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1969-10-23 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
-. 7 -_. -. -. ew Cosmonauts Here Join Astronauts • Anaheini Ul Soviet Cosmonauts Georgiy T. Bere- govoy and Konstantin Feoki:itov arrived in Anaheim today to participale in the ('Oncluding portions of the annual meet· ing of the American Institute of Aero- nautics and Astronautics. Beregovoy. a major general, made a spacecrafl flight last October. His com· -----pai)iOriWas a scientist oo the first thrl'e- 1nan teain !he Russi ans put u1to orbit in October 1964. Thry "-ere ,1ecompanied by U.S. astronaut Eugene Cernan. UPI T1l1P~011 PONDERING MOON ROCKS Cosmonaut Feokist·o·1 Polic e Reveal Gla sses F ot111d At Tate Sce11e LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Police N'\'cal- ffi Loday that a pair of prescription eyeglasses found at !he home of slain Be· tres.c; Sharon Tate may lead to the killer of the film star and four other persons. Notices v.•ere sent to mernbers of the Al'!"crican Optornetric Assn. the California Optometric Assn .. ::ind the Los Angeles County Opto1netric Assn. The glasges lndicaled the \vearer was extremely near-sighted. The glasses were de~cribed as : R ight eye: -J00-8.'i X 160 Left eye; -375 sphere PD 67 Pl:i~lic lenses. arnbcr A.O. f..tanhattan fran1c ~S-21 5-12 The notice to the optomclrists s:iid police believe the galsses bcl<)nged to the n1urrlrrer and they are or the opinion he ha~ replactd lhe rn or "'ill attempt to do so 1r 1he near fulurc. Lt. Robert Helder. v:ho is in charge of 111r. homicide dctec\1\·cs \1 ork1ng on the <·a ~<' since the Aug. 9 rnurdl'rs. niade the <listlc~url'. Last F'nday J>Olice 11·ould say 011!~1 that new evidence had been un- cuvered. 'fhr bod1l's o1 Mtss 'foi!c. C(lffec heiress Ab1gnil Fntg rr, h;i1r ~1y\1 ~t .Jay Scbnng, polish 11·ritcr \"{lilyck Frokowsk y and 18- }'ear-vld St~ven l'art>nl wrrc found at U1e .ll~riedict Canyon c~1 :-i1c ren ted by Miss ·r.11e ;ind her hu shand, Roman Pulansk1. f'11liin~ki "'/ls in F:urope at ll1c titne. Aclor Peter Sellers has offr red a ~25,000 reward for inform ation leading to lhc killer or killers. Tonight they "'ill be guests at the ac.ro· space convention's awards b:inquet in the Anahei1n Convention Center. Feokistov, Bcregovoy, the Jailer's 11·ife Lidiya and their lcenage son Victor are sthcdulet.! to visit nisnl'~·land Friday inorning and, later, Uni\"crsa! City Slll- llios. Over the weekend the.v \V il! visit !he ~an Diego area and watch the American Football League game between the San Diego Chargers and the Oakland flaiders. Both cosmonauts will include visits tC> 11erospace firms on their Southern Cali- fornia tour i\·londay morning before leav- ing for San Francisco. Beregovoy will tour the North Amer· lt an Rock1-1·ell Space Divis ion in Oo1-1•ney. "'hile feokistov is scheduled lo visit the J et Propulsion La boratories in Pasadena. * * * Soviets Skip Ca11e, Can't Reciprocate HO USTON <UPI) -Two \'isiting Russian cosmonauts .said toda y they skip- ped a scheduled visit to Cape Kennedy hceause they had no authority to invite .A1nerican astronauts to their launching ground. The admission came at a ne\\"S con- rerence at the f\1anned Space Center by ~laj. Gen. Ge.orgiy Beregovoy and scien - tist cosmonaut Konstantin Feokistov. '"This is the beginning phase of the establishment o( relations betv.·een the United States and the Soviet spacemen." Feokistov said. •·You understand that in the first stage v;e "'ould like to adhere to the principal of mutuality. "Gen. Beregol'oy and I don't have the authority to invite American astronauts to our launching grounds and that's why ""e did not have the opportunity to accept your invitation to Cape Kennedy.'' The Russians said the only we.~terner rver lo visit thei r main launch site v.·as Gen . Charles de Gaulle of France. During their fi rst U.S. tle.\VS conference, the Russian cosmonauts did no~ mention the moon once. They chose instead to mention the earth. sun. planets and stars. The Soviets also denied their space pro- gram was secrcl. "It can hardly be said that our prn- grams are closed and secret," Feokistov said. "We do not publicize in adl'ance the. launching and programs or missions. Thi.~ traditiona l approach to the problem 1s rather uousual to you."' The Russians said the recent Soviel trioka space shots never "·ere rneant to dock to make an orb1t1ng space station. "That \\'asn"t planned.". Feokislnv sauL '1The n1ain aiins of that mission "'ere Jurther investigation of the ships· tt'Chnical abilities and the furthe r de1·elopment of !he manual control of ships . ''Ill general it coul<l be said that the 1nain tasks of the. flight were succc.~sful."' he said. Both Russian cosmona11ts told newsmen they were enjoying their U.S. tour. Dad Serves as Midwife In Second Home Delivery By RICllARD P. NALL 01 ,,.. 011ly "'"' Sll'ff ··women still Oon't believe ii when 5ay it wasn 't pain, it was just hard work ." 1\fn!. Evere.11 Schn1id, 39-year.old Lake Forc~l housc1vile, "'as talking about the pla:ined home delivery -without a doc- lor rresent -of her fourth child. ltobcrl J ohn Schmid v.·as born Oct. It with the ass istance of tiis real-estate ap - praiser father al the family"s spacious hmnt. 2:xltil Rivendell. The baby. who w<'ighcd six pounds 11by the. bathroom sc1:1le" is cloing beautifully i;aid Mrs. Sch1nid. Me hasn't been seen hy ;i ph)"sician yet but probably 1-1·ill next \1<:-ek, The planned home delivtry \\'asn"I t:n· tirely new for !he Schrn id family. The lhird child, Lisa. almost three, was delivered in the fami ly home which was then Yorba Linda wi1h her father 11'.isisting. . . . hlrs. Schm id sl!\d 11 phy~1c1an rame 1n laler ;ind lied off rhe bab~··s u1nbilic11 I corcl "but this time my hu sband did il all." '·\Ve planned lo havl" a ho1ne <le Hvrry. \\.e're intt>reslcd in fa1ni\y cenlP.r tllalrrni1y care v.•hich rneant the hom e for us;' said Mrs. Sch1nid, adding: "It can be traumatic For a mother lo leavt her children during labor so we decided to do it ourselves. "l took child birth preparation classes and my husband was 1ny labor coach. \Ve felt \"try good about the experience." Asked about her husband ''delivering'' 1he child. ~frs. Schmid said, "v.·hocver happens to be tJ1ere, the husband or midwife, they catch the baby. "He (her husbanri Everett) did 11 very commendable job. We would have ciilled " the doctor .iC we felt there . were any pro- blem 'but .the ·111bbr continued beau tifully and there seemed no indicalion anything was out of order so we worked along oursell•es. ··niat's what these child-birth classes rlo for a l'.'oman. they allow her to work 'vith her body. They keep htr from think· ing pain." h1 r~. Schmid, who had no ane!thetic, said she was out of the "pain threshokl" during the birth and v.·as Ju!t ''working harrl ... r-,,tr.~. Schmid said she WM in labor lt>r :ihout eight hours during l'.'h\ch she did Mme lyping for her husband's buslnesi; oind then in the last hour and one half confinE'd herself to bed . She said her <llher children. Laura , 71 i , IStt BABY. Pace %1 --·. -"-12$ . .l EV ' .. . . ..... __ _, ' S!frm.tL£,.f.f@.~'!'£!.1§!214p OZ i 142 . 2 Si 2 51!323425 . ' -. .;- • Ill ate a s Father Serves DAILY PILOT * * * 10' * * * THURSOA Y AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 23 , I 969 As For Mid~viie 4th Baby \10\.. fl, HO. lM. • i f CT IOl<!S, 10 P.t.Gl!S i:r * * -~· • -14· County to Ban Smog Ruling Bitte1· Blow to Edison Plant By TOM BARLEY Cl 1110 O•llY Pllol Stoll Southern California Edison Company·s plans for <'Xpansion of its l!unti11glo11 13e;ic!1 power plant suffered a heavy blo1v \Vtodnesday \~·hen Orange C o u n t y s·.1per1·isors called for a ban on con- struction of all smog·producing po11·er plant s. A bit!erly debated public hearing ended \l'i!h the board voting 4 to .I to ask the. Public Utilities Con1mission to see k such a sla!.e1-1·ide moratorium on fossi l-burning facilities. Supervisor \Vi!liam Phillips op- posed the 1notion of Su1>Cr\·\sor Da vid Baker. Bu ~ the out come o[ the boa rd action w<•s uncertain until the n1omen1 of \"Ollng v.·irh both Supervisors Alton Allen and \\'1lt1am llirslein vi.si bly 1\·averin~ ;is Raker and Supcr1·1sor Hobert Ballin rres~rd for lhe buard·s finn an ti.s1nog stand application of science and technology \viii solvr. our smog problen1 s ;ind of how they ;tr\: 1·1'{'n now 1Je1ng u.~crl by Edison, ;1mo11g other utili!ie~. tn eliminatC' !his 1:1oun1lng s1nog menace,'' 13aker s:ild. "Suct1 a n1oratoriun1 ns I hi1vr prn- po~cd 11·ill prol'ide proof of those ~fforts and will encourage Edison and 0!11ers 10 t'nsurc thn l 01ir polluted atmosphere Is nnt. :it least. ronta min atcd to any greater drgrl'l'. CRO""IJ APPLAUDS "The pail of waler is full an(! it \\'on·i hold any n1ore,"' Baker said, to the ringing applause of the crowded hearing rooni. "The 0Ver\\'hr.lm1ng consensus nr the p!·uplr 11! Orange Courl\y-;v;; tht•y "1 c den1onstrated here today and in the re- <·cn1 hca nng al Jl unt inglon Bt'at h-1s thal they've had enough ., Baker also urged !hr bnarrl In arid lrgh!rr cr,intrnJs to Or:i ngr Co11nt .~·~ ;:Hr pollul.i(ln ordinance on the Jines of suf{ <illti·.~mog language recent ly written into Los Angeles Coun1 y l11w s. That motion 1-1•ill he cJebnled hy the board T11cs<lay. \\1ilness after 111tncss foilO\\"Cd an E<l lson team of ex perts lo th c microphone \\ler!nesday lo ln.~h !he cn1n· pany"s plans for tr ipling of the con· t.rovcrsial H11nl in!llon 13eatli plant. Alrnost all of tlu.'111 seized rin the r v1dcnce provlderl hy \\'1llia1n F1tehcn, lhc county's air pollution control offi cer, as their basis f(~r obiecllon. Fitrhen con- tends tha l C'Otnplt'ILOll nr the planl LS gllarantccd In also triple 1he no1v dangerous levpl nf nit rous oxirles -so1ne :10 tons a d<iy -th:il 1~ n11w OC1ng hui led rntn the Huntington B<'nch sk~·· And 1\ 1s highly rt ouhlful. sa1<1 l'ng1nC"rr D. F. Jeffrey. lha1 l"Urrcnt ;itlempti. by 1':d1son to co111a1n th;it r•tl!flUl nrC' n1r1ting with n1uch sucrc·ss 111 the ll~ht r.f rcccnl (Sec S.\lOG HA~, rage :n Phillips' di ssrntinJ! vote d c f e a I c cl Baker's i;tated objetti\"e o[ "prescnllng -a Lnlted stand when \.\ e discu ss srnog issues Oct. 30 wilh supervJsors fr o1n other Southland counties'' -a n1crting schrduled ror H.il'erside Count y ill which all counties in the L-Os Angeles srnug Uasin will be represented. Peace Tall{s C11t Sl101·t; SEEK ~10RATORJUl\I Baker's accepted resolution ca!l.s for the 1-'UC to seek a "moratorium on con· sl111ction of a!l fossil burning 1s1nog·pro- ducif18) facilities until the statc"s Air Resources Control Board is satisfied lhat such construelion will not put pollutants 1nlo the atmosph ere." Lodge Raps Red Attitude Aller. repeatedly asked Baker lo amend his motion lo a form that \YOUld allo\v for consent to the Edison expansion prollidcd Edison officials guaranteed that. U1e con- slruction would not add to the pre~enl leveJs of polluUon, Baker repcaledly refused to revise the resolution. "We have heard a great deal about ho1v P1,RIS (UPI) -U.S. Ambassador llr.nry Cabot Lodge today cut shorl the \ icln;lm peace talks and stonned out o( the conference in prolesl against the at- l.1Ludc of the Communisl negoliators. He did nol wail lo deliver the American :.l<1temenl. The chief An1erica negotiator said he made the dramatic move lo draw the at- lcntion of world opinion "to the com- pletely negative attitudP. v.·hich has per· Max Ba~ks Sport Calls Critics 'l(ooks, Cru1nbums' S~C~MENTO (UPI) -State Superintendent of Public Tnsrruclinn Max Rliffcrty Wednesday denounced critics or college (oolball as• "kooks, crumbums and Commies ••• hairy, loud-mouthed beatniks." Rafferty, \Yho as high schoo l football coach r;in up a 51·S won.lost rt"'Cord , told lhe North Sacramento Rotary Club football is "war -1~1!hout killing." "They are the custodians of llic_ c;.oncepts of lhe past," he said of f~ ball players. "They posses,s a clear, bright, fighting spirit, which is America itself." Rafferty was especially c.ritlcal or Oregon State University students who brought pressure against (oolball coach Dee Andros when he suspended a (oot- ball player for refusing to shave his beard. The unive:rslty president was det1Cribed RS "R bigger ass lhan the plar- ers·• becRuse. Rafferty ~airi, he srl up si con1mission to investigate charges that Andros was "insufficienlly sensiti ve." "The actions of .these pseudo-intellectuals will lead to the destruclion of this fine team,,. he said. , I s1stently characterized the other sicfe."' Lodge said his move for an early ad· journment. apparently made \\'ilh \Vhitc llou<;c blessing, did not mran the United :)tali:-.:: .,..·as quilling the conference. Instead, the U.S. delega!lon moved only for a one "'eek adjournment Explaining his move to nc1-1•smc.n as he relumed to the deleg;ition headquarters, i..odgr said, "I thought-the time had cnme lor so1nebody lo make a punctu ation mark, "I'd like to s11y by wa y of background !hat \\"hal I did 1v11s \\'llhin the scope of 1ny instructions," he ad<IC<I. "\Ve'l'e jusl been going along in lhis way ll'ith thc~e demands that we get out all alone (unilaterally), the demand thst as we close the door behind us, v.·c overthrow the government of Vietnan1, the position that never -under 11ny circumstances -would they talk with Uie goveriiment of Vlefiian1. "We've been having lhese thing s week after \\'eek, and it seemed lo me thal the lime had come lo call attention lo lhis fact so that "'ould opinion would realiie iL "I hope our action tod ay may call al· lenti on generally to the completely negative attitude which h11s pc rsistenrly cilaracterlzed the nlhcr sidr. end th11t there: may be. progress in the future." Lodge Indica ted that hC' h;i s heen fed up \\'ilh the Communist attitude for many v:erks. "I didn 't have It up lo here (meaning his rhi n) any more than I :i!ways have. but I tricd lo ctn snmrthini; u lill!c di(· lcrt:nl about it," he sa1tl. W oold1·idge Loses High Positio11 \\"ASHJNG'fON fA PJ -T'he Army·,, for111er top enlister! man repeatedly in- 1·okrr! Ille Fifth Arnendmcnt .1L <t Sena!e heanng tod~y ;1nd U1e Army promptly stririrrU hiin of a prestigious post as rn1nmand sergeanL m;lJOr. "011 :idv1ec of counsel. 1 "'oulrf resrcctful!y tfechnc to ans\\'er the ques- llnn Oil grounds it rnny trnd lo 1n- 1·rimina tr me,·• Sgl. i\laj. \\'illia1n 0. \\'l)l)ldrid~e i>aid in inl"oking the Cnnslill1- tlon's protectiJn agains1 s c I f 111- t"T1rn111atio11. C:illrd ;1; a w1lnr<;~ ll<'fnrc lhe Sen11lc ln1 csltg;d1ons subco1nm1llee. \Yooldri<,!gc gave that rrply repcaledly lo questions ahou l allegcrl lucrati ve kickbacks anrl ~.:lyorf-s 1n ·Lhe operation of servicemen·:<; rrtrt·:i tion c·l ub:-JO Vietna1n, Germany and 1(1r t.:nitecl ~talcs. S11ndar rl:'p!lc~ Wl're ~iven hy threr '11hi-rs :'IL Sgt. \Vllltt1n1 I:;. 1!1gdon and 1wo forn1er sergl'ants now rr1i red, N;i rl';1ez Hat ch,.,r anrt Sevmo11r L;1zar. J::ach nl the lour relusrft Lo answer a11 y <111Ps!iuns beyond giving his narne and ad- dress , \'/ooldridgr. 11·ho serl"ed for lwo yf'arli ;;if; lhl' fir st st'r~eant n1ajor of the Arn1y. 1s being •·in~1oluntaril.v relcase1I'' frn n1 (hf' Army·:; cnmn1an<:I st•rgeants major program. the Army announced. lie \Viii ret11in hii; rank and pay o{ sergeant major but wi!I be stripped of his current assignment as com m a n ii sergrant major at the \Vhite Sand.~ Prov. ing Ground in New f\'lexico. He v.·111 re- main there in a different capac1t y. /\I a Pentagon br iefing, reporters as~ed 1\·hether \'"ooldridgc "'i!i he courl· martialed. Jerry Fri edhe im. rlefrnse spokesman, (See WOOLDRIDGE, Page 21 Orange Cnasf Weather Going down -the temperaturr, that is. To about li8 along th e coast unde r cloudy skies in the n1orning hour.s, v.·hilc inland areas will be up to 7Z. INSIDE TODAY If el ring ~ftxicati·A merica'l& to 111/p theniselues is the 111U.1ion of a UC /rvi11e husband aud 1vije ~cac~tng team. Page . l'Z. a111tu u C•l•llr,.11 I C.lu1illtoe! J).JI t om I<• JI triu,.•r'd 11 Gt1!~ N1tlCH 11 0 1 .... ,.. ll l411orlol P••• I l!'"llflol"mtM 11 ,l~•n<t i2°u Mo .. f<tPt If ..." .. ~ ...... ,. " Mtrrl•TI LICI""' II M•'""• " Mul'llol .,_ 11 Noll .. HI Nnn ~., Ort"" Ct""" IJ ,,,., .. "'''" " S•rt1 ll•M StK• Ml tlof11 2l·U Ttlt"'\I.., }1 ,,,.,.,... 11 Wtll"" t G'-"" Wftl!t 11 Wtrlol i'teWI 0.1 Wtmt11'1 No"" 11·21 1 .............. ------------------------------------------------~~~~~~~~---------- J DAILV PILOT s Dick T1·acy 'Consulted' On Zodiac SACR.A:0.1E:-.IO ~t:Pl l -State crime lnvrstigators t.Qd ay sought he lp from comic strip detect11·c Dick Tracy in the search for clues to the "zodiac" slayer o[ the San Francisco ba y area. Agents of the State Bureau of Criminal Ide ntification and lnvestigat1on began :r;crutin1zing 1he Tracy comics on the th eory that there might be some parallels bet1<o'een ·'Zodiac" and the Scorpia leader of the Zodiac Gang in the cartoon series_ Earl Bauer, a seruor analyst 111 thf' bureau's cr1111e laboratory, <'Oncedcd com paring the corntc strip v;iU:l the 1odi ac in1·rstiga tion v.·as "kind nf nff- b<>at" but sa id 11 may pro\'ide a 1·aJuable clue in apprehending the Zodiac. The fir5t zochac 1nstallmenl appearl'd ln the comics Aug. 17, a few v.·eeks aft£'r tht: bay area·s admitted slayer of fiv e persons dubbed himself Zodiac in letter:ii to newspapers. "You ootict: that these things come up more or 1£'ss simultaneously ," Bauer said. ''So then you take a look to see 1! tht';l"t: are any parallels.·• Jn Clester Gould 's con\ic str ip, Scorpio has an astrological Scorpio sign printed on his face. An astrology columnis t \1·;is firo1vned and cuff links with thf' horoscope and a scorpion v.·ere found on his sh irt. Bauer. 'tA.'ho said he was assisted by other Cit workers, declined to discuss \1·ha\, il any, roncl usions he foresa\f resu lti ng from the an alysis. "lt's just speculation at this point," he said. "'\'e really haven·! got into it yet," he ~aid. adding that the only comparison so far bel\1·ttn the tv•o "'as the word zodiac. A trou bled man v.·ho said he was the "Zod iac'' slayer v.·ho complained or headaches and cried out ''J'1·e got to kill'' during a tw o-hour series of bizarre con- versations \li'ednesday on a television talk i::how failtd to keep two surrender ar- pointmerrts with attorney Melvin Belli, who told the caller, "all or San Francisco wants to help you. The hand is out, you can lttl the ha nd s out." Thel'f: also y,•as a challenge issued to Zodiac - from the brother of San Fran- cisco cab driver Paul Stine. The cabble was ~hot to death Oct. 11. and lhe killer mailed a pieC'e of Stine's bloodied shirt \1'ith a boastful letter to a ne"·spaper. Three Socialites Shot, Stabbed in Cincinnati Home CIXCl~ATI. Ohio 1 t.:PI !-Three mem- bers of a socially prominent Cincinnati ramily v.·ere found shot and stabbed l& death in th eir home early today, police said. The victims \\'ere identifie<l as '.\i artln Dumler II. his V.'1fe Patricia. bor h In thei r late 20s and her mother. identified only as Mrs. \\1ilson of subu rban V.'yo- ming, Ohio. Dumler .,..·as the ~on of ~l;ir1in H. Dumler. president of I.he Chatf iel d Paper Co. of Cincinnati. A maid fo11nd the bodies in !ht master bed room v.·hen she caine to work , Pohce Chirf Jacob Schott said. Schott said he did not bf!IJel'e it was a murder-suici de because the back door nf the home lvas open and there \\·as blood on bo1h the first and second floors of the fashionable home locatl'd in sub- urban Lin.,..ood . Schott said the f\\'O Dumler child ren. .,ged 4 and ~. a ppart'n\)y slept lhrough the slayinRS ;ind v.·ere unharme<J Schott .Q1d the bodies \fl'rf' drrssed in casual tlotht's HP ~aui 1hl!i indira1ed lhe. s!ay1ngs n1ay ha1·e tak('n plarc heforr 1hl' ,·1c\Jms went 10 bed anrl th:it tht bodies y,·ere rarr1rd 1n10 thr bedroom :'llrs. \\"il~on had been l1 r1ng with thr n umll'r famllv s1nct' her husb;ind h11rl ~uf!E.red a hea.rt anack and 1ras hos pital- ized. Schott said .. He ~a id no gun was filu11d bu! addrd tests y,·ould b<.> made on a SIC'ak knife found in lhe ho mr. There \\·as no apparenl mol1\·e for lhe crime, Schott sa id. OAILV PILOI ....,., ...... " ... ...., .. '"° L.,....... .......,.., c--CAUH>INIA Ol.AH'I CQASI f'IJILl, .. !NO COMNJ.IY lleMrt N. 'W••' .. .._,.,..,... .... J .d, I.. Cij11,., Vk l """''°""' eno c;c,.,., .. "'-"' '~-··"'"ii I:.*''" Tio-·-A. M.,,~I~• #.--In• f l ii... -C.I• lllllH: 1lO ....,.,., In ll!'H! ~ 1MC10 JJ11 ~"°' .. _ &o.r"""9 ~ -~= ,,, ,.,.,, ·-MwtlnPDl'I "'""'· .. Jiii w. ... 0AllV .. llQ'l, -'"' _.,..,,,. ~ ............. -...._..,_ 111 -...-...... •t-' Woo .. , ~ _.,,. .. ,. ......... Ce& .......... . ...._, ._.,, ·~ ......... ....t....-._ -,_lft Yellq', ·-•"" -....... ! Ml•-°"-c.... ~..e.llol\11>9 (-...... -· .,, ti tfll Wil'd ...,.. ~.... .,._, .... .,., .,. m ..... , "'""· , •.. -T...,._. 171•1 Ul-4Jll Cl ....... M 1w., Ml-5671 (_.,...,!, llM, Or-(M t! ~ ........... C-f '"' flt"" ''"'"· •U"'""-.. .._,., rnol•>t • ...,_..,11 ...... "fo "'NI<> _, 1111 ............ .,,,_, _ ... - ........ , ll!«'Ol'W•--1. ~ ,,. .. _,_ ...... ..,.._, .. ~ _, C.•o '>I<•. c.11,...11i. ~,.,..., ~ U l'T ... 11• _,., "'"'"" UJD ....,111/f• l!llHl&'J -1-l9M, U ... ~ll'llf, •• .. ;t,~, ! .. , :.,. . --'I' < -r ~·Wii' . . . . • '\" ~ ; "· , • ;, ~ . ' .. . ' S1to1v 011 the P11mpki11 ~lost pumpkins h ave frost on them a t this time of year, but not this p umpkin man, '\'ho appears 1o be telling Frankie J udge, 4, that he needs a coat to cope \\'ith \Vcd nesday's snowfall in Gorhain , N.H. It \\-a s '!'i ew Jfa m pshirc's ht>aviest October snovv!all in 50 years. Fair Board Clears Land; Danger Path UpinSmoke By J A~ICE BER~1 A~ O! I~• 0•11, ,.lk>l ~loll Fair Board incmbe rs are burning. Their land. t hat is. The Boa rd toriay ordered !he torch put lo the brush and grass on the north"·cs~ corner of !he Orange County Fairgrl'unds ;:.t Fair\'l ew Road and Ar lington Dn\·e. Costa ~l es;i;. ~!embers of lhe Costa l\lesa Fire lkpariment stood by 10 suprrvise the fires. set (lff follo\\'Jng a story in 1he DAILY PILOT and a request by the police department Wednesday that the :;1ate-o1>rnrd property be cleared. "You could l'>'alk in\.o that field and just rlisappear." said BatLl!ion Chie r David Trtrr, as he loo ked at I.he ~pol whrrC', la.sl V.'C'ek. a child '\\'as sexually molested . "\\'e·rf -or rall1er. lhcy·re -goi ng In try tn eliminate as much of the sta ndi ng v.·C'edS as possible loda\'." said Battalion Chief Ron Coleman, ad.di ng that the lire department could onl~1 stand by and ;,ssi'\t to make sure the blaze is con- trolled. Burning !he area \l'tll take most of the da~·. offi cial s said. Tht'y 11·ere having some trouble kt>eping !he fires burning because of the damp 1norning weather, Captain \Vi 11 i am Raymer said . •·1t·s hard to burn todav but it's easy to control." -' Colema n explained that burning the area "v.•111 gire the police department more visual cont rol. Seeondarlly, \\'hen it"s burned it loses all its attraci~·eness as a sho rtcut. Kids don't wa nt to go to school v.·ith charcoal all over their ckilhes." "I lhink that it 's going to hel p.'' said .Juvenile Investigator Linda Geisler of the C~ta ~fesa Police Department, who v.·as .;i ssigned ln the child molest case. She said that she and police Capt. nobrrt Gree n asked that the area be cleared. "I th ink it.5 go ing to be nicer. don't ~'011~·· Chie f Tet er asked Fairgrounds ~l anager Alfred Lutjeans. "If v.·e can ever gt>t it burning," Lui· jeans replied. From Pnge 1 Sl\f OG BAN CALLED . •• ~arnrihng by him of the ll•Jntington Beath far1l11y Tti•· 1\1r Pollution Control Dis!rirt cx- fll'rl 1r~111!C'd that morr than J{l lons nf h,:;zardou( nitrous o>.ides \l'<'re being rn1i1\r(j da ily by ti~ plant v.·hen he r~n ti1~ 1r·,1< i\nrl h\' .~trro;;;,<rd 1hal Er11sr•n·~ rruir o~.-"' I•) cut flr11111 ltlal output :ind r vn l.1111 thP r1n1s:-1rifl~ on an c\c;n grr:1trr ls<\tl \1 11J11n lhe next 5!'\'Cn ye3rs "were C'~:'l.f'tl~ !hat righi no\v -prorni ~es." The HlfJ>l b11trr r~(]\esl ~ al the hr;iring ran1r frrim l l 11nttri~1 a11 ll<'arh rrs1rlrnt~ \\hr'J 11\e Jn th(' :Jhadow or the power pl;in t A hr111sr11·!1e \1ho fatlrd In irle nhfy hrr.0rli !old :-u pcr\l~or s of .. l1vinjl: nr<1 r th.11 miserable. rotten plan t for 12 years. "They have been 12 years of planls rlying, clothes rou ing on the line and the house being contam inated \.\'Ith lhe dirt <ind poison they put out." ~he said. "And ther. these' people 1 Edison Co I ha\·e the nervt to come here -and they 're re;i\ ~weet today, arrn'l lhey -and ask 10 build an C\Cn bigg rr plant." Charles R. \\'nghl. 9152 Bl'rmuda. lolrl supervir,ors lhat his home -.situated llbout J,000 feet from thr po·-'·C'r plant - had bC'rn repainted !hrt'e tin1es 1n the four and one.hall years !hat ht' had been 111 residC'nc<'. "\\"c are all yic\in1s o! lh1s l1Hl1y Fron• Page 1 BABY ... ~lark. 41:. and L15a "11·ert' not lherc right at the moment nf b1!1 h hut v.·ere th re a f('w S('COnds aftt>r the baby wa~ born. They \\'ere "·ell aware or 11 and thrilled hy the t>x perience." i\t:'~. Schmid said of tht> pla nned home birth · "It 1,1·as strictly a pe rsona l dc c1s1oin I v.·ouldn't ne('cssarily recommend 11 for anyone elSE", ., She said it v.·as not linked to any reli gious con,·iction, Asked ir she pla nnC'd future home births al the fami ly's 250(>..square-loot horne ~!rs. Schm id said she and her hus- band felt thry no1v ha\'e the perfect fami- ly. tv.•o boys and ll\O girls. She said h<>r husband \\'ho I~ 41 ",i;:ot 11bout JO years youngrr whl'n hi s $tCond ,,on y; as born." residue and noxious poll utants , .. he :said . H!' tolrl of trees and plants throughout the arC'a dying. of "spots on autos, doors and patios that 11·on 't \\'a.sh of f'' and of l lo1h1 ng be.ing ru ined by pollutants. '\\c c;in lhank the Edison Company fo r ~11 ol 1h1s ;ind I tell you today lh at if they h;id h;id any competillon v.·e'd have ntit le ar power today,'' the angry \Vright H1!r1 1hCo bo;ird. "They have destroyed lh!'1r 1111ase in our community and v.·e urge ) ou to reject the ir application for p!.'.lnt ClCpansion." Similar prol£'sls \\'ere filed by a pro- ('c~sion of COltn\y and civic leaders, priva te r 1t1zens and representath·es o[ anti-smog associations. :·v('lu should oppose this application "·1th I he !'ure knowledge 1hat an aroustd public .iii \1•1lhng to pay any price that cle;in air v.·111 cost,'' said Mrs. Otis Ozolin or Orange. "\Ve ask only that you be con- rerned v.·ith !he quality of our life and not the quanlily." Figl1ting Erupts On Laotian Plain \'IENTIANE, Laos (UPI) - Eight bat. talin ns of North \l fetnamese regulars and Patt1et Lan gu errillas are pushing on to the Plain of Jars and in to otht'r areaa in 1vh1at may be the start of the Commun ist dry season oflensh·e in Laos. a Laotian ariny spokesman announced todav. Fighllng v.·as reported at two tOwns as 1.aotian forct"S tried to crush the 4.50Q.. n1an Communist force which Wis 1eµortrd to have jusl arrl"ed in Laos lro m North Vietnam . Casualties were not ~n01\·n. Col. Thongphanh Knocsky identilitd the r.ior1 h Vietnamese lroOps as elemt nt.s of !he 312th Di\·1 ~ion. He .said one North Vietnamese so ldier had bee n captured and that an unspeciried number of North \.it>tnamese bodies had bffn found wear. in~ h1•lmrts ii nd nl'W uniforms. Polish- marle AK45 rifle~ \1•ere roul'ld, a weapon l1h1th has not pre viously been seen in Lai)S. •saddle Sore~ S11rfa~es Saddleback Get,s Underground Neivspaper By THO~AS FORTL'NE Of ,,.. 0.1" .. 1 .. 1 )"" All under&round new spaper called ••Sadd)e Sort'• surf•ced today at ~ dlebadt College, after a student who toot the Mission Viejo area junior college to court over its drea code was iiuspended \\'e.dntsday night. The undergrwod paper is offered as an alLe.rnaUve to lht official campus newspaper "Lariat," for which the Slll- de.nt 5atate voted to cut oU funds becauw they feel It is censored. The SU!pended student ls Gary Bu· rigan, 19, who tried lu:t week in court to get an injunction against the dress code but to no avail beca~ he was still a stu- dent and had not been deprived of rights. "Saddle So re," 10 mimeographed sheet~ stapled together, was handed out ju.!lt off ca mpus. It conlains articles on !he dress code and alleged censorship of "Lariat" and also stories about school spirit and the. most recent foolball game. Sources said student Kt:n Snyder was a driving force behind the underground paptr which carried no names and onl y a Dana Point post off ice box. Berrigan, who wears his ha ir long, had succeeded in being admitted to :school and remaining on campus by tucking his lock~ into a neck brace. But Tuesday he confronted Superintendent F red Bremer at a Student Senate meeling with the nec k brace off. Berrigan v.•as gi\'Cn one day lo get hi~ hair cut and then suspended \\'ednesday night \\o'hen he hadn 't complied. A letler was ~nl to hls parents in Capistrano Btach. 8'rrigan has an attomt:y v.·ho main- tains that the board's restriction on male students' hair violates their rights. The suspension will now permit Berrigan to go back lo court. Three other students previously wel'f: suspended but Berrig an leame:d from Superior Judge Robert Corfman he would From Pnge l WOOLDRIDGE said "I don't think v.·e know yet." Army officers, however, indicated lhat the statute of limitations ha.~ expired on &Orne of the poten tial cha rges wh ich might arise in the case, mak ing it im- possible for the Army to hold a court· martial. At the Senate hearing, Woold ridge in· voked the Fifth Amendmen t to a long series of questions in\'Ol ving complex financial transactions, !he use of S11·iss bank acrounLs, innuence p e d d 1 i n g, payoffs and kickbacks. Panthers Ask Trade Of POW's for Leaders BERKELEY (U Pl) -The Black Pant he r Party ha s offered to arrange the release of some American prisoners of 11·ar in Vietn am in exchange for lhe freeing of two imprisoned Panther leaders. Panther Chief or Staff Da vid Hilliard said at the party he adquarters Vi ed- nesday that an uns pecified number .. of the Yankees detained by the courageous people of Vietnam" would be released if party co-foundt:rs Huey P. Ne""·ton and Bobby Seale were freed. havt to setk lt>gal red ress on behalf of himself. College olflcials said today that $3,500 in student mGnry will continue to go for prinling costs of "Lariat'' despite the Student Senate's ruolution. "Their resolution doesn •t mean a damn ttling unless it is approved by !ht: superinte ndent and the board," said College Superintendent Bremer. He said he hasn't put tht: rn all C'r on the board agenda beeause hi! hasn't been contacted by the students. 111ey just went lo the press, he sa:ld. The Student Se.nate 's charge is that col- lege publicist and journa!lsm teacher Mel ~lilcheU is censoring editorial matter critical of the college administration. Stu- dent body prtsident John Bothwell said his colwnn was tampered ~·ith and subse- quently no t run "'hen he refused the Ch3J18CS. r.!itche.11 denied the censo rship charge and said !he student paper is edited, by ~tudtni. editu!'!I and by hiln~Lf, U1e fac1,11ly advisor. The $3.500 for the printing of the paprr cumes from student funds compiled of student body fees, revenue fron1 the book~tore, lunch service. footbatl games nr d drama produttions. L;;s! week the bo.ard or trustees ad«p tcd a poliey on the student newspaper 11•orded by Ptlitrhell. One pa rt of th:i t policy sta tes: .. 1\lthough the newspaper is published f<'r campus readership, it is circula ted in the college community and it must be the ne>,1.·spaper staff's self-initiated obligation to recognize that the newspaper reflects t11e image of the college.. Tht: staff must recognize that in the minds or the public tbe college and the newspaper are in· ~eparable.'' Tells Girl's Tragedy Linkletter Tells Nixon Publicize Drug Evils \\'ASHI NGTON (AP) -Television pe rsonality Art Lin kletter urged Presi- dent Nixon and congrt>ssional leaders to- day to adopt an educational program to publicize the evils of taking dangerous drugs. ''The kids of America today are re ac- ting to a drug ""·orld in \\'hich they have been born,'' Linklettcr said. "Thry are used lo seeing people pop chemicals into their mouths for everything from reli er· ing tensions and curin g headaches and losing v.·eight.'' r.iix on in\·ited the 57-year-o\d Linkletter lo Lalk to a bipartisan grou p of Senate and House leaders, called to a \\'hite House briefing on the Presidenrs pro- posals deal ing v.·ith the drug problen1. The mee ting lasted l\\'O hours. Linklettet desrribed the death of his youngest daughter, 20·year-old Dfane, 1\·ho fell from the kitchen "'indo"' of her sixth-floor .,partmenl Oct. 4. Linkle uer said Diane ''lea ped to her death in a depressed state from bad LSD trips six months before:• He said a l1hough she had not taken LS D during lhe inte r1·ening six months ... the bad trips v.·ould OC'C'Ur again and again so that she thought she v.•as losing her mind.'. Linkleuer said he decided to publicize his daughter's death so that olht>r par· ents v.·ou1d become concerned about the. problem of youn& people who are taking drugs. He said in the las.l 10 da~·s he had rccei\'ed 25.000 letters and m a n Y telegrams and telephone calls asking h1n1 to spea k on the subject and from parent.~ who know tha t their children are involved v.·it h drugs but don't knO\\' \\'hat to do. "Fran kly, I can'l te!I them v.·hat In do Lecause I don·l know," Lin klt'tler said. He said he urged at the briefing !hat :in educational program be aimed at both parents and youngsters beginning in lhc fourth, fifth and sixth grades to "teach them that you don't put anyth ing inside your bod y no more than you '"ould walk in front of a car, set fir e to your dress or drink a bottle of iodine.'' Nixon and the congressional leadtrs also heard comments from Robert H. Finch, secretary of health. ed ucation and \1·elfa re, and John Ingersoll, director o{ the Treasury Department's Bureau o[ l\arcotics and Dangerous Drugs. Ingersoll, Finch. and J\'ixon urged i::PffdY action on the administration's 1Jrug control proposals. The program calls for more money, manpower, re- search. education and special fast-mov- in g in\'estlgalh-e units to crack dffi'·n on the traffic in narcoucs . Countian, Others Arrested; Haul Of Drugs Seized from "'irt: Serl'ices S . .i.N Ll lS OBISPO -Three men, one !rum Oran ge Counl\'. have been arrested h\'re ''hen pohce Claim they seized 600 pounds of :srnuggled marijuana, almost in 1he shadow of a landmark "'here pirate raiders once landed their Illicit booty. Authorilies said the large haul of mari· juana and th e three men sus pected of b:-ing connected With it appear to be part ot a major narcn! its rlealing ring. Gl!rn1aine l!a1 h, 39. of La Habra , Stf'pht'n Gadherry, 26. of San Francisco. ;:i,1d Robert Sae nz, 2:J. nf Avila Beach, v.~re booked by U.S. Customs agents for l·o1sp1racy to smuggle mariJU<ina . ::i;il'n7., raised in San Luis Obis po Coun· 1~, 11·a~ picked up at his-~orne in Avi!a HcaLh. near historic Pirate's Co re, l\'l·dnesday, \1·hile the other two suspects \1·erc arrestfd Sunday SALE for the first time! THIS EXCITING PARTY SET Your choice of simulated Oak or Ptctn tables in 44" or 48" si1es. Also a wide selection of vinyls and fabrics in • vtriety of colors. Including -5 Pieces, Table dnd ~ Chairs for $489 )·ou1 /aoorit( rn terio1 desi~ntr will b~ horp11 to 1ssist 1011 ••• PROFE SSIONAL INTERIO R DESIGNE RS Op •n Mon., Thur s. & Fri, e .... ,. 22 lb HARBOR BLVD . COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646.02 7S ' I 1 loo "° he '" co re: tio crt W< tio cri ' 10> ga •• pa E s E 1 ni< Te! rel h" cit ( An• Da pn Ac ( ,,, tin wh Tir ( "' th< llr1 .. , ( "' '" io F 1 Va Fo· ( wh tac P<;I CN ( o·c To 96l II fer' "" d i!) Sd s "P -• o a s 2 o I Sib £ -· .. Huntington Bea~h Today's Final N.Y. Stocks EDITION VO L b2, NO. 254, 4 SECTIONS, 50 PAGE S ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THUR SDAY, OCTOBER 23, 19b9 TEN CENTS an Wooldridge Silent Top J(ick Invokes 5tli at Senate Quiz \\'ASHINGTO'.'i f AP) -The Arn1~·'.~ forn1er top cnlislcd man repeatedly In· voked the Fifth Amendment al a Sena!e hearing today <ind lhe Arn1y pron1ptly stripped hirn or a prestigious posL as command sergeant major. ''On advice of counsel, would respectfully decline to anS\\'Cr the ques· tion on grounds it may tend to in· crlminate me.'' Sgt. ~1aj. \\'illiam 0. Wooldridge said in invoking the Consli~u· L!on 's prolcclion againsl s c I f in· criminal ion. Called as a v.·itness before the Senate lnvestigationl'i subcommitle(', \\'ooldri.dge gave that reply repeatedly to questions about alleged lucrative kickbacks and payoffs in the operation ol servicemen's Be Fore \varned: Sa ving Tin1c Ends 011 Sunday Daylight Saving Ti1ne ends for Califor- nians this Sunrlay ;it 2 a m., and also !or residents of A6 other states. Turn your clocks back ont: hour before retiring Saturday night, or you'll join hundred! of thousands of other forgetfu l citizens throv.·n out of step by the change. Only three states -Arizona. Hawaii i nd Michigan -refused t:i adopl Daylight Saving Timr this year, thei r prerogative under the 1966 Uniform Time Act. Congr('ss estahlishe<l !hat statute to t;!reamline a crudely varying program llf timt. changes u1 cludi11g some state., v...t1ich did not eren apply Day!ighl Sa\'ing Time t\'ery"'here 1vithln their border. Opponen t5 -r~pecially airl ines and railroad.~ -fought bi1terly lo maintain tht. right lo dual syslems in the san1e t.nne zone, but federal authorities im- post'd a uniform program. Children and cominllter~ may hate lo see darkness come one hour earlier. but rarmers who li ve hv the sun -and dri\·e- in mO\'ie opcrotors. on the same sche-dule -11,·ill be happy, And it may be ~ !!red old phrase. bu\ 1f you can't .~eem to r('r;ill "'hich \l.'il Y In turn the t·lock this 1\·eekend in order lo keep 1n strp. iusl rem('mbl'r: Spring ahead -Fall bac~. F ouutain ''alley • Mi ss No ,v So ug ht The field is open for young Foun1a1n Valley girls lo enter the Ja}cees 1'1iss Fountain Valley contest. Girls between the ages of 16 and 19 and who are srniors in high school may con- tact the Ja~·cees by Nov. 7. Judging in the p;:.geanl "'il! be Nov. 22 in the community center. Current r-.ti~s FounLiin Valley is Nanry O'Connel. For further information phone Tom Ke!ll'~'. 962 ·3i0 1, or Fred Armstrong, 962·1090. reC'real lon clubs in Vietnam, Germany and lhe United States. Similar repl ies were given by lhrel' others: 1\1. Sgt. \\'illian1 E. Higdon and two f:irmer sergea"ts now retired, Nar1'acz Hat cher and Scvmour Lazar. i--:ach of the four refused tu answer any Questions beyond giving his name and ad- dre!;s. \l.'oo!dridge, who served for lw o years as the first sergeant major of the Arm y, i~ being .. involuntarily released'' froin lhe Anny's rommand sergeants major program. the Army announced. He "'ill retain hi.s rank and pay or sergeant major but will be stripped of hi~ current assignment as c o 1n m a n d sergeant major at the \Vhi!e Sa nd~ .Pro\·· Ing Ground in New 1'-fexlco. He \\'Ill re· • 1n<1!n therf' ·in a different rapacil~'. ..\I a Pent;:igon briefing. reporters aJ;\.;('cl \l he ther \Vooldridge \1•1 11 br rourl· niartialecl. .Jerry Fnedheim, defrnse spokesm:in, sa id "I don't think we know yet." Army officers, howeve r, indlca1ed th<it the stalule of limitations has cxpire.d on some of the potential charges "'hich .... might arise in the case. making it in1· possible for the Anny to bold a court· 1nartial. At lhe Senate hearing, \Vooldridge. in- voked the Fifth Amendment to a long series of questions involving complex financial transaclkins, the use of Sy,•iss bank acrounts, influence p e d d Jing payoffs and kickbacks, Tells Girl's Tragedy Linkletter Tells Nixon To Publicize Drug Evils V.'ASHINGTON (AP) -Television perS(lnality Art Linklelter urged Presi· dent Ninin and c011gressloMI leaders to· day to adopt an educational program to publicize the evils of taking dangerous drugs. "The kids of America tod;:iy are reac- ting to a drug world in v.·hich they ha ve been born," Linkletter sairl. "They are used to seeing people pop l'hemJcals into their mouths for evel}'thing from relie1·. Funeral Slated For Seal Bea ch Postal Aide 1-'uneral services \\'Ill be held tl-fond;:iy for As~ist<int Seal Beach Po>1mas!er Francis HaleY,. 59. v.•ho d1cd th1~ v.·eek at St. Mary's Hospital, Long Beach, l0Uo\1- 1n~ a long illness 1'.1r. Hale~·. of 308 lilh St. Seal Beach. had ser1·ed ten years \1·1th !he Seiil Beach Pn~t OHice . }l(• IS SllTIJ\ed by hl S 11,d e, \'1rglllJd J"J, ll11ley: '"n son~. Jark \\'. llntry and l\fichael P. Haley: lwo daughter-~. i'llrs. Tonya Paternn anrl ~lrs. C}'ntl11n Bna r.; a brother. Harry l/<iley; lwn 5istcrs, r.trs. ~lary Dalton and 1\-lrs. Ann Kess ler, .and six grandchildren. Services v.·ill be conducted at 1 p.m. Monday at Peek Family Colonial Funeral Home, \\'estminster. Burial "'ill follow in Westminster t.femorial Park. Stock Markel• NE\V YORK fAPJ -The stock market began lo recover the day'11 earlier los~ in acli\'e trading late this afternoon. (Sec quotations·, Pages 22-23). ing lcnsion5 and curing headaches and losing v.·ei&hl. ·• Nixon invited the 57-year-old Llnkletter lo lalk to a bipartisan group or Senate and House leaders, called to a \\''hite House brie rlng on the President's pro- posals dealing with the drug problen1. The meeting lasted two hours. Linkletter df'Scribed the death Qf his youngr..~t daughlcr, 20·year-old Diane, who fell from the kitchen v.·indow or her sixth.floor apartmen~ Oct. 4. Linklelter said Diane "leaped to her death in a depressed state fr om bad LSD tripli six months before." Me said although she had not Laken LSD durinJl the inter\·ening six months. ''the bad tri~ 11·ou ld occu r again and again so that sh(' thought shC' \\·as losing her mind." L1nkletter sairl he decided to publicize h15 daughter's death ~n that oth~r p:ir- eqt~ "·ou ld becomo. concerned abou t the problem of young people \.\'ho arc tak1n~ drugs. He said in !he last 10 da .vs he had rece1red 2a,ooo ll'lh'rS and m a n y trlegrams anrl trlrphnne r11ll~ :iskinf: h1n1 to speak on lhe J;Ubject and from parenls v.hfl know thaL I heir c/uld ren are invuh·ed 11 ith drugs but don'! ~.n(lw \\·ha t to do. "fr:inkly, 1 rnri't tfll lhf'm 11h:it 1 .. rlo because I don'l kno"'·" Llnklelter saH.I. Valley School Board Sla tes Jl l ce l Tonight Re.vic.w or sile acquisition and con- struction progress will be one of lhe con- cerns of the Fountain Valley School Di.strict board of trustees al lheir 7:30 p.m. meeting tonight in the Curriculum Center. In other matters. the trustees arc ex- pected to approve the appointment nf !!:d Lavelle to the Fountain Valley Parks and Recreation Commission . Report Fro11a ERA • lSOll \/,I 'f•l•P~Gtt TAKES STH AMENDMENT Army's Wooldridge Massage Parlor Okayed in Valley Shopping Center Fountain VallC'y may follow the s;ime rocky, road Huntington Beach once tried with a proposed b;in on opposite sex: massoges in health spas and saunas. The city currently ha."l no massage parlors, hut Fountain Valley planning commissioners ;ipproved one for a small shopping ccnll"r on he north1vest side or ~!agnolia and Ga rfield Streets wllh lour strict cond1tionii. r.1o~t prominent of the condi!ions is the one forbidding v•ornen lo m;issllge men ar.d vice versa. Other conditinns !ncludf'; -An y ma;ssage p;ir!or "'ill have to con- fcrrn to any future la\\'S passed. -A rnoss.age pa rlor's license may bf' revoked if any emplorc is arres!ed or con\'icted for an offense arising from his ""OT~. -/,IJ employes must he fincerpr1nted :i11d photogrdphed by police . ln 1966, Huntington Beach passed an Qfidnancc forbiddini:! op posil(' se x rnasse gin g which brought a .~lorm nf pro· le£l fronl massage p:irlors cla1n1ng 1t ll"nu!d put them out of bus1nc~s. The la"' "'as dropped afler several he<:>nngs and a con\'1nc1ng argument that ;i ~i1uat 1on of rnen n1<1Ss<:ig1ng 1nen 1night bnni:; about a ratl1cr "gily" situation \Wlrsc than the prost1tulton feared by C'f•11r.ci?.-.1en. Hunt ington Beach, hov.·r~·er. ha ~ severa l massage parlors. while fountain \"alley has none. Beverly Anderson, the v.·oman applying f11r the sauna parlor. indicated that under such rules she cou ld not operate because all her masseuses are female. She has recently purchased the Beppu ma!sage parlo~, 504 Newport Ave .. Newport Beach, and hopes lo move tha l franchise lo Fountain Val!ey. City Attorney Thomas \Voodruff pro- posed the restrictions 1n conjunction with Poli ct! Chief Charles Michaelis. They are \VC'rking to develop a sin1ilar city ordinance. on the subject. Speedy Downtown Revamp Urged By JACK. BRODA.CK OI 1M 011,, Jllf•I l!•lf Redevt"lopmenl of the dov.·nlov.·n area o( Huntington Beach is the key lo future progress In the oceanfront sertor of the cil\' and !he entire commuoity, a report received loday emphasizes. The report to the city from a ~ludy by Economic R<'search Associates !ERA) of l.1~ Angeles u·arned that prese nt plan11 to rc1uvtnate the downto11'n area mu~t be cafried forward rapidly or the ma jor direction of growth could bypass the m1d- ~ach area. The sludy recommends m n \' i n ,e: fcr\\'ard on !he "Top of lhe Pier Pro1rcl'' 1''hich the city council \\'ill consider Tue!>- day night at a Huntington Beach High School cafeleria meeting. Speciric recommendation."! in !hr ERA report include : -Exteruion of the Parking Authority to areas oorth of Pacific Coa11t Highway will act as a calalyst in the revitaliz.ation ef- forLs. -In order lo achi,ve ful l economic development phy5 ical conditions of the downlmrn area must be improved .. -Jn ilially. projecls such a.~ resort- orien!ed specialty shopping facilities and destination resort holels must be en· c11uroged to locate in the beach area. -A muJti .purpose cil'ic auditorium ill rs~enlial for reaching full devt>loprntnl po!ent\al. especlal!y in the resort and hCl!el induslries. -F.conomic and marketin~ l'iUpport levtls art ~ubstanti at and ju~tify develop· •nt:nl of the downlol\TI and e~anded beach areas. -The impact nr ~uch vit;ilit;:itio n rf- fo1·1~ on the ciliz.ens of Huntington Beach will be highly significant In terms nf employment, in income and lax: ad· \·anlBges . ERA oHicials said the ronclusions reachtd were based on a complete economic sludy of an area roughly bounded by lhe ocean on the south, the bluff ~ are.a along Pacific Coast Highv.·ay on !hr "'es!, Talbert i\\l enue on the norlh :ind Bearh Boulsvard. Newlanrl Street .anrl 1he S:inlil Ana River on the eaFI. General recommendationii of the organization include: -Continued growth of the city rleJX!ndi1 to a lRrgt' rxlent upon rejuvenation of the planni njl area in general and the "Top of the Pier" area in particular. -Development efforts in lhese areas atreddy ~gun mu~ be l'XpandecL - -rt i!> imptrati\'e I.hat I.he city main· ta1n the momontum &ained from Ua in- llial rejuvenation programs and proceed with furlher planning and implementa· lion of developmmt projec:l3. -Increased developmenl activity from the t-l!olic sector will stimulate much needOO private investment in the plan· ning area. -Investment opportunities and de\•elopment efforls mus! be acted upon TI:!W or development potentials may bypass the city . The economist.s emphasized that the downtown area harl a "very ra\'orable de\relopment potential ·• They added that it "is a focal point of the entire pl\lnning and erforLi;; to rejuvenate ii should ha ve lir~t prlori1y. ''Thi;o; public rUort will generate. an ex- pecterl $8.1 million in private inve~tmenl d!I &ti plans ™;come ruJly realized," the report concludes. ac County Lowers Boom on R~· 'TO~I BARLEY O! !ft• O•itr l'IJtl Siii! Southern Colifornia Edison Company·~ pl;;ns for expansion of its Huntington Bcac~ power plant suffe red a hea vy bl ow \\'tdnesday 11·hrn Ora nge Co u n I y s.1r,er\'isors called for a ban on con· slnH'lJon of alt smog-produc ing power pli.ln ts. A biHerly dehated public hearing endCd \\"ilh the board \'O llng 4 to l lo ask the l'ublie Ulilitles Commission to seek such a statewide morotorium on fo.~sil-buming r;,rililies. Supervisor Will iam Phillips op· posed the motion of Supervisor Dav\d Baker. Bu~ the outcome or the board aclion w;1s uncertain until the moment of voling \1 ilh both Supervisors Alton A!len and \~'i lliam Hirstein \'isib!y wavering as Bakrr and Supervisor Robert Battin pres.~ed for the boiird's firm anti·smog sl;ind i'hil!ips' dissent in,!!· vote d t feat e d B:ikcr·s ~l ated objective of ''presenting a i nit('d stand 1vhen we discuss smog ls:;ues Oct. 30 with supervisors from o!he1' Southland counties" -;i meeting scheduled [or Riverside County al whi ch all counties in the Los Angeles s1nog lla~i n "ill be represented. 1'.:EEK :\lORATORIU:'\I Baker's accepted resolution calls for the !·UC lo seek a "mor~to.rium on con· ~ltuctlon of all fossil butning (smo&·pro- duclna:> racililie~ until lhe 1tate'1, Air Resources Control Board is utisfied that such conslruction will not put pollutants into the atmosphere." Allen repeatedly asked Baker lo ameod his moUQQ to a form that would allow ror con!frit ·t6 the Edison expansion provided Edison ofnclels guaranteed that the con- struction would not add lo the present levels or pollution. Baker repeatedly rrfusecl lo revise !he resolution. .. \Ve. have heard a great deal about how application of science and technology will solve ou r smog problems and of how they arc e\'en now bc.ing used by Ediso n, among other utilities, to eliminate this n1our:!ing smog menace," Baker said. "Such a mo ratorium as r have pro- posed will provide proof of those efforts and \\•ill encourage Edison and others to r nsure thal our polluted atmosphere is not , et least , contarninated lo any greater degree. CRO\\'D APPLAUDS '"The pa il of w:itfr is full and it won't ho!rl any more," Bnker said , lo the ringing applause of the crowded hearinJl room_ "The overwhelming consensus of the peo ple of Orange County -as they've demonstrated here today and in the re· cent hearing at Hu nhngton Beacll---is tha t ttM>y'l'e bod enough." Baker a \so urged the board In add lighter controls 10 Orange County 's air pollution ordinance on the lines or stiff anti'.smog l11nguage recently written into Los Angeles County la\VS. Th.at motion wHI be debated by the board Tuesday. \Yitness after witness followed an Edison team of experts to the mic rophone Wednesday to lash the com- pany's plans ror tripling of the con- troversia l Huntington Beach plant. Almost all of them seized on the evidence provided by Wiiiiam Fitchen, the counly's air pollution control officer, 01s their basis for objection. Fitchen con· tends thal compk!tion of the plant ls guaranteed lo also triple the now dangerous level of nitrous ox ides -some 30 tons a day -that is now being hurled into th~ llunlington Beach sky. And it is highly doubtful, said engineer D. F. Jeffrey, th at current attempts by Edison to contain th11l ou tput are meeting with much success in the light of rec.ent New Telephone Books Go Out New telephone directories will be deli vered begiMing Tuesday to 74,200 customers In Huntington Beach, West - minster and MJdway City, General Telephone Co. officials said today. Delivery :should be romplettd v.·ithin 1 week . "Delivery men have been instrucltd to ring each doorbtll and hand deliver the new directory," said Stan Botelho, Orange Division manager. "Sludies indicate that the quickest way for anyone to kx:ale the numblr they wi~h to flM i~ lo look It up lhtrMelves," Botelho addtd. "'Many perSOM think t.h;it by dialing directory assi!tance they will gave time. but our 1tudie:s :show this is not lhe case.·• Plants sampling by him of the Hunting ton Beach facility . The Air Pollution Control District ex- pert testified that more than 30 tons of hazardous nitrous oxides \\'ere being emitted dnity by the plant when he ran his tesls. And he stressed that Edison's promises to cut down that output and contain the emissions on an even greater level within the next seven years "were exactly that right now -promises." The m()Sl bitter p~otesLs at the hearing came from Huntington Beach re!idents (Stt SMOG BAN, Page Z) * * * Daily Pilot Eclitorial Give1i Praise A DAILY PILOT edilorial "'as cited by Supervisor William 1-Urstein \\'ednesday as "a t·lear and well written analysi11 of the problem that faces us in Huntington Beach.'' The board ch11irman htld up the tdlk'rial 1t a cruci1\ pha.st al Lhe hearing to stress its coocluding atatement: ''Unless v.·t. are reelly at the point where \.l"e i re ready to CG all-<>ut against air pollution .and acupt the price for .some chang~ t.hat must come in our basic !iv~ tog and our econon1y, then lhe Edison plant problem is only a monetary symbol of a much bigger problem." "Now lh;it's a pretty good editorial," lfirsteln said. "It says what I have always ~aid, that we have to determine wha~ price "'e &re prepared lo pay in terms of our shedding of what we presently have. ''The situation is carefully and thoroughly laid out in lhe editorial,'' Hirslein i;aid. ''I commend it to all of )'OU." He later -obviously reluctantly -ad- ded his \'ote. lo Uiose of Supervisor:<> Baker. Battin and Allen in favor of the plant construction ban. Valley Solves Fly Problen1 A potential fly problem resulling from the dumping or damaged tom ;itoes on 11nused land in ;<.!ile. Square, fountain \ialll?y. )las been solved to the satisfaction (Jf the Orange County Health Depart- 1nenl. !Iealth officials had asked fountain \'alley City Attorney Thomas Woodruff ta take action against farmers v.·ho were dumping tons of tomatoes on the Mlle Square land. 1'he tomatoeJ had betn plowed undtr the ground, but not deeply enough and fl ies were: breeding in the area in Jar&e numbers, accordng lo health off icials. R. B. Robison, assistant director of en· vironmental health, i;aid today that, a:o; (lf Wednesday, the situation haCI been taken care of by the farmers themselves v.·ho aprayed the area thoroughly. Orange Coast Weather Going down -the temperature. that Is. To about Ill along the coMt under cloudy 11kie11 In the morning hours, while inland ueas will be up ton. INSWE TODAY fltlping Merican·Amtricnns to help ihtm.telvts is tht mfa·sion of a UC lrviJJe hu.tbnnd and wife teacl1h1g team. Pagt 12. • 1 f DA.IL Y PILOT H Dick T1·acy 'Cons11lted ' 011 Zodiac SACRA~fENTO rt.:P ll - S1a!e crime fnvtstigators today so11i;hl help from comic strip dttect1 \'e Dirk T ra{'y in !he f.earch for cluts to the •·zodia c" sla yer Df the San F'ranciS<:o bay <1rea . Agent~ of lhe Stale Bureau of Crirninal Identification anr1 Investigation began f;crulinizing the Tracy comics on the lheory that there might be some parallels bet10.e rn "Zodiac·· and lhc Scorpfr.1 lrader of 1hc Zodiac Gang 111 the carloon scrie~. Earl B;iucr, a seruor an::ilyst in thf' bureau·s crime laboratory, <'oncedrd compari ng the comic str ip w1lh the. :zodiac 1n1·estigat ion \\·as ''kind of off- beat .. but said 11 may provide a valuable clue in apprehending the Zodiac. The first zodiac installmenl appeared 1n 1he comics Aug. 17, a few weeks af1er the bay area 's admil1 ed sla yer of fi ve persons dubbed himself Zodiac in lellcrs to newspapers. ;,You notire that these !hi ngs come up more or less siinullaneously," Dauer :<>'1id. "So then you take Cl look to sec if there are any parallels." In Chester Gould's comic strip, Scorpio has an astrological Scorpio sign printed on hi s face . An astrology coluinnist was rlrowned and cuff lin ks with the horoscopt and a scorpion v.'ere fo und on his shirt. Bauer. \\"ho sa id he v:as assisted by other Cl! workers, declined to discuss what. if any, conclusions he roresaw resulting from the analysis. "lt's just 6peculation at this point ,'' he said. ··\Ve really havrn 't got inlo il yet," he iaid, adding 1hal the only comparison so far between th e two w:i s the word zodia r. A troubled man \\'ho said he was the "Zodiac" slayer \\'ho complained of headaches and cr ied out "I've go1 t1> kill'' during a 1w0-hour seri l's of bizarre con· versalions Wednesday on a television talk :-ho1v failed to keep tv.·o surrender ap. pointments with attoiw.v l\1 clvin Belli, 11·ho told th e caller, "air of Snn Francisco \1·ants to help YQU. The hand is oul , you can feel the hnnds out." There also was a challeng e issued lo Zodiac -from the brolher of San Pran· cisco cab driv er Paul Stine. The cabbif' '''as shol lo death CH:t. 11 , an d 1he killer mailed a piece of Stine 's blood ied shirt \\'ith a boastful letter to a ne\\·spapc r. Stinf''s brother. Jor, 34, operator or a lllcxlesto ser1·Jl•e stat ion, issued an itinerary or his d11 ily hab11s and <'hal!eng· ed Zodiac to "come ii nd get me." "f don 't carry weapons," said the 16&- pound Army and Air Force 1·eter an. •·f don 't feel I need any. 1 \\'as very closl' to Paul. and no1v I v.•ant a chance at his killer." No Hon1ecoming For Edison High; 'Spirit' Instead StlJdenls al Edi son High Schoo'. v.·il l not have a homeeoming this yeC1 r. The school is brand new. Thrrc arc no alumni to bring back. Not lo be det l'rrrd hy ~ u <' h technicalities, hov.•r1·er. the student~ havf' plann ed a "Spirit \\'el'k "' v.hich runs fron1 0..-1 27 to Oc-1. :11. The ac111i11cs y,•111 be hi~hl1 gh1 rrl Oct. ~! 11·11h the halltime cro11:n1n~ of the loot· ball fJUf'en nn Hunting1 on Ae11rn ·~ ~heuP r zrld when thl' Ch arger~ !aer (()~!a ~lcsa ll1;:h Schoo!. Quet•n cand!da1rs include J',,1 \\"al ~nn , Col!e'-'n Tait , Par Thr .. nlnn . .)u\u~ Zlpk 111 , Palrice LaJ01e. Gail ~lrinigoml'ry, Brl h t>1artus. Sherry G1 llcsp1c :i n~ .lane Ste inmeiz. Also to be. feiitured duri ng ~pin t ll'f'~k ls a semi-forma l rlance ill 8 JO p n1 l\""01·. l in the Erli~on cafe1ena. :'ll ihlr !o r !lie dance , \1 hic h c:irric~ H1l' thrn1 r "Tlir (;ok!en Age of Home" will hr prO\lded by The 13th Hour. DAllY PILOT (111;,lN(;t COAST PU9l1S"HIG CCM.tANY i::.,b.,1 t i w •• J r 1u "'"t •rd "•~' 1,.u J1t~ R. Cv•I•~ V11• f'rr•·~•'' ••d "'"''"' 1.•1n1 ~.r The!"•• 11 .... ,1 l GolGf '"•"•i •o t...• ·or ,ldl,e rl W. P.,•'•1 A1><><,1rt [C "" Hw11tl~9l•11 ltaek Offlet J09 Slh St •1•! M,;1;"9 Atltl reu: r.o. Bao 7?0, 91b ~I Ot1'i•t Olflttl "11"P0t! llrl<n :.H \\•"fl•, •• l\lllJ .. Vl !d (o>'• /.."~•• ~l' I'•''' ll•v "•••I LIVU1'1 etocn: :111 f Q«" .. ,,,..,.. O••\.V PILOT, "''~ ... ~,,~ I• tc"'t•ft•d 1•• "••I P•t~I. 11 <.n~l .. ~oa a• ' • •('"' ~' n •!U1 I" "~"" f <I •·on1 •o• '"'~"1~1101 116<1\, fo...,1011! Vl 'lf•, (O\!• "'""' M<IO"• ~·· 1)11•• •~' l•lu~• ll•M•. • ,,.,~ "·~ ..... '"""'"I .e;11a~•. O··~~· (•!•I r~~I·•~· Inf (O"'l'Cn\" proMo•~ ~"""' • • •t 7111 l'f " l•rr.,. 111~<1 N•,.l>(•t e•~<~. •no ~)O ...... llo• ~!•ftf. (0\!I l/IU Tittt,lrto~ 17141 •42-4J 21 f '•ll'I Wht111l11tte, Ctll 540-1210 Cl"dflH Alwtrll•l"t •42·5•71 Coc>V<lthl, !'If. 011n11 t O••! Pub"••l•I c-n• HO ne.,..1 • • o • i • •· • , .. ,,.,, o••· 1t ll<"il l "'"""' t• """"''•l•m•ft"< "'''"' "'''!lo ''"'O<IWf O "'""°"' tllfCol l ft•"l'll"O~ o! <C .. «IM ""'°'· I , • ., • ., 1•111 <-(ti"•~· ~··of •• I'"""'" 11••1 ~ ••d (fJ'I N'"· (I''""• '~"'' '• ,,.,;u 11 ro "'"''~'•· b1 "'~" l !O ""''''"''' m ,1,111 y """"''"'"'• 11 "II ...,.,, 1n·1. DAILY ,.,LOT l'hOTo t y Ruel Nltdlit llkl Helping Tlieir Cona11111nity Beach and Atlanta Decision Readied On Civic Center Huntington Beach city 1.;ouncilman ;ire eitpected to make a final determ inat ion r:.rly next 1nonlh on felsibility of a ne w civic center site at the Sl)Uthwr.st cornrr of Beach Boulevard and Atlanta Aventt('. A study on the p<Jssible purchase and development of the 35-acre site. for ch·ic use was ordered by the Cily Council Oct. 6. '·The study is proceeding rapidly based on rel"e11ues thii t migh t be gcncraled by the city through de1elopn1enl of a civic (.'e nter, parking area and co111"ent1on centc>r,'' said A ssi s tanL Clly Adm inistrator Brander Casllr. Cas.tle sa id it had been detcrinined thal th e A1nerican t.1obile Horne Corporation purchased the property last mon th for S94fi,OOO. '"\\"e believe lhe rity can acqu ire the properl y through negoti ation \.\'Ith the nev: ov.'llers for a figure some\.1-·hat abo1·e the purchase price," C<1stle said. Il e ad· ded, howe~·cr, that under th e law ;in ap· praisa! \.\'Oul<l have Lo he 1nade on the \·altie of !he land. U1e proposed acqui sition of Uie Beach BC1ulcv<1rd proper ty ilre lied together in Ou· l"SG '"Top of the f'le r Pl:in " Consideration of the. Beach-Atlanta pro. pe rt.\' as a possible civic center began :-.c·vcral weeks ago when the city cuunc1I turr.ed do1rn a requrst by the then 01vncr:-. the Ta lbert Estalc. to build an 1l:.'B·un1t apartment complex on lhe .:.icre;igc /•n 111forn1al poll nF counciln1en 1n- chc.ated ti1at a rn<iJon ly \\'Ou ld fa vor the n~I' site breakin~ the months-long 4 to 3 ~l ::inre on the 12-<lcre upper t.l a1n Street :-.ur oppo~l!e !lun!i ngton Beach lli gh School. Fair Board Bitrns Britsli Bart Crov.•ley (left) lin d R ic ha rd Montano help F'o.stmaster Pete DeF'a luo \vith bags of Community Chest appeals mailed recently to J~unti ngton Beach resi dents. Goal of S135 .000 for current fund drive is largest in history of Huntington Beach campaign effort. Donations will help support act iv1t1cs of 19 community agencies. Council men will hear a report Tuesday night on the Urban Land Institute Cilizen"s Steering Cotnmillcc (CS<;) plan for deve lopment of lhe cqu1vak'ul ~·f se\"en downtown city blocks front ing on Pacific Coast !lighway inlo a parklng area. Off Shortciit By ,JANICE BER!\,AN Supersonic Plane Era Success or Question? By RUDI NIEDZIELSKl 0! 1111 01111 Pilot 5J1U A Cornell Uni versi ty professor tod;:iy said the supersonic !ran~porl era "'ill rither be a boo ming succe ss or a quiet <1uestion n1a rk. Speaking before the An1crican lnstilul c of Afrona utirs :ind A ~lronalltics in Anaheim, Dr. A. Richa rd Secbas:r; said that no radical solutions nre to be ex· pectl'd in the elimination of booms. "F:volulionrtry in1provcmen1s will even · tn;i.lly m:ike flight s n\·cr populated areas Scholarship Fund Declared Success The first ann ua l Scholar.•hip Bn"·l nr the l:funtingto n Reach !!igh School District has bl'en decl ared a ""rl'l'!ll' hy both the participan!s <ind the DOlliirs for Scholars committee. - Lee r.t osstel!cr. direc tor Of-specia l services for the district arid originator of the fre.s!1man footbal l roun d robin, sa id. "The excitemen t and spirit that pr e1 ail ed Friday night as our nintt1 grade teams took over the !llintington Beach l!igh athleti c field insures continuation of the Scholarship Bowl. He said aboul $700 was raised whirh will aid the seholarship program of lhe district. Results of the 10 periods or round robin play saw Huntington Brach frosh em<'r&e a~ "'inner~ wah 18 pflinls . Oth rr scores: \Vestn1rn~ter. 14. Fnun1a1n Valley, 8; i-.:;:son. 7. ;:incl l\larin a, 3. .. ... ~ ' possible," he predicted. But he cautionM that the one half pound per 5qUare foot pressure level considered a<"cep!able by p~ycho-acoustie engineers "cannot be rcacl1ed \\"ith present structural tec hni· t']U('S. '' '~u pcrsonic !ransports no1v in the design s!ag<'s have <i n O\"er prl'~sure level of ap-- prnximately two pounds per square foot. Anothf'r :iircrCl rt noise expert, Dr. 1...-co L. Beranek, nf Bol t, Hcranek and f\l'wman, Inc. said that even though the booms arc not dangerous to human life or properly .. people arl' startl ed and don't gel accustorned to sonic lxioms."' He indlcatl'd tha t humans respond lo loud noises as !he signal to an eme rgency a nd thal lhrough 1he1r lifetime they become conditioned to a starlling response v.·h!rh rannot be broken . no matter ;io\v frcqucnl their exposur e to the noi se. Another nejetive aspr.c! of lhe boom his caused Ill uproar v.•lthi n groups fl f homeowners near a i r po r ls with supeprsonic planes, he said. "The pe o p I e are frightened !hfl t repeated booms would lf'ar their homes :ip:irt ," explained Bl'ranek. "I live near a n1il itary installation and every lime I hl'ar :.ii hoo1n, 1 think it's pulling the na ils vu t or the \\'all$." Gls Get Citizen ship HONOLULU (UPI) -htore than '100 U.S. ~ervicemen -all aliens from 6J dtf· fl'r ent countrit.s -\\'ill become Amer ica n cttizens Friday 11ndf'r a scar old law. r-.'early 600 nl them are veterans of Viet. nam. I , __ 1 :\ S1aow on tlie P11111 pl.: in 1'.Iost pumpki ns hnve fros t on lhPm at this tune of year, b11t not this pumpkin man, who nppt"a r~ 1o be telling Frankie Judge, 4, lhat he needs a coat to cope \\ith \\'cdnr ~fl ;:iy 's i;no\1·fall in Gorham. N.i1. It \11;:is !\c\1' llan1pshirc's hc a\'icst October .!.n01\fnll 1n .50 years. f'roni Page l SMOG BAN ••• \\'ho live in the shadow of the power plant. A housewife who failed to identi fy herself told supervisors of "living near I.hat miserable, rotten plant for 12 years. "They have been 12 years of plants dying, clothes rotting on the line and the house being contaminated with the dirt and poison they put out," she said. "And then these people (Edi~on Co.) have the nerve 10 co1ne here -and th ey're rea l swl'<'l lod ay. aren't !hey -and ask to build an e1•cn bigger pl~nt." Charles R. \Vright, 91 52 Ber1nu!)a, told supcrv i~ors that his home -si tuated about J.000 fl•ct frorn the po1ver plant - had been rl'palntcd thrre limes in the four and one-hall years that he had betn in residence. "\\'e are all victims of this filthy residue and noitious po llutants." he said, lie lold or trees and plants throughout the area dying, of "spots on autos , doors and patios that Y:on't wash flff" and of clothing bei ng ruined hy pollutants. "\\"e can th ank the Edison Compa ny for all of I.h is and I tf'll you today that if they h11d had any competition "·e'd hal'C nuclear power today,'' the angry \\!right told lhe board. "They have destroyed !heir lmai;e in oor community and v.·e urge you lo re.jecl their application for planl expansion." Similar protests v.·ere filed by a pro-- cession nf coun1y and <'iv ic leaders. private citizens and repre.s cntati ves of anti-smog associations. "You should oppose thi s application 11·11h lhe sure knowledge that an aroused public is wil!lng to pay any price that clean alr will cost," said Mrs. Otis Ozolin of Orange. "\Ve ask on ly that you be con· cerned with the quality of our life and not the riuantily." The downlo"'n redeveloptnent plan and Council Approves Restaurant Sign Denny's Rest.aurant will be allowed to install a large lighted flashing ball on top of its sign on Beach Bou levard. Huntington Beach city councilmen ha ve overrulf'd a pl:i nni ng com mission decis ion that the extension on the fJQ.(00t sig at 18477 Beach Blvd. should not be allowed . Planners sa id l h;.it, If lhc nppl1t'at iri11 was approved, other businesses in the area could file similar requests to circumvrn t the city's sign ordinan ce. Leonard D. ~ova, ope ra1or of the r~~tauranl, told councilmen that the ex- tension of the sign to fJ3 feet in height 1\·as necessary tu allract business. C1)uncilmen voted 5-2 to apprOl"C the. r xtension . They said the si gn was scthack from the property line and not l'.'astly seen by motorists on Beach Boulevard. Attorney General To Back Beach The stale aUorne.v gl'neral ha~ been authorized lo rf'present the city flf ll11n- 11ngton Beach in a proposed civi l anti· t.n1st suit against automobile manufac· turers. Councilmen ha ve adopted a rcsoluLion naming Attornf'y General Th orn as C'. Lynch to act on bl'ha lf or !h(' ci!y •·10 prepare. fill', serve and prosecule a civi l :inti-tru st suit against automobile manu· fa rtu rers for conspiring In ret.irr! the introduction of sn1og r onlrol devices 1n the State of Cslifor nia ·• '01 mo D1l1r P11o1 Jrolf Fair Board rnembers are burning . Their land, that is. The. Board today ord ered the torch put lo the brush and grass on the norlhv.·est corner of the Orange County Fairground~ at Fa irview Road and Arlington Drive. Costa !\tesa. !\!embers of the Costa !\fesa Fire Tu>partment sloOO by to supervise the firP~. set off follo...,·ing a story in the DAILY PILOT and a rCt']Uest by the police dl'partmenl \Vednesday that the s1a1e-ov.'J1ed properly be cleared. ,;You could walk lnl.rl !hat field and just disappe:i r."' said Battalion Chief David Teter, as he looked at the. spot where, last v•eek, a child \\•as sexuall y molested . "\\"e ·re -or r<llill'r, !h!'y're -going lo try !ri C'lin1inatr as n1uth of the ;,landing \\'eeds as possibl e today."' sa id Battalion I ·111cf Ron Col eman, addi ng that the fire (il'partment r:nulrl nnlv :;t ~nd liy and assist lo 1nake sure !he blale ts con· l rnlle~I. ~urning lhc :1 rea 11•1!1 take n1ost of !hf' Uay. olf1c1als ~a id . They \\"ere having some trouble keeping !he fires burning brcause of the damp 1norning 11·ea!her. Captain \\' 1!1 i am Rayzner said. '"lt"s hard to burn today. bur it's easy to control." Colen1an c"tpla1ned that burning lhr area '"v.·ill give the police department more Yisual control. Secondarily. when it's burned it loses all its attraciveness as a shortcut. Kids don't \\'ant lo go t1J school wi th charcoal al! over their cl othes.·· '"I 1hink that irs goi ng to hrlp," said .Ju ven ile lnves11gator Lind a Geisler of the Costa ,\·le5a Police Dcpartrnenl. who was c.ssigned to the chi ld n1olest case. ~he said that she. and poli ce Capt. notx:rt Green asked lhal. the area bt cleared. "I think it's going to he. nirl'r, don·t .•1ou"'" Chief Tetl'r a~ked Falrgrounds !llanager Alfrl'd Lut je:;ns. '"!f V.'l' can ever gel 1l burning," Lut· jeans replied. SALE for the first time! THIS EXCITING PARTY SET Your ch"oiee of simulated Oa~ or Pecan tables in 44" or 48" sizes. Also a wide selection of vinyls and fabrics in a variety of colors. Inc lud in g 5 Pieces, T oble ,oi nd 4 Chairs for ... $489 i·ou1 fovoritt t1llt r101 dt$iw-ner ir ill be hapPy 10 Jssist :•1ou , •• PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNE RS Open Mcin~, Th ur1. & Fri. Eve·. 22 1 b HARIOR BLVD. COST A MESA , CALIF. 646.0275 ( c. 'E Ro! "ridi • Deac siren \\'ag0o Dr. 1 Bush Th< s11ffc1 majo refute stenc \'Chic legal! !\1r: stand steps• dicat• Tes said, :::ccut rletec legal! thoro TO<' dety { press cult Ls Th< or m di cae· Count Edi herah J\trs. pol ict: illega has b the L "som v.•hen it. E" at the Jlonol diagr. i:iarke the V• H ~u pcr it wi! l..ear:, an ex Tha medi < Ear cal l ~ recor1 rt v bey on su ch . the d v.·hat The to sur tual ti and rr Lag Purce sn1ellt \\·hen on on n1 a~. The up a v.·it.h ;. tw o p and S• Le PAF l lcnry \ ic1 11;; lhc co tlfll(J(' <lit! n• ti li1 t<'IT The l~l.1(it 1rn tior ple!<'I;. sis lcnt Lod1 journn llouc;c Sta !-::~ ln5lea· for a t Exp· return i.odgr for sc mark. 'To lhat \\ Raf and told baU ilse brn1 ball er~· that this -.. ---; ,cwc;t;i::x:;a:.<,e::;e1 ,; 4P£4 2 2 & ¢ JS!SJ a a s a a a 2s:www.a0&.E&JJR.cJ .2tz:;_s.u.11ook&¥&¥SO s:s:: ms:;:sa 2 a Mr s. Lea1·y Cosmonauts Here Call s Rap Join Astronauts • in Anaheim 'Ridiculous' Rosemary i..('ary today C'ondt'n1ncd as "ridiculous" th e allegation by l,aguna Bearh police officers t11at there wns a Elrong od or of ni.'.lrijuan:i in the slatinn wagon occu pie<I lust De(" 26 by hcr:;c!r, Dr. Timothy Leary <ind l1t·r stepson, J ohn Bush Leary. The red -haired former n11)dcl. obviously suffer ing frorn the :iftt>r clfccts of rel'ent n1aj('}r surg('ry, shakily 100k 1hc stand tn _refute prosecution testimony that a stench of n1Jr11uan:i emanated froni the \'Ch lrle said by police to ha\'e Uren il· legally parkc<I on \Voodland Orn·e. l\1rs. Leary, 33, will be followed lo !hf' stand later today bv h('r husband and stepson, the Leary rii1nily's attorneys 1n- diraterl. Testimony of all three, the Ja1V)'l'rs said, "'ill be al rncd at dcslrO~'ing the pr<>· f.ecution argument thal drugs tould ~e 11etected by odrir.and that lhc car \\'as ii· legally p:irkt!d on tile Ai t Colony thorot1ghfare. 1'oday's tcs ti1nony launrhcd !he rourth clay o( a hC'aring in!o n nintion to s11p- prcss evi <l rnrc filed agalnsi the LSD cultist and his fan1il y. 1'he Lcarys face rhargcs of 1;ossession {lf mariJu:ina and LSD and \VCrt' in· clicaed on those counts by the Orange Coonty Grand Jury. Edwin T. Earl, the defense 's much heralded ''surprise \\•itness"' preceded Mrs. Leary to the stand to challenge the police argument that the Leary car v.·as illeg ally parked on \\'oodland Drive. It has been a lleged by the prosecution !hat the Learvs' battered stalion \\•agon was "somewhere nea r the middle of the road'' ""'hen off:cer Nea l J , Purcell first spotted it. Earl. 2~, who lived on \Voodl an<l Drivt! at the time of the arrest and now lives in Honolulu, indicated on a courtroom diagram that the Learys' c:ar was leg::illy parked at the time Purcell approached the vehicle . If Earl's 1es tim ilny is accepted by Supe rior Court Judge Byron K. f..lcl\lill nn it will, the prosecution admits, send the Leary into their Superior Court trial with an exce!lent chanc~ of acqui ttal. Tha t. trial is scheduled to im· mediately follo\~' the present hearing. Earlier in the tria! it was necessary to call a recess briefly \Vhile the woman recording the hearing composed herself. IL v.·as not 1mrned1alely determined - bevond Dr. Leary's courtroom antics suf:h as flashing V for peace signs when the defense makes technical points - what se t the reporter off. The current proceeding~ are intended to suppress certain evidence 1n the even- tual trial of the famil y on charges of LSD and marijuana possession la ~! Deceml>fr. Laguna Beach Police Officer Nl'al f'u rcell testified \\'edn csd ay that he :-;n1elled lhc odor of burning mari jua1.a ~hen he checkf'd 1he Leary station wag. on on a quiet strC'"CL the day after Chr1st- n1a~. The se<irch resltlll ng allegedly turned up a. plastic bag ot 1:1 green pills, a bag ""'i1.h a nun1brr of. purple and white pills, two pipes, a n1arJJuana £·igarclle holder and some suspectffi ha~hish. UP'I T1!tp~tlt PONDERING MOON ROCKS Co smonaut Feokist?•t S hore Protection Policy Studied A ~horeline conservation policy thnt coulr! conccivribly bring Orange County's oce<in front terrain und er a "proteclion b; zoning" ordinance ha s been passed to th·! counly planning department for study, Count y supervisors took !he action on the motion o[ Supervisor David Bake r who recently urged the board to protect the cou nty "s shoreline through a measure hn!'cd on a recently appro ved Santa Barba ra County ordinance, Baker has noted that Santa Barbara protects its occanlront property through zoning. Structures built Jn v.·hat are now Protected are:is prio r to passage of the ordinance are allowed to remain but all future construction in the rigidly zoned arc:is is denied or subjected to rigorous cxan1inatlon. '"\Ve should disc us s this prolection by zoning policy 1n the light of what cou ld happen to ou r own 43 miles of shoreline," J:1;iker recently con1mC'nted. "The Santa B<irbara ordi0nhce may prove lo be !ht! kind of nic.n~ure we need here. if we are tu conserve the ocean fron t 've already have " Peace Talks Ci1t Sl101·t; Lodg e Rap s Reel Attitucle PARIS ! UPI\ -r S. Ambassador Henry Cabot i.t](l~c today rut short !he \ i<:tn;:in1 pcac•e t:ilk s and s1or mf'd oul 11f tt1c confcrf'ncr 1n pro trc1 :ig;i111c;1 lhe ;\t· 11111dc c,f tlir C"on1n11a11.~t n+•,t:r111.1 toro.. Ile (lid not 11a1t lh tlf'l11c1· the A111f'1·1c:;1n .t.l<i1ern<'nL Thr rhlcf An1tnea ni:>gol i;Jl or ~<\Id 11{' r:1:i<lc the drun1:it1c n1n11C> Lo d1·:11v the :'11- !l'ntion of \I orl d up111lnn ··111 thf' rc1111- pletel.v ncgntivc atlllttrll' wha h h<J/; per· lilS!C'ntly char11ctcnzcd thr o1her .:;1dc " Lodge said hi.'i n1nve for ;in early ad- journn1cnt. apparently made \11th \\lh1\r J-loti~C blessing, did not n1ea n tile United Stal<c.~ \\"as qu11L111g lhc. conference. Jn5tead, lhe U.S. delegali(ln n1oved only for a one v.·ec.k adjournincnt. Ei.;plaining his move to ne1-1·smen as he returned lo lhc. delcgnllon headquarters, ~.odgr said, "I thoughl the lime ha!.'. come lor 5otncbody to make a punctuation n1ark. .. I'd like lo say hy way of background that 1\·hal l did 11'as \vlthln the scope Qf my instructions," he added. •·\\'1·"\"r 1ust been going along in th1.~ 1v;i1• 111\h the.~{' demands that .,..e get out :11l 0a\C1n r ~ unil;itcrally ), !he. demand that .1~ \1r rlo!iC the \]O(lr beh ind us . \IC r.vrr!hrnw the government uf Vietnam. t ill' po!i1\1on thai ne ver -under anv f,n:un 1~1 ;irir·cs -wou ld they talk \\"ith lt H" ro1'(·rn1nent of \')etnam. · l\'e\·c beC'n having these lhiogs ~·eek ;,ftt·r 11·e!'k. and 1t sC('mCd lo me that I.he 1111~!' had cornc to call attention to th is f:1ct so Lhat would opinion would realize ". •'! hope our action today may can al- lcntlon gene rally lo the completely negative altitude v.·hi ch ha_s persistently <'heracterized the other side. and that !ht-re nlay be. progress in the future." Lodg e indicated that he h;is be.en fed up wilh ihe Comn1unisl <ill ltude for many \\"l'Cl\S, "I didn "t have it up to here (meaning hi~ chinl any more than I always havt, but t tried to do something a little dif· lerE:nl about it," he said. Max Ba~ks Sport Call,s Critics 'Kooks, Crumbums' SACRAMENTO <UPI) -Stale Superintendent of Public Instruction P.fax Rafferty \Vednesday deno unced criticll of college football as "kooks, crumbums and Commies., , hairy, loud-mouthed beatni ks.'' Raffcrtv ~·ho as high .~chool foot ball coach ran up a Sl-S won-lost record, told the North' Sacramento Rotary Club football is "\\'ar -without kil hng.'' "They are lhe custodians of the conct>pls of the past." he said or fo:<>I· ball pla yers. ''They possess a clear, bright, Fighting spirit, which is America iUell ." Rafferty was espccia.lly crit ical of Oregon State Unive rsity students who broughl pressure aga1nsl foo!ba ll coach Dee Andros v.·hen he suspended a foot- ball player for re.fusing to shave his beard. The univer~ily presiden1 v.·as rlcscribC'cl as "a bigger ass than lhe play- ers'' because, Rafferty said, he set 11p a commission to in vestigate charges that Andros wa~ ''insufficiently sensitive." "The achonii or 1hesc pseudo-intr.llec luals v.'ill lead to the dcsLruclion of this fine tean1," he said. Soviet Cosmonauts Georgiy T. Ber~ govoy and Konstantin Feoki!itov arrivt'd in Anaheim today to parUclp.al« in the concluding portions of the annual meet- ing or the American Jnstitute ot Aer o- nautics and Astronautics. Berf'govoy. a major general, made a spllccerart fllght last October. 1-lis com- panion was a scientist on the first three- men team the Ru ssians put into orbit In October 1964. They v.·ere accompanied by U.S. astronaut Eugene Cernan. Tonight they will be guests at the aero- space convention's awards banquet in the Anaheinl Convention Center. Feokistov, Beregovoy, the latter's wife f.idiya and their teenage son Victor art! scheduled lo visit Disneyla nd Friday 1nom1ng and, later, Universal City Stu- dios. O\•er the Y:eekend they will visit tht! San Diego area and wa tch the American Football League game between the San Diego Chargers and the Oakland Raiders. Both cosmonauts ~·ill inc.ludt! vis.ils to aerospace firms on their Southern Cali- fornia tour Monday morning before Jeav· ing for San Francisco, Beregovoy will tour the North Amer- ican Rock~·ell Space Division in Downey, while Feokislov is scheduled to visit the Jet Propulsion Laboratories in Pasadena. * Soviets Skip Cape, Can't Reciprocate HOUSTON (UPI) -Two visiling Russian cosmonauts said today they skip. ped a scheduled visi t to Cape Kennedy because they had no authority to Invite American astronauts to their launching ground. The admission came al a news <'on· ference at the Manned Space Cenler by Maj. Gen. Ceorgiy Beregovoy anti scien- tist cosmonaut Konstantin Feokistov. "This is the beginning phase of the establishment of relations between the \lnlted States and tht! Soviet spact!men," Feokistov said. "You understand that in the first stage we would like to adhere to the principal o[ mutuality. "Gen. BC?regovoy and I don't have the authority to invite American astronauts to our launching grounds and that's why we did not have the opportunity to accepl your invitation to Cape Kennedy." The Russi 8.n!l said the only Wf!lilf'mer ever to visit Lhcir main launch aite wy Gen. Charlu <If! Gau lle of France. During !heir first U.S. news conference, the Russian cosmonauts did not mention the moon once. They chose instead to mention the earth, sun, plant!ls and stars. The Soviets also denied their space pro- gram was secret. "It can hardly be gaid that our pro- grams 11re closed and secret," Feokislov said. ''We do not publicize in advance lht! launching and programs of missions. This Lraditiona l approach to the problt!m is rather unusual to you." The Russians said the recent Soviet trioka space shots never V.'ere meant t.o dock to make an orbiting space station. ''That wasn't planned," Feokistov said. '"rhe main aims of that mission ~'ere further investigation of the ships' technical abilities and the further development of !he manual control of ships, "In general it could be sald that the main tasks of the !light v.·ere successful," he said. Both Russian cosmonauts told new smen they v.·ere enioyi ng their t.:.S, tour. County Airport Ordinance Gets Public Hearing Orange County's proposed expanded airport ordinance -minus lhe segment.s nn aircraft noise -reached the public hearing stage Wednesday befort! the county Airport Commission and met with li ll lt! opposition. Commissioners, after hearing from reprt!sentaUves of the Orange County Pilot's Association, agreed to continue the hearings to Nov. 12. The segments of the proposed cod t! <lf'aling with jet noise were not discussed at lhc. met!ting because they presently are in the hands of lhe Federal Aviation Administration in Washington, D.C., for interpretation and opinions. What !ht! commission dealt with Wednesday was an expansion of the present general ordinance dealing with airport operations. Much of the code's ex-pansion dt!als with commercial operations al the airport, the fou rth bu.slest in the nation. Under that section the code regulates flying clubs, accreditation by flight mechanics and regulallon of flight in· structors and their rates. A scht!dule of ratt!s and charges for use of the airport and Its facilities would be e!-<L'lbllshed by tht! county Board of Supervisors, the codt! slipulalt!S. The proposed ordina~ also expands regul11lions governing traffic accident prorr.dures, motor Yehlclt! regulations, ta1icabs, rules of ronduct and dres..", <'Ommercial photography, use of roads, \valks and gates, fire. hazards and fueling operations and rates and charges. nu1May, Octobt'r 23, 1~6~ J.I DAILY PILOT 3 Tate Death Clue Found Police Check Prescr ~ptiolt Glasses LOS ANGELES (UP I) -Police reveal- ed today tpat a pair of prescription eyeglasses found at the hon1e of slain ac- tress Sharon Tate may lead to the killer of the film star and four other persons. Notices were sent lo niembers of the American Optometric Assn. I h e Califor nia Optomt!trie Assn., and the Los Angeles County Optometric Assn. The glasses indicated the wearer W&! tXlrf;mely near-sighted. The glasses were described as: Righ l eye: --JOO-S5 X 160 Left eye : -375 sphere PD 67 Pl:.istic lenses, amber A, 0 . f.fanhattan frame 4&-21 5-1t~ The notice to the optometrists s ... ld police believe the glasses belonged to th~ 111LJ rderer and they are of the opinion hf' ha::: rep!a~ed thern or will atl.cn1pt to do so 'ir the nea r future. Lt Robert llelder. who Is In charge of tli1: homicide detectives v.·orkins on the ca~e. since the Aug. 9 murders, made the disclcsure, Last Friday police \\"OUld s~y only I' at new evidence had been un- covered . Tt-e bodie! of Miss Tate, coffee heiress Abigail Folger. hair stylist J ay Sebring, polish v.'Titer VoHyck Frokowsky and \8. year-Old Steven Parent were found at the H;:-riedict Canyon estate rented by Mis:. 1·.11e and her husband. Roman Polanski. Pulan~kJ \\'as in Europe at the time. Actor Peter Sellers has offered a n 5,000 reward for information lead lng to the-killer or killers. LIKE IT , •• CHARGE IT! . . • • • •, ••• • Bulbs and hibiscus for color, trees and planting needs, too! Plant anemone bulbs now for riotous color when spring arrives! 10 for 49• Anemones • , , tho single or dou- ble variety ••. are a favorite bulb for gardens because of the colorful poppy-like long ste mmed blooms they produce. • ' ~F\ Tulip bulbs to pl•nt for st•tely bloom1l Red Emperor vorie1y for tradilional sprin; beauty and brillio!"ll color. Pion! now. 10 for nc King Alfred 0.1ffodil bulbs •.• jumbo sired ·Hove large, bu!1er yellow daffodil' fo r early lpring colo r · ·~ in your Aower garden. 2Sc each King Alfr•d D1ffodil bulbs ••• regul.1r sized .. TO for 91c: Hy•cinth bulbs for fr.1gr•nt spring blooms Jon Bo,, King of the Blu~ ond l 'lnnocente Yarietln ..• bell lhoped fl owerl in 'pikes.. 5 for 79c Jumbo hy1c:inth bulbs ...... -·--··--·-·-······-·--5 for 19c Vigorou1 hibi1cus pl1nts In m1ny v1ri•ti•• fast growing, lhele produce brilliant blooms and hani glossy, green foliage. -------------..5 gal. liz• 3.29 Dr•cen• p1lm1 for rich, grHn foli•gti ••• Sword-like foliage . __ excellent for 'pots where a tall nar· row plant ll called for. ----·-·-.. -----1 gal. si.t• 77c Birch, weeping willow, purple le1f plum, or euc1lyptus trees. 5 911. size. 3.99 Kellon'• Oromulch• 2 cu. ft ..... 1.98 Kellogg's NimM!um.,.e SO lb.bog 1.39 Kellogg's Topper" top dr..,lng •• , 3 cu. ft. bog 1.98 DOWNEY MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH ----------------------~------------------------·------ • 4 DAtt. V ll'JLOT lhLll'Sdl'f, Ottobrr 2', l l)t,q , ' .. .,- _:,_ Arabs Invade Lebanon; Israel Braces I ·j By United Pre11 lnler111tiona1 A force of 650 Arab guerrillas invaded Leba~on from Syria al thrl'e point,o; tQCJ;iy and k1dnaped 20 Lebanese army soldiers. before they were driven back with tanks and rockets. Anti-Lebanon demon. :;trat..ions broke out in Damascus and Amman where a Lebanese flag v.·as ~N roDA Y'S NEWSj bur•~ 1c•m•IMll "' 1n, o .. .., ,.1101 ,,.,n . . N IXOD Asks Pigeon racing is such a t radition among coal m in ers that the failure 300 M h t o include pigeon Jc;rts jn. a new ere ant housing developn1ent for miners at Bed\\·orth. England has become a nationaJ issue. At the-moment the fight bet\\'een th e 1:nlners and the housing developers nas gone to the head of Britain's nationalized coal compan.ies, Lord Robins, \\'ho has i;o far refused thei r demands. The housing developers ha ve 'I.ol d t he miners if they \Vant pigeons to keep them in their yards, but the miners said Lh is 'vou!d take the sociability out of the sport. 0 Tiie So1itl1side Br1ptisr. Church " i1t B1r111inghan1, Ala. hn.<; posted l11is ,<;i('HL in 1!.s parknig lot.: "V·11· ~{ a1n!iori::e1l cars will be spirited ~ aztay at ou;uer's expel!se." 11 .. "'L'i?l!f"'V~:' ,i(l!'."·' .. • i .~;~;nr::t:" •Iii • The University of Hawaii Board of Regents approved a list of 278 s tudents deserving free tuition. Those on the list \vere deemed •·well qualified or in need ?f fin.an· cial assistance'' by the university. One or those whose tuition was \valved was Shirley Au, who last year \Va s divorced _fr~m Ho~o~ulu oilman Wendell Ph1l11ps. P hililps, reputed to be v.•o rth $120 million at the time of their divorce. agreed to pay tvliss Au $660 a month alilnony and up to $1,100 a year for tuitio n If she \vent lo college and did not remar ry. Mi5 s Au is a freshman. • Graham Kane pleaded guilty t" obstructing traffic. by running out into a London s treet stark naked and gr unting like an ape. • Mari11e Ships \VASHJNGTON (AP) -President Nix· on summoned Congress today to help bail the U.S. merchant marine out of trouble \1'ith a Hl-year program lo bulld 300 new \·esse!s. -Nixon placed no price lag on the pr:r gram Jn a message In Senate and House. But some estimates have put the cost at more than $4 billion. "\Ve should make it possible .. " Nixon said, "for Industry to build more !:>hips over !he next 10 years, moving frorn the present subsidX level of about 10 ships a year to a new Jere! of 30 ships a year." The governm€nt now subsidizes up to SJ percent of the cost of bu ild ing a merchant ship .. and _Nixon proposed Jov1· ering lhis to 4J percent at the outset and tapering it down to 35 percent. ~rating su.bsidies , to help make up the difference 1n cost between American and foreign vessel!'i the !alter operating wilh lower wage and other ex· pen!'ies -would be. continued but on a revised basis. The government still would put up enough to meet higher wage and in!'iUT&fJCe costs of American shipping lines but subsidies for maintenance, rtrpair and subsistence vtould be wiped out. U.S. War Deaths Stay Belo'v 100 SAIGON (IJPll -U.S. head quarters said today 78 G!s died in Vlelna1n combat last week, the same nun1ber slain ln fight ing during all or 1963 before the American buildup began. It wa s the fe>urth successive weck tha t the battle lull had kept U S. de<itfu; belo\v the 100 mark. a level nc.ver broken la st )'e<ir. Not since December of 1967 has the death rate been this low. Another 684 An1erican.~ v.·ere wounded last week, 299 ol them seriously enougl1 to require hospitalization. F ighting also broke. out in a Palesline rf"ft1gee camp outside Beirut belwei'n refugets and Lebanese secur ity forces and there we re ant1government and anti· American demonstration!'i in the cities ot Lebanon. A bo1nb exploded harmlessly near the U.S. Emba!'i!'i)'. The cr1sls in the Arab world over Lebanon 's efforts to halt guerrilla attacks UPI Tt ltPhOlti WINS NOBEL PRIZE Playwright Samuel Beckett Samuel Beckett Awarded Nobel For Literature STOC KHOLM. S"'·eden (AP) -Samuel Beckett, the 1rish·born playwright of the absu rd . was declared the winner of the 1969 Nobe! Prize for literature today. The Swedish Academy said the 63·year- old author \\'hn has lived for ve;irs in france and \vr ote in both E'ng·li~h and F rench was av.'arded the $72,800 prize for ''his v.'riling v.·hich, in new forms for the novel and drama. acquires ils elevation from the destitution of n1odern man." An1ong his most popular plays put on in the United States v.·erc "Waiting for Godot" and "Endgame." Jn the latter the characters played their roles sitting in trash cans. Beckett was ronsiderl'.'d a dark horse: this year, \\'hile tt1e fr(:'nch·language favorites before the award included Andre Malraux, novelist Claude Simon, playwright Eugene lone~o. novelist Vladimar Nabokov and Leopold Senghor, the president-poet of Senegal in Africa. Administration, NAACP Col. Frank Borman doTis sr;a.cr fa· i hion 4$ Russian Cosmonaut flfoj. Gen. (;eorgi Beregovoy W(ltches. T/1 r hr/. Tnct ill the one Borman ioore di1r1n a 1he Apollo f light last yeor. Co.~1no· '1a11ls pla nned tn vi ~lt the Asr.io· dome u·hi/e in llousto11. • Jockey Allen K. Young and Laura Fae Walton \Viii be married on horseback Saturday at the Pocono Dov.1ns f ini s h line. Mery Bacon, the nation's leading woman jockey , \~·il l ser ve as matron of honor. Fans at the \\'il kes-Barre, Pa. track have been invited to a post- nuptial party \\.•here a four-tier. f!O- pound \\'Cdding cake \\'ill be served. 0 F or the fir st t ime ln Italy a jury has a female majority. Fo1Jr v.•o- n1cn and 'lv.·o men ,., .. ere chosen fo r a murder trial in the l\lilan court of A ssize~ .. J\n ol d la\\' requiri ng male maJorities on inj11rie$ has been d~Jared µncon stitutiona l. Record Clash in Key Court Case From \\'ire Servi«s \VASHINGTON -The Nixon adminl· stration, arguing today what could be one of the n10$t i1npor1ant Supreme Court cases in recr-nl years. $ay!'i, "it is simply unrPal to talk about 1ns1a ntaneous de!'iegregat ion" of southern public school~. Nrg!'O('l' are :i.-.king for :i ''dPsegrei;a- lion now" orde.r to apply ;ill across the i;outh Anrl for the first ti1nc since the high court's landmark 195·1 ruling, the U.S. government is nnl by their !'iide. but It teamed up v.'ith southern school boards. As~t. Atty~Gen. Jcrris Leonard, t.head- ministratlon's chief civil rights lawyer, presented the government·s arguments. Leonard had i;aid \\'ednesday that ap.. prehension of "hostile community reac- tion" aside, it takes some time to ac· com pl!sh desegregation. \VDrkable pl;ins havp to be Jl('rfecled liy local and federal education officials. he said in an advance memorandum, and 456 school systems In nine sor.1thern st.ates are still Y.'ithout desegregation plans . Leonard defended an August order of the U.S. Court of Appeals in New Orleans delaying integration in 33 Missi~ippi school di.~tricts. The administration had counseled delay, producing the fi t!'it fis- &ires in what had been a solid partner· ship v.•ith the civil rights mavement. Allied v.·ith the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund in the case is The L.a\1-y{'rs' Committee for Civil Rights l nrlcr La\1', a group of private lawyers l.h1\t includes John Doar, Leonard·s pre- decessor. The La\1i')'ers have volunteered to help implement any sweping desegre- gation ruli ng. 'fhe fund. y,·hile directing some bit t~r "'·ords at !he administration, asked the Sup~me Court. t.o order imn1ediste im- plementation Qf plans the U,S. Office nf Educal ion had suhmilted for I.he Missis- sippi schools but later v.·ithdrew. Cold Hits East Buffalo's High of 35 Lot.vest Ever Recorded Callf.,rnla Temperature• ~OUTJ.<flUI (ALIFOllNIA -l ow •loo~• from •o•" lnla"d to lo"''' co~~·•• 'IC>l>t l of '"~ ""'un•e•n• '" "'"M u•d momln1 l>otJ fl ttu• 01~,.wl\t "10•!lv ••i• Tnvr\d•v And "''0•v. !.lt~MIV wormor d••s In mnunl••n1 •nd ""'"'11 AIDU~U-UI Hl9"1 Low f'rH . 1,11 " v LOS ANC.El£'> A~£A -to,, r'n"d' I ni• 1oET6 -d4ETAO•N NUP Nu •N In I•!• nl~~· And •••Iv "'0'"'"' ~""'" ~vr mo•llV su,.nv 1,. l•lt "'"""Ing• •lld •llernt>Q"• T~u••o•v ond Fr•o&v. l ow l~Uttd•V n•oM />(I, Hion l~v''" d•Y IS. POllllT COll/CEPTION 10 ME) IC.AN llOll:Ol!!lt-Ll1M v•rlt lllt wind< ·~ n'oh! t~ morttln• ~""" b"<""''"' JOll'""""" to -•! 10 ~ ll kno•o "' • .,,,.._ T~u•J.lltY •f'>d "'''''· to·,. c!Ol>(I• '" "1..,1 t nd morning• oeco..,. 1"9 ._tty f1lr 1n tllt •"'OO"I b<l'~ d•••· LIHi. 1-••lu•e •nt~•. CO,.t,ITAL VALLI VS -L•le nltM 1...i "'"" inono1.,. '-clovcu Meo..,. 1"111 W""" In l•lt ..,orn!no• o~ •"•"• "°"""' T/>VrJdlY •"<I F r•a.~ l llt1• IHnJ>trl hl<'e c!'l•roff L~w1 l"Urld~Y "'tM J11 lo tel. Hl1f\1 l~""d•Y Ill lo " 111/TlltMl!!O!ATE VAt.lEYS -L•'• "''M 1NI "''' morn1,,, lot ·o' low CIQlldl IM(Omf ... -!W I• !tit "'°""· !roo• 11111 '""'-' T""ru••v tnd F rldlv. Ltl+lt '"'"" In '•"'Dtr•~ ... lOWI Tf\uridlY nloM IS~S. Hillll• Tf\u•1d11 1' to t:I, MOUNTJd N Al!EAS -Mo,.lv h lr Tl'l;/tfdfY •nd F •ldt• bvt •t•I• '"'n••· Int tot 1•0-.e to,.er i1111111 )IOPt•. lllJ"!IY '"'"""'" d•v' llil(ll!Oll AliD D(~~l!T llEGION ~ --"\oll!Y lt 1• T~u•"IA" 1~d ~"dt•. l ..... !•ml>f•.OU•t• Tf\u•ldt Y "'""' f" >!II O~ro1 Vtll••. l\·'1 uo,,.r """"'' I nd ~ ~ i(IWt r oorPt >I ~Hll"'i1 w•'""• •• dfYlo M''"' T"U •<d1 ~ 11 &2 Ul>i>•r "llltYt t nd .... 90 l~Ot •tllt•I. Coastal C'lolldV U!>!ll -· '"'" ti/MY. L!t~t Yl riebl• wl"ltt t>ltM Incl "'10!'"'"' r>ovr1 ~°"'I"' wetle!'IV !G to 11 •...,ll I" ttlt"-"' 1.,11 1"'11 ,rld1y, HI~ IOdfY, )'O, Coe•111 11"'"'''u"'' ''"'" ltMot to to n. lnlt nd ''"'"''"''' ''"'' w11 lrom JI la Ii, Wtttr '"''"''l tur• .. Sun, 111...,n. Tides ~'(Ond ~I ... St(ond low • J •'" ~'·~ T'MUIUOAY 1 ·"' low •.. , . Socon<1 ~1,~ ., ... ~•,end row ,no .... 1~ • I 5' o m , 0 I ' J \j 0 "' A 7 1 i? • "° 0 I ~ j) ~"' j ' JU~"'O J SW• ltllt l I II o ""· ioh ~ j7 o "'• Mto~ lltl111 l 11 ~ m, Sf!I :1 19 ~ m. v.s. s ... _.,, Cold wll'ldo frt~ II\ Ar<llC t lr !'l'ltH oee1> !nlo 11\9 n1l10t1'1 $0oJti,. l1nd ICM!••· dU,..•!!!no lit~• 11\0W I\~,.. rl11 on lllt let 'Ide ct 1n1 (irtl! ll~tJ or> 1ne w•v ~out~. II\ lht [••!, l•lllM !l"'Mrltl/r .. We.cl"Ud•V nljlhl •"" t••lv llldlv ••O· cJIJC!'d rl'(n•O IOW ,,.., ..... 1ure1, Al fll'IOn•,,,tll<I. N.V .. t 1l·O•t•H •It~· Ong dvrlnl lh1 "ltM brol<t !~1 Old m•r~ o• .)0 t1•1~111ned in l~H. ~u t11 to, NV . b•.,.e !he 011 •t(O•l'I o• 18 Jn 1100 •or '~'' n••• "'''~ 1 11 ro10:~,. l u!ft10'1 ~·•h o• 31 "'" '"" towt•! •~•• •o• •~•I <t••t. 111..,1n11i~a l"• ,. "' l• 1~~'· ~'~ll Wt'~'"~' Wt't ~""l'i •e• ''""' or 111 • ....,". •"II·~··· M1r~··•~. Ol\1c, Ntw JttHf 1nd SOii!~ C1•011n&. An(~Ortft ""'~'· t1ktr1fltld e 11 ... 1rtk llol•• ..... 1-n:SYllll CMctt0 c 1.,.1on1!1 .,..... "" Molnt• Ottrqll Ftlr1Nfllt1 ·-··-1<'111111 City Lt• v .. ,. '~ .. ,..., .. Ml1"'I M :"""""'lt N ... ~1ttn1 ••• y,.. "''" 1"!11!1 OHt1"'11 Oki•"°"" "~ ,,.,., .. 1"11"' 5..,.tnt1 ••• ••~•es Piiot"'~ l'lth~u•1~ POf"'lltlld ··~~ ,,~ ... l lull "·~~ ~"''"'•~·o !•11 i.~·. (<ly ''" Ol1to "' Ffl~tll.(O ~ ...... ~no•"' T".,"'"' We~•,~~!on " .. " d " " " " " .. " .. " ~ .. " .. n " ,. " " " " .. ., " •• " .. " " " " .. ,, ~ " " " " " " " " " " ~ " " .. " " " .. " " .. .. " " " ,, " " •• " " ~ • " • " .. " " " " " .. .. ., " "' . " ... ... against Israel motl!lted steadily despile reported Libyan efforts to nied1ate. A series of guerrilla attacks in Halla, lMael, which destroyed five apartn1e nt houses brought a new crisis in Israel. As laaell planes bombed and strafed Arab guerrilla bases in Jord an and hit Egyptian artillery positions, Israeli Premier Golda Meir called in Dcfen ~e f\!11iif.lE:r i\lo~.hr Dayan and ~everal other cabin•·! rnuasters tn ,Jeru~a lr1n to di scuss the Haifa bombings. Informed po!Jtical sources speculated that strong Israeli punitive action might he in lhe offing. The meeting was not of· ficially classified a n "emergency" t abinet meetlng si nce all members were not present, bllt the urgency was U!\· ' -' . . \ : ·: . .. ~ i derscnred by the ev,nh; in Haifa. The bon1bs destroyed ! do if. n apartments and killed two per!'iOns in tv.·o dt1ys. Haifa r.hiyor flloshe F!eemen a n- nounced formation of a civil defense: corps to c~k every building in the city of 209,000. All !'ichools were inspe:cted hefore students were ·allowed to enter them. 4 DAYS ONLY! SA VE 31.00 ON LTWO-PANT SUIT ' 119.00 1eg. 150.00 You C8ll so~ct from over 300 suits in Ollr rngular slot~ of Micllatls Srem two-pa nt suits. Fine wool sharkskins in both solids and subtle plaids. Chaos~ from blues, ifays and rlch b.'1JWT1s. la regu lar, sher~ long and extra long. 1bls Is an excellent opportunity lo save on these fine quality sulli. Store for Ilea fl ewporl tl l't l~!l)ll ls!1r.d N1wpc1t Ce~ftr • &44·2200 1 Mo~ .. Th~r i.,F1 I, 10:00 till 9:30 O\he1 01ys 10:00 ttll .$:Sl < " JI II 1;1 I fr " h· " " n ti " " ,; " k g ,, P· I I n " " h " ,. D p A ,1 t.i " T " " Ii " ,, ;, I v I' w t~ p. " I nf pr d i re Ee "· r~. ca dh "' (t;1 wf da Sc 1 re1 ) , ·---•• g ~ Si~Aiti. z.:. ... , ... ~ !£:2.J.A~i4S A@4§E4 .@Jk@UA9E&+ .?}JLG JL!IJ J ... Jh!!!::?&J.. & 1 : 2 £ z I ''''''''' Fountain ; Valley Today's Fln•I N.Y. Stoelu VOL o2 , NO. 25~. ~ SECTIONS, 50 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY , CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 , l9o9 TEN CENTS an Wooldridge Silent Top Kick l11vokes 5t1i at Seriate Quiz ~'AS lllNGTON (AP) -The Army's fonner top enlisted man repeatedly In· \ okcd th<' Firth A1nendnlent al a Sena le hearing l ~ay and the Anny pro1nptly stripped hirn or a pres1igious post as co1n1nand sergeant n1ajor. ··on advice of counsel. 1 1ro11ld respect fully decline lo answer the ques· tion on grounds it n1::iy tend lo in- criminate me.'' Sgt. l\1aJ. \Vtl liam 0. \' ooldridge :o;<Jicl 1n invoking the Constitu- tion's prulct lLiln against s e If 10· crim1nation. Called as a wilncss before the Senate j11veStiJ;;"J1iOn.~ subcomm11tcc. \\1ooldr~dge ga\'l'. !hil l reply repcate.dl.v to que stions about oillege<! lucralivr. kickbacks an1I pa_yoffs in the operation of scrviccn1en·s Be Fore\va rned: Sa ving 1'iu1 c Ends on Sunclay Oa)!iglil S;11·in;; TlnH: r nds For Califnr- ni;in.~ !h i.~ S11nday at 2 a.in ., and alio.'l for resident s or 46 othrr st;itc>s. Tur n your clllCks hack one hour belort rrt1r1ns S;iturday night. or you'll join hundreds or thou sands of other forgetful citizens thro"n out of step by lhe change. Only tl\rec stales -Arl1.0na. Hinvaii ;i nd !\!ich1g;111 -rcfust"d t" adopt O;:i ylight Saving Tin1e this year, their prerogative under 1hc 1966 Uniform Time Ac t. Co11grPS~ c~1:ibhsherl \h<it. slal l1le In slrcamline a crudcl.v \"arylng pr ogram nr t1111c chan~es 1nclur!1ng some slr1le~ ~·hich did nnt c1r.n apply Day\igh\ Saving Time cvcry\\·here with in their border. Opponent.~ -especi!llly airlines and railro..1ds -10111!'.ht. b(tterly lo maintain the right to dua l syslrms in the same tirne zonr, but fedrral authorities im· po~ed a u11i£or111 program. Children ;ind con1 n1ul('rs 111ay hale \!) sre d;irkness cnmc one hour earlier, but far111rrs 11ht1 li1·e hy lhi• su n -a11rl dr ivr- in mn11r:-01~rators on the same schedule -11·ill be h:ippy. And it ma1 Ix' v l)l"l'd old pllr<1sc. but ir ~·ou ca11"L ~~ern t•l rr,all 11 hich 11a.1• to r11rn thr cln1.:~ !h1., 11l'rkcnrt 111 order 111 k.rrp 1n slf'p, 111:-t remt>n1brr. Spnng ahead -fall ba1:k. Founlai11 Valley Misrs Now Soug ht The ftcld is open for )Oung Fount;11n \la llt'y girl s 10 cntrr lhe Jaycees /'111ss r ounta in Valley contest. Gir l.~ bet11cen 1he agP~ of 16 and J!J and 111hn arr seniors In hish school may con· lacl !he .Jil~'C"ccs by Nov. 7, Judging in the p;:.gcant "'ill Ix i:\ov . 22 in the community cc11!rr. Current ~liss Fountain Valley is Nancy O'Conne l. For fl1rther inform11tion phone Tom l\cllcj', :!62·3701. or Fred Ar mstrong, 962·1090. rf'creation clubs in \'1ctna1n, Cermany ;inrl the Unitrrl Slate~. Similar replies \\'ere g11·rn h.v fhrrr others; ~t Sgt. \Vi lliam t:::. Higdon and two forn1e r serge:1nts no w retiretl, J\'arraez Hatcher and Se~·mour Lazar. Each of the four refused to ;inswer any questions beyond giving his nnmc and ad- dress. \\'ooldridge, 1rhn served for hvo yrars 11s the first sergeant n111jor of the Army. Hi bei ng •·Jnvoluntarlly released"' fron1 the Army "s com n1and sergeants major program. the Arm y announced . Ile \\·ill retain his ra nk and pay of sergeant maJor but 1vill be slripped of his (·11rrenl ass1gnmen l as com ma n d i;ergeant major al thr \\"h1lc Sands _Pro~ ing Ground in New f.le;.;1co. He will re· 11i;un lllrre in a d1ffcrcnl rapacity. 1\l a Penl11 gon briefing, rcportrrs 11~kcd 11·hc1hrr \\'ooldridge ,1·ill be rourt- n1arl ialcd. .Jrrry ~"riedhein1. dcfen~e spokc:sm<in, said .. I don't think we know }'el." Arm y officer.~, hOl\'ever, indicaled th<i l lhc stalule of luni tations hJs expl~~d on .so111c of the potential charges 11·hirh n1igli1 al"i~c In the case. making il im· possi ble for the Army to hold a court· 1n;irti;il. At the Senate hearing, \\'ooldridgc in- 1·oked the Fifth Amendment to a long scr\C's or questions involving complex financial transactions, the use of Swiss bank accounts, influence p e d d l in & payoffs and kickbacks. Tells Girl's Tragedy Li11klette1· Tells Nixon To Publicize Drug Evils \\' ASHTNGTON (A P) -Telev ision personality Art Llnk!e\Wr urged Prc si· dent l'lixon and congressional leaders to- day lo adopt an educatkmal program llJ publicize the evils of taking dangerous drugs. "The \.;ids or America today are rea l'.- ting to a drug world in "'hlch they ha re been born." Linkl P11er said. "They are used lo secing people pnp cticp11 cali; into their 1nouths for everything from relic"· Fune ral Sla ted For Seal Bea ch Postal Aide Funeral service~ "'111 be J1eld /'llond ay f0r Assistaol Seal Bcarh rostma~tcr Francis Haley, 5(1. 11ho •lied this 11cek ;it SL i\lary 's Ho~pital , Long Beach, follo11 - 1ng a lfJng Lllnc"S . f.lr. Hale~·, or 3~ li1h St, St'al Rcarh, had !;{'f\"e<I ten years 11 1!h lhc. Seal Beach l'n.~t Oflicr lie IS s(1r1 i1rd h)' hlS \l.Jf1·, \1rp:1111a J1 !l<tlrs: 1110 !ions. J;i!·k \\ !!;1l1>y and . ~ltchael P. llalcy ; LWn rl1111,i::hl!'r\, :'>Ir~ 'l'n11.1·a, Pat vr nn and 111rs. f'y111h1<t Bnn~. a brother. l!arry llal£"y; two :.1~1cr~. illrs. ~lary Dalton and r.trs. Ann Kess ler. and six grandchildren. Services will be conducted at 1 p.m. ~fonday at Peek Fam ily Co loni11I Funeral Home, Yt'estminster. Burial will follow in \\'eslminster P.1emor1al Park. Stor k "larl<e lS Ni;:W YORK (AP) -The stock markrl began 10 recover the day's ea rlier loss In active lrading 1<1\c this aflcrnoon . rSee quotations, Pages 22-23). itig lensions and c11tl0Ji'lif.tdach&s, .and' losing weight" ~ , ' · • Nixon in\·iled the 57-yeaf-Old 1.inkleUer to talk lo a bipartisan group ol ·Mnate and House leaders, called to a 'ili·llite J1ousc briefing on the' .President's · pro- !)OSals deali ng with the drug problem. The meeting lasted l"'O hours. l.1nklc1tcr describe d the dealh of his youngPsl daLighter. 20.ycar-old Diane, who tell rron1 the kitchen "'indo\v of he'T :;1xth·floor apartment Oct 4. Linklellcr said Diane "Jeaped If) her ifeath in it depressed slate fro111 bed LSD trips six months before." He said ;ilthough she had not taken LSD during the inler\"ening six mont hs. "the bad trips woulrl occur again and again so !hat ;,hr though t she v.·<1s losing her mind ." L1nklct1cr said he (iecided lo publicii.c l11s daughters death so that othe r p<1r· cnt.s wnu]rl hrron1e ronrf'rned about \lie problem or young people V.'ho are taking drLJgs. He said in 1hc la~l Hl <!a)'S he had received 25 ,l)()(l lC'tters and n1 a n y ll'lrgrams an1! telephone calls ask1n~ hiln to ~peak on the subject and from parenl~ 11 h<l kno1v that I hei r children arc 1n1'ul vcd \I 11 h drugs but don'\ know "hat to do. .. Frank!v. I can't trll !hrm 11•h11t l'l do becau se !.don·l kn o1\·,'" Linklctter said . Va ll ey School Bo a rd Sla tes !