal ~!. ll6) f •o>h I Ne,•CI• !l t1 Vo9a•l JS, Atu>•·Pt· cot.< 11 Porn,,.,• 11, C1llerh Q S•~ Oi~o 51. 11. UT A•ilnYten 10 O'•~o" 5!. 10, W••~lng!on o Stan!o'd 07, Wa•M noPon ~I. ROCKIES WvominR IO, 6VU 1 Air Fo,ct 61). 0, .. 9on 11 (olo••<IO SI. ll, w .,1 Tex•l SP. 7 Ul•n l~, Now M.,lro a SOUTHWEST 1 CU 1!, 1 e>a> A&M ' SMU JI, R•c' I< Mlu l.,Tppl 51. :)(), 1o'<aS Tech 26 MIDWEST Onio Stole J.I. Minn.,oto 7 ln<ll1n1 I!, +1110011 2(1 c.lnc•nn•!I 71 . Wit h'!• S•-II O~l•hMM '1. C.olmado )J Pu,aue JJ, IOWft )I Florido St. 311, TutH 2(1 Kant•I S!_ J.I. Iowa SI. 1 Mlchlgon SI, 1J. IAlc hloan 11 Mhuiuri :ll. Oklol><>m• ST. 21 l•ebra•k• 71, 1(1n111 11 r~o,rnwe;"rn 11. Whcon"n 1 1!'1'ST P<nn S!, 15, 5vrot<J't U Ul•h St 7l, Arm~ I v 11i.nova '" Bol!O<t (011001 ' Ol'lmouttt '.la. Brown 11 Val• •I, Columoio 6 Cornoll ~!. Ha,.•td 24 Ponn ll. L~h,g~ I l y1ant '~· p ,lh~u•qh -:>? (o<'l••~ JS, p,,.,t~•on 78 llu•ue" 2(1, N•vv 6 SOUTH C••m!On ?I, Wa •e Fo•tl! 14 F<o"d• s,. No.in Ca•ollna Aubur n 11. Geor~I• Toth I• M•tvlond ?(), OU•• J '°'C: $! 31. Vor~·n l" 0 ~Outt1 C ~'o_Hna II. V"~'~:a 10<~ 10•nno;'<• 41, 1'1~oama " M,,,;.,1pol 09, Soulno'n f.ll<~.~~l~ol i L~U JJ, ""nwc~v 10 M""'onlo 5!. 16. Mlom l (Flo,) ll Ge<lr~l1 IO. V~ndotDHt I INDIAN RESERVATION LAND l lst TIME O FFEJl£0 ) O•••lopr r o! ~•w commun,1y on co10,,1do 11 .. er ~•• ll •~•~1. •ullv •mP'••HI ~' l<r• ~•,.,••I••• clo•• to rl~or •n 51n &orn•rdlnO Cou"1V. Lt••• ta ~tlr 102' .1.0 . -11ft por month, C1ll (111) fll·llU , Color•Oo ~ .,., co. I UMll!l LE jliGU E w ' S1lurdo•'• 11null • (llyf~Od <1. Pll"O""'" ;ii Su"d•~'• llOiulh 1'fl1n10 <I, s~n F""''I:.<> I 81111""''" :Ill, l!tw O•ltt n• IQ 0 "1tO't ll. C.~IC~llO I To"'''"''·'" ••<Y'l~c. 11,oe rbl n,,,. 1 •~"1 r ,1• I• 0 Dan ~1oonc.v was the top Or ange Cn;ist finisher in filth v.·ith a 20:53 time. ~,,!~~~~= '""·~· "' 11•'"'""'1 "1••Ger Wu'"''"'"' "uMln9oon 8t1C ~ S•"'• l"a ' ' • ' ' " " .. .. " " l1 ,, 16 <I ll 11 Suurdl~'I ~'"'" Hun1,n~oon 1!10<0<" ll. Wo•I"" Q SI M• 1'n• ?I, ftor,n1 17 l e• 1-•l~•ltl :i•. G••on 8nv 1• IA<nnt •Ola 11 ~I, la.t•• 10 W~•~•M,lon JO. N<>• Yo•• ll 0 1110• •?1 p~_,l•d'IP"'• " S•"d1~·1 C.•mn l!lant~ ~· G•otn Bo • Oe<ro,I •I M•"n~ui!O t o• Ang•!•; ~1 Cntre'XI J,,,., I '"'~•M• 0 '""''n""'~ "'"''''t' i"'"I ~.,., l•un/ "Hi,.,.; ~ I 0 ~ .... ~,. "00 Tn,Jt~O°"'"' c;.,,.cn, P•e<ttf l>AT ll·•~O• "~") '" "" ,1~" 8~•rn ft O \·'""'" I 0 IQu(l.nGv." C••nP l>A l IJ'1,;0'W'" ·-'I 6-1• o-~1 ,_' I 1.--IOI I ~°"'~'" !!l•<troh•ldJ IJ, .lr11>••"' l< lr.oo•lt•q~rl '"'••'•a ...... 'i<N 0<1"""' •1 Ph1'-0t lPh'I ~· tov•• •I C"•"•"d •• ''""IH\TU '· ' • ~ 10 ' Wt01ml~"'' &t """~"'"' UPoNPO•! HorbO' "' M11I~• 1t ~•Ml· m "'"r ,.,u,d1y" G•"'• SIMI .I"• •' H""""'""~ ll••<n ll'!VINE LEAGVI W L PF P'!< F°"Mtln Voll•• lot'• r ;•ono d., M•t Cn,I• Mo .. 0 )) • Q 11 11 J1 ?n }I ,, ' ' ' " " ' ~· 61 '·'•9n~l,e ! ? 3• d 2(1 11 1 5&M1 A~• V'"'Y 0 ) ~11urd ••'t ,ce,.• Son FU•"<'"" ~· B•l1'"'"'" "'""I"'" 0 Q n O ~ Wa1~1~g lQ" .i t>."lCv'•ln Toucn~o~~· /, o<ldO•, N.al<t,,.,, .O.MERICIN tl!'.IGUE Mv•"', ll•D~r.n. I E1>!tr11 Ol•1Uon l'Al A<CGrll1.t.~C ltV~1, M•lcom w L T P<I Pt•. OP l'U'"• ~'"'"'"" (·~n) H(,....<~n l 1 O ~Q') •~ ,7 J•nior v1cs,•~ Nfw 'ror~ l 7 o .•i:~ •11 •I ~.,..,.,.1 a 6 6 •-16 I Uf'•'O J ' 0 1Jl l)t l )? """""''" 0 0 Q Q o ' Ml1<Yh o 1 1 ~10 ~~ 1-.1 ~' • "" 1'0-Bl•"C"~•d, Pe•"'"" I B°"'C~ O ~ n ({~ I<: IS~ ~''" ,,, SJ1<t ' w"'1''" o""'"" r>o1 ,,.,~~ 1011< •10.., wn.·•\ O•><~no •h• '' 117 -------------"=i ~.r.\al (.o·, ~ I o .iJJ "' '"I ~an 0 1t{IG t 1 Q .661 111 ll• Ornv•r t l 0 .UI ln 1<0 (•"('"""' J ) ~ 100 119 l:ll ~"' "'"" Voll•, I (~\I; r.<f\• ~ Sund1v't llOiulh EXCLUSIVE BUSINESS ("~ot O~I "1&r 1•, 1,'o9'<l" O I Oa•l•nd '!; 1'lll'!1lo 11 lnu.,d••" 01m• D~"•e' i~ (,"(lnn1!< 1l A vo •lable now. 1-' v••rt •~P••· '•"C• -..,;11 h•;" p urch•••r. Hi9h oa•ni"9' ro totd -$'1, 750 •~qulfo d, l ''"'"" v• Lo1•1 "' I• P1•1Y» ..;,,,,., t " 11 M,oml 10 ,rl~l•'I Ot ... OJ ~10 Q,O•!O ' l!IO"<>'I ld ("''• "~·• "> Co•on• c•I '·'•' 1< MO<ldl •"• G•"'• '··~""'' "••t>o• l •OU•it"l ~· '••w Vo•• SJ> v .11,, "' ~ount•'" Voll•' •' 5~"a•1'• G•m.t !ivM\noie~ ~'"'" ""'"•lo "' M,0.,.,, s.i~rd••" G1m1 C'"''"""!i "' ~"""" (•tv Wt.11 80• M . ]"~ t~,, "'"''· ~•11•>. Rep lie• hold d rictly co"- l•don!•al. "•~"o"• vi r."""" ,, We11''""''" 0•.1NOI Lf.QUf Ot~Vf' 01 "OV,!On W L "' I'• 80.,on 11 "~'"" Vo•• ~~"'()·• ' ' ' ' -c0~·~·~ .. :~'...:':'c':·:·c0~··~~~~~~~~-'=====cco=================="''1 I 0 1 I J I! n " 1• E"I o,,,·100 ., ... .:oi.•t• I M> J~ ' ' ~·~<I·•~•<• 1 VOll"C10 1 l ... .1"11;~ 0 I t 1turUy·1 Seo'"' El °"'""° ?>. lo• .lmloo• S0'10r• :)() >:01,110 1 ,rid••'• o ...... Ln• Al•"'l'M 10 8"• " " " ,. " " )! •• I IQI ~0~0'1 VI So<ldl•~·(-ti ~·~·· 1"1 Bowl !Uutdo~·• Gt rnr• Volenci• v• lot .ln1.;o• 1\ G••oen <I'"'' ~' Ooro<'e "' 1(01111• ,, l.O '""'" OI SllT CGN,rttlNCI! W L .. , l"A Stddlob•c~ M•. Son J1clnlo M+ro (alto ?O,&lJ ? 0 JI !1 l"'Pt fl-1 Vtll OV l t11•ttow o Co1too1 ol •~e o.a1.i d V1c!or V•"t' O 0 •I 11 ., ,41 • • " " •1 1 II S1!u•dl"' 'coret S•dOIODI<~ ""· Vlc1or Volle• Ml , Son J9<1n!o 11. c.01110• Dea1rt l' tmttrlol V1U1V :Ill. !l•'•IOW ' Mlrf (011'. bYt ''""''''' o ...... Vlrto• V1lltV •' (OlllG• QI ·~· 0.1 .. • S1aaltl>l<k, bve !l1t1tcw 1! Ml'f Co110 Ml S•n J•<l"'o •' !mpf.<191 Vt11ev SOVTH COAST CON,llllNCI tl••nlt COO" Son D·MO Met.I f ullt"!O<\ Ct rtl•ot S•n Olf '><I M1 SAC. Sant• An• W L I"' l'A ' 0 Jj Jl ,dlJll I I.ti. ~l 61 3! ' ., II O " v suu•••v·• '"''" ll••no' Co111 H. S1n•1 An• n S•~ Oi190 ,~ ... )I, c, .. :•ot 11 f~lllr10tl "' """ OJNO J Ml S.IC. ttv• '"""11~·1 a .... ,. O•enn C.ot1! II (1nl1~1 Pulll rf"" 11 Mt. S1'C l 1nt1 1'nt 1! Stn Dlt GO ••~ Ole10 Mot o. b•t 0 1'11DIH OtOVI tl,t.OUI G1raen Gr""t lloncno Al1ml!OI S1n1J1oe I OIN Grtndt l• O\l!~!I P1iUltl W L ,., l"A 1 11 \t d 1 0 1ll 0 ! 0 )I I 0 I J 11 0 1 c '° o I 0 lt $1l~•do1'1 ,CO•t G1rd1n G•O\i1 11 P1cl!itl 0 l"riN f't Go"'" C.l fdt n Go-cv• '' Lo Qu1nt1 1 1 8el11 G••fld t S1ntllf0 vi Po(lllt• fl G1101n Ci'OVI !1lllf'l•v'• °'""''' ll•r.:-. jlil1ml!Q1 11 8 0IM G•andt "Here's how leasing beats the 'reverse interest' problem." ~'m.._.PL,_ You wouldn't put your money in 1 b1nk whe11 1v1ry day • fitlle of your t.ash w1s tlken IWIY in "r•Yerse inllrest." 81.lt tNt's whit hlflpenS to. your invntment trhen yoa 1n 1 cir, truck, or ftltt of wt or truc~s. Dtpreciltlon eltl up !ht mh you'll! Invested. On !ht Other htnd, wlltn you l1u1 your «<• or trucks, you btft the dep1eci1tlon problem, 11\d )'Oii r:onstrvt }'OUT cash for , .. uy profltlbt1 l""strntnl. II mikes cood s1111t to least and ii ma~es extn rood leMI ta ltn• from MtcHowtrd's. C.11 now·lfld OM of MtcHowtnl'1 speclalish wl!l till JOI! how q11lc~l1, 111lly, Ind te0110mie1Uy you can 1n)oy 111 tflt bentfih of lining. Ask lor our fr" qualtorl-..,, .: l lld·lntwlf' foldtr. ..,:: Open Alortd•Y throuvh S•turd•Y ••'--• MacHowaRb AUTO AND TRUCK LEASING 124 No. Harbor at Balsa • San ta Ana Telephone (7 14) 531 ·0607 CHALLENGE! DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR WE DO NOT BELIEVE YOU CAN BEAT THIS ONE • WEEK ONLY! BRAND NEW FIRST LINE DYNACORE TUBELESS TIRES, WHITEWALLS FULL 4 PLY Not 1 2·Ply wilh •. 4-P!y Rat ing ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE FREE INSTALLATION • DELTA SUPREME 110 NO THUMP NO BUMP NO VIBRATION TUBELESS WHITEWALL llCC151 ,., ••• 1.'4 SIZE 650-11 700-11 ··············-·· ··-· ····· ················-····-· PRICE SlZ.96 $11.76 $14.97 $15.77 $16.65 $18.07 $16.33 $17.45 $19.9' 700-14 or 73 5·14 .. 750·14 ... 775·14 100-14 or l i'5·1 4 1 50-1 4 or 855-14 710-15 or 815-15 760-15 or 845-15 120·15 or 915-1 5 1.~I 1.lt '·" '" 11 ffi DELTA TIRES Sears Free rt<p lacement v:ichi~ 90 dJrs of purcha5e if blttcry' proves defective. Afier 90 days, we replace the battery, if defective and ch:ugc you only for 1he period of owner- ship, b:~eJ Oil the rei::ular price less 1raJe·in at the iime of return, pro·ratcJ over num·· · • -~ .. ~ ,,. ,, .~r ~' b f I f ,. j'"?'J,· , :-1'/'1'.f'"J er o mon11s o )..:uarantec. ._"!· .. ~":-:.~r~ r• ,.,..,,~ SAVE $7 Regula1· 1'radc·i n Price 1}999 }'rec Battery Installation With Trade-In l'ios. 16-93·9· 32-SS.9%Ul8 Pric<S Effccti\'e Moruluy, 0 -ct. 20 and Tncsday, Oct. 21 Satisfacti on Guaranteed rs==:-i ~hop ~lo111l ay 1hru ~atnrday or Your Mon ey Ba ck ~ 9::IO A.M. to 9::l0 P.M. 8-Cyl. Cars 1788 Jnr.ludeo: e Condenser e Spark Plugs e Points e Rotor ·~ e Labor to install parts- SEA llS, llOEIUC.: A!\'D CO. ' ' -- 0 pc11 S 1111 days. .for yuur sh op pi 11 g co11 ve11ie11ce Star ti 11g Nur . 2 I J -----------------------------.....,...----...,..TT-...... ,_ ---·,•,...--•·~7--.--~--:0---· ~-~-~--~,.---• --.-;i"••-,....,. -------.,.------.., .. Moncfaf, Oetobtr 20, 196!___* DAIL¥ PILOT !~) ----- Leslie Big Gamble 'Tl1e Pe1111y W a1·s' Black Girl Singer Risky as Star Bori11g, Awl{warcl By 808 THOMAS ~~,.-· l!OLL YWOOD (AP) -The : ~-7'1ft' programming problem was ~~ ?-~ this: Leslie Uggams was: A. a [:.._ ~----~ ,' .singer, B. a girl singer, C. a ~:it, _. ~--~ black girl singer. -~~ .-. ~ ' ' The anal.vsis was offered by ~) Perry Lafferty, Wesl Coast ~ programming chief for CBS, ~ who played a key role in the formation of "the Leslie Ug- gams Show" Cln Sunday nights. He said risks were invC1Jved in the new show : "The fact that Leslie v.·as a singer provided the first hazard. Look over the list of rariety shows and you'll sec tJ1at the majority of the suc- cessful Clnes are headed bv comics. }'or instance, Red Skelton, Jackie Gleason, Dean r.tartin -I conside[' Dean first a comedian a n d character, then a singer. "Then lhere '1·as the fact that Leslie 1vas a girl singer. Fe1v girl singers have -been successful in lhe variety format; the last one that com- es to mind is Dinah Shore. "Now comes the reality that Leslie v.·as a black girl singer. l low much of the country woold accept a b I a c k .,. ~J perfonner as the star of a \.\'et:k!y \·aricty show'! 'I'his v.·as someWng nobody knew:·• The selection of .. The l.A's!ie t Tggams Sho\v" \•:as. one of those rare instances i n television when the oJds \\'ere defied and a ne\\\•ork decided IG gamble on v:hat >w«is f;i r from a sure thing. The shaw came into being because of a crisis: the firing of the Srnothers _Brothers. That issue has been beaten to deaUl and is no\v in the coorts, due t.o the brothers' $31 million suit alleging breach of Daylight Cowboy? Dustin J-loffman leading the cavalry on a m otor- cycle? No, /1e's just relaxing bet\\·een scenes of ''Little Big Man" '"'ith a qu ick ride on his bike . 'ry1e movie is filming on ~1ontana 's Li•ttle Bi g ~l orn , site of Custer's last stand. Crossword Puzzle >.c.-;oss l Pit ltature .• Nit II Br in~ :1 ~l Mad" req111 ta! ~3 P<ot ois q1 t~1 !17 f'rrpo~ltic11 ::1 Wiii Rcgers' 'port 111119hl ~' Pac.~s do1.111 14 On• co::•;lt ttd bl Ac1dulo11~ of a criir,t "'In a lio ~ 15 In 9000 ti ~ Unrtstr~in e;l pl\ysital 1ev~l ry sh apr '7 Do 1 16 O!ntmrnl gardtnir 1 l7 Mr.611Joda~ tho•r 18 llA1 goJ f.S Punish i'I 1~ Dan·1s ri 11 cetta1<. speech •••av sour.d "'Sia~~ ~D Big brother 7~ In a ;talt of a hu!t e or 11n i!y; ;>I M a~e :.Itek 2 word~ 22 Roo f 71 Obs e•'.'"d s!"l;on 72 ··-· cen1!r 23. lawrra1 ' I;, P!at~ ~l;r1e 23 One who l!iings ut sn ugg les 1;p $tored 27 Jwmh le 31 f ullOW 32 Stir 33 Performer 35 E~c l am~tion o! annoyanc e ~'Have con fidence '1 Rude a'oode ~J Afr ican chlefta111 4.-Student alU S~,4 or Rt.IC 46 Nut · 48 Afti rici al langu~ge 49 Port ion of a JJn g tr ip l • " " ' D 0'.V N 1 ·--up: Btt O!l'.t :; II ent 2 Mo~t aimlts ~ly ) Function ' l(i~d of :rngtl .5 Endeavor i. B11!1player 7 Walk in tile s11rf I Dl!f trtnl Saturd ay 's PtlZlit Solved: ' " I l •• l ! 10/20/f/t ·.o Oist111h ;a Mo~·rl 11 Oal1n9 lr om r.n l c~l one's ~1r:h 40 Oi stolo red 12 Grouo of 1~roug11 ag e ani'T',al!. (2 S11b~rban 13 MO!!: lt.1 t111t~ 1 1nu~ual ~5 0 1<;(Mli: 21 Fruit Com[). form l 4 f ume•: 41 Mr. CQll' Suffix 50 Bl ush: 26 N.ival 111 l word s lnlorrnal .'12 Turn 27 Grap e 53 Period rtsi dut-of 11mr 28 Notio n 5~ Eel l 9 Real eslil lf 55 Not w1l l1 broker's other:. sign Sb Set uprigh t )0 Be in 11n bO -·-Lisa unctrla•n b2 Al t11 e pt.ik ~late f.3 We stern '4 ~a rke~, US rilw Paid Oil ,. Wri9hl I bill allO W;!JlCe )I) Encompas!rd '7 Roll of by paptt / J7 Righ lor r>o- ltft ---nty contract. The Smothers were fired on a Friday, and by the fol!01ving f.-londe1y CBS had agreed to hire Leslie as a replacement Her show also had advantages. The Sruothers Brothers had been the darlings of the liberals, and to replare them 1-1·1th a con v-en ti on a I . establishn1ent--0riented sho w \\'ould have in\·ited a flood of lnvecUve. A b!ac:k g11l singer \\'as lrss vulnerable, at least fron1 lhe left. But how to pa<:kiigc "the Lt-slic Uggam:; Show"? Lafferty e.xplaLned some of the reasoning~ .. The thing y.;u look for in a variety shO\V is what \\'e call 'the hunk.' 111 Jackie Gleason'.~ show, the hunk is 'The Honcyniooners.' In Lhe Smothers Brothers show it was lhe opening routine bctw t'e n Tommy and IJick wh ich ended up v.·lth Ton1my saying. 'i\I o l he r allrays lik<'d yoll best.' ~an J\lartin h:is several hunks - lhe slide down the firernan 's pole, sitting on the piano, By \Yl.LLIA:\1 GLOVE!t NE\V YORK IAP J -The road to the.:Jlnctil bore<lom ls paved with good in tcn t1uns, tn which rnust 1101v bt' added ' 0Tl1e Penny \\'<irs,'' which opc ncd \\'cdnesday night <JL B1·1Judw Jy's Hoyale playhouse. Novcli~t Elliott BakEr h:is tried tlespc ralely lo convert into t ohercnt stagecraft l1is book of thf' s:ime title :iboul a t~n·:ige 1Jt 1}"'5 growi11g pains The affttir is ~prink!ed with a Jot of olhtr nosta!,i:ic r~m1nd('!'S uf 1he Ja~l d<l) ~ bclore \Vurld \\'ar JI . includi ng mention of Sen. \V l l I i :1 nt Borah . brirf pl ayback frn1n radio's "One ~tan's fan11!y·• <ind the n1c!od ic mernu1 y prods of "Deep f>urple" a11d "l3oulcl'anJ of B roke n Drearns_ ., The dialogue ll as <i]so bEe n pnck111al'ked with a i;ood dea l of needless \'ulgari· 30 yc:1rs ago 111 ;111 upstate tr. ~~~~~~~~-1'\ ( • 1 v York industria l city ''•"t• ~•Cllt coAST 111C:11WAf a.,,,,. rt.. li:i krr w:is l>on1 111 Bullalo for ~'- prcsun1allle l o u ch es ol ,. !! '" <H1l6biogr:1p~1ical intensity. ~ ll - \VO IJ b l ! n g horrendously1 Conri11uoYJ Today Froni 1 :00 lf\UE GfllT JOHN WAYNE •"' :rECHNICQlOR l!JG. · .... - opening the clo!:'Cl door, etc. ""11' riLcn s1•1, P~•'• These are things the. audil'n\'c TREASURE HUNTERS -Keith Tuni son (~l anding) ·shO\\'S a niap or hidden wait s for. treasure. to the d\varves \Vllo \rill help hin1 find il in a scene Jro1n "'file J·Jobbit.'~ !Jct11·cl'n adolescenl farce andl awk11ard solen1nlly. lhe piece l is fur1her ll~unpcrcd by lhe collective chirnsiness of dirl'C·j tor Ba1·lxlra Harris, dC'signer l \\'illian1 Hilnian .-ind i t.s1 hgll!in~ :;pecialisl, 1\1 a r l i n Aronstein. tlliss 11:.i rris, heretofore a plx yish actrc:>s. handll's her assignn1cnl 11 Ith agonizingly "\l/ith Leslie's sl1ow 11e D1varves Lire Bruce Cooper and JJalric:c Courteau (top ), 1\ndy \'ircsik an il \\'anted lo do a \1•eekly sketch Greg Courteau .. ll'hich 11·ould .~how how it is ------------- 11·ilh tl1e middle-tlass black conSl5tent ineptness. Riln1a n h;:r s laden a script of elusive rnnv en1cnt and mood \\'ith people. This 11'a~ fraugh t 11·ith peril. because 1ve v.·ould be caught be1ween t1\o exLren1cs -those 11·ho thought v.•e 11·cre too frank and those 1vhn thought we v.•ere patr:iniiing_" But .Plans went ahead for a Sugar Hill sketch. and 200 .-i c- tors were tested for the roles of Leslie 's rehitives. The .in- itial sketches \1·ere lrird before mixed and all·black audiences, and advice v.·as soughl fro1n the NAACP. A fe1v objections v.·cre received lrom NegrO<'s in the 18--24 age group, said Lafferty. b111 1nosl of the others accepted the con- cept. Cash Cashes In a.t C&W Atvard Shoiv NASHVILLE, Tenn. ( Ul'I) -Dale Robertsnn S'1ld it best v.•hcn he v.·as preparing lo present the ··entertainer of the sear" a\\'ard at the Country !'.I u sic Association presen· tat ions. \\flen Robertson tore ~n the envelope and ~aid ''lvho else?1' e1·er~•onc knew; it had lei be Johnny Cash. Cash, the big. strong 1n:i11 11'1th universal ap pt><1I, n1:ide til'e \rips to the Slage Of 1hr! \,rand Ole Opry hwM' to ruck up awards. He also \\':l s honored as male \'ocalist of the year. sinp:le record of the year ("A Boy Named Sue"), album of l~e year uit San Quentin ), and best vocal grou p of the year. Cash shared lhe vocal group <tll'ard with his wifr, June Cart<'r. c:ene Aulry wa.~ nanl('tl 1n the c:>untry 1nusic hall of fa!TII'. Chet Atkins, 1rho "pluck ~ the guitar be!irr l h ;i n an:ronc, was n;i1nrd 1n- ~trun1ent-.1Jisl of lhe-ye;:rr. T<1mn1y \\'ynelte 1..-nn lht title or fc111ale \'OC.'.l\ist of !ht' rc:ir. Olher ;i\\·ard 1~ inneri in· eluded Ar chie ('a1npbell. coun· try con1cd1 :in of Ilic year. tl1c Nashville llra s.,, top cnu1llry instrument<il grou p llf t11r. year, and Bob Fergu~on-., "Ca rroll C9unty Acc ident." best country song. _ ... __ BdlE J dE OUR ',l"t.- Elaine May 'fo Direct Pla ys in LA Elaine ~1Jy, dirctlor :ind author with Terrence 111cN:il ly of the l'-.'c1v Yor k ('On1cdy '':\d.'.lptat ion-i'<cxt." l1a.~ ;ir· rl1·eiJ in Los Ange le.~ to begin sl:iging a spcc:lal Juca! pn.i- c!uc tion of the sho11·, o~n1ng­ Thursday at the fl-I u s i c Center's 1\lark Taper ForunJ. Tl11s 11111 n1;1rk the third C'Ornpany {J( !he i>hOll', 11•hich has been playing in Ntw York ~1ncc last February. A Bost9n 1•on1pt1 ny ope11ed last nionlh and tile show will continue. to run indefini tely in both ci\1c!) .. Lyn Austin, co-producer fJ f ' ' A d a p I a ti on-Next'' 111- ;iugurcrled thi s S!>l.'l'i;il pulit'V lx•t•ausc of her feeli ng Lha! a ::ho11• of n1erit shou ld not be li1n1tcd 1vhEn presented ou t ol tov.-·n. Ratlier th un send the :;;how on a national lour , );he prefers to open separate pro- cJucllnns or the sno1v in sever;1J rnaJo r t·1lics and lcL !h('1n run as long as Lhey can. Costa ~1 esct J ii11iors Will Prese1it 'Hobbit' 11\tra·realislic tonn:ige. andl'=============' .i\ronstc1n's effects \'ergcd on the :unateur. The haphaz::rrd s t or y pu1·sues 1110 i nter s ecing themes ~ the virginal lad's floundering efforts at sexual The junior divislon (lf lhe Leigh 1!:1rn1s, Anne Virscik achiel'enient, and his mother·s Cost<.1 l\lrsa C11 •t l'l;1 yhou sc ;:uul Trrn and L;iurie Brenner. efforts to flnd a n e \V ·~·-co•"T ,....,,,_ .. ••N o•~oo .. .,.,... \\'iJI p!'C~Cfll itS fil'~l 11rl1-"TIJ,. Jfobb>'[,'' ,,.,,, b" b d . fl h e 847·1UIO• • HVNTtNGTON B~ACH ductinn o( the nt w season 1111.., ' v ~ ren winn er a er er spous OMA.JI CHA.Jltf" I\' e e k c 0 d w 1 t h 1 0 u r pre~e n1<'d Frid:iy :it a p,in., drops drad during the first act JULIE CHRISTIE S'1turt1·1v al io 3ll n · n t s 11 hile en route lo a tryout for • 6 'folkicu's fant:isy, '·The Hob-p 111, :1 ntl Sunday •II 2;3() p n1. I \l' "JJOr 011·es rna cur pcrforin:incl'-s or .J . J.. IL · • '· ' ;_i ,i · a < 1 'l · B A l l' WINNER OF LiL" ;11 th(' Con1n1un ity Ct'nte:r I-lour. ACADEMY ·r1ie pl:iy, ii hic-h involves 2 ~ auditori111n on lhc Or.:inge.IF~~~~~~~~~~~J'.I AWARDS! soung!ilt'rs in the. 8-1~ age Count y F:iirgrou11ds. Rescrv;1-~ group, tells of a !o:!'Uup or l ion~ 111ay bc ntquirrd by t:ill· ~HE LUXUfllOUS i'OiW'IOIAUl.OOf dll'<irves \\'ho .'(';.irr !i lor a hid-ing !he Co:;t;i tl·les;i Hecreatlon DAVIDLEAN'S 1lfn treasu re. l\e1th TunJ.~011 as,_o_,_·r_a_'_'"_"_-n_l_a_l_BJ_'4_·_SJ_O_J. ___ 11 NEW BALB•A RM 1-"' (105-Bi!ho Haggins :.ind Tr:icy THEATRE DOCJOR Thomas as Gandalf wil l play --~ lhe leading roles under lhC ro~.g~1 ~1 1 ZHl\1\.GO d1rC'clion of Pati T.~unbtllini . ttOMI or •oc(iNt. C>W• toi;n The d11·ar\'e~ 1vdl hr / 709 l~SI 8Al80A lll'D. \ portrayed by 13ruce Co!111cr, BEST \/.,.B~lBOA PlNl~SUlA· '73 1~~1 ~ Antly Virse1k. Cathy <ind l':1lly PICTURE . CHILD WITH PARINT ONlY. Q\vens. Greg Carlieh, Kay Lynn :ind l.c1gh Ann B:HIKh. 0 e NOW-E11d• T1191day- (;reg and P;ilrice C:ourt eati, f JHE YEAR! "Th• wa,lti91t & !>edflt f lint St;1cy Newstead. Kevin .llaug y~, .. -l'laybay and Kathy \\'il1noth. WINf\ER 6 OlhC'rs in tilt-C.'.!Sl are Sur ACADEMY AWARDS , S<iunders , Kay Hich<'Y-'l'i1n Con~tant. Carol C a pp t• I I n . lta!ph \\'e~t . Greg J-lighfill, 1''alk to ~tar ""---ll(~Cll ALSO THIS G•£AT COMIOT ~ ~DWA~DB I •<1-2;;1• TH•ATRE: '"""° •' >n•~S. <OOt• ~"'--....,... •• .. l •>I HOLLY \VCJOD (l;l'I ) Lo<> Angeles rr prcscn t:s an Peter ,.-:ilk will s!:ir for f)1 no f .XPC'JlS/l'C' c x p e r 1 111 r; n l , ht AREA SHOWING ... ............. 0 ....... .-.... --... -· !x'c:iusc illiss Au stin has irn· l)e L.aurr nti1s 111 ··\\'in" lo be ported the originn l Nctv York· _s_h_o_1 _o_n_loc_·a_l_io_n_,_n_;_·_,_go_s_·1_,_vi_o_1 cast members. 1\'ho are 1vork· ing hel'e under J\11ss [11 a_v':o. persona l supervision. ill1ss J\·lay has br<'n guiding Ilic ac- tors through sc1'1•ral new n10-- t1ons mad~ possi ble b_v ihe lil rgcr thrust stage or the J\\;:irk T;ipe r fnruni. Hccrrating !us starring role in ~11ss tll:iy's "Ad :1 ptat\on" ls (;a bric.I IK'I!. \\ill\ featured n!aycrs Gr<iharn Jarvi-:, [)vb linrcnd .1nd Rose Arnck. J;1rncs Coco recreates h1:; .:.!'· <:l1111ned role 111 Terrenrc J\ll'.°'.'Ja ll.1'5 ">.c.'\!," fcalur111~ E l;:iine Shvrc. ~1 h,s Au~1 1n i~ <·11rrrntly planning <1dd1uona! eornpa1111'" of •'Adapl;1l1on-N1,xr · I 11 r l 'hicago. Dr tr o 1 l :ind \V ashu1gton, 0.C. 'Julia' <;u cs l.~ lrOLLY\\'OOfJ ( l'PI) Diahann Carroll, st:.r of 1l1e ".Julia" 1clcvis1on scnes. will EfUest star on ''The llubcrl Goulet Speci al" next April. ON THE TUBE 2001 Too Late to Classify JOBS & EM PLOYMENT Jobs--Men. Wom. 7100 SALES ENGR. 1700 ~ 1T~. r•)llo ·cr. ~n11• !1'1·l1nir.1l skill, ••t'l\i•!oy•·1· r>".1~ I•"' l;dvt I•"' J"l•~l. C .I ! ;\1111, ;'-l('n li:1111.,-l''T"'\))f\··l At!•·ll· , ~. 2114,; \'"''ir\111 (Jr. N r~. 111 .•. ~·j~,1 J R. ACCO UNTANT /\•'o'q111\!11lj'.; !,11/'i{i'l"ll" !, II il h )-'."l10·1 <1l nffir·•· ~k11 '· 111'<'i1· ~1 .. n:ll 1r;11·1 •I \0111•1~· \., .. ..:, l•l':,,.h a1•'.i, 1·'• ~<;•O i'11!I L·•· I 11f"' ,\lnr,·h:11l l, )'•·1••>1 1!11·! J\).'.• 111 _~. "1111:: \\•'~ll'iilf IJr. '\I\ !i l:i:liiO -----~~~. LEGA L SEC. !!<'\\' ollh'f', ll"H• lo IVI ~HOW STAJITS 7 r .M. CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT. fJIOM i -SUN , fJIOM l l'1ltd '~ Pma. i..-ROBEIJ llRllll AlllE ....... "YOUKD Bit.LY ----- .. , ... , Fiii'.-SOUTH COAST GTltlRIL PLAZA THEATRE CO~PO!tAllON s~ DiUo FftlWIY ll Btiitel .. 546-2111 OPEN 6:45-SHOW STARTS 7 P,M, Winner JAcaj~giy Awards BEST ACTRESS -Katharine Hepburn WINNER-"BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR!" -"•• ••" 1, . .., t r,1 ,, ~~··~ JOW:l'ti£.l£V\Nf -»lAVCO{Ml>JSY.ftlM PETER 'lab KATHARINE OTOOLE ;r,n HEPBURN ' .~l'OU lHE LION IN WINTER , .. ,.,,.,;-:_ '"~1W Ul9.Ullr..._, ALSO , .• ZERO MOSTEL "THE PRODUCERS" ' JDURnEYTDTHE FAR SIDE DF THI IUD l'i.J ffCHNICJllORO (!1€®) PLUS THIS COMEDY ~ . t fafoter l!J EXCLUSIVE ~~~~~: and ~~i" ENGAGEMENT "··The PllIDWOlllllll of GHlUIJ.OT KATHERINE HEPBURN Wfl" NITIS-7:15 l ';45 SAT. 2:15 ·4~45-7:15 I-t :45 SUN. 1:00-l :JO·' & Jt OAtl Y PILOT ORANIOE COUNTY'S LARGEST • 2'29 HARIOR Bl VD. 546-8640 Opell E~tnings till 8:30 Duplex For Vets No Down lJSr .1 uur rl1b1lJ1!11y 111scly, buy inro111r urnls, !his is one of tht fl•w .sharp rlupll'xr.c H\·a1lallll' \1·iU1 VA trn11 ' 1durh rr11•11ns rxi n1n1v-y do11.·11 l!"s 111 l'X· f'•'llf'11r ··u111ht1011, '! h1<1 li('l!rwm uru1, '111!1 2 1iu111s <'ach. S<ot' ii 1oday )CIU tan'l co ll'fOI\~. 4 Bedrooms Added Family Rm. $23,950 this ho1ne b \;Jl'anl and rcudy fol' you lo 1novc in, it has 4 n1l'f' si7.l'd !tt.'ti1·oon1s 2 ba1hs panel- ing in 1hr l1vini;:: roorn and ;in &ddP.rl rarnll)I roo1n or (!en 1hat is con1 pll'!C'ly paneled, II has 11·all lo 11·;Ll l i·a.i·f!C'ling 1hro11ghou1 3 BEDROOM + 4 BEDROOMS DINING RM. ADDED $23,950 FAMILY . RM. T1•n·:.1(1 l'rllry 11:11·. laff!r/ $23,950 I s.•p.1r;111• Jur111:1l l11n111g roun1 , Thi~ hulllt" JS v;iranl and IH·.1ut11ul 11 alnu1 i-;1b1ne1s rr·atly !ur you 10 rnov1> 1n, 111 lhl' l.llc·hc n. Huor Ul t.·t•li· It ha.~ 1 iut't' sizt•d bc-tlr"QOn1ii 1llt:: bru•I, r11'f•p!.u·e. b<"auU· lolly l 1111cl~1.:.'.l!M.·•I lrunt r.nd r•·:11• 11111, •'OVl•rl·d 11a t10, h111h ••fl 111as1•·r h{_1J1·00111 and ('i.ll"!J('lll\~ thc'VUghOUI, II() llo11·n 1u \ •·!~. llus n11g!i r hr tin• l•llt' J<HJ\•r IM'f'll looking lor. ORANGE COUNTY'S '.! hath~. 11aneling u1 !hr l1v. uu.: r•10111 and <irl athled fanl- ily mini or d"n rtla! is rom. Jlh:IC'l~• Pfltk'll·tl, It IHIS \••all to \1"<1 11 carpeting 1hrough- ou1 ;inri R vt•ry nict' patio 1\!HI l"l'HI' )IUl'iJ. f'llA Of VA t+•rnt<:. I lui·ry on this oru•. LARGEST ORANGE COUNTY'S 2629 HARBOR BLVD. LARGEST 546-8'40 2629 HARBOR BLVD. OPEN EVES TILL 3 ,30 546-8640 ----OPEN EVES TILL 1,10 Corona del Mor S11 ·p~ l•1 h<:'sl t)cn,·hr!<, ::)ome \'1C1r. f{t·:nl!. p11110. f\'rw k11 - elil'n, 4 UH . &· fa in. J~••ffrcl Sllll\Jlli;r hon1c/w1nler !'I'll· 1.11. Con~. leasr/option. Ask· 11lg $&1.~,(11.l. Carol Ta1u1u ~ Coldwell, Banker & Co. 550 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach, Calif. 833-0100 644-2430 SHORECLIFFS \\1;11·1n. rustir llon1,, fan1ily L\1;1111 and l1v\11<: l'QOlll 1\·11h op1•n hl'<1111 l·cilui.i::s ... nd u.~l'd llnck l1l'l'pl.1C'C'. L:1rgl' patio S.· ya1ll. J!oo1n lu :ir!U 11n. $li0,1::xi Lis1f'd E .xclusivcly with anti a vrry n1cr patio ;1nr! 11;~~:::::::::::::~~~~1 rPii r ~·ant. t"HA or Vl>. Ii --------- 1rn11s. llu1 ry on this uni'. Baycrest Sleeper Ttus is a hard-10-linrl :l bdrn1 REALTORS 673-4400 Brand New home Oil QU •t.'l ··ul-dc·S;t(", £.'\.. 1.·('Uo.•nt rnr rontf'rta1nirti:.I'-"-"",....., .. _,.._,...._._,....,.,.,. 4 B d Mug'-' dining room & labulou~ THE FAMILY'S e room n1a.sll·r 1Jc.ln11 su1tl'. IT 'S FAMILY ROOM Executive Home \VOHTl f JI UNT!NG var.: ~~ \ J7 Sl'p.'.11:111' !>Ullken f;ln1i- E~j)(·Cl<1 lly wh en ii ·~ 1·1·1t·/·•I IV 1"11111 \•Ith ro1 1111ntic \1 • .Jl $40,500 al SJJ,;..oo. Ill l•all l1 1fp!111·<', 3 ll"l'lll<"n· A dous L;·!lnxiins. ~ !a1·c:1.' lh i.~ i" <.ill(' or lh(' lllOSI bath.-;! !'\I.::IV t:Al-tPET.::;: hP.niulul honu's \\·e·ve Barreff Really cornr·r 101 ""11h f•1n111 r u 1· r1·•·1· seen and only 18 boa!' Quirt fll'f':J nl 1r1111•t 11lo111hs old. F:). t er i or J"' \\' I ff I) . "'N "~i.· i !', ~'-' ing-!>h.1dr n·i,c·~: Oi\LY Sl.W ~:~~~tt~n;~~~~e 1;~11~1~~~ NB. DO\\"~ VET.'i. 1'\\ Closin:.: ur1ous red l"arpcling step 642-5200 Cost!>: FULJ, Pf:.lC:t~ s 2-1.:.00 ch11111 secluded 1 i \'in g •1:====~::::::~:::::::::::::::~! WE SELL A HOME ruon i \11tB hr a ut1ful rork II -----EVERY 31 MINUTES """1"'" "'""'"' ""'"' HAPPINESS Walker & Lee ronni "ilh " !\ f.I I h" r i~ Ii\ 111 . ..:-•1 l11 'rr thrre ;i r' f1n~p!arr. tiled kilchl'n 1·hilclr)·n to pluy with, trl'l'S 2790 llr11'lJor Bh·d al Adar1i~ with rlectric bu i 11 1 n s, I 1 • I 1<.• (" 1n1 J ''' \" osr f'nough !o :i lj..91'.l! Opr11 11!1 !l P\1 pnvalr n1rislt'r hedr111 school 10 "'11Jk ll'ilh your ------ suite tit for a king. !r thi.~ lriC'n(\s. Largr :! story 5 OPEN DAIL y 1" anything like your rr lH!rn1 ;: baths. familoy room, looking !or srr this horne, :• pa!i<1~. '.! 8s.~1m:.ih!r Io 11 2303 Redlands it's bcautllul. in1<•1r:-.1 l•1.u1s. Lr1 11.~ ~hcr\1 4 ofl 2:!rd St I 3 Bedroom + Dining Room $23,950 l rrr;i ~o C'11rry 11·ay, larr:r ~1·11aratr lorin:il din111l.': l"'"llll. t.Jl'RUl 1ful 11;dnul this I<> .vour f:in1ily. \1011' i11 •.Hl tT•'dll appro\,ol DAVID SON Re alty n ,•nu11r111 3 Bl? 1 ·~ i..:,111.~ :-i :.O Jla.rtior Bhd., C.\I ~ l.1n11!,\' f0•1ni. •di 1•l•'rll1, 111>-:.1Go EV('!!, 5l3-R.".S4 k11c·h1 II, )l;OOd l1JIS/drps, dhl, l,:=====:::::=====I gara::;r, hea ry sh;1kr tool. DOVER SHORES Elegant J lxlr1n hon1r \\'1th v1r11• or Ba~·k Hay, garden 111• fa mily l"\.IOOI, spa<·1ou.~ l1v. 1ng !'llOlll, OV('t":-011.ed puol II l!h 1•,;(rns1\·r SUITUUl1(/u1g 11·rr;1C'c. ~rated 1n c."qu1s- Lachenmyer Realtor JSl)!l N1•11·pr111 Bl vd . C~I CALL 646-3928 Evr.,, 61.j-16.);, 6-l6--:t290 Jtr las!r. llcduced to Sll7,:Jo0.I"""'"""""'",...,..,..,.....,.,. taU for appoin1n1cn1. john macnab ( 71 4) 642-8235 CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN 1\111·;,.,t11·r ~ lwdr11u1 11 .,n FHA-VA TERMS SIX YEAR NE\I'. complr1e- ly redN.:oratf'd. FOUR. Bt:D· Jt.o0:'-1. !aniily roo1n, 1·'~ h.1!h hr1n1r with fireplare. fon..'ed a.Jr heat 11nd dropo..-...L l....a.l):P over-sized double i;:ar- age 11•1lh \•ashing facilities. li' ~ :'()' p..il.lo, f~eed yard -sprinklE>r.s. Only nunute!S fron1 major shopping a 11 d sc:hool!, ConvPn1ently l0<:a1- ro 10 COSTA J\.1ESA & HlJN- TINGTON Br~ACIL ONL \' $26.950. IRet:iu(•t.'li Sl ,(KJO/ FOREST E. OLSON COLLEGE PA RK $17.950 And 1:dt1· •11 •"!' h1 ~h _ Fl I\ -I )~\1 11\11·n·~1 111,111, ;: !.:1'1!. ruo10 '!. lJalll dt'lu.~,· buill- IPl.~. ~-aniily 1·oom. I lard w:d. n111 p:H1t·l111g, N,•11·ly d<'t"C>1" alf'd, Plush [lilr• , aq1011111;. 81 •:.l i11fla 11ru1 1., thr p1111r h. !'i•'I' lh1~ h1ghl.\' rl<'lH!"niJlr c·ulll'J::" J>aJ"k ho111('. C:1J/ Q.l;}.0.~!(l. 645-0303 ;ii llad 1or Cl'111t 1· m.1 llaf'iJOr llhd., C \I. ASSUME 5 !4 % LOAN '.; Cf: C01H.lo1111niun1 11·l1h '..' puul~. a c'h1h 11011"'1' .~, a h'rn·l"lub. l"1111 h;i~ ;i buih·in 1•1•1 IJ.ir & 11 ;i1 111 "nod p<1rl•'l1t1;.!. i;r1·at lrw l111nily 111111;..: ~· j1t11. l'll.l'Jn<•ll\ I~ Sl ::t 111\!1"11 iocludr-s a!I. ~rll' l+,;- 1og -•J..l! 1"'11"'· Prl•·r· s1s.:1o:i. t:o:Ts WALLACE REALTORS -S46-4141- 10pen Evenings.I MESA VERDE ~1~19 Pl'!' n1 .. nth tot.i i 11.iv 1n1•t1l! T,1k•• •11•·1' alll".1< 111r '.,.\ F!!,\ lo.111, i\O tJL.\Ll- FY l'."C! :: r1 rn11•ni.Jou~ b• 11- r oonis &· 2 l11"\L1r1011s h:illl.~· Quali1y 1·aqv·1, !..· dl'.1f!•'~ 1hroui::ho111 l\"::i l1 111 w ,, 11 STONE FIHFf>l..ACI".' Qui•rn s11.r 1111111 111 k11 r11• 11 " 1 1 f<lh11!ri11., C()\'1•:1:1!..IJ l'l\TIO r1,r i,:10 !II rll!l"!l .o lJll!\~ 1"r\' O.\l.Y '51 0:::1 do11n In .. 1.011· ~~7.!l.~1 WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee I HOUSES FOR SAL E BRAND NEW 4 BEDRM EXECUTIVE HOME $40,500 This i,, Ollf' of the 1110s! l)(oau- tlful hon1es \~:e've l'v1•r seE>n and o nly 18 months old. Ex- te rior Spanish n1otif, taste- rully d~'(lratrd 111.'lldc "'l!h lwcuriuus r£'d ~·arpctjng s!cp down St'Clutlrd J1vu1.i: room \1'1th bc1JL1tlful T01:k Ilrt'- µhH·c. ::ipa1~1ou~ fan1lly 1"UC>1n wi1h ano!hl'r /1rPplac1•, t1l!'d kik·hen with ell·Ctric· b1.1ilt- 1ns. privat(• 11111s ter lll'drm su1t1· fi t fvr a king. II 1h1s i~ anyth111J: liki.' your looking fur se,.. this hon11·. H's beau.. oJuJ. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 546--8640 OPEN EVES TILL B:lQ COLLEGE PARK CAMBRIDGE ''l.\'IPt:.:CCAJ;l.J·: TllltOLIG ll- OUT"' dl'si·1·1li"·" 1111." ~l\111·p !~,.ri 1-:011 1111111 1•. ~ 111·cpl11t1•.~. :: kin;..: '!"''ii l•dnns 8: qi.!al 11y ;;ulrJ c·:1rp•·11nr::. $27,500 EXCLUSIVE WITH Newport •I Victoria 646-1811 (anytime) piit-•1141 Pacesetter H••1t•' ;1 1~·.1u11 1 11l J nr>. l{)I. ".!. l,,d io 1\.,1111' 111.1! IS ll!lllllH"Ulatr·' 111.iny ru11• dl"!""l'lllPI' l•l•".I'<, ).j!;Lf'll!U'< "1nglr· "llJI v flrow pla1\ ~1 Ori 1do •\ < I' I {' lt 1· ~ ,1nl lei" p111g . .:,.,. I 111.~ <11\!' 111- <i I\ (Jll<'l'1•1 I ~II S:n.:1:,(1, 1 "·' • IOa11.i1·c11IJ hl1.: 11·1111 'l1h-.1a1111:1l dV1vnl. •)12~·$a\Cr\\' ')l, .< 1 r-· 546-5990 - WOW! 53/4°/o LOAN ,\.-,.~llllH' .\!:L 11 ! 111;111 :1 t 1111 t"hnn!.'.,, 111 1111<'1"!'.~1 ~:!Ul ,t;O i.l lll(olll li llH 1!1. 11·~ )11 Ill, 1111 . 1,,"·~. 111~111 .11 on . \":., .il\I 4 1:1: -.'. 1i.11 1i 11111111• L.11 ~r lut n1r l'l.1· I 11111" 1p1~1 ! h• nri· h.1 ~ !11(•\n l ,11 irl 11 oll 0·;1rr)' '!ni l TI> 1-'111" rill'!I t1f'lll' .'c"hool , onl:--$~9.11:111 ,1 .. "1111) HOUSES FOR SALE 5 Bedroom FIXER UPPER EASTSIDE COSTA MESA No do11.•n to vets, put some elbow gTi"Me intv this houY and you'll come out un 1op. It 's priced to i;cll because it's vacant and the 01\'nrr mLL~I sell. This 1s a real hedge against u!flullon. See i I ~ ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 546-8640 OPEN EVES TILL 1 ,Jd Costa Mesa 1100 Assume VA Loan St!iOO rlown p;1)'~ 10 ~:XIST­ ING V.A. Joan ll"lth NO :!ncl 1· D. <1 ncl you r1on't hitve to 1•1• a Vo•!.. tu q Ulthfy. 14 X 21 .F,\i\1JLY l{QOi\l plus:: bed- l<JVfllS 1111U "! ha1lis. llARD- \\100/) ~'I..OOltS and l'IOSI'· I'.'> E,\.'iTSID~; location, A h;u·~111n ;q s~ 1,9.-,(J~ WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES 1 Walker & Lee ll'l'slclirf Dr. 6-'1;. 7711 FHA RESALE Looking fol' 5-.•;; loan'! Ogl(' 1111.<> 4 bcl1·m ,r., ra n1ily roo1n litauty, Only 3 years old, ga1"(!,,n knchrn, d1sh1vasher. .~Jlrinldf'rs, largr· lot 1v1th ,,L'p;ir;itr· play ).1111. 1~00 ,,.q 11 ., 1<llilkr 1mr ,\· hri1·k firr- plaec•. One lriw n1cu11hly p1:1y- 1nrnt of S't02 Pil)'S ('\'P.n'· rl11 ni;. C.'.l.11 llcn1agc Real J-:.~1:ilr ~1 10.J JjJ lopen rvesL 1010-0AK-ST-. -- Open Sat. & Sun. l'l'l"C' r•rdUC'f'ri tO S:!:;,:,00~ :O:ha1'f)' 1 BH. +· la1111ly; 't ba. 1.:uv. par1n: M1t1rlt'"Ck \\'ith nc·e~1n v1rw! Fn ut h·cc:s. BllY•T 11111,v a~:-11rnP 5~t '7o loan' BALBOA BAY PROP. IJt::.1 110 1\N YTL\ll:: FORMER MODEL -1 Bn, '.! B.\, l~r larnily rn1. llrp~ .\· trp1g. 1·~pcns1vc la11•i.-.·;q.,11;..: ,t· p.1110. CJJOL IJCEAi\ 81{/::EZC.:.S. 1900 sq. f•. S7,00(l S· lakr 111t•r $14 ,:.00 F!!A al :,•' '. :: r:n. 11, BA. 1·100 Ml II, :, ;11 ·1'•'. 70 It ~q 111 twr·k ol :.:01rngl'. &11;;...80Jj or ;~[i-J 11 ;, R-:! s1n111l .: 1:1·, ft·nf't'(f t..J1I' J, 111 11 Lo"" t.1 ... ~. :!001 '."tl~-:)()11 l;.:l'. lot S1 G,:X.O. Cha.d e HY ~\ nrt: ·I l~r.. 2 liall1, d•·1:1Cli<'1! ~1ud10 'llOp, p..'\!io, l~ rrni:(•d ~.r. i1radcnr1 St. ('lo.~r 111 ~1·hof}I'. \\!',IPl1ff J•!a1.;1 :11Ta. ~2s.:~)O. 11.1:t-Ji91 1·;d11net.~ 111 rlu· k111·ti··n. flo~Jr 10 (•1•11111~ IJL1•·k t i re pl a r l'. li1•.11111full.1 l;uulscapi'd Iron! a111I rt•ar 111th r v1 f'N'CJ patio. bulh 1,1f 1na~11:r b<•rlrnon1 anti (',•l"f)f'tll\I: th.roughoul . no 11 .. 1111 I°' Vrt ~. 1111!< 1111gl1T hr llu· .. 1H' _1,,11 1 ,. 111·1'!\ !OOklll)l luo . ~I [)<iver O'rivl', Sull(' l ~(i Nt•wp11r1 lkarh !t11 ~,, (A:' ltu 111111 al ic'~ 1:1 ~·i~lr1 llr11l1i1t· 1111 11 ;11 A1!:11Jh I ~1· 'f'lf 11111·,, '''I '.I 1•11 1_,,....,,...,...,...,...,...,..._, ... .,,M V d 1110 triu1cr? {I;" w lllf' kll(' i .. 11. ' '· ' esa er a """' 10 , ... •mf lllowk """ 1--2w_o_S_TO_R_Y __ I --NEWPORT -I MESA VERDE Prestige living In Mesa Verde 1111~ 1~ a 1~':iu11ful a11ult 101·1·11p11·1I ·, hr1l1 1M1111 h•••ll" 111 Ill<' hf'~r nn·.i 111 \11 ·~.1 Vl'l"fl<" 'I hr ••1111rr 1·1•;1r <II thr hnu.~•· ha-o; l1··1•n ··\ ~ndriJ COO sQ fl 1111\\ \"('I")' o •\p("1l~1lf' t:o)li l '>l1.1r; r11 rnct111g 111 rvrry 1'{l<'ln1. IJolh fri1111 all•I n•ar' ,1.1t•1ls 111 f' p r nf •'~~111110 !1.~· landscapr!I. For Rent Mesa Verde Townhouse $l60.00 pi•r ni o . 1111- lurnishcrf or S:l7t>.OO per mo. ru1·nishf.'(L 1'his is localed in lhe b<'autirul 57 iuul com11lrx right next to the' r.11.•sa Ven.Ir. Country Club, 11·11h 1ennis c'Ourts and pool. 5 Bedroom Fixer Upper Eastside Costa Mesa no down to Vt'l5, put some 1•lll01V gn'.'ase 111to this house and you'll o...'Omt' out on top. H's priC<'d lo St'll bee8U5f!' i!"1 vacant anrl !he owner n111!1I !){'!I. This is a reel hedge againsl jo- OaUon. SN> ii. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2U' HAUOR ILVD. S0-8640 o,.. IYfflh•t• tlR 1 ,10 Camper's Dream! $25,500 f··nr···. 11·1·1·rd :Iii' 111 11, l1w BEACH 111·~1 11" •r ~··••11 111 1111' 1u'P;+ M~.~OR -S!.\ll"-0. 11111• r< 1;1 ,·: FIXER UPPER FHA or VA \I 1df' , . .,n, rrotp a1Y'a for )C>U!' u ... 11 l.· trailer. P.1rll b i r 1· :1 ,. 1h111rl)< Tl':>.a)< bedroon1~. • "\Tf.t r·n11n1 ofr t!ar;,·~i' \l"nrl;:~\lnp. Comph·h·ty lrnc· 1"1 .\nt·d. i\lii 11'1'1it' 1 1"r<'~. ~ lfl· li}ll TARBELL 2955 Harbor Heaven~StTI ,-P.:O tects - The Working Man Cozy 1·otraJ:: .. ror ~ on ~IN'p 1:.0 II H<ot k B;1y lhl. Pu~­ ,.,,1.Jh• 1 nrianf'r fnr '..Ind hon1c 01" ill('O/llf'. Sl i ,j()(); Inn~. 1 Hal Pinchin & Assoc. l::!)()O E. Cni.isr 1-111'.v , li75-4392 LOWESTPRTC~ ! 1:1:. Cnndu in Hluff~ Lt1vely g1·1•1•nl>i:•l1 \'1!'11· .~. 111'<!1' ~1\"u111111Jlf: f~KJI ~ ~~!l.500 Dalancy Real Estate 21i:ZS E . C'Oil~t Iii\)', CU.\1. 613-3170 The Newest by •Ivan Wells I lxtn115 ~ h:i1h, fan1 rill, frplc ,~-11r1 l1<1r. lu;i.;u1·1oui<ly c:•fP"ll'Cl. {)11t11ranchng \'ic1v & ('.\)\11"1 y.11"d l~J(lt, Roy J . \\"H1'l1 l4:::0 Gala.'\)' 01". &16-.J:,')O 4 Bed;:-m_l _+_G_u-.-,-,-R~m Mesa Verde· $24,950 u~~111n11l1IP lu 1111 !l•l!\ .\ .·, •l•'i!l ~ J:o,j1•1u 11 ;i n11s.~ 1h1!<' 646-7171 IRVINE TERRACE Lh•c:anl 1,. 1111 <1<11d f1w 111r--. : l~lllll . :' t..olll l,1Sll'I UJI.\ (JN;o1all·d hhllH' IOl · Ju~ I ;11To~s lron1 flu• Cuunli'.' Uub . .lu~l 1111111111•., ISCO :-q. 11., heau1. 1·11rf)('tf'd & dr:.ip. 1·d. S.\S;1t::J Pl"ll·c<I. \\'r ~TIO" ~011'1J lo1·r 11 REDCiRPI ~ - -_, R E A L T Y ~l\l'Z:1 \\I. Bnlhcm. NB 67:'>·(i{.iJO :!M'\ f:. ('oa ~I. C1!m fiiJ.f>(}tjO ;,~,'' }'"II,\ ur !!~,, 1ln, hy O\l"tlt'r, •I hr. '! b<J. ,(. family & d1111n:;: '..' sly. ,\fr"\, brick rront near l~nrh & l:.:d1sor1 H11:;h. On1•k l11't•11l;1er n1ar· hie rnlry u1lrrcon1. ~unkc.n I .r., dr;q~·,.:, s pr I 11 k 1 r r ~ )'1!11all 11·urt. lll.!;iu11tul ya1ol~ (lt1;1 lari::roor11rr h1+111 \p;}<·r 11 ,1 -.lop· I• 'I \\••hl;lf llay <11 111 n\T1 l•1o1l.11•~ 1:•11 ~,1,l•P•ll: -1:1: ;.i1•! 111lh •·nurs1•. l:<r: f:i1111l 1" ~If' 1.1.;.J. IJ Hl1 11·1 1 ·~ '·' •1,11 Va1·anr .~ 1 ••ad•' 11'111 $27,50 0 Newport •I Vic tor ia 646-8811 (anytime) CAPE COD CUSTOM .. :c-q111~11 1· ho1Tl1' i11 p rt.',llf:(' ~n·a ''' !\',·\\•port l!t1t:h1.~. Fea1 u1·1n;: •1 !ari:r hd 1·n1~. Sl'paral~' ol ii1111g n~Jlll ,(· 101'1'- ly ro ·a r .\al"ft. Conir see tins lJt'ltlll.1'. 646-7171 IRVINE AVE. Cu~to111 llu1!1 h .. nv·. l.1ri::" ,,n. 1•ln~1'11 •'•1111·11"1"1 I•>!' n1a.,1- 1nu111 pr11 .11 ·~, ,\Jan~· ""t1·;1s 111 1lus IJ~.1u11111l : lldr hun1e. 'i n . .-.oo Wells-McC.ard le, Rltrs. IS!O N1•11·1;.>1·1 l;lvd . L,:11. ~>1$-7j2f> rinyt1n1r BY OWNER •ltf)mf' l-Jnr(1111r I l .. anr!• Cu~t ~ 11H 1 'J BA Con1pl ••pt, drps, FI'. l~'.1111 •·1·11. 5.-". H10 C•·1an11r 11lr. '! ,·;i1· 1irt. i::ar Inc· 11111i riu $~;, nlQ. J •\11n~ •I 11\Hi l" \11111' f:a s.v Tl'rn1 !: ~:1,::.00. fi.l'!.:i01n. \ lli!I(' l!l('l"f'il~!'S $1()() 1110. 1-----···-·····---5 Bedrm. • 3 Both $.~7.900 full prwr ()r tr110e 1or Condo. ,,,.., !lllli'! Robbie C1rt"l1· 11 R. r.r;~-G!J2:1 VIEW HOME Pool -$26,950 Harri to 11nd a \";:ilur l1kl' this ::: bilrin.s, llkl'-111'1\• 1•p1 :s. d1·p,;, Parking for )'PIUr boa! & tn1il. C"r 1100• Hich 11'00d pant·Hng ti.1ndso111r hr~nkl:ii<t har. ritl'p1au'. l)\\'t'IY r11 ·.~1 .1 pool, 5·11~ 17'l0 TARBELL 2955 Harbor LOW-COST 1'11<1 ,!,.•T _ :-+101\<" l""r 1 ,,,· l 1 1~'ln • l.t1H11I. 1t11l11 1 ,Jrn _ ~ 111111 /\11"1111 l1k1• c~r1l.•11 .. 1~ !11 n1!! 1°,1111 ~h;1 ~1· l'(l<,r (l.11, .. 1 .. 111 H l nl:Q. :;1'11·111k. I,, I·!: l 111 p ,1 1.1~1,'1q1r1~ I t• IHlll IJll ··I • 10 )(1'' Jll'ldr ,,1 '"I ll•'l .•l,tp ;, I ,, w 1r:1rfl< ;., s.:-..<r,11. 546-2313 FANTASTIC RF: PUB LIC llO~JE 1n 11h:<olu te perfect&. sp:irkl1ng 1'ondi11on. •I large '1111·111~. :: loal li~. fnnnnl din- 111i:: 1110111, ~l'pnra\e fan1ily 1'11()11 1 ,i:., hul!e rn a .s I e r b•'rlroom, )!in in1u111 upkeep, yar1! h•«1ulifully la111lscapcd. f't•t>11l11r 1nodt•I 1\1lh 3 crir g;1rai.;I'. R1•st tor !hr n10flf'y at Sl7.!l50. Call ~d.-1-8424 South CCl,'l~! Real f:srtttf' 5j/4°/o On llus lng h Fl IA lo~n. 11:l}tS. SH~· PITI; flr sihlr lrnns. ~ 1:1 : 2 Ba. Spt1rk.ing l"Und. F.\'rs. ~38-6.~41 Bkr. Rl~PUDLIC ho11-ie. B••st buy ! .vr. 9ld. 4 bdr, 3 ba. fan1 1•111, <!in 1·111. sh.ig crpl!. 1!111s, spkh·~. $42,000 5•16-359:.t 4 BR. 2 Bii i\le5a Jlighlarw:b .. Pr 1nr1p11 ls only. BY 0\\"1\"F:R. sm.~. ~·49-36.38 Qt.i ll! cul-de-sac. 3 BR. 2 RA CU~l(llTI crpls ' drps. BY OIVNER. S.l~>-9616 all)'\l'ht'l'I• hu1 111 .\lri<a Vc.n.le 11's a rant~~ ".!. hath.~. Butlt- ins. t'l'lVl'!"l'!t 1111!io. ~1720 TARBELL 2955 Harbor hl!·Jns. IJl'J::f' ~'"\'l'1'1•1t Jl,l!tu. On a 60xl3.S' \'ll·'.\\1101. Clll"'I' lo rlcn1cn1ary ~rhool. FllA ;ippraise1I a1 S'!7.100 • vcls no dn. Priced Reduced NE1\J~ 1'\1-:\V-brDulilul Fo11n· tain Vnllry hon1e. Owner ... a.i s. ''\Iv Joss is yoor gain ·· :l lidrm5 :! baths. ne\\' ur•..:radril 1·ar1ir1~ & drap- 'I\•'~ lh1vughnul t.:01T11"r t .. 1 • \)i).il &rra. Pr1co•d at ~:il .. .O.J, hu! let"~ try S:l').~. l ~·w 1lo11n to IRlll:e loan. i\1:.1\' • NEW -Nf;\V. l\TO(trrn J1v1111? in 2-~1,,~·v C1111. I=========== du 2 l\R, 11 ! 811, P~ll. No nutdoor mai11tl'na114.·r . Sl"-.!1:10 Grah•m Riiy. 646-2414 Ne111· Nr1vpur1 P~1 Qflit'r SENSATIONAL! Fuller RllL__S-46-0814 Ts 1h<" 1\•01-d ror t111s 3 Br. RARE HOME hf'nrh horn!". S:J9 .. -i00 811ng n1<i111•y • tn1.v beau t. ~ George Willi•m.on Dr. ~ bP.. E11 s1hluff hu111e. REA LTOR Cond, bl•Urr than ll('W. f 1n. 4i73-15&1 J.:\·rs. &v::i1I, S3fl,:.OO. CORBIN-MARTIN :f BR 2 BA, family m1. PJ;1 fiE,\l,'fOg!» 6i5-1002 drt.'flr 11: yr nld-xlnt cond. ;m:x; J-•. l'.1.1~t lh1-..·. ('<l.\I I $::2.:iOO. l2:'82 f"l~l Ln, HB, N0--;-1;;!1C.·---; h';1-1t 1~. ~on ()l\•flf'r 616-4~23 ran •.rll ii 1•1th 11 nAt!.Y 1111111' ~.lrJ1h:•111 ~" l'!l.(1T II \'\T All'' r.tJ ... ~;7~ 5~6 ·5881) (nNr ttne~thrth?l LLEGE REALTY 1500 ~at H1rbot,CM. 1'l" South Co11s1 Rr111 Es!atc ... ..,,...,...,...,..,... ... _.,_.,_,,_,,_,,,I 1.~ SCl'k111~ :<UCct's.sful p1'Qf('S- 3 DR '} 11.'Jlh hun1 c, cor11er lot 1~.rh \~O • ;i1h l ;, niorr unJ1~ 1111\r hl l'."ol,, Sanla At•:i ''" rhr n l';dJ i11111i11 ltrnlt!J •I • ,(11 ~1on11 I 1"t•lll e~!alr salro;mcn. t :.,ccphnnal hl'nrrir!< Pl"al'f' 1·11 11 ror :1p1~11nrn1cnt ·;,4:-..su1 ~1111h C•!:l~!. Heallurll, I r·s &11rh hUu~r 111111'. Bic- t;r-:! l"'l"•·l1f}n "\."!" ~·r lh" 11/dl .Y 1'!1.flT 1\,\1\T /\!'I'' Newport Beach 1200 NEWPORT HEIGHTS Tl lAT UNE IN A :111LLION fJL\"D , Oldr r but cha1•ming ho111r in choict al"f'a . Ovc.r 200o fel't, La rx" )iv. rm. 111!h f·p plu~ drn 11 ilh FP. forn1al dinini:: 1111. blr • in kl11•hru 11 <!h h1 k(.,1 nook. Peek or buy rrnn1 .\la..,1rr Bit r;u it r rn."de ulllity p.1n•h \ ~.i.M!l. Vin A\ ~1!. ,\11:1 'lf.!·.'L'\ 01r fol'!~l(t. HOUSES FOR SALE OCEAN vlew, close in Harbor l l1 area. 3 BR 2 bath, all electric kitchen. llu.i:e pulio 11.•lth ocean view. f ee shnplc -nol lea* hold. Priced at SS.1,900. For in- spection call !\lark Les, Costa f\Te:sa lnvcsllncnl Co. 54&-ffil anytime J UST REDUCED ~ !\lust sell quickly. 200 sq. II. lion1e on Nev.'port Island. 4 BR, 2 BA, sep <lin rm. Channing 40 yr o!d hse recently ren1otlcled. S6000 dn, as~ume 61 S~O Isl. Just S4l,500 buys this! 675-0363. Jo'ORECLOSURE 3 BR, 3 BA Townhousr. pool. Bl1ins. Needs work-11s Is $28,479, Broker 646-0732 Bluffs prim~ on Bay location. 2 bdr.1. Sl9,500 Call 64-1-2'.159 ev~/wkends. Newport Heights 1210 J tlUGE br & dn, '! B;1, rrplc, b!lns, crpls, clr11s, s:iOOO dn· n1o~·e-in. Casey r: I t y . 635--3142. Newport Shores 1220 e REDUCED S.'i.OOOe rr you need a grc.at family hon1c., sec. thls one! Lge. liv. r 1T1. plu1. lge. party rm.; 4 Br. 3 Ba., kitch. bit-ins. 1~1 Blks. to beach. Fee !iimple. $!6,500 'Equil)' S49,:>00 . .l\1ay consider trade. e O\VNER &l&-'i&l9e 1231 OH SO SPANISH! From tht> roor lo thr noors i1's n>ady for your Spanish furnishi ngs. Top location. :! Br. :.! Ba n1ode l, S3•1,200. •red hill P.E1\LTY Univ. Park Crn11·1-. ltvint': Call Anytirne 11::::.os20 Back Bay 1240 $2~,995. 0\VNER. Cusrom, 3 BH, 21.~ BA. J::!rc. kitchen. tl'c.w carpets, din. rm, fam. rn1, lrplr , rlrc garag:e dr. 0J)l'n Hou5l' 't1\ sold Z'.?15 An- niversary Ln, NB :d.~·9ol09 Corona del Mar 1250 LIVE IN "STORYBOOK" LAND Only a couple ol block:-. 11·w11 Cnron;i Beach th1s cl1r.rmr1· \•·1th p~-ggcd ha.n:h19od floors, modrrn kitchen a nd J lJcd. room~t :! bnths and f<11nily rn1X11 -S,17,:,00. 613-8550 LOVELY 2 BR, 111 BA home \\'/3 rar gar. &. rrnt11 I in rf'ar: on 2 lols. Sj~,(XIO cash. 1\cl jnrc.nt lot available. BY 0 1\":\"EI{. f,73-::0.1M. LGE. hillr o11 lo!. P cn11. view o' oi•rnn f.: hill.~. Pr1l'ary. Hrul101· 673·2!110 ~J:.:\I' hon1e 22.S l_;(1!rlenrod 1\,lcHl:! Si!).:Jro. Phnn•· {i~3.;JJ(i~ fnr 11pp1 Linda Isle 1106 L l.\D/\ J~lr lnl lnr :-.a\r hy n11·nrr. ~'.i'l.:~JO phi~ IP;i•c. pa~·rnt. of 51.l(~ prr yrar. :'llfl cap:11·1 ly lnr 2 110' !1n.11s. 51 rt. 11atrrlron1. A1•pri11r,d rlari~ 111c!1i<l<'1!. li l'.!-&lSI ur TIME FOR (j)UICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE New homes, ready to move in . 2 to 5 bed~ rooms 2 to 3 baths. lh mile from beach. First paym~nt up to 60 days after move in. VA /FHA Terms. From $23,990 The Beach (on Brookhurst 1 mile South of Adami) 962. 1353 lido Isle 1351 Huntington Beach 1400 EXECUTIVE HOMES Both 2 Storic.s Both \'.'ilh fonnal dining Both \l'ith family roon1 Prir ed in lower S8o ll1's LIDO REALTY INC. 3JTI Via Lido 613-1300 BAY FRONT Three to six bedroom home~ 1\·ith pirr & "lip. Pt•1ce<l Ct'Onl $149,500. \Vilhout pier & ~lip, Sll5.000. Walker Rlty. 675-5200 3336 Via Lido, NB. Open Sun. THE SCARCE ITEM Cor. tri-plex + vie1v, a 11 leased. 