\Teel Tonig ht t:c1·1t w of site acquisition and con· struct1on prot1rcss \\"ill be one of the con- cerns of the Fountain Valley School Di strict board of tn1stees at their 7:30 p.m. meeting lo11ighl in the Curriculum Center. In other matters, the trustees are ex- pocted to appro\'e lhe appoi ntment of Ed Lavelle lo the Fountain Valley Parks and Recrealion Commission. Report Fro1n ERA • ISOll U,f Tt11'n"• TAKES 5TH AMENDMENT Army's Woold r.i d9 ~ Mass a ge I-'arlor Okay ed in Valley Sl1oppiug Center rountain Vallt'y may follrnv the i-ame r.ocky road Huntington Beach once Uied 1•irt1 ·a -propdsCd ban on opposite sex ,naB9qt1' in1!1!'alth llt>U and s.iltl\b. The city currently has no massage parlors, but Fountain Valley planning oommissioners ap proved one for a small :;\loppillg cen!cr on he northwest side or f.1ngnolia and Garfield Streets \\•ith fou r :.Irie\ condition~. 1'1o~t prom inent or thr. condi tions is lhe one forbidding women lo massage men ar.d \'ice versa . Other conditions include.: -Any massage parlor will h111•e lo con· lcrm to· any future la ws passed. ~A massage parlor"s license ma y bf' revoked if any employe is arrested or con\"ictcd for an off ense arising from his 11·or~. -A!! enlploycs must be fingerprinted ;i1y! pho!og r;iphed by police . · In l'J66, Hun!ington Beach passt'd an ondnance for bidding <1ppnsl!e sex n1assaging "'hich brought a storm of prG- te.~l from massage parlnrs claming 1t "mild pul rhem out of business. The la1v v.·as dropped after sever<1l he2rin~s and a ronv1ncing ;:irgumenl thal .:i ~1tualion or nicn 111assag!ng men might brin~ about a rather "gny'' .~i tua!ion 11nrs~ than ll1c prostitution feared by· cn11nci lmen . Huntington Beach, howrvcr, ha _, ~e.1 eral massage parlor.~, v.·hilc Fountain Vallry has none. Beverly Anderso n, the woman applying for the sauna parlor, indicated that under ~ucr. rules she could not operate bf'cause all her masseuses are reniale. She has rl'ct>ntly purchased the Beppu massage parlor , 504 Newport Ave., Newport Beach, and hopes to move that franchise lo f"ountain Valley. City Attorney Thoma.~ \Voodruff pro- posed the restrictions in conjunction with Polict! Chi£'f Charles Michaelis. They are working to develop a similar city ordinance on the subject. Speedy Downtown Revamp Urged B~· JACK 8R08ACK Cl "'" D•ll"f Piii! ll•H Acdevelopn1ent of tht do\\·ntown are1i1 nl Huntington Beach is the key to future pragress in the oceonfront sector of !hr cit\· and the entirr com1nunity, a report rterived today emphasizes. TI1c. report to the city from a .~tudy by Bcon<imic Resea rch Associates (ERA) of V~ Angeles \\"arned that present plans to rtJiuvenate the do\1•nto1\'n area musl be r:a~ried forwa rd rapidly or the major direction of growth could bypass the mid- beach area. ( The studv rrco1nn1cnd.~ mo ti I n ~ rcrward on lhe '"Top of lhe Pier Project"" v.·hich the city cooncil \\'ill considrr TUf'I'· ~ day night ::it a Jlunlington Beach High j1 Sch()()I rafetrr1a mrct1ng. 11, Specifi<' rr<'omn1endat1ons in the f.R ,\ "I r~port In clude ; I -Extension o( the Parking Authority to areas north of Pacific Coast Highway will .:ict as a calalysl in the revitalization cf. fon s. -In order to achieve full economic tl1'vf'lopmenl physical conditions of the do1vnto"'n area rnust be improved. -Initially, projects such as reso rt.- onented specialty shopping facilities and destin ation resort hotels 1nust be en· cflurnged lo locate in the beach area . -A multi-purpose civic 11udlto rium i~ r.ssenlia l for resiching full deve lopment po1cntia l. especially in the resort and hotel industries. -E.conomic and marketing support 1evrls arc subs1Rntia1 and JUSl!fy develor- 1ntril of the downl on·n and e~panded brach areas. -TI1e impart nf ~uch \'i\alizatinn t'f· ro1 ts on the citizen~ of Hunlington Bea cll \1·!11 be highly signiJ 1cant in terlTIS or ern nloyment, In Income and tax ad- ,·;:intages. ERA officials said the cooclusion~ reached wen~ based on a complete economic study or an area roughly h:>u nded by the ocean on the ~outh, the bluffs area along Pacific Coast Jlighway on the wesl. Tal~rt Avenue on the north and Beach Boulevard , Newla nd Slreet an d the. Santa Ana River on tht east. General recommendations of lb t organii:ation include ; -Cont inued growth of the city depends tn a large e!'tent upon reju\•enation of ttie planning area in gellf'ral and the "Tap ff the Pi er"' area in particular. -Dc velopment--:tfforls in thnlt area& alreadr hrgun mu~l be. expanded. -fl is iml)Cra1il"e !hat !he clty ma in- la1n the momentum aained from ils io- itial rejuvenation programs and proceed with further planning and impk!mmta· lion of developmenl projects. -Increased development activity from the public .sector wlll stlmulate moch needed private investment in the plan- ning area. -In vestment o pp o rt u n i t i e 1 and development efforts must be acted upon no w or developmenl potentials may bypass the r;lty. The economists emphasized that the dow had /J "very favorable ntlal.~They ad ded that ~i.or the entire plannl11g rt!juvenate il should have effort 1,1·il1 gcnerale an elC- pt'C'lt'cl ggs· \on illion in priva\r inves1 ment as all ~an~ become fully re;ilizcd," lhc rrpor1 ~clu.s. ' ,. J " ac County Lowers Boom Dv TO.\t BARLEY 01 ,.,. Diiiy Plltl 1!1H on Southern California Edison Company·s plans for expansion or its Huntington BNlc~ po\\'er plant suffered a heal'y blow 'Vtdnesday n·hcn Orange Co u n I y s.iper\·i.~ors called for a ban on con- struction of all s1noi;-producing po11o·er plan1 s. A bitterly d{'bated public hearing ended "'ilh the board \'Oling 4 to I to as k the l'ubtic Utilit ies Commission IG seek such a stale1vidc moraloriun1 on fossil -burning f;,cilltics. Supervisor \Vil\iam Phillips op· posed the motion of Supervisor David Baker . Bu~ the outcome of the board action \v<is uncertain until the moment or \'oting 11·ith both Supervisors Allon Allen and \Vill iam ll ir.!ltein visibly Wavering a:r; Daker and Super1·isor Robert Battin pres~ed for the board":i; rirm anti-smog ~land . . Phillips' dissenting vote d e f e a t e d BRker's :slated objecli1·e of "presenting 1 1.nited stand when \\"e discuss smog issues Oct. 30 'M-"ith superv isors from Cl~her Southland coun ties·• -a meeting ichPduled for Ri\•erside County at .,.,·hich all countir:r; in Uie Los Ani cles smog IJaf:i n ""ill he represented. ~t.:EK ~10RATORJU\\1 Baker's accepted resolution calls for the PUC IQ !ieek a "moratorium 011 con· st111clion of all fossil burning (smog-pro· during) facilit ies until the state's Air Resources COTitrol Board is ~a,tlsfled tha~ ~ch ·con.stou:ilon wil\ ,119t pu(,pOllut.NU rftb .tJ\e atmoip•ere." · · ·, Aller. repeatedly asked Baker to amend his motion to 1 fonn th at \\'ould all<>w for consent lo the Edi.!lon expaMion proviMd Edison offici 11l11 guaranteed th11t the. con-- structi on \\o'OUld not add to the prMent levels of pol.l ulion. Baker repeatedly rt'[used lo revise the resolution. ''\Ve ha ve hea rd a great deal about ho1v application of science and technology \~ill i;oh·c our sn1og problems and of how they art e\'en now being used by Edison, among other utili ties. lo elimiaate this r.iountillg smog menace," Baker said. "Such a moratorium as I have pr()o posed "'ill provide proof of those efforts and 11•WI enceurage Edison and others to ensu re that ou r polluted atmosphf're is not . al least, conta minated to any greater drgr~e. CJIO"'D APPLAUDS "The pail of water is full and 1t "·on"l hold any more," Baker said. to the ringing applause of the crowded hearing room ... The overwhelm ing consen11us of the. people of Orange County -as they've demonstrated here today and in the re· cent hearing al }luntington Beach-is that they've had enough." Baker al~o urged the board to add tighter controls to Orange County's air pollution ordinance on the lines of stiff anll-:impg la nguage recently "'ritten into Los Angeles County laws. That motion will be debated by the board Tuesday. Witness aHt r witne5S followed an Edison team of experts t<> t h e microphone Wednesday to lash the com· pany'll plans for tripling of the con· t.roversial Huntington Beach plan t. Almo11t all of them seized on the evidence provided by William Filchen, the county's air pollution control office r, as the ir basis for objeclion. Fitchen con- tends tha t completion of the plant is guaranteed t.o also triple the now dangerous level of nltroll.!l oxides -"!Orne JO tons a day -that is now being hurled into the Huntington Beach sky. And it i.!l highly doubtful, said enginffr 0. F. Jeffrey , that current atte mpts by Edison to conta in that output are meeting with muc h sucte83 in the light of recent N etv Telephone Books Go Out New telephone dira-lories will be delivered beglnnin4 Tunday lo 74,ZOO cu5tomers in Hunt1nrton Beach, We:st· min8'ter and Midway City, General Telephone Co, offlcla\.!l said tOday. Delivery should be completed within 1 week . "Delivery men have httn instrucled to ring each doorbell and hand deliver lbe new directory,'' u ld Stan Botelho, Orange Division manager. "Studies indicate. that the quickeal "'Y for anyone to locate the number they wish to find Is to look"' it up themselves," Botelho added. "~f1'ny ptrsorni think. that b'y dia ling d~rectory assi!lanct they will save time, but our studies ahow fhls is not lhc case." 1 Plants sampling by him of I.h t Huntington Beach facility. Thr Air Pollution Control District ex- pert te:sti fied tha t more lhan 30 tons ol baiardou.!l nitrous ox:!des \\.'ere being e1niUed daily by the plant ""hen he ran his tests. And he stressed that Edison's promises to cul down thal oulput and contain the emissions on an even greater level 11 ilhin the Ticxt 11even years "Wert: exactly that right now -promJses." The most bitter pcotcs ts at the hearing came from Huntington Beach residents tSee S1\10G BAI~, Page Zj ·,':{ -f:r ·(!; Daily Pilot Editorial Git,e1i Praise A DAILY PILOT editorial ~1as citl'd by Super1•isor \\'illiam lUrstein Wednesday as ''a clear and "'ell "·rilten analysis of U1r. problem that facts us in Huntington Hcllch."" Tile hoard chairman he ld up \hf'. edi tC'rial at a crucial phase of the hearing to stress its concluding statement; ··.Unlt"ss "·e are really at the poinl where W1 are rt ady to go all-<HJt against air pollution and ac~pt the price for aome change.! that must come in our basic liV· ing and our econon1y, I hen the Edison plant problem is only a monetary symbol of a much bigger problem." "Now that's a pretty good editorial," Hirstein said. ·· 1t says what , I ha ve always said , Lhat we have to determine wha~ price 'M-'e are prepar«t to pay in terms of olir .!lhedding of what we presently have. ..The situation 1s carefully a n d thoroughly laid oat in the ed itor ial," 11irstein said. "I commmd it to all of you." lie later -obviously reluclantly -ad· dOO his \'Ote lo tho6e of Supervisor~ Baker. Battin and Allen in fa vor of the. plant construCtion ban. Valley Solves Fly Problem A potential fly problem resulting from t!1c dumping of damaged toma toes on un11sed land 1n ~file Square, Fountain Vallty, has hecn .!lofved ta the satisfaction of the Orange County Health Depart· mmir , Health officials had asked Founta in \'al ley City Attorney Thotnas Woodruff ll> take action against farmers ,.,.ho were rtumplng toTis of tomatoes on the Mile Square land. The tom atoes had bl-en plo1\"cd under the ground, but not deeply enough and fllf's "·ere breeding in the area in large nun1be rs, accordng to heal lh officials. R. 8. Robison. assistant director of en- vironmental health , said today that, •• or \\'ednesday, the si tuation bad been taken care of by the tanners themsel vtll who :iprayed the area thoroughly. Orange Weather Going down -the temperature, that Is. To about 68 along the coast u!M:ler cloudy sklea in the morning hours, v.·hile inland areas will be up to 7%. INSmE TODAY lielping 1'1exican-Amerieo~ to help th tmseh;1e3 i&. tht mi&~fon of a UC-Irvine hiuband and w.if.t .W.ac.hina te am. Page 12. -· 14 Cetlf•,.,... I c1111lf"" u.u Ct t11ln 11 Cr'tUwtf'f t1 DNtfl " .. i<" '' ~·· tJ •flttrltl '"' • lftf'tr1•11'1-• t1 ''·-· • ft·JJ -" U~ L""'"n 11 Marrlfft ~lc9'!t.tl 1• 1 .•• _!!iij 1 f D4ll Y PILOT Ttiundiy, Odolltr 23, 19'f Dick T1·acy 'Constilted' 011 Zodia c SACRAJ.1ENTO (L:Pll -Stale crimg lnvestigalor5 today sought htlp from comic :!!tip detecti\'e Dick Tracy in thr 11earch for clues lo !he. ''1.Q(liac" slayer of the S:in Francisco bay arra. Ag~is of the State Bureau of Criminal Jdentificallon and Investigation began ficnitin.izing the Tracy comics <ln the lheory that there might he. some parallels bf't\\·een "Zochac" and the &orplo leader of l11c Zod iac Gang ln lhe cartoon series. Earl Bauer. a se.n1or analyst 10 the bureau's crime laboratory, conceded comparing the comic l:.1rip v.·ith the 1odiac 10\'estigation \\·as "kind of ofF· br:1t'' but said it may provide a raluable clue in apprehcndin~ the Zodiac. Tile first zodiac. installment appeared In the comics Aug. 17, a few y,·eek5 afler liie bay area·s admitted sla)'rr or live pl'rsons dubbed himself Zodiac in lrllers 10 newspapers. ''You notice that these lhini111 come up more or less simultaneously," Bauer f'aid. ''So then yoll take a look to see if there are any parallels." In Chester Gould's comic strip, Scorpio has an astrological Scorpio sign printed on his face. An astrology columnilit wa~ rlrowned and cuff links with the horoS('ope and a scorpion were found on his shirt. Bauer. \\'ho said he '\\·as assis~d by nther Cl l \\'orkers, declined to dii;cuss \\·hat. if any, conclusions he foresa1v resulting from the analysis. ··1rs jusl 11pe-culation at this point." he said. "\\'e rea!!y havcn·t got into it yet," he ~aid. ariding that the on!y comparison so far twtwet'n the two \las the "'Ord zodiac. A troubled man who said he was the "Zodiac" sleyer who <'Omplained of headaches and cried out ''l',·e got lo kill'' during a \11·0-hour series of bizarre con· \·ersations \'-.'cdnesday on a tel evision talk Fh0"11' failed to keeµ two surrender ap- pointments with allorney ~1el\'in Relli, "ho told the caller, "all or .San Francisco 11·ants to help you. Thf' hand is out, you can feel the hands out." There a l ... o 11•as a chialJenge lssuffi to Zodiac -from the bro!her of San Fran· cisco cab dri\'er Paul Stine. The cabbie 'Was shol t.o r!eath Oct. 11 , and !he killer mailed a piece of :::t ine's hlOCldied shJrt \\'Jth a boastful letter to a newspaper. Stint's brother. JOE'. 3i. operator or a ?-.todesto ser1·1cc staL ion, issued a n itinerary or his daily habits and challeni;· Pd Zod iac t.o "come and gPl me." "I don't carry weapons," said the 16~ pound Anny and Air Force 'eteran. "I don't feel I nef'd any. 1 \\'BS \'ery close to Paul. and now I ll'ant a chancl! .at hi~ killer." No Ho111eco n1ing For Edison Hig h; 'S pir it' lnstea.<l Student,i; at Edison High Schoo! will not ha l'e a homecoming this year. The school is brand nc11·. There are no alumni to bring back . Not In be det('rrM hv ~ ll r h ft'(h.nicalitie .... hl)"'E'Ver. \h(' students have planned a ''Spi rit \\'eek" \\'hich runs from <kt. 27 to Oct. 31. T!ir acti~·1t1ri; <A lli bf' hii,::hliGhl erJ Or! :'i i "11h !he halft ime cro11 ning of the root· hall ri urrn nn Huntingt nn Brarh'.~ ShPue F1rld 11 hl'n the Lhargers-fa ce Costa /\le5a llu::h Srhool. Qlteen l'and1rlares includ(' P,l\ \\';it.son f e>ll e•n Ta ft. Pa1 Thrrn1lnn , .Jul1l' Zipkin: Patnre LaJn1r, Gall t.lnntgomery, Brl h 1>fartus. Sherry C.1Jlc,i;p1e and .lane Steinmetz Alsn to be. fe;itured d 11rin~ ~p1rlt v.·eek t~ a SPml ·fnrmal dance at 8 30 p.m. t'iov. J in lhf' Ed1~nn t;1fr!er1a. l\1 usic for the dance, 11 hich r-::.rr1r~ rhe !ht>rne "The Golden A~e of !lame" will be prO\ided by The 13th Hour. ' DAILY PILOT ~ .. i,,., tl w •• .J f'ru.4rnl ord P•tU\~U J •• ~ 'i. cu.i•y Vl<t ,,,.,.:en! •rd Cirn"• o,l,lnlftr l~ol"•I Ytt •il ~d•'e• T~o"'•I A. M~·p~;., 1:1<>19··~ l e '•• >lht•I W, !•'•• .lo!>Octt lt (d,•or HY11lln91.,. 1 .. eh OUT<• 109 ~t~ Shtot µ,;i;~, A!ildrrn: t .O. 801 7,ll, •2ic1 Otlllr orrlen Nt"'l''"I llr1<n :;11 Wri! llllb'O I 01.1ll•t11I Ct•tt M"• JlO 'l,'t1I lllY S'rNI L"ullt B•..:~: 221 Foo"' "'"'""' ~A-. tJ"'ll Y P l\OT, ''"'" Yon•CA •1 ttn•flln"lll l~t '''"''Pre~" • ...,tl•\~oa at·•• t "•D1 i~i· dtY lor ""'"''' tt•hon• '"' l"lunhtwit.~ fitOdl. ~O ..... lf«I Voll•~. (Clllt Nou, ... .... r.<1•! I••(" ••d L•oun• ltH~. •I-... u., I-•O"lllooo•I '~'' "'' O•tnt< Cot1! "~D"'"" l•Q ComNn• !»'"' "' p.on11 ""•I n11 ..... n l ll>••teo 81•0 1;'"'''' ~ ... ~. .,... 1J11 Y.111 II•~ ~"'"· Co.•• l/fU r.i.,h•n• 171 41 64 1·4121 fr•111 W •Jt111!R1ftf C•ll 540.1211 Cl...ifl•4 A4.,.,tltlR• 64Z·5671 l'.""'•1 ... 1, "•'· 0<•~·· (0 .. 1 '"'""~""' (-•• NCI .,."" f 'e • •• •· '""'"'''""'' MO•l~lltl .... fl .. <tf '"""' ...... n ....... Mn mo; Do rt ... OllU(M "'' I U°'t o•I ptrmlHIOl'I .. ....... ~ ........ . ~'!'"ti •Ian •<<'•1• r• 4 " •!11•f~rf ll••rll .~a cn•a M•u, <•I•··•• • ••i• "''' ~· •••"V SJ ~""<"'" •l ~' ...,.,, I '~ ""6tl•~<tl ,..,!,!••• ""'"'"'"', 11(0 ...... ' ' ' ' DA !lY l'l~OT l'hllt I>~ lludl Nlt d1it l1kl Thei1• Co1n11iunity B e a c h a11d Atlatata Decision Readied. On Civic Center Hunlington Be11ch city cou ncilm11n arl! expected to make a final detern\inatlon e:.irly nex t n1onU1 on fe;;sib'ili !y of a new <'ivic center slle at the southwest <:orner of Beach Boulevard and Atlanta Avenue. A study on the posslble purchase and development of the 3a.acre site for ci vic ttse was ordered by Uie City Council Oct. 6. "The study is proceeding rapidly based nn rev('nues that rnight be generated by the ('i!y through tle\·e\01irne nt of a cil'ic L-ent er, parking ar('a and convention c~nlt'r," said A ss islanL City Adrninistrator Brander Castle. Castle said it had bel'n determined thut the A1nerican t.fobile Home Corpora tion purchased the property last month for ~946JJOO. "\\'~ believe the city can acquirl! the property through negotiation ll'ith the ne\1' owners for a figure somewhat abo\e 1l1e purchase price," Castle said. l!c ad· lied, hov,.ever, that undrr Ule la1v an ap. praisal \\'o uld have to be made on tile \'alue of the land. the proposed acquisition of I.hi! Beat~h enulel'Clrd property arl! lied togl!ther in U1P CSC "Top of the Pier Plan ." Consi dcrallon of the Beach.Atlanta pro- perty as a possible civic center beaan several \!>"eeks ago when the city counci l turned dOl"'n a rtquest by the then 0"1ll'l'S, the Talbert Estate, lo build an 8'.!8-u1ut a1)artn1ent compll!., on the acrea~e . ."ri 1nforn1a! poll of councilrnl!n in· dt c:itcd th<1 t a 111ajority \\ould fa,•or the n~I'· site breaking the months·long 4 to 3 ~tf'.nte on •he 12-acre upper r.tain Strett sue opposite Huntington Beach High Sc hool. Fai,r Board Bart Cro·y .. Jey (left) a~d J3.ichard Montano help Postmaster Pete DeFab10 w1lh ba gs of Community Ch~st appeals mailed recently to Huntington Beach residents. Goal of $135,000 for current fund drive is largest in hi~tory ~f 1-luntington Bea ch campaign effort. Donations W1Jl help support activities of 19 community agencies. Col1ncilmen vdll hear a report Tuesday night on the Urban Land lnstitu!e Ci1izen·s Steering Coin1nittee (CSC) plan for dcvelopn1ent of the equiralenl of se1·en dO\\'n\o\\'n city blocks fronting on Pacific Coast llighway into a parking area. Bur1is Brusli Off S li ortc ut Supersonic Plane Era Success or Question? By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI J:i Cornell linive_rsity professor today said the S1Jperson1c transport era "'ill either be a booming success or a quiet <1ul'stion mark. Spea king before the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics in Anaheim. Dr. A. Richard Seebass said lhal no radica l so!u!ions are to be ex· peeled in the elimination of booms. ''E\·otutionary improvements 11·il ! t1•en· luall y make (lights 91·er populated areas Schola rship F und Decla red Success T~ first armual Schrilar~hi ri Bn111 of the Huntington Beacl1 1-liE;h School District has been declared a !'Uccl!ss by both the participanl! and the Dollar~ for Schol8J's committee. Lee !lfossteller, direclor nr s~ial Eoervicts for the district and originator of lht freshman football round robin, said. "The excitement and spirit that prevailed Friday nlght a.~ our nint h grade lea nls look O\'l'r the Huntington Beach High athletic field insur("S C<Jnlinuation or the Scholarship &>1·1. lie said aboul $700 was raised l\'hiCh "''.ill _aid the scholarship program of the d1str1ct. Results of the 10 periods of round robin play saw Huntington Beach fr011h emerge a~ win ners "ith 18 points. Other score,i;: \\'~!minster. 14 . Fnur11a1n Valley, 8; F.· ... wn, i . anrl ;\-lari n11 , 3. ' . -' •• • • . ' • . -.... roossible," he prtdicted. But ht cautioned that the one half pound per square foot pressure level considered acceptable by psycho-acoustic engineers ''cannot be reached "''ith present structural techni· fl ues.'' Supersonic transports nol'>' in !he tlesign stages hav e an over pressure le,•el of ap· proximately two pounds per square fool. Another aircraft noise expert, Dr. Leo L. Beran('k, or Bolt, Beranek and r\e<A'man, Inc. s11id that even !hough the booms are not dangerous to human life or property "peopl~ arc startled and don't get accustomed to sonic booms." He indicaterl that humans respond lo loud noises as thr si gnal to an emergency and that through their lifetime they become conditioned lo a startling response \\·hi ch cannot be broken. no matll!r how !requent their exposure to the noise. Another negativr aspe-ct nf the boom has caused an uproar within groups or homeowners near a i r po r t s Y>ith supeprsonlc planes, hi! said. "The p e op l 1! are frightened that repeated booms would tear their homes apart," explained Beranek. "I Ji\·e near a mili!sry installation and every time I hrar a boom, I think it'.~ puUing I.he nails u\l t of Lhe wa lls," Gis Get Cit izensh ip HO:-;OLULU !UPI\ -1t1ore than 700 t.:.S. servicemen -all aliens from 63 dif. ferent countries -\rill become AnlCrican citizens Friria~· under a yea r old la"·· Nearly 600 of them Rte l'eterens of Viel· nam. ,, Stioav 011 the P11111pki11 1".1osl pwnpkins have frosl on t11em at th is time of year, but nol this pum pk in man, \\'ho appears 10 he telling Frankie Judge, 4, that he needs a coat to cope with \Vedne~dily's ~no1\·faJI in Gorham. l\.li. It \\'as AC1\· l£ampsh1re's heavies t October SllO\rfall in 50 )Cars. t"r ona Pnge 1 SMOG BA N . • • 1;1·ho livl! in the :ihadow of the power pl.tnt. A hou!"-''ife \\'ho failed lo identify herself laid supervisors of "living near I.hat miserable, rotten plant !or 12 years. "They have been 12 years of planls dying, clothes rotting on the line and the house being conlamlnaled \\'i!h the dirt and poison they put out," she said. "And then these people iEdison Co.) hal'e lhe ner1•e to coine here -and they're real ~y,·eet today, aren't they -and ask to bu ild an e1·en bigger plant.'' C.'har.les It \Vrigh~, 91 52 Bermud.a, told s11pcrv1l>ors that his hon1e -situated about 1,000 feet from the power plant - had bt>en repainted lhrce times in the four and one·half years that he had been in residence. "\Ve are all l'ictim,i; of this filthy residue and noxious pollutants," he said. lie told of trees and plants throughout the area dy ing. of "spots on autos. doors and patios that \\·on't w~h off'' a nd of clothing being ruined by pollutants. ""'e c.an thank the Edison Company ror all of I.his and I tell you today that if they had had any compctililln we'd ha\·e nuclear po\\·er toda~.,·· tht-angry Wright lold the board. "They have destroved !heir image in our community ;ind ·v.·I" urge you lo reject their application for plant expansion." Si'.'li !ar protests l\'erc filed by a pro. eession of county and ci1 ic leaders. private citizens ;ind represenlatives or anti-smog associations. "You should oppose this application \\·ith !hf' sure knowledge that an aroustod public is willing lo pay any price lhat <'lean air v.·)11 cost," said ?-.trs. Olis Ozolin o[ Orange. "\\'e ask only that vou be con· eemed "'ilh the quality of our ·life and not the quantity." The downtol'>'n redeve!opn1ent plan and Council A pproves R esta.u ra.nt Sign Denny's Reslaurant \\'ill be allol'>·ed In install a large lighted flashing ball on top of i!s sign on Beach Boulel'ard. ffuntington Beach city councilmen ha\·e overruled a planning co1nmlssion decision that the extension on the 50-foot :iig al 18477 Beach Blvd. should not be ailO\\'ed. Planners said that, if 1hc .1ppl ic1Jtion was approved, otht>r businesses in the area could file similar requests Lo circaml'ent the city·s sign ordinance. Leonard D. Sova, operator of the r~~taurant. told councilmen that the t'X· tens.io n of !ht sign to 58 feel in height "'<JS necC's~ary !o attract busine~~. Councilmen voted 5·2 to appro1t Lh<' t·xten.sion. The y said the sigi1 y,·a~ setback from the properly line and ml easily seen by motorists on Beach Boulevard. Attorn ey Gener al To Back Beach The slate allorney general has been authorized tn represent the city of Hun· tfngton Beach in a proposed civil !Intl· ln1st suit against automobile manufac· turers. Counciln1en ha ve fldopled a resolution nan1ing Attomcy General Tho1nas (". Lync:h to :ict 011 beh<ilf nr lhC' citv ''tc1 prep;ire, fllc. serve and prosec11te a civ il <inti -trust suit against automobile manu· facturer~ for conspiring !f'I rrtard the introduction of smo~ f'Oll!TO] dC\'ICCS in the State of California ." By .JANICE BER~IAN or lft• D•ll• P'llol s1111 Fair Board members are burn.in&. Their !and, that is. The Board today ordered the torch pul lo the brush and grass on the northwest l.'orner of the Orange County Fairgrounds at Fairriew Road and Arlington Drive. Costa !llesa. r.lembers of the CQSta tltesa Fire r>epartmcnt stood by to supervise the fire.5, set off following a story in the DAILY PILOT and a request by the police department \l.'cdnesd<1y that the state-0wned property be cleared. "You could \\'alk into thal field and just disappear," said Batta lion Chief David Teter, as h~ looked al the spot where, lasl \l'Cek, a child "'as sexually molested. "\\'e're -or rather, they're-going In try to eliminate as much (If the standing 11eeds a ~ possi ble today," said Battalion CJ1ief Hon Co!en1an, adding that the fire flepnrtment could only !>!and by and assi.'I to make sure the blaze ls con· lrollerl. Burning the area 1;1•l\1 tak t 1110s! of the. da1·. officials said . Thf'y \\'ere having some tro1Jble keeping the fires hurning bt>cause of !hi! damp morn ing 1vealher. Captain \\' i 11 i am f!a ymer said. "It's hard to burn today, but it's easy to control." Colem~n r.xplained that burning I.he area """.·11J gh·e the poli ce department more , isual control. Secondarily, "'hen it's burned it loses all its attracivenl!Sll as a shortcut Kids don't v.•ant to go tn school with charcoal all over lht1r clothes." .. , think that it's goi ng In help," said .Juvenile ln ves ligator Linda Gelsler of tht: Costa r.1e~a Pollce Depar!mf'nL "·ho was assigned lo the ch!ld n10Je st r.asf'. She said that ~he anrl police Capt. 1\nbcrt Green asked that tl1e area be cleared. ''I think it's going to he nicer, don't you ~·· Chief Teter asked Fairgrounds J\lanager Alfred Lutjeans. "If v.•e can f'>'l!r gel it burntng," Lu!· jeans replied. SALE for the first time! TH IS EXCITING PARTY SET Your choice of simulated Oek or Pecan tables in «." or 48" sizes. Also a wide selection of vinyl~ and fab rics in a -variety of colors. Includ ing 5 Pieces , Table .,nd 4 Choirs for . , , $489 'fotu /avor11r 111tc rit"'1 dfli~11rr itrll be ht1ppy tn 1s!LSt "JOU • , • PROFESSIONA L INTERIOR DESIGNERS Open Mon., Thurs , & Fri. E .. , .. 11 1b HARIOR BLVD. COSTA MESA. CALIF . 6'4 6.0275 I ] l l ' '1 r I ~ I !~ ' • < • • ... : ' l F \\' pc rs dent day publ clrui; "1 ting been llSf'd their inb Jo,i;ir , !'\• ' lo !; 'nd Hou~ f)<ISa Tht· l.11 'oun ~ho ~1xlh Lir f!call 1rirs ;iltho lhr 1 rir~ she 1 Lir h i.~ c f'n!s 1irob dr11g: lie recei 1i:leg lo sp 'S, s ·'" "Sad< llleba the ~· court \~·c.dn· The a!lern lle\\'S~ I dent f: lhey f ' The rigan. get ar bu! In drnl a "S;11 :<hl'el ~ jus~ o lhe dr '·Lari< I l· I Ii I r ' I ---· - 0 0 !J!! J.J . I I 2 2 I I 2 Laguna Bea~h Today's Final N.Y. Stocks VOL 62, NO. 254, 4 SECTI ONS, 50 PAGES ORANG E COU NTY, CALIFORNIA THU RS DAY, OCTOBER 23 , 1969 TEN CENTS Home Delivery Worl(s Fine for Forest Mom Dy RICllARD r . NALL 01 th• U•ll1 Pllll! S!•U "'\\'nnirn s!1JI <lo11·1 be lieve it 11 hen I ,,:iy it 11·asn 't pa in, it \\·<is Just hard 11 urk." 1\lrs. E1·erctt Schn1id, 39-ycar-0ld Lak e Forest housewite, \\as talking about the pla.111e<i ho1nc c.l?!ivery -1vithout a doc- ror present -of her fourth child . Hobc.'rt John Schrnid 1ras born Ott. ! I 11 ith !he assistanec of his rea l-estate ap- praiser father at the family 's s11ac1ous ho1nc . 25061 Rivendell . The baby, \\'ho weighed six pounds "hy 1he bathroom sc<1lc" is doing beaut ifully ·:-aid Mrs. Sch1n!d . Ile hasn·t been seen hy a ph)'Sic'lan yet but probably will next 1.rrt:. The planned home delivery \\'asn't en- l1rely nrw' for the Sehmid family. The 111\rd child. Lisa, almost three, was 1!.,li1·crcd In the fan1 ily hon1e 1vhich \\'as thrn Yorba Linda with her fathe r ci<;sisting. ~1rs Schm id said a physicia n came in l:i1t'r and llrcl off ihe baby·s umhilie al c·ord .. bul this t1n1c n1y husband did lt al l." "\\le planned to hal'C a home deli1·ery. \Ve're interestl'd in faini!y center malrrnity care \lr hich meant the ho1ne lur 11s," said illrs. Sch1nid , addlng: "ll ca11 be traunialic for a ni olher lo lcin·!" hl'r childrrn during labor so we dt>{'ided to dn it ourselves. ··1 took ch Ud birth preparation classes and my husband was my labor coach. We feit rery good about tile experience." Askefl about her husband "delivering" !he child . l\1rs. Schmid said. "whoever hanpens to be there, the husband or mid'>l·lle, they catch the baby. "lie lhcr husband EverettJ did a very co111mendable job. \Ve would have called the doctor if \\'C felt there \\'ere any pro- blen1 bul the labor continued beautifully and there ~eemcd no indication anything (Ste BABY, Page ZJ Fifth Top l(icl{ In Army Graft Scandal t.•IL'I' P!LOl $!1!1 Pn~lt SC HMI D'S, SON MARK, 4, AD MIRE NEW AR RIVAL Number Four Weigked Six Pounds on t he Bathroom Sca le Linklette1· Tells Nixori Publicize Drug Evils \\'ASHli\GT{J:"j' <Ar•i -Tcl<'\'1:-<l{ln pcrsonahty Art 1.1nkle1trr urged Pre.£1- dent I\ixnn and congr('ssiona l leaders to- day to ad opt an educational progran1 In publicize thc e1•i!s of takU1g dangerous drugs. "The kids of AtllC'ri ca today are reac· l.l ng to a drug 11orld in which they ha1e been born," L1 nklelter said. "They are 11sed to seeing peopl e pop chemicals intu their 1nou1 hs for c1•er,1 !hing fr nm relic1 · ini; tension~ and curing headach es anU Jo~ing \\'eight.., J\!~on in 1·11c·d 1hC' 5i·~c;ir-old L1nkl ettcr In 1;1lk In ;1 bi p:ir l i~:i n ~ro1u11 of Srnalc ;ind llou~c lt":Jdf'rS, callL·d to ;;i \\h11 c Hou.~e bri•!flug nn thr l'res1drn1's pro- w sals dralin~ 111th lh(' 11 n1g probl('1n. The nll'l'!ing lasted !110 hour:,. I.1111-lettcr dcsrnbcd the drn th <Jf his ynu ngesl dnu,t11ill'r. 2D·.1'C<lr·old IJinnr. 11 ho [ell f1·.1111 !he ~itr llf'll 111r1J01A. (1! her ~1ll'th·flQOr :1p.1r11nc11t Oct 4 Linkl rrtrr s;i1rl 1)13nf "]{';1prd 1n hC'r rteath in ;i dL·prc<~rd ~tl'l il' fr(•111 b;:id L,l.i!J lrin.o; ~ix n10111hs bt:fnri;.' II<' FJ ld altho11gl1 she had 11r1l !11kc·n L..1:i D dur111 ~ thr 1ntcr\'e11111g six months. •·the bad 1nps would occur aga1 0 and again so thaL i.hc thought ~he 11·as losing her mind." L1nklel\er said he decidrd to publicize his daugh ter's death so lhnl oth er par. t•nts 11·ou!d becoinc COtl{'l'rnt>d ;i boul th::. problcn1 o[ youn g people 11•ho arc takln;; drllRS· I-Ir szid In lhc l;i<:l 10 days J.e had rCCt"ll'ed 25,000 letters and m an y 1<>1egran1~ and telephQne call s usking him to speak on the subject and from parents \\'ho know !hat lhrir chi!drrn arc in1·ulred wi!h drug.~ but don't kno1\• \\1ha1 to do. "Fr<1 nkl y. I can'l te ll them 11•h;1t to do bc{'<1use I don·t kno11.·," Linkl ettr r ,1;aid. Hr said he urged at the briefing thal an ed ucational progr:im be aim('d at both p<irenls and you ngsters beginning in the fourt h, fif!h and sb.:th gr<idrs to "leach thc1n that you don·t pt1b an ything inside your body no more than you \\'Oul d 11·alk 111 front of a car, set fire to you r drrss or tl nnk a bottle of 1odl n<' ·• /\'i xon a11d lhc congrcssion:1J lr<1drr!'I ~Jbo heard ron1n1rn!s fron1 llnbl·r l ll. Finch. secreta ry of health. cducai ion nnd 11·cl1:irc. and John lngl'rsull, <tircl'tor (•f lhf' Trl•asury !Xpartn1en!'s 13urc:iu of Narl·nl i'~~ ;:ind IJ.1ngl•ro11~ Drugs. l11g~rstill . Flnt•h. :ind ,'\1:..r•11 urfird :-peed)' ;JCliOJl "II tl1c .'.ldnlllll.5!Tatl011 ~ <Inn: contrnl rrupo~~1 h. Tin· program <'.1!1$ 1nr n1nrc nion .. y, n1.1np<111rr. rc- ~r;1r,.h . f'd1IC."illfl 11 ;ind spN'i'11 l;1.;t.1no1- ing invesl1 gatil c unit~ lo crack do1-1 n on I.he traffic in narcotics. S tock Marke ts NE\V YORK (AP) -The ~tock market began to recover the day's earl ier loss in active trading late th is afternoon. (See quota tions. Pages 22·2.3), Declines continued to outnumbrr ad- vances among indi\•idua! is.~ues traded on lht" Nrw York Stock Exchange al a ratio of 812 to 503. 'Saddle Sore' Starlaces w M1·s. Lea1·y Says Office1·s' Pot Acci1satio11 Ridiculous Rosemary Leary today condemned as "ridiculous" lh c allegation by Laguna Beach police offic ers that there \vas a strong odor of marijuana in the station ,1·;.igon occupied last Pee. 26 by herself, J)r. Timothy Leary and her stepson, John Bu~h Leary. TI1r red -haired former modrl. obvio usly ~11ffcnng fro1n the a(ter E'ffects of recent major surgery, shakily, kloj the i;\and ~ refute prosecution tmlmony that 'I. stench of marijuana emanated from the 1·ehiclc said by pollce to have been il- legally parked on Woodland Drive. ~1rs. Leary, 33, will be followed to the !'!and later today by her husband and stepson, the Leary family·s attorneys in· d1catcd. Testimony of all three, the la wyer~ ~;iid. will be aimed al destroyi11g the pr~ -"t"Cution 11rgun1ent that dn1g s could be dete cted by odor and that the car was ii- Shore Protection Policy Studied f\ ~horeli ne ronservation policy lha t eould conceivab ly bring Orange County·s ntc:.n front \prrain un<ler ;;i "protrc1iori h.1' zoning'' ordinan ce has been passed to !h·: co unty planning department £o r :..l11d.\'. County suprrl'isors took !he acti(ln on 1l1e n1o!ion of Supt•rl'isor David Bakl'r v.ho recently ur~L'd lhe board 10 protect the county's shoreline through a mr;isure lt;ised on a recent ly app rol'ed S.int<1 6 arb.'.lra County ordinance. Bakr r has noted that Santa Barbara protects its oceanfront proper1 y through z11ning. Structures huilt in v.·ha! arr no1v protected areas prior to passa ~r of thr. ord inance are allo\\o'ed In rcrna1n but all fu(ure construction 1n the riJ:1dly zoned are.'.ls is denied or subjected to rigorous exan1ination, "\Ve should di.~cu~s this protertion by zouing policy in the light of "'hat could happrn to our own 43 miles of shoreli ne." k::iker recently commented . "The Santa Barbara ordinance may prol'r to be the J..ind of measure we need here if \\'e are to conserve U1e ocean front "'e al ready have." '' legally~·~-' ~ · on lhc Art Colony th(lrou , . ·' TodaY'S' ony launched I.he fo\1rU1 day o[ a be g into a molion to su p- pres.~ e\'iden' t fi led against lhe LSD cult ist and his famil y. The Lcarys face charges of possession of marijuana and LSD and "·ere in·- dicacd on those counts by U'IC Orange (:ount,j Grand Ju~. Ed1vin T. Earl, the defense's much heralde!I "Surpri3e witness" pretf!ded tllrs. Leary to the stand to challenge the police argument that the Leary car was illegally parked oo \\loodland Drive. It has been alleged by lhe prosecution lhat the Learys ' bal!ered station "·agon y,•as "."-Omcwhere near the midd le of thf' ruad" ,1·hen off icer Neal J. Purcell first spoiled j t. Earl. 24. whn li ved on 'Vood!and Dril'e at tile_ thlle of the arrest and now lives in l/onolulu. indi cated on a courtroo1n diagra m that the Learys' car "'as legally p;lrkl'fl at the tiine Purcell approached !hr vrhiclc. lf Ear!;s tesli1nony is accepted by Superior Court Judge Byron K. iltcMillan it will, the prosecution admit.~. send the LC'ary into thrir Superior Court trial with an excellent chance of acquittal. That tria l i.~ sc heduled to i1n· n1l'di i.l lcly follow Lhe present hcliring. Earlier 1n the trial it \\'as ne{'essary to c<1ll a reccs! hrienv "·hil e the 1\·om11n f<'('(l rding the hcari11R composed hl'rsclf. It was not 1mmcd1alely drterminerl - beyond nr. U!ary's court roorn anth:.~ ~urh ns flasl1ing V for pea ce sign.~ \\'hen !11" defense n11lkes tec hni cal points - 11 hat set !hr reporter off. The current proceedings are i11trnrleri tn surprrss certain evidence 111 thr e\'en· l'l:•I lr•:il of the f;1n1ily on cha r~es of LSI) and n1nriJUi111a possr~~ion Ja.q l1t•cen1her. Laguna Ilcarh Police Officer l\eal Purcell lestiried \\'ednesday that he smelled the odor or burning man1ua11.l y,·hen he checked th(' Leary -station w;i g. ()non a quiet stree t 1he day afler Chrlst- n1a~. Thc search resulting <1llegedly turned up a pl as tic bag of 13 grttn pills. a bag \\'ilh a number of purple and 1A.0hi tl' pill ~. two pipes, a marij uana cigarette holder ancl some su~peetM ha ~hish . The battery of defense attorney's for (See LEARY, Page 2J Saddlehack Gets Underground Paper By Tll0:\1AS fORTliSt.: OI 1n1 D11!r Pile! si.u An ur.dcrg round ne11·spaper ca lled ''Saddle Sore'' .surraccd today at 5ad· cllcback College. alter a .<;tudent n·ho took !he !\fission Viejo are;i junior college to 1·nurt over il s drcs.s code was suspended \','cdnesday night . Th i'.! underground paper is nHered as en allern:=i live to thr official ran1pus ne11·spaf)('r ''Liriat," for v.hirh 1hc S!lJ- rient Senate \'oted 10 cut off fund!i because they feel it is censo red. The suspended student i~ Gary' Ber- rigan, 19, 1A.·ho trfcd last "·eek in court to gel an injunctinn against the rires..s code but to no avail because he wa.~ still a tilU - tlrnl and had not Ilee n deprived of rights, "Saddle Sorr.'' 10 n111ne o,::r;iphed !llH·ct~ stnplrd tog,.lhC'r. 11 as hand ed out ju~l nff campus. II ronln 1 n.~ a11iclf's on the drf'S!I rode and ;illrged crn~nrship nf "Lariat" and also stories about school ~p1r1 :. and the n1o~l rrer nt football gaine. Sources said student Ken Snyder IA.'as a <lr1ving force ,behind !he underground p;.ipe~ which carried no names and only a [l,ina Point post office box. Berrigan , \.C'ho wears ~is hair long, hael succeeded in being admitted to school 2r.ll rr tnaining on campu~ by tucking hi~ l(!Ck~ in!o a neck brace. But Tuesday he crir-fron ted Superintendent Fred Bremer ;.t a Student Scnalc 1necl1ng '.l'ilh the nccl. brace off~ Berrigan w~ given one day to gvt his hair cut and tJicn suspended Wednesday ni,Shl \\'hen hothadn'' complied. ·A letter 11·a~ sent to -is parent.5 in Capistrano 8(·Af:h. B1 rri g:i11 hl!..~ an ;it!Qrnry 11 ho main- 1 .ain~ that thc.boci rd'!'i re~tric!inn on ni alc ,.l ud(r.L~' hair \'l nl:Hcs !h<'1r righ1s. The ~usprn~ion "'111 now permit Berrigan to co b.:ick to C'01.1r1 Three other r;tudenl.s previously were: su.<J"('uded but Berrigan learned from Superlo r Judge Robert Corfn1an he v;ould hav1; lo seek legal redress on behalf of himseJL Cnllege: offi cials said today that $3,SOO in student money will continue to go for print ing costs of ''Lariat'' despite the Student Senate's resolution. "Their resolut ion doesn'l me an a damn thi ng unless it is approved by the superintendent an d the board," .said College Superintendent Bremer. ' He said he'basn't put the matter on th~ OOard agendi because he hasn't ~,. <'Ont:.tct~ by the studenU. Thty jut ~L t.o ll:>c. p'rtss. he said. · The Student Senate's charge is that J.1. lt·ge publici~t 11nd journalism te11ctler lftl fl litchcll is censoring editorliil P''l'er rri!ical of tht. college administration. Sf1.,. '1rnl l>ody president John Both\\o·til 14id his column was tamptred with andt'subie- qucnlly not run when he ref used 1h:s changes. ~titc.:hell denied the censorship char,l!e and said the student paper is edittd, by studrnt editors and by hlmself, the fa cu lty edl'isor. The $3,500 for the printing of the paper comes from student funds compiled of student body fees, revenue from the book~tore, lunch service, football games ar-d drama productions. . Las,! \l:eet lhl:, bo.yd nf trustees at1C1pted a Policy on ttfe stUdent 11ewspaper Worded by Mitchell. One part of t~at .pqlicy staies: . . ;,A~ the newspaper' j,s published · fr.I c'ni,m r:tadtrthli>. it i~ ci rculated in Ille college' eommtlnity and it must be the nyw~Jifper staff's sel(-ini.1iated obligatlCln l.o rrcoenize thal the ne"·spapcr reflects t"ie iml'(!e d the college. The staff must r_fC<Jgnfl,c th at in. the minds of the public the eolltge and 'the ne~·spaper are ln- 1epaptbb!." I • UPI '1'1!~Jwte TAKES STH AMENDMENT Army'• Wooldrid9·• Dead End Alleys Ma :y Be 'Livened' l n Lag una Beach By HARBARA KRF.:IHICH Of !~1 Ot llY P1i.r it1ll Lagu na Beach council men agreed in a study 5C'S~ion \'r'cdnesday night that dead- f'nd <1llcys have no pl:ice ln thc hurgeon- inR coastal traffic paltern. As n result . Cily f\llorney Jack rli mC'l 1~·1!1 be askrd to r11lc on procedures ncccssnry 10 bring ab11ut the opening of a key t1lley that 11·as bloc ked lo l.hrougt\ veh icular traffic when the Laguna Beach Funcr<it Horne \\as built jn 1!128. Cn111pla1n!s abC1ul the closed all ey 1\·ere inili<itl'd lasi July by sign ·rnanufacturer Earl Secor and owners of neighboring businesses in the !JOO blocks v•ilh South Coast lligh11·ay and Glcnneyre Streets. The alley runs hctwecn the lwo m.aln_ arteries from Thalia Street to Anita Street. but 125 feet on the Anlta Street and \\•ere made inaccessible lo c11rs by excav;ilion for mortuary buildings and can be reached only by a stairway. Beporting on his investigation of the problem, City Engineer Joseph Sweany said he had been unable so far l-0 locale any permits pertaining to the con- struction that shut off the alley. The mortuary was huill by the late Grove Minter and the property now is owned by his son, -John Minter. Last year, Minter leased the business to A. Reynell Sheffer of San Clemente, who now operates it, bul Minter retaincd ownership of the pro- perty. "The sins nf O!U" city forefathers should not be visited on us," Secor told the coun· ciL .. Apparc-nUy the mortuary got permission to excava te for ils buildings and in so doing built the 14 steps that bloc k the alley. I don·t lhink other prn- perly o"'r'l('rs or the city shoukl pay to restore it. He (Minter) should re.store the alley for through traffic as he was sup- posed to do." Secor gave the counci l a copy of a let- ter he said Sheffer is circulating in the neigllborhood urging oppositiOn to open- ing the alley on . the grounds it. will in· crease traffic. Mayor .Glenn Vedder commented, 1'1 feel the block under oonsider1tion will nel'er reach ils highest and best use unle~s the ,aJley i~ fnnclioning." 511 eany said restoration or the alley could cost as mnch ;is $36.600. "It's really nt\ly aboUt a $10,000 job," he explilnefl. "t)lit the mortuary buildings on eithet 1ldc arc so close !here "·ould be a reaJ (Sec ALLEY, P&ge Z) • " ' W oolclridge Lo ses Higl1 Positio11 \\'ASHI NGTON (1\Pl -The Army's fonner top enlisted man repeatedly ln- \'Oked the Fifth Arnendmenl at a Senate hearing 1.:xlay and the Anny promptly .stripped him of a prestigious pos'l 1s comma nd sergeant major. ··0n <idvice or counsel. I would respectfully decline to ana'ftl' the ques- tion on grounds it may tend 11> in- criminate. me," Sgt. tlfaj. William O. \\'ooldrldge said in invoking the Constitu- tion '5 protection against s e r f in- criminal ion . Called as a "'ilncss before lhe Senate investigations subcommittee, Wooldridge gave lhal reply repeatedly 1-0 questions about alleged lucrat i\'e kickbacks and payoffs in the operation of servicemen's rec reation clubs in Vietnam. Germany and the Unlted States. Similar replies \\'etc gil'en by three others: l\f. Sgt. William E, Higdon and two former sergeanls now retired, Narvaez llatcher and Seymour Laur. Each of the four refused to answer any question s beyond gi ving his name and atl- drc~s. \l.'ooldridge, who served for {\\'O years as the flrsl sergeant ma jor of the Army, is bei ng "inv oluntarily released" from the Arm)"s romn1and sergeants major program, thc Anny announced. Ile v.•ill re1a1n his rank and pa y o[' sergeant major bu t \\'Ill be stripped or hi~ rurrent assignment a5 c o m m a n d sc rgeanl maior al the \\lhile Sands Prov· ing Grnund in Ne1v Mexico. He will re· main there in a dlffcrcnl capacit y. At a Pentagon briefing. reporters asked \\'helher Wooldridge will be court- niartialed. Jerry Friedhei m, defense spoktsman, said "f don 't think \\'e know yet." Army officers, ho"'ever. indicated thal the statute of limitations has expired on some of the potential cha rges which. might arise in the case, mak ing it im- possible for the Army to hold a court- ITiflrti;i l. Al the Scnale hearing, Wooldridge in- voked the Fifth A1nendment to a long series of question11 invo lving complex financial transactions, the use ()f S"·iss bank accounts. influence p e d d I i n I , payoffs and kickbacks. Orange C:oast Weather Goins down -the temperature, that Is. To about 69 along the coast under cloudy skies in the mornine hours, while Inland areas will be up to 72. INSIDE TODAY lletping Mt:tiean·Americnns ro 1relp tht.m.!elvt.~ jg lhe 111i.s&ion oJ a UC Irvine husband and 'wi.fe teo.clii"11v tearn, Page J2. a1rtt11 u C.tltf,,... I ,_..... Jl-ll ?.C..c :: OHtti ........ " Dlyt't" lJ 14,,..111 P .. t I "'•"•'-• ,, Pl,,_t H ·U "''WUh II ·~· ... _,, " """'' .... Lie ..... , U ' ' I /lltlnltt TI Mllflol>I ......... " N1_, N-1 f.1 o ...... c-lt IV""'-l'Nltt U , .. ,.,. ,,.,. l l'Mt ""'°r1ltl1 1J•U T110wl11t~ Jl 'l'llfft.n, ti Wt8'Jltr ' o""" wto!ttt u Wtfflll ltl•1" 1-p W-'t H•WO. 11·" . ·- l Thursd,Y, Otlokf 21, 19" Cosn1011auts Here Join Astronauts in Anaheim Soviet Cosmonoiuls ~iy T. Bert- govoy and Konstantin Feok..istov ~lvtd in Anaheim today to parUcipale Jn the concluding portions of the annual 1net>t· tng of the American ln:.litute of Aero· naulics and Asl!onaul1cs. ~regovov, a m;ijur grncral, made ;i spacecraft ·flight Inst l)c\vber ... His com· panion was a scicn!i~! uo the first three· man team the llussians put into orbit 111 CK:toh<.-r 1%4. They "ere arcompan1 t:d by U.S. astronaut Eugene Cernan. Tonight 1hey will be guests at the. aero- space con\'ention's awards banquet In the Anaheim Convrnt1on Cen1er. Feokistov. BcrcJ!O\Oy, thr Jailer·~ \\'!I<' Lidiya and their teenage son \'1rtor are .. sc~ultd to visit Disntyland Friday morning and, later, Universal City Stu· dJOS. Qv('r the weekend they v.•i!I visit the San Diego area and y,•at.ch the American Foo!ball League game between the San Diego Chargers and the Oakland Haiders. Both cosmonauts will include visit-' to :ierospace firms on their Southern Cali· fornia tour Monday morning before lea~·· 1ng for San Francisco. Beregoyoy will tour the North Amer- ican Rockwell Space Division in Downey, \1•hile Feokisto1• is scheduled to visit the Jet Propulsion Laboratories in Pasadena. No New School for l1·vine, But Mayl1e Half a School ll doesn't look llkc residen1s of 1hc tr>ine area wlll get a full nl:'w high school next fall but maybe ha!r a high school. Tustin Union High School District ~upcrinetndent William Zogg said the· :-;choo! board next fi.1onday night v.·111 cliscuss the probability of building an in· cremenl of the high school. Rough grading of the high school site at ~i1l Campus Drive v.·as coinplelcd this rnonth, but since the stale of C.:ihfornla has been unable to sell school bonds the school district won"l have money to build the $4.4 million school by next fall. Bul the school dlstnct does have ~2 million in already sold school bonds earmarked for the project 11nd c.:in go uheatl and build a portion of lhe school \\tlh thal amount, Zogg said. Plans arc being worked O\ er no.,.,·. Zogg ~::iid his staff is thinking in tcnns of of· fcring a full program in a limited number 01 buildings. The fuH high school is designed lo ban· die 1.800 students in l l builtling!'. Zogg saif. high school entnllment in University Park. Turtle Rock and n e \Yer developments south of the San Diego Free1vay is expected to be about 800 nexl fall Enro\lmrnt for tl1e area now is 300 ~tuden!s . They arc being bused lo !llission V1c10 Hig!i School. Zogy sald it is projected that ~qring the next year 1,iOO new ho1nes \\'Ill be oc· cupied v•ilh an average of .3 high sc h<>?\ studeot per home. "As you know that is n.;t an ex a cl science,"' he sairl. \Vith the $2 milli on he said the school Cistrirt probably could accommodate the full enrollment in limited bu1ld1ngs for one year. \\'ith $2 .~ nu lhon he llunks it could be done for two years. The otlfer $;i)(),000 \l'ould have to come frero 5chool bonds passed by district \'oters but not yet sold. Zogg said he is tr)ing to interCst loca l banks in buying Oil AIJo,va ncc Cut Approved Vl'ASHINGTON' rUPl l -The Senate Finance Committee voted todoy to reduce the rontrO\'ersial uil cleplelion allawance to 23 percrnt. The House had voled lo cut the allowance fro1n the present 27 .5 JJt>rcent to 20 percent. \Vilh the depletion allowance. 27 5 per· cent of an oil or g;is company·,.. taxable income i:; madr exempt from tax11t1on. The firm~ now pa~· taJtes only on lhe re- mainin,I! 72 .5 percent. th~ bonds at the no1v outdated rive pt>r'· ccn! interest rate which was the lega l lir>11t \1·hcn the bonds \\'ere passed. TC' accommodate a full high school pro- grrim next year. Zogg said, pl ans \viii li.11'e to be '"'orkecl up for such a! a place 10 house library books. From Page 1 BABY. •• .. ras out of order so we .,.•:orked along ourselves. "That's 11•hat these child·birth classes do for a \\'Oman, lh<'Y allo1Y hP r to v.·ork with her body. They keep her from think· ing pain." fl.Ir,;. Schmici, who had no anesthetic, said she was out of the "pain threshold'' during the birth and \\'as just "working hard." Mrs. Schmid sald she Y.'as in lribor for about eight hours during v.·hich she did some typing for he r husbancfs business and th en in the last hour and one half confined herself to bed . She said her other children, Laura, 71,S, r.tark, 41h, and Lisa "were not there right at the moment of birth but V.'ere the re a re1Y seconds after the baby was born . They were well aware of it and thrilled by the experience ." 1'11:-s. Schmid said of !he planned home birth : "'ll \\"as strlclly a personal decision · r wouldn 't necessarily recommend it for anyone else." She said it y,·as not linked to any religious conviction. Asked if she planned fulurc home hirths at lhe family ·s ~·square-loot home. Mrs. Schmid said she and her hu.'i· band felt they now have the perfect fami- ly, two boys and t'.l'O girls. Sht said her hw-.band who Is 41 '·got about lO years younger 11•hcn hi s scconll 110D was born." Panthers Ask Trade RERKELEY ! L'PI) -The, Bl ark PanThcr Part y !1as off{'ri:>d to arrange 1lie release of ~01ne American prisoners of war in Viet nam 1n exchange for the frreing of lwo imprisoned Panther learler.~. !'anther Chief of Staff D:ivid 1-l.il!iarr! said at the party headquarter~ \Ved- nesday that an unspe<"ified number "of !he Yankees rleta1ned by !he couragl'OUS people of Vietnam'' v.•ould be released if p;irly r"-fn11ndrrs Huey P. l\cwton and Bobby Seale wl:'re freed. u~• T•l••~oll PONDERING MOON ROCKS Cosmonaut Feokistov Soviets Skip Cape, Can't Reciprocate llOUSTO~ CUP!) -T\1·0 \'islting Rlissi:in cosrn onauts said today \hf'y skir>- ped a schedulecl visit to Cape Kennerly beca use they had no authority to invite An1erican astronauts to lh£'ir .launching ground . The Hdmission came <it a news con- ft•rence a~ the Manned Space Center by Maj. Gen. Georgiy Beregovoy and scien- tls l rosmonaut l\nnst.:intin Feokislov. "This is the beginning phase of the establi shment of relations bet\\'e('n the L'nitcd Slates and the Soviet spacemen," F'eokii:tov said. "You understand that in the first stage '.l'e \\'Ould like to adhere to the principal of mutuality. "Gen. BcregO\'OY and I don't have the authonty lo in\'itc American astronauts lo our launchi ng grounds and thars \Vhy \1·e did not ha•·e the opportunity to accept ~our in\'itat1on to Cape Kenned y." The Russians said the only \veslerntr ever to visit their main launch site was Gen. Charles de Gaulle of France. During their first U.S. news confcrenct>, the Russian cosmonauts clid not mention the moon once. They chose instead to mrnlion the earth. sun, planets and stars. The Soviets also denied lheir space pro- gran1 \\'as SC<'ret. ''11 can hardly be said that our pro- gr;.1111s ;ire closed anrl secret," Feoki.stov ~aid "\Ve rlo not publicize in advance the la11nchlr1f: and programs of mis~ions. This tr0dition11l approach lo the problem is ra!hcr unusual to you." 'The Ru.~~ians said the recent Sovil't lrif'lka space shol~ nel'er \\'ere meant to dOl:k lo make an orbiting space ~talion. "That "·asn 't planned," feokistov said. "The main aims n[ that mission \\'ere further inve:;tigat1on of !he ships' t~hn1cal abil1tirs and the furtlwr rlP\'rlopmenl or lhr nianua! control oC slllf)5. Thr allowance ha~ mart" it po:;sible for man~· oil companies to redt1re their taxe.~ far belcn~· lhc rate paid by othPt ~r pora11ons end for ~Qme to r~c a~ all [t'flrral taxation \\halr1Pt Tiie 2.1 pcrrent r;i \e .,.,·a~ :ippro\'"d hY lhr comm1t!re on a 12·:1 \O\r nfter 11 h11d l1rsl rejl'Cted , on a 11e \'Ole of B·8, a mo- tion to re1ain the prr~rnt r:.1 e. Ja111 Da11ce Sl1ow Reaclied; The committee 1·ha1rn,11n, Sen Rus~ell B Long (O·La.1. the Senale's staurirhe~t f'hamplon nf thr r11J ind11~1ry. said frntn 1he start that hr op)XlS<'<I eu!t1ng the all n11anrr He said thP llo11~e hill hll lh(' 01\ lil· dustry from nine <liff£'rent direclions. DA iii PILOI l•lH•I "'· 'W.,4 l't .. !Ooftl -,,,.llllltf J•c\ l . Cinlty V1u ,.,ti_ -c;.cnc. ............. , Th•.,•• KH•il l!f•l<N' 1 ~•"'•• A. Mu•,t.in• Mt""1"1 Efltw ~ick•rd '-N.11 L-ll•t<'I (111 '""" U,... .... Olrke lJ2 F1••.t "'"'· J.A1ar~, Add••n1 r.o. ••• ••6. •1•s2 0.-.,,_ (1111-Mn.: 'Jll oN~•I •n S"""1 .,,_, I •••-•· 7'11 W•1t IN-......... u. til.IM"'9!91 ._,., Jtt illl SlrMl . ~, -~ n<.• f'llOI "''"' ... ICIO 11 tamlll""' ,,,_ Jj ...... ,._, " .,,,,_ ,,..,, ,., .. , """' .., Ill -•It •n-• I -l!OM ... 1....-i< ...... N"'-1 aeKll, c .... -. M.,,i.o,t.n •M<.11 --.... V•l-ln'. 0..-C•••• """I""""' <_.,,, .....,.,.. """'" ••• II nll -! ••-•M .• ~ ... .ell. llNll Dt ~ .. ., ain.t, C..W. M .. . ,...,.._ en•, ., •. ,.,, Owrlrtl• t.,t. MJ .. Jl1 ~ ..... Ot -~ ,..,..._,. :....-, ... --................. -.. ... "'1.14 _...,, .. .......,,_ ,.,..., -... -.. -1t!W -··· - ....._ ____ . .... _ (--... M .. 1t N-~ -( .... -· l•l ..... ft<o $~1>oC•lll• ... "" ....... a .to -"''" .,-..,.,, II• -ttll11 "'m'"'ry ... t.,..t-N.-.._1111y. Assisteens Help l11dia11s By FREO SCFIOEi\fEHL Ot !~o 0111~ Pilot il•!I 'Jain and Dance " is the phrase going around campus, a~ the Progressi\'e Edulation Club !aunc.:he.\ its fir st fund· raising e1-ent, this Friday fr o1n 8 p.m. to II p.m. For lhos<! of you who art able lo {'arl Jn an instnimcnt. admission to the iam session ls free . Ho11·e1•cr, to you who are nnt so musically inclined, Sl is your way through the door inro lhe girls' g~ m. 1'he Jam v.·itl leatur{' lhe melod ic mJdne.~s of lhP ps)·che<lelic gPncration and a bizarre light sho"-Funds r.1isecl from this f\ent v.·ill ~n lo support future "mini-courses'' and other P~C ;icli\'itie~. \\'hile 1na11:-i of us can afford lo go to the jam and thnro11ghly <'njny ourseh·es \\lth lh'! C'Omlor\s of nur mo<lrrn ~ociety. there are many v.·hn don't ha ve \.Iha~ we do. Indians for r.xamf)lr Sn, a dr11r L~ on at thr h1r.h :-:rhoo\ In t;iYe somrlhing to tht' i\'a\'ajo.~ al Th1nk~gi\'ing. \\'nitin~ fur Qld floll~ arid c11ns nf foo<l, is a bright pink box in lhe Actlvi\ics Of· fief' The A~~is1ee11~ of Laguna are a~}ling for help in mak ing this drive a success 110 thal as 'Thank.'iil;l\·ing rolls around our In· di11n brothers will have something too. Student Cnngrf~~ is going full ·Slt'8m ahead in improving !he brunch·lime food lines an<! in getting \'f':ndlng machines. All the 5IL'<lents at thr high ~chool \\'Ill be pnlJf'd to dttermill(' thPir Ch<tlct nf C"ulrnary dtlight.s for the "quartrr hoarders." Food irn'! \ht nn ly thing th11t t~ grlling \he auenUnn j)f Studenl Cnngrts~. Tufr(' Is 11 ~itab\e number of ixriod ,..:ix reprt'stnlat1ves that want to t1111·e an OPt'fl campus -1ha1 Ill, stud ents fr{'(' ill romt and RO with legil!ma\t' reao.on. \\'Ith the noon p~.s.~. now in effect. ar.d l\n ln- cre11~d dcm()nstnilion of s I u d ,. n t responsibility on the high ~chool campu~. Laguna Teen Corne r lhe ninrc open <•ampus may become a r~:-ihty in the near future. \\'it!• "individual responsihihly"' the Mey phrase at LBllS, a new prog:rarn is now in l'ff£'Ct to sho111 ho\\' well students can 1]3ndle re sponsibility. Starting last \l'eek, students were informer1 thai lhey could now get a "responsibility pas.s··. But il 1~n 'l 1h11t f'asy, First a prosflt'Ctive ran· did,ilr niu !>t search out a far.u!ly n1e1nbe r to sponsor him. Each t{·acher can sponsor ten students, A student is apt to ask a leacl1er 'he knows and v.-·ho knows him in order to gel a pi ss, If the tcarh(r docs !iponsor the student, a pass is issued In the office. \\'Ith the little blue pass, a student can ask to be dismis5ed from class if he has finished 1111 the nev.· material. lf a student lea\'CS class-, he can go lo certain areas on eampus. fi.1any of the areas are for quirt st111ty. ·while the cafM.eria patio, the srnlor loungt', and the bleachers are for !>(X'i11liiing. The nther day during the middle of fourth prriod I was approachC'd by ont of our administrators v.·ho asked to see my pass. "Sure 1hing." I s11id. "Tl 's right hert, in n1y v.·allet." But I rell a li11li' 111 al ease as I rea<"hc<l for my hark pock('!. It 11 as r111pl}". Evidently, 1 h11d left my \1·a.!let at honie,, Talk about re!>pon~1b1\Jty ••. Ta-te Death Clue Found Police Check Prescription Glasses LOS ANGELES (UPI ) -Po!i,·e reveal- ed today that a pair of prescriptioa eyeglas6es found al the home of slain ac· lrt'ss Sharon Tate may lead lo the kil!E!r or the rilm star and four olher person~. Notices were sent to membtrs of lhe Arrerican Optometric Assn, t he California Optomelrlc Assn., and the Los Angeles County Optometric Assn. The glasses lndic11ted the weare r 11·as clltremc!y near·sighted. f'ron• Paye J ALLEY ••• clanger of clamaging them by v.·orkin g v;ith the needed heavy equipment." lt would be esrenlial, Sweany said, to put in retaining walls to support !he buildings. litililies also l\'Ollld haYe to be re·localed, he added. The Anita Street Cfld or 1he alley, Sweany .:;aicl, now is ustd almost ex- clusively hy !he n1ortuary as a con· necting path between the main building 3nd an area where coffins are stored. Sl':c;iny said it was his opin ion th<it \\ ilh increasing traffic on botJ1 Coast Highway and G!cnneyre Street, use of the alley would become essential. "Do you suggest \.\'t' take l'l lr. fl.t inter to court and ask that he restore the pro- perty?" Councilman Joseph O'Sullivan asked Secor. "I don't th ink it would be neeessary, ! think he'd back away," Seeor rephed. .. But Jet him puy for Lhe retaining "'all~ if they're necessary to restore the alley." Cooncilman Charlton Bovd sum mr<I up the \'icws of the council. ;,The objective is that the alley should be open. The question seems Lo be when, not 11·hctl1er." He suggested that f1nancln1; of the pro- ject be considered immediately as one of thP first items for 'the next budgrt. Vedder said he"d lik e to sec what could be done to haYe the person v.·ho disturbed the alley restore iL O'Sullivan sa id he did not think Minter could be asked to con'e up with $36,000 for a building built so long ago. "There arc many situations hl;e U11s dating from the early days of the rity." he said. "When I built my home 1 had Ill spend $1,300 for a retaining ~·all to sup- State's Mobsters Retired: Younger SACRAfi..tENTO (AP) -Dist. Ally. 1-:velle Younger of Los Angeles says most ~-lafia members in California are rrtired, and ''we want to see that they remaln retired .·· lie told a ne11•s: confcr£'ncf' \Vednesday that most of ttiem lnvest in legitimate businesses. Younger also said that gamblers and prostitutes in the stale "are independent contractors. They are not part of the syndicate.'' Younger is expected lo run for !hr ncpublican nomination for attorney gerlfra l next year. and .said he would an- noun ce his decision in January or f ebru.:iry. The glasses '.l'tre de5Cribf'd as . ftight eye: -300·85 X 16-0 Ll'fl eye : -37:'1 sphere PD 67 l'lo~ltr lenses, <irnber A. 0 . fi.lanhauan rr<1rne ~6-21 5-': The notice to the optometris!s said police believe lhe glasses belonged to the 1nurd12rer and thl'y are or the Opinion he has replaced them or will atten1pt lo do so ir the near future . Lt. Hobert Helder, who is in charge of !lie hon1icide detectives working on the c.:i~e since the Aug. 9 u1urders, 1n<1 i.lc the port the house my neighbor had buill right on !be property line." Cily Manager James \Vheaton said the r1ty altornry could prepare a statement on lbe background of the problem and present it to Minter. lf there were no permits, en- croachment into the public righl·Of·way l.'OUld be ordered abated," said Wheaton. ··1r permits were issued, they could be revoked if illegal projections into public property exist. The order to abate could include a requirement to re s t o r e \Chicular access to the alley." Vedder said the city attorney would be so instructed . Also likely to come under scrutiny is 1he issuance of pennits to !11inter in 1963 for the construction of a garage aparl· rnent on the corner of Glenneyre Street alld Anita, \\•hich further dim inished the possibility of requiring him to grant in· gress and egress lo the alley over that property. Laird Rejects Scott Proposa l For Cease-fire '\VASillNGTON (UPI) -Senate GOP L·eader Hugh Scotl's proposal for a uni- lateral U.S. cease-fire in Vietna m hss be£'n rejected by the Pent agon and st1l1· jeC"!l'd to some \'crbal dodging by the \Vhitc !louse. Scott urged \\'ednesday that as of a C"ertain da te !he United ~tatcs should "proclain1 a ce,:isc-flrc, invi te the l:'nemv to jnin, a11d obser\·r ll oursch cs'' as a ··nr~t Sli.'P" luwJrtl peare. Defense Seeretary i\lelvin n. Laird, addressing-1he Ol'crseas \\'rlters later \\'eclnesda\' said this would not he a "successrUi approach." He cautioned 1hc Nixon admin istration against a ceasc·fire \Yilhout "some firm assurance" the othrr side 11·ould also stop fight1n~. He said the pl.:ire for SUl'h assurance 10 be g1l'en was 1 '11r is . Later. \Vlute House Press Secret:iry Ron Ziegler said Laird 11i.s •·spPa k1ni; for the Pt'nlagon as a mrn1bcr of the administration" and was ''rcferr1ns:: to J5entagon attitudes.'' Ziegler said Scott \vas "speaking on his own ." i',ieglf'r sairl President Nixon stood by his l'l·lay I ~ spee<"h. which e:1!terl for a 12 month ste p· hy-ste p ending of thr war and an inter· national body to help arrange "super· \'ised cease-fire." d1srlr~ure , 1.3~1 Friday PQl!ce i,1•ou!d say unJ_•· !hat ne1Y evidence had been un· CO\'fred .. The bodies of Miss Tate, coffee heires~ Ablgail Folge r, hair stylist Jay Sebrin~. polish writer Voityck Frokowsky and 16- ~car-old SteYen. 1~.arent were found at the Be11edict Canvon estate rented by Mis11 Tate and her ·11usband, Ron1an Polanski Ptilan:-:ki was in Europe at U1e time. Actor Peter Se!lers has offered 8. ~25.{)l'\O rtward for informaLion leading lo the kille r or lullers. Laguna Police Arrest Pair On Drug Charge Laguna B£'ach police arrested tv.·o youn{; Ri\·crsidc men early today on charge5 of possessing aboul 36 ounces of marijuana, presun1ably for sale. Sgt. Dave Brown, one of the arresting officers, said a complainl v.·ould be sought today from lhe Dislrict Attorney ,1gainsl David R. Hibbard, 20, and fi.llchae l P. t-.1assard, 18. Bro'.l·n said fi.lassard v.·as arrested by Officer La rry Gallat alter the suspect v.·as reported crouching in the shrubbery at a motel in the 200 block of Cleo Street. Bro11'n said he found Hibbard lying nn the front floorboards of a car in the motel parking Jot. The sergeant said the mari· juana v.·as in 36 separate plastic covere~ packages in the car. He said it \\'as greenish, uncured stuff. Brown es timated that earh ''lid" or p;1ckel v.•ould sell for $10 to $20 on the ii· hril market. Frona Page J LEARY ••• !he Learv fami!v claims Officer Purcell had no rCas.onable ha~ls to search the car frir contraband and couldn't h;i ve ~1nl:'ll£'d 1nariJuana. t\ plastic bag containing a quantity Clf the illegal l\'l'ed was also alll:'gedly found in the ear and "'as bro11ghl into the case Q(Jrin;:: \\"cdncsday·s testimony. Drfc11~e allorney George Chula anrl his t\\O colleagues. ea <"h representing /'11rs. l,cary and John, claimed a!\ lhl'y c{)uld ~n1rll "-as tl1e plas!Jc bag -no pot. '"All I can say is that I smell something other than plastic.'' obsen•ed Superior CO!Jrt Judge By-ron K. r..IcMillan ~·ho snif. fed the bag at the defense's request. l\ixou lo Vi.,it Iran \\'ASHINGTON (l.Pll -President Ni:o..on said today he had accepted an in· 1 itation frorn the Shah of Iran to vis~ tha! t.liddle East Country. r-iixon an· nouncc d his acceptance as lie bid f.:ircwrll lo lhc l'h<ih at lhe conclusinn nf the 1·1onarch's three·day \'isit to the United !'ii dies. SALE for the first time! THIS EXCITING PARTY SET Your choice of 1imultted Oak or Pecan t•bles in 44'' or 48" sizes. Also a wide selection of viny!s and fabrics in a variety of colors. PROFESSIONAL INTE RIOR DESIGNERS Op•n Mon., Th11rs. & Fri. Evei . Includ ing 5 Pieces1 Table a nd 4 Chairs ~or $489 12 1 b HARBOR BLVD . COSTA MESA . CALIF. 040.0275 l ' .. , .... Fij][souTHcoasT Cl'.llf~ll PLAZA THEA.TR& CORPDfll flON San Diu.o frtft'IY at Bt~ • 544-271 I OPE N 6,4S-SHOW STARTS 7 P.M. 11 Winner 3Aca~~01Y Awards BEST ACTRESS · Ka1hari11e Hepburn WINNER-"BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR!" JM<l'ti( LEVIN{·-M .\l'COf,,.WJ'l'.fll..W PETER 't!b KATHARINE O'TOOLE ;r~ HEPBURN . """" "'" lHE LION IN WINTER ..... w.::-:,~. "~'W l.Jl~\'- AL SO ... ZERO MOSTEL ;n "THE PRODUCERS" NOW PLAYING EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY & GREATER LOS ANGELES SHOWINGS HI-WAY 39 Ope" Daily S:41 2"d Ft11 t111t "IF IT'S TUESDDAY, IT MUST I[ l[LGIUM" FOX CINEMALAND Opt" D11ily 1 :15 f-t ot11rt Ti"'" 1 :45 . 4:35 . 7:25 -10:00 - mcn1·r:1c;,m actio" ! 11<tiot1 ! oc:tio11 ! Rob••' Mi1ch11m -Geor9• Ke"l'leil'f "THE GOOD GUYS AND THE BAD GUYS" IMI plus J oi!" Worro• -Dc:i•ld Jc:iro•••" "THE GREEN BERETS" (Ml 11.ECOM .... E"HOED 'Oil AD ULTS J apanese Movies Every Tuesday Night l SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS CONTR ARY TO ""DYERTISING IEYOND OUR CONTROL AND APPEARING ELSEWHERE, YOUNG r'[OPL[ UNO[R 18 INOT 161 Will NOT I[ ADMlnED 10 PACIFIC THEATERS TO SEE THE "It" PICTURES LISTED IH THIS BOX UNLESS ACCOMPANIED IT PAR[NT Olt ADULT GUARDIAN . "CASTLE l<EEP" l lt l "FOUNTAIN OF LOY[" lltl "THE BAIYSlnER" !RI "EAST RIDER " 1111 • . . ........ Gritat oc:tio11 a11cf d,01110 lurt Lonemitt' -Pottick O 'Heo: "CASTLE KEEP" IRJ pl11s G1ti!O'V Peck -Omo' 51ta,if "MACKENNA'S GOLD" IM) Ho -u""" 11 wm l>I ..r ... 1t1.,. tl"ln • •«om,.ntld ~., P•rt<1! t• ltllull gw••fl1n, J(yle Jc:ill111a11 -A111011dtr Cl•rk• "THE LEARNING TREE" IMI plu• "HURRY SUNDOWN" 11.IECOMMIEN DED 'Oil 4 DULTS ...................................... -. -~-"" -. ' ......... ·-··-' farota1tlc Actlo11 Mlchnl Calroe -lour••c• Oll•ltr "Tho BATTLE of BRITAIN" IG) •'~ Su•11t1"' Pl .. Mtte -,_ McSltano "IF IT'S TUESDAY THIS MUST BE BELGIUM" (Gl Te11'l1 jint lo•• "THE BABYSITTER'" IRI ,,. "FOUNTAIN OF LOVE " IRl Ho '"' u<Mltr II wHI bt "'"'lttH union l <<lm.-nlM '' ,.,.,., tr aclull •11otrlll1n. CA II LOAD ~llEAT WlSTElli<j A(TIONI John W•YI'! 11 .. t 0.11,11• THE WAR WAGON JO>lln Wlfl'I llo-.•I MllChUl'll "EL DORADO" ..... Thursday, Octol>ff 23, 1969 DAILY PILOT 21 Orange Coast College ~_,,., Joutfi ·codst Rep ert•Jry 'J.B.'Impressive,Amhitious MUJICA.l CO MEOY AT ITS l'AllCl•L 11\fl "4 FUNNY THINCO HAPPENlD ON THE WAY TD THE FORUM" By TOl\1 TITUS 01 tt>e Dell, "''-1 SUit Orange Coast College has begun its drama season on an an1bitious note \\'ith its pro- duction or th e modern morali- ty play "J.B.," which comes to the stage nf the OCC auditorium with all its fire and brimstone intact. "'hat this difficul l asi.ign- mcnl latks in U1e areas or "J .•. " '-~I~' l>V A.rcllll>•la M1tl11vn. dlro<ted "~ w.1111m P~··I~•, t«"'1•<11 alrtt1or ~:~-.;l<I t'~t,°1!~~ .. ~'t".'',, """l~t~,,,:.~ gr.';i;!'~~~1~~r1::f.:l'Co:i:1'i~1:~; .• , Tl4! C.\ST 1 e. .Ale•1t1aer Go11on ~·••" M•••• ll.ob•t1•on ,...,11r1 L•"v cor .... Mr. l un Rld11ra 11.owl•nd F l"! •1>11U•boul 8 111 Cocn•en S•(on<I ""''l1Dot>t .. , Mer~ lvl .. Oo•la . s on Ho>kell M1•Y 0 Pbbl• 11.ttd 11.utn WtllflY Wo!tift\ Jon1 r1>1n ·'···' £<1dl1 Pur~I•• lhb~<I K1lny 0•••11 Gl•I El11•!1f!I> G•u••• Dine:•• ,. C1•ol H1vet1 \'lom•t1 . Llt1a• II"''" C11nle1n Fl "t ll, N~n<v Elion Pt l• 1••SOn. Jin G1.aw1y, Au<Pll1 S<l>oo!P.r voca!es of blind faith may win the btatlle, but there is sonic 0'1M' 1'11 10.\Y-llll HEWJ'OllT 11.\ID., n .. r Ht,_ 111 1111\IA r IONS • INfOIMATIOlt -_.l)IJ ''WIMl1 lllf P .. 11" -DfllOHTfUl SC:I (llllOlllH'I TH•.t.Tlll iundoy),. \'00 Incl l.ll p.m. C•ll lH llewn lll9n1 mi&ht appear as though his reach, and that of his cast, has exceeded lheir grasp, the "'blame" must be shared by technical director P et er Searpello, y.·ho has crenled some imposing and e ven frighlenlng effects which con· vey an air of profcssiona!isnt that the cast sometimes finds hard pressed lo match. q11cs11on as to the outcon1c oflt-------------------------1 NI) such flaw c xis I ~ , ho\1·ever, in the pcrsonagt> of J .B. himself -played v.'ith astonishing streng1h and con· \'ic!ion by Alexander Golson . thi' inner war. Three more performances of ;.J.B." are scheduled. tonight !hrou gh Saturday at 8: 15 p.m. in the OCC auditorium. Mesa Offers Dran1a Oass The Costa t tesa Recreati on Golson paces his performance Department \1•ill offer a con- with the unfolding of the play, tinung drama workshop from letting out the slack of his 3:30 to 5 p.m. on J\1ondays or en1otions ""·ith each !'iucceeding torment until he stand!'i broken Wednesdays, for boys and and alone. challengi ng God to ~iris 8 to 14 years 1\'ho have explain Himstlf. It is an ex-pre\·Jously participated In a ceptional portrayal for a col-beginning drama workshop legiate actor. BALBOA 673-4048 Opon 6 :4S "'r. 1111toe l.lllMit ht!ln•t. NOW · ENDS TUESDAY the wildest comedy ever THE BEST HITCHCOCK TYPE FILM IN YEARS WlleftdW -tfle lln all<yollll e11dtH ........ 111111! {1:,~• ~~';;~~~l~'Oan Mc,;J;";, Stambaugll, -... .,.. ,1 R b. • group. .,. aeve o 1nson provides a Regis!ratlon will be taken at strong counterpoint a.~ J .B.'s the first meeting. Wednesday, depth and mn turity, it com· pensates for most admirably in concentrated e f I o r t. Technically, it i.~ a mioor masterpiece y.•ith c h i J I i o g sound and lighting effects 10 match its all·encompassing theme. This theme, of cou rse, is the supreme test of one man's faith -a man of today beset quite literally \\.'ith I he lorment!'i of Job. \\'ill he curse his God in his darkest hour, or \vill he !iilill maintain the ra- tionale of blind faith, that his arnictions a re deserved punishment from on high? As depicted by playwright Archibald 1-lacLcish, this Excl11Jivl!: R.t'11!:,.,t d St ot £<1r~1mt't1tl TONIGHT AT 1:00 P.M. STA~lEY ~UBltlCf. PRODUCTION 2001 -. '"-~ • wife "'ho cannol match his . . Oct, 29 or l\fonday, Nov. 3, at spi ritual courage. Larr Y 3:JO p.m. in the Community Cohen, though inconsistent, Recreation Cent er, loca ted at NO ONE UPO[lt I' PERMlnED CRISIS Alexander Co lson comforts Maeve R obinson in a scene fro1n OCC 's production of "J.B." sho1vs flashes of power a!'. the reluctant dcvil"s advocate, !he \1•es1 gn tc of the Orange lf=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:==;,:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=~ "·hile nicharll Rowlaod is County Fairgrouods. Thr fee i::teadicr as the confident deity_ for the 10 week session is $5. question takes the form or a play within a play, \Vith circus vendors enacting the pup- peteers of God and Satan. And if !he premise might creak a bit in the light of later or. ferings in this vein. it remains a S1rong!y stat('d case for a most perilous theatrical genre. Director \Viltiam Purkiss Supporting r 0 ! es are Participants al!'io 1vill have generally handled ,vith less lhc opportunily to take part in sure handedness, partieu!a rly the presentation o f a those of the roustabouts. The Christmas skit before local three comforters are ef-children's audiences as part of fcctively done, except for the lhe \\'Ork.shop program. Ad· homos ex u a I \rhich is ditional information mav be overplayed to the point of ,_o_b_i._i_n_ed_b_Y_'_'1_n_n_g_83_•_·5_J_OJ_._ II comic relief in a show where ~ ....anc c:cMT _llW..., 1 mi n laughter is uncomfortably out ~-? · of place. The play's prime potency . . .I. lies in its second act where the ' •-~·-"!II 1nust be credited with an im· ~,-ii----'1fl ~ prcssh·c dcbul in his new rote ~'-• ~ ~ philosophical premise o f presumed guilt is dealt a death blow which succeeding events cannot salve. The ad-as head of the OCC draina ff\/"'1fj'"ilt'"a m department. lf occasionally it W{JL6JIU~ Now thru TueKl1y Positive-ly Ends TueM:lay First Are• Showing Bart '•nraster HCHllCOLOR Pl•"llll< If e]> [~I Pl u5 Excitement ~~~~1r1...,,,.1JMmRlll1!1I [fJ.Wliiill:t. I ;~" ~ ~"lH~a~• I ~~~!!,~,~~HJ~~,'.'.'=~~ =~~!:!:1 1 PICTURE PittH O'Toc:il• \illiiilft6 liMU't~ Start' Wednud1y OFTHEYEAI! .. , .. """,,~: w"""' .. l"\M'MlV ... ,,..__"_M_ed_ium __ c_o_o_1"_._l!!!_=..., ___ -__ -_[{r_·' "STAIRCASE" Znd N•w lleohtre ~ilill\ti !!!11r Alai Artil11 «> TICMl!CaOl•,....._•.a ''POPI'' ,...._-.. .. ._.urn ... j~~~~==========;I Will she win her fourth? KATHARINE HEPBURN The Pll\DWOl'll\0 of GHl\ILLOT The n1otion picture designed 10 sav e the \vorld from sanity. Crossword Puzzle v.' "fl ' 1•;:; ''"'"' •o ll • ~••t•V·I•' •• •OP.Ill ,,,,...,.,.., KATH.4111N[ H[P8UllN n "THE MAOWO~A'J Of• Gl1~1Ll01 '""'-~t &:itl• • r •I r.t O•"°"' to·•· 1'•"5 • Jl'O<'I !.>•'" • •..Ul •C.O(' -r!.l"U ··v ,, • ~·i; ,,.,. Ii , ••• ., • t I I'" U•\ ··~ 11.,<1r:1 M ~•"N.., "t••l~t·•~lt•.• • YUl BR INNlR \,,,., , · CONAlC PL!AS!NCI ;:, • -" ..a OANllV ~AY( .... -· ...... ,. I <'•r "' "'' loy JI " r.•~•'JOOJ.• .... """" .... ,..,.,,."' ACROSS Slops b Hi storical 11arrat1~~ 10 Frt sh-wa!tr mus s'! l l Pay ri1v irr honors to 15 Dry 1f1Q c h;1 rhe1 lli Folit da 11'e 17 D1J'l'lond \ ~nd c.l11h >: 2 v.ords l 9 Lab•~dor minPrat 70 Pra .r1 t 2 l De 1ecttrl 23 e loodsiJ C.~· 1ng worri 25 01i a1nall)' n~m~d 16 Ed11t alio11 al 9ro1Jp : Ahl\I. 27 At1J111re ~t a store 2'1 Nf g,1t1vt answer\ 31 Coln ol tr lfl1ng val 11t 33 Ex i•t J4 Ki nd of S\famtr Jli 5ttrntss 40 Ptr!ormttl In tilt choir <IZ Chrerlt ss 44 Ptr5lan lalry <1 5 Shrub 47 Offic e accessor)' •9 Clusler cf fibers 51] Tw itcl!ln!J ~2 Ch~n9t the dee~ 53 Drive n~d slantingly 54 M ar ine r'~ dirtc\lcn S7 Antl,nl money cl account 59 Badgf1's rrlat1v t bl "The -----·· Shew on Earth" Ii~ H~·1.r1J rl1y\hm1c ia ll &7Pitt t cl peel &a One c!cst le parole. In form~! 70 Frm1n1nt name 71 ~tad· Fr. 72 P11ft 1:11 73 Elemen:: Abbr. 74 Sec 1ally l',tl11si~t person 75 Th 1c ll- ht aded DOWll l Uns~illtd pe1fo1mt rs 2 t<l11d cf lunntl ) Foc!bal!tr, on some p1 Jy5: ' 2 word s 4 F 1gure of sprtch 5 Ga1den of Eden thar1cttr 6 O(d Frenth coin 7 Ch1rJ(lt riZ · ed by ~rdor Ye s(r.rday's Puzzle So!vtd'. l II I U ! " '" o P • o I C I ~ ( A w [•O • Tt •T "'' £ Do w~1! 1n I d e 2 w;ir!1( 9 Bac•-oi· t~e·hOO~ r ntr)' IO Very much in !.t~I~ 11 L or.9·ra~n e navlgat1011 sys lr'11 l~ Btcilmt v•o lrnll y acliv~ 13 B l an~f! ustd ~~ a cloail: 18 Canadlar tlt1c1nt of 1813 22 In lhP v1cln1:y 24 Gavt aud1tnc t to 27 J(ind of metal 28 Russian ri~er 30 Blo tch 32 Be au1 35 Parent'. Jn formal 37 Well 1eared pers on 10 23.&9 33 /.!c11ntain : Ccm li. for~ }')Fit !or t01· ~11mma t 1on 41 Prcge ny 43 \lo'itld t~~ hl 11 t penci l .,6 RandofT1 pro fusion nl color aa TUrnPd Sl Heraldic dev ices 5 ~ G i~e assrnt 55 Ornamenl~I II a red tdgt 5& Ed~y sa Pair &0 VIP al tht Roman publ ic qa '!l P~ &2 Scot11sll lurniturt des i9net £3 ln --·-: Enti1ely 65 Ma~es by w~y of profit bb C ctto nwccd, t .q. b9 Jchnny -- lw•. Show• SI•"" 7 Cc:i"tln\lou' Show S11t. frc:im 5; Sun. hom 2 Ro~1Eo 6-"JUUET OllM lllllSIY / UONARD 'M1111Nli MllD 0'5/l!A/MlllWl YO!\l ;tJ! l!CiflllCOlOI ©:i> ALSO THIS WINNllt Natal!• W ood i ~ "THE WEST SIDE STOR Y" O"' Skowh19 loeh lv"lllf (( \'l.,t111111if ALL ADULT PROGRAM ~ TUFIT" EXC LUSIVE AREA '~· zIDEast Cont Hlthwsy PERFORMANCE CorGlltl cfel Mor--tJh. 67J-6260 "If I were to describe in detail wli•t goes on in 'Inge', I'd get arrested." "so graphic, I could have swomthe screen was smoking." -N. r. o.n, Co1umt1 -MARJE U[JEDAHL -11.obart i•lmltfl, WINS llH.- -~-.- .,,,~-------~~,~·~!"'"~·~ ... ~~~·~-=~-~----- -----•ALSO PLAYING,----- Alw_,. • Dlff-t Girt Whti o D••illtlt, Wll4 Affol, l••ry Tl"'•! UNDER COVER ROGUE '"I" c· 'll!''' · -.... ,, "e11~~··i '"'' 1 .1 .... • • • ,,, " '"''II\ '111 • Ill ~ .• .:-... .-~·-10.""''"''H't>-"~1j · .... ··1 ·, b·•"'·"''•· ;;:·•·tc1eo• Ill .,, . . . . ... . ······· . I (O• .. HWY,'' ••C•OTHUO ll•O, o 111.•l'Olff t&Alal • .-it-111.0 World Premiere Run Wttk Niqho -7:30 I 9:4S 51turd•V -1U l ;fi .1.11 ' I i i ~vnd•y -l 00 · J. )Cl · t 'OO & I: JO Starts Wednesday October 29fh --------------------·-----·----·------·-----· 2! DAILY PI LOT L Your Mone)''s Worth OVER THE COUNTER Complete-N e\v Y orli Stock List Air West Picks Chief SA'.ll FRANCl ~CO (Al'\ - Edmund Con' ersc 11 a~ 1 \eelcd hoard t:ha1rn1a11 and chief ex ecut11e offic<'r of Air \\c~t \\ednesda} as successor to Nick Bez Bez died recent ly 111 Seattle G Robert ll enr} of ~an Francisco will continut' as president and chief operating officer of Air \Vest Con\erse nf Phoenix Ariz formerly 1\'as 1 ice cha1rrnan of the A1r \Vest bo11rd and had been president or Bonanza Air Lin es one of the predecessoi hnes rnerged into Air \Vest TOPICS PHARMACY by TERRY GRANT •Ph Don't Overlook No-load Funds 111.,,. ••• "'•' ., Pr CH <Ml ftlM•1t1•• t llOlo1oOftt •I ·~-· m•l•I~ ' A"' 1 .. m MASCI. .cir 111<1..0• rol• I _, "'°'~"II. ,.,. MGo-91 Ctmrn lllOll. Jrd 1n •Part Sfnts\ By S\'L\llA PORTER Let s assume that you !ht Nf 'I 't'OPt<' !.Of'\ OoY• OB rn• 10 luw no l>d Dr•w 'I d U ••~to ~uo • t)~n• n 0 Ono >uuOI rd b• Ourlron It>• N•T o~• A.>•oc El Pa n1 I On <>! S!'Cur •Ent S d I I 0••1"''~ I < • P E<!ltl LA~ percent an I lat s al ""' ...... , 1 , .. ,., E<19cb ~1 I C>n> l>ul I • •r>-[O\jf S•I The !On!( terin rl'< onls of the • •n111 • M' fi ""'E ld~il•• Pt Ch d• Of~ fl11• no load funrls i:o rnp are •••»o•n•t• JE• N"c Ill\ orn blv with tho sf• or thl' ~-~r ~. "" <h .~~1d ~ ',~"n' nonprofessional in vestor h 1\e load runds I llr 1 itk ol a ~ales 1~:;~.a 1,~·~t<ll ""0 ~: 'b~~" reacht>d the cons.1dered JU/Jg 1hargt> haS.JIOtlung to do \~J!h ~~:. ~d ...,.1n~,' ~:tcM\:'~"~ rne nt to invest in stocks tor the cahbre of the fund s ~~tnf;. d•• '"~0"~~. ~~~~.o~ the long term through rnut ual 1nanage1nl'nl In fa(t or the 2.0 ~i •I ~0• "~~~~a"e ~;;;.~ :e fund sh arcs Tius is the 1110s\ be~1 pe rf:irmer ~ i"I ni u n g ';;"n":''"~ ~r ~om ~~~w 2o ., bas n: of all the dec:1s1ons ~ou 1nutunl funds 10 tie J1 rst six uf AA /;, E 1 ~\ ~• Eu.,• o 1 11 1\l mi.Ike J969s :i wf11l mont hs six 11rrc!:lPco~ 1 • ~.1~1~"" But what type of fund \\Il l no lo~d fund~ L\ltll(' on this" 1s inc it ~~ ~!" '·~: 11tn sllor1ol1n1e<.;trner1t records :;r~. ct, 1~ l~' ~d•'r""'•' \OU buy -a so-called klad or ., .,, y 11 a no-load rune!" There are s11 in tomorro.,.. " colurnn ! cm!~~~oi l' ~ ~jNs{1' many m1suoderstand1ngs and NO 5 The 1n 1na~e1nenl " b n 1 1i. ll 1, i 1nS mlSCOncep\lOnS UI tlU S <ltC I struclurt 1~ ~~1_' : • ~ 7 r~! ~,';:"~ thal }OU may find 11 hard to fl.11.111\ fund s a rc pr< 1l\I 11H1ch t ~0 J-,".a 1Z. ~ ~1;~ 1.. bellc\e there is onh one <It one ni.tn ope r 1tJ011s -and as~\\~ f;0 0 ! ' ;"' ~~ ~P1 ferenct betv.een the tv.o type::. 111th iln} one man bus111ess :1~:ac.~ 1~" .~ • ~t!.:fr nr of funds and that solr dtf the bu1l! 1n risks are obi 1ous /;,med0c ' 1 ,..., om 0 I I I d Am ~ n 11 114 F•o•1 c~ Ference J5 the f o I Jo " 1 n g n I ie o! li'r iao 1nany ,. E1 t •b 6 1 F nkln E I d "" f-•P &9 10 Fuv•w poi nt tins h11e 1rea tt il ~t rong Arn Fu" o 1~) ~d "" n1iln 1 ~L rt1cn1 1t 1111s 11 1thl~mG 1~~,, ,", '•' r:~•, ',"' r-.;o • Jhe Sales Chargt n , -'" ers1f1ed brains il tl1e top" M•' 8 n • 10-. ., o~v ,. /\load fund 11ill usual!~ be A M•a co 1 ia G "'" < and with a st rong b~cku p to""' ""' 19 19 GR1 l •I sold to you b1 a sales1nan A ~' c..,b s s G•o1•1 resea rch and olhC'r tools A$1 c. o• t • c; 1r ... selling ocgan1zat1on and tor Am ltlv 11 11 7,, 0 ~ essen\1;il for s u ct c s .sf u I ""di Co 11 , ia GldH•n this }OU will p ay a sales f 11n1>•.,s 11 n n ~ ••• w , A 1 d n1anag~n1ent o a secur!l1es 1>n'"" ( ~ 1 , GloD Pun cha rge of a load no-oa 1 1 A ,~ • N i 1 Ja ~0 d C•~ fund 1ou \\lll ha1e to scj k 0111 porl 0 10 "<\ 1 d ~ l ... cw L~ h You n1ust find oul prec:iscl1 ~r~;~ M ~1 i~"I'·•'°•~ S:> and bu) on 1our n\\11 T erP •~ "', " ,, 11 hat ~ot t of mana gem(tl[ \OU 0 1 • 1l"' Gr'",~, are no salesn1en no ~alt ~ 11 q"' ~1 11 11 c. ~11 RE arr hU\'lng \\hen )OU bu1 A v •~ o 1&1 nn~1 charges ;ind thu~ the h '"cc no1 ~ n jr; o•• "' 1nutual fund shares i.l nd 01Y "" o St 11 • 11 1 ~rwTh •n de scription no-load Av~m,o o , m .. ~~ra cn This IS the sole dL:il111cl LOn the ni~nagers operallc St~ce ~d n"J1 Al ! ~ g~ 'oo.,n There are roughly 6 u I ~1~1 J~o~gu~~~gm\OU~~~iai~~ou~~ !::·~· C '~ ~, 8~."~ •• "~',l mutua) funds 10 ex\s!elll C "" toda\' of which close 10 JOO mn ke sure )Our fund l1as a :;.~<•.. 1~ 19 ~.~ •• ~~F are no-load lllnds n1anagemcnt struc ture w hich ~:~;:~ :r • :t, ~fi~n1n1 d i;an 01>er:.ilc successfully O\ er s,'", "", ,_ J Y. Hol"' C:P Among the no-load f u n ~ ~ • ,.. \• "• Hoov• the long term 11~1m '"" ~ 1 Ho' E"' ~ou 111ll f1nJ the ~ame \\Hit B•,101 • • Hou•t r1, In sh o r I an 1n1estn1ent 'l• • H •n •7 Hu,, Ml ~e!ect1on as among I! e loatl h 1 h B~' t o ~, "'' Hud r- l p1 ogra1n 11ort y o t e ni"l1ne 11 ~ w i, ~,Hu~ GA• fund~ r<inging rorn in d 1 1 1 e rd SQn ~o " Hv 1 r> I I oes no cons1:i o name e , ,~ 1 1•· H••ll CP \estment goa s to size a in ""'<o"ali!Les' s1Ar~ '"'1 n n , 1 .. d G" 1estment record etc You 11 111 1·~ ~ '' p..,...,~ E• • • 1na 11:.,t1 [f VOlJ rr a [ru}\ prudrnt 1n Roll e~ IS l~ lnlQ r fnd among them all the ad 1e,tor 10 n1utu 11 lund sh ires ~~n( • .,c i\ 1! ~:r•c~n• \antages and ser'<'Lces yuu find ~ '"'• G n i. .. ,, ~., \OU ll d1l your hon1e \\ork Ill llrwn ~ I!, 19>, n m 1~ arnong load flintls <tr~ 15 ~llch as this isk :u~~~-a~ l · ;· 1~, ~w 1n Bul sln<'e no-load funds ar( fly nuo ~ 1• 11 , sc<J rth1ng ques tions. tlt:m tnd 11 ~"" r " 19 ~: ~.c ' 1r 1• . 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Pn Sub Pho ion fllr Pd ,. .,... !n Po•t H~ p 0 C..G I P "" An• Pub~ NH < UbS NM PubS NC Publlhr Pvr•P~ fl fl•nn•t Pu• h S• PO o Cu "~'""'' P d o~n II~ I l'r I t!•n b Fl ll~•rh Cu lldV n Cu t!!'CO<l Eq """ Mn R~t C •d Q ~v ~lo Qo~d E• llobfl M llM•lon t!o• C•tr II"' ~ 0¥ t!v~" Ho ~ <J ~r JJJ J ~t•nln l 13,. 11~ Schell n JI 11 , Scl Colt 1f •O Sc Ina l'o • • S<ol Son• ll • ll l !K•P"' H 6 6\. Su pto A 10 , Ir 1#1 I• Pt I I> S•ll C<n" lt ,., ~Q••• )• ?•I '''" UP l01l?S•o N I 1.4 ,l, S on• C" Jl H>, SC&I WI • • l 2 SoNE f•I t i, 9 , ~11Un c:;, 1'~ 16 Sw C.>C11 10 10 Sw EtSvc; 11 •u Su..cn•Y to ?l Sid Of';! , 11 IJ \!a Scrw :l• lOll Sl1n HPd ~? II ~I• 111 Sr IJ 11/IST ~w Ct 19 19 ~Vb'< fy I~ l. o Sugdel I"' 11 !l 5111>0 Fd 11 , 11 l imo• ,~, 'h., ~:~'lt 36 "JI Tavl<I w I ! l •n"l n! !.&,t••t>•S I• • )S > '"' m A i?'l, u •, I f nv Cn l ;.~o lflnvln ••o O l!•nGn I • 1,1,ncn! 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II '1 < hild 1 n 1 h1~ nU1) "' !h 11'-.ul1 er an IHfJU l f'd Hllfllllrll~!l11Ull !Ital (!('('UfS a a /)('t !>Oil i:I UI\ s oldlJ not offered by sales <Jrgan11.~ '" w ~v ?I " 1 [JOrlS !hey are generally lCS\ ful l (ll SClOSure Of the JTIO re ~~,,,.,0 7~ '70 t~: ~,•.;;.. ubsctJre roni;Lderat1on~ \1 lui:h c,~no" M '' n,, 1n1•" v.ellkno11.n and vo11\\Lll h 11 (' ~nnM B 11 Ion • ire crU(Jal 10 !he success or c,~nr~p_ ,', ,•,, 1. ~ou 1 • • ,. 19 16 ., ~ .. .. ' " ' • • 30!• JI '"'"''""'"'""'"'"'.m:"'"'"IAllC<>O I I •21 f"Y<':"-dt:::ti!"112UEBW ... W !if.,a f:im90 Baldnr~~ u ts hrf'' d q 11rk "" :-;111u' bnld1i~~ I' nu l a d1~"a::.r b111 ll co~n1rt1 rl ~ 11oh<1nc,. l"~~l a 11ho1111 \ ha1 rn t a< 111l1h ch<1n!r 11J 1akr acl1 n Farl1 r1 111~11 ~I\ nf I •a-.1 r tn1-• t s r 1" 11ssur,...d by Ltl u r of rnan n1(! 1111111)- th,... 11nlY a111 1lahl" n1ran~ (Ir d1a n1~1nM <iin •I brfo1f' 11 i..,-.1 1)•"' I alp11t1Jr 11~ a~L ui fl('Y I~ 80 IO 11()~ Tr l1ar 1 1n1p111 ~ ~r ,..11 d SI l0 rndl on <1nrn1a!l1 !'In ~r! 1 <'rll~1ng D1111n~ th~ lot 111 ti J9:i-l 67 th• Arne11ta l Can r rr Soc1 '' 1nad,... r:1 an !~ 101alh nt: s-rn1illfn ft1 I• srarrh u i !l.n 1 nf tlir 1l nr: f or mf'lrl rn "''''~ nld fo~h1r,n,.d •(U1t "'' 1nu1 pri '' n11t1on"' 1n PARK LIDO PHARMACY 351 Ho1p1f1I Ro1d Ntwport B11ch 641 1510 Fret Dtllwery to take 1he 1n11lallve to obt<Jlll "" ...,w • J~cot>• 1 fn1lurc of }Ou r ltl\est1nenl r~0 1n1A 1 ~, J&coun c 1n!:innat1on and lo find lhr ~rzf /iiics/ll!f"I/ tee ids ~~n~cn111 l :~ 1:~ •• w~1 fund you v.anl I k c~ Go '1 11 J~m•b• (1( ! ljO in nia <!II/) c. ~ t.IG 11 . 11 j HY F~• Since the) do not ha1 e <I c,. .. ~. 11 '° K~.. ~· ~ale~ org in1zallon though ~~~ 1Y :~ 7~ "1 '~:1!l o1 there arr no extra chargts r~~·1 ~8 1l 1! ~:~,,.,G n when 'Oil bU} the sharC'S You PG&E SliJl S rh."'1"" : • ~. ~=~ i pay lh c il l tu<il net assll \il llle ~~·A ,.i' ~i, ~~ ~,:~~aE n.r share -and no more ro s 1 n • K • , F n r I Q rn " 9t 101 K•v. c , \\hen )Ou buv a lo d tund ll lta1·te 1· r ,0·,,.. : ,; ~e:~ 1~c )OU pav the net asset 1nluc 1.', \JM~ ~A 1~1 ic "Q~ E1 plus the sales cha rge This Ls • vio~ ; ' ' l~n!~ ~t .. 1 gt nera!lv <iround 8 ~ pe1ten\ SAN I RAr>ClSCO t Uf'l) -c ~:o~'O ll l~ tM('1ou \\hlch tran s l a t r' nlfl Earri ngs or P i"!Clflc (jas :ind 11!'mct 71 ?~ t~n~: 1: ~umetl11ng o1cr !1 pcri.:ent F lec1r1c: Co drop1>ed n the ,.,~ ~ .. ,',,,'• ,", '.•,' ~·.",";o,"~.d' alxn e the ass1t \a\ur tl11 rd q\1arter lo 5!11.:cnts fr11rn ,.. " ,_ ~, '2 h d om (Ir •I •? L• •ur (, In short the mi nute }Ou o cen1s in I r corrcspon ing om A<• • , ~'• •v " Tn bu\ a load run<l !he \\Orth of quartt r nf 1968 it ,,..as an ~~ tn.! 1( ~ 1;:i. L~~·E,t \OUr holcl 1ngs JS ;:ibo11t 8 pc! OOUllCCd \\rdne>:da} ~~~ ~~~ n, ~~ t~1'(dv rent less th3n 11 hi:ll \OU pu! 111 Sherm tr L S1ble1 ihe cun1 ·;;::., ",.• 1 ;'~ 1: l:.~,~Etr~ If for 10~\ftnt:e 1ou bought pan1 pres1den1 bl~rned the r"I" ~;.; ~) jl :::.::ccf~ so1nc !oad sha re~ n J ~ril1ar1 11ecreast on t'ffcct~ or 1nll:H1nn ( ;~ ~.~ 1~ ~ ".:: \ g1 iv and thetr n1 t a,sel 1 iiluC' b both on operating and i:un rnn Dn<~ :in J .,.qmr A• (l~t~o I &~""'"""'" no11 off s<11 9 pcrccnl !he strucllun cost~ rnn•r•d '-, • M•n"' c \\Orth of \our ~har,., is ar 1!011 cYt>r earn ings for the 12 ~.,;;o/"L ~~,~ ~"O 11 all~ 17 percent less l ll~n months rndcd Sept 30 l0111 ~i,,," 0~ ~~~~v H \Ollr purch ISl price [f YOU rnon stock C<1rn1ngs \\trC S2 61 ~ ~·~ r~ :::f'~~n txtu~ht no-IOArl shares the a sh ire corn pared 111th $2 48 ~.~'<~ ~ ';: ~nd c.c; 1allle of 1uur shares is do11n !I Lil !he precced1 ng 12 n1onlhs O•"• M l/la•t• '1r;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;.;;;;.;;;;;;;;.;.;;;;;;;.;;;:.;;;.;;.;;;;;.:;;;;.:;;;;;.:;;;.~10~!• 0 " Yoo~ GT o~v • ~~ l/IP•1 GA' 0dY Ml• .JI I y (t; n•ro In I 1, I) •loo 11 1~1' O•f Mil 9 1 !0 ~ Mot>"'~ II " . , , " ' ~ " I}) 100 , Siio ' . h l~> ' ' • " ' " • " " • '. " ,, " • ,., " • " , ll ' l! ,,,. ' ~ n i~ ~., • 1 .. ' " . ?O 1 '> ' ,, ll '· • " n 1a II l.8 ' ~o ' . ... " .. Don't Just Stand There • • • D•~ ~" ' l•M"""'"" ".>•u • C" !i6 II MM .. I' D•t C•nT 1~ 11 M0<0r ~ 0• n ? 11 ,MO{I' M Dv Am lMolCub D..,• Aon • !~ Mu•I • INVEST! Tur11 doyd reom1 l11to dolt1ro •• l..,rr11119 "'"'' obcut th• lo.nJ11cl '"' h eld of •eol "'"'' l"•e11me111 K11td 10 the o•tr"l:J' r1cl p ope• ly "''•''"' heft 1 the f Ith o""""' """ of l...:lw rn pre11"trd by 1111 DAil Y l'ILOT O ro"'lt Coo11 Ewe11 '"'!I Co.U991 ci11d N1wpcrr Hotbo• Couo Me10 logrd ef Rrolto" II • ''" ll'<Ulrwe N1wpot1 Tu1t1doy1 el 7 JO Horbot Hrqh s~heol ,. Audi 15th 011d lrflftl Newport Real Estate Investment Series Yo11 can still attend. • • Last l111portn1at Session Oct 21 -Jack l1ncoln •How to Take T1tl1 Advantageou1ly -A Case Study •nd Randall R McCardle, "Tador1ng Your Real Estate lnv11tment Ticket /11forn1alion No adm1ss1on, but hck1t1 are required They can be picked up 1n ad vane• at tht Orange Coast Coll~• campus or at the Deily Pilot offices rn Costa Mesa Newport Beach, Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach DAILY PILOT ORANGE COAST COLLEGE NEWPORT HARBOR • COSTA MESA BOARD OF REALTORS o•,,•v f 1~ In M u!ll! E~ D ""' C• ? ?I 'l~• •• r l"l c I"( I• N, B <I '"l"'(:y!~I ,. N• Cl• II o• "~ 1 J? c.., .. c~ l'lnw "" Ion l• J• En ! .. ' . ; ., F oud l'o st:s A r e11 'L Tliot 11 iglr • Lii U.S . \\ \!'illl:\f TO~ :=;;rt 11'1;-iry nf A~r t111!1 re r 11r 1ord ~l ll ~nlln said \l ed tJ('' t 1\ Amer1cun cnnsun1rrs 1n 1969 11111 ">pf'nd onl~ about lfi !l ptrlent of their 1nt'on1c after I 1xc<: frir food-the ln11 1''t pcri.:enl<il:ll' 111 t h~ \\T>rl d This 11111 br do11n trom 168 µr1c<1nl 1n 1968 and frn m 20 P<'rl f'lll 1n l!l60 h~ told a Sf'n:J\t' llousr f'C01101n1< <:u b <"On1n11l!ce 1\h1 C'h 1~ holding l1~111ngs 01 ll r f1dc 1<i l budget 1 n f 1 a t 1 o n anti en1plo\ ment llard1n said food pn('('S ha\e risen substant1AJl1 1n lhl' past 1 r ir but no! a~ fa~I as non lnnr! 1tcn1 s in the cost of !1v11 g 1nt!ex Thr tncreaSf's 1n food IJriccs in r(ccnl months ha\e bei n a re~u lt of strong con ~u111c r dc1n ind rract1onallv 101\cr per capita suppl ies of livestoc k producers and the gencr.il 1nflat1on 11 hich has al tectrd prices or all items the ~C<'rt ta ry said In discussing thr 1ncrr11se in bN'I pnces, HiirdLn said red 1neal consumption last )Car \\<Is a record 183 Pounds per t'apLla 22 pounds n1ore than 1n """ lh;tail beef prices ro~(' 1~ rercent lro1n 1960 lo l!l6lj JJ;i rd1n :!>aid \1hile retail pnces for pork <11 <'rt1gf'd nea r l} 23 percent higher than 1n '"" Hardin said prnrlur11nn nf hePf 1rir re11serl 41 IJ('r ec1 t bcl\lten 1960 and 1968 :incl lhf' ratio Qf imports In prndu(\100 ro~e from ~ ptrcent IO 1 pc rcrnt A <nD•n i,o Arl11>unsvc • Arl~n> 0~ 10 Arm<o~r ~O A mou 1 60 A mr ~f •IS Arm"C~ 80 A'mll~b l Ml Aro (OtD 90 A•• n Ind I A•hld 0 I 1 :!O A•t>O oil •O A"d llr•w A&ld OG I 10 Al<l~oq ~flt> Ass~T •n •O AtlrvEl lO AtC!YEI pf ( /;,II II cM a ) Alllhn Dll I~ Allllon Pl' ilO 11,1 1a1 <~•"' 1 Alli C~ro t;.u n• Pt Au Slll.lr Oii~ •utnml" Inc Av<nCn lll) A~co oliO <>.v• v P~ J) ~vn•f Inc ·~ "-v••I ofl 'n Avon Pd 1 M A••< 0 1 G~ Blbtl<.W 1-lli ll•~OIT~I ll& OE I ID Ill G 1>!54 so Ill G 1>IC• fla<\QPun Ml BdnoP 11<! IS 5~n• T• 1 !• fl8tb011 I ]II a. d c 11 11 5•1 r In( !jf'I II••< 1>1 150 81 t• Mio Ila " nn S~hnQ!)~~ ~=~1°t;: ~ £1• ldb .. !!avu•C o :.o ll•• ""' t 6•~t Fe• ! llrr~m~n 05 fl~c1 D '' ~ 8••tt>A.r /lb fl•l<O P•t W fl• 11 jrm &.I 6• I H~N NI 11~1 n rrcon fir"'' Co l e~"d •t•o Arno • or J £1~ .... rF n • ~ ll•nr.,~!D ll•n•~c~io n~~r 5u•1 )i) II• ~u• D•no • In B•\<•o )I 11 n• C•tr1 B•n ~ •o fl.HM! ~ \ )l Snlh~• Oil P. ""Qt. 1 )(! "~ Jot>" •I B•l~oal I\ l>H H~ ?4 ll ~· Bt ~' II A• ~ • 1\ !Ion~· II •• I\ • Q 1,,, 11~ ,r , t> Ar~n•11 fl,.,-•\ h I ~ n. o·~ l 10 11"""1 15 11 mo•• ~~ ~· Fn •1 0ll fl~ "' I~ fl '" A. ' ·~ B1q5!1 Ml• fl ~Iv 70 !I> • \ • ~ 1 n~~/H~• I 11 ........ "' ., 1!~1 ,nUG I It P. ~•n Co Bro .. n Co "' 'lwn St>~" r,.,nSh<• 1 Q B "''~, 11kt P.urvE 1 •o l!un(o~~ Buno ~ ol ~O llun~·• In ~· B!IF~~lO flu~••W Oii Bunt 11~"'0 n ·~11 n< '<'! ftu•ll"(I l •O fl nd• 7(l Bu oh• Ml lhl>Un~ 1 61f -A- "' )2~1 " ' 11 • II " " ' " .. "' .. 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Prices " .. _ l 1 . -. _, "•-" ' . ~, .. -.. @~ ~ +? 91 .j ' ,. +6 l'lli -~ ' ,_ "' 12"' -'lo Complete New York NE\V YORK (UPl )-Prof1l laking and a dan1p en1ng of peace hopes pushed stocks lower Thursday alte r three consecuti ve ad\ances P eace enthusiasm \Vas checked a bi t by a corn m ent fron1 Defense Secretary l\ll'l\ tn R 1 a1rd that he \Vould oppose a cease fire by U S forces 1n Viel nam that JS not part of any a greement \Vlth North Vietnam Recent gains stcn11ncd pat tly fron1 speculation that President Nixon n11ght announce a cease fi re or possibly a large US troop 111thdr<111al Shortly before the <losl tne CP I rnn1kct111de 1nd1 r<l tor 11J s off 0 27 pc1ccnl on l liOl 1 ~sue~ cros~ 1ng the ta pC' 1 hcre 11e1c 808 dccilnl'S <ind Sal ad vances The Do1v J ones a1crage of 30 blue chip 1ndustr1 als \vas do\1 n 6 53 at 853 82 nea r the final bell Volume of around 14 000 000 shares \~as some four m1ll1on shares belo1v the pre\ 1ous session Among the most active issues \vere Internation al Telephone Ci ty InvesLing Benguet J ersey Stan dard and Chrysler The automotive group displayed a mixed pat tern desp1te a Jag 1n mid Octobe1 car sales Oils also moved 1n ir regular fashion a fter the Senate Finance Co mmittee voted to cut the 01 ! de pletion allowance a major ta)L benefi t for the pc t roleum industry fi on1 the present 27 5 percent to 23 percent The 11 ouse had voted to reduce 1t to 20 percent Stoel~ l hursday Ottobtr 23 1%9 Exchan(J'e 1' Li st L ,.~ "'''·-------------~ t~O• !I 1h La"' c ou en~ -UV- • ' " IJ IJ ,. 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''I & 10 9 . n o • •., ·~ 11 10 , ' . . s11 .11•. 1 • 11 • 7 ,,... 1~. , l l , ... 1 )).I ?- I ' 1. ' '151'1J16 Ml I~ l !~ n 11 11 1 • • , .... 1" l~ ' J•o 1 ,~ • ' I • p , I ONOS ,._ 1 r:i. .0-1 11 +1 ' 3'\-2 • ll • + ,,. l "• lC'>t + • !)',, -•• 2l + ~ ., ' JO,.t + 1 .. 1S • -91, -17: - " "" + •. -" "." ,, ~ -7'•· -.. ,._ 11 "' -.. 1 •• - ' + 11~ -• I].., -.. '' -, 1) • -• 20 ..-• , . ' ... • • {V\ ...... 19 ' -• ''""' + "" " . 9 I .._ 'O J) -+ ' " ' " ' '" n ' + • " .... -0 • ",_ .,I. "'~ _,. J)' -•• ' " . 1: • + ~ • " + " r, • '" '° . -... ' -' ' -1 . -• 0 • o• .i. " • ' 1)•1 ..I-·~ 11.. ' " " ' " 1;" .,,,+ ' 1no, +-"· 11 I -I • + • . . " ' + _,. " -~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- f <f DAil V PILOT s UC Biologist Says l(eep Vehicles Out of Wilderness A renov.·ned bio l ogls l The 1nost bal anced \\'ay lo t')openup "·ildlands lon1ot or posterity. 2. 1ilotor areas. For those 4.Quietpeopledareas.Elct· ble.Thelot.alexperirncegoe~ 1n1lh'd UHV \'o.<.e1n1te \.'allry behe\'es preser\illb Amcnc;.i's U!:-t' rl·t:rt."iltior13l lands "'Quid \ch1c.lc:-i. "This should never ··Park services speak of v.ho find thrtr fun 1 n tronic amplification would be beyond being thl'rc; it 1s also 11 (111ld ff'SUlt In ;1 "prestige 1,1·ildemess is so \Ital he 1s be to clnS);Jf}' theni froin J<iln -lit' dollC'." Dr. llardin said, 'mul1iplc use areas.' TI1is 1s n1otorboats, •l ot ego at s ,' rcstricle.d. Older people and ~elling !here. The exquisi te factnr al'llrlg :is ;111 1nt:cntl\'e zuCd ··Coney 1-.l:intts." Uirough bf.<·Ru~" ""·i\dern .. ss <'ri nnot l}t-µrepared lo citlu<le 1Un1 ::.1.'lf <i~ .,.1.,1,"'''"-qu•'l oul-'-·ir are;,is, 1 1 d . nonsense. EIC'ctronic guitars snowrn(}b1les and M> on. couples "'ith )'Olln" children ~tght , sound .:ind snH'll of 1•1 111~ n.1ds rnorc to improve • • UV\ rnu tip 1cd, an 1t ca1mot be cl d "' not physically fit to enjoy it. tQ unto u eh rd \1·llderness, subdi\'ided ('ithcr. and molort y es cstroy rn-Admission fees ::.hould he hii:;h, \\-'Ou!d be most atlracled. '''ilderness 1s n1i1ny lirncs thl'll' pli\Sll';J! C'hnd111on '' Or. Garrett llsrdln 11£ the. Jl11rtl1n b<.1lieves. 1, k · 1 Joyment of nature a '1 t.l because of thl' great areas of 5 ,...1d J niorc powerful ii J! t·orncs ;i t Or. Ha rdin !>aid lie }Hid 1.1 d h 1 k " ar !'it't\ ices P n.v R possibility of ctJnlcrnplation. !:uid ;i nd ll':l!cr used and . "I erness areas. usl Un1~rsity of CallfornH• <Ji ' le nolc aut or o \\'Or ~ numbers garne. 11lcascd ..,, 'fh h ·'d "-I h · d lhe rntl of.., lung and fati ••uin<> 'n~1cr tr11<lcd on 111y 111- 1 l I 'Y an 1 e conc£'pt s ow ix-"mu 11-polluted by noi se and fun1cs. un-mec aruzed man an n<i-"' <> ,1 Sai1ta Barbara htis proposf1d to 9Jl f'\'fl ii iun, eco og c c\t•ry TH~\\' int'rca;<;e in pie areas of incompa tible lure . trip." Jirnu!\'. liul rnC'n lioned it 1., . h . cl popu!.i tion <.'Q1Urol outlined hls vi:;;itors," the biology professor uses." 3. Lively peopled areas. for ~!Hi\1 th:it Iii ~ ;1rgu111Pnt lor;. reslricl l e v•il s 10 per.sons propo~al::. in testirnony hefl)re said. "Unless a firni stand is \ht• very socin blc who do n11t Dr. Hardin ~aid lesl'I could Dr. ~Jardin is eien <igii in.~L rT"111tt11111 11r phy~1 c11I rnrril s trong enough to gt·l Jn and 1he Cnnsrrvalion and !\':1 t11r ;:i l l k -1 ll -ll l d" Dr. llardin ~uggeslC'd fn e hke extrenie crowdin" or be worked out to determine 1f rn1 ergen<'y road~. "bcc1111sf' e1\1J ld l111rdl v h1· ron~idrrl'd J l'n ;ig;11ns llS a I u "• b:.isic t:ateuories: ,., -out on thrir 011i•n. ll r~ollrt'es Sl1hcon1n1lttee of evrry outdoor rt'erea1ion ;irea <> niutor noise. Autos "·ould only <1 person were of adequa te !he knowledge of rr ally h('111g "~l>l'c1;d plc;1d1ng in 111y 01111 He ls sorry t hal 1his \1·oul<l !hr U,S. l\ousc ci! Hepresen-..... 111 bcconle a Coney J~lnntl _ t. TogC'till'rness are as. he al!o11i·ed tn gel in and gel 1·igor to hike or r:anoe or on one's 0>111 is a pn11erful 1 ntt~rt'sl.'' deny hinl the ''t:'\QUl ~itc i·X· t;.it11es. s11·.:irming 11·ith h u 111 r1 n i ty , 'fht:'se should 1.1ke care of as out again. E\ertronlc music sno\\'Shoe into a given wild tonic to the adYentw·er.' "I cannot pliss 1hc t~'>I _ r penenre" of \\lldernr~s. Iii;-\\'1th nH1re reople "il h rnnr r rt:ekiJ1g or auton1obile lun1es, ni;:iny people as possible 11i·l1h would be. allowed, making areJ. lie suggC'stcd U1at h<1\1ng lo pn·1r1•1~r So I l';n1 ~P<·ak luurl l•,• \l'hirles pouring into parks bla ring 11i·ith portab!e radio.,, a m1nirnum of tra1·et lrom big th{'SC <ireas popular with "To 'SO restrict th r.. be able to hike ten rr11lt'S, fnr \1'hf'rP 111ore ph~~1t·al!y abll' bets around on crutcht•i; a~ a e1ery )t'ar, pre~~nre'> :ir+> nn lf'av1ng a ~harnbles for r1t1t's younger people. \1'ildt>mess is inherently sensi-inslance, before hetng atl-r11en mu!'! ht'l)11at<>" rrsull of a 'Slruggle. 111th pu\10 --''--'-----'----------'-------------------------'-----------------------------'---------------- \\hC'n he. "·as four. But il is the only v.·ay he can tJunk of to sa1 c irrC'placcabl<' 11 llfls from bring I ra1nplcd by hu1nans. If \IC use VC'lllcles or airrraft to carry the :iged ru· U1c lnfirn1 or the lazy 1111 0 "'ildemess -then tl ce<iscs lo be v.·ildcrncss, he argues. l1n1er Citv • Give11 Over To l\lafia \\'hilr ::ternly 1·:illin~ fi'1r ''la"· and order." uur S(}('1•·1~ hands over its Jnn"t c11 1<'S tn the t.lafla, 11 h1ch rrducc!' them to spa\\ ning·grounct~ of crime. according 1n D r . Donald R. Cres5e)'. an authori · 1y on organized crime The ghe!lo you 11 ~~1 rr ido l izes 110! ~11r(·r><;}.f11 I husines~ n r pr1)f•·~i..1nnu1 persons, hut 111 11 lJ ~ t r r !'. Cressey, profe<;~rir nf .<>•1<'1.,ln~~ at the Unil'er~i!y of C;1llfnrni;1 at Santa Barbi'l ra. rl;""titnerl in Select Comn1iltee nn (.'nmc. "The nrganizl·d ('nn11n;il <lemonstratPs !hat t•rimr doc,<; pa~·· Tn the ~l um you1h, th" facts nf hfr nrr t h .1 1 1:1\\·lrssrirss 1s lh1· rn.1d to1 11 talth, the lR111 and S::'l\rn1- ment is for sale, hrne<;1v i!' a p1Hall. 1nora!1ty ;:i 1r;ip for suckers." Cres!'y told thr r .,n11111 11rr th;it racket rrofll.;; ,ire :.,11 opulent. olf1c1<1 ls ~o rr>11chly cor11.1pl1ble. ;n1d r1.~a Nn~tr:i cont rol so fl('r\'li .C.ll'<'. 11 i~ h:i nt for an ambHIOIH\ ~nu t h 1r1 ·""f' ;iny other \1·ay he e;in "111 akc it." l'pper <'cl1e!l'ln nppnrt11n111r~ in the rdrkel s ,1rr U"t oprn !n 1hem. bu1 I'\ rr y d;i .\' r-.; rcnenre tr>JJ~ innrr·•·tly ~·111111~ 11laT 1ho:-e 11hfl 1 ~1ke 1hr ii· lei;1l1maTr rnutl' l:irr lwtl"l' th;in t hn ~.e 11h(1 t:ike L111' lC'p.i!lmillC onr. he tr>s1 1f1ed. Crrs~y :;aid th:il I h fl •·messa~e nr !'Ch n o l 1ld· nllrHstrat nr~ to ·i::1•\ :in r r!pr;i- t1on and h<'lp 1 ('111r~<'lf ;1nd 111r n~I J'ln· ju~l hn'l ,11, rt I in~ ;icro~!'" In £a<'1. nnr st11rl1· !'h(111rd that !'c1·e11 n( !t'rl i::het lo del1nrp1en1' r:•!•·rl 'l''ln ncr-11011 '· 1th;i1 1<, 11hn ~nu kno1\· 111 the unc\et\1 orltl 1 n1os1 1mponant \1 h1lr rd11r:al1nn \1·a~ ratf'rl le;1q 1mpor1<111t 1 n ;arh le\ 111~ ~11rr1·~~ 'Tt-e ;ifth1• n1 :irt·1~ ~·1r rn11nd 11i:: r,11r 1nn"r \'1 111·· 111•11 1 1,.l•'ralr h 1 a l r l\ t pr>:.1111/l'•I 1T1n1r I Tl1n11 ~h ,,-. l'rr' ·• \ drn1nn"tr :1 1!·~ 1n hi~ h•~1h. · Thrft ii{ :1 '.\;i11n11,' 111"11' 1 b1l krd frr1n1 lh<" j\!)l•T l'• .. f11 11 lfl\'~':.lrrl In l (' [.:. I t I In .I I ,.. b11!'1nr~!>. ,ind thr• 1\1 ;1 t 1 ,1 "toU l'hP,o; lhr. l1!r pf r \ (' r .\ ,\ 1n e r 1 ea n ' • • Sn f•["'t1 r:irketerring is rl r11rn 1111n !hfl ~lun1s, .... ·h1·rc 1L l lo:i1~ 1111 n s1\amp of corrup11 n11.'' La'v Eud:-o Pie Trade 1-t LICHJ:\SOi\'. t\an. !r\P I -A nr.,.., K:insac; 1:111 ha~ lnrr rd B{'rnard L;icld nf lhil · (.'.h1nson 001 of 1hc r r{'am Plf business and into !he ctu•·kcn busi ness. The. new Ill \\' r l' fl 11 i r r ~ refrigeration nf pirs -within 30 minutes alter lhry ;;rr removrd frn1n the 01·1·11, !t ;i]!'l"I r!'Quires tr anspnrt:il!nn 1n 1 refr igerated \nu:k. Ladd could nnl prnl'i!lr thh• So he clo.'>ed h 1.~ pic-m;:iking 'Shop and ht'adNI for the f:1nn . So ends a traclilion nf a Ladd in the pie busin{'SS thal dn1e.~ from 1912. It "a.~ in 1!112 lh;it Ladd's father hE'gan supplying pies lo four caff's. Ladd ma1nla1n<:. rrfn,11,rr:t· lion is ha<l fnr r1r~. Ile ~:iy~ 1he crust on cqld pit'~ gets sog- gy. BOAT BUFFS .-.1...,0 .. toco••bn It •~• "~1, f.,tl.tim• bo•li"f •d •tor "'0'~ n9 on i nv "•••P•P*' lrt O·~nq~ Co"""'· Hi1 •-fl111iwt fO•••~o;• of bo•li"9 •"d y1c~lin9 "~'"'' i1 • dt Ut f11l11•t of lk• DA IL 'I' PILOT, CHUCK ROAST ~~.~.~~ ............. 47' RUMP ROAST ····----····-....... u.78' ROUND STEAK ~-'. ............ u.88' 33~ STEWING BEEF ~.'.~'~?~ ............ u.79' LAMB LEG ~.1~.~~!~~---··· .. ··---u. 89< LOIN LAMB CHOPS :::::' ... au. 'I" RIB LAMB CHOPS '""''"' 'I" .................. s H RIM p ~.·~~ -~ ~~-~~~ ......... Ml. "" 5C)c SIRLOIN STEAK ..................... 99' CROSS RIB ROAST ··-· .... :E'i$~ ......... 77' PORTERHOUSE ........ otl1:i~~~~~~vn .... u. $1 23 FRESH SPARE RIBS ............... u ..... 69' SAUSAGE LINKS .. . . ~·~::.::-;:: ........ 89' MDDILAC 5lllf .. liUMllOIAnfflUIVU. 26< llOL Ull---··--- BABY FOOD $lll frlSTIAlllD O t 4\1 Ot.IAl ._,. _____ 7 JUNIOR FOOD j,~!'i. .. ,'.!~~-.. --.. 13' BUTTER-NUT ~~~irc.u.73c BUTTER-NUT ~~~iru._ 145 MOCHA JAVA ~~~t1_77c HILLS BROS. ~~~i'w 1" LIPTON TEA !:~~-•ox .•. 59' PEACHES~::r~~23' PEAs m1t~llT 22c rr.. ' ~ ... k4J&tl W PIZZA MIX APPIAN WAY 3 3 ( 1 2~'z.OUNCE PKG. SENECA APPLESAUCE l:':.'."~--42' APPLE PIE FILLING ~1:'~1i:-41 ' FRUIT COCKTAIL ~:~~:!!~~--22' DOLE PINEAPPLE ~~ti::~u•---·-25' DOLE DRINK "'""1111"1J51,&1111111r 35' ,. Ot.C•M -.. -··-·-•·••" FRUIT DRINKSr~v.rrJ::.., ... ,ru. 25< l l Ulf ,UllCM CllPll '"or. (•II o--CORN ~:~11~;~~~~-5,?~_22• TOMATO JUICE :::'L'.., _____ 33• BEANS ~:~11~2~~~.'-~~~-~~~.~~ 25' PORK & BEANS <•WlflllO•Sml 29' 21 OL UJf;~---··--- Our LOW Ever)<layPricc? PUMPKIN llBBY 29-0UNCE CAN 21c FRENCH POTATOES ~IT"~-69' ZUCCHINI :!'o~r: _______ 29' .,,+ HUNT'S TOMATOES :!::-21' 0 & C ONIONS ~~~~:;~ ___ 29c Pl CKLES DRMOll'lf DILi Ul\'D 45< 22 01. lll ·----_,, ____ _ RIPE OLIVES 1All1<Mll01111,&UNI 45 ' r!fTID • OL UI ..... _ ....... SOUP MIX ~~,:~::~·-··-.. ---·36c SOUP ~:i:~t'c~~'-~.~~-~· 15' GARLIC SALT :1.",'l.":',._ __ 39' ACCENT:.".~~--·-----89' SWEET PICKLES ~,';"i.~-·-·-·-49' '.~ llOUSEllOllol ' .,,+ SCOTT TOWILSIT:~--21' SANDWICH BAGS~:::"" 23' lllUH!l:llAI D ITEMS'' _ .. ~~IJY.,.. . . ... .. . ...... , CORONET TISSUE ::.~0::0" 27' MD TISSUE ~~Z:'o.1otu •• ___ 33c COLD POWER ::~r.i:; .. , .82' SALVO PELLns =~~~1~.. 74' CHEER DITTRGENT ::ic 82' DREFT DETERGENT ::lL 82' BOLD DETERGENT:::•-1" DASH DITTRGENT :::: .17' ZEE LUNCH BAGS:!:'.: .......... -... 25' ... k4J&tl-...... POP CORN BAN GO 32.0UNCE BAG 21c IVORY LIQUID::':~~~ 58' DOWNY flll\CSOTTIRll 79< UOLI TL .. -·-----CAMAY SOAP:::'.', _____ 16' AMMONIA 1lH-SUDlf 27< 2101.l fl..... - MAGIC SIZING ~~·:1~ca1 ....... _ ...... S9c ~ TEXIZE K2R ~'o0i~~~-72c BRUCE WAX ~~1~i.~~~ ........... _,89' .,,+ OVEN CLEANER ::~._".:,_99• LYSOL :'J~~~CZ~~~.'.~~.~·.~.~~·~~~·······-··--· 48' . r,~:]i~CU..ED _ 800.IJI~:::·:·_ GRAHAM CRACKERS:!':'~:\:._38' COOKIES IUollKOCltOCOlATl PMlr.n ss· l 20L1Ai .... .,,,.,_. __ _ BREAD 1Al't'UTD•Tll"Ull01 3S< J&DLLGll.-------- RAISIN BREAD ~:~:t~ 33' ... MIX llllT J_,. PlllUft 53 0". (0-PllRJJOt.IOI. ( CAKE MIX ::ITTi~=~-----35' DANISH GO ROUNDS~..._37• WONDRA FLOUR:~'L'::.'.'_3()< SPRECKRS SUGAR ...,..,_,54, Our lffl{ E~Price? BULK CANDY PEARSON'S 11 VARIETIES POUND 38c .~ .... •• COMSTOCK CHERRY 21-0UNCECAN JOHNSTON PIES \!':}_'.;,~~~~69' BEEF STEW !~~:~s:.. __________ 35 • SLICED BEEF!:~,.:.~~~:_ ___ 43c HONEY BUNS :':::'::'._ ______ 27• JENO'S PIZZA ~.'o~~~"--·-"·-... -... 98< IOIUUI 5.AOU.'11 PIZZA & A HALF:·:~:::_~-1u SWISS MISS PIE l::~'--29' POTATOES ~~~~.~.~~~-29' WAFFLES:~~ :~.~.~~-'---39' Fl SHSTICKS ~!10~.':~~--.. ··--.... ----65' BREADED SHRIMP ?:~1::~~-.7l' VAN DE KAMP COD !:.-'.'."~.__43• CAL FAME JUICE:::-:_:, __ , ______ 24• BIRDS EYE PEAS \~~~~,~~,!~~--31 ' MEAT PIES:!~'::!.. ________ 1ac • HALLOWEEN TREATS & NOVELTIES AT lOW DISCOUNT PRICES! • CAMOI(!. • MASlS • CGSTUMlS • PA,El NA,lllMS • PAPll CUPS• TAILI GOTHS • CAlM • CIDfl • APPLES • AND All TOUINflDS FOi NAllOWEfM FESTIYITIIS. 1-~<Mitifil:"l'{bl1~·;~ ~Y,J.!IJJl3llil!!I~ ... '1i~- .,,+ ROMANMEAL\T:~ ... ~---40' PEANUT BUm1:r:1::: ___ 6J ' MARSHMALLOWS::::.':'!, 2S• DESSERT ~,:~'"S:~LA..