2 Bd. eacb + guesl rm/ba. Lnd1-y, rm. Encl. gar's. $103,00J, Good terms. R. C. GREER RHlly 3355 Via Lido 673-9300 Huntington Beach 1400 $100 TOTAL You G.I. Buyers, here i~ an opportunlty, Use your bene- fils on this Sharp J Bedruom California Rancho. 2 Lu.xur- ious b a I h s. "Hanhvood" Iloors. Usrd brick lireplace. Separate "\8 X 2'l Family Room". Gorgeous modern kir chen, Seller has transfer- red houSe is vacant and he "ill pay all your costs. \Ve'LI see iI your quali!ied on a $24.500 sales price. Call! WE SELL A HOME EVERY JI MINUTES Walker & Lee 76.92 Edinger 94~ Open ti! 9 P :'.I V.A. Loan Assumption \~ith $4.IXXl Total Down pay- mrnf fur this 6':0 annual G.J. loan is Sl5'.?. No hidden COSIS. Or.an J Bcclroom, re ady for OC'CU J)Uncy, Twc gorgeous balhs, carpels, drapes throughout. Double garage'. T\1"0 pa11os. Clo!ie 10 school and shopping, Sec. ing is lwlirv1ng. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 7682 Edingtr 8~lM55 Open ti! 9 Pllf SPACIOUS Check thesr features: Huge family room with v.·et bar. formal dining room, garden kitchen, huge master bdrm suite, 3 baths, 3 patios &: large yard a ll block fenced. ,Jl,1any, many custom featur· es, Ir you a.re looking for !!Omrthing extra nice, 'et• this one. I MUTUAL Rl:AL TY I 842-1418 Anytime $19,950 Is The Price &lie\"e me, for this sharp horne. Total paymen1! on • high G.I. loan is S134 per mo. includes all. Huge Bed- roon1s. Extra Large Fenced back yard for lhr kids plus "Play l·lo\15{'". Great patio area. Submit your small do1vn payml.'n!. WE SELL A HOME EVERY ll MINUTES Walker & Lee LIKE NEW '"' Ed'""' Exquisite 3 bd r1n 2 bath 8~2-4455 Open t\l 9 PM F ranciscan F oontain home. Nf:\V Executive Lux ur y C-Or. lot, cpls/drps, sprink-honie, 4/5 BR's, J Ba, 3 car lel'S & low int. FHA Joan. gar. Assllmc GI; no points, Attrac. dn pyn1nt. Only 111·eek escro11•. 847-0163 ''""''" !~======='I Harbour Rlty. 84&-1311 PROBATE SALE Vacanl, :! ~101y, •I bdr1n :; hath f'Xec111iv•' home. t·or- mal din rm. ga1'l'.len k11el1. Z.100 sq r1, E>xcel cond. S:!S,500 P aul Jones Realty S47-12t% 1~1 rs .. ~ l~·'.!296 TA l'\J:.: OVElt an 1'1!1\ lt><Ln 011 tlus :; BP, hon1f'. $2j,JOO lull r riec. S-l60J t<1 kcs O\'rr Huntington Harbour VACANT 1405 4 lx!nn .. '. t·ar g.iragc. Din. Till • tll:lll.Y f'Xlras. J-:xCT I. area. Only $:-iR,(JOQ • subm11 on !r r111s. \\'ill C"Ons1dc1· lea~" or lrase 11pthn1. Harbour Rlty. B46-1l11 the loan. No qu11!lfy111g _no Founto11in Valley 1410 rlelay. Sho11 of til:-.h? \\'e'll 1--------'---- help you with the do1111 pay- n1en! money. Rex. l. Hodges, Rltrs, S47-2:J25 ROO:ll ron A nt:NCH -G heir .. 3 ba., huge lar11. nn. \I' Jf1r.:-placc. 1vall-lo-\1 :111 carpets, rcrrig. incl. L1k1' ne1\', lived in :: 111u·s. Qll'!lf'f ll'av111g arf'a. SS.1.9.)0. l\t'y ;ii Four :-)l';isons Sa.Jr~ Off1cr, !llagnolia & J11di;i naroh~. liu111u1glon Brach. !lfi.S-1-00. Have openings for 4 Real Estate Salesmen in our new office. Call for appointment. R. D. Slate~, Realtors 516-8801 5-BEDROOMS! WOW!/Only $28,950 Cpt l<Jrr~. Ji:: lot. Br.~t ;in·a HAFFDAL REAL TY 842-4405 DAILY PILOT \VANT AD:'! UGLY \"ac-an l, dirty, /)('at up, l Br. 2 bal!l, :'! ~car old homr. Built·in r;uigc, o\·cn, fon11;il dining 1'!0111. largr livin;: room 11'ilh r11·cplact'. S2i,5t:(I • your !<'1"1TI$. l' 1llage· Real Estate tu-4471 I :':::. J WM1Ql NEW 4 BR HOME- 2rr.~ .';'J. II . ;::oo ~q ft ]OJI Pr1r(' s•·:.1i0fl, clOI\ n S3500 Ann11<1l 1)1'1'1·1 111.,i:c rare 6 9' :::cc 1l1 Iii fi:, :-!.1n Ricarc!o ~t f ount ... 111 \l;illry, orr \\'arnri 1J 1111 lo. •lf 1.!n;1okl111rst 111 r·;i ll ~rn1n;li11l'.~t Ir o in e ,. !lti:l-2i1i0 -----~----~ :.!loo SQ t-r. ! Hr,.~ B;1, cul . dr-~a e. J· rpl. d1n1ng \'111, la111. 1111 11 /11rt ha. l' Custon1 1h·1ls J, 1-rpts, ~ c;i r i;a1•g, hllf.:" ba1•k yard ,\ patio. S.~!!.00'.l. Assume. 6'1 fl\A. !ll~"-26fti -----Tl!E QUICKE i~ YOU C\J.I., TllE QUJC!..;ER YOU St:t.r. General 2000 General 2000General 2000 ~ I r I' IGOSIU I I II I M cld crol>. He hod three -==·==·==-===~·-,phones installed so he con .---on l'nOI'• peop~. ICALHEI I 1-~,-T,-T,-,,-,1~·-i 0 ~:'ff,~~ .. ~~ ~rd! -• -- . -you d ..... lop '""" ~ No. 3 b.low. 6 PRINT NUM8ER[D l[TTERS IN ~ THESE SOUA.l!ES 0 UNSCl!AMRtE l!TTE RS TO I I I I • -~G~fl~A~N~S~W~f~'----~--~.~~.-~ . .....I I I ·-""--·-· ..... SCRAM-LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 8200 •• ·-··-.. ------...---111911111-.ii!~ .......... --........... ~ .... ---...---------- HOUSES FOR SALii RENTALS Aptt. ~urni•htd RENTALS Aph. Unf urnlthed RENTALS Aptt. Unfvmlahed RENTALS R!NTAL5 Hou.ei Unfurnished HovMS Untumithed Fount1ln V•lley 1410 --- M°""11 Octobtr 20, 1969 * * * ___ ... ___ -- * * DAJLV "LOT *UAL ISTATI c;.,.,., Newport Hgta. 4210 Co•tt M.u --------------General 30001 l>V OWlllER.i i·our ~uons • Santa Ana Heights 3630 lndu1tri1t Rttlttl ----* Clean l or 2 BR *' Adults, no pets, 2421 1:.. 16th s1. $135 mo. up. 646-1801 L:l<, 21) ta. fam rm w/ Cl..EAN 3 Bedroom, 1 bath, EXEC hbm s BR l Ba firt•pk, 3-cur ;;ar. cpts, mcc. area. lmm~iale Pu;,;. C l.9 • d e el • bl .tng' dlT1~. bt'ilut. landscaf)ed \\I l>eSSIOll! Rea~.mal>le Sltfo s.f:xi 'tnclrpe~ene~· 54J740 . po1111. 96Jl La Granada, FY. month. .:::::==:::· '====== !Jti.3-23SO WE SELL A HOME L19una Be.ch 3705 Beck Bey EVERY 31 M INUTES 4240 L;aguna Beach 1705 Walker & 'Lee 1 DR t-~P. sleeping rm, -oR. SALL.· B 0 crpts, .:trps, thruout. ~-rplc, F " Y . wner· . i'a nge -relrig. Walk to s a t' r 1 I 1 c e, Jeavmg tor Z790 H.arbo! .Blvd. at Al.lams bcacll l:. shops $165 mo ind Europe 1 m Ille d 1 a t e I Y . 545-9491 util 673-4982 494-8125 • Custom buut wood & glass Open till 9 PM · • · REALLY QUIET-CLEAN 2 Br. 11,J Ba. Pool, adults $190. 2310 Sa.rlla A n a 645-2933 Coron• ci.1 Mar 4250 houi;e O<·ean &. canyon $1""' 2 BR i 1. o . T 2 BR unturn. Lovely vJew. • ..... • ~ i><l UWll· N rth nd. Adu! 1 }·"d. view. Wall to wa ll boWle Patio n / o I 0 e ts, cw 1 Br tum. near shop'c. S140 ' · • w w, S250 mo carf)<'ling, b u i I t -I n 1 & ctrps. 8kr ~~O . · mo. 602 Heliotrope. 642-3l95 Cireplacc. 2 Bedroom, 2 Sterling Really 494-2529 or 673-7211 Baths. Uniqut> cohstn1ction. COit• MtM 3100 608 N. Coast Hwy, Lag Bch _CO_R_O_Ll_OO __ A_p_ts __ 2_B_r_1_tu_di_o OPEN llOUSF. Sat & Sun • • • • $210 11.;,, wcekdnys altrr 6. 934 LARGE 2 BR plus den. 2-car M1u1on V 1e10 3708 turn. 67::-3378 l\f i ram a r • Lag Bch. garage, pool, large fe11ced BEAUTIFUL v I e w at· 49-1-:.lOOG yard. Tree-Unetl s t r e e t , tractive 1 yr old 2 BR, 1 ~i 2 BR. 2 Ba, near ocean, pool -COA~AL VIEW! Westclill shop~'.n~. 4 9 3 BA. Frplr. bltin bookcases, &. clubhou~2-2878 Tl"rrir1~· Juan assumption! Flowf'r Sl. $22·' ( 2 1 :l) fully crptd, d1·ps. $240 mo. lntrr!.'Sl ral<' uorsn't in-374-0304 l:>e. 23771 Calle Hogar. COZY 2 Br.. frpl. Ground crcai;c: no points. :: Ddrms., 4 BEDROOM unfu1•nished. Shown by appt only. Call floor. Nr shopping. $180 family rm., :! baths. 5 years Builtins, f.rlll t trees, rul de 837-8937. Hal Pinchin 8t Assoc. 6i'S-4392 old. n rdut•<'d 111 S·ll,500 sac lot. S2j() per rno. R~E-N__,T .... A_L_S______ 1 BR furn apt. with garg, 2 PLACE REAL TY 494.9704 lncludin' gru·denrr phone A t F • h-..1 people ok. $160. 675--5553 or --54"1849 P s. urms wv 7 9098 * County of Orange .r 6 3- AUCTTON OCT. :IOlh, 1969 $105-$120 OLDEP. 1 BR. 1 Gentr•I 4000 :c3~ S1oning1on Rd • Three Adult. New W/w, range, Arch al'l:a, 4 Room·l Bnth. retrig., drps, Patio, garage, * 89/MO Open !IOU~<' Oct. :!0, 11 am-2 No pets. 548-1098 pm. Ml~l~1Ui\1 BID $.~t..~. LARGE 2 Br eastside, pa1io 23' Trailrr (N.B.) • rent iJi. !<'OR 1Nr0 CALL l!A--~'JO & enclosed garg. $140. duding util. & ground rent. HANDYMAN'S 545-2655 $20 damage deposit required. Special! 4 Income .1mits 120 $2254 BR, 2 BA, bltn:;, crpls, BILL .S:\UL.EY, Rltr. yclo;. to lx'ach. P atios, decks fenced. Walk to schls. 642-2221 646-9666 w/oi:c::m view. Nets, paint, Lease. 540-87j9. The GORGEOUS New f'tc. ~hou1c1 gross $9.00o yr. "' ., VAL O'ISERE P S69 900 Consider trades S22a. l BR, fm rm, -Ba, 'flrSS. C::CON. R. EAL TY 494-073i bltns, frplc. Children O.K. Smgl-1 br,2 br. Furn-unr. '' · Broker 6t5-0l 11 180 DEGREE VJEW LOT Sauna, Act'y ~· Billiards of white water & coastline $135. 2 BR. Lge fenced yd E-Thera py & 45 pool, BBQs small but level. $7,950 with side. Child & pct OK. 2000 Parsons Rd. 642-8670 ~l.000 down, hnl at $85 mo. Broker 645-0111 3 BDROOM with view. $250 All ci11e 3 yrs. Brokrr 2 BR bou~e. ~is;, mo. 389 pr mo. Lease. Near new 1!17-12JO '1!37-1021 Rochester St.. CM. dvic center. Walk to Catholic llchool. Phone B/B Laguna Niguel 1707 4 Bdr, 2 ba, beaut view ocean/Catalina. $3'1,900. Newport Beach 3200 546-8610 Owner 494-9'23'! ----------$125. LGE 1 Br. d1sh\\'asher, gar, <.leek. Private. Broker ~34-6980 TO\VNllOUSE , , Laguna Niguel Terr. Adults only. :! Bdt·rns .. 2 $UO. NEAT bach apt. Walk New '.'500 sq. n . :;.J & 5 Br. baths. Split-level. Avail. Oct. to. beach & shopp.lllg. Bkr. homes lll ocean view area. 15th. $22::i Per Month. _6_4~_1_11 ______ _ Carpeted, front Jant:scaped, Bay & Beach Sl5.i 2 BR. dose to ocean. with sprinklers: bltns, sell-Ri It I Encl'd gar. Avail now. Bkr rl1>a ning ovcn, 3 car garage. ta y, nc_. ., 534-6980 Balboa 4300 CLEAN Bachelor Apts. All ulil mcl $8:) up 315 E. Balboa Blvcl. BALBOA 673-994j' 2 BR. nr heaches &: pier. Util pd. $50 a week. 536-3911 or 67~">-5810 Balboa Island 4355 Four School Teache~ Share new S. Baytront 4 Br, 3 Ba, beaut. decorated, fa11- 1ast1c bay view with .sand beach at your doorstep. $100 mo. 67~7:> 2 BR, 2 BA apt, 100' irom beach. $225 yearly lease. 67;r52()7 QUALITY 2 Br furn apt, no children or pets. $200 mo yrly. Ph. 673-6945 Huntington 811ch 4400 QUIET & BEAUTIFUL 2 BR, pool, util pd. $200 mo. Adults only. No pets, 17676 Cameron, 847-2125. 4600 $:>S. 750 To S61,950. Excellent 901 Dover Dr., NB su_1Lr LG ==========- financing with df'clining Jn-645-~r Eves o4S-6!16G Costa MH1 4100 Oringe County lrt·est rate from 7~. ~;, to b [jO~',;,, HARBOR H1~hlands 3. BR, 2 $30 00 Wk Up N · I C BA, crpts, drps, bll:iJis, no • • Laguna 1gue orp. YW>H Le . s11~ · 1 e Studio & l Br Apti:. 499-l:lkl 5477761 -~. ase. :>mo. me .. ""''. 1 · · · · • gardener. 5-IS-6640 or 537-1346 •Kitchen &. ~ v me • • Phone Service & Pool ApMtments 3 BR,: BA Townhou~e. Pool, •!\'!aid service avail. For Sale 1980 frpk . <'Xll'R.;.:_ N cw I Y •Day, week &. Month . decor~atcd. S-'·'· A ge n I 2376 Newport Blvd. 54R-9755 SHARP 4 umts_ near South 646--0132 EXTRA la~e Bach-1 BR & Coast . Plaza m ex~ll~nt $275 YRLY lse. ilark Bay, 3 2 BR, 2 B-A. Aval! now & cond1lion ... $7'200 annual in: BR. m BA, 1600 sq ft. no soon. Pool, util pd, from come. P1 icr.t ll'SS than 7x pets, ids rrquirrd l\l~<l-130 $10:>. Adults no pets. gm~ l ~1ry • • FOUR STAR Realty 3 BR. 2 na. A-frame. N!'ar _54_8-_2....,40,...,7 ___ --::--:--- s:J3-41'.?'.? beach. Yl'l.V l~r. rn;, mo. SHARP 2 BR Ca}"l16od Rlty r>18-J290. ?26'1 Maple by Wilson. Nl::\V r leg;int :.! Bdr, brrath· __ . , Mod p 1 t:ikm~ bay ,-1rw ,1·/boal $21;, )RLY lse. Back Bay. 3 ern furniture. Oo . <lodrn1g. All bll·in k1tcl1en, BH, 1% BA, 1~ ::iq, fl~ no No pets. $155 month. \\ /W rpl~ Uiroughout, mir-pets, refs required 83.l-.,430,· Mgr. Longtin -64&-6974 ror ,,alJ, ilrpi;, balcony. • • 1 Br. turn apt for Bachelor Secunly J{llartlrd. Nt'wp .. rt Un1vti's1ty Park 3237 man o/35-0nly. $125 u1 ii pd. P.rach. Will tTadc. 8J;,_~.,.1f10. 21 :, 1971 Church St. 6'16-2093 -------Lt>asr: :; Br. . . h a· S 'ffE NTALS townhouse. Nr. scilool. $300 US CASITAS SINGLE adults, luxury gar· den apts, w/full recreallon facilities & romplcte pri- vacy. South Bay Oub Aph, 277 So. Brookhursl, Ana. hc1m tTI4 l m -4500 Garden Grove '4610 SINGLE Ad u 1 t l'l Lu.'tury garden apls w i t h coun- try club amtosphere and complctr privacy. SOUTH BAY CLUB APTS J3100 Chapman Ave., Ga r d e n Grove (714 ) 636-3030 Laguna Be1eh 4705 2 BR, 2 ba luxury furn apt. Pool, bc;i,ch. $300 mo. ~lrrling Realty 494-'l5~9 608 M. Coast Hwy, Lag Bch ---------• % IlEOH.00.M 2 batb, cpta, H.,bor Height• Four COKSTRUOION JUST COMPLOING 2 It 3 BR UNITS all with fireplaces, dishwuhen • 2 bat.ha. Rental Manarer - Mrs. Oi.rlstiensen 3117-A Cinnamon Av.. Costa Mesa Phone 546-1034 MERHIMAC WOODS An exeiling nE'W concept in Juxurious apl livin~. 1-2 BR., 2 baths with EVERY CONCEIVABLE FEA TUR.E. ls t Uruts available Nov. lsl. Starting at $140. Adults. 42j Merimac Way (just East of 2600 Harbor Blvd.). 67:>-6050 Fairway Villa Apts Near Orange Co Airport & UCJ. Adu!ts onlv. 20122 Santa Ana Ave. !>10.2796 drapes, built·lnl. Bat Joe&. tlon. 1 hilt. to 5 Point atom. 3130 up. Furnlahtd • un- flmushed. 642-2835 o r 842-8303. 7701 Ellis. Apl D. LAJ1CE 3 Bn, 2 Ba., fil-eplace $185 mo. Also new 1 BR $125. Near ocean, pri. deck. gar. 2028 14 l h 536-Jll.9, 673-1784 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, cpts, drapes, buut-ins. Best loca- tion, 1 blk to 5 Point stores. $140. up. Furnished &: un- lunnshed 6 4 2 -2 S 3 5 or 842-8303 7701 Ellis Apt D * BEACH BLUFF* New 2 & 3 BR, 2 BA. Fore· ed air, ds.hwshrs, patio, pool, view. 1 & 2 story. Walle to 5 Point Shops. 847-3957 NEW LUXURY 1 & 2 BR PATIOS & BALCONIES ADULT LIVING SURFSIDE QlALET 8262 Atlanta, 536-2800 ?ONT ALBA Gracio u s secluded living, xtra large l Br, trplc, closed garg. Adults $150. 962-7446 2 Bil, enclosed p a t i o , \\'Rshing facil. Adults only. Sl35. 847-6692 $160. 3 BR, b'[>tc, patio, crptd, drpd, garage, adults. 289 Ogle, C. M. TI4: 548-8301 or 213: 592-5227 STUDIO Apt, 2 BR, 2 BJ\, at beach. Adults. ~19 15lli Sl. $275. 3 Br + guest bse. Pool, No. 7, HB blt:ns, w/w. drps. Family· &2 --B-R-, -c-hi-.J-dr_P_!l_l:_p-et_o __ k. sml pet O.K. Bkr 534-6980 C d rpts, rps, range, 11:ar. $130 2 BR upper, bltns. crpts, $135. r:lo. 962-7637 drps, no pets. 568 W. Wilson St. 545-0760 2 BR, cpls, drps, bltns. Util pd. $15:5. Adull.5, no pe~ 54~2627, 968-1740 $115 Per mo. 2 BR. l sinaU child OK. No pets. Blt~ins, crpts, drps. 53&-9462. A1t 5. 2 BR. $135 mo. Cri>ts. drps. range, private patio. Also 2 BR furn. 673-7178. 1 BR, garage, appliances. Crpts, drps. Quiet adulta. $125. 2589 Orange. 548-4360 Newport 811ch .5200 NEWPORT BEACH Villa Apt. Exclusive ~lion, lux· ury living; large heated pool, Penthouse V i ew . Spacious 2 BR, 2 BA, wet bar, trplc, all elec, crpts, drps. Adults, no pets. $325 mo. Westcliil Villas, No. 8. Phone 642-2496 f-0r appt. DELUXE 2 & 3 BR 4-PLEX APTS. $180 to $220 mo. Adu lt s . Mediterranean Village (behind Park Lido Bldg Hospital) 41JO Patrice Rd .• NB. 6-12-4387 BACHELOR apt, employed adult only. S7:>. 1216 W. Balboa Blvd. 6 1 5 -7 8 76, 494-9755 2 BR. 2 BA, CID, patlo. frplc, di~hwhr. Nr Westclift Plz. lli65 I r v i n e. S:.!00. Adults! For Appt 642--0239 2 BR unfurn apt. Drps, crpt, bl tins. Lease. * 536-4'.Y\6 * Tustin Tl!E ASPENS 15652 William St. .5640 Tuslin's prestige address Adult Jiving, no pet.a Shag carpets Toi.al air conditioninit Unfuntished Gymnasiunu & Saunas Apartments from $150 For information 8~7 $140. BRAND NEW! SPANISH VILLAGE l & 2 BEDROOMS Air cond. Panelled walls, gas tired BBQ. Open beam ceil· ings. Private patio!, & balconies. VILLA VIENTO 345 W. 1st. Tustin 8.18-9j30 5707 4 BDR., 3 be.., central vac., sweep lighting, S32:i a month. Water paid. 31741 Isle Royal Drive. 496-1879 Dani Point 5740 DELUXE 2 BR, l BA, ocean view. Htd pool Lea~e. Reta. $16:1. 499-2055 REAL ESlAT'E G1n1r1I Rent1l1 Wanted 5990 ~ Whedctya Want? Whedctye Gort SPECIAl CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL IORN SWAPPERS Speci1I Rate 5 Llnff -S tlmn - 5 bucks llULE5 -AD lii'US'f INCLUOE t-Wl\•I ~ Mve le lftde. ....Wllff '°" ""' tit tn-.. ~'YOU• PllOM tl!O/tr leldnlU. e-) llnn .. M vtrllall\a. ~OTHIHG ~ll SALe -lit/IOU ONL'tl PHONE 642-5671 To Pl1c• Your Trider'• Par1dJ .. M Operaung l'C'st:nurant $27.S<Xt frade for h<>me or TDs. ?rice Incl. bldg, Jg paved C-2 lot &. MJuip, U<>n Vibert Rl tr. S-18-0588 -----Will trade: Automolive tune-up equipment and pow. er tools for lapidary equip. ment, 549-2044 '69 Dune Buga, Pancake e"g· Yellow body, llowered high top. Val S2'200. Trad~ for 'OT or '6.<! El Camino M Ranchero. A!t 4, 6T:>4425 ask ror John. -------TOWNHOUSE 3 Br, 2~;, ba. Beaut. appt'd. Prlv. patio, pool; nr bay, Val. $32.500.. Eqty for T.D., cat', camper or ? T Owner ~. Marble table, 8 chain!, bu/. fet. store cowiter, blrdeye maple dresser, surfboard. Want ttflig. or elec. stove • 1350 9CJ. ft. $165/month Costa Mesa. • 3100 14, tt. 4 officn, phase power. $ 3 1 0 I mo . Costa Mesa. • 1750 to 15,000 sq, tt. "°" lea.sing, un<kr constructiom Co.ta Mesa. C. Robert Nattress Realtor Costa Mesa 60-1'85 4900 SQ FT, 3 offlcea • lob- by, concrete tilt-up con- struction; 240-three ~ power. 1 mm e d I ate oc- cupancy. Costa Mesa. Nr Nwpt·S.D. frwys. 0 . C . Airport. 540-4895 EXCELLENT profit maJcinr plan for clubs, c h u r c h group~, organizations and the Individual. Double YoUJ' monE'y, Write or phone now 1or free, complete lnfonna- tlon. Compub, 1058 E. 1!t St. Sui le 203. <n4) 836-6955. 500 SQ. FT. BLDG. E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. 2:?0 Elec. power. Available Nov. lst. SSS Month. 67>6700 BLDG for ~a.ae. 11,<XXJ aq. ff. Property 90' x 300'. 66-l.U3 days. Eves. 642-1479. 9tO W. 17th., C.M. 800 SQ FT M-1 1hop. Store front. Acoustic ~Uinc. $100. 1934 P 1 a c e n t I a, C.M. 548-1542 3 BR, 3 BA, play rm, mt. home + active incom~ p1-op., 11i ac., Hwy 18, Run- ning Springs, home for in. oome prop. $321000 cq. 642-1574 WANT: Photo studio equip, shooting l:. processing, col- or & B/W. HAVE: Large lot nr Marina, Salton Sea. Val.. ue $4500. 536-7761 or ? ~1890 NEW Industnal Bld&:a for HAVE: Costa Mesa Com· lease. 2500 sq. ft 9c ft. 1639 merdal $38.000. TRADE: _M:::o=nro=vi:::::a::::'=C:::M=.='=7:::::3-=901=7·=:I Tl' Cruiser Twin D auto pilot, rang~ 1200 mi; 'recent survey S40M. Will considtt trust deed or smaller boe.t. Owner (TI4) 7'29-34-00. Have home + land + TD's, $90M eqty. Want apt, mo- tel, a irplane, or ! ! Bkr: Box 96, San Gabriel, Calif. (ZIJ)~ 43' Matthews '65 deluxe F1yi.ng Bridge sedan. Trade fur smaller boat, airplane, car, hoUse or ! 546-8030 ext 4J.t. $14,000 equity for 4 to 6 - units Orange County. Lots 6100 Perron Realty 642-17n WiU trade four (4) new Firestone tires 6-l5x14 for oil painting, portable 1'.V. or anything of equal value. 449 Seaward Rd., Corona del Mar. Phone: 675-2022. 5 Two bdrm units, C.M. 63.x 270' R-2 lot. Priced low at $38,600. Trade for home rquity. Bob Olron Realtor. 516-5:>80. Have securities, real invest- ment opportunily. $40,000 val. Will trade all or part for home, units, T.D.'1 or -r ? Owner 646-8004. BALBOA Penin. 30x90 lot on bay. C-1 or R·2. $38.500. 673-6286 or 67~90 R. E. W1nttd 6240 NOTICE lt )'OU have a 3 or 4 bedroom ho~ for sa\e or for rent call us tnday. We reprtttnt the employtts of a la.fie .firm moving to the harbor area and they must have holllire! All cash it desired, Call FaJTOW 54&-8640. 80,000 + ~ ft comm. zone properly in tJ1e heart or Yucaipa, Will trade eqty tor Newport Apts or ! ~ 675-2144 R·l lots Palm Springs, clear. 1 near tennis dub $20,000. Other windless area $10.<XX>. Trade for eqty m units or comm'!. in C.M. or N.B. Bkr. ~44 Beaut. Buick blUe & white. Inboard ski boat, excel. cond. Tl'ade for pickup, camper or jeep up or down. From $1400 value. 54&-5459 ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. I WANT Costa Mesa or vie, 212 acres level, Mojave County Industrial Center, a irport. railroads, wattr, route 66. 6 hra Crom L.A. Will trade for sailbo&t. Call 494-9'1.C. HAVE So Lake Tahoe lot Co1-ona dcl Mar • giant pool, Nevada side & 30 Acres ov-3 BR, 2 BA, 1rt>lc, indr b- erlooking Lake Mathews b..q. Live in or pert for O ear. Own-Agt, 673-1144 leasing. Want: Income ln Will trad. Drapes w/valanc.· Riv. or S.B. Cnty. 6T;r7~ e.~. hot tray. rec. play., en-Mink stole, cap, Argug 8 try hall console, oval rug, MM Camera, projector, bi· rooords for good vacuum noculars, tape recorder. For cleaner or Blue QI.Ip VW, value. $500. 54G-4<& or 546-8640 ' OPEN EVES TILL l :id NOTICE It you have a 3 or 4 bedrooni home for sale or for reftt! call us today. We repre1ent the employees of a lal'Kl' firm moving to the Hartlot Area and they mWlt have housing! All cash 1f desired. Call Farrow 546-8640 BUSINESS •"9 FINANCIAL Stamps. 546-1584 alter 6PM 5'16-5445 Eve. Bus. Opportunltltt '* or weekends. TWO, 150' lots heart of What do you have to trade! Palm Desert, you can build FAMOUS List It here -in Oranre 16 u , S35.0CO equity, trade BRAND NAME Housts Furnished mo. L Furn 1 BR apt. 2110 Newport ----------4 BR. 2~~ ba. xJnt lor. $~j() Blvd. Medallion by Hotix>lnt. General 2000 mo. '"°lease) 1 BEDROOJ\1 la rge. Ideal for ----------Red f hll Realty s.::~820 bachelor. Pool. $12:>. 1993 Dana Point 4740 2 BR upper. crpts. drps, ----------stove k reilig. $160 yrly. 1 BR. w/pool. Lease. No 673-8088 R EFINED lite n t 1em11 n County's ~tread trad· for units or comm'I N.B. or CANDY ROUTES pensioner wants ho m f'Y lnK post-alrl make a deaL C.M. Owner 673-3048 Now available in Costa Mesa room or share apt. Have &. many other towna in thh; car. P . O. Box 712, Santa .. * * * * * a rea. All loc&tiona are com.. Ana !!!J!~~!!!!!!!!!~~~~l!!!llt!!~!!!!!l~!!!~~l!!!~l!!!I mercial or factory. Very SZOO. 2 It DEN Duplex ====:::::::===:::::::;: Church St. 548-9633 w/boaL dock. Arlulf!'. Avail Corona del Mar 3250 =========:::=:::::::::: 11nw. Grokrr 1H::i-o111 , .., . Newport Be•cn 4200 2 BJ., ~ E;\. Cho1cr Joe-. _ __. _______ _ J iOO 6th Strrf't Renta ls to Share 2005 Adults. winter $2:>0 mo or Newport Beach yr·s Jse l Pa ., ad r n a ) GRAND OPENING F'EMA.LE 30 sh~ 2 BR .. 2 798-4003. IMMEDIATE BA with same. Pool & pal10,1----------J\lust lik!.' dogs. 96S-:11~3 2 Br. unr., relng., c pl:>., OCCUPANCY . rlrpcl. S2·10 mo. lea:;c Luxury gardrn apartments \\ILL sh<irc> my 2 Br apt, Corb1r·Martm 67~1G'i2 offer ing complete prtvacy, J)llOI w/girl 2:; to :Jj ,,·/good morals. Refs. 642-J694 ~ sr., home W/P<)(JI • beautiful landscaping & un- panoi<Vnk view: p 1• i v . parallrled rt<'l"eat1onal racil. 1Jlr)y lo sharP BluUs home, beachllf;. Agent 673-2222 ilies in a. country dub a l· NB. Priv. balh, kit & laun-1-----------mosphrre. Now leasing in rlry pnv. 644-{)369 CHARMING 2 BR, 1 HA. Nr\\'PQrt Bcar!l. Crol~. urps. Nn prl.;;. f'urm.shPd or unfurnished \\'I LL~ ~h<H'C' "' a l " r r r o n t ~I~' rno. Call 67:1-iij8 horn<', \\I l'l'i;pon>.1hlP tnal(' J\1nrlels <lflCrl 9 :im to 9 rm nr rrnrnJc-. $100 mo. l:il~1-26~i l'\F.:\\'L'l~ dccorJtcil 2 BR Rrnts f1~m ~1 55 to S110. -=========::::;:;::::=:: hoU!sE' o...1-pt:o:, cll11i:. ~;ir _ SISO OAKWOOD Newport Beech 2200 mo. 4" -2250 or 4!1>1-97:.:i GARDEN 4 BR. ~2 Ba. t lllplf'\. 2:!00 OCEAN F1-ont house. 2 BR'. 2 Sq. J•. Bltns. <11~111~a!:h.-r. APARTMENTS RA. 1Jf'luxe, yard & patio. trpl. ~:.oo Mo. Ira""· ~~lC)-ijiJ 5'.?:iO \\ln\rr. 671-!IO!IS 2300 Huntington Beach 3400 $ m : 612·8170 B __ al_b_o_a ______ 4 OR. ~Ba . l11mily rm, hit-30 WEEK & UP LEASE, FURNISHED ins im. refr1g. drps, sha~ 1 Rr. 1 Br. Bil.ch. Maid scr- p,.11i nsula, 45' bay front age ni)! thruout, 1 yr. ol<l. l)ll vw", TV & pool. 11'/QoaL 2-S~ory. ~ BR, 4 cul·de·S&C. Near sr)lool:,, THE BA YCLIFF BA plus SWlmmer s dress-beach ~ 11hops. Comp. fenr._. 4:xi N Ne~ rt Blvd 111~ rm ~/sbower. F:ont all ed & landscaped wilh ynrrl • ~ • ~Jass. D1shwaslwr, d i.~poS<LI, main1. Jn1mcri oecup. $J2j -,--. -,------- 'J rdrig, sep11l'illl' frcrzer, mo. !l6~J~i64 :51NbLE A cl u 11 s Luxury Ohl oven. l'(rctrit· stovr, i;arden apts wi1 h coun-~rp;1ralr bl-01lrr & t·ot1~ser· 3 BR, 3 Ba conclo. wa~c.rfn>nl try club atmosphere and If'. Laundry rm. !\ulomalic Hunt Jlarbor '' ith •·2 slip, fomplrlr rrivar" SOUTH garage opener. Yearly or tennis cnurt ~pool S•IOO mo. BAY CLUB An( Irvine al ,, int"r. 67~-'20'.l9. lease 84~m..1 16th, Ne.wport Bea~h. ===========:::: 3 BR. 2 Ba, !rplc, nrw crpts, (714) 64!H)550 2351 k drps. ncM !>i:hool & WATERFRONT, New p t. -----.--.----ocean. OR 3-180 or eves. Islanct. Beaut. lge. duplex, N£\VLY Dec, d1rr1 f11l, 3 BR. LI 8-0'Z<Xi. . t b I d '---t Lido Isl• 2' :! BA. rurn. W\nler rental. . , we ar, ~ ry, garg, uvtt ?J3) 691_1q32 2 BR {\uplex. $1 20. Nr: llnlg do c k. Wmtf'r or longcr. 1-' · · lnterComin. H o s P 1 ta I. Adults, no pets. 673-7861 or * Furn 4 BR, 3 BA. Con-962-8l7j alt 6 pm wkdys. (8();1) 687-1\384 l<>mp, newly dee. BltJis. Avail 4 BR TownhouJ;;c. Near bea(·h. B E A U TI F U LL'{ furn. now. Yearly. (7l4J 624-7lO!I 2 pools, clubhousr. LEASE. !Spanish) 2 BDR apt near RENTALS 536-1797 Hoag Hospital. Sub-le.-;1e Houses Unfurninhed $195 mo. Inq, 4201 Hilaria 3000 Huntington Way. 642-4387. GeneraJ Harbour 3405 $1 2j, 1 BR clean, quiet, beaut furn. N r market. ~ + STUDY. Sharp. Lease Washer/dryer, garage . -• \\lth option $100 month. Prefer older woman. 1!>22 B ::: R£MTAL fltDHS r<?UR STAR RE A L T y Wallace. ,_ lllXPDllYt ·-llAIAlnll 83s-«n ~~~~~~~~~ • '~ ~-lllllSS 1 BR & BA comp! furn 30' · AIT IOOMMATI SllVKI Fount1in V1ll1y 3410 trlr. laund./shwr rm. UtU .-pd S85 mo. Single per. P riv -~JS w.1 ..... cer+eM.-.MMl11 BEAUTIFUL 2 Story 3 bch·Bayshore Pk. 533-3863 .-~ -0 bedroom 2 bath home. Ex· LARGE 1-Br. apts .•• nicely WORKING Couple, clean & rcllcnt area. )'{ear school. furn. Nr. bay. $140-$1.)(1 11111ct, w • apt. ra is ed s22::i/monlh. 1 year lrase. 67~7876 or 494·9T.i) (nhcd-traiood) clog wishes 1 Ask for Art. 817-3319 or DUPLEX or 2 hr. Unfurn hse. or apt. 536-4S58 in Nr wpnrt Reach., C.M .. 1 _____ 9"~11111!!!!!1!!! 2 Br near bay. 673-W!O lltg_. Rrh. (P~r. Nov. 1) 2200 SQ ft 3 JI~ 2 baths, TRAILER forn, adult park. $1 l.l-S130. ll-12 :lt16 Jar~e upstau·~ t!OllUR room Pool. water & i:;-11 <1 paid. Sl i:i. 3 rm. J..nrgr vd. Stove. Wnlk to Eh:mrntary & HI S<-nlor citizen. ~100 mo. rtrr~. Ch1lrli-<·n u f\. Bkr. Srhool r t1m il1ts on 1 y r.,.1!)--0140 or 611>-ll4;i ~1.'rl-'3mm $27:l/mo. Ai;:t 516--1141 QCE:AN F'RONT J, 2, & 3 bd For Dally J>llot Want Ads THE QUlC':t\ERYOU CALT~. rms. WINTF.R RENTAL. Dial 642·n678 THE QUIO<ER YOU SF.LI, 6i:l-8088 children. SJ:};;. * 49!}-2033 * RENTALS Apts. Unfurnithed General 5000 VEN DOME IMMACULATE APTS! ADULT le FAMILY ~CTIONS AVAILABLE CloH to shopping, Park ;r Spacioll$ 3 Br'1, 2 Ba * 2 Bedrooms * Swim Pool, Put/green * Frpl. Jndiv/lndry f ac'Ls 1845 Anaheim Ave. COSTA MESA 642-2824 • RENT • 3 Rooms Furniture $25 & UP ilfonth-To-Month Rentals WIDE SELECTION l!FRC Furniture Rental~ 317 W. 19th. CM 548-3481 $13:>. 2 BR 4-plex. R/O, w/w. drps, Singles O.K. Bkr 534-6!)1!0 . ~120. 2 BR, gar . Child OK. Avail 11/3. Broker 645-0111 4 BR, 21 ~ BA, ~tudio. J blk from beach. Yearly. Call 6i3-245j 2 BR, 2 BA, Jge. $17:i. Lease. ~o pets. * 642-4499 * Newport Hgts. 5210 SMALL 2 Br upper, 2905 Broad. Util. paid, $100 mo. Suitahle for older couple. 5'18-894:> East Bluff 5242 e NEW DELUXE e ~ Br. 212 ba apt. for lease Incl. spar . mast.r. 1uite, din nn. &. dbl. gurag~. auto. door opener avail. Pool & rec. area , Nr. Catholic Churrh. A<lults, no pl"ts. e ONLY S24j e 863 Amigos Way. N.B. Corona del Mar 5250 NEWLY COMPLETED DUPLEX 2 BR. 2 ba. ($2j()) or 3 BR. 3 ba ($325). Priv. patios, cov. garages. Cpt'lf., draped, cmnp. blt-lns. Best Joe . 7<Q • 707 Orchid e LANDLORDS e FREE RF...NTAL SERVICE Broker 534-6982 RENTAL SERVICE FREE TO LANDLORDS * Blue Beacon 645-0111 * Rooms for Rent 5995 FOR quiet older man, pvt. entr., pvt. bath. blk. from bay, no cookmg $7S mo. 67~542 after 6 l BR }<1tchenettes, sleeping rtn!\. lleated pool. Maid !letYire. $30 per wk & up. 4:;() Victoria SLEEPING rms $30 wk. 1 BR. w/kitchen,tte $45 wk. IJPated pool. \\laid service. 450 Virtona. nr Harbor. BACH ELOR''\ Room, $60. rno. mcl util, no cookmi::. Avail now. Man on t y 6i1-1148 SLEEPING room for man, pvt home & t>ntr. By mo. only $35. 1543 Orange, CM. $15 WK & up w/ kitchen. $~0. wk sh1dlo apt. 2376 Newport Blvd. 548-97:>5. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE high urnlnrs, no selling in·1 I G volved. To quallly you mus I Genera 1n1r1I be reliable &: have 1 hr i1 '. 8usln111 Property 6050 Office Rental 6010 SACRIFICE • owner has change ot plans for deluxe bldg at 1870 Placentia, C.M. 1st T.D. $39,500. Assume 6.6%. No reasonable offer r ctui1ed. Call o\\'ner/broker 494-9.l7J Black Knlght RHt. 330 E 17th st., C.M. ct.3nd &:. Bldg.I By Ov:ner 71J: 6.U-6200 MODERN A J r condil:loned suite, 17th Street, Costa Mesa. Over 700 aqua.re feet, $24(1 per month. Parking - co!!ee room j a n i t o r service all uillit1es In- cluded. Phone Mr. Rife &IZ..!)660 OYFICES I:eception-Ans\1 er1ng Secretarial :::.;.\., NeW?Qrt Blvd., N.B. 6i~l601 Full 5'.i, romm. to all bkrs. BI::AUTWUL E>.ctul1\·r of- Bu1lne11 Rental 6060 FOR lr.a~e · cleluxe pro- fessional bldg. Only S-l:iO per mo. Suitable for many uses. 1870 Placerrt.ia, C.M. Call owner 494-91n COMMERClAL bldg., prime location, downtown C.M. 2:i· frontage. $300 mo. 54~3403 STORJ:: tor le11i;e, 1500 l!q. ft. f1ce, convernent purkrng. Xlnt location. Ail: cond. llillgTen Bid;?. 250 E. 17th St. C.M. 64&-9i07 lnduttrlal Rtnt•I 4,000 SQ. FT., nr. Harbor & Daker, C.i\t . Avail. at once. SULLIVAN 5'10-4429 BUSINESS •nd FINANCIAL day spare time (~1 oi·I t>Vesl. ; $1200 to $3350 REQUDl!:D , Inquire about our "tree bonWli ro~ plan". M~ your tu.I ture secure with us, a Dunn, l:. Bradstreet rated NatleMl1 Co. For more Wonnatienl send name. a.ddres1 It phone! no. to: ROUTE DEPT, P. 0.1 Box '.iS Pomond, Cali!. 917691 MANUFACTURING ., Expending compe.t1y nee-els mM for ~upervision ol pro- duclJon. $15,000 inveslmenl ~fllary open + share in prof. it" T t•ornpany !rin~e hfn. r fits For ;ippl phone <TI4) 5.'19-98il, e>.t 490. Princi~1 only. FISH & CHIPS SHOP ldt>aJ for couple. * 644-29-•4 * DRESS Shop, Mode-0-0ay, busy Buena Park area. Owner: 527-5946. 817-3827 BUSINESS and FINANCIAL Costa Mesa 5100 HARBOR GREENS Oceanfront at Newport Pier. Bus. Opportunities 6300 Bus. Opportunlti" 6300 v . 1114011 o Motels. Trlr. Crts. 5997 =67:=~:;::;7:=566::-:.=====:::::- - = I a.a WEEKLY rate!! Sea Lark Office Rentel 6070 J\lotel. 2301 Newport Blvd., CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE BACHELOR unfum f r o m $110. Also avail 1 • 2 & 3 Bdnn. Heated pools. child care cent.er, adj to 1hoppin1. No pets. 2700 Peterson Way Costa Mesa 546-0370 MARTINIQUE GARDEN APTS. ExceUenf, park-likl' ~urro11nd. ings for adulta only. Near shopping. Poot 1, 2 le 3 BR AP'J'S 1777 Santa Ana. Apt 113 646-~.>42 or 642-1465 ORLEANS APTS. 3 BR. avail, Adulta only. , UU Tustin, Costa Mei;3 Mgr, Mrs. Carson, 642-4641 ~ ON TEN ACRES 1 & 2 BR. Furn le Unlurn Fireplaces I prlv, patios I Pools. Tennig • Contnt'I Bldst. 900 Sea Lane, CdM 644-26U (MacArthur nr. Coast Hwy) ------------l BR rear house. Stove, refrig, & new carpets. 2 BR. 2 ba., just completed. Carp., drapts, dishwasher , bll-ins. 3 BR. 3 ha. Brand new. Bltin dishwasher, cpts, drapes, patio. Don Franklin Rltr. 673-2222 COROLIDO Apu. 2 Br studios, some w/frpJcs. $180 & up. Also penthou11e $220. Pool A patios. 673-3378 SMALL 1 BR. View. S. of AVAILABLE now, 2 BDRM, Hwy. New carpets l.: crpts. dms. bltins, carpo.rt. drapes. $160. 67~154 Adults. No ~i.. 543-6769 DLX quiet attract. 2 BR. lm· mac, adults, no pets, yd. rare. Privacy. $165. 67:HR59 2 mt bl tlns, crpts. drpf", Adult.•, 11() p<'I~. $12;). lSO Rochcslr r. M(l-S lOO SPACIOUS 1 BR, range, r efrig, gar&gt, balcony. $1JO l!'ase. 675-fiO~ DAILY PILOT D I M E • A • LINES. You can u11e lhrm for ju~I pennies a day. Dial 6-12-56711 ------~~~- Cost.a Mesa Guest Homtt 5998 --~- Pn!VATE room in licensed board &: care home for e I d e r I y g t n t l e 111 f' n. Amublatory only. 548-522~' Ml1e. R1ntel1 5999 GAR.AGES • 10x3().10xl5. ns It $20 mo. Near OC airport, Pallsadu Rd. 54&-5044 Income Property 6000 SALE OR EXCHANGE For Larger tin.its 4 Beach &!'ff units Adajacent Duple.xes Lea~ Land 2 -3 Bedrooms_ 2 Baths 2 • l &<!room• • 2 Bath& $64,000 6.6% Trost Deeds A11wnable For $250 Fee. call Mr. Kracten or Mr. Ferguson lnveirtment Dept, 546-231.i 2 Triplexes, l BR. each, garaites. ~ta Metla Fortin, Realtor 642.-5000 THE QUICKF:R YOU CALL, 1'H8 QUICKF:R YOU SEL.I. LAGUNA BEACH Air Conditioned ON FORES!' AVENUE Desk space available In newest oUke bt1ildlng at prime locatton tn dowi:itown Laguna Beach. Air condl· Uoned. carpeted, beauti.tul entrancu: Frontage on Forest Ave., rear leada to Munclpa1 parking lots. $50 per month for space. Desk and cha.ir1 available for $5. Business houn answering sl"t'Vice available for $10. All utllltlta paid except telephone. DAILY PILOI' 222 FOREST AVENUE LAGUNA BEACH 494-9466 DELUXE 3 room ot11ce 1uite in Corona deJ Mar, Prestige location. Panelled, n e w carpets A: drapes, private plll·klng. Realonomlc1 Corp. 67~700 WESfCLJFF AREA Executive omce, 300 g11. fl. crpt'd, air <-ond., elevafor & view. S75. 67~74 DELUXE office in Ca.ta Mesa. 1500 sq ft. Air cond. crpts, drps. 548~61. Man or woman to restock new type cein dispensers with h i g h qu ality candy prcr ducts. WE ARE LOOKI NG FOR THE JNDI· VIOUAL WHO WILL WORK THIS BUSINESS LIKE IT WAS MEANT TO BE-ONE WHO WANTS TO BE FIN· ANCIALLY INDEPENDENT-A PER· SON ASPIRING TO EARNINGS WELL OVER $1,000 PER MONTH. We have a limited number of positions available in this area. Both part time and full time. We require excbanae of refer- ences before an interview is granted. You need at least $1,950 to $3,750 cash, which is only for supplie5 and equipment. Write. giving phone number, to: DISTRIBUTOR DIRECTOR, DEPT. It 535 South 2nd West Saft Leke City, Utah 14101 -!II""--~------------------------------------------·-------Monday, Octobff' 20, 1%9 3 2 OA!l Y PI LOT BUSINESS •nd FINANCIAL BUSINESS encl FINANCIAL JOBS I. EMPLOYMENT JOBS I. EMPLOYMENT ·----Job Wanted. Job.-Mrtn, Wom. 7100 Bus. Opportunities 6300 Mortga,.., T.D.'a 6345 Women 7010 OONsrRUCTION M 0 n l' y A!liltal" tt\i'alla~ for inoo~ pro- COLLECTOR S ducine: property. Fordp & WANTED Jo1nesUc. Motels. Nu.rsinc Rel 1ablr mrn ~ 1>0111rri, f'X· l lomes, Shopping Centen;, er llcnt "arn1ni::11.i'"ull &p.i.rt Officl' Bu i ldl n ga , lime ;11•a1lahle. ( LJ;iyi; & Aparlmenl3, etc. \Vrite or l'Vrn ln,;~.) No sr U111b! flt'-call Title Realty & When You Want it done right ••• Call one of the experts listed below!! ACCOUNTING SmaJ..I Seu ot Boob My home, 540-2211 irves. Fie &pMee. Tllnl P&L JS yrs. C':q>, f>3&-T2~S CHECK HERE WITH THE · JOB KINGS! 11111~ ,& c:r11l('(·11n::: 111ont:y Jnsur&J'K'e Companyo 215 Job Wanted1 Nten & Women 7030 MALE !r >ih ''"11'1 "["'r>1 ff'<l <(ISfl\'ll· Clark Bu 11 d i n g , Birin- ~rrs 111 Or.1.n~ Co11111ly & ingham, Alabama ~200 surrounding :•rril. Co111ria ny Phone 1205_) 251-5286 . ~urpJ1rd loca!ions, !ll;1nUles J 8'i;, RETURN 11 a rn c 11r:1~~d cail(l)' & s:.:i.ooo St>asoned 1st 'TD, :;1w.c-k~1 . SIJ<J 00 c:osh l"('· payable $:;ffi mo. S';ir, due in qu1n ... "'<I. Fwr r•·r:;un.a.l 1ntrr· J4 n1on1hs . Solrl at ~104.000 view lll lhis •l1i'J., .S1'™ \\J\h $j(),000 down: on 5 n:inlf), adrlrl'ss &: ph~no! ,\~·rc-s niagnlfief'.nt (J{'"ean numbC'J'_.lt'.l ~lu lt 1•Sta!C' I •1st.. ,.1l"v So. LJib'IUla land. JO',;, Jne,, 9()1J !:-•• 11nr1•r1:tl lh1y ., l)IS{'(ll,J lll Drokl'r ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--OilNESE Jivr on Domcsllcs. Permanent. }.:-;pcrien{."\'d. SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY l=F='='=""'=t ,,:••:o'o_"''.:o'io&lio'~='=°'=-1 Asphalt, Oils 6510 Gardening 6610 J1nitoria' 6790 Jobi-Men, W om. 7100 AC COUNTANT/ BOOK· SPARKLE Janitor ial & \V in· KEEPEH, F JC. F:x- dow cleaning Serv. \V ln· pcrienccd, p~res.s1\r think. 1lows, resi d., corn cl, const. er. Ph: 612-2666 Commercial Bkkp< /Ok Mgo. fr $700 }\Ill charge bkkpr to I.rial balanee, \1•ill be .in charge ol accn~ dept. SEALING & PATCHING Residential -Indus -Come'! ANTHONY'S J r. Salesman $41S + Car & expen1n Do11·rwy, Calif, :.tCt!t.', (:!13) .. f(-1210, •19'.\-1706 Eve~ &;1.f\S71. . ' or_.,:.____ -·-"-- Compl l'C'a5 scrv. Cnrt'l'ntly f'.ngagL'd by Ci ry of C.fl.1. for 644_4860 i...;T TD on \Vhitc \Vat('r \·tew fill'cct rrstorafinn. l a d ies A ppare l Shop lot 10 Laguna Beach. $6.000 NATO CORJ~. The Best, costs no more! L1 kL' to o"·n )uUr uwn bu~i· al StiO mo. incl. 9"<. All due G!'.'n'I Con1r11.clors fi::S.:i,(113 l.'xpcrienced l\1aintcnance Cleanup. Free est. 968-2691. /\dvc rusing DUTC1·1 l\'lainl . Scrv,. crpl Production Artist clng, Or waxing, windov.· • 2 Yt'ats ol college, good )X'rsunality, able lo deal 1v\th public, il art buff, grca!. r1't'.'s~? 1!1're ·.~ a· rt'u l O!'JlOf· :; )'C'ar·s. 12ro D'is<·ount Budget Landsraping t1u1lty lo nwn ~our r,wn :-.~1op RHOKER 49·1-8100 B1by1itting 6550 C1·aduate Horticultur~s! \nth a sn1;dJ 1n\'\·~lnl<•n 1 !or ;:cc;;;--,-------=-I hxll.il'l"'S 1n thr f ouni:11n V;tl· S~dOO 211rl TD, 10".;, l nl. E/\BYS!lv!'ING n1y home NE:\V I a \V n s re-se..""'ding. Ji;o_y :irra. All mrrch:indisl' Payoff Oc1. '7l. :-il·n..~ont'd. clays, 1nf;1n1 nk. N r n r Cu1nplr1e la1vn ca.re, Clea n Is on ronsii::nmo>rH. No in· Pay. $~~' J\fnnlh on ~ Br, s I at c r I Springdale JIB. up hy )Ob or month. f ·rec \'rsinir nt 111 nlPrchand isc, linuse in Orang!'. 67:>-.2'J l6 _x_·1c2.0'c"'~· ===-----t'S1in1atcs. For lnlo, call pay <r.[\er it is sold . \\'r !rain .::Ec'c'cs·~--~~~=~ * BABYSITfl NG, day or ~'·clli--0<~2_3o2_o_r_8_2_3-_1_•_2,_---- you & Sll/k?l"VJS(• yo u at no 1ST and 2NDS ni!e, I'llagnolia & \\"arncr. AL'S Gardening & Lawn washiris.:. J·larry van Beynen Produc.t1on Mgr. 537-1508 If no ans call aft 3. E xpe rienced agency production a r t i s t capa ble of s o m • production m a nage· ment for Newport Be ach a gency. X lnf. salar y and benefits. M.ch Draftsman to $600 'i years of ooUege, 2 yean; board work. L1nd1capin9 6810 LlC'D Japa nese la ndscaJM> cont.rac1or, ·La,vn.~. ~prklrs, pa!ios, e1c. 830-l'J31 Draftsman fr $3. hr !·:xf)('ncnce in air condition· wg draJdng. Genl Acct·Cost From $11,000 l'Xp<'nsc, For e11n1plc 1e 111for. f"V . i;.12-&175 J\la fntcnanee. Commerclal, 1nntion, \11·111• ur phone F. L. I ~========== industrial & residential. Tir11wy, ~·1:10 Nurlh I lolly· . .::.0. Cal if. 'T.D's. 1nc. B . k M * fi.16-3li29 * -~ 11· " 1 , c · • 1 ZF.NIT!I 2-600.1 • ToU F rPe r1c • 1son ry, etc. Ma1onry, Brick 6830 !'1-lu&t be c:on1pletcly diversi- fied 111 aU phases of ac· Please send rf'Suml' to '!'he COlln!mg. Strong cost back· \i·.,...... ay, ...,ur )an • ""'1 · 6560 COMPLETE Phon<' (~'13~ 8·13-13-10. ANNOUNC EMENrs- RICHARD ALLEN Daily Pilot Box ll1·5&1. ground, will be lil control I ;iiii;;i;;iiiiii-"iiiiiiiiiiii ... of acclg dept, FRIGIDAIRE JET ACTION F rigida1!'<' lS niin. \\•ash. and NOTICES BUILD, Reniodcl, repair. Yard !\1aint. Cleanup Brick, block, concre!e, R eas. 968-19'18/&16-82~7 Cu5tom & Spanisll Assemblers Sales Trnee $1 QO w1c 9uar Masonry A Specialty! C.1ean cut young man, high found (Fr" Adsl 6400 carpentery, no job too small. Cut & Edge La11•n Lie. Contr. 962..fj!).f:i 1.Iaintenance, Licensed Block, Br ick, Concrete H U G H £ S school gratl, bondable. "''W Free Est. 633-2343 train. Fasti:st in 1he industry. 30, FOUN D: Tlten'11 prest'r iption JS 111111 "'asht>s \vii i do the sunglasses: vie. California ,1·ork of 4.J. 30 1nin 11·ashrs. .r... J<laho PL , J\1c-sa Verdi'. FR!GIDIAR E Ol.il 'STAND· C'lll ,f.: idenlHy. 5'15-l 792. ING LOCATIONS: La l\lira-1 c,-cEc.LcLcOc.\cV~P-ood-°'o\,-/7m-<X-.-.coo--o\ da 1najor sllopp1n~ ('('n1 c1·. 1 yr. old . very small. G;i -'c·n Gro\'e & r:uena · I. '" Paular1no Schoo a re a. !'ark.. J.l6-200J Coin·O-Matic. s,\IALL grey 5triped kitten. Equipment, Inc. \las Ilea (.'Ollar. \'1c Balboa 2.13·11?!. \\', VaJenc1a Island, 67'.).fil.% F't!lkr1on ';"\~: 5~5-7S33 I oCcAcLc!cCcO~Kc.iclt-,-,-. cfoo-und-~,-·1c. COUP Ll'.: \\'Al\TED I u V1c:!or1a & P\a('('nua Ave. operJIC small cafc!cria 1n 5-16-:l'Ji2 alt 5 P . .\t. professional bldg. 'i'iiusl he GREY rabbit. ~51"6fil know!edgable & tles1r<' l st S.!9-3888 Business Service 6562 TYPESETTING Ne\\' a nd romplcte c o I d I~'?!' fac1li t1cs se1·ving all of Oran.i:e Coun ty, Of/cr- ing !<pecdy st>r.rlce & Jo1v rntc ~. Call for furlh!'r inlormation, {7141 s;::c;.c:i~ C•rpentering 6590 5-1&-1SOS/5-19-1994 aft 4 Ja panese Gardener Con1pll•te Yard Service Free J::slin1a!e 646-0830 Fuji La.,,,·n &r.;1('{' & Gcnrral Yard Ocanup ;J.10-1969 f'rce Estimate CLEAN-U P SPl::CIALIST! J\lowing, r rlging, od rl jobs, Ro:asonab!c:. 5-18·6955 TREE: Service. general yard cleanup. To!ollll & sprinkler ~crv. &16-5S4S JL\l'S Garde1ung & lawn maintenance. Res. & Com· n)('t'Clal, * 541)..4337 Paperhanging P1inting 6850 NEED PAINTING? Call us~ Reliable Se rvice w/ Quality at its bes!, at the niost reasonable pl'ices. Free l's1lmates. 548-6002 •lNTEftlOR E XTEHIOR* Painting -Paperhanging Lie. lns. Guaran1ecd HazTis Pa in ting 6'12-4::.58 SUBURBAN Pain1lng/Dec Expert Guaranteed \York Free est. No job too large or too small. '194-31!(1 NEWPORT BEACH COMMERCIAL ELECTRONICS DIVISION has im mcditi.\c openings for: EXPERIENCED HYBRID .& INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ASSEMBLERS cl<1ss operal 1on. Co111act Tilt. =========== Treni pala, i;:n-2!170 ext 314. Lost 6401 \l'orld ·Tre nds Bldg, Laguna :::::; _______ :::::. Hills. L\DJES "'allel \'ic Center You \\'ant a good incomf' Sl, C:\l or 3rd Ave .. Laguna for a little cUort! Lack or Beach, Fri 8'/l. \'aluab!e time. forers sale of unique pa P e r a. Re'l'•ard. 499-2369 COO('('SSIOn busin<·s~ fi.IZ-969.-J c:''c'c· ~'·c... ______ _ CARPENTRY f.fTN OR REPAIRS. No Job Too Small Ca binet in gar- age! &. other cabinets. 545-8175, U no answer lca1·e msg at Q.J6.2J72. H. 0 . Ande=o CARPE:"l'TRY, Cab i ne t s Rrmod. No job 100 :-n1all, qual1!y \\'Ork. Call 616-:.!J76. QUALITY Repairs -Altera· * E xper t Japane se F f;\'E.IT \VORI\: 646-038·1 General Services 6682 GARACE Doors Serviced & P.epaircd. Genera l Jlouse l\Iaint. $10. min. 675-5381. PAJr-.TING Int & Dct Lowest Six mor.1 h" or inor(' of recent contracted prices. FuUy ins. c:-."Pcricncc is requirer! in rhc Satisfaction guru. Free esl lol101vlng areas: thick·film Jin1 \Veeks 673-Utl6 soldering, 1v j r c bonding, PAINTING , Papering )fi yn;. chip mounting, m icrowcld· in Harbor area. Llr.. & ing or b.:rnding. us. Wanted 6305 P.Y Clcaning-PfC!iS ;5,h(Jp, ,!\.:wpor·t Beh, Laguna Bch prrf. Prjv pr!J'. I 2 1 3 J 782-..~07:1 bonded. Refs. !um. 6'12-23.16. lion~ -Ne1v const. by hour I C & S Painters, Jnl·Ex-t. or Contracr. 6·16-2~·12 Hau ing 6730 !louse & apts. ~'o job too R!:'.:PA IRS, ALT EftATJ ONS TOP Dollar for old l!ems 1,·~mc'c1c'-c'c'"=~="c"=cc"':.:c'='=·---1 BLA_CI.; Cock ·a·Poo. n1alc, 2 CABIN!:'.:T. A11y size job Y o ur g 11. r a <: c , 1v i l I BOB'S lltaster Painter & yrs old, ans. 1o "Allie." 23 ~1·s. l'Xper. J·18·fi7°1:\ siorc/and/or n111 ve. Let a F.st1111ater. Custom 11·01'k Lo~·r: Sn1all tan male Cock· A·Poo. shaggy, blk , ean;: vir. Corona de! f.! a r. 673-G6f~1 64&-4:l77 n EPAIR. P arlillons Small sn1all businc!isman pay at. only, 213: ~{12-24&; Inves tment Oppor. 6310 LO~T: Small ta11 1nale Cock· Remodel. c!c. Ni1c or day, tcnlion lo your needs. J ohn. '1"vA~L0L~PcAP=E0• R0IcNcG~-&~P0A=!N· A·Poo, shaggy, b!k. ears: -="'='c"=C=al=!=K="=E=N=>l=0-4=6=709=, _,~c'c6~71260'~--~----TING , 10 'YRS in area . h c Q U J S I T TON OR 0 !\lERGF:R. ~1na ll f'dU('a· vic. Corona de! ~far. 673-6664 · Y /\RD/Gar c 1 <'an u p . JtcasonatJlc r ates. &12-0·127 C.m.nl Coner.I. 6600 ncmove lrccs. "Y· dirt. F'O" B '' p , · 1 J)ACHSHUND puppy, nialc. • tractor backhoe, "ad... " e er a1 n 1ng, in er· o. I 1 '' If B K d ~ .. 1or & l'Xlcrio r. arnuslk cell· ·"'a Jury ra · • · · 1 s GCONCRETE \l'Or k a 11 962-81•13 Opcni ng~ ar!' on 1st and 2nd d!Uls, PlraSc e pply in person to: HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH 500 Supe r ior Ave nue Newport Beach, Ca lif. Eq ual opporl tulily cn1ployrr . !II & r· M9r Tmees $550 Ex(.'{"Uent oppty. Technical EIKtrician $7.40 hr Mu>l be qualifkd. n1ini- mwn 4 years expt'ricnce, finish Carpenters fr $3. hr I lave own tools, work lrom blueprints. Route Drlyers $100 wk Clean rut ,young nian, t'l('a.n Calif. license, know Orange C11unty Yardmen Drivers fr $2 hT \V iii train eh·an cut men in retail lumber i;ale~, yard 1vork, wmc d~livery. Drivers Ckns I $4 .90 hr Some l'x per i en c e in furniture. or nioving. Miii & Cabinet Pktnt Supervi.ar fr $3. hr \Vil! be in charge of nrn· ning-mil!. JI.l ust he ex.· pcrient:cd in cabini:L mill 'o\.'Ork. Tractor Driver to $550 E xpc.r icncr. in crawler type traerors, class A license, ~panish speaking, able to read & 'o\.Tilc ·English. · tional pr0<h1t·ts ulfr. has pro· ducts Jaunchl'd but nerds broader ba.