-24' GRAPE JELLY :'.ll~..... .55' CIGARmtS ~·~,z:._ 3" SALM~ =~------.85' CANADA DRY~-.10' DIET RITE COLA!:~....s:r BEER=:,~,.. 2" WHISKEY::t...~"="°"""-3" LUCKY VODKA :'o:. ":n._ 2" T-BONE STEAK RIB STEAK ,11(111 77' 1 la.,.,. l~NDlP ""''cus_ 99c OSCAR MAYER Ilea lill"li 111<-.1 ... l\f. OSCAR MAYER 79c n.. !h1rt l1<tt, II oz. P'l1. t.ND llONDrD 1 0~ fl.a.VOi? l8. CHIQUITA BRAND '!Uol IGlOll '"' IMllCMU 10fB. TN(Sl lll llOT 010111.llY 1vssn '0TATOIS •• , TNl1 A-I CNOICl • SlllCTID SIZIS llff> TO~ QUAUTr V.S. 110. I IUSSIT ••• lo ..... 44' <nu1 111 HALLOWEEN PUMPKINS YOUR CHOICE 01 SELECT Sllf!. .O.T lOW EvtlYDAY 01!.COUNT PRKl~I COTTAGE CHEESE :~·~.:'.'-57' MARGARINE ~~·,~~~-.-38( DRY MILK (lf"IL2115lllOl,,&J ft6< l11f.IDl.,------7 U.S.D.A. FOOD STAMP COUPONS GLADLY ACCEPTED Pricet a re Dis,aunlcd Except on Fair-Traded ond Goue rnmenl Conlrol!ed l!em~. FRESH DE UCATESSE N ITEM S! LUNCH MEATS I U(~l tllUO IOIOG~l 'IC~ll I '°""!~HI, 3 5' OUV(, """(AIQMI I (lftflf .... 6 01. flG, AMERICAN CHEESE ~~~~~1s 67< •DIVJDUILIT W••ff !P :U.ICU JJ.OZ. rlG. ~~1~~1~11C~Nc,~o~~!~~ .. J LI .PIG. $239. LONGHORN CHEESE 1PO?.••C·68C llllSI Wlt (OllSIM Miit, SM"IP (MIDO•I •• , , ~.o.~~~!v~~.~~.~!· .~~!~~~ i o~) 1 S ,.,. RATH COOKED HAM 71 c :U.1(10 •••• , ••• , • ., ......... ,.S-OL Pll,C, ARMOUR FRANKS 66< ~ll lo\1•1,.",., 1 •• ,,,,. ,.. , , f.lJ, ··~ MOZZARELLA CHEESE 93c 111'0 ll"MD ••.•••••• , • , , ......... ,LI. GALLO ITALIAN SALAM I 49< !llCID ..... , ......... ., ..... , • :1-QL '''- SLICED ITALIAN SALAMI 89' '"HO IUND ..............•• It.Cl. 111<. Our LOW Ever)day Pr ice? APPLE CIDER HARVEST DAY GALLON BOTTLE 98c f" <> ft,,, WW DISCOUNT PRICES ON HOUSEWARES & BEAUTY AIOS PERCALE TWIN SIZE FLAT OR FlmD SHEETS tmo m _,,,en lo n-$J 77 wit' JWll ll kiitl'IJ. ' PERCALE HATORFITIED DOUBLE $217 SIZESHEnS, PERCALE PILLOW 87.C CASES.. ••· WHAM-0 r: Sill Y STRING Sllltts I C1n1t1 If fl•rtlt ltrill '4 •ill ............... $ 11111 ... Ill. kL UI.. OUILOWPIKE 137 BOTILE OF 100 ANACIN TABLETS - rrrnOlf •H .. M'· Kii If 11111 t. 99c le~lia Ill' In .... ---.... ''FDS'' ALLEREST TABLETS BOTTLE ·$169 OF 48 DEODORANT Tk lt111i~i"t lfttllltr· nt D1t ,r1bch all lllJJ. 3-t11c1 n rost l $J 18 <111. lhlr ltw tftl)• ••r llulllt ,rlcr ,., SCHICK RAZOR BLADES ST"NL(SS STtfl, 4 ft IO\llll[ lD'E P~t OF ~ ............... , FASTEETH ADHESIVE 9111.DS D£HTUIES 99c SO:URY, £.CfllOMY Silt , , , , , ••••••••• STORE HOURS ..... ~,. .. , ...... .. Ul ... 1t11.1t ... toJr• .-' I ] ~ I l w f)('r:< dent riay publ <lr11.i: "T 11ng been 11serl !hPir .ng 10~1r !\'i lo t; 11 nd llou.' JYl~R ThC' Lu \'01111 \\ho :<1~!11 !.11 rle;1tl trips al1 he thr !rip~ sht I 1.11 hi~ ! ent ~ pr oh dr ug lie tf'CC'I !c!rg to sp s An "Sad1 dleba th.~ r.. "'"rt \','r cln Til'! alterr ne11·sr dent ~ thrv I ·f1ie rii;tiln, grl ar bl:t to dfnt ; "Sa . ~hl'et.• ju~t o thr ctr ''Latu ~. '· ' ' Saddleha~k Today's Final N.Y. Stock.8 VO L 62, NO. 25~. 4 SECTIONS, 50 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THU RSDA Y, OCTOBER 23, 1969 TEN CENTS Home Delivery W orl(s Fine for Forest Mom B.\' RICllARO r. 1'.ALL '\\'omen ~.till don·1 he llr'e 11 11•hcn I :-<1.v 11 11asn'1 pa111, il wa.s JU!il hard 11ork . '' !\\rs. Evere tt Schmid , 39·year-olrl Lake rorE~t house11·ile . \1 as talking about the pl r1~11ed ho1ne d:!h1·ery -without a doc· tor r resr nt -of h{·r fourth child. Hobt>rt John Schn1id 1vaz born !kt. 11 \11th the as~ist11nce of his real-estate ap- pr:i lsrr father at 1he fan1ily ·s spacious hon1c. 2j(J6\ Riv t ndell. The baby. who weighed six po unds "by the bathroom scale" is doing beaulilully ~;1id Mrs. Schmid. He hasn't been seen by ;i physician yet but probably \\'ill next ,1 ..-e~·. The pla nned home delivery w2~"·t en· lirely new for the Schmid family. The lliird C'hiltl. l.l~a. almost threr, was 1l~li1 errd in !lie family home \\'hith was lhrn Yorba Linda with her father -.~sisting. I•f\·s Sclimirl S(l id a physician came in !;Iler and 1ied (1!1 the baby's umb11tcal t·11rcl "but thts time. 1ny husband did it <Ill." .. \Ve planned to havr a horne. de!i vrry. \\"c'rc interc~fcd in famih· l'cntrr n1atr111ity care wh1i:h meant ·the hon1e !or us," said Mrs. Schn1id. adding: •· 11 can be tra umatic for a n1othcr 10 lt·:1',f' her children during h1bur so \IC dt•c1dcd to dn ll our~elvts. •·1 took child birth preparation classes and my husba nd was my labor coach. \re feit 1·ery good about the. experienc e." As ked about her husband "deli\'ering" the child. i\lrs. Sc hmid said . "whoe~·er happcns to be there, the husband or n1idwife. they catch the baby. "He ther husband E\•eretl) did a 1•ery ron11nendable Job. \Ve 1vould have called the r!octor if Y•e felt there \\"ere any pro- ble1n but the labor continued beaulifully and thrre seemed no ind1ration anything (Ste BABY, Page !j Fifth Top l(ick In Army Graft Scandal SCH MID'S, SO N MA RK , ~.ADM I R E NEW ARRI VAL Num ber Four Weighed Six Pounds on the Bathroom Sca le Linkle tte r T ell s N ixo11 \ Publicize Drug· Evils \\'ASlll~GT0:\1 IAPI -T('lt\'i.,1on prr$0 n:it11.v 1\rL L1n~lcttrr 11rl:.('d Pn·H· dent '.\ixon :inti 1·on;::rc-..:;11111;1I leadrrs Ir•· day lo adopt an L'fl11ca1Lnn:.1I pro.i:;r;i111 lo publ1c1zc ll1c r \ 1ls rrl u1k1ng dangcrou.~ dril~S. "Tbr kit.I~ ol A111rrir,1 !rn!a\ Jrl' ff',1<'· 11ng !o a cJru~ 1\orlc! 111 11·hich th(·y 11;11 1· been born ," L1nklt'lll'r suul. · 'Thr_v are used to srr1ng pcflp\c PQl1 cli"mirals 1n1n •hr1r 1ni)u tl1s tr:ir c1rrvth111g frnrn ri:lil'1· int! tcn~ions <ind ru r 1n~ ht'<Hl;jrhc~ ;ind lfl~ing 11 t>ight ·· 1\1xun 1n1'1tl'd !hr ;.,7 'r:ir·11lil l.1 nklettrr 10 t;llk 10 il 1)1r11r\1.;a11 1!.rt1up tlf ~r11;111· Rnd llou ~e lc<ldrr ~. 1·;1llf·d tn ;, \\11111• Jl11u~r linrf111g rin 1!11· Pr(••irlt•nr~ prri- pn.;alo; rlC'~1 lini;: \1!lh th" r1ru~ 1•rnhlr1 n Thr 1ncrt1ni; !n~ti:d 1110 h•·tir~ L111kle:tc1· dt'•{'ni>rd 1h1· il/,,11 11 nf h\-. yonn[!r~t d:u1j..h!L•r 10·1 L••r11h t [J1;1r 1. 11 hn lrl11ro1n lhr ~11 rl11•11 111ndu11 •·I hlr ~1x1h ll(~•r ;1p;1rlpl11\\ ()1 t ·\ L111kl~tlrr ~.11d 11r.111•" · 11".:t[l"d lo l•rr drrtth In}( 111·pn .. ,cd •tall' rro 111 h:ir! l.~ll trips six n1011lhs b<'f11r• ' Ile ~;.;d ;:il!hn11i;h shr hart pol l<1k1 11 LSIJ dur111~ 111<' 111lrr\'en1ng ~I\ n1onlli'. thr h:1d trip~ 11·n1Jld rwri1 r (IJ!,11n and a~n111 "" lh;il shr thnught ~he 11 11~ lo!';111i: hrr n11nrl · l.1nkle11 rr saul lir dcr11lctl til publ1r11.r. h1~ d;iuHhle r's i!ra1h ~o th;Jl Qlhcr p;1r- ent~ 11nulrl hreon1e enncl'./"lll'd about thr problc1n of youn~ people 11 ho are 1ak1h~ drugs. He s;11d in lhc l:i~\ IU d:l}S hr hnrl re cc11·ed 2$.0()(I lc\lcrs ;ind m a n y tclPgra ms an<t telrohone calls askin~ hun to speak on the subject and fr om parents 11 h11 ~;11011' lf1a f lhrir children arr 111vvh'rrl with drugs but don·! ~nnw \\hat to 110, "Frankl~" I ran·i te ll !hem whnt tn do hr t.:.iusc 1 don·t know," Llr,klcllt'r Silid. li e :-aid he urged ;it the hrirl1r\g rhal an cduea!1una l pro~nun be a1n1ed at both par{'n\s rtnd )f111ngstrrs beginning in P1r fou rt!1, fJllh :in1l ~1xlh grridrs tn '·teach lhen1 that )OU don·L pul an}Lhing inside ~·011r body no more than you 11·ould 11·alk 1n frnnt nl o e;ir, sci fire 10 yo ur dress or drin~ a ho!lle o[ 1(l(l 1nr ·· :\1xon and the eongress1onill lcadi'r~ al.~" hf'<-1rd cornrncnl~ froni H11her1 H. F111rh . srtrl1lary uf hC'alt h. rdura.11)n and 1•vlr;.rr. and .Jnhn 111.crr,fol l. d1re~lhr of tl1 r Trc.is111y 01'p11r1n1rnL ... Bureilll of '.\;11\·(l llr., and nangl rou~ Un•.:'-. l ll'>l'r~ull t 1 11~'1+ ;u1d \1x1111 Urgrrl ~1x.fdy aruon on !he ,1dn1HH"ilrat1on ~ t1r11~ ~·1H)l10! prop<1 .<.1h. Tl'.t' pr11bra1n 1ull~ l••r ninrr TllQlll'~. 111;1np('111rr rr· ••'.IP h. Pdlll,•lH•n 11n(! "llE'l'lill t;.i-.\·lllll\- 1ng ir11est1 g;i111e unit~ lo r t~L~ do-..n on the traffic 1n nartotlc;i;, .ftjfof"f-. /tf11rkefs NE\V YORK IAP ! -The stock market began lo recove r the day's earlier Joss in 11rti1·e trarting ·late this afternoo n. (Sec qun1aunns, r agl's 22-23). OC'clines continued to outnumbrr ad- ''aneei; ;:imong individual is~ucs tradecl on the T\r1v York Stock Exchange at a r<iUo of 812 to ;;(IJ. 'Saddle Sore' Surfaces M1·s. Lea1·y Say s Of fice1·'s Pot Accusatio11 Ricliculous RosC'mary Leary today condemned as "ridiculous" the allegati.:>n by Laguna Reach pohC'C officers LhaL tbere ,Y'as a :;t rong odor of marijuana in the mtion 11"agon occupied last Dec. 26 by herself, J)r Timothy Leary and her stepson, John Bush U>a ry. The red -haired forme r model, obviously suffering from the after eff cct5 of recenl n1ajor surgery, shakily ,~k the Jtand to_ refute prosecut ion testlfnony that a stench of marij\&ilOB emanated from lhe vehicle said by police to have been Ll· legally parked on Woodland Drive. ,\frs. Le11 ry, 33, will be followed to lh~ "tand latrr today by her husband and .~Lrpson, the Leary family 's attorneys in· d1e<ited. Tc~tin1onv of all three. tht lawyers .c;a1d. "'Ill bC aimed al dest.ro} 1ng the pr:i- ~ccution argument that rtn1gs tould be detected by odor and that the car v.'a5 ii- Shore Protection Policy· Studied A ~horel1ne C'Onser1·ation policy tllnt could conC'Ci\'abl y bring Orang r County'~ o.:er1n Front trrrain under a .. protCC'llOn ~ • zoning" ordinancr ha,<: bec11 ra scocd to th" county planning department for ~!Udy. County !'iUpt'fl'!~nrc; look 1hc acl1(ln on the motinn or Superl'i~nr Dal'id B;iker 11ho recent ly urged 1he board lo prntr.ct l!ic cou nty's shoreline through a me:i~ure based un :i recently appro1ed S.in!a t;irbnra County ord1n :incr Da ker has noled that S.1nt;i Barh:ira prottcts it~ oceanfront property through :·::ining _ Structures bu1U 1n -..·ha! .ire n'l W pro1ceted areas prior 10 pa s~rti::e of 1hP, nrrtir,:::nce are allo\\·ed to rc rnain but all h11ure construC't1on in !ht" ng1dl y zon£'d a rc.:ls is den ied or su bjecled to ngorous cxnmination. ''\\'e should discuss this protec1ion b.11 7.onin~ policy in the light of \\·hat coold happer. lo our llWn 43 miles of shoreline.'' I.inker recently comn1ented. "The San1a Barbara ordinance may pro1·e tn be the kind of measure we need here if 11·c are lo conserve lhe ocean front 11·e already have." legally parkC'd on lhe Arl Colony thorough fare. Today's tes timony launched the fourlh day of a heating into a mot ion to sup· poess evide nce fi led as<1i nst the LSD cultist and his fan1ily. The Lea rys face charges of p:issession of marijuana anrl LSD a111l v.·ere in- d1cacd on those counts by the Orange Gounty GrarMt J'ucy. Edwin T. E arl, lhl' defense·s much heralded ••sUrprise witness" preceded f'.1rs. Leary to tht stand lo challenge the police argu menl that the Leary car wa.~ illegally parked on Woodland Drive. It has been allrged by the prosecation that 1he Le.1rys' ba ttered station \\'agon wa.~ ···~<>mc1vticre neo r the midd le of the road"' \1•hcn officer Neal J. Purcell first spoiled II. F:11rl , 2t \\'ho liv ed on \Vood land D tl\'C ;:i t Lhc jjn1e of the arrest and now lil"es in Honolu lu, indicated nn a courtroorn 1liagra1TI th;it the Lcarys' car wa s lcgall.v p.1rked at the time Purcell approached the \'chicle. H Earl's testimony is accepted by Su perior Court .J udge Byron K. ~1 c~1il1;:in 1t \\'ill. 1 he prosecution admits .. send lhc Leary into th eir Su prrior Co urt trial w1U1 an excellent chance of acquittal. That trial is scliedu lcrt to im· mediately follow the presen \ h('anns. Earlier 1n the Lrh1I it was net:e~sa ry In rail a rrtrss bneflv \vhilt: the woman rccord1nc the heanni? cornposed herself. It \1•as not imm('(liately determtnr.<f - iw~11nd Dr. Leary·~ courtroom 1111lrc ~ "1Ch as f!a shint: V for peace signs 11 he..n lh" defense nlakrs technical points - 11 h:l1 .~ct !hi;> reporler otl The cu rrent proee<'Tij_ngs are 1nlrndrd tn ~u pprcss certain ev 1c~1ce in the f'1•en- 111al 1nril ol !he famil}' on l'hargcc; uf \,.t;O and nianJOHna possession la,<:\ Decemf)('r . Lng11na 13r.al h Poller Off icer Neal PurcC.11 testified \Vrdntsday th at he. smelled I.he odvr of burning mariiuat.a \\"hen he checked the Leary station 11 aJl:· on on a quiet street the day after Christ- ma~. The sra rch resulting allegedly tu rned ur a plastic bag of 13 gre<!n p1J\i;, a bag with a number of purple and "·hi lc pill.~. two pi pes, a marijuana ciga rette holder and some suspectM hashish. The bat!ery of 11rf Pnse ::ittorney·s for (See LEARY, Page 21 Saddlehack Gets Underground Paper Hy THO:'il1\S f'ORTl":\E Ot lho O•ll• "ila! i 1•ll An underground nf11·.~p:ipcr ca llrd "Saddle Sort'' surfaced lodav at Sad· dlcback College, after a studcni \1 ho took lh~ ~I L~sion Vicio ;:irca iuriinr college to erurt over its dress code was suspended \".cclnrsday nigh! Th" underground paper is offered a.~ :in ahern;i\il"e ro the nlfa:ia l carnpu s ne11·sp,1pcr "L,1riAt." for which the S1u- den t Senate 1·oted lo r ut off funds because tilry feel it is ccn.~orcd. The suspended studrnt is Gary Ber· rigan. 19. 1vho tried last 1\·Pek 1n court lo Rel 2n injvnctlnn against the dress code hl :l tfJ no,.avail because he ~·a.s still a stu· dent and had not heen deprived of righ1s. "Saddle Snrr ." Ill n1imcographrd :-hcet• ~1 aplrd 1ogr1hrr. "·a~ handed (lUt j11.~1 olf campus. II cnnl 'In~ Rrt iclt's on lhc dress code and nllr~i:>d c·cnsorship of "Laria t" and also stories aOOul school ~p1r i: and the most rr.crnt foot ball g;.ime. :-.ources ,,a id .student Ken Snyder was a <irl\·1ng force behind the underground p:1pe,. which carried no names and only a Onna Point post office box. Brrriga n. whn \\"ears his hal r long, had sucrtcded in being admitted to school :>r.d rrmaining on campus by tucking his llJl'~• into a neck brace. But Tuesda y he c:o1~fronted Superintendent Fred Brcmrr al a Student Senate mct·tlng with the neck brace. off. Acrrigan \Oo'as given one day to get hi.s hair Cll l and then su~nded Wednesday oighl 10o·hen he hadn 't conip\Jtd. A letter 11·as sent to his parents in Capistrano B1•ach. Acrr igan hai; an a11orn!")· who main· t;un~ Iha! !hr OOarrl's restriction on male students• h;1ir ''inla!r~ thrlr righ ts. Tne .c;usprnsion '.Ill\ no w permit BrrriEJa n lo gn back In court. Three olhcr studcnls previously \\"ere ~u~pendcd but BerriEJan leaTT)ed from Superior Judge Robert Corfm an he \1•011ld hav~ lo seek legal redress on behalf of himself. ((lllege officials .said today that $3,500 in ~ludent money will continue lo go for pr1nling costs of "Lariat" despite lhe Student Stnatt's resolution . "Their resolut ion doesn't mean a damn thing unle~s it is appro~·cd by lhc s11pcrinlcndcnt and lhe board ," said Collegt Superintendent Bremer. He said he hasn't put lht mailer on 1bt board agenda beC'ausc he hasn't been ronlacted by the students.. Tbey just wMt In the pre~s. ht said. The Student Senate's charge is that col· lcge publicist and joumaWsm teacher Mel ~1i1 che11 is ttnsoring editoria l matter crltical of lhe college atlminlstralion. Shi· rlent body president John Bothwen said his colun1n was tampered with and subse· quently not run wheo ht refused the changts. 11.filchell denied the censorship charge and sa id the student paper is edited , by studrnt editors and by himse lf, the faCtJlly advisor. The $.1.SOO for !ht printing of the paper comts from student funds compiled of student body fees. revenue from lht book~torc, lunch service, football games ord drama productions. Last week the board of trustees · adC'pt,ed a policy on the sludtnt newspaper worded hy fl.litchell One part of that policy states: ':Although tht ntw~aper is published frr campus readership, it is circulated in thi college community and it must be the newspaper staff's .self-initiated oblliation lo recognize that tht. newspaper refleC't! t.'1e image of the co'llegl'. The staff must rec:ogni1.e thal in the minds of !ht public the C{ll!~ge and the newspaper are in· separable.·• '1 V~I T•'-... lt TAKE S STH AM ENDMENT Army's Wool d rid9 11 Decul Encl Alleys May· Be 'Li've ned' In La guna Beach Laguna (3r,1ch rounC'll1l1en agreed in .a s!udy sess1nn \\.cdncsday nlght that dead· C'rHI alleys h:n·e no place in the burgeon· 111g coai;t~I lr;ifflc p.11trrn. As a rcsull . Cll y Altiirncy Jack Rimrl 11 Ill hi.' ;i.~kl·rl to rlllf' nn procedures nctes~:iry tn hnng ;,bout thr opening or a ~ey ;dlC'y lhal wa~ blocked lo through 1·rh1r11 l.1r 1raff1r \1 hen the Lt11::11na Beach f't111tr;il Ho1ne 11oas huilt 1n 1<12a. Con1p!a1nt ~ about !he closed allry wrre 111111<11rd !a.c;t July by sign manufarlure r E<1rl Seco r and 011·nrrs of neighboring husinc~-"C'S in lhe !IOO blocks l\'ilh South Coast H1gh\\·<1y and Glenneyre Streets. The ;!l lcy runs be tween the two main arteries fr on1 Thalia Street to Anita Street, but !25 feel on the Anita Street nnd 11·crr made inacC'essible to cars by rxra\·ation for mortuary bui!lli ngs and can he reached only by a stait\\'ay. lteporting on his investigalion or the: problem. City Engineer Joseph Sweany S<?id he had been una ble so far lo locate ony permits pertaining to the con- struction that shut off the alley. The morlU BrY \.\'1\S built by the late Gro\'e ~linter and the proJl('rty now is owned by J1fs son, -John Minter, Last year, ~linter leased the business to A. Re ynell Sheffer of San Clem ente, who now operates it, but Minter retained owne rship of the pro· perl y. "The sins of our city forefathers should not be visi ted on us," Secor told the coun- cil. "Apparently !he mortuary gol permission to exca\•ate for its buildings and in so doing buill the 14 steps that block the alley. I don't think othe..r pro- perty owners or the city should pay to restore it. He (Minter) should restore the alley for through traffic as he f.oes sup- posed to do." Secor gave tht council a copy of a let- ter he said Sheffer ts circulating in the neighborhood urging oppositibn •to open- ing the alley on the grounds it will in- crea"SC traffic. Mayor Glenn Vedder 'C1'mmentcd, "I feel lhe block under conskleration wlll never reach ll s highest. and best ·use unle!>S the ;illey i.'> functiQning ," • s .... eany !laid restoration of the •alley cCM1ld cost a~ much as 136.000. "It's realty Mly about a $10.000 JOb." he explained , "but the mortuary buildings nn either ~1de are !'i(l C'l05e thrre ,\·ould he a real fSte ALLEY, Page 1) W oolclriclge Lo ses Higl1 Positio11 \\'ASJl l:'\'GTO~ (AP) -The Anny'.5 forn1er top enl i5ted man repeatedly in- 1 oke<I Lhe Fifth Amendment al a Senate hearing t:>day and the Army promptly stripped him of a prestigious post as co1Timand sergeant major_ ..On adl'ice of counsel, r would respcclfully decline to ans\\·er the ques· lion on grounds il may tend to in· crimina!c me.'' Sgt . ~laj. William o. \ronldrirlgc said in in\·oking the Const11u· t1on·~ protert1:1n against s e I f in- crin11na !ion. Called as a 11o•1tness· before the. Sen ate inresl1EJal1ons subcommittee, \\'ooldridgt gave lhal reply rcpratedly to question.s about alleged lucrative kickback:i and payoffs 1n the operation of ~r1·iccmen 's rcrreallon clubs 1n Vietnan1 , Gennany and the United States. Similar replies were gil"en by thrtt others : ~f. Sgt.. \Vi!Ham E. Higdon and 111·0 former sergea nts now retirtd "Narl'aez Hatcher and Seymour Lazar . ' E.ich of the four refused to answer any questions beyond giving his na me and ad- drri:s. \Voo!rlridgc, who se rved for two years a~ the fir.~! sergcanl major of thl' Army, is being "1nvo lunta rily released'' frorn the Arm y's command sergeants majo r prngram . the Army announced. He 11o·1ll ret;i1n h1.~ rank and pa y or sergeant maior but ll'ill be s1 npped of hill <'llrrrn t ass1gn1TI!'Ot as c o m m a n d i;crg ranl maior ill !he While Sands Prov- 111,g Ground 1n f'r11o· !\l ex1r.o, He will re· main there u1 a different capacity. At a Pcnta!i(on briefing. rrporters askeri whether \Vooldrldgc wlll 'be couri· n1nrt ialcd. Jerry Friedhe1m. dl':fcnse spokesman. said "I don't think we know ytt." Army off icers, howe~·er, indicated thal the statute of llmitations has expired on some or the potential charges which n1ight arise in the case, making it im- possible for the Anny lo hold a court· n1artia l. At lhc Senate hearing, Woold ridge in· voked the Fifth Amendment lo a long series of questions invoh·ing complex finiyfcial transactions, !ht use of Swiss barlk accounts, influence p c d d I i n I . payoffs and kickbacks. Orange Coast Weather Going down -the temperature, that is. To about 68 along lhe CO&St under cloudy skits in lht morning hours, while inland areas will be up to 72. INSIDE TODAY Hclpittg ~fexican-Americall$ to ht lfl t11enuelue1 is !ht mi.tJ:iOll of 11 UC Irvine husband and wife teachi·ng ieam. Page 12. •1tt111 14 0""'111• ' CltulllM U-JI C•lnl\:1 II ,,.,,"... " 0.tl~ N"l(U U 01-•n ll l!~tt.rltl ""'" ' ·~'-t1•lfl-,, \.. ,..,_, H-11 .,,. ... ,_N_ II A"~ Llftd"t 11 Merri.,_ Lk-t H I ,..,... II , MwtNI '"""' n ........ 1 ....... , Otll'" c-.. 11 STl¥l1 f'trM.r H , ... ,,, W.)I Si.rt M•rt;trt IJ.11 Ttlt'lhlMI ll ,.,._, 1l w •• ,,.., 4 o....., w~u. 11 W•rloll N•"" 4,r .._., ..... ,,.. Z D.f.ll Y PIL Ol L Cosn1011auis Here Join Astronauts in A nali.eirn Sov!et Cos.monauts Georgiy T. Bf're- govoy and Konstantln Feokistov arrived Jn Anahehn today lo participatf' in the concluding portions of the <iru1:.111l 111t'('l- ing of the American Insti tute of J\("rv· nautics and Aslronaulics. lltrf'govoy. a ma1or gcne r;.i!, rnJde :i spacecraft flight la~l Octobf'r. His t'Olll- panion was a scienti~! on 1he first !hrrr- m.1 n team the .Ru!l~ians put into orh1l in OcLober 19&t Tt1ey were accompanied bv US. astrona uL Eugene Cernan . ·Tonight they will be guests at the aero· ~pace convention'l'i awards banquet in the Anaheim Con\'rntion Center. Frok1slO\'. Berei;O\O)". the latter '.~ \\'ife Lid1ya and 1he1r tce11Jge i.on \'ictor are ~ schtduled to visit Disneyland Ftidey morning and, lah~r, Universal City Stu· dtos. Ovt>r the weekend lhty will visit the S;in Die go area and "'atch the American football League game bel"'f'tn the San 0 1egu Chargers and the Oakland Haider~. Both cosmon::111l s v.•ill include visits lo ncrospace !inns on their Southern Cali- fornia tour Monday morning before Jeav· 1ng for San r~rancisro. Beregovoy will tour the North Amer· iean Rockwell Space Division in Downty, "'hile Feokistov is scheduled tn v1sn the Jet Propulsion Laboratories in Pasadena. No New Scl1ool f 01· Irvine, But Maybe Half a School II doci;n'l look hke residents of !he Jr\1nr area \1•111 g!'t a full new high srhool 11r'it fall but 1nayb!' hall a high school. Tn~11n Union High School District fuprrinelndenl \Villiam Zogg said the ~rhool bo<1rd next ~1onday night \\ill rliscu!.s th e probnbility of building an in- cre1nenl of the high school. Bough grading of the high school sitr at 1\711 ('an1pus Dri\·e was completed this 1nonth . but since the ~\ale of Californ ia has been unable to sell srhool bond ~ tl1e ~rhool district "·on'l have money to huild lhc $4.4 1ni!li on school by next fall. But the school cli stricl does have $2 million in already sold school bonds earmarked for the project and can go <1ht:;1J and build a 11ort1on of the school "·th thaL amounl. Zo,i.:~ si11d. Plans are bcu1g "'orkt•d uver now. Zogg SJ.id his ;;taH is U1inking 1n terms of of- f.:ring a full progra1n iu a limited nutnber or buildings. The full high school is de~ii,;ned lo 111111- dlc 1.300 :.\uden~s in 11 building~. Zo,i.:g saif! high ;;thool enrollrnent in Unl\t'r~11y Park, 'furtle Hock and 11 c ". e r flf'V£1\opments south 11[ the Sl'ln Diego Frtel'.•ay is expected to be about 800 ne:o:l fall Enrollment lnr the are(! now Is 300 s1udcnt~, Thry are being bu5ed lo i\1Jssion \ ICIO High School . . ZllgC said it 1~ projt>r1E'd that 1lunng the ne'il \"car 1.700 ncll' hn1ncs "111 lw or- l'Upied "·tth <in ,1\el'a~e n[ .3 high school fl1idcnt per hornr. "As yot1 .kn ow that IS nut an Pxact science," he s<ilrl. \\11th the 82 1nillion he said lhe school Ci~trirt prob<1b!y could acro1nmodate 1he fu ll cn rolln1ent in l11n11ed buildings for rinc ye~r. \\'ith S2.5 million he thlnks il l (.tllld be done for lw(l years. The other $500.000 1~·ould have In rome frr>m f>Chool bonds passed by district volers but not yet solrl. Zogg said he is tr~lng lo ullt'resl local banks in buying Oil AlJo,rancc Cut Approved ""ASllJ;\GTO~ !!'Pl) -The Sfnate Finance Cotnrnitlee vntl'd 1oda_y lo recluce t~e contro\ ersi al 011 dep1C'1lnn ;illn\\•ancc In 2.1 percenl. The Mnuse had voter! to rut 1he allowancr from the prl'scnt 2i.5 percent LO 20 prrl'en L \Vith U1e drp\et1on allowan('f', 27 5 per- 1·rnt of an oil or ga!i roinpany'i' l.axa hlr. lnenme ts m11de exen1pl frr>n1 l::ixa1in1L Thr. finns now pa y t<ixes only on tile re· m.i1111n1! 72 ~ perl·r nL tht'-bonds al the no1.,, outdated five per. i:cn! interest ratf' l\'hich \\'as the legal lirill \\'hen the bonds \\"ere passed. Ti· accom modate a full high school prn-- J:rilm next year, Zogg said, pl ans 1vlll lla1·r to be worked up for such as a place. to house library books. Fr•m• Page I BABY ... 11,as out of order so 1ve \\'orked alon g ourselves. "1'hat's what lhrsr child·birlh classes do for a woman. they allov• her IQ 11•qrk "ith her body. 'They keep her from think- 111.i: pai11." J\1r~. Schmici, 1\ho had no anesthetic, said she was out of the "pain threshold" 1Juring the birth and was just "working hard." Mrs. Schmid said she 1\'&s in labor for ;i boot eight hours during which sht did some typing for her husband's business and then in the last hour and one half confined herself to bed. She suid her other children, Laura, 71,2, J\fark, -4 ~'2. and Lisa •·were not there right ;it the mo1nent of birth but "·ere there a few seconds after the baby was born. They v.·ere "'e ll aware of it and lhrilled b,v the rxpcrience.'' ill:"s. Schmid said of the planned hom e birth: ··11 \1'as strictly a personal df'cision : 1 wou ldn 't necessarily recommend it for <"inyone else." She said it was not linked to any reli,i:ious conviction. Asked ii she planned fu1ure home births at the farnity's 25QO-square-foo t home. f.lrs. Schmid said she and her hus.. band felt they now hal'e the perfect fa1ni· Jy . two boys and two girls. She n id her husband who i~ 41 "got abou t 10 years younger when his secQniJ :;on "'as born.'' Panther s As k T r a ci e BERKELEY ~CPI) -'fhe Bl11ck f':in1her Par1 y has offered to arrange 1hr rrleasc of ~Orne An1eri ca n prisoners of \1·ar Jn Vietn<1n1 in ex change for the fr!'ein g of !11 0 imprisoned Panther lrarlrr~ P;.ir1tlicr r'hirf nF Staff David llllliard ~;iid al the party headquarter~ \l.'ed- r1esda,v 1h:1t :in unsprri[ied number "of the Yankres rll1la1 nrd by the courageou~ pcoplt! nf \'ietnam" would be relea.~ed if par1v ('()ofounrlrrs ll ut>y P. Ne11·ton and Hobby Sea!t:. "·ere freed. V"I l1ltP~Ole PONDERING MOON RO CKS Cos monaut Feokisto•1 i:r Soviets Skip Cape, Cu1i't Reci 11rocute TJOUSTON (llP!) -Tll·o \'isi1ing Russian cosrnonauts said today !hey skip. ped a scheduled visi t to Cape Kennedy becausf' they had no authori ty to in vite A1nerican aS1ronauts to thei r launching ground. The adn1ission c:tme at a ne\\'S con· fcrence at the illanned Space Cent.er by ~laj. Gen. Georgiy Beregovoy ;inrl scien- tist. cosmonaut Konstar1fin f'cokistov. "This is the beginning phase of the rstabllshn1cnl of relalions bclll'ren thl' l JnitriJ Sta!Ps and the Sovirl spacemen," Feokistov said. "You understand that in rhe fir~l st<igt wr "'oulrl like to adhere lo the princi pal of mutua lity . ''Gen. Bercgo11ny and I donl ha\lf' the authority 10 in \·ite Ami:rit·;111 astronauts lo our launclung grounds anrl that's why 1ve did no! ha\·e the op[Xlrtunity lo accl'pl }'our invitation to Cape Kennedy." The Ru.ssian1'! saut lhe only \\'C~tern('r t>ver to v1si l their main lnunch site "'as Gen. Charles de Gaulle of France. During their first U.S. news conference. the Russian CQSmonauts did not ment ion the moon once. They those instead to mention the earth. sun. planets and stars. The Soviet!I al.so denied their spa ce pro. gram was srcrcl. "It can hardly be said 1hat nur prn- hri-a1n~ ;ire r.Josct! ;ind ~ecrct," l'eoki stnv said . "\Ve do not publicizr in advance thr. launching and programs of mis!iions. Th i!I traditional npproach lri the problem is ralher unusual to \'Ou ." The J{us.~ians said the recent Sovirt trioka sracc i;hot;; ne \er \\ere meant to flock to make an orbiting 11pace station. "That ,1·asn 't planned." Fenkistov said. "The ma111 alms of that mi ssio n ,~·ere further investi~ation nl the ships' techn1ral abilit ies and the further development or the n1anual rontrol o[ ship.5. Th!' a\lnl'.·ance has n1adr it possible tnr many ntl l On1pdn1cs lo reducr thf'1r laxe;r, far below 1he ra!e pa 1<1 b~· other cor· porat1nns 11 nd fur so1ne lfl rsc<ipC all ll•dt''ral 1:1~at1n11 11hr1tcver. 111c 21 po'I C'('ll1 i;i te 11 ••• ~ cipprn\t'd h1· thf' to111m1t1 re nn a 12-J 111!1' aft('r iL hail l 1r~t re1e11rcr. 011 ;i oc 1111!' l)f S-8, a 1n0- llon lo retain thr pre~+>nt r.lh'. Ja111 Da11ce Show Reacli ecl; The rom1n1!\PP 1 har rn1:-111. Sl'n R11:0~cll n Loni: !D·L<1 i . th(• ~!'naic·_., ~t.l1i11lhcst 1•hamp1on CJf lh(' oil 1nd~1~1 r~, :-<11d fr<11n 1hr ~l;irl thrd he rrppased rut11ng Ille :1 1\11Y. nn rr fie :-aid 1hr ll'JU."'' bill hll !hr oil 111· dtJstry fro1n nine rlihl'renl 1llrcct1ons. DAil! PllOI R•9•rt N. Wit .. Pm"""'r ..,.,...,1.,,e Jt<l-R. Cw•lev V•ee P•es-1 •M c..n.rw ~•rr Jho111•• K11,il l:dllDr l~•l"I• A. Mu•phi"' "'"""""' Eellor ll1ch11d r. Nill .lH~M l 1ot/> C!•' l dlt« ............ otlke 2Zl f1•••I A•1. M1ili"9 Adcl •1u : P.O. 1 01 ti•6, 9265l Ott.r Ofrlcw (M•• """" no ""e•• ~·· S"I"'' NIWPO<I l!O<~ 111 ! W1>I B•lbOP IW•"'ll"lt 1'1"""'11110!! lltl<l> lOt jth ~"""' ,wt .. -. DAil 'i' P!~Ol •I"' .. ~~ It t..,..t>I .... -Jj .... ,,.,. • D<obl1>~t<1 dt lh f>Cl•I SI>» • ..., ..., _,,. •"''"'' .., 1 ..., ... ""e"-....,__ lfl l , H1·*l'O<I DH<ll. (M !1 ~ HYftflrrt:O. lfl{~ 1,,. F_,111" \'II• ...,.. °''• tou t "UOllolllnt c.<no1"' '"''""" .,i..1• ••• 11 n11 ...,.,, 111"""' .,...., 111-1 lootJI. ,,. llt Wnt &IJ Sir-'< C.11 Mft.o, ,...,.... 1'1'141 ••4-946• Clr•I'• ... Dept. ••J-4211 c-Pltl'lt. ,..., °'"""' t .... , "wllllltJll!<9 :;_,. "' ...... •lo'"" "'""""''""" 191191"191 ""'""' .. ..,.,,,,, .. ""''"' ....... -~ Df .-... ,.,,..,UI ...CIA! -··-. _... ...... -..... --(-_._ M 'll o! Hf-" ... ~ -(l"I -... C.IMotn I -'"•ou•'•""' k e11•'9f U 10 _,,,,.,, ~ -It O.• ..... IJllJI ,.,11111ry -""'''"°" u.a ,,_..,1,. I Ass isteen s Help lt1dia11 ~ Cy FR[O SC llOEl\1EHL QI l~t 0 •>1• Polo! i !tl! '"Jan1 and Dance'' is the phrase going .~round c11n1 pu.~. as the Ptogressi\·e Eduf'ati(Jn Club launches its first fund· l':l!Sing r\f'rl!, 1h1s Friday from 8 p m. to 11 pm. For !hos.:?. of vou 11 ho are able lo ~<irl in an instru 1ne01. ad1nission .o the Jilin ~ession is free . Jl(lwe1·er. to you "'ho ar{' n!ll. so musically inclint>rl, $1 i.~ your 11 d}' through the door into the girls' l.'}'m, l'he Jam will lea111re the melodic n1adness or the psychedelic i::~nera1ion Jnd a bli;1rre light :;how. Funcls raised from 1his e\·ent 11·i ll J,:o lo :;upport fut ure '"n1i ni-col.lrscs" and othrr 1-'EC activities. V.'hile 111any of us can afford lo go to 1he jam and 1hnrollghly r.nJOY oursel\'e.!i wlth lhc con1fort.~ QI our mOOt<tn ::;ociel}', th!'re are m:iny \1·ho don't hal'e what "'e do. Indians for examplr. ~n. a dril'r i:; on at lhc hi,i!h sthool In gi\'e something tn the Na vajos at Th11nksgiving. \\'ailing for old dolls and cans or food, is a bri&hl pink box in the AcLivilies or. tlce. The Assi:;teen!I of Laguna are asking for help In making lhis clri1'e a s11cccss so that as Thank~i[iving rolls around our In· dian brother~ "'111 ha ,·e something loo. Student Cong ress is going f111l-l'ite11m ahead in improving the bninch·time food line;; and in gelling \'ending machines. All the stcdenls et the high school will be 1>0lled to dtlermine: their choice of culinary tltlighl.5 fQr the "quarter hoardt:r!t..'' Food b1n't the only thing that I~ gelling 1he l;tlention ol Slullenl Congres!I. There 1~ a si:r.ahle nu mber of period i'lix representa!ivcs thll l v.·ant to have •n npen campus -that ts. student~ fte4.! In ('Orne and .iio wl!h legitlmalt reason. \\'llh thr noon pass. nov.· in efrecl , and an in- c~ased demonslrntfon of 11 t u dent respoosiblllty on the high school campus, Laguna Teen Corner lhc n1nrt! opt'n carnpus n1ay bccon1c a rca hly in tJ1e near future. \\'l~.!1 "ind1vidual responsihil11 y" the key phr11~e 11 t LBll S, a nl.'w progra111 1~ now 1n effect to show how well s111dcnts can handle rtsponsibility. Starting last "'eeli, students were Informed that thr.y could now Rel a "resporu;ibillly pass··. But it 1sn·1 that easy, First a prospectil'e can· Oldate inusl search out :i facult y memlx:r lo sponsor him. Each teacher can sponsor ten 8\11dents. A student is :ipl t.n ask a teaclitr he knows and voho know!! him in ordt>r to gel 11 pass. If the teacher <loe!I sponsor the student , a pass is issued in U1r oHice. "'it.1 the little blue pass, a student can ask to be dismissed from class If he has finished 1111 lhe new m1terlal. If a stuclent leavt>s claSfi, he can go to certain areas on campus. Many of the erea.o; are for quiet sludy, v.·hfle the c11ft>leri11 p11tin. lhe senior lounge, and lhe bleachers are for socializl ng. The other clay during lhe middle of fourth period I \\'as approached by one nf our administrators who 33kcd to see my pass. "Surr. lh!ng." I s11Jrl, "It'~ ri gh t here. in my w11Uer." But I ft'lt a 1it11e 111 at case ;is I reach~! for my bark pocket. It wa~ rmpt} .. Evlclently, I had IPft my v.•al\C't al home. Talk about respl)ns1bility. _. Tate Death Clue Found Police Check Prescription Glasses LOS ANGELES !UPI) -Polire reveal· ed tod1y that a pair of 11rr~t·r1plion eyeglasses found al the home of slain ae· trt!S Sharon Tatt may lead lo the killer of the filrn star and four other persons. No tices "'ere ~nt to 1nernbcrs of tile AJT1eriean Optometric 1\ssn. t h c California Optometric Assn., <1nd tl1e Los Angeles Coun ty Optoinelric A~n. The gl asses indicated the wearer \\as e-:tremely near·sighted. ALLEY ••• danger of damaging them hy "orking \\1th the needf'd hea\'Y equipment." ll 11·ou!d be e.ssential, Sweany salcl, lo put in retaining walls to support the buildings. l!ti!i1ies also would have to be re-located, he added. The An ita S!reet cn1t of thr alley , Sweany ~aid, no"v j s used almGSl ex- clusively by the mortuary as a con- necting path between the main building and au area where coffins are stored. Swea ny said it was hls opinioo that \1•ith increasing traffic on both Coast Highway and GlenneyTe Street, use of the al ley \vould become essenti:i l. ··oo you suggesl we tnke il\r . l\1 inte r lo court <t nil ask that he restore the pr0- pcrty"!" Councilman Joseph O'Sulliva n asked Secor. ''I don't think il \1i>uld be necessary. I think he'd back """'ay," Secor replied. "B11t let him pay for the rC'lain1ng "alJ5 1[ they're necessary to re:-tore the alley." Councilman Cha rlton Boy<t summed up the views of the council. ''The objective is lhal the alley 5hoL1ld be Q[)Cn. 'fhe question seems to be when, not whether." He suggested that finan cing of the pro- ject be considered immedia tely as one of thP first items for the next bud_gct. Vedder said he'd like to sec \\hat could be done to have the person v.·ho cllsturbfd lbe alley restore it. O'Sullivan said he did not think f.1lnter could be asked to come up with $.16,000 for a building built SQ long ago. "There are manv ~1tua\ions like 1hi:; <la!ing from the eafly days of the city,'' ht said. "\\'hen 1 built my home I had Ill spend $!,300 for a retaining wall lo sup- State's Mohs ter s Retired: Younger SACRA~!El'ffO fAPI -Dist. Att y. Evel!e Younger of U:is Angrles sa~s most fllafia members in Califo rnia are ret.ired. and "we want to see that they remain retired ·• l~e told a ne"·~ conlrrrncr. \\'rdnesdeiy th:il n1ost of them invc~t in lrg1timatc businesses. Younger also ~aid that gamblers and proslitu1es in the .f>lale ··are independent contractors. They arc not pnrt of the syndicate~" Youn grr is expected I() ru11 [flt 1he Republican nomination for all1ir11cy ,1?encral next year. and said he \\'ould an· nounce his decision in January Qf Febn1ary. I 'l'he ~lasses were descnbcil as· Hlf:hl eye: -300-95 X 160 I.ch eye: -375 sphere J•D 67 l'l:i.•t1c lenses, an1ber A. O. !\l anhattan fr arne 46·21 5-~1 Tile 11ot1ce to the optometrists said police belie ve the glassl'.s belonged to the 11i1.1rd~rcr arid they arc of lhe opinion lie 1111:: rep laced the1n or will 11llen1pl IQ do so if' the near future. Lt. Hobert llelder. who ls in charge of !~~ ho1n1cide detectives \\'Ork.ing on !he f.J!C since the Aug . 9 n1urdcrs, made lhe port !ht house my neighbor had built right on the property line." t:ity t-.1anagcr James \\'heaton said t!1e ri1v attorney could prepare a statement Qll. the background of the problem and present it lo fl.tinter. If there we~e no permits. en· l'ru:ichment into the pullhc right-of-way could be ordered abated," said \Vheaton. ··rr permits \vere issued, they could be rc1·oked H illegal projections into public properly exist. The order to abate could .inClucte a requirement to re store vehicular access to the alley." \'edder sa!d the city attorney would be :.;o instructed. Also likely to come under scrutiny i!\ the issuance of pern1its to Minter in 1963 for the construction or a garage apart· rne nt on the corner of Glenneyre Street and Anita, which further diminished the 11ossibilily of requiring him lo grant in- gress and egress to the alley over that property. Laird R ejects Scott Proposal For Cease-fire \VASHINGTON (UPI) -Senate GOP Leader Hugh Scott's proposal for a uni· lateral U.S. cease.fi re in Vietnam h<i~ heen rejeclrd hy 1he PentaA.,_n .:ind ~11h jec!f'd to :<ome verb:il dodging by 1hc \\'h11r Housr. Sco!t urged \\'ednesday lhat as r,f a ccrt.1in date. the Un ited States should 1·proelain1 a er:1se·firr, invilc Ille c11e1ny to i11in. :ind obser l'r 1L flursclves" as a "f1r~t strp" towa rd pr;ice. l1efr11<,e Secretary J\lelvin fl. L;iirr:f, ;iddres1>ing the Ovrrseas \\'ritcrs lacer \\'cdnl!sday, ~.iid this 11 ould not be a ··~urcessful l'!pproach." lie ca111ionecl the Nixo11 ;i!lministratinn against a cease.fire \\'ilh ou t '·some firn1 assurance" thr. other ;;ide 1vould .ilso stop fi~htin,;!:. He s.1 id the ril:irr for su~·h ass11r:incc lo be giren Viii~ I •:iris. L:itrr, \\"h1te Jlou~r l'rcs~ :-:;ccrernry Hon Zieglr r s.1id L;orrl \1a<. ".<.pr<1k1ni.: for the Penta~Ofl ;i~ a mrmbrr of 1he :idrninistrat1on" aricl was "rl'ferru1g !O r rnt;igon <1lt1ludes." Ziegler said SC'O!t 11•;is "speak ing fir\ hi~ (1wn ." Zieglrr said Pre~irlent f'ixon stood by his tlfay 14 speech, "'hich c;iller! fnr a 12 rnonth ~l ep by-slep ending of thr \\'ar and an inter· n;itional Mdy tn hel p arrange "super· v1sed cease-fire " disclrsu re _ Last Friday police would s11y only 1hat nt:w t'v idtnce had been Un· CUVf'Ted. '/'he bodies of r,.1iss Tale, toffee heirtss Abigail Folger. hair slylist Jay Stbrlng, polish writer Voityck Frokowsky and 18- yrur-old Steven J,arent were found at !be H~11edicl Canvon esta te rented by J\.1is!I Tate and herhusband, Jloman POianski. Pulanski was in Europe at tile time. Actor Peter Stll~rs has offered a 525,0flO reward for information leading lo lhto> ktller or killers. Laguna Police Arrest Pair On Drug Charge Laguna Beach police arrested two young Ri verside nien early today on charges of possessing about 36 ounces of marijuana, presumably for sale. Sgt. Dave Brown, one of the arresting oflicers, said a complaint v•ould be sought today from the District Altornty against David R. Hibbard, 20, and f\·lichael P. l\1assard, 18. Brown said J\1assard \\·as arrested by Officer Larry Gallat after the suspect \1•as reported crouching in the shrubbery al 3 motel in the 200 block of Cleo Stret t. Bro1vn said he found Hibbard lying on. the front floorboards of a car in the motel· parking lot. The sergeant said the mari- juana was in 36 separate plastic covered'. packages in the car. He said it "'as greenish, uncured stuff. Brown estimated that each "lid" or p.icket would :sell for $10 to $20 on the ii· !1C'it markel. From Page 1 LEARY • • • !he Leary fam ilv rlai111s Officrr Purcell hari nn rt>a~oflnble basis lo search !he rar ff'lr r1101r:ih<1nd and couldn't ha\·t.. smttled 111:in;11nn:i . A plas!1c bag cont a111ing a quantity of 111e illegal \\'eed was also allegedly found in !he ca r :ind "·as brouRht into the case d11rin.c, \\'t'dncsd1ly's testimony. Def•'n~r :illorney C.corge Chula an<! his !wo 1 •Jlleagucc, each rcpre~enting ~!rs. 1.rary .ind .John. f'laimed all they could :-mrll \Iii~ thr pla~l1c bag -no pot. ··,\II I ran !>::ty is that I smelt somethinc olhcr than rilastic ." observed Superior Court Jlldge Byron K. J\lcMil!an \\'ho mil· fed the bag at the defense's request. i\ixou lo Vi.;it ]ran \\'ASlllN(;TON IL'Pl l -President N1:>.!\l1 said !odny he had accepted an in· vi t:1Lion froin the. Shah of Iran to visit l)l;i1 t11iddle East Country. Nixon an· 11011nc·rd his artl'ptancr .'.Is he bid farewcU lo thr Shilh a! the conclusion of the 1·1on;irch's three.day visit to the United ~1<1!('S. SALE for the first time! TH IS EXCITING PARTY SET Your choice of simulaf1d Oak or Pecan tables in 44" or 48'1 si1es. Al10 a wide selection of vinyls and fo brics in a variety of colors. Includ ing S Pieces, Table and 4 Chairs for ••• $489 "{OUI j at•orill rn ttriO I des ignr.r 1r1/l bt happy {O 1S~ist jO!J •• , H.J.GARRETT fURNITURE PRO FESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS Open Mon., Tl11u1. & Fri. Eve1. 22 16 HAR BOR SL YO. COSTA MESA , CALI F. 641>-0275 /' ' Newport Barbor Today's Final N'.Y. Stocks VOL. 62, NO. 254, 4 SECTIONS, 50 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1969 TEN CENTS John Wayne Firm Probes Congo for Minerals By .JE RO:\tE F. COLLINS 01 th~ D•llr ,.llor ~1111 Ac1or Joh11 \\'ay ne and three other tl'>l.'nC'tS of il Newport Beach firm have been awarded exclusive mineral ex- ploration rtghts in the Congo, it was disclosed tuday. Ernest Saf!ig. vice president of Statesman t.1i11i11g Co., founded 1n ~e1,1port four years ago, said Uie agree· n1ent with tht Africcin nation is "paten· ti:i lly \vorth ht1ndreds of millions of dotla rs." The Congolese exploration license \•:a~ i\\'arded St.ates1nan Mining after com- petition with representatives of the Soviet Union, Red China a nd France. "To say we're very pleased with this ·1s an understatement." said Saf\ig. a 59- )'ea r-o\d self-described · ' pr a ct i ca l engineer.'" "The area involved {eight provinces) is larger than the state of Alaska. we·n ha,•r to iake on seven or eight major com· pan!es lo handle the v.•hOle thing." The Congolese awa rtl, made by Pre~l · den! J oseph D. r.tobutu, rxcludes a small iron-ore concession in th e southeast Congo. The concession is hrld by Niµpon 1\llning Co, Also excluded are govern· mrnl·held copper deposits in !.he Katanga. Statesman Mir,ir.g's concession , cover· ing a 600,000·squarr-milc area. is lnr 01 period of 24 months. If minerals, oil or precious stones are found, the license cau br extende dfor up to 00 years, Actor \1.'ayne i., an activ~ participant 1n tl.e firm's activities, Saftig said. "He knows what's golng on, but., ighl now he's in i\lexico ni;iking a movie." \\'.1yne ii; a long-time r-.e11·port re.<;idcnt. He l!1es in l3aysl'.ores. S;·!fllg has Jived on Lido Isle ~ince \Vorld W;ir II. Tlie other partners in the mas~il'r ven. lure are Ed S1narl, presid[;nt o[ ::i!a1esm;1n Mining and an Asprn, Colo., rf'sidcnt: and engineer Jacob Derry or S;icran1entQ. S.1ftlg crcd11cd Be rry w1\h dC\'e\oplng " pla<'Cr 1n1ning technique that helped the !inn 11·in the Congolese exploralloo liccn~e. ''It involves testing equipment th:it allows a very rapid way of san1pl· Jng,'' Saftig explained. Exploration of The Congo 's presumably rich mineral rleposi ts breame a n econom ic feasibility last July. The ~tobutu government adopted a foreign In· ve~tment policy that did av.'ay v.'ith a niining and ex.µk1ra!lon income tax of up tn 9;. percent. The government granted a fil'e-yC'ar moralorium on the tax . At the end of the five.year period, ac· cord ing lo Saflig, 1he Congole~e govern· 111cnt will re t:e1ve a niinority interest 111 Lh1· \C'nlurr . 111 lieu of the 1nco1nc ta,;. Saft1g. whose grandfather, George CJrma.ck, v.'as firsl In d1~cover gold in the Yukon in 18911, ~aid his finn wl!l niove into The Congo irnn1e<1 1a\('l y. "By tha! I n1r;in \VC'll go in there Within rhe next 1wn or lhrec months. The area has to he flr;i11n firsL and there 's a tren1e11dou~ <1n1 011nt of trt'hnical work th;it has to be don e '' Wooldridge Stays Silent Top l(ick Invokes 5th at Senate Quiz PRESIDENT, LINKLETTER DISCUSS DRUG PROBLEM Star Tells Congressmen ANut D1ughftr'1 Death Tells Girl's Tragedy Linkletter Tells Nixon To Pitblicize Drug Evils \VASHINGTON (,\Pl -Telrvision personality Arl Llnklelter urged Presi· dent Nixnn and congressional leaders lo· day lo adopt an educational program to publicize the e\'ils of taking dangerous drugs. "The ~ids of .l\n1erica torL1y are reac· ling to -:i. drug \\·orld 111 1vh1ch they have be~n born ," Linklet \er said. ''They are used In sf'etnf! people pop che1n1cals into thrrr 1no11ths for crerything from reliev- ing tensions <ind 1:ur1ng headaches and J0.•111g 11·c1i;h1 " Nixon 111v1led llie; 57 ·ycar·old Linklettrr lo talk tfl a h1p:ir1 1.~<1n grnup of Senate ;ind l!r1usr lc;icit'rs, rgllcd to a \\"hlte }lou~e hriefing on th (' President's pro- posals 1lraling v.·ith !hr (lrug problem .. The meeting lasted 1wo hours. L111kle!ler described the death of his youngcsl. daughter, 20-yeoir-old Diane, \vho fell from the ki tchen wi ndow of her t;ixth·floor apartnll'nl Oct. 4. Linkletter s<ild Diane "leaped to her death in a depressed state from bad LSD No Oil Fou11d On School Land There'll be no black gold for Newport· f.J esa Unified School District trips six months before." He said although she had not taken LSD during the intervening six months. "the bad trips would occur again and again so thal she though t she was losing her mind." Link let!cr said he decided to publicize his daughter's death so that other par· ents v.·ou ld become conc crr,ed about \he problem or young people who are taking drugs. l!e said in lhe last 10 days lle harl received 25.000 letters and m <i n y trlegrains <ind te lephone calls a~king him lo s[l<'ak on the subject and fr om parrn1s v.·hn kno\V 1h;it their childrl'n are in\'vlvcd 11 1th drugs but don't kno11 11·hat to dn. "Fr;inkly . I can't tell thcrn v.hat to do because I don't knov.'," Linkletter ~aid. He said he urged at the briefing that an education;il program be ain1cd a~ b\llh parents and youngsters beginning in th e fourth, fifth and sii;:lh grades to "leach them that you don 't put anything inside your body no more th an you ·would walk in front of a car, set fire to your dress or drink a bottle of iodine." Nixon and tile congressionol 1eader:oi also heard comments f~om Robert JI. l•'inch, secretary of health, education and welfare, and John Ingersoll, director of the. Treasury Department's Bureau of Narcotic,;; and Dangerous Drugs. Ingerso l!. Finch, and Nixon ur ged speedy action on the adnlinistrati on's drug conlnll proposals. The program calls for more money, manpower, re· search. education and special rast.mov· Ing investigative units to crack down on the traffic in narcotics, WASHlNGTON (AP) -The Arm:y 's former top enlisted man repeatedly in· voked the Fifth Amendment at a Sena1 e hearing today and the Ar my promptly :::tripped him of a prestigious post as command sergeant major. ··on advice of counsel. 1 v.•ould respectfully decline to answer the que s· lion on grounds it may tend tn in· criminate me,·· Sgt. Jl.taj. Will ia in 0. \Vooldridge said in in..,oking the Constl!u· tion·s protcclian against s e ! [ in· criinination. Called as a \vitness before thr Sena1e lnvesligalions subcommitlee. \Vno!dridi:;e gal'e that reply repeatedly to questions Dick Tl'acy 's Help Sought 111 Zodiac H1111t SACRA~fENTO (UP !) -Sta!r crime investigators today sought help from comic strip detectil'e Dick Trilc:>< .in thP. search for ch1rs tQ the "zodiac " slayer of the San Francisco bay area. Agents of the State Bureau of Criminal ldentificatiou and Investigation began scrutinizin g the Tracy comi cs on the theory that there might be 11ome parallel.i; bet\\•een "Zodiac" and th e Scorpio leader of the Zodiac Gang in the car1oon series. Earl Bauer. a senior analyst in the bureau's crime laboratory, conceded ron1paring the con11c strip v.•ilh the zodiac investigation was "kind of off· beat" but .said it ma y provirle a valuable clue in apprrhending tbe Zodi;ic. The first zodiac installment appearrrt in the comics Aug. 17 , a fe\v Y.'eeks after the bay area's admitted slayer o[ five persons dubbed himself Zodiac in letters to newspapf'r.~. "YOu notice that thrse th ings come uri n1ore or IC'ss sim11llaneousty ." B;iurr s<1\d. "So then you take a look !n srr Jf there <1rc any parallels." In Chester Gould's comic strip. Scorpio has an astrological Scorpio sign printed on his face . An astrology columnist was clrowned and cuff \inks v.'Hh the horoscope and a scorpion Y.'ere found on hi~ shirt. Bauer , who said he was assisted by nther Cll workers. declined to discuss what , if any, conclusions he foresaw resulting from the analys is. ''It's just speculation at this poinL," he said . "We really haven't got into it yet," he said, adding thal the only comparison so far between tbe two was the word zodiac. Stock lllarkel • NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market began to recove r the day's ear lier los5 in active trading lalc thi s afternoon. (See quotations, Pages 21·23). about alleged lucrative kickbacks and payoffs in thC' operation of servicemen's recreation clubs 1n Vietnam, Germany and the United Stales .. Si1nilar replies \\'ere given by three. others . M. Sgl. \\'llll<im E. Higdon and 1110 forn1er sergeants 1101v reti red, Narl'aez Ha1cher and Sr..vmour Lazar. Each n[ th e four refu~ed to ans1Yer any r111es!ions bc}ond giving his name and ad- dress. \\.'onl<lridgr, v.·lio served for !11·0 years as the first ~ergeant niaJor or lhe Army, 1s bring "involunlilrtly n~!rased'' fr om lhr. Army 's command sergeants major prngra1n. the Anny an11uunced. lie v.·iJI retain his rank anrl pily o! • I " ' . :1~ ,:\ rw 4., .. \i; . '(~· ,,. . ... ·-' ! .. , ' , ' ~'"" ~t· \ ·~>'i • j' '"" *" .. ·~·. I';' l ,, " ) ;f I ! ' • f ' ffi'.A u!f,~ GOE S TO EASTBLUFF School Principal Hill ll ill N cuned H ea<l Of N eiv School At Eastbluff Michael }Iii!. principal of Newport lleights School for the past five years. has been named princi pal of the new Eastbluff Elementary School now under construction. Jlill's new assignment Is effective at 1he erid of the semester, Feb. 2, although Eastbluff School is being built for opening next fall. No replacement for Hill at Newport Hcights Schoal wa s in1mediately named , but the school board earlier this month hired h1r.~. Belly Kratzle as a principal. Mrs. Krat.z!e, form erly a school prin· cipal in Thousand Oaks, temporarily is v.·orking in the school district central of· lice on curriculum. Exploratory <lri]ling for oil by Cle· cident<i l Petroleum Corporation j11~t. outside Cusla !\lcsa ci ty limlls lumed 11p n~tring and so \he corporation i'S sur· rcnilering lts ~uhsurface oil rights. "'We regret very much l h a t rlcvelopments do nol warrant our con· tinuing interest in this lease," wrote Jack Duvall of the oil company's land depart· ment. Souped Up or Sto~k Trikes? The school dist rict did realize $2,449 from the oll compa ny, fi,l!:Ured at so much per acre JWr ye;ir for Costa Mesa High School oil rights If oil had bc~n found il woul d have been ~xl ractcd by slant drilling frnm outside <'i!v lirni1s under thr school The schoo l di~'1 rir:t \.lllJt•lrl havC' rr.cC'1~·cd 16.67 percent nf the roy<iltics. Ro111h Hock ~ llaifa HA!fr\, lsrae.1 llJPI) -An explosion rocked a llai!a residential building early Thursda y killing a v.101nan and injuring f;i X other persons, police said ll was the li f1h twn1bini;: in ll;1i!;i In the pa~l 2-4 hours. · Pure and Modified Models to Settle Issue i1i Grand Prix By JOHN V >IL TERZA 01 t1M1 DtllY Piii! lllH The purists claim that only the stocl( tricycle v;ill be worth watching Sunday afternoon du ring lhc Grand Prix on Balboa Island . 11·s the nilt,Y·gritty of tricycling, they claim. because the con1pelitor fa ces a bad 'cfl~e of kneecap bruise during the st()('k competition. "But !he superm!xHfied compc1 l1or~, "'ho will be out in force, take the cop--0u L charge in strldc, Their trikes will go faster. they ch1lm. Their knees will stay int.1ct, too. Anyway, modified, or stock. the whote annual affa ir. sponsored by the Bird Clu D -il seems. to emerge only a~ Grand Pr!x time -will start at the Villa Marina. at JI 01.m. Everyone promises to show the kids a lhin11: or l\.\.'O. Arter registration at 11. Utt ('Om· pC'1ilors isp:lkesmen esthnate htindrt~:<i \\'ill show 11p) will parade on thei r 1nachlncs al noon . ~1odihed and stock races will ~t;art at I fl.In . There will be eliminations. it i:oi reported, followed by final races al 3 for n1odified trikes. The Grand Prix. granddaddy of lricyt:I· Ing, will start at 5 p.m. Some trikes to watch in the. competition Include one mannt.d by a mysteriouJ drivu featw-ing I.he pedal& in the rear. The operator Hes belly.first. steers with his hands, and operates the pedals at the rc<ir. Anot.t;er hqt trike, ;i low·slung racing jobby, has a small front end and knobbly tries, its driver explains. "It grabs lhr corner~ better." Greg Rit)lPtl, a veteran cycle mechanic. Clt· plnined. On 1.rike rxpected to give him slrong compeUHon h;is a JO-foot wheelbase. The Bird Club, which assure~ Ire'! poultices for all com pel itors' kn ees. will awa rd trophies to the winners late r in the evening. funds raised rrom the $~ entry tee will · help youlh projccU, club fipoi.:esmen said. sergeant major but will be stripped or his current assignment as comm and sergeant major at the White Sands Prov· ing Ground in New Me~ico. He will re· n1ain there in a different rapacity. Al a Pentagon briefing, reporters askerl \\'hethrr Wooldridge will be court· 1nart1aled. Jerry Friedheitn, defense spokesman, said ··1 don't th ink v.·e know yet,'' Arm v officers, however. indicated lhat the stcitutc of liinitations h:is expired on so1ne of the polential charges which r11 1ght arise in the case. making it l111· po,t;.~ible !or the Arn1y to hold a court· 1narlial. Evaluati11g Top School Posts Give11 Priority Evaluation or !he performance of prin· cipals and other ro~ sch o o I ad· minlslrntors is a pri'me objective of Newport-Mesa Unifier/ .~chool trustees. Only pas~age of a Feb. JO override tax ('lcc!.ion rank~ higl1cr in a priority list of objectives for the school year, approved Tuesd;:iy nigh~. "It is t'filical the bo;:ird and public have the highest confidence. in ~hoo! ad· ministrators ," said Trustee Selim "Bud'' Franklin. "If there are places of weakness we must Bhore them up.'' The procedure 1vlll be !o establish jnb ohiectires for each principal and ad- n11nistrator and evaluate thc1n on how '''ell U1ey meet the ohjectlves. Supt . \Villiam Cunningham said he wou ld havf' al lC"ast a preliminary report lo !.he board on these evaluations hy ~larch f , "I think the principals are as anxious as you to i:;cl evaluated," he said, "They are ouli;tanrfing people anrl w::iuld like to know if thry are opera ting 011 target." After priority one -override tax passage -and priority two -principa l evaluation -come the following : Priority 3: Complete the de scription of lhe middle school curriculu1n. Priority 4: Complete a data prOCf'Ssing quality control system. Priority 5: Plan to take ad van tage of greater latitude in curriculum resulting from a bill passed by tile Leg islature relaxing requirements. Prlor1ly 6: lin prove comn1unication. Cunningham said the first six priorities probably would be I.he ones he is able to give his personal attention. Regarding improved comm unication, he said, "II we can't communica te v.·illl our staff and community most or these other things u.·on't ma lter anyv.'ay, th('y won't gel off the ground." Add itional priorities lisled by Cun· ningham : Priority 7: Improve teacher update education programs. Prtority 8: Develop a program on the effects or drugs for~grades 6, 7 and 8. Priority 9: Develop a mentally-gifted minor program for all di strict school!!. (7.4 percent of district pupils are in the top two percent intelligence level for the state.) Priority 10: Develop a law and order program for the elemenlary schools. Prio rity 11 : Develop a model for giving teachers a say in decision making . Priority 12: Eva luate a differentiated staffing program being de v e I o p e d v.•hercby teachers would recelve different pav for different duties. Priority ll: Put into effect a grievance procedure. Priority 14 : Expand a plan whereby teachers write down leaching objectives, and arc evaluated on how welt the y realiie the1n. Priority 15: Develop an overall management model ' for lhe school dlstrlct. UPI lo!ffhO!t TAKES STH AMENDMENT Army's Wooldridg·• Be F ore,varnecl: Saving Tin1c Ends 011 Sunday Daylight Savi ng Tirne ends for Calirnr· nians !his Sunrl;iy at 2 a.m, and alsn for re~idents of 46 othrr s!<Jtl'.5- Turn your clocks bnck one hour before rrtinng Saturday night, or you'll join h1111dreds Of thousands of otl1er forgetful c1117,('n.~ !hro\1·n ouL of slep h)' !lie change. l)11Jy thrrc sta te~ -Ar izona, !Ia\vai i and r-.11f'higan -rrf11sed tn adopt Dri:1'1i ghl Savini;: Tin1" this ,\'ear, their prt·rogal11·c under lhc 1%6 t;n1forn1 Time Ar t ('('Ingress estnhlr.IJcrl 111;11 ~ttJ!ul e \f) :olreatnl11H' a rrud f'IY 1 ~r~•1 ng program of t1n1e ch:1ng t>s 1nclur!1ng snmc stales v.h 1ch flir! no! even appl y Oaylighl Sav l'tlg Time cvrr) whrre 111ilh111 the ir border. Oppon~nts -e~p<'cially airlines anrl rai lroads -fough t IJitlcrl~· to maintain the right !11 d11aJ ~ystrms 1n the same t inH' zone. bul fellt>r<"ll authorities iin- posed a unifonn progratn. Children anrl rommuters may hate t<'I see darknc~s come one hour earlier, bu t farmers who Jive by the sun -and drive· in movie 1Jpera tors on the same schedule -will be happy. r\nrl 1t may be a tired old ph rase, but if you can't seem to recall v.•hich way to lurn the elotk Lhls \\'et·kend in ord er Lo keC'p in step, Just remember: Spring ahead -f all back. Const Weather Going down -the temperature, that is. To about 68 along the coast under cloudy skies in the morning hou rs, while inland areas will be up to 72. INSIDE TODAY llcl-1>i11g J\.lrri.con-t1n1ericn11~ t(J help tltenis('IVes is the n11,~sio tl of a UC Jrviue hHsb11ud a11d ivife teac·htng teu1n . Pnge 12. l lrlhl " Movf" " C.•hlor"i• • Mvlolol '""•• " Cl•n lfl111 ,,.JI M•llen•! NIWI " (OMICI " 0••11t1 ''"""" " Ct1t1tWtr<f " Sy Iv lo Ptrtor " Otono Notlcu " '"''" ,.. O!Yt nfl " ·~· M•rlt11 H·ll (<f!lttll l ,.,. • ltllY!tltll " f nhfl1lft"'""' " flltllt•• " """~" 21·11 Wll!M< • H1r11c-" o .... ""'~"· " A•• Ll ... l ll " Wt•ltl .. ~ '" Motrl"I LIClftOl1 14 We111111·1 •m "'" I -- 2 DA.IL Y PU.OT N Thursday, Octolltt 2'. 19" Home Delivery Works Fine for Forest Mom By RICllARD P. NA\,L 01 ..,_ D411'1r rllaol 'llH "Wamen still don 't hel1t>ve it when f say ll 'M'asn·1 pain , 1t 11 as Jllst l1ard \lork." r.lrs. Everett Schmid, .19.year·nld Lake Forest house.wil e, v:as t1:1Ho11g aboul the planned home deli very -'M'1tho1it a doc- tor pr esent -of her fourt h C'hild. Robert J ohn Schn1id 'M'CC: born Oct. l I ~-1th the assistance o[ his rr.a\.estate ap- praiser father at the fa1nd y's sp<u:1ous homt, 25061 Rivendell . The baby, who v.·eighed six pounds "hy the bathroom scale" i!> doi ng beaut1ful\y faid f.lrs. Schmid. I-le hasn·t been sec·n hy n phys1c1an yet but proba bly v.·11! nc:->t 1,eeli.. Thn planned home de livery \l'asn't en- tirely ne1v for the Schmid family. The County's First Ford Dealer, Mr. Dunton, Dies Or<ingc (J11nl y's fir~! Ford dc;i!er, r.rorge Dunton. d1 crl Tuesday at Hoa ;: ~1cmorial Hospital a!lcr a lengthy il lness. lie was 80. '.\lemorial servi ces \\'ill be held at 2 pm. Thu rsday. Baltz fl1ortuary Chapel, Corona deJ to.tar. ~Ir. Dunton had been as~oc 1atcd \\'llh the Ford fllolor Compa n.v ror 52 years. He opened the f ord dealershi p in Santa Ana in 1918. He was a member or the Ki\\·anis Club. F.lks. f\!a.sons. Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce. and Better Business Bureau. He retired from active business in 1964. Survivors include his wife, Ruby M. of 107 Coral Ave., Balboa Island , I.he family home for the past 20 years; two <laughters, l\trs. Barba ra Jl ales of r-.·ewport Beach and l\trs. Elizabeth fl.arcelo of Tucson. Ariz.; 11110 sons, George Jr. and Will iam, both of Santa An a; seven grandchildren . and nine great grandchildren . Interment v.·ill bf! private. Fighting Erupts On Laotian Plait1 VIENTIANE. Laos (UPI) -Eight ba t· lalions of North Vietnamese regulars and Pathet Lao guerrillas are pushing on to the Plain of J ars and inlo other areas in '"hiat may be the start of the Communist dry season offensi l'e in Laos, a Laotian army spo kesman anno11nc~ loday. f ighting \\'as reported at lwo towns ;io; J.an!ian forcC's tried to crush the 4,;,oo. n1an Communist force which \\·as 1'epor1 ed 10 have ju~! arri1·f'd in Laos frorn Nor1h \'1ct na ni. C.Jsua!t1cs 1\cre not known. Col. Thongphanh Knorsky idrnllfird !hf' ~nrlh \·irtiuirrirsr troops as clrn1cnls of 1hr 31:!1.h 011·1s1rin. lie i:;11d one N0rlh V1ctna111cse soldlrr h;id bcrn captured ;ind lhal ;in un.'rrcif1cd n11n1tr.r nf Nnr1 h \-1~tn;imesc b<1d1es h;id bPCn fou nd 11 ea r- i11g helmets and ne111 uniforms. Pol1 Sh· n1a rle .'\K45 riflrs 1,1·rrr founrl. a 11·e;ir0n "·hi ch hJs not pre1·iously liec:i ~en 111 Laos. Bal Isle to Get Citizen of y·car Ralh-ia lsl;intl·~ CH11rn of th" ,.e;ir 11.i\l hr n;i 111ed t nn1~hl hv lhc Ilalhoa Island lmpro\'t'!Tlent Assoc1a11011 1'ra1itl(ICil\!nn ;111:11d.~ 11i\I <11~" hr g11r'l !ri ;i h<>n1en11nrr ;~nd 1,1 .< 111n11l1f'rc 1:1I c<T ahl1 ~hml'n1. Thr )1nnri~~ 11 ill ll" prrsl'n ted al lhr ~1'>'>1)("i.11Jon·~ ~_enf'r;i l mrr11ng. to br held al II p 111 al the (·nm- mun 1t:-• t.lct hod1st Lhurch n11 AgiilC t\1·rnue. The 1ncet 1ng 11·i!l in rl11dr intro<l11tl1on nf the as~oc 1.1 !1nn·s nr1v nfflrcr~. Th!'V :nr \\'1 ll1am La Planlr, prPs1drnt , fl;ilph All in. 1 ice president · ;.i nd To1n l!nuslon , t rrasurPr. DAILY PILOT l'~-NGl-('J-51 l'Ul l •Sl'1 111tJ C.Olo\l'A>IY ••b•d N. Weo4 ,.,.,1er"1 •rod '~~1.,hrt Jee~ I . Cwrley "'•c• ,..,,..,.,, •• ...., ~""'"' ,,,...,.,u lh ..... , ktt•il t •••cu n,,,..., A Mw1ph:no "",..''"' Ct••o• J uo"'t F, Colli ni ,..._ ...... ~ City l:f itor ,...,.., ..... 11 OHi,. 211 t Weil ltlbe• lowle.ud Meilint >.lleilren: P.O. 101 11 75, '1'6). c .. i. _, uo w .. , l!I•• $1,....1 Le.-.... n, 11' "'""" •w"'I• Mllrltlnlllll letcll; JOt ll~ '""' ' third child, Lisa, almosl three, waa d~llvered in the family home which was then Yorba Linda 'M'ith her father assisting. Mrs. Schmid said a physit'ian came in k11 er and tied off the baby's un1bil1 cal corr! "but lhis t1n1e my husband did it all." "\\'e plar.ncd lo hal'c a home d(']ivrry. \\'e'rc 1nteresled i11 i<11nily ccn!er rnatrrnity care \l.'hi eh mean t the hon1c for us," said !\1rs. Schmid, adding : "I t can be trawnatic for ;.i mother to leave hr r C'hitdren during labor :.o 11·e cletided lo do it ourselves. "I took child birth preparation classes and 111y husband .,...as my labor coach. \\'e felt \'Cry good about the experience.'' Asked about her hu~band ··dchl'ering·• the child . Jl;!rs. Schmid said, "v•hoevcr happens to be there, tbe husband or midwife, lhty catch lhe-b•by. "He (h•r husb.and Everttt) did a very commendable Job. We would hive calltd t.ht: doctor If we felt there were any pro- bltm but the labor continued btautlfully and there seemed 110 indicalion anything 1vas 011l of order so 11'e \\'Orked .along ourselves. "That's \\'hat these child·birlh c!assc5 clo for :i woman. they all ow her to work 1~it11 her body. They keep her from think· ing pain ." Mr~. Schrnici, who had no anesthetic, :-;aid she was out of the ·'pain threshold" clurin~ lhe birth and was just "working hard ." i\1rs. Schmid said she was in labor for about eigh t hours during v.·hich she did ~me typing for her husband's buslne'.!!5 and then in the la st hour and one half Supersonic Plane Era Success or Question?, B~' RCO I 1\'IE DZI ELSKI A Cornell University professor today i;:i1rl the supersonic lransport era wil l eithe r be a booming success or a quiet <Jlll'slion mark. Speaking berore lhe An1er lcan .Institut e of Aeronautics and Astronautics 111 Atiaheim, Dr. A. H.ichard Secbasi; said that no radical solutions are to be ex- pected in the elimination of booms. "EvolU(ionary i1nprovements will e\•en- tually make rlights over populated areas possible," he predicted. But he cautioned that the one half pound per square foot pressure level considered accept.able by psychcra coustic engineers "cannot be reached v.·ith present structura l tech ni- ques." Supersonic lransporls now in the design !ilagcs have an ovrr pressure level of ap- proxirnalely two pounds JX'r square foot. Another aircraft noi~e expert , Dr. Leo I. Berane~:. of Bol t, Beranek and Newma n. Inc. said that even !houg h the booms are not dangerous to human life or property •·people are startled and don·t gel accustomed to sonic booms." J.le indicated lhal humans rei;pond In loud noisrs :-is the signal to an en1ergency and 1hal 1hr0ugh their lif etirnc they hccomr r nnd itioncd In a .startling response which cannot be broken, no Library to Have Covet· 011 Patio lisers of the ~larincr.s Library patio i;oon 'M'on't ha\'c to conic in out of the rain. Nt>wport Bea ch Public 'Vorks Dircc!or Jo~11 ph T. De1·l1n annfl\lnced today that a ~J ~.946 contract has hecn a\\'arrled Rov Collins, Inc ., of Nc1vport. to enclose th6 patio. The 1vor~ includes removal of trees, p!antings, conere lc slab, .sliding glass <1oor~ and exterior glass facing the patio. Th,.. huildC'r 1rdl thr>n c:-i1n plcte the r()(lf n1·cr the patio. 111i;t al1 !-.uspended ceilin g~. hghl fixtures. underfloor hea tin g, a new concreJc noor slab, exterior windows and a rloor <1larn1. Designer nr thf' rrn1rrt is \\'1lliam F,. JJlurock nf Corona rl el Illar Del'li n ~aid Lhr. JOh ~hnulrl hr rnmpl PIPd hy f)er \9. I " n1a1ter hn111 lrcquent their expoi;ure to the noise. Another negativr as pect of lhe boom ha s caused an upr oar \vithin grou ps of homeowners near a J r po r l s with supcp rsonic planes, he said. "The p e op 1 c are frightened tha t rrpca ted booms v.•ould tear their homes aparl," explained Beranek. "J live near a 1nilitary installation and every time I hear a boom. I lhink it's puUing the nail s out of the v.•a\ls." Oil Allowance Cut Approved 'VASHl NGTON (UPI\ -The Senate Flnancc Committee voted t:>day tn reduce the controversial oil depletion allov.·ance lo 23 percent. The House had voted to cut the allowance from the present 27 .5 percent to 20 percent. \\'i th the depiction al lo'M·ance, 27 .S per· cent of an oil or gas company's taxable inrome is made exempt from taxation. The firms no1v pay taxes only on the re- maining 72.5 percent. The allowance has made it possible for many oil companies to reduce their taxes ta r below the rate paid by other cor~ porations and for some to escape all federal ta,atlon whatever. The 2J percent rate was approved by the committee tm a 12-3 vote after it had first rejected, 6n a tie vote of 8-8, a mo- tion lo retain the present rate. Bruce J. Hesse Funeral Held Funeral services \\'ere held loday at St. Andrev.'s Presbyterian Church for Bruce .J. Hesse, 85, former Bayshores resident, 1vho died r..1onday after a long i!Jnus. r>.1r. Hesse was retired as vice·president nf the Bank of America, Visalia, where he worked for 27 years. Su rvivors include a brother, D'M·ighl , five nieces and tY,.o nephe\\·s. Burial will be in Visalia. I I ' ...... / ·l _, ·- S1101v 011 tl1e P11u111l.:i11 !\lost pun1pk ins have frost on l ht'n1 at this tin1e of ,year, but not this pun1pkin man, \1·ho a rpcars 10 he lclli ng Frankie Judge. 4, that he needs a coat lo cope. "'·ith \Vcdncs<l ay·~ sno,1·faJJ in Gorharn, N.11. It 11 a .... Nc1v Jlampslurc's heavies t October sn?'\'fall in SO years. conflntd heraelf to bed . She. Nld ~r ether children, t..IUft. 7Y:, Muk. t ~. and Lisa "were not lhtre righ t at the momtnl of birU1 but v.·ere the re a ftw aecond• after the baby 1,1·as born. They were wtll aware of il and thrilled by the experience.'' ~fr11. Schmid ~aid of the plan ned hom e birth: "'It was strictly a personal decision : I v.-·ouldn 't necessarily recommend it for anyone else." She said it was not linked to any reli&ious conviction, Asked If she planned fu ture home births at the fa1nily 's 2.'iOO·squar~f0<1l home. P..frs. Schmid said she and her hus- band felt they now have the perfect farru - ly, two boys and two girls . She i11id her hu sband 1,1·ho i5 41 "got about 10 ytars younge r when his second son ~·as born ." Three Socialites Shot, Stabbed in Cincinnati Home CINCINNATI. Ohio (UP\l-'fhrec mc1n· ber.c; of a socially promi nent Cincinnati farnily we rt found shot and i;tabbed lo death in thei r home early today, police said. The victims were identified as fllartin Dumler II , his 'M'ife Patricia, both !11 their late 20s and her mother. identified only as fllrs. \\'ilson of suburban \\'ycr ming, Ohio. Dumler was the son of ~lartin l-1. Dumler. president of the Chatfield Paper Co. of CinciMati. A mald found the bodies in tl1e master bedroom whe n she came to work, Police Chief Jacob Schott said. Schott said he dld not believe it was .a murder·suicide because the back door of the home was open and there was blood on both the first and second floors of 1he fashionable home located in sub- urban Linwood. Schott said the two .Oumlrr children. aged 4 and 5, apparently slept through the slayings and ""ere unharmed. Schott said tl1e bodies were dressed in casual clothes. He said this lnd icated the slayings may have taken, place befor e the victims went to bed and that the bodies v.-·ere carried into the bedroom. Mrs. Wilson had been Jiving with the Dumler family since her husband had suff ered a heart attack and was hospital- ized, 5chott said. He said no gun was found but added tests v.-·ould be made on a steak knife found in the home. ~re was no apparent moti1·e for the crime, Scholl .said. Kiwanians Declare Opposition lo Red s Angy at UCLA ln~lructor Angela Dal'is ' appearance at UC Irvine, the Co.~ta r..fesa Kiwanis Club has passed a resol ution urging Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich lo refuse any Commu nists or revolu· tlonaries a chance to speak. The re.wlution passed follov.i ng a re· cent meeting cites the fa ct l\liss Davis is an admitted Communist and \\'as fired by the UC Board of Regents, although th e act haa since been ruled unconstitutional. • ·• , i' • • \•I',~ AiJ ... ,,,~, .. , ' I C.AIL Y ,.ILDT S!ltl ,.hlM SCHMIDS, SON MARK. 4, ADMIRE NEW ARRIVAL Number Four Weighed Six Pounds on the Bathroom Seil• No New Scl1ool £01· l1·vi11e, But Maybe 1-lalf a Scl1ool 1t doesn·t look like residents of the !!"vine area will get a full new high school next fall but maybe half a high school. Tustin Union High School District Superinelndenl \Villiam Zogg said the school board next ~1ond.1y night \\ill diseuss lhe probabili1 y of building an 111· crcn1ent of the high school. Rough grading or the high school site at 47; I Ca mpus Dr ive 11·as comple1rd this month. but sinrc !he !>\ale of California has been unable lo sell st·hool bonds the :;.chool distr ict \\'on'l have money to build 1hc S4 -4 million !>Chool by nex t fall. Bl't, the school district dOt's l1a1·c ~2 million in already !>old school honds earmarked for 1hc projrct ;i nd can gn nhead and build a portion of Ille scl1nol \Vith that an1ouor. Zog g so1d. Plans are being 1rorked over no11· Zo~i:: ~:rid his s1aff i~ !h1nking: in ll'rms nf flf. r~ring a full pro1:ra1n in a lin111cd nu111ht•r or bullding!i. The full high school i~ desi gned tn han· dlc J .800 students in ! I buildings. Zog g sair, high school enrolhnC'nt Jn Unh·ers1ry rark. Turtle Rock and n cw er de\'elopments south of the San Oiegn Freeway is expected lo be about 800 next fall Enrollment for the are:1 now is 300 <:!udcnts. Thl'v <trC' beini; busrd lo L\llssion \ 1r io JI 1gh School. 7.ogi:: said it is projected that dunns the next year 1.700 ncn· homrs will he oc- r11pictl l\i!h an average of .~high school ~tudenl per horn('. "As you Ii.now that 1s 1 ~,,1 ill: e.xacl science." he sau:I. \Vith the $2 million he said the school r!istrirt probably could accommoclrtte thei full enroll men t in !iinil('d b1uld1ng s f0r r.nc yrar. \V1th ~2,5 mi1!1011 he lhlnks 1L ('.J\1 1d be done for !n o years. 1he 111her $500.000 1\·nuld hal'r In r o111,. I ·r·111 ~chnnl honds p:15~rd hy d1~t r1ct 1 (•Irr-. bill nol ~rt so lrl. Zogg ~aid he 1s t r~ ing tri in1crc~t local bank~ in bu ying t11c bond;, ~t the now outdated five IJ('r· rrnt intrrc0 t. ratr v:l1ich ll'a-; the lcgal li;n!t 11he11 lhc h0nd:-1verr pa5~rd. Tr i'lcco111mod 31r ;i ful l high school pro· J:r;im next year. Zog:: 5aid, plan~ 1,1•il l J1a1•c In be \\'rirked up for such as a place to hou~e hbrdry bonk!i. ~~~~~~~~~ SALE for the first time ! \ THIS EXCITING PARTY SET Your choice of simulated 01~ or Pecan tables in 44'' or 48" sizes. Also a ""'ide selection of viny ls •nd fabrics in a variety of colors. Includ ing 5 Pieces, Table c!l nd 4 Chairs for .. , $489 ·r o111 favorit' f11terio r de~ig11er 1r1ll be happy to 'ssis t ·1oit •.• H.J.GAl\1\ETT fURNITLJ~E PROFES SIONAL INTER IOR DESIGNER S .. Open Mon., Th un . & Fr i. E•a!. lllb HARB OR BLVD. COST A MESA . CALIF. b4b.0275 r I ' • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' , , , , , , ' ' ' ' • • • • • • • ' ' '· .. ,, ' " ' • ' " '· " ' " ' " .. " " " " " " ) ' ' ' ' " • " " " " " " " " " " • " '" " " " " "· " " " " " "· ti, "· ". ... •• "' "' ,:. "' "' '" ... " ,,. "' "' "' "' ... "' "' "' '" '" '" "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "I " "' "' ,, ... •• "' "' •• •• "' "' "' '" 0 • 0• 0< 0< 0< j °" 0" "" 0• 2:: "' 0• g-: "" 0 • •• •• " " •• •• " " •• •• •• " ~: •• •• •• •• .. 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' 1• l• . " ' " 10 )5 16 J1 • 1 J' n ' ' . • • 0 .. -M- " '" ' ' •• • • 11 11 0 ' lloll )t • lll so ' " 0 " " . ~ " 'OS ' ~ H 1 I •! JI ' w " \110 ?O . . ~, 1• •9 • . ·~'"' 17 1! J7 ~·"" I 29>0 . ' . » 7 ~. '' 71 . ~' 1•~ 1~ l1 n ' "' -U? 710.. • 31 .. " " ' ' . . " 71 Jl ' . • • ' . 1~ 1l ' ~ ' " ,, " ,, . •n 1n •• )11 106 S •S • .. 0 . ' M > !GS 7o-\o I DO J~ ' " ' " .. " . • ,,, , .. " . • ' ' ' . ' ' 76 \ 91 ,. . " 31 ll • • '" ' ' " I, " " • • • "' ' " " " " ' • "' " "' ,. • • " ' '~ • ' .. "I ll • " ' . '" "" ~l 't ,. " • "' '" " '" i: ~. \ ' ' ,. . " ,, ' • • " " " • • ' " ~ ',. . ' ?4 1i " t1•ft • " '" .. , ' ' ' " • -----,._ ----·-----·-... -----------~---.---... ------ro.,...._.,-:r-r'T".,.-;1'...,. . ., __ ?.,..,.,~,..,.,..~,,..,.,..,,.,..,. _______ ,_.,.------.--..-----~ Thursday's Closing "'' " • • • '" " ~J J .. '" ''" n~ ' " "' "" SJ'OCK LEADERS lCJ 67\~ ~. ' il ~ '' )6 • • W o ' "" ,~ ~ .. !l ••• 75 • ~. . " JJ• ••• 9 lOO h '• ~..: " ,, 3 ~ ~ ts ! ' . "' • h ' ' 1 j 5 ' ,, 71 n 1s ' 1~1 ' ". ,, ll\1 ' " " •7• ., 166 19 't ~ "'. 71 6l '> J• ,.~ ll 11 . " " 0 . I ii ~ "" . " ~ ' " ~ •l • 7~ ;. " "' . ~ "'' 71 •CF. ,, 11 '' l ~ 197 79 319 6 jp, 11>9 •J ' ~ . Ut ll . "'~ 1 I 11 ,, • 't 1•5 ., ... -S-111 ,. .n " ' ' ' ' . " .. 11 2•. " ' !O 1•'-'9 it I ' ,, " . ,, 17 " . . " " . '" ' r I? JI " ' " ' d 10'I 'M ' ' " I ll J) \ 6 ll • . "' . ' JI 16 1~ 37 1~ 5~ ,. ' . .. ,, •l • 1 J 1• ' ' ~ s ro~ . "'' . ' .~ J; : ....... '" ' '' . . " ' " M •' I 107 .. , s• J ;, ' ~ no 7§:1~ ) !!i.;. :'lS()O ' ' " ,,. "" • '" ' " ' • " ' " 11 '1 70 l• ; " " " ' '' l! ,} '" • • .. • "'' ' , .. " " . I .. ... '" ' ' . "' ,., '~ '" " '" " " " " " .. " ' • • " . ' ' " .. '" ' , .. "' .. '" '" " • ' .. .. ' ,. " " " \, ' ' • !. n 0 • " • . ' " " . ,. ~! , ,. " ' " " , ' . " _, • New York 011Peace Outlook NE\\: \ORK (UPl)-Profit taking and a dam p.- erung of peace hopes pushed stocks lo\ver Thursday alter th ree con secutive <i dvances Peace enthus1asn1 \\as checked a b t by a com n1ent fron1 Defense Secretary Melvin R Laud that he \\Ould oppose a cease-fire by US forces 1n \'1et nan1 that is nal part of any agreen1ent ''1th No rtn \o 1etnam Recent gains stamn1ed partly from speculation th~t Presid ent Nixon n11ght announce a cease-fire or possibly a large U S 1roop \.\llhdra\val Sho1 Uy before the close the lJP I tnarket\' 1dc 1nd1calor \Vas off 0 27 percent on 1 60 1 issues cross 1ng: the tape There \\ere 808 dechncs and 551 ad vances The Do\v Jones average or 30 blue ch ip 1ndustr1 a!s "'as do\\ n 6 53 at 853 82 near the final bell Volume of around 14 000 000 shares \1as some four n11lhon :o;hares belo\v the previous ~cssion A..n1ong the n1o st acll\C issues ''et c Jnternalion al Telephone City Investing Benguct Jc1sey Stan darrl and Ch11 sler The automot1vc grou p chsplayed a nu.xed pat- tern despite a Jag 1n nud October car sales Oil s also moved 1n irregular fa shi on after the Senate Finance Comn11U ee voted to rut the 011 de pletion aUo\1ancc a 1n a 1or tax benefit for the pc lroleun1 indus try fron1 th~ presen t 27 ~ pe1 crnt in 23 prrcent The I louse had voted to reduce 1l to 20 percent Co1nplete Closing Prices - ' • • " ' " " ' " 0 " \ " " • "' • " ' ' ' " .. 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DOW JONES AVERAGES • " ,. ;i., 31 J t lJ 1? I U l 1• 1 1: 1:': n: -WX YZ- • '" ,. " " " , .. " " "' ' " ' ' ' " " " H• ; 6 • •• ' .. " 0 l)O 5! 1 0 !• " r • • ' ' ' " " " " ' " 1 1~" " • • • • " • ,. " " • " ' ' ' tt ' " ' .. • " ' '" , ' " ' ' ' 0 '" • " " • ' '" ' . .. .. " • "" ~ . ' " • " 0 ••• ' ' .. " " '" ' . • " ll .H .. . l 1 •• " ' . ' • • " " ' " ' ' .. " • ,., • • " " • • • ' " ' • .. " ' " ' ' " " • l ' .. " 1 " ' ,• • '" ' • { " • ' ' " • ' ~ ~ • " . " . ' ,, " " " . • " • • '" ~ • " • ' " • '" • '" n • • '" ",\ " •• '" " ". '"' ". ' "' ll' " 1~ t " " " .. "' "" '1 0 " ,, . .. •• J; ~ ' .. . .. o . ' ". '" ' u• '" . ' '" ' '"' '" " .. ,.. • " , .. ' ' . '" " • .. " ,., •• • ~· .. '" .. ' 0 • • ' ' .. • ' . " • • ' ,. ' ' • ' . " " • l " •• ,. • ' . ' . " ~ ~· • " \l\IJ l. ':ii j, I ~~ "' '" ' . ' ". " . 1~ I .. " '" • l ~\o ' . I ' , 'I: II ~~ \ ,, ,, .. " .. .. • • • Market Symbols "" lllUIJWll'f II • -ft' ,_ """'°" l.J....., I oU: 1n1rkel ,_,._ -• nJurtt .,.. u""'1\clll I J<f DAILY PILOT N ... ·-•4 Five n range County rnen have been comn11ss1onecl as second l1eutenan1s 1n the t.!.S. Air Force upon graduation from Officer Trairung School, Lackland AFB . Tex. They are Lt . r-.1illoo W. Price, son of ~!rs. Edward H. Roonl'y of 19361 Brookhurst St.. Huntington Beach: Lt. Palll ~I. i\lt·Danicl. !-On of r.tr. and Mrs . l.ulhcr 1'-lt·Dnn1el Qf 13381 Sioux /l oad \\'f'stminster : Lt. Rribcrt R. Frase, son of Lt. Col. lJ.S.A F. /rel.) and r.trs. Ray R. Frase {lf 67i:i Pal :is Vl'rdes Ave., \\'estm1nster: Lt. Dou~las H. Bea umont, son of r.1r. and r.lrs. Ashton H. Beaumont of 4041 r.lorning Star Drh·e, l\un· ttngton Beach and Lt. Robert A. l'tleek JI 11.·hose parents are LL Col. U.S.A.f . (rel.) and ~irs. ?\leek of 6282 Santa Ynez Drive, ltuntington Beach . Lt. Price i:. a graduate of an Anaheim High School and r('('eived his BS degree fron1 ~acramento Sta le ColleRe : Lt. J\lcDanirl is a graduate of \Vestn1inster High School and received' his BS drgrre 111 geology from Brigham Young University. Thursday, Otto~, 23, l96tf California, Santa Barbara. Jlospttalman Appren. Tom Jf. Childs, USN. son of f.1r. and J\1rs. Tom Childs of 1126 Ocean Front, Balboa, is serving at the Na\'al llospilal Corps School, San Diego. A i rman J a m e • r.t . J\leReynolds, son of J\!r. and ~1 r.~. Clifton D. McReynolris of 582.2 Pioon Drive, Huntington Brach, has been assigned to Chanute AFC , Ill., for training as an aircraft maintenance inan. He is a graduate of P..1arina lligh School. Airman Jerry Jennings, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy R. J en· n ing.~ of 1493L Trojan Circle. }!untington Beach, has been assigned to Keesler AFB, l\1iss. for training in the ad· m in istrat.i~·e field. Thr airman is a graduate of Buena lligh School, Ventura, and attended Ventura Jun io r College before entering t/1c service. ,,laj . J. Joseph l\1 ark Gu tel. of f\.1r. and Mrs. lloward Rinde of Newport Beach, is sen-icg in Korea with the U.S. Anny as a flight ope r a t ions specialist Airman James 1\f. J\fcReynold1, son of Mr. and f.1rs. Clifton D. fl.tcReynolds of 5822 Pinon Drive, Huntington Beach. has betn assigned lo Chanute AFB. 111. for training in Aircraft maintenance. The airman is a graduate of f..1arina Hig h School. Airman 1.C. David L. 1\tauriee, whose parents Jive at 15182 Leeds Circle, \Vestminster. is serving wit h the 52Jrd Tactical f ighter Squadron. a unit of the Pacific Ai r Forces. The airman, an aircraft mechanic, is a graduate of La Quinta High School. Photographic lntelllgenct- man 3.C. Gordon K. Jacobs, of 327 Pirate !toad. Newport Beach. is serving aboard the al!ack carrier USS Coral Se:i. now unde rgoing inspection near Pearl Harbor. ... pie Heart Award , neur PJciku, Vietnam. A squad leader In Company A, Isl Battalion 14th Infantry of the 4th Infantry Division's 3rd Brigade, the sergcanl received lhe award for "'ounds received in acllon. Two sons of J\1r and J\olrs. Elmer Bowen of 2004 Pomona Ave .. Costa !\1esa , are serving with rhc U.S. Armed Forres. They are Gene. 21, \1·1th the US!\1C. Firsl Division, Viel· nan1 and James, 19, who jusl entered the U.S. Army and is undergoing ba sic !raining at Ft. Ord . Gene attended Costa fl1e~a lligh School before entering the service and James 1s a 1969 graduate or Estancia High School. • mechanic with t he Strategic Air Co111mand. He is a i::raduate of Westminster High School. 1965. li e was ciled for his outstan· ding job knowledge Jniative and manageria l skill. He L~ no\v serving as comm;inder of the 21i7th Communications Squadron, Kincheloe AB. !\1aj . Jame5 !':. Ross, son of fllr and !\1rs. Clyde A. Ross of 42.9 E. Broadway, Costa Mesa received the U.S. Air Force Conimcnd ation fl1edal a I ceremonies held at Kincheloe AFB, f.1ich . The 1najor \\"as decoralr.d for merJ!orious service as fligh t facilities officer and commander, 2 I 3 9th Con1- munications Squadron, Bil· burg, Germany. Pfc. Mark S. Strom, 2!, Cadel Bob Blaoehard. son of \\'hose parents, Mr. ;:ind J\frs. lol. 1 USA~~ ret.) and Mr,;. Cliff Strom and \\"ifc Julie li\'e .Jack D. Blanchard of 2621 Alta at 4606 \Vayne Road. Corona Vista Drivr, Newport Beach. del J\lar, has been assigned to is 11 freshman at the U.S. Air the American Oi\'ision near }~orcc Aradcmy. C'olo. Due Pho, Vietnu1n. A gr<1cluute of \Vasson Jl igh J1e is an infJ.ntryman . Sehoul , Colorado Spring s , \rhcre he was an all con· Sgt. Charles Tucker. so n or fcrrncc ~rlectinn as ;i Airman J\fark 8 . Harpole, j\.!r. and j\.lrs. Ja1nes Tucker nf 1!elen~1vc half back on the son of Donald C. llarpo!e 201 \\1estminsler, is on dttty 11·Jth loo1ball lc <1rn. the young man Ocean Ave., Sea l Beach, 1vi!l the 4258th Str:ilcRic \\'1ng al is expected to see action in the STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sounll: of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .:~ From Fashion Island, New port Beach - Lt. f.1~ek is a graduate or a Virginia high school and earn· rd his BSA degree fr om the Univers!ty of Florida; Lt. Beaumont is a graduate nf Rancho Alamitos High School. Garden Grove and received his BA degee from Cal Stale, L.A. Army J{OTC, son of h1r. and f.lrs. J oseph Gutel or 2766 Loreto St .• Costa J\.1esa, \\'as promoted l.o his present rank for the fall semester at the Unive rsity of Oklahoma . A senior at the univcrsily, he is a history of science ma· jor and is taking milita ry science. He is worki ng for a degree from the College of Arts and Sci ences. remain at Lackland AFB, U-Tapao Airfield, Thailand. frosh opening gan1e against Tex., after completing basic c:~Sg~I~. =T~u~c~k~e~c ~'~·'='~-";,;'~i~cc~c~o~lt=C~ol~o~. ;s~ta~te~·======~;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::::::~ training. The airman is a 1; Lt. Frase is a graduate of W. T. Woodson High School, Virginia, and earned his BA degree from the University of Spec. S Gary II. Rinde, son security policeman. He is a graduate or f..1arina Jligh School, 1969. Sgt. Duant C. Bugbts, .son of J\1r. and Mrs. Charles R. lfughes of 308 Vista Baya, Costa Mesa, received the Pur- Not 111 Headlines There ls Some Good News By United Pre5s lntematiooal Good ne\\'!i is not alwavs reflected in ba nner headtineS. It often creeps up unex- pccltd!y from re I a I i v e J y obscure locations. Thus we lea rn from f.fate,,..·an, V..'. Va .. that two distant relatives of the Hat· flelds and J\lcCo~·s are going to forget the famous fet1d and ~o inlo business 1ogether. A full·page arivrrliseincnt in the \\'Hliamson D;iily Ne\1's :in- nounced ;i n aulo dealership "'as changing hands ancl it no"· will be kllO\t"n as Hatf ield· f.lcCov, Inc V. T. Ha1fielrl will srr\·r a'\ SC'Cretary.frea~urrr and ,John J\1cC:iy will be the vice presi· d('QL From La~·f,1yC'1le. Ind. cnm· e ~ !he 1nfonnat1on that great n1inds are at "'ork ;il Purd11e 1.Jnirersi!y on a problem "'hich if solved y,·jll br g{)()(! nC\\'S lo ho11se\~·ivcs across the nation . Dr. \\1• J, S\.adclrnan of the shoors a gr i cu l t 11 r a 1 ex· periment s\.at ion .'-av~ \\'Ork is unrlrr \\ ay tn prrlerl an in- ~tnin1enl that \\·1 11 gauge the toughness of poultry meal hy Maritin1c Acaclen1 y • Spots 01>en mrosuring the current flow bel\\·een two elec tric probes applied to the carcass. "\\'e hope someday to be ;:ible to assure the tenderness of <ill birds m a rketed , 1 • Stadelrnan said. SCHEl\'ECTAOY, N.Y. -D. .J. Kennedy drove 50 miles out nf hi.~ \t•ay lo help a couple he had never mel. Kennedy "'Cnl shoppin~ and f11und a package conta.i n1ng a Jac kel on a counter at a (!eriartmcnt store . Checking insidr he found a sales slip 1rith the name and address of !llr. and ~trs. Victor \Valdrop. Kennedy thrn drove the fill miles from Schrnectady to the \Val<lr0p home in Ballston Spa 1o deliver thr jacket. \VA S U J NG T ON -A \\'ashington motor ist is lrying to learn the. identity of the good ~ainarilan \\'ho gave h1n1 a push lhe o1 hcr day. A P£'L~onal ilent fn the classifiP.d advertise1nents or thr \Va.~hington l'ost today ~aut ··nr11"er of hlack \'\\' \\·ho ~a 1·c m~· hlu<' VW a push la1<t Sun at \\'isc. &. ~1. plE-asc call 1nr ;:ihoul rlamagc caused 10 .vnnr car. 223·3200, or 338·2753, r•r ~~8.S.l.'15." t .E ~!1\J'\S. Franrr -Pierre r.i11 r .... 211. Ju111TJ{1i from 3.000 Irr! during team format 1:in tra 1n1n~ near hrrr. hut his concern. NASINILLE. Tenn. -J\1rs. Mary Matthews had wanted to r ide a motorcycle all he r life. This past weekend the 69 year-0ld Mrs. 11atthews took JO.minute spin on ht>r ne· phew's motorcycle and en· joyed it thoroughly. \Vhrn asked \\'hy she did not wa it until he r 70th hirthday. Nov. 9, to la ke her initial ride. she explained, "a woman 70 years old \\"Ou l<I lflQk silly riding a m·:>torC'yl"le." PITTSBURGH -\Vi\son R Neckerrnan ca nnot under!>tand why everyone i<; so interested in his voting r ec o rd . Ncckennan. 94 , of su burban O'Hara Township has voted tw ice a year for the past 72 years. "\Vhy all the fuss~'' Ncckcnnan asked. "Gee \\'hiz. r just do my civic duty, thars a11.·· OLIVIA, f..1 iM. -For thr first time since 1941. morr !han three dozen farmer5 sloshed up anrl do1•rn rows of corn on a rarm near he.re to l'C'<' "·ho was goi ng lo earn th r rlistinc!ion of be.Ing this TI<l· t 1 o n 's ' ' Co r np1ckinges1 H11 ndhusker." Orville Bnins hril\"e<l a cold . h1·(Kfa~· dr17.zle to v.·1n !he title and part of the $;.orJ purse . mai n parach ute failed to open. ~!E RR f LI.,. Iowa l1 rma1111ng cool hr ad c d, Pl ymouth Coun1y authorilic Assrmhh·man Robrrt JL ru•rrr opened hi~ emcrgcnry are tryi ng lo find the trurk to Burke (R:H untin~1on Brach! pilrilC'h ulr. But 1he smaller go wilh the box. has intitrd yo11 ng men 10 his chu1c had only a slight effect Sheri ff .Jim f.lert.es said cli~t ncl to apply for n'linina· a~ it brushed agai nst the main would·be n1stlcrs loaded u li on as cand1da!cs for ari-onr. about 2i) hrad of cattle ~Ion· poinlment to the California l ns:read of panicking. he day night at 8 farm near J\ler. f.larihme Acadcniv. prepared h1mS<'lf for a hard ri11 in northwest lo;•;a. Then Entrance cornpeiitinn will h!'. )anrling and escaped with leg the truck box fell off. held and the c<1ndH.la le /'tan· tract11rrs. Ile is naw in The farmer got'. b11ck his cal- ding h igh<.'~! ;imong t h c hospital, \\·here doctors !'ay his tle and ended up \\'ilh part of a 11om1nf'('~ frntn Burkr'~ 70th condition J;ivrs no cause for truck. too. Assembly f)istrirt. "ill be the >l'.._••••••••.._. ......... ._..4•••••....,•.,....•••••••••• ...... t ;ippo1n1ee. he said. • • Ad di !ion:il ~rrninlrnents ! YOUR PROBLEM•. : m:iy be madr lrnn1 thr rli strirt • i rlrpcnding nn lht·1r rrla!ive : You want to sell some Item • i:;tanclings in tht general f'll· ! that you no longer neitd but i trance (·01npctitinn and the : someone else can use fM • number nf \•acanr1cs. ,. • Thc slate n per a Ir d • N QT Q VER $SQ t California J\laritimc Academy ! : it located in ValleJI) in the San : ? ? ? ? ? ? • P'rancisco Bay area. 1 ,.. .: Appointees atlend for three : YOUR ANSWER• • years and gradu11tes receh·e a • • • federal license .:ts an officer in : You cell THE DAILY PILOT, ••k for •1 the Americ.:in J\1 er c h a n I • Clessified Advertisi ng, and place • ~1.:irine. ! Those intec•~•d io h<ing : --g PILOT l nominated by Burke should • ~~J·" · I rontact his office, 177:12 Beach : Bl,d., Huntington S."h as • ,/, PENNY Aoon a!li possible. he advised. ! ~ _.: ~~-E i ··-' i _ .' ·-·-_ PINCH R j PUT CASH IN :.· CLASSIFIED AD t •• YOUR POCKET • AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE • Seit untvantcd Item~ ""1th a DAILY PILOT C1.U!lilied Ad. :i 3 LINES 2 TIMES 2 DOLLARS i • AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I : ! DIAL NOW DIRECT! i PHONE i 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 : i I f I i l I I ~J !' t• I ~ ~ , • t ... ,~-·"--·---·-· ·--,,, __ .. ,,__ ----··--····---·-.. ·····-·-........ : Pt>oto cont"Cu!e(I CJ Ii°"'" 1'etler". Sometimes you can buy good health, 'Your gi ft can hefp provide hea lth se rvices' fo r th ose in need -the youn g and old, the sick an d tr oubled. Give hea lth. Give ge nerou sly .. One Gift Works Many Wonders/GIVE THE UNITED WAY Support Tlw Ca1111Jctig1i • 1' 011r Cn11111tii11ity I II. 642•5678 1: lToU frN Nertlri Ce1111ty 141·12201 ... 1.~~~~~~~~~~.,.1 ~••••••••••••••••••••**""*'*••1•1•1•~•~•H•H•n•n•n•~•~• .. ••••••••••'l-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1 j r I • • ' ' . ~ ~ • , ' 1 IX d< 11< pt de 111 Ix "' '" m lo lo " H· "' Tl )'< ' ' ] ] " ,; q1 ol A ti " It "' II p p " q " r !. ~ b p ' ,, ' b " n u h h ' r ' n ~ • r • Costa Mesa Today's Final N.Y. Stocks VOL 62, NO. 25 4, 4 SECTIONS, 50 PAGES [,.lll'r PILCl $t1!1 Pho!t FAIRGROUNDS' DON FOELL PUTS TORCH TO BRUSH P a thweys to Fea r Become Land of Charcoal Tells Girl's Tragedy Linl;,lett er Tells Nixo1i 11 0 Publicize Drug Evils \VASHlNGTON I 1\f' 1 -Televi~ion peri;onality .1\rl LinklcHcr urged Pre.~i· dent Nixon and eongrcss1onal leader!! to· day to adopt an cr!ueal iun<1l program 111 pubhcizc the ev ils o! triking dant;erous drugs. "Thr ._ids or Arner1ca toda y arr reat'· l ing to a drug v.·or!tl 111 which lhl'Y ha\'r. been born,·· Linklclter said. "They are used to seeing people pop chl'micals into lhrir moulhs for t'rrry!hu1g frQnl reliev- i11g tensions and curing headaches and lo~i ng \.\'eight'' Nixon inv1!l'(1 !hr it7-year·old L1nklettrr to !;ilk lo a hipart1 s<1n ~rnup or Senate atld llousc k·acicrs, called lo a V."hitc Hnuse bricr1 ni; on !hr 1-'rcs1dcnl's pro· posals deahn1£ 1111h lhe 11 rug problem. Thr rncc\111g J<1slcJ 11111 hour:'. l.1nklr1trr 1Jr,t-r 1bcd the d•·ath nl h1<; youngcsl daughlt:r, :lO·)e ar-0ld U1a11c, S 11 pc r MJ nic .I cl-; I1'uturc l-'rohcd By Lorn cll Prof Cy RUl)I NIEUZIEl.Sl\I O! !!It D11 .. "1"'1 Stilt A Cornell Uni,·ersily professor 1od:iy said the supersonic transport era will either be a booining success or a quiet question mark. Spe<ikin~ before \hr An1erica11 lnstitute n( 1\eronautics and Astronautics 1n Anahei!n , Dr. I\. Bich;inl Seebass said that no radica l solutions are ta be ex· pectM in the elimination of booms. "Evolutionary 1n1provements will even- lua lly make fli gh ts over populated areai; pn.<;sihlc.·• he predicted. But he cautioned that the one half pound per square loot pressure level considered acceptable by psycho-acoustic engineers "cannot 1': reached wit h present structural tcchn1- ques."' Superso111e transporls now in the. design stages have an nvcr pressure level of ap- proximately two pounds pe r square root. ·Another aircraft noise expert. Or. Leo !;. Beranek, uf Boll, Beranek and Nev,.man. Inc. saitl lhal even ihoug~ the booins arc not dnngerous to huma n !Jfe or property "people are startled and don't gel accuston1cd to sonic booms." He indicated thal huinuns responrl In loud noises as l.he signfl l lo an erncrgency 1100 lha l through their lifetime they become condilionc<l to a startling response "·hich cannot l'.le broke n, 111> matter how frequent their c.1posure lG I~ noise. Another ncg::iLi11e asper! of !ht boom hes caused an uproar within groups of homeowners near a i r po r ! s 1o1·ith t:upc1)rsonic planes, he-sa1rl . "The p e op I e are frightened th:1t rcreated hoom $: l'.ou!d tear lhf'i r home.• 11 part," expl:1ifl('d Bcr:inck. •·t fl11e ocar :i mililary 1nstall:it ion :in1I r1ery llnic I hear ::i boon1, I think rt's pulling the nni\" out of U1e walls." "'h<i fell fron1 the kitchen 1o1·1ndow of her 1ixth-floor apartment Oct. 4. Linklettcr said Diane "leaped to her death in a depressed state fro1n bad LSD tri ps six months before" Ile !'ia1d although she had not tnken LSD 1luri11g the 'intervening six mr111lh~, "the bad trips would QCcur again an rl :iga1 n ~n \hill she thougl1l she \.\·as losing her 1n1nd." LinkleUer said he decitl<'d to puhlic1lr his daughte.r·s death so th:i t othr.r pilr· ents \\'ould become concernf'd abou1 thr problem of young people who arc 1ali 1~~ drugs. He S<J!d in I~ lasi 10 II:!.\'~ ht' h<11I receh•ed 2;'i.000 letters and n1 a n y telegrams and te!cphonr call.~ ask111g l11rn to speak on the subject and lron1 parrni" "'ho know that their children arl' ui11vh cd 11·ith drugs but don·1 l;nO\\' \1'ha1 t<1 do. ''Franklv, I can't \C'll !hc1n 11 h;1l tu rlo because 1'don·1 kno11 ," L1nklct1cr ,;11d lie said he urged at th(' brielu1g thvt an rdur:ationa! prop-arn be a1n1rd at Mt h parc11ls and youn gsters heg11tnln t: 111 tht fourt h. tirtli and ~1xth ~r,1r!e~ 1n "l<'ill'h 1llc n1 thftt s ou liDn"t p\11 at1~!11'11~ 1 n~1de \"our body no more th:in you ll"Ould 1\vlk 1n Front or a rar. ~el f1rt !o )LIUr d rr.,.~ (•r t]ririk a b<;illlc nr 1ndine ., Nixon and the congress1on:1I \rarh'1·~ ;ilso heard coinn1cnts lru111 l{olJert IL Finch, secretary of health, cdocniion and \.\'eifare, and John Ingersoll. director of the Treasury Departmenl's Bureau or NafC{)tics and Dangerous Drugs. Ingersoll, Finch , and Ni:iton urged speedy action on !he administration's drug control proposals. The program calls for more money. manpov;er. re- search. educalion and specit1l fast-mov· ing investigative units to crack dO\.\'n on the lraffic in narcotics. Cube of Copper, Recorder Stolen A 400 pound cube of pressed c·oppcr kepl al a shop and a $400 tape recorder left in a clasJiroom we re reported stolen In ci.sta Mesa \Vedne~day. t>Qrothy La u, of the Oranjlf" Coa~t College staff, :old prilicr the tapr recorder was taken from a loc ke<I photography classroom, apparently by someone who had a key. Employes of the Newport-~1esa Uni fil'd School Distric t maintenance shop, 1J74 \\'arehouse Road. said they musl havf! been 3"''ay when tbc copper theft oc· curred. The metal. ont: of 1wo .'iUch chunk.~ kepl on h<ind , \.\'SS valued al $112. according lo rolit e. Bornh Hocks Ha ira 111\I FA. TsraC'I !UPll -An rxplos1nn rocke<J a H::iifa residen1i;il builfi ing el\rly Thursday killing a 11o onian anrl injurini.: si.x o1hcr pt!rsons, police said ll \l'illi tilt' fifth txnnbing 1n llaila in the pa st 21 houri. I ORAN GE COUNTY, CALIFOR NIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1969 TEN CENTS Fair Board Burns Patch Danger Goes Up i1i Smoke as Mesa Sliortcut Clea1·ed .. ll\' .I ·\~I CE BER:\IA,\' 00! lht D1ol~ !"!IO I S!oll Fair l.\e>;ird n1crnbers arr bllrn1ni;. Their ta11d , th:.il 1s. The Board today ordered th<' lorrh pul !o lhc brul>h and grass on the northy,·c~L 1·orncr of the Ora11ge Cou11ty Fa1rgrou11ds ;H f';.1irview Road <tnd Arl ington Drive, Custa l\!csa, l\1crnbers of lhe Costa i\·1esa Vire• [ l<•partnicn l ~tllOil hy to :-,upt•rvise tl1c fires, sel off fe>l low1ng ::i ~tory in the UAILY PILOT and a requc~t by 1hc Mesa11's Deatl1 Suspects Face Trial Delav • Trial of three Ha\•/aiian beachhn\'c; :iccusc'I of mu rdering a Costa r-.tl'~a -.ur fcr on the island of Oahu )a~l March has been dela~·ed pending addi tional n1anr.l111t'rs by lhe pre>secution . One of the. defend<ints charged with fir st d<'grcc inurdc:r and robbery 1n con· nectio n with the death of Will ian1 Pn111! .Jr., 19, of 269 Albert Place, \1•as also nnce an Orange Coast surfing figure . li e is Robert .J. Ah Choy, 23, reportedly 11 011eti1ne entrant in the liLintington ricach \\'C'.~t Coast Surfboard Chan1plon· ~hips. 11·hile the othrrs are David K. l'a11oke, 27. and Peter r.t. Lono, 26, also nl the island of Oahu . The trio \.\'as to have racrd preliminary hearing Oct. 17, 10 Honolulu , but the rni.1rt asked prosecu tors to provide fu r· rhcr details in the case against the men, at 11hich time a nt>\\' hearing will be set. Authorities charge they arc three "·ho Invaded a rustic t.'<lltage near Sunset Beach and e:1ecuted Pond as h<' awakened and ~larted to get up from a cot during a robbe ry-ra id. The intrudl'rs had ordered !wo Harbor Arca companions of Ponrl, Steve Chul;i .1nr! Teddy RogC'rs, to h:ind ovC"r monry <ind marijuana they bclic1·cd to be In rhr cabin. Police 1n Honolulu said Pond, \vho had iusl con1e to th<' island5 \Yi'th his budd1 r~. 11•;is killed 10 inli1nidate. 1he nthcr~. who ha nded 01·er $700 and II pounds nf bulk n1ariJuana. No Oil Found On Sc hool Land Th(•rc"ll hr no bl ack gold fnr l\rv.por!· ~J ~.;;a Un ified Sl·hnn l D1str1 ct. 1·:xploral1Jry drill ing f•Jr 011 hy n1. 1 1dr11ta l l'ctrolt'u1n Corp.1rat1on Jtr.'.1 1111l.;1<l<' Co!'l;i r-.1('~;1 rity hm1ts tumf'd uri n•1tt11f1g anc1 ;;o thr ,..:orpnrat1on is sur· rr11<lrrmg 11~ ~ubsurra!'C 01 1 right ~. "'\\ e regret 1 Pry rnuch t ha t 1!el'Plo111nent~ On 11/\t warr:1 n1 our r on· l111uing intrrcst In 1 h1~ lra ~r · 11·rn!<' .J;ic\;; Du1•;ill of the oil con1panJ'~ 1;1nd cl1•p;irt - n1ent. The sr hf"llJI tl1strict 1l1d rr<il11r ~2 .4~'1 frnrp the t;ii1 conipany. fil!uri'd at sn 111111·h per acre per year for Cnst;i :'<1<'~;1 Jt fgh School 011 righls. If oil had bern Found ii wnuld h;ivr hef>11 rxt raclC'd by slant drilling fron1 out sidt" <·itv li rn it.~ undC'r the: sc·hooL The school d1S!rlrt woulc1 ha ve rece11·cd !6.67 percent of the roya!t1C's. Police Get Plant, Gi ve Warnin g As the lwig is benl. $0 grows lhr \rl'c anc1 Costa Me sa police hope 1heir ripping out Qf a little green shoot grown by a: Costa Mesa: girl and her liltle brother will str11ighten them oul. . . , Dctccti11e Norm Kutch said a si x-inch rna rijuana plant cultivated by the 16· .1•ear-0lc1 g'irl and 13-year--old hoy was con- r1sca led at their suburban home Wed · ncr.<lay. They took no rurthcr action lowarc1 pr()- scculie>n, other than counseling the young offenders and their parents about the law. Ki wanians Declar e Oppo~iti on l o R ed~ Ani:;y at UCLA ins tructor Angela Davis' njlpe arance. at UC Irvine. the. Costa l\!1'.5" Kiwanis Club has rasS('d a rc."()lut.1011 urgini;? Oian<:ellor Daniel G. Aldrich I() rrru~e any Communists or revolu- t111f1;.,nes a chance to speak . The reso lution passed foll o\\'ing a rr- rcnl mecling cites the latt r.tis11 Dnvi i; 1s :in adm i!led Com rnunist and wall fired by 1!1" ue Board of llcgcn\s, although lh6 acl has siacc been ruled unconst!lutlonal. pollce drparlrncnt \\'cdnesJay that the lilalc·owncd pro1>erly b<' t.'learcd, '"You tould walk in to that field and JU /:t disappear," said Uallalion Chief David T1'ter, as he loo kcc1 at the spot where, last 11 eek, a child was sexual)y molested. "'\Ve're -or ratl1er, they're -going to try lo cluninatc as 111uch of the standiug 111.·ecls as possib le !oda.v," said Battalion C"h1cf Re>n Colcrnan, adding that lhe fi re 'lcpart 111cnt could only st;ind by and ;1~s1sl lo n1ake sure lhc blaze is 1.:on· trolled . S1ri1•ped of Post Burning the arl'a 1o1·ill take inost of thr d<iy. officia ls said. They 11·cre having so1ne trouble keeping the fires burning becaus~ of the dan1p n1orning v•eather, Capt ain \Vi 111 a 111 Hayn1er Silid. "It's hard to burn today, bul it's easy lo control." Colcrnan ex plained tha t burning the area "will give the police c1cpar!m ent n1ore \isual control. Sccond:iril y, when it's burned it loses al/ its altracivencss as a shortcut. l\icls don't \Yant te> go lo srhool \1 ilh charcoal all Ol'l'r I heir Top l(ick Takes 5th Amendment ~\1 ASH INGTO:-l' (1\P) -The Arrn y'll fe>rnicr tor crilisted n1an repeatedly in· >okcrl 1h<' Fifth A1nendn1ent al a Senate. hearing k>day and !hr. Arm y pron1plly s!rinped 111111 u1 a presllgious posl as t'ommand sergeant n1ajol". '"011 advil'e of counsel. would rc·spcctfully dctlinc to ansv.'er the quc:-· linn on grounds 1l n1ay !end to rn• criminiltr inc ," Sg1. r-.1aj. \Villiam 0. \\'ooldridgc said in 111vnking lhl' Const1tu· lion 's pro1ect10n agr11nsl s cl ( in· cruninaliun. Called il<; a w1lnc~~ bC'lorc !he Senate in1·rs\l~:it11>n.~ subco111111i\1tc. \'iooldr1tli;e ga ve that reply repeatedly to questions about alleged lucrat11·c kjckblcl.:.1 i nd payoffs in lhc 01>erat1on of servicemen'~ rl'Creat1on 1·luhs 1n \11clnan1, Germany and the Unlll'd Slates. Similar re plies ll'erc gi\•en hy three other.~ i\t. St;t. \l/illiam E. Higdon and lwo forn1cr :$Crg<'ants nuw retired, Nr1r1'ac1. ll atch<'r and Seymour Laiar, t·;ach nl lht> four refused to answer any quc.~tlons bt.'yo nd giving his name and ad· (j(l''iS, \\'(Joldnclgl'. v.•ho i>cr1'ed for two ~·f';irs ;i s 1he first sergeant maJor of thr Anny, 1s being "1nvol11nta.rily released" fron1 thr Anny·s comn1and sergeants majnr progra1n. th!' Anny anoounced. llc ll'ill retain his ra nk and pa y of ~ergcant maJor but will be stripped of his cu rrent ass1g11n1enl as comm and srrt:rant m:iior al the \Vhile~ands Pro-.'- 111i:;: Ground Jn l\'ew tl\exico. He 1•ill re· 1n<1in there in a d11ferent ca pacity. At a Penta gon bne(n1g, reporters asked "'hetht>r \\louldridgc 11·iH be court· rn;irl1aleO. .Jerry Friedht'llll. de fc11st! ~pukesn1an, :-aid '"I don ·! ltunk l'>t' know yet " 1\rnlY nrf1rf·r~, hnWf'l'Cr . 1nd1eatcri \ha!, 1hr s1 atutc. u! l1 m1tauon~; .has expired on Ul"I T111, ... te TAKES STH AMENDMENT Arm y's. Woold rid94 soinc or lhr rolrn11al ch,1rges v.h1ch mighl ar 1~c 1n !hr rasr, rnilk1ng it im· possihlc fr1r ihc Arn1y to hold a court· martial At thr Senri tr hJ'tring , \\1()1l[d ridgr in· \ okf'rl the Flfl h i\mPnd1ncnl lo a lung :-crirs of i111e:-t1011s 1n\nlr1ng complex financial tran.~al'!l!JIJ~. the use or sv.·i:-s bank accuunts, 1nllurnce p e d d l i n g pa yoHs and k1c kba1.:k~. Mesa , Diego Ste1igalls Get Lucky in Burglaries .. liohcrl and St11r!Py 111.1v nril share th e s;11nP,. horoscope. bul \.\'cdncsd<iy "'as h1rky for the S!cgalls. Both. 011r lron1 San Diego and one (rom ((15ta 1\lcs11, v.·cre viclu11s of unrelated burgl;inci; 1n Costa Mesa. Susrecls were (jUickly apprehended in each case. A pair of u11armed, off-1'luty policemen \vl"IO spot ted suspicious activity ln a Costa t-.lcsa shopping cenlcr r·~ughl th~ec suspects in a $500 ~·omen's clothin g burglary Wednesday. One source quoted quoted the l.rio a.~ saying they would have lefl lf they had known the. regul ar Orange Police Depart· n1rnl offic<'r and the Costa Mesa reserve patrolman had no weapon~. . llonked at Costa Mesa City ,Ja\1 for lfl· vcsligatlon or burglary were three west Orungc County lronworkcrs : , -Craig S. J{ank, 18, ol 14221 Locust St., \Vestminstcr. -Guy D. Wandel, 18. of 15282 Cascade Lane. lluntlngt.on Beach . -Joseph f\.t Pryne. 22. of 106822 Tibbs Ci rcle, Ga rden Griwe. Officers Charles llolt . Orange, and nanicl Courtney. Costa Mesa. said lhey 1o1·ere in the Sou th Coast Plaza Shopping Center parking lot about noon when l~cy sa1Y a suspicious car parked beside ;inothcr. One pe rson sat in lhe car, idling the cn~inc, while the ~econd scemat to be keeping a lookout for the th ird , who was huitd led over the door latch. \\1ilhin mo1nenls, they said, the doot 1o1•ns opened and on<' of the men rr1noved more than 60 pieees t)f worncn's clothing. putting lhe h11ul into thr .~ccond au1o . The off lcc r11 :ipproached. identified thc1nseh'ci;, cslabtislted that the clothing ' belonged 1() snlf'swnman tlfr~. Shirley K. Sll'gil ll o/ San D1rt;n and n1ade the ar· ~ rests. Oflircr Je>hn C. \.\'hitc was dispatched to piek up the suspects. one or whom had .:i sheath 1n his boot which lit a hunting knife found under 1hC suspec t car·s seat. ln\•estigalors said a blade·li ke in· stru ment had been used to Jimmy tllr5. Slcgall 's loc ked car door. A rcw hours later, Robert SLega ll o[ 2379 Elden Ave., arrived home from \.\'Ol"k and found his fr e>nt door standing open .:ind $1120 in slcrl'o-elec1 ronics equipment n1issing. A bedroom 11.·indow left open markCl'I the spot 11o·hcrc inlrudcr~ apparently entered looking for loot. Police Officer Frank Upham said SlC'gall questioned persons al lhe apartments earlier in Uie day and ~ taincd information whic h 1 e d 1n· vt stigators to arres t lwo boys. One 17-year--0ld from Santa Ana l!elghts and a J4-year-0ld Costa Mesa voulh were charged \.\'ith burglary and iaken lo Orange County .Ju11rni le Hall. Authorit ies sa id ttlt'y hope lo recover a raclio, :oipeakers, tape recorder, stereo and other accessories through in· terrogating lhc suspects. NF:\Y YOHK (API -The sk'Ck market began !o recove r th~ d~y's ea rll<'r los.~ in ilctire tradiri~ lair this afternoon . (Sec quotation~. Pil/;Cll 22 21 J. I ' clothes " "I think that it s going to hl'IJl." s::iid Jl11·enih: lnl'estigator Linda Geisler of the Costa /'11 c~a Police Uepartn1ent, 1o1 ho l'.'a3 assigned to the child n1ole~t case.. She ~aid that /:he and police Capt. Hobert Green asked that the area be ch: a red '"I tlllnk it'6 going to he nicer, rlnn't ~·01J"."' Chief Tc'tcr a~kcd Fairgrounds r-.1;1nage~ l\lfrrd Lutjca11s. •·Jr we can cl'cr get 1t burning ," l.ul· jeruis replied. Evaluati11g Top School Po sts Give11 Priority El'aluation of the performance of prin- cipals and other top sch o o I ad· nlinistrators is a prilnc ohjectil'e of Ne11o·~rt-~1csa Unified school trustee~. Only pass11ge of a Feb. 10 override lax r leclion ranks higher in a priority list of ohjl'Ctives for the ~chool year, approved Tuesday night. ··1t ls critical the board :init public hav• 1hc highest confide1it·e in school ::iit· rnini st.rate>rs,'' s<iirl Trustef' Sl'l11n '"Bud" Franklin. '"lf !hf're are places of weakness 1o1·e n1ust shore them 11p,'' The procedure will be lo cstahl ish Ji>h objccli l'es for each princi 11a l and ad- 1ninistrator and C\"a!uatr lhcrn on how ,, . .,•1 thrv meet thf' nhjecti1·es. Suri. \\'illiam Cunningham ~ilid he 11·ou ld ha 11e ;it lea st a prch1111nary rr\)flrt to lhc board on lhl'sc evaluations by ~larch I. ··1 think the principals are as anxiou11. a~ you to get evaluated,'' he said. "Thry .1rC' oll1$t::inding peoptr Anli would like lo know 1r they are operating on target.'' After priority one -ovcrr1rlc tar pas.~age -and priority twe> -principa l evaluation -('0111~ the fnllow1ng Priority 3; Complete the description of thr middle school t·11rriculi1m. Priority 4: Con1p!ete a data prnces5ing quality ce>ntrol ~yst('m, Priority ~= Plan lo take ad\"an t,1ge of ,i::reatcr latitude in curriculu m resu lting rron1 a bill pa ssed by t.hc Legislature relaxing rcquirernents. PriorHy 6· Improve communica lion. <..~u11ningha111 said the !irst six prinritie~ rirobab!y 1,11ould be the ones he is able to g11·e his ~rsonal attcnlion. Rega rding improved communicalion, )le s11 id, "If \\'C cfln ·t NJm1nunicate wil.h our staff and community mo~t nf lhest: other things 11·on"t malter anyway, ll"K'y \\·on"l 1o1et off lhe ground ." 1\ddu1onat prior111es listed by Cun· ningham : PriQri1y 7· l mpro\•c lca1:hrr updal~ eduratinn prop-an1s. l'rtnrity 8. DcvC'lop a prograrn on tho: 11fferts of d rug~ for grades 6, 7 ,1nd 8. l'rio ntv !I: !)e1·elop a rnent111ly-g1fled n1lnt1r p;.ogram for all d1,<•tri1·t ~lif"/f/I~. 1i .·I pcrcen~ of dls trwt. ri11p1I~ arr. 10 1lle 1"1' t11 0 pcrrcni 1n tcl11gent.:e le l'cl for the ~!:i l r ) Priori ly lfl. [krclop a la1v and order progra111 for ll1c elrmC"nl<iry ~hool~. Priority I l : Develop a n1odc l for giving teachers a say in c1eci~ion m;ik ing. Priority 12: Evaluate a diffcrcntiatcrl :;tarfing progra n1 being cl P 11e1 op c rl whC'reby l.cachers would receive different pay for c1ifferent rl~t ies Priority J3 : Pul 1nlo eUecl a gric1anc.c. procedure. Pri(lrity 14 : Expand a plnn 1-rhcrrby teachers write do"'11 leaching objccti1·e.s and are e11aluated on how we ll l.hPy rcahze them. Pri<iril y I~: Develnp an n1·r.rall mana~emenl 1nodel lor Ure school district. Orange Coast Weather Going down -the temperatl1rt, that is. To abo11 t 68 along the C'oast Wider cl'tludy skie.s in the morning hour11, "l'hllc inland areas wi ll be up to i2. INSIDE TOD/\ Y 'ft/ping i\1e.iiea11·Amer icorts lo help tl1t•111stlvts is thr. missioll of o UC Irvine liu!!band 011d wife teac/1t11g teant. Page 12. •I""• u Ml•~ II c;111i. ... i. • (l1t1HIM »•H Ce,..11:1 II , .... ,_. 71 C.1111 ......... lJ ot-cn U l"dli..i.1 ,_ • Mlll~el ,llfllfl 11 111•11• ... t Ill.wt .. , ore..,. c-tr n Jw i-.i. , • ..,.. n '"'" , •• Jt '""" "'-tl>ilh D·H '•ll•t\ltfl ll lnl1tf11<1"'•~• ti ""flloei.n ti "R-· ll•U Wle!M1 • ....,__ 1t .... """"" ,, O.-• Wiii<• H W•rlf No.., 1·1 M1r•lt" \.!flfl-I• W-'t Nt•~ \l.H ! OAIL't' PIL OT C l tuusdaJ, Ottobtr l.), 1'61J ~~~~--"---.:.=....::::::..:.:.:; Dick T1·acy 'Co11sulted' 011 Zodiac SACFL.\.\fENTO i l'r!l -~lale rrim'" lnvesligalors toda y sought hel p fr.:im comic strip <lc-tect11e Dick Tracy Jn lht- st~n:h for rlur~ lo t)1e "1(l(t1ac" !li!ayer of lhe San F'ra1u·1.<:<'o bay '-'rca. Agents of lt1e S!a!e Bureau of Cruninal ldentirication and Jn1•esliga!10n began sCTUtinizin,i:: !he Tra<·y rom 1rs on !he U1rory Iha\ 1hrrc 1111;;tit be ~ITIC p;1rallel~ twl11·ecn "lochac"' and the S\:orp10 te:ider or the Zod iac Gang 1n the r:.ir!oon serie!li. Ell.Tl Bauer, a :-.-'-'nior analyst in the bureau·s cr in1e tabora lO!)', conceded 1·omparing !he con1lc strio 11 ith !he 1r>diac in1r~11gation 11<1s "t;uul of oft· beat"' bu t !'aJd it nia y pro1·1dr ;1 val uable clue in apprehenrling the Z°'tiac. The first zodiac in ~talhnent appeared 1n the romics Aug . 17, ii few weeks afler lhe bay area's admitted slayer or fivf'. persons dubbed himself Zodiac in lf'lt ers to ne'-'·spaPf'rS. ··vou notice that thesl! tlun~.~ com~ up more or Jess l'llnul!ancoi1sly," Baurr r;aid. "So 1hen you lake a look lo see· if there are any parallels." In Chester Gould's comic slrip, Scorpio has an astrological Sco rpio sign pr inted on his race. An astrology f'Olumnist '-''as rtrO'-''Oed ;ind l'llfl links \l'ilh the horo.<.copc and a ~corpion v:cre lound on his shirt. Bauer. v.·ho said he y.•as assi sted by other Cl l v.orker~. declinr<l to rl isruss \rhal. if an~, c-onclusion~ he foresaw resulting from the analy~1s. "It's JUSt speculation at l hi~ point." hr ~a1rl . "\\'e really ha1·rn"t got inl.o i1 yPt ,'' he said. adding 1hal lhe only rornp:1ri son so fa r t>f'tween the tv.·o 1~·as the word zodiac. A troubled man \1•ho sJid he was the '·Zodiac" slayer y.·ho co1np!a1ned or headaches and cried out ''I've got to kill'' rfu r1ng a !v.•().h our series of hi zarrc con· \·er.!:alion11 \Vednesday on a tele\'JSion talk show failed lo keep 11~·0 surrender ap. pointments l'.'ilh attorney ~l elvln Be\11, \1·ho told the caller, "all of San Francisco ~·ants lo help you. The hand is out, you can r~l the hands out."' There also v.•as a challenge issuffi to Zodiac -fr om !he brother of San Fra11- c-1sco cab dri \'e r Paul S!ine. The cabbie was shot ti> deal h Ort. 11. ar11J 1he killer mai led a piece of Stine's bloodied shirt "'1th a boaslful ]ctler to a newspaper. Stine's bro1hcr , Jor. 3~. opera tor of a ~todesto service sta1ion. issued an 1t1nerary of his da ily habits anrf ehaller.i;· ed Zod iac lo "con1e and get nic." ~1esa Children To Paint Tou;n For flalw1 vee n The Gre.1t Pumpkin ii: rnm1ng -y.·ith a p .. int bru!'h in every hand. Cos1a. /\Jesa ch ilrlren fronl elementary through high ~clW">Ol age \\1ill he participat1ni; in lhr .Ta1·cee-~pon~rPd 1-;reat Pumpkin 1-lallo"'·een Pai nting Con te.st which bt>gins at 3 p.m. Friday. IOcl. 241 SeJec1ed tiy trachers. the arl i.~lir tra mo; nr indil·idu .. Js v.·ill be as.r.1 gned v.·i ndo\\·s in \"arious finns throughout f.h1> c1ly, ~·ork· Ing on their art "'ith a m1rlnighl Sa turday deadline. Th<' enlrie.• 11•il l remain on ,·1e1.,, !l1rnui::hnut thc wl!r k leflrlini:: 11 p 11) HallO"ween. <1cr.orr!1 n~ to .Ja ~·ree Pn.'~1den~ Larry SI amp"r, 111th rihb 111.<>. t rnphie~ 11 nd ihe Cr rat Pump~1n sch o o ·1 ~v.eersrakrs l.rnphy going \fl the sch00t w11h mo~· v.1nnrr~ II the inl11al rnn1f'~1 prn1.r~ ,<ilf'l'f'~SfU !, Jaycees will m;ikr 11 a ~·earl.1· t•1cn1 Gls (;('1 liON'OLl'LU rcr n -:i.1nre lhan ;()() 1;.s. ser\·1remfn -al l ;i ltcns frllnl 63 d~f. ferent coun!rit~ -v.·il! become AmP.r1('an ci tizens frida.1' undrr a ~car okl la\\, Nearly 600 of then1 arr 1e1erans of \·iel· nam. DAllY PILOT OIUNOt; CO>.~l ,.Ul l 1!1'1!"111 COM•t""' •oM•t N. w •• ~ """IH"' •"4 """'"~" Jtc~ It Cwrl•y \'a •re1•fl~I .... (,t""t l """''"t T~'"''' t:.,.,!I 1.ll!IOf T~ot'l11 ,._, Mu•J>lti•• ............. E.dHtr Con"-- JlO Wt1f 1.., St'"I M1ili~1 ,.,,,.11, r.o. ''" 1 ••0. •2•J• ---... ...,..., kid< '11 I "'°'' I•-9'ole¥atl ..._ .. ..;~: 1» ,_, ··-"""'1 .... 1 ... .._,,: lff JI!> S-1 -,'4ie'-· • 17141 MJ ... JJI • CZ F I .W.a1 .... 1 641·1671 c..trl!IM. r-. Or-c-1 "ulll•"',.. :-. ,. .. _ ......... ·~""''"i.<o~ ~I" ,,_, .. 11 ~11-•IO ~"''" -... -· .,._,, -··· "' -·-.. """""'" ·-· -...... ,_ -1-...... ,....._ ..... ~ -C.. .. "'"'· C1111...,.11 Sl/!Oktr.""" ~t U"' .. U.• .._.IJ; ., IMll U. _I,, ..._,. ....... 11 ..... •t.• ,,....,.,. [,_.ll'r 'tL01 S11fl ,~tlt SCHM IDS, SON MARK, 4, ADMIRE NEW ARRIVAL Nunlber Four Weighed Si x Pound1 on th1 Batliroom Scale Dad Serves as Midwife l 11SecondH01ne Delivery B.1· n 1CJIAHl1 r . 1'-'ALL 01 Int 01111 P1101 S!tU '·\\1ome:n slill rl lln't belie ve it ·when I :-;,1y it wasn"t pain, it was JUSt hard \\Ork ." ~trs. Everett Schmid , :\9.vear-old Lake Forest house11•lfe, was talking about the plailned home de\i1·ery -without a doc· fl,r rrtsent -of her fourth child. Robert J ohn Schmid was born Oct. It 11 ith lhe assistance or his rea l-estate ap· praiser father at !he famlly's spaciou11 hllme. 2..'>0til Riven rlel l. The baby, '-''ho v.·eighed six pounds "by !he bathroom sc;1:le·• is doing beautifully 1-:iid r..trs. Schmid. Jfe hasn't been seen bv il ·physician yet bul probably y..·ill neXt \'.f'l"k. The planned home delivery wasn't Pll· l1rely new for the Schmid family. The third chjld, Lisa, almost three, \\'a~ delivered in the family home which v.·a! lhen Yorba Linda \l'ilh h!'r fathrr ;.<:sisling. Mrs. Schmid said a phy~ic1an camt in later and tied off the baby's umbilica l t't1 rd "but this time my husband did it all." ·•we plai~ned Ill have a home delivery. \\·e·re interest('d in family center n1 aternity c.are Y.'hJl·h 111eanl the home for 11s," said Mrs. Schmid. adding : "11 t<ln be traumatic for a mother 1'1 Jc;J1e her childrl'n during la bor so l\'e I'lastic Grass Taraet for Bulls 0 The ~1t.'w1ni:: a!tnhules nf pl;i.~!lc was~. 1'.•ich as rh:i t heini:: 1 n~l allt'1f on Costa :'ll f'\;. .~ :'l!rrr1111.~1· \\'av for c:-.perimen1 al I 111<1~t'!1p1ng r11rpo~c~. flft' ~uddcnly 1 11rr11~hrr1 1 h" .... 111[f ~f'rins In .ca1h,..r g:irh;igr. 1 n~t;i l\lesa CH \' Co11nc1!man \\'1lliam :-1 i 'lair ~a\'S h". ha~ recri1e11 several 1·nmpl;i1n!~ iiJ')(lllt !hr 'iSyn1hrllC ~rnund r."11 rr 11 llll'h 1 ~ fine ri1:!11 aft er 1l has been 1;u·•111n1M "Bt1t H attracts 1rash rinrt cigaretl i:- hutts lil.e ;:i rnagnet does nails," SI. Clair rharg<'d 1n ;i n1cm nranrlu1n lo Fc.1101~ cn11nl'll111en .111d t~r rlly ~1<1ff. Assi~tant Ci ty tl'lanager frcd Sorsabal rr5pond<'fl by pointin g out !h~ city has dellined to buy any more gra~s until <'S!abl1sh1ng Ju.~t ho\\' 1nuch o/ a problem JI may be to J.:et>p clean. 165 Ne'v Teachers On Schools Staff Ne"·port·;\lcsa ~t:hnols havr 165 new 1f flchets thi~ )'!!Br rimong ;i tot al staff of 1.244. reports Personnel Director Kevin "'httlrr. 1'v.·(l-lhirrls nf the. n,..1\' !e.1chcrs ha1 r prior !earhing experie.nre with all a\'crage among lhe grt"lup of aho ut three ~·cars experience. Thirty ha1·c masters deJlrres. Thr ;J\"fragc :<;h~r1 ini; !ahtry ror the new teachers is $8,222 per year. ;:.;100,000 Plus in Gems Stolen By Two Banclits DENVER (UPI) -!\lore than $100,000 ~·nrlh or gem11 -possibly as much as a hal f·1nillion dolla rs l'o'Orth -were strolen \\"rd nesday by tll'o masked bandi ls "'ho beat and robbed a SJn Francisco d1a · n1ond broker 10 lus li!h noor hotel roon1 . Ch\r;igo policP l11ter 1n lhe rfay arrP~lt>d a ".I OUnded mlfn 11·l1om they dtscrl hed 01s ;; susperl In the c;ii;e Thcv did not iden· llfy h1n1, bv t :-;aid he Y.'8~ Picked up \\'hen hP j!Ol off a t;ni!ed Air Lines plaM from !Jcn1l'r. rJe1:1ded Ill dri ii ourselve~. '"I took child birth preparation cla:-;ses ilnd my husband was my labor coach. \Ve felt 1·ery good about the experience." Asked about her husband "delive ring" lhe child. ~1rs. Schmid said, "'.l'hoever happens Ill lw there, !he husband or midv.·ife , they Cil!Ch lhr b~1by. "He (her hu sband Eve rett) rfirf s 1·ery ('Ommendable. job. \\'e would ha1·e called lhe doctor if wr felt there v.·ere any pro- blem but the labo r continued be:tutlful!y and lhere :<l'em"rl Oil 1ndicalifln anylhing 11as nu t of ordrr :<•1 11·e 11ork ed along ou rsell'e~. "Tl1at's \1'1i a! thr~i> rh1kl ·hirlh classr~ rln for a "'Oman, they allow htr to work v.·ith her body. They keep her from think- ing pain " flf rs. Schmici, 1vho had nn anesthet ic i;airl she \1'a!' out of thr "pain threi;hold'; during the birth and 1'.'as just "working hard," 1.lrs. Schmid ~aid she \.\'a.~ in labo r for about eight hours during v.·hich she did some typing for her h11s band ·s busines.~ and then in the last hour and one half confined herself to bed .. She sai d her othC'r children, La ura, 7 1 ~. Tltark , 411. and Li.~a "\\'ere not th ere right at the rn oment or birth but were there a few seconds alter the baby was born. Thry were \1•ell aware of it and thrilled by lhe expericnc£1." "°1:s. Schmid said ot the planned home birth: "It y.·as strictly a perY)na l rlecis1on J \1·nuldn't neres~a rily recommenrl It for .lny one else."' She sa irl 1t was not linked Lo any religion.~ conl'iclio11. A!'ked if shr pl anned f•i!1ir e J1ome hirths nt the fan11lv 's 2.)()u.square-foot home. Mrs. Schm1rl said !=he anrl her hus- band £el l they now htl\'e the perfect rami· ly. l\\"o ho.vs and fll'll girls. Shr ~a id her h11~band 11 hn i~ 41 ''20! ;il)0\11 10 sears )Oungcr 11hrn 111 1, .,rcrind ~on 11 as born ·· Library Friends Sponsor Book-in Frirnrl~ of rhr rosta ~l<'sa L1 brarv 9.'lll l1nld a "BooK-ln'' Sunday on lhe ·~1e.~a Verde Library lawn, ~lesa Verde Drive and Raker Strrr!, from :l to ~-40 p.m. Entertainment ll'ill he. prol'ided by "The S"·ingin' Dollies and Their Jam· hnrPe Banrl ."' 11 group that perforn1ed al the Oran~!' Cou nty f ;iir. The p\1blic is in.vited, and admls~lon is frf'e . Gue~ts slw11ld bring lhf'lr ov,>n refrf'shment~. a blanket, and any old books that thty \l"0t1ld like lo rlonale to the Used Book S.i le lo be: held in lhe sr ri ng . Friends of lbe L1hrary are requestin~ harrfcover and paprrback book, of all kinds, as v.·el! as copie.'! of National r.e,11lTaph1c-. C'r<>urmtl, S('ienee World and J'opular t-.1echanics magazines. Circus to Play At 1-larbor Center A <·ircu.s \\'l(h a century-old na .,.Or I~ heAd ine lo Costa ~lesa for a one-rlay only stanlf Sunday at the Harbor Shoppin~ f'rnler, Jlarbor Boule1·ard and \li llMtn ~trttt . Prcst>ntrd by the Co~la ~lt'Sa Optimist {'luh. the show v.·ill fe.ah1rr all rhr classic rircus acts -high n•lre. trapcze 8nd clrphants -and performer:-; "·111 be rlrrs~ in cosrumP11 styltd arter lhose \\nrn hy bigtop artl~ts In 1869. rC'rformance ~ Rre srl for t pm., J pm., 5 p.m :ind 7 p nl, Arfn1lsslon 1s $1 flO rl'.>!' childrt<n ;:ind $2.00 for adults. All pr()('e('(!s will be u~ed in ~ Quth '-''Ork . such as the Bo~ s Cluh. Girl s Club. scout troops and Future farmers of America. County to Ban Smog Ruli11!.{ Bitter Blow to Edison Plant By TO~t BARLEY O! n.. Diii~ '11•11 )t•I! ~outhem California Edison Conipany·s pliilrut: for e.tpansio n or ii~ lluntington Brac!l power plant suffered a heavy blow \~"e:dncsday v.·t1en Orange C o u n t y su pervisors called for a ban on con· structlon of all smog-producing power plants. A bitlerly Ueba ted public hearing ended v.•ith th e board voting 4 to J to ask the Public Utilities Con1n1iss1on to ~eC'J.: such ;i s1;it.e\\'ide moratorium on fossi l·burning f;1c·1lilies. Supe r\'lSOr \\'11Jian1 Phillips op- posrd the rnotion of Superv isor David Bskcr. Bu~ the ouleon1e or the board actinn v.·:.s uncertain until the inoment of voting \1 Ith bot.h Superl'iSors Allon Allen and \1."illiam Hirstein visi bly 1va'.'cnng as flaker and Superviso r Robert Batt in pres~ed £or the board 's f1r1n anli·smog l'itand . Phillips' di ssen ting vote de I e a t e d Baker's staled objective of ''presenting a ~oiled stand when \.\'e discuss smog iss ues Oct. :10 v.ith supervisors fron1 uther Southland counties" -a meeting scheduled for Riverside County at wh ich all counties in the Los Angeles smog basin will be represented. Baker's accepted resol utio n c;ills for lhe PUC to seek a "moratoriuni on con· !"-\ruction of all fossi l bu rn ing \srnog·pro- clucing) facilities unti l the slate's Air flc~ourccs Control Board is satisfied that :-;uch construction 1\·ill not pu t poll utants 1n!o the atmosphere." Allen repeatedly asked Baker tn amend his motion to a forn1 that would allo1v ror t''lnscni to the Edison expansion provided Edison officials guaranteed that the con- :::.! ruction would not <1dd to the present levels of pollution. Baker repeatedly re fused to revise the resolution. "\\'c have heard a greal de<tl about ho1'l .1ppllcation of science and technology will :-:olvc our snlog problems and of how they i1 rt: even now being used by Edison, among ot.her utilities, to elim inate this mounting smog n1enace,'' Baker sai d, "Such a rnoralorium as I have pro- posed will provide proof of those effort.'! and "'ill encourage Edison and others to Jaycees' Float Fills City Hall With Trophies 'T'hret new lrophies are gracini; Costa ~le~a City Hal l for an in1·estment 1n the local J;1 ycees' cha pter·~ award·winnln~ p<'irade Ooat commemoral ing three great ~latesmen. Des igned hy Grnl'. Evan s, lhc float !TIOst recently ""'on U1e grand marshar.~ :i"·ard in !:isl wre kend's Santa Ana Centennial celebra1ion. The eilrlier \\'in.~ v.·ere fo r the \\'eslminsler f ounders' Da y relebrntion last summer and th e l!unt'inglon Beach fourth of .July Para!IE". f 1ty Councilm an Geargr /\, 7 uckrr noted in accepting Uie 1roph1rs rro111 thr.. .Ta.rcec delegation that an in1•eslrnenl in !heir float is a solid invcslment in Costa ~l esa 's city image. rnsure that our polluted at 1nosphere is not, at least, contaminated to any greater degree. "The pa il of water is full and it 11•on't hold any more," Baker said, to the ri ngin~ applause of the cro.,..·ded hearing rooni. "The oYerwhelming consens~ of the people of Orange County -as they 'Ye rlemon~trated here today and in the re· c:cnt hearing at Huntington Beach-ls Uial they've bad enough." Baker also urged the board to add tighter controls to Orange County's air pollution ordinance on the lines of stiff anti-smog language recently written into Los Angeles County lav.·s. That motion will be debated by the board Tuesday. \Vitness after Witness followed an Youngsters Get Cl1ance to Head For Hill Country Stand on a box anywhere In Costa Mesa and }'OU can just about see the city limits, hul the Recreation Department is form· i11g a club for youngsters 8 through 14 ll'ilh a hankering for the hill country, The Hike and Explore Program will be gin early ne~l month, v.·ith tramps through ~uch Orange County 11·ilds a11 Irvine Park and Holy Jim Canyon sc heduled. Registration is being taken daily 8 a.m. to :> p.m., until the \Vednesda y t>f'fore Pach hike, in Recreation Department of· fices at 77 Fair Drive, with a $1.~ fee for each trip. Hikers must bring a sack lunch, but :-;oft drlnks will be provided. Girls-only hikes "'ill be to lloly Jim Canyon No'.'. 8 and Irvine Park, Nov. 29, 11·hile boys will gel the same lours on Nov. 15 and Dec. 6, according to officials. ,r .. ' ,, . ,. \ ~\ ,'i\ . ;;;r~ "· 1ti · ·1~,._. ;::_if: GOES TO EASTBLUFF School Princ ipal Hill Edison learn of experts lo t h e microphone \\'cdnesday to lash the com- pany's plans for triphng of the con· troversiaJ Huntington Beach plant. 1\lmost all of them seized <ln the e1·1dtnce provided by \\'illiam Fitchen. the county 's air pollution control officer, as their basis for objection. F'itchtn con· tends that completion of t.he plant is guaranteed to also triple \he now dangerous leYe l of nitrous oxides -some :10 tons a day -lhat is now being hurled into the Huntington Beach sky. And it is highly doubUul, said engineer D. f'. Jeffrey, tha: current attempts by Edison to conta in that output are meeting 11·ith much succes! in the light of recent sampling by him of lhe Huntington Beach fariUty. Th~ Air Pollution Control District tJ;· pert testi!ied that more than 30 ton11 of hazardous nitrous oxides ~·ere being emitted daily by the plant when he ran his tesls. And he stressed thal Edl11on·s promises to cut down that output and contain the f'missions on an even greater level within the next seYen years "were txactly that right now -promises." The most bitter p!"otests at the hearing came fro111 Huntington Beach residents v.·ho live in the shadow of the pov.·er plant. A h(IUSe11.•ife who railed lo iden tify herself told super\'isors of "living near that miserable, rotten plant for 12 ye.us. ''They have been 12 year11 of plants dying, clothes rotting on the line and the house being con taminated with t.he dirt and poison they put out,'' she said. "And then these people (Edison Co.) have the nerve to come here -and lhey 're real S'-'"tet today, aren't they -and ask to build an even biggtr plant." Charles R. \Vright, 9152 Bermuda, told su perviMJrs that his home -situated about 1,000 feet from the power plant - had been repainted three times in !ht four and one-half years t.hat he had been in residence. "\Ve are all \'ictims of this filthy resid ue and noxious pollutants," he said. lie lold of trees and plants throughout th~ area dying, of "spots on autos, doors and patios that 11.·on't "·ash off'' and or clothing being ruined by pollutan\.'i. Hill Na111ed Head Of Neiv Sclwol At Eastbluff ... ,\_li<"hael }!ill. pri ncipal of Nt";li'f'!Orl Heights School fnr the past fi\•e yearr, has been named principal Of t.he new F.asthluff Elementary School now under constn.iction. Hill's new assi gnmrnt is erte<"t 1ve at the rnd of the ~rme~ler. Ff'b. 2. al!hoogh. EastbluH School is being built for open ing next fall . t-:o replacement for H.ill at Newport Hr1ghts School "·as 1mmed iatelv named but the school board earlier uii11 month hired 1.1rs. Betty Kratzle as a principal. . l'llrs: Kratzle, formerly a school prin· c1 pal . Jn '.f'housand Oak~. ten1po rarily is work ing 1n the sc hool district central of- fice on curriculum. SALE for the first time! THIS EXCITING PARTY SET Your choice of simul•ted Oak or Pecan tables in 44 '' or '48 " sizes. Also a wide selection of vi nyli and fabric~ in a variety of colors. PROFESSION•L INTERIOR DESIGNER S Includ in g 5 Pieces, Tabla and 4 Chairi for •.• $489 12 16 HAR80~ BLVD, COSTA t.4ESA , CALIF . 646.0275 I ] " B ir ol ,, " ( L pl " c p • \; a w s " p P' " '!' c M ( h• ,, P' " th m L <• 1 Ix H in ,, fr la w " m se H cc w ra ro n; lh y< fi1 m In ., • • • • ---. -. ---·-~ .. ~ ............ --~---...... -.. -..---.-,--..-----.--. ..................... ---~~· ...... -~-......... -.. -... -.... --·-.-....... ' . . . . ' .-. . ' ' ...... • -· r ' ~· . . ·-l • , .. ' • . • • • :f• J! .. • .. COUN TY'S NEW REGIONA L COURTHOUSE TAKES SHAPE ON LAGUNA NIGUEL SITE ~--------'F~·~'~;~t;~t yL.:a~t..:Alicia and Crown Valley Parkways to be Ready by Christ mas Dow1i the Mission Trail $417 Collected For Hurt Youth MISSION VIEJO-Proceeds from !he recenl dance to raise funds for Donald Bondi, a 1\1iss1on Viejo youth paralyzed in a traffic accident, tota led $417. The funds were collccttd by n1embers o[ the Rancho Viejo \ll'omen·s Club Whl) sponsored the benefi t dance for teenagers at the J\1lssion Vieio Becrcalion Center. 0 Pa1·e11ts t t• f)nr1ce fl.11SSION VIP.JO -P;irents of players in Saddlebnck Valley Junior All American Footba!l League \\'ill recall I.heir off· springs' lotesl dc1nonstralions of athletic prowess \vhi le getting their own exercise on tl1~ dant•e fl oor Sa turday night. TIH' d;:ince, sronsorcd by the league's L;1dics' /lu:-:iliary and npen to parents of pla.vers ::ind tht11· friends, \l'ill toke place :il fl 30 p.nl. 111 Deane S\vin1 and Raquet Cluh_ Ti ckets are S2 50 per couple and all proceeds •Nill go lo tJ1e league, 9 On D orl•' Group LAGUNA N!GUE:L -Charles B. LeBon III, of :!3032 .Beach Club Drive, is a rncn1ber of the Dads' Commi!lee that will host par<.'nts this \v eckend at Stephens College in Colu1nbia, Mo. !!ts daugh!\'r. J o<Jn, is a fre shman thcrP, LeBon 1s prcs 1dt:'nt of Carmel Steel ProdU('lS. Q Oil n ·o1•l:slmp Set LAG UNA NIGUEL -A six-wee k oil p:i1ritin~ workshop 11•il! be presented by the Niguel Art A~sociation beginning 'l't1esday. Oct. 28, fr orn 7;30 tc 10 p.m. in Crown Valley E1P11lentary School. Jnstructor \I ii! be l\lrs. Ora Brimer, ownci of the Hun1111gton Beach Art (i:illery and a nH·1nhcr of the Desert Art CPn t.cr at l-'.:iln1 Springs. Fer inforn1ation on rf'~istration call fl.f r. Lav.Tence J ay at 4~5--1262. O 1•11111111.-i •t 1;'(•1 e S laied LAKE FOHEST -\Vill your pumpkin h~vr. a cavrmnus 1nouth \~·i!!1 jagsed ltrth or vn cr1I fro11n or a sillr grin" \\'hntr\ t•r n111od ~ rn1 \1 ~1111 \ n 11 r p11n1pk1n In c_rc:JIC'. bn11g ytJll!' hr~t 1dr.1 In thf' Lnkr Fnre~! pun1pK1n l'.1rv1ng 1·nntr,.t th 1° V.l'l'krnrL All childri'n in the ~adrllchack V;dl1·v arl' 1nv1l('d In lhe t'\'(•11! 1n frr•n t of 111.r J,·,kr'>h0rc s~iles ron1plrx ad1acrnt 111 t11c r'Qrr;-il The rar11ng 11·iJ1 1:i kr· l)l~H'\' tr·0n1 1 p 111 lo 3 30 p.rn . v.·ith judging al 4 on beth Satu n!:iy anrl Sunt!11y. Eighl prizes \1•ilf be a\\'ardcd rach d:il'. Hundreds of pun1pkuis are \\•ailing for an intcres(1ng f't1cc. Schools Lagu11a, Clemente Court P er sonnel Ready to Move By BARBARA KREIBICH 01 Tiii DIUy P'lllt 51111 \Vilh the new courthouse in the Orange County Regional Civ ic Center at Laguna Niguel scheduled for Dec. 23 completion , plans are under way in Laguna and San Clen1ente for moving existing court fa ci lities and personnel shortly after the first of the year. Fifteen persons, including two judges, deputy clerks and court aides will be in- volved in the move to the. new splil·level building. according to James Harri~. ad· minislrative officer for the Sou th Coast ,Juriici al District which covers the area fr om Laguna Beach to the Sa n Diego County line. -Harris, who will be responsi'ole for set- ting up the three new courtrooms, judges' The judge's chambers and clerks' of· said furniture now is being ordered and it is hoped the move can be accomplished on a weekend without interruption o! court operation. "\Ve're really looking frmvard to the move. It will give us a much more ef- ficient \Vorking arrangement," said Har· ris. fl.Ieanwhile. Laguna Beach city officials are planning the city ta keover of city ball Iacilities now used by the e-0urt. '!'he judge's Lhambers and clerks' of- fice \\'ill be used for police department expansion, housi ng a new communications center and reception desk for the public, with enlry by the door !hat now leads to the collrt office, "A.o, soon as the court leaves," said Ci- ty fl1anager James Wheaton, "our maintenance crew will move in to patch up the offices and give them a coat of pain t." He estimated it would take "a couple of months" to move the police department equip1nent to the new quarters. Day time availability or lhe large coun- cil chamber, now Occupied by the court, also will be welcomed by the city, \Vheaton said. "No specific plans ha ve been made for its use," he said, "but there are many possibilities. It e-0uld be used for daytime meetings of civic groups or for parts of the recreation program and especially for in·service training programs by the police and fire departments, involvi ng projecting training films or conducting classes." The new Laguna Niguel courthouse is the first of three build ings planned for the Orange County Regional Civic Center at the intersection of Alicia and Crown Valley Parkways. In add ition to the court facilities, it wil l house a bui lding and safety off ice , the of- fice of County Marshal Don Rhea, who n0w \\'Orks out of Lag una, a district at· torney's office and a lounge and snackbar for em ployes. The Laguna Niguel Corporation gave the county 31 acres for the new regional civic center. Eventually, an eighl·building complex will be developed cm the site, in· eluding the existing fire station and the new courthouse. Planned for the future, as fu nds are available, are. additionaJ courthouses, a sheriff's sub-station. county library and other county offi ce fa cilities. South for Winter Canada Butterfly in S. Lag una A visi tor from Canada turned up in 11; South Laguna garden Tuesday and soon will 'oe winging his (or her ) way back to Flooding Repairs To Cos t $55,250 \1 LL:iren Conslruclfon Company or T"llcnlflnc.. Calif., has subn1itted the ap- p.it·rnt Joy,• bid of $$5.~20 for repair of fl '1wd dnn1;ige lo Laguna Canyon Road. a D1vi'-J011 •Jf Highways spokesman said in L:l!i Angf·les today. Four !i1rls \1·ere re cC1l'cd for the pro- ject. covering repair work at various poin1 s along a follr·mile stretch of the roadway y,•hich suffeerd washouts and ur.dcnnining in last February's rains., Toronto, after a brief stop in a seCQnd- grade classroom at Aliso School. The visitor. a large and handsome but- terny, landed on a flowering bush in the garden of the Paul Brannan horrie, 30732 Driftwood Drive. and was promptly ca p- tured hy Michael Brennan , a 41'l·year-old who's something of an expert al catching butterflies wilh his bare hands. Admiring the insect. which has a wing· spread of about fi ve in ches. Mrs. Bren- nan spotted a small pa~r tag apparently izlued to one v.·ing. It read, "Send to Zoology, University, Toronto, Canada. No. 568." No. 56fJ will duly be returned to Toron· to, Mrs. Brennan said, but first she plans to take the prize to Aliso school v.·here Michael's siter, Kelley, 7, and her fellow sec;ond graders just happen to be stu· dying butterflies. l, to Borrow Funds Money to Hold Distric t Until Tax Monies Come Rcsolutlons au1horizi~ b or r o "'I n~ $4~.000 fron1 Lhc district fu nd and $100,ooO from the banks to meet expense.~ until tax funds are available in December 1vcrc adnp!ed by Laguna Beach school tru stees Tuesday night. The borrowing is not unusual and was a necess11 ry move the last three. years con- scculivcly, Business Manager Edwin Jf ind said. The building fund money was set aside In a previous bond issue so the board eould bl1y sc hool properly as it sees ht v.·~en good opportunilies appear. Ac- cording to law U1e money must be repaid within the fiscal year. Hi nd said he didn't know what in terest rate would be necessary in order to bor. row !he $1 00,000 from a bank . "This resolution mrrely enables us to au1hnri7.e the county counsel !o solicit funds. Last ye:ir we paid 31 ~ percent. This year r figure it will be over four percen t and maybe fi ve percent." In other business. Lagun;;i trustees: -Approved an applic<1 t1on for $121,345 In (ede ral fun<ls to e~tab!ish an ex· emplary library projecl ln Laguna Beach l fi gh School and agreed to pay Dr, llcrberl Miller. acting head of the depart. 1nent of technology at University of Snulhem California $300 plus expenses for three days work acting as a con- sultant in preparing the application. This will be the third time the di strict has applied for funds available under the Elementary .and Secondary Education Act. The applications were deni ed previously. however Dr. Willi am Ullom, district superinte ndent, was optimistic. He said Dr, Miller's application voas more on the offensive rather th an dt>fensive in justification for the funds, other tha n pas t appllcation11. If th e funds are approved the distri ct WC'uld ad d $1 5,000 and purchase more than 8,000 needed new books, furni ture a'ld audio visual equipments. -Complied with a wish expressed by the Classified Employes' As.socl alion and took no action on a propoSed change in the classified handbook regarding promotion or reclassification. -Adopted .a resolution which m11kes both Monday, Nov. 10 and Tuesday, Nov. 11 a school holiday for students and ?ltonday, Nov. 10 a holiday fo r emp\oyes, leaving Tuesday, Nov, 11 a date for In- .service training. Prevously the calendar called for all teachers t() come for in· service training on Monday and gave them the Veterans Day holiday on Tue~ day. The change makes a Lhree-day wee kend possible for teachers. -Turned down the only bid, which was $81,874, twice the engineers estimate, for correction of bank erDllion and repair of drainage devices at Top o( the World School and Thur11ton Intermediate School. Dr. Ullom said the e.ngineer who gave the estimate has promised to "huslle more contractors into submitting bids," 11nd said he th inks the. district can with· l'iland more rain wilhout heavy damage. The district will re.advertise the jo'o, de- Jeling from its description the cleaning of terrace drains-one project they felt they should attend to immediately. -Adopted a job description and pro- cedures for selection of a new business manager ta repla ce Edwin Hind who is retiring after 20 years of. sen-ice and agreed to hire three con!ltlltant11 on a screening committee to review an appli· cants fill' his position. They will be' paid $100 per day for service3 nqt to excetd two days. DAILY PJLOT ." Laguna Fund Lags Community Chest operation in Laguna Beach, the annual fund drive is lugging so badly official!'! fear the goal nlay nol be reached. The campaign slarted out on a hopeful note, with advance gifls exceeding those rectived in prev ious years and it was believed the $57,000 goal could easily be exceeded by the end of lhe month·!ong drive. But by the third week of October, dona- tions amount to just $27 ,873 -short of the halfway mark. Chest president Albert Eccles Jr. ·said, .. 'l'ht 50 per cent mark usually is reached within the first 10 days of the Chest cam- paign. Laguna invaria'oly has exceeded its goal. "Last year, the goal wa s $51.000 anrl we received $56 ,000. This yea r, wllh only a $1,000 increase to met't a 1ntrt'h grcS1t>r need, we apparently will have. to rn:ike a much greater effort, even lo altaiu the Onassis Accid ent He port '~li s la kcn' NE\V YORK (UPI) -New York Pohce early today reported an auto accident in. volvi ng fl..lr. and fl..lrs. Aristotle Onassis at 52nd Street and Madison Al'enue . They later said it -w:is a n1 istake -the accident involved a cab and a car dri vr11 hy "son1e other guy with a Greek nan1c that sounded like Onassis." goal." 'M1e Community Chest supports 14 routh and welfare agencies, \\'Jth funds cotJcded going directly into their operating funds for ma int enance of need· t r! community programs. Jn Laguna, where nine volunteers work w·t'1 three local officers lo serve the Ches t throughout the year. Jess than five per eent of the. total donation is needed for canipai"n exnense.~, a much lower ratio t.han attained by n1any fund·raisl ng <igt:'ntit>s. Residents who ha ve not yet contributed to Ille J9fl!l Chest driv~ were urged to n1:il l their donations to Box 362, Laguna Bc:1ch, or lt'11ve thetn at the Chest office, 228 Fore~t Ave . LIKE IT .•• CHARGE IT! • • • . • • • ... Bulbs and hibiscus for color, trees and planting needs, too! Plant anemone bulbs now for riotous color when spring arrives! 10 for 49• Anemon es ••• the single or dou- ble variety ••• are a favor ite bulb fo r gardens because cf the colorful po ppy-li ke long stemmed blooms they produce. ' Tulip bulbs to pl1nt for 1t1t11ly bloom1I Red Empl'lro r vori e!y for lroditionol spring btallfy ond brilllont color. Pl(!nl now. 10 for 77c J(i"g Alfr11d D1ffodil bulb s, •• jumbo 1iz11d 'Hove lorge, buf!t'!r yellow daffodilt for early lpring col or in your flower garden. 25c each King Alfred D1 ffodil bulbt ..• regul1 r sited .. 10 for 91c Hyacinth bulbs for fr1gr1nt spring blooms Jon Bos, Kin g of the 8lue1 ond l'lnnocence varieties ..• be!l lhoped flower~ in 'pikeL 5 for 79c Jumbo hyacinth bulbs ··-·--............. ·····-·--5 for 19c Vigorous hibiscus pl1nt1 In many vari•tl•• f oll growing, lhese produc11 brilliant bloom1 and haw glossy, green foliage. ··---·-.. ·······--·-5 gal. liz• 3.29 Drac11n1 p1lm.-for rich, gr&e n foliage ••• Sword·like foliage •• , e11cel1enl for •pots wher• a tall nar~ row plant 1, called for. _ _. -1 gal. size nc Birch, weeping willow, purple le1f plum, or euc•lyptus trees. S gal. 1i1e. 3.99 Kellogg's Gromulch• 2 cu. ft. bag 1.98 KeHog9'1 Nltr<>lfum,,... 50 lb. bag 1.39 Kell"llg's Top~ top drouing ••• 3 cu. ft. bag 1.98 NEWPORT BEACH I ' . . . . . .. ' ' ~ ........... , .... ~.~--~ ... 4 OAILV mor • Arabs Invade Lebanon; Israel Braces " •• Pigeon raci ng is :;uch a tradition among coal n1lners that the failure to include pigeon Joh.s in a ne\V hou~ing development for ntlners at Bedworth, England has become a national issue. At the 1non1ent the fight between the mfners and the housing developers has gone to the head of Britain's nationalized coal companies, Lord Robens, \\'ho has so far refused their demands. The r housi ng developers have told the miners if they want pigeons to keep them in their yards, but the miners sa id this \11ouid take the sociability out o( the sporL 0 ._....,..........,_.....----~.--~--F~;l~c Sout/Jside ;apt;;t-Churclt·-, 1 \1 in Birminuhc1111, A.In. Jia s posted h ! this sign 1n !ls parking lol: _ "_li·n· ! autliori~c<.L car~ wilt be sr,znted l1j !· away at Ot£111er s expense. i . ~.~-··=·-.::..... .. • The University of lfawaii Board of Regents approved a li st o_!. 278 students deserving free tuition . Those on the list \vere deemed "y.•ell qualified or in need ~f fin_an- cial a ssislance" by the university. One of those \Vh ose tuition was \\'aived \1•as Shirley Au, \vho last year was divorced fr om Ho~o~ulu oilman Wendell Phillips. Ph1lhps, reputed to be worth $120 million at the time of their divorce. agreed to pay r-.·liss Au $660 a m orrth alITT.i~ny and up to Sl,100 a year for tu1t1on if she \\•ent to college and did not remarry. Miss Au is a freshman. • Graham Kane pleaded guilty to obstructing t raffic by running out into a London street stark naked and grunting like an ape. • Col. fra11k Borman dotJs space fa· .~l1ion as Russian Cosn1ona ut li1aj. Gen. r.eorgi Be reQOL'OY watches. Tht' hel· met is the one Borman tiiorc during th!! Apo!lo flight last ueor. Cosmo· nn rirs plonne(L to lJisi t U1e Astra· r!o111 e whi/.e in J/ousr ou. • Jockey Allen K. Young and Lau ra F ae Walton will be married on horseback Saturdav at the P ocono OO\\"nS finish line. Mary Bacon, the nation·s leading \\'oman jockey, \\'ill .s erve as matron of honor. Fans at the \\'i\kes-Barre. Pa. track have been invited to a po~t nuptial party \\"here a follr-t 1er. RO- r ound \vedding cake ,,.ill be served. 0 F"or the f1ri;t time in Italy a jury hai; a female n1ajor1ty. Four •vo- 1nen and t1,·o men ,,·crf' cho~cn for a 1nurder tri;:il in the rvt ilan court of Assizes. An old Ja\v requirini:r male majorities on 1njurie.~ has been declared unconstituuonal. Record By Ualted Presa l.aten1eUooal A force of &flO Arab guerrillas invaded Lebanon from Syria at three points today and kidnaped 20 Lebanese. army soldiers be.fore they \\'ere driven b;ick with tanks and rockel.!I. Anti-Lebanon demoo- strations broke out in Damascus and Amman where a Lebanese Jlag was burnetJ. Nixon Asks 300 Merchant Marine Ships \VASHIN GTON IA P l -President Nix- on su mmoned Congress today to help ba il the U.S. merchant marine out of trouble with a IG-ytar progran1 to build 300 new vessels, Nixon placed no price tag on the pr:>- gram In a message to Senate and House. But some esti mates have put the cost at more than $4 billion. "We should make it possible," Nixon said, "'for industry to build more ships 01'er the next 10 years, moving from the present subsidy level of abaut 10 ships a year to a new level of 30 ships a year." The goven1ment now subsidizes up to 55 percent of the cost of building a merchant ship, and Niiton proposed low- ering this to 45 percent al the outset and tapering il down to 35 percent. Operating liubsidies, to htlp make up the difference in co.st between American and foreign vessels the latter operating with lower wage and other ex· penses -would be continued hut on a revised basis. The government s!i ll would put up enough lo meet higher wage and insurance costs or Ameriran shipping lines but subsidies for maintenance.. repa.Jr and subsistence would be v.·iped out. U.S. War Deaths Stay Below 100 SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. headquarters said today 78 Gls died in Vietnam combat la!'it \\'eek, the same number slain in fighting during all or 1963 before the Amer ican buildup began. It \\·as lhe fourth successh•e ""eek that the battle lull harl kept U.S. dl!!aths below the 100 mark, a level ne~·er broken last year. Not si nce ~cember of 1967 has the dl!!ath rate bet:n I.his low. Another 684 Americans were wounded last v.·eek, 299 of them seriously enough lo require bospit.aliz.ation. Fi&htifli alao broke out in a Palestine refugee camp outside Beirut between rehigee:s and Lebanese security forces and there were antigovernment and anti- American demonstrations in the cit~ of Lebanon. A bomb exploded harmlusly near the U.S. EmbaJsy. The crisis in the Arab world over Lebanon's efforts to hall guerrilla attacks WINS NOBEL PRIZE Playwright Samuel Beckett Samuel Beckett Aivarded Nobel For Literature STOCKHOLr-.l. Sweden (AP) -Samuel Beckett, the Irish-born playwright of the absurd, was declared the \vlnnrr of the 1969 Nobel Prize for literature today. The Swedish Academy said the 63·year- o\d author who has live<l for vr;irs in France and wrote in both Eng.Hsh and French was av.·arded the $72,800 prize for "his writing v.·hich. in new forms for the novel and drama, acquires it,.; elevation from the destitution of modern man." Among his most popular plays put on in the United States v.·ere "V.'aiting for Godot" and .. Endgame." In the latter the characters played 1heir roles sitting Jn lrasll cans. Beckett v.·as considered a dark horse this year, v.·hi!e 1hc French·language fa vorites before the av.'ard included Andre Malraux, novelist Claude Simon, playwright Eugene Ionesco. novelist Vladimar Nabol!ov and Leopold Senghor, the president-poet of Senegal in Africa. Administration, NAACP Clash in Key Court Case From \Vire Services \VAS!i!NGTON -The Nixon admini- stration, arguini;: today what cou ld be one of the n1ost important Su preme Court casrs in recent years. say!'i, "it is simpl y unreal to talk about in~tantaneou~ clest.gregallun.. ol southern public schools. Negr()('!> arp asking for a '"dc.~\"'j:lrrE1a tion now'' order to apply al! across lhe :-0ulh 1\nrl fr.r the. first time since the hii;ih court"s landmark 19~~ ruling. the t,; S. governn1enl is not by tl1eir side. b11t iL teamed up with southern school boardi;. A~~t. Ally. Cen. Jerri! LeonArd, the ad- m1n1s1.r 11tion ·s chief civil rights lawyer, presented lhe go\•ernmenr.s arguments. L'-onard had :-aid 'Vednesday that ap- prehension of "hostile community reac- tion" aside, it takes some time lo ac- complish desegregation. 'Vnrkable plans have to be perfected b~ local and fedeTal education officials. he said in an advance memorandum , and '450 school system.~ In nine southern stales are still without desegreg<1 tion p!aM . Leonard defended an August order or the U.S. Court of Appeals in New Orleans delaying integration in 33 Mississippi school districts. The administration had counseled delay, prodllcing tht' first fis· su rt's in V.'hal had been a solid partner. ship \~ilh the civil rights movemenl. Allied v.·ith the NAACP ~gal ~fen~C' anr! Educational f und in the case is 'The !.;111 yers· Committ~ for Civlj Rights l ndrr Law. a group of private lawyer.~ lhnt includes John Doar, Leonard'!'i pre- rleces.sor. The Lawyers ha\·e volunteered lo help irnplement any i;weping desegre- galion niling. The fund. \\·bile directing some biller words at the ;.idministration, asked the Supreme Court lo order immediate im- plementation of pf ans !he U S. Office of Education had submitted for the ?.1 i.ssis- sippi schools but later '>''ilhdrew. Cold Hits East Buffalo's High of 35 Lowest Ever Recorded Calllornl• SOUT"°!ll"f (A,LIFOl'IN IA -Lt"' ~1ou11 from to11t lnl1nd •o lower r~•"•I •I-• o! !ht "'oun•11nt In "'9~1 •M m11rnln1 holl<1 bu• 0rn1,..,,., "'~•!I• !olr Thu"~•Y ~no ~dO•~. !l•tM•1 wt rm•• a1vs In "'°"nto1n1 •rod llfH<h. LO~ AMGELES .O.l!EA-toN cltva• I r>l1 ltET•-d•El ... OIN NU~ N Ul'N '" lt!t nlor>I 1'1d H rl• mern<n9 ""'"• bul l'l'Ottlv ounny in !llt mn<nl"tl •...t 11!1.,•oont l 1Wr1d•v •nd F•ldov. Low Tlluri.o.r nltht 60. Hlfll fltu, .. ,, •• 7J, POINT CONCEPltO•I TO ME~ 1(.1.,_. ao•ot•-L1t1111 wul•"t .... 1"'" '" "I'"' Ind ........ ,.,. 11..,.. bKo ... lnt IOUlltwlll lo .... 1 10 lo II •no11 '" 11t1r11oont T11Yrlo01r •nd Ftill••-Low c!oc.1111 111 nl"'I f ll(I rnorhin11 bfCO"'· Int "'°"''" I•!• Jn ttltr""""' bolll .-.vi. Llltt. lrtm<><l!ttlurrt c:llt nrto. C04STAL VALLI YS -ltlt nlt hl c ... t.i Temper•tNre• ""''"'"'""""' A"'i:llortl t ""'"'' ••ktrilltkl •1 ...... tk '"" .... ~ •-•Yl!!I CM~ (h•c:ln.,.H """~' 0.t MOIM1 Otl ... 11 P't lr .. 11U "'''"° Htlt,.. 1(111t•I Cl!y L11 VeMI LM Antotln Ml-! M lllllNMl!t "419'1 Ltw l'!"fl. JJ 37 1.1• ., " " n .. " " " " " " " ·" " • " " " " " • .. " • " " " • .. .. " " .. " " " •• " ,, •M """' ,,,...nlftll 1-c1ova1 btc ...... ... """"" In 1•"' ,,,..nt"'' """ tllt•· rteonf T ....... _,, '"" Frida•. Ll!!lt ,,..._,Ill,.. C'-"N. l o""' Tllur1c:1•• nl91tt • te; •· Hl11tf Tlltirt.c:lt r 111 10 " INTC.ltMl!OIA TE VALLEY~ -ltlf (ltlJllY 1111111 -· ll•t 111,.,.y. Llll'll Y•rl1•11 wlndt nlePtl I M mornl,.. l'IO\ln bl(:oml.,. wt1t...IY It 10 11 ~Ml• In ,,.., ........ toOay •nd Frl•1v. Hltfl toay, 10. v.s. s ............ c.1• wtl'Cll tr1n1"'1f'd ut An:llc 11r !Niii dH ll l"IO !ht nftlof!'I !owll•• lt!IO 1oOav, dtPOtlHnt lloM ...ow nu,.. rltt tn '"' ltt llde ol l~t Cir.el Lelo;tt N .. Orle1111 Ntw Yort Nerlll "1•11• 01kllt'lll ott11WN C1t1 ~ " .. " ., .. " " " " " •• -'' nlplll •l'>d MrlY mornlllf lot Of low (loJdl ~""' "'""' If\ "" ""°""" l1tt11 .... ,,.,..._ ,,,., .... ., •"" F•'-l'f, L"''' ~ In 11,,,_llw•t. l ...... Tillv ..... Y nltftt O·U. Hl9h1 TllvrldfT 1<1 f9 IO. MOUNT AIN ,t."li,t.~ -Mo"IW !•I• 'rlltirt<h>r •'WI F ddlY bu! t t rlr '?'o•n· '"' ~ 1!on• lo"''' co.1111 11011t1. SrttMly w1rmoor ll•Yt. tN,fltlOllll AN O OESEllT •ECl!OflS -Mfl1t!Y l1lr fllu•llltY • ..., l'rlcl•Y L•w lemHr•!v"' T~u•loO•r n.tfll fn J6I °"""'" "•llt r. H·G v-r v1!ln • l rM 4'·'4 l(lwtr Yt llt vo $11tll!IV ""I""" •• d•v1. Hl1111 ll'>li•i.d•r ,, • ., .,,..,., •lllllYI Ind ~.ofO low1r Vl lllrt- Co.1111 l-•l1trt1 ,,.,..,. trom 60 1111 n. lnlt 'lll ,..., .. ,1ivr. ·•- w11 from JI '9 14. Wt tw ~r1tvr1 ~. SN11, Moon. Tld~• T"UltSOAY ~1r11 ,.1,~ .. 1 )i "'" '' •<JI IOW ., •.• lO o ... 0 1 5~•""' "'•~ ............. • n " .... '·' 5ect"" lgw , .,... . ..•• J Jt ... m. 6.1 1~" •1,.t 7 II • m. '"" i 4? ""'· ~ •t1Mt J;U ~·IT'· Stl• ! It'·"'· • In '"-Et !!. 1111..,. !Mt.,.rllu,.s WM1ntld1y r>l•M tl\ll 11rl1 le!llY - doJC'11 rtcord l(!W ''"'""'U,.I. At (lln1n1 ... I01"1, N.Y .•• 2'·'"''" '""' I"' -U•I... ll'M nlt hl hr~t lht Gld l"l'lfk ol 10 11t1~Tl11'1fi1 In !'1$ 9 uUalo. N.Y . l'>rlltt '"' old tt<Ot(f "' 11 l'I If.ii) tor thi1 d••t with 1 77 •1-.jlnt . 9 ul!•IO'I r>it r> n• ~I "''' '"' l""'tll tVtf ,,,.. lhll Oott. ollm lno!lnt lht at tt'I In INT. ~·01! Wl ••lntJ wt•t PO•'•d l~r "''" ol llllr111o1, lnd11n1. Motr>lt•"· Ohio. Ntw Jt11ty tM $0\o!h Ct•ollne. °"""" "''"' S.rl.,.1 ,.,,. "''"''' Pl'Otnl~ .. 1r1o11u .. ~ POl"t1111" 111.t•lll (l!t """ a!un "~"0 !l1cr~"''"'O lort Lt•t Clly "" 011191 !It" , 'l lKllCO 5~0!'1• !nOl<•o• Tll••mol W1s~•n9ron " .. .. ,, .. " " ,, " " .. • " " " .. • " • • " • .. .. " " " " " .. .. " ,. ... •• derscored by the event. ln H&if1. qainlt Israel mOtJnted steadily despite reported Libyan effort.!I to mediate. A aeries of guen111a attacks in Haifa, Jsrae.I, wh1ch destroyed five apartment· boule! brouiht a new crisis in Israel. Aa l&raeli plana bombed and strafed Arab guerrllla baJa in Jordan and hit Egyptian artillery positions, Israeli Prtrftier Golda Meir called Jn Defense Minlsler Moshe Dayan and .several other cabinet mlnUlters in Jerusalem t.o discus.s the Haifa bombings. Informed political sources speculated thal strong Israeli punitive acUon mlght be in the offing. The meeting was not of- ficially cla.!!ified an "emergency" cabinet meeting since all member11 we.re not present, but the urgency was un- The bombs destroyed a d o i t n apartments and IUlled two pt:rlOftS In t..-.·o days. Haifa Mayor MoMe Flttmtn .an- nounced formation of a clvll defense e«p.s to check every building in the city of 209,000. All schools were tnapecled be.fore 11.udents were allowed to tat.tr them. • ~' j ~" : \ ., '·i .• '( . ; ' ' ' 4 DAYS ONLY! SAVE 31.00 ON ~-TWO-PANT SUIT 119.00 reg.150.00 You can se~tt from over 300 suits in our 11~!11 sine~ DI Miclllels Stem two-pant suits. Fine wool lblrksldns In both solids and subUe plaids. Clloes& fiom bl111s, arays and llch llN1. 1$ 1l!l!Ular, short, Jong and extra Ian£ 1bls Is an excell111t opportunity to save on these fine qualib' llllU. S10ll for 1111 BufJiims· ....,_, •l P"1sfll°" b l1lll Htw?iort C.~tl!:r • &44·2200 • Mon.,'Thura.,f1f. 10:00 till ':30 Dlhtf 0.)'l lO:tlO lln !:st '• • '· ' l • .. .· ,usu .. -:-- ,-,, • 'I ca .:: . . . . nbll Y PILOT S No Space Station Yet " Soviet Failure May Send Efforts Back to Unmanned lv10SCOW (AP) -The ' failure of Soviet cosmonau ts to put togeU1er a space stat.ion on the three-shi p flight J11st .... ·eek could result in a shift of t>mphasis back to unrnanhed fl ights. A mori!. fa vorable altitude more manned flights cou!d prefer to retreat to the erl, the cosmonaut plays an identified only as a "leadl!1g "\Velding In space hold:!! tow:ird rnanned fli ghts started have been expected in the forn)er, safer position. This exlrrn1ely great role. In the specialist," declared: "'l'he great promise," he said. to show after the successful near future. \vith perhaps cou ld rnenn a long reapprais;i l forn)ula man·m'1chine, the building of orbital stations is "Some people believe now that flight of Soyuz 3 last October launchings to l he moon or before any more manned n1achine is merrly an object the central problem of cos-it will be possible to bulld and Lhe llnkup of Soyuz 4 and 5 plants from an orbiting plat· fllghts. to be controlled .'' monautlrs t 0 day . El· in JanuaMI. forrn. t"alecceslri,J laboratocl•* will various objects in space, ·• In one Interview, the unlden-BF.ST RESUL'fS ' """ bit th · h th ·r1t AGIC SETBACK The Soviet le:idcrs seemed "EPT SECRET d I d have to be first built on earth, assem ng em wit e use . ,.. lified chief esign<•r o r Another u n id c n t f I e I· · b k b reassured of the sa[ely ol !'ow se,·oous the trouble was h' 'd "N 1 s · · 1 k · then di smantled and taken into of automation alone. But it ls stave off a return to the policy uf extreme caution t h a t followed the Soyuz l crash in April 1007 in which a cos- n1ona:.:l was killed. 'f i1s tragic set a.r . o . ~ • spaces 1ps sa1 : o ma ter c1ent1st v: 11) loo part in . 1 1 k h K 1. n1anned fllghts and once agoin will be kept secret. Possibly it how perfect automalic equip· developing the Soyu z control orbit and lilted together Into a not like that. I believe that the The lack of any spectaculn r .ac:hie\•en1ent by I h e seven i::pacemrn seen1s to h:ive put !he proponent:-of rn il nned fllghts on the defensive. They talk as 1! they ar•! trying lo \'lOLIS Y 5 100 1 e rem 111 confident that tl1eir s11acc pro· was minor and will not Tnefll is and how high the level system said: ··The best result! single v.·hole." assembly of various con • badly and m11de it extremely gram could hold ils own in significantly slow down the of automation, it is the man arc yielded by a reasonable The chief designer endorsed structlons will be mechanized leery of manned flights. 'fhe direct competition \l'ilh the n1anned program. But if it whose decisioll:!!I are most im· C'ombination of m.'.ln th e this empha!llzlng the Im· to the ulmost, but manual Soviet press toak Lo extolling U.S. effort. was serious and the Kremlin's portant. In the conditions of resea.rchrr 311 d automatic portanec of welding In space, work will still be needed. unmanned flights, saying they If the Soyui troika had pro--o!d worries have revived, the flight, especially when various eqlliprnent." tried for the first time in Welding is just this type of d duced a big leap forward, Soviet leaders could well operations are bein" perform· Another space authority, Soyui 6. work." were just as useful as manne J------'---'------------------'.------~·c:.. _____ .c__ __ :__ ___ ;___:c _ _:c_ ____________________ _ Pilots 'Vatch For ~wau Flock missions in obtaining scientific information and preferable beeause no risk of human life was involved. The de~mphasis of the cos· 1nonaut program took some of 1.tore. tl•an 50.000 whistling the sting from comparisons swan~ begin their snu!lu·rly with 11·hat the United St11tes flight froni norther n Cilna.da was accomP!ishing \Yith men in space during this period. \YASHINGTON tt.:PI) !he J;ist 1,1.•cck in OcLobrr, ond --'----"--'----I the Feder.'ll Av i a I 1 on------------.! Administrntion \1·a nts pilots to BOAT BUFFS look Olll for t.hc·ni. The FAA Almon lock•bev ;, the cnlv said an 18 to 25 pound swan full-l>me bo1tin9 1ditor workino;i . . • . . en any n1w1paper in Or1n91 co!hding \\'l\h a Jetliner could County. Hia iiclu1i>"1 cov1r•tJ1 trlgger a traged.v . The whist). cf bo&l ing •11d v1chti119 n1w1 ing swans fly in furm:1t ions up, ;, & d&il1 l11ture cf the DAILY to 150 niilcs an hour anct l PILO T. sometin1es 10,000 feel high. ----------'! ... \All:'CTf'I ll:'C I • .,_,ARDWAHI: 1 1014 IRVINE AVE. N[WPORl B[ACH 6411133 IUN-otl SlOUlt ~ tuDt:-OVT nmuu 9U9ll &iftl rJSf X"Ctt\ ID frafts, ~ ... tlzn .. nr.--lef. ll .!111 1119" $2.fl 1r t>nnr-11r1. S4.:19 lllOW SJ.JI 14• tlrnlr-llei. M.6ll llCIW A .II 1r ~--'491 an p.11 )g ..... ~e'IO T !"' w11ft I.""'~ --ii&. ~ •• µA FOR ALL YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS WATER HEATERS • REPUBLIC "GEMINI" 20 Gal. • • $42.88 30 Gal. • • $44.88 40 Gal. • • $49.88 50 Gal. • • $64.88 Th;, qu•li tv 911•r1nl1td gf1 n lin1d w1ltr ll11l1r ;, 1q 11i pp1d with 11f1ty i1mp. 11 r1'!11lr1d bv l1w, We have stmt d1y in1!1ll •lion 1v•il1b!e, if you wi1~. All norm1I in1t1lletio" p~rh On~lud1d. C 1ll bv noo11 -in •l1ll !~ti d4y. Alic 1me1gtn• cy in1t11 ll11lio n 11v1 il1bl1, All work dent \:.y m 1 1• 111 plurrib1•1. INSTALLATION AVAILABLE GARBAGE-DISPOSALS IN°SINK 0 ERATOR MODEL NO. 333 s3195 REG. $59.95 OUR PRICE ........ .. Model)))-I Yr G111r1n+11 MODEL NO. 555 $4688 REG. $69.95 OUR PRICE ....... , .. Mcd1I 555 -l Yr. G111r1n!11 MODEL NO. 77 s5495 REG. $79.95 OUR PRICE ......... . Modt l 77 -5 Yr. 6 u111n!1• INSTALLATION AVAILABLE e Topper Doby C..tcha Ball 1294 AnToppc1 T.,,• """"' ...... Darliac Doby Cbeerfal Toarfal J99 ..... Drinb -- M.•lel'• Baby Sing• Sonc 999 M•chine 189-i 811ilt-it11iu:,. draw-er . HenyDurr ri!OfOf". """' OPEN SUNDAYS. All M'.ncl Toys •t ""'"' Prices •• Remeo'e DaUh Kitchea 696 Crank oot All l.emo9 play.doh Toy-1 tt: figures in ,,,_ .!eta.ii. Pticu Sears M-ltel'• Daneeriao Doll 1494 All """1 Ta'"' "'""" """ Fan! Man: K...,. Ku- 12~ AllMG T°"u i-.. Frias Sa per I Ideal'• Zero id Roboto 396 AH Lied• T°"" "'-.......... Maleh- Bos Motol'o Woy 1661 ... """" wid! 14 '"'"' _., For Your Shopping Convenience ••• STARTING NOVEMBER 2,d All Fi.\hrr Pr1ccToy1 t r In~st Pri(« ( r' Y Prtl'"" 1n ·t own' J.oWt'" 1 Mane) Twist Waist B1rbie-3.S4 Electric NFL Footbal1 11.94 Milton Bradley Batlleebip __ 3,56 Sen bbl .39 Tiny Tonka Dozer. Be Tonka Dune Bug~. Reft_3.54 Hed!lrom IO"'Tricycl 6 ,97 Playskool Tyke Plane 11.44 I l'rH•"-111 J 1,.,.,n' I .""' ... 1 O'o Tonko Mi&htJ Mobile Sbo .. L7.9' MoonWqo ·.9, Matchbo1: Can 44c Paco Stic .66 Mauel Swingy DoIJ .J 2.94 Kenner Spirograph . 2. 78 Parker Brothen Monopoly_s.u Tin Mon Roba 0.96 G.T. Scooter. 7 .M -----------------------------------------------~--• ..... tAI'( TA 8·4400, 521-4$30 • MONT( GI J..JPll IOHG NACM Hf 5.0121 rClMONA fD 2-11 45, NA '·3161, YU Ul'' nco wr 1-4262 .SOUTM CO.UT l\AlA $4~333' CAHOOA '* 3•0·0661 OWCIJ.lt CH ,.1oo.c. a '-'61 1 OlTwic a $Oto AN a.5211 SANTA MLl 11 7-3271 TOllN«t 542.1~11 I I ......... '·""· "' ,.,,.. """""""'"'° '"'" "'""'' .,,.,,.. I J WOA ~_,.. ..... " ..... .,PO, ...... --I _CO't'HA.,~11 N;t!'NOOCIOl .. 2521 P.UAOlNA.681-321 1,3.51-.421 1 Sears &liHTAMOMCAIX4-6711 ~"''·''I' • ,________________________ -----~--------------' ~sca1i1fac1ionGvarante1d rir Your Mon11Back" _ _..._.. Shop 6 Nlahll Monday dnu9h SalvnloJ 9:30 Jl..M. hi 9:30 p .M. ·--~-----------------------------·--...... -------------------:-----=--~.~--~-~~::;:.-~------:-::.-..... ' ... ' .. ' .. • • • DAILY PiLOT EDITORIAL PAGE Salt Creek Solution? If the county is seriously seeking a way to provide some public access to Sa.lt Creek Beach . the stop-gap proposal put forth by Ca p1s_trano B.ay Park .an~ Recrea- tion District opens son1e 111terest1ng poss1b1lit1es that merit prompl and serious study. The district su"gested that a \Va)k\vay easen1ent be acquired froni the ~nd of the existing Dana Strand Road some 600 feel dov,'n to the \\'ater. 'fhc plan is n1odest -providing: literally nothing n1 ore 'lhan street-end acces:., \\ 1thoul a rea for parking or restrooins. '!'he \ralk\vay \vou ld have to descend a high bluff to reach th e writer. !Jut this also is the case at beaches s uch as Little Corona in Corona de! Mar and other much l!sed areas to the south. Surfers -the main users of the Salt Creek Beach through the years -could function \Vith that lin1ited access. This \\'Otil cl replace the opportunity for public ac- res:-to tl1f·' "'~1t cr 111 the S<ilt Creek area that \Vas lost \vhen the Board of Su per visors abandoned the county's remaining Salt Creek Road f!asement to the owner of t he property surrounding the casement, Laguna Niguel Corporation. But if the county accepts the idea that a public beach in thnl area \\-ou!d be desirable, the access pro- posal opens the \vay to greater possibilities. tion or negotiation. And there is still some undevelop. ed or partially developed land in that area. ·r11e prospect of being able to produce a significant public beach facility in the Salt Creek area \Vithtn the limits of its modest beach acquisition budget a nd witn the least taking of developed land should be carefully explored by the county. Finch Acted Wisely The great American urge to have its sweets without fat-producing calories took a hard jolt over last week- end. Laboratory reports on the potential for .harm - cancer, no Jess -to humans in the continued u se of cyclamates i n "lo\v cal'' foods and beverages c;:aused Health, Education and \Velfare Secretary Robert Finch to order all beverages containing the artificial sweet- ener off 'lht market by Jan. 1, and foods a month later. l t's not an emergency. Cyclamates taken in mod- erate amounts may not be harmful to humans; no evidence has so far been developed to the contrary. But F'inch is wisely applying the Jaw in protecting the con· sumer from potential har.:n • "'1 --"""' ~ ~b_ 1 _""4 The access road\vay \Voul d pass roughly along the boundary line bet\veen l\l'O land O\vnerships. So pre- .c;un1ably any land taken 'there by tlle county -both beach Jan<! <lnd uplands -could be \vorked out to do the least possible dan1age to development plans of the O\Vner.c;. This should mean less cost to the county for any damages figured into land prices in a condemna- \•Vhat may be in order no\v is the same intensive laboratory s~udy of saccharin and the other sugar .sub- stitutes as was given the family of cyclamates. "8EL1Evt N!, fOtk5, If~ WGRl<IN&. HEAR THE HISSJN~ Of HOT AtR?'' Housing Lags Far Behind Need One of Lhe strange new sights that iprang up to greet us this sun1mer . along a road near our ho11se in the country, was a ro\V or "pcrn1anent" trailers set on con· ('rete bloc ks. Thc.i;e farn1lies. apparenll.v despairing f1f f'\'rr bC'ing ;:iblc lo afford a con- ,·entional house, had simply bought large '"111obile homes" and 1n1rnobilized them on small tracts of land . Vpnn inquiry, I iou.nd this wa~ an increasingly popular <lcvice for the less affluent. This condition bespeaks not so much the indigence cif thcStl families -[or, ob- \'[011sl~·. they are not among the \'ery poorest -as the appalling backwardness of our whole bt1ilding and construction In· r!uslry in this pros~roti s <1nr! '"111odcrn" Jand. THROUG H A ton1b111olit1 n ul' r:icinr~. (Jr a conspiracy or greed ;ind stick-in-tlle- mudne~s. the tn11ld ing inrluslry ha~ re- ma ined \\'Jlh hoth 11s feet firmly mired in the la~! cen111rv. ;ind is still putting 11r houst's the 11;1,y. 011r grandfalhcrs usel,l lo -Qnly nut nrarly as well, Bcca11sc of oh.<;fllc:te bu ilding rodr~. -poliUCdl chic~inery , lhc obdurar.y of trade 'union:-;, an(! lhe slea7y practices Qf so 1nany construclion firms, housing 1n Am erica i!l p<"rhaps the least prog-ressi~c anrl n1n~t needles~ly e;.;peris 11·e e!einen\ in our v.·hole econom)'. 1 \\'TLL NOT EVEN atlumbr<i1c upon our deplor;i.ble lnck o! p11blic housing - beyon<l the rnl'rC~t mcn\ion th<it in l!llR. ~he conscr\'a\ive Sen. f{obcrt Taft of Oh19 l supported a public housing bill that called for a 1ninimum of 400,000 units to be ere<'.te<l , and no1~" more than l\1•0 decades later, that minilnal number has not yet been nH~l. Private housing like\\·isc Jags fa r behind our national needs and demands, especially for the lower economic seg- n1ent of the people. Building methods are often antique and obsolete. There is much resistance to new materials and tech- niqlli.!S whi ch \VOuld appreciably decrease costs; an1I in some municipalities there ~een1s to be a silent Nllaboration among <'Ontractor~. unions and politicians to n1<1intain the status quo ante, and the public be dan1ned. THOSE TRAILERS st·! in c:ontrt tl.' <'ll"e mon strO.s ities. no matter ho'v niany prel· 1y flower-pols they put out in front. But it is undrr~landable that people .,.,.·ou\d get lire<! of walling around for n house they can afford, at intcresl rates that aren't crippling. \\'hen we think or U1e technological revolu tion in nearly every other aspect of modern livi ng. it almost passes belief th:il the arl and craft of homebuildirig has 111ana;;ed to remain static for the fi r.~t SC\f'n decades of the 20th Century. Tn th1~ rru('ial area, "free enterprise'' ha 5 !x'.ca nr11he r free nor enterprising. Fou1· Propositions in '70 Californi a has th(' fourt\1 longest con· 't1iu t1on in th!' world. !he fi r~l c.1n- 1;1lt11tiona l r.on\'rnt i(ln ~oing h.'.l<"k tn lRlf\, whit'll adds up ti) prC1b)r ms \1'l1cn Ilic Cit lien is asked lo ~·n1e on nr.crssarv t hanges. This is \vhy in 1962 lh e people \,,·ere aske<l \vhcthcr the;y wanted tile lt!gislattirc to submit a new constitutlon, a proposltlon lhat was pa ssed by a 2 lo I \'Ole . Hencr the lorn1:illn11 of lhr Cnlifor111a Constitution Rr\·1slon Cu111rpission, ap· . poinl ed by the legislature, \1·hich made arecom mendations in 1966 concerning the J~gisla turc, executive branch and the .Judiciary, 1vhich \Vere pa ssed by a wide inargin in Propos1!Kl n \·A lhal year. ~ 'fHE ARDUOUS '\'ORI\ of lhc Com- m ission Is headerl hv an able and vigorous yo uni; Orange. C'ounly su rcr\nr court JUdg£', tile Honorable Bn1c(' \\'. Sttmner, who plans to s!lhinil the Cotn· mission"s prop:isnls lo lhe public in :1 series of propositions nn lhe l!liO hallol . there will be a series of propositions because the lumping of 1he rrcom - ~ations into one pr oposition, Propos1- U9n 1, in 1968 conlusrd the volcrs, v;ho i.trfled il down. The recommendations \\·ill be in· ,---By Ge11rge ---, ~ Dear George: We"rc facing tl1e :-.:in1c do\'.n!rill that Rome expt1ncnccd! \\'c're going the way of Ron1e. PC'ople like you arc the cause. ~tend your \\':IY" before it Is too late. This is your lu$l warn ing, ONE \VHO K:\O\\'S Drar One: Look Hard Guv. I tJo!'l't. n)incl a graixi ' boycott ··b11t don 't you 1hreattn me. ! (; uest Re port corporatcd in four proposition~ in 1970. Tiie first will aim to slrcngthen lxal gn vt·rninenl : !lie second v;ill make a l'le:irer st<ltemcnl of the powers of. the Yuhl1c Utilities Con1mission and delete mo!it of Lhe constitutional articles dealing wllh corporalions because statulory law ran best cteal \Vilh this situation: another proposition deletes some of the con· s!Hutional referencr;.; to prisons. v,ihere the legislature can best Jiandle the sub- ject. OTHER recornnu•ndations j n c l u de r·hanges in the Board of Regents of the Uni\'crsity of California , with the delet ion ot son1e ex-officio mcn1bers of the board ;ind the retenlion of elected officials, such as the governor. The most c on I ro ve r s i a 1 recom- mendation, probably, is that of lowering lhe votfng age to 19, and Uie opinion polls iodicate thal this is not necessarily going 10 be successful. However, the Com· 1nission is right in posing the question~ \\'HAT THE \'OTERS will be doing in aecepling or rejecti ng the Commlssion"s propo~als ls s~a ping 1he role of the st11le t·onsti1ution. \\'hich has three import11nt Fun<·l ions: To stale the fr1uncwork or i;.(a(c government. mandate the Jei::is!atu re to pe rform certain acts: and impo se limits on the legislature such as forbidding any abridgement of fr eedom Of Spe('('h, The slate no longer needs 11 lengthy rhl('U1nent b11t i1 does need a modem , up.. lo-date syslt'm. and lhe Commission is l<l he comint'nded lor its \\'Ork, whiclt deser\'es the carCful consideration of the \OIC'I' in 19'i0. Californla Feature Str\'Jcc Pri11ie Tinie: Ed Murrow's I.Jife Story f~dward R. r.turrow believed that broadcasting could move men. The networks believe broadcasting is primari- ly a mover of 1nerchandise. so the posi- tion of the late and gifted newscaster became hopeless. That is the central point ()r the sad and intriguing slory Alexander Kendrick tells in "'Prin1e Time." Basically this is -1 biography or £d ?lturrO\\', Y.'hose career in broadcasting spanned the anxious. troubled period 1935-1961. But Kendrick's book. ls more t han that. Tl is a history of newscasting in general, of CBS and f\·lurrow in particular. and an incisive investigation of the \\'orkings of a corporate structure \\'hich, like the human body, rejects ir· ritant~. And f\1urro\\' was an irritant, at The Bookn1a11 . c least as far back as l\1arch, 1954, the historic telecast in which he aJlo,ved Sen. Joseph ?-.1cCarthy tn destroy himself before n1illions of 1•iewc.rs. CBS, Kendrick sugges1 s, has gro,vn loo big and too pro- titab!e tu allo\Y a ''skeptical idealist'1 likc fl.furrow free rein today. T111S IS A CRITICAL anatorny of CBS as v.•ell as the ?llurrow story. In this sense, "Prime Time" is to lhat network \\'hat G<iy Talese's "The l\ingdom and 1'he Power" \\'<is lo the New York Times, .and equally revealing. •-1 .... Tim•' T~• I.ii. ,, !fW l rf •. MY'"''"" 1¥ ~l••1"for K1"frlc~. tltllt, ln>wn: Mo! ,,,; H .IJ. For scrne years a CBS broadcaster and one of ''.1'.1urrow's boys," Kendrick Jssigned _hin1self a large task and pcrformli it well. The book is an anlysis o{ \\'Orld affa irs and how th ey were covered, since the time of Anschluss and l\1unlch : a story of lhe growth of the mass rne<lia and or its shining ne\\'SCastcr in the great expansion days of radio and television 's adolescence. l\Turruw is portra~'ed as a man of ahnost "mystical integrity ;" one who often took the conservative view, but \1•hose general attitude was open·min- dedness. "the cnre or liberalism." A _Polecat, N.C., boy \\'ho grew up in the State of \Va~hinglon. he was picked by hls mother to become a preacher, and to a degree became one . Al leasl fro1n ttie clays of the blitz anc! "This is London," he changed the style of broadcasting. TllE "_l'llURROW STYLE" became \he "CBS ~tyle," but only for a while. Finally sick of battling network ex· ecutives in a corporate system geared tn producing immense pro I it s for shareholders, Murrow look o\'er the U-5. Information Agency in the Kennedy Administration. It was not a happy move, Assessing f\1urrow's impact on broad- casting in a variety of anecdotes, Ken· drick i-;tlrs your adrenalin as he de· nounces the banality and tawdriness of most commercial ne"·scastlng tcxlay. A"ll is conformity, a reluctance to make 'vaves. Rarely are I.he h!lls and \\'oods of ideas explored; rarely, he shows us, is broadcasting a sol1 rce of enlightenment or civic In volvement. Oflen called "broadcasting's con- science.'' Murrow spok~ to 11s and for u~. Kendrick emphasize! in this fine lribut~. But in an age of corporate giantisn1 and attendant timldity lhcre is no more room for !hat. \\'Bliam Hocu Suppo1•ting Nixo1i on 1'ietna11i Humphrey Foresaw Result \VASHINGTON -Hubert Humphrey is not naive, so it must be assumed that he took inlo consideration_ in advance the political repercussions of his general sup- port of President Nixon's policy in Viet- nam. And so he did. He .anticipated the outraged reaction of th e Ga I b r ailh·Schlesinger-Goodwin- SorensDn branch of the Democratic Party ci.nd even the shock suffered by his fornier senatorial colleague from Min· nes.ota, Friti l\i ondale, an erst,,.,·hile presidential campaign manager. This 'ras the risk former Vice-President Hum· phrey v:as v.•illing to take in executing \\'hat he considered his duly to support the President of the United States in doing the same thing Humphrey ·would ha ve been likely to do had he been elN:ted . llurnphrey differs with Nixon on a cou- ple or points _ He thinks the President ~hould have bten more sensiti1't: lo the impheatlons of the Vietnam n1orat orium and that he should move faster in putting through a lottery-li ke draft system. A rlraft lottery lvould be a step in the direc· lion of defusing obj('ction to the v.·ar. HU~IPllREV \\'AS the more com· forlable in doing what he considered his duty nut of hi s conviction that this is ·what the bro.adesl spectrum of opinion in the [)('mocratic Party would have wished him to do. and nothing in the subsequent development~ has changed his mind about that. Thus 11·e ha 1'e two long-headed politi- cians o{ both major political parties ac- ting upon the convic tion tl1al lhe Vietnam \\ ar protest in 1t3 extreme forms dO!'S not represent the sober opinion or the Richard Wil son ''ast majQrity of \'Oters ln both political parlies. In fact, to speak of the Victnan1 prolrst .as a sing!e.-n1ind ed under\Jking ll<ts no relevancy to tile diverse 1notiv:ition~ and numerou~ shadings of opinion or tho~e 11•ho took part in it. Both J\'lxon and Hum· phre.y are bt>tting that in a year ·~ tin1c the sober, middle seclion or An1cric<1n tipinlon 11'ill pre\'ali and continue to slip· port the n1eas11red disengagement 'l'hich is so unsatisfying to th ose \\•ho de1n i'l nd. regardless of the conseq uen~ r •, ir;<t<HJt 'v ithdrawal. AS EXPERIENCED 1nr11 , bo1h i\'i\·on and Humphrey recognize the 11n- po~sihilily of instantaneous \\'ilhdra\\'<JI. They share the view that such a drop-out and defeat would expose the South Vict- name5e people to the most horrible atrocities, shatter American prestige as a balancing force in \1·orld aft air~ <ind 111- fect. American politics; \vit.h cxplosi\'e resentments for decades to come .. The y are obviously both belling. too , that the phased withdra1val can be so far advanced, as far as ground conibat troops arc concerned by the end or 1970, that moderate elen1e.nL~ of opinion will be .satisfied that the best that could be done has been done. If these: t\\·o highly sensitized politi · ciaos . J\1ixon and H111nphrr~·. are WTOng 1n their assessment of A1nerican politlcal pati ence it 11·fl11 ld bl.' \('f\' ~111"prisin!:. H11rnphrr.v espcciall>' h:i~ brc11 exposed J;ite'ly lo 1hc n1ost urgl·111;i11\oe:il'y 011n- stant withdrawal. 111 his own 1\-tinncrq;olh-~L Pa\Jl cotn- munit; he has seen the str:1dy growll1 of scntin1rnl arnong businr~~111t·n an\! 01 h1,r no11·ac;:idemic and nun ~-•111ng rlemr nl -; that \I'(> our.:ht to pull n11t ln.t"r ;11irl .cct 01'cr with iL c\'t'n DI co11~i(it'ralik ri~·k, l\UT I.\' SPITE OF I i1 .; pn···111·r 1'lun1phrey deciclrd \]1;1 \ 111;c~1\ ~1 u1purl nl Pre::;\tlcnl i'i'i:o.:on-s p<JJ1r y 111 !.'C 11;··1';1 I. ;~nd in arJ1°ancc nf the Vie.lnan1 111ornl11ri11n1, 11'as the only PQSiti on he t;'011ld !ahc Jll good con:i:ciencc . Such inodlflcatioil~ as he ~Jilt'(' ni;1y have expressed 111 appearan(·rs hrf(•rr. college :1udic11ccs dri not 1111-t teriall v allrr the posi tion he tGOk in hi~ t·o11frren(·c 11' !h Prei;i dr111. Nixon '[he_ \'IC'\\'' I ~ taken liy ~0111!', nr COlff~(', tliat H11n1phrey has n1crely r111l1cd to Ille flng as all f11rmcr presid rn!s or de featrd i.:andldatcs are supposed to do \\'hen an incuinbent President is in trouble in time or war- This view leaves 1vholly out of account f0!'1nl'r 1/itl' l'rrsidcnt t!u1nphre~•s con· 1 iclions on Ilic ~ig111f1 ca11ce or the Viet. na1n \\'ar_ an<-J h1~ poli11c:il courage in ar- tronting tllose in his 01vn pa11y who will ccrlninl _v tr y to la y h\m \(11v when he runs for the Senat e in ~linnesota in 1970. Hu1nphrc,y is confronted by a great deal of ,1·nr 11·eariness in his home state and it V•ould probably have been safer to have avoided a \\"h itc llousr. conference \1·ith Nixon <ind to ha ve expres~d hi-; support in ~omc lrs~ conclust\'e 11•ay. 11e Look !he forlhrtghl 1l'ay. A Columnist's Ups, Downs Dt.:BLIN -"Duroy 'i\'as promoted to tile rank or staff C'O!umnist of the Vie FrancaiSE", but as he found '1ery great clifficulty in disco\•ering Jdeas for hi-$ articles, he s~ialized in denunciations of the dttadence of contemporary morals, the lowering of :he. standards ol CO!'lduct, the decay of patriotic feeling, and the anemia of French honor." Duroy was the central and un\01·rly character af de r.1aupassant's tale, Bel- amL It cannot escape the careful reader or newspapers that the Duroys of the v.·orld , far from rlisappearh1g, have vastly pro- liferated since the days of de f.faupassant . "Weepers," as they are. sometimes called in the trade. are with us t"Veryv.•here .. viewing v.·ith alann and pointing with ~om. and worrying, often, ;:iOOut the ltngth of people 's hair and v.'hether they are clean or not.. Dea1· Gloomy Gus: Yesterday ~·as watching a line of people 1t 1 market as they turn· ed back carton after carton of cyclam1te<00tal ning cl\elelic soft drinka -111 Lhe while puffing on their cigarctt~s! Think aho11t4t~ -H.J. B. T~ll l••tvA "llH!I ""'trt' v ...... , l>.t "t'C'•IJ••ll• "'-tf 11>9 --..... , .... v .. r "' -~· M Gt.....,r G"'-Otllr Plliol. Charle~ .'1 cCabi: THERE IS NEVER II c:olu1nnist ll'li(I <'an v.·ho\ly gel a\\'ay from Jake pi ety : or if there is, I've never read him. \\"e are all human, though there are son1e a1nong our breed whO arc above acknow lcdgioi; it . \\'e have quarrels and h;ingovers nnil nioods of black depression and lhc boy comes into the hotel roo1n \\'here you ar e V.TiUng in spite of the "Don"t Disturb" sign. Vou have your ups, and your down,~. It is during the clov.·ns that you are tempted to take the "'ay of easy moraliz· ing, and sometimes succumb to lht' te1np1ation. It's an easy 11·ay to rlo things. There are days \\'hen thr easy thing is ir· resistible. Of course. ii is part or your honor to fight against this thing. I do I.his for a simple pragmatic reason: I feel like hell when I have: not <lone my best. Deploring the decline of morals, just for the sake or deploring them, is not doing one's best. MY ~1ETHOD IS TlflS. I work im· mediately on rising. Once I put dow n the )cad of a piece, I <ilways finish it. Tl I feel, however, !hat I am not sulficienlly gravid, that I am likely to t:nd up sawing the air rather than saying something, then T simply go back lo bed. 1 try to get anothtr half·hour or hour of slttp. Nearly alwa ys, on rising the second time, I feel ready to do battle wilh old typie. When it happens that I am not, I shall really begin to think J'm running out of gas. The question most frequcn11y asked of me, as a rolumnlst, is 11·here I get all 1he ide<is (or the v.·ork. This isn't the hard l.hing. Bt'ing Irish and garrulous, nolinns teem like ma.ggots in my head. The prob· le1n is keeping up one's enthusiasm for th1·1n 'The places 1rhert: I work arc f11!eU \\' 1 I h nianil;i envelopes Iha\ contained so1ne thing which w;is, once. the germ of a colurnn . \\'hen reviewrd , the ~rrm s t11rn oul lo ha1·e been h1L by DDT, or something. AS A GEN"ERAL rt1!e. 11 an idea stays hot. for three days, 11 gclS uLt ercd as a col11111n. If it isn 'l written 111 live da:y~. th;:il '-s nboul it , tho11gh l'vr r;:irrirrl some <1rot111d in my head for years before ex- t'rr1lng lhcrn. 1 ha1e <i friend ll'ho says .. '"\\'he n I see ~'OU sta rting in on !he Jesuit s. or Catholic educ<ition in general, I kno1v you have been having a bad 1norning." She 1s righter than I care to admit. I. ~hould say that v.Titing a cohunn dai. ly is just about as tough as hitting n2;iinst good major.league pitching. Yo11'rr doing very we.II indeerl if you hit ,JOO. 11 hich n1e<ins you ~cl the good wood on the thing m;:i ybe one time out of threr. --.i--- Thursday, October 23, 1969 Tlt t editorial page of t'1t Daily Pi!oi seeks to inform and 1t!m- 1tlnle readers by presenting thiJ f!ewspaper"t opi11iont and com- mentary 011 topics of tnltrest an.d sig11ificanct, by protrid'1tg 4 for1im /or tll• e:prtssion tlf our rtndert' opinions. and btt presenting tht diverss _ vttw- points of fltforrntd obs~rvtr.t and spokesrittn on t.opics o/ th• tiny. Robert N. \\'eed. Publisher CHECKING: •UP• Cake Caps Uproar In Court I About Women Whp CHICAGO (UPI) -Bobby Seale, the Black Panlhet party leader on trial for conspiring to incite riots at the 1968 Democratic N a t i o n a 1 Con. ventioo, was 33 years old Wed· ntsday. While it wasn't ex- actly a party, it wasn't txacUy dull, either. i Wear Black Gowns By L. 1\t . DOVD IN ABOUT 97 out of 100 in· stances, v.·01nen on their lirst visits to psychiatrisls' offices wear either black or bro'rl·n dresses. A pollster says he \1·enl to c.:onsidcrablc expense lo find that out. but he doesn't say \'.'hy ... A SAGJ'rfARI US G IRL, reports our Planet n;an, should not be taken to Class X mo vies. Remen1ber that, yottng fc.!low. Sagittarius girls are apt to be highly sensitive to violati ons of good t.aste. They horrify with alacrity. POLITtCS AND THE HOl~Y WORD -!·low long ago was the Book of Ecclesiastes Y.Tit- ten ? Th at escapes me al the moment. Anyhow, take a look <1l Chapter 10 Verse 2. Those 1vith polltica\ persuasions may he fascinated to find it says therein : "A wise man's heart inclines him to\vard the right, a fool's heart toward the lef t." LOVE AND WAR -\Vhich creates the more romantic al- mosphere, a full moon or a half moon? Such is the inquiry fron1 a Montana g i r I . Unfortunately, she didn't send ;:i snapshot of hersel f. Too bad. \Vou!d be easier lo aaswer if our Love and War tncn kne1v v.·hat she looked likl'. The pret-, tier the girl, he says, the n1ore moonli ght she requires for the most romantic atmosphere, A full moon is exactly ni ne times brigbter than a half moon. So the girl who is at her best under a full moon can be ex- pected to be nine limes pret· tier than a girl who is <it her best under a half n1oon. Girls who are at their best under no moon at all are not listed in hii; files. CUSTO~IER SERVICE: Q, - "Do b;:its catch fish~" A. Some do. In the black of night, in- cidentally. They fly low , dive fast, snatch up the fish, and eat same in flight. Thelr sound sy~tem is ~o good 'l works both thru ai r and ffate;r, At the same time. Airplanes cae't find submarines unless they r$d buoys. But bats can hepr tQe fish swim. When I get my t~out farm, if ever, I'm going to study this matte-r. no doubt on a governn1ent grant. WHAT INVENTORS need fT\OSl is patience, that's clear. Take the. mechanical cotton picker, for instance. John Daniel Rust and his brother Ma,ck invented that thing. In 1927. Did the work of half a hundred field hands, and you'd think the planters would have: jumped right on it. They 1 didn't, tho. They were scared il \Yould knock out the • economy. It wasn't until 22 years later that Rust finally got it into mass production for the pay off. Patience, pa- tience. PERSONAL N 0 TE Bumped into a barber this morning who ate g a r I i c . Recenlly. That \\'as the slowest haircut in memory, Am thinking of moving to Waterloo, Neb. There it's against the Jaw for a barber to eat garlic between 7 11.m. and 7 p.m. on wor.kdays. A superb piece of legislation, that. RAPID REPLY: Yes, sir, the flrst billiard table in the \Vhite House was installed under the term of J ohn Quincy Adams. Might be noted, also, the W11ite House's first plum- bing was installed under Jobn Quincv Adams. Yo.ur questions a11d cam~ ments are welcomed ind wilt be used wherever pos- sible in "Checki ng Up." .t\d.dre ss mail to L . M. Boyd, in care of DAILY PILOT, Box J.87.5, Newport Beach, ('olif ., 92663. Se.ale 's fellow defendant! tried to bring a birthday cake Jnto the courtroom and U.S. marshals confiscated the cake. "You can jail a cake, but you can't jail a revolution," Seale yelled. By that time the whipping cream had hlt the fan anyway. Seale called the trial of the "Chicago E ight" a "railroad operation from Nixon on dcw;n.'' He told lhe judge and a prosecutor they w e r e "racists " and called a U.S. marshal a "pig." The turmoil came fro m the attempts of the seven other defe.ndanb and 20 black spec- tators -the largest number of Negroes to show up so far -to 'hold a "Bobby Seale Day" at the trial. Most of the action came in the afternoon session. When a marshal removed one spectator for refusing ti stand wh en U ,S. District Court Judge JuUus J. Hoffman entered the courtroom. Seale said, "You're a pig for kicking him out." The blacks in the spectator section sang out, "Right on ." While the seven other defen- dants lined up outside the , courtroom, defense attorney WUl!am Kunstler asked the judie to allow them to present a birthday cake to Seale, who is in custody on a murder charge. "I wouldn't even let anyone bring me a birthday cake in htre," the judge said. When the se ven other defen- dants tried to bring the cake in, a marshal grabbed it from Jerry Rubin. "Cake·naper," Abbi e floffman sh o u t e d . "They've arrested your cake," Rennie Davis yelled to Seale. ''You can jail a cakl!, but you can 't jail a revolution ," Seale responded, "Right on," the blacks in the spectator section sang out again. W eigl1tlessness Peril Of Lo11g Space Flight The judge threatened to t lear the courtroom and Seale told the blacks, "All right, brothers, I say you can be quiet." "I give the orders around bere," the judge said. "Well. J'm sorry, Judge," Seale shot back. "They don't take orders from a racist judge." \\'AS JII NG TON (i\Pl -The elfecL~ of v.·ei~h!lcssness killed lhe space monkey Bonny after ilS (l ight·d<1y orbita! flight last summrr -and w1ncth1ng on the same order could happen to B human being attempting an ambitious space flight, a Spa ce .Ag<•ncy team announced Wednesday. It 1\'as also disclosed that a \\'hitc House ad viso ry com- mittee h <J s recommended resUm pHon of the biosatellite rese<irch pro~ram w hi ch launcherl Bunny in\o spac~ but is 11011• dOrmant . Dr. \>.J. flo."S Adey, of the l1ni~·ersi ty of Ca\lfornia al Los Ang~les, said in making the announceme nl!'i th;it it \1'ot1ld be prr1naturc to try lo design a spa ce ~t:i t inn 11n1il ninre in- formation llas hrrn obtained on the ef frct!'. o f v.•eightlessnes1 or~r exlended periods. Adey was lh~ prtncipel in- vestigator for the Diosoitellite 111 mis sion which sent the macaqUe monkey on a planned JO-day fligh t last June 29. The satellite ~·as reca lled after 8\i days in orbit because of signs that tile moukey ~·as in failing health, Bonny died 12 hours afler the f;ighl. ln a news conference on the mission results, Adey i;aid the monkey bad lost 20 percent of it.s Jaundl weight of 14 pounds. He sald this was a fluid Jos s due principally to a great amount of perspiration and a sl<'ady increase in urine output "lo almost diuretic levels." Adey i;aid the CQntinued loss of water In the latest stages of lhc flight appeared to be related to a pocling of bloOO In the thor acic cavity because of \\ ei~h1lessnC>ss. ·'The evidence suggests that man i.~ liable to the same pro- blem bul to a lesser degree," Adey ?.aid. Korea11 At11bt1sh Called 'Cold-blooded Murder' PANMU NJO M, Korea (AP\ -An American general ex- hibiled lbe b I ood s tained clothing of a dead U.S. soldier today and said he h11d been slain by North Korean 11gents jn a "cold-blooded murder" at the (len1ililarized zone. "This is the jackrt and this is the sl1irt, which clearly show the name of the dead soldier frorn \1•hom it was removed.'' Marine Maj. Gen. Arthur H. Adams told a meeting of the K o r e a n Armistice Commission. The khaki jacket bore the name Morris in black .letters for Spec:.:4 Jackl L. flJorris , 20, ' I Lindsay Leading NEW YORK (AP) -Mayor John V, Lindsay held a 11ub- :;tantlaJ lead over Democrat .Mario A, Procacc ino and RC> p u blican -Conservative. John J, Msrchi 11;1 the OrRt round samples of the Daily r-iewi; suaw poll oo the may- ora l race. /\ lhree-clay ~urvey of 3.008 \•oleri; thro11g houl thr c!1y f;ho\vcd Lin dsa y wilh 44 per· c·ent. of BoollC, Iowa, one of four American soldil!rs k i I I e d Saturday in .a North Korean ambush in5lde the DMZ. The others were S. Sgt .. James R. Grissinger, 21 , of \Vooster, Ohio; Spec . 4 Charle~ E. Taylor Jr., 20, o f Reedsport. Ore.. and Pfc. William E. Grimes, 21, of Salinas, Calif. The American• b r o u g h t along lhe 1"1-ton truck in \\·hich the four soldiers were riding, parking it on a flatbed trailer juat outside t h e meeting room. The windshield ~·as riddled by ti bullet holes only one or the four tires wss int.act, snd one of two helmets inside showed 11 bullet holes. Adams said the smbush was a "Oagrant violation of the armistice agreement'' and a "vicious and b r u t a I un- provoked atlat't by armed North Korean agents.'" North K o re a ' 1 represen- tntlve, Maj. Gen. Lu Choon- sun, reacted calmly to Adams' charges. He claimed the am- t>.1sh was sn "unfortunate in· cldent which had nothing to liP, with us'' and said hiii com:"" mand fell tllat It did not need to interfei-e In the m11tter. /\dams repl\c.d "You h11vP. only one recoorse -admlt your crime ." Senate OKs Freer Trade Witl1 Reds WASHI NGTON fAP) -The Senate, overriding bitter pro- teslS that it \1•as iw;u!Ung l,residenl Nixon. has approved easing restrictions on U.S. trade with the Soviet Unlon and other European Commu- nist nations, The 49-24 vote Wednesday climaxed sO!netimes angry debate in which Sen. Norris Collon (R-N.H.J charged the hill was "a menace to our na- tional security and a direct affront to the President of the United States." Th" fig11t came C1ver the suc- cessful attemp~ to make two major changes in the Export Control Act and liberallze present curbt on East-West trade. AJ amended by !he Senate, the act would no longer ban U.S. shipments that ronlri bute. to the economic polenlial of the reelpient country; and it would Jessen tht government's power to prohibit shipments contributing to the mili tary potential of the receiving na- tion If a simllar item ls ob- tainable elsewhere. The Nixon administration, in strongly opposing the Sen- ate measure, contended this w u not the lime to loosen trade restrictions with the Communi1t bloc. Communal Living Due? CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) - Dr. 8 . F. Skinner. Harvard psychologist. 1ay1 hJppie com- munities are too p o o r I y orfMl.lud to survive, but predicts that before the end of the ~tury Amerlc.ns wtll start a trend toward com· munal living. Today's fam ilies sre t.oo ~mall to make living together emotionally comfortable. but larger group! "can 11 v e together with good Internal personal relationships." Dr Skinner said In an inltrview hlllori. 1 IJ>e'ch in Charlott~. - QUEENIE By Phlf lnlerlandl "It wasn·t the pressure or the last job I couldn't stand, il was the 3queezing." Ship Rehoarded After Fire LONOON (U Pl ) -The. crew of the British cargo ship Loch Loyal reboarded the vessel off the Azores today after a fire in its engine room had been brought under con- trol. A spokesman for the Roy al ~1 ail Li nes. which owns the ship, said crew membe>rs 11'ere going to re-enter the scaled-off engine room where the blaze h~gan Wednesday night lo see if the fi re v.·as out. 'a11S Thursday, Octobtr 23, 1 %9 DAILY PILO T i ~~~~-~~ -~~~~~~~~~~~-'-- Helped A1·ran9e Loa1i Ht1mpl1rey Linked to Fraud \YASHINGTON (AP) Hubert II. Humphrey in- tervened repeatedly with high U.S. and Indian officials from 1961 through 19&1 to help a f\1 innesola finn in a $2 .3 Inillion deal for wh ich the company is now being sued for fraud. This was disclosed \\'ed- nrsday in records bared by the Jl1S!icc Dcpartn1cnt after flt'p. II. H. Gross \R-lowa). accused Humphrey of "highly i1n- proper f.!Onduc~ for his role 1n this sho<ldy affair." llu111phrry \1':1s a U.S. senator at U1e tin1e. The case involved Napco Industries lnc. of fl.1inneapo!is, \1•t1irh :-it'(. up a company in lndla lhat. 1n turn, applied for a S2.3 rnlll ion loan frorn 1he Agency for International Development, \Vllh l!un1phrey ·s hC>lp, the loan v.•as approved, and the. In- dian concern used the n1oney t.o order equipment from Nap- co, only to completC>ly default on rcpayn1ent. The governinent's sult fil ed against Napto in lJetroil federal court last year, char~ cd the Ind ian co111pany refu~l'd to pay ba ck the loan because il never received some equir- ment and machinery th at did arrive was inferior. The governrnent claimed the machinery actually had a fair market value of only $909,000. 1'he sui l demanded th at Napco repay the loan along with dou- ble danu1gcs to the govern- ment. Gross has cr itic lz.e d llumphrey for his acti vities· on behalf of Napco on nun1en)U:i occasio ns. He rai~d the issue on the !louse floo r again on the basis of Hurnph r<'y's let- ters and telegrams. introduced as exhibilS in the pendini; govtmmcnt suit. Ci ting the "new evidence". lhe Iowa Republi can charged "Napco with its powerful ties to Humphrey, was able lo hoodw ink the Agency for lnte rnatlona l Development ln· lo paying a tremendously ln- flo ted price for its vlrtua!l y obsolete. worn-out g e a r manufacturi ng plant, whith \1·as then dumped on a group of unsuspecting investors in lodia." GI Missing in War W£tnders Into Base SAIC.ON (UPJl -A 20·yrar- Qld Army pri1·ate froin Port Chester. N.Y .• captured by Communist troops f o u r months ago shortly after ar- rivi ng in Vie tnam. walked into an Allied. Base r.1 o n d a y , military spokrs111en said to- day. Officials said Pfc .• Jcs~c B. Harris \vas in good condit ion, atthciu~h he lo~t 30 pounds 11·hile in captivi ty and suffered fr om in al:.iri a and a slight wound in his right arm. Jle. had been missing since June U. It had not heen determined whether Harris esca ped or was released, the :;pokesmen said. 1'he young enlisted man ap- peared "slightly bewildered and dazed " when he walked froni Lhe jungle into Landing Zone Young, a South Viet- nan1esc Ar1nv base ! I miles southwest of ·Tam Ky on lhe northern coast. offi cials said, PRE-XMAS SALE' LAYAWAY • DANCEllNA s.. ... d -.. ._. -......... ,__..,., ~(@-~' EVERYTHING • FLA TSIE DOLL 1k•'• ---·· .. atl K-. al .. !Of ....,, 11++1• -1•1 .. ' -""~1 •. ,.,. ....... ~111 ...... 1 Hw ~ .... -. -..... •-' io.. .. ~ -..... _.. ............. 1 ,,.,.. llh • ...i ............ Walvlll: JO 11>0- Re;. $28.00 $13.97 ~ TM W..W'• Fl .... C-. ......_ "°,,.. fl SOMAGAME ~· ......... $1.88 ll SKEDIDDLE lfDDLES ....... -.. _ _,_ ......... ._..__ ... ..,.._.Sl.IO ...... 0"'1 $1.47 IANG BOX M .. ,i..M -·-....... t.. '8 -.i..,.... ...... al<ntlc ..ff• ..... -ba•. n. .tllad .... --"' lonall1o>9 ... -1o ....... .,.,....._. REG. '800 $2,47 CAROM GAME BOARD Reg, ,11.llO $4.99 TASCO 4YTE ASTEROID REFRACTOR .o.~o -. ,..,,. ""'" ...,._ .... . , ......... ""' _ _.._ ... , h ,,...._ Reg. l 14.H $12.97 T ASCO • 750 POWER MICROSCOPE ~ ...... w .... c-..iA<e--._ ........ _... .......... tl.10 . 1.17 ~~~E _ NOW $16.99 1=~~::: UAZT UR .......,..,_ ..... , .. .. ... ..-rt' ••• .....,, .... ... ............. ~J .. ,lh \sol= ...... ·-... $11.67 Oth•r Stor••: WESTCHESTER LOS ANGELES CANOGA PARK HALLOWEEN! -------------~ Rubb~r Mask1 Wl-q-~ Mlbb .. too• .....,, lo ••Y •tf••• -" *'"'"" ... -'-........ O"'y 77C ,..4-_ BoH and Chah1 ~ (i.r_...,. ....... "'""' I• -.. ..._. o"'' 99c 0 Hipple Suppll•' 1 • .,..,. 1 ,.1,..~ ••• w1.-. •o11, Wlq•. Hat•, lea«h . sl< ..... ..-yt.199 al ~o<I>. Pupmpi"!o ,.,,..I~ ~;.. -Na<il•• , • • '" ,, .• ,. 37 c "' ~'="'·· --- 4 ·TRANSISTOR SET Of 2 WALKIE TALKIES o..,ni,. ,_... _....MoaMo ... ..-..m-• ......,,, ,..., .--... Rtiit· '20.00 APOLLO/SATUIN Y MOON ROCKET Reg. •12.CJO MATTEL HOT WHms $9.99 $8.88 ,....,. ......... ""'" ..... ' ..... ·-... ... -..... flleg. lt3.00 Ooly $9,99 IAmlNG TOPS .. -"'-• ,..~ .. ·-........... ... ._ ............... ~ """• "'-' ..... ,.,.. -""' .............. -... lat ..... ........ . .... ll>et+•• .. -- ••EC/AL $1.99 .. Reg , $l.50 Onty $1.99 PLAY-DOH PLASTICAST CASTING AND EMBEDDING a • .....-1, ,,_..,.... obfM+I .., b.-,. by •.,bood4io9 fk-,. i. ci-pl_.. bl<><~• .•. ·-~1 •• .,..i..,., ...,,~, ... i~•h. REMCO TRUE SMOKE TRUCK. "' ..... '"' rr. •"" ,..., on; .. .,,..,,., 1..,k Reg. 11..00 SHOW 'N TnL H.O. ROAD RACING SET BY TYCO Rog. o:!5.00 $16.87 PHANTOM HUEY & ••po< .Joa ocol• ftANS-1 Pil~UolT -6•1 al ""° UH-11 l>oll~oahr --.. _ -! ,~ ..... ·-.i.1 ............ .. ·-·~· lob•• ....... """° ..... Wol-lo Jo-oll <•Ion •d <.II'"""'"· Diop!"' rio•d •-'"'"' el ... ttlo ...--d bat+ ...... -..... ...... op....,it.M M ..... ...., ... '"'"'"· MAmLs TOOTS SWEET no,-.. ... _..._...,. "'" lartltoy, fllaa -· aat .....-. ~ _.. ,__ol• ..W .... 1"'1ft IW ..... '-• ... -"""' ... . .. • ....... $5.98 TIN MAN ROIOT f.n,. I~• Wln>•d M Ot, "'" n. .._ wolk• fo..,.orcl -• bockw•~ I.ti "'• _... I-q•o• ba"••orlh •d b_,.. I0'11 ... .. .i1 lo •• i..--d ....... COlaat ll " "'9'· COLLECT -A.CAR RACEWAY he """'-7 .. ::1 "::'.: 'M.!1'!'1;;;..C """ "'~ .......... i. •• """'"' •1..catt .... co .. , 11,. ................ , .. 11 "" ""'""" ........ -....... 11_..._......_ ,.,. 20.00 $13.87 OPEN ........ •"'-· ... L. ••• '·"'".-.. ~! • .! ... "' •.•...-·; • •••• 0 '" •• • •.... ,.. .......................................................................... 11"' .......... .,..~"!!'","!'~~ ... ~~~~~ ... ~~~ .... ""':'"':'"~~~~;-:'.'.,;"~"";-;::;:;~·· . bAf\..V PILOT l hur~d:ay, Octo~r 2), 1%<} Wit11ess Tells of Chaining IND IO (U PI) -Six-year- • old Anthony Saul Gibbons, who was chained in a p<1cking crate for 56 days in the desert sun, "seemed very weak and un- able to rn ove arou nd ," \Vil· nesses testified \Vcdnesday. Clifford Reos, 21. ga\'e !he first deta iled account of the 1nyslerious desert ranch-corn- mune where the boy was im- . prison~ in the filthy box. He \vas later treated al a Blyth!: hospifal and n1a<lc a ward of '. • ., ·I " 11 i THIE ntA!"Gl WOIL.D ~ MR.MUM • I Suit File<l Against Davis LOS ANGELES (AP) -teaC'hing any course on a ny Ilic coorse wben Gallaher'• Shortly al'ter UCLA Chancellor state campus -with or sult v.·as filed , His co1nplaint Charles E. Young restored \l'ith out credit. listed the regents, f\.tiss Dav i.;i academic credit to Angela fr1i.!is Davis, a Negro, has and Dr. DoMld Kalish as Daris' philosophy course, a been teaching a UCLA non-defendants. suit was filed asking that she credit COW'Sf'! entitled "Recur-Gallagher rharged that ring Pbllosophica.I Themes in Kalish, ht!ad of the. UCLA be barred from teaching on Bia.ck Literature." phil oso phy dcpartn1ent, hired any state £:ampus. Chancellor Young had just f.1i5S Davis "lo further the 1'hc t w o tJevel oprnent s lo!tf Registrar \V i l l i a rn goals, ai1ns and purpose:;" of followed a ruling Monday by Puckett to restore credit to the Corn1nunist party, ~upe.rior Court J udge Jerry!;::================::======; Pad>l that the Uni,.rsity of BIBLE THO UGHTS Cahlornia regents acled un-) consll tutional!y in September ! in ortJering her disn1issal onl the ground she is an admitted Commu nist. In \Vednesday's Superior . 1 Jt1u1 Prt ·cl<1 ted Be!hl ehtm! Ht we, 'Wilh God, ;h., F•ther, l•om th e be9i nnin9. BY HI M wer• lht world, <•t<l!td (Htb, 1:1) . Ht ••icl, "Bafort Abreh•m """'• I •m" jJn, 1 :~8 )_ H• preat htd th•ou9h Nnth, belnrt !h~ Flnod ~I Pet. l ct B-11! .. M•ny !hi n~ of Je•u• •• ~ babt ;., Belhlelum the courl. __;;:-"\ "'~ Cour t suit, Los Angeles at- lorney Donald C. Gallagher pe11t1one<l for a writ to kcep1 the 25-ye ar-old ass ist a n 11 philosophy professor fr o m• !t1otti•1ly •rnund Chrhtmo• 1hou9h ih e Bibi. ••v• NOTH ING '.bout Chri1!m11). Eut Goel wonh UI io 1hin k ol Ch1t1l 1• !he MAN . J1•u1, (•qu1I wi!h God -Phil. 1:S-I 11 . who humbled "'m•t lf i nd lt•ed • ptrf•<l l:ft fer ou r t •i mple •nd ""II c ru,i- fied for O•• 1in1. Yet. "• Ii••• NOW wi!h Gncl , h;, Fo!ht r i11 Ht1•en (}lch 6:561, h1•in9 bten bodily •<•u<••t !ed frof!I the 9<•••· THER EFO RE. the 1uure n<e ;, OUA:S tlut WE 1011 con Ii•• 1fter d•1th. will! Chri1t i nd God on He•••n! One• nnt i ~i • hope !Col. 1:)-6 ) quicken vnur pul1e <>nd hd1!en your bre1!h- in91 H••• you don• 1oythiro9 dbtiu! t~;, hope ? There IS H>mt - lhinn for YOU •o do, •••n •• Chrl•t hod HIS duty (Jn. 6:)8 ). B tli ~•• on Chri•I, Repen!, lie bop!iiecl . li•e o 9ood l;fe : be •••tel 1 , 1 re1u!!. !Mk. lb:!S, t b, Ach 1·18, G~I, 1:27, Ac l1 22:1b, I Ptl. l :21 , Rwv. 2;101. Yi1it Churth 111 C hri1t, 28 7 W. Wil 111 11 St. fteos, one of l l persons on _/". trial for lelony child abuse, ·:LL.~1. ~ " ~ said he saw th e boy chained in -~;:;;;;~===~2=~f:~~:;;=~~~=/~·; ~~~~~~''·•~ •• ~ Scantily-dressed Star of Film Festival Mele• Pre111ie1· Pied 14 Jailed for Fil111 Melee SAN f RANCISt:O (L;Pll - Police arrested I~ persons \Vednesd_ay rughl when a bar- rage of pies wort hy of lhe ~1- lent 5Crecn was fi red at nlO\'Jr gorrs rntcring the San Fran- cisco Interna tional F'ihn fcs- li vat. ~1ason1c Audilorium on JJ 1ll. li e said leafl ets were hand- <·d out protcsung the feslival'S ··established routine.!l." a small A-frame building al lhe con1 mune and later in the six-by-six-foot crate in the des- ('rt. Thc wi lness, who lurncd state 's evidence, said that a fire <1\ the con1mune was blamed on An!hony and his im- prisonment was punishment. 1'he boy was still in the A- ~rame building one month a f- tcr Reos had first seen hin1 there and to Reos' knowledge the boy was only ren1ov!'tl once and taken ,to the main building. ''He was extre1nely dry in All Stores Celebrate FOUNTAIN VALLEY 16131 Harbor Blvd. Ph. 839-4570 the mouth, having a Jot of trouble speaking and reaching constantly for a glass of wa- ler. He was dirty and the pu- pils of his eyes were extrcn1e~ ly dila lcd,'' Reos testified. U uruh Talk Se t FULLERTON -Jesse l\f. Unruh. Asscmbl v Democrat.ic leader and potcritial candidate for governor in 1970, 1~11! speak on "Problems Affecting Shitc Govcrnn1ent" at I :JO p,m .Oct. 31 in the Quad at Cal [ State Fullerton. OR71-l-O grows again! Buy direct. and save from the nation's largest mattress specialist The pies .,.,,ere tossed by members of a group called ''The Grand Cent ral Sla!ion."' ;:ictord ing to a spokesrnan for the festiva l \1'hich opened al The spokesman said "The \.rand Central Station" is a group of independent film makers Jiving on 11 hou9eboat in Sausalito. Police said those arrested 11 ere boo ked for dlst~rblng the pr;icr. One plat e glass win- tJow 1·:as broken in the mclce. KING-SIZE QUILTED MATTRESS & 2 BOX SPRINGS INCLUDES THE FAMOUS 12-P I E C E 0 RT H 0 -PA I{ Drug Probe Called U.S. 'W itcli H u1it' SACRAil•l Ei'\TO IU PI) -A Cen tral Valley asseml>ly1nan "'·ho is a pharmai.:1st say~ legisla tive u1,·es\1gat1ons of drug ab11sc actu ally arc a "11·itch hunt" :i g a 1 n s t pharmat:cutical co1npani('s. A s~rn1l>lym;in l\ent 5\acry (R -Bakl'rs£ieldl, said he had adr1scd rcpr!'scntali1cs 1or the Eli L)Jly and Co. dn1g firn1 nnl to les1ify \\'cdncsd<iy at. an Asse1nbly subco1nm11tee hear- ing 011 drug abuS<' and 11lcoholis n1 . Stacey, a reg 1~1cre d Quake Jan; State Coast S:\N"TA BARBARA rAr 1 - The !Jr~t sharp rnf1h11uii l--I' li·lt here in rnorc tll <ll l ~ ) l'<t1· swa~·rtJ the co u n I y ;1 cl- min1stra11on building ;i n d o!hf'!r t;.111 structures \\'rc!- nc sday aflern(}(ln but n 11 damage or 1niur.1 11• a ~ reported. Scisn1olog1st~ al the t'n11·rr- sity of California plac:ed thr epicenter in the P:iritit 0 1'Cil11 t1bout 75 miles soulh\\'est uf Pt. Arguello. Prelimi n(lry Richter scale readings for the tren1or at 3:51 p.m. ranged from ~ 3 10 5.8 at seismology stat ion~ 1n California and Nevad~ A light efter shock came al ~ p,n1 The quakr was fell lo !lit north a.s fa r as Paso nobles. µh:tfll)at1s! 111 !><I Jd a I.illy representative "contacted mr and askCd me if 1 lell !hi.11 lhry should testify at thi s lime realizing that the witrh hu111 lron1 \Vashinglon \Y<IS coming out to San Fr.1n- . <:isco 1omorro1v and Fnday and Saturday." to by Staccy i~ a l!u11.-.c of Rcprcscnlal1 1rs Cnn1e S\udy Con11111t1Ct' meeting 11• h 1 c h began today in S;1n F r:i111·1~co. ~ 1.ill.v represen t at ii cs had s.ii1I they 11·ould tcst11v .1 l lhc , lederal hearing ' "I said that thev tu11ld use 1hf'1r good 1uc!gq1<'.11t. hut thnt I chdn·1 .~C(' !hr nr1•r•'il l I' of it. at !hts l1n1c.' S\ac:ry said. Bri g Plans Channcs !"' C.\.\11 ' 1'£\"DLF.TON tl"Pl) -The nr\\" co mmander of the hrig Ht tlus spr;i11·ling i\·larinf" H:i~e ha.~ l\chedulcd a news i 1111fr rrnre todav to announce 1lc1:11ls for i1nProv1ng l1\'ing t'fHHl1t1on~ and !realrnent of pr1 ~u11~·rs. ~l <IJ l;en. Hoher\ E. Finnc.y, 1YhO t()(1k rornmand lalr last n1Jnth . 1111·11 t'1t tlf:'\\'Smen lo 1v11 r thl' hnA shortly artc.r he 1ook OV!'r. Now, just back (ron1 a s!'n1inar on custodial {'Orrection i n \V:ishington, D.C.. r innf'y s;i ys he is preparf-d In tr\I v.·h:tt will be chansecl he rt'. . I SEE BY TODAYS WANT ADS • A !l."lH"t'lly In ltliA lta1•bqt : ho.II! shps 11•antf'd 'for sail aod po'IY/"r Ooo.1~ ••. 11JJ ."'1hat 11·11tt'r 11nd 001 11 drop for 1't'r11, e Br in 11y\c lh1i; yr;ir 11 n d nr~I Y'('llr 100? r un ! u r of v.hltP anti l><'lftr. rah- h)I • lhO°'f' YIY"fX'il bun- n1e11 have $Ol'llf"thtnJ:. l~lkc n<'W, S125 or best oi- ler. e llrN'·~ en inlerest111R job for a lloor:I drivrr. ~iea!ly nutn. i\hni-hll<i; rl r11·er lnr Ni'11-po1't llarhUr 8f'l'-'I. tnllr'i. Richly quilted lurury, a royal 7·ft. long and 6-ft. wide. Del uxe floral ticki ng on King size mattress and matchi ng 'Anal t>b,x springs. : 1 I ·' (lt&MlllJ Ou1llHI "1iltflS> <1nd bo• Sf>!ll\£ on ~O~f cho1t' ~f FOUNTAIN VALLEY 16131 Harbor Blvd. I Ntn t• Zedy'al Phone: 839-4570 Jr.in or fwM Wt . Here't what you get: • Fieldc rest Kin g or Queen size top sheet • Fieldcrest King or Queen size fitted bottom sheet • Two King or Qu een size bolster pillows • Two King or Queen size ;;;...--~pillow ca ses "P/"s. · • King or Queen size JJQµBJ..E mattress pad 'BONUS e King or Queen size King or Queeit padded "easy-ro ll'' metal frame •inyl HEADBOARD (not 31 ilfustr.ited) •nd otm.ITD BEDSPREAD with purchase of .iny King or Queen size Sleep Set. .. ~,,,._, c3tll v.d" 01!tic"s beautilul dec~ator tic~i"g on mathe>S l..4mioos ~n ltlr•l·~• ctm1ce o!Twm or fun ~·1e clelin:e nllttres! 111d -... 111d matcbu!' bol 3pri"'· . .._. The Royal Queen ,,.. .. ...,,._ ew..iar ............ . • IWdlM ... """' • r.ubntaw...li••Mt e f~ ..... -lltttd --•2._. ....... '"'* • ? ~ .. """' QSM •0...11• _,.. ·~·,..---~ LAKEWOOD ·-... ·-,no11~ -·- 4433 Candlewood Dr. I AcrM• fr-IAtr:•woM C..itefl Phone: 634-4134 boJ $11rint. ANAHEIM 1811 W. Lincoln Ave. , 10,,.lt. h4MMTI Phone: 776-2590 ' I -· • H f 1 1 I I '"' ar< a ' CIC Int Fro anr ~ Me brE an in ' wit unl Un • AF Yo ''U! Prt ly, G. ant A des ope eat: spe miE grn .. gra • Bui ind t.hc \\'o- put AF dLS! T Ret Me sho it, AF " Bui to ,,, Wo inll ' COl <le~ ins• mo ' me IC! !or lio1 tr. see ler v.·ot ~ be< ch~ ml: soc toy \\'ii e<i u" E die '°' Iha ale int. Re . . . . - Tltllr1dlJ', Octobtr 23, 1%9 DAJtY l'!LOf I OCC Recruiting Students With Problems Ro..! Tho Doily Pilot1s;. "I work with Lhe high 1-lernandez 1ald. ''He can. ing counseling, and actually Office, th~ County Probation ~ I d schools to try and identify enter the college lrans!er pro-get a chance to try a \IOCa-Department, County Weli11rt The indifferent slue ent an potential dropouts, and I get 1he high S(·hool dropout, the the nanles of those students gram or go into one of the tiooal area to see if they Hke it Department, Community Ac- youth without monry and the who were recent drop outs. We many ~mi-profes15ional anci and have an apt itude for it. It tion Council, and Ule C.A.C. one Who speaks !:ipan1sh betlt·r are trying lo keep these technical programs available will also e.1pose tMm to the Community Center. tn ad- than English -all are belng students in school, and 10 keep at OCC." college atmosphtre. The dilloo, a campus club of Mell· ret·ruited by Orange Coast them interested," he said. Hem1ndet says that <lne of session vd ll la!t ~bOtlt eight lean-American students has College. If the youth has been an in-the methods he will use to weeks. been formed. Untler a new Special Op-difrerent student to this point, "Lum on" students nellt sum-Hernandez; SCl id that one "You can~t just set up 8 portunities Program started he probably views his college mer will be a &ummer oossible outcome ol the v.