~e fi'r 1nil.rl;r1 111i:: C:\j)~llSJO(l. \\'l"ltC Daily Pilol Brox ;'11-116 6320 b 'b k • ~""2JA" ings. 6·16-•1077 & ~~11-3502 car ro l'n .. .iv-...., type~. Pool decks & custo m. -----------C.aJI. $-18-l J2,1 CLEAN UP & 'frirnmin~ PAI NTING & papcrhangin.'!. !!""""""""""'"'"""""""'"'"""""I Auto Parts & Machine Reasonable . :ZJ yrs exp. Automoth·c. Counterman fr $500 C<!nnan ~kills. 642---1372 Montgomery Ward E.'tp€rience in auto parts. Person•l1 6405 Tree: & shrub removal. * CONCRETE }~I o or s , Rcasonablc. 5'19-1359 HOUSEWIVES patios, etc. Reasonable. Call HAULING, Cleanup, lots etc:. i'\andyman anyti me you call * * &12-l.1:!8 * * Money to Loan 2nd TD Loan !'romp!, conJH.:ential srrvlr·e 642-2171 S<S-0611 ~·1-v1rn::: liarhor area '..'Q yrs. Sattler Mortga ge Co. ::36 E. 171.h Street $15 ,000 Douhle ycur money fot' Xm as Don, 641-8514 or raise mofl<'y for your club I'=====-===== or church. A phone call or Contractors 6610 1---;;.;;c:.co. ___ ..:;= CLEAN-Up and light mOV· l"tlC'r and you will re<'eivc Jr~. <.1Jmplctc inlonnatir>n. 110:\lL BUILDER ing. Call Dav<·: Build on your Joi, c11ston1 * 8!13-1Z'.J3 * Cnn1 puh, JC@ E. lst St., 1 Su ilr 211.1. (714) ~36-6955. era tsmanslitp & design. Clea n Up And Haul E:vcry room a 1nastcrplccc. $10 a lna d ~252~ Reas. Lie. bonded. 5-t8-0769 I:==~======= *Don't! GENERAL Conlf'actor. All Housecle•ning 673S Auto Scl'\li<·c Ccni rr J1as ,111 urgl.'nt need Plastering, Repair 6880 e PAT CIT PLASfERING. for 11. - All lypcs. Free estimate. • ~EP..VJ CE 1\'RlTl:'.P. Call !°>-10-6823 e P/\H.T~ )!AN ~~~~~======-I Experu:ncrd prcferrrJ. :\1n1 Plumbing 6890 co. bcncfi's. Apply 111 person 7777 Ed111g-e r. J.Junt. Bch. PLUMBING REPAll~ BABY::ll'l'Tl'.:H, livr.·in for 4 No joh 100 s111all children ( 2 schoul.ai;cl • &12-3 128 • Salary oprn. l'll u.~! \ov~ for gwt real r sla!r loan. Va<«Ull OK. Mr. Ad111ns, BrokC'r * 4!Y.l-2130 Call us if yot1 :-lill ~licve. in cave ~tylc dating. carpcnlry, concrete, add & rcn1odcling, 23 yrs c.x· pcrirnce. 531-79."'I. 8•17·2::112 C'hilt!rcn, lite h1Jusc'o\.·ork General J\laintcnancc. Ca!I Remodel, Repair, 6940 8.'!11-1241. · HOU SEC LF..A N lNG& OMNGE C.'O. 5-17..fi668 Mortgages, T.D.'1 6345 24 llr rrf'Qrrling =~~='.'.'_­BACHELOR Looking for girl ZND T.D. llomc 1n t::i1y ol Ci.rson. 1 1 ,1~;,. All due 6 yrs. s:io. inc 1111. D1sct 2.l'::. ~3Q..cx;36 \\'hll<' 1·le pha nti;'. D1mr-a-lir11' icnn\s playrr in 30's • flying, l!IC, \\'rile Box ::\1847 Daily Pilot Cl!ARGF.: IT~ NO MATTER WHAT IT IS • • • YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD For Fast Service & Expert Assistance DIAL 642-5678 DIRECT Carpet Cl•anlng 662S * DTA!'l10NDS are measured by quali1y, so are we! DIA:.tOND C,\Rl'l'..l CLEANr:P.S 61 5·l:ll7 anytime CAP..l~J::;T & Furn. l·lcanin~: fnr I day ~rv1rc & qual 11y \1·ork, 1.:all Slcrllng for brightnf'.sio;'. fi12·8~2D ('.\l~PET & uphoh1c1y ~leHnl r lr;inr r!; ;ii~ <"a l"]irt in- ~t;~ll;itinn. r'.•'~<ill< r•i:i r. F'r•r lrt>r ""t. fl.i ll r,.1r,_7,:ri l anytin1e, i;:ood tt!s, rcas! 64(i-60!M BA Y & Beat h .Jani1911al Scrv. carpC!.S, \VindO\\'S, fl oors, f'.(C. Res &. C o m mc 'l ll•15-l,IOI e \\'INfJO\\'S DIRTY? r·r>~<' ('St, 15 year.s f'Xfl . J ohnny Dunn 6-12-2364 \\"OULD You be lieve I \1:111 f'l('an your hori1f' for Blue Chip S1iimn~? ~97-7;.;:iO C.\Jtl,l::TS, \\'1nrto,P•, ftr~. C'!r:, P.{'s 01' Comr'L Xlnl 11·orli H+-.1.s' !l<•f.s. :.i~-11 1 1. Electrical 6640 -------- BUILD, Remodel, n cpnlr B ABY S IT TI:;: 11. !'llaturc Brick, blocl<, co n c r e t e , 1voman, 21; clays \Vk. 1 in- crpn!ry, no job too small !ant, 2 i;cbool-agc boys. Lie. Contr. 96:µ)945 Back Bay area. 5-18-8173 * Jf yflU need ro:"nlocleling 8 1\BYSIITER. your hon1e or pa1nflng or repairs. Call n1i tl(', J\!on-Fri. 2 boy~ 5 & 2. Dick. &l2·1'97. lJ<'an Garclc>ns, F:ader &hi /U"f'a , }i.[1. !162-23\!1 ,S~ecwcicn,g'------'60906:.:0 BA BYSITTElt 11·an1rd for 2 '1.irls !S .I:.· J01. Arlrr :<chool. e Dr":~~ni;iki n~ -AI!r rallor15 Vic 4lsl SL SlO. 11 k. 673-0·110 !'pcr1al on hl'm.s. "* G-Hi-!i-1·11} *" al\('r ~1. ~IJ, -B,\HY."11vrElt \V;, 11 r "II : Alter a tions -642-5845 J-!011rs. !'llonday 1hn1 Fnd;iy, Nr;i\, ;1 rrura1!', 2{l year~ t.':\fl. l0-2. J ch]ldr'l"'ll . illy hon1r ~\:i p1r '\~·rk. CtJ l J)•\•llt' ----------T<e •• e:_;S~e~'~v~ie~•:.._ _ _:6~9~8~0 ~':':G-R 1t_1_1_1_1J_. ____ _ 675 ~ --.. Ironing ELECTRICAi, S (' r v .t I--~~------ tn IPY \inrru·. Repair 21 hr>ur:o.17 d;:iys . Nn JROL"JN\. Jllb !oo ~1nal 1. P.rn1orl ,t arl · rr lrrcnccs. J~.or & ~Oc p1•r jk'. d1tior1s. If 1 1 ~ clccu·1cal \1c flX 11 ~ &ff.,_.l/j2 _F_loo_,...;_ ____ .....:666:.:5 _J_,_n_it_o,_i_a_1 ____ 6_7_9_0 CARPET VINYL TILF, f l'l'e r s!. Lie. co ntr. ;i.10-7:.!62, !).J&-4478 ESTATE ll1aliit 'Tree Berv Removal &. trimming~. free eslimate, C'lll 5·11 -00SS. Bl:~\VARF.'.! r:.uhhr r trrl'S Lt·\B\'Sll~rEP..-llSh:Pn ~\1111 tirt ak fnuntlat1ons. f i•cc P~I. 1.11·() in 6 ri;iy$ .. ~!i2··1'1<8 ,Any Tree &rviec. :C0-3!120 Hrgul;i r \'alSf'S 10 51:-0. Doug r:AnY~JTTF.R. Vrr>nl 2 If/ 6 Upholstery 6990 l,!'11 daily. J\\c<:a Nnr lh <il'<"tl, Cos la ill1·sa , ~ ... 1&-VGi7 F.l'c~. CZ'{r\OSKJ'S Cn~t. Uphol. i:::uropcan Craft.~ma11shi p 100',~ f'in! !j.l:l-J4Yl 18Jl Ne\vporl Bl., C.i\f. ANNOUNCEMENTS and NOTICES B1\Ril!AID; n or 111 tin1c. nights. Gr<!d sal flry. Apply days: <l:'.6 E . lilh, C.i'it. ~}13-!l!J.19 BEAUTICIANS for rlay & l'l'rning shifls in popular • priced C.i\1, salon. Present stall can'l handle rapirlly e:-<panding volurnc, Paid \'a raL1011. Call Viola : Perso111!1 6405 Personals 6418 Mll -9919 or apply in person, Crowning Glory Bt·auty Sa· FOR SALE by owner, 6 P a. Ion, 267 C. 17th St. 6405 Cemetery Lots -------ACTING Do you \Vant to he a fuU timC' \\·orking professional ? Do yn\1 havt !he srll dlsclplln..• 10 suhj!'Ct you rs<'ll to a rip;· lrl Bri tish training course & lhr ;irtistic humili!y to 3l'· C<'pl n1inor roles 11n1il t h c trainlng prriod is comp\e!e ? Ir ~ TllE LONDON LA· GUNA Ac T o·n s \VORK· SI lOP m1ghl be-able lo hrlp you. No prtvlou11 txrericnce ncccs...~ry. no ai::r bt11-r1l'r, r.t rmlll'.'rs of 1his f'xcl u~ivr group "'ill only !)(! accC'plcd upon a ~a(i~faclo;iry persona.I h1tc1viC'\V '1i lh lhe directo r. Call 494-4.fil.l for app1, ·----- LOSE WEIGHT I "·ant 10 \\·01nrn \\·lio ar" JO pounds or more ov"rv.·c:fi;:ht to take par,1 in i;roup weigh! loss rrogra1n of sprcializcd reducing. All Inquiries con- lid<'ntlal. Ask for l\lr. Ken. ncdy 531·5411. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Pho~ 542-7217 o.· \vrill! lo P.O. Box 1223 Costa fl1es,'\, Announcement• 6410 LICENSED Spiritual RcadinJ::S, nr!vir~ '" alt mallm. 311 N. "' Grand Opening Camino Real, San O cmcn!c 492-91:16, 496-9507 Aca demy JO Afll • 10 PM Attra ctive E xp;;f of Physio Thera py YO l)Nr. \\'O ilt1\N Sa1t na. J.-ma.ssni:r. 6 fc1n.'l.lr <la.rn;cr 11·1\1 irar h yrnt a.11 lrl'h, JO a m·l2 n11<fnight 7 Jatr~t ~!cps. CaJl ArdrU days, Z~i5 Thalia, ~u ite C, _...c"c'c' c'c'c'-c'cJ$;_c1·c'c'cPc'c1_ I 1.1::;11nn Rra<'h . 4!:H-1:ll 3 cll ic ~ Viciv ccnictcry Jols. B I KIN I Bunnaid/dancer. Call ,.,.15.6960, Full or part-time. Costa ?llesa Lege l Notices 64SO r. Lc-oox II. Hu bbard, <'ancrl Boat Mfgr. I he PO\\'er of At lorncy mir.do.' out to Juani111. Ma"Xine lluti· t>..1.rrl, J0-20-li9. 1974 Fedrral, -NEEDS - C:\t • Assemblers I \\'ill not be t('Sponsib!e for • f inish Car penter s a11y Oehl! o\ll('r than in y o\\·n. Leonard T Krahenlliil * 0 ' DAY YACHTS* J r. ' :iroo Pulln1an, Co!;t.a l'l'lesa I \\'ILL not be rcsponsi\Jle. B 0 01\:KE~PER assistaol. for any debts other rhan nzy for fll't'.tnographic firm Ac- 01\'n. James !\lirhael Fox coun ls pay11.blt·rcccivahle & I \\'lll not be ITSJlOnsiblc. for gcncnr.I b o ok k ' e fl j n g any clebts olhcr !ha n n)v knowl edge, ~.JB-~·186 o,1•11. Rotx>rt V. Brisson . BOYS 10 ~ 14 carrier Routes Open for ~~ed,~~n 7000 La:;una lkach, So. La.awia DAILY PILOT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT \VANTEO For ~en r r .i I 6'\2-4l21 Pl t'k-up labor. i111:itrs), ;:! DON 'T JUST \VI~l l Jor "c'c'c'o"c''ccc"c"c·_4%-1 ~~. . • -: ,,, _ s(l111cth1ng ill furnish yoHr DAILY PlllJ1' \\'ANT ADS! homr,,. find grl'a.t buys in SOCK IT 1D 'E!\I! 1,.,..lny'~ Ctn ssilicd Ad.~. Unskilled Fact Trnees fr $2. hr Janitor to S2.25 hr Re1i rcd or scmi-retll'cd n1cn FEMALE Tmee L~al Secty $350 Real sharp 1:aJ \\'i!h pleas- ing pr.rsnnalily, good lyp· 111g skills & diclaphone. \\'111 trnin Jn legal \\·ork, basic bkkpg kno1l'ledge, Order Desk CIHk $2. hr .Expcrient.-e in 10-kry, i:;ood math. Rec pt $450 Front oilier , good IYJ1ing. f;,n11linr "·ith general oHice pl'OCf'dlll'('S. Asst Bkkpr to $SOO f,:X[X'l"lf'lll"rd 111 fo./H. & /\IP. \11!1 be invo1c1n;;. NCR 3100 Sl OO wk F\pPrlrn1;e(t in 3100, l"rrdir ,\· (·rillrcl1on ex-prnr nrc \1·~ h<'lpf11l. Good typing, 10-kr.v adrlt·r. G en Office $400 Aack;::roun(I in casualty k p1T•P"r1.v 1nsurantt, 11el! b'l'OOrncd. Statisticol Clttk Typist $400 \Vil! be "·orking \l'il h ship- prrs, hC'avy statistical typ- 1ng. A/R Cl.,k $175 2 year s expcric:11ce in al"l'ls receivable, good ba s 1 c bkkpg knowledge. Sr Keypunch Oper to $3.7S hr 21 ~ to ~ yrs cxrcrienrr, n1ust be able to makr rlrum rard~. &. f'.Xplain lo o!hri~. 2nrl shift. F/C Bkkp< lo $525 1n lri11 l balance, 'o\."{'\I grooinrd. Seely fr $450 Shtd. 100. type 60 + BC- cura lf', a1'chit ec:tural or consln1ction background. Factory Trainen $1 .7S hr S\\'in.i;: Prod Autrmblen $1 .75 hr Tlla1 ure, i;oc>d hand dcx· terlty. APEX Employment Agency C 1;, blk So. of 1 tth l 1873 HARBOR BLVD. 548-3426 No Matter What It Is YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 CHARGE IT! ! l 11 I I I I '· ,: ' .I " • " " ' - --------------------------~---------~-----·-··--···-------.....---..---------------·-------------- JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Jobe-Men. Wom. 7100Job&--M•n, Wom. 7100 , •.............•..•• CLA-VAL CO. 15 THE FOREMOST MANUFACTURER OF AUTOMATIC VALVES ANO CONTROLS WE CALL THE ORANGE COUNTY HARBOR AREA "HOME" NOW You have an opportunity to be part of ou r rapidly growing industry, and if you live in the Orange County 1-larbor area , you \von"l have to leave "I-Jome." I! you have experience in any of this 'vork, come In and see us. e DAYSHIFT e Drill Pr1ss Operator• e SWI No• SHIFT e . Turr1t Lathe Operator Engin• Lathe Operator R adial D rill Operator Drill P ress Operators CLA-VAL CO. f" 17th & PLACENTIA, COSTA MESA " ' 1; 548-2201 Equal Opportunily Employer. •••••••••••••••••••• Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 ;: BUS DRIV ER lor private •! C~ris1ian school. Purl !line. Dis play Trainees t, \r ill 1rafn. C{.o.1 drivh1" , rccol'd requ ired. i\prly 168J;, .l Bro o k h u ri; L, Fountau1 V;illry. !!62-:t.114! " " " . " . Cashier /Bkkpr $403 A/fl, i,harp, i::oOO c.pp1y! Independent Personnetl Agency 1TI7 Orange A\·r., Suit C c .:-.1. &l'.l·0026, 515 oom CASHIER T0$450- Beautiful Nl'wport Be ach orf. ires. B1'\'.llieragc haclq;round. Call Kay, 546-:'.-1111. JASON BEST Employn1ent Agrncy 2120 So. l\l1t1n. Santa Ana CLEANING lady nrerlrd. Frh.lay pn.'fcrrr{I, >I hr>. on- ly. i\!ust havt• o \V n !ram;portation. Hclcrcnecs. 546-7817. :Ir CA:;ill!ER * Cur \•'ash, full lime or pa1·1 ttn1c. CALL: 6•1J...2022 CLERICAL ; ln s uran i:c casually e:-.:f)('r. J J:ir1 olc: Jn 11.B. l\lr l\lann, 842-44·19 """"' FRY COOKS Top \\·ai::es, f){'rm a""nf. hon• P~I. and good 11 orkln~ <'<Jn - diticms in aren's leadini:: reslauranl, Apply 9 am to :. pm for interview a l MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP Z.ltrl l El Tnro ftd. Lei!ure \Vorlrl Labuna ! li!Is 837-1014 * COOK-experienced E.\rf'i\.-.nt 1vo rking o•r>n.J1rio11s ,\PPl.Y IN PF.r.so:-.i - SNACK SHOP ;;9 '.:44G E. Co;i.~t 1!11y. Corona dc:I :'il.;r CO~IRJN,\TION . Sh111·11 Ba.r i\ta1ds & Go Go Dancers. Top "·agrs. rhone for in- !t>rvie1v. S.1.~sy Lassy, 2901 Harbor, C.1"11. Com puter O perators (:i'\11n1: & :'>lid Sh11 ri;1 ~ ~·eaN e.\:Pf'nencr on 1s;..t 1130. ~3 SOl1l'I' & :il I n·pro- !lul·fl(1 n. Tcle1ypc likgrntl benchc111!. CONTROL DATA CORP. .}~19 \V. \Var1wr. S,A, (71 •11 :~21'20 !-:ry11nl opponun1 Ty .. rnrln~·rr Custodian L\1 :\IE:O. or<('n1nt; !or rch;1hlr 111.111 ll'i1h pn'\'U'.JUS i11- !lu~lrl(I! janilonnl C'P· X.1111 \n,1rkiniz L'Onll., gd. p11y & all fringe bfonelits incl. profit ~h11ring. Cnl ll. I n j cc. t Ion 1'1oldln~. 200 Briggs Ave, C.:'il. ;,.11H 1GO *DISHWASHERS *BUSBOYS APPLY IN PERSON COCO'S ;3 FMhion Island i\'.e11·rnrt Crnlr r, N.O. DISHWASHER E xperienced Apply in ptr •on SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 Pac. Cat. Hwy. Newport Beac_h __ DISHWASHER E;;'ll:pcricn<"e!d -Days Apply In i\l r, Cnlc NEWPORT HARBOR YACHT CLUB 7'20 \\'. B11y, B1i.lbna IC.1r:>Sl'fl :\Ion. & 1\ii•s ) [11'1\lal Assi~tanl r hair..1rli:-. l'xPf'r1rnrrrf Phon<' anytlmr. 968-J7$12 {)(>pt. ~!Ql1! J. W. ROBINSON !las an O!X'n111i;:: lor t1 -MAID - Olf,.ri11:;: lull tln1 r e1nri!ny- n1,,n1 \1l!h extf'l!rr1t hcnrflt~ 1\f'lply ln pt"rs<>n lu llH! P..:r- ~on\'l J'l,,pt . f"A t.:!UrJN' l~l.AN[) Nt,,"WPQP.T r.r:Ar.T I IMMEDIATE HELP WANTED DIV!SJON EXPANSION IN OR.ANGE: COUNTY Pmv1des immed!atr l'mploy. 1no.:nt for residents or 1hc area. J::xperiencl' isn't rieces- sary as rompany trainin1; is tw·nuherl. START AT $480 PER MONTH If riuahfil'<t all(! acc:cp!(>d, bO on pa yroll this week. lllGH SCHOOL GRADUATE AGES 2lJ TO .f() l YE,\R RESIDEr-.'T IN ARf:A CALL 1"-lon. or Tues. 774-7253 Dlsplay sales *PART TIME* NOW HIRING Largr, na lional company, PX· pandinr;: ln Ora nge> County. \l'e ncc:d pa1·1 1in1c mrn 10 work evenings 6:311 to JO•JI) p.n1. TOP STARTING PAY i\"o e.xper1ence necessary. Fur intrn'icw call illon. & Tues. 774-7251 Drallsn1C'n Architectural Draftsmen & Job Captains Immediate Openings Permanent Positions Frank L. Hope & Associates Ar,·h1tects & Engr. '1Ul C1v1c Cntr Dr \\I, Santa Ana. ~7-94~1 Draftsmen DRAFTSMAN or Jr Draftsman (5 op@nings in) e MAPPING e SUB-DIV PLOTTING e SCRIBING e IN KI NG .',pply 11. Cl1 fl,1rd Thorn ,I',; ,\SSn('jilT<'~ ~:.:12 Crn1u11• Pl:"'" ('n~t;1 i\lt·~a. :rtO--\ !~I * DRIVERS* No Experience Necessary! i\lust have clean California driving record. Apply YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th SL co~1 a !llC'~a Electronic Inspector Trainee $2.SO hr >..1nt Irvine co. React hluc. pru1!~. Cal\ Arman. ~&-5-llO JASON BEST En1ploymen! Agrncy 2120 So. l\fain, Santa Ana E.\:pcrlenl'ecl in r;1nale needle and ovcrlock. Got)(( piece Y."Ork prices. steady "-'Ork. EDDY t-.fOSS 14042 Locust SI., \\'estminster; ~38 E:"\TRA Chrislmas money. Easy, fun, no investment, no dt>!ivr.I')'. Part time, good pay. Call SAnAJI COVEN- TRY. 5"1&-7122, 5-18-5779, rl]{'~lO ESTABLlSHED Insurance • U!11ds avail, N .8 . olllce. f.JlM!er oppl GT:>-638.1 e FRY COOK e Sun, & 0 llolidays oU * EXPERIENCED APP LY IN PERSON THE RIGGER 1# lli Fa~hion Isla nd N1!wpo1t Bl'ach 1\0 nioUcr what H i~. you r11n ~"!I 1t wltti 11 DAILY r!LOT \\•/\r>.tT AD!! 612-J678 JOBS r. EMPLOYMENT Jobt-M•n, Worn. 7100 ITT JABSCO TURRET LATHE Setup &. Oper•t• TOOL, OIE & MOLD MAKER MILL & DRILL OPERATOR SHIPPING/ RECEIVING CLERK STOCKROOM CLERK ALL JJQS1t10111i ~quire sonic e.\:perlencc l.!REl!AL f'RINGF: BENEFIT Pi~OGR A.'I EQl.',\L OPPOR.TUf\ITI 1:..:'>IPLOYER 14S5 Oak \Vay CO!lla 1'1csa, Ca.hf. i i l·I) 5-l5-S2;i1 f'ishing Rod \V rnppen; Top clollars if \'Xp'd & \•'tlling ro 11·urk. Brown1ns illfg. Co. 1919 Placentia, C, ill . ,;;J8-ll71 l'RY COOK (Si.'!: nights a \\'eckl Apply in pcr.-;on lo Tiit: Cl!El' 2 to 5 pm Th• Five Crowns Restaurant J&Jl E. Paclfic Coast llwy. Corona de! J\.1ar No ph. calls Foreign Car Mechanics Good co. benelils, incl paid \'ac:alion, group ins, uni- forms turnfshl'd lree. Good comm. r;chedule. Ask lor Jae Moore Ph. 5-10-176-1. * * DJ::LICATl::SSEN t.1AN Full time 11•ork. See Ten')', 495 E . 17th C.l\t. HOSPJTALJT't'-11~0-ST-ESSis looking ror n1alure wo1ncn 10 've!come nc1vc:omC'rs to thr l'ommunity, J\.1u~t hi1ve rypt"11Titer, car, end be con- d11ble. Apply 235 E. J\lr1111, Sulle 7. Tustin, Ca I j I . 5-14~92;'! F llil Ti1ne HOUSEKEEPER Apply in person l lun11ng1on 8 \'arh Conv:J rS('cnt Jlospila.1 1S792 Dela\\·are St., H.B. HOUSEKEEPER !: Ht'lialllf' chnd can-. 12 young children). Full time. 1il'c-u1. R1n & hoard +· ~rn­ ervus salary. r:vC's. :HG-811:!8 or send t't'~Ume lo l\lrs. (;[In~. 2:C3 Hlc:h1nond \\lay, c ,,\t. l!OUSEKI::I::PER Live in, motherle~s home, licach :11-r.a. 2 tcC'nngrrs. Pll'ns1111 t ITlaxed 8 t rn os p he rt>. P\'1·n1anen1. Ph. 531-14:i0 Jl ~KPR & Ctlll(I care, [1Vf' 111, t•'" d<l}'S priv rin & IJalh. ru-r.~. S)(} \\'k. 540.92 12 HOL:SEh'E£PER-L1ve 1n !or hnrne 11·/ working n1othrr. Spanish sprak1ng ok. ~1:.0 mo. 5-ls--0795 !!OUSJ::KEEPF.R, li\'C in. pvl. 11pl. 2 scht agers. Call 6i:l-O:I f0/~11\.... < 1 fl7 llOl"SEKEEPER. Lll·r in ; J eharm1ng s" ho o l -a .i=. r ch1l,trrn. $1:,0 ti! on th. &12-:i002 HOUSEK!::EPEH, live -ln. r riv. rm & bath. 2 c:hllclren. F'ln. Vall. ll~2-7~:t4 -,.....,.--.cc e INSPECTOR, rnr qualiiy c on tr o l. nrcdrll in1- mrd1alrh•. :llrGrC"gor Yach! C'nrp. l fi~I !'lacrnt1a, C.!".t \Vnrk n\ Ne11'JXlrt Center. sta11 $400/mo. Rl'quires sec. rct11.nal (·xpcr1cnce. Type 60 \VPi"\I, light shorthand, Al- lnrnry, Roland S. Barcume. &44-0023 ~fAOllNIST v.·nnlt>d 2• ~2' exp, preft'rl'Ccl. Call ror app! 54M2ll 3 lo 5 Pi\·! and 7 to 9 Pi\1, MAINTENANCE MECHANIC * FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT * Salary rt1ngt> S.';43-.. $6.)2. REQUIREMENTS -Valld California bu8drivers licen!ll'. mechanical repair ol school bu9C's. a11tomohi lt'S, Jlghl lrucks and gasolinr rngines. FRINGE 8 EN f: r I T S - Twelve: days fl.11d \•a1·at1on per year, !w'l'l\'t' d1•ys sick leave per y~ar, major mrdl- ral insurance pohcy, FOR JNrOR.i\1ATION -Call l\l i~s Zachme}'\'r al 1!12·fi6~1 D1, 225 bct\\·ern 2 .t-5 nm .. no late r Th&Il Oct. 22. 1%9. PLANNING lo n1ovr'!' Ynu'1 1 llnd an ama1.ln~ number ol homl!s In !oday's Clt1ssifivl Ads Cher:k lhem now. Mond1y, Octobt' 20, 1%9 DAIL V PILOT :J:J JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOIS l EMPLOYM!NT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS l EMPLOYMENl Jvoo A tMP•v• MtN1 JOBS l EM. __ Jobt-M•n, Wom. 7100Jobt-Men. Wom. 7100 Job.-Men. Wom. 7100 ··-·-I Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Jobi -M.n. Wom. 7 l OO 'ot..-Men. Wom. 7100 * * Housewives and Mothers Earn e xtra money for * CHRISTMAS * J. C. Penney Company Fashion laland -Newport ie•ch Has positions open In * Sales * Stock * Santa's 1-lelpe r * Credit intervie\vs-* Gift wrapping * f\1erchandise records * PBX Schedules including a!ternoons, evenin gs and combinalion of both. F inest conditions -Top supervision -Ex- l'ellent benefits including discount privilege. * Apply Now * 10 A .M . to 9 P .M ., Monday thru Friday J. C. Penney Company .;t:24 Fashion Island Newport S.o1c:h, Co11lfornia PORTERS EXPERIENCED Excellent EmployH 6eneflt1 APPLY Per1onnel Office Third Floor The Broadway ~7 Courts of Fa1hlon ~~AS~noN ISLAND Newport Beach An Equal Opportunity Emplo)'i!'r PUBLIC SPEAKERS II )\IU can rttrul! &. lra\n, or ii you have t"ver had a course in public speakina, thrre n1ay be a place for you "'llh ot1r Nat'l Co. tllook i\lood, 436 W. 6lh St., Tus- tin 5-i·l-2302 Real Estate So1les Progrt!'ssive, young, Nev.-por! Beach Corp. offering: bonus plan up to 70% l-omm, Re~ ldential Sales. PROPERTIES WEST MRS. ARNOLD 675-4130 Receptionists Interim * * Per1onn1I S1rvlc• 4'15 E. lt7h St., C.111. ~~~"~1~ [§I·~·~~~·~· 1~1~ .. ~~~-~-·~11~·~· ~~I 642-7523 ~ RECEPTIONIST & J b-" W 7100 J b-._._ ASSISTANT lor Iota I o .--.-.-1en, om. o _,TI9n. Wom. 7100 orthodontist. Xlnt \\'Orking i'.lachlnists • Punch Press & • Multlslide Oprs. Tn Sll 2 per v.·eek, Apply Tony Duc:hi. \\'ILCO TOOL & DIE 3190 Pullman La ne Cosla J\lesa. 5-10.5-132 cond's & pay. Stale e:icper . r.-IAIDS and qualilicatlcns. Box. 1686 FULL-Time, l"!!Ort hotel, Newport Beach, Cal. ~C.~i:una;,;;'°""'~•7oh~·~'7""-171-'"~~l =R-,,~,~.u-.-.-,~,-----­ !IJEDICAL Assistant. Back A • t M • office expcr_ ?.lust he "'iU-ftCl9ft GMftlr i~ to 1vork in busy G.P. ol· now taking applications for lice. Others need not apply. Full & part timeo, day & Salary open, !lllsslon Vie-e,·es shills. jo E: Toro arra. 837-7520 e KITCHEN HELP MESSENGER e DISHWASHER e BUSBOYS Apply In person 2607 \V, Coast Hwy, Nev.'J)Ort Beach ""'" ELEPHANTS work lor pe"anuta Our men &tart STl~. per month Out.Aide 'Lew. Will train. flt uldp1d l111e11. Pref. men under 30 v.·ith 9:11ne collegt'. Lido Dtstrlbu!ON 5.Jl-3081 Salei; THE NEW JUDY LEE I!! profitable, run &: exciting Earn SSO ... $100 per Wl<ek full or part ... time. Choo!lr your own hours. No deohveory or eoLecung, no 1n\•estmcn1 ru 11tar!, ln1med . proli!s v.·e train. Phone 5-15-20.16. it SALESMEN* Eslablishl'd 8.l"t!a 10 be ex· paneled, Salary and c:omn1. plus car aUov.·ancc. Pb: Mr. l\llchaels, 642-7352 SALES Sarah Coventry h&S openings !or n or pt 1in1e Xlnas 11ales. Plea1111.nt , dignified \\'Ork w/no in. vest., collretlons or dC'l!,•eries. Choose your own hrs. J\tin. age 21. Jo,or lntv. call: 540-0614 & 962-5693 Sales Secretary \\'ith 2-3 years national con- sumer produc1s ex.pcr!en~. Subin!! resume to Daily I>tlot Box M-fi69. Premier PERSONNEL AC.ENCY 441 Inf t7tti StTMt Cotr• M ... •••·OSJI 11 04 last 17111 Strwt Sco•lo A11co 547-t721 MALE F11 Pold M9mt. Tmee $650 Degree required !or entry level trulning program. No sales or finance, Sr Acct to $16,000 ?.fust have national c:om- p11ny & tax experience Fee by Appllcant Publlc R1latlons $500 plus cor allow. Sonic experlr.nce 1v I t h vohu1teers, \VC!rk w I t h bu51ne5s men. SALESLADY, cxp'd. I o r Drott.men Jr to Sr jewelry store, lu!l time. to $725 5-18-3403 ----------1 i\lt>ehanic:al, E/l\1, ninny • SECRET ARIES • ""'''· For Purchasing Agent ol 11 ta.st growing consumer prod u c I !I manllfac:turcr, needs a sharp v.·oman for n responsib:e position. Experi- ence in purchasing, tnvrn- lory C<Jn!rol, produrtlon con- trol desirable, hut \VILL TRAIN an inte\hgrnt girl. Good 5kills required. Short- hand 90, typing fll. A real opportunity tor a career type. For !11arketing 0e['lt. Artl1t $69J l\linlmum 3 yrars periencc pasteup & duclion. ex- pro- Science Trnee to $433 R.ll'qu1rC'!i so me college, physical science, good at math, Weklin9 Tmee $386 II you're expencnced 1vltll trru1!'