·h-Ole minority program arid-throw this Jal\ these youngsters chances as being pretty diin. guidance aes.sion. About 90 Program coWd be new courses optn the doors and expect about to reach college ·age are Jlernandez says the tutorial students from the surrc.und ing cf study at OCC designed them to come," Hernandez talked inlo trying junior col· program will give him the ar ea will take classes at OCC spt>eilicaHy· ror th~ needs of Ntid, ''These youl'lg people lege. help he needs and get him in the educational area which these students, Perhaps the must be made aw,11rf: <lf the Richard llemandez. hired by over the rough spots. ll \VIII most int.erests them. traditional courses do ooi suit e d ucational opinrtunities the ('ol!cgc in August, heads also show that someone does The students will b e U1eir needs, he remarked. available to them and how Aworcl Winnint Edit91'iol P11t1 "FROM THE FARttt" ORANGES .... 20~'1" ~TOMATOES .... . ...... I OC u. CORN PICKID DAILT 415 EAST 17th STREET, COSTA MISA !Non to Udo C• W°"'J ' I HUNTING ROPOUT Rec:ruit•r ernande:t the program. It is his job to care what happens to him, and predominantly high sch o o I H~mandrr. said he has teen they can apply to their in· get youths who, for whatever give him a I i t t I ~ en-1_Jj~uru~·or~s ~and~seru~·~or~s~. ~The~y~wi~·1~1 _.iw~or~k=in~g~w~il~h~ar~e~a~cJo~lle~g~es~,~o~i,~id~u~a~I ~d:re:•:m:s,~h=ope=s ~a=n~d ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ reason don't think they .have a couragement. attend regular classes, r eceiv· pl1.1s Orange County Schools ambitions." chance in college, to give OCC "Most of the students that 1 U.S., Europe Try to Heal Labor Split a try. have talked to feel tl}at they First results or his efforts would like to continue their won't be known until next schooling," Hernandez said. spring when the first youths ''They know the odds are he has talked to enroll at OCC. against them if they don't. Bul But already· as a result of they need help. Sometimes it hi s efforts the college has a is with their s tu dies, full-blown tutorial program, sometimes it is economics." not only for disadvantaged There is ecqnomic help students but for any student available at OCC, according 1o \VASl-IJNGTON IA P) -U.S. "''ho wants to use it. Instruc· Hernandez. There are some and European Labor leaders tJrs are donating their time so state funds available, a wurk· a re quietly !rylng to patch up students can·get eictra help in study plan can be used , and a quarrel that led the AF!_,. problem areas. the re are student loans. CIO to s t a lk out of the. International Confederation of Hernandez said part of his "I feel that the junior rol· Free Trade Unions in an job is acUve recr uit1nent of lege offers some tremendous •ngry huf[ eighL months ago. minority sludents, predomin· advantages because there are , antly of Mexican· American so many avenues open to the AFL-CIO 1~rcs1dent George extrartion in this area. student when he comes he re," Meany, in illlnouncing the•o------'-----~--------1 break last February, accused an ICFTU official of meddling in U.S. labor affairs by siding \.\'ith "a hostile secess ionist union" -\Valter J'teuthe.r's United Auto Workers. Jl.Ieany \Yill lead a high level AFf.,.ClO delegatio n to New York next J'l'londay for a "unity" talk v.·it.h 1CFTU President Bruno ~tortl of Ila· ly, General Sec retary Harm C. Buiter of the Netherlands and other officials. A spokesman for _r-.tcany described the talks as "the opening of negot.iations" and cautioned against any early speculation that the AFI.rCIO m ight rejoin the international group. "The problems are pretty grave·," lhe spokesman said. t-.1eany 1vas outraged by Buiter's attempt lo get a new independent n1c111bcrship in th e ICFTU !or the Auto \\'orkers even before Reuther pulled his union out of the AFL ·CIO in a leadership dispute 1vith Meany last year. The 1CFTU later rejected Reuther's application. but Jl.fean y said Buiter not onl y :should never have considered it, but should have sided with AFL..CIO. Instead, Jl.'leany charged, Buiter sought unsuccessfully to persuade the AFt,.CJO not ~ oppose granting the Auto \Vorkers membership in the international group, The AF L -C I 0 Executive Council, headed by Jl.1ean y. described this as "a gratuitous insult to the Ainer ican labor movement.'' The loss of th e 13.6 million· member AFl..rCJO cost the ICFTU about $360,000 a year for its work in promoting rela· lions among non-communis! trade union 1novcmcnts and seeking i nl pr o ved in- ternational sl<indards r 0 r v,:orkers. a fresh slant on dishwashing - () l'RIOIDAIA£ BOTHERS TO BUILD It MORE HR.P StrlWng ... .....al ....... l••tur•• a low•r trCMtt lo ••II:• loading •••I• lM• aver. No other dlahw_,_. 19 quite like It. Powerful Super. surge Washing ActJon l19ts dishes shower<te•n. UttJe er no pre-rln1ln11 nnded. Also a chdoe of tour ecno. inatlc cycle• pl111 • rtn•• , eondlUoner dta~er that ! helps ellmlnate g'8u and alhwnN~ Meany at the tin1e of lht break last February also had• charged the lCFTU \1'\\11 mis/1an dlini:; tlnanccs and sa1 I some of' its mc111hcrs "er e 1oying 11•!1h closer tontac·s \\'ith 1hc Cntnn1un1 ~t rlntnin: l- ffi \V ol'ld ~~e1lcra t1011 ()f Tra,"Jc Unions. '"Since 1947" @DAVIS -BROWN Bu~ AFL--ClO sou rces in· dlcated 1cn1pcr:<1 have cool/!d :sOmE"11•hat on those issues, ;;11d that the main co1nplaint _fill along was r eally the chargiJ of interference in the flleany· Reuther dispute. 411 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa BLUE Lev rs .. n .. 0ti;1-1 •••• l••i'-'" 1998"' U I Ot"i"' •• ; ""'" ..,1 lo,.. .. a11..d, A,.,.,4} ' ca'1 '°""''''• i .. .,,, $5.91 DAILY 9·9, SAT. ,_, JACK'S YOUR HEADQUAmRS FOR LEVI'S" lEVJ'S• lhH J11111 ••• ,... $1.98 lEVl'S• Corduroy•,,..... $6.IO LEVI'S• St1.Pr1tl Jt1ftl.,., $6.98 The Fomous Original Pendleton SHIRTS colors lrYl'S• NllVo'I ,,,,.,., .• $8.~ '--.. -,- 0 ,- 0 --i ttvrs• Fl1ru ........... 11..0. OAllY 1o.& LEVI'S• (11ual Pants'""' ta.OO FRI. 10 to 9 su ~.1110 ' "''-1614 8ron1e, Pink BEARDED IRIS ••. FLOWERS AS BEAUTIFUL AS ORCHIDS! Profuoe Bloom• Year afterY ear Add a Continental Flavor to your cooking -with a delicate ·flavor. of FRESH HERB PLANTS of . Gold M•roon, $119 and Red. EACH UNBEUEVEABLE COLORS! CUT FLOWER SPECIAL • T4'RRAGON BASll YARROW MINT . THYME SORRELL 3" POTS 59c PINEAPPLE GUAVAS -OREGANO CATNIP BASIL Good Coastal Shrub with hard gray-green foliage ••. produces loads of fruit with minimum Husky Coolidge Strain (Get Your Free Sc;impl~ of Ripe Frui t) SWEET PEA PLANTS 10 Lb. for THIS YEAR MAKE YOUR W INTER LAWN SPARKLING GREEN! PLANT WINTER RYE SEED Low Cost! Easy to do! We'll Show You How! BUTTON CHRYSANTHEMUMS IN GORGEOUS FALL COLORS. LARGE BUNCH FREE! TO ALL KIDS ! with their Parents your own .•. PINE TREE L_ REDWOOD ROUNDS • , , , Use for rustic natural path. ways in the "hade 91rden or fernery. E .. y to bu ild. DWARF BIJOU AND TALL GROWING SPENCER WELL STARTED PLANTS. READY TO BLOOM THIS WINTER AND SPRING. Solid, freshly Cut, 4" Thick 1 ()¢ PACKAGE OF I ............ 89( Wnler &rrieJ :101· 'ljufetiJe ;})ecorafion PYRACANTHA largo 5 g•l. si10 plants lo•dod with m1sso1 of bright rod bor- tios. 5 GAL SIZE EASY $695 TO, GROW - 1 Gol. Sbo .... SI.ts AUSTRALIAN TREE FERNS T •II graceful fronds th1t 1dd be•uty to the sh•do garden. Erlr•· nice pl1nfs. 1 G.11 s•~· 98' .... 1.'5 . . POINSETTIAS RED. PINK and WHITE C1n Be Grown The Y 11r 'Round in C•liforni•I We Hove Reol Nico Pl1nts of tho Long·Blooming Mikkleson Str1in. Lorge, Semi-Double Flowers 1 GAL. SIZE $195 HOURS1 MON. ff.re TMURS. t te 61 f RI , till t ,.1111.: SUtoi. 10·•·""' te 1, .••. . SATURDAY t t.m. to 5:10 ,.111 .. SPECIAL PRICES 600D THROUGH SUNDAY, ·OCTOBER 26th 2648 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA CALL 546-5525 JO DAILY PllOT LEGAL NOTICE ,. None:• o~ ni:ustwlf-s s•L• 1" ... '· 1t0 ~ Tlll,ir'1d1r, Nowm!Jtor :it.. 1,.., •! Ill ....... CM.l~OflHIA LA"IO ANO IN· tMtNr CCMrAH'r, .. Ul<1'0r•Tlon •• ............ , .... ,.......--_ ...... 1 • DMd <11 T'Vlol d1'9d J1nu.1rv 11. l'lt• Eu .... b' M.AllY M. KEt.Lf'I', •" Y1'• rled wom111 M'IC! ·--Jt n••rv 1'. •• 111$1'-NO. llDl. tr! boot: 6H.\. 1'•9• , e>1 Dl'tlci.I RKDrOI In IM Oh.ct Cl rn1 n!• Reco<de• or Or•IWt Cou""· terl'l•, Wlt.L SUL •T PUIH.JC AUC... ON TO HIGNESr e1ooe1 FOrt C.lSH •••b~ 11 t!me ot ••II In llWful """'"' "'• u~a.., s11m i 11 '°""' !""'1 """ '""' "' '"" ooa Or•"~" c..,nr. rl!'oo\JH, on WKI 6th S"ffl, Cl!y ot !Ill ........ C1!1frornl1, I ll tlVhl , 11111 ln!erHI CIH>Vtv•d to '"" l'OW !\old lW """"'' 1110 Otta 01 Tru" In 1111 pr1>- t1Y "'""'"'° In !no C•IY of (0,11 Mt~•, i111 10ld Co""'' ar.O S•••• d'"'<r't>..a ••· '~ LOI HO"' lr11c1 No. JOl1. •• """"'~"" -m•~ n •:oHleO ·~ loat. N. ••1n )0, 11 1na J) DI Mlu•IJl.,..ou• Mii's. •KU•dl .,, o •• .,.., County. C1tl!o.,,11, [ll(fPT TMEllEFROM 111 mi llers"' "~"'" PflO< ID ll'>t tnr•mb•1..C1 rl!tff~ • S•·d ,.1, "''I! ti.• m•d•. bwl w/INKI! lh11rsd~Y. Cktobtr t!, l'f6., LEGAL NOTIC! HOHCt: TO C•EDlfOll SUPllUOI COUllT Of&" fill s r•rl Of' CALlflO!llHIA fl O• LEGAL NOTICE ... ~J CEJllT IPICAlll o" •u~!NIE:SS "ICTITtOU5 NAMI!: I Tiit 1in!h-t11!1...., do ctrlllv !lit'!' ••• rona<>dlt'11 • lluslnwu •t Ii) E. IY!h N1. A-IUTI SI•"'• IJnll No. 2, CPit• ,,.,_,., Ctl•IPtnla, E:1l1tt of ALICE M. ~IAfFOIO, ur>dll 1''11 Uclltlov• lltm nom• ol CH<:~11td. AME.ltl(.lN llllLl,,_110 PAllLOll 1"11 lhol NOTICE IS NflfllY GIVEN lo It. 1110 firm 11 com1>PU<I o1 Ille to!IO .. •n~ crNlltw. cf tllt 1bcnre ~•,.,.Pd <lfftd.,..1 Ptt1~r.1, wt.o1• ntmt1 \11 ~J!I •nd p\aco; In•• 111 Hr111<1f n•v•"ll cl••m• •P•lnl! !he ot t•lldt.,.;e ., • ., tollowi: >II<! PKt<l•~I l'e r"11u l•M •11 lllt ""'"'· 1H.,........S N. MUNTEAN, 3 I I WITll "'"MetiU•t voucr.en. In ,,.. flfllte ,,..., • .,.,11,, Cl>OON d•I Mot. d tt'll cltr11. ot JIM ·-..-.1lflld '""''• or MARV JOYCE "TYRRELL, 4 1 1 le "'""'"' ........ wlTll lhl """ .... ,,. Ml'llUO•l>t. Co•on• •lfl Mt r, voY,M•I. lo ll'lt u..atrol9...0 IT 111• i.ow t>u..i Oclol>tr a. Ifft. ottl<t Cl Joi.MES l. JIU&EL, Jiii .• Al• fhomti N. MYn!r•n 1Dt""" 11 L•w. W1 Vlt Ooot'lo. NIWPOrl Ml'V Jovct TYntll &tatll. Ctlll<>'nl•. f'JlllO, W~lch I• 51111 ef C.ll!Ol'nl• ""' pllCI ol bvtl!nou el !tit ul'llho••lllf'lfd In Or1not Co!lnt'f •!I mut.,• ""'111n1n~ 10 Ill• "'"'* o• ••la On Ocloblr I. lt•t, btfort me, • Nol•'V 11«.o..-.1. wl!til11 fPW ,,_,~, 1!!er !II• f!rl! Public in •nd lor 1ald Slato. FC•ion•ll~ 11...tinullOfl of lhh nollcf •-••od '1't10 M45 N MUNTEAN 1nd tlt t""' ~l""'llor lt, !~M MARV JOYCE TYrtRELL kno-le mo /II Nell4!1 M. 311llotd. Jt . te be ""' Po~ -.. .. n•m•• ••• •om.lro15!ft !o• wlln •t·• v.111 •u~•lbed lo !lit wl!hln lnJtrum•nl 1n<1 An,,.•.O o4 in. E1t"• Ot 1cknc .. 1e<J1t<1 mey ••OCUIHI 111<1' u mt. ·~ t lXIY• Mone<! dtct<ltol (CIFFtCl•t. IE:ALl JAMES L. llUll!l. JI, Mt"" I<. Htn,..,. Al,...n•Y t i L•w Nol•'• Publlc·C•lllornl• J4J2 YI• o_.i. Pr!l'CIJ>1I Ollltt In H-rl lete:h. Ct Mf., '1'61 Ort"llt (wnly 1 • ....,..., 0141 t 1>41n My CommlH fo., E:•Plre1 A.Ill!"...., ..,. "'*"INlfr1tw CTA t<""""'l>tr t., 1tn Pltbll"'td Ori n" Coal 0•111 Pllol, P"bl\.n..l O•tMe CGOll 0 11!t Piiot. O<lol>lr 2, t, lt, ~J. !Kt 11M4' Oti-t" ,, 16. ll. 10, U., lW.611 1;11vt"""' or w""~n!Y. '"'"""or 1mpi1Pd. •••••ding !'1 1<, p°''""lon, or t l\- cv"'bt•ncn . lo PIY mo rom1lnlM P•I,.. ''"' sum ot !ho n<rlo ••<Y•td bV 1•kl De-Pd "' Tru11. 10-.,.1!· 111,111.~J .... nn I"· \¥'f\I !«>f'1'1 M•Y 10. l'Mf, 11 !n H id "°II 1>>11~10..0. 1ov11nceoo. 11 """' ...,,., ""-LEGAL NOTICE !.!:GAL NOTICE ''"'" d .. 1cr t>Hd ot TNll. llNI. chlt9ft l------~~=~--'----11--------,-.,.C"'.-------! t lld ••-'M'5 "' "'-,...,.," • .,,.. "' t!ll p.-. p,l.196) tnt1I• (tNNd tor u lcr DNd.,, Tru•I. <•ltT ... CATI °" •Utl•Ua. CEllTl,ICATE OF IUllM•s• T!\1 """"'lc;lt!"I' vnMr 1a•d D•e<f. ol 'Trv11, bV tt -d t btoA<h or nollult In l'ICTITIOUS MM9i , ICT!TIOVS NA~E "'" Dbl~111oM ••curod I 11 P re I>•· The un<l•ra'9fllld llD artf1Y ....,. 1,~ 111• undu1111nf'd do certlly •"• 1, co,._ ...,tlolor• •-e<::Uled ana O~llvert<! ta 1h• ccndu(llna 1 bullnllf et 2fU1 .... VIiie. duc!ln9 1 bu•'n•1' •• P. 0 . Bo• No. 1~. unMrilgM<I o "''l!IPn Oecl••~llOfl 01 O•n• Polnl, c1111o,.,11, lm<I•• !tie lie· Corona d•I Mar. Calllorn!a, Ynd•• !h~ IJC· Dl!eull tncl O•m•o<f for Sdl•, o~a wr l!l•n !111""1 llrm ntmt of SN R Y O CI( tl!lou• lorm n•"'• of THE' THEME ANO nollt• al b••ach ao<f of •ltChOn !o (11111 W•LLCOVE~l~(O 1nd IT>ol 18ld-ilrfr) It CONCEPT COMPANY i nd lh&I •lid l"m llM" .....,.,,,ont1:1 to ..r .. 1<1 P!"1M>0<1'r Ill '""""'"""' II "" followlt111 per10n1, wrios.. +1 co-Pd of the toll11winv Pt r...,.., .. 111r• Hin ~1>1l;11!era. ""' ll>f~•llot, on "limn In lwll 111(1 1llc°" of •••IO•ntt ••• w~• """"' l11 IYll 1nd Pi.I<• Cl ~1id1111« J ulv 7, ltt9. "'" u-n.l1u1...i uvWll wld •• tellowt: , 11 •• ro!Jo-Ns: notltt o• llfP8tll and al elKlio<I !O l>t Mtrllll JPl\1' !ollrrod. 1'1.1! Stl Vb l1, MRS. MAll lON J, GRAMEY, 700 r9COl'Of"d ii' boo!< f01J, PIO• 64l. d MIO t>1n• Poll!!, Cit Ma!olbir OrlYt. C11•on11 cltl Mlt, ()tllcl1I R•COtd~. l rh" JllyUlfl ShttO<k, :1\51 Oaled October I. 1'6t. Ou od October 10. IM1. .&mo.rwltk LIM, Hu~lin9tcn llol<.11, Mat"'n J, Grt Mll' C.O,llFO.ltN l.t. \.ANO ~'10 Ctl Sro?e ~I C1h!oml1 INVFSlMEHT COMPANY \"llllllm Ch•rlH SMrmu1, llln Se• Or•n9• Counl'y "' ••'O T•111!tt llt111~!, Ot"" r11lnl, Col. On 0.:lobor I, IHf. ~Ort m1. • Ne1,ry l!V Ooromv H, Crtwfo•d Oaled S•Pl•ml>t• JO. 1H,. P\.r!>llc I" end tor ••IO S1111, Plf>Ono!lv SPS Jl_. M..-!ln Joron Slltl'O(l< e1>11oorPd M.llRIAN J. C.ll A~EY k"°wn IO ,.<ltli""'d Or.1\1111 CPISt Dt lly PHt·I. lltl•n Jllu•1tll Sllrroclt m• I>:> bl ttlt per.on """°'" n • m • !• Or.Toto.• 16, 2J, 30, l'lolt 1'1'9..11 Wlllllm Chor~• ~llt•m~n •Ul>•<•ltllld to Ill• wl!~ln 1n1trumt M Ind ' • ' '' -· ' o ' .,-.,...,.,led11Pd •h• o,tcuttd !ht »me. LEGAL NOTICE II O! I .-n I, tl "ll• °"l'IY: On Stpt.mbot )(), 19lt, br•or• .., .. 1 (OFFICIAL SEAt) r -1o1m Cl llTt''IC ATE 01' COJI POJllAoTION l'OR TR•NS.lCTION 01' IUUNf~S UNOER FICf1flOUI H•M« THE UNOEllSIGNt.0, 1 Calllerfllf C1>'• "°''lion, OM> he•obv cullfy 11 follow.: Nolarv Pi.>l>Uc I" tr.d '"' ••Id S I I I t.. ::::i':rv 1p~l>l~~C:,~~fomlt Pt r,on41lv ll'Pt1r..O Marlo" Joh., Sll•Yot~. Brian ~., • .,.11 Yirvock •no w 111;1.., P•lricla•I Olli<• In ' Or•1111• c1111nlJ' Ch••l•s S~erm1n known ID '"" 0 "" tile My CamMIUlon E•P'"' i>ent1t>f .. 11cne nlmt• 1r• •ub'.l<tll>td lo AF•lt 9, 1911 Ill• wi1111., 1 .. 11rumtnl tnd ltO.OowlPdit!I l'ubllsll..O 0,1,... C<>1ll Di lly Pllo!, T~•t ~v•,uted Ille wme. Oclo!H• ~. 1'. 21 . .10, lt!t 1111 ... , IOFflCIAL SEAL! F•V• ~. Ectlts No•••Y P<.1bllc . C•flf<lrnTt O•an9e Counl'f LEGAL NOTICE House Committee to Chop For eign A id R equest \\' i\SJJJNCTO'.'l (AP) -The llousc Forei6n i\H:iirs Cunl·· mittce :ippears poised to t•hop ;:i hell}' first chunk off Prtsi· dr11t Nixon 's ln1linl bid for ~2 6 billion 111 fore ign aid. J usl \1 hat figure the com- rnith:e \VJ!l cvme up with in as \lersion (Jf the a n n u a I authorization bill hasn"l bC'en firmed up yet. but membt'.'rs have talked about a range fron1 $t.9 billion to $2.2 billion. And there are 1ndica ttons more rough "'ater and d L-cpcr cuts lie ahead for the always embalth .. >d global assistance progratn which Cong re ss slashed below $2 billion in 1968 -the !Qwest figure since the program started. Trih11tc to The unit has held 26 da )'s: of hearings and has wor ked behind closed doors for 15 other sessions to draw up its \'ersion of the program for the ~ear th:lt started last July I. Chairman Thoma s I:;, J.1organ (D·Pa.) has set his sights on winding up the draf- ting today, but may not be able to meet that goal. The authorization billl which sets spending ceilings for !he stormy program, wound up at tht'.' i1.97-billion level last year aftrr n. hectic ride through Congress which slashed Presi- dent Lyndon B. Johnson 's re- {juesl by about $1 billion, Then the act u a I ap- propriations to finance foreign aid dipped even further, wind- ing up at $1,75.5,fiOO:ooo. Pioneer I \ Lost i 11 Can11>u s Work LA JOLLr\ (AP ) -Amoag Canyon, <inother of several California pionrer~. Louis landmarks which bear his Rose stood 0111. "lie v•as n an1e, San Diego leaders .!>el granite.like," a speaker honor-up a granite monument in his Ing his memory said 3:> years honor in 1934. This \1'as .some ago. '·He over c ::i m c ad~ (tistancc, it turned out, lrom versily." hi~ final resting place. Local historians hunted for Tl1e location became the La years for his burial site. Last Jolla junction of U.S. 101 - July, a ceremony dedicated a one of the bus iest traffic headstone over his grave. centers in the world. Around The Jewish immigrant fr:om the monument is being built a Jn hls final budget, Johnson asked Congress last J anuary lo authorize $2,725,800,000 in the rurrcnt fiscal year. Nixnn lri1nmed this ba ck lo S2.8 billion. The adm inislralion 's pro- posal would include $2.2 billion for U.S. economic assistance to developing countries, $37.) 1nillion for military ai d and $75 million to help start a new public corpora tloo dPsigncd 1o promote pnvate in vestment .:ibroad. But one of the flghls will come on the p r oposed Q\·erseas Pr[\·ate lnl'estment Corporation which opponents view as setting up another ad· ministrative layer to carry on an exlstlng program . The commf;tee already ha ~ voted to duible -to $100 m.Ulion -f111ds set aside for birth control programs design - ed to help meet a wpr!d population erp!O!lion. This aelicn did not add anything to trie bill's total,' Oil· ly earmarked the specific spending. See and Hear Sylvania's New I --------------Air ~~ Sepa1~1e Brauoss1mo SCJ1.fed ~·' svspen- 11on 5~1~e• ''l"lleAl.I ma~ be tonvenlen!'1 pl1ced llf>'(Whllre ill Ille ~519fllng room.. ,------SIOll TM111 When not on use. 510re lhNll in lhe ~ :-----"91'9111 T°" l ••nslucen! Ple'liglas.s kf! that glidlle '*' t~e tlb1ncit. ----Aul°""tlc T lll1ltable G•rr11d Cll!ltom Deluxe Automatic T- l~ble. p;,mond $!ylu1. F.111 $1U1 plltltr.45 AP"'4 •p•r>dle. T-111d AnlpMlr Solid Stllte FM Siereoin.l/AM. F"awor\!9 :s1111ons are 1n~1an11y ~o;", btalll•fuHy ,.... p1odut1tl. We og~ted 11rwheel runing, i1;l'lted d-141. 25 ,..,Ill EIA. c-WalnlJI °' ROMIWOOd ;111ined W.,, °" wood. FuU Nwr oo (.llners lor comp191., 1110()1hty, • Tht! ii 1, coMYcllM bu>ll'lt'I' •• 1 ... 1 Wnt C111u Hl9nw1y, Cl!Y Ill N•''"'"'I ... (!>, Counto Ill 0••1>11e. Stal• of Ctllfo<"10 "n<l•r 1n1 llctlllo"" n•rn~ ot Tll•NEll DllUGS; 1na !NI lh ., • .,,, " Sou!ll Newoott HN Hl'C••• Co•PO•~•lon end lb """cio•I •I•<• "' l>usll'U• •• ?j.jJ Wnl Coa5t H19llw1y, Cl!'o of Ntwl>Otl Such. Coun1v o4 Oran1t. St1te of C1llk:•nl•. M• Commlulori E•Plrt l J~n. 4, 1'71 Prussia \\'as 39 w h e n he n1ulti-miUion-<lollar campus ol Sea the newest fOOk and listen Jn Stereo Hi-Fl ••• '·"'• became a U.S. citizen in New the University of California. ce•Tt,ICATE oF 1us1Nes!, Orleans in 1846_ He y,·as an 10. But now t he bronze plaque for the family 'Who wants the convenience of a portable, 1 1 Wl'1'TMAN It. SCMMIDT, An.men 15tl Wetlclirt Drlvt , Sulf• ~I H~ •-•.C.t,fM" Pu~t11!1td Or•net Con! O•il1 Pilol. Octoblt t , 1', 2J. 30, It" 111l-6t Ool•d 1111> 1ln! do• of 5tPIOrrll>tr, lt6t. SOUTH NEWPORT µEAL THC.t.RE CORPORAT ION 11.-Ji lch1rd Pl•covl<. V•c•-P,.,ld•"I B• ?. R H•<k~nOQrr\, LEGAL NOTICE I AR 1t17 5•<· .. ~•• NOTICE TO CllEDITOIU Sl.l'1'f o~ c,1,l !FO~NI A SU~ll!llDI COUIT OF THE: cout<rY OF LOS ,C.llGlLES ) S5 STATE OF C•LIFOllN!A FOii On S•n!•ml>tr ll. ""'· l>t'o" rne. lllO THI! COUNfT 0 1' OllANCt: u,..,..,.,;9 n..r. 1 N011'V Public I~ ~'><I !or Nt. Ao4J.NI ukl S•1rt . o"""""lty 1ppeo rPd RlcM•d E•l•to cf !Ethtl W•ll<•r, o!tteio.ed. Pl1cev~. k"o\oo/~ !o m• !o ~c 1nc VI<• NOflCE IS HEREIY GIVEN 111 IN PrHld•"'· •nd P II, Ntck•ndo•n. l<newn '"'<Iller, <:>I w.. •bot t nimed dec..i..-1 to m• 10 l>t in. s""''"'' of lh• tor-'"•I 111 ou i.on1 "'"'"' tl•lm• •••In•! Ille PO•lllon lh~I •••tu!e<I 111f Wl!hi" In· 10ld dtCfdtlOI • ..., r..au!rtd I<> lilt !ht ,,,,, atrv..-.•~1 , kn11wn 10 me !O bl'"• Prn.ono w1111 lh• nect 1..,ry "'""'"""'In Ille PUltl -c•ecullll the w11n1~ ln1t•UmC"I o" ol 1h1 clerk .. lht •boY• tn!ltl..O c:o .. r1. or bt~&H ef !II• <0t1>0roll"" tllttltl" n•m!ld. ltt "'"''"' lh•m. wn11 •lit nec,..1rv •nd •<k..owlPdgl'<I to "" met '"'" co,. .-wcllcf1, to lllt u!ldlr1l(lfttd t i Ille otlln -•lien t •t•ul..:t !~• "']thl" l~1ttumt"I ot h•t o!••"'"Y• YCUHG. PRENNEll & p11rsu1n• to Ill-py.1 .... 1 Of a rtoohi•icin ol HEWS. JI! W. lloi•d. S•nl• ..._,.., Cellr •• n1 llo••d ~· Olf't<\Ort. ..nlch ,, •~• plact o• bu•lr>e>1 of Int W!T.,ESS mv ~Ind •r>d !loc11l i.ttl. -Mllgnt<I I• •II m1\!•fl perl•lnl,,. lo fNOT.l~l•l SEil.l lhe Ht1ro oC !<lid O•<tci..,..t, wil~I" tout B•v••IV A Tl\oo'li~~D" ....,;,"" al1•r lh• llfSI P"bllt111Dfl ol lnls tio••'• Public I" ••O Mlle•. !or 1•ld Co~"IY l"d 51•1• t>tlod Oc1Pl>tr J, 1Nt '"'" Ccmmi.i<oo f •Pi"I f•I "" A. Lewi• O"<•m!>t• I ,,n E••<V•rl• "' !"•Wit! TUTILE & TAYLOll. Inc. And o• 111• """"" ""''"d dec1dt"! AltOrn••• 1! Ltw YOUNO, P llENHErt & MfWS ioOt ku!" Gt1"d •t l•uo JlJ W. T~lnl L.• An1eln. C•lil. 'Ot!I Santo An•. Coll!. T-4nll Tel: 0 10 Sll·oJll Publ<•'>ed Of'l"!I• C<>1sl t>e1lv P,101. A"-n Ill• f•1<utri• Oc!obu '· 16. n. ~. 19~• IHI·~· Publ;'""" 0•1"9• (Hit Diii' P llo+. -----------~---[oc101>e• t. T6. JJ. )(), 1'6' 1171·'' LEGAL NOTICE p.J,IO! (EllflFl(OTf o~ COlf'OIATION Po• TRANSACTION O' I USIN ESS UNOI• Fltl !l!OUS NAMI lHC lJNOEPSIGNEO CORPOl'A1tQN lfM> ~.,.,,.<"Ill• !llal 01 .. ((l<'><lll<1o1'9 I bull"">' l0<1tPd •' llnl .&l;o"'luln 51 . Sul•• G. Hu~i.";ton B••<~. C•!••o•n•1 undt• !~•''"'"cu•""''"""" ol A.11 .E A WEST ond I/I.al •••d '""' 11 u1ml>DM'd of tlle fell""''"' <O'l'<lt•llfHI, """"" orl"'IPl l 111•<~ o• ""''"""•I ••folio""~ .lll E A (A ~•"<V lloO•l••nllU~t f nTo••"'"' A••o<i~tnl \~91 Al;,,.,.,uln 51. ~ult; G Hu"\'"9'°" B•&t~. Cllit. W1T~ess Ill no<IO IM• 2Jlll 08~ 111 """'°'· loOt CCOllPOll•TE 5E•ll ·~•ncv li:•o•Htn••"•H E'.,1orort1eo .t.J-lUO. l~C c.oe·~• wu+1,,..,, P rc1. )TATF O~ C .&Ll~OllNI• COUNTY o~ O~JoNG fo. n 01'1 1n•> il'll d•• ol M•rth. Ao,0 . 1'~'· 1t:>kl,n9 '"•••I~· duly comml.sl...,1d """ •worn, ~••wn•ll V •oorar~O GH>rll<' Wllll•m' '·"~"'" lo .... IO l>t '"' "r"'I~•"' ti! l~t <C•<><;•a!'!.'O \~·· l>t,Ulld l'I• W•T'I '" l""t'y"'o"I on beh•ll ot '"" co•P<> .. ••on ""''"'n .,.,.,.,...,, •nd •<~""wleOg..., to m• 911•1 •Ut!I (oroo,.11on e'o<u!td Ill• "'"'"· In Wl!"•n W!l•reo!, I ~••• ~prpunto ut ..... """" 0..., .,.,,.., "'' "'lld.i ... 1 '"" <II• •~d r••• In"''• ct rl\fl t •I• flo U tl>OYI ....... , IOFFI C•~L ~fA ll J.O.COIJt.~l"lf J t>El<~t•I t11t••~ Pu!>lic (olllc'"'" ""ncr••I 0 '1 1cr In (JJ•o~• COll"!V l 'y {o"'~',. O" [•Q ro1 !f ,v·~ I If"] JOMN v1 ~ruE 1•11 Wt"lt<ht! Or Ho 100 Nt-" 1111<~, Ct lll IJ ... #<U•rns• Publ•1~od 0·•"1!• C:~~•I Ot •'~ PJIO+. Oc!ober U. :'l. JO •"" N"""""°' ~. 1tl • l•JO·~· • LEGAL NOTICE ... uoo. C«i.TIFICAfE OF DlSCONT!HUA"ICf OI' USI ANl>/01 A&AJIDOHMINT Off fllCTlflOUI "AMI LEGAL NOTICE '1'·11?112 NOTICE TO Cl!DITOI S SlltlERtOll cou11r Of' TllE ST ATE OF (AoLl,OllNI• J O• THE COUNTY OF OIAHlie No . .l-.,\SM1 £1•&1• Of GEOll C.E: R, CLA'tl(, Ortt•t- " ,l011CE IS NEllE&Y G+vrN lo 11>1 C""e<!lto" cl lhe tl>OY• ,......., dectden! "'"' 1 11 OC!•\On• ~•~Inv cltlmr. •01•1,,.1 11>1 ••IO Of(l~tn! er~ requl•cd lo !II• !"tm, WI!~ ·~· nr<t •1• .. VO~<llOrl, '" Int pfflce ol r~c cl"< 01 In• 111>C•t 1n1111..a c011rl, "' to P'"'""' lfl tm , wl!~ !~t """"•'V v""'"""· •o !l>t ~""""'•""" •I Int offl<• .,t ROllEl'!.T A ~lAo~FOftO, A11or11f,, •U Volo Avon11P. Cl•••monT, Ce lllorn11 911!1 wl\lc~ 11 ll'lt piece' "' bu1lnen of IT>• und•nfll'•O I~ 111 m11t••• P•'"'"l"' 10 ll'ot •"Me Cl ••Id de<;e<I~ wlltiln lour mo<1tfl1 111tr 1~• lin t ~ubllc1!10t1 ol 111•$ not I<• O•l•d Octot»r 7. l~t 'llC l1A'IO L. LOBO •orr11111,1 ro!or OI !"• P<.l1T• of 111• afl<>v• n•mld de<Pdenl JllO&l l T A. STAF FOJIO 11' Yalt Aov"""• Cllol'9fl'lt11I, Cll1'9nllll t ll11 T1l1 {'1'1f! 'll-11ll A~ fer A~m"'lll'r•l•r PUbll•~Pd t>•an9• Cc"'I OC'obe• 9 1~. ll, JO, llo9 LEGAL NOTICE: THE UNbEJllSIGNED "°"' IWr.trY ,Olnil~ Ill.II, elfP<llYI Oo;lobor Ji, l .. f hi Qoe-II m bllfll'UI Ii"°"' '"'" l\clllio<tl. llPltl "'""' Ill JllAL~M5 FUllHITIJllE 1t "'1 H~. Co.11 Mou. Ct llforn11. ~kti tl\t1!""' "'"' """'••Iv comPoll<! ol "" to!lowl~f IHl"On. WM•t fl•rn• In Ml ... ~c• " r•lllt"'• " .. IOllCWll Ii>-.. ; ltlttll Fr...cl1 M•rllr\, ,,, O~~lll, C.,,,,.,. dll M••· C11n '-ti•• ... ~ ,.,. ''""'"''Ion tr' butl ... ., ......... IN """'" l+cl!lloou• ""''" tn<l ti• _.,11 of _.lc•lio'o 1n,,..,1 "'" ~" 1111 Iii -o'llt~ Of .... {°"Ah (I••~ "' or-c,,.,""'. _... ·~· ~·V',,.OI\, C"' ~ , ...... a' fllP (;lwll (,.,, •11'NlJ.\ mr fttncl I' 1 l\'ll C•• M ........... ,.....tr ;:o... 0.111 l'I,_, ~ M. J'. • W N1Vft!lf'ler •· "'91 , ..... ~ "1cT1T1ous NAME d. 1· ht be! 850 h' t · · · lhe latest styling lnnoYations of a console and the sound r~ .. undirt111Md -1 cor1lh< v.e 1, co,.. Jan ig er ore I , scrv· on t is monumen ls missing. d11c11"9 • t.u.ln•u .1 1u.1 w. Cl'laPm»1, cd on San Diego's first country "In the confusion of quality of separate Ct:stom components. °''"'"~· c 1111orn1a, Ynd"' th• 1i<1i!lou1 d · d 'S t h<<tldo•ecs hca'y construction C ' lod k h h ' · I lltm nam' Of PAr Bl:AUOELLE'S 111. gran ~ury an ........ a coun y ome 1n ay ••• ma e your ome t 9 most exciting place In town . TE11NAr10NAL Y~RO.lGE ~TOllE •nt1 ::;u1>crv1sor. and new students, the plaque , 11111 u ld firm 11 co,.>po1Pd of !ho follow-' d " lb 411 E 17 h St' 1,.. oerson who,. n•m• 1n 1u11 ar.0 P••<• Ills land grew lo thou sands has d i s a pp e a re , e f 111 rnldenc• i. •• 1011ow1: of acres. Roseville on San university said in a formal an-• • Pa!ri<I• 0 . 8o~ub!llt, Jl16 V•n ll11ren, c ... t. Mn•. c11r1or"1" •101 Diego's peninsula of Point nounccmcnt Wednesday. "Of· Costa. Mesa-646· 168.4 D•lfll 0cj;>~:1(:!· ~~6~••ubftie Lon1a JS highly de\"eloped to· ficials don't know lf it ~·as • 3l.o..Te:oF c.o..L•Fo11N1A. da\'. taken for safekeeping, or Daily 9.9, Sat. 9-6 ,' OrtANGE COUNTY: A' t th up ' nd Of Rose wha'," 0 " Oi:tnl>!r 11 ' ltlt. b•lor~ mt, • 1j .. ~~.:::~·~~P~<~r~,~~~~~-~~~":-----------'~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;iiiiiii;iii;iiiiiii;i~ii;iiiiiii;iii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;j-, Ntl•ry Publlt I" 1 " d fer t a I <I 31•!•, H'>On1ll1' IPPt••..O p ..... , ... 0 . B••ub>lle known to m• lo M '"' otr•on who•t. n•m• i• subsetll>..i !o •~t wi!~in ln- 1rrurrl•nl •r'lll 1c.knowl!d9td •h• •x•cu!rd Ille '""'"· (Ofllc;11 5e•ll Mo r• K Htnrv Uo!o"' PUbllt Cd l:ro,,.11 PrlnclP•l Olllee i11 O••no• C""nlo' f~• Corr1,..l•1•cn E~~'"s 'IOV H . 1971 l'ub!I'~ 0 "-n9'1 Coul 0•111' Polo\, Oc!ob•t 16, jJ, XI •nd Nover111><-r •. 196t 19)6·69 LEGAL NOTICE '~-NOf!CI TO C•l!DITOli:S JU,.t:llOk COUllT OF f11E 5T"ATI CF ('ALlf~OAJll.t. FO• THI COUNTY (I, OIANGE ff11. A ... UH e,,.,. of MARGAR!T M . 5HAfEll, Plet~••O. tlOTIC E IS HERf&Y C.IVE1i to !lit ·rMllo'I o! tt... 1ba~t "'"'~ dtt...,•n1 "'"' t i! Po•tonl ll1vlno c111rm oooln•! ,.,, U ld <lec..0•"' lfe ft<IU'f•d lo Ille '"""'• wo•• "" nec•uorY ~oven.,,, i" 1ht O'l'llc1 "' l!lt <lfrto;"' !!le aboY• •!'l!lled co11t!. or In D••••n• •hom, w11~ '"" n« .. ••rv ~out~•·•· ro l"t und<l .. ,g~ •I !tit olllc• o1 PAli:~E lli , SE ELY Ind Wll.Ll.l.MS, A!· to•n•Yt• lit r<orllo M•I" Sir..,!, S~!I• 90&. ~"'" A""· Colllornlo t21~1. whlc~ h lh• ~I•<• ol bu11,,.,. of !h• 11r>d•n•9...., i" oil m&11•n Pf•lt ln•"t ro !h• '''"'" of ••'O Otc...,tn!, wl!!lln fpur monm, 11Ttr th• ''"' Pu~llt11lcn ol 1n11 nc•lt1. 0&1Pd S.-pl•ml>er ?t. 1Hf M1rl•n M1 .. ~. f •KYlrl• o! lh<" 1'<111 or Ill• •bevt n•mecl d~CPdtnl 1'•11.K(ll , SEILl!'I' 1nd WILLIAMS .... Nlr1~ Mt ln $Ir .. !, 1'.11!1 ... S1nt1 """"· C1lllornlt n7'1 'f•I: !11') ,O.MO! 11to<"'r' "" l •Kulrl~ Pv~1,.11,o Or•n;e C11•1I OtllV P\lci'I. Oo:t•~or 7. 9, 16, ?l. 1'69 UJ.4-ff LEGAL NOTICE WAREHOUSE LIQUIDATION OVER $100,000 WORTH OF FURNITURE TO CHOOSE FROM COMPLETE 3 ROOMS WAS $1495 m For t'1e homtow-.,r with discriminating taste ind 1n rye for SUPtrb wotilma nshio. ,,,,e arc J t om o'tlt rooms ol Soalllsh desisntd lurnilure 't uns11rp1t.sed vafu,5! Tht Iv f1h 100"1 en~tmD e is w11ml~ o1cce11ted with hind carvtd wood 1r+m on l~t ~0 !1 111'1c1 lo11e s~at 1."lat fu!\y compli ll'\e nl t heir t.umpluous v~lvet f;i,br1cs. A lo11tly tt1n tree wall 111~oue 1r nd lamp~ foll the 1oom with e ltgl'll w11rmlh and charm . W~il,, on !~ the be<Jrciom ,l~d you'll immed1attly tall In love w rth this gr,)Cious lurn1· hire l h.-it caqie~ th ro ugh the maslerlul h ~nd desr1111 1nd superb con5truct1~n. !!'15Pl'l 1h1s Frcup· 1 n~ e~•etii11y ••• 11om the m ajes! c m1r1or ~nd lrople dr"ser ,., lo the k1ngsiit lte1dboard ~nd 1111! ~ :e n1'r stands , • , a ll deep 1n det11I l l'ld tonst1ucted !or a llfe.timf: A live piece dininc room ~'!cl t on1Dir!rs !nit spltlldld grouping with intricate.scroll-work Oil bolh table pedestal •nd ch.J•f 111~ert'>. t nhanced by plush vinyl w111. Our proleuional d ecorators a re •t )"our se.rv1ce. (I ))" term•. ol course. Complete l Room ir. i11Cludes: • Sola • Lowesut square qr hu cOfl'lmode cocktail t1ble • IT!t • l1blt lamp • Nn(i111 l11119 picture • triple dreaer • mirrOI' • Z nil• stands • ki~isilt httibotnl • 5 pir<e dinin1 room set I •t~•u:~ $.,..&Ga'""a'wi SACRIFICE ', E111:h Piece can be purchased separately at equal savin9s • ' , • • ' ' • OPEN SUND A y TILL 6 I FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE TERMS e NO MONEY REQUIRED NO PAYMENT TILL 1970 • • ' • l h I I II F d ,, ' ' ... d - ' ' t ) I r I ( -. ----:' :' ;-----.-~----__......--·------~-·---------------~.-.,-------,.-"T"-..-..-~~-----------~--------- DA!tY PltCT J'f -··---------= Murphy to Run, Again, But Not for Third Term / GRAFFITI by ~ 1 LOS ANGELES IUPI) - U.S. Sen. George ~turphy says Ile will re\Jre after two \enns il he is re-elected next year. "I wouldn't n1n fo"lr " third term," hr says. "'I didn 't think jt v•as proper for \President Franklin D .. ) Roosevelt and I don't think it would be propel" for me." C a I i f o rnia's 67·year-0ltl :;enior senalor discussed politics, philosophy and his lit· • -tle·kno1l'n private life recently during an interviev.· ,1·ith UPI. Jn reply to a question. he ....gave a "flat pron1ise" not to ;:i;·un for a lhird tenn, ex- --vlaining, •·1 think that al age -:,,5 el'erybody, l n c I u di n g .-fiupren1e Court j u s t i c e s , ~hould retire." -~turphy"s biggest probl em -iintil la st \Vednesday night, ~011,ever, 1ras convincing )X'O· * plc lie actually \1·:1s running for a second six-year 1erm. 1\ny doub1~ \1 ere rernovf'd 11 llrn ~300.000 11·;.1s r;uscd ;1t tl1ree ci11npa1gn d1nnrT~ in Los Angel es, Fresno ;ind S:i n lJiego. !\IXON SUPl'OHT Presi dent l\ixon phoned the Lo;; Angele s nHal r Yr'ith an en- dorsernenl of ~turphy's can- did;:icy. '"That \l':lS very significant ."" !'llurphy :-><Jys. •·J hope il will stop all Lhc rumors." The senator contends these "run1ors"-th:it he ulti1n:itcly l\'DU\d step aside and allow his 1964 campaign ma na g er. \Vrlfare Secretary Robert Finch, to run 1n his plat-e - were '"planted" by Demo- crat.~. Actually, they have bern trapping up ever s i n c e fl1urphy underwent an opera· tion for throat cancer four years ago. About once a year he goes in for a checkup. Recently he received another "clearn bill of health," ac· C'ording to ,.1urphy, from his personal physician. Bul Murphy adv i s e rs , fearful Democrats rnay build a "health issue"' out of the senator's cancer problems, ha\'e urged him lo be e1'· arnined by independent doc- tors who then would announce their findings pub licly at a new conference. The senalor indicates he is11 ·1 too keen on the idea and savs he \1 i\I do it only soOn as I gel time." PUBLIC CllECKUP "\\'ould it be proper to insist that every senator have a publicly conducted physical checkup?" he asked. "That's kind of silly ." Although !'lturphy"s voi ce still is weak and raspy, he looks the picture of health-his 5-1 L lW-pound frame held erect and his checks an Irish pink. 1-le's as spry as many men 20 years younger. .. I do calisthenics and play golf and swim," he says. ''l See The New FRIGIDAIRE GAS DRYER NOW-WASH DAYS ARE A BREEZE-WITH THIS FRIGIDAIRE GAS DRYER! e Ov•Abl" .pc•'\ '~'" -J u.+ '"" p<c lH • h""P•'•lu·• fer du roblo p•eH ii•''" ' " '• " " " ., ' ' • • Jet Action Washer with ecOnomlcat Small Load Setting • Small I.old Stiling. Sm~ \\'a\'r i~ detergtllt lot load~ nl 1'ss-th1 n-usu1I si1t, • Automat1c Sea~ Cyc1t. r~r lieav1IV soil ed items, diapers. • Oerl' ,l.ct1on ,l.111tator. • 2 Jeh~VU1 lifl~tS. Matching Dryer with 2·position fabrlc.s Se lector • Lrt1 you ecntrol drylnc hrat to suit fabric. • Ouriblr Press C4ir1. Prop1r te mptritura plus cool-do'" ind rnd-0!.cyclt iipal ketpi the oresi iA Ou1abl1 Prer l!tm!>, • Ho-~toop lint ~rte&. BUY THE PAIR$358 88 Since 1947 DAVIS· BROWN 411 E, 17th St, COSTA MESA Da ily 9·9. Sat, 9-6 646-1614 haven·t even had a cold in two )'ears. f\.fy blood pressure is the same as it was 20 years ago ." In a candid reply to a ques· lion, ~1urphy adlni\led he does not have the I i nan c i a I resources to ret ire from his ~42.~ Senate seat even if he had the desi re. "I have an ill wife v.·ho has three nurses a day," he notes. "The medical bills are pretty high." Julie and George h1urphy 11•ere married 43 years ago. Their WI.ion has been a lo ng one by anybody's standards, but particularly lloliywoocfs. For some time she ha s been an invalid with crippling arthritis. hfurphy s p ends many weekends with her at their red brick. v.·hile picket fe nce home in Beverly l li\ls. VERY EXPENSIVE "It has been pretty ex- pensive," he says. Although a Holly'>l'ood star most of his life. ~1urphy says, "I've never made 1noney com- pared to llope or Crosby. I \\'as never really interested in mooey. I never had that great urge tog e t rich. likes om e people do. l spent so much of my time working for free." J\lurphy, \\'ho started helping elect ftepubliran candidates in the \ale 1940s, says he finally gave up show business for 2666 HARBOR BLVD • 546·7080 COSTA MESA WEEKDAYS 9 to 9 SATURDAY 9 to 5:30 SUNDAY 10 to 5:00 0 Repl•t•"'•nl 91•11 for II>• on• th•! lo.g9td up 111! "••YV ,.,n. ::; Bt n;ce l o •t• vo~r poro~ 191in. 35' PVC SPRINKLER PIPE 0 ''''""" ''" ,.. c•n l1ull. 0 E1•v ie de, cul wit~ • c;epin'il lfW 0 No ll>rt•din9, w.11 not to!, 1u1! or cor1od1 in th1 9rou nd. 'h ".. left. 11... 4Ctt. politics because "I was con- ttrned with what's happm.ing to the country." And that's \\'hy he v.·anl.s to run for a sec· ood lenn, he says. fl1urphy says his campaign 'ol·ill be tied closely to Gov . Ronald Reagan's because "[ think he'll make a perfect blocking back to run behind." '·Generally," be says, "I don "t know any areas or political philosophy w h c r e Reagan and I disagree." PROUD OF BILl.S The freshman senator says he is particularly proud of legislation he has sponsored lo combat air and water pollu- tion, teach Mcxican·Amrican children to read both Spanish and Englilh, reduce achool dropouts and prevent fann workers from strlkina: at harvest time. 1.furphy says he will vote to confirm Presidtnt N t x o n ' s Supreme Court appoinbnt.nt of Judge Clement Hayn.worth because ''I have lround no substance lo any of the charges" of conflicts ol in- terest. During a 3eCOnd tenn, J\turphy would like t.o "do so mething about solid v.·astes"-such as old car bodies. He fore-'ffs bu.ming them up with atomlc heat in nuclear power plants. •·we just can't ketp on fill · •.o.~y~rli,td ,o•rl•I; ;000' 1<1ru O~!~D"' 1f. \Iii l1nd ,j "'' goDloni •on'1 t <! u• ..... I< b• OIC~ neAI vieel. I 12 INCH GLASS CEILING FIXTURE 0 Ht •••• lu•lv ..,;n"''· i n.I I w1111"t t YI" avt" I W l tl W • ...... 1>1.in' • ce"l11i. C SJ,1rp 9111a r1pl1t 1"'1 t nl fi~tu•• fe, c1ilin9 .lirnin1t11 9 l1r1 •n<I o<l<l1 b11utv. ~ w69~c."' RAM/FURY 3/8 INCH DRILL KIT 0 Co,.,pl•I• l>e"'• wo•lr•l>ep, l /t" .l1tll ~.1 J1c•b1 911r11f Ire y chu<k, 1uerl•<I <lrill bit. 0 Poli1l>i119, bulli1111 •II~ ••ndtn9 1tl1•hrn1'lh, 1lur<ly bane!. •l~nil. LJ All p1ck19•<I i" • f;tt1d meltl c•rryint t•••· 8'' lnl up our canyons with them," be says. Group Fonne<l In. Wesbninster The 42·membtr Westminster Elementary Schoo l Administrators' Association hu received its charter and ha.s elected Clarence Owen president. Other initial officers are Fay Fryberger, public rela- tions: Dr. Keith Lawson, cur-----,------=---- riculum; Eugene L Y a 11 , Top Sports Coveraqe legislation; Doris R e i d , secretary and Mary Lou 1n The Daily Pi!ot Nichols, trtasw-er . . ,. •• CABINET HARDWARE O Onlv runni"' bo1• (W . 10!.:l out 1111 1ho1 ) but 91! '" 11rlv cuZ it meY••- 0 Gel 1orn1 9rto! c1bin1 t f;~fura1 httt, ind you mud h1•1 • l•w bro~en, bent er l'l'in in9 oneo •' '!'OU' pi.I, LJ Choe11 from M1d,11,,1n11n . .,,o<lorn, ploin, f1 ncv, "'' 9 01 ~nob" pu ll., 1~1 work1 . 7 INCH PICTURE LIGHT O Anv 1d i1I will 1111 you I09ht ;, •• impetl1nl 11 lht f, ...... 0 Cl1mp on !)>pa .,..;,h b fool cord. Of u>I 11 b.<lli ljlhl ii vou h•t• •rt, 169 10 n. GALVANIZED RAIN GUnER D Prt v111I Vflu.b!• 10<! ••O•ien. D Put lf>;, up, il'o ••1y, if1 ljltlY tllilt<I , •ol<lt•ltu. 1li pioi11!. 0 If it nav•• r1in1, yo" 11;!! 911 p r1lly n•w 1h,nv 1lull. 85' LENGTH ' ' • ' ~' 1-:: ' .. .• ................................................... ,.. ................................................. ~ ................................................ ..,j .,, f ~•I ~'1 2.00 OFF SCOTTS SUPER BONUS s : ~o li2~ ~-~' For p1olon9«l fo .d:n9 cl your <1 :chen<lr• 1 .... n, wor~1 l•1t •n<I qu:e! for lh;c~er 9••tntry, Controlo IS weaclt, •lop• culwo'""" ind 11wn moth l•rY ft. CoY•fl 2500 •qu••• f11l I, l;tfi• ""0•1 ii '!'OU c'-1"1 whil1 1pr11din9. l -R09. lZ,,5 1095 1.00 OFF scon's lURFBUILDER 2 5eu11d1 lil• lurf l uild1r plu1 l b1ttkJ lo "'•· 0 Wronljl, 191in, vou t •Y• 1 <1,11,,, 0 Orv fo•mu!• 110 o<lo•, r•l••r•1 li ke 1 tiny """• pill ! • compe1t<I l1wn, iu•• w!.1! l'v1 1lw tyl w1111.<1. Reqular 7,,5 695 LIQUID PLUM'R 0 Will unc1 e9 lht dr1in, ei uick will\ ne hi9h plu111bin9 bill. 0 ! I .liiln'I lnow lh1rt w11 •nv olh•r lr i"d.I Q Ctrri11 I fu ll l'flOlltV b1t lr tu111nlt1. 4" PAIL SET C' Coupl• al buckth httt lor mi~in9 ot 101lri119. Q 5 11 u11I t11d t eiu t rt .~ •• 10 jf vou .... ~ •• .,,;,t •'-• yeu c111 peu• il •n !ho 1••9 ••· 0 Clt Yt r for 1 1fll1ll t ewn. wi11i1 2:49' 0 lhiclr ny1e11 lt1u1h 11 touth but 11 •• a,1 •• 0 Smee!h ,.ooil h111.llt, bri1t111 ••• •••v lo cit•~- 65' FLUIDMASTER BALLOCK c '"" ., '""'""'"' for lew-bov or 1t111d11.I. 0 En.Ii loi11I 111u•11 •"-' J,;,. 0 Corfo•io" p•ool, h11 i111!111t 1hu!-01f, •••y +• i ~1t1U. 2'' STUCCO ROLLER SET w / 4' Extension Handle •• 4 • , • , • ' -'r l: H•"'ilo1 ""tll 1 ind c1:l;n91 wi!h ••••• [J Cu !1 p1;ntin9 1,.,.., 111 half. 0 U11lo11 ~ou <lo 1.,;c• 11 m•th. 129 1 ' . , .. : ! ·~'·i f .. l '. ~ ""'"Ji GLIDDEN WEATHER SHIELD EXTERIOR PAINT 0 lilt• h o~,. P•'"' 9iYtl "•* "l lY1t ri~i1h ror woc4 .rtJ ol~cco. 0 Fl1w1 '" 1mootllly, -iui~~ly, 111:lv. 0 F11I -'•v. eiui~~ tit•" ~' ;" "'••m •o•pv w•lt r {unltu ytu r11lly 901 m1uy.I ~!!-' ~ .. I ·1 11~ ., ,, -____________________________ ..,.........., ______ ,,,__,..,,.,,..,...,.-;-~~--:~:--~~~~ ' - t: i · J! DAILY PILOT Thurid.iy, Oclobtr 2~, l961j1 41elping M 'inorities Help Selves Top Safety Prize Goes ,, .. Teachers, Students T a k e Class to Mi11or i t ies By TH01'11AS FORTUNI':: To County mairutream of Ameri ca n tica l plans for his course. This second quarter, du ring the society and fighting back with fall querier, he s a 1 d, spring quarter it "'il! split into SANTA ANA -Orange SANTA ANA _ A husband-hoslility. Riots and crime are · · d' . h he d · 0 1 tn• 0111r 1'1111 uut lh · 1 ,, ... , participants arc 1scuss1ng srna!ler groups and "go ou t County as en name a win· wife instructor teain and 20 eir way 0 s a..ing revenge, what it means to be a conl· UC Irvine students are out to he says. munity and the nlorl'!l obliga -and hel p their areas and com-ner in the California County interest residents of a Spanish-"If you are born in poverty tions of citizens. 'f hey are 1nunily centers and organize Employe Safety Contt'sl, co- :-pe;iking are.a of Santa Ana in and your mother is on v.•elfarc discussing how rn in 0 r it y and bring change. That's the sponsored by the County hel ping thenisc lvcs. and your father has a prison persons are defeat ing idea," said Burela. Supervisor~ Association o t 'rhc s tudents ha\·e been reco_rd YOU,, ha ~'d', 0 1° hBope 1°f themselves by s h u I I i n g Burel a said the minority Caliiorrua and the St ate knock ing on dOors, telling getting out, sai 11 rs. ure a. themselves in . co1nmunity needs practiced Compensalion In sur ance persons in the 1n in o r i t y She noted that the social After <J quarter ()f getting leaders. In many cases, he Cotrnty's Coin neighborhood of a Co1nmunity mobility available to the vast the minority persons together , noted, the only reasonably Fund. Awareness class taught by middle class does oot extend the Burelas plan to spend the succ e ss f u J community Awards were presented to Albert and ?i1artha Burela. to this segment of society. winter quart.er try ing to solve development programs are ClttlJS Conve11e the counties achieving the best The Hurelas aren't asking Burela said the wealthy a problem the class decides nursery schools, Other proj· on·the-job accident prevention the minority persons to co1ne don't take into account the upon. It might be something ects flounder or fa il because ANAHElf\I -The combined to UC!. They 're t1kinf1 their poor in mllinl d~i1iorui. He lik11 getting more minority the llecessal')' imagination and coin clubs of Orange County records during the past Y'ar. class into Santa Ana and gave the e:1ample of a county teachers hired for l heir leadership is lacking. 1\•ill hold a coin show F'riday, Orange County "'on top teaching in both English and selling iand lo a developer that schools. 'fhrough their course the Sa turday and Sunday at the pl ace in its group for having Spanish. is needed as 8 park for those "They'll go through lhe red Durelas hope to supply some Chaterhouse Mot el here. the lo1\·est number of disabling The bilingoal instructors feel ",,·ho ~an't afford to go to tape if they have lo go clear to of that. The show's hours are 10 injuries p('r million man·hours lhry have to go get these awau. Sacramento," Burela said. "A '" add;t;on to the st"de"ts, a.rn. to 10 pm. Friday and '" t'k lh I f ,. " .. " C' d d 10 I 6 worked during the fiscal year persons, talk to them and "We see iOmeuung i e at ot o times I 1ngs can be fi e-the Burelas \vould like to see .~;llur ay an a.m. o p.m. sho\v them what they can do with the Back Bay," he said. complishcd by bringing a lot some white adults from non-Su nday. ending June 30, 1969. for themselves. "So we have a polarization of peopl<' to a rneetin ~ and poverty areas join the class. lr=='====================j "The person that grows up of two groups," said Burela. saying. ''Ne want to work "'ilh It inlght make it easier for in poverty has a different way ''Each one knows about the you, Mr. tll ayor. This is the some of the minority adults to o[ looking at lhlngs." said other but no one lakes any ~~~.b,1,em. Will you please help relate than with the students, llurela. "He feels that he isn't steps to cross the gap.'' they figure. "A ma r r i e di a citizt'n, doesn't bel ong to He said he is attempting to ''That is a more effective woman has something \0 say ~oclctv and has no "'ay of tak-use his students in a social way than picketing o r to a married woman,' said ing p.irt in decision making." sciences contemporary pro-demonstraling," said r.trs. f11rs. Eurl.'la. Bool"'s That Confotrnd, A stotind & Expound ••• • • •• • POI NTI NG TH E WAY TO SELF HELP UC l's Martha a nd Al berto Bureta So Burela, 37, a \el.'tu rer in b!ems class as intermediarie1, Burela. They also are lookillg for ~ocial sciences, and his "'ife , "If we can bring Ul'l· Burela remarked. "\Ve want other forms of voluntary 1ld 2fi. a UC ! research aide, derstanding, with a little more to show these people the only _ transportation and a little residents 0£ Costa Me sa. are elaboration maybe we can way to gain is the pacific \vay, money -essential s 111 take trying to reach the people on bring peace in this society," not by burning and killing. We educatio n off the campu& to a j thrir 01,1,'n ternls. he said. want that to stop." spot where they think it isJ A bo11nd at. • • The Books tall • • E. 17th St., Costa Me•a .. • 548°4611 • • i ·.s. R ole i1 i Aviatio1i Class is one nig ht a "'eek at\-~B~ur'.'.'.:el~a~d~'~"'~ms"::~b~u~t~h~as:.."p~ra~<:· __ l~f~l~h:_e~':"la~s~s~;'..s~a~s~u~'.""'.''~'~t~h~•-~n~ee~d~c~d~m""'os~I~.-----~'======================~ t:Cr Community Projects Of. fice·s community house in Santa Ana, Pan-CllO I All· Color Resource Organization). J t costs no money and tht're arc. no requirements -none except a v.•1llingncss t o partici pate in improving the minority community. lb•n1n<I Tne Pancake HOVul • • • Ol t SS T ? A.\Ali.Ei~·I -11',r nC'\\. rha1 rr;ian of t-:l' C i v 1 1 Aeronaui1cs Soard hehc1 cs tht' future of Anienca·s a1·1a· tion leadl'rStnp hinges on de\'rlopmrnt of lhC' cn11- t r n v c r s i a I ~11pcrson1c l ran~porL "In n1y ju<lg1nr11t 1h" :;;uprrsonic transport /SST I ii; !he on ly ongoing tcchnologicH l achic1·emcnt \lo'e're 1vorking on D E,\ TR l\OTICF..~ C.AL"D llE·\ll •lo"an• nt G•v<l•••u. llll •IM•I P•et•· cc"• M••• ~ .... ,~. ,,.. • .,.~. Al W•"· '''" c~ .. ~I Mcftu,.,. 1 .. ·•.!i' HALEY r r.r••• l H•l•v X! 11•~ " •.,1 F\•I!~ ~J"<l~f'<I bV .. !• V •O ~ • f! HOit•; IAO ~""'· l•<O W I r<! /'-•/>i•I P Holt.; '"" a ~u~~'"'· Tan;• 0. Po'•""' o'"'1 C•"'""• F Boe. ~·c'~'" ... ,., Ho le•. ,,,,.,,, Mt•• D• '"'' •"" """ ""'"''' """ '" o•onor~·•· """ ~'""'' 1.•cnn••· 1 r11 P••• F•m•'• raion••I Fun•••I ,~,....., r•~. "' •u<Jot•I< •"<:><• "'"~in. m•• m1~.1 ""'"'~'·•I <on'""•!•on• r~ ' ,. ' ' Un·'•O Mrll•o<ll•• C~urc•. S••I 811<'". llL'TC llF.'°S _,1,., r 11,,•infr• ~IOI 8r'f••' Or·••· C:••Qtn C,•(!\o• ~v•v:•KI ~· ~'''• .J• "'"•: Tno ~1un•rt<1, l;n~n DI"' onO r;,.,, J llu••''"\, !""" 1on• M.t•••• w '"" Co·.o~• YI Hulin•"·•· h•ol ne••. °'""""""· Wotto<r. \\o"'" onn H••· ~··• """"'"' 'l'C'" M><••o "'""'" F•ft""'' G~r"• on<I I~•·~ CO•IN ~"'"''"'• F•ido•, l PM, Ptt~ F1m.I• Colon 11 Funeroi ttomr . l'.\'<:RAllA'I r •·"~ """"'' '"'""~""' no [••I•· no-• ~c· 'I'' ~...,ond-0 Bra<" 0.01• "' ~•!'"· O<'•h•• 11 ~·"~"fl! ,,. "'·~. <o , W C'1>•ntr v.,.....,. l '""'•· ~ • .,.. ~· N3"~" I.Ion, l••~t•. ( ••· ''~ o \, Q' Lovo"' Nr" H~"'"'" •• 5••, -~, r r1~ .. J P.Y "''''" y,.,. r-··• "'" ~ ... c~""" °"""''' <" o•• <" <·•''"0 I"''"'"'!• <>•t•l t y,~.~ "•~,,. '' ~,,, 0 •fC1KI C• "" "' /\ HDlCKLF: & SO'.'! \\'eslclil! rtlo.-tuary tzi' E. 11th St., Co~ta -'lesa 61~&88 • BALTZ 1'10HTUARIF.S Corona del ;\far OH 3-9~50 Costa 1'1esa r.n 6-2-IZ·I • BELL RH0,\0\\'AY i\IORTUARV 110 Broad"ay, Cost• 'lesa LI 8-3-tJJ • DILDAY BROTlJERS Huntington Vallty 1'Tortu11ry li!ll Bt:acb Blvd. lluntinglon Beach 8~2-77;\ • P.lcCOR,llCK LAGUN1'. BEACll !\IORTUARY 1715 Laguna Canyon Road Laguna Btacb 49t-9tl!I • PAC IF IC \'JEW rtlE1'10RIAL PARK Cemetery e 1\lortuary Cluopel 1500 raclfk: View Drive Newpwt Beacb, CaWomJ1 "~""° • PEEK FA1'tlLY COWNIAL FUNERAL HOrtfE ':'SOI Bol11 A\·e. \\'estmin1lt':r lt3-3SU • SllEFFER MORTUARY Lacuna Beach 4H-IU5 Su aemente 49!-41ot • SMITllS' fllORnJARY 6%7 Ttfala St. Uundn&t .. Bettelrt - in the f1t'ld of air transport," said Secor !). Brov.·nc. He ~poke Jn Anaht'im at a n1crt1ng of th r America n lnsl1tutc of Aeronautics and Astronautics. "If v.•e're going to con tinue our leadership in the field O( air transportation. we'd better gt'! going. \\'i thout the su p ersonic transport Arncncan dominance in the field of <Jir transportation \\'Ill come lo ;1n end." Browne said an American superjet hner flying faster than the speed of snund could he produeed 1n 1918 undt'r the 1null1h1lhon-dollar SST pro- gram's cur rent schedule. The French already arc tt'st flying their Concorde, the £1rst supersonic transport lo gel in- to the ai r. Browne said the American airpla ne would not compete v.·ith the Concorde, but would represent an advanct' in SU· ()('rsonic a irli ner technology. \York on 1hc American SST, suspended by Pr esiden t Johnson hecau~e of contrart dcv<·l oprncnl difficulties and design problen1s, was recent ly i;:il·cn the gl)-ahead by f'rcs1- dcnl 1' ixon. Bro"·nc said the 1' S should "proceed with !he program 11 has developed and \\"hich h;is unfortunately been dcla~·cd." He said it was •·regrcttablr"' that Johnson had stopped \\'ork on thl.' airplanr, e~·en te1n- por.1rily. TI1e 20 UCI students. all c.1ucasians, are pilching in "'it h the Me:a:ican-American and Negro adults in trying to develop awarent'SS of "·hat can be done . Burela. a naturalized U.S. citize n born in Bolivia. sees poverty groups left out of the Israel Bond Post Goe s To Deutsch CARDEN GROVE -Henry ?il. Deutsch ha s been named chairman of the 1969 :am- paign for State of lsra'l Bonds, it v,·as annou nced troda:; by the Orange County Com- niil!N' for !he Stale of Israel Bonds. Dcu t ~rh . a r e s t.ar rh chem 1st, heads a manufac- !liring bsuiness in Placentia He is a resident of Fullerton. Il l' t111s been involvt'd in lht Israel Bond campaigns for morl.' than four vears. Scr~·in[: as cO·chairmen of the ex ecutive commi nee are llr. Joshua .J Alpern and Dr. n.iniel 1-1 . Ninburg, both of An:'thc1m TI11s vear 01<' Israel Bond l"o:i1:n11icc "1!1 11onor Dr. !'\t.1nle~· H. r.layberg al a I L ~l 1mon1a l d1nll('r to he held ~unrt;iv ;i1 the Los Coyotes l'ounirv Club 1n Buena !':irk. J)r t-,lj\ bl.' Tl!:. Chief <lf Staff al P.1l1n !l.1 rhor Hospital. \rd Israel Bond dri\es for many yr<"!r ::<. SONY Trl11ltron® T r lnll ron •o) rolor b brighter, sharpe r rolor 1+'1 Colo r TV with a 12" d iagonal screen. Fer brighter, The picture's ,harper. The color's better. Turn on the set and watch the T rinilron 1ysl1m bring greater (Olor fidelity in to view. Basi cally Sony 1im- plified thB system and got • better picture. But you should 11e it for yourself. Just $359.95 AT ••• ~DAVIS -BROWN 411 E. 17th St., Coda Mesa Dally '·'· Sat""'4ry ,_, 646-1614 I FOlllllriJ_A_ Incomparable Introductory Special! Double Choice! Double Value! 2for$168 Every Man's Favorite Long Wearing Fall Fabrics Worsted Sharkskins Wool Worsteds Worsted-Mohair Reg.$125$96 2for$188 Only al Grodlns-two great lnnltlon-flghUng IUftVllueo, I hanks to new state-wide 'ZT Blore buying power. Solet:t your favorite wool fabric, each W1th two pa1rs of pantl Iha! add months of extra wmrto yournowsullSlyled In loday's moll! popular 2-button modal. •• pe~ect c/lolce fo r business 1nd social wear. At these savlng1 It rnU.ea sense to buy two sulls. Grodlns makes It easy with Oplional Charge, BankAmerlcard or Master Chargel SOUTH COAS T PLAZA Coste Mose -ANAHEIM Brood woy . Anoheim Cc nte, LAKEWOO D Lakewood Co ote r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - Thursdi1Y1 Ottobtr 23, 1%1) DAIL 'V 'llOT Vital Statisti~s for the Orange Coast Area Marriage Lice nses SEl'T, )0 G""5SMAN-l!.\llNeS, l(.l•u1. 11, ~· 1..a Eld•n. Cello M.,• """ h•IH:ll• F., 16, of l"i'U Cenlu, Soni• "'n•. ~ L~il~~EV~c~~I~!~?' Corel -'·· 1/, o! 611 ~, WoltDI!. Conn. llTc~"'" ,. . n. (D•'• M•>• •nd 8<>11a L '"• 11:0..a, ., CANFIELO-ll Ul!lll.OWS, L••<Y t "· QI !11 &l>ls1 Avo .. N•W'l>llrl ll•1Ch •ncl ,,. sner.., L,, n, 01 911& Atro onv., Pico Rl•tra. (allf SIMPSON-lULLENEllS. J~me• w . 2', and Jo"Ke P .. :!Cl. bc!h 01 15'1n " Ch,l••nte. M1ufon Vl•io W!lKE-WALL. Cht51" L , ?6, o• •;\lQ No rc.,•u•, W•>!min•1•• ~ml //,""''" J , ll. of 1101 S~onld' Dfiv•, (o•I~ "'"" PROUDFOOT-NAPP, GtOfqe 2919 Alie L1gu~1 81•<1 , SNch a1'CI Htlg• J ,. ll, Par1-11n1. (fill• Mt.••. F , ,J, o! L•Qun• " "" SCHUL Tl-MORGAN. W1ll•ill G,. 10, •M G•ll A,, !I, lloth o! J'UI Slo'" Avr,. Huntin~•on llt&Ch. MENOOlA-AlC .. LA, lo,.n10, 29, ot U.(l? Ollvt St .. We•tmln''"' ~nd Brr!hl, )9, o! 1tl1 McOon•fd 5•, HunJ.~q!o~ erach, ~· llll(HAllDSON-JAMI ESON. J~m•• >1 , 21, or 1!': C~rrolvo, Lon" "'""'" •~<I -, 8rtlt ll , 7), QI '7011 (•lie Ju•n<li>, C•P'"'""D lle~c~. OCT, 1 .,$KIOMORE-5HEA, Croit J .. n. o! 11l0! l(.ffl>cn. Hun!l~g!on il••C~ •~<I M•.-Y L' 19, ol 100()] Pt1at<10 R~d, -'~•h•im, __ P RICE-SEPULVED,t,. l•molh• E . 11, "' &600 w. CoaH H•9hW••· N•WOO'I lltlch en.cl K1t!tl••n o _, 72, of ,.ISi<) PODPY Av•., ca ......... d•I M•• McGll:IFF-ANOEllSON, lo~ 0 .. 11, ol Sll".'J G•ld..-.rod, Coro,,. O•I M•r •nd S~trol•n, 11, of 2101 M"lnn O•i•I. Git.,..,lt , C.•111, Wli:IGHT-SMllN, 5!•D~tn, ?I. of 1411 M•ln St, •nd (•Mftlo J , 1), GI 1011 1 Mtrrlm•c Orlvt, DO!~ or HUftl•nt !Otl lllt•c~. ~·•s•NG-MO"LfY, l'•ul )--! ' •l , of /ell Taltlfll, livn•lnQ!t)li B••cl• ono P•lr!ti.o A , JJ, Of 11011 11:•'• o,.,,, Garat n G•cvP f'ETTEll:-P,l,ll:IS. J ..... p~ S , 71, o! l~I SoV1h '8' SI,. Tu•!"' end P•~•loot I., If ct 1716 M:r•mer P ... TTON B 11 " 0 F 0 ,. Q , Ot•n II , l l, 01 101 ~' MArltold "'•t , Corona de• Mf' •r'l<I Llroda (., 2t. of '13' E. Belt>o.. l!lvd., 1!1 lboe. l lPP ING -8.\0 IN, Owl!,oM G .. '"· (If n .. Rlvu•lat "'"'" Nfw_.t llt1ch ana El lld~Olh M .. 11. "' •.U N. S•<f•m•nln, O••nQt, RODRIGUEZ-SILVA. Altlf-tl 11., 7!, ol 9U7 Guonlao Lin•, An&i.•1m &nd ~'d"Clo M , l<, ol ll< l••v••le D"v•, (<,,!& MO•a. WRIGHT-REED. Wlllord H . 71, on~ Coll•!!• M, 11, botn of l ln De•vd•~ D•lv•. Hun!lnolon Be•cil, NURRE-FERGUSON, J•mtt W .. 11, 1MI Bonnie J .• 1•, l>Olh Of 6111 A!blt)li Orlve, Hunllnv!on Beech. SHAW-l ATUM, L•rr, W., 11, Of ~~l B•r•lenl! O"V' ~nd Poul•tl• 0 11, ol 1!67 Lou<dt• Or,vt, ~olh of Hu"- l1nylt)l1 Btd(" \'IERNET-MANN. F•an~ G, 11, tot H1/l C•mino [I Mnl1no. (•P"''•"O Booth •na Donna M , ll, «! ~I [, 61lboe Blvd., New""rr B••c~. OCT. 1 HEEOE-SHOCKEY. Wllliem C , 11, nf 111 Co••! A•e , Belbo>a '•le'IO end P"'""" A .. 7~. cl 118< 'f'l:.la E n!reao, N•woo<f Be•th, /.,'.ONLON-LAPSHANSKY, ll•rrv 0. l1. QI )910 Aleodln Odv• Ind Sdr>d:O I , 71. DI 11011 Plntnu,.1 Len•. l>Qtn ol Hunli"IJlon B••c~. GUIB.t.UL T-FOX, Fte<I l ,. n. 1nd Ale111ndrla I(,. 7l. 1>c1i. ot lll W, Wiison. Cm!a """"· llARNETT-OSTLUNO, Edw1rd H,. ll, "'"' Ann~ G , <9, boltl ol 2672 Via Cu c1dil1, Si n C1tml!-nlt. Wll TliN-SIMON!, M•r• 0 . 11, oi )O<I Ha•dlnQ Woy, Cos!• M••• "'·" C•tho (. JI, ot lll)l l llllan w4,, lu•Hn. H.t.lt.-PfNNEY. J""n C , 19, o• 1101 N~:nn;~•m A::aa, ,~,.,~"'I B••• 1, •"<I (oM~e L , II, O! ll(;) Ool Roy Dtl•r, ~an!o ... n.. l fSSING-P.t.YTON, John Ii , 11 o• ru Yor~fo'"n 1no Pot!I l., II. 01 '1? E•m••• SI both o! 1-!wntl nglon ~••th BRIGHT-LE.\VllT, H•"•· 69, c! i<IG tlo•lhwOOd Rood , SHI B•lch 1•1<1 Foy, 6•, of ll EllSWQ.rth Av~. Teo·~ t~n. NJ. O'BRI EN -Cl!AW;Ol!D. gichl<d C, , .. "' 116 E ealbc~ BIYd. Biibo~ •rd Nar>CV E .. ll, 01 U6J l•mM•·· Avr,. Catl•~<l. C•lo!, CA 1AL00-BUTL£~, Pi,,l1p /~, '/!. ond C••clynn A , 1l. b<:lt~ ot I i< D•••W•''-Hvn!;nQ!OO s ... ~ SACBY -ADAl.'(ll-'I(, Tnom~• I ' ~o "' lllll [<Jwoca, ~' ;uin MM?•"' M 11. <ii 101:1 Gcia•n NU~g(I, l><>ln ~· W•''"''n''~' POTEET-WILSON. Lowronce A , lC. ~! 3\5 1111~0.. Bl•d,. N<wpor! El••c~ .,... (1rl J., l/, DI 119 w. Wilwn. C051& Mr"' tlALE-.JUSTl(E, ,.ot•nd J' 11. DI 16?1 Bavloo-•n<I Mold•, 1,., 01 i.no L<>Cu•I SI .. bo!h ol We,rm,nslei . LEEDS-JONES, G~rY M , lO 01 !1¥1 LtmbEtl 01"'• ond Oonr~ L P. QI 51-11 Chinook 0"••· boln oo flun. hnalQn B••Ch. OOLL!NS-EIUSH F.NBERC> 0111~ C. •O, OT 1199~ orn SI , Y uc•10~. C•'l' dn!I Eld~ I.A,, 06, O! <0!~ Al•do"' Od ••· Hunlincilon Elo•Oi · OCT. J k <IY-l>OASAS. Howat!! A ?• n1 l'\ W, Yl i•1on and 11.och• H ' 1¥ ~I ~lll Pu•n•• Av<, ool~ or (o,ld Me'" CAR TER-CAMP. Rlt~•'ll N JJ dnd %~r.1:. t.;;,i:OM}'::'.'.h ot i101 cdn•o" (HITT\JM---GOMES, O•n·~I r . 1), of ?lll Pl1c:•nli1, Co••• MOid ond '-'"~A J .. 22, ol 1~91 Rl\ont ~•no, Hun. !ln11lon lltoci.. WE IDMAN--WEI NSTE!N. Wil11om ~, 36, 01 }Ill M••lner~ 0 """· N~,.,O~" 8 e1c;h Ind P•h• J .• JI, o! •I! \'/, llT•! St., Wllmina1on. /M THESON-O:EMPER, Konneth •,, ?1 . al 11•1 w. ll•o.od"•~. """""Im ••-<! Pa!•ltl• A . 19. Of HO llloO.ht•Th CLrclt . wu1mlr1>tf' DE ARCOS-CATT ... NO. M<t~oel, n. ot 19!11 BrooOhu<\l S• ono A"""""' F :)II, 01 :'0011 Ml<1l1n<1 Lane, t>ctn o• "'vr Tlno•on '-'••c~ P!•JLLIPS-~ASMUSS£N . Mo<w•!I 11 , 7', and Judy L .. l <. b a !~ ot Ill l.\fOOO • S! Lanuno Boo<h FAr<(~SMI TH, W!lliom H ' ll. of IQ1l ""'~ Av•, L,aoun• 0e1c~ ono ~n~ron Po•k "'-•~, L•uuno Bel<~ •nd Sheron A 11, or 7l< U no 5T. Newootl Ill ta en OOOL EY-Kll.OOATZ, Wlll,•m J, lo. "' 14• Mon•~l•O, ~on (ltm1n10 """ O:olhloon M. l•. "' Rou•e l . W••~<\Qwn, Wi•c OANIEL-HINIKER. A. ti_, 66, Ind F'O"CO• N , ~Y. 1>o1n al :l(]lQ.11 Via Marl1>1>u E1.i. Laovn• Hiii•. Wll !.IA,MS-9 L0M. l!oOtrl l , ?I ~I 11.Nl Comqo» L • n •, tlUl'l••ng!Q~ "•dch Mia B•"' 1, )O, oi ltl <11~ ~·. Ne..,Dor! lloach fl ·'' FY 'owrL L M.ch••I 0 ' I! cl ~"1-~6 B<•Ubu•• l<oad_ LO> Allm•t~, ano Otl>o•an B , 11,. 01 •OOI Cnurcn•lf Couro. (•or@'' 1-!ILllER 1 McCAULEY. ~Toone" r. 7J, ar>d C1ro1.-n S .. 15, bolh O! 11<11 C•· n•on AO•• Ori••, LaQuna Beien C ONTl!ERAS-... R(l-!ULETA. V,(lor, ll. of 111 ll••llmo'•· 1--tu"""q•on Beach •~O M••• .J , l •. of 1WJ S. B~••'. > ""~ Ana AMIJS CO Nl(llN, Cary 0 . 11, ond c.m ... .,. L II, l>Qth OI ~ 11) E """ nQC~ Redo, we11mln•I«. Birtlis SOUTH CO.t.ST CUM HOS PIT.t.L Srw!omtlfr 11 M' •n<l M'' MICh•ol D llO•C~, ll•ll P1na1a, Mi»•"" v .. 10. l>oY St1>!1mb<r ll ~\' ~nd M"-Oavla I Murrav, ~l] Monierey "'••nvo, Sar• C1emon10, bov Srplu.,Ht 11 Mr. and M•• Ml(haol J. Atid••••· IQ1?l A Wood~v•Y. Gardrn G•ou•, girl Mr, ana "''" H•"•• 0 Ghut. ~I, M~~dowJa•I< Lan.. L1gun1 Bta<~, ~l•I (;">!~In and M". P•ler R Lip•, :'•I Vl1 Soco«c. Son C'"m•nt•. girl II• and Mr>, Joi.n C MtclO•th. 1(1.l COLOR TV and COLOR STEREO THEATRES ... lets you enjoy the full beauty of music from ... • Glorious Stereo FM • Drift-free Monaural FM •Powerful AM • Your favorite recordings You'll never settle for less-once you've heard the brea thtaking dim ensional realism and tonal puri\y of a Magnavox Astra · Sonic Stereo . Outstanding quali ty features inc!ude: 30-waus und istorted music power; two 12~ Bass Woofers, two 1,000 cycl e Exponent1af Treble Horns to project thrilling sound frorn the front and sides of the beautiful credenza styled fine -furniture cabinets; the exclu sive M 1cromatic Player th at lets your records last a. lifetime. And their advanced solid-state c ircuitry eliminates tubes and heat-assuring superb performance and lasting reliability. Each is on concealed swivel casters to perrnit easy moving. Why not treat yourself lrnd your family to !he sound of beautiful music - from is magnificent Magnavox! Your Choice of three authentic styles Mediterunean n1odel 3717 NOW ONLY $ .Aegeen Classic model 371 S 50 Other Magn<ovox Solid -State Stereo Consoles from only $139.50 TOVATT!'S MAGNAVOX HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Direct Factory Dealer BROOKHURST & WARNER 401 MAIN ST. 0 TOJfT TOYATT Fountain Valley 962-2456 Downtown Huntington Beach 536-7561 (frmr lo, San (ltm<"''· Qorl M r. olld Mro. Jo•e C Romo, :ic .. W Maraull•. ~•n Clt m•Mle, bov .,comp ctu~ .. ~ ff ~' ',, _;[;n~rlfre~t ;:~ .~i ,, \:,:·i ~ ;~te ~I ·-." ;-~~\ Lfi. q .il , 1 y', ! I . ·'ftt .. ,J, '· .;Ji\·r1 1 .... t ~, . . . ' ' ' .-·. . . I --"~ :: .~~!!~81. ~4~~>ri.~>;· ~· .:.Q {i:lt."''!,.f~"fi 1t£r~ ... :t.-"', l~~;;~-~<r'..-.. -' ~ ' ~. • .... -"7 •, --••• • UNION BANK . -~ ... Unlon!merlc• q omp•ny 9):"~~.l":'I~,\,'~~ ;;: ... ;1. , 1' !·•~"-. . ., "~ ... • ·' • ' . -· ; ":-:· .. ,,.,• ' . • I Orange Coast Area Vital Statistics Expert Color Service Divorces DIYOll(f" Fll fO• T"°"'M>r>' f'"GI OU•"">> 1.~• C•>lt 1:111, O.n"I J v> ... ng,• C.••('I I O\Otn. Int Mt• v• Edwfttd ""''"''• Ellleborlh H•n• •• (~lfl" ~:;-:~!'.'\11111m Mft• v• '°''"" f r ,..,•nlll\O. Ptm•I• V• ,t.ntnoo• ~ ~, ...... H•l•n M V> ~·edorlc l'<ft•O~ Smllh, EV•IYn L V> '"'"""' J S•t nll•i<!. Linda •• K•nn>!h ~ Mcl(f<l\On• Ce•o"' ~ v• C l~y!on S. W'lllanH, l"'l~r Fl VI D••l•f" • PO<!dit, Too¥ "''•nd• v• Ro'" Ou••" 081u. Ch.,le... llo•••<'• v~ J~<• Mich .. I ;~;~~.M·~~!'0\.~;.~~" J~~"1";.,,ll <0m '"""'' F.<10•'• 8•'04'~ J. '' w.11 •• m 1 [Y•n•. Mdarf'<I l<NI>• V• c .... ,., M•r•ln M••l,nt z \1"9'" I •\ A1·olOn•O J•mM>~•• Alo•+>U• L "' H.,,_n l'"no Cnurch. il••t•• J ,., LI"'"•'" r p,l>O',, N .... c•il• V v• (d»of• Vt>IO" ,....,,,,~. Ahnr C •• llobo'" J c ... ,_.. C•ncl•'~ l••n• V• N~•I lloaam1n Von E.r~rn <•••n lt• V• Jonn 011•" ll$$tn, 811nc"• O "' O•lbfd A ll1v. lvncl• L VI J1m•$ W S"'1il. (h0tl., E 11" v• JI"" Jun• C.aln<s. C~•tlf'I• 01" vi WAl!•r Oon •I WNICll•, P•<'•'<I<>• ~ V> ('"'''OOllr' I N<wman, Llv1• l. •I L,.11, 0 M, ... ,.,. C1•ol """"' "' lloo.,I Lollo'rno 0 1"-"· 1101><.r Ch••"• •• ""'"" l >nn sn111r" D••o•1• t.I, ·~ Jo,••" ll1cn1•d W••••n•. llonel<I I( "' An•t• l Alt1r11, Luc• v< O"n•e• C7'~ton iv1am•••<. Ch"S'"" J •· Jonn lhom•' ~~~~~1·:...~~l~~i'f!'.,"i ~·~·~:rrw;>nd J~•n 6••bl. ''°"" Y$ Vll!{•nl A ltoc,.,, '""''' •• Me1,fn (...,,,_,, .Ard•Th IAO'lt V\ l'<>Orr! Ph1ho g~\i:::~·d."o~t'v\ (1~n\~~~l~~•aC.•ll o:.>v'>O 11.-dl~•I• Vt Htlla floo"'"'· l in<ll Corol ~~ llo•mond C•rT ll/hl1•!1dt. Oolortt Joen Y> w lll .. rd W•vn• fl...;•. Jo•n M~rl• VI Vt'"°" L McGhtp, C•,o•¥n ~"" ..,,._,,. •> L•v· rrond L•r ~.~.~~~l~~;.Ji;\~,~o~';,"C,.'i~nda L •'i.ller. V•l•rle Jr•n •• llic.1>1'0 I •• 8 1,,.;~. M•t<l<ed Mrrl•nc •• ll<>r1ald Volmer ,~,,., • .,, Drnnit Vl•gtnlt v• Jet~ IA"V'" ,.,,,~,,..-, E:ll11vel1' """" •• Mlthotl l•"" P ""· r11n<• Doi<orr• V• Ml•••" --" :1:•.: •. H;;::::., ·~.~::,I•,.. E.,.,...,.d JOiin l'·-<M'Cl'I. "'"''" V '' {~., ... , E, (~•"· (8•01• ..,.,,... V• John .,.,., ... ,. v~.rvvitl>. l ''"" F •• Oor"• •. wn11nrv J!Kk ,. llulh l0«'10 J••driMl•a, A"~"' "'""e •• Ahm•d lhom••· .,..,1. Ei.lnt "' HDWUd Ml11on Gff'Vtl, l •hf DllYll "' w 1111 .... Jffl•rv lllO(k, ~ontlcl Y•lm«' n MllQr HI Mtll""< l·~'""• Pornrl• I! v• I(""""'" l. An.,~romb1f, C:arGOVn Jo •t (ov OO>V~l~1 ""'" C•"ntll• Ot nl>< •• John M. P'l•ol, Go<ald G•vldnd "' Co•OI Fren<tt r;, •• ,, Lmd~ 5~••n •• li!lc/'l"'d o ... ,. 11~ m~nr. G!'<>•r• "> 11.,,.,.,.,~ 11•""- HillllOrow, Eml Atno1a V> Lind" C••CI G~ICl•n, Jo/'ln Wlll••rn >'I Kllnle•n L""M r01a.,•ll, V\rqlni1 .., o,..,. llM .. •g , Shoron SV• •• c,.,,,.,d C.vn!/'lpt fAUtol>•. Pol,•<•• Ann •• Jlt~ Phlll•P NGnlP•••de, 0,nald I! v• 0~"' l. Fo•quson, Narm• C. "' W••ll•m e Gn><1nl" Ariet>f M~rl• •> N1c-C,.1l,1Gn ~uun All><r!o vo /,\tc l>e•I O""•ld S"11lh. Do•olt<v J "' ~Iv••! II lt""'•'· M~rv l<>u vs ll<Yt 8•1ir1n tHnalo••· >(Im l(/'IO• ... 11•<••<1<> Al'""'" l(tuq.,, 11 . Suwn L•e •• Jarn•I llu>'•ll ll~P•Oa lt, Ed"i l . •> Oto1n Grldtf, J•, Su••n J "'' Jam•• G. Pyon, Jim I "' l!•U~ LOY Freemt1n. Hel•n I(_ "' P1ul c. W110. llU!ll H v• W•tnltf'<I "' s~""'"· Evt•vn J•a~ v• Lr11nc1 Hattv C""'o<l/'I. llarbore '" >ia•n voe E ''"""· Jonn •• ltlf•~ Nllrljnq. l lnd• l te '" Slt ,,..,tn ll""'tr Gonu lei. R°'• C •• Ravi l Llh •v. Morma (, '' N•rrll Eklon H•nuen. Francis Ii! '" lll• M. Sirin. -:aren E "' A.llan M TwomD•o· .. llo•• A.nn., l(•n £1rt CDIJrtM•. w ....... M , V• Horr• E l l<~lrn!/>llt<. Soc0trO Y• J•mtt Pout l O<. l t l l" E. •• Yvonnr C. YO<Jnv, E•olrn Juanita"' G"<lrq• Eth• 8<rn<I!. Viol•' A."' Fr•n~lln ( w • ...,,.r, DI•"" Su• •I l•Wrtnt• l'•PkO. Jr,, ICar!a J , vs Atll>u• P•ul l."'IW'' M•ruarol ... G•<irO• Cht,.>I•• Ovt. II. Elraroo• Born;<• V• Cale Adam IC•rr, M••• L. v• Oar«• J. C•r,.,... Ill, Fr8n1'. Ftan<il II> Mlchoe•vn 1t1ron l':uwl!1~v. M~•u•re! V. vs Jar~ ST&tkor, Marlon lllthtrd "' M1rv Kay Ho<>lo lno, Jore• Ann vs Jdln Dsc1• Gtl Vf!" Elu11ed l . •• Oon E11•r.1I Kru1e, Con1!1n<t 0 . v• J•tl< A.lien Morion. l •n• M•rle v• M•rlln Anthon• Ry~r. Ellrlf'<le T. v• J(W>n Sodgg,, JOJ<ly C.,a! YI Rodn•Y Alan INTEli!lOCUTOllY OECllEES Cowan, Jean Mori• 111 John Wiiiiam ""°'"'· Chorl<o A.<!hur V> [!>,.bel/'I AM ~'"'· C••"'• I( "'" D1n1 e. 11 ... ,, .. 1,. J....i;rh •• "'41•1'. Ea'""'" ll•'' lrld a. •• ll~l>f" f 1_.,1 ..... lOMm• J ••n V> II"""'' llONld Oe•a•. ~nar1 L v1 111</'l•rd w o,8"''""'· l•u•• M•• •• J1<1'. f·~<1 c ~ .. , J11<11th A ,., 11rne o. H>'dfn, Si ii• Ann"' F1 anc.1 J•m•• Anctrew1, Stli'I' 111 Olvod I . ll•ci., C1th,.l<>e P. y, Clll!Clfd G. t.'onntd•. Gtreldlnt A., •• lllcha•d J , C•amet , Darcrnr J. 111 George R. llrown, (•<Oii A. •• fnt•mon W, "'•~f, H"ol<o 8. V> ChMIM. A Fn>lf '-P1frld • Ann VI RtH •n Lorry .ArtlllHI, Lo<tnlO G. "' ltTIOt1 11 ..... Monie• ""· vi Jaine• ""· f luy<I. Sane!•• 11• S1m11•I H~lrn••. ~hKlv s. •• lluDrrl ra .. ••a e,,....m.n, Jacauelvn J ~• llo;if'r' 0. W•ll~C•. Datltn• A, "" Jomu A 11 .. 11. ilirbl c• Ann •• Wltll11r\ H. Yl•Yn<•, Olan"" L_ •• ll•th<l•d t4 r ,.,.. .. M•ltaltn O v• ~""d"' C c~~""V. Ca•a• """" "' Robot! ,-,,,n,1.n rn•lor. C•lh•fint v; '""'""' f rrdtrit« llu~. Mirlt•n l . V\ Ota~ f ~·~';",,;~·~. ~~1.:;:·e:.:;. :: J',,~·~l'f .~, IC•u~,.. "' Hr•I~• p~"'''"'" Phll•O A ... P.ol .. <I• Ann• l nk>t Morl•vn A vs 11011 AH•" ~~~i=::~k~·,::r,::,1"~ Jr. .. Fe~~~~~ z P•11 Vi<>"n. Ad•len"" c. v1 O""•kl C•rt Cotem•n, 15•11• J1ne "' Woll11m Hep. ~· Cl.,lord, Janl1 Ma•lrn• II> Jom•• (Id· !ord 8atn••d, ~l•P~•n R v• E>1•l1 J ':r.!~'ci~~o~t" 8~r '!, "ki.;'::,,,c~-::i' d 6ull~•l<"i<I, L•lun Pair.(<~ V> Jot~ E"9enr l\~rmo. PtnllY II~ G~•ald J•r~ llo>>lo, l!>rv•rlY A Y> Fr•nk J. ~::.":ira': Ji,~~.~" "v,~:1~ ~1an1• l i•on9>1Dn. Woll•~m ( V\ Ht••n ~. l \Jc.n. Joan 0 . v1 JOlln W•<l•v fetf•ll, J<'nfl Madovn "' Pn•HIJ !'•tnur ~°"'~"' Ct•r •I" Alltn V> ~V>•n Or< Smll/'I, C'afolyn P•lr<t .. v\ Mlth~el Hamlllon llubv, ~romra M "' llalDh II. Jolir.,on, O•le C VI JO•<f F. r,;Dbln•, lommv ·~ MMI• Cl>d•frnorn. Lind• •• M•Ch•r• l anq, Rulh Elllotlf'l/'I VS ~'ran• O•<M D!lddrM, Jt .. Calvin C, ., l•Ura l . Smllh, Jr .. Samutl V> Sll•ran J. FIN"'l OECllEE5 Fr•nci>, M .. 1irr1~ L. "' Pllillo .t.. Hollo/Id, v ;rglnl1 M vs O~nl•I AllW'r'ni. 8•,·bor• ., LDV" Cl1M I•• Weld, J1,, Elolne II v• Herbt" H. Co.o. Julen• e , V• J01111 1. M~t~1<10, Mor!ode E. v~ ll:avmond L. ""'°'""· ''""l oo vs Ar!llur l• R~y kramrr, SvlYll "' L'"°"ftrd Ellv'•T at O•mi>!on, llOlltTt• E. 11a GeOfilf l , Higgin•, NatYcr Jun• "' 0 . e. !.+~"''•"· M J P•n vs vorn II_ 8 6rigff, M~IVI I(, VI O•vld D. si.11i.1. Ma<j••d lfrM' ~• Vlr~!I Rav Chaft«)a", oan v1 Oto WH•e C Wood, •nl<~ Ter! V• llC>n•ld l(.,m11 COOi!, Jr~ Ft•"". H, ... Sl'lerOM Jo G•mrno. Ch"-r.'I An"" •• Stanl~~ HO'o"M <I Allrl""'"· 111, Wllm<!t Anlh<>r'IV Y5 Lin· d• Mov Hollm""' ~•\! F •• Gil'n L. 1 ev.ne. Lartv Sit""" v• Golt Na!•lle D•v1" M1rv Jo YI Grov .. le• Jat~ll11'1. Pamel• Ann•> S•~nlrv A. Motq3,,, Morgar.r !>uc vs lhGfn11 Wiiiiam (l;tp\, J~t•ldeen vs Henrv E W•l>Cl<I. 1 orrv Jor Y> Jo Anne Gall ~<l>IO!!lleuor, P11tld1 1. •• M•l•ln E. "'•1111•!1, Patrkl• A.nne "' 0111 Dole E!lwMd>. Oldne L. ,, Wiiiiam E, r •9•n, Lalt A.nn "' St111t Wvnoe C""'• Dav1d Jo•epll ••Lois Palme< 11~11>, \/<!<la LO«I,.. •• Paul H arr~ ~:Z~i.~~··wr~:n ~~.~';!·1•;, lrJ....,r~ Word Tv.,nril. Ju~lth Ann v• Gf'Qr1>0 II;, oor._.v, Tw,11 Jo vs J1tofl llOl>o'r1 W••vtf. Jr. 1lice •• Etneot Arlnu~ ~•~••.A""" E. v• Andrew H. (;.,11.,,, ClaOJ<lil Jo•"ll!llne YI W>llltm Tnt<><lo<e Jav•n, E•elvn Motl~ v• R. Donft!d B•ld"dqp, Lonnie E_ "' lois ""'"" 0 ••1. Honrltt11 Ell1~bfolh v1 L"" H.nch•Y. Jo,._.,,..., l 11• J•m•• Allen Jon"-•· H~len M "' Hrn•on G BOiiom, Ca•OI AM ... Eldon l ... W•"· Nancv ElalM' •• J •dt l!'<>n Eg<1io •oe, Sonnie Kav >'s Robett HCtlc.n L•qnc•. Ma•lh• E li••t>oln "' Poul Wavno Collrr. Barbore Ann V$ Cllrl$1ooliet Oov.o Pr,.111. Ja n•! E. II• JO$•~h Mollon, Donna M a• "' K"1nt1h w,i.on ll r,.id•n~d<h, lerreno' (. vs (h1tloll• M R•v"""a, Maril>• Iii!• v1 Manuel -~Tel~. H~nr v v• Co•<'•lh l'•lomlnO, M~r~ E"anot V• Eddlt A, Qulnlern. JO!' L v> lwll~ J, Mofo~ca, Shellrv •• Jo•~Oll l Wdynon, Gaolara Ro•t<ot v1 Judl tn E!• " Chill, E.on• Ml ,.. vi Fred Thomes HMlon, Pa!tit•a Ann V> G"°'g' A. tl6mll10", Clvde Ii!, v> Ma•garef M••v ~~~: (i~· J~v.:;,1111~11(i:;lt-. Gt"Orge fvrtll, M••Y J. vs llovmond C. K""'enlckr, Wiim• Mille v1 Clevton Orto ~:1=~. ~~~n ~O:~ ~;1~1.~j.nc• C. Sml!n, IC•• R•• "• Ch•1IU Edav Urrll. Ml lt lrah Joanne "'· J nc"'•~ Cr..rlts irlpool TOVATT'S Budget-priced Gas Dryer with Permanent Press Care Loaded with money-saving conveniences you get wit h gas appliances! 5 drying cycles - 3 temperature settings, special coot-down care for Permanent Press fabrics, fast drying system, Tumble Press• control, large snag-proof drum and extra-large lint screen located on top. Choice of white, edged copper, or edged avocado at no extra charge. ~179 95 Gas Dryer Model l TI ~50 1 3· Temperature Cycle Gas Dryer with Custom Dry Control Featuring the features that put your needs first. Custom Ory control offe rs "Less Dry" lo "Very Dry" which automatically stops when clothes are dried to your liking. Automatic permanent press eliminates ironing: Tumble Press•control restores press in clean Permanent Press fabrics wrinkled from short wear or storage. Extra large enameled drum, extra-large lint screen. While, edged avocado or edged copper finishes al no extra charge. 518995 ~-Dryer Model LVI 6801 TOVATI'S Direct f'a<:lor11 Denier BROOKHURST & WARNER Fountain Valley 962-245' 401 MAIN ST. Downtown Huntington Beach 534-7561 AQulnG. Vic-I• Jo"' J1""'' ll-'1 c ....... ~. Vl•elnl• M. YI lloberl I , c;,....,..,, J-F ..., Yt•ne ~ l....,.,k. Mlthte! c. .... VI C••ol~n 01...,an, 61111t J''" •• Cht tle> C.011 Juog MENTS C~n~ll~ ~il'.' Jo •1 Doflol<I Harrman 110ber11. ~~le lvnn vt Oon l~n~ !annulm..,ll. Bondv, Maroer~t C1rclvn Y> li!cl>trl Edln l1rwo"lmen!I. Fl1nl91n, J1tQU~+l111 J. •• lllthonJ <•n· nulment), Wood, Mafl111 C. V1 ll1<~1•d \!.llhtm ldnnutmen•I Hunman, Mo•~•·ri l . ~•• R&dlord ,., lta>m<>r'I~ L (~nnvlm•n!l Col•lmo. Eawttd Jo..,.h "' OMvl """"" (1nnulmtMJ AND BLACK & WHITE l ALSO ANTENNA INSTALLATION I Reasonable Prices Both At Home Or In Our Shep ROY IULLA'S STEVENS TV 548-3493 A HUGE HALLOWEEN 1951 NEWPORT COSTA MESA A large variety of spooky, scary treat s for kid s and adult s! J COSTUME Selection · You'll gi'We e1Jerybody a scary treat this Halloween In our daz• :z.!ing selection of costumes, COMIC ·BOOK CHARACTERS Spldtr M1" or Gret11 Llnttm, R111ec!y An" or l1urtl I H1rdy, ftvorll• TV ind ·comics ch1r1cter1 offtrsd ror llll nm: time! , Be a Gus the Ghost, a Franken· stein monster or beautiful fairy Princess. Sizes s, M, L. · .~~. , _,,_::,,,",j FREE t .TRICK OR TREAT 11AG WITH EACH . COSTUME .,,..,.,,,,___,~.,_....-"'""-'~'~·~ COLOR BRITE FOR O!Y OR NITE SUPER HERO and look nk1 1 rhl non or bt•r In our c.omp!tle settctlon of wild 1nim1I coshlmts! Popular TV and Comic ·2 9 8 costumes in !lime rttardent laUtt1. And, new lhii vear color bnte tostume~ thil Ille up, fun day or nitr. DOMINO-HARLLQ"'IN -CURTAIN-COLD-SrtYElt GRUESOME NEW COLLECTION HALF MASKS FULL OVERHEAD MASKS Assorted colol'I, styln, fabrics 1 QC 229 , 1 ~i ·Honib!e" Color~ ' . ": ·. --lofoll'Wot priced from only to ' • -: 298 lo 395 Gold & Silver llz masks-_39c curtain masks .... ~•N•-.. N .. ··--~49c COMIC LASHES Ready lo put on, Cln be reu~ed R11n1Ue f'1ntic b!.11 lari•' 1111)' 99c fAMl'llE Nt11s -2'e -ut DEVIL'S PITCHFORK 30 In. lon1 LARGE SELECTION MOUSTACHES .. (#» 49" HUGE SELECTION -% MASKS,,. from only 98c COMPLETE SELECTION MAKE· UP Nol only 1ood for Hallowttn bi.rl lor the1trit11S too, Complelt lit__ 29c RoD-Oa •-Asst Colors-. ...... -.. 98c ._.., Blick Wax , .. • Nost Putty, ==--Cre11e1, P1ic~ l Oc -~·~ from only _ ............. . A(L·PURPOSE. WIGS CO STUM[ ''m-'a AS COH MATES • BALL ... sac CHAIN • WITCH HATS 39c DEJll'f', TOPHAT or· Slf.Alf HAT MAii • c "" 98 Y~• 1.hule• -SPECIAL HIPPY HATS with hair Wool hat with Yisor 298 HIPPY BEADS ..... -···-99c HOBO · OUTFIT lnrl. battered hat, <;1iar, tic. 129 Thi• 011t1i1 i• r•ollr lo11oy. LIGHT-UP PUMPKIN HEAO FLASHLITE A $lltty lite • for lhllowttMtrs f'~mpkin lop rrm11'1t1. gee SUPER DELUKE 16" PUMPKIN . 99c . i Ur1t ~sorlmerrl ~f 59c l •KM·UP Plll!lPk.illS •••••••• Others from 59c to 1.49 t\A ~ RUBY TIARAS ~ 169 OTllE•ll.l.IAS 1.4t PARTY DECORATIONS D!INGE STREAMERS •• 4Sc BUCK STIWIEIS , • 4Sc -••lllll CDMllNATIDN , , •••• 25c SOUTH COAST PLAZA ati .... •I ,.., ~ ,., ...... C•tla M..- HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER JJIM M. K•""' ano.~ Ctltl Mew CAVE MAN CLUB 2S iB. lo~g. la~&S 3 big beating, 1u11r1 395 6Y£R llEMI CAV£MAM MASKS WITH NAIR CLOWN SKIN "WIG 98c PLASTI C BIG BELLY Worth ~million laug~s. f1ts 11mo1t 1nyone. ~=198: OELUlE CIGIRITTE HOLDERS 1-4 ...... ... ... ::a 24" TelestDpl! £ject1r t .98 12" L1r1e Ej1ct1r ••• 98c &" Mediam Eject1r _ •• 59c UI'[ SnEtTIOll: Df lOULT CLEAi . PUSTlt fJC( MASKS· WITll Pl!HllO FACES PSYCHODELIC CL£1! 100 MASKS 79c SANTA ANA HOMO PUZA COSTA MUA -'tAltlOlt Cl'.NTDt IUlNA PM( SHOPPING CfHTDI COSTA MBA toUnt COAST PU.ZA HUHTlHQTON CVfTQ TORRANCr Dn AMO Cotmt LAKEWOOD CENTtR WOT COVINA PlAZA Al.HAMIRA YAll.fY CPfTtlt SANTA IMIAU LA CUMIR£ PLAZA m Ba CANOGA PARK TOPAHQA PUJA SAN 1£R1WtDINO INLANQ CCNTU OXNARD CtHTER VENTURA IU£NAVENTUR.l ctffTQ IAKERSnELD VALLEY l'lAZA MONTCLAI R PLAZA SHOf'PING CumR flSMION YlllfY C(HlEI SAii llC51 • J ~ • ' ! .. .. • -.. i " •• " ... " ~ " '" .. ... " " " '" '" « <o <• •' '" .. ... " 0• "' ,., ., '"' • "' " ' ' ' " ' M• ••• , .. •• "" " Nn• "" •• '"' ' "' "" '"' Oo0 '" • 00 ' ... ' 110, '• 1'1\fl "' '" '"' ,,. "" " ' 0 ~ T' " 0 ... .., '" '"' "' ''" "' .,, M• ., '" ... '~" • "' " "' •• '" • 0< .. " '• "" MC ... ... !Oii ' ' ,,. o• ' "" •• ,, " ... <O< ' 0< ' '"" "'' ... '" ... ''-' " o• c '" ... •• " "' ·~ • o.· '" • Thuriday, Octobtr 13, 1~6q _______ c_D_:::AILY PILOT J."; L.EGAL NOTI CE J ot!CI OP IMT'INflON TO Elo!Olllil _. IN THE SALi! 0,. ALCOHOLIC • ••ur11•011 C<!ot>tr )I, \~69 ~D W~orn !I Moy (Ol'Ct'~ LEGAL NOTICE .... t 10I NOllCf TO Cl!.I OITOI!. !.UPllll !Olt COVllT OF fllE 5 1.0.11 01' CALll'Oll:NIA ,-Oil TH!. COUNT Y 0 1' 01.AlllGIE. Nt. ,..,J,. Fu·1n H ono1·s .... 8 on Coast 111 E thni<' ~lu t l ics l JC P rof Q uits • cou~ult.-11 hy the ~ll.111('1•l lor , uffice. lhi' nn :idvb1ir•y t lt•ari.:u t authtir11y t·un1n11\lt'C IUtli.'l!Otl l1ud " SuOl~CI •o +u<i•n•• o• 111, "''"" ""' ~11•11 l0<, no!lt~ 1, !1or~b• ulv~1 lne! "" 4 noo;,.gnKI "'o~.,.., 1~ ,.11 oiconollt ~v•••Y•> •r '"' o••mi.u. on cf!Otd •• •11ew, fl!OI• of rHAllLES II. U 0 0 L P H FLOYD, HI., 11wi •"""'" 11 Ct1AA.LE$ R FLOYD. JR Ooc••••d. f~ighl 0 r a n g e Coast residents employed by North A mer i ca u R o ck 11·cll's Autnne lics. in Anljheim, have been honored by the ('Ompany !or their yea r-; of serv1c1•. HE HK£LEY (Al') -The th:i lrn1an u( the Unh·ers1ty of Cal1furnia eh<lrn:ellor :; ad· \ isory i.'01nm~tlee fur the 1·:1hnic S1u1hcs Deparlrrll'fll hai; rtsignetl with a ron1plu1nt Iha~ his cununilh:c i.s i.clJoru Troy Ousl l'r, one o! 11H· t11 r. professors who oq:;<1n1Zl'd la:.l )t•ar 's conlruvi::ri.;11 t'ourst' wllh Ulack Panther !'.:ldnd~c Cll·.i\l'I' 35 gu..,~t lt>t turrr, sa11! -----,-------> Eve ry body l ove$ to • 11~'1 COl>t ll19nv.1y .Sun1•1 Bc1cf'I • !OUll ., "'"'u•nl lo '~'~ lnl~n•'""· 1no u.,. ..... 1111\tll II •P<>IV.,,Y lo I~• n...,~,,..,,.,, ,,. .t.lco••nhc B•v•<eg• Con••ol to• 1u~1n•• i o,.g1n1• ~llDllC•l•Cn 01 ~" olc-11< ••••a• \lc•n1• (°' h«n•••I lor Ir.ti• rm>'r> •• lollow" N(W ON ~.O.L f Gftl(~AL ' (Bona F1~• Pub!ll F.•!rng P lotel ., Anvc"• d••l•,nq to 1>ro•e•I tn• ,.,~,nee .. >U<f'I t.c•n>~(•l "'"~ ••I•. v••it•KI P•O- ""'' w11n •"V c!llc• ,1 In• p~""''"'•nt ol •dcoholic 6••"•9• Con••o!, w1•1oln '.lCI ... ,., ol 11\t ao1• tn• propo,.d o•oml"' .,.,, ""' PO>•HI. •1'1,nQ q/ounds lo• ... nl,.I "' orovJdW b-( tow H•• ~-.mit•> ert /OO"' li(f n\KI lo• I~• ,,1, o• •l<of>oll~ bi!ve<oqn Tn• t0<m ct """''~''°" m~• ti-cMolned ''°"' ant o!!i<• of tne f>tportmen! ,.,,,l'IOn• D Pl111cr...:1a nubl"~""' O••nc• CC.O•I D•ll Y Pllol, O<•ob., l l 1'69 1911..flt NOTICE 1~ HEii.EBY GIVEN lo '"' (•f'dllor~ ol '"" l bOY& n1tn"3 Ooct(Jrnr mat 1!1 P''""'' h1¥lfll ct1ltn> .-v•"'•t 1110 loll! d"(..,.Onl l•O ,..,ulrf<! fO !Ho 11\ft,.., '"''" "'" n•c•u•" vO<Jcnt•>. on In• Oft•c• ot '"'cl•·~ a• th•"°""' rn!<11t<J <"'1•1. o• lo "'"""' 11\•m, .,,,., '"' n~•»A•• <OIKI\"'· •o mo """•••lgnrd 1t < o ltobtll>on, .. .,..,,., & GM l~r>O. AT!O•h•"· •)40 Ct r'11>U• Ot1Vt, !·10·,.-...,r! 8t&'"· C11:1orl\1t . Whir" " th• ploc• 111 tu''""' of !lie und"'•lgnMJ In 111 m1tto1 \ Ur•· 1a,nln1t lo !ht ••Toll Cl ••la d•<ld"'" wl!hl11 rou!l monll\o one, Ill~ 1'"' 1>ub11c~t.o" cl '"" nc!ltt . OoTfd Orr II, It•'· Vlrclnl1 L Fieyd, A,,..,,lnl>r••l"• of 1n1 E•!11e ot ll\e •llO•• nomt<J coceo .... 1 11011.lttl()lol, HOWSEll & QAllU.ND ·~ c ....... o .... "''"'"" tlttcn. C1Utornl• Ttl: Piil 1-'•l•ff Al .. rntv1 101 .l.dmlnlllr1lrl• LEGAl~ Jl.:OTJCE PuDll•l\td O'&nC• Cca'1 Oa1lt P1lo•, •-----~~O'O~.c-------l 'OclcDtr ll. lO ani:I NC••mDor 6, IJ, T·UU. 196~ 11117..if o,iOTICI' TO CREO!TOll! ti'" llVLi': T"AHSf'l!ll •Nil INTl'Nll(IN TO LEGAL NOTICE EXECUTE !ECVIUTY I NT IE It E 1 Tl------,cccccc------1 AOREEMEHT (~e<I. •1D1·1107 U.C.C,) BAil ~1 E1<rcw Ne. Bi ~I'll>-? NOTICE TO CREDI TOR S ·~QI·•· ·~ "~'·1'• g;..,,, !o .... O•TM• ,, ~VPER!OR COURT OF TNE Those fcl rd at tlu' r('ccnt six th Jnnu:i l President's Din · ner rcr{'ived a11·ards for 23 and 30 years ~·ith Autonctics . They are J ohn B. Sandel, Fountain Valley; Carl E. Bates and Robert L. Olmstrd, Huntington Beach; Eddie rt Feirllc, Laguna Be a ch ; Charles 11. Hut c h er s on, Donald ;..1. Neally and \Varrcn A. Scott, Ne \.\'}Xlft Beach. and Hichard fl!. Jones, South L;iguna. LEGAL NOTICE II\~ w11n,n n•rn•d P•rh•> tft~I 4 bu!~ STATE OF C"LIFORN Ll FJ lt ,,.,,,,!., onn U,• <••tuliCn OI • '"'"'"IV THE COUNTY OF OltANGE tlAlt liOol lnl••••t •a'"'"''"' ~to ~~ou! •o O• m.1cr No, A·t•OH NOTICE TO CR EDITOR! on e•non•I PICP<rlv r .. r.lnJllor d••~r.b-f !~•· o• f DMONO OEL•NEY. •k• SU PERIOR COURT OF THI! t d [0MUllD OELAllEY, 1ko EDMUND J ST•TE OF C•L1FORN IA FOR Tilt n•m•I~) &nd b~,:~, 1dcr"'1 ol DElAIJ£Y. •~• EDMVND BlAStl.lt, THE COUN TY OF ORANGE I~· 1hl• .,r,•'I lton>!or""!•I on<! onlrnr.•d d•c•1•oN! No, A 6'1ll?J •t•• ""' ~"'" !or <>••I "'I ••• J:;ou1 NOTICE IS H!llFBV (;IVFtl lo II\• E••a1e 01 GLAOVS ll<>OO•~ 'N KllLEY Ani:I OOllOTHV v l(IT· <.rtdi!o" G! '"' •l>o•e "~"'~" <:l•<r<l• .. I BENTLFV .... ,,. .. MRS. GUROO•I \'I l[V, l1!l0 ~•mohn• Ave_, OoWnfv "'~I l!I Jltr111<" f'l•••"9 llO•m• OQ"""l '''f llfNTLFY, D«e•~ ••hforn·•· 0{'1~1 ~·" O•c•drn r Me '"0Ulttd to •·1• lh•m. NOTICE ·~ HEREBY GIVE•! lo !h• Tho n•rn•!•I ""rt hu«n~~ ltlld,.,. Q! "'•1h •~• N'<.•~·~r1 ~;>u<ll•'•· '" tn• Olli(• crKlllor5 at II\• •llOv• nom..., """'""''' I~• onlfnd•d l••n;le<etl>l i nd •nlP.,dfd Gf '"" C"'~ cl tne 1bav• ont1tled (~urt, o• r~o! •II Pr r>cn• hl•ln9 tl••m• 8Q•'11 I '"" aeb!c•i•) ~-.· lo "'"~tnt '"""'· wl!~ 1r,o n~ces~~'Y ••la d•u•ornt art •P<l~<r•d 10 "'" 11'"'" PCLICE PULL BEARDED STUDEN T FROM TREE Students Tried to Block Removal of Trees ' '" ··~ • -... --~. ,,, •.. . -~. ' ,_: • .:''.",;i.r· Re•d PEANUTS ' ' i . I ,;,•AlllOfi f EV/1115 Sii •ncl NFLOA •OV(~t,., la lhr uhd•<0f9nK1 II lh~ ol+lc• with 111• n•c•""" ~"""'""• ln Int otlo•• J SHDLMAl<;Ell. 61• E••T F">I S!rrrt, or Ill• "'"c•nrv, Rcbo'r! P. 8u,,11ttt. 111'9 o11no cl••~ o1 m• •bovo rnlltled <ov•t, 111 Tvs•in, Colllo•nl•, ~1660 ~. 1101 ... bl~ Gl,d., Sit No. 1<11. Nc,.·1.i~, t& er''""' mom. wl!n the n!l(:e>I•"• 1~•1 rn~ 11or~o11ftl prn porTV '"'"""nt r "li!ornl• ~~. whtrn I! !he ol•c• nl vcvr ner•. 111 !ti• umlr,,iqned at 1ne o!hC" ~•••lo h ~P<rrlh•d 1,. ~•n•••l "" bUl•ne" ol lh• unot,,ioned Jn oll m•lltr> c! Noori. 11.....,." & Oo•IG>on, io10 rlor!" FurnlTuro!, ll•tur01, f quiomtnl, l ra<:l t "'''"'"'"" !o !h• •tl•I• 01 ~•Id dt<.td•~!. M'ln STrreT. S•nll An•, c 1:11orn11, "'~'ch "ome, good"'ill. •no lt a<thotd In'"'"'' 01 wl!l\ln "''" month> ofltr lhe tiril I• 1ne Pl•C• 01 butint " o! !hr unOtr\•ine~ '""' <••••in Du1ln•;~ ~"""" •• ROBERTS puni:·~•10 .. cl mi' noll<• In •II .... 11 ... P•r!Alnlnq IC '"" •••••• " COIFFIJRF.~ ~nd nnw locatr<I 1r l!.00 Do11a Oct. 1. 1969. •~Id de<.•atn!, wilM" 1.,,,, monm) •llor CoA'I Hlt!\"'11, Coro111 dol M•" 1 •o l ou" C•1•n(v. Aamini•lt•lo~ r~· •l"r oublirohon cl 111:, notke. Stude1it 'Cl i1nb-iii' ItS an Old Forester Cah•ornl•. Cl .... l•IO" N '"• D•tr<I O<tot>tt 11. 19'9 T!IU lht olat• •ni:I !k• n~t· en o• aft~• ·•Oc•• named d•(oaent Rk ll••O Wllkinicn Brnll••· WMLI> tti• horeln Or•crit..a bull< tr1n1l"' l ob1rt P, Bunn"! E>•cutor ol Int wul o! "'" •nd •<t(Ulrcn or • •~Ct1tl!V inlft0\1 1?1~1 S. Norwolk Bl•d ilt, 1l'7 11>ov• ,.,~,,..~ o•c•<>•~• a~rrtmenl •rf lo bP '""'"mmal•d. are ~O..,.•lk. C1 lllorn,o llllSO NAGEL, JIEGAN & OA.YIOSCN tl•v~"'"" I. 10•9 •' io (Ill A/lo. ~! Tel: ()ll) fM·llll 1011 Not11\ Mii" Sir<<! FEDf~f'L ESCROW, INC., me AUom1r l<1t Aomln11l<11or S•nll A"•• Callfornil Or•no•!l>oroo, Butna Pa,,,., C•lilornl• PuDtl•hP<I O••"ll• Coo>! llailv Piiot. TEL: pi1) 1-'l·UU t0ol70 CClot>cr ,l, lO •ml Novr mt..r 6. iJ. AITO•,,.•• lor E~«u!or St> lit "' >< ~nown to ••id parrit1, thr -"-'-'-------------'-'c'c'·c'c' I Publl•h•d Orangr Ceo•! Oa•lt Pilot. lojlowln~ dOdhonol bu•ln•n n1m•• •nd Orlct>cr 1l, 30 t11<l No~rmb" lo. ll. ~dar•»•• u1•d bV •old Pdrll'> wl!Mn 1he LECAL NOTICE 1'<>9 l?i'l M l~tt~ "'"" lo •I JMo! .,.: av 11id IM•nd•d lr~n•l•r~r(•l: $am~ lh "'"' lnlf.nd•a a•h!or(~J. ~ame Ootl'd Ot!ob•r II, 19t9, Jnnn W 11:;11i., O~rotn• v. 0:.11,, "''"r.n r £"~"' S<. ·~•·tj~ I ~~0•1r•••t ~vb!,.lo•d O•or_g• (o•<i 0111v p,~1. Octneor ;1, t•i1 1911·69 Lf.G i\L r\OTICE ----e AR·ll\I 'UPERIOR COU~T OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FO~ THE COUHTY OF OJIAMGE NO. A· .. l•I NOTICE OF l<EARINO 01' l'ET!TION FOii P RO~ATE OF WILL ANO fOR LEl TE llS T ESTAME NTA ~Y E"•'• of C..E ORC.E CORllES ,;,•,AT- T ~SON . c~c·a••d NOTICE 15 ~•Ellf~V GIVE>! "Tn•l Jrv MU1t$'n (•lno~n I\•~ t,l•d ""'°'" ~ n•I•· l•<>n for ProDolt of w11! ond !or l'°U""'" ot l •ll•" T•1t.!.,,.nt6'' •n Pohbon•" ""'""'"' tc w~lcl• •I m•ae IO• r~flbrr PMticulan, ~nd ·~·t rh• Ill"• 11nd r.la•• o! f'l~1dnq tn• •111r~ ~•< ~••n ,,1 l"• Nov•m~•r I" 1~•9. ~· • .o a,.,,. '" 1"• ~<>vrt•oom ol 0tPd'1n>"n! Nn, l ~t ,,.;o "''''• ~· 7rD CiYlc C•n"• D•h' l'lt~t, on !no Cit•"' S11,!11 Ana, {•l""-'nla Cal"" Oc•ob<• ;• l•tt <'; f ~ l JO!-Jtl. r,' Od I ~ 4" '· H•FEll. Sill\ A WOOl'l. Un>o11 Bonk Squ•r•. ~QUI~ l ow•r, ~uilo NumDtt tDI, <l••nt• C1!ilornlo 11111 .t.!lorn•n lor Pelillonrr LEG AL NOTICE NOTIC F. OF PUllLIC HEAR ING IEFORE TH E CITY COUNCIL 01' THE 1----------------Cl l Y OF F OUNTAI N Y•LLEY "011([ IS HERfBV GIVEN'""' en Tu••d••'. Novf.,,btt i . 1~69, a! •·OQ P M_ 1~ 1~. Counc>I C"•mb•r<. Cl!v Holl, io100 Sl••~r A••"uf. Foonl•ln Voll1v. Cali. larn1t , lht Cay Coun<.11 wdl hota , aub- llc ""'""9 en IP>t lolkl"';ng: 1 l""• Ch•"•• No. 1\1 • APPlic•Hon 1ul>ml!trn bv (l•u lc Drv•loornent Com. o•.,v. &I ~PDh<anl, !Merit•. el 11, o""'""i "'""''""" t~angt M •one "" prcor•tv IO<.~!M en !I>• <>Orlllw•1! tOf· ~•r of H~11 ona N~wlle<>• ~!t0et lrc.;n Al Gtn•ral A~rl(ul!urol Ol<i rk l !o RI Slnqle Fa..,.llv ll!!ldt nct Dltlrl(I, Tl>i• mancr 11 btlng crocP11t<1 n~•!Ulnl !Q Ill• Plonnlng Law< 01 '"~ S101• or (1lllornl• ((;cy'I, Cod' t ,\.000 ~I •en\ •nn 11,. Fcun!•ln Volltv Zonin•1 Otdlnanc•. lh• Zonln~ Orolnon,•. lo•""~ ""•~•· •na E•n•O,!• M • on !Irr ·~ ,,,. "l•nn.•o DeP~t lrn•nt •~d lrt •Va1l1bte for pu~h< •~1o•cllon ona P•a..,.1n•ilon, Tllo'• drJlfrr\'I lo lr>'il• ;n •a•{'< .,,. Jn oo"""''"" !n th•~ prno~••I •.Oil C>" ~1Yrn "" OOPDr"lln•IY !o do 10. I! lurln•r 1 ... lo•,.,.A•lcn " a"'''"°• """ n-ov <.oo!•t·! th• Pl•n~lna O<oMtmrnl M 9~l Z•1• •nd '"'' •o Ille •ODVP ''""' (ITV (.Ol!NCll or lH( C I< o! I Ou"111n V1!1fy "'"'" E Col• (1TV Cltr•; r ,,r< ·""<I O••nwt Co••• C1,1v P•lnf, .:O<•~f•r ]), 116' \919·~0 CfJll!FlCATE OF BUSINE~I. FJCT ITIOVS NAME Tl\• undrrS•~n•d <IC <•r!•!1' I~•/ 1•• ccni:lucllnc • bu•I••" ~I ni~ lo~•n "v'' Co'1• M•••, Call!o•nl~. ''""r• 1~• ,,, !ltl0t;• "'"' n•mr of OJ.1 .. NGE COUtl I Y HOSE COMPANY ~l'l<I !hd! ••10 '"'" h <ClfT'P(il"d ol Ill• lollCwon~ Ot'""''· "'"''" nam•• In full ana Pll t•• o+ ••••"•n4t ••• I> tcllow•· Jt rvln G. Crn"lt•. 71fl CiDcl• .l.•r , CO•!• Mna, C•lol '70)6 Fcrr..,1 ~. Crowl••· IQ~ll N;11nlin~al,, Fcuntoln V•llt y, Coli!. '1701. C1IK1 Oc!. Z1, !969. Juvln G. C•cwlr~ Fo"••T S. C'owlt1 ST•!• a! c~1iro1n1~. o~.,,~. CriJM'/' Cln O<lo~r n. 19~•. b"'o•• "'"• 1 NatalY Publ« '" 1ni:I for <aod ""~'"· "''10"•11• aPP•~•ca J~r•m G c,~,..1., •na Fo""'' 5 (•owl•• l no"" '" ·~• •o br Int P<r.On• who•~ n1me> ••• •UD!<••to oN! lo !II• wl1h1~ l~•"u"'•nt ~nd 8C~~~,.,l•d1ra 1~•• •••<.~I~ l~t ;•m•. iOF Fl(li l SEAL! l~M Y K H•"•Y !ln•~r, Put.Uc • Coli!c•n•• r .. nc1p11 Ol!oot tn Q••n~e Caunlv //o• Commi"lon C olo"e' Nov. 2•. lt ll Punll•hf'<I Cron~• Coo'• D~"• r •01 Oc•cbo~ 71. JO ani:I rinvrmb'I 1.1 1~~· !9 .. 69 LEGAL NOTICE OFFICIAL PR OC!::EOI NGS OF THE I OA RO OF 50PIE!I VISORS OF ORANGE COUNl1', CAL lrORNIA to S a ve Trees AL'STI~. Tc-.:. (UPI) rd lh£' trees at da \vn. A r a111· Slate, ci1 y and ran1pus police pus officer warned thr. pro- \Vf'dnesdav forcer! fro n1 lcstcrs through a bullhorn !ha t l rt'l'lOp~ 2G lini\'cr~ity of TC!X· lhey wou ld bt; ;:i rr·l'.'>lcd if they ;is st1HlrnL~ pro1csling 1hr refu.<.cd t\J gC'I oul of the trcci. up rooting of lh·r oaks and Onr ~irl wlin c·lin1hl'cl high 1s prcsses lo lll.'.lke rooni for a into a r,vprc~s ll'l'<' !-1 •rcan1ed lunlball stad!u111. ..!lf•lp. help!'' \1•hcn pulier · ~;11 r n t1r lrl'f'''.'' th,, lnl·d to pull her down. ()[firers .,tuti1·n1, rhr1n1cd frorn high 1n l1nnlly forced hrr rlown a lad- 1hc Urantl1C·.'., tier. lli.;L !he pro1rsl faili•d. The Poliee had lo pull ;ind t :i rr~ 26 11·crc ha11lrd nlf to j:ul. .1t !east four :;tudrnl=-Jro111 charged \vi!h diso rderly con-I heir perchc:;. One studc11! 1v<1.~ dul'L ;ind fined $JOO apiei.:e. cha rged with using all11s1vr Bulldozer~ 11len kn ocke d J;ui guagc, rlown thr tn·cs lo n1akf' room "\\'(' lrird lo lei pl'ople kno11· fnr a SI:! rnill1011 e:-;p;in.~ion lu 1hat 1hose 1vho obslr11r1 \1·oultl thr :-t hnnl's foo1ball s1:1di1un. ht' 1rc<.1tl'd by rulrs th:il i.vvcr "Do these !rr~s have to be obstruction ," said SIP v 1\ 1)~1lchrrrtl'1" sH id .~ign t'arricd l\lcClellan, dean of ~!udenl s at liv 1•n(' l'lf ;ilmut ~I f}Crsons !hr 35,001).stuclrrit l:ampus. Lhr 11 hu n11llc1l around the <·on-l;1rge~t 1n Tl'Xa-.. .'.(ruc!iun !-1tc. .Some booed 'fhr "Sa\'c Our Tree-. · prn- pol1cc. lest t1ad stall('d work on the .. \\'hal !hC' hell ran 11·r <lo"·· stacl1un1 expansion for thrrr :i<l-1·d ;111 "Jtlcrly tno11\ who 11·as 11.iy~. Tuestl:iy. student.~ ~lood t.unl'i! l_jy· J)IJlirc fro1n gl'111ng ;ill day bc1ween t.iulldu~.crs and 1 lnsc 10 the ~ludl'nt-hnrd ilu' trees to hall \l'11rk . lr1·r~. Dt . Norn1an lf.'ll·krrnian . Pvbli•"rd Oron~• {Cd'! Can t I" In!, Octnbfr ?l. i• 7', 1•1~ l>OJ.09 LEGAL NOTICE-- '·You people ought lo be oul 11n1vl•rsity pres1dcnl. :.:i1d coo · S1n10 A~a. c~11iorn1~ !here <11Tl'S\1ng the n1 c n traetors "had a legal ngh1, in· Oc!oMr 10• 1969 I d th t . I d 1 I I " "' rrq~l•r mt tl<"V or ·~· Board Of ~UP""''"" or Ctlflltt County. Colitorm1, t l>C !Jl!S \lllg 0\l'n OSe recs Ill· ( ee a Cga Ob i~il!IUll IU jlllong "' lllt C.0'"''"'"" il0<iro ot th• D•"""' govcrnttt by 11\t Be.rd ol ~Uil.,· St.cad Of bothering us: he :;aid kn fK•k cJO\l'n the lfCl'S ;1nd prU ••,0'1. ¥rl~ n•ld Octoll'!t u , iw,q, ~I ~ lO A IA. lll• lclklwio1g nomtd momoe•> I ~""" O"un•· wm tji••lt in, CtMlorm•n; Roorrr W, 11•11•n, C.•1d l . 6tk", W•ll•om v.•hen the ))u ldOZl'r S' IOuk OV1'r . 1'Cl'if \11th SI 3 d j ll rn eOn· kind of day. \\'lien 1n11 lnsc 011c n1:HLl 1 hut 1l'ill :inothrr. \Vh.u ·s .tl1c.iJ! A g.1 IJ t t llbr~c 1011 1op prd off \vith the ,!-;UOJ !1.1vor of ;:i brc;11 Kentucky Dourbon. ~ 1ID1111D :··~.ll\l 11~ 'S1J'iE lJiJ ~'-.-w,.,, llOUll ~C1" .... ·~ .. .. . ..__ ... ,. •. . .. -/, ' .· , . xci proof. ,$6.19"fi1~.~ S;t\'C 1 0~ v.'hcn .,...1 }Oubuyhydict:l~('. /\I ~t. I ! '''"I ..... 1 "Thtrt """'"I'"'"""' ,., 1h1 ' 111 . " .. ' • ! • t I • ! l ' t I ' t , . .. P·llt21 CERTIF1C ATC OF CO RPOIATION FOii T~ANSACl lON OF llUSINESS UNCER FICTITIOUS ~•ME i HE UNOEllSIG"IEO, t Cal,t<>rn,~ ro• ~N•!l""--o••• ~rre~• t~·!•lv •• •c•l<'w, , ' '' u , ,,,., ~'~~1 111•, "•••h ,.All •l't-'~!l•tHI Oo•ftl •[II" ••-•Pl !U.l~ "'11''" •nd •~e Cl••> :'iomc ,,r ti••· .•tud•nt' .. ,,.,n" st t ~UP<''"••o• All!!"'"""''"' Olli to •8rl!•On 11 --.:::::::::_.::::_.::::_.:_.::'.:::_.:_•:::::::":__.::::"'.:::':::':':":·_.: __________ c_ __________________________________________________ -; N ottg•<>•• to In• Ccun1y •<• •ccrplrd •"~ 11•1••~·' •ul1>o<i•ed Prt\O"••I l/o~t. ••r• ••• •PP•O•oN! ll"rcom•M Pel! Cl\•~9•> ••e ~·•nted C•rl•.n 1r11cr ••• 11<oni:11 "'" ••O~et•lrd, •nd qimplet,o~ ot 1mrro~•""·'"" •(•ncw1.a9•d. T t~O M•P• "" '"'"'""° C•n"'" •l••r,,; ~~"'"" I~• Cou~1, ••• ~·•n1"'1. T~ "•Oil«>• R•no" !ro"' H,. Von~q ~V>F~m~ T•~• ro"' " '"'""""· A >iuav " ~~•norJt ocl en d•• !>frlOd r,nanci"!]. ln•1•l l•1>on of l lg~ti '" <rfl&in ll•cl, ;, •ulnor.1Pd ll iohl cl W•Y Coo••.icll lo• C.1•d•n G•o•' ~•otr.• llr•ln, No"'ocrt ""'""" ar.d Red 11111 llv•nuo ••• er;provea Allrtom•n• '"' P•0Wtio11 D•P•rlment cll1t• •P•C• 1, •'P prO,«I. 1'9tet,,.,fnt "'''~ US. Cool! Gu•rd !Of cooporM••• l:)Oa!(nll >•lt l1 I> "P prOJed Ag•"1'm...,r w1 •h C1ll' O! la P1lm8 lcr L~ P•lm• Av• improvt ,,.enh h I PP•Ovf<:I Agrerm•nt !or P•'>Ctu!ng W•lo•~t~t OIO!"CI No, t cu.,cm•r •ccounh l• •ulho•l>ed. Paymrn•• cl ,'1dgmtn.,, Coyntt of Or•noe ~• A Helt/, " •I. ~·c •PPfO•"ll. Sec"'1d pronlin11 o• 1m Or•1111t Coun!y Pro'""" Rtp<lfl " 1u1nor••ed A •tvdv o! ••P•Od1ng l·~""V l~clll"•I In I~• C•I Y O! ST•"'"" ;, ou•hontot<I A ITvdV on '"t !~!l•t !•om •ne O••nq• COunlV (homtlt• O! Com.,,orce •cgotdlh<I I 1u•"•Y ol 1ne •<•pen •-e• " •utf'lc.,1ed. Tht ffOC•I lram lh• O'""Q• Ca1•Mt C<1-nln•I Ju1'1CP {oun(ll ,, tOttl~KI. c.,...1 ... d.,,., bOl'l<I• "" ceHoln CCU•\!1 llf01f<I$ ••• •OD<C•ed Or&nq• (Ollr'!y "'"""" ~•ocrr, ~11011•e•rH"'' Ne l . ;, IPOJllYr<I a, '"""'· on i~e "•<1ut$! for em·n~nt oom"~ procffd•nQ•, ~au Cr ... ~ oc•an M••· i• le be rer•lvtd Octot>ct 7'. !909 llPnlll ol l P C.. Flt ld Tr•tlno Vnl! •nd L P C. PtGVU I) OPP""'«! ~laltm<nl of G•o» Rt<Oillt\ from Nowporl Oun••· lr.c I< tfCelv'°". Ag·~menl> tor imoro•e"'e~t• on M«<v D••W 1ne1 ~Mill<. C0<i•t +11ah· "'"Y ••• •rn>•D•oNI. Eng1n•ttonQ ~CtVlro• A9•••m•nt• tor Holl A•enu• and !~e I~•~'"' Jll"n ot D•&;nage to• !rvint Roncf'I 8rv•n •rt n t ro opprovKI Ne00!1•11nn le• o pno10<>r1m"1•lrlc ""vr• ol ~an Ju•n C rrc~ " 1uTl'IO"'"" Ag,,rm•nl tor ln•MllaToon or •no•nttre<I <u·.•O<t·•I nr"lt••"l tor r.:ounrv ll<•hh"' i• •PP•O•"" Aor•~"'""' ror nl!<cn 'll~<~ •n '"" term<• Ot•na• Counl\/ CouttbOY" !n• 1tir COmPr•nrn.,¥t HoAl'n l'lnnn•n~ ... 1>0'"·'•0n nl Or•~o• County '' •PPrO"<d Tcn•a• cr••Y llO"cwlna cl mnn•"' lcr ct•l•in Schoo1 ri .. 1.i,1, •~d '"" Coun•v of 0•>'"0t """"'"'""d ProDO'"P ron""<.T~ lot <f<l•rn County P•oie1•, "'" •PPtOvKI f'M tin• l '<•n•• ,, qr•nted Ip A!th.,on, To1>t•1 •~d S•n!I F• llollwav Co Aorr~m•n• w11n ~cu!l\.,n P•cl!'ic Comp•nv •or Mlln 5trefl tOn\!ruc!lOn " •r.P•O•t<I, A1•oe- mon• .,.,;111 c 1v ct BuPn• P•r~ !or ••It ono t•t~hnge Ol •••I p•o~~•!y " ~nero~ rd fl\f •Ol>"•I en T'"'"''"' P1rcel Mia IJO l•tl "~•n1ed Q~o1•1A,n• Cc"d lo C<Ty O! 50111 B••fh '" <onn~<"O" "'''" ~U'"' A"U"'" 1101tlcn•I p.,. " ~Ulh~• ,,..d. G1•n• o! E•11men1 10 Ldo>on Cc. •nd C.""tr~I lflephOne Cc '" <OMnu!IO" wll'h 5~•\Pt Acuoi' P•o•Dn•I Po•~ I\ •u•~o••11•a PtOOO<"<I onnr ,~lon c• I "' Pf'd H.11 •• ,. '" COJnl / ~ •• ,.-,, .. Aroo ... ~ ·~ " , .. '"' ~ •• ,, .. ,, Th .. m~Hrr 01 r•l'l'l•loon or d< .. ol~•.,~ of lht OT·•ngr ro..nt~ l"••OO• 0••"«' •• •~I •o• pUbl' "'"""9. M"•C~I C•n!lr C•$~ p;or,,e.,• ~""d I• 11pl•~·•htd Prol'O)''"" '"~"' ~•"'t (~•no~ on<I •OOPl•On ot "'"U '""''' 1n tho D•n• Po.nr H•rOOr. i)•n• Pent Cov~ ~°"d to Cov,. Rcod, 1t• $" lo• "••rlno Oollncue/'I ""•O•illl •«cunt; ,,., O>l•Qn"<I •C • (Ollf CliOn "O•n<i 'lnt (~~nly Woll•·~ O•rtnor" ~OP<>ln''!I ro th< (>•I Or·~·•• Adv»Ory CounC•I •n e"'t"O"'~"I to !~e Jo1nl Pc.,er$ ~O"'"'t"T •09~rama !ht 5on•,~oo l•bt*rY • v· tpm 'I An~'~""°· Q;ft<tor$ ••• bP O<l"''"" '" U•u o! rlec!,gn ror ("'•·n a1•1.,,1, Pou'• 91 Cdy 01 An•h•;m, '' ~11lon••rd • scenic li·g~wQ ~. llo olytlon imol~m•"l""I "S<l'ICCI ~""'II W••~lng Ale••" 1, ""''"~ rd I.I J •·c1,nnr." S"'•!ll I' tgmm..,d"lt "O••nQ• r ounlv F•O<nn"' O•ollon• n.•v" 1, P'"""'"'"d ll~oa,••!tt•rg •or '"~' •or W~ler ~\'>lem 10, F•11ner1r 11>0! ot 1, tonduc!in~ t """''I &t '.91 ""'"il•I Rn~~, (•!• ~• ur,.1>on ll•ocM, r,ClllnlV •! 0•••~·. ~1•1• cl Collfo•n'• ,,,,.,., '"" 1,,,,,,<1•> no,.,•~· t.irwi>CRT COllV.O.lE~C[NT HO~l'll~I. 11n~ !ho t 1•• na"'P ·~ Crnh~I ll•Apnil fi••lll\t11t • Co•oorMlo, •nd lh nrln«oal 1>IM• of l>'l>int " " J9l f~il•Pi!al R~~~. (11, o! II'""°'' ri,.,~. Countv o! D•on;t. 511 1• o! C11111cr~I• C1trd ll\•I ?ltd dav ot Soottm!lfr. n6' rt '!TRAL NEW PORT Hf:•LT~C A~F CORPOR.&TION f~ [ P Sl••I~. I ••• ll•~! I' I P P Hrc•·•..:tNn, ~-1 .. ·~·· "t•l l': Or: fAL"OPNI~ COUNTY Of LOS At<GEL[S S~. o" ~•n!•mD•r ;J. 196~. n••c,. m,, ti\• """""'qn•d. ~ No!~"' Pvtl•t '" ~nd '"' •• i11 sr.i•. n•ro•n•ll• •n~•.i •<I I:: ~ ~'•~lk. ~nnwn !n me to b• !h• "'"'"'"'· •nd P. II 11,ck•n<lorn. ~"'"'" ta m• tn tie S•c'""·I• •! 11·• c~·oot~!rc~ !~~I •• •CU'"" lh• w11n n "''''""'"'"· """'"" lo "'" re bf' inr n•"o"' wno •••c!Jtta •~· wl!h " ir"'""''r' '" b•:••I! "' ·~• t••· oor~n~" to••••ll r.1m•~. •"<I •<i<nowl'°"o '" '" ". ,.,,,, '•"" •n·P''A''U" ···c~!'d ,~, v '"" '""""' •n! "~" ·~n! lo "' b•· ,.,.,, r r 1 ,,·,a1 ,1 enc• 11• eo~•d cl Ciroe· .. ,. \'.'!lN[SS m• ~."a ond o'h<,~I tt •I. !"IOfAll''d L \fL ll fl•~"" A lr(lm~•c, l·O'•" 1> .. nll( on ~,._, •·· 1•1a Cnur..,. •na ""' 1:• Commi"''" E•1>1'~' Dottmll•• ! It /I -YUTTLC & TAVLOlt, IHC. .o.•10,nt•' •' LI"' •09 South Gt•nd A•1nuo Lo1 An~•I•>. C•lil••nlo ta~il T ·~tlOO r .. lll••h•<I O••no• C••'' Cl•d; r .101, l"XJnbor ~. I~. ~1. •t I'" HlllJ.a~ ' ,.. .~AL NOTICI·: Rl~·on"I ""'" "•ut"o"ad. Tn• GoM<:I ~01ournt~ \'/ f ~I Jr')Hrf Cl•r> 11/ '"~ Bo••~ o• \uperv,.on PllOCEEOING, or Tl<E Bo .. 110 OF SU PEltVISOlt~ P·JOlel Soni~ llno. c.>l••O•nlf <TIF IC •TE OF 11 US!NESS O<lotlt'r Ii. 1•~• OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFOllN IA FICT!TIOU! NAME .. ·~ul~• "''"''"" "' .~. llo~•d Ol SUn"•loor\ OI Or~noo (Cut.It, C'll•orn•a. •l•c ~nd•"•tn•d -• <••ti!• '~•1 f'I• '' 111.no ~• tile ~vt•nlng e;.,.rd ol ti\• 01•"•~11 9ovtf""' Oy '"" B"'"' er !.~P•• r , Jl;h•~ ~ "'°''"~'' ~• JOl R 1n<1olo~ ••:Cti. wot f'l@ld Oc!Ot>f< lj, 1'>11•. " 'JI) AM T!\• tcllawl"t """'"" n'\i!ml><!" ,o~ -· (p•'• Moia, Co•llotni•, Or11111• ''"""" p.,51n!; Wm. H"''"'"• Clloumon; R-n W. B•nln. Dl•hl L. B••.t• t r.cl fCll;ty, ('ll!c•"I•, """'' t~• fl<!i!\ous •~• Cl<i• :;Oo 1~~~';'; 101~! ~:;, 1't~.: ri,.~~ E ~,:., N ~ ~,;;~~ .• ~';'11!\~: ~~ :o",';~~~u• 10 ~~(•"''"· rnmnoo•d rl tn• 1011nw•ng P'''""' wno,~ Ann~>,llOn• to'"''"'" ~Jreot 1.gllhn~ d1'1rlc•1 •re oporov!!<I SUDf'•~l~r Pl\dh~ ... ,.,. 1~ 11,11 •ni:I P l~<• ot •~•IOont• I•••""'"~' of me meeting. Ca1et Nos. zc t91~ •nd ZC ttll tro ·~~·o•lld. Ord•n•nco lollowo Ne Jl"' ,, •anoT..,,, f'nn•••Tlnn lo Pl•<.en!I• LIQ!\•l"!t Cl1tdc! ;, •PPr"l>vl:<l !hr R1vmond J. t1•~d•, i:<o! C"~l~••w "'"''•t Pl•n cl Drolnto•, F lr•I ln<.remtnt, I• •<lopted, Al!•td E. Moult1>n h ~v• .• ~~•• A••cn, C•hf, ccmmtnaea. Tiie Bo.tra •dlcurnea. C1loN! Cl<!?h•• I, lw.t ll••mo~d J, •lt1a1 ~T,t.TE OF Cf'llFORN IA. ORANGE {OUNTV On Oct. 1, "~'· "'!a•• ""•· • 'lol•rY r>uhli( i" 1na •or ~~•d ~111•, a")onoll• • .,,,,.,.., P•Ymond J H(•!IV ~n~ .. ~ Jn,... •o M the n.,~on .,...,., nil.,... I< subu"b •O le rn• w1rn11i '""""""~' •nd •c~n°"'ltda"ll "' '~e<ul..O m~ I'm•, tOtt•ci•I ~r•ll ''f"' K. H•n,.,., t1t11•v l'ub+lc • (alllc•nl• r '"'°'""I 01!1<• In O•anq• Co1m!v IV• C.immlu lon E•o!r•• Pin• , •. 1tn Pubh,~ed O•nng• Co•sl O•il1 OC!obol• 1, t , i~. 1l. IVl>9 LEG AL NOTI CE P'·Jstn Cl!ltTll'ICAT• OF IVSINESS, FtCTITIOVI NAME Tht und'"'onfd dctt ctditv ~, II ((!fl-tluc:llna • Ou•!ntu II P.O. Bo• 17l1, Cc\1t '·'•···· CBll'O•". u•<:lf>r I» liclllioU\ ••• m n•m' al S!ll ROC !NOVSTRl(S ~nd Iha! u ld f•rm ;, cnmno•td Ill tne lollowlno r •r•on wt>o1• """'" '" 1.11 •nd Pl•<~ ol t0.1 l<:l'1>t• 11 ·~ tollcw• T~oma• I.I DQ"''· 10701 M•llO~i1 l n, t!unl\noto" B••<n. (•111_ tlW CtltC Otte~•' !!. \'°' T~~m"' M Onr>•• \TATE OF C•l•FQRN!A.. O Rl\NGE COUNTY. On Octobf.r IS. ''°'· ~10" m•, I llc!ar~ l'ub!lc In oncl lor 1a10 511!t. ....... ~.lly ·~•>e••l"d Thom11 M OoNI• • 'IOW.. ro bf 10 "" tto• o••ion wl>al.• rim,. I< •ut><ribfll 10 mt w11~1n lnl!tum•nl 1na ·~-no..,l•d9<'<1 l\f o•tcutrd !h• """'· (OUl<ll l St!•I! MA•• 1C H•f'"' N~•arv Publl' . (•lllo•n•t l'"nC111I 0""" "' Ori n•• Coun'" Mt (Om"'''""" E•11ru N~•. ?I. 19n n, M"~"'<I Or1n1~ Ce•)! 0 411\o Pll!ll, O<!,bl'r 1'. 1l. lO 1nd Nn~""1"°' '' ..... l'l! 6f Clt •k or ,l, 196t WE ~TJOHN !l\t illoll<:I ol Supttv"~'' 11i,tH W atcl1 for the full ";eek's T.V. listings in Saturday's edition of the DAILY PILOT. ............ Only you ):now t1111 11oniliq pt h1 1nd !rri!u1n" ot h1morrl'lolll1. 0!11n lhi1 tonditfon 11 •11r1.,..hll by d11ty baw1J l'llOJtmtlllS, lltd t- 1Up1 !10~ ls 11!!!0$1 unbllr1~l1. No>J, lher1'11 tliniu !!y lts\td 1111" mul11ion 1/\Jt wo1k1 111in1t lht llCl:ltlll ~or hemonhoid11nd 11im1n•llllll. Tfilii:W1y.1tticon COUNTERl'MllD'.14 ln- te11upt1 llll lrithon/swel!inaJP1lll c~;.!1 ···-·· 1. 111t1 pal11 of we, UMit1¥t Unu1; 2. s ooth111nd prot1cts inn1111td 1ru lo! l!ob!l; J . 11 the U1111lim1ll1ofl1n1 Mfl hard stocl1 to 1110• for 111i1r, ltu itri\JI· Ina PISUll. ~:.: I lW"Elt"'ll I -·--~-,_,_....,_.._. 98C Home CAULKING GUN Mast popular E\1". takes 1n cartridge~. Slotted end ca p fnr t.:.s1es: loadlllb .•.•••..• 1(17) 03$1 :.;.•• TERON ·S" COATED HAND SAWS 158 ROLLER & TRAY SET Quart tray and easy-to use 7" roller with Ra~nel (over. tolor11Jl handle ....•... {07) 9" roller with trJy •••. 1.89 219 3-inch WALL BRUSH Good f!!lal it yf low·p1iced paint bru~h for le rg1 ereas. Sem!·tiea~ertail hand. •• (03) 4 lnch paint brmh •.••• UI TORJTMAS-T•R 1499 INSTANT HEATER 7-positic[l heat control. Au!~ rrJlic the rrno~tat. Shuts off lf tipped over ............. il4 ) GOLDEN VALUE DAYS SALE! NOW 11 !ho t.me to t~1n9£ !h•l FURNACE FILTER fl 0•69( SEE 0Mr llflpl.,. ef Gu f ir• Lco11. 514" f rorn Mjt Yo• Ce11't fwy for Ln1 A•rwll110 ! CORNING '1;·WARl' PAODLJCTS c~'---I . ..,, GOllNIJtfO W,t,llE• TIUO 30 .• ltH'JV<ftl1,l »..,d 1Y,Q11.-T C.,_., Ull(:IPl n .. Coot MHltd, ,,.,., .. "'- "••I •nd ,,,.. ••• , oll I• con t dis hf P...:~-...d l <P•ltliy ...,. W1;11>1d -•11.as. -oar .-;.i Pric:w $ggg 111 QUART COVlllEO SAOClPAll , , Got~ Item '"•ur ID tll>O' _,, .,, 1:1 .... 1.,, Bt1<1Mul to0> 1.11>!.. s,... t 2.07. '"""' •5aa PY RI!» W6'D<llll I CIJP P'l'Aot• 'W.UIE f!Uoncw ::~~~T:: lot. Et,.,. to cl<"' Ind ~••a clt l n, Rog. M.95. SPECIAL $J99 'llJ TRUE IEMPER. 11tur t CMPf l! Pll UHJ!W Q """ lo• \1 •mmu1iil l"'11• bf'9.cJl9' -11>110 li't•OOd. No. PJL R~. oJ.l l , S~ECJAL '249 TltUC TI:MFlR U.Wll M k• too ltt"" Cf'licPn;t. lo!ta 22 ! ......... .,,.., , ... m wen~ ll•mtve •-- Smooth Fi1.-H•fd1n..S•bM!lll&. No. fllflll. Rtg. '2.69. '2°' '"°""' Tlll OE TtMP'Elt DlltT SHOVIL for f1ll 1t1n1Dl1nUn;. Tt"'IMl..S .,_, hl1dt e nd t hink dotigntd lo• uni 11rtngfh ffld ~Mnel&. No. C2l R, R•11. '' J9. s rr.Cl.Al SJJ9 • . • ' ·- ~ J8 OA.ll'I' f'IL01 r11ursd.o , Octobtr 23, 1%lJ ANTHONY'S JEWELERS IN FREE COFFEE & REFRESHMENTS FRI., OCT. 24 COME IN FOR FREE GRAND OPENING GIPT! Now 3 Stores to Serve You •• : CARSON ••• BELL GARDENS ••• HUNTINGTON BEACH 5-~~m~~ ~ ... ~,....• ;,~ .. -.. ~··= ~~&i• .. Qt f ~~~ . . --- :~ MEN'S DIAMOND Birthstone RINGS FROJ 1995 ··:~· • •·., -DIAMOND ~~ '--"°""!!!! FROM 2 PIECE IASY llltMS LADIES' 95 (ti-BRIDAL $ lOO's 17 JEWEL WATCH Of LOW PRICED FROM ~ EASY TERMS & . SETS FROM 3 PIECE BRIDAL$ SETS FROM IASY TlllMS 95 IASY TIJIMS LOW, LOW PRICES! CALL 847-5714 Others $1995 Items MEN'S to CALENDAR WATCH ;~ EASY TERMS e EASY TERMS e OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAYI ~ EASY From! TERMs Huntington Beach 14 KT. GOLD CHARMS • DIAMONDS REMOUNTED • FINE JEWELRY REPAIR REAL SALE! LOW, LOW PRICES • EASY TERMS! I \ ADMIRAL AM SHIRT POCKET I TRANSISTOR PORTABLE RADIO EASY TERMS ONLY $595 ADMIRAL SOLID STATE $6995 QUALITY PORTABLE STEREO ONLY ADMIRAL SOLID· STATE $ ONLY95 CUSTOM I TRACK STEREO 69 CARTRIDGE TAPE PLAYER RCA LOW PRICES! BUDGET PRICED RCA CLOCK RADIO $26 95 RCA Aulomalic Porlable Phono low, low price fl CA's towes.\·ptice:d llutomllht mono por1dble. Prl!t •!ion 1u1 om11tit / rnanual 4-speed chang1r. Rccord-prolechng Fl!a!her Ac1ion Tooe Nm. Sohd Slate 1mpl1fier. RCA PORTABLE PHONO , •• LOW, LOW PRICE Now Only EASY TERMS • 24 MONTHS TO PAY! NEW RCA SOLID ONLY STATE PORTABLE $6995 MODULAR STEREO 100' s of Items To Choose From ! .. ANTHONY'S JEWELERS VONS SAV-ON SHOPPING CENTER EDINGER & SPRINGDALE HUNTINGTON BEACH HOURS 10 AM. 6 PM f'RI. 10.9 • • • . • • • • • Wives 'Advo-Kate' Traveling to Britain I' I I One 11·ill find 11 cas.v to in1ag-ine he is in i\lc rry l~ngland upon c1~~cr- 1n:.: the 11alboa liay Liu[) f·'r1day. :\01·. 1·1. at 7 p.111 ... for there 11111 be l·.ng- l1 !:ih posters: dccornlln g the 11·a!J .s and no1ver-f1 lled Engh ~h teapots centcr- Jll,(! the !a bl es Bul 11/Jo 11~-inls to tr.'.l\'rl to England so n111ch th;:it thi•y 1voul d go lo all the 111ork of decorating tbe 1.:Jub and plan an English buffet dinner for B p .111. ~ J\IC'1nbers of thc-L<111·ycrs' \Vives of Or<ingc Cou11ty nrc the guilty partic:... 1'!1 cy ha1·c been judged. found guilty an d sentenced lo a succcss.ful Kate and :\ch ocatc f~all, 11 hich is the c1·cn'l to take place 111 the l3r1ti::.h ::.ctti11g. ·1.)rot el'ds froin !lie ball .• 11 hich is an a111111a l c1·e11l of tl1e Ln11·yers' \Vives, 11•il! be C'arn1arkC'cl, as usual, for support of the Legal Aid l•'ound ~1- tion of Orange ('ounty. Jlutting on their caps to "think l3r1tlsh" arc ball c:o-ch~urrncn, i\lrs. Jlo11·11rd lllol·k and l'vlrs. \\'ill1an1 Byrnes. Gathering n1a teri<ils for dccorallons and executing the arra ngements are tlic l\ln1es. Richard i\lndory, P ;;1ul i\Jorgau, lJonald \\'Ood and U11vid Sill.-.. Aftrr a soci.'.'11 hour ;it 7 :ind dinner al 8, the .'-\n1erican "tourists" 11·i1l dil11ce to lhe n1us1c ol t11e Society lur the J)reservat1on of Big Hands in the n1a111 d ining: JOOJ1l or the n 11 nn1c 11ro1rn ton1bo in the lounge. Naturally. a fc11· British tun(·s 11 ill be 1ncluc\cd in the ev11n1n~·s selections. Serv:ng as n1astcr of l'Cfelll(l tlics 11·ill be Orange ('aunty District 1\ttorney c·ecil !(11.:ks. Designing ·the in1·1tations, 1rh ich 110\1' a re in the 1nail. 1va s J\'lrs. Ul ock, and assisting 11•1lh addressing-and 1nailin_g 11·cre the J\ln1cs. \Villian1 l\lur- r;1y , \\'inston. (;ricpp, Kcnnl·lh Lac. l;'urn1an J~oberls. John ~l ylan, Stephan :->tc\\'~1 rt . ltcg1na !d r.u~\;t\'l'SO n and \V illiain l>annl'n1cv -:r. J\Jrs. J\. LeC' Ad:11r is <ircc pt ing rC'servation!'. •1 ~.~i.-.!cd by the i\l n1f'~ .Joh n /\n<ll•rso11 . J\c11 ('ook and B\·ron i\1c,\Ji!lan. Patron deadline is Oct. :ll ;ind rr.\ef\'al1on <l c;Hl!111c is Nol'.· 10. llnn dli ng prog ran1 ;:1d,·cr1i si11g and door prizes .:1rc th e i\ln1es . .Jnhn <;;1rrc1t rind Bryan J ~rn11·n, ch fl 1rrnen1 and ·their con1n111tcc, the J\l n1c ~. J(nnald 011·(·11 . L<1 rry Boul ger. J o ~eph llenei::han. l\11 chacl Ca pizzi. Allan Stokke. \\lll lian1 Mock. (;ordon Ol son. Landon Morris. fl ichard Franck. J{obert J,J1v. Carl l-l uln1es, La1vrencc Kirk. Ronald J ohnson, 11.ichard 1:ar· nell and .Jan1es Bcnr. On "the publirit.v con1n1lttee. chaired by i\1rs. /\. I.cc Staton Ill. arc the il ltncs. Richard J . ilenco ni, \\'illia111 .o\ndcrson, John Teal, .·\dair and L<rc. r;rcctin~ ,guests ;ind assisting 1rith seating arrani::cml'nts \1·i1] be 1he J\I1nes. Robert \\'ya.If .folu1 Seidel , .Jerry J:>nttcrso n, lludy l\'lon tejano. \\'il- 1ian1 fJou ghcrtv .. Joseph Byrnes, ~lcr vin J ensen, P ete Pclkofcr, I3rucc \\'al!acc and ~ll c:hacl Qui ~Icy, ~men -;n .. ··~···· Och>r..• ll, IUt ,,,. 11 CALLING FOR RESERVATIONS -l\lerry England \V!ll be tl1c dest ination of L.'.'11t·yers' \\'i ves of Orange r ounly and their guest...; 1:r1day .. \·ov. 1·1. 1rhcn tht• annual J(a\c ;ind 1\ct1·ocale 13all is stag- ed. Tlus year the \I J\'(':-have cornered a lllt of Ur1ta1n for their setting 1n the l~alboJ Bay Club On the "blo1\'cr" calling 1o reserve their tickets arc '!cfl to ri;:.ht) the i\ltnes. ,o\. Lee .o\d air. Ury<.1 n DrO\\ n and J oh11 Seidel. . • -~ .. ~ . ... j :.• &::-. PROGRESS REPORT -l nfor1n<illy discussing the prog ress of thr F'lorcnce Cr1ttenton llo1ne of Orange ('ounly arc (left In ri ght l fl·lrs. Dale l·olcman. re- ('0rcl11ig secrelary (lf 1hc Bay Ci rcle. Ne\\•port Beach: :'llrs. Edgar !!ill, n1cn1ber of the boa rd of director s ; j ~· • • . ". • -- _, ., J\l rs. Don Nielsen. executive director of the r~lorencc ('rittcnton l·lome of Los 1\ngelcs, and J\lr.~. f-'rcd I.. Du l:>rce, l~ay Circle president. l\·lrs. Niel sen 1vas gucsl speaker for a meeting of the board of direc- tors at Knoll's llcrry Farm. --=- Open Eyes Welcome Girls r..v .JO OLSON 0! Jh' 0111• PolOI S'-ff Son1rwlierl' 111 1t1e sµrawling. hnper· 5on;i! 1nctropoi1s r,,f Lo.~ Ang ele.~ lherr 1s ;1 girl \\'ho is young and frighlenrd . Sh(' ha.~ no place lo go, no one lO turn lo. and i.r; pregn,1111 nu! of wedlork. She will find dra!it1c means tri <"nd hf'r own lift• or try lo encl the life uf 1hr infr111t that 1s forn11ng \\'ithin hrr unless she finds understanding and sy1npathy soon_ If only she ran find dirrclion, shr doe~ h.:i~·e some\\•here to go, f~r the staff of the Florence Crrl!cnton Home of Los Angeles IS WJllLng for her \\0Jl h out- 1>1rf'tc·1!'.·1I arrn.\. Su11.,•11h1·r(' 111 Or.111j!(' l'nu1+l v 1hrrr JS ;1n•1l!u·r \11\lllll ~1rl, <1 b•1 lon«·l.1, frJght- 11\• d :ind prf'g11a111 011\ •>f \1C'1Jlnlk \l'hr11' 11 JIJ ;;J1c i;o~ \I hat \\'111 she d•l" Tlwr<· ;-irr no arin ~ out.,1rl·1 chrd as l•·t h~ < illJ ~l' lhrrr is n() Orange County Cr 1l· \('llio11l I IUllH'. IJ•11111 11, 011r r1f lht gir h 11 hr1 has louod •11,· ('l11J11 \rl111;:: nn tf suppor! she rirrr!~ :it '!h' l.u . ., Angeles hon1<'. ;u:co1npan1ed 11H' 11111··~ cl1rcctor, Mr.,. !Jon J\1rlsrn, 10 .1 HIL'hl'lill meeting of thr board o! il1rr1 ·- 1rs nf the Orange County ho1nc, nOll' HJ . hf' planning stages. ln a quiet voice. Donna told a hushed 1111l1cncc what the home has n1cant lo 1er and how she happened to find it. Eig:it months prcgnan~ and lookin.i;: 1rel!y in a smocked pink drcs..