.ler press in molding parts this stable company \1lll train you in highly p;11J technical welding. S!Tf£R for our ramlly ONLY Ava!lablt' when needed: some day1 son1e •venlng1 {)c('_a&lonlil \VEEKENDS Stx children (age 10 & undrl L1ght cooking Own lran!!port.alion \Ve're movlng to Lido Jste Call for detalla 1<nd ln- te rl'ie\v 87!J.TI35 F'ullerlon SURVEY BO'l'S for Pool Co., 4 hrs a day, 5 day wk, al1 ~hi & Sat. S1.7::i per hr. 879-7062 TUTORING Nf'ed genC'ral •utor1ng for 'l boys \a,c:cs 1(}...121 in 111y Hun!lngton Harbour honic. 8~256~ Typists Interim Personnel Service 4-15 E. 17th S1., C.M. 642-7523 e TYPISTS e \\/ORK \VH EN & \VlfERE YOU WANT on tcmporaiy a.!!ignnienla VOLT Instant Pt>rsonnel ~8 Campus Dr, SUlteo 106 Newport BC'arh ~tlG-4741 WAITRESS- EXPERIENCEo Apply in Person SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 Pac. Cst. Hwy .. Newport Beach \Vl\ITRt:ss: EXJ')('I', 6 lltn 10. 2 pm Sun/h<il. oU. Krnn1t>1·s Colonial Ki:t'hen 19th & Har- bor C!\I \VAITRESS -Exp'd COFFEF. SHOP. * 6-12-7424 • \VAITER.<:;, \Ya!freaa ~s 2121 E. Coast Hwy. Cd M.' Busboy. Pref. exp'd. Apply: * SALES\VOi\lAN * MATURE Part Ume. Young J\latemity Shops So Coast Plaza. Pl\1"1 only MARKETING REPS TO 51000 + COMM There is no better s ales position for re- cent college grads with demonstrated sales ability! Y0ttng man, through 11·ith military obl1gallons, for full liml' job 1vf1 h Daily Pila!. Valid d1·ivrrs lie. Good starl- ing salary, company bcl* fits. ere. Sec Mr. Rich at Daily PJ.lot bct11·ecn I & J P,:'>1. Rc5taurant ol a fast growing consumer prod u c l s manufacturer needs girl 1vith tup skill11 for res ponsible secretarial posi- tion. Shorthand JOO \l'PTTI, lype 70 1vpm. l'vlust have 1n- itiativt>. New bldg., Irvine Industrial Complex. E.~cel­ Jent company benefi1s. Call tor app1: School1.lnttruc:tion 7600 Ornamental Iron Worker - $3.25 hour M E N Rivif'ra Employmrnt /\g'j; Jnc: 4667 i\lao.: A.L'lhllr Blvd. St,, 201 N.B, ~10-0370 newport .. personnel , agency R3J OOVER DRIVE :->E:\\'PORT BEAOI 6 l2-3870 ATTENTION MEN & WOMEN Bkkpr Mgmt T rnee $600 EPF" For a \"t'rsatile young ni 11 n \\'Ith g'OO(:t bkkpg t>Xperl('!l~ lo train as 111<1.nager !or a gro11•1ng l1rn1. Mrktg Program Trnee 5750 EPF l\1ust have real cstalc lie + a degree, to develop salt>s promotional ideals, train pi•rsonnt'I etc. Contract Adm As1't to $750 EPF Prcfrr !'"•.:pf'ril'llCI' in c:oni.pu- !<'t' or cle('trun1es lield. l\iust hal'e ci.>nlracls ('.~per1ence, n1a rkt>t1ng or finance dept hrlplul, shtd pl'f'lerl'f'd. F/C Bkkp• USO ERF DcgrC',• pref1'rred, co nsU'Ul"- tion background hel pful. AbiJ. ity 111 1rork \1 il h mulripl~ .~f'L" of books + s-<•,-ne k11n"·t. "dL'e of <la I a p1\l('C!i.'\1ng. \\,irk "~!t1 ynung a~sn..:1ntes lur a gro" 1ni; t'" Jr Acct to $850 EPF f a1· a yOl1ng man \\1 th ;i clr- gt1.'r 10 jo!n a gt'Oll'irit; land dC\'Plof)l"r. Personnel Asst Director to $950 EPF Pnvalc rnterpr!sc \\'hn prt'- fr r a retirt'd rnili!ary nian \\'Ith a rert'\Ji!ins?: b;Jck· J::round + tndUs!nal rela· 11ons rxpcrlcnce. E xec Sec $600 EPF \\"n1 1ng bacJ;ground hrlpful. illti.~t have abllily to com- !lOI><' & ed11. Sh 90-100 + ac- cura!e typing v.•i th ahility to meel the publir W"ll . Secty to $600 EPF Skills must be tops + a good ll'lt>pho""" po:nionalit}'. Par! ot th~ job 1s to make travel arrangernen!ll for VJP's. C.oocl h<'nefll!;, very pleas- ant v."Orking conditions. Legal Sec to $S5Q V2 EPF Calif cxpt'rience + d icta- phonc, sh & arc\Jrate typing, A lovely Newport Beac.h oU· ice. F IC Bkkp• $500 APF Higher salary will be paid tor C.'PA exp_ ?.lust be able to take books thn.i P&L. Secty $500 EPF Coristruction & §Orne pel'90n· nel baclt2round helptul. Sh. typing + aood telephone ability. NIGHT BUSBOYS AND DlSHWASllEH.S MISS EXEC. AGENCY 410 \I'. Coasl Jl\vy , Ovrr 18. No 11chool please. Apply In person to Newport 13cach 61&-3939 Secretary 3 y~ exp, En.gr bkgrnd help- ful. Sh1d & typitli tor projcel development. Production Control San Juan. i\lust have ex.p. , Opply lo work 11110 mgmt po.. SJtion. Seely/ Mrktg Good .~kills. must be aex.ible & sharp, Xln1 m. Secty / R•cpt Gard(.'n Grove. Construction, c:-.:p not nrc, l -girl oUlce, typ1nb & shlrl. L19al Seely 5 yrs Calif exp, lop skl:ls, CO!plrnte exp nee. Collection Clerk Exp. 1nust be ~ood wilh de· tail & follow up. Payroll A/P Exp payroll ISO, prepare for data p1'0Co:~1ng. New• Rel1a1e Writer Exp necessary, larxe C'Qm· pany, heavy desk, good t:yp- ing, portfolio. BOB'S BIG BOY 154 E. 17th. St., C.i\1. ReSla\lnl.O( BUSBOYS For Week-ends APPLY IN PERSON REUBEN E. LEE 151 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach Restaurant: Experienced :Ir \VAITRESSES * COOK Apply in J>(lrson, Cottage Col- lee Shop, 562 \V. 19th St., Cost11. i\!esa. Restal!rant Rcstaur11.nt : Pa.rt time help wan1ed, mature p c t s o n • $2 00 hr/ 54~9863 RESTAUltANT: Lady. lull or part time, mature. SJ per hr. 54~91363 SECOND or dinner cook. Phone -4~5446 SALE:S -Earn money v.•i1h ::c:=-o=--~-~~ I no lnvC'slment. S 11. r ah Nurses: R.N, part timeo; 7-J, Coven1ry tll'eds lull & 3-1 1, l l-7 part-lime help. No rlel; \\'e L\'l\', full time; 7~3 lr:iin. For int. ph. )45-6\00 Park Lidn Con1•alt>scent Center, 466 Fl&gi<hlp Rd. Sales ''""'" """" .,,_.,,., * Fa ntas~ic! Nt.:R S~.:s -Prlvare Oury net>iit>rl. HN'~. LVN's. All shifts. Cnll any hour &12-W55 NURSES Ncer!ed for pnvah0; r!uty. Prarical & AldC'S. l\o lie:. n1·1· All shifts nncl llvc- lr1. 1\\LJ~l have rr!'5. Call any l1r. 642~!¥.65 N U llSl:RY SC HOOL HELPER REPLY BOX r '16J, DAILY PILOT NURSES Aides. Exp'd . AJI shill~. Inq. per.ionnel dept. Jl<Jni:: J\.len1 . llosp. i1 the \\'Ord lnr !his national company's new program for Soulhern Cal ifom fa? \Ve 11.:>ed -Dim:tffi\ITORS -i\-IANAGERS -SALESMEN -SALE~WOi\!EN -REPRESENTATIVES -TRAINEES TI1ill Is a real ground noo r opportunity with a solid a uto. n1atlc elec:tror.lc: equipment f!nn that olfers POL YOPTICS, INC. "'6."50 Sec1-e1ary J\'ew!!paprr nPl"ds Pa,.t Time Secretary lo Vice ... Pre5!dent & General r.tanaxer \\'ho can take shorthand JOO 1vpn1, Jlke.'1 variety and fig- ures, type 60 \\"pm or betl~'I'. Many company benetit.s such as palcl vacation.~. ~ i c k leave. p11id mE'flkal 11.nd lire insural"l('e, cr«11t un ion. pen. sior1 plan, etc. Call the Di\!LY PILOT for 1111 llf>· poin1men!. 6'12·4321 anti ask ror !llrs. Grcrnman. ----SECRE'rARY !or busy l.'.X- eoeulive to as.'(illf In Mlt1ng up new dept. v:ilhln l\fu1u11.l funds Co. in Ncwpr. Uch arC'a. Top skill~. shorthond, typing & aptitude "'ith l!gures + personality -l- S1art1ng salary $•175 with benell! or stock opuon. Call 642-9.160 tor appolnr. Seely Ir to $500 Lovely 0 .C, Airport oles. ABILITIES UNLii\11TED AGF.:\'C\' ~Sil E, 17th St., Su11r ~21 Costa 1'11'&a 6·11-l·liO SECRETARY v.·an!cd ror de\'eloper. l3uilrl1ng exp. preferr e d. STANDARD PAC!t"IC CORP. 5-lli-1161 SEHVICE STATION Phllhps Pr!roleun1 Cn. l year experience I n v.·C'lding orname.ntal iron. TilAIN IN YOUR SPARE Tl~IE FOR PAY UP TO $4.21 P ER HOUR Machine Oper Tmee $3JZ BIG FLITURE "236,000 HEAVY EQUJP- Day 1'. Bl1ernoon 6hllts, !11ENT OPERATING ENGI- e!ectronlc s indust1y. NEER.<;; 111usr DE TRAIN. Computer Clerk Tmee to $550 Requb<es 2 years colle&e ai::e!g, bu~incss or rom· 11Uter systrms & good math background. ED, 196(1.70" -U.S. Dept. of Labor: Go mo!t any.1·here for top wages in heavy co11- struction, Earn \Vhile ~·ou learn -keep your pn.>Sl'!ll jo b \1•hilc preparing yoursc!J for a heller future. Start 111 Electranle1 Counterman home in spare time, 1hen gr1 to $650 f\\'O v.eeks' residenr tra1nina Requires l year experience \\'l!h t 1 e c tro n ic scorn- ponents. Skilled Factory Grotan Engra\·er .. . ...... -· .. .. $3.50 hr Arc Jieliarc \\'elder . ............... , ... $3.70 hr EJ,,ctru-ChC'rn !ll ill fl.Jach 0 1K'ra1 vr .... to $4.50 hr Tu rret Lalhr, no ~et ll!l ----···· ~2.25 up r.1a1:hinist ( Jrs lo A 1 ...•. ., ........ _ .........• to S:l hr FEMALE Fe• Paid Recpt/Secty $50Q Shnrp ty p ist, rusty shor thand ok. phones & grnl orricr or gal v.·ilh good pcn;onahty. Exec Secty $600 up Top 1iecretari>li :.kills \\'ilh l'_XJX'rlrr1cc 1n sa!r~. great chance !or gal who can deilver. Fee by oppll cont Copy Writer $750 Cl1rnt or a g r n r y ex· pcr!\'ncc wi!h lots ol zing" in your wriling . Young group wants you. Genl Office $346 Assist other girl 1\i lh lil- lng, l it e bookkeeping, phones, type 45. Bl Braidwood, Ill. No spec:. ial rcquirem<'nls to take !hilt course. Ilorh grade school ttnrl colll.•gt: grads 11,·e·ve trained arc rop _ paid OJ>l'r- ator!. Learn how to !Tad blueprints, set grade stakr~. 111ake con·t:"Ct cu1s and !ills -ho1v to ope111!e graders, scrapers, dozrrs, etc. Natio n. 11•1dc pl11ren1en1 ass1st&11Ce. This t1·ai11 ing c:1111 he your llrst srrp 10 employment In 1he Heavy Equipment Inclu~ try. i\Iuil coupon TODAY for !Lustrated folder No Obl1ga1ion. -----------NORTllWEST SCHOOJ..S, lleavy Equipment Train1ng Dc'Pt. 110-18 Box J\1-762 DaJ.ly Pilot ' . ame ••••....•....•..... , •• Address ..................... . City .............. Zip ..... . State .............. Age ...• l\care~t Phone •• , .......... . rr~. \\'ki!: from •...• to ..... Bl: A MAN GET A MA N'~ JOI OPEl~A'l'!l\G •• , OPERATORS ••• Expcrie~ In ~Ingle Med.le and overlocks. Good piece work prices, steady work. EDDY fl.10SS 140-ll LocU&l St., \Vestminster; 534-8738. OPENING ... FLOORLADY tor Garment ?.ffi:'r. Gootl pay, pcnnanent. 642-2666 HIGH Immediate Earnings 546-3050 Now hiring for S.1lary - opera ted serv1r·e sl!l!ion. Experience des1r~I. Good 11t11rlln~ 11 a la r y Jlh1~ generous comm, wllh f'XC('_IJ op p or t unities for ad- vanl::('menr. For informnl lon Brookhuntl & Adams, Hun- tington Bch. Equal porlunity employer. op-Dnk Clerk to $2.75 hr l!EAVY EQUll'!l1ENT Tra111 NO\V lo operate \'arth-moving BULLDOZ· Efl:S, BACK HOES, GRAI>- ERS, DRAG LINES, CLAi\.1 S HELLS and SCRAPERS. ·,·h• Con1truc.tlon lndu1try 11 Booming! You c:an ('l!rn tep mcooey tn lhls f8!11 moving. a ction ... packed field! KC'f'p prr~f'nl jnh and train at home in your spare Umr rollO\\'ed by Resident Training in the actual operation of hr11vy earth-moving equlpmenl und~r project conditions al our school ov.·ned f11clllt ir 5 ne:ir MIAMI, ,LORIDA. Nationwide employment as~!stnnc:e. For FREE 'In· formation fill out COUJX>n and mail today! PART-Time cleaning lady for nr1v !urn. mod. home~, not lived In for display purPQ~e.~ only. 496-1286. PBX Operators SERVICE STATION Top l.~land 1111Jei;men. Sales GOOD pay Jor exp'd. men. UNUSUAL ComM d~ M"' Shott So~. 2801 E. Coa6t Hwy. al Goldenrod. 675--0533 Opportunl'ty SERVICE"•· attoooaot, !"II time, over 21, older man 'I11e Indrpendent ~r or preferred. Apply A.M. only, Foresters have opened a Sav-J\.1or OU Co. 7th & ne1v oUice in Oranre Coun-Ocean H.B. ty. Require lnlelli1ent m11n SERVICE Sia. At t n d n' t . 25 ... S9. CoUege not nee-Exp. Apply In pe~n 2800 euary. Shou l d hive ex. w. Qi11at Hwy. N.D. per1ence In mttttng public. Oc5k CIC'rk experience or NCR 42,()1). They v.•ill v."Ork aroun<l hoWli for coUcge atudent. £!1~1'1' DMV Fomts $4ZS Good all around bkkpr v.·lth kno11• how in automo!ive. J\li~ht train brile gal in or.iv. Adv Cl.,k $450 up Experitnce In a g e n c y media & ir11fllc:, rec:pl, ex· c:!ttng people, interesting work. For prompt rC'ply \vrile to: UNIVERSAL J.IEAVY CONSTRUCTION SCHOOLS, LN<;. De nt. 120.1 Interim Per1onn.I S1rvlce 445 E. 17th St., C.M. 642-7523 PBX Answerirn1: M"rvlcc, f'X· perience p r e ferred , ef- rernoon & m ldntfl'.hl 11hlfUt, Hunt. Sch. a~a. 536-8881 Dignified life time position. SERVICE Stahun a11endant, Earning commrnc:es lmmed-exp. nee. See ?.like. 4678 Mcdlcol Typl•t $450 •P lately, ShouJJ be ln exces& _c_a_m_..,_s Dr, N.B. Jf you know what doctors or $250 v.·eckly. SE\VERS, exper1enced. Ap-lll'ed when they talk their P.O. Box 476 .,.. El Toro, Calif. 92630 i' Name .................................. _ .. ply 525 Forest Ave., Lquna langualtt' & can apell It. Telephone between 10 am • 4 Be11ch. 497-1131 MU5l be a eood typlat, Age ................................... ~ .. . Addregs ......................... -...... . Acctg Clerk to $450 Fee Neg PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR pm, Mon. thru Fri., for 1p. ISH=AM"'=Pfu=-.~~~,-. -m-,-,,~~,,.· I c:ome on In. polntment. 534-1701 or South llcemed. For tnt. ph. Peter COASt end o( the county, Chriat\11.n, The Newporte_r NCR Proof OpM' to $(35 City ................ Stale ........... . 492-8700. Inn. 6#--0340 Beaulilul place to v.'Ork, Zio ............... Phoneo ......... .. Good A/P & AI R exiierirnce for grov.·lng nm1. Xlnt "°" tcnlial! •epf, employer pay• fee •APF, applicant p ays fee •ERF, company reimbur1e1 fee Jo'or Da11y Pilot \Va nt Ads Di!l! 642-5678 APPLY !llcCrt!lor Yach! Corp. 1631 Placentia Co1!a Me&a PLANNING to move! You"l1 !Ind 11n amazln1t num~r of hon1es In torfay'1 011asltled Ads. Check lhern now. TIIE QUICKER YOU CALL, THE QUICKER YOU SJ:;LL ·s-,-,-,-P-P_l_N_G~,-7E~,-.7,, I loe.ds ol co benefi ts It yt)U ATI'ENTIO~ LOVING PAR. Sal•• V.P. to $20,000 hAVll had ex.pertenc11 with ENTS! YOUTir SPEEOi + c:ar + lncenllve + ex. iupervtsor for smllil dt>pl. NCR 405 or know how to WORKSHOP, A&es 7 to ll. -"·-. ~---,·c ~,. App.; 118 E. 16th St., c .r.t . "'"It the ""I~· ,~'"""'"" """'""" ••v-• • Y w ..... 1 v-• Lt!am to speak Wtll, enuncl- co, Oe;g'!'Cc Elt!<'tric:aJ or Ship & Recelv Clerk ateo, prow.ct. After .,, .... __ , ' k .. S•-k optt •--" SclCMe Tmu $497.fS ,~ ..,,.....,. mr . ........ 011 °" .... X1nt oppty with n1pldly grow. ~lurday1. Private or claq co. benefita. 8"ntl resume in~ Co, Fee ttlmb, Also lee Some col1e~c. 1trong on rates. 494-8295 or call Arman, 546-5410 job!i, physical science & melh. JASON BEST AOILITTES (ft't'&t chance to 11dvance & VOCAL Tech. & IOn&' lll- EmployrnrM Arency UN'LT1"11ITED AGENCY le&rn. Day & night shift teorpf't'tlltlon. Bt!glnnera thl'\J 2120 So, Main, S&nta Ana 488 E , 17lh, Sullc :r.l·I _•_d_,._oCt!d. 494-93411 all I ·----~---~-· ·---~~-----OlA.RGE ITI Cl.l'8ta ~le1a &l2-1·170ill!!!ll!!!!!!lll!!!!!!l!!!!!!!ll!!!!ll!!!!!!!~<_-~W~h~t~"~El~•~Ph~a~o~to~1:__ 3~ DAI L V PILOT Monday, Octob~1 20, lqbq Nt.&:RCHA~DISE FOR 1vi1:Kl.NAN OISE FOR SALE ANO TRADE SALE ANO TRADE Fumltvre IOOOF urnlture 8000 SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN Show Room -Floor Sample5 -F a ctory Clo5eout5 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE $389. e S pc. authentic Spanish Bdrm. set, e 96 in. quilted •ofa with 56 in. matc h ing love seat, or ch 11ir e S pc. Spanish D inette, oak t a ble top e 3 heavy Mediterranean matching table•, top dura ble e nough for Flamenco D ancing. Will sell piece!. individually. Shop F ir~tl Then See Our Unbelievable Buy~! 1001 o ther items w ith t errific saving s! Bank T e r n1s Store Charge .l\1aster Charge BankAmericard All Accepted Furniture BOOOFurniture PUBLIC NOTICE DECORATOR GETS CANCELLATION OF 18 LUXURY APARTMENTS Span ish & Me diterra n ea n Furnit ure $50,000 Inventory To Choose From BODO A DECORATOR DREAM HO USE ON DISPLAY -3 HOO MS O~' GORGEOUS S PANIS ~I FURNl1'URE (was reg. $1,295) SACRI FICE .............. $398, tern1s, mm FURNITURE 1844 Newpor t Blvd., Costa Mesa Every Night 't il 9 -W~., S at. & Sun 'til 6 MERCtlANOISE FOR MERCHANDISE FO~ PF.TS end LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ------~ TRANSPORTATION MERCHANDISE FOR SALE ANO TRADE SALE ANO TRADE SALE ANO TRADE 9510 -------1 1610 Oogs ______ a_e_2s Mini B i ke~ 9275 J_••_,p_• _______ Imported Aut~ A I S 8500 M __ ;_ .. _._w_,_n_•_•_d____ ··-----------;1·.1·.r 1'11fi l'J:,,, nver.silM pp iances 1100 porting Good• Sll.J\Y T 1 7' 9600 ~~---------' $ $ .err1rr inft" 11u11~. .:: JIP :i.1 1111 1J1~1._ 111.11.: 11111~. l!io·~,, t~· ... n !ISi P1.·s1d lu Dr, ltelrlg~1"<1lu1-s ln.rn1 PM ONE 30 It,. ~an:!lt IJ01\', WE BUY w~k AKC. A_rlorahll' h;•al!hy ~,,., . ...._, •luhh. ,'\,•11 , .. 11,1 1 11 LOTUS GE Po11. Color 'IV, hra.nd n<:'W $40 v a I u <' , g, shot~. Sl.rU 1•11 ·ll<i4~i. $!Y.l.:1J ~dS-8711. Hl:le nu .....•..•......• $1•18 s.1t-r1 hcc s:i;i. Also nn .. JO Jb $ FU RN ITURE $ ======~ ~l ay1<111'. cli·l· tlr>c·r llOV HPd \\'111g hunll·r $75 '"Ille, APPLIANCES 1H._o_.,_•_• __ , ____ S_B_30 Motorcycle\ Ca m pers 9300 9520 "ti-:l LOTUS F.lJlf'. :"tal=r ft, xlnt n111rn111.: c.und., S~'OUO Evrs '.!3&-"7!l'iJ usl'(! 30 tla.1 ~ · •· •• • · ·· • • • SR9 i;at.T1f!ct S•IO. 5'1~li Color TV1-Pi•no1-S••••o1 SMALL Shetland, ch 1 Id l:'il7 llONUA. lbO ____ _ ti9 \'\\ CA~!PtJl :\111!. Vl:.lt't' lt!';u;onablc • 1 l(j..:$.1 • llCA Consol!', •·o!or 1V . $178 ON~.; ixiir ... 1 !allies ··v 1 l"lec• or Holrh Fin b k d t 1-· \Vhlrlp:iol l1n1icr11a.I i;u CASH IN JO MINUTES ro e, a~I~ gre.'"',! iJ. SCHA:-.!Bl.ER. d ' ~~" Trappeur " ski boots, si"r.f' 6 e e ~ .,...,..,~,, LIL·c. s!artt'I". SOO on:.:. uu ry r · ·-·-••• · '" · ··' _,. <Jr 61;, med 11·11h hoot rrcr . 541-4531 DUNLAP'S t:xecllcnt c:ond111on. :-HS-6.."ll~ WE PAY CASH Livestock 8840 1~~ i\11\TCHl.!·:~..; 5iwJ<·1· l SlJ Nt·1vport Blvd., C.l\I. 1-----------' S4S-7788 BllAND llf'W l>Ul'fboan! 7'!0". (;f.:110 :-;.T;unbit"l'. fu1· 11ic ,,,-0,,,,,:--0-c=c---~-1 ()nly in 11 atPr one!'. Xlf\t lur IT'S FUN TO BOARD 1••11·1:,t_ sti:1u. \\'ASIJ l-:H &. d1-y1'1·, avocado, Chrlslrnas. '."l'lS-liliO TOP !\ION!-:Y PAil) Your ho1·sr al T1\LLY HO l%7 THJU,\\PI! T·ll)J(' s12;i. !1l'lni;-!ros1 fri·e $100. for lumilure & applia nces. FAR.r.1s. Hox s!t11ls $53 p<•f :.ti!) Cl'. VL'l"Y 1•l(•;tn ~•:.o. l "rrezrr 's $(;:). 5'10-1095 Miscellaneous 8600 Call J AN IS. S!~l-181K mo. l\l cra! shadt'd rorrab JAMES l TD \\'ASHER & dryL·r. iiVfw•ado, 1-----------CNOEC.E~'Dc-cbc,;-,,c.,-. -,-,-.. -,-,~,ooo=·.I s45 Pl'!" mo, AtllOll\ollll' 11.•a-1:.~1 N· l\J/011 Blvd 61'!-/Wll!l SI?;.. l{i'frJ••-li'Osl li-t<e 1100. NJ::\V gas range 57j. D1nlni;: bl . -" 64 IC'r h•rd & • lt\111!'\I dt1.1ly. ----~--c-~ ... l"f''1SOna y prlC<."'U. 4-4687 11;' OICL'CS Jwhr··tl ll!"!'!ltl, l~IGS USA ti;10 1·1• L1.:h111111~ Dune Buggies 952$ ----- .\ILYl:.llS :"1!:11l'I: dur1•' liu::i;y $;•1:,. Htun1l'·r~. 1,.11 bar, ,kul pl:1te. 6.J.1-l!il8 t·vcs, , 11.-l(1~I --~I. \7,c,-L~'(l71(7V~.\7l~lt-­ '\ l11~T M•ll. ~2'JOO i.;;dl fih.-!S~~i fl .\! !1-11. P.'11 l)-)( }'rcct.l'I" S\iJ, :r10-1u~1.1 tah!e 6 l"hairs, china 1·ahinet ,., 1 '" 1 1 1 $rib. 10xl5 hrlbl' nylon rug & training r111i;. H1v1·1· 1ra1J a<> ·'''"1 1111 t·~ · n:!;; t· •'.i" l1h1• '!iii Coupi> flw1d.~1 .. ·r. 1lhdr111.::h1 !\lAYT1\l; Aur.1n1J!k wushrr, pricl;llng s3,;_ Set for /j-n('w M_a_c_h_;_n_•_'Yc·~•-''-· ___ B_7_0_0 1 ress. Exr1t'rt J·.ngli~h & h1-.u11I "t'IV no :-,, rat, i, .. ~. Im ported Autos 9600 blut', full IJ111·. ;111tu. ;1/<•, xlnt t'O!ld. $:i0. :.01~11672 or I I 112 ~· . .1 \Vl'Sll'J"n 1!\sll'\H'!JO!l. Ta!Jy lolut• l).10k 51.U':O :o..lt:l'1111'l" Ill'\\' 1,1tl1aJ Ill!'~. ~711HJ 11.~1,..s . _ .. pc cut ·~1)'SI"-' 6 STATION 1n:Pr1:on1 :t>ystcm AUSTIN 817-111 !) glns~l'S $30. TV tutor mast :\Ii:, llo Fa1•n1s, l7~!i2 Nc11h1,pe, ft\r SS~J-"11:!-:!KIJ l.i)i-:10~0 :"llQJ)EL GOO Kenn1ure 11·asher, xl11t conll. ~16-11672 or S\7.'1:115 /\uto s1:i. ~i_qc.cu.c•c.• ____ B:;_l'-"'10 EDISON phonograph, i;n1a!l horn ~p1.•;1krr & 1•ylind('r n•rords. 1'111. IS9ti Sl'.>D. J.IG-3177 Sewing Machines 8120 '(i9 J..:ENilTORE l'Qnso:e !'.f'\1·· 111~ n1:u·l11n(', 1\lr.d1tt'rra111'n :,lylc. Doc.•s t'\'<'ry1h1ng. fl ll ~llacli inel. 6 11111.~ old, likf' nrw 1·u1ul. $200. Ca l J ~!S.;ilS·l lX~ SINGER \1•/beaut 11•a! rnnsnlc S.: -.dg-r.;11;. i\lukc.-; hut1011 htol•'~. uvPrca.~ts. ~. 'Yr:1r ~uar. Full pri1•c $38.24 nr S.i.26 n10. ~12G-6616 Musical Inst. 8125 GIBSON ES JJ5 TD 2 pickups, long n"ck. Sohd ll()(ly, n1ah•hlcss. 6\;1-22.IG 1;:vcn1ngs ACCOIIDION ~1J Xln1. \~ Bass Ll·mar. 12 Bass Nobl~. ~HO-:l4i2 ;1ntenna. .S25. v "cc u 01 '===~";"~·~"~!~~·'~=== lt''i"f."il"~"~'~">ivo~lf11e~yA. l5'1.1co.ij!l;~,,_,_ l~lt~ THJL':'l!J •11 :. ~.717c7c7. 7~71,c,, 1-----------I c1,,~.;;0--;;71,c,,c.,"c.0c,c,,-1c,•o.-,o.1c,-::,111. > t''I ,\\':-.°'l'J'IJ .\Ill I' I" I(' <I , cleaner :S~'O. Ant1qu1!~ & TRANSPORTATION 1·un1J. :;,ooo rnl ~-,Hl. new !ires. $~JO I 1 r rn • • • .-"'.~,,11,· ,.. .,111 .. 111 .. 11,·. 1,,w n11Jr·s. ;lli9J. 1, •1-2 n1any n1orc. 433 Belco \\lay, FREE TO YOU ""' ti~-. :i ('\c.<. .Nil. "·"'l?N• Bo1t• & Y1cht1 9000 -.,.--,.,-1;; ,_1\'•l~ ;,fll•r 7 Pl\\ . ..,...,... _, ·i;:j YA,\IAllA 1~:. ~·r;1111hl··r I==--=~~-.-:====== *AUCTION* l r you 11·111 st>ll or huy s.;11·<' \\'1ndy a 1ry Aut·t1011s F nday 7:3(J p.m. Windy 's Auction Barn Behind Tony·!> Blclg. J\olat'I. 20751 ~ Nc1vpon, CM 5-1ih~GS6 ;,2 JNTf'~RN AT I ON1\L 111i.:ku11. enn1men•ial liccosc $12:1. GO Da1sun Sedan, runs ;:nod, real ('ronnrny $li5. EIC't:. ironPr $l2. Tools, 1n1sr !Jf.2-'l'.157. 10079 San Pablo Ct, 1-·.v. BE:A UT fr UI. na1ural n1i11k ~lolt', SCil/"I S.; bnx hal, It) like new condit1nn. \Vcstn1o r land sterling .<:l'1v1cc for 6. orchard pal· trrn • is Of>l''l {or hie. Satn licc pncrs. Colonel \Vinr. &16-00-ll KI NG Sizr llf'd $100. t ~1uoc buggy astro r in1 l.t. tin' S20. l\lakaha :-.urfboat,1 ~ '1 0. Go-Carl $2:>_ 221:,.c Canyon Dr. C:-.L 6-12-9;).11 '"CB J 1 '6> G' oc·~"R C , t. t," •. lillO 1111k•s. B~·st uffi•r. l.'.all nr1 asscl( lourlrl. f<'n1a I', u.~.-,. .. u., J•~ yrs ln·t·ulor. JovC's Inbuard-0u1Ward. 120 !l"Icrc. ;ifl('r i· 67.""1-G~1t:!. l"hllrlr('rl. Perle1·t pt:!. nl'1'il.~ Cruiser 11·itJ1 pcwf'r jet & ====-~=--===== fC'n<'i'J yard. !\<lull~ only t·all power trim. Full cover. Auto Services pl!'aSe. :-11\.-86:!.'l 10121 J{eady to rujoy. A I! & P arts 9400 111alnte;iance rcC()rds. ll••••·-··-.-•••• -•• PSYCllEUELIC •·;i t. h1nny Ol''llC'.r. !{I 6-.ol·M•l girl-bitithrr, bh"' cycs, 1--""'""'"°"'""""""~--I 11h11r.v _ 11a11t honle~. llOAT \\',\NTEU ::i::G-n79 10121 Private par1y. ::o tu l i' ·r.s ATTJ::NTION~ ~ k 1 t clean, 11·atl'l' rcarly, . no b r , , 1 h e r s , ll('~d ~1~~~ dl'alcrs plc~se, To SJ0,000. Togt'!hr r, Use Jltll'r hox. P l10nc 5'IG--9"11 ;,.1!)-.U!4ti l(l/22 8 J\·IAN \Vu1sluw life ra il 11 1lh cnJTying bag. '1 _yrs 1J!d. Nt1\'C J" bcr n u.,rd. C"hri:kt•d annually. $2."o(). !"i7::-f,i;,;;:, !JC:flCIJ Auto Supply Wholesale P1 'l('f'S 1,, ,\11 ComplL'l1• ~11\\:hll1<' ;.>li!'fl ~l'Er:u ECll'll ',\l!· .. \"l' llEBUILT E.\lC J Nl~:i AUSTIN HEALEY AUSTIN AMERICA S J•'. S...1'\'i•·1•, Parts i1UUll'fil1111• IJ»llVCt)' ,\ll r.lockls Jlctuport · · Jhuports :1 lrJ() IV. C1Ja~t l!wy., N.B. ti t!-'.11ri:, rl'lo.111;.i .\11l hn1·i1.t·tl i\lr; Draler ·1,:~ Au~r1n llC';iley Sp1•1\C' Ex. L1\l3ll1\DOR 1nlx JIUfl]lics ! hl:ic~. :l ll'hi1<'. 1 h1~1wn. All 1rant 1'11lldrcn to 11Jay 11·l1h. !lfi8-7!J:l~I 10/22 160 hp Yonl ln1f·rCC'plor <'011d , $800. ·l9-l·;13.J2, alter 0 11'..':, Vl\'tona, C'.\! :-11.~-c-,·,o •I P,\I BEAUTIFUL l\la!c Sia111csc II • nuu1y r x1rai;. must 1~::!11 U1•1u·h Hl1-d. llH ~li-llJ91 -~~~~-c-~~.,-sell! $2~:i0. Call alt ~ P ill t 't)ll :-,a h· l:l.1:.J 1\us l1n l!eulcy 4lo1ncstica1cd, lrash !rained. • OPEN 7 Di\ YS * r~~n10 ~Jll"lt(·, Bn1. !<;11·111;: i:.:1·11 &. lo a<lulls only. J\lov\ni; and 1'8,-sf'AR/.V-~;Tj;;;!J l!!l!l'llJl••!!lllll!!l'•lll!!!!!!! I cnlrl. Sli:l(l. -111J...00"2S ennoo! takr hiln with ml".118' SEARAY Trih u !J ... ~ =========== £..lti-9.~ 10120 lnboarc.l /Oulboa1'1l. Lik e Meguiar C ar Wax --- tK'\V s:r..oo. s-1r ... m:J. :-=r.r .. ·1;11 eo1nr>1·tu1vn ,.,.r 1'"-"· DATSUN FOUND K a.bonrlo11cd k\ltl'ns, ·1·1 1 I I I ·r PFDAL ho' !125 F t -ir ~·st or '111"1' · .. ~­ flO\\" all ht>al!hy & n1ust find ~ . .at · un ' {':\ Na tiona l Speed Cen ter hu~cs. Pli·asr h('][l -11·e"\'<' er~ise.rrl l-6~!.,:;.i;cratl'd or 2110 s. lla1·tiur. 1·.1 .... 1.1 :'IJ.·~a had a ru!f start! 4!1-1-1:126 <tut K1<1 . ,,,..,.,._, lil!i-61!.lt.l Oprn ·u1 !l. b ,111 Sal 101.lfl * * :l.1' ALBATROSS, 11111..,I . c-c==oo-.,--cc--6 KITTENS, 1 J Stan1csc. sf'll S!IOO. 1 r llUNABOUT, Trailer T ravel 91'125 ORANGE COUNTY'S NO. I DATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN MG :\IL: S:ol!'..;, s..~r\ 11-c, P;11•1s lin111r1ha h• Dclivl'I")", All illod~·Js J1ctuport ~111ports 3100 \\', Coast Jl11•y, N.B. G !1·9-l(r, J~().176·1 A11!honzt·rl i\!G Deuh·r ·:,1 TO Cla~s1e. i\rw 11Hc1•1.,1·. llrw r.1T1·~. l 'IP11~e t:<J.l l, r11nke ntf,.r. ;,1,\-:1:1.~1 MGB !\JUST S.-\J "IH :"llCB. OPEL '60 OPEL S!;i. 11·a;:., r;oo . Lx. 1111., J.:OUtl 1'1111<1. r.u11~ 11 r li, 'l~r.1-:\7·1~, •191-~1~1 Joss & E-MPLOYMENT Furniture 8000 P ianos & Orga ns SIJO KIHBY Va1·uun1 1:1cant>r 11.·11h nl!at:h & pol is her. Xlnt C(lnrl & guaranteed. Pay off bal or $:l9.li7 or lake over pymnts. C.:rr1111 1lrpt 5.1:"t-7:!il!l Nl'rd t;QO<t hon1f'S. \\'ill n1us1 scll $22:>. 6-lj,..l02!i 1----'------- 1\('l1vcr , 8 '17 -7 33 0 or Jj" TRAVFL 1l·.11J 1'1", JSS35 r.eaeh Blvcl. 1 runtit1g lon BE'ach S 12· ii~\ or 5,10-114.J.2 PORSCHE Schools-Instruction 7600 ,JOIN TllF: Fll:~Lll \\"IT/I A FUTURE! Age/education 110 llr ~Th:r! L(>t 11s help you r11rnlify. INNKEEPERS INSTITUTE INTERNATIONAL tl!otcl//lotcl/ Apt l\1g1111 Sehl A DIVISION Oi'~ ANTHONY SCllOOLS 1717 ~-BROOKllUR~'"T ANA!!Ell\1, CALIFORNIA O asS!'s 101111 every \\·rek PHONE FOR ,\PPT. Ask fnr Be!!y 77&-5.1100 LEARN TO BE AN AUCTIONEER T rrm 1">l ar1~ S'Y!n. \\'ESf-BE~ :"C.1!00L OF AUCT1 0NEEHl1"r. Enrollmrnt litrrature frrr. Bonded arnl l't'rt1flrr11nstn11·. tors. Opportunity for the handica.ppcd. PO Rn~ 3!?21. Anaheim, Ca\lf, :1<'80.1; or !TI4• 6."\S.~JOOO. TYPl."1'$: Larn rnor~ learn ~ITST F..· C'on1poscr. C1ll &12-5792 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE Furnitur e 8000 17 Pc. Kin9 Size Bedroom [..(l.ri:;r 9 dr,i.wcr r]rr.<:s<'r, n1ir- ror. 2 h1•d s1rle stands, king ~1zr l1rar!b...,1n1. fra111c, 'lt1i!r. erl ma11re~s. shccts, blat1k· els, "'"· Chnirr .,r Spiin1~h nr ).l ()fh rn Srylr All For $249 No dnun ]'1111~ 1o11ly $~1 mo. WELK'S WAREHOUSE ------- OVER -STOCKED MUST SELL! f\'r111 9 pc. corrwr fllTJng. chou•p or £·1rs. reg. S2JO, now $159.50 , f\'c\v toi .. cl.~: Kin;: $!}9.5(1, QUCPllS ~~9.:,0, Full $49.50, 'f\1'!11S S:l9.511. f111ly i::uarn. l\in~ ~z .~prrads. S13.95 II. sz. S9.9j. J!l'1Hlhrds: Kings. :S!5, Qurt>ns S12.:'i0. Full SIO.:,O, Twins :S~.9.1. Trundle .~t·rs Cduo r1srrJ \\'/ innrr .<:pring nia!!. rrr:. :Slfl6. no\v $79.50. !\ .. ~. Sfll"fl.<: SlJ.99, ~}-flC. Span I;fl. 5219, K . .<:. '"'1- ,.,.., spn"'ad.c: 549.~.0. Caoopy hr1I~ /'f'f;' $119.JQ, m11• $1!9.fi<J. Full ~z. slrrp • sofa reg. $239.:.0, l1011· SJ69 ~. Ch11st- m;1s la.v-a,1·a~·.c: now, SJ ESTA SLF:t:P SHOP. 1927 ll:1rhot Rlvd., L7'1 f.!5-:!760 dally 1(). !! Sr1t-Sun J().6. i\IOVED rn 1<111<1lll'r lor11111•: llll!Sl srll-6 pc l":l!1d n1nplr ~lrn1 1w1n Bl\. :-rt en11111I. l Trundle hcd-rnrl;il h·~1n1i\ 1•11s1on1 cov1·r. l'Cirl. 11·;1111111 linr. Hoff111an 21" 1·011:-.oli• TV Tn11011c 1~" pot·t. TV. All xnlt cond. f:i-19-0719. Ll l..:E nP11' n;iu~. f'lub <.:hr & h:1ssoi·k :S·lfl. 1\1 a 1 c h i n g r rrdrntn lan1p tahlr an1H]IH' 11 h11r :s:r1. i;:· Jo.11:.sr h:1d1 :-.rila. nct'.:ds rccovenni; $2:>. fi i-,-601!11 FOR:'llAL Early An1i·n('a11 r!1n1ni:: lahlr, fi 1·h.11ri;; hirch1100rl & Tho n1 a s 111;1kr. hkc 1!e11·, :,l .. Hi9.).1. s ! 7 j. ~l,\PLf'.: Uflt)Ql<;ll'r<'d rOCk<'r . s~~-t:s('cl llo(po1n1 "'[I· r "rrnn(' l'••ln1; s~:i. 'rlw Far·!ury, rrlfYl.111~ ----\1 (1.'\ 111 n, n111•·s1.n 1~ £00 \\" ~1 !1 :'t, <:;.,nt,, Ann "l'~•n-.h 1· .. 11 .... lr. f\1.,1ntr,l11 1 •r• n ll.1111' :1 -f1 1• .. 1•1r TV, :-itill 111 , .. ,,. f11r I---'-'-'-'-'-·'-'-"-' _1_1·_r. __ 1 •1111• Ii .. ,,Ir., 111 '.i.1f>."!ll~<l ES PANO 'L IN QUA LITY l~,\13\" ··111. 511. Hni'h1nt; h"r'"" S.l H1i.:I• 1·h.11r $Ii 11·~11\r-r ~2. Tricyt:lc ~~. Model Home F urniture S;;,·1ng,; lo ~5";. \"r ry ea~.Y f1n11nr:1ng. :; romplPtl" r1Y11n~ nf 11erora1ors ~!.VIC[I ~1't1n1~h Jurn1!urc. C'ln:i1sllni:: ol 111» farnoHS custn1n rpialily l\la- drid hvir1g room ~rnup, The orig"1na! El r'rr~id1•n1,. ,spar- ious n1astrr k111i: srlc b1'<f· roon1 suirc and 1hr 11u1hrnt1c La Paz \\"J"OugJ,l U'On dine11e sets. Lin111cd stock -SIRS. Har:-:ilton Sho1rroom. 59'JS \Veslminsl('r Ave, \Vcstm1ns- fer. $194-4434 ·.11 ~~62ti -------.JAl1L ¥ilk ct1"1on1 ~of;i.. lli Fr•·!" 1·2 fl<' Cns1 SltiOO ,\i,\l•;I·: fJrFEH. li?J .. ;;:i.~u. <.,ll1al!ly k1n1?; hed-<1u1Hl·tl. Co111 ph.:!r-11nusc.d $105, '1or1h S"iZiil ..\!t :-i l.· \\knrls f:.J.!-1;;1:16 Office Furniture 8010 STEEL }·111nc c"11hinct. 1 1lrawer. legal i.1lf', lull :o;uspenMnn. S:.O. ~l--631J Office Equipment 8011 TYPE\\'RITf.H, ;utd. ma,.h., r11lcul11tor, Vf'ry reasonable. Xlnt ,...,nrt . 1'9~·2·12:1 FACTORY CLEARANCE I Fllc:ln1y orrl•'rs cl,.a1·a11r(' of ;ill ov1·r11i::c, tl('111on~u·,.tors, noor 111odrls. ~1ud1u ,i:, re. 1Lirnt'd P1;111u~ .~ Oq.:ans. Heal ~il '-'111)::S \Ip to :lG'~·. E vcryth111g g11<U 'LJl1h'f'tl llkc llt'lv. $;lie Jin11tcd !'1 ~pcc1fit: .~lork • so hurry~ No n1on,..y <l•)•lll OAC, 3 ~r.irs to pay. This grr;1t ~ale •Jnly al: \\"1\HD'S l.':l\LO\\l[N !',Vl"UDIO lSHI Nc11·1x111. C r.l. &12·S~8 J Op,•n E1•r1-y N1lr & Sunday Afh rrl•lfln .., l'lflNO HE'.'\TAL :-.1·1·:CIAL/STS Nn l1n1r l1rn11. f!t>fl laf 01ppl1cs 111 p11rchn~r 111llun a yt•ar. f\I·:\\' t.· U~ED /'l,\~(IS & Ol!GA.VS . Rest •!<•;its in Or;i11gc Counry. \le Ink<" 1radrs. P..'lnl.: l<'rn1~. Opl..'n r.lon &-Fri 1•1·rs, ~un 12 to t llA:"l1:'110:"l"l iri f'Ol~(!NA DEL :'>li\fl. 1.~:1 1 E. roa~l ll11·y. ()7J .. ~•l30 L'P-TO-OATL i"lothrs s i 11112 & l3/1 •1. Better rrual. r11sual & Io1mal. Tustin x:~I!-7:11 6 GIBSON ES JJ5 TD :.! p1(•kurs. long nrck. &ilitl 1~¥1y, 1n:t1i·h.l··ss. 6-13·22-lt) Evrnlng~ Sl~\\'JNG ma(·h, & ch<i1r, 11a1in _grill, upright )llano, 11pni.:ht lrceii.:r t.: 1n1st. :,31>-l!iS::. 1i01 Park !'!, H.B. CR.At,.S,\1AN lablt' saw, 1·x- 1 1·n~1on IOp. l J! 1nulor, n1cral stand ·! plan"r .V 111fl101", all for $Hi~•. 516-tll::'.I CAHPET lnstal!Pr ha ~ "llC roll, ;J\"()(•11do nylon 1·arpf't, 1louble Jutc-backl'd. \\liJl .~I'll all or part S3/yanl. ;~\0-7243 OLYMPIC TV Console sten.~ A:"ll1 Ftll. Wv.Tey Organ w/ IJl"•rl('h. Both Xlut, sac'. ~16!-~~19:> }Jl,\j\;QS Ii.. 11!{C;1\NS' CllOSS lop Ile frig,, l\J::IV &, L"Sl::D ;1ulOn1a1ic dcfrosl. t.:xc. $6.-1. e Ya n1aha P1anns .t Organs Thi:! House in Back 41j E. • Tho111as 01').:;uis \ lj1h. &12-57·11. • i..:1n1h;1U Pianos -occ,7,.71,c.1-1c,c,.c0c,.ch-,-,c1ci;cu,c-- • J..:ohlr,. .~· Can1 ph!•ll ll)l11ns $!.!)'.) yd. Shagl' COA ST MUSIC frorn S:l.:l{I up + 111y labor, NE\VPOHT & ll1\HHOR !Klr per yard. ~-6!110 Cn~!H '!"~" • 61'.!·"~··I ., , . ..., .....,~ QUl'.:f':N flnrn.! sofa S\25: fl[)!'" J().f, Fri 11').!J Sun 12-5 .~t1nla111p $7.0; ~1\vcr p/aTcd SA VE $300-1f'a &. collt•e scr\·1cc ~- l nlroduc. lory Offer ~)l6-28l :i. 41 "' \\",ilnu1 Cnn"J'.c P111no ANTIQUE •I hl lf' d('~k. $1:>. l,111111•'il riun1h••r .... SG9.', Child"!! r('d\\oocl pirn1r ~<'1 GOULD MUSIC !bc'nc'h .t.: 1;11ili.·1 sin i;1~::>~'l:r1 ·,i;.n;.~l \\"EING1\RU "JI.' 1·.,lor an- '"nn;1. ::o· rna!>l \\tU1 ro1or :'OJ.) N, :'>l.1111. ~ \ llA:\1:'>10~0 • Stc.1111\ay . Ya· n1aha • ncw ,t, u~rd pianos 111 all 1n;1k('S. ~('St bU}S Jn So f'.illf, 1 1~li1 hrn•. SCIL\llDT ~Jl",'ilC CO., 1~17 :\. :"11.1111, ~an111 flna -,.,c.l<clc,1c; -llf~l;,\;'\ CcL-~c,.oqc;.-,­ .'.\]{1nrlay nil "~ I .~ . :': ,;n pn1 GOULD MU SIC CO. :.!01."1 j>; ~!11111. ~ .\, 1'11!\l,\TJ·: J~T,~/\\ !'~ "J'U BU\" l 'IA/\O r<;" rAs!t. ~.i21~11, .~--~ Cl;1rk upr11.:h1 r innn \\llh b('l\("h $\:ill. ;,10-.1177 Radio 8200 ------SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Gan1hlc -r ounrl -Bogus - Hl rach -HANG UP An old tl"ilb: llr had thr<'C' phnnr.~ 1n~1alil'd . .<:o h(' r;1n HA/'f; UP flt\ n1orr fll 'Op\i• s·.o. Ii !-.. '.,12ff• SC-lll-\"!:'\-,-11c11~dc.>c. ~-,-,,.c1 , ~10·· .~· 1 t)f'I.\ "~'ti"', ~10 racn. f'a!\ fiC-...'.L'O.l. (,,!11,do!y l.111i;: IX>li-'"1llll!('1I C•1n1µlrl\•-11nusrd ~10;). 11nrtli S2:~1 1\lt;, & 11kn•l•· ~1'~-6.-.~i. n1 IYS ,'i!il\(!L1.v hlht' S~(l. Cnn'>QI•' .<:!o'rro 111 C111XI •.'1Jll· '111 l•ll\ \:~i. ti 11).(~~,f!.~ i71'!tl( ~ !'!" HCA t "r"rl.f'r :';,j~,. Bedroorn ~('!, S:.O. Call lur Hfl[ll. ~l~fi.19·11 ClllLDCJ.:,\~-r. T!lC" !101v ~­ \Vhy L1hrilr)'. :? lhru 10 ,)TS $7:'!. Like new &H-Hi!8 l!O:\'IE:'l\1\0l:: r!ln1p.'1" shell fts l\' hrd, r ah hra;h1 ~1 11 UJ· <fO\\"S, 52.i. ~i2-70J:'> POOL T ADLE & ping 1op. $125. Call 6·\.'r 102S 6" TIKI rar\·f'd Crnn1 Pa I m ll'f'<'. SN. 1110 Car11 on, S.A. ~·10-J177 i\IJ NK Stoic -lourn1ahn". lnlly \f'l 0111. P c r f<"C l ! Sacril icc ~ 642-2267 ~~l~'.lOll"l 10/2! Sailboats 9010 Nnrth11·!'~1 C'"'rh, 1ww ,.,,11d, 2 LONG haU"('d blk k1111::ns, :.! OcnlQ $17;,Q _ Li scd S1350 ;:rlly, 1 lilk/wh1. ! gry/wht. 14' Q "[J;iy i.:~!'.:(I. •• ,5;,00 Rox trnd ,i:, hshrkn. 1 11•ks. Fun Zone B!laL Co. BulliOa ::il1•('p'i i-:. ti 1110~. 11lll. T,1k1' n1·<'r Jl".vnu•111 .... li 1 .... u!l~·I; /:td E 1•1111 I 'I, ,\p! I~. C\( nlrL 96~7952. 10!22 Cyn!hia GllEATF.ST ol 1':1t'LT:-> 2~'7" T;~cks 9500 Dr. !!H l0/2l S!nr :;;h)llp m\J<I 2J~. 3~1·1----------­ FIU·.'."E to 11ual. t10111r. Bea111. 111;1.sl. like nl!.w. Sai.:. S2;JOO. AKC, n1ed. s1t.l' hro"'n n1al1~ J3-1-070 1 l.l 0 x Ir . 1\ 11 fl h 0 I ~. p-~EONOCC.UCIONc--.,clclboc.-.,c,~,-,~,,. 84r ... :i~1s 10121 l'HI::"IT\L \' n1ar)u'OI pl ayful Jahhy ki11('11~. tl\'r1t good hon1r 7 11 ks. ")ii. box 1r;11n· ed. call G·l2-t6n.l 10111 \\"/sail & trailer. Top COil· ditlon $42~. 83l-S:>ns HOBIE-CAT-SliiOO • '1fH.()l~7 • SABOTS 6 t'luHy k11!rns, all rolurs, :!1 ~ New 1111·! sail. 5~49. £1.')-fl?..'2 111on1hs nld. 1ih1yful &I ~======== hr•ahliy ~J6S.:JGOo 10!20 Power Cruisers 9020 SHOHT tuur lull gm11n ~1l1cl , ., . '69 DODGE 'h TON Sweptline Pickup B1i:: 6 •·yl11'tlli'r •·11i::111", .~t;111d. ;u~I 11·:111~1111.'""11 Or11' oolv -[)1·11· .. 1! ho1111:. 1\"u 1 IG7· 0'.11.HGJ. l'!>rrl. S2077 SADDLEBACK DODGE 547-9381 hlal"k ral., , ic. Eusthlu11. CRUIZON 16 Cabin rru1~,..r oodll~I 1 mr N T11-.11r1. S;i11t;i l\n,1 &14-1:.!17 10/20 11· "" s, molor & lrlr. :ji:kiQ. 5--L'i-4J88 Fl"'l!ll ~''"'l lfll"I Fr• 1·11ny - GIV£ a k11ten a h(ln1l'? Cul (', \r('st <Jn li1h St. Turn h•ft playful, hou~t·hrokcn, n1alr. Spffd-Ski Boits 90JO on N. Tus1111. '69 DATSUN r:1i:: •l-dr :-:~·rf<ill. l-~pJ_ Dir., nulio, 11• ;d l•I', 1:1111, rnilf'~. \Viii ~1~1·1·11ocr: TLJk" oldrr 11·.ul1·. C:1U l'h1l, !~-1{1771. :. 1:-..r,G:n_ Z\VJo::i. ENGLISH FORD ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORO DEALER SALES· SERVICE '69 I110 DELS l1nmedr;1lc delivery L\llG!'.: SEL£CJ"ION Theodore ROBINS FORD :!060 Harbor Blvd. Costa :.1esa 642..0010 a:RJ-:l l:il;i f'\'rs. 10120 ·-'Ii!) Chrvy 1 ~J.11;-J~. 4 Kt1cns, ~, S1a111i'Se, li~cr 12 r.r s1..:1 -bu.Lt. Ain•'rlC"i!tl II !lh !'(1111))1'1' "I\< 11, ,\i.:', f'll f "'""".".'=::'~~~~~~ slrip[l('rl. 6 1\·ks. o 1 d . Trailf'f, .'.t> It l':\'11ln1•!r s11•<'1·111~. ,.111 .. !ra"~. p1• r ~!~!)Sil J!l/20 n1otor .t a{'(·r~snric.s, ~:l.':i hnil•·~~. \I-~ r•n;.;, 1\1!1111. 1;,1(11) I I !11krs ;_ii\. -.1µ1 ~~1 n1il.-• s::l1Hi CLiTJ-; ){111rn.<:, fl\"(' fl"'OP ... s JJ ouschrokrn. Lonk f fl r l'.lHi Ga1·w00<! n!il11y ~Jll ·rrt OUTH COAST honi". Call 11;:;...11~2 191".lll ho.1t 1011 hp Chryslrr, f11ll CAR LEASING . ~ . 11•"'-' ~·ovl·t'. Sl('al at ~700 ::m \\' f\1. !111 .1, illl ril."•·~'Pi! ONL\ w lt'ft . f;1t lov;;l~~r pup· C~ill 6!1-4919 11flf'r 5 prn --GMC-TRUC-KS--pks, ;, 11"k.<: old 121;, hi 11 t 111a 11wi1y C.;:11! fil!i-fl.t~o 10 20 B SI ' M • 9036• 01·;111c:r Cn1 1n1.v ~·""~ :111d , • · _ . , oat 1p oor1ng &·i"Vl('<' llr•;alq11;1r1"r.~. i\llNlAru.nE pl1~k rnalr kit-N!·:\V _ \".'l·ll rrn. 1ra1ncd. livt-1 n only. SIDE 11f' 101· sa i.l[)();!T, ~~-1 1' UNIVERSITY :tll!-!2 1"1. .s2.10 prr foo l. V 1~1a !)Pl OLD SMOB I LE .~~~~----~~1 Lido ~·18-HiOit 2-P/PEP.Sli\N k1!1(•n '.\-I .~~~~-~~----1 mns old. N"rd honic~ badly. JO' ~LIP avatl11hlc. 1, .. 11 ° I :,30-1;;i.~1. fi12-1:12i. ho:it only, Jj' :-..11lc·,1•· c·11<l;1 \!(·~.1 J lf•~IGIO ====c~~~~-~-1 67.'>-41!12 E:\CEPTJl)NAl.l.Y l uvf'l y ". Ten L ight Va ns k1!1('!1~. ;: n1n,. u\ol. ~c 11) OP.. '1 •111!.~ llniit ~l•I' 1•1• .! \"fl\!..-<,1,1:, "' lJi"l1.:•, !'hr1·. ;.i.ppn"i"\Hh'. 1;.1 1....ro!lQ 10111 v.•nlltl'I' P l1'<t<:1• 111!1(' Ua1l) ~<:. ,.,,.,·ll··n t 4•0111' ]''l" -.,,--l'J!n1 l'.ll\: :'II -:1~. r \: I~; 011\!'!I hn•<'JI 1111pp1c~. II •11 1•111 1nu:.1lyl·1:11·krr. ,\,.:'.!10;, M b 'I H 9200 KUSTOM MOTORS 10/'.!1 o I e omes "!I, 1.i,•l.•·1 ;-;1. c \I du-.1.J!j f.\TS arut l.1!h·n~. ht1n1,.., =~-~-.,.~--~-"' J"im u",',w, 4 ~11t 1• 111 " 1 · '' 11,intrd, : •. ~fi-Oji'.l, :1U , . ..,. ~~LL i.! 1·1!1:1 1 :-r •• 1-;-\ .. ~ 1 r:uin1111~·-:.· 10111 Cooper 1·;n.-111" "1.11:..i~~111111·, ·I"-"" S r•lv I" .i1 ~ •liil.\ t11 •·· l~:-.~rANT purr. 11 ~•·1. 11hill' TRAILER SALES 11 1 • 11\ V • 11 I I' ·ll'P''l°'l"I' i.;u,1. l1la1f, ll11tf. ,,,lwn fl11fl. "Buy f<om a man 1• " 1 1· 0>~11r;1• 11 .. •\ ~·~.1 1. i.~11 , 1 110111•"• 111•"d"d ;,'.\(i jji~ IP ~·1 h I' · I" ___ w o 1ves rn one , \\ 111\T \\"t; .'ELI.~ l .\1 111.:. t"hur 11.11111·a11 ''h1lr \\"!-: ;;-1-;H\"ICF:: •q111l ' ;~ lrr1.,i)I•· nl;;,l•·I' 'I.I (,\I(·. !'<"lll11. fl' IW\\-; 11~ .... I !"'~ .\. J1;11n!, ,\II• 1 \1 1·,111 l\'j;l-il'll 1 lro'Md :,'.\f,_'jj~f! 111/Ll :121 ·"'' 11.tl"l~·r. S:.\ll!Tl ,\'1!\ ~-~~~-----1 l~lrk S.1. •if r.ol<a :;.~1-111~G '(il J-:(·0111111111• \",,11. '\!rll 1'"1.i J\n;i ! ..,1 1,11·11' t "o;L ~il \Ill.~. FERRARI FERRARI Newport Imports Ltd. Qr. 1111t;c Coun1y's only .a uthor- 1Z!'1! dr<oler. SA LES·SEP.VICE-P ARTS jJOU \V. Coa~t Jilvy. i\"c.11 porL lil'3t'h G'1:.:!-!1·103 5·10-176·1 ,\1ilh•1l'ltrd Frrrari 0f'a.lrr FIAT pw;'\ F!,\T, 1~1 :-;rdan. lllr 11111,. 1 too 11\1, ~t~:i,,i. CJr S79J l.. T<l.1' tilf.-0 ..... 1 1;, ~ l,\T 1:11. :-pl Cpt'. r,~h. .111. 0 1;1t• 1<h<'•·I.~ ~'..'j('ij. 1'•[ ~··-'' ,., ,., JAGUAR d1 1io111 h111 111111'~ '"· ,,,-1 1.:.'i. ..,-;-;-:-~ ~,-,-,..-1 r I I \I, l!rl, C!ll1'l . J·. 1~r·· 1 -' \' ll,,1\, h);11'h !1111 I' ·11 1" ii•··· 1:.~11. .-.:.~--.u~ o 1•111 r l •'lH~Cl1111111. 1:11~:'.!l~li I'.\ J • 111"> n, Gl-:NTL~:, F"t·1sky n111lc k1 t- 1r11 ~j(~~.i\017 10 /() ----~-----~I !'1...:.rrrE:D r.1111111 1°1 gi.11>11 hon1r•. fH".1-1 1.~i BAY-HARBOR- Mobile Home Sales. _,-=,'c=, =';;="-'="'='c'===~ I KARMANN GHIA (a~a Lo1na Roll -i\\\'ay --Jeeps FHl::E rnal(' k1!lrn~. r1 r.:"r :"hcraton illanor . J/on1c!le. -~--------- n1arkrrl. :).19-1!186 10t:!l Kit. J~J"<'l'tigr. S;i.hara ·:1' l\1di1ory !~I"' I \\l1r~·l LL SI !11·11·1• 111 !np t"flnd' )'~,,, CUTE l!u/ly k111Pl\s, 11•1'anl'd i\ ZES NO\V ON DISPLllY !'<'11111 1 11hl tin,•·, h11o 11, I 9510 J111>., 1..:flH'l 1\NN t;h1T12 11,w•r ('r•111!1' J·:\c{·![<'r\t~ ~"' ;1! 1~0 11r .. ad11,1y. C .. \I. and hr111g 111••11•'1" ,".: hshrkn 5'18-6202 10121 l-l2:i llakcr St. Costa J\ol l'S sr(Lls ,\ 1 Al~fl S11f\r,1 .~1.h. PETS ind LIVESTOCK 1~ block East oi Jlai·bor Blv~. Call 616-56:17 2"!iS l'l,1t·1•11!1.1, C:ororl 1ran~porra 11on t'a.rs nr 1_; h I a S. 1%1< POf:.SC!lf'. Targa !l!2 Jt('rl, '.!9.IJIJI) n11h·~. A.\1 -]"".\J radio. :"i l(i-~.~~7 nr \!'1-1-~fi~O • l.'lli2 l'Ul{-~C'!ll-.;-­ "lillr, ;-.1111 l"Oll!i. Ail! If".\! S'..'~flo ·' l.~-511'~ $22()() f1rn1 :i lll-!i\li"~ \lhllC, >,1111 ~·nn1l. A'·l/f':\I l:lfi2. POJtSC"ll~: '61 POltSClll:: SC Con. N•·11· 1"P. l 1rt~. ,1;_ l'll!,;!lll'. bl:i-llll~J 11·1•ckcla).< .. SUNBEAM l~:i SL' NB EA 'I A 1 p in r J:{i.:11l~lrr, itlJtn :-.h1 [1 , ~l"O"l!l 1·111111 !\.~kin::;$~. !lf',l-7'lfi l TRIUMPH Tfl-l 196{1, (;00!'1 rond., Intl., rt'gular IQp, Tnnnrau top, h>OI kit, SIOO, S37-Q!li"i. 'tif• Tltll"l\1Pl l :-:11ltf1re, '\\nl 1·11nd.. 7:l()l1 l1lllf's. l'nv n11n(·r. C.11l 61l'>-:;06:i a f1 TOYOTA ---·---1 TOYOTA SPECTACULAR YEAR ENO SALE ALL MODELS )"0L1R BF:~ DJ~,\LS 1\HF. s rll .. L ,\T DEAN LEWIS ]fl{;(, !f.11·l-.1r, C \T. 616-9~0"'! BILL l\IAXEY !Tl:o]~QJ[!]~Jl 18881-BEACH-Bi: VO.- H unt. Bea ch 847-8555 .: h11 N. of r:11.1.~1111~)'. on R1·h VOLICSWAGEN '68 vw ,\r~ ',.,n11111rorn·r. 1 n"l , rHI', 1,,;1d1·ol" ! Ion•'_.' !'1·<•;1111 1"\I , ph1~h hl.11•k 1111, 'L!kr ~111.oll d•r1111 111· 1r.11!r, J.1111", ln" P.Yl1lll l~. VllF"~!IOJ.H. DIJ Krt1 .. 1~ !-9773 or :11.1-00}1 '6.1\ V\\', SJ;.oQ. 111 (';\L"l.'lleril Pit; 6i:1.:t.'i\fi '65 vw $900 Cos1.t i\lc-~;1 (il-l) j.jl).'J.liO (" 'l h1r·:l!Y rn.11••n01 I. S17'1 & $250. Dogs 1825 GREENLEAF PARK ·s'1,-"4-c,c,1c,Nc.c1-;.1c,,-,.1c,-,c,,-:,,cl,c-;d, l 'hnnt· G1:..-2G21. DIAL dircel r.1~.;,r,;s. Chan:f' GERl\IAN fihcphl'rri Al .. C, in c-Jcar. c!erln, COL>! tn~ta 11·1lh o\·rrdrt\"f', SJ !JOO. Tllt: QUICl<E'.H .. '1°·o""u"'c7A71.7"L, ~nur ;id. thr11 ~1 t l11lfk and fi46-~o-,r, 1 l!f'.: QUICKl·:J{ \"OU Sf'.:1.1, llslrrt ,., thr phonr 1"111;!' 1op quahty pupp1t'1<. 2 1nos 11.l('~. Nc11· !}2 ~11<l"r adull \=="=·='======='-'======-o============-'==-old. Xlnt papers. • pa rk. ill!>dC'ls ,r,,_ Salr~ nffL{'(' 1!.ll-1:.68. locntr11 at Park. Opl'n 9 A:'ll At\C SILKY l'UPPll-;S to 6 Pi\!. DON"T G11 e up! You 111ay find ii 11.1 Amc.rrca·a largest. most unu~ual 1111!1n1sh"d Jurn1ture storr. Cor. H<'tH1ill & Santa Ana F11')', Tustin. l mi So. or Ne1vporl f°ll"y, Ope n J62 days pe r yr. 514-5470 Garage S1tle 8022 Television --=-------nos 7 11·r('ks old la( ,~· 11'.ldy frir llAND mo"·rrs :S!l • ~10 ;i t1cw hon1r. Co111c & 5C(' ,\CT'ENT :'llOillLE HO:'ll f'.; ~ALES Rolh1111}y hed $IS. Oak !hl'in. ;,1s-1:r,7 .l T.l() \\"lu!t1rr ,\,,•. NEARLY New 1n11ple furn. New early Amrrfc.an 8" CO\Jch &. 6' hu~ch brand new. An!iquc furn, d l!thC!t & bric-a-brac. !I Ai\1 lo 6 Pr.I 962-6067 !'>IODERN gf{'r.n divan & chair. Good t."Ond . $58. P r of gold larnp!t, holh $7. The ra<"ll")f')' :>40-6R42. Rf-:1-" $?."i. Gas !<IO\'e Sll. \V11sllt't' S2(1. !..a1111 n10•.1•• r s:.. 1\l(l{). ]O\"f' iie3\ .~.1~1. Upright rrrcz('r l"<'I ~2:•. fh·lll r111: $1 0. E!rc stov<' s1;1. Thr lln11.~r 1n R;1('k of 4•lJ t::, 111h c.r.1. &12-5111 CAllPET, :sha~. hi-lo NE\V $4 sq. yd. 396 llam1Hon. C r.1. :"a turday only. Ll•a"r Color TV or Black ,{·\I t11t\'. Option to buy. Fre•• ~rrv1cr. No rlepns11 A-Al•llVl' TV Rr11\al Co. !11 :022-ll:il • u . .;;~:o TV'.~ • S \j • ~!(I. All go-""ld •'nnd1lion. C'a 11 :1.1:.i.r~n :i Hi-Fi & Ster90 1210 MODEHN d1n1•t!c, print chairs. 5 re Factnry, 5l0-6S12- flo1\·ered P IANO SlfoO. Rockl'r ~. $35. n ic ' Y'lulh hcd $10 ';ardcn tools l:w· · $1. ~a-3679 1'-IAHAN TZ 2;) r f'ce1 v c r , Bol-lk 302 8 i!ipeaker tr.ytr.tcn111, rtual 1019 l urnt11hl1'. $700 or hr~t oU-.'r. f.42-!ll!\I! L<'rore 4 P:'l1 COUCH A· matrh c hair, dhlc be-cl, f'ntl lhh1. Sacrifice~:! Ca.II 646-R:ifi2 DINING Sci. f;Ol1d v,·aJnut, 6 chairs, xln! qual ity, r.on· ll'mp:n-Rry i.t~ I<' &14-1128 USED 5 pc. :, r111qur white bdrm liCI rie\u\r, $'.l?. The r 8clory, 5-H).6.ill~ _ USED S pc. 1U111•p1r v,·hitf' hdrm set rlt!IUXf', ~'JI. The Factory, 540-6842 ~epli1~n::_ ____ 1_1 oo_ G.E. Elcc!r\c i;;tO\'I', ·whitr, flllSh hutton. r ol'Cf'd to !<rll Good CQntfillon. Reasonal)I('. TArF.; HF.COltDF~rt-Non:IL'O, 543-4070 <il!rr '1 l'i\1 l ~JX'C"(l. $7j • C<1lt %2...Jii•ll • KLN:'i!OltF; ~ns rani:" \'.!"'. 1 --~~---===~ flUI OmOll(\ ~QIYI CQnrl111on, 1•)ran s:io. &lf·-(;91!\ JRONJ't!TI:; l rorlfr, ('Pn!"r flrni. Srldnm u~erl, like !1"11 l'I;,. ;,fi7-9187 I Sporting Goods BSOO -----SL:RJ-"UOARDS !l"t' llob1c \\oor!y, 12' Qui.is:'>: T11ndem, ho!h fnr $.'i~. li73-00.~2 • chests $13. J l:>-sl:i.i Cos1a 111P~a 711. 6!i-i:::-i0 \\"E li\IARANE!t r u 11 p i r s ,_ . . .,. , PIONEER rl'.'c'I lawn 1110\\'f'f AKC, Mlots. l lrand charn-.ill . T,1ndrn1 !-;('n~k11I -·' :";.'{[. K c n m n r p rotl~~"d<" jliQn.~. To1lcl & ~holl"CJ", n1r "no!Pr, liroilcr-~rill $3:1. ~~1~1-2:13() *f11 41 R92-2·1!l• Nr1v uu·nin;:. Slrrps 1. Fil'l.'l\"'""I lor .<:ale Prrfrrt Cot1rl. Nrw pain!. ..,,,.. Al\C ll"gis!rr('rt Crr11111n &i('rilicc for 'llllr k i;-ale D1-y Eut;1Jyp!us Shepheni pups lnr sale. 1 $!:t50. Ani.:hor Trnikr PoJ'I, r)'l().9.'1:87 n1<Jlf' & I Jemalc $65.00 and Costa ~lr~a . 612-~·"'ll BATHR00:-.1 SLnk. good $10, I ol=!O=.oo~•c'="-='"'='-~-~~-1,oo=u~B~LcEo:c1=·:x-,-,-'"=1.-,~K=.,-, =r~.~ I ~ur! saver tuh. 1-rlnuhle SCHNAUZERS, i\lu1. AKC jnn. 21'.J:,,;1;1. LRrgr rarrort. 1in 1·iub >Jn "· ~)<j!l-2t:\9 P''P' SI-,.. '" I"''' Slt1<l • • n' • '' "' • porchc.<: & .:slorag(' Shl'd. '61 Dorlgc. 2 rlr $200. Val"uu1n ~l'i<'e, ,l(,~361 llhls1 sell lo ~C'ltlr rs1atr cleancr & at111rh. $35 .. Both :'lllN. Ooxie'!t . Adorable $6.7~i0. l\.111ella ;\Io h it ,. J.!il. (.i>ncl. !168-399~ 11 n·eh;i ire1!, ii 1\"ks. ff'm~lrs, Esla!rs. Sfl 114, St;1nton. \VANtEO: Brn~s l)('d fran1c, AKC, Champ. ~lk. ·l!l: .... 120.\ Call S:zR...16iO fuousonablc, S.12-3716 A DOR A At.F: j\ ti nin I 1111' 2"-;,c..llL"'L'"°"he.,.-,,1-,.c.,,.,-,-,clclc~-,-,-,.l-t. 1610 *FURNITURE & APPLIANCES WANTED! *CASH* Ca,;h in 30 minute~ for ~n.•d. u.W<I f11rni\urr, TV, i;lcrw, app\UH1Cl'.~. 547.5727 ' SCllAUZJ::P.S. Al\C Hrs;. trr tanlt $1,~00 1640 i'/('11·porl. C11ll ('\"C'S, .in:,_.1579 !'11. Nn. 3. (' \I. Pf>ODLF: P11!'!'. t111y toy & 2°"'.~Q 2''n"1"i-. C1°1a717h,c.-c,c,,-"-c"" lny, all eolon;, Al..:C, lnp a11·n1nc. f'!•ffh. Fin,..~1 (~I 11u11ll!y. ~turl !'f'r. M~ll-~719 park. f\('ftl hu>' fi tl-X".l:a. 1\l\C 1'f'~1strrrrl 1-; I' r n1 a. 11 -.