<> \Vith a Ink ribbon 111 her long blonde hair, ~he .old the board members :ind gues!s (hat 1.hc had bern referred by her doctor and a social wor ker. /\lune in Los Angeles and unem ployed. ~ht• 11·rnt lo the Crit!enton Home nearly two months ago and will stay until seven d.tys after brr bJby i.~ IJrirn in :\'01c111lH:r. COUNSELING 11\IPOHTA :\IT She said her l'vunsrl111s ses.~u1ns 111th the socia l 1vorkcrs ha1·e bCl'll tile 1110.)t 1111portan l aspec1 111 lier ~lay 111 tJ1r h11nH·. Th e social workers h:n·c hrJp,,d h1·r dec ide 11·hat l11 fin 111111 htT h.1!11' nod ti:11·c h1:lped lier n_·~ln 1rl1Jrr hrr lifr 1111· .1 new beginning ;iltrr the baby's 1J1rlh. After the baby rs OOrn and Do1111a leaves, she know s ~he \\Ill be :iblr to live the kind of hfc she had Urc<in1ed uf before the pregn;incy, Don11:1 plans to give the hahy up for ;:i1topt1(11l ;incl rn:irry 1he lil!hrr of !he b._1lJ,·_ Th en, with 1hi' kn•nl'lrdgf' lh.11 !hr bab.v h<i,\ ;i gu11d hun 1r. ~ll1' :i nd lier hlh- ban<I 11 Ill br ;1blr t11 rn,il.r !lit• nrt·r~~:1ry ad111stn1rnts nt 111·11ls1·:cth 1\fter that tht',I' will l1H)k 1orw~1rd 111 lhr r!;iy 11 hr11 th1'.'' 11 Ill he rciltly 11; hcs1n 1hi:1r 011 n f;H~lll) .\!rs .\1f'brn ;1 nt•l::r. kindly IJhJ1H!r who h:is 1111 n girl~ 111 collegt'. ren11111.~crrl ron [he fir~1 1nr .. 11n!: nf th(' l)rangr f'011 ntv 1·11111•11111n 1101111· r·n1111n1tlrc si.\'. yrars H~o :uni c:oninu·nlcd on Ille progrr.•s. Thrn she tool. orr u11 a fl }'111;.: tour 11( honies fn r unwl·cl n101hers, v1s1t111g holh those back In the •·ol d 1lay.~" and tod:iy. In the 180lls they ~·er1· f'alled "m1s- s1ons for fallen 11·cnncn," and their mis- sion was rctlcrnpllc>n for !hf' girls. "Today Ure Cr11ten!on home offers the 111<1st basic kind of sf'r\·1ce you can give young people.·· ~he said. HONEST APPROACll .. "\Ve're h;indl1ng it morr honestly today. We greet the ~iris with our arms and eyes wide open ." Gi rls' real names now arc )JSed to assist thrm 1n thei r struggle for 1dent1ly. 'rr s ll\orr l11';11lhy for lhe11110 f.1{'{• their s11uat1on and go hy their rc;il na1nes," ,\lrs N1rb1·11 stressed. She g;11t· an cx;1n1plr ol how 11s1ng the gtrl!( 11:1 1111·~ hL"lp~ tiicrn 111 their bal!lc ror a h;ippv life after the baby 1s bo r11. Ar a rl'l'l'llt open housr in thr t:ri1 tcn lon \10111r iol Los Angeles. lO fonner rc~1- dL"11ts c:an1c hal'k to he lour guides. 1nucl1 Lo the a1nazr1n cn! uf some of the vtsitorc;. UI STURBl.'\G THEND She alsu rel:11cd J "rnost d1s1ur b1ng'' !rend. illort and morr of the girls arP l.ccpini; their habics. she said. iltuch or !hi<> ha:> 111 rlu \\1th the publ1 c1\y nnw h1·111g gh·en ~1n~!r 11arrn1s and 1hosc who ,1Uupl a baby :1s a ~1nglE' persou. 1\l ~u. ~u.;1•'!) ·~ all1ludc Jov.ard .\C X out· suJe ni~1rn.:ig1• is t•h;1nguig The girl.~ .1re 1·;1 ugli! 111 a dt l huturn.1 , howt~l'l'r-soc1cL.v halr acrt•pts lhl' practice but tt. Uucs not ;1cc<'pl liil' produ ct In l9fi7. 17 girls ou1 of 2'.10 u1 lhr Los Angeles l11i1111· kt'pl their h:1h1es In lfl6R lhr nu111li(T ro sr 10 Jli and In lhl:-yt:ilr, a~ of srr\ 1 4i 3ln·ady have lho~c11 to kl'C'P I ~l!' 111 Th1.'i 1, a rr;1I ch<ingr, ,\frs. N1t'l ~cn ~11id. bct ausc Cri!lcnton girls trndit1on· ally ha \'c relinquished their in fants . The agr of the girls choosi ng lo keer th!"ir children is surprising, also, as mo~t .1rf' 13. 14 . and IS. This, warned ~tr:;;. K1rlscn. coul1t produce a gene rati on of h.1tt l'!rerl i•hildrcn The 1tlrector s1ress<'tl another srrvicf' that is un1qur to Crittrnton homes-":iftrr tare" or group counseling after the baby is born. This helps the girls to estab/i;;h a successful mother rote or come through !he "mourn ing period" ~·hich follow~ the relinq uishment of the ir child. "Th is is the ISet OPEN AR:\IS. EYES, Pag' 18 ) Running Won't Burn Up Calories If Goal Is R·efrigerator DEAR ANN LAND1<:11S· PleaS<' scul c an argun1cnt. ll°s :1bnuL <firring. ~l y fnrnd says the lcs~ )OU :ilrcp the mf1rr 1rright you will lose. lier lh<'ory is tlu11 \\h('n 11 1}{'rson ~lrrps l1is horlv 1~ turnin~ r \'cryHung inln fa!. She s;:iys if }'Oll ~\;iy 11p, 1hc hrwly dflCsn'1 grt a rhanf'c t11 p<'rfonn lh1s devilish 'll'Or k I say the more you sleep !he better off ) ou arc because "'hen ~·nu nrr slcrp1ng, ~ou arc not runnin~ to the refng<"rator. !This is my proble n1.J \~'ho is rlghl? - JJHO A/\0 CON T>EA lt P AND C: Tht body chemistry \lurks 'llhtlhrr you arr a.~lrr.p or uwal.r. llowe\cr, the prr~on ~ho is n"ake w!H burn up more l'Ulorlrs bt'r au~c ht' ili m(n·· lo~ about. i\lort to the point. ho~·P1rr, a person whn iopeod~ t\•rry 1t11klng hnur 11t lhc rrlrigrrnlf1r i~ in srriflu~ trouhtr. ANN LANDERS Slec;i \~ not the solu tlon . l)f::A R A1\N LANDERS I am 1ery upset nvcr somelhing tha~ happened yesterday. I returned to my <'a r \\hich I had left locker! (my invalid child "'as 1n ii 1 <ind I fuun11 this note on lhe rront sral ''Ynu f'U~ht lo he ash:1n1f'cl of yo11r<;f•lf II 1~ j11.~1 plain ignnr.111t 111 lrr11c ;1 'hrld 111 a loc ked car. J'\'r \\'n1tc!I 111 re fo· half .1n h1)11r anrl then I h;id !o lcri\r. 'l 1111 11i!f11't cnn1c ou t rven once lo /Jl'C 1f the child wae all right. You ;irr lurky I am 1101 a child molestf'r . You arc a monster."' The note was signed, "A J';isscrby " ,, Ann, the pt'.'rson \\·ho v.'Tolr thal nn!e doesn't know the filf't ~. I c.1 re ror this cluld as best l r;:in. She cannot sit up or walk I must take her e\·ery\\'hcrc as I h.1\r nQ one to le:iv" hrr with SJ1c 1s 1()(1 hca\'Y to carrv s11 !ihr rnuSI br ltfl 111 !he f'Br ·I alw;n;~ rnukr .~urf' \hr c:ir 1.~ locked. SomCtunes the shopping lake:; lnrigr r than it should , !iut 1 n1usi wait in line like everyone else. I can't bring 111ysclf to ask for special pri vileges because I have a cri ppled chil d in the 1·ar. Please lake my part. TI1at note 111;1dc a wreck out of rne. -MRS_ 11.G . IJEA R ~IRS. H. G.: You sound likt a w'll meaning woman who ha s bad mort lhan her 5hare af trouble. i\ly heart goe1 out to you. You don't dcst:n·e to ht t11lltd a monster and rm sorry the "·ri ttr ustd ~uch languagr.. Tht, Pf rson mak's a \'alld poi nt, bowever. No child should l>t left alont' In a lockPd car -for any reason . Your lelltr i;u11;grsl!i lbat you are "·ith lhi~ rhild nii:ht and da)'. F'or ~·our sakt> t hn(ll" you 't''ill ,i:rt some rrlif'f, ()fl 1·al! 1he \'hiling N11ri;r1 As~oel11tioa, T h Is •·onderful or.Ranizatloo cnn give you the help you nffd, DEAR ANN LANDERS l'n1 not :i~kini.: for advice. I "·ant to give so nic. ll 's lo women who hale sex. There :ire l"'O k111ds or frigid "'iVt.S - those ,,·ho ha l'e 28 kinds of excuses and those v:lw count lhc cracks In the l-eiling. I've been both. l\ly husband never in-sult~ inc nr ihrralened to look t'lsewhcre. lie 1usl put his arms around inc and s:.1d, "I know you don't want to be this 1~·ay and 1 'm i:oing lo help you be different bcc;iusc I love you •· lie ar;:ked me lo ~ct proff'ss ional help \l/hen I .~n 1d I was 100 1>111h:1rrassNI he ~alfl, ''I'll go w11h you" And ht' dirl . I i i~ pa l•rnrr .in1! 1uulrrs1andu1i.: h:i\C made all the d1Hcre11<'e in 1hc \\'llrld. f'n1 doing better than I ever drcntncd I could and f'1n going to keep working at 1l 1f 11 1;1k£'s 40 years. -l\IARRIED TO A l'HINCE OEAR ~IARHIED : Lucky you. Thank! for writing. \Vh:it a\\·a1ts you on lhc other ~ide o( the rnarriagc veil:' How can you be su rl! your n1arrlagc ~·ill \\'ork:' Read Ann "'- Landers' booklet, "r..1arriage -\\'hat to 1 E:<pe..·t." S<!nd you r request to Ann Landers in care nf this newspaper enclnr>:· ing 50 crnt~ in coin and a long , stamped, i;;cJ f.addrcsscd envelope. Ann Lander.~ will be glad to help you Y<ith your problems. Send then1 In her in c:irr nf 1hc l)AILY PILOT. enclosing ~ self.addressed, stamped envelope. . •. " ;, ., 0 •,.-• , ' ' "; I • • ,,.. o > • ,.. • o o' r I • , . . . • Co ming Out of the Dark Women Advance From Home By 1'10RT ROSE:-.'BLll~t always done it. y,·ho cannol write her name rd a party furor that sla&· A system of lllfit hunihes, has lhrtt girls carry her gtred his position , long since litO~RO\'IA . Liberia 1.'\Pj h b k Sh sol1"d1·r,·~. El · of An · B k combined "'"ith l~s expensive money to t e an . e can ni -cctton g1e roo s, a k d•aw , $200,000 lottt• or ··s1·n....,. then." Tubm a n r .,,. d. I t 1 sen·ants if necessary, ma es • • .. ~., .i r1an Lp oma . as pres -credit. recently told one of the many de nt of the U.N. General it :~ib~~~ica n societies rely President Tubman go I .... ·omen's organizations. "'they Assembly didn't cause much h . 19 ,7 h 1 ha,•e p•o"-" that th•y 1·ustly r · · h ,. la d heavily on y,·omen for work. "'01nen I e \'ote 1n • s or! Y • ·i:u ~ o a SI.Jr 111 er na 1ve n · · m••"il tht confidence.'' The feeling was: She's a =~O~n~e~m~;•r~k~et;w~o~m~a;n~in~N~ig~e;r~ia~~·~rt~r=r=h~is~l~ir~s=t ='~Je=ct="~"'·=l=l ='"="='=· ==c=• ==="=======i clever girl and well versed Jn l diplomaey , but what's th e fuss? \Vo1nen have had pub!i e 1 prominence here ever since I ?o.fatilda Newport crepl up on a loose canoon and dropped 1 en1bers fr om her pipe into the 'i ignition holt , r.ca ttering a horde or tribesmen abou t to unsetle Liberia's pioneers In lhe last century. There are y,·omen cab- drivers, dentists, policemen, lawyers. gove rnment leadtrs including a senator and fou r cons-resswomen, educators, business ov•ners, as v.·ell as A1iss Brooks. \Vhat's amazing. says lhr collegiate--looking dean of the William V. S. Tubma n Institute of Teacher Training. is that \VOmen make thf>ir mark almost invariably y,•hilr running a home. "ll is very, very import an1 to be married," Dean Ma ry Antoinette Brown said. "! doubt if you can find a pro· fessional \\'Oman that has not been married. Maybe she'll hr divorced or widowed, but sht will have been married." Th ink loveline11 •.. Think w•rmlh ... Th i n see our colorful selection of luscious robes --• w .ltt length, full length, •nd hos tet.,-•t-home, Too e•rly to. t hink Christmas, •nd ou r l•y-•w•y plan? Scientific Discovery: Tea 's Their Thing When r.t rs. Broy,•n's husbanl died in 1962 she took her three children to New York so sh£ could add a Cornell University doctorate to her Rad cliffe masters. . .\Cter vi si ting their husbands' offices al l 'rf, l\lr.c::. Karl Jlufbauer. J\<lrs. George ~l!Jl cr and to.Jr:-. Ron· ald \V oodbury ~left to righlJ ha\·e decided to leave the teaching and research to the professors and turn their attention to the UC f Faculty-Slaff \Vives Dave Bondi Watches Fellow Teens Dancing t-1ore than 400 t eenager~ danced In ~p1n!cd rock ·n 10\1 music 111 :O.l1ss1on V 1 e Jo Recreation Ct·ntrr \as r \\!.'Ckcnd. but Da1c Bo11d1 iu~l s;..l ;ind 1, ~tlrhl.'d I lt> l'uuld not d,1ncr bec.11h1· hr \1 .1s in a 11·ht•cl l'h ,11 1. Howc\·er. he \\JS rlOI ~1tling on the ~idehncs he 11.:is the guc~l of honor Each danl'Jng t er n a ~ ~· r represented anothrr ~! 111 !hi• D<n e Ronc11 fL1nd 11 h1ch 11 ill help Ills farn ily pay fr•r 1hr nur~111g l'<1rc :ind h n 1l ~ r mod 1ficat1nn nrct·s~<H} 11 .. 11 th:it he is rr!urn1ng f101n !hr hosp1tnl whrre h<' h.1~ b1'\'n ~1nce hi~ :1u1umobile acca!rnl last spring. From Page 17 Hancho \'1r jo \\'on1an·s Club 'flull~un·d lht• da ncl" and many trrna~rrs JOll!1'd 1!1r rlfort by \l urking 111 1hc clnnk booths, n·~1-lu1.; 111 a ln:ht :-;ho""· l>l.11 11 !.'. ~u11g~ :ind 1l0naung lh1·1r 11111•· ,,1.J 1,1ll01JI~. l'1~;1p1·~ .. n1·, !ur l h1· 11cc1ng, 11rre thr ~l<'s~rs. and ~Imes. T1·d {'0<1pt•r, B.1rr1·t Hro"·n, ll(ln \,ir:h. Jn\1n Ch;ipin. Oa\·e H11 ~,t 1!1~ :ind H•in:ild 1:11101t. \\'hilc the danC'r was a suc- <'C~'· 1be n1nnr \' • arntd is just .~ dron In thr h11rk1•: r11mp:1rcd 1<1 1hL· 1l,.IL1r' ra·t'.Urrl Ii\' 1l1e B11tH!1 f.1:n11\ 11rg.:H111.;11ions 11 hwh 11 !; t1 1 ·1 hrlr 1tic former ~1 1~s1on \11111 ll1 gh Srh()(JJ srn1nr rn.11 ( ont;11·t ~trs. 111111,1111 ("1Hlnrr, 8J0-283G. • • • Open Eyes , Arms m"'~: nerdrd -r~11~t'." \1 1 ;\Jt.'1:-en :-'.rt·•~<>J. "\\'r 11 nn! to hl'lp It hl·t innl'r peace ,1nd hel p tl·r t?lrl; lx>ro:ne \.\ hu!t• 11 v!llr:1 II" 11 .in1 lf• h• l;i llH•n1 .:•nl Jin 11' [a111.l1r.' !Jrc l."lL' •: ,,, • ·v· b•''.hl r .. 1.,nrl i1;1 h.-," hil•,. I !,ir '"t l•l• • : ' b .... .. ... ;;,;,~ ,~.'. 11, 111'.11 '\ nr 1('in11.:: prr11llerrs J1, .. ,. h• I II f i•\ql\ 1·1j ,"1!l<1 1 It' 1 • .: 1 1 1· ti1.;1nr.1n~ •• ,; .. 1n 111 l JiT1l •. Hours Changed ('Ju b and its activities. Events for the club, \Vhich maintains a bu sy schedule year round, \V ill begin 11·ith a tea nex l Saturday in the Ne\\•port Beach hon1c of !Jr, and fllrs. Daniel G. Aldrich Jr., !ron1 2 to 4 p.m. I . ' •• h A/oho-bound It has only been in the last 10 or 15 years that Amer ican \.\'Omen have found the balance between a career a n d housewHery, litrs. Brown says, but Liberia n women have r ;::;•1 fl' ~.a:f,,32)./Sc06 /-/t,r-/vfjfnr.-fldezFf</3331 ~4k-5°Af7/.V.' ~ Around ~· \\'HEN ~lr. and 1'1rs. Harold \\'. Pittenger of lnglf'.,..ood celebrated thei r 6{lth v•edding anniversary, their enure fami- ly gathered in the Pa\•ilion to wish them \\'ell during a din- ner. Attending y,·ert their 5on, Harold C. Pittenger of Newport Beach and their daughters, the Mmes. Dorothy Batterton of Corona de! J\far, Chris J\1rlkovlch and Peggy Seeney, bolh of Jluntington Beach. G r a ndchi!drcn attending \Yere Mrs. Larry ~filler. Newport Beach; ~!rs. Tony 1'1ance, Costa Mesa: Miss Patricia Sweeney, Huntington Beach. and Di:luglas Minner, Manhattan Beach. HOSTING a dinner party for new Orange County deputy probation officers and their husbands and v.·ives were ?-.tr. and ?-.1rs. Robert Heckrone of Huntington Beach. Assisting 1o1·1th hostess duties v.·as Miss Laura Heckrotte. TURN ON 1 lc>p i1 rt1ng fnr a :20-d ;iy cru 1~c nf t!:r J::lands arc ~Ir. TV WEEIC ~••P• vou fun td .111(! .\Ir~. \\11110111 L. Tl1r11np~r·n of l~alboJ. ·r11e1r to ... ~•"• ~.ppeni nq be~in~ ,~. no rt.~ of rnll 11·111 inC'ludc :\<t\l'JIJll 1h, !\:<iUat, Lahaina, tub• -Ev••v ~.1urd 1v i ~ t~• S'if' rln•"d flll ,! \rl\ ' I·- r:.: n~:t ur .. !1· .~'1 ~ r 1 1 In 111!' I. I \1·~t'lt" ) I 111r 11 ;,:-r f ... .,11 ll:.1t:.1 I .,.:111 \\.t!' n;h1·r i:ir,-fr,1 :11 f )1 .1n~t' ( oirrt 1y 11.11 1 1.11 1.!,1c1· 111 111rn !or help " I' DAll 'f PILOT. 1! !1._ 1 ...... 1 ~ •1irll'r11,'I' .~-1~1~··~"~"-'~'~·'~"-':":":'~1~''~"~'-:'~============~============:I 11 1•1:'t<'1I I" , !1 \ll.'1 I'll.OT 1;:ae11 nf :he .1pprnx11n:1H'h' 5Q ix-op:e µ,1:hrrcd for lu11tl1 !tit :i nt·11 urgt'fl(I' 111 r;i1-1ng 1he 5800.000 11<'~·c ~:-<1r.v for t·11n· ~truct1on of the ho1nc ,i ncl IL'> operation during the f1r~1 yr.1r. Land for thr homt' has h~·rn patd for. but 1he campaign for ll".;1· 11 • \<-11 f\(•r\ I\,, .1 r h ! '.ll<·lb' I 11 :i111rt·~ ;11111 ·rr:1~11 ~;iii' 11·1!1 h1• cr.rrlllrlt'd frro1n ! 11 11\ h' ~I 1!1 '.\01. I 1'1\1 ~ I n1r hn·1r' .1rP lif •• 111 tl'I 5 11 r:1 , :1'111 11 ..... 1\1(1n-;it(' :11 11,r h1~111r!-11f \Jr ~ I 11 \l1•l\r1dr t:n: tliff l>ri1l· :i"d '.Ir~ \ crn:t('C :'llorg.11 1, :1.7118 (];ff !J n11•. FASHION JEWELRY HANDBAGS GIFTS SOUTH ERN CAL I FORNIA'S ~· __., LARG EST SELECTION OF ACCES SORI E'.i 50UTH C0.6.ST 'LAZA-COST A ~ISA ACCESSORIES 1f you )..av1 be!!f'I pl11nnin9 to 11 dd • qr•t io u' n1w look to your home, ""' irivil1 yov io v;sit our t.how room •nd 111 the mo1 t bre•tht•ki11 g collection of domestic •nd lmpodtd cusiom liqhting fixlvr11 , l•mp1 •nd lighted w•ll it onc111. -PAITS AND SERVICE - • ELICTRIC AND LIGHTING 646-3737 222 VICTOllA snm COSTA MISA (Acrou from Grttnha\•rn 1\'urwry) BAR G AINS GALORE s""I> Al ~r .... '" ,.11 l rom your '''"'""'1'· It wo••· •lth ..... ,. ... th 01'1LY PILO T Oim•·•·Li~t t d1. Pho "t 6~2·~6 7 1. - ... •••• ; ; --· ... ·--.·----~-.. '. "4"'1""1'"'""" ...... _ 4 4' 4. 4"'' 4 q" .. 4 4 4 4 4"4 ....... 't.. ,.,~~~...-...-..... ~~ ......... -........ '""-............................. ____ ..,,..,..,. .......... ~ T hursd~y OctObfr 21 1%1 ___ DAIL V PI LOT ffl -. --Horoscope Aquarius: Heed Advice of Parent FRID AY OCTOBER 24 repa.ir v.·ork rectifies situatio n. <·ash request. Be considerate. HlltTllUAV ~vu hilve line t:11 QrabJe residence move. Be specif;c. •leed advice of bul not foolish. Avoid sc:ll· sense of har111on .v You :ire To ""°°"' ">II" ""°"' v.,.,,,.11 •"'• By SYDNEY 01\IARR parent or older individua l. tering ef£orls. Outline goal s. due for so1ne rxe1t1ng tl1angl"S. ••"0~· o,d., 5•0ne• °"'"'"' }(l. l\IENU Tli': Accent \"ariety Respt"Ct experience. Remcmbt.'r promises, favor:. !f single, you could rna rry If ::~~o'ow~~;'.;d ~"',.~:;Yr,: ;mri:;; lonigbl. Try Gemini Soup. PISCES ~Feb. 1!}.March 20 ): Jn rect:nt past. 111a rncd. you could obtain :id· 11,,.,.1.1. 1~. o~•l v I'll OT, to• ll•O, St'r\'f'S sii: to eight persons: 3 Relative in transit may makt' IF TODAY IS YOUR ditional 1ncon1f' whieh lead.~ t0 r.,~..a c .. ~•·•• ~11 ''0"· N•" .,.., •. t•.Y. H\'ocudos, 3 l'Ups chicken broth l----------'---------------------------'"-"---------or bouillon, 11i cucumbers, --~ peeled and sliced. Also ~, cup suur <'ream. 3 tablespoon1 lemon juict, 111 teaspoons salt, dash Tobaseo, l large turnalot's. peeled and dittd. Puree avocados with all in- grtdients e1cept IOJJJ&tots. Chill thoroughly. then garnish with tbt' lomatots. And tht n you'll bt cooking w I I h astrology. ARJES (~la rch 21·April 19 ): Some fina ncial pres s ure rcliel'ed la te tonight -seems to be connected 11·Hh \"1Sit or r('J:itives or short journey . You 11 ould do v.·ell lo entertain :it home. Strive for fa 111 i 1 y /1armony T..\L:R US (April 2{}.~fay 20): Cyl'le is high: s peak forthrightly aboul financial n~cds . Get together v.-ith Arits indil'idua!. Be realistic in al- titude concerning n1en1ber of oppos11e sci.. (;E.\llNI !~lay 21-Junt 20): 'You recei\'e nu1ncrous com· plin1ents on appearance. r.tan y ;dso a.-,:k ~·ou tor ideas, opi- n ion~. You are especia!I ~· popular ll'ith group. club rnembcrs. B l' cooperative, flexible. TO SEE IS TO BELIEVE -f\I iss Jo Clai re \\"elch runs through a prefligh'l check list berore a co1nn1crcial airline night fron1 l!ou.~t on to .A.11 st1n. 'fhe co- pilot is bclie\·cd to be the first 1\·01nan to be hired a:-. a pilot to fly for a do1nc:.- tic scheduled a1rl1nc. CA.\'CER tJunl' 21.July 22\: Some o[ your friends may ~ho1v si gns of fatigue 1onigh1. llon "t take seriously re marks \1hieh are cau~ed bv !em- Co mmercio l Airline Pilot Woman Wins Br rHESTO.\ KIHK l!Ol.STO~ 1 l"l'I l -\\"h('11 Air Ed~\ A 1rhnt'~ rnaCc 11 ~ 1r1- auf!1.1r:1I fli ght fr o111 !!ou-..t{Jll to Au ~tin, the eo-pi!ol 11 url' a :.k1r1. .In 1·1a ire \\11\·h, :'!'!. r1f Houston. 11as the hr~l 11·01n:111 pilot hired b.1 a n·gulilrly ~chcdul1·d rio1nt•..,!1t' <11r llnc Thr hrr111ne1.1t• :0.1 hs \\"1·lth. or ly ho11rs il"ilY fro rn bl'c1Jm- ing a >d~1 f':1pt.u n -r~p· 1a1net1(··~ C ;i p ! ri 1 n r s s ·: - dC"scribes. her~e lf as .. an old nia1d ~rhofll tf'arht'r." morr oflen addressed as ··he~·, you 1•.111\ the skirt "' The cl.'.lL1i;h1c r f\f ~! r s . Rrnnan l\1n ll('~ ii f :-;l'~lHlt•. ~he ea rn•·d an E:n gl1:-;-h di µr~e ;it Tnnitv r n1l'ers111 111 S:111 Anlflnio. .111d l:iinr t1111gl1t <'l!!hth grade Eni;:hsh in Odr~· ~;1. l c\. ·I t:lHeht fh1nl! fur a 11 l11h· Tht'\ t ... u1deni~ 1 lnun r.J I tul l-.1·tl Jtl\1-a Jurlt' lu~h(•r than II.ink ~the male 111:.tructur 1, ' ~he :.11 id. She credit:-; her uni.:lr, l>r E d 11·1n l;oodl;1 I o f Hr cek1nruigr , Tex . lnr gr\1111~ her interested in flyin~ back in Lu nc heo n Opens Season Chi Omegas Beckoned Wings 1>l1rar\· irn1abil1 tv. F inish a I as k -\1 hieh ,:ou ha v l' n£'glrC"ted · LEO 1July 23·Aug 221 Income through ocC"upational rffort s is spotlig hted . Contact 111adc tonight could be a :-1gnificant one. Know this - res pond accordingly . i)i::play ~howmnn5 hip. ori~in;i l ity. 1960 'He kno1~~ I have nc1·£'r \'IRGO (Aug. 23·Scpt. 22 ): bt'cn run 11[ the n'ill ·· \he lf ~·ou open cornn1unic;i!1on 1>1:1d. "'\ thoui:lit ot ht·111g 11 l111cs. lht•r(' is gain . Your ':l 11 nrd1·~~. h11I ;11\l'r ~1 t •1n~ ti unt'h. intu ition prol'es cor· rile (·ul·k p1t , I l.n1·w J 11 :.intrd rccL Share kno11•\edge. Lea rn tu he :1 pilo t " bv te::iching. Catch up on cur- 1\"ow 11·uh rnon' th.in 1 _.-,00 rent methods. ft _ving hOtlrs. m;tn y 111 Che LIBRA 1Sepl 23·0cl. 221 I .. 'i·ou may be c;:i!led upon to <iB' 1nrs· ~1:1.·vasscn;::cr hir .. n Jl'l .'>avaJO". she said shl' Jwks tiandle !ega1.finaneial matlrrs lor11 :1r11 10 fl~ ing thi> !8· Estates. di~pensing of funds aecentcd Look b c n e a I h µas~l'nger I! a n d I c ~ -l'.1~c JCi.Slrcarns. 11 ti11 h !ht• .ilrhnc \urfa1'e Be "lll ing to aecept ha~ orllered latts. pleasant or olherv.1se. SCO RPIO {Oct. 2J·~ov. 21): •·J don·l know if I ha1·e Acc<'nt on rn ar ri agr:. broken doll'11 any barr1c-r:>. partnership and 11·ay public There has b!'rn no ath trs1t1 . ' relations a Hect vou. Your .-,t1e ..,aid. '"J"n1 not here . 10 pride is vulnerab!C. Don't be 1 urnpctc \\'Ith thr llH'n. I Jiht goaded into foo lish action . 11;1n 1 10 do 11h•1I l C.'.lll .. <ind l 'la~· 11·ai\1ng game. bl· li•1 PP~ .. SAGITrAR IL:S (/\ov . 22- Fl'r(l \0~1 . Air 1;;;1,I f'IT~1 -net• 211 : Stirk 10 recent d4'!1t. 11 lin h1 r\'d \Ji ,~ \\t•h·l 1, re~nl ut 1011 ('Onecrning di rt. ~•1111 '·\\!1v nut· 'ht• I\ a hc-rdlh Somr associa tes need qt1.d1f1rd p.ilnl. ;i nd \Iii' 1-.1 lo be reassured_ 13c ready for l o·r")' lalenlL•d ~i 1~1ng l;1d~ Slit' ehangC$. Com1nuillc<llc ideas l larbor Arca Alun1nae or Chi Bnlaz. 962·6~9:) if lhry arr 1n-'1<'11 .n·t~ ~1 ~ "11 r f'\t'( utii<' T:t kc nothing for grant<'d. !{'re~led Ill day gainc~. L\l r~ .. \C('rCt!tf)." a J)()~lt!Oll ll hll'h I' CAPlllCOR1~ IDcc. 22-Jan Omega 11 11! bcg1111\s nc1\· year .. 1ir<·~rn!I)' i:itant. 19 ,. \"ou• •• ,,,,· .. , •esou•ce< J)ona!d Sternucrg. !ffi2-4j40. • ,_, ... ~ • • · \1·11h <in annual f,1 1l lunchcon in may be contacted for eve ning t ;rnr h:orn Air f~ ;i , 1 ;irl' brought into play. You the Stult Shirt. i'i<'"f>Ort llc:ich 1 . on '''""''"'"' wh''' ;, 1·s. but g;i111es. \UP1'r11sr1r. sair . r 1rr:-onc·t' " ''" .. at 11 30 a.rn \\"!'dncsd:iy, OeL . '" ,, ,,,,,, \I " ""·' ,' f, ,, ,, .. < 11 ,,;,, YOU rl'aeh bac k it 1s :\dd11 1un~1! ac:,1111e~ 1nehi'i•· ,, •1 ' ,_ " "' • :'.9 fron1 1he ,.,,,.,,,,,,., ;1'''''' th1• :n a\\able. Have fa ith in v.·ou r a rolfec for aeti1 c ~·)rorr!v v . \!rs .J C Bndgc·s pl an s to riiern ber" and !hl'ir m nthrr~ ,., prl't11• fa1·1• in !lH" 1,o<hpit 1111u1ti\e inte\l('('t It y.-orks. g1\"e J l':innclll'n1c ru~h r1•1)1.)rt ~he hnnie of '.\lrs, llndgt• , .\h.i-t uf lh<' ron11n<'n1-. ,,rr AqCAR IL"S tJan 2().feb "·hilt:> .\lr'.'I .. r:ime...-\''atson will IXc 22_ 1ro111 11omrn \\ho :.i1 1iw\ fi re 1111 Cond1t1ons settle. All may tell <ibuut g1!L'> g11cn to !lope -----------, ,1rl1gh1cl1 that 't1nally ,-., not be 1o your li king . But some l/a1 en Sthool during thr 1-:::_:c.o:.:.::_:::_::::_:::_::::_::._:::_: __ :::_::::_: _ _;c_ __ .:o_ ___ I luncheon 1'\{'11· (lff1c!'r~ In l>t' in· trodul'rd 1nrludc thr :O.l n1es I\ St anley Brl!. p r r ~ 1 d r n 1 : Eugrnc Barne_,, se!'ff•t ;ir_1 \\'aL\On. I rcaso!'cr , Bridges. n1sh ~h:iirn1an, J11d Hogrr \\"olcol l, p11bl1cuy \1 rs. JI.\\' Linton. l'h1 aU1 1~(,r ;i I t·111vcrsi!y of Su 11 t b e r n i.;a11forni a, a l~() 11 111 b r present. Lunehcon reser\':ll 1on~ ma} be obtaint>d bv calling to.Ir~ Barnes. 54~5645. by Yridaj . Oct. 24. Bridgr cnlh11s1asts al'>o :ire a~ked to contact t.trs. All'x \V 247 Broadway l1HJ11na lt>oc;~ -494·'1174 Hours: 11 •.m. to l 0 p.m. NOTICE!!! Hearing Aid Users we are now equipped to offer PERSONALIZED Service to the followin9 brands ...___of hearin9 aids __ .... _., • QUALITONE • AUDIOTONE •TELEX • SEIMANS • BELTONE •RADIO EAR • OTARION •DAHLBERG • ACOUSTICON • YICON • MAICO • AUDIYOX • SONOTONE • ZENITH LAGUNA HILLS HEARING AID SERVICE IDi•liiM of OrltlMJ• Ce411fy H-illf Ai4 Senic•I CALL COLLECT 830-0530 If No Answn Con 541-2335 215~1 ,.,,_ ck Yeleftcla-Svlte JOJ LAGUNA HILLS Come see o ur g 0ea t new collection of Soc~ali tes .•. ~o right at you r fe'=:t .•. pocc-sc:i ~rs. l hc •hoc~ t~dt ~lar~ i ne tot(l] too:. "Prerrii er' in walriul or blcJck calf. NEWPORT BEACH ANAHEIM WHITTIER RIVERSIDE Socialites scene- stealers v.,;+ oMr Cu•lom .Site OtPI .. ~;ltl lh•11 11. ' .. .. ., • J ' ' \ :)!. " ' ' ' • • ' • ' ' • Buff urns· Fennloeuf cnrins .•. the winier whi !es, ma de.t"'ln moie dazzling with a !Xlld grosgrain strip ing. of red, while and navy. Shaped by Bulle of Dacron•polyester and doub le woof; 8lo18. Flip skir t with sfeevefess jacl<et, ID.tie; coat ensemble, 72.IO. Dress Shop·. Newport rl Fashioo Island Newport Center • 644·2100 • Mon., Th urs., Fr i. 10:00 lill 9:30 Other days 10:00 !ill 5:30 I , JI ••••v "'" Thur~ay, October 2J, l%Q Knits Topping Universal Poll Ntvtr mind consulting the pundit~ or the. pollsters abCtu\ lht universal popularily of knits. J ust stand on any s1 rect corner and watch then1 go by. Koret of California. long known as a 1nas1er u I moderate price knit fasl1ions, has designed an extcnsil e line of knit fashions for fall. "'Jth emphasis -0n easy c;irc pro- ~rtitl'i . Gone arl': the day~ 11 hrn cleaning a knit became a ni a· jor project. Koret h;:is ~Ol\'ed a!l that by interpreting desi gns Hostesses Fly Again Cli pped \Vings members wil l fly again as they travel to Kansas City, ti.lo. for the s e v ent h international con· vention and homecon1in1;. Former T\\'A hoste ss es from all 28 chapters \\'ill al - ttnd, including Mrs. Ronald Barnett, president of the Orange County chapter, and Mrs. Ross Bushhoosen, vice president. During the Oct. 2fl·28 con- vention the Clipped \Vings Archives Center in the new 'f\VA Hostess Academy \1·ill be dedicat.ed. only in kni t rabrJcs lhal can 1>e ha11J ur 1nat:hine wa )hed. Pr a C' tical considerations aside .. knits are styled as beautifully as they behave. The silhouette is longer and generally softer. Lehglh com· es In several v.•ays: a thigh length Edwardian coat in Ca1nbridge knit 1vith a cJeep b:it k pli'al and half belt. flare s out over pants lo elongate the ::.i lhouettc. 'l'unic length vc sl.s, brass or sil\'f'r buttoned, or Chanel cardigan styles go a long "'ay to stretch the body hnt'. Even traditional suit Jackets are longer, no11· hover - ing at the hi phne, and ~u1nel1111es takin~ a n1any but - toned approach to accentuate length Pleats mean a softer. more feminine silhoueue and Korct loves them in twos. fours ;ind bursts from hip-yoked skirts. Another softening trick is the flare or straight leg pa nt. The color palette strives for l1arn1ony with nature. since there is a prcdominHnte of red. green, gold, brown. all rr.ininiseenl of na ture's color spectacular before w i n t e r l11!ally sets in. For a harmonious fall, fall Into a knit. The selection or a philan· thropic project also "'ill _l>e discussed. In recent years the ! I h05pital ship 1-IOPE has recei,·ed the group's support, earning for Clipped \Vings tt \\'omen \l.'ilh HOPE award. Ghosts Host Auxiliary Plan s Picni c A11 (n,·itation lo All : I LEARN PATTERN-CUTTING THE MODERN WAY! A 1ystem 11 1med "1 H[ GOlDfN RUl [ ' wheri• '10U dn , , ' do 1ny figur1'10 i nd ne"d no e•pertence oth•r r~~,; re~d· ing •num ber •nd dr•w•n9 ! dot, (••V• 01 one hour of your t•rne ~nd we will shaw ',OIJ 1: 00< PATIERN CUTTING SHOW how 10 d r11f1 your p11l!e r n~ with on:,. :wo me~!utemen !t i" '"Y 11~e i nd stvlt for "'"Y memte-ol your f11moly. l ho, (ourst w dl bt •n 1nvesin1enr .,..h1<h w1ll s11 ~• • lortu11e 111 n1J1t to no lime ' '110Vf IT TO YOUJSILfl DO NOT MISS THIS O''OITUNITY I Par your (QllVl nience. so 1h1t vou need no r lludy, dem· onstr1tior11 •••being held 10 mike these po~J ible, 1 sm•ll De"'IOnst11l1on ftt os ch ftrged. All Neen.•~ Equip'"~nl A,1ll1hl~ •I Cl•••~• NEWPORTER INN 1107 JAMBOREE BOARO ROOM MONOAY-OCTOBER 27 4 DEMONSTRATION TIMESo 10 A.M. · 1 P.M. • 3 P.M. • 7 P.M. DEMONSTRATION FEE-$1.00 HARMONIOUS BLENDING -J{orct of California <.'on1bines line and color in thi s th ree-piece coord i· natcd ou t f1L of Lenox knit found in l\'lay Co. stores. KNIT BEAT -It's <ln easy rhvtlirn \l'hich Knrrt ri( Cali forn1il olfrr ~ th1<> season. 'l'lH' 1hrre-p11•rr .~1111 IJLll1 1111 j<Jckcl, ple.'.:!tcd :-.ki rt a11d lle ~trqJt!d T~ .. ,i .. ,. ;. 1l•11nr.d toe be o<t11f\l•1 011.r h• ••••• "''"'he• .. r T<'>><r l"milf ·11,. ~""~'" !""!"""..,' or• '""""'"' I>< 1)1' ~Yf"i l'll"t ,f,,l r •HC J • .,,.~ ,..1 !h• "'•"'11 1•,...nt•. h • full T , •. 1 ..... 1.i.-11· ........ ,,1 •• ,,,,,,1 ....... t J..,,l 111. , ,,,.~ ... r ... 1. n ... ,, ••• 1, .. •.... ~~·.1.1a-~ ~, (._If._ - \..r '"" n., ,.,.. •A"1' .. 11,,.1..,1 .,,n ~. •• .i ..... , ,.,,,.,,"~ lh• 'liot<. 11.,. ''''""" ~l•l·n~ 1• '"'!•1n '" • .i.t o "''m """ "'M""h In \'""' I,,,,.... \. ••le~''"" ••n I.,. m••l1• l•"'" 1.,,.,,11,,i, nl •"••el l••-t[,,..,,,,,.,r .-... 1.,,, A""- i.1.,..-.., "'""' ,,f •!1•m 1t•••!ld wult ~cliptd l ~ l'rot~ct.". ·-t.:;,~<;;if? '-.J" --- 1865 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Phone 548-5131 Tour Behind the /ran Curta in Volunteer Voices Views By JUDV llURS1' l'hildren, saw how important enough time away from Alcoholics are sentmctd to 01 1119 0 111• 1"1111 s1111 they were to the slate. Their studies); no delinquency , no lhree years of working on "Soviets don 'l know !he care is supervised by the segregation. But there is lit· farms and are a disgrace to 1neaning of the y,·ord volun· government frorn the tirne tle laughter. their family.'' leer. they are three until they're 18. ''Low JQ youngsters are Jn conclusion Mary Ripley .. But they will volunteer in· Whe they re tak I th n a en rom e given special tralning to keep confided, "It was a g r e a t formation on what is right home they are placed in Lhern off 'welfare.' There privilege to go but it'~ a within the USSH ... Russians b d. h I · oar ing sc oo s or in-really is no welfare in Russia greater privilege t'o co in e "'an t lo learn and understand i·t 1· h h t s J u ions w ere t e s ate pays just retirement pensions which home." the American way of thin king !or the1·r t hln d I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .. eac g a n 1nny be earned alter arduous so that they can criticize us.'' techn•·1·al tra•·n•'••g · v.·ork at the age of 40 for v•o1n- 'l'his was the general opinion The tall, attractive brunelle en and 50 with men." f'll OFESSIONAL 'IANIST Acceprlitt ,11pll1 for lndh•iduel h11rt11ctio11 ht PIANO l MUSIC THEORY of Mrs. Al exander (J\1ary ) · Ripley, president or th e social \\'Orker reflected how !\\rs. Ripley c ontinued ' . . r sad it -was that the Russian .. A!"ohol•"sm became so Un· Association o Vol un tt' er n ... ... i1111M l Adwo11eod0 AllJ At• JACK REIDLING> -'42·77,5 Bure11us of America, Vt'ho had youngsters show a lack of manageable that today you t l nd .th b d h I creativeness and low regard are an outcast and there are r°oo~~ ~ind w~em~gr~e of ~~~ for the individual, and receive no rehabilitation programs. press \vho JiLerally came out Jillie comfort and no personal1-'.'.:_.'._::'.'.'.~~~::_~~.:'.'.'.:'.~~~~~~~~~~~~ h possessions. of t e trres to photograph the US party. "Since the birth rate is J\lary Biplcy has just return· dropping, illegitimacy is not f'd from a nonsightseeing trip frowned upon," she pointed to Hussia anrl her satellites, .a out. trip only 22.000 American l\1any things are reportedly tourists 1nade last year. ideal in Russi a. There sup-~he and approximately 32 posedly is no drug abuse, other private citizens were thowever, hashish may be i:ucsts of the Soviet 's Women's forthcoming from Mongolia): •• •• e a. NEEDLEPOINT DESIGN .2,21 I. C-t HwJ.,. CorollD del M•r 675-7121 Committee. For four v,·ecks no hippies: no dropouts or col- thc "'on1rn undertook a fact-,f~Je~g~e~r~"~o~lt~s~,~llh~er~e~i~s~n~Ol~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I finding 1nission o n in· II 1 ~ r national understanding, \Vllh encouragement from the lJ .S. state dcpartrnenl. •·There is no leisure time orl unemp!oyn1enl l here ... therefore no volunleerism. I Ilussians do "'hat the state tells them and there is no privilege of choice," she in· fo rmed 1nembers of t he Southern C;ilifornia Council of Volunteer Bureaus gathering in Costa r..·lesa. "\Ve \vent lo listen. We <liscussed the I a mi I y , l m otherhood. education and ' children's programs. Pol itica!1 thoughts were not exainined." I Two of r..1ary's 111 a j o r obser vations were the hn·i portani.;c wornen play ou\side l the family and how the stale has taken the place o[ thel' fan1ily. The former 'l'ln1r.s \Voinan-of·Lhc·year is we 111 equipped to make jl1dgments1 since she has .dedicated ma ny I ye;1rs to serving on national. state and area board.~ of men- ial l1e.alth, welfare and heallhl .agencies. "Won1en in Russia. to give you an indication of their prcr fessional st:itus, make up 11.'i pertcnl of the doctors and 80 percent of the teaching ranks. It 1s not a matriarchal society I but the 11•oman often is the boss in her home. \Vomcn have had to assume the leadership role because so l rnany of the men were k.illed l d uring the \\'ar. "The "'omen. "'ho arr friencllier outside of r..1osco""I 1nay not dress as Yo'ell as the An1cr1cans and do not have 1hr con\'enieuccs. But th is is bec;:iuse a t:lrab. scratchy \1·oolen Coil t costs 180 rubles i litt le inorc than $180) and an o I d -fa s h i o n e d \vashing machine !hand "'ringer type ) costs 230 rubles. J\1ary, \\'ho is interested in Workshop Arranged 'F:l Niguel Art A ~sociation i~ I presenting 11s first annual Christ mas C r a f I \\'ork.shop 1 beginning Tuesday, Oct. 28. I The program. arranged by Mr• Hobert Slr1lC'r, i<: a !-1>;· t "''f'f'k course and will take I plat'f' rach TuC"sday from 9 30 a .111. ID !2 30 p ITI . JJ;1r1u'1p;1n\s will lie taught In n1:1 kc (Olorful and artistic pit•t·rs 1n felt .and papier 1nac-he l'roiec!s will include a Chnstinas hanging tree or11a- n1cnt and pin wravi ng . Addltiona! inform;il1on <ibo11 t the workshop, v..t1ich costs $12.50 per person, may be ob- tained by calling 1\1 r s La\\'fence J;i~·. 49:>-4262 er Mrs. Slater, 496-2786. New Shiomenf Just Arrived! COFFEE COATS $400 by G ileod. Feoturing grip-snop p Io c k et front, pockets, color· AT Wallichs WURLITZER ALL NEW 01:.GAN $744 FROM SEE IT!. HEAR IT! A SENSATIONAL ORGAN .&II rou• or9•n Jamili•• ol lono """ pucul· OIOn. f't•t• ln<luau b1nc11 •na a.1 .. try. A NEW WUllLITZER SPINET PIANO WHILE THEY LAST! Wal11ut, f ruitwaad, M•h09anr. Prict lnctudn lonch •nd D~Uw1ry now ... at fashions for La femme EBONY -GRANDS,-- Save up to 40°/o OF NEW COST All EXPERTLT FtEIUILT! IO·Yf.lll WARRANTY! 8u•h·G erh !W•lnut) Wo1 $1299 NOW SIOtt Hetl,1.Q,,;, l M•h.l W os S)299 NOW 51099 H.,d,.,,n (W•lnut l w., Sll99 NOW Sllff Wurlih er l Ebony ) New .....•• , , , SPECIAL Sl 199 Kimb,IJ I Ebony ) S It, 1 j"· ,,, •. , •• SPECIAL Sl.249 ALWAYS EASY TERMS USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAYAWAY Wallichs Music City South Coost Plaza 011 Bristol just North of San Di~o Frwy., Costa Mesa, 540·3165 for figure perfection Bo li make s the bras tha t make a dif. ferenc e. Bras t h~t v1on't gap, ride- up, or cut in to you. Let our expertly tra ined fitt ers help you selec t the proper Ba li to do the most for your figure, F!'lmous "Sno.F la ~e" Underwire Ban· deau. 32-38 C in pastels p lus white: or black , 6.50. 32-40 D, DD ;n wh;fe, 7.50 ful prints. In eosy-care ~ .... ~1.,j,:;.J,.;J;,...). 'Bal;. Lo ' Ba nde au. Black or while. 32-36 B, C 6.50. 32-36 D 7.00. Avril~ royon and cot. ton fo r permonent fre shne ss w i t h o u t iron ing. Sizes S·M ·L. J:a Jemme .....1 ... 111 .... - Htwl"ort lt{Kh SltM•••" c .. ,,, - DtW119Y fashions for . . . F•thion lsl•nd -Newport Be1ch Ston•wood Center -Down•y hMA-lc•rd, M•t•r Chort•. L• Fernrnt Ch•rt0 .... ~ FiixsouTH coasT "-Ml.RAJ. 19LAZA THEATRE CORPOllAt~ San OJe10 fretwt:w at SJi5tot • 546-2711 OPEN 6'4S-SHOW STAefs 7 P.M. "'11---·-winner---. J Aca~~ITIY Awards BEST ACTRESS-Katharine Hepburn WINNER-"BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR!" JOS("ll E Lf'o1,.;< -AXAVC.OEMWS"l.fllM PETER "la.b KATHARINE O'TOOLE ?~ HEPBURN •MADIN POU lHE LION IN WINTER '·""'";::-:=. "A'CQ .otu.&Sl-AL SO ..• ZERO MOSTEL in "THE PRODUCERS" NOW PLAYING EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY & GREATER LOS ANGELES SHOWINGS HI-WAY 39 FOX CINEMALAND Optrt Daily 5:<15 "IF IT 'S TUESDDAY, IT MUST IE IELGIUM " Open Dolly l :15 1:45 ·4:J5 ·7:2S·10:00 mtcn1·r:1w;n actla11 ! °"tio., ! ac.tlo11 ! Rob1rt Mite.It•"' -Geor9e llen;,t'dr "THE GOOD GUYS AND THE BAD GUYS" IMI plut John Wrsyne -Dln'ld Jan111n "THE GREEN BERETS" IMI RECOMMENDED l"DR ADUlTS Japanese Mov ies E11ery Tuesday Night I SPECIAL NOTIC~ lO OUR PATRONS ·1, ........... CONTRARY TO .A DVERTISING. IEYOND OUR CONTROL AND AP'f'EARING ELSEWHERE. YOUNG P'EOP'lE UNDER 18 j NOT 1&1 WILL NOT IE ADM ITTED TO PAClflC THE ATERS TO SEE THE "It" PICTURFS LISTED IN THIS BOX UNLESS ACCOMPANIED IT PARlfNT O R ADULT GUARDIAN. "CAST LE lll!EP" !RI "THE IAIYSITTl!lt" IR I "f O UNTAIN OF LOVE" IRI "EASY RIDER" !l) • . .... Gr1G'f action a11d dr•"'• lurt Lo11co1t.r -P'etrklr O'Neol "CASTLE KEEP" IRI pin Gretory Peclr -Or11or Shorif "MACKENNA'S GOLD" IM) Na •~• wl>Cltr 1' .. 111 IH Odmilltd 11<1!"' 1ccomp1n111<1 &t ptrMI tr •-ult t w•n:llt n, ............................. llyle Joh1110n -Ale1ancl1r Cl•rlr• "THE LEARNING TREE " IMI phll "HURRY SUNDOWN " lll!CDMMl!NDED 'Oii ADULTS ...................................... Fa11mtlc Actlo11 • M lchoel Caln. -laul'911Ce 011.,ler "The BATTLE of BRITAIN" (GI plu Su10ll!le rl .. hette -I~ Mc.SheM -!!!!!!!--"IF IT'S TUESDAY THIS MUST BE BELGIUM" !GI ........... u++ns:+ ............ . T••'h 1..-1 • .,. "THE BABYSITTER" IR) ~"FOUNTAIN OF LOVE " IRI CARLOAD GllE•t WE!tlll" ACTtONI Jth~ w .. ,..,. f(lf1! °""tl.t• THE WAR WAGON Jtllll WtJllO ltWtl l•ll"ll~M "EL DORAD011 Thursd~y, Octobfr 2), 1%9 DAIL V PILOT tJ Ora1tge Coast College .. ....... I 0 ' 'J.B.'lmpressive,Amhitious ~'f ' Jbufh Coa st Repertory MUSIC•lo.. COMEDY AT tTI P••CIAL l lE )fl "A FUNNY TtllNG HAl'l'ltlED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM" By TOl\.1 TITUS 01 ttNI O.H, "11•1 lt1U Orange Coast Colll'ge has begun its dra1na season on an ambitious note with its pro- duction of th e modern morali- ty play "J.B ,'' "'hich conies to the stage of the OCC aucliloriurn wilh all its fi re and brimstone intact What tlijs dlHicul t assign- ment lacks in Ilic Jreas of "J.I ." A plov br •rc~•b•la M•<l..t1oh, alroc11a II• Wlll••m ""r~I••· ltchni<•I dl••<!Ot ~:~'::1a 't',!;:,"~:::On~1~;·",..9,1, oeq·~~n~~ g,:~:·~.,!r.'1~~;,.~;~2a~:1'i.\~::. •I THE CP.ST J 8 . ,..IO••riaer C.ohOll S•r•h , , M••ve Robin'°" ~~>.I;~,." Ric~:~,,~~~ Fi••• rou.,el30ul 8 •11 Cochrt n ~.':i':,O ~~ustal30ut :.;,•~J,\~i) Mary Oeblll• ll••rt R"th W•n<I• W1t>.lns Jon.,n111 ............. Eadi e f'u•~I .. Relle«io 1'(1111, Dewolf Gl•I . Eiou"'th c;1u••• Oonr~t •. CttOI Hevon Womtn . . Llnaa l(lnQ, Cothl•en Fottrll, Nancy Ellen P•I· trroon, Jtn G••IWIJ, Aurell1 Sr~artrr J 8" <Or>i!llf!e'' Tim Slombeug~, .._ __ Coor>. Bannf't!, Oan Mcwe.i depth and maturity, il com• pensatcs for most admirably in conrcntra!cd e ff or t • ·rechnically, it is a minor masterpiece with ch i 1 I i n i:: sound and lighting effects to match its all·enconipassing theme. Thi s thrme, of course, is the su preme test of one man's fa ith -a man of today beset quite literally with the 1ormcnts of Job. \\'ill he curse his God in his darkest hour, or 'o''lll he still maintain the ra. tionale or blind faith. that his afflictions are d cs e r v e d puni shment from on high ? As depicted by playv.·right Archiba ld ri.tacLeish, t his E :x<·/usivf Rfst,...'td fit lll En1q.-mt11 1/ TONIGH T AT 2001 CRISIS Alexander Colson comforts Maeve Robinson 1n a scene fron1 OCC 0s production of "J.B." qu£'stlon takes the form of a play \\'1lhin a play, vdth circus \'endors enacting the pup- peteers of God and Satan. And If the premise might creak a bit in the light of later of· ferings in this vein, 1t remains a s!rongly stated case fo r a n1osl perilous theau·ical genrl'. Director \Vll!iam Purkiss must be credited \\"Ith an iin· prc~sh•e debut in his new role a~ head of the OCC dra1na department. 1f occasionally ; Tonight •I t BEST PICTURE OFTHEYW! Crossword Puzzle ACRO SS 1 Slops b H 1~1o"c~( n~rr.i l•~~ 10 Fr~~h . ...,·altr mU\S/'l 14 P~y """'C lo~n')«, lo 15 01~011? c h~-nber 16 F ct~ da :f' 17 01~"'00!1\ .~11rl <I• h\; 2 Y.0Td\ }'} l al"J')OI ~ trPrJI ?() Pra1r•e ?J De1rcitr! 2J Bloo1!s1.rl- 1rio wor.., 25 Or1<11nall f 11amrd Z& Ed11tal10•1J t ·qro11p· ~ll~r. 27 Atl'l•lllC dl ,1 slort 29 Ne gatlv r an swr1~ 31 Ca i" ot t1ill 111~ v~l11e 33 Ex ist 34 Kind or steamer 3& Sterness 40 Pedo1med in the choir 42 Cheerless 44 Pe1sla11 fairy 45 Stirutl 47 Olfic e accessory ~IJ Clustes of l1bers 50 T witching 52 Change the rleca 53 Dr'~e n~il sl111 tingly 5 ~ Marine r's t!i, re ti on 5 7 Anc lent no11 ,y or ;iccounl S'i Badger's rrl<1t1ve bl "The ...... . Show •on ( ~1 Iii" b4 H ~VlnQ 1 f•~!hm1c l~U b7P1ect of 11 ee l 68 Ont c!os" IO p<liole. l<1b1111<1t 1J r~.., non ~ n lm P 71 He~rl· Fr, 1l P11 I! llll iJ lirfttnl: A h~r 7~ Socl ~lly f>•CIU51 Vt per'>~11 7~ Th 1c•· headed 1 Uns~ill rrl oerformers 2 Kind of 111nntl 3 Footballer, on so'!le pl a.~s'. . 2 words 4 F 1gure of SDtt ch 5 VMdt<l o t Eden cliar,cter 6 O!d Frenth coin 1 Ch;irac1er iz· t d by ;i1do1 I P I • T t I 0 ( • <• !: • D y & Do "''II 1n I .fr 2 WO'd~ 9 Back·i;;f. lh!'·bOO ~ en tr~ 10 Very "'.Ith in s 1v I e- l l Long ·r~n~t 11aviga\1011 sy s tr'T! 12 B et~l~I" vlolP11!1y ac lov~ 13 B l an~"l ll5('d ~~ a c lo alt 18 Canad ian heroine of 181 3 22 In thr vicinity 24 Gave aud1 er1C ' to 27 Kind of mel~I 28 Russi.m river 30 Blotc~ 32 Beau! JS Par!nt: Informal 37 Wel l reared person l 0/23 b(/ JB l~oun1a1n · Comh. fo1m 39 rd for ton• surrima tlau 41 f'rogeny 4J l'l <t ld lhl' blue pen,11 46 Random prohl~lon ot cQ lor 48 Turn ed 51 Heral dic dev ice ~ ~a G 1~e ~sstnl 55 01namenlal flared td~t 5b EdQY 5S Pa le f>O VIP at !.hr Roman public games 62 Scott1sll f111·11itu1e designer 6J In ····: Entirr1y &5 Makr s by way of p1ofll b6 Collon wo od, e .g. 69 Johnny - vocates of blind fa ith may \Vin 1hc bu ulc, but there 1s so1ne OPEN§ ,RID•Y-1111 N.t:W~•T I L ... 0., ntor Htrtotr lllSlllVATIOHS • INFOll:MATION --l:w.J "WI~~!• lllt Pool!" -OILIGHT .. Ulo.. $(11 Clitl.OllEN'i THl.ATll:I i-•~• ti l:M ..... I :» p.m, CUI tlr lt1H<••llOft1 might appear ali though his reach, and that of his cast, has exceeded their grasp. the "blame'' musl be shared by technical director P ~ t er Scarpello, who has created some imposing and even frightening e(fects which con- Vl'Y an air of professionall!m lhat the cast ,so metimes finds hard pressed lo match. qucsuon as to the outcon1e of ll-------------------------: No such flaw exis t s , however, in the personage of J.B. himself -played 'o''ith astonishing strength and con- viction by Alexandf'r Gols on. Golson paces his p:..:iormance with the unfold ing or the play, letting oul the slack of his emotions with each succeeding torment until he stands broken and alone. challenging God to explain Himself. l l is an ex· ceptional portrayal fo r a col- legiate actor. the tnner war. Three more performances ol "J.B." a re sch~duled, tonight through Saturday at 8: 15 p.m. in the OCC iiuditorium. Mesa Offers Drama Class The Costa Mesa Recreation Department will offer a con- linung drama \l"Orkshop fron1 3;30 to 5 p.m. on ~1ondays or Wednesdays, for boys and girls 8 to 14 years who have previously participated in a beginning drama v.•orkshop group. Registration will be taken at the fi rst mcetina. \V ednesday, Oct. 29 or Monday, Nov. 3, at 3:30 p.nl. in the Community Recreation Center, loca ted at BALBOA 673-4048 " Op•n• 6:45 . 7ff l.hlht . · · I lllllM """lnnf1 • NOW -ENDS TUESDAY the wild•st comedy •ver THE f!AY DECEMRS NO ONI UPOER 16 rERMlnEO THE BEST HITCHCOCK TYPE FILM IN YEARS Wllndlil ....._ tflt love 1 story 1111 and the 1ightm111 Htlo? Maeve Robinson provides a strong counterpoint as J .B.'s wife who cannot match his spi ritual courage. Larry Cohen, though inconsistent, shows flashes of power as the reluctant devil's advocate, "'hile Richard Rov.·land is stf'adier as t.he confident deity. the \l"eSt ga te of the Orangel';:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=i:i;=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=i Count y t~ai rgrounds. The fce lr Jor the 10 week session is $5. Supporting r o I es are Participants also will have tile opportunity to take part in the presrntation o f a Christmas skit be.fore loc;i l children's audiences as part of the workshop program. Ad· dilional informalion may be obtained by calling 834-5303. generally handled with less sure handedness, particularly those of the roustabouts. The Uiree comfurtE:rs are ef· fectively done, except for the h o n1 ose xual \\•hich is overplayed to the point of comic relief in a sho\v \\'here'·,-....,--,-"""--~-,-"-.. -,..-,-,-,-.,,.--11 laughter is uncomfortably out ~-? " of place. The p!ay's prin1e potency . A lies in its second act v.·here the ' • •1"'1 .. 111 philosophical premise of presumed gu il t is dealt a death blov.' v.·hich succeeding events cannot salve. The ad- t_ff:-p: ~~ Po1ltlve:-ly End1 Tuesday "STAIRCASE" THI!: We!STMINSTl!" Cl!NT'l!I Burt lanc;ular TECHllCOlOR Pl••tv< '""' [f l Plus Excitement THE ftlCHIRD BUft!DN 111 HIRftlSDl ~IT I .:r., I l!!!t'l!I a"' "'a"'""" """"'" ""' ro-~Q 11aCliiiil~IOlillj · ret•r O'fool• "The Lian /11 Wl"t•r" plw1 'illlllifBA tlift11ftl Starts Wednesday lftf'\~'!!MU "Medium Cool" ~::::.,, """""=~ 2rtd New '-at11r• .Ala11 Art.111 "POPI" ~IW !liJ 11-----......lll...·----~ ~ TICMJlllCOLOll• Pllo•M'I-• _a ,_. ...... Mft...1111U MTIWS. ~Lancaslel ,M'«illl TECMICUlOI I f!J Al~ (ye. Show1 Slor>\ 1 Contl11uou1 S"aw Sor. fram 5: .'iw11 . from 1 ... , .•... ~ .•... : ............... ROMEO 0-'jllUET DIMA HUS~Y/lfONMO WllrnNS Mlrn O'SHtA I Mll'JWl YOIOC c:~: TEIMllCOLDI ~ ...,_Al!.O THIS WINNIR Natall• Woad in "THE WEST SIDE STORY" On• Showln9 lac.h l •enl119 (( ,~, •• 'llllf ALL ADULT PROGRAM ~ TYUTU EXCLUSIVE AREA 2~~' Co111t H:.,hway PERFORMANCE Cofone cl•I Mor-pl!. 671·6260 "If I were to describe in detall what goes on in 'lng1', I'd get arrested." "so graphic, I could have sworn the screen was smoking." -N.r. o.,-,. Co1.,...,, -RG6trl Stlm•ttl, WINS ll•'lt -----ALSO P'LAYIN<>------ Alw..,. • Dlff_. Girt Wlrh • O....Ul•h, Wiid Affoir l••ry Time! UNDER COVER ROGUE Will she win her fourth 7 KATHARINE HEPBURN The l"ll\DWOPll\0 of GHl\ILLOT The motion picture desig ned to save the world from sa nity "IONO I ~•.(, "''""' "fl 'i ('~OIU I'>"•• '0'11\ ~"""''.., liA.THA~INE HEPBU~N ., "TME MAOW[)l.'AltO~ CHAlllOT" t•·•~tl:.111¥!• • CL•'.Ol O•IJ'1-'• In "' l~•llS • Jll"" G.V,. • "Uc «( ••t·~ . ~o~ "'Y"" ' .... ..r.••l r 11•~ ... c· . ~IU(ltrU "'I"• ~"IT"! ~ll'l!o'I~,... ''l'"•c ()<••11•\"' YU\ B~YNN!~ t., ..• ,.. ~ONA!C PtfASINC! ''•' '"~ • """O•NNY !(AVE "o .. ._.,, • e""' on 1 P'•I •"lit' 11 J!•~ G.~•VOC" "'~ ""'fl •"I 1-.;•>'.., --"~!£f ~·~lot:'.'.,.:. ~'""I" h ll;tW .. C °'"'\ r • l•'J'.•'" ''""'"' ~E•"< 1 "'"~![ • "' --·""· ........ •"'""'1'•-•• l) (Li l,l.~C•". llJ•"'" !, •• ,.~ r~•tt •. n ... •l!.!iLCO' • -·-· . . . . .. ........... . • 'c•" ~*., •• "•t••1~u• •c•u. • lll•f'OU ~It • M•.Of~ -... - • • 9 1! .. Cti BL\'[), AT l'LLll • • HUNtlNOTO"I 911!AC H • U 7 ·880 9 World Premiere Run WNk Nl9ht1 -7 :JO &-f :4S ~~···tr•y-1:!1 ·~•41 ·/:lj & t :IJ ~u~d•Y -I :OQ • J.JO · ''QO a I: >0 Storts Wednesday October 29th DAILY Pl lOT s Your Money's Wortll • Do1i't Overlook OVER 'fHE COUNTER ' c:n_;._ -T -" ;__._......jJ;J I I A. Zli ·§ &*t' t S zw :iOC!;i'. ..t NASO l 11fln91 for Wffnesday, October 22, 1969 No-load Funds •tprn"""' vt 1111w-t1•••.., ~-1111io,., •I •t>PA• m"t!y t "'~ ,,..,., Olt.~D. l'r <t• lit llQJ ln<IWt r11• I tr Mtl'llllP. m•rllilll•ft w lomm HIOll. • .A.ir \Ves t Pieks l:hief I Al I I d1nund ( r rl\ < 1 :,(' \1 1• 1 11 1 It d board cha1rn1 .n 111d l l111 f l ~ ('t Ull\i' oll!r('r 11t Air \\t t \\rdni'~clJ \ i, :.1 111 .,., r 1, Nick BC'Z Be.t d cd ittc ntlv !11 Sl' ltli ( l ubcil 1111' 1r s1 ~r~llll~(O 1111 1 COlltllllli ;J'i p1 l'MCktll and rh 1 f 1ipc1 1t1ng Offltlr of Air \\1 ~1 lonvrrse •If Phl.K'nlx Ariz f Jl~lll rll l\~'i 1i('f' th llTtll JI\ nf 1h1 Air\\{'..,\ b ~1nl 111d h d biot n fllt~1JC'nl ol Bon1nz 1A1 i 111l ~ Oil!' of !I c p1cdl'ce~so1 lines 1nerg1 d 1nl 1 Air \I e~t TOPICS PHARMACY by TERRY GRANT R Ph \ I 111.., 11 l rd 1n 4 Part ~ne~\ By S\L\IA PORTER I cl s ~~~t me that }Ou the 1101pro1 css1on 11 1n1t>stor h 1vr rc;icht>d the cons1dc rlJd JUdb 111en! t(I 1nve:;L Jn ~tocks for thr loni.: term throu~h mututll t11nd ~h 1rrs Th is 1~ the n1n~t h !'>IC n! l!l the dl'CISIOllS )OU 1111! nu1k~ But y,hat 1,pc of fund 11111 1 ou buv -ti ~tH:alletl l::i:'ld or a no-load fun11~ There ;ue so 1nan1 m1sundcrstand1ngs and rn1s1.:oncepuons in th1 ~ area th;i.t \OU rnay find 1t h~rd to lr11c1t 11lr r1 1 ... (lrtlv one d1f It rtnL1 hl!\11et11 the h\O \\p. s ! I l ind.-. ind th it sulc d1f lirl'n<c 1~ !he fol l ow1 g j)(ll t /\o t 1 he Sales Char~e \ lond fund "ill usu illy be "ol1t 10 ~<tll bv a salcsm;i.n ~el l1ng org:'ln1zat1on anti lnr this you 11 ill pav a s llr:s thirg( ofa !oad A n0olo 1cl fund vou 1v1ll h tve lo st ek 01 t nnd btlV on 1our 011n lhlre arc no s<1ks1nrn no sill'~ <'hargf's and thus lhc t.les1.:rtpt1on n::i load 1 his 1s the sole d1st1nct1on Thr.rc rue roughly 6 O 0 mtllti::il funds in e:-.:1sttncc todav of 11h1eh t!ose lo 100 are no load lund s Among the no-load f u 11 d s 1011 will find the same v.tde sclrruon as among the load funds ranging from 1n 1 e:stmi'nl r,o ils to size to 111 'estmf'nl record etc You v. 1!1 find imong !hem all the ;id 1 antag~s ;11 ti services you find 1mong load funds percent and thats all J I II II 1.., I '' tf 111 kth If l11l1l1f'n 11! ,, '1 11 ti I Bui since no-load funds are not olfrrcd bv s:'lles organ1za \!on~ they arc generally less 11 ell known and \Oll will ha1e to take the 111 t1a\J\e to obtain 1nf:irmntH•n ind to find t! e fund \Oll WHll J ti !1! IV I ·' 'llll! 11 Ill I II lU!lll ii I " n I ~t I " I I 11 11 q 11 I "" ' " ' ' R, 11!<1 1 r ! :i\dt '" ~ ll lJ11\ I U• t di'> l• __, I 1tl1 1111 ~ It ll ti hlilll t Since they <lo not hair a "::ties organization though thf're 1rr no extra charl{rs 11hen \OU buv \hr shtires You pa\ the <1c!u 11 net asset \a]uc p£r ~hare -arid no 1norc " ,. I u I 1111 ! ll:ll ti I lUlt PG&E Slip1' ' • ') " :: : 7~ ,. " "' ,,, In Quarter \\hen } 011 buv a loi:td fund 'ou pay t11c nel assel \aluc phis !he salt'~ {h argc 1h1 s ts grncrallv 1round 6 a percent SA:'-J 1' HAN< IS( 0 ! li l I) -""" 0 11h1lh tr a 11 s J at<' s into Earnu1gs ol J ti1.:1fte Ca~ :"ind Q~;',,, c:! ~omething oicr 9 pcn.:cnt F:lcetnc lo dropped in the ~1~; sr ' " ' ' . " " ' 11 71 " . ' ' " " ' . . I I Ill I :l I ~ '> j 11 11 II 11 di 1 11 ul 11 fl>:. l) I r ., 11\ I I d 1111 -ti<' /11 11 l ('11 ' <.: i 1 ly rn 1d c:1 a 11:; abo1c 111e as~1! 1:ilut> !h1rd qu::irter lo 59 (Cnls from c~::;<•~ In ~horl the n1inu1c \OU 62 lCll1~ n thr lOTl t!Sf)Ollding ,:::; t'' buv a load funt tie woith of <1ua ter of l9!i8 t .,.,<JS an com 0~, \our holdings 1s ;il:toul 8 per nounccd \\ cdn1 sdav ~~;:: 1 1• ~ , • • • ' " ' " 19 19 . ' ' ' J) JI " . ' . ,, " . 1 I I! n r.:-ni 111 n ( 1 rent le ss tha l 11 hat vou pul 1n She1 mer L Sible\ the com ~~u 1 Av Jt for instance \Ou boLJght rinny pres1clent blam£'d the ;::: lnd ~ome lo id ~hare' 111 January decrease (Ill effrct~ of 1nflat1on f;:;~ t::.. • ., " ' " ' 70 ?l ll • 11 I]" IO 11 n 10 ' II !~ , 60 Lttll 'II tn t 1 lu llll!C t m o<l,..1 n 1111 111 111 and thP1r net asset 111uc 1s bolh on operating and con fin~ii::; rd f 1~h1nn• d 111 1 '\ lit un~ no11 ofl liill 9 percent the strurtion costs ~~~ ~d" " " '" ~ ' . "• ' 17 1/ 1 l • 'r J 1 1lln~ 1 i 1101 th tlf \Ollr sh;i res 1s a c !lo11e1rr ! 1rn1ngs for the 12 co~o•r L ' ' ' , ., " " ' PARK LIDO PHARMACY !U~lh 17 1>ercrnl less thnn months end~d Sep! 30 l Om ~0,,.:J 0 5 ls' " I I R d f k !Z GI '~ 1~" " " 71 ' '~ ' . J> JI ,,o1p ,. o• \Ollr purch:.i~e pncc I 1nu 111011 s!oc c~rn ngs 11ere c,,, en Newport Beach 642 1510 b:>ught no I03d shti res the a share co1np<11ed 111th $2 48 f.,.~ .~ t " " .. ' . • • Free Oe/1yery ;::::::::::::;;:;:::;:;;;;;;;::;;~_;'~'~' o~e~o~f~>~o~o~';'~h~'~'~'~'~'~'~"~'~"~"~'~;1~n~il~"~P~>~e~ec~e~d~1~n~g;;:l2~m~o~1~1t~h~>:;..iJ g. "~" 0 ~ n •• • rd D•• Ml O" or In " " " " " ' " ' ' " )7 ' JJ 11 ' !! Don't Just Stand There INVEST! Tur" lnro ,, lco n nq more about lhe fo•clroot nq I e!d of reol 11,10111 •n•e•I"'""' Keyed lo lhe o•eroqe reol propt-• 1e• e1 of ltclur~ p e1ented by lhe: DAILY PIL OT Oronqe Cocnr Ewen 1nq Co\leqe and Newport H c1tbor Co1t<1 M t-10 Boord of ll•olto • It 1 pre•enred on f our '"" lu111doy1 al 1 30 p"' Newport Harbor H1qh School A1ul lonum l Srh and lt'rlft• N11wport • • Real Estate Investment Series You COil still attend ••• Last l1111101•tfl1it Sessio1i ' O<t 21 -Jack Lincoln •How to Take T1tl• Advantageou1ly -A Case Study , and Randall R Mc:Cardle, "T•il or1ng Your Real Estate Investment Ticket l11/or11uition No adm1ss1on but tickets are required They can be p1ck,ed up 1n ad vane• at tlie Orange Coast College campus or at the Daily Pilot offices 1n Costa Mesa, Newport Beach Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach Co-sponsored by DAILY PILOT ORANGE COAST COLLEGE NEWPORT HARBOR · COSTA MESA BOARD OF REALTORS • o ....... o-~ ~" D• u• en 1g;· ~a;r D"" ""' o..,., Ann D•,...., I D '"" ( I) < Int """"1~ Orv Ml! ' • , -, " • • ' " ' ,. J '1?1.; i. I • • • • 1 11 l ' . ' . l l , 11 ' " "• "· ' .. .. ' " Food Costs Aren't Tliat I I ig/1 • u .. s. Lit \\ \Sll lr-.:t,TO~ tAP) ~ecrcl 11y of 1\g11cu lt ire fl1f for I 1\1 Hardin 1;;:ud \\C'd ncsd 1v American con5utncrs 1n 1969 v. ll\ spend on!v about Iii 5 pcrccnl of their income 1flcr taxes for foOO-the lu11e~l perrent<ige 1n the l'Orld rl11s 111)1 be tlOl\n f!OlTI 16 8 pc1cenl 111 1008 and f1 on1 20 percent Jrl 1960 he to!<l a Scn:ite House economic sub- rommittce l\h1ch IS holding hearings on the fcderal budge! infla 11on and employment l-fard1n ~aid food P\lC'CS ha\C? ri sen substantially 1n the pa~t \car but not as fast as non food 1le1ns in the cost of In 1ng 11\dl':t The increases in food prices in recent months h 1\ e been a result of strong con sumer dcin:ind fr:'lcl1onally lower per capita supplies of l11cstock producers and the gcnernl 1nflat1on 11 h1rh h:'ls af reeled prices 0£ all 1te1ns I.he ~rcrct :'lry said In discussing the 1nrreasc in beef prices Hardin s<11d red nicat consu mption last 'car ( ., ... • " ' ' " ' .. " ~ u 16 ' • 10 1'0,, H 301 ]1 " , 6 71 I• •1 d " . u ' !• •O>.. ' 711,:, 10 6 I 16 " . • • 7•-1. 711 " " 71 7J U JI . .. . ' " ' . " 1 s 7 ~ ' . 1\..., 16 • • ' " ' ' " . 71 14 ' " 13 . u l&'l'o 11 ' ' '~ 77 Jl • 17 n '' ~ :n '' • JI I! " . " ~. ' . " ~ . " . " " ' . . 71 / 71 . " JI 10 ,, . ,, ' . . 71 10 . ' I > 7• ' ' 71 • ,, " ' " . . • • '' . . 11 II 10 H ,, ' u 11 71 I ,, n • " ' '" " • " '" " ' " ' " " " ' " ' " •• MUTUAL FUNDS • Co1nplete-Ne,v Yori{ Stock List 11.ba('" 19! Anh•L•D 0 ACf n~ 1<0 t.c ec. .O• A<,,•M~ ?b t.aom£ I 01~ A~ M II> l'Q AO.I ~" ! '" Adm •I 4• naL I ! .0 AQU " (o Al• P1<><1 20b .t, Pd al• 1S A llodn 9SQ It} ln<tlJ>lt ~' A• G• l 10 41be oC •l 410o• oC .. A t~Aul~ Alto~••ra }0 .t.l•••nd" • •11~co IO<I "I .y 6<>1 o0 .t.11.,aLud i .io 411111Mn1 "°" All•QLud or J 41 •uPw I 11 .t.I lod(n l 10 All fOM 11 /j All fd Pa 61 41 euS 1 «i A I tt1S a • A I ed5UD Ml All ' Cn•I n A 1111•1'( JO., 41 O• I 80 Am• Suo 1 w AMBAC 10 4neE• XI 4m E• ot7 o0 AmH•,_. OIQ A,.,eH oil .la A41 f I 80 ,<:,m 4 •In liO ... 8•~· ju Am8k Noe I Am Brana• i AmBout I 60 Am C•n 110 AC~n o! l 11 Am C•m !.O ACn•r 1.0 AmC •di 90 :~,;~~ l l~ Am D 11 I AD >tlel JOg ADu.,IVt 17<1 ADu•I ot 8.o• AmEll'w 111 An En~•! An E'I> rd A[Cln<l P A6 AG~nln• ~ 4Gnn o ~o A Ho~I 10 4 '1omo l •O A Home or 1 Am Ho'p 11 • nlnv• 1 10 AmMFdy ff! ANOIC.I< I o0 Am Motor> 4mNd!(;a, 1 Am f'l><>IO 2 Alle>DY 10!1 An Se~ Am SnD •P A Sri ~II I O(I 4mSoAft 10 Am S <I An Std pf~ 15 Am Sltr I 4 A ~uqar I 611 ~~fuQP~Al ~~ Aml&T 2o0 Amww~, J.6 AW o ~ 1.15 An l ...C: An •I ~ 611 A.n.cn<IO AM'( Co JO AP1rt41 A ~·· (~ D Am• !'ti ) •O A,-, e J1 An•con(! I ~a An<nt <><~ ao AncorpNSv I 4nd Cl•v I'.'() 4oJ neco io AP<o0 I 1 17! ~i"t f .. ~em96 A <t.D~nl !iO A rPubS•< I Ar ~n' 05 711 A m<oS ~O Amov 100 A " ar • 15 A m•C~ iO 4 me • oil IS Arml!ul> ! 6(1 4 <> Co P 90 ,t.r~ln Ind I .t.ol>!d D ! 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" ' l t\O J.O ' .. . ,, 1J10 ti) ' " 1~{ }t • ~ ' 1: ~ ' " " ' ' 1• •• , •! ~ • •• ' ' . ' .. ' ' " lll 100 . ' . 9? 1~ ~·11 .31 l oo ~n " " 111\ 51 XII 18 • ' " 310 11 . " 11 ~ ' "' "' " '00 "' "' • • '" " ' " . " ,,. '" .. " ., '" " " " " ' " I "' '" ... J9'o ' .. ' . " 11'• " ''" " "' "' ' , '" '" ll , .. " " • " " ' " • • • ' .. .. . .. • ' ' " . ., ' ' ' . • " :j " " ' • '" .. " • .. " ' " ' " '" ' ,! , l ·~ .. • "' "' .. " • ' " • "' • 'U • '" '"': .. '" " .. ' • ~ " ' ' ' " . " • • • • ' . • • " ' ' ll ' . "' " "' " " ' . •• " .. .. . " " " •• " " • ' ,. ' " " " • " " " ~· .. J; .. •• I •• • • ' . " " " • , " • I~ .. ' ' " " ' ' .. ' • " ' • " • n • " " " " ' ' • " " M ,,. "" •• " " •• '" ' .,, " " . .. . '" • " " . '" .. .. I lf . " " ,! " • ., " ... "" ". , ... ' . ' •• '" ' "" " '" ' " • " " .. ' . " + ~~ . . 74. -' J1 . -, ~l "'- " Prices -Complete New York ',~-: I kl•~ U. C•u• t~~ l;-•"'="="''''''''''''':::llClZ:::i•;;;:z:.:•;r:,ico:-"""'MmC:C·:'''"'•''"''*C*•>*•""'""'"'""""'°'Lf.::1> I " '" " " .. •m .. " " .. • • • " ... " • .. " '" " " ' " ~. " ~..: .. " ... . " ' . -:S~l 37 • .. •l l • . ' ' . ' " l ll , .. , .. ' . " •• ' . • '" " ' ., ,,, . -• '. c . ' " 0 " '" " • ' , " " ' '" ~ " " ' ' . _, ' " " ll .. , , • ... t'i n H•-' . • " " '"' .. " J.6-. + • ' . . "' u" Peace Hopes Boost NE\V \ORK 1UPJ)-Peacc hQpcs t11g:gered an other sharp advance on \Vall Strcel \\ cd nesday 1n heavy trading Volume exceeded 16 000 000 :.ha1 e.;; as the UPI n1arkel\\'Jde indicator :.h01\ed a gain of 0 60 percent near the final bell Of the l 001 i ss ue ~ tr<1ded 884 advanced and 484 declined 'The Dow J ones a \< rage of 30 b!uc cl11 p 1ndus.- t11al .;; (.;l1n1bcd 1281 to 8J9ti9 nca1 tl1t! close !\!otorol:i one of the m::in) stron..., :.pol::. 1n th e clcctron1c~ <.:l1n1bcd :.e\ cr,11 po1 nl :o, S1nge1 lo \\ hich sp111 led :rl/8 Tuc.;;cl~) con I nu ed to attract demand f he concern ha s entered 1.hc offi ce cop1C'r n1arket l\Ioto rs \\ere anoth er Do\v gamed ground 1mpresS1\ e group an1ong the chC'm1cals \\ h1lc The chemical fu111 plans to Invest up lo 5250 m1lhon during t he 11rxl five years at its cvrnplcx 111 \\esL <. crn1an) A1rl1nes and au crafts sho\ved ~cat terect 1nclua1ng an increase 10 strength Out SC\ era I Q1ls lost ground l\Ji~~e"-t Oll Corp, ''h1ch reponed rune months' net Steels traded 1n both d1rect1ons An1ong th e mos t active issues \vere Benguel, Occ1dcntal and l ntc1 t1at1onal Telephone Prices cl1n1bed on the An1er1can Stock Ex change u1 active tradJng October 1969 Stock Exchange List " ,.... ....,-------------1 I~~-1 Mltll lr# C •• C~t 1 •! •l 9~ n 11 ~ •• 7S 16 I• o JYI JJ1 11 -UV- "' " • ll . " ~1 9 • " !(> • . ' . " .. ., ' ' 96 ' • I 00 '1 J 00 61 ... J,cg !l • 11~ ,; ! 10 •1 • ll " .... ~ " 1100 01 68 •7 • " . " ~ ' " • " ' . •• "' ll '" ' .. ' " '" ' .. . ... ., • .. . ., • • • ,, ' 11~. • • • "" • " ' . '!. -'" - 00\Y JONES AV ERAGES .. $• q Nt tna • 111~• ... ,,.. C IM C~• o n n 11 t 7S o ?J l 70 • n 1 I 1 -W X YZ-. " l~• ' ' " .. • ' l~l • ' " • " • " . .. ,. • • " • n " '" • , ' " DAILY PILOT Market Symbols The hi!""" hi " • kt'I' to rtmbot. llH<I n !lot 1 ode mt •t1 rHIO'llo -• 1 1 unol11cltl Co1nplete Closing Prices -Ainerican Stoel{ Exchange Li"t " .. "' ~' " '" ' • " ' Ll • ' " " • • .. • " '" ' .. . . ' l 6 • 1J ' " 00 .. " . . " ' . . " • ' " 5TOIC '" ' ' • .. • " " . ' • ' • " L• ' "' ' ' " • .. • • " ' ' . • " ' " n " • • • • • u l t ,, " " • "' " • " "' • I " " • ,\ •' " i9 ~I ' •• " • • ~ ' " . '. . 71 • '' ' . • " " l ,, • " ' " . " . .. " ) l5., ll'f !~ ~ ' .. . " 10 J I ~ . ' ' " ' " '" ' " ' " r JQO Jot l9 , U I 11 ' l 10 '1 ' . " 19 7 1 • ~ ~: l. 5 ,, • 13 I I ,,,.. 10 • 11,. I 11 I A I 11 • 7 '10 •• 1, J1 ... 11 ,l ~s 1 l 71 13 1J 1~ u. " 1 1 ... 16 J• ' • I I l 17 568 • ll 9 ll ~ ll ,1 ':. 11: ~ ,.... '" u 1)~ ' • ') ~1 ~~ I 7't I o 1 e e , ~ i. ~ ' I •• •• • ! ~ • ,n ~~. ,: I 1 .. I ~. -CD- ' " " ,1 " • .. ' .. I " ' " ,, " • • • ' m " '" ' " ,. " • • , •n " • ' ' ' " .J ' •• ' " • ' ... ' " • • ~· • n• 6• ' . . ,. . ' • l I .. •• ' " ' ' • " • ' ' .. " ' ,. .. " • • ' " ' " ... .. • • " I " ' , " ' ' • ,~ 70 • " • 71 " " ' " ' . ' 11• J• lJ .. ) " . ' . " . ' ' ' " ' • • r. ~ ' . ' • ' " • .. ' " ' "' " " .. "' ' ' ,. " ' " ' " .. " • " . .. ' " '" .. " • '" • " " " • • ' ' • ' ~ • ' • " " • • " .. .. , '" .. ' . " ' ' ' . " " ' " . ~! " " •O 11'• " . ~· i • ' " • " " ' • • ?~ , , ,. ,. ' . '" • .. • " • M • " ' " . •• " '" " ' ' ' • " . "' " " . .. ,. 1: I ' 3 • 31 ' " '" .. " . " '" •• l lO ~ ~ I 11 HI.Ii l'?" ., • 11 •• ""-•1 I 11 0 tl; l ,. \ ' • 3)11 0 16 • . . 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" "' " ' .. ir: " ·~ '~"' • • "' '" '" "" " ' . ~ '" ~~~? ~ ~· '" " .... '" •• ... ". , .. , ' . ,., • " .. '" '" ' ... " . '" " ~~ t " . ~ ... "" Pu Ifft 1'011! PYie Na Mt Pwo l Co 10 ll1m1d1 U 11.•m• nd Rona Como ll8pd.Om WI llatt. Pa'k Ravm[ng )6 ~8G "U n<I R•a nv 101 11.e• VE 11• Ilea v E wt llEOM Co p R~rn~n 1(9 Rerve• no lltt•t• lt ec " . • • ' . -RS- • '" ' '" ' " '" •• 230 1~ • • • • \~ 1 ,. .. . 61 1• ' " Ill IS o • • • •J.., lS i o ' " ' I llt • • • i,, ~ . ' . .. I 19 '> " ' ~g ~; .. 60 1 ' . " • • ' " ' " .. . ' . " ' ,,, 60 • . '" •• 10~ " . ' , ' ' . '~ / • • • " ' ' . " " ' " .. '" "' " • ' " '" "' ·~ " ~ " "' ' • " • .... l# 1: ff "' '1 " '" ... n~ • "'' 1. '1 : '" " • ... " .. ~= " ~ .. " " .. '" "" "" , .. II,. .. "" '.m •• m. ' " .. • H " ,, lJ~. ' " . • " ' " .. •• W\o " '" • '" • ., •• '" ... ' " ' . .. • .. , . " " . "" ' • • ' ' • ' • ' ' • • " " ' ' . ,. llll '" "" "" " " • "' m. " ,., m , .. .. " '" '" ~· ~~~ ii"" , . .. ~· " . "" 1 0 0 ..... &8 ~ JO -I ? 1'9 ,., --s • 180 10 191 19'\ + 'o JS''> 56>.. -+ ., +1 ,. l + 4 " '" " " j,• .'.J .. ' •• + -..-.~-,. .-. •p Z~.f~D_A_l_L V_P_ll_o_r ____ s ___ l_h_"'-''-'"_o_ctcb1<r ?3, l 9b~ UC Biologist Says l(eep Vehicles Out of _ Wilderness A reno\1•ned b Io I o g Is t The most bala nced way lo lo open up y,•1hl lands lll 1notor posterity. !, r.·lotor areas. For those 4. Quiet peopled areas. Elcc-ble. The total t>Xj'lericnce goc.~ 1111th:1I 111111 ~ 11'('1111(<' Vi111r·v 11utdrl 1<'\t1ll 111 :1 '"prc~l 1,1;c fal 1.ir ,•t'l 1111· ,,,, :111 1111·p11t11 t· lo r11)11.H1• 1111111• J,t Hllpl'Ul l' ih<'lf ph1,1L.1I 1·u1u l1 l1011 ' believes preservlng Atnenca's use ri.'crea t1onal lands W(MJ\d vcbieles. "This shQ1 lld never "Park services 11pe.1k or \l'ho find their fun 1 n tronle aniplific;ition would be beyond bting th ere: it 1:. :11:.11 y,·ilderness is so vital he Is be to c:lassify iheni frorn Jilm-ltc done," Or. llard1 n said, '1nultiplc use areas.' '!'his is-niotorboats, 't o t e goa t s,· restricted. Older people <ind gett111g the re. T!1c exqu 1~1 t1 · rncd "Coney Islands," through hP{'aUJ;t> "wildo:>rn"~" <·iinnf'll he P"pared to exclude hiinscll as I I 1 tdoo e~ nonsense_ Electron11: "U1tars snov.·rnolHlcs ond so on. coupl~~ y,•ith l"''ln". l'hildrcn sight, sound <ind s1nell ol re auvc y qu1e uu r ar .. s, niultiplled. and It l'il nnot be " "<..> "' " not physically fit to enjoy it. to u n t ouch c d \l'ilderness, subdiv ided either. and motorcycles destroy l'n-Adm ission fees should be high, v.•ou!d be most attracted, v.·1lde rness is n1any lime:-. h fl d. bef " JO)•menl 6 f nature a ·1 d be r th g eat a •a I Dr. Carrell Ha rdin of t e ar 111 1cves. "P••k ,,,..,·,,, pl a,y 8 cause o e r 1 ... so rnore f>O""'Ctful if 11 tonii·s ul Th t d th I k " • possibilily of contemplation. land and water used alld 5. Wilderness flreas. Just Dr II 11 d111 ~.url 111· h;11I ' 11e1 l 'r I r,ulrd no r11 y 111· l1r11 111v, lu1I 1111•11\ionriJ 11 1r1 University of Col ifornia at e no e au or o v.•or s numbers gamt'. pleased at 'fl h Id I I I d lhe t>nd of a long and !iH1gu1111• I t I ' d >e concept s ou JC "1nu II· polluted by nolse and fu mes. un-n1ec ianized n1an <1n na-<> Santa Barbara has proposed to on evo u ion. cco ogy < 11 every new increase in µIr areas of ineo1npatible trip." population contro! outlined his \'isitors" the biology professor ., '3. Lively ~opted c1reas. 'For lure. :-.11011 111;11 Ii!·; ;11·gun11·11! hir ;1 r·f>,lr1etio11 1•1 p!1~~1c:1I n1f'r 1I 1·11ulol !1.11 div hi· 1·1111· 1dc•rf'1l ··:-1x1·1JI plt':1<l 111L'. 111 Jll)' own Ulll·11·~I restr1cl the y,•i\ds lo persons 1 • uses. ,.~ D 11 d' d t t Id Or. 1!;1rdin is evC'n <1•1 ;u11~1 proposals in testimony be ore said. •·unless a firm stand is the very sociable n·ho do not r. ar in sa1 es s rou " strong enough to gel in and the Conservation and Natural taken against this attitude, Or. Hardin suggested fi ve like extreme croii-ding or be worked out to determine if e1nergency roads. "bct.:<-111~t· lh I S be · f basic categories : f de at the kn •!-" f 11 b out on cir O\\'n . lesources u ommittce o evPry outdoor rt·creation area rnotor noise. Autos .,.,·ould only a person were o a qu e 0"" cuge o re:.i Y c 111~ lie is sorry that \lus "'ou1d !he U.S. Jlouse of Represen· 11·ill become a Coney Island _ 1. Togetherness are a s. be a11o.,..·ed to get in a nd gel \'igor to hike or canoe or on one 's own is a 1J(l11crful t'• ,,, ... , ·ti h · 1 Ti•' e ·h~·td tak ca f 1 E"I t · I snow shoe into a gl \'en v.•ild tonic to the adven!urc1 deny him the •·r:.:quislle C'X-~ · :-.warn11ng v.•1 i u n1 ;1 n t Y, t!!" ·' uu e re o as ou agiun. cc ronic mus c pertence" of .,..11rlerness. Il e \V1th more pc'Oplc v.·ith more rreking of automobile fu1nes, rnany people as possible "'ilh would be ullowed, making area. JJe suggested that ha\'1ng !o vehicles pouring into parks blaring \1•ith portable radios, a minimum of travel lro1n big these areas popular wi th "To so restrict t he be able tn hike ten n11/es. f!)r ·· 1 t'il!l''"l p.1~.~ t!it· I• 't -l Pl \l)JH\t' S11 I 1.:;111 -..pt•<.1k loJtJ1tl1· 11!H'I(' llllll'I' pli 1;;1c·a lly Rhii· lllt'll llHl'ol hl•,;il:11 l' ' gets around on crulchf's as a every year. pressures are on leaving a slHlrnbles f fl r cilieli . younger people. wilderness is inherently sensi· instance, before being ad· result of a struggle with polio1 ---'-'---:__ _______ _:; ____________________ _c_c__c_ ________________________ _:; ____________ _ \1•hcn he was four . But it is the only \l'ay he cnn think of to Si.l \'e 1rrrplaceablr \\'Jlds fron1 being tranlplrd br humans. If \l'e use \ ehiclcs or aircraft to carry the :iged nr tile infirm or the lazy into \1•ilderness ~ !hen it ceases to be "'ildcrness, hr aq;ues. lm1er Citv • Give11 Over To l\fafia \Vhile s!emly c<1ll ing for "law and order,'' our society hands over its inner cities to the r.lafia. which rl·duces them to spa.,..·ning-g rounds of <-rim(', according to D r . Don:dd R. Cressey. an authori- ty on organized crime. The ghetto youngster i do 11 z c s nol successful busi ness or professional persons. but n1 o b s le r s, Cressey, professor of sociology al the University of Cnlifornia nt Santa Barb.ira, claimed in Select Cornmittcc on Crime . '·The organized crim inal demonstrates l haL crirnc does pay. To thr slu m youth, the facts of life are t hat \a\vle!'snrss is lhe road lo \1'ealth. the la1v and govcrn- 1ncnt is for sale, honesly is a pitfn!I. morality a trap for suckers.'' Cressy tol d the rommiltct> that racket [lrof1ts are sn opulent. officials ~~ rradily C'Orrupti ble, and Co~a Nos1ril l:'On\rol ~o perva!'t\'l'. ii 1.~ hard for an utnbi!.ious you th to ~re ;1ny other \\'ay Ile can "n1akl' it.., Upper t•chelon npportunitir~ in the r<1c kets are not Opt'll to 1hcm. but ev rryrtay ex- pencnrc tells in11cr-r1!y ~·nul11s 1hnt !hose y,•hn 1:ike the tl- lcg1timnte routr fare bctler than t h o s e 11"ho l3ke the lcg1Llmale one. he testifier!. Cressy !"<r id that t h c "mes~il,l:C o! !'rho o l ad- mini~\.rators tn 'get <in rrlura- 1ion and hrlp yo1irscll :inrl thr nntion' jusl isn·i ~ l' t I i n g <icross.'' ln f;ic1. onr stucl.v :;ho11·cd that se1·cn of ten ghc!· to delinquent~ rated "eon · nect1on" ithai is. \\'ho yo11 kno1v in the undcr.,..·or!d ) mos! 1n1portant \1'hile education 11•ils- rated lea~t important 1 n ach1ev111g succrs~ Thr .affl11C'n1 11rr>;1~ ~u r rounding nur lnnrr r1IH'~ 11·on·1 tolcr<ite b 1 a le n t org:1n1zPd 1·rimc (Tho11gh , a ~ (.'rc~sry clemonstr.1trs 1n his book .. Theft of a Naunn ," money hilkrrl lronl lht• poor 1~ (lrt<'n lnvcstrd ir1 l r g 1 I i in a 1 e business, il nrl \tit' Ma f i ;1 •·touches the life uf r v r r y Amcr ic:i n ''I . :;;o opr11 ril«ket.errlng is •!nvrn 1ntn 1hc slums. v.•hcre I\ '·floats on ;i swamp or corruption." Law Ends Pie Tra<lc l!UTCHINSON. Kan . IAP) -A new Kansas la1v has forc- ed Bernard !..arid of Hut· chinso n out of the cream pie business and into the chicken business. The new law rl'quirc s refrigeration of pies -v.·1th1n 30 minutes after they arr remover! from thr oven. It ;il~n rrquirrs lrttnsportalion in a rcrrige raled truck. Ladd could not prnvide this. So he rlo.sed his pie-making .5hop and headed for the farm. So ends a lradilion of a Ladd in the pie business that dales from 191 2. It v.•as in 1!112 that 1.nrld's father hcgan supplying pir 11 to fou r cafcs. Ladd m aintal n~ refrigera· lion is bad for pies Hr. says the crust on cold pies gets sog· gy. BOAT BUFFS Al.,,on Loc~•bey ;, th1 only f11ll·ti"'' bo•linq •dilor workinq "" •"Y "'""'P•P•• i" Or11191 Countv. Hit e•cl.,,; .. , cov•••9• of bo1li119 i nd y1 chtin9 111w1 ", cl1ily f,,,.,,, of ihe DA ILY PILOT. ···Kat"&tt.--.. PIZZA MIX APPIAN WAY 33c 12Y,.OUNCE PKG. SENECA APPLESAUCE ~:":.'.'::'. .• 42' APPLE PIE FILLING ~~:'.'~-41 ' FRUIT COCKTAIL :::r~~.~---22' DOLE PINEAPPLE m-::~""··----·25' DOLE DRINK !~":l~1::.~~.~.~~-~.~~~~ .. 35 c FRUIT DRINKS ra·•~"::~.~::,n.a,,u. 25c flUIT t U•CM.GIAfl) •6 Ot. (Alt .. ~ CORN ~:~'i;!~~~-'-~~-M_.22· TllMATO JUICE :::~'u._ ______ 33• BEANS ~:~1ii~~~,-~~~~~-~~~.~~~~·--~25' PORK & BEANS ~~·~~~0-~~.~M. 29' Our LOW Evel)<layPrice! PUMPKIN LIBBY 29·0UNCE CAN 2Jc FRENCH POTATOES l:':'.':l:'.'~ •. 69' ZUCCHINI fro~~: __ "_ .. _"_" __ 29c ~ HUNT'S TOMATOES ill~ •• 28' 0 & C ONIONS fll•UI FlllD 29< l .... OLCU ----•• PICKLES ;;~~!.'11.~.~~-~~~~~~-"-.. -·.--45t RIPE OLIVES 1•u't'UllfDllllAUl'I 4$' rlTTID •DL CAii .......... _,. SOUP MIX ~~,~~---··--·----.36< 111At't'ISTDATC*IDllOODC.I JS< SOUP 1t¥.DLCA•-·· .. ····~--"·---· GARLIC SALT :l:".~':.. ..••• -•. 39' ACaNT ::.~~······-·········---·----89' SWEET PICKLES l;';'Lr:r.' ............. 49' ~' 'r,_.nw a ~~::!'i ~ ~-:l ..... llW\C .~fl'...t. ..,,.. scon TOWEls r.::. .......... 28' SANDWICH BAGS ~::~-.-23' . ·' JtoUSfHQL'Q fli""'VJ~: CORONET TISSUE ::"<r.~:~".-27' MD TISSUE!~~CT.IOHS .. ---·38' COLD POWER ::~r.1:: •• -... ~···--82' SALVO PELLETS~~~','i. ___ .74' CHEER DETERGENT ::::_ __ 82 ' DREFT DETERGENT :::'.: 82' BOLD DETERGENT ~:~.·---1 " DASH DITTRGENT :~::.. ___ ._J7' ZEE LUNCH BAGS:::•: ................. 25' ... Kiy"fktt.--. POP CORN BA NGO 32·0UNCE BAG 21c IVORY LIQUID ;:~1z~~1~-·-·-·SB< DOWNY fAllltlOf1'1111 79 < ll Dt. 111. •••••• --·--·-· CAMAY SOAP::;'···--··--·····16' AMMONIA Pll\OlltJUM1 27< 11 OL ITI,..... • MAGIC SIZING ::Wm ...... _ ....... 59' ~ TEXIZE K2R ~':i~T.~···-72' BRUCE WAX :~~~~~~ ............ __ 89' ~ OVEN CLEANER :~:LMfu-.. 99' LYSOL ~·~~~~·,~~.~~.~~~~.~~.1.~~~ .............. 48' ' .. ········· ... -..... ~~'<l ;, ............ ~, .. !IN~--···~ GRAHAM CRACKERs ::;-:~.:. ••• 38' COOKIES 1a11sconioc:ounr1n11U1 55' 120LIAG , •••.•••••••• ,.,,,. __ ... BREAD M&lYlllDIT A'U1'TD, 35< !4 DLlDlf •• ,., ___ .. _____ _ RAISIN BREAD ~!:~:f~-----·33' ... MIX •Ulfl JlMIMl PlllUll 53' t:f" -CDMPllTI l 2 Ol.IOJ: ••••• -••-• CAKE MIX ::~~~:!~.·-----····---35' DANISH GO ROUNDS~ .. _37• WONDRA FLOUR :~L~:' 30' SPRECKEL5 SUGAR ........... --54' Our LOW Evel}llay Price! BULK CANDY PEARSON'S 11 VARllTIIS POUND 38c tfaol ..... ~&;!.--.. W PIE FILLING COMSTOCK CHERRY 21 ·0UNCE CAN 41c JOHNSTON PIES \!'A'~"'.'?..'~'.'.~69' BEEF STEW:~a::~~ .. ----··---35' SLICED BEEF!:~,~~~.~~-.. --43' HONEY BUNs::';:, __ M _____ , ••• _27e JENO'S PIZZA ~:o~~~'-·-··""""-98' lClllDI l S•USAGO PIZZA & A HALF ~:':l::~~-1 1s SWISS MISS PIE ::~t~.·-----.29' POTATOES ri cnwtn ••s•••D11• "M'lle 2• OL ,.,,,_,,,._,, .. ______ "''J WAFFLES :~'r~~~~.~~~~~~M ___ .39' FISHSTICKS ~!•;;.'::~ .... --······--..65' BREADED SHRIMP~':~::~~--u-• 73c VAN DE KAMP COD :~•-·--63' CAL FAME JUICE ::l'.'t: •..••• _ •.. 24' BIRDS EYE PEAS :~~~~~~.~~·---31 ' MEAT PIES :~'1.0ru.. .. ___ .......... " __ .18' • HALLOWEEN TREATS & NOVELTIES AT LOW DISCOUNT PRICES! •CANDIES • MASKS• COSTUMIS •PAPI• NAPKINS• PAPER CUPS • TAllf CLOTHS • CA•os • CIDE• • APPtU • AND All YOURNfEDS FO• HALLOWEEN FUTIVITIES. d"° ROMAN MEAL\Tl~ ... ~-· 40' PEANUT BUmR r:'.~:.::.-61' MARSHMALLOWS=~ 2S• DESSERT t~:u::~~""" '24c GRAPE JELLY ~~"'--·--·.55' CIGARITTES ~'\'.'•-------··---3" SALMON =~-N-.. M---··· 85' DIET Rln coLA::::.. ... 53• BEER "'"'o'"" 2" (&llM.lt...:au.11- WHISKEY:.a:'.':r~ .. 3·· LUCKY VODKA ~:'ma .. 2" CHIQUITA BRAND JllM ,011101 l lf l l\/N(lld 10fs. TM(S( &IE NOl o•OINAIY 1ussn POTATOlS ••• TMIY All CMOIC£ • Slll(t(O Sil U ANO TOP ClllAUT1' U.S. NO. l ltUSSIT, •• POTATOES 1 Q ci'J:~~' 44 c HALLOWEEN PUMPKINS YOU R CHOICE Of SELECT SIZES Af lOW (V[RYOAY OISCOUNT P•ICESI ''"''IWW-••c· .. -; ',~~ """"'' . JS .. •-·~.,,, ..... ' .. ·--' -. " ~ _,... - U.S.D.A. FOOD STAMP COUPONS GLADLY ACCEPTED PRICING Prices tire Discounted Except on Fair· Traded ond Govc1nment Controlled Items. FR ESH DELI CATESSEN HEMS! LUNCH MEATS tUCIT sucro IOlOC~~. P!tKLI l Pl~\/llli!, 3 5' 0\1~1, MAC.I ~OM! i CHI ti [ , .•. ' 01, ·~~. AMERICAN CHEESE ~~~~~1~ 67< UIDIYIDU~lll W•APtlD IU<IS 12 DI, P~Ci. BORDEN'S CHEESE $239 UIUD AM!llCAM P•OCHI •• , J II P•G, LONGHORN CHEESE 1a.oz.rlG. 68< MISS WISCD"~IM MED. SM~IP C~I DDA• •..• ~.~~~~!a!1~.~~.~!· N~~!~l~J::;.~) lS RATH COOKED HAM 71 < JUCIO ,, ..••..• , .•••...•.•••• S.OL •~C. ARMOUR FRANKS 66< &LI MIAT ••••• , , •• , •••• ••••.,I-LL P«G. MOZZARELLA CHEESE 93< '•"a •••11~ ....................... 11. GALLO ITALIAN SA LAME 49< SUCID , ••••• ., • ,. .... "., • , ••• J.QJ. P(G, SLICED ITALIAN SALAME 89< filllO l••NO .•••••••..•• ,. •• 6.DL PkG. Our LOW Evcr)<iay Price! APPLE CIDER HARVEST DAY GALLON BOTHE 99c ; ::;:!J!!f,,, LOW DISCOUNT PRICES ON HOUSEWARES & BEAUTY AIDS PERCALE TWIN SIZE FLAT OR FlmD SHEETS Ltllf)' 1•• •mlil,ltr c11 •• 11!~1• $ J 77 WI!~ ,HClll leld1•I· PERCALE FLAT OR FITTED DOUBLE $1117 SIZE SHEDS.JI. PIRCAlE PILLOW 87.C CASIS.. Pl. WHAM-0 SIUYSTRING hllts I .... tf •bstic Slrlll 14 •lie .... tt"•""--'"'$ --.. tnlc. f.tL UI., J 37 OUl LOW PRICE BOTILE OF 100 ANACIN TABLETS - ftfnlltfeffMU. tc•t tf liNI ii• 99c ltelllL .. tn .,1c1. alnst :..=-·-~~. --- ''FDS'' ALLEREST TABLETS BOTTLE $) 69 OF 48 DEODORANT l-• hmi•iae deodor· 1•! 1~11 ,,.tl~ts 111 1hr. J..t1nce 1ert5GI $ J 18 tll. 1111 l~W !YHJ• '1111 •iu:o~n! price ... LISTERINE . TOOTHPASTE SCHICK RAZOR BlADES STAINLESS STE!l, 47c DOU8l£ EDG[ PKG. Of S ,, ........ ,,,,,, FASTEETH ADHESIVE MOtDS OENTIJRES 9 9c S£CUIELY, lCDNOMY SIZE .•• ,, ••••••••• STORE HOURS (I ""'· ""'" ,.,, " "" !O 11 1111 5AT, -l~M. It '"' 11 I J11 s F (; w, arm• am quot. desp m" the • E• Mm 1''orc l rou volu ·r1· som• ficia d rop "" ' C'anc draf or de refo Tl· side f'nli~ pref :;erv a ssi1 r ath and then or kno\ "'" parl ('Tlli~ ami1 (JV er rt m•n 20,Sl Sept th" Ni nour left mon t:'nli~ hold Oc ran first Ja\Cf are men ""' Th Scpl 6, ]/)( and v.·as Ort. Th ned I St>pl on. Th I jt>cti also subs Th 7,34~ hut For< )'€l Al draf pres Ser.• ;n·ai IJiP. ' Se R. l'\OV• call~ ordc ('(I 11 thf' H< rlraf lia.~ revi If the incr b<-' - l • ~ ...... -----,. ~ --<> ... ._ .... ·---....--....---...... ~-----~.--..-._.. ____________ ~-~-·-.·"T""'I'---~~-------··· --·-......... -......... ----... ·-·----------------------------... Services Filli11g Quotas WASHINGTON tAPI -The armed service.~ :>urpri.~ingly are filling their en!islrnent quot.as -and then sonic - despite President NI x on 's , moves lo rt.'Cluce tlie in1 pact or the draft. En listment figures from th~ Army, 11arioe.~. Navy and Air Force show they have had no !rouble reaching l h e i r vol unteer objectives. This comes as a surprise lo some Pentagon n1anpowcr of-:. fic:ials. 'fht'y anticipated a drop in cnllstincnts after Nix- on more than a month ago canceled Novembcr-Decen1ber draft calls and said he i,•:ould order Selective Service reforms about Jan . I. The draft Jong has been con- sidered a slim ulus to cnlistmcnt.s, with many youths prefering lo sign up fo r lhc service and sometirnes U1e. assignment of their choice rather than being hauled in and put where the Arn1y needs . , ~.-• • them. ,,~_:.~~y Officia ls said they don'l {~~.ff~· DAILY PILOT Siii! P~oto know how to explain what's HOME FROM TURKEY WITH FEZ AND WATERPIPE been happening. But they are Newport Harbor High's Lynn Rosener particularly pleased because -------'-----------'-------- enlistments haven't slao:kencd amid rising public ferment over the war in Vietnam . The Army recruiting com - mand reported it signed up 20,525 young men duriJig September -114.7 percent o[ the objective of 17,900. Nixon made hi s an- nouncement Sept. 19. Y.'hich left more than a U1ird of lhc month in which a downtrend in <'n!istn1ents could have taken hold. October Army enlistments ran ahead of scheduled for the first 12 days of the month, the latest period for which figures are available. A total of 6,027 men volunlcercd, nearly 38 percent of the m<Mlth's goal. The Marine Corps said its ::icptember enlistment quota of 6.100 was exceeded by 68 men and its October quota of 6,200 Y•as more than half filled as of Oct. IL The Navy reporled it plan· ned for 8,000 volunteers in September, and 8,046 signed ""· The Navy 's October ob· jective of 7.482 enlistment<> also y,•as more than half subscribed as of mid-October. The Air Force asked for 7.342 volunteers in September but fell 9 men short. l\'o Air Force figures arc available as yet for October cn rollrncnts. Although the hu lk or rlraftees go into the Arm ~·. the presence of the Selective Service has an in1pact on Ilic ;n·ai labillty of volunteers for lhr other services. Secrelary of Defense tllclvin l t Laird canceled l h e No vember-December d r a f t cal ls to1alin~ 50,000 an rl ordered th.'.lt the October draft call of 29.000 be sprrad O\"er thr three-month period. J-le h.'.IS forC'ca~! a Januarv rlraft call of 35.000 nH'n. but l1as said tha t this \\ill be revie.,.,·erl during December. lf cnlistmenL~ rrma1n ur. lhe January cal l nf'f'd nol b" increased and possibly could be decrease<!. Possibly Once Trencli i11 Sea West Coast 'fhe \.\'estern part of today's California may have Ileen a de<'p oceanic trench over 100 million years ago, according to a young UCLA geologist \\'ho is using rocks to reconstruct the history of the Jlacific C.:oasl., His main clues come from :c;trange sandstones found in California's c oa s t a I moun· 1<1i ns, ar•d his finding s lend ad- ded wei ght to a new scientific theor.v on the geological evolu- tion of the earth. 'fhe theory, says Prof. \V. Gary Ernst, goes under the name of the new global tf'c- lonics lor earth. structure). It propoS<'S that the entire earth surface is broken up into j?iganlic pl ates, r('prrsented by the differcnl continents, an<l ocean floor s. In lhe Pacific Basin. the pl ate that is North an<l Soulh Ameri ca is pushing \l'CSh\'ard a fe vr inches a year, over- riding the plate thal is the Pacific Ocean f I o or, 'fhe sarne ocean floor is being O\.'Crrlclden on i1 ~ othl'r end by the Asian ("(ll1tincntal plat e slowLv rnoving east 11·artl. '\'here two plates convcr.(!<'. they for111 lre nehcs in the ocean, going to depth.~ of luur to srvcn miles do11n . ~urh trenches 110\V Ii(' off !he coas1s of Peru, C.:hilc. Alaska . .l;;ip>1n and much of the re~l of the land bordl'ring the Pal'ifit. Nu such trcnth no1'' exi st~ off the California co:isl, but l"lr F.rnf'st l\('l!r1r-. lhil! lhr ptttu re 1o::is q11il(' di (fr rcnt l()(l to 150 n1illion ~C';1rs ago. Thrn a tr1·n1 ·h, or ~rnr"' of trenchc~. 1nav ha\'<' strC'lchcd from bryond the Orrgon bnrdcr ;:;L lea~! tt:t Catalin;:i lslnnd nncl prrhaps a<> for il<> Crdrn.~ Island. halh1 t1y <!1111•n the coast of Baja California. In Ylidlh, the so-called Fran- cisc."dn trench n1ay have ex- tended as much as 70 miles in- land from the present coast, or nearly a th ird of the \.\'ay across rnodcrn Ca lffornia. Dr. Ernst's hypothesis rest.s 011 his anHlysis of some odd rocks, now found at the core or California's coastal moun- tains. 'Jtiese so-called Fran- ciscan rocks look I i k e sandstone. but , unlike ordinary sandstones, they contain small crystals of jade. The l•'ranciscan rocks, Dr . Ernst believes, \.\'ere originally deposited 1n a deep trench formed by thC' convC'rgence of the North American and Pacific Ocean plates. Under the tremendous pressur! caus- rd by the weight of the overly- ing sediment s and the over- riding continenta l plate, thr rocks r('('ryslalized and as p<irl. of the process grew !he n1incril l Jade. ThC' buoyant Franciscan rOC'ks then rose tfl Ilic su rfacr ;111rl hec.iinc p;irL ot the California C o a s t Jl ang<'s. 111 his present stud~·. Dr Em~t considers himseH a kind of gco logic:11 detcctivr. v.·ork- ing \vith often vague and con- tradictory cl ues. ''tllanv of thr rocks \1·e \rork ll"llh arr inl rn.c;-r ly rlcfnrmed."" hr sa~·~. "anrl tracing the i.:ro\1•th <if the (<tl1for11ia Coast Bangei; is cumrlieatcd hy la11'r 1 nle.'.l!llt rruption..-, th<' formation of nc11• !<t.vrrs 11[ ~"rll!nrntarY r~ k . ..-, ;inrl In d1~pl.1crn1l'ii1~ of I err al n ~ arrns..-the S;in Ancl reas ;ind olhr r .1("l11'r 1'111!1 '" Laguna Car Wash BRING THIS FOR A FREE CAR WASH with any gasoline fill-up (no minimum) Laguna Car Wash 540 S. Coast Hwy. -494-1922 (across from Laguna Hotel ) ALL MAJOlt Cll:IDIT CAllDS ACClrTID -OrlN DAILY, SUNDAYS AND MOLIDAYS lh~•\d~•. Octobtt ?J, 1%1 OAILV PI LOT 2!i • Lido Isle Girl Can rralk r£1irkey AFS 1','x pericnce Pro'ves Ancient Land I-I.a s l 'ha1tged By TO~f BARLE\' Ot l~e tl•llt Pllol $1111 Talk turkey v.•lth Lynn l~os ener and you'll corne away convineed U1at the lessons she Jearnt..'CI on her unique, i0- 1reek vacation eould conceiv- ably, ""Hh wides pread appli- cation, promote the 11·orld un- derstanding lhat politicl:ins endlessly spou t about. Lynn is back in hrr l.1d,) lsle home fron1 a 10.000·niile journey in .... ·hich shr relig ious- ly avoided the recogni::cd tourist traeks. li er nin1 , under the American r~ield Ser1•ice program in 11·hich she e11roll- ed, 1vas to spend her sojo11r11 abroad as a n1en1ber t)f a 1\1rkish family. She did rX<1l'lly th:it and she i~n·t pretending that it 11·as easy. •·1t \1·ouldn't be for any An1erica n, used as ~h(' is 10 "'hat a 'furkish [<1mily 11·0t1!d regard as incredible and 1111- possible luxury,'' she s;:iid, ''but I think I learned a les- son thal should be applied to many more of us." Lynn. 16, I.he daughter o[ Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Rosener. 125 Via Venezia, bf.came the "daughter" of a Turkish lec- turer and his wife who make ........ and tune in" Tom 171'1.15, &IJl:ert;tinmen! edi!or. 0.i'1 Pilot. "it stinks" • college :!iludenl "One of the MWSt and most novel iPf>'O-Khti to disc-jockeyinc'' TV/RADIO MIRROR "I like the old song~ they~., .. ·"' Wheim secretary "Don Pare. thPlr hfllTif' in 1~1.anbul. She pensible , but I.hen U1e 'furks d111du ;i l Junctions, hal'e fr:ig· the Sov1t:t Union , for so long "·as a participant in a tw o-don't th in k th<'y're very 1111· me11trcl our family relation-a b1Ucr enrrny of Turkey." \1·ay progranl thal bruu::s portant -nor do I, now." ship!>." Turks ha,·e very decided }oun~ Turks ;,1 Arntrican The l-larbo; High School sh1· 1'here i.~ a great deal of anti-opinion~ on tht: ro!t: of their I f bl d"nt "·as deeply inir>ressed A ,. t · T 1omes or c1,rni:i.1ra e vaca-~ mer1c<111 sen imen In ur-nation in the \.\·orld today and I-\\'Liii the rol! of l<.1mily life in key 1~·•a 1• LJ'n" "o!-" ··b 1 ;, ions. T k f · f -1 \llJ • • " " i:u, u they are viewpoints that one But shr":; eo111·incccl that tht> ur ls 1 r;oc1ety -"a :1n11 Y i'i noL (lirct tcd al tlie Anier- l<'ssons 10 be lct1rnC'd 111 rhe life th al ls con1plctely unl ike 1can people <ts such. might hear expressed. Lynn AF'S rxchange progrnin are ;1nylhing that we sec in our "\Vlirit they do resent." the said, In that bulwark of Turk· prrttv onc-sidrd. Ull'll count ry today. intense young student said. "i.~ 1sh society-the family circle. "\Vc're thr 011Pt1 1\·hn ~cl '1\lr "It is a fami ly-oriented SOL'i-Arncr!can economic don1 ina-"l\1ore Americans "'OU l d cvr<> opened,'' she :;:;iid. "\\'c r ty,'' she said. "And I quickly t11111. the neo-colonialisn1 we hcnr it," she said, "if !hey ""f ., p"i"ll>'" of " f 1·r ca1nc to realize, fOr al! 11s rrad so rnuc h about. They ..~ c. • ' • ray o 1 1' would take the trouble to scrap and philo'>oph y that you ju~l primitive aspects, just ho1v don't like this aspect of An1er- i·:in"t ,!:rt froin thr !ouri~t r;upcrior it is 10 anything that 1l'<H1 -Turki sh aff airs an1t r the tourist itinerary and ge~ lril<'k "·hilr the 1\irki~h ~hi-11·c can offer-T realized how don"! bl11n1e 1hem one bit. They their picture of Turkey from drnt just (·arrie!' honir \us 1n1. 11'c. each "'ith our o"'n car and rt·scnt it to the point that they the bes~ possi ble source-in-prr~c;-ion~ of ;i n1ah·r1;i l 11·a.v i-"~":' =;":':":':':·in:g:l:y=se:p:':':':"=':":· =m=":':":":':k=':'~:":':m=;'=':;d=f:rn:m==":d:':'=T:":':k:is:h=ho:m:;:e:. ':' =;:--nf 1irr th;1! i-: a lot n1<1rc thnn /or'"'i)!•1 tn hi111 ·· Thr fir<'I thi1 1~ to hr lrarnrrl. 1..1 nn !';1id. i~ 1hal Turkry i~ nn1 inh 11hil f'd h,v p!un1n caJ. iphs \l'r>aring l'a rpf'! slippers 11·ho spr>nd rn~! of their tirnc in a harrn1 11·pll stockrd v:i1h 11·e1! slacked and veiled beau· ti es. "Ke1nal Ataturk ended ;ill ll1al 01·pr 40 years ago," ~he said. "111c caliphs todn y carry only religious po1~er and lhe Turkish nation is becoming increasingly \Veslernized. You 11·on 't find lelevision or many of the treature comforts thal we Americans find so indis- "Artistry in l\1oving" for the BEST MOVE of YOUR LIFE Call: 494-1025 _ "It's funny. I used to watch TV in !he morning 'till I heard Buddy and Fran'" • long 8e..:h housewilt "Thank you Buddy and Fran" Tom Jone,, entert•1ner "1 lislet'f r~io editor of the L.A. Times, ha& 11e'ter to Buddy and fran to keep upon whal'1 happeninc in show busineM'' Josi!! feliti<1no, printed a word about Buddy and Fnin < _ _.,n .. "Fran M.1rion , , • •ringer tot' Jill Sl John .. S/".ail~ Gr•ti.m No comment -N11wswet:k 11nfarl111'er Ifs new morning radio and it's taking the questions out of show business Buddy Qrde •nd fr•n M...-ion pity fnUelc .•. t.lk mlJlic • , • pr11IM mu1le .•• knock muelc I nd lhlir 1191.,_I help them do ti Ea-ch ...,eekd1y morning, S-10AM on 1480RedW>. Bucldy •nd F''" ... 1"9Wf!I' II.tenets' rrtu1ic.I qu•etlons i nd commtonll . _.conduct 1nterv111""' ,,.,.;rh thtt Mlfld'1 l•~ing r.cordlng 1111911 ref1ree on-the-•I• mi.t•le b1tll•• Drfll&nl broadcam by ··1ti. SANTA ANA I ORANGE COUNTY mo et be<JutJflJI gtrl In the world'' •.. pl;ty "good old .. aong1 . . Ind dl&cu.e lh9 c;urrant ..+to, whnt, where •t1d how of mlJtic S9~MKL .. n, KWIZ n._ 41rac:torf0f 12,...,.., know• di. p.,..a. w+.o ••k• 111• "-· •Ml ....,.,.. their llOflea ,_.,!tour M th• hour. The entertll~nl world .. n't 1u.t "out there nomew+iera~ Buddy arid Fran ~·,II! bfoughl It hoclla. -----------------------------~-----· -- H Dl.IL y P[L.'.JT r'":' I , La n y Janes of the Denver Rockets apparently has his sports mixed 1111 as he tackles Indiana's Mel Daniels 124 ) during an AB1\ gain c \\C'dncsrlfly nieht. Indiana won by a touchdown and field goal, 117-107. Mate1· Dei May Be Put lt1 S111J e1· S11nset Leag11e J\1;itrr Uri in llir Sunscl l.(•:1gur·.' nnn ·l t:ik'" 1hr 1olr;1 11Ahtly. CIF rxrcull'.t'' t'111nn11ttt·c rneinbe{Fer- rrn «hrist1;in"·n H1ld lli1-. r11l\1 mn t.btl he i.o. 1n fa1<or •if -.11d1 n·ll'.q:~11111g (hr1~11;i11~t·n. pru1C'1p:il ;1t \\'rslminl ler Jhgh, .~ui;gt·~1s 1uat :'11:1\{'r l>ci collld r eplace one of th C' lragul•\ 11cak s!ster&p ' 'The>\' ha1·r <lrn1on-=tr:i1td 1h1• prowess to co1nprlc, 1111 y J1J 1c :.l nHlar ;1\hletic. \\11 I TE \VAS ii philfJ.o.oph~ l•• !Iii· ,<.,111",1 I I.! .iJ:t11 ' .11Hl 1hr·i r ~l·ograpl11r pr11'111111 1~ 11u1dd r11:ikl' I hen\ ;i logir;1I 1.lioit·c l1•r cul1 111.,.,irin lo tile c1rru11 " Pu bhc !>t·l:•Nd lr:i~ur~ l1:ivc genrr;illy A1·ou!t·r! !1;11111;.: 11aroth1al 1nrn1bcrs. Jl u11·c1er. lh<' Frnnllt'r ],l';igu<' adm1tterl Santa Cl:ir,1 t" 11 .. l!ruup this ye:ir. nH1k· ini;; the brcakthrnt1~h ''PC'oplc <•fl' r(1h11 t.1111 In :it'l'cpl !he Calhnlrc sthnuls brr;1u:.t' they ~uppu!>cdly recruit pl.1.v1·r~ ;inrl hf'nd lh11 n1lf'., "llut 11 lh1'~ cA1r.c 111 1hr Sunst·t Lt'aguc they'd !>11nplv ha1·1' 10 ah1ilr h} 1iur rull':.. And I 11•nuld not he ;nhcr~t 111 ti;11·1ni; lhf.'111.·· Chn.~t1;1 n"t'll s;1_1 ... The Sunsc·t L1·,iJ.!11C 11<•uld ltt·t.'<Hnc Ilic ::::11'111's ~trongr:.t l<Milll;1ll t'1rr1111 111!h ~later IJc1. An:1lu:t1n. 1 l.11;ir:i 1ri1ns 1n J9i0J, \V1·:'"trn1n~tcr. S;1n!a 1\n;1 plu.~ fast- in1proviqg Newporl Harllor anti 111111- llnglon Beach . WeJlern and Marina arc ;1pp<1renll~ lhr unnamed weak sisters Chri~uansrn hacl 111 mlnd. Weekly games prob:ibly \1 r1uld h;1\'t' to be played at the Bis A to lac1l11<1h· thr crowd1. * * * \'1111 R e rnlls 'f"rn!J<'rll1 Wh"ll Edison High football en.ich Bill Vall ~ quizzerl <ibout the lr;igic accnJent that has hosp1talil.<'1I 15-}ear-old !>lark N;iylon 11·11h ('rll tc;il h c ;i rl ui- Juriea-intcrna! btccd1ni.: of 1hc br.:i1n-h1.~ voice fade s 10 a near 11h1 ~per. "I v.·as watC'lung lile ijfllllC and when it '1'as ove r Mark came over to rnc. lie v.·as holding hi!i head. \V hen 1 asked what was 11Tnng, he started erying," Vail reveals. "! realized he v.•as having problems sn I h;id him lay on the gra.~s while I sent lnr :111 ;1111b11 lance. The dnutor told 1ne latl'r thf'tc 11·ns nothing el~e \1·c could h;J1 e ckint'. "ll 1\'as ;i tr:-ii.:11· accident The tl'a1n 11cnl In t.:hurrh two ;it a t1t11<' ;u11f Ill .1 1·;111tllr for J\'lark. \\'r. 11•cnt to lhc 1·1n~p1tal hut wf'r€'n ·1 allov;cd tu sec hun. "\\'t've told our kids lh<it when lr;igcdy h;ippcn!: you just c:tn't fall ;iparL .. ~·oo h;i1r tu CQntinue. even in rrisis. And 1 lhink lhr kids ha1·c rcspondt•d In th:it philosophy.·· \la1! also reports th;it no ph}~1r1;1n i~ req uired to be in <11\£'nd;1nt·c nt nori-1·:1ri;1. ty events (~·l ark 11·as hurt in ,1 J<l}'rcc gan1e). Perhaps this policy should be ex- amined before some further calan1ity transpires. Big Lew Pots 31 , Fouls Out Alcindor Has Hayes .£ or Lunch ~AN DIP.GO !AP)-Lew Alcindor met forrner colleg1a1e rival Elvin Hayes for 1he first tune as a pro \\'ednesday niglit and the new giant of play-for·pay basket· b<1ll was virt1.<ally unstoppable. Only personal fouls could halt the 7. foot·I 1~ rookie center of the ~1ilwaukec J)ueks as big Lew was disquahhed 11-·i1h hi s sixth with J .JO left in the game 11•\th the San Dit·go Rockets. But Milwaukee won .iny11·ay, Jl!">-102. Ale1ndor scored his pro high in three gan1es of JI points. mostly on short hook or jump shot~ Ol'er the outstretched hands or the 6-912 Hayes. The Bucks (J-0) led <ill the way and the clo~est the Jtockets ( !-2J could come 11·;i.~ t!1ree points \~·h1!e Alcindor and llaye5 11·ere both on the bench. The 1\a- ' . . , lional Basketball Association game ·.1·as big centers in thi~ league," he said. "In seen by a near-<.'apacity crowd .R_f JJ,!i43 the first part of the game I let hi n1 ~ce ot the Sports Arena. ~ -~-too much of the bi.Ill. Elvin has grl'al Hayes, who played on the H~ jurn ping abilit y." learn that broke the Aletndor-led , Alcindor also sll'itched almosl ex- fJruins ' tong winning streak in ...,slusively to his hook shot. pouring 111 20 rnan<r.gf'd 21 potnts in 38 n1inutes Q( • , firsl·half P'"lints. llayes, rneanwhilf!, Y.'HS 11·ell under hi s average. Lew. p13yi g 42 as cold as the rest of the Rockets, scoring minutes, also outrebounded Big ~~. 19-15. just nine befo re intermission, ··1...ew is a su pt'nor ballplayer if\ •ery "It seems like I'm gelling worse." Lew respeL1," f..1ilwaukee coach La r ,y said of his performance. "I kttp fou!lng Costello said. i out. I fouled out only once or twice at "Jf ayes played him hard but there·s UCLA.'' Alciodor. a bit upset over fouling ut than other centers, Alcindor .said : question in my mind who's the grea~.es.' Asked ir Hayes gal'e him more trouble for the second straight game, had ou-··There"re all giving me trouble, hut I ple of his jump shots blocked by I ayes, haven 't played againsl them all. I have to th1>n made an adjuslmenl. v.·ork ha:rd all the Lime, it's no vac.'..llion ··r1n still learning how to shoot on 1i1e out there." P1•otecti11g A1aotl~er Sl1uto11t for Kings I/ayes. 11·ho had lour fouls eallt':J :11i<11nsl lunl, ~aid he had to sit out nu1d1 01 th e fo11rtlr f1uarter with a headache. Jle callrd ,\Jelndur n ··re:.il fi nr. b~Jlp!aycr. I 1·an't ptit hirn the saine class with Bill J\ussell <Jlld \\'dt Ch<1n1bcr!ain -yet. "He co1nm11s himsel f when he lloc.::in't r.ave to 1rilh that height \Ve 11-·enl inside ;;nd got ~ho!.'> but we JUSt didn't make 'rm. ··!!e's ~ol ;1 liltle jun1p shot no11 ," lla,·e-s said ... Ile had th<1t hnok tn rollP!JE'. I d1dn'l changr n1v gan1e plan. ··1t's just like plil} 1ng again~! \\'ill <1nd Hussell. )·uu ha ve to go outside." Lew hit il of 2G field attempts. All from 11•Jthin six feet of the ba sket. Hayes rnade only 9 of 31. many from long r.11ngc in his atteinpt to bring Alcindor outside. . a a.. rMi 44 l 1:l• ' . .-" .,..,.., I: -., UI'! ltleP~Glt non !"-;chock of t he P ittsburgh Penguin;; slides Jtross the lee in front of the L-Os Angeles ,l:!Oal after he tripped <'Ind lo~t the puck in \Vcdnes· ncsd ay night's match at the F orum. Jlel ping goalie (;erry Desjardins on defense is Larrr Cahan 13), The Kings 11·011 thc.1natch, 2-0, as Des- Jard1ns recorded his second straighl ;hulout. Cd l\1 Coach Rip s Officials 0;11r llrilland. Cornna dcl !\lar football coach. threw in his opininn of Oran.r;f' County officiating today, f o 11 ow in~ criticism of county refs hy two r oaches <ind ;i principal in \\'cdne5day 's D/llLY PILOT. "I think Orange rounly footb;ill is 11<c besl and lls oUlciating is tbe worst," he sa~·s. ., It see1ns \1kc Cl'cr~· tin1c 11·e play <in ,\naheirn school 1hc off icials lav rlo\\·n ;ind die. Our opinion is rhe Analu:1111 srhools can get a11·ay "'ith just about an}'· thing. "In our game 11-·ith !\!agnoli.1 last lrC'ek nit Anaheim) "''e were leadini.t i.'l the lnurth qu:irtcr, 1~-8. \Ve had third dr»rn, th ree yards to go. "\Ve gained a yard and lhey stoppcil tht • l'lock for 1neasure1ncnt. I reallv Li!e1v rny sf;ick over tha t one. Also iii that ganH' ~1agnolia ran off tv.·o plays \Vitho11t lhe clock running. It's al so the offiriaJ,' dulies to check And make sure the clock b on and off at the right lime." Wltll Prix Circuit J(ra1ner Declares War On Pro Net Pror11ot ers l\l~\V YORK (AP) -.Jack K1·;in1er c·111crgcrl from srrcn ye;irs of scmi·retirr- J11('nl \\'(.'(lncsday as .'1rchiteet nf ll pl;in fnr :1 ~2 1nillioo Grand l'rrx world tt•nn1s t·1rtuit. It wa~ ;ui upcn 1trclar:ilio11 of 1\ar ;1gain.~t the pro pron1otcr. There Wl)lll<l he 110 rnore under-thc·tablc payments to Ilic professional trou pes. he s<1id. Tennis \\'ould be placed solidly in the hands of the national associatio ns. Tnterna!ional Tennis i'l;i1ers Associat1un. t>;t·1l'con1bc belongs 10 i11c Lamar ll unt lfOllpi'. ··Thrrc i~ nn 11~1y lliry 1'an ;1v1J1d pl<i~ tn;.: in 11iesr tuurnan)Cnts," Kramer said . ··Tiu . .,-1s where lhe n1nney :inrl th e prestige 11·111 be." To qua lify fur the L;rand Prix bonus, a player must com- pete in 80 percent of lhe tournaments. SAN JOSE SLAPP ED FO R COUNTY /ll EET. 1\1\I\SAS CITY The ~ational Co1!rg1a1c Ath let1C' As~oci.~uon will 1nove in Ja1_1ua_ry to tighten up lransft'rring f1·om junior enll('grs !n 11 ~ rour·1·rar in- -~111u11011s anr! r,bn to 1·r-.1nrt rc"cn 111 1ng 11:-11.-., if 11 follows li1c f'nt.lnrsicn1cnts of its pol1cy-n1aking body. The . /\'CAA Council slapped nne-~·c<tr prn!J;:rt1ons on ;\1ar~hal l Unirer.~ity. Hun- 11n,i:::tnr1, \V . V.1 . for football recruilin" and fin<inci;1I aid 1101.1111111~ ;ind S11 n .!u~~ Slale for 111 0 of Its athletes running in an uneertifi<'d tr<1rk 1ncC'L They \1•cre .Ttlbn Carlo~ ;ind ~:iin Can1thers, Y.'ho ran in the Orange Co1111ly lnv ita•.ional. •·1 already h;i \"r a firn1 co1nmil1nenl frrun (;real Britain. fr;incc, Belgium, 11aly. :';"T1trn and the t:nitcrl States." l\r;in1er said. "I expect all other tennis pla~·ing countries tn follow ~uit. Lakers Await Alciridor ·rhc 1na11cr i.~ lo be brou ghl lx-forc the Jnlrrnationa l Lav.·n Tennis F'cdcr;i. rio11 al i1s business 1necting in Brus.~els l1ec. 5. A cornn1ittcc v.·ill be set up thf'n to ru11 international lcnnis, If not, our g:in1c is in deep trouble. After Tripping Royals Rigney Set fo1· Twins "\Ve ca nnol Jet the prnn1otcrs diclalc tl1 e tcrn1.~ of tournaments and run the sho1I'. This is the responsibility nf the. :issociations Y.'ith lhc hel p of allied pro- moting groups." The Kra1ner plan coils fo r the. staging of 2!} open tnurnan1cnts around the world, \\ith prize money ranging fron1 $25.000, Kramer sai1L "At the en<I nf the \'ear, playe rs 1\'ould be gr;i1lt'il accord ir\g to performances in lhe s e I e c led tourna1nents ;ind rrizc n1onry \.110\Jlll !)(' paid out accordingly, as Jn Grand Pri• auto racing. CINC INNATI (AP) -The "Double \V" tl1reat of the Los Angele.~ Lakrrs is really rolling now -jl1st in ti n1c to run l1cadlong into the N:1tional Basketb:ill Assoc·i<i1ion·s newest star. the Bii;: A, in nn explosive :o;clloul hon1c opcner. The Lllkers' doubJe-lla rreled ;11tack flf \\'ilt Chamberlain and .Jerry \Vest led the cl11t:1 to its SC<'Ond victory in '"'o nights, 116·1!t':!, O\'<'r the tough Cincinnati Royals \\'cdne~d;iy nigh t. four closely contested g;irnc,11 arc just a prelude to th e battle on the boa rds ex - pected Friday nigh t at 1.he f orum whe n JO-year veteran Chambc>rlain. i foot -1, opposes rookies Lew Alcindo r, 7·1 1 ~. and the J\.lilwaukee Bucks. , .. , Bill Rigney Mu st Brenk Hlllo Contract J\ll~NEAPOLIS.ST. PAUL !AP) -Bill R1Rnry. nC'l'ly·nemed mane,1ter of ltic 1'1innesota T"·in.,, is no stranger lo rans in the T"·in Cilies area. The sr.year~ld veteran pilot .,.,,hn \',.ednrsday agrttd to become lhc hlghrst J1.11d manaRcr in T11ins· hislorv. 11:i~ p!:iyrr • managrr of 1hr ~l1n1ic;ipolr' J\h ltt·r'i Hl the An1er1c:tn 1\ssoc·1ali•1n 111 19;,4.;,~ Tl11· f1r~1 ~c>•1~nn . llJ,i!ll<'.v·~ ~hllrrs nia :"· r d 111.nJ but the lflllow1ng c:unp111gn . h<' l••rl lht•n1 If\ thr As~111 ·i:"tl 1un flai; ;ind !he J.11tl1' \\"flrld Sc11t·~ 11tl<' J\1sn~'y, 11ho gu~ a ~60,000 one·yt·ar c11n. lraet \Vednesdny, Y.'&S lhr first rhoicc or ~finncsota Prtsidcnl Calvin Griffith, 11·ho had fired Billy Martin as team manai;er in a surprise move on ly a 1l'cfk ago. 'J'he former pllot of the California Angels and New York ;ind San F'r;inr.iseo (;1ant.~ has not officially signed ;i Tw ins contract, pending selllernrnl l)f th\? re· n1;i111ing ,1rar on his Angel.'>' p;ict. H1gnry said . ··1 hope ,., S('r nob ll t'ynolrls (/I ngels' prcsidi:nt l 1od11y on 1111' 1nrt\l<'r 1 torcscc no d1ff1 r1111 1r.~ but Jilt' 1i1~ n1.11t<'r 1'1l1Prs 1nlo ii. ;ind mnv lr1kc 111orr lh;1n a rl;ly or two 10 reso!1·e.·· ··The No. I m11n in mt>n's singles \\'oulri gel. SS0.000. lhe No . 2 pla ye r SJ0,000 and on dO\\'n IQ $4.000 for 16th place." Kr11rncr admitled lh;it he had not ap· proached lhr f\1•0 leading prornot crs - (;!'Ol'l;C r..lt:Call or Lhe N;111nn:tl Te11n1.~ League ::ind Lamar /111nt of the \I orltl C.:han1p1on~hip Tennis Inc., v.·ho control 1nnst of 1hr !np pros. lie ~nrd. l1owc\'('r. that the plan had 1lr;i11·n n he;irty endorsement from .John J\·('11'L'01nbe of i\t1slralin, presid t'nt of the The 2-2 n1ark pul Lo~ Angelt's just half a i:11.mc froni the top of the \Yestcrn Div- 1sior.. But all lhe f1rrll'orks in the Laken;' IEA.ST E•N DIVISION Wl!STlltN DIVISl(IM WLl"cl.GI flll l"ct.GI ll•# Yotl' ~ 0 l 0:(1 -/l ll1n!f 1 I .Ml -p~,1 <l'lr'•ft J c I 1)()(1 l L0• ... "9•1u 1 1 .l<OO 'I M'l *•ul • J 0 1 000 I ~fn F•1n0 I I :.00 11 """'""''" 1 l ,~I 1 ~In Ole9(1 I 7 ll> l D"'<elt 1 I .~ j ' '> Chl(&llO I 1 .JlJ I {•"''"~•h l J 1JO J') f'holM!• ! J .114 '" eo110~ o J .ooo • 5••111• o .ooo l ' WedntMllY'I lttwlll L~~ t..nge!~• 116, C•nclnnttl lot !>•~ Frtntl\(<'.> t~, .0,.!11nl1 •l P~1l•<lelr>ll•t >71, Pl>Otnl • l\t Milwt~kH I I!, Sftn O•~ 101 Tod1~'1 G1m1 ~·n FtlntlStG •I New YO•k Chamberlai n pou red in ~J points, in· eluding ~ix of Los Angeles' last 10, and \\'est. who had averaged 40 points ;1 game. "cooled orr· 1rith 3~ lo lead the L<lkrrs. Tom \"an Arsda!c's 24 paced the Roy. <1l~. 11·ho played \\·ithoul Q5car Robinson sidelined with a sprained v.·rist. ' LOS ... MGELES CINCINNATI • • • • ' T lltylor • " • GlllO.m • ,. " C~om1>etl1;n " . " " Luco• ' " " C11vn•• " • ltK~i>oy • " " r,~n•I! ' ., • ~mll" ' . ' ' We•! " ... " V~• 4••<1•1t " " " f~~~ ' " ' Olt••i<>Q ' " • Erlt,10~ ' .. ~01•rr • " " McCo•!•• ' " G<t<'~ • " " lO!al• ,., L •e• .. " • )• 0 116 To>~" • 11 1• 10, '" ~~011 •• " " ~ ;' -llt c. ..... ~"·" " " " " -•M Foul"" '"' -(•t>< """I•. ~.,-1..,, '" ... ...... ,..., ... fQ!A! '°"" -I.~• "'ll•ndent• -~.1 1._ A.~golO• )•, C•~t!~"l'I 0 . ' • ' • ' • ni; oft Jo OU '° ha "' " fi\ Cc ha no wl V>'i Sa Pi· Co in ga po si r thi Pi: ho ha pr· ca pa Or Tu go· bu up pu qu • tee '"' ag to we WO Tu "';; pa: ag Mi al me Ro Br for Ca an· cm Ri• thi ~·l { we ' ha Cil! the inf a s;i: ac go he co: ( ] Pr Cc ~I I th t~ on t ic ra c. th Ne \\"! ·~ • cu '°' ov OU 1" go gr by ' '°' lot Pt It• (~ '· l. .. '· .. '· :: I •. ' .. "· "· n: "· ~: ................... -----~ ________ .____..~--··· .......... -..................... ......,.....,..-.. -.....--,.-...-·~·~----~-~-·-~·,-~-~--. --. ---· ... ---... ---------------.----·- ____ D_A_IL_V_PILOT _ 2 7 S11cce ss' Unbeaten Loara, Eagles to Tangle SaVe$2~~ RW ~IPPIN'Wlll~KEY .• }£ Sweat Smell By JOEL SCHWARZ Ot ltM O.llr l'll•t Sl•tl By ROGER CARLSON ·Or lh• OillJ Pll01 Slit! Estancia lligh School's comeback effort takes a !'i\('rn test toDight v.·hen coach Phil Brown's Eagles ven\urc lo An;ihclm 's La Palma SlatliLim to 1neel undefeated -Loara. possessor of 18 straight. wins and the 1968 CIF AAA cham- pion. Kickoff i!'i at 8 o'clock. Estancia has been on the re- bound after suffering a 31-7 rc\'ers::il to Costa ~1cs::i 1n the opening Irvine League gan1e_ The !'.:aglt•s follov.•ed Y!'ith a 20·19 loss to tllagnolia bu t then turned around to wallop Santa Ana Valley, 38·12, in a game that saw Urown 's crew up lly J! polnls at the half. Loara presents a formidable oHrn~c that has cranked out 154 points to the opposition's 11 and Is ratr.d the too. I tcan1 iu Orangr Coun l,v. Quarterback Don ::.1:.indlt'Y directs the Saxon attack <ind has passed for 549 yards and five Louchdown.l. His chief running threat has been tailback R.'."ly Spagnuolo, \1·ho's run for 280 yards, a 4.7 .average an d six touchdov.·ns. Estancia, however, has talented runners of its own. One of thc~e Saturday night's Orange Coast College offensive guard M a rs ha 11 Johnson is going to be chased ----------------------------------- out of the. Pirate huddle by some of his tearnmales, who have a keen sense of smell. Johnson , you see, has a pair of sweat socks and he calls them his lucky socks. He bought them prior to the st.art of lhe 1969 footba!l season, and he's \\'Orn them five weeks during Orange Coast foothall games and still hasn't washed them. The socks, a little gamey by now and not the same bright ?.'hite they were in September, will be on Johnson's feel again Saturday night when the Pirates travel to Cerritos College to take on the Falcons in a Sooth Coast Conference game. Orange Coast is a_ three- point pick to win its sixth straight game, but several things are going against the Pirates. First, its Cerritos' homecoming and the Falcons have only lost one of 12 preyious gan1es on such oc- casions, Then there's the Cerritos passing atlack and it worries Orange Coast coach Dick Tucker. "Their l\.\o"O quarterbacks, Mike Ernst and Roge r Gaylord are .in the same class as Fullerton's Marv Owens. "Our pass defense certainly got a !est against Fullerton, but ·we haven 't faced anyone up to now who is as good a pure passer as Cerritos' two 0 A1LY P ILO T S!atf f'ltcto quarterbacks. •·cerrit0& is a good solid team. They have good size and speed and are tough lo run against. SEA KING STRONGPOINT-Corona de! J\1ar's biggest asset has been a crush- ing defense en route to its 3-2 record. 11erc .<\lee R.an1sey (76) and Jim North (72) close in on a ball carr'icr. Corona meets Costa !11esa Friday night al Ne1\-- port 11arbor in an Irvine League struggle.. "They held San Diego r.tesa to 41 ya rds on the ground last ,.,,eek and beat Long Beach v.·orse than Harbor did," says Tucker. The Pirate boss v.·as plea~ v.·ith emergence of C>CC's passing game last Saturday against Santa 1\na. In that one Mike Tamiyasu completed 15 of 18 tosses, for Z30 yards, most of them to split end Robert Castillo and flanker Bn1ce Hicks. "It was our b(ist passing ef- fort of the year. Hicks and Castillo both had great nights end made some excellent catches." Tucker says he plans 1o use Richard Durante al fullback this week in place of Coo r.Ieyer, v.'ho \Vas injured last week. r-.1eyer, v.·ho v.·t1s believed to ha\'e !Suffered a torn knee cartilage , \.\o'ill \.\o'ork oul with lhe team this v.·eek af1er hav- ing t.he injury rediagnosed as a slight dislocation. 'Tucker sa ys he'll hold l'l1 ey!'r oul of action Saturday night. "Durante isn"t as fa sl or as good a runner a~ ~1eyer. but he"s a. better bl oc ker ,"' ai.:• cording to Ule OCC boss . OCC 3rd, GWC Out In Grid Poll Somebody up lhcrP_ I n Pasadena must love Orange Coast College. Despite recording its third s!raigh t hair-raising victory, this one against a \\"lnless team, the Pirates 1noved up one spot in thi s week's na- tional junior college football rankings compiled by the J.C. Grid-Wire. Orange Coast is now ranked fhird, behind Bakersfield anrl Northeastern Oklahom;:i. Last \••eek the Pirates were tied for rourth with Ea~l Los Angele~. a team that fell Lo fif1h in lhe current poll. Golden \\'est, ~'hich was lied ror 191.h last week, v.·as idle over the v.·eekend and dropped out of the top 20. However, Ray Shackleford's outfit has a good opportunity to pick up grou nd this week if it can gel by East LA. Only other Soulhern Cali· romJa teams ranked in the top 20 are Fullerton 19th). Pasadena (lllh), LA Harbor (-16th) and San Diego Mesa (20th). Sea l(ings Start Grid Title Tall{ By GLENN WHITE Of th• 0•11)' P!!ot 51•11 The only lime they talk championship at Corona de! J\lar H.lgh School is dL1ring aquatics or baskc1ball seaso n, At least thal"s the 1vay il "s usually been. But Lhis year is beg inning to take on a ne\v vista. There arc occasional 1ncnlions of an Irvine Le:iguc title ;is coach Dave Holland's Sea Kings own a 2-1 loop record and could ronceivably 'be playi ng for fir~l pla ce nrxt wrek \\"hen th ry-go ag;unsl undl'reatcd l Loara_ Hnwcver. in brt11·l'('ll i' a Friday nigh! l'ngagen1(·nt 111th Co'ita ~1csa High Sl'h0nl, I A loss il brup!I~ llrl n~s t11h· rh alter to a scrtcch111g h<:ill <Jn lhr Sea King ran1p11.~ 1 Holland calls Cos1;1 J\1csa 1 rnmpar:ib le to !he FOLin l;i111 \1allr.v squad th ;it v.·hi pprd l1is 1 Sra Kings, 12-0, two 1vccks ~ ago. I lie also calls lh&t g:i me' Corona del J\1ar·s 1-1.· ors t performance ~ince he took j1 over as hc:id co;ich, The Sc:i King chi('f rxperts a defensive rla sh Fntlay. f'all .; ing his and !'lles::i's strength l the d<'fc.nse. ··costa J\lcsa's line is tough l and th ey ha ve the good n1n- nlng barks in .John J\I:mix,1 Kim \A/olf and Jerry Reilly. I expect them In try and grind out the yardage against us, the way Fountain Valley did. Mesa is very a_ggressive. "I thi nk one touchdown "'ill win the game." Holland lauds his_ goa l line defense. "\Ve stopped Foun- lain Valley three ti m es, r.1agnolia twice, Edison onco and Bolsa Grande once inside our eight-yard-line. "But we're still waiting for the offense to get untracked. We start moving the ball ;ind !he mistakes !'ilop the. drives. Fountain Valley is the only team to really throttle us, but we didn't have i.iood rield posi- tion that night.·• Ice T es ted 1. B•~••ill•kl u.01 110 AIR FORCE ACADEMY -1_ NOl'tt>•••ttrn o~.11~om• c~f 1,,", The championship consolation l . 0••"9~ ,,.,.,, (~) t t,~~·l:11·~~1 <Hll ;;v game in this yea r's NCAA 6 ~·11on1 Wt•~,1 1.\.01 n~ hockey tou mament w a s 1: 1,.,..,, 1•~. IS·1 ~!', pl ayed at the new r1·nk at the l.· Pt~rl R+~t•, Min, U·Ol Fut~"on l•·1) \~ U.S. Air force Ac:idcmy and JO, ~utHI l~l 1l 0~t"C~~u::b't.11 t.11n, wa1~. no resulted in the first double 1~1 r:i1 overtin1e game in tournament w .. r V111•v 1'-01 7:11 history. Harvard def ca t e d U: L~ McR1t. N c. a 01 ~~J "· ~~'f'1~~~bor"~~:11 ·~ f~ Mlchlg3n Tech 6-5 v.•ith a goal 1:· ~:~~~~1r.w. n.11 17 ~ At 8:53 of the second c~tra 10· ,._. 1t_,1,~ u -01 n• minute pcrnxL 10 $tn 01'90 Mew u .o m ----------------------~ El Corclobes to Drciw Large Ti ju,anct C ro wel TJJ UANA -A sell out crowd is anlicipa ted J l Tijuana's Plaza l\1onumental for a !ipccial pos t s e a son ap - Pf'arancc of S p a in·~ El Cordobes Sunday, Nov. 2 at 3 p.n1. San Diego and Los Angeles tick<>! ai;cncies report that initial ·;i!lotinents of sea ts lnr tli e C'o rricl:i harf' already hf'l'll takl'n <i nrl th:i l new sup- pht•s ;;re going f'!S\. Tijuana ticket agencies tell the sainc story . Three limes in 1X6 El Cordobes' appear<111ces al lht ~m a ile r downto1\'ll bull ring - El Tor eo. 1\•ere sold lo c<i paci- ly and large crowds turned ;:,\vav. P 1 a z a l\1 onument cil, \I i!h. sc.i ling for 23,000 -the \rorld's th ird largest bullr inc: -n1;iv be tax ed to meet the cicm;in'ds of aficionados. The 1nop·ha ircd n1a!::idor 11·hose na1ne producrs suc ll box office 1nngic 11•ill be mak- ing his first TiJu:ina ci )l- pcarancc since th:it !1n1l'. He v.•ill face 1\1 c }i 1 t' o's leading matador, Alfredo Leal. 1'hird man on the card is Arturo Hulz Loredo. The trio \l'il! fa ce six bulls from the /l~irniahu<Jpan "breeding ranch. Th e <lllel llet~·een Leal. the. senior ni a Lado r, and El Cordobes 1v1ll b(' a rcnf'W:l\ of Lhf'ir meclin~s this past SL!m- mer in Sp:.il11. TENNIS EVERYONE DUNLOP FORT FRArt.ES LIST PRICE OUR PRICE DUNLOP FORT FP.~MES srr.u~JG nL KRAMER AUTOGRAPH FRM\.ES REGULAR OUR PRICE KRAMER AUTOGRAPH STRUNG NYLON DAVIS IMPERIAL FRAMES BANCROFT FRS FRAMES BANCROFT COMPETITION MODEL RANCROFT PLAYER SPECIAL 21.95 14.95 18.95 21.95 16.95 18.95 17.95 29.95 24.95 1195 4.50 JUNIOR TENNIS RACKETS PENNSYLVANIA TENNIS BALLS WILSON TENNIS BALLS TENNIS DRESSES Doz. 7.50 Doz. 8.35 11.95 to 19.95 7.25 & 7.95 4.S5 to 12.95 4.95. 6.00. 7.00 7.75 & 8.n5 LADIES TENNIS SHOES MEN'S TENNIS SHORTS MEN'S TENNIS SHIR.IS MEWS TEtlNIS S!WES MEN'S LEATKER TEt:ms SiiO ES 12,95 TENNIS SWEATERS 12.95 · 13.95 • 15.95 Tailback Dave Johnson !!I the leading rusher in the Orange C.:oast area V.'1th !>\4 ya rds in 9~ trips for a 5 7 average in racking up five 11Jl1chdowns. And his running 1natr, sophomore Jim Schultz, .:1dds to the Estancia power. Schultz ·worked ot·er Santa Ana Valley for 87 yards and lhrt•e touchdowns. Curl Thomas at quarterback gives Estancia Lhe necessary balance \VHh lus ll-1reat al passing and running. ESTAN CIA LO~.RA. 101 Nomura E' w~vn•r HO M<ll•r T 1 ayloc 115 ~MYUtr Ci H1nn• 1 ~1 Fa!e c Wendi 190 Mout<o.i G Oc>lgmac 192 Dtn.1<1 T -Xoll 1~) f"l'd""'ll E Bulle• lM T~O<M•l (I ~lon<ll•Y 1 /0 Jo~~><>n B Soaonuo•<> 150 ~(~~I'• B C~adbo"" ll-0 S~av91.ne~•v B tttltm "' '" :~. Lay off Didn't llurt Rustlers Calnt Before Storm Dy 110\VARO L. HANDY 01 1ho 0.11, Pilo! Sl~H Like a house of cards built on shifting sands, loolball fortunes of !lro top Southern California Confcrenec po11·crs will be thrown tu Lhe v.·lnds Saturday night in opening league action . And ll'hen th e ll'inds ~11bslde nnd the !'-ands settle for tl1c in- coming tide, one o( the powers \l"ill be reduced to an also-ran hardly heforc the league gels under \~av. Coaeh ·Ra v Shackle ford tak es his oncc.·beatcn Golden \Vc.~1 squad lo Ea~t Los An ge les Saturday night to f;.icc the 1111drfe:.it rd and No. I ranked Huskies in opening leagtie action. In the ealm berorc !he st orm on the Bustier campus, G\\'C has been quietly going about the business of preparing for it s n1ost important ouftng u[ the year for 111·0 1\'Cek~. ··our kids :1ren'1 out ~·clling and hnllcri ng." Shackleford ~ay~. "I arn pleased ll'i!h our practice sessions this ll'C~k. I thi nk they are the besi 1~·e h;n·e had all season. "\\'e have soni c good kid s and the:~' knO\V \1·hal lhl' g.11nc is all about. The layoff l<l'it \Ycrkcnd \\·on't hurt us. In fael. I think 1l wilt help." The Ru~llt'r hoss is im- pressed \Vith East Los Angrh·s and sa~1s il deserves the high rating ai; the No. I ju111or cul- lcgc tcan1 in the ~talc . "Thry 11;.i\·e proven to everybody the past f\VO years lhry <1rc \\')1ere they belong." Asked lo eon1pare hi s quarterback (Tony Bonwl'll) v.·i1h Chris ,hiramillo of Eas t Los Angeles. hi' s3ys· ''The,v aren't the s<i me type. Jar;:imillo is a sc ran1blrr <ind gr l.~ the job done real \l"Pll. Me thrr1v ;1 10uchclo11·n r a s s ;igainst. u.~ J<1.st yc<ir and ran for rlose to 100 y;irds. "Tony ! Hori II' ell l is :i says he. isn't planning any surprises ror the ll uskics_ "H v.·e put anything else into our offense. \\'e \\'OU!d never get it executed." Lone loss on the Golden \Vest S<.:hcdu!e v.·as at lhe hands of ri val Orange Coast by· a 30·2Cl score. The Rus\ler co.'lch compares the Pirates and !l\1skles as fo!Jo,vs : "Both _tea rni; _arc about the 1 ~amc size 1\•1!h East Los Angeles having a little better speed. Orange Coast is a little helter dcfcnsivclv but I have tn r:itc the Huskies ahe;id on offense." I Coach Bob Enge r of Erist , Los Ang eles s:iid earlier in 1hcl \Veck ih:i t the· ll us t I c r ' defensiv e line 11'as fast er tllnn l his tailback. o111 thcv arc. our track conch hacl bctLrr g0! ahold of them. I doubt if this) is !rue." Shackleford says. Shackleford made one vthcr compnrison bc!wcen the tw o tearns. "! lliink our kickin g i;:ime is a li1lle bet1rr thanl thC'irs," He d1dn"t elabora te. any fu rth ~r-1 The house or cards ll'i11 turn In a hou se of gr;inHc for the 11·inncr and !he shifting Silnds \\"ill engulf the loser. I B ritons Race At CM Tracl\. A po\1•crfu l fl 11 a r t e t nf srccd1l'ay n1otorcv1.:!e nders vl'ill repr esent ihr United Kingd0 1n Friday night fB :l5) .11t lhc Oran"c C ounty Fai rJ;rounds St:id iu m \1·hc n r:iccrs frnm Arn<·ric.1 h:illle !he lnvade r·s in !he "1\11glo- 1\mer1c:1n Srrieo;;." I IN~eAUON~ how do you know w hen you need an alignme_nt? l If your tires look like any of the above ..• drive in to Front End Alignment /~v I/, f." ;t Precision 11lif:nment liy ~k il!c([ rnPrh·1••ir!!'. stronger runnl'r ;:ind he muhcs the option play work bctl •'r than anyone I have sC'rn. \\'c also throw more than they do but it wil l depend on how the. g:in1c is going how much II'!'! will pass against Eas t Lnc; Angeles." The Hustler <:oat.'h J{iding for tl'e _Briti0 h Con1- n1on\VC<11!h \I'll! be til e l\\'o rno.~t, f;i mous racers i n mc!orcvclc r0c ing ;1lJrn:id . Jv,-;n J\f:iugcr of New Zca !.1nd ;;ind Enr::lnnd, the twn.\iin c \Vorld Cha mpion'. an o ! hr r New Zc.:il;lndr r. B:irry I3rig~i; o f the Swindon Tca1n in ,---::> ·= Enq!:ind, Rerl H;irki n~ of <:. 1.ln~;o1v, 1hf' caplcii n nf Edi n· ·;.o b'l rg11·s CQ$1brid'° Tee m "'di 7l /) /l In_/) I) I) r. J1 n1 1\ircv nf Scotland \',!10 ~(/itl;Ul;,J(lii:Yl,;i.Y.J!.;j,,'i.Jliti~ti.J!*'iil,,\,alii;iliiioi\ililll;Wllllifi rides for Sheffiel d. 1 • 110 Ul. EAR BELL S~TS Plast!c or lron-$2155 JUMP ROPES-$1 .25-$2.00-$4.95 CHEST FULLS-$3.95-~4 .95 DOOR BARS-$5.95 & $6.~5 • {Miff CHA MPION KANDBAU. <.;LOVES $3. 9 5-$4.50-$5. 9 5-$6.~0 HAN!>BALLS-9~¢ & $1.10 VOIT BASl(ETBALlS 4.95 to 12.95 JUNIOR & INTERMEOL~ TE FOOTBA•.LS 6.95 OTHER FOOTBALLS 5.95 to 14.95 LEATHER FOOTBALLS 13.95 & 19.95 VOLLEYBALLS ViiiT 2.95 to 8.95 TETHERBALLS 3.D5 5.~5 · 8,95 SPECIAL TETHERBALL SET 3.95 4 SQUARE BALLS 3.25 WHITE STAY WARMUP SUITS 12.95 & 19.95 CRESL Yrl & ORLON SWEAT SHIRTS 4.95 COTTON S1!1EA T S!!IRTS • 2.95 O~TTfl~I S'."!EA T P:J:rs 3.50 t &I* ::x .. •""''ss•c ;;z; az .•wa &•as BillE PARTS -TiRES -TUBES ' ,~()fill ;, §!ame~us Brand "~~,~~~,~,~~,?,r,~,~,rs .~~--) 1 (= c;E'l''J'l!f::.Jth FOR ONLY" ,;;~':'. 88(: ,•, ,, COSTA MESA NEWPORT BE ACH 475 l . 17th SI. & 646-2444 Op•ll Mo",-Ftl. I Jo •: pllll instWl.rin Addltlon•f M .11 .. ch HU NTINGTON BEACH 16171 ll!ACH ILYD. 847°60!1 OpWfl Mo"··Fr!. I to It Sat. ·rtl 5 ------------------------------...... ---~------------- _,,. :;::t . -- "· • " -.•. "· ~ -··· ' ;i. :,.. l ~, « lf: " DAILY l'ILOT ~!ltl Pllo!I OILER DEFENSE -J-luntington Beach High School's vaunted defense, which has shut out its las t l\VO foe s, will receive a stiff challenge fron1 speedy Sa nta Ana Saturd;;y night at liunling·i.on. l lere linebac::cr Paul fl loro and Rod Sei bert show their wa res. i:rank lfanss (43) moves up to help out. HBDefen e~ Cha]!e!11 ;;eJ By Sr1eed Ta~·s' Tri~l;,y A ttac!;, [1/0 P~·abie,;i for Vilies D ef r n sirc-mi"ldcd l!11 n· tin;:;lon Beach High School's football squad, "'i lh t ..,, o straight shutouts tucked a\\·ay, prepares for perhaps ils stif- fest challcllJjc Salurday nigh t "'hen ligl·tning-fasl Sanla Ana invades the Oilers' confines. And if the Oilers are ROi'1f:' to continue their remarkable defensh·e reco rd it'll require some hercu lean efforts hy the defcnsi1·e corps. The Sninls have spee d. anr! plenty nf it. \Vinrback J:ickif' Wh ile J.~ tl:c h::ildc r of !hi· Orange Cou nty 100·} :ird d. ~h record 1vith a 9.5 I aloni; with l-lunlingto n"s f<.uned Edd 1 e ?1-forris of !9~1 ). Whlte v•reck ed 1'.lnrina l;i5t \•:eek "'ith fou r rcccp!lnn<; fr.r 93 yards and t•1 0 to111·hdQ11n". The pressure figurrs In hr. on l lunlin gton ·s sccond:11 y V!'ith \\'l11te running pa~~ p:.t- terns which me.::ins t .;uble for Mike f\l cCord, Craig Za hn~ky, :!\likr F<'cn".'y and l\'"nold H:.::7 D;fensing r-.·r,rport ll:irbor and Hs tricky single wing type of offcn~e wit h a T • c;u;irterb~ck f \es sor~;e op- ponents niaJeir r r oh 1 c rn" trying to adapt I.heir dtfcnsirc te:im. Rut for 1\larina, co:ich Jim Coon says he doesn't ha\£' the problems th <it some might. '"\\'e 1!C1n"t ke\' on ba<·h-; as ;i rule so it v.·01i t be qwte su tourh to adjust "\\'e'B use our basic 5·2 \\'ith fou r deL'P barks and \\'Ork ,1 fe1\' adjustments off of 11. And 1n -'11 1rv !o put mrire press11rr> 11 n 1hc1r qu;,i rtcrback (Bill ~lt"rld /. "l\"c won't do a lot or stun- li11g, n1ore of ii reading style,"' says Coon. But Coon ~ay s his te.:im isn 't nut of 1l1e \\Ontl5 if the \1lk1ngs ;itr ;ib!e to contain Ne11"port's OflCT1SC. "Th".'y use ;i !i-3 dCfcr.se and nnhncl\' runs ;·"'11n~1 !hoit. \\'o h111·r> ·to ni :i\...c> srv1·r.:il of- fensive blocking (t1ani;cs lo compensate fo r i1," he adds. The Vikes have been !1.:nn pe.rcc! with the loss of 1:-i1lb:1ck Joe Vcn limigl ia, who 11·a~ us<'d only _spnring!y in the Santo Ana dl'feu t (21-12) and is sull nur~in~ a bruised heel. And. the Vtkes' threat or sp~cd has be £1n era5ed with the Jos!': of Dave Lacy, a 11 inghark "·ho has hcen a pri· n1.:i ry pass receiver Lacy quit the l ~il !n. Hrplncin g Lacy Is senior Tyle r \Ian Aken. Henry Lazcan o \\•ill again st<irl at lai!bat·k fnr the Vikes v.·1rh Ventimiglia hobbled . Lazca no ha~ rushed for 233 .1•.'1rd s tin 5! c<1 rrirs in the last lhrre gnmcs incl11ding a 121· yard effort ;,igninst \Vestem. \'ent1mi glia h.1s rushed for 2\2 yards anc! ,1 4.4 average. Qu,1rterb1tc k 11ick Saeinan figures to put pressure on the !\"i:!ll'p<'rt 11.:irbor secondary 11·1th his pns,~ing He's cuniplc ted 32 of i2 for 491 yards. fl!o;,\~ i;;l}S h1-. l ll!lr~ 1111! prob~b!y u~c <.1 <I 1111 ti I e · co1,erage ~~strm on \\l11t<>. ''\\"e h;11 c \(1 ro:1l."11n 5.in\11 An a's speed and 11·<> t1n;:r to maintain ball -<'nn1r11l ;1g:11n~L I.he m. Ca11rer11 lo Baro11 Boss "That 5rrmrd lo ht: t'..r• kl·y to f\c11 rorrs v. in ol'er S:in!a Ann. )'nu havr. to m111ntn1n 1he long dr11e on thrrn," sa}S J\loals. '·J"1n impri:l:>!.(•d 11·11h !ht>1r .sp\1l end, loo. \\";iltrr !'11rad gives thc1n goud brilance in the pa~,<;ing g.:imc :inJ \l'llh Hoh r<lcGuckin·~ play nct1on sl~!c of pa ssing It can 1~sc pro- blems for !ht defense," says !\!oats. SC Hobbled By In j nries San Clemente , :;.ome1,·h.:it battered and bruised from its ...., 14--0 loss to Orange las l "·eek. a. takes on lhe third ~tr11ip,hl • ,\ Crestview Lc;:1gue lnoghic Fri- ~ day night \vhrn 1he Trit on~ ~, play host lo t'ooth1ll High .-, School. the third -ranked team , ~ In the CIF AAA . Coaeh Tom Eads' outfit will be going wit.hout spli t end Jeff rn:i• h Brurr P1ckff)rd m;1~· r 1 l hJ' 11 l~h lnr [1 •11Qr;J! 1 IC· L 1ry, ;du1 ~ \1,th nne nn Lhe ~rnr('ho;1nl Fnd:iy 111ghl 11hcn 1:1t· Fou11la111 \'alh·y fo1.1Jb;i ll l\'«1n t;inglcs 1•1\h Snnta .\na \"allt'Y ln Irvine League al', 11011. Dc~pit e the f;irt his R<irf1n<; :irr 4-1 on !lie year and :i.o 111 league pl;iy ~;1fo:a1nst ;i 0,4.1 rcf'ord lor $;u;lJ Ana Val!r·yJ l'1ck[ord sil vs: "\\'e th1n'k 11 \1'ou!d hi' ii m 11r:1I 1·1ctnry if 11·c• rnuld get more lhil!'I tv.·o tnuc1Jdn11•ns in anv g;ime." Lnokin,I! at thr-record. lh<-' F;1lcons ha\'e gJ1cn up n1 le;,st four touchdowns lo c::ic.h of th!'Jr rnrs this season. Foun- 1:i1n \':1llcy \1:i~ .1·rt to score more than twit•c 1n any one i:;nmc. Yet Pirkfnrd is ~ncf!nlcd about. the gnnu· "I :lh\'t1ys 1vorry when 11 e pl«1y :i IL':lrn that docsn'l hn\'e a gout! record, \\le hn\'en'L bralcn anybody badly this season. .. Our of[en.~e 1s p!.~gucd by mistakes and confusion. Part or !hi~ j<; hec:it1sc \\'(' ha\'e ti ~' rl :1 rri ·1 t nun1bcr of kid~. Tl11' 111·,h 11·" are con· cc nlrtt1H1g fln t1n1ing ou r ex- ccu1111n, trying to cut do\\'n on lhc nu1nbcr nl fll'naltles and kl'rp fnnn furnliHng." The B;iron coilch is pleased th.11 hi e; l<".1m h<is bc<!n :ib!e to mol'r lhc roo tb:i!l in midfield bul fl·C'l~ it shoul<l do more ~rnr 111g. Ile i ~n·1 l.:iking the f alcons hgh 1ly. '"Thry h:ive a good ']11 ~ir11•rh.1rk in !hie; kiri Phil lll:ind and I am sure that boy 1Kl'11h) Denson will be ready th1~ "'N'k lie is ;i 9.8 sprinter anti t'"Qlll d gt\'e us plenty of t;o1 1blr " Th l' Fou nt::iin Valley lineup v.•i ll rcrn ain pretty much in1act \\•\th one c:-;crption. J i m Hns!ett er will tti ke ovrr at a starlini; guard spot in place of Sl".'l'C Ilaup1l. The Baron offense is built ar1111nc! qu c1rterback J o h n Svnbod :i anti the runni n~ of !lick Hartsfield, Brady Moore nnd Dan Shaw. " Kelsey, \\'ho broke R col-1,;::=;:====================~1[ .,. larbone in l~e Oran(;e I011s, II •: Wa)'lle Sager suffered ' fLYl','C fU!J I, ~-0 ahouldt r Injury and is out of , I the starting lineup at right by WAYNE CHAS E " tackle but is expected lo sce [I action. Do you lt"ow wh•t '"'"ite1 "Missing I he touchdn1vn ••• off•r•d •I HA 11 Bo Jt against OranJ:e look a lot of' AVIATIO N? Our c"q•n•1•1;on, sap out of our defense ," say5 1l•lled bv ,,pero1nted prof,,. Eads. I "Ot1•I., o!fe,. t omplete fly;nq lellding rusher for Sen ,., .. ;,,_ w, h•ndl1 th••t•r Clemente Is Gll3rlerbark Ric'.. flighh of 111 k•,,c!•. A:, , • ., l e<>'IC• ii el•o A••.J •ble. 0~· ('.eddea, who's run fur 14' 1p1t••llv lr•l"•d mechenit • yards In 63 carries and p,,c;•e< h ,d!, m•·" •n•nc • end ,9• for anolher 108 on nln? r1,111· P"'' wok. w. '"'"':!• ''"''li plelions. ol ell tyr"' of ei•~•Ah, lre""' Eads S3Yll his club 111· c~"~" 1 ~0·1 to "'"" P r~· conl.ain f'oolf·l!I'~ n1111'e·, I p~c-~•. running game 11 nd hopr: for thr a ~, fli9h; ,,hool 11 '~• ''"' breaks 01 fcn!ively rd cf ,, .. lti,.d. All o~• '"" "\Ve'!l ll:! figiiting for our 1!•u ,l•ir1 li••e hAd y•A" ol t d liu,,dr!!d1 of pri"t}t p:loh . You "ted only ret1ont blt ·i.ethh •"d 1 dti:r1 lo fl~. Al f'4R80R AV!AllON wt o!••• t~e '"'"' rl11" •A•Cl '" 01.-f"Qt (Cu"'~ P•l .. A•t r>•'ot COU'11 1!?~. C~)t'l8 1~ o~I' ~'50 •" hOvr, C~oro~·· 1o0 on v 11• )0, '""'" '"" ~i"I "°'IM<~~ s:& "" rour Wt 01. Ir. '"" !In•"! r•rr•~/I '"llr..C'O•I ~"d •Alt• ~! lf-'ll>B()lf /.V14Tlr N, s1i1 Wr •n•• A~•, 8"6 !JCO. (."••,. t•tm Olll'•l•t ID •u •fl ti• v. "llot~q '"~\I• ,...1vm• '"d Gt! your h• 1 ~~! ror n•r I fO'" \'/ATCf-t Jl:EXT WEEK Fo'R rHY51CAL RIQUIRIMINTS I e.•P''''"<•, ••.d w• hA~e tr11n· li ves," says E[.tiS. L::.:::::..::::::::.:::::_::::_::::::_.::_:::_:_.::========::''--11 .. Tiller Boss Shal{es Up Stari:ers Prep Water Polo Roruidup Area Teams Down Rivals Any resemblance to the starting lineup Tustin High School football coach George Alien uses this week against Mission Viejo Friday night and the one he used a week ago is purely coincidental, The Tille rs are 2·1 in Crestview League play, but Allen hasn't been pleased with the work of his team and he's jugJ:led his lineup for lhe Diablos. Several of the changes were necessitated by injuries to end Kent Coiner, tackle B o b Wages and haUback Gary Hicks. Coiner is the most seriously hurt and is lost for the season after breaking ltit C(llJarbol"le against Laguna Beach last week. Wages suffered a sprained Rnkle in the same game. Htcks \Vas banged up in a motorcy• cle accident Tuesday night and Allen doesn't know If he'll even suit up for the game. Jn two other changes, he's moved guard Dave Hollaway to fullback in an effort to bee! up his blocking in the back.field. Guy Punn will fill the guard spol By STEVE ANDREWS OI ""' 0.1" '111t SNH Huntington Beach pulled ou t an 11-10 decision over Westmlruiter in SWlet League water polo action Wednesday while Newport Harbor WIS trouncing Western, 17·2, and Anaheim was down1ng Marina. 11-4, In other loop play. Laguna Bea ch drowned Tumin, ll-5 In a Crestview League game and Costa Mesa nipped Millikan, 5-4, in double overtime in a non-league skirmish. OILERS-LIONS Chris Ohre pulled Uie Lions to within one goal of host Hun- tington with 45 seconds re· malning, but the Lions failed to gel the equalizer. Huntington Beach won the aame in the second quarter when it outscored Westmln.!lter, 5-J, to take a ~~ halftime lead. Ohre and Bruce Baron tallied four times for tbe Lions with Jell Haber and Ken Davis adding one each. Bill RJce and Clay Evans did the bull< cl the Oiler acorinf. TARS-WESIEKN Newport Harbor bluted the Pioneers out of their pool with a balanced scoring attlct. SAVE•25! Tom Warnecke led the pac k wtth four JXllnts anc! was followed by Jeff Wilcox and Kevin Charles, three, Jay Far- rer, Matt Greer and Jim Smith, two. Victor Nealy had Dne. The win boosts the Tars' loop mark to 2-0. VlKINGS-ANAHETht A dismal first half sent the Vikings to their second Sunset League loss. Marina was ootacored ~ tn the Colonist pool in the first two periods and rallied for four goals in tbe second half but fell short. John Maltby was lhe top scorer for the Vikings with two. He was trailed on the list by Kevin Williams and Sieve McConnaughey with one each. Chuck Holloway played a brilliant defensive g a m e holding the Anaheim's Wp acorer to one point. ARTISTS-TUSTIN The Artists never trailed irt the encounter at Tustin. Laguna Beach scored seven goals the first half and coasted to lt.s first Crestview win. Charley Ware was the Artists leading 5COrer with six goals and John Enfield backed him up with two. Bill Brown, Don Ware and Scott Sun1ner Founlain Valley is al horn!! taUied one apiece. \Vh!lc Newport Harbor, Estan. rla and Westminster lake to MUSTANGS-.\llLLIKAN the ro<.1d. Costa ri.fesa rallied fo r one The FV Barons enler!ain goal In the first of two 01·cr-Laguna Beach, N e w p o r 1 time periods to v.·in the night travels to Fullerton, l he contest in Long Beach. Th ,1 I·" l lh liall E;1gles play in Sonora's pool e,. ustangs l:'\J a c 3-1 but had lo battle.,bae k to llnd the Lions journey lo Foothi ll, take a 4.3 lead on a Ron Irvine League games con-Misiolek goa l. Jiowe\•er. !he Rams lied it, sending it in to tinue Tuesday with Costa eitra sessions. t.1esa battling Esta ncia, Fou n. tain Valley playing at Edison Bill McAneney scored only and Santa Ana Valley hostini:. one goal all evening, but 11 Corona del Mar and the Seil ·was the big one coming in the Kings JJ-game win skein. first extra period. Newport Ha rhor is 1 t Along with ~1cAneney's one Downey, also on 1'uesday. point, Mislo!ek tallied ttiree --;;..,,_;..,..,..,..,..,,_;;;;;;;..,. times to lead the Mustangs [~ and Mike Beal added one. Goalie Rod Ross did an outstanding job in the nets! blocking 10 shots. Three of the attempts came on penalty throws. Non-league action compri ses water polo action Frldlly. LOCAL No other ~1w1p1per tellt you mo re, 1w1ry d1y, tboul wh1!'0 9oin9 on in lht Greil•• Or1n9e Co11t th1" th1 OAlLY PILOT, INDIAN RESERVATION LAND lltt TIME OFFIREDJ O•vtlOptr of "•W (Olfll'rlll<ll!)' '" co1or~do 11.1~.. h•t n tevtl, 111111 1mpro•e<I l• •<•• homnlt10 ~Iott I• ri••r IA Stn Slfn••dl111 Co11 .. 1y. Lt••• lo Y••• 202t A.O. -140 ptr mo"th, C•ll (11') '1>-llei, Cel11r1h RIYl f Cl. • ' Sears .Regular •125 Ted Williams 12-ga. or SAVE NOW! Ask About Sears Convenient Credit Plans •Short 4-inch &troke and twin-action slide bars make for &mooth-1s-eilk pumping • Front locking rotating bolt; recoil pad •Versatile 6-position adjustable choke • Floating ventilated rib for mirage-free iigbting plane s ..... Firemnn and .Anununition Policy All guru, including BB and f'Cllet guru, 10ld only to res i· dents of state where purchase: is ma de. (Proof of residence re· q uired ). Purch~n of firearms and ammuni1ion muse be 21 years of age and sho• proof. No delin"ries wil l be made outside of sratt. All 5ales 3ubiect ro Federal, Stare, and Municipal La,,, and ResulatiOftS. Sears •21.99 Sleeping Bag SAVES5! • 4-lh. \'ycron• polyeat•r fill •Cotton dack co•er wi1h plaid cotton fl1nnele1te lining, 34":s.75" 1688 Model 21 Pump Action 20-gauge Shotgun ~~an Low Pri~! 1'op \ alut: • 20-~auge ~h o1.1;un e Barrel Jen~ 26-ioche~ e BraS& fronl eiithl e Ent.ire lenp;th 45¥~-in . 5799 . ' f ! I Model 34 Ted Williams Carbine .22 Caliber Auto-Loading Rifle Soper Value~ Buy Now! 'h '" 4488 e Oper•tea wit any ·-~ long or long ,.;n, or .12 high 1peed &horu e Boil1-in mount ha!C Reworked 30.06 Argent in<· Mauser-Action Rifle Tremendous? e MauM:r actittn (8y11em) ii the 1tandard of e,.cel- lence in rifle dtiaiyt lhrou~hout lhe world e Durable and reliable Oul!itanding! OPE1'1 SllJVD,tl'S -•• for flOUr Shopping Cont1ettle11t!e ••• STARTING NOV. 2 ,-----------------------·-------------------------, Iv"""''""'" !Ao •. ,IO(), )JJ .4))0 "_,GI ).Jtll -11M:1t I'll J .. 1)1 fCW'O"• (0 1·1 lfS, NA f.J1•1, 'IV .. WJI ""o WI 1·•161 10\tTM CO•ll l'UU Sl().)l)) I ·-, .... l io ~' c.tioe1 .. , 04 1-100,, a 4.~11 oT>Ol'rl: • '°"',... • '"' ) -·.,... l 1 7.3111 '°'"~""' s•1.1,11 I I t°""u:o•~Nt ,.1,11, Mt 1.,,,1 M01i.....oc. "'° '·'''' o u041 611.noo ~·" ~NC.i t.u 8011 "'"'1" ro J.1•a1. nl-21JO I t0VH4 Jfodo.!11 ~,_ 01 1·1111 PMA_,, 691.)111, )Jt,lJtf se~ ,,.8 ""'1• ~ lX •. 671 1 \f(O.......,. '1. f.l tll ,________________________ cu ____________________ , ''Sarlda,lion ,GuaroatHd or Your Mont)' laW" ... -a-~ Sbop 6 Niullb Monday Uvouuh Soturdoy 9:30 A.M. to 9;30 P.M. •--'"'_,,.,. ______ aw ""-·--4 0'4 WW ... --"4-;q--4 4 4 44 ... 4'4_\_ ·-4 4 4 •""'"'""°'°' 4 ¥04'4'4 4•4 ·-~---·••·--• ~ -· • ~-.. ''"' • • •·• •···-------•----~-•. -• • '" -"-~-- Boswell Praises Colo11y By JO EL SCHWARZ Of 1M o.au, ,.1 .. 1 11111 Taking a pa,g;e out of the Clare VanHoorebeke handbook of foot b a 11 psyc hological \\'arfare this w et k i~ \\'cslminster CO<ich B i I l Boowetl. l\'ho is preparing his team for the Colony Friday night at Anaheim's La Palma Stadium. For years, Van has been do.,.,·ngrading his .I\ n a he i m po1\•erhousei; "'hile building up lhe opposition far beyond il5 capabilities. \\'hilt \\'estn1 inster certainly isn't a powerhou se ap- proaching last year's CIF quarterfinalisl squad, t he Lions are a solid club . But Boswell is laking a low-key , approach concerning his team this week. •·oo you ha ve any injuries";'' he \\"as asked . "'Ve don·t hit h;ird enou gh to get hu rt." he replied \n a fashion matching VanHoore- beke, As for Anaheim , Bos .... ·ell figures he 's got his hands full. "Their defense is smaller than the.y have had in the past, but they are very quick. And quickness is the key to their defense." he says. "As for Anaheim's offense, \\'e can't afford lo key on t":ither George Fraser or Tirn Thorne. Either one or thcnt ~an break free anytime. Thorne takes care of the mid· dlt for them y,•h1lc Fraser handles the outside. Their run- ning along 11'ith Frascr"s pass- ing ability is r· ea 11 .v i;omcthing," he say~. As for 11is own team, Bosv:ell is troubled b.1• the air lanes both offensively and defensively. "We've been ha\•ing all 'kinds of trouble with our pas~ ing game . If we coold pass half as v.·ell as we do in prac- tice. v.·e'd be 1\11 righL •·our re t e ivrr·~ ~nd CJ Uartcrback Eddir Bane jusl ha\·en·t goHen rogc1hcr. ''Banc is fairly short •j.91 And against Ne11'porl , th eir drFensive ends caused us a lot nf problems \\'ith 1heir he1ghl along with a good pass ru sh."'. ~ensively, Bo s we 11 ,,, ,tOJng v.-ith two sophomore~ .And one inexperienced senior in his secondary and the Lion! ha ve bten bu rned by the p.is~. lio1revcr, lhe Lion bos~ i.~ pleased with the runnin~ thilt John Bai;;e and r-.lonte Down- ing havt done in the first f1\e games. "\\'e·re happy with the way they done so fii.r, particularly i;inct. it's a first -year eUort £or both boys." That first year effort h;:i~ netted Downing 2~:i yards and Baizt another 241. Roth are ~moog the area·'.! JO b t s l 1round g;,iiner~. Charger s Hohbli11g This Weel{ ' - DAILY PIL01 J9 Ira Mate1• Dei Cla•h LEVEL YOUR SWING ON LONG IRON SHOTS ' A key to solid shots with th• - lo ng 1rons-l , 2 and 3-is to level o ut the bottom o f your swing 1rrc. The more \e 11 1I th+s arc-the longer it moves paral- ,W ar1~ior Fears Grou11dless I ~~ars of , coach To rn Christopher thal his 1CJ1n n"l,igh1 suffer a no 1 h e r hum llia\.ing defeat \111s v.crk are apparently grou1ll.lle.~s. right now,'' \\'oods says, "I ~1t1v Pius X play Bishop Amat last week. lough ti1n t grtting read.1· ror New Car Show lel with the aroun d-the bette r will bt your c hances to make 0 solid c.onlact. With these shallow-faced c.lubs, avoi d an upright swing such as yo u might make with a pitchi ng wedge or 9-i ron. Such ·~ I I The Pius X coach y,·Jll sc·nd his charges against Mater Dri Ftiday night in an Angelus League encounter on th e \V11r- rior gridiron but ~lunartll coa ch Bob \\'ood~ i:sn'I pla n- ning a blitz and doesn't l1gure to run up a score. "'Ir runnin g 11p seurrs 1~ v.ha l n1a kes the rating!\ In high school football. lhry ooghl lo do aw ay with them "The Warrior s lost 80-9 ancl Bishop A1n<1t didn't pull i!<> fir st tea~ all nighl. I don 't bt'lir\le in this type of fool· ball." Christopher l erm~ it •·class"' 11nd says the Mater Dc1 tca111 1s a more ~ound tunc!amental ball club . with class. \VOods 1sn·t kt0k1ng at pa~! f)er!onnH.1ces 111 prepar111g for the gamt' ··This IS the ktnd or ga n1r> the kids thern!tf'l vrs ha ve a 1 a•! vrar Pius X "~' 0-~ wheu 11 e 1net thern and they ga,·e u~ a rough t11nc 11nl!I the l111al l frw minl1 !es. I just hope 11•r can wl11." \Vooc!s is in1pressed wllh !ht' \\'arrior quarterback, 0<1vc Koos. "Hr i~ a goot1 passer anrt 1~ a lettc!'man frorn la ~! year " :\later l>r i \\'111 be al fu ll s!rength lor the league oull11g 1r1th quarterb<1ck B ob Haupert and halfback 1\lark nunn re.ady to roll. Ov•r ~O of •h• l1te•I mo.d,I, lll'd••' on+ <DOf •I H~nlonQlon Cont o<• ••• <<~d ,1,onod moll lh<u Ocl le1ch J f.dj~91 r o! tho Son D·•'lo l ro+-•Y· • DAILY 10 -10 SUNDAY 10 · 7 Costa Mesa Store Only! -~.)--- a swing will brin g the clu bhe11d down to the ball o n too steep a path and the c lub wil l d ig, too d eep ly 1nlo lhe g round (il- lustra \1on I J ). The best way to achieve a level clubhead path (i\lustrat1on 12) is lo shi1 t your weight smoo!hly to your r ight 1oot on your backsw1n g a nd your left on your downswing. all lhewh1le keeping you r left a rm fully •~· te nded 1nro a wide swin g arc. (!:, I!:; lH' t./Al1.. I"-. ¥. Li11d Meet . -·; Ao .. ,.,..'"' l .S. ••••o• C•~•-•-0... • .., I'-"' Co•"•• c-•• Wilke11s, Secicliff For Title SPECIALS FOR THURS .• FRI., SAT., SUN., OCT. 23, 24, 25, 26 ONLY! Daryl \Vilkens and Robert Lind will meet in the men's club ehampionship at Hun- tington SeacliJf S a t u rd a .v . Finals in five of sill nights wil l iake place at the ,<;ame tin1c . Sid Harnesk won lhe E 1'1igi1t title. \\'inners in the \vce\..ly women '! l'.:lub low net toorn;i- n1enl included the [!:ll!owlnJ!: Polly Broning , J11nr Fittin . Olit M<>rgan, Bess Peterson, Cu ba LB Pah1t Blacl{, Blt1e ~\o,·in g linemen to b<iekflcld positions ls gelling to be routin e with Laguna Beach coach Hal Akins and this week . Curl, Rosemary .l::rieks'ln ard i t.:ay Durham. , ~ Sn11 Cle1t1eute ' El Niguel Country Club's 1 lwo a~sistan1 protess1onals ran : away fron1 the field in a pro·,, an1 event a1 San (;lcn1c1 1t(' , Coif Club 1hal sciw 7 0 ' ' i;0t1thland Learns ton1relin~. [< Rick Dive! with a 5-under-1· p:ir ti7 11·as low pro and h1sl ' Laguna Niguel cohort, Bflrry : ~tc.Donnell, was second wi1h a : fi8. Their combined best ball orl fi2 wa~ 10 strokes better !hall .' par and w:in lhe pro-pro por- tion or the tourney. • :'llt Donnc ll and l1 i'l a1naleur partner. Don I::1r.:helbcrgc[ ol '· San Clem ente, nelled a 60 to y,·in 1he pro-am event. Divel _" and his San Clementr partner, .John ~·lclntyre, posted a 62 for l' ~econd . ' Model #25 "GLENFIELD" 22 CAL. RIFLE PLUS 4115 TELESCOPIC SIGHT R Shot. clip· bolt action l1 ifle . Si1nilar lo llluslr;.l tlon. 22 Cal. Long Rill• Amm o Box of 50 ... ·. ' • --rt" $25~~ 63' ' . Sl 2.t2 ·' .. ' ;: v.·ill be no exception. • 1'he Artists are down lo 26 pla yers as they prepare for .l Crestiview League encountrr "'i!h Orange Saturday nigh! ;H El r.·loclena High School. !ihorel'llif• I ~ Steve Palmer, a made-over guard y,•ho opened at ha lfback last week, ili oul v•i1h 11 nerk injury and fullba ck Scott Allen has a muscle pull in his leg and may not be able to p!ay. H Allen is oul of action. Akins will move another guard to the backfield. Hal Proppe. l\n offensive starter, h;is been l\'orking there th is wee\... Stevf' \\'ood y,•ill lakr O\ rr for Palmer at 1ht. ha!fba<·lii. posl Akin~ i.~ impres~ed "ilk quarterback ~l i ke Churchy,·ard of Orange. "He l'i'as • hallbaek ta!Sl vea r and ht run_~ thr rollotlt play ,·ery ,v eil. Thr1r t;nlback 1s also an oul st anding runner on pO\\'er p I a y 5 . Orangr ls dcf1n1tcly ., 111nn1ng team ."' In thcc\..i ng bac\.. lo lh t Tu stin encounter. hc :-;a~~· "If \\·e hadn 't fumbled as m11t•h anrl dropped a pass Jn a l.:ey ~iluation, we could ha1·r \\·0 11 that one . 1 really feel !:orry tor thr kid.~." ' A rour-man El Niguel Co t1n-1 Ir\/ Cluh tr.<1n1 swrpl honors 1n ., !h0 t l>C't'IH1d 8111111.-11 !>OUthrrn ' '( Ora ngr Co unty <·ham1>1nn golf tournarnenl p I a y , d 11 ! • Shorcclifl ;; and Laguna Niguel lh l·ourse.~. ~ 1·eam.~ wert> c::o1npo~ed of jt_ 1·lub champion~ and run-ri; ncrsup, along \'lith two other ·-. players in • h1,o-day. 36 holcl: K mart ri~~~· winninl! El Niguel tea1n 1 BOWLING BALL {"011SlStcd of Ken l\rcibcl and negular Sl l.96 8 7 .!1111 Gaun1er 11ho pl<1yed al 4 scrat ch and or. Ra v llrn-i Professionally fitted cierson and Chuc~ Osborne and drilled . • pl~yinf? at hand1l'ap. Th_:•~I' Ball C•rrying Bag . . , .. , ........ S2.99 '· 111nn1ng learn 11C'Or'e was :;a.:;I, · <. SI rokes. ,,.,, __ ......,._ .. "l('v '._._.-""fttTO-._...,..,..l"\SC ·lilf'I"""""-'"-._ "'. ~ ,,.. "l> ---.~.~ A SaJ'I Clemenlt q1111rlr l ot .11111 ~·l o<:.~. Dan B;irril t . ,)(llin!"""" ...... -',.,4 ··"""""''""'~.-· ,,.~.,~"·l'io -· · Sevt'rson and :'l·likt> AbboH ' f1n1~hed sei·o11d with tiOO . I · Rrpre~cnl111,I! ,\!1so:1v:l \'1r1t1 \1rrl' Aob :'ll1n1rr . P h 1 l l~o . .;eher ry. ,Jf'rry \\'hite and · .John \lihitt Sf19reC'l11 1~· lef!1n • 11·<1s compn~ed nl Tn1n ()]l"r, .I in1 \\'i\son. Harold "'JI son and Gene Bu tler. Cau1ner v:on low ;:r110,:i 1111h ; ~ 146 and Dr. Hender:.J11 v.0111 low nc1 wi1h a l~I. 1 Quality T adrle For n... .. ...... _ .. _...,_ .. r HI BASE PLASTIC SHOTGUN SHELLS Regular $J.4J :i.!odrl =r·121 l lPl!i4 l.'203 \\'hile Qu;intil1cs Last '. J2-lti-20 (;auge HOPPES SHOTGUN CLEANING KIT -.-....... . ' .. ., .. -. ' - -....----·~-··- ' . .. __ -·-"' ,._, · .... -··"·"" 4 Power Buslinell SCOPE •fW. SZZ.,1 '14.78 { :'llorl<'I s1;<1l : 11:£6. s2.t• '1.67. r J-"<•r All ! ;11 11~,.~ I , -· """' ......... .-.. .... . ' , . .............. I'!" I 01· ('1· ... ~hal!'. , i j I ~ ii ,. ~ I • ."i. grim deterinin;:ition ,;rip.~ tt11~ Ed i30n 1-t 1gh School foot- bal! team ;t.~ th~ l1r~t-yc11 r Charger~ glrrl for ~l <1'.!,nol1a H i g h · s 1 n \' a s in n o f';=======================;I Y-F""'-- ·~z:::. -3Reg4. $53.47 \Vestmin stcr High Salurday nighl in 1n lrvint League cn- t.'0\1nter. Edison. wit h sr.veral pla yers on the hobbled list. 1~ 1 fivt - po1nl underdog 10 1i1t Sen- tinels. J Coach Bill Va il·~ outf1l \\·as hit hard when il "·as learned that st arting tack!t ~1 1kc Balda \\"as out for lhe season "'ith mooonuclcos1s, Tackle Bob Casu m i~ out of !ht game with a frac lured ahoulder. l Others on !ht w " 1 k i n g wound t.d list. bul expected Lo play, are Lackie Cr a i g1 Mortenson (.~prainerl wri~t),1 auard Mark Ocf·lufr \hip pointer) and defensive ba ck1 Lyle Raymond ( m 11 ' c I e spasm ). I Added to the Chargers" woes /5 tht ine1perienced defense. 1 Six starters are 1ophomort.~.' ''MtiflOlia's offense i~ a lot like Hun tington Stach with JI 1ood sprint out quartcrbaclc , ''Wt d1dn"l contain Garlh Wis~ (Hun tington) very we ll' but ht has lhc ta lent t<l make you look prelly b~d ," says Va il. I GOLF CLUB SALE -1969 MODELS- Ah1111h1u111 •r St~. Stiff. • .. ut9f •r l•fr Pl•1•. l••t. •••wl•r •' Sii•" Shsfts. Woods and lrans Tony Lema Ken Venturi SpaldinCJ Arnold Palmer Re<J. -S285---285 285 285 Sale --~-$155 -185 - 195 First Ri9ht 295 225 ---Golden Ram 285 175 ----Tommy Bolt 175 75 ~~-'-~-~---'-~~-'--Ladies Aluminum 185 84 ••If 1 .. 1. l•tlin l t•11I• Sh•" JS•;. •If. w, fl11•11c• ., l•11li.- A111eri&4'4, M•rt9r Cit•"•· c;, •• , la1•M Tll•rMw.,..,' A.Ill. Sl .II Jwh1 H•w SKIP MAY'S Cost• Mei• Golf Rtnge 1717 Newport Blvd. 545.9993 In Or1nge County Fairgrounds ... " h11h11•"9• Sid, M•y Clnt "A" rr•f-1,11.i SKIP MAY 'S Newparttr Golf Course 1117 J•mborH Rd. N•wport Be•th 644·9'110 Eriison'.s ltading ball carrier At the Newporter Inn -A Par 3 Cour ie I~ Ken ~loxley, who's nishl!'rl SI .SO Green Fee -$1 .00 With Thi• Ad fnr 467 yards 1n'1 JI 5.5 (expire• Nov. 30th) 1 1 er age. •1r.·~ 8cored 52 points ''-----------------------· 1~ \~ ' ' ! ·, ., ...... ....,._ • "*'ctfet: '""' ...... -....... . CHARGE IT ot K-~IART! 3 lb. SLEEPING BAG , Reg. $13 .94 9.27 4 lb. Sleeping Bag ·-· -.. Aluminum Frame I. TENNIS RACKET 13.88 llfGUlAll: SZl.7' .. Th• lll()S~ 1'9/lUlar ~tyl('" Qll Ill"" " 1·n11r1~. .. ·" --· Dacron 88 by DuPont , •i jl • ' ' ' ,. ' , • WILSON CHAMPIONSHIP TENNIS BALLS lfG. Sl.4• -, .. - 1.76 ~ .• ~ ...... v ., --------·--PING PONG TABLE 22.00 IOCUWAT WITH ll:Olllll:S r, .. 11;uh1lion sire \V 1 l h ~•urd>' nirtal Ir<;::~ 4!"""·~ ,. 11•1>11••1•""! . " t "••· ~ S4.t4 T•blt T•nnis Set ······ ......... $3.97 .... SI 1.41 ' $13.97 ~ .. ~ -... ''"''"' CHARGEr IT K-MART: nt GUN CASE Reg. $3.83 • 2.27 ~ • t \·1nyl f"a sc. 1:1anne l lined. Lengths f from 40" to 52' '. . '· 110 LB. IRON BAR BELL SET ' $~:.~~ 11.96 I ~-Con1plete \\ ith bar. \veights, dumb ~ bell s. collars & instructions. (Simi- l<1r to illustration) Gym B•r, ... , ... _ l ..... --•I-.,,.,-.., _ _,,, __ 2200 HARBOR BLVD. Corn<'r of Wil<on and Harbor COST A MES ................................................................................................................................................................................ ~ ........... -------~_.._ ... ~ . 0.lll't l'ILOT WHAT'S IN- OUTDOORS? By JACK ANTHONY The quail popu la1ion. helped by ideal condilJons dur- in g the hatching season. ,,·ill produc:e so n1e ~xcelleot hunting for Orange County l>Calter-gun ners this \\'eek· <'Eld. There is a lot of open land in Riversi de and San t;rrnard ino counties for unattached hunters. And ac- (·ord1ni::: to gan1e \rardens, prospects are better than 1hey have been in fiv e years for a good ?'P~ner. In Or_ange t '0t1ntv rnost of the hunting '''ill be hm1ted to priva te Jan<I . ·but thr Cleveland Na tional Forest is open and there arr pl<'nl \' uf birds in the area. Due to 1he.l11gh fi re hazard. 1l \\'ould be ad visable fflr n1oli·t hunters going into the national forests to check .,., ith 1·;_111ger~ for possible closures. . . Statr-\1'1de the report;; look favorable. This \Vrtter 1n;idc a 2.000 n1i\e trip tol'er1ng the sti'lte last \1·eekend. .\nd after thctk1ng: 11·it h r anchers and g~111e '"ardens 1he outlook is very good .. '\ ~11011· and rain storn~. ac- <.:Oin pan ied by freezi ng trinperatures. 1n parl_s of Nor.th~ em Californ ia could scatter the quail, making hunting a little more diific·ul!. COMBINATION HUNTING NOW Jf you h11 \'e been holding off that hunting trip for one rea1on or another, now is th• tim• to go. A trip to any of the state's popular hunting areas, could reward hunt•rs with • mixed bag of quail, duck, chukar, and dHr. All these s•asons are open now, and • hunter ,pending• weekend in the field around the High Sierras e ither east or west side, could find excellent hunting for .. n this go1m•. DUCK HUNTING GOOD . .\fter an e xcellent duck opener. for \1'hi ch n1o st hunters found the finesl shootin~ in years, Southern California nimrods can expect similar conditions this c·omin.i: \\"ee kend. The bird popl1lation is building daily in all areas. of f;alifornia a s cold northern temperatures are forcing e..xccll cnl duck and goose populations south for the v. in ter. Popular areas such a s Gilbreath Bros. Du ck ('lu b near \\'asco, !r1·i ne Lake. the \\'i~"te r Arca on the Salton Se<1. and t he other state and federal \\ lldlife refuges in lhe ~i ate are all holding large numbers of bird;;. . . Sprig. teal. \\"id geon and n1allard .~ are pro\ 1d1ng duLk hunters \\'ilh excellent shooting: furrently. But as the season progresses. geese. canvasbacks I check Y.1alerfowl regulations). redhea ds and other larg- e r ducks '"ill be ta ki ng over the .spotlight as large!.~. CdM ANGLER LANDS BIG MARLIN Hel•n Smith of Balboa Angling Club reports the marlin picture is still bright, .and wo1s highlight.ct thi1 w•ek by a giant 261 -pound fish caught by Dan Rog•rs of Coron• del Mar off long Point. Rogers wo1s fishing o1board the "el Prof•ssor " skipper.ct by Jim Donley of Newport Beach when h• hung the spii<•bill on 30-pound tackle using " li\'e spanish macker•I for bo1it. It took Rogers 21/1 hours to land the fi sh. Mr1. Smith says 219 marlin and ll broadbill ha"• been weighed into the club lo d ate. The we•kend forecast calls for anglers to look fo r fish nea r the "slid e" ""d to work are.ts towards the west end of Catalina Island. Al Ale xander of Costa Me sa was fis hing off the "slide" this pa st weekend and had• blind jig strike but failed to boat the fi1h. Ale xander said that there wer• a lot of fish up on the west end of the It land, but that mo~! of the fish wer• taken off th• east end. COOL WEATHER FAILS TO HUR T FISHERMEN The 1nanagers of our local 1 nl ~111d takes report that fis hing for trout. bass. crappie. blueg:i! and catfish 1.;;; .i::ood. The cool n1orn1n~ 1rn1pcral11rcs seem lo be mak- ing lhe fi sh feed bcttrr and lnngcr lhroughout the da.v. Len J)u f)ui s, of \"ail Lakt' 1nfor1ns th at anglers ::i re sconng 011 crappie , hJ.-...' and !Jlueg11. l\lost of \he t 1 ~herml'n arc f1nd 111g ·!ln1<' to l'<tl ch ;ill the ~pec1 e~ tound 1n the lake in one d a1··.~ !1.~h1n ~. Over the pa ~l \1 Cekend, f'h~r!r ~ l_.rederick and h i<; d aughter frorn Santa \na t aught .\0 crappie to J•:.i pounds using yellO\\' go-~cltrr~. and ri~hing nrar the J.:i land . Earl i\lathc\1 ' of S:111t;1 <\11,1 u-.ed a "ba ~trap" lt) b<i g: a !imil or I.in ,~ tn ~ po1111dJ> ti.-.hing the north :-1dc o! the dam. In ge11cra l t il e f1 ~ln11 ~ ;ind the \veati1Pr 1~ .~oo(l .Jack l·"ord 111;.1 11;1;.:rr of Lakr l!c11·ha11· in Szi11 lJ1 el!u County. report.~ rlt at 11 .-..h 1n~ ::ind d11 ck hl1n11n g J.; fo~ir . t;ood nun11Jcr ~ 11 f b .+~~ ;ind ( .tltl..,h In ... 1x pound ~ ~1rr ))(·· 1ng 11·e1xhrd 111 ::ind 'lhr rl 11l·k h11nter , arr f1nd1ng fair :;hooting for n11 xrd d ue ~, nn t hr l.11\r . Tony Garnier nf Co,111 .\[e ~.1 huntrd llir ·IH1rr \i 11r 4,f llrnsha\\· Qn oprn1n!! 1nurn111i.: <ind n1<1 ndgC"d In ha_g ;i near lin1d of 1n3ltard, FISHING DERBY SET FOR SUNDAY San Clemente Sporttishing , Art', Landing and Da..,e y'1 Locker will C.C>-$ponsor • fi1h ing derby for the benefit of the Orange County A11ociation for R.etarded Children. Boals w ill depart th• three la ndings al 'a.m ., T o1b is SJO and it will go to charily. Weigh-in wil l be at J p.m, with the lop prize of a $100 U.S. S.t..,ing Bond. NEWPORT BASS HITTING PLUGS {;eorge Lobaugh of l\'e,rporL Beach report ~ that bav a nd sand bass are h11t1ng deep r11nning plugs Lrolled through the channrl:; ol :\e\\·part Harbor. Sn1 1th\.,.1ck 's. l!cddon Tadpoles and llrllbcnder!'. al l 111 green pat· lerns. produced a tine lnn11 ol bn ~s to four pou nds for J,obaugh o n ~unday afternoon. '\rt ·.~ Land111:,: ;ind the ){alboa Pa,•111011 ha\·e rental boat~ and Ji\"e bait a\·ailablr for bay f1~hing. SOFT SELL SAM c By Marvin Myers I \~ \y '/ ... ···~ •• 1 ......... , •' "Tel l µ111 J\1f GOT A FORf16i'I 1MPD~T H<1LL FL IP OJ[R.1' Wi ste1· Htu1ti11g Outlool{ F"or lhe rrrnainder of tl1c . 1969·70 "''aterfo\1·1 s1.•a.-..on . hun- ting success on the \\'i ~1er u111t of the Departn1cnt of Fish and "'(:amt·s Imperial \\'ild!ife Arr a near Niland \\'Ill ht-drter1n111- ed largely by the .,.·eathrr. \\'1th a good popula!Lon of 11·a1e rfo11t 111 the Imperial \'allr}'-S<illon Sea ar,.:a, ~flOd ~hooung 1.·an he cxpl·1·ted when '>' 1ndy 11e:i!her keeps the birds fron1 raft ing up on the Sea. Slowl'r hunting can be rx- pN:ted on i'<ilrn shooti n~ d a~.~. The opening-day s h on t Safurday 1,1•as ex('e!lent 1111 1\ 342 hunter~ h;1gging I 4:17 duck:<. three l:f'ese and JS t'OOls fur an <1 1·er<1ge of 4. birds per hunter. F'at pinlai!s (663) and grcrn- .,..,ingcd 1ea l (413 1 n1adc up most of the bag. lluntu1g wa.~ twice ,15 good as IL \\'3~ (111 opening day la~! year when lhe average lake \\l!S 2 7 bird s. Sa!urday·s t'hilly 1r1nd Ril l •' "'·ay 10 bluebird "'·rathrr Sun· day and 257 hunters took 444 \.\'aterfol'.'1 for a J.7 average. \\"ister's quota of 200 hunt r rs al a tin1e ls fi!lf'd bv advance reser1 ii lion for lhi~ · :-;;ittirda ..... Bui rt·.~cr\•at1on t1uldpr~ \1'hn fail to appear 11 111 br r(•placed by Thi' .~i:llr ur l 1r~l -t·11n1 r•, lirst- ~rr\rit pt'rn11 !.~ ;1t !h•• ctrf'a c·heck1ng s\;1l1on. ·111rrt· <irr 'if, 'al·an1·1es ror Sund:11 . Hr•t•r1·at1011 <rpp ll1~l11nns and inforn1:it1011 on hunting thr \\11.~tl'r unit niav bf' obtained wht'rr\·er hLJntirig llt'f'n:<l'.'s arr ~old. 111i·h1ding n10.•t :<porting good 5 ,1orr~. ~:l ,t11.hcrr around Soulhrrn Cal1fnrn1a. Df!; ward r n s rcpOrk'd 1111· following d11ck hu n1u1g re~t11!s rnr thr uix·ninµ 1,1·rrkr11d l'nlorado H11 rr -8!'tlrr 1h:in tltr usu;1I opt:·ning but still 1111 lhr s ln11.· side and probabh 1111! i on1 1nu•' "!ow 11111 11 l:lll'r 1n thr ,,·;1~1111 . R.r~! ht11i:1ng 11 :1. 111 Hard \'rill(') ·s fluo(](·d f1r>ld-. <i1HI 011 n1rr b<iC'kw;;iff'f~ In l ht'i J'H ;1t llfl Jl'I";+ I-' 1 11 11 r \ H a 111 t t l.:tkes l tnprr1;il \ .ill r\' l!unlers. ;11 1•rt1gcd 1110 t urd~ S,1lu rday but IU~I 01 ,., OllP turd <lplC{'(' o ri Sunt1;11 S.il1un Si·a shorrhnt -Ex · pc! 1r111 r d hu ntr r ~ lut•k hm1L~ S;11 111 !1;11 ;i ll ;:+round 1 h c !'nu1i1rr11 r nd nJ lhr Sr:i but ~hn1111n g 11:1-, 'l1J11· nn S\1n{IC1v. .'-',111 D1rgo·~ •\ln1·<'11a <t11il ll.11'1'1·11 l.:tkt''> -Sl ow hulh d.i 1. :0.,1111~ A11.1 n 11 <'r ' luhc; - Q1111·k l nn1 t ~ hur h :--..1r urcJ . ., <ind S11nda~. rno~1lv p1n1 a1I') and 1nallard, An\r1n rr \':tlh·y 1·lub' -1-:x- 1 r'l!r'nl both ;;;;il urda1 and Sun- d.11 . f'1 \lug11 1 lu b< -Quick 1111111~ 4!1 ~prig bot h Sn 111rd (l1 .111.I Su11d .11 f:1;! Ho•;1 r ;ind Ba l<l\1111 LBkr ~ Fr1ll•111 111.Q " l1~h1 ~ll(l ll' F11 1~,11 n1,L lll B11l dw1n 11elrlrr! 1111111 1>1 "'Pl"li.: :ind 111d1.r"n 111 1 !•u,11 11111.J• r• nn '-'.•IU rd.1~ 11 1[/1 '-hurr h11 1111n1' l.11r. B1,i: Br;ir hHn l111~ 11·;1< oril1 !;11 r on Of"'n •111: d.11• ;1111! h"lh l;.il.rc; 11rrr h•11 on S11nr!;11 l)l11•nc; \".ill1•1' ~ ln ~p11r , f, ~11•rr11,1· 11 P:tfll1·r. l1 un11 11~ 11 ,"I ·'11111 nn h1o!h :O.at111•da1· anil 1 St111d,"· 11!th n1 n ~I 11f 1111· :~1;~~~fl f/;11_l1r1t 11P T1nen111 h<i \10110 ::ind 1\1lohr Lal.r~ _ !· ;ur In gMt! 'hnot1ng nn 111n- !.1 d• S:i1urd:t1· hu! !'lo11rr r,n :--.und:l~. Trout PJant ! "1dlo11 111i:. by 1·nunt v. ;irt !he Sou1ht'n1 C:alllorn1a -11·all'I"~ hr111g ~loc ked th1~ \\l'Ck \\'!1h t".'.l1C'hablc-sizr rainbow I rou t· LOS A!'\G!::Ll'.:S -ll lg Rr11:k Creek. Jackson L."'llo.r. l."J:ll Lake. Puddingstone Res1'r1 111r l,'pper Big Tujunga C'rcrlo.. RIVERSIDE -F 11 l 01 or 1.ake, Heme! La kr S<\N BEHJ\"ARPl;\"I) -\r 111111\r,id Lnkr . Big Bt'ar 1 •. 1h1' l "ulo rado lln·er al '.\'rctlh·'· Cregory Lake. SAN DIEGO -Doane L.11.r San Luis Rey Ril'rr SAi\"TA BARB AR ·\ f achuma Lakr tsloc ked by coonly this '~1eek 1. CaJcn<la r '•••IV •0011>•tl -M•"' o,; •' " , .., V.'••l"ll~lt..-ti ••1~••m '''" ' •' •""""~ v,.11>. 1•"1• •n• v • .,., , • """'"'" l'o+I•• or ttv~t.~o•o" B••'• 'oc!~1U0 •• S•• Clf<r•"'" t.;•n ··• "4•bo• "' M8r,n• •• \\ •\h""'""lr I o•!• ~··••• "'' Co•on• G•I Mor •' N•woll'T Harb>r !1'1 •!In ,., l C•t'I covnt,.... -N•,.o<"•I "••!Y• o' ~· od•o, Wr1!.,.•"\i.1 .i .0."•"' , ~·o'•t 0 •1 or '"~' "' !•" 01 l I). O·o~o• Cco\I •"<I (.;·•~·· V "" •• '•" ~•< •••ll•t """'· vir·~· V• •• •' ~"" C>l•tl"' Cb(ll~ .O! j lOI IYO'ff POIO -S~~·· ""' •' (l '·o• r ""''· !l!•o ><o...tn n r.·ie•n "''" l•c;SD 1• U(l tort or l )01, N•.,oe•t >'••Do!• "' 'ull"''""' f•!lnrl• ~· l nno•• w.,,,,.1,.,1., •' r oct~O' I ••vno l!ifot~ 1! ~O<Jf\111" V1•1t• (1H a1 l 1H. NIFTY MARLIN CATCH -\Vestminster mayor Der ek l\l c\\'h1~----11h1lc f1 .~t11ng 1or 1he Sau JJu,,i.:o .\l.1rl111 club'rii"Ti recent Jlt'\' (left ). l·lenry !'luck (Sl•tond from left \. skipper ('harlle l)a\·io; i11e n1. ·rhc1r c l11 b \\On the e1•cn1 in th e 1nrn·;; di\'1s1on. :in(! i{Jlrh 1·1ock 1 ri ght) ~ho11· off thr marlin they t·auj!hl rrcC'ntly f WH ITE WALL$ AS l0\"1 AS • •, ~ ! -; • 1 J FREE ALIGNMENT 19.95 VALU ~I v1 ith Purchase o f i \VO Vi res We se t c.a~re r, camber, toe-in and toe-out. Cli p Th ese Valuable Covpons. Call for Appointment Now, Avoi d Waiting! I . -,. I I $ OH PURCHASE OF 4 SHOCK ABSORBERS 1 I I I I I ; ~ t~upa11 [Jplr1s rridly Otl 31, 1969 ~: :k% -=11~1 :~! -----------·-="="-----... r;- 1 •• I I BRAKE 1 ADJUSTMENT :~ & I I I REPACK FRONT l WHEll BEARING I I I ~I 1~ ~ 1r§ ""' I ~ CgllP"' l~ rntrJOtl 3!, 1969 :;':-:1 ·~ ~· ·~ ~· ·~~1\1~'\\\~~ ~------------=------- , ,,. I I I I I I I 5 TIRE ROTATION I I I I c CGupon [1pire~ Fri:l~J !kl 31, 1S69 ·~\)l\l~ ~--------- COSTA MESA \~J ESTMl NSTER JONES TIRE SERVICE 2049 HARBOR BLVD. !At Bayl Phone 54 0-4 34 3 or 646.442 1 p.m. e Sat. 'ti l .S p.m. ALL MAJ OR CREDIT CARDS AC CEPTED L. J. LITTLE'S Big 0 Tire 7352 WESTMINSTER AVE. Ph one 89 3-5572 DAILY 8 1.m. -7 p.m. e Sat. 'ti! 5 p .m. ' TUt ·=·•· ., es Collir Cll1r' ... u "n * COi ~ l •• ·-'lflY" "'"" '"'. Mei:~ Cahlt ••M CJ• ID r m• l17J ( IE I ,_ Qt[ Ill I QI I ...... CJI ... Mite! m1 Ii• @ ( a:n •«• rr6'1 D~ta '"' Wllh "Bil ~I 11) 1 ID ' ,.~ Iii ' IDI m1 Ill' ljl llJ. <If, "" .., C!l 7:l08 "" dM • • ~IN"' ~,. ~c•i rh1l1 ... ... •• 0 ""' I rat ... '"" .. ~ 2. ... '" ~"' •• m m • I ... ... • ••• <lir ... •• o I ... • .... •Sn *Ml le 0 . "' ... [ - --... ~ ·------.... --· ~ -...... ~-.~ ...... ---~--.... -~ .. ·-~·-.---~-.-~--....... - -·---. --------~-·-----. -- TUMILEWEEDS ly Tom K. Ryan tol'.l O?URSE IN HORSE STEALIN& WOULP LlE COMP!..ETE WrTllOUT A UJSlY RENOITION OF THE OPE 10 OUR NATIONAL ~SilME! . .ALL IOOETl-IER NOv,i 6AN6! . .A-ONE·m' A·TWO·#J'·A- '!'AKE ME oorw THE Cal·RAL ! TAKE ME OUT WITH 111E NAGS! LEN' ME YER. A:l!'E'N'YER HAVER5ACK1 IF YER LOO<VVOOMIGHTGET'EM !Wl<! 0, WEU RW)ISfTJON THEM PINTOS, SiJ,1E 11RONC5 WfilSTfALJlllD' CLAIM! Fffi O'S Fl.OU SWl'E.! RlJSllE LIKE MAD! THAT'S 111E O!! HORSE GAME! ,.., J fl I I' •J T11URSSfl.i OCTOBER 23 l :Oll B 111 N ... ((.) (&o) .ltrry D'<!npilJ 8 @!;) H1tt11!tt·lrinldtf (C) ('iO) 9 st.. lllfll Slllw (C) (90) J«ry Collin'l. Btll1nd 1nd SomtNiH1. Ch•rln fihlsu llt~ly, Norl!'Mln W14. dom ind 8111 Mor1i!.On Cuts!:. D "THE YOUNG LAND " * COLOR! PAT WAYNE & YVONNE CRAIG I G Six O'a.d: Mevit: (C) "1'\1 1 V111111 L1t1d'' (we~trll) '53 -f'1t W1yn1, Din O'Htrhl",y, 'r'l'OMt Cr1i1, Otn11IJ HoPPflr. In 18(&, 1 rtcl-1 lt:n &llftm1n ~1111 • wt'l!·born youn1 M11 itiU\, i nd. lor the first time in C11iforn1i ~isiory, '" Ameriu n llt'"'5 trill 1111 k1!lin1 1 ~1iicaft. a Did "'" o,lt• (30) m ,.,.. P'leu <Joi tD SW Trt* (C) 160) fill (]) MK1 Dtui111 (CJ (~ fE WW'1 NW? (30) ~c.oi n1 I~ !ht. Econlllll)' '' I IS 00 CIS 111., (C) (30) fl),,..,. M '"'o~ (30) (I..,_ (C) (00) l1ct H1cktf. L-t1 D IJllC ~ (C) i60, Cl Tiit '•• '-• (t) (30) G11t:lh 1r1 Donni le1n You111. kMy M1tchtU r11d N1~cy ~ul p. I m Te Tiil tilt T1•ttt IC) (30) .,.,.. cold, II;!( can't P09ZP0ne 1n 011tdoor 111dillon fOI' 1n 111t1·l1111i1e commercial bltliiM the , .. itl4 ,....,. llu 1111 .... 1119 c:oW 1ff1cb ~ .. •1s Ind, 111'19'1e 19 N1r tuts. "'' llUMI 1 1'111nbln ti 1 filllllll com-cit! 1odition. mo.-••..,~ 13~ fa SW M"'.t s,__, (JO) fill Wullitlfh1 WIM Ill llWin (C) (30) &I flicllltll (C) (JO) l:ltB@Ct)IDlr•• (t) <&ol ·t-Mr Enemy." U.S. olflcilll ~'IC'liltin1 1tlt1se tf priSOMn !rom Rid Cllilt• I JI aoetllld ol mufderin1 lllt d'lilf ., h Colllm1t- 111st •lecatioft. l"hilil All", '''"" Sh!pta, llhi(l'I Di'titlll •1'111 JefTrlJ ly~ sunt l :DO 8 hcitll IC> C901 0@(])0>~ CC) {30) ''Jr11rr!ln1 S.m1nth1'1 N,. 11111: All th• 1rlfldper111t1 ... ,. top Ml· 11~1 iii " .. b1by'1 ftlmt. m DlvW f1.t (C) (90) lnvllltllr Ji m Moun. ec:tor Ooual11 f1 irNnb Jr~ Kklt·di.r9ctof OM llffil. Clllllic Sco1r Mitdl!ll. Hi1•i111 Ill ..... D&io .l.l1bl •lid Ii"'" ...,. Kini ..... mT'it llf Yllltr IC) tiO) g SttUrW nem (60) f1n NCT ,,.,..._ (90) ""IM little at Cullodtn " 1'1ttr W10iJ11' noon· stnictian or lhe lei!: btttl1 klu1h1 on lnti1~ s:i+I. UI MBca J lltr9'lt1 (C) (30) t, • ID CONNIE STEVENS *DEAN JONES "2 ON A GUILLOTINE" CBS THURSDAY MOVIE &I l'•.-=tM (30) (R) I • a ([j CIS Tllu""" Mwil: (C) "Tn u 1 '•ilMtiu"' hut· @ 11) ....,.,_.IMlt! (C) ~30) P•~•) ·65--<onnit Stmnr. 0.111 SI PllJtnl IN lllibr <30) ~,,, Jo11n. CciMr Rof!I"'· Ste!J 1f 1 Miiie Oitfiailt 1o1o.-A IC IO "" in I 11111ki•• "'*' •iW flQUiru ttt.lt ~rNsed cM11p.lo1ty is in•lyttd, ,,,. 1 his d1u1M• ,....S -• tOllStc:a· 1>~11il'ino( both 11olt comp11hen1 ion l•v• Nll!ll ill ~ l1t~lf'1 nril ind hncw1n1-Prt11r1rn con~lu•t~ (1dle 111 ordotf to 11«r.t llii 11'tlr1 "1\h I ptrfOlfftlnu of S. L W111s"1 .,tilt . "lltllet," Q (i7J (]) Q) T• JMee (C) (6()) ~I]) l\t Mi.t.n (lO) kow ftlici.lria. Miry HO(l'-1", Shel· 1., ........ ti> ..... .J4 (C) («!) • bltsm•s (30) m-ICJ '"I , •• en 1...-, ""'<CJ (lO)i :'!!.~.(l)~~r.!.-~ .,.... OtMltf. ""' -._ net .... ' .... ~ ..... "'-ffll""' Cl..,, .., LW (C) fJ&) to I ;..ior ~iP tdDI t"4I I llip-m I IMI l-r (J'Ol 1Ht'1 ,.._ m ..... Oedi 1t1 oOl a"-f'C> (JO) 1H 1111.,.11. t f1)C-MllQ'/Stld ••rt (lO) I .... kW, ....... (C) (30) . ........... ,60) Q}@ Tlrit A.nu1 West (C) \l0)1 el Mllial o..rt (lO) f11AW1! (:lO) llO:OOll@ (l)IDDM• lilwti• ('C) lff, CIJ Trwtll If C.11~qu1n«1 ((:)11 (60) Ciro! Clll1111in1. Wattu lun- ()0~ n111. 'tietOI' Bolfll i nd D'OPll Dt ~ T'" Mtwit.re (C) \lO) Luitt 1uut. am""' (C) troi 7:lfl89())f111ty An11r (C°I 130) Jody i,s ICClllld "' lli!'••in1 1 •1n' d09 ill ltis ~hoof• tlitlt 1i1 111d l " MPt"clld •htn Unc-lt 8111-41· ~Mlle .1o4y is 1n111:icu1t--n u•1h ll'ft Pf•MllH lft' 11!ost~ to p1y "m ' Alf!.. Bill COM>dtu w n,in1 lh1 th1ldrt11 '~ ' on~at• •the>ol, i nd "111"!5 eomt ~·-•rv mQtJilltt. Ht it Is Jody wtw:t '"'"'"' I~• ul•1 ml'!• Mei"°~· o mi oo m" , .... • "*' tt• (60) "floftfl f10111 AJ1Un6er.'" "J,11114• MulMly htlpl SIA coun.r Lorrie 18111111 OI 1 ~ wl'lll• po~lll "' IMl!llf tllll'llJ lftntL Sflllt ...... '"" lllipl P'1trict r u•sl ;,, 1t1t0ff fl'l!ned rt l'Ol1I lrm!1, !Illy. 0 hll• ft) (60! "'111111' 'l'Y9)d. M~ty S.. letty W11Ur l\IQI. m ""'1 111-(60) O!I Tiit ,..._.. !Cl («!) "'Srotil• O@ [•l m O•ft.-1 ·-t't) Conlf'I• l!IQl./lrt I Complt\1 "'"h· 160) "Tht Printin1 l"rN '" 8e<iiltn•~ ~rl•tl ,_ 'lltt'flllun 'Krthi-0"1 Fr1"knn. 1idi!d b¥ 0,,111el tnd l111e: Y111?" fl!) looilt, OlltwiU !tic Br".ii tnd rt Ill Caul • ••• (30) lrilfte ltis pnn!>Of prta ltomitt.lO-. I lr8 ... ~ (lO) l~ll'IW.. frWI! 111111"• I I.It.fl! ' UI 1 .. a sa.11 .. !ta" tt> (JO) 1111111:0011 u om...,. ((} !ht!''. ld .. rd Multi111 tftd K.111~ 8 ~ Mita.ct V11tntm1 1""3!. , Qi ltfl 1 ... _, ... WMll (C) O !HJOO fETii• '""' •"' Mrt. mon. u.tb ... jr (t) (JO) .. ,..,,"' Ca"d1d~l•-"1 @(I) ID oo a ()) ... ltl £~ BeM tues!J fl I c..irt!li6elt Wilt tlpPO'\lll Ctt•h" M11if ill UMr Ill Cl IB "-' Ce) Flt• IOI C1tr Colrnc:1I ,..es id Ml:. l :JI • ~ (]) .._ ... (t) l ril a..-.... , Mair. 1c:> "n ,.,. sw11tid. -• ... •-'""'•· ....... (eotntdJ) '59-tlellbit .. 1"11111111' ..... hlll'lfdi•• Ditt 11:.,...ds. G1111t1 fll!d, Jvt Glltlor l Clpri 1uet1. A>1 fort• 1ffl"l'lt l1~d's ttilt h11 DID (j),....., C..... (C) Joii• ~ri'e it el!d~rttln1 h•I e1r• 1nd 11~1 lllltl• 1Cll' Joi'!..,., Jootl• Dl'lill- ~" w~ity. I • 1111111- IJ TrwO IN CtftlMIYllKll (C) (30), IJMwit: -,.,,..i11 ....... (~ .,lldd '9' lltt Dtft11N (CJ (6(1)1 ldY) '(I-loll Hopt, lKilll lin. • T....-.. """" t101 ............. ..... 1. (t) (3CJ) Of. Art1111 J. lur111, Counllllof " r111 ~ 1um1-P1ul "i¥9n - D <!!I Cil Ill ..., -IC! CtMMdli• • ..,.,, tlltbtt ...... GIWt:"'lilll.,•ar,w .. ,... ( ........ ) 'M---f,,... ..... .... T.., ..__ .............. ..,..(.,. • CllmM II "* \lOJ 1"1) '53--Jt ....... ,.,. Mtict, •••at rn • N••• .i-<CJ1 ~.i.n • ...,__ (Ii>) Miu l\.t1t Smith t on ts. ln'll:ta ID lln: "'Utlt M...., (ro- Mldilion to her 11111•ns. ~ht 1um1I mtntt) '34 -l(llh1r1n. Mtpbtjr~. •• with Ntbors '"' f1tnk S!ftlon .lohn ltll. ,. 1 c~ ili,ttch ~tpict•111 "Tu - 1 1 l :OO fJ Motif: "Tnd ti (wil" ('11m1) NI -.I HIS 1'1renr1-'53-Cht111011 Me.ioR, Dr!JOfl Wit~ 8 W ...., (30) l~co!lt 1111 J1net lti1~. 111.ts. B 0 lft'ft IC> a Sntilu alone wilh Oc....llr l4llltitt .._ ttJ M·RLO THOM•s I 'I m Mfrir. 1191• nit• '"' ,... * " "' ont e l•ct" llll)'1ftlyJ '41 -"''" 11111 ~ Best bet: THAT GIRL I Hu.rf\l.s, llofd Kot1ft. 0 !HJ Cl) EIJ Tir.t '•rf (C) 130}1 Z:OO m All·NIPI S•: .. SpY,mtJtler "Ht1ri111 Tod••· 'on1 Tomorrow," lleturns." '1rt"f l ltl( C1~." hn M1rit • •oner!nr lrom • Ml· "C11C0 ll1d. ~ PEANUTS PERKINS ' ·-....... _ .. -1---J (9).h.o ,..OJ JUDGE PARKER STEVE ROPER "'Ii'/ SHOO.DI ~TE filtR 'YEARS Li!ARNIJ«i lO EE AM ENGfNiER, f!WJM, \ltEM tM ALllfAOY AM EX'PE~ MEOW<"? Mun AND JEFF GORDO -r+-\E BA.SY SWAL.LOWED A QUARTER! MISS l'EACH ~~~'-' /t\11..S"o~rs .MARRIAGE BUfl.E'AcJ .~ ·' SALLY BANANAS By Charles M. Schulz ! ' I -0 --- oil, ~E'S EXA6'E~T~, BES\Dl'S •• I AM WATCHING MY WEl<'.;HT, AND .. By Jolin Miles By Harald Johnsan ··AND A WATCHED POT NEVIOR 80/l.S. By Saunders and Over9ard SO 'JQJ *""1 L>STEt.I! I CAW ~TO~ MAKE MOJlE WfTH A LMWG ALL GR'EA5Y HAAO S YOUR LIFE IN Tl-Wol FOP DOES SCME DIR'T'Y 'WtTH CLEAM Ot.ES ' -AMO 6CT .FUN OUl Of= IT, l"'STfAD Of ULCERS,' GARAGE.' By Al Smith ?OLICE BRUTALITY' By Gus Arriola ---.. By Mell lfU.U~e IF WI< roN'T 5EU.. THEM fY 1''4e e.JD OF THE 6 -'Tl-<eY'U. U IW1'11'N • I' CAIL V PllOl By Charles Barsotti ' ' . ' "'. . '' BIKE FOR TWO -Dean tvtartin tnkc:; Carol C'han- ning for a motorcycle :ride. in a con1edy ske(ch 01• Channel 4's "Dean t>.1arlin Sho\v'' seen 1o nl ght ilt 10. Other guests include Don1 DeLn1 s€', \.'ic lor Borge and \Valte r Brennan. TEl,EVISION \'IEUS Co .1,. mu: r1es Ne'v Target By CYNTHIA LOWRY NE\V YORK I A.P\ ~ :\Ian Kin~. a litcratr. comedian \\'ilh a lov.-boil ing point , has produced so1n e ol hi s funn ie!i t 1nonologues after .~0 111elhing or so1nebody bugged )1in1. OVER THE se<1.~on s he Ila ~ tukt11 nil 11 1\h 1v1L a11d fury on such 1nst1l11l1ons a ~ :-.lllHirbCJn !11·1ng. the n1ed1cal prolcss1on , !he legal pruJe,-.~1011 . the 111~ surance busine!'s and public ut1l1tle s. :-:ltarring 1n an NBC; "J\1u sic •1 all" \Vedne sday night, King had a new target: daily nc">v s paper~. The sketches, 1nonologues and 111u s1cal nun1ber.~ fitted neatly around various ne\11spaper reatures an<f departments. But the usual King vc11on1 and .spice 1vere missing: I-le JLL~I 1!>11'1 rnad at ne11 sparcrs. 1n fact. he .seen1s to like lhen1 The sho1v ope ned 1ogic<1 lly 11'1il1 a d e111011~1 ra1io 11 of popular comn1enl on the siz e of llH' Sund<iy paper . One thumped on Lhe King front porch and lhe hou:o;e !el! dO\\'n. A RATE-YOUR-MARRIAGE (/lll /. \Id~ tile \tar1- ing poiril for a sketch 11·ith an argu111g hu sband cn1(t 11·ifc. Another .~ketch had a Jonel .v hr~lr !s ('-".pert 11'ho ble1v her 01vn n1arriage. A comedy di alogu e bel11·cen a 1nan 'lhreaten1ng to jun1p frorn a h uild1n~ ledge a nd his broth er 11·as a li ttle too t:los e to familiar tragedy to be really funny Barbara Feldon provided coi'nedy :>Up port in her sexy •Na y , and Paul Lynde l'd1nr 011 :>lrong 1n hi!' sketches -perh.:ips a llltlc ton ;.trong a" an effete food editor enthralled b.v ;1 d1r lv ll111r1·. JUDY CARNE lia:; lefl NB(""' L.-111gll·ln "' 11 11h i1111ncd1ate plans. lo do a Ne1v 'York play, barl 1 ~r, l 'he!sea Bro1~·n. another of 'the sho11 -:; regulars. [>U l)- ed ou t to n1ove 111 other career dirrct1or-.~. 1\nd if Arte .Johnson's half-l1 ot1 r pilot 111r11 ~ into a 111i d- season replacement series· 011 thr nc·11111rk the i\'!on- day night sh o~v v.:o\ll d undo11btcdl y lo,(• Ii i~ s ervil e.~. 100. Bv the end of la:-1 se,1 so11 , .J 11 dl' 11 .:t· doing hrr be.st to conceal her boredom '''itl1 th ose "~o c k Jl tn rne " routines and 11'a::; beg111n1ng 10 ('O lll fl lJ1n ;:ibout the rough treatment she $u(frred 1rcek 111 <in d 11'cek out. ''SOCK IT TO ME" happily ha .~ been 1nothbal1- ed and Judy has not caught a bt1 cli:et· of l\'ater or dropped through a trap door this sc;i ~on I.Jul some of he r old bonuce and rnlhusi asn1 have been mi s.~~ in~. Tom and Dick S1nothe r.~ hav(' n1a(lr a deal \\'i 1h NBC for a special. It 1vill be broad c:-ist on F'cb. 16 at the end of th e l\1onday night sched ule that include" <1 Bo b Hope sho,v . The program i.~ thr f1r!'it nc1\VOrk project of the brothers' ne\v prod uction company. Den1ais the Jtle11ace • • I 'SllAK$/ l W.10 ~. To::i ' ---.·-·--·-' .......................................... "" .... """"""'""" ............ ~""" ........... --'!"I' ...... -"""' .... --.... ---....... -....... --.... -................ -~-~-~ .......... -·· --· -. -. . -. 'r •• I ---- • D T T ( •• --, ~ ' . 1 .,..,...., • !(-; ... ,;, .. - • -- .. • <. ' • < T I ' ' NO MATTER WHAT they're in t he marke t for. our readers f ind t he DAILY PILO T IS t he be st p la ce lo put the bit e on bargains. And they d o it wi th t he sa me gusto as th e gourmet here showing how muc h he appreciates th e ".'a res of the fam e d Alkmoor Cheese Market in The Netherland s. You don't have t o t ravel so for t o find good things to eat, nice things to w ear, new a p pli ances al bargain p rices, a real cor buy-or even a chunk of cheese. Just shop the "armchair ma rket ," t he one our a d vert isers d e liver t o your door every doy. ,.,...,, ' l " Co~Yrl9111 rncmln ll .,. DAILY PILOT • • I • I • J I J l • I J. l • ' ., " .. ' '· ' ' • ,• ' . r I ~""'" HOI Gen S::!ti{ !11r1 111n. lr1< .. 11111! lhf' Ctu a 11d ~ OF 26~ OPI -• ' ' pl S{ " I ! -+ c ' E -..... 'I' I; " " P· 1,. !. ~ --c Sirr> \ 1r \ 1·h(' ~l11r lid. l rJ~ C;11·, t Coli 550 Ne 833 -- \ " '" \\ 11 111.1 l\.lj I " • 1c "'I --LE (il< t l1n1 Tl!' \'a• l h o·u~ "" !JO ~ 1ro: ,_ Ct i::a~ '" fl,11 :.21 I 546 -I~ 1 " ro< o" w " :~11:.--' I lo! un; An i -• iJ< Ii '" F:.\ c,I Sol . > • ' . --·· --··· -· -·-------..~-·-·····---------.. -----------·-- OAIL Y PILOT HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE General 1000 Genera l 1000 Gener•I 1000 General 1000 Cc1t1 Mes• 1100 Back Bay 1240 Huntington hlch 1400Huntington Be•ch 1400 Apartmanl1 For S•I• For Rent Mesa Verde Townhouse S"260,()() /lf't' 1110 IHI f~1rn1~h"d or t?7.l {)I') f"'r Tnq I Urrll~li!1l "I 1t1~ 1..; i.~'a lcd 111 lilt' lo•·,111lillll 17 11 1111 1·111111"1\•'\ 11;.:hl 111•\I "' Iii•• .\l f' '11 \'i"Jd• l"ullt•'I~ ~Jill), \\ 11 h ll'll/11<: .-.. 11 1 1~ ;\Ill! IJU1•! O RANGE COUNTY'S LARGE ST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 546-8640 OPEN EVES Tl LL s ,30 HOME & INCOME I .1 hdnn hurnr 1vt!h !1rr- pla<;e ,'<-d1n111i;: t\},,Jll srr1<1 rale I hdn11 1 r nlal Oil rr<ir of Int F11ll p1·1,·r $26,500 I '! lxlrn1, cl•'an, ~l1a1·p hu111r ·<-l Bdrm rental._. .\Cilr Co~ia ;\l··~ii t: .. ir C11u1 "t'. $24,500 New port ,, Victo ria 646-8811 Anytime ASSUME LOAN 'J'lll~ !~ ~Ulll" Oflpdl'Tlllli· 1.Y 1<1 t,1kr u•1 ·1· 1111' ,,,. l "!'f"~T J.;Ulo"!"lltlll'fll J.1.11! 111111 1rry rra."'11:1l1lr p,1_1"1111"111): '~ I 1d1 11 1 ho H!~<'. large' .\•1Jd , ~!+\!l >IJ takes 11 . JC-.... 1..0ATS ~ WAL&LAC! REAL TORS --546-4141 -- (0pen Evenings) Corona del Mar :O.h f"i 1 .. l11·st b£>;11 hr' .... 0111•' I If'\\". \:"••\!\, p<1t10 , [\1•11 kll· 1h<"'l1 I ur •. /..· l;un /'• 1!<·1•! ll\Jlllr"•H r h•/1111 "!Iii< ' I r'IJ· !;d. (\1;..-IL·J~\' IP[ill'/11 ,\,~ Hl),! ~Li l. •i~I. C;:ii'•·l T~1 1inl ~ Coldwell, Banker & Co. 550 Newport Center Or. Newport Beach, Calif. 833-0700 644·2430 LIDO ISLE BAYFRONT \ \l'l)' r;1rc 10 JI . \\o11f•rl rn11! -; hr11i· .... 111 .r.i 21 _. l"o 1th l1(1n1r 111,l> lll<'I" ,f; slip \II ~I !J!!'T· !",,.I J1111 01\ I"' I ' ,!I fl. 11..,11,,.. \-hitlJ:::~ll!~~I {0llll 1 •<'••I•!' I. john macnab 1714) 642·8235 •ii] n"I"• r Dri\'r, :--111:r l.'0 )_,"port B·'.1f !1 ESTATE SALE .'\;r\1pu1·t ili'~hls dup!rx n1USI lw l"!4Jl!I to sr(U(' rst1tl!'. :? l!<'c.11'00111 unil'i !hat rr111ly 1111\"r l"ha1i11. Both unit" ha\"c lru11t •·1ew plu<: S<'para1r ,:i .; .. fs an1! pa\lo~. Thts b 11rt·st1i;:I.' ho1n(' and JllCQml' Nur ll'a:.rd land. v.'O()d bu rn- Ulb fu~pJaees . .'\sk1ng S:::jJ»J . ..- Co le sworthy & Co. ··~·or A \Vis,. Buy" 611-7777 -1· 1· ,. FOREST E. 0 l S 0 N l BEDROOM $15,750 R-2 \\l1a1 '.: A l IX'flror1n1 hnnw on a big R-:.! lo!! .\nd 11 ~Oil Hit• l:.<1.-.J ~JJr. ,\lrnosr unhr:i.rd of bar- ba111. You ('/In h\'r In nr 1rnt 11 out. Pays ror 11. ~"If. Du1ld anothrr 11011 . N>Urr ~a y s Just 1(1'" rl0\1"11, Bl' lier hurry. Call flO\V -6-IJ-n"',0;1. 645-0303 al J larbor Cr 111c1· ~-fa1·00r Blvd~\I ._ Pool -GI R e sale Al1rac1ive corner 4 brlrm \\'1th An1hony pool, JSx38', Jully rqu1p~rl incl. pool . s11·f>Pp. .Exeel 5-'!.I. % loan at Sl 91 uwl. lax & ins. Qwl"l{'r most l n."- iou~ for o(J('r • a!rrady trans- Jcrreil out o/ sla!r. $23,000 IS THE PRICE AND THE V.A. APPRAISAL! NO GUt:SSING 1 IEllE. This sp;.1c1ous 4 /x'droon1s, ~ ti.:1th home Is RE1\DY TO CO. 16 s 18 BEA.t\11::0 CT.ILJNG l:in11ly ,...lOJll, fcnc'ed yard. NO 00\\'N lo Vets, and JUS! )'.J.iN) l){)\\'N F .!! ,\ • WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee '.?OU \\'t>sl<-·l1rI Dr. 616-7711 BAYFRONT On llal'h<lr 1.-;\and P.oarl Ilv11\111f11.l 2 BC'l]roo1n l!u111r J>Jus bael1''1or apa11ment, \\'Hh pll"!" 8.· .sllp. Fabulous haysidr terracf', con1forlable llvt11g 1'001n \11th st on<' 1irephu:C'. Lowly patio SJ 45,C:OO Li!>1cd Exelusivrly With __________ , $18,SOO Fixer Upper ~29,99S. O\\'NEH. Cu£1om. 3 2 BR, l BA hou~. dble gar, BR, 21l BA . Elec. kitchen. >:lnl arell. NM".is handy Nl.'\Y carpels, dln. nn, fatn. n1an1pa1nter. S?)OO clov.·n. rm, trplc, !'lee garagr cir &--e; 3:J·I /llagnol1a, Costi Open House 'Iii . ..aid ?'21j ,\n. i\IP~a n1wrsary Ln, NB 548-9409 3 BH, xtra lge larn nn, 2 BA . Elcc bltns, custom drp!! & 1250 shutter~. rrpl~. Spnnklersl--D-O-N-'T_C_A_L_L_M_E_A_ front & rear. Fen.;_•ecl &. Corona del Mir I -~ DUPLEX ll.nuscapecl. s:n,950. 540--5841 a.fl 6, days J.19--i286. Bkr. I' n111n ('.,.tra n1 C'e 2 beclrooin HO!\!£ 1\1th a "!. bcrl ruo1n r.IONEV MAKEH out bac·k. Both un!ls :t.r!' 0111~r occu- FAST MOVE IN New homes, ready to move in. 2 to 5 bed· rvoms, 2 to 3 baths. lf.t mil e from beach. First payment up to 60 days after move in. VA/FHA Terms. From $'.23,990 The Beach (en Brookhurst I mile South of Adams I 962-1353 BY 01•11er: ~ BR, 2 bath, detached s1udio !!hop, patio. Ii; fenced yd. deadencl SI. Close lo Sl.:hools, \Vestchff Plaza al'C'a. $28,500. 642--5791 pied anrl nai\"lf's.s. Sit11.1ted Huntington Beach 1400 Huntington B••ch 1400 on a quiet ff('(' hned Corona --~~- LIKE E>.IRAS? llns is 1\! 3 bech'OOm!': 2 baths, one blork to Sthool. Park Pool. BC' ~I ad you c::an1c! Q\1•nci'S. -::.1.-..... 7031 dcl "" '"""'· 0~? ,..,.,., SPACIOUS TERRIFIC BUY ~n the rest· Come st>e !he bes!. A Real Estall'rs £."\. Ch(.'(·Ji lhrse fr aturt>s: lhll:'e 4 BR + HUGE OEN elusive. family room 1vith 1vct bar, Lovely hon1e ...,./1nany extras 673-8550 furrn1LI cl1n111g 1\1\.lm, garden \V/w t-pts/rl1·p!:, block 1va!l, 1980 NE\V elegant 2 Bdr, b~ath takini; b<1y view w/boat docking .. All bit-in kitchtn, v.·f1Y cpts throughout, mir- ror v.•all, drpK, balcony. Security 11:uarded. Newport Bca1·h. \Vtll trade. 838-5460 RENTALS Hou••• Furnish.cf 2000 RENTAL. FINDERS llOP'h&IV( ••• MIAIAllTID """""" --ATf.-tilOMATt sama: 4JS w. 1ttti, c .... w..., ....,.n ASSUillE Ut.rg:e s~ .. loan 3 BR-D.R. 2 Bath S2J,9ZAI 1.RTHEREAL I ESTATERS kitchen, hllf:C' 1na~ler bdnn Ji:: CTIV. patio. ,\ mw;t see. suite, 3 baths, 3 patios & FHA or Gl s::t.OIX:l. large yard aU bl()(':k ll.'nced. llAFFDAL Rlty. 1;424 .Jnj Rentals to Share 2005 r.tany, niany custom fea!ur-lc"·"v".:"R7Y~TH=tN"G~,-,71~---,-,7,,-,,..,-_ cs. JI you are looking for itC'l'{'fltly H.cn1orle!ed Te.\( Hale Ree.lry 646-7724 BY 0\VNER. J Br., l~ Ba. Lg<'. fenced yd., l'OV. pa1io. Close to schools & shopping. $23.300. 54S-19'.12. '-(Jl'I •, •i I I " <'•.' MOST CHOICE S<1nlC"thing c .... tra nicr, g(.'(! ~~l';0\,.:s~u?JC~~-~~:~~: Broad111oor hit. 4 Rr., 21 ~ this OI".!-I'll e d Ce n l e r. FIN E ba. Fam. rm. Lgc. din. rm.. MUTUAL REAL TY rASHION llOLl!ES _ 11.e •1·et bat. QuaJ. cpts., drps. 842-1418 Anytlm• Bright. bit-in kit. Vacant. $l9 950-t -Th p . S65 iOO , s • r1c• D ··L · R I E 1 1 Brlie\'e ml' for this ~harp 2S' • •nc~ ea ~ a • hon1c. Tnta:J payments on 11 have 3 & tern1~ arr 1vide open Irani S2fi,OOO up. Rex L. tlodges, Rltr iH2-252J RELIABLE \\'orking girl , age 25 to J:i lo share rent on condominium. SlOO mo incl. util. F.V. $46--1161 day1, 968-n£9 aft 5 Pi'.1_ BAL ISL .• grad stu. or col- lege grad to share nu ~ BR. S!KI. 675-391:'1. Rental Me1a Verde 1110 28 E. Coast Hv.y. 673-3770 high G.J. Joan i5 $134 Jlf'r 2 M d D I , bd ----------99S Sandcastle Dr. mo. incllidc!I all. llu"e Bed· Q efft Up ex · rn1 ("Olll p!. furn , Condo '> unit at SIIJ_ lnimNI. po.ss. 4 BR. 2 BA !lfe~ 1-fighlands. HARBOR VIEW HILLS roon1s. Extra Large F"et1C'ed LO/LO DOWN Repossession! Costa Mei• 2100 ----1 SHARP 3 BR condo, pool, etc_ Comp!. turn. Avail im- med. $7.S !Sl'. Agt. 54~. On the Peninsula Pr inc i pa I !I only. B'l l .)Told Lusk homl' \V / un-bat"k yard for the kids plus 2 BR, flreplaO', enr losed ga. ~ S46·~110 O\VNER. $26,900. ~~3638 believabl(' Jndscpg on J,i at "Play l-foUSl"", Great patio 4 Bdrmsfl-.~tory New cpt/paint. Cul..de-sac HAFFOAL REAL TY 842-4405 rage . raeh uni!. Near beach. (llUL"Cinema theltltl lo!. 3 BR & xtra lrg ram rm. area, Submit your small Only s:..~.!f.ll'l. LLEGE REALTY I ".""""""""""~~ ............ ~... :l B,\ dov.11 payment. On Balboa Is land ~~~=""'~-~=·=-::.ct&: I Assume 5,14010 VA College Park 111S 01vner. 675-i450 or 61-t-2958 WE SELL A HOME l Bit IQ1\·cr + 4 BR upper. _ ___ Mother-In-Law? $49,900 EVERY 31 MINUTES ,.:ri· hltns, firrpl1l l"f'. Ashing 1600 sq. IL fOUft BED-w lk & L BY OWNER: ~ fklnn, 2 Ba, Jam nn, blt ns, drps, shag crpts 1hru-<:1ut. 1 yr olrl. On cul--rlr-sar. I" ear .s c h I s , bche~. shop'g. Completely fcn<'ed & lanrlsc11pcd. Im· n1ac:! Src 11t 215'1'.? Archer Cil"'C'le. ~o.cm. 968-156-1, 81lbc• 2300 LEASE, FURNISHEO Peninsula, 45' bay tronla.&'e w/Uoat. 2-Story. 5 BR, 4 BA plus .swimmer'!\ dress- ing rm 1Y/.sho...,•er. Front a U glass. Dishwasher, cll.!lposal, 2 relrig, sepa1:ate iree:ier. Dbl oven. electric 11tave, separate broiler & rotisaer- ie. Laundry rm. Automatic garage opener_ Yearly Cir winter. 673-?0.19. S'G.IX'iJ Eastside C.M. !:OOi\1. T\\"O BATH 110:\1E. ~llC' can rela'< in hrr O\\"n pr\. . a er ee R iddle & Ros s Realtors Beautiful ;: bdrm '! bal h E"tra lari;r li ving room. pa-vatc suite 1vith pri~·ate ba!h. B1lboa Pen1n1ul• 1300 CdM e 675-7225 hoine compl('lely i-cdcror.tl · nC'le<:f fan11ly dining area. You"ll still have pl l'nty nl • 'I 7~2 Edinger ed. £lrctnc built-ins. Lan:;e Spacious l"Urncr lot -boat rooin for the rest o/ tJic lam. Developer S Duplex F;U-4435 Oprn til 9 P~I CAPE COO CUSTOM l:>;qtllSll(' h<>n1c in prf"'stige :01'r>a of Nt'11·r10r1 Heights. .f"r>J t11nr1g: 4 lHJ1:C hdrms, SC'p;u·all' rlin1ng mom&: !01·r.. 1.v rl'a1· )arrl. Co111r see lh is IJ•'•IUly. BEACH COTTAGE E '-t:t•lh·rHl;,i lo1;11rr1 l-Bclrm, , ol!a~(' on P..-'..' Iv• at·ross l.rn1. pa.i·I; &. lt'nn1!': l-OW1 . Al !!9,500 \l'hy not buy l h_ i s !01· your !;Ufn lllf'r vacal1on ,t 1't'11! II out tli,c 1"t.'sl of lhe )••ar~ Own('r rn1ght tarry f1 r~I lu;i11, na::o DOiii[ n:; ----~ REALTY li~·i ng room iii!h l ll'('plarc ;111d tra1l1'r stordJ;t' area~. ily ...,1th 3 bcdroon1s, :·baths Thtei'! bc!lroom. upper tv.·o\iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii""" a!ro rC"creaTion room bcautt. Carpe1 plus two \\'Ork shops. I.· cnorfflOUS faniily r 00 m bedroom krwer, 1n very good fully panelled. Garage door5 SEt.: TODAY:! f'.P. s:r.:.950 plus doub!e garage, YQU 1vi.IJ rental area. Nnw fully Jea11-Veteran's Sacrifice built for carnprr. Extra 20x appreciate thi,, home nestled "d. Goo<t groll'Ul potent.Lal. NEW F~xecurive Luxury home, '1/5 BR"s. J Ba, 3 cnr ~ar. Assume GI; no point~, J 11'Cl'k r~rrnw. 1M7-0163 20' bldg_ R·2 lot in quie1 and ell"gant Col lege $~9.~. Park~ \Vell v.·orth $32,850, BURR WHITE WOW! Lachenmyer Realtor l.~60 NcW]JOl"t Blvd., cr-.t f'...ALL DAYS 646-3921! CALL EVES. &12-ms:i MESA VERDE f""u~turn hnn1r . J Wrnl ~. :: ti.1!h<., '1 ot<lf• ~1Qx.i1r l•••l. 1 }''·•r nlll ~f>'ll\· 1~1; :;lyl1• bcarncU 1..-..·11. 11\g):. :.hng l"arp<'IS & r ·ranri!:ean !ill'. S/2,j{)O. JC-.. c:o:Ts ~WALLACE REALTORS -546-4141- IOpen Evenings) 54~2313 REALTOR Z90t Ne11-'port Blvd., N.B. 67:'r-16.10 6-12-2"2SJ Eves. BEITER LOOK QUICK 2 story Coral Short's 4 bdrm :: bath ·I-separat!' lam1!y Lind• Isle 1306 1w111. 10 n1on1lis 11c1v. 6, ... ;., <! STY. <!;JJO ~q ft, 4 BR, 3 I =========== BA. \Valk lo beach & ~chool. Lide Isle 2351 Sell 11.t FHA appraisal. Con.sider sma.ll!'r home in tradr. 9312 Hudson Dr., H.B. 962-1435 * F"urn ·I BR, 3 BA. Con lemp, newly dee. Bltns. Ava\I /"IOW. Yearly. 171~) 624-TI09 F.vC'nings Call 54S-L'6."i :=========: IM11, ll11te lo!, Try lO'iD LIND/\ Jslr \flt fo; &a.le by rlo\\."n • fll"ll'e 1'.12,000. J BR & convrrtiblr. rlen, Heaven Still Protects Newport Beach 1200 O\\'ner. S32.~ plus lease Katella Realty 847-6061 forn1a.l riin rm, covered RENTALS Houses Unfurnl11hed The Werk ing Man 1----------payml_ or S43oO P"t' yrar .. \""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" patio, lovely Jtarden w/fish C:u1y io!laf:r fnr 2 on rlN'p BAYCREST LOT Shp c t1pac1ty for 2 60" boats. V.A. Lean Assl mpticn pond & v.•aterfal1. Finished G __ •_n_•_r_e_l _____ JOOO_ ·1 •t f f A I garage doubles as i:;ame rm. 1 I It. Jl:il'k Bay Ill!. Pos-S'.?l.!XXI L" thr sacrihce pnce " '· ."'·ater ront. pprovei. \liilh S4.000 Tola.I. Down pay-,....___., J "-~m. Ba I h, 11 I Id I r.tany ('X!rns. F'llA :>~(,'":.Jn_ '-"'""'" ~.,,,.., s1 1 r Vjl11unce for :!nd home for 1h1s hugr-tnearly ·~ fl an~ inc u el· mrnt for th1!1 6'"~ annual ni~-e area. immediate pos- or 1n1·ull'IC'. ~17,JO(); tm1~. arre1 lot 1n ctioire area of 642-64111 nr ::i-1~~286 GT. loan i'5 S\j'.?. Nn hidden -°"-'-"'-'-· -'-"--"'-'-·----15e!':5ton. P.ca.sonnble Sl65 Hal P inch in & Assoc. prestige homl'. Build your • l"O'\I~. Clean 3 Bedroom, 1---------:-:-:: nionth. ::~ f:. Coa.-.1 H11•y. 675-4392 drl'am IJorruo. in th1l'i appr<>-lido Isle 1351 ready for 0t..'C\lpancy_ 1\\"t. Out Of St•t e 1608 WE SELL A HOME RARE HOME ciaL111g a rea. o .... -nrr v.ill Ji. OUTSTANDING gorgeous baths, carpets. EVERY 31 MINUTES n.-inc-"! rlra pcl'i thro11ghout. Double $395 Full Pncl' w 1 & L Bring-nion('y ·buy llf';iut, J WE SELL A HOME LIDO BUY garage. Two palios. C.1ose 5 AC. Duchesne County. a ker e·e r.r. :; bi:t. Eastb!ufl hiJrnr . EVE RY 31 MINUTES CharmlllJ: J Br. & :! ba. 10 k "hool anrl sho1>pu1"". S<o-UI h T 1 ' Cone!. ll('!IN than nt'1v. 1-"111. ho ,. f I ., a . rer!I, I' OSf' o new W lk & L mr, ani. rm., rp. In ing ls believ111g. lflkc. x!nl hunting, fish & in-a~·ii1 !. S39,:,00. a er ee m~1r. ~u1te. Prov1nc1aJ clr-WE SELL A HOME CORBIN-MARTIN oor S5S IXXI vestment. 644-4185 REALTORS 67:")-1662 :?Ol:: \VestcliU Dr. LIDO 0 REALTY INC. EVERY 31 MINUTES 1705 :11136 E. cn.:ist 1111,y .• cdi'l-f 11-16.m1 :13n v i11. Lido 67J..-7300 Walker & Lee _L_•_s_•_•_•_9_•_•_•_h ___ _ 700 Jlarllor Bl~·d. a.t Ad&Oli 515-f\.OO Open I.JU 9 Pi<T I===:= :lO:i".i \V. Balboa. NB 67:H;OOO JRA.ILER SPACE? Cl-1.1 I·'.. Co"'· Cdm '""'m , $26,950 EASTBLUFF YOU'RE NEEOED HANDYMAN'S 15 31 , PATIO . 7~2 Erl1ni::••r x: 6 nt!wly consti·ucted beaut. Homr &· .ov.•nr>r looking f?r 1:424,15,"jO ('n ti l 9 P~f Special! 4 Incon1c units 121) Prwe has lx'en :;lastX'd Sl;).JO a p ts, Ll\/f' in 3 BR, 3 bn, buyrr. 411 Nord Baytront 1n --~~'=~---ych1. t{J beach. P:ttios, decks \.\'ORKING Couple, clean & quiet. •v. apt. ra.i t ed (obed-tralnP.<I~ dog wishes l or 2 br. Unlum h!le. or apt. in Ne11"port Beach,, C.M .. Htg. Brh. (Pref. Nov. 1) $115-$130. 842·3716 100' x 300' R-4 R1llld1ni;: s1tr for 8 10 IO un lls in Oiunty Bnr k Bay area. 2. ~mall rt·ntal unils at the pf'C'scuf. S3J.COO. Barrell Really 11.llG \\"estrli.U Dr. I\",B. 642-5200 Panoramic Viewf OCEA.'f ,t• f'ATALJ.\;,\ 537,950 l'li'h~ht ful ~ Bf'droon1 :r 11 <l forrnaJ rlining room, ta~teful ly 1t.·corv.lt'.1f. Walk 10 scho<Jls Yr.; & C'~i•n r'·IOm /or a boat~ So lllllt'h roncrrl!• herr, lron1 & rcur, rhat you 11·on"t belfeve 11. F ine :': bdrm hon1r with l·'~ bath..;. Near schools & all for S23,500. DAVIDSON Realty ONE JUMP AHEAD of other homes. This spotJegs 4 txlrin & 2 t~lhs ha~ C'Vf'ry. thing nrl'dc.'rl 101• happy J1v. i!lh. Ltl<:h w/1y ('rpt.~ldrps, hlr-in kl1 rh .. \\'alrr <;(lrt!'t't<'r, Ill-' 1r~1.n ~rrn-ed 01vl1('r. Twin & ram. Rent olhcrs. Cftvncr 700 blk.:; Bd. BIG L.R. Pieri $3999 ...,·/ocean vtew. Nels. paint, !<17.C'd hl.'drocm~. 2 baths . may help finan<'('". $215,00) BIG .oilip. Rrducrd I•\ TotA ! rlnwn paymrnt r 1c. Should gross S9.00o yr. J!.l(X) Sf!. It. or living! Built· PROPERTIES WEST $1,7.5'.\!. Assuinc GI loan Pr_ S6.'J,OOO. Consider trades. ins. jllJ.17'20 675-4130 675-1642 R. C. GREER Realty Glen r.Jar 4 BedJ"V"."Om model ~US.SJON REALTY 494-D731 TARBELL 295S Harber FIXER-UPPER J.1J;'"i Via Lidn 6TJ..9:t00 Gd Nrii;:-hhor • walk Schools COASTAL VIEW! aose to bee.ch & chantlf'l. LIDO LOVELY No QuaJ1rying, Na 2nd TD Terrific loan a55Umptlon! Cc1ta Mes• 1100 Small ma.1 mooriJlE: lndud-4 BR. + f.lmily rm .• 4 baths PleasP call ln!crest rate doesn"t in- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, [ t'd. Pnce near Jot value. &: " kitchen to "live jn." REAL ESTA TE crease; no point&. 3 Bdrm~ .• S23,00'.l. 40 Ft. on ...,·idt' strret. f11mlly rm., 2 beths. !\years Owner Transferred (ll!;\om 4 bdrm Pa.ce.5etfer WLth lilx:?O' panelll.'d family mom & har, r11nini: room. i<rp;tratr mR~lf'r hdrm. !arg .. rorl"l('r Int V.'llh patio &'. fuU ~pr111klc1•o;;. Asking nn!y SI0.:..00 -f irst 11n1(' "" ro. :;alr in:irlirt. CALL :i-10-1151 Q · · hy fllo l. RednCl"'d tn $41 ,500 Graham Rlty, 646-2414 uality ('tlnstniction McVAY Pl..ACE REALTY 4'34·971'4 J"Par J19ewport Po!;t Office Walker Rlty. 675-S'.200 .FORECl...OSUR1': J.166 Via Lido, ,..."R ()pen Surt 11W7 t-.fagnol1a, fV •LEASE/OPTION + 545 0458 Xlnt IC'rms !or this 5 yr. old 3 ;: RR. ;: BA Townhou~r. pool. ATTRACT IV F. 2 BR. • Br. z ba. home v.•/ocea.n Rihn~. Nrrrl!I v.•ork-as is Rt'mcwtclNI. O\\nrr 1~ill r;ir-1--~==~=~--ELEGANT v1e1Y. Call fnr terms. S28,47Q. Bmkrr 645-0732 ry li:t!' loan. No poinls. 3 ba Pl.ACT. REALTY 49.1.9704 Blut1s prime on Bay Iao.:at1on. $4.i.~ Phtl Su 11 i v an . ~~~l;n ~~ &. ~~ "I! •-,,, ,., ,, 4 Bdr, 2 ""· beaut view 2 bdrs. S.39.~ Call 644-225!11 =·'='="========\ case, Ron1rui design healed ocean/Catalina. S3t900. $140. J BR, lencd yd. Children & pets O.K. Conve- nient location. B r o k e r '34-09'0 $Ki. 1 BR rluplex. Stnvr, refrii:. ,\va1I no1v. Bier. '34-0980 $175. 3 BR. Fen~ yd for children & pets. Gar. Nice lot. Bkr. &1.J..-0111 $90. 2 BR older cottage. WW consider pets. Avatl ll/5. Brokrr j34-£9SO Costa Mt.la 3100 ll•'l"!fai;:,.. R{'a] Estate \(open e\'rs1 f'V('s/...,·kenrls. Huntington Be•ch 1400 pool iv it h ,lacuzzi k .Qirlc. Ov.·ner 49-4-9232 :;o==o7";;=:=.=;==7.'::ll ~~~~~~~'.'.'...~:'.:'[ Formal dining room. w/w =========°" 4 BEDR00:\1 unfurnishM. Newport Heights 1210 IN FORECLOSURE ~·~t.o;, drapeii. Sl7,9""JO tuU Lagun• Niguel 1707 !u~!ti~~;,Jru~~iltTee~rculn!~ 3 HUGE hr & dn, 2 Ba, {rpk. L•guna Niguel Terr. Jnrluding ga.rdi:ntr phone I::::::::::: I "ml shoprnn~. I• 646-7171 ,..,.,.,,,, "" ''"'· "'"'"· 1 .... V-AC""A-NT""'·M""o""'-vE"""""'1N""' ~pnnklrrs, BRQ. Chou·(· a1"{'<1 , Only S31,9:,0. LEAS E wi th O PTION ! fl\ ll•'I" 11111 ~1 :<rll <11· l•·a ~" flus 11,H\I•" IPI 1•o t1lYCllll'IOI li lL .1111111 ll\,J I' 'lh•u\!S ~ ~l1111•p •rl::. l,,11.1111 /, \\:\l!i!I~. ·' bdl'lll ~ h;il!1 1~ 1'r1lar11<u1d , Jr)~rl ~. , 11sh>11'1 :lr•1ri.1·~ ,t· 11 w t ar- fll'T~. S~':ll'I fl''I' 1n•1t1!h ..>. SIOOfl oplu111 111(1!1! 1. 4@J• 1ro;; Da ~r'I , L'._.\1. ·11G-:i110 f1'D*J- NEw HOME 4 bdrm s plit level 11 Ilg nllTlpUS rm, \Vt'! bar & rrplr. View to Calalina - lights by nii;:ht S.17, T:iO. Lrl \\' LIO\\N. SUB illlT b!1n3, _crptsc, drr.~. $;1(JOOR 11dn-B<!causc or rami\y problems l..,_..,fdffij~~~S t!Jri(ri! N~w 2500 MI. ft. 3-4 ,_.. 5 Br. 5-1>-184'3 Dr1 1-·r hy '.'t1 9 Cedar. C,>,! & ninvr-1n. as('.Y Y • 1hi~ hnmt' is in for~lo~ure. ••••• ___ _... homr.• in ocean view 11rea. _... d 19· r<.111 1[ 1n1rrC'sfl'rJ, EXCEL· 635-3142. 1 fO\Ve vrr, thl~ is no! the 11i;. 2 BR hoqse. ll'nco:u yar · .> Carpeted, front landscaped, mo. Z220 D Placenli11. LJ:.:NT F'INANCJNC: -$15.rro. ~al type of hon11t yo1:1 fin_dll-~o•w=n~.,.-:-oTrinsferred with sprinklers: bltM, tielf-* S93-TITI * :1"\';,, f'HA kmn you can a~-Newport Shores 1'.220 1n !orcclos11~ lx:<:au.~ lh1s Sh 2 st J hd "1,i cleaning oven; J car garagf!. s11n1r. PAY,\IENT_.'i LESS home i.~ 1mmaculatcly krp! arp 'ory rm • saiJ ,T.JO To S61,0Ci0. Excellent 2 BR. 1 bat.h East side, $113. MISSION VIEJO THAN RENT. BrLL SJ\llL-e REDUCED S5,000e and has custom drape~ and bath, On corni:r _lo!· Carp. financing wl!h declining in-Couplelli only. 233 C Costa OPEN SUN. J.J F:Y. P..ltr. 616-9666, 612-2221 . [I you need II great family ~autiful carpelini;. This 3 f'"!~ldra~s, all built-tns. F?r-t!'re!t iale from 71;4 '/a ta Mesa Sf. 673-1715. :1~821 Sptlrlra home, see this one! Lge. !iv. yt":ar old horn!' otrC"rs 3 big ma.I dining roon1, r.crv1ce 6~ 'to. 3 BR. Lrge fncd yard. 840 Dt>allf'" Gan:lt•n l!nmr 1ilus SALE OR TRADE rm. plus lge. party rm.: 4 bedrooms 2 bafhR and 11 porch, family room. Assume Lanuna Nlnuel Corp. Governor. S155 mo. Call col- (ftv11r,-v.'ill 1ra!lc tx:autilul, Br. 3 Ba., kltch. bll·ln". 11h: large family k1tcMn. It al.sn 6% GI loon • priN? s35.00'.I. 499-134.i • 547.nfil Jee\ (2131 286-9656. Vlf'\\ · l!kr n('w 5 Ldnn & family Bl ks. to bea.ch, Fee r;imple.. has a iargt' i~ar yard P•ul Jon••. Realty 2lHIZ Cortina jLa Pail room . 1;-i"<30' cu5tom pool S16,500 Equit.y $49,500. !'.lay "''llh covered patoo, Time is:\'84;;;.'-;"'6=:;===='"~"='=·="='=..,="~==SOCK===IT=TO==·E=M='==.!===C=H=A~RG=E=l=T=!==~I Early CaJilom1a P.anrh sly. d for smallc1· homr in Costa con~idt>T" tn c. ol the essence. Thi§ home -Jc. Cali for Dt-11111.s. Tarbell. G I 3000 G I 3000 G I - ~-lffi,1 Baker. C.ilt. ., COZY AND-QUIET •'1···1 ...... ,.,~ ... 837_3776 i'o1r.c;a area. F'ull price ==·=O=\VN=ER==.,..=='"='·==\ i9 priced al rock bottom to en•r• :======::::•:.,.::'°::::.::::::::;:::::::::•:n:•:•:•::::-----'--:C:.:·1 S36.950. Tradr &lJ or part of save lhc own<'r's credit. To-1------·-------- ~aslsidr cul de ~c 2 Rrd· r<lll1t1 large lo1 Wllh tl11•'rrd p;1t10 :i11r1 fru11 trci·s g.ilorc. 5'.?1.!150. !"e-c it anyt1n1r. 546-2313 646-71 71 ----·------· Investment Income 7 UNITS. large lot 132 .... ~·: mom to h111!rl j morr. ~.Ct!{) Ownrr 1Y11l 1·any 1st Tn W e lls-Mc.C•rdle, Rltrs. \~I/\ ,\r-" port Blvrl . C' ~l. . ..\<;·7'2'.I li 11-f'ti.~ I 1•\ !'~. .' .1 UR ! !).'1th hnrnr, ~ nrnr r lot JJO>:ll'O • :rrld l 1n0f~ units. Dnvr l1y r,\,. Sa ula Ana f\vr 1hrn rnll ilania ltrall!J • Ii l!~~ifil '1-~-~,-"--'-'-~~~.,.. * South Co11st Re:i.l t.:~111tc l~ .'!C'l'kin~ surrc!l!'f\11 prn!rs- ' ,;1.,nal rr.;il r.~la1r "alr~n1rn. :. f.:'-N'PLl(ln..i l hrnr/11 ~. l'lra.v rail for apno1n1n1rn1 sri-1'•124 N1(1lh CnH~t. Rr;ilt11r~ I ,.:-, \ • f,' . ' • 546·5990 Th• Newest by Ivan Wells 4 lxirms 3 b:ith, fan1 rm. frple t..-wr1 )),ir, luxunousJy t arpe!rd. ()utst :inding view • ~ co11r1 yard pr11il. Hny .! \Vnnl \•l:;O Gala.-.:y Dr. &16·1~1;)(1 4 Bed rm! + Guest Rm Mesa Verde· $24,950 ll r11'd \o f1nrt a value like this 11ny11·hr1·r hut 111 .\!,.~ VPrde 1t s a r,11·1!)·~ '...' h<ilhs. Bu11t- 1ns, 1'fl\r1.-rl p~l 10, 3 1~17'.lO TARBELL 1955 Har bor 4 Salr sn1f'll \\"antt'd \\'r have <1 lan;:c iitiracuvc. 11'f'll located 0H1ce k l[l"'l!al sr1hn~ a1fls. \Ve i,111nt gre11t f't"Qplr "ho arc emJ>l.'1hn::, for lull lim~. liflf! homt' ,;nl•·~ C11!1 Tim Thomas 67j..712:i Riddle & Rc11 Re•ltori 3 BR 2 BA, family nn. P rof .-l!'f'Ql'"-] •t yr olrl-xlnl cofll"I. ~~2.'.-00, 213$12 Fleet Ln .. l-IB (h( nrr 6-lr.:.-t:\211. *Home + Income + Land• :;('I" call 5~. • BY OWNER yourf'Quity. Now vacal!t. To Dover Shores 1227 ta.I price $25,%0. $@\\.Jtl~-llat.tl'S" Cust .~ BR 1 1~ BA Comrl I ~~~~~~"""":""""~ lrreplacebla View of cpt. clrps, F.P. Bram rcil. ABSOLUTELY no down 10 BAY & MOUNTAINS I S.S. RIO Cr-ramie 1ilc. "J. V!'lrriins. Well kepi 3 bdrm Unique "old world'' ('Ontem-ORANGE COUNTY'S r;ir <l<•I. o;i:ar. Inc tJni! at! 2 hiilh horn<' \\"Jlh double pora.ry, executive luxury LARGEST s1:1 nio. Plans~ morr un11~ 1:11r11~1 ', 11'fl\I carpel ~. patio hnm", .1rn) l'fl. JI. 4 BR"s. l'.:il !:)I Terms S::l .~00 .• ~-ntr('[y lanrl5 c aprrl. 412 BA + mald~qlT~. ldt'Al 894•5]13 t'ol~-:fllfi. ~l~1!if111(1 inclu(k's princ1pll" for rn!crtaining. Ea!!)' n111.in. 153!"'6 Golden \\lest & l ntcrr~t al 71 ~·-~ -:10 lmmrd occup. F'umishcd Huntington Beach 5 Bedrm. • 3 Bath Pool-$26,950 Parking for your hoal & tratl· ~r too! Rich wood paneling handsome breaklMt har. fil'C'plaec. Lovrly t•ieslA pool, 540-11'10 TARBELL '.295S Harbor BE~H OUPLEX 2 f'um, Uni!!'.; Xlnt Loc ! $29,!rJ() Gtorge Wllliemson Rev.I tor 673-4350 E ve1. 673-1564 CASH TALKS J hdrm home. Hrwd noor11, nice cpts/drps, lg lot. C106t to C'lem S('hool . $23.n,Q FllA/ VA OK. Owl'l('r movlfli. soon &. !<llY~. "5'>11 roowt" Fuller Realty , ~Ol14 ~·r-.ri:. 1.·uu price nnly Sl78,1Xll'.l. ASSU111e 6~{,',o, loan. --~$~l~OO""'T~o=T~A~L-- s12,:.100. C11JI !"i-15-8424 South -""='='=632==NB=. =54'l-='="='=='I You G.l. Buyers, here i:i; an en.1~1 Rral Es!atr. Univer1ity P•rk 1237 opportunity, U~ your bi:'ne- $17,950 fits on thi~ Sharp 3 Bcdmom Spanish Stucco Cali!om1a Rllnch<>. 2 Luxur. f"Oc\\·ly painred 2 BR on nice Divorce Forces Sil• iou9 b" th s. "Hardwood .. c-m-tl('r lnl. Crpl" kit range, Sharp J Br. + FR in good OOOl·s. UM'd brick Jircplace. ll"Rc M">oms thru-OIJ!. Eves. location. Owner v.•ant.5 oUer. ~paratc "18 X Z.! Famlly 515-701.i. t'.P. S30,!ISO. Room". Gorgeous modern The '""''Co. • red h·.11 kitohoo. Sell" ha;'""''"· 1916 S. n o\\·,..,. rt"d house ill vacanl and hC' S;\. S4J.819l will pay all yot.Lr costs. \\.'e 'Jl FO L S€'e ;J your qualllird on a RMER MODE REALTY '"·"" "'" """· C•ll! •I BR. 2 BA. lge family rn1. Univ. Park ~trr, lrvinc WE SELL A HOME Orps &· crptg, (lxpens1v" Call Anytime 83J..al20 EVERY 31 MINUTES 1 '""""'"" • ,,.i; •. COOL Walker & Lee OCJ::AN BREEZES. 190:> sq. JUST ~ REDUCED SJ1.!"IC<I. * M0-2993 This lov~ly 3 BR .. 2 b 1th, 7682 Edinger ... ~,"",-m~•~ll.;...,J~B~r~. ~,~,.,~.c...,,-,., I family rm. Excrlent Joca· l!-42-4455 Open Ill 9 Pr.1 frnccd. Low dmvn f16.500. tlnn . 61j<;;. IJ\llll. S.~.9J(J ITS &.11eh houM t11nr. B\p; • ,_..,,,v 1axe11. 2(m-Clarie PROPERTIES WEST ge1t t1t~let"t1on evrr! Stt the ~ ... 1~~.,044 67s..41l0 67,S..1642 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! ·------- 11".!UCOPE . I' I I I I 1~Y1Mi'r 1 I IM Q I 0 L I A scientist clolms th,ot if yoo I I ll I croued on octopus with a bale of straw, you would ge~ .---------, a -with el~ht handl01. ITAltPIL I l>-11 r-'-Tl=r'-1 ,.,-.-, _,,,•r-1 ... """"'"'" ... -~ ......... V by tilling 11'1 rfMI iM.ing ward: • you -.q, irom np No.. 3 below. • PRINT NUMM1£0 lf:nEtS IN lH[Sf SQUA RES 6 UNSC.RAMkf A80VE lfnft S TO GET ANSWfl I I ·-----........ I' I' r I I J I I SCRAM·Lm ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 8000 I .. ·-. ·~ _____ _......... .................. ___ 7--.·-·-·---·····----------------------------------~~-~~ .. . :J.f O•ll Y PILOT * __ Thuriday, Octobft 2.3, 11lb9 llNTALS IMtNTALS <c" rAL'. RENTALS Hou•• Unfurnlthed HoUWI Unfurriishe41 Apt{:' Fur nished Apts. ll'urnilhN Cost• Mes. 3 100 Lagun• Ni9uel 37~ lt_lbo_• _____ •_:ioo_ 1·c-.. -,"'".--.-----,-toa- 2 BR hou&e. SlS.'l. n10. Rochesler SI .. C.~1. .... 64~1848 • 389 3 BR. '1 BA home. $250 mo. Phofl( •fl 6 pm 11•k days. •nyluru· "li~nds. ~1 37DI a.EAN Bachelor Apts. All ult! incl SSS u p 315 J::. B&lboa Blvd . BALBOA till-9945 Mes• Verde 3110·Miss io'1 Vi•jo 1-----·----l ido Isle 4351 F'OR LEA SE i RR :? ~A BEAU:T'IFUL \'tt>11'. 2 BR. 1 '• 1-----------· I 3]2.;, Sharp! ShaJ·p: housr, R,\. f'J·pll·, hltn bookcase& \\'ill ccnsidr r lr a.:,t/opllon. Crpt~. drp~. 837-89~7 838-6341 ('"\'("' l BR, 2 BA, fun rn1. Obi RENTALS , trplc., drps. bl!ns. irardnr. Apts. Furnished 1 er .. u 111 pd. t:d.f no l)tl'\. S ltiJ n10 613--0837 f'\.'CS. Adull, )'fl). Herbor He'thtt f.ur CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPUTING ~ l· J BR UNITS 111! II l(h fil'~pli!Cl'S, dish washers &: 2 bath!. I : . aENTALS Apts. UnfurnllhM Coron• .. tMr 5250 NEWLY COMPLETED DUPLEX 2 BR, 2 ha. 1$250) er l BR. 3 ba (Sl251. Priv. p1tiog, •'<'IV. g11rageA. Cp!'d .. dr1ped, con1p. blt·ln!. Best Joe. iOO • 707 Orchid .. '75-HIO 0 IW ''''?'Ell U .. & * • * * * * * lncl. f !7', i.,1/1<1~! ..;... dr p. G.ntir•I ;i.t;>-5788. Rental i tanagl'r - \llrs. Ouistlensen l117·A Cinnamon Ave. Cost• M.se Phone ~1034 1 BR. rear hou"". Stov,. rrtr1i;. & ne.w r.arpet11. Newport B••<h 3200 Huntington &etch 4400 4000 QUIET &"flEAUTIFUL 'I Z BP., POl;Jl. t1tiJ pd. S'!OO 1110. The GOP.C:F:OU:' '."lew Adults 01ll.Y. No 1.c-1.s. li6iti VA l 0' ISER E ~c~";;'"';"''::'"~"·c,•~·1'!_7 ·~:!1'02~3·.....,~= ; "'"""""""""""""""""' 2 BR fut"n. r1•pk. 2 RR. hlun~. (Tiit~. flrp~ '!'!~ ::rd St :A;G.-ti32\ ('a.rly A:\1. 2 BR . 2 ba ., JUS! r·omplr lcd. Ca.rp ., draf)C"s. dii;hwash<'r, b!l-tn.;, Tift: \l[{'TORIA:"\ ~BP.. :J ba . Bri.nd r1e11·. Blt1n Wh•ddy• Want? Wh•ddy• Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Special R•t• B/B "111.:l·l hr<~ hr. t"un1.un!. :'.llina .. \t!'y Rn1. B11lu11t!!I I '/"hPril ny & .\:1" pool. BBQ.~ TO\\ :-.'HOU st; '' ., :!Qt)} Pa1'"'105 R1!. tifl-8670 Aduhs only. 1 Bd1'm5 . baths. Sp11t-lf'vi:l. A1·all. Oct. $12.'"1. BR. "·/111, Baby l:>th. Sl25 p,,., 7'1onLh. 11eltomr ,_,·1111 now. Broker Bay & Beach '"'"'"" R It I Sl jO. 2 BR Tn·plr:-.. frph:. ......., ,..,._ ~·D _Y· ... Bn~. 1.,6 uhl p<I. Ava il no". Erokr1· .....,, L.11J\'l'I I " .,U•lf' -":;4-ti9li0 6·15-2~ 'I::ves JJS-6%6 ·' . . Cost• Mes• 4100 MARBOR H1i;h/ands l BR, il----------- BA. t'l"plS, d1·ps. bl1 1n~. d~h-$JO.OO Wk. Up v.'hr no prts, Ll'a~,,.. S27~• n10. illC'I gal'rlencr. 5·18-6ti~O 01 • Studio k I Br Ap1~. 5J7-1Jt6. • K1tthen & TV inrt _ e Phone SC'JVttl' L: Pool BLU F F'S:; lo\'ely 4 Br-, c·r1s, e i\l<Hd Sl'rvice avail. dflJS. l.rrl, pools. \\lh lo e DflY. \\'rrk 8.· .\lonlh SIO!"l'S, Sl~1;JOI. .:lull. rark. :.!.':76 Nrwpor1 Bh>d :i!S·!li;i;) No pr1 ~. 1;.,, .. 1497 or ti\•l-01-1'.l • • • CASA G RANAOA Coniplr1ln~ Nov. ls\ d1sh11 ashl'"r, l·pts. drapr:s, 5 Lines -S t imes -5 bucks IHILES -AO MUS f INCLtiDIO Brand nt:W 'i BR, 11, BA. patio. 1-W~•t YOU ~•Vt 10 tr.!lo. J-W~•t VO~ ... M In lr•fll. S .1 5 0 . A riul l s onl y . Don t-rankhn Rh r til~-:!'222 J-vou11 •nane 1...i11r • .,.,,..,,._ ,._5 11,,,.., et uh 1rr1.,n1. ._NOTHING l'Olt SALi! -TltAOES ONL Y! Or•nt• County 4600 Crpls-<lrp$-blrns. s ound ADULT hYing. A!lractiv' 2 PHONE 642·S671 • . , prooferi , pn gar 11 /stor;.gc. BR ap!. Tropical i;cn1ni: SINGLE. adults, I u " u r Y f'cnced ~d 1v/pal10. \\'alcr Besot patio. :' blks to oc·C'an. Te Place Your Tr•der's P•radite Ad garden a1its, 11•/!uU l'l'"c:rea-pd Ganlrnrr mauitained. ~19.) 1110. 673-85j(I or ti73-484 1 i:!' C1·u1ser T,1·1n D. AUlo tlon lac1l1 r1rs &;E;lr!r ti6 i v11 foria !"l b3b-4l2U ,.,.,!~. l\ll-s. Cai'cy Agl. pilot. ran;i.r 120() mi: rri·rnt p1 1\'3t") South E Clubr-~~=~=~~=~-sur1·!'y $10:\1. \\11!1 t·on~idrr Apls :!17 So. F: khur~I, CASA GRANADA 2 BH .• I b<i ., cpts, clrps, tn.1.o1 drrd OJ" ~nialJ,..r bOal. /\nahr•m 1 7\~1 77 -1j{JQ Ju.~1 Opl'll('d • OnJy a fe•1· 2 bll11s .. ~1 7.:i mo. lrase. AL')(): Oiinrr ITI 4I 729-3.lC-O BR's s11U a1a1I. Pool, ire i Bl~. I ha . SI JO mo. lea~"-1---------- G•rden Grove 46l0 1•1n lhu·ry~· ·100 i\l,.1Tiinac Agent ti7;>-1101 •l:l' :O.l atthPw~ 't)J drlu,,. -----------1 1 IX'hu1<1 Lincoln J\lert·u!'y oll 'c"·"o~R'OoL~lcfJ07."-Acpc1-,-. ""'c"• ""'s=r Flying Bridgr: sffian Tradl' SJNGLI!: /\dull~ I. u :>. n r y llarbor1 sludio~. irorn" \\'/lrplcs. :uso for ~mall'r boa t. airpl;:rn ... ga rden <i p1ll 11•i1h ('Ollntry • 540-377~ • &. 11p. A!~o p<'l11hou~"" S22D. c11 r. hou se or :' 346-8030 club a tr;iospher.'" and com-i100. 3 BR, l~t. BA. b!l-ins, Pool &: palios. 673-3..17& r x1 4'.l4. p\('\t' pr1v11cy, SOUTH BAY crpl s, lirps. dishw11shi:r. VIE \V, IH'IV 3 Br. :l b<i_ epts, CLUB llPTS 13100 Chspn1>1n patio. No pets, 2 childr'n A G I C (11• drp~. hlrn~. s:12;; ll lo. 1'0"., ill"( Pll rove ., 1 nk. J~;).32Ei 3 311 5cl'nu: P!'apt'rt irs 67.>-~17"26 :':':"°=':· :·======::: SPWT-Lel'rl ~ BH. L"l"J)!s. 2 BR. t BA. pi:!llO; 718 SO.DOO f. sri rt ronim. 7onP /Jl"Operly in 11\l' hra.t·I or Yucaipa. \\'Ill trade rqty ror :'l'c11•po 1·1 Ar11~ 01· ~ ~ fiij.211-1 l!a1•t> st>•·u1·1t1r~. l'ral invr~r. 1n1•1u opport11111ry. ~10.UOO l'ill l\"11J 11 <i<I• all r.1• f)t11'I f11,. hvnir. 11111rs. l ' u. '.5 or ~ .. 011n!'r 1;11i-.~OOl . Coruna d('i .\!a1·. ~1a111 f)U(li, :I BH. '! B.".. J1·plr, 111rh b- b-q . L11•p 111 or prl'f fo1 lrasin:::. l\':.nl : l11i;o111r Ul Riv. or S.B. Cnty. tiT.1-70b'9 i\'link stolt, car1. Argus 8 .\·f,\! Ca111en1. pJ"ojcctor, b1- 11<X·ular,;, !<ipr 1cc:urder. For VIV, v;ilu1• 1:;oo. 5.11)..JCS8 01· J.lti-:J 115 I::l'r. 4705 l•gun• B••ch <h·p~. hlt111s R/0. No pc1s. ll1an;;old. $200 mo. 1883 t'l•lr ndot..a, S.13-5-1:.!1 * ti7:l-264'1 * LEAS8 Nol'. ls1. J Bi , I A<t , J O d o.. I ' d •. h I UST pene • l"V 11 rw • r rpts, rp.~. nrar "ic nos. sR·· t li I 'p I fl.·l lots Palm Sp!'ings,l'IC';;1·. f' n c' rl \' d, \ t n I s s 1 a Vli l · 00 ·. l'f'l' P ANORAMIC l'!'W 01·rr!ook-Z BR unfurn. adults. St'jlarale I hho'I·--". · •. 21.'i. 6.J6-!)j.l9 t'lll . 1 furry! 100 i1e1T1ma•: . I ne11 r icnnis club $20,000. tie g >VU<• " l lwhind Lincoln l\olert'tlJY of/ ing Aliso Beach. 2 bdr & :I gara.gr, private yard. E . Huntington Beach 5400 Ol:her windless a.i?..a Sl0,000 . REAL ESTATE Gener•I lndu1tri1I Renf•I 6090 ---8 llj(J »q. fl. Slti.J/mo11th Cos1 a 1\lt:Sll . • JlOO sq. r: 1 ofbN".5, ~ pha,;,. po11r1". l :l l 0 f ru o Cosf;l !\!P,,.;r • Jj~il) lo 1·1.0i',O ~11 [I "'"~ lrn~111c. uni!cr ,·011su·1it'!1t)n CO!:>ta ,\\r:sH. C. lluhr1·t :\:11 1rrs.~ r.ral101' Cos1a ;\lcs;1 61~-J tSJ 4900 SQ ~~r. 3 of/i{'('5 & lob- by. <:OllC!"l'll" 11lt-Ujl !"Oil· ~1 1'UC11011 , 2·10·1hrl't pl\it~!l po11rr. l n1mrd 1a le OI· •• •'U J)~•nt·~" Cost<1 ~II'.'~<+ :"-!' N11pt-S.O. 1n1)S. U l'. ,\1rpur1 ~>-10-4:-i!f• E°XCEL LEl"T 1H\li1t nl<+k1n5: plan for 1'lubs. r h u r 1· h J::l'OUP>'-organizations and itiC' 11l<l1v1riual. Double }OUI" mvncy, \\1n1t> or phllnt" 111J\\ for frrf , t'01nplr1p 1nfcwma- 11cn1. Conipub, IQ;JS ~ I'' .ii. Suu"" :!Ill. 11141 &::b·ti9.i."1. 800-sQ tl ' ,\J.J ~hop s1-:>1·,, lro111. /\(·f>lh!lc.: ceihn;::: Slllu l'Cl PlilL'Cll(la, I..' .11 . .is-1:.1~· -SOO~S~Q-. -F ·T ·.-B~l-D-G~. ~;. 17th SL, Co~1<1 il.trsa, :.i-.:o Elcl". po11·1'1'. Availahlc ;o.;ov. l s1. SS:i ;\Jonth. ti7:>-6iCO BLot; fm· lea~. 11.000 ~'l. 11 Pror.rrty 90' x ;xl(J'. 61J-ll::;.; 1l11y~. F.1·,,.li. tH~·l·l i~. !l!O I\' 17111 .. C.:\I. Lots 6100 BUILDERS .:; BR . .:; BA To11 nhou~e. Pool . Harbor ! bdr. furn. All l:'lf'f. 11.pls. 18l h, 546-3776 or 540-4431 2 BEDROO:\l 2 bath. cpts. Trad' for cq!y in unit., or rrpii;, ('XlT<1•. N '" w I y • ~1".l7l'.' • .rl.laturr arlt1IL~ No Pf'l~ 01· 2 BR unfurnished, comm'! i .. c •1 01. N B ~"" -drape~. built-in.5. Best loca.-· " ·•· · · · deco1·atrd. S27J. Ai: r: n 1 !'h1\d. $19:i & $230. Call aJl. 6 2 children OK. SllJ . 1 bl'· 0 p . Bkr 646-4144 La 1·ge 101. •1ppc1· Bao·I> nay, cul-de-scu ·. Gt·anada \Vay. S19,l50 clear. Subn1 1! auto. !ruck or t·amper. Perro n P.ealty ti4~-17Tl =~~~------l j(}' R-2 Jot rwar bcac:h, 11.B !TAVE JG <icrr rr•alier i.:1!' Only $9000 fn~e & clr. Ila~ strea1n R. D. 511tes, Realtor1 thru. \V11nt units. housr, :l::6-R801 Sti-:::JJ9 TO's or'!~ i\1-1 ncy J. ~loorc ,,. ,1,.. f URN large bach a p1 l'quiv P~1. ~99-.J7J:1 ~12 ~6 t1un. "· to J 0101 stores. Im-;-.' ,;-;.:-;:c""co---;- D'lo-t/ ;,.. ' .,. ............. $130 up. r urnished & un. \VANT Co!lta 1\l,sa or vie • .,-, , ~ . ~ !o I BR. Util pd. No pe1s. RENTALS S-.'iO 'I RL'I I.e. Back Bay,-' Sl~:J. l\'r ori\· Jui·nilurr . 2·2BR. 11 p i s . Respon~ible fo rnishrd. li12-283..'j o r HAVE .SO La~ Tahoe lot BR. 1 ~. BA. 1600 ~ri ,11~ .~ ;1 \·ail !'loi•. 1~1 ::,1~3866. Apts. Unfurni1hed adul1 s. No pets. 842-8303. 1701 Elhs. Ar1t. o. /\'cvada ~ide &. JO Aen·~ ov-Bkl'. 612-7000. BALBOA Pe1un. :;Qx!lO lot on bity. C·I or R-2. s:.;s.j()O, 6i;::...t;2&i 01 61J..!.:!10 pel.s. rel!' rfrtuirrrf 833-:.-.r,;o. Sinir h. For app"t .. 'i-!6--068.f LARGE l BR, 2 Ba., rrlooking Lake :-.lfllhc11 .s ~c-c=-o""====-c. Gener•I 5000 ,.., o A 1 ,--1 .. 1A4 S275 Y~L'i' lse. _Rack B:i.y. l REALLY QUIET.CLEAN ti ;;.;;;;;;.;;;.;;;.;;;.;;;.;;;.;;;.;;;;.jSJ:;o 2 BR upper. bl!ns. crpt.5, fil"('pla('e Sl85 n10. Also ne1v ...,ear. wn-g · i._., BR. 1·"' BA. 1~ sq IL no Br. 1,¥ Bt1 . Pool, aduhs I• <lrpl'i, no pcU. 5ti8 \\'. \\"1lson 1 BR S.113. Near ocean. pri. \\iii! 1rad. Drape! 11.•/1·alanc· per ~ rrfs rl'(]u1rt:<I R11-3-l3ll Sl!IC). 2310 Santa A n a VEN DOME S1. ~>4:>--0160 deck. i;ar. 2028 ] 4 t h e~. h01 tray, N"C'. play .. rn-.~BR. 2 e.... A-F"ramr . Near 645--2933 !~========== 536-131!). 673-1784 l1y IWI <."Onso!e, oval rug, 5 ACRES n,,. 11 r PAL:'<! SP RGS, n1ust ~a cnhre .~1;111 <>quity. balance S·IO mo. \\'ILL TRADE for 11lOIOl"C)'· c·!e 01· ! CALL 536-1131, -~--cR -~ lo t. Co~ta ;\les11. ~0 units, 0 11·n<>r. Phil Su ll iv a n !">18-6761 beach. Yrly i;r .. 121;. mo. 1 BR furn. 5143, inr.ludrs u!il. l :\lil.I.A CUL°ATE APTS! Newport Be•c:h 5200 2 &droom, 2 ba1h. l'Jll~. records lot• i ood vacuum Ca)"'·ood Rhy .)18-1290. hra1 t'd pool. co \'' r"" rf ,\DULT !: FAP.lILY drapcl'i. buil!-ins. 8!1t Joc:a. cleaner or Blue Chip PAINTING contractor 's A 6200 cr••ge '1 ork is ~low • 11•ish,,.~ lo ---"-------- u~.i.dl" 11'ork lor SPORTS COUN'tllY /'.'/ DIA.\ION O ~·a1· on El Cainino, Of ~ BAP. ll.:i 3Cl'C'~. 1111 util. & {'all Lal'ly 5-1:!-4.N~. an1rni l1"~-Su11a blr r or d I' I SECTIONS AVAILABLE DELUXE :; BR 2 h1I A ll tion. l blk 10 5 Point slort":s. Stamps. 5·\6-1584 a fte r 6PM " 3237 i.:a ra,::r . A u L"i. no P' !. hh -1os. dsh"'shr. Larg~ /.· or \\.'t>r kend~ University P•r .)49-'1627. and ~S-17~0. Close to shopping, P•rk $140. up. 1'-urnished & un-·· S · 'B · 2 B br1ghl. \Valk 10 bear h. Avail furnished 6 4 2 -2 8 35 or You can hai r i:hf.'.tnuls Dl". ' 1ownhous~ !\'1". school. • pac1ous" rs, a Nov.;, Sl.iO. iit31 .'.>88·32'5~ or * 1 B!!drooms (i:?:!-!ll 9:l. 8~2-a303 7701 Ellis Apt D roilstrrt on a n urien !irr! 'l b..i \\'EEl~L \' l't>n!<t l!I: i;Tar11n;; S~OO ;it $1i. Pool, phones. & maid :-:rr\"icr. 111£ S~L CONGO. * S11·irn Pool, f'11!/grrcn * BEACH BLUFF * Br deb: mf. hoine nr Run- mo. * F rpl, Jndiv/lndry fac i! 2 BR lowl'r <luplr.\. Nr ocean. Neiv 2 &: 3 BR. 2 BA. Yore. ning Spr111g!. FHA a pf)1' 4 BR. 21, hit . '.\.Int loc. S~JO :~l.":>-9·1'!S 1845 An•heim Ave. f'1•plc, i arai;iJ•, crpts, c!rps, Sl7.SOO baJ S4:!00. \\'ant little , 1 1 1 ---.;o.'°''"""""'s~-hi · 117. 1 R ed a1r. dsh1v.!lhl"!I, pa,io, mo. flO t asl' · SUS CASITA COSTA l\lESA 642-2824 ti n~. ·' yr y. t>· 1 place in C.i\T. 546-6277 Red Hill Rcalry S'"'i--08:!0 I I d 31 1 "" h SI ('1.1) pool. vi~\\'. 1 I.: story. I o---~--~~--~===°'====="==·= IFurn 1 BR apt. 1110 Nr.wport I ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! '2'.;"'1!1c · ' '"'1 .. • Walk to I Point Shops. 1-!ave securiti"!· real invt>s1 - East Bluff 3242 Blvd, i\leriallion by Hotpoinr. e RENT e =·o~="='·=--,.--.,--. 347.3957 mcnt opportunil)". $40,000 ----------SllD "BACH apt. 3-rm Ideal BACHELOR iip', t mployed 1 --N-,E-,-,-L-U.,...:\'1/_R_Y_l-.-1cBoR~ 1·al. Y.11U trad"" 11 1 or pa rt 3 BR rurn or pa\-11.i· furn; 81 for students. ar!l~ts. ocean 3 Rooms Furnitur e adull only. $7~1. 1216 \V. PATIOS .le BALCONIES for hoin,,., unit~. T.D."s ol' "BluH~". i :;gj m 0 . y r J y , v+e 11·. 61&-232.3. $25 & UP BallKlil Blvd. 6 1 5 -7 8 7 6 , /\DUL T L..V"lNG ~ ':" 011·ncr ti46-8ro1 . Si:;r.02]:, NIC£ L BR dplx. Qu1ri. Sep ?-fon th-To-i\.lon!h Rcnl ;lls -f!ll-!J(.i."i !:;Uf\.F"SIOE CHALET 100 Arres N. Dakota, "'ht>at R JDDL~: & r.Q,.;!" hy .i:ai·agr•. J aUul!. <i1 cr :iO \\"!OE SELECTION 2-Br.. 2-SA. CID. patio. 8~62 A!!anta , ;..::G-2'100 & ba!'lcy land, (':>.ch..ingl" fo 1· NF.:\\IPORT l!e1:::h1s hu111". :J BR . 2 BA, DR. nook, Sl'l'V pcll'L"h, den. 2r 1P, 20CO sq, r1. Ti'llde SU.oOO rQ. ror Acrrage/2nd TD 's. ;}.tS-9821 T\\'0. 150' lot!\ heart of Palm IX-s,,.rT, you can build 16 U. $35.!XX) equity, irade /or uni t.~ or romm·t N.B. or C .. \l, O"·ru·r b'7:~-304S. JI AVE 1·ll'a1· P.·~ k11 rln~r. !fl L .".. VaJur .\l·l,000. l\'anl r<int"h ar "11h-1l11• .~:n;.ooo. 11'1"111~. Coals, t:kr, XII S Jl;i.r hor. :-1.A. ;,~J--0~40 Resort Property 620l VACATION C<ihin on 21 ~ acrPs. Low. lo1v do1rn & 'asy monthly paymen1s .. ~ll lor only $199:1. Breckno!t Rralty 642-90 1'1 No l'f'I~. ;1~1!-Hl"ll l!FRC Furn11u1·• ~n 1al~ frplt·. rhsh1du·. l\"r \\le~1chtf Ora ngr Cuun!y rraJ e~ta!, Corona del Mir 3250 *'',\."cAU PAL.lfS • .11 7 \V. 19th. C.\l 51$-3-iSI P lz. ltili."• It v 111 r S.100. 1 BR . .-;rpt~. drp<t, hllln~. p~frr 1ncomo> nea1· rw w 11ppro:'I. :l~' C1u1!<.. R. E. Wanteci 6140 " ~ "1• 9 cnclosrd lf<ir agf . Closr lo P I Sl4."i. 2 BR. 2 Ba, l::nclo~crl Aclulr.~! For Appt ti42-u~3 Foi·un. Realtor r1 P rrfrr T S. C. B. t'. L:.1 ----------- SedHn. till-Ct'.7.), J BR, sto1·e. refn i;. Rar, nn,1 I &: '! BR. oo h<-arh. ~12.1. ~i36-17ti6 lu>.ury Cl.,.,IS ~ .. dr"~. ~lti;, 117 E ~'2nd SL &1:.'-3!).1;1 i;:a.r. 11·/111. Ch ild 0 .K. 2 BR upJ)('r. crpt.~. drps, STUDIO 2 BR , B _. * * * * ... ·-Brokt":r ~>34-t:i!lSO fl\Ol•I" & n!ll'ig. Sl60 yrly. /\p1. . • • A, Ill ~ * mo-)Tly. t;i;,... 7ii:i 1 BF.DROOl\I laq:;r. lr!eal for hril~h. Adul ts. 213 IJ1 h SL ~~'!!!'!'!'!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'l~~!!!!l!'?!!'!i!J!!'!!!!!!!!~ RIDDL ~; /;.· ROSS bsrhclor. Pool. Sl2J. 1993 4 BR. 2 ba .. family rm. i\lcs.a l='=':>-808=='======= No. 7, HB REAL ESTATE 2 BR. 1 BA. pri pa llo, laiin·l,=C=h="='·'=h=St=·='='=ll-=96='3="=== Del l\l11r. S250 mo. l,.asr. !==========""-REAL ESTATE Ai:Pn1 61:1--2101 Newport Hgts. 5210 Tutli'n 5640 Gen•r•I G•n•r•I f!ry room, g;;ir. Adu!1s only. SJSj. Call f'l""!i. alter :i & on Newport Be1c:n 4200 Sl 2Q. 2 BR . ::itol'e incl. $1 60. DUPLEX, 7 Br, h·pls. ...c..;_.;____ _R_oo_m_•_f_•_,_~_•_n_t __ s_99...;.5 lnc:ome Property \\li(•nd:s. ii7:>-17J8 Chtlrh·,,.11 ,t· P"'~ .. 11•,,.lr"On1e. bltn!I, c:r"I.'. rl rn~. garg. THI:: ,\SPF.N.O:: ·· 6000 ;"\r11·JY11·1 flrach \ I RI ti1 Ol l i '' '' 1 ~o6J2 l\'ill 1<1m St. •" rr.. uni f:r\11". 1"l~. GRAND OPENING , \';\I no ..... \I' -~ n11110 t:i7:>-37(}g •ftrr:'> .,. . dd '-' .. ,, ,, ustin !I pr!'shge a r·~~~ rlr;i ["W""~ .. \2·10 n10 [c,1 ~r IMMEDIATE Adult l1v1nr, no pet• C('lrh1n-;>.1 arr1n ti'i.":>-l!iti:? OCCUPANCY 1C_o_,_,_•_M_•_•_•_. ___ 5_l_O_O Ees' Bluff 5242 :'h~i: t'«rp~t~ 4 BR. ~·~ Bil. du ple:-. 2200 Ltt>.tuy gili'drn apa rtnienl ! MER!lll\lAC V.'OODS e NEW DELUXE e '1'01,.1 ;11r ~;oncJ;t1on1nt;' Sq. ft. Blln~. d1 ~h"·asher, of1r rini::; r omplrir pn v<ir·y, An ~;.;c1 hni:; nc1v ronL"r.pl In , Br. 21 ~ ba apt. for leal ' Unlurni:<ht rl frnl. S.300 i\lo. lr11.sP. !"l41)....7:173 .. -, .. 1,11,11,•d•.,•Pl"g ,. ""· J":-l"J'l"U~ l!IPI 11 ~111" ! 'l (;ymna~ium! Ir: ::>a.uni\.~ •· '"' " " " " "" ..... ", · · . ... ·; Incl. apar. ma~\r. suite, din p11ral1t'lcd ~i:re<1 1ional fac1J. RR .. ~ !:la th~ w.".h.EVER ~ rm. Ir. dbl. gac•ge. a uto. Aparlmcntp; !1'0m Sl:.0 H I. I B h 3400 C:O,CEIVABL E E EATURE For 1nfol'malion li3J.titi8T un 1ng on ••c 11i,..s 1n a 1-Quntry l'lub ,111. '· ~ • · dot;ir opi!ncr ;:r v<1il, Pool & l BR k1!t•nr or1tl'!, 1lt":l'p1ni:: 1·m~ flf'illed fl(lO!. !\laid ~f'l'VI!"" ~30 Jl('!' wk /,.· LIP. <!.30 V 1c:1ona: t'OR Q u 1" I nian, pvt Pntr., pvl. b:i rl-,. bile fr om b;iy, ll(l f."OOking ~ QlO. ti7.~~:z 11fl !'r 6 SLEEPING r ms $,'ill v.•k. I NEF:D P;:rr1nr1• 'I 11\'I Mnal/ in1·rsrn1,,.111. 10 1·01npl,.!e Plll"C'h/l~e o r 1111·011H' fll'O J). for 1ax .!irtv1ng.~. ti,12-:!i.J1. Bk!·. E·SID E hm ·-1ncomr 10 · uni 1s .1-2 rms -I-rm to' bid. $115.WJ. '.!O"~ ch,n. Own!' 54~007. • l;;;;;.;;;;;;;.;;;.;;;.;;;;;.;;;.;;;;I mn~phi>1•e. Now leasing 1n l ~t Units 11va1labli.• Nov. 1 ~1 . l'f'e. sre;i;. Nr. Ca tholic BEAUTIFUL " S1ory 3 /\"c"•port 8".1 t·~. Slarting il l $140. Adu!I!!. ~2;i Ch urch, Adult.~. llt> pt>!~. beclroom 2 ba!h honlr. I::\· ~·u1·nisheol or unlun11,:h~d i\ler1mac \\'ay fJUSI I::a l!t or e ONLY $1\.J 8 l•gun• leech 5705 100 CLIFF DRIVE $1~0 1 RR. 1', Bii . Crpt.~. d1·p•. hlfl nll. \111'\\' of O('l'l:ln . \\'alkil\1: <l 1s1anl"• to 1own. Al~ furn E.achrln1·. l'!"I"'.\ lat¥""· SliO, 494·1~49 111 49-f.j?,00 BR w/kilchcnl!lt!!": $-1:1 1vk. BY Oii'/l('I". ~ houM:-S on lot. 1-lealrrl pool. ,\1a1d serv1e~. £ .. ~id!'. JD'":~ rll1 n. ~ti,900. 4.iO Vi('1oria. nr l·l;irbor. 267 t'll<i~no!i11 • ti·1&-210:i '""ll'"nt arn;i i\c:<I' si·hool i\lodrls <ipcn 9 a n1 lo 9 pm ~'000 Harbor Blvd.' 81).) Amis:ns \\'ay, N.B. SZ?:l/monrh 1 ~r;:i.r ll'a~c Rents lro1n s1;,3 10 S:ilD. ti7:J.60JO OAKWOOD HARBOR GREENS-DELUXE l BR. 2 BA. E"d R00:0.1 f"or rrn1 . kl! p1•tv. I===="==°'=°'=""== A ~k f1>1' Al'l. !i47-~19 01 c>1r. i\lountain , it:•1·. good 1.,."""",.· ,.."',..~--,...!!!!!.-1 GARDEN )n,,. i i2 Amigo..; \\'a y. 1· I h7~~.->Q.'t'\ \VOR Kll'iG Coupl ... t"l<>:in J.-APARTMENTS B.l\Ci{ELQR un,\J1·11 f rom!--'------- .. .._,, $.ilO. Al>IO aviltl 1 · 2 I:: 3 Co•on• d·' ~ 52SO quiet. \\'-ap1, 111.1sr., 10.,.,,,, i·,-16,h '··-,, Id ... m•r tra.lrlf"cl\ cloi;t 11 1~h,..