~~-==~= Sll('phl'rcl rurs for .c:ulf'. \ Mini Bik e s 9275 n1ale ,r. 1 frn1a lc. l\39-59 14 r ACO 41, Rood roncl. hr.st nff,..r. 1.T i!~1ifl2 ' - ------ CAi'ICll \ ~· ;Ju~.t 21 ~Jl/1111 ()IS 17 ~~7 b0-71-81- <10 (:~ JUI! 21 .:""-'.! ... olllG, 11 S\11·2'i'-3'2-J8 .. )•1 '6·61 --- TRANSPORT A. TION Imported Autos 9600 VOLKSWAGEN YW BUGS FROM $399 549. 3001 Ext. 66 or 67 1970 HARBOR BLVD, COSTA MESA 'G:l VW, 2 ooor, 4 speed, radio, heater, beautiful red and sbarp, RUM 1·10. $1095. earl's Motor Co. Inc., 194.1 Harbor, C.M .. 642-0413. 'G7 VW bus, sundial campt'r comp w/camp111g c1xras. $2200/best of!er. B o b ~16-5835 aftPr 6 ·~ VW Sunroof, Blaupunkt AM/FM, Coco mats, mint cond! Must sell, Make oiler! 494~3 VW Squareback-New July '69. Radio, w/w. Just like new. 7700 miles. $2395. 673-8282 '66 VW Sqback $1095 0 1· trade larger car or tnick. Camper shell SllO. 83s-4237 MUST Sell '66 VW Camper fully equipt, low mi, A-!! Best oU 642-1536 eves. '68 VW Bug, stand, trans, Bend.ix AM/FM, u n d c r dash rack. 830-3719 after 5 '6.J VW Squareback. 1500 S. $975. Excellent condition. Aft 7 pm, 54!>-8139 '66 VW Snrf, beige w/blk int. R/H. Porsche rims, Xlnt cond. $1350. 548-2716 V.W .• Porsche • Mercedes eng's. & used parts, steady in stock. 642-0350. '66 VW Sedan, xlnl cone!. Orig owner-leaving country. $1050. 548-1517 ';i6 VW, engine Overhauled. Good shape. $295. ~&-4721 after 6 --~-_...,.. -·-• _....,.. ---~ --._.., -·-.. T------------·----------------~-~--------·----- Monday, Octob@r 20, 1 qoq DAILY PILOT 35 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION -~·~-~~~~- TRANSPORTATION I KANSPORTATI Uaed C1r1 Auto Leuing 9810 Used Cars 9900 Used Cars 9900 Uaed Ca r1 9900 Used Can 9900 Used Can 9900 Used Cars 9900 ·,..------------.. 1 CHRYSLER ~ LEASE ~ -,67-C-HRY-SLE_R_ '69 LTD Ford <.'Oupe, air, pwr , strg & brd.keg radio $l09 mo. 2-DOOR HARDTOP 67 VW .. .. • .. .. • • • ~9 mo. v o t · •~ t I '65 TB rd full 'd -o, au omauc, .,.c ory a r, • 1 • air, y eqp . . ... Sale pricp ......... , ii045. power s~eermg, power 11ra· '69 Cad El Do d . kes, radio & heater. ltnma-. ra 0 coupe, culate. CUDE 743) fully equipped . • $199 mo. $2295. 'b'9 Cadillac Coupe de Ville Cully equipped ••.. $169 mo. '69 Chev Camaro, pwr strg & ATLAS brakes, air .•.....• $92 mo. SOUTH COAST CAR LEASING CHRYSLER -P LYMOUTII 300 W Csl Hwy NB 645-2182 2929 HARBOR BLVD. · ' COSTA MESA 546-m4 LEASE· RENT Open Daily 'Ullo p.m. ORDER YOUR '69 CHRYSLER Wa go n , 1970 TODAY Pl~. P!B, P/W, air, lo FOR EARLIEST miles, like new. Must see to DELIVERY appreciate! 962-7657 All popular makes, Ford authorized leasing system. COMET Get Our Competitive Rates ---------- Theodore '65 COMET 404 4 Dr. R-H, p. ROBINS FORD S, 36,000 ml. Xnlt cond. 1 owner. $995. 54(}.,.1919. 2CX>O Harbor Rlvd. Costa Mesa 642-0010 CONTINENTAL CONTINENTAL '67 CONT Coupe, pert cond, Michelin llrcs. Attorney will MC'rtlic<' personal c a r . $2995. Mr. Tucker. 835-2200 \\lkdys. '69 MARK m, black, red leatht>r interior. Loaded: 838.5460 CORVmE 1967 Corvette SUngray 327 en- g i11c, factory air conrl111on. ing, pawer windows, A:Vl/FM radiv, special wheels and ures. Llc. ZS.I ·3•15. $3599 0.~,~sO~ ~,,~ !119-3031 Ext. 66 or 67 1970 HARBOR BLVO. COSTA MESA DODGE '67 DODGE DART Excellent Condition! While with vinyl top, lllr con. dltJomng, auto. trans .. pow- er steering, radio and heater. New tires, $1595. 35,000 orJ6· 1na1 miles. Call 637-1156 Original owner. FORD '66 Falcon Futura Fully laclory equippl·Lf. Dl.r. $695. Phone 642·6023 1964 FORD Futura Convert. 4 spd. Xlnt rond. One owner. 16382 SerC'nade La., Hw1t. Ilch. 842-3916 ·-:,7 F 0 R D C11nvrr11hie. n et i (I b le transporlallon. s 175. 545-20!)(). '69 FORD Country Si·dan sltllion wagon. Loadt•d t $3,()()(l fl3·l·:i290 '62 FORD Convertible. fluns good. $295. * 846-3031 * Used Cars 9900 '66 Continental Sed. Loaded, '56 CORVETTI.'.: $650 or best 1962 FORD Sta11on Wagon. xlnt cond, low mileage. oiler. Good cond. Very good condition. Best $2500. Pri. 54{}-7828 847-88:\G c•ffrr. 642-7374 MUSTANG '65 MUSTANG 2 dr., hd.top. Automatic, ra- dio, heater. !tuns Jlke new. Take foreign rar in trarlc. Will fihc pn I. prty, Dir. KC'n1 4!l4·9771, 5 l5-06:M. DCM- 7-15. '6.> MUSTANG Conver t, l'ocoa, 1irw trans.1 good con- rl1tion, one o\\ ner, $1095. li73-G070 after !i. '52 J"(JJ tD SL'.1. II!,.'.. 15" ~l1ck lires, as 1s $100. •53 Chrysler sed., mfr. rec. overhauled. Ex. run. cond. $150. 493-3158 THI-: IM'sl Muslang Grande 1!16!! !or sale by owner, 6.Jf1-~l7!r3 OLDSMOBILE '62 OLDS 88 sta. wagon, p ~. I',TI. Call • 19+1"5 I '63 OLDS Starlire, black, xlnt cond, ail' cond., new tires $700. 54!>-385ii '61 OLDS Sta \\'gn, $200. Cll'11n1 good 11·ans. Call aCter 5 PM ::..18-4776 OLDSMOBILE 1969 OLDS Cutlass-6 mo old. Orig rost $3800, sell tor S2850. &lG-5971 eves. EST ATE Sale. 69 Olds 98 2 dr. 11.T. Full power. Au &12-152.'l PLYMOUTH 'GS PLY. Signet V-8; 4 Dr. Fact. air, auto., pwr. sleer, & brks. Vinyl top. 19,000 l\11. Orig. own<'r moving abroad 111u:;l sell. 8::3-1795 Eves. PONTIAC 1968 PONTIAC Fircbird 400. ·1 speed. Power strg. power lirks. l~.000 m1, ~lS-2330 RAMBLER 19(}2 METRO. 4 c.yl, stick. 4 N<'W til'cs. $150 or best of· fer. 2133 Orange Ave ., C.M. ~18-2939 RAMDLER-'63 Classi<', r/h, rl<>an paint & int. N<'w tires s:r>O. 6-14-4919 aff 5:00 pm SOCK IT TO 'EM! STUDEBAKER '64 Studebaker Commander, nice car, needs motor work $125. 847-4538 T·BIRD '63 T-BIRD 2 dr., hd. fop, Full pwr, 011·. Factory air 1'0ndition1ng. One owne1·. ~mall down. Exe·!'!. lent comlll1u11. 49<1-9773. OKI- 4-10. '66 Custom Town Landau, full cqu1pme1ll, reclining iront sral. less than 24,000 mi. L1k<' new, original owner. S:.!3~. No trades. 67~:10!19 '67 LANDAU all pow/equip! Air am/Cm radio pow ant New h.d, ball New p/g lll'es Orig. owner Below hook Perfect rond. Ml!-3064 '59 T-Bmo, all power, R/H, xnlt <.'Ond, $2~5. *548-2918* '58 T-BffiD, gd. condition. $200 Ol' 673·5905 Cl lARGr: IT! DUNTON FORD 2240 S. MQin 546-7076 '66 MERCURY $1495 Cvclona G.T. 2 Or, H.T. VS, automatic, radio, hut- er, power •le•rin9, power braku, factory air condi- tioning, tinted 91•11. TSA 823. '6& FORD $1295 Gol. 500 XL 1 Dr. H.T. V-8, aulom otic, redio, heoter, power 1teerin9, pwr , bro~e1, foclory air co~d., while well tires, vinyl top, flnled glan. RPM 85 3 ~ 7 MU-S-TA_N_G_$-14_9_5 V.8, automatic, radio, healer, power 1turing, factory air cond., tinted gloss. TUP 391. '67 FORD $1695 Fairlane 500 2 Dr. H.T. V-8, aulomatic, redio, '68 SPORTS sedan, 13,700 huter, power &luring, mi, air, pwr., vinyl t<>i--Top New Cars 9800 New Cara 9800 New Cars 9800 New Cars 9800 New Car~ 9800New Cars 9800 whitewall tires, tinted condition. 494-3232. l~r:=============================================================~illl glau, UPS ss_s. ___ __ 11 '66 PONTIAC $1495 BUICK G.T.0 .1 Door Hardtop v.a. BIG STEAL! 1965 Buick LcSabre convert. Xnlt cone!. Low mileage. Moving-must sell quick! Best offer takes! 675-3228. BUICK Special '64. Xlnt cond. PIS, P!B, R&H. 673-&''i75 afler 5. '6fi ELECTRA CUSTOM HARDTOP. BEST OFFER. * 645-1028 * CADILLAC '69 CAD FLEETWOOD BROUGHAM 9500 miles 494-ti882 '66 CAD. Sedan DeVille; low mile., Guardian m a int. since new. $3195. Pr, Pty. 962-0319 '69 Cad 4-dr sedan Fleetwood Broughm, loaded! 1ob.Dson+ SOD automatic, radio, heater, vinyl top, tinted glau VIT LlllGDUJ C~~lD~IU1Vi!l. e 111il!:i ]]!][ • Ul!f HllllY • l~lllUI ~~~· FORD $395 That's Right!! There Is Still An Opportunity To Save Big Money On 1969 New Continenta.fs, Mercurys And Cougars. Over 20 New 1969 Cars To Choose From. Look At The Examples Below. DON'T WAIT ANY LONGER! Country Squire Wgn. 9 Pou. V-8, eulomatic, rt· dio, heater. power 1!Hr· ing, power brakes, luggage rack. PF'f 765. '67 CHEVY $1495,. Bi1c•yn• 2 Dr. V.fl, auto· matic, radio, heeler, pow· er tfHr, while wall tir11, ti11ted 9la11. VAY 734. '66 FORD $1495 I Must.ng. v.e eutometic, radio, healer, power tleer., white wall tires, tinted glou. TRU 373. '66 FORD $995 Gal. 500 4.Jr. v.a euto, radio, healer PS, PB, foe· torv air concl, '"hits w•ll tires, tinted glass. ·SHI( 128 '65 FORD $1295 '62 VW, '64 engine. mechanical Cond. 833-2315 Fine 8..'\8-:>-160 Save $911.70 Brand New 1969 Marquis Colony Park Wagon BRAND NEW T·Bird, V-8, 1uto., radio, heater, power steer, power brakes, p ow e r wi11dow1, whitewall tires, vinyl top, tinted glau. VOLVO VOLVO CLEARANCE NOW! 142. 144. 145. 164 'I1lE LOWEST PRICF.S YOUR BEST DEALS ARF. STILL AT DEAN LEWIS Hl66 Harhor, C.M. 646-9303 P1800 '65, air conrl.. 4 i;pd, w. old, r/h, i·ed/hlk lnt. 645-ll54 eve. or 6-16-UOO days VOLVO '(i7 J22 ~. 2 DR. Sedan. Grern. Auto w/ A/C. X1nt cond. Pn prfy. 536-7432 Antiques, Classics 961 S ·~17 Morgan + 4, excellent cone!. $1600. ~·12·3Il6 alt 5, aJl day wkencls. 1931 OE SOTO Call 549-1571 1930 FORD Model A Roadster fully r e !> I n r P d , mint cond. S26<Xl. 5-IS· IZi 1 Autos Wanted 9700 WE PAY ••• CASH for used can & trucks just call us for free estimate. GROTH CHEVROlfT Ask for Sales M;tnager 1S2ll Bearh Blvd. Huntington Beach KI S-3-Ul WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Dlvd. Costa Mesa 5'1~1200 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR ror good. clean used cars, all makes. See George Ray Theodore Robins Ford 2000 Harbor Blvd. C.M. 642--00lO IMPORTS WANTED Orange C'.ounties TOP S BUYER BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Ft Beach. Ph. 847-8555 Will Buy Your Volkswagen or Porsche & pay top dollnn. Pa1d for or not. Call Rnlpb 673-0900 Auto Leasing 9810 LEASE ANY MAKE OR MODEL U-t 011r \f•11s1• rxpcrts show you the hcs1 plan for yn11r personal neecls without obli- ganon. UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE 28j() IJ;i rhor nlvd. CMla 1\11",1 ~~0.!lfl'IO '50 CAD. Ex. runner, funny paint, good Ures, $185 cash. 49'1-1891 '6!1 CAD Sedan de Ville. All extras! Low mileage. Ex- cellent buy! 644-2952 CAMARO 'fi!J Camaro Z28 BiU Thomas Susp., Koni's, polygla~. roll bar, Comp. hello; + more. 12,000 mi. Nl'vcr raced, but ready. S3395. 673-5653 CHEVROLET '57 Chev. !Sta. Wgn. Bei Air, 4 Dr. Very good cond. Rebuilt 283 engint!, new tires, new trans.. power steering, pawer brakes, auto trans. Must sec to appreciate. Rea. sonably pricC'd at $450. Can 847·7187 '66 CHEVROLET Caprice. One owner car with only 2.J,OOo miles, has all pawer + air cond.itioning. Absolutely the cleanest one in town. Jim Slemons M e r c e d e s Benz, 120 W. Warner, Santa Ana, 546-4114 l!fa~ CHEVROLET Stalion wagon. Original. f' owe r steering, power br a k es , au t om a tic transmission. Private party. CaJI after 6 01· ~1 & Sun. !168-53-18 '61 Chevy Impala Convert rhlt cng, loaded, cllr, take fnrPign r ar in t r a d e . :'\''Z7:1fi ·1'l l !Ji71 fi:1 t:\ll'ALA :: ~flUl w;ignn. A11 , ek. High m1lcac:r, xlnt n1nn111~. .1\lAKE OFFER. %2-0046 'G:> Chevy lmpala 2 Dr. Good cnnd. Auto, V-8, $1200. 675-6578 '6~ CJ\MARO 327 R.S. PIS. RIH. Auto. 281 Knox St., CM 613-29!11 eves. Will trade. '62 4 Dr. Chevy Impala. P/s, P/b. Radial tires. Xlnt cond. $650 548-2654 'fi6 Chevy Impala, air, R&H, PIS. Good Cond. S14:JO ~140-1337 '60 IMPALA 4 ctr. llT, V-8, auto., ps/pb. R&H, pvt pty. $275. 548-4211 '57 CHE:V 2 dr, xlnt mech. cond. $325. Rill, slick shift, ~>-15-7:\!'16 '61 CHEV Wagon, autom, V- il, R&ll, TJOll'cr. Good cond! $j()(). fi.16--6<1·16 I NEED somrbody lo love 'fil 1mpala convl, fine run- ning rond. $200. 673-3762. '56 CHEVY Station Wgn. $100. 646-2911 after ~ pm 1959 CHEVY E l Camino, new 283 engine & transmission. $39':5. 675-22ti6 'ti4 IMPALA conv. auto. 1'/S. P./II, Good cond. $350. 646-7993 CHRYSLER '64 CHRYSLER New Yorker, "'h1 tc G p1111s wgn. a/c, lug. 5-A T CLOSE00UT PRICE-5 '69 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL EXECUTIVE SEDAN WITH VERY LOW MILES Med ium gree., metallic with leeth~r interior, vinyl roof. belted w/woll1, power ve nt wi,,dow1, 6 way •eat, !.I t wheal, auto., temp. air, AM.FM r•• dio, lint glau, power door loch. Windshield slicker price $ 780 I.IO. Stock No. f 176. Ser. No. 9Y82A88 f 9· 3 S. NOW 56268.00. THIS CAR IS PRICED $1533°0 LESS THAN ORIGINAL WINDSHIELD l'RICE 5 Mor• Exe<utlv• Contln1nt1l1 To Chooae From 1• Huge Saving• • • CONTINENTAL '69 CONTINENTAL , Or-hardltio. Ar~ •1c. white t1rH\h wdh d H\ ivy green terl'ntr 1nl,..nor & lAncti11u rno1 F11 v tuv vry pnwrr-f'QUtppet.l, lilt ~fP.ertnQ wheel, tOC.fOry air condtilOOln\I. e!~. XSS .S03 $5995 '68 CONTINENTAL COUPE Ml!dlum furquni~e metallic finish wllh matching Interior. blA<o landdU root. L11>1ury equipped. Comp"l•IV 1111 'l••r whet!, 1ac1orv air, power door locks, ~IC. ZVP 716 $4495 1968 CONTINENTAL • door lll!d~n. l\lfrMtlve l•Qhl chro""' vellow wl!h black leather interior a11d tand~u roof. Full power ~u1pped, raclorv acr, c!c. WXF 335. $4795 '67 CONTINENTAL A Ooor Sedan. Beeulltul Huron blue mtlelllc finish wi!l1 mnlchlno leelher Inferior, Bleck l•n· dA11 roof. lull'( luxury eQUlp~ lll'd leclory •Ir condlflon•ng, AM·F M r•<l<o, •lrreo 1epe deck. One owner car, BeaulltuilV malnlalneel. TTN 020 $3395 1967 CONTINENTAL Convertible beauli!ul Oceen TurqUOIH flnbh Wlfh matc111no Jn•~r. & whl!t top, Completely luxury ~ulpped, lull pgwer, AM·FM radio, Itel. air, 1111 whH f, elc • ne.w llrn. UOA 19A, $2895 1969 C·OUGAR XR-7 Harcf to find mMoon color with '4 29 engine, ftont & rear ' ma fa, •vlomo tic Ir• nsmin ion, w·s·W tires, luggage carrier, 3rd nal, power brakes & steering, air conditioner, AM -radio. tinted 9lou. H. D. SUI• pensio n. Wind1hi eld price $5325.70. Stock No, 2255. Ser. No.9276t<S939JJ. NOW 54414.00. J Br,.nd New & 2 ExHutive W ogon• To Choos• From. All ot Ouhlanding Savings. 2·DOOR HARDTOP Beautiful ,,,.dium 9olcf metatlic finish. Front and re•r rubber floor mah, ou• tomatic tren1miu ion, E78lt I '4 whit• wa ll tire1, power '!eerin91 power brake1, power 1ide wi ndows, console, fac.lory air conditioning, tinted glau , deluxe seal ard front '~oulder bells, wire wheel covers. AM .FM stereo, etc. w :ndshield stic.lcer price $4858 .90. Slk. No. 4517, Ser. No. 9F9JM58791 I NOW S40J9.21 . SAVE $81969 12 TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS OJ~~~~.E& ~~.~~!v;~e ~le~~,!!°'~~~~,,~~.~S •. :P Tl1e Finest Sele~tlou. of Vse1l C11rs in. Ute County! MERCURY OTHER MAKES ~--....B......_A,,,___R......_G.--...,..A......_l,,,,,..N~" '67 MERCURY MONTCLAIR '67 FORD GALAX IE 500 'Door HrtrcUop Arr1•t Wt\lt"' Wt~h hfflr-1--jt\h~, nr 1 ()nnl"' P~Hl'fl11n ""~U' ful 6• ill~h c.r"'r., l,.l.•tlt\ NE R ""d L'tf'ld-'v rOOI Full oower r Ot11onrrt ""J IM hf, k 1"'''' <;r "'"" v..hil/\ lrintiAV r{J()t, "ll'n' P'·"· c 0 R tnry ~'' rondhlo'''"G· One 0...,,,-:r l Mclv1ty main· P ~. PB . "'r cond1nonrng. eic. Very clt.ar1 Jain e<!. UOF t61) llHouuhout, VUZ 831 $2495 $1~95 '66 MERCURY PARK LANE 1965 T·BIRD CONVERTIBLE 1 Door HMdlop . .Arclic wtille w1111 1vv Qold c~. llcoulllul llgl\t t11rquo1,c Jlnlsh wlih wrille ln•orlor 1erlor And blMk lond~u root, outo , R&H, p:.. •nd ''"' Fully pgwcr eQUIPpCd Including f&elory p e , ••rlory ~Ir condllloninQ. Real tvxvrY 61 0 1(, Ve1y well maintained. PFG J73 reo~on•ble P"'°· VZO 101 $1895 s 1995 '69 VOLKSWAGEN '68 MERCURY COLONY PARK 'Ooor evo Rodl9 and htoltr. $howroom ~harp 9 pa~~cnoer. PopUlar cardfn•I red finish Wllh Wlin only l0,000 mllu. OXA 695 block comfort we~ve vinyl lnJ•rlor •uto,, R&H, $ 1795 •ltrllO lope dee•, foclory olr <Ond1t1on1ng, P.~, P.B .. du•! acilon tell pele. Only 19,000 m•lel. llM Con11nen101 or Siallon Wagon~) No. 36H $3595 1968 MERCURY PARK LANE Convorllble Huron blu• mist finish wit~ mAJth· Ing lnt~rlor end black lop Luxury tt<tu1oped thrOuQhOul. Full pgwer factory ~Ir condlUonlng, stereo l~Pt system, etc, Driven nnly 19,000 mil ... !lpvclAI purchase lrom Ford Moror Co, and SOV· lngl paned on lo you. YBK. 511. $2995 COUGAR '67 COUGAR 7 Ooor Ha~top. Lime frost wl!h malchlno vlrtyl buckets. eulo., let engine, P.S., R&H, new rar trade.In, one owner end urvlclld by our co~ pany. VOR 233 1968 ELDORADO Full pgwer. lacll>ry Air, Landfttl lop. Aulomntlc, ""'"· hralcr, !Ill wheel, 1Jereo, AM·FM, tic. WFU 466, $5495 1968 JAGUAR XKE-2 COUPE A!lrecllve Srlflsh Rec.Ing Grreri llnbh with blACk lt3lhtr tnlerior, wire whorls. Radl•l Ply fires, elc. Beautllul condlflon. WIO 601 $4695 SPORTMAN'S SPECIAL 1964 JEEP WAGONEER S!&llon Wagon. Chtvy V-t, converlld engine. 4-whenl drive with duat-o-mallc lrol'lt wheels, rAlllO & heater. ne~r new C.Ommando !lrtal SH and drive. UOT 081 $2175 $1095 In Our Bar9ol11 Corner we ha•• numer• ous used cart . Som• clean. some not so clean. Some that are duplicarloM, some we'•• had too long -In any event thew ca..-are real bargains. LOOK 'EM OYER. '66 T·Bird Land1U. RTB724 $2075 '66 F~r;iD Galaxle 500 2-Dr. H.T. SVF05% $1675 '65 MERCURY Montclair 2-Dr. H.T. PDD503 $1375 '68 PLYMOUTH Satellite Wagon. VELff7 $2275 J'ohnson. SOD llll~©®lLW ©@~lf~~~~IJ&ll a ~&00~ m D ~(g[ffi@UIJ[ffiY/ D ©®IlD@&OO I 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA I l'aC'k. lo mtg, ~4-6);>4 NEW CARS 1 Mii s h f h r{1 ,~l l~ST mnrkctpln.r r in 8 0Uf . 0 f 9 USED CARS 540-5635 town, 111" DAJLV PILOT 540 5630 642 0981 S D• F monrv. limf' r, t>llort . Look • • an 1ego reeway l 'lll"";ficd !l'CUnn. Sa v e "~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I now!!! '68 MUSTANG $2195 Fastback. 390 V.fl, 4 apd, radio, heater pwr. ateer, pwr brks., power windows, ' white wall tires, tin ted gloss. VWP 37S '69 MUSTANG $2695 Moch I 428 ¥·8, 4 1pd. rad io, heater, power ttHr, power bra~es. YXR 607 '67 CHEVY $1295 Chevy II '4-dr, 6 cyl., t ulo- ' matlc, radio, hultr, tlnl1d glut, 18,000 miles. 1 '69 MUSTANG $2695 Fastback. v.e, auto, radio, heater, pwr 1leerin9, while wall t i r • 1, tin ted 91111. XTH 191 '67 FORD $1795 Gal. 500 2 Dr HT, v.a, auto, radio, heater, poV't r steer. factory air cond, w h i t e wall tires, tinted 1 gloss. VDH 298 '66 FORD $1495 Country Squire W egon V.fl, eulomelic, radio, huter, power 1luring, power brakes, white well tires, tinted glen, luggag• rec~. UTB 795. '65 BUl_C_K--$-17_9_5 Rivi era 2 Dr. H.T. V-8, eu· tom a lie, radio, h•ater, power steering, power brakes, power windows, lull power. foclory air con- ' dillon:ng, tinted 9lan, NRE ' 040. '68 FORD $2295 G.L 500 4 Dr. H.T V.e, au- tom atic, rdd •o healer, power stee ring, factory dir cond., f1nted glass, WTE 586 ·~~~~~~~~ · '68 MUSTANG $1995 V.8, automatic, radio, 1 heater, power sleerin9, ' while wall tires. VSK 680 '67 OLDS $2195 Delmont 88 2·dr. H.T. V·B, auto , radio, heeler, power steer, pwr brakes, factory •ir cond, while wall tires, vinyl top, tinted glass, '65 FORD $995 Gel. 600 •·Dr. V.s, auto, radio, healer, power slu r, white wall tires. SYB 20). '65 MUSTANG $1095 Hardtop. V.fl , •utomatic, radio, heater, white wolf tires. tinted 9l•u. NBZ 388 '67 MERCURY $2195 Cougar. v.e, euto, radio, healer, power steer, power brakes, f.clory air cond, white wall tlrf!. vinvl top, tin led gl111.,J:!.JA 37 J. '65 FORD $795 Goluie 500 Convertible. v.1. 1vto, radio, huter, pwr 1tur1 white well tir u . OYR 272. '66 FORD $1495 Felrlari• 500 2 dr. Hardtop If.fl, euto, radio, heeler, pwr. aiHr, fa c I o r y air co11d. whit• well tires, tint· ed glus. STY 805 DUNTON FORD 2240 S. Main 546-7076 ----------------·' • On August 4 of this year, a power shortage plunged New York into its most serious power crisis since the mass ive blackout of 1965. Lights went dim. TV screens got fuzzy. And people were asked t o cut back on their use of air condi- tioning. The problem: not enough gen· erating plants. The reason: N ew York utilities were not permitted to build new facilities as planned . Building schedules were postponed because of delays in governmental authorization. Could a widespread blackout happen here? Not likely now-but it could happen in the future if we don't build more generating plants now, as well as substations and transmission lines. L make certain you will continue to enjoy low-cost, uninterrupted service, we must build some new pl ants here in Southern Ca lifornia- clo sc lo where the 1)0\\'Cr is lts cd. A new Edison plant can benefit yo11 r co111n1un1ty in 111a11 y \\'ays, including millions of t.1x dollars every ye;r to aid yo ur local school districts. In fact, Edison is the largest single taxpayer in many of the com· 11111nities a11d co1111tics wl1erc \VC operate ge nerating plants. Does a power plant create smog? According to Air Pollution Control District authorities, Edison power plants now account for less than I",; of the total tonnage of air pollutants in Los Angeles County. In com- pari so11, auton1obiles accou11t for nearly 90'::. Nobody wants smog, including us. We've been pioneering ways to prevent pollution since 1954. You can count 011 LlS-wl1erevcr Ediso11 builds a plant-to more than meet the most stringent controls for clean .1i r established by local and stale authorities. plus the U.S. Depart· ment of H ealth, Education an<l Welfa re. Because it involves you and your cnviro11n1ent . To us, tl1at's important. After all , 11,000 of us work at Ediso n. Our families live in Southern California, too. Base d on population projections, we need to build new generating pla11ts and, of course, transmission lines to bring the pow.er to yo u in certain key areas. We should build a plant near Vic· torville in San Bernardino County. We need another, with two units, in Ventura County. Work is well underway on the first unit at Ormond Beach near Point Mugu. And we need two new generating units at our Huntington Beach station in Orange County. Later, we'll need other pl ants within o ur 14-county service territory. To meet c urrent demand for electricit y, we're ge 11erating power for Southern California by every practical rneanli-water, gas, oil, coal and the atom. We're also importing electricity from New Mexico and the Pacific Northwes t over extra· high-voltage transmission lines. The best way to prevent a power shortage is to avoid having all your eggs in one electrical basket. That's why we need to build more generat• ing stations, substations and trans·· mission ~nes throughout Southern California. Should· it become necessary to build in your area, may we count on your understanding and support? You would be helping Southern California to remain the brightest spot in the nation.,SC.E Southern California Ediso,? • i • ' I I r: t< ,, u " " 'I p c Ii t; " tl ] 1 ] " d, cl ; u J" la ;a th u; Tl< P' bl nc ct nc d; ., d• ,, In Pl to al .. fr It gl "" " VI le (" <. to (!C Ix .... •• th " •• w. '"