~ I or 'l TII t:i l2·81i0 jllcn 0111) S.lO mn 80.> r>Q\•rrnor SL C.\I 64&-J289. .ll93-.l3i0 Motels, Trlr. Crts. 5997 \\'l::EKLY 1111"! Sra l.i rk Butin•ss Prop•''Y 6050 Bl.c£ knivht Rr:st • .1~0 E, lith SI.. C M. •Land L: Bldg I "" "~ Bdrm. llra1ed f)Q(ll,, t"h1 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hr. Lln!urn h~f. nr ~pl in-----·-.,----l'art:ct.n lc1,adJ ro~hop)lll!i. l'\t'"''fl"'tT Rl'ilf"h. c ,, . 111it .l:iJ;\"GLI:: /\du.!1s L IJ,. u I" ':J i\'o pe1 ~. f:i-h. 1 Prr r ;'\n1·. J 1 $11."}-l:-'l"ril'n a pt~ "llh «Ountry ::700 Prlcr;ion \\';iy -•• fl.c,,_~. REAL ESlATa Gener ii S990 ].lotr l. 2::01 Newpor1 Blvd . By ()11ner 7 1 ~~ 61'.'·S~lfrO <.:o~ta i\.lc~<!' I FulJ ;,·, l'Omm. In 1111 hk1·$ . .\l~.a. i;q~ .. ~j Jf, •·luh ;i 1 nv•~phrrr anrl «On1 Costa ille.•;.r. ;1.J6-0JIO ------pl,.1r p1 1\;o<"'_,, SOLiT!l RA\' •I BPR.llf\ :! h~111~ l1mi!~ t "LC R APT!' lr1·1nr 11 l61h, MARTINIQUE ~~ YNG r:.;r1:ut11 " <lr~lr""~ orrMn or ba}1ron! 8f'I :\lnl rrl~ Ap prox S100 J)"'r n1 n C>1l1 c·ollec1 3f\ 6 12131 :.!H-37:.ffi Gu•1' Homes 5998 Busine1s Rent•I 6060 r<"ln1 Clr~n \«• ,,.,1 1-,,~r1~ !\""'f10r1 R<>a rl1 fnr (){"C'Up;:rrir:-.. ~.'1° / m'l 1711 • h-1: .. ri:>.1(1 Ai:I .'4\i-'11·I1 ---OU PlEX GARDEN APTS O:'-i TE~ . .!,CRE:> • I k ' BR. Fm·" • u"'"'" f:xcellrnl. park:-!1'-n l'lllT•)Und-F1rrpli10"!"'t I pnv. ra11os I in,-::' l()!' <idu.!ls 01\J), J~ca.r f>ovl~. Tl:nn1s . Con!nl'l Bkfst. ~h(l/JJ)llll!: Ponl 9()() !:)ca La ne Cr!i\t b.\~:!1:111 P R!VATF. roorn i n lir·('n~rd boar(! &: Cal'" tromt for r ld e1·l y ~r 11 t l r m r n. An1uhl i1 !01y only. :~11t-7122.1 :: BR '! ha. •·p1/rjo p. hl1 -1n< ref!+ frplt. l'lei• ~II Of)"ll"I' "a 1r1 ,,ijt \-f\ r. I I y . '; r.1· 1>1':11" hay i,i;.;.!)8/\0 Bi\( 'H J:..L~ 1R Apr. rmplo~·,,.rl adu!I onl~. ~7."I 1116 \\'. 2 RR rJu ple.\. ~\~'ti. t--r l!nt;; R~l hO~ Bl l'd. b 7 :I-7 !i 7 6 , I, ~ & :l BH APTS 1 :'11acArth111· i;r Coas! Hw;y ) 17i7 .'>an\H Ana. Apl 11 3 __ ,_·l_6_.;_:;._12_"_1'_ti_·1 ~_._14_0_·;~-I LARG E 21 v BR ;.. '2 baths, -. LANDLDRDS-.- fl:U:E RENTA L SERVICE l~l'okc1· J~4-698~ r,,.-;,-,-.-R-,-"-,•-1-,---5-9_9_9 lnlrrComnl. ti n .! o 1 ! a I . ~94-9i."i,'"1 !162-827."1 11!1 Ii p111 •1krly11. PLt..;S711--,,-,'.l-od··,-,-0,-,-,,-,cl·oc :>PARKLING Rilnc-h 4 RR. :.! apt RI thr l:lcarh. $125 mo. ORLEANS APTS. bl k rn ~arh. blt1n slo1•c &: <l 1~h1' ht'. ~·pt~ I rlrp~. i'\o prig. s'2;;:-, ;\lo yr:;.-. 310111 I r1s, 67:-,...;)JJ!l 3 BR <L\'all. Adull.5 onl). h11 , .\~lrl. fmn1l'rl Ot:t up. yrly. By appl. 673-2'.!3G, LARG I:: .1 BR. 'l BA, pri ~2\;, 11ll•r:; P.\T OCEAN rRONT l. 2. k 3 bd 17 11 Tustin, Cosra ;\lr!~ patio, hJtin~. d1sh11·sh.r, ""'v ~ BR To11.'nhouSI:'. Near h('l\Ch-rm~. \\'l,\;TER Rl::NTAL. i\!ir. i\h'!. Carson. &U-4Hl olivr 11hs~ (·rptg. drps. SUl RENTAL SERVICE t'REI:: TO LA NDLORDS • BIUI' Bl!acon 6-ti-0111 + \\PANTED l;\IMl::D. 1.;ar;,g' for stor11g• NB or C\l 11 r""R. Call ti7.'>-2ti30 21 ft('r t;:;lD P;\! Rooms for Rent 599$ 2 pool~. i;lubhoti~f' Lt::llSE. li7:'r-8088 ~lo 61~37S4 11ftl'"r 5 ~"136-17!17 1-BR apl 11·/sl'.·11nmini pool. -----------ISMALL 1 Bfl. V1t'\\'. S~I f"UR N. room~. Kit privl {;ARAGf: lc·t· 1•rn1. E:a~l o;1de. (.'ost1 ~1c~. $20 i'tlon1h 642-16."17 DOUBLE Gll.fall:f' ror lltor<ige ror renl. 1J(J2 Ol'a.ngt A~P., C i\I. ti·l6-~~i\D ------INDUSTRIAL 11n1tll I n r stot·ai;-c. SOI). \\'ei;t 16111 SI. i\'1'"-'J)Ofl Bea.t h. 646-172~ ============I \\"esl r\!'ll'J>Orl. Sl:ii mo. 210 Fa1'rway v1·11a Apts ~hi')', Nt'IY l"31'pf'IS " 11vail. Sl5 pt'r 11·k. i\len only. Huntin·1ton Cedar. 548-1 132 ilrl)11mP. 11rapes. SltiO. 61J...tilJ4 C:\'i. * 646-&ill IT'S \\"ONDERrliL t h , H•rbour 3405 YEARLY rrntal, 3 BR, 2 BA. '.'\e.\!' Oi'ang, Co Airporl l l B~ Inf. AlI util pd. Stovt SlJ \\"K &: up 11·/ kltt hrn. m11 ny buys 1n a.ppliancl'"5 I .'. ~UDY. ~hasr. Lta!t' 11.dult.o;. nea r ~ach. Sl90. L:O. Adt:.!t! onlv. ~'Ol2l rl'tr 1g, rpt<t. drp~·-S~50 mo. sz.o. "'k stud io apt. ~76 you find 1n lht Clau ilir:d ~lh o p 1 1 o n . Askin~ 54~3643 '"r!. S.nta An1 Avt . 540.2796 "'=''='="="='='i"rlf~. ~675~~,~~;g~~r~N~'~"':pon~~B:!':d:.~';":'-='=;:~>3~.~~;A;d~':·;C~h~tt;k:<~h,~mJno="=''== ~·100/m'l t'OUR S T A R $137.50 BACH ELOR 11pl. ulil Rlty. R\.'>-4·l"l2. pd. Crpt~. drps, blt1nli, pool. l 'u"N"°U°"s"uA"L,..,.l~B«~l~-m-,-,-.,-,_ q,. STAR G.A:.,,E'W>'IC-fC..., ··-· -· -1:12J P h1c,ntia. mtnt Ava ils bit Nov,.mtier A.;~A .llJ ..&.'--r S1nt• Ana H•ightt 3630 oc=E~.17N~E"·n=.o=,~T-,.,~.~,~,,~lo'°'r. \, Prl!ll'r n1Atu rr ccuplr Sl:iO F"""-"!!,'C,...---.. CLl.Y I. l'Ol,I.J.N'----r----t EXEC. hom" ;, BR. ~ ;;_ \\'1n1,,.r. SJJO ~o:_ U11J 1nel. includin.r 1111lit1r~. _v,..ar., :i:.. Y-WrA'*""1G.Oi.i. Ji... Cp"· rlr"S .• r ite. bit-ins. ADU LT ONLY. tii:l-8088 lc11M". 2)1 Ca brillo, Cos!a .Ac~""•• t. ffo1 Sf-,, J\lesa. To dew!op rMSt og• for f ridety, ~Incl. ~ardc"'r j16-67~D N •210 rf'Odwords cur"PO"d;.CJto~ "===-"====·== ewpart Hgts. ~ NE\Y 2 en.. 11·'111 crp1 i;:. .J.tTA\laut cif)'Wl'Zodiocbirtt.sigi\. \\'A:'OTEO : B!r1g apprlJ.x 2.000 ~ri . r1 ~111t;iblf' r or fl'sta\\1";,111 u ·1·11c D a 1 l y P ilot Cri\ i'll-,:1i. STOP..~: frH 1;-a:-r . !~fl: Ck•eanfront at Nr11poi·1 P1rr, 6'iJ..i."166 6070 LAGUNA BEACH Air Conditioned o~ FOREST AVE~·ui:; Oe;k ~Pd t"f> 11va1\uble in nr•1l'st offir r: build ing at primt' location iJt do1\'nto\1·n Laguna Eeach. /\1r condl· t1oned, t•arpctC'rl. bcautlh1l ('nn-;int('s; F ronta.ge on Forest .-\vf"., 1·rar le<1ds lo i\1unc1pa1 parkin' lots. S.>O pe1• n1onl,h for spRee. De-sk and chairs 11vailahl' for S:J. Busint ss houn; 1 11~1vcri n:: scn icf" ilvailablr for ;ii10. All ulil'll les paid t l:CCpt telrphonc. D,\ 1 :..Y PILOT ~·'tl FOREST /\Vf;NUI:: LAGUN A BEACH 49·1-9466 NOTICE II ~·ou hal'c a .1 or 4 l)cdroon1 horn,. ro1· salr or ror rent call u~ today. \\'e repr .. ~Pnt thr e1nplo)er11 of a lar;;c firm n1\1l'in.;: •n thr ha rbor art>a ii11d thc.y n1ust hll\'r hou~u1;;! All r•:i . .;h ir 1lrsu·rd. Call )'"<11'1'"11' :>lti-8610, ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 546-11640 OPEN EVES Till a ,30 BUSIEST marh:f'lp!ac"" '11 !011·11 Thf" DAIL'{ PILOT Cli1s~1ficd ~r-••11011. S"" v ,,. monry, •imr & "!fort. Look tlO\\": •• L1tun• S.•ch 3705 *Clean 1 or 1 BR • rlrps. xar. patio & pnv ya rd . if•\~· H 1 'f•"• ' Ad11ll<t no""~ ·•-121 E 16th R('sp 11.dult~. ~Is r-eri, no t ~wAr H :,_ ~,:,._ YRS. Liie. N•. Ui"1na at 1he • Si~ ,..-'•616 1gQ1 pet~. Sl75 mo. 376 E. :.1()th J Y ... •~ JlA DELUXE 3 room oflicc ~1111c 10 Corona del ~1 ar, Prr~!i~e. IO<'lllion. Panelled, n, 1v carpt'L~ !.: drspes. private parkinv:, Rcalonom1cs Corp. 6i:l-6i00 ocl!an. t-riu 11ep5 !o lhe s •. mo. up. ' · SL Ci\I. .J7-;~ ~;~ bl'ac h. V1e1u, 3 heir .. 3 ha., C-v--d 1 M •2 so 1~1~.,0--~,-,B~R""'~~'""'i--~,-...,.... .,..,.. .1'A Mo11t modern a.I I built-in kit-oron• • •r ~ · • •. ,,c, pa 10· 7lo< J7f'--.I 1------crpld. drpd, i ai'&JtC, 3dUJI S Q.;1!.WA~,, I T-1ot )I Y- chc-n. Larg" bt-11.ni~d Ji'tl , l Br l11rn. ncsr 11110rfi;. S110 289 Ol;:"lt. C. 1\1. 714 : 54g....u}1 tt//lftt,. 1: ~~' ~~= rm. il'/lra. romial din. rm. mo. 602 lleliotroPt":-&12-329.j or 213; :xn-5227 · A-7-l0-35 11 ,.._.,. •I .. Nr11·ly pa1n1M 11nd Cl"pl.-d. or ti73-i2ll 3'_.,_,, ''l<>11 ~::'.!""' $350 mo. 494-i'lll. -t!M-93.96 COROLfDO An•• ~ Sr ¥11Kho 2 BR, 11 ~ RA , -~110~,",'. CANC'lt :~~ ._.-ro,. nri V , . .., :ithoppin:::, ariul1ll. '"' '" . 1st. •ST• · 2 BDR.., t::\". co ·• 1"'\", lurn. $~ID Sil'.;, 642·2389 1 ~~ !;=.,_ choice atta. 11unny 1)3110, 67::.3.)!8 ~~---------''°" "'T• min. yd. main. S27J yr. lM: I Bfl, crpts, rlrpg, 1"1mm 1n11: •• ,,. ... .,._ f94...J401 LARGE !\JOO BACHl::LOR pool, g11r1!r". AdulL,, no 10,......., 50 £'- ' ====· =====:::: !BeaulifuUy turn. 1111 ottl pd ""h~-642--8042 ~' ~ :<11 ..._ tr ,?~-52 ...._ L.,UM Nl1uel 3707 $lOO mo. ~10-"266 LG 3 BR, 1~~ bll. Cn1~. drr! ~~~. ~~ :c:;:..;..;..._..:._-----IBAO~ELOR i.r!, l!hai cpt.s. Ca rport le pool. l\:1ds OK. 1!1 ~ !6 - .f BR, 3 BA, 7100 llQ ft 1 m1lr drpl'i, uril rwf, .\111) 2214 Cotl ri::t No. 2. ~~~~""' i,";~ to prl bt:11eh. B I t 1 n • 6i:">-{)!l:i1 + 71 .,. "~ .. LARGE I Br 11p1s, S130 n10. ra n i t, ovrn d1sh"''aahel',I=========== ,.1, St fo• ;llr tO!I <lei r.111r Ap!. 998 El .:11 • '° o...... v•cuwn •y~l!'m; c rpt1 . Bilbo• 4300 Dr C l\I ·l&-0~·1 drpe. 11prlnkltr~. ;arrlt':n "'-'-'-'---------Camino • . . ·" .J lf'f'Vitt. \Vatl'r J'll ld. i~z;ll 13R. nr hc;id1es b p1,.r. U1 ~ .\TTRACT IVE 2 BDRM·c:rpt51 mo. :ll11l J'I' Roy11J Dr l"'I '-·'11 1 11,.r k. J~G-:):J Jl <ir .-J rris. hltin,. car,-,nrt. Arfu.lt~ 496--1879 i;;:,.;.~J!l i' • fl"!.\ SI.ti l\!<1. :,NT69 ---------... -------- OFFICES Rrcr plJon-Ansv.·rrtng Secrt'l;i rull j.,;!J J\"""11"Jl0rl Rll·d .. ?"..B. 675--1601 COST A i'llt>sa offl~!. A/C, crpts. rlrp.o.. P11rkin~. Ve:ry nice of/Jets. JJ:id Bak,r, ~'"' BUSIEST m.\rkctpla~ in I01l'n. The DAILY PlLOT C!a~sifird l':f'Chon. S 11 v I!': money. 11ml' &. effort. Look no11·!!! -,...,... Reid Cla111ficationt 6500-6900 in the DAILY PILOT For Expert Assistance DAILY P ILOT D l ~f E ·A · LI NES. You c8n u!r. lh!"m !or iu~I f'l'nn1es • d!IY-Dial I 6·\Z.:i67f ---------• • SAYE •~ASH! Read The DAILY PILOT ORANGE COAST'S leading Marketplace c L A s 5 I F I E D llEST llllY SI ., I ~ J ' ' ' , • ' ' ,. " • -.• • ~ • • • •' ' .. ' • , ' . -·~---. ----------~-----.,.~~.--...... -..-.... ----.. "-~ ...... ----.... -~·...----· ----.. -----··---· -·1·--·-··---.... --------..-- • ~EAL !STATE .I -ANNOUNCEMENTS Gener•I and NOTICES --------1 R. E. Wanted 6240 Peraon•lt 6405 1---------NOTICE ff yoµ ha\le a 3 or 4 bedroom horli.c-for sale or for renl, tall U! tOOay. We represcn1 lhe employees of a la~e !Inn moving to I.he Harbor Area and thf'y must have housing] Ah 1:ash 1£ desired. Call Farrow 546-8640 SUSINESS ind FINANCIAL ( • J ( , / When You Wont it dq~e right • : ~· Calf one Qf the experts listed below!! *Alone? YES lt'S YOUR ~AULT ' ror 1'f'cortlN mes,aie thal will change your JUu 1·11.ll ORANGE CO. 5,17-6667 <!4 twlur I1'oordlng Announcemenb 6410 Tl111r!day, Ott~r 23, 196t'J OA!J.Y PILO,T 3.1 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & IMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMl'LOYMEN I JOBS & EMPLO'i'MfNT Jo~~n. Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Jobt-Men, Wom. 7100Jol»-Men. Wom. 7100 BOOKKEEPER COUNTER Girl for dry == :a! ( 11 :.1 JI :1 1.; 11 ::~ Full charge, thru T1ial Bal. cleaning plant, exp prc(f'r-1--=~ · · · · ance, for boat Ml~ business. red, bf.I t will train, Ille sew- !\fl.11 2 Yl"I ~Ptr: woman 25. ing. Apply in pe1..on 5 Pnin' * 13. Aceurate, ntar, an1hlt-Cleaners, J8641 JI.lain St., * Housewives and Mothers iou1. Permanent posihon. Huntington Beach, X I n t salary & • benefit.I. Custodl.kr1 &12-5T.l5 Mr. Garcia. IMMED. opening tor reliable BOYS 10. 14 man with p.revioua 1n-Earn ew:tri1 money for Canler Routes Qoen dustrlal janit<Uial e:\p. Xlnt for working cond., r;:d. pa,y & 11-ll l.a."Utla Beacil, So. La&;una fringe beneUts incl. profit DAI.LY Pl.LOT shartng. Calif. In j e c 11 o n * CHRISTMAS * 642-4321 illoldifli:'·, 200 Briggs A\lc, ~, &us. Opportunities 6300 FAMOUS BRANO NAME C.f\N.D\' ROtJTES '· SERVICE DIRECTORY . Accounting 6500 BOOKKEEPING done 111 n1y llon1r, small accounts \\'anted. Call alt 6 p.rn., 67~\:'i61l SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY . Carpet Cl•anlng 6615 Janitorial 6790 CAll PEi' .ii. uphols~l;'ry stl'ain c!enned, al50 carpt!l Hl· staUation. Results i;:uar. 1-'or frrc e~L ell.II 646--5971 SPARKLE Jan!torial & \Vin· d01v cleanini Serv. \Vin- dows, ~sid., come!, const. Cleanup. Free est 968-2691. &rand Opening Acodemy of Physio Theropy BOXS BOYS BOYS C.M. 54641=="'~~~=~1 ll'nrk 3 h<>. •a<h n;ght, ' h" * DISHWASHERS Sat, hourly \Vage. Phone for *BUSBOYS 11rpo1n r. 54~ BUS boy -exprr. r)O! n ece s sa r y . To1~er Restaurant, 155.5 So. Coai:t Hwy .. l.aRUna Beach. Call J. C. Penney Company Fa1hion l1land -Newport B•ach H11 poaition1 open in *Sales Now av'ailahle in Costa ?>ll'.sa & nuuiy other towns in thi!> area. All Joe<i1 ion~ are r'(lm. mercilil or !ac1ory. Very high ear11ings, no selling !II· •.-oJ\led, TQ qualify you n1usr be r'l!!iable & hair 1. h1· a day spare time {days· or rves). Asphalt, Olis 6S20 SEALING & PATCHING Residc!\Ual -Indus -Co1nc'I Conipl N'as serv. Ctirrf·n\ly engaged by City of C.!\J, for street 1-es!oratiori. Ni\TU COP.P. Gen'! Contractors 638·5SJS * l.Jia1ni:o11lls an· nieHSur(•d hy quality, so nrc WC'! OJ,\,\10ND CARPeT CLl•:;\Nl!:RS ti-l:rl317 anytime Electrical 6640 F:LJ<:CTrUCIAN: Lict'115('d, bonded, sn1all jobs, r11a1nl & rC'pa1rs. 5-l!'-520:1 Sauna & 111assagr, 6 fen1ale Cech. 10 am.J:.! ntklnight 7 days. ~ Thalia, Suite C, Laguna Beach, 494-1313 Landscaping 6810 :========= ---'--"-------' Cem•l•ry Lots LJC'D Japanese landsca pe Contractor, Lawns, .sprklrs, patios, e lc. 830-3037 Ma1onry, Brick 6830 RICHARD ALLEN 6411 FOR SALE by owner, 6 Pa- cific View cemetery lots. Call 545-6960. Legal Notices 64SO $1200 lo $3.150 nEQUIRED Inquire about our "fre'-' bonus roulc plan". Milke your fu. ture Sf'eurC..,, 11h us, a Dw1n & Bradstr~t ra1('(J National Co, For mrire information l't'nd namr, address & phone no, to: ROU'I'E OF.PT, P. 0, "Box!?!! !;'timo!J.a, .Calli. 91769 B_•_b~Y-•_il_ti_n~g ____ 6_s_so Floor' 6665 Cu1tom " Spanish MaJonry A Specialty I I ll'ill not be responsible for any debts olfler than n1y O\Vll. Robrrt V . Brisron FRIGIDAIRE BABYSITTING, Ne 11• po r 1 }-!eights area. Li•ri;e fe111·ctl yo rd. Xlnt cal'c & r~fs. 6-f1-2TJ4. JET ACT.JON r::X-PLAYGROUNI? din'ttor Frigidaire 18 min. \l"a~h. 1111\ carr !or rh1lrt 111 111.v F<lMe§t in th{ ind~i1y, 30, hf\111f'. Wion thru Fn, Call 18 min W&.llhes wiil do the 67~~'8 1vork of 45, 30 min 1vashrs -.-B-l>_B_\-·si-· 1-·-n-N-.G-.-,,-,-y-o.· FRTG!DJARF. OUTST'N·D· " nite, i\·Ja~nolia & \\'arner,. ING WCATIONS: L;1 l\fira· FV. S~i-1¥11~, da major ~hopping Cf''1tcr. Garden Grove & Buena Pnrk. Brick, Masonry, etc. Coin·O·Matic 6560 Equipment, Inc. BUILD. Remodel. l"\'fHdr, 2334~~ \V. Valencia Bnck. block, concrete, Fuller1on 71~: 525-7833 carpentery, no job too s1nall . Lie. Conlr. %2-6!1·15 PART TIME ~fanufacture auto at.:<.'<'ssory Business S•rvice 6562 parts i.n your spare lin1C'. GOOd family projcel. $!~>{1() .supplies needed. Sh o u I d J'Cturn :S500 + per monlh or more lull time. For appt, Phone 171,lJ 539-9871 ,. c.~l 221. MANUFACTURING E.xpatlding company needs man for ~n[){'1vis1on of p~ due!1on. $.15.CXXJ invf'slment. Saf:ny op(on + ~ha re in prof. its + con1pany fringe br11. e[l!s. Fol' agpt phon1• !7l~l 539·9~71, ext. ~90. Pnncipal.s only. TYPESETTING Ne11• and con1plcle co I rl t~'P" faeili1 i1·~ srrving a ll of Orangl' County. OJ/er- ing s!}{)edy scrvi.ce & lo1v ratrs. Call for further uJ!onnation. (711J &36 ~Xi:l Cillrpentering 6S90 CARPENTRY TIITNOR REPAIRS. No Job Too Small. Cabinet in gar- ages & o t b e r cabinets. DELIVERY 545--8175, U no answer leave Drlii•er ~·;ir parts 10 our cus. 1nsg at 646-2372. H. 0. Anderson tomers 111 Qra'1ge Coun1y =====~~~-~ an;a. $3~j() for in\-f'n Tory, A CARPENTRY. Ca b in c I s 1vorkC'r ca1i n1ake $1000 p<'·r Rcmod. l\'o job too !'in1<1ll, n1on1h For ;ippl phone (7l·ll 11uali1y work. Call ti4G-2J76. 5Jrl-5600. c.xL 391. QUALITY Repairs -Altera.- STEAill CLEANER FOR lions -Ne1v consf. by hout CARPETS lk uphol. A\lcr. nr Contr;ict. 646--3·142 $200 111111 J3oo P<'l' day, 110 REPAIRS. ALTEltATlOf'.<S f)f'r~ntage. Yo 11 01\'11 J1. CABINET. Any slzc job $3li00 cat<h. 646-5971 f'Vf'S 2~1 yrs. exrlt'r . '.>18-671~ Dnve-1n resltiuranl REPAI R, Partrtions S111all Balboa Penin.~ula Ren1odcl, etc. Nile or day, Pncerl ri ·nson:ihly Reas? Call KEN 540--4679 (;OOl"f lllf'OITif' Call Shore Proper1ir.s f,73--906() Cem•nt, Concrete 6~00 CARPET VINYL TJLF. Block, Brick, Concrete Free l!'Sl. Lie. contr. 540-7:.!62, l==F~,~·~·=E~s=t.=6=3=:1-=2=34=3= 5-16-4478 Gard•ning ANTHONY'S 644-4860 6680 Tl1c D-f'st, costs no n1ore : Experienced !l'iaintenancc Budget Landscaping Graduate Horticul1urlsl NE\V I a \v n s t'C·sccdins. Complete lawn care. Clean up lly job or month. Free cstinia!c~. f'or info, call lM&-119~2 or 8!1.1-199'.J /\L'S Gru·deniu~ & La11•n ill;iinll'nanrc. Commf'rcial, industri;il & re.~idcntiaf, * 6-16--]_i:.?9 * COMPLETE ·Yard r.1a1nL C!eanllr r.cas. !J6S.J~2S/fi46-S2·i7 C11i & Edge Lawn Tllainlt:nanre, Licensed 54s-4SOS/549-l~l aft 4 Po11perhanglng Painting 68SO NEEO PAINTING? Call 11i;: Rrl!able Service w/ QualilY at its best, at the )nost 1'E'asonab!c prices. Fn.'c cstln1ales. 548-GOO:l * JNTEHJQj{ EXTI::RIO!t* i'ainting: -Paperhanging Lie. Ins. Guaran1ced _Jlan·is Painting 642-4:i:>S. SUBURB.<\N Painting/Dec Expert Guaranteed WorJ..~ :F1·ec est. No job too lrut;e (ll" too sinall. 494-3190 BOB'S .!'11ast.er Painter & Es1unarer. Cu~tom 1-1.•ork only. 213: 5!1:.!-:.M86 \VALLPAI~ERTNG &·. P;\\N- TING, 10 YRS i11 a1.,...a. Rr;u;onal1lc rates. 642--0427 f'OR Beller Painling, in1rr- ior & exterior, acouslir ceii- ings. 6-15-4077 & 5-ll-350"1 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Job Want•d, Wom•n 7020 e 1\1lN JCAR E NUrt~ING e NurS('S & Aides avai!ahlc !or ho111r can• on hourly b:;.sis, l bour mininillin. Also .shltts & ll\IC·in .. Allied Nurses A: Aidr! {)f 0.C. Nurs~s R<'g\s1zy 2729 \V, Lingnn Lane, S.A. • 5·16-•1570 • F IC BOOJ\KEEPF.R -2;, yrs. Exp. Auto, Di\-IV. Public Accting. & small hus. \!.'ants part tinie. 1'~le.x·. iblc hrs. Fast & dl'pendable. 4!12--2905 t'VeS. llOUSEcleaning by dav 01vr1 lransportalion. • 8:19-.'\0:~~ • Job Wanted, Men & Women 7030 CJ-llNESE li\le-in Dcme~tics. Per1n:u1cnt. Expc:,rirnced. Far Ea.sl Agency 642-3703 .Japanese Gardener Cnn1p lPt(' Yard Service l'rl'P t-:::srimalf:' Glf..tiflW Fuji La"·n Service Plastering, Repair 6880 Joba--Men, Wom. 7100 e PAT C H PLAsrERING . & (..;rntr;d Yorrl Ctca1111 p .J.i0-'196',J I-'rl'e E:sl1n1;J!C CLE:AN-UP S!'l::{:IALJST! Illo1-1.·1ng, c<lgu1g. hld jobs. Reasonable. ~>18-69.1:1 THJ::l'.: Scrvier, i::cncraJ )'ard Cll1anup. Ro101ilJ & sprinklrr scrv. 6·16-58--1.ll * Expert Ji!ipanese 1'1:-.'Esf \\'ORK &16-038t All (yf)f'io,. 1-"rl'c t'stiiaate. Call 5-10-6S25 ~mbing 6890 PLUL\lBJNG REPAIR Nu job too sn1all • 6~2-:11 28 • ~~model , Repair. 6940 * IF you nerd rrniodf'lin~ 11aintini: nr rcpa.ir.s. Call Di ek, 6-12-1797. G __ •_n_er_a_l_S_•_rv_;,_._,_6_6_8_2 Roofing 6950 GARAGE Doors Serv1e('rl k Repaired. GcDt'r0:1l House iVlaint, SlO. n1in, 67.~538.f. Hauling 6730 TRANSFER Panrl truck, .~· \-'\V's to Caniper:o;, Rcbutldt rcn1odel boats + prefab1·i- C"alifln, Custon1.bu11l cabin{'ls & lixrurr.s. Formica 11·ork. 6·16-~1219 I ====== abilities aalimiteo agency Quality Po.~i!lons for Q11alili~ Applicants 488 I-:. ·17 th St.. Sultr Z2 1 Co~1a l\·lC"sa 1)42-1 ~70 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 0p('ning cxb;!.s for a p('r• son \l"iU1 recent rc.:pi'r1. f'nce in 11rco11nts payahlr-, in our at:counllng di.'pl. Call &ieila. Hic}<man days, 6-t!-2400 Y i\RDl r.ar. cl can up. flcn1ovc lrcc.s, II')'. dirt, fltONEY :VJaking cafr for * CON01ETE F l oo r s , 1raetor backl10C', gra de two. S.'lnt.-i Ana Jndu~tria l patios. etc. P.ca!'ionub!e, Call 962~/ljl;i Sewing 6960 GULTON INDUSTfllES 1644 \Vhittier Ave. OJsta j\-lesa, Calif. APPLY IN PERS0:-1 COCO'S 494--6574 · t>tr. Angelo 7S Fashion Island BUS DRIVEn tor prh·ate Nc11•port Cl'.ntc1·, N.B. Chri5tian school. ·Parr limc _l -~D~l~S:CH~W~Ac-S~H~EccRc_. I \\'itJ .. train. Good drivini:: ITcon:I n>quirert. Ap ply 16835 Broo k bu r ~t , l-'ounlain Vall ey. 962-3312 Carriers Experienced Apply in per1on SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 Pac. Cat. Hwy. Newport Beach DISHWASHER-- Experienced -Days Apply lo ?>·Ir. Col'° NEWPORT HARBOR YACHT CLUB 720 \I/. Bay, Balboa /Closed f\olon. & Tul's.) PrSJ!\\'1\Sl l}:R • Gra\leyard s 11 i It. i 1.&:i h1:, CO'l'T/\Gl'.; COFFEE SHOP, 562 \\'. l 9tb SI., Cos1 a Mesa. * Stock *Santa's J-Ielper * Credit intervieirs * Gift \\'rapping • * 11ferChandlse records *PBX Schedules including afternoons eve nings and co1nbination of both. ' f<'i nest c onditions -·rop supervision -Ex- cellent benefits incl uding disco un t privil ege. * '* Apply Now * 10 A.M. to 9 P .M ., Monday thru F riday J. C. Penney Company #24 F11hion l1land Newport B•ach, C•lifornia . * We nttd can·1crs .. mall' ot· fen1ale, 18 Yr!i or ov- {'l', gOOd hel\lth, to dl'- livcr third flass type n1ail rach Sunday morn- ing in lht-Se area~ -Hu111- 1ngton Beach, Fo11n!ain Valley, \\'cstmlnster, ~u11- !'cl Beach, 11-lidway Ciiy, Seal Beach. Costa 1\l<'sa, Nrwport B<'ach, Corona dcl l\ier. Irvin!.', Laguna llill~. El Toro, J\.1ission Vil'io, Sa n Juan Capis· trano, Ca pistrano Beach, Laguna Bf"ach, SouU1 La- ~una. Dana Point, San Clemente; DELIVERY dt'ivrr for con1· 1:~~~'~' ~I ~I ~::~~~~'~'~I fl ~a~~~~'~'~l~I~::~§~ I n1ercial blueprint shop. 540--9373 1~=~~=~=~-1Job1-Men, Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men. Wom, 7100 DENTAL ASSISTANT for lloStC,"s.scs Ot·thodontic p r a e t i c I' . Chalrside & lab. J)(>nlal e:<p Factory \Ve need you ! rt'I!. Orlho exp prr. Age Be a hoi;tcss wl!h !hr Excell ent pay, ~ho 1· t hours. Apply ~!wt.en 10 an1 & 4 pm at the Joilo\\'- ing addresses. 19-30. Top salary. 642-262fi ITT JABSCO ~!an1orous new H ostess West Agency-A t.li.ss Prin1 DELIVE~ Vrn1ure. \Ve have jobs lo fill -\\le need attral'ti\le i 4!"i2 U::irge Cirr:r J !unt\ni;ton Btal'h TELEPHONE TURRET LATHE girls from ages :.!Cl thru ;);,. OPE RAT OR 11111·rv1cw by nppL DIRECTORIES !>no °""" 8'74ol9 TOOL, DIE & llOUSEK£EPEH.. L I v (' -I 630 Termin{l.f \Vay Costa r-.1csa Men or women O"l•r 18 with cars, station w19. on1 or light trucks. 2769-J camino Capi~trano Laguna Niguel Apply 9 ,30 am, 10,30 CARPENTERS. Experienced ~m, or 1 :30 pm. Start- only {or oceanographic fi rn1. 1ng Mondi1y, Octo!Mr Apply in person 1 9 I 6 27th. Placentia, Co5la i\1 e:; a . :-~18-3486 *CHEF* Part Tim• for S11hday & J\lonr:lay night, 4 Lo 11 PL\1. needed at ALLEY WEST 210J Oc!'anfronl 16131 GOTHARD, UNIT M HUNTINGTON BEACH DENTAL ASSISTANT Oral surgf'ry & X-Ray e:'\p only n<'ed apply .. f>.18-7719 OC'11l. ::;tore J. W. ROBINSON l!Ms an opening for a -MAIO- r-.'r1-1.•nort Beach ti75-JTI4 Offering full On1r ~mploy- ** CHRISTMAS ** nicnt 11:ith excellent benefits. HELP Apply in pcrwn to the Per-sone 1 DP.pt. (Mal• or F•male) FASHION ISLAND Full and par! li111e 11-1AIL NE\VPORT BF:AC/f \V R A P P ER .<=-, SAL.:ESl---------- CLERKS, SfOCK CLERKS DELIVER Apply 10 !o 4 pn1. RICHARD'S Lido Center .l\.13 Via. Lido, N.B. TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES MOLD MAKER help nl'cded by 1 1 11 motherless ll arbor are 11 MILL & DRILL home. Local pro!. 1111111 & Ii OPERATOR yr old son, Send brirr ALL position~ reqoi1-e some e.-;periencc LIBERAL FRINGE BENEFJT PROGRAi\I I:.:QUAL Of'PORTUNJTY EMPLOYER 1 ~8J Dal<' \Vay CDsta l'llr!,tt, CaJl!. l714' 54:>-S25l dcserlp!ion <Jf preViou.s exp. & personal data. C<1.1· ot· dlivers Ile. pref'd. \\'ill phnnr for intcrvil'w. B. l'.ook, !~.OU Adain~. ::itl1lc 203. C .. \1. llOUSEl\EEPI::Jt .~--:-i1!IPr NE f; D l ~li\IF.IJl.'\TI-:LY J'l'.<:ponsib~e. d c-pend ab l r: olrtrr 1vo111an 1o can~ for ~ childrP.n rnusl h11ve. l'f'f.~ I;· C!•I'. Pl(',1.'le phone lor in. 1r1•vicw !l62-7:1fl:.! aft 5 p.nl. -=-:-=.--cc-c=~-1!-IOUSEKl::EPER L·, •.• F /C Bkkp' to $600 •< :=.table Co. Plca!!ant 11·orking Conditions. Top !7r-n('.fits. Call Dian(' ;HQ..}41() JASON BEST Emp\oyn1ent Agrnry 2120 So. Main. Santa Ana * * FIBERGLASS n101herle!s home, bea1.:l1 <11·1:a. 2 1el'nai,."t'rs. Pleasanl r J"('[axetJ atn1osphl're . Per1nanf'nt. Ph. 531-14~ J!OlJSEKEEPER. ll\'(' Ill \\'ilr ill. a1vay Ji-om horn<' Childrrn 6 & 8. Call !\Ir 1 ri1L :"n-58s:; HOU.'i ~:KEEPER, 11\lc 1'1 , pvt . af)L 2 i<chl 11ger5. Call 67~-(1:{10/.'>48-7197 Arra. Fully rqulpprd, :'ihort _Don, 6,12-8514 1-----------CLJ-.:AN-Up and light n1ov-ol'd!'l"S ,\:, :>horl hours. 1ng, Ca.JI Dave: • Dres:sJnaking • Alterations Special on hems. Equal Dppor1uniry ('l11ployrr AIDES, Nur.;ing, Ex p c r . Prrf'(I. Apply in perso n via PH : 71 .. J -494-8075 MAN** Al!·aroWld fiberglass 111 a n; n1old, hand layout a1KI gun, needed 1~ith C'XC.CJll'nt exper. ienc.r. New t"Otnpany d~ires individual lhaJ ha.~ n1a na11e- mt'nl and tral111ng a bili r;y. CH n I S T !'11 A S .spc ndinf( Call t.71~\ 774-7ffi0 and l!Sl\PR & child ca r•', JI.,, t)il,YS. $30. ll'k -i· l'!TI, I,, board, paid \lac, 5 10-9212 /IOUSEh:EEPE Jl. 1 day/111k. Good pay. Hunt !·!arbour. 84G-4851l HOUSE\VIVES &. high school ~e niQrs. lnterei;tini:; "·ork f1Jl1 or pl-limr, hourly 11·ncf", rhuo1' ror :ippo10t. :1·l0--46.'l-I ~().55S9. Contractors 6620 * 893-4295 * * &16-6'146 * ST!TCHI-:HY CLASSES Sr-11•ing. Help v.·ith Christn1as idt"a!t. frlS-1400. nioney'!' Tmm!.'diatP., prof. M•n or women ov•r 18 Ask /or Mr. Tucker 1!able, enjoyable endeavor with cars, itation wag--1---,-,--,,.,.-.,.----**AUTO lnve1tment Oppor. 6310 A CQUIS I TION j\JERCER. S111nll OR educa- t1on;1I prudur ts inf;:; has prn- rluc1s launched but 11\'f'(!s broarler ba:>r fllr n1nrk•'l111.: cxpans1nn \\'rite D;111y Pi!i,L Box 1>1.:H6 llOi\11::: BUILDER Builr! on your lot, custon1 craftsmanship & dr.~i~n. Every roon1 a 1naslcrpiccc. T:ra~. Li<·. hn'1rlr1L ~>4S--07ti'.l FRF:D II. CEP.\\ IC!\ El!ild111.;:: ContrartGI' F"1u11. rlns. htlrrn~. r1:111n~ Lir.l'nSl'i.l-Frr~ {'$\1111;11<'!\ r.o:;-6().11 ,v r,.1'.l-2110 Cl•a n Up And Haul SIO a \oarl &16-252S Alterations -642-5845 _H_o_u_s_e_c_l•_•_n_;n_g~ __ 6_7_3S Ncal, arruratc. 20 years rxri. BA'{ S-13c;ich ,J11n1!0na l !'i"er'\I. C.1 L-prt ~. \I 1ndowi;, floors, ,.,,,.._ P.es & Co 111 n1 c' I li·lG-1401 Tree Service 6980 MECHANIC** lor your spare hour~. Call 1· h • FRY COOK • Vanda Beauty Counselor ,ona or ig t trucks. - All around au1o 111cc.hnn1'c, rxrcrienl'rd 1vi]h Corvairs & V\V "~. N{-11• (-ompany de- i;il'f'.~ 1nd111iduaJ 1hal has Cosmetics. 5-16--1 76.) .:.::::==,""-==~-1 Apply 8 :30 am, 10,30 CAS·HIERS am, o' 1,30 pm. Sla<t· 111g111t, ,~-tralnin~ ability, Foll f1m('. l\lfl ny P.m plo;yee Cal l 171 ·1! 77-1-716.J and bcll<'fit!i, "'I' \\'U l !rain. Ask for Mr. Tucker Apply in person 9::W.9:30 ROBERT HALL CLOTHES RAHYs 1·rrER \V 8 n I c d : ing Monday, Octo!Mr 27th. ~ftl I Plar1'n1i:1 , COSTA ii-TEI',\ Sun. & Holuiay.~ o(f * EXPERIENCED APPLY IN" PERSON 1 MC"-o~n~•Y;_l~o-l~o-•_n ___ ~_3_2_0 GI-:>il:'.RAL Cnnlrat l<Jr 1· c;irp1'nlry, c0'1l'rctr. add k All e \\'INDO\VS DIRT\''! F1"'r rs1, 1~ years cc.:p. .Joh11n.v JJunll 6~2-:.!36-1 BE\VARF::! Ruhher Jrers break frn1nrl11\1ons. Fr"r f'SL Any Tree &>1-v1cc. 530-3920 Dout: Hour~. l\Jnncl;1y lhn1 Fridey, 1601 Ne1-1.•po11 Blvil, C,1\1 . ·~rr!9 \\I l s1 ~! , 10-2. 3 chilrh'('n. J\1;y hon1e * CASHIER * Ca r \1•11..sh, SANTA AN(\ 6990 $1J Pl'r 1\'et'k. Call Diane full timt' or par! lln1e. THE RIGGER 2nd TD Loan r,.rnnrirhng. 2:) yrs r ;o... rrr1rrwr. :1::1-7'.18-l. 8-11.2:;i-;2 \\'OULD You l1clieve l 1\.ill _U_p_h_o_l_st_e_ry~-----53(»-8111 H.B. (.ALL: &15-2021 ~:\(J \V, O)LLJNS # 16 Fashion J5Jancl Nev•port Beach i·lr1H1 your l1on1e for Blue CZYKOSK!'S Cu~t. Uphnl. BABYS!ITING ,i:, ironini< CLE1\NING \VOP.t A.N ORANGE P1Y1n1pl. conf!r;enlial scrvire -" Chip S1a111ps'.' 897-7J:;o Eurn""•tll Cr1tftsn1~n~lilp ,,,.1 ,.,,,," '"' l"""I'"'· C•ll EXPf:lllENCED DRAFTSMAN C t Cl I 6625 ,.. " .. " ...... .. _ fishing Rod \Vrap~r~ 642·2171 545-0611 a rpe ean ng CAltPET.'i, \\'1nrJ0111s. firs. Ir)(),...~ Fin! fi.!2-14:i l 8-IG--0107 ;\fl ,1:30 Relerf'nce~ 642-3089 5.ll yrars Expcricrn:e. Tool Top dollars if exp'd & willing Sr-i-v i'1Jt llarbor ;irca ~O yrs, CAitPET & furn. f'lra.ning: f'lc. P.c:. ot Conic'l. Xln\ l~.'ll Nl'ii·port Bl., C.~1. BABYSIITEH .. your honir, CLERICAi.: l n .s ti I' an r f' SC! up & dr~ign. 10 11ork. Browning l\lh~. Co. Sattler Mortgage Co. 1 t d ' 1 1-1.·fJr·k nrai;! Rrfs. ~.1~-"1111 , "'0 1, 'I 1 ·1 1 11 J ·I nl" '" I t I 1919 Pl · , I or riy scrv1re · 11ua 11y " nut er \\ 1a 1 is, you 3 ~rh a~l' girl~. l\lon-F'ri casua y rxper. g1r ... n er m acl'nha, <.: . l\ , ::.'\fi E, lith ~trrcl 111ork. call s1 ,,rling lnr D1\ll.L I'll.OT Class1ficcl ran sell 1t with a D1\ILY un!l! j pm . Perry Sehl Di.st, 11.R. l\tr !\Tann, !142-4449 P•r•onnel Service ~S--lljt $15 ,000 1 _br1g"ntnc!'-•' 64'2-S;,20 .scr!ion NO\V! J"JLOT \VANT AD~! 642-51i78 =1-lB=·-"'=·=;=Y=~---~-C.0 .0 . D•liv•ry 44:i E, 17111 St.. Ci\I l ol'~R~,-. =c=oo=K-.=0-,-,.-.-,=:x-·p-\lll· for ~ood real estate loan. BABYSJTTI::R 1\•antcd, my Must be neat, r('Sponsiblc 642-7523 ly. Sia.rt S2.JO. COTT AG I-:: Vacan1 OK. Tl1r. Ar!an1s, homr, a fternoons, n r . .and familiar 1-1.'ith Orng.l--*--D-R-IVE--R-5--*--I COFF EE SHOP, J62 \V. 19th Broker * 4!~·2l:l0 0 CC T I • d "· \I'll t . U I ° C'I I ~~~====== ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS · · · ecnager P r e · ..... unty. 1 rain. P 0 .~1 .. ,· 634s d NOT CES d OTICES 5.Jll-tl296. 1301 °•Y·. Apply no w. No Ex-rience 1-------- Mortgagea, T .D.'s a nd NOTICES an I an N ~===~~-,,--~I \Varner. suite ?17, Santa Ana r--Forol•n C•r M• ... hi1nic• I--"-"--"-----BABYSITTER, M y hon1r., 3 N ! • - 1ST and 2NDS Found (FrH Adsl 6400 Loil 6401 Pe rsonal• 6405 afl crnoons & Sat Near Cost Accnt. Jr. to $900 ecessary Good co. benefil!I, incl paid ----------Ha\len View School. 84~2'201 Xlnt ea!'f'r oppor Stable Co. Mu st have clean Ca.!Uomia vacati<:rn, group ins, uni. TOR.TO IS E she l I REWARD, S111all Ia n shaggy HOUSEWIVES all 6 Top ~l'll'flts. Sonie col.leg!' & driving record. Apply fonn5 Jurnished free, Good So. Cal if. T.D's. Inc. ZENITH 2.£003 . Tnll FN"c Jst TD $3.:'.81.fi:'i, Vu-prop. S1n inl. Substantial equity. \\'ill rt1sc., P n \I. p t y. <()!l-1000 Money\VMted 63SO Want $75,000 Loan. Hive $150,000 1st TD a1 se- curity. Will pay 10~~ int. Prlitcipala only. • 546-5914. ll'INOUNCEMENTS onct NOTICES Found fFr" Ads) 6400 FOUND • t.1alc. Chihual1ua, vie 15th & Irvine. Cail 642-4988 BLACK Labrador , male. l"ic. Ne1vport JlarOOr JI , S . 646--Z72fl ~ilver/blark 111alr rnt, .1 or dog. Cock-a-Poo I y pl'. J)i;iuhlr. your money for Xmas exper. Call Annan 546-5410 YELL~ CAB CO. com1n, schedule. Ask lor 4 mos. old. \Vrarini:: flf"a Black cars. Lost CdJ\'I. or raise n1oncy ror your club BABYSIITER 4:30 pm-1:30 JASON BEST 186 E. 16th~. _Joe Moore-Ph. ~1754. eollar, vie. Princeton Dr. I Ans1\l\\·ers to ' ' n a I p h ' '. or church. A phone Cfl!l or am. Mon lhn i Fri. 2 Employment Agl'ncy Costa Ml'sa 540--&101 67.1-Wi1 letter and you will rect>ive chUren 1 &. 4· Call 540-0AA4 212n So, Main, Santa Ana -G--A--.,.,.-----fret', comp\r1e information. BABYSJ.ITER. in fant 8:30-5. DRNERS FOUND: r.1~11·1 prescription b~RM, NDoM'hvephc rd , tan & Compuh, 1(68 E. 1 ~1 St., !lty home. •tB 536-3458 aftf!r Cook3 Mr'nr'bus Dn'•ars ~la~i;rs. Vic of LaPerlr & ac . tas: No. Sui!e 203. 171 4) 8:16-6955. 6 ' Tl1.s1in St., Npt Heights. FWD026 "Shad", Rew'd, - G-12-1 321 21.1: 462-77•J<l \\'ANTED; Ride from 20th & BABYSITTER-HSKPR SlOO BLACK SIAJ\olESI::. yellow ey£'s, ab1 4 mos. old. '11r.U 1----------Santa Ana Ave., C.J\I. 10 Live in 6 days. 892-4~78 ALL Blk GC'.nnan Shep-Lah. Anahehn, 3 blks. off S.A. ReRUl ar raises to $1:)0. Blk band around neck trainrd. vie. of 16th ,i;,. Sanl;l 11• fr a h 1 es la_g. Ana S1s. CM .. 6'16-001:> .. Blackrlog". FcDcUc:_NcDc.,.Kcc_y,_o_o~C~nl~,-,~,h~ia· I 4!H-22ft2 Please ==~~=~~ SL, Costa Mesa. 4 Call RE \Y A R D $3); l ost 54!J-1930 ;if\. 6 pm. Yoi-ki;h1rr. Tl'IT. femalr: t'OUND bcautHul large blark p;irtia\Jy h I I n d . Vic. &. 1\'hirc cal. Vic 17th St. Bcach/Sl;o.t<'r. 118. 847-217.1 C.J\f. ~"174921\. FOUND ot·angc tabby k1t1<:n. Found Ne ptune 1-1 o 111 e i; • 968-Jl&.i r-.1ALE grey-white cat , Bctwctn E. 19th i N\vpt, llgts $10 Reward. ~1 or 646-3385 Frv.y. on Broad"'a.v. Day shift, 5 {lays. 616-8579 aft. 6::ill P.r-.1.. LICENSED Spirl1ual Readings, advice on all matters. 312 N, t i Can1l11Q ~al, Sa.n Clemente 492-9136, 496-95tl7 10 AM . l(I PM Attractive Exp.r.- YOUNG WOMAN dancer will teRch you aJI latc~t slep~. Call Aroeu 213: 591-4538 1-10 PM BEAUTICIANS for day & f.'Vt?nlnR Mifts in popular • pr1ced C.M. salon. Present iltall can't hanfJle rapirtJy expaOO ing volume. ·Paid vaeation. Call Vklla : 548-9919 or apply in person, Crownlrfg Glory Beauty Sa. Ion, 167 E .. 17th St. Boet Mfgr. -NEEDS- • Assembler• DRIVE AND NARRATE NE\\'PORT AREA !\llNI Top wages, permanent, hon· BUS TOUR. WRITE BOX es!, tnd JtOOd working ron-M-567, DAILY PILOT JIY COOKS tlitions in area's \eadlng1---------- restaurant, Apply 9 am tD 5 EXTRA Christmas money. pm for interview at Easy, run, no inve11tment, MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP 24!Jll El Toro Rd. no delivery. Part time, 11:oo<I pay. Call SARAJI CDVEN- TRY. 54~7122. 548-5779, S36-<JIJO Le.J.sur. World Lq\lna HUis ~~~~'3~1_._1m_•-~-~1 ractory * COOK:.__.xperlencecl Excellent wtirklna: conditions Stores Warehouseman APPLY IN P ERSON - SNACK SHOP #9 Experience J"l'qulred tn s1or. rs activity in preclsk>n me· 3446 E. Coast Hwy. cha.ni C'al componenV;, wl!h HOUSEWIVES HAVE FUN AND EARN $$$ IN YOUR LEISURE TIME YOU Will BE HELPING IN THE FIGHT AGAINST POLLUTION 4 to 6 1-lour!I of Conscientious effort ~r wtf!k 'viii net you SIOO per month 12 Hra./wk equals ~200 P<'r month {!\tinimum Guaranteed) Of>ta!IG In Personal Intt>rvif'IV Only !lOU!'i"~::\''ORI\. NO COOi{. ::1 , days a wh. 1\],i11. \\'ed. f'ri. !l !n l pm. Rrf's, 01vn I ra11~11. 6•M--0902 N, fl. Independent Personnel Agency Ji17 Orani;f' Avr ., S1111e C C.'.I 612-00~'6. ~ 15·C'!l7!.1 <:,,11,,1·111 O!I('(' .•••.••• s.-:10 ."('('rf'!JU')' • , • , • , •• , , , •. ~1:1(1 Lt'f:al !'\Pi.'IY •••••••••• ,, $r,oo Oiiier Cashier ........ S !()(! Cr(>d11 ............ lo SllO ft ct-pt Tmt'r . .. .. .. . .. $~~6 l){'ntal Tech .......... SXOO Bkkpr F/C .......... 10 $600 illgml Trnrr .... , .. , , , S.JllO lntcrn1ed .Draf!sn1au • $600 t'actory Trainee .... , , S.J.;4 Plun1Qcirig Sales ...•..•. s.\'XJ Trncl', military comr:o • S578 e INS P EC'TOH. for qut:1illy ('on t r n 1 , 1lf'er1rd in1- 1ncdia tcl;y. 1\1cCrt'gor Yacht Corp. 16:11 Plncentla, C.l\f. J ANITOR, some stock 1vork. Full or part time. F,~pcr. nrc. Appl,v to Mr-\Villiams, SILVERWOODS, 45 1'-ashion island. N.B. JR. ACCOUNTANT Accounling background , 111Hh general office skUl!i, occa- , ~ional !ravel. young boss, beach area, lo $600. Call Lo· raine, Tlterehan1s Personnel Agency, 2<>tl \Vestcllft Dr. N.B. 645-2770 l,EGAL TRAINEE Work at Nl'wPO rt Centf'r, start $400/mo. Rcquln!s sec. retartal ~perlence. Type 60 WPM. llgh! llhorlhand. Al- 1.o~r. Roland S, Barcume. .. ....,, . LEGAL SEC. '~ SlA!\fESE klttelli 1l'n11\le. on • LltUe Ba.lboa. Isle. 01l'llCr ; pll!I idet\tlfy tl.rl48:i I PAIR prel'!crip!ion bifocal glasses. Blk lraine .. Alley behinrt 229 Ocean. ~!l-1-9811:1 \Vl-HTE long-haired ("aL llcn collar & collhr .. v1r,. Harbor Vi('W Hills. &14-25.% BABY Car bt-d, 7th & ?>111.in Sis. JIB Please call :~16-6,'i.1:1 S!'ll \\'h t Wire Terrirr "Te- qui lla", trick rear leg, vie Ci\!, 10/20. Call &12-'IO&i CALICO female cat. Vic. i:;l('nncyrc & Di amn n d , Lai..runa Beach. 494-8139 DIA!'ll. Hln_i: -2 :<\onr . C111l Collccr alter 8 P fll. 492-3086. .RE\\' AH.D. SONGS, POEMS, 1Dk:A5 \VANTEO by Hit Compo~r. Pub. Rr!cords. b 4 0 -91 <J 4, Mo~1c Co-Op, 2005 St. Anne, Santa Ana, ~704 e Fini•h Carpent•r• * O ' DAY YACHTS* 3000 Pullman. C.OSta Mesa Col'l'!na drJ M11r )Hl(IW\{'(!ge ot Kan1ex a n d ----coo=~K~---· I ability to read blueprints, SECOND or dinntr cook. Phone • 496-M46 45 hr mln, 1-1.·ork week Profit .!ltar1ng If you are out1oing and \\'llnt to enjoy your!lrlr. call TIIr. 08rin at 545·7435 (10 am -6 pinJ THE LINDSAY CO. Elegant new of.lict, beach area, M"veral Yl'I. exp. top pay. call Ann, l\fl>rtha11ts Personnel Ag en cy. '2043 \\'e11tcllrf Dr, N.B. 645-27Til -1 P OINT E R , Brown/Whi1c ~pot1t'd ... \\"eU trairierl. near .EdW:ln Ht Scbl, KB ~18 BIG male litC' brwn dog. • • Pho!lfl ell 5:3(1, fi4Z-tl758 • , f\1 • nufly, Vl<.: Isl ., ~i11 Crt M 67l-;i1R!l Loll 6401 LOST; Siam!"5e CBI &. black ('11.1, vie. Vi~t!l Dr1 Oro & V1~ta firerni(', NB, 641-6299 PRfo.;.~::nJPTION glasses Jui-L Sun. near llf'i;rh. '11f>..lJ:irM ------ BLACK Cock-11-Poo, mn!e, ~ yr,, olr1, e.n11. to "Alfie." li4fi-4:i77 I.OST: Small l:in niall' f l)Ck- A-P<'JO, ~ha1u:y. hlk. ran:: vir, C"mn11, rlrl 1\f;tr, 67:\-fifi64 * HARBOR CR.O ISE * Daily 2 PM, F'un Zone Elonl Co .. Balbcm * 673-0240 ALCOHOLia; Monymoua P hone 542-nt7 at' write to P.O. Box U%J C'.o&ta Mela.. DIAL rlif'ef;t "12.5618, Ch.1rge your a(.I, thf'n gi l b.1ck and H~tcn to 1hc flhonc rini;:! BOAT carpenler5, exp'd Auto Coas t ~l 1974 Placenlla, C.M. B 0 OKKEEPtR Rl!slstant. for oc11;inographic: firm. Ac- coun!:( payabll":·n:eeivable. A genrr11 I book kee p in Q knowl~J;"· ~~34fl6 fuMBINATION. Sharp Bar P.1Akl5 £: Go Go 01~. Top wagl's, Phorlf! for tn- tt-rvll'w. Sftsisy Lassy~ 290l ' H3rbor. C.M. * * DELI CA TESS EN Tlf AN F ull lin\I'. \\'Ork. &r Tc1Ty 494 E. 17th C.T\-1. . l C. Carter Co • 671 W. 17th St. Coit• Melt• 541-3421 An tC/Ual (lpporlunity r-n1ployer TIME FOR CjlUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD MACHINIST for .)ob shop. ,\tin. 5 yMI. exper. ~lust have own loohs. /\pply ill prr~on only; 614 Tl'm:i inal \V~, C.M. IT'S Bea.ch house time. Bl;:· >!":<' ~rlrctlon ~Y\'r? ~ !hr DAILY PILOT WANT ADS~ ...... ~."'!'."'!',•.~.~., .. ,.,..,. ...... ..,..,~~ .... .,.,. .. ~ .. .,.-.. .,.-~~~~~""'~~··•~•••""0"""·"""""""·"'••.•..,.,••.•""~~••••••._,.,,~,, .. ,"i"''l'·'i"'"''"""""·""'I*"·"""""'"· .. ""'·'"'''""'~'""''"""-~·-""~~·~-.-,~-.-.----~ .. . . '-...__ "'-== ~~f) DAILY PllOT _ ---__ Tt111rSddy, Otlo_.!':-r 23, l 96q . JOBSAEMPLOYMENI JOBS & EMPLOYMENT MERCHANDISE FOR ·MERCHANDISE FOil SALE AND TRADE MERCHANDISE FOR MER,HANDISE FOR .--------1 MERCHANDIS! FOR I MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE FREE TO YOU SALE ANO TRADE SALE A.ND TRADE Furniture IOOOFurnlture 8000 • SALE AND TRADE Job&-Men, Wom . 7100 Job.-Men, Wom. 7100 -- ~I A!D. llllU~kl'l'Pt'I', 111a!11n ' 11vn11111 lor r f' I I r 1• 111 <· n I honu•. (;ITTt pny .i:: •1~1rk1ni.: ('(Ind. can :"llr~. i:u1,., • ~94-9-1-18 MAIDS wallL(od f'lr 111..in•I work. ,.·or ;i(lpl ,. a 11 616-::~'6:1. Ra)cl1!f i\l<Ji!'I IJ.1 N. i't''IJl(lr! -;\h•o 1-;;;r\ii-·l·,-.,•1,.-,-,..-,-.,-. -- \l'AKTF:I> HEST/\UHANT, Purl 11111r . 01·r r 18. r-.!alr, r1·!'s; frni.;1Je 11 ·:'! d n )'-:. l\pp!y allf'r 'l 1''1. 'l'a:.I"'~ l''ri.'f'l. :nGG 1 ;1 1~u,1, f' .\1 ----------Ht~taur.1 nt BUSBOYS For Week-ends Al'J'L\' !:'>/ Pl'.:r..'-0~ REUBEN E. LEE Furnltur• IOOOFurnltur• IOOO PUBLIC NOTICE DECORATOR GETS CANCELLATION OF 18 LUXURY APARTMENTS Sp.1ni5h & Mediterranean Furniture $SO,OOO Inventory To Choose From 9 Pc. Me~l!t Bedroom suite , reg. $]'49, now $168.00 Gorgeous-6 panis h Custom sofe w /m 1t ch9 lo\l e seal. SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN Choice of be.iiut fabr ics, r e9. $'419.95 now $225 .00 Show Room .. Floor Sa mples . Factory Closeouts Sp<t nish Oi11 in9 sets .... -·--··· ....... $ 75.00 Solid o.~ E .. d T•blu & CoH .. T•blu ........ s 18.oo 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE $389. Pianos & Organs 8l30 Miscellan.aus 8600 fREF. 10 gOOd hon1el, 1 FACTORY CLEARANCE ! * AUCTION * FRIDAY -OCT. 24th 7,Jo PM $25,000 Inventory! Tor Line Furniture ~tore bank11Jptey. All nc-.. bed- room sets \l'Llh c hina cabi- nets and hu[ler~. Lane cedar Ccx:kt·r/pood!e ml;'(, h~brlcn, 6 mos. old, lemale. Also l pup11y, Grr. Shep/Labr. n1ix, 6 11'ks old. female 5fi..S993. I0/2J FREE Kinens. C udd J y C!lhco, black & whitf', grf'y & orange. Plf'a~ c 11. 11 6-l-l..{1688. 2!121 C B r 0 h . N.8. 1012.l Arpl;.· ll'l.j ~\!f)<'l'Hl1~·~~ '.\1 AE..:'J K;-;A'."C~; \11111. pa1·1· 1in1c 11i;1.ll1rt~. kr101ll1·il~t' r.r rl("1'trwul $.· 11i n r II 1 n ,. r .1· 1 SI E. Coast Hwy. nr111·p11u•111 l1,...n1<' Cal! .\I r~. __ Newport Beacll __ Till Decor Table Lamp~. req. '49 .. 95 now $ 18.00 Sp.ii nish Hen9. Sw•9 L•mps, re9. '49.95 now $ I 5.00 3 Rooms of Gorgeou5 Spanish Furniture (was reg. $1 ,29S) Sacrifice! $J91, terms • 5 pc. •uthentlc Spanish Bdrm. set, e 96 in. quilted sofa with 56 in. matching love seat, or chair e 5 pc. Spanish Dinette, oak table top• J heavy Mediterranean matching table1, top durable enough for Flamenco Dancing. W ill sell pietes individually. Factoiy orders clearance of all overage, den1onstrators, 11001· models, i;tudio & tt· l u1·nL-d Pla1101 & Organs. IU-al savings up lo 30'/o. E:vrrything guaranrced like nc11'. Sale linu1ed to spcc1Iic stock -liO hurry! No money down OAC, 5 yea1·s 10 pay. Thi~ grcat salt' only 11t : \VAHD'S BALOWJN STUDIO 1819 Newport, C.M. 642-11484 OP<'n Every Nite & Sunday ArlerflOOn chests, Cock lat! and Occ. ta.1'AcK7'C~Bcc~,-,.-lclclolo-o-,cdc. c,-,m-,71" hles, C1"erienza~ commodes 111 I', .J,;rs. tri·i.'Olor, loves 1'hornasville, Bassc!t, li<LY· ehild rrn. PPrfect pet, 1lttds wood . \Vakf'l1rld and othe r feored )'ard. Arlults only goof! Eas1ern furnilUrc. Also cal p!l'll-Se. 540-8638 1012~ good .used f~rnitu!'e anJ ap. ~. Poodle, \4 cocker. r,malf' :'~:~,~Lc~-a~1:~Jay ~a.ses, pie. 2 yrs. Necits grooming and F.111.~ ·1!11-(11"•~ Hi·~•:n1ran1 ~:xix·1·1t·i1t·rrl R D FURNITURE t PlANO RENTAL SP£CJ1\Ll5"1'S r>JE[)I CAl-.-A-.-..'-"-,-,,-,.1-·lc:.,~.·k • 11',\f'l'!<ES~f'~S • 1'001\ o>ftlo•r f'\f1r1· ;\111'1 J1r 11111 • 1\pply UI lll'l'.-t)I), (',J11i<Pf' f'1lf -Hl;:! hi l"!l I; Ill hU~~ t j )' .if-If•<' ·"11011, :.ti:! \\' 1'.l!h ~I., 1844 Newport Blv d ., Costa Mesa Every Night 'til 9-Wed., Sat, & Sun. 'til 6 , . I ·. oc . chairs. is iirl'grwnt. To good homro divan.~. dint'llMi, n~1a1Ur'l'55.:s I\' 1 t '1 f c n cl' d ya rd 1111"' f11hrr~ 11t'l"t not '-'l'PI_~·. C'""'t" ~-h·~;1 ___ . __ Sa l .. ry op1·11 ~1 .:.. ... 1••n \'11> H~; . ..;T.IL'lti\.' i"· l.1\l1Y rn$~.i JOBS & EMPLOYMENT ] JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Shop Fir,t! Then See Our Unbelie,.iible 8uys! 1001 other items with terrific 5.e ving•I No l1nic l1nu1. Hental apphl',~ tu pu1Thasr 11 1!h1n a 11•;11· NE\\' & USED PIAN6!:i & 011.GANS . Bc~l <lcal~ 111 Oriio;;r Co11111y. \\'e take lradi:~-Bank ll'm1s. Open J\lon & Fri c1•rs. Sun 12 to .i. and i\llJCll ~10H~... ;H!j-Y.117 1012~ WINDY'S AUCTION CRl~;'LED T''" k•I""· JV I<' T .. 1•1 111 r:1 ~.~7-~:iZU Jul! ur p11rl 111nr . 111a\ul"t.'. ~!F.Pll',\L 111~nraiH ·P------:~-=---;:;-,1. I!''" 11o11r. ;.i: •. !l~li~ Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Schools-Instruction 7600 mah~ &l'l1vr , clean, tra ined . CO.\IF: BROl\'SE AROUND loving. f'\'F:F:DS 110:'111'.:, or Bank 1'erms Store Charge Master Charge )rcl1011 ~:.I ~1111.-(rnl o!t1r•'. Sal 0 pr 11 . \\ ,._,1n11n~lf'J' lll!2-1i60!l. f\"tn~r~· r:.;-,:. l'ill'I 11i1JI', •-.1, .• .• 11 . 11 7 L\'N, rull t:1n•·: 7:~ P<i rk Lul•1 • "•1\1.1k·.1·f'11t Cr-nl('I'. 41:(; 1 l:1'.,!~h111 1:<1. ~r,1 1 1 or• H1•;11·11 hl'!-i;/J ll -.-Nu r.~ES_A_lD~'.~-..-- l::XPEI! I t·:i\Cfll * ~.1~-::001 • ;\"L'RSES i\1dr.~. J':~p'd . 1\U ~h1f1.~. lriq . r"'rsonnrl drpL 11011~ i\l•'lll 1 l o.~p , O!l1r r SECRETARY r or. hll~Y ;111•! i111t'r<'st 1n~ jnh in prr~nnrl ;i nd ~:i]r~ J rpl ·~lu~t ha1·r i::l')()l'I ~ktlb. Receptionist I PBX ~lU:>T hr ~11 1"11 ·1,\'l'. "'1•1J. 1:ruo111rd 11 1111 fl'lr!idly ~n11lr 10 h;u~t." 1nt<'rl'Sli11g frnn! 1lr~li t·1rn1 lr11·alr1I 111 ~illl <ir111,.ntr. Pl!-;\It·:.. J11!son. 1'.11-11 ~1. OPENING · l"LOORW\IJ\' for t;«nnrnt Lllft:;r r.ood 11ay, prrn1;inPnL 61~-1666 p ,\RT-T1111r clra ning Ja(ly Jar new lt1rn. 1110rl. hn11R'~. 11111 111 1'.'fl 111 lnr rll~play p111·po~r:. only. ~!16-l~Sti. -PBX Operators Interim Per•onnel Service .\-tj I::. lllh )::I. C. ~I . 642·7l23 PllOTO .is~1~!11.nt fr1r Con1111. llhJrpnnt ~hnp, J-:\p. 1IC~. hUI !I'll !lf'I". ~>lfl-!\::'j~ PRODUCTION -WORKERS- interelt to women S\\'ING !'JllFT THE HARTLEY CO. 1'.1~7 J'\:irr111i:1 c,.~r:i /l!r~ci Professional Employme nt Assistance !'>airs SERVICE STATION Phill ips Pe1rolrun1 C(J, No1I' hiring-for Sr.h1l',\! - np1'n1!r'd ~rl'\'I!'!" st;11io11 . 1~ !hr 11.,rrl r.1r H1l~ ru111on::i1 t '.sprnenee ,J,..s1rrd. L:ood ,•,i111r•r111,v's 11r11• 1•ro-;:1•;1n1 for * Fantastic! s,,111hr1 11 C',1l1fur11la! \Ye stru·rul):' .•a I a r y pl11s llPf'd ~rnrrous ro111111, w11h f'X(1"'11 orporl un i I IPS lvr ad· -1>1:-."Tnlr.tiTf)J:!'i 1ani:r111rnl. FUt' inlonnalion -\[,\:-.-1\t';t·.!~~ I I -S,\J.t:~.\tl·.N nrookhur~t & f\< an1s. I un· -S,\LE.-.1\f/)l~~:"J hn~lon Bch. E11ual op· -!lJ·:Pnr..'iE;.;"TATIVES f'Ol'llilllly l'!llployl'l". -TJ{1\JNl·:i::s SE!1VIC'J:: Slnlion A11 en(!an1. Tl11s i~ a rr.~I ,c:rounrt flrmr nlttlurr r xp'd n1u11, sal;1ry oppo1·1 u1111y 11·ilh a solid ;iuto. orcn, lighl n1ri'h. 11·ork. Ap- nmtll' rl(·~·t1~1111c c(1111pn1L'l1 l ply 111 p('r:){in Uniou Stnlion fi riol 1hal nlf1•1-.; ~'5(1 \V l!l1h, (;\l HIGH SERVICE sla. alll'ndant. full I d• t1 nir, ovrr 21. oldrr nia n mme IGfe pl\'fl'rrrd. Ap11Jy A.:\L only. Earnings ~,·.:-.1 ur Oil Co. 7th & 546-3050 I '"'"" tl.B. -----------Sf:RVICE STA. :"llAN, part Sales ESCROW OFFICER 011rs!a11tlini: orr111·tunir.v for r'l:p"d. ~;1h·~ r:o\'1Yl\ll r1ff1•·rr 1n 11 urk 111 our ll<'ll' i\l1s .. 1on rinir, srn1i.rcl1!'('rl 11·/ somc <''\:fl. Cticvro11, 601 S. Coast lh\"y, Lar:una &:h. SI::RVICE Station nee rl s rxp'!I n1an r11r1 11n1P. ;, p111 rn 10 prn . U111on 01!, 393 E. lith, C.\f. V •l'jo .. ca1 u1i,:s & Lna11 offl('fl. StJtVJ CE ~la. A ! r •1 d n , ' . ilht•I 11(' rapahl" ol h;uldl ing I t~.'l:p. Apply 1n person 2800 _,;i 1•., r~1·1'!lw~ ror rnnvr noou. \\'_ Coasl J111•y. N.ll. ;ii loa n~. Xln! work1n;:-e>1nrl. __ ~~~~----~.~. oppo1·1unl!y for growth. SrJ-:.VJCE S111t1•1ll 11ttr11(l1111t, Con1~1·t r 'l:p. nl'C'. Srr i\lik(', 4678 001\;\tt,y S \V!NC.;;; .t· Ca111rus Dr. N.B. l~O,\:"< ,\~.'=OC li\T!ON ~Research Engr. ~.~j .. 1~11 1,1 ~1 :1,000. l';.f:. or ,\1.S. in SALET ENGR.$700 :' _\1«. n1llri::". sarnr Trf'hn1<·a l ~);11 1. ,.n1pln)<'r P\l,\'S fre i:d.<:o ,,.,, .inti~! C111\ 1\nn, ;\ll'r.-11al\I.~ l'r1'!<1JOl1rl At:r n· ry. trr: \\'f'~1rl1ff Dr. N.B. fi [i-',!/j() THE NEW JUDY LEE i" pr')f11;d1)r, f1111 .t· <"SC1t1ng l~t1111 ~.,(1 •. ~lflll p1·r WC'L·k r111l '"' p:11·1 -r11n1· Choo:.c .1·1nir '"'" hrnu-.~. l\·n (i(']Jl'('ry or i·ui.•'t 1111::. nu 111\·cstnH'll! lo ~110 1 . l1111nrrl. proflts 11 ,. 1 r11111 rhnn~ ,';lj.ZG.16. -~~-------SAL~:s. 111-runc. rvrs, :i_jl'.e :'.0-1-,_ 1062 Irvine A\·r -. N.B. I\ 1~11'1111 Pla1.a -*-SALE-SM'=E~N-*~ l-~~111t-1 1~hrd area tn hr e'l:- pa11rlr·d. ~11liiry a11d cvrnn1 plu~ r:i 1· allo11;1111·"· Ph. \lo >l wl \.1"1<. li11-i~~~ ~ftl.t~S -t·::irn 111onr·y \1Jlh 11u 1111·,.shncnt. Sa r a h Ct1\'('!ll ry 111••·ds lull & rhe1n1ral 1•11gi11<'t'rinc-, i<f'V· f'l'lt l yrs. l'Xfl. Ill R.D. E11- viron111rnl. Rcsumfi's hrld rfln!1dr nt ial hy 1hi~ r·o. '"" pl. 1;1lso rr,. jobsl. Call Ann. l\·lrrrhan1~ Personnel 1\1:11ur)". 201.1 \\'estchll Dr. N.B. 61i'J.277fl SUll VEY BOYS !or Pool Co .. 4 l1rs a day. J day ll'k. 111\ s~1hl .t Sal. $1 7j per hr. N79-iflti2 ... TELLER Pfls11io n ;ivailable for prr1<0n- a hl•'. m<itur,. 11Kliv1dual. Prrfl'r 1cUer c.~J>('r. hut 11·ill mn.~irler appl1r;111.t 1"' 1 r h re. liitrrl hkgrnd . .\:hll. 11·urk1ni:; 1·onri'~ & hcpf'fl1S. f'lra.~r apply 1n pPr~n to J\lr. Lach or /'l'irli. Parker. GLENDALE FEDERAL SAVINGS COASTAL AGENCY 1\ rl)r ml\f'r of .<.:nrll1ni: f.· ,C:11,.l11nr:, Jnr, 2ml ll;u·hnr HI. ('\1 :.in-&0:1:-i PORTERS I 1•:1rl+h111r lirlp. f'\o d<'I ; ,,.c tn11n. ~·nr 1n1. ph. :>l:>.-6100 S.\i.F.S S.ir;ih cO,cntry has 'I nj'l('n l!\j:!." fur n o r pt l lnll' X1n:i" 1<;1lf'~. P 1r11 s a n 1 , 1h •r11fn•d 111wk 1'/11n lll· 1 ,-.~1 , r n I I r r 1 1 n 11 ~ r•r 1lo•l1\•'l'll'!I. {'h~Hl~f' ~Dllr 111111 hr<-_'11 111 ai.:1• :,!l r nr i!)\V. •·:ill ~d(l 061·1 .t· ~2-~~,9~ :l:'.3l E. Co;1st Jl wy Coruna drl i\lar, C.Uif. TOOi. It 0 0 Ill IH;l('lllll!Sls, f'X!)d 011 t11·111grpor1 ,f.: lathe rrqu11'('d. !1'7j; \\'. !61h St .. !'\.H. 0P<'n ~11. TltAl:'\t}~l-.,-.,-h,c<l~lc,.-,~1,-lc a~~<'lllhl ~·. ~l11ppi11i; <In d 11·11•'f'h'1\J,<,. •1 1111.rs, ~S7 \V !61h SI. NB. E XPERIENCED E xcellent Employee Benefits APPLY P r rsonnel Off ice Third F loor The Broadway 47 Courts of Fa shion Vl:'l llfJ\1 ]<=J.,l :'-/!I Newport B each .\11 t:q11:1 \ 1 ippo w111n11 y t.1np!u~rr II )'•J!I 1 ,111 l<'I 1 u11 11· lr.1 111. nr 1t ,I OU h;11•• "I!'!' hul a tnu r'r 1n p11lolw '"fl'';d11 ng, lhr 11; 111:iy hf' :i pl,1rr !ol' ~ou 111th ou r 1"\,11·1 Ui ,\l'l<Jk :i\.Jocl!!. ·l":li 11 . !ith s 1, T11s- rJn ."Y!4-~~112 Receptionists Interim Personnel Service I* SALES * r ,,1 rr••nr<I• !I U\!••I 1n.1!1••n CALL 636-1991 Sales Secretary 1.1 1111 : ~ \1':11'~ n 111,,11al r.in· <1111rr Jll"'llwlc f''\)lf'!'jrn,'r ."11h11HI 11·~1111\•' lfl 1);111,v Pilo t [~,,\ \ J • .f,'.I -----!'<:'! l<'l :Ol'V :O-r,1 'paprr r1rpd~ P art Time Secretary ,,, \·,..., . l'rr~'1drnl f. li<'nr r.1.I ;\l:1rH1Cf'r \\'IP• \·11 11 1ukr ~hor!h;inrt ion 11pn1 l 1kf'~ 1·nroi>lv 11nd fig. UI""~. 1.1·ro1• tiO 11 pin' or bt'!lr.r. ~l a11y 1·n111p:1ny b1•11cfits l'ur,h :i s p11 1d 1·1H·a11nn~. ~ i r. k lr.1vr, 1•:-1.i1l 1111•dlt'al ;ind lift' .~---Typists Int erim P ersonnel Serv ice ll:i t:, li\11 ~r .. l' )I. 642-7523 1\.111.~l Yo11111:.: lypi~! /..· r:1r1 t·r1d;1y. fi lti---:i~J:\1 f.,r 11ppn1nl. -WA ITRESS- EXPERIENCED Apply in Person SURF & SIRLOIN S930 Pac. Cit. Hwy. Newport Beach \\'0)11::N, rull nr 11ii1·1 lunr 11redcd in1n1rd for; Child Carr. Airlr~ or Cv1 n1111111011~. A.gr 20 to 6."i. 612-32i·1. ,Sitting Pretty Agency insiirenl·r, <'rt'(\ll union, IX'11· School5·lnslruction 7600 •ion pl.in. r t1·. Call lhc -· n ,\11.Y PI LOT r11r fll1 af}- ;-.-H!lllllf'!lt tl~·l.~21 and ask fnr \I r~ Grr<'•l1nr1n. .JOIN T11t': Fl F:LD \\'IT1l A J.'ITTURE! t-lEN -\VQ,\'IEN BECOME AN ANNOUNCER BankAmericard All Accepted • 1!11\\tr-.tON!) in COllONf\ DF:L J\lflR ~;.1 E. Coast Hwy. ti7:'rllftlO Pl,\NOS & oHr.,\l'\S NEI\' & USED "Ll':Ar.N" • , 1 : ••• 1 • Yam(jha Piano~ & Organs Ou p11ifrs~1ortal f..:ptipn1cnl in ' · • Thon1:1s Organs a Joe al rarJ10 stR!lon from • Kimha;1 Pianos 11·ork1ng broadcns!f'rs. I ===========-;-o==========c 1 • Kuhlr 1· .~. Can1p!icl! Yor C'On1plc1(' voice analysis Furniture 8000 Garage Sale 8022 COAST MUSIC (',\!.L 1---------·-Nr:IVP011T & HAnHOn ~07j~~ Newport Blvd. H's U1c pound. 531-9613. BchinJ Tony's Bldg J\l<i!'I~ !0/'21 Cost;l ,\oll"sa * 6·16-SB86 I I \Pl'\' II• LLO\VEL·N bl k OPEN DAIL\' 9 ! 4 1 " "' ac """'°=_,---~c'-~· I ador;ible frn1ale CAL J\ly CLASSIC l..011' 11·ood hear! & mon1mie says I got1a have a foot boards, 11vin s1ic, 2 for ho m r b. y S und a y . S20. Sin.ill sh11 lalJlt• $3.50 646-0015 10125 ~111all rhl'St $Jj. l\1!ehrn L·ou"U 8 h· 1 1 k'tl ·1 1· I . r •• 11 ant Onct: 1 ens. 1r1ns, c1.~1,.~. utens il s 11 11 , J-" !Oc. '1· ,.._ .. 1 1 . . , no1v al ll'a t 1y r.: 1nust 111u -.. .)(' u-oiu,, e /O.~ spt Ing:. honics. Pll'asr hrlp · 11e\•e ,;:._ nlattrf'SS, •'.\Cr!. c:ond. had a 111ff start! 49-1·1316 S20. \\'astc Ua!ike1s ~-SJ. 1012~ ~'18-239~ at 6 prn Sat Sun .i 10-12 2011 J\1ngs Road NB '!LOVELY, all black kitten!;. THE INSTITUTE OF s· ta Git.NT ratio S;llc Thurs & Custa J\1l'.~<t * 64:!·28:-il BROADCAST ARTS 18$ Fri !l :~D-:i. C hr is t n111 s Open lO-li Fri lD-:1 ."1111 12-5 NBTC FAMILY 772.JSOO d!"rora11un.~. Indies & i11fan1s 11Al\1i\·!OND. Stelnw;iy . Ya· MEMBERSHIP l long hair. 1 short h;iir. 3 nios. Free lo good home. I>l2-'lJ67 10123 l'lai·rnirnt ~rrvire SALE! l'lolhcs, hous••1\·a rPs, l111cns, 111aha . new & used pianos FOR SALE r duratlon l{lfl n 111alrrn1 ly 1·lolhf's, h oy s of all makes. Best buys in A Good buy & great oppot1un- 3 i:arHng_ld11<'ns. 2 male t.ab- -----------INf"w 9 pr. ('Orne r ;in•anc. ll'alhrr 1111r1·ydr Ja('ket, So. Calif. ri,::h! h<'re. i!y 10 belong 10 lanious b1!'s, I f·-male funny. 5 v.k5. ehnit:f" ol c·lrs. ll'" . .S:!3U, nO:w rrfni; $271 & 1nnn'. /111 l1kf' SCl!i\11DT tl!USIC CO., ~BTC •1 •• ,507 old. 675--0477 alter 5 F.lrctnr typtn". Gregg " • I 2 • o • 1907 ., 'I · " 101~ shorlhand .~ "dirtaliug Slj9.50. Nc11• lw•d.\: King 11r1v .v 1· irap. .• ;i .~. aiu, · PJ\l ~ ' 9'.J 50 Qui•l'n~ ~.,9 .. .,. L-,,11 \\'l'~tn11ns!Pr Al'<'., (.)!. 1•111 Santa Ana FURNITUHE. Lu b hag e , BEAUTJf'UL k 1 1 4 ('f\Ulp111rnt b111shup. Day-·" ' ~ -ro. '""• r D1sh,.s and l\lf('h<'n utensils · 1 'n 5 ,19 JO 'l\1•inc $l' ·~ 1,,lly S;;u11;i lsal.rl 1 Ha d Ch d $J44 · I J J I 3 blk ' time nct·('Jr raled classes • · · • " · .,,.,, mmon or · · · J [ealth Spa i\lf'mhl'rship /or nia_ e.!', t>ma c. -~ by !h(' ircek. i::uai·n. h:Intj sz spreads $13.95 GARf\G~: ~air : I " r g c Gu;ir;inlccd 2 0 , C 1 1 -~tr11JC'{I Call all. 5, fl $l S9 9-l !eadb'd I ! I I H d M 3 . ran~c o.1s .ions '62 2•·0 1012' · · · . J. 1 s: •rl'ssrr, •'lf'S ,, 1• 1a 1rs, ammon -..... $666 Jackr!. Quarry Tile. Se<' a! ~o·-·,'~-----~~'1 l\ings, Sl.i. Qu,.r 11s Sl~.50. labl11s. la111p~. l\1 1n bed~. in-Bi"•d 1,.,,,.,1, • ..,,.,., ... l•."d 2 99 · • A"C B ·1 · J The Newport School of Business 8~3 Dore1· Dr., N.B. 6·12-l870 v" ,. " "" .. , 1 f''a1rVJ!'ll', t:.i\1. l to 6 n. rl !any Ii pan 1 e , Full $10.50, Twins ll.95. v11l1d's con1n1odr. c I(' C GOULD MUSIC Pi\l. fc1nal<', 2 }TS. G!1l1llf', loves Trundle Sf'ls (duo ris('r) 11'/ chin1r rlO('k, n11 s!·l. Give innrr spi-ing n1a1 1. rrr:-, $106, <nvay pnc('s. G:16 Ccn1l'r SL, :ZQ.lj N, J\lain, SA 5-17-0081 Dlli\PERJ~:s fron1 rnodel ~hildr?n. Nl'l'c!s fenced yd. "-•" S79 50 ,-I 113 ,, (' I f" I s h"m''· "~1 ,,.l••li"n nJ ;y\0-86.!8 CVl'S. 10/24 ••u • ·· . n .s. sprcs · ., .l\. l'I t u11 .1u1. l lA;\l~lOND 1,1l;an, pcrf('C t v ""'" ~L v v 5 pe ""'111 "I' !2 19 •··, "cl ~~~=~=-=~~o ... ""lors,·, fahrit·s &· silcs. FREE To 1111111ified hon1e, MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE • • ~,.. "' . . • ,.., • v -• ./ JN OUH. Pi\RKING LOT conuJt1nn. r-.1 o d r I B-.~ ~v "I ,prcarls Sl9 '" c ·,n-py I' -i· -" 1 Altrration sl'rvicc. ;,~0--0346. together. 2 i\lalc kittl'ns, 1 ~ · • · ·"'-'· '"" :"a1 only s1:1r1s 10 ALI! 1\" wo.'l' Jc 111 ..... c 2'Z:! R.V l.IC'cts 1'('.i; $119 ·..o noll' $&9 ;>() k ,.. • Ra ndolph House Pr11pel'ies, J\lan.". 3 :"llo.•. No !"mall ----·------. . .. ' .. Al1\lf1Ut'S, f1.1rn1tUl'f', g111ss, Sj)('a Cf. l'f'\V pr1<'P $34.30: . ~ .. , 816 10/2' Furnilure IOOO .F ull ~z. sl1·rr . ~ofa rci::. sih·<'r. Jf'iii•lry i•tr., Ba•·k \\'ill l>ll1.·ri1Jcl' for S2j9j ca~h. 2957 Randolph Avr., CL\1. children 'H""'l · J ----------'-'-' S2.l9.:i0. noiv Sl6!>.50. Christ-f)i'JOr l rnror1 ~. lll!Mi !!arhor 67:>--0.1•17 /\D~·lJRAL i'llu~ir Cl'nll'r $-10 B~:,\UT IF"UL h'.ittl'ns. 2 ES PANO'l IN QliAllTY n1a~ l11y-;i1\-;1y.~ i1n11·. S l~~STA I I 19 I . r . q,,, .. k·B•·o,I ,-•. -." ,~,,,· .. , silvrr tahhies, I re<i t11bby_ Sl F~·p SllO/' J<~?7 11 I B l't , ill . I 1 S!., v.ii>ta FREE: ORli.\N CLASfiE..'i L ,., " " Model Home Furniture 81~d.: C~l lil:,::r16ci Uail~r~~ i\1Ps;, !'llonday nil!'S 7:3(). 8:30 pm hoard S3.7:i lland lawn lo good honiP. 646-{QJ J0/25 Savin_gs lo 8j',1i. Very easy 9 Sat-Sun J(~6. J7S7 TU.-.1 ·rN i\~r. C.i\f. GOULD MUSIC CO. n101\'rr ~6. All in ~ood ('011-LAJ'l: n1oclel ~ i .£: n ii tu r e J1nanci11g, 3 co1nph:tc rooms Jlrarlboard 11·ith nial<•hing '.:!).!:) N_ J\lnin. S .. \. 5·17-0081 dition. i'l1any otht·r ar!ic!es! washrr. needs rr p111 r stra of <l"""''"loo·• ·1yl0 cl S . h 20 p b I I 1 I I ~1~2·"11. !a. clogho"'". '.'>-111-7849, 10/2-1 ;"u u " s . • •pants C ''MADRID'' ~· sprrat . s rrro ca ll1U~, i'llftSON ,V Jlan11.Jli11 Shrr:i1on ,., ,,,_ f11 r111!urc. Co11sis!1ng of th<' • r o 11 (' h , l1Jts of 1n 1 s c. con<;0lc riinnn. \\'ould hlrnd FIRt:\1100D for sulc-cut 10 3 f\D011ABL E l\1!1rns. HJ Ja~11011s . c uston1 qualily J\1a. 3 Room Group ~1~16~.1. i\·r11 11110 a b'facious honie. yo 11 1· sfJ('cifi cations; 1\·eH \\'ks. 1 rnalc, 2 f~m. d r!rl.hv1n~ 1'00n1_group. The F·ll0:\1 /llODEJ. JJOill!'.:S t=;,=1=1,cA"Gcc=·~,c.11o1,-cUc,.--,-,-1-, R17_72fll SC"a~onrrl. Deliv &· stck'd 962-81~9 lll/23 ?riginal !'.:I P rt:stden.ie MIBC· Jnrlur!es: Quilted sofa and 1n 1np~. n11s•·. r11r11 &1-----------free. S27.:ll 1i C, S47.:io C. GAS range slovl', olr!cr. You ious ni~stei· king size bed-chair -2 enrl t;i blcs &. cnf. hous,.hold 1\rm. f"n , Sat & Call C'Ollr r t 17141 6.~S-O!M6. pick up. 228 Cecil Pia«. rooin sui1e and the authentic fl'e tablt> -Z lamps -dress-Sun_ !if~ll-12!JI Television 8205 2 Singlc bookcase mal1og_ Costa Ll·lrsa &16-7230 10-23 La Pa7..w~ugl.~ iron din!'lte er - m irror -hcac!OOard -c.c.=.o-=o-======= l----C-------h"'adbo11Nls, ~ beaut. uphol. 4 KITTENS. 6 wks. old Dif-~~~~·1i\~;;'111;~o!~km." ~s~S ~~~t~~ ~x,,.sp~ii~~no& rnoo;om\t·· 1-Acpcp_l_i•_n_ce_• _____ B_l_OO_ ~''\~hit~.lo~p:1101ro ~~Y~k bar stools, TV s1arul, dbl. £erent eo!orl". l man.~·Type, \\'l's!niinstcr A~·e. \\'csrmu1s. tablr .~ •I hi.har·k ch11ir.<1 • Rrrr1i:::rr11IOl'S .... from s:;s. Free ~rvi('e. 1'o clrpas1t :.111k .• roll~~1·ay brd. Best ol-&;6.-87112 ('\'('S. J0/2·1 !LI. Sfl·t-,J-l:H C01~JP,\H E l\T $719.!lJ c;1~ Porlillllr t'o!or TV, A·ACllvP TV f'{,-.ntal Co. ~er. ;~IR-l!-.)7 . LDVE, Black & white. Jong DON'T l~l\'C. 11µ! Yull !ll<l}' $399 l1kr. IHJ .............. Sl.\,11 ilJ ~122-11.iJ ! ... IRR\' Val'IU.llll ("l('a.nt>r \\'Ith h111rcd, lr1nal1: ki!len. JD l111r! it at i\1nr1·1ea's l:11'gf'i;I, N l , CF; rJ1_•1·11•ic rJi·.vr r ... , Sil'.l.9;] :! ENT E RT I\ I N-'1-lc~-N-T altlll"il ,.;,, pohshrr. Xlnt tf1ncl 11·ks. needs good hornr. 111n~t unu.~11111 1111l1n1sh('(! n t ftll n,-i~ni l ~ •olll.v ~I[; nl(l , I;(',\ Con-.1]f', t'l'1orJt' TV, ll78 <·l',.1•'1~ 'v / ('Olu« TV S~OO. /:.-i.:unrantrrd. ]:><1y off bal nr )!.'r1-!lfi7 1012·1 h1rn1 t11t·r slorr. f or. Redhill WELK S WAREHOUSE \\'l11rlpr•il 1t•Hn111<il1i.: 113Shl'r, 1r/ B & \V TV, $200. ~~~~it ~~l'l~~k~3;~~~9p~·mn\s.12~~1c0·.-0c1d~,-,.,-,-.1cwch-,,-,-.c1,-m~alf: I.: Sa nta /Ina ~·11)', Tt1~1in. 1 l'OP/lf'r1nn{' ............ S69 _6_1_>-_>_.,<_90•76=7=;.w.J~="'.----I-=---"'~""-'-"'-~~~~' I k11\Pn, 1· ~a i n e d . Call n11 So. of f'\r11•port r·""Y· 600 I\'. ·llh St.. ~n!a Ana DUNLAP'S * U''".D TV', * \\'anted: S111gl'I' Toul.'h & .. o 2 Open ~62 days [l(T yr prn a Y 9.9 J.~I:i N(.-.1·rr1·t Blvd., C.;ll. $13 . i ·IO. All ii:rx>d condllton. Sew. 0 D O I r 6-l&-1319 arr .1 pin. 1 / J ~14-~·liO S11 t. 9-6 Sun 11-6 548.7788 For S,'ll,-.: 5uninon~ dhl mat. C\JTE blk ·'-"'ht p/Do~ie & I c.111 51.1-&U:i f,, i<prings. El'CS 4!}-l-;.9()9 Rl'ag]p puppies. ~3250 I Jl>F:·A ·D ED , grl'"rn SCRAM LETS \\,\~111·.R & ilry•'r , <1vocado, ----------1 . I'>l&-3250. 10/23 n~ugahy1ll'; :'! ~ r.eet1onal, • sr2: •. Hrrrir:-fn)~t rr,.,. 5100. SL\VING mac h. & chair, f,arly Am1•r: f'lulco rrlng.. ~·1~,1.1rr'~ so: •. :1\0-l(Y.J;, Sporti ng Goods 8500 p.1110 ~ill, uprii;ht piano, FREE: Prd1r,rce Colhc dog. 8 kll ehrn t·1hl<' & 2 chairs ANSWERS -· . . llprii:;ht lrl'rzrr t,: misc. 1110s. o!rt n1ale. 84 7 -, · \\',\~!Jl·:fl & 1lryPr, a1·ui•111!0, ON!-. 30 !h. flf•arcaf lxn\', I ,., . ~-266ll 10~?3 la n1p.~. rlrsk, r11d 11bl!·s Cle_ hrJnd n,..,1, Sir> v · 1,,, ,1.,6-2•oi!.1. 1101 Park ,<;t, H.B. ·~~~~~-~--'.d~-1 6~~ b.•[orr ~ 8: a fltT '.i. Sl:!:i. 1 :rlr1.i:~lr,,~t !rrr. SiOO. , " . d , BPO\\'N \ I h I 1 J_.1J11·1'£'y dbl n11111u11t 01·i;a11 . D;1111sh n10ll1 •rn chijlf".", near n1~11•. Di11c11" s•'L Lots ol J'oun•·1'-Ralni.i -Fll"'•lll-/·1·1·l't.•·f Sti.i. :•lll-10'.1~1 sarn f1~ $2.'l. Al~ 1Jne !Jl lb 131-'. 111 ~ryl1• lh1~ yr:ir. \VhH c f • J / ni 1 1\' 1 (' rrfll;'l', t',d1o•r -lil::OO.\I i\l\)IJ!•J, i;f)() Kr rinlorc aut{l ll<'rl l\'ini:: hu n1C'1' $7:; v3Jur, & hr1 s::r Frl'nrh r abhi1 fl1n Irma r. 2"t1.~'.· to lti\'111 2' i<<lf'1"1f1f 1' S·10 !'t·IR-fi3!' lur. L1k,.. 1l<'W S\2."1 or best ionic. &I --0~11•1 l(lf 3 A ~l·1rr111s1 r·l<Hnls 1h111 ii 11·a~hr1". yrllO\\", slnl l"Vnd v )Coll f l'11«.o;rd an Ol'IOfllJ~ 11-uti S.'{"i. '."ilf..-H672 1>r 11,17 __ .,.11:; 01\E pair or lallics "Lr 11rrer . 002-1117..0 <irt 6. FILL d1r1 !. or hrok('n con. Illini:~. Conic &. S<'C'! =~~~-~-~-<'fl'!<' you haul. t: v es ~2 1 Viclori·i Sl C\I ~ b.'l.lr ,,f ~t r.iw, y1u1 1r11U!d ;-.-1-A-YTA(; Au!nrnati(' ll'ii.~h<'r, Tr11ppr11 r" i:k1 !)f>(l1~. :-;1zl' 6 D\\'1\B~' h111! 1rers S7_.j() 5.IS-3ii:i7 llJ/24 " -. ' • ' i.;f'I " BHOO~I \1 ll h t'ight or 61 :. 111\'d 11 11h bont lr1•c. Orchid plan1s $7.50 F"uch."ias1=·~="=---~-~-:S.1t1u·tlay 1only ;..,,,,,11...... \!111 Cf•nd. s:iO. ~>l&-S672 or SIA\JESE I I " ~·' EX<'f'll l"nt rond1!ion. ;..1~115 Sl~ S!ra11•berry planter . . ~ cal. em a ~. Ul·.,\Ul'J•'UL II;:--,,,.,."•••• 011°-'1-·,·•.·n ., .~!l-.ll ll ;i 9 I I k I' I" r ' ", " ~ v 1lra11•'1' 11 ,olnu t Fl!!i";l(l,-\-11-•. 1-.,-1-1,-1-,.,-.. ---g· Rn1ns1,·ick Edi;rbrookpool S·! .. 10 5-IS-.i.~.. lOU.<('ll'fl"('l1. : )Ti<. O u . i11s:: 1"()1)111 ~tutr. 66 . o,-al i!rrssrr f..· 1111rn1r. Sil !l,"i. ... La!e table Slj(), 'Ii:! ~AL\1RLfo'.R ~rr!an, slnt has shC'l ~: friendly 67:l-1~1. iahl,.. 11·/r~t & fl<HI.<, 6 /\ill" nl l111n p~. t:n '1'•I .~· 111'' 1"1 .\:lnl <.:••lliL SIOO !11'2-!li71i r ond . S3G.l. Oak of!lrc r!('sk Ll\BHAOOR puppy. 4 1nos. t'hflll'E: ,t hufrr·I, \ 1r old Gl!-;_!711. ti !l-Oi'lO . · ' "l11tr. ~ti t ~ld dt111'll r ,.1i.11r --.~~~=~-S!O. grl. Junior hike S7.:i0. fr n1all". tri k•VJTli; h1;1n1~. _ ~2!\;,_ ll"· t .. •·1·11 ~, iMi.J J•:J:.:"\,\llJlU~ \\.\~llLJ~ :i\f,..{i(i~7 [1 !6-3i l:l 10125 CO:'llPl.FTE Bt'dn1f1111 ~··t, llarlt0 r. '.1 10-Ll~t~ 11·,,1·1,, i::or,d S.~O Miscellaneous 8600 I -• :-:·;;1.0ll7 • lf.!,11! oak SJ()!\ l'tnr d1n111~ SfJ!-.,\-&l.i\•' ~•·:i ~lii~li ___ __ _ __ 1·vo111 ~rl. r n·~nr latilr 1'1 x 1ph·c·1 .::i.,111 ~ ,.,,f/,•, r· 11 d ,\PT ~111• J'•'lni::r·rn1"L '.: ;;1, ~ .-hc11r~ ~·" i\11 Xl•lt~ !hi~ .f,: ta 111 j,, 1~.; ,11.r ~'"'II"'' told 1;1,; NJl't'l.'>Slll'. ::tJ.~·; Pl1~ l>l l" \l . .r1 fi J,.,,tr 111 ~i·I. ;\lti~! ~ r l I , Crl \I Ho . ..-·11:ir1 1-()11\11\L l·'.arly-Au11·1•1;;n ii~!..-il.tii -----------! •lu11nt• r:1hlr !·11·· li\\""'"t .t 111.1k 1·. llkf' h •·h·"1'"; VP11c !L."TI ·1:i~-, -,-,-, 1---;;---;-:-rl Antiques 8110 Th n 111_" s i::rn11p "•rl 1•, r.. \11!" '! t111n ----- 11r11. ·~ l • ..1 . IJl'd« ('0,t ~I.JO ""'' ~~i:o ,,1. / l'A!:l-.11'\i l.f)T ~.\L b hf'"t 1•lf•·r 1, I l -7 ~I :J S.1t 1uil.~ · .'>l·U't~ ;d IH ,\ \1 l·~~:u •lrlu.~{' Span1.•h n•r! 1•1 r~/11 krn1 t~ ~fJla ~-l11\"e~~11!. l~1lh ~1~1. COL;CJI I..· 1~1-,.-,,-.,,-,-l-1:1·,-,.,-,-,,-,Ji• t.1anl u.~rd ;>pa111~h la111p~ llC'd , r 11,j 1111,. ,'\.1tTi flL"r ::" ~q-Tr.;. Fa!.'!ory, l~,'<:, !!arbor Cllll tH!i-X:~;~ :1 10-68 12 -~~~-~~~-~ 0 11\!f\G ~·!, solid ll"illnn t fi [11\NISI! 1~11~ini.: roon1 tahlr S.-chairs. \lnl •i un!1ly, 1·~n rh.iu..,,, C h1nrs(' 1rak roHrc 1einpor11 ry s1,1•lr fi11-11'.$ r1hlr, i:an1<' t·hairs. lamps. rlr., 6i::-s:.:i.l. USED :1 fl!'. ant1ri u" 11hi•r ==~==~~"7---1 hrlrn1 i<r1 1lf'lu,1', $!17. The Jlllll':-A-BtAI) ,\, chair to Fltr'"t01"\', :)10.6S l2 .\n1ui1 1•·\. fqrr11!l1n•. ;;In~~. .~111-••r. 11"11rlry •·lo 1·:no·L I ~'l<·r I1111J(•l't~. ll'flfJ l1 11r hnr "l1'rf, 'fl l 1:11h :-;1 , Cusl;1 il\1'~1 THI~ Lll7.1\f\l{l':. 1s 1~:1 llt'ach Bh·rl. l!B. Oprnini: sprc1nl .. lr:iluri11i:: l1n<'r ii n r i If u r Jun1 .. 1·11i::~. 1••11·,-.lry. ~ )T o I d I• 1 u11 111~~. . .... ·ulprun•«, ll(l<lk~. ilra111t1hc dc•cor;itor t'f1HB E!1\\'flft f: r lrr hr\~llrr ,f.: rn1 1:.~rrw :;,::o J'<1r\ C'Olnr D' Sl2J. :"<•r nu1" _<a-:orhnrlf' .~~00 :, U!>.i·1I r1o•!~rstrr S:Wxl4 hl'f'<; $2 ... f.11)-:!17 1 GIBSON ES JJl TD : 111, ku1• .... Jqni;: ""' k. ·"'·lid 11..11. 1111111 t.!1·c.~ r.i: •. '.:2 1h 1:v1·11111,r, ... 'f 11 :!·$, si t or I, l1hrr~l.~~s fl nnsTroru.: ~ ols II 2 ,-, -: l •1 . Nr1·pr 11scd. 1··u11 pnt:C ~10(1, 616-217·1 9' !IOIJ!E Surfboa.r(I. Xl111 m11d Sf..0 Ba.~s guit11r & a n1p SlSO T1'(11nbonr. ~ood ,-. o n d. llf'"' ra~P S 12~1. ~~l.'\...12:i 1. r casonahll". 111~1 old n1;1!c:h. L o v P ~P a t , LllAl·l.c~=o· 'o-~77--~ ti·r-ssrs I.: hos sprin;::-s, BEAliTI Flil. \\ 1llcll m;1plr iTl'lll" nr11t11·ooc1 eha1 rs ro l'('fllllSh. li~6-'...'Sfi~ l111tt·h S.· flunn;::: nx1111 sci..• ANTJQUJ:: lcadrtl glass 8 12-.17lfi -,---~~---~~-I xtnt $17;._ ;.i:l-1'.Xi!l. han"lll•" d0n1rs. c=A=R"P"E"T~l=o-1s-,,clcl<'-,.-,,-,.-,-,-,., 3 BR's of riuahly 11111.plr, ;il so ,..-.,.,--.~-,-,----.,---c • liitlc·a·LX'd, s 1 c r c o, T\·, TV , srp~a lor:"· rnhu1r t * ;i·11 -~o:,1 • rnll. av0t:arlo nylon c11 rpcr, lflnlpS, i-olf~ &_ c n d niOfl.PI $11. C.:i 1 I ~ nu 11 1: I' r OLD CLOCKS. Also l\nT\lJllC double jute-bnckcrl. \Viii Sl'll t;ihlPs, :i\S-1!61. rPcl1nrr r·h;"11r S·l.i. !>4~24&1 Cnucasinn ll'alnu! 1n 111 P iill or pnrr $3/yarrl. 5'10-72·l:i us~·D 1 4 1 Sl 1 lahle. Call frlfi-286.1 \\'J:: arc rr-<lr1.'0r11r!ni::. For ~ <' lcsl, 1 rawer, '·Office Equipment 8011 ~alr: J orr.11·hi!e "·ool 11·/\1' Hull-a-11·ay bf'd $'.l. PQll'l----~~----- lnmr ~. ·n1c r:ictory, lss:i T\'PE\\'RITER, a<irl. ni.i<"h., Sewing Machines 8120 r11rpc1. 12s2ll. PPrll'e l Cond. t'l11ff;.·. !ri~lry kl!lrns ~r;ils S\ :! <'i1111a ~rls S."1() ,1;,, \\',..:i nr d &, 1ra111rd ~:xi 119j-:i1;~1 :i1~-1r,11 iri121 S:'>li\l.L 1n!1ull1l.;1• S.':.\ ~ ,\li;...J llAL IAN ~hrph(•1..-I, 9 11·11 .. r l l11li" s:-11: h a n ti n1n;; p]r] :\1'''"1' h;irk~. :\lalr. n1'111"r~ S~1 .~·~Ii :,lfi-~1';!0!i ~r<t)i< humr. 6i~2'l96. 10121 l-sJ:>,1;1.1.T l-;lnublc uiaplL" \I'll!"!!: lounny "11h e11gf'. htd~1r:1'1 ,s .. l. ~10 !.,.-.nu11r11l 1'1''' r~1(;..0t:r1;, 10'21 ___ • tilfi-!12j0 • ___ 1 l\!'rr 1·~:\:-.;, ~rry ~!rijlf'rl &· lllilck 962·702.1 10124 Machinery, e tc. 8 70_0 .SrorrEfJ rohbit 10 good F 0 fl.!.: LIFT . 2000 lh. hrJn1<'. frl2·1'.!::ti /llnhil1 !1 , rrhu1H S 7 :i O. GAS H.r frigcrator Ca 11 6·1'2--8:}92 rlay~; S 9 7 -2 ·I 3 3 fi7l-7R7~. C'l'P. -Ii -J.o<cJTT=>0:N=s-. -,c11-,cHcll-ec-,-01 Misc. Wanted 8610 kinrt.~. !lfi2-1·'''3 IOl7:i -""'-"------- $ WE BUY $PETS and LIVESTOCK Cats 8820 $ F~?RL7 1~ui:s $ PURERRf.D Si!lJTlf'se kit. A A trn~. 2 n1os. old, shols. t.'x· Color TV1-Piano1-Sl•••o1 f r pt101111L !lfiZ..11152 rves. 1 Piece or Hoin• full CA.SH IN JO MINUTIS • 541-4531 • Dogs 1125 WE PAY CASH ----·,---,.,. 44;, ~: 11ih s1. t i\J :01-:cni::TAHIAI. l!,.1 1., P'l:fl·r1 ,\-;::,-. rrlura11011 no ~<''TioT! • .,, '"JI 2 S!"(I & 1t is '.\'OHr:<. 6i:'>-4,111\. I.rt 11~ hrtr yoll f!Uali ly. llarfior . .,,.,..., I rillcul;1 1or. Vrry f"f'A i<onablc. l!l69 SJNGl::R w/hrnut ii·a \ INNKEEPERS JNSflTUTE BE!JH(X))I srl, 11nl;woo<I; Xlnl ('()nfl. 1192-212.1 <'1'!\SOlc & :ng-1.:i:::. J\J;ikcs CROSS lop R c f r i 11: •• Al\C COCKER SPANIELS )::hn1v or [l('t S50 ur . -0~L"D~E~l.-c-1-,c1,-1-,-0cin·,-1497-108S 111trr 6 pm \l'kdiiys. • a1~:t114 * G~R"11'.\N . ShephC"rcls, like ' 642·7523 I .--.nl,1 i\ppl Ln f'l'l"~On. r.o f'~ EC E l'-1'-[-0 N I ST ,t l;h•n11r~TP S! . l..1t:una Bo•h, •A.<;;~ISTl\NT ln1 In ,-.;i I Sec urity Guard::. ;or1 hrxlon!l~1. Xl111 ""1wk111;; :rond'~ /..· pny S1:11r <"'l:f"'I' Dflfl 11 11:il1f1f';d1011~. Bo.\ JGSG :Nf'V.'fl01'1 Hrou•h. Cnl. REC~: p ':'1 0;\'I ST/Typi~1. :V11rirri rt11r )('~. rrt)11t offi,·r, ;sporll'11·rar i\H~r 612-266ti. ilr!itaur11nl ; :Ancient Mariner li\'Tf':RN i\TIONAL itnuhll' hrd, i·hrsl (I I St E -I 8012 lnl!Ton holr.~. O\·r•tTll!<ls. :1 11utomalic drfn>I'!. E;'(c. Sfij, i\lotrl/llot<'l/i\pt i\l~mt &hi 1lrn11·,.r~. ,·:i ni1y ,1·11h hrnch. ore quipmen Yl'.i r ii:unr. F111l prirc i sa.24 Th<! llou~ in Bnck 4'IS E . A DIVISION Ot' S;i!. C'all :"19-3000 2 !'HO\\'Cf\SE5 wl ~lrA11·f'r~; nr ~:1.26 1110. !i'ZG-fililfi l ilh. &17-5741. llNT!-10:"\Y SCHOOLS USt:U HCA TV, $2.\. '.'l pc 1 Jarii:r 1·hrs! "' dri1wrrs, QUEEN i\11ne rora $1 25: 1il7 S. RROOKH U!tST ivhilr dil1cltr, llnrfll prilll, Snit:ib!r !or bu s i 11 c s s. Musical Inst. 8125 sunlamp $30: silver pl11tcd AN i\llJ~l i\I, CA LIFOllNl;\ ~.1.i. Grrcn 8. sof;i & chair. &12-261.1 lea & coffee scn-•icc $J(). Clai<srs lom1 cvrry v:rek Sl8 Thr F actory ISSJ GIBSON ES J3S TD :..i&-2ill~1. PHONE FOR APPT · · , n ,,o42 ' Household Goodt 8020 2 piek\1p~. Jong nrcli. ---c.-.=--.,.....~.---A k I B ti Tl"."~"" I fl;irhor. ,)'\,,....,., ·--I I s or e y .,...JOIN So 1ri body, n1atch rss. FAJ\11LY J\lcml>crship In LEARN To BE 1J\1ftPLF: Dinette round SPAN. din. ~rt -Nc1v · 64;j.22-16 Evrninii:~ 1!rorol!'a f t11hlr. ·1 romh haC'k custom . n1Rdc \1TOt1i;:h1 iron il"•inr Cnast Country Club AN AUCTIONEER \\'inrl..-.or rhair $6.i. 67~1919 bRse • hlRck ook lf.ibll', 6 ACL'ORDION 12l Xlnl. 120 for F.ale. Pvl pt~·. 67.'\.9\'.:I tio1' 1ak111ii: Hpf1l11·;1!1or1s 1nr ·r 1J!I k part \in1r, day & l!ri;:ulRr 2 \l'l'rk 1ern1 or 67.-~2!J0.1 rar\'NI rht'!-:. $•1!l:i, 49;....i.ll!l. Basi. Ll.'n1nr, 12 Bass Nobll'. 6. \\'ROUGHT iron cY>SIUmf'r, . i<lru1~ M:IOn! tfKl-2·\'i:! .. nlcl• 20 "'' "I• I"" pr~1:::-r11n1. t·or 1nll'n·il'11· ap-FUJ:Nll1JRt: &· C11rprl. Cn.~t ·~· · .. < ml' .. · ~. po ior. l·nll .\Jr. Uoan a! \\.EST·RE!'rr )::ClJOOr. ..J. ;,r, CRrJll'I ins!Alla llnl1S Garage S11le 8022 LUD\\'lt ; D111n1 set, sul)('rh ;y!fi-11920 ofter 6 Pi\! P•'l.SflllHhl(' l)l!'n \\'llO ilt'I' h.111rl:ihlr. ;1hl1• 10 poss ii 1nr 1l1c;aJ .I< physl(:.tl ar.:ili!y f'\illll. ro~1li11n~ 31'alla1Jlr :-.1ar1in,c: ;it $~1)(1 <t n1ont11 , N1J:hl!i only_ l::niploy<"c will f1,1n11~h 01111 unilonn~ r,, Cf1U 1p111,.nt. Employr r pro· \·ides .~Int 11·nrkintt ronrlilinns UI ii f\f:AJ, :llll'<llll'<'!llf'fll :~i::hHI~. •·KITCHEN HELP 612-71)]9. Ot' AUCTIONEERING 1\-1 l'flnrl. \\'/ ?.lldjian cy1n.I-~~~~-~~-~~ .,.iiiiiiiiiiiiiii.,.iiiiii .. iiiiO ) Enrol!n1cnt h!rr11t1u'f' f1'f'r, Ph. 6·16-3<\!J.I. BY RP-r.11 SC I t ,. m s -~a r n b " h11l ~. C11ll 673-7463 QuaH1y king bcd-quil!cd • DISHWASHER -Bondrd 11nrl crrtil1C'tl in~tnir-pninlinenl. full-S,1,,r! S:it .~ Siin JO Co1n plctt'-11nusct.I $105, \\'orlh to~. Opportunity rnr 1he Quilli1 y k11u; bed-<iuilt cd. 11111-!i r ni. J:Ol2 \\I. Ocean· TENOR Sax. &•h11rr i\·lork 6. Slio. f\11 ;, k 1,·knd.~ 8·12-ti:i36 &r Bf'lly Brut"r .ar 1\11:\S l~X t:t Al.ENCY • BUSBOYS • Apply i11 rw·r~ri11 2607 \V, Con.~! fh1)'. Nt.~·porl Beach lle1taun1nt ' NIGHT BIJSll(JYS AND DI SJl\\"ASHt~r-..s r01r CAl'f'l'f (~1rl~ 410 \\'. Coa!'! Hwy. N R. Ry iippoinlmrnt 61&.~9.1!) SECURITY GUARDS 1 Nr11·po11 11rr;1 fi37·'.:0ifl bver UI ,'\o ~· hnll] pl<'l'ISC' I ()i,\L dirt>r1 6'12·~i67!1. Chan::r Apply 1n rirrvu1 !n \"llr 11rl !hrn ,1;11 ha \'k .111•! '. BOB'S BIG BOY '11~1rn t~ ll11' phon" n n;;:: 1~14 F. lill1 !'<I , (.'l 0 f'l11 ' --c.---------- hanrll cappcd. PO Bo~ 30'!1. Con1plcte-unuSl"d $10.l. 11·or1h f1'nnl. NH. Value ~74:i. /\.~king s;,:,o. Anahf"i111, Ca.hf. 92803: or S2.")(l. Aft f1 & ,\•knrl~ .1312-6.i..'lti ru=R=R=F.=.T~1.,-.,-,-,-n-,,-,-,-,-,-.,-,,-..,,-Cn!l li~2-2fi2.1 Brtty. in .\) 6JS-500l C1\:'>!Blt 1JX;t_: mapl!' dining $1;1. Roll ·n·a1\·ay hrd s 1:1. Pianos & Org_ant 8130 VOCAL 'T'rch. & song in· roorn ~rt $2~i0 or best olfer. GPig<'r t'<l11ntrr S.10. 5a.lon lr rprf'talion. Bri<inf1f'rs rhru l-:x('cllrnl ronri. ;,16-4ro9 hair fl ryr r Sl:i. ~l'lli-456!! Pli\NO. L'p111:,ht Sl!lJ nr hl'~! nllcl'. ~t40-l)j9 11rh·nnCl'd. 4!11-9340 11(1 6 ~!:<J'S: F:11rn n1ITTr- lrarn ~rrsT 1., ('ompo~rr. Call 042-5i~ T!I~; ;>PN N~:V1·;Jl ~~;TS on T'IAl LY PILOT '\'AN T ADS'. BF.l1lt;\I Sf'L l:nrl(I roflff . 11n· G 1\ R A 1; !'; ~1lr-Pl11n1h111R. 11q11c 11 h1tr. 6i:>.-3S38 11ll<'r £. card ('l\hUll'I. rli,hr~. f'hl\lr<". nt· 11k1v!~ hcY·k~. ;!jJ: Cos!n 1\\c~ St. P!11VAT,.: l'ARTV \\"/\,'\"'I'S -4 11;-11 11n:::: rr...,111 .~r.! C\1. TO llUY Pll\NO FO!t Z27 Hill I'!. c .,\I. THt:'QV'i'r1<1·:ll YO\I f,\l.L.1 (',\~II '.>12·fllr, :d~·lR~!'l -111·; QUH 'H~;f{ YOU ~1 .. 1.1~ 5AiiYrri£1T IVANTAfi:-;7 ,1 ------ f irl'"-ood for ~ale Dry Eucalyptus !"140-9881 SLATE pool IRblc, patio & mis!'. furn. Clothe~. !oys. AflPr 3 11·klfa.v~ 11 12-ri'l.1. Unsu1kfll':tlr l1hrrglass (1\NOE 14'. SloO !">3G-Ti31 GAS DRYER SfS ~ fi.J6.S'Jjl) .. ~~~~~~~-~- . . . . R1n-T1n-T1n, 1op 11uallty, N t~l::D hncks one lo 1000, rurc hrl.'<I, AKC. 8.J.1-l ~Q ,....11.soMbly prlc<'d. 6'14-4687 FREE TO YOU :"ll!NIATURE Sliver n111.le IY'Qfl!r . .II 11·ccks old. $3:i. Cnll %2-3708 AF~~ECTION 1\TE i\I a I e BF:1\UTlfUL Dachshund Cockrr Spaniel, buff. Xln! puppies, AKC, 4 \\·eeks old. health, 9 yT.~. 83.1-1611 e)(t $5(1 f'RCh. :i-10-5.Ui. 2301, Dr. Ganh:. 10/23 TINY Toy, \\'hilt. male pcn. FE:'>1ALE Sf'alpo1nl SiAnleM'. rllt.". A.K.C. 4 mo. old. llouw - ~ :..i1tn1r~ ki11rn,.;, 3 blk 10 brokrn. ;,1&-6700. ~111n1r!W k 1 ' I r n ~. All l'OOOLB pup!", miniature, hr;illhy. f;12-!l:l.113 10/2.) frmalf', s::>:1. Thorohrcd, ELLS\\.ORTll TnmrAt nt't'd~ C11l1 6-16-4614 D hon1f'. J\1111,., grt•y, 11hout .'l BLACK Labrador Rrtr1e1·er n1n~. &1r ..... 1.r i0 10-23 p11pp1l'~. 6 ll'l'C'ks, ~hots. 335. FREF: to gorld linn1c Ii mo. 5'16-6j!'l7 old San1oyrrl n1 \:11 111iilr. 11.t1 10sr~.,'&~,-"-,-,.cl.c8~o-m-.-AcKc,C~A-ll F-ho!s. ;;.tR-31;..6 11ft. 6 10/2'.'1 ~ho!s & he,.;. Alfectionalc. ~11NIATURE rink ma](' kit-_l_I00-..·08,J9-5coc°'-"-,~~--I rcn. traincrl, livc·ln only AKC Bessel Pup5 54$-1243. Tri-colored. 540-8638. 2-P/PERSIAN kitten l-1 SILKY Trrr1er ml\lc pup5. 7 mo~ oh!. Need homes badly 11·ks. Af\C. Adorable healthy ~~l\.L'l6.l. & 1;hnts. Sl:i<>. &M 4300. COCK-A-POO rourrs. fi mo~. POOllLF: Pups. tiny loy k ll<'Nls ~onrl hon1r, 6 \;?.(66.'l tny. ;ill t•olor~. AJ\C. top lfl 2.'l quality. Srud 1ol'r. ll!l:i.-9719 -~--~~~~~- 1 F " A c ' ( ' I ! ------------------~ ------------... ---_....-......-------------------, i P ETS i nd LI VESTOCK TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANS PORTATI ON • TnlU'ld.ly, October 2.3, 1969 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION 1 •ANS~OR t A noN DAILY PILOT ~ fRAN51-'0R1 AT JON ~ Doge UU Mobile Homtt 1"-'=-----..;.;..;::c 9200 T r ucks 9500 Im ported Autos· 9600 Imported 9600 A_uto ~Ising 9810 U sed C ars 9900 U11a-d C1r1 9'100 u~erl C.tr• 9--'---,,_ ___ ---------- DOG Obedience .Instrutilon, new clau funning. Starts Nov. .4th. Approved !)(Jg Obedlenoe. l n i>tru c.tor s M a rtincrest Kennel 546-098'.l CRJ-::AT Dane Puppies, At\C re~.. fawns/black mask. W 0 n derlul l('rnvernrnenl. S11ots. Martincresl Kennels, ~6-0989 AKC SILKY PUPPll::S I UY J" NIW SELL 1m us10 Cooper TRAILER SAL ES ''Bu v fro, l a rs•n who Ives 'i19 Of'.!lfl!v \VE ~ERVIC}_; \VllAT WE SELL! 3:l.f So. Harbor, &i.nta .Ana 1 Rk·k $o. ol Bolsa 53J-l oo:i -BAY-HARBOR- ----GMC TRUCKS Orange County &tl~·s &.nd Sl;orvice Headquarlt'r,,, NEW • US!::/) UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBI LE :!850 ltarbor lllvd. Cos!a Mesa 5"10.!l&IO ·52 OODGf': pic!c-up \\'/Ullli- ly buxc·~ iuKI rack. VP ry good c\l11d1l1on, w1lh lll!W tires an<! brakPs, 962-7579 '68 Cl lEVY %. T, 4 wheel MERCEDES BENZ '68 Coupe Ro.dater. 1.1\dnlght blue, fu11 pwr, auto, a /c, new radial tires. ;noo. 636-3030 '61'1 Porsche ~12 cpe, $4595. Extrns ti75-2306 Eves, Qr 871-3232 l'XI 4186 'tiJ Mercedes Diesel, fmnt \l'rt•cked but running ~~. &12-tJJSO MG YOLKS vw ,,, LEASE v CHEVRO~ DODGE '68 CHEVROLEJ' Caprice, '67 DODGE DAR T . OM owner car with only Excellent CondiljJril 2~.000 mfl_es. bu all power + Whi te wilb vinyl top, air con. air eond1lioninr. Abmlutely dltlon!ng, auto. tnln!I., pow- thtl cleanest °"" lb town. er steertng, tndlo a ncl he:i ter, Jim Slemona f\i er cedes New ~. y;9_ $1!00. l5,000 Benz, 120 W. \Varner, Santa miles. Call 637-415ti. Ana, 546-4 114 ·~ OODCe; J)ART Low mileage. Loaded! '67 IMPALA nsoo. 534--529:> 2 dr cpe, (Old-black vinyl top, pwr sa-g!braWI, r&h. FALCON MUSTANG 'G5 F.~USTANO 2 dt .• hd.top. Au!orna t!c, rao d.o, heater. Run• like new. Tnke fottign c3r in trude. \\'ill fine pt-vi . pr1y, Dir. Ken, 491·!!771, 51:>-063·1. DCM. 745. 8 week& old fat & rrady !or a new home-. Come & s!'c tliem. * ~:..is..i9;,7 Moblle Home Sales Casa Loma Roll • A\\•ay • Sh<:>raton Manv.r • Homette • Klt -Preslige -Sa.hara. rl rive p1cic up. S yr, 50,000 I----------I •"""~local car. 81uo book --------wb.!I $1595. 644-U76. '66 Mustang coupe $1799. V-.8, auto., poWt!r steer. Moon niist y!'Jlow. Sharp. ISLX 783L SUNSET FOHD ph. 636-4010 DOBERMAN PlnsclK:r, I ye<tr old, in:d••. l o v ct t·hlldren, good wateht.!oo; Papers. ~. 6~:i-0071 \VEIMARANER P u p I' i e s- AKC. s.tiot.s. Grand clta111· pions. ·~7111 ll!l2--2-l2:l ~ Honn 8830 ?.lAL.L SheUand. chi Id broke, daple gr-Py $7:i. ~5--58:.!S GENTLE BAY MARE Livestock 8840 IT'S FUN TO BOAR D Your horse at T,\LLY HO ALI. SJZES NOIV ON DJSPLA Y l l2'i Ba.ker St., Cof;ta Mesa ~~ block East ol J1arbor Blvd. Cos•a Mesa fTl4) 54(lJjif70 GR EENLEAF PARK in C'l!·ar, c.lean, rool Costa M~s.<t. Nc-1v ;)2 space at!ull park. )llod<'I.~ & Sa.lt>S olticc loeil!N( at Park. Open 9 A~1 to 5 f.'\11. ACT;ENT l\lOBIL£ llOME SALES l TiQ \l,'hiHit>r Avf'. Costa t.fP.sa 71~: &12-1350 DOUBLE Expando, Kit Tro- ja11, 11Jx:i:1. Large carport, por!'hi'-" &: Storage shed. i\1us1 sell 10 S£?!tle rslatc, ~.7:-:ll. h111<"lla 1\1 obi I e J-;s1ates, Sfl Jl.f, Sta11ton. Call 828-1570 FARl\1:S. Box stall;; S5."i per' ----=----- n10. i\1ctal sh:idcrl <"OiTl1ls SELL S45 per nio. Automatic 1va-Y our Mobile Home 1er, Iecd & (·leaned <laily. FOR CASH 1\l acres lir:htrd arena, trainiJ1g rlni;. Rivc>r h·;i l\ ni:-636-3291, 536-8869 Broker ('l!SS. E.'lpcrt E nglish & 2 FULL bt'ds, 3o gal hot 1va- \Ves1rrn instruction. T:illy 1cr 1<1.nk Sl~OO. J6ID Ne11,1>0rt. Ho Farm~, 17262 Ncwhnpc, Sp. No, 3. C.!\T. mi RUarantee. ; J 3 O O. 642-?.621. Campers 9520 '63 For d E conoline • &15-0831 * '&I ROAl\1ER c .o. can1 per, 9', bu !afle ovrn, s1ovc, rcfv. i:i!ps 4. $6:i0 .. 07[)...2:i.'IS, Dun• Buggies. 952~ !\11'.:YERS !\1ANX sho1v· l'ar. l•las C'Vt-ryth1ng 1nclurltng Porschr i;nginr, rte. Cost over SG,000--&11 for $l 000. $re ii at 1~99 i\1oni"Ovia Ave., NB, 6·Hi-'J.I~,;; d:.iyi;. BEAUTJFUL '68 Roadrunner bugt,')'-ITl!jy 1in.'s, Ari1er. n1ag~. n1etal fla.kr, re-bit lGOO CC eng. hdtp, etc. 67:t-1 11l'.l 196!.! DUNE Buggy, big tires, mags, shag t.:rp!, r;idio & 1ape deck, ml"la! Uake body \1'/'t' top. ~ a11ylime. MANX/CORVAlR l\take Oller! Despera ! ! MG Nies, Sr.rvicc-, Parts Intmt>diate !Jt>Hvi'ry, All Models J1ru1port 31111µ o rt s J JOO \V. Coast H\\'y . N.B. 61.'.!-9·!CL5 a.-10-1764 Au thorized ?-.fG Dealer '63 MG 1100. Must sell. !\'lake o Uer. Call Joannie: ~9-1339 MGB '67 i\Jr.B1r.T Ne1v tires, A'1\'l/f:'ll \\'oocl sir \Yheel, l1kr nr11·. C·l2-7-113 11 11 ;1: JD OPEL '67 O~I 1vagon $ 1 3 9 9 • Po\vder blue, sli<lrp~ (UQT 407 1. SUNSET FORD ph. '636-401 PORSCHE '68 vw Ai r conditioner,-4 spd. dlr. loaded! lioney ·cream ext.. plush black int, :Pa'ke small down or trade", Low, low 2())(1 llarbor Rlvd, pymnls. VHF890LS. caIJ Costa ?il~sa 642-0010 Kt'n 4M-9TT3 or 545-0634, 1 ~~~:'!-~~~~~~ '&t VW ~elLLxc $1 D99 . LEASE ANY MAKE Rangoon ~.~\v engine, OR MODEL new pain!. IS o I), ~). Let our Jl'ase ex~rts show SUNSET FORD p . 63C-40W you the best plan !or your •57 VW BUG, 20.000 n1i. Ai\1/f'l'>t, like new. Must sell at on~! Best oUer! &l6-7875 or 6-l2-:xi03 'fiti VIV CAl\!Pf;R, 1600 eng. new brukes, rear end, clutch starter $1750. 642-3902 personal needs l\'l tbout obli- gatlon. UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 54()..91).JO art 5 pm. 1---------- '60 VW, New· paint, engine & BUICK trans. LIC G N 61 5 7 5 9 5 -1---------- '66 Falcon sport coupe Sl.399. "6", automatic, rad 1 o . '65 Mustang coupe $1799, '64 Q.,evro~t Malibu wagon heater. (SLM 139)_ SUNSET V-8, auto., 1~1wer steel"., $1099. VS, au t 0 mat 1 c , f'ORO, ph. 636-4010 ''Air'', sltlte &: blac:k. ISKB power slttring. air CKJB 19&3 FALCON Futufll 6 cyl ~NSf..T FORD ph. 425). SUNSEi' FORD pb. 4 spd Clean.$5 2504~3. ' 636-4010 4 spd. Cle&n. "'t "". S4"' tAl>Ct '65 Mustang fastback $1499. ...., .rV'\IO V--8, "'Cobra .. _..,,;n1,, ; '66 Io1pala Super Sport coupe aft 6 p111. -... _... ~,,, v ;c.--c:=cc-==-,,~=~ Sp<'\'d . spoiler maglll etc: ~" · -3, auto., pivr. '64 f'alcon R;1nchero $1299. Poppy red. (NCC GfM). 5teer., fact. air, landau. V-3, autom11 tic, power SUNSET i-·ollD ph .. 636-4010 (RUC 557,_ SUNSET FORD steeTirlJi:. (01..S 9 2 6) . ph. 636-4010 SUNSET FORD ph. 636-41110 '66 J\fus1ang coupe $1t::J9, '68 Malibu coupe $2tiro. 327 V--8, auto., po1Ycr steer, V-3 I En1eralrl name lop, "Air.'" • au o. pwr. steer .. fact FORD (SL'>: 783). SUNSETFORD air. landau. F .J\1. 25,791 ----------ph. 636-4010 miles. (VIN 8591. SUNSET ·65 Ford Galaxic 500 4 <loor ""~.,--.,------=~ FOHD ph. 6J6..40l0 $999 Aulo. pwr. Sll~cr. Very '6G Muttang coupe $1799. 1958 Ci{EVROLET Station clean 34 ,344 miles. IXTV V-8, auto", )Xl\\'cr steer, wagon. Original. Po 1v er 934). SUNSET FORD ph. Em~rald (SAA 0 7 2 ) . steering, power brak e 8 , 636--1010. SUNSET FORD ph. 636-1010' automatic transmission. ''67~,-~G~&!7'-'<-i<-7>lll~-4--,~00-r 'GS l'lluslang Coupe Landair Private party. Call a1ter 6 hardtop $2699. y_g, auto., $2·199. V--8. auto., pl~'t or Sat & Sun. 968-5348 pwr. steer .. fact air, hindnu, steer., disc brakes, air. '61 CHEVY Wagon, 9 pas!, 35,319 m !l~. CTUN 470). cone!., 31,619 miles. DIA., p1vr window, 8 cyl, auto, 4 SUNSET FORD ph. 636-1()10 l'ltOND GREEN. ISBL 8101., . SUNSE:l' FORD ph. 636--1011} nu tires, .R&H'. other parts. '63 Galaxle <.'OUpe $799. V--8, 58,(00 orig ntl., Sac. $(5(). automatic, power steering, 673-3432. air. (llK 473 ). SUNSET '65 Chev. Caprice 4 door FORD ph. 6.1&-4010 OLDSMOBILE Fountain VaUey. '5~5-95S7 • &16-1896 • PO RSCH E '68 912 --------+-Is spee<l. burgundy, 1vi th bl1tck S U N S E T FORD Ph. BUICK '68 Riviera, fact air, 636-4010 hill pwr, stereo, vinyl top, hardtop $1099. V-3, auto., 'fl9 Cou n!iy &!Ian \\'agon 1() pwr. &teer., fact, air, landau pass. $3599. 300 V-8, auto. (PHK 8671. SUNSET FORD pwr, steer .. air rond .. lug ph. 636-4010 rack. !2) let (XTA 5911. '65 Jmrala wagon $1699 V-S, SUNSET FORD ph. 63&-4010 automatic, power &leering, '69 Gala..xic 500 4 door air. lNMF Jn). SUNSET hard Io p $2999. V-3, OLDS 'f,8 442. ex. conct $100 down & assume balance. Priv. party, 320 Myrtle, Laguna Bch. 497-1C56 TRANSPORTATION Bicycles 922S Boats & Y •ch ts 9000 EXELLENT Imported Au.t.•:;•:_;=6:;00:;: c on dition - 22' Rcint>ll fibi>rglas dcc_p \'<'P 0~1C V6 l'nginc, 1 ;, J hikes-. Gil'l's. boy's 20 inch. AUS TIN HEALEY $li_'.i{l cneh_ !""~IR-ti-11!1 horSt:powe1·, fully found . Mini Bik es 9275 TACO ·99 '.i lip, front & hark sl1ocks. new brakes. $1 t5. 67j...J~7:?. -'69 Bonanza r111ni luk;', 'I J1p, $l2fi. LikP nc11·! * ~:!l-~~)7 • AUSTI N AMER ICA $J;Lll's, Scrvi1c, Paris J1nmrd 1a te Delivery All i\1odels J1rtuµort 3hn orts :llOO \V, Coast lh\'y., N.B. !lead galley, radio, covers e!c, only 50 hours, \llilh 4 \\'heel tilt trailer. $8000. value_ 1\1 o s t oul!5 t;i.ndini,: b oa l buy of t he season. R~ady 10 go at S399.i \V iii /1elp <11Tange r i n;1 nci n g Contact Sides l\'lana;:cr. Roh Longri·e Ponlh11• al 1~ Beach Blvd., \~·est n1instcr. 892-66~·1 Motorcycles 9300 fM:!-~·HJ.J ri-10.li&l -----,\ulhririzcll 1\-TG DeRler 27-foot Fishin9 Boat Sleepis 3. Jll ness force~ ~alr so must sacrlli<1e! $1500. 6.U-1315 for more info. AJ1r.r •t P!>-1. 2•1 fl Cahin Cru \~er 111 \Va1(•J" no1•t. l\Jahogauy 11lankin;.;. Bail lank and pumr. Very clC'an. l:S::i 1 rp_ Bean1 8'2", l\IUJ>\ ~II~ 646-!~7 a f1rr 7 P\f ALGLAS 2.-,· Fbrgls. Cabin Crui:o;e1• F, 13, :O:S raa 10, Bi min 1 !op, \R.~s than 1;J hrs. $11 ,(()0. Call Ellis days 213. r,z:.-1~70: nites 714: 67;.....~7 )7 CHRIS CORSAIR .17'~· V...fi. T/0 dr1vr. ·IJ mpli. l'cr!e1·t mechanl<"a!l.y (only 300 hr.-1 Cost $4800--::)ell lor 1 ~· (;73-3467. 20' Cabin r1111sl'r 1/b, & OAR, 1rai!er, nrerls 11•ork. Griod b11y !1•r ha ndyman. ne&I oHrr. 67:>-33-11 aft 6. S 1\-lAN '\Vinslow Ille 1·att \\•ith ('arrying-ba~. 4 yrs old. Nevrr bc<'n usrd, Checked annually. $2~)(). li73-668C. Sailbo1t1 9010 1967 l\O:~D,\ 100 fCRA,\·IBLr·:R Eiee,, starter, SOO orig. m!. :'1.·ICO. . '67 HONDA 160 SCRA.i\1BLER Co111rletPly stock _ perfect shapc. S395. l~)ii7 TRJU)1!rH T-100C 500 CC, Vrrv elr11 n. $750, JAME S LTD 15.q I N<'l\'?111·1 Blvd. &12·001fJ 1~~ CSA li:..O cc Lightning l.fiOO inilc.~ -t'C<i l clr'an like brand n1•w no scratches, hluc hook $1.030 sacrifice for $.895. 842-381.1 'fi9 YAi\IAHA 2~il E11duro. !'1-lany xlr«s. ~harp! $700 or best offer. ~i46-W74 eves. Stt ~:J06,~ i11arc11s, NR. 1%!1 Y·amaha 125. B<lf'f'ly usrd. $42i Cnll ( 114 ) ~6-267,1 ;if1er 5 pnl. '69 YAi\lAHA IQ Sc-ran1blcr 800 niiles. fk>sl offer. Call ;if\er 7: GT.i-6912. '61'1 Hgnda 11;n ~c1·an1hlcr, 1300 Jlli. _J_ ~1r11s s:;,'io, '.fi:!-!1776 '60 HOND,\ '.10, 2.000 mi, <'X· rrllcnt conJ. $1 7 '.!, ()0 . 673-49:.7 --~--~~ '6S-YAMAHA $150 • 5.18-l~l • GREATE51' of r11crr~ 22'7" I ~========= :"tar Sloop mod Z'J. 3.l' n1asf. like new. Sac. $2500. ;i:14--0701 I.JOO 14. Hwy u·.-11\cr, ·sail~. c.-.;tni!i. Goc>d Cl']n.!. $fi:'il/OFFER. .1146-00."iS r.;1rE 1\·lrJt)lly. ,\111~1 sell this 11·eck-cnrl. * 675-f\982 * -~~-HOBIE CAT $1000 * 49·1-0137 ... Pow•r Cr uis•rs 9020 1967 32' CHRIS Corinthian, fully equipped. Xlnt cond. \\'ill se!l equity, Day~ ~71·0 Auto Services & Parts 9 400 BS-Atl! Auto Supply Wholesale rr1Cf'S to All Cnmp!e[c Machlnr S!101p :"PEED :t=:QUIPI\-lEl'.l llEBUILT ENGINES 1 1~5 Victoria, 0 1 548-6550 lS391 Br.1 t h Bh•d, HB 847-0091 * OPEN 7 DAYS * 737--06.51. eves ~S-2434 i\.lr. I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OWf'ns. CLUTCH Speed-Ski __ Bo1t1 9030 /l!gh perronna.ncc t~. pres. _ sure pla[(' & Ix-ruing sets. 1946 Garwood ulilily :,pee1l $65.95 bemt 100 l1p Chrysl<'r, full Nationel Speed C•nter ne•v covrr, s!ral at $100. :lllO S, Jlarhor, Costa Mesa Call 6«--19t9 alt"r !! pni &16-6700 Open 'til 9, 6 on Sat. .14' SKI hoRI, 35 ti F,vinrtidt> Nex1 In r.-1r. 'T's' 1~~~~-~-~-$,100 or hf•st olfr1·. Incl !rlr !\:ELLISON J.J Co u p e, & Hies. 6-11--444~ f ibcrgla~ borly. Cost-new Sf!OO. u s ed -no1v $150. Boat Trailers 9032 6·12-9:'.83. CORTINA --------1 '67 Cor1ina, coupe ~lD!l9. 4 ~peed . GT. (TPN 4171. SUNSET !-"ORD ph. 636-1010 DATSUN ORANG E COUNTY'S NO. 1 DATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN JSSJ5 Beach Blvd. 1 !u11tington Beach 841-7781 or 54~C\442 '69 DATSUN Big ~-<lr ~dan. 4-srid. D!r., rn1l10, J\(•:1t<'r, 13o0 m1Jc.s, \\'Il l s<H-r1fict; 'fakf' oldrr trad<'. Ca!! PIHi, •l:l·l-!li71, 5~:J.()6'.;.J_ ZW.JfG1. ENGLISH FORD ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES· SERVICE '6~ i•IODELS Immediate delivery LARGE SELECTION Theodore ROBINS FORD 2060 J-1.'lrbor Blvd. Costa M!'sa 642-0010 FERRARI FERRARI Newport J~porl.!J Ltd. Or- ange County'• only author- i;o:ed dealer. SALES-SERVICE-PARTS 3100 \V. Coas t }fwy. Newport Beach 642·9405 540-1764 Au!hori:l:e<1 Ferrari Dealer FIAT '68 FIAT 124 sports $2499. Poppy red w/black, this is ii! Super sharp! (XCJI 0261. SUNSET FORD ph, 63G-IO\ll '6:.! FIAT. 600 D &erl. \V/751) Abarth Millia bligilia eng. $2[1.). 673-69'15. '68 flAT l24, ,<:pt cpe, r&h, air, n1ai:: \\"heels $2;..o(). 491-8328 eves JAGUAR USED 26' boat t r a i l "' r, 1960 CHEV'l' rng1nl". NQ. 211.,1. '' -•om .,1., •1-o be·•-.,, Rerrntly rebuilt, $75. Call 1963 JAGU "u a. ~ ... " ..,.,_ r. AR XKE: 3.8. Xlnt '-,~. frlfi--017.,. _, ~IA """ conu, ,. J<E Of'"FER. ~1AGS, i\1/T Raider, 15" for 962-0054 Bo1t Sflp Mooring 9036 \VANTEO: .Bnal s!ir or n1ooring for 24' sailbO&.t. Call 5.~6-4127 DR, want! hoat slip for 21' Venture. Please \\Tile Daily Pilot Box M-31'.i. · * SLIP WANTEl) Ior 23' Erickson. Please c a I I 644--0886. DR. \\"anlli boat g\ip for 49' beaut. Wlboat. Call Ed 645-0222 f'ord, 2 for $20. 64~2246 I <77:-e~ii--;""i-::;=-,-- ' 6 '64 JAG HTK COUPEE type a ter p.m. •,, "·"· yello\11, bh11·k inter. Trucks 9500 'EA Chevy 1; ton :i;hortbt'rl pick ur, >.1nt eond. 642-6840 after 5 PM ·&1 (ii\IC Van. Good cond. New lircs, S\:)00 or be&t of- 11.'r. 646-:l!!OO. ·,19 Gl\1C, completr new eng., I ire~ & pai11L Alter 6 call 673-j\!H '52 Clw:vy l/t Ton. Needs trans 1vnrk. !\TAKE OFFER. Tape dee, R&.11 . jl38-54GO '37 JAGUAR XK-140. Ex· <'C\!ent condil.ion. Phone 616-2%6 KARMANN GHIA 196~1 KARMANN Ghia 2 door coupe. Excellent! &1• ; t 4SO Bt'Ollr!way, C.M. nnd bring money MERCEDES BENZ Boats Wanted 9050 \\'lLL trarle $21 .00D eq. on 6 ac in Vis!!!.. Ca!. for ln'c & 1•l•Hr latr n1odel po~:cr lTIUSl'r Bnl due rin i!lnd· ~:!4.000 at $3:,0 1i.'r mo, L.a1"1 1<pprai~<'rl ;ii $15.00!J ~y IO('al b1tr1i<:!I. P.O. Box-~ 2 3 2 , Ari11h,,1m, C11!, * (~Hi-5262 -t 1---------- "folj FORD PIO<UP V-.11, AUh), 1\11~11")1"11 Jl.1~!(11'S Roi:) J{.1krr, CM. !;10-.'f.115 13USIE~T mil r'KcO>lacc in ln\111. 'fhr DAll.Y Plwr rnon<'~, 11111{' r, ('ff1111. Lrok C!1111sl fted llt'ctiort. S 11 v e r111w1!1 Or.Jn9P County's Large\! Selection New & Used ME>rceUes Ben1 Jim Slemons Imps. W.irner & M.Jin St. Santa Ann 546-411 int., i\1c Alce whls, I ID Koni shock,,, Ai\I l sll;'rco in~·l t.ap. es, Birsch e."<hausl , in1J1111cu- lacc. $5300. afler 5 714: S3l0:.>27. '66 PORSClIE !'112/3 In1mac Nu paint EXTRAS Mech J)('rr Bes t reas o fl er. £73--3507, '65 C COUPE, tangerine/ l)lc-k, rrl) r11g1ni:-, niany ex. tra$. Xlnt cond , Priv prty. Days 828-67:.C\; a.ft 7, ~35-562..J '66--912 Porsche, hlk, ::i spd, $3500. * 6~4-2239 * '&I PORSCl!E C, Xtra nitt, many extras. \Voort strng v.•hl, AM·f!\I. &l·l-1114 CHERRY 'ti:-1 J~nrschc S90, best offer. 675-0907 'G<I PORSCH.E SC Con .. New top, tires, & engine. 673--8400 \\'O'ekrl;iy~. TRIUMPH '66 Triumph Spitfire rclst. $1 3~9 . P i nk pearl \v/hnrrllor, \Virr \\1heel~. ITSP 7!!2L SUNSEi' FORD ph. 6311-1010 '6~ TR-G Real Barga1nl \Vire \\'hi s.. O'drlve, soft top. flrili!ih i:.;rt'cn. $:1,200 . ~1S-~1'.J.12 Eves. or 67:i.-6000, !\!rs ~ur'kc (rlaysl TOYOTA --------TOYOTA SPECTACULAR Y EAR END SALE ALL MOOELS YOL"R HF.SI' DEAL.5 1\R~~ STILL AT '68 V\V Deluxe $ 179 9 , bucket seats w/console, \\l)iilc/black, dearl sharp! xlnt cond, low miles. Priv 24,000 miles. (XJU 491 ). party. !'11iike offer. Eves SUNSET FORD ph. 646-4010 714: 495--0137 Days 714: 546-5783 '68 V\V fastback-$1899. \VhiTC lcc~==~~~-~ W/red interiOT'. ''li,145 miles. 1968 BUICK l..eSabr!' 4 door !XHR 853). SUNSET F ORD Hardtop. Air cond, P/s, ph. 636-4010 P/b, new !irE>s. Xnll cond. , . $2600. Call Mrs. Marriott FORD ph. 63&-4010 automat1c, po1\·er steering, , ,,._ factor yn.ir, landau, 16,000 65 El ..... mlno $1899. V-8, miles. (XUD 731 ). Sunset auto., pwr. steer .. tact. air Ford ph. 63&-40lO <S37962l. SUNSET FORD .~-=-'-..,--=-~--=-~~I ph, 636-4010 '67 Ford Country Sedan 6 08 VW _Sunrool (Metal} 675-l20J btwn 8:30-5, a.II 6 & $1899. Bright ttd w/black wknds 548-1331 in., 2fl.~:>09 n1i!es. (VllA 205). ·· • '65 IMPALA 3 seat waron, SUNSET F ORD ph. 63&-4010 '67 Buick S~ciat Gran Sport Alr, etc. lligh mileage, xlnt , . _, 35 000 coupe $2199.-V-3, au1o., rwr. running. MAKE OFFER. 67 .V\V .Bug. :><In! COnu, • steer, landau. 37,620 miles. 962-0646 pus. $2599. V-8, auto., power 11leer. 34.!180 m!lr~. IUKJ 9801 . SUNSET FORD ph. 636--4010 n11, br1ge 1n!lblacK ext. Pvt (UJG 6,11~1. SUNSET 1'~0RD ,65 Chev Impala wagon $1199. '66 F alcon Fut u ra pty Sl 195 tenns, rer.;;. party. ph. 636-40IO V 0 Fully factory equipped. Dlr. 83.~369'1 .0,-~~-~=~=,-~ I -o, auto., pwr. steer. V \V S Q UAHEBACK-radio '63 Rivlera; P/W, PIS. ~ir Sharp! Sharp! (NMF 377). Ph $6~.2-6023 W/w, New in July .69. 7700 co~. LeaU1er seats. Fire SUNSE;T FORD ph. 636-4010 one .1 Book · s•i-1 1 engine red. $1200. 673-4400 .66 ~-1 __ ,_ . ""! '63 f'a!rlane sport coupe $G!l9. mi c~. s """"• cu o .._.,..,vy m.,..-, a.tr, n..GU • VS to · $2Z95. Call 673-8282. '63 BUICK l...eSab~ 2 Dr. PIS. Good con d . • . au ma tic, P 0 v.· er A. nd P/B P/S P/H $1450 54-0-1337 iteenng. (KBJ 7 l6)' 1966 VW Bus, good cond ir-co ., ' ' ' SUNSET FORD ph. 636-JOIO · $400. 67l-8084 Af!er 5;30 pm. '66 Ch-" ' ''" 11799 V8 $1400. ._~. '~ . ' '63 f'ORD Gal. 500 XL. Xlnt * 841-77S5 * 1966 Gran Sport. Pis, P/b, auto .. custom cab (041105). cond F'ull R/l-t $750 =~=~~-~---,,_ 11ir, R/H, buckets. $1750. SUNS!:T FORD ph. 636-4010 Pvt p. --y. ~~;,..96 " " '66 V\V Dt>luXe Bus, &piit .... , V>V".o• _ _. ..._ Cllll 6'14-1597 att 5 rm. '67 Chevrolet Nova $1699 .. =~~~-~~~---f ront &eat.~. ~II._ ........... 1.uruout1------~---.. 6 ... automalic. !TSK 702). 66 Gal&X1e 500 4 door $1599. $1400. 642-12·16 SUNSET FORD ph. 636-40lO V.-3. auto .. pwr. steer., fnct '68 V\V 7-scatl'"r bus. Cpts & CADILLAC ~===~-==-I air. (VDX 894). SUNSET insulation, Cherry cood.!1-------'62 CHEV Il 6 cyl. H.T. cpe. FORD ph. 6.1&-4010 Blul'. 54R-7077 '65 COUPE DE V IL L E New paint, auto, P/S. Very ·10 M · k II " good cond USO 642-1712 aver l c vcrm1 ion ·~,9 V\V Pick Up. Good ~rid-Landau Top. Leiatllf'l' iot~r-· · $2199. 5,500 ml!c11. tZBX Recent I'~ work. New ior, full power. Air cond. '65 Oiev Malibu Wagon $1799, 347). SUNSET Jo"ORD ph. paint. $425. LY S-85.18. !\1111t <"Qn<lilion. P ho11e V-3, auto .• pwr. 5teer. Gold 636-4010 537-5410 or 644-4954 Mauty !PCT 4351. SUNSET .-;c-==:-;=.-..-,-,--,,,--V\V BU5 $1295, dlr, 845 F'ORD ph. 6J6...40lO 59 FORD Conv. Needs ne\v Baker SL Costa. Mesa, '64 CAD cor1v1, new lires, top top + repairs $100 cir Bes t In good cond .. all pwr & alr. '56 Chevy Wagon, Offer . 673-8797 aft 6. 49,00J mi. $155<1 8-5 call $250. 66 '62 VW BUS CA..\1PER G42-49lO ~xl 379 (Betty). 646-8242 after J:JO ' Ford Squire \·Vagon 6 1v f r cm ova b I e seal•. Altf'r 5• 642-9328_ =-==~~~~=~~1 pass. $2399. V--8, au!o., p1vr. $825 968-2180 ----------'60 IMPALA 4 dr, HT. V-8, stt~er., fact air. (RSY 911). • J '6G V\V Ca '67 CA DJL.1,..AC Coupe. $3340. auto .. ps/pb. R&H, pvt pty. SUNSET' N RD ph. 636--4010 '63 OLDS Starfirt', black, xlnt cond, nir cond., new I ires $700. 515-38:.5 '67 OLDS CUTLASS. $2750. Eves/,.,1<nds 675-3351 PLYMOUTH '67 Plymouth Barracuda lasblack $1899. V-8, nulo., pv.T. steer.. red w/blne.k buckets. (VHC 8 2 3 l . SUNSET FORD ph. 636-4010 'B3 Ply \l'gn Sport Sub. 9 pass, air, lo mi, x-<:lean. Landed. $2950. will take tnl. Owner. 536-3130 '63 Plymouth S p o r t Fury coupe $2G99. V-3, auto., P\\lf'. stcering, fact air, landau tor. 1.6,000 miles. f\lZV 446!. SUNSET FORD ph. 636-4010 '65 Plymouth Valiant ·225· six. stic:k, good c:ond. $750. 544-3074 .. '67 Plymouth VlP 4 door hardtop $2499. V-3, aut1:1 .. pwr. strcr .. lnc:t air, 41 ,693 miles (VllS 519 ). SUNSET FORD ph. 636-4010 PONTIAC '66 Pontiac Cahtl!na coupe $1399. V-3, aulo., p11T. steer .. Rave n Blnck. {H LR 21-'£). SU NSET }'ORO ph. 6.1fi--.4010 1969 PONTIAC Grand Prix, i\'IUST Se\ _ m~~ ·Me!allic hro1vn. Original S2~. $48-421l - fully cqu!rt. _low m1, A-_. owner x Jn t . cond. J."'ull '66 FORD, lO pass sta \var:.. SJ modl'l, leather interior, '66 Chevrolet Malibu roupe fact air. r/h, ps, 35,000 all extras. 17,000 miles. Xlnt $1999. V-8. auto., pvn-. tnlles. $2000. Orig o\\·ner cond. Priv pr1y. $4100, Best off &12-J.i.16 t.vrs. powrr'.air. Super clean & '64 Volkswagen cared for. M2-6266. stet"r., marina b1ue. sharp! 644-110'2 fil:l-1128. Xlnt condit.ion . 54&-2932 '66 COUPE de Ville. Gold. V.\V .• Porsche. • l\lercedcs Equipped wilh every posl· eng's. & userl parts, steady ble accessory, Must sell in slack. 6'12-03:.0. n o w_ Any ~llSOMble offer. ==========-1 549-1175 day&, eves. 546-3642 ISQ\V 766). SUNSE.,. FORD '~65~~~~-~,,-=v~-O~--'66 PoniiflC Le !'11an.s coupe ph. 636-4010 .u...uno ne an, =vc. Au Io m 11 t t c . CT2390Jl. $1999. V-3, auto. pwr. lltt>er.~ SUNSET f'ORD ph. 636-4010 lact. air, rcd w/black CONTINENTAL b"'k'~-1TEE 20 31 _ ----------'63 Ford Gala.xy XL, EJCrel SUNSET F ORD ph. 63&-4010 '67 CONT Co -d cond. Ne\\' !ires. $800. 2210 VOLVO DEAN LEWIS 1--'-v-'--0Lv_o_ '61 C1\D JLLAC Fleetwood, 75,00) mi., $3."(I, Will a.er.pet lJl ro 20 hp nut OOard or scuba equip as part pay. nient. 642...,1.102. upe, pe,-, con · w. Oeeaoiroot, NB '67 GTO, HT, one owner, Mlchclln tires. Attorney will ~~~-='---=--I clean, low ml., vinyl top, . ucrlflce penonaJ car. '66 Galaxie XL COUPE' $1799. p/s, new cllr coming. $1850 $2995. Mr. Tucker. ~2')(} V--8, auto., pwr. steer., fnc:C firm 842-1039 1966 Harbor, C hf. &46-9303 BILL MAXEY CLEARANCE NOIY I 142 . 144 . 145 -164 '67 EL OORADO, nr nu l ire~. TI-IE LJ)\VE5T PRICES lo mi, full p1••r. atr, li!C-tele, l!JlOl'flll"'\UTMA' LS cruis<'. o. matic-, hlk w/'1.'h\ ::> l~~ ]~I YO~:F. B~fi.1~~~ lthr. S47;io. Pr pty. &14-4265 18881 BEACH BLVD. DEAN LEWI" '66 COUPE do Viii<. White, Hunt. Be11c:h 847~555 .J blnr.k leather. Full equ11>- 3 mi N. of Coast Hwy, on Bch 1966 llarbor, C.M, 646-93()3 n1Pnt. Clellll. A~k S2900. "' T C 549-1174 days, eves.54&-3642 ow oyota orona Au!omi'llic, red, like brand Antiques, C lassics 9615 '67 DeVlLLE, all pwr, !thr. nC'lv, &Ive ai : I :..::C:c:!C:.C:'-------1 Landau. stereo. whsl + KUSTOM '57 Morgan + 4, excellent $195. $3695 xlnl con d . conrl. $16{)(!, !!42c3n6 alt S, 962-48~7 a!1 6. MOTORS all day wkends. '6'°20---C"a-d"'il'°!ac.,.--,Co,,-,"'-· -,711 8·15 Baker St., Costa Mesa power. Showroom c n n d . 540-5915 Autos Wanted 9700 $900. 646-8242 after 3:30. '67 Toyo!a 4 door deluxe WE PAY , , '67 CADILLAC Fleetwood $1399. Blue/blue, st i c k , CASH Brougham. l.J:ie.dded! $39.!6 (UOX 8JRI, SUNSET FORD •645--08()4* ph. 636-4-0ID '5>1 Cadillac Se<lan de Ville. VOLKSWAGEN '65 vw $900 Call Gn.3m~ '61 V\V R(H Nf'w brakes. Gd. IJ·ansp. $450 Ca I I 673-479R a ftf'r fi Pl\t '65 VW Delu.xc $1299. Dov l! .i::rry. ~harp! (PCL 2141. SUNSET F'OTlD ph. 636-4010 F OR Sale or trade '66 VW Bus 1vith new Corvair, big tires & morr. 968-3)76 MUsr sell '66 VW, top cond., r/h, 11u11rf, $1150 or best of. frr. 673-3074 or 67~77ti6 1967 LOVE Bug. pri party. Make me an oUc:r! * 546-9526* Mu~\ Sac:. '69 VW, Ute blue, w(sunroof, r.x. conct $1995. Phone 49-1-5622 or 5'18-5734 "67 V\\1 BUG, brand new lirrs, bea utHul con<IHion. Quick sale. $1376, .5'19-2683 '67 Bug ll(o blue, xlnl c:;ond. i1395 nrlg. owner. Sll-Til.1 or 833-3461 Gd, Cond. S.325. 847-8.ll9 far used can I trnckl Just call UI for frff estimate. 'M'-u-sr-o"·EoLL~---6oEoST=-0oFo· GRODI CHEVRoln FER '69 Cad. Sedan IU o. v ill•. P"'"" .. 49-1-1!794 '69 Cad 4-clr sedan .Uk lot Sale11 Man.&&n l.J2U Bearh Blvt!. Hunttnaton Beach 10 "'1331 Fleetwood Broughm, load!'<!! """"" WE PAY WH CAMARO FOR YOUR CAR '69 CAMARO 327, 4 gpttd, '"''°m '""ri°'. Ma" y CONNEU xtras. Xlnt cond. $2,550 Urm. P,l<'<l b<low book '"' CHEVROLET •""• w• . .,,_.,,, art • 2828 Harbor Blvd. p.m. Costa Mesa 5f6..l»t '68 Camaro $1999. 6 cyl., sl.d. -_;;W~E.-'=P-OA'OY"""T'°'O~P~-trans., marina blue, dead DOLLAR sharp! CWAC J68L SUNSET FORD ph. 636-4010 for good, clean used cani, 1 ---~----- aD makeL See George R1,y· 1---------- Theodore Robins Ford 2000 Hlu'bor Blvd. CHEVROLET C.hf. 642-0010 '64 IMPALA conv. 11.uto. IMPOR'ni: WANTEI> P/S, RIH, Good cond. $350. Oranl9 C'.ol.mtlel 646-7993 TOP S BUYER L.~ .. ~Cho~-v-m~l,"!~Be'"""'l~A~l,-oo-w-.,,"3~' 'fi8 V\V r/h, xlnt cond. ply. $1.450. BD.J... MAXEY TOYOI'A ~nglne, stick, $5.'lO or ofltt, Pvt 18881 &sch Blvd. 54~-3074 H Beach-Ph. 147--l!'J55 =--~c-=c:-~;-=-,,,,., ' '6.'l Chevrolet El Camino Will Buy $JJ99. "6". Au I 0 m. II c . '66 V\V, f, X CF, l. LEN T (R3772'Gl . SUNSET FORD &12-1119 COND. R::ir!io $900. 675-3420 Your Volkmvagen or Pon:cht ~p~h_. ~6J&-40=="~----- l)r 673-5119 k pay top dollan. Pa.Id f« '64 SUPER Spart. lmml\c., 1969 VW CAMPER or not. c.all Rll.iph euto llhUt, gold. fl.095 Must n,1y.~ tf1~13!l! rvrs 642·27!!9 ;n-0!!00 8f'C! 642-7:17-1 ·---~~---'"'-------- Wl«!}'l!. air, buckets (.PAN 742). =-oo=,.,-.,-,=.,.---SUNS~ FORD h 0 •o •010 '67 PonUae Le Maru ~upc ·r.~ FUU. equipment. · ~.. P · .,,,.,.... '69 FOi\ C $2399. V-8, auto., pwr. Clcan.Leather!nlerior . · D ountry Sedan, 9 stttr., fact. air, buckels l\leW.lllc blue. SlSOO. Days passcn~!!r st.1tion wagon (TIIB 353). SUNSET FORD ~1~1174 or eves ;,,.;&-3&12, loaded. $3COO. Call 534-5290 ph. 63&-40).D '62 Linc. Continental Fully '55 FORD V-~ 9 flll~-'-wa~on, 1965 Pontiac GTO Con· equipped, Mechanically Xlnt cnnd. :?-01vner . M,000 ve.rtlble 4 speer!. Tak~ ov!'r saund, $895. 847-5925. Orig. Mi . $2:1(). 8·17-7336. payments. 646-3168 aft 4 _ '6l Lincoln Continental $1099. '65 Ford F-100 $1299. V-8, pm. Full power, a lr {IEV 474 ), ct.u1tom C'lih, yellow 11nd I .~,.-, -P-O_NT_IA_C_4_-d_c_h_d_lp-.-Bo-,. SUNSET FORD ph. fi36-.4010 sharp. (S15172'i. SUNSET nc-ville. Au to. P/S, P /B, '66 2 DR HT, loaded, low FORD Ph , 636-4010. R/lf. nu tires SSOO 548--4~.l mileage. Offer/lrllde, Eves ==M=E=R=C=U=R=Y== '68 FIREBIRD 400 Turbo &: wk -end&. 646-8371 hydro, power, stereo FM. '66 CONTINENTAL, LM.ded, $2250 or best offer. 673-fi870 , 'fi5 Mtrcury Monterye 4 door very xlnt cond. low mileage 1968 PONTIAC Flreblrd 40IR $2400 Pr\ 1 540-7828 hardtop $10'J9. V-3, auto .. · va e ' · pwr. eteer. {VGY 9951. 4 speed, Power sltl", power '6!1 MARK JIT. black, red SUNSET FORD, ph. brks. 13,000 mi. 548-23:Vl leather interior. Loaded! 636-4010 '63 STATION Wagon, full -===="'=-=====1'6f Mercury Colony Park pwr, air, immac. $795. -$1099. V--8, auto.. pWT, 646-07l2 CORVmE ateering .. Powrler blu!':. ITEZ '67 Gra n Prhc-Sharpl ---------1 339). SUNSET FORD ph. Loaded! $1~. M6-ll65 '68 CORVETI"E 327 eng, auto 631H010 trans, fact alr, many xtra~. ·"'"'°'"'---,,.-,,----Sell or trade $4425. 673-44.35 64 Men::ury Pa rklnne con- or 673--3107 vertlble $8'99. V-8, auro., pwr. steer, buckets. coax COUGAR 057). SUNSET FORD ph. '36-<0IO RAMBLER '66 Rambler Marlin $1299. V--8, auto., pwr. 1teering. Very· clean {VWW 471). SUNSET FORD ph. 636-4010 067 "'""'" ""'"' s-. V-8, MUSTANG suto. P"NT· 1tttr .• powder,----'59 RAMBLER Wason. 6 cyj bl ·•--• 32 .-.,,_ 1· auto. Xlnl cond. $30 0 . ~--· -·-67 -99 TZG SU NSET FORD ph. Mustang coupe ....... . 540-7828 636-40IG V--8, auto., power •teer .. 11.lr "RMl~=BLER-~~-.03~CW.~-tc-.-,-lh; cond., red/black Int'. (UEG '67 Cougar Landau $2399, 75GI. SUNSET FORD, ph. c:Jea.n paint I Int. Nt.w tirea , V • lo 1-f • $350. 644-4919 aft 5:00 pm • , -o, au ., pwr • ~··• ac ... 63&-4010 air. Acapulco blue. 43,662 •68~"M=-, ----~,,.~99= mllet. (UQP 707). SUNSET us ang coupe _. . · REBEL FORD h 636-40lO V-8, auto., pwr. steer., air l----------·I P • cond., 21.8S1 mllH. White '68 COUGAR. auto, air~ Pfs, (WYG lMl. SUNSET FORD P/b. Immac. 2383 Orange ph. 636-fOlO Ave, Apt c. CM. $2595.1.,·,",~,"ru~sr=A"N"G'"""V-8-:--, 0"1'""1vo,,...,grn= 548-6917. w/blck vinyl top. Faot ail'., ---------1 9000 ml. Clean. MZ-2622 alt 1---------11 DODGE 6· T·BIRD '69 REBEL. 7,CQI ml, V-3, auto, 11\r. Save on UW ohe! Dlr., 845 Baker St., Costa Mesa 540-5915 ; · ----------1'67 Mu11tang $2199. V--8, auto .. MW ...... """·· It. --· 30 ·" 0 '63 T-BIR D '61 DODGE, many parta, m~chanically iooke eon<!-Belt flOO(I, mllc1 (TYG 1791. SUNSET oUu F'OR.D ph. 6.16---1010 --~----~---· i'66 Mla!tana: coupe stnro. 6 '57 Dodge Convl. Runs good. cyl., 1t)ck, ''Chnrlrt'H!t'!" $175. See to apprcc!at'! Call black in terior. 1vnz 52~l. art.,. 5, 646-1807. SUNSET FORD ph. 636-4010 '6.) DART GT. HI g h ·68 MUSTANG FA.sth;irk, perfo~. 4 speed. Xlnl RfH. l\Tng:o:. Stirlhy \\'hi!!. r:ond. A I r ~h()('k!I + vnc:, pump. • 5411-5885 * 6'l;l-fi2f;~ e\'l'~. ----------- 2 dr., hd. top, Full pwr. Dlt. Faclory a ir conditlon!ng. One owner. Sn1a.ll down. Excel- len t condition. 494-9773. OT<L. 440. ~~~--~-~,, '6~ T-Blrd ronvcrtihle $1099. ll utomAl1c:, po1ver steer1ng, nlr. fi\o!F.\V lll'-1.ll. SUNSET Jo'f)RD ph. fiJl}..4010 -------~---{'"-·------------· ~-·-· .... ------·---· -~-.... -·----------------------~-·----.... -----------. -- 38 DAil V PILOT WHITE FRONT L ' • . OlJAll !Y • ;,/ P.VICf • Ol~COU~I • IN!lGRIIY ·•, ~ . --··.. • .. ., t"'l'j .. ,,.~ ~-... /..··] ~ : ' • i(· ... ~ ........ ~,.i.,_ .. .,.,, ""''"' SHAMPOO \l~~e 14 01. bol\le 11 nu1 r~ l.1t~er111g .. rllfl\ ,1 m \u\1nn, (\r;,r loQU td Of fl~.v 1ernon lo1muld. 49c ANTI- PERSPIRANT 5 ot 1 ~mily ~11e. fl~1re includes pr1ce-oll l:HJe\. 57.~"' ll 1 19 DEMI-LASHES OR UNDER '""\'··'< LASHES ~'J Bl3r;., f1! ~rr.1.n. Pac~aged. 5on1t11ed toothbrushes with ~·; sorted c.olored tian· die' Cl!MPA~[ Al lit C!\IR RIC lOW PRICl 118 URN BUFFET GRIDDLE Makes lvielve lo lhirty cups ol delicious rollee aulo· matical ly, signals when brewed . keeps ii hol lor serving. Polished alum inum. #93 08. c. 11~ln\rly lf!1r'1Pr'1bl~ lor r,;'·1 dtanrr.~! H1:c~I/ CO.J\rJ ,n 1t·:1t,n .. , n•·,'Ct ~1~cd , ~rfit11Jni. #39~ l B. . ' ' -~ f ADMIRAL SOLID ii STATE CLOCK RADIO ~· \l/,,\..P lo m~SIC OT ;: 09 7 to oehJble ''"'m ::· I hu11. Cl<.c.k fa<.e ~-i·.ell designed tor ·~ al -a·i.lanc e 1ead-~ iri. f; t RCA MONO PHONO • Pl·i ~11 1 1r rrcniL. with 45 artAplet inclu~r~ • Pre rd ~•01art ~pare In lid. ~t~~t · r 1 \o '< '"''·'"· 1591 TERRIFIC BONUS BUY! MAGNUS ELECTRIC CORD ORGAN • fl a n~~timc.ly 139 7 ~I~.:.;;~ r\~'.~~\ • lr,str uc\1011 \ ~11.,. 1rd~dcd. CHARGE IT SHOP THE STORE lOS ANGEL!S J llfltSOJll llVD. •I MAUSfl • •AMKAMIAICAAD NEAREST YOU! ,,,.,,. ~ ,,, ... , ... L.l(l t ,J•I••· • WHITI fAONT • MASTI• (NARGI ANAH!IM SAN B!RNARDINO C•IDIT CA.AD§ HAl.01 l Wlllflf WAJ .... 01 .. lllGI SNOW IOAO O•f •Ill tOUI • /VI' Ofl U• 11•••10110 ., 0111111.1•0 ltHWU II 01••'1 t•O• tO•• 1897 IAST lOS ANGlllS JS1S IA Sf OttM,IC I LVD, J "°"" ....... ,. ..... c "" 01 10••1r11 COVINA l !Sl MOI TH AZUSA AYL l llWll• U• •ll•Ot•"• 1111••'. ··-"""· VAHEY WIST CaNo•• P••• !All OC.• I V! •I t OU OI l lVO. !wt• •Dtr• n" ••ri w•• ""•" ONTARIO IJll MO. MOUltfAIJll AVI. .If J .. /Ull 011 lfll'Wj l DOECTO METAL HAMPER Sturdy melal ham- pe1 with :,nar.-· • proot const1ut - t i o n . VI r 11 ve nt1lalrd, l1n1~h e~ in owPn ba~ed wh ile ename l. I loral decoration. i OVER-THE-TANK l SP ACE SA YER 3 PC. DECORATOR BATH SET New. pracllCJ! acce~sor1es 1or Lath or powder room which lold for storage. Mod daisy print des1~n 5 9 7 decorates wJste bas ket, tiss ue SET box , clothes hamper. COMPARE AT 9.95 9 SPEED B~~~~N BLENDER Cloverleaf jar with se1vi~g haodle. lock-trgh t lid has center ope ni nr. lof ;irlding 1ngrrd1cot~ during blend111~ #NN 81-81-ZJ 21sa ' . ..,,,h ·--.: . . ~ q,,,l TERRIFIC VALUE! I •;1( 01 ~ I~ f'' 4sa 14-PC. FIRES£TS IN WOOD \Valnut handle~ i1ass ba~e. blJck pu·t-r brush 'ho1·or ,;d· s!and.#ll ''u ,, -~ -. VAlllY !AST PACOIMA 4 PC. FIR[Sfl IN BRASS R!iund ba·ed ~· nd wit~ OO~er, ~rush ~r:d ~h(iv<>J in .:iporo -'~~.t br3S5. #JO J8. u ~·"~ 4 PC. FIRESET IN BLACK Dramaf'r bl k ~;~, tron stand, po~r1, iho1·el a~d -bn1:~~ ~AT£Xd WALL PAINT Cove1s wilh ooe coat Sm{lo!h-y an evenly. Smud,es wash olf. Brushes clean w1!1'1 soap and w.11rr. 199 White and antique i•:h1te. COM- PAR[ AT 2.95. GAl. S£Ml·CLASS £NAM£L White and ar.!1que ':'.hr!~ In malc.h paint a~ovP, Gnod lot I rim~. lurn1turc. bathroom and 2 9 9 '1!chr.n walls. Cleans v11th .~oJp Jnd wa'rr. COMPAR£ AT J.9S GAL. TORRANC! * STORE HOURS * L&\1111 C••no11 •• OSI Ollll fOllAJllCf l lVD. AT MAWfMOl•I llYO. /Ufl OH 501111 HUI "lfl'fl COSTA M!SA lDll lltSfOl AYI. 1r11111 """'"' •rr . IUWl"ll I.I. l"rn t.-e 11111 m . DOWN!Y WOOOIUff AT IM,lllAl JW ll Wiii ., ltll &tltlli ,.., •• , OAllY 1 f let SAflllOAY ID le• SIJNOAY lD le 1 COYIJIA & ANAMUM MON. t~rs SAT. 10 llJ 9 SUNDAY 10 te 1 •• d:l Ca c., I"('" ha 7 r~r ca ed c, .. ( ) ( •• '" Or . p, ty I mi di· '"' ' G. '" :ifl a II {;r rh :1 \I Cit \" ic tho I 1hl re• I 12< n1; Cy I M1 lh• \Vi lu1 l' } I 1 Re 'l'h Or . )'\· all mc FE I ch: Or I P.n' m1 1 12 .. ' rcr A" br ; ' Th Ice I